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 1 A 
 All the Illustrations In "The Handbook," 
 except the few potralts used, were made 
 In The Oreqonian's Engraving Room. 
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 The Oreqonian is prepared to do ail kinds 
 of Line Engraving. 
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 SCND ron Pniccb 
ENQRAveo Dv The omegonian. 
 f KK38 OP 
 Thb Lkwib 4 Urydkn Printinq Company, 
 poptlakd, orboon, january. ibm 
 Copyright 1891 by 
 The OregoniHTi Publisb ng Co. 
 In the following pages will be found a mass of interesting matter on the states 
 of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana as well as extended mention 
 of British Columbia and Alaska. The data for these articles has all been carefully 
 gathered by TuK Drkgonian through personal visits of its representatives to the 
 different parts of this vast ♦^erritory, and the book as a whole contains more informa- 
 tion offered in an interesting shape than was ever before afforded in any single publi- 
 The claim of infallibility is not made for " The Handbook." In compiling an 
 immense amount of matter, such as is contained in a publication of this nature, 
 mistakes must occur, a lapse, for which the intelligent reader will make allowance. 
 The aim of the publishers of "The Handbook " has been to offer to the jmblic a 
 work, the reliability of which in the main could not be questioned, and the few mis- 
 takes which will be found in the work will not affect in the least its general repute 
 as a reliable publication on the Pacific Northwest which is worthy of the most care- 
 ful attention. 
 The publication of " The Handbook" has involved a year's hard work in gath- 
 ering data and in the compilation of the matter it contains. Certain minor changes 
 have taken place in some of the industries described in " The Handbook " .since the 
 information for these articles was obtained. The changes referred to, however, have 
 simply involved a slight difference in a few cases between the estimates of output, 
 etc. , published and these estimates as they exist today. The general conditions of 
 all the industries covered by "The Handbook" are the same today as they were 
 when the information was gathered for this publication. For 20 years past there 
 has been a steady increase in the volume of exports made from the Pacific North- 
 west, and that the industries of this section will show a steady increasing importance 
 with each successive year in the future is patent to everyone who has the least 
 knowledge of this vast territory and of the opportunities presented for the rapid 
 development of its varied resources. It is this steady growth of its business that makes 
 a reliable publication on the Pacific Northwest of such signal importance at the 
 present time, and it is the opportunity for the profitable investment of capital in the 
 development of the very industries here that have already built up many large for- 
 tunes in this part of the West that insures a future prosperity to the territory covered 
 by "The Handbook" which but few parts of the continent have enjoyed. 
 The compilation of matter for " The Handbook " has not followed in the lines 
 which matter of a kindred nature has heretofore been handled for similar works. 
 Time tables of transportation lines, reliable maps of the country and information of 
 a purely statistical nature are found in the numerous railroad pamphlets which are 
 distributed gratuitou.sly on all the transcontinental lines of road. The general style 
 adopted for the articles contained in the present publication is of an easy descrip- 
 tive nature which will appeal directly to the interest of the reader where statistical 
 matter in tabulated form is valuable only for reference. A large amount of statisti- 
4 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 cal matter is fumiuhed in "The Handbook," but this is made an incidental feature 
 to the principal descriptive articles of the book. Enough statistics are furnished to 
 insure the reliability of any general statement made in the book, but it will not be 
 necessary for the reader to wade through a mass of figures to enable him to reach a 
 conclusion regarding the status of any industry of this section. 
 The large number of illustrations which "The Handbook" contains will be 
 found valuable in aiding the reader to form something of a just estimate of the 
 grandeur of Northwestern scenery, the present standing of its industries and the 
 general types of buildings which its leading centers of population contain. No city 
 of the East is better built than are the leading trade centers of the Pacific Northwest, 
 and the many fine buildings of Pc/tland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Helena, Butte, 
 and other cities of the Northwest will vie favorably with the structures which line 
 the main business streets of New York and Chicago. 
 All travelers over the transcontinental roads terminating on the shores oi ihe 
 Pacific ocean have noted the interest taken by their fellow passengers in the princi- 
 pal centers of population passed by the moving train. Such questions as " What 
 town is this ? " " What is its population ? " " What supports it ? " are always asked 
 by the majority of travelers over any of the transcontinental lines of railroad. These 
 questions are all answered satisfactorily in "The Handbook." " The Handbook " 
 also contains a vast amount of valuable information in its articles on the different 
 industries of the Pacific Northwest and on its most characteristic features. The 
 articles on coal, lumber, mining, fishing and the other industries of the Northwest 
 v/ill furnish all the information desired by the reader on these resources. In addi- 
 tion to these special articles, however, much valuable information is contained on 
 the resources of different parts of this territory in the carefully written articles on its 
 principal centers of population. The article on Portland, for instance, includes 
 extended mention of the leading features of the country which supports the city. In 
 the Tacoma article much space is given to a description of the leading industries 
 which have contributed to the prosperity of the city, including mention of the great 
 coal mines of the Puget Sound country, its vast lumbering interests and its export 
 trade. In the Seattlo article will be found much interesting matter connected with 
 the early settlement of the country bordering on Puget Sound and on the wonderfully 
 rich district which trades with the latter leading center of population. In connec- 
 tion with the article on Fairhaven is published reliable matter on the coal mines 
 back of the city, which produce the best coking coal on the coast, and the import- 
 ance of Bellingham Bay as a harbor of great coming importance. The mines of the 
 Coeur d' Alene, Kootenay and Colville districts, as well as the rich wheat fields of 
 the Palouse and Big Bend sections of Washington, receive extended mention in the 
 interesting article on Spokane, the leading inland city of the state. No part of the 
 Pacific Northwest has been slighted in "The Handbook," and this work contains a 
 greater amount of matter on this section than was ever before offered to the public. 
 The complete index furnished with " The Handbook " will enable the reader to 
 turn to any subject connected with the Pacific Northwest on which he desires infor- 
 mation without a moment's delay. The book as a whole is worthy of more than 
 passing notice, and it is presented by The Oregonian with the belief that it will 
 redeem every promise that has been made for it. 
Tfie Pacific Northwest. 
 The Pacific* Northwest.— That part of the United States, incliuling 
 Alaska, lying west of the Main Divide of the Rocky Mountains and north of Cali- 
 fortiia and Nevada forms, with British Columbia, what is known as the Pacific 
 Northwest. The states embraced in this magnificent sweep of country are Oregon, 
 Washington, Idaho and Western Montana. The Pacific Northwest has an area of 
 1,356,338 square miles. This i- ^er one-third as large as the area of all the rest 
 of the United States, and is larg ; 'han the combined areas of France, Geruuiny, 
 Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, Pc t lugal and Greece. The total population of this 
 vast region today does not exretd i,2oo,txx>, less than one person for each squuie 
 mile of its territory. The - jntry v-ontains a little more than a million people 
 today where ten times this numbei could be comfortably supported from the fuller 
 development of its resources, and it ('■ this magnificent promise of future advance- 
 ment that is the country's chiei claim for the attention of the world at the present 
 The Pacific Northwest extends from the semi-tropical valleys of Southern Ore- 
 gon to the ice fields of the Arctic ocean. The climate of all this region, with but few 
 exceptions, is a balmy one. All that portion of this section bordering on the coast 
 for 1,000 miles or more north of Portland enjoys the climate of Virginia, with almost 
 an entire absence of snow in winter and without extremes of heat during the sum- 
 mer months. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington, Idaho ajul Western Montana 
 experience colder winters than does the section of the Northwest west of the Cas- 
 cade Mountains, but in no part of the Pacific Northwest, with the exception of the 
 interior of Alaska and the mountainous regions of British Columbia, are the cold 
 spells of winter as protracted, or is the cold as intense, as is noted in the winters of 
 the Eastern states. 
 From its most northern end to its southern boundary and east from the Pacific 
 ocean to the rugged summits of the Rocky Mountains the Pacific Northwest is a vast 
 storehouse of natural 
 wealth. It is doubt- 
 ful if in any other sec- 
 tion of equal size in 
 the world has nature 
 been so lavish with her 
 gifts as she has been 
 in the country border- 
 ing on the Pacific side 
 of the United States. 
 Contained in the Paci- 
 fic Northwest are the 
 most extensive coal 
 measures in theUnion; 
 it is here that are 
 found the greatest and 
 most valuable forests 
 in North America; the 
 largest silver and cop- 
 per mines in the world 
 have] ([been opened 
 within its borders, and 
 Mt. hood, Oreqon-From C1.0U0 C»p Inn. 
 The OA-egonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 lying side by side with these great deposits of silver 
 and copper, are vast ledges of gold, nickel, lead and 
 iron ores. It is a country of great rivers, teeming 
 with the finest of food fishes; a few miles inland are 
 hundreds of fine lakes stocked with trout, and now 
 utilized largely by water transportation lines, and on 
 tfie western border of Washington, within its limits, 
 is the most beautiful inland sea in the world. This 
 is known as Puget Sound. Its importance can be 
 appreciated from the statement that it floats vessels 
 of any depth; its main channel, with its numerous arms, is the gateway to 
 thousands of square miles of rich coal, timber and agricultural lands, and its surface 
 is never swept by storms. It is possible for a steamer to leave Tacoma at its north- 
 ern end and steam for i,ooo miles or more north over a water course as smooth as 
 any river. 
 In the Northwest, nature has done everything on the most lavish scale. The 
 mountains are high, the prairies are broad, the rivers are wide and the resources are 
 inexhaustible. The country has made wonderful advancement during the past lo 
 years and it is not improbable that the next lo years' growth will cause the Pacific 
 Northwest to rank among the well settled parts of the United States. 
 The many carefully written articles which will be found in other parts of " The 
 Handbook " on the various resources of the Northwe.st give much valuable informa- 
 tion on the extent of these resources and the opportunities afforded for their develop- 
 ment. The reliability of the statements made in these articles is borne out by much 
 statistical matter, carefully gathered. The development of the many resources of 
 the Northwest has but reached the stage where their value hus been accurately de- 
 termined. It is but a few years since, that all >. "^ .is country was a trackless wilder- 
 ness. In the early 40's and 50's a few intrepid adventurers braved death by starvation 
 in crossinif the plains to Oregon. These early pioneers scattered out among the 
 valleys and hills of this region and they thus formed a superficial koowledge of the 
 great diversity of its resources. Some of these men returned to their homes in the 
 East, and the stories they told there of the possibilities for future growth in the 
 Northwest were directly responsible for the large immigration which poured into 
 the then territories of Oregon and Washington a few years later. 
 That the immigrants who early sought homes in the Pacific Northwest found a 
 country here which fully met their expectations is evidenced by ttie solid prosperity 
 of the country today. The output of its products has increased out of all ratio with 
 its increase in population, and, as a result, people have 
 lived better in the Northwest than they have in most other 
 parts of the United States. New avenues of wealth are 
 constantly being opened here, and the development of these 
 resources is all of a most substantial nature. From the time 
 the Argonauts of California first crossed over the summits 
 of the vSiskiyou mountains into Oregon and discovered gold 
 in the sands of the beautiful streams of the fertile valleys of 
 Southern Oregon, the mines of the Pacific Northwest liave 
 produced $670,000,000 in gold, silver, copper and lead. 
 Since the time when the gold-seekers washed $7o,oc)o,qoo 
 in the short space of a few years from the gravel of Alder „, hood-he»o of bandv rivcr. 
The Pacific Northwest. 
 Mt. Hood- Crater Rock, 
 spiwinq backbone." 
 gulcli, Montana, discoveries of precious metals have 
 been made in nearly every part of this vast region. In 
 1892 the gold, silver and copper mines of the Pacific 
 Northwest added to the wealth of the world the enormous 
 sum of $57,815,346. The greatest mines on the continent 
 are today located within the borders of this section and 
 tlio development of the mining industry here is but yet in 
 its infancy. Another great industry of the Pacific North- 
 west today is lumbering. The value of the lumbering out- 
 put of this region for 1893 was estimated at $26,000,000. 
 In the many beautiful and highly fertile valleys of the Pacific Northwest are many 
 fine farms. There are today, however, millions of acres of the finest land in the 
 world lying idle within the limits of this country, land which produces annually 
 yields of wheat equalled in no other part of the Union. In 1893 the aggregate wheat 
 crop of the Pacific Northwest was, approximatel}-, 27,000,000 bushels. 
 In the waters of Puget Sound and on the fishing banks of the ocean just off the 
 coast as well as in the numerous bays along the other parts of the coast are vast 
 quantities of the best varieties of food fishes. The Columbia, Fraser and Yukon 
 rivers and the countless smaller streams teem with salmon and other fish. The out- 
 put of the fisheries of the Pacific Northwest is valued at $ro,ooo,ooo annually. In 
 the following pages will be found a complete description of these fisheries and their 
 importance among the present great industries of the Northwest. 
 The Pacific Northwest is a natural wonderland. Here the works of nature have 
 taken many beautiful and fantastic forms. Every phase of landscape scenery is 
 found in this region and descriptions of the most interesting of this scenery will be 
 found in the many articles of " The Handbook." The Columbia river, the beautiful 
 lake region of Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Southern Oregon and the 
 Puget Sound country are all famous for the picturesque grandeur of their scenery, 
 and it is doubtful if any part of the world of equal extent with the Pacific Northwest 
 is as attractive in scenic beauty as is the territory covered by " The Handbook," 
 Until 1846, when the international boundary line between the United States and 
 the British possessions to the north was established at the 49th degree of north lati- 
 tude, the territory lying between Oregon and California, the Pacific ocean and the 
 Rocky Movintains was occupied jointly by Great Britain and the United States. The 
 settlement in 1846 of the long standing dispute over the ownershipof this vast region 
 was follov/ed by th^ organization of the territory of Oregon. This was accomplished 
 August 14, 1848. Oregon was admitted as a state into the Union February 14, 1859. 
 The area of the state today is 95,274 square miles, of which 19,874,331 acres remain 
 unsurveyed. The population of Oregon, according to the official census of 1890, was 
 Washington Territory, organized in March, 1853, comprised the present states of 
 Washington, Idaho, Montana west of the Rocky Mountains and a portion of Wyo- 
 ^,_, :. , niing. By the creation of the territory of Idaho 10 years 
 later, Washington was reduced to its present area of 
 69,994 square miles. Of this area 23,432,060 acres are un- 
 surveyed. Wiishington was admitted as a state I'ebruary 
 j'^^^^SSSj^^^' 22, 1889. It now contains a population of 349,390, and is 
 making the most substantial advancement in wealth and 
 MT. HCOD I'ROM 8T«ai HOAD. pUpUlatlOll. 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northv.'est. 
 Mt. Hood-from Government Camp. 
 When organized in 1863, Idaho Territory included within its limits the present 
 state of Montana and all of Wyoming except the southwestern portion. By the cre- 
 ation of the territory of Montana in 1864 and the territory of Wyoming in 1868, 
 Idaho was reduced to its present area of 86,294 square miles. It contains today 
 43,745, 194 acres of land that are unsurveyed. Idaho was admitted as a state June 3, 
 1890. The population of the state is 84,385. In May, 1864, the territory of Montana 
 was formed from Idaho, and in 1873 by the annexation of about 2,000 square miles 
 taken from Dakota, it was given its present great dimei:sions. It is now the third 
 largest state in the Union, it containing an area of 146,080 square miles. Montana 
 was admitted as a state February 22, 1889. The lands unsurveyed in Montana cover 
 an area of 70,192,882 acres. The population of the state is 132, 159. 
 Prior to 1853 the territory of British Columbia was held by 
 the Hudson's Bay Company under lease from the Crown. In 
 that year the discovery of gold on the Fraser river in the 
 province caused a stampede to that section and the region was 
 ( organized as a colony of Great Britain. The following year 
 Vancouver Island, just off the mainland, was included in this 
 •"olony. British Columbia has an area of 383,000 square miles 
 and a population according to the census of 1891 of 97,612. It 
 is on Vancouver Island that the old and very wealthy city of 
 Victoria is located. Since 1858 the mines of British Columbia 
 have produced $53,200,000 in gold. The gold output of the 
 province in 1893 was approximately $600,000. The product of the British Columbia 
 fisheries from 1876 to 1893 was valued at $26,000,000. The exports from the province 
 now average $7,000,000 a year. 
 Alaska, the latest territorial acquisition of the United States, has an extreme 
 length north and south of i,iuo miles and an extreme breadth of 800 miles. Itscoast 
 line, including its islands, is 26,364 miles. It has an area of 577,390 square miles, 
 which is nearly one-sixth the total area of the United States. Of the 31,759 inhab- 
 itants of Alaska, less than 5,000 are whites. In May, 1867, a treaty was signed by 
 which Alaska was sold to the United States by Russia for $7,200,000, a sum which 
 wau considered by many at the time as vastly in excess of what the acquisition was 
 worth to the government. In 1870 the treasury department leased to the Alaska 
 Commercial Company for a period of 20 years the sole privilege of taking seals on 
 Prebilof Islands in the territory. The number of seals which could be killed by the 
 company each year under this lease was limited to 
 ioa,oo -. Up to 1890 the annual value of fur seal skins 
 exported from these islands was about $1,500,000. The 
 lease e xpired in that year when a new lease was made 
 between the United vStates and the company, in which the 
 annual catch of seals by the company was limited to 
 60,000. The total value of the seal skins taken in Alaska 
 from 1867 to 1890 was $33,000,000, and the com1)ineil 
 value of all the products of the territory during the same 
 pario.l was $35,000,000. The proceeds of the govern 
 ment tax on seal skins taken in the territory during the .same time was $5,871, o(K), 
 or over five-sevenths of the total price paid by the government for the purchase 
 of Alaska. 
 Mt Hood-The Summit 
Topography and Climate. 
 Topography and Climate of the Paclflc Northwest. (By B. S. 
 Pague, formerly in charge U. S. Weather Bureau, Headquarters, Portland, Oregcr.) 
 Toi'OORAi'HY. — Omitting from consideration the Cascade Mountains, the country 
 under discussion has an elevation 
 of from sea level to 8,aoo feet. ., i^*!! 
 This latter height is found over a '^e =#;•"£ 
 small area in extreme Northeastern 
 Idaho, in Central Idaho extending 
 northeastward into Montana, and 
 in the nort!-?. western portion of 
 Montana. These elevations form 
 the main watersheds for the country 
 second to thosf^ formed by the 
 Cascade jNIountains. These latter 
 have peaks extending upwards of 
 10,000 feet. 
 The country throughout is of 
 volcanic origin, hence consists of 
 an undulating surface with im- 
 mense plateaus, the latter having 
 an elevation of from i ,000 to 4,000 
 feet. The distinguishing topographical feature is the Cascade range, rising quite 
 abruptly and traversing Washington and Oregon almost due north and south; be- 
 ginning at the northern l)oundary line of Washington, at al)out the 121st degree of 
 longitude, west from Greenwich, thence southerly, inclining slightly to the southwest 
 and entering California slightly to the west of the I22d degree of west longitude. 
 The continuity of this mountain range is broken at almost the 46th degree of north 
 latitude by the Columbia river, which flows through the mountains near to this place. 
 The general mountain range is higher in the southern portion of Washington than 
 elsewhere. The extreme apex is reached at Mount Rainier, Washington. * 
 The Coast range of mountains extends from the peninsula of Washington south- 
 ward along the coast into Lower California, being broken by the Columbia river. 
 Their elevation in Washington ranges from 1,000 to 8,000 feet, the latter being the 
 height of Mount Olympus, the apex of the Coast range. In the central portion of 
 that part of Oregon which they traverse, their elevation reaches 3,ou<j feet over a 
 small area. Between the Coast and Cascade 
 ranges are to be found many fertile valleys 
 whose elevations range from a few feet to ,^,oou 
 feet al)ove mean tide level. To the east of the 
 Cascade Mountains are principally table-lands 
 wlio.se elevation is from i,(kx) ' j 4,000 feet, ex- 
 cept in the valley formed by the Columbia 
 river, which extends over a large portion of the 
 State of Washington to the east of the Cascades. 
 This valley is 2,0(X) feet and le.ss in elevation. 
 From the valley of the Columbia there is an almost regular increase in elevation 
 * There has never been any absolute measurement of the mountain peaks of OreRon and Wash- 
 ington, but the following are believed to be as near accurate as can be obtained, save by triangulation; 
 tHKen from Oannett's U. S. Geological Survey Report, i8,S4 (Measurement in ft-et): Mt. Rainier, 14,444; 
 Mt. Hood, 11,225; Mt. naker, 10,827; Mt. St. Helens, 9,750; Mt. Pitt, y,SiK; Mt. Olympus, S,i3,S. 
 Mt, Hood at Timber Cine. 
 7'Ae Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 to the sunimit of the Rocky Mountains; the western portion of Montana has an 
 elevation of from 4,000 to 8,000 feet, while almost the entire state of Idaho has an 
 elevation of from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. Thus it is seen that from the shore of the ocean 
 eastward to the eastern boundary line of Idaho and to the central portion of Montana 
 there is a continuous rise in the elevation. A map giving the contour lines of this 
 portion of the United States, would show a marked irregularity in their direction, 
 and marked gradients between them. The various elevations account for the 
 marked climatic difference, the distribution of rain and 
 .r\C ^?;f fc>?:, '^■^ snowfall, the character and constituent parts of the soil, 
 the surface and sub-soil drainage of the water; so that, in 
 ■•*^'*^fc^ i^^^^^^*^'^-"^^ ^ counti'y, the soil, topography and climate 
 ^ -^'^^'f^(r?'i#'^'^'^^^^ each be considered, singly and collectively, for each 
 ■■^''s-it " *' and all depend upon '^ach other and upon the whole as 
 Mt. Hood-Ice Hummock, Eliot Glacier, a unit. 
 A birdseye view of the area under discussion would show mountains, hills, dales, 
 valleys and streams. From the Missouri river westward there is a gradual increase 
 in the elevation of the 1 ud, a gradual breaking up of the prairies and a more marked 
 appearance of mountainous conditions, the latter of a more barren nature than 
 will be found on the western approach to the apex or crest of the Rocky Mountains. 
 From the ocean, as distance increases the forests decrease. The country bordering 
 upon the ocean is, or has been, densely covered with timber. The Coast range of 
 mountains from the Straits of Fuca southward is a continuous growth of the finest 
 timber. Crossing the valleys lying between the Coast and Cascade ranges of moun- 
 tains, the topography and soil are pec-iiarly adapted to the growth of trees, and 
 this land when cleared, leaves conditions ideal in their character for agricultural pur- 
 poses. We find the Ca.scade range, especially the western side, possessing timber 
 unlimited, almost, in quantity, which decreases from the crest of the mountains east- 
 ward, and especially so from the eastern foothills of the Cascades on to the crest of 
 the Rockies. The vegetable growth and the various topographical features depend 
 entirely upon the climatic conditions, to be discussed in the accompanying pages. 
 Climatology depends mainly upon the mountain ranges. Their exte:it and a/t^ 
 and the topographical features of a .section should be thoroughly understood before 
 entering upon a study of the climate. The mountain ranges and the basins should 
 be carried in mind, thus facilitating the understanding of the changes in tempera- 
 ture and distribution of moi,sture. Hence the ranges of mountains — the Coast, Cas- 
 cade, and the Bitter Root mountains of Idaho, the basins of Rogue River, Umpqua, 
 Willamette, Puget Sound which embrace Puyallup as well, 
 the Columbia, Snake and smaller basins through Idaho and 
 Western Montana — all enter, in a greater or less degree, 
 into the discussion of topography and climate, and each .^gJB^'-virr'-vS^-tg^a. 
 posr.esses its various climatic changes. The following state- 
 ment based on deductions from "Gannett' Dictionary of 
 Elevations," will in this connection, prove of great value: 
 Mt. Hood- Illumination Rock. 
 Approxinialfl jjean Hnixht 
 Area in Square abo^'n S«a Lavel 
 Mi'ss- I Fett. 
 Idaho — 
 Western Montana 
 Areas in Square Mit.es Between 
 Sea Level 
 & 1,000 ft. 
 1,000 and 2,000 and 
 2,000 feet. 3,000 feet. 
 3.000 and 
 4,000 feet. 
 4,000 and! Above 
 5,000 feet,i5,0(l() feet 
 4,400; 9,400 
 30,000, 21,000 
 22,200 34,500 
 i6,ooo| If), OCX) 
Topography and Climate 
 Mt. hood, Broken Mountain near Summit. 
 The large area of Washington having such a large percentage of low elevation 
 is due to the great Puget Sound basin, the coast district and the great valley of the 
 Columbia. Oregon's high elevation is due to the high plateau east of the Cascades, 
 which gradually increases to the higher elevation of Idaho and Montana. The forego- 
 ing general description of the topography of this 
 country, covering an area of about 300,000 square 
 miles which, if properl}' han :ied, would fill more 
 than the present volume, should be borne in mind by 
 the reader, while following the climatic discussion in 
 the following chapter. If the rainfall were projected 
 on the same map as the lines of contour, a remark- 
 able coincidence would be noted ; in fact, the climate 
 of this section is so directly dependent upon features 
 of topography that at least this outline of topography 
 must precede a discussion of climatic conditions. 
 Thr Climate. — In 15 degrees of longitude (110° to 125°) and in 10 degrees of 
 latituc'e (40° to 50°) are seldom found such climatic changes and conditions as are 
 found in the section now under discussion. The portion of the Northwest west of 
 the Coast range has a climate almost marine in its character, while to the east of the 
 Cascades is found almost a continental climate. The entire subject might be con- 
 fined to a few words if but literal facts were wanted, but these should be explained 
 in order that the reader may thoroughly understand the causes of the marked 
 changes, the distribution of temperature and of moisture. The temperature along 
 the coast usually ranges from 30 to 55 degrees during the winter months and from 
 50 to 80 degrees in the summer months. The precipitation varies from 60 to 80 
 inches annually. In the section lying between the Coast and Cascade ranges the 
 temperature during the winter months ranges from 15 to 60 degrees, in the summer 
 months from 50 to 90 degrees and the annual precipitation varies from 55 inches 
 along Puget Sound to 20 inches in the southern portion of Oregon. To the east of the 
 Casci.iles and extending eastward to the eastern line of Idaho, thence northerly to 
 the British possessions, the range in temperature is much greater and the precipita- 
 tion much less. The temperature in winter months ranges from 40 degrees above to 
 41 degrees below zero, the latter at Helena. In summer months it ranges from 44 to 
 107 degrees, the latter at Boise City, Idaho. The precipitation varies from 10 to 20 
 inches. This brief statement shows a decrease in the precipitation from the ocean 
 eastward, while the temperature increases in range and in severity of extremes as 
 the elevation increases and successive degrees of longitude are passed to the eastward. 
 There are several marked causes which produce these marked and almost un- 
 usual climatic changes. The ocean is the great modifier of range in temperature and 
 prevention for extreme cold and extreme heat. The ocean's influence fails to reach 
 in its great effects to Montana and Idaho, due to the mountain 
 ranges. Over the major portion of Washington, Oregon and 
 the western portion of Idaho the seasons are well defined and 
 are divided into the wet and dry seasons. These seasons are 
 more marked west of the Cascades than to the east of them. 
 The influence exerted by the ocean and by the topography ex- 
 plains the peculiar weather types to be found in this section. 
 Hence it would be well to treat of the oceanic and mountain 
 Mt. hood. 
 Steel Party at Crater Rock 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 I ' 
 The larji^est of all the oceans, the Pacific, is least subject to perturbing influ- 
 ences of a local character. The conditions are constant over large areas ; its cur- 
 rents, both of wind and water, are drawn in broad sweeping curves, in which extent 
 ,,,, of space and time of passage serve to over-ride all mere local 
 T-t*' .-sS',si''.*ft'S or temporarj' modification. Thus, it is enabled to present 
 ' ' ' * almost the ideal problem of oceanic circulation, and to 
 iiijii-i;::^^^, array upon the climate of this section a few masses of 
 i^^to - simple influence which becomes involved and difficult 
 of study only through the continental disturbances. 
 Without interruption, that part of the North Pacific 
 .J^afimx::.^^ ocean which may be considered as modifying the climate 
 of this section , stretches away over very nearly loo degrees 
 of longitude. To the west it is bounded hy the extreme 
 Orient, the islands of Japan with their northern projection over the Kuriles to the 
 coast of Kamtchatka and their southerly connections with the Philippines. The 
 northern limit is drawn by the Aleutian islands and the eastern border is the shore of 
 North America. To the south no co.isistent mass of land f.ppears to hem this ocean 
 in, yet the barrier is none the less strong, because it may be measured onlj- with the 
 instruments of the meteorologist. It e>dsts at the 30th parallel of north latitude. 
 Below this boundary line is the region of the northeast trade wind and the westward 
 drift of the equatorial current, and these two serve sufficiently to bound in wind 
 and water the great basin above. It is a basin within these limits, a rough ellipse 
 having a major axis of 100 degrees of longitude and a minor axis of 25 degrees of 
 latitude. It has its characteristic system of circulation both of atmosphere and sea. 
 The strongly individualized ocean current of the region is the Kuro Siwo or 
 Japan gulf current. Developed from the cumulative progress of the equatorial drift 
 and directed by the rapid alteration in the plane of the sea l)ottom and the trend of 
 the Asiatic coast, this warm stream moves across the whole Northern Pacific ocean. 
 Occurring in a broader sea it shows several important differences from the gulf 
 stream. It has a slower motion, its warmth is not so strongly contrasted with the 
 water through which it flows, and the wind blowing counter to its course frequently 
 avails to deflect it or even check it entirely. Its eastern development and dispersion 
 has been for years a battle-ground for theorists, 
 and even now it is impossible to say definitely 
 that it reaches any part of this coast, yet it is 
 generally accepted that it does. Beyond a 
 question of doubt the Japan gulf current is the 
 main cause of the modified climatic conditions 
 which prevail over the greater portion of this 
 section. The mountain chains act as the second 
 great modifier, for by them the winds from 
 the arctic regions are deflected to the east, 
 thus allowing the ocean winds, carrying with 
 them the temperature there prevailing, to spread over and temper the other- 
 wise cold winds and air. These winds have a clear sweep across man}' thousands of 
 miles of sea, and in all their course they incur no resistance save such as is caused 
 by convective friction due to varying amounts of pressure within their mass. But 
 the moment they cease to flow over the .sea and begin their course over the conti- 
 nental mass, they are subject to violent perturbations, and present all the features of 
 MT. Rainier~A River of Ice. 
Topography and Climate. 
 Scenic Effects-mt. Rainier. 
 turbulent motion, its irregular and rapid changes of pressure, its rapid expansion, 
 its sudden alteration of the saturative constants, and variation of temperature. 
 The wind drawn in from the sea by the general circulation of the atmosphere 
 may be taken to hold in suspension the maximum amount of moisture, and, other 
 things being equal, to approximate the satura- 
 tion amount theoretically to be expected in air 
 of a given pressure and at a given temperature. 
 Advancing upon the land the air current im- 
 mediately encounters perturbing influences of 
 man}' sorts. Without taking the reader through 
 a labyrinth of meteorological or scientific 
 phrases, it will be sufficient for the purposes of 
 this description of the climate to relate that the 
 moisture-laden atmosphere, carried by the general circulation of the air and moving 
 towards depressions in the great atmospheric envelope, the moisture is condensed 
 by being forced against the mountain side, thence upward, and the major portion 
 being precipitated on me windward side, that which is still held in suspension is 
 carried eastward, where new conditions are met with and a possibly new mixing of 
 the atmosphere takes place. New temperature conditions are met with, the disturb- 
 ing cause, the depression in a part of the atmosphere near at hand, continues the 
 turV)ulent motion and moisture is precipitated over the country to the leeward of 
 the mountains ; on its movement eastward the second range of mountains is encoun- 
 tered, higher than the first, and possessing a lower temperature, which acts as a 
 great resistance to the outward march of the disturbing element and the passage 
 winds from the ocean to its rear, the moisture is again precipitated on the windward 
 side of this second range, and, if the disturbing cause is sufficient, it crosses the 
 second range, meets another temperature condition, and here again moisture is con- 
 densed and precipitated, thence onward to the Rocky Mountains and eastward. 
 This brief description of the condensation of moisture over this section and its pre- 
 cipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail, will give the reader a general idea 
 of the causes of excessive rainfalls west of the Coast range, a less amount between 
 Coast and Cascade Mountains, and still less to the east of the Cascades. 
 The climatic conditions of Montana are more 
 under the influence of the general movement of 
 atmospheric disturbances to the east of the Rocky 
 IMountains than to the west of this range, hence for 
 this reason the seasons in Montana &^e not so marked 
 by wet and dry as they are over Idaho, Washington 
 and Oregon. These wet and dry seasons are not to 
 be taken as such in a literal sense of meaning, but 
 rather in a distinguishing sense, /. e., during the 
 so-called wet season the liability for rain is much 
 greater than it is for fair weatner, and contra for 
 the dry season. The causes of tlie.se two marked 
 seasons lie in the general movement of the winds, 
 the inclination of the earth and the diff'erence in the amount of heat received from 
 the sun, the amount of heat absorbed or reflected and the amount of heat prevalent 
 in the air. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A Near Approach to Mt. R.^inier. 
 Due to the change of seasons, the inclination of the 
 ^^jjpn. earth, during the autumn months the amount of heat 
 ^'7';'.'j;^;,'ji)jj,';.^'; received from the sun gra.lually lessens, hence a cooling 
 ri*!^ of the air. It should be borne in mind that air at a tem- 
 perature of 50° will hold but one-fourth as much moisture 
 in suspension as it will at a temperature of 100°. With 
 this fact in view, it can be seen that the continuous move- 
 ment of the moisture-laden air from the ocean meets, in 
 the autumn, a gradual cooling of the air over the land, 
 hence the precipitation begins. As the disturl)ing causes become more frequent, due 
 to the greater cooling of the air over the land, the precipitation becomes more fre- 
 quent and heavier, until the maximum cold of winter has passed and the warming 
 of the air of spring begins, With this increased heat, the disturbing causes become 
 less frequent, until in the summer they almost entirely disappear. The winds from 
 the ocean continue during summer, and they have as much moisture in suspension as 
 they had before, but the greater heat of the air over the land allows this moisture to 
 be t:)ken up and absorbed, and not cooled and precipitated as Jl is in winter. The 
 gentjral movement or circulation of the air is a great factor in v.e change from the 
 wet to the dry season, but the change is more due to the change ui heat than in the 
 change in the winds, though the latter carry great weight in the argument as to the 
 causes of the wet and dry .sea.sons. 
 There now have been presented the main factors of the climate and its causes. 
 The mechanical resultant of these causes is the climate of this region, a climate 
 which, practically constant as a whole, displays equalh' constant differences between 
 the several natural districts into which the region is divided. Yet, before proceeding 
 to a more minute description of these various districts, it will be advisable to present 
 a general review of the climatic characteristics which dominate the whole region. 
 The distinguishing characteristic of the climate of the region is, that varieties of 
 weather endure practically unaltered for days at a time, and, even when supplanted 
 by others, return again and again, and on each such recurrence are symmetrical with 
 their former appearance, even when they are not practicall}' identical. In this 
 regard there is a wide variation from the conditions which obtain elsewhere in the 
 United States. Nor is this the only difference. Another notable one is that the 
 storms of the Pacific are with comparative infrequency traced across the Rocky 
 Mountains and the Atlantic slopes Another is that the storm frequently increases 
 rapidl}' toward the north. 
 When the area of low barometer of considerable depth overlies Washington and 
 probably is central far to seaward, its movement eastward is checked .f not pro- 
 hibited by the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. Held back by this mountain wall 
 and the eciuallj- potent barrier of high barometric pressure eastward, the low pres- 
 sure is kept beating against the.se obstacles. While this condition endures, gales 
 occur along the coast and rains occur over 
 most of the region. When, on the other 
 hand, a high area is central over Washing- 
 ton, the low pressure is central over Cali- 
 fornia, fair weather, light winds and an 
 increasing temperature prevail. We have 
 now given in general terms and briefly the ^r r.. . ' •. r 
 causes of the changes in the weather of „, „,,„,„ ,,„ lake Washington, Seattle. 
Topography and Climate. 
 Camp Portland neah Mt. Rainier. 
 this region on a general scale. The object of this paper is to 
 give a more minute description of the climate of the region 
 in order that the inquirer or the present citizen can become 
 more familiar with a section whose area is immense, its climate 
 embracing all changes from the sunny clime of Italy to the 
 rigors of an arctic clime; a section that produces every known 
 product of the temperate zone, rich in minerals, fish, wood 
 and natural resources, and possessing qualifications which 
 should and which will entitle it to a population more dense 
 and more prosperous than that which any section of our broad 
 land now possesses. 
 No single feature with which we come in contact during our 
 existence has such an influence upon our lives, our occupation, 
 our progress and advancement as has the weather. Upon the climate depends 
 everything, hence such an important part of our existence should be thoroughly 
 understood and be familiar to every one. That more attention is being paid to a 
 study of climate, to changes, causes and t 'fects, is evinced by the greater interest 
 displayed in the work of the national weather bureau. It is only through the medium 
 of this organization that we can learn of the climate from a practical or scientific 
 standpoint, and it is by having access to its reco.ds and data that this article was 
 made possible. This article is based entirely upoi. ofl'icial data, hence is authentic. 
 Covering 15 degrees of longitude and 10 of latitude, it loes not seem so improb- 
 able that the region should have such a wide difftrerce in climatic conditions. The 
 marked features of this difference are the precipitation over the extreme northwest 
 section of Washington, at and near Neah Bay amounting to over 100 inches, eight 
 and one-half feet of water, annually, while in portions of Southern Central Washing- 
 ton about Pasco, in Southeastern Oregon and in the central portions of Idaho, less 
 than 10 inches, or less than one foot, of water falls annually. vSuch is the difference 
 in precipitation in inches. In snowfall along the coast, snow is as much a rarity as it 
 is in the southern sections of those states bordering upon the Gulf of Mexico, while 
 in the Cascade Mountains, on the higher mountains of Idaho and ^Montana, snow 
 falls to a depth of several feet, and over a large portion 
 of the country to the east of the Cascades, snow covers 
 the ground during the latter part of December, in Janu- 
 ary and for part of February. This is not true of the 
 immediate Columbia river vallej- and on the lower 
 plateaus. In temperature as great a difference exists. 
 Along the coast a temperature below 10° above zei-o has 
 never been recorded, while to the east of the Cascade 
 Mountains temperatures of 10° above and below zero 
 occur every winter. Such an extremely low temper- 
 ature as 41° below zero was recorded at Helena, Mon- 
 tana, in January, 1880. These extremes are quoted to 
 show the wide range of climatic conditions which exist 
 over this region. 
 The following statement will give the reader a gen- 
 eral idea of the climatic condition prevailing over this 
 section In selecting the stations for which data is given 
 FALLS NEAR MT. RAINIER. ^^ ^as becu eudcavorcd to select those which give the 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 most complete type of the climate for their section. The figures given are taken 
 from reports of the United States and Canadian weather bureaus. A few stations 
 distributed over the whole country are included in the table for comparison. 
 Mean Annual 
 on Record 
 on Record 
 Av'ge Annual 
 in nches 
 Victoria, B. C 
 Esquimault, B, C 
 New Westminster, B. C. 
 Soda Creek, B. C - 
 Spence's Bridge, B. C.-- 
 Olynipia, Wash 
 Spokane, Wash — 
 Walla Walla, Wash--- - 
 Astoria, Oregon 
 Portland, Oregon 
 Roseburg, Oregon 
 Bandon, Oregon 
 Baker City, Oregon 
 Helena, Mont 
 Boise City, Idaho 
 Washington, D. C 
 New York City 
 Boston , Mass 
 Chicago, Ills- 
 St. Louis, Mo- 
 New Orleans, L,a 
 Denver, Colo 
 Los Angeles, Cal 
 . 70. r 
 * Figures preceded by the minus sign, indicate temperature below zero. 
 The mean annual temperature has considerable variation over the section. Soda 
 Creek, in British Columbia, having the lowest mean and next to Helena has the low- 
 est temperature on record for this section Walla Walla has the highest mean tem- 
 perature. Portland and Roseburg have nearly as high a temperature. These tem- 
 peratures are nearly as high as that of Washington City. The extreme temperatures 
 at Walla Walla, having a range of 125°, are much greater than those of Portland or 
 Roseburg. Portland has the highest mean temperature and least range with the 
 highest mean of any station in the district. xJandon, Coos county, Oregon, on the 
 ocean, has the least absolute range of temperature of any station in the district. The 
 mean temperature of all the stations except Helena and Soda Creek is higher 
 than the mean over a great portion of the United States. The mean temperature does 
 not convey the proper information for an agriculturist, hence the highest and lowest 
 temperatures on record, covering a period of ten years or more are given. Along 
 the immediate coast line the maximum temperature is rarely above 85° and has 
 never been as low as zero, temperatures below 10° above zeio being very unusual on 
 the coast. In the interior, but to the west of the Cascade range, the extreme sum- 
 mer heat rises to 90° almost every year, and extremes of 102° are on record. Cross- 
 ing to the east of the Cascade Mountains extremes of 105° and 110° are recorded. 
 Through the major portion of the United States maximum temperatures of 100° are 
are taken 
 ff stations 
 iv'ge Annual 
 in Inches 
 61. 5S 
 ion. Soda 
 as the low- 
 meau tem- 
 These tein- 
 'ortland or 
 e with the 
 fon, on the 
 strict. The 
 : is higher 
 iraturc does 
 and lowest 
 en. Along 
 1° and has 
 unusual on 
 treme sum- 
 »rd. Cross- 
 e recorded, 
 of 100° are 
 Topography and Climate. 
 NtsQUALuy Glacier- Mt, Rainier. 
 recorded, and in a great portion of this high summer temperature injurious effects 
 result from the heat, such as prostration, sunstrokes and the like. This depressing 
 effect during the high temperature is due to the increased moisture of the air during 
 the increased heat. Over the entire area of the section under discussion the ill effects 
 of heat are unknown A sunstroke has not been recorded. This difference is due to 
 the fact that with increased heat there is a decrease 
 in the moisture, so that when perspiration is formed 
 on the body the great evaporating power of the air is 
 such as to immediately evaporate the body moisture, 
 thus producing a cooling effect. Then too, the dura- 
 tion of heat is comparatively short in thi3 section, 
 while in the Eastern states the duration of heat fre- 
 quently extends over a week. This long extension 
 of debilitating heat adds new fuel to the already super- 
 heated body and having no relief during the night, 
 there is no cooling or rest for the blood, the result 
 of continued exposure to the heat finally produces prostration with frequently fatal 
 results. In this section the period of warm or hot weather is of short duration, 
 seldom extending over two or three days, and during the continuance of this heat, 
 as at other times, the nights are cool, thus allowing the body to almost entirely 
 recuperate during the period from sunset, when the cooler ocean breezes are 
 experienced, to 10 o'clock A. M. the next day when the heat again begins to be 
 experienced. Over the greater portion of British Columbia, Montana, Idaho, Wash- 
 ington and Oregon a blanket is a comfortable and necessary covering during the night, 
 even during the period of the maximum sumr heat. Considering these various 
 conditions it does not seem peculiar that during extreme heat, which in Chicago, St. 
 Louis, New York and other Eastern cities would result in sunstroke, here leads to no 
 great or serious inconvenience or results. 
 Due to the proximity of the ocean and the chain of mountains to the east (the 
 Coast range), that section lying to the west of the Coast range is free from zero tem- 
 perature, in fact generally free from even freezing temperature. Between the coast 
 and Cascade Mountains, once in the history of meteorological record, has the tem- 
 perature gone below zero, and that period was in Janu- 
 ary, 1888, when orange trees were' frozen in Southern 
 California and zero temperature occurred in Oregon, 
 Washington and British Columbia. From self-register- 
 ing instruments at the weather bureau office in Portland, 
 the following data is deduced which will to a great 
 extent be true of the entire country lying between the 
 coast and Cascade Mountains. 
 During the year 1890, at Portland, the temperature 
 was below the freezing point for 529 hours or during 
 6 per cent, of the hours of the year. In the same year 
 the temperature was above 90° during 11 hours or less than one percent, of the hours 
 of the year. The non-frost period was from April 15 to October 9. In 1891 the teth- 
 perature was below the freezing point during 153 hours or during 1.7 per cent, of the 
 hours of the year ; it was above 90° during 33 hours or three-tenths of one 
 per cent, of the hours of the year. The non-frost period was from April 11 to 
 November 16. To the east of the Cascades the extreme summer temperature is 
■ (■ 
 i 1 
 ^— ^^^— 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ° below at 
 is seldom 
 Cowlitz Glacier and Tatoosm range. 
 Mt. rainier. 
 higher and winter temperature decidedly colder than to the west of them. The 
 winter temperature is below zero every winter and sinks as low as 41 
 Helena, Montana. Through the immediate Columbia river valley it 
 lower than 15 or 20 degrees below zero, and this extreme is seldom of long 
 duration. The winter period, during which stock must be fed, seldom exceeds seven 
 or ten weeks, usually six weeks is the utmost limit. To the west of the Cascades 
 wheat has.not been known to " winter freeze " while to the eastof them it frequently 
 For the purpose of furnishing a general idea of the 
 usual winter and summer temperature the table given above 
 notes these temperatures for the various stations. In sum- 
 mer Walla Walla, with Boise City a close second, has tlie 
 highest mean temperature, while Bandon has the lowest. 
 The usual summer mean temperature is about 65° for the 
 whole region. In winter at Soda Creek and Spence's Bridge, 
 British Columbia, at Spokane, Baker City, Helena and Boise 
 City, the mean winter temperature is below the freezing 
 point, with the lowest at Soda Creek. The temperature 
 over the greater portion of this .section is favorable to the 
 growth of fruit, agricultural and stock products. A care- 
 ful analysis of the data given in the foregoing table would 
 take many pages, but the gist of it all, so far as temperature is concerned, is here 
 The column on the right in the foregoing table contains the average annual 
 amount of rainfall. The term rainfall includes all forms of precipitation. The heav- 
 iest rainfall in the United States occurs at Neah Bay, extreme Northwestern Wash- 
 ington, where it amounts to over 100 inches annually ; thence north and southward 
 there is a decrease. A'. Astoria there are 75 inches ; at New Westminster, B. C. , 
 there are 63 inches. Along the immediate coast it amounts to over 60 inches, or five 
 feet, annually. In the interior there are many local variations, but generally speak- 
 ing, from Puget »Sound, north and south, there is a decrease. Olympia has 56 inches 
 annually, Victoria 35 inches, Portland 49 inches, while in the southern portion of 
 Oregon it is but 22 inches. To the east of the Cascades it varies from 7 to 20 inches. 
 In this section about one-third the annual 
 amount occurs in the form of snow, while to 
 the west snowfall does not form over 5 per cent 
 of the annual total, and in years not i per cect. 
 The generally received opinion is that the 
 heavy rainfall along the coast sections extends 
 over the major portion of this section, while it 
 is a fact that excessive rain does not extend 
 over 3 per cent of the country. Again, on the 
 other hand, it has been represented that tothe 
 east of the Cascades the country is almost 
 rainless. The statemen^ is absurd on the face 
 of it. The annual rainfall occurs principally 
 from December i to March i, where, save to the 
 east of the Cascades, 65 per cent of the rain 
 occurs. The area over which there is less than g„„, north glacier, mt. baker, at .000 feet. 
Topography and Climate. 
 leni. The 
 ' below at 
 is seldom 
 1 of long 
 eeds seven 
 ; Cascades 
 dea of the 
 iven above 
 . In sum- 
 id, has the 
 the lowest. 
 65° for the 
 :e's Bridge, 
 a and Boise 
 le freezing 
 able to the 
 Ls. A care- 
 able would 
 ned, is here 
 rage annual 
 The lieav- 
 itern Wash- 
 l southward 
 ister, B. C. , 
 ches, or five 
 rally speak- 
 as 56 inches 
 n portion of 
 20 inches. 
 Water Fall near mt. baker, wash. 
 IT 6000 FEET. 
 10 inches of rainfall does not cover 10 per cent of the entire woto. it mtitcM. 
 region. Over this area the precipitation during the dry sea- 
 son is about one-fifth of what it is during the wet season, 
 showing a quite general distribution of moisture throughout 
 the year. It follows from such a distribution of rainfall 
 that it is more beneficial to agricultural operations andj 
 more fruitful than in those sections where summer rains I 
 and storms do so much damage to the harvested crops. 
 This entire section is favored with a climate of unusual 
 mildness. While the immediate coast regions have very 
 heavy rainfalls, yet such rain occurs during the winter 
 months of December to March, and in all cf ses the wet sea- 
 son gives /ay gradually to the dry iason during July and 
 August. While the prepondering aaiount of rain falls dur- ; 
 ing the winter, yet the spring, early summer and late fall 
 are marked by moderate rains at not infrequent intervals. 
 From a perusal of the foregoing the general climatic 
 condition of this region can be understood, and the rela- 
 tion of the climatic condition to health will now be briefly 
 discussed. As has been shown, the atmospheric changes 
 of this region are more uniform and of minor range, 
 when compared with the great portion of the United 
 States. This absence of disturbing meteorological forces, as indicated by the 
 narrow range of barometric and thermometric oscillation, is sufficient to account 
 for the freedom here from epidemics caused l)y atmospheric influences, and especi- 
 ally the absence of those atmospheric conditions favorable to the development of 
 bacteria and all cryptoganic and sporadic germs, and on account of the divers currents 
 of air mingling with the breezes from the mild Pacific, contagious and epidemic dis- 
 eases are easily controlled, while such diseases as typhus and cholera are entirely 
 unknown, and even typhoid forms of malaria are quite easily controlled, when 
 compared with the same class of diseases in the climate of the Atlantic seaboard. 
 The climate west of the Cascades is generally too damp for consumptives, but on the 
 plateaus east of this range it is the best climate for them in the world. Atmospheric: 
 causes of disease reside chiefly in the varieties of atmospheric changes of moisture 
 and temperature, sudden changes in temparature, excessive moisture or dr ness, 
 different electric conditions, or a deficiency of sunshine. The atmosphere may be a 
 source of disease in consequence of its being loaded with impurities, malaria, con- 
 tagions of vf -ious kinds, and noxious gases in general, and an endless variety of 
 septic germs. The range of atmospheric temperature compatible with human life 
 is very consi^' .rable. Its limits are probably just those extremes of heat and cold 
 that belong to the lower strata of air in the 
 different parts of the planet on which man is 
 destined to exist. Under the burning sun of 
 ,, ^.Jthe tropics and amid the profound frost of the 
 Sjfei^i polar regions are alike found human dwellers. 
 '*!.' These different degrees of external temperature 
 impose peculiar physical characters ujKJn those 
 who are subjected to th^m, but they do not 
 MT. JEFFERSON, OR., FROM GR.zzLy TARN. of ncccssity cxtitguisfa Or even cause disease. 
Ill IT 
 The Oregonian s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 It requires more care, however, to preserve life under intense cold than under intense 
 heat. In India and other portions of the tropics the temperature ranges for a long 
 time from Soto 120 degrees. The mingling of the arctic and tropical atmospheres 
 ht ic combines to produce t.n anomalous climate singularly free from the severer 
 forms of disease found in either of these zones. The gradual effects of great heat 
 upon the human body operate distinctly as an exciting cause of disease, and give 
 rise to sudden attacks of illness. In the arctic countries, on the other hand, where 
 the sun appears for a short time above the horizon , and where the thermometer sinks 
 to 50 or more degrees below zero, are still found inhabitantSj but they are few and 
 thinly scattered, dependent mainly on the scanty supply of food in those parts of the 
 world. Under a degree of temperature a Uttle greater than that of the tropics, or a 
 little less than the lowest of the arctic regions, it seems probable that man would 
 soon perish, and in this fact we have a striking instance of the adaptation of the 
 health-giving properties of a climate free from those extremes of heat and cold. 
 Closely connected with the effects of temperature upon the health is the influ- 
 ence of the dir^rent seasons of the year. It is open to the commonest observation 
 that the general health of the community fluctuates with the changing seasons. 
 Catarrhs, coughs and pectoral complaints of all kinds are apt to commence or grow 
 worse in the winter and spring months, while bowel complaints are more numerous 
 and distressing in the summer months. The mucous membranes of the air passages 
 sympathize with the skin unJer the agency of extreme cold ; those of the stomach 
 and intestines under that of continued heat. The thoracic disorders are more seri- 
 ous and fatal than those of the abdominal. Cholera prevails where the temperature 
 stands at a high degree for a considerable length of time, and proves fatal where 
 cholera germs luxuriate in a hot and unchanging atmosphere. The climate of this 
 region is entireh- free from this disease, for the simple reason that the germs of this 
 particular form of disease cannot flourish in this mild antiseptic climate, with its 
 ever chr.r:ging currents of air drawn from the mild Pacific and mixed daily with the 
 gentle breezes from the tablelands of the adjacent coast. Sunstroke, yellow fever 
 and the like are unknown in all this region, for the reason that the mild, warm days 
 are followed by refreshingly cool nights, which make the climate destructive to the 
 germs which live in continuously hot localities and develop these remarkably fatal 
 maladies. And so it seems quite conclusive that the tiiv."apeutics of the climate of 
 this region is remarkable in its effects both as to its prophylactic agencies and its 
 curative effects on all diseases peculiar to our race. 
 Soils of the Pacific* Nortli\vest.— In a pre 
 outburst covered the principal part of Oregon, Wash- 
 ington and Idaho with a sea of molten lava, effectu- 
 ally destroying every vestige of vegetable and animal 
 life. This volcanic stone covered an area of '•00,000 
 square miles to a depth of over 2,000 feet. It is this 
 lava, crumbled by mechanical action and by the ele- 
 ments to an impalpable powder, mixed with the ac- 
 cumulations of years of decaying vegetation, that 
 now forms much of the soil of these states. 
 Generally, U may be tated that in no part of the 
 world is the soil more productive or lasting than are 
 the soils of the best lands of the Pacific Northwest. 
 -historic age, a great vo canic 
 Tall Wheat Raised in Willamette Valley, Oh. 
Soils oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 der intense 
 > for a long 
 he severer 
 great heat 
 , and give 
 md, where 
 neter sinks 
 re few and 
 larts of the 
 ropics, or a 
 man would 
 tion of the 
 d cold. 
 IS the influ- 
 ig seasons. 
 ce or grow 
 lir passages 
 le stomach 
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 fatal where 
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 ellow fever 
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 ctive to the 
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 climate of 
 cies and its 
 jat vo. canic 
 i|ifl!!''r''"' ' 
 18TH Successive Crop of Oats, Kl*m*th Co., Or. 
 ETTE Valley. Or. 
 This is fully borne out by the expressed 
 opinions of the most eminent geolo- 
 gists and chemists. Tlnre is as great 
 a diversity of soils in the states com- 
 prising the region covered by " The 
 Handbook" as there is a diversity of 
 climate in this part of the United 
 States. The soil of each division of 
 this region possesses peculiarities 
 distinctively its own. There is but 
 little difference, however, in the 
 wonderful productive power of the 
 various soils of the Northwest. Every semi-tropical fruit and all vegetation indig- 
 enous to the temperate zone can be successfully grown on this soil. In the great 
 number of different articles in "The Handbook" on the different localities of this 
 region, will be found a full desciipi-ion of the diversity and extent of crops that are 
 grown successfully In their respective localities. The general characteristics of the 
 soils of the different parts t the Northwest are worthy of some mention in the pres- 
 ent article, and it is these gener..! features which will command attention here, the 
 special characteristics of the lands of the Pacific Northwest being reserved for men- 
 tion in '.he subsequent articles of "The Handbook " on the different localities of this 
 In Western and Southern Oregon the soil of the bottom lands of the valleys is 
 H rich black loam of great fertility. The Willamette, the largest of these valleys, 
 uas at one time covered by a detached part of the ocean, something like Puget 
 Sound is today. The soil of the flat lands of the Willamette valley is the sediment 
 of a very fine silt cast into the waters of this pre-historic sound. Generally, the soil 
 in this part of Oregon is made up of disintegrated basaltic rock, washed down from 
 the adjacent hills, alluvial deposits and decomposed vcj^etable matter. The hill 
 soils a;-e less fertile than are the soils of the low lands, and are ot a dark brown color, 
 friable and fine. The Willamette valley is, in some respects, the most remarkable part 
 of llie state, and it comprises one of the most productive agricultural sections of the 
 Union. South of the Willamette valley are the valleys of the Umpqua and Rogue 
 river, both of which possess soils similar to the soils of the Willamette valley. 
 East of the Cascade Mountains the fertility of the soil and its prolific production 
 of all vegetation are due to the prevalence of lava asii and decomposed basaltic rock, 
 which it contains. The great cliffs and heaps of basaltic rock that are so often noted 
 in this region contain nearly all the ingredients which constitute the most important 
 elements of vegetable life. The soils of volcanic origin are the most productive and 
 la.sting of all soils. Contrary to popular belief, basaltic rocks are fragile and short 
 lived. All over Eastern Oregon, Eastern 
 Washington and Idaho the basalt, by a 
 mechanical breaking down, accompanied 
 by erosion from water and a process of 
 chem cal decomposition, is even today 
 building up fertile acres and adding to the 
 productive resources of land 1 hat has al- 
 FARM Scene, eastern washinoton. ready astouished the world with its enor- 
I i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 !! ! I 
 Tall Oats, Medical Lake, Wash. 
 mous yields of cereals. It is highly probable that on no 
 other lands than the volcanic ash fields of the Pacific North- 
 west can successive crops be grown without each subsequent 
 year noting some slight diminution of the yield. The lava 
 fields of this region are vast and inexhaustible manure 
 heaps, which insure ample yields of crops for countless 
 years in the future. This land yields, on an average, 30 
 bushels of wheat to the acre. The lands of the Red River 
 valley, now considered the greatest wheat producing belt 
 in the world, yield less than 14 bushels to the acre. The 
 practical farmer, who has made a study of cereal culture, 
 will appreciate the fact that on the lands east of the 
 Rocky Mountains the continuous raising of wheat on the 
 same land soon wears it out. There are today, in the 
 Willamette valley, farms on which large crops of wheat have been raised during 
 successive seasons for more than 35 years past. The yield of wheat on these lands 
 is as large today as it was during the first few years it was cultivated. The soil of 
 the lands in the Pacific Northwest east of the Cascade Mountains is even more last- 
 ing than are soils of the Willamette valley, yet it is doubtful if either of these 
 soils will be found less productive after lany future generations have passed away. 
 The amount of rainfall in Eastern Oregon and Ka&tern Washington, per year, 
 is generally less than 20 inches. This rainfall, in the eastern part of these states, 
 would not furnish sufficient moisture for the maturing of crops did not the subsoil 
 furnish, during the time when crops are growing, a constant source of moisture for 
 surface vegetation. It is by this sub-surface form of irrigation on the rich lands of 
 the Big Bend and Palouse sections of Washington that it is possible to raise here, 
 each season, the millions of bushels of wheat which Washington now annuallj- pro- 
 duces. The air currents which pass over Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington 
 during the summer months are charged and surcharged with vapor taken up from 
 the ocean, and this falling on the growing crops at night in the form of dew, insures 
 a form of irrigation in this section not afforded by rain. 
 The soil of the lands in the valle)'S tributary to Puget Sound is a rich alluvium 
 which will meet the draft of centuries of constant tillage. This soil is of great, even 
 of unknown depths. At the bottom of a well 144 feet deep in one of these valleys, 
 an alluvial deposit was found fully as rich as the soil on the surface. At a depth of 
 80 feet in this well, a tree four feet in 
 diameter was encountered, and for the 
 whole depth signs of vegetation were 
 found, thus evidencing the gradual build- 
 ing up of this soil by ages of decaying 
 matter. The enormous crops raised on 
 the lands of the valleys of the Puget 
 Sound section are almost beyond the 
 belief of the Eastern farmer. It migl^t 
 be mentioned here that wheat cannot 
 be successfully grown on these lands 
 owing to the excessive moisture the air 
 contains during the time the grain is 
 ° ° Fahm Scene near walla Walla, wash. 
Soils of the PaciSc Northwest. 
 ic*L Lake, wash, 
 ised during 
 these lands 
 The soil of 
 1 more last- 
 ,er of these 
 assed away. 
 n, per year, 
 ;hese states, 
 ; the subsoil 
 moisture for 
 ich lands of 
 ) raise here, 
 mually pro- 
 ten up from 
 lew, insures 
 ch alluvivmi 
 " great, even 
 lese valleys, 
 t a depth of 
 parts of the Northwest, the country surrounding 
 Camping, Two Medicine Creek, Montana. 
 ripening. As in the other 
 Puget Sound contains a wide 
 diversity of soils. The up- , 
 lands are not as fertile as the ' 
 valleys, but the soils of these c 
 higher lands here if found in 
 the East would be considered 
 rich agricultural land. Up- 
 wards of 45,ooo acres of tide 
 lands in this section have 
 been r.-claimed by diking. 
 The soil of this reclaimed 
 land is rich, black and of 
 great fertility. It is unex- 
 celled as a producer of cer- 
 tain cereals and of all kinds 
 of vegetables. 
 The soil of the 25,ooo,ock) acres of Eastern Washington drained by the Columbia 
 river and its branches is made up of decomposed lava. It does not differ from the 
 soil of Eastern Oregon. This soil is abundantly supplied with potash and other ele- 
 ments essential to the highest development of cereal production. The soil is of a 
 line texture and in color it is a light gray which darkens slightly on exposure to 
 moisture. The basin of the Columbia river was at one time a vast inland .sea. In 
 the smaller valleys near the mountains that surround this basin are rich alluvial 
 deposits of great depth. Where the Columbia river makes its great cut through 
 this basin the lava beds show a depth of nearly 2,600 feet. From the summit of 
 these beds of lava a broad plateau stretches away to the east for a distance of nearl}' 
 150 miles. This comprises the great grain producing region known as the Rig Rend 
 and Palouse sections of P^astern Washington and the Potlatch district of Idaho. 
 Some parts of this great plateau are covered here and there with great unsightly 
 piles of basaltic rock which when seen from the passing cars, convey the impression 
 of an unproductive .section of country. The soils of 
 the Big Bend and Palouse sections, howe%'er, are per- 
 haps the richest on the coast, and this is today ♦'he 
 greatest wheat-producing region of the West. 
 The .soil of the lands of Northern Idaho is in 
 many respects similar to that of the lands of the 
 adjacent country in Washington. In the valleys and 
 on the plateau of the eastern and southern parts of 
 Idaho the soil is composed of vegetable matter 
 mixed with mineral, and in some localities of this 
 region with sand and clay. In the southern half of 
 the state irrigation is generally necessary to insure 
 the perfect growth of crops. 
 The soils of Montana, unlike those of the states 
 lying to the west, are not of volcanic origin. The soils 
 of the valleys and bunch grass lands of Montana were 
 formed by the disintegration of mountain rocks 
 and by the slow accumulations of decomposed growino hops, yakima vai ley, wash 
 :■ If 
y ! 
 y[ I 
 The Oregotiian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Photo by a. j. merwin. 
 Trout Stream near Montesano, Wash. 
 organic matter. The valleys 
 of the state are exceedingly 
 fertile and produce cereals, 
 hay, vegetables and fruit. 
 In the Flathead and Bitter 
 Root valleys, lying in Mon- 
 tana on the Paciiic side of 
 the Rocky Mountains, fruit 
 is successfully grown. Of 
 the lands in the state east of 
 the Main Divide of the 
 Rocky Mountains only small 
 areas can be cultivated with- 
 out the aid of irrigation. 
 This land produces abundant 
 crops of wheat and other 
 In the Yakima valley 
 and in Franklin and Adams 
 counties in Eastern Wash- 
 aid of irrigation. The Yakima valley. 
 Large areas of this valley are now Cov- 
 ington crops cannot be grown without the 
 in its natural state, is a sage brush desert, 
 ered with fruit trees, hop yards and fields of alfalfa. All the arable land in Oregon 
 or Washington suitable for agriculture can be irrigated at a comparatively small 
 expense. Irrigation in Oregon is confined to a small area included in a few coun- 
 ties east of the Cascade range of mountains. In this part of the state there still 
 remain large tracts of government land which, when irrigated, are as productive as 
 any of the best land now under cultivation in this section. The average cost of pre- 
 paring arable land for cultivation in the districts where irrigation is necessary is 
 about $15 per acre. The average cost per acre in bringing water to this land is esti- 
 mated at I5. This with the purchase price of $1.25 an acre from the government, 
 and the co.st of $15 per acre for preparing the land for cultivation, makes the total 
 cost of this land when fully planted $21.25 per acre. The average annual expense 
 of water for irrigating this land after it has once been planted is 94 cents per acre. 
 The average value of irrigated land in this section when 
 once cultivated is $57 per acre. These figures are given 
 merely as averages, and they do not represent the 
 cost of reclaiming land in any particular locality of the 
 irrigated belt. In some counties of Oregon the first 
 cost of conduccing water to arid lands is as high as $20 
 per acre, while in other parts of the arid belt the cost of 
 conveying water for irrigation is as low as $1.25 an acre. 
 Statistics bear out the statement that when a tract of 
 arid land has once been brought under cultivation its 
 value increases fully 100 per cent, over the cost of re- 
 claiming it. This great increase of value in irrigated 
 lands and the possibilities of irrigation here have at- 
 tracted the attention of thoughtful men and capitalists to 
 the future of irrigation in the arid parts of the Northwest, 
 The Pit.LAR8," U. P. Railroad. 
 Columbia River. 
Rivers and Harbors. 
 rhe valleys 
 ice cereals, 
 and fruit. 
 and Bitter 
 ng in Mon- 
 fic side of 
 itains, fruit 
 rown. Of 
 tate east of 
 ie of the 
 > only small 
 vated with- 
 ;s abundant 
 and other 
 ma valley 
 ind Adams 
 ern Wash- 
 ima valley, 
 e now cov- 
 [ in Oregon 
 ively small 
 few coun- 
 there still 
 xluctive as 
 cost of pre- 
 ecessary is 
 and is esti- 
 ?s the total 
 al expense 
 :s per acre, 
 ction when 
 's are given 
 iresent the 
 ality of the 
 n the first 
 ligh as $20 
 the cost of 
 .25 an acre. 
 I a tract of 
 tivation its 
 cost of re- 
 in irrigated 
 re have at- 
 apitalists to 
 /I • .. 
 J. i 
 "i. 41 
 ;';i:„,,"""^ ' : 
 and active steps have already been taken to reclaim thousands of acres of land in 
 Eastern Washington and Idaho by digging ditches and conducting water in sufficient 
 quantities to insure ample crops on this land in all seasons. 
 Rivers and Harbors of the Pacific Nortliwest. — The Pacific North- 
 west contains several great navigable rivers, innumerable rivulets, and a score or 
 more of beautiful Alpine lakes and a series of magnificent 
 harbors. It also boasts of an incomparable inland sea 
 which offers the finest harbor for shipping in the world. 
 Through this vast region, and draining an area of no 
 less than 298,000 miles, flows the Columbia river, one of the 
 greatest watercourses of the continent. The Columbia 
 river rises among the Rocky Mountains, in a wild and 
 romantic part of British Columbia. Its course for 1,020 
 miles lies through British Columbia, the states of Wash- 
 ington and Oregon, to the Pacific ocean at Astoria. From 
 its source it first flows in a northerly direction. After re- 
 ceiving the waters of Canoe river it describes a sharp turn 
 and then flows in its southerly course towards the ocean. 
 Below the line of the Canadian Pacific railway it expands, 
 forming the Arrow Lakes, two beautiful mountain-walled 
 sheets of water. At Robson, 40 miles north of the inter- 
 national boundary line, it receives the waters of the Koote- 
 nay river. This latter stream, from its mouth to the 
 Kootenay Lake, a distance of 28 miles, is a surging and 
 foaming torrent, which makes three distinct falls over huge ledges of rocks. This 
 river rises among the mountains of East Kootenay, and in reaching Kootenay Lake it 
 describes a semi-circle, flowing successively through Montana territory, thence into 
 Idaho, and then back again into British Columbia. A peculiarity of this stream is 
 that near its source it flows due south, while over a low divide, only five miles away, 
 the Cohnnhia river winds its way northward. From Kootenay Lake, a beautiful 
 sheet of water, hemmed in by mountains 6,000 feet 
 high, the Kootenay river is navigable to Bonner's 
 Ferry, Idaho, a station on the line of the Great 
 Northern railway. From Bonner's Ferry to 
 Jennings, Montana, a distance of 62 miles, ob- 
 structions prevent navigation. At Kootenay sta- 
 tion the river begins a rapid descent, and in this 
 fall two great cataracts are formed. From Jenn- 
 ings, on the river, a line of boats plies to East 
 Kootenay, which is separated from Kootenay 
 Lake, in the west division of the province, by the 
 Purcell range of mountains. 
 At Fort Sheperd, an old abandoned post of 
 the Hudson's Bay Company, just north of the 
 American boundary, the great Clark's i'ork pours 
 its waters into the Columbia river. Clark's Fork 
 rises among the mountains, near Butte, Montana. g,. ^,,„ p,,,,, kooten., r,ver, b, c. 
 Cape horn Columbia River. 
^J — .= 
 i il 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 t i 
 Glimpse of Kootenay Lake, B. C. 
 It is first known as Silver Bow creek, then successively as the Deer Lodge, Hell Gate, 
 Missoula, Clark's Fork of the Columbia, and finally as the Pend d'Oreille river. It 
 is navigable, for broken distances, through Idaho. 
 Crossing the international boundary line the Columbia river pursues its south- 
 erly course, receiving numerous small streams along its course before it is finally 
 joined by the Spokane river. This latter stream is the outlet of Lake Coeur d' Alene, 
 Idaho, and is not navigable. After receiving the 
 waters of the Spokane, the Columbia turns nearly 
 due west, forming what is known as the Big Bend 
 of the Columbia. The river winds here around 
 the foot of basalt cliffs 2,000 feet high. F'rom the 
 summit of these cliffs a broad plateau stretches 
 away southward for about 150 miles. This plateau 
 is the famous wheat-producing section known as 
 the Big Bend country of Washington. After flow- 
 ing south for a distance of 214 miles from the 
 international boundarj', the Columbia is joined by 
 the Okanogan river, which flows from the lake of 
 the same name in British Columbia. This stream 
 is navigable for about 40 miles from its mouth. 
 Between the boundary and the mouth of the 
 Okanogan river the Columbia falls 524.4 feet, 
 being pn average fall of 2.5 feet to the mile. 
 The average velocity of the surface flow over this 
 course is 3. 48 miles per hour. After passing the 
 Okanogan the next streams which add their waters to those of the Columbia are 
 the Methow, Chelan, Entritow, Wenatchee and the Yakima. 
 A boat now runs from Rock Rapids, on the Columbia river, to the mouth of the 
 Okanogan river, a distance of about 80 miles. Rock Rapids is a station on the line 
 of the Great Northern railway. The part of the Columbia from the head of Rock 
 Island rapids to the foot of Priest rapids covers a distance of about 60 miles. These 
 two rapids and Cabinet rapids are the principal obstructions to navigation along this 
 part of the Columbia. At Rock Island rapids the river has a fall of I2>2 feet over a 
 distance of 8,000 feet, and it falls 10 feet in 8,000 feet of its course at Cabinet rapids. 
 At Priest rapids there are seven 
 principal rapids, extending over a 
 distance of 10 miles. Between *he 
 little dalles and Priest rapids are 
 many obstructions which interfere 
 with continuous navigation. These 
 consist principally of rapids which, 
 however, can be overcome if 
 Congress will appropriate suffi- 
 cient money to insure navigation 
 through them. The total fall of the 
 river over Priest rapids, at low 
 water, is 72 feet, and at high water 
 63^4 feet. Boats can now, at cer- 
 „^ .„ , „ ^ ^ ^ „ tain stages of the water, pass over 
 Bio Falls, i ootenav River, Line Col. R. A Koot£n»» Rv. o ' r 
Rivers and Harbors. 
 ;e, Hell Gate, 
 iUe river. It 
 lies its south- 
 ; it is finally 
 oeuid' Aleiie, 
 'olumbia are 
 iiouth of the 
 n on the line 
 lead of Rock 
 liles. These 
 Dn along this 
 ^2 feet over a 
 binet rapids. 
 re are seven 
 nding over a 
 Between *he 
 it rapids are 
 lich interfere 
 ation. These 
 apids which, 
 Dvercome if 
 )priate suffi- 
 e navigation 
 tal fall of the 
 jids, at low 
 it high water 
 now, at cer- 
 er, pass over 
 all of these rapids, though "lining up" is usually necessary to allow a boat 
 to pass up the river here. Priest and Rock Island rapids will always be diffi- 
 cult places in the river for boats to pass until either systems of locks or boat rail- 
 ways around tliese dangerous rapids are built. When the improvements around the 
 cascades of the Columbia are finished and the dalles shall be successfullj' passed 
 and the upper rapids of the Columbia are improved, Portland will enjoy uninter- 
 rupted water communication with the wheat fields of the Big Bend and Palouse 
 wheat-producing sections of Washington, as well as with the mines of the Chelan 
 and Okanogan mining districts. Just south of Pasco, a station on the line of the North- 
 ern Pacific, the Columbia is joined by its g' 't southern fork, the Snake, in many 
 < Inspects a greater stream than even the 
 Columbia itself. The Snake is one of the 
 wonderful rivers of the West. It derives 
 its name from its extremely tortuous 
 course. It carries a sufficient volume of 
 water to float steamers i ,000 miles or 
 more from its mouth, but owing to num- 
 erous obstructions to navigation it is not 
 practicable to continue navigation above 
 Lewiston, Idaho. Steamers have plied 
 on this stream, however, to within 150 
 miles of Great Salt Lake, and even to- 
 day parts of the river are navigated regu- 
 larly for a considerable distance east of 
 Huntington, a station near the boundary 
 line between Oregon and Idaho. 
 The aggregate appropriations by the government for the improvement of the 
 Snake and Upper Columbia rivers have been 1271,000, of which amount 1162,965 was 
 expended prior to June, 1893. By the terms of the river and harbor bill of July, 1892, 
 the upper limits of work under this head were extended from Lewiston, Idaho, to 
 Asotin, Wash., a distance of seven miles. The Snake is now regularly navigated 
 between Riparia, on the Washington division of the Union Pacific railroad, and 
 Lewiston, Idaho, a distance of 77 miles. For the fiscal year ending June i, 1893, the 
 three steamers plying on this route carried 19,364 tons of freight, the estimated 
 value of which was $605,910. ^,;__ 
 The Snake is one of the longest of Western rivers. 
 It rises among the wonderful scenic country of the Yel- 
 lowstone National Park. It winds among the hills and 
 plains of Idaho for nearly 800 miles. T\venty-five miles 
 from Shoshone, a station on the line of the Union 
 Pacific railrotxd, the river forms Shoshone falls, next to 
 Niagara the most imposing waterfall in America. Before 
 entering Washington and emptying into the Columbia, 
 the Snake separates a part of Idaho from Oregon, being 
 the boundary line between these two states for this distance. The Columbia and 
 Snake rivers form a continuous line of navigable water from Celilo, at the head of 
 the dalles, to Lewiston, Idaho. The only part of this stretch of river now navi- 
 gated, however, is the Snake from Riparia to Lewiston, a distance of 77 miles. The 
 View on Aurow L»ke, Columbia River. 
 -*"■";", *T!i5St!(r<3r;:.. 
 CLARK9 Fork, Columbia River. 
 ~t: .^ 
 ■'. ,! 
 ■■■■ t^T.'' ■ 
 ■' ■ ■. f.r i 
 1; ,:.'. ' ;■ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 • H 
 I 1 
 ! II 
 i -Ii 
 WATER Power, Spokane, Wash. 
 Snake, at certain stages of water, is navigable for 300 miles above its junction with 
 the Columbia and for 200 miles in the heart of Idaho. 
 The Salmon , Boise, Payette, Weiser and Wood rivers drain Central and Southern 
 Idaho. All these streams flow into the Snake from the north. The Clearwater, a 
 blue mountain stream rising in the Bitter Root Mountains and navigable for a few 
 miles from its mouth, joins the Snake at Lewiston. The Powder and Grand Ronde 
 rivers, swift flowing streams, watering large areas of fertile valley lands lying in 
 Oregon, contribute their waters to the Snake as it winds its way along the Oregon 
 boundary. Just as the Snake strikes the boundary line it receives the waters of the 
 Malheur river which, rising in Nevada, flows northward for a distance of 500 miles, 
 watering along its course an important section of country. 
 When boats shall be able to run from Portland to Celilo, the Columbia and 
 Snake rivers will furnish a most important 
 system of water communication with the 
 interior. This water course will furnish an 
 outlet for the great grain districts of East- 
 ern Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 
 The Columbia, after it is joined by the 
 vSnake, receives the waters of the Walla 
 Walla, Umatilla, John Day and Des Chutes 
 rivers, as well as the waters of several 
 smaller streams. Of the numerous small 
 rivers which empty into the Columbia be- 
 tween the mouth of the Willamette river and tl'p '^c-a, and the most important, is the 
 Cowlitz. In the early history of Washington, the course of the Cowlitz was the route 
 generally followed by people traveling overland between Portland and Paget Sound. 
 The Cowlitz river is navigable for small steamboats for a distance of 50 miles from 
 its mouth. The government has appropriated for its improvement sums aggregating 
 $22,000. Nearly all of this money has been expended in removing sand bars, snags, 
 rocks and other obstructions from the channel of the river. 
 The distance by river from Priest rapids to the ocean is 409 miles. All of this 
 stretch of the river is navigable except a short distance of about 20 miles. At Celilo, 
 275 miles below Priest rapids and 124 miles east of Portland, commences a series of 
 rapids which are about 14 miles long. A short distance above The Dalles is a gorge 
 of the Columbia called the dalles. The chasm occupies two and one-half miles out 
 of the 14 miles of the course of the river between Celilo and The Dalles. The river 
 above the gorge is from 2,000 to 2,500 feet 
 wide, and at its highest state it even covers 
 a stretch of a mile wide. For two and one- 
 half miles through the gorge, however, the 
 great body of the stream is compressed 
 into a narrow cleft about 130 feet across. 
 During a June freshet the water has been 
 known to rise in this gorge 126 feet. It is 
 expected that Congress will make an appro- 
 priation for the building of a ship railroad 
 around the dalles as this is the easiest way 
 to carry boats over these dangerous rapids. ,^^,„,^ ,„^^„3,. „^^„ ,^„^^ ^^^ „.^^,,. 
Rivers and Harbors. 
 iction with 
 Gorge agove The Dalles Columbia River. 
 This improvement is demanded by the interests of a vast country adjacent to the 
 Columbia river above The Dalles, and the maj^nitude of the interests of this section 
 well justifies the expenditure of the small sum necessary for the construction of the 
 ship railroad referred to. 
 About 20 miles below The Dalles the gorge proper of the Cascade mountains 
 through which the Columbia flows, is reached. Thirty miles farther down the stream 
 are the cascades of the Columbia. Here the rivet bed is filled with gigantic boulders 
 and huge mis-shapen stones, and for a distance of six miles here the mighty stream 
 lashes itself into a fury over these obstructions. Con- 
 gress has already appropriated $3,553,403 for the im- 
 provement of the cascades here. The first appropria- 
 tion for this work was made in 1877, about which 
 time work was commenced on the system of canal 
 and locks around these rapids. The work was de- 
 layed from time to time, however, by the lack of 
 money. In July, 1892, and in March, 1893, Congress 
 made appropriations aggregating 11,665,903 for the 
 completion of the improvements at this point. The 
 general scope of these improvements includes a com- 
 plete system of canal and locks and improvements to 
 the stream extending over a distance of four and one- 
 half miles. The fall of the river in this distance is about 45 feet at high water and 
 36 feet at low water. The principal obstruction to navigation here occurs at the 
 upper end of the reach known as the upper cascades. The project for the improve- 
 ments contemplates that the river shall be improved below the upper cascades by 
 removing boulders and projecting points in the bed and banks so as to give good, 
 navigable water from its lowest up to a 20 foot stage. The fall at the upper cascades 
 is to be overcome by digging a canal 3,coo feet in length across the neck of a low, 
 projecting spur around which the river is forced at the entrance to the gorge, and 
 placing in this a lock and other suitable structures which would permit the pass- 
 age of boats up to a 20 foot stage ; this lock and canal to be so arranged that 
 should the future necessities of commerce so demand, additional structures may be 
 added which will make navigation practicixble here at a much higher stage of the 
 The first part of this vast project, that of im- 
 proving the river below the foot of the upper cas- 
 cades is finished. The difference of level between 
 the head and foot of the canal as now established 
 is 15 feet at high water and 24 feet at low water, 
 and the difference in height between high and low 
 water at the foot is 54 feet, and at the head 45 feet. 
 The plan on which work on the canal with its 
 locks and accessions is now being prosecuted has 
 for its object the improvement of the river to a 
 point where it will be navigable here as before 
 stated up to a stage of 20 feet. These improve- 
 ments it is now contemplated will be completed by 
 the end of 1894. This will give an unobstructed 
 "ov- •;■■!'-•■ -'•- •"■■■■■■ 
 fe '1 
 ^ 9 
 '). I; 
 V 7 ." 
 I i 
 AT THE Cascades of the Columbia River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 waterway for light draft ocean vessels and river craft from the mouth of the Colum- 
 bia to The Dalles, a distance of about 200 miles. 
 Fifty-three miles below the Cascade locks and 12 miles distant from Portland, the 
 Columbia is joined by the Willamette river, its most important tributary. On the 
 Willamette between Portland and the Columbia river the largest ocean steamers and 
 sailing vessels ply at all seasons with safety. The Willamette and I^ower Colum- 
 bia rivers float an export commerce valued at Si 7,000,000 annually. A myriad of 
 steamboats " navigate the river here, and hundreds of vessels hailing from all parts 
 of the world sail over its waters. From Portland to 
 the ocean is a channel of a mean depth of 22)4 feet 
 at the' very lowest stage of water. The improvement 
 of this stretch of river is largely due to the efforts 
 of the citizens of Portland who have accomplished 
 work, and expended large sums of money which 
 should have been done bj- the general government. 
 In the Columbia below the mouth of the Willamette 
 the formation of sand bars at five or six places form- 
 erh' seriously interfered with the successful navigation 
 at these places. To remove these bars small appro- 
 priations were made by the general government, 
 but these appropriations were totally inadequate 
 to accomplish more than temporary relief. The work done by Portland in over- 
 coming these bars has been of a permanent nature, and it has been clearly 
 demonstrated as the result of this work that a channel of even 30 feet depth at the 
 lowest stages of the river can successfully be maintained from Portland to the sea. 
 At its mouth the Columbia river is eight miles wide. Here it is really an estuary 
 of the ocean. Accumulations of sand, washed in by the ocean and carried down by 
 the river, formed what was formerly known as the Columbia river bar. This 
 bar interfered seriously with navigation. Before it was removed, large vessels could 
 only cross over it at high tide. A plan was elaborated for providing a channel across 
 this bar having a depth of 30 feet at mean low tide. The first appropriation for this 
 work was made by Congress in 1884. The total amount appropriated for this work 
 to the end of the fiscal year of June 30, i.S 3, was $1,687,500. The amount of this 
 appropriation expended has been 11,540,413, leaving a balance of 1147,087 still 
 available for the prosecution of the work. The work of improving the mouth of the 
 Columbia river, however, is now substantiall}' finished. The main part of the chan- 
 nel at the entrance is now 30 feet deep at low tide. For one mile of the width of 
 the channel the lowest depth is 27 feet, and for a dis- 
 tance of two miles the lowest depth is 25 feet. The 
 largest vessels now pass into the river from the ocean 
 with safety and without delay on account of tides. 
 As early as 1877 the government began the work 
 of improving the Columbia and Willamette rivers 
 from Portland to the sea. The object of these im- 
 provements was to make and maintain a navigable 
 channel having a low water depth of 25 feet from 
 Portland to the sea. The amount expended by the 
 COLUMBIA River Rapids AT Cascades, , ... i j i« /- i i- 
 SHOWING STATE PORTAGE ROAD, govcmment ou this work to the fiscal year ending 
 ;:-x;5.^-^^^.. ,.;,i"iE 
Rivers and Harbors. 
 :he Colum- 
 ,^^?r;^r-~i::y^ ;:^ ":^: 
 Mouth of Columbia River. 
 June 30, 1893, was $775,138.58. This sum was appropriated at different times and 
 the work of the government in the improvement has been carried on very slowly. 
 At the close of 1890 it became apparent that con- 
 siderable additional improvements must be made to 
 the rivers between Portland and the ocean, and that 
 this work must be accomplished in less time than it 
 was possible to secure an appropriation from the 
 government for finishing it. Arriving at this conclu- 
 sion, the citizens of Portland applied to the state 
 legislature of the session of 1890-91 for authority to 
 issue bonds to complete this work of improving the rivers from Portland to the 
 mouth of the Columbia. As a result of this petition, the legislature passed an act, 
 P'ebruary 16, 1891, creating a corporation under the title of the Port of Portland. 
 This comprised 15 reprfesentative citizens of Portland, and it was formed in the 
 nature of a municipal corporation. About 90 per cent, of Multnomah county is 
 embraced within its limits, and it is vested with authority to issue bonds to the extent 
 of 1500,000, and to levy taxes to meet the interest on the bonds and to retire them at 
 their maturity. Work was commenced under the direction of this corporation in 
 December, 1891. Since that time it has constructed 43,000 lineal feet of diking at 
 several points on the Willamette and Columbia rivers where it was necessary to nar- 
 row the channel to increase the depth of water. This, together with a con- 
 siderable expenditure for dredging, has already secured between Portland and tl.e 
 sea a channel, at the lowest watei, of 22^2 feet. This channel, with the natural ero- 
 sions, is expected to attain a depth of 26 or even 30 feet with little further expen- 
 diture. This result has been reached by using the proceeds of I300, 000 in bonds and 
 |i 25,000 raised by direct taxation. The action of the citizens of Portland in thus 
 spending nearly half a million dollars in improving a government water course is 
 unprecedented. The exigency of the situation, however, induced thsm to under- 
 take that which the}' had a right to expect was a work 
 the government ought to do. With these improve- 
 ments the Columbia and Willamette rivers will here- 
 after have a channel of sufficient depth for the pas- 
 sage between Portland and the ocean of all vessels 
 likely to visit these waters. 
 From the mouth of the Willamette to the Cas- 
 cade Locks, the Columbia affords free navigation for 
 vessels drawing from 10 to 12 feet of water. The 
 Columbia is the only river in the United States navi- 
 gable for deep water vessels for 120 miles inland 
 from its mouth. Tide ascends the Columbia river to the Cascades, and on the 
 Willamette the river is affected by tides to the Willamette falls, 12 miles south of 
 The Willamette river is formed in Lane county, Oregon, by the uniting of several 
 small streams which have their source in the Cascade Mountains. The Willamette 
 flows in a northerly direction, midway between the Coast and Cascade ranges of 
 mountains, and it waters one of the most fertile and beautiful valleys in America. 
 Forty-two large and small streams empty into the Willamette. It is unobstructed 
 by falls, rapids or rocks, except at Oregon City, 12 miles south of Portland. At this 
 1. Ill 

 The Oregoninn's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Government Jettv- mouth Columbia Riveh. 
 point the great river flows over a solid rock dam 3,000 feet wide and 42 feet high 
 forming the Willamette falls. Boats pass these falls by a system of locks, owned by 
 the Portland General Electric Company. These 
 ^ - locks are now being widened from 40 to 120 feet, at a 
 cost of nearly $1,000,000. By the use of the locks, 
 the river is navigable for the largest river boats to 
 Corvallis, 96 miles south of Portland, and, during 
 favorable stages of water, boats ascend the river as 
 far as Eugene, 130 miles south of Portland. It is 
 estimated that, at a light cost, the Willamette river 
 can be made navigable between Portland and Eugene 
 throughout the year. 
 Of the numerous streams which empty into the Pacific ocean along the Oregon 
 coast, a few are navigable for distances varying from 40 to 70 miles. The entrances 
 to all of these rivers are obstructed by sand bars. Where the Siuslaw empties into 
 the ocean there is a vast, shifting sandy beach, without any headland to determine 
 the location of the entrance channel. The improvements projected by the govern- 
 ment at the mouth of the Siuslaw are the building of two jetties, one 4,500 feet and 
 the other 3,000 feet in length. Congress has already appropriated |i 00,000 for this 
 work. Thfi work accomplished here so far has been properly of a preliminary nature 
 only. The depth of water on the Siuslaw bar, at the entrance, now varies from 5 to 
 12 feet at low tide, and the bar channel changes much in position and direction at 
 different tin.ss, owing to shifting sands. 
 The Umpqua river rises among the Cascade 
 Mountains of Douglas County and flows through 
 a picturesque and exceedingly fertile valley. This 
 stream is frequented by light di-.t: ::oasting vessels. 
 It is navigable from its mouth t . Scottsburg, a 
 distance of about 20 miles. Ti.e bar, at the en- 
 trance of the river, is covercti to a depth of 10 feet 
 at low tide. Appropriations for the improvement 
 of the channel of this river now aggregate $33,500. 
 The Coquille river flows from the Coast range 
 of mountains, through Coos county, to the ocean. 
 It is navigable for 40 miles above its mouth. 
 About $105,000 has been expended in improving 
 the channel of this river and on its entrance from 
 the ocean. At low water, the bar at the mouth of the Coquille is covered to a depth 
 varying from 4 to 12 feet. The projected improvements here consist of extending 
 and strengthening the jetties already built, which will result, it is believed, in main- 
 taining a depth of at least eight feet of water over the bar at low tide. 
 The Rogue river rises in the heart of the Cascade Mountains, near Crater Lake. 
 This lake is one of the most remarkable sheets of fresh water in the world. It is at 
 an altitude of 6,500 feet above sea level, and rests in the crater of an extinct volcano. 
 It is eight miles long by six miles in width, and is estimated to be 1,996 feet deep. 
 It is surrounded by walls rising vertically to a height of from i ,000 to 2,000 feet. 
 The Rogue river leaves the mountains and, in flowing to the ocean, winds through a 
 beautiful and well settled valley contained in the counties of Jackson, Josephine and 
 Curry. It is navigable only a few miles above its mouth. 
 COLUMBIA River near the Cascades. 
 Of a .1 the 1) 
 world, none can 
 as Paget Sound, 
 timbered shore 
 waters, the grea 
 thousands of fe 
 cities along its 
 most picturesqi 
 lashes its water 
 its surface is a 
 any great river 
 On Puget 
 come and ride i 
 first bark sailei 
 broad and deep 
 record of a storn 
 (juence, maritim 
 rate made for ve 
 Puget Sounc 
 distinctive name 
 the shore rises 
 into the bank w 
 scjuare miles. I 
 miles. Down tl 
 center of these s 
 bia and the state 
 from the Straits 
 vSound. Hood's 
 it is separated by 
 Seattle and 1 
 tions of Admirall 
 Sound, is Olymp: 
 another indeutal 
 numerous fine hi 
 frequented by ni: 
 ularly on the brc 
 Puget Sound. 
 North from 
 ingham Bay, on( 
 that the prospcrc 
 I Hi 
Rivers am] Harbors. 
 Gorge »t the Cascades-Columbia River- 
 Of a.l the beautiful bodies of salt water and safe harbors in the 
 world, none can compare with the great inland sea popularly known 
 as Puj^et Sound. The irregular contour of its densely 
 timbered shore line and the deep blue of its island-dotted 
 waters, the great snow peaks that lift their battlements 
 thousands of feet above its surface, and the remarkable 
 cities along its shores, combine to make it one of the 
 most picturesque spots in America. No storm ever 
 lashes its waters into fury dangerous to shipping, and 
 its surface is at all times as placid as is the surface of 
 any great river of the continent. 
 On I'uget Sound, the shipping of the world can 
 come and ride at anchor in safety. From the time the 
 first bark sailed through the Straits of I'uca into the 
 broad and deep channel of Admiralty Inlet, there is no 
 record of a storm having sent a vessel to the bottom of Puget Sound. As a conse- 
 ([uence, maritime insurance on shipping frequenting Puget Sound is at the lowest 
 rate made for vessels plying any waters. 
 Puget Sound is an aggregation of land-locked bays and inlets, each enjoying a 
 distinctive name. Its shore-line is over i.Soo miles in length, and in many places 
 the shore rises so abruptly from the water's edge that a boat would run its prow 
 into the bank without grounding. The waters of the sound cover an area of 2,0(X) 
 s(juare miles. From Cape Flattery the Straits of Fuca extend inland for about 50 
 miles. Down tliese straits sail vessels hailing from all parts of the world. The 
 center of these straits is the boundary line between Vancouver Island, British Colum- 
 bia and the state of Washington to the south. F^xtending south through Washiu'^tcm 
 from the Straits of Fuca is Admiralty Inlet, the most important subdivision >*' Puget 
 Sound. Hood's Canal extends from near the mouth of Admiralty Inlet, from which 
 it is separated by a peninsula comprising Kitsap county, for many miles southward. 
 Seattle and Taconia, the two great seaports of Washington, arc located in indenta- 
 tions of Admiralty Inlet. South of Taconia, and at the extreme inland end of Puget 
 Sound, is Olympia, the state capital. Olympia is located on the shores of Rudd's Inlet, 
 another indentation of the sound. Along the entire course of Admiralty Inlet are 
 numerous fine bays affording safe anchorage for the deepest vessels. These bays are 
 frequented by numerous steamers and sailing vessels, and thousands of craft ph' reg- 
 ularly on the broad bosom of the great channels and inlets forming what is known as 
 Puget Sound. 
 North from the Straits of Fuca, and directly opposite Vancou-or Island, is Bell- 
 ingham Bay, one of the finest harbors of Puget Sound. It is on Bellingham Bay 
 that the prosperous cities of Fairhaven and New Whatcom are located. From above 
 this bay the Gulf of Georgia separates the 
 __ mainland of British Columbia from Van- 
 ,^:_ oouver Island. The northwest navigable 
 :^^. outlet of the Gulf of Georgia is Discovery 
 "'if'fc.^r Passage. This is the route taken by the 
 ;^r¥&=- steamers plying between Seattle, Taconia 
 and Alaska. The distance between Sitka and 
 Tacoma is 1,378 miles. With the excep- 
 £ ••S-iSISi' 
 Steamboating, Puget Sound. 

 [ i 
 1 1 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Columbia River near B'~ 
 tioa of a few miles of the distance between these cwo ports the route lies whclly 
 between islands and the mainland, where the water is as smooth as any river course. 
 Of t':e numerous rivers and small streams which empty into Puget Sound, the 
 largest are the Nisqually, Puyallup, Duwamish, White, Summanish, Snohomish, Sno- 
 quahuie, Stilaguamish, Skagit, »Samish and Nooksack. Steamers ply the waters of 
 all these streams. The largest of these rivers is the Skagit, which is navigable for So 
 miles above its mouth. In enterng the sound it forms an extended delta. This is 
 principall}' composed of tidal marshes, which have 
 been reclaimed by diking, and which now possess an 
 almost fabulous fertility. Near t!ie mouth of the 
 Skagit is that part of Puget Sound known as Sara- 
 toga Passage, which is connected with Padillo Bay by 
 Swinomish Slough. This slough will be made navi- 
 gable for vessels drawing 8 and lo feet of water, and 
 will thus lessen the distance between the Lower 
 Sound ports and Fidalgo ;;sland and Bellingham Bay. 
 The estimated cost ot this improvement is 1 122,000. 
 Of the projected improvements on Puget Sound, 
 the most important is the construction of a ship 
 canal to connect Lakes Union and Washington with 
 Elliott Bay, on which the city of JSeattlc is located. Lake Union lit-s within the city lim- 
 its of Seattle, and covers an area of 905 acres. Lake Washington is a fine body of water 
 immediately east of Seat'le. It is 19 miles long and maintains an average width of 
 about two miles. Its total area is 39 s([uare miles. In places this lake is 600 feet deep. 
 The average depth is about 50 feet. The estimated cost of the canal is $5,000,000. 
 The level of Lake Washington is 31 feet above extreme low tide mark of Puget Sound, 
 and the distance between the part of Lake Washington, which the canal will reach, 
 and l-Ciliott Bay, where it will terminate, is six miles. The peculiar advantage of a 
 fresh water harbor to ocean-going vessels and the ravages of the teredo worm to piling 
 of the wharves situated in the water front of Seattle, are the principal reasons advanced 
 in support of the project of buildiiir the canal. 
 Along the Washington and Oregon coast are several bays, harbors and estuaries 
 wuich are of considerable importance to the shipping interests of the Pacific North 
 west. Grays Harbor and Willapa Harbor (Shoalwater Bay ), are the two inlets from the 
 ocean along the coast of Washington between the Straits of Fuca and the mouth of 
 the Columbia river. Grays Harbor was discovered by Captain Robert Gray in the 
 ship Columbia on May 7, 1792. It is of triangular shape, covering an area of 150 
 square miles. Its greatest width is 15 miles, 
 and at high tide its bar is covered with 24 feet 
 of water. At its apex it receiver the waters of 
 the Chehalis river. The part of the Chehalis 
 1 cr which it is possible for boats to navigate 
 IB about 90 miles in length. Coasting vessels 
 now run up the river to Montcsano, a di.stance 
 of T5 miles. The appropriations for the 
 improvement of this stream aggregate $13,000. 
 South of Grays Harbor, from which it is sepa- 
 rated by a narrow strip of land, ia Willapa 
 Harbor, formerly called Shoalwater Bay. Two NoRtHtPN pacific construction work, south bend, wash. 
Jiivers and Harbors. 
 es whcily 
 sound, the 
 iiish, Sno- 
 ; waters of 
 able for So 
 1. This is 
 hich have 
 possess an 
 ith of the 
 1 as Sara- 
 II o Bay by 
 nade navi- 
 water, and 
 lie IvOwer 
 ;ham Bay. 
 1 122,000. 
 jet Sound, 
 jf a ship 
 igton with 
 lecity lim- 
 y of water 
 e width of 
 I feet deep. 
 fct Sound, 
 all reach, 
 itage of a 
 1 to piling 
 1 estuaries 
 fie North 
 s from the 
 mouth of 
 ay in the 
 ea of 150 
 Entrance, yaouin* B»y Ohf.gon. 
 channels witii middle sands between afford entrance to this bay. The bay is fn.ll of 
 shoals and fi. ts and one-half its area is bare at low tide. The fiats, however, are 
 valuable as deposits of oysters. T?ifty thousand sacks 01 these bivalves were .'.hipped 
 in 1S93. Willapa Harbor, despite the numerous flats, si'Totds ample room for the 
 safe passage and anchorage of a large amount of shipping. The Willapa river, wb'oh 
 flows into the bay, is at its mouth one mile wide. This stream is navigable for a dis- 
 tance of 17 miles inland. Rapids prevent ingress of steamers Vjeyoud that point. 
 The appropriations for the improvement of Willapa Harbor aggregate ;?i8,ooo. 
 A few miles south of Willapa Harbor 
 is the entrance to the Columbia river. 
 South from the Columbia, the coast of Ore- 
 gon is unbroken by indentations until Til- 
 lamook Bay is reached. This bay has an 
 average depth of 16 feet at high tide, it is 
 about eight miles wide and is twelve miles 
 long. Five rivers empty into Tillamook 
 Bay. These are the Miami, Kilchcs, Wilson, 
 Trask and Tillamook. The Tillamook bar 
 is considered one of the safest to cross on the Oregon coast. The bay at low tide 
 consists of thret channels sepam'tcd from each other by sand and mud flats. The 
 sum of $20,700 has already been expended in improving the bar and the l)ay of Tilla- 
 mook. South of Tillamook Bay the next hari. or is Yaquiua Bay, into which flows 
 the river of the same name. This harbor, like tiie others on the Washington and 
 Oregon coast, was impaired by rocks, shifting sands a.nd other obstructions to easy 
 navigation. The improvements already made here by ti:c government have resulted 
 in increasing the depth of water over the bar at the entrance from a depth of 7 feet to 
 15 feet at low tide. Congress has appropriated f55<>,Gou for improving this harbor. 
 The best harbor on the Oregon coast south of the Columbia river is Coos Baj'. 
 This is a latge body of water with a verj' irregular shore line. Extensive improve- 
 ments have been made here, the appropriations already made for this work having 
 aggregated 1338,750. It is estimated by the United Stales engineering department 
 that the cost of improving Coos Bay as approved by the war department will be 
 $2,466,412. The improvement to 
 3%e^"^ '^^ this harbor consists principally of 
 jetties which have the effect of 
 keeping the channel over the bar 
 from changing its position and to 
 divert the great volume of water • 
 flowing out of the harbor into the 
 ocean to narrow limits. There is now an average depth of 18 feet of water at low 
 tide over the Coos Bay bar. 
 The Pacific Northwest contains many lakes, some of which are unexcelled in 
 the beauty and grandeur of their surroundings. In this article only the large, navi- 
 gable lakes of this section will be mentioned. In .seoarate articles of ' ' The Hand- 
 book," however, which treat of different sections of the Northwest, the lakes of 
 these respective Realities are fully described. The most bcuv.«^iful of the many lakes 
 of the Northwest is Chelan, lying just beyond the Columbia river in Okanogan 
 county, in Eastern Washington. This lake extends for a distance of 70 miles 
 Entrance to coos Bay, OhecjOn. 
 ' ^ ' Si 
y, * ■ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 into the very heart of the Cascade Mountains. It is navigable for its entire length. 
 It is fully described in a separate article of "The Handbook." Kootenay Lake, 
 already mentioned in this article under the head of West Kootenay, is a romantic 
 Alpine sheet of water, and along its mountainous shores are numerous mining 
 camps. A line of boats ::lies between the different settlements on this lake, and up 
 the Kootenay river to Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. Lying in the center of a beautiful and 
 fertile valley of the same name in Montana is the Great Flathead Lake. Steamers 
 ply on this lake between its southern and northern shores. Nestling among the 
 mountains of Northern Idaho is Lake 
 CfEur d'Alene. Across this lake ply 
 steamboats which, with their rail connec- 
 tions, form a continuous route between 
 Missoula, Montana, through the great 
 Cteur d' Alene mining district to Spokane. 
 This line is known as the Coeur d'Alene 
 branch of the Northern Pacific railroad. 
 The C(]eur d'Alene and St. Joe rivers flow 
 into this lake. Both of these streams are 
 navigable. The outlet of the lake is the 
 Spokane river, which joins the Columbia 
 many miles to the westward. 
 On the line of the Northern Pacific 
 railroad, in the Hitter Root Mountains, is 
 Lake Pend d'Oreille, sparkling in its setting of castellated hills. Lake Pend d'Oreill-^ 
 is one of the great lakes of Idaho, and it h one of the most attractive bodies of fre-^'a 
 water of the Northwest. In Southeastern Oregon are a series of lakes which hav ki! 
 to this region being called the lake district of the state. Upper and Lower K! ■;, '' i 
 Lakes here are jointly about 60 miles long. The Lower Klamath Lake c.s.tendb ici'f^^ 
 the boundary line into California. Lying partly in Lake county, <^)regon, anu 
 Northern California is the Great Goose Lake. It is 50 miles long and from S to 15 
 miles wide. Its depth is from 12 to 40 feet. Abert, Warner, Summer and Silver 
 Lakes in the county are all fine bodies of water, teeming with fish, and lying in 
 the midst of charunng scenery. In Harney county, Oregon, is Malheur Lake, a large 
 and deep body of water. In different parts of the Northwest are innumerable other 
 lakes, all of which, as before mentioned, are 
 fully described in subsequent articles of "The 
 CflATER Lake, Klamath Co., Oregon. 
 Jtiill roads of the ?>{ or th west. —Per- 
 haps the j^reatcst agent in the enlightenment 
 and civilization of any people is the railroad. 
 No country without the nid of the railroad is 
 in close touch with the thought and action of 
 the higher civili/ed centers. The telegraph 
 does much as a national educator, but the rail- 
 road, affording rapid and frequent means of trans- 
 portation between points widely separated frv.m 
 each other, offers such excellent opportunities 
 for conveying intelligence over long distances. 
 THE Oldest Steamer on 
 Pacific Coast. 
Railroads of the Northwest, 
 .> iii:Mi'uiiiriiijii(iUU;:!r«!:is)i9i.<Mj.>i 
 . 1 'ffiiiWpL 
 Rooster rock -Columbia River. 
 as well as between the 
 juformation contained in both the standard publications 
 of the country and in personal letters, that its importance 
 to any new section of country cannot be over-estimated. 
 Practically all the solid advancement made in the Pacific 
 Northwest has been accomplished since the tracks of the 
 transcontinental lines first reached tide water on the 
 Pacific coast, and it is to the perfection of the railroad 
 systems of the North wccL that this part of the United 
 States has the most to look to for its future advancement. 
 The railroad has been an essential factor in the 
 growth of the states of Oregon and Washington. Before 
 the iron horse reached the coast the maritime ports of 
 these states recieved their freight from San Francisco 
 pnJ the Kast by sail and steamers. The railroad was 
 needed to furnish more rapid and direct means of com- 
 municating with the East than had been afforded by the 
 water transportation lines. No railroad could reach the 
 West, however, without being brought intr- direct com- 
 petition for its freight traffic with the n mierous lines 
 of steamers and fast sailing vessels plying between 
 Oregon and Washington and all ports of the coast, 
 Northwestern States and all parts of the Orient. The water lines have given the peo- 
 ple of the Northwest the benefit of competition, which has placed the freight charges 
 of the transcontinental railroads on a most reasonable basis, and it has been largely 
 due to these low freight rates that the Northwest has made such marvelous advancc- 
 n\ent duriniT the past ten years. 
 The rail and water lines of transportation in the Northwest are so closclj' allied 
 thf.c it is necessary to state for the information of the reader that nearly every railroad 
 line reaching this section has direct connections with lines of boats plying tlie waters 
 of Puget Sound, the Columbia river and its tributaries and the 
 Pacific oce m. The railroade, v.'ith their water connections, 
 form a net work of transportation lines that cover all the best 
 parts of tht Northwest, and the railroads, through their connec- 
 tions here with ocean steamers for nearly all the ports of 
 ihc world, afford a means of rapid communication with 
 New York and the Orient that is oi the utmost import- 
 ance to the commercial intciests of the United States. 
 Prior to 1880 Oregon and Washington practically 
 were without railroads. A few short lines of road had 
 been built in the Northwest before that time, but, like 
 the Oregon & California extending south from Portland 
 through the Willamette valley for a distance of 200 
 miles, these roads were merely local in their nature and 
 they were but uncompleted parts of what have since 
 l)een developed into great railroad systems. Traffic 
 between this coast and the East was then handled by 
 steamer to San Francisco where connection was made 
 with the Central and Union Pacific. The MuUaii road, a 
 ON COLUMBIA RIVER. auious military highway running from Walla Walla on 
 ,' 1 
I Hi 
 3 8 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 I I 
 ] P! i 
 H! ^il 
 - D 
 Castle Rock-cdlumbia River. 
 the west to Fort Benton at the head of navigation on the Missouri river, on the east, was 
 the only overland route followed by traffic from the Northwest to the East. Thousands 
 of travelers passed over this road in the 6o'sand 70's in canvas-covered wagons. Most 
 of the early sf ctlers in Oregon reached this state by way of Salt Lake City, having 
 crossed the plains to that point, where they left the California trail, reaching Oregon 
 by following the course of the Snake river to its junction with the Columbia near 
 Wallulu, from whence they cam'* by water down this noble 
 stream and up the Willamette to Portland. From the Wil- 
 lamette valley, the earliest settled part of the state, settlers 
 drifted north to the country bordering on Puget Sound. 
 For years before the comingof the railroad, long teams of 
 wagons drawn by oxen and laden with supplies regularly 
 left the large distributing centers along the coast for the 
 smaller settlements of the interior. Nearly all articles of 
 commerce not produced in the Northwest, and consumed 
 here, were brought by sailing vessel around Cape Horn. 
 A dependence on this means of securing supplies from the East often caused priva- 
 tions among the early settlers of the country. The failure of a ship laden with pro- 
 visions often sent staple articles of consumption up to faljulous prices. While the 
 Northwest is a country of many varied resources, almost everything required for the 
 support of man now being raised here in abundance, the early settlers of this region 
 placed a dependence upon the arrival of a provision-laden ship that often caused 
 them trouble. Once in *he early history of Seattle the failure of a ship to reach the 
 Sound in its accustomed cime, reduced the inhabitants to sore extremities. But one 
 barrel of pork remained in the city to feed the people. This was anchored on the 
 beach in front of the hamlet. One morning it was missing, having evidently floated 
 out on a very high tide. This was a public calamity at the time and the entire popu- 
 lation gathered around the gaping hole the barrel had occupied, bewailing their loss. 
 On the following Sunday the single preacher who looked after the spiritual welfare of 
 the settlement, delivered an eloquent sermon on the bad influence of a high tide on 
 salt pork and the uncertainty of placing implicit confidence in man's ability alone to 
 care for man's everyday wants. No man who was willing to " hustle," as they say in 
 the West, ever went hungry in either Oregon or Washington, but the dependence on 
 sailing vessels for provisions that could be produced to better advantage here soon 
 taught the people a lesson, and when the railroad did finally reach the states of Ore- 
 gon ar. Washington it found a country well settled and in many places highly culti- 
 vated. It was the fuller development of the Northwest, 
 made before the advent of the iron horse, that has 
 resulted in the rapid advancement of this section during 
 the past few years which has made it one of the 
 most promising parts of the United States. 
 The first railroad built in Oregon was, at the time of 
 its conception, an indefinite and apparently impracticable 
 scheme fostered by a few men of the adventurous type. 
 These men, with Simon G. Elliot at their head, formed 
 themselves into a combination which they named the 
 California & Columbia River Railroad Company. They 
 surveyed a route from Portland south through the Wil- 
 lamette valley to the Siskiyou Mountains. The expenses 
 ■ ^1^ 
 Castlf Rock, Columbia River. 
 A NEAR view. 
Railroads of the Northwest. 
 Oneont* f*lls. 
 Columbia River, 
 of this preliminary survey were principally borne by people along the line of the pro- 
 posed road. The surveyors in charge of Colonel Charles Barry reached Portland in 
 September, 1864. They hadpraci.."?ally surveyed the entire route from the Sacramento 
 river north to Portland. 
 Using thio .urvey as .1 basis of operations, the promoters of the railroad agitated 
 the matter of building a road over its course. The project was brought before the 
 Oregon vState Legislature and Congress was memorialized by that 
 body to authorize the construction of the road. In 1866 a bill 
 passed Congress authoriziug the formation of two companies, one 
 in California and one in Oregon, to construct a continuous line 
 of railroad from Portland on the north, south to Marysville, Cal. 
 This enabling act also contained a clause granting the company 
 building the road a subsidy of 7,000,000 acres of government land. 
 Owing to the ambiguous provisions of the bill there was consider- 
 able misunderstanding and ill-feeling engendered among the 
 different members of the company when the work of constructing 
 the road "ad been commenced. This misunderstanding was 
 caused by th;-" fact that the Willamette valley is settled on both 
 sides of the Willamette river which flows through it. Each 
 side of the river was well settled, and when the time for 
 building the road had arrived, the people on both sides of the 
 river demanded that the proposed roa i should aiTord them the direct 
 rail communication with Portland to which they felt they were entitled. This dissen- 
 sion finally resulted in the formation of two companies for bu'Miug a road south 
 through the valley. One of these companies was for the East Side and the other was 
 clamoring for the rights of the West Side, and both demanded the government sub- 
 sidy. The two roads were built, however, the one on the East Side finally reaching 
 Ashland, in the Rogue River valley, and the other, after long delays, reac'^'ng Cor- 
 vallis, about 100 miles south of Portland. The East Side road is now the direct all- 
 rail route between Portland and San Francisco, while the West Side line has never 
 been extended beyond Corvallis. The East Side company first 
 completed its line, and having kept within the time-limit allowed by 
 the Act of Congress, earned the valuable land grant for which both 
 companies had been competing. Both of these lines and their 
 numerous branches subsequently became merged into the great 
 Southern Pacific system, under a long-time lease, and they are 
 now all operated under the direct control of the Southern Pacific 
 The roads controlled by the Southern Pacific in Oregon are the fol- 
 lowing : the East Side main line, extending from Portland south to Ash- 
 land, a distance of 340 miles. A few miles the other side of Ashland 
 connection is made by this line with the California end. A branch of 
 13 miles in length leaves the East Side road at Alba nj', 80 miles south of 
 Portland. This road runs east to Lebanon, cro-aing the Woodburn- 
 Springfield branch at Lebanon Junction, nine miles east of Albany. 
 Another branch of the East Side road is known as the Woodburn-Springfield line. 
 This leaves the main line at Woodburn, 35 miles south of Portland, and runs south 
 through the valley cast of and parallel to the main line as far as Natron, 93 miles. 
 Horsetail Falls. 
 Columbia Riven. 
 I • 
 Multnomah Falls. 
 Columbia River, 
 40 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The West Side division of the Southern Pacific runs from Port- 
 land to Corvallis, a distance of 97 miles. The Portland and 
 Yamhill and Oregonian division of the West Side road is 80 
 miles long by its through line. This road runs south through 
 the west part of the Willamette valley from Portland, parallel- 
 ing and crossing the main West Side road, to Airlie. A branch 
 leaves this road at Sheridan Junction for Sheridan. This 
 branch is about seven miles long. The Portland and Yamhill 
 and Oregonian division was formerly a narrow-gauge. It has 
 since been made a standard-gauge from Portland to Dundee, a 
 distance of 29 miles. From Dundee south the road is still ops;- 
 raled as a narrow-gauge. The old rail has been left on the 
 road from Dundee to Portland, and this part of the road can 
 be operated either as a narrow or standard-gauge. 
 The first through train to San Francisco from Portland 
 was run over the East Side division Decembet 16, 1887. All 
 the lines of the Southern Pacific in Oregon pass through 
 the Willamette valley, famous for the fertility of its soil, the 
 diversity of its resources and for its charming river and 
 mountain scenery. The through line to San Francisco crosses 
 the Siskiyou Mountains, and in its course south winds along 
 the foothills of F . vShasta, one of the loftiest peaks of the West. It is along this 
 part of the line that some of the grandest views of the coast can be seen. The con- 
 struction of this line through the Siskiyou Mountains was considered one of the most 
 remarkable railroad engineering achievements in the history of the United States. 
 The road for the entire distance between Portland and San Francisco is well and sub- 
 stantially built, and this forms one of the most important railroad systems of the west. 
 In 1892 the local shipments of wheat over the Southern Paci- 
 1 fie lines in Oregon aggregated 62,613 tons During the same year 
 I these lines hauled 16,523 tons of other grains. The flourshipments 
 over the lines in 1892 amounted to 30,442, tons and they-hau.od 
 during the same time 8,500 tons of feed and millstuffs. During 
 the same year the roads carried 44,000 tons of lumber, 2,800 tons 
 of green fruit, 4,500 tons of vegetables and io,6(xj tons of livestock. 
 The Union Pacific system in Oregon and Washington is an 
 amalgamation of the Oregon Short Line and the lines of theOregon 
 Railway and Navigation Company. The Union Pacific system 
 which reaches Oregon extends from Granger in Wyoming, to 
 Portland, a distance of 945 miles. The part of this road from 
 Granger to Huntington, a distance of 541 miles, is known as the 
 Oregon Short Line From Huntington to Portland the Union 
 Pacific runs over the old track of the Oregon Railway and Navi- 
 gation company. The distance from Huntington to Portland is 
 404 miles. The Union Pacific system in Oregon now comprises 
 what is known as the Pacific division of this road. It has a total 
 trackage of 523 miles. In connection with the Pacific system 
 the company operates a fleet of fine ocean steamers between Portland and San 
 Francisco and also a perfectly equipped line of river steamers on the Columbia 
 and Willamette rivers, with headquarters at Portland. For 187 miles of the distance 
 Columbia River. 
Railroads of the Northwest. 
 IS from Port- 
 'ortland and 
 e road is 80 
 )Uth through 
 ind, parallel- 
 i. A branch 
 idan. This 
 and Yamhill 
 ige. It has 
 Dundee, a 
 1 is still opc- 
 left on the 
 he road can 
 m Portland 
 1887. All 
 ass through 
 its soil, the 
 river and 
 ;isco crosses 
 nuds along 
 > along this 
 . The cou- 
 of the most 
 ited States, 
 ill and sub- 
 >f the west, 
 thorn Paci- 
 ; same year 
 ley -hau.od 
 s. During 
 2,800 tons 
 gton is an 
 tic system 
 'oming, to 
 road from 
 vn as the 
 he Union 
 snd Navi- 
 'ortlaud is 
 las a total 
 ic system 
 and San 
 ? distance 
 Bridal Veil falls 
 Columbia River. 
 between Portland and Huntington the line of the Union Pacific 
 follows along the course of the Columbia with the exception 
 of 20 miles at the Portland end of the road. Between The 
 Dalles and Portland, a distance of 88 miles, this route affords 
 sonic of the grandest and most picturesque bits of scenery on 
 the continent. Twenty miles below The Dalles the Columbia 
 river enters the great gorge of the Cascade Mountains. It 
 is here that the works of nature have taken many fantastic 
 forms. From this point to Portland there is spread before the 
 traveler a panorama of indescribable grandeur. The Columbia 
 river is noted for its scenic effects, and the line of the Union 
 Pacific follows the river for its entire course through the great 
 chain of the Cascade Mountains. 
 Branches of the Union Pacific in Oregon leave the main 
 line at Arlington 142 miles east of Portland and run to Hepp- 
 ner, a distance of 45 miles, and another branch leaves the main line at La Grande, 
 305 miles east of Portland, and runs to Klgin, 20 miles distant. Still another branch 
 runs from Umatilla, 187 mile? east of Portland, to "Walla Walla, in Washington, a 
 distance of 58 miles. Under the head of railroads in Washington will be found a 
 complete list of the mileage of the Union Pacific in that state. 
 The Union Pacific taps the most fertile and productive part of Eastern Wash- 
 ington. It annually carries to Portland millions of bushels of wheat for foreign 
 shipment. The average grain receipts of this road during the harvest season run 
 from 125 to 200 cars a day. It is estimated that the Union Pacific carried 8,000,000 
 bushels of wheat from the interior to tide water at Portland in 1892. The lumber 
 shipments from Oregon over this line during times when business is in its normal 
 condition average about 25 cars a day. The company's extensive shops, located in 
 the suburban part of Portland known as Albina, have a payroll of $40,000 a month. 
 The company also maintains large shops at La Grande in which 60 
 men are employed, and shops at all tlie terminal divisions of the 
 road in Oregon. 
 The Northern Pacific was the first transcontinental road to run 
 its cars into Portland. Through the instrumentality of Henry Vil- 
 lard, the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company was formed for 
 the purpose of building a line of railroad along the Columbia 
 river to connect with the main line of the Northern Pacific at 
 Wallula Junction, 216 miles east of Portland. In 1883 connec- 
 tion was made between these two roads. At that time Henry Vil- 
 lard was at the head of the Northern Pacific, Oregon Railway & 
 Navigation Company and the Oregon & California lines, extend- 
 ing south through the Willamette valley from Portland, and close 
 connection was made between all of these lines. Mr. Villard 
 was unable to carry his great scheme of uniting all the great 
 railroads of the Northwest to a successful termination, and shortly 
 after the completion of the Northern Pacific, and after the expend- 
 iture of vast sums of money to perfect the great system, Henry 
 N'illard experienced his first great downfall. This crash was precip- 
 itated by a period of general depression in business. This 
 I '1 
 ; \ 
 s 'J 
 PACE Creek falls. 
 Columbia River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook at the Pacific Northwest. 
 resulted in the disintegration of all the lines of road which Henry Villard had 
 labored so hard to hold together. The Northern Pacific, through a traffic arrange- 
 ment with the Union Pacific, continued to run its through trains into Portland by the 
 Columbia river route until 1888, when it completed the construction of its direct line 
 to Puget Sound over the Cascade Mountains. The Northern now runs its trains 
 between St. Paul and Portland by way of Tacoma, 
 the through passenger trains over this line running 
 direct between these two points with a change of 
 engines only at the different terminal divisions 
 along the road. The road enters Oregon at Goble, 
 a point on the south bank of the Columbia river 
 opposite Kalama. Connection between Goble and 
 Kalama is made by means of an immense iron 
 ferry, which carries the fully loaded trains over 
 the river here. The distance between Portland 
 and Goble is 39 miles. Reference to the Washing- 
 ton part of the present article should be had for 
 complete data of the mileage of the Northern 
 Pacific in that state. • 
 ScF.NE, Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon. 
 The Oregon Pacific railroad extends from Yaquina Bay, an indentation of the 
 coast, about 100 miles south of the entrance to the ColumVjia river, through Corvallis 
 and Albany into the heart of the Cascade Mountains. It runs across the entire 
 length of the rich Willamette valley from west to east. The end of the track in the 
 Cascade Mountains is 3,500 feet above sea level. All along this line are charming 
 bits of scenery, and it traverses the best portion of the state. The total length of the 
 completed road is 142 miles. At Corvallis, 72 miles east of the ocean terminus at 
 Yacjuina, the road connects with the West Side division of the Southern Pacific. At 
 Albany, 11 miles east of Corvallis, the road crosses the tracks of the main line of the 
 Southern Pacific. Connecting with the Oregon Pacific at Yaquina Bay is a line of 
 fast steamers which carry passengers and freight from this road to San Francisco. 
 The completion of the Oregon Pacific between Yaquina Bay and the Willamette Val- 
 ley hns been of great benefit to the residents of the latter 
 section in the low rates it has afforded on freight from San 
 Prancisco for the valley points reached by this line, and also 
 on the wheat shipments from these valley points to San 
 I'rancisco. The road has been badly managed, however, and 
 it has been in financial difficulties for years, and what its ulti- 
 mate outcome will be has puzzled many of the men who 
 were supposed to know the most about its affairs. The resi- 
 den,ts along its course have hopes that it will some day be 
 extended across the Cascade Mountains to an Eiasteru con- 
 necti-^n, but at the present writing these hopes give no 
 promise of an early fulfillment. 
 The Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railroad, now un- 
 der construction between Marshfield and Roseburg, fol- 
 lows closely along the line of .r present stage road 
 through the pass of the Coast range of mountains. The part of this road between 
 Marshfield and Coquillc City, a distance of 25 miles, is now completed, and trains are 
 Scene along Oregon Pacific Railroad. 
Railroads of the Northwest. 
 Bridal Veil Bluffs Columbia River. 
 running over the road. The road-bed is graded 
 between Coquille City and Myrtle Point. It was 
 the financial panic of 1893, alone, that prevented 
 the completion of this road through to Roseburg 
 during the past year. 
 A short line of railroad, six miles in length, 
 runs from Jacksonville, in Southern Oregon, to 
 Medford, a station on the main line of the Southern 
 Pacific. This line is owned by Portland capital 
 principally. It is operated under the name of the Rogue River Valley Railway 
 A short line of railroad runs from Astoria south, along the coast, to Clatsop Beach 
 points. This road is fully described in connection with the Astoria article. 
 Over 40 years ago, in the Senate of the United States, Thomas H. Benton, of Mis- 
 souri, pointed his prophetic finger to the west and said, "There is the east; there is 
 India. The road I propose is necessary to us, and now. The title to Oregon (then 
 including what is now Washington) is settled, and a government established. Cali- 
 fornia is acquired, people are there and a government must follow. We own the 
 country frgm sea to sea, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, upon a breadth equal to the 
 length of the Mississippi, and embracing the whole temperate zone. We can run a 
 road through and through the whole distance, under our flag and under our laws. 
 An American road to India through the heart of our country vsill revive, upon its line, 
 all the wonders of which we have read, and eclipse them. The western wilderness, 
 from the Pacific to the Mississippi, will start into new life at its touch. Let us act up 
 to the greatness of the occasion, and show ourselves worthy the extraordinary circum- 
 stances in which we are placed by securing, while we can, an American road to India, 
 central and national, for ourselves and our posterity, now 
 and hereafter, for thousands of years to come." 
 The road glowingly portrayed by Benton, nearlj' half a 
 century ago, has been built. It is the Northern Pacific, 
 and it ran its first through passenger train across the present 
 great and prosperous state of Washington in 1883. Henry 
 Villard, then the ruling genius in the management of the 
 road, elaborated and consummated a scheme which involved 
 the construction of the Northern Pacific, the lines of the 
 Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, and the extension 
 of the lines of road in the Willamette valley. The downfall 
 of Villard and the collapse of his great undertaking has been 
 previously mentioned in this article. In 1888, the Northern 
 completed its main line to Puget Sound at Tacoma. In the 
 history of railroad building and in the growth of permanent 
 settlements, never before was there witnessed the activity 
 that followed the completion of the Cascade division in the 
 country it crossed. Villages sprang up on Puget Sound and 
 in Eastern Washington in a week ; they rapidly grew 
 into towns and, within two years, developed into large and prosperous centers of 
 population. In the short period of two years, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma grew 
 from struggling and unstable settlements to cities of over 25,000 inhabitants each. 
 Oneonta Bluffs-Columdia Riveh. 
 ' I 
 t' •■ 
 I I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Switchback," Summit, Casc«0E9, N. P. R. R. 
 The same remarkable development took place in the farming districts of the state. 
 The great Inlaud Empire, as Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington arc called, was 
 metamorphosed from an uninhabited district into a section of waving fields of grain, 
 by the advent of the iron horse. As in every other line of industry, the state of 
 Washington has made remarkable progress in rail- 
 road building during the past few years. In 1892, 
 Washington .led all other states of the Union in 
 miles of railroad conslructt-d. In that year 421 miles 
 of road were laid in the state. Pennsylvania, in 1892, 
 was the second state in the Union in mileage of new 
 railroads constructed, her record for that year having 
 been 256. On the first day of January, 1.S93, Wash- 
 ington had 2.614 miles of railroad lines, and the 
 assessed value of railroad property in the state at 
 that time was 112,204,725. Four great transcontinen- 
 tal roads now own trackage in Washington. These are 
 the Northern Pacific, Union Pacific, Great Northern 
 and Canadian Pacific. The last named road runs trains from its main line, in British 
 Columbia, over the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railway to Fairhaven and 
 New Whatcom, on Bellingham Bay, where connection is made with the Great 
 Northern. It also has connection in Eastern Washington with the Spok'anc Falls & 
 Northern railway, running north from Spokane. Connection between the two roads 
 is made by boats running from Ravelstoke, a station on the main line of the Canadian 
 Pacific, through the Arrow Lakes, down the Columbia river to the American town of 
 Northport, the northern terminus of the Spokane Falls & Northern. 
 The Northern Pacific owns and controls 1,244 miles of track in Washington. The 
 main line enters the state 30 miles east of Spokane, follows a zig-zag course to Tacoma 
 and, from the latter point, turns and runs due south to the Oregon state line, where 
 connection is made with the Oregon part of the road for Portland. The total length 
 of this main line, in the state of Washington, is 541 miles. The Northern has 16 
 branch and auxiliary lines in the state with a total trackage of 703 miles. The names 
 of these roads, with the mileage of each, are as follows: Spokane & Palouse, 105 
 miles; Farmington branch, 7 miles; Central Washington, no miles; N. P. Cascade 
 railway, 7 miles; Burnett branch, 4 miles; Crocker branch, 5 miles; Tacoma, Orting 
 & Southeastern, 8 miles; N. P. & Puget Sound 
 vShore, 31 miles; Roslyn branch, 5 miles; Green 
 River & Northern, 4 miles; Tacoma, Olympia 
 & Grays Harbor, Centralia to Ocosta, 66 miles; 
 Lakeview branch, via Olympia, to Ocosta, 4;, 
 miles; Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern, Spokane 
 branch, 50 miles; Seattle, Lake Shore & East- 
 ern, Western branch, 164 miles; Yakima 6v: 
 Pacific Coast, 94 miles. 
 The more important branches of tlu 
 Northern Pacific in Washington cover all 
 the best parts of the state. The rich Palousi 
 wheat growing section of Eastern Washington is thoroughly covered by the Palouse 
 branch and its connections. This branch leaves the main line at Marshal' 
 Junction, 10 miles west of Spokane, and runs to Juliaetta, in Idaho, a distance of 11," 
Railroads of the Northwest. 
 Spokane River, Spokane. 
 miles. Branches of the Spokane & Palouse 
 leave the main line at Belmont and run to 
 Farmington, a distance of seven miles, and 
 also at Pullman Junction and run to Genesee, 
 a distance of 27 miles. Part of the Spokane & 
 Palouse system is in Idaho, and the mileage of 
 the road not mentioned in the Washington 
 article will be found under the head of Idaho. 
 The Central Washington extends from 
 Cheney, 17 miles west of Spokane, to Coulee 
 City, in the heart of the Big Bend country, a distance of 108 miles. This road 
 covers the best part of the famous Big Bend wheat belt, comprising thousands of acres 
 of the finest land on the coast. The Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern runs from Spokane 
 to Davenport, the principal town of the Big Bend country, a distance of 50 miles. 
 Tliis road parallels the track of the Central Washington from Medical Lake to Daven- 
 port, a distance of 2S miles. The Roslyn branch and other short branches of the 
 Northern Pacific in Western Washington reach the great coal fields lying in the foot- 
 hills of the Cascade Mountains. An important Vjranch of the Northern Pacific in 
 Western Washington is the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern. This road runs from 
 Seattle east to North Bend, a distance of 59.5 miles. This line affords an outlet for the 
 rich coal mines at Oilman, 42 miles east of Seattle. A branch of the Seattle, Lake 
 Shore & Eastern also runs north from Woodinville Junction, 23.7 miles east of Seat 
 tie, to Snohomish and Sedro, the latter point bein^ 85 miles north of Seattle. At 
 Sedro, connection is made for Anacortes. The Northern Pacific & Puget Sound line 
 runs between Tacoma and Seattle, a distance of 49 miles, connection being made with 
 the main line of the Northern Pacific by this load at Meeker's Junction, about 10 miles 
 east of Tacoma. Another important branch of the Northern Pacific in Western 
 Washington is the line run itnder the name of the United Railroads of Wabhington. 
 This line leaves the main line of the Northern Pacific at L^keview, between Tenino 
 and Tacoma, runs to Olympia, a distance of 24.6 miles, a.'; tiKtends to Gate City, a 
 distance of 43.9 miles from Lakeview. From Gate City a breach extends to Ccntralia, 
 on the main line of the Northern Pacific, 49 miles south of Tacoma. The length of 
 this branch to Centralia is 13 miles. The road also extends from Gate City to Ocosta, 
 on Grays Harbor. Ocosta is 56 miles from Gate City. A branch of the Northern 
 Pacific also runs from Chehalis to South Bend, on Willapa Harbor, a distance of 
 58 miles. 
 The Great Northern railway completed its transcontinental line and commenced 
 running through trains between St. Paul, Minnesota, and Seattle, Washington in July, 
 1893. This splendid railroad system is in many respects 
 one of the best in the United States. It is a monument 
 to the builder, James J. Hill. Early in the 70's, Mr. Hill 
 secured control of an insolvent railroad line in Minnesota, 
 with a total trackage of about 100 miles. Using this run- 
 down and unprofitable line as a foundation on which to 
 build, he has managed to construct without the aid of 
 government support a magnificent systems of railroads, 
 with a total mileage of 4,253. The Great Northern has 
 picTunESQUE ROCKS, SPOKANE RIVER. opeued Up for Settlement in Washington a vast area of 
 If 11 
 I 1 
 II 't 
 y ' 1 

 1 ! 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A Great Northern Railwat town. 
 fertile agricultural lands lyiug in the Big Bend 
 country in the eastern part of the state. It also 
 has furnished an outlet for the Okanogan, Chelan 
 and Kootenai mining districts, rich in future 
 promise. The Great Northern system embraces 
 487 miles of road in Washington. The main line 
 in the atatc is 345 miles long. In addition to 
 the main line, the Seattle & Montana branch has 
 1 19 miles of track in the state, and the Bellingham 
 Bay & British Columbia branch is 23 miles in 
 The Great Northern enters Washington from the Panhandle of Idaho and runs 
 directly west through Spokane, Rock Island and Wenatchee and the Big Bend coun- 
 try to the Cascade Mountains which it crosses in Stevens Pass. From this latter 
 point it runs south to vSeattle. A branch of the Great Northern r' • from Seattle 
 through an exceptionally rich country to Bellingham Bay, from wJ ioint another 
 branch extends north to the Canadian line. 
 The Union Pacific operates 588 miles in Eastern Washington. The system here 
 is an amalgamation of the Oregon Railwaj- & Navigation Company's lines and local 
 lines. The Union Pacific covers the famous Palouse wheat district of Eastern Wash- 
 ington and the highly fertile valley of the Snake river No other section of the 
 Northwest has superior transportation facilities to those enjoyed by the part of Wash- 
 ington covered by the Union Pacific, The main line of the Union Pacific in Wash- 
 ington runs frotn Pendleton, Oregon, to Spokane, Washington, a distance of 251 
 miles. From this line a ramification of branch roads, all operated under the same 
 system, extend through the adjacent country. One of these lines leaves the Spokane 
 line at Tekoa Junction and extends through the rich Coeur d'Alene mining district to 
 Mullan, a distance of 87 miles. Most of this line runs through the state of Idaho. 
 Another branch extends from Walla Walla to Umatilla, Oregon, a distance of 58 
 miles. Still another branch of the Spokane division runs from Bolles Junction, 25 
 miles east of Walla Walla, to Dayton, a distance of 12 miles. Another branch runs 
 from Dudley Junction, six miles east of Walla Walla, to Dixie, a distance of six 
 miles. A branch also leaves the main line at Dudley Junction and extends to Dud- 
 ley, a distance of two niilej. At Starbuck, 46 miles east of Walla Walla, a branch 
 runs to Pomeroy, a distance of 30 miles. An important branch of this road leaves 
 the main line at La Crosse, Si miles cast of Walla Walla, and runs to Connell, 53 
 n iles distant, where connection 
 is made with the main line of 
 the Northern Pacific. A branch 
 of the Spokane division also 
 runs from Colfax to Moscow, a 
 distance of .^S miles. The Wash- 
 ington division of the Union 
 Pacific is one of the most import- 
 ant railroad systems of the West. 
 This system reaches such iin- 
 portant Washington places as 
 Walla Walla, Dayton, Colfax. 
 Palouse, Farmington and Ri- 
 ton 1 
 CauR D'Alene River, Idaho. 
Railrofids of the Northwest. 
 naria. All of the lines of the Uniou Pacific iu Wash- 
 ington connect with the main line in Oregon thus 
 affording direct through rail connection to Washing- 
 ton via the Union Pacific, to Pacific Coast points 
 and to all parts of the United States. 
 The Oregon Improvement Company operates four 
 lines of road in Washington. These are the Colum- 
 bia & Puget Sound, Port Townseud & vSoutheru, 
 the Olympia branch and the Seattle & Northern. 
 The total trackage operated by the company in 
 the state is 164 miles. The most important road operated by this company is the 
 Columbia & Puget Sound, extending from .Seattle to Franklin, a distance of 34 miles, 
 with a branch from Black River Junction lo Coal Creek, 11 n.iles in length. This 
 road affords an outlet to the rich coal mines of Renton, Black Diamond and Franklin, 
 and is a fine paying piece of property. The other lines operated by the Oregon 
 Improvement Company in Washington are but disconnected pieces of what was 
 intended should be a great trunk system, and they are practically without an identity 
 of their own that would entitle them to much importance in railroad circles. 
 In Eastern Washington the Hunt lines (Washington & Columbia River Railway 
 Co. I cover 11 1 miles of road. 
 This road has close traffic arrangements with the Northern Pacific. It runs from 
 Hunt's Junction, near Wallula Junction, where the Northern Pacific and Union 
 Pacific roads meet, to Dayton, Washington, a distance of 86.8 miles. Another line 
 of this same system also runs south from Hunt's Junction to Pendleton, Oregon, a 
 distance of 40.3 miles. A branch of this same road runs from Rurcka Junction, 22 
 miles east of Hunt's Junction, to Pleasant View, a distance of 19.40 miles. Another 
 branch of the Hunt system runs from Killion Junction, 19.2 miles south of Hunt's 
 Junction, on the Pendleton end of the road, to Athena, a distance of 14. i miles. 
 The Hunt roads, as originally projected, would have been developed into a very 
 important system. Portland at one time raised a subsidy of $500,000 for the exten- 
 sion of this line down the Columbia river to Portland, and arrangements were also 
 completed at the same time for completing the line across the Blue Mountains from 
 Pendleton to La Grande and Union, in Eastern Oregon. The financial depression, 
 however, prevented the completion of this system. The Hunt lines tap a verj- rich 
 section of country, the local traffic of which is heavy, and through the valuable 
 traffic arrangements which this road has with the Northern Pacific it is regarded 
 among practical men as a splendid piece of railroad property. 
 An important railroad line of Eastern Washington is the Spokane Falls & 
 Northern. This line runs from Spokane through the Colville valley north to 
 the international boundary line. From th.-^ boundary line the road continues to 
 Nelson, on Kootenay Lake, under the name of Nelson & 
 Fort Shepherd railway. The America dnivision of this road 
 is 127 miles in length. At Northport, a station in Wash- 
 — - ington on this line, connection is made with boats running 
 ?'"' ^^Sflfy^WlF^^^i up the Columbia river to Ravelstoke, on the Canadian 
 Pacific. Thus Eastern Washington is practicallj- given the 
 benefit of four transcontinental lines of railroad. 
 There are 207 miles of railroad in Washington not 
 included in the systems already mentioned. These lines 
 "a I 
 ' '1 
 'V } 
 "* I 
 i I 
 CuRK's FORK River. 
 I a 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of tht Pacific I^orthwest. 
 Marent Trestle Near Missoula 
 vary in length from 5 to 52 miles each. They are principally used as feeders for 
 the larger roads. T'^'-' tap principally lumbering and mining districts. The Everett 
 &. Monte Cristo railroad is one of these roads. This road is 45 miles in length. It 
 taps the rich mining districts of Monte Cristo and Silver 
 Creek, in Western Washington. The road starts from 
 the town of Everett on the Snohomish river, ncur the 
 salt water of Puget Sound. 
 Idaho, the least developed ot the four states of the 
 Pacific Northwest, has three transcontinental railroads, 
 and 1,025 niiles of railroad track are credited to the state. 
 The assessed valuation of railroad property in the state is 15,812,065. The peculiar 
 shape of the state is such that its extreme northern end is only about 84 miles wide. 
 Across this "Panhandle," as it is called, run the main lines of the Northern Prcllic 
 and the Great Northern railroads. The Union Pacific enters the Si .te at its south- 
 eastern corner and runs across the state in a northwesterly direction, passing through 
 the counties of Rear Lake, Bint^ham, Logau, Elmore, Ada and Washington, to the 
 town of Huntington, on the border of the state of Oregon, a distance of 465 miles. 
 From Ogden, Utah, the Utah & Northern branch of the Union Pacific enters Idaho 
 near the town of Franklin, where it forms a junction with the Oregon lineatMcCam- 
 man, passes north through the town of PccatcUo, and crosses the vSnake river at Black- 
 toot, 24 miles north of PoCc:tello. Around Blackfoot are thousands of acres of reclaimed 
 land now producing large crops of hay and cereals. From Blackfoot the road con- 
 tinues north to Beaver Canyon, at the foot of the Main Divide of the Rocky Moun- 
 tains. At this station connection is made by stage for the Yellowstone Park. Leav- 
 ing Beaver Canyon the road passes over the Main Divide into Montana, passing 
 through the town of Dillon, in Beaverton valley. I'rom Silver Bow Junction the 
 Montana Union railroad, an auxiliary line, branches off, one spur running to Butte 
 City, while the other runs through Stuart to Garrison, where connection is made 
 with the Northern Pacific for Helena. 
 The Wood River branch of the Union Pacific leaves the main line at Shoshone, 
 623 miles east of Portland, and runs through the towns of Bellevue and Hailey, in the 
 Wood River mining district, to Ketchum, 70 miles north. Twenty-five miles from 
 th. lown of Shoshone bj' stagj arc ♦^^he great Shoshone Falls of Snake river. The river 
 at this point dashes down between rocks nearly r,ooo feet high, and the surroundings 
 of these falls are awe-inspiring and wierd. Seven distinct channels in this river here 
 form as many different falls btjfore their final plnnge into the great depths of the 
 lower river. Of the immf.rous great falls of the 
 West no one possesses uie grandeur of Shoshone. 
 At Nampa, a station on the main line of the Union 
 Pacific, 137 miles west of Shoshone, v branch 19 
 miles in length runs to Boise City, the capital and 
 commercial metropolis of Idaho. 
 In Northern Idaho the Union Pacific has some 
 valuable connections. A branch leave? this road 
 at Tckoa, near the Idaho line, and runs east 
 through the famous Coeur d'Alene mining district 
 in Idaho. This road pa..ses through all the rich silver 
 cam-is of this district, including Wardner, Osborn, Wallace, Burke, and terminates at 
 Million, a distance of 87 miles from Tckoa. Burke on this line is reached by a short 
 I'HOTO By hUl, marvsville. 
 TRESTLk Rocky mountains, neah heuna, Line N.P.n.R. 
Railroads of the Northwest. 
 feeders for 
 "he Everett 
 length. It 
 anci Silver 
 starts from 
 ■, ncur the 
 tates of the 
 I railroads, 
 ,o the state, 
 lie peculiar 
 iiiles wide. 
 ;ern Prcllic 
 its south- 
 tig through 
 ton, to the 
 465 miles, 
 ters Idaho 
 at McCam- 
 ;r at Black- 
 f reclaimed 
 road con- 
 cky Mouu- 
 rk. I.,eav- 
 fa, passing 
 notion the 
 to Butte 
 n is made 
 ley, in the 
 niles from 
 I'he river 
 river here 
 Ihs of the 
 Ia, 1.1NF. N.p.n.R. 
 liinates at 
 py a short 
 Down Caun d'Alene Mountains, N. P. R. R. 
 branch seven miles in length running out from Wallace. Paralleling the line of the 
 rnion Pacific through the heart cf ♦^he Coeur d'Aiene's, is the Canir d'Alene branch 
 of the Northern Pacific. This branch leaves the main line at Missoula, 125 miles 
 west of Helena, and runs through the heart of the 
 C(U'ur d'Alenes to Mission Landing on Cceur d'Alene 
 river, where connection is made by boat down the 
 river and across Lake Co^ur d'Alene for Spokane. 
 The dislaiice between Missoula and Mission Landing is 
 150 miles. The Northern Pacific, like the Union Paci- 
 fic, also operates a branch from Wallace to Burke. The 
 river parL of this route from Mission Landing to the 
 lowu of Coeur d'Alene is 50 miles. At the latter point 
 the boat makes connection with the Creur d'Alene 
 liranch of the Northern Pacific for Spokane. This 
 road connects with I he main line of the Northern Pacific at Hauser Junction, 16 miles 
 west of Ccxiur d'Alcue and 21 miles from Spokane. 
 Part of the Spokane & V-J -use system of the Northern Pacifi-^ also penetrates 
 from Washington into Idaho. The Idaho branch of this road rea ;hes the towns of 
 Moscow, Kendrick. Julirietta and Genesee. All of these towns are lu the main line 
 of the Spokane & Paloise except Gencse- which is reached from Pullman Junction, 
 on the main line 27 nii'ies distant. 
 For some years after the working out of the bonanza placer mines discovered in 
 the early 6o's, Montana v s at a standstill, owing to lack of facilities for transporting 
 the product of its mines to smelting and reduction centers where this product could 
 1)6 handled with a profit to the mine owners, and which prevented the heavy machinery 
 for establishing large smelting and reduction plants in Montana from l)eing established 
 here. Two or three times. a year boats ascended the Missouri river as far as Fort 
 Benton, from wliich point ox teams distributed their cargoes of freight to different 
 parts of the territory. A line of freighting teams was also engaged in hauling sup- 
 plies from Utah to Montana, and supplies and outfits were al?o hauled into Montana 
 over the military highway, known as the MuUan road, from Walla Walla, Washing- 
 ton. Montana is today well supplied w :h railroads. There are now 29 different 
 railroads in the state, with an agg gate mileage of 2,662 miles. The total 
 a.-sesscd valuation of railroad property in the 
 state as fixed by the state board of equaliza- 
 tion in 1892 was 19,287,532. The first road built 
 into Montana was the Utah Northern, which 
 reached Butte in 1881. This road extended 
 north from Ogden, Utah, to Butte, a distance 
 of 403 miles. It was c -iginally a narrow-gauge, 
 but has since been made a standard-gauge and 
 is now operated in connection with the Union 
 Pacific System. Two years later the Northern 
 Pacific ran its trains into Helena. In 188S the 
 Great Northern and its allied line, the Montana 
 Central, built its road into both Helena and 
 Hutte. Another line, the Montana Union, was built from Butte to Garrison. Sub- 
 sequently the Northern Pacific constructed a cut-off from its line at Logan through 
 the Gallatin valley to Butte. From Butte the cars of the Northern Pacific run over 
 Tunnel, N. P. R. R., Summit, Ciun d'Alenes, 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 i m 
 the tracks of the Montana Union to Garrison, a distance of 51 miles, where connec- 
 tion is again made with the main line. 
 Following the completion of its main line the Northern Pacific built and acquired 
 control of 14 branch lines in Montana. The company now operates 1,274 miles of 
 railroad in the stale, of which 7S2 miles are 
 covered by the mala line and 492 miles by 
 the branches. The combined assessed val- 
 uation of all these lines is ^4, 187,331. The 
 more important of these branch lines are 
 as follows : the Northern Pacific & Montana 
 branch runs from the town of Logan, 24 
 miles west of Bozeman, to Butte, 71 miles 
 from Logan. This road connects at Butte for 
 Anaconda, the great mining center, 26 miles 
 distant, and also b}' the Montana Union for 
 Garrison on the main line of the Northern 
 Pacific. A branch also leaves the Northern 
 Pacific & Montana at Sappington, 19 miles 
 from Logan, and runs to Harrison, 10 miles, 
 where connection is made by two sub-branch 
 roads to Norris, 11 miles distant, and to 
 Pony, seven miles from Harrison. The 
 Helena & Jefferson County and Helena, Boul- 
 der Valley & Butte branch runs from Helena 
 to the towns of Wickes, Jefferson, Boulder, 
 and other points. This branch follows the 
 main line of the Northern Pacific east to 
 Prickly Pear Junction, 4.9 miles distant from Helena, from which point the road runs 
 south to Jefferson, 20.4 miles from Helena, where a shortspur branches off for Corbin 
 and Wickes, great smelting centers, and respectively 22.2 and 24.9 miles from Helena. 
 The main line of the road continues south to the town of Boulder, 37.4 miles from 
 Helena. Boulder is in the center of a rich mining and agricultural section of coun- 
 try, and is one of the important interior points of Montana. l<"rom Boulder a road 
 branches off to the rich Elk Horn mining district. Ivlk Horn is 58 miles from Helena. 
 The main line of this road continues beyond Boulder to the town of Calvin. 
 The Helena & Red Mountain branch of the Northern Pacific runs from Helena 
 to Rimini, a distance of 16.9 miles. Rimini is south of Helena and is a rich mining 
 center The Helena & Northern brancli runs north from Helena to the great mining 
 center of Marysville, a distance of 21.5 miles. At Marysville is located the great Drum 
 Lummon mine and plant. This is otie cf the great mining properties of the state. 
 Near Marysville are several rich mining districts, of which the town is the supply 
 center. In the vicinity of the town are worked-out placer deposits of some of the 
 richest gold-bearing gulches of the state, and all along the line of the railroad, between 
 Helena and Marysville, can be seen the piles of gravel handled in years past by the 
 placer miners in their search for the yellow metal here. 
 A branch of the Northern Pacific leaves the main line at Drummond, 53 miles 
 east of Missoula, and runs south to the rich mining camps of Phillipsburg, a distance 
 of 25.4 miles. This branch extends beyond Phillipsburg to Rumsey, which is 31.4 
 miles from Drummond. The last and most important branch of the Northern Pacific 
 Scenery, Rocky Mountains, Butte SmHT Line R. R. 
i f1 
 Railroads of the Northwest. 
 re counec- 
 d acquired 
 74 miles of 
 1 miles are 
 2 miles by 
 ;essed val- 
 ,331. The 
 I lines are 
 c Montana 
 Logan, 24 
 ;, 71 miles 
 It Butte for 
 r, 26 miles 
 Union for 
 ; Northern 
 : Northern 
 1, 19 miles 
 , 10 miles, 
 It, and to 
 on. The 
 lena, Boul- 
 jm Helena 
 f, Boulder, 
 Hows the 
 east to 
 road runs 
 ibr Corbin 
 ;n Helena. 
 iles from 
 of Conn- 
 er a road 
 tn Helena 
 1 mining 
 it milling 
 eat Drum 
 he state. 
 le supply 
 nc of the 
 St by the 
 53 miles 
 h is 31.4 
 n Pacific 
 in Montana is the Do Smet & Coeur d'Alene. This road leaves the main line at 
 Missoula, 125 miles west of Helena, and runs through a rich agricultural and mining 
 section into the C(t?ur d'Alene mining district, terminating at Mission Landing, in 
 Idaho. By extending this road from Mission Landing through Fourth of July can- 
 yon to CfEur d'Alene City, a distance of about 30 miles, the Northern Pacific could ri .1 
 its through trains directly through the heart of the Ccuur d' Alenes, thus elTecting a great 
 saving in distance over the long detour around La.ke Pend d'Oreille, which the main 
 line now makes. A short part of the Northern Pacific road through the CcEur d'Alenes 
 on the western end, is still a narrow-gauge track, but this could be changed to stand- 
 ard-gauge at a small expense, and this line be made the through route to the coast for 
 this great transcontinental system. 
 The line of the Great Northern extends across the northern part of Montana, run- 
 ning through the states of Idaho and Washington to Puget Sound. The Montana Central, 
 really a branch of the Great Northern, extends from Pacific Junction south through 
 the towns of Fort Benton and Great Falls to Helena and Butte. This road is 267 
 miles in length, and affords the Great Northern direct entry into the great centers of 
 Helena and Butte. The Great Northern has one or two small branch roads in Mon- 
 tana of no great importance. 
 The Belt Mountain and Sand Coulee lues of the Great Northern system extend 
 from Great Falls to Neihart, a mining camp in the Little Belt Mountains. The line 
 to Neihart is 67 miles long. A sub-hrnich extends from Monarch to Barker, a distance 
 of II miles. From Allen, 10 milc^ m from Great Falls, another sjinr track runs 
 to Sand Coulee, distant five miles, a, .■tl Ooukc ire located cxt' ii' iv- mines which 
 produce 2,000 tons of coal a day. 
 The Great Falls & Canadian railway extends from Great Falls to Lethbridge, 
 British Columbia, and at Shelby Junction this line crosses the main line of the Great 
 Northern. At Leth- 
 bridge, as befo re 
 stated, connection is 
 made with the line of 
 the Canadian Pacific. 
 Aside from the Cana- 
 dian Pacific, the roads 
 in British Columbia 
 are short lines. 
 A branch track, 
 eight miles lon^, ex- 
 tends from the main 
 line of the Canadian 
 Pacific at Westminster 
 Junction, south to New 
 Westminster, one of 
 the oldest and most 
 important centers of 
 population in British 
 Columbia. At Mission, 
 on the main line of the same road, aline branches off to the south, crossing the Fraser 
 river at this point and counecling at Huntingdon, at the international boundary line, 
 with the Great Northern and Northern Pacific systems, over which tracks Ihe Cana- 
 BiTTcn Root Valley *no Riveh, Line, N. P. R. R,, Montana. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ■ '.IJV '\^ -J- , . ., . 
 dian gains an entrance to Fairhavcn Nc" Whatcom, Seattle and the other Sounil 
 points. The distance between Missiou ana Huntingdon is ii miles. From Sicamous 
 Junction, on the Canadian Pacific, a branch extends south to Okanogan Lake, a dis- 
 tance of 51 miles. From Okanogan 1 -iding on this 
 lake, steamers run down this mountain-hemmed 
 inland body of water for a distance of 35 miles 
 toPenticton. Stages leave this latter point for Oro, 
 Golden and Loomiston, Washington, centers of 
 the Okanogan country, on the rnerican side of 
 the international bonndary line. 
 At Ravelstoke, 379 miles east of Vancouver, 
 the western termirns of the Canadian Pacific, con- 
 nection is mr.de with boats running down the Col- 
 umbia ri \:r to Robson. From the latter point a 
 line of railroad, 22 miles in length, extends to Nel- 
 son, on Kootenay Lake, from whence boats run 
 SCENE ALONG THE EsQu,«ALT * NANAiMo RA.Lw.v, B. c. ^.Q j^g^lQ ^jj^i j^jg^^ jq BoHucr's Ferry, Iduho, 
 where connection is made with the main line of the Great Northern. From 
 Robson the boats continue down the Columbia river to Northport, Washington, 
 where connection is made with the Spokane Falls & Northern Railway. At a point 
 822 miles east of Vancouver is the town of Dunsmore. The Alberta Coal & Railway 
 Company runs a line .south from this point to Lethbridge, a distance of 109 miles. 
 At Lethbridge connection is made with the Great Falls & Canadian Railway running 
 to Great Falls, Montana. 
 On Vancouver Island the Esquimalt & Nanaimo railway runs north from Victoria 
 to the great coal mining centers of Nanaimo and Wellington. Wellington, the 
 northern terminus of the road, is 7.S niile:^ from Victoria. This line passes throngh a 
 good section of country, and the local traffic, together with the great coal trade of 
 the mines, makes this a fine paying piice of property. 
 Timber Resources of tlie I'uelfle NortliAvest. — The forests of the 
 Pacific Northwest contain about 1,890,425,(100,000 feet of timber. This is five times the 
 total amount of timber contained in all that part of the United States lying east of the 
 Rocky Mountains. It is a difficult matter for the average mind to grasp the full sig- 
 nificance of this vast array of figures. It is harder still to appreciate the value of 
 this euormo":s quantity of timber to the future 
 prosperity of the Northwest. Nowhere else in 
 the world are forests which compare, in extent 
 and in the quantity of valuable timber contained, 
 with the vast timber reserves of the Pacific 
 In the territory covered by "The Hand- 
 book " is the vast sum of 1700,01x3,000 in natural 
 wealth represented in its thousands of s(|uare 
 miles of forests. Many generations will yet 
 come and pass away before the mighty forests 
 here are felled to the ground. It is not unrea- 
 sonable to hope that the forests of the Pacific Northwest will in the near 
 future be the chief source of supply of the world for lumber. These forests, now 
 Fir Loq Sent to world's F»m rnciM State of Washinoton. 
 112 Feet Long; si Inches in Diameter; Weight 97,000 Las. 
Timber Resources of the Pacific Northwest. 
 deuse and impenetrable, stretch from the Arctic ocean south to the bound- 
 ary line between Oregon and California. TLis great available supply of timber is 
 fully described in the subsequent articles on the timber wealth in the different states 
 covered by "The Handbook." When it isconsidered 
 that the timber is but one of the many resources of 
 the vast territory now under discussion, the future 
 promise of this region can be fully appreciated and 
 the claims of "The Handbook" that 
 A LOG ROLLWAY Near Cathlamet, wash. 
 this section will in time become one of the 
 most prosperous parts of the continent 
 will pass unchallenged. 
 Timber RKjOurces of Oregon. — 
 With the exception of Washington, Ore- 
 gon contains more timber than any other 
 state in the Union. Twenty-live thousand 
 square miles of its territory is covered with great forests, the monarchs of which tapering 
 upwards from a circumference of 30 feet at their base finally lift their evergreen tops 
 at a height of 375 feet above the ground. 
 Oregon's timber exhibit at the world's fair at Chicago was entered as a whole in 
 competition for the first medal as an instructive, comprehensive, collective and com- 
 mercial exhibit of native woods in their natural and manufactured state. This exhibit 
 secured the first medal, which was the most coveted award in the forestry department 
 of the fair. The only other award made on the Oregon exhibit, and it was the only 
 other asked <br, was for manufacturing paper from spruce pulp. 
 The forests of Oregon, it is estimated, contain 266,893,255,000 feet of timber. Ten 
 per cent of this enormous forest growth is hardwood. The remainder constitutes a 
 body of woods unsurpassed for general building purposes ard for manufacturing use. 
 The stumpage value of Oregon's timber is over |i 17,000,000, about 44 cents per 1,000 
 feet. Slumpage values are relati^el-" higher than this in every state in the Union. 
 In Wisconsin, where the timber i nuch inferior to that of Oregon, pine sells 
 for I3.69 per 1,000 feet before it is cut to the ground. It is but a matter of a few years, 
 however, when stumpage values in Oregon will have increased fully 500 per cent. 
 To the Pacific coast, not only the greater portion 
 of the United States, but most of Kurope as well 
 must, at sometime, look for its supply of lumber, 
 Today, if the Nicaragua canal were built, Oregon 
 lumber could be sold at a profit at the ports on 
 either side of the Atlantic. 
 In Oregon, as in Washington, the Cascade 
 range of mountains is the dividing line between 
 the heavy and light growth of timber in the state. 
 Alongside of the timber, however, called light in 
 Oregon, the trees of the Kastern and Southern 
 states would apyear as pigmies in she. The light 
 growth of timber is scattered over Eastern Oregon, 
 where it covers 11,117,350 acres of land. This 
 part of Oregon contains 84,209,915,000 feet of tim- 
 ber. The average stumpage value of this timber is 62 cents per 1,000 feet, and 
 its aggregate value is 152,210,147. In Western Oregon the forest growth is much 
 Lumber Camp ncar Tillamook Bay, Or. 
 '! i: 
 ■ ' i 
 The Orcsonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Log Driving in Oregon. 
 heavier, the average quantity of timber to the acre in this part of the state being 
 18,894 feet. In t... ■ division of the state there is timberto the extent pf 152,683,340,000 
 feet, covering an area of 3,081,000 acres. This 
 great body of timber has a present vahie of over 
 1150,000,000, or an average of 33 cents per 1,000 feet. 
 Curry county, bordering on the ocean, in the ex- 
 treme southwestern corner of Oregon, has the 
 heaviest growth of timber in the state. The tim- 
 ber in this county scales 21,429 feet to the acre. 
 The largest and most extensive forest growth is found 
 in Tillamook countj', this county containing 22,092,000,000 feet of timber. Lane, 
 Crook, Benton and Curry counties rank next in the extent of their forest wealth in 
 the order named. Each of these counties contains over 15,000,000,000 feet of timber. 
 The kinds of timber found in Oregon are red fir, yellow fir, white fir, sugar pine, 
 yellow pine, white pine, bull pine, black pine, pitch pine, Alaska pine, spruce, cedar, 
 larch, tamarack, juniper, birch, oak, yew, Cottonwood, ash, maple, alder, willow, 
 elm, mountain mahogany, myrtle, dogwood, white cedar, chincapin, balm and cherry. 
 On the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains pine predominates, while on the west- 
 tern side fir is the leading wood. 
 The forests of Minnesota and Wisconsin, which now furnish two-thirds of the 
 lumber consumed in the East, are rapidly being depleted, and it is a question of but 
 a few years in the future, at most, when the United States nmst depend for the greater 
 part of its lumber supply from the virgin forests of the Pacific Northwest. When 
 Oregon and Washington lumber becomes a staple article of commerce in the Eastern 
 market, as it must become in time, the lumber interests of this part of the West will 
 become one of the greatest in magnitude of any on the coast. 
 In the forests of Oregon are found gigantic fir and cedar trees from 6 to 19 feet 
 in diameter. In comparison to these giants of the forest the largest trees of the East 
 are but pigmies. In this connection, it will be interesting to compare the size of 
 Eastern timber with that found in the iw West. In Wisconsin, for instance, the 
 average log scales about 127 feet, while in Oregon the average scale per log is 1,300 
 feet. In tlie latter state, however, many long logs have been cut which scaled from 
 8,000 to ii,aoo feet. There is a great difference too in the diameter of the Eastern 
 and Western timber. Logs, five and seven feet in diameter, are found in every mill 
 pond of Oregon and Washington. Many of these logs are so large, even, that 
 before they can 
 be sawed it be- 
 comes necessary 
 to split them 
 with dynamite, 
 and this, too, 
 when the saws 
 in the Western 
 mills are the 
 largest made in 
 the world. 
 The most abundant and valuable timber found in this great forest is the family 
 of fir, or Douglas pine. The fir tree grows to immense proportions. Trees of 250 to 
 Logging Team, Coos River, Oregon. 
Timber Resources of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Timber felling, Oregon 
 ;cxD feet in height are not at all uncommon. This permits the cutting of long-length 
 tinibar for bridge and other use, which cannot be obtained from the forests of any 
 other part of the world. The timber of the Douglas ur 
 is heavy, strong and firm. It is unsL:rpasscd for the frame- 
 work of ships, bridges or cars. For gimeral building pur- 
 ])oses it is conceded to be the best tiu'ber in the world. 
 I-'ir lumber is now extensively used in ])lace of oak, it 
 being stronger, easier to handle, taking nails easily and 
 holding them firmly, and it is only a little over one- 
 half as heavy as oak. A recent test of the breaking pres- 
 sure of fir, P. astern oak and Eastern pine, tlic pieces of 
 wood used ha/ing been four feet long and 2x4 inches in 
 dimensions, made the following showing : to break the 
 fir required a test of 4,320 pounds ; Easvern oak, 2,428 
 pounds, and Eastern pine, 1,610 pounds. The '.alue of 
 the fir for car construction is now recognize '^ throughout 
 the country, and during the pa.U two years the mills of 
 the Northwest have shipped large quantities of this tim- 
 ber to the Eastern manufacturing centers. 
 The merchantable fir of Oregon and Washington is 
 of three varieties, the red, yellow and white fir. The 
 red fir is found growing in the f^reatest abundance in alti- 
 tudes of not over 600 feet. It is a very thrifty and rapid grower. The fiber is very 
 hard with an equal growth all around the tree. Il is a much more unifoi^^i wood 
 to stand heavy strains than is the timbT which sliows a tendency to develop an 
 undue growth to one side of the tree, as is the case of much of the Eastern timber. 
 The lasting qualities of red fir are fully 50 per cent, more than those of white or yel- 
 low pine, while from actual tests, it has been found 
 that a fir joist 2 x 14 inches will withstand a greater 
 pressure than one 2 '/a ^f 16 of white or yellow pine. 
 These and other tests have demonstrated that red fir 
 is vastly superior to all '>*her timber for bridge build- 
 ing purposes. 
 The yellow fir grows in highei altitudes than 
 does the red fir. It attains its greatest perfection in 
 growth along the base of the foothills of the Cascade 
 range of mountains. The yellow fir is a much softer 
 wood than the red fir, and while it will not stand 
 quite the strain that red fir will submit to, its lasting 
 qualities when exposed to the weather are much better. 
 It is also fflf superior to the red fir for flooring and 
 finishing luml>e.-, and it is much softer to work than 
 the SouUiern pint It is admirably adapted to build- 
 ing purposes and interior finishing work, and is re- 
 ceived with much favor wherever it has been 
 Big Timber, Oregon. iu'roduced 
 The white fir is less valuable than is- either the red or the yellow variety. It is 
 not found in large quantities in the state. It attains a great height, is perfectly 
 > ti ] 
 Tlie Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Logging Scene, Oregon. 
 Straight, and has been used principally for piling, for which it is excellently adapted. 
 The manufacture of this magnificent body of timber into lumber and furniture is now 
 one of Oregon's most important industries. 
 Since January, 1844, when Ililer H. Hunt 
 built his rickety and primitive sawmill on 
 the banks of the little stream opposite the 
 present towi of Cathlamet on the Columbia 
 river, OregoT has steadily been a large ex- 
 porter of lumber. The bark Toulon and the 
 brig Chenamus sailed up the Columbia river 
 . in the early 40's and carried away from this 
 pioneer mill the first cargoes of lumber ever shipped out of Oregon. Afterwards other 
 ships visited Oregon. Some of these vessels replaced their weak masts with new ones 
 made of Oregon fir. The beauty and strength of these tapering spars were greatly ad- 
 mired in foreign waters to which these vessels sailed. It soon became known abroad 
 that masts made of Pacific coast fir excelled masts made of any other wood. Today the 
 dock yards at Toulon, France, and the great ship yards of Kugland and Scotland, use 
 Oregon fir for masts in preference to all other woods. The yacht Vigilant, winner of the 
 international race in 1893, has a mast made of this same fir. The fame of this wood 
 as a ship timber is world wide. The value of Oregon's timber, however, is not con- 
 fined to its special adaptability for ship masts, but more especially to its superiority 
 for lumber. It has the strength of oak, with almost the lightness of cedar, it outwears 
 most other woods, and for general building pur- 
 poses it is accepted as the best wood in the world. 
 It is estimated that there is invested in the 
 269 sawmills, 40 shingle mills and 52 woodworking 
 establishments of Oregon about 1 15,000,000. These 
 industries furnish employment to over 7,000 men, 
 and their annual wage roll is about 
 13,675,000. The total output of these 
 plants in 1892 was estimated to have been 
 worth $10,049,217. The manufactured 
 product consisted of 608,600,200 feet of 
 lumber, 210,000,000 laths and 162,340,000 
 shingles. The output of the wood-work- 
 ing establishments consisted principally 
 of sash and doors and was valued at 
 Timber Resources of Washing- 
 ton. — The forests of the state of Wash- 
 ington, according to estimates computed 
 from the latest and most reliable sources 
 of information, cover 23,588,512 acres. 
 In this timber belt there is now standing ■ 
 at least 410,333,335,000 feet of the finest 
 merchantable timber in the world. At the present stumpage 
 value of 65 cents per thousand feet, the standing timber of Washington is worth today 
 1266,716,667. The value of stumpage in Washington is exceedingly low when com- 
 pared with rates for stumpage in the older lumber states of the Union. In Minne- 
 A Giant Stump near Aberdeen, Wash 
 is star 
Timber Resources of the Paciti: Northwest. 
 Big log, Mount Vernon, wash. 
 sota stunipage is $2.87 per thousand feet ; in Wisconsin stunipage is $3.69 per 
 thousand feet, and in all the Middle States rates forstumpage are largely in excess of 
 those charged in Washington today. It is not 
 unreasonable to suppose that as the timber re- 
 sources of the West are encroached on, the 
 stunipage values in Washington will greatly in- 
 crease, and the present valuation put on the 
 timber still standing in the state must be re- 
 garded as an exceedingly conservative one. 
 The importance of the great timber belt of 
 Washington can be better appreciated when it 
 is stated that this state alone contains 56,873,- 
 cx3o,ooo more feet of standing timber than is 
 found in the forests of all the Eastern and 
 Southern states combined. The heaviest growth 
 of timber in the state is in the counties situated 
 in the northern portion of Western Washington 
 and in those bordering on the Pacific ocean along 
 the western coast. The best timber does not grow directly on the coast, but beginning 
 at a point about one mile distant from shore line, a gradual improvement is noted in 
 the timber, which continues to grow better in quality for several miles toward the 
 interior. At the base of the Cascade range of mountains the timber again suddenly 
 becomes larger and the growth is heavier than it is immediately to the west. It 
 decreases in size as the ascent of the range is made, increasing again as the descent 
 is made on the eastern slope. It is on the eastern side of the mountains and covering 
 tho foothills tliat the best timber of Eastern 
 Washington is found. The great plains of 
 the eastern part of the state are practically 
 treeless. In but few parts of the state, how- 
 ever, is there a lack of sufficient timber for 
 domestic use within easy hauling distance. 
 On account of the easy facilities enjoyed 
 for shipment by both rail and water, nearly 
 all the extensive lumbering operations in 
 Washington r.re now carried on in that part of 
 the state bordering on Puget Sound and the 
 Pacific ocean. On the cast side of the Cas- 
 cade range in the state are 11,616,720 acres 
 of forests which contain in round numbers 
 106,978,041,000 feet of timber. In the entire 
 state there are only two counties out of 
 the 34 that are without stniding tiniber 
 of some kind. These are the counties of 
 Adams and Franklin both located in the 
 eastern part of the state. These two coun- 
 ties adjoin each other and are exactly similar 
 in their topography and character of soil. 
 The present value of timber still standing in Eastern Washington is $80,427,000, 
 and up to the present time this timber has been utilized almost solely for home con- 
 Timber felling near Aberdeen, Wash. 
 The Orej^oninn's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 I ii|i 
 ! ! i 
 i , 
 Log Chute, 1100 Feet Long. 
 PuGET Sound. 
 a TONS. 
 sumption. The lumber sawed in the western part of the state, however, has for many 
 years past been shipped in hirge quantities to all parts of the United vStates and 
 exported by the shipload to Europe, South America, the islands of the Pacific Ocean 
 and Australia. Western Washington now contains the largest continuous belt of for- 
 est growth in the United States. This great unbroken and almost 
 impenetrable forest, with its heavy undergrowth and windfall sev- 
 eral feet in thickness, contains hundreds of trees to the acre, many 
 of which arc from 200 to 400 feet high. This forest stretches away 
 from the waters of Pugct Sound for miles eastward, practically to 
 the snow-line of the Cascade Mountains, and between Puget Sound 
 and the ocean to the. west is a belt of timber thousands of miles in 
 extent. Much of this vast forest contains trees so high, and so 
 thick is the growth, that the sun never penetrates to its fastnesses. 
 It is a forest of absolute and continual shade. Every acre of this 
 timber belt contains thousands of feet of the finest timber, a source 
 of wealth that will some day make this one of the richest states in 
 the Union. 
 In some parts of Western Washington the timber is much 
 thicker than it is in others. In Chchalis county, for instance, the 
 forests will average nearly 32,000 feet to the acre, and in the 
 same county are whole townships which will cruise from 6,000,- 
 000 to 12,000,000 feet to the quarter section. Another in- 
 stance of extraordinary forest growth in the state is in Skagit 
 county, where 16,000,000 feet of merchantable timber to the 
 square mile is considered, by practical lumber men, as a 
 conservative estimate of the forest growth. In cither of the 
 counties named above, or for that matter, in any of the 
 counties of Western Washington, it is not difficult to find 
 cedar trees from 12 to 21 feet in diameter, and from 150 to 
 375 feet high. The lowest limbs on these great trees are 
 often 100 feet from the ground, One of these giants of the 
 forest will furnish sufficient clear lumber or shingles to fill 
 several standard railroad cars. 
 It is impossible to form any accurate estimate of the 
 different kinds of timber still standing in the state of Wash- 
 ington. There has never been an effort made on the part 
 of those who have cruised over this timber belt to segre- 
 gate the different varieties in their reports. It can be safely 
 stated, however, that fir constitutes about 60 per cent, of the 
 forest growth of the state, while cedar, Washington pine 
 (spruce), Alaska pine (hemlock), pine, ash, maple, alder, 
 Cottonwood, larch and oak fellow in importance in the 
 order named. 
 Growing side by side with the fir is the Washington 
 cedar, which is the next abundant to fir here, and whose 
 timber is second in importance to fir. While this tree be- 
 longs to the same family as the cedar of the Eitstern states, 
 it grows in the forests of Washington very differently from 
 what it docs farther east. Here it is straight from the 
 Timber felling near Chehalis, wash. 
 Timber Resources of the Piicific Northwest. 
 Locoing Train -Puget Sound. 
 H»tlS, W»8H. 
 ground up, and is of immense size. In height it does not equal the fir, but its 
 average diameter is much greater. The value of Washington cedar lumber has 
 not until recently been fully appreciated, but as its durability, the ease with which 
 it is worked and its beauty when properly finished have become better kijown, the 
 demand for this lumber has greatly increased, and today 
 Washington cedar lumber, as well as cedar shingles from 
 this state, is an important article of commerce in the 
 ivistern states. Shingles made from Washington cedar 
 have attained a world-wide reputation. One of these 
 shingles will last for 50 years, and as the average life of 
 a pine shingle, under the best conditions, is not more 
 than 10 years, it will be seen that the cedar shingle has a 
 great advantage in the market. On the roofs of the 
 cabins occupied by the early pioneers of Washington, 
 from 1846 to 1852, may still be seen shingles as they were 
 first nailed in position, and as sound as the day they were 
 split from the timber. 
 In Western Washington is also found the Alaska cedar. This is a very valuable 
 wood, but the supply here is limited. The only place in the state where it exists in 
 any considerable quantity is in the recesses of the forests along the Olympic range 
 of mountains between Puget Sound and the ocean. This cedar is of a very fine 
 grain, it takes a very beautiful finish, and it is even valuable for the process of wood- 
 A species of cedar known to the trade as pencil cedar, is also found in the forests 
 of Wai!hington. While not as common as the red cedar of commerce, several tracts 
 of this wood are scattered through the western part of the state, and the forests of 
 this wood will, in time, prove very valuable. Florida is the only other state in the 
 Union '.vhich contains this wood, and the available supply there now is all owned 
 by a single great pencil manufacturer. The existence of this cedar in /Vashington is 
 not generally known at the present time, but it is believed by the lumbermen of the 
 state that this wood Vvill be a staple article of export a fe-.v years hence. 
 The nomencla'.ure of Waslungton's trees is liable to pre e confusing to the ixader 
 who is not familiar with the different varieties of woods growing in the forests of the 
 state. Owing to the great difference existing between woods of the same variety 
 found in Washington and in th^, Kast, shippers of Wash- 
 ington lumber have found it necessai^' to preserve the 
 identity of this lumber by atcaching local names to the 
 several varieties handled. Thus the fir of the Pacific 
 Northwest is known to the Eastern trade as Oregon 
 pine and Douglas fir, spruce is called Washington pine, 
 and hemlock from the states bordering on the North 
 Pacific Ocean as Alaska pine. 
 Washington spruce bears a close resemblance to the 
 Eastern white pine. It is a perfectly odorless wood, is 
 almost milk white, and is equally as soft as white pine. 
 Up to the present time its use has been confined to the manufacture of boxes, store 
 shelving and dairy furniture. Its entire freedom from even the least perceptible 
 odor especially recommends this wood in connection with handling butter or milk. 
 Washington spruce is now receiving attention from Eastern wagon makers with a 
 Logging- Puget Sound, 
 starting log down chute. 
 '1 1 + ' 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Loo FROM Chute Striking Water. 
 view to utilizing this wood largely for the mauufacture of wagon boxes. Spruce is 
 found in large quantities on lands tributary to Grays Harbor, Willapa Harbor (Shoal - 
 water Bay), and the Columbia river. 
 HemlC'Ck, or Alaska pine, is generally found in close proximity to tide water i-i 
 Washington. The value of the hemlock forests of the state has heretofore bee i 
 greatly underestimated by reason of the general, bui 
 erroneous, impression that the hemlock found here is iden- 
 tical with that found along the Atlantic coast, and is, there- 
 fore, much inferior to either the fir, the cedar or the spruce 
 which Washington contains in such abundance. The hem- 
 lock of Washington is the Tiisqa Mertensianaixnd ib entirely 
 distinct from the Tusqa Canadensis, or the common hem- 
 lock of the Rast. The Washington hemlock differs from 
 the Eastern variety in both its botanical and its economi<- 
 properties. It is not generally known that the heml< k 
 forests of Washington contain fully one-fourth of the ^vai' 
 able tan bark of the I'nited States. Pennsylvania .it 
 the present time is the leading state of the Union for the 
 production of hemlock leather. Present statistics show, however, that within 
 the next six years, at the present rate of consumption, the supply of hemlock tan 
 bark in that state will be exhausted. It is perhaps a safe assertion to say that before 
 the expiration of the next ten years tannin, manufactured largely from the hemlock 
 bark of Washington, will be in great demand in both the United States and in 
 Europe. Apart liom the local rcqtiirements, a great and constantly increasing 
 demand exists for hemlock extract all over the United States as well as for export to 
 foreign countries. Germany alone imported 35,000,000 pounds of tanning extracts 
 ill 1892, and Great Britain is one of the largest consumers of tanning extract in the 
 world. A number of tests made by leading and reliable chemists have demonstrated 
 that Washington hemlock is the strongest bark of its kind on the continent, and 
 that it contains a larger percentage of tannin even than the Pennsylvania hemlock 
 bark, which has always, up to the present time, stood the highest in the market. 
 These tests resulted in the establishment of a tannin extract company at South Bend, 
 Washington. These works have a capacity of 150 barrels, or 75,000 pounds a week, 
 and are being very succesefully operated. Other tannin extract works will soon be 
 put in operation in the state, and hemlock from Washington will soon become as 
 staple an article of trade here as is the spruce or the cedar at the present time. The 
 hemlock lumber is very valuable and is especially 
 adapted for fine interior work and ornamentation. 
 It IS not to be compared with the fir in tensile 
 strength or in durability when exposed to the 
 weather, but it can be used for many purposes, 
 and its value is becoming better appreciated with 
 each succeeding year. 
 Of the other woods found in Washington's 
 forests, pine is the most abundant. Yellow pine is a 
 mountain wood as found in this state. It is plenti- 
 ful in Eastern Washington and has all the characteristics of the Southern yellow pine. 
 In the state are also scattered growths of ash, alder, cottonwood, oak, maple, poplar, 
 tamarack, yew aud willow. All these woods differ little, if any, from the same varieties 
Timber Resources of the Pacific Xortbwest. 
 SET Sound. 
 MOUNTAIN Scenery Near Vientq- Columbia Riveh. 
 found in the Eastern forests. Another Washington wood is madi me, which is found 
 along the coast in paying quantities. It is an exceedingly handsome wood and can he 
 used with profit by wood-workers for various purposes. White birch, a very rare wood, 
 is found in small quantities in Eastern Washington. It has attained but little value, 
 cointncrcially, up to the present time. 
 The last wood found in Washington's 
 forests in sufficient quantities to call for men- 
 lion in the present article is larch. This is a 
 beautiful wood which grows in great abundance 
 in the mountainous districts of the state. The 
 tree attains a height of 150 feet and is from three 
 to six feet in diameter. The wood is used for 
 interior finishing and makes an excellent 
 quality of sash and doors. 
 With all this great wealth of timber only awaiting the axe and the saw to be con- 
 verted into marketable lumber, it is but natural that, dating from the time that the 
 first pioneers settled on the shores of Puget Sound, the people of the state have largely 
 depended on the forests of the state as a means of livelihood, and that lumber is 
 today, as it will always be the leading industry of thestate. With the exception of an 
 occasional hunting or trading trip made by the hardy voyageurs of the Hudson's Bay 
 Company, the forests of Washington remained undisturbed by the foot of the white 
 man until the coming of the pioneer settlers to this part of the state in 1846. In that 
 year the first sawmill in the state was built at Tumwater Falls, on the Dcs Chutes 
 river, in Thurston county, by Captain Simmons. This was a primitive affair, and its 
 market was limited altogether to the local demand. This, however, was the initial 
 stage of the development of an industry that now represents millions of invested 
 capital, and whose trade reaches to nearly all accessible parts of the world. 
 In 1853, Henry L. Yesler built at Seattle the first steam sawmill on the shores of 
 Puget vSound. It would be a difficult matter for those acquainted only with the great 
 and flourishing city of Seattle today, to realize the important part the small sawmill 
 of Henry Yesler's played in the pioneer stage of the city's history. For years follow- 
 ing its establishment it was almost the sole industry of the place, and. it is possible 
 that, through the establishment of this mill here, may be traced the primary cause 
 which determined the subsequent supremacy of Seattle. In the '50's, Yesler's mill 
 was the most important structure of the villagt 
 of Seattle. There all the wage-earners of the place 
 were employed; there the few ships that then vis- 
 ited Puget Sound came for cargoes and landed 
 their freights of produce and merchandise. The 
 mill occupied a long, low, rambling building, and 
 had a capacity of 15,000 feet a day. Later other 
 mills were established at this point and on other 
 ports of the Sound. In 1867-68, Charles Hanson 
 built the big Tacoma mill, which is still one of the 
 leading mills of the latter city. 
 At the time of the establishment of the big mill at the present site of Tacoma, 
 ships called occasionally at the ports of Puget Sound and carried away lumber to San 
 Francisco and Austrulia. Mills began to multiply rapidly on the shores of the Sound 
 and, by 1880, the output of lumber in Washington amounted to 160,176,000 feet a 
 Scene Near mosier-columbia River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 HfULiNG Loos Near Seattle. 
 year. INIorc than half of this luuiber found a market in vSan Francisco and foreign 
 ports. No record of the output of the sawmills of WafLlogton was kept in the years 
 following 1880 until 1887. In the latter year the output was 600,000,000 feet, one- 
 third of which was sent out of the state b\ 
 vessel, and a small demand had been created 
 in the East which was supplied by rail ship- 
 ments. By 1890, the number of mills in the 
 state had increased to over 2oa, and tlie output 
 of these mills for that year wa<^ i,ooci,ooo,ooo 
 feet. It was in 1890 that the first large ship- 
 ments of lumber were made from the Washing- 
 ton mills to the Eastern states. Since that time freight rates have discriminated 
 against Washington lumber shipments, but it can be but a few years in the future, 
 at the most, when nearly all the lumber consumifd in v hat are known as the Middle 
 states and those of the Central West will be shipped from the mills of the Pacific 
 Nearly one-third of the population of. 'ashington at the present time is depend- 
 ent on the industries of sawing lumber, s]"'ngles and wood-working plants, and a 
 large part of the wealth of the state is derived from this source. The followi>ig sta- 
 tistics will be found interesting as s'rowing the mammoth proportions which the lum- 
 ber industry has assumed in the state during the last 10 years, and it will furnish a 
 basis on which to make hopes for the future of this industry in the Northwest. 
 In 1892 the mills of Washington turned out 1,164,425,880 feet of lurtiber, 436,716,- 
 oix) laths, and 1,883,868,750 shingles. The output of shingles for the year showed an 
 lucre .'se of 957,ckio,ooo over the output of 1891, while the output of 1893, exact figures 
 for which are not oLitaijiable this early in the year, it is expected will show a corres- 
 ponding increase over the output of the year previous. This remarkable increase in 
 a single year was due altogether to the growing popularity of cedar shingles in the 
 East. It is now freely admitted that the Washington red cedar shingle is superior to 
 any shingle in the market, At the present time only about oue-twenty-fifth of the 
 trade of the Union is supplied with Wa.shington shingles. The 6,oco carloads of 
 Washington shingles siiipped East in 1893 represent less than 2,000 actual customers. 
 There are now 50,cx)o lumV)cr firms in the United States and Canada, and conservative 
 shingle men do not believe that thi^ limit of th2 Eastern demand for Washington 
 shingles will l.)e reached until at least one- 
 half of the lumber dealers of the countrj- 
 are handling these shingles. 
 The output of the Washiuj^/.on lumber 
 and shingle mills finds its way to market 
 through the medium of coasV.iug and (oreiga 
 vessels, and by ail to the ISast. The ship- 
 ment of lumber aiul shingles from the state 
 in 1892 was divided as follows : lumber to 
 foreign ports, 105,002,710 feet; lumber to 
 coast ports, 263,666,523 feet; shipments of 
 lumhe- Dy rail, 100, 650, o(X); shingles by rail, 
 9i3,300,cxx>; shingles by water, 8,608,000. 
 The foreign shipments were made to the ports of I?,urope, As'h, South America 
 and O'^eanica, while the coastwise shipments were made principally to Cali- 
 vW* <*■'': 
 •' ..T?!'"'"' 
 Tut GnciT Fi.»rMC*t' Uke, Montana, 

 Timber Resources t' the Pacific Northwest. 
 , ' 'f| 
 fornia and Mexico. A large fleet of sailing vessels is regularly engaged in the export 
 Washington liiniVjer trade, and the harbors at Seattle, Tacouia, Port Blakely an>i other 
 milling centers of the sound contai ■ ships at all seasons of the year and from all 
 parts of the >vorld loading with lumber. 
 The value of the output of the lumber and wood-workiug mills of Washington for 
 1892 was I19, 000,000. This was subdivided as follows: Lumber, 112,481,543; shin- 
 gles, 12,187,898, and manufactures of wood, 13,512,429. 
 The capital invested in the lumber and wood-working 
 plputs of the state is over $3o,oaj,ooo. These indus- 
 tries give employment to about 12,000 men, and they 
 annually disbur.se in wages over $7,coo,ckxj. There are 
 now in operation in the state 227 sawmills 246 shingle 
 mills, and 73 sash and door factories. The sawmills 
 have an aggregate yearly capacity of 2,970,000,000 feet of lumber, while the shingle 
 nulls of the state turn out annually 3, 7 -'3,000,000 shingles. 
 Owing to the depressed condition of the lumber trade and the unsettled ci.. ^'tion 
 of the foreign market for lumber, the mills of the state did not run to their full capac- 
 ity during the season of 1892-93. The mill men of Washington base great hopes on 
 the completion of the Nicaragua canal to revolutionize the lumber business of the 
 Pacific Northv/^est and cause Washington to take front rank among the great lumbtj- 
 produciug states of the Union. At the present time, owing to the great length of 
 time it requires to ship a cargo of lumber from Washington around Cape Horn, the 
 shipments of lumber from the state to the Atlantic seaboard are neither large in 
 v<ilame nor are they profitable. The lumber of Washington has no superior in the 
 world, and wlien distances to Rurope arc lessened over <S,oo(3 miles by the completion 
 of the canal, it will easily drive all other lumber ouc of the markets of Europe and 
 the .\tlantic states. 
 (Treat Britain alone now annually imports J575, 000,000 worth of lumber, of which 
 less t'lian $i5o,a>j worth comes from the Pacific coast. Other foreign nations import 
 lumber in proportionate amounts. This foreign demand, together with the constantly 
 increasing market in the Kastern stntcs for lumber, will, in the near future, create a 
 great demand lor lumber sawed in the mills of the Pacific Northwest. 
 It may be interesting to call the attention of the readers of this article to the mis- 
 leading statements scattered broadcast bj' certain misinformed persons to the effect 
 that the forests of Washington contain sufficient timber to supply the world for loo years 
 in thf future. The facts arc that there is today just about sufiicient timber in these 
 forests to supply the trade now handled by the mills of the northern pine .stales for 
 aboi.t 40 years, and on the entire Pacific coast there is now only sufiicient standing 
 timber to last 70 years at the same rate of consumption. 
 Timber Resoitrces ok 1d.\ho. — The forests of the state of Idaho it is estimated 
 contain 3o,vioo,ax),uot) feet of timber. This is double the amount of timber con- 
 tained today in Minnesota, which now ranks as one of the greate.st lumbering stales 
 of the Union. 
 But little lumber is now manufactured in Idaho, and its forests may be called 
 vast timber preserves for the use of future generations. The most extensive forest 
 growth of the state is in Siioshone and Kootenai counties. Around beautiful Lake 
 Tend d' Oreille, in Idaho, and stretching back from this body of water for miles, is 
 I H 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 1 ■ 
 \ ] 
 ■ i 
 Logging in the Cceur o'Alene District. 
 a superb forest, in which gigantic trees lift their heads aloft to a height of over 200 
 fiet. Nowhere else iu the United States, except iu the Pacific Northwest, can be 
 found such proiiigious amounts of timber to the acre. 
 Covering the granite-ribbed slopes of the C(JL'ur d' Akne 
 mountains, and extending to the shores of L,ake Ccieur 
 d' Alcne, is another vast forest which makes au important 
 addition to Idaho's timber wealth. An enormous amount 
 of timber is also found fringing the numerous 
 streams which wind among the hills of Northern 
 and Central Idaho. The varieties of timber 
 found- in Idaho include pine, spruce, tamarack, 
 oak, mountain mahogany, Juniper, birch, cot- 
 tonwocd, alder and willow. 
 tana's pre-eminence as a mineral-producing 
 state has detracted attention from its other 
 natural resources. About ro,ooo,ooo acres of Montana's mountain lands are covered 
 by fine forests of pine, spruce, cedar and tamarack. It is estimated that these 
 forests contain 75, (.00,000,000 feet of merchantabh> timber. This timber grows 
 upon the rugged slopes of the Rocky Mountains and on detached clusters of moun- 
 tains scattered here and there throughout the state. 
 While Montana exports but little lumber, it takes about ioo,ooo,p' j feet a year to 
 supply the local demand. The greater portion of this lumber is ..sed by the mines 
 of tl;e state. The ;\naconda mine, at Butte, alone uses nearly 15,000,000 feet of 
 lumber a year in timbering. A large quantity of wood is also used as fuel in the 
 great smelters and quartz mills of the state. There are 102 sawmills and shirglc 
 mills in Montana, nearly all of which have u capacity under 10,000 feet a daj-. The 
 largest sawmill in Montana is that of the Blackfoot Milling and Manufacturing 
 Company, at Bonner. This mill has a daily capacity of 240,000 feet. Its yearly out- 
 put is about 32,000,000 feet. 
 TiMHER Resources of Alaska. — Alaska, bordering on the .\rctic ocean, with 
 one end experiencing the cold of almost perpetual winter and the other end of the 
 territory seldom noting a temperature below the freezing point, contains a vast 
 amount of standing timber. It is estimated that one-thirtieth of the entire territory 
 is covered with timber. The timber belt of Alaska contains about 11,160,000 acres. 
 At the low estimate of 6,000 feet of standing timber to the acre, Alaska contains 
 today 66,960,000,0:0 feet. 
 The Yukon river, a wide and deep streatti, flowing from the 10c fields of the 
 north thri)Ugh .-Maska, is fringed for almost its entire length with a dense forest. 
 Along the coast from the southeastern boundary of the territory to Kodiak Island, 
 tncre is a continuous forest, except where n.onntain ranges over 2,000 feet high 
 approach the water. On the islands of the Alexander Archipelago is a heavy growth 
 of yellow cedar, from which a superior class of lumber is manufactured. These for- 
 ests contain great trees six feet in diameter and branchless for sixty feet or more 
 above the ground. The ';imbcr of the southeastern parts of Alaska consists of 
 spruce, hemlock, 3-ellow and red cf.dar, the woods being found in quantity in these 
 forests in the order named above. The forests of the interior of Alaska extend as far 
Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 north as the range of mountains, from 50 to 100 miles distant from the coast. These 
 forests contain spruce, hemlock, birch, poplar and other deciduous trees. 
 The principal woods of export of Alaska are Alaska cedar and hemlock, which is 
 known commercially as Alaska pine. The cedar of Alaska is so fine grained that it 
 can be used for wood engraving. It is susceptible of taking a high polish, and is 
 well adapted for the manufacture of furniture and for interior finishing work. 
 There are now 13 sawmills in Alaska. The output of these mills is used for local 
 consumption, the government instructions preventing the shipment of lumber sawed 
 in the territory beyond its limits. It is to these restrictions alone that the present 
 stagnation in the lumber industry of Alaska is due. In 1890 Congress passed an act 
 allowing one person to purchase 160 acres of land in Alaska at the price of f 2.50 an 
 acre. This act only applied to actual settlers on the land purchased. As none of the 
 timber land of the territory has been surveyed, all parties now cutting timber on the 
 government land of Alaska are trespassers. The great inland sea, extending from 
 Alaska to the cities of Puget Sound, affords an easy means of shipping the lumber 
 product of Alaska to an available market, and as soon as the government restrictions 
 governing the export of lumber from the territory are removed, the lumber industry of 
 Alaska will prove to be as great as is this industry today in the states of Oregon and 
 Washington to the south. 
 Lumber Resources of British Columbia. — It is not generally known that 
 British Columbia contains more timber than the two states of Oregon and Washing- 
 ton combined. Of the total 
 000 acres are classified as 
 that the average amount of 
 10,000 feet, a very small esti- 
 tains today the enormous 
 Where extensive logging 
 ducted in the province, the 
 more than 15,000 feet to the 
 standing timber in the 
 feet to the acre, British Col- 
 area of the province, 85,000,- 
 timber land. Estimating 
 standing timber to the acre is 
 mate, British Columbia con- 
 total of 850,000,000,000 feet, 
 operations have been con- 
 standing timber has scaled 
 acre. If the average of 
 province is as high as 15,000 
 umbia contains today more 
 timber than is found in the entire territory of the United States. 
 The trees growing in British Columbia are of the same varieties as those found 
 in the forests of Washington. Fir predominates, with cedar second in abundance. 
 The lumber interest of the province at the present time is one of its principal indus- 
 tries. In 1892 the mills of British Columbia turned out 164,877,000 feet of lumber 
 and 126,273,001) cedar shingles. Of the lumber product, 38,897,029 feet were shipped 
 to foreign ports. Like Oregon and Washington, British Columbia finds a market for 
 her lumber in Australia, South America and the Sandwich Islands. In November, 
 1893, u shipment of fir lumber was made from Victoria to the coast of Africa. Other 
 shipments have been made from the ports of the province to Kngland and parts of 
 the Orient. A considerable part of the lumber manufactured in the province is 
 shipped via the Canadian Pacific railway to the treeless plains of Alberta and Mani- 
 toba and even as far east as Quebec. Like the timber of Washington, that of Brit- 
 ish Columbia is unexcelled for general building purposes and is greatly superior to 
 the timber which is cut east of the Rocky Mountains. 
 Mining in tlio Pafiflc Northwest — From the gold-impregnated sands of 
 mountain strcan s and from the bowels of the earth are obtained the precious metals 
 The Orcgonian's Hnn<lhook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 h * 
 ] I I 
 A PROSPECTOR'S Pack Train. 
 which, after passing through the mints, become the money of the world. The use of 
 gold aud silver a', money, the demand for the yellow and white metals in the arts 
 and the waste of chesc minerals by the wearing effects of time, call for a never-ceas- 
 ing source of supply of gold and silver. It is to meet this demand that the present 
 great mining centers have been established, and 
 the millions of dollars now invested in the mines 
 of the United States shows a confidence of capital 
 in the permanency of our mining industries that 
 promises much for the future increase of mining 
 operations in the Pacific Northwest. 
 Countless fortunes have already been made on 
 the Pacific coast out of mining. Throughout the 
 Pacific Northwest today ^re many rich men who 
 a few years ago were searching among the hills 
 and gulches of this region for the yellow metal 
 which is responsible for so much happiness and so 
 much misery. These men formed a part of the 
 army of argonauts who, reckless of jr'^sical suffering and danger alike, jour- 
 neyed to the mountains of Oregon, Idaho aud Montana from all parts of the United 
 States. It was in the early '6o's that the thousands of these adventurous spirits 
 swarmed into the gulches of Idaho and Montana, and from these gulches was v islied 
 within the short space of a few years over $100,000,000 in gold. I'rom the first dis- 
 covery of gold in Montana to the present time, the humble miner has patiently pros- 
 pected the mountainous regions of the states comprising the Pacific Northwest. He 
 has fallen to sleep at night with the sky for a canopy and on the morrow has 
 discovered the wealth to which he had devoted his life. Not all of these worthy men 
 have been successful All over the Northwest are nameless graves filled as the result 
 of physical exhaustion and long deferred hopes in the mad rush for gold. The miner, 
 like men in other callings in life, is forced to accept the issue of success or failure 
 with a calm spirit. Like ever} calling, where success means a fortune, it claims the 
 attention of thousands of men doomed to failure. The search for the yellow metal, 
 however, possesses a fascination which binds for a lifetime lease the man who first 
 looks for gold, and the success which a few men attain in the calling is an ever-pres- 
 eut incentive for constant prospecting on the part of the miner, which alone leads to 
 rich discoveries. It is the possibility of finding thousands of dollars, even millions, 
 that urges the prospector to roam alone in the unbroken solitudes of mighty moun- 
 tains never prospected before. P is this same spirit which induces capitalists to 
 spend thousands of dollars in sinking shafts, ru?i,ning tunne's and doing other devel- 
 opment work on promising prospects, the surface indications of these prospect holes 
 indicating that immense stores of wealth may lie hidden below. 
 In recent years science has done much to remove the element of uncerlaintj' from 
 the development of a mine which was formerly connected with all mining operations. 
 Practical mining men now assert that it is seldom that any considerable sum of money 
 is lost in developing .lining proi)erty. The profits of no other business are as great 
 as are those of minii g when intelligently conducted l)y men of large means. There 
 are even today scatf.ered throughout the Northwest hundreds of prospects which, if 
 developed at the expense of a few thousand dollars, would prove fine paying proper- 
 ties. The one great need of any promising mining dist ict is capital to develop its 
 mines. A new mining district, however rich, is slow to enlist the atteutiou of capital. 
Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 Yet, when oucc capital becomes interested in a mining section, its development 
 is rapid and its prosperity is usually permanent. Quartz ledges now claim the prin- 
 cipal attention of raining men and the development and subsequent working of a rich, 
 (juartz mine require years of constant work, which alone insures permanence to any 
 camp in which quartz mining predominates. 
 The men who discover mines are usually improvident, and they are usuallj' with- 
 out money. They sell their claims in most cases for a small fraction of their value, 
 and it is this which renders it easy for capitalists to invest in claims which give 
 almost a positive assurance of turning out well. The Pacific Northwest is today, per- 
 haps, one of the greatest mineral-producing regions in the world, and yet all mining 
 men concede that the production of gold and silver in this vast territory is but a 
 small part of what it will be in the near future. In 1892 the nnnes of the Pacific 
 Northwest, independent of British Columbia, produced the enormous sum of I54,- 
 593,912 in gold and silver. It is not improbable that this output of precious metals 
 in the Northwest will be at least doubled within the next few years. This, at least, is 
 the opinion of careful and experienced mining men who are familiar with the mineral 
 resources of the country. In the following series of articles on mining in the North- 
 west, full and reliable information is given on the mines of Oregon, Washington, 
 Idaho and Montana, and reference is also made to the great mining districts of British 
 Columbia aad Alaska. This information has been gathered from personal visits to 
 the mining centers of the Northwest; the figures have been taken from the United 
 States official reports, and statistics given in these articles will be accepted by the 
 world as positive evidence of the great and constar ly increasing importance of the 
 mines of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Mining in Oregon. — Since the discovery of gold on the Rogue river in 1852, 
 Oregon has been a steady producer of the precious metals. The mines of Jackson 
 and Josephine counties alone have yielded since that time, some reports state, as 
 high as $30,000,000 in gold. It was in these counties that the first mining in the 
 state was done, and this section is now the scene of a mining excitement that equaled 
 the rush of the early 50's when the " Argonauts " of California came over the Siski- 
 you mountains and made the first discov eries 
 of the coarse gold of the Rogue River placers. 
 Gold predominates in the mineral districts 
 of Oregon, and with the exception of the silver 
 output of the mines of Umatilla county, but 
 very little of the white metal is pro- 
 duced in the state. The most im- , A 
 portant gold-producing sections of 
 Oregon today are the Rogue River val- 
 ley and the adjacent coun- 
 try, and the Blue Mountain 
 region in the counties of 
 Baker, Grant and Union, in 
 K astern Oregon. A large 
 part of the gold mined in 
 Southern Oregon is taken 
 from the placers. . Gold is 
 found in nearly all the numerous creeks and large rivers of Southern Oregon. Along the 
 Coast Range of mountains in this part of the state, evidences of gold appear wher- 
 HyDHAULic Mining SouTHtnN Oregon. 
 i- ■■■'I 
 1 f-'.H 
 ' n 
 I 'i, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 t I I'!-:' 
 I Hi 
 Hydraulic MtNiNG. 
 ever the streams have cut their way through the sandstone to the more ancient form- 
 ation of the rocks lying underneath. Trickling down this range are innumerable 
 creeks which uniting form large rivers. The gravel in any of these streams shows 
 traces of gold, and a color can be obtained from the 
 gravel at any place along their course. This gold has 
 been carried by the streams to the beaches of the 
 ocean, and in a few places on the Oregon coast — 
 notably in Coos and Curry counties — the black sand 
 deposits are worked for the minute particles of gold 
 which all this sand contains. This gold is found in 
 considerable • quantities, but it is so fine that it has 
 never been possible with the machinery now in use 
 to save but an exceedingly small part of the flour gold. 
 Quartz mining began in Southern Oregon in i860. Quartz mining in the state, 
 however, has never assumed great proportions. This has been due to a number of 
 causes. In the first place it has been easier to work the placers of Southern Oregon 
 than it has been to develop the quartz ledges of this section. There has been a feel- 
 ing among practical mining men that the quartz ledges of Southern Oregon were not 
 continuous veins. During the past two years, however, some very rich ledges of 
 gold quartz have been uncovered in the southern part of the state, and the working 
 of these ledges has been attended with very profitable results. The recent decline 
 in the price of silver has caused mining men to turn their attention more to the 
 mining of gold, and as a result several gold properties in the state which have been 
 allowed to lie idle for years were again opened up during the past year, and the 
 development work already done on these properties has been of an encouraging 
 nature to the mine owners. 
 Generally speaking the veins of gold quartz in the mines of Southern Oregon 
 are of a "pockety" nature. Recent explorations of the mineralized area here, 
 however, have disclosed several true fissure veins. In past years quartz mining has 
 not been conducted by practical miningmen in Southern Oregon, and but little effort 
 has been made by these men to save the vast amount of gold contained in the sul- 
 phurets of these mines. The machinerj' by which the ores have been handled has 
 been of a primitive character. The method adopted here for treating the ores has 
 not been the one that is in use where operations are directed by scientific and prac- 
 tical mining men. Under these conditions mining in the .southern part of the state 
 has only been profitable where the percentage of free gold in the quartz was large. It is 
 noticeable that where thoroughly experienced mining men of means have taken hold of 
 any of the gold quartz ledges of Southern Oregon the results have been satisfactory, 
 and it is this evidence of the richness of these ledges, when the ores have been prop- 
 erly treated, which must be taken as an index of the importance of the future min- 
 ing interests of this part of the vState. The present great drawback to profitable 
 quartz mining in many of the different sections of Southern Oregon is the absence 
 of complete and thorough apparatus for cheap milling. There are extensive deposits 
 of low-grade gold-bearing ores scattered all over this district, and it is the opinion 
 of experienced mining men that these ores could be profitably worked with the aid of 
 good machinery. 
 There are now at least 25 quartz mines which are being worked in Southern 
 Oregon. It is confidently believed that this number will be at least doubled during 
 the pi 
 in for 
 of the 
 fine 01 
Alining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 the present year. The gold-bearing quartz veins in this section are found principally 
 in formations of auriferous slate. Some remarkable " pockets" of placer gold have 
 been found in the gulches here. In 1893, as high as $3,000 was taken off a strip of 
 bed-rock 12 feet long and 8 feet wide. On Althouse creek, in Josephine county, some 
 of the largest nuggets ever found on tile coast were picked up. The largest of these 
 nuggets v.'as valued at $3,100, while others were picked up along the same creek 
 ranging in value from $1,000 to $1,500 each. In 1892, according to liie report of the 
 director of the mint, the mines of Oregon produced $1,555,861.57. Of this amount, 
 $1,491,781.39 was gold, and $64,080. 18 silver. This represents an output of 72,165 
 fine ounces of gold, and 49,563 fine ounces of silver. Southern Oregon produced dur- 
 ing I092, $194,374.17 in gold, distributed by counties as follows: Coos $16,884.70; 
 Curry, $2,991,40; Douglas, $15,251.26; Jackson, $41,773.25; Josephine, $72,293.47; 
 Lane, $31,500; Linn, $13,680. Of this gold, $18,000 was taken from placer diggings 
 by Chinese. These almond-eyed aliens are the most persistent of Western miners. 
 They will plod along for years working placer ground that white miners have long 
 since abandoned as worked-out diggings. 
 The two greatest producing mines of Southern Oregon in 1892 were the Annie 
 Consolidated, with a yield for the year of $16,500, and the Occidental, which pro- 
 duced $15,000 of gold. Roth of these mines are in Lane county. The Simmons and 
 Cameron mine, in Josephine 
 same year, $14,707. The largest 
 Ashland, with a yield for the 
 are considefed good paying prop- 
 The Blue Mountain region, 
 promising and most productive 
 is a country of metamorphic 
 basaltic lava. The basaltic 
 vein deposits, but occasionally 
 detritus from older rocks carr\'- 
 ers. Streams have, in many 
 Placer Mining. 
 county, produced, during the 
 mine in Jackson county is the 
 year of $io,oco. All of these 
 in Eastern Oregon, is the most 
 mineral belt in the stat^. This 
 rocks, granite and gneisses, and 
 rocks here contain no regular 
 they are found overlaid with 
 ing gold and constituting plac- 
 places, cut the lava sheet in 
 this region and have exposed the underlying metamorphic rocks which con- 
 tain the quartz veins from which the gold of this country is taken. At the 
 higher elevations of the Blue Mountain range the lava sheet ceases, and in its stead 
 metamorphic rocks and granite are exposed. The gold veins in this region occur in 
 horn-blende, schist, mica schist, granite and slate. These are the most favorable 
 formations for gold. A large quantity of gold is taken from placers here, and there 
 is still considerable virgin ground unworked. It is believed by mining men, however, 
 that this branch of mining here is not capable of further expansion, or even of 
 maintaining its present relative importance to quartz mining. Unlike Southern 
 Oregon, nearly all the gold produced in this region is taken from quartz mines. 
 There are now a large number of producing and dividend-paying mines in this dis- 
 trict, and hundreds of promising claims. The veins here are large; they are well 
 defined; they go down to great depths and do not pinch out. The ore runs from free 
 milling to base, and in value from what is considered low grade to rich ore, averag- 
 ing $1,000 to the ton in gold. The Conner Creek mine in this district was the first 
 productive quartz mine in Oregon. It has been in operation for 25 years past and 
 is still producing. In 1888, a pocket of rich ore was uncovered in this mine which it 
 took a year to extract, and which yielded a total of $104,000. Some of the rock in 
 this pocket was worth $20 a pound. . , • . 
 • la 
 ''- hi 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 As a rule the quartz found in the mines of Eastern Oregon is what may be termed 
 low grade. In several of the so-called low-grade mines of this region, however, like 
 the Connor Creek, exceedingly rich ore shoots are found. In 1S92, the mines of 
 Eastern Oregon produced $i,'36o,245.72. Of this, $1,297,409 was gold and $62,836 
 was silver. Of the silver, Umatilla county produced $53,640 of the year's output. 
 Of this silver, $28,000 was taken out of Leap-for-Life mine, in Umatilla county. 
 This is, today, the only large silver-producing mine in Oregon. Another silver mine 
 in Umatilla county-is the New Silver Bell, which yielded $6,150 in 1892. The Car- 
 bonate mine of the same county is a famous gold producer. Its ores also carry 
 considerable silver. In 1892, this mine produced $53,4^0 i" i^old and $16,600 in 
 Union is now the greatest mining county of the state, and its output is increas- 
 ing at the rate of nearly $200,000 a year. In 1892, the precious metal yield of the 
 Eastern Oregon counties was as follows: Union, $755,615; Baker, $370,843.72; Uma- 
 tilla, $119,765; Grant, $53,820; Malheur, $55,900, and Wallowa, $4,300. With the 
 exception of Umatilla, none of these counties produce a noticeable amount of silver. 
 The largest producing mines of this section 
 and their output in 1892, were as follows : the 
 Sanger group, at Sparta, Union county, 
 $275,000; Carbonate, Pendleton, Umatilla coun- 
 ty, $7o,CKXJ ; White Swan, Baker City, Baker 
 county, $72,642 ; Bonanza, Baker City, $54,994; 
 Little Pittsburg, Sparta, Union county, $45,000, 
 and Dolly Varden, Sparta, $45,000. Eight 
 other mines here produced in the same year 
 $25,000 each. The Chinese were especially 
 fortunate in Eastern Oregon during 1892, they 
 having secured during that year about 
 $150,000 in placer gold. The increased ac- 
 tivity shown in the mines of Eastern Oregon 
 in 1893 will, it is believed, result in a much 
 larger output of these mines than was shown by the report of 1892. There are 
 now few, if any, gold-producing regions of the West where capital can be more profit- 
 ably employed than it can today in the promising mines of Eastern Oregon. 
 Extending from Goble, on the Columbia river, to Oregon City, on the Willa- 
 mette, are the low Scappose or Portland Hills. It was in these hills that iron ore 
 was first discovered, in 1843. This discovery was made near the present town of 
 Oswego, on the Willamette river, seven miles south of Portland. In 1866 a small blast 
 furnace was erected at Oswego, by the Oswego Iron Company, of which the late 
 W. S. Ladd was president. This furnace had a capacity of 10 tons per day, and it 
 was worked successfully for 20 years. Its product of pig-iron was sold principally 
 in Portland and San Francisco. In 1888 this plant was enlarged at a cost of $500,000, 
 and a railroad was built from the blast furnace to the mines. The iron ore found in 
 the Scappoose Hills is hydrated oxide of iron, commonly called "bog iron" or 
 " brown hematite." It is known to mineralogists, however, as limonite. The la\a 
 rocks of Oregon are rich in iron, and it has been calculated that there is enough iron 
 in the lava flows which nearly cover the state to form a solid iron plate 50 feet 
 thick over all of Oregon. With the possible exception of rocks containing a large 
 Prospecting. Montana. 
 titles al 
 Mining in the Pacific Northwest. Tl 
 proportion of magnetite, the volcanic rocks are practically worthless. In Southern 
 Oregon are extensive deposits of magnetic iron ore. This ore is found in large quan- 
 tities at Gold Hill, in Jackson county. 
 Copper is found in Southern Oregon, and an attempt was made to mine it near 
 Waldo, in Josephine county. The value of this metal is now purely prospective, as 
 Oregon cannot, at the present time, compete in the production of copper with the 
 other great copper-producing districts of the United States. It is found in large 
 (juantities here, however, and these deposits may, at some time in the future, prove 
 of great value. 
 In Douglas county, near the town of Riddle, are vast deposits of nickel. As yet 
 no attempt has been made to extract and treat this ore, owing to the excess of silica 
 it contains and the presumed high cost of smelting it. That these nickel mines are 
 very valuable is not questioned by practical men. Ores of exactly the same char- 
 acter as are found here are now being extensively handled with profit in New Cale- 
 donia, and it is probaVjly only a question of time until the nickel mines will be worked 
 here with a profit. 
 Extensive coal measures are found 
 in Oregon along the Coast range of 
 mountains and along the western 
 slope of the Cascades. In Eastern 
 Oregon, throughout that portion of 
 the John Day valley where tertiary 
 rocks are found, coal indications are 
 numerous. The principal deposits of 
 coal in the state lie in the stratified 
 rocks of the Coast range, where coal- 
 bed indications are found extending 
 south from the Columbia river to the 
 California line. At Coos Bay coal has 
 been mined since the early 50' s, and 
 the output of the mines here has 
 found a market principally in San 
 Francisco. This coal is a low-grade lignite, as is nearly all the coal found in Oregon. 
 At Wilhoit Springs, in Clackamas county, is a large deposit of lignite lying in a hori- 
 zontal bed of a uniform thickness of four feet. The quality of this coal is poor on the 
 surface, but it improves with the depth of the ledge vein. In the Nehalem valley, 
 and in other parts of Clatsop county, extensive deposits of lignite have been discovered, 
 some of which are of a fair grade of coal. This field, owing to its proximity to Port- 
 land, is perhaps the most valuable in promise in Oregon. It is confidently believed 
 that the future supply of coal for Portland will be obtained from this source, and 
 the attention of capital has already been called to the splendid opportunity afforded 
 for working these deposits. With the exception of the Coos Baj- coal, there is prac- 
 tically no coal mined in Oregon today. Most of the coal that has been discovered 
 in the state is not adapted to coking, but it makes a very satisfactory fuel for house- 
 hold use, and as depth is attained in the mines the quality of the coal found in Ore- 
 gon will probably increase over the quality of the surface croppings. There is no 
 reason to suppose that the coal fields of Oregon will not prove as valuable as the 
 present great coal fields of Washington. , 
 Placer Mining. Missoula Gulch, Butte, Montana. 
 i i 
 : I'll 
 I ' fill 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Mining in Washington. — A combination of causes has conspired to prevent 
 Washington from taking rank as one of the great precious metal-producing states of 
 the Union The isolated location of several of its richest mineral districts and the 
 lack of transportation facilities in other districts have retarded the development of 
 numerous valuable properties in the 
 state which i)roniisc to prove very rich 
 on a fuller development. In connec- 
 tion with the mining industry of the 
 state, however, one important fact 
 must not be overlooked. This is that 
 the rich mines of Northern Idaho and 
 I the Kootenay district, in British 
 c lumbia, are really tributary to 
 Washington. Sookane, for instance, 
 enjoys most of the trade of the rich 
 Cfuur d' Alenes. The money made in 
 these mines is invested largely in 
 Spokane, and this city is also the out- 
 fitting point for the rich mines of 
 British Columbia, to the north. Washington has profited largely by the development 
 of mines in the adjacent territory. 
 The construction of new lines of railroad in the state during 1893 furnished an 
 outlet for two of the most promising mining districts of the West. The construction 
 of these roads will result in more activity in these mining centers during the present 
 year than has yet been noted in the mining history of the state. Mineral discoveries 
 during recent years in the state, have demonstrated that Washington contains great 
 fields of low-grade ores, both silver and goldj which can be worked at a profit with 
 the aid of the latest improved machinery. In the Okanogan country are ledges of 
 gold-bearing ore which, from surface indications, surpass in extent anything of the 
 kind in the West. In other parts of the state are extensive deposits of high-grade 
 gold and silver ores. Some of the most promising of these claims are located remote 
 from railroad lines. It is but a question of time when many of these promising 
 prospects, now lying idle, will be developed into good, paying mines. Capitalists, 
 even today, are investigating the merits of nearly every mining camp in the slate, 
 and when their value is once fully determined, the development of the mines of 
 Washington will be but a repetition of the history of the growth of the great mining 
 properties of Montana and Idaho. Projects to build lines of railroad to the most 
 promising camps of Washington are being considered. The completion of these 
 lines would allow the shipment of ores from these camps to outside reduction centers 
 where such ores, owing to the heavy expense of long hauls by horses, cannot be 
 handled. There are today in Washington a score or more of mines from which the 
 owners have not yet earned a dollar. Vet on the dumps of these same mines are 
 thousands of dollars worth of ore which can be handled at a profit as soon as it can 
 be hauled to reduction centers by railroads. 
 Washington is divided into two great natural divisions by the Cascade range of 
 mountains. It is on the eastern side of this range that most of the best mining prop- 
 erties of the state are located. The mineral districts of the state have never been 
 thoroughly prospected. The dense forest growth and almost impenetrable under- 
 brush which cover the slopes of the Cascade Mountains, rich in minerals, have thus 
 far pre V 
 after a 
 been il 
 ore are 
 a quest! 
 profit oj 
 road, arl 
 ain side, 
 the state 
 been Ci 
 a large 
 with pro 
 142,000 i 
 tials wor 
 a while 
 can live 
 where a 
 in the stJ 
 1892 W 
 of silver, 
 ogan cov 
 The tots 
 field, go 
 gold $v 
Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 e of 
 far prevented extensive prospecting in these districts. Geologists, however, believe 
 after a careful examination of the formation of the rocks on the slopes of the Cas- 
 cades, that the mountains contain vast deposits of ore, which have never yet 
 heen imcovered. As the country is developed, these mineral ledges will be 
 uncovered. The future of mining in the state can, at best, be only a matter of con- 
 jecture, but it is the freely expressed opinion of every practical mining man who has 
 carefully looked over the ground here, that vast deposits of gold and silver bearing 
 ore are hidden in the Cascade range of mountains within the state, and that it is but 
 a question of time until these great storehouses of wealth will be opened for the 
 profit of man. 
 In several of the non-producing mineral districts of Washington leads are 
 exposed so that they can be followed with the eye for thousands of feet. In the rich 
 Monte Cristo region, recently connected with the tide water of Puget Sound by rail- 
 road, are great parallel ledges which can be plainly seen as they ascend the mount- 
 ain side. Gold is found on all the bars of the Columbi.' Yakima and other rivers of 
 the state. This gold, ho^^ever, is in many cases too line to allow the deposits to be 
 worked with a profit. On the upper waters of the Columbia river placer mining has 
 Along the Columbia even today 
 been carried on for years, 
 a large number of Chinamen 
 with profit. During 1893 these 
 142,000 in gold from the Stevens 
 tials work patiently at this work 
 a white miner, and it is the 
 can live that allows the China- 
 where a white man would suffer 
 in the state of Washington over 
 mines. The report of the direc- 
 1892 Washington produced 
 of silver. Of the silver output. 
 Marble LedoeS Near Spokane. 
 work the deposits of the river 
 Chinese miners took out about 
 county placers. These Celes- 
 for wages that would discourage 
 small pittance on which they 
 man to work in these diggings 
 privation at the same kind of 
 Of the gold now produced 
 two-thirds comes from the placer 
 tor of the mint shows that in 
 5373.533 of gold and $195-949 
 the Ivanhoe mine, in the Okan- 
 ogan country, produced $79,369, and the Old Dominion, of Colville, yielded $100,000. 
 The total mineral production of the state came from six counties as follows : Gar- 
 field, gold f^72> 500, silver $10,500; Kittitas, gold $169,203, silver $3,486; Lincoln, 
 gold $17,000; Okanogan, gold §10,250, silver $79,519.28; vSkagit, gold $40,600; 
 Stevens, gold $63,000, silver §102,444.58. This represented 18,071 fine ounces of gold 
 and 151,557 fine ounces of silver. 
 In Western Washington the most promising mining camps are located near the 
 summit of the Cascade Mountains in the counties of King and Snohomish. Of these 
 the Monte Cristo camp is situated in a huge basin on the headwaters of the Sauk 
 river. The principal ledges in this camp are found running in continuous and 
 almost parallel lines, through mighty clefts that have been carved out of the mount- 
 ains by glaciers. The bottom of the gorges of the Monte Cristo district lies at an 
 elevation of 2,100 feet above the level of the sea, while the mountains on either side 
 rise to an additional height of 3,000 feet. The mineral ledges in this district lie 
 exposed on the mountain side. Nature has already done a large part of the neces- 
 sary development work on these ledges, and but little remains for man to do here 
 but to shovel out the ore and reduce it. The original discovery of the Monte Cristo 
 camp was made from a point 15 miles distant with the aid of a good field glass. The 
 1 V-' 
 ' '1 
 > lii 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ores in this camp are generally base, bearing sulphurets of iron and galena, with a 
 showing of zinc. Parallel with nearly all the veins of galena in this district are 
 bodies of iron pyrities frequently mixed with 
 porphyry. These ores carry from $S to I55 a ton 
 in gold, and from 10 to 75 ounces in silver, and 
 from 14 to 70 per cent. lead. 
 In Washington the most promising camps are 
 located near the summit of the Cascade Moun- 
 tains, in King and Snohomish counties. In 1893 
 a sj-ndicate of English capitalists expended 
 |5, 000, coo in opening the Monte Cristo district 
 and in building the Everett & Monte Cristo rail- 
 road from tidewater to the mines. 
 On a high divide from the Monte Cristo mines is the Silver Creek mining dis- 
 trict. This is about eight miles in length and about three miles wide. The forma- 
 tion in this district is granite, porphyry and metamorphosed slate. The ores are 
 galena, with iron and sulphurets of copper carrying gold, silver and copper. The 
 principal mines in this district are the Oro Fino, Rattler, National, Morning Star, 
 Vandalia, Jumbo, Winner and Webster. These mines have all been developed to 
 some extent and the ores they produce average about $40 a ton in value. In what is 
 known as the Anaconda group, in this district, a nine-foot vein of ore has been 
 exposed which assays 11 per cent, in copper. 
 The Cascade mining district is located in the western part of Skagit county on 
 the headwaters of the Cascade river. The ledges in this district are extensive and 
 well defined. The principal mine is the Boston, which produces a galena ore assay- 
 ing 60 per cent, lead and 50 ounces in silver. Another mining district of Western 
 Washington, not yet sufficiently developed to show its permanent character, is the 
 Snoqualmie, situated on the western slope of the Ca.scade Mountains, in King 
 county. There are two large bodies of copper sulphuret ore in this district 
 which assay from 5 to 20 per cent, copper in the outcrop. The character of the 
 ores found in this district is free milling, togethex* with sulphurets, concentrates and 
 smelting ores. Samples of galena ore have been assayed here which run from 20 to 
 60 per cent, in lead and from 20 to 200 ounces in silver to the ton. The Green River 
 country, a recently discovered mineral district, is located near the foot hilla of Mt. 
 St. Helens, and is reached from Winlock on the main line of the Northern Pacific 
 railroad between Portland and Tacoma. 
 The principal placer mines in Washington are on Swauk creek, a tributary 
 stream to the Yakima river in Kittitas county, 25 miles north of Ellensburgh. 
 The gravel in the Swauk district is spotted and the pay dirt is found in streaks. This 
 dirt is in places very rich in coarse gold. Nearly all the mines here are owned and 
 operated by individuals. Nuggets worth, respectively, $500, I400, I325, $110 and 
 I49, have been found in this district. Separated from Swauk creek by a low divide 
 is Peshastin creek. This camp consists of free-milling gold-quartz ledges. It is 
 admirably located, with an abundance of water and timber. One 40 and one 20- 
 stamp mill are in operation here. This district has recently attracted the attention 
 of capitalists and it is being rapidly developed. The average working value of the 
 Peshastin ore is estimated at about $35 a ton. The ledges are well defined and in 
 many instances free gold is seen in the rock with the naked eye. To the northwest 
 of the Peshastin is what is known as the Cle Elum district. A large number of loca- 
 Id frc 
 mines ni 
 district 1 
 there is 
 ounces i 
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 Falls & 
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 A six-fooll 
 in silver 1 
 Old Dom 
 from this 
 this distri 
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 it will alsc 
 of the pla 
 lakes, pict 
 Union Pacifh 
 Five hunt' 
 was the i 
 1883 consi 
Alining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 tions have been made in this district, and it contains several developed mines which 
 yield from |5,oooto $30,000 a year each. Assays show that the ores from these 
 mines run from $20 to $45 a ton in gold. In the mountains at and near the Cle Elum 
 district are extensive deposits of copper, iron and low-grade galena ores. In one place 
 there is a three and one-half foot vein of galena carrying 50 per cent, lead and 12 
 ounces in silver. There is a peculiar formation, covering about 2,500 acres in this 
 district, where the country rock will assay from I1.50 to $6 per ton silver. There are 
 mountains of iron ore in this locality, and the country within a radius of many miles 
 seems to be a mineralized area. 
 About 80 miles north of Spokane, in Washington, and on the line of the Spokane 
 Falls & Northern railroad, is the Colville mining district. The Old Dominion mine 
 here is six miles east of the town of Colville. This is the greatest producing mine 
 in the state of Washington. It was discovered in the spring of 1885, and since July 
 of that year it is estimated that about $900,000 has been produced by the property. 
 A six-foot vein of ore is now being worked in this mine. This ore averages 70 ounces 
 in silver to the ton, and about 65 per cent lead. On the mountains adjacent to the 
 Old Dominion mine are many promising prospects in various stages of development. 
 Another large mine here, which is near Colville, is the Dead Medicine. The ore 
 from this mine runs from 40 to 50 ounces in silver to the ton, and about 50 per cent 
 About 20 miles north of Colville, in Washington, is the Metalline district, where 
 extensive deposits of low-grade ores have been discovered. Twenty miles east of 
 this district is Northport, a station on the line of the Spokane Falls & Northern 
 railroad. At this latter point a large smelter is now being built. This smelter will 
 greatly facilitate mining operations in the Colville and neighboring districts, and 
 it will also be largely patronized by the numerous mines in British Columbia to the 
 North of where the mighty Columbia river winds 2,000 feet below the summit 
 of the plateau of the Big Bend country, is the Okanogan country with its beautiful 
 lakes, picturesque valley.s, and vast deposits of precious metals. Long before Wash- 
 ington became a separate political division of the Union this 
 region was known under the name it now bears. In 1889 
 it was made Okanogan county, and it is now the largest 
 political division of Washington. In area it equals three 
 states of the Union, and it is one of the coming rich sections 
 of Washington. Okanogan county is made up of a series 
 of undulating plains, fertile valleys and hills. These hills 
 terminate on the northern, northwestern, and western 
 borders of the county in a broken chain of mountains. In 
 the early 6o's prospectors working their way east from the 
 Fraser river discovered placer mines in the Similkimeen 
 river. A great deal of gold was subsequc'V taken from 
 the bars along this stream. The placers here becoming 
 exhausted, the country was again left in solitude. In 
 the 70's men again visited the Okanogan country, and 
 these men discovered in the district a ledge of galena ore. 
 Five hundred pounds of this ore were shipped to San Francisco for treatment. This 
 was the first silver produced from ores taken out of the state of Washington. In 
 1883 considerable prospecting was done in the Mount Chapaca and Similkimeen dis- 
 Union Pacific Track, near Viento, 
 Columbia River. 
 I n 
 The Ore/roniun's Handbook of the I'licific Xorthwest. 
 i I c 
 Thf Dalles. 
 trit;ts, hut it \v:»s not until 1886 that the big rush to this section bej^an. This stam- 
 pede was made to what is known as tlie Salmon River country. As a result of this 
 ru!ih tlu; towns of Ruby. I.oomiston, Golden and Conconnully were establislied. 
 The latter is the present comity seat. It was not long before the numerous pros- 
 pectors who had flocked to this country be- 
 gan to make discoveries of exceptionally 
 rich ledges of gold and silver (juartz. These 
 hnds extended through a large area of ter- 
 ritory. Tlr t Okanogan is the richest and 
 most promising mineral district in Wash- 
 ington is now thoroughly established. The 
 recent rich gold strikes made upon Palmer 
 Mountain and other localities o*"the district, 
 indicate that it will soon become the greatest 
 gold-producing district of the West. All kinds of ores, from 
 base to I'ret - milling, are found in this district. Prior to 1893 the country had no rail 
 outlet. The completion of the Great Northern, however, which forms connection with 
 the boats plying on the Salmon and Columbia rivers, now furnishes the distiict with 
 transportation facilities which, altliough inadequate to the needs of the country, 
 liave done much to hasten its development. 
 The Chelan mining district lies in Okanogan county, immediately adjacent to 
 Lake Chelan. The first important discoveries made in this district were in 1889. 
 Two of the claims then located here were subsecjuently sold for 130,000. Numerous 
 mineral locations have since been made in the Chelan district, and with proper trans- 
 portation facilities., which it does not now possess, the district will become a large 
 silver and gold producer. Tlie formation of this district is principally granite, cut 
 by veins of porphyry dikes. These vary in width fron: 3 to 30 feet. 
 The principal mining di.stricts have all been touched on in the article above. 
 These districts contain nuUions of tons of gold and silver-producing ore, which cm 
 be lian<lled at a profit by capital and with tlie aid o ' imxircved machinery. The 
 rapid development of the mines of Waslrngton during the past few years but pres- 
 ages the future growth of th» 1 ming districts of the state, and while the state will 
 doubtless never rioik with Montana as a mineral producer, mining will always be 
 one of the most profuable industries of Washington. 
 Dr. W. Bricdkmkvkr — There is a fu.scination surrounding the life of a mining 
 engineer that seldom allows anyone engaged in that profession to forsake it 
 ^or some other calling. Many interesting narratives could be written from the 
 experiences of the men who are des'oting their knowledge and energj' in an efiort t<' 
 develop the great precious metal-producing regions of Wnshington. Dr. W. Birede- 
 meyer, of Tacoma, is the olflest mining engineer in the West, he ha dug had over 
 oO years" experience in the mines of Europe, Asia and America. During the past 
 22 years, Dr. Hredemeyer has been identified with nearly all of the great mining 
 enterprises of the West. For a number of years he held the important XJOsition of 
 United States mining cornmissione: for Utah. Before coming to America he was 
 for a time in charge of the famous Banketon mines, in the Dutch Indies. Later he 
 developed <he first mine in Burmah, and was al.so the first white man to make u 
 scientific explo.'-ation of the interior of China and Jai)an. He '•eceived an appoint- 
 nie!it from tiie government of Japan as the chief engineer c ' the .southern district o( 
 that empire, a position he held for two years. Dr. Bredemeyei" is a member of all 
 the lead] 
 Pearce ai| 
 ;d)Out $1' 
 with astol 
 Salmon r| 
 finding tlJ 
 The if 
 City, Warl 
 ill the earf 
 lars to the 
 leads the 
 together \\ 
 falling off 
 year. Tlu 
 has been h 
 ing„ at a p 
 already tui 
 the yellow 
 West, as b( 
 the silver : 
 The m 
 ore. Such 
 ties produ( 
 averages al 
 belief that 
 Ralph mir 
i^jiMt wM iy ■ r^i Wi 'M 
 Alining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 s 1)e 
 the leading scientific societies, and is also an expert on all questions relating to 
 mining. His laboratory at Taconia is tlie most complete on the coast. 
 Mining in Idaho. — Since the discovery of gold in Idaho by Capt. James 
 Pearce and party, on Oro Fino creek, 'n iS6o, the inijies of this state have piodnced 
 about f iSo,<x3o,ooo. In i<S6r, a report I'jcanie circulated through the Western states 
 with astonishing rapidity that fabulously rich placers of gold had been discovered on 
 vSalmon river, in Idaho. These greatly exaggerated stories caused one of the wildest 
 stampedes known in the history of mining on the coast. Thousands of miners and 
 adventurers flocked to the Salmon River country. The later arrivals in the diggings 
 finding the best claims already occupied, spread out over the adjacent country and 
 discovered the famous placers of (Grasshopper creek and Alder gulch, Montana. 
 The most famous of the early placer mines of Idaho were those of Florence, Rlk 
 City, Warrens, Salmon river and Oro Fino. These camps produced millions of wealth 
 in the early 6o's, and they are still adding annually several hundred thousand dol- 
 lars to the wealth of the world. Idaho county, in which these mines are located, 
 leads the other counties of Idaho in the production of gold dust. Mining is now the 
 principal industry of Idaho, and the state ranks fifth in the list of precious metal- 
 producing states of the Union. 
 The labor troubles in the Cceur d'Alene mining district, in Northern Idaho, 
 together with the decline in the price of silver, combined to cause a considerable 
 falling off in the output of silver for the state in 1892 ever the output of the previous 
 year. The leading question among the miners of the state during the past two years 
 has been how to work their properties, which are principally silver and lead-produc- 
 ing,, at a profit, in view of the prevailing low prices of silver and lead. Idaho has 
 already turned out millions of dollars in gold, and there are some very rich mines of 
 the yellow metal in the state, but the heavy mining operations in this part of the 
 West, as before stated, are now confined to the silver-producing properties, and it is 
 the silver mines that the people of Idaho lean on for future activity in the mining 
 properties of the state. 
 The most exten.sive mines in the state are those which carry an average grade of 
 ore. Such mines as the Poorman, Tiger, Black liear and other well known proper- 
 ties produce on an average from 27 to 29 ounces of silver per ton, and the lead 
 averages about 57 per cent. The heavy mine owners of the state are firm in the 
 belief that the only relief they can reasonably look for during the present low pre- 
 vailing prices of silver lies in a general 
 reduction of freight rates by the railroads 
 which haul their ore to market. The n;ine 
 owners of Southern Idaho have a great 
 advantage over the owners of milling prop- 
 erties in the Creur d'Alenes and other 
 districts of the northern part of the state. 
 The Southern Idaho mines carry a higher 
 percentage of gold thin the mines to the 
 north, and the cost of working the mines 
 in Southern Idaho is less than it is in the 
 heavy silver properties of the Cu'ur d'Alene 
 district. This applies, especially, to the De Lamar, Black Jack, Trade Dollar and 
 Ralph mines, in Owyhee county. 
 Hope Station, Lake Peno d'Oreille. 
 The Orcfioniun' s Hutidhnok <>t the Piicific Northwest. 
 According to the report of the director of the miut the mines of Idaho produced, 
 during 1^92, gold to the anioi^t of .S3, 271 ounces, valued at $1,721,364; silver, 
 3,16.1,269 ounces, ( oining vahu J'4, '91,083; lead, 51,322,263 pounds, commercial 
 value, $2,(:k)I,56.S. The product of i; ' "nd silver in Idaho, by counties, during the 
 calendar year 1.S92, was as follows: Gold — Ada county, 272 ounces, value, $5,623; 
 Alturas, 1,102 ounces, value, $22,780; Bingham, 436 ounces, value, $9,013; Boise, 
 18,209 ounces, value, $376,413; Cassia, 714 ounces, value, $14,760; Custer, 1,166 
 ounces, value. $24,103; Elmore, 5,870 ounces, value, $121,344; Idaho, 7,140 ounces, 
 value, $147,597; Lemhi, 12,4(17 ounces, value, 5257,71b; Logan, 776 ounces, value, 
 $16,041; Owyliee, 23,244 ounces, value, $480,496; vShoshone, 1 i,ock) ounces, value, 
 $227,390; Washington, 875 ounces, value, $18,088. Silver — Ada, 118 ounces, coining 
 value, $153; Alturas, 7(X), 362 ounces, coining value, $905,498 ; Bingham, 48 ounces, 
 coining value, $62; Boise, 163,368, coining value, $211,218; Cassia, 50 ounces, 
 coining value, $65; Custer, 397,360 ounces, coining value, $513,747; Elmore, ; ,80/ 
 ounces, coining value, $2,332; Idaho, 5,o6r ounces, coining value, $6,543 ; Lemh:' 
 2,457 ounces, coining value, $3,177; Logan, 1,168 ounces, coining value, $1,510; 
 Owyhee, 645,569 ounces, coining value,''$834,656; Shoshone, i ,195,904 ounces, coining 
 value, $1,546,184; Washington, 51,000 ounces, coining value, $65,938. The total 
 value of the gold and silver output of the state, by 
 counties, in the same year, v.as as follows : Ada, 
 $5,776; Alturas, $928,278 ; Bingham, $9,075 ; Boise, 
 $587,631; Cassia, $14,829 ; Custer, $537,850; Klmore, 
 $123,676; Idaho, $154,140; Lemhi, $260,893 ; Logan, 
 $17,551 ; Owyhee, $1,315,152; Shoshone, $1,773,574; 
 Washington, $84,026. The gold and silver bullion 
 produced in Idaho, and deposited in government 
 institutions during 1892, amounted to $725,124.97 in 
 gold, and $16,865.50 in silver. 
 Idaho is one of the richest states in the Union 
 in silver and lead ore deposits, and many of these valuable properties are now lying 
 idle awaiting the rise in silver to insure their being worked at a profit. 
 In Shoshone county are located the famous Creur d' Alene mines which are 
 fully described in a separate article in "The Handbook. The rich mines adjacent to 
 Boise City also receive mention in another part of this work. Lying in the south- 
 west corner of Idaho is Owyhee county, which for many years was the greatest min- 
 ing camp in Idaho. Nine miles from vSilver City, the principal town in the county, 
 is Jordan creeK, where are located the famous Owyhee mines. The lodes here cover 
 an area of 20 square miles. They were first discovered in rS63. These veins vary in 
 width from 2 to 60 feet, while the ore they carry assays from ■■>. trace of gold or silver 
 up to thousands of dollars a ton. Up to 1876 this was one of the liveliest camps in 
 the West. The mines here, in the 13 years following their discovery, ])roduced over 
 $26,(X)o,ooo in wealth. Upou tlic collapse of the Bank cf California, ot vSau Francisco 
 in 1S76, capital was withdrawn from these mines and the camp has been supported 
 since that time by the individual miners who have resided here. These mine* are 
 still large producers. In 1892 they yielded !ri,3i5,i52. This was an I'-.crcasc of 
 nearly 1ii,ooo,Ofxi over the output of these mines in 1880. At this rate of increase tL 
 camp will soon surpass its record of its palmiest davs. The Wilson mine in this 
 camp is probably the largest and richest mine in Idaho. Tiiere are thrt'c veins in 
 thij location, though from the formation the mine looks as though it mere a m-iun- 
 I I 
 tain of (j 
 iu •A'idth. 
 in gold e 
 is the chi 
 other fine 
 feet dee]), 
 mine avert 
 ducing pn 
 Seventy \i 
 In i86f 
 in the basii 
 been a fetea 
 ising gold ( 
 had rail tra 
 are near th 
 The most n 
 estimated t 
 estimates tl 
 placers. T 
 already bee 
 are the Kai 
 mines arc tl 
 of permane 
 the richest 
 the district 
 This IS one 
 belt crossin 
 50 miles wi 
 its entire 1« 
 2,000 prom 
 Custer com 
 Creek and ] 
 ;««-* *• •#* 
 ■!?■>;««■ ...I.*'. w*,..v,,C 
 1 to 
 Mt. hooo-Chossing Ash Beds, near Snow-Line. 
 Mining in the Pacific Xorthwest. Tft 
 tain of (juarlz mineralized. The veins of the mine are respectively 15, 30 ami 77 feet 
 in width. There is a 20-stanip mill on this property, whirh produces over ii>5oo,cxx) 
 in K^l'l every year. It is estimated that in the jj;roup of mines of wliiih the Wilson 
 is the chief, there is now over |i,ouo,oiJo worth of gold quart/ in sight. 
 The Ore Fine group of mines have long been noted as great gold 
 producers. The lode is situated on War Flagle Mountain, three miles 
 distatit from vSilver City. The vein of this group is a true fissure, 
 varj'ing from two to six fei;t in width. It carries free-niillijig gold 
 and silver ore. The Oro I'ino mine has produced in the ])ast over 
 $\ ,So<),f)fx) and it is still yieliling 
 ,V A^f^C thousands of dollars annually. 
 iipi. WiiWi'tr^TWS^ ^ '■-'''' ifST >''^-< ■"'r!:Wt% AtSilver City the Oro Kino Min- 
 ^^S^f^^P^Wl^W? lBd ^/-jf'" *^[i^'''^^^^ii^B^ '"S Company have in operation 
 a 2o-stamp steam (|uartz mill. 
 The I'oorman groujjof mines in 
 this district is composed of eight 
 or ten lodes. The Poorman, the 
 principal mine of the group, has 
 yielded over |? 1,000,000. An- 
 other fine property here is the Empire mine, which is developed by a shaft about 7(xj 
 feet dee]). The I5lack Jack mine here has yielded over $t,oo,o(K). The vein of this 
 mine averages four feet in width and is encased in porphyry. Other valudblc pro- 
 ducing properties in this district are the Stormy Hill, Mahogan\', Morning .Star, 
 Seventy Nine, Phillips and Sullivan, and the Summer Camp group of mines. 
 In 1 866 a party of prospectors discovered rich placer diggings in l,emhi county 
 in the basin of the North Pork of Salmon river. Since that time the county has 
 been a feteatiy producer of gold. Ivcmhi county contains several very rich and pnmi- 
 ising gold districts whooo output would doubtless be greatly increased if the county 
 had rail transportation to outside points. On Naplus creek and its tributaries, which 
 are near the town of Leisburgh, over |io,ooo,ooo has been taken from placer mines. 
 The most notable placer mine now producing in the county is on Moose creek. It is 
 estimated tlrat this property has produced over $500,000. The cnvner of this mine 
 estimates that he has over $i,oo;j,ooo remaining in the gravel to be taken out of these 
 placers. There are hundreds of quartz claims in Lemhi county, some of which have 
 already been developed into valuable producing mines. Of these mines the largest 
 are the Kaintuck, Grunter, Yellow Jacket and Viola groups. Connected with these 
 mines arc three rostamp mills. The leads in this district are all well defined and are 
 of permanent character. The ore runs from I5 to $70 per ton in gold, and in some of 
 the richest mines of the district as high as|i3o a ton. The principal silver mines in 
 the district carry ores assaying from 15 to 40 ounces in silver and 70 per cent. lead. 
 Another ca'nn in Idaho, remote from railroad lines, is that of Custer county. 
 This IS one of the largest and richest mineral districts in the W'est. The mineral 
 belt crossing the western ])ortion of Custer county is at least 100 miles in length and 
 50 miles wide. It is intersi>crsed with veins carrying gold and silv<'r ores all along 
 its entire length. There are nearly 150 developed mines in this d'*'' I-^t and fully 
 2,u<)o promising prospects. The most prominent among the nr; 'iii,- districts of 
 Custer county are the Lost River, Yankee Fork, Bay Horse, Kim • ^ncck, Sejuaw 
 Creek and East Fork districts. A 40-ton smelter is situated in the Bay Creek dis- 
 The Orcguninn's Handbook of the Pacific Xorthwest. 
 ' i 
 Mount Hood- 
 Great Sto^.. Towards Summit. 
 trict atul in the other districts are three quartz mills, three couceutrators and two 
 Mining in Montana. — In the Summer of 1852 Francois Finlay, a half-breed, 
 from the Red River of the North, while on his way homeward from a trading trip 
 to California, wandered into what is now Deer Lodge county, Montana. It was in 
 this part of the present great state that Finlay first noticed coarse flakes of gold 
 glittering in the gravel of what is now 
 known as Gold Creek. He washed out here 
 about two ounces of gold dust. This was 
 the first discovery of gold in Montana. It 
 attracted but little attention from the few 
 mountaineers then in the territor\- and 
 mining in earnest ir. the territory did not 
 commence until 1861, nearly 10 years after 
 the first discovery of the yellow metal was 
 made here. 
 In the latter yenr James and Granville Stuart prospected Gold Creek, the scene 
 of Finlay's first discovery. They found gold here in paying quantities. They 
 wrote to their brother at Pikes Peak of the find. The information which this letter 
 conveyed was the immediate cause of the first great stampede to the Montana gold 
 fields. Since the Stuarts uncovered bedrock of the placers of Gold Creek the mines 
 of Montana have added nearly 1400, 000, oo(j to the wealth of the world. Now nearly 
 one-third of all the gold, silver, copper and lead mined in the United States comes 
 from Montana. This is pre-eminently the greatest mineral-producing state in the 
 Union. Mining is its leading industry. In some of its many phases the industry 
 of mining enters into nearly every department of trade here. It represents a large 
 proportion of the aggregate wealth of the state. 
 Only a few of the many great fields of precious mi-tals in Montana have yet 
 been explored. On almost every mountain of the state and in nearly all the 
 gulches are rich prospects that only a v« nit the .id vent of capital vo develop them 
 into great bonanza mines. Practical mining men, familiar with this field, believe 
 that the quartz ledges of Montana have yielvled up hut a small part of the hidden 
 wealth they contain. Mining, when conducted on scientific principles and as a cold 
 matter of business, is not the uncertain and speculative calltng it iv popularly sup- 
 posed to be. Where ore is found cropping out of the mountnin si<tes the experienced 
 miner can tell by an examination of the fcrmation of the surrountiiTjg land and by 
 its deposits of rock whether the lead is a- sufficient extent to i«Ktify the employ- 
 ment of capital to develop it. In many instances immen . -^c expended on 
 the development of promising prospects before the miiu 
 idend. In Mon- 
 tana there are few recorded instances of any considerahic sums of money having 
 been lost in the development of mines. It is true th?; occa-^ionaUy a pros}-)ect'>r 
 will make what he believes is a Inmanza strike, and wii n the blind confidence of his 
 class will labor hard for months to develop his claim until he is finally brought to 
 realize that his find is worthless. Capital, however, is seldom extensively invested 
 in a mine unless its value has first been determined and its promised output accu- 
 rately estimated. 
 There is no better field for the profitable investment of large surii^ M" TT>one\ 
 than is afibrdeil in the gold, copper anil lead districts of Montana. Tin. stale is ,4 
 great silver-producing district. Owing to what the people of Montana feel has been 
 their att(| 
 from Col J 
 the diggil 
 1862 the 
 Mount HooI 
 On the 
 to prospect 
 ment of his 
 great surpr 
 worth in sub' 
 gulch discov 
 gold. Of al 
 made and s 
 turned the k 
 that Virgini; 
 capital of Mc 
 ulation. Th 
 most deprav( 
 munity. In 
 they shot an( 
 they commit 
 most polishei 
 of this gang 
 sheriff of Mc 
 this publicati 
 The nex 
 Cowan and 1 
 Pear. Here 
 They named 
 ies, and it w 
 laid. In five 
 Lewis auf' Cli 

 Milling in the Pncific Xorthwest. 
 MounT HoodDewert Party on Summit. 
 julverse legislation to the silver interests, mining men of that state are now turning 
 their attention to the development of its many rich gold and copper properties. 
 The discovery of gold on Salmon river, Idaho, in July, 1861, attracted thither 
 from Colorado and other terri'ories a large immigration. The late arrivals finding 
 the diggings here occupied began to spread out over the adjacent territory. In 
 1862 the great bonanzas of Grasshopper creek were discovered, and as a result the 
 town of Bannock sprung into existence. By the 
 1st of January, 1863, a population of 5(X) men had 
 gathered at Bannock, and among them were many 
 wild and reckless adventurers, whose names and 
 misdeeds figure prominently in the early history 
 of the territory. With the discovery of Grass- 
 hopper Creek placers, commenced the first im- 
 portant mining operations in Montana. The fame 
 of these diggings soon spread throughout the West, 
 and it occasioned a great stamf ede to Montana. 
 In the seven years folh^wing Itiis discovery the 
 placer mines of Grasshopper creek yielded 
 ^12,245,000 in gold. 
 On the 1st day of p-ebruary, 1S63, William Fairweather and others left Bannock 
 to prospect the Big Horn Mountains. They were driven back by the (!row Indians. 
 Returning homeward the party camped at noon on Alder creek, 75 miles east of 
 Bannock. While the midday meal was being prepared Fairweather, to the amuse- 
 ment of his companions, began to wash a few pans of gravel in the creek. To his 
 great surprise he obtained 30 cents worth of gold from the first pan, and over $2 
 worth in subsequent pans, before he was through experimenting. Thus was the famous 
 gulch discovered. It is estimated that Alder gulch has yielded fully |;7o,ooci,o(X) in 
 gold. Of all placer fields this was the greatest ever discovered in the West. 
 Twelve years after Alder gulch was discovered Bill I'airweather, after having 
 made and spent a fortune, died penniless. This was the end of a man who had 
 turned the key which unlocked millions in wealth for others. It was on Alder ^ulch 
 that Virginia City was built. This town was for years the political and coniujcicial 
 capital of Montana. During its palmiest days of 186.1-5, it contained over io,ocxi pop- 
 ulation. This large population was ruled and robbed with impunity by one of the 
 most depraved and blood-thirsty gangs of villains that ever infested a civilized com- 
 munity. In less than eight months this gang murdered 102 inoffensive citizens ; 
 they shot and wounded scores of others, and it is supposed tliat many of the murders 
 they committed were never traced to their daring. Henry Plummer, one of the 
 most polished and dangerous villains known in the annals of crime, was the leader 
 of this gang, and he was, up to the time of his execution by the vigilantes, the 
 sheriff of Montana. Early life in Virginia City is fully descrilied in an article in 
 this publication on the vigilantes of Montana. 
 The next important discoveries of gold in the territory were made by John 
 Cowan and three companions, in the fall of 1863, on a small tributary of Prickly 
 Pear. Here they found pay-dirt yielding from 40 cents to $1 a pan o!i bedrock. 
 They named the locality Last Chance gulch. A stampede followed these discover- 
 ies, and it was here that the foundation of the present great city of Helena was 
 laid. In five years Last Chance gulch yielded over $i5,ixkj,(xx) in goUl. The yield of 
 Lewis anc' Clarke county, of which it is a part, was $t9,36o,c») between the years 
 77jc' Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ; n- 
 _»*--'!»^ !s»rr'!?!^ 
 of 1H64 and 1869. Many of the largest and most imposing business blocks of Hel- 
 ena are built on the worked-out placer ground of the gulch. 
 The last extraordinary find of gold in Montana was made in Confederate gulch, 
 Meagher county, in the winter of 1S64-5. Some of the claims in this gnlch were 
 phenomenally rich. On Montana bar several claims yielded as high as $iSo to the 
 single lo-quart pan of dirt, and in one in- 
 stance a pan of gravel yielded |r,(X)o in 
 gold. In the fall of 1X66 a four-mule team 
 hauled from Fort Benton, for transporta- 
 tion down the Missouri river, 2!4 tons of 
 gold, worth |i, 500, GOO. Nearly all of this 
 gold was taken out of Montana bar and 
 Confederate gulch. 
 In all there are about 500 gold-bearing 
 gulches in Montana. These vary from one- 
 half mile to 20 miles in length. In addi- 
 u. 8. LIGHTSHIP, MOUTH OF coLUMBi* RivEH. tlou to tlicse gulchcs 'dve uumcrous bars 
 rich in gold. The gold found here varies in size from microscopic powder to 
 nuggets weighing y) to 40 ounces each. It varies from 600 to 990 in fineness. One 
 nugget was found in vSnow-shoe gulch, in the territory, in 1865, which weighed 178 
 ounces, and which was worth $3,200. Other large nuggets of gold, worth respect- 
 ively $2,073, $i.8iM), $475, $375 and $556 were found here between 1865 and 1880. The 
 most famous of Montana placers l»ave yielded the following amounts in gold : Pio- 
 neer, Independent and (iold creek, y 1 3,000,00:) ; Alder gulch, $70,000,000; Confed- 
 erate, $4,000,000; I^ast Chance, $i5,(K)'),ooo ; Grasshopper creek, $5,000,000. 
 An interesting relic of early plact r mining in the territory is a bill of goods 
 purchased at Florence City, in 1861, of \ hich the following is a copy ; 100 lbs. beans, 
 at $1.25 per pound, $125 ; 31^)0 lbs. tlour, at $1 per pound, $300; 11 lbs. coffee, at 
 $1.25 per pound, $13.75; 300 lbs. beef, at 25 cents per pcund, $75 ; 9 lbs. beans, 
 $9-5'-'; 3 sacks salt, $12; i bar .soap, $3; 10 lbs. sugar, ai $1.50 per pound, $15; 
 25 lbs. bacon, at $1.25 per pound, $31.25; i paper saleratus, $6. The total price 
 of this purchase was $595.50. 
 Placer mining is r.till extensively carried on in Montana, but it does not now 
 possess its former magnitude and importance. When the 1)onanza placers of the 
 territory began to decline, miners here began to look for the source of the placer 
 gold which had been found here in such large quantities. It was not long before 
 a number of mother lodes were discovered as a result of this search. The industry 
 of quartz mining in Montana was .started in a small way, owing to the lack of proper 
 transportation facilities, and also the lack of large works for the reduction of the 
 ores nf the mines. The early quartz mines worked in Montana were free-milling 
 properties, and all the precious metal which the ore contained was extracted at the 
 mine. In subseciuent years this industry developed here into one of great magni- 
 tude, and now Montimu derives the greatest poiiion of its wealth from it » quartz 
 pro])erlies. A markid difference between the mining of gold in qunt'l/ an i rom 
 placers is that placer mining is largely carried on by individuals, while nearly all 
 the large quartz mines are owned by corporations capitalized for from a f«w thou- 
 Hunds of dollars each to tnillions of dollars. The development of a plarrv mine ^p- 
 resents usually the amount of hard labor alone that is put upon it by the owner 
 and his 
 a cost o 
 oped, b; 
 ing incu 
 which i: 
 aside fn 
 and it 
 many ric 
 tana tha 
 great de^ 
 of the g( 
 gold qua 
 A mill to 
 was the fi 
 ing woodt 
 silver mill 
 at Phillip 
 Dr. Georg 
 from San 
 The bi 
 impetus to 
 in the terri 
 change in 
 ating here, 
 greatest mi 
 and silver t 
 output was 
 Before 1883 
 tory. .Mon 
 The coj 
 the mines h 
 Anaconda 1 
 world. The 
 in 1880 by tJ 
 run as a pn 
 capital of $: 
 boring city c 
 reduction w( 
 state in the 1 
 regarded as 1 
 mine, the Ai 
 the mines of 
 was as folio V 
 pounds; r8S': 
 i«88, 97,^7,1 
Alining in the Facitic Xorthwest. 
 Anaconda, Montana. 
 and his few assistants. A bonanza quartz mine, on the other hand, is develoi^ed at 
 a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and is often operated, when fully ilevel- 
 oped, by hundreds of men. Thus it will readily be seen that extensive quartz min- 
 ing incurs vast outlays of money ior labor, machinery, etc., and it is this industry 
 which insures stability to a mining section in the development of its many resources, 
 aside from that of mining alone, 
 and it is to the working of the 
 many rich quartz ledges of Mon- 
 tana that Montana owes its present 
 great degree of prosperity. 
 The history of the discovery 
 of the gold and silver mines of 
 Montana is almost coeval with the 
 working of the placer deposits of the territory. The Dakota Lode, bearing 
 gold quartz, was discovered at Bannock, and located on November 12, 1862. 
 A mill to crush the quartz from the lode was erected in the following JSpring. This 
 was the lirst quartz mill set up in the territory. It was a rattle-trap affair, contain- 
 ing wooden stamps on which pieces of wagon tire were used for shoes. The first 
 silver mill in the territory was the old Pioneer, now owned by the Hope Company, 
 at Phillipsburg. It was built in 1865 by Ex-Ciovernor Samuel T. Hauser and 
 Dr. George C. Swallow. The pans for this mill were shipped V^y wagon all the way 
 from San Francisco. 
 The building of the Utah Northern and Northern Pacific railroads gave a great 
 impetus to quartz mining in Montana. Prior to that time there were no facilities 
 in the territory for reducing ores. The advent of the iron horse wrought a great 
 change in the old methods in use by the different mining companies who were oper- 
 ating here. Soon after the cars reached Montana great smelters were built on its 
 prominent mining properties, and Montana commenced to forge to the front as the 
 greatest mining district of the United vStates. In 1883 the total output of the gold 
 and silver mines of Montana amounted to only j^7,8oo,cx)o. Five years later this 
 output was increased to $23,759,000. Of this, $14,735,000 was in copper and lead. 
 Before 1883 but small (|uantities of these latter metals were produced in the terri- 
 tor}-. ;Montana is today the greatest mineral-producing state of the United States. 
 The copper industries of Butte were first developed in 1S75. Since that time 
 the mines here have become the greatest copper producers in America. The great 
 Anaconda mines, at Butte, are now noted as the mammoth copper mines of the 
 world. They consist of six well developed mines. The original mine was bought 
 in 18S0 by the California millionaire, J. B. Haggin, for $30,000. The Anaconda was 
 run as a private concern until 1891, when it was made a stock company, with a 
 capital of f 25,000,000. The ore from the mines here is shipped by rail to the neigh- 
 boring city of Anaconda, where the company owning the mines operates the largest 
 reduction works in the world. Montana's copper product is larger than that of any 
 state in the Union. A few years ago the mines on Lake Superior, in Michigan, were 
 regarded as the greatest copper producers in the world. Now a single Montana 
 mine, the Anaconda, produces nearly two-thirds as much copper as is yielded by all 
 the mines of Michigan. The production of copper in Montana, from 1882 to 1892, 
 was as follows : 1882,9,058,284 pounds; 1883,24,664,346 pounds; 1884, 43,093,554 
 pounds; 18S5, 67,797,864 pounds ; 1886, 57,611,621 pounds ; 1887, 78,699,677 pounds ; 
 1888,97,897,958 pounds; 1889, 105,130,000 pounds; 1890, 112,925,000 pounds; 1891, 
I 4 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 112,763,420 pounds ; 1892, 159,212,203 pounds. This makes a total production for 
 the II years of 868,853,427 pounds. Of the Montana copper product for 1892, the 
 mines at Hutte produced 158,413,284 pounds, which, with the remaining 789,919 
 pounds produced in the state that year, had a market value of $19, 105,464. 
 In 1892 Montana produced 143,508 ounces of gold, worth $2,966,572, and 17,405,- 
 093 ounces of siher, of a coining value of ^22,503,554. The total value of the product 
 of all mines in Montana in 1892, was $45,565,626. There was an increase during that 
 year over the output of the previous year of 3,637 ounces of gold and 1,056,026 
 ounces of silver. The yield of the precious metals in Montana, from 1862 to 1892, 
 according to the best obtainable data, was as follows : 1862 to 1867, gold $74,ooj,ou(J, 
 1868, gold $15,0(30,000 ; 1S69, gold $9,000,000; 1870, gold $9,100,003; 1871, gold 
 $8,050,000; 1872, gold $6,068,000; 1873, gold $5,187,047; 1874, gold $3,844,722; 1875, 
 gohl $3,573. 6u() ; 1876, gold$3,o78,oi3, silver $1,132,976 ; 1877, gold $3,200,600, silver 
 $750,000; 1878, gold $2,260,511; silver $1,669,635; 1879, gold $2,500,000, silver 
 $2,225,030; 18S0, gold $2,40(3,000, silver $2,5oo,ckx); iSfSi, gold $3,000,000, silver 
 $3,500,000; 1882, gold $2,550,000, silver $4,370,000; 1883, gold $1,800,000, silver 
 $6,000,000; 1884, gold 12,170,0: 'J, silver $7,000,000; 1885, gold $3,409,400, silver 
 $9, 171.9^3 ; ^'^^'^, golil i»4 , 425. u^->o> 'ilver $12,400,000; 1887, gold $5, 978,536, silver 
 $17,817,300; 1888, gold .'j54,2(X',?53, silver $20,405,300 ; 1889, gold $3,794,009, silver 
 $20,038,871; 1890, gold $3,022,577, silver $20,337,317 ; 1891, gold $2,891,386, silver 
 $21,138,186; 1892, gold $2,966,571, silver $22,503,554. This makes a total output 
 from the mines of Montana, between the j'ears 1862 
 and 1892 inclusive, of gold $187,469,964, silver 
 $172,971,376, a grand total of $360,441,340. 
 Nearly all the ores of Montana carry a small 
 percentage of lead. The lead output of the state, in 
 1892, amounted to 25,715,197 pounds, of a market 
 value of $990,035. While Montana stands pre-emi- 
 nent as a producer of minerals, her record as a 
 dividend-payer is becoming equally as noteworthy. In 1892 the mines of the state 
 paid one-fourth of the dividends paid by all the mining companies of the United 
 States. The following is a statement of the dividends paid by Montana mines up 
 to the 1st of December, 1892, except such mines as the Anaconda and others that are 
 controlled by close corporations, and which never make their profits known : the 
 Alice, Butte, $975,000; the Amy and Silversmith, Butte, $247,530; Boston and Mon- 
 tana, Butte, $2,075,000 ; Boston and Montana, Gloster, $520,000; the Elkhorn, Jeff- 
 erson county, $571,000; the Ivmpire, Lewis & Clark, $70, cx30 ; the Granite Mountain, 
 Granite, $11,880,000; Bi-Metallic, |i, 800,000; the Cumberland, $15,000 : the Hecla, 
 Consolidated, Beaverhead county, fi,5oo,oo<3; the Hope, Phillipsburg, $233,532 ; the 
 Iron Mountain, $110,000; the Glengarry, $io,0(3o; the Lexington, Butte, $609,000; 
 the Drum Lummon, Marysville, $2,489,675; the Moulton, Butte, $380,000; the Par- 
 rot, Butte, $i,8oo,ock) ; the Pandora, $6,000. Total, $25,291,737. 
 Following is the detailed statement of the production of gold and silver in Mon- 
 tana, by counties, for the year 1892: Beaverhead, gold, $78,829.97, silver, $836,473.34 ; 
 Cascade, gold, $560.37, silver, $1.54; Choteau, gold, $1,205.81, silver, $307.67; Deer 
 Lodge, gold, $367,819.62, silver, $6,795,409.12 ; Fergus, gold, $1,339.76, silver, $601.77 ; 
 Gallatin, gold, $2,453.79, silver, $39.10; Jefferson, gold, $186,391.61, silver, $2,177, - 
 762.97; Lewis and Clarke, gold, $667,254.93, silver, $109,439.88; Meagher, gold, $41,- 
 MONTAN* Building, World's Fair. 
 215-57, : 
 gold, ^1, 
 Bow, go] 
 in silver 
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 Mining in the Pucific Xorthwest. 
 215.57, silver, $386,287.18; Madison, gold, 1128,374.43, silver, $2,407.58; Missoula, 
 gold, $37,827.22, silver, $610,029.75; Park, gold, |5i,(X)8.i4, silver, $526.61 ; Silver 
 Bow, gold, 748,786.77, silver, $10,745,704.49. Montana products reported by smelters, 
 refiners and mints and assay offices not otherwise included, gold, $653,503. 1 1 ; silver, 
 $838,563.75 ; or a total product of the state of $2,966,571.90 in gold, and $22,503,554.75 
 in silver. 
 One of the surprises in Montana mining circles was the formation, in 1S91, of 
 the Sapphire and Rub)' Company, limited. This company was backed by English 
 capital for the exploration of the .sapphire mines, on Kl Dorado bar, only a few 
 miles distant from Helena. The sapphire was sometimes found in the early placer 
 diggings of Montana. Little attention was paid to it, however, by the miners who 
 were searching for gold. It was not until recent years that the value of these gems 
 found here became known. Montana sapphires are of the largest size and the pur- 
 est water, and of the most brilliant colors. The varieties most common here are 
 the oriental emerald, the oriental topaz, the oriental amethyst and the oriental 
 ruby. No gem, except the diamond, excels them in hardness and brilliancy. Other 
 gems and metals found in Montana, in greater or less abundance, are garnets, emer- 
 alds, tourmalines, mica, asbestos, amianthus, telluride of gold, 
 tin, bismuth, antimony, nickel, zitic, and vast quantities of the 
 best varieties of iron ore. Another great mineral resource of 
 the state lies in the extensive coal fields in the eastern part of 
 the state. These coal measures underlie 70,000 sfjuare miles 
 along the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers. The coal runs in 
 grade from an inferior quality of lignite to a fair grade of bitum- 
 inous. Some of this coal produces a superior quality of coke. 
 The largest coal mine in the state is located eight miles from 
 Livingstone, and is owned by the Helena Smelting and Refining 
 Company. The output of the coal mines now being worked in 
 the state is largely used by the railroads and by the Butte 
 smelters and reduction works. 
 Mining in Alaska. — Alaska, the latest territorial acquisi- 
 tion of the United States, is seemingly out of the world. Yet in 
 this far distant region to the north are mighty rivers alive with 
 fish, vast forests of the same fine qualit}' of timber found in 
 Washington and Oregon to the south, and the great seal rookeries off the coast 
 that have already yielded millions of dollars in wealth. In this land of great gla- 
 ciers and sublime scenery, a few thousand men produce millions of wealth annually, 
 which is added to the riches of the United States. The fisheries and sealing indus- 
 try of Alaska are very important and the output of these industries is annualy 
 Next to its seals and its fisheries, the greatest source of revenue to the territory 
 of Alaska is from the working of its mines. On the Yukon river for more than 
 1,000 miles from its mouth, are placers that in richness and extent recall to the 
 memory of the miner the early scenes of Alder gulch, Montana in its palmy days. 
 Owing to the short season of three months in Alaska, however, the mineral output 
 of the territory is not as large as it would be were the same mines found in warmer 
 climates to the south. It must be remembered that while the part of Alaska border- 
 ing on the coast enjoys a climate as balmy as that of Portland, the interior of the ter- 
 MONTANA Silver Statue. 
 WORLD'S Fair. 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook o/ the Pacific Northwest. 
 HtnD Buffalo, Flathead Valley, Montana 
 ritory is subject to the cold of the 
 arctic circle in which a great part 
 _ i^-™——-—,^ ,.^_ of Alaska is situated. It is in this 
 ^^^Li'- ^•^--—i^HS ^t^S f^^^/StiS^^fH^Hl^^'^ ^"'*^ ^^^^^ \.\iii.\. most of the placer 
 "■4^ . - '^W^MtmcTulSkwS?^^Qmt<Jf .gold is found and it is the intense 
 cold of this region alone which 
 prevents the rich placers here from 
 yielding largely. In order to reach 
 these diggings it is necessary to 
 make long, expensive and sometimes dangerous journeys 
 to the interior. Alaska is a country of magnificent dis- 
 tances and as yet but an exceedingly small part of its 
 area has been explored. That the countr}- is exceed- 
 ingly rich in precious metals, is the opinion of every 
 mining man and mineralogist who has ever visited it. 
 In 1892 Alaska yielded |i, 09 ), 476.55 in precious metals. With the exception of 
 the small amount of $10,030, all of this was gold. Of the total mineral production 
 of the territory in 1892 the great Treadwell mine produced 1676,226.53. This mine 
 contains enormous deposits of low-grade free-milling ore, most of which hardly aver- 
 ages $7 a ton. This, however, is one of the greatest mines of the United States 
 today. It is located on Douglas island and is worked throughout the year. It is 
 estimated that in the year 1892 the placer mines of the Yukon river, in Alaska, pro- 
 duced $1 11,000 in gold. This was an increase of about $10,000 over the product of 
 the same placers for the preceding year. Mining in Alaska has a bright future and 
 the gold output of the territory will doubtless show a large increase with each suc- 
 ceeding year. 
 The Coal, Field.s ok Washington. — The state of Washington is one great 
 storehouse, in which is locked up a source of wealth in latent industries that is but 
 illy appreciated by the average visitor to the West. Washington has thousands of 
 acres of the finest agricultural lands not yet touched by the plow. The state has 
 vast deposits of gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals. The forests of Wash- 
 ington contain the .argest and best class of timber in the world. The rivers of the 
 state and the fishing banks of Puget Sound and the Pacific ocean to the West teem 
 with countless varieties of the finest of food fishes, and the climate of this part 
 of the coast is of an equable nature that will especially commend it to those who 
 have braved the rigor of a Winter in Dakota or Minnesota. In the extent and 
 diversity of its resources, the state of Washington is one of the most favored states 
 of the Union, and the development of these resources will, within the next ten 
 years, make Washington a populous and rich commonwealth. 
 At the present time the leading industry of Washington is the sawing of lumber. 
 Next in importance to the lumber industry, is the mining of coal. Washington 
 possesses the largest coal fields in the United States. While the estimate of the 
 extent of these deposits cannot be definitely stated at the present time, owing to the 
 fact that there has never been a geological survey made of the state, the estimate 
 that there are no less than 1,000,000 acres of coal land in Washington is perhaps 
 conservative. Coal is known to exist in 18 of the 34 counties of the state. Twenty 
 coalmines are now being extensively worked in this field, and in addition consider- 
 able prospecting for coal is constantly being done, and isolated mines are being 
 referred 1 
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 as these ai 
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 pinch to a 
 est the scl- 
 ally losing 
yiining in the Pacific Xorthwest. 
 A Coal Mine and Dump, neah Tacoma 
 worked in a small way. The 20 mines 
 referred to above, yielded 482,000 tons of 
 coal in 1892, and 
 this output, al- 
 though brouj^ht 
 into direct com- 
 petition with 
 English and Aus- 
 tralian coals, 
 brought to this 
 coast principally 
 as ballast in sail- 
 ing vessels, found a ready sale in all parts of the coast. 
 The coal of Washington ranges in character from lignite to anthracite. The 
 most accessible veins are of the bituminous and lignite quality, and for this reason 
 the large deposits of anthracite known to exist in the state have not yet been 
 worked to any extent. The quality of the anthracite which has been uncovered so 
 far in the state, however, is known to be good, and these deposits in time will prove 
 no less valuable than those of Pennsylvania. Washington now supplies a large pro- 
 portion of the coal burned on the coast. The Wellington coal of Vancouver Island, 
 B. C, comes into direct competition with Washington coal in the San Francisco and 
 other coast markets, but, as the Washington coal can be sold considerably below 
 what the coal from the province can be landed this side of the border for, the 
 foreign product is at a disadvantage in this field. The increased demand for coal 
 on the coast is leading to the opening of more remote coal properties in the state, 
 and it is only a question of a few years when all the valuable mines of coal in 
 Washington will be worked. 
 With the exception of the Roslyn mines, located in Kittitas county, on the line 
 of the Northern Pacific, the present productive coal mines of Washington lie west 
 of the Cascade Mountains. The known lignite measures of the state extend from the 
 British boundary, on the north, to the Columbia, on the south, and from the shores 
 of Puget Sound, on the east for an average distance inland of about 15 miles. The 
 bituminous mea=;!rcs adjoin the, lignite belt on the east and extend eastward to the 
 base of the Cascauc nnge, while the anthracite deposits occur in separated areas, 
 principally in t.e vi<: nity of the Natchez, Cowlitz and Snoqualmie Passes, in the 
 Cascade Mountai's, The coal fields of Western Washington are properly divided 
 into four distri.ts, Tl.ese are the districts of the Skagit-Whatcom, King county, 
 Pierce coun'.y and T,ewis County. 
 The Skagit-Whatcom field is located in the northern part of the state and 
 extends from the British boundary south to Bellingham Bay, and from this point 
 south to the Skagit river. Its area is about 360 square miles. This field contains 
 four workable veins of high grade bituminous coal, and three veins of lignite. The 
 coal measures in this field are underlaid with clay schists and metamorphic slates, and, 
 as these are an upheaval, the coal shows a very disturbed condition. The coal in 
 these veins docs not run regularly, but is "pockety," i. e., the veins irregularly 
 pinch to almost nothing or thicken out to abnormal widths. The veins of coal near- 
 est the schists are richest in carbon and lowest in moisture, the higher levels gradu- 
 ally losing carbon as they recede from the schists, until, in a few instances, a fine 
 lit ^ 
 y I 
 *~ '^ iilM 
 lAO 111112.0 
 1.4 11,6 
 ♦ 6" ► 
 y^ . ^ 
 WEBSTIR.N.Y 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 %° ^ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 grade of locomotive coal is found, while on the Skagit the coal yields a coke equal to 
 any made from the best Pennsylvania coal. 
 The dips of the veins in this district are very changeable, ranging from 30 degrees 
 to vertical, and depend upon which slope of the great antichinal and synchinal folds 
 the veins are exposed. Near Hamilton, on the Skagit, the coal found is very rich in 
 carbon. At this place there are three or four distinct veins, dipping at an angle of 45 
 degrees. In this same vicinity large veins of iron ore arc exposed to view by the 
 Skagit river having cut through these deposits. At Jennings, a short distance from 
 Hamilton, are three coal veins which are being developed, and coke ovens have 
 already been constructed at this point. This coal makes an excellent quality of coke 
 and will be found very convenient for smelting purposes. Experts who have exam- 
 ined the coal measures at Jennings, are strongly of the opinion that oil exists in the 
 vicinity, and a test will soon be made to prove the correctness of this theory. 
 To the northwest of Jennings is the coal mine at Blue Canyon, on the eastern 
 shore of Lake Whatcom. This coal is decidedly "pockety" and varies in thickness 
 from one foot to twenty feet. It is a high gradec-oal and especially adapted to gas- 
 making purposes. About 135,000 tons have already been mined here, most of which 
 has been shipped to San Francisco from New What- 
 com. The latter city is located on Bellingham Bay 
 near the point where the first coal was r'iscovered in 
 : the state. This coal was mined nearly 40 years ago 
 for the Hudson's Bay Company's steamers. Nearly 
 every gulch on either side of Lake Whatcom has its 
 coal prospect, while along the coast line of Chuckanut 
 Bay the coal measures crop out for miles, showing 
 an enormous thickness, but considerable develop- 
 ment work has only proved their worthlessuess. The 
 country north from Lake Whatcom is flat and conse- 
 (jucntly no exposures arc seen, but the conclusion has 
 been reached that no coal exists in this flat area, for 
 the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company has bored to great depths across the line 
 without finding any coal of value. The productive part of this field is nearly all on 
 the eastern ridge, or nearest the mountains. The western portion is almost barren, 
 with the exception of a few lignite veins found with a drill. During 1892 the yield 
 from t!ie coal field was as follows : Jennings, 4,740 tons; Blue Canyon, 25,675 tons ; 
 making a total production of 30,415 tons for the year. 
 The analysis of the coals found in this field show the following results : Jen- 
 nings: Coal — fixed carbon, 60,95; volatile comp., 28. 75; moisture [water], .3?; ash, 
 9,95; sulphur, .45; color of ash, whitish gray; coke, 70.90. The coal found m the 
 Jennings mine shows the following analysis: Fixed carbon, 86.76; moisture [water], 
 .44; ash, II. 12; sulphur, .841. The Blue Canyon Coal — fixed car])on, 59.90; vola- 
 tile comp. , 37.70; moisture (water), 1.30; ash, 2. 10. The Hamilton coal — Sample 
 No. I — fixed carbon, 77.41; volatile comp., 7.46; moisture (water), .25; ash, 14.88; 
 sulphur, .22; evaporating down to one pound coal, 9.50. Sample No. 2 — fixed carbon, 
 80.20; volatile comp., 8.44; moisture (watei), .30; ash, 11.06; sulphur, .21; evaporat- 
 ing down to one pound coal, 9.75. Sample No 3 — fixed carbon, 81.37; volatile comp., 
 II. 10; moisture (water), .42; ash, 7,11; sulphur, .86; evaporating down to one pound 
 coal, 10.00. Sample No. 4 — fixed carbon, 71.66; volatile comp., 18.80; moisture 
 Coke Oven, near Tacoma. 
Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 (water), 1.19; ash, 8.35. Hamilton Coke — Sample No. i — anhydrous coke, 92.30; 
 ash, 16.20; specific gravity, 1.426. Sample No. 2 — anhydrous coke, 91.26; ash, 
 12.12; specific gravity, 1.389. Sample No. 3 — anhydrous coke, 88.48; ash, 8.04; 
 specific gravity, 1.346. 
 The King county field is the largest and best developed coal field in Washing- 
 ton. It is divided into two classes of coal, one a very high-grade of lignite, which is 
 found in an area covering about 120 square miles. The other is a semi-bituminous 
 coal found in an area covering about 300 square miles. This coal belongs to the 
 cretaceous period. Nearly all of King county is covered with glacial drift carried 
 down by glaciers from the Cascade Mountains during the glacial epoch of the 
 quartenary period. In some instances the grourd is covered by this drift to a depth 
 of 300 feet. Thus, were it not for the river beds of ancient water-courses, bed- 
 rock would seldom be exposed here. The lignite of this field possesses great heat- 
 ing qualities, and is used for both domestic and steam purposes. This coal kindles 
 easily and makes a hot fire, and is almost as clean to handle as wood. The general 
 dip of the lignite veins seems to be to the north, while in the bituminous district 
 there is no regularity whatever and, as the veins of the latter deposits approach the 
 mountains, the strata becon'.e very distorted, but the coal becomes much richer. 
 An interesting illustration of the peculiarities of 
 contracted strata is found in the Green River 
 canyon. At one point here the vein emerges from 
 the river, rises into the exposed side of the river 
 bank, turns over and then disappears again under 
 the river in an opposite direction, all in a distance 
 of a little over 100 feet. The crushing the coal 
 was subjected to here can be distinctly seen in 
 the open fissures at the top of the vein and the 
 squeezed, contracted conditions at the bottom. 
 At Oilman there are four veins of coal, varying in thickness from four to nine 
 feet, between walls dipping at an angle cf 35°. This is the well-known prop- 
 erty of the Seattle Coal & Iron Company, one of the largest mining corporations in 
 Washington. The coal at Gilman is a very high-grade lignite, and is adapted to 
 both domestic use and steam purposes. It is used by all the railroads entering 
 Seattle, and has a large retail sale in all the cities of the Pacific coast. The output 
 of this mine reached the lart*e total of 103,000 tons in 1892, and the extensive devel- 
 opment now being done here will increase the output during the current year 
 to nearly 1,500 tons a day. The general oflices of the company are located at Seat- 
 tle. A wholesale yard and office are maintained in San Francisco, and a yanl is also 
 operated by the company at Gnajanias, Mexico. The bunkers at Gilman have a 
 capacity of 2,200 tons, and the retail bunkers at Seattle hold i.otw tons. Coasting 
 vessels are loaded with this coal at Smith's Cove, just above Seattle. The coal 
 mined at Gilman is unexcelled for burning '.: locomotives. It burns freely, is com- 
 paratively free from sulphur, does not injure the tubes of the boiler, and makes steam 
 rapidly. Engines using this coal have never suffered from leaky flues. 
 The Newcastle mine is situated four miles west of Gilman. It has been woiKed 
 for over 25 years past, and is today one of the greatest producing coal mines in the 
 state. In the Newcastle are five distinct veins, three of which are workable. These 
 veins vary in thickness from 5 to 20 feet. The floor and roof are of sandrock, and 
 HAULING Coal from Mines, Gilman, Wash 
 >i I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 COAL Mining, Oilman, wash 
 in places acres of coal have been mined without the use of supports of any kind. 
 The slope, which is now down 2,000 feet, is the longest in Western Washington. 
 The Cedar Mountain, another lignite mine, is eight miles southeast of Newcas- 
 tle. This vein maintains an average width of about 12 feet. At Renton are tour 
 veins of coal varying in thickness from 3 to 15 
 feet. A fair vein of lignite is also found at Black 
 River Junction. The Black Diamond mine is 
 situated southeast of Cedar Mountain. This prop- 
 ^erty contains five veins of semi-bituminous coal, 
 three of which can be worked. These vary in 
 thickness from three to eight feet, and furnish an 
 excellent steam coal, which is in great demand 
 in San Francisco. The Franklin mines are 
 three miles further east, and really belong to 
 the same field as the Black Diamond. They con- 
 tain four veins, with a dip varying from 17 to 55 
 degrees. Beyond the Franklin, and further to the east, are the coal mines of Coke- 
 dale, Kangley, Alta and Durham. In the vicinity of the last named mines a num- 
 ber of veins have been discovered, and some of these veins will doubtless prove pay- 
 ing properties. At the present time, however, it is impossible to form any reliable 
 estimate of their producing qualities. 
 Scattered all over the field, from Palmer to Grand Ridge, are dozens of holes and 
 tunnels, on some of which considerable work has already been done. The prop- 
 erties at Sherwood's, Raging creek and Niblock's are especially developed. At 
 the latter place there are some seven er eight veins of coal which make an excel- 
 lent coke. 
 The output of the King county coal mines, during 1892, was as follows : Oilman, 
 103, OCX) tons ; Newcastle, 160,000 tons ; Cedar Mountain, 13,000 tons ; Black Diamond, 
 9o,cxx) tons ; Franklin, 75,ocx)tons; Alta, 14,000 tons; Kangley, 25,0^0 tons ; Denny, 
 4,000 tons, making a total of 484,000 tons for the year. 
 The following is the analysis of coals found in King county : Oilman, fixed car- 
 bon, 53.49; volatile comp., 32.64 ; moisture, 2.05 ; ash, i r. 40 : sulphur, .42. Newcas- 
 tle, fixed carbon, 43.90; volatile, 46.57; moisture, 2.12; ash, 7.28; sulphur, .13. 
 Franklin, fixed carbon, 50.78 ; volatile, 34.63 ; moisture, 3.66 ; ash, 10.93 ; coke, 61.71, 
 Black Diamond, fixed carbon, 45.11 ; volatile, 47.19; moisture, 3.11 ; ash, 4.56; sul- 
 phur, .01. Cedar Mountain, fixed carbon, 37.20; volatile, 41.40; moisture, 13.00; 
 ash, 8.40. Kangley, fixed carbon, 52.00; volatile, 45.50; moisture, i.oo; ash, 1.50. 
 Niblock (washed), fixed carbon, 79.66; volatile, 14.99; moisture, 3.92; ash, i.io; 
 sulphur, .33. 
 The Pierce county field is small in area, but rich in the number and thickness of 
 its veins of coal. The coal found in this field is all of an excellent quality, and is in 
 great demand in San Fancisco and the cities of Puget Sound. A large quantity of 
 this coal is also made into coke. At Wilkeson there are 50 coke ovens in full blast, 
 and this coke is shipped from this point in large quantities. The Pierce county coal 
 field commences at South Prairie and extends in a line due south to the Nisqually 
 river, a distance of 26 miles. The measures are of greaf width, being from 20,000 to 
 25,000 feet thick, and standing, usually, from 70 degrees to perpendicular. The area 
 of this field is about 100 square miles. It is very difficult of access, and this is a 
Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 serious drawback to operating the mines found here. The rugged canyons of the 
 Mashel, Puyallup and Carbon rivers, with their deep, turbulent waters, present obsta- 
 cles to successful working of many of these mines that will require the highest skill 
 and ingenuity to overcome. 
 Commencing at the southern end of the county, the coal is exposed at a point 
 overlooking the valley of the Nisqually river. At this p'ace is a favorable location 
 for a coal mine, but from this point north to Wilkeson the country is yet an unbro- 
 ken wilderness. The coal veins crop out from the flanks of the steep moutitain 
 side dipping, usually, to the east at heavy angles. At other times they can be traced 
 up the beds of the mountain streams, cropping out, one after another, in bewildering 
 numbers. In places where igneous masses of rock are adjacent, the coal approaches 
 an anthracite in appearance and quality, and is always a first class bituminous coal, 
 which makes excellent coke. This vast deposit of coal will, in time, be of great 
 commercial value to the Pacific coast, especially when the manufacture of pig-iron 
 and the smelting of silver shall have attained the importance here which these indus- 
 tries promise to assume. 
 At the northern end of this field several branches of the Northern Pacific rail- 
 road have been built to the mines of Carbonado, Wilkeson, South Prairie, Pittsburg 
 and Acme. Carbonado mine is opened in the canyon of the Carbon river, a swift 
 mountain torrent, which furnishes sufficient power to operate all the machinery of 
 the mine. This is the largest producing mine in the county, ard its entire output is 
 used by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. 
 At Wilkeson there are two mines opened on the opposite side of theantichinal 
 fold. In driving the gangway of one of these mines the bed of an ancient glacier 
 was passed through. This was 700 feet in width and showed a depth of over yxi feet 
 of glacial drift. The banks of the glacial stream can be traced to the surface. The 
 Wilkeson coal is used as a standard by the United States government in making 
 comparisons of the qualities of different coal on the coast. South Prairie, four miles 
 beyond Wilkeson, contains but one vein of coal that can be worked. This vein is 
 not over three feet in thickness, but the coal taken from it is of great value for its 
 gas-making properties, it yielding five cubic feet of gas to the pound. At Pittsburg, 
 east of South Prpirie, and on the same creek, the veins are very dirty and, from 
 present appearances, of little commercial value. Still further up the creek is Acme, 
 where the veins are similar to those at Pittsburg. 
 From the latter point north no croppings are ex- 
 posed until the measures reappear at Franklin, 
 in King county. The output of the Pierce county 
 coal mines in 1892 was as follows: 
 Carbonado, 132,000 tons; Wilkeson, 91,000 
 tons; South Prairie, 40,000 tons; Acme, 3,oco tons, 
 making a total product of the year of 316,000 tons. 
 Recent analysis of the coals of this county 
 show the following results: 
 Carbonado — fixed carbon, 58.30; volatile, 30.70; moisture, 1.74; ash, 9.26. 
 Wilkeson — fixed carbon, 62.87; volatile, 25.56; moisture, 1.87; ash, 9.70. South 
 Prairie — fixed carbon, 59.89; volatile, 34.49; moisture, 2.59; ash, 3.03. Nisqually— 
 (anthracite) fixed carbon, 71.25; volatile, 18.55; moisture, 1.72; ash, 8.48; sulphur. 
 800 Feet unoer-orouno, Oilman Mine, wash. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 .71. Nisqually — (bituminous, unwashed) fixed carbon, 59.52; volatile, 26.41, mois- 
 ture, 1.35; ash, 18.72; sulphur, ,6^ 
 The Lewis county field contains three grades of coal. The area of the respective 
 fields of these different grades of coal are as follows: Anthracite, 72 square miles; 
 bituminous, 216 square miles; lignite, 180 square miles. In the western part of the 
 county the lignite veins appear, dipping at various angles, and are of various thick- 
 nesses. Although this is considered the lowest grade of lignite in the state, yet it 
 makes a good fire and bums freely. The rich bituminous field of this county is as 
 yet undeveloped, owing to the lack of transportation. Experts are of the opinion, 
 however, that this is a continuation of the Wilkeson and Carbonado fields and the 
 coal of the two fields is believed to be equal in quality. The veins in the bituminous 
 field vary in thickness from 3 to 15 feet between walls, and are more or less mixed 
 with foreign matter. This part of the state will undoubtedly become a great coal 
 center as soon as the product of the mines here can be economically hauled to 
 The anthracite field is located in the eastern part of the county, but it has not 
 been opened up to the present time for the same causes which have prevented 
 development work in the bituiiiinous field. The anthracite veins are very much 
 mixed and, at this time, it is extremely diffi- 
 cult to form a satisfactory estimate of their 
 utility. Every indication, however, is en- 
 couragirg, and the anthracite field will 
 doubtless in. time prove very valuable. 
 In Cowlitz county, south of Lewis 
 ^^^^^ ^ county, two mines are now being worked. 
 L' '^^^^%^" "^'-* - - One of these is at Kelso and the other at 
 — Castle Rock. Both of these coal properties 
 are yielding a good quality of lignite. 
 Mines are also being worked at Bucorla and 
 Centralia, on the line of the Northern Pacific, where a good quality of lignite is 
 being mined. 
 The following is the output of this field for 1892: 
 Bucoda, Lewis county, 10,000 tons; Centralia, 7,800 tons; Castle Rock, Cowlitz 
 county, 750 tons; Kelso, Cowlitz county, 2,000 tons, making a total of 20,300 tons for 
 the year. 
 The only available analysis of coal in this field is as follows: Bucoda— (lignite) 
 fixed carbon, 49.75; volatile, 35.40; moisture, 2.55; ash, 12.30. Centralia — (lignite) 
 fixed carbon, 43.40; volatile, 39.50; moisture, 4.50; ash, 12.60. Bituminous field — 
 fixed carbon, 60.30; volatile, 33.30; moisture, 1.70; ash, 4.70. 
 The mines of Roslyn, on the east side of the Cascade range of mountains, will 
 receive suitable mention in another article. 
 Lime Industry of Washington. — An industry of great magnitude in Wash- 
 ington to day, and one on which the public has but little accurate information, 
 is the manufacture of lime. The production in this state of this most essential of 
 building materials, on a large scale, is an important factor in the question of economy 
 and facility with which the cities and towns of the Pacific Northwet are being 
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 Mining in the Pacific Northwest. 
 The only extensive ledges of limestone known to exist in the Pacific Northwest, 
 and by far the most valuable on the Pacific coast, are located on the San Juan Islands, 
 lying between the Straits of Fuca and the Gulf of Georgia, off the northwest coast 
 of Washington. Deposits of lime rock are found in Southern Oregon and in a few 
 other parts of the latter state, but these deposits have never been heavily worked and 
 their extent and importance have not been proved of sufficient value to allow them 
 to compete with the vast deposits on San Juan Islands. The lime rock found on this 
 group of islands is the best in the United States. It contains 50 per cent, of lime, or 
 98^2 per cent, of limestone. The largest and purest of these ledges is the one at 
 Roche Harbor, on the extreme northwestern portion of San Juan Island. This ledge 
 is a solid mass of marble, extending across the neck of a peninsula formed by Roche 
 Harbor and Westcott Bay, a distance of half a mile. This ledge has an average 
 width of 850 feet, and reaches to a height above the water of 350 feet, the average 
 elevation of the ledge being fully 250 feet. How far it extends under the water is 
 not known. 
 There is sufficient limestone above the water here to make a monumental shaft 
 for every man, woman and child in the United States. Here is a deposit of half a 
 billion cubic feet of the purest gray marble 
 [70,000,000,000 pounds], an amount sufficient to 
 make 350,000,000 barrels of lime. At the rate of 
 consumption of a thousand barrels a day this is 
 enough to last for 1,000 years. 
 About 30 years ago the United States govern- 
 ment inquired into the resources of San Juan 
 Islands. They found here extensive ledges of lime- 
 stone. Soon after the settlement of the international 
 boundary dispute, which ended with the United 
 States gaining possession of the islands, a man 
 named RufF homesteaded the ledge of limestone 
 at Roche Harbor, but no work was done in the development of this ledge until 
 1882, when the manufacture of lime from this rock was commenced in a stone draw 
 kiln by parties operating under the name cf the Roche Harbor Lime Company. 
 About the same time other parties began to manufacture lime on a small scale on the 
 island, and San Juan lime soon acquired a great reputation In the markets of 'he 
 Northwest. In quality the stone found on these islands is superior to any other 
 limestone yet found in the United States. Numerous assays of it have been made by 
 various persons an J for different purposes, the samples having been taken from many 
 different portions of the ledge. The results of these tests have all shown as high as 
 98 per cent, limestone, and most of the tests even more than this. When it 
 is stated that the rock from which the famous " Marble Head " lime, of Ohio, is made 
 contains only 82 per cent, of carbonate of lime, the value of the great lime deposits 
 of San Juan Islands is at once apparent. The tests of the lime rock found here give 
 the following analysis : silica, .44; iron and alumina, 1.13; phosphorus, .11 ; car- 
 bonate of lime, 98.21. 
 This stone contains no sulphur, and for flux is unsurpassed, as it acts as a pure 
 limestone and requires the addition of nothing to counteract deleterious ingredients , 
 as is often the case in fluxes used in smelting. The Roche Harbor ledge is very 
 important to the smelting interests of the Pacific Northwest, and these ledges will no 
 Water Power, Spokani, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 i I 
 8P0KANC River Canton. 
 doubt supply the greater portion of stone used in the future great smelters of iron, 
 gold, silver and copper ore which will be located here in the near future. This stone 
 for fluxing purposes, is now being shipped from the San Juan 
 Islands to the smelters at Irondale, Washington, Oswego, Oregon, 
 and to other parts of the Northwest. 
 In addition to the great works on the San Juan Islands, lime is 
 also manufactured to a sniallcxtent in the Big Bend, Palouse and 
 Colville sections of Kastern Washington. The output of the kilns 
 in these latter localities, however, is used almost wholly to supply 
 the local demand, and it is not a staple article of export as is 
 the product of the Roche Harbor kilns. In this connection a 
 brief description of what lime is and how it is made at the great 
 kilns at Roche Harbor will prove interesting reading. 
 Lime is the oxide of calcium, which, in combination with 
 carbonic acid, forms carbonate of lime, the chief constituent of 
 limestone, as it is seen in nature in the form of rock, marble 
 and shells of marine animals. Lime is made by freeing the 
 stone from its carbonic acid. This is accomplished by means of heat, by which 
 process the acid is volatilized, leaving behind the white, brittle and flaky substance 
 known to commerce as lime. Lime is calcined in a kiln so constructed that heat 
 enters near the bottom and passes upwards thi ough the stone, which iias previously 
 been broken -'nto small pieces. The top of the kiln is left open for the free escape of 
 the smoke, gasses of combustion, and for the purpose of forming a strong draft. 
 The degree of heat required to properly calcine the rock is not specific, but the 
 greater the heat used the quicker the process of driving out the acid from the rock 
 is accomplished. 
 The primitive form of kiln in use, the one adopted generally by lime manu- 
 facturers operating on a small scale, is known as the pot kiln. The stone kiln is 
 a decided improvement on this old form, however. In the stone kiln there is a radi- 
 cal change of principle from the primitive aflair, as it is so constructed that the fire 
 is never drawn, except to make necessary repairs. The lime is drawn off" from the 
 bottom as fast as it is calcined, an equal quantity of rock being fed into it from the 
 top at the same time. In these improved kilns are usually four furnaces, two on the 
 sides of the kiln opposite to each other and entering it about four feet from the 
 bottom. In drawing the lime, all of that material occupying the space l)ctween the 
 fire and the bottom is taken out through an opening in the bottom of the kiln. The 
 kiln itself consists of a wall of masonry about 20 feet high and 18 feet square, sup- 
 ported outside by heavy cross timbers and having a cylindrical spt ce of a diameter 
 of five feet in the center. Above this is a wooden crib, the full size of the kiln, in 
 which the stone is dumped, making the kiln itself self-feeding as the lime below is 
 drawn out. 
 The Monitor kiln now in use at Roche Harbor differs essentially from the stone 
 kiln. It consists of two thicknesses of fire-brick and one of red brick, all inclosed in 
 a jacket of boiler iron, a space of two inches between the bnck wall and jacket being 
 filled with bleached ashes or gravel. This filling serves as a non-conductor of heat 
 and it also relieves the kiln from the effects of the great expansion while burning. 
 One of these kilns holds about 30 tons of rock. It has two furnaces, one on each side. 
 A boiler smokestack projects above the kiln, thus creating a better draft than is 
Fishing Industries of the Pacific Northwest. 
 afforded by the above kiln and insuring more perfect combustion. In the Monitor 
 kilns a system of drafts has been adjusted to the cooler so that a current of fresh air 
 is constantly passing around the lime, thus cooling it more rapidly than was formerly 
 done in the old kilns, and facilitating the operation of barreling. 
 A barrel of lime weighs 200 pounds, and is filled and weighed directly under a 
 chute running from the cooler in the kiln. The process of causing the lime to settle 
 down after the kilns are drawn is one of the most interesting sights connected with 
 lime making. This is seen to the best advantage after nightfall, when the outer 
 darkness contrasts vividly with the brilliancy of the interior of the kiln when the 
 furnace door is opened. When a drawing is made, and the heavy iron doors of the 
 furnace are opened, one can look into the heart of the kiln, which is glowing with 
 an intense white heat, and see the void left at the bottom by the lime being drawn 
 off, and the superheated rock above, held suspended in its place by the expansion of 
 the great bulk caused by the intense heat to which it is suojected. After allowing 
 the lime to fall the fireman fills up the vacancy caused by working at the mass above 
 with a long iron poker. The intense white of the glowing mass turns gradually to 
 the palest green as it comes in contact with the air drawn in through the furnace 
 opening. One of these new kilns Will burn one and one-half cords of wood a day in 
 its two furnaces, and it will produce 30 per cent more lime a day than will one of the 
 old stone kilns burning the same amount of fuel, which in turn produced over 60 
 per cent more lime than the primitive pot kiln. 
 There is today over J 1,000,000 invested in the limeworks at Roche Harbor, and 
 one company at Tacoma and the Roche Harbor company each has a recoid of over 
 i,5CHD barrels of lime per day. This is the most extensive enterprise of the kind in 
 the West. As there is no other great and available source of supply for lime, San 
 Juan lime will always remain one of the, great staple articles of trade on the coast. 
 The Fishing Industry of the Northwest.— The waters of the Pacific 
 Northwest teem with countless varieties of food fishes. In the mountains of this 
 part of the West are hundreds of sparkling brooks literally alive with the most 
 beautiful of gamy fish, the different varieties of the speckled trout. Through the 
 valleys flow great rivers. Each season millions of salmon ascend these rivers to the 
 spawning grounds at the headwaters. The 
 canning and salting of salmon is, today, one of 
 the great industries of the West. In addition 
 to salmon, the principal rivers of Oregon and 
 Washington contain large numbers of sturgeon, 
 shad and other varieties of food fi.shes, and the 
 salt waters of the ocean along the coast are 
 alive with halibut, cod, mackerel and the bet- 
 ter varieties of salt water fish found along the 
 Atlantic coast. In the numerous bays and in- i-oian bpe.h.ng 8«l«on 
 - ,1.. He»ow«tehs Columbia 
 lets of the Pacific coast are found great beds of river, b. c. 
 oysters and clams, and all varieties of shell- 
 fish found on the Atlantic coast with tho possible exception of the lobster, are found 
 in equal numbers along the shores of Oregon and Washington. 
 The Columbia river, one of the great streams of the coi;tine t, from its head 
 waters in the Rocky Mountains to its mouth, contains more varieties of food fishes 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 than does any other stream in the United States. Along the shores of the Pacific 
 ocean, clear up to the glacier-lined and ice-covered bays of Behring sea, is the best 
 of deep-water fishing. In Paget Sound are inexhaustible quantities of salt water 
 fish. At the extreme inland end of this great body of water, almost entirely sur- 
 rounded by land, are extensive beds of oysters. Other oyster beds are found on 
 Shoalwater Bay ( Willapa Harbor), on the Washington coast, and at Yaquina Bay, in 
 Oregon. Lying in the heart of the great mountain ranges, in the midst of romantic 
 scenery, are four large lakes, the waters of which abound in gamy fish. These lakes 
 are easily accessible- from the lines of railroad. The names of these lakes are 
 Chelan, Kootenay, Pend d'Oreille and Ciuur d'Alene. In the valleys of the interior 
 are noted angling resorts. The largest of these resorts is the Flathead Lake, in 
 Montana. In Southern Oregon, lying in the shadow of mighty mountains, and sur- 
 rounded by deposits of what was possibly the greatest volcanic upheaval the world 
 has ever witnessed, are numerous large lakes. The casting of a fly into the waters 
 of any of these numerous lakes will immediately bring to the surface myriads of fish 
 eager for the bait which is seldom offered them. Within walking distance of any 
 railway station in this entire region are unex- 
 celled fishing grounds. The country anglers' 
 paradise is the region of the Northwest. If 
 the gentle sportsman and philosopher who 
 many years ago wrote a book on angling, which 
 subsequently became a classic, had visited this 
 region, his literary work would doubtless have 
 been the writing of marvelous fish stories. The 
 enthusiastic disciple of Izaak Walton after fish- 
 ing for the first time in the waters of the 
 Northwest becomes dangerously enthusiastic 
 over the sport of Northwestern fishing. As an 
 instance of the marvelous stories told of fishing 
 in the West the following will be found worthy 
 of relating: 
 In West Kootenay, British Columbia, just 
 north of the boundary line of Washington, the 
 Kootenay river leaves the lake of the same name 
 and cuts its way for 28 miles through the Selkirk 
 Mountains to the Columbia river. At one point 
 in its course the river, surging over a huge mass of rock, 30 feet high, forms St. Agnes 
 falls. Immediately below the foam at the foot of the falls is a deep pool in which 
 can be seen endless numbers of trout which would weigh all the way from three 
 pounds to seven pounds each. A catch hereof 100 pounds of fish in a day is not 
 uncommon. The close proximity of snow- fed and crystal mountain streams to the 
 centers of population of this section brings the exhilarating pastime of angling within 
 reach of the most humble resident of the West. Fishing here is an inexpensive enjoy- 
 ment, and the assurance is always given the angler before he casts a fly that he will 
 come back loaded with fish. The game fish found in the lakes, rivers and seas of 
 this region are the mountain trout, lake trout, salmon trout, perch, pike, grayling, 
 rock cod and salmon. 
 The salmon found in the waters of the Northwest is divided into several varieties. 
 One of these is known as the silverside. This fish weighs from 6 to 45 pounds each. 
 Rock Creek, near Newport, Oh. a famous Trout Stream. 
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 Fishing Industry of the Pacific Northwest. 
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 Fish Wheci, CatuwBi* River, 
 UPPER Cascades. 
 It is very gamy, an 1 is caught on Puget Sound and tributary streams in October, with 
 trolling lines. Unlike the salmon of the Atlantic coast and England, this fish in the 
 Northwestern waters will not rise to a fly. Including 
 the several species of trout so abundant in every 
 stream here, there are no less than i6 different varie- 
 ties of salmonidiu found in the waters of Oregon and 
 To the thoughtful economist the fish of com- 
 merce are of far more importance than are those 
 sought for by the angler. The fishing interests of 
 the Northwest are now of great magnitude. It is 
 estimated that the total value of the fishing indu.stry, 
 consisting of vessels, apparatus and buildings, inihe 
 Northwest, is not less than f.^, 500,000. There are 
 about i3,o(X) men employed iu catching the fish here 
 and in preparing them for market. The aggregate value of the fish output of the 
 Northwest now approximates |!8,(X)o,ooo annually. 
 The salmon is the most important fish of commerce caught in Northwestern 
 waters. The rivers, bays and sounds of this region contain millions of the many 
 varieties of salmon. Immense numbers of these fish are taken in the Columbia river, 
 in Puget bound, in the Fraser river, British Columbia, and in the streams of ."Maska, 
 as well as from the numerous small rivers along the coast. Before the advent of the 
 white man the Indians of the Northwest subsisted largely on salmon, both in its fresh 
 state and dried for winter's use. The proverbial laziness of the "siwash," as the 
 Indian is called, and his abhorrence for anything that resembles work, prevented him 
 from hunting over the great mountain regions of the interior, and fishing was to 
 him an exceedingly congenial method of procuring food. After 1S29 over i,oco 
 trappers and voyageurs of the Hudson's Bay Company roamed through the North- 
 west. Until the invasion of the later American settlers in this region, salmon formed 
 the principal food of the Hudson's Bay Company's men. 
 In 1865 experiments demonstrated that salmon 
 canned and hermetically sealed retained its flavor, 
 and could be thus kept iu a perfect state for years. 
 Soon afterwards canneries began to nmltiply along the 
 banks of the Columbia river for preserving this fish. 
 ' It was not long before canned salmon became a staple 
 article of commerce in the United States and Europe. 
 The Columbia river salmon industry increased from 
 4,000 cases in 1866, to the enormous pack of £29,000 cases in 1883. 
 From the latter year until the present time the pack has gradually 
 fallen off. This decrease has been caused by the reckless use of 
 traps, and other fisn-destroying appliances, which have prevented 
 the fish from reaching their spawning grounds at the head of the 
 numerous streams. The only way to keep up the supply is by 
 artificial propogation. To this end a hatchery was established 
 some years ago on the Clackamas river, near Portland. Those 
 who have studied carefully into the subject believe that at least four additional 
 hatcheries ought to be established on the tributaries of the Columbia river. The 
 Indian Fishing fOR Salmon. 
 Columbia River. 
 The Orcffoiiinn' s Uitndhonk of the Pacific Northwest. 
 turning out of 75,ooo,0(kj fry (younjj; salmon) annually, it is said by experts, 
 would insure a maximum pack by the Columbia river canneries of 500,000 cases a 
 year. The percentage of young salmon that hatch out from eggs in a natural state 
 is but 2 per cent, while under artificial propogation 95 per cent of the eggs are 
 The salmon of the Northwest is encorrhycus, and is not the salmo of Easiern 
 waters. In all there are about 30 species or varieties of fish in the Columbia river 
 that go by the name of salmon. Many of these, however, are sea trout. The prin- 
 cipal species of salmon' are kn:)wn commercially as the chinook (the royal fish of the 
 CoIuml)ia) the steclhead, the silverside and the blueback. The chinook is superior 
 to all other varieties of salmon caught in the world. It weighs from i to 89 pounds, 
 its average weight being from 20 to 30 pounds. The flesh of this fish is a rich red 
 in color, the fat is eciually dislril)utcd throughout the fish, and the oil is retained in 
 the flesh after either cooking or canning. It has a delicious flavor. No resident of 
 the Northwest who is fully accjuainted with the merit of the chinook ever eats any 
 other variety (»f salmon. The chinook commences 'unniiig in April. The steelhead 
 enters fresh water in October, an 1 it is distinguishec' from the chinook by its slender 
 body, pale flesh and tapering tail. For immediate use it is regarded but little inferior 
 to the chiuDok. When cooked, however, the natural oil of the fish separates from 
 the flesh, thus giving it an un- 
 appetizing appearance when 
 canned. Next in size to the 
 steelhead is the silverside. Its 
 average weight is a1)out 11 
 pounds. It is a fall fish and 
 does not differ materially in 
 appearance from the steelhead, 
 except in the bright part of its 
 body, from which it has derived 
 its name. The blueback is a 
 spring fish, much smaller than the other varieties of salmon. Its average weight is 
 from three to seven pounds. There are other names given the salmon caught iti the 
 Northwest, but the varieties that are taken in large numbers here properly belong 
 to the commercial classifications named above. 
 The salmon enters fresh water only when fully grown and for the purpose of 
 spawning. The young salmon descend the streams to the ocean in the spring freshets, 
 and in about four years they reach their maturity. The fish then return to the river 
 in which they were spawned, and in their turn deposit their eggs here. This wonderful 
 instinct, that enables a fish to return to the waters of its birth after an absence of from 
 three to six years, is the most remarkable of the many peculiar habits of the salmon. 
 This fish eats nothing in fresh water. Thus it is useless to attempt to catch it with 
 bait in any of the rivers here. The concensus of opinion is that few if any of the 
 full-grown salmon that enter the rivers ever return to the ocean. This is borne out 
 by the fact that they are never caught heading down stream. The salmon ascend the 
 Columbia river for a distance of over 1,000 miles, to the headwaters of this stream in 
 the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. Here they are found cut and bruised, with 
 broken fins and tails, the marks of their many desperate struggles with the rapids and 
 currentr. of the stream below. The salmon that escape the nets of the fisherman, it 
 Royal Chinook Salmon, Columbia Riveh. 
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Fishing Industry of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Fi»H wheci. (NO Trap roR Salmon, 
 Columbia River 
 is believed, die soon after depositing their eggs. If they do not die, they must return 
 to the ocean, for otherwise tlicy would literally choke the headwaters of the streams 
 ;y frequent, and would thus attract attention. They prolwhly 
 : where they spau n and are eaten by birds and beasts of prey 
 or by numerous voracious varieties of small '''sh which 
 are found in shallow waters. 
 (Oregon ships i,50(j,(xxj pounds of fresh si'.mon, and 
 Washington 5ck),(kx) pounds to points as far e >st as Bos- 
 ton. About one-half the canned salmo'- from he North- 
 west is carried in vessels to FInglaiid a: ' luirope, aiul the 
 remainder finds its way into every hamlet and city of the 
 T' ;ion. Astoria, Oregon, situated near the mouth of the 
 Lolumbia river, is the greatest salmon-canning center 
 in the world. A description of the fi'^hing methods in 
 vogue here will answer as an illustration of the hand- 
 ling of this industry on other parts of the coast. 
 In the season of 1H93 about 2,178 men were directly engaged in the catching and 
 canning of salmon at Astoria. Of these, 175 men worked on fish traps, 1,300 men 
 fished with gill nets, and the balance were employed in the canneries preparing the 
 fish for market. Six hundredmnd fifty boats left this port every day during the fish- 
 ing season. Each boat carriea a gill net and necessary gear. The average earnings 
 of the boats were about $523 ^jach for the season. The seven canneries at Astoria 
 have an aggregate running ca^iacity of 300,000 cases for the season, and the total 
 wages paid by these canneries to the fishermen and help was $926,500 in !S93, The 
 canneries here annually use $165,000 worth of tin. During the past season the Col- 
 umbia river pack amounted to 424,000 cases, of which 260,000 cases were put up at 
 Astoria. In connection with some of the leading canning centers, which are fully 
 described in "The Handbook," will be found extended mention of the numerous details 
 connected with the cauningjof salmon for market. Canneries are now scattered 
 all along the coast from Yaquina Bay, on the south, to Alaska, on the north. Large 
 canneries are established at Alsea, below Yaquina, Nestucca, Tillamook, Puget 
 Sound, Fraser river, and all along the Alaska 
 coast. These numerous canneries handle mil- 
 lions of fish annually, and their product forms 
 one of the staples of Northwestern commerce. 
 The salmon pack of the Pacific Northwest, 
 for the season of 1893, was :ibout 1,721,660 
 cases. This pack was valued at $7,513,507. The 
 fall pack, included in the above total, was 
 198,660 cases, valued at $743,975. The Alaska 
 pack, for the year, was 610,000 cases, valued at 
 $2,460,332, and the British Columbia pack was 
 548,000 cases, valued at $2,411,200. 01 the 
 pack of British Columbia, 460,000 cases were 
 packed on the Fraser river, and 88,000 cases 
 on the Nass and Neuse rivers. The Wash- 
 ington pack, outside of that of the Columbia river, was valued at $456,500. This 
 pack was made up as follows : Geo. T. Myers' cannery, Seattle, 3';,ooo cases ; Fraser 
 Salmon Cannery on the Willapa, SoU'H O&no, wash. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 river, Blaine, 57,ooo cases ; Aberdeen, 35,000 cases ; making a total of 122,000 cases. 
 The Columbia river spring pack was 365,000 cases, valued at $1,898,000. The fall 
 pack was 30,000 cases, valued at $112,500. The Oregon coast 
 pack was 46.660 cases, valued at $174,975. This salmon was 
 canned at the following places : Nehalem and Tillamook, 
 15,000 cases ; Coquille river, 5,000 cases; Umpqua river, 5,000 
 cases ; Siuslaw river, 10,000 cases ; Coos Bay, 3,500 cases ; 
 Rogue river, 3,160 cases ; and Alsea, 5,000 cases. 
 Second in importance only to the canning of 
 salmon on the Columbia river, is the catching and 
 curing of sturgeon. Of all valuable varieties of 
 food fish the sturgeon is the most repulsive looking. 
 fciS It has a long hog-like snout, small glassy eyes, an 
 _ _ -^fe ugly protruding mouth, bony sides and a sharp fin 
 i '^ fr --^ ■• extending down the whole length of its back. The 
 Columbia river sturgeon is a Iransmonatanus or 
 Salmon Fishing, Tillamook Bay. Oregon. whitC StUrgCOU, aud it is the largest of the StUrgCOn 
 family. It is one of the oldest of the primitive 
 varieties of the fish family now in existence. The average weight of the sturgeon 
 dressed, caught in the Columbia river, is 125 poundsgand its maximum weight is 
 1,000 r.ouiids. One of these fish was caught near the tilouth of the Columbia river, 
 last October, that weighed 755 pounds. The head alone of the monster fish scaled 
 151 pounds. Like the salmon, the sturgeon is a sa'lt waler fish. It spawns in all the 
 rivers entering Puget Sound, and in those entering the oeean to the south. It has no 
 gamy qualities and is hauled up from the bottom of the river like a log. In the 
 early part of the season sturgeon are caught in the gjU nets along the Columbia 
 liver. After the gill net season is over the method of catching these fish isa peculiar 
 one. Doubtless, sturgeon is the only fish caught with a hook and line without the 
 use of bait. They are caught by lowering a line with a jjuimber of big hooks fastened 
 to ii. to the bottom of the river by means of sinkers. The big, clumsy sturgeon, 
 swimming sluggishly along the bottom of the stream, in search of food, suddenly 
 feels one of the sharp barbed hooks fastening itself in his scaly side. In threshing 
 about to clear itself the fish gets afoul of more hooks and is thus securely fastened. 
 The sturgeon, as an article of commerce, has 
 attained a position of great importance in the 
 Northwest. Its flesh is wholesome and palat- 
 able, and from its roe is made that epicurean 
 relish called caviar. Nearly every part of this 
 fish is utilized ; the bladder is manufactured 
 into isinglass, the spinal cord is removed and 
 dried and it is one of the many queer articles of 
 food highly prized by the Chinese. When boiled, 
 it forms a sort of gelatinous substance which 
 the Celestial eats with great relish. Large 
 quantities of prepared sturgeon spinal cord arc 
 shipped to China from the Columbia river an- 
 nually. On the Columbia river there are 200 boats aud 400 men engaged in the 
 sturgeon- fishing industry. 
 Trout fishing, Willamette Valley. 
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 Fishing Industry of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The manner of preparing the sturgeon for market is as peculiar as is the method 
 adopted for catching the fish. The useless parts of the body of the sturgeon are first 
 removed and it is then cut into sections or strips about 24 inches long. These strips 
 are then placed in galvanized iron pans which hold about 60 pounds each. The pans 
 are placed in a freezing mixture of packed ice and salt and allowed to remain until 
 their contents are frozen solid. The fish thus frozen is wrapped in paper and packed 
 in cases, and thus shipped to Chicago and New York. On reaching its destination it 
 is thawed out, for it remaiiis frozen all the way across the continent, it is dipped in 
 lime and smoked. When ready for market in its smoked state it retails at from 18 to 
 20 cents a pound, and it is really a highly palatable 
 article of food. Much of this smoked sturgeon doubt- 
 less reaches the markets of the Northwest as "prime 
 smoked halibut, ' ' and its rich flavor has perhaps been 
 extolled for years among the knowing ones of the 
 Northwest who prided themselves on their thorough 
 knowledge of the merits of the great flat fish. Stur- 
 geon, which for many years was the "Royal" fish 
 of England, is entitled, however, to tickle the palates 
 of the residents of the Northwest as " smoked halibut," 
 and the deception, which applies to name only, need 
 not be questioned when the Aerit of the article itself 
 is not impaired in the least. Four firms are now 
 engaged in the business of frizzing and shipping stur- 
 geon caught in the Columbia river. In 1893 these 
 firms shipped 2,081 tons of sturgeon, 714 kegs of 
 caviar, averaging 135 pounds each. This caviar is 
 Flamhurcr, Germs 
 TnouT I 
 principally shipped to Hamhu 
 finds a ready sale. 
 Off Cape Flattery and extending north along the shore of British Columbia to 
 Alaska, ^I'-e fishing banks where immense quantities of halibut and black cod are 
 caught. The banks off the cape are about 15 miles in length and they are at an aver- 
 age depth of from 35 to 75 fathotis below the surface. These arc the fishing banks 
 resorted to by the deep-water fisl.ernien of Puget Sound and Portland. Halibut are 
 abundant on the banks from March until late in the summer. The grounds here 
 then become infested with dog fis^h and sharks which run off the edible varieties of 
 fish. The halibut varies in weight from 5 to 250 pounds. Large quantities of this fish 
 are annually caught by the Macah Im.ians, with whom it is a staple winter food. 
 The black cod is the most delicate and exquisitely flavored of all the fish of the 
 North Pacific waters. It is taken in deep water, at from 30 to 300 fathoms depth. 
 1 he cod caught ofl" Cape Flattery weigh from 10 to 24 pounds each, although instances 
 are not infrequent where ihis fish has Keen caught weighing as high as 50 pounds, 
 and of over four feet in length. Of the other varieties of food fish caught on these 
 banks, the buffalo cod is tlie largest. Its flesh is white and well flavored, .'<ir' when 
 fresh, it is an excellent table fish. It averages from 10 to 25 pounds in weigl;. Ihe 
 rock cod is a smaller fish than the black cod. It is found in great abundance a^ the 
 mouth of the Columbia river and in the waters of Puget sou-'d A dozen fishing 
 schooners are engaged at the banks near Cape Flattery. These boats carry their 
 catch to Seattle and Tacoma, where it is shipped by rail south and to Fastern points. 
 77ie Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 C*TC> 'NG Crabs Low Tide, Tacoma. 
 There are 28 varieties of the rock fish family found in Pacific Coast waters. 
 These range from ^the S. rubra to the S. niger, commonly called bass. All of the 
 family are excellent food fish and they find a ready market. The principal varieties 
 of the smaller food fishes caught in these 
 waters are the herring, smelt, sardine and 
 eulachan. The latter, from its excess of oil, 
 is also known as the caudle fish. This 
 fish, in its dried state, will burn as clearly 
 as a candle. It is taken by the natives in 
 , large quantities atNass river, British Colum- 
 bia. From the fish the Indians extract 
 an oil which resembles soft lard. It is used 
 by them as an article of food. In the early 
 spring imme ise numbers of herring are found in Puget Sound and in the bays 
 along the coas*;. This fish is equal in quality to the herring of the Atlantic. Estab- 
 lishmeuts for the curing of herring are located on San Juan Islands and at other 
 points on the Sound. 
 The Pacific Coast sardine resembles in taste, quality and appearance the sardine 
 of the Mediterranean, This is not the same fish as is canned on the Atlantic coast, 
 and sold as sardines throughout the country. This small fish swarms at the entrance 
 of the rivers and bays along the coast and it affords alplendid opening today for the 
 establishment of a sardine cannery somewhere in the Northwest. Monster whales 
 are frequently seen off Cape Flattery and the Oregon cbast. The species which fre- 
 quents these waters is known as the California Gray. Oil fish, dog fish and ground 
 fish also abound, and, like the whale, are valuable chiefly for their oil. About 
 $200,000 worth of this oil is manufactured annually at Friday Harbor, on San Juan 
 The United vStates fish commissioners, influenced, no doubt, by the fact that carp 
 is considered a great delicacy in some parts of Europe, planted large quantities of 
 this ugly, unpalatable and sluggish fish in the numerous ponds of Oregon and Wash- 
 ington some years since. These fish, during the freshets, escaped from the ponds 
 into the Columbia and its tributaries, and these waters are now alive with this unwel- 
 come fish. The carp is nothing less than a nuisance, and it is of no practical value. 
 Catfi.sh, of the smaller variety, is another pest in the waters of the Columbia and its 
 tributaries. This fish is also a fish transplanted from Eastern waters. Some years 
 ago shad were planted in the Sacramento. This desirable table fish has since worked 
 its way up the coast to the Columbia where it is now regularly caught in large 
 The succulent little oyster found on the Pacific coast is much smaller than is the 
 variety of the Atlantic coast. This has often led to Eastern tourists visiting the cities 
 of the Northwest calling for a half dozen raw, when H takes 60 or 70 of the Pacific 
 coast oysters to cover a plate. What the local oyster lacks in size, however, it makes 
 up in quality. The transplanting and propagation of Eastern oysters here has a)' eady 
 met with success, and active steps are now being taken to ship and transplant large 
 quantities of oysters from Chesapeake Hay to the Pacific coast waters. The oyster- 
 beds here are found at the headwaters of Puget Sound, near Olympia, at Willapa 
 Harbor, on the Washington coast, and in a few other favored spots. At Yacjuina Bay, 
 south of the entrance to the Columbia river, is found what is known as the rock oys- 
 ter. Tl 
 dents n« 
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 and the 
 son. T 
 of clams 
 in 1893, 
 built up, 
 of Yaqui 
 of the CO 
 in its infi 
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 of Tacon 
 Grijigs is ^ 
 by Georg( 
 are found 
 corner of 
 mallard ai 
 as fresh an 
 & Co. is tl 
 at the foot 
 fresh, saltt 
 Fishing Industry of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ter. This is a distinct species from the oyster of comtnerce proper. It is found 
 imbedded in the soft rock just outside the bay at low tide. It has a soft shell, it is 
 possessed of a delicious flavor, and is highly prized as an article of food by the resi- 
 dents near Yaquina. It is not obtainable in sufficient quantities to prove anything 
 of an article of commerce. The oyster-beds of the Sound cover an area of 335 acres, 
 and the output of these beds last year amounted to 560 sacks a week during the sea- 
 son. The total output of the year was valued at about $43, 000. Ten thousand sacks 
 of clams are also dug on the Souud, principally by the Indians. The Willapa Harbor 
 clam-beds cover about 500 acres, and the output of oysters and clams from these beds, 
 in 1893, was valued at S8o,ooo. 
 At Yaquina Bay a fishing industry of considerable importance has recently been 
 built up. A large part of the fresh fish supply of Portland is obtained from this 
 source. All the bays and inlets along the coast are alive with fish. Under the head 
 of Yaquina Bay will be found a detailed mention of the fishing interests of that part 
 of the coast. Like the many other industries of the Northwest, that of fishing is yet 
 in its infancy, and the development of this industry will add materially to the pros- 
 perity of a section that is one of the richest in natural resources in the United States. 
 The Puget Sound Fishing Company. — The Puget Sound Fishing Company, 
 of Tacoma, is the largest concern of its kind on Puget Sound. Fish boxes labeled 
 with the brand of this company can be seen at all the 
 important railroad stations between Tacoma and Chicago. 
 The company has unexcelled cold-storage, freezing 
 and transportation facilities, and it is 
 thus enabled to give the consumer, 
 2,000 miles or more away, salmon, cod 
 and halibut as fresh as when the fish 
 were first taken out of the water. 
 The Puget Sound Fishing Company 
 docs a large local business, and it ships 
 thousands of pounds of fish to the 
 towns of Oregon and Washington. It 
 handles all kinds of fresh and salt fish, 
 and also makes extensive shipments of 
 oysters and clams. The president of 
 the company is Chester Thome, C. W. 
 Grijigs is vice-president, II. L. Achilles is treasurer. The office of secretary is filled 
 by George Browne, while E. A. Chase is the efficient manager. 
 Where 1'ins and Feathers Meet.— The delicious natives of sea and river 
 described in the foregoing article and the four-footed and feathered game of Oregon 
 are found in their recurring seasons at Malarkey & Co.'s fish and game stand, on the 
 corner of Fourth and Morrison streets, Portland. The royal Chinook, the glittering 
 silversides, the speckled trout, the succulent oyster, the timid quail, the v.'eb-footed 
 mallard and the Mongolian pheasant, daintiest of the feathered tribe are found here 
 as fresh and appetizing to epicurean palates as in their native elements Malarkey 
 & Co. is the only Portland firm dealing exclusively in fish, game, poultry and oysters. 
 Chloimcck Brothers. — TL.s well-known Pacific coast firm, with headquarters 
 at the foot of Alder street, Portland, are among the leading packers and shippers of 
 fresh, salted and smoked fish in Oregon and Washington. Their output includes all 
 Puget Sound Fishing Co., tacoma 
 The Orcg-unian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 the varieties offish caught in the Pacific ocean and tributary rivers, such as salmon, 
 sturgeon, smelt, herring, soles and flounders. Fresh fish packed in ice are forwarded 
 East by this firm during the season, and the number of cases of salmon which they 
 ship each year would seem almost incredible ifgiven to the readers of "The Handbook." 
 Thk Baltimore Market. — The Baltimore market, with Portland headquarters 
 at 290 First street, is conducted by Messrs. G. Covach and John Bercovich. This mar- 
 ket is always stocked with every variety offish found in the waters of the Columbia 
 river, Puget Sound and the fishing banks of the Pacific ocean. The best of oysters, 
 clams, muscles and other sh^ll fish are also found at this stand. Patrons of the Balti- 
 more market arc supplied at all times with fine poultry, and a special fine selection of 
 game is always kept in stoc'i during the open season. Messrs. Co^'ach & Co. also do 
 a wholesale shipping business, at the Baltimore market, under the firm name of the 
 Pacific Coast Fishing Company. 
 The Wlliaiiiette It'^allcy, Orejjfon.— Of all the fertile valleys of the Union 
 no one surpasses in richness or extent the famous Willamette valley of Oregon. 
 This beautiful stretch of land xtends from the Columbia 
 river on the north south to the Calipooia Hills, a distance 
 of about 130 miles. The valley for its entire length is 
 inclosed on either side by mountain ranges. To the west 
 lies the low Coast Range, the summits of which are dis- 
 tant from 20 to 38 miles from the ocean. East of the val- 
 ley rises the great chain of the Cascade Mount-'ius, with 
 its many peerless snow-capped peaks, the most prominent 
 of which is Mt. Hood, which rises to a height of 11,225 
 ^^f^if^^'r^J^CHjS^HHP f'sst. Between the slopes of these two ranges there is an 
 5T*3imni eItIwSMHp average width of 60 miles of valley land. This is the 
 garden spot of Oregon and, -with its perennial green ver- 
 dure, it is one of the most inviting spots on the coast. 
 The total area of the Willamette valley is 7,800 
 Silver Prunes Rmsed in the Willamette sqUarC milcS, Or 4,992, OOCT aCreS, all of wllich is highly 
 fertile. From the Coast Range on the west numerous 
 streams flow into the Willamette river, the great water-course of Western Oregon. The 
 principal of these streams arc the Tualatin, Chehalem, Yamhill, La Crcola, I.ucki- 
 amutte, Mary's river. Long Tom and Calipooia rivers. The springs and melting 
 snows of the Cascade Mountains give birth to numberless small creeks which, uniting, 
 form the Clackamas, Molalla, Pudding, Santiam and McKenzie rivers, all of which 
 flow westward and empty into the Willamette river. 
 The Willamette is one of the principal tributaries of the Columbia. It is navi- 
 gable for a distance of more than 125 miles from its mouth. At Oregon City, the 
 oldest settlement in the valley, and now a great manufacturing center, the river falls 
 42 feet, over a solid rock dam. This is at a point 12 miles south of Portland. The 
 Willamette falls at Oregon City, with possibly one exception, furnish the greatest 
 available water power at any one place in the United States. Boats pass the falls of 
 the Willamette through a complete .system of locks, open all the year. On the cast 
 side of the river the main line of the Southern Pacific runs from Portland to San 
 Francisco. This skirts the walers's edge at Oregon City. The west side division of 
 this sam 
 ing at C 
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 in Oreg( 
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 1850, and 
 time, but 
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 The yield 
 pounds. ' 
 raising an 
 Up-river 8tea» 
 wheat on t 
 farmers wi 
 The Willamette Valley, Oregon. 
 A Willamette River Scene, Portland's Suburbs. 
 this same road runs south through the Willamette valley west of the river, termiuat- 
 ing at Corvallis, 96 miles south of Portland. 
 It was the government offer of 360 acres of land to every person who would settle 
 in Oregon that first attracted permanent settlers to the Willamette valley. These 
 early pioneers, many of whom are now living, 
 dispensed hospitality with a lavish hand. No im- 
 migrant arriving in the valley in the early days of 
 its settlement ever suffered for want of provisions, 
 whether he had money or whether he was penniless. 
 Although time has silvered the locks and bent the I 
 forms of these early settlers, their deeds are still as' 
 fresh as is the green of the perennial verdure of 
 the beautiful valley in which they live. The Wil- 
 lamette valley is today the best seiilcd portion of 
 the Pacific Northwest. . From its northern to 
 its southern limit it is a succession of orchards, 
 the blossoms of which perfume the air as early as March and April, firrely 
 kept farms and waving wheat fields Many of these orchards were planted prior to 
 1S50, and the gnarled trunks and limbs of their trees show plainly the ravages of 
 time, but the ripe and juicy fruit they bear each season gives no evidence of impaired 
 quality over what this same fruit was a quarter of a century ago. All kinds of fruit 
 indigenous to the temperate zone is grown to perfection in the W^illamette valley. Of 
 late years, fruit culture in the valley has become one of its most important aird 
 remunerative industries. The prunes grown in Western Oregon are absolutely per- 
 fect, surpassing in quality and size the same fruit grown in California, Italy and 
 France. In any prune orchard of the Willamette valley a stem a foot long can be 
 broken from a prune tree here with 50 large prunes hanging to it. To the prospective 
 settlers in the valley prune raising offers many inducements. Land capable of mak- 
 ing good prune orchards sells here for from $15 to $Ho an acre, the price depending on 
 the locality and whether or not it is cleared. The expense of settmg out a prune 
 orchard in the valley Uj .soout $18 per acre for a choice selection of young trees. In 
 three years from the time of planting the trees begin to bear, and in four or five years 
 they are in full-bearing condition. 
 Another important farming industry of the Willamette valley is hop culture. 
 The yield of hops per acre on the lands of Western Oregon is from 1,500 to 2,000 
 pounds. The average price of hops is iS cents per pound. The estimated cost of 
 raising and marketing hops is from 8 to 10 cents a pound. The great crop of the 
 Willamette valley today, however, just as it was 10 years ago, 
 is wheat. The prolific soil of this section of the state yields 
 millions of bushels of wheat annually. During harvest time 
 a traveler journeying through the valley sees a vast field of 
 golden grain, broken here and there by forest-fringed streams, 
 orchards, hop yards and pastures. Thirty successive crops of 
 wheat have been raised on the same land in the Willamette 
 valley, and the yield each season was not less than 25 bushels 
 and as high as 50 bushels to the acre. The average yield of 
 wheat on the valley lands is perhaps not as high as 25 bushels to the acre, as practical 
 farmers will understand, but this land is perfectly adapted to the growing of all 
 up-river steamboats at Docks, 
 The Orefionian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ^. S. Light House Tender, Columbine, 
 ON P«CIF1C const W*TERS. 
 kinds of cereals. In addition to cereals, the lands of the valley grow nearly every- 
 thing raised in any part of the United States except tropical fruits and the peculiar 
 ptoducts of the Gulf States. 
 The elevation of the Willamette valley ranges from 70 feet at the base of the falls 
 at Oregon City to 400 feet at the southern extremity, Scattered through it are broad 
 prairies, separated by streams shaded by strips 
 of woodland. The soil of these ^rairies con- 
 sists of decomposed volcanic rock and a large 
 proportion of alluvial deposits aad vegetable 
 mould. This soil is unsurpassed in fertility, and. 
 it is capable of producing successive crops with- 
 out any sign of diminution for generations. 
 Above the broad stretches of prairie land are 
 what are called the foothills, which expend en- 
 tirely around the prairie and merge into the 
 mountain slopes. These rolling lands lie at 
 an elevation of from 500 to 2,000 feet, and are covered with brush. At present this 
 high land is utilized only for the raising of stock. When cleared of brush much of 
 this upland, however, is as productive as are any of the best valley lands. Lying above 
 the foothills, on the slopes of both the Coast and the Cascade ranges of mountains, are 
 forests of fine merchantable timber. The timber belt on the slopes of the Cascades 
 is about 20 miles in width. The proximity of this vast amount of fine timber is of 
 the greatest economic importance to the inhabitants of the valley, and in time it will 
 find its way to many of the outside markets. 
 At the northern end of the Willamette valley, 12 miles south of the confluence of 
 the Willamette and Columbia rivers, is Portland, the metropolis of the Pacific North- 
 west. Portland, with the other leading centers of population of Western Oregon, is 
 fully described in " The Handbook." In connection with the mention of each of these 
 places considerable space is devoted to the principal characteristics of the tributary 
 country from which they derive their support. The towns of Western Oregon are 
 among the oldest settlements of the North wes<^, and they are all prosperous, depend- 
 ing for their support on the richness of a tributary farming district that has never yet 
 noted the failure of a crop. 
 Poi'tUiiul, Oregon. — Near where the Willamette river swells the volume of 
 the great Columbia is Portland, the metropolis of the Northwest, and a city of 92,000 
 inhabitants. Unsurpassed in the beauty of its surroundings, pre-eminent in its wealth 
 per capita, containing a cultured and prosperous people, this fair city occupies a proud 
 position among the leading commercial centers of America. To Portland flows the 
 steady stre 
 an area of | 
 flying the 
 mense depl 
 years past! 
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 dollars in 
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 the ocean 
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 the frontiers 
 From the tii 
 broad waters 
 oregonian buildin 
 of Ghent, w 
 during the \ 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Front Street, Portland, in 1862. 
 steady stream of wealth from the valleys, mountains and waters of a region covering 
 an area of 1,000 miles square. 
 Although inland 120 miles from the ocean, Portland is regularly visited by ships 
 flying the flags of all maritime nations. At its doors is the greatest water power at 
 tide-water in the world. Immediately adjacent to the city are the greatest forests of 
 America. A few miles distant from its business center is an im- 
 mense deposit of iron ore, which has been successfully mined for 
 years past. In its tributary country are 
 mines which annually produce millions of 
 dollars in gold and silver. Near Portland 
 are vast areas of laud possessing a soil unsur- 
 passed in fertility. Between the city and 
 the ocean are the finest fresh-water fisheries 
 in the world. This remarkable city is the 
 commercial, manufacturing, financial and ed- 
 ucational center of a country possessing per- 
 haps a greater diversity of valuable resources 
 than any other part of the United States. 
 The development of the frontier village of 1846 into the magnificent Portland of 
 today furnishes the text for a most interesting story. Even before the first cabin was 
 built at the big bend of the Willamette, where Portland now stands, Oregon had wit- 
 nessed many stirring events. A brief sketch of the early settlement of Oregon is a 
 fitting introduction to an extended description of its chief city. The growth of Port- 
 land was only possible when the development of the state had reached a point of suf- 
 ficient importance to demand the establishment of a leading trade center within its 
 limits, and Portland has taken no step forward during the past 25 years which has not 
 had its influence on the prosperity of all of Oregon. 
 Like a romance reads the early history of Oregon. Charmingly portrayed in the 
 narratives of Astoria and Bonneville, by Washington Irving, it is familiar to all read- 
 ers of American literature. Eloquently told in the rough but impressive language of 
 the frontiersman, it became a part of the household tales of many a Western home. 
 From the time that Lewis and Clark and their intrepid followers first looked upon the 
 broad waters of the Columbia river, men led by a spirit of romance and adventure, or 
 a desire to better their fortunes, have journeyed across 
 the plains and over the mountains to the fertile val- 
 leys of Oregon. When the United States, just recov- 
 ering from the devastation wrought by the War of 
 Independence, was plunged into another momentous 
 struggle with England, there was a settlement on the 
 Oregon coast called Astoria. Over this fort, estab- 
 lished iu 1811, by John Jacob Astor, floated the first 
 American flag swung to the breeze on the Pacific 
 coast. Not long, however, did this banner wave, for 
 one day a Hritish warship cast her anchor in the river 
 opposite the fort and forced the little garrison estab- 
 lished there to surrender. Then followed the treaty 
 of Ghent, which provided for the restoration of all territory taken by either nation 
 during the War of 1812. Both Great Btitain and the United States claimed Oregon 
 Portland in 1864. 
 I 5 
 1 J' 
 The Oregoniun's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 by right of discovery, or by purchase, an 1 until 1846 the Oregon controversy occupied 
 the attention of American and English statesmen. 
 Finally this dispute over the contested territory was settled by the establishment 
 of thr international boundary line at the 49th degree of north latitude, thus ceding 
 Oregon to the United States. The territory of Oregon then eni!)raced all of the pres- 
 ent state of Washington, Idaho and Montana lying west of the Rocky Mountains 
 I^eforc the treaty of 1846 was made, Oregon was occupied jointly by the Hudson's 
 Bay Company aiul a small but determined band of adventurous Americans. This 
 great fur monopoly was master of the field it occupied But ill fared the individual 
 or company who iiiterfered with its traffic or who questioned its exclusive right to 
 trade with the Indians of Oregon. In 1829- Fort Vancouver, now a United States 
 military post, seven miles distant from Portland, was selected as the headquar- 
 ters of the Hudson's Bay Company. At this post lived Dr. John McLoughlin, the 
 uncrowned monarch of the vast domain lying between the waters of the Pacific ocean 
 and the Rocky Mountains. 
 As chief factor of the 
 Hudson's Bay Company, 
 McLoughlin had absolute 
 control over the lives and 
 property of the 600 em- 
 ployes of the company. 
 Subsequently he became 
 an American citizen. 
 Among the ferns and 
 flowers in the old ceme- 
 tery at Oregon City there 
 is today a plain marble 
 slab which marks the last 
 resting place of a man 
 who, during his life, was 
 the guiding spirit of Ore- 
 gon's destiny; a man who 
 settled many vexed ques- 
 tions of the most serious 
 import to the future wel- 
 fare of the great state, and it is this little grave which contains the dust of Dr. 
 McLoughlin, that will ever remain a sacred spot in the minds of the people of the 
 great commonwealth who commemorate a name that was worthy only of brave and 
 noble deeds. 
 At the time the treaty of 1846 was made the Hudson's Bay Company had 45 offi- 
 cers and 513 articled men, all working together to maintain its supremacy and power. 
 Its 23 forts were located at points of vantage extending east as far as the Bitter Root 
 valley, in Montana. The few Americans in Oregon prior to 1840, braved many appall- 
 ing forms of death. Absolutely without protection, except that afTordcd by their 
 rifles and knives, many of these men fell an easy prey to the hordes of savages who 
 roamed over the country. Along the river, from Portland to the sea, are today many 
 historic spots, the scenes of deeds of heroism performed by these men, whose names 
 will always be held in veneration by the people of Oregon. 
 Third and Morrison Streets, Portland. 
 soil and the! 
 States, caus| 
 train to crc 
 in 1842. Otl 
 the first timi 
 the ascendc 
 held under 
 debatable gr 
 States refusJ 
 Here were sj 
 out the pro! 
 out the protl 
 ernnient, wh 
 on. Thest 
 for relief h 
 playeJ the 
 In Congress 
 Oregon's c\i 
 senate chan 
 the bills whi 
 ritory of Ore 
 ton, in glow 
 and the Oriei 
 ton an immo 
 can residents 
 perfected a a 
 Third and y 
 and effectiv 
 equipped bj 
 Two battles •\ 
Portland, Orej^on. 
 First Street, Portland. 
 Stories of the beautiful valley of the Willamette, the wonderful fertility of its 
 soil and the perennial greenness of its verdure, circulated by trappers returning to the 
 vStates, caused the first great immigration to Oregon of the 40's. The first immigrant 
 train to cross the plains reached Oregon 
 in 1842. Other trains followed, until for 
 the first time, American interests were in 
 the ascendency in the territory so long 
 held under the sway of the Hudson's Bay 
 Company. At that time Oregon was a 
 debatable ground, over which the United 
 States refused to extend its jurisdiction. 
 Here were several thousand people with- 
 out the protection of the law, and with- 
 out the protecting arm of their own gov- 
 ernment, which they had the right to loan 
 on. These people petitioned Congress 
 for relief but their prayers were auswered only by sarcastic speeches, which ('is- 
 playeJ the narrow statesmanship and poor wit of the senators uttering them. 
 In Congress, at the time, however, were two loyal and staunch .supporters of 
 Oregon's claims. Both of these men were from the state of Missouri. Tlit 
 senate chamber vibrated with the eloquence of Louis F. IJnn, who introduced 
 the bills which provided for the donation of land to all who would settle in the ter- 
 ritory of Oregon. Pointing his prophetic finger to the West, Senator Thomas Ben- 
 ton, in glowing language portrayed the possibilities of an American road to India 
 and the Orient ; a vision that has since been realized and which has earned for Ben- 
 ton an immortal name among the galaxy of great American statesmen. The Ameri- 
 can residents of Oregon, finding their demands for protection ignored by the Federal 
 Government, established a temporary civil government of their own in 1843. They 
 perfected a code of laws which would protect their rights to home and liberty, and it 
 was thus that the brave little band of Oregon 
 pioneers rendered the greatest support to the 
 United States in holding the territory here for 
 the republic at the very time when the govern- 
 ment was laboring under the misguided senti- 
 .ment that it had no use for Oregon. 
 Thus, though never wavering in their alle- 
 giance to the United States, the Americans in 
 Oregon became citizens of a republic of their 
 own creation. The most serious thing which 
 this early pioneer government of Oregon had 
 to contend with was an outbreak of the Cayuse 
 Ii:diaus, on November 29, 1847. The red fiends 
 murdered the brave missionary. Dr. Marcus 
 Whitman, and his associates, at a point near 
 the present site of Walla Walla, Washington. 
 The death of these btave men was quickly 
 regiment of 14 companies was recruited and 
 government and this force moved to the front. 
 Third »nd Washinqton Streets, Portuno. 
 and effectively avenged. A 
 equipped by the provisional 
 Two battles with the red skins were fought, in which the Indians were completely 
 - M 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 routed. The savages were driven out of their 
 country and they were not allowed to occupy it 
 again until they had delivered up five of their 
 guilty ring-leaders, who were tried, convicted and 
 executed at Oregon City. 
 Om .\ugust 13, 1N4S, President Polk signed the 
 bill creating the territory of Oregon, and on the 
 third day of March, 1S49. General Joseph Lane, 
 the first territorial governor, issued his proclamation 
 assuming the control of the government of Ore- 
 gon. Thus the pioneers of Oregon were mak- 
 ing history before the greater portion of the 
 United States was settled. Oregon can justly lay claim to one of the older estab- 
 lished settlements of the Union. It has always been inhabited by a brave set of men, 
 intrepid to a degree that allowed no enterprise which they ever undertook to record 
 a failure ; never wavering in their allegiance to the United States government, and 
 the prosperity of the country they occupied must be taken as attesting the zeal of 
 the right kind of manhood, which is worthy of a grateful remembrance by the peo- 
 ple of a later generation who occupy a fertile country which these early pioneers had 
 In the early history of Oregon, before the settlement of Portland, Oregon City, 
 at the falls of the Willamette, 12 miles south of the present great city, was the cap- 
 ital and the chief city of the territory. It was well understood by the pioneers of 
 Oregon, that somewhere between the city at the falls and the confluence of the Col- 
 umbia and Willamette rivers must be located the future metropolis of the Pacific 
 Northwest. St. Johns, Milwaukie, Linnton, St. Helens and Milton were formidable 
 candidates for this honor before Portland was even thought of. All these towns are 
 now interesting and picturesque settlements, most of them being suburbs of Portland, 
 but they have never attained distinction as trade centers, and the village conditions 
 which governed their existence before the first cabin in Portland was built are the 
 conditions which surround them at the present time. 
 A series of fortunate incidents, combined with the indominable pluck and the 
 untiring energy of its pioneer citizens, made Portland the principal town in Oregon, 
 after it had experienced many vicissitudes. Long before the first white man set foot 
 on the site of the present great city with the intention of assuming the ownership 
 of its land, a member of Lewis & Clark's expedition had landed his canoe at the big 
 bend of the Willamette river and camped in the 
 lodge of an Indian chief who told him wondrous 
 stones of the great tribe of the Calipooias many 
 days distant towards the mid-day sun. In 1843, 
 years after this, an adventurer, whose antecedents 
 and subsequent career are unknown, stepped 
 ashore and claimed the spot on which Portland is 
 now located. This was William Overton, a man 
 whom it is rumored afterwards met his death in 
 Texas at the end of a rope. Overton disposed of 
 one-half of his claim to A. L. Lovejoy, and a few 
 mouths later he sold the remaining portion of his 
 holdings here to F. W. Pettygrove. ship* that v.sit porti..no. 
 In 18. 
 cast her a 
 to 1S49 th 
 that of St 
 val of a 
 could hap 
 the rude, 
 here. In 
 est in the 
 l5,ooo woi 
 being cun 
 of gold in 
 new epoch 
 it was fror 
 really date 
 The tl 
 largely upi 
 Fruit, vege 
 goes of tht 
 enormous j 
 beautiful r( 
 at one dolli 
 from this ti 
 wer.i laid. 
 1862 gold V 
 these camp 
 these diggii 
 of bullion 
 leaving Poi 
 dollars in g 
 ness men c 
 supply and 
 The Oreg 
 Scott beca 
Portland, Orcffon. 
 In 1845 the bark Toulon, from Massachusetts, sailed up the Columbia river and 
 cast her anchor in the Willamette in front of Portland. This was the beginning of a 
 commerce that has made Portland one of the great American seaports. From 1 845 
 to 1849 the history of Portland does not differ from 
 that of struggling frontier settlements. The arri- 
 val of a ship here was the greatest event which 
 could happen to break the monotony of 
 the rude, primitive lives of the settlers 
 here. In 1848 Pettygrove sold his inter- 
 est in the townsite to D. II. Lownsdale for 
 l5,ooo worth of leather, specie not then 
 being current in Oregon. The discovery 
 of gold in California, in 1849, marked a 
 new epoch in the history of Portland, and 
 it was from that year that the present city 
 really dates its birth. 
 The thousands of people who rushed to the California gold mines depetided 
 largely upon Oregon to furnish them with the supplies necessary for their existence. 
 Fruit, vegetables, lumber and flour sold in San Francisco for fabulous prices. Car- 
 goes of these products shipped from Portland to San Francisco netted the owners 
 enormous profits. A consignment of 200 pounds of apples was sold for $500. The 
 beautiful red and golden apples from the Willamette valley were eagerly purchased 
 at one dollar each by the Argonauts of California. It was from the profits derived 
 from this trade that the foundation of many of the large private fortunes of Portland 
 wer.i laid. In 1852 rich mineral discoveries were made in Southern Oregon, and - 
 1862 gold was discovered on the Salmon river in Idaho. A stampede was made lo 
 these camps, and Portland, by virtue of her position, became the supply point for 
 these diggings. The output of these mines, consisting of millions of dollars worth 
 of bullion and gold dust, was sent to Portland for shipment to the mints. Ships 
 leaving Portland in those days frequently carried consignments of half a million 
 dollars in gold. This was a period of great business activity in which careful busi- 
 ness men could rapidly accumulate a fortune. Thoroughly understanding the laws of 
 supply and demand and taking advantage of the exceptional opportuuites for the 
 acquirement of wealth, the early merchants here accumulated, or 
 were instrumental in brirging to the city, the money that has 
 made Portland a great financial center, and, in proportion to its 
 population, one of the richest cities in the world. 
 Many of these pioneer business men are now multo-million- 
 aires, and much of their wealth is invested in the hundreds of im- 
 posing buildings that adorn the streets of Portland. 
 The establishment of a newspaper at Oregon City and one at 
 Milwaukie caused the people of Portland to induce Thos. J. Dryer, 
 a journalist, to bring an outfit to Portland and establish a paper 
 here. On December 4, 1850, the first issue of this paper was 
 printed. It was called The OrHGOnian. .Thus was born the 
 great metropolitan daily of today, which for 44 years has mirrored 
 the thoughts and protected the interests of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Oregonian was purchased in 1861 by Henry L. Pittock, and in 1865 Harvey W. 
 Scott became its editor, a position he has held continuously with the exception of 
 A CHINA Steamer at 
 ? A 
 i I J I, 
 ill f 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 a short interval extending from 1872 to 1877. In 1892, Messrs. Pittock and Scott, the 
 present proprietors of the paper, built the palatial Oregon I AN building, mention of 
 which is found in another part of the present article. 
 In 1851, Portland became an incorporated town. Three years later Multnomah 
 county was created and Portland was made the seat of justice From that time the 
 town progressed rapidly, attracting to it weaith and the best elements of society. To 
 this inland seaport on the Willamette came the best representatives of the best classes of 
 the east. The dregs of Kuropean society have not yet reached the Pacific coast in any 
 considerable numbers.' This turbulent element, which divides itself into clans, lives 
 in squalid (juarters and antagonizes American institutions, has no existence at Port- 
 land. The beauty of the city and the purity of its municipal government are not 
 marred by the debasing influence of foreign paupers. Portland is distinctly an Ameri- 
 can city. It is the home of a progressive, intelligent and cultured people. Society 
 is graded here as it is elsewhere, but social differences are not so apparent in Portland 
 as they are in the East. The working men of Portland are a sturdy, intelligent and 
 thrifty class of men, imbued with that spirit of progress and desire for advancement 
 that characterizes every industrious man living in the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Portland of today owes none of its greatness to forced growth, caused by real 
 estate booms. There has been but little of this kind of speculation in Oregon. To 
 natural causes alone is the advancement of the city to be attributed. The causes 
 which conspired to make it the metropolis of a region 1,000 miles square will continue 
 to contribute to its growth, wealth and prosperity. The steady growth of Portland 
 from a struegling village to a magnifinent city of 91 ,ocx3 inhabitants can be accurately 
 traced. The local census taken in 1857 credits the town with a population of 1,280. 
 Three years later there were 2,917 people here. In 1862, Portland had 4,057 inhabi- 
 tants, and in 1865 the population of the city had increased to 6,058. The United 
 States census of 1870 gave the city a population of 9,565. In 1875, the population 
 was 13,470, and in 1880 it was 17,578. This growth was 
 taking place at a time when Portlatid did not have rail con- 
 nection with the rest of the United States, and it was 
 Battleship Monterey. 
 United States warships that have Visited Portland. 
 due princi 
 Pacific coa 
 the United 
 A Steam Coast Pre 
 ful valley ii 
 remains grc 
 lamette val 
 over 30 yea 
 this soil, an 
 is considcrc 
 of the Nile i 
 that the Wil 
 conditions o 
 valley alone 
 tributary sec 
 cade Mount 
 rounded on 
 covers an ar 
 in the world 
 flow the mi: 
 way of the C 
 Empire." ' 
 producing p 
 the markets 
 strikes the (. 
 lows the riv 
 of Portland, 
 Branch line! 
 famous Pal( 
 other count 
 for the fcrt 
 abundant yi 
 produce to t 
 from these s 
 point it is k 
Portland, Oreffon. 
 A 8TE«M Co»sT FneiGMTEn 
 due principally to the city's position as the natural commercial center of the North 
 Pacific coast. In 1885, it is estimated that the population of Portland was 26,000, and 
 the United States census of 1890 gave Portland a population of 46,3H5. Since the last 
 government census was taken, however, the old municipalities of 
 East Portland, Albina, Sellwood and the adjacent suburbs, which 
 were always a part of Portland proper, have been consolidated 
 with that part of the city formerly known as Portland, and lying 
 on the west bank of the Willamette, t'onsolidated Portland, by 
 the carefully compiled directory of 1893, contains 90,785 inhabi- 
 nf ^^^'^ S^ tants. Thus has grown the commercial and manufacturing, finan- 
 rUj'\ i.Z<^v> cial and educational center of the Pacific Northwest. The 
 country of which it is the metropolis is a most magnificent one, 
 in distances, resources and beauty. 
 Stretching from the Columbia river to the Calipv aia hills, a 
 distance of 130 miles, is the valley which was the maguet that 
 attracted the first large immigration to Oregon. This is a land 
 of flowers, rchards, gardens, hop yards and wheat fields, a beauti- 
 ful valley in which, beneath Uie snow-capped summits of mighty mountain peaks grass 
 remains green the year round. This magnificent sweep of land is known as the Wil- 
 lamette valley. It is the primary cause of Portland's greatness. Possessing a soil of 
 unsurpassed fertility, this valley has produced enormous crops without diminution for 
 over 30 years past. It will undoubtedly take centuries of constant tillage to wear out 
 this soil, and owing to the peculiar climatic conditions existing here a failure of crops 
 is considered by the residents as an impossibility. At the dawn of civilization the valley 
 of the Nile sustained a population of 7,000,000 people. From this it can be adduced 
 that the Willamette valley with its 7,800 square miles of highly fertile land, under the 
 conditions of modern tillage, can alone support 5,000,000 people. The trade of this 
 valley alone is sufficient to support a large city, yet the \ alley is but one of the many 
 tributary sectiotis from which Portland derives its business. Lying east of the Cas- 
 cade Mountains is a vast natural amphitheatre of magnificent dimensions. Sur- 
 rounded on all sides by high mountain ranges, this "Inland Empire," as it is called, 
 covers an area of thousands of square miler of the most fertile cereal-producing land 
 in the world. It is today the great granary of the West. Throughout this section 
 flow the mighty Columbia river and its tributary, the winding Snake. The water- 
 way of the Columbia is the key which unlocks to Portland the trade of the "Inland 
 Empire," This river is and will always remain the great highway between the cereal- 
 producing region of the Pacific Northwest lying east of the Cascade Mountains and 
 the markets of the world. The transcontinental line of the Union Pacific railroad 
 strikes the Columbia at Umatilla, in Eastern Oregoi. and from this latter point fol- 
 lows the river to within a few miles '. 
 of Portland, 187 miles further west. 
 Branch lines of this railroad tap the 
 famous Palousc, Walla Walla and 
 other countries, sections all famous 
 for the fertility of their soil and the 
 abundant yields of wheat which they 
 produce to the acre. The bulk of the 14,000,000 bushels of grain annually exported 
 from these sections is hauled by the Union Pacific railroad to Portland. At the latter 
 point it is loaded into vessels and carried to England. The mere fact that Portland 
■*l > 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Portland Hahbop, 
 Looking South from 
 s. p. r. r. warehouse 
 is the port from which this grain is shipped, would give it a decided advantage in 
 competing for the trade of the rich agricultural country east of the Cascade Moun- 
 tains. The jobbers of Portland have always been able to undersell all competitors in 
 the field of the "Inland Empire" and it is doubtful if Portland 
 will ever be denied the principal trade of thib section which she 
 has so long held. 
 Near the mouth of the Columbia river, a few miles from 
 the ocean, is Astoria, the first American settlement on the 
 Pacific coast. This old city, with its quaint 
 legends and romantic history, is now the 
 base of operations for fishing industrit? whose 
 annual output is valued at over 13,500,^00. 
 Columbia river salmon is a staple article of 
 food in nearly all parts of the world. It is 
 related that a traveler, lost for days in the 
 pathless sand of an Egyptian desert, found imbedded in the sand a tin labeled, Col- 
 umbia River Salmon. Over 450,000 cases of can containing this delicious fish 
 are now exported annually from Astoria and neighboring towns. There are also 
 shipped from the Col imbia river to Eastern markets 3,000 tons of sturgeon and i,oc" 
 kegs of that epicurean relish called caviar. Along the Oregon and Washington coast 
 are numerous bays and indentations from which enormous quantities of fish are reg- 
 ularly exported. The trade of the principal part of these fisheries is monopolized by 
 Portland. From this source the city derives several million of dollars revenue a 
 Another industry that contributes its quota of wealth to Portland is the raising of 
 sheep. Oregon now ranks fifth in the list of sheep-raising states of the Union. The 
 state is admirably adapted to the successful handling of this industry, the peculiar 
 climate, soil and vegetation being such that sheep almost invariably improve after 
 being imported here, especiallj' in the quality ^\ their wool. The sheep-breeders 
 have carefully selected the best breeds, and on the bunch-grass-covered hills and in 
 the luxuriant grass-carpeted valleys of the state there can be found enormous flocks 
 of the most fancy breeds of sheep in the world. The wool clip of Eastern Oregon 
 amounts to about 17,000,000 pounds a year, nearly all of which is marketed at 
 Early in the 50's gold was discovered in Oregon and since that time the mines 
 of the state have yielded over |6o,ooo,ocj. This production is now going on at the 
 rate of about $1,600,000 a year, a greater portion of which by the laws of trade finds 
 its way to Portland. There is yet lying dormant in the mountains of the state untold 
 millions in mineral wealth. All the natural wealth tribu- 
 tary to Portland, however, is not hidden under the earth. 
 Over 25,000 square miles of the mountain and coast 
 lands of Oregon are covered by a growth of valuable tim- 
 ber uncqualcd in extent and in the size and uierchant- 
 able value of this timber in America. Many of the 
 tapering masts seen in the merchant ships that sail the 
 ocean come from tae forests of Oregon. Douglas 
 fir, or Oregon pine, is famous the world over as a ship titti.jcr. At the Tou- 
 lon dockyardsi at the great ship yards of England, and at the ports of all maritim- 
 \i*f>:y :':.:. . 
 LooKiNQ South from Steel bridqe, 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Waiting for Draw to Open, 
 nations its superiority over all other wood for spars, masts and ship timbers is con- 
 ceded. From an economic standpoint the proximity of this vast forest is of the most 
 signal importance to Portland. It reduces the cost of building to a minimum here 
 and supplies the city with a cheap fuel. The manufacture 
 of lumber is now one of the most important industries. In 
 addition to the large timber preserves of Oregon, that part 
 of the state of Washington bordering on the Columbia, 
 which is heavily timbered, is also a part of Portland's tribu- 
 tary territory. A large part of the logs for runnii'g Port- 
 iaud's sawmills are taken from the shores of the Columbia 
 river within both the limits of Oregon and Washington. It 
 is impossible at the present time to foretell what the growth 
 of the lumbering industry of the states of Oregon and Wash- 
 ington will be in the future. It is generally admitted by lumbermen, however, that 
 it is but a question of a few yeara rt most when the East, by the rapid depletion of its 
 forests, will be compelled to look to tht Pacific Northwest for its «upply of lumber, 
 the demand for which is now enormous and which is yearly increasing. 
 The development of the resources of the country of whic i Portland is today the 
 leading center of population, did not really begin until late in the 'So's. About that 
 time the Pacific Northwest commenced to export its products. As early as 1873 the 
 foreign exports of Portland aggregated $2,000,000 a year, and the coastwise ship- 
 ments from this port at that time were about $3,cx3o,ooo a year. Prior to 1873, the 
 shipments annually from Portland to San Francisco frequently amounted to over 
 l7,(XX),ooo in value, but the bulk of these shipments was bullion taken from the 
 mines east of the Cascade Mountains. The commerce ot Portland steadily increased 
 in nubsequent years, keeping pace with the rapid settlement of the Pacific Northwest, 
 until today Portland is the greatest shipping port of the coast outside of San 
 From the mountains of Southern Oregon the Willamette river flov-'s north 
 through the beautiful valley of the same name until it finally empties into the 
 Columbia, twelve miles south of Portland. It is at the bend of the Willamette and 
 at the mouth of the' Willamette vallej' that Portland is located. The city is built 
 on both sides of the river, the main business district being on the west side. The 
 former municipalities of East Portland, Albina and Sellwood, now a part of Port- 
 land, are located on the east bank of the river extending for a distance of several 
 miles up and clown che stream. These two natural divisions are connected by four 
 bridges which span the Willamette, two of these bridges being free. The most 
 important of these bridges, that at Bumside street, is now Hearing completion. 
 Work was commenced on this structure in 1892. Its cost 
 will be about 1300,000. It has a total length of 162 1 feet 
 and a width of 46 feet in the clear. When open for 
 traffic it will be one of the finest bridges of the West. 
 The other free bridge spanning the Willamette at Port- 
 land is the Madison-street, in the southern part of the 
 city. Between Madison and Burnside streets is located 
 the Morrison-street bridge, which is owned by a private 
 corporation. This bridge occupies, perhaps, the most 
 valuable site for a bridge in the city, it connecting th'* business center of Portland 
 with the most thickly settled portion of the east side districts. North of the Bum- 
 Draw" Steel Bridge Opening. 
 , ^v- 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Stabk-Street Ferry-Portland, 
 steam yacht in foreground. 
 f^de street bridge is the steel railroad bridge. This bridge is used by the great lines 
 of railroad centering at Portland. Above the railroad track is a deck used for teams 
 and foot passengers. All the bridges of Portland are substantially built. They are 
 all crossed by lines of city and suburban cars except the Burnside street. 
 Portland is romantically located in the midst of a di- 
 versity of charming pastoral, river and mountain scenery, 
 the whole forming a panorama of enchanting beauty. 
 Far to the east, forming a background to the broad stretch 
 of orchards and gardens, are the Cascade Mountains, 
 in plain view of the city. Surmounting this range are 
 Mounts Hood, St. Helens and Adams, extinct volcanoes. 
 The view of these snow-capped peaks is the most 
 entrancing scene that Portland offers to its visitors. 
 Standing out distinct above all the other mighty sentinels of the Cascades in plain 
 view from Portland is Mt. Hood. This peak is about 50 miles due east of Portland. 
 It rises to a height of 11,225 feet above sea level. Its sides are covered with per- 
 petual snows, and the view of this mountain presented to the gaze of the people of 
 Portland is the most entrancing of any view of Hood gained from any other part of the 
 state. Far to the northeast of Hood the reflection of the morning sun can be seen 
 on the glacier-lined sides of Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams. When the conc^ ions 
 of the atmosphere are favorable, two other peaks in addition to those mentioned 
 above can be seen from Portland. Though over 100 miles distant, Mt. Rainier, the 
 monarch of the Cascades and the pride of Tacoma and Seattle, is plainly visible 
 from the tower of The Oreoonian building or from the eminence back of the cit}'. 
 Mt. Jefferson being necvrer than Rainier, reveals more of its glory when seen from 
 Portland. This latter peak, however, is seen at its best from some of the points in 
 the Willamette vallej' south of Portland. 
 Hxtending along the south bank of the Columbia river, and along the west bank 
 of the Willamette river, from the ocean to WillametLe falls, are highlands ending in 
 the Scappoose or Portland hills. From the bank of the Willamette, at Portland, a 
 gradually rising stretch of country extends back for a distance of one mile, ending 
 abruptly at the base of these hills. It is on this level strip that the original towusite 
 of Portland was laid out. The distance from north to south between the points where 
 these hills approach the river banks is two and one-half miles. Along this chain of 
 hills are six prominences which attain an altitude of from 800 to i ,000 feet. These 
 are Willamette heights, King'3 heights, Portland heights, Robinson's hill, Marquam's 
 hill and South Portland heights. On all of these higher elevations have been built 
 costly residences, and these sites furnish some of the more 
 attractive building spots in the city. The hills back of 
 Portland finally culminate in Mount Zion, of an altitude of 
 o,-er 1,000 feet. West of this eminence is Humphrey's 
 Mountain, which commands the prospect towards the Tual- 
 atin plains and the Coast Mountains. After the summit of 
 the hills back of Portland is reached, a broad and fertile 
 plateau, extends away for miles, forming what is one of the most highly fertile parts 
 of Portland's tributary section. 
 Scattered among the Portland hiils are great ravines and narrow canyons which, 
 with a profusion of wild flowers and forest growth, form many bits of romantic seen- 
 Through THE Draw " Portland. 
 ery an 
 be obtj 
 seen fl( 
 at the 
 of the 
 as they 
 arc of 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Loading Wheat, Elevator, Portland, 
 ery and innumerable picturesque nooks. From the highest points of all the emi- 
 nences of these hills a magnificent view of mountain scenery, rivers and plains, can 
 be obtained. To the northeast the Columbia river can be 
 seen flowing out of the great gorge of the Cascade Moun- 
 tains. This great river, locked in the embrace of the 
 Cascades, forms the only pass through this great range 
 at the level of tide-water. From Portland to the gorge 
 of the Columbia, called the dalles, there is a panorama of 
 some of the finest river and mountain scenery in the 
 world. Tumbling precipitously from turreted cliffs, hun- 
 dreds of feet high, miniature rivulets are dashed into spray 
 as they fall to the rocks below. Some of chese waterfalls 
 are of surpassing beauty. Famous among these falls are Multnomah and Latourelle, 
 which are the scenes of many gatherings from Portland and the surrounding towns 
 during the summer months. 
 Lying below the hills back of Portland are the business houses and fashionable 
 residence districts of the city. The business district commences at the water's edge. 
 Extending along the water front are three miles of warehouses, docks and shipyards. 
 The river at Portland is from 30 to 60 feet deep. On its surface at Portland is ample 
 room to float hundreds of the largest sea-going vessels, and it is at all times the scene 
 of a great traffic which reaches from Portland to all parts of the Northwest on naviga- 
 ble water, and to all coast ports and the Orient. 
 Steamboating on the Willamette and Columbia rivers dates from the launching 
 of the Lot Whitcomb, at Milwaukie, on Christmas day, 1850. The Whitcomb was a 
 600-ton boat. She proved a bonanza to her owners. The fare by the Whitcomb, from 
 Portland to Astoria, a distance of about 100 miles, was $15, and freight rates were pro- 
 portionately high. In 1862 the traffic and travel on the river assumed great propor- 
 tions. Following the discovery of gold in Idaho, the boats plying on the Columbia 
 and Willamette rivers did a large and lucrative business. Freight rates from Portland 
 to The Dalles were then $1$ a ton, while it cost $60 to haul a single ton of freight from 
 Portland to Lewiston in the early 6o's. The great steamboat company of Oregon 
 and Washington, in those days, was the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. This 
 company was organized December 29, i860. For years it operated a fleet of swift and 
 handsome steamers on the waters of the Willamette and Columbia rivers. By means 
 of two short lines of portage railroad around the cascades and the gorge of the Colum- 
 bia above The Dalles, this company operated 
 a continuous line between Portland and 
 Lewiston, on the Snake river, the principal 
 city of Northern Idaho. In 1879 its entire 
 property was turned over to the Oregon 
 Railway & Navigation Company. The 
 amount involved in this transfer was the 
 enormous sum of |5, 000,000. The successors 
 of the Oregon Steam Navigation Com- 
 pany purchased a fleet of swift modern iron 
 steamships for the route between Portland 
 and San Francisco. The entire property 
 of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, including the river and ocean fleet 
 of boats, subsequently passed under the control of the Union Pacific Railway Com- 
 The Bonevard" Portland. 
 . '... 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
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 Steamer T. J. potter-Portland. 
 pany by lease. In addition to the fine fleet of fast passenger and freight steamers 
 operated by the Union Pacific between Portland and San Francisco, the company also 
 operates a line of boats between Portland and Astoria and 
 intermediate points, between Portland and the principal 
 towns of the Willamette valley located on the river, and 
 from Portland to The Dalles. In addition to the boats 
 operated by the Union Pacific, there are about 13 naviga- 
 tion companies which make their headquarters at Port- 
 land. These companies own steamboats with an aggre- 
 gate registration of over 100,000 tons. 
 Continuous navigation of the Columbia river from the ocean to the grain fields of 
 Washington and Idaho is now prevented by obstructions at the cascades and above 
 The Dalles. The United States government is now building a ship canal around the 
 rapids at the cascades, at a cost of 13,553,403. This work will be completed by the end 
 of the present year, when boats will be able to ascend the river from Portland or the 
 sea to The Dalles. After the canal at the cascades is completed, immediate steps will 
 be taken to overcome the rapids above The Dalles, probably by means of a ship rail- 
 way. With the completion of the latter 
 work the Columbia will be navigable, with- 
 out obstructions, as far as Lewiston, Idaho. 
 The completion of these improvements will 
 be of the j^reatest importance to the agricul- 
 tural and commercial interests of the country 
 adjacent to the river. When the Columbia 
 and Snake are opened to free navigation to 
 Lewiston, employment will be found for at 
 least 100 additional steamboats and barges. 
 The Willamette river is now navigable throughout the year from Portland to Cor- 
 vallis, a distance of over 100 miles and at certain seasons of the year, boats 
 ascend the river as far as Eugene, 130 miles distant by rail from Portland. In addi- 
 tion to the Willamette, its principal tributary, the Yamhill river, is navigable at all 
 seasons to Dayton, 45 miles south of Portland. The only obstruction to uninterrupted 
 navigation in the Willamette river is at Willamette falls, 12 miles south of Portland. 
 An efficient system of canal and locks has been constructed around these falls, and 
 they are open throughout the year. 
 Portland, on both sides of the river, is attractively and symmetrically laid out. 
 The streets run parallel to each other. Of the 14S miles of improved streets in Port- 
 land, 45 miles are macadam, seven miles are planked, four 
 miles are paved with stone and three and one-half miles are 
 asphalt or bituminous rock. Two of the finest paved streets 
 in the city are Morrison and Sixth, paved with asphalt from 
 Trinidad Lake. The cost of these improvements was, re- 
 .«pectively, 167,697 and $53,366.04. All of Portland's streets 
 are thoroughly lighted by electricity, 600 arc lamps of 2,000 
 candlepower being used for this purpose. In addition to the 
 arc lamps, Hoo incandesccnts of 25 candle-power each are 
 used for street-lighting purposes. The plant supplying the 
 electric current for these lights is located at the Willamette falls, Oregon City. 
 This power is generated b he power furnished by these falls. The extensive works 
 Steamship Columbia- Portland-San Francisco Route. 
 Steamer Victorian -Portland. 
 of this cj 
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Portland, Oregon. 
 Steamship oregon-Portlano-San Francisco Route. 
 of this company, and the extent of the great water power at Oregon City, are fully 
 described in the article on Oregon City, immediately following the article on Portland. 
 The business district of Portland is com- 
 pactly built up with large, substantial and impos- 
 ing brick buildings. The business streets are 
 paved with asphalt, bituminous rock, granite 
 blocks and vitrified brick. The first street back 
 of the river, running parallel with the stream, is 
 Front. This, with lower First and Second streets, 
 is the great wholesale thoroughfare of the city. 
 The jobbing trade of Portland aggregates 
 I135, 000,000 a year. The commercial agencies rate 22 firms of Portland as having a 
 capital in excess of |i, 000,000, four firms with resources over $750,000, seven firms 
 with over $500,000 capital, 18 firms with assets in excess of $300,000, 21 firms doing 
 business with a capital of over $125,000, and 35 firms rated above $75,000. These 
 houses have no serious competition outside of Portland. They have practically 
 driven San Francisco merchants out of this field, and direct trade with the East by 
 the merchants of the interior of Oregon, Washington and Idaho has in most cases 
 proved so unsatisfactory that these merchants now buy the most of their goods in 
 Front street is lined with four, five and six-story substantial stone and brick 
 buildings, admirably adapted to the purposes for which 
 they are used. This street is paved with Belgian blocks, 
 as is also First street. First street, from Ankeny south, 
 is lined with retail stores. This street has long been 
 the principal retail district of the city. In recent years 
 the retail district, owing to the encroachments of the 
 wholesale trade, has moved back several blocks, and, 
 today, Third is perhaps the best retail street of the city. 
 Between Washington and Morrison streets there is 
 a large amount of business done on Fifth and Sixth streets, and it is the opinion of 
 many careful observers that Sixth street, a few years hence, will be one of the great 
 business thoroughfares of the city. 
 To the stranger, Second street is one of the most interesting of Portland's princi- 
 pal thoroughfares. On this street, in the center of a large and progressive American 
 city, is a colony of aliens, whose customs, habits and religion do not differ from those 
 of their ancesters who lived over 
 2,000 years ago. It is here that 
 the Chinese quarters of Portland 
 are established. The Chinese 
 shops, v/ith their queer orna- 
 ments and assortments of Ori- 
 ental wares an<l Chinese delica- 
 cies, the theaters, restaurants 
 and joss houses are in striking 
 contrast to the aspect of the 
 business district by which they 
 are surrounded. 
 Steam yachts on the Willamette at 
 « !} 
 Mm m 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Seid Back, the distinguished merchant of Portland, was born in China in 1852. 
 He passed his boyhood days working on a farm for his parents and immigrated to the 
 United States at the age of 18. He reached 
 this country in a penniless condition. He im- 
 mediately after his arrival located at Portland, 
 where he found work in the drudgery of house- 
 work, which he followed just long enough to 
 master the more responsible duties of a cook, 
 which latter vocation he followed for a number 
 of years subsequently. Since that time the ca- 
 reer of this man has been one of constant pro- 
 gress. He mastered the English language until, 
 today, he talks this tongue as fluently as any 
 native-born American; he studied carefully the 
 customs and politics of this country until he 
 became as well versed in our affairs as the best 
 informed of business men; he embraced Chris- 
 tianity and became an earnest though not fan- 
 atical teacher of its doctrines, and, as a man of 
 affairs at the present time, his opinion is as 
 eagerly sought in the best informed business 
 circles as is that of the best known merchant of 
 the city. Seid Back is now a wealthy citizen, 
 and his life shows the best traits of the Chinese 
 charactei . He is a living example of the oppor- 
 tunities afforded in this country for advance- 
 ment, and it can be taken as an object lesson 
 by that class of foreigners who decry our form of government, who rail against the 
 icli, but who seem totally incapable of that earnest and honest effort which alone 
 can lead to success. 
 In 1S76 Seid Back was married to Quay Tlioy, a young Chinese maiden, who had 
 also come to this country from her native land. The 
 marriage took place at the First Baptist churcli here 
 and was largely attended. Seid Back started into 
 business here in a modest way, his capital at the time 
 being but |3,ooo, which he had saved from his earn- 
 ings. The premises first occupied by this merchant 
 were in the ■ building at the corner of Third and 
 Washington ^ets, where the stately Dekum block 
 now stands. ^ he engaged in a general Chinese 
 merchandise business, in connection with which he 
 conducted a contract labor bureau, and it was in this 
 occupation that he laid the foundation of his present 
 princely fortune. About 10 years ago he removed to 
 his present quarters at 129 Front street, an illustration 
 of which is shown in connection with the present 
 article. He now does business here on the ground 
 floor, occupying the upper story of the building for ^mammessmasagimipf'smm^ 
 family rooms. In addition to his business on Front 8,o„e seid b*ck, porthnd. 
 Seid Back Portland. 
 leading chinese merchant and capitalist. 
Portland, Oregon. 
 street, he is also the head of the Wing Mow Luug Company, which does a 
 business of $200,000 a year outside of the revenue derived from sub-letting a 
 number of buildings on Second street, erected by the company on ground held under 
 long-time ground-rent leases. The company imports all kinds of Chinese merchan- 
 dise, such as clothing, teas, rice, sugar, nut oil, fire crackers, table delicacies, 
 etc., and they export American staple products, such as flour and lumber, in large 
 Seid Back, in his individual right, now owns Portia id property which, at a con- 
 servative valuation, is worth about $200,000. He holds stock in a large number of 
 American and Chinese enterprises, including bank a'jd insurance companies. He 
 has been one of the heaviest contractors for Chinese labor on the coast. Hp '■calls 
 the time when he had 700 men contracted to the Northern Pacific, 400 to the v^regon 
 Railway & Navigation Company, and 500 to the Southern Pacific. The contracting 
 business has largely fallen oft during the past few years, but Seid Back even today 
 furnishes regularly from 150 to 2t)o men a year, principally to the salmon canneries. 
 Seid Back is easily the representative of his race in the Northwest, and in private 
 life he can be said to be as prominent as any Chinaman in the United States. He 
 devotes a considerable part of his time and attention to aiding his fellow country- 
 men, and has carried many a native of the Mongolian race through some temporary 
 difficulty. He has a wife and one child, a son. This boy,' Seid Gain, although only 
 16 years of age, is already a bright, alert young business man, and he is a great help 
 to his father in handling his large business interests here. The boy is as proficient 
 in the English and Chinese languages as is his father, and it is on the son that the 
 father places great hopes for the future. Seid Gain will conduct his father's busi- 
 ness when the old gentleman reaches the time of life where he will want to retire 
 and enjoy the fruits of his industry in travel and recreation. 
 Only one block above Second street is Third, the 
 principal retail street. Third street is well paved with 
 bituminous rock, and it is lined on both sides with 
 imposing buildings. Among the stately structures 
 which line this street are the Chamber of Commerce 
 building, the Dekum and Hamilton blocks, Worcester 
 block, Forbes & Breedcn building, and other fine 
 edifices. The Chamber of Commerce block is a fine 
 building, finished in 1893, at a cost of $500,000. The 
 Portland Chaml)er of Commerce is a representative 
 I'ody of progressive business men who have done 
 much for the welfare of their city. This body, 
 together with the Oregon State Board of Immi- 
 gration, with headquarters at Portland, regularly furnishes to the world a large lot of 
 valuable information pertaining to Portland and the state, and letters of inquiry, 
 addressed to the secretary of either of these organizations will 
 be promptly answered. 
 Facing Fourth street, between Salmon and Main, is the 
 county court house, a plain, unpretentious building, occupying, 
 with its ground, an entire block. Across the street from the 
 court house, between Third and Fourth, is the public square 
 known as the Plaza. Immediately south of the Plaza, the new 
 city hall is in course of construction. This will be one of the 
 CHAWBtR OF Commerce Building- stund. 
 Proposed New Court House, 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Oreqonian Buildikg in 1864. 
 finest public buildings in Portland. Its cost will be 
 about $500,000, for which purpose the city of Portland 
 has issued bonds. The building will be completed 
 during the present year. 
 The best constructed building in Portland, and 
 one of the finest pieces of architecture in the West, 
 is the magnificent Oregonian building, located at 
 the intersection of Sixth and Alder streets. Work 
 on the construction of this building was com- 
 menced early in 1891, and it was finished in the spring of 1893. This stately 
 structure is nine stories in height, surmounted by a massive tower, the top of which, 
 is 194 feet above the curbstone of the street below^. The building is absolutely fire- 
 proof, being built throughout of stone, brick, terra cotta and steel. From the tower 
 of The Oregonian building is commanded the best view of Portland and the snow- 
 capped peaks of the Cascades obtained from any other point in the vicinity of the 
 city. The building is occupied by The Oregonian, one of the great papers of the 
 West. The part of the building not used by The Oregonian is rented for stores 
 and offices. The service in this building is perfect, tenants being supplied with 
 water, heat, lights and all of the conveniences found in any of the finest buildings of 
 the East. The Oregonian building is one of the attractions which Portland has to 
 off"er for the inspection of visitors, and the building, with its press room, is open at 
 all times for their inspection. 
 The Oreqonian Building, Portland. 
 TOWER, Oregonian Building A9 Seen from Roof. 
LOBBr Business Office. 
 A Section of the Composing Room. 
 Entrance to Business Office. 
 Mailing Room. 
 Main Entrance. 
 Stereotyping Room. 
 Dynamo Room, 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 One block above The Oregonian building, ou Sixth 
 street, is the Hotel Portland, a fine structure of a novel 
 architectural design. This hotel was erected by a syndicate 
 of Portland capitalists, at a cost of 1750,000, The Hotel 
 Portland enjoys the distinction of being one of the best 
 conducted hotels in the Unifed States. Opposite the Hotel 
 Portland, and facing on Sixth and Morrison streets, is the 
 Marquam Grand Opera House. The auditorium in the Marquam is one of the neatest 
 theatres of the West. ■ The view of the Marquam , 
 published in connection with the Portland article, 
 will show that the building is of a very imposing style 
 of architecture. Near the foot of Sixth street, the 
 massive and imposing union depot for the united 
 railroad lines centering in Portland, is now nearing 
 completion. The cost of this structure will be 
 1400,000. The Italian style of architecture has been 
 closely followed in the lines of this edifice. The main 
 station of the depot is 515 feet in length. It is sur- 
 mounted by an artistic clock tower 132 feet in height. 
 Connected with the depot is an elaborate system of 
 terminal grounds which cover about 70 acres. 
 The Goodnough Block. — This building, corner 
 Fifth and Yamhill streets, was erected in 1892. The 
 material is brick and stone. The interior finish is in stained woods. The building 
 is lighted throughout by electricity and gas, and the water is .supplied from an 
 PHOTO. BY TowNE. artcsiau well on the premises from a depth 
 of 160 feet below the street grade. 
 There are no dark offices in the Goodnough 
 block, the interior ofiices being lighted by a 
 large light-well in the center of the struc- 
 ture. This affords light and ventilation for 
 the entire structure. The elevator is the 
 largest in Portland, carrying 20 passentfers. 
 The sanitary conditions of the building are 
 perfect. The toilet rooms are located in a 
 separate brick shaft outside of the main 
 building. On the first floor are five stores. 
 Five stories of the building are used for 
 offices and the sixth by the Portland Business 
 College. The building is a credit to the city 
 in which it is located. 
 Goodnough Block, Portland. 
 Among the leading Oregon houses is the Snell, Heitshu & Woodard Company, 
 of Portland, who conduct one of the largest wholesale drug houses on the coast. 
 The business of the company covers a very large territory, and they carry one of 
 the most complete lines of drugs and kindred goods handled by any house in the 
 United States. 
 The Snell, Heitshu & Woodard Company occupy one of the best-built and most 
 taken out 
 Wholesale Dru 
 creditable ( 
 The st( 
 icines and 
 in this line 
 rarest and : 
 strong. Th 
 in business 
 He was fii 
 tion to his 
 this point 
 Mr. Emil 
 interest in 
 with Mr. ] 
 mauer, vic< 
 and Mr. J. 
 block boui 
 horses, wa 
 block direc 
 same on a 
Portland, Oregon. 
 attractive business blocks in the city. It is a five-story stone structure, built of stone 
 taken out of the celebrated Tenino quarries, and is a substantial and striking piece 
 of architecture. It has a frontage of 130 feet on 
 Sixth street, 95 feet on Burnside and 42 feet on An- 
 keny. One notable feature is a lofoot driveway ex- 
 tending through the building from Burnside to An- 
 keny street, thus enabling teams to deliver mer- 
 chandise under cover in all weather and with great 
 rapidity. Carloads of goods, which for- 
 merly took three hours to handle, can now 
 be easily disposed of in three-quarters of an 
 hour. The cost of the building and the land 
 it occupies was $130,000. In the large base- 
 ment are placed the boilers, engines and 
 necessary machinery connected with the 
 building. This basement is also used for 
 storage purposes. The first floor of the 
 building is divided into offices, shipping- 
 room and the sundries department, while 
 the stories above are devoted to the various 
 drug departments and to storage purposes. 
 The building is admirably arranged 
 throughout, and it makes one of the most 
 Wholesale Drug House, Snfll, heitshu 1 woooaro Co , 
 creditable drug establishments in the country. 
 The stock of the Blumauer-Frank Drug Company consists of drugs, patent med- 
 icines and druggists' sundries, embracing everything 
 in this line from the smallest of toilet articles to the ^ "'■• '^" 
 rarest and most expensive drugs in the market. The 
 personnel of the Blumauer-Frank Drug Company is 
 strong. The senior member, Mr. L. Blumauer, started 
 in business as a retail druggist about 15 years ago. 
 He was finally enabled to devote his entire atten- 
 tion to his large jobbing trade. When he reached 
 this point he associated himself in business with 
 Mr. Emil Frank. Subsequently Mr. Frank sold his 
 interest in the company when it was reorganized, 
 with Mr. L. Blumauer as president; Mr. Sol. Blu- 
 mauer, vice-president ; Mr. Phil. Blumauer, treasurer, 
 and Mr. J. P. Bronaugh, secretary. 
 Henry Weinhard's brewery is located on the 
 block bounded by Burnside, Couch, Twelfth and 
 Thirteenth streets. The cooper shop, stables for 32 
 horses, wagon sheds, etc., are located on the half 
 block directly opposite the brewery, while the bottling 
 establishment is located three blocks east of the blumauer-frank drug co., portlano. 
 same on a prominent corner occupying 50x100 feet. 
 The spacious office is on Thirteenth and Burnside streets. The malt-house has a 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 
 Brewerv, Henry Weinharo, Portland. 
 frontage on Twelfth street of 96 feet and a depth of 130 feet on Burnside street. A 
 Jarge elevator with a capacity of 750 bushels 
 per hour takes the barley up into the storage 
 bins. The engine room is located on Couch 
 street adjoining the stock houses. It contains 
 two refrigerating engines of 35 tons capacity 
 each, two brine pumps, a powerful air pump, 
 boiler feed pump, an engine of 50-horse power, 
 also an engine and a dynamo of the most ap- 
 proved pattern for lighting the whole estab- 
 lishment. . The necessary steam power is gen- 
 erated in four steel boilers which can either be 
 run separately or combined, and which also 
 furnish the 80-horse power engine in the malt- 
 house with steam. 
 There are three artesian wells used by the brewery. One is used exclusively for 
 the needs of the ice machinery. The other one is for furnishing the water for the 
 brewery and cleaning purposes, while the third one is only used for the malt-house. 
 Weinhard's brewery gives employment to 46 men, including clerks, engineers, 
 drivers, etc. 
 Taken altogether, the impression on leaving the brewery, after having seen 
 everything, is that it is impossible to find a similar establishment more complete in 
 every detail, especially the malt-house with its kiln tower high in the air, 176 feet 
 from the ground. The tower makes a nice and an imposing appearance. 
 Hahn's Terminal Warehouse occupies 
 one-half block, 200x100 feet in size, on the 
 corner of Tenth and Johnson streets. It is 
 adjacent to the terminal yards, where all 
 railroads entering Portland discharge 
 freight. The building is a solid brick struc- 
 ture with a capacity of 1,500 carloads. 
 Merchandise and goods of all descriptions 
 stored are 
 subj ect to 
 the lowest 
 in s u r a n c e 
 rates written in Portland. Tracks run directly into 
 the warehouse, as is seen by the accompanying cut, 
 and goods are received in the warehouse during all 
 kinds of weather without damage. A great advantage 
 of the track systems connected with the warehouse 
 is that goods consigned here require but one handling 
 instead of two, as in the other warehouses of the city. 
 Goods can also be re-shipped from Hahn's warehouse 
 to outside local points without extra cartage. 
 The Maher & Terwilliger block is a handsome 
 three-story pressed brick building with stone trim- 
 mings, located at No. 651 First street. It was erected 
 Maher & Terwilliger Block, Portland. 
Portland, Oregon, 
 Smithson Block, Albina, Portland. 
 in 1891 by Messrs. J. M. Terwilliger and W. h. Maher who constitute the popular 
 firm of Maher & Terwilliger, butchers of South Portland. 
 The cost of the building was $25,000 and it presents a fine and imposing appear- 
 ance. It is wired for electric lighting and has gas mains connection. Of the four 
 large stores on the ground floor, one is occupied by Messrs. Maher & Terwilliger 
 with their well appointed meat market. The second and third stories of the build- 
 ing contain 63 rooms which are occupied for lodging rooms. Mr. J. M. Terwilliger, 
 the junior member of the firm, is the popular alderman from the sixth ward. 
 Among the handsome structures of that 
 part of consolidated Portlatid known as Albina, 
 the Smithson block, erected by A. J. Smithson 
 in 1892, merits special mention. 
 The material used in the construction of 
 this fine building was pressed brick. The in- 
 terior finishing is in larch. The building is 
 three stories high and presents an attractive 
 appearance. The ground floor is divided into 
 five stores. The corner and adjoining store 
 are occupied by L. Blumenthal & Co. , clothiers. 
 The next two stores are occupied by the Oregon 
 Mercantile Company, wholesale and retail gro- 
 cery and crockery dealers, while the fifth store 
 is taken by the Delmonico restaurant. , . 
 The upper stories contain 54 rooms, divided into suites. These rooms are hand- 
 somely furnished, lighted by electricity and supplied wHh the purest of water. 
 The location is a convenient one, even for those who have business on the West Side, 
 as it is reached by electric cars and by free ferry which connects Albina with Port- 
 land proper. 
 Among the leading business streets of 
 Portland are Morrison and Washington, 
 two thoroughfares running due west from the 
 river. Both of these streets are lined with 
 large, costly and substantial buildings. 
 Near the head of Washington street, and 
 about one mile distant from the river, is 
 a large building which covers two full 
 blocks. This is the building owned and 
 occupied by the North Pacific Industrial 
 Exposition. It was erected at a cost of 
 $150,000. In this building are held Portland's 
 great annual industrial exhibitions. The 
 center of this mammoth structure is a music 
 hall with a seating capacity for about 6,000 people. In addition to the above there are 
 numerous other large and imposing buildings in Portland, many of wh.ch cost from 
 $100,000 to $300,000 each. In that part of Portland on the east side of the Willam- 
 ette river are a number of important retail business streets. The East Side, 
 however, is principally occupied for residence purposes and in this part of Portland 
 are some of the most tastily constructed residences on the coast. Along the water 
 front of the East Side are a large number of mills, factories, docks and warehouses. 
 iNousTKiAL Exposition Building, Portland. 
 ;'■'* I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Scattered through the residence sections of Portland are a number of beautiful 
 parks which add greatly to the attractiveness of the city. The largest of these is the 
 City Park, .,^^ occupying a beautiful spot ornamented '.vith great banks of 
 flowers, rustic 
 bridges, ponds, 
 walks and drives, 
 which contrast 
 strangely with the 
 rugged beauty of 
 pyramidal forest 
 collection of wild 
 cougars, elk, wild 
 In Portland 
 agg i f 
 Union R»:lhoao Depot, Poutlano. 
 A Picturesque Drive, near Portland. 
 trees and deep fern-lined canyons. In the park is a large 
 animals and birds, among which are mountain lions, deer, 
 cats, be.irs, monkeys, coons, seals, kangaroos, eagles, parrots and owls 
 are 12 other parks and squares, all of which are characterized by a profuse growth 
 o^ shade trees. The public grounds of the city have a combined area of about 700 
 acres, and the cost of improving and caring 
 for these grounds has been about $20,000 
 a year for a number of years past. Equal- 
 ly as attractive as the city parks, however, 
 are the tastily laid-out grounds which sur- 
 round all the principal residences of the 
 city. Portland is a city of beautiful homes. 
 In the yards around the workingman's 
 cottage and the pretentious mansion of 
 the millionaire alike, blossoming roses 
 perfume the air from March until Decem- 
 ber. I:: i.he residence portion of the city 
 trees, flowers and shrubbery form continuous avenues of pi .turesque verdancy. I/ying 
 in the shadows of tht forest-covered Portland hills is Nob Hill, the fashionable residence 
 district of the city. Scattered throtigh this attractive locality are handsome houses 
 which have cost from $20,000 up to |ioo,ooo each. Many of these fine homes occupy 
 whole blocks which are beautifully decorated with trees, turf and flowers. 
 Among the most attractive features of Port- 
 land are the stately church edifices and quaint 
 chapels found in every part of the city. The re- 
 peated expansion of the business district has re- 
 sulted in several of these churches being sur- 
 rounded by great business blocks. The first church 
 of Portland was organized in 1848. There are 
 now 70 congipgations of nearly every line of the- 
 olo^^' ;al thought represented in Portland. The 
 first church in Portland was the First Methodist. 
 Its pastor was Rev. J. H. Wilbur. In 1H50 this con- 
 gregation built Portland's first house of worship 
 The building stood on the corner of Third and Taylor streets, where the fine brick 
 church erected by the same congregation some years later, in 1869, is located. The 
 Catholic church of Portland was established in 1851. The members of this faith in 
 the city now worship in six cathedrals and chapels. 
 posroFFicE, Portland. 
Portland, Oregon. 
 City Hall, Portland. 
 The supremacy of Portland as the corimercial center of the Pacific Northwest 
 dates, as before stated, from the time that gc\d was first discovered in California. By 
 the force of circumstances and geographical position, the city ha"* become the receiv- 
 ing and distributing center for a region i,ooo miles 
 square. The tv/o principal causes that have conspired to 
 bring about this result are the Columbia and Willamette 
 rivers. The distance from Portland to the ocean is about 
 120 miles. Of this distance 12 miles lies over the course 
 of the Willamette river, and the rest of the way is via the 
 Columbia. At extreme low-water mark there is today a 
 channel 22>< feet deep between Portland and the sea. All 
 ships that frequent the waters of the Pacific ocean can sail 
 up the channel of the two rivers to Portland vithout difficulty. The citizens of Portland, 
 with unparalleled enterprise, have organized themselves into a corporation called the 
 Port of Portland. Under the supervision of officers of this corporation the sum of 
 1425,000 has already been expended in improving and deepening the channel from 
 Portland to the mouth of the Columbia river. This work should proDorly have been 
 done at the expense of the general government, whose duty it is to make all neces- 
 sary imprcv^raents to navigable water-courses. These improvements have already 
 made Portland a seaport pos.-sessing many peculiar 
 advantages. From its junction with the Willamette 
 to where it widens as it enters the ocean, the Col- 
 umbia river maintains an average width of over one 
 mile. Its fresh waters free the ships entering this 
 stream from the accumulations of barnacles gath- 
 ered while in salt water. At Portland the waters of 
 the Willamette effectively destroy thosi forms of 
 marine life which are so destructive to docking 
 and wooden piling at salt-water porta. There is 
 sufficient room in the three-niile stretch of harbor at Portland to float hundreds of the 
 largest sea-going vc?sels. There can be seen riding at anchor in this harbor ships 
 hailing from all parts of the world and flying the flags of all maritime nations. Some 
 of these vessels draw as much as 27 feet o*" water, and some of them are over 2,700 
 tons net register. It is at Portland that aie railroads which tap the grain districts of 
 Oregon, Washington and Idaho trp-.sfer their loads of wheat to the holds of ships 
 boujd for various ports of the Orient. The product'.ons of the interior are earned to 
 Portland, and from this point shipped to the markets of the world. The ships engaged 
 in this export trade return to Portland with cargoes made up of the products of the 
 nations they visit. This city is thus made the great clearing-house for the best part 
 of the Pacific Northwest. 
 When the act was passed by Congress for dredging the Willamette and Col- 
 umbia rivers, from Portland to the sea, it was found 
 necessary to build a dredge of sufficient power to nccom- 
 plish the heavy work contemplated by the act. A con- 
 tract was let by the government to John F. Steflen, the 
 well-known ship-builder of this city, in 1892, for the 
 building of a hydraulic dredge. The boat was com- 
 pleted in 1893 at a cost of $65,000. It was named after W. 
 L.a^AHv Buao.Nn, Portland. •*"• ^-add, Portland's foremost citizen, recently dece.'^sed. 
 The Armory, Portland. 
 2'hc Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Great Ute«m Dredge, W. S. Uod. 
 The dredge W. S. Ladd is 
 equal to almost any dredge in the 
 United States in capacity and 
 power, and is the first dredge of 
 this class built on the coast. Her 
 dimensions are : length, 146 feet, 
 6 inches over all ; beam, 38 feet, 
 4 inches; hold, 12 feet. She is 
 single-decked aft of the forward 
 house and pilot house. The shaft 
 alley is located under the main 
 deck and forward of this in the 
 order named are the engine room, 
 boiler room, coa) bunkers, dump- 
 ing bins and "rew space. The 
 engines used are the Neafie & Levy compound, 17-34 twenty-fourths. The hold of 
 the dredge has a capacity of 500 cubic yards. This hold is used as a dump for 
 dredgings from the river bed. The builder, John F. Steffen, has just reason to be 
 proud of his work on the W. S. La Jd. This together with the construction of some 
 of the finest floating palaces on the coast which are from his yards, has entitled him 
 to a position among the great boat-builders of the coast. 
 Portland, with its wealth, its facilities for trans- 
 portation, and the enterprise of its business people, 
 has secured control of the trade of the country, for 
 which it acts as a receiving agent. Even before 
 through-rail communication was established between 
 Portland and the East, this city contained a popu- 
 lation in excess of 17,000, and it occupied then the 
 same relative .osition of commercial supremacy to 
 the Northwesleia field that it does today. This 
 position was due primarily to the magnificent sys- 
 tem of waterways which connect this city with Eastern Oregon and Washington and 
 with all the best parts of the Willamette valley. This is an advantage which other 
 leading trade centers of the Northwest concede to Portland, and it is a factor that will 
 exert a decided influence in the contention which must arise in the future among the 
 different cities in the competition for the trade of this vast region. The magnitude 
 of Portland's commerce at the present time can be determined from the following 
 statements : The aggregate value of all articles exported from Portland, in 1H92, was 
 $16,114,925. The foreign exports of the city, for that year, 
 amounted to 18,340,655, and the domestic exports aggregated 
 $7,740,070 in value. Prom the "Inland Ivmpire" and the Wil- 
 lamette valley there came to Portland that year the enormous 
 total of 4,702,050 centals of wheat, of an aggregate value of 
 $6,795,895. Eighty-nine vessels carried this wheat to th.e market?^ 
 of Europe. The exports of flour for the year amounte.'l 
 to 549,236 barrels, of a value of $2,182,250. In the same 
 year the wool growers of Eastern and Southern Oregon 
 consigned to Portland, for shipment, 8,607,840 pounds of 
 wool, worth $1,350,050. This was about oue-lialf of 
 AHi.tNOTON Club, Portland. 
Portland, Oregon. 
 ir. viMnENT's Hospital. Portland 
 Oregon's wool crop for the year. Of the remainder of 
 the wool crop, woolen goods to the value of $400,000 
 were manufactured at the woolen mills practically having 
 their headquarters at Portland. In 1H92 the canneries of 
 the Columbia river, between Portland and the ocean, 
 turned out 468,993 cases of salmon, valued at |2, 608,020. 
 In addition to this output, immense shipments of stur- 
 geon, caught in the Columi^^ia ^f^re also made to the East 
 from Portland. Oregon's hop crop for the year was valued 
 at several millions of dollars. Considerable over one-half 
 of this crop was bought by Portland dealers and shipped 
 The value of the lumber exported from the city is now aijout 
 i:^^'* '''W*»iy>-,», 
 ~ GOOD Samaritan Hospital, Portland. 
 thousands ■ 
 ney Vtwei 
 1" •:) ■• ; East. 
 ^i,ooc»,GOO a year. 
 The value of the imports annually received at 
 Portland is about $1,600,000. The statistics of Port- 
 land's export and import trade for 1893 are not avail- 
 able at the present writing, but from present indica- 
 tions these figures will not differ materially from those 
 quoted for 1892. Between January i and November 
 15- i'^93' IS shown by the records of the custom-house 
 of Portland, 96 vessels entered from and 114 vessels 
 cleared for foreign ports. During the same period 166 ves.'^els arrived from and 137 
 departed for domestic ports. These figures will tend to show the magnitude of Port- 
 land's commerce. That the completion of the projected Nicaragua canal would cause 
 this commerce 'o show a rapid and unprecedented increase hardly admits of a doubt. 
 Ships from Portland for foreign ports th^.t are now compelled to make a rietour of 
 u '(^ .round Cape Horn could, by utilizing the canal, make the jour- 
 ; "'\id and I/iverpool in one-half the time now consumed in this 
 co-i : f tio;i of the fjanal would at once open up the markets of the 
 Atlantic coast for i; • ^ rcducts of the Pacific Northwest, products which cannot at the 
 present be profitably marketed East by reason of the high transj ortation rates on the 
 long haul by rail or by ship around Cape Horn. 
 Portland is the tcminus of three great transconti- 
 nental lines of railroads. Tn<.2e ui& the Union Pacific, 
 N'orthern Pacific and Southern Pacific. The Union Pa- 
 cific, which gains an entrance to the^state over the tracks 
 of the Oregon Short Line and the Oregon Railway & 
 Navigation Company, both operated by the Union Pacific, 
 follows the course of the Columbia river from Umatilla, 
 187 miles east of Portland, to a point about 20 miles dis- 
 tant from the city. Its branch lines .spread out and tap 
 the great wheat-producing sections of the Walla Walla, 
 Palouse and other districts, as well as Ihose of 
 EdUern Oregon, comprising the great wheat belt of the Northwest. In that 
 part of Portlaii'l known locally as Albina, the Union Pacific has established large 
 machine and repair shops which furnish employment to about 400 men. The 
 Southern Pacific operates 682 miles of road solely with the view of reaching Portland 
 for a Northwestern terminus for its extensive system. The Northern Pacific railroad, 
 Cmildhen'5 Home, Portland. 
 1 ( 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 running south from Tacoma, crosses the Columbia river at Kalama and reaches Port- 
 land over its own track. The through passen- 
 ger trains of this ling are all made up in Port- 
 land, and this city is practically the western 
 terminus of the heavy passenger traffic which regu- 
 larly passes over this road. These great systems of 
 railroads, their mileage, branch lines and the 
 country the_ ^-^vc-se are all fully described in 
 an article in .'. -sent publication under the 
 head of " Railro. .f the Pacific Northwest." 
 Portland there is an inexhaustible supply of raw 
 This, combined with commanding 
 Railroad Steel Bridge, Portland. 
 Train Crossing. Steel Bridge, Portland 
 In the region tributary to 
 material to meet the demands of manufacturers 
 location, cheap fuel and the advantage of the second greatest waterpower in America, 
 has already made Portland a great manufacturing center. Extensive beds of iron ore at 
 Oswego, seven miles south of Portland, have been successfully worked since iS66. At 
 Oswego are located the $503 000 blast furnaces of the Oregon Iron & Steel Company. 
 But 12 miles south of Portland are the wonderful falls of the Willamette river. The 
 Portland General Klectric Company arc now expending |2, 500, 000 in developing this 
 water power whicl?. next to Niagara, is the greatest 
 available water power in the United States. At extreme 
 low water the Willamette falls furnish an available power 
 of 60,000 horse. About 10,000 horse power will be gener- 
 ated into electricity at the electric compan\ 's station at 
 Oregon City and from that point transmitted to Portland 
 where it will be used for running all kinds of machinery. 
 This power is especially valuable from a manufacturing 
 standpoint, and it is the claim of the electric company 
 that they can suppl}' power for running machinery in 
 Portland much cheaper than the same power can be 
 generated for by steam. The economic importance of this power to Portland manu- 
 facturers cannot be overestimated in connection with the future industrial advance- 
 ment of this city. 
 Around the falls of the Willamette arc now clustered a number of very large 
 manufacturing plants. Some of these plants are owned by Portland capital. These 
 include woolen, flour and paper and pulp mills. The market that Portland manufac- 
 tures for includes not only the whole Paci ic coast, but also South America, the vSand- 
 wich Islands, China and Japan. The prod .cts of the mills and factories of Portland 
 are staple articles of commerce in all these coun- 
 tries mentioned. Flour is shipped from Portland 
 to Asia and lumber is sent by this city to the tree- 
 less plains of South America and Australia. To 
 the towns of the Pacific Northwest Portland an- 
 nually sends millions of dollars worth of finished 
 products. There is probably no section of the 
 United States that offers today inducements for the 
 investment of capital in manufacturing enterprises 
 that are afforded in Portland. With the available 
 resources of timber, wool, hides, wheat, flax, iron, 
 and wood for making paper pulp, the city pos- 
 ...V-:- II- £ 
 Free Bhioge, ^.A^lSON Stfieet, Portland, 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Morrison-Street Bridge, Portland. 
 sesses every advantage as a manufacturing cen- 
 ter. Portland has the available water power to 
 manufacture these products into the finished 
 articles of commerce, and the city has every 
 benefit of rail and ocean connection with all 
 parts of the world. The output of the fact<^' '.es 
 has steadily increased with each successive year 
 since the first shipment of lumber was made 
 from Oregon to the Golden Gate in 1S49. The 
 manufacturing industries of Portland today 
 represcut an in- estment of lig.ooa.ooo; they 
 employ 12,000 men and they pay out annua'ly 
 in wages about }6, 300,000. The annual value 
 of the product of these industries is about 132,000,000. 
 For many years past the city of Portland has derived its water supply from the 
 Willamette river. The water of this stream, while not unhealthful, contains much 
 foreign matter, especially during the winter and spring months, when the rains have 
 caused it to rise above its usual height. The waters of this stream are frequently dis- 
 colored by great quantities of mud washed into it. The riveV is also liable to pollu- 
 tion from the sewerage of the rapidly growing towns of the valley along its banks. 
 As earl)' as iScS; the citizens of Portland commenced to agitate the question of 
 changing the source of the water supply of the city. Finally, 
 by an act of the legislature which auti.orized the issue of 
 f 3, 200,000 of water bonds, the city wa^j placed m a position 
 to perfect the water system so long contemplated. Thirty 
 miles distant from Portland is the mouth of Bull Run creek. 
 This clear mountain stream bubbles from the ground in the 
 heart of the Cascade Mountains, about 11 miles distant from 
 Mount Hood. A careful analysis of the water shows the 
 absence of deleterious organic matter. Owing to the great 
 volume of clear water which this creek carries, and the 
 fact that the country adjacent to it is not* open for settlement, thus avoiding all dan- 
 ger of pollution to the siream, Bull Run creek was selected as tlie source of the future 
 water supply of Portland. By the close of 1S94 the cold spring-fed waters of this 
 creek will be flowing through the city mains of Portland. This s\stem, when com- 
 pleted, will consist of the following impiovements : 
 From the mouth of the creek a steel-plate pipe-line is laid, for a distance of 24 
 miles, to Mount Tabor, on which eminence are located two reservoirs, with a holding 
 capacity respectively of 10,000,000 and 
 15,000,000 gallon"*. 4. cast-iron pipe 
 connects the Mount Tabor reservoirs 
 with the reservoir at City park, on 
 the hill back of the business district 
 of Portland. The latter reservoir is at 
 an elevation of 300 feet above the 
 city's base, and it has a capacity of 
 22,000,000 gallons. Water will be dis- 
 tributed from the City park reservoir 
 only to the higher portions of the city, r,,^,,, ,,.„,„ p,.^ line, bull run river to Portland, 
 Bull Run Lake, 
 i, f 
 as the pres- 
 would be too 
 of a capacity 
 The pipe-Hue 
 Centenary M 
 Bull Ruu 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ! sure on the mains from this reservoir in the lower levels of the city 
 1 great. Below the City park reservoir 80 feet is a secoud reservoir 
 i of 10,000,000 gallons, which is kept full from the reservoir above. 
 £ from the Mount Tabor reservoirs to the City park reservoir is 6}4 
 miles in length. It crosses the Willamette river at Clay street by 
 means of a submerged pipe. 
 It is estimated that the volume of Bull Run creek, at its 
 mouth, at extreme low water, is 70,000,000 gallons per day. 
 Of this great available supply, 25,000,000 gallons will be car- 
 ried off in pipes to Portland. This is a sufficient quan- 
 tity of water to supply a city of 180,000 inhabitants. 
 With the exception of the water forced through the pipes 
 to the heights in the western part of the city, this en- 
 tire water-works system is operated by gravity. The city 
 has in reserve pumps having a combined capac- 
 21,000,000 gallons a da\-, which 
 used in case of accident to the 
 water-works system is com- 
 miles of water mains. 
 ity of 
 E. CHURCH. PORTLAND. '"'^^ "^ 
 line. iVhen the new 
 pleted, the city wil' have about 83 
 As a financial center, Portland 
 cities of the same size in the world, 
 of corporate and individual wealth 
 channels of investment. Unlike 
 Portland !■■ not compelled to 
 onEasteii^*. pitalists. Theprin 
 owned and controlled by its 
 of this wealth is utilized by 
 Portland. This represents, 
 the aggregate wealth of the > 
 in Portland was established 
 Tilton, in 1859. This was 
 til 1866, when the First Na- 
 when the Bank of British 
 First congregational Church. 
 stands pre-eminent among the 
 Here there is a vast aggregation 
 constantly seeking for profitable 
 many other cities of the West, 
 place her reliance for money 
 cipal wealth of Portland is 
 own citizens. A large amount 
 the great banking houses of 
 however, but a small part of 
 city. The first banking house 
 by Wm. S. Ladd and C. E. 
 the only bank in the city un- 
 tional Bank was organized, and 
 Columbia established a branch 
 here. From thai time the capital, stability and number of banks 
 in Portland steadily increased, keeping pace with the demands of the 
 rapidly growing tributary country. During the distressing business 
 panic of 1893 several of Portland's banks, although perfectly 
 solvent, were compelled to temporarily suspend payment, owing 
 altogether to the unreasonable demands of frightened 
 depositors. All of these banks were more than amply 
 able to pay depositors in full. It is worthy of note in this 
 connection that every national bank that closed its doors 
 in Portland during the panic has since resumed business, 
 and these banks are today on even a stronger footing 
 than they ever were before. There are now but two private 
 banks of the city that are in the hands of rpceivers, and 
 the affairs of these are in such shape that their doors will 
 be opened to business in the near future. 
 The seven national banks of Portland make the fol- 
 ■^1 'ii'j"- 
 y >};. 
 Grace Methooist tPi9C0PAL Church. 
 V ' 
Portland, Oregon. 
 lowing gratify- 
 ISoOjOco, sur- 
 Commercial Na- 
 divided profits 
 1500,000, sur- 
 gon National, 
 iug showing : First National, capital 
 plus and undivided profits, $824,130; 
 tional, capital |:'>5o,coo, surplus and un- 
 1166,403 ; Merchants National, capital 
 plus and undivided profits f 55, 2 19 ; Ore- 
 capital .S20O,cco, surplus and undivided 
 profits 141,950 ; Ainsworth National, capi- 
 tal $100,000, surplus and undivided 
 profits $ico,coo ; United States Na- 
 tional, capital $250,000, surplus 
 and undivided profits $27,854; 
 First National of East Portland, 
 capital $ioo,coo, surpltis and un- 
 divided profits, $45,456. The 
 total resources of these seven 
 national banks are nearly $10,000,000. The other banks 
 of Portland are as follows : Ladd & Tilton, capital 
 $250,000 ; (the resources of this bank are very large, but 
 the amount of the resources of the bank is not obtainable 
 for publication.) London and San Francisco, Ld., capital 
 and reserve $2,900,000 ; Bank of British Columbia, capital $3,000,000, reserve 
 $1,300,000, undivided profits |6o,ooo; Portland Savings Bank, capital $260,000, sur- 
 plus and profits $220,000; Portland Trust Company, capital $350,000; Security 
 Savings and Trust Company, capital $250,000; Hibernian Savings Bank, capital 
 $100,000; Northwest Loan and Trust Company, capital $250,000; Bank of Albina, 
 capital $100,000; Citizens Bank of East Portland, capital $100,000; City Savings 
 Bank, capital $100,000; Commercial and Savings Bank of East Portland, capital 
 $50,000; Albina Savings Bank, capital $50,000. 
 Calvary Presbyterian Church. 
 First Presbyterian Church. 
 . ii 
 Calvary Baptist Church. 
 Trinity 'episcopal^ Church. 
 'M \i 
 Church of the Immaculate heart. 
 Taylor-Street Methodist Church. 

 Portland, Oregon. 
 The American Book Company.— The American Book Company of New 
 York, the largest educational publishing house in the world, has its branch house for 
 the Pacific Coast at 289 Yamhill street. Here are 
 kept in stock all the school and college text books 
 included in its long list of school publications. 
 This list embraces nearly all the school books now 
 in use in the state of Oregon and throughout the 
 The Portland house was established to serve as 
 a convenient base of supplies for the trade of the 
 Pacific Coast. Hitherto, the great distance of this 
 section of the country from the publishing centers 
 of the East has made it difficult and expensive to 
 properly supply the school patrons. The American 
 Hook Company now proposes, so far as possible, 
 to obviate these difficulties by supplying their 
 books freely from the Portland house, allowing 
 dealers a sufficient discount conditional on the 
 Vjooks being retailed to consumers atprices which 
 will be satisfactory to the people, and as a result, 
 the PVlucatior.cii Public of this region are as prompt- 
 ly and cheaply supplied with the publications of 
 the American Book Company as any part of the 
 Ihiitcd States, 
 Tlie Portland University.— The Port- 
 land University was organized under the auspices 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Univer- 
 AMERicr. BOOK COMPANY, 289 y.MH,LL ST., PORTL»^^, g|,_y jg ^j^^^^j. (jcnom i natloual control, as are most 
 of the great schools of the country, but is not in any sense sectarian. 
 The site of the University is a high plateau between the Columbia and Willamette 
 rivers, three miles northwest and overlooking the city of Portland. The beautiful 
 island in the river, the high range of evergeen hills on the western side, and to the 
 east the lofty peaks of five snow- 
 capped mountains, steamers 
 from local points on the river, 
 and ships from all countries 
 throughout the entire world, 
 passing every few minutes, with- 
 in a stone's throw of the Univer- 
 sity buildings, all combine to 
 lend a charm to the scene almost 
 The attendance has reached 
 the number of 500 in less than 
 three years. In its Literary De- 
 partment are the College, Pre- 
 paratory, Normal and Business 
 courses. Schools of Theology, 
 Music, and Fine .Arts are also 
 departtncnts of the Portland 
 University. Portland University, west Hall. 
 ' 1 
 The Oregnnian's Handbook of the Pacific North 
 First Baptist Church. Portland, 
Portland, Oregon. 
 A Great Pi.ant.— The Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works and the Wolff, Zwicker & 
 Buehner Pipe Works, at the east approach to the Madison-street bridge, occupy a 
 number of buildings which cover a full block of ground lying along the water front. 
 The most important work handled by the Wolff, Zwicker & Buehner Pipe Works 
 during the past year was the completion of the contract for manufacturing the miles 
 of pipe for the Bull Run water works, which will furnish Portland's supply of water 
 for domestic use. 
 On taking possession of their new works in the spring of 1893, this company 
 immediately commenced the work of manufacturing the immense pipes or conduits 
 for the Bull Run plant. These pipes are made from heavy steel sheets and in mak- 
 ing this pipe it was necessary for the company to avail themselves of the use of the 
 latest improved machinery. The pipes are 35 inches in diameter and are made in 
 lengths of 30 feet each. The successful manufacture of these pipes by a home com- 
 pany was in itself a great triumph for the firm. In addition to the pipe works, the 
 old established firm of Wolff & Zwicker conduct a large foundry and machine estab- 
 lishment in a building adjoiningthe pipe works. In addition to their East Side plant, 
 in which 25 men are constantly employed, the firm also conduct their old machine 
 shop on the west side of the river, at the corner of Third and Plan ders streets, where 
 45 men find steady work. Taken together, the Wolff & Zwicker Foundry and 
 Machine Shop and the Wolff, Zwicker & Buehner Pipe Works constitute one of the 
 largest plants of the kind on the coast, and they are deserving of the heartiest sup- 
 port of the people of the Pacific Northwest. 
 !! V 
 Great Iron Works, Wolff i. Zwicker. Portland. 
 The Oregonians Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ? ti^i 11 
 First N»tion»l Bank, Pc 'l«no. 
 No bank of the North Pacific coast enjoys a hij^her standing than does the First 
 National of Portland. Started some years before 1H69, the First National really 
 dates its growth from that year, when Messrs. Henry Failing and H. W. Corbett pur- 
 chased the controlling influence in the insti- 
 tution. Both Mr. Failing and Mr. Corbett 
 have, since that time, attained great distinc- 
 tion in the Northwest as able financiers and 
 successful business men, and they have re- 
 peatedly been honored by their fellow citi- 
 zens with positionsof great trust and respon- 
 sibility. Mr. Failing served for several 
 terms during the most critical period of 
 Portland's existence as mayor of the city. 
 He has occupied leading positions in other 
 public capacities, and in financial circles of 
 the Northwest he occupies today what may 
 well be termed the position of leader. Mr. 
 Corbett served, with distinction, a term as 
 United States Senator from Oregon. He has 
 long been prominent in public affairs of the 
 state, and he is now one of the heaviest hold- 
 ers of the best business property in Portland. 
 The great personal success of Messrs, Cor- 
 bett and Failing has redounded directly to the benefit of the First National Bank,, 
 over whose destinies they have so long presided. 
 Immediately after securing control of this bank Mr. Flailing was elected its 
 president and Mr. Corbett was made vice-president. They have held these offices 
 uninterruptedly since that time. The capital stock of the bank at the time these gen- 
 tlemen secured control of its affairs was |ioo,coo. This was immediately increased 
 to |250,coo, and subscquertly to i*50o,ooo. The deposits increased from $48,000 in 
 1S69, to over |4, 000,000 in a period of 20 years. The resources of this bank today are 
 very large. It is the United States depository at Portland for the handling of public 
 money, and it is the financial institution which cares for the deposits of many of the 
 largest corporations of the Northwest, as well as for hundreds of the leading busi- 
 ness houses of Portland. 
 In connection with the mention of the First National Bank of Portland in the 
 present instance, some reference to the affairs of this institution during the memor- 
 able panic of 1893 will be particularly appropriate. The First National, as one of 
 the oldest and best established banksi in Portland, has long had a large list of interior 
 correspondents who placed their dependence for support during periods of financial 
 stringency on the FMrst National here. These banks were large borrowers of the 
 First National, and their own solvency depended largely on the solvency of the lead- 
 ing bank of Portland. It is to the credit of the First National Bank of Portland, 
 that at no time during the panic was one of its interior correspondents pressed for 
 the payment of its obligations by the Portland institution, and the fact that these 
 banks weathered the financial storm successfully is directly di^e to the financial sup- 
 port that was rendered them by the First National Bank here. Tii? two great bank- 
 ing houses of the Northwest, the Fir I National, and Ladd & Tilton, of Portland, 
 really prevented wide-spread disaster to Oregon and Washington during the panic 
Portland, Orcf^on. 
 Interior View, First National Bank Portland. 
 which wrecked some of the oldest banking houses in the United States, and it was 
 probably the large resources of these two banks, which has allowed Portland to 
 retain its position as one of the strongest financial centers of the coast. 
 The First National now occupies its 
 own building, at the corner of First and 
 Washington streets, Portland. The bank 
 occupies nearly the entire ground floor of 
 the large structure. The quarters occu- 
 pied by the bank are perfectly appointed 
 and especially adapted to the handling of 
 a large banking business. A feature of the 
 management of this bank is that no one of 
 its officers has ever been allowed to solicit 
 custom for the bank, and its affairs have 
 always been conducted strictly on bank- 
 ing ' ciples. It has been conservative 
 to t int of absolute safety, but it has 
 beeu ...jeral enough with its patrons to in- 
 sure a large support from the best business 
 people of Portland. It has been this 
 liberal spirit to the point of conservatism 
 and safety that has been the keynote to the success of the First National Bank of 
 Portland and the fact that it came out of the panic of 1893 with its resources unim- 
 paired, is ample evidence of the wisdom of the policy so long pursued by the 
 management of this strong financial institution. 
 No banking house of the coast, stands higher than the bank of Ladd & Tilton, 
 Portland. This strong financial institution is the result of the lifetime's work of the 
 late W. S. Ladd, one of the pioneer 
 citizens of Portland, and the prestige 
 it has gained in financial circles of the 
 West is directly due to the consciva- 
 tive manner in which its affairs have 
 always been managed. 
 Mr Ladd was one of the four 
 pioneers who reached Portland on the 
 8th day of April, 1851. At that time 
 he was 25 years of age. For a num- 
 ber of years previous to 1855 JNIr, 
 Ladd, in partnership with C. E. Tilton, 
 did an extensive mercantile business 
 under the firm name of Ladd 81 Tilton. 
 In April, 1859, these gentlemen 
 formed a co-partnership for the pur- 
 pose of engaging in the banking bus- 
 iness. The old firm name of Ladd & 
 Tilton was retained for the new en- 
 terprise. The bank at the time it was first started in Portland was capitalized 
 for 150,000. This capital stock was afterwards increased to 1250,000. The resources 
 of this single banking house today are no less than $2,000,000. 
 Bank, Lado i. Tilton, Portland. 
 1' i 
 'i \ 
 » 'I 
 A : 
 1 1 
 ! I 
 The Oreg-onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Interior, bank, L»do a Tiuton, Portland 
 The partnership between Messrs. Ladd anrl Tilton -"vas dissolved in 1880. From 
 that time to the date of Mr. Ladd's death in 1893, the Dank was conducted by Mr. 
 Ladd, assisted by hia eldest son, William, bnt under th( old firm name of Ladd i*^ 
 Tilton. Mr. William M, Ladd, the immediate successor of his father iu the manage- 
 ment of the large business of the bank, has 
 established a reputation as an able financier 
 b3' successfully carrying the bank through 
 one of the worst financial panics the country 
 has ever experienced. During the time of 
 the panic not the least distrust was felt by 
 the public in the solvency of the institution 
 and it was not subjected to anything that 
 even bore the semblance of a " run." Ladd 
 & Tilton, with the First National Bank of 
 Ponland, enjoy the distinction of having 
 been the bulwarks of the financial strength 
 of the Northwest during the panic of 1893, 
 and that this panic did not cause wide-spread 
 disaster among the banks of Oregon and 
 Washington during what will long be re- 
 garded as a memorable year, was directl}- 
 due to the aid rendered the interior banks during that time by Ladd & Tilton and the 
 First Nptional Bank of Portland. 
 Mr. Williani M. Ladd is assisted iu the mauagement of the great banking house 
 his father established in Poriland, by his brother, Mr. (.'has. U. Ladd. These gentle- 
 men are pursuing the same conservative policy in conducting the bank so long fol- 
 lowed by their father l)efore them, and at no time in its history has it enjoyed a greater 
 de,t, "e of public confidence than it does at the present time. 
 The assessed valuation of property in Multnomah county is, in round numl)ers, 
 $65,000,000. This does not include several millions of dollars worth of church and 
 school property which is exempt from taxation. 
 The first public school in Portland was opened in the fall of 1S47 by Dr. Ralph 
 Wilcox. It was conducted in a low, rudelj- constructed house at the 
 foot of Taylor street. Thi--^ school was conducted for about three 
 months. In the following February, Miss Julia Carter opened a 
 school in a log cabin at the corner of .Second and SLark streets. 
 Thirty-five pupils attended this school. In the winter of 
 1848 49, the only public hall in the village was a 
 rather dilapidated and shaky structure which, at a prior 
 time, had been used as a barrel factory. This building 
 was known as the " cooper shop." In November, i8.|8, 
 Aaron J. Hyde, a veteran of the Mexican war, opened a 
 school in this building. The lot on which the structure ]i 
 stood is now on First street, between Morrison and Yam- 
 hill. This lot was purchased by one of the early settler^of 
 Portland for the consideration of "t vo bull pups." This 
 old house, used during the yer.rc 1847 48-49, as a Christian sanctuary and school, 
 had , by 1857, degenerated into the ignoble use of a Chinese wash-houbc. To Rev. 
 Portland, Oraxoti. 
 HARRISON School, Portland. 
 George B. Atkinson is due the honor of having inaugurated the movement that 
 resulted in the establishment of free schools in Portland. Thro<' ^h the efforts ot this 
 gentleman, and upon the recommendation of Gover- 
 nor Joseph La,ie, the first territorial legislature of 
 Oregon passed a school bill which became a law, 
 Septembers, i&4y. It was not, however, until 1851 
 that steps were taken by the citizens of Portland to 
 organize a school district here. In the meantime, 
 several private schools had been opened in Portland. 
 These schools were opened by the following gentle- 
 men on the dates named: Horace layman, Decem- 
 ber, 1849; Col. Cyrus '.. Reed, April, 1850; De Los 
 Jefferson, Augusi, 1850; Rev. N. Doane, December, 
 1850. In The Orbgonian of Deceuiber 6, 1851, a school board consisting of 
 Anthony L. Davis, Alonzo Leland and Reubei- P. Boise advertised the opening of 
 a free school here, with John T. Outhouse as its teachc»r. This, the first free school 
 of Portland, opened its doors with un attendance of about • pupils. When not en- 
 gaged in his school work. Mr. Outhouse laid cross-walks and helped to unload vessels. 
 In November, 1852, the citizens of Portland voted ;*',6ooto support a free school. 
 About that time the public school was moved to the 
 corner of First and Taylor streets. Owing to the increas- 
 ing attendance, Mr. Outhouse was supplied with an 
 assistant teacher in the pt-son of Miss Abigail M. Clark. 
 The school at once assumed the distinction of a " graded 
 school." It was " graded " because the building which 
 it occupied was two stories in height. In order to 
 properl}' acconnnodate the scholars who crowded the 
 school, the stairway was utilized for seats, the chil- 
 being seated or "graded" up the stairs as far as possible. The law regula- 
 of these pioneer schools allowed pupils to deport themselves about as theii 
 incliuations dictated. In addition to being an accomplished teacher Mr. Outhouse 
 soon learned that the duties of his position demanded the exercise r^ great muscular 
 power.s. With him, it was either a question of subduing the sch 'ol by brute force 
 or of being soundh thrashed by the tender youths he was endeavoring to guide into 
 the right channel of thougl.t. Tt is reported that Mr. 
 Outhouse managed the school successfully, and some 
 of the later successful men of Portland enjoyed the 
 distinction of having received their first instruction 
 in the primitive school presided over by this gentle- 
 Among the legendary lore and historical incidents 
 connectedwith tJie early settlement of Portland, the 
 following, bearing on the early life of Oregon's 
 present governor, will bear relating : 
 In July, 1H55, the Portland school board advertised in TnK Orhgonian for a 
 competent person to take charge of the public school of district No. 1. This adver- 
 tisement was answered by Sylvester Pennoyer, a hesitating young man who had 
 lately come from New York io the Puget Sound country to practicti law. Becoming 
 FAILING School, Poiitlano. 
 PARK School Portland. 
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 The Oregoiiiaif s Handbook of the PaciHc Northwest. 
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 Clinton Kelly School, Portland, 
 old district no. 2. 
 discouraged with a law practice that was not as profitable as the sawmill business 
 subsequently proved to be, younj.^ Pennoyer had sold his library and was preparing 
 to start on his return journey East to seek relief 
 from homesickness under the parental roof, when 
 he noticed the advertisement for a school teacher 
 in Portland. When the young man applied for the 
 position his modest demeanor, with his intellectual 
 cast of countenance and his vast fund of informa- 
 tion on "How to be a successful Populist of the 
 future," attracted the favorable notice of the board. 
 He was at once engaged to preside over the village 
 school at a salary of $125 a month, and he was told 
 to report to the county school superintendent foi; 
 examination. With high hopes of meeting some 
 luminary in standing collar, polished cuffs and 
 shining boots, Pennoyer wound his hesitating way to the great official's quarters. 
 What was the teacher's surprise and dismay to find the superintendent industriously 
 cleansing his own and his family's soiled linen in awash tub. Holding a bar of soap 
 in one hand and a book in the other, the superintendent examined Pennoyer on the 
 correct principles of teaching, in which the subject of wash- 
 ing clothes was carefully avoided. Pennoyer passed the 
 examination successlully, but his experience with the 
 superintendent at the wash tub destroyed the great respect, 
 which he had formerly felt for high official position, and 
 it is reported at the time, that Pennoyer made a firm re- 
 solve that the only man in the future who should receive 
 gracious treatment at his hands was the plain individual 
 in homespun clothes whose vote he was after, the president 
 of the United States, vice-president Stevenson or secretary 
 Greshani not excepted, and, further, that he would return 
 thanks to God in his own way, and on the day of his own choice, free from presiden- 
 tial interference. 
 The first school building owned by the city of Portland was that occupied by the 
 Central school, which was opened May 17, 1858. From this humble beginning has 
 grown the present admirable public school .system of Portland. The old log cabin 
 school-house and the dingy cooper shop withstood the ravages of time for a short 
 period only after they were utilized for educational 
 purposes, and they were finally torn down and sub- 
 stantial buildings cf brick and stone were erected in 
 their place. Scattered over the city of Portland 
 there are now 32 public schools, many of which are 
 monuments of architectural art. From the stately 
 High school, with its 21 commodious class rooms and 
 large assembly hall, seating 1.200, down to the MUpre- 
 tentious four-room school of the outlying suburb, the 
 .schools of Portland are under the supervision of ac- 
 complished teacliers, carefully selected for their pro- 
 ficiency in educational work. Through the conscientious efforts of thepe teachers and 
 the liberal support given by the citizens of the city the public schools of Portland have 
 STEPHEN'S School, Portland. 
 NORTH Central School, Portland. 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Williams avenue Sch jol, Portland. 
 attained a high standard of excellence. There were 8,478 pupils in actual attendance 
 at the public schools in Portland in November, 1893. These pupils were taught, by 220 
 teachers, among whom are special teachers of penmanship and drawing. The num- 
 ber of pupils in attendance at these schools in November of 
 last year was as follows: High school, 475; Harrison, 812; 
 Atkinson, 633; Park, 551; Couch, 710; Ainsworth, 55; Fail- 
 ing, 6,So; Stephens, 437; "Willamette 29; Holladay, 420; Wil- 
 liams Avenue, 446; Fulton, 47; Fulton i^ark, 40; Central, 
 38^.; North Central, 404; Sunnysidc, 271; Brooklyn, 213; 
 Albina Central, 216; Chapman, 167; Multnomah, 180; 
 Woodlawn, 177 ; Peninsula, 64 ; St. Johns, 53; Portsmouth, 
 114; Albina Homestead, 14.5; Clinton Kelly, 158^ Sellwood, 
 169; High school (night school), 75; Albina night school, 
 50; Midway, 17; Marquam, 14; Fernwood, iS; Lownsdale, 225. 
 The estimated value of the school property owned by the city of Portland, with 
 the realty and improvements segregated, is as follows : High school grounds, 
 $100,000, building, $148,000; Harrison, grounds, 145,000, building, $47,000; Failing, 
 grounds, $30,000, building, $47,000; Atkinson, grounds, $50,000, building, $54,000; 
 Park, grounds, $50,000, building, $32,000; Couch, grounds, $35,000, build mg, $47,000; 
 Chapman, giounds, $13,000, building, $10,000 ; Watson, grounds, $3,(100, building, 
 $to,03o; Ainsworth, grounds, $14,001 (building des- 
 troyed by fire); Fulton, grounds, $4, t 'Miilding, $1,000; 
 Williams Avenue, grounds, $32,ocx), building, $20,000; 
 Central Albina, grounds, |3,oc>o, building, $3,onri Mult- 
 nomah, grounds, $5,cx)o, building, |6,ooo; Albina Home- 
 stead, grounds, $6,000, building, $6,500; Hollaiiay, 
 grounds, $16,000, building, $12,000; West Central, 
 grounds, $2o,oco, building, $17,000; Central, grounds, 
 $50,000, building, $20,000 ; Stephens, grounds, $25,000, 
 building, $20,000; Clinton Kelly, grounds, $5,000, build- 
 ing, $16,000; Sellwood, grounds, $1,000, building, 
 $5, OCX); Midway, grounds, $i,cx)o, building, $i,ocx); Marquam, grounds, $r,ooo, 
 building, $i,oo(j; Brooklyn, grounds, $6, 000, building, $12,000; Sunnyside, grounds, 
 $4,800, building, $12, <XK) ; Peninsula, grounds, $i,cxx), building, $4,000 ; Woodlawn, 
 grounds, $1,200, building, $3,000. 
 In addition to the above property, which is occupied, the city owns a tract of 
 land in Stephens' Addition valued at $25,o(X), and a lot and building in Tibbett's 
 Addition, known as ].ee chupel, worth about $i,4cxj. The total value of all this 
 school property, including furniture worth $50,000, is $1,157,900. This sum is made 
 up as follows: realty, $553,400; improvements (the first cost in excess of this), 
 $554,500. The cost of conducting the schools of Portland, for the fiscal year 1892-93, 
 was $251,110. The e.stimated cost of conducting these schools for the fiscal year 
 of 1893-94, is $335, 8(x). The cost per pupil, in 1893, was $26.98. 
 In addition to the excellent public schools, Portland is the seat of many well- 
 conducted private seats of learning. Among these are the law and medical schools 
 of the University of Oregon, the medical department and college of pharmacy of the 
 Willamette University, the Portland University, St. Helen's Hall, a school fot girls, 
 IMshop Scott Academy, a school for boys, two '.ine Catholic schools, and a num- 
 ber of boarding schools and academies. As educational factors, the six lib raries of 
 CENTRAL School, Portland. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 St. Helens H»i.l, Portland. 
 the city are closely allied to the schools. The Portland Library Association has a 
 collection of 19,000 carefully selected books. This library occupies a massive build- 
 ing erected for its exclusive use, in 1893, at a cost of $100,000. 
 St. Helen's Hall, <^^? popular, well-known school is located on Park avenue 
 and St. Clair streets. It is a boarding and day school for girls. The school was 
 founded in 1869, by Right Rev. B. Wistar Morris, D. D. From the first the school has 
 stood on its own merits, and it has always enjoyed a wide reputation for the thor- 
 oughness of its instruction and for its refining influence. Its 
 curriculum is most liberal. Teachers of skill and experience 
 fill the various departments. The musical instruction is of 
 the highest order, and the art depart- 
 ment also offers great advantages. 
 Special attention is given to morals, 
 manners, and the use of good English. 
 The building occupied by the 
 school is a noble one. It is built of 
 brick and stone. It is heated, drained 
 and ventilated after scientific meth- 
 ods, and occupying an elevated site, 
 it commands a view of unsurpassed 
 beauty. The Misses Rodney have 
 had the management of the school 
 from its beginning, .•\pplications for 
 information regarding vSt. Tlelen's Hall may be addressed to them. 
 Portland is well protected from fire by a splendidly equipped fire department. 
 No great conflagration has devastated the city for 20 years past. The annual losses 
 by fire here are small when compared with those of other cities of the same size. 
 In the early days of Portland's history well trained volunteer firr companies vied 
 with each other in putting out fires and in making social conquests These compa- 
 nies and the dates of their organization, are as follows: \Villameti« Ivngine Com- 
 pany, 1853 ; Multnomah Engine Company, 1S56 ; Columbia Engine Company, 1859; 
 Protective Engine Company, 1862 ; Vigilance Hook & Ladder Company. As the 
 city grew larger the necessity of a regular paid department was felt. This was 
 accomplished in 1882. With improved apparatus and enforced discipline, the depart- 
 ment has attanied its present high standard of efficiency. There are now 178 men 
 connected with the fire department of Portland. These men are under the super- 
 vision of a chief and three assistants. The apparatus consists of eight steam engines, 
 five hook and ladders, four hose wagons and two chemical engines. The dep irt- 
 ment, with its engines and apparatus, occupies 15 houses. The cost of maintaining 
 the department, in 1893, was, approximately, $152,628. 
 Owing to its peculiar position as the terminus of three transcontinental lines of 
 railroad, and as a port at which numerous vessels arrive daily, Portland, at all limes, 
 has a large floating population. Among the people who arrive in the city are repre- 
 sentatives of the tnost vicious elements of society, who prey on the unsophisticated, 
 as they do in all large cities. To protect the man not accustomed to city ways from 
 the wiles of the confidence man and to rid the city of all objectionable or suspicious 
 characters, requires the services of a well disciplined police force. The first regular 
 police department was inaugurated in Portland in 1872. At first consisting of a mar- 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Atkinson School, Portland. 
 shal and but few patrolmen. It grew in subsequent years to its present importance. 
 It was during the past year, however, th£,t the department was brought t-> its present 
 high standard of efficiency. Under the skillful supervision of a chief experienced 
 in all matters pertaining to the management of a police department, many reforms 
 have recently been made in the management of the department. By the adoption of 
 horse patrols, police protection is now afforded a large part 
 of the outskirts of the city that were formerly without 
 police officers. In the summer months crime in Portland 
 is reduced to a minimum, and but little trouble is experi- 
 ^flf l?f llH^l i i enced by the police in keeping themselves informed of the 
 (jjlllll HHIi. ■ I movements of the vicious cliisses here. In the winter, how- 
 ever, men flock he-e from all sections of the ountry, audit 
 requires the utmost vigilance on the part of the police to 
 prevent depredations on property. It has been found neces- 
 sary to reduce the force and husband the police appropriation 
 during the summer monchs in order to give the city the required police protection 
 during the winter. The police force of the city, as it is now organized, consists of 
 a chief, four captains, two clerks, one captain as tax collector, two patrol drivers, one 
 guard, and 74 patrolmen. The police appropriation, for 1893, was $118,000, which, 
 by economical administration, was just sufficient to pay the expenses of the depart- 
 ment during the year. 
 Even if a city is favored by nature with climatic conditions favorable to the pro- 
 longation of life and the maintenance of health of its population, it will yet be an 
 undesirable and uuhealthful place of residence unless stringent sanitary measures are 
 adopted, covering sewerage, disposal of garbage, and stree'. cleaning. Combined with 
 its exceptional climate, Portland now has a complete and costly system of sewers. 
 The sewerage system of the city includes 62 miles of sewer mains and canals. The 
 largest sewer in the city — tht largest even on the Pacific coas'. — was completed here 
 in November of last year at a cost of |i 17,000. This sewer i . ^'4 miles in length, 
 and has a diameter varying from 34 inches up to the enormous «... 3 of 7 feet in the 
 clear. This sewerage system covers both sides of the river. 
 Portland's pride is the excellent rapid-transit system covering all parts of the 
 city and the adjacent suburbs. A network of elec- 
 tric lines converging in the business center, spreads 
 out through the city and reaches points as far 
 distant as 15 miles. The equal distribution of 
 these lines could not have been better planned, for 
 there is not today a suburb or part of Portland 
 that is without street-car connection with the 
 city's business center. There are now 98 miles 
 of street railwa} in Portland and its suburbs. 
 This system i • operated by seven companies. 
 The most important inter-municipal railway system of Portland is that operated 
 by the City & Suburban Railway Company. This company has a capital sU^^^k of 
 |i, 000,000. It operates 53 miles of electric road. Starting from the corner of Third 
 and Yamhill streets, in the center of the city, ir diffeic ■!. points can be reached 
 by the cars of this system. Woodstock, Wavcrly, Richmond, Mt. Tabor, Mt. Tabor 
 Villa and intermediate points, are reached by the lines of this company crossing the 
 An Electric Street Car, Portland. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Willamette river via the Morrison-street bridge. Upper and Lower Albina, Irvington, 
 Holladay's Addition, and St. Johns are reached by i'le lines of the company crossing 
 the Willamette river over the steel railroad bridge. ni the west side of the river the 
 lines of the City & Suburban Railway Company reach to all parts of the city. The 
 lines of this company are operated principally by electricity, with connections for 
 Mt. Tabor and St. Johns by steam motor. 
 The East Side Railway Company operates 22 mile" of railway on the east side of 
 the Willamette river, getting into Portland over the Madison street bridge. Through 
 arrangement with the electric line on Second street, this company now runs its cars 
 into the central part of Portland. The company was incorporated in 1892, with a 
 capital of 1250,000. It runs 19 electric-motor cars, four trailers and one steam-motor 
 and coach. The Oregon City line of this company is 15 miles in length. It com- 
 mences at the west end of the Madison -street bridge and ends at Oregon City, within a 
 few feet of the picturesque falls of the Willamette river. Along this line are many 
 charming bits of scenery. The road winds 
 in and out of great prune and apple orchards, 
 and it runs through the suburban points of 
 Brooklyn, Sellwood, Milwaukie and Glad- 
 stone. From Gladstone a branch, one-half 
 mile in length, runs to the beautiful tract 
 of land called Gladstone Park. 
 Another line operated by the East .Side 
 Railway Company, extends to Mt. Tabor, 
 a solitary and picturescjne butte 3^4 miles 
 cast of the river. The summit of this butte 
 attains an elevation of about 700 feet. Clus- 
 tered around this hill are numerous gar- 
 dens, cottages and elegant residences. At 
 Mt. Tabor the electric line connects with a 
 steam-motor line, 3)^ miles in length, run- 
 ning to Mt. Scott. 
 Entrance, Riverview Cemetery, Portl»nd. 
 The Portland Consolidated Railway Company has a capital of $r, 000,000. It 
 operates 32 miles of electric railway and owns 79 finely finished cars. The Second- 
 street line, operated by this company, is 6 '2 miles in length. It runs to the southern 
 suburb of the city, terminating at Riverview cemetery, one of the finest burying 
 grounds in the United States. The Washington-street line of this company passes 
 the City park, from which it runs due north, finally climbing Willamette Heights, 
 from which a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings is obtained. Branch 
 lines leave tlic Washington -street line at Thirteenth and .Sixteenth streets. On the 
 cast side of the river this company operates a line to Vancouver, seven miles in 
 length. This road was formerly operated as a steam-motor line, but it was electrified 
 on June 23d iast. The road reaches to the south bank of the Columbia river, opposite 
 Vancouver. Here connection is made for Vancouver by a steam ferry. In Van- 
 couver, which is really a suburb of Portland, the company operates lines of road 
 running to Fort Vancouver and to the driving park on Vancouver Heights. Before 
 the Columbia river is reached the electric line passes through several of Portland's 
 most attractive suburbs. The principal of these suburbs are Highland, Cloverdale, 
Portland, Oregon. 
 Piedmont and Woodlawn. From Cloverdale a track branches off from the main line 
 running through Highland and Irviugton Park. 
 The Karnes Heights and Cornell Mountain Railway is three miles in length It 
 is an electric line, and runs from the head of Washingto!i street to Mountain Park, 
 a suburb located on the high lands back of the citj-. It io the intention of the 
 owners of thi^ ruad to extend it to Hillsboro, iS miles distant from Portland, in the 
 near future. 
 The City & West Portland Park Motor Company was incorporeted in April, 1889, 
 with a capital of 5 100.000. This company operates a motor Tne seven miles in 
 length, running from Hamilton street, in South Portland, through the attractive 
 additions of Bertha, Hillsdale and South Portland Park, to the beautiful tract of 
 land known as West Portland Park. This lies on the uplands back of Oswe^^o. This 
 line is equipped with two steam-motors, two coaches and 1 1 freight cars. The total 
 cost of construction and equipping this road was $150,000. 
 The Portland Cable Railway Company operates seven miles of cable road. The 
 main line extends from the Union passenger depot, at the foot of ."ifth street, to a 
 high elevation in the southern part of the city known os Portland Heights. From 
 Fourteenth street a track branches off running to the City park and the baseball 
 grounds. A short spur also runs down Alder street to Front, connecting with the 
 main line at Fifth. 
 Holladay'.s Addition. — Perhaps the most favored location by nature for t'le 
 erection of fine residences in Portland is in what is kncvvn as HoUaday's Addition. 
 The tract of land thus designated embraces about 400 acres, which lies on the east 
 ., |»"""SiP'"--'l 
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 side of the Willamette river, opposite the best business part of the city. Iv is within 
 easy reach of all parts of Portland by means of the principal lines of electric rail- 
 ways, and direct access to the west side of the river is had jver the Railroad, Bum- 
 side, Morrison and Madison-street bridges. The property is all high and sightly, 
 the slope back from the river being a gradual and easy rise, and all parts of the Addi- 
 I Mi 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 tion command the best views of Portland and the surrounding country of any dis- 
 trict in the city. That portion of this desirable property which lies nearest to the 
 water front will become valuable for business purposes. 
 The owners of this property have inaugurated a system of improvements which, 
 with a wise policy in handling the property, has made this the most desirable resi- 
 dence portion of the city. These improvements consist of street work, including 
 grading, sewerage and paving, the laying of sidewalks, and supplying lights and wate/. 
 The residents of this part of Portland enjoy all the conveniences afforded any of 
 the best residence centers of the large cities of the continent, and many of the best 
 known people of Portland have homes here. 
 HoUaday's Addition, under the management of its owners, has not been allowed 
 to become the site of cheap or unattractive private dwellings. All deeds to prop- 
 erty in a special part of the Addition reserved for residences contain a building 
 clause which prevents the erection of any building except private dwellings. The 
 company which owns and controls that portion of the property which is still unsold 
 offers speciil inducements to purchasers who wish to build homes. In the reserve 
 district referred to above, in or- 
 der to insure the erection of 
 the finest class of residences, 
 the company offers a rebate on 
 the purchase price to those who 
 will build good houses. The 
 result has been to make Holla- 
 day's Addition the site of hand- 
 some residences, some of them 
 palatial in size and appoint- 
 ments, and all of these houses 
 are surrounded by well-kept 
 lawns and flower beds. This 
 part of Portland may be truly 
 said to be the home of the 
 wealthy, the cultivated, and the 
 better classes of Portland's peo- 
 ple. While the prices of prop- 
 erty in the Addition, consid- 
 ering the advantages of proximity to the business district, means of rapid transit, 
 location, etc., are not high, the figures which the owners early placed on the lots 
 were large enough to insure the building of homes here only of the better classes. 
 The erection of the many fine homes which the Addition now contains has resulted 
 in a regular appreciation of values here, and there is an absolute assurance that prop- 
 erty will make the same rapid rise in value in the future that it has in the past. 
 As before stated, HoUaday's Addition affords every advantage to those who desire 
 a good home among attractive surroundings and in a good neighborhood. The Addi- 
 tion is well lighted by gas and electricity ; imder the city water system an ample 
 supply of pure water is supplied for domestic and other purposes, and an efficient 
 system of sewerage has been constructed. The location of HoUaday's Addition 
 alone is sufficient to cause the property to rise steadily in value in the future. With 
 the solid business district of the city just across the river, barely half a mile distant 
 to the west, with the great railroad shops and thickly settled part of Portland known 
Portland, Oregon. 
 as Albina touching the addition on the north, and with the old-established business 
 and residence sections included in the former municipal limits of East Portland on 
 the south, it is patent that this property must partake of all the advancement which 
 is made in Portland as a whole. 
 Holladay's Addition property is sold by the owners, the Oregon Real Estate Com- 
 pany, which has offices at No. 203 Morrison street, Portland. The company's offices 
 are open at all times for the reception of the general public. Those desiring infor- 
 mation about the Addition, and in regard to terms, prices, etc., can, by inquiry 
 by mail or otherwise of the Oregon Real Estate Company, No. 203 Morrison street, 
 Portland, Oregon, receive a prompt answer, and a fine birdseye view of Holladay's 
 Addition and the city of Portland. 
 The Hotel Perkins.— The Hotel Perkins occupies a Ifel. 
 central position, on the corner of Fifth and Washington 
 streets. The Washington -street electric line and the cable 
 line pass the door. These lines afford 
 easy means of reaching any part of 
 Portland, and the cable line connects 
 direct with the Union depot. The 
 Hotel Perkins is now under the pro- 
 prietorship of R. S. Perkins. Large, 
 well lighted and perfectly heated and 
 ventilated rooms have established an 
 enviable reputation for the Perkins 
 with the traveling public. The Per- 
 kins receives extensive patronage 
 from the stockmen, and the names 
 of the leading stockraisers of Oregon, 
 Washington and Idaho, who visit 
 Portland, are usually found on the ho- 
 tel register. A well conducted restau- 
 rant and a bar stocked with the finest liquors are features of this well conducted house. 
 The Perkins Restaurant. — The veteran Portland restaurateur, Mr. D. H. 
 Simmons, whose skill as a caterer is appreciated by epicures, conducts the Perkins 
 restaurant. He numbers among his patrons many Portland business men who have 
 dined with him for years. Meals are serve'l at all 
 hours at the Perkins restaurant, for from 25 cents up. 
 The HolTon House. — The popular Portland 
 hostelry so long known as The Holton House is 
 located on the corner of Fourth and Alder streets, 
 and is the point of departure and arrival of trains 
 on the West Side Division of the Southern Pacific. 
 The present proprietors of this well conducted 
 house are Messrs. J. R. Marklej', R. R. Hays and 
 M. D. Roche, the latter gentleman being the act- 
 ing manager. All of these gentlemen are well 
 known to the traveling public of the coast, and 
 they have hosts of friends among the large num- 
 ber of people they have so long helped to entertain. 
 Hotel Perkins, Portland. 
 The holton House, Portland. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 New Qr«nd Central Hotel, Pohtland. 
 The Holton House occupies a substantial brick structure and contains 75 rooms, 
 all of which have recently been newly and handsomely furnished. All modem 
 improvements are found here for the comfort of guests. Traveling men have always 
 received special attention at the Holton, and the large patronage they have always 
 accorded the house attests their hearty appreciation of its merits. During the politi- 
 cal campaigns, the Holton is the headquarters for the leading politicians of all 
 parties. An elegant bar and billiard room, as well as a perfectly arranged barber 
 shop, are connected with the house for the accommodation of guests. 
 The New Grand Central. — This hotel occupies the 
 tS i^ handsome five-story pressed-brick and stone building located 
 on the corner of Third and Flanders streets. It was erected by 
 Henry Weiuhard in 1892, at a cost of $105,000. The furnish- 
 ings of the house cost an additional $20,000, 
 It is convenient to the Union depot and all 
 the steamboat docks of the city and is on the 
 direct line of the City & Suburban electric 
 The New Grand Central contains 142 hand- 
 somely furnished rooms, a well furnished office, 
 an attractive dining room, bar and barber shop, 
 electric lights and elevator. Artesian water 
 and steam heat are supplied throughout the 
 house. Under the management of those popu- 
 lar and well-known caterers, Messrs, Edwards, 
 Weiner & Clark, formerly of the Quimby House, 
 the New Grand Central is enjoying a large local patronage, and it is justly popular 
 with the traveling public from all parts of the world. It is the only first-class house 
 west of Chicago conducted at popular rates of from $1 to $2 a day. 
 " The Curtis." — No private boarding house in Portland occupies a higher place 
 in public esteem than " The Curtis," located on the corner of Twelfth and Morrison 
 streets. " The Curtis " has all the external appearance of a handsome private resi- 
 dence, but its facilities for the accommodation of guests are equal to any of the 
 leading hotels. So great a popularity does "The 
 Curtis " enjoy that during 1893 it was found neces- 
 sary to add an extensive 
 wing to the main build- 
 ing to accommodate the 
 patrons of the house. No 
 expense is spared by Mrs. 
 Curtis in engaging skill- 
 ful cooks and trained 
 house servants. The table 
 of" The Curtis" is noted 
 for its menus and the ser- 
 vice of the entire house 
 is unsurpassed. All the 
 comforts of home can be 
 found in the handsome the Curtis," Portland. 
 suites of this well conducted family house. 
 photo, by towne. 
 Portland, Oregon. 
 " The CoivONiAL." — This handsome private boarding house is located 
 Tenth street, between Morrison and Yamhill. The building occupied by 
 Colonial " was erected by Hon. H. 
 W. Corbett for Mrs. Wisner, the ™°™- '" '°*~'; 
 present proprietress. Under her 
 management the house has at- 
 tained a reputation as a home for 
 families desirous of escaping the 
 worries of housekeeping, and who 
 want more privacy than is afforded 
 in hotel life. 
 "The Colonial" is centrally 
 located in the most attractive part 
 of Portland. Its handsome apart- 
 ments, both single and en suite, 
 contain all modern appointments, 
 and the house is elegantly fur- 
 nished throughout. Mrs. Wisner 
 takes a special pride in her table. 
 She employs the best cooks and 
 keeps her table service up to the 
 highest standard of excellence. A few apartments are reserved at " The Col 
 for the accommodation of tourists visiting Portland, who will find here one 
 best conducted family houses on the coast. 
 at 165 
 « ."-1 
 The Colonial," Portland. 
 onial " 
 of the 
 l!f I ! 
 : .'X 
 The Cosmopolitan. — Well appointed restaurants where choice viands are 
 served, play an important part in metro- 
 politan existence. The Cosmopolitan res- 
 taurant at 270^^ and 272 Stark street, op- 
 posite the Chamber of Commerce build- 
 ing, stands high n.mong the restaurants 
 of Portland. All the delicacies of the 
 market are included in the menu of t.'ie 
 Cosmopolitan. These are rendered ap- 
 petizing by the exercise of the highest 
 culinarv skill and served to nacrons on 
 short notice, A fine merchant's lunch is 
 served at the Cosmopolitan during the 
 noon hours for 25 cents, and a choice 
 French dinner with wine and cognac is 
 served daily, between 4 and 8 p. M., for 
 50 cents. Monsieur George E. Combe, 
 a distinguished chef de cuisine, presides, 
 over the kitchen and attends to the ca- 
 tering department, while Monsieur J. M.. 
 Gorlier looks after the dining rooms and 
 sees that the patrons receive prompt 
 and careful attention. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Hesperian, '■ Portland. 
 ' 'The Hesperian." — ' 'The Hesperian," located at No. 533 Morrison street.corner 
 of Seventeenth, conducted by Mrs. L. E. Slat- 
 ten, is classed among the "exclusive" boarding 
 houses of the city. It occupies an eminence 
 overlc oking the city within easy communicat- 
 ing distance of all parts of Portland which are 
 reached by the electric and cable-car lines. 
 "The Hesperian" affords a healthful and con- 
 veniently located home for its guests. Patrons 
 of this house are loud in their praises of Mrs. 
 Slatten, who spares no effort to cater to their 
 every want. The culinary department of "The 
 Hesperian" is carefully looked after and the 
 table is supplied with all the delicacies of the changing seasons. A comfortable 
 and elegant home without housekeeping worries, is what the guests of ' ' The Hes- 
 perian " enjoy at all times. 
 HoTEiv ZuR Pheinpfai,z. — This popu- 
 lar four-story brick family hotel is under 
 the management of John Matthicsen. It 
 is located at the corner of Front and Madi- 
 son streets. The hotel contains 115 rooms, well 
 furnished for family or transient trade. While 
 the service at this populai house is good, the 
 rates are on a most reasonable basis. Perma- 
 nent guests are charged but ^4.503 week, while 
 the transient rates are 80 cents a day. Mr. 
 Matthiesen is very popular with the German 
 population and his house is considered the lead- 
 ing Deutches Gasthaus of the city and receives 
 the patronage of most of the Germans who visit 
 The Zur Rheinpfalz is the headquarters of 'he Bakers' Union, an important trade 
 organization. Clean rooms and an excellent family table are the features of the Zur 
 The Portland Clay Com- 
 pany. — The Portland Clay 
 Company was incorporated in 
 1892, with E. B. McFarland as 
 president ; F. L. Litherland, 
 vice-president and manager ; 
 O. F'. Paxton, secretary and J. 
 L. Hartman, treasurer. The 
 yard and plant of the company 
 are located at Fulton Park, a 
 suburb of Portland. The ex- 
 cellent quality of clay found 
 here furnishes the best material 
 for making paving brick and 
 fi r e - proofing manufactured. 
 HOTEL Zur Rheinpfalz, Portland. 
 Portland Clay Co'S works, Fulton Park 
 Portland, Oregon. 
 Multnomah Box Factory, Portland. 
 The paving bricks of this company have a resisting strength of 140,000 pounds to 
 the brick. They were ordered by the Oregon City council for paving the streets of 
 that city. The fire-brick and fire-proofing made by the Portland Clay Compan r 
 were used in constructing the Chamber of Commerce, the Wells-Steinbach and the 
 Dekum buildings, of Portland. The resisting power of the hollow tile fire-proofing 
 used in the Chamber of Commerce building, and made by this company, is Sou 
 pounds to the square foot, in seven inch tiics with seven feet span. 
 The MLvrNOMAH Box Com- 
 pany. — The Multnomah Box Com- 
 pany was established in Portland by 
 S. E. VVrenn in 1885, and incorpor- 
 ated as a stock company in 1890, with 
 S. E. Wrenn as president and man- 
 ager. The conipaiiy's factory is loca- 
 ted at the foot of Harrison street. 
 This company manufactures a high 
 grade of trurtks raid all varieties of 
 packing boxt^,, 1" o.n the lightest fruit 
 box to the heaviest dry goods case. 
 These are made principally from Ore- 
 gon spruce lumber. Shipments are 
 made by the company to all parts 
 of the coast, including California, 
 Alaska and points east of the Cascades in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. The 
 output of the company is constantly increasing. This is due to the high reputation 
 which the output of the company justly enjoys with the trade and the liberal 
 methods which the management has always pursued in pushing its business. 
 Sellvvood Brewery. — The vSellwood 
 Brewery was built by the present proprietor, 
 John G. Wilhclm, in 18H9. Although small, 
 the brewing plant is a complete one, and is 
 supplied with the most modern machinery. 
 The ice plant used was manufactured by 
 the Oakland Iron Works, of California. Mr. 
 Wilhelm manufactures sufficient ice here 
 not only to meet his own demands, but 
 J also to supply the saloons of Sellwood and 
 a considerable family trade. The capacity 
 of the brewing plant is eight barrels of beer 
 and porter a day. The water used in the brewery is taken from an artesian well on 
 the premises. This well is 200 feet deep, and the water is drawn from it by one 
 of the celebrated Cook deep-well pumps. The cellar under the brewery is 25 x 50 
 feet in size, and is well supplied with storage vats. 
 The popularity of the " Half-and-Half " made here has reached Portland, and 
 this product has attained such a reputation that Mr. Wilhelm has opened a Portland 
 depot at the ivladison-street Exchange, No. 252 First street, where orders are taken. 
 A large wagon is now regularly employed by Mr. Wilhelm in delivering his beer to 
 all parts of consolidated Portland. 
 WiLHELM's Brewery, Sellwood. 
 H ': 
 T/?e Oreii'oninn's Ha idbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Fui/roN Tannery. — The Fulton Tannery conducted bj- Weber Brothers is loca- 
 ted on the bank of the Willamette river in that part of consolidated Portland known 
 as I'ulton Park. The capital invested in the plant amounts to $20,000. Hides are 
 shipped to the Weber Brothers to the extent of 125 a week from all parts of Oregon 
 and Washington, and the calf skins and kip skins received at the tannery average 
 200 a month. These are tanned and turned into the finest harness and saddle leather 
 as fast as they are received, and shipped to points as far east as St. Paul, Minnesota, 
 and Bozeman, Montana. The oak and hemlock bark used in tanning cost the tan- 
 nery $4,ajo a year. The machinery of the plant is of the best makes. The average 
 annual business of the tannery amounts to $25,000. 
 RisSiNGER & Co. — The repre- 
 -sentalive Pacific coast hide and 
 wool establishment of Messrs. Bis- 
 singer & Co., of Portland, is the 
 outgrowth of the pioneer house of 
 Lewis, SI OSS & Co., which was es- 
 tablished in this city ' 186,5. This 
 latter house also had ii '■ee interests 
 in the Alaska Commercial Com- 
 pany in addition to their heavy 
 businessi at r ortland. Lewis, Sloss 
 & Co. retired from the hide branch 
 of their business in 18S1, and the 
 present house of Bissinger & Co. 
 was established by two of the em- 
 ployes of the old firm, Mes.srs. A. 
 Bissinger and Max Heilbrunncr. The latter gentleman slill holds the important 
 position of secretary of the Alaska Commercial Company. 
 Bissinger & Co. make their present headquarters in San Francisco, with an 
 important agency at Portland. The firm conducts other branch houses at The 
 Dalles. Spokane, Seattle, Victoria, B. C, and Salt Lake City. Their Portland branch 
 is located at the Pacilic dock on Front street. Hides, wool, furs and leathers are the 
 products handled by the firm. They operate a .sheep-skin tannery at Portland and 
 an upper-leather tannery at San Francisco. They handle, at the present time, two- 
 thirds of all the hides and pelta produced by the two states of Oregon and Washing- 
 ton, and they sliip these prodiicts to all parts of the world. The firm is largel\' intcr- 
 v.sted in the Union Meat Company, of PortlanrI, and the Pacific Meat Company, of 
 Tacoma and Seattle. The present firm of Bissinger & Co. i i composed of A. Bissin- 
 ger, .Max Heilbrunncr, I. Bissinger, S. Bissinger and J. Heilbrunncr. 
 Walter a. Wood HarvicsTSR Co. This company is the outcome of the old 
 Minneapolis Harvester Works, with a complete new manufacturing plant, with 
 greaily increased facilities, and named after one of the most distinguished of Ameri- 
 ca's inventors. The Walter A. Wood Harvester Co. is now in a position to fill its 
 innnensc orders for harvesting implements from all parts of America. The new 
 company niauufactuie all the ma hines us made by the (original Hoosick Falls Co»m- 
 pauy, and in addition the celebrated Minneapolis binder. The " Minnie " has been 
 taken up on account, of its special suitability as a binder for Western n.se. While 
 certain manufacturers have been making their binders smaller each successive season. 
Portland, Oregon. 
 The Minnie" HARVEsreR. 
 The Pacific coast office 
 until the machines have been brought into too contracted a condition for the broad- 
 gauge style of Western farming, the generous proportions of the "Minnie" have 
 been kept intact. It retains the big wheels, 
 big reel, big rollers, big gear, big elevator, 
 trussed main frame and strong self-relieving 
 packers. Farmers, especially tinoughout 
 Oregon, Washington, California and Idaho, 
 appreciate the merits of the " Minnie," 
 and recognize its special adaptability for this 
 farming section, and will be pleased to 
 know that "Minnie" is now made by the 
 Walter A. Wood Harvester Co., with the 
 same care and fidelity always bestowed on 
 machines bearing the mark of " Walter A. Wood." 
 warehouse is located at No. 290 East Water street, Portland, Oregon, near 
 eastern approach to the Madison -street bridge. 
 Thiei/S Detective Service. — This well-known agency, with its general offices 
 at St. Ivoais, Missouri, and branch'..'S at New York, Chicago, St. Paul, Kansas City, 
 Denver and Portland, is one of the strongest associations in the United States for 
 the detection of crime Portland has cause for congratulation that such an efficient 
 service is placed aL the disposal of her citizens. Bankers, merchants, professional 
 men, insm-ance companies, all unite in saying that for the prevention of frauds and 
 the detection and arrest of criminals, even where they have escaped beyond the 
 limits of the state, Portland is indebted to Thiel's detective service. The general 
 offices for the Northwest are located on the third floor, in the Chamber of Commerce 
 building, in this city. The entire .system of the agency here is managed by W. St. 
 M. Barnes, who unites with a suavity of manner, a shrewdness and keen insight 
 into the probable action of fugitives from justice, which has led to many remarka- 
 ble captures. 
 Portland Ensor In.stitute and Hcspital. — The world frowns today on 
 tuose who are guilty of exces.ses in the use of liquor or othe- stimulants, where these 
 habits might have been smiled at a genera- 
 tioii ago. 
 vSeveral remedies were early discovered 
 for the cure of drunkenness, but these were 
 mineral in their nature and their use was 
 fraught with the objection which is open 
 to the introduction of any mineral into the 
 human system. It remained for Dr. T. 
 H, I<;nsor to discover a remedy for the cure 
 of drunkenness and the morphine habit 
 which is purely vegetable, a.id which ac- 
 complishes all, if not more than was ever 
 claimed for the mineral cures. 
 Having fully .satisfied themselves of the 
 efficacy of the cure, a syndicate of repu- 
 table citizens of Portland, last year, established tne Ensor Institute and Hu.>5pital in 
 this city. The institute is located on the corner of Twelfth and Main streets, in the 
 ENSon Institute, Portland 
 i u 
 I ! 
 S ' 
 The Oregonian's Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest, 
 large and well arranged buildings so long occupied by St. Helen's Hall. This build- 
 ing was put in condition for -he treatment of patients at a great expense, A good 
 home is thus furnished for th jse who take treatment at this institution. Dr. W. F. 
 Kremer, a well-known physician, is in charge of the institute. The Ensor Institute 
 guarantees to cure liquor cases without causing the least interruption with the usual 
 business of the patient, and the morphine habit is permanently cured without pain 
 to the victim. Those sufFerin ^j from an insatiable appetite for either alcohol, mor- 
 phine or tobacco should correspond with the Ensor Institute of Portland, and receive 
 satisfactory assurances that their disease is susceptible of an easy and permanent 
 The IrfOUVRE. — Among Portland's places of amusement there is no resort which 
 enjoys so high a reputation in its line as the Louvre, located on Fourth street, 
 between Washington and Alder. To all 
 intents and purposes The Louvre takes 
 the place of a well equipped club, with 
 advantages not possessed by the latter 
 institution. Fine meals are served here 
 during the day, at a reasonable price, and 
 the best of spirituous and malt liquors 
 and cigars are dispensed to patrons at 
 the bar, or at private tables. Leading 
 magazines and periodicals are kept on 
 file at the Louvre for the accommodation 
 of guests. 
 In the evening, at this popular resort, 
 first-class concerts are given, free of 
 charge, for the benefit of patrons who 
 may be desirous of passing a few hours of pleasant relaxation. These concerts are 
 varied occasionally by entertainments of a high order. The Louvre is conducted 
 as a pleasure resort, which enjoys a high reputation, and it is well worthy of the 
 large patronage it receives. 
 Two Representative Portland Markets. — The Franklin Market, Nos. 105 
 and 107 Third street, between Washington and Stark (telephone No. 1017), and the 
 Oregon Market, corner First and Madison streets (telephone No. 296), enjoy an envi- 
 able reputation. The Burckhardt Brothers, proprietors, are experts in selecting 
 high-grade meats and in perfecting them by their cold-storage process of handling 
 meats. The choice.st cuts of beef, veal, pork and mutton are found at these markets. 
 The sausage factory conducted by the firm is the best equipped in the Northwest. 
 The Burckhardt Brothers supply meats to hotels, restaurants, and make a specialty 
 of family trade. No order is received by this firm that is too small for the most care- 
 ful attention. 
 A Great Boon to Supperers. — While the climate of Portland will stand com- 
 parison with that of any American city, it is indisputal)le that the moisture-laden 
 clouds and the continued rain which prevail here during the winter months are con- 
 ducive to rheumatism, kidney troubles and cognate aflflictions. Against these the 
 famous Oeneva mineral water is an unfailing specific , and it is cordially recommende<l 
 by the Portland medical faculty. Among many citizens who cheerfully testify to its 
 curative powers may lie mentioned C. H. Lewis, Hon. Cyrusi Dolph, Sheriff Kelly, 
 The Louvre. Portland. 
 ^ r_ 
 o its 
 Oregon City, Oregon. 
 W. S. Newbury, ex-mayor of Portland, and C. K. Harbaugh. The Portland depot 
 for Geneva mineral water is at 207 Morrison street, where all are invited to call and 
 test the water free of charge. The Seattle oflSce of the company is at the comer of 
 Second and Madison streets. 
 RoHSE's Park. — This well-known summer plf;asure resort is located on the 
 White House road, Portland's great pleasure drive. The park covers an area of 
 about four acres and has been arranged for the comfort and amusement of patrons. 
 A large dancing pavilion and band stand occupy the center of the grounds, and chairs, 
 tables and vine-covered grottoes are scattered throughout the park for those who find 
 their pleasure in sipping their beer while listening to the music and watching the 
 merry dance. Part of the grounds have been laid out for games and are used by the 
 Turners' society for their exercises. Frequent dances are given at Rohse's park dur- 
 ing the summer, at which only leading orchestras are engaged. Imported wines, 
 liquors and cigars and light refreshmeuts are served here. 
 Oregfon City, Oregon. — Oregon City, the seat of justice of Clackamas 
 county, and one of the most important manufacturing centers west of the Rockv 
 Mountains, is situated 12 miles south of Port- 
 land, in the beautiful and fertile valley of the 
 Willamette river. The historical traditions 
 and legendary lore concerning Oregon City, 
 and its picturesque location at the mighty falls 
 ' ." the Willamette, make it one of the most in- 
 teresting spots in the Pacific Northwest. It is 
 visited annually by thousands of tourists, and 
 it is one of the most promising fields for the 
 profitable investment of capital in the North- 
 f" -.itii.. 
 Fails Of Willamette River, Oregon City. 
 I<ong before the first intrepidpioneers journeyed across the plains to seek homes 
 in Oregon a little settlement had sprung up at the Willamette falls. In 1829, Dr. 
 John McLoughlin, the chief factor of the Hudson's Bay Company west of the Rocky 
 Mountains, appropriated a tract of land where Oregon City now stands. He pos- 
 sessed absolute power over a vast domain, but his inherent sense of ju.stice and 
 sterling integrity won for him the friendship of 
 the early pioneers. The first American immi- 
 gration to the Willamette valley arrived in 
 Oregon City in 1842. One of the number, 
 S. W. Moss, was engaged by Dr. Mcl^oughlin 
 to plat the townsite. This work was accom- 
 plished with the aid of a rope and a pocket 
 compass. For some years Oregon City was the 
 capital of the territory. The territorial legisla- 
 ture met in a primitive state house of split logs, 
 with slab seats for the members. 
 Invents were constantly occurring that kept 
 the village here in a ferment of excitement. 
 At short intervals the Indians of the territory commenced hostilities against 
 the invading whites. The armies that were sent to chastise the savages were 
 A NEAR View, Willamette Falls, Oreqon City. 
 \i :h: 
 f I 
) . t. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 raised at Oregon City. It was in this city 
 Under Willamette Falls, Oheoon Citv. 
 that the first Protestant church 
 on the Pacific slope of either 
 of the Americas was built, in 1843. 
 This quaint old Methodist church 
 and its parsonage are still vStand- 
 ing in the business center of the 
 city, their moss-covered and 
 weather-worn roofs being shad- 
 owed by the first apple tree planted 
 in Oregon. 
 The present importance and 
 prosperity of Oregon City, and its 
 future development, depend largely 
 upon the utilization of one of the 
 greatest water powers in the United 
 Willamette River Suspension Bridge, Oregon City. 
 It is at this point that the navigable Willamette river after flowing through a 
 beautiful valley famous for the fertility of its soil and its great naiural resources, 
 pours its great volume of water over a ledge of basaltic rock, making a vertical 
 drop of 42 feet. This is the greatest water power in the world at tide water, and the 
 greatest constant and entirely available one in the United States. It is estimated 
 by hydraulic engineers that 
 at the lowest stage of the 
 water in the dry season, the 
 power of the Willamette river 
 at the falls is from 60,000 to 
 80,000 horse power. It is 
 now impossible to accurately 
 measure the power exerted. 
 It is believed, however, that 
 when the improvements now being made are completed the falls will have an 
 available force of ick),ock) horse power at extreme low water. The magnitude ol 
 the falls can be appreciated when it is knov/n that the whole body of a great navi- 
 gable river flows over a solid rock dam here having a natural spillwav of 3,000 feet. 
 Nearly all this immense force can be utilized. On both sides of the river 
 below the falls art- 
 solid rock forma- 
 tions suitable in 
 every respect as 
 .sites for large and 
 substantial manu- 
 facturing plants. 
 There is am])lr 
 room here for mills 
 and stations to us< 
 the entire available 
 Factories at OncooN City. 
 is now 
 in the 
 This st£ 
 short Iv 
Oregon City, Oregon. 
 THt BASIN, Oregon City. 
 On the east side of the 
 river are the extensive 
 plants of The Imperial 
 Flouring Mills, the Ore- 
 gon City Manufacturing 
 Co., Smith & Lovett's ice 
 plant and the station of 
 the Portland General 
 Electric Company. Ex- 
 tending below the falls 
 on this side is a oasin 600 
 feet in length, its entire 
 length furnishing admir- 
 able sites for mills and factories. On the opposite side of the stream, at the end of the 
 circular rock dam, are the works of the Willamette Paper and Pulp Company, the 
 Crown Paper Company and the new 12,000 horse-power station of the Portland Gen- 
 eral Electric Company. These plants face on the 
 canal leading to the locks through which tlie falls 
 are overcome to navigation. The Portland General 
 Electric Company own the entire water power and 
 a large tract of land adjacent, and have planned 
 improvements to cost |2,ooo,ooo. One-half 
 of this sum is now being expended. The Com- 
 pany also own the locks and canal and oharge a 
 small toll for freight and passengers carried 
 through by boats. An important improvement 
 made by this company was the widening of the 
 canal from 40 to 120 feet, and the replacing of 
 the old woodeti wall of the canal by a solid 
 wall of masonry four feet wide at the top with 
 a batter of one to five, and 34 feet high in places. 
 This greatly increases the volume of water carried 
 in the canal, facilitating both navigation and manu- 
 facturing, and allowing the largest river craft to pass each other in opposite directions. 
 At the edge of this canal the company 
 is now 1)uilding a monster electric-power 
 station, which will be the greatest station 
 in the world for the generation and trans- 
 mission of electricity by water power. 
 This station will start with a maximum 
 capacity of 6,000 horse power, which will be 
 shortly afterward increased to 1 2 ,000. Nearly 
 all of this power will be transmitted to Port- 
 land, where it will be utilized for almost 
 every purpose re(|uiring motive force. The.; 
 cost per horse power of electric power is 
 much less than that of steam, and its cheap- 
 ness is a most important factor in the eco- 
 nomical running of all kinds of machinery. 
 Court Hou.e, Oregon Citv. 
 ' f 
 Public School, Oregon City. 
 '!'!' i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 , ••■',• ^&f. 
 wSi^ J 
 IT--: . . 
 %\ ■ 
 " ■ ^. ';' 
 Oregon City Woolen Mills. 
 As Portland grow^ and develops, so 
 will Oregon City. Tb nr interests are 
 identical. Portland is the great distrib- 
 uting and jobbing center of the Pacific 
 Northwest. The output of the mills and 
 factories of Oregon City is carried to 
 Portia d and from there it is shipped to 
 the retailers and jobbers throughout the 
 country. This trade and output will in 
 the future show the same ratio of in- 
 crease as the population of the Pacific 
 Northwest. There are today a great 
 many articles consumed in this sec- 
 tion which come from the East. It is but 
 a question of a year or two when much of 
 this stuff will be manufactured at Oregon City, at a cost less than it can be produced 
 for in the East. An advantage the power here has over theirs is that the river is 
 navigable directly up to the spillway of the falls, thus allowing steamboats and 
 barges to deliver and receive material and products directly from the factories and 
 Since the first crude attempt to utilize 
 motive power in manufacturing, water 
 power has remained the cheapest and 
 most serviceable force employed. When 
 a water power of great volume is situated 
 in close proximitj' to a metropolitan cen- 
 ter of population, and in the midst of a 
 country rich in raw materials, it is but 
 a question of time when its entire avail- 
 able force will be utilized for manufac- 
 The Gre«t Pulp Mills at Oregon Citv. 
 Residence, p f. Mohey, Oheoon City. 
 turing purposes. This is illustrated at St. 
 Anthony falls, Minneapolis, where the en- 
 tire available force of 2(i,cx3o horse power is 
 used in the operation of flouring and saw 
 mills. There are at the Willamette falls no 
 rapids or dangerous currents, and no con- 
 ditions that ever interfere with the steady 
 application of the power. In the winter 
 there is no floating ice, freezing or anchor 
 ice. Since the fir.st utilization of the power 
 in 1865, nothing has occurred to stop the 
 running of the woolen mills established in 
 that year. 
 Oregon City, its factories and mills, 
 have unexcelled rail and water transporta- 
 tion facilities. The city is a station on 
 the Southern Pacific railroad. A line of 
 steamboats is operated from this point to 
 Portland and down the Willamette valley 
 a distan 
 gives it 
 and the 
 car faci 
 Main sti 
 land. C 
 owned 1: 
 most atti 
 about a 
 It covers 
 Mrs. S. I 
 lies on tl 
 an elect] 
 bridge, i 
 town of 
 site of ty 
 project is 
 will ever 
 control, t 
 free suspe 
 river, had 
 summit 01 
 the resid{ 
 streets, li^ 
 mer moutl 
 On th( 
 of the elec 
 orchards a 
Oregon City, Oregon. 
 Charman Block, Oregon City. 
 a distance of loo miles. The close proximity of Oregon City to Portland practically 
 gives it all the transportation facilities possessed by that city. Thus it has the 
 advantages accruing from three transcontinental railroads 
 and the large fleet of steamers and sailing craft that ply 
 between Portland and the ports of the Pacific and Atlantic 
 oceans. Doubtless no other city of this size has the street- 
 car facilities possessed by Oregon City. The East Side 
 Railway Company operate a line from the south end of 
 Main street, the principal business thoroughfare, to Port- 
 land. Cars run on this line every hour. A branch line 
 owned by the company runs to Gladstone, Oregon City's 
 most attractive suburb. This beautiful tract of land is pic- 
 turesquely situated on the banks of the Clackamas river, 
 about a mile distant from the business center of the city. 
 It covers an area of 60 acres and was platted by its owner, 
 Mrs. S. M. McCown. It is dotted with neat cottages, and 
 lies on the west side of the electric line. 
 The Willamette Railway Company have recently built 
 an electric line from the west end of the suspension 
 bridge, at Oregon City, south to the new manufacturing 
 town of Willamette Falls, situated at the confluence of the 
 Tualatin and Willamette rivers, a distance of three miles from Oregon City. The 
 site of this new suburb is an admirable one, both for factories and residences. A 
 project is now under way to build a belt line from Main street to the highlands and 
 residence district. It is also believed that the Portland General Electric Company 
 will eventually extend the line of the Willamette Railway Company, which they 
 control, to Portland. 
 Oregon City is built on both sides of the Willamette river and is connected by a 
 free suspension bridge. The business district of the city lies on the east bank of the 
 river, back of which is a moss-covered perpendicular bluff of basaltic rock, from the 
 summit of which a broad plateau stretches back inland. It is on this plateau that 
 the residence district is locatod. In this part of the city are broad macadamized 
 streets, lighted by electricit}-, and many elegant residences, surrounded by tastily 
 arranged lawns. Nearly every house is surrounded by fruit trees, and in the sum- 
 mer months by a bewildering profusion of flowers. 
 On the brow of the bluff is the imposing mansion of P. F. Moray, the president 
 of the electric company. From this bluff there is a beautiful view of diversified 
 landscape scenery. 
 North of the city, the Clackamas river is seen, tortuously winding in and out of 
 orchards and grain meadows until it is finally lost in the mighty Willamette. Imme- 
 diately below is the business 
 district throbbing with life and 
 activity. Beyond it the river 
 falls 42 feet into a basin 160 
 feet deep and sends its rainbow- 
 tinted spray 100 feet into the air. 
 Below the falls, on both sides of 
 the river, are great mills turn- 
 ing out millions of dollars 
 :ifSP^ ^vS'" ■ 
 1; m 
 \\ 1 : 
 ■:,il" ('• 
 A Glimpse of Gladstone near Oregon City. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 worth of prodt cts annually. These mammoth concerns and the other indus- 
 trial plants, including an excelsior factory, a brick yard, two sash and door factories 
 and iron works, are industries, which with its exceptional natural advantages, and 
 its favorable location, have resulted in Oregon City attracting a population of 5,300. 
 Unlike the citizens of many other cities, the people of Oregon City act as a unit in 
 everything tending to promote its welfare. This public spirit is evidenced by the 
 many substantial improvements that have been made in the city. In the past year 
 Main street was improved with vitrified brick at a cost of |4o,ooo. Along this street 
 are many substantial blocks, including the building occupied by the Commercial 
 Bank and the Bank of Oregon City. 'The Commercial Bank is conducted by Messrs. 
 C. D. and D. C. Latourette. The Bank of Oregon City is successfully run l)y Messrs. 
 Chas. and Ed. Caufield. Both of these financial institutions are conservatively man- 
 aged and they are on the strongest of financial footings. 
 Occupying a command- 
 ing site, near the head of 
 the street, is the Clackamas 
 County court house, a sub- 
 stantial stone edifice, situ- 
 ated in the center of a grassy 
 square. The city has an ad- 
 mirable public school system. 
 The High School, costing 
 $14,000, is a handson- » frame 
 structure, as is l so the 
 Seventh-street school which 
 cost 1 10, 000. Within a ra- 
 dius of one mile from the 
 court house there are seven 
 schools, four of which are 
 8UNSET Addition, Across Willamette River from Oregon City. 
 within the city limits. There 
 are 27 teachers employed in 
 these, and the total valuation of the school property is about $65,000. There are 
 also here a Catholic parochial school and a free kindergarten. Of churches, Oregon 
 City has 12. The city is thoroughly lighted by electricity generated in the 3,000 
 horse-power plant of the Portland General Electric Company. This electricity is 
 also used in operating the East Side railway, as far as Milwaukie, and in lighting 
 the city of Portland. Among the other features of Oregon City is a splendid water- 
 works system, the pumping station of which is the largest in the state outside of Port- 
 land. In the business section is a sewerage system costing $11,600, and in the 
 residence district a separate system is now being built which will cost about $10,000. 
 The city has a two-story brick jail, built on hygienic and humanitarian principles, at. 
 a cost of $7,000. The fire department, an excellent and well-disciplined organiza- 
 tion, has three hose carriages and one hook and ladder truck. 
 All business of quasi-public nature relating to Oregon City is transacted through 
 the Board of Trade. Much of the prosperity and the improvements of the city are dui 
 to this organization. It includes in its membership nearly all the representative men 
 of the city. Any information about Oregon City and vicinity will be cheerfully fur 
 nished upon application to any officer or member of the Board. The officers aro 
Oregon City, Oregon. 
 e men 
 ly fur 
 rs arc 
 George C. Brownell, president; F. E. Donaldson, secretary; F. T. L. Chamian, 
 treasurer. Mr. Brownell, the president of the board, is one of the prominent mem- 
 bers of the Oregon bar. He was born, in 1858, in Essex county. New York. He 
 was admitted to the bar in his native state, and subsequent!}- practiced law in Kan- 
 sas. In 1890 he removed to Oregon City, where he at once became prominently 
 identified with every public movement. 
 The pioneer manufacturing enterprise of the falls is the woolen mill of the 
 Oregon City Manufacturing Company. The mill was established in 1865, and it is 
 now a 14-set mill, and the largest west of Ohio. It consumes annually over 1,000,000 
 pounds of wool, and pays to its operators $100,000 a year. The output of the mill 
 consists of blankets, cashmeres, flannels, tweeds, woolen underwear and hose, which 
 is largely .-'hipped to the East. The company also operates a soap factory which 
 turns out 100,000 pounds per month. On the edge of the canal on the opposite side 
 of the river from the woolen mills, is the extensive plant of the Willamette Pulp & 
 Paper Company, a corpora- 
 tion with a capital of $600,- 
 000. This concern leases 2,600 
 horse power, and has a daily 
 capacity of 20 tons of pulp 
 in one mill by mechanical 
 process and 10 tons in a sul- 
 phite mill by chemical pro- 
 cess. In addition to this is a 
 mammoth paper mill ca- 
 pable of turning out 20 tons 
 of all kinds of paper. The 
 requirements of this com- 
 pany alone, for the making 
 of pulp and paper, outside of 
 its water power, are some 
 60,000,000 gallons of water 
 per day.or fully five times the 
 quantity consumed by the city of Portland. Adjoining this plant is the Crown Paper 
 Company's mill, erected at a cost of about $200,000. They have a daily capacity of 
 seven tons of wrapping paper of the various grades, and iti addition a large output 
 of straw and binders' board. Among the other industrial plants here are the two 
 large mills and niamtnoth elevator of the Portland Flouring Company. The mills 
 have a daily capacity of 900 bushels, and in the elevator a storage capacity of 200,000 
 bushels. The output of these mills is a staple article of commerce to the Orient and 
 at Liverpool. 
 Another enterprise here of considerable magnitude is the large artificial ice plant 
 owned by Messrs. Smith & Lovett. This is one of the most perfectly equipped ice 
 plants in the country, and owing to the cheapness of motive power it can manufac- 
 ture ice at almost what the fuel costs when steam is used. The plant cost over 
 $50,000, and has a daily capacity of 50 tons. The ice is made in cakes 10 feet long, 
 3 feet wide and 10 inches thick, which weigh from 1,300 to 1,800 pounds, and which 
 are nearly transparent. This ice is consumed in Portland, where it is in great 
 Oheoon's Mammoth world's Fair Salmon (fro2en and Shipped from Smith a Lovett's 
 Ice Works, Oregon City.) 
 I !■ 
 . 11 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Erected 1889. 
 3000-HORSE Power. 
 Station A, Portland general Electric Co., Oregon City. 
 The Portland Generai, Electric Company was organized August 5th, 
 1892, with a capitalization of 14,250,000, this corporation being a consolidation of the 
 Willamette Falls Electric Company and the Willamette Transportation & Locks 
 Company. At the time of organization it acquired all the property formerly owned 
 by the two last-named com- 
 panies. This property con- 
 sisted of all the electric light- 
 ing plants in Portland and 
 Oregon City, the entire water 
 power of the Willamette 
 river at Oregon City, the 
 locks of the Willamette river, 
 which were built it a cost of 
 about $600,000; _ JO acres of 
 land , having a water frontage 
 of four miles, above and be- 
 low the falls, at Oregon City, 
 and covering all available 
 building sites for manufac- 
 turing institutions, and many 
 other valuable assets. 
 The officers of the company are : P. F. Morey, president; H. M. Byllesby, first 
 vice-president; F. V. Holman, second vice-president ; Bank of British Columbia, 
 treasurer; Charles H. Caufield, secretary; H. C. Levis, assistant secretary; H. W. 
 Goode, general manager. Board of Directors: P. F. Morey, president; H. Failing, 
 president First National Bank, Portland; F. Dekum, president Commercial National 
 and Portland Savings Banks, Portland; T. Woodward, president United States 
 National Bank, Portland; C. A. Coffin, president General Electric Co.; H. M. 
 Byllesby, president Northwest General Electric Co.; F. V. Holman, counselor-at- 
 law; S. Farrell, commission merchant; W. K. Smith, capitalist; H. W. Goode, 
 general manager; C. H. Caufield, manager Bank of Oregon City. 
 The company is making large improvements on its property both at Oregon City 
 and Portland, the principal feature of which is the construction of a new 12,000 
 horse-power electric station on the west bank of the river at the falls. The head- 
 works and ground work of station walls, and flumes for 12,000 horse-power, will be 
 installed at once, with water wheels for 6,oco horse-power, and 3,000 horse-power of 
 electrical machinery. The balance of the water wheels and electrical machinery can 
 be added from time to time, as additional capacity is required. The building will 
 be constructed of concrete 
 and iron, and be absolutely 
 fire proof. It is expected that 
 this new plant will be in oper- 
 ation early in the year 1894. 
 The wheels in this station 
 will be Victor turbines, of a 
 vertical type, of 600 horse- 
 power capacity each, and on 
 top of each shaft will be coupled direct the armature of a 600 horse-power electric 
 generator. As soon as the new plant is completed, it is the intention of the com- 
 Front View, Headworks Station b, Portland General Electric Co., Oregon City. 
Woodburn, Oregon. 
 Rear View, heaoworks for Station S, 12,000 
 Horse Po*er, Portland Gen. Electric 
 Company, Oregon City. 
 pftny to extend its lighting business, and to also furnish electric power for stationary 
 and railway purposes. 
 The present plant of the 
 company, located on the east 
 bank of the river at the 
 falls, has been in operation 
 since the year 1890. This 
 plant, called Station A, has a 
 capacity of 3,000 horse power 
 in wucer wheels and electri- 
 cal machinery, and its entire 
 capacity is taken up in com- 
 mercial and city lighting at 
 Portland and Oregon City. 
 To transmit the electric- 
 ity between stations at the 
 falls and Portland , a distance 
 of 13 miles, overhead conduc- 
 tors are used and high-ten- 
 sion currents. The loss in 
 transmission on the arc cir- 
 cuits is about 10 per cent, and 
 on the incandescent circuits 
 about 20 per cent. It is ex- 
 pected, however, that from the new station the loss on incandescent circuits will 
 not exceed 10 per cent between Oregon City and Portland. 
 The company at present leases about 4,000 horse-power of direct water power to 
 mills and factories, located on both banks of the river, at Oregon City, and is pre- 
 pared to offer strong inducements to any first-class manufacturing concern desiring 
 a location. 
 Woodlmrn, Ort'gou. — Woodburn, Marion county, Oregon, is an incorporated 
 town of about 1,000 population. Most of this population has been gained during the 
 past five years. The town enjoys the best of railroad communication, being located 
 on the main line of the Southern Pacific, 35 miles south of Portland, and it is also 
 the northern terminus of the Wood burn-Springfield branch of the same road, a line 
 that taps the best part of Western Oregon. 
 The principal support of the town is the rich sur- 
 rounding farming section. A single flouring mill, with a 
 daily capacity of 140 barrels, is the only manufacturing 
 industry supported here. The raising of trees at this point 
 has developed into a business of considerable magnitude, 
 and Woodburn is frequently referred to as a "nursery town. ' ' 
 Nineteen tree-growing farms in the vicinity of Woodburn 
 now ship more than 2,000,000 trees annually to various 
 points on the coast. The largest of these nurseries contains 
 more than 200 acres, nearly all of which is devoted entirely 
 to fruit-tree culture. The establishment of the nurseries in the vicinity of Woodburn 
 has tended to a gradual appreciation in the prices of the rich farming lands adjacent, 
 Public School, woodburn. 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 and the valuations of good lands near the town are perhaps a little higher than as 
 good lands can be bought for in other parts of the valley. 
 Woodburn has a modern school building which was recently erected at a cost of 
 $10,000. It contains eight rooms, well lighted and ventilated. Only five of these 
 rooms are occupied at the present writing. Five teachers are employed in the public 
 school here, and the average daily number of pupils enrolled is about 250. Wood- 
 bum supports five church organizations, two Presbyterian, one Methodist, a United 
 Brethren and an order of the Seventh Day Adventists. 
 A bank on a strong financial footing is located at Woodburn, and all the different 
 lines of business are well represented here. T/ie Independent, a weekly paper, 
 furnishes the people of the town with news of a local interest. Two hotels and two 
 livery stables are located at this point. Woodburn, owing to its exceptional facilities 
 for shipping afforded by the railroads passing this point, will always be an important 
 town of the Willamette valley, and its growth in the future will, doubtless, be as 
 marked as has been noted here during the past few years. 
 Gei'vals, Oregon. — Gervais is a small town of about 400 population, located 
 on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad, 38 miles south of Portland and 14 
 miles north of Salem. The place enjoys considerable trade with the rich tributary 
 farming district. A roller flouring mill with a daily capacity of 50 barrels is located 
 here. The town supports one weekly newspaper, The Star. A city hall is main- 
 tained with a seating capacity of 400; two hotels furnish fair accommodations to the 
 traveling public, and one livery stable and a number of well stocked stores comprise 
 the mercantile interests of the place. 
 Gervais, in common with the other prosperous towns of the Willamette valley, 
 enjoys the benefits of good schools. Two schools are maintained here, the public 
 and the parochial. The average daily attendance at the public school is about 60, 
 while at the parochial school the enrollment for the past year was 75 scholars daily. 
 The latter school is in charge of the Benedictine Sisters. This school is conducted 
 in a large lo-room building originally intended for use as a convent, whose erection 
 involved an outlay of $5,000. Five teachers are employed in the parochial school, 
 while the public school is taught by two teachers. Three church organizations are 
 maintained at Gervais, the Presbyterian, Baptist and Catholic, and each of these 
 organizations is on a prosperous financial footing. 
 Salein, Oregon. — Salem, the second city of Oregon in population and com- 
 mercial importance, is one of the most attractive populated centers of the Pacific 
 coast. It is the state capital which insures its social status. It is the judicial seat 
 of Marion county, one of the richest counties of 
 Western Oregon, which makes it the principal 
 point of interest to the people of a very prosper- 
 ous section, and its location in the center of a val- 
 ley which, owing to its fertility and beautiful sur- 
 roundings, attracted the attention of the earliest 
 settlers within the borders of the present state of 
 Oregon, has held for Salem a trade that has made 
 the city one of the most important inland com- 
 mercial centers of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Salem was incorporated in 1857. In the 
 pioneer history of the state the city played 
 State C*pitol, Salem. 
Salem, Oregon. 
 Commercial Street, salem. 
 a most important part. Its selection as the state capital was but a fitting 
 acknowledgement of the many claims the city was enabled to advance for the 
 honor, and the erection of the elegant edifice 
 of the state capitol has sustained the wisdom 
 of the selection of this city as the capital by 
 the early legislators of the present rich and 
 prosperous state of Oregon. 
 Salem is located on the east bank of the 
 Willamette river, which is navigable practic- 
 ally the entire year between this point and 
 Portland. It is also on the main line of the 
 Southern Pacific, 52 miles south of Oregon's 
 metropolis. The corporate limits of the city 
 extend for a distance of two miles along the 
 bank of the Willamette river and for an equal 
 distance east of the water front. The townsite 
 occupies a gently sloping, level stretch of prairie, the fall from the higher parts of 
 the city to the level of the river being sufficient to afford a natural system of drainage. 
 The surrounding country is all rich and highly productive, and in the immediate 
 vicinity of Salem are found some of the finest farms of the state. 
 The present population of Salem is about 12,000. In the immediate suburbs, 
 however, are the homes of some 3,000 additional people, a population that should 
 be rightly credited to Salem proper. The appearance of the city is decidedly metro- 
 politan. A generous impulse with a true appreciation of future municipal importance 
 must have been a guiding factor in laying out the original townsite by the early pro- 
 jectors of a town at this point. The main streets are all 100 feet wide and all the 
 streets are lined with tall and graceful elm and maple trees, which add greatly to 
 the general beauty of the surroundings. With but few exceptions, the main business 
 portion of the city is solidly built up with brick and stone structures. Many of 
 these buildings are three and four stories in height and some of them are as attrac- 
 tive in architectural design and finish as are any of the best business blocks of 
 Salem, like Portland, is an exceptionally wealthy city. An air of prosperity 
 pervades the business community. Attractive displays of ;^oods are made in the 
 plate-glass fronts of the lead- 
 ing stores, and some of the 
 largest houses here carry 
 stocks of goods ranging in 
 value from $25,000 to $75,000. 
 In addition to the trade 
 which a city of 12,000 popu- 
 lation naturally creates for 
 itself, Salem also does a 
 large amount of business with 
 numerous towns of Marion 
 and Polk counties and also 
 Statistics show that Salem is the 
 While the soil of the 
 Photo by cherrington a bro. 
 BRIDGE Across Wiljvmette River, Salem. 
 with the farming districts of this part of the state, 
 seat of the most productive agricultural county of Oregon, 
 and of other parts of the Willamette valley may be equally as fertile as is that of the 
 '\ ' 
 The Orc^oninn'ti Handbook uf the Pacific Northwest. 
 « 1 
 s? "< 
 land of Marion covuity, llie latter count}' is one of the older settled portions of the 
 state, and for this reason more of its land has been pat into cultivation than in other 
 counties of the valley. The present population of Mai ion county is about 23,000. 
 Salem is the trading center of all of Marion county and, as before stated, of aconsider- 
 able part of Polk county on the other side of the river, the section that has been 
 made tributary to the ci*y by the construction of the fine free steel wagon and pas- 
 senger bridge which ^pans the river at this point. Salem is the principal supply 
 point for about 14 smaller towns in the tributary district, a trade sufficient in impor- 
 tance to have already justified the establishment of considerable jobbing business at 
 this point in connection with the large retail trade of the city. 
 Salem, as the capital of the state, is naturally the home of the principal state 
 institutions. Located here are the penitentiary, state asylum for the insane, the 
 state school for the blind, the deaf and the dumb, the state reform school, as well as 
 being the place of location of the ftate capitol, one of the finest public buildings on 
 the coast. Tlie location of these- public institutions at Salem has done much to 
 advance the interests of the city as a business center, and the money regularly dis- 
 bursed here by the state is a considerable source of revenue to the business commu- 
 nity of Salem. 
 Salem as a manuiacluring point is one of the most important of the state. Two 
 large flouring mills, a woolen mill, a fruit cannery and 
 evaporator combined, one sawmill, t .vo sa.sh and door fac- 
 tories, iron works, carriage factory, a brewery and ice fac- 
 tory, and several .smaller industrial plants comprise the 
 factories located at the state capital. The flouring mills 
 are both equipped with the full roller process and the com- 
 Ijined capacity of the two mills is i,2uo barrels a clay. 
 The wheat for running these mills is raised princi- 
 pally in Marion and Polk counties, and the output 
 of the mills is shi])ped principally to Liverpool. The mills 
 manufacture the finest grade of flour and the brand, 
 "Salem Fancy Palcnt > oiler Four," manufactured 
 here is well known throughout the entire state. A^out 30 men are employed legu- 
 larly in these two industrial plants. The \.oolen mills are in constant operation and 
 furnish employment to about 50 men and women. The canacity of the latter mills 
 is about three-set. About 4oo,ock) pounds of wool are consumed in these mill 
 annually. The prodi.ct is a very fine grade of woolen goods, which finds a ready 
 sale in the P^astern and California markets. The sawmill here employs about 40 
 men and has a capacity of 4C),(.hjo feet of I'lmber per day. The other factories of the 
 city give employment to from 5 to 15 men each. 
 Salem already enjoys the benefit of a considerable water power, which is devel- 
 oped rit this point by a stream of water of considerable magnitude. This available 
 power, however, can be greatly incr-eased by cutting a canal to connect with the 
 Santiam river, 10 miles south, and this work can be dor? at a comparatively small 
 expense Thi,''. canal would develop, for manufacturing purposes at Salem, an avail- 
 able power of 5,000 horse, and it ■ ; highly probable that this important work will be 
 carried to a successful termination in the near future. 
 Salem already boasts of a good system of waler works. Twenty-five mile; of 
 cast-iron mains, ranging from i to 21 inches in diameter, are now laid througt the 
 CnunT House, 0»i.tM. 
Salem, Orej^on. 
 I liable 
 1 the 
 nil be 
 U ot 
 Electric Cars. Salem. 
 city. The reservoir, with a capacity of 2,ooo,ock) gallons, is at ati elevation of 175 
 feet above the business portion of the city, an elevation that insures ample pressure 
 in the city mains to throw a stream over any of the highest buildings of the city. 
 At the pumping station are three powerful pumps with a combined pumping capacity 
 of 8,000,000 gallons of water per day, a supply that will ' c more than ample for the 
 requirements of Salem for water for many years in the fuUire. 
 Two fine lines of electric cars are in 
 operation at vSalem. The two lines of street 
 railway cover the business portion of the 
 city and run out as far as the state fair 
 grounds, connecting with the Southern Pa- 
 cific railroad depot, the penitentiar}', insane 
 asylum, and reaching as lar out as the 
 southern limits of the city. Cars run regularly 
 at intervals of 20 minutes each. About 10 
 miles of well equipped electric road are in 
 successful operation here. Salem is thor- 
 ouj^hly lighted by electricity, both the arc 
 and incandescent systems of lighting being 
 used. An efficient police and fire depart- 
 ment is maintained here. Salem has sin- 
 gularly escaped disastrous conflagrations in 
 the past, and the precaution taken here against fire practically removes all danger 
 of a serious holocaust in the future. 
 Marion and Polk counties are united at Salem by a steel bridge wliich spans the 
 Willamette at this point. This bridge was completed two years ago at a cost of 
 $65,000, and is free to both foot tiavel and teams. 
 As an educational center Salem is one of the most important cities of the state. 
 Five ccjmmodious public school buildings are located in different parts of the city. 
 Three of these are models of architectural design and are excellently arranged for 
 school purpo.ses. A thorough and rigid system of training is adopted, and the 
 courses of study range from the kindergarten and primary to the high school. A staff 
 of 30 teachers is employed in the public schools 
 ^^ heiC, and the average number of scholars in daily 
 attendance is about 1,600. In addition to the fine 
 public schools Salem has the advantages for higher 
 learning afforded by the Willamette Universitv, 
 which was founded here by the Methodist Mission 
 in 1843. This school now ranks first among the 
 great schools of the state. It offers a full colle- 
 giate course, in addition to which departments of 
 law, medicine, music and art are maintained. The 
 average number of students in attendance at the 
 Wdlamette University in all departments dunng 
 the past year was about 3ckj. The Sisters' 
 Academy, a Catholic institution, the Friends Polytechnic Institute, and the Capital 
 City Busijiess College are the other seats of learning maintained at the capital city. 
 Salem may be appropriately denominated a city of state mstitutions, fine resi- 
 dences, schools and churches. There are no less than 14 church organisations main- 
 A BRO. 
 •■««r ■■ 
 EAST Salem School, Salem 
 The Orc^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 f ^ 
 taiiied here, some of which worship in very fine church buildings. The denoniina- 
 tioiis represented are the Presbyterian, Cumberland Pr *.erian, Conj^regational, 
 Kvangelical, Kvangelical Mission, Baptist, Free Methc u-i, 'riends, M. l\. South, 
 Methodist Episcopal, Catholic, Episcopal, Church of God, a: ^ ^ ited Brethren. 
 The StaTK Institutions. — The Oregon Institute for the Blind now has a daily 
 attendance of about zo scholars. The literary faculty of the school is composed of 
 four teachers. The pupils employ their leisure time in 
 makinjf hammocks, about 200 of which are turned out 
 every year. These are sold principally at wholesale. 
 The State Reform School is located about 4 '2 miles 
 south of Salem. The building is a handsome four-story 
 brick, which was recently c."ected at a cost of ^30,000. 
 This institution is under the best of management, and 
 the incorrigible youth who are sent here soon yield to 
 the rigid discipline enforced. The largest number of 
 boys in attendance at this school, at any one time 
 during the past year, was 80. A farm of 317 acres 
 adjoins the school building. All the boys in attendance 
 are compelled to do light farm and garden work, and 
 also to assist in work about the building. The Oregon 
 school for the education of deaf mutes had 39 pupils enrolled during the past year. 
 Both girls and boys are admitted to this school. Two of the teachers and most of 
 the employes of the school are deaf mutes themselves. A printing otTice and broom 
 shop have been provided for this school to give needed employment to the pupils in 
 The Oregon state penitentiary is located two miles east of the business portion 
 of the city. The principal employment for the convicts is furnished by the North- 
 western foundry, which is located on the penitentiary grounds. This fomnlry turns 
 out from 25,cxK) to 3o,ocx) sto\'es a year. It pays the state 40 cents a day for each 
 convict employed. Connected with the penitentiary are 160 acres of fine land. The 
 prisoners have the benefit of a $r,ooo library, and they are well cared for, while a 
 most rigid system of discipline is maintained. 
 One mile east of Salem, on a commanding eminence, is located Oregon's state 
 asylum for the care of the insane. Connected with the asylum is a farm of 1,000 
 acres. The farming of this land is conducted on an ex- 
 tensive scale, many of the convalescent and tractable 
 patients being used for this purpose. Large buildings 
 for the storing of grain, housing of stock, and for other 
 purposes, have been built here. A good water-works plant 
 and fire department, < quipped with electric-alarm signals, 
 are maintained on the asylum grounds. The patients have 
 the benefit of a large and well equipped bath house, and 
 every needed improvement for the proper care of the 
 insane has been provided here by the state. The Oregon 
 state asylum is conceded to be one of the best ecjuipped 
 and best managed institutions of the kind in the United 
 patients are now under treatment here, and this number 
 increased with the growth of population of the state. 
 YEW Park School, ball*. 
 States. About 800 
 is constantly being 
Salem, Oregon, 
 The state capitol and the Marion county court house, located at Salem, are 
 models of architectural skill. They occupy prominent positions in the center of the 
 city, and are the first buildings seen as the train rolls into the city from either direc- 
 tion in entering the corporate limits. 
 vSaltm's history in the past has been one of constant progress. The country 
 immediately tributary is so varied in its powers of production, and the location of 
 the city is so favorable for holding the 
 vast trade of this section that retrogres- 
 sion in Salem's prosperity will be an un- 
 known factor in the future history of the 
 city. Within the piist three years hundreds 
 of small farms have been sold in the im- 
 mediate vicinity of Salem, and most of 
 these smal' . s of land are being plant- 
 ed in fruit v.v- - , All kinds of farming is 
 done in this district, with the principal at- 
 tention being paid to the raising of wheat. The farmers of this part of the state have 
 recently been paying considerable attention to the raising of fine stock, both honses 
 and cattle, and this industry has proved a great source of profit to those who have en- 
 gaged in it. Land in this part of the state is still held at reasonable prices, and with 
 the possibilities here for diversified farming and fruit culture, the country no.v tribu- 
 tary to Salem will continue to fill up for many years in the future vt^ith a thrifty class 
 of people, a c'i.ss that has already made this one of the most inviting farming sec- 
 tions of the coast. 
 The Salem merchants have the benefit of several lines of steamboats which ope- 
 erate on the Willamette river, both north and south of the city. Regular connec- 
 tion is made from this point by water with Portland and the points on the 
 liver north, and also with the Oregon 
 State Insane Asylum, Salem. 
 8TATE Penitentiary, Salem. 
 Pacific railroad at Albany and Corvallis 
 south, thus giving the merchants of 
 Salem the full benefit of the competitive 
 rates of freight afforded by the rival 
 lines of railroads and steamships which 
 reach the state from outside commercial 
 Salem has a good morning paper in T/ie Statesman, which also publishes a 
 weekly edition. The paper is publishetl by The Statesman Publishing Company, 
 which is a company of ample capital, a7id which is also ably 
 managed. The controlling force in the company is M.-. R. J. 
 Hendricks, who is also editor of The Statesman. Mr. Hendricks 
 is recognized as one of the brightest voung newspaper men of 
 the state, and the work he has done m The Statesman has 
 entitled him to an honorable position among Oregon's 
 In a<d('"tion to The Statesman, there is also published at 
 Salem T//e Capital /ournu.', which fills the evening field. 
 There are also published liere the usual number of weekly 
 papers always found in a city of the size of Salem. ^^^ „„„„„ aeMooL. balem. 
 f {|«i i 
 TIic Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Ladd & Brsn. — The oldest and largest banking institution between Portland 
 and Sacramento is the bank of Ladd & Bush, at Salem. This bank was founded in 
 1868, and it now does an enormous business. It has connections with other banks 
 throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and throughout the coast and in 
 Photo ev cherrington a bho. 
 BANK, LADD i Bush, Salem. 
 INTERIOR, Bank, Uaoo A Bush, Salem. 
 the East. It buys and sells exchange on all parts of the world, and makes collec- 
 tions throughout the United States, British America and Mexico. 
 In addition to the bank of Ladd & Bush, there are three other large banking 
 houses at Salem, all on a strong financial footing. The finances of the city are good, 
 and everything in Salem, from bank stock to the business of the individual mer- 
 chants, ranks high in the most reliable commercial reports made on the state. 
 Marlon County, Orej^on. — The Willamette river and Butte creek mark the 
 boundary line between Marion and Clackamas counties on the north ; Marion 
 county is separated fiom Wasco on the east by the summit of the Cascade range of 
 mountains ; on the south the Santiam and North fork of the Santiam rivers sepa- 
 rate Marion from Linn, and the Willamette river is the boundary line of the county 
 on the we.^t. 
 The area of good land found in Marion county is about 36 tinles north and south 
 and 15 miles east and west in extent. Contained in this farming belt are rboul 
 9oo,(X)o acres of land highly fertile and ea.sily cultivated. The ;-ounty contains abor. 
 14 townships that are still unsurveyed, but the greater portiora of this unsurve^j** 
 section is mountainous and not adapted to a higher state of cultivation. T>^ <hs 
 tinctively mountainous sections of the county, however, are principally o>>»'»>fei 
 with a dense growth of timber, and lumbering in those forest districts is CfiFT?*«d or; 
 to a considerable extent. About one-half of the total area of Marion coiasiity ma} 
 be classed as agricultural land. This arable district is principally level, althougb 
 it contains u great diversity of soil. Diversity of soil means diversity of crops, anii 
 it has hieen proved that diversified farming is the most profitable in any section ot 
 The climate and soil of the entire Willamette valley do not vary materially i\> 
 different locations. Marion county, from being located near the principal city of t)u 
 valley and from being longer settled, is, however, richer than are the other valU " 
Marion County, Oregon. 
 counties. In the low, level portions of the county, especially in lands bordering on 
 the Willamette river, the soil is of a heavy black loam, the yields on which are always 
 heavy. In addition to the Willamette river numerous other watercourses lead through 
 the county. Prominent among these streams are the Santiam river, Butte creek. 
 Pudding river, Spring and Mill creeks. The valley of the latter stream varies in 
 width from one-half to three miles, and it is highls fertile. In the undulating and 
 more hilly portions of the coimty are patches of white oak, fir and cedar, but these 
 small forest growths are being gradually cleared off and the cleared land is found to 
 be easily cultivated and very productive. 
 On the west side of Marion county flows the Willamette river, which affords a 
 means of cheap transportation to the farmers here during all seasons of the year. 
 The Santiam river, on the south, is navigable for light-draft steamers for a distance 
 of ID miles above the point where it joins the waters of the W'llaniette river. 
 French, Howell, vSantiani, Salem and North and South prairies arc local names 
 applied to certain portions of the prairie lands of the county. These difTerent prairies 
 embrace thousands of acres of highly productive lands, lands that are now princi- 
 pally occupied. Wheat, hops, peaches, prunes, pears, cherries and root crops are 
 chief productions of the soil of this part of the state. Considerable attention is now 
 being paid by the farmers of Marion county to dairying and stockraising, with the 
 best of results. 
 The annual report of Marion county's schools, for 1892, showed tl ^t during that 
 year the total number of pupils enrolled was 5,374. The estimated value of all school 
 property in the county was ^,210,280. Employed in teaching these schools were 150 
 teachers, whose monthly salaries averaged about I45 each. The total assessed valu- 
 ation of all property in Marion county, for 1892, was a little less than |i6,ooo,ooo. 
 Turner, Orejjfon. — Turner is a small incorporated town with a population of 
 about 250, located on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad 60 miles south of 
 Portland. It supports one flouring mill with a daily capacity of 200 barrels, which 
 is operated by water power obtained through a race from Mill creek, on which the 
 town is situated. Mill creek is an arm of the Santiam river, which is distant about 
 10 miles from Turner, A large grain warehouse with a capacity of 60,000 bushels of 
 wheat is also located at this point. 
 The public school system of Turner is well organized and the daily attendance at 
 public school here is about 60 pupils. Two teachers are in charge of the school. 
 The Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist and Christian denominations have churches at 
 his town. The last named order worships in a large tabernacle, 100 x 150 feel in size, 
 which wao recently erected at a cost of $10,000 by George Turner, after whose father 
 the towK was named. Turner supports one hotel and one liver}' stable, and the dif- 
 ferent lines of business are well represented here. The principal shipment from this 
 point is flour, and the town is mainly supported by the prosperous farming com- 
 munity adjacent. 
 .letforson, Orejjfon. — The first .settlement at the present site of Jefferson was 
 made in 'Ssv The town was incorporated in 1870, and the population at the present 
 writing is about 300. 
 .letferson is on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad, 70 miles south of 
 i\>rtland. iq miles south of Salem and 10 miles north of Albany. Three passenger 
 traifi p>i^> this point each way daily. The Santiam river flow8 by the townsite and 
 '' '•; 
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 i II 
 The Orefionian's Handbook of the Pacific Xorthwest. 
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 this stream furnishes an available aud large water power at this point. This power is 
 now used to run the flouring mill located here which has a daily capacity of 125 
 barrels. A small lumber mill with a daily cutting capacity of 10,000 feet, at Jeffer- 
 son, is also run by this same power. Owin,<< to its most favorable location in a rich 
 farming section, Jefferson is a favorable trading point for a very large district. The 
 stores of the town are well stocked, and some of the business houses here enjoy a 
 very large trade. The general merchandise store of Anton and Alois Tanzler, which 
 is conducted under the firm name of A. Tan Jer & Co., furnishes a notable example 
 of the extent to which this line of business is carried on at Jefferson. This firm 
 carries a stock of goods valued at from |7,ooo to fio,ouo, and in addition to their 
 large local trade they enjoy a country patronage reaching out into the rich farming 
 district lying within a radius of seven miles of Jefferson, 
 The public schools of Jefferson have a daily average attendance of 75 scholars. 
 Three teachers are regularly employed in these schools. Three church organizations 
 own their own buildings at this point. These are the Evangelical and two organizations 
 of the Methodists. The handsome church building of the Evangelical denomination 
 has only been recently constructed. Jefferson supports one weekly paper, T/ic 
 Reviciv, The people of Jefferson enjoy the benefits of a free library. The town has 
 a public hall with a seating capacity of 300, and two hotels and one livery stable fur- 
 nish amp'?" aroommodations to the traveling public that frequents this point. 
 A ft ( '/fidgc, constructed at a cost of |i 2,600, spans the Santiam river at Jeffer- 
 son Other public improvement;:, of a substantial nature are also noted here. The 
 assessed valuation of town property is |ii<K),oou, and the place has no bonded indebt- 
 edness. The principal shipments from Jefferson are grain, flour and farm produce. 
 In the farming district tributary to Jefferson, hop-raising and fruit-culture are now 
 rece'ving considerable attention, and as the soil of thissectio 1 is especially adapted to 
 these crops, the raising of fruit and hops will probably claim more of the attention 
 of the farmers of this part of the state in the future. 
 Albany, Oreyoii. — Albany, the judicial seat of I, inn county, is .situated on 
 the east bank of the Willamette river, in nearly the center of the rich Willamette 
 valley. It is the place of junction of the two important lines of 
 railroad of the Southern Pacific aud Oregon Pacific systems, the 
 former of which runs north and south through the state, 
 while the latter road crosses the valley from east to west. By 
 the Southern Pacific Mne Albany is 79 miles south of Port- 
 land, and it is 80 miles from Albany to Yaquina Bay by the 
 line of the Oregon Pacific. The latter road, in addition to 
 affording connection between Albany and Yaquina Bay, is also 
 extended eastwards to the foothill districts of the 
 Cascade Mountains, thus opening up the rich part of 
 the Willamette valley east of Albany to the merchants 
 of this city. In addition to the two main lines of 
 road mentiotied above, Albany is also the place of 
 junction of the through line of the Southern Pacific 
 and the Lebanon branch of the aatne road. The 
 Leljtuioii liranch extendH wi!st from Albany to Le- 
 banon, a distance of 13 miles, and this line also 
 MAIN Strut, ALMHr. luakcs conuection at Lebanon Junction, nine miles 
Albany, Oregon. 
 t ot 
 s of 
 east of Albany, with the Woodbum-Springfield branch of the Southern Pacific, 
 which runs north and south through the rich part of the Willamette vallej' west of 
 Albany. The Oregon Pacific connects this point with the West Si<le division of the 
 Southern Pacific at Corvallis, ii miles west of Albany. No point in the valley 
 enjoys the advantages for cheap freight transportation which the business men of 
 Albany are able to avail themselves of. They liave the benefit of the main line of 
 the Southern Pacific, extending north and south through the entire state ; they can 
 reach the rich country east by the rival lines of road of the Oregon Pacific or the 
 Southern Pacific systems ; they can reach the San Prancisco market either by way 
 of the Oregon Pacific road to Yatiuina Bay, where connection is made by steamships 
 for all points on the coast south, or by the Southern Pacific to Portland, where close 
 connection is made with a number of steamer lines, or with freight vessels plying 
 up and down the coast ; and in addition to the railroads, the Willamette river is nav- 
 igable at nearly all seasons of the year between Albany and Portland, and during 
 the higher stages of water in the river, steamboats ascend the river above Albany for 
 a considerable distance. 
 Within a radius of 20 miles of Albany is a rich agricultural section of country 
 that now forms one of the best parts of the Pacific Northwest. E)ast of the Willa- 
 mette river this magnificent farming belt is drained by the North and South Santiam 
 and Calipooia rivers, streams that have their sources in the Cascade Mountains, and 
 which carry a large volume of water at all seasons of the year. West of the Willa- 
 mette river the district is drained by Mary's and Luckiamute rivers and Soap creek, 
 which rise in the Coast range of mountains. Nearly the entire course of all of these 
 streams lies through fertile valleys perfectly adapted to diversified farming, inchid- 
 ing grain-raising, fruit-culture and stock-raising. Some of the finest farms on the 
 coast are found in this part of the state, and the country of which Albany is the lead- 
 ing trade center has long been recognized as one of the richest sections of the North- 
 The present population of Albany is about 5,000. The city has a decidedly metro- 
 politan appearance. A steam-motor line connects the union depot, where all pas- 
 sengers alight from the incoming trains, with the business part of the city. The 
 main business street, for a distance of three or more blocks, is solidly built up with 
 fine-appearing brick and stone structures. This street is well macadamized, and the 
 sidewalks fronting the principal business houses are paved with stone. The large 
 plate-glass show windows of the largest .stores are filled with a high class of goods, 
 and some of these stores are as well stocked as are any of the largest retail estab- 
 lishments of Portland. 
 The people of Albany are thoroughly imbued with the modern spirit of enter- 
 prise. The united and earnest efforts of the people have done much during the past 
 five years to advanc^. the best interests of their city. During this time a number of 
 large manufacturing plants have appreciated the advantages of Albany as an indus- 
 trial center, and have located at this point. Among these large plants can be men- 
 tioned the Albany iron works, which manufactures farm and mill machinery on a 
 large scale. Most of the product of this factory finds a ready sale in the country 
 tributary to Albany, and large shipments of machinery are regularly made to Port- 
 lum;. The Red Crown flouring mill, located here, is one of the leading plants of 
 the kiud in the valley. This mill has a daily capacity of 150 barrels, and the brand 
 of flour manufactured is among the highest in the market. The Albany woolen mills 
 consume 350,000 pounds of wool annually, and they furnish steady employment to 
 ;■ '^ 
 i ) 
 I 5: 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 50 men and women. The larger part of the output of these mills is shipped direct 
 to New York, where it is readily sold in direct competition with the products of the 
 largest Kastern mills. Albany has also a large planing mill, a brewery, the latter of 
 which has a daily capacity of 30 barrels, a furniture factor}', an ice plant, a foundry 
 and granite works of considerable magnitude. 
 Albany is practically the clearing-house and trading center for all the smaller 
 towns of Linn county. The city contains four large banking houses, all of which 
 are on the strongest of financial footings, and each of these banks occupies an ele- 
 gant building of its own. The average deposits carried by each of these banks is 
 1300,000, which can be taken as an evidence of the healthy condition of the place. 
 The First National Bank is the oldest bank in Albany, having been incorpo- 
 rated in 1883. Its capital stock is fSo,ooo, and its surplus and undivided profits now 
 amount to |4o,o(xj. The officers of the First National are : L. Flinn, president ; 
 S. K. Young, vice-president; E. W. Langdon, cashier, and E. M. Horton, assistant 
 Albany has already attained some prominence as a seat of learning. During 
 1888 an imposing public school building was erected here at a cost of $20,000. This 
 building and grounds occupy a block in the central 
 part of the city. The building contains 10 rooms 
 and a basement, and is finished throughout in 
 modern style. A graded system, including high 
 school course, is adopted and the school is con- 
 ducted at the expense of the state and county 
 school fund. The Albany College, an institution 
 of higher learning, was founded under the auspices 
 of the Presbyterian church in 1867. This college 
 maintains a higher course of mental and moral 
 training, and it now numbers among its alumni 
 some of the most prominent men of the state. 
 The average number of scholars in attendance at the college during the past 
 year was 200. A Catholic school is also supported here. This latter school provides 
 for an academic course, and it is well patronized. The school building is large and 
 well arranged and the surrounding grounds are v.ell kept. The total number of 
 children of school age in Albany district now exceeds 1,000. 
 Ten neat church edifices are claimed by Albany. These belong to the denomina- 
 tions of the Presbyterian, Baptist, two Methodist, Congregational, Christian, Epis- 
 copal, Evangelical and Catholic faiths. 
 Albany is fully abreast of the times in the matter of public improvements. A 
 free steel passenger and wagon bridge spans the Willamette river at this point, thus 
 making directly tributary to the city an immense fertile district to the west. This 
 bridge was constructed at a cost of 1 100,000. A well-equipped fire department, with 
 three volunteer fire companies, is maintained here, as well as an efficient police force. 
 The city has an excellent arc and incandescent electric light plant. The city's health 
 is protected by a perfect system of sewerage, and it has a good system of water 
 works. One of the most prominent features of the town is the immense water 
 power developed at this point. Twelve miles southeast of the city a canal taps the 
 Santiam river, and this canal reaches Albany by an almost direct course. Near the 
 city the canal is divided into two branches, one of which empties into the Calipooia 
 Steel Bridge across the WrLLAMertE River, Albany 
Alhiitiy, ()rc^i>n. 
 s the 
 river, the other cniptyiiig into the Willamette. On the former canal a fall of 32 
 feet is afforded here for manufacturing purposes, and where the other canal pours its 
 waters into the Willamette river, a fall of 36 feet is atiorded. These two main 
 branches are subdivided and are led through the manufacturing districts of the city. 
 Although the large number of factories now located here avail theni.selves of the 
 use of this power sufficient reserve power is afforded by this canal to run many addi- 
 tional manufacturing plants. 
 Albany supports two daily newspapers, The Democrat a.\\A The Herald, a.\\(S. also 
 one weekly paper. The Telescope. The city contains a handsome brick opera house 
 with a seating capacity of i,(k)o. A free reading room is alst) nuiintained here. The 
 city has three large hotels and four well-stocked livery stables. During the pant five 
 years Albanj' has made a very satisfactory growth and if the earnestness and con- 
 tinued effort of the people here is as important a factor in the future growth of the 
 city as it has been in the past, the city will always be able to lay claim to being one 
 of the largest and most prominent points of Western Oregon. 
 Samuel E. Young. — The city of Albany 
 boasts of having not onl}- the largest mer- 
 cantile establishment in Linn county, but 
 also one of the largest in the Willamette 
 valley outside of Portland. The h('Use re- 
 ferred to is that of Samuel H. Young, 
 which consists of four large departments, 
 viz : boot and shoe, dry goods, grocery and 
 carpet. The building shown by the ac- 
 companying illustration is a two-stor}- brick 
 with Vjasement, having a frontage of 48 by 
 100 feet, and situated on the most prom- 
 inent corner of Albany's business street. 
 The store was first established in 1866 
 under the firm name of J. liarrows & Co., 
 but in 1876 Mr. Young became the sole proprietor. 
 Mr. Young is an Oregon pioneer, having crossed the plains in 1852, and soon 
 after that time he settled in Albany, where he has since been actively er gaged iu 
 mercantile business. He has been prominently identified with all interests that have 
 conduced to make Albany' the shipping and commercial center that it is today. Mr. 
 Young has ever proved himself to be 
 one of Albany's most valuable citizens. 
 In addition to his connection with 
 many local interests, he is also a 
 director and vice-president of the First 
 National Bank of Albany. 
 The Revere House, of which 
 Mr. Chas. Pfeiffer is proprietor, is in- 
 variably spoken of by commercial 
 traveling men, who are accepted 
 judges, as the best ho.stelry in Albany 
 and this portion of the Willamette 
 valley. Mr. Pfeiffer erected the Revere 
 House in 1877, and he, being an expe- 
 Store, Samuel e young Albany. 
 Revere House, Albany. 
 The Orcgoniun's Ilundbook uf the I'neihc Northwest. 
 i \ 
 ii f: i i 
 rieiiced hotel man, he omitted none of the conveniences that are now found in every 
 thoroughly modern hotel. The ta])le service and cuisine are unexcelled anywhere 
 at any price, in the state. Mr. Pfeiffer lends his personal supervision to everything 
 connected with the dining room. The sleeping apartments of the hotel are neat, 
 cle;!ti and comfortably furnished. Free sample rooms fronting on the street are at 
 the disposal of commercial men. A free 'bus meets all north and south-bound 
 trains. The Revere House, shown by the accompanying illustration, is centrally 
 located, and is best known ])y its genial and courteous proprietor, who spares no 
 efforts to provide for the comfort of his guests. 
 ■ li- 
 Thk Farmers & Mkrch.\nts Inslkanck Co., of Al- 
 bany, have offices in a handsome brick structure, as shown 
 by the accompanying illustration. This company was organ- 
 ized in iSSy, with a capital stock of $100,000, but their busi- 
 ness has since increased to such pro- 
 portions, because of the well merited 
 confidence of a growing patronage, 
 that it has been necessary to in- 
 crease the capital stock to $300,000. 
 Aside from the solid financial stand- 
 ing of this popular company through- 
 out the state, the character and re- 
 sponsibility of the gentlemen at the 
 head of the company is a weighty ar- 
 gument for those seeking the strongest 
 The officers of the Farmers & 
 Merchants Insurance Company are : 
 W. F. Read, president; Geo. F. Simp- 
 son, vice-president; J. O. Writsman, 
 secretary; J. L. Cowan, treasurer, and 
 Farmers a merchants Insurance Co.'s Offices, Alb'n". i^- A, iVlliner, CUSnicr. 
 Tjhlli County, Oroja-on. — I.inn county, of which i\.lbanyis the judicial seat, 
 is distinctively an agricultural section, although some timber is found in the count} 
 along the eastern border of the Cascade range of mountains. The residents of this 
 county are especially favored in the matter of transportation facilities enjoyed. Tht' 
 Oregon Pacific railroad crosses the county from east to west, while the Southern 
 Pacific Company's main line of road connecting San Francisco with Portland runs 
 north and south through the county. A branch of the Southern Pacific system also 
 runs from Albany to Lebanon, a distance of 13 miles and theWoodburn-Springfield 
 branch of the same system runs north and south through the valley at a point some- 
 little distance east of the main line of road. In addition to the advantages of rail 
 comnnniication Linn county has the benefit of the steamboat lines operating on 
 the Willamette river south from Portland through the Willamette valley. 
 Linn county is today the third county in the state in population, and it is one o 
 the richest counties of Western Oregon. The population of the county is now about 
 17,000. The county contains about 1,500,000 acres of land, or 2,400 square miles. 
 I I 
Lebanon, Oregon. 
 n also 
 f mil 
 ug on 
 The eastern part of the county is formed by the Cascade ran^je of mountains, a dis- 
 trict chiefly valuable for grazing and for the timber which covers these hilly sections. 
 The timber here consists of fir, ash, cedar, maple, alder and oak. The western por- 
 tion of the county supports about four-fifths of the entire population of the county. 
 The land of the county fit for occupancy has now all been taken up, but much of it 
 can yet be purchased at prices ranging frotn fi2 to $50 an acre, and the lands that 
 are offered at these prices are wt-ll adapted for agricultural purposes. 
 Wheat is the staple product of Linn county. Sufiicient attention has been 
 paid to fruit culture, the growing of vegetables, hops, etc., and to sheep and cattle 
 raising as well as dairying, to prove that the.se pursuits in this part of the state yield 
 larger returns than the growing of the single crop, wheat. The farmers of Linn 
 county who are turning their attention solely to fruit and vegetable raising arc reap- 
 ing small fortunes. The soil of the best lands of the county is of a mellow loam and 
 if properly cultivated the return from a single acre of this land in a season is as high 
 as |iQo to |3fJ<). Linn county is one of the choicest spots of Western Oregon and im- 
 migrants will find here one of the most attractive sections of the coast. 
 IjObanoii, ()rej4:oii. — Located in Linn county, near the foothills of the Cas- 
 cade mountains and 13 miles southeast of Albany, is situated the town of Lel)a- 
 non. The site of the town is an attractive one, and the surrounding country is 
 highl}' fertile. Lebanon is connected with Albany by a branch from the Southern 
 Pacific Company's main line. This branch intersects the Springfield branch of the 
 same company at Lebanon Junction, four miles west of Lebanon, and the latter town 
 is the terminus of the line. Excellent connection is made from Lebanon with points 
 north and south in the Willamette valley by means of the Lebanon branch of the 
 Southern Pacific with the trains of the through line, or by the same branch through 
 connections at Lebanon Junction with the trains of the Woodburn-Springfield line. 
 Lebanon is located near the center of Linn county, and is the trading point of a 
 rich tributary farming belt. Wheat, oats, liops, fruit, fine stock and sheep are the 
 principal productions of this section. Owing to the many fine streams of running 
 water found in this district, fruit raising and dairying are followed with most success- 
 ful results, and the entire country within a radius of several miles of this promising 
 young town is an ideal farming belt. 
 Lebanon was incorporated as a city in 1891. Its present population is about 
 1,000. Manufacturing is now carried on here to a considerable extent and the manu- 
 facturing industries of the town art:con^f. ntly increasing. Three years ago, through 
 the inducements of a liberal bonut proj. :sed by the people here, a paper mill was 
 established at this point. This mili is n^w running both day and night. It employs 
 constantly about 25 men, and it is c.i^- u ' the leading industrial institutions of the 
 Willamette valley. The abundance and cheapness of straw on which the mill is run 
 and the cheapness of reaching a market with the product of the mill, have been the 
 important factors in the success of the plant. The present capacity of the mill is 
 five tons of pa])er per day. The entire machinery of the plant is of the latest and most 
 improved pattern. This industry is a source of profit to the company operating the 
 plant, and it is the most important industry in furthering the growth of the town in 
 which it is located. In addition to the paper mill, Lebanon also claims a modern 
 llouringmill with a daily capacit}- of 100 barrels, two planing mills and a foundry. 
 The location of Lebanon on the South Santiam river has proved of great commercial 
 value to the town. A stock company composed of local men have completed during 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 
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 the past two years a canal four miles in length which runs directly through the town. 
 The water for this canal is taken from the Santiam river four miles distant from 
 Lebanon, and a fall of from 19 to 25 feet is obtained for manufacturing purposes at the 
 town. Sufficient power is obtained from this source to run all of the factories at 
 Lebanon. The efficient arc and incandescent lighting plant of the town is run from 
 power furnished by this canal, and the water used in Lebanon is also taken from 
 this source. 
 Gootl wagon roads lead out from Lebanon in all directions. Sweet Home, an 
 important trading point 20 miles distant, is reached by easy drivt s from Lebanon, as 
 is also Sodaville, at which latter point are located the justly celebrated mineral 
 springs which contain medicinal properties of great value. The trade of these out- 
 lying towns naturally comes to Lebanon, and the development of this latter place for 
 the past few years has been rapid and of a most sulistantial chaiacter. 
 Santiam Academy, one of the oldest institutions of learning in the state, is 
 located at Lebanon. The average attendance of this school is about 60 sludenls. 
 The courses of study at the Santiam Academy are well outlined, and if diligiMitly 
 followed will fit the student for entrance to the freshman class of any of the l)cst 
 literary colleges of the United States. The public school building of the town was 
 recently erected at a cost of |6,(kkj, and, as shown by the illustration published in con- 
 nection with the present article, it is a l.andsome and commodious structure for 
 school purposes. Four tcachtrs are employed in the public schools here, and the 
 average daily attendance of scholars is about 225. 
 The moral and religious sentiment of the people of Lebanon is hi^'h, if six well- 
 organized churches located here exert the influence that would naturally be exj)ected 
 of religious organizations, strong in numbers and ably led. The denominations 
 represented at Lebanon are the Presbyterian, two Methodist, Haptist and the Chris- 
 tian. All of these bodies, except that of the Christian denomination, worship in 
 buildings of their own. Lebanon supi)orts two well edited weekly papers, T/ir 
 Express and The Adiance. The traveling public finds accomnuxlation in a gootl 
 hotel here, and every facility for riding or driving is afforded in the two livery stables 
 of the place. '•' 
 Lebanon is a wide-awake business place. The handsome buildings which line 
 the business street, the well-stocked stories, and the generftl activity of the citizens, 
 attest the prosperity 0/ the town at the present 
 writing. The conditions at Lebanon are favorable 
 for the same future substantial advancement in the 
 prosperity of the town which has been noted dur- 
 ing the past tw years, and the air of confidence 
 which the people show in the future of Lebanon 
 will tend to strengthen this growth. 
 The prices of farm lands in the immediate 
 vicinity of Lel)anon are moderate, when the ad- 
 vantages of location are considered. Information 
 on this subject can l)e obtained from Mr. Walter C. 
 Peterson, whose residence has been in Linn county 
 and Lebanon since boyhood, and whose father was 
 one of Oregon's pioneers. Mr. Peterson, whose 
 w. c. piTMtoN, LiB«NON. portrait is published in connection with this article, 
Scio, Oregon. 
 quotes values of land located within one mile of the corporate limits of Lebanon at 
 from I25 to $75 per acre. Fine stock farms can be purchased within a distance of 
 three miles of Lebanon at $12.50 per acre. Mr. Peterson's prominence in the com- 
 munity in which he has so long resided, entitles him to the confidence of those 
 who may desire information of Lebanon, or of the section of which the town is 
 the principal tradinj^ center. 
 One of the prominent men of Lebanon is Samuel M. Garland, the present 
 efficient city attorney. Mr. Garland is thoroughly familiar with prices of town 
 property at Lebanon, and he has also watched carefully for u number of years past 
 land values in the farming district tributary. 
 StM.vtoil, OreHfoii. — Stayton is in Marion county, about 60 nnles south of 
 Portland. It is four iriles east of West Stayton, the nearest station on the Wood- 
 burn-.Spriugficld branch of the Southern Pacific railroad. Stpges make connections 
 with all trains over this road at West Stayton for Stayton direct, and daily stages run 
 from the latter place to Aumsville, a point also located on the railroad line six miles 
 distant. The line of the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company also passes within i}^ 
 nules of Stayton, the nearest point on the latter road to the town being the station 
 of Kings. 
 The present population of Stayton is about 500. It is situated on the banks of 
 the Santiam river. Many years ago a canal three-fourths of a mile in length, con- 
 necting the two branches of the Santiam river at this point, was dug. This canal 
 passes directly through the present town of Stayton. It furnishes power for running 
 the factory wheels of the fown tc day, and it has sufficient reserve power for running 
 a large number of additional wheels. Stayton 's manufacturing industries at the 
 present writing consist of a roller flouring mill with a capacity of 75 barrels a day, a 
 sawmill and furniture factory combined, and a lawhide chair factory. The mercan- 
 tile interests of the town are represented by a number of stores which carry large 
 stocks of goods, and the place is generally prosperous. 
 The pul)lic schools of Stayton are conducted in a building recently erected. Th« 
 structure used for school purposes contains four rooms. About 125 pupils are regu- 
 larly in attendance at these schools, aud the public school system is in charge of four 
 teachers. The Methodist, Haptist and Christian denominations hold regular meet- 
 ings in Stayton, the Baptists and ChrisHans owning buildings of their own. T/te 
 Times, a weekly paper, is published at this point. Two hotels and one livery stable 
 furnish ample accommodations for the traveling public. The country immediately 
 around Stayton is especially adapted to the cultivation of fruit. Much attention has 
 been paid here of late years to growing strawucrries — a crop that yields abundantly in 
 this section — aud the fruit raised is of the finest quality. In addition to fruit culture, 
 the country tributary to Stayton has all the diversified wealth of forest and soU, and 
 it is a section capable of being developed into one of the richest farming distric 
 of the state. 
 8cl<>, Orcjiroii. — Situated between the forks of the Santiam river, 18 miles 
 ca.st of Albany and 72 miles south of Portland is the town of Scio. Thomas creek, 
 which furnishes an excellent water power at this point, divides the town and finds an 
 outlet in the Santiam river. A short line of railway, two and one-half miles in 
 length, connects vScio with the Woodburn-Springfield branch of the Southern Pacific 
 at West Scio. Scio is but a short distance north of the Oregon Pacific railroad and 
 ' 1 p ] 
 ;; 1 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 on the completion of the latter road to an eastern connection the town will be practi- 
 cally on the direct line of a system of competing roads connecting with all points 
 in the United States, east, west, north and south. 
 Scio is an incorporated town and has a population of about 550. It is supported 
 by a rich agricultural district which produces in many instances 50 bushels of wheat 
 to the acre, while oats, flax, barley and all the grasses yield as large crops here as are 
 produced anywhere in the valley. The area of the county lying between the forks 
 of the Santiam river is greater than that of some of the smaller Eastern States, and 
 Scio is the commercial center for all of this vast expanse of territory. The water sup- 
 ply of this section is unlimited, as the three rivers and all their tributaries wh'ch 
 flow through this part of the state find their sources in the foothills of the Cascade 
 Mountains where they arc fed by perennial snows. An excellent water power 
 obtained from an artificial arm of Thomas creek runs the Scio Roller Mills, the plan- 
 ing mill and the efficient electric light plant of the town. Tlie roller mill at this 
 point is one of the best flouring mills in the county. Its capacity is 125 barrels 
 of flour a day. A large warehouse capable of storing So.ooo 
 bushels of wheat is connected with this mill. The flour 
 manufactured by the Scio Roller Mills finds a large sale in 
 Scio and the tributary country, and large quantities are reg- 
 ularly shipped to Portland. The 
 people of Scio take something of a 
 pardonable pride in their perfect sys- 
 tem of water works. Hjdrauts have 
 been placed at every street crossing 
 of the town, with fire hose connec- 
 tion. This, with the efficient volun- 
 teer fire department, insures absolute 
 protection to Scio against a conflagra- 
 tion. The streets, business houses and 
 dwellings of the town are lighted by 
 electricity. Both the arc and incan- 
 descent systems of lighting arc used. 
 The water works and electric light 
 plants at Scio are owned and operated 
 by private individuals. 
 A local brickyard has already supplied the brick used in the erection of four 
 brick blocks on Scio'smain thoroughfare. A number of business houses at Scio carry 
 very large stocks and do a bi< trade in the tributary section. The general merchan- 
 dise stores of Hibler, Shore aid Holdredge carry a stock of goods valued at ^15,000, 
 and in addition to their big city trade they enjoj' a large country patronage. S. M. 
 Daniel also carries a large stock of merchandise, the value of his stock approximat- 
 ing |5io,ooo. Mr. Daniel enjoys a large trade both from city and country customers. 
 The large furniture and carpet store of W. H. Ramsey does a paying business — a 
 business that is constantly increasing in volume, owing to the rapid growth of popu- 
 lation both in the town and in the country immediately tributary. 
 The Bank of Scio, the financial institution of the town, has a capital stock of 
 123,500. Its oflScers are, I.J. Munkers, president; J. W. Gaines, vice-president, and 
 A.J.Johnson, cashier. This bank is on the strongest of financial footings audit 
 Public School, Scio. 
lirowiisville, Oregon. 
 enjoys the complete confidence of the people of the community in which it is located. 
 Scio is abreast of other towns of etjual population in educational advantages 
 afforded its youth. An eight-room brick school building was completed in the town 
 during the past, year at a cost of $i2,fxK). It is an attractive piece of architecture and 
 is perfectly adapted to school purposes. Four teachers are emjiloyed in the public 
 schools here, and the average number of scholars in attendance is 130. The religious 
 organizations at Scio are represented by the Haptist, Presbyterian, Christian and 
 Methodist denominations. The Christian and Methodist organizations own church 
 buildings of their own. A city hall, with a seating capacity of 150 people, affords 
 good accommodations for gatherings of a public nature. The Press, a weekly news- 
 paper, handles the town and country news at Scio in a creditable manner. The town 
 supports one hotel and has two livery stables. 
 Land in the vicinity of Scio is relatively cheap. Improved farms within one-half 
 mile of the town limits sell at about ^40 an acre, and a few miles out of town good 
 farms can be purchased at as low a figure as $10 an acre. Fuller information of the 
 rich lands in the district tributary to JScio can be obtained from Mr. R. Sheltoji of this 
 town, who is thoroughly posted on farm values in this section. .Ml letters addressed 
 to R. Sheltou, Scio, Oregon, will receive promi)t attention. 
 UroAvnsvlllo, Orcjifoii.— .\t the western extremity of one of the arms of the 
 Willamette valley, which merges into the foothills of the Cascade range of mountains, 
 is located the prosperous little city of lirownsville. The place is within the limits of 
 Linn county, and the site which the town occupies is one of the most picturesque 
 points of Western Oregon. Two buttes are conspicuous features of interest to the 
 north and south of the town limits of Brownsville, while on the east rise the rugged 
 outlines of the lofty Cascade range of mountains. The Calipooia river, a mountain 
 stream, which at all seasons carries a good volume of water, flows by the town, and 
 the banks of this stream are the scene of considerable industrial activity. 
 Brownsville was first laid out as a town in 1S50. It is today one of the most 
 important manufacturing points in the Willamette valley. Its present population is 
 about 1,000. All-rail communication is afforded with Portland, 95 miles north of 
 Brownsville, by means of the Woodburn-Springfield branch of the Southern Pacific 
 and the main line of the same company through connection with Woodburn, 60 miles 
 north of Brownsville, and with all points south in the valley, through connection 
 with the Lebanon branch of the Southern Pacific at Labanon Junctior., 13 miles 
 south, the latter line forming a junction with the main line of the same en., panj- at 
 Brownsville is located in the midst of a rich farming and timber district. It occu- 
 pies a site perfectly adapted for the establishment of manufacturing industries on a 
 large scale, and it contains an enterprising population. The Eagle woolen mill" 
 among the few great woolen mills of the coast, is locatecl at Brownsville. .\ lengt' 
 description of this most important industry is published in connection with the pre 
 ent article. In addition to the woolen mills, Brownsville is also the seat of a pa** 
 roller flouring mill, with a daily capacity of 50 barrels and a saw and planing mill, *, ..ji 
 equipments for turning out sash and doors, and a tannery. An immense water power 
 at this point, which is also mentioned at length elsewhere in the present article, runs all 
 of the factories mentioned above, and there is sufficient reserve power in these falls to 
 run all the factories of the Willamette valley. 
 The Orcffunian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Oen'l Meucmandise Store, R. n. Thompson. Brownsville 
 While the country in the immediate vicinity of Brownsville is perhaps more undu- 
 lating and hilly than are other parts of the Willamette valley, it is no less fertile than 
 are any of the best sections of this great agricultural and f»uit belt. In aiUlilion to 
 its special adaptability to the growing of cereals of all kinds, fruits and vegetables, 
 this hilly land is especially adapted to the raising of fine horses, cattle and sheep. 
 Wool-growers in this section find exceptional opportunities for disposing of their wool 
 crop in the large woolen mills located at Brownsville, and wool here always bring 
 good prices. 
 The general merchandise store of R. N. Thomp- 
 son, which was established in 18.S0, will serve to 
 give an idea of the volume of business transacted 
 here. Mr. Thompson's store, as shown by the 
 accompanying illustration, has a double front, 
 and occupies a prominent corner, 44x90 feet in 
 dimensions. The value of the stock carried is be- 
 tween $15, ax) and $2o,oco. Hesides an immense 
 local trade, Mr. Thompson enjoys a large patron- 
 age from the farmers, a trade that reaches a sec- 
 tion of rich country within a radius of 20 miles distance of Brownsville, 
 In Brownsville, on the opposite side of the Calipooia river from which the large 
 business establishment mentioned above is located, is the mammoth general mer- 
 chandise store of G. C. Cooley & Co., of which Messrs. G. C. Cooley, W. C. Cooley 
 and J, D. Irvine are proprietors. This firm carries a stock valued at from $15,000 to 
 $20,000, and enjoys an immense local and country trade. The Hank of Brownsville 
 is a strong financial institution of the city. The officers of the bank are : J. M. 
 Moyer, president; W. R. Kirk, vice-president, and I<. L. Say, cashier. The capital 
 stock of the bank is $30,ocx). 
 Brownsville is not behind an)' other point of the valley in an efficient system of 
 public instruction. A handsome new four-room school building has recently been 
 erected at this point at a cost of about $7,500. An older building, with two rooms, is 
 still occupied here for school purposes. The number of teachers employed in the 
 public schools here is five, and the average daily attendance of scholars is 250. 
 The schools are graded, and correct rules of discipline are enforced. The city sup- 
 ports one weekly newspaper, T/w Times, and a good public library is maintained. 
 Six church organizations are supported at Brownsville, and some of these occupy 
 very handsome church edifices. The denominations include two Presbyterian, two 
 Methodist, one Baptist, and the Christian. A good opera house, with a seating capac- 
 ity of 500, is located at this point. The town has two hotels, and good liverj' accom- 
 modations are afforded in one stable. With every advantage of an unexcelled water- 
 power, with an abundance of the finest timber near at hand, with the richest of farm- 
 ing districts tributary, Brownsville enjoys every facility for making steady and solid 
 advancement in the future. It might be assumed that good farming lands in the 
 vicinity of as rich a town as Brownsville, and exceptionally located, would command 
 very high prices. On the contrary, choice acre property can be bought here, accord- 
 ing to a statement by Mr. O. P. Coshow, whose long residence in Brownsville, and 
 whose familiarity with land values are well known, for from $10 to $50 and $100 
 per acre, the value of this land varying acco. Jing to improvements made on it and 
 proximity to town. 
Silve~ton, Oregon. 
 The Eagle Woolen Mills.— The F^agle Woolen Mills, at Browusville, have 
 been in operation for more than 25 years. Since the present company acquired own- 
 ership, five years ago, the sound of looms and spinning machines has been uninter- 
 rupted, except on Sundays, for the mills run steadily, both day and night. New 
 machinery has been added as required, from time to time, since the building of the 
 mills, so that the present equipment is almost all modern and in first-class condition. 
 A dynamo, with generating power sufficient to furnish electric lights for thi entire 
 woolen mill plant, has recently been added. 
 The mills may be designated as two-set, but with four-set capacity, which is 
 explained by the statement that in operating the spinning and carding department 
 both day and night, and the other machinery having double their capacity, a four-set 
 mill is the result. 
 An immense water power is derived from the Calipooia river, across which, four 
 miles distant, a dam has been built which turns almost the entire river into a race 
 conducting the water to the mills in an inexhaustible supply. This water also 
 furnishes the power for the Brownsville Flouring Mill, which is also owned by the 
 woolen mill company. The grinding capacity of this mill is 50 barrels per day. It 
 has the new roller process and manufactures three grades of flour, which have attained 
 a reputation for excellence. 
 The Eagle Woolen mills manufacture into the finest fabrics 300,000 pounds of 
 wool every year. All of this wool is grown in the state of Oregon. I.inn county, in 
 which the mills are located, is especially adapted for wool growing, and a large pro- 
 portion of the supply comes from this source. Thousands of cords of wood are also 
 required for the engines in generating heat and steam for the cleansing, bleaching 
 dyeing and drying departments. It is thus seen that, outside of the mills proper, 
 employment is afforded to a number of men. The mills furnish direct employment 
 to more than 60 men, women and boys, and the monthly pay roll of the company 
 amounts to J2,2oo. The operatives all have their homes in Brownsville and, in most 
 instances, in near proximity to the mill. The gene-al air of neatness and healthful- 
 ness pervading this section of the city is apparent at all times. 
 The Eagle Woolen Mills Company have a large wholesale and retail store in 
 Portland, at 164 and 166 Second street, to which the entire product of the mill is 
 shipped as soon as manufactured. Froiti two to four shipments are made every week. 
 In connection with the Portland store is an order, cutting and fitting department. A 
 stock of $150,000 value, consisting of the fincjst grades of blankets, flannels, cassimeres 
 and tweeds is constantly kept on hand, from which to make selections. The latest 
 designs in oattern are closely followed, and it is the boast of the manufacturers that 
 every piece of cloth bearing the stamp, "The IDagle Woolen Mills," is guaranteed all 
 The officers of the Eagle Woolen Mills Company are : W. R. Kirk, president; 
 I. D. Boyer, secretary, and J. M. Jaeger, superintendent, all of whom reside in Browns- 
 ville. Mr. Jaeger has had 30 years' practical experience as a woolen manufacturer. 
 The directors of the company are W. R. Kirk, J. M. Jaeger, J. J. White, John Brown 
 and Hugh Fields. 
 Sllvertoii, OiH'jfoii. -Six years ago the present prosperous town of Silvei- 
 ton was a mere hamlet, enjoying but little trade, and classed among the insignificant 
 points of the state. Today the population of the town is no less than 900, it has the 
 air and bustle of a trading and banking center of prominence, and Silverton is now 
 ranked among the mo it progressive towns of Western Oregon. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Silvcrton was incorporated in 1885. Soon after the act of incorporation was 
 passed, the spirit of progress and enterprise pervaded the community, and this pro- 
 gressive spirit on the part of the inhabitants has resulted in building up at this point 
 a wide-awake little city that is a model of cleanliness and beauty. During the past 
 few years Silverton has continued to make substantial and steady growth, nor has 
 this increase in population and wealth yet subsided. On the sides of the gently slop- 
 ing hills which have the appearance of surrounding the city, are situated many hand- 
 some residences, some of which are almost palatial in the handsome appearance of 
 their superstructure, while the majority 
 of the private dwellings of the residence 
 district are good. New buildings are be- 
 ing erected in different parts of the city, 
 and the vacant lots within the corporate 
 limits are rapidly being occupied by a 
 good class of houses. The main business 
 thoroughfare of Silverton, during the 
 working lUiys of the week, has a decided 
 metropolitan appearance. Imposing 
 blocks, constructed of brick manufactured 
 from clay found in inexhaustible (juan- 
 tities in the immediate vicinity of the 
 city, stand on the prominent corners of 
 the business street. A number of very fine business blocks ha\c been erected here 
 during the year, and other equally as substantial structures are already planned and 
 will be built during 1S94. 
 Silverton occupies a site in one of the most productive portions of Marion county. 
 It is 45 miles south of Portland and 14 miles east of the state capital at Salem. It is 
 reached by the Woodburn-Springfield branch of the vSouthern Pacific system, the 
 branch connecting with the main line at Woodburn. io miles distant. An ctricient 
 train service has been established by the Southern Pacific company, which f;ives 
 Silvcrton the advantage of two trains each way daily between this point and Portland. 
 One of these trains runs north and south between the junction with the main line 
 at Woodburn (through Silvcrton) and Natron, 93 miles south of Woodbarn, and the 
 other train makes a daily round-trip between Woodburn and Silverton, making close 
 connection at the former place with the trains on the main line. Silvcrton thus enjoys 
 the best of advantages for reaching all parts of the Willamette valley, and this effi- 
 cient train service, both north and south, has done much to encourage the growth of 
 the city. In addition to the advantages of rail connection, Silverton also supports a 
 stage line which makes daily connection with Salem. 
 It has been the aim of the railroad company to extend every advantage to the mer- 
 chants of Silverton in the way of transportation facilities. A side-track extends from 
 the main line of the railroad at this point along the principal street to the flouring 
 mills of the Oregon Milling Company. These milU are among the largest in the 
 state. The capacity of the ;plant is 300 barrels of flour a day. The total output of 
 these mills, for 1892, which was considered a short season, was 42,000 barrels. The 
 celebrated brands of flour, " Royal " and " Pioneer," manufactured by this company, 
 arc among the best-known brands of the coast, and great quantities of this flour are 
 now regularly shipped to all parts of the world. 
Silverton, Orcf^on. 
 PMOTO. B» W, L. JONtS. 
 Silverton boasts of an excellent water power, obtained by means of a short canal 
 from Silver creek, which flows by the edge of the town. This power is more than 
 sufficient for operating the large flouring mills here, and it also runs the local sawmill, 
 sash and door factory, and an efficient arc and incandescent electric light plant. Dur- 
 ing the past year a most complete system of water works has been completed at Sil- 
 verton. The water for domestic use in the city is pumped from the river direct into 
 a large reservoir which is sufficiently elevatetl to alTord ample pressure. Water 
 mains are now laid along all the principal streets. The pressure in the city's mains, 
 together with an efficient volunteer fire department 
 which is maintaircd here, aflbrds perfect protection 
 against disastrous holocausts, and there is no dan- 
 ger of the jjlace succumbing to the ravages of the 
 fiery element. Both the electric light and the 
 water-works plants are owned by private individ- 
 uals. In addition to the manufacturing plants of 
 Silverton enumerated al)ove,are two very important 
 brick-makitig plants. .\11 the brick used in the 
 construction of the fine business blocks of the 
 city were manufactured in the local yards, and in 
 addition to the heavy local demand, these yards 
 regularly ship large quantities of their product 
 to neighboring points in the valley. 
 Public Schooi., SiLVZRroN. 
 The finest brick block in Silverton, at the present writing, is that of Messrs. 
 Adolf Wolf & Son, an illustration of which is published in connection with the 
 present article. This building was erected two 
 years ago, at a cost of $io,coo. The first floor is 
 used as a general merchandise store, while the 
 scccjnd floor is devoted to ofllcc purposes. The 
 basement has a cement floor, and is used principally 
 for storage purposes. In the basement is located 
 the furnace which supplies the heat for the entire 
 building. Mr. Adolf Wolf and his son, Mr. J. 
 C. Wolf, have now been in business in Silverton 
 for lo years past. This firm conducts, at Silverton, 
 one of the best-appointed general merchandise 
 stores in the state, and they carry constantly a 
 stock valued at from |25,ooo to 130,000. 
 The banking house of Messrs. Coolidge & 
 McClaine, as shown by the accompanying 
 illustration, is a handsome brick struc- 
 ture, which was erected during the past 
 summer. The bank ftself is one of the 
 solid financial institutions of the Willamette 
 valley. It has a capital stock of 125,000, 
 and a surplus of equal amount. Its officers 
 are Alfred Coolidge, president ; Fielding 
 McClaine, vice-president, and M. J. Adams, 
 Bank, Coolidoe A McCLAiie, Silveiitom. jaSUier. 
 Adolf Wolf A Sons Qenl Merchandise Store, Silverton 
 ! !' 
 '■ 5 
 I i 
 ... ..; 
 ■ - 
 - Ut^-f'lij 
 The Oregonian's Hundbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The firm of Cusiler & Davenport also does a larj^e general merchandise business 
 at Silverton. Mr. George Cusitcr, whose por- 
 trait is published in connection with the present 
 article, furnishes a typical example of the pos- 
 sibilities that await the young man of push and 
 enterprise in the Western country. Mr. Cusitcr 
 is but 31 years of age, but he is now ranked 
 among the most successful business men of the 
 Willamette valley, and he has attained the 
 highest gift within the reach of the people of 
 his adopted city, that of mayor of Silverton. 
 Mr. Cusiter makes a very cfficievit executive 
 officer and he enjoys the confidence of the en- 
 tire community. 
 All the various business pursuits and profes- 
 sions are well represented at Silverton, and 
 the volume of business annually transacted here is large and is constantly increasing. 
 Silverton ranks high in the matter of educational advantages afiforded its youth. 
 The fine city public school is a pretentious and handsome piece of architecture, as 
 shown by the illustration accompanying this article. It contains six rooms and its 
 erection involved an outlay of |7,cx)o. The building occupies a full block of ground 
 in the central part of the city and is perfect in all its appointments. The grades of 
 the public schools arc well defined and the public school system is ably managed. 
 Five experienced teachers are employed in the public schools here and the daily 
 enrollment of scholars in attendance during the past year reached 225. 
 lUit three church organizations are maintained in Silverton. These include the 
 Presbyterian, Methodist and Christian denominations. Each of these organizations 
 owns its own church building, and each is strong in membership. TAe Tribune, a 
 weekly paper, is published at Silverton, audit is well supported. A good hall with a 
 seating capacity of 300, affords a convenient place here for public entertainments. 
 Good accommodations are afforded the traveling public in three well conducted 
 hotels. The Silverton livery stable, of which J. H. Moser is proprietor, is well 
 equipped with horses and vehicles. Mr. Moser pays special attention to meeting 
 the demands of the traveling public for riding and driving, and he has some of the 
 best stock in the country. In addition to the establishment presided over by Mr. 
 Moser, Silverton also supports another stable. 
 Silverton's main source of support is the exceptionally fertile and highly pro- 
 ductive farming section immediately tributary. While the soil of this land is especi- 
 ally adapted to the raising of fruit, including prunes and strawljcrries particularly, 
 hop culture and the raising of grain claim a large part of the attention of the farm- 
 ers of this part of the state. Dairying and stock raising here have also proved most 
 remunerative callings. Considering the proximity of Silverton to Portland, and the 
 exceptional facilities for shipping enjoyed by the farmers here, land in the vicinity of 
 Silverton is not held at high valuations. From Mr. G. A. Webb, a reliable real estate 
 agent, who has resided at Silverton for eight years past, it is learned that the prices 
 of improved land three to six miles distant from the city, today vary from $20 
 to I50 an acre. Within one mile of the corporate limits of the city choice lands 
Mt. Angelt Orcfjotu 
 can be bought for from I40 to I65 an acre. Mr. Webb is ready at al! times to furnish 
 reliable information, either of Silverton or of the rich section of country tributary. 
 Silverton is a thri, iuj^ place, marie up of an enterprising populatioit. The people 
 here are at all times alive to the advantages of location which the city enjoys, and 
 they are disposed to make the best of the opportunities afforded them here for 
 advancement. The people of Silverton have strong hopes of making their town one 
 of the principal commercial centers of the Willamette valley, and the advancement 
 the place has made during the past few years augurs much for a continued growth in 
 population and wealth in the future. 
 Mt. Anjirel, Oroffon. — The town of Mt. Angel was incorporated by an act of 
 the last legislature. It now has a population of about 250, and is the seat of two of 
 the leading Catholic institutions of learning on the coast, the Mt. Angel Seminary 
 and College and the Queen of Angels riCadcmy. The parochial schools here have a 
 daily attendance of about 60 pupils, who are instructed by the Benedictine Sisters of the 
 Queen of Angels Academy. The public school system of the town is good, the aver- 
 age number of scholars in attendance at the public schools being about 30. 
 Mt. Angel is 40 miles south of Portland on the line of the Woodburn-Springfield 
 branch of the Southern Pacific, six miles from the main line at Woodburn, and is 14 
 miles southeast of Salem. Four passenger trains pass this point daily. The town is 
 making steady and constant advancement, both by reason of the exceptional educa- 
 tional advantages afforded here and also by its location in a rich and highly produc- 
 tive country. A large grain warehouse with a storage capacity of 75,000 bushels, is 
 located at Mt. ."Vngel, and the town also boasts of a keg factory, the output of which 
 finds a sale principally among the large breweries of Salem, Albany and Portland. 
 There is but one church building in the town at the present time, that of the 
 Catholics which is a recently erected structure. 
 The Mt. Angel hotel, of which Mr. B. Oswald 
 is owner and manager, is a handsome structure, 
 as is shown by the accompanying illustration. 
 The hotel building contains 11 neatly furnished 
 rooms, and the rates charged are from $1 to 
 $1.50 per day. Mr. Oswald has made the Mt. 
 Angel hotel a popular hostelry with the travel- 
 ing public, and he enjoys a constantly increas- 
 ing patronage. Mt. Angel supports a single 
 livery stable, which furnishes ample accommo- 
 dation to the people who visit this point. 
 From the top of Mt. Angel, legated but a short distance from the town of the 
 same name, is obtained a magnificent view of a wide stretch of the best part of the 
 Willamette valley, and also of the snow-capped peaks of the lofty Cascades, in both 
 Oregon and Washington. The rugged chain of the Coast Range of mountains on the 
 west are also seen to excellent advantage from this point, as are the Waldo Hills and 
 the historic Mary's Peak on the south. Mt. Angel is not a town of a large popula- 
 tion, but it is a prosperous settlement located in a highly attractive and rich section 
 of country, and as a place of residence it is one of the most charming points of the 
 Willamette valley. 
 Mt. Angel Motel, mt. Ansel. 
 The Orcffuttian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Mt. Angel Skminary and Collkge. — Situated at the foot of Mt. Angel, a 
 gently sloping hill cuiitaining an area of about 8oj acres, is Mt. Angel Setniuary and 
 College, an educational institution conducted by the Hcncdictine fathers. The eleva- 
 tion known as Mt. Angel, rises to a height of 295 feet, and from the summit of 
 this elevation a commanding view is obtained of the surrounding country for miles 
 The monastery grounds comprise an area of 800 acres, and are crossed by the 
 Wood bur n- 
 this railroad 
 Mt. Angel Seminary and cc'-Lt;aE, mt. Angel. 
 Springfield branch of the Southern Pacific. The station of 
 line is located within one mile of the monastery. The col- 
 lege building, shown by the accompanying illustration, 
 is a three-siory structure, designed and ar- 
 ranged according to the most modern plans 
 for such an institution. The monastery, sem- 
 inary, church and other smaller buildings were 
 destroyed by fire in May, 1892. It is expected 
 that these buildings will be replaced with bet- 
 ter structures during the coming year. 
 The institution is divided into three de- 
 partments. These are for students of phi- 
 losophy and theology, for those who desire to study for the Catholic priesthood and 
 for those who may wish to prepare themselves for any other profession. The relig- 
 ion of the institution is Roman Catholic, but students of other beliefs are admitted, 
 the only recjuirement of scholars being that they be present at the common religious 
 exercises. The rules and regulations of the school have been carefully drafted, and 
 are rigidly enforced. The faculty is composed of an able body of men who are highly 
 efficient as instructors. 
 The number of students in attendance at this school during the past year was 90, 
 most of whom came from within the state of Oregon. The charges for tuition and 
 board here are within the reach of all. Mt. Angel Seminary and College, although 
 established but nine years, has already commanded widespread attention as an insti- 
 tution from which may be received a thoroughly correct training and a broad and lib- 
 eral education. 
 Queen of Angels Academy. — The academy is situated in a healthful and most 
 picturesque part of Oregon, and is one mile wi-st of Mt. Angel college. The build- 
 ing occupied by the school, as seen by the illustration published on this pa^e, is a 
 handsome structure of brick and stone, spaci- 
 ous, well lighted .and ventilated, and enjoying 
 all modern improvements. Elxtcnsivc grounds, 
 groves and orchards adjoining the Imilding, 
 afford ample advantages for healthful recrea- 
 tion. The Woodburn-Springfield branch of the- 
 Southern Pacific railroad passes by the convent 
 grounds, and the railroad station at Mt. Angel 
 is but one-fourth of a mile distant. 
 The academy is incorporated under the laws 
 of the stat:; ol Oregon, which empowers the 
 school to confer academic honors. It is con- 
 ducted by the Benedictine vSisters, and while 
 the rules of discipline are well defined, they arc enforced in a rigid but not harsh 
 Queen of Angels Academy, Mt. Angel. 
Halsey, Oregon. 
 manner. Members of any religious tlenomiuation are received at the academy, 
 but pupils must lie willinj,; to conform to the rules of the school, and for sake of 
 uniformity, be present at the ordinary rcliyious exercises. There are three distinct 
 courses of study laid down in the institution. These are the normal, classical and 
 commercial. There are also special courses in shorthand and typewriting, Iclej^raphy, 
 drawing and painting, music and needle-work. 
 The expenses for board and tuition are exceedingly mmlerate. The number of 
 boarders enrolled at the school during the pi -J year was 34. The surroundings of the 
 yueen of Angels Academy are most inviting, l ♦ training received is thorough, and 
 the associations with the Benedictine sisters, wl'o are solicitous for the welfare of each 
 of the pupils, are most plcasani. 
 Halsey, Orejlfoii. — One of the aiost prosperous towns of the east sidt* of 
 the Willamette valley is Halsey, located in Marion county. Halsey is situated 
 oii the main line of the vSouthern Pacifi- railroad, 97 miles south of Portland 
 and 18 miles south of Albany, the latter plice Ijcing the point where the Oregon 
 Pacific crosses the tracks of the Southern Pacific. Halsey is incorporated and now 
 claims a population of about 400. A rich tributary section of country, typical of the 
 highly fertile farming belt included within what is known as tue Willamette valley, 
 surrounds the town, and this, with the enterprising population of the place, has 
 resulted in building up at this point a trade center of some little promintncc. 
 The leading manufacturing industry at llalscy at 
 the present time is a dram tile plant, which is owned and 
 operated by D. Nash & Co. , who are thoroughly practical 
 tile manufacturers. An inexhaustible supply of blue clay 
 is found within the corporate limits of the town, and this 
 clay is pronounced by experts to be of a quality especially 
 adapted to the highest grades of drain tile. The tile fac- 
 tory at Halsey has a capacity of i ,500,000 feet of tile an- 
 nually. This output is shipped to various parts of the 
 Willamette valley, most of the land of which, while very 
 rich, is greatly improved by sub-drainage. Halsey is also 
 an imporiant wheat storage and shipping point. Three 
 large warehouses are located here, with a combined storage capacity of 225,000 bushels 
 of wheat. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company has built a side track to these 
 warehouses at' J ;>very facility is afibrded by the railroad company for handling freight 
 from this place in ihe most expeditious and most economical manner possible. 
 Three large general merchandise stores are located at Halsey, as well as a num- 
 ber of smaller mercantile establishments. The aggregate stock carried by the three 
 largest houses is an evidence of the richn'^ss of the section of which Halsey is the 
 business center. The Stafford, Garrett Co. carry a stock of general merchandise 
 valued at from $12,000 to |i4,ooo. Koontz & Power, also dealers in general mer- 
 chandise, value their stock at from $17,000 to $20, (xx). Both of these leading houses 
 command a trade that is not by any means confined to the town proper, but that 
 reaches out from Halsey in all directions for a distance of from 5 to 10 miles. Another 
 large house of Halsey is the Oriental Tea Company, which enjoys a large trade in 
 staple and fancy groceries. 
 The efficiency of the public school system of Halsey is in advance of the popu- 
 lation of the place. A fine new school building, an illustration of which is published 
 Public Schooi., HALSer, 
 The Oregon'an's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 in connection with the preaent at tide, was recently erected at this point, at a cost of 
 |5,oao. It contains four well lijijhted and perfectly ventilated rooms. Four efficient 
 teachers are employed in the public schools here, and the average daily attendance of 
 scholars, exclusive of those residing outside the city limits, is about loo. Advanced 
 courses of study have been provided for at these schools in addition to the common- 
 school branches taught here. Church buildings are owned at Halsey by the United 
 Presbyterian, Methodist, Christian and Baptist denominations. The town supports 
 one weekly newspaper, 7'Ae Netos. It has a public hall with a seating capacity of 
 300, and one good hotel, occupying a large and well arranged building, and one livery 
 stable, afford ample accomniodatious to the traveling public, 
 Wheat is the staple product of the dislricl tributary 'J Halsey, ^id the shipments 
 of grain from this point are ve-y heavy. While the so' of this secijn is equally as 
 well adapted to fruit growing and hop culture as is th'~ ■ oil of other parts of the val- 
 ley, the raising of wheat still claims the principal attention of the farmers here. The 
 assessed valuation of the properly at Halsey is 1150,000, and the town is unincumbered 
 with any bonded indebtedness. Fvvery effort is now being made by the enterprising 
 citizens of Halsey to advance the interests of their town and, with the many natural 
 advantages in favor of the place as a natural trading point, these efforts will doubtless 
 not prove unavaili:jg. 
 Ilari'isbiiriar, Orcji:<>ii. — Harrisburg is one of the old settled towns of 
 ♦he Willamette valley. It is i(J5 miles south of Portland on the main line of the 
 Southern Pacific and has a present population of about 500. Harrisburg is also 
 located on the Willamette river, which at favorable stages is nrv'^^able from this 
 point to the mouth of the river, thus affording Harrisburg the benefits of an all- 
 water route connecting direct with Portland. 
 One flouring mill with a capacity of 30 barrels, and a sawmill with a cutting capa- 
 city of 10,000 feet of lumber, per day, are located at this point. The output of both 
 of these manufacturing plants finds ready sale in ^ -risburg and in the rich sec- 
 tions of country adjacent. Work on the construction of a canal which will tap the 
 Willamette river at a point three miles distant from Harrisburg is now being 
 prosecuted, and it is expected to have the canal completed during the present year. 
 The canal will furnish suflicient water power at Harrisburg for running several fac- 
 tories, an electric light plant and city water works. 
 The soil of the land in the immediate vicinity of Harrisburg is especial!} 
 adapted to wheat and hop growing, and large quantities of wheat and hops are now 
 annually shipped from this point. This is an old settled portion of the state and 
 many large and highly improved farms are found in this section. Harrisburg sup- 
 ports a number of large stores and the different branches of business are well rep- 
 resented here. A spacious building containing four rooms is used for public school 
 purposes. Four teachers are employed in these schools and the average daily 
 attendance is about 125 scholars. The Christians and two denominations of Metho- 
 dists have organizations here and are well supjjorted. Harrisburg has one bank an<l 
 supports one w;ekly newspaper. The Courier. A new city hall, also used for public 
 gatherings, v;as completed in 1892. This hall has a seating capacity of 400 people. 
 The travelling public will find one good hotel at Harrisburg, and one livery stable. 
 The assessed valuation of the district in which Harrisburg is located — the section 
 properly tributary to the town — is $200,000, and the town itself is entirely free from 
 bonded indebtedness. 
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Junction City, Oregon. 
 Junction City, Oregon.— Junction City, Linn county, was so named 
 owing to this point being the prospective junction of the East and West Side divi- 
 sions of the Southern Pacific railroad which now runs north and south on both sides 
 of the Willamette river through the highly fertile section of the Willamette valley. 
 The East Side division of this road is now the through line between Portland and 
 San Francisco, and it is on the main line that Junction City is located, no miles south 
 of Portland. The West Side division of the same road has its temporary southern ter- 
 minus atCorvallis, about 28 miles southwest of Junction City. The route for the ex- 
 tension of the West Side division of the Southern Pacific between Corvallis and Junc- 
 tion City lies through one of the most fertile sections of the valley. It offers no obsta- 
 cles to cheap and easy railroad construction and it is absolutely certain that this 
 extension will be built in the near future. Junction is now the end of the Roseburg 
 division of the Southern Pacific and it is here that the locomotive and train crews 
 are changed. Large disbursements are regularly made here by the railroad com- 
 pany and this, with the wealth of the tributary farming district, makes this an 
 especially prosperous town. 
 The official census of 1890 gave Junc- 
 tion City a population of 560. Since that 
 time the population of the place has in- 
 creased to 700. Two years ago a destructive 
 fire wiped out the main business part of the 
 town, but since the holocaust several fine, 
 new brick blocks have taken the place of the 
 wooden structures which lined the main 
 business thoroughfare Ijefore the fire. The 
 accompanying illustration is a correct repre- 
 sentation of the drug store and banking 
 house recently erected by W. S. Lee, who 
 opened the first drug store in Junction City 
 2r years ago. Mr. Lee has unlimited confi- 
 dence in the future growth of Junction City 
 and he has accumulated here some of the 
 most valuable city property. In conjunc- 
 tion with the drug store Mr. Lee does a 
 general banking and insurance business, 
 and \ie has built up a large city and country 
 patronage in each of these departments. 
 There are numerous other large and 
 successfu business establishments in Junc- 
 tion, but that of G. M. Jackson & Co. is de- 
 serving of especial mention as showing the 
 necessH.ily highly productive section of 
 country vvhichmustbe tributary to the town 
 in order to support as large a house as this b.<. •=?. Junction City is the principal 
 trading center for a large part of Tane county, The firm of G. M. Ja. k.son & Co. 
 liave established at this point an imuicnse general merchandise business. The value 
 of their stock during certain seasons of the year reaches as high as $25,000. This 
 store commands the best trade of the surrounding community and this trade extends 
 into the surrounding country for miles distant. 
 w. 8. LEE'S Block, Junction City, 
 The Orejionian's Handbook of the Pacific Xorthwest. 
 Junction City boasts of one roller flouring mill which manufactures daily 75 bar- 
 rels of flour of an excellent grade. Three large grain elevators are also located 
 here, and these elevators have a combined storage capacity of 375,ck)o bushels. The 
 adjoining country is a great wheat and oat-producing section, and most of the grain 
 product of this section is stored in large elevators at Junction City, from which point 
 it is shipped to Portland and San Franci.sco. During 1892 the shipments of wheat 
 from Junction City aggregated 125,000 bushels. Hops and barley are also raised to 
 some extent in this part of the state. During 1892 a new and hand.some school house 
 was completed at Junction City at a cost of $6,000. This building contains four large 
 rooms, one teacher being assigned to each room. The average daily attendance of 
 scholars during the past year was about 150. The Presbyterian, Methodist an<l 
 Christian denominations have handsome' church edifices at Junction City and each 
 organization contains a large membership The city has a good water-works system, 
 the supply of water for city use being tal-en from two large reservoirs having a 
 combined capacity of i5,ooo gallons. The lower floor of the city hall is used for 
 holding the fire apparatus. A good volunteer fire department is tiiaintained here 
 and the city is amply protected against fire. 
 Situated on the main street of the city is an imposing brick block which is used 
 for hotel and opera-house purposes combined. The hotel is well arranged and well 
 conducted, and the opera-1 use, which has a seating capacity of ycxj, is one of the 
 neatest little public auditoriums in the valley. The erection of this block involved 
 an outlay of $24,000. One hotel in addition to the above is maintained at Junction 
 City. The town supports one weekly newspaper, The Times. Three livery stables 
 furnish ample accommodations to the traveling public. 
 Cue of the richest portions of the entire Willamette valley is directly tributary to 
 Junction City. Farming lands in this locality can be purchased at very reasona!)le 
 prices. Mr. G. M. Jackson, a prominent citizen of Junction City, quotes prices on 
 desirable wheat and hop land at from I35 to $40 per acre, land lying within one milt 
 of the corporate limits of the town. The same lands, from, three to four miles dis- 
 tant from the town, can be bought for from $10 to $20 per acre. Mr. Jackson is 
 acquainted with all land values in this vicinity, and he is a thoroughly reliable person 
 from whom to receive information on this subject. 
 Junction City is made up of a live and wide-awake people, who seem to appreci- 
 ate their favorable location, and who will doubtless exert every effort in advancing 
 the town's prosperity in the future as they have steadily done in the past. 
 Kujjfoiie, Oretf^on. — The most distinguishing feature of Eugene is its natural 
 beauty of location. The district in which the city is located is one of the most pic- 
 turesque parts of the state. This might truly be termed the gateway to the Wil- 
 lamette valley from the south. It is the dividing line between the low, level stretches 
 of the valley proper and the undulating but highly fertile lands to the south. All of 
 the section tributary to Ivugene is perfectly watered, the soil is both warm and rich, 
 and the country supports one of the most prosperous farming communities in the 
 Eugene has a population of about 4,000, aid it is the highest point on the Will- 
 amette river that steamboats from Portland ever ascend. This stream flows by the 
 city on the east. To the west is a range of hills covered with forests. l-Vom the 
 highest eminences of these hills is commanded one of the widest views of the Will- 
 amette valley obtained from any elevation. Eugene is essentially a city of homes. 
 The city has the appearance of some well laid-out park, shade trees lining all the 
 Eugene, Oregon. 
 le Will- 
 by the 
 \o\\\ ilic 
 lie Will- 
 hU the 
 Willamette Street, Eugene. 
 principal streets. Around all the fine private residences of the city are well-kept 
 lawns and flower gardens, and these private grounds attest in a most striking manner 
 the inclinations of the people who have made their homes in 
 Eugene. It is the boast of the people here that Eugene is a city 
 of homes, and the effort made to 
 add to the home comforts of 
 Eugene's population has done 
 much to advance the city's inter- 
 c-ts in a material way. 
 Eugene is the seat of Lane 
 county, and it is also the seat of 
 the Oregon State University, a 
 higher institution of learning, that 
 has attained threat prominence 
 among the g.-eat schools of the 
 coast. Eugen? is 123 miles south 
 of Portland by the line of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad, and 650 
 miles north of San Francisco by the 
 same route. It is the natural trading and jobbing center of Lane county, and the de- 
 velopment of this county during the last five years has resulted in largely increasing 
 Ivugene's population and wealth. The staple product of the farms of this section, as 
 of the other parts of the valley, is wheat. In addition the farmers here pay large atten- 
 tion to fruit and hop growing, while the production of wool and stock raising are fol- 
 lowed with profit in the foothill districts of the county. This is an ideal fruit-growing 
 country. The nights here during the summer and fall months are warm, the soil is 
 rich and of that peculiar light quality especially adapted to fruit growing, and fruit 
 raising on the most extensive scale will some day be the most profitable industry of 
 Lane county. 
 The main business street of Eugene has the stamp of metropolitan importance. 
 It is wide and well kept, and it is lined, for a distance of four blocks in the center of 
 the city, with fine two and three-story brick buildings. The display windows of the 
 main business houses make a very attractive appearance. Every line of business is 
 well represented here, and a number of the largest stores carry stocks of goods valued 
 at from $25,000 to $40,000. 
 Owing to the many advantages of location a number of important manufacturing 
 institutions have been established at Eugene during the past few years, and these 
 industries are all on a paying basis. The local supply of raw material is large and is 
 easily obtained, and the excellent shipping facilities enjoyed by the city assure a r ady 
 market for the product of the factories here. Located here is a large roller flouring 
 mill with a daily capacity of 100 barrels. This mill manufacture's a high grade of 
 flour, and this flour is shipped as far north as Puget Sound. The company operating 
 these mills has an elevator capacity of 100,000 bushels, and the entire milling plant is 
 complete in every respect. 
 '^. e Willamette Tannery, shown by the accompanying illustration, was estab- 
 lished in Eugene 12 years ago, and since that time it has been turning out leather 
 at the rate of 7,000 sides a year. The proprietors of the tannery are W. W. Haines 
n n r 
 The Oregoaian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Willamette Tannery, W, w. Haines 4 Co., Proprietors, Euoene. 
 & Co., who are thoroughly expe- 
 rienced manufacturers in their 
 line. The tannery employs eight 
 men and consumes 250 cords of 
 hemlock bark per year. Almost 
 the entire output of the plant is 
 shipped to San Francisco, via the 
 Oregon Pacific railroad to Yaquina 
 Bay and by steamer plying regu- 
 larly between the latter port and 
 San Francisco. Messrs. Haines 
 & Co. state that the demand for 
 the grade of leather manufactured by them is far in excess of the capacity of their 
 Among the other factories located at Eugene is a sawmill with a cutting capacity 
 of 25,000 feet of lumber per day. This mill gives employment to 25 men. Logs are 
 floated to the mill down tlv Willamette river. The cannery and fruit-evaporating 
 plant combined, located at this point, represent an outlay of $15,000. The cannery 
 has a daily capacity of 50 tons of fruit while the evaporator can turn out 5,000 pounds 
 of fruit a day. During the busy season, this plant gives employment to about 200 
 men, women and children, and it is the means of disbursing large sums of money 
 here regularly. Eugene claims two planing and one shingle mill. The latter has a 
 capacity of 20,000 shingles a day. Among the other manufacturing plants here are an 
 ice factory and cold-storage house, foundr; and machine shops, and a furniture and 
 cutlery manufactory. 
 Eugene enjoys the benefit of a great water power. This has only been partially 
 developed as yet. The flouring mill, two or three of the smaller factories and tiit- 
 city electric plant are now being operated by this water power. The water is brought 
 to the city through a race which taps the Willamette river a short distance abovo 
 Eugene. Eugene has a good system of waterworks, water for city use being taken 
 from a reservoir located on a butte one-half mile distant. This reservoir is at an elf 
 vation of 175 feet above the city, and it has a holding capacity of 300,000 gallons. 
 The water is pumped into the reservoir direct from a deep well whose supply i.s 
 inexhaustible. Mains are laid through all the principal streets, and hydrants are 
 located at the street crossings. Fire engines are unnecessary as a protection against 
 a conflagration, as sufficient pressure is maintained at all times in the hydrants, 
 which are easily tapped, to throw a stream over the highest building of any of tho 
 streets. Four well-drilled volunteer hose companies are maintained here, and tin.- 
 city has every facility for successfully fighting fire. 
 Over $20,000 has already been expended by Eugene in an excellent system of 
 sewers covering the main streets of the city. 
 As a seat of learning, Eugene occupies a proud position among the most favortil 
 educational centers of the coast. In addition to the University of Oregon located heie 
 an excellent public ^chool sy.stem is maintained. Two large modern school buildings, 
 containing eight rooms each, furnish ample quarters for public school purposes. 
 Sixteen teachers are employed in these schools. The schools are graded, ami 
 scholars, upon the completion of their studies at Eugene's public schools, are pr - 
 pared to enter the freshman class in any of the best colleges. 
Eugene, Oregon. 
 ■stem I'f 
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 Eug«ne is the banking center of Lane 
 county. Three strong financial institu- 
 tions are located here, and they all do a 
 large business. The two leading banks of 
 Eugene are the Lane County Bank and the 
 First National. The oldest banking house 
 in Eugene and Lane county is that of Messrs. 
 Hovey, Humphrey & Co., known as the 
 Lane County Bank. It was estabhshed in 
 1882, and occupies one of the finest brick 
 corners, shown by the accompanying iHus- 
 tration, in Eugene. The president of the 
 Lane County Bank is Hon. A. G. Hovey, ex- 
 member of the state senate and ex-mayor 
 of the city of Eugene. Mr. Hovey is re- 
 garded as one of the leading and prominent 
 citizens of Eugene and of the state, and he 
 enjoys the ccmfidence of all who know 
 him. H. C. Humphrey, a son of one of 
 Oregon's pioneers, the late Hon. Geo. 
 Humphrey, is the cashier of the bank, J. M. 
 Abrams is the assistant cashier, and A. G. Hovey, Jr., is the teller. 
 The Lane County Bank continues to do an increasing business with all classes 
 and interests of the people of Lane county with each successive year. 
 The First National Bank of Eugene, shown by the accompanying illustration, is 
 one of the most solid financial institutions in the Willamette valley. It was first 
 established as a private bank in 1884 by the promi- 
 nent firm of Hendricks & Eakin, and was incor- 
 porated as a national bank in 1886. The First Na- 
 tional Bank was first capitalized with $50,000, and 
 the surplus now amounts to $50,000 more. The 
 total amount of business transacted by this bank, 
 in 1892, was $7,000,000. The Hon. T. G. Hendricks, 
 a resident of the state of Oregon since 1848, and 
 one of the prominent citizens of Eugene, is presi- 
 dent of the First National Bank ; Hon. S. B. Eakin 
 is cashier, and P. E. Snodgrass is the assistant 
 L»NE COUNTY Dank, Eugene. 
 First National bank, Euqenc. 
 Eugene has the benefit of the strongest of religious influences. Eight strong 
 church organizations are maintained here, all of which own handsome church edi- 
 fices. These are denominations of the Presbyterian, Cumberland Presbyterian, Meth- 
 odist, F'piscopal, Catholic, Congregational, Christian and Baptist. Three well con- 
 ducted newspapers, The Daily Guard, The Semi- IVcekly Register and 7^he Weekly 
 Oregon State Journal, render effective aid in advancing the city's interests. A hand- 
 some opera house, with a seating capacity of 1,000, has recently been completed at 
 Eugene. Eugene's finances are in a most satisfactory condition. The assessed 
 valuation of city property, in 1892, was $1,600,000, and the total bonded indebted- 
 ness of the city today does not exceed $20,000. Excellent accommodations are pro- 
 t , iA 
 ! t I 
 11 I U! 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 • ' 
 vided for tourists here, Eugene supporting three good hotels and four well stocked 
 livery stables. 
 An active board of trade has doue much to crowd Eugene to the front. Through 
 the agency of the board of trade here liberal inducements, in the way of proffers of 
 land and money, have been offered manufacturers to locate at this point, and this 
 liberal policy has resulted in much practical benefit to the city. Eugene's corporate 
 limits now extend two miles east and west and one mile north and south. The main 
 street leading from the depot out to the university, is traversed by a street-car line, 
 over which cars are run at frequent and regular intervals. Eugene has always been 
 a prosperous point, and the energy of its citizens during the past few years, together 
 with its many advantages of location, has resulted in making Eugene one of the lead- 
 ing centers of population in Western Oregon. 
 The Univei*slt.y of Ovofj^on. — The University of Oregon, established at 
 Eugene, in 1872, by act of the state legislature, and opened for reception of students 
 in 1876, has passed the crucial period of the struggles of all new institutions. The 
 able management and liberal support by the state have caused the institution to take 
 high rank among colleges of this country. Its location at Eugene cannot be sur- 
 passed for health, convenience of access and beauty of scenery. The control and 
 management of the university was entrusted to a board of regents consisting of nine 
 members appointed by the governor. The present board is composed of the follow- 
 ing members: Hotn R. S. Bean, Salem; Hon. L. L. McArthur, Portland ; Hon. 
 Henry Failing, Portland; Hon. A. Bush, Salem; Hon. S. Hamilton, Roseburg; 
 Hon. A. G. Hovey, Eugene; Hon. T. G Hendricks, Eugene; Hon. C. C. Beekman, 
 Jacksonville; Hon. Joshua J. Walton, Eugene. The late Hon. Matthew P. Deady, 
 I/. L. D., was the honored president of the board of regents for the last 20 years. 
 The university has the following endowment : $100,000 realized from the sale of 
 lands granted by the United States ; $50,000 generously donated by Mr. Henry Vil- 
 lard. The interest on said sums is used for the support of the school, in addition to 
 the sum of $30,000 annually appropriated by the state. 
 The university campus contains 18 acres, situated at the head of the great Wil 
 lamette valley, on a gradually ascending elevation, from which can be obtained ;i 
 splendid view of the surrounding country. The main buildings, as seen by the illus- 
 tration on the opposite page, consists of three brick structures, the two larger ones 
 being used for school purposes, while the smaller one is used for a gymnasium. Tht- 
 two other buildings arc used for rlormitories. The observatory occupies a sightly 
 location on the top of Skinner's Butte, which overlooks the city of Eugene and sur 
 rounding country, and is convenient to the other buildings. 
 The library of the university contains 5,000 volumes of carefully selected books, 
 which is being increased each year from the Henry Villard library fund. The regents 
 have expended $6,000 in the purchase of apparatus for the departments of chemistr;. 
 and physics, and mathemati>.al and astronomical instruments for the school. 
 There are four courses of study in the university, the classical, scientific, liter- 
 ary and English. Tuition is free, but each student is required to pay an incidental 
 fee of $10 per year. Students can obtain board and rooms in private families at rea- 
 sonable rates, and have use of dormitories at the cost of maintenance. 
 The school of law of the university is conducted at Portland, where access ■ i 
 more easily had to excellent libraries and a greater variety of courts. The ablest 
 lecturers are employed to preside over this department. The course of law studii s 
r "IT 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 consists of two sessions of 20 weeks each, and the tuition is |6o per session. 
 Application for admission to the school of law should be addressed to Prof. Richard 
 H. Thornton, Portland, Oregon. 
 The school of medicine is also cc aducted at Portland. The faculty is composed 
 of the best physicians of the state, most of whom are connected with hospitals of 
 the city, which offer advantages for clinical and didactic instruction unsurpassed in the 
 state. For full particulars as 10 course of study, fees and other information of medi- 
 cal department, address C. C. Strong, M. D., secretary, Portland, Oregon. 
 The conservatory of music of the university is conducted by Miss Mary E. 
 M'Cornack, graduate of the New England conservatory, assisted by talented teach- 
 ers. Instruction is given on the piano forte, organ, violin, and in voice culture ; also 
 in harmony and theory of music. 
 The University of Oregon has justly earned a reputation for higher education of 
 which the entire state niciy feel proud. Some of the ablest men and women of Ore- 
 gon and neighboring states belong to the alumni of this inntitutiou. From its 
 inception the aim of the regents and facult}' has been to make thorough scholars 
 rather than rush through to graduation a large number of students. 
 The curriculum of the university has always maintained a comparntive standard 
 with prominent Eastern colleges, and has long attracted attention as on; of the best- 
 conducted institutions of learning in the west, Aoplication for catalogues can be 
 made to Joshua J. Walton, secretary of board, Eugene, Oregon. 
 Lane County, Oregon. — Lane county occupies a position at the head of 
 the Willamette valley, the garden spot of Western Oregon. It is one of the largest 
 counties of the valley. It extends for a distance of 150 miles from the crest of the 
 Cascade Mountains west to the Pacific ocean, F'rom Linn county, by which it is 
 bounded on the north, it reaches for a distance of 50 miles south to the northern 
 boundary of Douglas county. The county contains about 3,7cx3,ocx) acres, about 500,- 
 000 of which are now under cultivation. A large part of the surface of the county is 
 mountainous, elevations that are covered with a dense forest growth of timber, as are 
 the higher portions of all Western Oregon. Some 300 square miles of the Willamette 
 valley in Lane county, or that part of the county lying between its northern bound- 
 ary line and Eugene, the county seat, and even for some distance beyond this latter 
 point cannot be excelled for agricultural and grazing purposes. To the east and v/est 
 of this very rich strip along the foothills of the Cascade and Coast range of mount- 
 ains respectively, are numerous small valleys which are rapidly being filled with a 
 class of industrious settlers. The lands of these small valleys are valuable for fruit 
 and hop raising, and they are equally as fertile as the lands of the Willamette valley 
 proper. Prominent among the large water courses of Lane county are the Willam- 
 ette, McKenzie, Siuslaw, Coast Fork and Mohawk rivers. These streams drain large 
 areas of country, and the valleys along their courses are all easily accessible and 
 especially adapted to a high state of cultivation. 
 Located on a branch of the Coast Fork of the Willamette river in the eastern 
 part of the county are the rich Bohemian gold and silver mines. The mining devel- 
 opment of Lane county is not as pronounced as the mining interests of the part of 
 the state further to the south, but sufficient prospecting has already been done in the 
 mountains of the county to show that valuable deposits of precious metal exist 
 here, and earnest efforts are now being made to develop the mines here into paying 
Lane County, Oregon. 
 Fruit and wheat growing are the principal industries of the farming districts of 
 Lane county. The present annual yield of wheat in the county is about 5oo,cxx) 
 bushels. In addition to wheat, about 5,000 bales of hops are annually shipped from 
 the county, and the product of wool of the county reaches about 200,000 pounds. 
 The Willamette river, which is navigable during the winter months from Portland to 
 Eugene, was formerly the principal freight route for the products of Lane county to 
 reach a market at Oregon's chief city. Most of the shipments of this part of the 
 state now, however, are made over the lines of the Southern Pacific and Oregon 
 Pacific railroads, the former road extending north and south through die valley, 
 while the Oregon Pacific runs east and west, crossing the Southern Pacific at Albany 
 and terminating on the west at Yaquina City on Yaquina Bay. 
 Thousands of acres of government land are still unoccupied in Lane county. 
 Most of this land is well back from the old established towns of the county, but 
 along the McKenzic river are large tracts of good land still unoccupied. There is 
 much very fine land in the county offered for sale at from $5 to $10 an acre, and this 
 land is easily cleared and is highly fertile when put into cultivation 
 The present population of Lane county is ribout 16,000. It is one of the old 
 established populated parts of Western Oregon, and it is the home of many well-to-do 
 farmers, and the people who reside here are principally prosperous and contented. 
 East Cottasre Grove. — East Cottage Grove is located in Lane county, on the 
 east bank of the Coast Pork of the Willamette river. It is 145 miles south of Port- 
 land by the Southern Pacific railroad, on the main line of which it is located. On 
 the west bank of the river at this point is located the old and original town of Cot- 
 tage Grove, which was first established in 1862. The town was incorporated in 1889, 
 and it has a present population of about 150. 
 Old Cottage Grove is a place of but little importance. A flouring mill with a 
 daily capacity of 40 barrels is located here. It contains one large general merchan- 
 dise store as well as several smaller business houses, and these, with one hotel, are 
 the noteworthy features of the old town. Four years ago new life was infused into 
 this old established place, and in spreading out, the principal business interests of the 
 town were soon transferred to the oast bank of the river at this point. The town on 
 the east bank was incorporated by act of the last legislature under the corpora "^e 
 name of East Cottage Grove. This latter town is now a bustling place of about 450 
 population and the new town is making very rapid strides in substantial develop- 
 ment. It now boasts of a fine roller flouring mill with a daily capacity of 60 barrels. 
 A bank is located here with a capital stock of 130,000, and the town supports a 
 weekly newspaper, The Echo-Leader. A dozen or more business houses, as well as 
 two hotels and a livery stable, are well patronized in the town. Three substantial 
 brick buildings have been erected on the main street and the construction of other 
 buildings of a similar character is already contemplated. The public school of the 
 town K- conducted in a neat two-story building. About 100 scholars are in daily 
 attendance at the school here, which is in charge of three teachers. Five religious 
 organizations are supported here. These are the Cumberland Presbyterian, Christian, 
 Methodist, Baptist and Catholic. The first two denominations worship in church 
 edifices of their own. 
 The resources of the section tributary to East Cottage Grove are lumber, wool 
 and fruit, which constitute the principal shipments from this point. In addition the 
 I I 
» i 
 \ i 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 V ' 
 town is also the only supply point for the rich Bohemian gold rnd silver mines situ- 
 ated 40 miles east, and which are now being developed. 
 I>rilin, Orej^oii. — In Douglas county, at the junction of Pass and Elk creeks, 
 is located the flourishing little town of Drain. It is on the main line of the Southern 
 Pacific railroad, 161 miles south of Portland, and it contains a population of about 
 300. The town enjoys a considerable degree of prominence in being the seat of the 
 State Normal School, which receives considerable mention in an article published in 
 connection with the present article on Drain. 
 A small sawmill and a gristmill constitute Drain's manufacturing enterprises. In 
 the vicinity of Drain are forests of fine timber. This timber is now being extensively 
 cut, and the rafting of logs down the streams of this section to the mills at Drain 
 and other points, is one of the leading pursuits of the people of this part of the state. 
 The superior educational advantages of Draiti have always attracted many fami- 
 lies to this point. One of the strongest factors which led to the selection of Drain for 
 the scat of the State Normal School was the general healthfulness of this part of the 
 state. In addition to the normal school. Drain has ihe benefit of a good system of 
 public instruction, which is conducted under the auspices of the State Normal School. 
 The average daily attendance at the public school is about 80. Two church organiza- 
 tion 5 are maintained at Drain, the Methv. ?ist and the Christian, both of which have 
 largf memberships. One hotel and one livery stable take care of the interests of the 
 traveling public visiting this point. 
 All overland trains of the Southern Pacific stop at Drain, where connection is 
 made by stage for Coos Bay points. Coos Bay is Ho miles west of this place. The 
 principal shipments from Drain are lumber, live stock and poultry, and the country 
 immediately tributary is rich and capable of supporting a nmch laiger population 
 than now finds homes here. 
 Tlie State Normal School. — The State Normal School, at Drain, Oregon, 
 so designated by act of the Oregon legisla- 
 ture in 1HS5, is fast taking its place among 
 the prominent institutions of learning in the 
 Pacific Northwest. The main building 
 of the State Normal School, shown by the 
 accompanying illustration, was erected 
 during the past year at a cost of |io,ooo. 
 The most approved style of architecture 
 has been adopted in the design of the build- 
 ing, which is heated throughout by hot 
 air and which is provided with a perfect sys- 
 tem of ventilation. A new dormitory for ladies 
 and a boarding hall for both ladies and gen- 
 tlemen have been added daring the past year. 
 The courses of study adopted in the school are normal, business, academic and 
 post-graduate, all of which departments are presided over by a thoroughly competent 
 and efficient corps of instructors. State diplomas are given studentr who complete 
 the normal course, and diplomas from the school are awarded those finishing the 
 academy, business or post-graduate courses. Graduates from the academy are pre- 
 pared to enter the freshman class of any college in the state. 
 State Normal School, Drain. 
Oakland, Oreffon. 
 The necessary expenses of scholars in attendance at the State Normal School 
 have been reduced to a mininmm. Good board and room, principally furnished, can 
 be secured at the boarding hall for ;ft2.25 per week, while the tuition fee is but $6.50 
 per term of 10 weeks. It is a noteworthy fact in connection with the institution, that 
 families residing in Drain, or in the school district here, are entitled to free tuition 
 for their children both at the public and State Normal School. The average attend- 
 ance of scholars at the Normal School during the past year was 250. With the recent 
 enlargement of school-room facilities and with the increase of the membership of 
 the faculty to 10, it is expected that the attendance during the present year will reach 
 400. W. T. Van Scoy, A. B., the president of the Normal School, is well qualified 
 for such a position, he having received a classical education at the Northwestern 
 University of Illinois, and also having received the degree of A. B. from the Uni- 
 versity of Portland. 
 Drain is considered one of the most healthful locations on the line of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad. It is situated in a beautiful valley commanding a superb 
 view of the Calipooia Mountains, while two rippling .streams of water course 
 through the town. This is an ideal site in every respect for the establishment of an 
 educational institution of a high order, and the location of the State Normal School 
 at this point was a wise act on the part of the Oregon legislature. 
 Oakland, Oregon. — Oakland, Douglas county, Oregon, is very picturesquely 
 located in the very heart of the rich Umpqua valley. It is on the main line of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad, 181 miles south of Portland. The Calipooia river, a branch 
 of the Umpqua on the north side of the town, and Camas Swale creek on the south, 
 afford an excellent natural system of drainage for both Oakland and the country 
 surrounding the town. Oakland is, today, the f"''ond largest town in Douglas 
 county. It contains a population of about 500, and is a very prosperous trading 
 The citizens of Oakland now contemplate providing the town with a good system 
 of water works by establishing a pumping station on the Calipooia river, one mile 
 distant from the town. The water will be forced from this 
 station to a reservoir located on an eminence near the town. 
 It is the intention to complete this water-works plant during 
 the present year. Oakland is distinguished from other towns 
 of equal population in Western Oregon by its large shipments 
 of fruit, poultry and eggs. The soil of the Umpqua valley is 
 well suited to fruit culture. At Chenoweth Park, three miles 
 from Oakland, is a tract of 3,000 acres of land which is being 
 cultivated for orchards and vineyards, by an incorporated com- 
 pany having a capital stock of $72,000. Already 500 acres of 
 this land are planted in prune and peach trees. Prune crops, in this section, are 
 considered the most profitable to growers, the average net profit per acre from a 
 carefully attended prune orchard, being about $200. Oakland annually ships more 
 poultry (raised in the vicinity of this town) than any other town of the same size in 
 the .state. During 1892 there were shipped from this point 6,950 dozens of geese, 
 chickens and ducks, 15,000 turkeys, and 70,000 dozens of eggs. The total receipts 
 here for all shipments made by the town, in 1892, amounted to $279,000. 
 Four brick business blocks occupy prominent corners in Oakland, and as many 
 more brick buildings will be completed here during the present year. The stone for 
 Public School, Oakland. 
 The Orcffoniari's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 the foundations and trimmings of Oakland's best buildings is blue sandstone 
 obtained from a quarry situated within a short distance of the town. The brick 
 used here is of an excellent quality, and is made by a local company. In the north- 
 ern part of Douglas county, six miles distant from Oakland, are rich quicksilver 
 mines, which have already attracted considerable attention, and these mines will 
 doubtless, in time, be worked on a large scale. In the line of manufacturing Oak- 
 land has a large roller flouring mill, which has a capacity of 80 barrels of flour per 
 day. The flour made here is of a superior quality, and it enjoys a wide sale. Four 
 large stores are located in Oakland, and these business houses carry stocks of goods 
 valued at from $10,000 to $25,000 each. The town also contains one bank and the 
 usual number of small business establishments found in a place of this size. 
 Oakland's .schools are conducted in a good building, and they are in charge of 
 one principal and one assistant teacher. The present school building is hardly large 
 enough to meet the demands for school room here, and it is the intention of the 
 school board to erect an addition to this building during the present year. The aver- 
 age daily attendance at the public schools here is 125. Oakland supports six church 
 organizations, four of which worship in their own buildings. The denominations 
 represented here are the Presbyterian, Baptist, two Methodist, Kpiscopal and Christ- 
 ian. Two hotels and a single livery stable meet the requirements of the traveling 
 public which visit this town. 
 Fruit culture, wool growing, and poultry and stock raising have together com- 
 bined to make Oakland a very prosperous trading and shipping point. The country 
 that is directly tributary to Oakland extends as far from the town, in certain direc- 
 tions, as 40 miles, and most of this tributary section is rich and easily put in a con- 
 dition for cultivation. The business men of Oakland are generally alive to their 
 opportunities, and they are making earnest eff"orts to advance their town's interests. 
 J. H. Ray, a wide-awake, reliable and old established real estate agent, of Oak- 
 land quotes prices on improved lands suitable for fruit culture, lying within one mile 
 of the town, at $15 per acre. The same character of lands, five miles distant from 
 the town, can be bought at from $7 to $10 per acre. The people of Oakland, at the 
 present time, are able to boast that their town is entirely free from debt, and that 
 thej- have a surplus in the town treasury, a somewhat exceptional condition of things 
 with the growing towns of the state. Everything at Oakland, however, is in a heal- 
 thy condition, and a flourishing center of trade will always be maintained here. 
 Rosebiirg, Oregon. — Roseburg, the judi- 
 cial seat of Douglas county, is located in the 
 Umpqua valley, at the junction of the South 
 Umpqua river and Deer creek. It nestles in a fer- 
 tile little valley, almost entirely surrounded by a 
 range of rugged hills, which serve as a most effec- 
 tive barrier against all violent wind storms. The 
 surface of the townsite is gently undulating, thus 
 affording a perfect natural drainage. Roseburg 
 is an attractive town ; it is the center of a country 
 which furnishes excellent sport in fishing or 
 hunting, and the location is a decidedly health- 
 ful one. 
 New Citv hall, RosEeuHC. 
»'..' ' 
 Roseburg, Oregon. 
 Roseburg is a division station on the main line of the Southern Pacific. It is 
 197 miles south of Portland. It claims today a population of about 2,500, and is the 
 largest town in Douglas county. The principal manufacturing industi ies of the place 
 are two roller flouring mills, which have a daily capacity of 100 barrels, a brewery 
 which supplies the local market, a sash and door factory, and a planing mill. 
 Smaller factories located here are devoted to the manufacture of brooms and cigars, 
 respectively, and a fruit cannery and brickyard are also in successful operation at 
 this point. 
 Roseburg, in the main, is well and substantially built. Many fine brick blocks 
 line the principal street, and the sidewalks in front of the principal business hou::es 
 are paved with stone. The merchants of Roseburg are prosperous, many of the 
 leading business men having resided there since the place was first established. 
 Roseburg has two banks, one of these, the Douglas County Bank, being the oldest 
 in the county. This latter bank was established in 18S3. Its capital stock is $30,000, 
 and its fina. ::al responsiViility, at the present writing, is 
 $100,000. The officers of the Douglas County Rank are : 
 O. F. Godfrey, president ; S. C. Flint, vice-president, 
 and Peter Hume, cashier. 
 Roseburg's educational facilities have kept pace with 
 the growth of the town. A new eight-room school build- 
 ing has recently been completed here at a cost of $15, -.xx). 
 A principal and eight assistant teachers are employed, in 
 the public schools, and the courses of study provided for, 
 to which has recently been added a high school grade, 
 compare favorably with that of the best public schools 
 of the state. Eight church organizations own build- 
 ings of their own at Roseburg. These are the Presby- 
 terian, two Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, Christian, 
 United Brethren and Catholic. 
 County court House, Roseburg. 
 Roseburg boasts of a handsome new brick opera house, and it supports two live 
 papers, The Semi- Weekly Review and The Weekly Plaindealer. Three large hotels 
 are mainti.ined here, as well as the same number of smaller ones, and four livery 
 stables are well stocked wi*h horses and carriages. The Umpqua river, at this point, 
 furnishes a valuable water power. This power is now being utilized by the factories 
 already located here. Roseburg has a good system of electric lights, good water 
 works, and a good system of sewerage has been established. Two Isrge reservoirs, 
 with a combined capacity of 600,000 gallons, are located on a high eminence, and 
 these reservoirs affcrd an ample pressure in the city mains to throw a stream of water 
 over any of the hi^ est buildings. Five miles of water pipes have been laid over 
 the city, at a cost of ibout $30,000. Four volunteer fire companies are maintained 
 in Roseburg, and ail of these companies are well drilled. 
 The sewerage system of the city covers the principal street, and drainage of the 
 buildings bordering on the all^iys is provided by lateral lines of pipe tapping the 
 main sewers. The sewerage system and the city hall together involved an outlay of 
 $25,000. This money was raided by bonds guaranteed by the city. The fine electric 
 light plant of Roseburg was established in 189 1 at a cost of $20,000. This is con- 
 sidered one of the most efficient plants for lighting purposes on the coast. 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 School Buiuoihg, Roseburg. 
 The soil iu the vicinitj' of Roseburg is especially adapted to the raising of fruit. 
 Prunes and pears do particularly well here. Cereals are raised in the Umpqua valley 
 to a considerable extent, although not quite so heavily as in portions of the Willam- 
 ette valley further to the south. The stock and wool-growing interests of Douglas 
 county are very large and have proved of great benefit to Roseburg, which is the 
 principal tiaUing and shipping point of the valley. The mining interests of the 
 county, while but slightly developed at the present writing, have contributed largely 
 to the solid growth of Roseburg. 
 The valuation of taxable property in Roseburg, as shown by the assessment rolls 
 of 1892, was $446,589, and the total bonded indebtedness of the city today is |25,ooo. 
 The si^^^e which Roseburg occupies is an enviable 
 location for the establishment of a city, both by 
 reason of the exceptional healthfuhiess of the 
 place, and also for the reason Lliat the town is 
 located in one of the richest parts of Southern 
 Oregon. The people of Roseburg are now placing 
 great hopes on the early completion of the Rose- 
 burg & Coos Bay railroad. The distance from 
 Roseburg to Coos Bay is but 90 miles, and already 
 25 miles of the Coob Ray end of the line have 
 been completed. The opening of this line con- 
 necting Roseburg with the coast, would open a 
 new market at Sau Francisco for the pruducts of 
 Southern Oregon, and Roseburg, as the t'-rminus 
 of the road, at a point where connection will be made with the through line of the 
 Southern Pacific, would be the principal shipping point of all freight from Southern 
 Oregon which would pass over the new road to reach tidewater. 
 Aaron Rose, the Founder ov Roserurg. — The story of the life of Aaron Rose, 
 after whom the p'-'^'^perous and promising town of Roseburg was named, and to 
 whom the place owes everything for its present prosperous condition, presents an 
 interesting narrative in connection with the early history and development of 
 Douglas county. Mr. Rose, whose portrait is published with this sketch, is a pioneer 
 in the true sense, he having crossed the plains from Michigan in 1851. He found his 
 way to the valley of Umpqua, inhabited at that time by a tribe 'f Indians of the 
 name the valley now bears, and here he settled ou a donation claim of 320 acres from 
 the government, the site which Roseburg now occupies. Mr. Rose, although now 
 in his Soth year, is etill comparatively strong in body and mind, and he delights to 
 tell of the struggles and hardships of the pioneer days in Oregon, and then contrast 
 that period with the present in which life is a dream in comparison with that of the 
 early settlers of the state. In the early days, however, Mr. Rose states, that money 
 was more plentiful than provisions. Eggs and apples sold readily at $1 apiece, and 
 flour at $1 a pound. Gold dust was the principal form of exchange, for even thus 
 early gold discoveries were being made here on every hand. 
 The site of Roseburg is a most natural one, being almost surrounded by a row of 
 hills which afford perfect shelter. Unlike many of the early pioneers of Oregon who 
 acquired vast areas of land, and who, in many instances, are adding to rather than 
 disposing of any part of their lande"* possessions, Mr. Rose has ever held out the 
 most liberal inducements for people to locate in Roseburg and join him in building 
Douglas County, Oregon. 
 ts an 
 its to 
 ow of 
 up a flourishing city at this 
 point. Every manufactur- 
 ing enter^jrise, and many of 
 the leading mercantile houses 
 in Pvoseburg today, were 
 given free sites and free lots. 
 When the Southern Pacific 
 railroad was being built 
 through Oregon, Mr. Rose 
 gave the company a laud sub- 
 sidy valued at $30,000 to run 
 through Roseburg, which is 
 now the end of one of the 
 divisions of the road. To the 
 Roseburg & Coos Bay rail- 
 road, now in course of con- 
 struction, Mr. Rose gave five 
 acres of land for depot facdi- 
 ties. Every church in Rose- 
 burg, of which there are 
 eight, was given a lot free 
 and money in addition to aid 
 in the construction of the 
 buildings. Mr. Rose, besides 
 being Roseburg's chiefc^t 
 benefactor, has also done 
 much lor charity. The poor 
 and needy have never ap- 
 pealed to him in vain for de- 
 served assistance. 
 Prior to 1S60 Mr. Rose gave most of Lis time to farming, but since then he has 
 devoted himself to the building up of Roseburg, having become interested in the 
 various city enterprises, both as a shareholder and in encouraging such institutions 
 Hs city water works, electric lights, etc., by giving liberal bonuses. Mr. Rose owns 
 the New Era flouring mills which have a daily capacity of "5 barrels, and a ware- 
 house capacity of 25,000 bushels. 
 The father and founder of Roseburg, although having passed the noontime of 
 life, is today just as ambitious for the welfare of the town as he has always been, 
 and his hope that Roseburg shall be the foremost city in Southern Oregon seems 
 likely to be fulfilled, even during the life of its earliest promoter. 
 J)oiiglns County, Orejjfon. — The northern boundary line of Douglas county, 
 the Calipooia range of mountains, makes one of the most important divisions of 
 Western Oregon. To the south of the Calipooia Mountains lie the rich but rolling 
 lands contained in Douglas county, while extending for more than 100 miles north of 
 this range is the flat and highly fertile section of the Willamette valley. The south- 
 ern boundary of Douglas county is the summit of the Canyon range of mountains, 
 immediately south of which lies the famous Rogue River valley. The county extends 
 east as far as the summit of the Cascade Mountains, while it is bounded on the west by 
 Aaron Rose, founder of Roseburg, 
!.^ ill 
 The Oregonian^ s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 the Pacific ocean. The total area of Douglas county is about 4,900 square miles. 
 One of the most fertile parts of the county is the Umpqua valley, through which the 
 river of the same name flows. Numerous othersmaller valleys are found in the county, 
 and it is crossed in all directions by many small streams of the clearest mountaia 
 The lands of Douglas county are more hilly in their nature than is the surface 
 of the lands of the Willamette valley to the north. The mountainous sections of the 
 county are covered with forests of the finest timber, while the foothill districts are 
 covered with a finfe growth of grasses which furnish excellent pasturage for all kinds 
 of stock. The soil of the valley lauds is of a mellow, fertile nature, and this soil 
 gives large yields of cereals and vegetables, and it is well adapted to the cultivation 
 of fruit. The climate of the Umpqua valley is even more equable than is the mild 
 climate of the Willamette valley. The average annual rainfall in the Umpqua valley, 
 as shown by records carefully kept for the past ten years, is but 34.32 inches, and 
 extremes of heat and cold are practically unknown here. 
 The resources of Douglas county are varied, and comprise agricultural products, 
 minerals and timber, wool growing, fruit culture and .stock and grain raising. Spec- 
 ial attention has been paid in the county to the raising of prunes, peaches and 
 poultry, and these three industries will outrank in magnitude those of any other 
 county of the state. The special adaptability of th"s land for prune raising is shown 
 by the statement that during 1892 the product of j acres of prune orchard in the 
 county sold for $2 ,000. It is estimated that from one-half to seven-tenths of the crop 
 is the net profit from prune raising. 
 The minerals found in Douglas county comprise gold, silver, quicksilver, iron, 
 nickel, and in addition extensive deposits of coal, cement, limestone and marble are 
 found in different parts of the county. Valuable gold mines in the county have 
 already been opened up on Coffee, Starve-out, Cow, Myrtle, Mitchell, Calipooia and 
 Jordan creeks. Renewed interest has been shown in the gold mines of this county 
 during the past few yea*-s, and recent discoveries of the yellow metal in this section 
 have convinced the people of the county that most valuable deposits of gold exist in 
 this part of the state. 
 Perhaps about one-half of the lands of Douglas county is susceptible of culti- 
 vation. The title to much of this land still vests in the government and is open to 
 entry by settlers. Douglas county today contains not to exceed 12,000 population, 
 while the latent resources of this county alone are sufficient to support a population 
 ten times as large. This is one of the most inviting parts of Western Oregon, and it 
 is worthy of the attention of people who contemplate settling in the West. 
 (« runt's Puss, ()roj<on. — Grant's Pass, the judicial 
 seat of Josephine county, has a population of about 2,000. 
 It is located in the heart of the valley of the 
 Rogue river which has its source in Jackson 
 county, flows through Josephine and Curry 
 counties and empties its waters into the Pacific 
 ocean. Grt.nt's Pass is the largest town in the 
 Rogue river valley. It is supported by the 
 rich mineral, timber and agricultural resources 
 Public School, Grants Pass. of the COUntry adjacent. It iS loCatcd On the 
Josephine County^ Oregon. 
 main line of the Southern Pacific, 296 miles south of Portland and 476 miles north of 
 San Francisco. The merchants here have the benefit afiForded by the competition of 
 the Portland and San Francisco wholesalers to sell goods in this field. The town is the 
 end of an important division of the Southern Pacific, and a round house and railroad 
 repair shops are located at this point. The principn.l industry of Grant's Pass is the 
 manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, . aouldings and boxes. A company with a capital 
 stock of $125,000 is engaged in this business here and about 100 men are employed in 
 the factory. Other smaller factories at Grant's Pass are a brick-making plant, planing 
 mill and broom factory. Several fine brick blocks have been ere^.ed on the main 
 business street of the town and one bank looks after the financial affairs of the busi- 
 ness community. A large ten-room brick school building occupies a prominent site 
 in the city a jd eight teachers are employed in the public schools here. The number 
 of scholars in attendance is about 350. There are seven churches located here, four of 
 which — the Methodist, Presbyterian, South Methodist and Baptist— own their own 
 buildings. A circulating li1)rary, free reading room and a new brick opera house, 
 with a seating capacity of i,ouo, are located at this point. 
 The Rogue River Courier and Oregon Observer, two weekly papers are pub- 
 lished at Grant's Pass. Grant's Pass annually ships a large amount of fruit, lumber 
 and brick, and about |ioo,ooo in gold annually reaches this point from the rich placer 
 deposits of the valleys adjacent. 
 Josephine County, Oreg^on.— Josephine county lies to the east of Curry, 
 south of Douglas, west of Jackson and extends to the California line on the south. 
 Its area is about 1,800 square miles and its 
 present population is about 8,000. Until 
 the completion of the Southern Pacific rail- 
 road through the southern part of the state 
 comparatively little was known of this rich 
 part of Oregon. During the past ten years,, 
 however, wonderful strides have been made 
 here, and this is now classed among the 
 most prosperous portions of the Northwest. 
 The soil of the lands of Josephine 
 county is of remarkable fertility and will 
 produce almost anything grown in the 
 temperate zone. Cereals and fruits of all 
 kinds grow in profusion here. Snow sel- 
 dom falls in the valleys of the county, but 
 on the higher elevations, which are covered with valuable forests of fir, cedar, oak, 
 pine and other timber, the snowfall is sometimes heavy. The valleys of Josephine 
 county are now practically one vast fruit garden. P^>aches grow here in size and 
 flavor equal to the most luscious of the New Jersey peach crop, and the tons of 
 melons raised here which are annually shipped to the Portland and other markets 
 to the north are not excelled in quality by the melons raised in the most favored 
 parts of the United States. All varieties of fruit do well on these lands and the vine- 
 yards and orchards of Josephine county will some day rival those of the famous 
 California fruit belt. 
 The entire area of Josephine county is well watered, numerous creeks of the 
 Hop Picking, ne*b Qrhnt's Pass. 
 I' < 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Photo, qv e. f. everitt. 
 Watermelon Patch, near Grant'9 Pass. 
 clearest water flowing down the mountain 
 sides and traversing the land in all direc- 
 tions. These streams also furnish fine 
 water power at convenient points. The 
 mountainous districts of the county contain 
 rich deposits of gold quartz, silver, copper 
 and other metals. Widespread attention is 
 just at the present time being attracted to 
 the mineral wealth of this county and the 
 mines here some day will rival those of 
 Eastern Oregon or of the Coeur d'Alenes in 
 Northern Idaho. 
 Medford, Orej^oii. — Medford is one of the comparatively new towns of the 
 southern part of the state. It is located in the Rogue River valley, on the line of 
 the Southern Pacific railroad, and is 328 miles south of Portlend and 444 north of 
 San Francisco. It was established about 10 years ago, and now has a population of 
 some 1,800. Medford is four miles east of Jacksonville, the judicial seat of Jackson 
 county, the two towns being connected by a steam-motor line. 
 The countr}' in the immediate vicinity of Medford is devoted almost entirely to 
 the raising of corn, wheat, rye, barley, fruits and vegetables. Almonds, grapes, figs 
 and fruits of a semi-tropical nature, are raised here to perfection. The melons and 
 peaches of the Rogue River valley are renowned for their size and quality, and the 
 fruit industry here is conducted on a scale that has made this one of the best known 
 fruit-producing belts on the coast. 
 Medford supports a number of manufacturing industries, among which is a dis- 
 tillery, with a daily capacity of 25 barrels, two pork-packing establishments, a 
 sash, door and planing mill, a flouring mill, with a capacity of 100 barrels a day, and 
 a brewery and an ice plant. The distillery has been in successful operation here for 
 more than two years past. The inducements offered for the location of this plant at 
 Medford were a liberal bonus by the'people of the place and the special adaptability 
 of the soil of the tributary section to the raising of the finest quality of corn. The 
 farmers in the immediate vicinity of Medford, and in Klamath and Lake counties, 
 in the extreme southern part of Oregon, have found a valuable market for their hogs 
 at the pork-packing establishment established at Medford. The manufacturing 
 industries located here have done much to advance the interests of the town, and it 
 is significant of the enterprise of the people here that increased interest is yearly 
 being paid to manufacturing at this point. 
 Medford boasts of a number of fine bnck blocks which line the main street. 
 The business community is generally prosperous, and a number of the leading stores 
 carry very heavy stocks of goods. Good public schools are maintained here. A new 
 frame six-room school building has recently been erected at Medford, at a cost of 
 ^10,000. This building is well ventilated, it is heated by hot air, and is perfect in all 
 its appointments. Six teachers are employed in the public schools at this point, and 
 the average daily attendance of scholars is about 500. Seven churches are main- 
 tained at Medford. These are the Presbyterian, Episcopal, Christian, two Metho- 
 dist, Baptist and Catholic. All of these religious organizations own church build 
 ings of their own. Medford contains one bank, and one weekly newspaper, T/tr 
 Mail is published in the town. Medford also boasts of a fine opera house, with a 
 )St ot 
 lit! all 
 t, and 
 nth a 
 Medford, Oregon. 
 Table Rock, near Medford, Rogue River Valley. 
 seating capacity of 500. One hotel and 
 two livery stables furnish ample accom- 
 modations to the traveling public. The 
 assessed valuation of city property at 
 Medford is $262,413, and the only bonded 
 indebtedness of the municipality is that 
 incurred for the construction of the city 
 water-works plant, which involved an 
 outlay of $20,000. 
 The motor line which connects Med- 
 ford with Jacksonville makes three round 
 trips daily between tliese two points. Work has actually been begun on the exten- 
 sion of this road to tap an unrivaled sugar pine district, 25 miles distant from Med- 
 ford. This road will ultimately be extended to Klamath Falls, 75 miles southeast of 
 Medford. Klamath Falls is the center of a wonderfully rich farming district, and 
 will prove a most important point on the completion of the road there. It is esti- 
 mated that 50 miles of the proposed route of the new road lies through an inexhaust- 
 ible forest of sugar pine timber belt, and the opening of this timber belt to the mar- 
 kets of Medford will do much to add to the solid prosperity of the latter place. 
 That the people of Medford appreciate the benefits of the extension of the road is 
 attested by the statement that they subscribed a bonus of $40,000 to the company 
 building the line. 
 If the resources of the tributary country and the prospective development of 
 this district are duly considered, the prices asked for farming lands in the immedi- 
 ate vicinity of Medford are not unreasonable. Messrs. Hamilton & Palm, the lead- 
 ing real estate firm of Medford, quote the price of property adjoining the city limits 
 ^t $75 per acre. This price decreases as the distance from the town limits increases. 
 Messrs. Hamilton & Palm are thoroughly conversant with both city property and 
 farm values in this part of the state, and information furnished by them on this sec- 
 tion can be regarded as strictly reliable. 
 The Hotel Medford, of which M. Purdin is proprietor, is conveniently arranged 
 for the accommodation of commercial travelers, for whom free sample rooms are pro- 
 vided. This popular hostlery is located directly opposite the Southern Pacific Com- 
 pany's depot. The building is constructed of brick, it is two stories in height, and 
 is comparatively secure from all danger of fire. The rates per day, at the Hotel 
 Medford, are from $1.25 to $2. Courteous treatment of guests and an excellent table 
 service are prominent features connected with the management of this hotel. Trav- 
 eling men, and tourists especialh', have found Medford's hotel accommodations bet- 
 ter than the average, probably for the reason that the location of the town is 
 such that a large surrounding country is more accessible from this point than from 
 any other. 
 One of the prominent citizens of Medford, and Jackson county, is D. H. Miller, 
 who has lived in the Rogue River valley since 1876. Mr. Miller, although a com- 
 paratively young man, is the pioneer merchant of Medford, having been the first 
 man to engage in business at this point. He first opened a store here nearly 10 
 years ago. He is a prosperous hardware merchant, and seems to have the utmost 
 confidence in the future growth and development of Medford and the Rogue River 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ,. ?-sss,^ 
 Rock Point, roque River. 
 The present postmaster at Medford is 
 J. S. Howard, who has lived in Jackson 
 county since i860. Mr. Howard is a civil 
 engineer by profession, and he made the 
 preliminary survey through Southern Ore- 
 gon and Northern California for the South- 
 em Pacific railroad. Jackson county was 
 but sparsely settled at that time, and Med- 
 ford had not yet been heard of Mr. How- 
 ard thinks, however, that the development 
 which this section of the country has had 
 during recent years will be greatly increased 
 in the future, owing to the natural resources 
 of the district that, until recently, have been scarcely known. 
 Jacksonville, Oregon. — ^Jacksonville, the seat of Jackson county, is the 
 ■ oldest town in Southern Oregon, and one of the oldest established places in the 
 state, having been first settled in 1851. It is five miles west of Medford, the nearest 
 point on the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad, with which place it has 
 direct connection by means of a steam-motor line. When the Southern Pacific rail- 
 road was being built through this part of the state, ic years a-^o, the people of Jack- 
 sonville refused to raise a bonus of $25,000 demanded by the railroad company to 
 insure the main Hue of road passing this point. In refusing to accede to the demands 
 of the railroad company at that time, the people of Jacksonville missed the greatest 
 opportunity that was ever afforded them to advance their town's interests, and the 
 result of this refusal was a general decadence in Jacksonville's former prestige in 
 favor of Medford, which is now one of the most prosperous towns of Southern 
 The present population of Jacksonville is about 900. The main dependence of 
 the town for support is on the agricultural and mineral resources of the country 
 adjacent. This part of the state has long been noted for its heavy output of gold, 
 and while mining is not today carried on as extensively here as it was before the era 
 of railroads, the gold output of the mines here is still heavy. During 1892 the bank 
 at Jacksonville handled about $150,000 in gold dust. The Sterling Mining Company 
 has put in a plant at a point seven miles distant from Jacksonville, and the output of 
 this company's mine is reported to be very satisfactory. Placer mining claims the 
 principal attention of the miners of this section, the quartz veins here being but little 
 worked up to the present time. 
 The business interests at Jacksonville are principally in the hands of the men 
 who settled here many years ago. The people lead a happy and easy existence, and 
 no great disposition is shown here to encourage immigration. The country around 
 Jacksonville is rich and is capable of supporting a much large, population at this 
 point than is now found here. 
 Public school at Jacksonville is taught in a four-room building. Four teachers 
 are employed in the school, and the average daily attendance of scholars is 175. In 
 addition to the public school, the Catholics conduct a private school which is attendei! 
 by about 40 scholars. The Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic denominations own 
 church buildings at this point. The Jackson county courthouse, erected at Jack 
 sonville about 10 years ago at a cost of |4o,ooo, is a large, handsome and convenientl\ 
Jackson County and the Rogue River Valley, Oregon. 
 arranged structure, and it is one of the finest buildings in Southern Oregon. Jack- 
 sonville supports one weekly newspaper, T/ie Times, one hotel and a single livery 
 stable. The assessed valuation of town property is $150,000 and the bonded indebt- 
 edness is less than 4io,ooo. 
 Jackson County and the Rojuf ue River Valley, Oregon.— Jackson 
 county is bounded on the north b}' Douglas and Josephine counties, on the east by 
 Klamath, and on the south by the California state line. Its total area is 1,809,200 
 acres, all but 200,000 acres of which is surveyed land. The population of the county 
 at the present time is about 11,500. The surface of the county may be divided into 
 three great divisions, as follows : the mounta' >us, the hilly and the level lands 
 contained in the valleys. The higher elevations of the county, embraced in the 
 mountainous portion, are of value principally for stock grazing. The lower elevations 
 contained in the hilly portion of the county are covered with dense forests of tim- 
 ber, and the low lands contained in the valleys are highly fertile and will produce 
 anything indigenous to the temperate zone, and all fruits or plants of a semi-tropical 
 nature attain the highest state of perfection in these rich valley lands. The character 
 of the soil varies in different parts of the county, and it is not an unusual thing 
 to find several different kinds of soil on a farm of even 160 acres in this part of 
 the state. 
 The best part of Jackson county is contained in the famous Rogue River valley, 
 the most productive part of Southern Oregon. This valley is about 35 miles in 
 length and maintains an average width of about 20 miles. It occupies the central 
 part of the county and is crossed by the main line of the Southern Pacific railroad, 
 which furnishes excellent transportation facilities to the farmers of this section. The 
 valley derives its name from the river of the same name, which flows through it. 
 Other important stre^^ms, which drain a large area of the valley, are Bear, Littie 
 Butte and Sam's creeks. The soil of the Rogue River valley is especially adapted to 
 diversified farming. The climate is practically the same as that of Northern Cali- 
 fornia, the frigid winter blasts which sometimes sweep down over Eastern Oregon 
 being tempered here by the warm moist breezes constantly blowing here from 
 the ocean. 
 The Rogue River valley is essentially a fruit-growing belt. All kinds of semi- 
 tropical fruits do well here, and the Portland market is principally supplied with 
 peaches, melons and other "fruit of this nature from this famous fruit district. Near 
 Jacksonville are a number of very fine vineyards that are kept in a high state of cul- 
 tivation, and wine made from the grapes of Southern Oregon vies in quality with 
 some of the best productions of California wine producers. All the cereals, includ- 
 ing wheat, rye, oats, barley and corn, yield large crops on the lands of the valley. 
 The bottom lands of the valley are used largely for the growing of timothy, 
 clover and blue grass. Alfalfa produces here from two to four good crops without 
 For the past 30 years gold hunters have found the mountainous districts of Jack- 
 son county attractive fields for prospecting. Placer mining claimed the whole atten- 
 tion of the early miner in this section. Valuable discoveries of gold quartz ledges 
 have recently been made in the county. Capital has been interested in these mines 
 and large stamp mills are now being constructed to work the mines on an extensive 
 scale. The future of the mining interests of Jackson county, as of all of the mining 
 centers of Southern Oregon seems brighter today than it has ever been before. 

 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Aslilanrt, Oregon. — Ashland is the largest town in Jackson county, the pop- 
 ulation of the place today being a little more than 2,000. It is pictuiesquely located 
 near the southern extremity of Rogue 
 River valley. South and east lie a high 
 range of hills, while north and west of 
 Ashland extends a second elevation, 
 which contains some of the most fertile 
 patches of Southern Oregon. The town 
 itself conforms to the general unevenness 
 of the surface of the land at this point, 
 and the irregular streets of the place, 
 lined on both sides with handsome struc- 
 tures and substantial brick business 
 blocks, impart to Ashland an appear- 
 ance as unique as it is interesting to the 
 visitor. On the slopes of the hillsides 
 adjacent are many pretty villa residences, 
 • . and from these sites a view of Ashland 
 is commanded that shows this section to the best 
 VAiu Street, Ashland. 
 and the Rogue River valley 
 possible advantage. 
 Ashland is on the main line of the Southern Pacific, 343 miles south of Portland 
 and 430 miles north of San Francisco. It is the central division station between the 
 two largest cities of the Pacific coast. Ten miles south of Ashland the Siskiyou 
 Mountains rise abruptly ir^ an elevation of 8,000 feet. Ashland creek has its source 
 in these mountains. It is a stream which carries a considerable volume of water, and 
 rushing down the mountain sides with irresistible foi^_^^, it furnishes ample power 
 for all manufacturing purposes in the city itself. Water for domestic use in the city 
 is taken from this creek, and this water is of the purest quality. This stream already 
 furnishes power for running a five-stamp quartz mill, a large flouring mill, two sash, 
 door and blind factories, and the electric light plant at Ashland. All classes of 
 mercantile business are well represented here, and the local houses carry stocks of 
 goods larger Lad more complete than are usually found in a town of the present 
 population of Ashland. The large dry goods store of Messrs. D. R. & E. V. Mills, 
 and the furniture store of J. P. Dodge, the latter of which carries a stock of goods 
 valued at about $6,000, are notable examples of Ashland's activity as a business 
 Ashland takes a pardonable pride in the excellent system of public schools main- 
 tained here. Three well designed school buildings furnish ample accommodations 
 for school purposes. Two of these bui' Mngs are located respectively in the north 
 and south end of the city, while the third provides room for the scholars of the cen- 
 tral district. The schools are divided into primary, secondary, grammar and high 
 school departments. The schools are in charge of a principal, under whom are nine 
 assistant teachers. All of the teachers in the public schools here hold the highest 
 grade of Oregon state school certificates. 
 The people of Ashland enjoy the benefit of a perfect system of arc and incandes- 
 cent electric lights. The city also has a good water-works system, and a well organ- 
 ized fire department. Prominent among the fine buildings of the city are a new 
 two-story brick city hall, a three-story brick opera house, and the Hotel Oregon. 
 This latter building is a handsome three-story brick edifice, constructed at a cost of 
 les of 
 s of 
 )st of 
 Ashland, Oregon. 
 $30,000, by a local stock company. Ashland, in addition to the Hotel Oregon, con- 
 tains two other large hotels, and three hostelries of a less pretentious character. A 
 free reading-room is maintained here, as well as a gymnasium. The town supports 
 two good weekly newspapers, 7Vie Ashlatid Tidint^s and The Valley Record. Hand- 
 some church edifices are owned at Ashland by the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, 
 Congregational and Catholic denominations, and the churches here are well sup- 
 The country in the immediate vicinity of Ashland is especially adapted to the 
 raising of fruit. Peaches, prunes, plums, pears, apricots, apples of the larger vari- 
 eties, and blackberries and cherries, of the smaller fruits, do the best here. The 
 Rogue river melon crop has attained a widespread reputation. Hundreds of acres 
 of fine peach orchards are within plain view of the people of Ashland, and every 
 year notes an increase in the acreage planted to peaches in this section. The demand 
 for Jackson county peaches increases with the supply of this fine fruit, and Ashland, 
 as the center of the great fruit industry of the county, has earned the sobriquet of 
 the "Peach-blow Paradise." 
 The mining interests of the section of 
 which Ashlandis the trading center, are worthy 
 of special mention in the present article. 
 For many years past the rich placer gold fields 
 of Southern Oregon have attracted wide-spread 
 attention. Recently valuable discoveries of rich 
 mineral-bearing quartz have been made near 
 Ashland. The Patton ledge, three miles dis- 
 tant from the city, is now being worked by a 
 party«of Portland capitalists under the name 
 of the Ashland Mining Company. A five- 
 •stamp quartz mill has been in successful 
 operation at Ashland since November, 1892, 
 and the gold brick turned out of this mill each month since it was started has rep- 
 resented a value of between $6,000 and |6,5oo. Joseph A. Wilson, of Portland, is 
 superintendent of the mine, and this gentleman is authoritj' for the statement that 
 the width of the vein near the surface of the mine v/as 18 inches, while at a depth of 
 385 feet the vein had widened out to 8 feet. This tendency to an increase of width 
 of the vein is noted as the depth of the shaft increases. The Patton ledge is but 
 one of the many paying veins of quartz that have been discovered in the vicinity 
 of Ashland. Near Ashland are also vast mines of granite and .sandstone, especially 
 valuable for building purposes. Six miles south of the city a sandstone quarry has 
 been operated for the past three years. Stone from this quarry has been shipped 
 largely to Portland, and much of it has been used in the construction of some of the 
 finest buildings of Oregon's metropolis. 
 In the immediate vicinity of Ashland are located a number of mineral springs. 
 A value attaches to the waters of these springs second in importance only to the 
 famous Apollinaris. Ten to fifteen miles distant from Ashland are numerous soda 
 springs whose well-known curative properties have justified the expenditure of large 
 sums of money in establishing comfortable places of resort in their vicinity. Within 
 the corporate limits of Ashland are located the White Sulphur springs, at which large 
 bath-houses have been erected, and these baths are regularly patronized by large 
 HOTEL, The Oregon," Ashlano 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 (1^10' .l^jlH^ftjilrff^ 
 Bank of Ashland, Ashland 
 crowds of Ashland's people. The citizens of Ashland 
 are thoroughly awake to the many advantages which 
 their city enjoys, and they are making every effort to 
 build at this point one of the most prosperous centers 
 of population in Southern Oregon. 
 The Bank of Ashland, an illustration of which is 
 shown on this page, is one of the strongest financial 
 institutions in Southern Oregon. The bank was estab- 
 lished in 1884, with a paid-up capital of |5o,coo, which 
 amount was increased, in 1889, to |iioo,ooo, all paid up. 
 The officers of the bank are: W. H. Atkinson, presi- 
 dent ; F. H. Carter, vice-president, and E. V. Carter, 
 cashier. The bank does an increasing business with 
 each successive year, not only with the mining and 
 agricultural interests of Jackson county, but it also en- 
 joys a large patronage from the Klamath Lake country, 
 which is 60 miles east of Ashland. Letters of inquiry 
 concerning Ashland, and Jackson county, addressed to the Bank of Ashland, will 
 be cheerfully answered. 
 The Ashland Flouring Mills, located at 
 Ashland, have a daily capacity of 75 bar- 
 rels. These mills are run by water power, 
 they have a full roller process, and the 
 grade of flour manufactured is considered 
 the best in the market. Besides supplying 
 almost the entire local market, the Ashland 
 mills ship a large part of their product 
 as far north as Roseburg, and as far 'south 
 in California as Redding. The proprie- 
 tors of the Ashland Flouring Mills are 
 W. E. Jacobs and W. J. Virgin, both of whom 
 are thoroughly practical flouring mill men. 
 Real estate in Ashland, and farming lands in the immediate vicinity, are held at 
 reasonable prices when the natural advantages ad developments already made are 
 considered. Mr. G. F. Billings, an enterprising real estate agent of Ashland, is 
 authority on realty values throughout Jackson county, and he is a thoroughly reli- 
 able gentleman from whom to obtain information concerning this section of South- 
 ern Oregon. 
 Klamath County and Klamath Falls, — Klamath county in Southern 
 Oregon is a very interesting section of the State. It maintains an average eleva- 
 tion of about 4,000 feet above sea level. It is situated 130 miles from the Pacific 
 ocean, on the eastern slope of the Cascade range of mountains. It has an area of 
 almost 6,000 square miles. 
 The resources of Klamath county are varied and abundant. The timber land, 
 which is covered with a dense and valuable growth of sugar pine and cedar, com- 
 prises about 1,500,000 acres. The area of the grazing lands of the county is over 
 500,000 acres and that of the agricultural land is about equal to that of the grazing 
 Ashland flouring Mills, Ashland, 
Klamath County ami Klamath Falls, Oregov. 
 district. The Klamath Indian reservation situated in the northern and western 
 portions of the county contains 500,000 acres, which is about equally divided 
 between timber and grazing lands. There are about 1,000 men, women and children 
 in the Klamath tribe which is one of the most intelligent and industrious tribes of 
 Indians on the continent. On the reservation are two well-conducted schools in 
 charge of the United States government. A complete survey of the lands ol the 
 reservation has just been made and the people of Klamath county are exerting 
 every effort to have the lands allotted in severalty to the Indians by Congress and 
 the remainder thrown open to settlement. When this is accomplished the agricul- 
 tural and timber wealth of Klamath county will be materially increased. 
 The three most important valleys of Klamath county are the Great Klamath 
 basin, at the head of which is situated the county seat, Klamath Falls, until recently 
 called Linkville, Wood river and Sprague river. Each of these valleys is coursed 
 by a river which bears the name of the valley through which it flows. Klamath 
 basin is a magnificent stretch of agricultural land. It presents an interesting view 
 when first seen from the summit of the hill near Keno, on the road to Klamath 
 Falls from the Southern Pa- 
 VIEW Klamath Falls. 
 cific railroad at Ager. It 
 has the appearance from this 
 point of a great basin, all but 
 round and almost surround- 
 ed by hills which seem to 
 form its sides. The area of 
 Klamath basin is almost 
 100,000 acres. The land here 
 is as level as a floor and is 
 coursed by the beautiful 
 Klamath river, which from 
 Klamath Falls to Keno is 
 navigable for vessels of light 
 viraft. A short distance 
 below Keno the river reaches the Cascade Mountains and from this latter point the 
 river begins a rapid descent into the Pacific ocean. Klamath basin, as before 
 stated, is a fertile belt of agricultural land. The climate and soil of this basin are 
 admirably adapted to the raising of cereals of all kinds, grasses, vegetables and fruits 
 of the hardier varieties. The Wood River and Sprague River valleys are smaller 
 in area than is Klamath basin, but are similar in characteristics. 
 Klamath county contains several lakes, the most important of which are the 
 Upper and Lower Klamath. The former is 30 miles long, with an average width of 
 eight miles. It is navigable for its entire length. The latter is approximately the 
 same in dimensions and extends south into the lava beds of California. Crater Lake, 
 situated in the mountains to the west, is probablj' the most remarkable freak of 
 nature of the kind in the world. It is situated at an altitude of 6,300 feet above the 
 level of the sea. It is eight miles long by six miles wide. Its depth is 1,996 feet. 
 It is enclosed within vertical walls which vary in height from 1,000 to 2,200 feet. 
 The water of this wierd lake is clear, cool, pure and sweet. It has neither visible 
 inlet nor outlet. It occupies what is the crater of an extinct volcano. The climate 
 of the section of country in which the lake is located is perfect. It is a section of 
 i * 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Klamath Falls. 
 great scenic attractions. It is a sportsman's ideal paradise. Trout in the neighbor- 
 ing streams are abundant, good deer hunting is found in the surrounding hills, and 
 large numbers of tourists are now 
 annually attracted here every sum- 
 mer. Klamath county is well sup- 
 plied with water, This is invalu- 
 able to the interests of a section 
 where stock raising is the principal 
 pursuit of its occupants. In addi- 
 tion to the rivers already men- 
 tioned are a number of smaller 
 streams which drain the less im- 
 portant valleys of the county. Of 
 these streams. Lost river is perhaps 
 the most important. It heads on 
 the southern boundary line of the 
 state, makes a circle of 80 miles 
 and empties into Tule Lake, but 12 miles distant from where it takes its source. 
 Tule Lake has no surface outlet. It is from this that Lost river derives its name. 
 The population of Klamath county is about 3,000. For lack of rail communica- 
 tion the farmers of the county have been compelled to devote their principal atten- 
 tion to the raising of stock. This industry here, however, has proved highly profit- 
 able. It is estimated that the present number of cattle in Klamath county is 20,000. 
 In addition the county contains 7,000 sheep and from 6,000 to 7,000 horses and mules. 
 California furnishes a good market for the stock raised in Klamath county. The 
 drive to the Southern Pacific railroad from the stock ranges of the county is less than 
 75 miles. This is over a well watered and good grazi ig country, so that cattle do 
 not sufiFer thi least in making the trip, 
 Klamath Falls, or Linkville, is a towr attractively situated in a sheltered cove of 
 the foothills on the eastern slope of the Cascade Mountains and on the banks of Link 
 river. In front of the town flows th?:- Kiamath river, which at this point has widened 
 out, giving it the appearance of a lake. For many years the settlement of Klamath 
 Falls was a mere government trading post for furnishing supplies to the troops of the 
 government stationed at Fort Klamath, now abandoned. The old fort was 25 miles 
 west of the present town of Klamath 
 Falls. The town has now attained a 
 population of about 700. The location 
 the town occupies is one of many 
 natural advantages. It is the natural 
 gateway to all the vast territory known 
 as Southern and Southeastern Ore- 
 gon. Link river, on the banks of 
 which it is located, affords a magnifi- 
 cent water power for manufacturing 
 industries. The extent of this power is better appreciated by the statement that the 
 river has a fall of 60 feet here in a distance of less than three-fourths of a mile. At 
 present this power is utilized only for running one flouring and one sawmill. 
 Klamath Falls is an incorporated town and is a prosperous center of population. 
 Driving Cattle to Market, Klamath Countv. 
 Baldwin 4 Reames, f 
 The number of s 
 past year was isc 
 only religious den 
 building at Klam 
 company. Troop 
 tained here. Twos 
 TAe Klamath Sta 
 Express, are pul: 
 Masons and Unite 
 orders which mai 
 Falls. Two hotels 
 nish good accomi 
 public here. 
 The assessed 
 Klamath Falls is 
 tion that is found 
 Cue of the largest ( 
 ture of 200°. Thes 
 possess the follow 
Klamath County rnci Klamath Falls, Oregon. 
 There are two large general merchandise 
 stores established here, one of which is 
 conducted by Messrs. Moore & Martin, 
 and the other by Messrs. Baldwin & 
 Reames. These two stores do a business 
 amounting to from |6o ooo to |75,ooo a 
 year. Every line of mercantile business 
 is represented at Klamath Falls and the 
 town bears every e%'idence of thrift and 
 enterprise. The public schools are con- 
 ducted in a large handsome frame build- 
 ing and the best of discipline i- uain- 
 taiued in these schools. The best of in- 
 struction is provided. The school is in 
 charge of three competent teachers. 
 Baldwin d Reames, Hardware Store, Klamath Falls. 
 The number of scholars enrolled during the 
 past year was 120. The Presbyterian is the 
 only religious denomination owning its church 
 building at Klamath Falls. A well drilled 
 company, Troop B, of the O. N. G., is main- 
 tained here. Two sprightly weekly newspapers. 
 The Klamath Star and The Klamath Falls 
 Express, are published at this point. The 
 Masons and United Workmen are the secret 
 orders which maintain chapters at Klamath 
 Falls. Two hotels and two livery stables fur- 
 nish good accommodations to the traveling 
 public here. ' 
 The assessed valuation of property at 
 Klamath Falls is |i 50,000. A natural attrac- 
 tion that is found in the vicinity of the towns is a series of hot mineral springs. 
 Que of the largest of these discharges 800,000 gallons of water daily, of a tempera- 
 ture of 200°. These waters have been analyized by an expert chemist and found to 
 possess the following mineral properties : bases — soda, lime, magnesia and iron ; 
 _ acids — sulphuric, mrr'atic and 
 -^ ■ .jass;.: ■ . -- -- silicic. The waters are effective 
 in diseases arising from impurities 
 of the blood and for various other 
 complaints. A bath house has 
 been erected near Klamath Falls 
 and it is liberally patronized. The 
 climate of Klamath county is 
 equable, no extremes of either 
 SECOND CROP ALFALFA, KLAMATH CO. ^^^^ Of co^^^ beiug expcrieuced 
 Moore a mahtin's gen'l Mdse. Store, Klamath Falls. 
 ii ( 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 here. The physicians of Klamath Falls are authority for the statement that it is the 
 most healthful portion of the state. The people of the tovvn are progressive. They 
 invite immigr£.tion of a desirable class. The man of small means will find no 
 trouble in pre viding himself with a productive farm in the county with the outlay of 
 a vk ry small amount of money. Lands here are cheap, and Klamath Falls people 
 take pleasure in aiding the stranger in seeking a desirable location here. The town 
 is at present 55 miles distant from a railroad. A daily stage line is in operation 
 between this point and Ager, on the Southern Pacific railroad. This line also extends 
 beyond Klamath. Falls to Lakeview. The town of Klamath Falls can also be reached 
 from the Southern Pacific railroad at Medford or Ashland, Oregon. It will not be 
 long in the future until Klamath Falls will have the advantages of direct rail coni- 
 muuication with the rest of the world. A project is now on foot to build a road to 
 this section from the Southern Pacific railroad at Medford. This line would tap rich 
 forests of sugar pine, a most valuable timb?r, and it would open one of the finest 
 parts of Oregon to settlement. The project of building this line has already assumed 
 something of a definite shape, and that it will be built is a ceitainty in the minds of 
 those who know anything of the varied resources of Klamath county and the many 
 inducements for building a railroad into this favored part of Oregon. 
 Lake Comity a?r»'.t liUkevleAV, Oregon. - 
 ■* "V.v. ■■■'W^ 
 -A section of Oregon of which 
 but cc nparatively lit- 
 _ tie is known, owing its 
 remoteness and inac- 
 cessibility from the 
 railroad is, Southeast- 
 ern Oregon. This part 
 of the state, however, 
 is rich in natural re- 
 sources, and it will 
 not be long in the future until it will begin to attract serious attention from the im- 
 migration pouring into the Wcpt. 
 Lake countv, so called owing to its being the center of the great lake district of 
 Soathein Oregon, is perhaps the most favored section of this part of the state. 
 Twenty-five years ago this section was occupied by not to exceed 10 white persons, 
 who had braved the hardships and privations incident to settling in a new country. 
 These men, thus eany even, saw a future for Southeastern Oregon, as had the early 
 settlers discounted the possibilities of the Willamette valley. P'rom this early van- 
 guard of civilization the population of Southeastern Oregon has steadily increased 
 uncil it is now about 3,000. The section of country in which these people live is 
 prosperous, ihe principal towns are the centers of culture and wealth and the devel 
 opments of these give every indication of a progressive anJ intelligent people. 
 L ' eview, the seat of justice of Lake county, is reached f-oni the town of Agei 
 just south of the California line on the Southern Pacific railroad. The routr 
 which is covered l)y stage presents a great variety of scenery. Some of the view^ 
 commanded from the higher elevations of the mountains crossed by the stage or thi'- 
 journey are truly majestic in their grandeur, while the beauties of the road on tlu 
 lower levels of the valleys appeal strongly to the traveler over this route. 
 Lake county today is by no means a -vvilderuess. From its remotentss one miglit 
 reasonably expect to find here a civilization not so far advanced as is noted amon;; 
 if Aper 
 or thi-- 
 on. till 
 Lake County ant! Lakeview, Oregon. 
 the people of the .nore accessible portions of the West. The people of the towns of 
 this section are it just as close sympathy with the outside world as are the best 
 informed people oi Portland. The leading papers of the country find a large sale at 
 Lakeview and Linkville in this section. The well-to-do people of these towns have 
 fine homes which arfe often elegantly furnished, and that the people are readers is 
 attested by the many fine private collections of books which are found in private 
 residences here. There is a warmth of welcome to strangers in these settlements 
 remote from railroad lines that is lacking in towns more easily reached, and it can be 
 safely stated that no traveler ever visits the leading towns of Southeastern Oregon 
 without regretting when the time of his departure arrives that his stay here could not 
 have been a more protracted one. 
 Lake county, is before stated, is the center of the great lake district of Southern 
 Oregon. On account of the large surface area of water exposed here, together with 
 the elevation of the section, which is from 4,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level, the rain- 
 fall here is far in excess of what it is in other parts of Oregon lying east of the Cas- 
 cade range of mountains. Lake county is bounded on the north by Crook, on the 
 east bv Harney, on the west by Klamath, and on the south by the California line. 
 1 he lake district here is one of the most interesting parts of the coast. The lakes in 
 Lake county have no visible outlets, and in consequence their waters are somewhat 
 brackish. The largest of the chain of lakes here is Goose Lak'j. Almost half of the 
 body of this lake lies south of the California line. Its greatest area from north to 
 south is about 50 miles. From east o v/est it is abou 15 miles. On the east side of 
 Goose Lake, extending for its entire length, is one of the most fertile strips of agri- 
 cultural land in the Pacific Northwest. This constitutes the famous Goose Lake val- 
 ley. This is at the present time the most thickly populated serrtion of Lake county. 
 Goose Lake has no surface outlet and it does not overflow excepl during unusually 
 wet springs. Its ^,•aters are comparativel)' fresh and they teem with the choicest 
 varieties of game fish. The character of the country on the west side of Goose Lake 
 is for the most part abrupt, rugged and mounttiiuous. but it is covered with a dense 
 growth of the finest timber. 
 Tweniy-five miles north of Goose Lake is Lake Abert. Twenty miles north- 
 west of the latter lake is Summer Lake. There is much of interest in the peculiar 
 formation of Lak*- Abert. It is oblong in shape, and has a surface area of perhaps 
 60 square milp.,. The basin which the lake occupies is formed by a fault in the sur- 
 face rock, "o that while the bottom of the lake slopes gradually from the west, its 
 eastern shore-line rises abmptly to an elevation of i,oco feet. The wafer of this 
 lake is intensely brackish. It is said to contain in solution carbonate of soda and 
 glauber salt. Summer Lake has an area alni-^st equal to that of Lake Abert. From 
 the eastern shore of this lake a broad, level and fertile stretch of agricultural land 
 extends out for some distance, while the country lining the western and southern 
 boundaries of tiit lake is of a mountainous character. This lake has an outlet, 
 and its waters do not, therefore, contain so much chloride of sodium as do those of 
 Lake Abert. 
 South of Lake Abert is what is known as the Chewaucan country, a large tract 
 of valuable agri •ultural land, which, at the present time, is used principally for 
 stock-: aising purposes. \ few miles northwest of Summer Lake is another small 
 inland body of water known as Silver Lake. Beyond this latter body is a large area 
 of marsh and meadow land, which 's rapidly filling up with settlers. Wc»mer Lake 
 i M 
 FREIGHT Team from Amedee to Lakeview. 
 222 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 is in the southeastern portion of the county. This lake 
 is described as a succession of smaller lakes, or large 
 pools, separated here and there by marsh plats. The 
 water in certain of these pools is totally absorbed during 
 the Summer months. Af- 
 ter the water has evapo- 
 rated the residium is a 
 thick crust of salt, which 
 is used by the ranchmen 
 of this sectio"' for their 
 stock. War >" valley 
 is a long, ;•.:••. cfile, 
 with precipitous walls on either side. It is 60 miles long by about 8 i. jilts wide at 
 its greatest width. 
 Lake county is one of the largest counties in the state, it having an area of about 
 8,000 miles. At least one-third of the county is susceptible of a high state of culti- 
 vation. The remaining two-thirds of the county consists of broken land, but thou- 
 sands of acres of this afford excellent pasturage for horses, cattle and sheep. Some 
 of the hills of the county are covered with a stunted growth of timber, while on some 
 of the other elevations are large and valuable bodies of sugar pine and cedar, which 
 will furnish an ample supply of timber to meet the local demands for many years in 
 the future. The farming lands of Lake county are chiefly located in the valleys 
 already described. The character of the soil of these lands is a rich, black loam, and 
 it produces abundant yields of all kinds of cereals and garden produce without 
 the aid of irrigation. The hardier fruits and vegetables of all kinds do well here. 
 Until rail connection is made between the settled districts of Lake county am' 
 the outside world, stock raising will be the principal industry of the county. Gx" 
 for the outside markets, at the present time, cannot be successfully uised 1; re 
 The stock interests of this county are beginning to assume great magnitude, .. '' 
 the revenue derived from this source is sufficient to make the population of Lake 
 county one of the most prosperous communities in the Pacific Northwest. A few 
 figures will justify the truth of this assertion. At the present writing th'-re are esti- 
 mated to be on the grazing lands of Lake county 30,000 horses, 75,cxx) head of cattle, 
 and 250,000 head of sheep. This county annually exports 1,750,000 pounds of wool. 
 Lake county mutton and beef regularly find a large sale in the Portland and San 
 Francisco markets. 
 The public domain in Lake county consists of swamp, wagon-road and gov^ . 1- 
 ment lands. There are large bodies of .swamp lands, the title to which has nrc "et 
 been confirmed. The wagon-road grants of the county are al.so in an unsettle ; ••' 
 dition, but it is probable that these will soon be thrown open to entry imdev i'-- 
 homestead law. There are still some fine bodies of agricultural land in the coui:t> 
 which are unoccupied, and which are subject to settlement under the laws of tlu' 
 United States. The exact number of acres of , nrveyed and acant lairds in Laki 
 county is 2,626,187. The climate of this part of th-e state is ^ .lightiul one, and 
 with the advent of a railroad line this will become o;ie of the most inif ortant parts 
 of the state. 
 The chief trading center for Southeastern Oregon i" Lakeview, the seat of justice 
 of Lake county. It is a wide-awake little town of about 900 population. It is situateil 
 Lake County and Lakeview, Oregon. 
 near the head and on the east side of Goose L,ake valley, about four miles distant 
 from Groose Lake. The town is incorporated, and enjoys an excellent municipal 
 form of government. One of the five United States land offices of the state is 
 located here. The receiver is Mr. C. U. Snider, and Dr. J. W. Watts is the register. 
 Both of these gentlemen are pioneers in the state, and they are both regarded as 
 most efficient officers. The district under the jurisdiction of this office embraces 
 all of Klamath and Lake counties, half of Harney and Malheur counties, and a por- 
 tion of Crook county. 
 Lakeview boasts of a number of substantial and attractive-looking buildings. 
 Among these maj' be mentioned the court house, a public school which cosv $14,000, 
 a..d a handsome brick bank building. The Lakeview bank is a strong financial 
 institution, and enjoys the confidence of a wide patronage. It has a capital of 
 $75,000, and a rapidly increasing surplus. A. McCallen is the successful manager 
 and cashier of this bank. Prominent among the business houses of Lakeview may 
 be mencioned two hotels, two livery stables, a brewery, and perhaps a score of gene- 
 ral merchandise and other stores. The^Lake County Examiner^ of which Messrs. 
 Townsend & Beach are publishers, is one of 
 the most progressive interior publications of 
 the state. The fraternal and social organiza- 
 tions are represented at Lakeview by lodges of 
 the Odd Fellows, Masons, United Workmen 
 and Grand Army of the Republic. The Baptist 
 and Methodist denominations have comfort- 
 able church buildings at this point. Lakeview 
 offers superior educi.tional advantages. The 
 Lakeview State Graded School provides courses 
 of study in the common, hij^h school and nor- 
 mal branches, as well as instruction in vocal 
 and instrumental music. The school is now a 
 sectaria7i one. The state has provided ample 
 means for the purchasing of the nei essary 
 apparatus for the institution in illustrati.ig the physical and natural sciences. The 
 corps of instructors is composed of four well qualified teachers. 
 Lakeview has a good water-works s\stem, together with good facilities for fight- 
 n.w, ^re. Near the town are established three sawmills, one roller-process flour 
 ni , a lime kiln and several ledges of valuable building stone. A mile and a half 
 south of the town are two jboiling hot springs which are said to possess mineral 
 properties. Bath houses have been erected near these springs for the accommoda- 
 tion of those who may be desirous of testing the healing powers of these mineral 
 waters. Forty miles north of Lakeview is the village of Paisley, which is situated 
 in the Chewaucan country. Summer Lake is a trading post 25 miles to the north- 
 west of Paisley. Silver Lake is a small settlement 30 miles still further north. 
 Fifteen miles south of Lakeview, on the state boundary line is New Pine Creek, 
 another small trading point. 
 The railroad question is a vjxed one to the people of Lakeview and Lake 
 county. It is one, however, thac promises an easy solution within the near future. 
 The Union Pacific has already made surveys for a line through the county. This 
 would probably be its northern California extension. Reference to any map of the 
 State Graded School, Lakeview. 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Pacific Northwest should be made to enable the reader to fully appreciate the abso- 
 lute certainty of one or more of the transcontinental lines building through Lake 
 county in the near future. This would make a most feasible route from the north 
 through Oregon and California to San Francisco on the south. It is a well known 
 fact that James J. Hill of the Great Northern is biding his time when he will be able 
 to enter California with his road. Mr. Hill is too shrewd a railroad builder to par- 
 allel the line of the Southern Pacific west of the Cascades in selecting a route south. 
 In going south he will undoubtedly select a less expensive route than is afforded iu 
 the country cro; . h' by the Oregon branch of the Southern Pacific, and in building 
 through Lake co r will open up a new and wonderfully rich section of country 
 where he will not ii j meet competition. It is felt by those who have carefully 
 studied the situation i^at he will build south from the line of the Great Northern at 
 Butte, through Idaho and Southeastern Oregon. Mr. Hill is thoroughly familiar 
 with the easy grades and the inexhaustible resources of the country along this route 
 and these will prove a most important inducement for him to select this route when 
 he finally decides to enter the California field. Lake county and Lakeview offer 
 exceptional opportunities for trade to the merchants of Portland, and a railroad that 
 would reach this country from some point on the Southern Pacific this side of the 
 Siskiyou Mountains would prove a most important investment from the stand- 
 point of Portland's best business interests. 
 Hon. C. a. Cogswell. — As stated in the article on Lake county and Lakeview, 
 25 years ago there were scarcely more than 10 residents in what is now Lake 
 county, Oregon. Hon. Charles A. Cogswell, the distinguished senator in the last 
 three sessions of the Oregon 
 state legislature from the re- 
 mote southeastern part of the 
 atate, was one of the 10 hardy 
 pioneers above referred to. 
 Senator Cogswell was a mere 
 youth with but $25 in his 
 pockets when he decided to 
 brave the hardships of a fron- 
 tier life in the then wilds of 
 Southeastern Oregon. He hail- 
 ed from Vermont, where he wa.s 
 born in 1844. His parents re- 
 moved to Iowa in 1857, where 
 he received the benefit of a 
 cotumon school education. 
 During the war with the South, 
 he fought under Gen. Sher- 
 man's command, and subse 
 quently removed to Goose Lake 
 valley, in Lake county, Oregon . 
 where he has since resided. 
 For 25 years Senator Cogswell 
 has striven, and not in vain, 
 to bring about a development, 
 and civilization of one of the most remote comers of the continent. The results 
 HON. C. A Cogswell, Lakeview. 
Lake County and Lakeview, Oregon. 
 id to. 
 11 his 
 led to 
 5lds of 
 e hail- 
 he was 
 its re- 
 of <'i 
 Icatioii . 
 le Lake 
 regoii , 
 have been worthy of his inde Tatigable and well-directed efforts. After the rough 
 corners of his frontier existence had begun to wear smooth, Senator Cogswell took 
 up the study of the law, and was admitted to practice in the Oregon courts. In 
 1887 he was elected to the office of judge of Lake county. In 1888 he received a flat- 
 tering majority for state senator and was re-elected to the same office in 1892 by 
 double his former majority. During his term in the senate, Mr. Cogswell was a lead- 
 ing spirit, and raanv of the important measures that became laws during that session 
 originated with mm. He received the Democratic vote of the members of the 
 Senate for the office of president of that body, and he was made chairman of the 
 committee on federal relations. The name of Senator Cogswell is often mentioned 
 in connection with the gubernatorial honors of the state, but this has been done 
 without his sanction. Senator Cogswell is now the mayor of Lakeview. He enjoys 
 a most lucrative law practice besides having large stock as well as other interests 
 in Southeastern Oregon. He is a man of m-irked ability, an ardent Democrat in 
 politics and he is honored by an admiring constituency from both parties alike. 
 Hon. Bernard Dai^y, M. D. — There was probably no more distinguished 
 member of the house of the last legislature than Dr. Bernard Daly, the representa- 
 tive from Lake and Klamath counties. Dr. Daly is a native of Ireland, having been 
 born there in 18^,8, but he was 
 raised in the state cf Alabama. 
 He received a thorough prelim- 
 inary education in his youth 
 and graduated from the Ohio 
 Normal University at Ada in 
 1886, and from the Medical De- 
 partment of the University of 
 Louisville in 1887. During the 
 latter j'ear he took up his resi- 
 dence at Lakeview, where he 
 began the practice of his pro- 
 fession ill which he has met 
 with signal success. Although 
 hailing from a somewhat re- 
 mote part of the state, Dr. Daly 
 has always been indefatigable 
 in his efforts in behalf of South- 
 eastern Oregon. He was elected 
 to the last legislature by a most 
 flattering majority and he 
 served his constituents in a 
 most able manner. Although 
 on the side of the Democratic 
 minority, Dr. Daly was a leader 
 and many of the important 
 measures introduced and en- 
 acted are to be traced to his sagacious efforts. Dr. Daly's interest in behalf of education 
 led to his appointment as a member of the board of regents of the Oregon State 
 Agricultural College at Corvallis, the position made vacant by the death of Hon. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 W. S. Ladd, of Portland. Dr. Daly is a most prominent citi/en of Lakeview and is 
 untiring in his efforts to make Southeastern Oregon one of the most important agri- 
 cultural sections of the state. 
 Hon. W. M. Tovvnsend. — The name of Hon. W. M. Townsendhas been promi- 
 nently identified with the growth and development of the Willamette valley, in Ore- 
 gon, for the past 30 years. Judge Townsend was born in the state of Indiana in 
 1839, where he received a common school education. Early in life he became 
 imbued with a desire to go west, and in 1855 he settled in Kansas. Ten years later 
 the Pacific coast proved a more inviting field for the man of push and ambition, 
 and Judge Townsend removed 
 to Yamhill county, in Oregon. 
 During his stay in Kansas he 
 enlisted in the 15th Kansas 
 regiment and served with hon- 
 or during the civil war. In 1S70 
 Judge Townsend was elected a 
 member of the Oregon legisla- 
 ture and in 1874 he occupied a 
 seat in the Senate along with 
 such men as Dolph, Hirsch, 
 Watson, Meyers and Cochran. 
 During his term as senator, 
 Judge Towtisend was made 
 chairman of the committee on 
 ways and means. In 1878 he 
 was elected judge of Yamhill 
 county. Judge Townsend has 
 always been a partisan democrat 
 and in recognition of his ability 
 as a leader and expounder of 
 the principles of democrac}', 
 he was chosen by the state cen- 
 tral committee in 1880 and 1884 
 to canvass the state for Han- 
 cock and Cleveland respectively. In 1878 Judge Townsend adopted journalism as a 
 calling and established The Oregon Register at Lafayette. In 1885 he was 
 appointed by Cleveland receiver of the land office at Lakeview where he has since 
 resided. Judge Townsend enjoys the honor of having been the first mayor of Lake- 
 view, to which position he was elected in 1888. He now holds the office of judge 
 of Lake county, and he also finds time to edit one of the most sprightly weekly 
 newspapers in Oregon, The Lake County Examiner. Judge Townsend is well- 
 known throughout the state and is a man of recognized ability. In 1878 he declined 
 the nomination for governor of the state and in 1884 he received the complimentary 
 vote of the democratic minority in the legislature for United States senator. Judge 
 Townsend has unlimited confidence in the future development of Lake county and 
 Southeastern Oregon and no one man is doing more than he is to aid and hasten this 
 rapid development. 
 Just as " The Handbook " is going to press word reaches The Oregon i an that 
 The Ute Hon. w. m. Townsend, lakeview. 
In that 
 Hillsboro, Oregon. 
 Hon. W. M. Townsend, the subject of the above sketch, is dead. Judge Towti- 
 send was one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of the state, and 
 his death will be mourned by his numerous friends and admirers in all parts of the 
 Hillsboro, Oregon.— Hillsboro is 15 miles west of Portland, in an air line, 
 but by the usual means of travel between the two places — the West Side division of 
 the Southern Pacific railroad — it is 21 miles distant from Oregon's metropolis. It is 
 the county seat of Washington county, and contains a population of about 1,800. 
 The town itself gives every evidence of thrift, and it is most pleasantly located. 
 The growth of the place from a mere hamlet has been made within a very short 
 time past. Four years ago Hillsboro did not contain to exceed 800 people. The 
 cause of this rapid growth can be traced to the impetus given the town by the organ- 
 ization of the Patrons of Husbandry, a granger corporation, but in no way identified 
 with the Farmers' Alliance. The Patrons of Husbandry erected at Hillsboro a brick 
 block and established a general merchandise store under the name of the Hillsboro 
 farming trade of 
 instilled the spirit 
 Hillsboro, and in 
 COURT House, Hillsboro. 
 Co-operative Company. This largely increased the 
 the town, and the initiative taken by this organization 
 of progress into the minds of the leading citizens of 
 less than three years after the fii.:-t great stroke of en- 
 terprise was made by the Patrons, the population of the 
 place had more than doubled. 
 Hillsboro boasts of two large flouring mills, 
 both in operation. One of these mills makes a 
 specialty of the manufacture of oatmeal, which 
 finds a ready market in all parts of the coast. In 
 addition to these mills, the town also contains a 
 large warehouse which furnishes ample and con- 
 venient storage for the farmers of the vicinity. 
 Three new churches have been added to the 
 town of late years. The Methodist, Baptist, Con- 
 gregational and Christian denominations contain 
 very strong memberships. The educational facilities of Hillsboro have never been 
 neglected. A well graded school of 450 pupils is conducted in a fine school build- 
 ing, erected at a cost of $14,000. The school contains seven grades, with a teacher 
 at the head of each. 
 The town contains 16 brick stores, and the leading mercantil" and professional 
 pursuits are carried on with profit. A handsomely designed and expensive brick 
 court house occupies a full block in the center of the town. Sessions of both the 
 county and circuit courts are regularly held here. 
 Hillsboro has good planked streets, electric lights, water works, and every ade- 
 quate protection against fire. Municipal affairs have been conducted wisely and on 
 a conservative basis, as is evidenced by the statement that the city's indebtedness does 
 not exceed $4,ock). 
 The Southern Pacific railroad furnishes the transportation facilities of Hillsboro 
 at the present writing. Two trains run each way over this line daily, connecting 
 Hillsboro not only with Portland and the East, but also with all points of the Wil- 
 lamette valley. A motor line of road now runs out of Portland part of the way to 
 Hillsboro, and it is probable that this will be completed clear through to the latter 
 A 11 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 place during the present year. Two hotels, with 
 rates varying from $i to $2 a day, furnish comfort- 
 able accommodations to the traveling public. 
 The town supports two good weekly publications, 
 T/ie Independent and The Democrat. 
 The climate of Washington county is essen- 
 tially the same as that of the entire Willamette 
 valley. Old age and disease claim their victims 
 here, however, as in every part of the world. Dr. 
 F. A. Bailey, the leading physician, and a promi- 
 nent figure in the growth of the city, makes a most 
 gratifying report of the healthy condition of Hillsboro's population. The doctor 
 has great faith in the future of the town, and this faith will certainly not be shaken 
 by the future development here. 
 Owing to Hillsboro's proximity to Portland, city lots and farming lands in the 
 vicinity find a ready sale among careful investors. 
 J. J. Morgan has constantly on hand a large list 
 of all classes of property in Hillsboro and the ad- 
 joining section. He has been prominent in al- 
 most every enterprise that has been inaugurated 
 in the town during the last 12 or 13 years. He 
 is now a stockholder in the Hillsboro Co-opera- 
 tive Company ; he is ai.* officer and a director of 
 the First National Bank of Hillsboro, and he 
 stands deservedly high in the community where 
 he has so long resided. All information furnished 
 by Mr. Morgan on Hillsboro and the tributary 
 district, can be relied on in all cases as strictly 
 accurate and of great value to the seeker for in- 
 formation on this part of the Willamette valley. 
 "Washlngfton County. — This is one of the oldest settled, and today it is one 
 of the most prosperous, counties of Oregon. In shape it is nearly square and con- 
 tains an area of over 300,000 square acres. Of the strictly agricultural counties of 
 the state it is the farthest north and the one which approaches nearest to the sea. It 
 is bounded on the north by the Scappoose Hills, a range maintaining an average ele- 
 vation of about 1,000 feet above sea level. These hills separate the west side of the 
 Willamette valley from the Columbia river and, skirting the Willamette river on the 
 west, form the eastern boundary of Washington county, separating it from Multno- 
 mah. Yamhill county adjoins Washington on the south, while the latter is separated 
 from Tillamook county on the west by the rugged chain of the Coast range of 
 The topography of Washington county includes about four-fifths of practically 
 level land, dotted here and there with wondeifully rich beaver-dam marshes, and the 
 remaining fifth is hilly. Of the level portion of these lands perhaps two-thirds 
 might be termed prairie, adapted to the highest form of agriculture, while the 
 remaining third is covered with brush and timber. The hilly portion of the 
 county is all brush and timber. It is '.he varied nature of 1V '- lands of the county 
 that makes them especially desirable for settlement. The ik •.iutainous portion of the 
 Morgan 4 bailey Block, Hillsboro. 
 Washington County, Oregon. 
 Ind the 
 le the 
 >f the 
 of the 
 county, with its heavy growth of timber, insures an adequate supply of water for the 
 low lands at all seasons of the year, and the timber which is found in these mount- 
 ains is of the greatest value, both for domestic use and as lumber for export. The 
 most valuable of this timber for commercial purposes are the common fir and cedar 
 found in the higher elevations, as in the mountains of all parts of the Northwest, in 
 practically unlimited quantities. This belt also includes large quantities of white 
 fir, common, or pitch pine, and on the western border of the county is a valuable strip 
 of white pine. Scattered here and there through this timber belt are stretches of 
 hemlock and spruce, some of the trees of the latter varieties often attaining enor- 
 mous size, heights of 300 feet, or even more, being frequently recorded. In addition 
 to these soft woods is an inexhaustible supply of the finest white oak. This, with 
 the other hard woods found here, will be very valuable in the near future for the 
 manufacture of furniture and other articles of commerce requiring the use of the 
 harder varieties of woods. 
 Washington is one of the best watered counties of the state. Leading up from 
 the level portions of the county fertile valleys extend for a considerable distance into 
 the hilly sections, dividing these hills in all directions. Down these small valleys 
 flow Rock creek, Dairy creek. Gales creek, Scogging's creek and Patton's creek. 
 These are all mountain streams carrying large volumes of the purest water and offer- 
 ing rich opportunities in the water power afforded for future manufactories. These 
 streams unite near the central part of the county, forming Tualatin river. This latter 
 stream is navigable from Cornelius for a distance of about 40 miles to a point near 
 where it empties into the Willamette river a few miles above Oregon City. Rapids 
 near the mouth alone prevent steamers from entering the Willamette from this 
 stream. Before the railroad was completed through the /alley a steamer of 120 tons 
 measurement plied regularly on the Tualatin river from Cornelius, Hillsboro and 
 other points, connecting with the regular steamboat lines on the Willamette by 
 means of a short portage near the mouth of the Tualatin, and also making connection 
 at Oswego, a few miles above Portland, by a similar portage. 
 The lands of the entire Willamette valley are rich and well watered. Washing- 
 ton county is no exception to this rule. Covering a strong clay subsoil is a carpet of 
 the richest ioam, varying in depth from a few inches to many feet. Lands on the 
 Tualatin bottoms are especially rich, the thirtieth yield of wheat having now been 
 raised here with an average yield annually of 40 bushels to the acre. All cereals do 
 well here. One of the great future possibilities of this section is the raising of stock, 
 and dairying. The county is an ideal dairying section, and with practically an entire 
 absence of cold during the winter months, the expense of caring for cattle here is 
 less than in any other part of the Northwest. 
 Oregon has long been noted for her fine apples and pears. It is just such land as 
 is found in Washington county that produces the finest fruit. The cool nights of the 
 early fall months are especially hard on grapes and peaches, but with the exception 
 of these two varieties all semi-tropical fruits do as well here as in any part of the world. 
 So perfectly adapted are these lands to small fruits, that the flavor of the raspberries 
 and blackberries which grow in endless profusion in a wild state here is not equalled 
 by that of any cultivated fruit of the same varieties in the world. The hills during 
 the summer months are covered with blackberries, raspberries and huckleberries. 
 All kinds of small fruits do well here, and there is no reason why fruit canning on a 
 large scale should not be as profitable in Washington county in the near future as it 
 has already been proved to be in the b6st fruit districts of California. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Cornelius, Oregon. — Three miles west of Hillsboro, on the line of the West 
 Side division of the Southern Pacific railroad, is located the town of Cornelius, with 
 a popul ition of about 300. A creamery, large wheat warehouse and a rich tributary 
 farming district are the chief dependencies of the place. The town claims a neat 
 church building [Methodist], a substantial building occupied by the public school 
 with an average attendance of about 100 pupils, a single hotel and one livery stable. 
 Before the era of great development in the Northwest, Cornelius had the promise of 
 becoming the junction of the proposed Astoria & McMiunville railroad. Ihis was a 
 line projected by the erstwhile railroad king, Ben Holladay and Colonel Cornelius. 
 The town was named after the latter gentleman. Railroad lines since that time have 
 gridironed the Northwest, cities have sprung up in the wilderness, deserts have been 
 broken up and made habitable, but Cornelius still boasts of a single line of railroad 
 which passes her doors, and Astoria, which had promise of p><rly rail connection 
 more than 20 j'cars ago, is still forced to rely on the open highway of the Columbia 
 and Willamette rivers for her sole means of connection with the rich cities of the 
 Cornelius enjoyed a considerable degree of prosperity during the two years that 
 the West Side division of the present Southern Pacific line terminated there, but since 
 that time it has allowed rival places to take the lead in municipal development. 
 Since that time no special progress has been made in the place, and Cornelius remains 
 today substantially as Ben Holladay left it more than two decades ago. 
 Forest Grove, Oregron. — Forest Grove, as its name implies, is a town of 
 sylvan surroundings. The location of the town is a sightly one, at an elevation con- 
 siderably above that of the country immediately around it, and it is well sheltered 
 b}' a heavy forest growth which skirts the placu on all sides. 
 Forest Grove is incorpor- 
 population of about 1,300. It 
 division of the Southern Pacific 
 land. Two passenger trains and 
 over this line, thus affording 
 between Forest Grove and the 
 dition to the line of travel af- 
 Grove also has daily connection 
 Public School, Forest grove 
 ated, and contains a present 
 is on the line of the West Side 
 railroad, 26 miles south of Port- 
 one freight run daily each way 
 ample means of communication 
 big city to the north. In ad- 
 forded by the railroad, Forest 
 with Vcrnonia and Greenville 
 by well appointed stages. 
 Forest Grove has long been noted as the seat of Tualatin Academy & Pacific 
 University, one of the best conducted colleges on the coast. A description of this 
 important seat of learning is published in connection with the present article. In 
 addition to the educational facilities afforded by the college, the town also supports a 
 good public school system with an average attendance of 2S0 scholars. 
 The manufacturing industries of the place comprise an arc and incandescent 
 system of electric lighting for the city, a fruit cannery, flouring mill, sash and door 
 factory, furniture factory and creamery. All of the various mercantile houses of any 
 prosperous town are represented at Forest Grove. The place boasts of one strong and 
 well conducted bank, The Bank of Forest Grove, it supports one good newspaper, T/ie 
 Times, has two livery stables and three hotels. One of these hostelries, the Forest 
 Grove, owned and operated during the past 28 years by Mrs. S. A, Sloan, is one of 
 the popular institutions of the town, and is regarded as one of the best conducted 
 houses of the valley. 
Forest Grove, Oregon. 
 jiie of 
 The principal products of the soil of the country tributary to Forest Grove are 
 fruits of all kinds, with prunes in the lead, grain and all varieties of vegetables. 
 Considerable attention has been paid of late years to the dairying possibilities of this 
 section, and it has been proved that this tributary district will give as satisfactory 
 results in dairying as any of the most favored parts of the coast. The country 
 here is also rich in a growth of the finest varieties of timber for commercial pur- 
 poses, and the lumber industry has already attained considerable prominence in this 
 part of the state. 
 Forest Grove has four good church buildings, the Congregational, Baptist, Meth- 
 odist and Christian, each of which denomination boasts of a good congregation. 
 Liberal hall, a large public room, free for all gatherings of a public character, is main- 
 tained here. The town is not behind any place in the valley of equal population in 
 enterprise and prosperity, and with the other inland towns of the state it is assured of 
 a solid growth with the certain increase in population and consequent steady addition 
 to the wealth of the country. 
 Pacific University. — Forest Grove, both by reason of its favorable location 
 and by the intelligence and moral standing of its citizens, is well adapted for the 
 location of an institution of advanced learning 
 These advantages were considered when Tuala- 
 tin Academy and Pacific University was char- 
 tered as an academy in 1848, and later as a col- 
 lege in 1854. That the aim of the founders 
 to maintain a high standard of scholarship has 
 been steadily adhered to, is attested by '" =; 
 character of its alumni, many of whom •■. 
 numberec" among the prominent men of ' 
 coast. The institution now stands on a firm 
 financial basis, and in consequence has been 
 enabled to ga'her to itself an able faculty from the best colleges of the country. 
 Since the accession of Thomas McClelland, D. D., to the presidency of the insti- 
 tution, in 1891, the faculty has been enlarged and the courses of study revised and 
 strengthened by the addition of elective courses in histoi - English literature, Latin, 
 Greek, mathematics, chemistry and biology. 
 The buildings of the school, in ad- 
 dition to those shown in the accom- 
 panying illustrations, are the acad- 
 emy, the science building, contain- 
 ing the chemical and biological labora- 
 tories, and the young mens' dormitory. 
 The attendance at the university 
 has materially increased during the 
 past two years, and the prosperity of 
 the institution is apparent in all its 
 In 1885 a conservatory of music 
 was added, and its liberal patronage 
 shows it to be an attractive and profit- 
 able feature of the institution. 
 Marsh MEMORrAL Hall, Pacific University, Forest Grove. 
 ! "t 
• -I ■ 
 f ! 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Stage fbom Fohest Grove to Tillamook. 
 Owing to its liberal endowmeut, the university is not wholly dependent upon tui- 
 tion for its support, and in consequence it is able to offer its privileges at a nominal 
 Over the Coast Tlnnge to Tillamook.— As "The Handbook" is 
 intended to serve largely as a guide to tourists visiting the Northwest, it could hardly 
 be said to be complete without some 
 mention of that part of the coast bord- 
 ering on the Pacific ocean and west of 
 the Coast range of mountains. One of 
 the most important of the coast settle- 
 ments on the Pacific ocean in the state 
 of Oregon is on Tillamook Bay, the 
 first harbor south of the entrance to the 
 Columbia river. The ride by stage 
 from Forest Grove, on the line of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad, -ross the 
 Coast range to Tillamook is one of the enjoyable stage journeys of 1 ^ast. A 
 description of the ride over these mountains will be read with pleasure b_ patrons 
 of "The Handbook." 
 Starting from Forest Grove just at break of day in the comfortable stage furn- 
 ished by H. D. Jones, the traveler finds enjoyment from the outset of the journey, and 
 this interest increases as the stage enters the mountains. Eithi..- Mr. Jones, the pro- 
 prietor, or his trusted henchman, Joe Bailey, both of whom are experienced whips, 
 handle the reins. For the first few miles out the stage runs smoothly and rapidly 
 along through a level strip of agricultural country with well cultivated farms on 
 either side of the road. The rise to the foothills of the Cascade range begins gradu- 
 ally. The ground from a dead level grows gently undulating. This is the famous 
 Gales Creek country, where land is worth fiooanacre and, as the driver remarks, "it 
 is mighty good soil, too." Several miles west of Forest Grove the little farming 
 village of Gales City is reached. This contains a store, postoffice and half a dozen 
 houses. From this point the stage road begins to grow steeper and the ascent to the 
 Coast Mountains is about to begin. The sturdy pair of mules, called " The Babies," 
 who serve on the first relay, make light work of these preliminary climbs for they 
 are fresh from the stalls and m?ny trips over the same road have, perhaps, led to their 
 making light of the first pull, instinctively reasoning as they do that the hard work 
 is yet ahead on the steeper slopes. The toll gate is soon reached where the sleepy 
 toll-man, for it is still early morning when the stage reaches this point, presents him- 
 self in answer to the blast from the driver's horn, collects the fare for the stage, $2, 
 and opens the gate to the famous Wilson River toll road. 
 The toll road is worthy of more than a passing notice. Its construction Involved 
 difficult feats of engineering. It is 47 miles long. It was built by the Wilson River 
 Boom, ToUroad & Improvement Co., incorporated with a capital stock of $250,000. 
 The officers of this company are: W. S. Runyon, president and manager; James 
 Steel of Portland, vice president, and Claude Thayer, the banker of Tillamook, 
 secretary. The work of the construction of this road was commenced in 1890 by W. 
 S. Runyon, the prime mover iu the undertaking. This was after Tillamook county 
 had decided that the expense of building the road would prove too burdensome 
 to the taxpayers. A charter of 30 years' duration was granted to the company. 
 Tillamook, Oregon. 
 This included not only the right to collect toll from teams and foot passengers pass- 
 ing over the road, but also a franchise covering the rights of logging on Wilson river. 
 By this logging clause the company is entitled to collect 55 cents for every thousand 
 feet of timber floated down the stream during the term of the lease. Of this amount 
 50 cents goes to the company and 5 cents to the county. The logging franchise is 
 confined to Tillamook county, but the toll rights cover 41 miles of road in Tillamook 
 county and six miies in Washington county. As before stated, the construction of 
 the road involved great engineering difficulties. The county surveyor estimated in 
 one of his annual reports that the construction of the road would involve an outlay 
 of $i5>5oo. Already about |35,ooo has been spent on the road and the work is not 
 yet completed. The time covered by this construction work has been three summers 
 of four working months each, during which time from 30 to 45 men and four teams 
 were steadily employed. The curves, grades and bridge work reflect great credit on 
 Mr. Runyon's judgment, who met the difficulties of construction as they arose. 
 There are 102 bridges on the road and the i range from 20 to 282 feet in length. In 
 addition to the bridges are 
 miles of shoring which follow 
 the edges of precipitous hill- 
 sides. The road is a safe one to 
 travel in every respect. There 
 is no crib or false work under 
 the roadbed and no danger from 
 landslides can ever be encoun- 
 tered. The principal bridges on 
 the road are the Howe truss. 
 These are of extra strength, and 
 some of these bridges have dur- 
 ing the severe mountain storms 
 of winter successfully carried a 
 weight of snow estimated at 
 220 tons. All canting on the 
 inclines is toward the inside 
 bank and away from the decline, thus avoiding all danger of the stage 
 going over the bank. The rates of toll over this road, considering the heavy 
 expense of its construction, are very reasonable. But $2 is charged for double teams 
 $1.50 for single teams and $1 for horse and rider. The company has never enforced 
 the levy of 25 cents allowed in their charter for foot passengers. This is one of the 
 best driveways in the state and it affords easy access to Tillamook at all seasons of 
 the year. 
 Fourteen miles west of Forest Grove the summit of the Coast range is reached. 
 This is 1,743 feet above sea level. The view from the summit on the stage road is 
 entrancing. Far to the east can be counted no less than seven snow-capped peaks of 
 the Cascades. These are Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Pitt, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. 
 Adams, Mt. Jefferson and the Three Sisters. Immediately below to the east lies the 
 fertile valley of the Willamette, one of the garden spots of ihe coast. As the descent 
 on the west side of the mountains begins, the driver, Joe Bailey, tightens his grip on 
 " The Babies," as the mules are called. The sagacity of the mules is as conspicu- 
 ous as the accredited stubbornness of this animal. They stop by instinct before cross- 
 ing a loose timber in a bridge and there is even a suspicion of a hesitancy in their 
 View in Wilson River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 FALL Crfek, Wilson River Road to Tillamook. 
 step at points where the driver is accustomed to dwell with enthusiasm on the merits 
 of some particular bit of scenery along the way. A short distance the other side of 
 the summit the Devils Lake 
 country is reached. This coun- 
 try derives its name from, a 
 marshy lake within its limits 
 which shows strange lights ou 
 its surface after nightfall. The 
 country is gently undulating, 
 and the soil is as rich ns that 
 of the valley land. The stage 
 road crosses numerous creeks 
 "near which may be seen the de- 
 serted cabin of some home 
 steader who has p.ovtd up on 
 his claim and is now waiting to 
 sell his holding to some syn- 
 dicate when the big day for 
 timber shall have arrived. There 
 are about 40 of these abandoned 
 cabins along the road. West of 
 the Coast range, magnificent for- 
 ests of timber stretch away on 
 all sides. Trees from 6 to 12 
 feet in diameter at the base and 300 feet high grow so thickly in some parts of tins- 
 great forest that there is barely room for a horr>e to pass? between them. An interest- 
 ing part of the descent is the " zig-zag " or switchback. The road here to make a 
 descent of 300 feet describjs an inverted letter "S" 
 as it winds back and forth down the mountain 
 side. Looking down from the upper road of the 
 "zig-zag" into Sangho canyon, at the foot may 
 be seen the winding Wilson river as it dashes over 
 the rooks, forming innumerable waterfalls in its 
 course. The river fairly teems with mountain 
 trout and 300 fish is said to be a good catch with a 
 single rod during an afternoon's sport here. The 
 trout caught here are immense fish, and every 
 inch of their fifteen incLcc; or more is thoroughly 
 gamy. Thousands of silver-side salmon ascend 
 this stream during the late summer months to 
 spawn, and in the deep pools along the stage road 
 they can be seen swimming in the clear water of 
 the stream. From the bottom of the " zig-zag " to 
 the end of the journey on Tillamook Bay, the 
 road follows the course of the Wilson river, along 
 the banks of which are many fine bits of 
 scenery. Waterfalls varying fron. 10 to 250 
 feet m height come constantly within the 
 range of vioion of the traveler over this road. All ,^„,, f^lls, wilson rivir. 
 photo by REYNOLDS. 
 '^ 1 
 Tillatnonk, Oregon. 
 along this road art camping spots where camping parties are accustomed to spend 
 the summer. Elk, deer and bear, and grouse, pheasants and the Deuny pheasant are 
 found in abundance here, and the fishing in all the streams is good. The names 
 which these numerous camps bear indicate the spirit of abandon which takes pos- 
 session of the average camping-out party during the period of -elease from city con- 
 ventionalities. Among the names noted on the sign boards hung out over these 
 camps are: "Hungry Point," " Buzzard's Roost," "Last Loaf," " Widow's Osmp," 
 " Camp Nix— no fish." 
 The traveler on this stage journey lunches at \Valt. Smith's Half-way house, and 
 it is here that the mules are changed for a pair of horses. A can of condensed milk 
 served at f dairy ranch would be uo more disappointing than is the fare of bacon and 
 beans which is said to be the usual noonday repast set before his guests by the 
 intrepid foundling of the Smith family at the Half-way house Right before Mr. 
 vSmith's door is a stream alive with trout, yet the inn-keeper has no ambition to lish 
 and his ^^uesis hsve the same lack of ambition to eat his beans when their appetites 
 call loudly for trout. Barring the meal at Smith's the journey by stage from Forest 
 Grove to Tillamook is one replete with interest and pleasure, audits growing popu- 
 larity with the tourists whc anii^.ally visit Oregon is rapidly making it one of the best 
 traveled stage routes of the West. 
 LOGQING, Wilson River Country, near Tillamook City. 
 Tllliunook, OrejfOii. — Tillamook, the judicial seat and chief cicy of Tilla- 
 mook county, is beautifully located on the edge of Hoquartan prairie, on an arm 
 of Tillamook Bay, known as Hoquartan slough. This slough pursues a somewhat 
 tortuous course for about three miles before emptying into t( e bay. It carries a suffi- 
 cient depth of water to accommodate steamers of moderate draft plying between Till- 
 amook Bay and Astoria. 
 Tillamook is reached by stage over the Coast range. Stages run from Forest 
 Grove and North Yamhill, on the West Side division of the Southern Pacific rail- 
 road, daily, to Tillamook. In addition to the stages, the steamers Elmore, Harri- 
 son and Augusta ply between Tillamook Bay and Astoria. The country immediately 
 tributary to Tillamook, although known as Hoquartan, South and Long prairies, is 
 prflv-tically one valley, 12 miles in length by 6 miles wide. This valley is the garden- 
 i '!. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 spot of the entire country. 
 It is almost wholly clear- 
 ed, ^nd it is thickly set- 
 tled. The principal in- 
 dustry of this valley is 
 dairying. The products 
 of the farms of this valley 
 seek Tillamook for ship- 
 ment, and the town has 
 long been recognized as 
 the trading center of a very large section of country. 
 Three of the rivers which drain the part of Tillamook county west of the Coast 
 range of mountains empty into the bay near the town of Tillamook. The Wilson 
 river flows past the town to the north, the Tillamook flows to the south, while Lhe 
 Trask barely escapes flowing through the southern boundary of the townsite. All of 
 these are logging streams, and much of the timber floated down them finds its way 
 to Tillamook. The principal trade of the logging camps is handled at Tillamook. 
 Tillamook is one of the old settled communities of the state. The first white settlers 
 came here in 1851-2, and some of these old pioneers are still living to tell of the hard- 
 ships and isolation which fell to their lot in the early history of the state. The origi- 
 nal townsite plat of Tillamook was filed in 1864. It covered at that time a tract about 
 two city blocks in size. The growth of the village was slow, and as late as 1880 the 
 business of Tillamook was handled by two stores, and the population in that year did 
 not excvied 25. In 1888 the town received its first real impetus in growth. In that 
 year the bank of the town was opened, and the first newspaper, IVie Tillamook Head- 
 light^ was established, and merchants in various lines of business opened stores here 
 and made a bid for the trade of the surrounding country, which had, before that time, 
 gone to Astoria and Portland. One important factor in the advancement of Tilla- 
 mook, at that time, was in the extensive purchase of timber lands made by Eastern 
 syndicates, principally formed in Michigan and Wisconsin. These timber lands were 
 bought principally from actual locators, many of whom flocked here from other sec- 
 tions of the country. These locators, after proving up and selling their claims, which 
 readily brought from $1,200 to $2,000 each, 
 became residents of the town or they settled 
 on farms in the surrounding prairies. 
 Tillamook today is u thriving city of 800 
 inhabitants, with handsome public build- 
 ings, several important manufacturing indus- 
 tries, well equipped and prosperous busi- 
 ness houses, a solid bank, fine private resi- 
 dences, well laid-out streets, and it con- 
 tains a healthy, contented and well-to-do 
 Tillamook is lighted by electricity. All the hotels and stores, and nearly all the 
 residences, use the incandescent lights furnished by the excellent home company, 
 while the main streets are lighted by arc lamp.s. Excellent water for domestic use is 
 drawn from wells all over the city. Among the residents here, however, there is ^ 
 growing demand for a good system of rity water works, and they expect, in the nc.r 
 Harbor Scene, Tillamook, 
 future, tc 
 an elevat 
 In Jt 
 city, desti 
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 the menu 
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 the court: 
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 A plain, bi 
 ground flo 
 divided inl 
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 to obtain 
 photo, by reyno 
Tillamook, Oregon. 
 of iScHI 
 ,te resi- 
 Court House riLUAMOOK. 
 future, to bring water, by the gravity system, from a pure mountain spring located on 
 an elevation a few miles distant. This would furnish an inexhaustible supply at all 
 In June, 1893, Tillamook suffered from an extensive conflagration, which was of 
 incendiary origin. This great fire wiped out two blocks locKted in the heart of the 
 city, destroying three hotels, in addition to a number of store buildings and residences. 
 It entailed a loss of many thousands of dollars. Although this fire occurred during 
 the memorable panic of last year, the sufferers by the fire gave no thought to despair, 
 but they at once started in to rebuild. All traces of the fire are now practically oblit- 
 erated. The public buildings of Tillamook now consist of a fine courthouse and a 
 handsome and well equipped school building. The 
 courthouse is conveniently arranged to accommodate 
 the courtroom and various county offices. The public 
 school building meets all present demands made on 
 it for room by the 250 pupils which are enrolled here. 
 The school is presided over by four competent 
 teachers. Four religious denominations — the Metho- 
 dist, Methodist South, Catholic and Christians — con- 
 duct weekly services in their own edifices, and the 
 moral tone of the city shows the effect of their leach- 
 ing. The main street is lined on both sides with hotels 
 and business houses, and it presents a bii i)])earance. 
 To the fine structures of the town will si ailded a 
 creditable stone building, two stories in hci>., at. This is 
 now under construction by the owners, Messrs. C. & K. Thayer, bant-rs. The stone 
 used in this building is a native sandstone quarried a short distant fr^m Tillamook. 
 A plain, but handsome, style of architecture has been adopted for tht- building. The 
 ground floor will be devoted to the use of the bank, while the upper tory will be 
 divided into offices for professional men. 
 The C. & E. Thayer Banking Company was organized oy ' ! lude Thayer and his 
 wife, in 1888, merely as an accommodation to b"siness men heic, thus enabling them 
 to obtain exchange. A bank, however, was needed at Tillamook, and the new 
 institution was compelled to fill the breach. Its business has grow from |3,ooo a 
 month at the outset to $125,000 a montli tay, and it now 
 numbers among its depositors individu and firms in all 
 parts of Tillamook county. The bank went through the 
 panic of 1893 without a run and with the loss of a single de- 
 positor only. 
 The Tillamook Lumbering Company, in- 
 corporated in 1892, with a capital stock of 
 $20,000, is the leading industrial concern of 
 Tillamook. The officers are Leonard Heiner, 
 president ; William H. Eberman, vice-president, 
 and John Barker, secretary and manager. The 
 company's mill has a capacity of 15,000 feet 
 a day. It runs steadily, turning out all varieties 
 of dressed lumber, flooring, rustic, mouldings, 
 etc. This company owns and opr /ates the elec- 
 tric light plant of the city. Great credit is 
 photo, ev REYNOLDS 
 Public School, TiLi.fMonK, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 Stohe, Cohn a Co., Tillamook. 
 due them for their enterprise in furnishing the excellent electric lighting system 
 in use here. 
 Two creameries are in successful operation at Tillamook. One of these is con- 
 ducted by Messrs. Ogden & Townsend, produce men of Portland. The other is oper- 
 ated by the Tillamook Dairy Association. The latter is a joint stock company, incor- 
 porated under the laws of Oregon. It is owned and controlled by farmers living near 
 Tillamook. The company uses the largest sized Delaval steam turbine separator and 
 it is equipped throughout with first-class machinery. During the summer of 1893 
 this creamery handled 9,000 pounds of mill- pn day, and another separator will be 
 required th's season to accommodate the growing demands of itp pat*- '.s. 
 Among the leading general Uicrchandise 
 stores of Tillamook are those of Messrs. 
 Cohn & Co. and G. W. Fearnside. Mr. 
 George Cohn is the senior member of the 
 firm f A Cohr & Co., and he is recognized 
 as one of the most public spirited citizens 
 of Tillamook. He has never failed to do 
 his full share in aiding all enterprises look- 
 ing to the advancement of the city. The 
 firm was burned out in the fire of 1893, but 
 immediately after the fire they rented new 
 quarters on Main street, which they in- 
 tend to occupy until their new store is completed on the old sil:e adjoining the city 
 wharf Cohn & Co. carry a full line of 
 merchandise in all departments. Mr. G. W. 
 Fearnside is loc ated on the corner of Front 
 street and First avenue E. His large double 
 store is fully stocked with dry goods, boots 
 and shoes and clothing. Mr. Fearnside 
 has given satisfaction to his Tillamook nat- 
 rons for over 30 years past in his deal nii^'s 
 with the trade of this important sectio:i of 
 the state. 
 The representative hardware business of Tillamook county is carried on hy 
 Messrs. Tuttle fk Robeson. This firm is located on the m.ain street. They carry a 
 very full stock of stoves, tinware, hardware, cutlery, etc. The tin and repair shop 
 run in connection with the business turns out the best of work in this line. The 
 very complete drug store of A. Williams carries a full assortment of especially 
 selected drugs, druggists' sundries, fancy and toilet irticles. Mr. Williams makes a 
 specialty of putting up prescriptions. The TillanKmk bakery is conducted by Wni. 
 Knoell. The well conducted meat market of Tillamook is presided over by L. II. 
 Brown. He sells only the primest meats, fattened on the rich succulent grasses of 
 Tillamook county. The popular resort, the Graml Central saloon and billiard hall, i- 
 run by C. B. Hadley, one of the most popular nun of the city. The Jones brothers, 
 proprietors of the Tillamook livery stable, furnish teams for tourists and commerci.i! 
 men and board horses by the day or week. They conduct one of the best equipped 
 livery stables on the coast. Carl P. Knudson presides over the forge of a fully fittcil 
 up blacksmith shop at Tillamook, and he is prepared to do anything in his line from 
 shoeing a horse to manufacturing a wagon. 
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Tillamook County, Oregon. 
 METHODIST Church, Tillamook. 
 Among the prominent professional men of Tillamook is photo, ev heins. 
 E. E. faolph. This gentleman, although a comparatively 
 new arrival in the city, has a large and growing practice 
 before the state and the United States courts. J udge W. H. 
 Cooper successfully combines law practice and farming. 
 A. W. Severance is one of the young lawyers of Tillamook, 
 but he is already recognized as a man of ability. Dr. W. A. 
 Wise, the dentist, of Russell street, Albina, spends his sum- 
 mers at Tillamook, dividing his time here between the prac- 
 tice of his profession and fishing. 
 There are three new hotels at Tillamook, all of which have been built since the 
 fire. The Alderman occupies a handsome three-story building on the main business 
 corner of the city. Under the charge of lY -^ popular proprietor, A. h- Alderman, 
 and his accomplished wife, the Alderman has earned a reputation for its excelleat 
 table, finely furnished apartments, and for the attention shown to the comfort and 
 enjoyment of its guests. The Larsen House is the largest hotel at Tillamook. It 
 was built and furnished in 1893, by M. H. Larsen, a pioneer hotel proprietor of Til- 
 lamook. Mr. Larsen thoroughly understands the hotel business and he never fails 
 to satisfy his patrons. The Allen House is located on the main street of Tillamook, 
 and is presided over by Mr. J. P. Allen, a very popular man, both with his fellow 
 townsmen and with the traveling public. Mrs. Allen presides over the culinary 
 department of the house, and the cooking is all done under her personal super- 
 Tillamook has made great advancement during the past year and the promise 
 for its future growth is encouraging. This is one of the most promising dairy 
 sections of the coast, and the making of butter and cheese, together with the numer- 
 ous other resources of the tributary couiitry, mrkes the outlook of the city a particu- 
 larly bright one. 
 Tillamook County, Oregon. — Tillamook ranks among the leading coun- 
 ties of Oregon in diversity and extent ^ its natural resources. It is bounded on the 
 west by the Pacific ocean, on the north uy Clatsop county, on the east by Washington 
 and on the south by the newly created county of Lincoln. 
 While certain sections of Tillamook county were settled as early as 185 1, it is 
 today but on the eve of a rapid development. The land of the county is diversified 
 in character. The portion of the county on the western slope of the Coast Range of 
 mountains is partly hilly and partly rolling, while that part lying immediately along 
 the coast, and the land for an average distance of eight miles inland, consists of a 
 series of prairies and valleys of great fertility. No less than four bays of considerable 
 extent break the coast line of Tillamook comity. ThCvSe are Tillamook, Nehalem, 
 Netarts and Nestucca. All of these inlets offer harborage for ships of light tonnage. 
 The largest, Tillamook Bay, is capable of being made a harbor of the first class at light 
 expense for improvements > the entrance. Numerous rivers, having their sources 
 in the Coast Range, tTtw through the county from east to west. These rivers are 
 valuable at the present time for floating logs from the forest districts to tide-water, 
 as well as aff"ording means of communication btt.»v^.. the farms of the valley lands 
 and the coast. The principal rivers of the county are the Wilson, Trask, Tillamook, 
 Nehalem, Miami and the Big ?"d Little Nestucca. In addition, there are a num- 
 ber of streams in the county of lesser importance. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Tillamook River basin contains the most extensive belt of agricultural land 
 in the county. It is today the most thickly settled district along this part of the 
 coast. This basin is ''vided into the Hoquarton, South, Long and Burnt prairies and 
 Pleasant valley. Ti;; > nook City, the county seat, is located on the border of 
 Hoquarton prairie, between Hoquarton slough and the Trask river. This is the 
 market place for the principal part of the crops of Tillamook county. The entire 
 basin here is cut up into small holdings. The farms here are well improved. The 
 Nehalem country, north of Tillamook River basin and just south of Clatsop county, 
 is another region of great undeveloped resources. These resources consist of mag- 
 nificent timber, easily reached from salt water, and patches of rich agricultural land. 
 There have been discovered in this district rich croppings of an excellent quality of 
 coal, the development of which only awaits the contitruction of a railroad through 
 this part of the state. With railroad connection, Portland and the entire Willamette 
 valley would draw upon the Nehalem district for their coal instead of on Puget 
 Sound as they now do. To the south of the Tillamook River basin, and bordering 
 upon Lincoln county, lies the Nestucca 
 country. This is formed by the Big and 
 Little Nestucca rivers. These streams 
 and their tributaries have fine 
 valleys which, taken together, 
 afford considerable area for 
 dairying, stock raising, general 
 farming, fruit culture and bee- 
 keeping. This latter is a grow- 
 ing industry of Southern Tilla- 
 mook. It pays large returns on 
 the investment of a small 
 amount of capital, and but 
 little labor is required in the production of the honey. Honey of Tillamook county 
 now stands high in the Portland market. 
 Viewed from the standpoint of future demands, the lumbering and logging 
 industry of Tillamook county must be give i the first place. The timber of this 
 region consists of fir, spruce, hemlock and cedar. The standing timber here is esti- 
 mated at 20,000,000,000 feet which, at the stumpage price of 50 cents per 1,000, is 
 worth $10,000,000. When to this is added the cost of cutting, running, booming 
 and manufacturing, it makes up a vast sum of money which will, some day, be dis- 
 tributed in Tillamook county, in the lumbering industry. 
 Next in importance to the timber industry of Tillamook county is that of dairy- 
 ing. Those who are today following this calling, or are looking for new locations, 
 can find no better location than is offered in Tillamook county. There is an abund- 
 ance of food here for cattle, the lands are perfectly watered and the climate is perfect. 
 The best of grasses, including red and white clover, are indigenous to the lands of 
 Tillamook , and they grow here profusely without cultivation. Just as soon as the land 
 is cleared here, these nourishing varieties of grasses, especially white clover, spring 
 spontaneously from the ground. One acre of this grass will support a cow, and it is 
 not uncommon, in certain localities, for two cows to keep fat from a single acre of 
 grass. The grasses here are the best butter producers known, and in Tillamook 
 county they grow throughout the winter. No abnormally cold weather is ever 
 experienced here. The heavy rains common to all parts of Western Oregon art 
 Tillamook Lumbering Co.'s Millc, Tillamook. 
Tillamook, Oregon. 
 supplemented here during the summer months by occasional showers and heavy 
 dews. This excessive moisture militates against Ti'lamook as a wheat-producing/ 
 region, but it possesses compensating advantages in its effect on the dairying 
 interests. For winter feeding for stock, in addition to the natural grasses, both barley 
 and oats grow well here. Oats are extremely productive on these lands, the yield 
 of oats per acre during favored seasons running as high as 95 bushels. The alluvial 
 deposits found along the bottom lai'ds of the numerous rivers and creeks produce 
 abundant crops of turnips, carrots am] beets, all good butter makers. A matter of 
 great interest to the dairymen is the abundance of cool running water found here. 
 Ther-; is scarcely a quarter section of land in the prairie belt of Tillamook county 
 that does not have its cool mountain stream, fed by perennial springs. Tillamook 
 dairymen who make their own butter rec'dily dispose of it for from 20 to 25 cents a 
 pound, 22 cents a pound being the average price throughout the year. Those who 
 do not make butter sell their cream without difficulty to the dairies of Tillamook 
 City for 20 cents a pound. A good milch cow here paj's for herself annually in the 
 milk she yields, in addition to adding hei calf to the herd. In addition to dairying, 
 stock raising for beef is a profitable industry h'_-re, and the Tillamook cattle are con- 
 sidered the best on the market. 
 The salmon fisheries of Tillamook county form ai.other important industry. 
 The Chinook enters the bays of Tillamook county in July and August, and these are 
 said to be equal in quality to the royal fish of the 
 Columbia river. Following the chinooks in Septem- 
 ber and October are the silversi Je salmon. These are 
 of a delicate flavor and, as they are very numerous, 
 they form the staple supply for the season's canning. 
 These fish are packed by the Columbia river can- 
 neries after the river rim of fish is over. These fish 
 are caught for the canneries in seines and nets. They 
 also afford rare sport in spoon fishing, w^ith a 300- foot 
 line trolling behind a boat. They are gamy, and the 
 landing of a 12 or 18 'jjound salmon here with a line tests the skill of the most expe- 
 rienced angler. There are four canneries in operation in Tillamook county. One 
 of these is located on Nehalem, one on Nestucca and ^wo on Tillamook Bay. The 
 average output of these canneries varies in value from $30,000 to $ioo,oco a year. 
 A growing industry in TillamoOk' county is cranberry culture. The oest land for 
 this purpose is found at Sand Lake, about 18 miles distant from Tillamook City, and 
 just south of Cape Lookout. Here there are 400 acres of marsh land, o'vned princi- 
 pally by W. C. King and C. H. Colton. These gentlemen commenced work on this 
 marsh in the spring of 1893, too late to enable them to plant more than two acres of 
 cranberries that season. This was sufficient, however, to afford a fair test of the pro- 
 ducing powers of this land, and the result was more than satisfactory. The Messrs. 
 King & Colton have procured the best vari«-«^ies of Cape Cod cranberries, and they 
 propose to plant a large tract next spring In a few years they expect to have their 
 entire holdings here planted to cranberries. A fii-e stream of water runs through the 
 marsh, and a fine beach of ^he best sand is near at hand for preparing the ground. 
 The shipping point for the berries v/il] be the bay at Cape Lookout, which affords a 
 sufficient harbor for the purpose. While the principal industry of the country sur- 
 rounding this bay will doubtless be the culture of cranberries, yet the cutting of tim- 
 Dairy ranch near Tillamook. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The waters of the bay are alive 
 ber here on a large scale can be made profitable, 
 with fish, and all varieties of clams are found here. 
 The principal towns of Tillamook county are Tillamook City, Bay City, Neha- 
 lem and Garibaldi. Tillamook City is fully described elsewhere in "The Handbook." 
 Bay City is a promising little town of about 400 population. It is located on Tilla- 
 mook Bay, and promises to develop into a lumbering point of considerable impor- 
 tance. The place has a good hotel, and considerable business is transacted here. 
 Fine summer ocean beaches, which will make the summer resorts of Tillamook 
 county in the neai: future, are found at Netart's Bay and at Nehalem. These places 
 are already visited annually by hundreds of campers. 
 The county affairs of Tillamook are ably administered at Tillamook. There is 
 no actual poverty here. The resources of the county are capa1)le of supporting a 
 large population, and to the tourist the rivers and streams of the county present 
 attractions not offered by many water-courses on the coast. The coast points afford 
 every attraction as a summer resort, while the Coast Range affords some of the best 
 hunting grounds of the state. 
 The following statistical matter relating to the assessment of Tillamook county 
 for 1893, is kindly furnished for "The Handbook " by The Tillamook Headlight, one 
 of the leading weekly newspapers of the coast, and published at Tillamook : 
 "As compared with last year's summary, the assessment shows an increase of 
 17,929 acres of land, valued at $151,727 more; improvements are valued at $23,320 
 more ; merchandise and implements at 
 $26,324 less ; money, notes, accounts, shares 
 of stock, etc., are assessed $109,219 less; 
 household furnitnre, carriages, etc., are val- 
 ued at $20,315 more ; cattle have increased 
 778, and in value, $3,635 ; sheep show an 
 increase of 276, valued at $585 more. The 
 increase in the gross valuation is only 
 $110,176 more than last year, but the ex- 
 emptions are $221,417 less, leaving a total 
 increase of value in taxable property of $331,683. Summary of assessments of Tilla- 
 mook county for 1893: acres of land, 224, 190, value, $969,375, average value, $4.32 ; per- 
 sonal property, $40,620; town lots, 6,311, value, $138,025, average value, $21.87, with 
 improvements, $28 ; improvements, $43,225; merchandise and implements, $55,600; 
 money, $9,990; notes and accounts, $82,315 ; shares of stock, $1,200: 'aousehc'd fur- 
 niture, carriages, watches, etc, $34,745; horses and mules, 1,088, value, $34,410, aver- 
 age value, $31.12; cattle, 9,702, value, $80,885, average value, $12.06; sheep and 
 goats, 2,o4'^, value, $4,075, average value, $1.99; swine, 834, value, $1,595, average 
 value, $1.91; gross value of all property, $1,496,030; exemptions, $137,730; total 
 taxable property, $1,358,300." 
 North Yamlilll, Oreproii' — North Yamhill occupies a sightly location on 
 a high eminence i>^ miles distant from the depot of the West Side division of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad. Although the present population of this prosperous town 
 does not exceed 400, it is vested with a full municipal form of government, and the 
 high moral tone of the community bespeaks well of the governing powers of this 
 CLARK'S Lumber camp, Nehalem. 
 m on 
 ^f the 
 I town 
 Id the 
 If this 
 North Yamhill, Oregon. 
 A union church building, at North Yamhill, temporarily accommodates the four 
 organizations of the Congregational, Baptist, Methodist and Christian denominations. 
 At least one of these denominations confidently expects to have church quarters of 
 its own sometime during the present year. In addition to the auditorium of the 
 church building. North Yamhill also contains a public hall with a seating capacity 
 of about 300. 
 A feature of all the prosperous towns of the Willamette valley is the attention 
 that is paid to the perfection of the public school system. North Yamhill is not 
 behind any of the other valley towns in this respect. The public school of the city 
 is in charge of two teachers, one principal and one assistant, and the average number 
 of scholars in attendance is about 100. Located at North Yamhill is an important 
 plant devoted to the manufacture of tile, and the place also supports a good cream- 
 ery, whose product commands a large sale among patrons of first-class dairy products. 
 The tile factory at this point is devoted exclusively to the manufacture of drain pipe. 
 The clay for making this product is found in inexhaustible quantities within a con- 
 venient distance of the factory, and this clay is spoken of by practical men in the 
 business as really of a superior quality for the purpose of the manufacture of the pro- 
 duct turned out by this plant. 
 The creamery is a farmers' co-operative institution. It is conducted on a strong 
 financial basis, and its average returns to its owners are from $6oo to $1,000 a month. 
 Farmers of this section who are not directly interested in the plant of the creamery 
 bring their milk here, have it weighed, manufactured into butter, and this product is 
 then shipped to Portland, where it finds ready buyers at good prices throughout the 
 year. The creamery company, after deducting four cents a pound for the actual cost 
 of manufacturing, shipping and wear and tear of machinery, turns over the balance 
 of the money received from the sale of the butter to the farmers who are its patrons. 
 The plan of conducting this plant is giving the most signal satisfaction to both the 
 owners of the property and to the town in which it is located, and the farmers of 
 other parts of the coast can learn a profitable lesson on conducting a creamery on a 
 large scale by copying after the efficient plan adopted for conducting the creamery 
 at North Yamhill. 
 A thrifty and prosperous class of farmers occupy the country immediately tribu- 
 tary to North Yamhill. The farming belt contained within the district marked by 
 a radius of five miles from the town, last year produced 225,000 bushels of wheat and 
 oats. In addition to the attention which is paid ':o the raising of the cereal crops 
 here, this county also grows large quantities of hop? of an excellent quality annually. 
 About 800 acres are now devoted to hop culture in the country tributary to North 
 Yamhill at the present time. From 400 acres of land here last year 500 bales of hops 
 were grown, which brought the farmers about $20, 000, a profitable return for the 
 attention that the raising of this product required. 
 The soil of this section is especially adapted to the growing of fruits, and the 
 shipments of fruit from this point annually are regularly increasing. Of late years 
 special attention has been paid to prune culture, with excellent results. 
 A valuable water power is available within one mile of North Yamhill. This 
 power can be made of great value, both for running manufacturing plants and also 
 for the development of works of a public nature and it will also be of advantage to 
 the residents of the town. 
 i 'M 
 . 'if' 
 .1 " 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Reporter, a weekly paper, is published at North Yamhill. The town has one 
 hotel. An omnibus meets all trains at the station of the Southern Pacific. Two 
 trains, carrying mail and passengers, pass this point daily, both north and south. In 
 addition to the line of transportation of the railroad, North Yamhill supports a stage 
 which makes daily trips to Tillamook, about 40 miles distant. 
 The resources of the country tributary to this town are varied and include tim- 
 ber and all of the products of the soil. The country is an ideal one for a home, and 
 it is now one of the most prosperous sections of the great Willamette valley. 
 One large general merchandise store, that of F. Hauswirth, and two or three 
 smaller ones, do the business in this line at North Yamhill. Mr. Hauswirth can be 
 truthfully said to be one of the pioneers of North Yamhill, having now resided in 
 the town and in Yamhill county for the past 35 years. Like many of Oregon's pio- 
 neers, he has, by close attention to business, and economy, accumulated considerable 
 property, and he confidently looks forward to the time when, as he says, North Yam- 
 hill will be the largest town in the county. 
 The lyivERY Accommodations. — The second largest livery stable in Yamhill 
 county is at North "Vamhill and is owned by P. H. Mesner. This stable has often 
 proved a great convenience to tourists or prospective investors who desired to make 
 a quick and pleasant trip into the rich country tributary to the town. 
 McMlnnvllle, Oregon. — McMinnville, the county seat of Yamhill county, 
 has a decided metropolitan appearance. The main business district of the city is 
 confined to one street, which is well macadamized, and the side- 
 walks of this main thoroughfare are constructed in part of well- 
 laid planks and in part of artificial stone. Substantial brick 
 buildings line both sides of the street for a distance of three 
 blocks, and in the heart of the business center but few frame 
 buildings are still standing. The principal stores of McMinn- 
 ville are well stocked with the goods usually demanded'by 
 a thriving young place of the dimensions of the city and 
 by a prosperous farming community which is the princi- 
 Y*MH,LL couNTr COURT HOUSE, McM,NNv,u.E pal maiustay of McMiunville's prosperity. 
 McMinnville was incorporated as a town in 1876. Its population today is not far 
 from 2,500. A steady growth has marked its history for the last decade, during 
 which period the population of the place has more than quadrupled. It is the proud 
 boast of the people of McMinnville that the growth of their town has been in the 
 lines of steady advancement and solid prosperity and the place has never experienced 
 even the shadow of a boom. The prosperity of McMinnville is due to the enterprise 
 of its citizens, which has been materially aided by rapid and solid development of 
 one of the richest farming sections of the Northwest which is directly tributary. 
 Like other growing cities of the Northwest, the educational facilities of McMinn- 
 ville have never been neglected, and the excellent schools located at this point have 
 contributed materially to the city's growth The excellent public school system of 
 McMinnville together with the well conducted Baptist college located at this point, 
 which is described at length in connection with the present article, has gained for the 
 place a standing as an educational center of no mean importance. Within the last 
 two years the district has voted to add another building to be used for school pur* 
I i 
 AIcMinnville, Oregon. 
 PuBLic School, Mc|Min'<' '.lc. 
 poses. lu addition to the large six-room building, another structure of equal dimen- 
 sions, but better designed for school work, has been completed at a cost of |i4,ooo. 
 The value of the property of the city devoted to pub- 
 lic school purposes is now 130,000, an indication of 
 the intelligence of a community which can fully ap- 
 preciate the benefits of a proper schooling for the 
 rising generation and which has the enterprise to ad- 
 vance all the needed money for this purpose. The 
 public school system of McMiunville is well graded, 
 the grades ranging from one to nine. Nine teachers 
 are employed in the public schools, and courses of 
 study embrace the primary, grammar and high school, 
 just as they do in the best conducted schools of any 
 large city. The total number of pupils enrolled in 
 the public schools at McMiunville for the past year was 430. 
 Two flouring mills with a combined daily capacity of 225 barrels, a creamery and 
 an arc and incandescent electric light plant are McMinnville's most prominent indus- 
 tries. The city also has a most efficient water-works system. The water is delivered 
 all through the city on what is known as the "direct pressure" plan. This water 
 for city use is pumped out of the Yamhill river within a stone's throw of the city 
 and it is of the clearest and purest quality for domestic use. Both the electric and 
 water plants are owned by the city. A sufficient pressure is maintained in the city 
 mains at all times to insure ample protection against fire. Water plugs are located 
 at convenient distances all over the city and these with the efficient volunteer fire 
 department which is maintained here are absolute safeguards against serious con- 
 McMiunville is built on the strongest of foundations, a rich and well settled 
 farming district. The soil of Yamhill county has long been noted for its fertility. 
 Wheat, oats, fruit and hops are cultivated more extensively here than are other crops. 
 McMiunville is the trading center for the principal part of Yamhill county whose 
 resources are touched on fully in another article. 
 In addition to the trade of the farming communitv which McMiunville holds, 
 the lumbering interest of ihe tributary district is a ^-reat source of revenue I0 the city- 
 The Coast range of mountains west of the place ir> doited with sawmills thi output of 
 which mills is ntiarly all brought to McMiunville. 
 McMiunville furnishes aH the supplies used at these 
 mills and at the lumber camps. The timber belts of 
 this section contain an inexhaustible supply of as fine 
 a quality of merchantable timber as is found in any 
 part of the coast and the sawing of this timber will 
 always prove a source of great revenue to Yamhill 
 county and to the city which is the principal trading 
 center of this rich section of countrj-. 
 Near the foothills of the Cascade Range west of 
 McMiunville, sheep raising is carried on to a consid- 
 erable extent, although not sufficient sheep are raised 
 in this country at the present writing to meet the 
 H,oH scHoou, McM,N-.v,uLE. EHBCTE. ,N ,892. demBuds at McMinnville for mutton and wool. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Sheep raising is a profitable industry, and with proper attention can be made 
 a source of considerable revenue to thie ranchers of Yamhill county. 
 With other parts of the Willamette valley 
 the dairying possibilities of Yamhill county 
 have received the special attention of the farm- 
 ers of this section during the past few years. 
 With plenty of grass throughout the year, 
 with an equable climate and with an abund- 
 ance of the clearest mountain water, this is an 
 ideal dairying country, and it is highly prob- 
 able that there will be great development in 
 this line here during the next few years. 
 Yamhill county boasts of a fine brick court 
 house located at McMinnville. This public 
 building is cemented on the outside, thus giv- 
 ing it the appearance of a structure const? ucted 
 entirely of stone. It was built in 1888 at a cost 
 of $62,000. It covers an area of 9,000 square 
 feet and is 121 feet high. It occupies a sightlj- 
 location commanding a perfect view of the 
 entire city and surrounding country, and it is perfectly adapted in every way for 
 handling the public business of the county. 
 McMinnville has two strong banks, the 1 Irst National and the McMinnville 
 T7ational. Each of these banks has a capital stock of $50,000. Two good weekly 
 papers flourish here, the It^amhill Coiitity Reporter and the Telephone-Register. 
 Tourists have the advantage of two good hotels to choose from in the place and 
 also have the benefit of the competition afforded by two large livery stables. 
 McMinnville is well supplied with churches. These are five in number, the 
 Cumberland Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Christian and Roman 
 The city is on the direct line of the West Side division of the Southern Pacific 
 'sr%^"' '^"s-s- .'--ii" ^^*^ 
 '^" '^HfM^^^^^ 
 ■B^^abaiHHanmK-i-jdBII r,r Bli"-"— 
 Campbell & Jones Block, McMinnville. 
 railroad, and is 50 miles south of Portland, 
 pass each way over this line through Mc- 
 Minnville daily. The city is located in 
 the richest of farming districts ; it contains 
 a large number of prosperous and well-to-do 
 people and there is no reason why McMinn- 
 ville should not continue to make the same 
 steady growth in the future as has marked 
 the progress of this point during the past 
 few years. 
 MCM1NNVILI.E CorxEGE. — The loca- 
 tion of a college at McMinnville, the county 
 se?»t of Yamhill county, a city situated in 
 the very heart of one of the richest agri- 
 cultural sections of the Willamette valley, 
 seems to have been well considered when 
 the McMinnville College was chartered by 
 Two passenger trains and one freight 
 McMinnville College, McMinnville. 
Yamhill County, Oregon. 
 the legislature in 1858-9. The growth of the institution has not been marked by 
 rapid and uncertain strides, but by painstaking care on the part of the trustees and 
 faculty it has gradually taken its place in the front rank of Oregon's higher institu- 
 tions of learning. 
 McMinnville College is und^ the control of the Baptist denomination of Oregon. 
 It aims to provide young men and women with a liberal education at a low cost. 
 This is made easy in the first place owing to the able corps of instructors which it 
 maintains, and second, owing to the extreme cheapness of living in a rich farming 
 community. The college has a collegiate, business, preparatory and musical depart- 
 ment, with five courses of study prescribed, three of which lead to degrees and two 
 to certificates of graduation. 
 The college is superbly located on a broad campus of 30 acres just at the out- 
 skirts of McMinnville. The building is a large four-story brick which was erected 
 in 1882 at a cost of $30,000. Students are in attendance at this school who have 
 come from the various states of the Pacific coast and also from Montana and Idaho. 
 A feature that has ever been prominent in the history of McMinnville College is its 
 willingness to aid students of limited means to secure an education. Although the 
 institution is not heavily endowed, its resources are sufficient to aid those who are 
 deserving and are anxious to obtain an education. 
 Since the accession of Rev. T. G. Brownson 
 to the presidency in 1887, the permanent endow- 
 ment funds have been largely increased, and the 
 regular income of the college considerably more 
 than doubled. 
 Judge William Galloway, whose portrait 
 appears on this page, is president of the board of 
 school directors and present county judge. It is 
 commonly remarked of him that he would not ac- 
 cept an office on the school board except on the 
 promise that the district would vote to increase 
 the much needed school facilities by erecting the 
 handsome building described above. Judge Gal- 
 loway's efforts since that time in behalf of the 
 McMinnville schools have marked him as one 
 of the most ardent devotees of a thorough educa- 
 Yamhill County. — Yamhill county is one of the oldest settled districts of 
 the Northwest and it is today one of the richest counties of the Willamette valley. 
 It is bounded by Washington county on the north, by Polk county on the south, it 
 borders on Marion and Clackamas counties on the east, and it extends as far west as 
 the eastern boundary of Tillamook county. It has an area of 720 square miles and 
 contains a population today of about 12,000. 
 Careful estimates place the amount of land cleared and under cultivation in this 
 county at about one-half its total area. Wheat is the great staple product of the 
 county. The yield of wheat on this soil varies all the way from 15 to 45 bushels per 
 acre. The soil is very fertile, and is especially adapted for raising all kinds of grain, 
 grasses and vegetables. It is a rich black loam, varying in depth from four to twelve 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 h. ) 
 ! i 
 feet, a^.d being well watered, warm, and capable of withstanding any spell of dry, 
 warm weather, it furnishes the finest land for fruit trees. It is here as it is in the 
 other favorable locations in the Willamette valley, that .11 kinds of small fruits, 
 including raspberries, strawljerries, currants, blackberries, etc., pni the larger varie- 
 ties, including apples, pears (and the Bartletts of Yamhill county beat the world), 
 plums, prunes and quinces grow to perfection. 
 The topography of Yamhill county is perhaps more of a rolling character of the 
 best lands than is noted in Washington county. A heavier growth ot timber is also 
 found on the higher elevations of the county than is found in the county to the north. 
 The entire county is perfectly watered, numerous small streams of the clearest water 
 crossing it in all directions. These smaller streams ahonad in the gamiest of brook 
 trout, and afford fine sport as fishing grounds. The principal water-course of the 
 county is the Yamhill river, into which most of the smaller streams How, and which 
 during most of the year carries a considerable volinne of water. During high stages 
 of water the Y;nnhiil river is navigable to McMiiin\iHe, t lus affording a water route 
 from the latter place to Portland and the other principal points of the Willamette 
 valley. The numerous water courses of the county afford at convenient points avail- 
 able water power, which will doubtless be \' - <ely utilized for turning the wheels of a 
 large number of small factories. 
 Lying along the foothills of the county are numerous dairy and stock farms that 
 can be purchased for prices ranging from fo to $15 per acre. Further back in the 
 hills there is still .1 little government land, but this land is being rapidly taken up. 
 Improved farming lands near the larger towns of the county command prices ranging 
 from ;j!i4o to f locj per acre. These lands can usually be purchased on ea^y terms and 
 the returns represent a fair interest on the money for which they can be bought. • 
 The valuation placed upon the taxable propert)- of Yamhill ct)uuty for 1892, as 
 shown by the assessment roll, was 14,046,309. The county is rich and progressive, 
 and it is settled by an intelligent class of people. The educational facilities f*fforded 
 the youth of this part of the state ate unsurpassed in au}' farming community. There 
 are now 70 districts in the county and 6S school houses. The county contains 2,500 
 persons of school age, and 121 teachers are employed in :tsr.chools. Yamhill county 
 has forged rapidly to the front during the past decade and has mtde both material 
 growth and solid advancement, and there is no present indication of the retrogression 
 of this prosperity in the future. 
 liidopemlenco, Orefxon. — If a location that olTers every facility for building 
 up a prosperous center of population, together with a wideawakeand intelligent set of 
 business men, determines the d'^t»ree of success which a town may attain, then Inde 
 pendence can justly Jay claim to both enterprise and the full measure of prosperity. 
 Its location can be appreciated t'lom the stai .ment that it is one of the largest towns 
 on the west side f the Willamette river, through which the trains over the west side 
 division of the Southern Pacific, running between Portland and Corvallis, pass. It 
 is reached by steamers on the Willamette river, navigable from Portland up to this 
 point, and it is connected with the narrow-gauge sy.stem of the Southern Pacific, 
 tapping the best part of the Willamcite valley, by a steam motor line which operates 
 hourly *^^raius between Independence and Monmouth, only 2J2 miles distant. It is 75 
 miles to I'ortland from Independence by rail. The town has the benefit of daily pas- 
 senger and freight trains, which connect with all points north and south, and com- 
 ! 5 It 
 bet of 
 is 75 
 Independence, Oregon. 
 1)iued passenger and freight steam s make two round trips a week between Corvallis 
 and Portland, touching at Independence both ways. 
 Indt;pendence is practically entirely surrounded by a rich and highly productive 
 farming district. Vast quaiititio« of hops, whsat, oats, vegetables and fruit raised in 
 this section are hauled to Independence for shipment by rail and by water. The 
 town handles nearly all the immense trade of the tilbutary section of farming 
 country, and it is one of the most important shipping points on either the east or the 
 west side of the Willamette river. 
 Independence is incorporated with a population of about 1,700. Although the 
 first stor> on the present site of the town was established as early as I1S50, the great 
 growth of Independence has been made during the past few years. With this rapid 
 growth in population has also come lue same rapid increase in the manufacturing 
 industries of the place. A well equipped sawmill is conducted on the river bank at this 
 point, and this mill is kept running constantly. A large flouring mill with a daily 
 capacity of kx) barrels is also located here, as well as two sash 
 and door factories, an axe handle factory, one wire fence works, 
 marble works, a foundry and a v.'fll conducted steam 
 laundry. Having the benefit of the competitive rates 
 of freight, afforded by the river and rail route to 
 Portlj'..id from this point, and being located in 
 the midst of a section in which the raw material 
 for all kinds of manufacturing is easily pro- 
 duced, Independence offers exceptional facili- 
 ties for the establishment of manufacturing 
 plants, and it will always remain as it is today, 
 one of the principal manufacturing points of 
 the valk5'. 
 The leading business houses of Indepen- 
 dence are all well stocked and they do a very 
 jjroRperous business. The largest dry goods 
 alore in Polk county is located at indepen- 
 dence. It was established a8 years ago by Mr. Isaac Vanduyn. Mr. J. M. 
 \Hnduyn is now the sole proprietor of this mammoth establishment, which carries 
 constantly a stock of goods whose vahie is about $20,000. Mr. Vanduyn, the present 
 proprietor, is a man of great push and enterprise, and he stands deservedly high in 
 the community whose interests he has done so much to advance. Independence 
 contains two strong banking institutions. The First National BauK of Independence 
 has a capital stock of |5o,ocx), with a surplus of |i4,ooo. Us officers are J. S. Cooper, 
 president; L. W. Robertson, vice-president, and W. H. Hawley, cashier. The Inde- 
 ptndeuce National Hank is quartered in a liandsonie brick structure, an illustration 
 of which appears in connection with the present article. This strong bank was 
 established about five years ago. Its officers arc H. Hirschbcrg, president ; Abram 
 Nelson, vice-president, and W. P. Connaway. cashier. Both of these institutions 
 have the best standing in iiuancial circles o'"lhe coast. 
 The public schools, as shown by the illustration above, are conducted in 
 an elegant and commodious imilding containing eight rooms. The school build- 
 ing and .site represent an outlay of $2o,ocx). The course embraces eight grades, 
 including common and high school depaitmenis, with a couipeteiit instructor in 
 1 II 
 I .1 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 charge of each grade. The average daily attendance at these schools is about 400. 
 J ndependence is well provided with churches, which speaks well for the moral tone 
 jf its inhabitants. The Calvary Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal, Evan- 
 Telical and Christian denominations are strong in membership and influence, and 
 they all worship in church buildings of their own. The town also boasts of a hand- 
 some brick opera house, which is used for all gatherings of a public nature. It has 
 a seating capacity of 500, and is well lighted and ventilated. 
 Independence has a fine arc and incandescent electric light plant, as well as an 
 efficient water-works plant. Both of these plants are owned by private corpora- 
 tions. The town is protected against danger by fire 
 by a well equipped and thoroughly organized vol- 
 unteer, fire department. Independence supports 
 one good local newspaper. The West Side. Three 
 good hotels cater to the traveling public, while 
 two livery stables provide plenty of horses and 
 vehicles for the commercial traveler and the 
 tourist. A daily stage line runs from Indepen- 
 dence to Salem, a distance of 15 miles. This 
 place has made most substantial advancement 
 during the past few years, and there is no reason 
 why, with every advantage in location, and with 
 the efforts of a wide-awake people. Independence 
 should not make the same steady advancement 
 Independence National Bank, Independence. in the futurC. 
 Newbei'g, Oregon. — Newberg, in Yamhill county, is situated on the narrow- 
 gauge system of the Southern Pacific railroad, 26 miles south of Portland. The 
 town was incorporated in 1888, the population at the time of incorporation having 
 been about 500. Since that time the place has more than doubled in population, 
 and it is now one of the flourishing points on the west side of the Willamette val- 
 ley reached by the narrow-gauge system. 
 Newberg is located in the heart of the Chehalem valley, which, during the past 
 few years, has been attracting considerable attention as a rich fruit-growing section. 
 The town was first settled by a colony of Quakers, who yet bold the balance of 
 power in the matter of population and in control of the municipal government at 
 this point. The old town of Newberg still stands near the bank of the Willamette 
 river, where it was first located, but the new town is located midway between tlie 
 river and the railroad, the distance between each being about one mile. The oil 
 and new towns, however, are under a single municipal government, and the interests 
 of both centers of population are handled harmoniously. 
 The manufacturing interests of Newberg consist of a small roller-flouring mill 
 and a sawmill, both of which are located on the river bank. Both of these plants 
 are operated by water power. A drain tile works, which manufactures annually a 
 large quantity of tile from blue clay, which is found in the vicinity of the town, 
 is also located here. The Newberg Pressed Brick & Terra Cotta Company was organ- 
 ized last year, with a capital stock of $50,000. This plant has now been in opera- 
 tion for almost a year, and it is now turning out dr}'-pressed brick, made from d' v 
 clay, at the rate of 20,000 per day. The principal market for the output of this plant 
 is in Portland. " 
Newberg, Oregon. 
 Pacific College, Newberg. 
 The various mercantile pursuits of Newberg are handled principally by a wide- 
 awake class of business men. The town claims two banks, which do a large and 
 safe business. Situated on the main street of the town are four brick blocks, and it 
 is the intention of the owners of other business property here to erect additional 
 fine buildings during the present year. 
 The people of Newberg take a pardonable spirit of pride in the fine schools 
 maintained here. The Pacific College, founded and fostered by the Friends' church, 
 is located at this point, and 
 it offers a full collegiate 
 course of instruction, em- 
 bracing the classical, scien- 
 tific, normal, music and art 
 departments. The average 
 attendance of students at 
 this school during the past, 
 year was 80. An efficient 
 corps of instructors preside 
 over each department of 
 the school. The college 
 building shown by the illus- 
 tration published on this 
 page, affords ample facilities 
 for conducting the thorough collegiate work of the school. The public school of New- 
 berg is conducted in an eight-room building, six rooms of which are now occupied. 
 Six teachers are now employed in the public school here, and the school, in its effi- 
 ciency, compares very favorably with the bent public schools of the state. The aver- 
 age daily attendance of pupils at the public school is about 250. 
 Newberg is distinctly a moral town. No saloon or resort of vice is found in the 
 town, the location of saloons here being restricted by a town ordinance. Eight 
 churches, most of which own their places of worship, are established here. The 
 denomination of The Friends own a church building of an orna- 
 mental nature, as shown by the illustration published in connec- 
 tion with this article. The erection of this church building in- 
 volved an outlay of about f 10,000. The other church denomi- 
 nations represented here are the Presbyterian, Baptist, two Metho- 
 dist, Christian, Evangelical and Adventists. In addi- 
 tion, a strong Y. M. C. A. organization is maintained in 
 the town, as well as a free reading-rocm for the benefit 
 of the public. Two newspapers are, published at this 
 point, The Graphic and The Chehalem Valley Times, 
 Tourists visiting Newberg find comfortable accommo- 
 dations furnished by the two hotels and two livery 
 stables of the town. 
 In the district tributary to Newberg fruit growing 
 is the principal occupation followed. The Chehalem valley proper includes an area 
 of 3 miles by 10 miles in extent, and the greater part of the land contained in this 
 area is especially adapted to fruit culture. Peaches, pears, prunes, cherries, and all 
 the smaller varieties of fruit, do well here. In addition, the land also produces 
 hops, cereals of all kinds, and vegetables, aa well as any land in the Willamette 
 I \U 
 Fbiends' Omurch, newberg. 
 H- N 
 ■ r 
 , 11 ; '. %M 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 valley. Prune growing pays well here. With an average of 125 trees to the acre, and 
 an average yield of 50 pounds of fruit to a tree, at 8 cents per pound, which is the 
 price paid for dried prunes in bulk, the annual income from an acre of prune land 
 here is about ^500. A most conservative estimate places the profit from a single 
 acre planted in mature prune trees in the Chehalem valley at from $250 to $300. 
 Newberg is within easy reach of Portland, either by the daily lines of steamers 
 which ply regularly on the river, or by the cars of the railroad passing this point. 
 The countr}' surrounding Newberg is comparatively a newly settled district, and the 
 inducements offered to newcomers to settle in this tributary section at the present 
 time are especially flattering. 
 Thr Yamhill Land Company. — The Yamhill Land Company, of Newberg, 
 was organized and incorporated in i.S9i,with the following officers : J. P. Price, pre,'- 
 ident, and O. C. Wright, secretary. This company is authority for the statement 
 that fruit and farming lands situated within a distance of from one to four miles of 
 the corporate limits of Newberg, can be purchased at "-om $40 to $100 per acre. 
 Parties desiring to obtain reliable information concerning Yamhill county, are com- 
 mended to the YauiLIU Land Company, of Newberg, Oregon, for prices of land or 
 statistics of this section. 
 The Bank of Newberg. — The Bank of Newberg was organized in July, 18S9, 
 with a paid-up capital stock of $30,000. The present officers are : Jesse Edwards, 
 president, and B. C. Miles, vice-president and cashier. 
 The Bank of Newberg, since its orgar.ization, has 
 done a con.stantly increasing business, which is 
 probably due to the fact that the public has always 
 had implicit confidence in the officers of the bank. 
 Mr. Edwards enjoys the honor of having first owr.ed 
 and platted the site upon which Newberg now stands. 
 He has also, since that time, been prominently iden- 
 tified with the best business interests of the town. 
 He is now, in addition to being prominently con- 
 nected with the Bank of Newberg, president of th-. 
 Newberg Pre,s.sed Brick & Terra Cotta Company. 
 Mr. Miles, whose father was the fir.st president of tlie 
 bank, was, until recently, a member of the mercantile firm of Morris, IMiles & Co., 
 and he is well qualified to fill the position of cashier of the Newberg Bank. 
 LiaFayette, Orcjyoii. — Two miles east of St. Joseph, on the West Side 
 division of the Southern Pacific railroad, and located in Yamhill county, is the 
 flourishing town of LaFayeit^. In addition to direct communication aff'onUd 
 LaFajette with Portland and the principal valley towns by the Southern Pacific 
 line, the town is also on the line of the Oregonian [narrow gauge] railway, whidi 
 runs .south from Portland through the best part of the Willamette valley. Two pas- 
 senger trains run each way daily over both lines past LaFayette, thus affording the 
 ittttcr place the best ' f transportation facilities. 
 One of the most distinguishing featnr-^ , ■ f LaFayette, and one in which the ( iti- 
 zens take a greet dtal of pride, is the LaFayette Seminary, located at this po; it. 
 Tlie college is conducted under the auspices of the Ivducational Association of the 
 Oregon Conference of the Evangelical Church, and all of its privileges are open 10 
 men and women alike. The curriculum prescribed and plan of discipline adopt '^d 
 Bank of Newberg, Newberq. 
Dayton, Oregon. 
 for the guidance of students rank w:th the scope of more noted institutions of 
 learning. The average attendance of this school during the past year v/as 80 
 The public school system of LaFayette is also especially worthy of mention 
 here for the high degree of efficiercy maintained. The public school is in charge of 
 three experienced teachers, and the average enrollment is 125 scholars. 
 LaFayette is an incorporated town, with a population of about 450. It is largely 
 supported by a rich tributary farming district, the products of which consist chiefly 
 of cereals, vegetables and fruits. The soil in this district is no less fertile than is the 
 soil of the entire Willamette valley, and the prices asked for farming lands here are 
 A flouring mill with a daily capacity of 75 barrels supplies the citizens of La 
 Fayette with an excellent quality of flour, and this mill also supplies the town of 
 Dayton, a few miles distant. 
 LaFayette supports one good weekly newspaper, Tke Vainhill County Ledger. 
 It has two hotels, one livery stable and the various lines of mercantile business are 
 well represented here. 
 Three well supported churches, the Presbyterian, Methodist and Evangelical 
 bespeak the moral tone of the community. The town supports a public hall with 
 a seating capacity of 300. The place is particularly noted for the number of wealthy 
 retired mci chants it claims, ample evidence of the possibilities for obtaining wealth 
 here in the past and which may be also accepted as evidence bearing on the capacity 
 of the community for future prosperity. 
 Dayton, Orcgfou. — Dayton is incorporated and boasts of a population of 
 about 400. It is located at the head of navigation on the Yamhill river, 33 miles 
 southwest of Portland. The place has connection with Portland by a line operating 
 a steamer which makes a trip every alternate day between the two points. The 
 line of the narrow-gauge division of the Southern Pacific system of railroads in 
 Oregon passes a point within one mile of Dayton, and the citizens of the latter 
 place hope to have the cars of this line running into their town direct before the 
 close of the present year. A stage line carrying both freight and passengers makes 
 two trips a day to LaFayette and St. Joseph, making connection at the latter point 
 with the cars of the Southern Pacific Company's West Side division. The total 
 length of this stage line is five miles. 
 Although at the present writing no manufacturing is done at Dayton, the town 
 offers exceptional opportunities for che establishment of factories here on a small 
 scale. The extent of the rich tributary fanning district is shown by the large quan- 
 tities of hops, fruits and various other products of the soil which are regularly ship- 
 ped by the water line from Dayton to Portland. 
 The Dayton public school building recently erected at a cost of $6,000 occupies 
 a sightly location. The average daily attendance at the school is about iro. A 
 principal and one assistant teacher preside over the school here, which is well 
 Dayton supports four churches of the Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical and Free 
 Methodist denominations. Each denomination owns its church building. The 
 town hall has a seating capacity of about 300.' Two weekly papers are supported 
 here, The Herald and Thr Nezvs, Traveling men find a good hotel at this point. 
 ' s^^B 
 MB ' 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 and also a livery stable. Dayton at the present time makes no pretensions to great 
 commercial importance, but is a prosperous town containing a happy and contented 
 lot of people, and the possibilities for • future steady growth are equal to those of 
 the other favorably located valley points. 
 Dallas, Oregron. — Dallas is a name that was prominently associated with the 
 history of the early settlement of Oregon. The town of Dallas was established in 
 i?52, and was named after the Hon. George M. Dallas who was at that time running 
 for the presidency of 
 The i;ounty of which 
 named after the suc- 
 county has since that 
 PHOTO. 8V H. 
 the United States against James K. Polk, 
 the town of Dallas is now the seat was 
 cessful candidate in this fight, and Polk 
 time been one of the most prosperous 
 counties of the Willamette valley. 
 A steady and substantial growth has 
 marked the history of Dallas since the 
 first settlement was made at this point, 
 and today it is a bustling little city with 
 a population not far from 1,500. Nature 
 first favored the location of a town at the 
 present site of the city, and the enter- 
 prise of the later residents of Dallas did 
 the rest. It is perfectly sheltered by the 
 mountains which rise to the west and 
 south. It is skirted by the La Creole 
 river, a pure mountain stream, which at all seasons carries a good volume of water. 
 Dallas occupies a position in the exact geographical center of Polk county, and it has 
 the support of a rich and rapidly developing farming community which will always 
 remain tributary. 
 The spirit of enterprise by which the citizens of Dallas have always been actuated 
 is shown in the attention which has been paid to the development of the manufactur- 
 ing industries at this place during the past two years. In this time a fine three-set 
 woolen mill with machinery of the most improved type has been completed and put 
 in operation here. The location of this mill at Dallas will do much to encourage the 
 wool industry of Polk and the adjoining counties, and it will be the means of hold- 
 ing much of the trade of this section to Dallas, which, without the mill here, might 
 have gone to other towns. The location of one large sawmill and two planing mills 
 at Dallas has made the place the principal seat for the lumbering of a large and rich 
 section. Dallas is also the seat of a perfectly equipped flouring mill, the product of 
 which vies in quality with the best flour produced in the state. The Dallas iron 
 works plant, which is run under the management and proprietorship of Edward Bid- 
 die, does a large business in moulding all kinds of castings used in the farm 
 machinery of this part of the state, in addition to other regular foundry work which 
 it handles, and it is a very profitable industry. 
 The country surrounding Dallas is especially adapted to fruit growing on a large 
 scale. Special attention has been paid to fruit culture in this section during the past 
 year and within a radius of i|^ miles of the town more than 600 acres of land havi^ 
 been planted in prunes, peaches, pears and other fruits. A number of very fine hoj) 
 farms are situated within plain view of the people of Dallas. The profits realized 
 from hop culture on these lands is shown in the statement that land which can b ■ 
Delias, Oregon. 
 Polk County Court house, Dallas. 
 bought here for $50 an acre commands from |l2oo to 
 I250 an acre when fully planted in hops. Within a 
 distance of 10 miles of Dallas is a fine timber belt 
 containing immense quantities of the finest merchant- 
 able timber. But three miles distant from the town 
 is a quarry of a high-grade building stone. This stone 
 lies imbedded as a solid strata, and before being ex- 
 posed to the air can be hewn into any shape or size 
 almost as easily as wood is cut. It rapidly hardens, 
 however, after lying open to the air and makes the 
 finest of stone for building material when fully seasoned. This quarry has been 
 but little developed yet, but it will some day be a source of great profit to the 
 owners and a most valuable addition to the many enterprises of Dallas. 
 Dallas is the seat of the La Creole Academy, one of the oldest institutions of 
 learning in the state. Three years ago the frame building so long occupied by the 
 school was abandoned, and a handsome and commodious brick structure was erected 
 for the academy at a cost of $10,000. Two years ago it was found advisable to com- 
 bine the excellent public schools of the city and the academy under one manage- 
 ment. This has resulted in furnishing more room for school purposes, and in a 
 highly improved course of study. The intermediate and primary grades are taught 
 in the public schools here, while the grammar and academic courses are pursued at 
 the academy. A principal and five assistant teachers preside over both schools. The 
 total enrollment of scholars at the schools here during the past year has been to 
 exceed 400. 
 Five church organizations are well sustained at Dallas. Within the past three 
 years the Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal and Christian denominations, has each 
 erected a neat church building of its own. The Southern Methodists and Baptists are 
 the oldest denominations in Dallas. 
 All branches of professional, mercantile and mechanical pursuits are well repre- 
 sented at Dallas. The Dallas City Bank, of which Mayor M. M. Ellis is president, 
 and C. G. Coad is cashier, has a capital stock of 
 |75,ooo. It is incorporated, and being on the strong- 
 est of financial footings and conducted in a conserva- 
 tive manner, it enjoys the full confidence of the peo- 
 ple of this section, and has a very large patronage. 
 Three good newsapers, T/ie Transcript, Itemiser and 
 Observer, are untiring in their efforts to advance the 
 interests of the section in which they thrive, and they 
 enjoy a large circulation. 
 A feature of great interest to the traveling public 
 which frequents Dallas is the excellent accommoda- 
 tion afforded here by the perfectly conducted hotel. 
 Six years ago a stock company was formed at 
 Dallas for the purpose of erecting a fine building 
 for hotel purposes. It was the aim of the company to meet every demand of the 
 large tourist travel and the commercial salesmen who frequented this place, and at 
 the same time to erect a building which would be an ornament to the city. The 
 Hotel Holman, an illustration of which is published in connection with this article 
 PHftTO. BY 
 «4. L. MISER. 
 La Creole Academy, Dallas. 
 ,' . I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 .-.Jj-Jifepiv: - 
 Hotel Holman, Dallas. 
 wa.s the result of this enterprise. The building was 
 erected at a cost of 1 10,000, knd is perfectly adapted for 
 hotel purposes. It contains 32 rooms, all of which are 
 well furnished. It is lighted by electricity and has every 
 modern appointment found in the best of hotels. 
 It is conveniently located, being within two blocks 
 of Ihe railroad depot. The Hotel Holman is now 
 owned by Nathaniel Holman, a well-known citizen 
 of Dallas, An attractive dining-room and an ex- 
 cellent cuisine are features of this well conducted 
 house. The rates of the Hotel Holman vary from 
 $1 to. $2 a day, as low rates as are charged for 
 first-class accommodations by any hotel i:i the 
 Dallas supports two well equipped livery stables and two stage lines. One of 
 these connects with trains of the West Side division of the Southern Pacific at Derry, 
 about five miles distant, and the other line operates stages between Dallas and Salem 
 a distance of 15 miles. The city is located on the main line of the Oregonian [nar- 
 row-gauge] division of the Southern Pacific and is 62 miles south of Portland. 
 Trains make one round trip daily between Portland and Dallas. Owing to the many 
 advantages of location Dallas will doubtless continue to make the same steady 
 advancement in growth of population and material wealth in the future that the 
 place has enjoyed during the past few years, and it ^ives promise of always remaining 
 one of the most prosperous points of the Willam' e valley. 
 Good farming lands in the vicinity of Dal as find ready purchasers at prices 
 ranging from I50 to $100 an acre. Full information of these rich lands can be 
 obtained by addressing either Messrs. Fulton & Bell or William P. Wright, Dallas, 
 Oregon. These gentlemen will be ready at all times to answer all inquiries regarding 
 their city or the rich county of Polk, of which Dallas is the seat of justice, and all 
 information obtained from this source can be regarded as strictly reliable. 
 Polk County, Oregon. — As early as 1845 the name of Polk county had 
 been given to a part of Oregon, but at that time the county limits of Polk included 
 all 'that portion of the state lying between the Willamette river and the Pacific 
 ocean, and they extended from the southern boundary of Yamhill on the north to 
 the northern line of California on the south. Since that time the former extensive 
 area of Polk county has furnished territory for the formation of many other coun- 
 ties, and today Polk county is one of the smallest in area in the state. The total 
 area of this county is now less than 800 square miles. The present boundary lines 
 of the county are formed by Yamhill county on the north, the Willamette river on 
 the east, the Coast range of mountains on the west, and Benton county on the south. 
 Ine county is thickly settled, and it contains some of the best cultivated farms in 
 the state. About one-eighth of the total area of the county still vests in the govern- 
 ment and the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. 
 It is estimated that about two-thirds of Polk county is embraced within the fine 
 lands of the valley and the equally rich rolling stretches which border on the foot- 
 hills. The remaining one-third of the land contained in the county is rugged, but 
 it is covered with an almost impenetrable growth of the finest timber. The genera] 
 character of the soil varies little, if at all, from the rich soil of other parts of the 
 Sheridan, Oregon, 
 le fine 
 Id, but 
 lof the 
 Willamette valley. The soil here is equally as productive as that of the most favored 
 parts of the state. The soil of the valley lauds is best described as a dark loam 
 with a strong clay subsoil, the latter possessing the distinctive feature of retaining 
 moisture throughout any period of drouth, which accounts largely for the great pro- 
 ductive powers of all of this land. The soil of the bottom lands is composed of 
 rich alluvial deposits, which seem inexhaustible in their powers of production. The 
 foothill lands, while no less arable than are those of Llie valley proper, are composed 
 of a red, brown and, at times, black loam. They are warmer than are the valley 
 lands, and are especially adapted to the growing of early fruits and vegetables. No 
 county in the state surpasses Polk in the matter of quality aud quantity of its pro- 
 ducts, consisting principally of hay, hops, cereals, vegetables and fruits. 
 The natural grasses of the county grow luxuriantly. It has been proved that 
 one acre of this natural grass land will support a sheep, and two acres will furnish 
 forage for an ox the year round. With average cultivation wheat yields, in this 
 county, from 25 to 40 bushels per acre, l)arley 40 to 60 bushels, and oats 50 to 80 
 bushels. The cultivation of hops in Polk county, although comparatively an inno- 
 vation here, is becoming an extensive and a most remunerative industry. The bot- 
 tom lands of the county are especially adapted to hop culture. Vegetables of all 
 varieties attain unusual size in Polk county, and they are rich in flavor and nutritive 
 qualities. Potatoes, cabbages, beets, turnips, squashes, carrots, parsnips and cucum- 
 bers give prodigious yields on these lands. The potato bug, the dreaded pest of the 
 Eastern farmer, has never gained a foothold in Oregon, and a failure of root crops from 
 any cause has never been known in Polk county. Fruits, including apples, pears, 
 prunes, peaches, plums and cherries grow in such abundance in the orchards of Polk 
 county, that it is always necessary, during the ripening season, for the farmer of this 
 part of the state to give careful attention to propping up his trees to prevent the 
 limbs from breaking off under the immense loads of fruit which they carry. 
 The Coast range of mountains, as well as a large part of Polk county, is covered 
 with a dense forest growth of hard and soft woods. Trees 200 to 250 feet i:i neight 
 and of nine feet diameter are plentiful in this district. All of Polk county is well 
 watered. Several streams flow down the mountain sides into the valley lands of 
 the county with a sufficient head of water to furnish power for running hundreds of 
 factory wheels. Springs are found everywhere, and water can be reached any- 
 where b}' digging all the waj^ from 10 to 15 feet. 
 Polk county is abreast of any part of the state in the matter of provision made 
 for public education. There are now in the county 55 organized school districts 
 which employ 70 teachers. The average salary paid these teachers is about $50 a 
 month. The total value of school property in the county is |55,ooo. The popula- 
 tion of the county now approximates 8,000. The total valuation placed on all tax- 
 able property of the county is upwards of $4,000,000. The improved lands are 
 assessed at an average of $13.41 an acre. A ride through Polk county leads one over 
 one of the best parts of the Northwest and some of the highest cultivated farms in 
 the state are located within the limits of this county. 
 Sheridan, Oi'ejafoii. — Sheridan is located in Yamhill county, within one and 
 one-half miles of the northern boundary line of Polk county. It is reached by a 
 spur of the narrow-gauge system of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. 
 This spur connects with the main line of the narrow-gauge system running 
 from Portland to Airlie, at Sheridan Junction, seven miles distant from Sheri- 
 ■IW ■ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 dan. A mixed passenger and freight train makes one round trip between 
 I'ortland and Sheridan daily. In addition to the means of communication 
 afforded Sheridan by rail, a daily stage line, carrying both mail and passen- 
 gers, runs from Sheridan to McMinnville, the seat of Yamhill county and 14 miles 
 distant from the former town. 
 Sheridan is incorporated and contains a present population of 400. The Yam- 
 hill river, which is not navigable to Sheridan, divides the town. A wooden bridge 
 spans the stream connecting the main street of the town on either side of the river. 
 The usual mercantile lines of business are represented at Sheridan by a number of 
 small stores which seem to be well patronized. A flouring mill with a daily capa- 
 city of 100 barrels is located at this point. The section of country immediately 
 tributary to Sheridan is fertile and the farmers are prosperous. 
 A good public school system is maintained at Sheridan. The school is presided 
 over by a principal and two assistants am^ le average attendance is al)out 100 
 scholars. Three church denominations worship in buildings of their own. These 
 are the Methodist, Baptist and Congregational. The town supports one weekly 
 paper, T/ie Sun, has one bank, two hotels and two well stocked livery stables. 
 Amity, Oregon. — Located in Yamhill county, but a short distance from the 
 southern boundary, situated on a level plain and partly surrounded by a low range 
 of hills, is the town of Amity. It is on the line of the West Side division of the 
 Southern Pacific railroad, 57 miles south of Portland, and is within two andone-half 
 miles of the line of the narrow-gauge system of the same company. Amity thus 
 enjoys exceptional facilities for railroad connection with Portland and the larger 
 valley towns. Two trains pass each way over the narrow-gauge lines daily, and one 
 passenger train from the north and south stops at Amity's depot on the main line 
 of the Southern Pacific. 
 The population of Amity is about 400 and the place is incorporated. While no 
 manufacturing is done here at the present writing, its advantages as a site for future 
 manufacturing enterprise are worthy of attention. The town is located in the midst 
 of the richest of farming districts. The principal crops of this tributary section are 
 wheat and hops, with considerable attention paid by the farmers to the cultivation of 
 vegetables and fruit. The locality is one that has been settled for many years and 
 the farms are principally in a high state of development. 
 One principal and an assistant have charge of the public school system of Amity, 
 with an average number of pupils enrolled of 100. The Methodist, Baptist and 
 Christian denominations maintain strong organizations and the congregation 
 of each occupies a building of its own. The Odd Fellows hall is used for all public- 
 gatherings and has a seating capacity of about 200 people. T/ie Amity Popgun 
 handles the news features of the town in a truly effervescent style. Amity sup- 
 ports one hotel, and has a good livery stable for the accommodation of the traveling 
 Good garden and farming lands can be bought adjoining the town limits of 
 Amity at the rate of |8o per acre. The value of land becomes less, of course, in :i 
 fair ratio as the distance from the town is increased. Mr. John L. Watt, a long-time- 
 resident of Amity, is thoroughly conversant with property values in the vicinit\ 
 of the town and he is able at all times to offer good land at the prices indicated 
Monmouth, Oregon. 
 3Ionmouth, Oregfon. — Monmouth is the ideal college town of Oregon. It 
 occupies a site on a commanding eminence, and the climate is equable to a degree 
 that practically avoids all extremes of heat or cold, and the air is salubrious Mon- 
 mouth makes strict provision against the conducting of saloons, gambling houses or 
 other places of vice within the town limits, and the entire community is law abiding 
 and peaceably inclined. 
 Monmouth is incorporated and contains a present population of about 600. It is 
 located on the narrow-gauge division of the Southern Pacific system of roads, 70 
 miles south of Portland. In addition to the facilities for transportation afforded by 
 the narrow-gauge system, Monmouth is also connected with Independence, located 
 on the main line of the Southern Pacific, 2'/4 miles distant, by a well equipped steam 
 motor line. One passenger train a day makes a round trip between Monmouth and 
 Portland, while hourly trips are made over the motor line between Monmouth and 
 Monmouth contains a number of well stocked business houses that are well sup- 
 ported. The Polk County Bank is a strong institution, with a capital stock of $50,000, 
 Its officers are J. H. Hawley, president ; P. L. Campbell, vice-preaident, and Ira C. 
 Powell, cashier. The town is also the seat of Mie Oregon State Normal School, 
 which is fully described in connection with the present article. Monmouth supports 
 a good public school system, which is in charge of four experienced teachers. The 
 average daily attendance at the public schools is about 151 1. The Christian and 
 Methodist denominations maintain strong organizations here, and each worships in a 
 church building of its own. Monmouth boasts of a good opera house, with a seating 
 capacity of 400 people. The town also contains one good hotel and a single livery 
 A rich farming district is tributary to Monmouth. This source of wealth, 
 together with its well accredited healthfulness and its many advantages as an educa- 
 tional center of importance, will result in regularly increasing its population each 
 successive year. 
 Tlie Oregon State Normal School, — A question of vital importance to 
 the prospective settler in a new country is the one of the educational facilities 
 afforded. No town, however favorably located, ever attains a position to command 
 the attention of the world without first having made every provision 
 for the education of its youth, and the better the educational facilities 
 of any community the better chance does the place enjoy for com- 
 manding the attention of the intelligent masses of the people. 
 Monmouth, in point of location, is an admirable 
 site for the establishment of educational institu- 
 tions. The location is a healthful one, the sur- 
 roundings are all pleasant and the town is easily 
 reached from any part of the Northwest by rail. 
 Added to its natural advantages are restrictions im- 
 posed by the charter and town ordinances of Mon- 
 mouth which make it absolutely impossible for 
 saloons, gambling houses or other resorts which 
 cater to vice in any form to be conducted within the 
 municipal limits. Thus no allurements, immoral in their tone, are held out to the 
 youth of this prosperous young town, and the status of the entire community is dis- 
 tinctly moral. 
 Oregon State Normal School, Monmouth, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 The Oregon State Normal School, located at Monmouth, is today one of the most 
 prominent eclucational institutions of the state. By enactment of the legislature of 
 1891 this school was placed under the control of the state, general supervision of its 
 affairs being exercised by a board of regents whose appointment rests with the Gov- 
 ernor. Since the act placing the school under state control passed, the institution 
 has made most rapid advancement, and as a seat of learning it now commands the 
 attention of the best educational centers of the coast. 
 The curriculum of the Oregon State Normal School embraces four well defined 
 courses of study. • These are the elementary, regular, advanced and bitsiness. The 
 first three courses named are especially designed for a thorough training of pupils 
 who may desire to follow the profession of teaching, and graduates from either of 
 these courses are awarded certificates which entitle them to teach in the schools of 
 the state without further examination as to their qualifications. In addition to the 
 regular courses prescribed, the thorough training in instrumental music and voice 
 culture which the pupils of this school receive has proved a valuable and most 
 attractive feature to both scholars and instructors. 
 The necessary expenses of a course at the Normal School have, by careful man- 
 agement on the part of the principal, been reduced to the lowest possible amount. 
 Tuition for the entire school year does not exceed $25, while good board and room 
 can be secured in Monmouth at from $2 to $2.50 a week. The school is particularly for- 
 tunate in having succeeded in obtaining the services of P. L. Campbell, A. B., a graduate 
 of Harvard University, as president of the institution, and it is to the untiring and well 
 directed efforts of this able educator that the great degree of efficiency which the 
 school has attained during the last two years is largely due. J. B. Butler fills the im- 
 portant position of secretary of the board. 
 The building occupied by the State Normal School is a two-story brick structure 
 containing eight rooms. It occupies a site on a high elevation of ground which 
 commands a superb view of the Coast range of mountains on the west and the Wil- 
 lamette valley on the east, beyond which rise in sharp outlines the rugged chain of 
 the Cas( ades. On a clear day Mt. Hood, Mt. Jefferson and the peaks of the Three 
 Sisters are in plain view of the occupants of the school building. The surroundings 
 of the Normal School are healthful and inviting, the courses of study are well 
 defined, the discipline is good without being unnecessarily severe, and the future 
 growth of the school, both in its importance as a state institution and as a prominent 
 seat of learning is fully assured. 
 Corvallis, Oregon. — Corvallis is the judicial seat of Benton county. It is 
 located in the very heart of the Willamette valley, and is the central city of the rich- 
 est part of Benton county. It is the present southern terminus of the West Side 
 division of the Southern Pacific railroad ; it is at the junction of the Southern 
 Pacific and the Willamette Valley & Coast (Oregon Pacific) railroads, the latter of 
 which roads is the important line extending east from the deep-water terminus of 
 Yaquina Bay, 72 miles west of Corvallis, to Halstead, a point 56 miles east of Cor- 
 vallis and 128 miles from Yaquina. The road now known as the Oregon Pacific, 
 will ultimately be extended east to a connection with some transcontinental line at or 
 near Boise City, Idaho. 
 Corvallis is afforded excellent transportation facilities by these two lines, and 
 daily trains are operated over both roads, one train running north to Portland, 96 
 miles distant, and the other over the Oregon Pacific, making connection between 

 Corrallis, Oregon. 
 Benton county Court House, Corvallis. 
 Corvallis and Albany, on the east, and with Yiiquina Bay, on the west. East of 
 Albany trains also run over the same road to the end of the track at Halstead. At 
 Yaquina Bay a line of steamers operated in conjunction with the rail- 
 road company, makes connection with trains of the Oregon Pacific 
 for San Francisco. In addition to the lines of transporta- (^ 
 tion afforded Corvallis by the railroads, the Willamette 
 river is also navigable between this city and Portland. 
 A combined passenger and freight steamer makes 
 two round trips a week between Corvallis and Port- 
 land, and considerable traffic is handled over this 
 The present popidation of Corvallis is about 
 2,500. While the great source of wealth of the city 
 has always been in the rich tributary farming dis- 
 trict, the manufacturing possibilities of Corvallis 
 have never been neglected. It is now the seat of 
 the Corvallis Carriage and Wagon Factory, which has now been in successful opera- 
 tion for two years past. This company gives constant employment to 50 men, and 
 it has a capacity for turning out 6,oco vehicles a year. The plant is thoroughly 
 equipped for the handling of a very large business, and its output finds a sale in all 
 parts of the coast. Two large roller flouring mills are also located at Corvallis, each 
 with a daily capacity of 100 barrels. The wheat grown in this part of the state 
 makes a special high qualit}- of flour, and the flour manufactured in Corvallis stands 
 high wherever it is known. The other manufacturing industries of the place are 
 represented by one large sawmill, with a daily capacity of 40,000 feet of lumber, two 
 sash and door factories, a foundry and machine shop, and few other small plants. 
 All lines of business are well represented hei-e. The place supports one strong but 
 conservative banking house. 
 Corvallis is the seat of the State Agricultural College. The means for running 
 this college are supplied both by the state and by the United States governments. 
 The annual income of the school from these two sources, at the present time, is 
 about $50,000, a sum sufficient to conduct the college here on a plan that is product- 
 ive of good results. Every department of industrial training at this school is pre- 
 sided over by a thoroughly competent and practical instructor. 
 The college farm which surrounds the school contains about 185 
 acres. This land adjoins the city limits of Corvallis, and is all 
 in a high state of cultivation. In addition to the main college 
 building, which was erected at a cost of about $30,000, a large 
 dormitory for male students, a smaller dormitory for lady stu- 
 dents, and a number of buildings used for experiments in me- 
 chanical work, have since been erected on the college grounds. 
 The average attendance at the college during the past year has 
 been about 250 scholars. 
 An excellent system of public schc-N is maintained at Cor- 
 vallis. The course of instruction includes primary, grammar 
 and high school. The average daily attendance at the public 
 schools is about 450. A new and handsome frame building for school purposes has 
 been erected at Corvallis during the past year at a cost of about $20,000. 
 photo, by J. L, UNDERWOOD. 
 WATER Tower, Corvallis. 
 I . 
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 TAe Oregonian's Hnmlhook .-?/''"• I'acitic Northwest. 
 The most s'^riking and attractive building at Cor' 
 vallis is the county court house, the construction of 
 which involved an outlay of $75,000. This building 
 occupies a beautiful site, but one block distant from 
 the main business thoroughfare of the city, and it is 
 ■^^f ■'^'^ ^' ^ iiBK i'S&Li'; perfectly arranged in every way for the expeditious 
 I ■;; ■ .T^. * * r=^ffiB' JK>" handling of the large public business of Benton county. 
 Corvallis has a good system of water works, with a 
 capacity of i.(XX),(KX5 gallons of water per day. Pressure 
 is obtained in the ci,.y mains by a large reservoir, well 
 elevated, and located in the heart of the city. Cor- 
 vallis maintains a well drilled volunteer iire department. 
 The city is thoroughly lighted by arc and incandescent 
 lamps. A well equipped horse-car line is operated in the city. E'ght prosperous 
 church organizations are supported here, and the city boasts of a number of very 
 fine chu.ch buildings. Two weekly newspapers. The Times and The Gazette, and 
 one semi-weekly paper, The Benton County Leader, are 
 published here. Commercial travelers and tourists have 
 the choice of three hotels at Corvallis, and two well 
 stocked livery stables supply plenty of good teams frr 
 The growth of Corvallis has been considerably re- 
 taixled at times by the unsettled condition of the prac- 
 tically bankrupt Oregon Pacific Railroad Company. The 
 place, by virtue of location alone, however, will alwavs 
 conimaud a large and constantly increasing trade, and 
 with the status of the railroad problem at Corvallis 
 practically settled, the city will doubtless make ^ery 
 material advancement in the future. 
 lieilton County, Oi'egon.— The center of Benton County is within a few 
 miles of the center of the Willamevte valley, from north to south. It is bounded 
 on the north by Polk co' !^.y, on tie south by Linn, on the east by Lane, and on 
 the west by Lincoln. Its ;\rca is about 573 square miles, and its present population 
 is about 5,000. 
 The resources of Ben con county are chiefly agricultural, wheat and oats being 
 the principal crops grown. Wheat yields, in this sectioi: from 20 to 50 bushels per 
 acie, and the yield of oats pt^r acre is from 35 to 60 bush- 
 els. Second in importance to the raising of cereals in 
 the county is the growing of hops. Hop culture yields a 
 greater return per acre than does the raising of any 
 other crop, This has led to increa!^ed attention being 
 paid by the farmers of this part of the state to hop cul- 
 ture each successive year. Like other favored parts of 
 the valley, Benton is especially adapted to dairying on 
 a large scale. There is a greater demand for Benton 
 county butter than the ccunty now supplies. With the 
 price of good butter in Oregon ranging in price from 20 
 cents to 45 cents a pound, d lirying can be conducted in 
 the .state on a large scale wiOi the most profitable .'eturns. 
 New Public School House, Corvallis. 
 & in 
 ds a 
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 ni 20 
 d in 
 Yaquinn Buy, Oregon. 
 JuMF-orF-JOE Rock, y«quin« Ba" 
 The soil and climate of Benton county are especi- 
 ally adapted to the successful cultivation of fruit and 
 all kinds of vegetables. An instance is recorded as 
 attesting the value of lands in the county for fruit- 
 growing purposes, where four apple trees each gave 
 a net return of $7.50 from the fruit produced during 
 the single season. With an . v'.rage of 70 trees to the 
 acre, the yield from a single acre of apple trees, at 
 this rate, would insure a return of 1525. One acre of 
 land in this county, planted to prunes and properly 
 cultivated, will produce fyxj worth of fruit. 
 Benton is perhaps more distinctly an agricultural section than is any other 
 county of the state. Its soil is fertile to a degree that insures large crops through 
 any number of years, this land is easily worked, and the climate is good. The 
 fanners of the county enjoy the best of transportation facilities in the Southern 
 Pacific crossing the county from north to south, the Oregon Pacific, which forms 
 connection with the ocean steamers at Yaquina Bay, and in the line of light-draught 
 steamers which ply on the Willamette river between Corvallis and Portland. 
 Ya(|uiim Bay, Oregon. — Among the ocean waterways indenting the Ore- 
 gon coast, already mentioned in this work under the head, " Rivers and Harbors," 
 Yaquina Bay occupies a position second only 
 to the mouth of the Columbia in commercial 
 importance. The arm of the sea known as 
 Yaquina Bay breaks the ocean line in Lincoln 
 county. This county was set off from Bentoti 
 county in 1892 by an act of the legislature. 
 It also embraces within its limits a .small por- 
 tion of land formerly contained in Tillamook 
 The management of this seaport has been in the hands of the United States 
 engineering department for improvement since 1883. The appropriations so far 
 made for harbor improvements here amount to ^550,000. This sum has been care- 
 fully expended. Two jetties, one on the south and one on the north side of the bay, 
 have been built far out into the sea. The effect of these has been to increase the 
 depth of water on the bar from 7 to 18 feet at low tide and to deepen the channel 
 as far inland as Yaquina City, three and one-half miles from the ocean. At this 
 writing work on these improvements has stopped, the present appropriation having 
 been exhausted. It is expected, however, that another appropriation will be made 
 by congress now in session, and that work will be resumed in the spring. 
 The survey made by United States surveyors in 
 1893 showed conclusively that the outlay already made 
 had not been wasted, but had resulted in great improve- 
 ment to the bar and harbor channel. A line of steamers is 
 operated in connection with the Oregon Pacific railroad 
 from Yaquina on the bay to San Francisco. Tl- ^se 
 steamers and the Oregon Pacific railroad carry passen- 
 gers and freight from the Willamette valley points to 
 California. The importance of the transportation facili- subf 8*thinq, yaouina b»v. 
 Steamer Outwabo Bound, yaouina bay. 
 The Oregonian's Ilandhoak of the Pueific Nurlhwest. 
 tics thus afforded cannot be overestimated. Shipments from Yafjuinii Bay include 
 hnnber, wheat, honey, fish and oysters, besides a large amount of miscellaneous 
 The oysters found in the tn ^Ibeds in the upper Yacjuina Bay are small but 
 of excellent quality. The mail ' of these oysters was the first important indus- 
 try on the bay and has been goiT.;^ on for nearly 30 years. They are now cultivated 
 to a considerable extent on artificial beds in addition to those found on the natural 
 beds, and the average annual catch now 
 runs up to about 2,500 bushels. These 
 find a ready sale in the Willamette valley 
 and are shipped by steamer to San Fran- 
 cisco. About the middle of the summer 
 salmon begin to run into Ya(iuina Bay m 
 large numbers. These are caught in gill 
 nets and seines. Many or them are shit)- 
 ped fresh to interior points, but. i^ 
 greater portion are put up by the tc . 
 neries on the bay. The ocean adjacent to Yacjuina Bay abounds in a variety of deep- 
 sea food fishes such as bass, cod, rock cod, kelp, sole and the delicious halibut. 
 The catching and marketing of these fish grows in volume and importance every 
 year, and will eventually develop into a very important business. 
 The country surrounding Yaquina Bay is excellently adapted to fruit culture, 
 especially prunes. Large areas of timber land are found in the interior in Lincoln 
 and Benton counties, along the line of the Oregon Pacific railroad, which finds an 
 ocean terminus at the bay. These natural resources alone justify the expendituics 
 made ;>,nd projected by the government for the improvement of the harbor. The 
 Oregon Pacific railroad survey reaches to Boise City, Idaho, where a connection 
 w'll be made for Kastern points. The Oregon Pacific railroad has been in the hands 
 cf a receiver, but it has been purchased by capitalists possibly al)le to carry out the 
 original intentions of those who established the road. 
 li'a<|iilna, Orejjron. — Yaquina is the port of entry for the Yacpiina district. 
 It is located on the upper end of Yaquina Bay, three and one-half miles from the 
 ocean, at the point where the Yaquina river empties into the bay. Yaquina is the 
 ocean terminus of the Oregon Pacific railroad and is 
 72 miles west from Corvallis. A line of passenger 
 and freight steamers plies regularly l)etween Yaquina 
 and San Francisco. The harbor at Yacjuina is land- 
 locked and has a depth of water in the channel 
 varying from 35 to 40 feet. The harbor and docking 
 lacilities at Yaquina are the best on the bay. There 
 are two sawmills in operation here and the railroad 
 shops of the Oregon Pacific railroad are located at this 
 point. The town is supplied with water by means 
 of an excellent gravity sj^slem of water works. The 
 finest building in town at present is the Yaquina hotel, owned by the railroad com- 
 pany. Educational advantages are offered by two excellent schools. Four religious 
 denominations, the Methodist, Episcopal, Presbvterian and Baptist have pi..ces of 
 worship here. The population of Yatjuina is al»oiit 200. 
 'I he Coos Hay Country, Orc^^on. 
 es of 
 Xe\vi»)l't, Orc'i^on.^— Newport, at the entrance to Vaquina Hay, was first 
 settled in 1867, and was incorporated as a city in 1882. It is 75'.. miles west of Cor- 
 vallis, and 165 miles southwest of Portland by rail and 220 miles by water. New- 
 port is today a town of about 501 inhabitants. It is a noted C^rej^on summer resort, 
 and tlu)usands of people from all over the state spend the summer months here. 
 The climate is delightful in the summer season and the 
 numerous pleasures aflbrded by sea-bathing, fishing and ex- 
 cursions to neighboring points of interest, are great attrac- 
 tions to visitors. Two hotels accommodate a number of 
 summer guests, but a large proportion of the visitors find 
 their enjoyment in camping out during the pleasant season. 
 A small steamer meets the trains over the Oregon Pacific 
 railroad at Yaquina and carries passengers to Newport, the 
 distance between the two points being thre<; and one-half 
 The business part of Newport consists of one long street which extends along 
 the water front. The residence portion is situated on a plateau directly back of this 
 street. Newport boasts of an opera house with a seating capacity of 600, which is 
 frequently visited by traveling theatrical companies. An excellent public school is 
 conducted by two teachers of experience. Religious matters arc looked after by the 
 Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Catholic denominations, all of whom liave 
 places of worship at Newport. The shipments from Newport consist of lumber from 
 two sawmills, oysters and sea-fish. 
 Tlie Coos IJay ('oiiiitry, C)roj»;on. — In Southwestern Ore'jfon is a region 
 of great natural wealth. Possessing a most delightful climate, covered with the 
 heaviest growth of timber in the state, and rich in most valuable deposits of coal, the 
 Coos Bay country offers a splendid field for the investment of capital, and for settle- 
 ment by a progressive and intelligent people. 
 What is here referred to as the Coo.^ Bay country stretches along the coast of 
 Oregon for a distance of 130 miles, terminating at the south on the California bound- 
 ary line. It embraces the counties of Coos and Curry, which together have an aren 
 of about 3,7<x) square miles. From the ocean the land of this section gradually rises 
 i)y a succession of benches until the crest of the Coast range of mountains is reached. 
 The average width of the strip between this range and the ocean, in this jiart of the 
 state, is about 40 miles. Numerous streams water the Coos Bay country. The largest 
 ofj these are the Rogue and Cofji'ille 
 rivers, both of which are navigable 
 for about 40 miles inland. At the 
 moutli of the Rogue river is the 
 yt^4Bij^^$t^ff^-^§^^^^^^^^^^^^ *"^" *^* ^°''^ Beach, the county 
 . .•...£-..-, J *----., ...Ts __ •»- >. . __. seat of Curry. This prosperous lit- 
 tle community is the shipping and 
 trading center of an exceptionally 
 rich but sparsely settled farming, 
 lumbering and mining country. On the coast at the mouth of the river of the same 
 name, about five miles north of the California bouudarv line. >s the town of Chelco, 
 Port Orford, situated on Port Orfonl Bay, along Ibis coast, '■ t » place selecied by 
 the Lnitca States engmeers as the harbor of refuge for the Cn go*i coatst. 
 Coal Bunkehs. MARSMnbLD, Coos Bay. 

 ' The Oreffonian'a Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Coos Bay, the largest and best harbor on the coast of Oregon south of the 
 entrance to the Columl)ia river, is located at the mouth of the Coos river. Around 
 the shores of this hay have sprung up several ambitious and wide-awake towns. 
 Marshfield, the largest of these towns, has a present population of about 2,500. It is 
 an enterprising place, having water works, electric lights, a newspaper, a bank, saw- 
 mills, tanneries, furniture and a number of other manufacturing institutions. Other 
 towns ill Coos county are Randon, Randolph, Parkersburg, Coquille, Norway, 
 Arago, Angora and Empire City. 
 Nature has not only endowed the Coos Bay country with a remarkable diversity 
 of resources, but it has also given it a climate in which flowers blossom outdoors the 
 year round. The grass of this section is always green. Observations covering a 
 period of 14 years show that at Coos Bay. the greatest snowfall at any one time dur- 
 ing this period was i}{ inches. There were 8 years out of the 14 when absolutely no 
 snow fell in this section. The thermometer here seldom registers below the freezing 
 point, and the maximum summer heat is generally below Ho° Farenheit. The soil cif 
 the lowlands of the C los Bay country is a rich alluvium. From 600 to 800 bushels 
 of potatoes to the acre is not an exceptional yield in this section, and 50 to 60 tons 
 of sugar beets is an average crop here. All kinds of semi-tropical fruits do 
 well here. 
 The spil of the bench lands of the Coos Bay country is adapted to the growth of 
 fruits, vegetables, grasses and grains, but the yields of these products on the higher 
 elevations is not as great as they are in the lower lands. On the mountainous dis- 
 tricts of the country are excellent grazing grounds especially adapted to sheep raising, 
 and this industry is now an important one here. The greatest industry of the Coos 
 Bay country at the present time, however, is the manufacture of lumber. The 
 immense forests of Coos and Curry counties cover an area of 1,050,000 acres. These 
 forests contain 24,200,000,000 feet of the finest timber in the world. The magnitude 
 of these figures can be appreciated when it is known that Minnesota contains today 
 only 12,749,526,000 feet of standing timber, and Michigan, another great lumbering 
 state, contains ioo,ooo,cxx) feet lessth.m does the Coos Bay coimtry, a small part of 
 Oregon. Nearly 5,000,000,000 feet of the timber in the Coos 1' y country is white or 
 Port Orford cedar. This beautiful tree is not found nv)rth of the Umpqua river. As 
 an ornamental tree for landscape gardening it is doubtful it North America possesses 
 anything finer in its forests than the Port Orford cedar. So completely Tuarketahlc 
 is this tree that every part of it except the bark is utili.'ed. T^e log from the tree is 
 cut into boards and square timber, the slabs into pieot- s for Nrooni handles and laths, 
 and the scraps that are left are cut ino blocks for tho manuf*Klvae of matches. The 
 lumber manufactured in the Coos Bay countr\- finds >- rnncipal market in Saii 
 I'rancisco, though a considerable portion of this luniVvr. ts -hipped to other coast 
 points. The shipments of lumber from this district now aggregate about 100,000,000 
 feet annually. 
 With all its great wealth above the ground- ?r>ie Oeos Bay countrv 'has another 
 vast store of riches lying below the surface. Underlying 500 miles of its surface ai • 
 coal measures of an average depth of 35 fett. The quality of this coal for comniei 
 cial purposes is now fully established. The coal mines of Coos Bay hav« prodniHl 
 steadily since 1852. Most of the output of these mines is shipped to i^AU Francise 
 The sands of the ocean beach oi' this section and the graxtl along Lhe courses of t! ■ 
 numerous streams are impregnated with gold. Placer mining h«» l)cen succesfuT 
 Bay con 
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Hood River, Orejj^^on. 2»)7 
 carried on here for many years past. Owing, however, to the primitive methods 
 adopted here the output of the precious metals has beon small. In 1S92 the Coos 
 Bay country produced $30,000 in gold. Fishing is another important industry of 
 ihis region. The bays and streams along the coast here teem with the finest food 
 fishes. At Gold Beach a salmon-canning estaV)lishment annually packs 30,000 cases 
 of salmon. The development of the Coos Bay country has been exceedingly slow 
 considering the vast resc irces it possesses. This has been due entirely to the lack 
 of railroad facilities for handling the business of the country. .'\t present its only 
 land communication with the rest of Oregon is by means of wagon roads. The Coos 
 " «•■. l?;'"fc- 
 Docks. Empire City, Coos Bay. 
 Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railroad, now under construction between Marshfield and 
 Roseburg, follows closely the line of the present stage road through the pass of the 
 Coast range mountains. The part of this line between Marshfield and Co(iuille City, 
 a distance of 25 miles, is now finished and trains are running over this road. Beyond 
 Coquille City the road is graded to Myrtle i'oint. The full surveys for the line 
 between Marshfield and Roseburg have been made, and it was the financial stringency 
 of last year alone that prevented the completion of the road before this time. 
 Hood Klver, ()rcj<oii. — Hood River is located in Wasco county, 64 miles 
 east of Portland, on the line of the Union Pacific railroad, and at the junction of 
 the Columbia and Hood rivers. It has a present population of about 350, and is the 
 trading and shipping point for the rich Hood River valley. The site of the town is 
 a picturesque one, sloping as it does to the north towards the Columbia river, and to 
 the east towards the smaller stream of Hood river. It commands a magnificent view 
 of some of the best Columbia river scenery, and it is today one of the popular 
 inland summer resorts of the state. 
 The town of Hood River contains two handsome church edifices, owned respect- 
 ively by the Congregational and United Brethren denominations. The Methodists 
 hold services in temporary quarters here. The public school here is held in a 
 t)uilding which is inadequate to properly accommodate the pupils in attendance. 
 It is probable that a larger and better school building will be erected during the 
 present year. Two teachers are employed in the public school here, and the aver- 
 age daily attendance of scholars is about 80. Hood River contains a dozen or more 
 stores, two hotels, and two well stocked livery stables. A free reading-room is main- 
 tained in the town for the accommodation of the public, and a good weekly newspa- 
 per, T/ie Hood River Glacier, is published at this point. The manufacturing enter- 
 prises of the town are represented by the Hood River Manufacturing Company , which 
 turns out everything in the line of woodwork. 
 The Hood River valley is about 18 miles in length by about 8 miles in width. 
 It maintains a level of from 4cx) to 1,000 feet above the sea. The soil of this valley 
 i^ rich and varied, and will produce all kinds of cereals and fruits equally as well. 
 The Oregoniun's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 This is one of the finest fruit belts in the state. The Hood river peaches are unex- 
 celled in quality, and large quantities of this delicate fruit raised here yearlj- fiml 
 a ready sale in the Portland market. Apples, pears, prunes, cherries, and ull the 
 smaller fruits do well on this soil. The farmers of the Hood River valley plact- 
 great reliance on their .strawberry crops. The berries of this fruit grown here attain 
 a remarkable size, the yields are always large, and the fruit is of the best quality. 
 In 1 892 the retv>rns from the strawberry crop of the Hood River valley alone amounteil 
 to $23,000, and the average value of the product of each acre planted in straw- 
 berries here during that year was about $600. During the season of 1893 the area 
 of this land planted in strawVjerries was about three times what it was the pre- 
 vious year. The principal markets for Hood river strawberries are in Montana and 
 In the mountains around Hood river is a wealth in fine timber that is yet 
 hardly touched. This river has its source at the base of the easst and north slopes 
 of Mount Hood, and for a distance of 10 miles from the mountain it has an average 
 fall of about 70 feet to the mile. This stream is capable of furnishing a large avail- 
 able water power, which will some day be largely utilized for sawing the timber 
 found adjoining the stream. 
 The town of Hood River is fast becoming popular as a summer resort. A salu- 
 brious climate, with the attraction of the finest drives, flower-dressed hills, and pure 
 mountain streams of the coldest water filled with the gamiest of brook trout, 
 have combined to make this one of the most popular resorts for recreation in tlie 
 Mount Hood, the moi-arch of the Cascades, with its covering of perpetual snow, 
 looms up plainly in the distance from the town of Hood River. The mountain is 
 reached from this point by an easy stage ride of but 28 miles in length. 
 In the neighborhood of Hcod River is considerable government land still sub- 
 ject to entry. This land, whili lying some distance back from the town, contains 
 fine soil and is perfectly adaptrd to fruit culture. All of this land will be occu- 
 pied a few years hence, and the town of Hood River will ultimately become one of 
 the most important fruit-shipping jioints on tl">-: Columbia river. ' 
 The l>{illes, <)ivj4"<>n. The Dalles is the capital city of Wasco vS^nuty and 
 its present population is about 3,000. It is located on the south bank v^t the Colum- 
 bia river, 88 lUilcs east of Portland, and on the main line of the Union Pacific rail- 
 road. It is the head of uavigation on the Middle Columbia river, but with the com- 
 pletion of the government locks at the Cascades, The l>*lle4» will enjoy the beneiiis 
 of an unbroken water route to Portland and the sea. 
 The most important manufacturing industries located at The Dalles at the pres- 
 ent time are a rollei flouring mill with a capacity of 1^5 barrels a day, a brew- 
 ery, a planing mill and a sash and door facUMy. T\\\» mil<^8 east of The Dalles 'ii 
 the Columbia river is a large salmon cauuvHy which cans and packs annually from 
 J5,ooo to 4o,ixK) cases In the iinmediaK" viv'ituty v^t the town are 10 fish-whee''-. 
 During 1890 upwards of 3,000,000 pouuvls of fish were packed and shipped from tbis 
 point, in addition to large shipments of fresh ft^fck, for the Eastern markets. 
 Ivvery line of business is well represented iw The Dalles. The fown suppoi s 
 three banks, three newspapers, /yte iXiih Tin-ii'^-yiountaimer, The Daily Chronii ' ', 
 and The Weekly Sun. The public schools are held in four large buildings, and 1 'c 
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Wasco County, Oregon. 
 APPRo«CH TO The Dalles from the West. 
 average daily attendance at these schools is about 650. A state normal school and a 
 Catholic academy are also maintained here. The Congregational, Baptist, Methodist, 
 Christian, Adventist and Cath- 
 olic (leuominations own their 
 own places of worship here. 
 The Dalles possesses an excel- 
 lent system of water works and 
 an arc and incandescent electric 
 light plant. A flume canal ex- 
 tends back from The Dalles for 
 a distance of i.S miles to the 
 mountains. This flume has a 
 daily carrying capacity of 1 25,000 
 feet of lumber, which is floated 
 to The Dalles from the mills 
 back of the place. 
 The mean fall of the Columbia river from Celilo to The Dalles, a distance of 13 
 miles, is 100 feet. This constitutes the rapids of the dalles which are not navigable, 
 but which will be ultimately overcome either by canal and locks or boat railroad. 
 The Columbia river drains over 300,000 square miles and for a distance of over 100 
 miles above Celilo the depth of water in this great stream is 50 feet. The available 
 power afforded by this river at The Dalles is estimated to be fully equal to that of the 
 Spokane river at Spokane or of the Falls of St, Anthony at Minneapolis. 
 The chief exports at The Dalles, are salmon, wool, hides, horses, cattle, sheep, 
 and fruit. An immense extent of country extending in some directions as far as 150 
 miles back from The Dalles pays tribute to this place. During 1S90 there were ship- 
 ped out of this tributary section 200 carloads of hides, nearly 10,000,000 pounds 
 of wool, 4,200 head of cattle, 100,000 head of sheep, i.Soo head of horses, and ico 
 carloads of fruit. 
 Cheap means of transportation is afforded The Dalles by the Union Pacific rail- 
 road, which follows the Columbia river for 126 miles east and for about 75 miles west 
 and connects direct with Portland and the East, and also by the steamers of The 
 Oalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Company as well as by the steamer line of 
 the Union Pacific, both of which water lines reach Portland by making a short 
 transfer at The Cascades. The completion of the Ciscade locks will mark a new 
 epoch in the history of The Dalles and will greatly advance Ihe town's prosperity. 
 Wasco County, Oregon. — Wasco county is separated from the state of 
 Washington on the north by the Columbia river. On the east it is bounded by vSher- 
 man and C.illiam counties. It extends south as far as the northern boundary of 
 Crook, and on the west it reaches to the summit of the Cascade range of mountains. 
 The county has an area of 3,024 square miles and it contains a present population of 
 about 9,500. 
 Along the Columbia river line of Wasco county are high bluff's of basaltic rock. 
 This is the unfavorable part of the county that presents itself to he eyes of the 
 tourists who follow the Columbia river route of the Union Pacific railroad. Back of 
 these bluffs, however, are miles of the finest farming lands in the Northwest. These 
 lands are adapted perfectly to diversified farming and stock raising, all kinds of 
 ' i 
 The Orefconinn's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 grains and fruit doing well here. The grazing lands of the county are covered with a 
 heavy growth of bunch grass in which cattle keep fat throughout nearly the entire 
 year. Tht- western portion of the county, which extends into the Cascade Mount- 
 ains, is principally covered with a dense forest growth. The timber found here con- 
 sists of fir, larch, tamarack, hemlock, pine and cedar. The higher elevations of the 
 county are on the average of from 3,000 to 4,000 feet above sea level. The timber 
 belts arc crossed by clear mountain streams, which in many cases carry a sufficient 
 volume of water for rafting purposes. The most important of these streams are the 
 White and Deschutes rivers. 
 The fruit growing possibilities of the county are great. Apples, peaches, apri- 
 cots, plums, prunes, cherries, grapes, pears and small fruits of all kinds are raised 
 in the county to a considerable extent. The melons of Wasco county vie in quality 
 and size with the best productions of the southern part of the state. These melons 
 find a ready sale at The Dalles, and are shipped as far east as Chicago. 
 The unusual dryness of the climate of Wasco county makes a residence here one 
 peculiarly free from disease. The soil of the lands of the county is so deep, how- 
 ever, that a failure of crops here has never been recorded. The wheat yield in the 
 county averages from 20 to 40 bushels per acre. In 1891 there were 3,000,000 acres of 
 tilled land in the county, and during the p^st two years this area of land in cultiva- 
 tion has been greatly increased. The census of 1890 showed that there were 218,00) 
 sheep, 20,000 horses, 25,000 cattle, and 5,000 hogs in the county. The total assess- 
 ment of the county in 1891 showed a valuation of $3,578,745. 
 Ai'linjiftoii, Oregon. — Arlington is the largest town in Gilliam county. It is 
 located on the Columbia river, at about the center of the county on a line drawn east 
 and west, and is also on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad, 142 miles east of 
 Portland. The Columbia river affords the merchants of Arlington direct water com- 
 munication with Pasco where connection is made with the line of the Northern Pa- 
 cific for Taconia, Seattle and Spokane. 
 The present population of Arlington is p.bout 350. Two national banks are 
 located here, as well as two large general merchandise stores and a number of smaller 
 business houses. The town has a good water-works system and maintains a fire 
 department. It also supports a public school, two churches, a free reading-room and 
 a weekly newspaper, 77/(? Arlington Record. 
 Arlington lost much of the trade which formerly came to this point by the com- 
 pletion of the Ileppncr. branch of the Union Pacific in 18.S8. This branch line of road 
 has done much to develop the resources of Morrow county, the principal 
 trade of which section, instead of coming to Arlington as it formerly did, now goi s 
 direct to Heppuer, the county seat. Arlington, from advantages of location on the 
 Columbia river, and also on the main line of the Union Pacific, will perhaps alwa} s 
 remain a prominent shipping point, and it today enjoys the distinction of being tlic 
 leading town on the Columbia river east of The Dalles. 
 Tlopimor, < )reg<)n. — Heppner is the judicial seat of Morrow county and con- 
 tains a present population of about 1,000. It is the terminus of the Heppner bran h 
 of the Union Pacific railroad which connects with the main lineat Willow's Junctii 1, 
 45 miles distant. This branch was completed in 1888, since which time Heppner h is 
 enjoyed a steady and rapid growth. 
 The principal business portion of Heppner is confined to one wide street which. 
Heppner, Oregon. 
 Public School, Heppner 
 for a distance of more than two blocks, is built up on either side with one and two- 
 story brick buildings. A number of general merchandise stores located at this point 
 do an annual business of from |25,ocxj to |i5o,cxxj each. Near the railn)ad at the 
 foot of the main street, are two large warehouses which have a combined storing 
 capacity of r,25o,oofj pounds of wool, and which are also used for the storage of wheat. 
 Sheep raising and wool growing may be called the two vital 
 interests of Heppner and Morrow county. In 1892, 2,350,000 
 pounds of wool, most of which was raised in Morrow 
 county, passed through the Heppner warehouses. The 
 money received from the sale of i(X),ooo sheep, 8,(xx) head of 
 cattle, 2,000 head of horses and soo.ocx) bushels of wheat 
 passed through the Heppner banks during the same year. 
 Wool growing and stock raising are the two industries of 
 Morrow county that are never known to fail. The climate 
 here is especially easy on stock, including cattle and sheep. 
 Heppner, and the country of which it is the trading center, 
 have always been prosperous from a financial standpoint and 
 many large fortunes have been amassed here in the legitimate lines of trade. 
 Heppner contains one roller-flouring mill with a daily capacity of 70 barrels. 
 This mill is operated by water power obtained from Willow creek, a small but rapid 
 stream which flows through the town. The city's water supply is obtained from an 
 artesian well, 600 feet deep. The water from this well is pumped into a reservoir 
 located at a sufficient elevation above the city to insure an ample pressure as a pro- 
 tection against fire. The capacity of the reservoir is about 100,000 gallons. The two 
 well drilled volunteer ho?e companies maintained here have often demonstrated their 
 ability to protect the city against any fire that might start here. Water-mains extend 
 along the principal streets of Heppner and hydrants arc located at all the prominent 
 street crossings. The city is thoroughly lighted by an excellent system of arc and 
 incandescent lamps, the system covering the main streets, the business blocks and 
 private residences. 
 The school district in which Heppner is located erected during 1892 a handsome 
 eight-room frame school building at a cost of |i 2,000. Primary and advanced grades 
 of study are taught in the public schools here which are presided over by six efficient 
 teachers. The average number of scholars in attendance at the public schools is 
 about 350. The Baptist, two Methodist and Catholic denominations own church 
 Imildings at Heppner. The town boasts of a good opera house with a seating capacity 
 of 500. Two weekly newspapers, The Gazette and The Record ^ are published at 
 Heppner. The town has three hotels, one of which The Palace, is a three-story brick 
 recently erected at a cost of $40,000. The bonded indebtedness of Heppner in 1892 
 was f 20,000 while the assessed valuation of town property in the same year made the 
 substantial showing of $400,000. 
 Heppner'p location in the valley of Willow creek, surrounded as it is by a range 
 of hills, is an attractive one. These hills not only add to the general beauty of Hepp- 
 ner's surroundings, but they also act as a protection against the strong wintry blasts 
 which sometimes sweep down over the plains of Eastern Oregon. The town is the 
 natural trading center of a very wide area of rich country and it will always be one 
 of the principal centers of population of Eastern Oregon. 
 The oldiist banking institution in Heppner is the First National Bank which was 
 The OregDniuti's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 incorporated in 1S87, with a capital stock of Iso.fxx). A recent statement of the hank 
 shows its surplus and undivided profits to he |32,cxx). The officers are Columhus A. 
 Rhea, president ; Frank Kellojrj^, vice-president, 
 and (ieo. Consei, cashier. The directors are 
 Columbus A. Rhea, T. A. Rhea, J. P. Rhea, 
 J. B. Natter and Frank Kellogg. The First 
 National Bank has always held the confidence 
 of the community in which 't is located. Its 
 principal stockholders are weaitby and promi- 
 nent sheep raisers in Morrow county, and any 
 communications addressed to the hank concern- 
 ing the purchase of wool, sheep, cattle and 
 horses will receive prompt attention. The P'irst 
 National Bank occupies quarters in a recently 
 of which is published in connection with the 
 First National Dank, Heppneh. 
 erected brick block, an illustration 
 present article on Ileppucr. 
 The National Bank of Heppncr began business in 1889 with a capital stock of 
 i*5o,(X)f). It occupies spacious quarters in the brick bU)ck shown by the accom- 
 panying illustration. This fine block was recently erected bj' the Heppncr Building 
 and Loan Association. The officers of the bank are Wm. Penland, president ; O. 
 K F'arnsworth, vice-president, and R. R. Bishop is the genial cashier. The National 
 Bank of Heppner has done an increasing business since the first year of its existence. 
 In now declares a dividend o'' 10 per cent yearly. \ recent statement of the bank 
 shows its net profits to be |i4,ooo. The present directors are V. C. Thompson, Wm. 
 Penland, E. R. Bishop, O. R. Farnsworth, R. D. Rood and O. W. Swaggert, all of 
 whom are prominently identified with the best business interests of Heppner. The 
 stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner are composed principally of stock- 
 men, and any information desired concerning the purchase of sheep and cattle in this 
 part of the state will be cheerfully furnished by this bank. 
 It is a noteworthy fact that the largest business houses of Heppner are owned 
 and conducted by comparatively young men. A striking illustration of this fact is 
 found in the McFarland Mercantile Company, the personnel of which is composed of 
 Frank McFarland, Homer McFarland and Rmil Voruz. Neither of these gentlemen 
 is over -^3 ars of age. The McFarland Mercantile Company is engaged in the 
 wholesale and retail general merchandise busi- 
 ness and carries a stock of goods valued at 
 l4(),cK)o. This is the largest mercantile institu- 
 tion in Heppner and Morrow county. The com- 
 pany do an annual business of about f 150,000. 
 Their trade reaches out into Grant, Harney, 
 Gilliam and Umatilla counties. In addition to 
 their regular business, this enterprising young 
 firm buys and sells annually large quantities of 
 wool, hides and pelts, grain and various farm 
 products. Messrs. McFarland & Voruz have only 
 been associated in business together since 1892, but the gentlemen have lived in the 
 eastern part of the state for a number of years past. The senior member of the firm, 
 Mr. Frank McFarland, is considered one of the most successful merchants in Eastern 
 McFarland Mercantile Company and National Bank 
 OF He'Pner block, Heppner. 
 Morrow County, Oregon. 
 Palace Hotel, Heppner. 
 Oregon, he having been engaged in business in that 
 part of the state for the past lo or 15 years. He also 
 has large interests in Southern California. The ac- 
 companying illustration shows the handsome brick 
 block in which the McFarland Mercantile Company 
 have their large stores. * 
 The Palace Hotel of Heppner, shown by the ac- 
 companying illustration, is a strictly modern house 
 in all its appointments. It is a three-story brick 
 building, practically fire-proof, provided wilh water, 
 baths and electric lights. A 'bu^s meets all trains and 
 a sample room in the hotel is at the disposal of com- 
 mercial travelers. The house was built three years 
 ago at a cost of about |4u,o(« by a local stock com- 
 pany. The present proprietress is Mrs. M. Von 
 Cadow, who has earned for the Palace hotel an envi- 
 T^ble reputation as a first-class hostelry. The table service and sleeping apartments 
 of the Palace arc far above the average of the leading hotels of the interior points 
 of the state. 
 M()rl•<)^v County, ()reji:<)ii. — Morrow is one of the prominent counties of 
 Eastern Oregon. It is bounded on the north by the Columl)ia river, on the east 
 by Umatilla county, on the south by Grant, and on the west by Gilliam. This 
 county is about 35x75 miles in size. The main line of the Union Pacific railroad 
 runs along the northern boundar}'. A branch extends south from the main line, 
 running through theWillow Creek valley and terminating at I leppner, 45 miles distant, 
 from Willows Junction, where the branch and the main line connect. Since the 
 completion of this branch line of road a number of small towns have sprung up 
 along its course. The trade of these settlements is held principally by the mer- 
 chants of Heppner, the county seat. 
 It is only a few years since Morrow county was regarded as a mere stock range. 
 With the increase of population in the county, however, there has been encouraged 
 the tendency among the settlers to pay more attention to diversified farming. The 
 soil of the lands lying along the numerous creeks in the county is highly product- 
 ive. The general nature of the country is rolling, but this undulating .surface is 
 covered with a heavy growth of bunch grass. Adjacent to the Columbia river is a 
 low, level -♦^retoli of land, varying in width from four to eight miles, which is sandy 
 and is ccvei :^ with sage brush. The southern portion of the county is rich in 
 timber re ourc«. -. There is still much land in Morrow county that can be obtained 
 from the govevj.meni:, and good land in the county can be bought from private 
 parties at tr;>m ^^ to $50 an acre. 
 The principal industries of Morrow county, at the present time, are wool grow- 
 ing and stock raising. The climate of the county is especially adapted to the rais- 
 ing of sheep. A reference to the article on Heppner, published in connection with 
 the present article, will furnish the reader with much valuable information on the 
 extent of the wool-growing interest of this county. During 1892 500,000 bushels of 
 wheat were raised in Morrow county, and this wheat was sold at prices varying from 
 68 cents to 85 cents a bushel. The assessable value of propercy in the county during 
 the same year was $2,088,308. The present population of the county is about 4,500, 
 and the population of this part of the state is rapidly increasing. 
 — 6" 
 U 11.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. )4S80 
 (716) 872-4503 
 The Orcffoniun's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Gilliam County, Oreyron.— Gilliau. county is bounded on the north by 
 the Columbia river, on the east by Morrow and Grant counties, on the south by 
 Crook, and on the west by the counties of Sherman and Wasco. Condon is the 
 county seat. This town is located near the geographical center of the county, and 
 is in the midst of a rich farming district. Condon has a population of about 2ou, 
 and it is a flourishing business point. 
 The total area of Gilliam county is about 2,oao square miles. It fronts on 
 the Columbia river for a distance of about 30 miles, and extends south for a dis- 
 tance of 70 miles to a spur of the Blue Mountains. Aside from the mountainous 
 sections of the county, it is one vast valley stretch of arable laud. Wheat, wool 
 and live stock are the principal products of the county. In 1891 800,000 bushels 
 of wheat were raised in Gilliam county, and the average price realized for this 
 wheat was 78 cents a bushel. The average yield of wheat to the acre, as shown by 
 statistics carefully compiled in that year, was 25 bushels. In the same year the 
 shipments of wool from Gilliam county aggregated 2,(xx),ooo pounds, and this wool 
 brought an average price of I2}4 cents a pound. The shipments of live stock, 
 during 1891, amounted to 62 carloads of horses, 49 carloads of cattle, and 15 carloads 
 of sheep. 
 Gilliam is one of the richest counties in natural resources in the state. Its 
 present populatic;- is only 3,600, but from the fact that t' ere are 600,000 acres of 
 government land in the county still unoccupied, and that more than one-half of 
 this unoccupied land is considered valuable for agricultural purposes, it is highly 
 probable that the population of the county will be greatly increased during the 
 next few years. 
 Pendleton, Orejf on.— Pendleton is a city of attractive environments. It is 
 located on the Umatilla river, a stream of considerable magnitude, in a little valley 
 nestling among a low range of highly fertile hills. The soil in the 
 immediate vicinity of the city is well watered, which insures a heavy 
 growth of vegetation and shrubbery here throughout even the dryest 
 seasons, and the carefully trimmed shade trees lining the principal 
 streets, together with the well-kept gardens which surround 
 all the principal private residences, make Pendleton one of the 
 most attractive cities of the eastern part of the state. 
 While Pendleton is not surrounded by a wealth of 
 timber and mineral resources, the remarkable produc- 
 tiveness of the soil of Umatilla coimty, of which it is 
 the seat of justice and the jobbing center and the heavy 
 wool-growing and stock interests of the county, make 
 this one of the richest interior points of the state. 
 Pendleton contains today a population of about 4,000; 
 its streets are wide and well cared for, and the entire 
 city presents an air of activity and prosiierity. Pire 
 limits have been established by the municipal govern- 
 ment, and within these limit-^ the erection of no wooden 
 buildings is allowed. Handsome one, two and three- 
 story brick and stone blocks line the principal business streets, and new buildings 
 are being constantly erected here. Business pursuits are well represented in the 
 city, and business at this point is generally prosperous. 
 View, Main Stneit. Pindliton. 
Pendleton, Oregon. 
 View or Count Street, Pendlcton. 
 Few towns in the state enjoy equal opportunities in shipping facilities which 
 the Pendleton merchants are able to avail themselves of. Pendleton is situated on 
 the main line of the Union Pacific, 231 miles east of Portland and 44 miles south 
 of the Columbia river iit Umatilla. It is the end 
 of a division of the mala line. It is also the 
 terminus of the Spokane and Cfcur d'Alene 
 branches of the same system which touch Walla 
 Walla, all the important points of the wonderfull\ 
 rich Palouse district of Washington, Spokane and 
 all the leading towns of the Coeur d'Alene mineral 
 belt. It is also the terminus of the Oregon & 
 Washington Territory system, which connects 
 with the Northern Pacific at Hunt's Junction, 
 near Wallula, and also with the Union Pacific, and 
 which also extends as far east as Walla Walla and 
 Dayton, opening up the rich fanning districts tributary to these latter points. Pen- 
 dleton thus has direct connection with Portland, which is reached by deep-water 
 vessels, with Seattle and Tacoma, the principal shipping points of Puget Sound, 
 with practically ah of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, and enjoys cot - 
 petitive freight rates from the East afforded by the two great systems of roads, 
 the Northern and the Union Pacific. 
 Pendleton is a city containing many modern improve- 
 ments. It has a fine water-works and electric-light 
 system; it maintains efficient police and fire departments, 
 and the city boasts of a well appointed brick opera 
 house. The Umatilla county court house, at this point, 
 is a model of modem architecture. It was erected at a 
 cost of |9o,cxx), and is one of the finest county 
 courthouses on the coast. Pendleton's water sup- 
 ply is obtained from the Umatilla river, which 
 flows along the edge of the city. This is a clear 
 mountain stream, and furnishes, practically, an 
 inexhaustible supply of the purest water for do- 
 mestic purposes. Power for running a number of 
 Pendleton's leading factories is also obtained 
 from this strean. . The manufacturing industries 
 of Pendleton are represented by a large fiouring mill, with a daily capacity of 500 
 barrels, foundry and machine shops, sash and door factory, and planing mill. 
 The public schools of Pendleton are conducted in a large brick building, which is 
 well arranged for school work. The grades taught rr.nge from the primary to the 
 high school course. The public schools here hold tctms covering ten mouths of the 
 year. In addition to the excellent public instruction maintained, the Pendleton 
 Academy provides a course of study which fits students for entering any college, and 
 a Catholic boarding school affords opportunity for pri\atc instruction. Koth hcsc 
 private educational institutions own their buildings and the grounds on which the 
 buildings are located. The Presbyterian, two Methodist, Baptist, L^ongregational, 
 Episcopal and Catholic organizations own their church buildings at Pendleton. 
 The average deposits in the three solid banks of Pendleton do not fall far short 
 CouKT House, Penoliton. 
 if '! 
 ii- 1. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacif.c Northwest. 
 PusLic SCHOOL, Pendleton. 
 of |ioo,ooo. The city supports three newspapers, T/ie Daily East-Oyej^onian, which 
 also publishe? a semi-weekly aud weekly edition ; T/ie Daily and Weekly 1 ribune, 
 and The Weekly Oregon Herald. The East-Oregonian is published by the East- 
 Oregonian Publishing Company, which is under the 
 management of C. S. Jackson, one of the veteran news- 
 paper men of the state. Mr. Jackson is an able business 
 man and has earned a recognition in the leading centers 
 of the state, and he wields a pen that has excited the ad- 
 miration of the best critics on the coast. The owner and 
 editor of The Tribune is Hon, J. C. Leasure, one of the 
 prominent attorneys and a leading politician of the state. 
 Mr. Leasure is recognized as an able stump-speaker. He 
 hns held many prominent positions, including that of 
 mayor of Pendleton, and his abilities have entitled hii!i 
 to the respect of the best people of Oregon. The hotel accommodations of Pendle- 
 ton arc good, the four hotels here ranging from the hostelry of the first-class order 
 to the family house where accommodations are furnished at a moderate cost aud 
 where the fare is wholesome if correspondingly plain. 
 The value of the annual trade of Pendleton is estimated to be about $2,000,000. 
 The gross assessed valuation of city property in 1892 was $1,750,000. The city carries 
 a bonded indebtedness of Ijo.ocw. I'cndk ton is the trading center for practically all 
 of Umatilla county. This county produced in 1892, 1,750.000 pounds of wool and 
 fully two thirds of this was shipped from Pendleton. During the same year the 
 county 'aiscd 2,5cx5,ooo bushels of wheat, and the principal part of this product 
 passed through the Pendleton warehouses. Pendleton during the past five years has 
 enjoyed a growth that has 
 been surpassed by no itdand 
 point of the state and the 
 opportunities for advance- 
 ment here during the next 
 few years, which will be 
 taken advantage of by a 
 wealthy and progressive 
 class of people, promise even 
 greater things for the city in 
 the future than has accrued 
 to the place in the past. 
 The present mayor of 
 Pendleton is R. Alexander, 
 whose portrait is published 
 on this page. Mr. Alexander 
 is a native of Hengstfeld, 
 Wurttenburg, CTcrmany. He 
 came to Oregon 22 years ago. 
 Although now but 43 years 
 of age, Mr. Alexander has 
 attained a remarkable degree 
 of success during his busi- 
 ness career in Pendleton, r auxmoir, mayor or pinohton. 
Pendleton, Oregon. 
 which began 15 years ago. Pendleton was then but a mere village, but Mr. Alexan- 
 der appreciated the natural advantages in location which the small town enjoyed and 
 he foresaw the Pendleton of today. Hnibarking in the general merchandise busi- 
 ness, Mr. Alexander easily kept pace with the rapid growth of the town, and he is 
 today the senior partner in the large general merchandise concern of Alexander & Hex- 
 ter who carry a line of goods valued at 1150,000. Besides being mayor, Mr. Alexander 
 is a prominent member of several fraternal organizations, among which are the Odd 
 Fellows, Masons and Knights of Pythias. Of the first mentioned order Mr. Alex- 
 ander has been grand master of the state, grand patriarch and grand representative, 
 having held the last ofiice for two terms of two years each. Mr. Alexander enjoys 
 the distinction of being the only 32(1 degree Mason in Pendleton. He has been mas- 
 ter of the local lodge for two years. Mr. Alexander has l)een vice-president of the Pen- 
 dleton Savings Bank, and he has been foremost in many of the public enterprises 
 which have resulted in making Pendleton one of the most prominent cities in East- 
 ern Oregon. 
 One of the most prominent business institutions of Pendleton is the Pendleton 
 Savings Bank, which was organized in 1889 with a paid-up capital of |ioo,ooo. The 
 present officers are W. F. Matlock, president ; W. 
 M. Pierce, vice-president and R. T. Cox, late of 
 the First National Bank of Portland, cashier. The 
 Pendleton Savings Bank has achieved a most grat- 
 ifying success to its shareholders since its organi- 
 zation, as shown by the statement that its undi- 
 vided profits now amount to $20,000 and its paid 
 dividends to $50,000. This success is, of couise, 
 due to the business sagacity of the bank's officers, 
 to the financial strength and standing of its stock- 
 holders, prominent among whom are Henry Fail- 
 ing, D. P. Thompson, L. L. McArthur and C. H. 
 Lewis of Portland, A. Bush of Salem, Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla and C. E. Tilton 
 of New York. 
 The Pendleton Savings Bank is looked upon 
 as one of the permanent institutions of the city. ^^^g?^^". 
 It has already manifested its confidence in Pend- 
 leton by erecting, at a cost of $33,000, the handsome 
 brick building, an illustration of which is published 
 in connection with the present article. 
 The Golden Rule Hotel at Pendleton enjoys 
 the reputation of being one of the best conducted 
 hostelries in Eastern Oregon. It is conveniently 
 located both with reference to the business portion 
 of the city and the union depot, where all in-com'^ 
 ing and out-going trains are met by the Golden 
 Rule's free omnibus. The house itself is a three- 
 story brick, fire-proof and lighted by electricity. 
 The accommodations are strictly first-class. The 
 appointments are modern in every respect. Arthur 
 Hamnond, the proprietor, having been in the railroad business for 22 years 
 The PENDLtroN Savings Uank, Pendllton. 
 , has a 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pnciiic Northwest. 
 Scene, Sheep Ranch, Umatilla County. 
 full appreciation of the needs and comfort of his guests and he spares no pains to 
 provide for their every want. The Golden Rule Hotel is to be commended to the 
 traveling public. 
 Umatilla County, Oregfon.— Umatilla county is situated in the extreme 
 northeastern portion of the state of Oregon. Its northern boundary is the state line 
 at the Columbia river ; it is bounded on the east by Union county ; it extends to 
 Grant on the south, and on the west it reaches to Morrow county. The approximate 
 area of the county is 2,073,000 acres. 
 The eastern and southern portions of Umatilla 
 county are somewhat mountainous. The northern 
 part of the county bordering on the Columbia river 
 is a strip of sandy laud which can be made highly 
 productive by irrigation. The vast agricultural 
 belt which lies between the rugged foothill dis- 
 tricts and the sandy strip above referred to 
 comprises an area of about 1,500,000 acres. This 
 land constitutes one of the richest sections of 
 the great " Inland Empire," and much of this 
 land is now in a high state of cultivation. The 
 higher elevations of the county are covered principally with a heavy growth of fine 
 timber, and the lumber and shingle interests of this part of the state are already 
 large. The rugged foothill districts furnish fine grazing lands for stock, and much 
 of this laud when cleared is especially adapted to growing the finest quality of 
 The surface of the land of Umatilla county does not present ar attractive appear- 
 ance to the jLj-anger who is not familiar with the qualities of the soil of this land. If 
 seen when no rain has fallen here for several weeks, the surface of the ground pre- 
 sents a dry, even parched, appearance not at all conducive to successful grain grow- 
 ing. Yet this same land produces regularly yields of from 25 to 40 bushels of wheat 
 to the acre. The explanation of this wonderful fertility of the soil of Umatilla 
 county is its capacity to retain moisture. This land, which presents a dry appear- 
 ance to the eye, is always moist a few inches below the surface during even the 
 longest protracted period of drought. 
 The principal water-courses of Umatilla county are the Umatilla and Walla Walla 
 rivers and the Wild Horse, Birch, Butter and other creeks. These streams afford an 
 ample flow of water for domestic and irrigation purposes, and they also furnish at 
 convenient points power for manufacturing purposes. 
 Stock raising, wool growing and farming are 
 the leading industries of Umatilla county. Dur- 
 ing the early settlement of the county great atten- 
 tion was paid to stock raising and wool growing, 
 owing to the unexcelled opportunities afforded 
 here for grazing. A greater portion of the best 
 lands of the countv were at that time covered 
 with a heavy growth of the finest bunch grass, on 
 which cattle and sheep kept fat throughout the 
 year. Since it was discovered that the finest bunch-grass lands of the county 
 were capable of producing large yields of wheat, the area of the former grazing 
 Grain Field, Umatilla Countv. 
Umatilla County, Oregon. 
 grounds has been greatly restricted, and the stock-raising interests of the county 
 have consequently declined of late years. Umatilla county is now one of the 
 greatest grain-producing sections of the state. Since 1885 the amount of wheat 
 annually exported from this county has averaged from 2,000,000 to 3,500,000 bushels. 
 In addition to wheat growing, certain portions of the county are well adapted to fruit 
 culture. In the Milton valley district, in the northeastern part of the county, are 
 some of the finest orchards of the state, and the fruit interests of the county are con- 
 stantly increasing. 
 Second in importance to the raising of grain in Umatilla county is the wool 
 industry. The average crop of wool in the county is from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 pounds. 
 The value of this wool crop and of sheep is from $400,000 to $500,000 a year. A 
 definite idea of the extent the wool industry assumes in this part of the state can be 
 obtained from a careful perusal of the article descriptive of Mr. Charles Cunningham 
 and his sheep ranch, one of the largest and best conducted on the coast, which is 
 published in connection with the present article. 
 In "ertain parts of Umatilla county the conditions are favorable for dairying, and 
 a nuuibe. of persons are now engaged in this industry here on a large scale. The 
 mineral resources of tlie county have not as yet been developed to any extent, 
 although some valuable discoveries of ore have been made in the extreme southeast- 
 ern portion of the county. Deposits of coal have been found in the southern part of 
 the county. 
 In 189 1 about 400,000 acres of land were added to the taxable property of Uma- 
 tilla county by throwin^j open to settlement the Northern Pacific R. R. Co's forfeited 
 lands and also the lands of the Umatilla Indian reservation. Much of this laud, 
 including some very desirable tracts, is still unoccupied. A large part of the Uma- 
 tilla Indian reservation tract that was offered for sale at auction in 1891 found no bif* ■ 
 ders, and it is expected that these lands will be again offered for sa^e in the near future. 
 The present population of Umatilla county is about 14,000. The total value of 
 all property in the county subject to taxation in 1891 was 110,768,342. This is one of 
 the best settled and most inviting sections of Eastern Oregon, and it is probable that 
 the population and wealth of the county will increase as rapidly in the near future as 
 has been noted here during the past few years. 
 The Cti'cat Slieep Kln^, Charles Cunningham, whose portrait appears on 
 this page, is the largest individual sheep owner of Umatilla county, and considering 
 the size of his herds and ihe blooded animals in his flocks, he may be fairly said to 
 be the leading representative of the sheep industry in Kastern Oregon. 
 A brief sketch of the life of Oregon's sheep king will undoubtedly prove of inter- 
 est to those who are personally acquainted with this gentleman, or who know him by 
 repute only. Born in County Galway, Ireland, in 1K46, Mr. Cunningham emigrated 
 to this country at the age of 18. Almost immediately upon his arrival here he prof- 
 fered his services to the United States navy. He was assigned to the battleship Ga- 
 lena, and received his first baptism of fire at the famous battle of Mobile Bay. At the 
 conclusion of the war he emigrated to California, and after a brief residence in Ala- 
 meda county, he removed to Oregon and located in Umatilla county in 1S69. In the 
 latter year he embarked in the sheep business, a business that was destined to bring 
 him both wealth and the proud distinction of being a successful and generous man 
 of the world. • 
280 The Orcgoaian's Handbook of the Pacific Xorthwcst. 
 His apprenticeship in the sheep business was served in the employ of Major W. 
 H. Baruhart, then one of the leading wool-growers of Eastern Oregon. No better 
 opportunity for studying the 
 cares and duties of the man- 
 agement of sheep could have 
 afforded itself to the young 
 seeker for fame and fortune 
 in the West than the time 
 Mr. Cunningham spent in 
 the employ of Mr. Barnhart. 
 Kven while honestly help- 
 ing to enrich another he fully 
 made up his mind that in 
 the near future a good part 
 of his honest efforts should 
 be devoted to enriching him- 
 self. Being a thrifty lad he 
 saved his money, and in 1S73, 
 in association with Jacob Fra- 
 zer, known to all residents of 
 Pendleton as "Uncle Jake," 
 he was able tol purchase a 
 respectable flock of sheep of 
 his own. The business of 
 Messrs. I-'razer & Cunning- 
 ham was a prosperous one 
 from the start, and these gen- 
 tlemen were soon able 10 pur- 
 chase the Webb slough i -inch, 
 since better known as the Hewlet & McDonald ranch. This new purchase affori^cd 
 additional and excellent browsing ground for their flocks, and the increase in the 
 wealth and importance of the firm was both rapid and of a substantial nature. The 
 partnership lasted between these two gentlemen until their flocks had increaseil to 
 such a size that they felt that they had a sufficient number of sheep to look after for 
 each partner to engage in business on his individual account. The firm then dis- 
 solved partnership by mutual consent, and each in the future devoted his attention to 
 the care of his individual flocks. 
 In 1877 Mr. Cunningham purchased what is now known as the Cunningham 
 ranch, located on Buffalo creek. At the time the gentleman purchased this place 
 it was in Umatilla count}', but by a subdivision of the cc nity it is now in Morrow 
 county. One 3'ear after this time Mr. Cunningham married Miss Sarah Doherty, 
 a niece of E. B. Nelson, who was massacred by the Indians in the outbreak of 1878. 
 This union, though a happy one, was of brief duration, for Mrs. Cunningham died 
 two years after her marriage, leaving behind ner a daughter, in whom the hopes ol 
 the father are centered today. 
 In the early days of the sheep industry in Eastern Oregon the more common 
 grades of sheep were raised, to the exclusion of what were then known as "fancy 
 breeds." This naturally resulted in a wool crop of a quality greatly inferior to the 
 Chas. Cu'iNrNOHAM, Pendleton, Shcep King or Eastern Ohegon. 
Umatilla County, Oregon. 
 RANCH, Cha9. Cunningham, near Pendleton. 
 crop of today. Mr. Cunningham was among the first to perceive the advantage to 
 be derived from raising the standard of his breed of sheep. Following out this 
 line, he aimed to improve the quality 
 of his flock by the importation of a 
 number of thoroughbred rams. To 
 his excellent judgment in this direc- 
 tion is largely due the popularity and 
 increasing demand at the present time 
 for what is known as the "Cun- 
 ningham wool." This gentle- 
 man now numbers in 
 his flock 2o,ocx3 sheep, 
 4,000 of which 
 are thor- 
 Outside o f 
 the thor- 
 the rest of 
 his sheep are 
 graded, and 
 of fine qual- 
 ity. Steady 
 progress has 
 been his 
 constant motto through life, and he has never allowed any opportunity for advance- 
 ment to pass by unimproved. 
 When the famous blooded stock owned by William Ross, a noted sheep-herder 
 came into the market, Mr. Cunningham took advantage of the opportunity to pur 
 chase the entire band. These sheep were from the noted Hammond stock of Ver- 
 mont, and they never fail to in.spire confidence and admiration in the breasts ot 
 practical sheep men who regularly visit the ranch of Mr. Cunningham. The 
 fleece of these animals is long, white and of the staple quality for which there is 
 such an eager and steady demand. The Hammond bucks have established their 
 reputation as "leaders," and they are eagerly sought by sheep men whose knowl- 
 edge of sheep-breeding is abreast of the times. Those who have bred to the Ham- 
 mond bucks owned by Mr. Cunningham, have not only increased the weight of the 
 fleece on their own sheep, but they have also added to the size of the sheep them- 
 selves. It has been clearly demonstrated that a large fleece of actual wool depends 
 upon the quantity of wool raised to the square inch of surface on the sheep's back. 
 To produce the maximum quantity of wool, it must be long, dense and equally dis- 
 tributed over the body of the sheep. All of these conditions are fulfilled in the 
 Hammond breed, hence their value as wool producers is conceded. It is a well- 
 known and undisputed fact that all stockmen who have made or are making their 
 fortunes in sheep raising, are those who have bred to first-class bucks, and thus 
 improved their stock, and who have also improved their wool clip as a result of 
 raising the standard of their bred sheep. That the energy and good iudgment 
 which Mr. Cunningham has availed himself r>f in the sheep industry are fully appre- 
 ciated, is attested by the fact that this gentleman is now in constant receipt of 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 orders for rams from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and even from distant Cali- 
 The rearing and caring of sheep is also a very important factor in the sheep 
 industry. A thoroughbred animal is no more exempt from "scab " and other sheep 
 disorders than his plebi.in brother of meaner extraction. In this direction Mr. Cun- 
 ningham has also shown himself an expert in his business. By painstaking efforts 
 he has succeeded in keeping his flock free from all the disorders to which the 
 sheep is subject, and his entire ranch is today a model of cleanliness and good order. 
 This has been brought about by the closest attention to the particular line of l)usi- 
 ness to which Mr. Cunningham has devoted his best energies in life. As before 
 stated, he is looked upon today as an expert and authority in sheep-raising, and as 
 such is frequently consulted, not onl}' by new men embarking in the sheep business, 
 but also by many stockmen of experience who run across knotty points they are 
 incapable of solving. 
 When it is considered that the subject of this sketch came to this country as si 
 raw Irish lad, entirely without means, and that he has, by strict application and 
 hard work, placed himself among the wealthiest and most respected citizens of his 
 section, the native ability and energy of the man can be better appreciated and 
 admired. Some of the surroundings of Mr. Cunningham's home life mav be gathered 
 from the illustrations of his ranch published on this page. The larger illustration 
 is a view of his ranch showing a few of his celebrated Hammond sheep browsing in the 
 distance, a breed of which he is so justly proud. To gain anything of an accurate 
 knowledge of the immense industry presided over by Mr. Cunningham, and the 
 care and "ssponsibility involved in the management of 20,000 sheep, one should 
 pay a visit to the home of the Oregon sheep king. Mr. Cunningham is a most affa- 
 ble gentleman. He is unaffected and quite unspoiled by his great good fortune, and 
 he always takes particular delight in making visitors to his ranch feel perfectly at 
 home. Those who may be unable to pay a personal visit to the ranch of Mr. Cun- 
 ningham, but who may desire accurate information on .the subject of discriminating 
 in making a choice of different breeds of sheep, can always obtain the desired infor- 
 mation by addressing Charles Cunningham, at Pilot Rock, or at the Pendleton 
 Savings Bank, Pendleton, Oregon. 
 Athena, Orejfon. — Athena is a prosperous town of Umatilla county, having 
 a population of about 700. It is situated on the Washington division of the Union 
 Pacific Railroad, 19 miles north of Pendleton, the county seat, and 250 miles east of 
 Portland. A spur of the Oregon & Washington Territory railroad also extends from 
 Helix to Athena, a distance of seven miles. The town is surrounded by a magnifi- 
 cent wheat-growing section and today it is the largest wheat-shipping point in pro- 
 portion to population, in Eastern Oregon. The shipments of wheat annually made 
 from this point, with the heavy wool and stock interests of the tributary country, 
 make Athena a thriving point which does a constantly increasing business with each 
 successive year. 
 In addition to the usual business interests found in a town of this size, Athena 
 supports a bank and two weekly newspapers, T/ie Press and TAe Inland Kepublican. 
 The public schools are conducted in a commodious brick building. Four teachers 
 are employed in the schools and the average daily attendance of scholars is about 
 175. The Catholics, Baptists, Methodists and Christian denominations occupy church 
 buildings of their own here. The place also contains a good hotel and two well 
 Weston, Oregon. 
 PuBLtc School, Weston, 
 Stocked livery stables. Athena's growth during the past few years has been rapid 
 and the prospects for a continued growth at this point are encouraging. 
 Weston, Oregon. — Weston occupies an attractive location on the Washing- 
 ton division of the Union Pacific railroad, 21 miles north of Pendleton and 252 miles 
 cast of Portland. The extension of the Helix branch of 
 the Oregon & Washington Territory railroad from Athena 
 to Weston during the present year is practically assured. 
 In addition to the local consumption of 30,000 bushels 
 of wheat in 1892, there were shipped from this point dur- 
 ing the same year 200,000 bushels of wheat, and 28 tons 
 of hay. During 1893 it was estimated that the ship- 
 ments of wheat alone from Weston before the close of 
 the year would reach 300,000 bushels. 
 A roller-process flouring mill with a capacity of 75 barrels a day is located, at 
 Weston. The town also contains a brick and tile factory which manufactures 30,000 
 brick a day. This latter enterprise employs 30 men and disburses on an average, at 
 this point, |iooa day. The output of this plant finds a market in the towns of I'ma- 
 tilla county and in the points not too distant, located in Oregon and Washington. 
 The last session of the Oregon legislature made an appropriation of $24,000 to be 
 applied to the construction of a state normal school building at Weston. The build- 
 ing for this school is now in course of erection. It is modeled after the most 
 approved designs in architecture and will be a handsome and perfectly arranged 
 structure. The public school building at Weston is a large two-story brick edifice 
 which was erected at a cost of $12, coo. Four well qualifietl teachers are employed in 
 the school, which is divided into as many grades. The average daily attendance at 
 the public school is about 200. 
 The municipal authorities of Weston recently bonded the town for $24,000, lobe 
 used in the construction of city waterworks and an electric-light plant. These plants 
 are now in operation and are doing good service. The water for the city is obtained 
 from three never- failing springs located on an eminence in the vicinity. The pressure 
 in the city mains insures an ample protection against fire. All lines of business are 
 well represented at Weston. The Farmers' Bank has recently increased its capital 
 stock to $60,000 and it pays a handsome dividend annually to its stockholders. A 
 local building and loan association, having a capital of $50,000, is well patronized. 
 The religious denominations having churches at Weston are the Episcopal, Metho- 
 dist, Baptist and United Brethren. The town supports one ably edited weekly paper, 
 T/tc Leader. It has one first-class hotel and two livery stables. Its present popula- 
 tion is about 800, and having every advantage of location is enjoying as great a degree 
 of prosperity as are any of the inland cities of the state. 
 Theo. T. Davis.— The present mayor of Weston, Theo. T. Davis, is a striking 
 type of the self-made man. Born in Jefferson county. 111., in i860, young Davis 
 attended the common achool at Mt. Vernon until he reached the age of 15, when he 
 engaged in the mcrcantilp business as salesman. Continuing in this occupation till 
 1884, Mr. Davis then removed to Umatilla county, Oregon, where he soon rose in 
 popular esteem and was elected mayor of Weston in 1891. During the same year Mr. 
 Davis was also made manager and cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Weston, which at 
 the end of the first year of his management declared a dividend, and at the end of 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 
 the second year the capital stock, $60,000, was doubled and Mr. Davis was. elected a 
 member of the board of directors. 
 John Gumming. — The largest general merchandise store in Weston and one of 
 the largest in Umatilla county is that of Mr. John Gumming, who carries a complete 
 stock of goods valued at more than $20,000. Mr. Gumming recently came to Weston 
 from Goldcndale, Washington, where he held for two years the office of treasurer of 
 Klickitat county. Mr. Gumming has had 20 years' experience in the general mer- 
 chandise business, and be is rapidly building up a large trade in his new quarters at 
 Milton, Oregfoil. — Milton, in Umatilla county, Oregon, is a picturesque little 
 town on the line of the Washington division of the Union Pacific railroad. It is 267 
 miles east of Portland and is 10 miles wvst of Walla Walla. The business of the 
 town is done on one long, wide street. This street is well shaded and it forms one of 
 the most attractive main thoroughfares of any of the Eastern Oregon towns. 
 Running parallel with the main street of Milton, and at an average distance of 
 aljout 1,000 feet apart, is the Walla Walla river, one of the large streaiiis ot this sec- 
 tion. The river has a fall at this point which insures power for manufacturing pur- 
 poses. This power is now utilized for running two flouring mills and a foundry, 
 which constitute the manufacturing industries of the place. 
 Milton is not a large business center, but the trade of the town is in a healthy 
 channel. In addition to a number of stores, the place supports one bank, two hotels 
 and a livery stable. A weekly newspaper, T/ie Eagle y is published at this point. 
 The public school occupies a six-room building and is in charge of four teachers. 
 The religious denominations represented at Milton are the Methodists, Baptists and 
 Seventh Day Adventists. 
 The country surrounding Milton is highly productive, the chief products being 
 grain and fruit. The strawberries raised here are unexcelled in either quality or size. 
 During the past season a carload of strawberries was shipped each day from Milton. 
 These shipments having been male as far east as Helena and Butte, Montana. Mil- 
 ton has always been a flourishing little center of trade, and, as before stated, the 
 business handled at this point is all on a perfectly healthy basis. 
 TjU (iraiKle, Oregon. — La Grande, although not the county seat, is the 
 largest town in Union county. Its present population is about 3,500. It is situated 
 on the west side jf the Grand Ronde valley, and it is the principal supply point for a 
 section of country whose area is estimated 
 to be 500 square miles. The trade of this 
 district includes everj'thing that a marvel- 
 ously fertile soil, favored by an equable 
 climate, will produce. Ghief among the 
 productions of the territory tributary to La 
 Grande are grain, hay, hops, fruit and vege- 
 tables, as well as wool, hides, cattle, sheep 
 and horses, and lumber. Within a radius of 
 20 miles of La Grande there are no less than 
 25 sawmills, whose output during the cutting season is from 10,000 to 100,000 feet 
 each per day. 
 La Grande is the end of a division of the Union Pacific railroad, and is 305 miles 
 Depot STntET, L* orande, Looking North. 
 city I 
 A wi 
La Grande, Oregon. 
 PMOTO. BV F. W. tftOOO. 
 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Lookinq East. 
 east of Portland by this line. A branch of the Union Pacific extends out from La 
 Grande to Elgin, in Indian valley, a distance of 22 miles. The I'nion Pacific has 
 established repair shops, n ind houses, coal bunkers, etc., at La Grande, at a cost of 
 alx}Ut $100,000. About 200 men are regularly employed in the company's shops tit 
 this point and the monthly pay-roll averages about |25,ofjn. 
 La Grande is fully abreast of the times in all modern ..improvements. The ma'u 
 streets of the city are 100 feet wide and they arc well macac; nmi/ed with gravel. The 
 city contains 30 brick business blocks made attractive by gracefully designed fronts. 
 A water-works plant, built by the city at a cost of ' 0,000, and a well equipped fire 
 department, are recent additions to the city's improvcmen; -. The water supply of 
 the city is fore;,! from a series of wells near the Gran I Rjnde river to a reservoir 
 near the city, with a capacity of 1,500,000 
 gallc 'v^. The streets, business houses and 
 best private residences of the city are thor- 
 oughly lighted by electricity. The efficient 
 electric light plant was recently completed 
 here at a cost of $37,000. 
 LaGrande contains one roller-process 
 flouring mill with a daily capacity of u;o 
 barrels, three planing-mills and a number 
 of smaller manufacturing enterprises. The 
 Grand Roude river furnishes during nearly 
 the entire year 150 horse power available for 
 manufacturing purposes here, but this power 
 is not being utilized at the present time. 
 The various mercantile pursuits at LaGrande are conducted by an enterprising 
 class of business men. Two national banks, with a capital stock of |6o,ooo each, are 
 located at this point. The city also supports three weekly newspapers, 'Hie La 
 Grande Gazette, The Grand Ronde Chronicle and The Union County Farmer. La 
 Grande contains a neat little opera house and two brick hotels, one of which. The 
 Foley House, was recently enacted at a cost of $30,000. This hotel is strictly modern 
 in all its appointments and is heated throughout by steam and lighted b} electricity. 
 In addition to the above, there are also two smaller hotels conducted in the place. 
 The public schools of LaGrande are conducted in a large handsome building of 
 six rooms and in two wooden buildings of four rooms each. The main school build- 
 ing was erected at a cost of $12,000. A principal and a staff of 11 assistant teachers 
 are employed in the public schools here. The courset of study taught range from 
 the primary to the high school. The average daily attendance of scholars at the pub- 
 lic schools of the city is about 625. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal 
 and Catholic organizations own their own church buildings at LaGrande. The gross 
 assessed valuation of taxable property in LaGrande for 1892 was $1,500,000 and the 
 total bonded indebtedness of the city at the present time is $50,000. 
 During the past three years LaGrande has made very substantial progress. In 
 1889, 35 new private residences were erected here ; the following year 152 new resi- 
 dences were completed. In 189T, 183 private dwellings were added, and in 1892 this 
 was still further increased by the erection of 100 more. LaGrande is the trading 
 center of a rich section of country and its growth during the past few years has been 
 no more rapid than it is expected it will be in the immediate future. 
 ' I 
 The Oregonian' i. Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 HOTEL Foley, L* Grande. 
 LaGrande boasts of having one of the finest hotels in the state outside of Portland. 
 The Hotel Foley at this point, an illustration of which appears in connection with 
 the present article, is a handsome three-story 
 brick structure, occupying one of the most 
 prominent corners in I^aGrande. The house is 
 heated throughout with steam and it contains 
 50 elegantly-furnished rooms, ail of which are 
 lighted by electricity. Free sample-rooms are 
 provided for the convenience of couimercial 
 travelers. The Hotel Foley was erecte*.' in 1891 
 at a cost of $30,000 by the present proprietor, 
 J. E. Foley. Mr. Foley is an experienced hotel 
 manager and has earned a patronage for his 
 excellent hostelry such as is won only by first- 
 class accommodations and thoroughly courteous 
 treatment of guests. The rates at the Hotel 
 Foley are from $2 to I2.50 per day. 
 Since the above was written the city of L,aGrande has signed a contract with the 
 LaGrande Electric Light Company for lighting the city by electric lamps. Twenty 
 1,200-candle power arc lights will b'j used for this purpose. 
 lEIjsrIii, Oregon. — Elgin, in Union county, is the present terminus of the 
 Elgin branch of the Union Pacific railroad, which leaves the main line at La Grande, 
 20 miles south of Elgin. The town is situated in Indian valley, an arm of the Grand 
 Ronde valley, and one of the most fertile spots in Eastern Oregon. This valley is, 
 about 16 miles long by eight miles wide. The principal shipments from Elgin com- 
 prise wheat, lumber and live stock. The town is the result of but three years' growth 
 and it contains today a population of about 300. 
 Within a radius of four miles of Elgin are located four sawmills which are kept 
 busy manufacturing lumber and railroad ties for the Union Pacific. tiese mills 
 give a constant employment to a large number of men and add materially to the 
 wealth of Elgin. Located at this point an- the usual number of stores found iu 
 small towns and business here is generally good. The town has two hotels, two 
 livery stables and a weekly paper. The Elgin Record Three teachers are employed 
 in the public schools at Elgin and the average daily attendance of scholars is about 
 100. The Baptist and Methodist organizations own church buildings at this point. 
 The completion of the branch of the Union Pacific to Elgin in 1889 made the town 
 and greatly aided the development of the tributary district, and it is this road 
 which will greatly add to the material advancement of this part of the state in 
 the future. 
 l^nion, Orejjfoii. — Union is the judicial seat of 
 one of the richest counties in mineral and agricultural 
 resources in P^astern Oregon. It is situated near the cen- 
 ter of Unioii county, at the southern extremity of the 
 rich Grand Ronde valley, and on Catharine creek, which 
 furnishes at this point valuable water power for manu- 
 facturing purposes. Union is on the line of the Union 
 Pacific railroad, 318 miles east of Tortland. The town 
 has a population of about 800 and is a prosperous busi- 
 ness community. 
 tal f 
 Public School, Union. 
 Union County, Oregon. 
 UNION County Court house, Unick 
 Prominent among the notable buildings of Union are the court house, city hall, 
 and public school. All of these are fine brick structures. The public school l)uild- 
 ing was erected at a cost of |2o,aoo and it is one of the best arranged buildings for 
 school work in the state. The schools here are graded from the primary to the high 
 school course, and they are taught by five teachers. The city has a fine gravity sys- 
 tem of water works, recently completed at a cost of $20,000. The water fur city 
 use is taken from a point on Catherine creek, a pure mountain stream, two miles from 
 the city, and from this point it is conducted through a lo-inch main under a vertical 
 pressure of 1 10 feet to the city. The city thus avoids all expense for pumping. The 
 city has its own water for municipal purposes furnished free and it derives a good ren- 
 tal for the use of private pipe lines. Union has expended $2,000 in the purchase of 
 fire apparatus, and a well drilled and equipped volunteer fire department is maintained 
 here. The place also enjoys all the benefits of an eflScient electric light plant, 
 the system covering both the streets, the private residences and the stores. 
 All business in Union is in a prosperous condition. In 
 addition to several large general merchandise stores, the town 
 supports one strong national bank and a number of manufac- 
 turing enterprises, including a roller-process flouring mil!, a 
 planing mill and a sawmill. T/ie Unioti Republican, a repre- 
 sentative journal, and The Oregon Scout, two well edited weekly 
 newspapers, are published here. Handsome church edifices 
 are owned at Union by the Presbyterians, Methodists and Epis- 
 copalians. The Baptists also have an organization at this point, 
 but they have no church building of their own. The traveling 
 public is cared for by one good hotel and two livery stables. 
 Union is the center of a considerable trade. Daily stages connect this point with 
 Medical Springs, Sanger and Cornucopia. The Union Railway Company's motor 
 line connects the town with the main line of the Union Pacific, whose depot is two 
 miles distant. Negotiations are now pending which have in view the extension of 
 this short line of road to the heavy timber belt a few miles east of Union. The prin- 
 cipal shipments from Union are live stock, wool, hay, grain and lumber. 
 In another article on the mineral productions and agricultural resources of l^nion 
 county, will be found valuable information on the wealth of this part of the state, 
 which is the main ^.ay of Union's prosperity and which insures this point the pros- 
 perity which it ha:) always enjoyed. 
 Unloii County, Oroj^oM. — Union county is situated east of Umatilla. A 
 small part of the northern boundary touches the state of Washington. The county 
 reaches south along th^ eastern boundary of Umatilla, it touches the northern boun- 
 dary of Baker on the south and reaches the boundarv line of the state of Idaho on 
 the east. Wallowa county was carved out of the extreme northeastern part of 
 Union in 1887. The Union Pacific railroad runs through Union county in a north- 
 western nd southeastern direction, and taps the most fertile lands of this part of 
 the state. 
 Union county contains 1,955,000 acres of land of which about r,497,ocjo acres are 
 surveyed. The unsurveyed portion of the country is principally mountainous, but 
 is v'>.luable for its timber resources, for its minerals and for grazing purposes. The lar- 
 gest single body of agricultural land in the county is the C.and Ronde valley. 
 This valley contains 300,000 acres of highly productive land. The Grand Ronde 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 river flows through this valley from southwest to northeast. The soil here is adapted 
 to the cultivation of grain, hay, hops, fruit and vegetables. All these products of 
 the soil, in addition to flour, bacon, wool, hides, horses, cattle, sheep and lumber are 
 shipped in large quantities from the valley. The other smaller valleys, the soils of 
 which are of the same high quality as that of the Grand Ronde valley, are Pine, 
 Eagle, Powder River, Clover Creek, Starkey Prairie and Indian. 
 The rainfall in Union county is sufficient to insure large crops each season, so 
 that irrigation here is unnecessary. The climate is equable, the winters being dryer 
 and colder than they are in the western part of the state. The soil here is generally 
 of an alluvial nature and a sandy loam from 3 to 20 feet in depth. The average 
 yield of wheat to the acre in the county runs from 20 to 60 bushels to the acre, oa*.s 
 40 to 80, and barley produces 40 to 90 bushels to the acre. The stock interests in 
 the county have always been large, and the mild w'nters, extensive ranges and 
 abundance of water combine to make this a favorite ysrt of the state for stock- 
 men. The prices of land in Union county range from $10 an acre and upwards 
 for improved valley lands, and unimproved land sells for from $6 an acre up. There 
 is room in the county for a much larger population than now resides here, and this 
 with other parts of Eastern Oregon is worthy the attention of the large immigra- 
 tion now pouring into the West. 
 Baker City, Oregon. — Baker Cit the seat of Baker county, is situated at 
 the head of Powder River valley, on the stream of the same name. Baker City in 
 also on the main line of the Union Paci- 
 fic railroad, 357 miles east of Portland, 
 and it is today one of the leading centers 
 of population and wealth in Eastern 
 Oregon. The present population of Baker 
 City is about 3,000. The city is well laid 
 out, the streets being wide and well kept, 
 the principal buildings used for busi- 
 ness purposes are handsome brick and 
 stone structures, and a number of tlie 
 private residences of the city will com- 
 pare vei y favorably with some of the ele- 
 gant residences of Portland. 
 Powder River valley, in which Baker City is located, is about 25 miles long by 
 12 miles in width. It is well watered by the Powder river and its tributaries, and is 
 highly fertile. The Powder river furnishes a large available water power at Baker 
 City, which has not been utilized to any extent up to the present time. Baker 
 City's manufacturing enterpri'-es, at the present writing, are limited to an iron foun- 
 dry and three planing mills. Within two miles of the city, however, are the mills 
 of the Oregon Lumber Company, which have a daily capacity of from 50,000 to 
 75,oco feet of lumber. Another sawmill in the district immediately tributary to 
 Baker City saws about 25,000 feet of lumber a day. Timber is one of the valuable 
 products of Baker county, and the supply of fine merchantable timber here is prac- 
 ticably inexhaustible. A short line of railroad, 25 miles in length, now runs oiil 
 from Baker City into the great Blue Mountain timber belt, in the Sumpter valley 
 district. The mountain terminus of the road is at McCune, which is a logginjr 
 camp of considerable importance. This road does a large and constantly increasing 
 FRONT Street, baker City. 
 ure of I 
 one of I 
 from tf 
 emic cl 
 at Bakt 
 high to 
 from th 
 pleted i 
 to meet 
 city is a 
 light ph 
 house w 
 tion wit 
 here vea 
 > , 
Baker City, Oregon. 
 Public School, Baker Citv. 
 business, and its construction has done much to develop the fine timber belt imme- 
 diately tributary to Baker City. 
 The climate of this part of the state is exceedingly healthful, the excessive moist- 
 ure of the western part of the state being altogether avoided here. Baker City has 
 one of the best public school systems of the state. The public 
 schools here are conducted in a large brick building, and are 
 taught by a force of 12 teachers. The courses of study run 
 from the primary to the high school. The average daily at- 
 tendance of scholars is about 5(X). In addition to the public 
 schools, a Catholic institution of learning provides an acad- 
 emic course of study. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, 
 Episcopal and Catholic organizations own church buildings 
 at Baker City. 
 The water supply of Baker City is obtained from artesian 
 wells. A large reservoir occupies an eminence sufficiently 
 high to afford a pressure that will throw a stream of water 
 from the city's mains a distance of 180 feet. The water-works plant was com- 
 pleted at a cost of $80,000, and it is unnecessary to state that it is more than ample 
 to meet the demands of the city for water for many years in the future. The 
 city is afforded every protection against fire in a well drilled fire department. In 
 addition to the efficient water-works plant. Baker City boasts of a fine electric 
 light plant, gas works, a street line of railway, a fine brick court house, and an opera 
 house with a seating capacity of 800. A good race track is maintained in connec- 
 tion with the county fair grounds, on the outskirts of the city, and the gatherings 
 here yearly are largely attended. 
 The Baker City Democrat, run by Messrs. Bowen & Small, is an ably edited daily 
 and weekly newspaper. In addition to The Democrat, The Weekly Oregon Blade \s 
 also published at Baker City. ■ The city contains two large hotels and a number of 
 well-stocked livery stables. The mining, stock-raising and lumbcrine interests of 
 the country tributary to Baker City are heavy, and constitute a large part of the 
 revenues which regularly flow to this point. The business men of the city are wide- 
 awake, and it is to the efforts of these men that Baker City's prosperity has been 
 chiefiy due. Tributary to the city are also some of the finest mines on the coast. 
 During 1892 the output of the niines tributary to this point amounted to f 300,000. 
 During the same year the two banks of Baker City handled about 1400,000 in gold 
 taken out of this mineral belt, but a part of this gold was from the rich placer niines 
 of this district. New and valuable discoveries of gold are constantly being made in 
 this section, and an increased amount of development work is done with each suc- 
 cessive year. The mines now tributary to Baker City promise to continue to be a 
 great .source of revenue to the city, and the development of these mining properties 
 will do much to encourage the growth and prosperity of all Eastern Oregon. 
 At the head of the municipal government of Baker City is Mayor C. A. Johns, 
 who is also a prominent attorney of the latter place. Mr. Johns is a graduate of the 
 Willamette University, which institution conferred on him the degree of A. M. At the 
 age of 21 Mr. Johns held the office of deputy sheriff of Marion county. Later he 
 moved to Polk cou"' :, where he was appointed to the office of county judgi. Six 
 years ngo Mr. John^ A^as attracted by the rapid growth and development of 1 astern 
 Oregon and located in Baker City. From the fact that Johns it Rand are now con- 
 The Orcgoninn's IJuiidbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 C. A. JOHNS, B»KEH City. 
 sidercd one of the most successful law firms 
 iu Eastern Oregon, it is hut natural that Mr. 
 Johns should have unlimited confidence in the 
 future prosperity of Haker Cit)-, which is the 
 most central point of supply for a vast min- 
 ing and agricultural district. 
 The First National Bank of Baker City was 
 organized in 1S93, with a capital of |75,<.x)o. 
 Its officers arc Levi Ankcny, president; Walter 
 l-'eriiald, vice-jiresident ; J. H. Parker, cashier, 
 and T. W. Downing, assistant cashier. The 
 business success of the I'inU National Bank 
 has been somewhat remarkable, as is shown by 
 the fact that its present surplus and undivided 
 profits reach the handsome sum of |iii,uoo. 
 During the past year this bank handled more 
 than $225, (XXI in gold oljtained from the KIk- 
 horn, Bonanza, Virtue and other quartz mines and placer mines, which are directly 
 tributary to Baker City. 
 due of the most imposing structures in Eastern Oregon is the large thrce-storv 
 brick Hotel Warshauer, erected at a cost of )j^7o,ooo and located at Baker City. I,ouis 
 F. Cook is the successful proprietor of this fine hotel. The house contains 80 rooms 
 elegantly fitted up, several of which are arranged iu suites, and all are provided with 
 electric lights. Mr. Cook is a hotel man of long experience and he has succeeded in 
 making the Ilottl Warshauer one of the most popular cv "avansaries in Eastern 
 Oregon. Commercial travelers and mining men make 
 the Hotel Warshauer their headcjuarters while doing 
 business either in Baker City or in the.neighborii 
 towns. The Hotel Warshauer is strictly modern 
 in each of its appointments, and the courtesies 
 and attention shown its many patrons make 
 the hotel a source of much pride to Baker City. 
 The recent mining developments in the 
 country tributary to Baker City are attracting 
 such widc-sjircad attention that the Ivastern 
 Oregon Mining Bureau has been formed at 
 Baker City. Mr. James 1". Ferguson is secretary 
 of this organization and is prepared to furnisli 
 information regarding the mines of Ivastern 
 Oregon. Mr. Ferguson is also a mining and 
 real estate broker and, having lived in Baker 
 City for more than 24 years, is thoroughly posted on mining and realty values. 
 IJukor t'oiinly, <)rt'«;«ni. — Baker county is situated on the eastern border ot 
 the state. It comprises an area of i,3cx3,(x)0 acres. The present population of tin- 
 county is about 7,(kx). Union county bounds Baker on the north ; the state of Idaho 
 is the dividing line on the cast ; it is bounded by Malheur on the south, and by 
 Grant county on the west. It is watered by two important streams, Powdi 1 and 
 Burnt rivers. The county is crossed diagonally by the Union Pacific railroad which 
 furnishes an available outlet for the products of the county both cast and west. 
 Hotel wahshauer, Baker Citv, 
Mines, Union and liakcr Counties, Oregon. 
 The climate of Baker county is healthful and the soil is adapted to the growth of 
 almost everything common to the temperate zone. The Powder River valley occu- 
 pies the central portion of the county and is the most important agricultural district 
 of the county. This valley covers an area 25 x 12 miles, and the attention of the set- 
 tlers here is directed principally to agricultural pursuits and stock raising. The 
 general elevation of the county is probably greater than that of any other portion of 
 the state. In the valleys of the county wheat, vegetables and fruit are raised in con- 
 siderable quantities. The agricultural products of the county are increasing with 
 its population, and the possibilities for agricultural development in the county are 
 great. The raising of cattle, sheep and high-bred horses is carried on in the county 
 to a large extent, and the climate seems to be especially adapte<l to successful cattle 
 raising. Instances are on record where cattle have grazed in some of the valleys of 
 the county for 15 years past without other sources of food supply than are afforded on 
 the grazing grounds. The timber resources of Baker county are very valuable, and 
 a number of sawmills are busily engaged in manufacturing lumber here for both the 
 Eastern and Western markets, as well as supplying the local demand. The mineral 
 resources of the county are sufficiently important to call for a special article on 
 the mines of this part of the state, which will be found following this article. 
 The lands of certain portions of Baker county are valuable for agricultural pur- 
 poses only when irrigated, but where water can be brought to these lands they are 
 among the most productive in the state. One or two irrigating companies have been 
 formed during the past year whose object is to perfect a system of irrigation that will 
 reclaim much of this arid .section. Baker is a rich and prosperous county, the total 
 assessed valuation of property in the county, during 1S91, having been 13,198, 157. 
 The development of the rich mines of the county has attracted considerable attention 
 to this part of the state during the past few years, and it is highly probable that 
 Baker county will make steady and substantial development in population and wealth 
 for many years in the future. 
 Minos ami iMiiiln^ In Union and llaker Counties, Orojiyon.— 
 The fo''""'tng statistics showing the gold and silver output of the mines of Union 
 county during 1S92 are compiled frotn the report of the director of the mint for that 
 year. It is significant in this connection that Union county is one of the most prom- 
 ising mineral-producing counties of the state. The output of Union county in 1892 
 was as follows: gold, 1753,715; silver, |i,gtK.), a total of 1755,615. The output of 
 gold and silver in the county the previous year was as follows: gold, 1625,956 ; 
 silver, $,^,500, or a total of $629,456. .'\ large part of the gold and silver produced in 
 the county during 1892 was taken out of the mines in the vicinity of Sparta. 
 During 1S92 the following were the heaviest producing mines of the county : 
 Cornucopia, |;2o,9ckj ; Little Pittsburg, |45,ooo; Windsor, $25,000; Union Tunnel 
 Company, $22,500 ; Gold Ridge Company, $35,000 ; PVee Thinker, $25,000 , Arkansas 
 Belle, $30,000; Dolly Varden, $45,o-)o ; New Gem, $2o,ojo ; Sanger Group, $275,000; 
 Golden Eagle, $20,000; Placers and Chinese, $85,000. 
 Baker and Union counties form the largest mineral-producing section of Ore- 
 gon. During 1S91 the output of 48 mines and mining localities was as follows : 
 Gold, $873,058 ; silver. $217,833 or a total of $1,090,891. The report to the directors 
 of the mint for 1892 stated that all efforts to get satisfactory replies to letters ad- 
 dressed to 22 mining companies in here had failed. Thirty-seven mines and 
 ji ,J 
 The Oregonian's Haiuibook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 mining localities iu Baker county for iSg? made the following showing : gold, 
 $367,587 ; silver, $3,256 or a total of $370,843. This showed a decrease in the output 
 over that of the previous year. The figures for 1893 are not yet obtainable. 
 The decrease in the output of silver here as elsewhere, is attributed to the pre- 
 vailing low price of that metal. Several of the largest silver-producing properties in 
 the county remained closed during 1892, and there is but little prospect of these prop- 
 erties resuming operations until the price of silver advances. 
 Prominent among the heavy producing mining properties of tht county for 1S92 
 were the following; White Swan, $72,642.72; Eagle No. i, gold, $i9,o(JO, silver, 
 $3,250; Bonanza, $54,994.25 ; Bradley, $20,000; I<)lkhorn, $16,500, and Chinese pro- 
 duced during the same year about $53,000. • 
 Gold placer mines were discovered iu Baker and I'niou counties more than 40 
 years ago, and th*: output of the placers in these two counties up to the present time 
 is estimated to have been no less than $20,000,000. The surface diggin>^s were 
 worked out pretty thoroughly during the first 10 years of mining operations here and 
 the problem of working deeper in the gravel here can only be solved by the success 
 of hydraulic mining of these properties. Hydraulic mining, however, requires large 
 capital, and until capitalists become interested in the development of the deep placers 
 in this part of the state, placer-mining on a large scale will not be successfully 
 There is but little free-gold quartz found in Eastern Oregon. The numerous five , 
 ten and twenty-stamp mills now lying idle scattered along the banks of the Snake 
 river as far as Canyon City, are monuments to the truth of this statement. In this 
 district, however, are numerous veins of base, low-grade sulphuret ores varying in 
 length from a few feet to many miles and from a few inches to 20 and even 30 feet in 
 width. These sulphurets when concentrated are worth from a few cents to $4 a pound. 
 While the sulphurets have a great range of value, it has been found that a majority 
 of these ores are high enough in grade to stand the expense ofshipment and still 
 leave a handsome profit to the mine owners. Union and Baker counties are rich in 
 many valuable mining properties now lying idle, and as soon as capital becomes in- 
 terested in this section this will be one of the greatest mineral-producing belts of the 
 To Mining? Men.— James W. Virtue, tht well-known mining man of the 
 state, with headquarters at No. 225 Stark street, Portland, has had the advantage of 
 25 years' experience in the mines of Oregon. Mr. Virtue was the mining commis- 
 sioner of Oregon to the Philadelphia and New Orleans world expositions and he also 
 made the valuable exhibits at the Portland exposition for three years. Mr. Virtue 
 examines mines and renders careful reports, and he can furnish all desired informa- 
 tion on the mines of the Pacific Northwest. 
 IIiliitln|?t(>n, Oroj<on. — Huntington, i ■. Baker county, is situated within two 
 miles of Snake river, which is the dividing line between the states of Oregon and 
 Idaho. It is the end of a division of the Union Pacific railroad and is 404 miles east 
 of Portland. It is also the end of an important division of the railway mail service, 
 east and west-bound postal clerks changing at this point. 
 Huntington is really a railroad town. The railroad repair shops of the Union 
 Pacific are located here, as are the round house and other important buildings. The 
 Union Pacific regularly disburses here every month all the way from $2,500 to $4,000. 
 of w 
 a CO 
 a di 
St. Helens, Oregon. 
 In addition to this source of revenue Huntington is also the trading point for the 
 Snake river valley and Harney river valley agricultural districts, the chief products 
 of which are grain and fruit. During the past year a steamboat was constructed at 
 a cost of $25,000 to run between Huntington and the Seven Devils copper district, 
 a distance of 70 miles, and the steamer is now plying regularly on this route. A 
 stage line is also operated from Huntington to Mineral City, 25 miles distant, at which 
 latter point are located two large smelters. The two points above named are directly 
 tributary to Huntington. The town now has a population of about 500. It contains 
 five brick business blocks, a brick school house, just completed at a cost of $7,000, 
 and a handsome Congregational church. The town supports one weekly paper, T/ie 
 HuntiHgton Herald. The traveling public finds excellent accommodations at Hunt- 
 ington in one good hotel and three well stocked livery stables. Huntington has 
 made a most encouraging growth during the past few years and the prospects for 
 advancement at this point in the near future are very encouraging. 
 8t. Helens, Orefyoii. — St. Helens, the seat of justice of Columbia county, 
 is located on the Columbia river, 27 miles distant from Portland by the water route. 
 It is also reached by means of the Northern Pacific railroad, via a short stage con- 
 nection at Milton, the distance between St. Helens and Portland by the laud route 
 being about the same as it is by water. All steamers plying on the lower Columbia 
 touch at this pohit. 
 St. Helens is one of the oldest towns in the state. The townsite here was 
 platted before 1850, prior to the time when the first plat of the Portland townsite was 
 filed. The town is supported by the farming and timber resources of the rich coun- 
 try adjacent. Columbia county, of which the town is the seat of justice, contains 
 nearly 500,000 acres of land. The largest piece of agricultural land in the county is 
 comprised within the Nehalem valley. The river from which this valley derives its 
 name, rises in the Coast Mountains. It reaches the ocean by a winding course, just 
 above Tillamook Bay. The soil of this valley is rich. In addition to its possibilities 
 in agricultural resources, coal of good quality has been discovered in the valley, and 
 it is lack of transportation facilities alone that prevents the prompt development of 
 the coal mines here. The croppings in the valley already prospected are only 50 
 miles distant from Portland, and when these mines are connected with Portland by 
 a line of railroad, the latter city will doubtless derive its principal supply of coal 
 from this source. St. Helens at the present time is the chief center of trade for 
 almost all of Columbia county. Established at this point is a large sawmill, a bank, 
 a number of merchandise stores, two hotels and a well conducted weekly newspaper. 
 The Oregon Mist. Among the public buildings of the town may be mentioned a 
 public school, a number of churches, the Columbia county court house, and resi- 
 dences of the wealthy residents, all of which structures are attractive piecesj of archi- 
 tecture. Many of these residences are built on the brow of the hill which skirts the 
 city, a site that comm mds a fine view of the river below and of the snow-capped 
 peak of the Cascades, Mount St. Helens. St. Helens today has a population of about 
 250, and it is the largest and most important town on the Columbia river between 
 Portland and Astoria. 
 Among the representative firms of St. Helens may be mentioned the real estate, 
 conveyancing and title abstract firm of Cole & Switzer. These gentlemen have pos- 
 session of the abstract books prepared by Judge Moore, which contain abstracts of 
 t itle to all the property iu Columbia county. Cole & Switzer have listed on their 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 OLD Custom House. 
 Custom House and Postoffice, AsTORtA, 
 books some of the most desirable farm property in Columbia county, and will cheer- 
 fully give information by mail or personally concerning the same to those seeking 
 this class of property for settlement or investment. The firm also has an extensive 
 law practice in all the courts of the states as well as the United States courts. IMr. 
 Dillard is associated with the firm as counsel in this branch of their business. 
 Astoria, Oregon. — An interest attaches to a recurrence to the events of the 
 early history of Astoria that is not perhaps connected with the history of any other 
 place in the state. It was at this point that one of the 
 first settlements was made on the coast. It was into the 
 placid waters of the Columbia river that Captain Gray 
 sailed his ship in 1792, the river now bearing the name 
 of the vessel which safely carried Captain Gray's little 
 party across the Columbia river bar more than 100 years 
 ago, and it was near the mouth of the Columbia where 
 Astoria is located that the famous Lewis & Clark expe- 
 dition rested from their long journey across the continent 
 in 1805. The party reached the present siie of Astoria in 
 November of the latter year and camped for several months 
 on the shores of Young's Bay just south of Astoria. Close 
 upon the heels of the Lewis & Clark party followed the 
 first actual while settlement at Astoria. In iSiothe great 
 fur trader and merchant prince of New York, John Jacob Astor, who lent his name 
 to the young city, established a trading point, and it was thus that Astoria was born, 
 and it has been since the date of the selection of this point by the Astor emissaries as 
 a trading point that the interesting events have occurred which make up Astoria's 
 Between iSio and 1844 the life of the residents of Astoria was made up of many 
 vicissitudes and constant petty bickerinj^js. The country at the mouth of the Colum- 
 bia during that long period of 34 years being alternately under American and British 
 domination, the ultimate destiny of the people here was shrouded in uncertainty. 
 In 1S44 John M. Shively, of Kentucky, a worthy successor of the earlier pioneers, 
 took up a donation land claim where Astoria now stands 
 and laid out the first townsite here. The subsequent 
 history of Astoria is an oft-told tale. Between 1844 and 
 the early 70's Astoria struggled along very much as did 
 most of the small towns of the sparsely settled country 
 of Oregon and Washir^.on. The people here did a lit- 
 tle trading, they caught a few fish from the waters of 
 the Columbia here, which teemed with the rich salmon 
 and other varieties of the finny tribe, they sawed enough 
 lumber to meet the local demand, but business was 
 handled in Astoria during this time in the same careless 
 way that business was done in most of the small towns 
 of the state, and it has only been within the past 15 or 20 
 years that Astoria has made any substantial growth. 
 It was in 1S75 that the people of the coast first made the discovery that the royal 
 chinook salmon, which only frequents the fresh waters of the Columbia river, was 
 one of the finest food fishes in the world, and that it was especially adapted to can- 
 ning. Canneries at once sprung up all along the river for a distance of 50 to 75 miies 
 Public School, Astoria. 
 or bac| 
 nmst ; 
Astoria, Oreffon. 
 above its mouth for handling this fish, and the headquarters for all this great fishing 
 industry has always been at Astoria. In a very short time after the establishment of 
 these canneries, Astoria sprung from a mere hamlet of a few hundred population to a 
 metropolitan city of 6,000 people. The place has continued to grow steadily since 
 that time up to the present time, when Astoria is now accredited with a population of 
 10,000 people. In population it is even the rival of the state capital, Salem, which 
 is the second largest city in Oregon, 
 The salmon industry is today, as it has been for more than 15 years past, the 
 mainstay of Astoria's prosperity. While a number of important industries are now 
 maintained in the city at the Columbia's mouth, it is the canning of salmon and the 
 interests which salmon canning supports on which Astoria bases its hopes for good 
 or bad business. The royal chinook, the steelhead and the silverside species of salmon 
 must all pass Astoria in their annual migrations to the spawning grounds at the heads 
 J O. Hantmorn a Co.'s Cannery, ASTORtA 
 of the numerous small streams which empty into the Columbia. Astoria, as before 
 stated, is the headquarters for the great canning interests of the river. In operation 
 at Astoria are nine large canneries, in which are invested over $2,ooo,coo of capital. 
 During the fishing season these canneries give employment to several thousand men, 
 and the value of their annual output is from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000. During pros- 
 perous seasons among the cannerymen 01: the river, shipments from these canneries 
 have reached over 2,ocki carloads during a single season. The salmon canning inter- 
 ests of the lower Columbia river are fully described in a separate article of " The 
 Handbook." Another great and con,stantly growing industry of Astoria is the saw- 
 The Oregonian's Handbook ol the Pacific Northwest. 
 injf of lumber. Thousands of square miles of pine, hemlock, spruce and nr forests 
 are found in the near vicinity of Astoria, and the (juality of the timber here is ot 
 the same high character as is found on the best parts of the I'uget Sound country. 
 Trees are found in these forests of over 250 feet in height, and measuring from 3 to 
 12 feet in diameter. The sawmills at and near Astoria have made shipments, prin- 
 cipally to Mexico, South America, Australia, China and the ports of the United 
 Stites, aggregating over 2o,ojj,oo) feet during a single year. Three large saw- 
 mills, in addition to several planing mills and a numlier of box factories, are now 
 running at Astoria'. 
 Interior Scenes, Cannery, J. o. Hantmorn i. Co., Astoria. 
 J. O, Hanthorn, the subject of this sketch, who is the sole proprietor of the 
 well-known salmon cannery known as the J. O. Hanthorn & Co. canneiy, was bom 
 in Westervillc, Franklin county, Ohio, in 1851. He came to Oregon with his father, 
 N. M. Hanthorn, in 1862. YoungJ. O. learned the tinsmith business in Portland, 
 Oregon ; starting out for himself when between fifteen and sixteen years old, then 
 became interested in the salmon business by working for Hapgood & Hume, the old- 
 est cannery on the coast. After working two seasons there, he engaged as snpcriu- 
 ;enaent for R. D. Hume, a well-known salmon packer, and built his first cannery at 
 Bay View, Washington, where Mr. Hanthorn was superintendent for four years. In 
 1876-77 J. O. Hanthorn formed the partnership of himself, Wm. Wadhams and Wesley 
 Jackson, and built a large plant at Astoria, Oregon. Since then Messrs. Wadhams 
 and Jackson have disposed of their interests and Mr. Hanthorn is now the sole owner, 
 although the business is known as J. O. Hanthorn & Co. Nothing but the choicest 
Astoriii, Orcf^ttn. 
 J. O. Hanthorn, Astoria 
 j^'oods go out under the name of Hanthorn 
 &Co.; every can warranted Ai. His an- 
 nual pack of salmon is about 30,000 cases 
 of various sizes. The Hanthorn brand 
 of salmon has won for Mr. Hanthorn a 
 reputation that he is proud of and is well- 
 knortii all over the world. Mr. Hanthorn 
 has been successful in business and has 
 many ffiends all over the United States, 
 including a good number in l^uropL^ 
 The cuts ou pa^^es 295 and 296 show the 
 interior and exterior of the plant. 
 The finances of Astoria are looked 
 after by four strong banks, which carry 
 average deposits aggregating over 
 $1 ,000,000. The city has the benefit of a 
 finely equipped electric light plant, the 
 street improvements are fully abreast of 
 the times, a good water-works plant is 
 maintained, and the city has a good vol- 
 unteer fire department. The ea.st and 
 west extensions of the city are connected 
 by an electric street-car line, which 
 operates three miles of road. The city supports good school, and 11 strong 
 church organizations are maintained here. In public improvements Astoria is not 
 behind any city of ecjual population on the coast, and the trade of Astoria, being 
 principally with those industries the product of which finds a ready market for cash, 
 the business here is generally in a very prosperous condition. 
 Astoria has excellent connection, by steamship lines, with San Francisco and 
 the other coast ports. Ships visit this point from all parts of the world, and numer- 
 ous lines of steamers ply regularly between A.storia and Port- 
 land, as well as between Astoria and all river .settlements. 
 The seaside travel during the summer months from the 
 interior to I<ong Beach and other points on the Washington 
 side, and to Clatsop on tlie Oregon shore, passes directly 
 through Astoria, and adds directlj' to Astoria's volume of 
 trade. Many of these pleasure-seekers stop off for a few 
 days at Astoria, while the principal part of the supplies 
 for the seaside resorts spread along the coast for miles 
 above and below this point, are purchased from Astoria 
 The great jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river, a 
 work that owes its inauguration to the efforts of Con- 
 gressman M. C. George, in 1885, was practically com- 
 pleted in 1891, at a cost of $2,000,000. This jetty has proved of inestimable value 
 to Astoria, as it changed an 18- foot channel (low- water measurement) across the bar 
 to a channel of a minimum depth during the lowest tides of 30 feet. The new chan- 
 nel is perfectly straight, three miles in width, and leads to a well sheltered and 
 U. S. Light House, point Adams 
 ■ 1,1 
 L 1 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Light House, C«pe Dis*pi>ointment, WAtHiNQTON 
 large harbor inside the bar. It is as a seaport that Astoria lays her chief and best 
 founded claim for future greatness. It is worthy of note that there are really but 
 three first-class inlets on the Pacific coast shore-line 
 of the United States. These are the Golden Gate, at 
 San Francisco, the Columbia river, and the Straits of 
 Fuca, leading into Puget Sound. The waters of none 
 of these inlets drain as large or as rich a section ot 
 country as does the Columbia. Deep-draught ocean 
 vessels now ascend this stream and the Willamette 
 to Portland, i lo miles inland, without the least diffi- 
 culty, at all seasons, and river steamers have a clear 
 water-course from Astoria to the Cascades, a distance 
 of nearly 150 miles. From the Cascades to The 
 Dalles, a distance of nearly 50 miles, the river is navigable for large steamers. 
 Above The Dalles is a series of obstructions which can be easily overcome by the 
 construction of a canal and locks. Above these obstructions, on the Columbia and 
 Snake, the latter being the chief tributary of the Columbia, the river is navigable 
 to l/cwiston, in Idaho, a distance of over 400 miles from the Columbia's mouth 
 Boats ply, however, on the upper Snake hundreds of miles east of Lewiston, and the 
 upper Columbia, even into the British possessions, carries a sufficient volume of 
 water to float steamers of large tonnage, and this, too, at a distance of 1,000 miles 
 or more from the point where the waters of this noble stream join the salt waters 
 of the Pacific ocean. It is at the gateway of this vast empire that Astoria is located, 
 and it is the development of the varied resources of this wonderful region, coiiipris 
 ing thousands of square miles of territory, that will some day make .\storia one of 
 the large cities of the continent. 
 The great pressing need of Astoria at the present time is railroad connection 
 with Portland and the interior cities of the state. Oft repeated efforts have been 
 made by prominent citizens looking to the consummation of this great work, but 
 although work has several times been commenced on railroad lines leading out from 
 Astoria, that city is still denied the railroad connection she has so loug sought. A 
 line of road now runs from Astoria to Clatsop Beach points, a distance of 20 miles. 
 It is the hope of Astoria people that arrangements have at last been completed which 
 will result in the city's securing the much coveted rail connection with Portland and 
 the leading points of the Willamette valley. A land subsidy has been subscribed 
 and this has been accepted by a gentleman representing a very wealthy syndi- 
 cate. It is expected to have the line between Astoria and Portland in operation by 
 October of the present year, [1894]. The completion of this road would mean much 
 to both Astoria and Portland and it is grati- 
 fying in this connection to say that any' 
 steps looking to its early completion would 
 receive the cordial support of the leading 
 men in both cities. 
 Clatsop Uoaoli, Oregon. — I'rom 
 Fort Stevens, at the mouth of the Colum- 
 bia river, ot\ the Oregon side, south to Tilla- 
 mook Head, a distance of 20 miles, there 
 extends the unbroken line of shore beach known as Clatsop. For evenness of surface 
 v.- . ■ r- <• ./ . 
 Surf-Bathino on the Oregon Coast 
 Astoria, Ortf^oii. 
 NccANicuM River, Clatsop Beach. 
 and attractiveness of immediate surroundings, this shore has few equals iu the 
 United States. Its advantages for summer resort purposes are now so well appre- 
 ciated that numerous hotels and cottages have been built at different points along the 
 higher points above tide level, and this beach is now annually frequented by thous- 
 ands of pleasure seekers who find here relief from the heal of the interior during the 
 summer months, and relaxation from the cares of city life. 
 Clatsop Hcach points are reached from Portland by the Union Pacific line of 
 steamers and the steamer Telephone of the Columbia River & Pucet Sound Nav. Co., 
 which connects at Astoria with the 
 Astoria & South Coast railroad. After 
 leaving Astoria (icarhart Park is the 
 first point on Clatsop Beach reached 
 bj' the cars. The Gearhart hotel here 
 is located in a beautiful grove just 
 back of the Ixncli. This house offers 
 all the com! )rts and conveniences 
 uusally found in any of the Atlantic 
 beach resorts. The Chataucjua circle 
 meets here every summer and a num- 
 ber of excursion parties regularly make Gearhart Park their objective point during the 
 open season. Seaside, located at the terminus of the railroad, is quite a settlement. It 
 has made a steady growth during the past few seasons and is now one of the promi- 
 nent coast points frequented by pleasure-seekers. At Seaside is found a wide beach 
 which slopes gradually back from the ocean. The bathing here is absolutely safe at 
 all stages of the tide. Back of this beach are pleasant {proves intersected by roman- 
 tic, shaded pathways, affording occasional glimpses of the winding Necanicum, one 
 of Oregon's famous trout streams. Only a short distance to the south of Seaside the 
 eye rests upon the rugged head of Tillaniook, which stretches far out to sea and forms 
 an effectual barrier to the south beyond this point. Summer guests at Seaside find 
 an ever unending round of pleasure in excursions to the interior, trout fishing, clam 
 digging and bathing, and this is rapidly becoming one of the most popular resorts of 
 the coast. 
 The Seaside Opera House. — The growth of Clatsop Beach in favor as a 
 seaside resort has made the location of a public hall or social club-room at this point 
 almost a necessity. To meet this want, Mr. 
 R. L. Eberman, son of a Clatsop county 
 pioneer of '42, who is still living, opened 
 the Seaside Opera House in 1893. The 
 building is a neat two-story frame structure, 
 surrounded by a delightful grove. The 
 upper floor is an airy, well-ventilated hall, 
 48 X 24 feet in size, and is devoted to 
 theatricals, dances, literary and other socie- 
 ties. It is only rented for respectable 
 assemblages and adds its quota to the enjoy- 
 ment of the seaside's summer residents. 
 ,., The ground floor is used for saloon purposes 
 Seaside Opera House, Seaside, Clatsop Beach. and for private Card-rOOmS and SUpper- 
 PHOTo. ay towne. 
 ^i< 1 
 ■ '^ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northsvest. 
 Grimes House Seaside, Clatsop Beach. 
 rooms. Visitors who y-arn for an occasional returr. to city pleasures will find here 
 excellent billiard and pool tables as well as choice imported wines, liquors and 
 cigars. In the adjoining grove are tables for outside wine parties or clambakes. 
 The Griiues House, Seaside.— E. M. Grimes located at Seaside, Clatsop 
 Beach, with his father in 1S71. Their intention ^t the time was to build up a sea- 
 side resort at this point, and the 
 reputation earned by the Grimes 
 House attests the successful out- 
 come of their efforts. Located 
 in a grove on the picturesque 
 banks of the Necanicum and 
 within easj' reach of the ocean, 
 nature has doi.e much here to- 
 wards creating an ideal sum- 
 mer resort. Mr. Grimes leaves 
 no stone unturned in adding 
 needed artificial improvements 
 to nature's own handiwork at 
 this point. The Grimes House is annually the summer home of hundreds of weary 
 city dwv'llers from Portland and other cities who find here all the cou. forts of their 
 own homes combined with bracing air and delightful surf-bathing on a beach as 
 smooth and hard as a floor of asphalt. Mr. Grimes served i ,500 meals in one day 
 duringth/: "Elks" picnic to the seaside in 1892. This is an evidence of the capacity 
 of his house and of the ability of the caterer who has so long presided over its 
 Tlie MeGiiii'e House, Seaside. — Genial C. A. McGuire, known to friends 
 and patrons as "Judge," conducts the well-known and popular McGuire House at 
 Seaside on Clatsop Beach. This house is open throughout the year. The number 
 of winter guests at the house annually becomes greater as the pleasure of seaside life 
 during this season of the year be- 
 comes better known and appre- 
 ciated. It is during the summer 
 that The McGuire is at its zenith 
 of popularity. During the long 
 days the house is crowded to its 
 full capacity, and it is worthy of 
 note that the same guests return 
 season after season to enjoy its 
 comfortable quarters and bounte- 
 ous fare. The house is located on 
 a beautiful drive extending along 
 the Necanicum and it is within 
 three minutes walk of the beach. An 
 cigars and liquors, is run in connection 
 excellent bar, well supplied with choice 
 with The McGuire. The bar, however, i^ 
 in a separate building from the main house so that it can not possibly prove of th<- 
 least annoyance to lady patrons. 
 Seaside llesorts of Paclfle Coimtj', \VasliIiij»;ton. --Commencing at 
 Ilwaco on Baker's Bay, which is, properly speaking, a part of the mouth of the Col- 
Seaside Resorts of Pacific County, Washington, 
 utnbia river, on the Washington side, 
 and running north for about 20 miles 
 to Willapa Harbor (formerly known 
 as Shoalwater Ea> ), is t^ie half-sandy 
 and half-wooded peiiinsula which, 
 spoken of in its entirety, is referred to 
 as North Beach. This is in contra- 
 distinction to the beaches on the Ore- 
 gon side and south of the Columbia 
 Mi^vV/^^ll^fe^C^^ ,lil%* 
 U. S. Life Saving Chew, long Beach. 
 river which, taken together, bear the name of South 
 Beach. Nature evidently intended the peninsula to 
 the north of the Columbia river for summer homes, 
 and during the p-^st few years the entire North Beach 
 may be said to have been devoted to seaside resorts 
 for the crowded cities of the interior. 
 Foreseeing the growth which the peninsula was 
 certain to enjoy in the future as an ideal summer re- 
 sort, a few capitalists, prominent among whom may be mentioned L. A. Loomis 
 of Ilwaco, and Jacob Kamm of Portland, some years since formed the Ilwaco 
 Railway & Naviga- 
 tion Company. The ._ ..,.:-...... 
 plans ot the com- ' .-:•■.:.:. 
 pany included the 
 establishment of a 
 perfect system of 
 water and rail com- 
 m u n i c a ti o n be- 
 tween Portland and 
 the beaches of the 
 peninsula, with an 
 ocean terit\inus at 
 Sealand l.he most 
 northerly settle- 
 ment on tl e penin- 
 sula. This company 
 is now operating 
 two boats daily between Astoria and Ilwaco. These boats run the year round and 
 connect with trains at Ilwaco for Sealand and all intermediate beaches. These 
 boats are the Ilwaco and the beautifully modelled and fleet little naptha launch, 
 U", In addition to this regular service the company in 189 1 built the magnificent 
 sidewheel steamer Ocean Wave, which now plies regularly between Portland and 
 Ilwaco during the summer season. This may be said to be the popular route to the 
 coast as it is the only line making close connection by rail for all beach points, and 
 thousands oi pleasure-seekers crowd the decks of the Ocean Wave during the heated 
 season. This elegant steamer is 215 feet in len'jth, with 30-feet beam, and is fully 
 equipped with all of the latest improvements intended in any way to add to the com- 
 fort or enjoyment of passengers. A trip to the coast on the Ocean Wave affords a 
 delightful initiation to the subsequent pleasures of a summer outing at the seaside. 
 Ilwaco, on Baker's Hay, may propel ly be called the gateway through which all 
 I. R. A N Co s NAPTHA Launch Iris, Astoria Ilwaco. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 travel must pass to reach 
 the beaches beyond. This 
 is an attractive little 
 town of about 400 popu- 
 lation. The principal in- 
 dustries of the place are 
 fishing and lumbering, 
 and, during the summer 
 months, the entertain- 
 ment of Seaside visitors, 
 many of whom prefer the 
 attraction of this point to 
 those of points further up 
 the coast. The culture of 
 cranberries is yearly re- 
 ceiving increased attention on the marsh lands near Ilwaco, and with excellent re- 
 sults. The Pacific Cranberry Company of California 
 own about 2,000 acres of marsh land here of which 
 I. R. 4 N. CO '8 Steamer, Ocean wave, Portland- Ilwaco. 
 about 40 acres have already been planted to cranber- 
 ries. The improvements already made b}' the com- 
 pany have involved an outlay of about f4o,ooo. It 
 is estimated that with two canneries, the lumbering, 
 cranberry and railroad interests centering at Ilwaco 
 annually put into circulation at this town about 
 $600,000. This is a solid town and is entitled to the 
 attention of all visitors to Washington's coast. 
 About one mile 
 north of Ilwaco is North Beach 
 the nearest beach property to Baker's Bay. This 
 has one great advantage over some of the other 
 beaches in the abundant supply of spring water ob- 
 tained from an adjoining butte or knoll. This water 
 flows through piping by force of g-avity alone into 
 all the summer cottages at this point. This feature 
 of North Beach undoubtedly influenced the late W. S. 
 Ladd, Judge Whalley, Mrs. R. W. Holnian and others 
 in selecting North Beach for their summer homes, 
 fhe five-acre butte at North Beach would make a 
 commanding eminence, well adapted for the erection 
 of a fine hotel. A well-built picturesque plank road 
 connects Ilwaco 
 BiQ Gun and light House, Fort Canby. 
 with North Beach, 
 thus affording a 
 delightful driveway between the two points. 
 The two places, as before stated, are also con- 
 nected by the railroad of the Ilwaco Railway tS: 
 Navigation Company whose cars stop at Butte 
 Station. The celebrated rocks of the peninsula, 
 so popular for deep-sea fishing, are nearer to North 
 Bea^h than they are to any of the points along 
 the peninsula. 
 South Battery, Fort Canby. 
Seaside Resorts of Pacific County, Washington. 
 The Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Company operates i8 miles of railroad between 
 Ilwaco and Sealaud. The broad expanse of old ocean with the white-capped surf 
 and glistening sands of the beach are in s\glit of the traveler over this line for nearly 
 the entire distance between the two points. The first stopping place of importance 
 made by the train is Seaview. At this point was located the famous Stout's hotel, 
 erected by Mr. Stout, the pioneer settler of the peninsula. This hotel was destroyed 
 by fire in 1891. Here, as elsewhere along this beach, are found delightful groves or 
 natural parks, which form a pleasing background to a wide, hard beach offering 
 advantages for bathing not excelled by the beaches of any of the Atlantic coast 
 resorts. Seaview was selected by the Hon. H. W. Corbett as the most desirable site 
 for the erection of his handsome two-story summer residence, which occupies a block 
 adjacent to the depot and which is also in full view of the roaring sea beyond. A 
 few moments after leaving Seaview by rail another collection of prett)- cottages is 
 reached. This settlement is known as Long Beach, Many prominent Portland 
 families own cottages here, and I^ong Beach may be said to be the center of popula- 
 tion on the peninsula. Throughout the season a greater number of people may be 
 seen sauntering along the beach or enjoying the benefits of surf bathing at Long 
 Beach than at any other place on the peninsula. Social gatherings both indoors and 
 on the beach are of daily occurrence at this point during the summer, and many 
 excursion parties from other seaside points select Long Beach as their objective 
 point. It is here that the famous " East Portland Camp " is located, and it is here 
 that some of the most pleasurable features of a sojourn at the seacoast are indulged in. 
 Tinker's, Long Be.\ch. — This popular resort at Long Beach, the center of 
 summer population on the peninsula, is managed by the owner, Mr. H. H. Tinker, a 
 gentleman who has done much towards building up the reputation of the Pacific 
 County seashore. Tinker's, a household word with summer ramblers, is surrounded 
 by many of the cottages of Portland's 
 Long Beach hotel Itinker'sK lono Beach. 
 wealthiest citizens, and it is equally ac- 
 cessible to shady groves and dashing 
 breakers. The house contains 40 bed- 
 rooms, but so great have l)een the de- 
 mands on Mr. Tinker's popularity dur- 
 ing the past season that he found it nec- 
 essary to secure 50 extra rooms in out- 
 side cottages to accommodate his patrons. 
 The beach in front of Tinker's is a center 
 of attraction during the summer season. 
 A thousand people congregated here 
 during bathing hours is not an unusual sight. Tinker's has an established repu- 
 tation for first-class accommodations, excellent table and reasonable rates. 
 LoNC Beach Hot and Cold Sea Baths. — Invalids, or those who are not 
 strong enough to withstand the chill attendant on a plunge in the ocean, can find 
 a pleasant suV)stitute for surf bathing at the hot and cold sea-water baths established 
 at Long Beach by Mr. P. Kohl. Water for these baths is drawn direct from the 
 Pacific ocean, and is heated to any temperature desired by the bather. Cleanliness 
 is the leading feature at Mr. Kohl's establishment. The rooms, tubs and towels are 
 all carefully l<>)ked after. The health-giving results obtained by bathing in warm 
 sea-water are testified to by all physicians. Invalids, or those who desire private 
 ! ill 
 1 i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 baths in water he- ted to suit their pleasure and comfort shouhl call at this sani- 
 The next station beyond Long Beach on the line of road is Tioga, which is 
 owned by a Portland syndicate, and a little beyond Tioga is Pacific Park. This latter 
 place is another very popular resort and, like the other beaches, has its votaries who 
 claim that here is to be found the best bathing, the largest clams and the most 
 exhilarating breezes of the coast in Pacific county. 
 The " Sea Breeze " Pacific Park. — On the whole peninsula known as Long 
 or North Beach, there is no more beautiful location, or one affording more advan- 
 ' . tages, than the Hotel Sea Breeze, at 
 Pacific Park Station, and conducted 
 by Mrs. A. E. Stout, so long con- 
 nected with the hotel at Sea View. 
 This house, in its present enlarged 
 and improved state, was thrown "^pen 
 to the public in the summer of 1893. 
 It enjoys the patronage of many 
 prominent Portland families, as well 
 as the best class of tourist patronage. 
 It is located in a large pleasure grove 
 containing 190 acres. It embraces 
 among its many attractions natural 
 picnic liowers, lakes where boating 
 and fishing are free to guests, rare 
 glimpses of lake and woodland 
 8f» Breeze hotel IMrs. Stout's', Pacific park. 
 scenery, and patches of lawn 
 for croquet and other out-of- 
 door games. The lieach is 
 very accessible, and leaves noth- 
 ing to be desired for lovers of 
 surf-bathing. The furniture of 
 the "»Sea Breeze" is new, and 
 aV its appointments are neat 
 and tasty. Mrs. Stout takes 
 special pride in her table, which 
 is abundantly supplied with 
 fruit and vegetables from her 
 own gardens. The prime beef, 
 veal, mutton and chickens 
 which she serves to guests 
 are also raised on the premises. 
 Guest's horses and carriages can be cared for in the commodious stables 
 connected with the hotel! The beef used is from imported thoroughbred short- 
 horn stock. These fine animals can be purchased from Mrs. Stout from her annual 
 spring raising. The cream dinners for which Mrs. Stout has won an enviable repu- 
 tation, are supplied to parties of any size on short notice. Lots in the park adjoin- 
 ing the hotel are sold at reasonable figures and on easy terms to those who desire 
 to erect summer cottages at this ideal resort. The " Sea Breeze " is open the year 
 Clear Laki-, near sea Breeze Hotel, Pacific Park. 
Sealand, Washington. 
 As the truin sped northward Ocean Park soon hove in sight. This point is 12 
 miles north of Ilwaco, and a little beyond where the railroad makes a turn across 
 the peninsula to its terminus at Sealand on Shoalwater Bay. Ocean Park was 
 selected as a location for a seaside resort by the Methodists in 1883. An association 
 of prominent members of this denomination determined that here was an advan- 
 tageous site for the establishment of a semi-religious, semi-social summer home. 
 Rev. Wm. B. Osborn, who years ago selected the ground and presided over the open- 
 ings of the famous Ocean Grove near Long Branch on the New Jersey coast, picked 
 out this location and was instrumental in securing its adoption by the Methodists of 
 the Pacific Northwest for a summer home. The grounds here have been beautifully 
 laid out on a liberal scale as to parks, broad avenues, etc., and weighing all the 
 advantages offered for summer residences here there is perhaps noplace on the entire 
 peninsula which presents greater attractions than does Ocean Park. The sea-bathing 
 here is unsurpassed for enjoyment and safety. The beach here has a very gradual 
 descent into the ocean so that it is impossible for a bather to find himself suddenly in 
 water over his depth. There is also no undertow here. A short distance beyond 
 Ocean Park is the town of Sealand, the northern terminus of the line. This town is 
 located on Shoalwater Bay directly south of Oysterville, and is the headquarters for 
 clams and oysters. These delicious bivalves are shipped from here to all parts of the 
 coast, and they enjoy an excellent reputation in both Washington and California. 
 This short sketch but poorly portrays the advantages and delights of North Beach 
 resorts. It can be stated, however, that thia is one of the most attractive beaches on 
 the coast, and the thousands of people who annually congregate here furnish ample 
 evidence of the appreciation of the merits of this beach by the residents of the 
 states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 
 Sealand, Washington. — There is perhaps no part of the entire Pacific county 
 peninsula which presents greater attractions than does Sealand, the terminus of the 
 Ilwaco Railway & Navigation Company's line. The advantages of Sealand have 
 been considerably overlooked, while those of other beaches north of Ilwaco have 
 been constantly exploited and made prominent. 
 It is certainly time that Sealand and the many conspicuous advantages it pos- 
 sesses, which are lacking at other places, should be fairly and fully presented to the 
 public, and especially to those who meditate the purchase of seaside property, either 
 as an investment or for the erection of summer homes, Sealand is located on 
 Shoalwater Bay, now known as Willapa Harbor, within easy reach of the ocean, 
 which thus gives it double advantage as a bathing resort. Those who like the tur- 
 bulent tossing of the ocean surf, and arc sutliciently hardy to withstand the effects 
 of its chilly waters, can bathe here as their desires prompt them, while those, and 
 there are a large number at the beach every summer, who find the temperature of 
 the waters of the Pacific and the buffeting of the waves too much for their endur- 
 ance, can find calmer waters and waters of a temperature many degrees warmer 
 than those of the main body of the ocean washing the shores of Shoalwatei Bay, 
 at Sealand. Here one can swim, which is out of the question in the ocean, or 
 otherwise disport oneself in the water for half an hour or more at a time and come 
 out refreshed, invigorated and without the slightest chill or unpleasant after result. 
 Here, also, both razor-shell and Eastern clams are found in abundance, while at 
 other beaches the rnzor-shells are practically exhausted, and the Eastern clams are 
 not found at all. An excellent hotel, the Morrison house, is found at Sealand, and 
 i , 1 

 The Oregonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest, 
 a number of excellent stores at which to purchase the commodities of life. An 
 investment in a few lots at Sealand now will be the cause for congratulation later 
 when its advantages are understood and lotd have advanced to double and treble 
 the price at which they can now be obtained. 
 Catlilaniet, Washington. — Cathlamet, the seat of justice of Wahkiakum 
 county, Washington, is situated on the Columbia river, 71 miles from Portland and 
 17 miles this side of Astoria. It is a thriving little town of about 200 inhabitants and 
 is one of the older established settlements along the river. 
 The principal industries of Cathlamet are lumbering and salmon canning. 
 Located near are four large logging camps. One of the logging companies operates 
 about four miles of railroad for hauling logs from the camps to the river. These 
 logs are floated principally to the large sawmills at Portland. The Warrens' salmon 
 cannery, located at Cathlamet, is one of the largest on the 
 river. Cathlamet has a good school house and an excellent 
 system of public instruction is maintained. Several large 
 business houses are located at this point. The town is ex- 
 ceptionally well supplied with hotels. The McGrath House 
 here, containing 25 rooms, is located within easy distance of 
 the steamboat wharves, on high ground, and is supplied with 
 pure, spring water conducted to the house through pipes. 
 The transient rates at this house are $1 a day, with a rate to 
 permanent guests of $5 a week. The Columbia Hotel has 
 32 bedrooms, besides a bar and billiard room. An excellent 
 home table is set at this hotel and special attention is paid to 
 Transient rates at the Columbia are from |i to I1.50 a lay, 
 with special rates to permanent guests of from I4.50 to $5.50 a week. 
 Cathlamet is reached by two steamers of the Union Pacific and also by the Tele- 
 phone and Lurline which ply regularly between Portland and Astoria daily. 
 Kalama, WaHhington. — Kalama, the county seat and chief city of Cow- 
 litz county, enjoyed the distinction at one time of being the rival of Portland. It 
 was at this point that many speculators selected a site for building one of the lead- 
 ing cities of the Northwest. This was at the time that the Northern Pacific rail- 
 road was being constructed between Kalama and Tacoma. The Columbia river 
 between Kalama and the sea is navigable for deep-draught vessels, and at the point 
 vhere this great transcontinental line of railroad reached the Columbia, it was hoped 
 ' build up a great shipping and commercial center. In pursuance of this hope a 
 ■ 'wnsite was platted here covering a distance of about three miles back from tht- 
 ri^ front. Lots went off rapidly to eager purchasers and the erection of a large 
 nninber of buildings was commenced. Kalama never attained metropolitan great- 
 ness, but is still a town of perhaps 200 population and it enjoys considerable tra.'e 
 with a prosperous tributary section. 
 Many thousands of cases of salmon are annually forwarded from Kalama by 
 means of the Northern Pacific railroad to New York and other eastern markets. 
 The industries of the town at the present time consist of two fisheries engaged in 
 the business of forwarding fresh Columbia river salmon, sturgeon, smelt and other 
 fish to interior and Eastern markets. These shipments are packed in ice and reach 
 their destination in as fresh a condition as they were when first taken out of the 
 Cutting Timber near C*thl»met. 
 commercial travelers. 
of life. An 
 ulation later 
 ; and treble 
 ortland and 
 abitants and 
 in canning, 
 les operates 
 'er. These 
 2ns' salmon 
 ■gest on the 
 u excellent 
 iveral large 
 town is ex- 
 rath House 
 distance of 
 pplied with 
 ugh pipes. 
 ;h a rate to 
 Hotel has 
 II excellent 
 n is paid to 
 1.50a lay, 
 r the Tele- 
 y of Cow- 
 rtlaud. It 
 f the lead- 
 icific rail- 
 nbia river 
 ; the point 
 was hoped 
 lis hope a 
 from the 
 of a large 
 tan great- 
 able traJe 
 alama by 
 1 gaged in 
 and other 
 ind reach 
 ut of the 
 Vancou ver, Wa shingt on . 
 water. In addition to the fishing company is a sawmill which is supplied with logs 
 cut in the immediate vicinity of the town. Kalama contains a number of stores and 
 two hotels. Recently the discovery of gold-bearing quartz at different points on the 
 Kalama river, varying from 13 to 18 miles distant from the town, has stirred up some 
 little excitement in the place. A milling district has been formed here and good 
 results are looked for on a fiiiler development of the many promising quartz ledges 
 located here. 
 Kalama is now reached from Portlani either by the cars of the Northern Pacific 
 or by any of the numerous lines of steamers plying on the lower Columbia river and 
 connecting with Portland. The town i'^, 38 miles distant from Portland by the river 
 route, and 40 miles by the Northern Pacific railroad. All tr- 1 over the Northern 
 Pacific for Portland are ferried across the Colum- 
 bia at this point, the huge ferry with a carrying 
 capacity of a full train making close connection 
 between Kalama and Hunters, on the opposite 
 side of the Columbia. 
 M*iN Street, Looking South, Vancouver. 
 Clarke County Court House, 
 Vancouver, Washington.— Vancouver, 
 the seat of justice of Clarke county, Washington, is 
 located on the Columbia river a short distance 
 above its junction with the Willamette. The town 
 was named after the early explorer and navigator, 
 Captain George Vancouver, and it possesses considerable his- 
 toric interest. Quite a settlement was established here 25 years 
 before Portland was thought of, and many things pointed at 
 that time to the selection of Vancouver as the future metropolis 
 of the Northwest. Portland soon forged to the front, however, 
 asjthe coming great city of the district, and Vancouver remained 
 the site of the fort established here by the United States gov- 
 ernment, and the trading center of a large and rich section of 
 tributary country. 
 In 1823 the Hudson's Bay Company selected this locality 
 for the establishment of one of their main supply head- 
 quarters. Representatives of this great trading company 
 made Vancouver their home. The growth of Vancouver, 
 has been slow and conservative. It is 18 miles distant from 
 Portland by water and but seven miles by land. Numerous 
 lines oT steamers ply regularly between the two points and 
 a finely equipped electric line of road runs from Portland^l 
 to the shore of the Columbia river opposite Vancouver. 
 The Columbia river terminus of 
 this road has connection with 
 Vancouver by a fast steam ferry which makes frequent 
 trips. Portland is now built down the peninsula nearly 
 to the ferry landing on the Columbia river, and it will 
 perhaps, be but a few years more until Vancouver will 
 become one of the important suburbs of this great city. 
 Vancouver now contains a population of about 5,000. 
 The leading industry of the section of country tributary 
 Public School, Vancouver. 
 School tor deaf Mutes. Vancouver. 
 - i 
 I' i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 School for feeble-minded, Vancouver. 
 to Vancouver is the raising of fruit. Clarke county is 
 already noted for its fruit product, especially its Italian 
 prunes, and some of the largest and best bearing orchards 
 of this fine fruit are now found in the vicinity of Van- 
 couver. In the county close to the city are also found 
 fine forests of timber. Four large sawmills are in opera- 
 tion at this point and the output of these mills is sold to a 
 wide market The city owns its electric light plant and 
 excellent water is piped into all its stores and dwellings. A 
 noticeable feature of Vancouver is the number and the archi- 
 tectural beauty of its public buildings. Among these struc- 
 tures are state schools for defective and feeble minded youth, 
 located here ; the Clarke county court house, erected at a cost 
 of $75,000 ; the fne Catholic cathedral; the Catholic school 
 for girls, and a school conducted by the same denomination for 
 boys ; the city hall and other notable buildings. 
 Main street, beginning at the wharves on the Columbia 
 river, is the principal business street of Vancouver. It is built 
 up solidly on both sides, is well paved with cedar blocks, and it 
 St. James Cathedral, Vancouver. 
 presents a 
 quarter of 
 Interior, Cathedral, Vancouver, 
 are kept in perfect or- 
 der, equal to that of 
 any Eastern pleasure 
 park. In addition it 
 possesses attractions in 
 the different phases of 
 military life which 
 pleasure parks are 
 lacking in. Vancouver 
 Barracks has been 
 lively appearance during business hours. The residence 
 the city is back from the river. Handsome and attractive 
 homes are a feature of Vancouver which cannot fail to im- 
 press a stranger favorably. These homes are generally sur- 
 rounded by spacious and well laid out grounds, ornamented 
 with flowers and fruit trees. Vancouver has one of 
 the finest driving parks in the state. Annual races are 
 held here and they are attended largely even by the 
 people of Portland. The park is [located on Van- 
 couver Heights, about one mile back from the river. 
 The mile track in this park is considered by horse- 
 men as one of the finest tracks in the West. The 
 park has stable accommodations for 200 horses. 
 I Adjoining Vancouver on the east is the United 
 I States military reservation known as Vancouver Bar- 
 racks. This embraces one square mile of territory 
 and it divides with the Presidio at San Francisco the 
 honor of being the finest laid-out military reservation 
 in the United States. The parade grounds, lawns, 
 flower gardens and serpenti.. roads of the reservation 
 OFFICERS' Quarters, Vancouver Barracks. 
 a lai 
Washouffal, Washington. 
 steadily occupied by United States troops since 1849. The present garrison stationed 
 here numbers all told about 1,000 people. Military drills accompanied by fine music 
 are of daily occurrence here and they afford a pleasant diversion for the citizens of 
 Vancouver as well as for visitors from Portland who throng the grounds on pleas- 
 ant days. 
 IjaCanias, Washliiprton. — The most important manufacturing town, per- 
 haps, on the Columbia river, in Washington, is LaCamas, 14 miles east of Vancou- 
 ver. This is the seat of the great manufacturing industry of the Columbia River 
 Paper Company, with head offices in Portland. This company conducts, at LaCamas, 
 a large paper mill, which now makes the paper for nearly all the leading daily pub- 
 lications of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The country in the immediate vicinity of LaCamas is rich in resources. All of 
 Clarke county is especially adapted to the growing of fruits, and some of the most 
 productive farms and most highly cultivated orchards in the state are situated near 
 LaCamas. Special attention is paid in this section to the cultivation of prunes. 
 Another rich resource of this section is lumber. The forests back of LaCamas con- 
 tain large quantities of fir and other woods of great commercial value. LaCamas, 
 at the present time, contains two sawmills, and considerable lumber is shipped from 
 this point. Near the town are streams and lakes which furnish a valuable water 
 power here. This water is conducted direct to the place for manufacturing pur- 
 poses, and this power is now largely utilized by the factories in operation here. 
 Congress has granted the right to bridge the Columbia river at LaCamas. The 
 bridge will probably be built by one of the great transcontinental lines of railroad 
 LaCamas has daily connection with Portland, 32 miles distant, by water, steamboats 
 running regularly between these points. Its present population is between 400 and 
 Washougal, Waslilngton.— Eighteen miles east of Vancouver, on the 
 Columbia river, in Washington, is the town of Washougal. It is also at the mouth 
 of the Washougal river, which joins the Columbia at this place. The Washougal 
 river here furnishes an available power for manufacturing purposes. Washougal is 
 in the center of a rich agricultural and timber section. The chief pursuits followed 
 by the residents of this section are dairying, fruit culture and agriculture. A daily 
 line of boats plies regularly between Washougal and Portland, the distance between 
 the two points, by water,, being 36 miles. Washougal contains about 100 people. 
 Ooldemlale, Waslilngton. — Goldendale is the judicial seat of Klickitat 
 county. It is located 12 miles north of the Oregon state line at the Columbia river. 
 The town is reached by stage from Grant's Station, on the main line of the Union 
 Pacific railroad, 12 miles distant, daily connection being made between these two 
 points. A daily stage line also runs from The Dalles to Goldendale, the distance 
 being 25 miles. 
 The present population of Goldendale is about i ,000. The town is situated in 
 the rich Klickitat valley, on the river of the same name. This stream affords ample 
 water power, at Goldendale, to run a large number of factories, but this large power 
 is row only used by a single flouring mill located here, which has a daily capacity of 
 75 barrels. Another flouring mill is located, however, some distance back from the 
 river. This larger mill is operated by steam power. The other manufacturing enter- 
 prise located at Goldendale is a small sash and door factory. Goldendale is a trad- 
 11 ( 
 E ;i f-r' 
 1 1' 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Ill j-llit 
 ing point for a section that is rich in agricultural products and stock, and it is quite 
 a flourishing town. 
 Goldendale was almost entirely destroyed by fire some three years ago. Hand- 
 some one and two-story brick buildings have taken the place of the old wooden 
 structures which formerly lined the business street here, and the town is now in a 
 far more prosperous condition than it was before the fire. The various lines of busi- 
 ness are well represented here, and the largest stores carry very heavy lines of goods. 
 A very strong bank, the First National, is located here. This bank was established 
 in 1888, with a capital of $50,000. Its present officers are : John G. Maddock, presi- 
 dent; Hugh Fields, vice-president, and O. D. Sturgess, cashier. Four teachers are 
 employed in the public schools here, which are attended by an average of about 200 
 pupils. Five church organizations are maintained in the town, and each of these 
 worships in its own building. The denominations represented are the Presbyterian, 
 Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Methodist and Christian. Goldendale supports two 
 weekly newspapers, T/ie Seniinel and The Courier. Two public halls are maintained 
 here, and the town contains three hotels and three livery stables. Considerable 
 money has been spent on a complete system of water works here, and an efficient 
 fire department is maintained. The assessed valuation of town property, in 1892, 
 was $272,000, and the bonded indebtness carried was $12,500, this indebtedness hav- 
 ing been incurred in the construction of the water- works system. 
 The principal products of the Klickitat valley, of which Goldendale is the 
 trading center, are grain of all kinds, fruits, wool and live stock. The area of the 
 valley is about 100 square miles, and it is fast settling up with a thrifty class of 
 farmers, , 
 Kelso, Washington. — Kelso is a small but prosperous town, located in Cow- 
 litz county, on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad, 51 miles north of 
 Portland and 94 miles south of Tacoma. In addition to the transportation facilities 
 by rail, Kelso has the benefit of a daily line of steamers to Portland by way of the 
 Cowlitz, Columbia and Willamette rivers, the former stream running through the 
 center of the town and navigable to Kelso throughout the year. 
 The present population of Kelso is about Soo. The town is located in the midst 
 of a rich district. The principal industries followed in this section are diversified 
 farming and lumbering. The lumber interests of Kelso are heavy, two large saw- 
 mills being operated at this point, in addition to which industries are two shingle 
 mills whose product finds a ready sale in Portland and in the markets to the north 
 and south of Kelso. The forests of valuable fir, cedar and hemlock surrounding 
 Kelso are easily accessible, and the sawing of this timber will prove one of the most 
 valuable industries of the town for many years in the future. 
 Kelso supports two banks which are on a good financial footing, two schools are 
 maintained here, the town has two churches of the Methodist and Presbyterian 
 denominations respectively, and one good weekly newspaper. The Courier, is pub- 
 lished at this point. The town was first settled in 1884, and is one of the compari- 
 tively new towns along the line of the Northern Pacific between Portland and 
 Castle Rock, Washington. — Castle Rock is located on the line of the 
 Northern Pacific railroad, 6r miles north of Portland and 84 miles south of Tacoma. 
 It is also located at the head of navigation on the Cowlitz river, a navigable branch 
 of tt 
 The I 
 Winlock, Washington. 
 Metmooist Church, Castle Rock. 
 of the Columbia, and a Hue of steamers is operated throughout 
 the year between Castle Rock and Portland. The town is situ- 
 ated in the midst of a vast forest of the finest timber, and a 
 large area of rich agricultural country is also tributary. The 
 sawing of lumber is an important industry here and five saw- 
 mills and two shingle mills are located at this point. 
 The present population of Castle Rock is about 900. The 
 official census of 1S90 credited the town with a population of 
 600, but there has been a large growth here since that time. 
 The town is the trading point for the valleys of the South and 
 the Arkansas rivers, where lumbering is done on an extensive scale. Castle Rock con- 
 tains one bank, a neat opera house with a seating capacity ot 600, and a weekly 
 newspaper is published at this point. The people here have the benefit of an excel- 
 lent public school system, which is in charge of four teachers. The churches repre- 
 sented at Castle Rock are of the Methodist, Christian and Presbyterian denominations. 
 In the vicinity of Castle Rock are large and 
 valuable deposits of lignite coal. The property of 
 the Castle Rock Coal Company is connected with 
 the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad by 
 a spur track 2^2 miles in length. The coal is now 
 being mined and shipped to distant points. Mr. 
 George F. White is a resident owner of part of the 
 coal property and is also largely interested in 
 Castle Rock realty. This gentleman is the oldest 
 real estate dealer and surveyor in Cowlitz county. 
 Silver Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, six 
 miles in length, is situated five miles distant from 
 Castle Rock. The lake teems with many varieties 
 of gamy fish, and it is a favorite resort for sports- 
 Castle Rock has the distinction of having 
 within its corporate limits the pioneer shingle m 11 
 in the state of Washington. Mr. John Robin erected 
 this mill in 1883, and he is engaged in operating it 
 at the present time. The plant has a daily capacity 
 of 50,000 shingles, and the number of shingles 
 manufactured in 1892 amounted to 12,000,000 
 The first carload of cedar shingles shipped east of the Rocky Mountains left this mill 
 July 4. 1885- 
 Winlock, Washington.— The town of Winlock, surrounded by hills covered 
 with fine timber, is picturesquely located on Olequa creek, in Lewis county. It is an 
 important station on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad, 77 miles north 
 of Portland, 68 miles south of Tacoma, and 14 miles south of Chehalis; the county 
 In the valley of the Cowlitz, a few miles distant from Winlock, are some 20,000 
 acres of rich, black prairie land adapted to the highest state of cultivation. This 
 valley commands a full view of the Cascade Mountains, extending from Mount St. 
 Helens to Mount Rainier, and it is one of the most attractive spots in Western 
 Geo. F. White. Castle Rock. 
 ; 1 : 
 ■ i . 
 'J L 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 School House, Winiock 
 Washington. Located in this tract is the old mission of St. Francis Xavier, founded 
 by the Jesuits in 1830. The Green river country, near Mount St. Helens, where gold 
 has been found in paying quantities, is some 40 miles 
 distant from Winiock, which is the nearest and most 
 »^ P accessible outfitting point. The reports of experienced 
 prospectors indicate that this region will eventually 
 become a great mining district. Capitalists are now- 
 engaged in developing the mines of the Green river 
 district where placer mining is carried on to a considera- 
 ble extent at the present time. 
 Fields of an excellent quality of potters' clay are 
 located near Winiock, and a company is now engaged 
 at this point in the manufacture of fire brick and terra 
 cotta pipes. 
 Winiock claims a large and handsome school building. The public schools here 
 are in charge of a corps of experienced teachers. The town has one good bank, 
 hotels equipped with all modern improvements, and it supports one ably conducted 
 weekly newspaper. The Methodist, Baptist and Christain denominations own houses 
 of worship here. 
 Winiock contains today a population of about 900. In addition to being the 
 trading center of a large mining, timber and agricultural district, it is also the sup- 
 ply .point for 22 inland villages. Two sawmills are in operation at Winiock. The 
 largest of these mills is owned by the Capital Lumbering Company, which is incor- 
 potated with a capital stock of $50,000. This is one of the largest mills in the sec- 
 tion of the ;5tate in which it is located. It has a daily capacity of 45,000 feet and its 
 annual output amounts to 10,000,000 feet of lumber. N. A. Metzger is the president 
 of the company, A. T. Dix, .'ice-president, and D. Gubs;; r. secretary and treasurer. 
 Winiock offers certain attractions that will appeal w.:h particular force to the 
 tourist. Good trout fishing is found in the vicinity of tho town, and back from this 
 point in the foothill districts large game is still plenf ifa!. 
 Chelialis, Washington. — A glance backwards to the early history of that 
 part of Lewis county where Chehalis now 
 stands, will enable the reader to better 
 understand the origin and steady growth 
 of a city at this point. Located at the 
 junction of the Chehalis and Newaukum 
 valleys, the present townsite, originally 
 formed part of the donation land claims 
 of S. S. Sanders and Eliza Sanders, cover- 
 ing a space ol one square mile of ground. 
 These claims occupied the very heart of 
 the valley, and any person blessed with a 
 reasonable amount of foresight would have 
 predicted, even back in the 50's, the de- 
 velopment of an important distributing 
 point at the present site of Chehalis at some 
 future time when railroads and the conse- 
 quent increase of population in the sur- 
 1 lundl 
 Public School, Chehalis 
Chchalis, Washington. 
 ? junding country would support such a trading center. The valleys spread out 
 around Chehalis and the slopes of the rich tributary section all incline towards the 
 The old Sander's farm-house, the precursor of the many buildings in this locality 
 which followed it, is still standing in sufficiently good condition for occupancy at the 
 edge of the present townsite. The first business structure erected in Chehalis was a 
 grain warehouse, built in 1872. Th : Northern Pacific was then running trains over 
 the present Kalama-Tacoma route with a stiition at Newaukum, which they favored 
 for a town. The officials of the road instructed the farmers of this section to haul 
 their grain to Newaukum and the road would ship it for them. No better evidence 
 of the natural selection o'' .he present site of Chehalis can be found than the rebellion 
 of the farmers of this section in 1872 against the fiat of the railroad company. The 
 farmers, taking the reins in their own hands, clubbed together and erected a ware- 
 house at the point most convenient for shipping their produce, although in doing 
 this they were compelled to get along without the accommodations of a station and 
 to flag reluctant trainmen to enable them to market their products by railroad. The 
 erection of a building for a general merchandise store by an old settler named 
 George Hogue soon followed. The farmers here could not only then find storage 
 room for their products, but they could also purchase at the present site of Chehalis 
 the staple articles of subsistence. A place of trade and barter, an infant city was 
 thus created. The embryo town was christened Sandersville, a name which can 
 still be found on old plats in the recorder's office. In 1875, the proud distinction of 
 a county seat was secured, and Chehalis, named after an old Indian chief, sprung 
 into existence. Here again the manifest destiny of the town was made apparent. 
 Against opposition, and by pledging his word that the court house should not be an 
 expense to the territory, the representative from this section obtained this building 
 at Chehalis by special legislation, which had not then fallen into disuse. The farm- 
 ers again drew from their coin stockings and a public building was erected at Che- 
 halis by individual subscriptions alone. 
 Strong in a population of about 100 sturdy citizens and in the undisputed posses- 
 sion of the court house, Chehalis was incorporated and advanced to the first place in 
 Lewis county. The growth of the old town of Sandersville, with its single ware- 
 house and one store, was proportionate to the importance of the days in which the 
 town flourished. Such a continued growth has ever been characteristic of Chehalis. 
 Booms have at divers times struck other Washington towns and in due season burst 
 from their own distention. Chehalis has escaped both booms and boomerangs. 
 Quietly keeping pace with the growth and requirements of its tributary country, it is 
 today a prosperous, self-supporting city of 3,000 population. These figures are con 
 servative, and good judges at Chehalis say that 3,500 population is a fairer estimate 
 of the city. 
 Each successive year shows an increase in the freight shipments from Chehalis, 
 both in bulk and value and the mercantile trade of the city grows in proportion. In 
 the matter of ample transportation facilities Chehalis is especially favored. It is 
 located on the main line of the Northern Pacific and is on the surveyed route of the 
 Union Pacific. It is also the western terminus of the Northern Pacific branch road 
 to South Bend, on Willapa Harbor, a road that was opened to traffic in December, 
 1892, and that is now doing a good business. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Barrett Block, Chehalis. 
 In 1892 Chehalis was visited by two disastrous fires which swept awa'- 36 bnild- 
 ings. This fire, however, inaugurated the era of brick buildings, only a few 
 of which, had been erected previous to the fire. Among the fine brick structures of 
 the city today may be mentioned the handsome three-story brick Barrett block, built 
 at a cost of $36,000, and the substantial brick 
 and stone building of the First National Bank 
 of Chehalis, erected at a cost of $23,000. The 
 Barrett block, depigned for a hotel, was built 
 with a view of the easy escape of its inmates 
 in case of fire. Its wide hallways and easily 
 accessible staircases, together with several reels 
 of hose and attachments in the ofFi«.e and in the 
 upper story, renders all danger from a fatality 
 in case of fire in the building a practical nul- 
 lity. The First National Bank building is the 
 finest structure occupied by any financial in- 
 stitution between Portland and Tacoma. The 
 portion of this building not used by the spacious 
 bank offices and vaults is used for store and ofrice purposes. Also well worthy of men- 
 tion is the new stone and brick building of the Commercial State Bank, completed in 
 the spring of 1893 at a cost of $20,000. T^ui.i is admitted to be the most artistic piece 
 of architecture in Chehalis. The Chehalis Improvement Company, incorporated in 
 1 89 1, with a paid-up capital of 
 $125,000, finishel two fine brick 
 blocks in Chehalis at a cost respec- 
 tively of $17,000 and $14,000, about 
 the time of the completion of the 
 Commercial State Bank building. 
 The Gem drug store, L. C. Faulk- 
 ner proprietor, a leading pharmacy 
 of Chehalis, occupies a cornet in 
 tlie more imposing of the two 
 structures with a frontage on two 
 main thoroughfares. Messrs. John 
 D Rice and W M Urouhart two chehalis improvement ccs building, chehalis. 
 pi( liter merchants of the town, are building and will occupy an imposing brick 
 ai.d stone block adjoining the First National Bank building. These two struct- 
 ures present a solid frontage of 150 feet, with 125 feet of depth, and are really 
 creditable to the city. Messrs. Urquhart and Rice repre,sent the oldest mercantile estab- 
 lishments of Chehalis, Mr. Urquhart having established himself in business here in 
 1880, and Mr. Rice started in the place a short time after this. .\n indication of the 
 good feeling existing between the different citizens of Chehalis is the slatemei't that 
 Messrs. Rice and Urquhart, both in the same line of business, general nierclmn Ris- 
 ing, should erect and occupy a building in common and engage only in generous 
 rivalry. The firm of Maynard, Everett & Co., carrying hardware and electrical 
 goods, the largest and best stock of goods in this line carried by any firm in Lewis 
 count", own the property adjoining the Rice-Urquhart building and it is their inten- 
 tion to begin in the near future construction work on a similar block. 
 The imp'ovpments noted above represent only a few of the many leading enter- 
 the eel 
 the pil 
 was tl 
 of th« 
 a paic 
 of Chi 
 son BJ 
 and tl 
Chehalis, Washington. 
 f 1R3T National B*nk, chehalis. 
 prises of Chehalis, but they tend to show the steady advauce of the city in material 
 growth and solid prosperity. 
 To properly attend to the fin. ncial interests of the country of which Chehalis is 
 the center, banking houses early became a necessity it this point. For many years 
 the pioneer banking house of N. B. CofFman fully met this demand in the young 
 town The outgrowth of this early venture 
 was the incorporation in December, 1889, 
 of the Fi'st National Bank of Chehalis with 
 a paid-i,p capital of 150,000. The incor- 
 porators and stockholders of the bank were 
 N. B. Coffman, W. M. Urquhart, John 
 Dobson, D. C. Millett and Francis Donahoe 
 of Chehalis, Walter J. Thompson and Nel- 
 son Bennett of Tacoma and B. ^,ombard of 
 Boston. The officers elected were N. B. 
 Coffman, president ; W. M. Urquhart, vice- 
 p.'esident, and J. Y. CofFman. cashier. Mr. 
 John Dobson took Mr. Urquhart's place in 
 1892. The capital, surplus and undivided profits of the- bank now amount to $90,000, 
 and the deposits a^ eras>^e $200,000. In 1S91 the increasing vvsalth of the city and 
 county, with the consequent incre:.3e in financial transactions made it apparent that 
 there was room at Chehalis for another bank. Iii that year the Commercial State 
 Bank was iu jorporated in the 
 city with a capital of $50,000 all 
 paid up, by the following ^gen- 
 tlemen : M. L. Holbrook, Wm. 
 West, Jas. S, Greig, Jno. T. 
 Newland and F, M. Wade. 
 M. L. Holbrook was elected 
 president and Ja.-^. C. Oreig cash- 
 ier. This new institution has 
 made very rapid strides since it 
 was organized, ample evidence 
 of the confidence it merits from 
 the people. The surplus and 
 undivided profits of the bank 
 now amount to nearly $6,000 
 and the deposits average about 
 $75 ,000. Both banks loan money 
 liberally on good security, allow interest on time deposits and render such accom- 
 modations to their patrons as the wise administration of banking affairs will adiun. 
 The industries of Chehalis in the line of manufacturing include the large saw- 
 mill of The Mealy-Lacy Co., the sash and door factory of Luedinj;haus' Bros , Sny- 
 der & F'rost's shingle mill, the Gates shingle mill, the Seymour siiingle mill and the 
 Chehalis flouring mill, the latter with a capacity of 60 barrels per day. 
 The forests of Lewis ccunty supply all the logs used in the factories and mills 
 at Chehalis, and even with the hcvy united output of these plants maiiv _ytars of 
 constant cutting will not materially affect this heavy supply. 
 Commercial State Bank, Chehalis. 
 li I 
 3 * '■ 
 The Ore^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The public improvements in Chehalis take a high rank among the cities of the 
 same size on the coast. The public school of the city was erected, in i888, at a 
 cost of $i2,ooo, and is admirably adapted to educational purposes. Professor J. 
 T. Forrest, the principal, has inaugurated an excellent graded system in the school, 
 and with his efficient corps of eight experienced teachers, he presides over a school 
 of 500 bright and happy pupils of both sexes. A finely equipped electric light 
 plant supplies Chehalis with both arc ana incandescent lamps, the former being 
 used for street lighting, and the Jiatter in stores, factories and in the hotels. The 
 people of Chehalis boast, with a pardonable degree of pride, of their efficient water 
 system. Both in the quality of water supplied and in the pressure obtained, this 
 system is certainly not excelled anywhere. The water is brought in flumes from 
 the Newaukum river, seven miles distant, and by an ingenious combination of 
 water-wheel and pump, at a point one and one quarter miles dislant from the city, 
 the water is thrown into a reservoir of 560,000 gallons capacity, and located on an 
 eminence adjacent to Chehalis. The pressure obtained in the city mains is from Soto 
 90 pounds to the square inch. Had these water works been completed at the time 
 of the great fire in 1892, no such a disastrous conflagration as visited the town then 
 would have been possible. 
 A glance at the ' diied interests, agricultural and mineral, of Lewis county, all 
 of which is tributary to Chehalis, and must continue to be in the future, not only 
 reveals the cause of the present prosperit> of the city, but p.lso supplies an argu- 
 ment for the continued growth of the place. Hops, hay and oats are the leading 
 products of the soil of this section. Wheat thrives equally as well on the lands 
 of the county, but the farmers of this section were not long in discovering that the 
 first-named crops paid the best, and as a result wheat growing, as a leading indus- 
 try on these lands, was abandoned in favor of the more profitable productions. 
 Hops are raised in great abundance here, and of superior quality. They are grown 
 on low, sandy soil, and the annual product of this staple, in Lewis county, is very 
 large. Washington hops enjoy a deservedly high reputation in Eastern markets, and 
 the Chehalis valley hops are graded with the best. Reliable reports place the pro- 
 ». uc*^ of hops on lands of the county at from three-fourths to one and one-half tons 
 per acre, according to locality and the care exercised in cultivation. Fine hay crops 
 are also the rule in this section, and yields of from one to two and one-half tons per 
 acre of fine timothy are common here. In a period of 30 years crops have never 
 been known to fail here. 
 Fruit growing is now attracting considerable attention in Lewis county. The 
 uplands of the county are found well adapted for orchards of pru-e, plums, apples, 
 pears and cherries and trees here, which have already reached a bearing age, are 
 giving fine results, both in quality of fruit produced and the quantity of this same 
 The time is hardly ripe for any extended notice of the mineral resources ot 
 the county, ^t is certain, however, that valuable veins of precious metais a*i"i < oal 
 exist in the slopes of Mount St. Helens, and many claims have a' read , leen huvl 
 in this section with a view of their speedy development. The lumbemg intfvf '.;. 
 of the county and adjoining counties are now second to those of no other part of 
 the Northwest. Many years must elapse before the billions of feet of yellow fir 
 and cedar now standing in these forests can be exhausted. 
South Bend, Washington. 
 The Mealy-Lac^.' Company. — The Mealy-Lacy Company, proprietors of the 
 leading lumbering industry of Chehalis and its tributary section, is not a corpora- 
 tion, but a co-partnership, embracing the following membership : A. Mealy, F. C. 
 Lacy, G. S. Lacy, C. Leeper, C. M. Mackintosh and R. W. Shotts. All of these 
 gentlemen were, until recently, engaged in the lumbering business in Pennsylva- 
 nia, and they brought with 
 them to Washington the prac- 
 tical knowledge of the business 
 which experience alone im- 
 parts. The moving causes 
 which induced them to leave 
 the Atlantic for the Pacific coast 
 were the growing l "arcity of the 
 timber in the East, and the 
 keen business sagacity which 
 told them that now, if ever, the 
 time had come to secure tim- 
 ber lands in the great North 
 western timber belts. The 
 Mealy-Lac/ Company was 
 formed in August, 1891, and 
 the books of the company show 
 that their output for the first 18 months they were in business was 4,500,000 
 feet of lumber. The plant of the company at Chehalis covers about 12 acres of 
 land lying along the Chehalis river, and includes sawmills, drj'-kilns and the best 
 impro eci machinery for turning act rough and dressed lumber. They use both 
 the l-\ivi and air process for drying, bur they prefer the latter for best results 
 o1'* ■;!'&!. 
 ( hi-'ii IS, at the present time, is worthy of the attention of manufacturers and 
 capi^ , .i\, The manufacturing possibilities of the city are good, and the extent and 
 richnes.. j" ae tributiry section will always support at this point a large and pros- 
 perous population. 
 Mill Boom, Me»l^-Lacy compaky, Chehalis. 
 FACir/C '. OrCAN 
 South Bend, Wasliliigton.— S^uth Bend, 
 the seat of j' 1 , of Pacific county, WashingL'^n, and 
 one c' "le pi ■"' )al cities of Southwestern Wash- 
 i: \ ton, is located near the mouth of the Willapa 
 -"er, iS milesi distant "rom the Pacific ocean. 
 i'he commercial importance of the site on which 
 iSonVv. '? ".(] is located was first recognized in 1889, at 
 th-.- hue when attention was first diverted from Puget 
 Sound, and increasmg interest began to be manifested 
 in the advantages of Southwestern Washington. Willapa Harbor, formerly known 
 as Shoalwater Bay, has long been recognized as one of the bes^ natural harbors in 
 the United States. Satisfying themselves of this fact a large number of promoters 
 vrA speculators at once began the search frr an eligible townsite on its shorcc. 
 In the fall of 1889, South Bend was platted. There were at that time about 150 
 people living in the vicinity of the proposed town, principally engaged in farming 
 Map of willapa Bay, Washington 
 : { 
 and lumbering. 
 PHOTO, or *. GrLFE. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 From the beginning of 1890 South Bend entered upon an era of rapid 
 ■ "^ growth. Capitalists and home seekers flockeu 
 to the new seaport in great numbers and as a 
 result of this rapid inflow the United States 
 census of March, 
 1890, accredited 
 South Bend with a 
 population of 836. 
 This population 
 ')een largely in- 
 .ed since that 
 tii-ic, and it is 
 claimed today that 
 the city contains at 
 least 3,500 inhab- 
 Scene *t Docks, South Bend. 
 K»LLS OF p*Lix River, ne*r South Bend. 
 photo, by gylFe. 
 South Bend is located on Willapa river, iS miles from 
 the Pacific ocean. It is as a seaport that the city makes 
 its chief claim to future importance. The Willapa 
 river u* this point is from 700 to 1,600 feet wide and has 
 a depth varying from 22 to 38 feet at the lowest tide. 
 This harbor offers safe anchorage to the largest ships 
 afloat, and has ample accommodations for all the ship- 
 ping that will ever visit the state of Washington. A 
 deep and ne: ' .y straight channel leads from South 
 Rend in the river, and through Willapa Harbor to 
 the sea. There are two channel entrances into the 
 bay from the ocean. These channels are shown 
 by the government survey of 1891 to possess a 
 depth of 18 and 2? feet respectively at low tide, 
 with an average daily rise of 8 feet. Smooth 
 water is found in these entrances in all weather 
 and they offer safe and easy navigation. 
 Its harbor advantages attracted the attention 
 of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to 
 South Bend in 1890 and the company at once de- 
 cided to make this point a Pacific ocean terminus 
 of the road. A branch has since been constructed 
 from the main line of the Northern Pacific at Che- 
 halis to South Bend , a distance of 58 miles. This road was 
 completed and thrown open to travel in the spring of 
 1893, thus ' affording direct all-rail communication be- 
 tween South Bend, all parts of Washington and Oregon, 
 and the East. The Northern Pacific Railroad Company 
 contemplates extending this line beyond Chehalis to 
 North Yakima, thus affording facilities for the transpor- 
 tation the of wheat and other produce of Eastern Wash- 
 ington to South Bend. This will be a great saving in 
 ^-'istance over the present circuitous route the road follows Fn*^KLlN block, south bend. 
 Public School, South bend. 
South Bend, Washington. 
 Ho let. wiLL*pA, South Bend. 
 to Puget Sound. South Bend is now also reacfted from Astoria by the I. R. & N. 
 Co.'s line. This road runs from Ilwaco to Sealand. At the latter point connection 
 is made with steamers for South Bend. Num- 
 erous vessels also ply regularly between South 
 Bend and Astoria, Portland and San Francisco, 
 thus affording a third route for reaching this 
 prospf;rcus point. 
 The building of a substantial city and the 
 establishment of industries at South Bend have 
 kept pace with its increase in population. 
 The city now contains four banks, six hotels, 
 two newspapers, and a large number of pros- 
 perous mercantile houses. The Hotel Willapa, 
 intended to accommodate the tide of summer 
 travel which flows annually to South Bend, was erected at a cost of |i 00,000. The Allbee, 
 a handsome and well-equipped hotel, is open the year round, and it is highly spoken 
 of by tourists. Comfortable rooms, a first-class table and careful attention to the 
 wants of guests are recognized features of the house. The judicial seat of Pacific 
 county was removed from Oysterville in 1893 to 
 South Bend. Among the improvements con- 
 templated at South Bend in the near future is 
 the erection of a fine court house. The public 
 school building hi e is a fine structure, erected 
 at a cost of $10,000. Among the public im- 
 provements of the city may be mentioned miles 
 of graded and planked st^-eets, electric lights 
 and an excellent system of water works. Relig- 
 ious services are conducted in seven churches 
 of as many different denominations. 
 Manufacturing industries at South Bend 
 are represented by the Willapa Harbor Tannin 
 Extract Company, the Northwestern Lumber 
 Company, two other large sawmills, a sash and 
 door factory, a planing mill and a salmon can- 
 nery. The Willapa Harbor Tannin Extract 
 Company is a new enterprise, but it has already established a substantial reputation 
 and the demand for its products is rapidly increasing. The tanuin produced by the 
 company is considered superior to that 
 heretofore brought into Washington from 
 the Eas-t. The works are under the direct 
 superintenaence and management of Mr. T. 
 Cooper. The Northwestern Luml)er Com- 
 pany at South Bend is a large concern. It 
 owns an extensive plant and wharfage facili- 
 ties on the shores of the Willapa river. The 
 headquarters of the company are at San willapa h*hbob tannin extract co.'s plant, south beno. 
 Francisco and the resident manager at South Bend is Mr. R. B. Dyer. The immense 
 annual output of the company is shipped principally to San Francisco. The wharf- 
 The Allbee," South Bend, J. G. Heim, proprietor. 
 Photo bv a. gvlfe. 
 ■ ■■ ., ii|i''i;iiii'ifiiiiiiiHMi!.ipIwjwii-*' 
 'i^:- i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 age facilities of South Bend along the 
 Willapa river are ample for the ac- 
 commodation of the large commerce 
 which frequents the city. The har- 
 bor has recently been deepened by 
 dredging at a cost of $500,000. The 
 sand taken from the river bed was 
 used to fill in and render available for 
 building a large tract of tide land flats. 
 . ..r 1,;"! ■■ 
 Plant, South Bend Lumber s. Mfg. Co., South Bend 
 Northwestern. Lumber Co.'S Mills, South bend. 
 These former flats now form a most 
 important part of the townsite. Di- 
 rectly tributary to South Bend is the 
 rich Willapa valley, traversed by the 
 railroad terminating here. This furn- 
 ishes homes for a prosperous farming 
 community. Parts of it are covered 
 with a fine growth of heavy timber, 
 and with its diversified resources it is 
 one of the most inviting sections of 
 Centralia, Washington.— 
 Centralia is, as its name implies, a 
 central city. This position is not fixed so much by geographical location as it 
 is by the central position which the town occupies in the rich agricultural, timber 
 and coal section of Southwestern Washington, and also by 
 the right which the place justly claims to of being a rail- 
 road center of considerable importance. Centralia is on the 
 main line of the Northern Pacific, 94 miles from Portland, 
 and 51 miles from Tacoma. It is the diverging point for 
 the two important lines of railroad, one running from 
 Centralia to the coal mining center of Florence and 
 the other running to Ocosta on Gray's Harbor. It is 
 at Centralia that the Tacoma, Olympia & Chehalis 
 Valley railroad connects with the main line of the Northern 
 Pacific. Cars are now running out from Centralia over 
 this new road as far as Florence coal mine, about five 
 miles distant. It is the intention to push this line 
 through to a connection with some important railroad 
 line east of the Cascade Mountains at some time in the 
 near future. In addition to the above roads now pass 
 ing and centering at Centralia, the Union Pacific has 
 secured the right of way for a line paralleling the Nor- 
 thern Pacific and running from Portland to the Sound, 
 which line will make Centralia one of its important 
 stations. Vast sums of money have already been ex- 
 pended on the roadbed of this new road, and the feeling 
 is general that the line will be completed and in 
 running order sometime in the near future. The 
 Centralia's Only School House. 
 January 1, 1889. 
Centralia, Washington. 
 H, STREET School, Centralia. 
 Great Northern, which now has its western terminus at Seattle, is reported as being 
 very anxious to get to Portland, and it is not improbable that satisfactory arrange- 
 ments may be made between the Great Northern and 
 the Union Pacific to run the cars of both roads over 
 the latter company's line between Portland and the 
 Sound. Should this be brought about, Centralia will 
 have the benefit of three transcontinental lines of 
 road, thus affording this point unequaled passenger 
 and freight accommodations. Two through passenger 
 trains over the Northern Pacific and one local pas- 
 senger train running between Portland and Tacoma, 
 in addJtioii to a passenger train from Chehalis to 
 Seattle, are now run each way over the main line pass- 
 ing Centralia daily, and this service, together with 
 the trains over the branch lines of road running out 
 from this point, gives Centralia the appearance of a railroad center of considerable 
 The pioneer settler on the site now occupied by Centralia was a colored man, 
 who is still living, and who bears the distinguished name of the father of his country, 
 George Washington. Born in Virginia in 1817, the principal aim of the young man 
 was to escape beyond the limitations of the white man's control. His adventurous 
 wanderings finally led him to the junction of the Chehalis and Skookumchuck 
 rivers in Southwestern Washington. Here be took up a claim and settled down to 
 hard work and finally to reap the benefits of afflu- 
 ence which a future civilization had in store for him 
 at this point. George Washington is today one'of the 
 richest men in Lewis county. Somewhat bowed by 
 age, he is a prominent figure on the streets of Cen- 
 tralia. He gives his principal attention to the collect- 
 ing of his rents and looking after his large property 
 interests, he keeps a horse and buggy for his own 
 private use and he is today one of the most highly 
 respected citizens of the place he has seen grow from 
 nothing to a commercial center of considerable promi- 
 nence. Another pioneer of Centralia is Henry Hanson, a native of York, England, 
 who bought 40 acres of land at this point in 1882 for $1 ,000. This land is now city 
 property and has made the owner of it rich beyond his fondest anticipations. 
 The site on which Centralia is built is well 
 adapted for the location of a city. It is level, and 
 a gravel subsoil affords an easy and safe drainage. 
 West of Centralia lies the fertile Chehalis valley, 
 while stretching away to the south is the equally 
 rich Salzer valley. These two valleys contain some 
 of the richest land in the state of Washingion. 
 Back of Centralia grow the virgin forests of Lewis 
 and Chehalis counties containing inexhaustible 
 supplies of the finest timber. Logs from this tim- 
 ber belt are easily floated to the mills at Centralia on 
 the waters of the Chehalis river passing this point. denton block, centralia. 
 Iron and Brass Foundry, Centralia. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Ellsbury Block, Centrali*. 
 Centralia dates its growth from 1889. In January of that year the population of 
 the place was about 700. Centralia claims today a population irom between 3,50oand 
 4,000, and ranks amonjj the 10 largest cities of 
 Washington. Tower avenue, the main business 
 street of the city, is a long thoroughfare, lined on 
 both sides with many handsome and substantial 
 brick structures. Among these fine buildings may 
 be mentioned the First National Bank, the Binkley 
 block, the Ellsbury block, the Denton block and 
 the Lioug block. Other equally as fine structures 
 as the above are now in course of erection. The 
 two well established banks at Centralia, the First 
 National and the Bank of Commerce insure the 
 financiai -j'liJic'.ng of the city. The First Nat- 
 ional Bank of Centralia is the result of the i:malgamation of the old Lewis 
 County Bank, which was incorporated u. 1889 with a capital of $50,000, and the First 
 National Bank. When the Lewis 
 County Bank was incorporated the de- •'"•^^° «" '■ " *'^^'*"'; 
 posits by noon of the first day the bank 
 opened its doors to business amounted 
 to $15,000. The First National Bank 
 is today strongly entrenched in the 
 confidence of the people of Centralia 
 and Lewis county, and its business 
 shows a steady growth with each suc- 
 cessive year. The officers of the First 
 National are : Chas. Gilchrist, presi- 
 dent ; Frank Hense, vice-president ; 
 and E. L. Bickford, cashier. The 
 statement made by the bank in J uly of 
 last year made the following show- 
 ing: capital, $50,000; surplus, $4,000. 
 The 'educational facilities of Centralia are something unusual for a place of the 
 age of the city. Centralia supports two good public schools which occupy two hand- 
 some and well appointed buildings, and the average 
 daily attendance at these schools is over 700 pupils. 
 The first public school was opened in Centralia in 
 April, 1889, with an enrollment of 50 scholars. The 
 school was held at that time in a little primitive 
 building that was taxed beyond the accommodation 
 afforded even the limited number of pupils in 
 attendance. In addition to the good public schools, 
 Centralia is the seat ofthe Grace Seminary, founded 
 by the Baptists. The citizens of Centralia contrib- 
 uted $10,000 in cash and gave the building site to 
 secure the location of this school at this point. 
 The college occupies a bandsome four-story b'lild- 
 ing erected at a cost of $17,000 and it is comp x in 
 every particular for school purposes. The curricu- 
 First National Bank Building, Centralia. 
 Opace Seminary, Centralia. 
Centralia, Washing-ton, 
 lum of this school includes both the normal and academic courses of study. Pupils 
 leaving this school are fully prepared for either teaching or for business life, and they 
 are sufficiently advanced to successfully pass the examination for a collegiate course. 
 Music and art are also embraced in the curriculum of the school. 
 Centralia has a good water-works plant and also an 
 efficient electric light plant. The hotel accommodations 
 of the city have not been overlooked by the enterprising 
 citizens. The Hotel Centralia, which is now under con- 
 struction, will cost when completed and fully furnished 
 between $25,000 and 130,000. It will contain all the im- 
 provements essential to comfort and luxury. The Park 
 Hotel at Centralia, which is now run under the able man- 
 agement of Captain Robinson, was built by Col. Geo. H. 
 Ellsbury and stands high for the excellence of its cuisine 
 and for the attention paid to the requirements of its 
 hotel centralia, centralia. 
 (from plans.) 
 Centralia is now the seat of a considerable 
 coal industry. The Florence mine which yields 
 a superior grade of bituminous coal lies about 
 five miles east of Centralia. The output of this 
 mine which amounted to 4,000 tons in 1892, is 
 shipped from the mine to Centralia over the 
 line of the Tacoma, Olympia & Chehalis 
 Valley railroad and reshipped from this 
 city to different points on the Northern 
 Pacific railroad. 
 The industries of Centralia are num- 
 erous and diversified. These include lum- 
 ber and shingle mills, brick yards, a brass 
 and iron foundry and a furniture factory. 
 The largest of these manufacturing plants 
 are the two mills operated under the man- 
 agement of the Centralia Lumber Ex- 
 change, which is the combination of the 
 interests of the two firms of Birge & Leitch and H. H. Martin & Son. The Exchange 
 opened its office in Centralia in 1891, and its 
 business is shared between the two compan- 
 ies which it represents. The joining of the 
 interests of these old firms has led to excel- 
 lent results. The value of the shipments 
 made through the Exchange in 1892, in 
 direct transactions with the jobbers, with- 
 out the aid of agents, was |6o,ooo. The 
 Exchange is prepared to furnish all grades 
 oflum'ifrand shingles on short notice and 
 keeps a large stock of these lines constantly i 
 on hand. 
 Mill, Biroe t. Leitch, ccntralm. 
 I I I 
 The Birge & Leitch mill is located on the Chehalis river and its supply of logs is 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 H. H. Martin .t Son's Mill, Centralia. 
 floated down this stream and its tributaries. The capacity of the mill is 40,000 feet 
 per day. The output of the mill for 1892, running 105 days, was 2,410,000 feet. H. 
 H. Martin & Son run both saw and shingle mills. The capacity of the lumber mill 
 of this company is 30,000 feet a day. The 
 output of this mill for 1892, ruuning 150 
 days, was 2,500,000 feet. The shingle 
 plant of the company was started to running 
 in November, 1892. It has a capacity of 
 90,000 shingles a day and the output up to 
 January i, 1893, reached 3,500,000. The shin- 
 gle mill is located on the Skookumchuck river 
 near its confluence with Hanuaford creek. 
 Mr. Martin states that there is bufficicnt Ai 
 timber reached by the waters of this creek 
 to keep his mill running constantly for 50 
 years in the future. 
 The Tower Lumber and Manufacturing Company's plant occupies a site along 
 the track of the Northern Pacific railroad. George H. Ellsbury is president of the 
 company, and George Davies is secre- 
 tary. The capacity of the mill is 30,000 ''"°'°- '■ "• "''''*"'• 
 feet per day. The output for 1892 was 
 6,500,000 feet. This company now has a 
 contract with the Northern Pacific to cut 
 30,000,000 feet of lumber on the lands of 
 the latter corporation. The Centralia 
 Furniture Company is the same estab- 
 lishment that was formerly located at 
 Milwaukie, six miles above Portland. 
 This company was induced to move their 
 plant to Centralia by the offer of a lib- 
 eral subsidy. The company does a large 
 business, and is rarely without advance orders. Their annual pay-roll, outside of 
 piece work, is between |i2,ooo and $13,000. Two brickyards do a flourishing busi- 
 ness at Centralia. The clay found in the vicinity of 
 Centralis is of a superior quality for brick-making. 
 The fine brick blocks at this place were erected of 
 brick made at the home yards, and these yards also 
 supplied the brick used in the construction of the 
 finest buildings of the Gray's Harbor towns. In addi • 
 tion to the manufacturing industries enumerated 
 above, Centralia supports a number of smaller fac- 
 tories, all of which contribute largely to the prosperity 
 of this most favorably located point. 
 The Gray's Harbor Country.— The large pear-shaped inlet, or bay, known 
 as Gray's Harbor, is located on the southwest coast of Chehalis county, go miles 
 south of Puget Sound, and about 40 miles north of the entrance to the Columbia 
 river. Accident led to the discovery of Gray's Harbor about a century ago. Cap- 
 tain Robert Gray, ot the ship Columbia, from Boston, a vessel engaged in the fur 
 The Tower Lumber and Mfg. Co., Centralia. 
 photo, by T. R. WILLIAMS. 
 ^ — ... J*."!*-' 
 Furniture Factory, Centralia. 
Gray^s Harbor Country, Washington. 
 trade, sighted the inlet to the har- 
 bor on April 7, 1792. He turned 
 the prow of his ship towards the 
 land and proudly sailed into the 
 harbor. His entry on the log-book 
 was to the effect that he found a 
 commodious bay well sheltered 
 from the sea by long sandbars and 
 spits. He christened the bay Bull- 
 finch Harbor, in honor of a friend. 
 Subsequently, however, the inlet 
 was named after its gallant discov- 
 erer, and it has since been known to the world as Gray's Harbor. 
 The entrance to Gray's Harbor from the ocean is i^ miles wide. The extreme 
 length of the harbor is 18 miles, and its greatest width 14 miles. Old sea captains 
 say that before the time antedating " appropriations," they considered Gray's Har- 
 bor a good haven to sail for in foul weather. The bay is almost completely land- 
 locked, the narrow entrance alone affording ingress from the ocean. A ship at 
 anchor in the harbor is as safe from the storms which beat outside of the heads 
 as she would be in the Willamette at Portland. The area of the harbor approxi- 
 mates 100 square miles. The estimated anchorage area of the harbor is over 4,500 
 acres. An appropriation has recently been made by the government for the erec- 
 tion of a lighthouse at the entrance to Gray's Harbor, but so far not a dollar has 
 been spent by the government for the improvement of this important inlet from 
 the ocean. 
 Small steamers and lumber schooners of large tonnage now enter the harbor 
 in all kinds of weather. These vessels run up as 
 far as Cosmopolis, located on the Chehalis river, 
 and at the high stages of water even as far inland 
 as Montesano, the seat of Chehalis county. Prac- 
 tical and experienced seamen b V''"ve that the ex- 
 penditure of $250,000 in in' vjtnents to the 
 harbor would open it to vessels of the largest ton- 
 nage. The experiment of opening this harbor to 
 vessels of the deepest draught, is worthy of at 
 least a trial. The obstructions found in the har- 
 bor at the present time consist of a well defined 
 bar at the entrance, and two minor bars inside 
 the bay. Three larger chaimels carry the great 
 body of water seeking an outlet to the ocean through 
 Gray's Harbor — the north, south and middle chan- 
 nels. By confining the great flow of .yater to any 
 one of these channels, on a principle easily under- 
 stood by all practical engineers, a depth could be 
 easily secured here that would float the very larg- 
 est vessels. The Chehalis, Hoquiam, Wishkah, 
 Humptulips, Charlies, Neuskahl, John's and Elk 
 rivers all empty their waters into Gray's Harbor. 
 Bio TIMBER NBAR ABERDEEN. Thcse streams drain over 2,000 square miles of 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 territory, and the volume of water which they carry is sufficient, if properly directed, 
 to remove all the bars in the harbor 
 least 30 feet at mean low tide. 
 and to maintain at the entrance a depth of at 
 The vast area drained by the numerous 
 streams pouring into Gray's Harbor is covered 
 with a heavy growth of the finest fir, spruce, 
 cedar, alder and hemlock timber. The wealth 
 of the timber alone found in this district, is a 
 sufficient claim on the government for the im- 
 provement of Gruy's Harbor. The district has 
 been settled since 1855, and it is today one of 
 the richest parts of the state of Washington in 
 the assured promises of future rapid and sub- 
 stantial growth. The country back of the har- 
 bor is not only rich in the resources of avail- 
 able timber alone, but it also contains thou- 
 sands of acres of the finest agricultural land 
 in the Northwest, which, when fully settled, 
 will support a large and prosperous population. 
 Five towns are today located on the shores 
 of Gray's Harbor and the banks of that part of 
 the Chehalis river navigable for ocean-going 
 vessels. These are Ocosli, Hoquiam, Aberdeen, 
 Cosmopolis and Montesano. Each of these towns receives special mention in 
 connection with the present article, and these notices of the individual settlements 
 of the section, together with this introductory article on Gray's Harbor, will furnish 
 the reader with a valuable fund of information on a part of the state of Washington 
 that is certain to show a most substantial development during the next few years. 
 DENSE Timber near Aberdeen. 
 Montesnno, Wasliliigrton. — Montesano, the county seat of Chehalis county, 
 Washingtcii, possesses several decided advantages of location. In the many changes 
 which must take place before the rel- 
 ative position of the leading and per- 
 manent cities of Washington can be 
 once firmly settled, many advantages 
 will doubtless be considered in favor 
 of Montesano for a I'uture large 
 growth and solid prosperity. 
 The old settlement of Montesano 
 [mountain of health] was firsi estab- 
 lished on the opposite side of tLe 
 Chehalis river from the present town- 
 site in 1862. Later the present site of 
 the city was discovered to be a better 
 location for the establishment of a 
 town, and in order to keep the county 
 seat for the place the name Monte- 
 sano was retained for the new town. residence, c. n. byles, montesano. 
Montesnno, Washington. 
 The townsite of the present city was first platted by C. N. Byles in 1882. Incorpora- 
 tion followed in 1883. The town made a steady though slow progress from this latter 
 year until 1890, when the first important enterprise in Montesano's history was inau- 
 gurated. This was the completion of a lumber railroad to Montcsano, which fur- 
 nished an outlet for the rich timber belt of this district. The citizens subscribed a 
 liberal subsidy to insure the choice of route in the location of this road, and its com- 
 pletion was found to be of incalculable benefit to the town. At a later period this 
 line of road came into the possession of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, 
 and is now one of the most important feeders of the trunk line of the entire system. 
 The official census of 1890 placed 
 the population of Montesanoatover 1,700. 
 The best informed citizens of Montesano 
 claim today a population exceeding 2,000 
 for their city. This point is the head of 
 navigation on the Chehalis river, and is 
 really the highest point reached by water 
 in the entire Gray's Harbor district. Ves- 
 sels of large aggregate tonnage yearly 
 land at Montesano's docks. The depth 
 of water in the river up to this point will 
 be greatly increased by future improve- 
 ments, and this will always remain the 
 farthest point" inland to which ships can 
 ascend and make connection with the land transportation lines centering at this place. 
 Ships now regularly ply between Montesano and San Francisco, and also between 
 Montcsano and Portland. The water front of the town affords excellent opportuni- 
 ties for the location here of manufacturing plants. Thus early in the growth of the 
 place a large number of factories are operated here. These include Stetson's mill, 
 Public School, Montesano. 
 The Montesano 
 Sash & Doc r Fac- 
 sano Tannery and 
 sano are the most 
 Promising as are 
 Mill & Water Co.'s mill. The Montesano 
 tory, Ayer's Furniture Fictory, The Monte- 
 two brick yards. The brick yards at Monte- 
 successful operated in Chehalis county, 
 the future possibilities of Montesano for ship- 
 ping and manufacturing, the future of the 
 place will be largely dependent upon the 
 growth and increase in wealth of the rich 
 tributary agricultural district. Very reliable 
 estimates place the number of acres of good 
 agricultural land in Chehalis county, of which 
 Montesano occupies about the geographical 
 center from east to west, at about 300,000. 
 About 40,000 acres of this land are already in 
 cultivation. The figures given below regard- 
 ing the average yields are made from careful 
 inquiries among the practical farmers of 
 this section and can be accepted as reliable 
 The average growth of hay on this laud is about three tons to the acre. The 
 yield per acre of the cereals is as follows : wheat, 35 bushels ; oats, 60 bushels ; 
 barley, 54 bushels; peas, 48 bushels; rye, 40 bushels. The root crops and vegetables 
 COURT HOUSE, Montesano. 
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 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 make the following showing ptr acre : potatoes, 308^ bushels ; carrots, 760 
 bushels ; parsnips, 545 bushels ; beets, 950 busbeis ; rutabagas, 1,050 bushels ; turnips, 
 1,000 bushels, and all other vegetables 'I'' equally as well. Cabbages grown here 
 have trcquently been exhibited measuring three feet in diameter and weighing as high 
 as 30 pounds. This soil is especially adapted to the growing of hops, and the yield of 
 this product is about 1.800 pounds to the acre. 
 The lumber interests of the entire Gray's Harbor district are large, and are 
 touched on to considerable extent in a separate article. The country immediately 
 tributary to Montesano is rich in the finest supply oi^ fir, spruce, cedar and hemlock, 
 and cutting this timber into lumber is now (and it promises to make wonderful devel- 
 opment in the future) one of the principal manufacturing industries of the place. 
 The growth of Moutesano has been steady, but not at a pace beyond the possi- 
 bilities of the town for self-support. The public improvements at Montesano are 
 fully in keeping with ..le commercial prominence of the town. The streets are 
 thoroughly lighted by electricity, and the local plant also supplies power for interior 
 lighting by the incandescent sysiem. The water-works system of the city is especi- 
 ally worthy of notice. The extraordinary pressure of 105 pounds to the square inch 
 is maintained in the city's mains, while the pressure in the mains of the average 
 water system varies from 90 to 100 pounds. 
 The people of Montesano are justly proud of 
 their elegant public school building which was 
 erected at a cost of f6,ooo. They also point with 
 pride to the fine court house located at this point. 
 Among the many other fine buildings of 
 the cit}' is tlie elegant edifice occupied and 
 owned by the Bauk of Montesrano. This 
 building cost |25,coo and is one of the 
 liandsomest structures in Chehalis county. 
 It is occupied by the Bank of Montesano 
 one of the oldest banking houses in South- 
 western Washington. The Bank of Monte- 
 sano is the outgrowth of the old Ijank- 
 ing ho'jse of Byles & Co., composed 
 of C. N. Byles, of Montesano, and I. 
 N. C ise, of Astoria. Mr. Case is still 
 a stoi'kholder in the Bank of Moute- 
 sano. The officeis of the bank at the 
 present writing are C. N. Byles, presi- 
 dent ; J. E. Metcalf, vice-president, 
 and H. L. Gilkcy, cashier. The 
 financial statement of the bank is as 
 follows : capital, $75,000 ; undivided profits, $8,000. 
 A strong banking house that is comparatively new here is the First National 
 Bank of Montesano. This latter institution opened its doors to business in August, 
 1892. H. B. Marcy is president, Dr. F. L. Carr is vice-president, and J. P. Carson is 
 cashier. The capital stock of the bank is $50,000; deposit-s, $35,892.12, and undivir'. 4 
 profits, $1,987.93- 
 j ..Ml 
Cosmopolis, Washington. 
 FWiT NATIONAL Bank, Montesano. 
 The assessed valuation of Montesano 
 property today is about $1,000,000. As a 
 city of homes the place is well worthy of 
 mention. Among the many elegant private 
 r'^sidences of the city, the illustrsliou of 
 the home of C. N. Byles, the pioncor 
 fcivider of Montesano, is found especially 
 worthy of publication in connection with 
 the present article. The father and mother 
 of Mr. Byles were the first settlers in the 
 southwestern part of Washington who came 
 direct to the territory from the East, 
 their pre'^.ecessors having reached Washington by way of the route through Oregon, 
 Ihe sanitary conditions of Montesano are unsurpassed. The town is really 
 built on a succession of three terraces rising one above the other, thus affording a 
 natural and perfect system of dra-.mge. The climate here is equable to a degree that 
 can be said to be practically without sudieu and great changes of temperature, and 
 this, with the mauy avenues of wealth and p osperity which are open to the citiz-jns 
 of the plai ', will make Montesano, in the near future, one of the important cities of 
 Southwestc in Washington. 
 Cosmopolis, Wa,8hliigton, — Cosmopolis, a thriving little town of about 500 
 population, is located on the opposite side of the Chehalis river froni Aberdeen, 
 and a few miles further up the stream. The sito is a good one for the location of a 
 town. Cosmopoli.s has about one and one-half miles of water front, especially 
 adapted to wharfage use. The Chehalis carries a depth oi" about 30 feet of water 
 along this entire city frontage, with deep places in the river where the water attains 
 a d<;pth of 60 feet. 
 The Gray's Farbor Commercial Company is an important factor in the prosper- 
 ity of Cosmopolis. The extensive lumber mill plant of this company is the only 
 industry at the present time located at this point. In addition to their large saw- 
 mill the company also conducts at Cosmopolis a large ^ neral merchandise business 
 They also operate a line of steamers, giving emplc nient to several boats, on the 
 river and harbor. The largest single day's output b the plant of the company at 
 Cosmopolis during 1892 was 222,000 feet of lumber, which can be taken as an indi- 
 cation of the e^:tent of this great industry at Cosmopolis. The company employs in 
 its mill and store hereovcr 100 men. Loafers and unemployed men are not found in this 
 community. Cosmopolis has a pleasing air of thrift. A good public school build- 
 ing, erected at a cost of $4,500, and a line city hall, which cost about $3,500, are 
 claimed for the town. The place also has the advantages of a good 'ater-works 
 sy,stem and an efficient and well-conducted electric light plant. Cobmopolis is 
 entirely free from debt. The foundation of the town is the solid one of manufac- 
 turing industry and legitimate trade and it presents every evidence of a substantial 
 Aberdeen, Waslitiijyton. — Aberdeen is both the center of a great industry 
 and a shipping point of no mean importance. These two advantages in the hands 
 of an enterprising population that is usually located in a coast town of any promi- 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 nence, can be made stroug levers in lifting a town out of obscurity to a position of 
 wealth and importance, and it may be stated here for the benefit of the outside 
 world that Aberdeen's citizens have neither been derelict in the exercise of intelli- 
 View of Abehdeen and harbor. 
 gence in watching the interests of their town or in pushing it to the front as a coming 
 place of importance on Gray's Harbor. 
 In 1855, Samuel Benn, the pioneer resident of Aberdeen, located a ranch on the 
 site now occupied by the flourishing young city. Mr. Benn is still alive and is one of 
 the best-known citizens of the town for whose birth he was responsible and whose 
 interests he has done so much to advance. The townsite was platted in 1883 and con- 
 tained at that time 45 blocks. The room provided for in the original plat was inade- 
 quate to meet the demands of the rapidly-growing population, and since that time 
 additions to Aberdeen have been laid out until the site of the city proper now covers 
 a considerable area. The place is compactly built and it has every appearance of a 
 wide-awake and prosperous town. 
 The population of Aberdeen today is about 2,000. The county census taken in 
 the spring of 1892 showed 1,860 actual residents within the precincts of Aberdeen, 
 and the vote polled in the fall of the same year at the town was 514. The popula- 
 tion of 2,000 for Aberdeen at the present writing is made on a conservative basis. 
 It was a wise foresight which 
 chose the site of Aberdeen, 
 located as it is at the junction 
 of the Chehalis and Wislikah 
 rivers, near the point where the 
 latter stream enters Gray's Har- 
 bor. The harbor at Aberdeen is 
 land-locked, and the depth of 
 water on both sides of the town 
 is sufficient to float the largest 
 vessels. The Chehalis river at 
 this point is 2,700 feet wide and 
 maintains an average depth in 
 front of the town of over 30 
 feet. The Wishkah river, which 
 bisects the town, is 200 feet 
 wide at this point, and at high 
 tide carries a depth of about 30 feet of water for some distance from its mouth. 
 These two deep-water frontages afford ample wharfage facilities for the shipping 
 of Gray's Harbor, and the depth of water is such that vessels of any tonnage will 
 always be able to reach the docks here without the least lifficulty. 
 of Abe^ 
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Aberdeen, Washington. 
 High School, Aberdeen. 
 Some time since the enterprising citizens 
 of Aberdeen constructed and are now operating 
 a well-equipped water-works system and also 
 an electric light plant. In this line of improve- 
 ment they also erected a handsome public 
 school building on a sightly knoll in the city 
 limits. This building, including cost of fur- 
 nishing, represents a total outlay of $29,000. 
 The best residence ponlcn of the place is 
 what is known as North Aberdeen, where some 
 very elegant private residences have already 
 been constructed. The air of both the business 
 district and the residence portion of the town 
 breathes of prosperity, and Aberdeen bears 
 every evidence of a wealthy and progressive 
 On the Pacific coast there are but five indentations, exclusive of Coos Bay, from 
 the ocean which form easy and safe anchorage for shipping of large tonnage. Among 
 the most important of these harbors, outside of Coos Bay, the Columbia river and 
 Puget Sound, is Gray's Harbor, on which Aberdeen is loc led. The country back 
 of this harbor is rich in all the varied products of forests, mines and soil, and it is 
 capable of supporting a large and dense population Cray's Harbor, without gov- 
 ernment improvements, is now entered by vessels deep draught, and it is the 
 seat of large shipping interests. Regular lines of ^^ ids ply between Aberdeen 
 and all coast ports, including Portland, the points on Puget Sound and San Frni 
 Cisco. In 1892 161 sailing vessels and 55 steamers left Aberdt- us wharves, ii .^rtat 
 advance in the tonnage which came to this port during the previous year. In idti- 
 tion to the finest of facilities for shipping by water enjoyed b\' Aberdeen, the town is 
 within easy communicating distance of the regu 
 lar passenger and freight trains of the Northern 
 Pacific Railroad Company, whose lin- is now 
 completed to that part of the town lying along 
 the south shore of Gray's Harbor, connecting 
 with all parts of the United States. It is ho d 
 that by the time this book is ready for tli< ess, 
 the cars of this road will be running along the 
 north shore of the harbor on which Aberdeen is 
 The most important industry at Aberdeen, 
 today, is the sawing of lumber. The people of 
 the Gray's Harbor district claim, and it would 
 seem with some little justice, a part of the wheat 
 shipments of the rich Palouse, Big Bend and 
 Potlatch sections of Eastern Washington and Ida- 
 ho, which now find an outlet at Puget Sound and 
 Portland. On the consummation of the railroad 
 enterprises now on foot, which will advance the 
 interests of the entire Gray's Harbor country, 
 SALMON iNou.7Ry, akcroien, thc predictiott is doubtless a safe one that Aber- 
 photo by PRATSCH i CO. 
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 The Ore^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 deen, in t^^ime, will become an important shipping point for a part of the wheat and 
 other rich crops of the great state of Washington. 
 The Michigan Lumber Company, of Aberdeen, is authority for the statement 
 that there is no finer or more acces- 
 sible belt of merchantable timber on 
 the coast than is found along the 
 numerous streams wh'ch form the 
 water-courses of the Gray's Harbor 
 district. jiaguificent forests of fir, 
 cedar, spruce and hemlock of coiossai 
 growth , can be easily floated to the 
 mills at Aberdeen. A conservative 
 estimate of the extr.nt of this timber 
 belt places the measurement of lum- 
 ber at 1 80, oo'", JOG, cor feet. The coast, 
 South American and Australian de- 
 mand for this lumber is even now 
 great, and with the increased de- 
 mands for lumber which are constant 
 ly being made in all parts of the world, the great belt of the finest timber within easy 
 reach of the sawmills at Aberdeen will not long remain untouched. 
 There are now located at Aberdeen three large sawmills. The output of these 
 mills for 1892 was as follows : The J. M. Weatherwax mill, 22,500,000 feet ; the West 
 mill, 10,000,000 feet, and the Wilson mill, 6,800,000. The output of the four large 
 shingle mills located at Aberdeen aggregated, for the first six months of the year, 
 68,100,000 shingles. 
 In addition to the lumber and shingle mills at Aberdeen, there are also located 
 at this point a large sash, door and box factory, operated by Whitehouse, Crimins 
 & Co., and a factory devoted to the manufacture of furniture and fixtures, operated 
 by A. Damitio. .\berdeen would furnish an advantageous site for the establishment 
 of a paper mill, as the fibrous spruce timber 
 which is found in inexhaustible quantities 
 in this .section is especially adapted to the 
 manufacture of wood pulp. Aberdeen 
 would also furnish an excellent site for the 
 establishment of tanneries on a large scale, 
 as the finest hemlock used in this industry 
 can be obtained in any quantity desired, at 
 this point, at a minimum cost. 
 The J. M. Weatherwax Lumber Com- 
 pany have already presented the strongest 
 possible argument in favor of Aberdeen as 
 a most favorably located point for ship- 
 building on a large scale, by constructing, 
 at their mill yards, a staunch .schooner, 
 which is now engaged in the coast trade. 
 This vessel was launched at Aberdeen, amid the enthusiastic rejoicings of the 
 citizens of the place. This vessel is one of the largest and best appointed boats 
 Mill Boom, j. m. Weatherwax Lumber co., Aberdeen. 
Hoquiam, Washington. 
 of her kind ever bull*- on the coast. She has 
 a carrying capacity of 550,000 feet of lumber, 
 and is both a matter of pride and a standing 
 advertisement for the entire Gray's Harbor 
 section of county. 
 With the expenditure of a reasonable ap- 
 propriation for improvement, Gray's Harbor 
 can be made to rank with even the Colum- 
 bia river or Puget Sound as an accessible har- 
 bor for the largest shipping. With the con- 
 stantly increasing importance of the shipping 
 interests of this section, congress will doubt- 
 less be willing, before many years iiave passed, 
 to make the improvements needed at Gray's 
 Ha'-bor to cause it to equal any of the finest 
 Launch of the »i M. Weatherwax, Aberdeen. 
 on the coast, both in ease of 
 access and in depth of water. 
 An institution located at Aberdeen 
 that is a great source of pride to the 
 people of that town is the fine hospital 
 conducted under the auspices of the Cath- 
 olic vSisters. Two strong local banks, the 
 Aberdeen Bank and First National, 
 each with a capital of $50,000, carry suffi- 
 cient money at all times to meet the 
 legitimate demands of the people here. 
 The mercantile interests are weM repre- 
 sented at this point and the number 
 of storc'.«5 is constantly increasing with 
 the growt'- in population and wealth of 
 the town. 
 Ho<iulatn, Washington. — Hoquiam, an enterprising town of 1,150 inhabi- 
 tants, is situated on the north side of Gray's Harbor, 19 miles from the bar at the 
 entrance. The town sprung into existence at the time of the establishment of the 
 Northwestern I^umbcr Co.'s mill at this point in 1882, For years previous to that 
 time Hoquiam had been known as a place of considerable industry, but was desig- 
 nated with other points of the section simply as a "sawmill town." 
 In 1890, when the first authentic information of early connection of Gray's Har- 
 bor with the outside world by rail reached the people of the older settled communi- 
 ties of the coast, Hoquiam took a new lease of life and the growth of the place from 
 that time forward was rapid and of a substnntial nature. The population of Hoquiam 
 in 1889 did not exceed 400 ; today the poj lation of the town is no less than 1,200 
 and this population is constantly incr. asing. 
 The location of Hoquiam at the mouth of the Hoquiam river and also on the 
 deep-water frontage of Gray's Harbor is favorable. The best oi wuciiiage facilities 
 for shipping are afforded at this point, and anchorage in the harbor in front of the 
 city is both safe and easy. The Hoquiam river .uns between unusually steep banks 
 and it carries a depth of 30 feet of water from the point where it joins the waters 
i : 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the PaciBc Northwest. 
 of Gray's Harbor for a distance of three miles inland. While it is navigable for 
 deep-water vessels but for this latter distance above Hoquiam, steamers of light 
 draught ascend the stream for a lU ."Tnce of lo miles above the deep-water ship- 
 ping point. 
 The people of Hoquiam express a confidence, that with the growth of that part of 
 Southwestern Washington bordering on Gray's Harbor, Hoquiam will become one of 
 the important maritime towns of this part of the state. It is already the seat of con- 
 siderable manufacluring, and these industries arc constantly increasing. The North- 
 western Lumber Company's mill is one of the best equipped lumber plants in the 
 state. When run to its full capacity this mill can cut about 31,000,000 feet of lum- 
 ber annually. Slade's mill, as it is now known to the people of Gray's Harbor and 
 conducted by Mr. Kellogg, of Aberdeen, is the second largest industry of Hoquiam. 
 A site has been purchased and the machinery Is now on the way from San Fran- 
 cisco for the establishment at Hoquiam of a large basket factory. Mr. Carlson, who 
 will be the resident manager of the latter company, will look to Portland princi- 
 pally as a market for his product. 
 Hoquiam has good hotel accommodations in the Hotel Hoquiam, a very credit- 
 able structure for a town of 1,200 population. It is well conducted and is the pride 
 of the citizttns of the place. 
 Excellent hunting and fishing are found within easy distance of Hoquiam, The 
 streams which join the waters of the Hoquiam river within an easy walk of the town 
 teem with trout, there is good salt-water fishing in the harbor, and the adjoining 
 hills furnish fine sport for elk, bear and deer shooting. During the season the lakes 
 in the vicinity of the town are covered with ducks, including mallards, canvas-back, 
 teal, etc., as well as geese and swan, the shooting of which furnishes excellent sport 
 for the hunters of water fowl. 
 Ocosta, Washington. — " Ocosta by the Sea." This is the somewhat poetic 
 designation given to Ocosta by its enthusiastic and romantic citizens. Of the right 
 of the citizens' claim to this title for their town no one is disposed to contend. On 
 entering Gray's Harbor from the sea, Ocosta on South Bay is :he first town sighted, 
 and it is the last on which the gaze of the outgoing mariner lingers as his vessel 
 speeds seaward. South Bay and a narrow strip of land in shape something like the 
 index finger alone separate the town from the waters of the ocean itself. 
 It was not a reliance on picturesque surroundings alone that created Ocosta. 
 The management of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company in their search for an 
 ocean terminus for their line on Gray's Harbor favored Ocosta with the choice. 
 J. W. Kendrick, chief engineer of the road, made the preliminary surveys for the 
 line, skirting the shores of Gray's Harbor, and apparently having satisfied himself 
 fully of the advantages of Ocosta, selected this place as the terminal point. The Gray's 
 Harbor braiich of the Northern Pacific was completed to Ocosta in June, 1892. The 
 completioii of the road to this point found a good-sized town awaiting the arrival of 
 the iron horse, and since the driving of the last spike the town has made consider- 
 able advancement in a material way. 
 The population of Ocosta today is perhaps about 500. A sawmill and flouring 
 tnill are already located at this point and other manufacturing industries are con- 
 templated. Iviberal subsidies have been offered at Ocosta for the establishment of 
 factories, which can be taken as an indication of the wide-awake policy of the place. 
 ity of 
 the vi 
 of nea 
 to cut 
Olympia, Washington. 
 Several mills are located in the vicinity, industries that add directly to the prosper- 
 ity of tbe place. The town claims one brewery whose product finds i large sale in 
 the vicinity, 
 Ocosta is still too young to own a street-lighting plant and wate; works, but 
 perfection of plans for the establishment of these important industries in municipal 
 development will doubtless soon be considered by the enterprising people at this 
 The shooting of fine mallard, canvas-back, sprig and teal ducks affords fine 
 sport on South Bay in front of Ocosta, and these ducks are exceedingly palatable. 
 They are, singularly, entirely free from the rank, fishy taste which taints the flesh 
 of nearly all fowl killed on salt water. Visitors to the bay are served in truly royal 
 style with the fattest of ducks browned to a turn, and the lult at all of the public 
 houses of the section is "a duck apiece for every guest. ' ' Th*; people of Ocosta 
 never do things by halves, and they place implicit reliance in the knowledge of 
 carving, which every enlightened man is supposed to possess, by making no attempt 
 to cut a duck for a man who is hungry enough to eat a whole ore. 
 Bucoda, Washinjj^toii. — Bucoda is :>n important town in Thurston county, 
 on the main line of the Northern Pacific, about 20 miles south of Olympia, five miles 
 south of Tenino, the junction of the main 
 line of the Northern Pacific and the Port 
 Towasend Southern branch to Olympia. 
 It is 43 miles south of Tacoma and 102 
 miles north of Portland. The population 
 of Bucoda by the U. S. official census of 
 iS90was945. The principal reliance of 
 the town 'or support is the large mine of 
 the Buco( a Coal Company, located at this 
 point. T lis mine has a daily capacity of 
 500 tons and large shipments of this coal 
 are made regularly from Bucoda to Port- 
 land and other points on the line of the Northern Pacific. Immense deposits of lig- 
 nite coal are found in the immediat'i vicinity of Bucoda and the mining of this coal 
 will always be one of the leading industries here. 
 Bucoda contains one bank witli $25,000 capital, a fine school house the erection of 
 which involved an outlay of f6,ooo, a good opera house with a seating capacity of 
 400, it supports one good weekly newspaper and two churches, the Methodist and 
 Baptist. One large sawmill and a shingle mill are located at this point. Along 
 Skamokawa creek in the vicinity of Bucoda several companies are engaged exten- 
 sively in logging, vast forests of the finest fir and cedar being directly tributary to 
 the place. Good agricultural land is also found in large bodies near the town. 
 Bucoda is a well built town, it contains a number of good stores and well constructed 
 private residences and it is perhaps one of the largest inierior shipping points of 
 the Northern Pacific railroad in Western Washington, 
 Olympia, Washington.— Olyn.pia, the cr.pitaT of the ttate of Washington, 
 and the county seat of Thurston county, is located at the head of Puget Sound, on 
 an arm of this great inland body of water known as Budd's Inlet. The Sound is nav- 
 igable for deep-water vessels to this point. 
 Water Power, ciucoda. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Olvmpia, Lookinq down the Sound. 
 The old Smith land claim was located 
 in 1846, and the present site of Olympia 
 was formally dedicated as a townsite in 
 1850. The town was christened Olympia, 
 by Colonel I. N. Ebey, a name suggested 
 by the snow-capped peaks of the Olympic 
 range, which rise abruptly to the north, 
 and also by a happy recurrence at the time 
 to the following lines of poetrj : 
 •'Afar their crystal summits rise 
 Like gems against the sunset skies, 
 While far below the shadowy mist, 
 In waves of pearl and amethyst, 
 'Round stately fir'and^sombre pine. 
 Its dewey-jeweled fingers twine ; 
 Olympia's gods might view with grace 
 Nor scorn so fair a dwelling place." 
 Olympia is a beautiful city, both in the 
 site it occupies and in its surroundings. 
 The broad stretch of the waters of Puget 
 Sound spreading out before the city, with 
 its constantly moving shipping forms a 
 changing panorama that claims the attention 
 of all visitors to Washington's capital. The 
 skirting forests and towering hills back of 
 the place set off to good advantage a picture 
 that is as rich in colors as only nature in 
 her happiest mood can paint them. The 
 beauty in location doubtless had some- 
 thing to do in determining the selection of 
 Olympia as the state capital, and the growth 
 these same beautiful surroundings. 
 MAIN Street, Olympia. 
 of the place is, in a measure, due ta 
 For many years after the era of railroads in the Northwest, the growth of Olym- 
 pia, in comparison with the other large cities of the Sound district, was slow. During 
 the past few years, however, much substantial improvement has been made at this 
 point, and Olympia now occupies a position of consider- 
 able commercial importance. During this time a num- 
 ber of very handsome public buildings have been 
 erected here, and the numerous fine brick blocks on 
 Main street attest the confidence of Olympia's citizens 
 in the future growth of their city. The Thurston county 
 court house, recently built at Olympia, is one of the 
 handsomest public buildings in thest ate. It is built entire- 
 ly of Bellingham Bay blue sandstone, and in point of con- 
 struction and as a handsome piece of architecture, it 
 outshines any county court house in Washington or Ore- 
 THURSTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, ocYMPiA. g^" ^oday. Thc ccst of this maguificeut building wa& 
 Olympia, Washington. 
 $140,000. The four stories of the building furnish ample room for the various county 
 officers and for the halls of justice. The interior finishing is in keeping with 
 the Very handsome appearance of the exterior. Surmounting the structure is a 
 lofty octagon-shaped tower. In each of the eight faces of this tower is placed a 
 large clock dial, and this clock furnishes a correct timepiece for all Olympia. In 
 addition to the magnificent court house, Olympia has two elegant brick and stone 
 school buildings. The regular daily attendance at the public schools of the city is 
 about 1,500. In addition to the fine public schools, the Collegiate Institute, under 
 the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the Providence Academy, con- 
 ducted by the sisters, are located at this point. 
 Private enterprise has not been remiss in furthering Olynipia's interests. The 
 McKenny block, the Chilberg block, the First National Bank building, the Hotel 
 Olympia, the opera-house block and other 
 fine structures have all been erected here ^ a m "•■w 
 during the past two years. Noticeable among 
 these fine buildings is the McKenny block, 
 located on the corner of Fourth and Main 
 streets. This was erected in 1890 by Mr. 
 T. I. McKenny, at a cost of $80,000. It 
 is four stories in height, and has a front- 
 age of 60 feet on Main street, with a 
 depth extending back on Fourth street of -1 
 120 feet. The material used in its con- 
 struction is brick, with massive stone trim- 
 mings, and it presents to the eye every ap- 
 pearance of solidity and grace of outline. mckennv block, olympia. 
 The finely finished woodwork of the interior of the building vies with the best inte- 
 rior finishing of any of the finest buildings of 
 the Northwest. The building is well heated, 
 and every attention has been paid to perfect 
 lighting. The three upper stories of the Mc- 
 Kenny block are now occupied by the various 
 state departments of Washington, pending the 
 erection of the capitol at Ol.vmpia. The state 
 pays $6,600 a year for these quarters, and the 
 stores on the ground floor br'ng the owner $5,000 
 a year more. The erection of such fine struc- 
 tures at Olympia, as the McKenny block, marks 
 an epoch in the growth of the city, and it was 
 just such enterprise as was shown in putting up 
 this building here that so often crowds places 
 less favored in location than Olympia to the 
 Two strong banks are located at Olympia, 
 the First National and the Capital National 
 Bank. The First National is the oldest national 
 bank in the city, having been established in 
 1884. It is the outgrowth of the old banking 
 First national bank, Olvmpia. 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 Lincoln school, Olympia. 
 firm of George A. Barnes & Co., afterwards merged into the business of Hoy t, Phillips 
 & Co. The directors of the First National having determined to erect a building suit- 
 able for the requirements of the bank, finally accepted the plans of the present structure 
 which they occupy. The building now occupied by the First 
 National is a model of the tasteful in architecture, and it is 
 elegant in design. The foundation is cf stone, and the two- 
 story superstructure is composed of brick with stone trim- 
 mings and terra cotta facade. Although the building is only 
 30x90 feet in size, its erection involved an outlay of $20,000, 
 as no expense was spared by the bank either in the exterior 
 or interior finish. The present officers of the First National 
 are as follows : president, A. A. Phillips ; vice-president, John 
 F. Gowey ; cashier, L. W. Ostrander ; assistant cashier, Henry 
 P. Lee. The following is the report of the condition of the 
 First National Bank of Olympia, Washington, at close of business July 12, 1893 : 
 Resources — Loans and discounts, $261,275.68; overdrafts, I154.66 ; United States 
 bonds to secure circulation, $25,000; premiums paid, 
 $850 ; real estate, furniture and fixtures, $42,533.40 ; cur- 
 rent expenses and taxes paid, $6,996.85 ; cash on hand, 
 $43,907.41 ; due from banks, $22,925.99 ; due from United 
 States treasury, $1,125 ; total, $404,768.99. Liabilities — 
 Capital stock paid in, $100,000; surplus, $35,000 ; undi- 
 vided profits, $12,919.25; circulation, $22,500; deposits, 
 $234,349-74; total, $404,768.99. 
 Among the leading industrial establishments of 
 Olympia may be mentioned the Olympia Door and 
 Lumber Company, the West Side Mill and the 
 Puget Sound Pipe Company. The present popu- 
 lation of the city is about 6,000. A large propor- 
 tien of the citizens own their own homes. Some 
 of the finest of these private residences are 
 perched on a high hill which commands a fine 
 view of the business district of the city, and also 
 of the entire bay in front. A number of very fine 
 residences arS also located on the west shore, op- 
 posite the main part of the city. • A long liridge, 
 spanning the inlet intervening, connects with the 
 business part of the town. On the hill, which 
 furnishes a site for some of the finest residences, is located St. Peter's hospital, 
 erected at a cost of $20,000. It is in charge of the Catholic Sisters, 
 Extensive improvements are now being made to the harbor at Olympia, under 
 the direction of the government, which made an appropriation of $35,000 for this 
 purpose. This improvement is badly needed, as the water formerly became so shal- 
 low at the city's docks, during low tide, that it was difficult for deep-water vessels to 
 approach these landings. The expenditure of this money on harbor improvements 
 here, however, will entirely remedy this trouble. The Northern Pacific Railroad 
 Company now runs daily trains south from Olympia to Portland, north to Seattle 
 and Tacoma, and east and southwest to the lower Chehalip valley and to Gray's 
 Harbor by connection at Centralia. Connection between Olympia and Tenino, a dis- 
Tumwater, Washington. 
 tance of 15 miles, is made by the Port Townsend & Southern. The steamer Multno- 
 mah makes round trips daily between Olympia and Seattle, touching both ways at 
 Tacoma. The steamer Willie plies between Olympia and Shelton, making two round 
 trips between these points daily. Olympia now has as good transportation facili- 
 ties as any city on the Sound, and these facilities are being constantly improved. 
 By an act of congress the state of Washington was endowed with a dona- 
 tion of 132,000 acres of land when the state was created. The proceeds of this 
 laud were to be devoted to the erection of suitable capitol buildings. As the value 
 of this land is now estimated to be about 
 $2,500,000, the erection of fine state build- 
 ings at Olympia, in the near future, is 
 assured, and it is probable when the time 
 comes to build these fine edifices for state 
 purposes, that special attention will be 
 paid to making them the most creditable 
 public buildings on the coast. 
 Young's Hotei^. — Among the his- 
 toric landmarks of Olympia spared by the 
 effacing ravages of time. Young's hotel, 
 on the corner of Second and Main streets, 
 is worthy of special mention. The building now occupied by the hotel was finished 
 away back in 1849, and under its original name of the Washington hotel attained a 
 degree of celebrity in the early 50's, still remembered by the pioneer settlers of 
 Olympia and Tumwater. It was the first house of refreshment in the capital city and 
 for a long time after its erection the only one. Its patrons embraced the names of 
 all the public men famous in the formative period of the territorial government of 
 Washington. Many of these old patrons of the Washington hotel have long since 
 paid their last debt to nature, leaving behind them nothing but a shadowy memory 
 of their accomplishments on earth, but not a few still survive to recall the old-time 
 discussions to which the walls of the Washington once echoed ; discussions on 'opics 
 then instinct with life but today so long since forgotten that even an argument on 
 ihe p70S andi cons oi African slavery would sound recent and fresh by comparison. 
 In 1873 the old Washington hotel passed into the hands of E. T. Young and its name 
 was changed by the new proprietor to Young's hotel. The house has been enlarged 
 from time to time under Mr. Young's proprietorship, and today it is capable of enter- 
 taining 120 guests. It has lost none of its old-time popularity in the hands of E. T. 
 Young, who is an ex-mayor of Olympia, and who for many years was a prominent 
 member of the common council of the city. Large, well-ventilated rooms, fine 
 brands of wines, liquors and cigars, sample rooms for commercial travelers and all 
 the old-time attention to comfort of guests still make Young's hotel a drawing card 
 •with the general public. 
 Tuniveatei*, Washington. — Tumwater, a suburb of Olympia, enjoys the 
 distinction of having been the first settlement in the Puget Sound country. It is 
 located on the Des Chutes river, about i^ miles south of Olympia, and is connected 
 with the big city by an electric railway line. The town enjoys the benefits of a vast 
 water power in Tumwater falls, which lend their unceasing roar to the business life 
 of the place. Power for operating the electric line and also for running the street- 
 lighting plant at Olympia is obtained from these falls. The power of the falls wa 
 I'j ••) 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 formerly utilized for running a large flouring mill at Tumwater, but a disastrous fire 
 in 1892 destroy ed the plant, and owing to general depression in business the mill has 
 not yet been rebuilt. The falls here are formed by the entire body of the Des Chutes 
 river plunging over rocky lec'gcs at this point, making a total descent of 82 feet. 
 The different falls are three in number, making a perpendicular fall of 20, 16 and 26 
 feet respectively. Rapids inter • ne between each fall. The short-sighted policy of 
 the original owners of the water power at this point greatly retarded what would 
 otherwise have' been a great development at Tumwater. This is one of the most 
 available and most easily controlled water powers of the state and it will some day be 
 the scene of considerable activity in manufacturing development. 
 Tumwater contains today about 5'K) people, many of the residents doing business 
 in Olympia. It is on the line of the Port Townsend & Southern railway running 
 between Olympia and Tenino, and it is also on the direct line of the proposed Union 
 Pacific line between Portland and Puget Sound. It is a favorably located point for 
 building a prosperous town at some time in the future. 
 81ielt<)n,Wasllilijtj:t<>n. — Shelton, the judicial seat of Mason county, is located 
 on the arm of Puget Sound known as Hammerton's Inlet. Almost all of Mason coun- 
 ty's area, consisting of 900 square miles, is mountainous and is covered with vast 
 forests of fir, pine and cedar. Millions of feet of lumber are now annually logged 
 in this county and floated in rafts to the different seats of the sawmill industry on 
 Puget Sound. Shelton is practically the center of this great logging industry and it 
 is the supply station of the various logging camps located in the county. 
 The present population of Shelton is about 600. The greater part of the popula- 
 tion is engaged in the service of the lumber corporations having interests at this 
 point. Two logging railroads are operated in Mason county with Shelton as the 
 terminus. The Washington & Southern Railway Company operates about 36 miles 
 of railroad, inchuhng side-tracks, in the county, and the Shelton & Southwestern 
 Railway Company has now laid about nine miles of road. This latter company 
 expects to extend its road to an ultimate connection with the Gray's Harbor branch 
 of the Northern Pacific at Elma. The extension of this road will prove of great 
 benefit to Shtlton, as it will op.n up all-rail communication between the town and 
 all parts of the country. Shelton is 22 miles northwest of Olympia, from which 
 point it is reached by steamboat which makes two round trips a day between the 
 two places. 
 Tacoma., Waslllnjytoii.— Tacoma, the chief industrial city and the most 
 important seaport of Washington, is located on that part of the headwaters of Puget 
 Sound known as Commencement Bay. This 
 bay is an indentation of Admiralty Inlet, 
 the largest and most important branch of 
 Puget Sound. 
 backed by statistics, cannot 
 The rapid rise of Tacoma from mere 
 village conditions to the position of one of 
 the most progressive cities of the coast 
 makes it one of the remarkable cities of 
 modern times. The record of this marve- 
 lous growth accurately portrayed in words 
 fail to be of great interest to the readers of "The 
Tacoma , \Vi> hington. 
 An Histohic Church, Tacoma. 
 vast forest, the 
 The great inland sea called Puget Sound, with its forest-lined shores .shadowed 
 by the mighty peaks of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, remained practically 
 an unknown region until early in the 50's, when a few hardy pioneers cut their way 
 through the dense forests and established a settlement on the shores of KUiot Bay, the 
 presentsitc of the flourishing city of Seattle. Occasionally, 
 before that time, a venturesome ship with a foreign flag flying 
 c its mast head had sailed through the Straits of Fuca into 
 Puget Sound in search of spars and timber. The crews 
 of these ships doubtless told in distant lands that far to the 
 westward lay a beautiful inland body of water bluer than 
 the Aegean Sea. But even the stories of Puget Sound, em- 
 bellished by a sailor's vivid imagination, could hardly do 
 th>" region justice. No other section of equal extent in the 
 world contains as much natural wealth as does the coun- 
 try bordering on Puget Sound. Embraced in this region is 
 the greatest forest on the continent, the most extensive coal 
 ■"^|. sures in the United States, millions of acres of fertile 
 land, and mountains that contain enormous deposits of 
 gold, silver, copper, lead and iron-bearing ores. Stretching 
 back from the water's edge at Tacoma to the foothills 
 of the mountain peaks, covered with perennial snow, 
 monarchs of which lift their green-crowned heads as high as 400 feet above the 
 ground. Beyond this forest, and towering to a height of nearly 15,000 feet is a great 
 white glacier-covered dome which bears the Indian name 
 of Tacoma. Beneath the summit of Mount Tacoma and 
 extending away for miles until lost to the view of the 
 beholder, is a series of snow-capped peaks of the Cascade 
 Mountains. Trickling down the mountain sides are hun- 
 dreds of little creeks which finally unite and form the 
 several rivers which empty into Puget Sound. One of 
 these rivers, the Puyallup, flows through an exception- 
 ally fertile valley and enters Commencement Bay in 
 front of the city of Tacoma. In the valley of this river 
 are the most productive hop fields in the world, surpass- 
 ing in almost every respect the famous hop yards of Kent, England. 
 It is not to be wondered at that when men learned of the fertility of the soil 01 
 this region, its matchless resources and mild and salubrious climate they were will- 
 ing to suffer privations and undertake long hazardous journeys to reach the shores of 
 Puget Sound. The location of Tacoma, 
 the birth of the present city, and its foun- 
 dation date from ]868, when General 
 Matthew M. McCarver, a well-known 
 California pioneer, arrived on Puget 
 Sound, and platted about 60 acres on 
 what is now called the original townsite 
 of Tacoma, In the same year Charles 
 Hanson built the Tacoma mill. For 15 
 years or more this sawmill was practically 
 the main support and the only industry 
 Oldest Church on Puget Sound. 
 auILT BY REV. DE VORE IN 185^. 
 t 1 
 i w 
 T ii 
 HI I 
 1 : 
 The Ort'gonian's Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 Indian Canoes at Tacoma. 
 of the village. It is now one of 
 the largest sawmills in the 
 .United States. At '■■-. dockf can 
 be seen vessels hailing from all 
 ports of the Pacific and Atlan- 
 tic oceans. In the early years 
 of the settlement of Tacoma, 
 a boat arriving at this mill from 
 some outside port was welcomed by the entire population of the village. 
 Tacoma remained a comparatively unknown town until 1873. Up to that time 
 the prediction that Tacom«A would ever conta-n a population of i,ocjo people would 
 not have been considered by any resident of the place. In 1873 an event occurred 
 that not only amazed the people of the village but which also msde Tacoma a place 
 of great promise. In that year Tacoma was selected and put down on the maps as 
 the western terminus of the Northern Pacific railroad. Before this s .lection was 
 annoimced the company had quietly acquired possession of nearlj- all the land for a dis- 
 tance of two or three miles back from and a'ong the water front of the village. Unlike 
 many speculators the men who at that time controlled the Y ■ rthcrn Pacific did not wait 
 until some one else had made improvenunits beforo; taking . prominent part in pub- 
 lic matters themselves. They at once went to work, alter acquiring title to the land, 
 felling the mighty forests, and among the stumps and underbrush laid ,#» 
 out wide business streets and residence avenues. It was the purpose of 
 the Northern Pacific to establish here a large and beautiful city, and 
 although the project was delayed for some years, it 
 was 6ubsec[uently carried out on a much larger scale 
 than was first contemplated. The delay in building 
 the city was caused by the Cascade Mountains pre- 
 senting a seemingly impassable barrier to the path- 
 way of the railroad to Pugct Souud. The mountains 
 turned the line of road to the south so that in reaching the Pacific ocean 
 was forced to make connection with the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com- 
 pany's line down the Columbia river to Portland. In 1.SS8, however, ;-;kiJl- 
 ful engineering demonstrated that the road could be built over ard through the Cas- 
 cades. The great Stampede tunnel was subsequently built and the Northern Pacific 
 completed its main line to Taccma, The advent of the railroad to Tacoma was fol- 
 lowed by a period of great activity in the growth of tiie city, a growth that has sel- 
 dom been equaled in city building in the United Slates. 
 The Northorn Pacific in building to the rb.ores of Puget Sound opened up for 
 settlement the vast area of country surrounding this inlar'^ body of water, and it 
 caused its matchless resources to become known to the world. A great Ptream of 
 :m:nigrntiori finding its source .1 the states of the East and South at once commenced 
 to tlow into the Northwest. Two years afier the completion of the Northern Pacific 
 to Puget Sound the cities of Tacoma. .Seattle and Spokane had j^rowu to important 
 centers c-f trade and of a population of about i^^ooo each. Houses could not be built 
 fast cnoi'gh at Tacoma to shelter the incoming multitude. Capital poured into the 
 city by millions and 'c was immediately employed here in the erection of dwelling 
 houses and substantial business blocks. Mills, factories, warehouses and elevators 
 began to fill up the low ground at the waters' edge, and stores and offices multiplied 
 P. R. R. Co. '8 Car Shops, Tacova. 
Tacowa, Washington. 
 IN1ERI0H. N. P. R. R. Machine Shops, Tacom*. 
 on the business streets. The Northern Pacific built extensive side-tracks and gave 
 the city terminal rates which placed it at an advantage over all other points on Puget 
 Sound. It is due to these rates that Tacotna 
 has handled most of the wheat of the state of 
 Washington shipped from Puget Sound ports. 
 The growth of Taconia has not only 
 been phenouieual, but in many respects it 
 has been the most marvelous of the growth 
 of any American city. Since the comple- 
 tion of the Northern Pacific over 27,000 peo- 
 ple have arrived in Tacoma and made the 
 city their p(.'rn:anent home. The United 
 States census or i8t;o placed the census of 
 Tacoma at 36,200. This rapid increase of 
 population is still taking place, for the care- 
 fully compiled directory of 1S93 showed 
 that Tacoma and its suburbs ai that time 
 contained about 49,000 people. 
 The location of Tacoma and the beauty of its surroundings make it one of the 
 mo'jt attractive of residence cities. Tacoma is built upon a peninsula which runs to 
 a point forming a triangle. The highest point of this promontory is its center, a 
 hip^ plain extending its entire length, ending at its extreme norther" boundary in 
 ?.n abrupt precipice. This is Point Defiance. F'rom the water front and the tide 
 fl:.ts covering three and one-half square miles and lying below and in front of the 
 city the land rises gradually and in natural terraces. The summit of the slope is 
 about 300 feet above the waters' edge. The ea.st and west streets ascend the hill at 
 easy grades and the main avenues running north and south stretch along the natural 
 benches of the hillside for miles, forming magnificent drives. The residence district 
 o.' the city is situated on the high lands where the windows of nearly every house 
 command a magnificent view of the romantic mountain scenery. In this part of the 
 city arc many costly mansions surrounded by beautifully laid-out lawns and gardens. 
 The rippling waters of Commencement Bay, with its high promontories and the 
 irregular contour oi its thickly wooded shore line, form a picturesque foreground foi 
 the fir-clad sljpes and great snow-capped peaks of the 
 Cascade Mountains. Surmounting this range, and in 
 plain view of Tacoma, is Mount Tacoma, the monarch 
 of the Cascades. This superb peak, clad in robes of 
 virgin white, incomparable in its beauty and grandeur, 
 towers 14.444 feet above sea level. Encircling its slopes 
 is a system of enormous glaciers and ice fields presenting 
 an almost impassable obstacle in the pathway of the 
 Alpine climber attempting to scale its heights. Beyond 
 the tide lands beneath the city the Puyallup river can be 
 seen winding its way through the dense forest and thick 
 underbrush of the Puy.Uup Indian reservation, emerg- 
 ing from which it flows a short distance and empties its 
 waters into the bay in front of the city. 
 It is on the low lands bordering the tide flats that many of the city's industrial 
 plants are located. These include woolen mills, foundri^c, match, soap, furniture, 
 Mt. Tacoh* (rainier) from tacoma. 
 V, .1^^ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Co*L Bunkers, T..com*. 
 box and cracker factories, stockyards, iron and 
 boiler works, breweries and sawmills. Among the 
 latter is the extensive plant of the St. Paul and 
 Taconia Luniber Conipau)-. This is one of the 
 largest plants of the kind on the coast. Further 
 oown the bay is the terminal yard of the Northern 
 Pacific railroad. Next come the bijf ocean wharves 
 and coal bunkers. From here down to a point 
 near Point Defiance the shore is lined with great 
 elevators and warehouses, large flouring mills and 
 saw and shingle mills. Just outside the city limits and before the end of the peninsula 
 is reached is the Tacoma smelter. This is the largest plant of the kind on the coast. 
 Ores are received here from Alaska, British Columbia, California and Mexico. In 
 1892 this smelter turned out 14,861 ounces of gold, 528,060 ounces of silver and 
 4,176,803 pounds of lead. This output was worth $937,740. 
 Tacoma is essentially a manufacturing city. From manufacturing alone it 
 derives a large part of its revenue. The products of its mills and factories are staple 
 articles of commerce in the cities of South America, Oceanica and the Orient. It 
 has been within the past five years that Tacoma has 
 showed its remarkable conmiercial developments. 
 Starting with a few .sawmilLs, it now has within its 
 limits manufactories representing $9,400,000 of in- 
 vested capital. These industries employ 3,500 men 
 and their output for 1893 aggregated over $9,000,000. 
 The advantageous location of Tacoma, at the head of 
 deep-water navigation on Puget Sound, makes it a 
 natural manufacturing center. At its very thresh- 
 hold are resources that would support a city of large 
 population. The future of Tacoma rests alone on the 
 development of these great resources which today ofler splendid opportunities for 
 the investment of capital. 
 The coal fields of Pierce county are the most important in the state. This coal 
 makes a coke equal to that of the famous Connelsville coke of Pennsylvania. At 
 Wilkinson, a few miles from Tacoma, 60 coke ovens are now in full blast. The im- 
 portance of the proximity of this coking coal to Tacoma cannot be overestimated, in 
 its bearing on the future prosperity of the city. In the manufacture of iron alone it 
 will play an important part here. The mountains of Western Washington contain 
 inexhaustible quantities of the best iron ores, and it is but a question of a few years 
 when this ore will be converted into pig iron at Tacoma. The vast and almost 
 unbroken forests surrounding Puget Sound are the greatest of America's timber 
 reserves. This forest contains the finest timber in 
 the world for general building purposes. The manu- 
 facture of lumber is now and will be for years the 
 most important industry of We.stern Washington. 
 Tacoma is the greatest lumbering center in the state, 
 jlJ^i^k and Pierce county, of which it is the seat of justice, 
 contains millions of feet of the finest timber. The 
 agricultural lands adjacent to Tacoma produce 30,000 
 bales of hops per year. Of the wheat crop of the 
 Ship Bjildinq, Tacoma. 
 Tacoma, Washington. 
 State Insane Asylum, Steilacoom. 
 State, estimated for 1893 at 22,000,000 
 bushels, nearly one-half is brought to 
 TacoDia for shipment to foreign ports. 
 Another great industry that contributes 
 to Tacoma' s prosperity are the fisheries 
 of Puget Sound. This inland sea teems 
 with the best of food fishes. Oti' Cape 
 Flattery the halibut fishing surpasses 
 that off New F'oundland. These fish are 
 brought to Tacoma in small sailing craft and from this point they are shipped to 
 Eastern and interior points. 
 The suburbs of Tacoma contain manj' interesting and picturesque points which 
 are reached, as are all parts of the city, by a well-equipped and perfectly-managed 
 rapid-transit system. There are now 60 miles (f electric lines and two miles of 
 cable road in operation at Tacoma. The Tacoma Railway & Motor Company, with 
 a capital stock of $2,000,000, has an equipment of 52 first-class cars and employs 150 
 men. It operates 49 miles of street railway. The company makes its own cars 
 which, in workmanship and finish, are equal to the most expensive cars manufac- 
 tured in the East. The Eleventh-street cable road, operated by this company, 
 forms a connection with a motor line run- 
 ning to American I/ake, a beautiful sheet 
 of fresh water four miles in length. From 
 the lake the line runs to Fort Steilacoom, 
 15 miles distant from Tacoma. This old 
 abandoned fort, now the site of the state 
 insane asylum, was established as an out- 
 post of the Hudson's Ray Company, and 
 later, in 1849, it was garrisoned by a company of United States artillery. The his- 
 torical traditions that surround it make it a spot of great interest. It was here that 
 General Sherman and other noted soldiers gained their first experience in actual 
 warfare. The first term of court held north of the Columbia river convened at this 
 point in October, 1849. This court tried and convicted two Indians of the Snoqual- 
 mie tribe, who had led an attack on Fort Nisqually, and these Indians were 
 luinged here. 
 The Point Defiance, Tacoma and Edison Railway Company is cai?italized for 
 $50o,ijoo. It operates an electric line 13 miles in length. This line runj from the 
 suburban part of the city called Edison to Point Defiance, located just beyond the 
 western limits of Tacoma. At Point Defiance the city maintains a magnificent 
 natural park of over 700 acres in extent. This park is beautifully situated on a high 
 and broad plateau which slopes down to the wide, sandy and pebble-strewn beach of 
 Commencement Bay. In it are great pyramidal 
 forest trees, numerous rivulets and miniature 
 waterfalls, and in the summer a bewildering 
 confusion of ferns and wild flowers. In 1893, 
 seven miles of drives were laid out here, and 
 50,000 trees and shrubs were planted in the 
 park. A walk 15 miles in length is now being 
 built around the beach. There a number of 
 Point Defiance, Puget Sound. 
 photo, by FRENCH. 
 Wriqmt Park, tacoma. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 C Street Business Blocks, Tacom*. 
 Other public parks in the city that are much frequented by residents and visitors. 
 The largest of these is Wright Park, a tastily arranged and designed tract of land 
 containing 27 acres, located in the heart of the residence portion of the city. 
 When the Northern Pacific F ailroad Company determined to make Tacoma its 
 terminal city, its engineers were instructed to forget the wilderness that covered the 
 prospective site of the city, and to bear in mind only its future greatness. These 
 instructions were carefully carried out and today Tacouia 
 presents the appearance of one of the most splendidly 
 planned cities on the continent. The spirit of having every- 
 thing connected with Tacoma done on a most magnificent 
 scale has always, dominated the actions of its citizens, and 
 nearly every public or private enterprise has been planned 
 and matured with an idea of the future greatness of the 
 city constantly in view. The business streets of Tacoma 
 are built up with fine blocks of brick and stone that in 
 architectural design, appointments and cost are not sur- 
 passed by the finest structures of any cii.y on the continent. Commencing in 1888, 
 with the advent of the railroad, business blocks and residences multiplied at a 
 remarkably rapid rate. In carrying on these extensive building operations, the 
 citizens entered into a friendly rivalry in their attempts to make each other's build- 
 ing surpass in point of architectural beauty and solidity the class of buildings that 
 had preceded it. This public-spirited rivalry has resulted in making Tacoma a com- 
 pactly and attractively built city. Nearly all the buildings that line its business 
 streets are of the most modern style of architecture, being of brick and stone and 
 they are ecjuipped and furnished in the most approved style. 
 The four principal business thoroughfares of Tacoma — Pacific, Railroad 
 and Tacoma avenues and C street — run parallel to each other. Tacoma avenue, 
 which is at an elevation of about 200 feet or more above Pacific avenue, is paved 
 with asphalt, and is lined with small retail shops and stores. 
 At the head of C street is the new Chamber of Commerce 
 building, an imposing brick and stone structure six stories 
 high, and which cost $150,000. The Tacoma Chamber of 
 Commerce is a representative body of business men who 
 zealously guard the city's interests. The Chamber acts as 
 an intelligence body in answering questions pertaining to 
 Tacoma, or the country of which the city is the commer- 
 cial center, and all letters addressed to this body will re- 
 ceive the most prompt attention. 
 Pacific avenue, the principal retail business street, is 
 120 feet wide, and extends from a point north of the North- 
 ern Pacific depot to the ocean wharves. Occupying a 
 T .. A it 1 1 r ii • • ii -i City Hal., Tacoma. 
 commanding site at the head of tins avenue is the city 
 hall, one of the most imposing municipal buildings occupied for municipal purposes 
 in the West. It is built of Roman brick, and its construction involved an outlay of 
 1300,000. Another public building here, the finest of its character in the Northwest, 
 is the Pierce County court house. '' ais stately stone edifice cost about $450,000. It is 
 the handsomest building in ti?e city. A large quantity of the stone used in the con- 
 struction of the court house was turnisiied by the Pittsburg Stone Company, which 
 owns an extensive blue sandstone quarry at Burnett, Washington. The stone of this 
 LOADING Wheat, Tacoma. 
 Tacoma, Washington. 847 
 quarry is in great demand, owing to its cheapness and superior 
 quality. It has been extensively used in the be>t structures 
 of Tacoma and Seattle. The Pittsburg Stone Company, with 
 offices at Tacoma, are prepared to fill orders for promiscuous 
 blocks, dimension and rubble stone, and sawed stone. 
 On the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains, and beyond 
 the broad Columbia river, lay the great wheat fields of Wash- 
 ington. The prolific soil of this region annually yields over 
 20,ooo,ooc:) bushels of wheat. This wheat is shipped by vaiP'"" '=™'"" -^"""^ "™5'' "'=°"* 
 to Tacoma and there loaded in vessels for shipment 
 to different parts of the world. The first wheat ship- 
 ment made from Tacoma was made in 1881, by the 
 American ship Dakota. This was the beginning of a 
 commerce which, in 12 years, has made Tacoma one 
 of the greatest grain-exporting ports of the Pacific, 
 and the only point on Puget Sound from which for- 
 eign shipments of grain are made. The wheat is 
 handled in Tacoma by four elevators, with a total 
 storage capacity of 2,500,000 l)ushels. This will be 
 increased, in 1894, by the erection of a 1,000,000 bushel elevator 
 by a combination of the farmers of Eastern Washington. The 
 carrying of this wheat to Tacoma for shipment has resulted in 
 the establishment here of four large flouring mills, whose com- 
 bined output, in 1893, was valued at about ;J2, 000,000. Of this 
 flour 70 per cent is exported to China and Japan. That Taioma 
 is fast becoming one of the important seaports of the world is 
 shown by the wheat and flour shipments from this place since 
 1881. The first cargo of wheat for foreign ports from Tacoma 
 was valued at $51,000. During the next season, 1882-3, the 
 American ships Gregory and Iroquois, took away an aggregate of 
 129.000 centals of wheat, valued at |;207,Stxj. The following sea- 
 sons the British ship Hecla cleared with a cargo of 44,923 cen- 
 tals, valued at $67,384. In 1885 three ships car- 
 ried away from Tacoma 140,920 centals, val-* 
 ued at $185,860. During the season of 1887-8 
 Tacoma shipped ii cargoes, containing 717,510 
 centals, valued at $894,583. In the season of 
 18S8-9 27 cargoes cleared from Tacoma, aggre- 
 gating 1,774,139 centals, valued at $1,522,140, 
 The next season's shipments showed a large 
 increase. In 1890 i 45 vessels cleared from 
 Tacoma with 2,150,776 centals of wheat, valued 
 at $3,593,440. A recapitulation of the custom- 
 house reports shows that during the season 
 of 1891-2 there left Tacoma 48 cargoes, containing an aggregate of 2,152,016 
 centals of wheat and 90,393 barrels of flour, of a total value of $3,658,146. At the 
 present writing seven ships are loading wheat at Tacoma, and a fleet of eight more 
 is on its way to the city. The following table gives the name of each ship loaded 
 with flour or wheat, its tonnage, amount of value of each cargo and tonnage which 
 left Tacoma between vSeptember 10, 1892, and September 2, 1893 : 
 Discharging Tea, Tacoma. 
 Wharf Scene, iacoma. 
 'i 'tW \ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Sept. 10 
 Sept. 27 
 Sept. 21t 
 Oct. (I 
 Oct. 15 
 Oct. 15 
 Oct. 15 
 Oct. 15 
 Oct. -22 
 Oct. 22 
 Oci 22 
 Oct. 27 
 Oct. 21» 
 Oct. ;!0 
 Nov. 2 
 Nov. 8 
 Nov. (t 
 Nov. 12 
 Nov. 12 
 Nov. 15 
 Nov. 17 
 Nov. 20 
 Nov. 21 
 Dec. H 
 Dec. !5 
 Dec. S 
 Dec. i> 
 Dec. II 
 Dec. 15 
 Dec. 22 
 Dec. 21 
 Dec. 20 
 Jan. 3 
 Jan. 7 
 Jan. 12 
 Jiui. 18 
 Jan. 20 
 Jan. 24 
 Jan. 21 
 Jan. 28 
 Kel). rf 
 Feb. It 
 Feb. 15 
 Feb, 15 
 Feb. 21 
 .Feb. 20 
 Fcl>. 28 
 Mar. 10 
 Mar. 15 
 MRr. 2."> 
 Mar. 20 
 Mar. 20 
 Mat. 21) 
 Apl. 20 
 Apl. 21 
 May 8 
 May 10 
 June 10 
 June 30 
 July 1 
 July 22 
 Auk. '•^- 
 Sept. 2 
 Sept. 2 
 Br. S. S 
 nr. S. S 
 Dr. Uark 
 Br. Ship 
 Hr. Ship 
 Hr. Ship. ... 
 Hr. Ship 
 Hr. S. S ;. 
 Br. .Ship 
 Br. Bark 
 Ur. Ship 
 Hr. Bark 
 Hr. Ship 
 Br. Bark 
 Hr. Bark 
 Br. Ship 
 Hr. Ship 
 Hr. Bark 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. Ship 
 Oer. B:irk 
 Br. Sliip 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 I'r. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Sh.p 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Bark 
 Br. Sliip 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. Ship 
 Hr. Ship 
 Hr. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Am. snip.... 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Hr. S. S 
 Hr. Ship 
 Hr. S. S 
 Ocr. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship. 
 Br. S. S.. 
 Br. Ship. 
 Br. Ship.. 
 Br. Ship. 
 Br. S. S.. 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. Ship 
 Br. S. S 
 Br. S S 
 Br. S. S 
 Am. Ship 
 Br. Ship 
 Phra Nang 
 Uarty Lawrence 
 Ft'.rest Hall 
 B;n Nevi.4 
 1,0c Sok 
 Recoi .i 
 Colony — 
 Karl Derby 
 North Riding 
 Star of Italy 
 l,aily l.sabella 
 Persian l<;inpire 
 British Commodore. 
 Pass of Brander 
 Pass of Melfort 
 *Abner Coburn 
 ICmin P.'isha 
 Crown of F;ngland.., 
 City of Delhi. 
 St. Moiian 
 tC. S. Bement 
 1,708 : 
 1,W)4 ! 
 1,573 ! 
 l,!i00 ! 
 1,875 ' 
 1,840 1 
 1,505 1 
 1,571 i 
 027 j 
 1,771) 1 
 02 21)4 
 1 0!)3 
 48 052 
 ; 1,4(H) 
 1 7,380 
 S !W,280 
 58 000 
 76 000 
 77, (XX) 
 00 (X)0 
 74, (XX) 
 01 (XX) 
 10 32(1 
 (i OiVi 
 73, (XX) 
 Hong Kong 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. 1. o. 
 ('. K. I. o. 
 U K. f. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 II . K. f. o. 
 U. K. f o. 
 II. K. f. o. 
 U. K. 1. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 V. K. f. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. ». o. 
 II. K. {. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. r. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 II. K. f o. 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. 1. o. 
 U. K. f o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. t. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 I'. K. f. o. 
 I long Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 IT. K. f. o. 
 IT. K. f. O. 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 U. K. f. o. 
 K. f. o. 
 ng Kong 
 K. f. Q. 
 K. f. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 Hong Kong 
 Hong Kong 
 Hong Kong 
 U. K. f. o. 
 • Also 11,010 cases .salmon, value $44,(XX). 
 t Also 10,6(U cases .salmon, value J47,500. 
Tacoma, Washington. 
 The exports from Tacoma are not exclusively con- 
 fined to wheat and flour. Long before a bushel of 
 whea. was shipped from this port an industry sprung 
 up at Tacoma which in subsequent years proved to l>e 
 the most potent cause of the city's rapid develop- 
 ment. This industry was the manufacture of lum- 
 ber. It is estimated that the forests of which Tacoma 
 is the lumbering center contain 1,500,000,000 feet of 
 lumber. Of this 60 per cent, is fir, a wood more valu- 
 able than pine and as durable as oak. A large por- 
 tion of the remaining woods of this vast forest is red 
 cedar. From this wood 
 Te« Steameh at t*com» Wharves. 
 Pacific Avenue from 1;ith, tacoma. 
 Pacific Avenue from Ninth, Tacoma. 
 there were manufactured in 
 1H93 over 125,000,000 shingles. The lumber industries 
 doing business in Tacoma have an aggregate capital 
 invested of 14,600,000 and they employ 1,235 men. The 
 total output of the Tacoma sawmills in 1892 was 153,137,- 
 840 feet of lumber. Among the sawmills of Tacoma are 
 two of the largest in the 
 United States. These two 
 mills alone shipped by water 
 in 1892 59,744,218 feet of 
 lumber and 20,ck;o,ooo laths. 
 The same causes which have combined to make 
 Tacoma an important manufacturing city have also 
 tended to make it one of the leading jobbing centers of 
 Puget Sound. With the advantages of shipping facilities 
 both by rail and by water and with cheap freight rates to 
 local and distant points, Tacoma holds the key to the trade 
 of the rich and boundless expanse of country surrounding 
 it and stretching away far to the east. The success and 
 rapid growth of Tacoma's wholesale trade almost surpasses 
 belief From a business of $2,500,000 in 1888 the trade of 
 the city increased to $io,o<k),ooo in 1890, and to over |i 8,000,- 
 000 in 1893. This is a record that has never been equaled 
 in the Union. There are today in Tacoma 107 firms doing 
 a jobbing business. These houses employ 84 traveling 
 salesmen and 2,544 other men. 
 The extensive car shops of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company are located in 
 the suburban part of the city called Edison. The.5e comprise a substantial group of 
 buildings covering about 60 acres of land. The 
 total cost of this immense plant was about 
 1850,000. The monthly payroll of these shops 
 amounts to over $40,000, and the manufactured 
 product coming from them consists of engines, 
 boilers, cars and everything connected with the 
 operating of a railroad. During 1892 these shops ^ 
 turned out 200 patent stock cars, and 65 engines. 
 Arrangements are now being made for manufac- 
 turing here nearly all the passenger coaches used 
 Eleventh Street, Tacoma. 
 I >i 
 The Orefionian' s Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 DRV Dock. Tacom*. 
 The Whitma' School, Tacom*. 
 by the company. The iron-working establishments 
 represent $275,000 invested capital. They employ 260 
 men and the value of their product is about |8o5,ooo. 
 The public school system of Tacoma is an admir- 
 able one The parsimonious policy of some com- 
 munities in providing narrow halls and poorly venti- 
 lated rooms has not prevailed in Tacoma. On the 
 contrary, the city has large modern school buildings 
 which present a fine architectural appearance. These 
 buildings are furnished with every convenience for 
 the comfort and health of the pupils. Tacoma has 
 closely followed the most approved methods of edu- 
 cation from other cities. In 1885 the school property 
 of Tacoma was valued at $30,000, and the average daily attendance at the public 
 schools at that time was 600. At the present time over 
 5,500 pupils receive instruction in the 15 handsome and 
 commodious school buildings of the city, and these build- 
 ings are valued at $379,oco. These buildings contain 
 furniture worth '$45, coo, and the grounds they occupy 
 are worth $285,000. This makes the total valuation of 
 all school property in the city $609,600. The Tacoma 
 high school is an excellent institution, and its graduates 
 enter college without additional preparation or study. 
 The names of the different public schools and their respective cos . are as follows : 
 Bryant, $61,000 ; Central, $30,000 ; Emerson, $34,000; Edison, $12,000; Franklin, 
 $27,000; Hawthorne, $31,000; Irving, $30,000; 
 $12,500; Longfellow, $15,000; Lowell, $47,000; 
 $10,000; Sherman, $28,000 ; Sheridan, $10,000 ; 
 The growth of the churches of Tacoma has 
 with the growth of the other interests of the city, 
 church organized in Tacoma was the St. Peters Episcopal, 
 V- the congregation of which is still holding services in the 
 quaint old church building with its detached wooden bell- 
 tower erected in 1857. There are now 54 churches in Tacoma. 
 They have an aggregate membership of 7,500. The Sunday schools and mission 
 organizations fostered by the stronger churches will 
 add almost as many members more. The Young Mens' 
 Christian Association was organized in Tacoma in 1883. 
 Since that time it has rendered valuable practical aid 
 to hundreds of young men in the city. The association 
 is now perfecting plans for the erection of a large 
 building, which when completed will give the institu- 
 tion the best equipment of any association on the coast. 
 The shrewd business man is aware of the fact that 
 banks always indicate accurately the financial condi- 
 tion of a community in which they do business. Hence 
 statistics of banks and banking of any community fur- ,„,„q 8<.„ool, tacoma. 
 photo, by FRENCH. 
 kept pace 
 The first 
 Lowell School, Tacoma. 
 photo, by FRENCH. 
Tacoma, Washing-ton. 
 nish nnqueslioned statistics of the city's standing. The remark- 
 able growth of Tacoma is shown by the volume of business trans- 
 acted by its financial institutions. From comparative poverty of 
 a few years ago, Tacoma has grown to be one of the great money 
 centers of the West. There are now doing business here 20 banks, 
 with a capital of $3,504,200, and whose surplus and undivided 
 profits amount to $705,000. Of these banks seven are natioral, 
 five state, six savings, and two are branches of foreign banks. 
 The showing of these banks is as follows: Tacoma Nation al,P''"Bi'TEni»N church, tacom« 
 $200,000; Merchants National, $250,000; Pacific Na- 
 tional, $200,000; Washington National, $500,000; Na- 
 tional Bank of Commerce, $200,000 ; Citizens National, 
 $ioo,coo; Columbia National, $279,200; Traders Bank, 
 $500,000 ; Fidelity Trust Company, $500,000 ; Commer- 
 cial Bank, $200,000; Scandinavian Bank, $100,000 ; Ger- 
 man American, $60,000 ; Tacoma Trust & Savings, 
 $50,000 ; Union Savings, $100,000 ; Tacoma Building 
 & Savings Association, $100,- 
 000 ; State Savings, $75,000 ; 
 Puget Sound Savings, $50,- 
 000 ; Edison Savings, $50,000 ; Bank of British Colum- 
 bia, [branch], $3,000,000; London & San Francisco, 
 limited, [branch], $2,450,000 ; Metropolitan Savings, 
 $ioo,coo. During the panic of last year, the Tacoma 
 banks, like many other strong financial institutions of 
 the country were called upon to meet several runs, and 
 as a result some of the banks of the city were forced to 
 suspend payment. Satisfactory steps have since been 
 taken however to put these suspended banks in con- 
 dition for reopening, and 
 Lincoln school, tacoma. 
 with the faith which the 
 people of Tacoma show in their home banks, it is high- 
 ly probable that the affairs of all the banks will be soon 
 placed in such shape that they will all continue in 
 Tacoma is in a good financial condition. Its credit 
 is good, its bonds rank high in moneyed circles of the 
 East, as is evidenced by the recent purchase of $1,750, - 
 oco of Tacoma water bonds, at a premium by one East- 
 ern capitalist. The city's indebt- 
 edness is exceedingly low when 
 extensive public improvement which the city has made 
 duly considered. The following figures showing the 
 assessed valuation of property in Tacoma at different periods 
 during the past 12 years will prove interesting. In 1882 the 
 total assessed value of property in Tacoma was $75.ooo- Five 
 years later this had increased to $4,090,798. During the next 
 three years the influx of population and wealth caused an 
 increase in property valuations of over 700 per cent., and in 1890 the assessed valu- 
 ation of property amounted to $29,841,750. In January, 1893, the valuation of Tacoma 
 Bryant School, Tacoma. 
 Emerson school, tacoma. 
 '! ■■;■*■■' 
 i : ■'.■■' 
 The Oreg^oninn's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 h " 
 The franklin School Tacoma. 
 Central School, Tac:)ma, 
 property as shown by the city's assessment roll, wa.s 
 Tacoma is now |the only American competitor of vSan 
 I'Vaiicisco for the Asiatic trade. The Nortliern Pacific 
 Steamship Company run two fast passenger steamers and 
 mail steamers each month between Tacoma, Hong Kong, 
 Shanghai and Yokohama. This company also owns a fleet 
 of sailing vessels which ply between Tacoma and the Orient. 
 The westward cargoes of these vessels consist of liunher, 
 flour, salmon and general freight. The return cargoes from 
 the Orient are made up of silks, rice, jutes, curios and pro- 
 ducts of Chinese and Japanese skill. The Pacific Steamship Company runs a line 
 of boats between Tacoma and San Francisco. Another T l- of steamers plies be- 
 tween Tacoma and Alaska, and the boats of the recently 
 organized North Pacific Steamship Company run from Ta- 
 coma to Vancouver, B. C, and from the latter port to Port- 
 land, touching at Seattle and Port Townsend each way. 
 In addition to the large fleet of ocean vessels which touch at 
 Tacoma, numerous small craft ply between Tacoma and all 
 points on Pugct Sound. The custom's report of the Puget 
 Sound collection district shows that the value of exports 
 for the fiscal year ending June i, 1S93, was 15,255,966. Of 
 this amount $3,321,511, or nearly 61 ''2 per cent., was cred- 
 ited to exports from Tacoma. In 1892 it was shown that 416 vessels, having a regis- 
 tered tonnage of 478,828, entered the port of Tacoma, as against 310 vessels of a 
 tonnage of 384,295, which sailed into the harbor here in 1891. The imports to Ta- 
 coma from China and Japan for the six months ending June 
 30, 1893, aggregated in value $4,252,540. 
 ,nV" 1 '6^,,:^^ To its commerce Tacoma owes much of its greatness. 
 It is here that the tracks of the Northern Pacific railroad 
 first reach tide water. Here the ocean steamers and wheat 
 ships which come ito Pnget Sound reach the farthest point 
 inland. It is at Tacoma that the riches of the Ivast meet 
 in exchange for the products of the West. The meeting 
 here of the iron horse with the ocean greyhounds forms 
 the shortest and most direct route between the Atlantic seaboard and the ports of 
 Australia, India and the Orient. I'orty year.-, ago the prophetic finger of Thos. 
 H. Benton pointed to this route as the American road to Asia. There is demon- 
 strated today what the utterances of this far-vSeeing 
 statesman intimated when he said that it would "revive 
 upon its Hue all the wonders of which we have read 
 and eclipse them, and that the wilderness from the 
 Mississippi to the Pacific would start into new life 
 at its touch." Today the Asiatic trade is controlled 
 to a great extent by England. An examination of 
 the geographical location of Puget Sound, and a 
 comparison of distances between it and Asia and be- 
 tween Asia and Liverpool, will disclose the fact that 
 this trade naturally belongs to the United States. 
 photo, by FRENCH. 
 Hawthorne School, Tacoma. 
 photo, by FRENCH. 
 ■ '-'^ff^^SS^^. 
 St. JOSEPH'S Hospital, Tacoua. 
Tacoma, Washington. 
 Exposition Building, T*com«. 
 I'St:.- "•'■•- • 
 Puget Souiul is 5,iK)o miles nearer IIotif( Konj^ than is 
 Liverpool, and by way of Tacoma, New York is brouyht 
 1,400 miles nearer to Canton than is Liverpool. Australia, 
 Oceatiica and vSil)eria are thousands of miles nearer the state 
 of Washiiijrton than they are to Kngland. It is impossible 
 to estimate the magnitude of the commerce that will some 
 day spring up between Puget Sound and the Orient. 
 In 1H93 the city of Tacoma purchased from a private corporation a system of 
 water works and a complete electric light plant. This purchase was consummated at a 
 cost of |i,75o,oo<j. The city was bonded for this amount and it is a source of much 
 gratification to its citizens that during one of the most wide-spread and severe busi- 
 ness depressions the country has ever experienced, the bonds of Tacoma readily com- 
 manded a premium in the financial 
 centers of the Kast. The ciiy now 
 daily uses 6,tx)o,ooo gallons of water 
 out of an available daily supply of 
 9,000,000 gallons. The present sources ,^^^M»<^^^.j^i>'iigit0^\ 
 of supply are Spanaway lake and 
 Clover creek. These are connected by a rectangular 
 conduit — a flume 24 inches scjuare, parts of whic'.i 
 are now being replaced by a 22 it;ch stave pipe. Tne 
 system embraces four dams havii:g a combined out- 
 flow of 6,5oo,ocK) gallons, and a storage oapr.city of 
 1,400,000 gallons, and a reservoir with a capacity at a 
 depth of 13 feet of about i,7So,a)() gallons. Two 
 pumping stations, with a capacity of 3, ooo.cxx) gallons 
 per day, send the water to elevated parts of the city, 
 of street mains and 245 fire hydrants. 
 Tacoma is well protected from fire by a department that has achieved a reputation 
 of being one of the best disciplined and most efficient organizations of its kind on 
 the coast. The force consists of a chief, an assistant chief and 60 men. The appa- 
 ratus and department property cost 1147,790. It includes six steam fire engines, two 
 chemicals, three hook and ladder trucks, four hose wagons and four supply wagons. 
 The operating expenses of the department amount to about 190,000 a year. 
 Thk Eurkka S.\ndstone Company. — The most extensive stone quarry in 
 Western Washington is located at Tenino and is owned by the P'ureka Sandstone 
 Company of Tacoma. It is with one exception the only blue sandstone quarry in 
 Oregon or Washington. The crushing 
 strength of this stone is 5,000 pounds to 
 the square inch. All the stone from this 
 quarry is quarried and cut by machinery, 
 steam channelers, steam derricks, gang 
 saws and other improved machinery 
 being used for this purpcse. The stone 
 is sawed in all dimensions and of any 
 desired thickness. The daily output of 
 the plant is about 1,500 cubic yards of 
 sawed stone. This is taken out of a solid 
 EUREK* SANDSTONE C0..9 WORKS, TENiNo. wall ofrock ovcr I oo feet high. It is 
 The system includes 67 miles 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 
 used in the erection of the finest structtjres of all the 
 large cities of Western Washington and Oregon. The 
 new Chamber of Commerce building of Portland, and 
 a part of the Pierce county court house at Tacoma, 
 are built of this stone. 
 John W. TaiT. — The Tacoma Business College 
 and Normal Training School is one of the best known 
 and most prominent of Washington's private edu- 
 cational institutions. It is managed by Professor 
 John W. Tait, an able and widely known instructor. 
 The pupils attending this college come not only from 
 Tacoma, but also from the smaller cities and rural 
 districts of the state. 
 The business course at this school includes in- 
 struction in commercial law, book-keeping, penman- 
 ship, actual business and office practice and com- 
 mercial correspondence. The normal course is especially adapted to those who 
 desire to become teachers. The English course prepares students for admission to 
 Eastern universities. Besides these, elocution and shorthand are taught. The tui- 
 tion fees are very moderate. Circulars explaining the systems taught at the col- 
 lege will be sent by Professor Tait on application. 
 The Tacoma School or Shorthand.— The Tacoma School of Shorthand and 
 Typewriting is one of the few permanent institutions of its kind on the coast, 
 curriculum of the school embraces a 
 Prof. j. w. t»it, t»com», 
 (tacoma business college.) 
 photo, by FRENCH, 
 thorough and systematic course in sten- 
 ography, the system taught being ba.sed 
 upon simple principles of brief phonetic 
 writing which are easily mastered by the 
 A course of three months, in this 
 school qualifies the student to do satis- 
 factory work as an amanuensis or sten- 
 ographer. The terms of tuition and cir- 
 culars will be sent, on application, by 
 Mrs. A. C. McGiven, the principal of the 
 school. This lady is widely known, not 
 only as a teacher, but as a charming 
 hostess. The school has night classes which pupils can attend without neglecting 
 their business. Graduates of this school are assisted in securing positions. 
 Puyallup, Wash iniyf ton. — Puyallup, located on the mainline of the North- 
 ern Pacific, nine miles east of Tacoma, and near the junction of the Seattle and 
 Tacoma branch of the same road, is easily the banner city of the rich tributary 
 hop and farming district from which it takes its name. Puyallup occupies a site 
 on the banks of the Puyallup river, and is the banking and commercial center of 
 one of the best parts of the state of Washington. 
 Watered by the Puyallup and Carbon rivers, the Puyallup valley is unsurpassed 
 in richness by any of the other famous valleys of the Northwest. It is 3 miles wide, 
 and its length is about 20 miles. Practically every acre of this valley land is unex- 
 Tacoma School of Shorthand, Tacoma. 
Puyallup, Washington. 
 FIH8T Nat'l bank Block and Opera House, Puyallup. 
 celled for hop and fruit growing, and it is this 
 valley which is today one of the greatest hop 
 gardens of the world. 
 Puyallup was first settled in 1861. It was not 
 until 1SH9, when the wonderful development of the 
 hop fields of this section made the estahlishment 
 of a trade center here imperative, that Puyallup be- 
 gan to make any substantial advancement in 
 growth and material development. Since that 
 time the growth of the place has been rapid, but 
 by no means phenomenal when the many natural advantages of its location, its 
 wonderfully rich tributary district, and last, but not least, the energy and pluck of 
 its inhabitants are duly considered. Viewed from any other standpoint than that 
 of Western progress, where cities are expected to grow if they ever get started in 
 the right channel, the increase in population and wealth of Puj'allup, during the 
 past four years has been phenomenal, and in this time a city has sprung up where, 
 before the era of progress began, nestled a small village of but little commercial 
 importance. Since 1889 hopyards at the present site of 
 Puyallup have been replaced by well paved streets and 
 solid business blocks, and where farms were cultivated 
 a few years back is now the site of the residences of the 
 best people of a flourishing young city. 
 The assessed valuation of the citj^ property in Puy- 
 allup today is $1,910,000, and the population is upwards 
 of 2,000. The city is perfectly lighted by electricity, a 
 good water-works system is maintained, and excellent 
 protection is afforded against fire by a well trained fire 
 department. The city has good schools, well supported 
 churches, and has all the evidence of a prosperous 
 and wide-awake community. 
 Puyallup is especially favored in the matter of transportation facilities afforded 
 its business men. The main line of the Northern Pacific passing this point fur- 
 nishes direct connection between Puyallup and all points in Eastern Washington 
 and Eastern Oregon, as well as with the East, while connection with Western Wash- 
 ington, Western Oregon and California on the south is made by the same line. 
 Puyallup also has direct connection with Seattle by rail. Eighteen passenger trains 
 stop at Puyallup every day in the year, and in addition to this a proportionate iium- 
 ber of local and through freight trains also register at 
 the city depot. This statement in itself is sufficient to 
 establish Puyallup's claims as a prominent railroad 
 center. This rapid and frequent train service over the 
 line passing Puyallup affords the best of shipping facili- 
 ties to the place. Hops, the staple product, are shipped 
 direct from Puyallup to all parts of the United States, 
 while the perishable fruit and vegetable products of the 
 tributary district are easily shipped from here to all ^ 
 the principal points of the Sound, where they find a 
 ready sale. 
 Residence, Ezra Meeker, Puyallup. 
 Bank of Puyallup Building, Puyallup. 
 I 'i| 
 The Orcgoniav's HnmUmok of the Pacihc Noritixv'^it. 
 , 9IP.WERT 
 The kailiii).; pul)lic schcxjl buildii!}^ of Puyallup is a handsome structurt, the 
 construction of whicli involvKci an outlay of ^g.txx). The school is presidt-d over by 
 conii)etent teachers, and the daily attendance is 
 318 pupils. In addition to the excellent public 
 school system of the city, Puyallup supports two 
 other schools of a semi-private nature, which are 
 doing excellent educational work. Seven relig- 
 iouj; organizations own their own church build- 
 ings at Puyallup The Unitariati church has re- 
 cently dedicated its vestry for free library and 
 reading-room purposes. Residents and strangers 
 alike are welcome at all times to the library, and 
 they are offered Here every facility for general reading and self-improvement. 
 Already the library is in receipt of some 70 of the leading periodicals of Europe 
 and America, and it is the hope of the leading spirits in this commendable enter- 
 prr^e to have the iibrar/ stocked with about i,oix> volumes of the standard works 
 some time during the present year. 
 Among the leading business houses of Puyal- 
 lup, the Irirge general merchandise store of J. P. 
 Stewart 1;'^ Son easily takes the lead. This firm 
 occupies its own spacious and elegant two-story 
 brick building, 72 feet wide by no feet deep, which 
 was erected jit a coat of $27,000. The Puyallup 
 Hardware Company, located in the First National 
 Bank Building, Ezra Meeker & Co., leading hop- 
 growers and mercbant.-i are also representative 
 firms of the city who have done much to advance 
 the general prosperity of Puyallup, One strong 
 bank is located at Puyallup. 
 .Among the many handsome and substantial 
 buildings of Puyallup, the Spinning block, erected 
 hy Prank R. Spin ling at a cost of |2o,qoo, is worthy 
 of :;pec mentio 1. The upper .33 rooms of this 
 elegant structure f.re occupied as a well conducted 
 family hotel, under the name of the Spinning 
 House, Clean beds, well-kept apartments and an 
 excellent table have earned for the Spinning House 
 a high reputation, among the city people of Puyal- 
 lup and transient guests alike. Five large rooms 
 on the ground Hoor of the Spinning block are oc- 
 cupied for store purposes. Other fine building.'* 
 of Puyallup are the Bank of Puyallup, the J. P. 
 Stewart Idock, the First National Bank building 
 and the Opera House, the latter of which has a 
 seating capacity of 600. 
 The one crop which has made famous the Puyallup valley and the city which i,i 
 the commercial cente. ^f this woiulerfuUy rich district is that of hops. In an able 
 article on hops and hop calture, written by the Hon. P>.ra Meeker and publislied in 
 connection with the present article on Puyallup, will be found a great fund of infor- 
 BY H fifEWEflT. 
Hops ami their Culture. 
 mation on one of the most important industries of the great state of Washington. 
 Jacol) R, Meeker, the father of Kzra Meeker, was the pioneer liop-grower of the 
 Puget Sound country and the latter gentleman is today regarded everywhere on the 
 coast as one of the best authorities on the subject of hops in the I'niled States. The 
 raising of hops in this section is the leading industry for the one reason that hops 
 have always paid better than aiiy other crop. The highly productive soil of the 
 lauds of the I'uyallup valU'v, together wit., the equable climate of this .sectio!', the 
 abundant rainfall and the heavy dews all cv-nibine to make this one of Uie best fruit 
 and vegetable-producing districts of the stale. Vegetables atid fruit from the I'uy- 
 allup valley can be placed in the Tacoina market in about half an hour after they 
 are gathered, and in a little over an hour they can be placed on sale in the stores of 
 Seattle. Berries of all kinds do well here, and berry raising in tlie valley is now a 
 most profitable industry. Strawberries, under the warm sun of this section and in the 
 rich, well watered soil attain a size here that seems almost incredible to those who 
 have seen this fruit raised in other sections. Kach hill of strawV)eiry i)lants in the 
 Puyallup valley is relied upon to yield a (juart of fruit a season and the flavor of this 
 delicate fruit is unsurpassed. In addition to the agricultural resources of the Puy- 
 allup valley, the lumbering interests of the section fortn a most important industry. 
 Near Puyallup are large forests of fine fir and cedar, together with an ample supply 
 of timber suitable (or sawing into the finest finishing woods. The output of the 
 Hastie Lumber Company located at Puyallup for 1S92 was 3,ocx),ooo feet of lumber 
 and 3,ooc),ocK) shingles. Stevenson Bros., located at the same i)lace, turned out at their 
 mill during 1S92 i,5cx),ooo feet of lumber. 
 A creditable weekly paper, VVie Citizen, is published at Puyallup under the edi- 
 torial charge of H. H. LeP'evre. With good schools, wideawake people and a per- 
 fect climate. Puyallup is one of the most attractive places in Washington for a per- 
 manent residence and with the growth of one of the richest sections of the state 
 tributary, will come an increase in Puyallup's population and wealth that will always 
 maintain for this point a place among the leading commercial centers of Western 
 Hops ami Their Culturo.— [ By E. Meeker, of Puyallup, Washington.] 
 For centuries past hops have been used for brewing beer and ale and have always 
 been esteemed the best material for the manufacture of the lighter beverages coming 
 under the head of " malt licjuors. " In addition 
 to their use by brewers, the tender shoots of the 
 young hop plant have been used as an article of 
 food, the surplus hop vines are fed to stock and the 
 leaves and roots of the plant are valuable for tan- 
 ning purposes. 
 In olden times hops were much used for medi- 
 cine. Of late years the use of hops in the medical 
 profession, while not particularly discouraged, has 
 not kept pace with the demand for other herbs for 
 their corrective powers on the system, and the 
 hop today is chiefly valuable for brewing purposes. 
 The earliest mention of the cultivation of hops 
 of which any accurate account of the crop was made 
 PlONtEH Hop H0U5E, State OF WASHINQTOh, PUV«LLUl>. . , ,,,. >i<i.;., „ ,„ < „l.« „ «t.,.t »u« 
 ^su,LT Br E^RA MEEKER.) w^s giveu by Pluiy. 1 his account shows that the 
 Photo, by 
 The Orcgoiiiau' s Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 Romans were acquainted with the virtue of lupulin or "hop dust." In the eighth ami 
 ninth centuries mention was made of the " hop gardens" in France and Germany, but 
 it was not until the beginning of the 17th ceu''-'-v that the cultivation of hops assumed 
 suflicient importance to attract general attent .n ui Europe. It has only been within 
 a period covered by the life of the writer, betwc^^' ^30 and the present time, that 
 hop culture in the United States has been recognu;?d as an important industry of the 
 country. In 1840,6,000 bales of hops were produced in the United States. The 
 product reached a total of 5o,cxx3 bales in i860. In 1870 the hop product of the 
 country 'eached a total of 125, ckx) bales, and for the years 1890 and 1S91 the annual 
 yield reached the enormous quantity of 200,000 bales. It is worthy of note that one- 
 fifth of the entire hop product of the country during the last two mentioned years 
 was raisFil in the young state of Washington. 
 The first hops known to have been grown in Oregon or Washington for commer- 
 cial use were raised by my father, Jacob R. Meeker, on his farm in the Puyallup val- 
 ley, about three miles from the site of the present flourishing city of Puyallup. 
 This, if my memory serves me right, was in the year 1866. From a small planting 
 among the trees in his young orchard the first crop, equivalent to one bale of 180 
 pounds, was cured over the kitchen fire and was marketed in small sacks at Olympia. 
 The purchaser of this crop was Chas. Wood, a small brewer of that city, who paid 85 
 cents a pound. This crop was eclipsed 20 
 years later by one of 50,000 bales, or in 
 round numbers 9,000,000 pounds, but the 
 price of hops has never been exceeded but 
 once over what was received by my father 
 for his first picking, and this was in the 
 famous year 1882, when for a short period 
 sales were made at I1.05 a pound, thus 
 yielding to the hop. grower a clear profit 
 of nearly $2,000 per acre. The first crop 
 raised in the Puyallup valley was followed the next season by a larger one which 
 aggregated a few bales. This was cured in an outhouse which was subsequently 
 remodeled into a primitive hop house. This old building is still standing near Puy- 
 allup as a memento of the early attempts at hop raising in Washington. 
 My first planting of hops as a field crop was made in 1867. This resulted in a 
 yield the first year of 17 bales or about 3,000 pounds. Gradually increasing the 
 amount of ground each successive year planted to hops, by 1884 I had 170 acres in 
 hops, from which I harvested and sold over 168 tons. This was an average yield of 
 nearly a ton to the acre. The consumption of hops in the United States when my 
 first yard was planted, a site that is now covered with the fine brick blocks of Puy- 
 allup, was, quoting from memory, about the quantity which would l)e required in the 
 manufacture of 6,000,000 barrels of beer. Notwithstanding the great temperance 
 reform of later times the consumption of ale and beer in the United States now 
 attains the enormous amount of 32,000,000 barrels every year, and the demand for 
 these fermented drinks is steadily increasing at the rate of over 2,000,000 barrels a 
 year. These figures will give the reader a faint conception of the extent and value 
 of the brewing industry to the country and also of the importance which the culture 
 of hops must attain here in the near future. Nearly one-half of the hops raised in 
 the United States are from the Pacific coast, the greater part of the product being 
 from Washington and Oregon. 
 Hop house, E. Meeker A Co., Kent, (built in isHa.) 
Hops and their Ctilttire. 
 ■ '^rtllfi^, 
 Hop Fteuo between Tacoma and Semtle. 
 The effect of the large plantings 
 of hops ill the newer fields of the 
 coast has been to discourage in- 
 creased planting in the older hop 
 fields of the world. There has been 
 an actual diminution of acreage 
 planted to hops in Kngland, and a 
 neglect of the yards in many of the 
 districts of the old world, and even 
 on this side of the Atlantic, especi- 
 ally in New York. The decrease in 
 the acreage planted to hops in Kng- 
 land alone, where actual statistics are given, was over 5,ocx) acres prior to 1890, 
 since which time the former steady decline of hop raising has been arrested. 
 In hop raising the yards of Washington have given some remarkable yields. lu 
 891 I produced, harvested and sold over 5,000 pounds of choice hops from one acre 
 jf ground. Were it not for the fact that this statement can be verified by responsible 
 living witnesses the writer would almost shrink from giving this publicity. I have 
 never heard of this being equaled anywhere in the world, but several cases have 
 come under my direct observation where the yield of 4,000 pounds has been har- 
 vested from a single acre. It is average results in raising any crop that count for the 
 most. Although I have not the advantage of exact statistics at my disposal, I know 
 that the average yield of hops in the state as a whole has never been less than from 
 1,600 to 1,700 pounds per acre, counting of coun-e from one year to another. This 
 showing is in sharp contrast to the yields of all the old hop-growing centers of Ger- 
 many, England and the United States, where the average crop as shown by statistics 
 does not exceed 600 pounds to the acre. 
 The cost of the production of hops in the slates of Washington and Oregon will 
 compare favorably with the cost of raising this crop in any other part of the world. 
 In Germany the cost of growing hops can no more be computed than can the cost of 
 eggs marketed from the r'arm. for there hops are grown in small gardens, cultivated 
 and packed by families owning their own 
 ground and who do not even know the 
 average annual yield, to say nothing of the 
 cost of raising theni until the crop is 
 marketed after being partially dried in open 
 lofts. In Hnglaiid the cost of raising hops 
 is stated by conservative writers to be not fai 
 from an average of 20 cents per pound, 
 counting the cost of tithes, rents, fertilizers, 
 washing, spraying, etc. In New Vorii the 
 cost may be stated at about 14 cents a pound, 
 while in Washington hops can be success- 
 fully raised, as s>. wn by careful experiments, at a cost of nine cents a pound. 
 Thus it will be readily noted that the vantage ground in hop culture lies within 
 the limits of the two favored states of the Northwest, at least so far as the cost of 
 production is concerned. 
 The co.st of planting hops and stocking the yard with poles aftc- " -^ land has 
 been made ready for the plow, is from f 40 to $65 an acre. The cc r. providing 
 Picking Hops, Puvallup. 
 Tlw Orc^onlun's Ilaiidhook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 suitable buildings, hop-presses, boxes, etc., is about $60 an acre additional. The 
 cost of starting a hopyard on a successful scale is thus seen to be i'rom $100 to |i2o 
 an acre. This, of course, is independent of the value of the land, which varies 
 greatly according to (luality of the .soil and locality. The cost of hop land can be 
 roughly stated, however, at from $40 to $300 per acre. 
 In the older hop-gi owing districts of the United States and Kurope a newly 
 planted hopyard will yield nothing the first year, but half a crop the second sea- 
 son, and not come into full bearing condition until the third year. From my own 
 experience, gained by hard work in the fields of Washington, I can confidentl}' state 
 that we are sure here of at least half a crop the first year, planting in April and 
 harvesting in October. This would mean at least an average of 800 pounds of 
 hops the first season. From first plantings made in March 1 have harvested the 
 following October a ton to the acre. The second year all the new plantings yield 
 a full crop in Washington. 
 Tlie average life of a hopyard in the older districts of the world is not more 
 than 12 years, and by some conservative o))servers is placed at even less than what 
 I have quoted. In the deep alluvial soils of the best parts of Washington hopyards 
 planted 20 years ago are yet strong and vigorous, and seem to have still a centur}- 
 of life before them. In certain favored spots in Europe where mild climate and 
 deep soils are especially conducive to the best results of hop raising, are hop gar- 
 dens 150 years old, and I see no reason for expecting any degeneration in the pres- 
 ent hopyards of Washington during the lifetime of the oldest hopyards in the old 
 As I have before stated, the average cost of raising hops in this state, put up 
 into bales ready for market, is about 9 cents a pound. This cost is distributed as 
 follows: cultivating, i '2 cents; picking and delivering to the kiln, 5 cents; curing 
 and baling, I'/i cents. Interest and deterioration of perishable property is included 
 in cost of baling and curing. For three years past the hoj) fields of lioth Oregon 
 and Washington have been attacked by the hop louse, and great ravages have 
 resulted during the pafit two seasons from this pe^t, thus reducing the yield and 
 lowering the quality of the product. Following the example of the luiglish hop- 
 growers, the farmers in this section, in many cases, immediately declared war on 
 the hop louse, and they made extensive preparations for spraying the vines. The 
 cost of spraying adds, on an average, about i cent a ix)und to the cost or' raising the 
 crop. The first year of spraying, two horse-power sprayers were brought over from 
 Kngland. These proved too heav\', cumbersome and expensive, and Yankee fjenius 
 was called upon to perfect a machine that would ao the work succe<!sl»3I> . A 
 machine was made here which can K m«ir.wiuotur*si at 
 a third the cost of tne English .sprayf. Tt lioes more 
 than twice the amount of work, ami sa^«es 'ully one-half 
 the emulsion used in the old macho'**:. '^Mie conse- 
 quence is that the dismay and disc<:*aragement which 
 met the hop-growers here on the first announcement 
 that the hop louse had come to this ]'Hrt of the world 
 to stay, has given way to one of cheerfulness and con- 
 fidence, and today, instead of growers talking about re- 
 ducing their acreage, thev show their ability to compete 
 PurALLUP Roller Sprayer, Solo bv Puvallup -.i .1 • j , • '. , 1 ■ , ' 1 i-x- 
 HARDWARE CO., puyAL..up. With this destroyiug agent by making large additions to 

 Sumner, Wnshington. 
 their hop fields, in both Oregon and Washington. In order lo give the render 
 ail intelligent idea of the magnitude of the preparations made hore to fight the 
 hop louse, it is only necessary to state that nearly 400 of these horse-power 
 sprayers have been manufactured and sold here in addition to numerous hand 
 sprayers, and 190 tons of quassia wood have been imported from South Anu'rica with 
 which to "dose " the lice should tl'e pest appear here again. It has been demon- 
 strated, bejond all question, that tne crop here can be saved from the ravages of 
 the pest, and this, too, as before stated, at a cost not exceeding i cent a pound for 
 The net profit of any crop is, after all, the great absorbing question. It mat- 
 ters not bow large a yield of any crop the farmer can obtain from an acre of 
 ground, if the crop does not pay he turns his attention to raising something else. 
 The growing of hops has the reputation of being one of the most fluctuating pur 
 suits connected with farming. Of late years there seems to have been more steadi- 
 ness in the hop market (since the great high-priced year of 1S82). Ever since the 
 production of my second crop of hops I have had an abiding faith in the ultimate 
 successful outcome of hop growing. Acting on this assumption, I have regularly 
 increased mj^ acreage in hops with each succeeding year, and I know that this will 
 always continue to be one of the principal and profitable industries of the state of 
 Henry Weinhard, the great Portland brewer, after having practically tested my 
 second crop of hops, frankly told me their great inl-Misic value, and showed his 
 faith in their worth by purchasing liis supply of hops for his brewery from me for 14 
 consecutive years following. The hops grown in Washington and Oregon, when 
 properly treated, /. r., when they are fully ripened and thoroughly cured at a low 
 temperature, make the best "summer-use hops" in the world. It is this that has 
 made it possible to build up the great export trade in these hops that followed their 
 first introduction ir lie l^oiidon market. As before stated, it is I)ecause of their 
 keeping qualities that our hops have found such favor in England, and while the 
 climate and soil have much to do in determining the (piality of hops grown, yet 
 without proper care in curing, the cpiality is much impaired, and sometimes, even, 
 entirely ruined for first-class hops. 
 With the completion of the Nicaragua canal, thus cheapening freights to the 
 Old World, or with the lowering of the present rail rates, now abnormally high, to 
 the Atlantic seaboard, the hop fields of Oregon and Washington, with conceruvi, 
 intelligent action by the growers, are destined to prove a formidable rival to the old 
 fields of Europe, and practically revolutionize the sale of hops. Even today the 
 extent of the hop fields of the Northwest is constantly being iiu leased, but with the 
 lowering of freight charges on exports this industry would suddenly become one of 
 the most important agricultural pursuits on the coast. 
 Siiiiinor, Wasliinjifton. — Sumner, Pierce county, Washington, is a,town of 
 1,000 inhabitants as shown by the poll of 279 votes in the election of November, 1H92. 
 It is located on Stuck river, between which stream and the Puyallup river at this 
 point only a few hundred yards of meadow land intervene. It is rtached by the 
 Northern Pacific Company's road which connects Taconia with Seattle. The town is 
 12 miles northeast of Tacoma, two miles north of the main line of the Northern 
 Pacific at Meeker Junction and 29 miles south of Seattle. The products of a con- 
 siderable part of the rich district of the Puyallup and Stuck valleys find a narket 
 place at Sumner, and the place is a trading point of considerable importance. 
 f^ ^:^ 
of I* 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Hops furnish the great staple product of this section, and a number of very large 
 hop-growers make their headquarters at or near Sumner. The large acreage of the 
 Puyallup and Stuck river valleys is annually being increased, both by the old growers 
 of the section and by new comers. Sumner is cssentinlly a hop town and evidence of 
 this is seen in the patches of towering hop vines which are cultivated in the very 
 yards surrounding vSumner's residences. During 1892, 1,137 bales were shipped from 
 Sumner, a very light aggregate shipment as compared with the total shipments of 
 former years. This falling off in the number of bales handled at this point in 1892 
 was due directly to the ravages of the hop lice which invaded the hop fields of both 
 Oregon and Washington during that year. Mffective means for destroying this pest 
 have now been devised, however, and hop lice in the future will not fare very sumptu- 
 ously on the growing hops of the Northwest. 
 Another important industry of the Puyallup and Stuck valleys is the growing of 
 fruit and vegetables for the Tacoma and Seattle markets. The whole country is an 
 ideal truck garden, and the fruits and vegetables grown here vie in size and quality 
 with the best productions atiy where. The soil here is of unknown depths, it is well 
 watered and it is easily cultivated. Strawberries grown in this section photographed 
 side by side with the American dollar, outshine the coin of the realm in size, and 
 their, flavor is excellent. Sumner, owing to its proximity to both Seattle and Tacoma, 
 and the means of communication afforded between these places and Sumner by 
 me.tns of the Northern Pacific trains, was chosen as a most available site for the 
 '■voa;ion of the Whitworth College, which is now conducted at the latter point under 
 their auspices. 
 Whitworth Cor.r^KC.K. — This is a college open to both sexes, and it is one of 
 the best conducted educational institutions of the state. The curriculum of the 
 school includes classical, scientific and business courses, as well as a preparatory 
 department. Telegraphy, typewriting and short land are taught at the college, and 
 special attention is also paid to a thorough instruction in vocal and instrumental 
 music, as well as in elocution and art. The 
 charges for tuition and board at the school are 
 extremely moderate, and the att' ndance at the 
 college is cf>jistantly increasing. 
 The building occupied by Whitworth Col- 
 lege is a fine structure, heated by steam, well 
 furnished, and containing all modern appoint- 
 ments and conveniences. The locativ>n ol the 
 school is particularly favorable. U vs on the 
 line «1 the Northern Pacific raihxvad, nearVv 
 midway between Tacoma and Seattle. The 
 location is in one of the garden spots o( Wash- 
 ington, and all the surroimdings of the school 
 are health fid and pleasant. The purest and coldest water taken fn^ni the f\H>thills of 
 the Cascade Mountains is supplied for college use. 
 Rev. Calvin M. Stewart, D. D., is president of Whitworth CoUvk^n and Rev. A. 
 T. P'ox, B. L. B. D., is vice-president. Both of these gentlemen H«HVe had large ex- 
 perience in educational work, and under their conH\>l the inslitvvlion is rapidly 
 coming to the front as one of the foremost colleges of the Norlhwvst. Parents and 
 guardians will do well to correspond with the officers of Whitworth College with 
 reference to the education of their children of either sex. It is the intention of the 
 Whit^ohth Colleqe, Sumner. 
Kent, Washington. 
 authorities of this college to provide facilities for ati education here that will eiual 
 in every way the opportunities afforded by the best Kastern colleges, and at a .nod- 
 erate cost. 
 The public schools of Sumner are conducted in a creditable structure. The 
 system of public instruction at this point is elhcient, and the youth of this growing 
 town are afforded by the good public schools of Sumner and in the Whitworlh 
 College the means of obtaining a thorough education without being put to the 
 necessity of leaving home. 
 Kent, WashlnjJTton. — The town of Kent, named after the leading hop cen- 
 ter of Great Britain, is situated in King county, on the I'uget vSound Ijranch of the 
 Northern Pacific railroad running between Tacoma and Seattle. It is but i6 miles 
 by rail from Kent to Seattle on the north, and Tacoma is 25 miles distant by rail to 
 the south. Kent is the principal trading point of the fertile While River valley, near 
 the center of which the town is located. The land of this valley is especially adapted 
 to hop culture, and over 3,000 acres of this land are today devoted to the cultivation 
 of this staple product of Western Washington. 
 The rapid development of the hop industry of the section now tributary to Kent 
 some time since necessitated the establishment of a town of considerable importance 
 at this point, For a considerable time after the town was laid out, the growth of 
 Kent was extremely rapid, and the population of Kent increased within the short 
 space of two months from 700 to 1,500. This growth was due to the luxuriant hop 
 harvests, immunity from hop lice and good prices for the product of the hop fields, 
 together with the efforts to push the town to the front. As an instance of the enor- 
 mous profits which rewarded the hop growers of this section during the palmy days 
 of the early history of the town the two following cases can be cited: One was where a 
 sinjilc hop-grower sold over |i4,ooo worth of hops from seven acres of land, and the 
 other where the hop yield of 121 acres in this same valley for a single season brought 
 a return of $"o,(.xxj. With the lower prices for hops now prevailing, and the expense 
 incurred in Ughling hop lice, which succeeded in gaining a foothold in this !-ection, 
 hop growing, while still a lucrative calling does not yield the profits of former years, 
 when growois became rich out of a single sea,son's crop. The tendency of this 
 depreciation in prices for the staple ])roduct of this section has been to bring trade 
 down to a normal basis at Kent, and where the population of the town was 1,500 a 
 few years ago, it does not today exceed 1,000 people. 
 The White River valley is adapted to raising all kinds of fruit and vegetables as 
 well as are the rich lands of the Pnyallup and Stuck valleys to the south. The sec- 
 tion of which Kent is the trading center is rich in resources, and a good town will 
 always be supported at this point. Kent now boasts of a|i2,ooo school house, three 
 fine brick blocks and a good bank. It supports five churches and has a good system 
 of public instruction. 
 The King County Pair Association have laid out extensive grounds at Kent, 
 including a one mile kite-shaped track. The stables in connection with the racing 
 track contain 2cx) box stalls and all necessary equipments. It is hoped to make this 
 one of the prominent racing centers of the state. 
 J. !' 
 11. L 
 77r" Orcf^uniiin's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 '\ 'lii! 
 j i 
 Chief Seattle. 
 (after whom SEATTLE WAS NAMED.) 
 WcattU', Wsishiiijjftoii. — Seattle, the metropolis of Washinj^toii. is located 
 in King county, and on Klliot Hay, an indention in the east shore of Admiralty 
 Inlet, the most important part of that great inland body 
 of salt water known as Pnget Sound. The phenomenal 
 and unprecedented growth of vSeat.tle, combined with 
 its beauty of location, and the marvelous progressive 
 spirit which its people have always shown, afford inci- 
 dents for a story unparalleled in the annals of American 
 The events connected with the early settlement of 
 Seattle are but memorable records of the long and hard 
 struggles of courageous, far seeing and ambitious men, 
 who always showed what might be termed almost a sub- 
 lime confidence in the future of the town they had found- 
 ed. A notable feature connected with the growth of all 
 the vSound cities is the spirit of loyalty to home inter- 
 e.'^ts, which the people here have always shown. The 
 people who live in Seattle are no exception to this rule. 
 A Seattle man firmly believes that his city is destined 
 some day to be one of the greatest centers of popula- 
 tion and wealth on the coast, and it may be remarked 
 here that it is this enthusiastic forecast of future possi- 
 bilities which has been one of the most important factors 
 in the growth of both Seattle and Tacoma. Seattle is an 
 old settlement, but its substantial growth has all been 
 made within a period of eight years, and in this short 
 time a cit}' has been built that in metropolitan appear- 
 ance vies with San Francisco, and in push and enterprise 
 does not lag behind even Chicago. 
 Prior to 1884, Seattle was a comparatively un- 
 known and isolated town enjoying a small trade 
 with the sparsel}' settled parts of Washington bor- 
 dering on the shores of Puget Sound. The historj' 
 of Seattle dates back to the autumn of i<S5i, when 
 A. A. Denny, C. D. Boren and the Terry brothers 
 located on what is now known as Alki point, near 
 the present site of the business district of the Queen 
 City, as Seattle is called. In the month of Feb- 
 ruary following, these men began to look around 
 for desirable claims, and they finally selected sites on the shores of Elliot Bay, where 
 Seattle now stands. This was the initial stage of Seattle's future greatness, and 
 thus was the town born. The town was named after a powerful and friendly Indian 
 chieftain, who with his tribe, lived just across the inlet from the new settlement. 
 Soon after the location of the claims by the 
 founders of Seattle, families began to settle 
 around them, and in May, 1853, A. A. Denny 
 and C. D. Boren filed the first plat of the 
 townsite of Seattle. In 1852, Henry L. Yesler 
 had built a sawmill at this point, the first harbor, Seattle. 
 First house, Seattle, built at Alki Point 
 IN 185t. 
 , .2r*? 
 Front and James Streets, Seattle, 1859. 
Seattle, Washinf^'^ton. 
 H. A. Smith, Seattle. 
 steam sawmill on the shores of Puget Sound, and soon after the filing of 
 the first tovvnsite plat, ships began to visit Seattle for the fine hnnher which 
 was sawed here. The small colony which settled 
 here soon began to receive accessions to their 
 ranks Among these early additions was Dr. H. 
 A. Smith, an honored citizen of Seattle at the 
 present time. During 1S52 and 1853 the little 
 band here suffered m-my privations. But few ves- 
 sels visited the settlement during these years, and 
 as a result provisions were scarce, and the prices 
 asked for the staple articles of every-day con- 
 sumption were fabulous. Salt pork sold as high 
 as I45 a barrel, and flour brought $35. For a 
 short time during this period of suffering, neither 
 of these commodities could be obtained at any 
 price. During these two years the pioneers of 
 Seattle were hemmed in by impenetrable forests, 
 they lacked all means of commuuicating with the 
 outside world by water, and the general air of confidence in the future which the 
 handful of men never failed to show, was in marked contrast to the loneliness of 
 their position and the prospect for immediate relief. 
 During 11855 and 1856 the Klickitat and 
 Duwamish Indians caused much trouble in this 
 part of the state. On January 26th of the latter 
 year,thc savages after murdering isolated set- 
 tlers and burning a number of houses, landed 
 in a large body on the western shores of Lake 
 Washington, The people of Seattle sought 
 safety in a stockade, where with the assistance 
 of the government sloop of war, Decatur, 
 anchored in the harbor at that time, they re- 
 pelled the attack of the savage horde. The war 
 with the relentless Indians continued, how- 
 ever, until the fall of 1856, and during this 
 every vestige of improvement in King county was 
 reigned after this time, it was not until about i860 
 that the people of this sparsely settled portion of the West fully recovered from the 
 depredations committed by the Indians during the two years they were on the warpath. 
 For the 10 years following the conflict with the Indians, Seattle's advancement 
 was scarcely noticeable. The first important step in the commercial growth of the 
 town was made in 1867, when the wagon road was com- 
 pleted, which opened communication between Seattle 
 and the rich part of Washington lying east of the Cas- 
 cade Mountains. For the next eight years the people 
 here followed along in the even tenor of their way, reach- 
 ing out for trade wherever possible, and adding grad- 
 ually to the wealth of the town. In 1875 an era of great 
 activity in Seattle and the tributary coal districts was 
 inaugurated by the completion of 26 miles of the Seat- water front, Seattle 
 WATER Front, Seattle. 
 period of savage warfare, 
 obliterated. While peace 
 photo, by LA ROCHE. 
 J ' I 
 The Orcginiiiin's Iluudhouk ai the I'ncific Xorthwest. 
 Front Street, Se»ttle. 
 tie & Wallii Walla railroad, which 
 tapped the rich coal mines, the 
 product of which is now among 
 the largest and most important 
 outputs of coal on the coast. vSoon 
 after this the people of Seattle 
 made strenuous efforts to induce 
 the managements of other lines of 
 railroads to build to this point. An 
 immense sum of money was off- 
 ered the Northern Pacific to make 
 its western terminus here, but the 
 effort miscarried for reasons which 
 are well understood by everyone 
 who has even a smattering knowl- 
 edge of the early history of the 
 Puget Sound cities. Denied proper transportation facilities with the interior by 
 rail, the effort to build a city here for a time was an unequal one. A period was 
 finally reached, however, where Seattle's im- 
 portance as a commercial center demanded atten- 
 tion from the railroads, and it is in the events 
 which led up to making Seattle the great railroad 
 center of Puget Sound, and which will be treated -?[! 
 of in a succeeding chapter, that forums \h^ most !jj 
 important part of the city's history. 
 On January 13, 1SS2, an event occurred in 
 Seattle which indicated clearly the spirit of the 
 people who had struggled to build a city at this 
 point. For some months previous to that time 
 many dastardly and open acts of violence had 
 been committed by the vicious elenunts which 
 had found lodgment here. At length the wrath 
 of the people was fully aro • ed by a most cow- 
 ardly murder vhich was committed on one of the main thoroughfares of the town. 
 No time was wasted on making out commitment papers or in serving wairants. 
 On the date mentioned above, the men who had committed this last deed of violence 
 — ^Janies Sullivan, William Howard and Benja- 
 min Payne — were lynched in the heart of the 
 city without ceremony. This proved a lesson 
 to wrongdoers, which had a most salutary effect, 
 and it is, perhaps, not necessary to state that 
 a city where the people thus plainly intimated 
 that they would stand no trifling from law- 
 breakers, enjoyed a long period of safety and 
 security from the open acts of the vicious 
 Another period of disturbance commenced 
 with the agitation against the employment of 
 cheap Chinese labor, during 1885. This agita- 
 Seconc Street, Seattli;. 
 Second Street, Seattle. 
 I »;■= ; ^ j%j: 
Seattle, Washingtov. 
 A Prominent Cohns 
 tion finally led to the well-retnembered outbreak pmoto. by la hocmi 
 at Rock Springs, Wyoming, in which much prop- 
 tTty of the Chinese was destroyed and in which 
 many Chinamen were injured. The feeling against 
 the employment of Chinese finally culminated in 
 the Chinese riots of l-'ehruary 7, 1.SS6, in that city. 
 A large mob had collected for the express pur- 
 pose of deporting all the Chinese in the city, and' 
 in accordance with their preconceived plans of 
 ejectment, the mob took practical possession of 
 the city and commenced the work of removing 
 the Chinese from their houses. The local militia was called out to quell the dis- 
 turbance, which they finally succeeded in doing after killing one of the mol- atid 
 injuring a number of other lawbreakers. With the exception of the two ca.ses noted 
 above, Seattle has been singularly free from mob violence, and the people here have 
 always been as law-abiding, and have shown as great respect for the mandates of 
 the law, as have the people in any of the older-settled cities of the United »States. 
 Railroads and water lines of transportation 
 do much to advance the interests of any com- 
 munity. Under the head of "Railroads," in 
 another part of this article, will be found a 
 complete resume of the excellent transporta- 
 ^\ tion facilities which Seattle now enjoys, and 
 under this head will be given a history of the 
 struggles which Seattle's people were com- 
 pelled to make to secure for them the many ad- 
 vantages they now enjoy in perfectly equipped 
 railroad and steamship lines which now touch 
 at this point. 
 Following the completion of the railroad 
 which tapped the rich coal mines back of 
 Seattle, the town made steady and substantial growth as a manufacturing point. 
 Sawmills, factories, and other industrial plants sprung up here along the water 
 front, and following the construction of these manufacturing industries came fine 
 business blocks, elegfj:'. 3 iivate dwellings and hotels. People flocked to Seattle from 
 all quarters, and the incr .se in population was rapid. The suburbs and outlying 
 districts of the city \inciev",;ent a transformation that converted dense forests into 
 sightly gardens, and c.i the ,e erstwhile timber lands handsome houses were erected, 
 and the suburbs became the homes of hundreds 
 of contented families. Soon outside capital began 
 to be attracted to the place. Speculation was rife ; 
 schemes involving the expenditure of millions 
 were put into operation here, and, as a consequence, 
 the real estate market assumed a stage of feverish 
 activity. No one will dispute that Seattle really 
 enjoyed a boom, but that the city has not suffered 
 in material wealth by the bursting of the bubble 
 must be taken as evidence of the varied resources y 1''' ' ' "* 
 which have built a city here, and of the latent third street, seaitle. 
 Seattle after the Fire, 1889. 
 South from Second and James Streets. 
 1'! . 
 '. If I 

 •- m 
 lis IIIIIM 
 lA. Ill 1.6 
 v^^ 4^^ 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 873-4S03 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A Prominent Business Block, Seattle. 
 Strength of the conditions here for maintaining a 
 city. On June 6, 1889, occurred the evet-memorable 
 fire, which practically destroyed the entire business 
 district of Seattle, burned up a mile of wharves, and 
 involved a loss of over $10,000,000. The burnt dis- 
 trict covered an area of 65 acres. The history of 
 Chicago after the great fire, was repeated at Seattle. 
 For a number of months after the holocaust in Seat- 
 tle the business of the city was done under tents. 
 During this period, however, plans were fully matured 
 for rebuilding the city on a more extensive scale than 
 before, streets and avenues were widened, and in less 
 than 12 months after the city was leveled to the ground, many fine busi- 
 ness blocks, of brick and stone, buildings that in architectural design and finish are 
 not surpassed by any of the finest structures of Chicago, were ready for occupp:;cy 
 in Seattle, and the city was once more in the race for supremacy. Seattic'cs busi- 
 ness streets are now built up solid with imposing blocks or brick, stone and iron ; 
 the city has fine and commodious hotels within the corporate limits, and miles of 
 well-paved streets, lined on each side ' ith handsome private residences, and the 
 city bears every aspect of a rich and prosperous commercial center and a great 
 shipping port. 
 The following figures, compiled from sources of unquestioned authority, will 
 show conclusively the wonderful advancement Seattle has made 
 during the past 13 years. In 1870 the United States official cen- 
 sus gave Seattle a population of 1,107. The territorial census of 
 1875 credited Seattle with 1,512 people. The government returns 
 of the census of 1880 found 3,533 souls within the corporate limits 
 of the city. Three years later the territorial canvass showed that 
 Seattle's population had increased to 6,645, a"tl in 1885 another 
 canvass made by the territory gave Seattle a population of 9,786. 
 In 1887 Seattle, on the basis of the names in the city directory 
 of that year, contained 12,167 people, and the city census of the 
 year followikig found that the population had increasea to 19,116. *''°"'" ""'"'"'"'• *""'•• 
 In 1889 another census was taken by the territory which showed that 26,740 people 
 found homes in Seattle. The official government census of 1890 made the city's 
 population 42,837, and the directory of 1893 established Seattle's claim to 58,126 
 people who lived v/ithin the limits of the ci^v. 
 Seattle is now us compactly b-iilt as are many of the large cities of the East. 
 The two principal retail business streets, Front and Second, run parallel with the 
 water front, and both thepe streets are lined with as fine a class of buildings as aie 
 found in any city of the West. These buildings are all modern in their appoint- 
 ments and are equipped with fast-running elevators, arc lighted by electricity, and 
 are heated by steam. Poth of these streets bustle with life and they serve as arteries 
 into which most of the traffic from other parts of the city naturally flows. One and 
 one-half miles of warehouses and wharves extend along the water front. On the 
 water front are also located a large number of leading jobbing houses of the city. 
 The principal business houses of Seattle carry large stocks of goods and the trade 
 which the city enjoys is large and on the most satisfactory of footings. 
Seattle, Washington. 
 Kino county Court House, Seattle. 
 A number of suburban towns of Seattle, towns under separate municipal gov- 
 ernments, are really a part of the city itself. Ballard, Kirkland, Fremont and 
 Latonia are all connected with Sea'.tle by well equipped electric lines of road, and it 
 is only a few minutes' ride to cithtr of these places. 
 At Ballard, on Salmon Bay, five miles distant from 
 Seattle, are located shingle mills whose combined 
 daily capacity is 2,000,000 shingles, while the sawmills 
 at the same place have a capacity of 280,000 feet of 
 lumber a day. Also located at Ballard are a steel mill 
 and extensive yards for the construction of wooden 
 vessels. Covering Jail of these outside points as well 
 as all the outlyi ag districts of Seattle is one of the 
 most extensive and perfectly equipped rapid transit 
 systems in the United States. The primitive horse 
 car is entirely unknown on Seattle's streets. Thirteen 
 different cable and electric railway companies, with an aggregate capital stock of 
 $7,470,000, have in operation at Seattle and in the suburbs 34 miles of cable road and 
 65 miles of electric lines, making a total of 99 miles of street-car tracks covering the 
 city and reaching out from this point. This mileage exceeds that of 23 cities in the 
 United States which have a larger population than Seattle. The city is completely 
 gridironed with a network of tracks, and the remotest suburban point is brought 
 by means of these roads within a few minutes' ride of the business district of 
 Seattle. Five of these lines run north of the city, four lines extend out south, 
 and four lines of road run out to Lake Washington, a fine body of fresh water to 
 the east. Three of the city roads, the Madison Street, Union Trunk, and Seattle City 
 Railway Companies own and maintain splendid parks which are much frequented by 
 residents and visitors to the city. The Rainier Avenue electric line runs in a south- 
 easterly direction and reaches out as far as the south end of Lake Washington. The 
 West Street and North End lines run from the business center of the city in a north- 
 westerly direction along the shores of Elliot Bay to Ballard, 5}4 miles distant. The 
 Grant Street line runs to the race track in South Seattle. The Green Luke road 
 runs through Fremont and around the eastern side of Green Lake, which is four 
 miles distant from the city. The Woodlawn Park line follows the same course and 
 terminates on the western shore of Green Lake. The equipments of all these lines 
 are of the very highest order and service is excellent, frequent and rapid trips [being 
 made between all points. The following is the capitalization, mileage and number 
 of cars of the different street-railway svstems of Seattle : 
 Front Street Cable Railway Company, 
 capital $600,000, mileages, number of cars 16 ; 
 Grant Street Electric Railway Company, capi- 
 tal $200,000, mileage 7, number of cars 4 ; Green 
 Lake Electric Railway Company, capital 
 $70,000, mileage 4}4, number of cars 2 ; Madi- 
 son Street Cable J.ailway Company, capital 
 $750,000, mileage 7, number of cars 16; Rainier 
 Avenue Electric Railway Company, capital 
 $250,000, mileage 8, number of cars 4 ; North Seattle Cable Railway Company, capital 
 $^00,000, mileage 2 [uses Front street cars] ; Rainier Power & Electric Railway Com- 
 YESLER Avenue, TitHi Park, Seattle 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A will-Known Corner, Seattle. 
 pany, capital |5oo,cxx), mileage 6, number of cars 8 ; Seattle City Railway Company, 
 (Cable), capital $1,000,000, mileage 5, number of cars 16; Seattle Consolidated Rail- 
 way Company (Electric), capital $1,200,000, mileage i2yi, num- 
 ber of cars 30; South vSealtle Railway Company (Electric), 
 capital $450,000, mileage 5, number of cars 2 ; Union Trunk 
 Line (Electric and Cable), capital $1,000,000, mileage 11, num- 
 ber of cars 18; West Seattle Cable Railway Company, capital 
 $150,000 mileage 4, number of cars 4 ; West Street & North 
 End Railway Company (Electric), capital $1,000,000, mileage 
 10, number of cars 14. This makes a grand total of $7,470,000 
 invested in Seattle street railways ; 99 miles in operation, on 
 which 134 cars are used. 
 In counection with the perfect railway systems of Seattle, something may be said 
 regarding the site the city occupies. Elliot Bay, on the shores of which Seattle is 
 located, has an area of over 20 square miles and furnishes safe anchorage for the largest 
 of deep-water vessels. The city extends back froi- the bay over a rise of easy grades 
 to Lake Washington, four miles distant. This lake is a magnificent body of fresh 
 water over 20 miles in length and varying in width from i>^ to 3 miles. The streets 
 of the city extending east and west are graded through from Elliot Bay to Lake 
 Washington, terminating on salt water on one end and reaching out to the fresh- 
 water reservoir at the other. In the northern part of the city is Lake Union and 
 beyond this latter body of water in the same direction is Green Lake, both of which 
 while much smaller than Lake Washington, are equally as attractive as the larger 
 body of water. 
 Seattle is built on a series of terraces rising above the harbor to a considerable 
 altitude. From the crest of the slope is a broad plateau which stretches eastward 
 almost to Lake Washington. It is on the higher terraces and on this plateau that 
 the best residences of the city are built. These homes are far removed from the busi- 
 ness activity of the city below and from the sites which they occupy is commanded a 
 view of magnificent scenery not offered to the residents of any city in the Union. 
 Across the harbor from Seattle is seen the long stretch of the waters of Admiralty 
 Inlet, beyond which rise the rugged and snow-capped peaks of the Olympic range of 
 mountains. To the west the view is even more impressive than the panorama pi*e- 
 sented to the vision of the sight-seer looking west. The tranquil waters of Lake 
 Washington form a fitting foreground to the thickly wooded shores beyond, while 
 far in the distance the eye follows the course of the Cascades for miles, one of the 
 most important rangrs of mountains on the continent. Surmounting this chain of 
 mountains, in plain iew of Seattle, is the snow-capped peak of Mt. Rainier, one of 
 the monarchs of the Cascades, while to the 
 north, 100 miles distant, rises in plain view the 
 lofty peak of Mt. Baker, which is also covered 
 with perennial snows. The effects of sunrise 
 and sunset over the distant peaks seen from 
 Seattle baffle description. Seattle itself and the 
 country immediately surrounding form one of 
 the most picturesque spots in America. The 
 suburbs present at once a combination of wild 
 and rugged mountain scenery, pastoral landscapes, dense forests and the rippling 
 waves of both tide and fresh water. 
 Coal BuNKENa, Seattle. 
Seattle, Washington. 
 PMO^O. er MOORE. 
 Seattle offors many features of interest to the visitor. In addition to the enjoy- 
 ment of a ride on the numerous car lines of the city, a number of public parks are 
 maintained in which are found great pyramidal trees, high bluffs and deep canyons 
 and extensive and diversified views and vistas through thick forest foliage, the 
 natural wildncss of the whole being softened by artificial walks, fountains and flower- 
 beds. The parks owned by the city cover 64 acres while the private parks open to 
 the public embrace 75 acres additional. Seattle is especially fortunate in having fine 
 public buildings. The King county court house, located here, is a handsome stone 
 structure of the Doric style of architecture, as shown by the illustration accompany- 
 ing this article. Its cost was about $500,000. It is fitted with safes, vaults and other 
 safeguards for the protection of public records. Seattle has also a fine Chamber of 
 Commerce building, city hill, fine schools, elegant churches and other buildings, 
 which will receive suitable mention under the proper headings in another part of this 
 During the history of the King county bar, many brilliant and profound lawyers 
 have been heard pleading before its tribu- 
 nals, and today it occupies a high place in 
 estimation of the legal profession. Judge John 
 J. McGilvra, one of the oldest and most dis- 
 tinguished practitioners in Washington, is 
 recognized as the father cf the Seattle bar. 
 Ju Jge McGilvra was born in Livingston county, 
 N. Y. , July II, 1827. He afterwards removed 
 to Illinois, and was admitted to the bar in 
 Chicago in 1853. In 1861 he was appointed 
 United States attorney for the territory of 
 Washington. After discharging the duties of 
 the office for five years he declined a reappoint- 
 ment. He was also city attorney of Seattle in 
 1876-7. His greatest legal triumph was in in- 
 ducing Congress to restore 5,000,000 acres of 
 land for settlement, land which the Northern 
 Pacific Railroad had forfeited. 
 It is said that the character of the people 
 Hon. j. j. Mc\<ii "i«, Seattle. 
 RltioiNCl, Mm, M. 0. YESLEit, Seattle. 
 residing in a city is indicated to a large extent 
 by their homes. If this is true, Seattle pos- 
 sesses many wealthy and cultured citizens, 
 for the many elegant private residences which 
 line its streets will compare favorab' ith the 
 best homes in the fashionable residt:^ *ction 
 of any large city. The illustration ' je resi- 
 dence of Mrs. Minnie Yesler, the / of the 
 late Henry L. Yesler, who during his lifetime, 
 was one of Seattle's foremost citizens, is a type 
 of many of the best houses of the city. An 
 illustration of Mrs. Yesler's elegant residence 
 is shown in connection with the present article. 
 In addition to the homes of the wealthy, Seattle 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Offices, Board of Education, 
 contains hundreds of neat and cosy cottages, occupied largely by the working classes, 
 who enjoy in this Western city, comforts that are de lied the laboring man in most 
 of the cities of the East. 
 Seattle, in keeping with its spiritof advancement, has the best of public school 
 systems. The schools here are in charge of trained and able teachers. The facili- 
 ties afforded here for obtaining a thorough and systematic 
 education are unexcelled, and in the support of the public 
 schools, the citizens of the city have always manifested a 
 laudable progressive spirit and liberality. In 1887 the city 
 owned but three school buildings, and the average daily 
 attendance of scholars was about 2.000. Today 16 large 
 school buildings are found to be barely adequate to hold 
 the rapidly increasing school population. A large appro- 
 priation has been made for the construction of additional 
 buildings for school purposes, and it is expected that before 
 the close of the present year the number of school buildings here will be increasi^d 
 to 20. The present va)ue of the school property of Seattle now amounts to $756,cxx), 
 divided as follows: buildings, 11416,238; real 
 estate, $3001000; furniture, $40,000. At the 
 close of 5893, over 7000 pupils were in regular 
 attendance at the Seattle public schools. In 
 addition to teaching the elementary studies, 
 music, drawing, languages and manual training 
 are included in the curriculum of the public 
 schools here, and in the high school course a 
 thorough collegiate preparatory course is given. 
 The names of the different public schools of 
 Seattle, their cost and average attendance are 
 as follows : 
 Central, cost, $85,290; attendance, 1,227; South, 
 cost, $61,950; attendance, 420 ; Denny, cost, $64,788.65; 
 attendance, 996 ; Mercer, cost, 5(134,964 ; attendance, 712; 
 Columbia, cost, $27,735 ; attendance, 570 ; T. T. Minor, 
 cost, $23,750, attendance, 875 ; Rainier, cost, $35,774 ; 
 attendance, 556 ; Olympic, cost. $6,158.88; attendance, 
 235 ; Queen Anne, cost, $500 ; attendance, 40 ; Randell, 
 cost, $500; attendance, 41 ; Green Lake, cost, $1,372; 
 attendance, 42; Latonia, cost, $3,720; attendance, 190; 
 Ross, cost, $964.45; attendance, 59; Salmon Bay, cost, 
 $952 ; attendance, 65 ; B. F. Day, cost, $24,994 ; attend- 
 ance, 348; Pacific, cost, $42,800; attendance, 40; Depot 
 Street, Night and Senior Grammar have an attendance respectively of 69, 201 and 
 291, making a total attendance of 6,877. 
 In addition to the public school system, there are a number of important private 
 institutions of learning located at this point. Among these private institutions are 
 excellent Catholic parochial schools and seminaries, a Methodist university, and 
 i^everal academies. 
 The University of Washington, located at Seattle, is situated on a beautiful tract 
 South School, Seattle. 
 Central School, Seattle. 
Seattle, Washington. 
 Denny School, Scattli. 
 of land containing lo acres, in the heart of the city. ""hoto. by l* rocmi. 
 Three hundred pupils regularly attend the university, 
 which ranks with the highest seats of learning in the 
 country. By setting aside lo per cent of the amount 
 collected in fines and licenses the city has provided 
 for a liberal library fund, which has already resulted 
 in establishing a free library. The library now con- 
 tains about 8,900 volumes, which, with the periodicals 
 and fixtures, have involved an outlay of about $18,400. 
 The income available for library purposes now amounts to about $1,200 a month. 
 Seattle has a distinctly moral tone. The first church building erected in the 
 town was a modest little structure, put up by the Methodist Episcopal denomina- 
 tion, in 1855. As the city grew the erection of edifices for 
 public worship kept pace with the increase in population, 
 and today the city contains 52 church buildings, with a 
 valuation of church property of $700,000. In addition to the 
 regular churches, an organization of the Young Men's 
 Christian Association is maintained here, with a member- 
 ship of 500. The latter organization now occupies quarters 
 which, with the ground it stands on, is valued at over 
 One of the most noted humanitarian institutions in 
 Washington is located at Seattle, at 604 Columbia street, 
 and also at Spokane. This is the Keeley Institute, where 
 the most desperate cases of the liquor, morphine, opium, 
 chloral, cigarette and tobacco cases are permanently cured 
 in from three to five weeks' time by the administration of 
 the famous d'juble chloride of gold remedies. The Seattle 
 and Spokane institutes are branches of the celebrated Keeley Institute, at Dwight, 
 Illinois. All the medicines used come fron' the great Keeley laboratory at Dwight, 
 and are administered by skilled physicians, trained for this particular work by Dr. 
 Keeley himself. The great results obtained in the treatment of liquor and kindred 
 habits by the chloride of gold, or Keeley cure, furnishes one of the marvels of the 
 age. Of over 150,000 patients treated in the past eight years, less than 5 per cent 
 have lapsed, and these delinquents have only fallen back to their old habit through 
 deliberation, and not through any de- 
 sire for stimulants. The Keeley work 
 is the greatest temperance movement 
 ever inaugurated. 
 Seattle is amply supplied with the 
 best of amusement facilities. In ad- 
 dition to the cheaper places of resort, 
 the city boasts cf one of the finest 
 and best appointed opera houses on 
 the coast. This is the Seattle theater, 
 which is under the management of 
 Mr. John W . Hanna. This is one of the 
 neatest and most thoroughly equip- ,„„,o,, 8.„tle op.-* Houit. 
 Congregational Chunch, Seattle. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 J. T. Minor School, Seattle, 
 ped opera houses in the West. The building is situated on the corner of Third and 
 Cherry streets. It has a frontage of 80 feet, and is five stories high. The architect- 
 ural design is after the Italian-Renaissance style, which i? .arried out in buff pressed 
 brick, with stone trimmings. The interior is elaborately lecorated. The floors are 
 of tile, the windows of stained glass, and the interior woodwork is all finished in 
 quartered oak. The chairs in all parts of the house have leather seats and plush 
 backs. The decorations of the proscenium arch, foyers, boxes and the fronts of both 
 the balcony and gallery are done in a very artistic manner, and the colors used are 
 all in harmony with the interior fittings of the theater. 
 The stage is 80x40 feet in size, and is fitted with the most approved mechanical 
 accessories. Mr. Hanna books the very best companies, and his efforts receive sub- 
 stantial encouragement from the amusement-loving public of Seattle. 
 Seattle has now reached a position from which, judg- 
 ing by the growth of* other cities, there can be no retro- 
 gressive movement. The era of wild real estate specula- 
 tion here is past and the city now depends on the de- , 
 velopment of the matchless resources of the tributary 
 section for future advancement. Even during the dull 
 period of the past two years Seattle has continued to in- 
 crease in both population and wealth, and the city is now 
 on a stronger footing than it ever was before. The number 
 of buildings which have been erected here since the fire furnish satisfactory evidence 
 of the substantial growth of the city during the past four years. From July i, 1889, to 
 July I, 1893, 6,358 brick, stone and frame buildings were erected in Seattle at a cost of 
 $13,892,450. Considerable activity in building is now noted in Seattle, especially in 
 the jobbing district where the increased trade of the city makes the demand for 
 additional quarters an imperative one. 
 Many improvements of a public nature are now nearing completion in Seattle. 
 Work on the most important of these improvements has not yet been inaugurated. 
 This is the construction of a short ship canal to connect Puget Sound with Lake 
 Washington. Congress has for a number of years past had this measure under 
 advisement and it is believed that the government will soon make an appropriation 
 for building this canal. When this great enterprise shall once have been carried to a 
 successful termination Seattle can justly lay claim to having the finest harbor facilities 
 in the world. Lake Washington has a shore line of over 100 miles, and it presents a 
 sufficient area of surface to float all the ships that 
 will ever visit the Pacific coast. With the com- 
 nletion of this canal Seattle will possess the ad- 
 vantage of a double harbor, the salt waters of 
 Elliot Bay touching the city on the west and the 
 deep fresh waters of Lake Washington on the east 
 forming excellent ingress to that part of the city. 
 The advantages of a fresh-water harbor for salt- 
 water vessels are fully appreciated by all sea-far- 
 ing men, and in the minds of men who engage in shipping, Seattle's claim for 
 national supervision of the great work of digging this canal is one that demands 
 the most earnest consideration of the government. 
 Day school (fmmont), Siattli. 
Seattle, Washing-ton. 
 Pacific School. 
 , i 
 IUi>iiiii School. 
 ' > 
 Olympia School. 
 ; ; 
 cotMtau School. 
 MtRCtR School. 
 PHOTO. IT swu*. 
 Seattle contains 90 miles of graded streets, 30 miles of which are planked. The 
 average width of the streets is 66 feet, but some of the main thoroughfares are wider 
 than this, some of the principal avenues being K6 feet wide. The width of sidewalks 
 is from 8 to 12 feet, and in the principal l)usincss district most of the sidewalks are of 
 stone. Seattle is now expending over |2oo,ooo in perfecting the sewerage system, 
 and a large sum of money is also being expended in 
 the opening and grading of new streets. 
 Seattle, following the course pursued by other 
 wide-awake cities, now owns and operates a fine 
 water-works system. There has been expended on this 
 plant to date the sum of {1,250,000. The supply of 
 water is obtained from Lake Washington, on the shores 
 of which reservoirs and pumping stations having a 
 daily capacity of 10,000,000 gallons are located. The 
 water, which is of the purest quality, is distributed 
 through the city by means of 94 miles of pipes. ,,„ o,„,„,„ „.,noo«T.«.. s,attl,. 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 Engine House No. 3, Seattle, 
 PMOTo. BY 8HAAS. Just sftcr tfac grcat fire of June 6, 1889, the citi.;ens 
 of Seattle commenced the work of reorganizing the city 
 fire department. In the eflficicncy of its members and in 
 appliances for fighting fire Seattle's fire department ranks 
 with the best of the country. The paid department, which 
 was created in 1890, occupies six handsome and commo- 
 dious engine houses, and on the harbor is kept a fire boat 
 to protect the heavy shipping interests along tne water 
 front. During 1892 the maintenance of this department cost 
 192,000. The total valuation of the property belonging to 
 the fire department of the city is 1299,452. The fire equip- 
 ment is as follows : one fire boat, six steamers, six hose 
 wagons, one hose carriage, one aerial truck, one hook and ladder, three chemical 
 engines, one supply wagon. The total number of full-paid men on the force is 75. 
 The lighting of the city at the present time is done by a private company who 
 furnish an excellent service. Electricity is used for lighting purposes and arc or 
 incandescent lamps are found on every corner in the city proper and in its suburbs. 
 There are in use in Seattle 16,000 iucandescent lamps of 16 candle power each and 
 1,290 arc lamps of 2,000 candle power each. Of this num- 
 ber 115 arc and 600 incandescent lamps are used for street 
 The early railroad history of Seattle is replete with bit- 
 ter disappointments, long and vexatious delays, antagonism 
 and discrimination. These obstacles, however, were all in 
 time surmounted, and this, too, without outside assistance, 
 and the city with its unexcelled location and commercial 
 importance, has forced every railroad, operating lines in 
 Washington to enter Seattle and compete for a share of the patronage of the city. 
 For 10 years Seattle practically lived upon the hope that the Northern Pacific 
 would make this city its western terminus, but when the tracks of this road finally 
 reached Puget Sound in 1883, it halted at Tacoma. This was a sore disappointment 
 to Seattle, but with an enterprise seldom paralled, its people set to work to build a 
 railroad themselves. This resulted in the construction of a short line of road, but 
 before the system was completed it was absorbed by the Northern Pacific. In 1886 
 the Northern Pacific completed its line across the Cascade Mountains which furnished 
 direct connection between Eastern Washington and the East 
 with Puget Sound. At the same time the road made arrange- 
 ments for entering Seattle by constructing a short line of road 
 from the main line north to Stuck Junction, where connection 
 was made direct for Seattle by a track which had been built by 
 another company. This gave Seattle its first through transcon- 
 tinental line of road. Following in the wake of the Northern 
 Pacific other great railroad companies began to turn their eyes 
 toward Seattle. The year 1893 witnessed the completion of 
 the Great Northern railroad from St. Paul to Seattle, its west- 
 ern deep-water terminus. This road opened up the vast agri- 
 cultural belt lying in Washington east of the Cascades as well 
 8Noo.Au«,E FALL,, NEAR SEATTLE. ^^ tfae woudcrfully rich mlucral and timber belt west of the 
 F(HE Boat, Seattle. 
Seattle, Washington. 
 Indian Canoes lanoinq Seattle. 
 mountains, resources that have already added greatly to Seattle's prosperity. The 
 Great Northern has already invested large sums of money in obtaining proper ter- 
 minal facilities at Seattle p.nd the company is also building a line of steamers to ply 
 between Seattle and the Orient. 
 The Canadian Pacif.c railroad gains an entrance to Seattle from Sumas, B. C, 
 over the Belliugham Bay & British Columbia railway to New Whatcom, and from 
 this latter point over the Sound branch of the Great Northern. The Columbia & 
 Puget Sound railroad connects Seattle with the rich coal-mining districts of Frank- 
 lin, Black Diamond, Newcastle and Talbot and the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern 
 running through the rich agricultural district east of the city forms a connection at 
 Snohomish with the line of the Everett & Monte Cristo railroad which extends 
 from Everett on the lower ^^nohomish river into the great gold and silver-producing 
 regions of Silver creek and Monte Cristo. The Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern road 
 also handles the hop product of the vSnoqualmic valley, the output of the iron mines 
 in Skagit county and is also the outlet 
 for the rich coal mines of Gilnian. It 
 •will be seen from the above statement 
 that Seattle is already a railroad cen- 
 ter of considerable importance. The 
 city now has direct connection with 
 the East by three lines of transconti- 
 nental roads and direct communica- 
 tion is afforded with Tacoma, Olym- 
 pia, Portland, all Sound points and 
 the towns of the interior by a network of branch lines of roads which now makes Se- 
 attle the most important railroad center of the Puget Sound country. 
 Seattle also has the best of transportation facilities by numerous lines of ocean 
 and sound steamers which connect with all points reached by water. Large and fleet 
 steamers ply regularly between Seattle and San Francisco, Victoria and Vancouver, 
 B. C, and Portland. A line of steamships also operates between Seattle and the 
 Alaska ports. Conmiencing some time during the present year the Great Northern 
 Railway Company will operate a line of large passenger steamships between Seattle 
 and China and Japan. Steamers, including side-wheel, stern-wheel and propeller, 
 run from Seattle to all ports on Puget Sound, the service between the Queen City 
 and the largest ports giving frequent trips and very fast time. Some 220 sailing ves- 
 sels are now regularlj* engaged in the carrying trade between Seattle and outside 
 ports and the export trade now reaches a large volume yearly. 
 Passengers and tourists arriving in Seattle will find a perfect baggage and car- 
 riage system operated by the Seattle Transfer Company. This company handles all 
 the big excursions from the East, and also has messengers on board all inconung 
 trains and boats to exchange checks with passengers and to sec that baggage is for- 
 warded to its destination without causing the owner the least inconvenience. The 
 company operates 20 Gurney cabs, 10 hacks, 6 baggage wagons and 15 drays and 
 trucks, and owns terminal facilities consisting of three large warehouses. 
 Great cities are produced by the commerce they enjoy, and any place favorably 
 located to command trade and enjoy exceptional facilities for handling a large job- 
 bing and shipping business, has all the potency of greatness. Seattle's location 
 is not only favorable for commanding a considerable share of the shipping trade 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 which frequents the waters of Puget Sound, but the vast section of country tributary 
 to the city has sources of natural wealth as great as they are diversified. It is esti- 
 mated that the forests of Washington contain no less than 250,000,000,000 feet of mer- 
 chantable timber. Of this timber belt a considerable part is directly within easy reach 
 of Seattle, and the amount of timber found in the forests tributary will not be exhausted 
 by constant sawing for scores of years in the future. Vast as are the extent of the 
 timber resources of the country back of Seattle, the wealth to l)e derived from 
 cutting this timber will doubtless hardly equal the money which will be obtained 
 from the development of the great mineral resources of this same district. The coal 
 mines of the Puget Sound basin are already a great source of v^ealth to Western Wash- 
 ington. The largest and best developed coal fields in the state are in King county, 
 of which Seattle is the judicial seat and the leading jobbing center. These fields 
 cover an area of obout 400 square miles. The total output of the King county coal 
 mines, in 1H9'?, reached the enormous total of 484,000 tons. Outside of the li'r-'ted 
 output of a few mines in Oregon and California, almost the entire supply of the 
 Pacific coast tomes from the mines of Washington, and a considerable part of this 
 coal is shipped direct from Seattle. 
 Over 1,500 tons of coal are received daily at the bunkers in Seattle, and the 
 shipping of this coal gives steady employment to a large fleet of coasting vessels. 
 A detailed and comprehensive description of the 
 coal, mineral and timber wealth of Western Wash- 
 ington will be found in another part of " The 
 Seattle is the distributing point and base of 
 supplies for the great gold and silver-producing 
 districts of Silver creek, Monte Cristo and Sno- 
 qualmie. These mines are only partially develop- 
 ed, but enough has already been done in these 
 fields to show conclusively that they, in time, 
 will rank among the most important mines in 
 the West. Mining in these districts can only be carried on through the agency of 
 expensive machinery, but the fact that thousands of dollars have already been 
 expended on these properties, shows that the owners have every reasor. to believe 
 that their investments are judiciously made. 
 During 1892, 222 ocean steamships, of a gross tonnage of 280,580, visited Seattle, 
 and during the same year 138 sailing vessels, of a gross tonnage of 103,768 anchored 
 in the harbor in front of the city. In 1892 the imports received at Seattle, from 
 ocean -carrying vessels, amounted to 67,297 tons, and the exports reached 208,333 
 tons. During the same time Seattle shipped to ocean ports 43,151,000 feet of lum- 
 ber, and 196,146 tons of local merchandise were haiHIed at Seattle's docks and 
 The volume of business handled by the railroads entering Seattle is great, and 
 exclusive of the traffic of the Great Northern, which has not been completed a 
 sufficient time to furnish reliable information on this subject, these roads forwarded, 
 during the first four months of 1893, 313,435 tons of freight. This included 136,211 
 tons of coal. In pro-rating the business handled by these roads for the entire 
 year of 1893, fully 20 per cent should be added for the increased traffic of the 
 Great Northern and the increased business of the other roads during the latter 
 part of the year. 
 Shipping at port Blakelv. 
 Seattle, Washington. 
 The following information of the manufacturing an-l jobbing interests of Seat- 
 tle is cumulative to the foregoing evidence of the city's commercial standing and of 
 its wealth. 
 The manufacture of lumber and shingles is, at the present time, the most impor- 
 tant of the growing industries of Seattle. The increasing Eastern demand, together 
 with the home consumption of Washington fir and cedar, taxes the mills of this 
 city to their full running capacay Mid hardly a month passes without noting the 
 erection of a new lumber plant ht i.his point. It is estimated that King county 
 alone has 448,000 acres of stand iui; timber, and that 60,000 acres only have been 
 logged over up to the present ime. There arc now eight logging companies ope- 
 rating in this county. The ^utput of these camps in 1892 was 67,5oo,(hx) feet, the 
 average value of which was $4 per thousand feet. These companies employ 482 men, 
 and during 189: their aggregate 'riyroU amounted to $161,000. 
 Of the 32 sawmills and shingle plants located in King county, 21 are claimed by 
 Seattle. These plants are valued at $1,201,110. The total output of these mills in 
 1892, was as follows: 209,163,500 feet of lumber, 10,679,000 laths, and 405,630,000 
 shingles. The 946 men employed in these mills duiing the same year received in 
 wages the sum of $520,000. The cut of these mills during 1893 and 1894, was and will 
 be largely in excess of what it was in 1892. 
 In June of last year the lumber and shingle 
 plants of Seattle had a daily capacity of 
 765,000 feet of lumber and 2,380,000 shingles. 
 The following are representative mill and 
 lumber lirms of Seattle : 
 The Newell Mill Company was estab- 
 lished on a small scale in i88r, by George 
 Newell, who arrived in Seattle 15 years ago, 
 with only $8 in his possession. By strict 
 attention to business details, however, he 
 has, since that time managed to build up 
 a large and valuable sawmill and sash and door factory. The sawmill has a 
 capacity of 45,000 feet daily, and the sash and door factory is one of the largest 
 in the state. The plant occupies 53 city lots, and includes a large boarding-house 
 for the employes, and also a number of cotti ;jes. Mr. Newell is a thorough and 
 practical business man, and 
 he successfully manages the 
 enterprise of which he is the 
 head. Shipments are made 
 by this company to local and 
 foreign forts. 
 A representative Wash- 
 ington lumber firm having 
 excellent facilities 'or hand- 
 ling large Eastern orders and 
 making prompt shipments, 
 is the Allen & Nelson Mill 
 Company of Seattle. The 
 company's plant is located 
 ALLtN A Nf isoH MILL co.'s SAWMILL, MoNOMAN. at MoHohan OH Lake Samma- 
 NEwELL'a Mill, Seattle. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 6AWMILL, A. S. Kerrv, Seattle. 
 ish. A modern sawmill with a capacity for cutting 50,000 feet of lumber per day has 
 just been completed and the mill is now running up to that output. The company 
 owns a large tract of fine timber land adjacent to the lake from which logs are 
 floated to the mill, thereby reducing the cost of lumber production to a minimum. 
 Although this company does a large local business and also operates a retail yard at 
 Snohomish, the bulk of its trade is done with Eastern buyers. This is one of the 
 most importapt lumber firms of Seattle. 
 The handling of the lumber business of Seattle is not by any means entirely in 
 the hands of the old element, for a num- 
 ber of bright and energetic young men 
 are engaged in operating sawmills here. 
 One of the most prominent of these is 
 A. S. Kerry, proprietor of the perfectly 
 equipped sawmill located at the foot of 
 Charles street. This mill furnishes em- 
 ployment to 60 men and has a daily ca- 
 pacity of 60,000 feet of lumber. The 
 manufactured product consists of all 
 kinds of lumber, shingles, laths and 
 mouldings. The plant is built on a wharf 
 projecting into the Sound, thus enabling vessels to load direct from the mill and 
 also facilitating the handling of logs. Consignments of lumber are shipped from 
 this mill to all sections of the East and a large btjsiness is also done with local points. 
 Among the important industrial plants at Seattle is the large wood-working 
 factory owned and operated by the Holmes Lumber Company. The factory occupits 
 an advantageous site on the shores of Lake TTr-ion. From it a dock projects into 
 deep water, at which the steamboats that ply on .ue lake receive and discharge their 
 The Holmes Lumber Company manufacture sash, doors and n)ouldings, and all 
 kinds of finishing lumber, counters, shelving, brackets, turning, etc. The company 
 have built up a large outside business, and arc prepared to fill large orders for 
 shipment for which they have ample facilities. Marcus M. Holmes, the president of 
 the company, has for some years been prominent in business and public life at 
 Seattle. All business transacted by the company is attended to by Mr. Holmes 
 in person. 
 Among the other manufacturing establishments of Seattle are iron works worth 
 $310,000, whose output for the year 1892 amounted to $657,000. In the manufacture 
 of carriages and 
 wagons there is 
 $48,000 of capital 
 invested, and the 
 output of these 
 plants is $96,000 a 
 year, and they em- 
 ploy regularly 
 about 75 men. 
 Planing mills, sep- 
 arate from the lum- „„^^„ ,„^„„ g„,,,,. 
Seattle, Wcshington. 
 ber industries, turn out work annually to the value of $1,600,000. In the 
 16 establishments engaged in cigar manufacturing 65 men are employed and 
 5,000,000 cigars, valued at $195,000, are turned out annually. The output of the 
 Seattle furniture factories is valued at about $198,200. About $200,000 in capital is 
 employed in the butchering business. This industry pays out about $72,000 a year in 
 wages and the value of the annual output is about $1,145,813. 
 Another great industry in Seattle and in the immediate suburbs is the manufac- 
 ture of brick, tiling and pottery. A fine quality of potter's clay is found in the 
 vicinity of the city. One large concern engaged in this business here employs 80 
 men and is now turning out large quantities of terra cotta goods and ornamental 
 pottery ware. There are also about 50 brick yards in and near the city. These 
 industries employ 900 men and their output reaches about 120,000,000 brick per 
 annum. The value of this annual product is over $1,400,000. 
 Seattle's manufacturing enterprises, large and small, number 236. The aggre- 
 gate capital invested in these plants is $5,110,000, and the value of the product in 
 1893 [approximate] reached $11,942,000. 
 While Seattle has for many years past been a great emporium for retail and 
 jobbing trade, it may be stated that the wholesale business of the city has just 
 begun to assume proportions of any considerable magnitude. The volume of the 
 business transacted by the 95 jobbing houses of Seattle during 1893 has shown a most 
 marked increase over the business of the previous three years. The aggregate cap- 
 ital now employed in these houses is about $5,200,000. Their trade for 1893 was 
 approximated at $16,500,000. The leading jobbing houses of the city are located on 
 the water front where they are afforded unexcelled facilities for making and receiv- 
 ing shipments, goods being landed at and shipped direct from their doors by either 
 water or rail. 
 The waters of Puget Sound, the rivers which empty into this inland body or 
 water and the banks of the Pacific ocean off the Straits of Fuca abound in numerous 
 varieties of the finest food fishes. In the Sound and in the rivers which flow into it 
 large catches of salmon are made each year, and fishing for cod, halibut, herring 
 and other fishes forms one of the leading industries of the Sound country at the 
 present time. These fish are landed in Seattle a few hours after they arc taken from 
 the water, and from this point they are shipped for hundreds of miles inland. The 
 total shipments of fish from Seattle during 1893 amounted to about 1,810,000 pounds. 
 During the same year one cannery in operation on the Sound turned out a pack of 
 nearly 25,000 cases. 
 At West Seattle, which lies just across the bay from Seattle proper, a large grain 
 elevator has been erected which has a capacity of 2,000,000 bushels of wheat. The 
 largest sea-going vessels find easy anchorage alongside this warehouse, and ships are 
 loaded direct from the elevator. This concern shipped about 1,300,000 bushels of 
 wheat in 1893. Owing to the inequalities of freight rates it has only been recently 
 that the grain of Eastern Washington has sought an outlet at Seattle, but as rates by 
 rail for grain shipments have been satisfactorily adjusted to favor Seattle the grain 
 shipments from this port are rapidly increasing, and this is fast becoming one of 
 the principal points of the coast for the handling of wheat in large quantifies. 
 The substantial basis upon which the business of a city is transacted is best evi- 
 denced by the number and soundness of it3 financial institutions. There are in Seat- 
 tle today 20 banks with an aggregate cr^ital of $2,830,000. The individual banks of 
 the city make the following showing : 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Dexter Horton & Co., capital, $200,000; First National, capital, $150,000, sur- 
 plus, $(50,000; undivided profits, $50,000; Puget Sound National, capital, $300,000; 
 surplus, $60,000, undivided profits, $48,000 ; Boston National, capital, $300,000 ; sur- 
 plus, $16,750; undivided profits, $45,000; Merchants National, capital $200,000; sur- 
 plus, $24,000, undivided profits, $25,000; Commercial National, capital, $100,000, sur- 
 plus, $10,500, undivided profits, $10,000 ; Seattle National, capital, $250,000, surplus, 
 $6,000, undivided profits, $18,400 ; Washington National, capital. $100,000, surplus, 
 $20,000, undivided profits, $36,000; National Bank of Commerce, capital, $300,000, 
 surplus, $12,500, undivided profits, $15,000; British Columbia [branch], capital, 
 $3,000,000 (estimated); Guarantee Loan & Trust Co., capital, $200,000, surplus, $25,000, 
 undivided profits, $10,900; Seattle Savings, capital, $50,000; Peoples Savings, capital, 
 $100,000, surplus, $24,117, undivided profits, $20,000; Security Savings, capital, 
 $50,000; Seattle Dime Savings, capJtal, $50,000; Washington Savings, capital, 
 $100,000; Scandinavian American, capital, $75,000, surplus $6,ooo- North End, capi- 
 tal, $50,000; Filkins Banking Company, capital, $55,000 ; Puget Sound Savings, capi- 
 tal, $100,000, surplus, $3,600. 
 Of these banks il will be noticed that eight are national, six are private com- 
 mercial and six are savings banks. The number of savings banks in Seattle indicate 
 a thrift and industry '' the working people of the city that is commendable. 
 The oldest bank in Seattle is that of Dexter Horton & Co., founded in 1870, and 
 the most recently organized bank is the Security Savings, which began business 
 June I, 1892. On June i, 1893, the total deposits in the Seattle banks were $7,354,367, 
 an increase since June, 1888, of $3,810,367. 
 That Seattle is one of the great financial centers of the West is shown by the 
 statement of the business transacted through the clearing house by months for the 
 year ending April 30, 1893. The clearances by months were as follows : 
 May, 1892, #5,405.574-70; June. $5,110,598.67; July, $4,925,978.68; August, 
 $5,460,124.25; September, $4,670,361.69; October, $4,614.844.55 ; November, $4,786,- 
 878.32 ; December, $5,284,472.02 ; January, 1893, 
 $4. 79S. 369-82 ; February, $3,923,712.13; March, 
 $5,016,136.93; April, $4,563,440.64. This made 
 a total of $63,560,592.40 for the entire year. 
 The above clearances are considerably greater 
 than those of other cities with a population 
 equal to that of Seattle. There has never been 
 a bank failure in Seattle, and while the banks 
 here are exceedingly liberal in supporting any 
 enterprise that will materially benefit the city, 
 on the whole they transact business on a safe 
 and conservative basis. 
 The banking house of Dexter Horton & Co. , 
 has always stood at the head of the financial 
 institutions of Washington. It was founded in 
 1 870 by Dexter Horton and David Phillips with 
 a capital of $50,000, and it temained a private 
 bank until 1887, when it was incorporated as a 
 state bank and the capital stock was increased 
 to $200,000. At that time W. S. Ladd was 
 president, A. A. Denny, vice-president and 
 Bank of Oixtir Horton a Co., Seattlj. 
Seattle, Washington. 
 nded in 
 ps with 
 ;ed as a 
 dd was 
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 J. H. Hoyt, manager. In 1887 the latter gentleman resigned and N. H. Latimer 
 was chosen manager in Mr. Hoyt's place. For 10 years this was the only bank in 
 the city and it is today the only bank occupying its own building. This building is 
 an imposing and costly structure, six stories in height, of a handsome architectural 
 design and equipped with every modern convenience. 
 The finances of the city are in an excellent condition. Its bonds command a 
 premium in the money centers of the East, and its indebtedness is comparatively 
 low, being limited by the charter to five per cent, of the total assessed valuation of 
 city property) with an additional five per cent, if approved by the citizens. On 
 January i, 1893, the interest-bearing debt of Seattle amounted to $3,117,730. Of this 
 amount $520, 180 was a floating debt, and the remainder was bonded. The following 
 figures showing the assessed value of property in King county are interesting, 
 especially when It is remembered that a few years ago the county was an almost un- 
 broken wilderness, and that even today its vast resources are just beginning to be 
 developed. The assessed value of property in the county as equalized by the state 
 board in 1892 was as follows: railroads, $1,248,056 ; personal property, $6,961,225; 
 real estate, $39,801,571 ; improvements, $8,718,180, making a total of $56,720,036, of 
 which j|f43,852,o85 was the assessment of property located within the corporate 
 limits of Seattle. This is a remarkable increase over the assessed valuation of 
 property in the county in 1890, which then amounted to $26,431,455. 
 The post office receipts show a corresponding increase. In 1885 there was re- 
 ceived at the Seattle post office $14,076. In 1890 the receipts amounted to $77,298, 
 and in 1892 the receipts footed up to $97,216. 
 The Seattle Chamber of Commerce with a membership of 300 energetic business 
 men has done much to advance the city's welfare. It makes itself a clearing house 
 of information on Seattle and its resources, and any letters addressed to the 
 Chamber regarding Seattle, or the country of which it is the chief commercial center, 
 will be cheerfully and promptly answered. 
 Of Seattle hotels, doubtless the Hotel Northern is the one best patronized by 
 commercial men and tourists. It is located in the business heart of the city, con- 
 veniently near all depots, docks, theaters and street-car lines. The appointments of 
 the hotel are of the best. The rooms are large and richly furnished. The hotel is 
 supplied with elevators, steam heat and all modern conveniences. The dining room 
 is cu the top floor. The superior service and excellent cuisine of this hostelry have 
 won for it a wide popularity. 
 The proprietors of the Hotel Northern, Messrs. Dodge & Smith, are well known 
 in hotel and business circles. The senior member, Mr. John W. Dodge, was until 
 recently the secretary of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Smith is known 
 to the traveling public as the former steward of the Ebbitt House, Cincinnati, and 
 of the Washington Park Club, Chicago. 
 This ends a brief and summarized description of Seattle. That the future of 
 the city is bright is not questioned bv those who know anything of the possibilities 
 for the future growth of the entire Puget Sound country. With the hidden stores 
 of wealth in timber, coal, iron and other metals, in the agricultural stretches of the 
 interior, and with the matchless opportunities for building up a great maritime 
 trade, Seattle must always rank among the great cities of the coast, and there is every 
 reason for believing that a few years hence will see here one of the great seaport 
 cities of the United States. 

 The Oregonian's Handbook of the T'aciGc Northwest. 
 The illustrations of scenery, buildings and industrial plants in "The Handbook" 
 were made from original photographs, and while great credit is due the respective 
 photographers for their artistic work in taking these views, some credit is also due 
 Messrs. C. W. Parker & Co., of Seattle, dealers in photographic supplies, for the 
 materials furnished, which allowed these excellent negatives to be taken. This firm 
 furnishes nearly all the photographers in Washington with the material that enables 
 them to turn out such excellent work, and the firm also carries a complete stock of 
 cameras and amateur outfits. 
 Ballai'd, Washington. — Ballard is in King county, Washington, five miles 
 distant from Seattle. It is situated on the arm of Puget Sound known as Salmon 
 Bay, and has a deep-water frontage one mile 
 long, the depth of water along this front varying 
 from 14 to 25 feet. In view of the great canal 
 which is to connect Puget Sound with the fresh 
 waters of Lake Washington, work on the con- 
 struction of which will soon be commenced, Bal- 
 lard may be appropr itely styled the "Gate City." 
 All vessels entering this canal must first pass 
 through Ballard's harbor. The construction of 
 the canal will materially deepen the water at Bal- 
 lard's docks, and the completion of this great 
 work will be of the most signal benefit to the 
 city. Salmon Bay itself is completely landlock- 
 ed, and it affords one of the safest h /bors for the 
 anchorage of shipping on the coast. 
 Ballard enjoys the best of transportation facilities. In addition to its fine water 
 approaches, it is on the main line of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railroad, and 
 is also passed by trains over the Sound division of the Great Northern. It is con- 
 nected with Seattle direct by an electric road, which runs cars for passengers between 
 the two points every 20 minutes during the day, and which runs freight cars as 
 required. The franchise and right-of-way for another electric road to conne.,. ^;tl- 
 lard and Seattle have been granted, and this latter road will probably be in running 
 order by the time this book goes to press. 
 Although Ballard is but five miles distant from SecHle, it is more than a suburb 
 of the city. Ballard is incorporated and has a present population of over 2,000. It 
 is one of the most important manufacturing points in the state. Considerable ship 
 building has been done at this point, and the fastest and best appointed sternwheel 
 steamer in the world, the Bailey Gatzert, so well known in Pacific coast waters, was 
 built here by the late Captain J. J. Holland, at a cost of $90,000. Among the large 
 number of manufacturing establishments at Ballard, the following are particularly 
 prominent : the West Coast Manufacturing & Investment Company ; the Seattle 
 Cedar Lumber Company ; the Stinson Lumber Company ; the Auld & Johnson and 
 Fleming & Ayers lumber mills. The aggregate output of the lumber mills of Bal- 
 lard, for 1892, amounted to 31,400,000 feet of lumber, and during the same time 192,- 
 955,000 shingles were produced at the same place. 
 Ballard is distinctively a progressive town. In 1890 the official census gave Bal- 
 lard 1,178 inhabitants. It is suggestive of enterprise on the part of its citizens and 
 its natural advantages, that during the past two generally dull years, the population of 
 A. E. Pretty, Mayor of Ballard. 
Ballard, Washingtov. 
 ilso due 
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 A Scene *t Evehett. 
 the place has nearly doubled. Ballard now has a good double waterworks system, 
 water for protection against fire being drawn from the bay, while clear mountain 
 spring water, for domestic use is supplied here in ample quantitj' for all demands. 
 Ballard has a fine schoolhouse, erected at a cost of $20,000, and the public schools 
 here are presided over by good teachers. The city is lighted by electricity, has well 
 stocked stores, and bears every evidence of prosperity. The present city ofiicers, 
 under whose fostering care Ballard's most substantial progress has been made, are : 
 A. E. Pretty, mayor; John Keene, treasurer, and H. B. Pederson, assessor. 
 Everett, Washington. — Everett is located in Snohomish county, Washing- 
 ton, on a peninsula lyi miles wide, lying between the salt waters of Puget Sound, 
 and Port Gardner on the west and the Snohomish river 
 on the east. It is one of the terminal points of the Great 
 Northern railroad lint on Puget Sound. The distance to 
 Everett from St. Paul, the eastern terminus of the road, 
 is 1,772 miles, about 130 miles shorter than the distance 
 between St. Paul and Tacoma by the Northern Pacific. 
 Everett is reached from the south by the Seattle & Mon- 
 tana branch of the Great Northern, this latter line connect- 
 ing Seattle, 33 miles distant on the south, with South 
 Westminster, British Columbia, on the north. Everett is 
 also the terminus of the Everett & Monte Cristo railroad, which connects Everett 
 with the very rich Monte Cristo mines. An electric road, seven miles in 
 length, connects the western, or bay side of Everett, with the eastern, or Snohomish 
 river side. This line affords rapid-transit facilities between the city and the barge 
 works to the north and the paper mill at Lowell, two 
 ^„ ,,.„.. ^ miles south of Everett. Several lines of steamers also 
 ply regularly between Everett and Seattle and between 
 Everett and all Sound ports. 
 Everett was not in existence at the time the govern- 
 ment census was taken in 1890, the townsite plat not 
 having been filed until September, 1891. When incorpo- 
 ration was effected in March, 1893, the population of the 
 place was estimated at 5,200. This population was on a 
 basis of 2)^ persons for every male name in the careful- 
 ly prepared directory of Everett issued by the well-known 
 directory publishers, R. L. Polk & Co., in January of that year, and the estimate 
 is believed to be both conservative and reliable. 
 Everett is essentially a manufacturing town. The Pacific Steel Barge Company 
 have a large plant at Everett for the manufacture of the whaleback steamships. 
 They have $600,000 of invested capital and their plant here represents an outlay of 
 $250,000. They are now employing about 200 
 men. The Puget Sound Wire Nail & Steel 
 Company, also located at this point, have a cap- 
 ital of $400,000, and they have invested in their 
 plant $300,000. The output of the nail works is 
 one carload of nails a day. The Puget Sound 
 Pulp & Paper Company of P>erett, have a capi- 
 tal of $500,000. They have invested in their plant 
 $400,000, and their plant is now kept running 
 Docks and Works, Everett. 
 A FACTORY AT Everett. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 day and night. In addition to the above important works, the Sumner Iron Works 
 at Everett, have a capital of $25,000, and are doing a large local business, and the 
 Puget Sound Reduction Company employ regularly about 125 men and are on a strong 
 financial footing. The aggregate capital now invested in the different manufacturing 
 industries at Everett reaches the grand total of |i, 881, 000. 
 During the past two years a number of very fine buildings have been erected at 
 Everett. Prominent among these fine structures maybe mentioned the Clark block, 
 erected at a'cost of $35,000; a public school building which cost $30,000; the Wiscon- 
 sin block, the erection of which involved an outlay of $25,000 ; the Slack block, on 
 which $25,000 was spent ; the Mohawk block, which represents an outlay of $25,000 ; 
 the Hewitt block, which cost $20,000; the Swalwell block, at a cost of $30,000 ; the 
 Craddock block and the Chamber of Commerce building, each of which cost $20,000. 
 In addition to the buildings enumerat»,'(l above, a large number of buildings have 
 been erected in Everett during this same time at a cost of from $5,000 to $15,000, and 
 in this same short period of two years Everett has emerged from the chrysalis state 
 of a mere hamlet to its present important position as one of the most promising 
 cities of the Puget Sound country. 
 Snohomish, Washington.— The city of Snohomish is located in the rich 
 valley of the Snohomish, through which flows the river of the same name, 38 miles 
 north of Seattle by the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern rail- 
 road, and 42 miles by the Great Northern. Itis the judicial 
 seat of Snohomish county and is the commercial center of a 
 large district rich in natural resources. This section con- 
 tains prominent features of interest both to the tourist and 
 to the man looking for a home in the West, and it is one of 
 the most fertile of the valleys watered by the many streams 
 flowing down from the Cascade Mountains and emptying 
 their waters into the main body of Puget Sound. 
 The Snohomish river is formed by the junction of two 
 turbulent streams, the Skykomish and the Snoqualmie, 
 which, flowing down from the Cascades through narrow 
 gorges and contracted valleys, finally merge into a single 
 stream at a point 18 miles distant from the mouth of the 
 Snohomish. The latter river is a navigable stream, lines 
 of boats plying regularly between the city of Snohomish, 
 Everett and other points on the river, and Seattle, Taconia and other centers of pop- 
 ulation of the Sound. Snohomish is situated on the river, about 11 miles above its 
 mouth, and it is a point easily reached from Seattle and Tacoma by either boat or cars. 
 The settlement of Snohomish antedates the establishment of most of the other 
 cities of the Sound Co^untry. The first house was erected on the site of the present 
 city in 1859 by E. C. Ferguson, the present mayor of Snohomish. Mr. Ferguson 
 filed a homestead claim on the site on which the city was subsequently built. 
 Shortly after settling here he opened a store and by some little effort he induced a 
 few people to settle near him, thus early forming the nucleus of the present flourish- 
 ing city. The growth of Snohomish is largely due to the energy and perseverance of 
 Mr. Ferguson himself, who, during the entire history of the city, has been promi- 
 nently identified with its enterprises and public improvements, and who is today the 
 most prominent citizen of the place whose welfare he has so materially advanced. 
 Oil well. Snohomish County. 
Snohomish, Washington. 
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 oday the 
 Mr, Ferguson was a leading spirit in the coterie 
 of adventurous men who settled in Washington in 
 the early 50's. The names of these men are linked 
 and interwoven with the history and development 
 of the western part of Washington. In i860 and 
 prior to that year, Mr. Ferguson was interested in 
 building trails through the dense and impenetrable 
 forests that separated the settlements of the Puget 
 Sound country. He was the first man to take a 
 train of pack horses over the Cascade Mountains. 
 The route followed by Mr. Ferguson at that time 
 was by way of Cady Pass, thence down the We- 
 natchee river to the Columbia and up the latter 
 stream to Lake Chelan. Mr. Ferguson has re- 
 peatedly represented Snohomish county in the 
 legislature, and has always been recognized as its 
 leading citizen. Every movement tending to pro- 
 mote the interests of Snohomish city and county 
 has received material support from his hands. 
 Mr. Ferguson is now president of the Snoho- 
 mish L,and Company, and he also holds the same 
 office in the Snohomish National Bank. 
 During the past three years Snohomish has 
 made most substantial improvement. The popula- 
 tion of the place today is about 3,500 and the trade 
 which the city enjoys is on a most substantial 
 basis. The business streets are compactly built up with a good class of buildings 
 and the costly and beautiful private residences of the city attest the degree of prosper- 
 ity which has attended the efforts of the 
 citizens who occupy them. The county court 
 house, high school and other public build- 
 ings located at Snohomish are elegant and 
 substantial structures that would be a credit 
 to any of the larger cities of the Sound coun- 
 try. The city passesses a fine water-works 
 and electric light plant, gas works, telephone 
 service, a well equipped fire department, 
 one daily and two weekly newspapers, two 
 banks, each capitalized for $50,000, commo- 
 dious hotels and a good opera house. During 
 the past four or five years the annual ex- 
 penditures for buildi' ' improvements at 
 Snohomish have averaged a quarter of a million dollars. In addition to this, large 
 sums of local capital have been spent during this time in building and equipping saw 
 and shingle mills and other manufacturing industries located in the vicinity of the 
 city, enterprises that now add greatly to the material wealth of Snohomish. 
 The tracks of three important lines of railroad pass through Snohomish. These 
 roads are, the main line of the Great Northern, the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern, 
 HON, E. C. Ferguson, Snohomish, 
 1 I 
 The Oregow'an's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ; II 
 now operated by the Northern Pacific and the recently com- 
 pleted system of the Everett & Moute Cristo. The coun- 
 try surrounding and tributary to Snohomish is rich in the 
 fertility of its soil, in the extent of the forest growth of 
 valuable timber and in deposits of coal and minerals. At 
 the headwaters of the numerous creeks which feed the 
 Skykomish and Stillaguamish rivers valuable mineral dis- 
 coveries have been made which it is thought will ultima- 
 tely lead to considerable mining development. 
 An English and American syndicate is now spending 
 several million dollars in development work in the famous 
 Monte Cristo region located at the headwaters of the Sauk 
 river in Snohomish county. Mining operations are also 
 being carried on extensively in the Silver Creek district, 
 which is drained by the Skykomish river. The entire 
 mineral district which can be made tributary to Snohomish 
 Giant Ceo»« NEAR Snohomish. . ,, .. • -i \ ■, .. ..• r .• t • 
 .« FEET IN DIAMETER. IS uow attractmg considerable attention from practical min- 
 ing men and the development of this rich section will do muoh to advance the in- 
 terests of Snohomish. The Everett & Monte Cristo railroad, which now passes 
 through the city and which has just been completed, opens up the entire mineral 
 belt referred to above and the completion of this road has greatly facilitated the de- 
 velopment of this district, which has heretofore been practically isolated owing to 
 lack of opportunities afforded for getting the product of the mines to market. 
 Six of the 48 shingle mills in the county are located at Snohomish and these 
 mills are doing a good business. The constantly increasing demand for red cedar 
 s^iingles in the East makes the industry of sawing shingles here of considerable im- 
 portance at the present time, and the business is a profitable one. Two large sawmills 
 are operated in the vicinity of Snohomish as are a number of other industrial plants. 
 The farmers occupying the rich valley in the vicinity of Snohomish are prosperous 
 and some very fine farms are seen in this section. The staple products of the valley 
 are hops and fruit, although large quantities of hay are also raised here which owing 
 to the proximity to a market, always commands a 
 good price. The section of country near Snoho- 
 mish is one of the most picturesque and attractive 
 to tourists in Western Washington. A leading 
 feature of interest in this section are the famous 
 falls of the Snoqualmie river, which drop some 
 268 feet over a sheer precipice. The country pre- 
 sents all the contrast of hill and valley with 
 their variegated coloring and sharp contrasts, and '^^'^5%S^":^V,^^'''#^P^ 
 it is a part of the Sound country that is worth ^ ^..^5^^<k i i 
 visiting by all tourists who come West to see a 
 country that is some day to startle the world with 
 a rapid and substantial growth consequent on the development of the varied material 
 sources of wealth which have so long laid dormant here. 
 Mt. Vernon, Washington. — Mt. Vernon, a rapidly growing town of 1,300 
 inhabitants, is surrounded by the rich agricultural and timber section of Skagit 
 county, of which it is the seat of justice. It is built upon both banks of the Skagit 
 Cedar Stump near Snohomish, 19 feet in Diameter 
 y^'.,^-" ,11, 
 Mt. Vernon, Washington. 
 river, and is joined by a costly wagon bridge, and is 
 an important station on the Sound branch of the Great 
 Northern railroad. It is 79 miles north of Seattle by 
 rail. The Skagit river, on which the town is located, is 
 the largest .stream in Washington north of the Colum- 
 bia river. The Skagit finds its source in the heart of 
 the Cascade Mountains, and flowing through the center 
 of Skagit county, empties into that part of Puget Sound 
 known as Saratoga Passage. The liver is navigable for 
 large boats for 75 miles from its mouth, and for a 
 distance of 15 miles inland it is affected by the tides. 
 Skagit county, of which Mt. Vernon is the principal trading point, covers an 
 area of about 2,400 square miles, or 1,250,000 acres. It contains 55 townships, of 
 which only 18 are surveyed. It is estimated that the 1,650 square miles of forests in 
 the county contain nearly 20,000,000,000 feet of timber. About one-half of this 
 forest belt occupies bottom land, which is capable of a high state of cultivation 
 when cleared. In the county are abo' t 200 square miles of low and high lands 
 adapted to the highest state of cultivation, as well as rich marsh lands. A great 
 part of the latter has been reclaimed by means of ditches and dikes. This land 
 yields enormous crops, the average yield of oats here being 100 bushels to the acre. 
 Hops yield an average of one and two-thirds tons, hay three tons, potatoes, 296 
 bushels, onions, 500 bushels, mangel-wurzel beets, 1200 bushels, carrots, 1200 bushels 
 and cabbage 18^ tons to the acre. 
 In the mountainous parts of the county are extensive and valuable deposits of 
 coal and iron. The development of these latter resources is described at length in 
 the coal-mining and mineral articles in another part of " The Handbook." 
 The town of Mt. Vernon was founded in 1890, and keeping pace with the rapid 
 development of the surrounding country, has within the past three years grown to be 
 the principal trading and manufacturing point in the county. The principal in- 
 dustries engaged in here at the present time are the manufacture of lumber and 
 shingles. In the vicin ty of the town extensive logging operations are carried on. 
 Three shingle mills, in addition to a large sawmill with a daily capacity of 50,000 feet, 
 are located at Mt. Vernon. These mills have a daily capacity of 250,000 sningles. The 
 town itself presents an attractive appearance. Its streets are broad and well kept. 
 It has an eight-room brick school building, several churches and many costly resi- 
 dences. The streets are lighted by an electric light plant, which was erected at a 
 cost of $19,000. This plant is equipped with one 45-arc machine and two incan- 
 descent machines with a capacity of 350 lights each. 
 The First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, organized March 5, 1891, is now one of 
 the soundest financial institutions in Washington. It is closely connected with the 
 banking houses of Dexter Horton & Co., of Seattle, and 
 Ladd & Tilton, of Portland. Mr. \Vm. M. Ladd, of the latter 
 bank, is one of the stockholders of the First National at 
 Mt. Vernon. Since its organization, this bank has remained 
 under the same management. The capital stock of the 
 bank is $50,000, the surplus and undivided profits on March 
 I, 1893 were $12,434, and the individual deposits subject to 
 „ „ check at the same time were $124,615. The officers are as 
 Finsi r**TiONAL BAXK CoRNEH, Mt Vernon »- -r. ^^ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 follows : Geo. D. McLean, president ; F. R. Van Tuye, vice-president : C. S. Moody, 
 cashier. The directors are G. D. McLean, P. Halloran, F. R. Van Tuye and C. S. 
 I^a Conner, Waslilnjjfton. — La Conner, the trading and shipping point for 
 the most fertile agricultural district in Western Washington, is located 70 miles 
 distant from Seattle, by water, on that part of 
 the shore of Puget Sound known as Saratoga 
 Passage, which also sometimes goes under the 
 name of Skagit Bay. A daily steamboat ser- 
 vice connects La Conner with Seattle and other 
 Sound points, and stages run daily between La 
 Conner and Whitney, a station on the line of 
 the Seattle & Northern railroad, four miles dis- 
 tant, as well as to Mt. Vernon, the county seat, 
 whet'.- rail connection is made with the Sound 
 The distance between La Conner and Mt. Vernon, 
 View of la Conner 
 branch of the Great Northern, 
 by stage, is 10 miles. 
 La Conner was founded in ^^^69, and was incorporated as a city in 1883. It now 
 claims a population of 800, and is a thriving and prosperous town enjoying, as it 
 does, a large and steady trade with the adjacent rich farming country. Near La Con- 
 ner the Skagit river divides into a number of arms, or estuaries, forming the largest 
 delta of any river of the Puget Sound basin. This delta is diked with mud walls 
 two or three feet in height, and this section forming the cream of an agricultural 
 belt of the lands bordering on Puget Sound, is thickly settled by prosperous farmers, 
 whose chief products are oats, hay and cattle. The 75,000 acres comprising the 
 Skagit delta and bordering on the Swinanish Indian reservation flats, are directly 
 tributary to La Conner. The productions of this wonderful belt of agricultural land 
 are said to represent in volume the products of 200,000 acres of the best land any- 
 where else in the state. As an instance of the wonderful fertility of this land, it can 
 be stated that oats yield here over 125 bushels to the acre. Nearly the entire pro- 
 ducts of the farms here find an outlet at La Conner, and this point, outside of the 
 large commercial centers, is one of the most important shipping ports of the Sound. 
 The average annual yield of the country tributary to La Conner is about 1,500,000 
 bushels of oats, 12,000 tons of hay, and over 500,000 pounds of hops. La Conner is 
 founded on a basis of the solid prosperity of the 
 country adjacent, and its prospects for continued 
 prosperity are absolutely assured. The govern- 
 ment has made a $25,000 appropriation for the 
 commencement of preliminary work in deepening 
 and enlarging the channel which separates Fidalgo 
 island from the mainland. When this channel 
 is made navigable it will greatly shorten the dis- 
 tance between Bellingham Bay and Taconia and 
 Seattle, and boats on this route, after the com- 
 pletion of the channel, will all stop at La Conner, 
 as the latter point will lie on the direct course 
 between Bellingham Bay and Seattle. 
 La Conner has a number of substantial brick and wooden business blocks, a 
 fine electric light plant, a weekly newspaper, a bank, and a sawmill with a daily 
 High School, La Conned. 
Anacortes, Washington. 
 capacity of 20,000 feet of lumber. The town also contains a handsome eight-room 
 school house, a town hall, several churches, and just beyond the town limits are 
 large and well laid-out fair grounds, which contain a fast one-half mile course. 
 The district in the vicinity of ha Conner furnishes one of the best locations in 
 the Northwest for a seed farm, and the one owned and operated by A. G. Tilling- 
 hast, at La Conner, is now widely known throughout the entire Pacific Northwest 
 for the superior quality of the seeds it produces. The seeds grown on this farm are 
 of a much higher vitality and make more vigorous plants than the Eastern-grown 
 seeds. Mr. Tillinghast commenced business in 1885, and since that date has built 
 up a large wholesale and retail seed trade. He ships tons of seeds to the East, 
 and transacts a retail business by the means of catalogues, which he mails on appli- 
 cation to any address. 
 Sertro, Washiiijifton. — Sedro,an important lumbering town in Skagit county, 
 is situated 68 miles north of Seattle, and 22 miles east of Anacortes. It is on the 
 Skagit river, one of the largest navigable streams in Washington. The town is the 
 junction of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern, Seattle & Northern, and Fairhaven 
 & Southern railroads. The last-named road connects with the coal mines at Jen- 
 nings, and the Seattle & Northern is operated between Anacortes and Hamilton, a 
 distance of 35 miles. 
 Sedro now claims a population of 600. It contains a large hotel, a four-room 
 school house, two churches, a bank, and a saw and shingle mill with a daily capacity 
 of 20,000 feet of lumber and 100,000 shingles. The town presents an attractive 
 appearance with its wide streets, which are thoroughly lighted after nightfall by 
 electricity. The sidewalks are wide, and the townsite is laid out on a liberal plan. 
 But a few miles distant from Sedro are tl— foothills of the Cascade Mountains, and 
 in the vicinity of the town are found excellent hunting and fishing. 
 Anacortes, Washington. — Lying directly opposite the Straits of Fuca and 
 separated from Bellingham Bay by a short stretch of land-locked water, is Fidalgo 
 Island, which at low tide is a penitsula surrounded on three sides by excellent har- 
 bors. Situated on the north shore of this island is Anacortes, a rising young trading 
 point, and the site of considerable manufacturing enterprises. The town was founded 
 in January, 1890. Anacortes owes its existence as a town to men of great wealth and 
 influence. Its rapid growth was due primarily to the wild wave of speculation which 
 swept over certain parts of the Northwest in 1890. The town has now emerged from 
 the boom stage of its existence into a state of dependence for its support on the 
 legitimate trade of a rich tributary section. The wild hopes of the early promoters 
 of the townsite here have been far from realized. Anacortes is not today of ;he 
 importance that its promoters hoped it would be. Some of its projected enterprises 
 have lagged, its business is slow and its natural growth has been somewhat retarded 
 by the causes which are the outgrowth of any " busted boom." Anacortes, however, 
 occupies exceptional natural advantages of location. Its harbor is easily accessible 
 at all times by the deepest vessels. This harbor is free from storms, and the country 
 back of Anacortes is one of matchless resources. These advantages backed by capital 
 will insure the town a prosperous existence, and Anacortes today can not be regarded 
 as one^of the dead boom towns of the West. 
 Anacortes is now the terminus of the Seattle & Northern railroad, which runs 
 east for a distance of 40 miles to Hamilton. At the latter point are located the large 
 coal mines owned by the Oregon Improvement Company. At Burlington this road 
 The Orcffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 connects with the Puget Sound branch of the (ireat Northern railway, and t»t Wooley 
 it forms a junction with the Seattle, Lake Shore & Kastern railroad, with its Pacific 
 coast terminus at Seattle. In addition to excellent railroad connections, Anacortcs 
 has the advantage of numerous steamer lines which pass this point daily. These 
 lines connect Anacortes with Tacoma, Seattle, Port Townsend ; Victoria and Van- 
 couver, British Columbia ; New Whatcom and Fairhaven, on Bellinghani Bay, and 
 all Sound points. 
 Anacortes claims a population of 1,200. It is compactly built, the principal busi- 
 ness structures being of brick. Among the substantial buildings of the town are a 
 |534, 000 school house, a palatial hotel, an opera house and three handsome church 
 edifices. The people here have the advantages of a fine water-works system, a well- 
 equipped electric light plant, a volunteer fire department and a line of electric street 
 railway. Among the industrial plants of Anacortcs arc three sawmills, two sash and 
 door factories, a brick yard and a fish-packing establishment. As a sumtner resort, 
 Anacortes is not excelled by any point on Puget Sound. Here there is a happy blend- 
 ing of marine and landscape scenery which, combined with romantic nooks in the 
 vicinity and the mild and salubrious climate, makes the town an ideal spot in which 
 to pass a summer's vacation. 
 Bellinjjrliam Bay and the North Puget Sound Country. — A glance 
 at any map of the state of Washington will show that Bellingham Bay is the most 
 northerly, land-locked harbor on the Pacific coast boundary of the United States. 
 This large inlet is formed by a peninsula extending out into the waters of Puget 
 Sound on the north, and by Lummi Island on the south. Between this peninsula 
 and Lummi Island is a deep channel, marked on the maps as Hale's Passage, which 
 affords a wide and perfectly safe entrance to the bay inside. Bellingham Bay is an 
 ideal harbor of refuge. This large inlet is practically entirely land-locked, the high 
 hills surrounding it on all sides 
 serving as a perfect protection 
 against all high winds. The sur- 
 face of the bay itself is always 
 as smooth as are the waters of 
 any large inland lake. The 
 shores of the bay for a distance 
 of five miles are suitable for 
 dockage purposes, and there is 
 a sufficient depth of water along 
 this entire stretch of shore line 
 to float the largest vessels. The 
 hackneyed expression of a har- 
 bor's "capacity to float the 
 navies of the world " is not 
 lacking in significance when 
 used in connection with Belling- 
 ham Bay, and it is conceded by 
 all old Puget Sound navigators 
 that this is one of the best har- 
 bors of the coast. 
 Mt. Baker 
Hellingham Hay and North Pufjct Sound Country, Washington. 
 All the .surroundings of Bellinghani Hay are attractive. The land washed hy the 
 waters of the bay is indented in the shape of a semi -circle, or perhaps better 
 described as a horseshoe. This land maintains a general level for some distance back 
 from the shore Hue Back of this level stretch 
 there is a general ri.se in the surface of the land 
 for a distance of perhaps one mile, at which 'point 
 an elevation of about 200 feet is attained. Beyond _^ - ^at" '■*.:. iK3?E''*' 
 the summit of this elevation, the land slopes gradu- 
 ally downwards as faraway as the foothills of the 
 Cascade Mountains. The evergreen fc rests of fir, _ 
 cedar and hemlock, with the perennial snows of ■-~."- _' •-. "'*^^-^^--7 
 the lofty Cascade Mountains to the \^ est in sharp 
 contrast with the placid waters of Bcllingham Bay "^ ^*'""' "°" '*°"" •'°"''' nooks.ck rivek. 
 in thi. foreground, form a pict* c that claims the attention of even the tourist who is 
 surfeited with scenery and scenic effects of landscape. 
 Before the era of railroad development in the West, three unimportant villages 
 were located on the shores of Bellin^ham Bay. These were Whatcom, at one time 
 a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company, Sehome and Bellingham. In the early 
 history of this section, the great advantages of the harbor were but illy appreciated, 
 the latent resources of the country back of the harbor were unknown, and the popu- 
 lation of these hamlets was too small to allow these points to detract in the least 
 from the importance of the better settled portion of the Puget Sound country. In 
 1889, the Tacoma capitalist, Nelson Bennett, becoming fully convinced of the 
 advantages of the shores of Bellingham Bay for future great development, formed 
 with others, the Fairhaven Land Com- 
 pany. This company at once formu- 
 lated a liberal plan of development 
 work, they cleared away the forests 
 skirting the shores of the bay and 
 located the present city of Fairhaven. 
 As the population of the section in- 
 creased, a consolidation between the 
 old towns of Whatcom and Sehome 
 was effected, under the corporate name 
 of New Whatcom, and today this 
 latter city and Fairhaven, with a com- 
 bined population of 15,000 covers the 
 entire semi-circle, forming the shore 
 line of the bay. 
 Both jkagit and Whatcom counties find the natural outlet for their products at 
 Bellingham Bay. Both of these counties contain most valuable deposits of coal, 
 iron, the base and precious metals and stone. The stone taken out of the quarries 
 of this section is conceded to rank as high for building purposes, as any stone 
 quarried in the United States, and large quantities of this stone are now shipped to 
 all pa'-ts of the coast. Added to this hidden wealth are vast forests of the finest 
 merchantable timber and rich deposits of alluvial soil, adapted to the highest state 
 of cultivation. The timber belt lying within a radius of 30 miles of the harbor, and 
 easily reached by both rail and water, contains unnumbered millions of feet of fir 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 BAKER River, near Mt. Baker, 
 and cedar, as well as other valuable woods, which are yet practically untouched, 
 although the logging interests of this section are second in importance to those of 
 no other part of the Puget Sound country. Giant trees are found iu these forests, 
 and even the large timber is sound to the core. One mighty giant of the forest 
 towers for several hundred feet above the waters 
 of Lake Whatcom, that is strikingly typical of the 
 big trees of this section. This tree is 44 feet in 
 circumference at the base, and its rise heavenward 
 is truly majestic. A single log 20 feet in length, 
 taken out of the forests back of Bellingham Bay, 
 scaled 11,^ "25 feet of lumber. On a single stump 
 in this same forest, 172 persons were photographed 
 not long since. These tales almost rival the 
 stories of the giant red woods of California, but 
 they are statements easily susceptible of verifica- 
 tion, and they are not doubted by those who have 
 had the pleasure of an inspection of the virgin 
 forests of Western Washington. 
 In its coal deposits alone, the district tributary to Bellingham Bay contains re- 
 sources that iu time will rival those of even Pennsylvania itself. In Whatcom and 
 Skagit counties are found the largest and most valuable deposits of coal on the 
 Pacific Coast. The presence of bituminous coal in the state was made known to the 
 world by the opening of the old Sehome mine located on Bellingham Bay. This 
 mine has long since been abandoned, as better and more extensive deposits of the 
 black diamond have been uncovered in this section. Two of the great developed 
 coal mines of the Bellingham Bay country are the Fairhaven mine, owned by Fair- 
 haven capitalists, and the Blue Canyon mine, on the eastern shore of Lake Whatcom, 
 eight miles distant from tide water. This latter mine is nearer the shores of navig- 
 able salt water than are any of the other mines of the Puget Sound basin. The Fair- 
 haven mine is located 20 miles southeast of Fairhaven. This mine contains several 
 veins, varying in width fiom 7 to 30 feet. These veins lay across a high elevation, 
 and as the tunnels run along the "strike," the coal isru*i out of the mines by grav-ity 
 alone at a very light expense. Careful experimenting has demonstrated the col ing 
 qualities of this coal to be of the very highest standard, as shown by the follov ing 
 table of comparison between this coal and the product of the celebrated Connels- 
 ville product. Connelsville coal, carbon, 59.6; Fairhaven coal, carbon, 60.70: 
 Connelsville coal, volatile matter, 30.0; Fairhaven coal, volatile matter, 29.00; Con- 
 nelsville coal, ash, 8.3 ; Fairhaven coal, ash, 9.10 ; Connelsville coal, sulphur, 0.8 ; 
 Fairhaven coal, sulphur, 0.6; Connelsville coal, moisture, 1.3; Fairhaven coal, 
 moisture, 0.35 ; Connelsville coke, carbon, 87.6 ; Fairhaven coke, carbon, 87.8 ; Con- 
 nelsville coke, volatile matter, 0.5 ; Fairhaven coke, volatile matter, 0.0; Connels- 
 ville cokj, ash, II. o; Fairhaven coke, ash, it. 2; Connelsville coke, sulphur, 0.8 ; 
 Fairhaven coke, sulphur, 0.6; Connelsville coke, moisture, c, i ; Fairhaven coke, 
 moisture, 0.3. 
 The superintendent of the Tacoma Coal Company, an unprejudiced and unbi- 
 ased authority on this subject, makes the following statement, in a written report 
 which he made to the stockholders of the Fairhaven mine; " I would say this in 
 regard to your coal : I have been making coke for 20 years from almost all the coal 
Bellingham Bay and North Puget Sound Country, Washington. 
 in the United States. I have never found any coal superior to yours for coking, 
 if properly handled." The Great Northern Railroad Company is part owner in the 
 Fairhaven mine, and now uses this coal in its locomotives. The shipment of the 
 coal is made over the Skagit Valley branch of the Great Northern. 
 The Blue Canyon coal mine is also a very valuable propertj-, both owing to the 
 quality of its product and to the accessibility of the mine to deep water. The out- 
 put of this mine is shipped to large coal-bunkers located on the water front adjoin- 
 ing Fairhaven, Part of this coal is shipped over the railroad owned by the coal 
 company, and t.'ie rest over the line of the Fairhaven & New Whatcom electric rail- 
 way connecting Bellingham Bay with Lake Whatcom. The Blue Canyon coal is 
 unusually free from phosphorus and sulphur, it is good for steaming purposes, and 
 also for making gas. Following is the average of several analyses made of this coal ; 
 volatile matter, 32.19; fixed carbon, 60.81 ; ash, 6; moisture, i. 
 In close proximity to these deposits of fine coking coal are extensive croppings 
 of iron ore. If development v.ork establishes the commercial value of this ore, as 
 every indication now points that it will, Bellingham Bay wil' some day be the center 
 of one of the greatest s lelting districts in the United States, Fuel for reduction 
 is obtained in inexhaustible quantities, at the lowest possible cost, the shipping 
 facilities are more than ample for handling the product of the smelters, and the 
 great demand now being made for iron and steel in all parts of the West will make 
 a demand for this product here that will justify the establishment of smelting plants 
 on the most extensive scale in this district. 
 Silver and gold ledges have been located by prospectors, both in Skagit and 
 Whatcom counties. The future construction of railroad lines will make these depos- 
 its of great commercial value. Graphite, asbestos, sulphur and copper have also 
 been unearthed in the Skagit valley within a distance of 30 miles of Bellingham Bay, 
 but they have not been worked. 
 Just south of Fairhaven, on Chuckanut Bay, is located the great Chuckanut 
 stone quarry. The stone mined in this quarry is a dark gray sandstone, of even 
 grain and susceptible of great beauty of finish. 
 It hardens rapidly after having been exposed 
 to the air, and it makes a handsome and dur- 
 able building material. A great demand exists 
 at the present time for this stone throughout 
 both Washington and British Columbia, Some 
 of the finest buildings in the Bellingham Bay 
 country have been constructed of this stone, 
 as well as some of the finest structures of other 
 cities of the state. The fine new court house 
 located at Olympia, one of the handsomest 
 pieces of architecture in the state, war- l)uilt 
 of this stone. At Roche Harbor, on San Juan 
 Islands, 30 miles southwest of Fairhaven, are 
 the larges. lime works on the coast, and valu- 
 able deposits of lime rock have been discovered at points nearer to Bellingham Bay. 
 Although the mineral and forest wealth of Whatcom and Skagit counties, will 
 perhaps always prove the principal source of revenue in this favored part of the 
 state, thousand" of acres of fine agricultural land are found within the limits of 
 Lake Whatcom, neap New >Vhatcom. 
 The Oregoniah's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 PHOTO Br B. B. 008BS. 
 these counties. The statement is authoritively made that this section contains no 
 less than 600,000 acres of farming land. Every acre of the small percentage of this 
 arable portion which is now under cultivation is yielding handsome returns. A 
 great part of the best farming land of these two counties is located in the Nook- 
 sack valley, which is now traversed by the lines of three great railway systems, the 
 Great Northern, the Northern Pacific, and the 
 Canadian Pacific. Oats furnish one of the most 
 valuable crops of the farms of this section. The 
 average yield of oats to the acre here runs from 
 60 to even as high as 125 bushels. Barley also 
 does well on this land, yields of from 50 to 75 
 bushels to the acre being common crops. Hops 
 are raised as well here as in the best favored sec- 
 tions of Puyallup valley. A common yield of hops 
 in this district is about 2,000 pounds to the acre, 
 and hop culture here has proved a highly remun- 
 erative calling. In raising potatoes the farmers of 
 Whatcom county are easily awarded the palm. 
 Crops of 700 bushels to the acre do not astonish 
 the nat'- es here, and a yield of less than 400 
 bushels to the acre is hardly deemed worth dig- 
 ging. The growth of the cities located on the 
 shores of Bcllingham Bay has made truck gardening on the adjacent farming lands a 
 most profitabe industry, and with the increased demands for vegetables in the pop- 
 ulated centers here the value of all of this highly fertile land is rapidly increasing, 
 Fairhaveii, Wasliliistoii. — Fairh&ven is a type of the young cities of the 
 West which have attained prominence as commercial and populous centers as a 
 direct result of advantages of location and the spirit of enterprise which dominates 
 the growth of all modern cities. A few years ago the present site of Fairhaven was 
 unoccupied by a population which could even have claimed for 
 Lumber Camp on Lake Whatcom. 
 Qatiway to Bellinoham Bay, 
 •■^>S -■ JSa;: 
Fairhaven, Washington. 
 - >^**t -J 
 the place the pretensions of a village. At the present writing Fairhaven is an im- 
 portant railroad and banking center ; it boasts of the finest hotel in Western 
 Washington outside of Tacoma and Seattle ; its main business streets are lined with 
 buildings that would be a credit to the principal thoroughfares of Portland, and the 
 city is the home of some of the wealthiest and best known people of the Jtate. 
 Fairhaven has a history, and like the history of the individual who has risen 
 from obscurity to a position of wealth and importance, the historical sketch of the 
 city's progress is not without interest. The life of Fairhav .1 dates from 1889, when 
 Nelson Bennett, the Tacoma millionaire who cut vhe famous Stampede tunnel through 
 the backbone of the Cascade range of mountains for the Northern Pacific, purchased 
 the present site of the city. Mr. Bennett became a rich man ow'ng to his thorough 
 mastery of business propositions. He early foresaw the growth of Tacoma and 
 profited by this foresight in numerous purchases of Tacoma realty which appreciated 
 in value as the city attained promi- 
 nence. He successfully solved the diffi- 
 cult problem of piercing the rugged chain of the Cascades in making a pathway for the 
 iron horse from the sagebrush districts of Eastern Washington to a tide-water connec- 
 tion on Puget Souncl, and with the same foresight which he evidenced in his other busi- 
 ness investments, Mr. Bennttt was the first man to realize fully the advantages of the 
 shores of Bellingham Bay ?s a prospective.' site for the establishment of a city of 
 large population and commercial importance and the development of Fairhaven dur- 
 ing the past few years has realized fully the reliability of the forecast made by Mr. 
 Bennett when he first carefully looked over the ground some four years since. 
 The present site of Fairhaven in 1889 was owned by an old settler named Dan 
 Harris. Mr. Harris was a living example of the " wait and gain " policy of the men 
 who have grown rich by real estate investments in the far West. He had neither the 
 money nor the disposition to improve his real estate holdings, but he had the utmost 
 confidence in what the future had in store for the land on which he had squatted. 
 When Nelson Bennett first made the old man an offer of |5o,ooo for the piece of 
 property ou Bellingham Bay on which Harris had so long banked his hopes for future 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 riches, the old Bellingham settler positively refused to sell. When Bennett supple- 
 mented this princely offer with one of f 100,000 for the same property, Harris coolly 
 pocketed the check for this amount and retired to the life of ease which the fortune 
 assured him. Like many others who have had sudden fortune forced upon them 
 after a life of privation and hardship, Harris lived but a few months to enjoy his 
 hastily-acquired riches, and with his death closed the epoch which classed the Bell- 
 ingham Bay section with the unimportant parts of the state of Washington. 
 Immediately after acquiring possession of the land on which Fairhaven has since 
 been built, Mr. Bennett formed a syndicate composed of millionaires and commenced 
 active work in clearing the site which the new city was to occupy. In May, 1889, a 
 small army of men was employed by the company in cutting trees, building docks, 
 Chuckwcxut bay, Looking North, Showing Chuckanut Sandstone Quarries to the Right. 
 opening the coal mines adjacent and in railroad grading. The line of the Fairhaven 
 & Southern railroad was pushed out from Fairhaven toward the Skagit river, in 
 which section some of the richest coal deposits of the state are located. Rolling 
 stock was hastily secured for this line, arrangements were made for the establish- 
 ment of the best steamboat connection between Fairhaven and all other Sound ports 
 and this place soon became one of the most important transportation points of the 
 Sound district. Fairhaven today has the best of railroad connection with all parts of 
 the coast both north and south, it has the choice of several transcontinental lines 
 for reaching the Fast and it is a large shipping point for vessels of deep-water draught. 
 Fairhaven, located on Bellingham Bay, fully described in an article published 
 in connection with this article, has a harbor of splendid proportions carrying a suffi- 
 cient depth of water to float the largest vessels, easily accessible and perfectly shel- 
 tered. The site of the city itself is especially adapted for the upbuilding of a city. 
 The grades of the main streets while easy are sufficient to afford perfect drainage. 
 Add to this magnificent scenery, a wealth of country tributary sufficient to build here 
 a city of the dimensions of Portland or San Francisco, and the advantages in favor of 
 Fairliaven for future growth and rapid development are not surpassed by those of any 
 other city located on the salt waters of Puget Sound. 
Fairhaven, Washington. 
 ^'er, in 
 of the 
 arts of 
 a city, 
 d here 
 vor of 
 of any 
 The entire two miles of water-front at Fairhaven affords a sufficient depth of 
 water to float ships of any tonnage, and it affords the best of locations for wharves, 
 sawmills, foundries 
 and other manu- 
 facturing plants. 
 A large number of 
 factories now line 
 the water-front 
 here and, as shown 
 by the accompany- 
 ing illustrations of 
 Fairhaven 's har- 
 bor, the cit)' has 
 excellent harbor 
 facilities. Fair- 
 haven has perfect 
 railroad connec- 
 tions. It is located 
 on the Fairhaven 
 & Southern branch 
 of the Great Nor- 
 thern railroad. 
 Connection is 
 formed between 
 Fairhaven and Se- 
 attle on the south 
 by the Seattle & 
 Montana branch of the Great Northern system and with New Westminster, in British 
 Columbia, on the north, where close connection is made with the Canadian Pacific by 
 the New Westminster & Southern branch of the same great system. It is given 
 out aj the ultimate purpose of the management of the Great Northern to make 
 Fairhaven its official terminus on Puget Sound. With this end in view, the 
 company has already acquired title to a large lot of very valuable land in and 
 around this city. The company owns some of the most valuable water frontage at 
 Fairhaven and they are also largely interested in some of the best paying coal 
 . mines located near the city. 
 The United vStates terminus of 
 the Canadian Pacific on the 
 Pacific coast is already officially 
 established at New Whatcom, a 
 city also located on Bellingham 
 Bay and whose interests are 
 closely allied with those of Fair- 
 haven and whose corporate lim- 
 its adjoin the present limits of 
 Fairhaven. Connection is also 
 made with the Northern Paci- 
 fic's Seattle, Lake Shore & 
 Eastern branch at Scdro via the 
 ISLAND Scene near fairhaven. 
 ■If ■r 
 LAKf Padden, Fairhaven. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Lake Samish, fairhaven. 
 Fairhaveu & Southern railroad. Fair- 
 haven has direct connection with her 
 sister city, New Whatcom by the 
 Fairhaven & New Whatcom electric 
 road. Cars run over this line be- 
 tween the two cities every 15 minutes 
 during the day and until late at night, 
 and this is today one of the best equip- 
 ped and best operated lines of electric 
 road on the coast. 
 Larrabee Ave. School, Fairhaven. 
 Fairhaven now boasts of miles of well graded streets, good sidewalks are laid all 
 over the citj' and every attention has been paid to other public improvements here. 
 The city has a water supply that furnishes wfitc-r of unequaled purity for domestic 
 purposes and in inexhaustible quantities. The water is 
 conducted into the city from Lake Paddcn through a 12- 
 iuch steel main and is distributed throughout Fairhaven 
 by means of lateral mains respectively 10, 8, 6 and 4 in- 
 ches in diameter. This lake is located two miles from 
 Fairhaven, and as the elevation of its waters is 41S feet 
 above the main business street of the city, sufficient pres- 
 sure is afforded in the mains at Fairhaven to furnish an 
 ample protection against fire. The city is well lighted by 
 both gas and electricity. The Fairhaven Electric Light & Motor Company operates 
 two engines of a combined horse power of 225. Two American arc dynamos run by 
 these engines keep up no 2,000-candle power arc lamps, and two No. 20 Edison 
 incandescent dynamos, operated in connection with this same plant, have a capacity 
 of 2,000 i6-candle power incandescent lamps. The Bellingham Bay Gas Company 
 supplies a fine quality of gas to both the cities of Fairhaven and New Whatcom at a 
 reasonable price. Fairhaven has the best of 
 public school facilities. It has several hand- 
 some and commodious school houses, and the 
 schools here are presided over by competent 
 instructors. The Hotel Fairhaven, erected at a 
 cost of f 150,000, is one of the handsomest and 
 best conducted hotels on the coast. The build- 
 ing is 4 J^ stories high, surmounted by a cupola. 
 It is constructed entirely of brick and st'^ne. 
 and it is one of the most striking pieces of 
 architecture in the state. The gray sandstone 
 used in the construction of this building was 
 taken out of the Fairhaven quarries. The in- 
 terior finish of the hotel is in antique and red 
 oak and California redwood. The hotel con- 
 tains magnificent suites of apartments, it is 
 fitted with every modern appointment, and it is 
 conducted in the same lavish style as is noted in The Palace, of San Francisco, 
 The Portland, of Portland, or The Tacoma, at the "City of Destiny." 
 Hotel Fairhaven, fairhaven. 
 A number of very large manufacturing plants are located at Fairhaven. W. A. 
New Whatcom, Washington. 
 Woodin's lumber mill here turned out 13,500,000 shingles during 1892, and during 
 the same year the mill manufactured 13,500,000 feet of lumber. The output of tne 
 Water Power, fairhaven land Co. 's Mill, Fairhaven. 
 W. A. 
 Sketches at the Fairhaven Coal Mines, 
 (operated by the Fairhaven Land Co.) 
 mill will be largely increased the present year. In 
 the shipment of coal Fairhaven is one of the most 
 important points on Puget Sound. The coal bunkers of the Blue Canyon Coal Com- 
 pany, immediately adjoining Fairhaven, handle immense quantities of the black 
 diamond, and ships and steamers are constantly taking in coal at thes~ bunkers. 
 The Fairhaven Foundry & Machine Company's plant, erected at Fairhaven at a 
 cost of $75,000, is an enterprise of considerable importance to the entire Bellingham 
 Bay section. The plant consists of several buildings, foundry, machine shop and 
 boiler room. The plant occupies a piece of ground 200 x 200 feet in size, and is fitted 
 with all modern appliances. 
 Fairhaven has a number of very 
 strong banks. Four banks are located 
 here, all on the best of financial footings. 
 These are the Fairhaven National, The 
 First National, The Citizens, and the 
 Bank of Fairhaven. Fairhaven as a 
 money and trading center, as a shipping 
 point and a railroad center of promi- 
 nence, has attained a position that more 
 than assures the city's future. The Fair- 
 haven Land Company here will furnish 
 all desired information on Fairhaven. 
 Bellinqham Bav Mill, Fairhaven. 
 !N"ew Whatcom, Washington. — New Whatcom is the principal city of 
 Whatcom countv. It is located on Bellingham Bay, and is a place of considerable 
 importance as a trade center and shipping port. New Whatcom is the result of the 
 combination of the two old towns of Sehome and Whatcom. With the development 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 of the section borderiug on Bellingham Bay the two old settlements of Whatcom and 
 Sehome practically grew together, and when the time was reached where the limits of 
 one town touch- 
 ed the limits of 
 the other, the 
 question of an- 
 nexation was 
 broached, and 
 annexation of 
 population and 
 business inter- 
 ests was the re- 
 sult under the 
 corporate name 
 of New What- 
 com. The com- 
 bined popula- 
 tion of the old 
 towns of Whatcom and Sehome, as shown by the official census of 1890 was 7,000. 
 The population of New Whatcom has largely increased since that time, and this city 
 today in population and commercial standing ranks third among the cities located 
 on the shores of Puget Sound. 
 Whatcom county, of which New Whatcom is the seat of justice, is the largest 
 county of the state located west of the Cascade Mountains. It has all the diver- 
 sified resources of a fertile soil, thousands of 
 acres of forest containing the best timber, rich 
 veins of coal, varying from 3 to 12 feet in width, 
 fine quarries of the best building stone, and the 
 waters whichjwashrthe western shores of the 
 Ship AT Dock, New Whatcom, 
 Photo. Br b. b. dobbs. 
 Residence, Huoh Eloridge, new Whatcom. 
 county teem with the best ot the salt-water 
 food fishes. Bellingham Bay, on which New 
 Whatcom is located, has an area of 50 square 
 miles, and the water at the city's docks is deep 
 enough to float any large sec-going vessel. New 
 Whatcom is a shipping port of great import- 
 ance, and it is also a railroad center of promi- 
 nence. It is the official United States terminus 
 of the Canadian Pacific railroad, the trains of 
 which reach the city over the line of the Bell- 
 ingham Bay & British Columbia branch of the 
 Scene, Fairhaven A New Whatcom Electric RAiLWAr. 
New Whatcom, Washington. 
 POMER AND Car House, fairhaven a new Whatcom 
 Electric Railway, New Whatcom. 
 Canadian Pacific system. This road connects 
 New Whatcom with Vancouver, British Col- 
 umbia, direct. New Whatcom is also on the 
 line of the Fairhaven & Southern railroad, 
 which connects with the Seattle & Montana 
 railroad line on the south, and with the West- 
 minster & Southern railroad on the north. 
 The three last mentioned roads all form a part 
 of the Great Northern system, which now runs 
 through trains between St. Paul on the east, and 
 New Whatcom, Fairhaven and other Sound 
 cities on the west. In addition to rail con- 
 nection with all parts of the United States, 
 New W^hatcom has also the advantage of communication with all Sound ports by 
 a numberof lines of passenger steamers. Rapid-transit facilities are afforded between 
 New Whatcom and Fairhaven by the Fairhaven & New W'hatcom Electric Railway 
 line. This same line also affords connection with Lake Whatcom and with the 
 outlying suburbs. Frequent trips are made over this road between New Whatcom 
 and Fairhaven during the day, as well as until 
 late at night. The president of the line is Mr. 
 Hugh Eldridge, one of the most successful 
 young business men of W^estern Washington. 
 The construction and equipment of the road 
 call for the favorable indorsement of all those 
 who have had the benefit of a ride in its cars. 
 The service it renders its patrons in easy and 
 rapid transit, is so perfect that complaints of 
 the inefficienc}- of the line have never been 
 made to the management, a distinction in favor 
 of the company operating the road that is in 
 sharp contrast to the abuse usually heaped upon 
 companies operating rapid-transit lines. The company operating this line now 
 owns 15 miles of road, and it is its intention to increase this mileage as the growth 
 of the city and suburbs requires extensions of the present complete system. Three 
 lines of road are now operated under this system. One of these connects Fairhaven 
 and New Whatcom, another line runs from the 
 heart of the citj' of New Whatcom out to the court 
 house, and the third line connects New Whatcom 
 and Lake Whatcom. Over the road running be- 
 tween the cit}' and the lake, in addition to the 
 passenger trafiic, a large freight business is done 
 in hauling the product of the Blue Canyon coal 
 mine to the bunkers located on Bellingham Bay. 
 Among the many fine public buildings at New 
 Whatcom, the couri house erected at a cost of 
 $100,000, the city hall and the handsome brick 
 school houses, the latter of which cost from $15,000 
 upwards, are worthy of special mention. These county court house, new whatcom. 
 Blue Canyon Coal Bunkers, new Whatcom. 
 photo, by b 
 i .-Hi 
 \v "] 
 I. ill 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 City Hall, New Whatcom. 
 buildings, as well as many of the finest business blocks of the city, 
 are built either entirely or in part with trimmings of the famous 
 blue sandstone of the Chuckanut quarries, located on Chuckanut 
 Bay, just south of Fairhaven. This stone is shipped largely to 
 British Columbia, and has found its way even as far 
 south as Portland. The stone trimmings and arches 
 of the new Presbyterian church of Portland, one of 
 the finest church edifices of the coast, are from the 
 Chuckanut quarries, as is also the stone used in the 
 constr iction of Portland's postoffice. 
 New Whatcom has the purest of water supply. 
 Water for use in the city is taken from Lake^What- 
 com, a beautiful sheet of water located three miles 
 east of the city. This lake is fed by mountain springs 
 and by the melting glaciers of the eastern part of 
 the county. The lake is 13 miles in length, and 
 from one-half to two miles wide, and varies in depth 
 from 200 to 500 feet, thus assuring an inexhaustible supply of the purest water for 
 all time at New Whatcom. The elevation of the lake is 318 feet above tidewater 
 level. The hydrants in New Whatcom carry con- 
 stantly a pressure of 90 pounds to the square inch, 
 a sufficient pressure to throw a stream of water 
 175 feet through a one-inch nozzle. The pressure 
 in the city's mains alone furnishes a most ample 
 protection against fire. Lake Whatcom is one of 
 the most charming resorts near Puget Sound. It 
 is easily reached from New Whatcom by the 
 electric road. The waters of the lake abound 
 with lake trout of the black spotted variety, fish 
 that weigh all the way from one to six pounds 
 each. They are gamy and highly palatable. A 
 good hotel is now conducted on the shores of Lake 
 Whatcom for the accommodation of tourists, and 
 the lake is becoming more popular as a summer 
 resort each successive year. 
 In the matter of street improvements New 
 V/hatcom is fully abreast of the times. The 
 Lincoln School, New Whatcom. 
 Bellinqham Bay nationai. Bank Building, New Whatcom, 
 city now contains many miles of well-planked side- 
 walks and streets, and this work of street im- 
 provement has never been allowed to lag here, 
 even during the dullest periods of the city's history. 
 Two engines of 250 horse-power capacity each, 
 furnish the power for running the dynamos of the 
 city's electric light plant. This plant has a capac- 
 ity of 300 arc lights and 1,000 incandescent lights. 
 The city has also the advantage of a good quality 
 of gas for illuminating purposes supplied by a 
 local company. New Whatcom is the seat of con- 
 siderable manufacturing activity. The largest mill 
New Whatcom, Washington. 
 iu the city is the Cornwall mill, owned by the 
 Bellingham Bay Improvement Company. 
 This is conveniently located on the water 
 front, and is connected by switches with the 
 Great Northern and Bellingham Bay & Brit- 
 ish Columbia railroads. The mill company 
 enjoys the best of transportation facilities 
 both by rail and by water. This mill is fit- 
 ted with the latest and best improved ma- 
 chinery and is under the management of the 
 veteran lumberman, Mr. George E. Atkinson, 
 a gentleman who stands deservedly high in 
 all parts of the coasv. The output of the Cornwall mill for 1892 was 41,600,000 feet 
 of lumber. This was the fourth largest output of any mill in Washington during 
 that year. The three mills showing a larger output than the Cornwall mill during 
 that time were those owned by the Port Blakely Mill Company, 70,647,000 feet ; the 
 Tacoma Mill Company, 62,931,214 feet ; and 
 the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, 
 47,706,726 feet. In addition to the Cornwall 
 mill, three other large milling plants are 
 located at New Whatcom. These are the 
 mills of the Fairhaven Land Company, Miller 
 & Bridenstine, Meridian Mill Company and 
 W. E. McDonald. The total output of the 
 New Whatcom lumber mills for 1892 was 
 57,010,000 feet. The aggregate output of 
 the eight shingle mills located here during 
 the same year was 72,660,000 shingles. 
 During the spring of 1893 propositions 
 from experienced men to locate woolen 
 mills at New Whatcom received the favor- 
 able consideration of the people here. A 
 bonus of $15,000 was quickly raised to secure the establishment of this extensive 
 plant, and the citizens of New Whatcom now entertain the ambition that the output 
 of woolen goods will soon be second in importance in the line of manufactures here 
 to those of the present great output of lumber at this point. 
 The business streets of New Whatcom oc- 
 cupy level ground adjacent to the bay in front. 
 The residence portion of the city is on gently 
 sloping ground, affording perfect views of the 
 bay and surrounding country. From the win- 
 dows of the many fine private residences crown- 
 ing these slopes the eye can wander across the 
 broad expanse of the waters of Bellingham Bay 
 as far away as the snow-capped peaks of the 
 Olympic range of mountains to the west, while 
 to the east can be seen the towering expanse 
 of Mt. Baker, one of the most striking peaks 
 iu scenic effects of the entire Cascade range. roth block, new whatcom. 
 Whatcom Creek Falls, new whatcom. 
 photo, by b. 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 PHOTO. Br e. B. OOBBS. 
 Victor Block, New Whatcom. 
 New Whatcom has a good hotel, and with 
 the many attractions of the city, this is 
 rapidly becoming one of the most frequented 
 points by tourists in the Northwest. The 
 Bellingham, the leading hotel here is con- 
 ducted by its owner, Mr. John H. Stengcr, an 
 experienced hotel man. The tables of the 
 Bellingham are always loaded with the 
 choicest of game and fish, and the house 
 is deservedly popular with the traveling 
 Foremost in the ranks of those whose 
 energy and whose unwavering confidence 
 in New Whatcom's future have done much to advance the city's interests, is Frank N. 
 Barney. This gentleman's foresight has enabled him not only to make profitable 
 investments for himself at this point, but 
 also as a reliable investment and real estate 
 agent he has been able to invest his cus- 
 tomers' money where it has brought large 
 individual returns to the investors. Mr. 
 Barney enjoys the entire respect of all those 
 who have ever had business dealings with 
 him. He is familiar with real estate values 
 in the entire Bellingham Bay section. He is 
 quick to anticipate an appreciation of values 
 in city or suburban propeny and he is al- 
 ways glad to furnish any iniV.rmation by 
 mail, or in person, to those \Vr:o are desir- 
 ous of investigating the arVvsatages of property here with a view of either a per- 
 manent residence or for investment only. 
 Blaine, Waslllngton. — Blaine, named after the illustrious American 
 statesman, is located in the extreme northwestern part of the state of Washington, 
 on the boundary line between the United States and British Columbia. The inlet 
 from Puget Sound, on which Blaine is located, although really a part of Semiah- 
 moo Bay, is known as Drayton Harbor. This is a large and land-locked body of 
 water, capable of affording anchorage to a large fleet of vessels. 
 i' '.^-' C^ja^ ^ Blaine is directly opposite the .^tra^'ls of Fuca. The line from 
 i.t jirfMHH2W ^jjg entrance to the straits fron t>j - ocean to Blaine's wharves 
 is practically a perfectly straight one, and so free from ob- 
 structions to navigation is the entrance to Semiahmoo Bay, 
 that vessels frequently sail from the ocean direct to the wharves 
 of Blaine without the aid of a tug. 
 Blaine has been made a port of entry. From its location 
 it is the last point in the United States that vessels sailing north 
 into the waters along the shores of British Columbia can touch at, and this has 
 made Blaine quite an important seaport town for the large number of vessels en- 
 gaged in the Alaska trade. In addition to the importance of the town from a 
 HOTEL Bellingham, New Whatcom. 
 Public School, Blaine. 
Blaine, Washington. 
 maritime standpoint, it is a railroad point of some prominence. The two divisions 
 of the Great Northern railway, the New Westminster & Southern, and the Fairhaven 
 & Southern effect a junction at this point. 
 The manufacturing industries of Blaine include three large sawmills and several 
 shingle mills. The Point Roberts cannery, located on Semiahmoo spit, directly 
 opposite Blaine across the harbor, is a very important industry at this point. A full 
 description of the working of this great salmon-canning plant, fully illustrated with 
 scenes typical of the fishing interests here will be found published in connection 
 with the present article. The leading exports from Blaine are lumber, salmon, 
 oysters and clams, fruit and vegetables. The latent resources of the section tribu- 
 tary to the town are mines of coal, iron, copper, lime, and several ledges of fine sand- 
 Kt'jne have been discovered in this district. 
 Blaine is a flourishing town of about 2,500 population, and it is one of the promi- 
 nent centers of population located on the shores of Puget Sound, in the North- 
 western part of Washington. 
 On the Canadian side, just across the boundary line between the United States 
 and British Columbia at Blaine, Washington, is the popular and well known hotel, 
 known as the St. Leonard. This hotel is conducted by J. B. Atkinson. The house en- 
 joys an enviable reputation for its well kept apartments and its first-class table. 
 Tourists will find excellent opportunities for the use of the gun and rod in close 
 proximity to the St. Leonard. The popular manager of the St. Leonard enters fully 
 into the spirit of the sports of his guests and he caters to their every comfort. 
 Tlie Po!nt Roberts Canning Company.— Among the great indus- 
 tries of the Pacific Northwest the canning of salmon takes high rank and it is yearly 
 increasing in import- 
 ance. It was for many 
 years believed that the 
 Columbia river sal- 
 mon, known as the 
 Chinook, was superior 
 to any fish running up 
 the rivers of the Pacific 
 coast. Latterly, how- 
 ever, the variety of 
 this palatable fish 
 known as "sockeye," 
 which makes its fresh- 
 water haunts in the 
 Fraser river, in British 
 Columbia, has rapidly 
 gained in repute with 
 consumers untd it is 
 now recognized as 
 standing in full equality with the Columbia river salmon, and it is by many English 
 and Australian consumers even preferred to that famous fish on account of its 
 deeper tinted flesh. 
 Recognizing the excellence of the "sockeye," or Fraser river salmon, and 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 il I 
 satisfied that it must continue to grow in public esteem, Mr. Daniel Drysdale estab- 
 lished a salmon cannery on Semiahmoo peninsula, opposite Elaine, on the north- 
 western boundary of the United States in 1891, He incorporated the Point Roberts 
 Canning Company in 1892, remaining presi- 
 dent and general manager of the concern. 
 Mr. Drysdale is the pioneer American can- 
 ner of Fraser river salmon and it is his 
 intention to thoroughly introduce his b^and 
 into the United States, 
 believing as he does 
 that it will continue to 
 grow in popularity and 
 stand comparison with 
 the leading brands of 
 the Columbia river. 
 In England, Australia 
 aud other British col- 
 onies, this fish is al- 
 ready well (known, 
 where it is in great 
 demand and is highly 
 esteemed by epicures 
 and bon-vivants. In a 
 few localities it has the 
 proud distinction of 
 having ousted its great 
 rival from the firr: place, as is proved by the fact that it already commands a 
 higher price in some markets than does the Columbia river canned salmon. 
 Mr. Drysdale's belief has always been that salmon are of better quality wheu 
 taken from deep salt water on their annual spawning migrations up to the 
 Fraser than they are when caught in the fresh waters of the river. He therefore 
 established his traps in the Gulf of Georgia and his daily catch from the briny 
 waters here is taken to the cannery alive and in prime condition. Experts admit that 
 the salt-wate.--caught fish are of superior grade, and Mr. Drysdale is reaping the 
 benefits of his correct judgment and foresight. 
 The "sockeye" variety of salmow has a deep red and rich appearing flesh, firm 
 and fat, and it improves by canning. The oil contained in the fish gives it a rich 
 flavor, keeps the meat moist ?nd palatable and preserves its excellent quality in all 
 climates. This has been an important factor in estc'blishingand maintaining its repu- 
 tation. Today the Point Roberts Canning Company finds a ready market for its 
 pack in England and Australia and Mr. Drysdale expei^ts with increased facilities '"or 
 canning to introduce the fish into the United States niirkets in full faith that it will 
 meet with the same acclaim and recognition it has won from connoisseu'-s abroad. 
 The company's cannery now contains all the latest improvements for canning 
 and the closest daily supervision is exercised to see that only the best fish are packed 
 by the best and cleanliest methods. About 15,000 fish are packed daily during the 
 season and the catch at times runs as high as 30,000. A cold-storage warehouse forms 
 part of the plant of the company and the fish are kept here in perfect condition for 
 Catching Salmon Point Roberts c.'ining Co 's (drysdale's) Trap. 
Port Townsend, Washington. 
 cannicf. There is no 
 doubt .>ut that the facts 
 referrea to above as to 
 quality of the pack and 
 the care exercised in 
 maintaining the reputa- 
 tion of the brand will in 
 the near future render it 
 necessary for the Point 
 Roberts Canning Com- 
 pany to double their 
 packing facilities to meet 
 American and foreign de- 
 mand for their product. 
 Two brands of equal 
 grade, but with different 
 labels to avoid complica- 
 tions are now put up by 
 the company. These are 
 the Scroll brand for for- 
 eign and the Medallion for 
 H»UL," Point Roof.hi s Canning Cp.'S (drysdale's) Salmon Trap. 
 the Americci trade. 
 Port Townsend, Washington.— Port Townsend, on the bay of the same 
 name, is located on the eastern side of Quimper peninsula, and is on the shores of 
 the eastern extremity of the Straits of Fuca. Its position at the head of Admiralty 
 inlet, the main chanael of Puget Sound through whioh vessels sail to and from the 
 wharvi.s of Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, has earned for it the title of the "Key 
 City." Port Townsend is the United States port of entry for the Puget Sound dis- 
 trict, and it may be stated in this connection that it is one of the leading ports of 
 entry on the coast. The harbor in front of the city is highly commended by mari- 
 ners as being easily accessible at all times, as b-iing perfectly sheltered, and as afford- 
 ing safe anchorage for vessels during tbft severest of storms. 
 Port Townsend is one of the oldest established towns 
 in the state of Washington. Until 1888 the town was 
 prosperous, its merchants carrying laige stocks of goods, 
 and its trade being heavy and of p most satisfactory na- 
 ture, but the population of the place before that time 
 was s.iiall, Since 1888 Pore Townsend has made a 
 wonderful increase in population, the city has spread 
 out to treble its former size, many fine public and 
 private buildings have beer erected, and while the gen- 
 eral depression which has i^een seriously felt at this 
 point during the past two years has greatly retarded 
 the growth anticipated here, Port Townsend is still one of the large cities on 
 the "hores of Puget Sound, and it is in the line of advancement which will some 
 day make it one of the prominent 'tenters of population of the coast. 
 Shipping to the extent of over 2,500,000 tons is annually entered and cleared at 
 the Port Townsend custom house. The city has now connection with San Fran- 
 cisco by the line of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamers, and transfers 
 L) 8. Custom i.ouse, Port Townsend. 
 1 B 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Courthouse, portTownseno 
 are made at Port Towusend by this line for Alaska ports. Daily- 
 steamers ply between Port Townsend and Victoria, British 
 Columbia, as well as between Port Townsend and the prin- 
 cipal ports of Puget Sound. A line runs from this place to 
 the points located on the Straits of Fuca as far west as Neah 
 Bay. During the halcyon days of Port Townsend's boom, the 
 Oregon Improvement Company was liberally subsidized by the 
 city to build a line of railroad from this place to Olympia, 
 with an ultimate extension to Portland. Tl'irty miles of this 
 road were built, reaching as far south as Ou '• e-'ie, and this 
 line is now operated by the Port Townsirrl ' . - lliern Rail- 
 way Company. The company hopes to get its imancial affairs 
 so shaped in the near future that it will be possible for them to extend this road to 
 Olympia. Port Townsend is 'he judicial seat of Jefferson county. 
 During the past few years some very fine buildings have been erected at Port 
 Townsend. The magnificent custom-house building, standing on the high bluff 
 back of the main business part of the city, is con- 
 structed entirely of stone taken out of local quarries, 
 and its erection involved an outlay of $250,000. The 
 Central public school building was erected at a cost of 
 $70,000, and the construction of the fine city hall cost 
 $50,000. A number of very fine three, four and five- 
 story stone and brick business blocks line the main 
 thoroughfare. A number of important manufacturing 
 plants are located at Port Townsend, chief among which 
 are extensive nail works now being successfully operated 
 here. The city claims a population of about 5,000, and 
 its finances are in a healthy condition. 
 Central Puoic 80HO"'.. 1R 
 Port Aiijyeles, Wasliliigtoii. — Port Angeles, as the first port of appi a '. 
 on the American side for ships entering the Straits of Fuca, occupies much the same 
 position in relation to the Northwestern coast of the United States as Victoria does 
 to the province of British Columbia. The harbors at Port Angeles and Victoria 
 afford ships visiting Puget Sound the first safe and easy anchorage after entering the 
 straits from the ocean. 
 The origin of Port Angeles is historic. It was selected by the go 'rnm. .itas 
 a government reserve during Lincoln's administration and a townsite • -is laid out 
 here at the time. It is significant in this connection that Port Angelc:: «.v.ii* the only 
 townsite ever platted by the United States government with the exoc,- >f the 
 national capital, Washington, D. C. The motives which led to the passiuj^ the act 
 setting aside the townsite of Port Angeles as a government rf^serve can only be con- 
 jectured at the present tine. It is assumed, hrwevPi cy those who are thoroughly 
 familiar with the location of Port Angeleii ' .laL the rv>t\ve of the government in 
 passing the act was a recognition of the man'- advanta;,..t jf Po t Angeles as a point 
 for offensive and defensive op2rations to keep in check LLe lavge Engl''«h interests 
 in Canada should Great Britain have espoused the cause of the Confederacy, which 
 then seemed probable. Three thousand acres were included in this reserve. The 
 provisions governing the act making this a reservation were such, however, that any 
 American citizen was allowed to locate a homesite 100x140 feet on this reserve, 
Buckley, Washington. 
 provided he cleared the land, built a cabin and actually resided on the site he 
 located. These rights have been extensively used and as a result of this liberality 
 some 1,500 squatters' cabins arc now scattered over this reservation. 
 The lon^ natural spit which encircles the harbor at Port Angeles has been wholly 
 reserved for national purposes. On this spit the Ediz Point lighthouse was erected 
 and this is now maintained by the government. The oval basin lying between the 
 spit and the shore line is the harbor of Port Angeles. This harbor is perfectly pro- 
 tected against rough seas, and its total area is about nine acres. 
 Port Angeles is now a port of entry and a large number of vessels are now 
 annually entered and cleared from this place. The town is distant from Victoria but 
 17 miles, and the establishment of an international ferry is now contemplated 
 between the two points. 
 A vast stride in the advancement of Port Angeles was made early in 1893 by the 
 raising of a bonus of $350,000 to secure the construction of the Everett, Port Angeles 
 & Pacific railroad. By means of this road to Port Ludlow and a ferry which will be 
 established to cross the waters of the S-^uud from this latter point, the water route 
 being 21 miles in length, Port Angeles will be connected direct with the Great North- 
 ern and Northern Pacific systems of rcids at Everett, Washington, on the mainland 
 proper of the Puget Sound section. 
 The present population of Port Angeles is about 5.000, It is the chief city as 
 well as the judicial seat of Clallam county, and has the advantages of an excellent 
 electric light and water-w:)rks plant. It is surrounded by a rich section of country 
 and, with the completion of the railroad system terminating here, will become one 
 of the leading cities on the shores of Puget Sound, 
 Ortfng, "Washington. — Orting is an important station on the Northern 
 Pacific railroad. iS miles east of Tacoma, The Tacoma, Orting & Southeastern rail- 
 road runs from this point to the lumbering regions of the Muck and Sucotash val- 
 leys. The town is the center of a rich farming district, where the raising of hops is 
 extensively carried on. The main street is on a direct line with Mt. Rainier and it is 
 here that the incomparable ptak reveals itself in its full glory. 
 Orting has a bank, thre; churches, an excellent public school, several hotels, 
 and two saw and shingle m lis. One and one-quarter 
 miles distant frcm the town is a beautiful spot where, 
 surrounaed by pastoral scenes, 100 veterans of the Union 
 army pass their declining years. It is here that the 
 Washington State Soldiers' Home is located. The build- 
 ings of the home occupy the center of a grassy plat. 
 The structures occupied by the home consist of two 
 large main buildings, a hospital, several neat cottages, 
 the handsome residence of the commandant, and a num- 
 ber of smaller buildings. The site of the home covers 
 an area of 183 acres. The home has accommodations for 160 inmates, and it is a 
 model institution in every respect. 
 Buckley, WasUinjfton.— The important lumbering center of Buckley is 
 picturesquely situated in a heavy forest near the foothills of the Cascade Moun- 
 tains, on the Northern Pacific railroad, 31 miles east of Tacoma. Forty miles east 
 of Buckley the railroad passes through the great Stampede tunnel, and from that 
 point descends the eastern slope of the Cascades into Eastern Washington, 
 The Oreg-onian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest, 
 HE»o OF White Riveb. 
 Flowing through Buckley is the White river, a turhulent uiountain stream, that 
 rises among the enormous glaciers of Mount Rainier. Along this stream is splendid 
 trout fishing. Many charming views of 
 mountain and river scenery are obtained 
 from its banks. Buckley is now a town 
 of 1,400 inhabitants. It is attractively 
 laid out, with broad streets, nearly all of 
 which are planked. Most of the build- 
 ings on the main business street are sub- 
 stantial two-story brick structures. The 
 public school is a handsome eight-room 
 frame building, surrounded by a neat 
 lawn. The streets, as well as nearly all 
 the business blocks and residences, are 
 lighted by electricity. The town has a 
 fine system of water works, which cost 
 about $13,000. The supply of water for 
 city use is obtained from White river. 
 On the 5th of May, 1892, Buckley was nearly completely destroyed by fire 
 rebuilding the town the energetic citizens 
 replaced many of the frame buildings with 
 brick blocks, and they adopted every pre- 
 cautionary measure to prevent a repttitiou 
 of the disaster. In the immediate vicinity 
 of Buckley the raising of hops is an im- 
 portant and growitjg industry. The soil of 
 the lands near the town is especially adapted 
 to hop culture. It does not differ from the soil of the lands in the famous Puyallup 
 valley near Tacoma. 
 Buckley is one of the most important of the smaller lumbering towns of Wash- 
 ington. Its close proximity to the mountains makes it an advantageous point from 
 which to ship lumber to the treeless prairies of Eastern Washington. There are 
 located here three sawmills. These mills, when running, furnish employment to over 
 200 men. One of these mills is one of the most perfectly equipped sawmills in Wash- 
 ing on. This mill wa^ built in the fall of 1893 and is owned by the Buckley Lumber 
 Cotipany. It is equipped with new engines and boilers of the most approved pat- 
 tern and with a new set of Alice machinery and band saws. It is supplied with a 
 complete set of planing 
 machinery. Adj\>ining 
 the mill is a dry-kiln wi»i 
 a capacity of 25,000 feet a 
 day. The mill employs 
 60 men and has a capac- 
 ity of 80,000 feet of lum- 
 ber per day. The officers 
 of the company are as fol- 
 lows : W. P. Sargeant, 
 president; W. L. Barth- 
 olomew, vice-president ; 
 LoGOiNO, Buckley. ' r ' 
 Street Scene, Buckley. 
Ellensburgh, Washington. 
 ere are 
 to over 
 ed pat- 
 with a 
 iln with 
 X) feet a 
 of lum- 
 re as fol- 
 esident ; 
 S. L. Sargeant, treasurer and E. L. Jacobs, secretary. Mr. W. P. Sargeant for some 
 years took a prominent part in public life in Minnesota. He is now contemplating 
 establishing a branch yard at Minneapolis. The Buckley Lumber Company now 
 have branch yards at Noith Yakima, Washington and Athena, Oregon. It is pre- 
 pared to fill orders for all sizes and quantities of fir, spruce, cedar and cottonwood 
 lumber, l-'.th, pickets, shingles and mouldings. 
 Eoslyn, Washington. — Roslyn, the largest coal-mining town on the Pacific 
 slope, is located in Kittitas county, on a branch of the Northern Pacific railroad, 
 four miles north of CleElum, on the main line. Cle- 
 Elum is loi miles east of Tacoma, and 28 miles noith- 
 west of Ellensburgh. 
 The celebrated coal mines of the Northern Pacific, 
 among the great mines of Washington, are located at 
 Roslyn. Of the 3,500 people residing in the town, over 
 1,000 are employed in the company's mines here. The 
 miners receive good wages, which has enabled nearly 25-ton block of coal, shipped frlm roslvn, 
 ,, - , , ,. • , r WASH.. TO WORLD'S Fair. 
 all of them to occupy their own houses, many of 
 which are attractive cottages, furnished in a comfortable manner. Roslyn contains 
 a large number of retail stores, a bank, several churches and a large four-room 
 school house. The daily attendance at the public school here averages about 325 
 Located at P.oslyn is a large wood-working plant owned and operated by Mr. 
 Charles S. Adam. This gentlemar arrived in Roslyn when the town contained 
 only three tents and commenced work at his trade. In the following years Mr. 
 Adam became connected with every enterprise tending to promote the interests of 
 Roslyn, and from a small beginning he has managed to build up a large sash, door 
 and moulding factory, the output of which is now in great demand at Roslyn, and 
 in the immediate vicinity. 
 Another large establishment at Roslyn, is the Roslyn Brewing Company. This 
 company commenced the work of erecting a brewery in October, 1892, and in the 
 foHowing December, they placed upon the market their 
 firtft brew of beer. The excellence of this beverage soon 
 caused it to attain a wide-spread popularity in Kittitas 
 county trade. Since that time the brewery has managed 
 to build up an extensive and profitable business in Roslyn 
 and the neighboring towns. At the present time there is 
 more of this beer sold at Roslyn and CleElum than any 
 other brand. The buildings occupied by the brewing plant 
 cost about $8,000, and they are owned by Mr. Ernest 
 Durawachter and Henry Racar, the principal stockholders 
 of the company. 
 Public School, Roslvn. 
 Ellensbiirjyli, Washington. — Ellensburgh is situated a few miles distant 
 from the foothills of the Cascade Mountains in the feit'!s valley of the Yakima 
 river. It is the judicial scat of Kittitas county and has a present population of about 
 ,"^200. It is on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad, 126 miles east of 
 Tacoma and 273 miles west of Spokane. It is a rich and thriving center of trade 
 and is one of the important inland cities of the state. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Public School, Ellensburgh. 
 The first settlement at the present site of 
 Ellensburgh was not made through any knowledge 
 of the richness of the surrounding country, but for 
 the reason that this was the most available site for 
 the location of a store and trading post on the then 
 existing stage route through Eastern Washington. 
 In 1871 John A. Shoudy opened a store at this 
 point and the small settlement that subsequently 
 sprung up around his store was at j. later period 
 christened Ellensburgh. The growth of the primi- 
 tive-town was slow, and in 1886 its total population 
 was only 520. In the latter year it was incorporated 
 as a town, however, and it then began to attract 
 attention among the growing settlements of the state. 
 The completion of the line of the Northern Pacific to this point infused a new 
 life into the town, and with the coming of the iron horse the population began to 
 rapidly increase and outside capital began to seek investment here. About the time, 
 however, that the place was fairly on its feet and the prospects for business and rapid 
 growth were most encouraging, Ellensburgh was almost entirely swept out of exis- 
 tence by the great fire of July 4, 18S9. Outside capital was offered the people here for 
 rebuilding the Lown, and plans were at once formulated for a resurrection of the city 
 on a more extensive basis than it had occupied before. The streets were widened 
 and evenly laid out, fire limits were established within which no wooden buildings 
 were allowed and everj' provision was made for the important city that was to spring 
 up at this point. Many blocks of fine brick and stone buildings were erected. There 
 is today a notable absence of wooden buildings in Ellensburgh and the claim is made 
 that the city today contains more brick buildings in proportion to its population 
 than any city in the West. 
 The location of Ellensburgh is a favorable one. It occupies a position near the 
 geographical center of the state. It occupies a site in a rich valley 25 miles in '°ngth, 
 the soil of which possesses a wonderful fertility. Farming here on an extensive scale 
 is only practicable by the aid of irrigation, but water for irrigation purposes can 
 easily be obtained in any desired quantity. Small fruits and vegetables do particu- 
 larly well on this land. Large quantities of hay, principally timothy, are annually 
 shipped from Ellensburgh and 
 this hay brings from |io to $15 
 a ton. Three crops of alfalfa 
 are cut on the lands of this val- 
 ley each season. 
 The educational facilities 
 of Ellensburgh arc of the high- 
 est order. The public school 
 is taught in a fine brick build- 
 ing which was erected at a cost 
 of $50,000. In addition to the 
 excellent public schools, Ellens- 
 burgh is the seat of the Wash- 
 ington State Normal School, state normal school, ELLtNeeuROH. 
EUensburgh, Washington. 
 E. C. Price, Ellensbuhoh. 
 which occupies au imposing brick and stoue structure of modern design. It contains 
 15 large class rooms and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 400 people. The 
 location of this state institution at EllensburgVv 
 is a source of great gratification to its citizens and 
 doubly so because Mr. Eugene C. Price, a local 
 architect, was awarded the contract for drawing 
 the design of the building and superintending its 
 erection. Mr, Price learned the building trade at 
 The Dalles, Oregon, and subsequently in carrying 
 out large contracts in that state and in Washing- 
 ton, he acquired a thorough knowledge of archi- 
 tectural designing, which knowledge was greatly 
 improved by a long course of study. Mr. Price 
 arrived in EUensburgh in 1888, and in the follow- 
 ing year, just after the great fire, his serrices were 
 in great demand in the city of his adoption. The 
 attractive appearance of EUensburgh is largely 
 due to his plans and suggestions, which were 
 carefully followed out in the rebuilding of the city. 
 The city of EUensburgh owns its own electric light plant, which was constructed 
 at a cost of $50,000. The sum of |;5o,ooo was also expended on the line water-works 
 system of the city, which is owned by a private corporation. The five flouring mills 
 established at this point have a daily capacity of 350 barrels of flour. EUensburgh 
 is the end of a division of the Northern Pacific railroad, and the company has 
 erected here a roundhouse and large repair shops, which furnish steady employ- 
 ment to a number of men. In addition to the flouring mills, a sash and door fac- 
 tory, and a sawmill are kept constantly running at this point. 
 Surrounding EUensburgh, and directly tributary to the city, is a highly pro- 
 ductive farming district, which is rapidly being filled with a desirable class of set- 
 tlers. In addition to this farming wealth, however, EUensburgh is the seat of con- 
 siderable mining activity. Thirty miles distant from the city are the famous pla- 
 cer and quartz mines of the Swauk, Pechastin and other mining districts. The 
 Swauk placers are very rich in both gold dust and nuggets. In this district pock- 
 ets are frequently found containing from $1,000 to $3,000 each in native gold. The 
 Swauk placers are now the most productive placers in Washington, and when the 
 primitive methods of mining now in use here are supf.>:.2ded by improved hydraulic 
 machinery the output of the district will be greatly increased. The Pechastin dis- 
 trict contains, in addition to valuable placers, a number of fine quartz ledges on 
 which extensive development work has already been don«i. The entire output of 
 these several mining centers is brought to EUensburgh, thus making this point the 
 clearing-house for a vast amount of wealth. The furnishing of outfits and supplies 
 for the miners is an important part of the trade enjoyed by EUensburgh. 
 In the vicinity of EUensburgh are also extensive deposits of iron ore, which 
 are made all the more valuable by the existence in close proximity to them of almost 
 inexhaustible beds of coal, the finest fluxing lime, and an unlimited supply of char- 
 coal timber. The carbonate of lime found here analyzes 85 per cent chloride of 
 lime, and it makes a fine hydraulic cement. Another mineral resource of the dis- 
 trict lies in '.he enormous deposits of graphite found near EUensburgh. These 
 ■t i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 deposits can be traced for miles. The value of these deposits has not, as yet, been 
 determined, as they have not been worked up to the present writing. Near the 
 rich coal drifts, within five miles of Ellensburgh, is a 12-foot vein of fire clay and 
 "blue joint," which could be used for making Dresden china. Large deposits of 
 clay also exist in this district from which excellent sewer-pipe, terra cotta and 
 pottery can be made. The mineral wealth of the country tributary to Ellensburgh 
 is susceptible of great development, and this, in time, will furnish one of the prin- 
 cipal sources of revenue to this rapidly growing city. 
 North Yakima, Waslllngton.— North Yakima, the chief commercial 
 center of the great section of Washington lying between the Cascade Mountains 
 on the west and the Columbia river on the east, is located in one of the fertile val- 
 leys of the Yakima fiver. It is a station on the main line of the Northern Pacific, 
 164 miles east of Tr.^oma, and 242 miles west of Spokane. 
 North Yakit.'.a is one of the most attractive cities in the state of Washington. 
 The site occupied by the city was, but a few years since, a sagebrush waste. Nature, 
 however, provided here a fertile soil and furnished from the great reservoir of the 
 Cascade Mountains to the 
 gate it. It was the effort to 
 flows through this part of 
 quired of the hand of man to 
 west plenty of water to irri- 
 control the water which 
 the state alone that was re- 
 make this section highly 
 fertile. Vast sums of money 
 have already been spent in 
 perfecting the irrigating sys- 
 tems centering at North 
 Yakima, and many miles of 
 great irrigating ditches today 
 carry water to all parts of 
 the Yakima ,valley, and the 
 country immediately sur- 
 made up of fertile meadows, fine hopyards and well-kept orchards. 
 The broad streets of North Yakima are lined on either side with beautiful shade 
 trees, and along the sides of these streets flow streams of living water which are kept 
 full during 9 or 10 months of the year. The profusion of trees, shrubbery, flower- 
 beds and well-cared-for lawns, combine to make this a city of surpassing beauty and 
 The climate of this part of the state is not without the extremes of heat and 
 cold, and yet the days during the hottest part of the summer are not uncomfortable, 
 and the rigor of winter in the Middle Western states is altogether avoided here. On 
 the broad plateau of Washington, on which North Yakima is located, the air is dry 
 and bracing, and this is one of the healthiest localities on the coast. The long, dry 
 summers are mad^ pleasant by the cool breezes which sweep down from the Cascade 
 Mountains, and the autumns are unsurpassed even in California. The rainfall in this 
 part of the state is light, but the swift-flowing streams of water which course through 
 every street furnish suf?''tint moisture for irrigating purposes, and throughout the 
 long, dry summers at North Yakima the lawns jd gardens of the city present the 
 bright, green verdure of spring. 
North Yakima, Washington. 
 yet, been 
 Near the 
 ; clay and 
 leposits of 
 cotta and 
 f the prin- 
 fertile val- 
 rn Pacific, 
 :. Nature, 
 voir of the 
 ter to irri- 
 ter which 
 hat was re- 
 ion highly 
 IS of money 
 ;n spent in 
 igatinp sys- 
 at North 
 ny miles of 
 tches today 
 parts of 
 and the 
 lately sur- 
 Yakima is 
 itiful shade 
 ch are kept 
 ry, flower- 
 beauty and 
 heat and 
 here. On 
 e air is dry 
 e long, dry 
 he Cascade 
 ifall in this 
 se through 
 ighout the 
 )resent the 
 NArcHE2 River at North yakima. 
 The valleys which converge at North Yakima 
 are the Wenas, Natchez, Cowychee and Ahtan- 
 um. The streams which flow through these 
 valleys have their source in the Cascade Moun- 
 tains, and they empty into the Yakima river. 
 The four tributary streamsof the Yakima river, 
 near North Yakima, flow through valleys vary- 
 ing in width, respectively, from i to 3 miles, 
 and about 20 miles in length. The Yakima 
 river, the main water-course of this part of the 
 state, carries a large volume of water during 
 the entire year, and it furnishes u source of supply foV irrigating purposes that is 
 easily made available. 
 All farming and gardening in the section surrounding North Yakima is done by 
 means of irrigation. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land here are being re- 
 claimed and made highly productive by means of irrigation. The great irrigating 
 ditches with their laterals spread out in every direction in this part of the state. 
 North Yakima is the headquarters of a number of large irrigating companies, which 
 are now engaged in perfecting great irrigating systems here. Vast sums of money 
 are regularly expended in this work. When all the irrigating ditches now outlined 
 in this system, are completed, the entire section of country extending from North 
 Yakima on the west, to the Columbia river, 90 miles distant to the east, will be con- 
 verted into rich farms, which can be made as highly productive as any farming land 
 on the coast. 
 About four miles south of North Yakima, the valley in which the city is located 
 is encircled by a range of mountains, through which flows 
 at Union Gap, the Yakima river. From this point the stream 
 enters a broad plain. On one side of the river this plain is oc- 
 cupied by the Yakima, Klickitat and other tribes of Indians, 
 and forms the Simcoe Indian Reservation. The reservation is 
 naturally well watered by the Toppenish and Satas rivers. The 
 waters from these streams spread out over the low lands adja- 
 cent, making rich grazing meadows for the cattle and horses 
 of the Indians. The valuable lands comprised in the reserva- 
 tion will some day be thrown open to settlement, and it will 
 all then contribute directly to North Yakima's wealth and 
 The population inhabiting the country tributary to North Yakima are engaged 
 principally in the pursuits of agriculture, horticulture and stock raising. Ten or 
 fifteen acres of the land in the vicinity of the city, if carefully tilled, will easily sup- 
 port a family, and a man owning 50 acres of land here is considered well off. In the 
 district arc about 3,000 acres which are devoted to the cultivation of hops which do 
 exceedingly well here. It is worthy of note that this is the only district in the 
 world where hops are grown by means of irrigation. With the most careful cultiva- 
 tion and good care an acre of this land will yield annually about 2,000 pounds of 
 hops, and as the average cost of picking, curing and baling this crop is about S}4 
 cents a pound, and as the average selling price of hops for 15 years past has been 18 
 cents a pound, it will be perceived that hop raising here is attended with the most 
 COLUMBIA School, North Yakima. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Central School. North yakim* 
 profitable results. During the eight years that hops have been cultivated in the Yakima 
 district, vines have never suffered from the pest known as the hop louse. Occasion- 
 ally it appears on the vines in the early spring, but it invariably disappears with the 
 advent of hot, dry weather of the early summer mouths, and hop-growers here have 
 never been compelled to resort to spraying as a means of destroying hop lice. Dur- 
 ing the present year [1894] it is estimated that this section will produce at least 20,000 
 bales of hops. 
 Another leading occupation of the farmers here is fruit growing on an extensive 
 scale. All kinds of fruit indigenous to the temperate zone do 
 well here. The orchards of this section annually yield large 
 quantities of the finest quality of peaches, pears, grapes, apples 
 and quinces, ana the smaller varieties of fruits such as straw- 
 berries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, etc., do equally as 
 well as the larger fruits. All kinds of grain are grown as well 
 here as in any part of the West, but the farmers of this sec- 
 tion have found that other crops yield better returns, and for 
 this reason they have turned their principal attention to 
 other pursuits than grain raising. 
 The Yakima country is a splendid grazing section, and pastured on the fine 
 banchgrass lands of Yakima county are thousands of horses, cattle and sheep. The 
 county is also rich in minerals. Placer mining has been carried on to some extent 
 in the county for many years past, and in the vicinity of North Yakima are a number 
 of quartz ledges that will probably prove valuable when developed. Wide coal 
 measures of a high grade of lignite coal extend through the county and as far east as the 
 Columbia river. Marble, limestone and clay and iron are among the leading miner- 
 als found to exist in large quantities in the section tributary to North Yakima. The 
 mines here are yet practically undeveloped, but better transportation facilities and an 
 increased population will do much to encourage the opening of the rich mines that 
 have laid so long with their latent stores of wealth. 
 North Yakima itself is a typical prosperous Western city. It contains today a 
 population of 3,000 which is enterprising and alert. Most of the people who have 
 settled here came from the East and the Central West. The city presents a busy 
 appearance, and its stores, warehouses and elevators all do a large business. There 
 is not at the present writing a vacant store or office in 
 the city, and the large number of farmers from the 
 surrounding country who regularly come here to do 
 their trading impart a particularly lively appearance 
 to the streets. The city at the present time may be 
 said to depend solely for its support on the rich agri- 
 cultural belt surrounding it. The city is making con- 
 stant and rapid advancement, however, and the people 
 here look for the place to double its population daring 
 the next five years. 
 North Yakima affords its youth the best of edu- 
 cational advantages. In the two large brick public 
 schools of the place 13 teachers are employed and the 
 total enrollment of pupils daily is about 550. In ad- 
 dition to the public schools, the place supports a private 
 J. G. LAWRENCE, North Yakima. 
The Yakima Valley, Washington. 
 academy and a Catholic parochial school. In Yakima county outside of the 
 city, 3,000 pupils attend 33 schools. The county school property is today valued 
 at over |ioo,ooo. The perfection of the excellent public school system of 
 Yakima county is largely due to the efforts of Prof. J. G. Lawrence, who is now fill- 
 ing a second term as county superintendent of schools. Prof. Lawrence, who is also 
 a member of the state board of education, has been actively engaged in school work 
 for 20 years past. Before commencing his work as an instructor, Prof. Lawrence 
 attended the Stale Normal School at Carbondale, Illinois, and subsequently he was 
 engaged for a number of years in educational work in Kansas and Illinois. He came 
 to North Yakima in 1888. For two years Prof. Lawrence was principal of the public 
 schools at North Yakima, a position he resigned when he was elected to the important 
 office he now holds. 
 There are two national banks at North Yakima with a combined capital of $150,- 
 000. The city also boasts of a fine electric light plant, a complete water- works system 
 and an efficient fire department, equipped with the best of apparatus for fighting fire. 
 The business streets are lined with many fine business blocks, and scattered over the 
 city are many costly and elegant private residences. 
 The near completion of the canal of the Northern Pacific, Yakima and Kittitas 
 Irrigation Company, 35 miles long, will open to settlement 65,000 acres of land in 
 this part of the state. The other irrigating systems of great magnitude are those of 
 the Prosser Falls and Priest Rapids Canal Company, known as the Leadbetter Ditch, 
 which is 80 miles long and will reclaim over 100,000 acres, the canal of the Yakima 
 Improvement and Irrigating Company, which was completed last yea»- and irrigates 
 about 12,000 acres, the Selah Valley Irrigation Company's ditch, ring 27,000 
 acres, besides numerous smaller ditches, which will reclaim for cu t • \tion nearly 
 all the land lying in the valley of the Yakima river. The settlement 01 this vast dis- 
 trict, which has so long reraained unoccupied, will lead to a rapid increase in the 
 population and wealth of Noith Yakima, and it is not unreasonable to hope that this 
 will become in time one of the most important inland cities of the Pacific Northwest 
 embraced in the limits of the great states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. 
 The Yakima Valley. — This part of .u • state of Washington is now attracting 
 wide-spread attention on account of the - :.-ts being made to reclaim a large part 
 of its arid land by means of irrigation. A few years ago a barren and uninviting 
 sagebrush waste greeted the eye of the traveler journeying through this part of the 
 state. Today a large portion of this land is highly cultivated and some of the finest 
 farms and orchards in Washington are found in the Yakima valley. 
 Winding its way through the 
 Yakima valley to the Columbia 
 river is the Yakima river, a large 
 stream which finds its source in 
 the perennial siiowpof the Cascade 
 Mountains. This river drains a 
 watershed ofjabout 2,500 square 
 miles and its entire basin is nearly 
 200 miles in length. The western 
 part of this basin in pre-historic 
 ages consisted of four great lakes 
 enclosed by mountain ranges, now sunnyside canal, yakima Y^LUEy. 
 ■ S;'.?' 
 E t 
 1 j 
 ■ tit 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 cut through by the Yakima river. In some great convulsion of nature the water of 
 these lakes was draiued oflF and the heavy luxuriant vegetation along the shores of 
 these great bodies of water withered and passed away from lack of moisture. The 
 beds of the old lakes remained for unknown centuries a dusty desert covered by 
 sagebrush and scattered tufts of bunchgrass. 
 About the year i860 a small itinerant body of men driving their flocks before 
 them, reached the Yakima valley. They sought here a means of livelihood in a 
 region that' had always been deemed worthless for agricultural purposes. It did not 
 take these pioneers long to discover, however, that the soil of this valley was remark- 
 ably rich, and where it was possible to get water to it, it could be made to blossom as 
 the rose. Sheep raising at that time, however, was an extremely profitable indus- 
 try in these parts, and for a number of years this was the principal calling followed 
 by the early settlers of the valley. Among the people who formed the second tide 
 of immigration to the Yakima valley were practical farmers, who at once commenced 
 the work of digging irrigation ditches through the valley. Th-se men set out or- 
 chards, planted hop yards and they commenced the work c*" ming on a small 
 but a profitable scale. The success which attended the efl f these farmers 
 soon attracted the attention of capital to this part of the staie. Something over 
 12,500,000 is now being expended in building canals and lateral ditches through 
 this part of the state. This great irrigation 
 system when completed will redeem over 300,000 
 acres of land in the Yakima valley. All of this 
 irrigated land is highly productive, and being 
 '■ cleared ready for the plow in its native state, 
 it offers excellent opportunities for the atten- 
 tion of the husbandman. 
 In 1892, the Northern Pacific, Yakima and 
 Kittitas Irrigation Company built what is known 
 as the Sunnyside canal. This canal waters 
 65,000 acres of land. In December, 1891, work 
 was begun on the Leadbetter system of canals, 
 the first work being done on the Yakima & 
 Kennewick line, which has since been disposed of to the Yakima Improvement & 
 Irx-igation Company of Kennewick. 
 In June, 1892, construction work was begun on the Columbia and Yakima 
 canal. This canal is practically finished 
 Flood Gate, Sunnvside Canal, Yakima Vallev. 
 at the present writing. It is the longest 
 canal in the Northwest, its length being 
 about 60 miles. The canal takes its water 
 supply from the Yakima river at Prosser 
 falls, and running parallel with the river 
 through costly flumes and rock work, at 
 the end of uo miles reaches Kiona. At 
 the latter place it crosses the river at an 
 altitude of 167 feet in a five-foot steel 
 pipe, thence it flows sou^^heasterly for 
 another 20 miles, when it emerges out 
 upon the broad, level plains of the Col- 
 umbia, where it waters 27,000 acres of 
 Head Flume 1, Leaobetter Ditch, yakima County. 
The Yakima Valley, Washington. 
 the most fertile soil imaginable. This section is des- photo, bv e. e. james. 
 tined to become one solid fruit and hop farm, as the 
 climate here is more particularly adapted to these 
 industries than is even the rest of Yakima county. 
 The "Chinook " winds which follow up the Columbia 
 river from the Japan current, temper the cold of the 
 winters to almost Southern California mildness, and 
 usher in the springtime from two to three weeks 
 earlier than it arrives in the upper Yakima valley, 
 only 50 miles away. Kennewick, on the Columbia, is 
 almost 1,000 feet lower than North Yakima, being less 
 tnan yxi leet above sea level. leaobetter ditch, ne»r kennewick, yakima county. 
 This mildness of climat< and early spring insure 
 the farmer against losses fn mi late frosts and make the raising of peaches and prunes 
 as certain as that of the hardier varieties of fruits. These conditions also give them 
 the control of the early market in 
 Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and Port- 
 land. In 1893, five months from the 
 time of the clearing of the sagebrush 
 from the land, a farmer in this locality 
 picked 1,200 pounds of hops to the 
 acre, equal to a gross return of $225 
 per acre, or a net profit of $125 per 
 acre. This for a first year's crop, dur- 
 ing a year when, owing to unfavorable 
 weather, almost all hops planted in 
 other localities failed to produce any 
 first year's crop, is a remarkable show- 
 ing. This region is also especially 
 adapted to the raising of the Tokay 
 grape, which is the best for green shipment. Fruit rates to the great non-fruit-pro- 
 ducing portions of the United States are from a quarter to a half as much as they are 
 from California, besides a differ- 
 ence in time of from two to 
 five days in getting the fruit to . ...r — "~ 
 market. These advantages 
 greatly increase Yakima fruit- 
 producers' profits and allow the 
 fruit to ripen on the trees in- 
 stead of in transit, thus improv- 
 ing the quality greatly. Here 
 t-vo or three transcontinental 
 lines of railroad, the Northern, 
 Union and Great Northern, all 
 traversing or connected with 
 this locality by the broad, open 
 highway of the Columbia river, 
 which according to the reports 
 of government engineers, car- .eadbette^ d.tch, section or oitch above flume no. ? 
 Leadbetter Ditch, lower End, 
 Flume No. 1. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ries more watp*- at The Dalles, hundreds of miles above its mouth and above one of 
 its largest tribiUaries, the Willamette, than the Mississippi does at New Orleans. 
 The Governmen. is now removing the obstructions, and in a few years the river will 
 be open to the sea. 
 The Columbia & Yakima Irrigation Company was in 1893 merged into the Prosser 
 Falls & Priest Rapids Canal Company, which is nov building the canal larger, and 
 the line crossing the Yakima river in the great pipe is but a small branch of the sys- 
 tem which will water all of the valley of the Columbia from opposite Wallula to Priest 
 rapids, a distance of almost 100 miles. The policy of these companies is most 
 liberal to water-users and especially to those who have settled upon the government 
 lands, and development and improvement are the order of the day. 
 XiitiEi- !•;";!,.,„ " Irrigation is King, " uad the time 
 ..■^■' ""'i^'-^^i^if^^^^.-^ is not far distant when the cities of the 
 ^^ Northwest will feel the reviving in- 
 '-:^^^^S^^^^'^^^^h fluences of the great principalities of 
 wonderfully productive lands which 
 are being reclaimed by this mtans. 
 Other canal enterprises will ultimately 
 bring into cultivation all the valley 
 land lying between North Yakima 
 and the Columbia river. 
 Prosser f*li.s *nd Priest Rapids Canal, Three Miles from HEAOGArE. 
 The Yakima country is broken by 
 low mountain ranges running in an 
 caster'* and westerly direction. Be- 
 tween these ranges is a succession of 
 small valleys which finally end in the 
 broad Yakima prairie, 60 miles in 
 length and from 10 to 15 miles in width. 
 The Yakima river, after leaving the 
 high peaks of the Cascades, follows a 
 tortuous course for some distance and then enters a wide expanse of valley land 
 known as the Kittitas basin. In this valley is located EUensburgh, a prosperous 
 town of 2,500 inhabitants. The stream from here descends rapidly and finally, 50 
 miles below Bllensbu;gh, emerges from a series of canyons into the broad and beau- 
 tiful valley, ii tbe center of which is located the prosperous city of North Yakima. 
 Immediately beyond this valley, through a gap in the eticlosing mountains, is the 
 Yakima Indian reservation. Beyond this reservatioji the river follows a winding 
 course through the rich Yakima prairie, which extends to the Columbia river. The 
 principal town of this part of the valley is Keunewick. 
 The Yakima river is fed by the Kittitas, Katches, CleElum, Tannuni, Natchez, 
 Tieton and Ahtanum rivers. The Yakima river carries a sufficient volume of water 
 to irrigate the entire lands of the valley through which it flows, and if necessary, water 
 storage can be resorted to, this supply can be largely increased b\ saving the 
 spring flood vvaters. The natural reservoirs are found in the basins of lakes Cle- 
 Elum, Katches, Kitchelas and Tannum. The combined surface area of these 
 lakes is over 50 square miles. They could be made to store sufficient water to irrigate 
 an area twice as large as that embraced in the Yakima valley. A large part of the 
)ove one of 
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 valley land 
 d finally, 50 
 d and beau- 
 th Yakima, 
 tains, is the 
 s a winding 
 river. The 
 m, Natchez, 
 me of water 
 ssary, water 
 saving the 
 f lakes Cle- 
 ;a of these 
 er to irrigate 
 part of the 
 The Yakima Valley, Washington. 
 irrigation in this valley is carried on by means of ditches built by the farmers, 
 either individually or iii partnership. These ditches are from i to 15 miles in 
 length, and they irrigate from 50 to 1 ,500 acres each. The fall of the Yakima river 
 and its tributaries is sufficient to bring water into the ditches without the building 
 of dams. East of the town of Yakima, in the Moxee valley, are two artesian wells, 
 respectively 285 and 325 feet deep, which have a combined flow of 1.35 feet a second. 
 The waters of these wells are used for irrigation purposes. 
 The irrigation projects now under way in the valley embrace systems of canals 
 and lateral ditches extending from a point on the Natchez river, to above North 
 Yakima, to the Columbia river, a distance of about 100 miles. Two hundred miles 
 of main canal have already been built between these points. 
 All of the Yakima valley from the town of North Yakima down to the mouth 
 of the river is a superior fruit country. The soil is of great depth and richness, 
 and when it is well watered, its producing powers are wonderful. Four or five crops of 
 alfalfa i,re raised from the same ground here every season. In the valley an alfalfa 
 field over two years old will yield from 6 to 10 tons to the acre. The cost of rais- 
 ing and cutting th'". crop averages $1.25 a ton. At the present writing, alfalfa sells 
 in the valley for $6.00 per ton. Taking the lowest yield of six tons to the acre, this 
 would leave a net profit to the raiser of alfalfa here of ^^27.. 50 an acre. 
 The so 1 01 the Yakima -valley is perfect for hop culture. The yield of hops per 
 acre here .averages 1,900 pounds. Land that is carefully cultivated wili yield from 
 2,000 to 2,800 pounds. The cost of raising a crop of hops in the valley and getting 
 the crop to "larket is from 8 to 10 cents a pound. The average price received 
 for hops is about 18 cents .'; pound. This leaves a net profit to the hop grower of this 
 part of the state of $144 per acre. This region produced 12,000 bales of hops in 1893, 
 and it is estimated that the crop of 1894 will exceed 23,000 bales. The hop louse, 
 which is such a pest in most of the old hop-growing districts of the United States 
 and Europe, has never done any damage in the Yakima valley. The steady, bright 
 dry heat of the summer months here effectually destroys the pest when it does 
 Next to the hop industry, fruit growing is the most important and remunera- 
 tive business in the Yakima iilley. This region produces most all of the semi-trop- 
 ical varieties of fruits, inc uding peaches, pears, cherries, prunes, all varictie'^ of 
 grapes, nectarines and apricots. 
 All the fiuit grown in the valley 
 is of a superior quality, and is 
 widely noted for its fine color and 
 delicious flavor. A noticeable thing 
 about the orchards of the Yakima 
 valley is their clean and regular 
 growth. Almost any of the many 
 large orchards of this section might 
 be seleclo-d for illustration in a 
 nnrserj^ catalogue, so perfect are 
 their form, ixvA so heavily laden 
 with fruit are the trees, The cities 
 of Tacoma, vSeattle and Spokane are distant from the principal points of the Yakima 
 valley only about eight hours' ride by rail, and these markets are accessible with 
 easy freight rates tc them for the growers of Yakima valley fruit. 
 Two-rE»R Old Orchard, y»kima County. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 As an illustration of how profitable fruit growing can be made in the Yakima 
 valley, the following facts are taken from sworn statements made by farmers residing 
 near North Yakima. An orchard of lo acres here netted its owner $3,000 in 1892. 
 One-half acre of this produced in a season 4,000 pounds of Catawba and Delaware 
 grapes, which sold for $250. In 1891 five acres of land produced $300 worth of melons, 
 $200 worth of potatoes, $100 worth of grapes, $100 worth of onions, ^100 worth of 
 strawberries, alfalfa enough to keep a horse a year and sufficient garden produce to 
 last two families for the same time. One Alexander peach tree here produced during 
 the season of 1893 2,000 pounds of peaches which sold for ^s52. 
 The expense of grubbing sagebrush land and preparing it for an irrigated 
 orchard, including the digging of small lateral ditches to distribute the water suppl)', 
 can be estimated at about $10 per acre. The cost of trees and planting in peaches, 
 prunes and apples is about $7 for young trees and $8 for labor per acre. 
 In the Yakima valley, land, under ditch, with a perpetual water right, costs from 
 $40 to $60 an acre. A settler here can, therefore, estimate that 10 acres of orchard 
 planted in young trees and supplied with water from irrigating ditches will cost 
 about $700. Ten acres more planted in alfalfa and other crops will make a farm suf- 
 ficiently large to support a family in comfort, and from a farm of this size which has 
 been cultivated for three years or more an income can be derived of from $2,500 
 to $3,000 a year. 
 Prosser, Washington. — This recently established town is rapidly becoming 
 one of the most important distributing and manufacturing points in the great Yak- 
 ima valley. It is located on the 
 main line of the Northern Pacific 
 railroad, 41 miles west of Pasco 
 and 50 miles east of North Yakima. 
 The latter place has, within a few 
 years, grown from a dozen houses 
 to a prosperous city of 4,000 in- 
 habitants. This growth is due 
 solely to irrigation. The land at 
 Prosser is identical with that at 
 North Yakima. The country trib- 
 utary to Prosser embraces hun- 
 dreds of thousands of acres of land 
 on which hops, most all the semi- 
 tropical fruits, cotton, tobacco, and 
 cereals of all kinds can be profitably raised. The fertility of this soil is shown by 
 the statement that five crops of alfalfa are successfully raised here aniuially. 
 Of the numerous irrigation projects for redeeming all of the arid land east of 
 North Yakima, several are now nearing completion. The remarkable fecundity of 
 the soil of this valley, the crops it produces, and the means by which it is irrigated, 
 are fully described in an article on the Yakima valley published in this work. 
 Between North Yakima and the Columbia river, a distance of 90 miles, there 
 will, in all probability, be but one important town, and this will be Prosser. This 
 atter town is now the trading center of the exceptionally fertile part of the vallej' 
 known as the Sunnyside country. This section is watered by the great canal of the 
 North Pacific, Yakima & Kittitas Irrigation Company. The canal redeems 65,000 
Pasco, Washington. 
 5 residing 
 3 iu 1892. 
 f melons, 
 worth of 
 roduce to 
 id during 
 ;r supply, 
 :osts from 
 f orchard 
 will cost 
 farm suf- 
 vhich has 
 )m $2,500 
 reat Yak- 
 d on the 
 rn Pacific 
 of Pasco 
 hin a few 
 4,000 in- 
 is due 
 land at 
 h that at 
 ntry trib- 
 ices hun- 
 s of land 
 the semi- 
 acco, and 
 shown by 
 id east of 
 undity of 
 les, there 
 er. This 
 le valley 
 al of the 
 is 65,000 
 acres of land that is absolutely worthless without irrigation, and converts it into 
 hop yards, orchards and gardens. Ten acres of this land, if carefully cultivated, will 
 net from $1,500 to $3,000 a year. 
 The agricultural resources of the country liibutary to Prosser will doubtless 
 make it a town of 4,000 or 5,000 inhabitants. It has only been within the last three 
 years that the Yakima valley has attracted wide-spread attention. It may be said 
 to be but yet in its infancy. It is rapidly settling up, and the acreage of cultivated 
 land in it is more than trebling each year. In 1892 the hop crop of the country adja- 
 cent to North Yakima was 5,000 bales. The following year the same section pro- 
 duced 15,000 bales, and 35,000 bales is considered a conservative estimate of the crop 
 for this year. A discerning mind will see that Prosser, with as great and equally as 
 rich an acreage of irrigated land as that tributary to North Yakima, will become one 
 of the prosperous agricultural towns of Washington. At this point the Yakima 
 river dashes down a rocky incline, forming a series of beautiful cascades, known as 
 Prosser falls. The water power of these falls is estimated at 3,000 horse. This 
 power can all be utilized for manufacturing purposes. A syndicate is now expend- 
 ing $150,000 in developing and utilizing this splendid water power. It now turns 
 the wheels of a flouring mill with i capacity of 80 barrels daily. Of the 3,000 horse 
 power here, 1,000 is controlled b\ Fred. R. Reed. This gentleman is the manager 
 of the syndicate owning the townsite of Prosser. He has published several pamph- 
 lets descriptive of Prosser I the Yakima valley, which he will mail to any address 
 on application. 
 Pasco, Washl ngf ton. — Situa; i on the eastern lank of the Columbia river 
 at a point one mile from where that strean is crossed <y he main line of the North- 
 ern Pacific is the town of Pasco, the seat of Franklin county. It is the end of a pas- 
 senger and freight division of the Northern Pacific, and i is here that a branch 
 leaves the main line, crosses the Snake rivei at Ainsworth, a few miles to the south, 
 and connects with the Union Pacific and the Hunt line of roads for Walla Walla, 
 Waitsburg, Dayton and intermediate points to the east and Pendleton and all points 
 on the Union Pacific to the west. Pasco is 146 miles from Spokane, and the distance 
 from this point to Tacoma is 254 miles. 
 Pasco contains about 400 people. It has a pul school, two hotels, a brewery 
 and 12 stores. The immediate site which the town occupies in its present shape is 
 not an inviting one. The surrounding country consists of a broad, level stretch of 
 arid land. This sagebrush waste, like other parts of Eastern Washington, needs but 
 irrigation, however, to transform it into a garden spot. The soil here is a decom- 
 posed volcanic ash which in itself is a great fertilizer, and under the action of water 
 this is the most productive land in the state. 
 It is the hope of the residents of this section that at no distant date the country 
 immediately surrounding Pasco will be made up of fine farms, well-kept orchards 
 and gardens. The land here can be easily watered by means of artesian wells or 
 from irrigating ditches. Already through the primitive means of irrigation adopted 
 here there has sprung up here and there over the country little oases of fine gar- 
 dens, the green verdure of which contrasts strangely with the leaden color of the 
 surrounding sagebrush land. All of this land can be redeemed by water, and at a 
 comparatively small expense, as the supply of water here for irrigating purposes is 
 easily obtained, and the supply is inexhaustible. 
 ; I- 
 The Oregonian's Handbook ot the Pacihc Northwest. 
 School house, Ritzville. 
 Even the apparent wastes c*" sagebrush land here possess a value. This land is 
 covered in places with self-curing bunchgrass which retains its nutritious qualities 
 throughout the winter. Cattle turned out on this land feed on the bunchgrass 
 here throughout the year without attention. There are today 15,000 head of stock 
 in Franklin county, and stockraising is the chief industry of the county at the 
 present time. 
 Ritzville, Wasliinjyton.— Ritzville, the county seat of Adams, is a thriving 
 ing town of about 500 population. It is locat'^i on th*; main line of the Nor- 
 thern Pacific railroad, 64 miles west of Spokane, the l*-"'1ing city of Eastern 
 Ritzville is the banking, trading and shipping point for a large area of agricul- 
 tural and grazing country that is well settled. The land in 
 the vicinity of the town yields large crops of wheat, barley, rye 
 and oats. In som_ sections of Adams county horticulture is 
 receiving considerable attention. In the county is still a la ge 
 amount of unoccupied land which is open to settlement and 
 which can be nu'de highly productive. Faitr>!iig in this part 
 of the state is successfully carried on without the aid of irri- 
 gation. Good water lor domestic use is obtained by sinking 
 artesian wells to an average depth of about 80 feet. Much of 
 the land of the county would -produce perhaps greatly increased 
 yields if water were carried to it, and as the supply from the 
 artesian wells of this section is inexhaustible there is no reason why the arid portions 
 of the county should not be well watered 
 fron this source in the near future. 
 Ritzville's future growth depends on 
 the settlement of the surrounding rich 
 farming lands. The town at the present 
 time contains a $25,000 brick court house, 
 a handsome school buildinu which cost 
 $13,000, a flouring mill with a daily capac- 
 ity of 50 barrels and a bank which occupies 
 a substantial brick building in the busi- 
 ness center. The place enjoys consider- 
 able trade and the solid basis on which the town is built can be appreciated frotn the 
 statement that this trade is annually increasing in volume. 
 Sprajyue, Wasllliivrton. — Situated in the .southeastern corner of Lincoln 
 county, on the border of 
 the great wheat-produc- 
 ing belt of the Big Bend 
 of the Columbia river, is 
 the prosperous and grow- 
 ing city of vSprague. In 
 addition to being the 
 commercial center and 
 seat of justice of Lincoln 
 county, Sprague is also 
 GENERAL v,Ew OF 8PP.ouf. the lieadquBrtcrs of the 
 Cuttle Round-up NE«n sprague. 
 ■U ii-ui 
Sprague, Washington. 
 riiis land is 
 us qualities 
 ;ad of stock 
 unty at the 
 s a thriving 
 of the Nor- 
 of Eastern 
 L of agricul 
 The land 
 barley, rye 
 rticulture is 
 still a la ge 
 lement and 
 in this part 
 ; aid of irri- 
 l by sinking 
 Much of 
 ly increased 
 •ly from the 
 rid portions 
 cd from the 
 of Lincoln 
 e border of 
 le Big Bend 
 bia river, is 
 s and grow- 
 srague. In 
 being the 
 :enter and 
 of Lincoln 
 gue is also 
 ters of the 
 iS;::^:si;. '".«i,;>^ 
 Harvesting near Shrague. 
 Idaho Division of the main line of the 
 Northern Pacific railroad. At this point 
 the company have established extensive 
 repair and machine shops, round houses 
 and several miles of side-tracks. The 
 payroll of the railroad company at 
 Sprague now amounts to $30,000 a month. 
 All this money is spent at Sprague, thus insuring the merchants a steady and never- 
 failing revenue, and forming an important item in the trade of this important point. 
 Surrounding Sprague, and tributary to the place, ;ire over 85,000 acres of the now 
 famous wheat fields of the Big Bend country. This laud, together with the rich 
 lands or the famous Paloust. belt, yield more wheat to the acre than any other grain- 
 producing belt of America. In this country a failure of crops has nev^er been re- 
 corded, and since the soil was first tilled in the Big Bend counl.-y, the average yield 
 of wheat here has been from 25 to 40 bushels per acre. Nearly all the farmers who 
 occupy the rich agricultural lands in the vicinity of Sprague, are in a prosperous con- 
 dition, as is evidenced by their comfortable homes, the large granaries, windmills, 
 great barns and other costly improvements noted on their 
 farms. With the large monthly payroll of the railroa'^ 
 company, and with a large trade from one of the richest 
 tributary districts in the Northwest, Sprague's prosperity 
 has been as lasting as it has been substantial, and this has 
 long been considered one of the most promising cities 
 of Eastern Washington. 
 Sprague is inhabited by an enterprising and cultivated 
 people, who have the utnost confidence in the city's future. 
 The town was founded by the Northern Pacific Railroad 
 Company in 1882. In December of the following year, the 
 te 1 itorial legislature passed an act creating the new county 
 ot i/incoln. Sprague was incorporated and made the county 
 seat. Geo. S. Brooke, who organized the first city government, was elected the first 
 mayor of Sprague and the present incumbent of this office, is a member of the his- 
 toric Brooke family of Maryland, a family who 
 have been residents of that state since 1650. Mr. 
 Brooke, the subject of this sketch, was born in 
 Dubuque, in 1855, and graduated with honors 
 from Griswold College, Davenport, Iowa in 1872. 
 In 1874 he came to Portland where, during his eight 
 years' residence in the leading city of the Northwest, 
 he was connected with the well-known firm of 
 Allen & Lewis, ^iid for four years he was general 
 passenger tiTent of the Oregon Railway & Naviga- 
 tion Company. Mr. Brooke came to Sprague in 
 1882 and established the banking liOuoC of Faii- 
 weather & Brooke, which continued in business 
 until succeeded by Jic First National Bank of 
 Sprague in July, 1886. Mr. Brooke became cashier 
 of the latter bank on its organization, and in 1891 
 LINCOLN County Court House, Sprague 
 HON. Geo. 8. BROOKE, Mayor, Sppaque. 
 ( 1' 
 I r 
 I A\ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacilic Northwest. 
 , ! I 
 he was elected to the responsible position of president of the bank, an oflSce he still 
 holds. Ir : 89 the gentleman organized the Sprague Water Company, of which he 
 was elected president. This company has given the people of Sprague an abundant 
 supply of the purest and best water. Mr. Brooke has always taken an active and 
 leading part in the organization of all enterprises tending in any way to the promo- 
 tion of the best interests of Sprague. He is now serving his fourth term as mayor 
 of the city, having been elected to the office for three times in succession. He has 
 the full confidence of those who know him, and he is one of the most respected citi- 
 zens of Eastern Washington. 
 Sprague now claims a population of over 1,500. 'Xhe city is attractively laid out 
 with broad, graded streets, well kept sidewalks and fine shade trees. The municipal 
 authorities have shown commendable enterprise in following the example of larger 
 centers of population, and the city uow owns and operates its own electric light 
 plant, and an extensive water-works system which is of more than ample capacity to 
 supply a much larger population than is now centered here. 
 The educational facilities of Sprague are superior to those etjoyed by most 
 cities of the same population. In addition to an excellent public school, Sprague 
 possesses a large Catholic seminary and several private schools. Every township of 
 Lincoln county is supplied with a small public school house. Including the schools 
 maintained in the incorporated towns, 112 public schools are maintained in the county. 
 The average daily attendance at these schools is 3,600, and they are liberally sup- 
 The present excellent condition of the public schools of Lincoln county 
 is due to the efforts of Mr. H. N. Martin, the 
 county superintendent of schools, wt.> has 
 successfully endeavored to employ only experi- 
 enced teachers. It has been through the efforts 
 of Mr. Martin that a number of new schools in the 
 t:ounty have been established. Mr. Martin is a 
 native of Ohio. He attended the Normal School 
 of West Virginia, and subsequently read law and 
 taught school in his native state. In 1890 he came 
 west and located at Sprague, where he was ad- 
 mitted to the bar in 1891. When Mr. Martin was 
 24 years of age, he was elected county superin- 
 tendent of schools for Lincoln county, and he is 
 now filling his second term in that important 
 office. In addition to performing the duties of his 
 official position, Mr. Martin also devotes consider- 
 able time to attending to his large law practice. 
 Sprague possesses a well-edited daily newspaper as well as an excellent weekly 
 publication. Established at this point are a brewery, a flour mill with a daily 
 capacity of 150 barrels, and an extensive wood- working establishment. The Lincoln 
 county court house at this point, is a large, commodious brick structure with hand- 
 somely appointed offices. The style of architecture of the city, while not imposing, 
 is of the solid, tasty order, and the leading business houses as a rule occupy fine 
 brick buildings of modern design and finish. 
 Hon. h. N. martin, Spraouf., School Superintendent 
 Lincoln County. 
 h li 
Sprague, Washington. 
 ce he still 
 which he 
 ictive and 
 le promo- 
 as mayor 
 He has 
 ected citi- 
 y laid out 
 ; of larger 
 ctric light 
 lapacity to 
 I by most 
 1, Sprague 
 )wnship of 
 he schools 
 he county, 
 erally sup- 
 )ln county 
 lartin, the 
 wh -.^ has 
 y jxperi- 
 le efforts 
 lools in the 
 artiu is a 
 nal School 
 law and 
 90 he came 
 le was ad- 
 Vlartin was 
 ' superin- 
 and he is 
 ties of his 
 s consider- 
 nt weekly 
 th a daily 
 ; Lincoln 
 ■vith hand- 
 ccupy fine 
 I *''^,vr..- 
 1^^^ (IfKYj" -1 1 
 BW^ /l^^^HS^'^^ 
 IHI^ — 
 Judge Wallace Mount, Sprague. 
 The following sketches of public officials of Ijncoln county will illustrate the 
 rapid advancement of men of worth and ability to positions of honor and trust in the 
 newly settled sections of the West. 
 Judge WaIvIvACE Mount. — The judicial tribunals of Washington are in many 
 instances presided over au;? adorned by young men 
 whose professional attainments and sterling integ- 
 rity have received the early and well merited rec- 
 ognition of their fellow citizens. Wallace Mount, 
 judge of the superior court of Lincoln count)', was 
 but 30 years of age when he was promoted to the 
 bench. Judge Mount, who is known throughout 
 Washington as an able jurist and au accomplished 
 student, was born in Clackamas county, Oregon, 
 in 1859, After graduating from the University 
 of Oregon in 18^3, he commencet! the study of law 
 in the offices of 
 Williams, Ded- 
 man & Thomp- 
 son, at PorV 
 land, and in 
 1885 he was 
 admitted to the bar. One year later he removed 
 to Sprague, where he practiced his profession until 
 1888, when he was elected county attorney. In 
 1889 he was elected superior j' '.ge and was re- 
 elected to the same office in 1892 without opposition. 
 James B. Gray. — A splendid illustration of 
 what a man may accomplish in a few years in Lt.'.- 
 colu county is shown by the successful career of 
 James B. Gray, the clerk of the superior court. 
 Mr. Gray left his birthplace in Dubuque county, 
 Iowa, in 1878, and after 10 years of business expe- 
 rience in ^.p\i- 
 fornia and lUi- photo, by mo innis. 
 nois, he finally arrived at Tacoma in 1888, with 
 but |ioo in his possession. From Tacoma Mr. 
 Gray went to Waterville, in Douglas county, where 
 for one year he was engaged in the land business. 
 He then removed to Davenport, in Lincoln coun- 
 ty, where for four years he managed the mort- 
 gage loan business of Mr. C. C. May, the well- 
 known banker. From time to time Mr. Gray in- 
 vested small sums of money in property situated 
 near Davenport, and the rapid increase in the val- 
 ue of this realty has netted him over ;* 30,00c' in 
 the past four years. Mr. Gray was electc^d clerk 
 of the superior court of Lincoln county in the fall 
 election of 1892. 
 T. P. Donahue.— Mr. T. P. Donahue, who for hon. t. p. donahue, spraque, sheriff Lincoln county 
 Hon. James 6. Gray, Sprague. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 many years was known to the traveling public as one of the most genial and cour- 
 teous passenger conductors on the lines of the International and Great Northern 
 railroad in Texas and the Northern Pacific in Washington, is now the sheriff of 
 Lincoln county. Mr. Donahue was born in Northfield, Washington county, Ver- 
 mont. He removed from the place of his birth at an early age to Indiana. On attain- 
 ing his majority he moved to California and subsequently to Texas. In 1882 Mr. 
 Donahue arrived in Spokane, where he was immediately appointed passenger con- 
 ductor qn the Northern Pacific. Four ye^rs later he resigned this position and 
 settled at Davenport, where he was engaged in buying grain. Without solicitation 
 on his part, Mr. Donahue received the nomination for sheriff, to which office he was 
 elected by an overwhelming majority in 1893. 
 Cheney, Wasliington. — Cheney, the gateway to the broad wheat fields of 
 the famous Big Bend country of the Columbia river, is located on the main line of 
 the Northern Pacific railroad, 16 miles west of Spokane. It is also the terminus of 
 the Central Washington branch of the same road. This latter line runs west from 
 Cheney for a distance of 108 miles, through the heart of the Big Bend country, ter- 
 minating at Coulee City. 
 Cheney contains today a population of about 1,000. It is attractively situated 
 on a rolling plain, and is surrounded by a fringe of timber. Its broad and well 
 improved streets are lined with a substantial class of buildings. Among the fine 
 structures of the town are the handsome and costly brick structure occupied by the 
 First National Bank of Cheney, the building of the Bank of Cheney, and the Cheney 
 hotel. The two banks of Cheney rank among the solid financial institutions of the 
 state. They have a paid-up capital of |5o,ooo each. The hotel at Cheney would 
 be an ornament to a town of much larger population. The State Normal School, 
 which now occupies a fine building at Cheney is permanently located at this point. 
 Among the industrial plants of Cheney are several wood-working establishments 
 and a flouring mill with a capacity of 80 barrels a day. A large brickyard in the 
 vicinity of the town turns out several hundred thousand brick a year. The enter- 
 prise of the citizens of Cheney is shown by the fine water-works system here. This 
 plant cost $50,000. It is connected with a reservoir that has a holding capacity of 
 400,000 gallons. Cheney is well lighted by electricity supplied by a complete plant 
 equipped at a cost of $20,000. 
 The merchants of Cheney do a large business with the p.djacent farming country, 
 which is justly called the garden spot of Washington. Ten nrnes west of Cheney 
 is Medical Lake, one of the most remarkable bodies of water on the continent, and 
 which is fully described in a subsequent article. But seven miles east of Cheney is 
 the edge of the famous Palouse country, one of the great wheat-producing sections 
 of the world. With its advantageous location, Cheney will always remain one of the 
 prosperous inland towns of the state of Washington. 
 The man who has built up Cheney is Hon. D. F. Percival, the head of the two 
 banks here, the mayor of the town, and the owner of large tracts of valuable land 
 in the immediate vicinity. Mr. Percival has repeatedly been honored with public 
 office by his fellow-citfzens, and he is today one of the most respected residents of 
 Eastern Washington. 
 Spokane, Washington. — Situated near the eastern border of the great 
 basin of the Columbia river is the important city of Spokane, the inland metropolis 
Spokane, Washington. 
 of the Pacific Northwest, and one |of the most enterprising centers of population 
 on the coast. The commanding location of this city, and the remarkable diversity 
 of the resources of its 60,000 square miles of tributary country, have made it a place 
 of metropolitan importance, with distinctive features of its own possessed by no 
 other city in the West. 
 The early history of Spokane, unlike that of most Western cities, is devoid of 
 sensational events. It is but the story of the struggles, hopes and disappointments of 
 a score or more of intrepid pioneers. Among this number were a few discerning 
 l.cp»ER FALLS. 
 1 H .1 
 men who came to the present site of the city firm in the belief that the completion 
 of the Northern Pacific railroad across the continent would witness a rush of immi- 
 gration to the fertile sections of Eastern Washington that would rapidly increase the 
 population and importance of the then territory. These men also saw that with the 
 great water power afforded by the falls of the Spokane river, and with its favorable 
 location for holding the trade of a vast tributary basin, Spokaiie would become, ia 
 time, one of the leading centers of population of Eastern Washington. Spokane 
 was already destined to be a city before the townsite was platted, and the growth of 
 this place during the past decade is a tribute to the spirit of the West which stops at 
 nothing when there is anything to be accomplished by effort, and to the people of 
 Spokane, who have never lost hope in the future of their city. 
 ,! t 1 
 The Oregonian's Handbo'^ i of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The expectations of the early settlers on the present site of Spokane have been 
 more than realized. The broad, rolling plains of the Big Bend and Palouse sections 
 are now dotted with the homes of thousands of prosperous faimers, the rugged 
 mountain ranges of the Cceur d'Alene, Kootenay, Colville and Okanogon mining 
 districts now annually add millions of dollars of wealth to the coffers of the nation, 
 the broad stretches of grazing land in the fertile country west of Spokane now sup- 
 port thousands of head of cattle, horses and sheep, and all of this rich tributary 
 belt to this city is now tapped by as complete a system of railroads as has been per- 
 fected in any part of the coast. Spokane's population, in 1870, was 100 or more. 
 Spokane, today, is a magnificent city of 35,000 people. This is the history of Spo- 
 kane's rise from obscurity to wealth and importance, and it is a chronicle of events 
 that has marked an epoch in Western city building. 
 The famous military highway known as the MuUan road, connecting Fort Walla 
 Walla on the west with Fort Benton, at the head of navigation on the Missouri, on the 
 east, passed within a short distance of the present site of Spokane. This great thor- 
 oughfare between the years i860 and 1881 was the only highway for travel between 
 Montana and Washington and Oregon. Of the thousands of pioneers who journeyed 
 over the Mullan road, many tarried to admire the wild rapids and mighty falls of 
 the Spokane river. A few of these adventurous spirits, impressed with the romantic 
 beauty of the falls and possessing a vague idea that the surging and foaming waters 
 might at some distant date in the future be utilized for manufacturing pur- 
 poses, ended their journey here. The earliest of these settlers on the present site of 
 Spokane were Benjamin Downing and Wm. Scranton. In 1873 J. N. Glover pur- 
 chased the claims of the settlers who had preceded him here. Mr. Glover paid in all 
 the sum of $4,000 for the site which Spokane now occupies. In the following year 
 H. T. Crowley came to the settlement and established here an Indian mission school, 
 many years before the Jesuit Fathers had founded a mission near the point where the 
 Cceur d'Alene river empties into the lake of the same name. The "Old Mission" 
 established by Father Joset in 1846 is still standing in a good state of preservation. 
 In addition to the natural beauty of its surroundings and the sacredness which reli- 
 gion bestows on the spot, there are other stirring events in the history of the " Old 
 Mission " which make the site especially cherished in the minds of all old settlers 
 in the Northwest. Beneath its moss-covered roof have rested Generals Sherman and 
 Sheridan and Isaac Stevens, Washington's pioneer governor. The priests of the 
 mission labored long and earnestly for the moral and material advancement of the 
 Indians of Eastern Washington. In spite, however of the pacific advice of the 
 "blackgowns," as the reverend fathers were called, the tribes of the Spokane, 
 Pend d'Oreille, Palouse and C(jeur d'Alene Indians banded 
 together in a mighty confederation for the repulse of the 
 gold-seekers and other settlers who were invading their 
 domains. A detachment of United States soldiers under 
 the command of Colonel Steptoe, was sent to quell the out- 
 break. The Indians learned of this move and, with the cun- 
 ning of their race, prepared an ambuscade into which the 
 unsuspecting troops rode to their death. This fight occurred 
 on the 16th day of May, 1858, and the scene of action was on the Snake river in 
 what is now the best settled portion of Eastern Washington. 
 After this first repulse the Government commeuced an active campaign against 
 the hostiles under the direction of Colonel George Wright. On the ist of Septem- 
Spokane, Washington. 
 e have been 
 »use section* 
 the rugged 
 igon mining 
 the nation, 
 ne now sup- 
 :h tributary 
 as been per- 
 oo or more, 
 tory of Spo- 
 ;le of events 
 Fort Walla 
 souri, on the 
 5 great thor- 
 vel between 
 lo journeyed 
 ;hty falls of 
 he romantic 
 ming waters 
 luring pur- 
 esent site of 
 Glover pur- 
 r paid in all 
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 sion school, 
 It where the 
 d Mission" 
 which reli- 
 f the "Old 
 old settlers 
 lemian and 
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 nent of the 
 /ice of the 
 ? Spokane, 
 ins banded 
 ul?e of the 
 iding their 
 iiers under 
 ell the out- 
 th the cun- 
 which the 
 it occurred 
 ke river in 
 ign against 
 of Septem- 
 Riverside Avenue, 8pok«ne. 
 ber, Colonel Wright engaged the savages in 
 battle at Medical Lake, and completely routed 
 them without the loss of a single soldier. Six 
 days later the troops again encountered the In- 
 dians and, in a fight which lasted seven hours, 
 drove them a distance of 14 miles. This de- 
 cisive victory ended the war and a few weeks 
 later the warriors came in from the hills to 
 which they had taken flight and gave tokens 
 of perpetual peace. The leading instigators of 
 the war were summarily executed on the 
 banks of a oretty little brook within the pres- 
 ent city limits of Spokane. It was from this incident that the stream received the 
 gruesome name of Hangman creek. 
 It was at the "Old Mission" that Colonel Wright made his terms with the 
 Indians after he had conquered the confederated tribes. Father Joset, in charge of 
 the mission, had endeavored to prevent the Cceur d'Alenes from taking part in the 
 threatened war. The reverend father succeeded in quieting the tribe, and he then 
 started lor Vancouver Barracks, Washington, to 
 confer with the general in charge of the troops 
 there. During his absence the Cceur d'Alenes, 
 free from his restraining influence donned their 
 war paint and joined the hostiles. It was at 
 a later period than this, however, that the un- 
 selfish work of the Catholic priest bore fruit. 
 In 1877 the Nez Perces Indians made war on 
 the whites. In all the towns and settlements 
 of the Palouse country aud at the little hamlet 
 of Spokane Falls consternation took the place 
 of the peace and happiness iuiong the inhabi- 
 tants. During the height of the excitement it 
 was rumored that^he Ccturd Alene Indians had 
 taken the warpath. It is hard for any otio who has never lived ir. a small outpost cf 
 civilization surrounded by hostile savages to realize the consternation that a rumor 
 of this kind carried with it. There arost before the pioneersof Eastern Washington 
 at thp.t time visions of torture by fire, slraightered infanta and outraged womanhood. 
 Of all fiendish cruelty, that concocted in f.he brain of the blood-thirsty savage is the 
 worst. The excitement subsided, however, when it was learned definitely that the 
 Coeur d'Alenc Indians would not take the warpath. After careful consultation they 
 had decided to remain true to the teachings of the 
 Jesuit Fathers. Under the guidance of these mis- 
 sionaries they have since advanced rapidly towards 
 civilization and they are today the most enlight- 
 ened and prosperous tribe of Indians in Eastern 
 Washington. They occupy a reservation on the 
 beautiful shores of Lake Cccur d'Alene. They 
 have finely cultivated farms, fine wagons, stock, 
 and even carriages and good houses. Old Chief Sal- 
 tice, the leader of the tribe during the troublesome street scene, spokane. 
 Business Centfr. Spokane. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 times of 1877, is now frequently seen walking the streets of Spokane in as digni- 
 fied and quiet a manner as any law-abiding citizen, He dresses in good taste. He 
 is a man of both ability and wealth and the confidence reposed in him by his own 
 people is no greater than is the respect which is shown him by his pale-faced 
 The Indian outbreak of 1877, and the great conflagration of 1889 were the 
 exciting periods of Spokane's existence. Spokane's advancement has been as steady 
 as it ur.? been free from disturbances of the public peace, and it has a'\vays enjoyed 
 the distinction of being one of the best governed cities of the West. 
 In 1 878, General Sherman with an escort of cavalry made the journey from 
 Walla Walla to Spokane. At the earnest solicitation of the few inhabitants of the 
 village at that time, he established a military 
 post on Coeur d'Alene lake, near the point 
 where the Spokane river leaves this great 
 body of water. This post is now known 
 as Fort Sherman. In the same year another 
 important event was recorded iu Spokane's 
 history. In that year Messrs. '*^.l Cannon 
 and J. J. Browne, the leaders in Spokane's 
 subsequent prosperity, purchased a one-half 
 interest in the townsite here, owned at that 
 time by J. N. Glover. It is to tlie energy 
 and public spirit of these three pioneers , 
 all now prominent bankers of that city, 
 that Spokane owes much of its present 
 greatness, and it is these men who perhaps 
 today stand the highest in the confidence of the people of this flourishing city. 
 Until 1880 Spokane's growth was slow. In that year the place did not contain 
 to exceed 200 people. An impetus was given to the growth of the place however 
 by the reorganization of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and the promised 
 early completion of their line to Spokane. In 1881 the first cars over this road 
 reache.: Spokane from Wallula Junction, but it was not until the summer of 1883 
 that the road was completed to a transconti- 
 nental connection. From the time of the com- 
 pletion of the Northern Pacific, the growth of 
 Spokane was phenomenal. In 1885 the town 
 contained 3000 people. A careful census made 
 in June, 1887, gave the city a population of 
 7,000. Two years later, based on a showing 
 made in the city directory, Spokane contained 
 a population of 22,000. The city directory of 
 1893 contained 13,267 names. Basing the popu- 
 lation at that time on a ratio of two and one- 
 half people in the community for each name 
 in the directory, and this is recognized as a 
 most conservative estimate, Spokane contained a population in 1893 of 33,167. 
 A potent factor in the growth of Spokane was the discovery of enormous 
 deposits of lead and silver ores in the Cceur d'Alene mountains in what is so well 
 Riverside Avenue, Spok*ne. 
 Riverside Avenue, 8»okane. 
Spokane, VVashinf(ton. 
 A BUSINESS Block, Spokane. 
 known to the world as the Ccenr d'Alene mining district. The development of the 
 rich mines in this district was of the greatest importance to Spokane. The city at 
 once became the principal source of supply for taese mines and it was at Spokane 
 that the main travel from the Northern and Union Pacific diverged for the mining 
 district. The people who made fortunes in the mines, built themselves palatial 
 homes in Spokane. They invested largely in property 
 there, and it was Spokane which profited most by the de- 
 velopment of the mining district. From the advertisement 
 received through the opening of this mining belt thousands 
 of people journeyed across the continent to cast their for- 
 tunes with those of Spokane. The surplus population of 
 the city poured into the rich agricultural districts of the Big 
 Bend and Palouse countries, all tributary to Spokane and 
 the settlement of these rich lands made this part of Eastern 
 Washington one of the best tilled sections of the West. 
 In the Palouse and Big Bend sections were thousands 
 of acres of virgin soil ready for the plow. The soil on 
 all this land is deep and it produces enormous crops 
 of all kinds of cereals as well as being especially adapted to fruit culture. From 
 these lands are now annually harvested 20,000,000 bushels of grain. Even with iliis 
 showing the country as yet is but partially settled and there is enough unoccupied 
 land here today to furnish homes for thousands of families, in a country where crops 
 never fail and where the climate is without extremes of either intense cold or tor- 
 rid heat. 
 The mineral resources of the country tributary to Spokane are but partially 
 developed. In the articles on the Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Kootenay and other min- 
 ing districts appearing in other parts of " The Handbook " will be found interesting 
 statistics of the mineral wealth of these sections. These districts comprise the best 
 part of Western mineral belts, and they contain today the largest deposits of galena- 
 silver-bearing ore in the world. Another source of wealth to Spokane is the vast 
 forests of Eastern Washington, which are yet standing in their virgin state. It is 
 estimated by competent lumbermen who have examined into the subject that the 
 forests of Eastern Washington contain no less than 
 50,000,000,000 feet of standing timber, a source of wealth 
 that will some day support a great industry in this section. 
 North of Spokane and extending nearb- to the interna- 
 tional boundary line is the fertile Colville valley. The 90,000 
 acres of meadow land in this valley are capable of produc- 
 ing annually 225,000 tons of hay. In addition to this the 
 adjacent bunchgrass lands yield bountiful crops of cereals, 
 fruits and vegetables. In the hills lining the valley are de- 
 veloped and dividend-paying mines. In these hills are also 
 large deposits of the most durable of building stone. The 
 mining districts of which Spokane is the trading center annually produce about 
 |io,ooo,ooo in wealth. In the Coeur d'Alene district alone when the mines are all 
 being operated, the payroll aggregates $3,000,000 per annum. 
 One of the most important districts tributary to Spokane is the Okanogan coun- 
 try. This lies far to the north of the city and is rich in both gold and silver 
 Auditorium, Spokane. 
 i M 
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M! ■ i 
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 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A Spok'ne Residence. 
 deposits. This district commences at Lake Chelan, the most beautiful of American 
 lakes, and extends to the mighty glaciers of the C-iscade Mountains. It contains a 
 number of flourishing towns, and its deposits of m'neral wealth are inexhaustible. 
 Lying northeast of the Okanogan country, in British Columbia, is West Kootenay 
 with its romantic Alpine lake, along the shores of A'hich are great ledges of high- 
 grade galerf ore. From its surface-showing, West Kootenay is the richest silver 
 district in the world. The district also contains heavy deposits of gold-bearing quartz, 
 A large part of which is free milling, and 
 great beds of gold-bearing gravel from which 
 thousands of ounces of the yellow metal 
 have alread}' been washed. It is something 
 of an anomaly that nearly all the inhabi- 
 tants of West Kootenay situated in the Brit- 
 ish possessions are American citizens. Most 
 of chese men started for the mines from Spo- 
 kane, and most of the money they make in 
 the diggings is spent in Spokane. The city 
 is the supply center for most of this vast 
 mineral district to the north, the trade with 
 which amounts to thousands of dollars an- 
 It is worthy of note in this connection that no rival city shares with Spokane 
 the trade of this vast district. Tacoma and Seattle, to the west of the Ca! cade range 
 of mountains on the shores of Puget Sound, are the nearesL cities of any size west of 
 Spokane, while to the east the nearest populated centers of any commercial impor- 
 tance are Helena and Butte, distant about 3S0 miles. 
 On a quiet Sunday evening, August 4, 1889, occurred the great fire, which in less 
 than two hours destroyed the entire business district of Spokane. This holocaust 
 wiped out of existence 450 buildings and it entailed a direct loss of j^5, 000,000. The 
 insurance on the property of the burned district amounted to $2,600,000, The spirit 
 of Spokane's people was shown by their action before the embers of the gieot lire 
 had cooled. The work, of clearing away the debris was at once commenced by the 
 property owners, and m less than one year after the destruction of the city a grander 
 one had risen on the ashes of the burned district. The public and private improve- 
 ments made during this time of iccuperation were on the most handsome .scale. 
 Business blocks were erected that had no superiors in the largest cities of the conti- 
 nent. The rich men built palatial homes and the structures put up for the accomo- 
 dation of public bv'iiness would be the pride of any city on the conlitient. There are 
 homes in Spokane today that represent the expenditure of amounts ranging all the 
 way from j?25,0(x> to $t5jo,o(X) p..ch, and the business district is as compactly and as 
 har soniely built as are any of the best streets of Chicago. 
 Spokane is today one of the most attractive of Western cities. It is symmetri- 
 cally laid out and contains many beautifully arranged parks and public squares. The 
 streets in the residence portion of the city are 7^ feet wide, while the business 
 thoroughfares are 100 feet wide, with 16-foot sidewalks. Looking down Riverside 
 avenue, in the city, the eye beholds an imposing array of live and seven-story build- 
 ings constructed of granite and pressed brick. The Granite block, the Spokane 
 National Bank's one-story Igo.ooo Grecian building, constructed of Tennessee mar- 
f American 
 ; contains a 
 t Kootenay 
 es of high- 
 :hest silver 
 ring quartz, 
 illing, and 
 from which 
 illow metal 
 . something 
 he iuhabi- 
 in the Brit- 
 ens. Most 
 s from Spo- 
 ey make in 
 . The city 
 f this vast 
 trade with 
 iollars an- 
 h Spokane 
 carle range 
 dze west of 
 ;ial inipor- 
 dich in less 
 OCX1. The 
 The spirit 
 e greot lire 
 ced by the 
 a grander 
 e improve- 
 )me scale, 
 the conti- 
 ic accorao- 
 There are 
 ng all the 
 tly and as 
 ares. The 
 ! business 
 ory l)uild- 
 ssee mar- 
 Spokane, Washington, 
 ble, the Rookery, Hyde, Jamison, Eagle, Traders, Voegler, First National Bank and 
 other buildings on this street, are monuments of architectural art. At the end of 
 Rive: aide Avenue is The Reviev> building occupied 
 by Spokane's ably edited and well-managed morning 
 paper. This stately edifice is seven stories- in height 
 and is surmounted by an artistic tower or front which 
 rises heavenward for five additional stories. The 
 Revic70 building is a distinguishing landmark in 
 Spokane for miles distant, and it is one of the great 
 newspaper buildings of the West. 
 Sprague, Main, Front and First are business streets 
 which run parallel to Riverside Avenue. These 
 streets are lined with imposing buildings. Of the in- 
 tersecting streets, Howard, Stevens and Monroe are 
 compactly built up with business blocks that are not 
 inferior to those whicli line the other main streets of 
 the city. 
 In the center cf Spokane are the mighty falls 
 and picturesque cascades of the Spokane river. This 
 swift-flowing stream is the outlet of the Coeur d'Alene 
 Lake. In its course to the Columbia it winds through 
 long stretches of level prairie land, plunging down 
 the rocky inclines of narrow canyons and great ra- 
 vines. Along its course are many charming views 
 of landscape scenery. Twenty-five miles above 
 Spokane the river has a fall of 42 f<;et. Around this fall the flourishing little town 
 of Post Falls, Idaho, has sprung up. At Spokane the river falls, in a distance of 
 about one-half mile, 130 feet. This is divided into two main falls. The fall at the 
 upper cataract is 60 feet while the lower one has a fall of 70 feet. It is to the great 
 power aff"orded by these falls that Spokane owes its birth. The development of 
 this power has been a most potent factor in the growth of the city, and were this 
 entire power utilized for manufacturing purposes which it nmst be some day, Spo- 
 kane would easily be a city of 200,000 population. The amount of water power 
 now available within the city limits of Spokane, at extreme low water, is 30,000 
 horse. Of this vast power 20,000 horse is controlled by the Washington Water 
 Power Company, and 10,000 horse by the Spokane 
 Water Power Company, Of the great power here 
 but 3,500 horse is now in use. The falls of the 
 Spokane river, at vSpokane, furni.sh ore of the 
 greatest water powers in America. 
 The power of the falls here is easily controlled. 
 The river is entirely free from ice in winter, im- 
 provements are easily made at the falls, and the 
 river-bed being of basaltic-rcck formation is not 
 subject to abrasion, as is the case in other 
 The magnitude of the power afforded by the falls 
 at vSpokane can be appreciated wLv..i it is stated that the famous St. Anthony falls, 
 at Minneapolis, furnish 10,000 horse-power less than is furnished by the river at 
 Review Building, Spokane. 
 Middle Channel, Post Falls, Spokane River. 
 great falls of the continent. 
 The Oveffortian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 N. Y. Brewery, Rudolph Gcrkow, Spokane. 
 Spokane, At the foot of the lower fall at Spokane, on the property of the Wash- 
 ington Water Power Company, is the large $2c»,ooo plant of the Edison Electric 
 Illuminating Company. This is one of the greatest water-power .stations for the gener- 
 ation of electricity in the world. From a dam 500 feet distant, water is delivered 
 through two steel penstocks, each seven feet in diameter, to the first floor of the 
 station here, which is 70 feet below the level of the dam. On this floor is 
 one of the best hydraulic equipments in the Union. Here are located 12 pairs of 
 wheels, 6 being used in each pen- 
 stock. The dj'namos are arranged 
 on the second floor, and are driven 
 by a system of direct and almost 
 perpendicular belting. Electricity 
 is transmitted from this plant to 
 all parts of Spokane. It is used 
 here for a large variety of pur- 
 poses. Perhaps no other city in 
 the world uses electricity for so 
 many purposes as does Spokane. 
 Every printing press in the citj', 
 an extensive brewery, with a ca- 
 pacity of 450 barrels per day, nu- 
 merous passenger elevators, elec- 
 tric stoves and fans, sawmills, wood saws, several r anufacturing plants, and 
 all the street cars here are run by el'.ctric power. Thf Edison plant also lights the 
 city, 550 arc and 10,000 incandescent lamps being used. 
 The cheapness at which this power is supplied and its easy adaptability to all 
 purposes for which power is required, is a most important factor in the economical 
 operation of machinery in Spokane. It minimizes the cost of manufacturing at this 
 point, and as the city progresses, and as the adjacent country becomes more developed 
 it should be the means of encouraging the establishment of many industrial plants 
 at this point. 
 The water power at Spokane now turns the wheels of three large flouring mills, 
 with a combined daily capacity of 1,900 barrels. There are also four iron-working 
 plants and several wood-working establishments which are run by this same power. 
 Of the vast power lying idle here, there is now 10,000- 
 horse power developed to a point where it is available for 
 use at a moment's notice. The cheapness of this power 
 can be appreciated when it is stated that a barrel of flour 
 can be made in Spokane for a fraction of over i cent. Ahorse 
 power sold here for fio per annum, will grind, in a year, 
 900 barrels of flour. In manufacturing flour by steam, the 
 cost of fuel alone is 7 cents a barrel. In every line of 
 manufacturing a proportionate saving is made by the mills 
 using water power at Spokane over the cost of operating 
 the same mills elsewhere by steam. 
 Aside from their commercial value, the falls at Spokane possess ever; scenic 
 beauty. They have been admired by thousands of tourists with wondei and admi- 
 ration. The Spokane river, in its course through the city of the same name, is divided 
 Second congregational Church, 
Spokane, Washington. 
 by rocky islands into five separate channels. Where it is first divided it plunges 
 wildly downward forming a series of rapids below. Here it tumbles over the rocks 
 in a series of beautiful falls. After uniting, the water makes a final plunge of 70 feet. 
 Spanning nearly the center of this last great fall is the Monroe-street steel cantilever 
 bridge. From the surface of this bridge is obtained a most delightful view of the 
 seething waters below. The water here first flows over the apron of a dam, and 
 then dashes down a precipitous and rocky incline, finally falling into a deep basin 
 where it is constantly churned to foam. This boiling caldron of white, with its 
 rainbow-tinted spray and the green waters beyond it, forms one of the most enchant- 
 ing of views. 
 The extensive and admirably equipped rapid-transit system of Spokane is ope- 
 rated by 500 horse power, furnished loy the Edison station. The street-car facilities 
 of Spokane are equal, if not superior, to those of any city of the same size in the 
 world. A network of street-railway tracks reaches out in all directions from the busi- 
 ness center. These lines connect with the most remote of the outlying suburbs. 
 The system consists of 41 miles of electric lines, 3 miles of cable road, 2 miles of 
 motor track, and 65 cars of the most modern equipment. 
 The Spokane Cable Railway ascends Monroe street to a blutF 300 feet high lying 
 in the southern part of the city. The slope at the top of the bluff is covered with 
 elegant residences which cost all the way from $10,000 to $80,000 each. These fine 
 homes, together with the fine business blocks in the heart of the city, prove con- 
 clusively that the men who made their money in Spokane did 
 not seek outside points for investments, but showed their faith 
 in their home city by putting their money back in the place 
 where they had made it. The Spokane & Montrose Railway 
 Company, with a capital stock of $50,000, operates an electric 
 line 3X niiles in length, running from Riverside avenue to 
 Cook's Addition and Montrose Park. Both of these addition 
 are dotted with costly homes and are beautiful tracts of Ipnd 
 occupying the highlands south of the business center of the 
 city. The City Park Transit Company, capitalized for $250,000, 
 operates seven miles of electric road. The cars of this company run to Ledgerwood 
 Park, one of Spokane's most attractive suburbs. 
 Spokane's most important suburb is the town of Hillyard, where are located the 
 extensive shops of the Great Northern railroad. There are 300 men employed in the 
 shops at Hillyard. It is reached by an electric street railway. The townsite is under 
 the sole control of Messrs. Carrittee & Grinnell, a prominent Spokane real estate, loan 
 and investment firm. This firm will cheerfully answer inquiries about Hillyard. It 
 also makes a specialty of attending to business for non-residents and has a large 
 clientage throughout the United States. 
 Ross Park, a residence suburb occupying a romantic position near the river and 
 three miles distant from Riverside avenue, is reached by the cars of the Ross Park 
 Electric Railway Company. This company has a capital .stock of $125,000, and it 
 operates nine miles of electric road. The Arlington Heights Motor Railway Com- 
 pany, with a capital of $50,000, operates an electric line two miles in length. The 
 Spokane Street Railway Company's system is the largest in the city. This company 
 has a trackage of 22 miles through the business streets and residence portions of the 
 city. It is operated entirely by electricity. The capital stock of the company is 
 Bryant xhool, Spokane. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 i 'i^ 
 I .i 
 ;!' ! 
 1 !l;. I 
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 N. P. R. R. Station, Spokane, 
 $5oo,(X)o. One of the lines operated by this company runs to the suburban town of 
 Hillyard. It is at this point that the Great Northern Railroad Company has estab- 
 lished extensive shops. The Washington Water Power Company, in addition to own-' 
 ing 20,000 of the available 30,000 horse power afforded by the falls of the river at this 
 point, also controls the Edison Electric Illuminating Company, the Spokane Street 
 Railway Company, the Spokane Cable Railway Company, the Spokane Electric 
 Railway Company, the Ross Park Street Railway Company and the Arlington 
 Heights Motor Company. 
 In journeying to Spokane and other points in Eastern Washington the early set- 
 tlers traveled over the Mullan road in canvas-covered wagons or on the backs of 
 cayuse ponies. A remarkable change in reaching .Spokane has been efftcted since 
 the first vanguard of civilization invaded its precincts. The " prairie schooner "is 
 now a reminiscence. The great Mullan road with its historic 
 traditions is nowbrokL.i into romantic country highways 
 connecting towns and villages. The long line of ox teams 
 that once daily left Spokane laden with merchandise are 
 now things of the past. Important lines of railroad now 
 radiate from Spokane in all directions, and but few parts of 
 the accessible tributary territory are today without the bene- 
 fit of direct rail connection with all parts of the United 
 The important trunk lines now reaching Spokane are the Northern Pacific, Union 
 Pacific and Great Northern. Recognizing the importance of Spokane as a natural 
 distributing center, the Northern Pacific has built several important branch lines into 
 the surrounding country from this city. These lines arc the Spokane & Palouse, 
 which runs southeast from Spokane to Juliaetta, Idaho, 123 miles distant ; the Cen- 
 tral Washington, running from Spokane to Coulee City, in the Rig Bend country, a 
 distance of 125 miles; the Spokane & Idaho, which connects Spokane with the 
 famous Coeur d'Aleue mining belt ; the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern, 'vhich runs 
 west from .Spokane lo Davenport, in the heart of the Big Bend country, 50 miles 
 distant. The Spokane & Palouse branch extends through the celebrated Palouse 
 country, one of the finest wheat-growing sections of the West. In Whitman county 
 alone, through which this road runs, there are 701,261 acres of improved land auvi 
 taxable property, which is assessed at $19,500,000. Cf the 123 miles of this branch 
 115 miles extends through a succession of almost unbroken wheat fields. The 
 remarkable fertility of the soil of this part of Washington is attested by the average 
 yield of 30 bushels of vheat to the acre in 1893. From the Palouse country Spokane 
 derives much of its jobbing trade. The Central Washington branch of the Northern 
 Pacific runs through the heart of the great w'aeat-prodncing section of the Big Bend 
 country. From Coulee City, the western terminus of this road, stages run to the 
 rich mining districts of the Okanogan. Part of the route between Spokane and the 
 CiEur d'Aleue mines, by way of the Northern Pacific, is made by boat on Lake Cccur 
 d'Alene, a beautiful mountain-walled body of water 60 miles in length. The C(eur 
 d'.^lene mines are also reached from Spokane by a branch of the Union Pacific which 
 makes direct all-rail connection. The Seattle, Lake .Shore & Eastern, operated by the 
 Northern Pacific, is the direct route from Spokane to Davenport, in the center of the 
 Big Bend country. 
 A line of railroad that has opened up a vast area of country tributary to Spokane 
 UJ • _ 
Spokane, Washington. 
 a town of 
 has estab- 
 n to own-' 
 ;er at this 
 me Street 
 ; Electric 
 early set- 
 backs of 
 ;ted since 
 ooner " is 
 s historic 
 ox teams 
 ndise are 
 road now 
 V parts of 
 the bene- 
 e United 
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 a natural 
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 juntry, a 
 vith the 
 icli runs 
 50 miles 
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 tig Bend 
 n to the 
 and the 
 le C(L'ur 
 e CcL'Ur 
 ic which 
 1 by the 
 r of the 
 FRANKLIN School, Spokanf 
 is the Spokane & NortherE. This road runs north from Spokane through the fertile 
 Colville valley to Fort Sheperd, an old Hudson's Bay Company's post, situated 
 immediately north of the international boundary line. From Fort Sheperd the road, 
 continues to Nelson on Kootenay Lake, under the name of the Nelson & Fort Shep- 
 erd railroad. At the American town of Northport the Spokane & Northern now 
 makes daily connection with the line of boats running on 
 the Columbia river and through the Arrow leaker, to Ravel- 
 stokc, a station on the Canadian Pacific railv/ay. This 
 steamboat service and its connections practically gives Spo- 
 kane a fourth transcontinental line. It is but a question of 
 time when the Canadian Pacific will run its cars direct to 
 Spokane. This company is now building a branch line to 
 the Slocan Mining District near Kootenay L?-kc. This 
 branch will eventually reach Nelson, connecting there with the Nelson & Fort Sheperd 
 The Union Pacific reached Spokane in 1890, and in the summer of 1893, the 
 Great Northern railroad commenced running its trains into the city. Spokane is 
 today one of the largest and most important railroad centers west of the Rocky 
 Mountains. Owing to its extensive system of railroads, 
 with its favorable geographical location, making it the com- 
 mon distributing center for 6o,coo square miles of territory, 
 Spokane is now an important jobbing center, whose trade ag- 
 gregates millions of dollars annually. "With the advent of the 
 Great Northern to Spokane, there came a readjustment of 
 freight rates on the transcontinental lines reaching this point, 
 which has been of the most signal benefit to the jobbing trade 
 of the city. These concessions placed Spokane, so far as railroad rates were con- 
 cerned, on an equality with the large terminal cities of the West. 
 Like nearly all the large cities of the continent, Spokane did not escape the ef- 
 fects of the disastrous business panic of 1893. Owing to a lack of confidence 
 shown by depositors, several banks at this point were compelled to temporarily close 
 their doors. The assets of these suspended banks were all however, far in excess of 
 their liabilities. Most of them have now resumed, and it is a safe assertion that all 
 the banks which had trouble here will either resume business or liquidate in full. 
 The banks of Spokane with their capital, surplus and undivided profits are as fol- 
 lows : Browne National, capital, |too,ooo, undivided profits, $35,000 ; Old National, 
 capital, f 250,000; Traders National, capital, $200,000, surplus and undivided profits, 
 $100,000; Exchange National, capital, $250,000, surplus and undivided profits, $45,- 
 000; Washington National, capital, $250,000 ; A. M. Murphy Co., [private bankers], 
 capital, $25, 000; First National, capital, 1250,000, surplus and undivided profits, $52, 000; 
 Citizens National, capital, $150000; Bank of Spokane Falls, capital, |i5o,ooo, sur- 
 plus, $125,000 ; Commercial Savings, capital, $50,000; Spokane Savings, capital, 
 $100,000, surplus, $32,000; Washington Savings, capital, $50,000. 
 Of the prominent citizens of Spokane, none have been more actively identified 
 with the welfare of the city than L. C. Dillman. No public enterprise which has 
 benefitted Spokane has ever been undertaken without the material aid of this gentle- 
 man. Mr. Dillman is the senior member of one of the most T)rominent real estate 
 Bancroft School, Spokane. 
ill |! 
 L. C. DiLLMAN, Spokane. 
 442 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 and investment broker firms of the city. He is a 
 director in the Washington National bank, p'-esident 
 of the Pacific Bullion Mining Company, director in 
 the Spokane Hydraulic Mining Company, and gen- 
 eral manager and treasurer of the St. Paul Land and 
 Improvement Company, a corporation owning large 
 tracts of land in the city and in Eastern Washington. 
 Mr. Dillman is a native of Louisville, Kentucky, 
 and is now 38 years of age. He has donated with- 
 out any compensation, valuable tracts upon which to 
 locate industrial plants. The aggregate value of these 
 donations is not less than $75,000. He has an ex- 
 tensive acquaintance with prominent capitalists 
 throughout the United States, and is the accredited 
 representative of interests aggregating in value, 
 The school census of 1893 showed that there are 
 now 4,610 white children between the ages of five 
 and twenty-one years in Spokane. Of this number, 3,280 pupils are now enrolled 
 in the public schools of the city. 
 The first building occupied for school purposes was a small frame structure 
 erected in 1878. The demands of the city soon called for larger school quar- 
 ters, and several frame and brick school houses were erected here a few years later. 
 Then came the great fire of 1889. In rebuilding the city the old frame structures 
 were supplanted by massive modern school buildings of handsome architectural 
 design. The citizens of the city, from the time of the establishment of the first 
 school here, have made every effort to improve the educational sj^stem of Spokane. 
 There are now 10 large and handsome brick and stone public 
 school buildings in the city. These buildings are artistic 
 monuments to a progressive and intellectual community. An 
 observing writer has said that the typical American is found 
 in the West, and that in no other section of the Union are 
 American institutions more cherished. It is doubtless true 
 that in no other sections do parents more earnestly desire the 
 education of their children. The percentage of illiteracy is 
 less in the Pacific Northwest than in any other section of 
 country of equal size in the world. 
 The public school property of Spokane consists of realty valued at $188,000, and 
 improvements that have cost $336,500. The cost of the different schools of the city, 
 exclusive of the grounds they occupy, is as follows : High school, $150,000 ; Irving, 
 $30,000; Bryant, $30,000; Bancroft, $29,000; Franklin, $30,000; Lincoln, $25,000; 
 Edison, $30,000; Longfellow, $7,500; Emerson, $3,000; Lakeview, $2,000. 
 The high school, with its artistic clock tower, occupies the center of a large 
 square, the grounds of which are tastefully arranged in walks and flower beds. It is 
 finished throughout in oak, and it contains, in addition to a number of large, well- 
 lighted classrooms, a laboratory, library, gymnasium, and an assembly hall, with 
 500 opera chairs. Sixty-four teachers are employed in the public schools here. Of 
 the excellent private educational institutions in Spokane, the most prominent are the 
 Lincoln School, Spokane. 
 in o 
 In I 
Spokane, Washington. 
 He is a 
 [irector in 
 and gen- 
 Land and 
 ling large 
 ated with- 
 which to 
 le of these 
 las an ex- 
 in value, 
 there are 
 jes of five 
 IV enrolled 
 lool quar- 
 ears later, 
 f the first 
 )ou, Spok»ne. 
 8,000, and 
 f the city, 
 5; Irving, 
 I25 ,000 ; 
 3f a large 
 eds. It is 
 rge, well- 
 hall, with 
 here. Of 
 nt are the 
 High School, Spokane. 
 Jenkins University, the Spokane College, the Gonnaga College, 
 conducted by Jesuit Fathers, a Catholic seminary, and a busi- 
 ness college. 
 In 1880 a missionary journeyed overland to Spokane and 
 induced the citizens here to subscribe to a fund for the erec- 
 tion of a church. Since the establishment of this pioneer 
 house of worship, the churches of Spokane have rapidly mul- 
 tiplied, until there are now 43 religious organizations in the city. 
 Among the notable public buildings in Spokane is a city 
 hall. This is a handsome building, constructed of pressed 
 brick and granite at a cost of $100,000. It is finished entirely 
 in oak. The court house, now nearing completion here, will cost, when completed, 
 about $200,000. 
 The Spokane bar is held in high estimation throughout the country. It num- 
 bers among its members brilliant and eloquent orators, accomplished students and 
 trained counsellors versed in the' intricacies of the law. The fame of the most tal- 
 ented of these gentlemen is not confined to Spokane and its judicial tribunals, but 
 extends to and beyond the borders of the Spokane bar. Samuel C. Hyde is a dis- 
 tinguished member of the Spokane 
 bar. As farmer, soldier and lawyer, 
 his career has been a long and honor- 
 able one. His intellectual attain- 
 ments, striking individuality and 
 legal triumphs have won for him a 
 position in the foremost ranks of 
 Washington lawyers. 
 Mr. Hyde was bom April 22, 1842, 
 in the old historic town of Fort Ticon- 
 deroga, New York. At an early age 
 he removed with his parents to a then 
 remote wilderness near Oshkosh, Wis- 
 consin. It was here he grew to man- 
 hood, at work clearing the dense for- 
 ests that surrounded his father's house. 
 The war broke out, and Mr. Hyde 
 went to the front, where he served as 
 a private soldier in the 17th regiment 
 of Wisconsin, volunteer infantry. He 
 subsequently graduated from the law 
 school of the Iowa State University. He practiced his profession at Rock Rapids, 
 Iowa, for seven years, then removed to Puget Sound, and in 1S79 arrived at Spokane. 
 In 1880 Mr. Hyde was elected prosecuting attorney for the northeast district of Wash- 
 ington, and was re-elected for three consecutive terms. lie is now in active prac- 
 tice at the bar. 
 Of the successful lawyers and brilliant orators of Washington, no one is better 
 known than Thomas C. GrifBtts. 
 Hon. S. C. Hyde Spokane. 
'! ;i 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Born in Carthage, 111,, December 5, 1857, he 
 grew up in the sterling society of that part of 
 Illinois which Lincoln and Douglass were, in the 
 early part of his life, making their battle-ground. 
 As a member of the constitutional convention of 
 Washington, as vice-president of the National 
 Association of Democratic Clubs for the state and 
 as Washington's first democratic candidate for 
 Congress, Mr. Griffitts became widely known. In 
 order that he might more assiduously prosecute 
 his profession, he retired from politics. Although 
 not a criminal lawyer, he posses'rjs tht remarkable 
 record of havingd.efended and secured the acquittal 
 of 22 men accused of murder in the first degree. 
 He is now engaged in attending to his large prac- 
 The enterprise of the city and its progress are reflected in the advancement of its 
 citizens, and for this reason biographical sketches are in a measure an indication of 
 what integrity and ability can accomplish in certain communities. 
 Among the young men of Spokane who have 
 been honored by their fellow citizens i Arthur D. 
 Jones, councilman from the fifth wan Mr. Jones 
 was born in Cass county, Michigan, in 1859. At 
 the age of 11 years he removed to Iowa and later 
 he attended the Iowa State University. After com- 
 pleting his education he taught school in Minnesota 
 for two years when he removed to Chicago, where 
 for five years he occupied a responsible position in 
 the employ of The Chicago Daily News. Mr. 
 Jones on account of ill health, removed to Spokane 
 in 1S87. In 1891 he was elected Alderman and in 
 1892 was re-elected to the same position. He is 
 now the senior member of the prominent real 
 estate and insurance firm of A. D. Jones & Co. 
 Arthur 0. Jones, Esq., Spokane. 
 Since the great conflagration of 1889, Spokane has maintained a paid fire depart- 
 ment which in point of discipline and efficiency now ranks with the best fire depart- 
 ments in the Union. The Spokane Fire Department's property is valued at $90,000. 
 The force consists of 45 officers and men. The apparatus is classified as follows 
 three engines, two hose carriages, two hose wagons, two chemical engines, one 
 serial truck and a hook and ladder truck. The cost of maintaining the department 
 is estimated at $70,000 a year. 
 Another well-conducted and disciplined branch of the municipal government is 
 the police department. It consists of a chief, four offices and 22 patrolmen. 
 The finances of Spokane have been ably and economically administered as is 
 evidenced by the low tax rate here of 10 mills. The total bonded indebtedness of 
 the city is $1,200,000. In the building of a great city in less than six years large 
Spokane, Washington. 
 HON. J. F. Leghorn, Spokane. 
 civic expenses were necessarily incurred. Of the city's indebtedness $500,000 was 
 for a water-works system and $750,000 was used in building bridges and other public 
 improvements. The taxable wealth of Spokane well justified this expenditure. 
 According to the assessment roll of 1893 the assessment valuation of property in 
 Spokane was $28,776,083. To this should be added 
 $1,110,390, the assessed valuation of property in 
 additions to Spokane lying outside of the munic- 
 ipal limits. These assessment figures were fur- 
 nished by county assessor, J. F. I^eghorn. The 
 election of this gentleman to a position of honor 
 and trust is an illustration of the possibilities for 
 advancement in the West of young men of ability 
 and worth. Mr. Leghorn was born in 186S in 
 Clonis, County Monaghan, Ireland. He finished 
 his education at the Royal College of Surgeon.^, 
 Dublin and then came to America, arriving at 
 Portland in 1884. He there secured a position with 
 a large tobacco firm and remained in its employ un- 
 til 1889. His business duties called him to Spo- 
 kane where he subsequently opened a wholesale 
 tobacco house under the firm name of Leghorn 
 Bros. This business burned out in iSgo, when he was appointed clerk of the Probate 
 Court. In November, 1892, he was elected assessor on the Republican ticket by an 
 overwhelming majority. 
 The Spokane'water-works system represents an outlay of $750,000. It consists of 
 a pumping station with a developed water power of 2,500 horse, 30 miles of street 
 mains, and 2co fire hydrants. The water supply is pumped from the Spokane river 
 five miles northeast of the city. This water comes from the snowshed of the Cocur 
 d'Alene Mountains and is of the purest and clearest quality. 
 Spokane is a healthy city. Its death rate in 1893 was only 11.03 per thousand. 
 The dry, invigorating atmosphere and mountain breezes of Eastern Washington are 
 especially helpful to the relaxed system. The long delightful summers are followed 
 by the finest autumnal weather, often extending into December. Then follows a 
 short winter, with occasional heavy falls of snow, but with few extremely cold 
 days. In this connection it is well to call attention to the peculiar climatic condi- 
 tions of the state of Washington. In this state a change of altitude, often within a 
 distance of a few miles, secures a greater change of climate than is noted in a change 
 of distance of 400 or 500 miles on the Atlantic side of the continent. Owing to the 
 warm influence of the Japan current Western Washington has a long rainy season. 
 The Cascade range of mountains acts as a barrier to the moist winds from the ocean. 
 On the eastern side of this range instead of rain in mid-winter there is snow. The 
 humidity of the atmosphere in Eastern Washington is much less than it is on the 
 western side of the mountains. In Eastern Washington, too, many climatic differ- 
 ences are noted in different localities. In the Columbia and Snake river valleys, for 
 instance, which are from 200 to 1,500 feet below the level of the bordering country, 
 every variety of semi-tropical fruit, except oranges and lemons, is grown to perfec- 
 tion. A change from the semi-tropical conditions of these valleys to the temperate 
 zone of the Big Bend country, is one of the noticeable features of this section. The 
 ;' ' It- I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 State Insane Asylum, Medical Lake. 
 difFereuce in elevation between these two sections is not greater than 1,500 feet. It 
 is the diversified resources of the tributary country that have already contributed so 
 largely to the growth of Spokane, and it is the development of these resources which 
 promise the most for the future city. 
 All inquiries relating to Spokane realty and the resources of the adjacent coun- 
 try will be answered by Walter Hughson & Co., a leading real estate and investment 
 firm of the city. Tnis firm consisting of Mr. Hughson and Frederick E. Elmendorf, 
 controls large interests here. Included in the property controlled by them are the 
 Arlington Heights Additions. This attractively situated property is reached in a few 
 minutes from the business center of the city by the cars of the Arlington Heights 
 motor line. 
 Medical Lake, "Washlnprton. — Around the shores of the Great Medicine 
 Lake as Medical Lake was called the Indians, camped the sick and the afflicted 
 members of the Colville and Coeur d'Alene 
 tribes of Indians long before the white man 
 invaded this part of Washington. To this little 
 lake, nestling beneath a granite cliff at the edge 
 .f.'^;iMSSai»jWtggj8j||[i^jii^j.tM.^,^ 'Jj^if of the Big Bend country, came the Indians from 
 the tribal lands many suns distant. To them 
 it was a sacred spot furnished by the Great 
 Spirit for the benefit of the sick and debilitated 
 who found renewed vigor by bathing in its waters. 
 The healing and curative properties of the waters of Medical Lake have given 
 it a wide-spread reputation, and it is not infrequently referred to as the "Modern 
 Pool of Siloam." The density of this water is as great as is that of Great Salt Lake 
 in Utah. The least rubbing of the surface of the body touched by the water imme- 
 diately produces a lather equal to that produced b\' the best soap. Medical Lake salt 
 evaporated from the waters of the lake now finds a sale in all parts of the United 
 States. It imparts to water in which it is dissolved the properties of the waters of 
 Medical Lake itself. During the summer months thousands of tourists and invalids 
 visit the lake, and excursion trains are run tri-weekly during the season between 
 Medical Lake and the neighboring city of Spokane. 
 In 1872 Mr. A. LeFevre, a native of France, visited the lake and pre-empted a 
 claim of 160 acres of land along its shores. For years he had been afflicted with par- 
 alysis of the right arm caused by rheumatism. Noticing one day some sheep that 
 had the scab plunging into the lake his curiosity was excited. An inspection a few 
 days later of these same sheep led to the discovery that the scab had entirely disap- 
 peared. Mr. LeFevre at once determined to apply a little of the water to his arm. 
 To his great surprise the blood soon began to circulate naturally in the afflicted 
 member. A few weeks later the last trace of the former paralysis disappeared and 
 today Mr. LeFevre, who is a highly respected and wealthy citizen of Medical Lake, 
 emphasises the story of his cure by gesticulating with the very arm of which for 
 years he was denied the use. 
 Rapid settlement followed Mr. LeFevre's location at Medical Lake. It at once 
 became a great resort for invalids. On the east bank of the lake has since sprung up 
 an attractive and prosperous town which bears the name of the lake on which it 
 is located. The town of Medical Lake contains today about 1,000 people. It is in 
 Spokane county, 20 miles west of Spokane by the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern 
The Big' Bend Country, Washington. 
 ) feet. It 
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 It is in 
 : Eastern 
 branch of the Northern Pacific, and lo miles west of Cheney by the Central Wash- 
 ington branch of the same road. Immediately west of Medical Lake and occupying 
 a commanding and picturesque location on the summit of a high hill overlooking the 
 placid waters of the lake is the Eastern Washington Hospital for the insane. A short 
 distance from the immense structure occupied by the asylum are great granite quar- 
 ries. vStone from these quarries is in great demand in Washington, and the quarrying 
 of this stone is Medical Lake's most important industry. 
 The BIjjf IJend Country. — The largest subdivision of agricultural land in 
 the state of Washington lies near its geographical center, and is known as the Big 
 Bend country. The northern, western and part of the southern boundary of this 
 section is formed by the Columbia river, which describes an irregular half circle here 
 from which the section it encircles derives its name, Big Bend. To the east the Big 
 Bend country is bounded by the rich Palouse wheat belt, which stretches away to 
 the east into the state of Idaho. 
 The Big Bend country includes the counties of Douglas, Lincoln, Adams and 
 Franklin, which together have an area of 9,300 square miles, or nearly 6,000,000 
 acres. The northern portion of the B' ( Bend country, or about one-third of its 
 total area requires no irrigation to produce good crops of grain and vegetables. The 
 southern portion at the present time is principally utilized for stock raising, farming 
 here without the aid of irrigation being an uncertain calling. This southern part of 
 the country however, invariably produces a good growth of bunchgrass each season, 
 which being self-curing, offers the best of food for cattle and horses during even the 
 most protracted of winters. 
 The surface of the Big Bend country is generally less hilly and rolling than are 
 the agricultural lands of any other parts of the state. There is but little surface 
 water on this vast area, but water is easily obtained by digging or boring to a depth 
 of about 50 feet. The soil here is similar to that all over this section, being decom- 
 posed volcanic rock [a fertilizer in itself.] In the northern half of the country how- 
 ever, the soil does not approach the ashy appearance noted in the soil of the south- 
 ern part. This is owing to a greater rainfall in the north, and also to the mixing of 
 a vegetable mould formed from years of decay of the rank grasses which have 
 covered this section. 
 It is stated by leading chemists that the soil here will prove the most lasting, and 
 stand more continued cultivation than any other soil in the world. Before this time 
 a lack of proper railroad facilities has greatly retarded the growth of this fertile part 
 of Washington. This however are now obviated. There are today two transcontinental 
 lines of road, the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific passing over this coun- 
 try. The country is also crossed by two branches of the latter road, the Washing- 
 ton Central and the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern. These roads furnish ample 
 transportation facilities for the needs of the country at the present time, but on its 
 fuller development, it will tax these systems to their full capacity to haul its pro- 
 ducts to market. 
 Situated on the broad plateau of Eastern Washington, and at an elevation of 
 over 2,000 feet above sea level, the Bjg Bend country is free from the blighting 
 effects of the hot winds, and although occupying a higher elevation than any other 
 part of the farming section of the state, this section is singularly free from frosts 
 during either the time of growing or maturing crops. Early or late frosts never de- 
 stroy tender vegetable plants or fruit in this part of the state. 
 1 t, 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A disadvantage this section long labored under was the impression which for 
 some unaccountable reason was widespread, that crops would only grow well here at 
 irregular intervals on account of a supposed deficiency of moisture here to insure 
 the proper maturing of vegetation. After a practical trial of nine years, this feeling 
 of prejudice, for such it has proved to be, has been entirely dispelled. During all 
 this time there has not been a single failure of crops recorded in the Big Bend coun- 
 try, and it has been shown that this is one of the most productive sections of the 
 state. The crop from the farms here each season would seem phenomenal to the 
 farmers of the Middle and other Western states. The staple crops of the Big Bend 
 country are wheat, oats, barley and corn, yielding respectively 25, 50, 70 and 30 
 bushels per acre, and upwards. It has only been recently that the farmers of this 
 section have turned their attention to fruit growing, but now may be seen thriving 
 young orchards of apples, pears, cherries and plums. The smaller fruits including 
 berries, ail do well here. The principal centers of population of the country furnish 
 a good market for fruit, and fruit growing has already been shown to be one of the 
 most profitable industries of the husbandman. 
 In Douglas county alone there are still open to settlement 800,000 acres of gov- 
 erment land (land needing no irrigation), and Lincoln county offers 250,000 acres 
 more of governent and railroad land. The best sections of the Big Bend are of 
 course in the vicinity of the principal towns of this section. This favored section 
 may be said to commence at Reardon, and extends west through Mondovi, Daven- 
 port, Wilbur, Almira, Coulee City and Waterville. The latter is a thriving town, 50 
 miles from a railroad. The town pos- 
 HORSE AND Mule Ranch, Davenport. 
 sesses electric lights and other modern 
 public improvements. The country sur- 
 rounding Waterville produces over i ,000,- 
 000 bushels of grain annually, a portion 
 of which finds a market in the great min- 
 ing regions to the north. The Big Bend 
 Country is rapidly filling up, and each 
 year witnesses an increase of over 100 per 
 cent in the acreage sown to grain here. 
 It is a country of practically no extremes 
 in heat or cold. During the spring, summer and autumn the weather here is de- 
 lightful, the temperature, even during mid-summer, seldom registering above 85°, 
 while the nights are always cool and pleasant. The winters are comparatively 
 mild, with heavy falls of snow at times. Sunstrokes, electrical storms and cyclones 
 are unknown here. The harvest seasons are free from showers, and in consequence 
 the grain harvested here is of a beautiful light yellow color, which recommends 
 it especially to buyers. 
 An ordinary team of horses can easily break the virgin soil of the Big Bend 
 country, and a good crop of oats or wheat can be raised on this land the first season. 
 There is still plenty of government land in this part of the state, perhaps a little 
 remote from settlements, but in the line of projected railroads. This land is as good 
 as the best that is now under cultivation. The seeker for a home in the West will 
 find here a chance to obtain some of the finest grain-producing land in the West, 
 and it is this part of the state which offers exceptional opportunities for settlement 
 at the present time. 
Pasco, Washington. 
 Photo, or a. m. albrecht. 
 Threshing Grain, Davenport. 
 Dave 11 port, \VashInH:t<>n. — At the gateway of the 6,000, oot) acres of rich 
 a^rit^ultural land comprising what is known ns the Big Bend country of the Columbia 
 river, is the prosperous town of Davenport. It is a station on the Central Wash- 
 ington railroad, a line operated by the North- 
 ern Pacific, and is 45 miles west of Cheney. 
 Before the advent of the white settler in 
 this part of the West, the present site of Da- 
 venport was the over-night camping ground 
 on the Indian trail to Western Washington. 
 The spring at this point, which today pours 
 out its steady volume of the purest water, re- 
 freshed many of the savage tribes in their long 
 journeys across the bunchgrass lands of this part of the state, and this, with other 
 advantages which the site enjoys, made this one of the most popular stopping places 
 for the Indian hordes in the West. 
 In 1879 Charles C. May, at the present time Davenport's foremost citizen, whik 
 engaged on a government survey in Eastern Washington, became impressed with 
 the belief that the Big Bend country would some day be- 
 come a great and well settled farming section. As an ex- 
 periment of the fertility of the soil of this part of the state, 
 he selected a claim and sowed 40 acres of this land to 
 wheat. This was the first attempt to till the virgin soil of 
 the Big Bend. When the crop of the.se few acres was har- 
 vested a showing of 40 bushels of wheat to the acre was 
 made. It has only been within the past six years that im- 
 mense quantities of grain have begun to be shipped from 
 the Big Bend country. Each succeeding year, since 1879, 
 has witnessed an increase of 100 per cent in the acreage 
 sown to grain in this section, and the crop of 1893 was at 
 least four times as great as that harvested here in any pre- 
 vious year. Fruit raising is also carried on very successful- 
 ly in this part of the state, and especially in the vicinity of 
 Davenport. Apples, pears, apricots and cherries seem to 
 grow as well as these varieties of fruit do in any part of 
 Washington. Peaches are grown on the sandy lands bor- 
 dering on the Columbia river, but this fruit does not do 
 well on the plateau back from this great stream. Currants, 
 raspberries, gooseberries and strawberries give large yields 
 here. Fifteen acres of strawberries, near Davenport, pro- 
 duced 35,000 quarts in 1893. This entire crop found a ready market at Spokane. 
 About 350,000 acres of the rich lands of the Big Bend country are directly trib- 
 utary to Davenport, but beyond this district the trade of this important town ex- 
 tends for many miles up the Columbia river. 
 Davenport was founded in 1882, by John N'~hols. Eight years later the town 
 was incorporated. Davenport now claims a population of 800. It possesses the 
 advantages of an excllent public school, with an enrollment of 160 scholars. There 
 are also established at this point a flouring mill with a daily capacity of 150 barrels, 
 two weekly newspapers, a well conducted hotel, a national bank, and a number of 
 very important business houses. 
 Hawk RfVER Fails near Davenport. 
 (height of falls, 60 FEET.) 
tr 1 
 1 ' ^ 
 1 f 
 '^', 1 ,' 
 ! ' 
 It !: 
 i tH 
 'f W 
 ^1 i '■ 
 ^i h 
 r/je Orcgoninn's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Big BfcNO Nati(>:<al Bank Building, Davenport. 
 The Big Kend National Bank, of 
 Davenport, was established in 1879. It 
 has a capital stock of $50,000, and a sur- 
 plus and undivided profits amounting to 
 $60,000. During the financial panic of 
 1893, when bank after bank suspended 
 payment, the Big Bend Bank not only 
 rendered assistance to other banks, but 
 also continued to make loans at a time 
 when most of the financial institutions 
 of the country refused to discount the 
 very best of negotiable securities. The 
 Big Bend National Bank enjoys the busi- 
 ness and confidence of the people who live even as far remote from Davenport 
 as the Okanogon mijiing district. It is considered, in financial circles, as one of 
 the strongest banks in Washington. The ofTicers of the bank are as follows : Dr. 
 N. Fred. Essig, president; D. M. Drumheller, vice-president; C. C. May, cashier, 
 and A, F. Lambert, assistant cashier. 
 About 12 miles from Davenport is the Egypt mining district, where some devel- 
 opment work is now being done. The ore from this district assays from $40 to |ioo 
 in silver and $8 in gold. Extensive mar])le quarries are being worked 22 miles from 
 Davenport. Another resource of this tributary district, though perhaps of doubt- 
 ful value at the present time, lies in the opal fields, some six miles distant from 
 the town. Experts have pronounced the opals found here to be of an excellent 
 quality, and if they can only retain their lustre and color, the mining of these 
 gems win, in time prove of considerable value to the district in which the mines 
 are located. 
 Wilbur, Wasliinjjfton. — Wilbi-.r is an important staticn o'l the Central 
 Washington branch of the Northern I'acific, 74 miles west of Cneney and 90 miles 
 west of Spokane by this line of road. It is lo- 
 cated in Line . , count}, in the heart of the 
 great wheat belt of the Big Bend of the Colum- 
 bia river. Wilbur is the trading point for a 
 large and prosperou.^ farming comniunitv. 
 The principal punsuits followed by the farme.s 
 here are the raising of grain, fruit and live 
 stock. The same conditions exist here for the 
 suc^'essful pursuits of diversified farming as are found in the sections of rich coun- 
 try tributary to Spraguc, Cheney, Davenport and other imnortant trade centers of 
 the state and which are fully described in the articles on these respective localities. 
 Wilbur contains a population of about 500. It has a flouring mill with a daily 
 capacity of about 100 barrels of flour, a bank, pul^lic school house and a well-edited 
 weekly newspaper. 
 Coulee City, Was^.iln^ion.— Coulee City is the terminus of the Central 
 Washington branch of the Northern Pacific railroad. It is located in Douglas 
 county, 124 miles west of Spokaneby the lii'c of road, and 108 nii'es west of Cheney, 
 where the Central Washington connects w'th the main line. It is from Coulee City 
 View of Wilbur. 
 Lake Chelan, Washington. 
 that the supplies for Water- 
 ville and other smaller places 
 in the Hig Bend country are 
 freighted by team. Stages 
 run daily from Coulee City 
 to Waterville, a dist'i.ice of 
 45 miles, and couneciion is 
 made at the latter point with 
 stages for the Okanogan 
 mining district as well as 
 with stages for Wenatchce 
 and points on the Colum- 
 bia river. The country immediately surrounding Coulee City is rocky and barren 
 and is not adapted to agricultural purposes. The town owes what importance it pos- 
 sesses to the fact that it is the outfitting and freighting point for a fertile and well 
 cultivated part of the Big Bend countrj' some miles distant. 
 Lake Clielau. — Lying immediately beyond the broad, rolling plains of Doug- 
 las county and the Columbia river, is Lake Chelan, the most beautiful of Western 
 lakes. It nestles among the mighty mountains of the Cas- 
 cades at an elevation of 900 feet above sea level. The lake 
 is 72 miles in length and from two to four miles in width. 
 Its surface comprises an area of over 900 square miles and 
 it is navigable for large steamers its eutire length. For 
 beautiful and varied scenery, the country surrounding Lake 
 Chelan cannot be surpassed. 
 The lake is fed by streams having their source among 
 the mighty glaciers of the higher ranges of the Cascades. 
 It is drained by a foaming river which flows south for three 
 miles and empties into the Columbia. This stream bears the name of the lake 
 which is its source of supply. Before emptying into the Columbia, the Chelan 
 river cuts its way through a narrow and tortuous canyon. In its course through the 
 defile it is a mass of foam and spray. At the mouth of the canyon it plunges down 
 over ledges of rock in a series of cascades, forming what is known as the Chelan 
 falls. It has been estimated by hydraulic engineers that with the use of the lake as 
 a reservoir, the Chelan river would afford a power of 18,000 horse. The extent of the 
 power which could be derived from this stream can be appreciated from 
 the statement that in its short course of three miles the fall of the river 
 is 300 feet, 
 Lake Chelan is one of the deepest lakes in the world. During 1892 
 the United vStates Geological Survey sounded it to a depth of nearly 1,200 
 feet without reaching bottom. How much deeper the water is than this 
 can only be conjectured. Lake Tahoe, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 
 now ranks as the deepest lake in the United States. Its greatest depth 
 is 1,645 feet. Of European lakes there are but two deeper than Tahoe. 
 These are Lake Maggiore and Lake Lag'> di Como, in Italy. Lake 
 Chelan qcrtainly ranks as one of the deepest lakes in the world and chelan. 
 future soundings may entitle it even to the first position in deep freshwater bodies. 
 For a distance of 12 miles from its lower end Lake Chelan is surrounded by low, 
 Lake Chelan. 
 Cedar falls, Laki 

 • r 
 !i|i ill 
 '!! il 
 CRANE'S FALLS, Lake Chelan. 
 4")i» The OrcfTonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 uiululaling and bunchgrass-covcred hills. The lake then bends almost at right angles 
 and from this point along its course the country becomes more mountainous and the 
 s enery from its surface grander and more picturesque. The 
 mountains rise here from the waters' edge for thousands of feet 
 i^' retelling back from the line of vegetation to where the great 
 glaciers of snow and ice arc found. The surface of these glaciers 
 melts in summer, but the main body of glaciers high up in the 
 mountains are never affected by the summer heat. A number of 
 beautiful cascades and water falls can be seen from the lake, prin- 
 cipally from its western shores. These falls leap from heights of 
 hundreds of feet, falling in spray into the deep waters below. 
 The upper 35 or 40 miles of the lake comprise what is probably 
 the finest mountain-girt stretch of water in the United States. 
 At the head of Lake Chelan is Castle Rock, the most prominent landmark on 
 its shores. Towering to a height of 10,500 feet, its slender pea ;. i-esembles a huge 
 needle pushing its way upwards through the dark green of the hea'vvy-wocded hills 
 below. For miles down the lake this enormous shaft can be 
 seen rising high above the neighboring peaks. One of the most 
 awe-inspiring sights of the lake is the rocky wall which extends 
 for a distance of 10 miles along the shore, its bold and craggy 
 face unbroken save here and there by some silvery stream 
 which dashes down hundreds of feet over its perpendicular 
 face. Along tlu; shore line of the lake and immediately back 
 of it are deep and dark gorges, pyramidical crags, castellated 
 and turreted cliffs, lofty precipices, gigantic domes and numer- 
 ous sparkling trout streams. The scenes along this lake present 
 a panorama of ever-changing beauty. A writer has said that 
 there is no more beautiful or purer body of water in the world 
 than I^ake Chelan and the scenery along its banks and pre- 
 cipitous walls excels the scenes of Switzerland, which many Americans annually 
 cross the Atlantic to view and extol. 
 The largest streams emptying into Lake Chelan are Railroad creek and vStchekin 
 river. About 10 miles up Railroad creek there is a vertical fall of 1,600 feet, and 
 above this fall is another 900 feet. Above this second fall is a 
 beautiful little lake which nestles among high mountain peaks, 
 below which arc immense glaciers 100 miles or more in extent. 
 TheStehekin river is a much larger stream than is Railroad creek, 
 and mlmerous tributary streams empty into it. Rainbow creek 
 enters the Stchekin about two miles above the lake. Near the 
 mouth of Rainbow creek is a fall yxi feet high, which goes by 
 the name the river bears. Forty miles al:)ove the foot of the lake 
 Bridal Veil falls drops into it, making a last verticil plunge of 75 
 feet to the placid waters of the lake below. FoUovviiig this stream 
 up for 1,000 feet the traveler comes to Crane Lake, a clear crystal 
 sheet of water, thnie miles long an<i surrounded by rugged moun 
 tains green with dense forests of fir. pine ami cedar. 
 Lake Chelan is not in the beaten track of tourists. It is remote from railroads 
 and is reached only by stage from Coulee City, the terminus of the Central Washing- 
 Castle Rock, lake Cmelan. 
The CoIviHc Pulley, Washitifrton. 
 s \ 
 ■v?r* 1 
 Scene, Colvilie River at Kettle Falls. 
 ton branch of the Northern Pacific or by boat and stage from Wetiatchee, a station 
 on the line of the Great Northern railroad. 
 The C'olvllle \'allo.v, Washinjrton.—Porty miles north of Spokane and 
 lying on the snmmit of the divide between the Spokane aiid Colvilie valleys is Loou 
 Lake, a beantiful sheet of water fonr miles long. 
 The south and west walls of this lake are walled in 
 by high mountains. Extending north from the lake 
 to Kettle Falls on the Columbia river is a fertile val- 
 ley varying in width from i to lo miles. This valley, 
 the greatest in Eastern Washington, is perfectly irri- 
 gated by nature. Through its center flows the Col- 
 vilie river, a deep, narrow stream fringed with a 
 growth of thick, matted brush. The valley is enclosed 
 on each side by granite-ribbed and densely timbered 
 hills from the springs of which hundreds of brooklets trickle down the hillside to 
 the river below. 
 The soil of the Colvilie valley is a rich, black loam. From 4 to 16 feet of this 
 mould lies over a solid floor of bedrock through which the water cannot escape. 
 There are not less than 90,000 acres of meadow land in the Colvilie valley and the 
 valleys tributary to it. On account of the close proximity of this valley to market 
 the raising of hay on the lands here is an important and profitable business. The 
 demand for hay in the neighboring mining districts and cities is in excess of the sup- 
 ply, and as a consequence good prices can always be obtained for it. The average 
 yield of timothy hay per acre in this valley is 2 '/^ tons. The meadow lands of the 
 valley are capable of producing annually 225,000 tons of hay. In addition to the hay 
 cut from the meadows the adjacent bench lands produce bountiful crops of oats, bar- 
 ley, wheat and vegetables. 
 A.t the upper end of the Colvilie valley is the Colvilie Indian re-icrvation. One- 
 half of the 2,8oo,oo3 acres of this reservation arc now open to settlement. It was in 
 this pari of the valley that the Hudson's Bay Company established a trading post in 
 the early years of the present century. In 1S39 Father Demers, a Jes"'t missionary, 
 visited the Colvilie Indians. Five years later St. Paul's Mission was founded on the 
 banks of the Columbia river where the mighty waters leap over the rocks, forming 
 what is now known as Kettle falls. 
 In 1890 the Spokane Falls & Northern railroad was built north from Spokane 
 through the valley to the international boundary line. Along this line arc the flour- 
 ishing towns of Springdale, Chewelah, Sherwood, Colvilie, Kettle Falls, Marcus and 
 Meyers Flails. At the latter place the water power afforded by the falls here was first 
 used by the Hudson's Bay Company in i8j6 to run a flouring mill. On the site of this 
 old mill a large mill has been erected with a daily capacity of 100 barrels of flour. 
 The river here in a distance of three-eighths of a mile falls 135 feet. 
 Beyond the valley and before the international boundary is reached are the new 
 towns of Little Dalles, Northport, Pend d'Orcille and Boundary City, At Little 
 Dalles the Columbia river, in flowing over huge masses of submerged rocks, forms a 
 series of wild rapids, which are an effective barrier to navigation. This town is the 
 trading center of a rich gold-mining district, the '"re from which is shipped to North- 
 port, where it is reduced in a pyrites smelter. r";c .own of Pend d'Oreille is situated 
 at the confluence oi the Columbia and Pci > '.Oreille rivers. The latter stream 
 i' vl 
! ; 
 5- 5\ VI 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Kettle Falls. Columoi* River. 
 rises in the mountains surrounding Butte, Montana, where it is known as Silver Bow 
 creek. Before it reaches Lake Pond d'Oreille, it is successively known as the Deer 
 Lodge, Hell Gate, Missoula and Clarks Fork of the Columbia. 
 Journeying westward through the Colvillc country a succession of charming 
 landscape views greet the eye. Leaving Spokane the railroad runs through a pitie 
 forest broken here and there by huge masses of basaltic rock, until Loon Lake is 
 reached The line skirts one side of the lake and descends from this point into the 
 Colville valley. The transition from the unproductive and rock-strewn land of the 
 Spokane valley to the fertile and picturesque Colville valley is as sudden as it is refresh- 
 ing. The meadows with their luxuriant growth of green grass, the alder, birch and 
 cottonwood-fringed river, the herds of cattle grazing on the bench lands and the neat 
 homes that dot the valley form a pastoral scene which 
 L suggests to the mind all the elements of plenty and con- 
 tentment. After leaving Colville, one of the oldest set- 
 tlements in Washington, the line crosses a coimtry which 
 gradually becomes more rocky and more undulating. 
 Finally the railroad winds around a high and granite- 
 studded hill and then there breaks upon the vision of the 
 astonished beholder a panorama of surpassing beauty and 
 grandeur. It is here that the broad plateau of Ea'-tern Washington ends. t ends 
 not in mountains or river bank?, but in a sheer perpendicular precipice, 1,500 feet be- 
 low the summit of which is the valley of the Columbia river. Far down the valley 
 from the top of the plateau the snake-like course of the Columbia can be seen as it 
 wends its way to tVie distant ocean. 
 The mineral resources of the Colville country are as great, if not greater than its 
 agricultural wealth. The mountains that line the valley on either side contain enor- 
 mous deposits of galena ore. Tn the vicinity of Colville are the Old Dominion and 
 Bonanza mines, both long known a.-^ bonanza properties. Of the numerous other 
 mines in the Colville district, the most valuable aid best developed are the Silver 
 Lake, Dandy, Excelsior, Terderfoot, Eagle, Dead Medicine, Daisy, Silver Crown and 
 Young America. 
 With the exception of the famous ledges of San Juan Islands there are no exten- 
 sive ledges of limestone of a superior qu.tUty in Washington outside of the Colville 
 country. In the southern end of the Colvllfe \-«iley arc several large lime kilns 
 owned by vSpokane capitalists. Near Meyers F«i«ls there is another large deposit 
 of limestone which is -rarned for local use. Tr '>.h« same vicinity there is a vein of 
 clay, 60 feet thick from whicti a superior .[n.'Itiy < '' brick is made. Of building sVone 
 the Colville countrv contains an iuexnustibK quantity of the oest and most durable 
 varieties. Much of the granite and rn; irble in the massive buildings of Spokane 
 came from this locality. 
 Beyond the northtiii end of tbeColvdle country proper are several rich mining 
 districts locally known under a variety of names. Of these districts the Boundary, 
 Metaline and Northport are the richest atid most prominent. 
 There is still much vacant land ready for occupancy lu the Colville country. 
 With its great diversity of resources, its splendid water jK)vvetN, its equable climate 
 and its excellent rail facilities, it is rapidly becoming one of the moat prosperous 
 sections of Washington. 
Walla Walla, Wasliiimtor). 
 Coiville, Washinjxton. — Colville, the seat of justice of Stevens county, 
 is an important station on the line of the Spokane I'alls «& Northern railroad, S8 
 miles north of Spokane. It is picturesquely located in the north end of the Colville 
 valley, a fine body of land of about 50 square miles in extent. 
 The country tributary to Colville is rich in timber and minerals and much of 
 this land is the most productive in the state. The Colville valley produces larj;c 
 crops of grain and timothy hay. It is well watered by mountain streams throu>;h 
 its entire extent and unlike some other parts of Washington, this section requires no 
 irrigation to insure abundant crops. This is an excellent dairy and stock section. 
 Fruit does well here and some of the finest orchards in Northern Idaho are found in 
 the vicinity of Colville. The products of the Colville valley find a good market at 
 Spokane and in the great mining districts adjacent. 
 The mountains on either side of the Colville valley arc rich in gold, silver, cop- 
 per, galena and iron. Immense quarries of marble and sandstone are al.so found 
 here. All these mineral resources arc being rapidly developed and the constant pros- 
 pecting that is being done here is regularly opening up new mining districts. Within 
 si.x miles of Colville is situated the Old Diminion mine, a very valuable property 
 which since the time it was first opened has turned out over 1250,000 worth of silver 
 ore. The Bonanza and a number of smaller silver mines in the vicinity of the town 
 have also been large producers and the working of these properties has done much 
 to add to the solid wealth of the place. 
 In the Colville and neighboring valleys are still large areas of unsettled laud 
 suitable for the highest state of cultivation. This land is valuable for agricultuic 
 fruit culture or grazing purposes. Colville occupies a commandint^ position in the 
 midst of a section rich in the diversified resources of agriculture, fruit growing, stock 
 raising, timber and mining. Its present population is about 900 and it is the mo.>t 
 important town in Washington north of Spokane. It has a bank, a good public 
 schoo', two weekly newspapers, a small smelter and several churches. The disaster 
 which has overtaken the silver-producing territories of the United States has in a 
 measure affected Colville's prosperity, but the backing of the town is good and the 
 present temporary depression will only have the effect to spur the people here to 
 renewed effort, and with the settlement of the tributary district Colville will continue 
 to make the same steady advancement that has been aiade here during the few 
 years past. 
 Walla Walla, Wasliiii^toii. — Walla Walla is the second city in population 
 and commercial importance in Eastern Washington, Spokane alone being ahead of it. 
 It is the seat of justice of Walla Walla cjunty, one 
 of the oldest settled and today one (jf the most 
 productive parts of the Northwest. The county 
 is justly famous for its annual large production of 
 wheat and fruit. Walla Walla itself is a modern 
 city of about 7,000 population. It occupies a most 
 attractive site in the Walla Walla valley, a section 
 that is perfectly watered and the soil of which is 
 as productive as is any of the best land on the coast. 
 Walla Walhiisespeciallj favored in the matter 
 of transportation facilities. It is only a davlight 
 run from Walla Walla to either Portland, Spokane, 
 si ! 
 3Tfl£Er ScENf. Wail* walia. 
 The Ore/iuninn's Handbook ot the l^acilic Northwest. 
 i. ^ 
 COURT House and Hall or REConos, 
 Seattle, or Taconia, and the city is reached either over the lines of the Union Pacific, 
 Northern Pacific, or the Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad Companies. Sur- 
 rounded as the city is by a productive and highly prosperous section of country, 
 the growth of Walla Walla has been the result of the demand of the country itself 
 for a large conmiercial center at this point. Walla Walla was never boomed, and 
 yet there is perhaps more wealth represented here in proportion to population than 
 at any other inland city of the coast. 
 The approach to Walla Walla by rail from either direction, is intended to give 
 the traveler a favorable impression of the country he is passing through. There is 
 an enviable spirit of rivalry shown between the diffeient 
 farmers of the fertile lands in this section of the state, 
 and in the vicinity of Walla Walla are farms that are 
 not only highly productive, but which are also made as 
 highly attractive as constant care can make them. The 
 farmers here avail themselves of the generous use of 
 the latest improved machinery, special high grades of 
 horses have been encouraged for farm use, the finest 
 breeds of cattle and sheep have received especial atten- 
 tion, and the buildings occupied by the rural classes 
 are made neat and attractive from an architectural 
 standpoint, and they are comfortably and in many cases, even elegantly furnished. 
 Walla Walla is a city typical of Western push and energy. Its main business 
 blocks are of br'ck and granite, two and three stories in height and of a modern 
 style of architecture. The streets cf the city are all wide and well kept, they are 
 well shaded, and the many fine lawns seen in front of the private residences speaks 
 much for the good ta^te and thrift of the inhabitants. Rising above the tops of the 
 great poplars which shade the main streets are the spires of 13 churches. The 
 tlenominations repi-es Mited are the Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Chris- 
 tian, Episcopal, Methcdist, Lutheran, United Brethren, Catholic and Seventh-Day 
 Adventist. The educational advantages of the city are of the highest order. The 
 public schools are conducted in two large brick buildings, one of wliich was recently 
 erected at a cost of |40,ooo. The number of pupils in attendance at the publu 
 schools here during the past year was 1,000. The grades v>l study, under the pub- 
 lic system of instruction, range from the primary up to and 
 including the high school. In addition to the fine public 
 schools. W^alla Walla is the seat of Whitman College, which is 
 conducted under the auspices of the Congivjjational church. 
 This institution affords a full collegiate c\>v>vse of stutiy, and is 
 liberally patronized. St. Patrick's school ri>r bovs, and a 
 Catholic convent for girls, are akso located at this point, as 
 well as a business college and an Academy of line arts. The 
 Seventh-Day .\dventists have a tine o^llege building in course 
 of erection at Walla Walla. This will N' * union college of 
 that denomination for the states of thv IHicific Northwest. 
 Prominent among tlie business Hvmses of Walla Wall," are the hanks. The five 
 banks established hert enjoy a standuij^ in financial circles that is not surpassed 
 by any moneyed institutions o>t the vHXist. The business houses carry large stocks, 
 and Walla Walla, like Portland, does business principally with home capital. While 
 not a great manufacturing center, Walla Walla l)oasts of three roller-process flouring 
 Paine School, Walla Wai la. 
 •'"^'' '" 

 Walla Will hi, Washington. 
 Oppra House, walla waila 
 mills, two planing mills, a foundry and nn agricultural implement manufactory. 
 These several industries together furnish eniploymeiif. to a considerable number of 
 men, and the}' are all co^'servatively and ably managed. 
 Walla Walla is especially proud of the excellent transportation facilities enjoyed. 
 The rival lines of the Union and Northern Pacific furnish easy meaiis for the Walla 
 Walla merchant to ship his goods from the large Kastern 
 markets, and they also afford ecjually advantageous facili- 
 ties for shipping the great wheat and farm products of the 
 tributary section to tidewater at Puget Sound or to Port- 
 land. The Oregon & Washington Territory railroad, which 
 taps the best part of Eastern Washington and Kastern 
 Oregon as far south as Pendleton, and passing through 
 Walla Walla, has done much to advance the interests of 
 the latter city. These three lines of road furnish, at the 
 present time, ample transportation facilities for the section of country of which Walla 
 Walla is the commercial center. 
 Walla Walla furnishes its citizens with all the benefits of a free library, an opera 
 house with a seating capacity of 600, a handsome court house, a city hall, and a well 
 appointed and ably conducted hospital. The Odd Fellows' Temple here is one of 
 the most imposing buildings of the city. The press is represented by 77?^ Union- 
 Jourital, an ably edited daily publication, which handles as- 
 sociated press dispatches, and 77/^ Daily Statesman, one of 
 the best known papers of the slate. The city is lighted 
 both by gas and electricity, it has a fine street railway line, 
 efl[icient water works, and a well organized and thoroughly 
 equipped fire department. 
 Adjoining the municipal limits of the city on the west is 
 Fort Walla Walla, a government military reserve which oc- 
 cupies a fine piece of land one mile squai-e. This fort was 
 first established here in 1856. It now contains five troops 
 of the fourth cavaly. The grounds and buildings of the post 
 are >ept in the best of order, and it is one of the most 
 interesting ftatnres of Walla Walla's many attractions. About $500,000 are annually 
 expended by the government in the ^-upport of this post, and most of this money is 
 of course spent in Walla Walla. 
 The state penitentiary, located at Walla Walla, is said to be one of the best con- 
 ducted penal institutions in the United States. The grounds connected with the 
 penitentiary are 155 acres in extent. They adjoin the limits 
 of Walla Walla. The penitentiary building itself has a 
 capacity for 500 convicts. Ihe present number of convicts 
 confined here is about 450. To furnish employment for 
 these inmates a mill containing 70 looms and other ma- 
 chinery necessary for making jute bags has l)ecu provided 
 by the state at a cost of |i55,coo. In addition to the jute 
 plant a large number of convicts are employed in the 
 brick yard connected with the institution, while those of the 
 convicts who do not find work in the jute mill and !)rick 
 yard are employed in various capacities around and in the 
 Fire Department Headquarters, 
 Walla walla. 
 photo, by greenwood. 
 'i \'M 
 «. ' ; X,' '1 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Penitentiary, Wall* Walla. 
 peniteutiary. The jute mill has a capacity of 4,cxx> bags a day, aurl the uuniber of 
 men employed in the mill is about 300. The bags are manufactured from the raw- 
 material and find a ready sale among the 
 farmers at the price of 6}4 cents each. The 
 cost of maintaining the penitentiary co the 
 state for the fiscal year 1S92 was in excess of 
 $268, 000. 
 Walla Walla is reputed to be one of the 
 wealthiest cities in the United States in 
 proportion to population. The astcs.sed value of property in the city subject to taxa- 
 tion in 1892 was $3,106,290. The article on Walla Walla county, of which Walla 
 Walla is the trading and banking center, will afford much valuable information on 
 the basis of the city's prosperity. 
 Walla Walla County, Washinji^ton.— The boundary lines of Walla 
 Walla county are the Snake river on the north, the state of Oregon on the south, 
 Columbia county on the east and the Columbia river on the west. The county has 
 an area of about i ,200 square miles and it is one of the oldest and most thickly set- 
 tled sections of the state. 
 With the exception of a narrow strip on the western border, Walla Walla county 
 is a solid body of rich, rolling agricultural land. The rainfall in this part of the 
 state is sufficient to insure abundant crops and no irrigation is necessary here, exce] t 
 perhaps on rare occasions and on the lightest soils, and then only on such crops as 
 vegetables and other garden products. Wheat is the staple product of the county. 
 The yield of wheat here is from 25 to 50 bushels per acre, and other cereals do equally 
 as well. Walla Walla valley, in this county, about 30 miles square, is rapidly gain- 
 ing fame as a favored fruit-producing belt. Large quantities of apples, pears, plums, 
 peaches, cherries, prunes, grapes, strawberries, blackberries and other small fruits are 
 annually shipped from the valley. These shipments are made principally in carload 
 lots, and the leading market is found in the East. The following statement of the 
 product of four acres of land in this valley and its value during 1892 will be of inter- 
 est in this connection. This land is owned by a well-known resident of Walla Walla. 
 The showing was as stated below : 16,000 pounds strawberries at 6 cents, $960 ; 500 
 pounds raspberries at 7 cents, $35 ; 1,000 pounds blackberries at 8 cents, $80 ; 4,000 
 pounds cherries at 7 cents, $280; 7,500 pounds prunes, one-half at 3 and one-half at 
 5 cents, $300 ; 2,o(X3 pounds apples at 2 cents, $40 ; 500 pounds pears at 3 cents, $15. 
 The total value of the product of this little piece for a single year is thus shown to 
 have been |ii,7io, which can be taken as an indication of the value of the land of this 
 part of the state for fruit-growing purposes. 
 One advantage fruit growers of Walla Walla valley have over the fruit producers 
 of other parts of the Northwest is that they can get their fruit to the market about a 
 month earlier than the growers in other parts of Oregon and Washington can. Fruits 
 ripen in the Walla Walla valley about the time that California fruits of the same 
 variety first put in their appearance in this market. 
 The value of farming lands in the vicinity of Walla Walla and Waitsburg, the 
 leading centers of population in the county, varies from $50 to |ioo per acre. Large 
 quantities of land adapted to the highest state of cultivation and near railroad lines, 
 can be purchased in this county for from $5 to |20 an acre. A.n important industry 
~M •;;? 
 Waitsbiirg^, Wasliiiij^ton. 
 in the county at the present time is the raising of fine stock, inclmlin^ horses, cattle 
 and sheep. During 1892 the agricultural products of the ct)unty made the following 
 • showing : wheat, 3,696,937 bushels^ ; barley, 6.^7,609 bushels ; oats, 1211,240 bushels ; 
 corn, 49,000 bushels ; rye, 25,362 bushels; timothy, 4,132 tons; alfalfa, 6,7ck) tons. 
 The population of the county today is about i5,0(K) and the wealth of the county, as 
 shown bj' the assessment rolls, is in the neighborhood of Ji 2,000,000. 
 Waltsbur^, \Vjl!shiilj»:loil.— Waitsburg, in Walla Walla county, is one of 
 the most progressive towns in E;astern Washington. It is attractively situated in the 
 heart of the Touchet valley, 18 miles northeast of Walla Walla, and 273 miles east 
 of Portland. Two competing lines of railroad, the Union Pacific and the Oregon <^ 
 Washington Territory line, the latter having the closest traffic arrangements with 
 the Northern Pacific, have done much to advance the interests of Waitsburg. The 
 place now contains a population of about 1,000 and the business done here is on a 
 most satisfactory basis. 
 Good public highways connect Waitsburg with a thickly settled and productive 
 farming country. The Touchet valley, of which Waitsburg is the commercial and 
 trading center, varies in width from one to five miles and is about 30 miles in length. 
 The lands of this valley arc especially adapted to the production of wheat and other 
 grains as well as fruits and vegetables. The Touchet river runs the entire length of 
 the valley. This stream by a fall develops sufficient power at Waitsburg to run a 
 number of large factories. At the present writing, however, this power is only 
 utilized to run a flouring mill with a daily capacity of 180 barrels. Waitsburg stands 
 ready to donate the free use of water power to anj' manufacturing enterprises of 
 merit that will locate here. Located as the town is, in the midst of a country that 
 produces an abundance of raw material for manufacturing purposes, the advantages 
 offered here to manufacturers will probably not long be neglected. 
 Waitsburg boasts of one of the most attractive public school buildings in Wash- 
 ington. It is a two-story brick having eight large and well ventilated rooms and was 
 erected at a cost of |i6,ocx). The average number of 
 pupils in attendance at this school during 1892 was 250. 
 Six teachers are employed in the schools and an excel- 
 lent system of instruction is adopted. The Waitsburg 
 Academy, under the auspices of the United Presbyterian 
 church located at this point enjoys a liirge attendance 
 from both Washington and Oregon. The course of study 
 at the academy is designed to fit its graduates for entrance 
 to the best American colleges. Waitsburg has just com- 
 pleted an excellent system of water works. It is a gravity 
 plant, the water being obtained from the Coppei river, a 
 pure, mountain stream three miles distant. A well-trained 
 and perfectly equipped fire department is maintained here and the city is well 
 lighted by electricity and contains every modern improvement found in any pro- 
 gressive town of this size. 
 Waitsburg supports six church organizations, four of which, the Presbyterian, 
 United Presbyterian, Christian and Methodist, have buildings of their own. The 
 town maintains a free library. A company of the Washington National Guard has 
 been organized at this point and this company is well drilled for efficient service, 
 SCHOOL Building, Waitsburg. 
 ■ . 
 1 i 
 The Oreffoniun's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 All lines of business are prosperous. There is one national bank here, two weekly 
 papers, T/ie Times aiul The Democratic Banner, one first-class hotel and two well- 
 stocked livery stables. 
 Waitiburg, like Walla Walla, depends for its prosperity on the richest of tribu- 
 tary countries. Crops in this part of Washington are never known to fail and tlie 
 satisfactory growth the place has made in the past is doubtless nothing more than 
 will be realized in the future as the population of the tributary section increases. 
 One of Waitsburg's most prosperous, enterpris- 
 ing and public-spirited citizens is the pr^.seut 
 mayor, Mr. J. H. Morrow. Mr. Morrow is a native 
 ' of Missouri, having l)een born in that state in 1S53. 
 He received his education in the public schools 
 and McGee College, Missouri, and in 1S74 he em- 
 igrated to California, where he taught school for 
 three years, when he removed to Walla Walla. 
 At the latter place Mr. Morrow held the position 
 of principal of the Baker Public School until he 
 decided to engage in the general merchandise bus- 
 iness in Waitsburg. Mr. Morrow is now the suc- 
 cessful manager of the J. H. Morrow Mercantile 
 Company, one of the largest general merchandise 
 stores in Walla Walla county. 
 Hon. J. H. Morrow, waitsburg. 
 Mr. Morrow has always taken a prominent part in every enterprise designed to 
 promote the interests of his own town and surrounding community. As mayor of 
 Waitsburg he has shown himself a conservative yet efficient officer. 
 One of the largest general merchandise stores in Walla Walla county is that of 
 the S. W. Smith Company, at Waitsburg. This successful firm carries a stock of 
 goods valued at $40,000 and enjoys a trade that already extends over a section of 
 country comprised within a radius of 20 miles of Waitsburg. Mr. L. B. Haberly 
 until recently of Portland, Oregon, is at the head of the company, and through his 
 efficient management the already large volume of business enjoyed by the firm is 
 " >pidly increasing. 
 Dayton, Washinim'ton. — Dayton, the judicial seat of Columbia county, 
 Washington, is situated between the forksof the Touchet and Padit rivers. It is a 
 prosperous point of about 2,300 population, and is the trading 
 and shipping center for one of the best productive sections of 
 Eastern Washington. It is the terminus of the Dayton branch 
 of the Union Pacific railroad system. This system of roads 
 covers the best part of Eastern Washington and Northern 
 Idaho, .and has direct connection with the main line at Pen- 
 dleton by means of the Washington division of this road. In 
 addition, Dayton is also the terminus of the Washington & 
 Columbia River railroad [the Hunt line], which has direct con- 
 nection with both the Union and Northern Pacific systems at 
 Hunt's Junction. These two roads may be classed as competing lines, and Dayton 
 thus enjoys the best of transcontinental facilities. 
 Columbia county produces on an average 2,000,000 bushels ot wheat per year. 
 COURT H0U9F., Dayton. 
Dayton, \Vnshiii)^t(}ii. 
 PuoLic School, davion. 
 More than one-half of this product is either ground into flour at l)ayt(Ui or is 
 shipped from this point. In additiDii to the heavy wheat shipments, Dayton also 
 ships annually, larj^e quantities of rye, barley and corn. Like the other favoral)ly 
 located points of luistern Washington, Dayton's trade is steady and of a stable 
 nature, and the merchants {generally are in a prosperous condition. 
 The Touchet river at Dayton develops a considerable horse power. The water 
 here rushes down a declivity with great force, the fall beinj.; 70 feet to the mile. Two 
 large flouring mills, one with a capacity of 250 barrels and the other of 50 barrels 
 capacity a day, a brewery, a foundry and a planing mill arc run by the power gener- 
 ated by the Touchet river at Dayton. This power is capable of very full develop- 
 ment, and by the expenditure of a little money, this could be made one of the mo.st 
 available water powers in the state. 
 Dayton is an attractive town. Its main business street, which is broad, is well 
 built up with imposing brick buildings, some of which are two and three stories in 
 height. The residence streets are well shaded, and are 
 graced with some very attractive private homes. .An 
 imposing structure in the town is the brick and stone 
 court house. This building occupies a site on an en- 
 tire block on the main street. The building and 
 grounds represent to the taxpayers of Columbia county, 
 an outlay of |5o,ooo. The grounds surrounding the court 
 house are well kept, and this is one of the most attractive 
 features of the city. In Dayton are three public school 
 buildings, one large central structure, and two smaller edifices. The average daily at- 
 tendance at these schools in 1892 was 450. Nine teachers preside over the various de- 
 partments in the main building, and the grades of instruction adopted are equal to 
 those of the best public schools of the state. The town supports a free library 
 that would be a credit to a city of twice its size. A thousand or more volumes of 
 standard literature, the leading periodicals, together with a 
 number of leading daily papers are kept on file here. The 
 library is in charge of a salaried librarian, and its affairs are 
 carefully managed. Of the religious organizations in Dayton, 
 the Presbyterian, two Methodist, Congregational, Christian, 
 Bapti.st, United Brethren and Catholic orders own church 
 buildings. The press of the town is represented by The Col- 
 umbia Chronicle, The Courier and The Inlander, three well 
 supported weekly publications. The people of Dayton have 
 the advantage of a neat little brick opera house with a seating 
 capacity of 400. The city has an excellent gravity system of 
 water works, a well trained and perfectly equipped fire department, and an arc and 
 incandescent electric light plant. 
 The business interests of Dayton arc looked after by an enterprising lot of men. 
 In the city are a number of stores which carry stocks of goods ranging in value from 
 $25,000 to |6o,ooo. Two national banks are located here and the financial institu- 
 tions do a large business with the city and surrounding country. Dayton also con- 
 tains one strictly first-class hotel, several smaller hostelries, and a number of good 
 livery stables. 
 The assessed valuation of all propertv in Dayton in 1892 was !rli,ooo,ooo. This 
 has long been regarded as one of the most solid and most prosperous points of Rast- 
 I • 
 \l ' • •-■' 
 li£ lllllio 
 1.25 1.4 16 
 « 6" 
 (716) 873-4S03 

 The Oregiinian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ern Washington, and by virtue of location alone it will always remain the principal 
 distributing center for a large and highly productive farming section. 
 Dr. M. Pietrzycki, the mayor of Dayton, is one of the most eminent physicians 
 and surgeons in Rastcrn Washington. Born in Galicia, Austria, in 1S43, the doctor 
 obtained his education as an apothecary 
 and chemist in his native country, and 
 came to the United States in 1866. Two 
 years later he received an appointment 
 to the German Hospital in San Francisco, 
 California, soon after which he attended 
 the Pacific [now Cooper] Medical College, 
 from which institution he was graduated 
 in 1872. The following spring Dr. Piet- 
 rzycki went to Stockton, California, to 
 engage in the practice of his profession. 
 In 1873 he removed to Rio Vista in 
 Solano county, where he became promi- 
 nently identified with many enterprises 
 that had for their object the upbuilding 
 of the town and community in which he 
 lived. In 1879 Dr. Pietrzycki removed to 
 Portland, Oregon, and the following year 
 to Dayton, Washington, where he has 
 since resided. The doctor's pronounced 
 success as a physician and surgeon, and 
 his public spirit shown at all times as a 
 HON. M, PlITRtVCKI, M. 0., D*rTON. 
 citizen, have been manifested in appreciation on 
 the part of the people by his election to anumber 
 of positions of honor. During the raging small- 
 pox epidemic of 18H1, which he succeeded in 
 quickly controlling. Dr. Pietryzcki was the health 
 officer for Dayton and Columbia county. Later 
 he was elected president of the Eastern Wash- 
 ington Medical Society, and vice-president of the 
 Washington State Medical Society. Dr. Pietrzycki 
 now holds the honorable position of mayor of Day- 
 ton, Washington. He has ever taken a prominent 
 part in the promotion of Dayton's welfare, and is 
 the possessor of a few thousand acres of land in 
 Columbia county employed for agricultural and 
 stock-raising purposes. 
 Perhaps the most elegantly furnished offices 
 in Dayton are those of George B. B&ker, who is 
 engaged in the real estate, loan, insurance and 
 abstract business. This enterprising gentleman has 
 been located in Dayton for more than 10 years, and 
 Orncii, 0(0. B. B»ker, Datton. 
Pomeroy, Washington. 
 he is conversant with the values of land throughout Columbia county. Ai-cording to 
 his statement, lands especially adapted to the raising of wheat, fruit or stock can be 
 purchased for from $20 to $50 per acre, the distance of this land from Dayton beiqg 
 from two to six miles. Mr. Baker is considered eminently reliable, and any commu- 
 nications addressed to him concerning the advantages of Columbia county will 
 receive prompt and careful attention. The illustration published in connection with 
 the present article is a correct representation of the elegant offices of Mr. Daker. 
 Pomeroy, Washington.— Pomeroy, the county seat of Garfield, is situated 
 in the narrow valley of the Pataha, at the end of the Pomeroy branch of the Union 
 Pacific, 322 miles east of Portland. It has a population of about 1,000, and occupy- 
 ing a position near the geographical center of the county, is the trading center and 
 shipping point for one of tlie greatest wheat-producing centers of Eastern Wash- 
 Garfield county has an area of about 1,000 square miles, and a population approxi- 
 mating 5,000. Its average annual wheat crop shows the remarkable yield of 2,000,000 
 bushels. At least three-fourths of the land of the county 
 is adapted to agricultural purposes. The surface is gen- 
 erally hilly, being slightly rolling from Pomeroy on the 
 south, north to the banks of the Snake river. The great 
 water course of the Snake is for 60 miles of its distance 
 the boundary line of Garfield county, which is situated 
 in the extreme southeastern portion of Washington, 
 When the river is opened for unobstructed navigation 
 to the sea by the improvements around the obstructions 
 at the cascades and the dalles, Pomeroy and Garfield 
 county will have a magnificent water outlet to Portland and the Pacific ocean, as it 
 will then be possible for boats to ascend from the sea as far inland as Lewiston, Idaho, 
 That part of Garfield county, which is generally described as mountainous and too 
 rugged for cultivation is admirably adapted for grazing and stock-raising purposes, 
 pursuits that now claim considerable attention from the farmers of this section. As the 
 area of tilled land increases, however, the limits of the stock raiser naturally diminish. 
 Stock raising is fast becoming here, as elsewhere in the west, one of the diversi- 
 fied interests connected with successful farming, and as the sole occupation of a 
 large number of men it does not occupy the position that it did in the early history 
 of the state, 
 Pomeroy, from its central location and from the prestige it naturally enjoys as 
 the county seat, is an important town of Eastern Washington. It is now enjoying a 
 rapid growth. The municipal authorities have always shown an enterprising spirit 
 in the matter of public improvements. Its fine water-works plant, its perfect sys- 
 tem of electric lighting, its well drilled fire department, its fine business blocks and 
 tasty residences stamp ^omeroy as a thriving center of population of the true V^est- 
 ern type. Its public schools are up to the standard aimed for in the la gest commu- 
 nities. More than 250 scholars are in daily attendance at these schools. Six teach- 
 ers are employed in these schools, which are graded from the primary to the 
 advanced grammar course. The moral tone of the people is in keeping with the 
 general progress of the place. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, 
 Congregational and Catholic denominations own church buildings and are liberally 
 supported. Two weekly newspapers, The East IVashinjlonian and The Washington 
 Public ochool, pomirov. 
■ ^i 
 The Oregonian's Hamibook ot the Pacihc Northwest. 
 f'idcpendent, are published here. Pomeroy boasts of one of the best drilled military 
 companies in the state. The town has a good hall for public gatherings, and all 
 lines of business are well represented. The financial interests of Pomeroy are looked 
 after by two strong local banks. The place has two hotels, and travelers find accom- 
 modations here for seeing the country in three well stocked livery stables. 
 The Pataha valley, in which Pomeroy is located, is about three-fourths of a mile 
 wide and about 40 miles long. It is watered by the Pataha river, which furnishes 
 an abundant power at Pomeroy for operating two 'arge roller-process flouring mills 
 and a planing mill. This valley is to Pomeroy what the Willamete valley is to 
 Portland, and in this little stretch of rich land are found some of the best culti- 
 vated farms of the state. 
 Colfax, Washlnyfton. — But a short distance east of the geographical center 
 of Whitman county, which embraces all but a small portion of the rich lands of what 
 is known as the Palousc country, is the prosperous town of Colfax, the county seat. 
 Colfax is located at the confluence of the north and south branches of the Palouse 
 river. It is the trading center of one of the richest sections of country of the coast, 
 and it is today one of the chief commercial centers of Eastern Washington. 
 Fifteen years ago one small store and two or three small houses occupied the 
 site on which the present flouriching little city is built. Since that time a popula- 
 tion of 2,500 people has been built up at this point, the surrounding country has 
 been cut up into rich farms, fine orchards and garden patches, and the city an<l 
 country surrounding it are in a 
 most prosperous condition. In 1870 
 Mr. James A. Perkins, a gentleman 
 who has since become prominent 
 in state affairs by reason of the 
 active part he has always taken in 
 advancing its interests, clearly 
 foresaw the advantages of location 
 which a city built at the present 
 site of Colfax must enjoy. With 
 a faith in his judgment, which, 
 coupled with his energy and abil- 
 ity, has since made him one of the 
 wealthy men of Eastern Washing- 
 ton, he setded here, and with the 
 help of others commenced to build 
 a city. Following Mr. Perkins 
 came other able men, many of 
 whom today are prominent leaders 
 in the state's finances and politics, 
 and with the rapid settlement of the 
 surrounding country, which begun about that time, Colfax rapidly grew an'' pros- 
 pered, and for many years past it has been a rich center of trade and the chief bank- 
 ing center of the great wheat-producing belt of the Palouse section. 
 Colfax is confined within narrow limits, the little valley in which it is located 
 being scarcely more than 1,000 feet wide. Rising on either side of this valley are 
 Whitman County Court House, COLrikx. 
Colfax, Washington. 
 INTERIOR, Whitman Countv Court Houae, Colfax 
 hills which attain an average elevation 
 of about 200 feet. On top of these ele- 
 vations stretch away for miles in all 
 directions the rich plateau lands of the 
 Palouse country, lands which have aston- 
 ished the world with their wonderful pro- 
 ductive powers. The main business 
 street of the town is almost one mile in 
 length. Along this street, outside of 
 the business center, are the fine resi- 
 dences of the well-to-do people of Colfax, 
 while the two or three streets on each 
 side of the main thoroughfare are well 
 builtup with a substantial class of houses. 
 The general topography of the site which 
 Colfax occupies is such as to allow the 
 erection here of some of the prettie.st 
 villa residences in the state. These fine homes occupy high sites reached, 
 however, by easy grades, and they, with the surrounding well-kept yards, form 
 some of the most attractive features of the city. The business blocks are attractive 
 pieces of architecture, and they are well built, brick and stone predominating. The 
 center of the city is compactly built. The buildings of the place, which tower 
 above the other structures, and which are especially worthy of note, owing to their 
 cost and elegance of construction, are the new high school, an elegant piece of arch- 
 itecture, an illustralioi. of which is published in connection with the present article, 
 and which cost j3o,ooo ; the Whitman county court house, which was erected at a 
 cost of $173,000, a view of which is also published in "The Handbook;" the Sis- 
 ters' hospital, which, when completed, 
 will have cost $45,000, and an un- 
 finished hotel building that is to cost 
 about $50,000. Colfax, as before 
 stated, is a wealthy center of trade. 
 It practically holds the best part of 
 the trade of the Palouse section, and 
 it is at this point that the prind^„l 
 banking business and shipping of this 
 rich district is handled. The town is 
 on the main line of the Washington 
 division of the Union Pacific, 394 
 miles east of Portland, and it is also 
 the terminus of the Moscow branch 
 of the same system. From 1,000,000 
 to 1,500,000 bushels of wheat are an- 
 nually shipped from this point, in 
 addition to large shipments of rye, 
 oats, barley and other farm products. 
 Four large warehouses and one grain 
 elevator are located here. That Col- 
 fax is a large distributing and supply 
 '- ,v» 
 HlOH tCHOOl, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 i I 
 center is shown by the statement that about $500,000 worth of agricultural imple- 
 ments are annually sold at this point. In addition to the bale of farm implements, 
 the five large general merchandise stores located here enjoy sales aggregating over 
 $500,000 more. Three banks are established at Colfax. These banks have a combined 
 capital of about $400,000, and deposits averaging about the amount of the capital 
 invested. The assessed valuation of taxable property in Colfax is about $1,^50,000. 
 The most important manufacturing industries of Colfax are a roller-process 
 flouring mill with a daily capacity of 75 barrels, and two sawmills whose combined 
 daily capacity is 45,000 feet of lumber. The flouring mill is operated by water power 
 furnished at this point by the Palouse river. It is claimed that at a comparatively 
 small expenditure, the entire volume of water carried by the Palouse river at this 
 point could be used to furnish power for running manufacturing and other industries. 
 This stream at the present time is of the utmost importance to the industrial 
 progress of the city. Over 5,000,000 feet of logs are annually floated down the 
 stream to the mills at Colfax, and the sawing of this timber is a source of consider- 
 able revenue to the community. • 
 Coltax has the advantage of good electric lights, which are supplied by two 
 well equipped plants. The place is supplied with an excellent and abundant supply 
 of water by an eflicient water-works plant, and the sanitary condition of the city is 
 in the best possible condition. The city's water supply is obtained from a large res- 
 ervoir, which is located at a sufficient elevation to maintain a strong pressure in the 
 city mains at all times. This with a well drilled fire department, insures protection 
 against fire. The demand:) for educational opportunities are met by four school 
 buildings in charge of competent teachers. Three of 
 these buildings are used for public school purposes, 
 while the fourth is occupied by a thoroughly equipped 
 college, which is conducted under the patronage of the 
 Baptist church. The elegant new high school building 
 here was completed in kSo* , at a cost of }3o,ooo, and it is 
 a credit to the city. The various schools of the city have 
 a daily attendance of about 600 pupils. Colfax supports 
 sever, churches, most of which own attractivii edifices 
 in which to worship. The denominations represented 
 here are the United Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, 
 Congregational, Christian, Episcopal and Catholic. 
 Three newspapers are published at Colfax. The Daily Commoner, The Weekly 
 Gazette and The Weekly Advocate, The place is supplied with a number of hotels, 
 which furnish good accommodations. Located here are between 150 and 200 busi- 
 ness houses, and an air of prosperity pervades the entire community. Colfax is 
 prosperous because the place relies for support on a country that must always re- 
 main prosperous, and if a section that contains one person today, v/here ten people 
 could easily be supported, makes any advancement, which it certainly must do, 
 Colfax must continue to increase in population and wealth with the growth of this 
 tributary section. 
 Stephen J. Chadwick. — The present head of the municipal government of 
 Colfax is Stephen J. Chadwick, the present ab^e mayor. Mr. Chadwick is a young 
 attorney, who has already won signal success in his chosen profession. He is the 
 son of Hon S. F. Chadwick, ex-governor of the state of Oregon. He read law in 
 ■ \ 
Garfield, Washington, 
 the office of his father, and began the practice of his profession at Colfax, in 1885, in 
 partnership with Mark A. Fullerton, with whom he is still associated. Mr. Chad- 
 wick has now been mayor of Colfax for two terms, and it has been his constant 
 effort while in office to do all in his power to further his adopted city's interests. 
 Whitman County, Wilshlngton.— Comprised in Whitman county is an 
 area of land consisting of over 2,qck) square miles, or i ,28o,oocj acres. At least svven- 
 cighths of this land is susceptible 0I' cultivation. It comprises a vast variety of soil, 
 all of a rich nature, however, and these lands will procluce wonderful large yields 
 of wheat, rye, oats, barley, flax, timothy, alfalfa, all kinds of grasses and garden 
 products, as well as countless varieties of fruits. The barley raised in the Palousc 
 country equals the best Canadian product, which enjoys a world-wide reputation, 
 and thousands of bushels of barley raised here are now annually shipped cast for 
 brewing purposes. 
 Wheat is the great staple product of the county. The yearly product of this crop 
 is from 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 bushels. The county, in addition to the immense 
 quantities of wheat bandied here, also annually exports all the staple products raised 
 on the soil of any part of Washington, the principal markets for these products being 
 the Coeur d'Alene mines and points along the line of the Northern Pacific as far cast 
 as Helena, Montana. 
 Whitman is not behind any other county in the state in its fruit products. 
 Apples, pears, plums, prunes, grapes, peaches, nectarines and apricots grow here to 
 the best possible advantage. By careful experiments it has been found that the cli- 
 mate and soil of Whitman county are especially adapted to the successful raising of 
 hops, tobacco and peanuts, products not usually raised successfully in the northern 
 temperate zone. Stock raising (including horses, cattle and sheep, as well as hogs) is 
 one of the staple industries of the farmers of this section. The varicus kinds of 
 bunchgrass found in inexhaustible quantities on the rolling lands of the county fur- 
 nish an available and abundant supply of food throughout the year. The farmers of 
 Whitman county own more sheep and export more wool than any other county in the 
 state. The population of the county today is about 30,000, and the assessed valuation 
 is 118,535,460. The county is divided into 143 school districts. It claims 21 banks, 
 15 flouring mills, and has about 300 miles of self-supporting railroads. Although this 
 is today one of the richest counties of Eastern Washington, there is still room here 
 for the homes of thousands of additional people, and this will at some time in the 
 near future be one of the most thickly settled portions of the West. 
 Garfield, Waslilnjjfton.— Garfield, in Whitman county, is located at the 
 intersection of the Washington division of the Union Pacific and the Spokane & 
 Palouse branch of the Northern Pacific railroads. It thus 
 enjoys all the advantages of competitive railway rates 
 over rival lines of road for the transportation of the 
 large quantities of wheat which are annually handled 
 at this point. The wheat product of the section of 
 country immediately tributary to Garfield amounts to 
 about 400,000 bushels annually. This country has been 
 rapidly filling up during the past few years, and in the 
 vicinity of the town are some of the largest and best kept 
 farms of the state. 
 Public School, oarfiild. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The population of Garfield is now about Soo. The business interests of the place 
 are in a prosperous condition. In addition to a strong local bank, the town contains 
 a number of large general merchandise stores, which carry stocks of goods equal to 
 those carried by many of the large houses of the leading centers of population of the 
 state. In the business center of the town are a number of goo<l brick buildings. 
 The most prominent structure in the town, however, is the public school, which was 
 erected at a cost of about $15,000. The people take much pride in their perfect public 
 school system. The schools are conducted by five teachers and the average daily 
 attendance of scholars is about 200. Garfield contiiins a roller- process flouring mill 
 with a daily capacity of 50 barrels, and one sash and door factory. During the past 
 year the municipal authorities voted bonds for the erection of a water-works plant to 
 cost |2o,ooo. An electric light plant has recently been completed here and the town 
 is well lighted. TAe Garfield Enterprise, a weekly paper, is publishe<l at this point. 
 Church buildings are owned here by the Methodist, Haptist, Christian and Seventh 
 Day Adventist denominations. 
 The assessed valuation of property in Garfield in 1892 was $300,000. The loca- 
 tion of the town in nearly the center of Whitman county and in the heart of the 
 great Palcuse wheat-producing belt is unexcelled. The transportation facilities of 
 the town a^e good. Good roads lead out in all directions and the character of the 
 country is such that it will continue to support an increased population with each 
 succeeding year. This is one of the n.ost interesting parts of Eastern Washington, 
 and the development of the resources of this section will in time make it one of the 
 most prosperous and thickly settled portions of the coast. 
 Farmlnjjftoii, Washlii^U'ton. — Karmington is a small town with a popula- 
 tion of about 500. It is located on the Wnshiugton <livision of the Union Pacific 
 railroad, 28 miles north of Colfax, the county soat, and is also the end of a short 
 branch road of the Spokane & Palouse system, which is operated by the Northern 
 Pacific. The sole dependence of the town for support is on the rich and product- 
 ive farming country by which it is surrounded. 
 Located at Farmington is a 75-barrel flouring mill. The town supports two 
 weekly newspapers. The Journal and The Forum, and a number of large business 
 houses are established here. Four teachers are employed in the public schools, 
 which have an average daily attendance of about 125 scholars. The Congregational, 
 Methodist and Seventh-Day Adventist denominations own church buildings at Farm- 
 ington. The town has an excellent system of electric lights. One good hotel and 
 two livery stables are maintained here. Farmington is an important shipping point, 
 and several grain warehouses and one elevator are required to handle the large 
 quantities of grain which regularly seek this point for shipment. At one time 
 Farmington was even a more important town than it is today, the completion of 
 the railroad beyond this point having built up a town at Tekoa, some miles 
 east. The country in the vicinity of Farmington, however, is all rich, and the 
 shipment of the products of this section and the regular trade which the district 
 furnishes, will always support a ."Nourishing little town at this site. 
 Oakesclale, WasUlnsrton.— But little more than a year ago the town of Oakes- 
 dale was visited by a conflagration that wiped out almost the entire business portion 
 of the place. Undaunted enterprise, however, on the part of the leading citizens 
 here has resulted in the erection of substantial brick blocks on the site of the 
Tekoa, Washington. 
 OHOTO. av f. I. LEHON. 
 burned district, and as a result the town today presents an appearance of solidity 
 and prosperity, with a population of 1,200, where before the fire it had that cheap- 
 ness which a lot of wooden buildings hastily erected always imparts. 
 The causes which have contributed the most to the rapid growth of Oakesdale 
 during the past few years are, first, the location of the town in a rich section of 
 of farming country; and, second, the per- 
 fection of the transportation systems 
 which reach Oakesdale and which allow 
 these products to be hauled to market 
 from this point at reasonable freiglit 
 rates. About 800,000 bushels 
 of wheat are annually ship- 
 ped from this point, the pro- 
 duct of a rich part of the 
 Pa louse grain -producing 
 belt. The town enjoys the 
 advantages p (forded by two 
 competing lines of railroad, 
 the Spokane & Palouse branch of the Northern Pacific and the Washington 
 division of the Union Pacific. These lines intersect each other at this point. The 
 distance from Oakesdale to Portland, by the Union Pacific, is 375 miles, and by the 
 same line it is 46 miles to Spokane. 
 Oakesdale has a large flouring mill, with a capacity of 150 barrels a day, a plan- 
 ing mill, and a foundry and brick plant. The town has a good system of electric 
 lights, and $20,000 in bonds has recently Iwu voted here for city water works. The 
 financial standing of the place is shown by the statement that three banks flourish 
 here. One weekly newspaper, T/ie Sun, is published in Oakesdale, and the paper 
 gives evidence of being well supported. 
 As shown by the illustration published in connection with the present article, 
 Oakesdale has a neatl}- designed public school building, which was recently erected 
 at a cost of 1 15,000. The number of scholars daily enrolled in this school is about 
 250. The school is graded, and is in charge of six teachers 
 assigned to the different departments. A handsome brick 
 church building is owned here by the Presbyterians, while 
 the Methodists and United Brethren also own neat houses 
 of worship at this point. Oakesdale has two hotels, one of 
 which is conducted in a large brick building. The as- 
 sessed valuation of all property here, in 1892, was $600,000, 
 which can be taken as evidence of the solid wealth of a 
 town that now r^nks well with the prosperous inland towns 
 of the state. 
 PHOTO, ar r l. lemon. 
 PuaLic School, Oakcsdale. 
 Tekoa, Waslilniufton. — Four years ago but one store and a single house occu- 
 pied the site on which the town of Tekoa now stands. This is today one of the most pros- 
 perous little towns in Eastern Washington, and contains a population of about 850. 
 The town is located on the Washington division of the Union Pacific railroad, 433 
 miles east of Portland and 50 miles south of Spokane. It is also the junction of the 
 Washington division and the Coeur d'Alene branch, of the same road, and is the end 
 nf a division on this important system. The roundhouse and car shops of two divi- 
 The Orcffonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 sions are located here. The railroad regularly disburses at Tekoa from J8,ooo to 
 $10,000 a tnouth. This is oue of the most popular towns among railroad men in the 
 slate, and a considerable part of tlie revenue of the town is derived from the money 
 spent here by the railroad employees. 
 Tekoa is situated in the center of one of the richest portions of the famous 
 Palouse wheat-producing belt. The warehouses and elevator cslablishcd here regu- 
 larly handle from 2{K),ooo to 3cxj,o<k) bushels of wheat a year, which can be taken as 
 evidence of the great productive powers of this section. The growth of the town 
 has all been made since 1S90. Almost every line of business is now represented 
 here, and on the main thoroughfare are many fine one and two-story brick buiMings. 
 The town supports two strong banks, two weekly newspapers, T/ie G/ooc and T/ie 
 /Hade, aud the leading business houses are on a very strong Bnancial footing. In 
 the matter of public itnprovements the town has not lagged behinil any other town 
 in the state of ecjual size. The city sold bonds to the amount of J 13.000 for water- 
 works and electric lighting purposes. Tekoa now boasts of a perfect water-works 
 and electric light plant. The water for city use is pumped from an artesian well to a 
 reservoir located at a considerable elevation alxjve the town. The town authorities 
 expended f3,oc» in the purchase of suitable apparatus for 6ghting fire, and this with 
 a well-drilled volunteer fire department together with an ample supply of water 
 under a strong pressure, is deemed an ample safeguard against a conflagration in the 
 future at this point. 
 The educational advantages enjoyed by the youth of Tekoa are considered 
 remarkably good for a town of this size. In addition to the advantages furnished by 
 the $S,ooo public school building recently erected here, the enterprise and liberality 
 of the citizens have resulted in the establishment of a large Catholic academy at this 
 point. This latter school is largely attended and well supported. The public school 
 is in charge of four teachers and the average daily attendance is about 200. 1 he Bap- 
 tist and Congregational denominations own church buildings here. Tekoa has but 
 one hotel. 
 The country tributary to Tekoa is essentially a wheat-growing section although 
 considerable attention has been paid here of late to fruit culture. The climate in this 
 part of the state is especially favorable for successful fruit growing as is also the char- 
 acter of the soil here. Within two miles of Tekoa are the limits of the Ccuur d'Alene 
 Indian reservation. This reservation is occupied by a large, prosperous and wealthy 
 tribe of Indians. These Indians have fallen into the ways of the white man and own 
 large and well-stocked farms, good houses and in many cases even blooded stock 
 and fine carriages. Tekoa is their principal banking and trading point. Tributary 
 to Tekoa is a large part of the rich CcL'ur d'Alene mining section. A large part of 
 the supplies for these mines is shipped direct from this point, and the trade of this 
 section is an important factor in Tckoa's prosperity. No inland point in the state 
 has made a better showing during the past few years than has been noted in Tekoa 
 and this prosperity is of the solid order which promises much for the future in an 
 increase of wealth and population at this point. 
 Paloiise, Wash inj^toH.— Palouse, which takes its name from what is prob- 
 ably the most wonderful wheat-producing section of country in the world, is one of 
 the most prosperous inland centers of poulntion in the state. Palouse dates its birth 
 from the settlement which was made here in 1873, at which time the site of the present 
 prosperous city was occupied by a single family. Today it contains about 1,700 popu- 
I'ulijusc, Wsishinfft on. 
 latioii. It has finely graded streets and well 
 laid sidewalks, its buildings are modern in 
 architecture and appointments, and it boasts 
 of modern improvements that would l)e a 
 credit to a place of much larger population. 
 In i88S, the business portion of the town 
 was almost entire!;- wiped out by a fire. 
 Since that time substantial brick cud stone 
 buildings have taken the place of the old 
 wooden structures, ami the main street for 
 a distance of three or more blocks is now 
 lined with as good a class of buildings as arc found in any city of equal size on the 
 coast. Kire limits were established ini..iediately after the fire, and now nothing but 
 brick and stone are allowed in the central part of the city. 
 ralouse is perfectly sheltered on all sides by towering hills. The sides of these 
 are not too steep to furnish sites for the erection of attractive residences. These 
 residences are in many instances graced with well kept terraces, the surrounding 
 yards are planted in fruit trees, and they are reached by winding approaches, which 
 add to the pictures(iueness of the scene. Palouse is situated very much as Colfax is, 
 which is fully described elsewhere in "The Handbook." 
 The town is located in the eastern part of Whitman county, 
 on the banks of the Palouse river, and it is in one of the 
 best portions of the rich Palouse district. It is on the 
 Spokane & Palouse branch of the Northern Pacific. Its 
 nearest large commercial and banking center is Spokane, 
 which is 68 miles to the north. To the west, north and 
 south of the town extend the rich rolling hills of the Palouse 
 wheat belt, while extending for 60 miles away to the east is 
 a great basin varj-ing in width from 5 to 20 miles. This 
 basin terminates at the Cieur d' Alene Mountains, and on the north and south it is 
 enclosed by high ranges of rugged and densely timbered buttes. At the mouth of 
 this basin stands Palouse, its natural supply point. The timber cut along the banks 
 of the Palouse river, which runs through the basin, has made Palouse the principal 
 lumbering center of Eastern Washington. One large lumber mill at this point with 
 a daily capacity of 50,000 feet per day, is kept constantly busy supplying the demand 
 for lumber throughout the Palouse country. In 1H92 this mill manufactured more 
 than lo.tKXJ.ooo feet of lumber and exclusive of those employed in the logging camps 
 back, this industry gave steady employment to more than 100 men. 
 The Palouse river before reaching the town of the same name is largely in- 
 creased in volume by a great num- 
 ber of small streams which empty 
 into it. At Palouse a large water 
 power is developed by this stream. 
 This power is utilized at the present 
 time by a fiouring mill which has a 
 daily capacity of 75 barrels. There 
 is sufficient power developed here to 
 run a large number of factories, and 
 Putiic School, Palouse. 

 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 the people here hope to see considerable manufacturing development at no distant 
 date in the future. 
 Palouse now has a splendid system of water works, sewerage and electric lights. 
 The town is protected against fire by a well-organized volunteer fire department which 
 comprises two hose and hook and ladder companies. Occupying a high eminence 
 overlooking the town is a well arranged public school building which was completed 
 in 1892 at a cost of |2o,ooo. The school here is taught by eight teachers. It is 
 graded 'up to and including the grammar department. The number of scholars 
 enrolled at the school during the first term of 1893 was 325. In addition to the pub- 
 lic school a good Catholic school is also maintained here. This latter educational 
 institution gives instruction in all the common branches as well as in music, painting 
 and drawing. 
 The religious tone of t/te community at Palouse is in keeping with the desires of 
 the most devout Christian The denominations of the Cumberland Presbyterian, 
 Baptist, two Methodist, Episcopal, Church of Christ and Roman Catholic have strong 
 organizations here and own church buildings. The town supports two weekly news- 
 papers, The News and T/ie /Republican. It also contains three banks, two first-class 
 hotels and a number of livery stables. The various mercantile pursuits, trades and 
 professions are well represented here. 
 Enough has already been said in "The Handbook " of the great productive pow- 
 ers of the Palouse wheat belt. It is only necessary to add in connection with the 
 present article on the town of Palouse that a vast area of this rich section is directly 
 tributary to Palouse. During 1892 550,000 bushels of wheat were shipped through 
 the warehouses and elevators at Palouse. In addition to grain growing this is a 
 fine fruit country. The climate here is exceedingly healthful, and with rich soil, 
 good transportation facilities and attractive surroundings this is one of the most invit- 
 ing sections of Eastern Washington. 
 Pull mail, WashtnjU'toii. — One of the most promising towns of Eastern 
 Washington is Pullman, located in one of the best parts of the fertile Palouse dis- 
 trict. Rut little more than 
 three years ago a fierce con- 
 flagration swept away the 
 main business portion of the 
 town. Pullman then had a 
 population of not more than 
 600. Immediately after the 
 fire the growth of the town 
 seemed to receive a fresh im- 
 petus, and large one and 
 two-story brick blocks, with 
 many modern city improve- 
 ments are today the result ot 
 a determined spirit shown 
 by the enterprising people 
 at this point. 
 Within less than four years Pullman's population has increased from 600 to 
 2,000, and evidences of a future growth here are today stronger than they ever were 
 Main Street, Pullman. 
Pullman, Washington. 
 LOAOiNO Wheat, P<.> im«n. 
 Pullman's location is not far from the geo);raphical center of the famous Palouse 
 wheat ))el:. Its railroad facilities are probably superior to those of any other point 
 in the Palouse country. The Union 
 Pacific, Spokane & Palouse and Le«v- 
 iston extension of the Northern Pacific 
 railroad, radiate in four different di- 
 rections from Pullman. Surrounding; 
 Pullman is a beautiful country of 
 many diversified resources, and the 
 soil here is all ricli *' Palouse" land. 
 Wheat is the chief product of this 
 section, but the farmers here are now 
 ', )••. ' ,>g to realize that there is profit 
 in diversified crops. It was on a farm 
 near Pullman that loi bushels of 
 wheat were grown on one acre in 1890. 
 Pullman claims to be the largest grain- 
 shipping point in the state of Wash- 
 ington. Here are the statistics of the shipments from this point for 1891 : 
 wheat, 1,482,000 bushels ; barley, 421,000 bushel :> ; flax, 311,000 bushels; oats, 180,- 
 ocx) bushels. All kinds of fruits and vegetables yield bountiful crops here, and the 
 country surrounding the town is among the richest in the state. 
 As before stated, the business blocks of Pullman are substantial brick struct- 
 ures, while the residences are tastily designed frame buildings. The town presents 
 a clean and inviting appearance. The improvements of Pullman have been made 
 on a broad and liberal scale, the people having 
 had confidence in the future growth of their town. 
 During the past year a handsome brick city hall 
 and a brick op>era house, which will accommodate 
 from 800 to 1 ,000 people, have been added to the 
 city's improvements. The artesian wells of Pull- 
 man, of which there are 11, are less than 100 feet 
 deep, and cost about $500 each. The water- works 
 system owned by the tow n is supplied from one 
 of these wells, which discharges about 1,000 gal- 
 lons per minute. The water from these wells pos- 
 sesses medicinal properties, and their free use is 
 recommended for kidney and stomach troubles. 
 Pullman lo also provided with electric lights and 
 an efficient fire department. The town supports 
 two banks, which do business on a solid financial 
 basis. Two weekly newspapers, TAe Herald and 
 The Tribune, are published at this point. All 
 lines of business pre fully represented in the town. 
 Pullman has three good hotels and as many livery 
 stables, and the place is fully as popular with the 
 traveling public as is any town ir the state. 
 Pullman has every reason to boast of her 
 ARTctiAN WELL, Pullman. cducational advantages. The town is, in fact, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 PHOTO. BY L. T«ri.OR 
 the educational center of Eastern Washington. The State Agricultural College 
 and School of Science, the largest endowed institution of the state, locateil 
 here, was opened in the fall of 1891, and in the following 
 year, 1892, 300 pupils were in attendance. The present 
 buildings occupied by the school are only temporary. 
 The last legislature appropriated $120,000 for the erec- 
 tion and maintenance of permanent buildings here. 
 These fine edifices are now in course of construction, 
 and when finished they will be models of modern archi- 
 tecture. The college is both a national and a state in- 
 stitution. From the government the school is 
 assured the receipts from the sale of 190,000 
 acres of land, which cannot be sold for less 
 than $10 per acre. The interest from the 
 fund thus created is to be permanently used 
 for the maintenance of the school. In addi- 
 tion to this liberal endowment, the school will 
 receive from the national government $15,000 
 per annum for experiments in agriculture, and 
 $25,000 for the benefit of mechanical arts and 
 agriculture. The institution is open to both 
 City Hall, Pullman. young mcu and youug womcn. The curric- 
 ulum and discipline pursued are necessarily up to the standard o*" the very best 
 institutions of the kind in the United States. The college owns a valuable tract of 
 220 acres of land at Pullman, which is to l)e used for farm and garden purposes, 
 lawns and campus. The college buildings are located on a commanding eminence 
 overlooking the city and surrounding country. The endowment and assured income 
 of the college are sufficient to maintain a magnificent e^ -ment for practical exper- 
 imental work. Tuition and rent are ft-ee for all students who are residents of the 
 In addition to the state school, Pullman is the seat of a military college. This 
 is a private institution. The discipline at this school is military, while the course of 
 study adopted is similar to that of other colleges. 
 The public high school of Pullman, 
 erected in 1892, at a cost of $30,000, is one 
 of the best designed structures in the 
 state. A full corps of efficient teachers is 
 employed in the public schools of the city, 
 and the average daily attendance of schol- 
 ars at the public schools here is 350. 
 Seven strong religious organizations 
 have neatly constructed churches at 
 Pullman. These are the Presbyterian, 
 Congregational. Christian, Methodist, 
 Baptist, Episcopal and Catholic. 
 Pullman is situated 85 miles south of 
 Spokane, and|4i3 miles west of Portland. 
 It has every advantage of location, and is 
 destined to become a city of from 8,000 to 
 Public School, Pullman. 
Colton and Uniontown, Washington, and Genesee, Idaho. 
 10,000 people. Its business men are prosperous and are fully alive to their opportu- 
 nities for advancement. A notable and praiseworthy feature of the conduct of affairs 
 here is that the citizens work as one man for the upbuilding of their favored city. 
 With all the marks of enterprise noted here, as shown by the many municipal 
 improvements, the entire bonded indebtednes of Pullman does not exceed ^30,000, 
 while the assessed valuation of the town is about $800,000. Pullman is one of the 
 most prosperous and progressive towns in P^astern Washington, and its future growth 
 is as fully assured as is its ability to maintain its present important position as the 
 chief commercial center of a very rich section of country. 
 Colton and Uniontown, Washington, and Genesee, Idaho. — 
 The Spokane and Palouse division of the Northern Pacific intersects the Moscow 
 branch of the Union Pacific at Pullman, and from this latter point it extends south- 
 ward through a most fertile portion of the Palouse farming country. On the route 
 of the road through this section lie the towns of Colton and Uniontown, in Whitman 
 county, Washington, and Genesee in Latah county, Idaho, the latter point being the 
 terminus of the road. 
 All of these towns are deserving of more than a passing notice owing to the 
 thrift and enterprise of each. The character of the country traversed by the Spokane 
 & Palouse on this end of the road is similar to that of the Palouse belt in general. 
 The landscape is attractive, the surface being of a general rolling nature and the land 
 here is equally as productive as are any of the best sections of this part of the state. 
 While wheal raising claims the principal part of the attention of the farmers of this 
 section, stock raising is also an important industry here. At Genesee extensive stock- 
 yards have been established and large quantities of live stock are annually shipped 
 from thi'i point. 
 Colton is the first town on the line of the Spokane & Palouse south of Pullman,, 
 the distance between the two points being 17 miles. The 
 population of the place is about 500. About 250,000 bush- 
 els of wheat are annually shipped from this point. The 
 town supports a weekly newspaper, T/te News-Letter, a 
 small flouring mill and anumberof well-conducted business 
 houses are established here. The town also boasts of a fine 
 public school building which cost |io,ooo. The Catholic 
 church has just completed ai Colton a handsome brick con- 
 vent at a cost of $25,000. The churches represented in the 
 town are t^e Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic. The 
 town contains one hotel and two livery stables. 
 Uniontown, three miles south of Colton, has about the same population as 
 Colton. The population of Uniontown consists principally of a well-to-do Ger- 
 man class of people, as is also that of the country in the immediate vicinity. 
 Uniontown has one bank, two weekly newspapers. The Washington Journal and The 
 Washington Homestead, the latter being devoted to the interests of farmers and 
 stockmen. All lines of business are well represented here. The town has a brewery 
 with a capacity of 15 barrels a day, which is the sole manufacturing industry of the 
 place. A good system of water works has been constructed here. A new public 
 school building has just been completed at Unioucown at a cost of $7,000. The 
 Catholics have a convent here with a daily attendance of about 125 scholars. The 
 Public Schoou, colton. 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 churches represented are of the Catholic and Congregational orders. The town claims 
 two hotels and an equal number of livery stables. 
 The annual wheat shipments from Uniontowu aggregate about 300,000 bushels. 
 Lewistou and the Snake river country are reached from this point by stage, the dis- 
 tance between Union town and I,ewiston being 12 miles. 
 Ten miles south of Uniontown is the town of Genesee, Idaho. This place, as 
 before stated, is the terminus of the railroad. It is the largest of the three towns 
 south of Pullman, on the line of the road, its population being about 800. About 
 500,000 bushels of wheat are annually shipped from this point, while the live stock 
 shipments from Genesee are greater than they are from either Colton or Uniontown. 
 Genesee has two banks and a weekly newspaper. The News. The town has a good 
 system of electric lights. About 200 scholars are in daily attendance at the public 
 schools. The religious organizations at Genesee are the Presbyterian, Methodist, 
 Baptist and Catholic. 
 In all of the three towns described above are brick blocks, and each town con- 
 tains a number of attractive residences. All of these places are surrounded by a 
 very rich section of farming country, and the business of each is in a most healthy 
 Rathdrum, Iilalio. — ix.athdrum, the seat of justice of Kootenai county, is 
 situated a few miles from the Washington state line in that part of Idaho which, 
 owing to its geographical contrast with the southern portion, is commonly known as 
 the '' Panhandle" of Idaho. The town is an important trading station on the main 
 line of the Northern Pacific and is 30 miles east of Spokane, in addition to the 
 large retail business done at this point, Rathdrum enjoys a large trade more or less 
 of a jobbing character with the rich tributary mineral and agricultural country. The 
 place is also a manufacturing town of some importance. Two sawmills are located 
 here, the output of which is consumed in the immediate locality and in the neigh- 
 boring towns. The largest of these 
 mills is operated by A. W. Post. 
 This mill has a capacity of 10,000 
 feet of lumber a day, which is ship- 
 ped to points in the Kootenai 
 country and which also finds a 
 large sale at Rathdrum. Surround- 
 ing and near the mill of Mr. Post 
 is a section and a quarter of land 
 which is the property of the owner 
 of the mill. A part of this land 
 is covered with timber from which the mill is supplied, and the balance, comprising 
 about 200 acres, is now in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Post came to Rathdrum 
 in 1882 and he is now serving his fourth term here as justice of the peace. 
 The land in the vicinity of Rathdrum is very productive and yields large crops 
 of wheat, oats, barley and hay. The growing of small fruits and vegetables for the 
 Spokane market is a remunerative branch of the farming industry of this section. 
 Although the chief dependence of Rathdrum for support at the present time is on 
 the timber and agricultural resources of the country adjacent, it is not improbable 
 that the recent discoveries of gold a few miles distant from this place may result 
 in making this quite an important mining center. 
Hope, Idaho. 
 View, Lake Pend d'Oreille. 
 Following the example of nearly all the enterprising cities of the Pacific Coast " 
 Rathdrum now possesses an excellent water-works system. The town supports a 
 well-conducted public school, a weekly newspaper, a bank, a large hotel, a brewery 
 and several fine busiqess blocks line the main street. The present population of 
 Rathdrum is about 400. Near this point are numerous small lakes and mountain 
 streams which are well stocked with trout and in the uplands of the immediate 
 vicinity large game is plentiful. During the summer and fall seasons this is one of 
 the most attractive sections of Idaho and tourists will find here one of the best coun- 
 tries for recreation and pleasure on the coast. 
 Hope, Idaho. — The site which the town of Hope occupies overlooks the 
 broad waters of the beautiful Pend d'Oreille Lake, one of the finest bodies of fresh 
 water on the coast. It is the end of two divisions of 
 the Northern Pacific, the Rocky Mountain and Idaho, 
 and it is at this point that the change from "Moun- 
 tain "to " Pacific" time is made. The town is located % 
 on the main line of the Northern Pacific, 84 miles 
 cast of Spokane and 173 miles west of Missoula and it 
 contains today a population of about 500. 
 At Hope are established large division round 
 houses and repair shops of the Northern Pacific. The 
 railroad company regularly disburses at this point over 
 $25,000 a month. Although the town is typical of railroad life it is in addition a sum- 
 mer resort of considerable prominence. It occupies a terraced site on the north 
 shore of Lake Pend d'Oreille, a magnificent sheet of water 65 miles in length and 
 over 15 miles wide. The lake is encompassed by spurs of the Bitter Root range of 
 mountains. In many places the mountains rise out of the lake itself, the waters 
 washing their perpendicular sides which extend below the surface for unknown 
 depths. Adding to the general beauty of the lake is an 
 irregular shore line which consists of numerous bays and 
 inlets, many of which extend for miles inland from the 
 main body of water. Rising ^above the surface of the 
 lake are four attractive islands which are great centers of 
 attraction for tourists. Located at different points on the 
 shore line are a number of small villages which are easily 
 reached by a regular line of small steamers plying on 
 the lake and by sail boats. Pend d'Oreille Lake is fed 
 principally by the watersof the Clark's Fork river, which 
 empties into the lake a few miles distant from Hope. The outlet of the lake is the 
 Pend d'Oreille river which finally finds its way to the broad Columbia, the grea. 
 water-course of the West. 
 Hope is fast growing in popularity as a summer resort. Established at this point 
 are several good hotels and anchored in front of the town during the summer season 
 are a large number of sail and row boats for the accommodation of tourists. In 
 addition to the pleasure afforded by a row or a sail on the placid waters of one of the 
 most at ctive of inland bodies of fresh water, this lake is full of trout and other 
 gamy fish. In the mountains back of Hope is plenty of game to attract the atten- 
 tion of the sportsman, and the excitement of a deer or mountain lion hunt in these 
 Scene on Peno d' Oreille River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ■fastnesses is hardly equaled by the chase of the tiger in the jungles of the tropic * of 
 the old world. 
 Considerable prospecting is constantly being done in the vicinity of Hope, and 
 valuable mineral discoveries have already been made in the 'Black Tail and Lake 
 View districts, which are located from 15 to 20 miles to the south. The ores found in 
 these districts are principally galena, carbonates, pyrites of copper and black sul- 
 phides. Assays of these have shown as high as 787 ounces of silver to the ton. It is 
 the general belief among practical mining men who have carefully examined into the 
 merits of these mines that the general averages of the ores found and the width of 
 the veins and ledges will warrant mining operations being carried on here on an 
 extensive scale with profit, in the near future. 
 The citizens and business men of Hope are en- 
 terprising and they take a deep interest in all mat- 
 ters tending to promote the welfare of their town. 
 One of the most prominent and most highly respected 
 men of Hope is Dr. Talleyrand Martin, who is now 
 engaged in conducting a drug store here, in addition 
 tt) which he is interested in several other enterprises. 
 Dr. Martin was born in Cayuga county, New York, 
 September 2, 1821. On reaching manhood he went 
 to Ohio, where he graduated from the Cleveland Col- 
 lege in the class of 1848. He resided in the East 
 for some years after that time, when he moved West, 
 finally settling ir Hope in 1888. The ancestors of 
 Dr. Martin came to America in 1635, and their de- 
 scendents have figured conspicuously in the history of 
 the United States. 
 The Ccpur d'Alene Country, Idaho. — Lying among high and rugged 
 mountain ranges, broken here and there by narrow valleys and deep canyons through 
 which flow foaming mountain streams, is the famous Coeur d'Alene country of 
 Northern Idaho, with its numerous mining camps and its vast stores of precious 
 This famous mineral region comprises that part of Shoshone county lying west 
 of the Bitter Root Mountains and north of the range which separates the St. Joseph 
 from the Coeur d'Alene river and extending as far east as the line of Kootenai 
 county. The district is heavily timbered, being covered with pine, tamarack and 
 cedar, and it is crossed by numerous mountain streams which afford unlimited water 
 power for running the machinery of any number of mining and lumbering plants 
 that might be located here. 
 While the old Mullan road, built 
 in th*^ early 5o's, leads through the 
 heart of the Creur d'Alenes, and pas-^ 
 sess within a stone's throw of the pres- 
 ent town of Wardner, the heart of the 
 silver-producing district, no people 
 were attracted to this section until the 
 discovery of gold on the North Fork 
 of Cceur d'Alene river in the fall of 
 Dh. Talleyrano Martin, hope. 
The Cocur d'AIene Country, Idaho. 
 1882. Prior to that time thousands of people had passed through the Cceur d'Alenes 
 over the famous Mullan road referred to above. This great military highway run- 
 ning from Fort Benton, at the head of navigation on the Missouri river, to Fort 
 Walla Walla, in Washington, traversed almost the entire lengfli of the Cceur d'AIene 
 country. The pioneers who followed .this pathway to the West did not prospect 
 the country they crossed, and for many years it remained an unexplored and unin- 
 habited wilderness. 
 In the fall of 1882 a venturesome miner, seeking for placer diggings, on his way 
 over the Bitter Root range of mountains, discovered pay dirt in the heart of 
 the CcEur d'Alenes. This man was A. J. Pritchard, who first discovered gold 
 in this region, and it was on the creek which now bears his name that he first 
 found pay dirt. It requires at times but a wild and exaggerated rumor to work up a 
 mining excitement, and the winter following the discovery of gold here by Pritchard 
 witnessed a stampede to the vicinity of Pritchard creek that was only equaled by the 
 rush of gold seekers to the California gold fields in 1848 and 1849. Notwithstanding 
 the fact that the leading trails into the Cceur d'Alenes were covered with 20 feet of 
 snow, hundreds of men walked into the promised new eldorado during that winter. 
 As a result of this foolish stampede there was much suffering in camp during the winter. 
 Some died of hunger and cold, and even the men possessed of money could not at all 
 times purchase either a meal or a bed in the camp. The country contained plenty 
 of gold, but the mines have required capital and much labor to work them. The 
 first stampede to the Cceur d'Alenes was a failure, the winter following the rush the 
 country was practically deserted, and it remained for the discoveries of a later period 
 to establish its wealth. 
 After the main body of men had departed a few experienced miners carefully 
 prospected the hills in the vicinity of the deserted camp for gold prospects. Among 
 these was John Cartin, who, in the spring of 1884, discovered a vein of rich galena 
 ore near where the town of Wallace now stands. He subsequently sold this location 
 for I35.000. This is now the famous Tiger mine, valued at about $i,cxx),cxx). Other 
 rich discoveries were made here and a few years after the first rush, the Cceur d'Alenes 
 again began to attract the attention of the world as a promising field for future min- 
 ing operations. Towns sprung up all over the district. With the town of Murray on 
 one side of the divide, where the rich gold properties were located, and the towns of 
 Wallace and Wardner on the other side, the seat of the great silver belt, the country 
 soon began to be the scat of the greatest piining activity. Capital flowed in freely from 
 the East, the new mines were opened, railroad lines projected and built, and the 
 country entered on an era of prosperity which finally resulted in making it one of 
 the greatest mining camps of the West. 
 One of the later of the big discoveries in the Cceur d'Alenes was tiiat of the rich 
 Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines. This last discovery was of such magnitude and rich- 
 ness as to awaken the interest of Montana capitalists in the country. As a result, a 
 few rich men of Montana constructed a narrow-gauge railroad from Mission Land- 
 ing, at the head of navigation on the Cceur d'AIene river, to Wardner, which had 
 been built up near the rich properties of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan. In 1887 the 
 Bunker Hill and Sullivan properties were sold to Portland capitalists and these mines 
 and other rich properties in the vicinity soon became the seat of the most active 
 operations in the Cceur d'AIene district. 
 The Cceur d'AIene district is divided into a gold, and a silver and lead-producing 
 belt. The gold belt is situated in that portion of the country traversed by the North 
 The Oregonian's Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 Steamer QEORGic Oakes, Lake CauR D'Alene. 
 fork of the Cceur d'Alene river and its tributaries, Eagle, Pritchard and Beaver 
 creeks, and it extends east to the range of the Bitter Root Mountains. There arc 
 extensive placer deposits in these gulches through which 
 <aM^ • flow the above named streams. The mountains un either 
 side of the gulches are covered with deposits of gravel, 
 which in some instances reach a depth of 130 feet. This 
 gravel is known locally as "old wash." It probably 
 formed the beds of prehistoric river channels. It is rich 
 in placer gold, but it is difficult and expensive to work 
 owing to its elevation and the necessity of constructing 
 long flumes and ditches to get water to it. Water has bten brought to work these 
 gravel deposits by several rich companies and hydraulic mining is now successfully 
 carried on in this region. Since the first discovery of gold here in 1882, the placer 
 mines of the Cceur d'Alenes have yielded 12,500,0^3 in gold. 
 In the gold belt of the Cceur d'Alenes are many valuable quartz gold mines, some 
 of which have been extensively worked. There are now three stamp mills and 
 several arastras engaged in crushing and treating the ores from these mines. It is 
 estimated that quartz properties here annually produce $150,000 m gold bullion. 
 This output would be largely increased if the district had the advantages of trans- 
 portation by rail, which are now denied the mine owners of this section. A project 
 is now being considered for connecting the gold belt of the Cceur d'Alenes with one 
 of the transcontinental lines of road by rail, and when this is accomplished many 
 rich gold properties now lying idle in this section will become very productive mines. 
 Lying south of the gold belt in the Cceur d'Alenes, and principally on the south 
 fork of the Coeur d'Alene river and its tributaries, are the great developed silver 
 and lead-producing mines of the Coeur d'Alenes. The principal mines of the silver 
 belt are the Bunker Hill and Sullivan, Last Chance, Tiger, Poorman, Badger, Gem, 
 Custer, Black Bear, Morning, Granite, Sierra Nevada and Stem winder. There are 
 II concentrators connected with these mines, of an average capacity each of 100 
 tons a day. The daily output of the mines, when being worked, is estimated at 
 298 tons of concentrates. The Bunker Hill and Sullivan lead with a daily output of 
 65 tons, the Poorman follows with 45 tons, with the Badger third on the list with a 
 daily output of 35 tons. The smallest producer of the silver properties is the Black 
 Bear, which turns out but 5 tons of concentrates a day. The average yield from the 
 ore of these mines is about 30 ounces in silver and 60 per cent lead per ton of con- 
 centrates. This would make the daily output of the mines here about 8,940 ounces 
 of silver and 357,600 pounds of lead. When in operation these mines furnish employ- 
 ment to 3,ocx3 men. The average wages paid these men run about $3 per day, mak- 
 ing the daily payroll of these properties foot up to about $9,cxx), or an annual outlay 
 for wages of about $3,000,000. 
 The above statistics apply to mines when in operation. At this writing, owing 
 to the depression in the price of silver and lead, all the mines of the Coeur d'Alenes 
 producing these metals are lying idle. During 1892 the mines of the Cceur d'Alenes 
 produced ii.cxx) ounces of gold, worth $237,390, and 1,195,904 ounces of silver, with a 
 coinage value of $1 ,546.184. During that year labor troubles caused a large reduction in 
 the output of silver and lead in this district. In July, 1892, several men were killed 
 by striking miners, and one mill and concentrator were destroyed by giant powder. 
 The mine owners of the Coeur d'Alenes appealed to the federal government for pro- 
The Cceur d'Alene Country, Idaho. 
 tection, and martial law was established and continued in force until the middle of 
 November of the same year. In the conflict the striking miners were victorious, 
 and they remained at work until the mines were closed by the owners in the summer 
 of 1893. 
 Those operating the mines of the Cteur d' Alencs have experienced many draw- 
 backs, and they have had many obstacles to overcome. First of these troubles was 
 the inaccessibility of the district, which was remedied, however, at a later period by 
 the construction of the two lines of the Union and Northern Pacific railroads through 
 this section. Then followed several disastrous conflicts betwt en the miners and the 
 mine owners. The trouble finally culminated in silver reachi^ig a price at which its 
 mining was no longer profitable. There are few, if any, gr atei silv<:r and lead-pro- 
 ducing districts in the world than is that of the C(eur d'Aitues. The future of this 
 region depends entirely upon the value lead and silver ijiay attain. With silver at 
 83 cents and lead at $3.80, the mines of the Cceur d .Uenes can be operated without 
 loss. These prices, however, would leave no margin of profit to the owners of mines 
 of average grade, mines in which the silver runs from 27 to 29 ounces per ton and 
 the lead averages 57 percent. At th*" prices and averages named above, after deduct- 
 ing the usual 10 per cent on lead and 5 per 
 cent on silver for loss in treatment, the 
 silver per ton would be worth ^21 and the 
 lead $39, thus making the total value of a 
 ton of the concentrates $60. The freight 
 and smelter charges per ton will average 
 about $26. This leaves a balance of $34 per 
 ton for the mine owner, except when the 
 concentrates run more than 10 per cent in 
 zinc. From this $34 the mine owner must 
 meet all working expenses of the mine, in- 
 cluding wages, interest on capital invested 
 and loss caused by breakage. It can thus 
 readily be seen that operating the great 
 silver-producing properties of the Cceur d'Alenes is not a profitable industry at the 
 present low price of silver in the markets of the world. 
 The Coeur d'Alene district, apart from its mineral-producing possibilites, is a 
 sportsman's paradise. The streams here abound in the gamiest of fish and the 
 mountains are full of game. In the hills, remote from the settlements of the district, 
 are countless numbers of deer and bear that have never heard the report of a gun. 
 In any of the swift-flowing streams here the casting of a fly brings numerous speckled 
 trout to the surface. This country is much frequented by pleasure seekers during the 
 summer and fall months, and it is gradually becoming one of the most popular resorts 
 of the West. 
 Two railroads now run parallel with each other through the center of th Cceur 
 d'Alene country. A branch of the Union Pacific leaves the Washington division at 
 Tekoa and runs through the Cceur d'Alenes as far as MuMan. The Northern Pacific 
 cuts clear through the district, the initial points of this road being Missoula and 
 Spokane. All of this route is by rail except a short stretch o*" 50 miles on Cceur 
 d'Alene Lake which is cro^^sed by steamer. After leaving the main line at Missoula, 
 the Northern Pacific runs its branch to the old Jesuit mission on the Coeur d'Alene 
 Old Mission landing, Cciur d'Alene River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Fort Sherman and lake CauR o'Alene. 
 river. From the latter point boats run down the stream seven miles to the lake of 
 the same name, and thence 47 miles to the town of Cceur d' Alene, where connection 
 is made by cars for Spokane. 
 The whole Cceur d' Alene district is of the picturesque order. Along the rail- 
 roads running through this section are foaming rivers, precipitous and overhanging 
 cliffs, deep and dark canyons, high forest- 
 covered mountains and narrow valleys. It is 
 in these mountain-enclosed valleys, with scarce- 
 ly sufficient area for a broad street, that the 
 towns of the district are located. The princi- 
 pal towns of the section are Wardner, Wallace, 
 Murray, Burke, Gem, Osborne and Mullan. 
 After leaving the last of these towns, Wardner, 
 the traveler journeying westward through the 
 CcEur d'Alenes reaches Mission Landing, where 
 still stands the old mission church erected 
 by the Jesuit Fathers many years ago. Neai this point the wild and romantic 
 grandeur of the mountains is broken by a charming vista of forest-inclose;^^; river and 
 a mountain-walled lake. 
 CcEur d' Alene Lake is one of the most beautiful and picturesque sheets of water 
 in the Northwest. It is 60 miles long and of an average width of but two and one- 
 half miles. It is surrounded by low wooded hills which gradually rise in height 
 until, in the background, mountains 8,000 or 9,000 feet greet the eye. The scenerj- 
 all along this lake is of the grandest order. Two important streams empty into this 
 lake. These are the St. Joseph and CcEur d'Alene rivers. The latter is navigable 
 for a distance of seven miles above its mouth. The St. Joseph river is navigable for 
 a much greater distance. It runs through a beautiful farming country and taps a 
 splendid timber district. 
 The Cceur d'Alene Indian reservation borders the lake for several miles. It 
 embraces a large area of the richest farming land, and is occupied by one of the most 
 intelligent and most advanced Indian tribes of the continent. At the foot of the lake 
 is located Fort Sherman, garrisoned with about 400 soldiers. Near Fort Sherman and 
 30 miles distant by rail from Spokane is located the attractive little city of Cceur d' 
 Alene. The country surrounding this beautiful alpine lake is remarkable in its 
 diversity of contour, its beauty and its grandeur. The rugged mountain peaks that 
 lie far beyond the gently sloping hills that enclose the limpid waters of the lake are 
 divided by enormous canyons thousands of feet deep. The country is one that 
 appeals with irresistible force to one of a romantic nature, and it is justly regarded 
 by tourists as one of the most attractive parts of the United States. 
 Wardner, Itlalio. — Wardner is a picturesque mining town occupying a site 
 extending along Milo gulch for a distance of nearly two miles. The town commences 
 at the point where the gulch opens into the South fork of the Cceur d'Alene river, 
 and ends near the famous Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines, two of the best known 
 properties of the Cceur d'Alene mining district. 
 It was the discovery of these two mines in 1886 that led to the establishment of a 
 town at Wardner. The main street of the town runs along what was once an old 
 trail leading up the center of the gulch and it is on this thoroughfare that nearly all 
Wallace, Idaho. 
 the buildings of Wardner a'-e erected. In the narrow gulch which the town occupies 
 there is barely room for a single street. Some of the houses are perched high up on 
 the side of the mountain, which slopes down to a point near the center of the main 
 The population of Wardner is about 1,000. It is loi miles cast of Spokane and 
 145 miles west of Missoula. It is reached by the lines of the Union Pacific and the 
 Northern Pacific railroads. The features of Wardner that 
 attract attention are its school houses, its churches, its fine 
 electric light plant and water-works system, weekly news- 
 paper, its good hotels and its large retail stores. 
 In the vicinity of Wardner are five large, developed 
 mines and a hundred or more prospects which are tributary 
 to it. The greatest of these mines are the Bunker Hill and 
 Sullivan, two of the largest silver and lead-producers in the 
 United States. These mines are located on the sides of the 
 gulch in which the town is situated, one on either side of 
 the gulch. The concentrator of these mines has a cnpacity 
 of 700 tons per day. The ore is conveyed from the mines to 
 the concentrator a distance of nearly three miles, by means of iron buckets suspended 
 from a cable. The other four large mines of Wardner are all good producers of rich 
 silver-galena ore when in operation. These are the Last Chance, with a concentrator 
 which has a daily capacity of 150 tons, the Stemwinder, with a loo-ton concentrator, 
 the Tyler and the Sierra Nevada. 
 Wallace, Idaho. — Wallace is located in a beautiful valley at the junction of 
 the Canyon, Nine Mile and Placer creeks, with the South fork of the Cceur 
 d'Aleue river. 
 Fivt: narrow and deep canyons here open into the small and level valley which is 
 occupied by the townsite. It is up these canyons that some of the great silver and 
 lead mines of the Cceur d'Alenes are lo- 
 BuNKER Hill *no Sullivan Miitet, 
 cated. Wallace is located on the Cceur 
 d'Alene branch of the Northern Pacific. 
 Between this point and Mission Landing 
 on the Cceur d'Alene river the company 
 operates a narrow-gauge railroad. The 
 distance between Wallace and Mission is 
 25 miles. Boats connect with the cars at 
 Mission for Coeur d'Alene City, from 
 which latter point cars run to Spokane. 
 Wallace is also a station on the Mullan 
 branch of the Union Pacific. Both of 
 these lines parallel each other touching 
 at nearly all the camps of the silver and 
 lead-producing belt. Branches of both 
 roads leave the main lines at Wallace 
 and run to Burke and Gem. 
 The population of Wallace is about r,2oo. It contains a number of handsome 
 residences and substantial brick business blocks. The streets are wide, are lined with 
 good sidewalks and are lighted by electricity. A supply of pure, mountain water is 
 View of Wallace. 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific North , vest. 
 conveyed in pipes to the town from the • i:ighboring creeks. 
 Fire hydrants are conveniently located on the main streets, 
 and a volunteer fire department equipped with good appa- 
 ratus guarantees the town against fire. The Meihcdist and 
 Episcopal denominations have houses of worship here. The 
 school facilities of Wallace are of the first order, there being 
 established here two well conducted and largely attended 
 public schools. 
 A feature of Wallace is the Providence Miners' Union 
 Hospital, which occupies a large three-story brick structure with a handsome mansard 
 roof. The future of Wallace, like that of other mining camps of the Coeur d'Alcnes, 
 wholly depends on the price of silver and lead. With silver at 90 cents and lead $4 
 the mines here can be profitably worked. Near Wallace are a number of mines that have 
 already added hundreds of thousands of dollars to the wealth of the nation. Among 
 these mines is the Granite, owned by a Portland syndicate. The output of this mine 
 averages $23,000 per month when the price of silver is above 90 cents. Seven miles 
 northeast of Wallace is the Custer, another rich mine. The ore from this mine is con- 
 veyed by cable tramway to a 200-ton concentrator located three miles south of the mine 
 shaft. This property is supplied with the best of machinery and during its palmy days 
 yielded large regular returns to its owners. In Nine Mile Canyon near Wallace is a 
 a group of claims consisting of the Black Cloud, California, Monarch and Panhandle, 
 all of which would under favorable conditions become dividend-paying mines. 
 Tiger Mine, Burke. 
 Biirke, Idaho. — Burke is located on Canyon creek, eight miles north of Wal- 
 lace. It is reached from the latter place by spurs of the Union Pacific and Northern 
 Pacific railroads. The population of the town is about 
 700. It has a good hotel, water works, fire department 
 and a public school. 
 Immediately surrounding Burke is a rich mineralized 
 area, very little of which has been explored or developed, 
 Burke owes its birth to the discovery near this point of 
 the now famous Tiger and Poorman mines. In i883-'84 
 a stampede took place to the placer fields of the North 
 fork of the Coeur d'Alene river. The miners, on arriv- 
 ing at their destination, found that the richness of these 
 fields did not reach their expectations, and as a result many of the early comers left 
 the country at once. Among those who remained was John Carten, an old Montana 
 miner, who knew the value of a good prospect when he saw it. On his prospecting 
 tours he reached farther out into the mountains than the other prospectors, and in 
 the spring of 1884 he discovered a vein of rich galena ore on Canyon creek. This 
 was the first location of a quartz ledge in the CcEur d'Alenes. Carten subsequently 
 sold his discovery here for |35,ooo, and it is now known as the Tiger mine. 
 It cost $200,000 to open the Tiger mine and erect a concentrator on the property. 
 All of this money was expended before a ton of ore was shipped from the mine. 
 The concentrator here has a daily capacity of 130 tons. The mine produces 35 tons 
 of concentrates a day, which average 39 ounces in silver and 30 per cent. lead. 
Mullan, Idaho. 
 P30RWAN Mine, Burke. 
 The Poorman mine was located soon after the 
 discovery of the Tiger. A large sum was also ex- 
 pended in developing the former mine and in equip- 
 ping it with machinery and in building a concentra- 
 tor on the property. The daily output of this mine is 
 45 tons of concentrates. This ore is of the same 
 average richness as is that of the Tiger. These two 
 mines arc among the best producing properties of 
 the Creu/ d'Alenes and the town of Burke is practi- 
 cally supported from their operation. 
 Osborne, Idaho. — Osborne is an attractive little town of the Coeur d'Alenes, 
 and is located on the South Fork of the Cneur d' Alene river. It is 107 miles east of Spo- 
 kane and 139 miles west of Missoula by the line of the Cceur d'Alene branch of the 
 Northern Pacific. It is also a station on the Mnllan branch of the Union Pacific. 
 The town contains a population of about 300. It is the diverging point from the rail- 
 road for the stage line connecting with Murray, in the heart of the gold belt. 
 Osborne has an excellent system of public schools for a place of its size, a church 
 and several handsome residences. The townsite occupies 320 acres. The town is 
 practically mountain-enclosed. Like every important town of the Cceur d'Alenes, 
 Osborne is the center of a rich mineral district. The three large mines here are the 
 Mineral Point, St. Elmo and Killbuck, all of which adjoin each other on the same 
 ledge on Mount Percnthesis. Other claims near Osborne, all of which are silver and 
 lead properties, are the Nellie, Knickerbocker, Daisy, Comet and War Eagle. 
 Gem, Idaho. — Located in Canyon creek, four r--'"^s from Wallace, is the town 
 of Gem, one of the most important mining camps of tue Coeur d'Alenes. Like all 
 the towns of this section, Gem is located in a narrow valley surrounded by high 
 mountains, far up on the sides of which, and overlooking the town hundreds of feet 
 below, are the houses of the Gem and other rich mines here. 
 Gem is reached by the Northern Pacific and Union 
 Pacific railroads. Its population now is about 500. 
 The mines located in the immediate vicinity of Gem 
 are the San Francisco, Granite, Black Bear, the Gem, 
 and the Formosa group. These mines when in opera- 
 tion furnish employment to over 300 men and they 
 have a capacity of 80 tons of concentrates a day. 
 Concentrators have been built on the Gem, Granite 
 and San Francisco mines. The ore from these mines 
 averages 30 ounces in silver and 50 per cent lead to 
 the ton. It is by the operation of these mines that 
 the town of Gem depends wholly for existence. When 
 the mines here are shut down the camp is practically deserted. When the mines are 
 in full operation, however, this is one of the most active and most prosperous towns of 
 the Cceur d'Alene district 
 Mullan, Idaho.— This important mining center of the Cceur d' Alenes is located 
 on the Coeur d'Alene branch of the Northern Pacific, 112 miles east of Spokane, and 
 128 miles west of Missoula. It is also the terminus of the Mullan branch of the 
 Union Pacific. 
 Gem Mine and Concenthator, Oem 
 i t 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 Nature has not only deposited enormous mineral wealth in the immediate vicin- 
 ity of Mullan, but it has made the site of the town a romantic and attractive loca- 
 tion. The town is built on the south fork of the C(fiur d'Alene river, in a small 
 valley of less than 40 acres in extent. Surrounding this valley arc high and rugged 
 peaks presenting almost every phase of wild mountain scenery. The little town of 
 500 people is the one bright spot in the center of the green rock-studded mountains 
 that surround it. 
 Mullan was settled in 1884, and it was named in honor of that intrepid and tal- 
 ented pioneer, John Mullan, the builder of the great Mullan road through this sec- 
 tion. Mullan is a progressive town. It contains a $3,000 school house, a handsome 
 Catholic cathedral, and a well cpnstructcd town hall. The lines of industry of the 
 town are represented by a sawmill, a shingle plant and a planing mill. The water 
 for use in the town is conveyed from a mountain stream by a flume to a reservoir 
 located 257 feet above the streets of the town. The gravity pressure of this water in 
 the hydrants is sufficient to throw a stream to considerable more than cover any 
 building in the place. This, with a well drilled volunteer fire department here, is 
 an absolute safeguard against fire. Mullan is lighted by about 350 incandescent 
 In the immediate vicinity of Mullan is the Chloride Hill group of mines. This 
 group consists of the Morning, Evening and Night Grouse, Gettysburg, You Like, 
 Lucretia, Independence and other valuable properties. Among the other promising 
 mines and claims near the town are the Little Giant group on Silver creek, the Cen- 
 tral on Boulder gulch, the Paymaster, Keno, Jersey, Little Chip and Bullion on Hunter 
 gulch, the Daisy, Missoula and Black Diamond. The two largest and best known mines 
 here are the Gold Hunter and the Morning. The Gold Hunter was discovered by 
 J. D. Hunter, in 1885. Th»» mining district around Mullan is known as the Hunter 
 district, named in honor of the discoverer of the Gold Hunter. The Gold Hunter 
 is now owned by St. Paul capitalists. It has a daily output of about 100 tons of 
 ore. The concentrator connected with this mine has a daily capacity of 100 tons 
 per day. 
 The Morning mine here was purchased for |i2,ooo, and it is now valued at 
 $r,ooo,ooo. It is one of the best developed mines in the Coeur d' Alenes. The con- 
 centrator of this mine has a daily capacity of 100 tons. 
 The You Like is another good mine on which a large body of rich ore has been 
 uncovered. It is operated by a stock company with a capital of $1,000,000. All the 
 mines of this district are of average grade and yield about 30 ounces in silver and 58 
 per cent lead to the ton of concentrates, 
 Murray, Idafio. — Situated in a narrow valley, in the heart of the gold belt 
 of the CcEur d' Alenes, is the town of Murray, the seat of justice of Shoshone county. 
 Six miles from Murray, Pritchard creek, on which it is built, forms a junction with 
 the north fork of the Coeur d'Alene river. It was at this point that A. J. Pritchard 
 first discovered gold in tbe Cceur d' Alenes, in 1882. Since the country was first 
 opened to settlement Murray has remained the chief town and supply point for the 
 " North End," a term designating the gold districts bordering on P'itchard and Bea- 
 ver creeks and their tributaries. Murray, at the present time, is without railroad 
 connection. It is reached by stage from Osborne, a station on the Union and North- 
 em Pacific, 18 miles to the sovith. The lack of transportation facilities has been a 
 serious impediment to the development of the many rich quartz mines in the vicinity 
Murray, Idaho. 
 of Murray. For this reason the exceptionally rich gold district of Bald Mountain , 
 at the head of Eagle creek, has never been worked. In 1893 hundreds of miners, 
 who had been thrown out of employment by the closing down of the silver-produc- 
 ing properties of the Cceur d'Alenes turned their attention to placer mining along 
 Pritchard creek and its tributaries. These men made good wages at this work, thus 
 deoonstrating the richness of the district. Pritchard creek emplies into the North 
 Fork about two miles above the mouth of Beaver creek. It runs for about 13 miles 
 through the gulch containing the placer deposits which first attracted attention to 
 the Cceur d'Alenes. The mountains on either side of this and other gulches are 
 covered with what is called "old wash," being hf^avy deposits of gravel in which 
 large quantities of gold are found. This " wash " was either a prehistoric river bed 
 or the track of a moraine. As great a depth of gvavel as 150 feet has been found 
 here. Over $2,500,000 in gold has already been :aken from this ground by labor 
 on the rinirock ar :1 shallow gravel by part' ;s of uien working with primitive imple- 
 ments. The attention of capital and labor is now being largely directed toward 
 Murray district, and the waters of the neighboring lakes and rivers are being con- 
 'ucted to such points along this " old wash" as will allow the placer ground here 
 10 be fully tested and developed. It was not u'ltil 
 then that a successful attempt was made to reach 
 bedrock of these gravel deposits which are recog- 
 nized by all mining men to be exceedingly rich in 
 gold. A syndicate of capitalists is now working this 
 ground with the latest hydraulic appliances and 
 after the most approved methods of placer mining. 
 One company has constructed an extensive bedrock 
 flume along one of the sides of Eagle creek, which 
 is a tributary of Pritchard. Another company has 
 under consideration the building of a bedrock flume 
 eight miles in length along the main channel of 
 Pritchard creek. These and other enterprises now 
 under way have done much to make Murray a prosperous and important mining town. 
 The towT-. of Murray itself is an attractive place, surrounded by romantic moun- 
 tain scenery. It is built in a gulch, from which steep timber-covered mountains 
 rise to a height of over 3,000 feet. One principal street runs through the town, on 
 which the business houses front. The remainder of the narrow valley here in which 
 the town is built is occupied by residences, some of which are crowded well up on 
 the mountain side. Like other progressive mining camps, Murray possesses excel- 
 lent school facilities, several churches, and good hotel accommodations. It now 
 claims a population *■ about 1,200. The discovery of the placer mines here was 
 followed later by the inding of lodes from which the gold originally came. There 
 are now several gooc' paying quartz mines in the vicinity of Murray. One of the 
 best known of these is the Mother Lode, on which a lo-stamp mill has been located. 
 This mine has already produced about $275,000. Other good properties here are 
 the Golden Chest, with a lo-stamp mill, the Golden King, also with a lo-stamp 
 mill, the Idaho, with a 20-stamp mill, and the Fay Templeton, with a 25-foot Hunt- 
 ington mill. 
 The Buckeye group of mines, at the head of Dream gulch, are paying gold pro- 
 ducers, as are the Occident and Treasure Box, adjoining the Mother Lode. It now 
 requires large capital to work the placer mines of Murray district, as water in great 
 MOTHER Lode Mill, Murray. 
 1 1 ^ 
 The Oreg-onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 M-iN Street, Moscow, looking North rnjM Fourth 
 quantities for working the deposits here has to be brought from great distances. 
 The Cceur d'Alene Mining Company are working the placers of Fancy gulch, near 
 Muiray. Their water is conveyed to the gravel deposits, by ditch and flume, for ii 
 miles, a fall of So feet being obtain'^d. In Dream gulch, the Spokane Hydraulic 
 Pipe Company have expended over $250,000 in grounds and improvements. Eight 
 miles of 16-inch pipe are used to convey the water to their grounds, which yield 
 an average of 37 cents per cubic yard from surface to bedrock. The increased 
 activity in gold mining here, in 1893, which resulted from the depression in the 
 silver districts of the Cceur d'Alenes, is exerting a powerful influence in Murray's 
 advancement. The town is today one of the important mining centers of Idaho, 
 and the attraction of capital to the rich gold district of which it is the base of ope- 
 rations, is an assurance of the permanence and prosptr tus future of the camp. 
 Moscow, Idaho. — Owing to its favorable location at the west end of Paradise 
 valley, Moscow has been frequently styled the " City of Paradise," a term that any- 
 one who has ever visited the town will admit is aptly chosen. Ap- 
 proaching this sightly city by cither of the 
 parallel lines of railroad, the Union Pacific 
 or the Northern Pacific, the traveler is at 
 once struck with vhe beauty of Moscow's lo- 
 cation and also by the imposing appearance 
 which the city itself presents as a whole. 
 Many new and tov/ering brick blocks rise 
 above the lower structures of the city and 
 the place has every aspect of a solidly built 
 and prosperous center of trade. 
 Although Moscow's population at the present writing is barely 3,500, the first 
 impression of the stranger visiting the city, is that the place is much larger. This is 
 owing to the unusupl size of some of the buildings here which are seldom found in a 
 city of Moscow's population. 
 Thirteen years ago Moscow was a mere trading point and as late as 1889 the popu- 
 lation of the place hardly exceeded t,ooo. The rapid growth of the city since that 
 time has not been attended by a boom. It was a natural result of the development 
 of this portion of the Palouse country in the most fertile portion ot >7liich Moscow 
 is located, and the building to this point of two important lines of railroad, the 
 Spokane & Palouse branch of the Northern Pacific, and the branch of the Union 
 Pacific, which now connects with the main line of the Wash- 
 ington division at Colfax. Moscow is the terminus of the Union 
 Pacific branch, while the Spokane & Palouse extends beyond 
 this poirt south for 31 miles to Juliaetta. Between Juliaetta 
 and Lewiaton the line for the extension of this road is almost 
 all graded, a distance of 25 miles. Lewiston is the head of nav- 
 igation on the Snake river, and it has long been one of the 
 most important cities of Northern Idaho. When the line shall 
 be completed clear through to Lewiston, a large extent of the 
 richest country in the state will be opened to settlement, and as 
 this country is developed it will do a Iprge part of its trading with Moscow. 
 The town of Moscow, although young, is already a rich center of population. 
 Its asoessed valuation is now placed at about |i ,500,000. It boasts of three retail and job- 
 HioH School. i.ioscow. 
Moscow, Idaho, 
 , I 
 i^*;. , 
 Public School, Moscow. 
 bing stores, each of which occupies quarters covering a full block of land. These 
 stores carry stocks of goods valued at from $ioo,oao to $200,000 each. No less than 
 four banks iire doing business here on a solid basis. The city has nine warehouses 
 and two elevators, while the average annual wheat receipts here aggregate from 
 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 bushels. In addition to wheat there is yearly handled at this 
 point 50,000 bushels of flax seed and 40,000 bushels of barley. 
 Among the public improvements noted at Moscow is a fine system of water works 
 that cost $45,000. The water, furnished by artesian wells, is pumped into a standpipe 
 which is located on an elevation 75 feet above the main street 
 and is 80 feet in height. 1 he mains extending throughout the 
 city are six inches in diameter. Hydrants are located at the 
 principal street corners and the p-essure is sufiiciently strong in 
 these mains to throw water over the highest buildings of the city. 
 The city has an excellent fire department, an arc and incandescent 
 electric light system, and has all the modern improvements ever 
 found in a place of this size. 
 Moscow is the seat of justice of I atah county. A block of ground has already 
 been appropriated for a court house h^re, and a building for county purposes has been 
 erected on this ground at a cost of $25,000. Moscow's educational advantages are 
 unsurpassed. The new state university is located here. An illustration of this 
 building, together with an article descriptive of it, is published in connection with the 
 present article. There are two public school buildings in the city, one of which is a 
 frame structure which cost $12,000, and the other is a brick high school the erection 
 of which involved an outlay of $30,000. An excellent system of grades has been 
 adopted in these schools, and 1 competent corps of teachers is constantly employed 
 here. The average daily attendance of scholars at the public schools of the city 
 is 800. 
 Moscow has a number of fine church edifices. The denomin- 
 ations represented are the Presbyterian, Baptist, two Methodist, 
 Christian, Congregational, Episcopal, Catholic, Seventh Day Ad- 
 ventist and Dunkards. A strong organization of th° Young Men's 
 Christian Af-sociation is maintained here. The press is also well 
 represented in the three weekly publications, T/ie North Idaho 
 Star, The Democrat and The Mirror. Moscow is well supplied 
 with hotel accommodations, having a new $30,000 hotel building 
 and three other good hotel structures. 
 Moscow impresses one as possessing more of a metropolitan appearance than 
 perhaps any other city of equal size in the Pacific Northwest. Its moral and social 
 features are in striking contrast to what is usually found or expected in cities of 
 equal population. It is a good business point, as is demonstrated by the fact that 
 three large and successful jobbing houses are established here. The territory that 
 is necessarily tributary is vast in extent, and the trade of this fertile section is 
 rapidly increasing. Moscow is already the largest city in Northern Idaho, and it 
 gives promise of leading in population among the cities of the state within the next 
 few years. 
 Hon. I. C. HatTahaugh.— The Commercial Bank, of Moscow, was organized in 
 1889, with a capital of $50,000. Its surplus and undivided profits are now $20,000. 
 The bank has paid a semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent ever since its establish- 
 EPiscoPAL Church, 
 .1.' K I 
 ■■ i 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 raent. The officers are I, 
 and I. A. Funk, cashier. 
 C. Hattabaugh, president, George Laugdon, vice-president, 
 The president of the Commercial Bank, Hon. I. C. Hatta- 
 baugh, is a representative and prominent citizen of 
 Moscow, inasmuch as there are but few undertak- 
 ings of public enterprise here with which he has 
 not been conspicuously identified. Mr. Hattabaugh 
 was born in Indiana in 185 1, and he received a 
 high school education. He is a democrat in poli- 
 tics and enjoys the distinction of being the only 
 one of his party elected to office, that of county 
 treasurer, at the last state election. Latah county 
 is strongly republican, but Mr, Hattabaugh ran 
 ahead of his ticket 500 votes. Mr. Hattabaugh is 
 a member of the board of regents of the State 
 University. He is grand master of the Masonic 
 order of Idaho, and he is prominently identified 
 with several business enterprises of Moscow whose 
 success has been largely due to his sagacious efforts. 
 R. S. Browne. — The Moscow National Bank was organized in 1891 with a capital 
 stock of $75,000. Its officers are R. S. Browne, 
 president ; J. H. Maguire, vice-president ; C. S. 
 Scott, Cashier; and C. M. Browne, assistant cashier. 
 Mr. Browne, the president, is one of the shrewdest 
 financiers of the Northwest, and he has been 
 offered at various times positions with some of the 
 strongest banks in the city of Portland, Oregon. 
 Mr. Browne was born in Portland, Michigan, in 
 1862, where he received his education in the high 
 schools. Twelve years i.go he came to Moscow 
 and identified himself with the well-known firm 
 of McConnell & Maguire. Afterwards he accepted 
 a position as cashier of the First National Bank 
 of Moscow, and later was instrumental in organiz- 
 ing the Moscow National and Savings Bank, of 
 which institution he is now president. Mr. Browne 
 has been treasurer of Latah county for three terms and he now holds the office of 
 treasurer of the regents of the University of Idaho. 
 W. W. Watkins. — There is perhaps no more prominent man in Moscow than 
 Dr. W. W. Watkins. He has earned the distinction among his fellow citizens of 
 being foremost in almost every stroke of public enterprise that requires some one to 
 lead. Dr. Watkins is a native of New Hampshire, having been born- in that stale in 
 1846. He received his literary and medical education in the city of St. Louis, where 
 he took his last degree in the study of medicine in 1872. He practiced in St. Louis 
 until recent years, when he came to Moscow, where hi has at^^nined marked prominence 
 as a physician and surgeon. Notwithstanding the arduous toil necessarily entailed 
 by a successful physician. Dr. Watkins has always found time outside his practice to 
 spend pro bono publico. He is an ardent republican and was chairman of the first 
 state convention held in Idaho, He is president of the Moscow chamber of com- 
 R. S. Browne, President Moscow National Bank, 
Moscow, Idaho, 
 uierce and is secretary and member of the board of 
 regents of the Idaho State University. Dr. Wat- 
 kins is a prominent Knight Templar and is a 
 member of the Odd Fellows. He has accumulated 
 considerable property in both Idaho and California, 
 an evidence of the success which has aiways at- 
 tended his practice as a physician. 
 The University of Idaho. — For a young 
 state to repeat the mistakes of its elders is inex- 
 cusable. Many states, yielding to sectional clamor, 
 have materially and permanently weakened their 
 educational powers by trying to maintain several 
 so-called institutions for higher education. Such 
 schools necessarily become ill-fed pensioners upon 
 the public bounty. They are purely local and 
 consequently poorly patronizerl, disappointing local 
 expectations both as to their value in a commercial sense and their rank as institu- 
 tions of learning. 
 Idaho has wisely chosen to concentrate its support of higher education upon its 
 university, with the hope of making it a school of commanding influence, an expec- 
 tation that present appearances fully justify, for no institution -^ver made a more 
 auspicious beginning or more quickly won popular confidence and support. The 
 University of Idaho has been peculiarly fortunate from the 
 first in having representative men of the state upon the regency, 
 men of personal honor and business methods to manage its 
 affairs and to shape its destiny. It is the 
 unwritten but effectual law of the state 
 that political subserviency and religious 
 emulations must not enter into the man- 
 agement of the university. So we find 
 the governor of the state making his bi- 
 ennial appointments of regeuts solely in 
 the interests of the university. 
 Hon. Willis Sweet, M. C, was the 
 first president of the board of regents, re- 
 signing on account of his public duties in 
 favor of Philip Tillinghast, Esq., whose 
 training in Columbia College and profes- 
 sional experience admirably qualify him 
 for the position. W. W. Watkins, M. D., 
 the efficient secretary of the board, is a man of tireless activity and unbounded de- 
 votion to the institution. The other regents, I. C. Hattabaugh, Moscow, C. W. Shaff, 
 AI. D., Lewiston, J. F. Ailshie, Grangeville, Sherman M. Coffin, Caldwell, H. H. 
 Hoff, Montpelier, A. A. Crane, Harrison, and A. J. Crook, Clayton, are their worthy 
 The University was opened to students October 3, 1892, with a faculty consisting 
 of the president, F. B. Gault, and one professor. A yea*- later the institution had 12 
 professors and instructors. Here again the regents showed complete freedom from 
 University of Idaho, Moscow. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ( ' 
 personal and political interests by canvassing the country for the best possible 
 qualified men and women for teachers. It takes teachers to make a school, a fact 
 that is often overlooked. These professors have graduated from the leading colleges 
 of this country, some of them adding foreign study and travel to their preparation. 
 Beginning without equipment of any kind, the libraries, laboratories and other 
 facilities are now worth over $10,000, and well selected additions are being made con- 
 The main university building is one of the finest college buildings in the coun- 
 try." It is built of brick, the interior finish being in California redwood. Being four 
 stories in height, in length 180 feet and in width 122 feet, the building contains about 
 50 bright, cheerful rooms, admirably adapted to school purposes. It is heated by 
 steam, lighted by electricity,' and supplied with artesian water. Toilets, lavatories, 
 cloak rooms and all the improvements and conveniences that characterize modern 
 public buildings are supplied. 
 A choice of five collegiate courses of sttidy is already offered students. These 
 courses, which will be enlarged in scope as circumstances permit are the classical, the 
 scientific, the civil engineering, the agricultural and the English, the latter embrac- 
 ing courses in political, financial, ethical and sociological sciences and designed 
 especially for teachers, business men and those preparing for public life. While it is 
 the intention to give thorough classical training, the institution will make its courses 
 in the English classics, the sciences and those subjects pertaining to the industries 
 of life and the public questions of the day particularly strong and inviting. 
 The university is located in a dry climate at an altitude a little less than 3,000 
 feet. The climate is an agreeable relief from the arid regions and the higher altitudes 
 and from the humid climate along the Pacific coast. There is no climate in the 
 world more conducive to effective study. If Idaho shall wisely maintain its present 
 policy as to higher education, the University of Idaho is destined to become one of 
 the leading schools of the great West. 
 Kenrtrlek, Idaho. — The distance from Moscow to Kendrick, which is situated 
 in Latah county, is 26 miles by the line of the Spokane & Palouse branch of the 
 Northern Pacific. This road extends for a distance of four miles beyond Kendrick 
 to Juliactta, a small town of perhaps 250 people. A part of the 
 route between Moscow and Kendrick, possibly ten or more 
 miles, lies through a narrow defile or canyon along the water- 
 course known as Potlatch creek. It is in this canyon that the 
 town of Kendrick is located. The stranger visiting this point 
 for the first time is led to inquire, on what can a town located 
 here be supported ? On either side of Kendrick rise sharp hills 
 to an elevation of about 1,500 feet. Outside of the railroad 
 route the place is seemingly inaccessible and yet the condition 
 of the business enjoyed by the town shows this to be one of the most prosperous 
 points of the state. 
 An easy ride over one of the numerous winding highways which reach the top of 
 the hills back of Kendrick is the best educator on the subject of Kendrick 's prosperity. 
 As far as the eye can reach from the summits of these hills stretch away the rich 
 lands and well kept farms of the district which pours all its wealth into the coflFers of 
 its principal trading center, Kendrick. This land is gently rolling as is all of the 
 good wheat land of Eastern Washington, and it comprises one of the most fertile 
 Public Schooi, Kendrick. 
; -l 
 Kendn'ck, Idaho. 
 sections of the coast. This land when properly cultivated yields from 30 to 60 bnsh- 
 els of wheat to the acre, and in this district are situated fine farms, well kept orchards 
 and it is occupied by a well-to-do and progressive set of farmers. In plain view of 
 the summits of the hills back of Kendrick is the Nez Perces Indian reservation, only 
 six miles distant from Kendrick. This reservation comprises fine lauds, its total 
 area being about 500,000 square acres. Those who are thoroughly acquainted with the 
 wonderful productiveness of the soil of the Potlatch district of which Kendrick is 
 the trading and banking center, look forward with considerable interest to the time 
 when the lands of this reservation will be thrown open to settlement. It is hoped 
 that this will be done within the next two years. The opening of this reservation 
 would largely increase the general prosperity of the entire section tributary to Ken- 
 drick and it would also insure a greater degree of importance to the town itself than 
 this place now enjoys. 
 No less than six "ridges" or narrow strips of agricultural land, separated by 
 canyons, converge at Kendrick. Good county roads connect the town with all 
 these outlying districts. The names applied to these several "ridges" are the Pot- 
 latch, Cedar creek, Texas, Big Bear, Little Bear and American. The soil of all the 
 lands on these *' ridges " is noted for its wonderful fertility and it will produce all 
 the cereals and fruits such as peaches, apples, pears, plums, quinces, prunes, cherries 
 and smaller fruits in great abundance. It is estimated that at least 1,500 square miles 
 of land is tributary to Kendrick and the character of this tributary section is such 
 that its trade can never go to any other point but Kendrick. In addition to this, 
 Kendrick is also the nearest trading point for the Boulder, Ruby and Cedar mining 
 districts. The section tributary to this town is also rich in timber, and within 20 
 miles of the place are hundreds of acres of valuable white pine, which is yet practi- 
 cally untouched. 
 Kendrick's location is a strong one. The merchants here have no fears of a rival 
 town springing up at a near point, and the trade that comes here cannot well go any- 
 where else. The trade of the place being in the staple lines of an agricultural com- 
 munity where crops never fail, the people here do not suffer from the financial 
 depressions which with annoying regularity worry the banks and business men of 
 other less favored localities. The town of Kendrick is today less than four years old. 
 Two years ago the place was almost entirely wiped out of existence by a fire, and its 
 growth has practically been compassed within the two years past. It now contains 
 about 700 people, and is substantially and handsomely built up. Several good busi- 
 ness blocks line the main street, and the merchants here carry large and well assorted 
 stocks of goods. The town has the benefit of good water works, a fine electric light 
 plant and supports a weekly newspaper, The Gazette. Two Methodist, one Presby- 
 terian and one United Brethren churches are established at Kendrick. The town has 
 the advantage of excellent public schools and the many public improvements which 
 have been made here are in keeping with the progressive policy of the citizens who 
 have built a town at this point. 
 Kendrick now contains a flouring mill, with a daily capacity of 50 barrels, and 
 three grain warehouses. During the past year (1893), the shipments of wheat from 
 this point amounted to about 500,000 bushels. The Spokane & Palouse railroad line 
 which was completed to this point in 1891, has given a great impetus to the growth 
 of the rich section of country in which Kendrick is located and it is this railroad 
 which is responsible for a large part of the prosperity which the town now enjoyB. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 f 1 
 First National Bank, Kendrick. 
 The First Nationai^ Bank. — The First National Bank of Kendrick was organ- 
 ized in August, 1892, with a capital stock 
 of 150,000. Its undivided profits now ex- 
 ceed $6,000. The officers of the bank are 
 F. N. Gilbert, president, A. T. Gilbert, vice- 
 president, Matthew Jacobs, cashier, and A. 
 W. Gordon, assistant cashier. The First 
 National Bank, through the financial prom- 
 inence of its stockholders and the conserva- 
 tism of the cashier, Mr. Jacobs, has won 
 the confidence of a long list of depositors 
 since the date of its organization, and is now 
 on the strongest of financial footings and is 
 justly popular with its customers. 
 HoTEi. St. Elmo.— The Hotel 
 St. Elmo is a new and practically 
 fire-proof two-story brick hotel. It 
 contains 32 neatly furnished rooms, 
 all of which are lighted by elec- 
 tricity. It is the only hotel in 
 Kendrick and is conducted on a 
 strictly first-class plan. M. C. 
 Normoyle is the proprietor and he 
 is a hotel man of I'jng experience. 
 Guests at this hotel are conveyed 
 to and from trains and they receive 
 the most courteous attention while 
 stopping at this popular house. 
 Potter & Coutts. — The well-known firm of Potter & Coutts are authority 011 
 all matters pertaining to real estate, loans, insurance, investments and collections in 
 the country tributary to Kendrick. This firm has now been engaged in business in 
 Kendrick for three years. Mr. Potter, the senior member, is one of the original 
 owners of the towusite of Kendrick. Mr. Coutts, the junior member, is an attorney 
 at law. All communications addressed to this reliable firm will receive prompt 
 E. S. Crumbaker. — Mr. E. S. Crumbaker is an attorney at law and gives 
 special attention to collections and real estate as vvell as investments and insurance. 
 Mr. Crumbaker will be glad to reply to all inquiries concerning Kendrick of what- 
 ever nature. 
 ^ "^^UBB 
 III 'fflVnoki'* 
 HOTEL St. Elmo, Kendrick. 
 Iiewlston, IdaliO. — The history of Lewiston, the capital of Nez Perces 
 county, Idaho, dates back vs far as i860, or to the time when gold discoveries 
 were first made in the Oro Fino and Florence districts 80 miles to the east. By the 
 latter part of May, 1862, it is claimed that 20,000 people had flocked to the scenes of 
 these early mining operations and the yield of gold from these diggings was reported 
 at $7,000,000. Lewiston owes its location to the fact that it is at the head of naviga- 
 tion on the Snake river, and it was from this point that the thousands of early gold 
 hunters who had come up the river from the coast found their chief outfitting station. 
Lewiston, Idaho. 
 Nez perces county Couht House, 
 During the early days of her existence, Lewiston en- 
 joyed a remarkably rapid growth, though perhaps a little 
 of the mushroom order. During the height of the gold 
 excitement in Norther:^ Idaho the town boasted of a popu- 
 lation of fully 10,000. today, Lewiston contains scarcely 
 more than 1,500 people, and yet it is now one of the pros- 
 perous and solid town? of the northern part of the state. It 
 is the wealthiest town in proportion to population in the 
 state. The assessed valuation here shows real estate valued 
 at 1750,000. This is conceded to be about one-third the 
 actual value of the property assessed. The 300 vc s of 
 Lewiston, perhaps, make up the majority of land owners here. The assessment rolls 
 accredit $2,500 worth of taxable property to each of these voters, property that, at 
 its actual valuation, is conceded to be worth |7,5oo. Lewiston challenges the world 
 for a parallel statement. The people here are all prosperous and happy and, with- 
 out the aid of railroad connection, Lewiston is conceded to be one of the richest 
 inland cities of the coast. 
 Lewiston is located at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater rivers, each 
 of which streams carries a sufficient volume of water to float large steamers. A regu- 
 lar line of steamboats operates on the Snake river between Lewiston and Riparia, 
 connection being made with the Union Pacific railroad at the latter point. The 
 elevation of Lewiston is but 700 feet above sea level, while rising on all sides of the 
 town are plateaus of the richest farming land of a general altitude of from 2,000 to 
 4,000 feet. The winters of Lewiston are not cold, the thermometer seldom dropping 
 here below zero, while the summers are not uncomfortably hot. 
 The soil of the lands idjacent and tributary to Lewiston is excellent in quality. 
 It is deep and, without the aid of irrigation , yields large crops of cereals and grasses. 
 In certain parts of the countr}' tributary to Lewiston crops during seasons of pro- 
 tracted drought have suffered, but it is claimed by those 
 who have given the subject the most careful attention here 
 that irrigation can easily be provided for these arid belts at 
 a small expense. The valley lands in the vicinity of Lewis- 
 ton are especially adapted to fruit raising. These lands 
 produce with the most lavish abundance almost every 
 variety of deciduous fruits. The climate and soil combine 
 here to make fruit raising a very profitable industry. The 
 grapes, peaches, apricots and melons of the Snake River 
 valley are famous, while apples, pears, prunes, cherries and 
 all the smaller fruits grow as well here as on any part of the 
 coast. Grapes yield as high on these lands as six tons to the acre, while the peach 
 crop never fails, and the quality of the peaches raised here vies with that of the finest 
 peach crops of New Jersey. 
 The transportation problem is one which the people of Lewiston have vainly 
 attempted to solve for many years past. A tri-weekly steamer now runs between 
 Lewiston and Riparia, a six-hours' ride down the river, where close connection is 
 made with the Union Pacific railroad, on the through line betwen Portland and Spo- 
 kane. Two daily stage lines, one of which is run to connect with the Northern 
 Pacific trains, make the trip from Lewiston to Uniontown, a station on the line of 
 Public School, Lewiston. 
i I 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 First m e. Chuhch, lewiston. 
 the Northern Pacific, 12 miles distant. It is probable, however, that Lewiston will 
 enjoy railroad communication with the outer world at an early day in the future. 
 The Northern Paci.ic has already built to Juliaetta, in the 
 Potlatch district, a point within 25 miles of Lewiston. The 
 citizens of Lewiston have raised a cash bonus of $75,000, 
 to be paid to the Northern Pacific on condition that the 
 road be completed to Lewiston by January of the present 
 year. The roadbed is partially graded, but owing to the 
 prevailing stringency in the money market during the past 
 year, the Northern Pacific was unable to earn the subsidy. 
 The time will probably be extended, however, and although 
 the road is now in the hands of a receiver, the short con- 
 nection between Juliaetta may be finished during the present year. 
 Lewiston is solidly built. The main street is graced with a number of two and 
 three story brick blocks. Main street, the principal business thoroughfare, is broad 
 and well kept. It is fully two miles long, and beyond the business section of the 
 city is lined with handsome residences with ample and well kept surrounding yards. 
 The street is well shaded on either side with the Lombardy silver poplars. Lewis- 
 ton contains two national banks, which are on the strongest of 
 financial footings. A complete system of water works, which cost 
 $too,ooo, is owned by citizens of the town. The supply of water 
 here is inexhaustible, and the pressure is ample for protection 
 Bgainst fire. Lewiston has a good fire department and an electric 
 light system. Among the manufacturing industries of the 
 city may be mentioned a patent roller-process flouring m:l\ 
 a brewery, two saw mills, a planing mill and machine works. 
 Other important factors that contribute to Lewiston 's pros- 
 perity, are two daily stage lines to Uniontown, one daily 
 stage line to Camas prairie, and stages daily to Moscow, 
 Genesee, Asotin and Pomeroy, and a tri-weekly line to the 
 Potlatch country. A department of the United States land 
 office, for the counties of Nez Perces, Idaho and Latah, is 
 also established at this point. Lewiston also boasts of a branch of the supreme court 
 of the state. The town is the distributing center for a large area of rich country, 
 and it is the headquarters for the immense logging interests which annually handle 
 large drives of logs on the Clearwater river. 
 Lewiston is justly proud of her excellent educational advantages. The public 
 schools are of the first order in their appointments. The average attendance at 
 the public schools of the city is about 200. The last session of the Idaho state 
 legislature designated Lewiston as the place where the State Normal School should 
 be located. The state endowed this institution with the revenue to be derived 
 from 50,000 acres of land. The buildings for the normal school here will be erected 
 during the present year. The St. Alcysius Academy, a Catholic institution, was 
 first opened to students in the fall of 1883. The attendance at this school has stead- 
 ily increased each year since it was first opened. Lewiston boasts of some very hand- 
 some church edifices, among which may be mentioned the First Methodist, the Meth- 
 odist Episcopal South, the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Catholic. 
 Lewiston supports two good weekly newspapers, The Teller and The Tribune 
 it has two hotels and two livery stables. 
 Episcopal Church, Lewiston. 
GrangeviUe and Camas Prairie, Idaho. 
 The following figures, obtained from the United States land office at Lewiston, 
 will furnish satisfactory information of the amount of land tributary to this town. 
 In Nez Perces county there have been surveyed : fruit 
 and garden lauds, 20,000 acres; grain land, 40,000 acres ; 
 grazing land, 54,945 acres, making a total of surveyed 
 land in the county of 114,945 acres. In addition to 
 this there are in the county 350,000 acres of unsurveyed 
 grazing lands. On Craig's Mountain there have been 
 surveyed 75,000 acres of grain and timothy lands, and 
 125,000 acres of grazing lands on the mountain are still 
 unsurveyed. On Nez Perces Indian Reservation, in Nez 
 Perces county, there are 385,000 acres of agricultural, 
 timber and grazing lands, making a grand total of 
 1,049,945 acresof land which can be considered tributary 
 to this town. 
 Presbyterian Church. Lewiston. 
 Granfjeville and Camas Prairie. — Idaho county occupies a central 
 position in the state of the same name. It reaches from the boundary line of Oregon 
 on the west to the dividing line between Idaho and Montana on the east, a distance 
 of about 200 miles, while the length of the county from north to south is about the 
 same, the shape of the county being nearly square. While the surface of a large 
 portion of Idaho county is rugged and mountainous, yet the largest body of agri- 
 cultural land in the state lying in one piece is found in Idaho county. This fertile 
 belt is what is known as Camas prairie. It is with this remarkable section of land 
 that the present article has to deal. 
 Camas prairie can be reached at the present time only by stage from Lewiston, 
 which is located in Nez Perces county, on the Snake river. A few miles above Lewis- 
 ton is the mouth of Salmon river. The Lewiston and GrangeviUe stage line extends 
 in a southeasterly direction from Lewiston, running between the Salmon and Clear- 
 water rivers. Forty miles above Lewiston the stage crosses the dividing line between 
 Ntz Perces and Idaho counties. For one-half of this distance the road crosses a 
 country of low elevation and prairie-like character, a greater portion of the land of 
 which is now under cultivation. At the boundary line of Idaho county the foot of 
 Craig's Mountain is reached. This elevation is ascended by a circuitous though not 
 a precipitous county roadway. Near the summit Lake Waha, a crystal sheet of 
 blue water abounding in gamy fish and sur- 
 rounded by the most picturesque charms of na- 
 ture, is passed. The shores of this lake are 
 fast becoming a popular summer resort for the 
 people of the surrounding country. 
 The summit of Craig's Mountain is 
 reached from the lake by easy grades. 
 On top of the mountain are a few 
 miles of very easy traveling, through 
 fields of hay and waving fields of grain, 
 over prairie and table-lands. This is 
 the great plateau of the summit. 
 STOCK SCENE, cam«8 pRAiHrE. Tfac first vlcw of Camds prairie from 
 any part of the stage route is obtained when Cottonwood butte is reached on 
 ..;i. \ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 the descent of the eastern slope of Craig's Mountain. It is safe to venture the 
 assertion that the traveler who has arrived at this point for the first time will uncon- 
 sciously pause and meditate for some moments on the grandeur of the landscape 
 that is suddenly presented to his view here. The scene from Cottonwood butte is 
 truly an inspiring one. Spread before the beholder is a section of country 30 miles 
 in length and about 20 miles wide. On a clear day these thousands of acres of gently 
 undulating land, dotted here and there with settlements, and on which large bands 
 of horses and cattle are contentedly feeding, with their waving fields of wheat, oats, 
 barley, flax or timothy, form a panorama that is more entrancing than is the greatest 
 painting of the master artist. To the south from this point are seen the snow-capped 
 peaks of the Salmon River Mountains, and towering still above these lofty elevations 
 are the sawtooth eminences of the Seven Devils. Far to the east are the lofty heights 
 of the Bitter Root Range, which merges into the CcEur d'Alene Mountains on the 
 north and which joins Craig's Mountain on the west. This magnificent circle of 
 mountains is unbroken with the exception of easy passes here and there which will 
 in the near future furnish open gateways for the entry of railroad lines to Camas 
 prairie, one of the most fertile sections of the West. 
 As before stated, Camas prairie is about 30 miles long and about 20 miles in width. 
 It lies between the Salmon and Clearwater rivers, streams which parallel each other, 
 the Salmon river running on the south and the Clearwater on the north and east. 
 The distance between these streams at the point where they come closest to each 
 other is 30 miles. These rivers flow through deep canyons. The Camas prairie is 
 reached from these water-courses by following the courses of the several creeks 
 which find their source along the foothills of the mountains back and which empty 
 into the larger streams below. 
 The topography of Camas prairie is best described as being of a gently rolling 
 character. The bedrock below the soil is basalt of volcanic origin, while the sur- 
 face above this is a deep, black loam of the same character as is found on the best 
 lands of the famous Palouse wheat belt of Washington. This soil produces remark- 
 able yields of all kinds of cereals and grasses, fruits and vegetables. Camas prairie 
 is well watered by the Cottonwood, Three Mile, Butcher and John's creeks, which 
 flow through it and empty into the Clearwater and Grave creeks and the waters of 
 Rocky canyon, which flow into Salmon river. A bountiful supply of well water is 
 obtained on the prairie in almost any locality at depths varying from 10 to 60 feet. 
 The altitude of Camas prairie is about 3,000 feet above sea level. The climate of this 
 part of the state is by no means severe. Frosts seldom appear here before Decem- 
 ber, and the snowfalls during the winter months are not heavy and snow seldom 
 remains on the ground here longer than a week at a time. The warm chinook winds 
 blowing up from the southwest and the currents of warm air which rises from the 
 river canyons below tend to greatly temper the rigors of winter on Camas prairie. 
 The population of Camas prairie at the present time does not exceed 4,000. 
 Owing to lack of railroad connection with the outside world, the farmers here 
 now give their attention principally to stock raising, although sufficient products 
 of agriculture are raised to amply meet the local demands. The sale of sur- 
 plus stock in this section is annually increasing and it now averages yearly about 
 $100,000 in value. 
 The mineral resources of Idaho county are worthy of more than passing notice 
 in the present article, owing to the proximity and accessibility of these mineral 
Grangeville and Camas Prairie, Idaho. 
 deposits to Camas prairie. The excitement attending the discovery of the placer 
 gold-fields of Oro Fino, Elk City, Florence and Warrens diggings here in the early 
 6o's will be remembered by many of the old residents of the Northwest. Although 
 placer mining is now on the decline, recent valuable quartz discoveries in these same dis- 
 tricts and the active preparation already made for their development promise a 
 greater activity in mining in these districts than was noted 30 years ago. In 
 the Warrens district several valuable gold-quartz ledges are now being worked at a 
 profit, although at something of a disadvantage owing to the lack of wagon roads 
 and the consequent heavy cost of hauling supplies to the mines. A state wagon 
 road has just been completed at a cost of $50,000, which will reach these mines. 
 This road is about ready to be opened to travel and it will undoubtedly give a great 
 impetus to the working of the valuable quartz mines of Idaho county. 
 A very rich section of Idaho county is the Alton mining district. It is noted for 
 its rich ledges and it only awaits the building of wagon roads to become a very prom- 
 inent mining section. The Elk City district lies in the foothills of the Bitter Root 
 Mountains and is regarded by experts as being remarkably rich in surface display. 
 A road to this district is assured during the present year (1894). The completion of 
 this road will give Camas prairie means of communication with one of the most 
 promising mineral belts of the Pacific coast. The famous Seven Devils mines 
 are copper properties. Active preparations are now being made to develop these 
 mines on a large scale. 
 The timber resources of Idaho county are apparently inexhaustible. The western 
 slope of the Bitter Root Mountains alone is covered with a dense growth of pine, fir, 
 tamarack and cedar. This timber belt is about 100x80 miles in extent. The forests 
 here are easily accessible and they contain sufficient timber to meet the demands of 
 this section for many years in the future. 
 The towns of Camas prairie will always remain the principal supply points for all 
 the vast mineral and timber sections of countrj' back of this belt of rich agricultural 
 land. Camas prairie is the only bodj* of agricultural land between Lewiston prairies 
 and the mining districts of Montana and it is also the only fertile belt separating the 
 great mineral section of Northern and Southern Idaho. The prevailing cheapness 
 of land in this prairie at the present time will undoubtedly attract a large immigra- 
 tion to this part of the state during the present year. The finest ranches, all under 
 fence and with the usual farm improvements can yet be bought here for from $10 to 
 |20 an acre. Wild and unimproved lands on the prairie find a ready sale at from $5 
 to $8 an acre. Three years ago these lands could have been purchased at less than 
 one-half their present selling price and three years hence it is not unreasonable to 
 expect that they will as readily bring twice the amount they are today being sold for. 
 The population of Camas prairie is rapidly increasing and immediate prospects of 
 railroad connection with the outside world promise quite a boom for this section 
 in the near future. There is now but little desirable government land on Camas 
 The soil of Camas prairie is a black loam varying in thickness from a few inches 
 to several feet. The subsoil is clay and is about 18 inches in depth. The land here 
 produces a fine bunchgrass which is self-curing and very nutritious. Cattle and 
 horses range on the natural pasturage almost during the entire year without attention. 
 Some of the finest breeds of cattle and the best grades of horses are raised on Camas 
 prairie. The surplus stock is rounded up every spring and fall and is driven to Lew- 
 '■\ 1 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 iston or Genesee, distant about 65 miles, and shipped from these points by the Union 
 or Northern Pacific railroads to different parts of Oregon, Washington or Idaho. 
 Large bands of horses are frequently bunched and driven to Montana or Dakota 
 where they command prices ranging from $15 a head for cay uses to $300 a span for 
 blooded mares. The principal crop now raised on Camas prairie is timothy. The 
 cereals do well here, wheat averaging from 30 to 60 bushels to the acre, oats 50 to 75 
 bushels and barley 60 bushels. 
 Adjoining Camas prairie on the north and east is the Nez Perces Indian reserva- 
 tion, \<rhich contains 765,000 acres of land. At least three- fourths of this land is sus- 
 ceptible of a high state of cultivation. There are todaj* about 1,800 Indians in the 
 Nez Perces tribe which is recognized as one of the most prosperous, industrious and 
 intelligent of the primitive American race. The Indians here have already received 
 their allotments of land in severalty. The remaining lands of the reservation, com- 
 prising about 500,000 acres, will soon be thrown open to settlement by congress. 
 This land is among the finest in the Northwest. The people of Camas prairie, as 
 well ai others interested in the development of this part of the state, are urging con- 
 gress to speedy action in the matter of appropriating this land, and it is hoped that 
 the national government will take some action on this matter during the present 
 session of congress. A large portion of the reservation is directly tributary to Camas 
 prairie. It lies directly between Camas prairie and Snake river. It is felt that the 
 opening of the lands of this reservation to settlement will alone insure Camas prairie 
 speedy railroad connection. Both the Northern and the Union Pacific have already 
 made surveys for extending their lines into the Camas prairie country. The Spokane 
 & Palouse branch of the Northern Pacific will probably be completed from Juliaetta 
 to Lewiston during the present year, and it is expected that the line will be 
 extended from that point to Camas prairie. The Union Pacific has run surveys from 
 Lewiston via Camas prairie to a connection with the main line in the southern por- 
 tion of the state. It is hardly probable tha! one of the most inviting sections of the 
 state will long be denied railroad coriutctior with the outside world, and with the 
 advent of the iron horse Camas prairie n'ill become one of the most prosperous sec- 
 tions of the West. 
 Grange vllle, Irtalio. — Grangeville is the largest center of population on 
 Camas prairie, the town claiming today about 500 people. It is favorably situated, 
 being near the center of the prairie from east to west, and not far from the foothills 
 of the Bitter Root range of 
 ^^ ' mountains to the south. Its 
 proximity to the mountains 
 makes its a particularly 
 healthful location, and a most 
 desirable lace in which to 
 Grangeville has always 
 enjoyed a marked degree of 
 prosperity. Its three large 
 general merchandise stores 
 do an annual business of at 
 least $250,000. Two solid 
 banks and various small bus- 
 Main Street, Qranqeville, Julv 4, isei. 
Cottonwood, Idaho. 
 jree of 
 of at 
 11 bus- 
 iness houses are located at this point. In addition to having a large country 
 trade, Grangeville is the present supply and outfitting point for the rich mines 
 in the vicinity. In manufacturing industries the town has a large roller-process 
 flouring mill and a brewery. A large sawmill is located two miles distant from 
 the town. The social and moral tone of the community of Grangeville is of a very 
 high order. The Methodist and Episcopal denominations have church buildings and 
 strong organizations here. A Chataiiqua circle, brass baud, and a company of Idaho 
 National Guards, which is one of the best drilled military organizations in the state, 
 the Patrons of Husbandry, who own a fine hall here, are notable features of the life 
 of the town. A well conducted hij<h school and an academy, under the patronage of 
 the Methodist church, are an indication of the demands which exist here for the best 
 educational f • ilities. Grangeville supports one of the best conducted weekly news- 
 papers in Idaho. This is The Idaho County Free Press, edited and conducted by 
 A. F. Parker, who is doing much to advertise the resources of the Camas prairie 
 country. East of Grangeville i '2 miles is located the government experimental sta- 
 tion, one of three of the kind assigned to the state. The government has purchased 
 here 160 acres of land which has been set apart for experiments in agriculture. 
 Appropriate buildings for this purpose have already been erected here and scientific 
 men have been employed to conduct experiments along the lines above specified. 
 Grangeville was first started as a town in 1H74. It has steadily advanced in 
 wealth and population since that time until it has become a most important center of 
 trade for the Camas prairie country and for the mines of the districts adjacent. The 
 business men of Grangeville are thoroughly alive to every advantage which their 
 promising city enjoys, and they are united in all efforts to further the city's interests. 
 The citizens of Grangeville are public spirited and they fully appreciate the fact that 
 the development of the Camas prairie country insures the building up of their city, 
 which is now the chief commercial center of this rich district. It has been 
 through this ambition of the people here which is largely responsible for the pres- 
 tige Grangeville now enjoys. Among the more enterprising citizens of the city may 
 be mentioned W. W. Brown, the successful manager of the Bank of Camas Prairie; 
 A. F. Parker, editor of The Free Press ; Messrs. Alexander & Freidenrich, Henry 
 Wax, Messrs. Vollmer & Scott, the proprietors of the three large general merchan- 
 dise stores located here; Frank McGrane, a successful business man, and George 
 Schmadeka, one of the pioneers of Camas prairie. Any of these gentlemen will 
 be glad to answer all letters of inquiry addressed to them concerning Grangeville or 
 Camas prairie. Grangeville is in the line of rapid improvement and its many 
 advantages are worthy of the most careful inspection of people from abroad at the 
 present time. 
 Lewiston Addition to Grangevillk. — The Lewiston Addition to Grangeville 
 lies southwest of the city in a most desirable locality. The Addition is beautifully 
 situated and commands a magnificent view of Camas prairie and the mountains 
 beyond. Lots here are 50 x 142 feet in size and are held at $50 for inside and $100 for 
 corners. The addition is owned by the Lewis'on Land Company, which is composed 
 of Lewiston and Grangeville capitalists. 
 Cottonwood, Idaho. — Descending the east slope of Cottonwood butte, re- 
 ferred to in the article on Camas prairie, the traveler is greeted with a view of the 
 flourishing little town of Cottonwood. This is one of the oldest settled points on 
 Camas prairie, and it occupies the only gateway for travel by stage from the Snake 
 -.:; J, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 " f ! 
 river country below, and it will, in all probability, be the first point on Camas prairie 
 reached by railroad . 
 Cottonwood is attractively situated on the west side of Camas prairie, under the 
 foothills of Craig's Mountain. The location for a town at this point is desirable in many 
 respects. The pure mountain air here is invigorating, and the ample supply of the 
 purest mountain water which the town enjoys is an additional safeguard to the 
 health of the inhabitants. The wealth of timber with which the surface of Craig's 
 Mountain is supplied makes Cottonwood a promising manv.facturing point. One 
 sawmill here, recently erected by E. S. Sweet, is already turning out 15,000 feet of 
 lumber a da;*. The merchantable timber accessible to Cottonwood is apparently 
 inexhaustible, and as the demand for lumber increases on Camas piairie, the num- 
 ber of sawmills at Cottonwood will naturally increase in proportion. It is worthy 
 of note here that when the summit of Craig's Mountain is reached the descent does 
 not commence until a broad, fertile section, varying in width from 5 to 10 ruiles, 
 the great plateau on the summit, is crossed. Much of the land on this plateau is 
 naturally barren of forest growth, while a large portion is but lightly timbered. 
 These ariible lands are being lapidly occupied by an industrious class of settlers. 
 These people, living for a dis<^ .r.ce of 18 miles back of Cottonwood, do their trading 
 at the latter point. Cotton vvcod also derives a large patronage from Camas prairie 
 proper, and from the thickly populated districts of White Bird and Dumax plains. 
 The citizens of Cottonwood are always 
 on the alert for new enterprises which will 
 aid in building up their town. As a result 
 of this enterprise, the largest roller-process 
 flouring mill in the state of Idaho is lo- 
 cated here. This mill has a daily capacity 
 of 200 barrels. It was established at Cot- 
 tonwood during the past year. The man- 
 ager was induced to select this point for 
 the establishment of his plant by the many 
 advatitages offered here for a large flouring 
 mill, and also by a liberal land and cash 
 subsidy which the enterprising people subscribed to here. 
 Prominent among tue business institutions of Cottonwood are a bank, the large 
 general merchandise .otore of Messrs. Goldstone & Wax, which carries a stock of 
 goods valued at $25,000, a live weekly newspaper, The Cottonwood Report, and the 
 usual number of smaller stores, as well as a good hotel and two livery stables. Cot- 
 tonwood has a population of about 150. New stores and new residences are noted 
 on everj hand, and the probabilities are that Cottonwood, a year hence, will contain 
 twice as r* 'ny peoplv* as reside here today. 
 The Methodist and Catholic denominations have neat little c lurch buildings at 
 Cottonwood, and the organization of each is strong. The public schools of the town 
 are well attended, and are presided over by two competent te'ichers. As befo' ^ 
 stated, the town enjoys an enviable location, when considered in relation to futur* 
 railroad connection between Camas prairie and outside points now reached by lines 
 of road. Cottonwood and Meadow Creek passes are said to be the most practicable 
 routes for railroads entering the prairie. Surveys have already been made through 
 these gaps, A careful examination of a map of this country will show very plainly 
 GENERAL Store, Goldstone & w«x, Cottonwood. 
Denver, Idaho. 
 las prairie 
 that Cottonwood is en the direct line with railroads which must reach Camas prairie 
 through either of th> above-named passes. 
 Cottonwood is fortunate in possessing a few public- spirited citizens, who are 
 untiring in their efforts to make their chosen town one of the most important points 
 en Camas prairie. Prominent among these are Mr. Goldstone, of the firm of Gold- 
 stone & Wax ; F.J. Hogan, a successful business man, representing the interests of 
 L. P. Brown, of Mt. Idaho ; J. H. Wann, assessor for Idaho county, and owner of a 
 valuable addition to Cottonwood, and J. S. Rhoads, who is interested in the townsite 
 of Cottonwood. Any or all of these gentlemen will give prompt attention to all 
 communications addressed to them concerning Cottonwood or Camas prairie. 
 Denver, Idaho. — The Denver of Idaho has been founded and located exactly 
 in the geographical center of Camas prairie, on the broad plateau lying between the 
 Salmon and the Clearwater rivers. Scarcely a year and a half ago a syndicate com- 
 posed of well-known capitalists of Moscow, Pullman and Camas Prairie was formed, 
 and the name adopted for the syndicate was the Camas Prairie Land and Town 
 Company. They purchased from Hon. B F. Morris, of Camas prairie, a tract of 
 2,720 acres of the richest loam soil, platted the center section of 640 acres, and 
 founded on this site the town of Denver. 
 The site occupied by the town of Jjenver is a natural one both topographically 
 and geographically. The land occupied by the town is somewhat higher than land 
 in the immediate vicinity. This affoid.s the best of dia'nage facilities. The view 
 crmmanded from the site occupied by the town is almost as perfect as that described 
 from Cottonwood butte. Grangeville and Mount Idaho, distai.t 10 and 13 miles, res- 
 pectively, from Denver, are in plam sight to the east, while tc the north and south 
 rise the rugged spi'-es of the Seven Devils, Buffalo Hump and the loftier range of 
 the Bitter Root Divide, wiiich is capped with perennial snows. 
 While all the attractions of the new town of Denver arc inviting and the view is 
 entrancing, it was the necessity, from a commercial standpoint, of a tov/n at this 
 point, that induced its location here. The syndicate, in choosing this point, located 
 a young city that would be easy of access from all points and where it would naturally 
 command the trade of a vast territory that, from its resources alone, must become 
 thickly settled in Liie near future. Even to the casual observer, the selection of this 
 site for the ur'.juilding of a city must have been patent at a glance. The promoters 
 of the new townsite claim tV.at Denver is destined to become the metropriis and 
 commercial center of the Panhandle of Idaho, and the results of developmeuts at this 
 point during the past year furnish them sufficient grounds for making this claim. 
 The town was started scarcely a year and a half ago. Today Denver is a bust- 
 ling little town having a population of about 200. A saw and planing mill and a sash 
 and door factoiy are kept constantly running here to meet the demands for lumber 
 and building material for the large number of structures that are constantly going 
 up here. Almost every line of busineds is already represented at the new town, 
 including two good hotels and a well stocked livery stable. A weekly newspaper, 
 T/ie Denver Tribune, is a very creditable pubHcation for a new town of the size of 
 Denver, Denver is on the route of the daily otage line running, from Dewiston to 
 Mount Idaho, and it is midway between Cottonwood and Grangeville, the distance 
 between either point and Denver being 10 miles. Both the Northern and Union 
 Pacifi . railroads have made surveys for new lines of road which cross Denver's 
 The Oregonian's Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 boundaries, and it is confidently believed that both these roads will reach Camas 
 prairie in the near future. It is also believed that sufficient influence vests in the 
 shareholders of the Denver Townsite Company to make Denver one of the objective 
 points for any railroad that enters Camas prairie. 
 The members of the townsite company are I. C. Hattabaugh, I. A. Funk, Spots- 
 wood & Veatch, Dernhim & Kaufmann, Jay Wood worth, Wm. Hunter, Moscow; 
 Robert Scblicher, John P. VoUmer, Lewiston ; Wallace Scott, Grangeville ; B. F. 
 Morris, Denver ; W. A. Nixon, Palouse City, and the Pullman Mercantile Company, 
 PuUtrian. All of the above are well-known business men and firms in Idaho and 
 Washington, and they will undoubtedl}' exert every effort to make Denver ti e i^rost 
 important point on Camas prairie. 
 The resources of Camas prairie, together with the timber and mining di«t.ncts 
 tributary, are sufficient in themselves to build a large town at the present site of Den- 
 ver. The townsite has been laid out with a liberal hand. The streets are loo feet 
 wide, with broad alley-ways. The land company are liberal in their donations of 
 land or money to enterprises of merit, and they hold out reasonable inducements to 
 every worthy manufacturing industry, or to individuals, to locate at this point. 
 Mount Idalio, Idaho. — Snugly situated under the "Golden Rim" of the 
 Bitter Root and Salmon River Mountains is the seat of Idaho county, Mount Idaho. 
 This is the most picturesque spot on Camas prairie. As early as 1862, Hon. Loyal 
 P. Brown, the pioneer settler of Camas prairie, chose the present site of the town for 
 an ideal place to settle. Mt. Idaho is situated at the timber line amid the most 
 inviting surroundings of groves and springs. Perfectly sheltered from the blasts of 
 winter, it has the advantage during the heated term of the summer months of the 
 gentle, cool mountain breezes which come down from the higher elevations at this 
 Mount Idaho is located on the southeast corner of Camas prairie, at the loot -^t 
 the Melnor trail. In early days it was the sole trading point on Camas prairie for 
 the rich placer diggings which were then at the zenith of their success. With the 
 decline of placer operations here other settlements sprung up at various points on 
 Camas prairie, and the attention of the settlers here gradually became directed to the 
 diversified pursuits of agriculture and stock raising. The trade which Mount Idaho 
 had thus so long enjoyed thus became divided. The popularity of the town as a 
 place of resort and as a site for residence increased with the growth of population or 
 the prairie. It still maintains the county seat, a commodious jail and court house 
 being located here. The county officers reside at this point and many of them owj; 
 attractive residences here. The population of the town today does notperhap, 
 exceed 100. The place, however, shows many evidences of prosperity. A new am', 
 attractive Masonic hall has just been completed here at a cost of $2,000. i^ new 
 public school building is now in course of erection, and established at this point are 
 a flouring mill with a daily capacity of 40 barrels, a sawmill with a "sypacity of 10,000 
 feet a day, a planing and shingle mill and furniture bliop. The I^rcobyteriai.s have 
 an organization here, and they contemplate building a ni w churtl I . ildin.f,' at this 
 point in the near future to cost about |i,8oo. The town possesses tw^ good general 
 merchandise stores, a hotel, livery stable and other less important places of business. 
 Mount Idaho is the oldest town in Idaho county. The .^irst Republican conven- 
 tion held in Idaho territory assembled at Mount Idaho in 1863. The first settler on 
 I ) 

 Weiser, Idaho. 
 HON. L. P. Brown, Mt. Idaho. 
 Camas prairie, as before stated, was Hon. Loyal P. Brown. Mr. Brown emigrated to 
 Idaho county from Oregon in 1862. He early foresaw the possibilities of future 
 development on Camas prairie, and he chose for his home the present site of Mount 
 Idaho, where he is still residing. He has 
 all along pinned his faith to the future of 
 Mt. Idaho and Camas prairie. He has 
 already done much to advertise the ad- 
 vantages of this section of the state, and 
 he is now exerting his influence in aid of 
 the present needs of Idaho county. The 
 citizens generally of Mount Idaho appre- 
 ciate the fact that Camas prairie must be 
 occupied by settlers and the mining dis- 
 tricts of Mount Idaho must be developed 
 before Mount Idaho can hope to increase 
 largely in population. Since the atten- 
 tion of capital has been attracted to the 
 valuable quartz deposits in the Elk City, 
 Warrens, Florence and other mining dis- 
 tricts, the people here have looked for a 
 return of the prosperity in these mines 
 noted in the early 60' s. Active prepara- 
 tions are now being made for the develop- 
 ment of these mines. Mount Idaho is 
 most easily accessible from these districts 
 by any of vhe numerous trails that were cut here during the early days of the placer 
 Weisev, Idaho. — The new town of Weiser, Idaho, is the outgrowth of the old 
 "own of th'i same name which was almost totally destroyed by fire three years ago. 
 '.he old town having been situated more than a mile from the depot of the Union 
 Pacific railroad was only partially rebuilt, the location chosen as a site for the new 
 town being on the direct line of the road. The present combined population of the 
 new and old town of Weiser is about 700. Weiser is 427 miles east of Portland and 
 If i.ated at the coiifluence of the Snake asd Weiser rivers. The Snake is one of the 
 giv »t ,1 ater-courses of the United States, it really being the main body of the Colum- 
 bia vviiich it joins near Pasco, Washington, just as the Missouri is a larger stream than 
 is t,.e Missi ;5ippi above the point where the former river empties into it. 
 Weiser contains a number of good brick buildings in which the principal part of 
 the business of the place is conducted. In addition to the business blocks the town 
 contains a fine brick court house, erected at a cost of $20,000, a public school build- 
 ing whose erection involved an outlay of $to,ooo and two hotels which cost 
 $25,000. Weiser is the judicial seat of Washington county, and the place is the 
 center of considerable trade. 
 A roller-process flour mill is loca'.ed at Weiser. This mill has a capacity of 125 
 barrels a day and supplies a large number of neighboring towns with floui in addition 
 to shipping largely to the town'; of Oregon. Weiser is the trading point of that 
 part of Idaho which extends tor about 150 .miles north. The remote sections of 
 this district have connection with Weiser by a w^xgon road which was built by the state 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ^ ! 
 I ■ 
 at a cost of $50,000. The public schools of Weiser are well conducted and have 
 an average daily attendance of about 150 scholars. The Episcopal, Baptist, Con- 
 gregational and Catholic denominations own church buildings in th j town. 
 The town supports one good bank and also a weekly newspaper, The Weiser 
 Signal. The chief exports from the section of country of which Weiser is the 
 trading point are horses, cattle, sheep, wool and fruit. The shipments of wool from 
 the town for the past year aggregate 750,000 pounds and this is one of the great sta- 
 ple products of this ^ -i of the state. 
 Payette, Idaho. /ette is a small town situated in the Payette valley on 
 the river of the same name. It is on the main line of the Union Pacific railroad, 440 
 miles east of Portland, and contains a present population of about 400. Located at this 
 point is one small sawmill with a daily capacity of 15,000 feet. The logs for runniuj^ 
 this mill are rafted down the Payette river from the timber belt about 150 miles dis- 
 tant. This is the only manufacturing enterprise at this point. 
 The business district of the town is divided among three separate localities which 
 lias resulted in a townsite covering a large area but very sparsely settled. The busi- 
 ness interests of the town are represented by a bank, three fair-sized stores, three 
 hotels and two livery stables, together with a number of small business establisli- 
 nients usually found in a town of this size. The place supports one weekly newspa- 
 per, The Payette Independent. The enterprise of the people here has led to the 
 erection of a fine brick school house. The average daily attendance at the public 
 schools is about 100. 
 The country immediately sur runding Payette has until recently been compara- 
 tively barren. About 5,000 acres of this land have been reclaimed, however, by a 
 system of irrigating canals which have been perfected in this section. This land 
 when watered is among the most productive of the state. It is estimated that tribu- 
 tary to Payette are no less than 40,000 acres of land which will eventually be made 
 highly productive by irrigation. The irrigating company now operating in this part 
 of the state demands |io per acre for a perpetual water right and an additional rental 
 for the use of the water of |r an acre per year. The principal dependence of Payette 
 for advancement rests largely on the prospect of reclaiming the tributary lands by 
 means of irrigation and the success which has already attended the eiforts to get 
 water to these lands promises much for the future of a section which can be made 
 highly fertile by the perfection of the system of irrigating canals which are now 
 being dug here 
 Washington County, Idaho. — Washington county lies in the south- 
 western part of Idaho and is 75 miles in length by 50 miles in width. Chief 
 among its resources are the products of agriculture, stock, timber and mining. 
 The Weiser valley through which flows the river of the same name, maintains a 
 general level of about 2,000 feet above the sea. The climate of the valley is miUl, 
 which especially favors fruit growing in this section. The yield of wheat on the val- 
 ley lands runs from 25 to 40 bushels to the acre, while other grains yield equally as 
 well. Weiser valley is about 25 miles in length and about 5 miles wide. This is 
 the best part of Washington county and the valley contains many farms in a high 
 state of cultivation. An irrigating canal 20 miles in length has been constructed on 
 the west side of the river through the valley at a cost of $40,000. This canal furnishes 
 plenty of water for irrigating purposes to about 35,000 acres of land. These lands are 
Caldwell, Idaho. 
 and have 
 tist, Con- 
 h; town. 
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 t lands are 
 being rapidly settled and hundreds of acres are being planted in orchards of prunes, 
 apples and other fruits. Much attention is also being paid in this part of the state 
 to the raising of cereals and vegetables. 
 Other important valleys of Washington county are those of Mann's creek, Middle 
 Salubria, Crane creek and the Indian, Council, Hornet and Salmon Meadows 
 valleys. All of these <^.e great grain and stock- producing sections. On the grazing 
 lands of the county are about 30,000 head of cattle, 25,000 head of horses and 125,000 
 sheep. The timber belt of the county covers a total area of about 900 square miles. 
 Located in the northern part af the county are some very valuable mineral deposits 
 which are now being developed lo some extent. The resources of Washington 
 county are as varied as are those of any other county of the state and the attention 
 of the large immigration which is now pouring into the west cannot fail to be 
 attracted to the opportunities afforded in this part of the state for farming, stock rais- 
 ing or successful mining if intelligently handled. 
 CaldTvell, Idaho. — Probably the most progressive town in Southern Idaho 
 is Caldwell, the judicial seat of the recently created county of Canyon, which was 
 formed from the ri -vision of what was formerly Ada county. Caldwell boasts of a 
 prosperous populati«.u of about 1,200. The town has made its principal growth 
 within a period of a few years past and the prospects for future advancement are 
 most encouraging. • 
 Caldwell is located in the heart of the Bc'-e valley 
 and is on the main line of the Union Pacific, 478 miles 
 east of Portland. The course of the Boise river lies 
 within lYz miles of the center of the town. This is a • 
 stream which carries a large volume of water. Near 
 Caldwell the river has a fall of 40 feet, a power that 
 could be easily utilized for manufacturing purposes. 
 The Boise empties into Snake river, the principal 
 water-course of Idaho and one of the great riveis of 
 the West. 
 From a geographical standpoint Caldwell's position is a most favorable one. It 
 is the principal shipping and trading point for the counties of Ada, Owyhee and Can- 
 yon, in Idaho, and Malheur, in Oregon. In 1892, the Caldwell Forwarding Com- 
 pany shipped 1,600,000 pounds of wool from this point. This was the bulk of the 
 product of the four counties named above. During the same year the Central Lum- 
 ber Company of Caldwell manufactured and shipped 4,000,000 feet of lumber, which 
 was sent to supply the demand in the mines at Silver City and 
 De Lamar, the Jordan valley and Bruneau countries and the 
 territory lying east of Caldwell on the Union Pacific. 
 The importance of Caldwell's position with reference to the 
 surrounding country which is tributary has been strengthened 
 by the united efforts of the live young and energetic business 
 men of the place. A noticeable feature connect^'' with Cald- 
 well's progress is that the principal promoters of the town's 
 welfare are young men. Caldwell contains a number of gen- 
 eral merchandise stores, the values of the stocks of which vary 
 Presbyterian CHURCH, CALDWELL, all the way from $25,ooo to $5o,ooo cach. One bank is locatcd 
 MASONIC Building, Caldwell. 
 Photo, by frank moore. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 PHOTO. Bv Frank moohe. 
 M. E. Church, Caldwell. 
 here. This bank has a capital of $50,000 and is ably managed. Practically every 
 business enterprise at Caldwell is in a flourishing condition. In 1892 the volume of 
 the business handled at this point aggregated 11,830,000. Caldwell 
 offers exceptional educational advantages to its youth. The public 
 school system of the town is considered to be one of the best in 
 the state. It provides a high school grade in addition to instruc- 
 tion in the primary and grammar branches. The school building 
 is of brick and cost the district $7,000. A principal and three as- 
 sistant teachers are employed in these schools and the ave'-age 
 daily attendance of scholars is about 200. In addition to the ex- 
 cellent public school Caldwell is the seat of the College of Idaho, 
 which is conducted under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. 
 This school offers opportunities for a full collegiate course of study, 
 and it is one of the best conducted colleges of the West. Caldwell 
 has a good water-works plant, and an efficient fire department. The place contains 
 three hotels, the largest of which, the Pacific, was built by the Union Pacific Railway 
 Company. One weekly newspaper, T/te Tribune, is published at this point. The 
 Presbyterian and Methodist denominations have recently completed very handsome 
 church edifices at Caldwell, and the Baptists contemplate erecting a building for 
 worship here in the near future. 
 The assessed valuation of property in Caldwell in 1892 was $230,000, and the only 
 bonded indebtedness of the town at the present time is $1 ,000. Caldwell, although a 
 comparatively new town, is today the fourth in population in the state. A number of 
 brick buildings have already been erected at this point, and other fine structures are 
 now in course of construction. . The people here have always been alive to everything 
 that promised any lasting benefit to their town. The division of Ada county was 
 largely due to the efforts of Caldwell's citizens, and it was also through their efforts 
 that the temporary county seat was located at Caldwell. Being the most centrally 
 located point in the county and holding the balance of the ballot power, there is but 
 little doubt that Caldwell will be chosen as the permanent county seat when the 
 question shall be voted on by the people at the polls. The united and wide-awake 
 efforts of the people at this point doubly assure Caldwell's future prosperity and con- 
 tinued advancement. 
 Caldwell now has stage line connections with the various tributary sections of 
 Ada, Owyhee, Canyon and Malheur counties. The proposed North & South railroad 
 which is planned to connect the Owyhee mining country with the forests of Long 
 valley, and which will eventually furnish an outlet for the great copper mines of the 
 Seven Devils district, will probably cross the Oregon Short Line at Caldwell. The 
 completion of this road will do much to advance the interests of Caldwell and the 
 country of which the town is the commercial center, and this, in connection with the 
 Union Pacific system, will furnish Caldwell transportation facilities not excelled by 
 any populated center of Southern Idaho. 
 Canyon County, Idaho. — The new county of Canyon, in Southern Idaho, 
 is bounded on the north by Washington county, on the east by Boise and Ada, on 
 the south by Owyhee, and on the west by the state line of Oregon. The area of the 
 county is about 800,000 acres, half of which is susceptible of cultivation by means 
 of irrigation. The remaining lands of the county are principally valuable for 
Canyon County, Idaho. 
 jctions of 
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 grazing purposes, and afford line winter range for cattle. The county is watered by 
 the Snake, Boise and Payette rivers and the smaller tributaries of these streams. 
 The Boise valley, of which Caldwell is the commercial center, is a magnificeht 
 piece of agricultural land. This valley but a few years ago was a barren waste. The 
 impression of the valley at that time was one of absolute worthlessness for farming 
 purposes. The matter of reclaiming these lands from the government under the 
 "Desert Act," and making them highly fertile by means of irrigation, has been 
 solved. The best lands of this part of Idaho lie back some distance from the line of 
 the railroad, which does not allow a traveler over the Union Pacific to form an esti- 
 mate of the capabilities of production of this part of the state. An hour's drive back 
 uom Caldwell, however, takes one into one of the most fertile districts of the state. 
 Here are magnificent farms of waving fields of grain, orchards of trees groaning 
 under their loads of fruit, and live stock of all kinds kept fat throughout the year on 
 the succulent grasses of this section. It is not an uncommon sight in this part of the 
 state to see alongside a field of alfalfa or wheat the virgin sagebrush land from which 
 the highly productive fields have been made through the reclaiming power of irrigation. 
 Water for irrigating purposes has done wonders for the Boise valley, just as it has 
 done for other parts of the state. The success of the irrigating system in use here 
 can only be appreciated by a personal visit to this section. In the Boise valley for 
 instance, there are perhaps 400,000 acres of land which are being made productive by 
 means of irrigation. The Idaho Irrigation & Colonization Company of Caldwell, 
 have excavated a canal for a distance of 23 miles. This leads from the Boise river, 
 near Caldwell, almost to the Snake river, and its construction has involved an outlay 
 of about $35,000. The canal is at a sufficient elevation to cover with water 10,000 
 acres of land located at a lower level. This is accomplished by means of lateral 
 ditches, the flow into which is easily regulated by means of small locks. 
 The soil of Boise valley is a red loam, strongly impregnated with alkali. When 
 this soil is well watered it yields enormous crops. Grains of all kinds, fruits, veget- 
 ables and grasses give large returns on this land. Alfalfa produces three crops a 
 year, at the rate of about four tons an acre for each crop. Wheat yields from 40 to 
 60 bushels to the acre on this same land. The world-renowned fruits of Idaho are 
 all grown on irrigated land. The cost of watering this land is not high. Some irri- 
 gating companies operating here charge as much as $10 an acre for a perpetual water 
 right, and $1 per acre a year additional for the use of the water. Other companies ask 
 from $x to $1.50 per cubic inch for water, the amount ordinarily required for an acre 
 of land. The title to thousands of acres of this dry sagebrush land still vests in the 
 government, and this land can still be obtained under the " Desert Act " at $1.25 an 
 acre, provided it is brought under cultivation within three years from the time the 
 first filing is made. The cultivation of this sagebrush land is an easy and inexpen- 
 sive matter. The cost of removing the sagebrush does not exceed $1.50 an acre. After 
 the sagebrush has once been removed the soil is so mellow that plowing is wholly 
 unnecessary to put the land in condition for planting the crop. The ordinary grain 
 or disc drill works the soil sufficiently for the sowing of seed. The sagebrush 
 lands of Canyon county are fast being reclaimed, and in a few j'ears the system 
 of irrigation so successfully inaugurated here will be extended to cover the entir^^ 
 area of the county that can be made productive by water carried in these irrigating 
 f ■■^■i t: 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Idaho State oaoptol, BorsE Citv. 
 Boise City, Idaho. — "Gem of the Mountains," is the happy sobriquet 
 applied to the new state of Idaho. In a more contracted sense the same term could 
 be fittingly applied to Boise City, the leading city and capital of the state. Boise 
 City is one of the oldest settled communities of the state. It is beautifully located, 
 and in all the attributes of beauty of location it is one of the most favored cities of 
 the West. 
 Nature dealt sparingly with the original townsite of Boise City. Before the 
 reclaiming hand of man made a section fertile that was once barren, the site now 
 occupied by the capital of Idaho was a sagebrush plain as uninviting to the eye as 
 it was unpromising to the husbandman. Boise City is located in the Boise valley, 
 through which the river of the same name flows. This level stretch of land is sur- 
 rounded by towering mountains entirely destitute 
 of forest growth. Before the problem of irriga- 
 , tion was satisfactorily solved in this part of the 
 state, the surroundings of Boise City were as un- 
 inviting as they are today attractive. The city is 
 now the scene of a fine park, fine trees line the 
 principal streets, and the city is surrounded by 
 green pastures, well cultivated farms and attrac- 
 tive fruit orchards. The farms of Boise valley, 
 for the entire distance of 20 miles between Nampa, 
 on the main line of the Union Pacific, and Boise 
 City, present as attractive an appearance as do any 
 of the best farms of the Willamette valley in Oregon, and the country in the im- 
 mediate vicinity is now among one of the best cultivated sections of the state. 
 Prominent among the many striking features of Boise City are the long, i-road 
 and well kept streets. These streets, with the exception of the main thoroughfare, 
 are, as before stated, all lined with finely developed shade trees. In the residence 
 portion of the city are many handsome private dwellings, surrounded by broad green 
 lawns, which bespeak much for the prosperity and good taste of the citizens of the 
 capital city. Boise City also contains a number of very fine public buildings, chief 
 among which are the state capitol, court house, city hall and public school. This is 
 the richest center of population in the state, and it can be said to be the social and 
 commercial metropolis of Idaho. 
 In addition to being the state capital, Boise City is also the judicial seat of Ada 
 county. Ada is almost a counterpart of Canyon county, of which the town of Cald- 
 well is the seat of justice. Boise City is the terminus of the Boise branch of the 
 Union Pacific system, which leaves the main line at Nampa, 507 miles east of Port- 
 land. This branch road is 20 miles in length, and it is one of the best paying 
 branches of the Union Pacific. The present population of Boise City is about 5,000, 
 and this population is constantly increasing. The claim has been made that this 
 city, in proportion to population, is one of the richest cities in the United States. 
 The assessed valuation of city ^^roperty, by the returns of last year, are 11,850,000. 
 The estimated value of real estate situated within the municipal limits is estimated 
 to be no less than $5,000,000. Boise City being the leading populated center of 
 Southern Idaho, has long been the leading supply point for the principal por- 
 tion of the southwestern part of the state. Within the pt : few years the new 
 town of Caldwell, on the main line of the Union Pacific, has contended with Boise 
Boise City, Idaho. 
 Cour:-' House, Boise City. 
 for a part of this trade, but although Caldwell's busi- 
 ness with this part of the state is constantly increas- 
 ing, it is a safe assertion that the volume of the 
 regular business held by the merchants of Boise City 
 has not been in the least contracted by these efforts. 
 At the present time but little manufacturing is 
 done at Boise City. The principal manufacturing 
 industries here, at the present writing, are a rol- 
 ler-process flouring mill, and a foundry and machine 
 shop combined. As a supply center for a wide and 
 rich area of country, however, Boise City is an im- 
 portant city, and it is this jobbing trade, together 
 with the business which naturally comes to the city 
 as the capital of the state and the seat of a rich country, that constitute Boise's 
 principal means of support. 
 The settlement of Boise City as a town commenced with the establishment of the 
 military post of Boise Barracks here by the government in 1863. In the following 
 year the territorial capital was removed here from Lewiston, where it had been for- 
 merly located, and the impetus thus given to the growth of the town was followed 
 soon after by the location at this point of the United States assay office, the federal 
 land office and the office of the government surveyor-general. The military post at 
 Boise is still maintained by the government. Located here are an infantry and cav- 
 alry troup, and while the force of men kept in the barracks is not large, the govern- 
 ment disbursed at this point during the last fiscal year no uss a sum than |6o,ooo, 
 most of which money was added directly to the revenues of the city. The building 
 now occupied by the government assay office is a handsome stone structure, which is 
 situated in the center of a whole block in the heart of the city. During 1892 the 
 amount of gold bullion handled by the assay office reached a total value of $830,753, 
 and the number of depositors during the year was 1,594. The government annually 
 expends about $15,000 for the maintenance of this office at Boise City. Most of the 
 gold bullion which reaches Boise is taken out of the rich placer diggings in the coun- 
 try tributary to this point and a large part of the dust brought to the city is exchanged 
 here by the miners for merchandise. Two and one-half miles east of Boise City is 
 located the state penitentiary. The penitentiary is situated at the foot of Table Rock, 
 an eminence of considerable elevation and the site is an attractive one. The build- 
 ings here consist of two stone cell structures, which were erected at a cost of $55,000. 
 The grounds comprise 160 acres and they are well laid out and neatly kept. The 
 average annual cost of maintaining the penitentiary is about $25,000, and the average 
 number of prisoners confined here is about 72. Just west of the penitentiary grounds 
 is a graceful knoll, out of which flows the hot springs, which have done more to 
 effectually advertise Boise City than any other feature of interest here. A company 
 has already expended $175,000 in the construction of a natatorium at Boise City to 
 which this hot water is conducted, and by means of pipes this water is carried to all 
 parts of the city where it is used for heating and domestic purposes. Two wells 
 located 30 feet apart were bored to depths respectively of 165 and 404 feet, and from 
 these depths water of a temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit was obtained. The 
 flow from these two wells aggregates about 1,000,000 gallons. During 1891 six 
 additional wells were sunk by the company and from these about 1,250,000 gallons of 
 cold water flow daily. This cold water is conducted to the large reservoirs and dis- 
 The Orej^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 City Hall, Boise City. 
 tributed from these throughout the city under a 
 head of 165 feet. This provides more than an am- 
 ple supply for domestic purposes, and also fur- 
 nishes the safest protection against fire. The nala- 
 torium itself, designed after the famous Broadwater 
 natatorium at Helena, Montana, is in the shape of 
 a gigantic "T." It has a frontage of 150 feet and 
 a depth of 200 feet. The entire building is con- 
 structed in a most elaborate style. The great 
 plunge is 50 x 80 feet in size, through which a fresh 
 supply of water is constantly passing. An electric 
 car line extends from the city to the natatorium, 
 a distance of two miles. The entire natatorium is 
 lighted by electricity and is supplied with all 
 modern conveniences. 
 It was found after a careful test, that the hot water taken from the wells here 
 could be used for heating the buildings ot Boise in place of steam. Over 7,000 feet 
 of mains and 1,500 feet of laterals were laid for conducting this hot water to all parts 
 of the city. The water, which maintains a temperature of 165 degrees after flowing 
 through 2,900 feet of pipe, is now being used in many of the best residences and busi- 
 ness blocks of Boise City. 
 The city's supply of water tor irrigating purposes is obtained from a canal lead- 
 ing from the Boise river. This canal runs through the city and distributes the water 
 by means of large wheels which are kept in con^.tant motion by the natural flow of 
 water in the canal. 
 The fire department of Boise City consists of two engines and the same number 
 of hook and ladder trucks. There are 150 men connected with the department which 
 is run as a volunteer organization. 
 Boise City has the best of public school advantages. The Central High School 
 here is one of the most imposing edifices in the state and was erected at a cost of 
 $100,000. It is of brick and stone combined and contains every modern appointment 
 and accessory for the most efficient school work. Fifteen teachers are employed in 
 the public schools here at salaries ranging from $70 to $80 a month each. In addi- 
 tion to the efficient public schools, St. Theresa's 
 Academy, a Catholic institution of learning, is 
 maintained at Boise. This school is in charge of 
 eight sisters and the average daily attendance is 
 about 90. St. Margarettc's school for young ladies, 
 under the patronage of the Episcopal school, occu- 
 pies a new building recently erected here at a cost 
 of $25,000. The attendance at the latter school 
 averages about 50 scholars. The Presbyterian, 
 Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, Episcopal and 
 Catholic denominations own church buildings 
 here. These churches have large memberships and they are all well supported. 
 The banking business of Boise City is on the strongest of footings. The three 
 laige banking houses located here did an aggregate business of $4,510,000 during 
 1892. TAe Boise Statesman, published at this point, is one of the ably-conducted 
 Public School, Boise City. 
Boise City. Idaho. 
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 daily papers of the West. In addition to The Statesman^ The Idaho Democrat (tri- 
 weekly), and The Boise Sentinel (weekly), are also published here. Boise City has a 
 new opera house, completed at a cost of $30,000, with a seating capacity for 1,000 
 people. Views of a number of the fine public buildings are published in connection 
 with the present article. 
 For a number of years Boise City suffered many disadvantages from not having 
 connection by rail with the main line of the Union Pacific which passes within 20 
 miles of the city. The advantage of a location on the main line of road was not 
 fully appreciated by the people of the city at the time the Oregon Short Line was 
 being built, and as a result the proposition of the railroad management to carry their 
 line through Boise for a certain subsidy was not favorably acted upon. This matter 
 was subsequently partially rectified by the completion of a branch road from Nampa, 
 on the main line to Boise. This branch slopped within a distance of i^ miles of the 
 city proper, however, until a little more than one year ago when it was extended into 
 the city. The railroad company has since constructed a handsome freight and pas- 
 senger depot at Boise City at a cost of about $60,000. Boise, as before stated, is an 
 attractive place of residence, the climate is healthful, the surrounding country is rich 
 in diversified interests of farming and mining, and the prospects for future growth at 
 Boise are believed to be encouraging. 
 Governor William J. McConnell. — W. J. McConnell, the present governor 
 of Idaho, was born in Commerce, Oakland county, Mich,, on September 18, 1839. 
 His early life was spent upon the farm. He received his education in the common 
 schools and academies of his state, alternately teaching and attending school afte 
 he was 16 up to the time he was 20 years of age. 
 In the spring of i860 he started overland to California. Being without money, 
 upon reaching the Missouri river he hired out to drive a six-mule team to Salt Lake 
 City, and successfully accomplished the feat, although he had never had his hands on 
 a mule before. Fifty-three days were consumed on this trip, for which he received 
 $1 per day. 
 Mr. McConnell has had a very exciting and eventful life. He crossed the 
 plains, fought Indians and for a short time he followed r '; '/g in California. He 
 subsequently taught school in the Willamette valley, Oregon, and afterwards farmed 
 very successfully in Idaho. He proved his executive ability and bravery in the im- 
 portant office of deputy United States marshal, and when in charge of the head office 
 at Boise City during the most troublesome times of the territory. 
 In the fall of 1866 Mr. McConnell returned to Oregon, where he had been engaged 
 in teaching school before coming to Idaho, and married a j'oung lady there and 
 returned to Humboldt county, California, engaging in the cattle business, for five 
 years, after which he again returned to Oregon and interested himself in merchan- 
 dising and in politics. In 1887 he removed his family to his present home in Mos- 
 cow, Idaho. 
 During the time he was in politics in Oregon, he made frequent political cam- 
 paigns for the republican party, of which he was always a member, and served as 
 president of the state senate during the memorable Mitchell contest. 
 He took a prominent part in the convention which framed the present constitu- 
 tion of the state of Idaho and went to Washington and assisted in securing the admis- 
 sion of the state. He was elected one of the first senators who represented Idaho in 
 The Orcgonian's Handbook of the I'acific Northwest. 
 the United States Senate. He was there but the short term of the fifty-first congress, 
 having drawn the shortest term, but while there he was noted for his activity and the 
 promptness with which he entered into the questions of the day. When only a few- 
 days in the senate, he made a speech on the silver question, and on the i6lh of Febru- 
 ary, 1 891, he made his memorable speech on the bonded indebtedness of the Union 
 Pacific railroad. 
 Mr. McCounell is a type of the self-made American. What he has accomplished 
 he owes to his own energy and determination to succeed. He has ever proved him- 
 self a foeman worthy of any champion's steel, whether in debate or otherwise. His 
 term of office as governor of Idaho will expire January ist, 1895. 
 GENERAiy James F. Curtis. — General James F. Curtis, the present able secre- 
 tary r*" the state of Idaho, was born and passed his early youth in Boston, Massachu- 
 setts, vsince 1850 he has resided on the Pacific coast. He has for a number of 
 years past been very prominent in Idaho's state affairs, and he is justly reputed 
 today to be one of the most popular and able men in public life in the '"^w state 
 of Idaho. 
 The ancestors of General Curtis were distinguished in the early hist ' New 
 England. His father was a lieutenant on the frigate Constitution and other ships of 
 the United States navy during the war of 1812. At the breaking out of the Rebel- 
 lion General Curtis recruited a regiment of California volunteers, of which he was 
 appointed major. In 1864 he received his promotion as colonel of the Fourth Cali- 
 fornia Infantry, and he was subsequently promoted to the rank of brigadier general 
 of volunteers. He commmanded this regiment until the close of the war. The 
 Fourth saw much service on the coast from Washington on the north to Arizona 
 on the south. 
 General Curtis came to Idaho in 18S6. In the spring of 1891 he was appointed 
 inspector-general on the staff of the governor of the state, and was sent to the 
 Coeur d'Alenes at the breaking out of the mining troubles there, where he was 
 appointed to the command of the Idaho National Guard. Upon his return from 
 active duty Governor Willey reported a message to the legislature in which he 
 referred to the able service rendered by General Curtis as follows : '* For the peace- 
 ful solution of the difficulties the state is greatly indebted to the coolness and sound 
 discretion of General J. F. Curtis." 
 General Curtis, as before stated, holds the highly honorable position of secretary 
 of state of Idaho, he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the 
 Loyal Legion of California, and he is one of the best known and most highly respected 
 citizens of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Gecirge M. Parsons. — George M. Parsons, the present attorney-general of the 
 state of Idaho, was born in Cambridge City, Indiana, January 15, 1850, and received 
 his education in the public schools of Cincinnati and Hamilton, Ohio. At the youth- 
 ful age of 15 Mr. Parsons enlisted as a soldier, and he served during the last year of 
 the war as a private in company F, i89thOhio volunteer infantry. In 1871 Mr. Parsons 
 moved to Idaho, where he has since resided. Being possessed of indomitable pluck, 
 which is marked in self-made men, Mr, Parsons pressed rapidly to the front in pub- 
 lic esteem, and he was finally chosen a member of the 7th and loth sessions of the 
 Idaho legislature. During the years 1883-84 he held the office of probate judge of 
 Alturas county, Idaho, and in the following year he was admitted to the bar. Mr. 
 Parsons now enjoys the honor of holding one of the highest offices within the 
 gift of the people of the state, and he is justly popular with his constituents. 
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 '1 ■' V 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Frank C. Ramsey. — Frank C. Ramsey, the present auditor of the state of 
 Idaho, is yot a young maii, u wing been born in Fulton county, Pennsylvania, in 
 1855. Mr. Ramsey attended tlii public schools of Fulton and Blair counties until he 
 had reached the age of 10, when he was thrown on his own resources. In 1871 he 
 went to Ohio, ana later spent several years on cattle ranges in Kansas aVid Colorado. 
 Inspired with the Far Western fever, Mr. Ramsey came to Idaho, in 1884, where he 
 again engaged in the cattle business. In the meantime he had begun to take some 
 interest in politics, and he was finally elected assessor of Cassia county, in 1888. In 
 1890 he was sent to the state legi.«lature, and in 1892 he received a flattering majority 
 for the office of auditor of the state, which office he now holds. Mr. Ramsey is 
 another strong type of the self-made man. By persistent endeavor he has won for 
 himself a distinction that has often been denied those who enjoyed greater opportu- 
 nities dur:rg their youth than fell to his lot from the time he was first compelled 
 to care for himself as a boy until he reached manhood's estate. 
 WrivWAM C. Hit,!,. — Hon. William C. Hill, the presc^nt efficient state treasurer of 
 Idaho, is a native of Missouri. He was born in St. Louis, of that state, in 1846. He 
 had the advantages of a good common school training in his youth, and later 
 attended college until 1863. Mr. Hill's early manhood was devoted to a purely busi- 
 ness career, during which time he gained a practical knowledge of business and 
 finance that has proved of great benefit to him hi his subsequent life. Until 1870 he 
 was engaged successfully in the mercantile business in St. Louis. In 1871 he moved 
 to Denver, Colorado, where he again became identified with the mercantile business. 
 Mr. Hill spent nearly 13 years in the Eldorado of the West, and during that time he 
 noted the same great changes in that city that he subsequently saw in the young state 
 of Idaho, his present home. The period between 1370 and 1883 was the initial stage 
 of Denver's future greatness, and it was the efforts of the progressive young business 
 men of the city, among whom Mr. Hill occupied a prominent position, which insured 
 the subsequent rapid growth of the city. 
 In 18S3 Mr. Hill moved to Idaho, and the results of his efforts in the latter state 
 since that time are best shown in his election to the highly honorable and responsible 
 position of state treasurer, November 8, 1892. 
 B. EvRON Lower. — B. Byron T,ower, the state superintendent of public instruc- 
 tion in Idaho, was born in Wabash coanty, Indiana, May 7, 1861. In 1865 his parents 
 moved to Isabella county, Michigan where he attended the county schools in the 
 winter season, and as he be(;ame o'dcr worked on the farm during the suramet 
 months. At the age of 20 Mr. Lov/er graduated from the Mount Pleasant high 
 school, and after three years of teachinjj; school he entered the Northern Indiana 
 Normal School at Valparaiso, Indiana, from which institution he graduated in 18S6. 
 Mr. Lower came to Idaho in the fall of 1887 i>nd taught the schools of Matad City and 
 Silver City until 1890, when he received the appointment of deputy auditor and 
 recorder of Owyhee county, which office he filled with credit until his election as 
 state superintendent of schools in 1892. Mr. Lower, although a comparativelj- young 
 man, is thoroughly acquainted with school work in all its branches, and he is there- 
 fore well qualfied for the exalted position which he now holds. 
 Irrigation In Idaho. — Ten years ago a large part of that section of Southern 
 Idaho which now contains fine farms, well kept orchards, and is the home of thous- 
 ands of contented settlers, was a sagebrush waste, as sterile as it was uninviting. 
 There was then ab? >lutely nothing in this section to merit the attention of home- 
Irrigation in Idaho. 
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 seekers, and outside of a few settlements and the mining centers, Southern Idaho 
 was as much a wilderness as was the v'rgin soil of Dakota before the advent of the 
 The open sesame to future prosperity in this part of the state was the one word, 
 irrigation — with the ability to make irrigation a success. In the articles on Canyon 
 county, found in another part of "The Handbook," will be noted a brief description 
 of a single system of this, the vast chain of irrigating canals which now cover a 
 large part of Southern Idaho. The results which have been accomplished here during 
 the past 10 years have been no greater than can be looked for during the next decade 
 and it is safe to predict that 10 years hence but little available land in this vast district 
 will be denied the use of water to insure its cultivation. 
 In Washington county no large canals have yet been dug, but a number of small 
 ditches connecting with the Weiser, a branch of the Snake, have been dug, and these 
 laterals water a section of considerable extent. In Canyon county the Payette canal 
 just completed, at a coLt of 1250,000, is one of the most important irrigating ditches 
 of the state. This caaai is 60 miles long and carries a volume of water sufficient to 
 irrigate ioo,cx)o acres of land. TJ ■' Phillis canal starts in Ada county near Boise City, 
 and extends through Canyon county to the rich placer mines. Its entire length is 
 ibout 70 miles. The water from this canal is used both for irrigating purposes and 
 tor placer mining. The source of supply 'or this caual is the Boise river. Near 
 Caldwell are two smaller canals which are described at length in the article f^n Can- 
 yon county. The Boise City and Nampa canal is the longest completed irrigating 
 ditch in the state, its total U igth now being 100 miles. The water for this canal is 
 taken out of the Boise river and it covers a territory of 150 000 acres in extent. The 
 New York canal, in the same district, has already cost a half a million dollars, and 
 when completed will be 100 miles long and will irrigate no less than 250,000 acres, 
 hi Elmore and Owyhee counties there are no large streams, but about 60 000 acres in 
 the Snake River valley in Owyhee county, can be watered by means of a system of res- 
 ervoirs, the supply for which will be obtained from the Bruneau river. Logan county 
 which perhaps contains the largest body of agricultural land in the state, and Alturas 
 county, rich in mining development, are irrigated with water taken from Wood river. 
 In this portion of the state there are no large canals, but a number of small irrigating 
 ditclies have been dug here by the individw ^1 farmers. Cassia county, south of Logan, 
 is dependent on Goose, Cassia and Salmon Falls creeks for its water supply. The farm- 
 ers in this county have already constructed several small canals. Bannock county, cf 
 which Pocatello is the seat of justice, has a canal 25 miles in length, which extends 
 to Bancroft. The water for this canal is taken from Soda creek and is of sufficient 
 volume to irrigate from 3o,o<3o to 40,000 acres. The greater portion of Bannock 
 county at present is occupied by the Fort Hall Indian reservation. This reservation, 
 as stated in the article on Pocatello, contains about 250,000 aces of fine agricultural 
 land lying principally along the banks of the Snake river, which will some day 
 furnish homes for thoasands of people. In Bingham and Fremont counties are the 
 St. Anthony and the Grv^at Western canals, both located on the west side of the 
 Snake river, and respectively 25 and 60 miles in length. These canals will irrigate 
 about 65,000 acres of laud. Ou the east side of Snake river in the county, are the 
 Eagle Rock, Willow Creek and Idaho canals, the last of which is 50 miles long and 
 extends to the Blackfoot river. The Idaho canal furnishes water for the Indian res- 
 ervation, It is the intention to extcmd this canal in the near future to Pocatello, 
 which will make it the longest canal in the state. 
l ffTf" 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 i ! i;' 
 The above description, for want of space, merely touches on the principal canals 
 of the soathern part of the state, and does not mention the many irrigating ditches 
 of this section, which vary in length fron 5 to 10 miles each. The general character 
 of the soil of the low lands of Southern Idaho is a red, sandy loam, impregnated 
 with alkali, or a decomposed lava free from alkali. Either of these soils is barren 
 only when parched under the heat of the summer months, and when well watered 
 this land is as highly productive as is any of the choicest land of the state. Irriga- 
 tion has already done much for this part of the state, and it is irrigation which will 
 prove the strongest factor in the future advancement of this promising part of the 
 Slioslioiie, Idaho. — Shoshone is in Logan county, and is located on the main 
 line of the Union Pacific railroad, 623 miles east of Portland. It is the place of 
 junction of the main line and the Wood River branch of the Union Pacific system. 
 Shoshone was at one time the division headquarters for an important part of the 
 Union Pacific, and in the palmy days of the existence of the town from 200 to 300 
 men were regularly employed by the company in the roundhouse and repair shops 
 here. On account of some dissatisfaction on the part of the railroad management 
 with the proprietors of the townsite of Shoshone, the Union Pacific made Glenn's 
 Ferry, a point 53 miles west, division headquarters, and large repair shops are now 
 conducted at the latter point. All the railroad buildings at Shoshone, occupied 
 formerly for repair shops, were built of stone, and they are very substantial edi- 
 fices. Only 50 men are now employed in these shops, the principal part of the repair 
 work being done at Glenn's Ferry. 
 The population of Shoshone is about 400, The most attractive building in the 
 town is a brick school house, vVhich was erected at a cost of $10,000. The town 
 supports a weekly newspaper. The Journal, it has two hotels and a single livery sta- 
 ble. The Methodist and Episcopal denominations own church buildings here. Sho- 
 shone is supported principally by the rich farming section tributary, and increased 
 areas of this land are yearly being made fertile by means of irrigation. 
 The Wood River Valley, Idaho.-— The Wood River valley country, which 
 includes both of the counties of Logan and Alturas, is about 35 miles in length, and 
 has a width varying from i^ to 3 miles Although there are thousands of acres of 
 land in this valley which can be cultivated by means of surface and sub-irrigation, 
 the attention of the people in this part of the state has been confined principally, in 
 tfap past, to the pursuit of mining. Some of the finest mining properties in the 
 state are located in the northern part of the valley, in the vicinity of Bcllevue, 
 Hailey and Ketchum, and beyond Ketchum isa mountainous section, not easih' acces- 
 sible, which is rich in precious metals. The depression of the silver market has 
 retarded, in a great measure, the whole of this great mining district. 
 Embraced within the limits of the Wood River valley is Camas prairie, an unus- 
 ually fertile belt of farming land, which is watered by the sub-irrigation process. 
 These lands, together with the lands of the valley proper, yield, when properly 
 watered, Ir.rge crops of alfalfa, all kinds of cereals, root crops and fruits. The stag- 
 nation in mining circles in all parts of the Northwest has had the effect to cause the 
 people of the Wood River country to turn their attention more and more to agricul- 
 ture and stock raising, and this is fast becc jiing one of the most prosperous farming 
 sections of the southern part of the state. 
Hailey, Idaho. 
 Bellevixe, Idalio. — Bellevue is a tired looking town, with a population of 
 about 500. It is prettily situated in the Wood River valley, on the line of the Wood 
 River branch of the Union Pacific, 52 miles north of Shoshone, and 5 miles south 
 of Hailey. 
 Until recently the sole dependence of Bellevue for support was on the mining 
 resources of the rich mineral belt adjacent. With the decadence of mining in this sec- 
 tion, however, has come the necessity for the people here to turn their attention to 
 other pursuits, and as a result the cultivation of the rich agricultural lands of Logan 
 county, of which Bellevue is the seat of justice, is now perhaps the most important 
 industry of this part of the state. Bellevue contains a good brick public school 
 building, four churches, of the Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal and Catholic (denom- 
 inations respectively, two hotels and two livery stables. Two weekly papers, T/ie 
 Herald and The Review, are published at this point. A number of strong business 
 houses are established here, and the place enjoys considerable regular trade with a 
 section of country that is making steady, if not rapid, progress. 
 At one time Bellevue was the seat of some of the heaviest mining operations in 
 the Northwest. Located within a stone's throw of the town are the Minnie Moore 
 and Queen of the Hills mines, two of the best known mining properties of the state. 
 These mines are silver and lead-producing properties. The Minnie Moore has already 
 yielded over |8, 000, 000 in silver, and over $3,o(kj,ooo worth of silver has been dug out 
 of the Queen of the Hills. Roth of thest cat mines have not been worked for nearly 
 three years past. An English syndicate 'vover, has recently purchased the Queen 
 of the Hills and this syndicate is now making every preparation to 'esume opera- 
 tions here. In the mining section tributary to Be' ivue, valuable ('iscovcries arc 
 constantly being made and the only thing wauteil to infuse lift into the town is 
 plenty of capital to work what would undoubtedly develop into goml paying proper- 
 ties. In the agricultural development of Logan county is sufficient proniise for the 
 support of a considerable town at this point and there is no reason foi conjecture 
 that Bellevue will ever be any smaller than it is to day. 
 Hailey, Idaho. — Hailey, the county seat of Alturas county, is situated between 
 the foothills of the Sawtooth range of mountains and on the east bank of Wood river . 
 It is on the Wood River branch of the Union Pacific, 57 miles nor' > of Shoshone. 
 Hailey is the mining and commercial center of the Wood River i' Sawtooth mining 
 sections and the city has a population to-day of about 1,200. 
 The first discoveries in the rich mineral belt of which Hailey is the center were 
 made in 1880. SiJicc the time of the first great Wood River 
 excitement more than 13 years ago, over $25,000,000 has 
 been produced by the great mining properties here, a record 
 that is not surpassed by the output of any other mining 
 belt of the state. Among the best known mines of this sec- 
 tion are the Minnie Moore, Idahoan, Jumbo, Red Cloud, 
 Mayflower, Bullion, Queen of the Hills, Red P'lephant and 
 Buttercup. In the palmy days of the Wood River country 
 these were all great mineral-prodining properties and this 
 section was the seat of one of the greatest bullion-producing belts of the United 
 Hailey is a town of an attractive appearance. It contains a number of tery fine 
 ALTURAS County Court House, Hailey. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 brick business blocks in addition to a fine brici'. court house, school building, hotel 
 and a fine bank building. The public school building at this point was erected at a 
 cost of $35,000. The school is presided over by good teachers and it is graded and 
 well conducted. The Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal and Catholic denominations 
 own churches at Hailey. The town contains a complete system of water works, a 
 fine electric light plant, and a telephone exchange which also connects with the prin- 
 cipal mines, smelters and mills located within a radius of 12 miles of Hailey. 
 Located at Hailey are sampling works with a daily capacity of 200 tons. A side- 
 track connects these works with the line of railroad passing this puiut. Tlie sampling 
 works give employment to a large force of men and they regularly disburse in the 
 town large sums of money, which adds directly to the prosperity of the place. 
 Two small daily papers. The Times and The Neivs- Miner a.r& published at Hailey. 
 The fact that two daily papers are supported in a town of the size of Hailey can be 
 taken as evidence of the progressive spirit of its people. A feature of interest to the 
 visitor to this point lies in the numerous fine drives leading out from the town in all 
 directions. Natural roads lead from Hailey to the very ridges of the mountain chains 
 which hem in the valley here, and a drive over any of these roads presents niie 
 stretches of scenery of remarkable rnggedness and grandeur. 
 The forests through which many of these roads run are filled 
 with an abundance of large and small game and the small 
 streams along the way are alive with the gamiest of trout. 
 The entire surroundings of Hailey are healthful and invicing. 
 The altitude of this part of Idaho is high, affording a clear, 
 dry atmosphere that is delightfully cool during the summer 
 months and this is fast becoming one of the most popular 
 inland summer resorts of the West. Added to delightful 
 surroundings, Hailey is the seat of a mining district that 
 contains untold stores of wealth and wlim operations are once again resumed in 
 this mineral belt on a scale that they wen- fDrmerly conducted, this will be one of 
 the most prosperous towns in the state of Idaho. 
 HaiIvEY Hot Springs Hotel. — This beautiful health and pleasure resort is 
 kept open the year round. The hotel is of a colonial style of architecture, three 
 stories in height, and the hotel is strictly first-class in all it.s appointments. It has 
 incandescent lights throughout. In connection with the house is an elegant ball- 
 room, a billiard room, lo-pin alleys and ladies' and gentlemen's cement hot plunges, 
 35 X 70 feet in size. All the bath tubs of the house are of porcelain. The rates of the 
 hotel per day are from $2.50 to $3.50, and per week frcn 114 to $21. 
 The hot springs connected with this hotel are highly mineralized, and of a tem- 
 perature of 160° fahrenheit. The water of the springs is unsurpassed for the cure of 
 rheumatism, kidney troubles, dyspepsia, malaria and all diseases humanity is subject 
 to. Hotel guests have the benefit of hot mineral miul plunges which are more highly 
 mineralized than any others in the United States. These baths have no equal for 
 the cure of rheumatism, venereal disorders, gout and al^ chronic diseases. This 
 beautiful resort is reached by the Wood River branch of the Oregon Short Line from 
 Shoshone. Shoshone is distant only 57 miles from Hailey. This latter is a beauti- 
 ful city of 2,500 inhabitants. The Springs Hotel is one and one-half miles distant 
 from Hailey. The hotel hack meets all trains at Hailey. With the finest climate 
 PUBLIC School, hailey. 
Ketchum, Idaho. 
 HAiLEr Hot Springs, hailev. 
 in this liil'ir-mountain coun- 
 try, with fine drives in all di- 
 rections from the hotel, with 
 trout in abundance in the 
 numerous mountain streams 
 near the doors, with grouse, 
 chicken and deer hunting 
 unsurpassed in the foothills 
 near by, this is at once an 
 ideal pleasure and health 
 resort. The hotel is run 
 under the proprietorship 
 of R. Strahorn Co. 
 The analysis of the water 
 of the Hailey hot springs, 
 rtade by Professor N. Gray 
 Bartlett, of Chicago, gives the following results : (This is to each nine gallons of 
 water. ) silica, 3.6 grains ; carbonate of magnesia, 1,5 grains ; carbonate of lime, 1.3 
 grains ; carbonate of soda, 2.6 grains ; sulphate of soda, 4.3 grains ; chloride of 
 sodium, 4.7 grains ; total, 18 grains; oxide of iron, alumina and organic matter, 
 traces ; carbonic acid gas, 5.6 cubic inches. 
 Lemmon & Boone. — One of the most enterprising and successful business firms 
 of Hailey is that of L,emmon & Boone, who have been engaged in the insurance, 
 real estate and loan business since 18S2. This young firm's business extends over 
 Alturas county and a large portion of Southeastern Idaho, and their knowledge of 
 this territory is both accurate and reliable. 
 Ketclilim, Idaho. — Ketchum, Alturas county, is the terminus of the Wood 
 River branch of the Union Pacific railroad, and is 69 miles north of Shoshone. This 
 a few years ago was an active and prcjgr'^ssive mining town of twice, possibly thrice 
 its presi. . population , which is perhaps about 500. 
 Located at this point is a large smelter with a capacity 
 of 180 tons of ore a day. The erection of this mam- 
 moth plant involved an outlay of f 500,000. With the 
 exception of a short period during the winter of 
 1892-93, this smelter has not been operated since 1887. 
 Some notably rich lead and silver mines in the 
 immediate vicinity of Ketchum are the Elkhom, 
 which produced fi, 000,000 between 1882 and 1884, 
 and the Baltimore and Independence mines, which 
 are said to have at least $100,000 in ore in sight. 
 The Parker, another rich mining property of this 
 district, netted $100,000 in 1884, and $750,000 has been 
 taken out of the North Star here. All of these mines are now idle, a condition at- 
 tributed to the prevailing low price of silver. 
 Ketchum is the principal outfitting and shipping point for the miners, tourists 
 and hunters of three-fourths of Alturas county, all of Custer and portions of Idaho 
 counties. The town boasts of one bank, a $10,000 brick school house and supports 
 a weekly paper called The Keystone. The Methodists, Episcopalians and Catholics 
 Public School, Ketchum, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 own churches here. Two hotels and two livery stables are located at this point. The 
 people here base their p ]r>cipal hopes for future prosperity on renewed activity in 
 the mining region, the rt.c irces of which are now lying dormant. 
 Opera house Block, pocatello. 
 Pocatello, Iclaho. — The official government census of 1890 credited Pocatello, 
 tha scat of Bannock county, with the largest population of any town in the state. 
 Since that time there has been a retrogression in the pros- 
 perity which the place formerly enjoyed, and todaj- the 
 population does not exceed 3,500. Pocatello is strictly 
 a railroad town. The machine and carshops, as well as 
 the boiler works and roundhouses of the Union Pacific 
 are located at this point. These works give employment 
 to a large number of men, from 300 to 350 hands being on 
 the company's payroll at this point. The railroad com- 
 pany regularly disburses here from |4o,ooo to |6o,ooo a 
 Pocatello is at the junction of the main line and the 
 Utah & Northern branch of the Union Pacific. It occu- 
 pies a site in the Portneuf valley, a level stretch of country 
 which extends west and north to the rich lands of the 
 Snake river valley. All of this territory which surrounds 
 the town, however, is embraced within the limits of the 
 Fort Hall Indian reservation, and comprises about i,ooo,coo acres, one-half of which 
 is regarded as good agricultural land. Two tribes of Indians, the Bannocks and 
 Shoshones, numbering in all about 1,400, occupy this reservation. Until this reser- 
 vation is thrown open to settlement, Pocatello's growth will necessarily be slow, its 
 sole dependence being centered in the heavy railroad interests at this point. 
 Almost every line of business is represented here. The town boasts of two na- 
 tional banks, two weekly newspapers. The Tribune and The Herald, and two good 
 hotels. The public schools are held in a very h tndsome two-story stone structure, 
 which was built at a cost of $30,000. Five teachers are employed ii the public 
 school here and the average dail^' attendance is about 400. In addition to the public 
 school, St. Joseph's Academy, a Catholic seat of learning, is located here. This 
 school employs five teachers and is well patronized. The Cougregationalists, 
 Episcopalians, Methodists, Baptists, Catholics and Latttr Day Saints own attractive 
 church buildings here. The town is provided with two electric light plants. It has 
 an efficient water-works system and boasts of a number of 
 notable public improvements. The supply of water for city 
 purposes is held in two large reservoirs of 3,300,000 gallons 
 capacity. Pocatello contains a handsome brick opera house, 
 with a seating capacity of 700, which was erected at a cost 
 of $25,000. The people here base their hopes for future 
 prosperity on the opening of the Fort Hall Indian reservation 
 to settlers. The occupancy of this land by a thrifty class 
 of people would add largely to the regular trade which 
 Pocatello now enjoys, and the cultivalion of the thousands 
 of acres now lying idle here would make this one of the most prosperous farming 
 sections in Idaho. 
 Public School Pocatello. 
Idaho Falls, Idaho. 
 Blackfoot, Idaho.— Blacktoot, tne county seat of Bingham county, lies 
 about 25 miles north of Pocatello, on the line of the Utah & Northern branch of the 
 Union Pacific. It is located just beyond the northern liriit of the Fort Hall Indian 
 reservation on the Blackfoot river, and the town is surrounded by a fine stretch of 
 farming country. 
 Blackfoot has a population of about 450. In addition to the regular lines of 
 business usually found in a town of this size. Blackfoot contains a bank and supports 
 one weekly newspaper, T/ie News. A fine orick court house, the erection of which 
 involved the expenditure of about |25,coo, occupies a full block in the center of the 
 town. A three-story stone flouring mill hts recently been completed at this point. 
 This mill has a daily capacity of 75 barrels and represents the manufacturing industrj- 
 at this point. 
 Located at Blackfoot are the two churches of the Presbyterians ano the Baptists. 
 The town is the seat of the state insane asylum. The building occupied for the 
 insane here is of brick and was erected at a cost of $65,000. A fine farm of 120 
 acres surrounds the asylum. This farm is weM watered by an irrigating canal con- 
 necting with Snake river and it luruishes the asylum occupants with an ample supply 
 of the choicest vegetables. At the present time there are about ico patients confined in 
 the asylum here. In the immediate vicinity of Blackfoot a number of large irrigat- 
 ing canals are either completed or are in course of construction and it is this system 
 of irrigation which is proving the greatest factor in the steady advancement y this 
 Idalio Falls, Idaho.— The town of Idaho F^.lls is located on the east bank 
 of the Snake river, 50 miles north of Pocatello on the line of the Utah and North- 
 ern branch of the Union Pacific system. It is 790 miles east of Portland, 186 
 miles north of Ogden, 196 miles south of Butte, Montana and 540 miles northwest 
 of Denver. 
 Idaho Falls is a progressive town of about 700 population. Within the city 
 limits is an available water power of very great extent. This magnificent 
 power is utilized at the present time by a single roller- 
 process flouring mill witii a daily capacity of 75 barrels. 
 The people of the town hav*. hopes, however, of making 
 this a manufacturing point of considerable magnitude 
 and strong efforts are being made to induce manufac- 
 turers to locate here. Bingham county, in which Idaho 
 Falls is located, is one of the most productive agricultural 
 IDAHO STATE ooD FELLOWS' HOME IDAHO FAL.s scctious of the State. lu 1 89 1 the shipmcuts of produce 
 from Idaho Falls aggregated about 17,000,000 pounds, 
 about 63o carloads. In addition the merchandise and stock shipments from this 
 point during the same year were 520 carloads. The valuation of property within the 
 corporate limits of Idaho Falls is now p.bout $600,000 and this value is rapidly 
 Among the prominent ^:uildings of the town are a handsome brick owned and 
 occupied by the state order of Odd Follows, which represents an outlay of $30,000, a 
 brick school house which cost $10,000, a brick and stone hotel which also cost 
 $10,000, three fine churches occupied by the Baptists, Presbyterians and Mormons. 
 The town contains four large business houses, a bank, the regular number of smaller 
 , V 
 ; ■ 
 . i ■- 
 i i 
 ; f 
 t < 
 The Oregonian^s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Stores and two weekly papers, T/ie Times and The Register. The city has a good fire 
 department and also a fine system of water works. Idaho Falls boasts of a crack 
 militia company which occupies a stone armory building. The armory is also used 
 for the purposes of a public hall. The traveling public here is cared for by three 
 Irrigation ha? done as much to reclaim the lands in the vicinity of Idaho Falls 
 as it ^has in other parts of Southern Idaho, and it has been the cultivation of this 
 reclaimed land v\hich has been responsible 
 for the principal growth of the town during 
 the past few years. In Bingham county at 
 the present writing are about 500 miles of 
 main canals and laterals which carry water 
 for irrigating a very large area of land. The 
 fertility of the soil of this section, which 
 is free from alkali has attracted the atten- 
 tion of a very desirable class of settlers who 
 have been pouring into the country at a very 
 rapid rate. Among the largest and best 
 VIEW, GREAT WESTERN CANAL, THROUGH ?2-Foor CUT, IDAHO FALLS, kuowu caHals uow vo. use ucar Idaho Falls 
 are the Idaho, 50 miles in length, the Great 
 Western, 60 miles long, the Eagle Rock, Willow Creek, Idaho Falls, Porter and 
 Farmers' Friend, the latter of which are much shorter than the two first mentioned. 
 The development of this section during the past five years has been very rapid. 
 Prior to that time large quantities 
 of farm produce were regularly 
 shipped to Idaho Falls. Today 
 this town is one of the most im- 
 portant shipping points in the state 
 for wheat, oats, hay, barley and 
 potatoes as well as horses, cattle 
 and sheep. The volume of business 
 now regularly handled at Idaho 
 Falls reaches a total of about 1500,000 and with the solid wealth of the tributary ter- 
 ritory this business is on a most satisfactory basis. 
 T. J, Smith. — When the advantages of Idaho Falls as regards water power and 
 shipping facilities are considered, land values in the immediate vicinity are remark- 
 ably low. Mr. T. J. Smith, a prominent and reliable real estate agent of Idaho Falls, 
 states that he can furnish land, including a perpetual water right in the vicinity of 
 Idaho Falls for from |8 to $10 an acre. The annual assessment per acre for irrigating 
 the same land varies from 5 to 25 cents. Although there is scarcely any government 
 land within range of irrigating canals thus far constructed, Mr. Smith always has on 
 hand a number of relinquishments which he is in a position to sell at from $200 to 
 I300 per half section of 320 acres. The government price for this land is $1.25 per 
 acre. The perpetual water right will cost from $1 to $5 per acre. 
 Mr. Smith is thoroughly acquainted with lands and their values throughout 
 Bingham county and communications addressed to him on the subject will be 
 cheerfully answered. • 
 Upper View, main Headgate, Great Western Canal. Idaho Falls. 
Horse Plains, Montana. 
 Tliompsoii Falls, Montana. — Thompson Falls is a prosperous mining and 
 and lumbering town located on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad and on 
 Clark's Fork river, 102 miles west of Missoula. Its name was derived from the falls 
 near the town formed by the Clark's Fork river flowing through a narrow canyon and 
 tumbling over precipitous masses of rock. These falls furnish an excellent available 
 water power at this point, although up to the present writing this power has only 
 been utilized for operating a small sawmill. 
 Thompson Falls now contains a population of 300. A number of large general 
 merchandise stores located here enjoy a good trade with the tributary mining and 
 lumbering districts. The mountains adjacent to the town are covered with a heavy 
 growth of good timber, and lumbering has been and will continue to be for many 
 years in the future one of the chief industries of the town. There are now two saw- 
 mills located here with a combined daily cutting capacity of 35,000 feet of lumber. 
 The output of these mills is consumed in the towns and among the mines of Missoula 
 county. In the mountains 20 miles distant 
 from Thompson Falls are extensive deposits of 
 antimony. This is a rare mineral which, when 
 converted into a marketable state, is useful in 
 promoting the fusion of metals, and is used es- 
 pecially in the casting of cannon balls. It is 
 also used as an ingredient in the manufacture 
 of concave mirrors. Its use in bell metal ren- 
 ders the sounds of bells more clear and added 
 to tin makes the latter metal hard, white and 
 sonorous. In its crude state it is harmless to 
 the human constitution, but many of its com- 
 pounds act violently as emetics and cathartics. 
 The only medicinal value of the mineral at the 
 present time is in its use as an ingredient in 
 condition powders for animals. Gold and silver 
 are found in paying quantities a few miles from Thompson Falls and the number of 
 apparently valuable prospects here are now awaiting capital to develop them. 
 Thompson Falls is much frequented during the summer season by anglers who 
 find in the vicinity some of the best fishing in the state. The trout here are all gamy 
 and living as they do in the ice-cold waters of the streams of this section their flesh 
 possesses a firmness and sweetness not found in the same variety of fish caught in 
 the streams further to the west. 
 Pend d'Oreille River. 
 Horse Plains, Montana. — At the eastern extremity of a beautiful and fertile 
 valley, is the town of Horse Plains, an important agricultural trading point of West- 
 ern Montana. It is on the main line of the Northern Pacific railroad, 76 miles west 
 of Missoula. 
 In the early history of Montana the country surrounding the present town of 
 Horse Plains was a favorite grazing ground for wild horses, and it was from this that 
 the town subsequently built here derived its name. The valley in which the town is 
 located lies on both sides of the Clark's Fork river and covers an area of about 60,000 
 acres. The entire valley is settled and divided up into farms which are generally of 
 about 160 acres each. These farms are all well improved and the farmers here are in 
 a prosperous condition. The soil of the valley lands is a rich, sandy loam and crops 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacif- Northwest. 
 NEW County Court House, 
 are raised here without irrigation. The valley farms produce annually large crops of 
 grain and hay. It is also a fine gardening country and certain varieties of fruit do 
 well here. In bearing condition are now fine orchards in the valley which were set 
 out more than 20 years ago. 
 The town of Horse Plains contains a population of about 150. It is the most 
 important place in the valley and the merchants here do a good business. It pos- 
 sesses a Catholic church and a good public school, and is in advance of other towns 
 of the same size in the matter of public improvements. 
 Missoula, Montana. — In the mountain-inclosed valley of the Missoula river 
 and at the mouth of Hell Gate canyon, is located the commer- 
 cial center of Missoula, one of the large and prosperous citits 
 of Montana. A few miles above the mouth of the Hell Gate 
 canyon the Hell Gate and Blackfoot rivers join each other 
 and form the Missoula (river of awe). This turbulent stream 
 then passes out through the canyon, and in its winding course 
 of 30 miles to the mountains to the west it cuts in twain the 
 beautiful Hell Gate valley. This valley, 
 inclosed on all sides by grass-covered 
 mountains, is 30 miles long and from 2 
 to 7 miles in width. Opening into it from 
 the south is the Bitter Root valley. 
 The waters of the river of the same name join those of the 
 Missoula a short distance below the site of the city of Missoula. 
 Missoula derives much of its trade from the farming com- 
 munities and towns of the Bitter Root valley, which extends 
 north and south from this point, its length being about 85 miles, while it varies in 
 width from i to 15 miles. It was in this valley that Father DeSmet, in 1841, es- 
 tablished the St. Mary's Mission, the first white settle- 
 ment in Montana. The Bitter Root valley is called the 
 garden spot of Montana. Its rich soil yields large crops 
 of grain and vegetables, and it is the only section of Mon- 
 tana where fruit raising is successfully carried on. This 
 valley dates its occupancy by the white people from the 
 building of the famous Mullan road in the early 6o's. This 
 historic road, which extends from The Dalles, on the West, 
 clear through to Fort 'Benton, on the east, passes through 
 Hell Gate canyon. This great thoroughfare, over which 
 thousands of immigrants wended their westward way in the early history of Ore- 
 gon, Washington and Idaho, was completed by the federal government in i860. 
 Accounts of this great trail are closely interwoven with the history of Montana, 
 and for years preceding the coming of the iron horse it furnished the only great 
 artery of travel over that vast s'-.retch of country, 800 miles in length, between 
 the head of navigation on the Missouri river, dt Fort Benton, to The Dalles, where 
 connection was made on the Columbia river for Portland and the sea. 
 In June, i860. Captain C. P. Higgins and Frank L. Worden arrived in the Hell 
 Gate valley with a pack train of 76 horses laden with merchandise. These men 
 built a log store on the Mullan road at a point <"our miles above the present site of 
 Missoula. This store and the small settlement which subsequently sprung up 
 Hell Gate Canyon, near Missoula. 
 A Business Block, Missoula. 
Missoula, Montana. 
 A Prominent Cornfr Missoula. 
 around it, became known as Hell Gate. The origin 
 of the name in this section was as follows. In the 
 earliest history of Montana the Blackfoot and 
 Flathead Indians were deadly enemies. The 
 Blackfeet claimed the canyon now known as Hell 
 Gate, and used it as an open hij^hway for their 
 war parties. If the Flatheads or others camped 
 near the canyon, the camping parties were almost 
 certain to be raided and their camps despoiled 
 by the Blackfeet, From these frequent depreda- 
 tions of the Indians came the trite remark that it was as unsafe to camp at the gates of 
 hell itself as near the mouth of the canyon. It was thus that Hell Gate canyon was 
 named, and it is by this name that it has since been known. 
 The little settlement at Hell Gate passed through the trying vicissitudes incident 
 to the growth of the frontier towns before the advent of railroads. For a consider- 
 able time after its establishment it enjoyed the unenviable reputation of being a 
 "tough place." In 1864 the store at this point was moved to the site now occu- 
 pied by the flourishing city of Missoula. It was thus that the town of Missoula was 
 born, and although from the date of its first settlement the name of Missoula was 
 attached to the town, it was for many years subsequent to its settlement known bet- 
 ter as Hell Gate. 
 On August 7, 1883, the first cars of the North- 
 em Pacific railroad reached Missoula. The com- 
 pletion of this great transcontinental road, 30 
 years after its route across the continent had been 
 selected, gave Missoula its first real start towards 
 metropolitan importance. It opened up new 
 avenues of tiade for the town, it brought many 
 people to settle in the immediate vicinity, and 
 was the means of bringing capitpl to the West to 
 develop its wonderful resources Missoule. owes 
 its great growth since the completion of the Northern Pacific to its location in a sec- 
 tion of country of great and diversified resources. From a mere hamlet of proba- 
 bly 50 people, in 1864, the place has grown to a cit> of -, cx) population. It is now 
 the great jobbing center of Western Montana, enjoying an extensive trade '.vith the 
 rich agricultural valleys of the Bitter Root and Flathead valleys, and with the rich 
 mining centers of the Coeur d' Alenes. The business streets of the city are lined with 
 imposing three and four-story buildings, constructed of pressed brick, cut stone and 
 granite. These buildings are all modern in their appointments, being as finely 
 fitted as are any of the best structures of Chicago or New York. 
 There is still a prevailing impression in the 
 minds of the Eastern people that Missoula and the 
 other cities of Montana are still the scenes of 
 wild frontier life. In refutation of this, it can be 
 stated that all the great cities of Montana are 
 today as well governed as are any of the older set- 
 tlements of the East. In Missoula the people 
 are not only law-abiding, but they are prompt to 
 discountenance all efforts of the vicious element ^„„^„„^ p.^,,„ „. „. „„3,,„,, „„,„,,,. 
 Fort Missoula 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 'Sir- t«>*"=i^,^^^'^-^.*''-i> 
 Water Works, Missoula, in isee. 
 to create disturbances of any kind. It may also be news to Eastern readers of 
 "The Handbook" to state that few cities of the present population of Missoula, 
 anywhere, contain as many costly business blocks 
 as are found here, while the elegant private homes 
 of the city would grace the best streets of Chicago. 
 The residence portion of Missoula presents a most 
 attractive appearance. Its homes are of a modern 
 style of architecture, and these homes are sur- 
 rounded with well kept lawns, while the profusion 
 of flowers, trees and shrubbery which are found 
 here has led to the adoption of the title, "Garden 
 City," for this flourishing center of trade. The 
 principal streets of the city are loo feet wide. The 
 streets are well lighted after nightfall by electricity, 
 the business portion of the city is connected with the Northern Pacific depot by a 
 well equipped horse-car line, and on every hand is seen here evidence of the manv 
 public improvements which are found in any of the largest Eastern cities. 
 Missoula's supply of water is taken from the Rattlesnake, a pure mountaii 
 stream which furnishes an inexhaustible source of supply for the city. The fall from 
 the point where the water is taken out of this stream to the city affords sufficient 
 pressure to furnish an ample protection against any fire that might ever obtain head- 
 way here. A fine volunteer fire department is maintained here, which is a double 
 safeguard against fire. 
 Excellent educational advantages are afforded the youth of 
 Missoula. The public school system of the city requires the 
 use of three large school houses, in which 15 teachers are em- 
 ployed. In 1893 the total average enrollment at these schools 
 In addition to the public schools the youth of the 
 soon have the advantages for a higher education 
 by the Montana State University. The building 
 which this advanced seat of learning will oc- 
 cupy is now under course of construction. 
 It will have cost when completed about 
 |ioo,ooo. There is also maintained at. Missoula an excellent 
 Catholic school which has a large attendance of pupils. The 
 people of Missoula take a just pride in their excellent school sys- 
 tem. In addition to the educational work of the schools here is a 
 fine public library, which contains over 2,000 volumes of standard 
 literature. The religious organizations of the city are represented by one Catholic 
 and six Protestant churches which are liberally supported. 
 Missoula is an important railroad center. In addition to its location on the main 
 line of the Northern Pacific, it is also the terminus of the Missoula & Bitter Root 
 V:iMcy and the DeSmet & Cceur d'Alene branches of the same system. The Bitter 
 Root Valley branch runs through the valley of the same name to Grantsdale, a dis- 
 tance of 50 miles. All the country traversed by this road is well settled, and its trade 
 is controlled by Missoula. The DeSmet branch runs through the great Coeiir 
 d'Alene miaing districts, and with its extensions makes a continuous route from 
 Missoula to Spokane, the largest inland city in Washington. The building of this 
 was 700. 
 city will 
 NORTH Side School, 
 Central School, Missoula 
 1 :, I 
Missoula, Montana. 
 Catholic Church, Missoula. 
 ' cut off," as the DeSniet branch is culled, has resulted iu mak- 
 ing Missoula the eastern outfitting point for the mines of the 
 Crt-'ur d'Alenes. The commercial relations of Missoula with 
 the rich mineral belt opened up by the completion of the De- 
 vSmet branch, and with the other mining districts which im- 
 mediately surround the city, are most important factors in its 
 progress and prosperity. With these mineral districts and with 
 the rich agricultural sections tributary, Missoula now does a 
 trade which approximates about |2, 000,000 annually. 
 It is claimed that Missoula occupies the only site on which a large city can be 
 sustained, l)etwecn Helena on the east, 125 miles distant, and Spokane, 250 milts 
 west. A careful study of the topographical features of the sections of country 
 intervening between these points will convince any reader of the truth of this state- 
 ment. Missoula is thus made the metropolis of a vast area extending north from 
 this point to the British boundary, west to the Idaho line and east to the summit of 
 the Rocky Mountains. It is also the banking center for a rich and populous center 
 of country. The banks of Missoula today are the First National, with a capital of 
 1150,000 and a surplus and undivided profits of $350,000 and the Western Montana 
 Bank, with a capital stock of |75,ooo and a surplus and undivided profits of $25, (XX). 
 Missoula is the headquarters of the Rocky Mountain division 
 of the Northern Pacific. Residing in the city are 350 regular em- 
 ployes of this road. Large machine acd repair shops, car houses 
 and roundhouses are maintained here by the railroad company. 
 The company's hospital is also maintained at this point. With 
 the exception of the railroad shops there are no large industrial 
 plants located at Missoula. In the immediate vicinity of the city, 
 however, are a number of large sawmills and wood-working 
 plants owned principally by Missoula capital. At Bonner, six 
 miles distant, is a large sawmill with a daily capacity of 135,000 feet of lumber. 
 The output of this and the other mills in Missoula county is largely used in mining 
 development work throughout Western Montana. The lumber industry here is an 
 important one, and in this connection it is significant that the greater portion of the 
 lumber consumed in Montana is cut in Missoula county. 
 The immediate surroundings of Missoula are attractive to both the home-seeker 
 and to the tourist. The mountain scenery here is picturesque. Viewed from any 
 of the principal streets of Missoula, the entire valley in which 
 the city is located is apparently entirely enclosed by mountain 
 ranges. The peaks of these ranges, while not covered with 
 perennial snows, are yet lofty enough to serve as landmarks 
 for a wide extent of country. The valley is perfectly sheltered 
 by these hills from the cold blasts of winter, while during the 
 heated term of the year cool breezes sweep down from these 
 heights into the valley below, thus insuring the people of Mis- 
 soula an escape from the torrid heat of other parts of the state, 
 and nights sufficiently cool t(> insure sleeping with comfort un- 
 der a blanket. 
 Near Missoula are a number of thermal springs the waters 
 of which are largely mineral in their nature. The most fre- 
 First Presbvteriam Church. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 quented of these springs are those at the head of 
 the Lo Lo canyon, 30 miles distant. Four miles 
 southwest of Missoula on .be easi bank of the Bit- 
 ter Root river is the fort of the same name, at 
 which a government post is ma ntained. It is 
 garrisoned by three companies of infantry. The 
 military reservation on which the fort is located 
 comprises 3,000 acres. This post was established 
 in 1876 on account of its favorable location for dispatching troops and supplies to 
 various points in the Northwest. This fort is a distinguishing feature of interest 
 in the section of country of which Missoula is the trading ce.nter, and it is visited 
 by the great numbers of tourists v/ho uow annually visit Missoula in search of health 
 aiid recreation. 
 Hfff''Jfiti;'\:'^H,'*'-' '" 
 Historic Foht Owen, Stevensville, Bitter R'j.jT Valley. 
 Stevensville, Montana. — vStevensville, tne oldes'. settlement in Montana, 
 is located on the east side of the Bitter Root valley, 28 miles south of Missoula. The 
 line of the Missoula & Bitter Root Valley branch of the Northern Pacific runs aboi\t 
 three miles distant from the town, on the opposite side of the river. A good bridge 
 spans the river at the railroad station, thus affording eas}' access to the town. 
 Stevensville now contains a population of about 200, and it contains many of the 
 types of men who were famous n Montana a quarter of a century ago. 
 Stevensville is a place of great historic interest. It was first known as vSt. 
 Mary's and, subsequently, as Fort Owen. The Flathead Indians occupying the val 
 ley here before the advent of the white man were a tractable race 
 much further advanced towards civilization than were the other 
 Northwestern tribes. These Indians having heard of the "Black 
 Gowns," as they termed the Jesuit priests, were anxious to have 
 these priests come to their valley. They dispatched four of their 
 number to St. Louis to invite the reverend fathers to come and live ,^____„. 
 among them. The result of this visit was that Father De Smet and 
 other priests came to the Bitter Root valley in the spring of 1841 and ■"'""'■" " stpvensviue. 
 established the famous mil•;^5ion of St. jNIary's. The Flathead Intlians, under the 
 teachings and example of the Jesuit Fathers, rapidl}' embraced the Caiholic religion, 
 and it is the boast of the tril>e that they never shed wliite man's blood. 
 In 1850, Major John Owen, an army sutler, caviie into the Bitter Root valley. 
 He saw tlie eligibility of the site of St. Mary's mission for a trading post. He pur- 
 chased the land here from the Catholic Fathers who removed a mile or two further 
 up the valley, where they established a new mission but retained for it tiie old name 
 of St. Mary's. The church at the site of the lat<^?r mission is .still standing in a good 
 state of preservation. At th<- abandoned mission Major Owen first 
 bn'' . a palisade fort and, sub.sequently, he erected a iort of adobe. 
 The enclosure was known as l'"ort Owen, auvl portions of the walls 
 of this early fort and two of the bastions are still standing as land- 
 marks of the early settlement of the Bitter Root valley. 
 In 1864 the townsite of Stevensville was laid out. This occu 
 pied n, site between Fort Owen and .St. Mary's mission. In the old 
 mission cemetery, near the town, stands a marble shaft which marks 
 Church at Stevensville. the last rcstinj^ place of Father Ravalli, a pioneer priest who figured 
The Flathead Valley, Western Montana. 
 prominently in Montana's early history. This was erected by act of the Montana 
 Stevensvllle is no*,,' the seat of justice of Ravalli county, which was created by 
 act of tiie state legiaiature in March, .^393. The town presents a pastoral appearance, 
 with its four houses of worship and its neat and tasty residences well shaded by fine 
 trees. Among the features of the town worthy of mention are a five-room school 
 house, erected at a cost of $7,500, a public library and two weekly newspapers. The 
 Bitter Root valley at this point assumes its greatest width, it being about 15 miles 
 wide here. It is well settled in the vicinity of Stevensville, and the town enjoys the 
 trade of a 1 -osperous farming community which is yearly increasing in population 
 and importance. 
 Hamilton, Montana. — Hamilton, the largest town in the Bitter Root val 
 ley, is located 47 miles north of Missoula, on the Bitter Root branch of the Northern 
 Pacific railroad. It was founded in the fall of 1890, and now contains a population of 
 about 1 ,200. The townsite is attractively laid out with broad streets, the lots all 
 having a wide frontage. In addition to a number of general merchandise stores, 
 Hamilton contains a fine public school, three churches, a bank, one weekly news- 
 paper and two well-conducted hotels. Nearly all the wage earners of the town are 
 employed in the large sawmill of the Bitter Root Development Company located at 
 this point. This mill has a daily capacity of ioo,cxk) feet of lumber and it is ore of 
 the great manufacturing industries of Western Montana. 
 Hamilton's chief distinction lies in its being situated within the confines of the 
 famous Marcus Daly stock ranch. The area of this ranch is between 9,000 and 10,000 
 acres. Over 150 men and women are employed on 
 tlie great ranch in various capacities. The brood 
 mares on the Daly ranch have been culled from ?.ll 
 tbe noted breeding establishments both of the East 
 and the Wast. They have been selected not only for 
 their breeoing qualities but for the individual perfec- 
 tion of the animals. Nearly every trotting sire of 
 note in the United States has one or more represen- 
 tatives on tin 5 ranch. The tho oughbred running 
 horses owned by Mr. Daly won many of the great 
 turf races of 1S92. The total winnings of horses from 
 this ranch in that single year amounted to |i 15,000. 
 This remarkable success of Western horses on East- 
 ern race tracks resulted in Montana's becoming famous throughout the Union as the 
 home of some of the greatest racers that were ever put on the turf. 
 The Flatliead Valley, Western Montana. — The picturesque and fer- 
 tile Flathead valley with its numerous creeks, lakes and rivers, lies between the 
 ranges of the Rocky, Mission and Kootenai Mountains. It is an irregular basin ex- 
 tending north and south for about 150 miles. Its northern limit is British America 
 and its southern boundary is found within the limits of the Flathead reservation, 
 abo'it three miles north of Ravalli, a station on the Northern Pacific railroad. It 
 varies in width from lo to 30 miles. Numerous smaller valleys open into the Flat- 
 head and these, with the main valley of the Flathead, form an immense body of rich 
 agricultural land. 
 Superior, Montana. 
 1 li 
 I ^i! 
 1 'I 
 ,i „;l 
 !:f,' i ■! 
 i H 
 '8.1 M 
 TAe Oregonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 Glimpse of Fl»the»d Lake. 
 The Flathead river, flowing south from the British 
 possessions to the north, empties into Flathead Lake near 
 l|?r the center of the valley of the same name. This river 
 is fed by numerous streams which find their source in the 
 ij small lakes in the valley and the mountains which sur- 
 I* round it. Flathead Lake is a magnificent sheet of water, 
 about 30 miles long and 10 miles wide. It is the largest 
 lake in the Rocky Mountain system. Its outlet is the 
 Pend d'Oreille river, a swift-flowing stream that joins its 
 waters with those of the Clark's Fork river near Horse 
 An Indian Chief and Family, Montana. --., . /r^i i c t-^i i.i i t i i • i i 
 Planis. Ihe shoresof I'lathead Lake make an ideal sum- 
 mer resort, the surroundings being beautiful and highly picturesque in scenic effects. 
 Tall mountains rise at the sides of the lake, wooded islands with craggy shores dot 
 the surface of the waters, and numerous arms 
 of the lake stretch far towards the interior of 
 the mountain ranges. The water of the lake is 
 clear, of a deep blue tinge and in places it is 
 very deep. The lake teems with gamy fish and 
 its shores and islands are favorite resorts and 
 breeding places for aquatic wild fowl. A number 
 of steamboats ply on the lake and, with the ex- 
 ception of a short season during the winter 
 when the lake is frozen over, make daily trips. 
 The lake is reached without difficulty by a daily stage from Ravalli. 
 The rich soil of the Flathead valley produces good crops without .ne aid of irri- 
 gation. Some of the lands under cultivation yield from two to three tons of hay, 60 
 bushels of oats and 45 bushels of wheat to the acre. Apples, plums and cherries are 
 grown here and the success attending their culture has stimulated the settlers in the 
 valley to further effort in the raising of fruits. A good market for the products of 
 the valley is found in the cities and mining camps to the south. The Flathead valley 
 was for many years known as a grazing country, and at one time immense herds of 
 cattle roamed over its grass-covered lowlands. This was not considered a good farm- 
 ing country until about five years ago. The tilling of the soil may be said to have 
 commenced about the time the Great Northern railway proposed to build a line 
 across its northern limits. When the tracks of this road did reach the valley it 
 brought with it a great tide of emigration which settled here. In a short time 
 thousands of acres in the valley were placed under cultivation and a greater portion 
 of the lands in the northern part of the valley were enclosed by fences. 
 The principal towns of the Flathead valley today are Kallispell, Demersville, 
 Columbia Falls and Egan, all flourishing towns with excellent schools, churches, 
 etc. The general altitude of the valley is 
 about 3,000 feet. The summers here arc 
 warm and pleasant with cool nights. 
 Winter does not set in here as early as it 
 docs in the Middle Western States, and 
 while the fall of snow during the winter 
 months is usually heavy it disappears early 
 in the spring, thus allowing ample time 
 ST iQNATiu, MISSION, FLATHFA. INDIAN resf.rvation. ^r UiB plautiug &xu\ matuHng of crops. 
Phillipsburg, Montana. 
 There is still a large area of vacant government land in the valley and when the 
 government throws open the great Flathead Indian reservation thousands of acres 
 additional, the finest land in the state, will be ready for occupancy. This reserva- 
 tion comprises an area of over 2,cxk) square miles. It is a tract of country extending 
 from the center of Flathead Lake to the mountainous district lying south of the line 
 of the Northern Pacific railroad. It is now occupied by 1,500 Indians and half breeds, 
 many of whom have farms under a high state of cultivation. These Indians are 
 law-abiding and they form an important adjunct to the working population of the 
 state of Montana. 
 Drximmoncl, Montana. — Drummond is the diverging point from the main 
 line of the Northern Pacific for Phillipsburg. This branch connects Drummond with 
 Phillipsburg and the famous Granite Mountain mines, a distance of 26 miles. 
 Drummond is 72 miles west of Helena, and 310 miles east of Spokane, It has a 
 population of about 150. The principal importance of the town is its connection 
 with the Northern Pacific as the terminal point of the Phillipsburg branch road. 
 Pliillipsbnrg, Montana. — This old and interesting town is the supply cen 
 tor for one of the most important mining districts of Montana. It is located 26 miles 
 south of Drummond, on a branch of the Northern Paci- 
 fic which runs to the famous Granite Mountain mines. 
 The town lies in the Flint Creek valley, at Lhe base of a 
 heavy spur of the Rockies. It was first settled in 1866. 
 In the following year the first silver mill in Montana 
 was erected in Phillipsburg, on the Hope mine property. 
 The pans of this mill were shipped by wagon all the 
 way from San Francisco. In crossing the Rio Virgin, in 
 Southern Utah, the wagon sunk in the quicksands, and 
 the pans remained buried therr; until they were finally 
 raised by derrick months afterwards. With the exception of slight intervals of rest, 
 this lo-stamp mill has been constantly operated, since 1867, in crashing the free- 
 milling ores taken from the deposits of Hope Hill. 
 Phillipsburg is now an attractive city of 3,000 inhabitants. It occupies a site of 
 sufficient area for a city of many times its size. The grassy vale in which it is built 
 ■s surrounded bj' high wooded mountains. Five miles from Phillipsburg are the 
 great mineral properties of Granite Mountain. These mines, when in operation, fur- 
 nish employment to over 2,(X)o men. The trading for these 
 mines is all done at Phillipsburg. In the town one princi- 
 pal street leads down the gradual incline on which the 
 place is built to the Northern Pacific depot, located half a 
 mile distant from the business center. Leading across this 
 main thoroughfare the other broad streets of the town ex- 
 tend. On the main street are a number of substantial busi- 
 ness blocks, Two strong banks are located here. Phillips- 
 burg has several hotels and a number of very strong busi- 
 ness houses. It has a complete system of electric lights, 
 and it is supplied with pure mountain water taken off the 
 granite bedrock and piped to the town from large reser- 
 voirs. Two public school buildings are established here, as 
 are several strong church organizations. Phillipsburg is 
 Dry Crushing Chloridizing Mill, 
 Bi-Met»llic Mining Co., Phillipsburq, 
 HOISTING Engine and Mill, 

 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 one of the principal mining centers of Montana outside of Butte and Helena, and 
 large sums of money are invested in the city and in the mining properties adjacent. 
 An act of the Montana legislature, in the session of 1892-93, created the county 
 of Granite, which was cut olT from the former large county of Deer Lodge. Phillips- 
 burg, by this act, was made the seat of justice of the new county. This has added 
 considerably to the importance which the town previously enjoyed. When the 
 mines are all in operation here, their combined pay-roll amounts to thousands of 
 dollars a month. This money is regularly spent in Phillipsburg, thus insuring suffi- 
 cient money in circulatien here at all times to insure the prosperity of the business 
 The district of which Phillipsburg is the center, contains about 5,000 mineral 
 locations, but few of which have been sufficiently developed to show their merits. 
 A large number of these claims show immense deposits of low-grade ore, which varies 
 in richness from 7 to 20 ounces in silver per ton. This is knc /n as the Flint Creek 
 mining district. It comprises an area of mineral land 15 miles square, situated on 
 the western exposure of the Granite range, near the head of Flint Creek valley. It 
 incloses the famous Granite Mountain ledge. Three miles from Phillipsburg is the 
 Granite mine. This was discovered in 1872. by Eli D. HollaucT, and it was recorded 
 in July, 1875, by J. W. Estill, E. D. Holland and J. M. Merrell. There was but very 
 litttle development work done on this property until the autumn of 1880. In that 
 year a sj'ndicate was formed under the name of the Granite Mountain Mining Com- 
 pany, to make the attempt to demonstrate the value of this property. Befoie the 
 syndicate purchased this claim it had been bonded, on several different occasions, 
 for less than ;^o,ooo. A mine that could have been held at one time, by tho.se who 
 had bonded it, on the payment of a few thousand dollars, subsequently paid divi- 
 dends of over $1 2,000,000. The Granite is now one of the bonanza mines of America. 
 From August, 18S5, to July 31, 1891, the output of the mine amounted to 250,043 
 gross tons of ore, which yielded 17,756,374 ounces of silver and 21,648 ounces of gold. 
 Up to December 31, 1892, the Granite had paid dividends of |i 1,880,000. In 1890 
 the Granite company paid dividends of $2 500,000, and during the same jear they 
 expended, in development work, over $1,300,000. In that year the ore from the 
 mine averaged 71 ounces in silver per ton, and in 1891, 51 ounces. The Granite com- 
 pany operates a loo-stamp mill at Rumsey, and a 90-stamp mill at Granite. Both of 
 these places are small camps near and directly tributary to Phillipsburg. During 1891 
 the average cost of mining the ore of the Granite mine was I15 a ton. 
 Adjoining the Granite and on the same ledge are the properties of the Bi-Metallic 
 Mining Companj-. This company was organized in 1S86 with a capital stock of $10,- 
 000,000, divided into 400,000 shares ot a value of I25 each. Its history is similar to 
 that of the Granite Company. At first the Bi-Metallic properties were not considered 
 of the first order. As they were developed, however, immense bodies of ore were 
 discovered. This ore runs from 60 to 75 ounces in silver per ton. In the Blaine, 
 owned by this company, a shoot of ore two feet wide and 150 feet long, assayed 800 
 ounces of silver to the ton. The Bi-Metallic is now one of the bonanza dividend- 
 paying companies of Montana. The total dividends paid by the company up to 
 December, 1892, amounted to f 1,800,000. This company owns 20 lode claims on and 
 adjoining the Granite Mountain ledge, and 12 claims near Phillipsburg where their 
 two 50-stamp chloridizing dry -crushing mills are located. 
 South of Phillipsburg lie the possessions of the Algonquin and Northwest Mining 
 Companies. The property owned by these companies consists of well developed 
Deer Lodge, Montana. 
 mines. The Northwest Company suspended operations in 1879, and the Algonquin in 
 1882. At that time the heavy cost of transportation in hauling supplies to these 
 mines only permitted the companies operating them to handle high-grade ores. 
 Ores then that averaged less than 70 ounces in silver to the ton could not be profit- 
 ably worked. Two chloridizing dry-crushing mills, erected by these companies at a 
 cost of 1325,000, have been permitted to lie idle and decay during the past few years 
 when they could have been run at a profit to the owners. The stockholders in these 
 two companies reside in the East, and for 10 years prior to 1893 they neglected prop- 
 erties at Phillipsburg which, if worked, would have paid large dividends. Other 
 mines at this point are the Bath, West Granite, North Granite, San Francisco, 
 Latonia and Princeton. In addition to these are many other rich mines or claims 
 near Phillipsburg, which the owners hope will ultimately develop into as great prop- 
 erties as are the Granite and the mines of the Bi-Metallic Comp^ihy. 
 Garrison, Montana. — Garrison is situated in Deer Lodge county, on the 
 Hell Gate river, 51 miles west of Helena. Although a small place, containing but 
 about 100 population, it is an important point on account of its being the junction of 
 the Northern Pacific and the Montana Union railroads. The latter line runs in a 
 southerly direction from Garrison to Butte, a distance of 51 miles. The road between 
 Garrison and Butte passes through the towns of Deer Lodge, Stuart, Anaconda and 
 Silver Bow. In the vicinity of Garrison is excellent hunting and fishing. Large 
 game is plentiful here, and the Blackfoot river and its tributaries near by are full of 
 the finest varieties of speckled trout. 
 Deei' Tjortjjfe, Montana.— Deer Lodge, on-- of the oldest settlements in Mon- 
 tana, is situated in the center of the agricultural valley of the Deer Lodge river. It 
 is a station on the line of the Montana Union railroad, 11 miles south of Garrison, 
 the junction of the Montana Union and the Northern Pacific. Helena is 62 miles 
 distant from Deer Lodge, while the town is separated from Butte by a distance of 
 40 miles. 
 The early history of the town of Deer Lodge is replete with interesting and sen- 
 sational incidents of frontier life. It was near this place in 1864 that many of the 
 desperate characters of Montana's early history paid the penalty for their crimes, they 
 having been executed by the Montana committee of safety. In the early days of 
 Montana there were no courts of justice in the territory and the protection of life and 
 property was by common consent relegated to the vigilantee committees made up 
 o*" the most respected people of the community. By summary methods, taken in all 
 cases, however, after the fairest of trials and the fullest convictions, the territory soon 
 ceased to be terrorized by the lawless element and it is the boast of the surviving 
 members of the old vigilantee committees of the early history of the present rich 
 state that life and property were never more secure than they were during the time 
 that the people governed themselves without the aid of courts or lawyers. 
 It was in that portion of Montana which is now embraced within the limits of Deer 
 Lodge that the first discovery of gold was made in the stale. The honor of 
 this first discovery rests on Francois Finlay, an Indian trader, who took out the first 
 dust in 1850. In 1864, following the great discovery of surface gold at Bannock City 
 and Alder Gulch, prospectors began to arrive in Deer Lodge county, and about the 
 same time Deer Lodge was founded as a trading and outfitting point for the surround- 
 ing mineral districts. The importance of the sotttement here in the early days of its 
 history and the amount of trade it enjoyed may be inferred from the fact that the 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 placer fields of Deer Lodge county yieldea the immense sum of 113,250,000 between 
 1863 and 1868. In 1870 the first signs of t .e failing returns from the placers here 
 became apparent and the attention of the mining men from that time forward began 
 to be diverted to the more arduous and then less promising fields of profit oifered by 
 the development of the rich quartz ledges which the territory contained. 
 The working of quartz ledges in Deer Lodge county is now an industry of great 
 and constantly increasing Magnitude. In 1891 this county produced 4,850,821 ounces 
 of silver, and 19,586 ounces of gold. The decline of the price of silver in 
 1893 has resulted in the working of the placer mines here, and at the 
 present writing within a radius of 20 miles of Deer Lodge there are hundreds 
 working at fair wages in the placer diggings. Some of the placer fields in Deer 
 Lodge county have now been constantly worked for more than 20 years past with- 
 out anj- indication of their giving ont, but the yield of gold from these diggings 
 is small today in comparison with the wonderful output of the placers here in 
 the early 6o's. 
 The growth of Deer Lodge City has kept pace with the development of the 
 county of which it is the trading center and seat of justice. It is now an attrac- 
 tive and wealthy city with a population of about 1,600. The site it occupies is evenly 
 laid out, with wide and deep lots, broad thoroughfares which are lined on each side 
 with shade trees. The business blocks are well built and many elegant and costly 
 residences are scattered over the city. Few cities of equal population contain a 
 greater number of fine residences than are found in Deer Lodge. There are in the 
 city today mansions that cost as high as $50,000 and there are many beautiful homes 
 here valued at from fio.ooo to $20,000 each. A feature of the city that adds much to 
 its attractiveness is a $50,000 court house which occupies the center of a square laid 
 out in walks and flower beds. Other imposing edifices of the place are the large 
 brick buildings of the College of Montana and vSt. Mary's Catholic Academ}-. These 
 institutions rank high among the seats of learning in the West, and their establish- 
 ment at this point has resulted in making Deer Lodge an important educational cen- 
 ter. The city possesses a lo-room public school building which was erected at a cost 
 of $30,000. The western division of the Montana state penitentiary is located here 
 and it occupies well appointed buildings with ample surror.nding grounds. 
 A model system of electric lights illuminates the streets and business houses of 
 Deer Lodge and an excellent system of water works provides an ample supply of the 
 purest water to its citizens. This water is taken from a mountain stream near the 
 city. The altitude of Deer Lodge is 4,500 feet. The extremes of heat and cold are 
 not felt as much here as they are on the lower levels of the state, and the climate 
 of this part of the state is said to be a delightful one. 
 The raising of standard bred and blooded stock is an important and growing busi- 
 ness on the ranches in the vicinity of Deer Lodge. The land and climate here are 
 especially favorable tothe raising of fine slock, and during recent years Deer Lodge has 
 become known throughout the East as the home of hor.scs of national reputation. Thor- 
 oughbreds foaled and raised at Deer Lodge have figured prominently in some of the 
 classic events of the American turf. Deer Lodge is the home of Poet Scout, High Tariff, 
 Nevada, Eolian, Regent, and a number of other well-known thoroughbreds that have 
 won laurels on the turf. 
 Farmering is now carried on in Deer Lodge valley by means of irrigation. 
 The small grains, vegetables, grasses and hardy fruits grow here to perfec- 
Helena, Montana. 
 •1 ;h 
 ■ ;» ■ 
 MT. Helen*. Helen*. 
 tion. The lakes and hills in the vicinity of the city abound in fish and game. 
 The Big Blackfoot river is a famous trouting ground and within half a day's ride of 
 the city are the Dempsey Lakes where myriads of speckled trout are found. 
 Eighteen miles to the south of Deer Lodge are the famous Warm Springs while a 
 few miles beyond these is the favorite resort of the Gregsou Hot Springs. Both of 
 these springs are noted resorts for tourists and invalids. 
 The location in Deer Lodge of splendid educational institutions, the homes of 
 wealthy men together with its fine climate and healthful environments all combine to 
 make the city a most desirable place of residence. 
 Helena, Montana. — Helena, the capital city of Montana and the judicial 
 seat of Lewis & Clarke county, is situated on the eastern slope of the main range of 
 the Rocky Mountains. The great wealth, unsurpassed scenic surroundings and 
 romantic history of this city have combined to make it widely known throughout the 
 United States. 
 Nature has endowed the country in the immediate vicinity of Helena with many 
 scenic attractions and a diversity of mineral wealth. Towering behind the city 
 proper is the grass-covered 
 and pine-clad Mount Hele- 
 na. Lying in front of the 
 city and stretching away for 
 15 miles is the beautiful 
 Prickly Pear valley. Near 
 the city are a number of 
 health- restoring thermal springs. Twelve miles to the north of Helena lies the 
 Missouri river, which from this point north to Fort Benton presents one of the 
 scenic wonders of the world. 
 It was not natural beauty of surroundings or favorable climatic conditions that 
 first led to the establishment of a settlement at this point. Out of the neighbvjring 
 hills, from the gulches in the immediate vicinity and f-om the very site on which the 
 city stands today millions of dollars worth of gold dust has been taken, and it was 
 the discovery of the rich gold deposits here that gave birth to a place that has since 
 become one of the most prosperous inland cities of the continent. 
 Helena owes its birth to a fortunate incident in the career of four men. On Julj' 
 15, 1864, four weary and disappointed prospectors, who had been wandering in search 
 of gold among the gulches of the Rocky Mountains, camped for the first time within 
 the present city limits of Helena. The following day they began to prospect along 
 a small tributary of the Prickly Pear. It was their last chance to find gold before 
 turning homeward, and before a pan of dirt was washed they named the locality 
 Last Chance gulch. Fortune smiled on these intrepid miners. The first pan of 
 washed gravel revealed $20 in coarse gold. They had 
 finally "struck it rich " The news of this rich dis- 
 covery was not long in reaching the mining camps 
 of the territory and a few weeks later hundreds of 
 men were working the Last Chance placers. For- 
 tunes were made in these diggings in a few days, 
 and during the first six years after their discovery 
 these placers had yielded over $15,000,000 in gold. 
 OLD LAND MARKS, MAIN STREET, HELENA. p'roui thc 200 fcet SQuarc uow occupied by the Helena 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 depot of the Montana Central Railway Company two men took out over $330,cxx) in 
 gold dust. Another rich strike was made within the present city limits pn the site 
 now occupied by the First National Bank building. All the business section of 
 Helena may be said to cover what was once one of the richest gold fields in the world. 
 Soon after the discovery of gold in Last Chance gulch there sprung into 
 existence in its center a town of several hundred inhabitants. On October 30 of the 
 same year gold was discovered here, the gallant miners named the new town Helena, 
 in honor of Homer's heroine of ancient Troy. The early history of Helena is but a 
 repetition of the history of the other rich and isolated mining camps of the state. 
 The fame of the rich placers of Last Chance gulch attracted not only thousands of 
 honest miners but a horde of the most disreputable members of society as well. 
 Many of the fortunes made here by the miners, after the hardest kind of toil, v ere 
 spent by them in riotous living, and many a lucky prospector in the gulch spent his 
 gold as fast as he took it from the sluice box. It was not uncommon for miners to 
 wash out of the ground from $15 to |(75 a day apiece, and yet these same men 
 returned to work each morning penniless after their 
 night's debauch. Others, more prudent, amassed for- 
 tunes, and many of the stately buildings which now Hue 
 Helena's streets are monuments to their enterprise and 
 energy. The vicious element not only coveted the hard- 
 earned money of the miners but they were a menace to 
 the lives of law-abiding ( tizens. The better element in 
 the camp at length four it necessary, in order to pro- 
 tect their lives and property, to execute a number of 
 these thieves and murderers. Thirteen men in all met 
 their death at the hands of the Helena Vigilance Com- 
 mittee. All of these men had committed atrocious crimes 
 and justly deserved the punishment which was meted 
 out to them. Hanjiman's tree, from a branch of which 
 the rope that executed these men was suspended, was for 
 many years an historic mark of Helena. The tree stood as a menace to wrong-doers 
 until finally cut down in 1876. 
 In 1869 the former greatness of the placers in Last Chance gulch began to wane 
 and population here began to dwindle. In 1867 Helena contained 3,400 people. In 
 1876 it did not contain to exceed 2,000 people. During the years of Helena's decad- 
 ence an indu'itry was being developed in the section of country which subsequently 
 became the best of Helena's tributary district. This was the raising of live stock. 
 By 1878 and 1879 the live stock interests of Montana had attained proportions of con- 
 siderable magnitude. A number of the wealthy cattle men of the territory selected 
 Helena as their headquarters. These men traded with Helena and they built their 
 homes in the town. The coming of these men with their millions of capital stimu- 
 lated the growth of Helena, and by the time the tracks of the Northern Pacific rail- 
 road reached this point the town was in a very flourishing condition. 
 Following the period when the placers of Last Chance gulch gave out the miners 
 of this section began to turn their attention more to quartz mining. A large number 
 of quartz locations were made near Helena. Some of these in time proved very valu- 
 able, but before the advent of the railroad they were practically worthless as their 
 owners were without the facilities for properly treating the ores they contained. In 
 Main Street, Helena, Looking South. 
Helena, Montana. 
 1880 the Utah Northern railroad reached Montana from the south, and three years 
 later the tracks of the Northern Pacific reached Helena. The building of these roads 
 wrought a great change in Helena and in the section 
 of country of which the town had long been the 
 trading center. New mines were opened up here, old 
 prospects which owing to low-grade or refractory ores 
 had been deemed worthless became paying properties, 
 and new life was infused into a rich country which 
 had remained unoccupied for the one reason of its 
 isolation. The 4th of July, 1883, was a memorable 
 one in the history of Helena. On that day a train of 
 36 cars loaded with 1,000,000 pounds of silver bullion left Helena for the East. This 
 shipment attracted the attention of the world, and although it was but the fore- 
 runner of many which followed it, it was one of the most effectual advertisements 
 the city in the heart of the Rockies ever received. 
 The coming of the Northern Pacific railroad at once removed all doubts regard- 
 ing the permanence of Helena as a prosperous city of the West. This road opened 
 up for the city new avenues of trade and industry and it brought it into closer con- 
 nection with the large section of tributary country it had so long dealt with. At the 
 time of the completion of the Northern Pacific to this point Helena was, as it is 
 today, the political, judicial, financial, commercial and educational center of Mon- 
 tana. From 1883 to the present writing the city has made remarkable strides in a 
 rapid increase of population and wealth. Its people now claim that it is the richest 
 and most compactly built city of its size in the world. The wealth of the city is 
 shown by its assessed valuation of property here in 1893, when the returns showed 
 |2o,ooo,ooo worth of taxable property, property that was assessed at about 50 per 
 cent, of its valuation. Dividing the $20,000,000 by 13,000, the present population of 
 Helena, it gives a wealth per capita, based on the figures of the assessment roll, 
 of $1,538. 
 Another evidence of the vast amount of capital accumulated in this city is the 
 number and wealth of its strong financial institutions. Seven banks are now doing 
 business in Helena. These banks have an aggregate capital of $2,325,000, a surplus 
 and undivided profits of $1,079,646, and total deposits of $7,176,812. These are the 
 First National Bank, with a capital of $500,000 ; the Merchants National, capital 
 $350,000; Montana National, capital $500,000; Second National, capital $75,000; 
 Helena National, capital $500,000; American National, capital $200,000; Cruise Sav- 
 ings, capital $100,000, and Montana Savings, capital $100,000. Deposits flow to these 
 banks from all parts of Montana, and they form a clearing 
 house for the vast amount of mineral wealth annually pro- 
 duced in the vicinity of Helena. The buildings owned 
 and occupied by these banks are imposing five and six-story 
 structures, constructed principally of granite and marble. 
 The banks of no other city of the West are better housed 
 than are the banks of Helena. During the stringency of 
 the summer of 1893 two of the Helena banks suspended, but 
 the assets of these banks were in the most satisfactor)' 
 shape, and the suspensions, as in the case of other strong banking houses of the 
 country, were the result of a temporary scare of the people, which the most con- 
 A Business Block, Helena. 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 scrvative of bankers find it impossible to prepare for. The business blocks of Helena 
 are costly, stately and modern edifices of handsome architectural designs. 
 The depots of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads are situated in 
 the valley, a mile or more from the business center of Helena. The. traveler who 
 alights from the train of either road at Helena, sees, first, stretches of gravel or 
 furrowed ground, which was dug over years ago in the search for gold. Near the 
 depots the large warehouses are located, and this is the least attractive part of the 
 city. About half a mile from the depots the outskirts of 
 the business and residence sections of the city are crossed. 
 Beginning on Main street, at its intersection with Sixth 
 avenue, and extending for half a mile towards the base 
 6f the mountains, is one almost unbroken line of suli- 
 stantial and elegn^ ' business houses. Many of these 
 buildings are couh.ructed entirely of Montana granite, 
 quarried about three miles distant from the city. Others 
 are constructed of marble, red sandstone and pressed 
 brick. Several of these buildings are five, six, and even 
 seven stories high, and nearly all arc equipped with 
 electric lights, modern elevators, and other conveniences. 
 Scattered here and there through the city are many 
 fine buildings, including several first-class hotels, and 
 the |i5o,ooobuildingof the Montana Club, a strongsocial 
 organization of the city. 
 The public and private improvements of Helena are 
 on a most magnificent scale. Everywhere in the city is 
 there this same evidence of lavish expenditure. These 
 expensive improvements were not the result of a poorly administered city govern- 
 ment or the squandering of public moneys. The tax rate of 
 the city is low, being but 14 mills, while Helena's bonded in- 
 debtedness is less than $300,000. The millionaire mine owners 
 have, in Helena, some of the finest appointed homes and 
 most beautiful surrounding yards on the continent. The fine 
 houses here are all of brick and stone, and the residence por- 
 tion of the city vies favorably with the most select residence 
 section of any city in the West. 1 
 Montana Club, Helena 
 COURT House, Helena. 
 li !-'• E. 
 UNITED States Assay Office, 
 The public buildings of Helena are 
 especially worthy of attention. The 
 Lewis & Clarke county court house 
 here, stands on an eminence at the head 
 of Broadway street. It was erected at a cost of $250,000, and, 
 as shown by the accompanying illustration, is a handsome and 
 striking piece of architecture. It is occupied by the governor 
 of the state, by the state and county officers, and it is here 
 that all state and county business is transacted. A marble- 
 statue of the Father of the Declaration of Independence, 
 Thomas Jefferson, occupies a prominent place in the lawn 
 fronting the court house. Other fine public buildings of Helena 
 are the auditorium, with a seating capacity of 10,000 people, a 
Helena, Montana. 
 of Helena 
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 A marbU' 
 the lawn 
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 people, a 
 City hall ano Fine Department 
 headquarters, helena. 
 county jail, constructed of granite at a cost of |5o,ooo,. and 
 a large brick city hall. The United States assay office is 
 located at Helena. There were deposited in this assay office, 
 during 1892, 68,429 ounces of gold, valued at $1,273,104, and 
 99,111 ounces of silver, worth $78,932, a total of $1,352,036 
 in precious metals handled here during the year. 
 Helena has its fashionable West End, and in this part 
 of the city are many elegant and palatial residences. The 
 wealthy citizens of the city have vied with each 
 other in erecting houses that cost tens of thou- 
 sands of dollars each. These mansions do not 
 differ materially from the class of fine houses 
 found on Summit avenue, St. Paul, Walnut 
 Heights, Cincinnati, Nob Hill, Portland, and 
 the fashionable districts of other leading cities. 
 The noticeable absence of frame structures in 
 Helena is due to the fact that in the early his- 
 tory of the place die city was visited by three 
 great conflagrations. It was the lesson learned 
 by these great fires which was largely respon- 
 sible for the adoption of brick and stone for building 
 material here. No great fire could gain headway in 
 Helena today, and the city is as near fire-proof as the 
 adoption of fire-proof materials in building could make it. 
 Among the notable features of Helena are its 
 libraries. The public library here contains 10,000 vol- 
 umes of carefully selected books. This institution is 
 supported by a tax levy of three-tenths of a mill. This 
 furnishes a steadily increasing fund for the purchase of 
 hooks. The library rooms are large and pleasant, and 
 are located in the auditorium building. The state 
 library here contains about 5,000 volumes. A valuable 
 collection of books, original manuscripts, maps, etc., 
 numbering in all 5,000 pieces, is held by the historical 
 society's library here. The law library and the historical 
 society are quartered in the county court house. 
 In marked contrast to the bull teams which trav- 
 ersed Helena's streets in the early history of the town, is 
 the splendidly-equipped system of electric cars which 
 now reaches to all parts of the city, photo, by lawson 
 The street-railway system here consists of 23 miles of electric 
 lines. Nine miles of this track is operated by the Helena Elec- 
 tric Railway Company and 16 miles by the Helena Rapid 
 Transit Company. The first-named company has in use 10 
 electric cars and the last-named company are now running six. 
 Both of these companies operate a line to the natatorium, Hele- 
 na's great summer resort. Over $500,000 was expended on this 
 resort. Water is supplied here at a comfortable temperature for 
 bathing and the natatorium is much frequented by Helena's 
 A Summer Resort hotel, Helena. 
 High School, Helena, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Bryant School, Heuna. 
 chil.dren in the camp. 
 Kenwood School, Helena. 
 people and by the thousands of tourists who annually visit 
 the city. Helena is well supplied with other places of 
 amusement. Among these is a cozy theater, an athletic 
 park, gun club grounds and a fast driving park at which 
 race meetings are held twice a year. 
 A wandering pedagogue opened the first school in Last 
 Chance Gulch in 1865. He did not meet with much suc- 
 cess, because at that time there were only five or six 
 The pioneer teacher, however, managed to 
 eke out a living here by working as a stone mason during the 
 time he was not engaged in his school duties. A remarkable 
 transformation has been effected since the first school was opened 
 in Helena. The city now boasts of nine public school houses, 
 a Catholic convent and parochial school, the Montana University, 
 several sectarian schools and two business colleges. The school 
 property owned by the city is now valued at 1432,574. The 
 buildings occupied for school purposes represent a value of $241,- 
 809. There is invested $155,975 in realty and 134,790 is in- 
 vested in the school furniture. In 1893 there were 1,823 pupils 
 enrolled in the public schools of the city. Forty teachers are 
 now regularly employed in these schools. The school build- 
 ings are models of architectural beauty and they are a source 
 of great pride to the citizens. The cost of each of the school 
 buildings here was as follows : Central, $20,000 ; High 
 School, $120,000; Hawthorne, $30,000; Sheridan, $3,981; 
 Carey, $14,682; Lincoln, $3,000; Jefferson, $15,000; Bry- 
 ant, $4,000; Emerson, $20,146. 
 The Helena High School is worthy of more than a 
 passing notice. This school occupies a beautiful granite 
 edifice, superior in design and finish to that of any school 
 house of the Pacific Northwest. Its exterior appearance can 
 be judged by the illustration of it which appearr in this pub- 
 lication. A winding granite stairway witli round brass rail- 
 ings leads from the ground to the top floor. The different 
 floors are supported by massive pillars of granite and sand- 
 stone richly carved. A wainscoting of porcelain-covered 
 brick extends along the walls of the hallways, the floors 
 of which are laid in ornamental tile. Private study rooms 
 for the use of the teachers open off the large class rooms. The 
 building is also supplied with a library, laboratory and gyni- 
 Like the schools, the churches of Helena date from an 
 humble beginning. The first church here was a log buildini,' 
 erected in April, 1865. This pioneer church was liberally sup- 
 ported by the miners who, however, seldom attended it unless 
 a funeral or a marriage was the attraction. It is on record that 
 the keeper of a gambling house daily eased his conscience by 
 depositing a few dollars in gold dust in the contribution box 
 CAREY School. Helena. which huug on the outsidc of the church, regularly after his 
 ■^ "iiiffffi^^^ ^. 
Helena, Montana. 
 PHOTO, av LAW90N. 
 JEFFEHS"N School, Helen*. 
 Emerson School Helen*. 
 game was closed for the night. In subsequent years the church- 
 going element of Helena largely increased and the tone of 
 the city today is a distinctly moral one. The church buildings 
 are among the most attractive edifices of the city and the con- 
 gregation of each is very strong. 
 As an adjunct to the religious organizations of the city, the 
 hospitals and orphan asylums of Helena are well supported. 
 The St. John's Hospital (Catholic) occupies a $35,000 building 
 while the building occupied by St. Peter's Hospital (Episcopal) 
 was erected at a cost of $40,000. Orphan asylums are maintained here by the Cath- 
 olic and Protestant churches. 
 Helena is the railroad center of Montana. The city is reached by the lines of 
 the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern railroads, and 
 connection is also made with the Union Pacific from this 
 point. The Great Northern gains an entrance to the city over 
 the tracks of the Montana Central, which it controls. At 
 Butte, 75 miles to the southwest of Helena, both the Montana 
 Central and the Northern Pacific connect with the Utah North- 
 ern, a branch of the Union Pacific. A number of lateral lines 
 spread out from Helena, and these roads tap the rich mineral 
 districts in the vicinity of the city. The Helena, Jefferson, 
 Wicks, Boulder Valley & Butte branch of the Northern Pacific 
 runs 58 miles through a well settled mineral and agricultural 
 district. The Helena & Red Mountain branch runs out from Helena to Rimini, a 
 distance of 16 miles, and another branch of the Northern Pacific, called the Helena 
 & Northern, runs to Marysville, where the great Drum Lunimon gold mine is located. 
 On the lines of the Montana Central and Northern Pacific railroads, four miles east 
 of Helena, is Prickly Pear Junction, or East Helena. It 
 is at this point that the extensive smelting works of the 
 Helena Smelting and Refining Company are located. Over 
 300 men are employed in these works, which cost $750,000, 
 and which have a capacity of 250 tons of ore per day. The 
 railroad systems centering at Helena are among the most 
 complete in the West, and the city can justly lay claim to 
 being a great railroad center. 
 Helena's water supply is obtained from creeks, which drain an area of 3,600 
 square miles. A large portion of this area drained is a perpetual snowshed. The 
 available flowof water here is from 12,000,000 to 13,000, 000 gallons every 24 hours. The 
 water company at Helena has constructed storage reservoirs in the mountains back 
 of the city. These reservoirs have a combined holding capacity 
 of 1 1 ,000,000 gallons. Water for city use is taken from these res- 
 ervoirs by gravity to the reservoirs within the city limits, from 
 which latter it is distributed throughout the city. The water- 
 works plant consists of 65 miles of pipe and f-^ur reservoirs hav- 
 ing a total storage capacity of 16,000,000 gallons of water. The 
 pressure of water in the city mains is sufficient to throw streams 
 over any of the tallest buildings of the city, thus saving the city the 
 great expense of the purchase and maintenance of fire steamers. 
 FIRE Alarm Tower, Helen*. The fire department of Helena consists of one hook and lad- 
 Entrance, cemetery, Helena. 
 photo, by lawson. 
 The ()rei;oninn's Handbook xif ^ht^ I'acific Northwest. 
 fMOTO. BV 1.AV/80N. 
 Congregational Church Ht-nNA 
 Methodist Church, 
 <ler, 24 whet! hose carriages, one chemical enjjine, and n 
 reserve apparatus consistiiij^ of a 7.5-foot aerial ladder ami 
 one steLmer. The working force of the lire departnunt 
 consists of 75 men 9 of whom are fully paid. 
 The police force of Helena is well disciplined and otTi- 
 cered. It consists of a chief and 14 patrolmen. 
 Until the organization of a municipal government, in 
 18.S1, Helena was ruled by the Board of Trade. This or- 
 ganization is still maintained and is in a nourishing con 
 dition. It numbers among its members all the substantia 
 busiiiess men of the city. It has done much to advance 
 the interests of the city, and is the medium through which all the business of •: 
 quasi-public natui'e pertaining to Helena is transacted. 
 The climate of that part of Montana in which Helena is located ir- perfect. Tlu' 
 dry atmosphere of the Rocky Mountain districts is highly bene- 
 ficial to ihvalid.s. Pulmonary troubles are practically unknown 
 in the vicinity of Helena. The city is located in a sheltered nook 
 of the mountains, at an elevation of 4,200 feet above sea level. It 
 offers numy advantages both as a place of residence and as a 
 re.sort for tourists and invalids. 1 he summers here are cool and 
 pleasant. The heat of even the days when the thermometer gets 
 the highest, is not oppressive. During the winter months there 
 are, at times, some extremely cold days, but the absence of 
 moisture in the atmosphere has a remarkable influence in tem- 
 pering the keenness of the cold, and even dnrirg the coldest 
 days people go on the streets without discomfort. The meteorological records at 
 Helena show that for a period of eight years the city enio3-ed an average of 2S1 fair 
 days each year during that tune. sA^ithin easy distance of Helena 
 are a number of mineral springs whose remedial properties hav° 
 lieen known for years. The greatest of these springs art the 
 White vSulphur, ir Meagher county, the Jefferson, Clancy and 
 Boulder w ■ m springs of Jefferson county, the warm sprmgs in 
 Deer Lod,s;c county, and Hunter's hot springs in the upper Yellow- 
 stone valhn\ The last named springs have identical properties 
 with the famous hot springs of Arkansas, and the minerals of 
 these springs are almost a sure specific f >r the cure of diseases re- 
 sulting from any form of blood poisoning. 
 Lying within a radius of 80 miles of Helena are bodies of silver and gold ores 
 of inestitiablc value. Centuries of constant working will not exhaust the riches 
 of these vast deposits. On the bunchgrass ranges of Mon- 
 tana are vast herds of cattle and sheep which contribute direct- 
 ly to Helena's wealth and prosperity. In the pocket gulches 
 of the mountains within easy distance of Helena, are la.rge 
 quautiticj of precious stones. Among these deposits is that of 
 Kldorado bar. The sapphire fielcts here are now being worked 
 by an English company. This company is capitalised for 
 1500,000, and the work it is handling at Eldorado bar is yield- 
 ing large returns. Near Helena are deposits of the bes* clay ^ 
 . '^ " A^ ■' Church of the Sacred H'-^ht, 
 tor making brick, terra cotta and pottery, as well as quarries Helena. 
 Temple ■"■•^NUEL, Helena. 
 rHOTO <JV LA*"'0N. 
 Wicks, Montana. 
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 Lutheran Gehman Chuhch, 
 CREU H'"\.1T. 
 of numerous varieties of the most durable and most valuable of building stone. 
 In addition to these great sources of wealth, Helena has the advantage of being lo- 
 cated near the geographical center of Montana, 
 thus making it the most convenient point to 
 reach from all parts of the state. 
 In the tril r'^ary district to Helena new 
 mines are beinj^ constantlj- opened. These 
 mines, as soon as their value is determined, 
 are bought up by the rich syndicates. The 
 opening of a new mine on a large scale calls 
 for the investment of thousands of dollars, and 
 St. PETEFi's Episcopal, Church. 
 HELENA. already millions 01 dollars are invested herein 
 mines and mining machinery. Helena is the 
 center of one of the greatest mineral-producing sections of the world, and the 
 handling of this vast mineral wealth has made this city one of the greatest c(mi- 
 mercial centers of the West. • 
 Rimini, Montana. — Rimini, an important mining town of Montana, is 
 situated in the center of an important mining district, 16 miles southwest of Helena. 
 It is the terminus of the Helena & Red Mountain branch of the Northern Pacific 
 Rimini is picturesquely located at the base of Red Mountain and near the junc- 
 tion of Ten Mile and Beaver creeks, two swift-ilowing mountain streams. A mile to 
 the west of Rimini is the Lee Mountain mine, owned by the Consolidated Ten Mile 
 Mining & Reduction Company. It is a gold, silver and lead property with 2,oex) feet of 
 developments. The main tunnel is 960 feet in length and the other tunnels are 700, 
 400, 300 and 340 feet. The ore in this mine is found in a fissure vein over 30 feet 
 wide, in vSyenitic granite. It is a low-grade concentrating ore, running from |2o to 
 J30 to the ton. 
 Another mine at Rimini owned by the same company is the David Stanton. 
 This contains ore averaging 40 ounces in silver and 40 per cent, lead and I5 in gold. 
 South of Rimini is the Red Mountain group of mines. These consist of the Ameri- 
 can Flag, Rureka, Northern Pacific and other developed and working properties. 
 South of these mines on the same mountain are the Good Priday and Nellie Grant. 
 On Providence Hill near Rimini are the Vautour and PeerleS;^ Jenny mines, both of 
 which are heavy silver producers. Rimini will eventually become a much larger 
 and more important mining center than it is today. There are some very rich 
 gold properties near the town still undeveloped and in the vicinity of the place are 
 some of the most promising prospects of Montana. 
 Rimini now contains a district school, two churches, a hotel and several well 
 stocked mercantile .stores. Its population is about 350. The creeks in the vicinity of 
 the town furnish good trout fishing and large game is found in the neighboring hills. 
 V single carload of ore from the Vautour mine here yielded $3, 900 and large bodies of 
 ore in the Peerless Jenny have assayed from 250 to 600 ounces in silver. This can be 
 taken as evidence of the richness of the mining district tributary to the town and of 
 the resources on which this flourishing little place relies for support. 
 WiflvS, Montana. — This town occupies a commanding position in the center 
 of a large and rich mineral district. It is the terminus of the Helena & Jefferson 
 The Orcffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 branch of the Northern Pacific railroad and it is also a station on the line of the 
 Montana Central. 
 Wicks is located in Joffersc . mty, lo miles northwest of Boulder and 25 milts 
 south of Helena. It now contains a ], ipulation of about 600. It has excellent public 
 school facilities, good churches, we 1 co..ducted hotels and the usual number of stores 
 found n a place of this size. 
 Ivocated near Wicks arc the large mines of the Helena vSmelting & Refining Com- 
 pany, which are locally known as the Hauser properties. The mines owned by this 
 company here are the Alta, Comet, Northern Pacific, Gregory and Banner. The Aha 
 is the largest and best developed mine of the group. Its main shaft is down i,oc;o 
 feet and it has ten levels with developments of over i,2CO feet each. The ore chutes 
 in all these levels run low in grade but are extensive, varying from 15 to 24 feet in 
 width. The mine is connected with a concentrator located at Corbin by a narrow-gauge 
 railroad 3J^ miles in length. The coticentraled ore from the Alta mine averages 2u 
 ounces in silver and 50 per cent, lead to the ton. The Comet is developed by a f^ 
 500 feet deep and by five levels. It is connected with the smelter at Wicks ]..■ 
 bucket tramway 4^ miles in length. The Comet is an average-grade mine. Of the 
 other mines of the group, all of which are well developed, the Custer is the most 
 valuable and the one of best promise. 
 At Corbin, two miles distant from Wicks, is the Rumley mine. The shaft of this 
 mine is now down 350 feet. The ore is a sulphide running about 12 per cent, lead, 
 30 ounces in silver and $3 per ton in gold. 
 Among the other mines in the vicinity of Wicks are the Munich, Pen Yan, 
 Blue Bird, Weiser and the Kennedy group near Clancy. In the Sterling mine a; 
 Clancy two leads of high-grade galena ore have been opened up. The ore runs t,(i 
 ounces in silver and $6 in gold per ton. There are also a number of gold properties 
 near Wicks which are in various stages of development. The Basin mining district 
 is 'lirectly tributary to Wicks. The latter is one of the most promising mining dis- 
 tricts of Montana. The trade of Wicks is altogether with a mining section of coun- 
 try and it enjoys all the prosperity which attaches to a mining section when all the 
 mines are being worked. 
 Marysvlllo, Montana. — Marysville, one of the most important miniiu^ 
 towns in Montana, is situated on Silver creek, 21 miles north of Helena. It 1^ 
 reached by the Montana Central railroad, and it is the terminus of the Helena is: 
 Northern branch of the Northern Pacific. 
 Placer gold was discovered on Silver creek in May, 1.S64. In subsequent 
 years the diggings here yielded a large 
 amount of gold. Following the work- 
 ing out of the vSilver creek placers 
 miners began to seek for the quart/ 
 ledges which it was known must exist 
 in the vicinity of the former nch pk 
 cers. In ICS76 Thomas Cruse, now ; 
 well-known banker of Helena, found 
 the ledge of the famouv Drum Lum- 
 mor mii'.e. This mine is no\ the 
 greatest gold producer in Montana. 
 Fvariy in 1883 Mr. Cruse sold this 
 Mah>5ville, Montana. 
Alarrsville, Montana. 
 mine to an FInglish syndicate for |2,5cx),otx), who organized under the name 
 of the Montana Company (Limited) stocked for 6ix),i.k)o shares of a par value 
 of $5 each. T'p to January, 1892, this mine had produced 494,838 tons of ore, from 
 which |5, (375,298 in gold and I3, 593,228 in silver, a total of 19,268,526, had 
 been taken. The average value of the ore taken from the Drum lAimmon has 
 varied greatly since it was first worked. In 1883 the ore averaged |'65.63 per ton. 
 In 1890 it averaged $13.43, a»d in 1892 but $7 43. The total nndergrt)und 
 development in this mine represents 45,000 lineal feet, or about 8'j miles of 
 drifts, shafts, crosscuts and tunnels. The miners operate through a tunnel 1,200 
 feet long, which cuts the vein 400 feet from the surface. From the level of this tun- 
 nel two shafts have been sunk and these shafts have now reached a depth of over i ,400 
 feet below the surface. There are two mills on the property, one of 50 and the other 
 of 60 stamps. In the smaller mill the stamps weigh 900 pounds each and drop 96 
 times a minute. Each of the stamps of this mill crushes about 2 '4 tons a day. The 
 other mill cost $140,000 and its stamps weigh 620 pounds each and drop 94 times a 
 minute. The toial engine capacity of the Drum Lumnion plant is 2,435 horse power. 
 The vein of this mine is a true fissure anti extends north and south through slates 
 and near a contact of granite and slate on the footwall side. On the hanging walls is 
 a porphj'ry dyke, which is regarded as intluencing the formation of ore bodies. The 
 ore is not continuous in the vein, but occurs in shoots. Between these shoots tiie vein is 
 barren and is in some places pinched to a mere seam. The ore shoots vary from 5 to 
 over 30 feet in width. 
 About 30CJ men are employed in the Drum Lummon, and it is this mine which 
 practically supports the town of Marysville. The population of Mar^ sville is about 
 1,500. In addition to this mine, however, the town has other resources, the develop- 
 ment of which will prove an important factor in the growth of the place. Within a 
 radius of eight miles of Marysville are numerous silver and gold claims, which can 
 be nitide good paying properties. On the foothills of Mount Belmont, a short dis- 
 tance from Marysville, are the Peuobscott and Whipperville mines, both of which 
 have been gond producers and are still valuable mines. Other mines in this locality 
 are the Blue Bird, Hickey and Belmont. Three miles from Marysville are the prop- 
 erties of the Bald Butte Mining Company. These consist of the Black, Douglas, 
 Albion, Genesee, Sterling and Keiiawa. The 
 Albion is developed with a shaft 200 feet deep 
 and six working tunnels. The ore from this 
 mine runs about $32 a ton. Since July, i8t;o, 
 it has yielded $390,000. Next in point of de- 
 velopment in ihis group is the t euesee, which 
 has a shaft 250 feet deep and about 1,200 feet of 
 tunnels. The ore is free-mil'ing gold, running 
 about $34 to the ton. It is found in a solid vein 
 from 5 to 24 feet wide. The Bald Butte Company operates a 20-stamp mill , with a crush- 
 ing capac. • of 30 tons a day. Development work has been done on the other four 
 mines here opened by this company. 
 In the vicinity of Marysville are other numerous quartz mines, many of which it is 
 believed will becornc dividend-paying ])roperties. As with ^very other mining dis- 
 trict, capital is needed here to develop rich claims now lying id''^ 
 Marysville occupies an attractive site in a narrow valley <' lu base of a spur of 
 the Rocky Mountains. A few hundred feet up the mountaii 'i 'c is the shaft-house 
 Drum lummon Minl. M*HysviLi.t 
 f j 
 ' ' 1 
 M ■ i 
 - .'■ 1 
 !p ! 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 CROSsiNn The Plains" to Montana. 
 of the Drum Lummon niiue, immediately under which, on level ground, are the 
 stamp mills to which the ore is sent down in a chute. Scattered through the town 
 are many cosy cottages and several brick business Ijlocks. Two good public schools 
 are maintained here, and three strong church organizations are supported in the town. 
 Marysville presents a more attractive appearance than do most mining camps. The 
 streets are graded good sidewalks have been laid and the town is lighted by electric- 
 ity. A system of water works supplies the town with the best of water, taken from 
 the springs and creeks in the vicinity. Marysville has daily stage connection with 
 Empire via Gloster. The place is a prosperous mining camp and a trading center 
 that claims for the town considerable commercial importance. 
 Butte, Moiitaiia. — Situated at an altitude of 5,700 feet above the sea level, 
 on the western slope of the main divide of the Rocky Mountains, is Butte, the largest 
 city in Montana and the greatest mining camp in the world. 
 Nearly all mining camps consist of a motley col- 
 lection of cheaply constructed buildings, but Butte is a 
 city possessing every metropolitan feature and with a 
 population of 35,000 energetic and public-spirited people. 
 It is a place without parallel in America. Underlying 
 the city and its environs are apparently inexhaustible 
 bodies of copper and silver ores. The whole district of 
 which Butte is the center is a network of mineral veins. 
 The site occupied by Butte is a part of the great mineralized area, nearly all of 
 which, under favorable circumstances, could be profitably mined. A shaft could be 
 sunk in almost any of the back yards of the city and a body of ore encountered. In 
 the very heart of the city, at the rear of 
 some of the imposing business blocks, are 
 developed mines with their shaft houses and 
 hoisting engines. This peculiarity of Butte 
 at once impresses the stranger with the faot 
 that he is in a great mining camp, an<! that 
 perhaps under his very feet lies hidden the 
 wealth of a Croesus. With this evidence 
 of mining before his eyes, however, he 
 notes on all sides every evidence of a great city, and he finvls hew a thousand miles 
 or more from the Pacific ocean, one of tltte great inland cities of the continent. 
 The bonanza mines of Butte are the ^rreatest copper v^rodnoers -ii the world. Of 
 the silver and gold mines here, there are a scort' or nioin- whose annual output 
 aggregates millions of dollars. In this district over 4,000 -Miners daily deiicer'l into 
 the very bowels of the earth and extract from the storehc>«s!e 01 nature here thousandj> 
 of tons of copper an.: ^.Iver ores. In addition to 
 this large force of Mti,, 5, kx) others are employed 
 in various capacities about the mines and m the 
 great smelting operations about this point. These 
 men and the other wage earners of Butte arc paid 
 about $1,300,000 monthly. Nearly all oJ this im- 
 mense sum is expemled with a lavish extrava- 
 gance peculiar to mining camps anx5, 10 the aver- 
 age man who has been brought up in the niivist 
 " -■■■■ --■?»{-""-■ .- ,^^S?» 
 BUTTt, IN 1fl76. 
 View or Butte 
 Ihitte, Montana. 
 Business Center, Butte. 
 of the petty economies of the people of the Eastern states, the manner of spending 
 mone}- in Butte by even the common laborer is a revelation. 
 Butte claims to produce more wealth and to expend more money pi'r capita than 
 does any other city of equal population in the 
 world. Within a radius of two miles from the 
 court house here, ores of che enormous aggre- 
 gate value of |26,ouo,ooo are annually dug out 
 of the earth. Were this great annual reve- 
 nue equally divided among the inhabitants of 
 Butte, every man, woman and child in the .. 
 city would receive the snug little sum of $8o<3 a 
 year. The production of this wealth and the 
 distribution of a large part of it in wages has 
 given Butte characteristics possessed by no 
 other city in America, and a reference to the 
 idioms of the people will not be found devoid of interest in the present article. 
 On the streets of Butte may be seen all the characteristics and picturescjue phases 
 of mining life, together with the scenes incident to an industrial and commercial 
 center of prominence. Situated on the hills, within the corporate limits of the city, 
 are the large red-painted shaft houses of some of the greatest producing mines in 
 America. Along the railroad tracks at the foot of the city and on the uplands of the 
 suburbs are smelters to which are carried for reduction not only the product of the 
 many mines in the vicinity of Butte, but also ores from other mineral properties of 
 distant Washington, British Columbia and even Alaska. 
 Before becoming the centerof great quartz mining 
 operations, Butte was for some time a rich placer 
 camp. In the early 60' s, at a time when thousands 
 of men were washing gold from the sands of Alder 
 gulch, a party of hardy and adventurous fortune 
 seekers pushed their way over the main divide of the 
 Rocky Mountains and discovered, in the vicinity of 
 the site on which Butte now stands, the ricii placer 
 mines on Silver Bow creek. Shortly ruler the ad- 
 Vent of these men, others followed, and by the fall of 
 1S64, hundreds of miners were working the vSilver 
 Bow placers. The camp that sprung up at this point 
 derived its name frovn a solitary and picturesque 
 PARK STREET, BuTTE. mouud OX buttc whlch rises from Silver Bow valley, 
 in front of the present imposing city. 
 The placers at Butte proved very productive, and for some years this settle- 
 ment, together with the flourishing camp of Silver Bow, was in a flourishing con- 
 dition. As was the case in all the camps of Montana during the early days of the coun- 
 try's history, food supplies brought, fabulous prices. I'iour sold for $100 a sack, eggs 
 brought $1 apiece, apples were scarce at 50 cents each, and grapes sold readily at $10 
 a pound. At even these prices for the necessaries of life, the miners did well, and 
 maiiv a fortune was taken out of the placers here by the miners> of 30 years ago. 
 The yield of all placer mines in this district, from 1862 to 1868 inclusive, was $13,- 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 K«! ■ n 
 SlLVEfl BOW. 
 250,000. lu 1867 Butte, as a placer camp, reached its climax. 
 At the end of that year its future doubtless seemed as hopeless 
 to the then residents of the city as did the outlook of the Mon- 
 tana mines during the great agitation of the sil- 
 ver question last year. The people who had braved 
 the hardships to reach this point in their search 
 for fortune, were not the men to be deterred by ad- 
 verse circumstances in their career, and the men 
 who have built a city at this point are not the 
 men who will allow their present great interests at 
 Butte to long remain idle, even should the world 
 demonetize silver as a medium of exchange. 
 After the placer mines at Butte were practically exhausted, the town was almost 
 deserted. The few years immediately following 1S64 saw a revival of the old- 
 time excitement in the town, and in the early 70's Butte took a start which has built 
 here one of the most progressive cities of the continent. The first quartz location 
 tfrom heresay evidence) was made north of the present city, in August, 1864. Today 
 over 4,000 claims have been filed in the city and its immediate vicinity. Prior to 
 1875 quartz claims were located here only for the gold they were supposed to con- 
 tain. No development work worthy of note was done on these claims, and the 
 knowledge of the large deposits of rich 
 copper and silver ore hidden but a few 
 feet below the surface was reserved for a 
 later generation. In that time there were 
 no facilities for treating the ores of these 
 ledges, and there was but little prospect 
 of the establishment of smelters and 
 stamp mills here, owing to the then so- 
 lated condition of the entire country. In 
 those days prospects that have since 
 proved immensely valuable sold for a few 
 dollars. As an instance of the Inck of 
 confidence felt in the quartz ledges here 
 during the early history of the camp, it 
 can be stated that the Lexington, 
 which is now one of the greatest silver-producing prv^i>erties in Montana, 
 was purchased, by the late millionaire, A. J. Davis, in the early 70's, for a |20 horse. 
 This same mine was afterwards sold by Mr. Davis, to a V^^ench company, for |i,ooo,- 
 000. Other valuable claims here were traded by their original owners for a sack of 
 dour and a piece of bacon. 
 In the fall of 1S75 a number of the old abaitiloU'od quartz claims were re-located by 
 parties who had learned of their value, and it soon Ivcamv vuuiored abroad that the 
 black ledges of Butte were rich «» silver and copper. This 
 discovery of the value of tht\"»v ledges soon attracted the at- 
 tention of provspvctors, and hvuidrt-ds of men eii.ger to in- 
 vestigate the merits of the new field journeyed across the 
 mountains to Butte, which, in a few months' time, again 
 V)ecanic the mecca of Western mining men. In 1876, the 
 PARROT SMELTERS, Bui TE buildiug of thc Centeunial, Dexter, Burlington and Lexing- 
 MouLTON Mill anp Smelteh, Butte, 
 liutte, Montana. 
 Colorado Concentrator, outte. 
 ton mills here for crushing ore, greatly facilitated mining operations i.t this pt)int, 
 and soon after the completion of these mills, Butte became one of the most promis- 
 ing mining centers of the West. From that time until the completion of the Union 
 Pacific to this city, in j88i, the camp steadily advanced. 
 In the spring of 1881 Butte was incorporated with a population of about 3,cxk). 
 It was about this time that the extensive development of mining properties was 
 begun here, as well as the erection of large smelters and quartz mills. With the 
 coming of the railroad and the building of the great smelters, Butte emerged at 
 once from the uncertain condition of a primitive camp, with an unsettled and tur- 
 bulent population to the dignity of a city. Its growth, the development of its mines, 
 their production of wealth and the prosperity of the city from that time to the 
 present have been phenomenal, and scarcely without parallel in the rise of mod- 
 ern cities. 
 Soon after the completion of the Union Pacific to this point the Montana Union 
 was finished to Butte. This latter roads connects Butte and Garrison, 51 miles dis- 
 tant, where a junction is made with the 
 main line of the Northern Pacific. At a 
 later period the Great Northern complet- 
 ed its main line to Butte, and in 1S90 the 
 Northern Pacific constructed a 'cut-off" 
 from Logan in the Gallatin valley, via 
 Butte, to Garrison. The latter company 
 now runs one of its overland passenger 
 trains through Butte. It will thus be seen that with three great transcontinental lines of 
 road passing through or terminating at Butte, the transportation facilities of the city 
 are not excelled by those of any other city of the west. The volume of business 
 regularly handled by these railroads at Butte aggregates millions of dollars annually, 
 and this business furnishes a good illustration of the city's prosperity. Forty-six 
 trains now leave or arrive at the various depots of Butte every 24 hours, of which 20 
 are passenger and 26 freight trains. These trains, it is estimated, carry on an average 
 i,<vv> people in and out of the city. The annual receipts of the railroads from the 
 freight business of the city approximates about $5,000,000 a year. 
 The site occupied by the city of Butte, begins in the valley 
 of Silver Bow creek, where are -^ituated the railroad yards, and 
 extends by an easy grade to the top of one of the foothills of 
 the Rocky Mountains. On the crest of the highest hill of the 
 city the shaft houses, concentrators and rock piles of the chief 
 mines stand out in bold relief. Back of these 
 mines are the suburbs of Centerville and Walk- 
 erville, both lively aud picturesque places, pre- 
 senting interesting scenes typical of mining 
 life. lYoni the '"rest of the hill here a delight- 
 ful view is obtained of the densely built city 
 lying hundreds of feet below. Ten miles to 
 the east from this point is the rugged slope of 
 the main divide of the Rockies. Extending in front of the city is 
 Silver Bow valley, from which rises the bare, cone-shapt-dbutte which Scandinavian me. church 
 gave the name to the city built near it. Beyond the valley rise the 
 Catholic Chusch, Butte. 
 The Omgonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 I i 
 snow-capped peaks and bleak slopes of broken ranges and the Rocky Mountains. To 
 the west of the city the monotony of bleak and rocky hillsides is broken by nu- 
 merous prospect holes and shaft houses. Here, on all sides, there is evidence of 
 man having endeavored to make the earth reveal here the hidden sources of its 
 treasures. Some of these early seekers worked for months in digging, only to be 
 rewarded with failure. Others, more fortunate, sunk shaft holes only a few feet dis- 
 tant from barren places, only to find rich croppings which finally resulted on a later 
 development in their becoming millionaires. 
 ■Main street, one of the principal business thoroughfares of Butte, extends from 
 the valley below to the crest of the hill, and from this latter point to Walker villc. 
 Along this street are many five and six-story business blocks, all of which equal in 
 construction and appointments the largest structures of any Eastern city. A cable 
 line runs on this street from the depot to Walkerville, a distance of three miles. 
 Nearly all parts of the city are reached by splendid rapid-transit lines of road. This 
 system is controlled by the Butte Consolidated Railway Company. The system con- 
 sists of 15 miles of track, lyi miles of which are cable, and the remainder is operated 
 by electric power. These lines carried in 1H92 1,500,000 passengers, out of a popula- 
 tion of 35,000, an average of 43 rides to each resident of the city. 
 Crossing Main street about midway up the hillside, are the 
 four other business streets of the city. These streets are named 
 respectively, Mercury, Park, Broadway and Granite. All '>f these 
 streets are constantly crowded day and night with repress itatives 
 of nearly every nationality, and it is this cosmopolitan and pic- 
 turesque mass of humanity, its lavish expenditures for amuse- 
 ments and the luxuries of life, and the resorts that are supported 
 by it, that has made Butte famous as the liveliest city in the 
 One reason for the flourishing condition of affairs at Butte is the fact that 
 nowhere in America are laboring men paid as high wages as they are in Butte. Here 
 the common laborer receives $3 a day for his work, while the miners are paid from 
 I3.50 to $5 a day, and skilled mechanics from I4 to $8 a day. This scale of wages is 
 maintained and protected by the labor organizations of Butte, organizations that have 
 a total membership of 8,323. 
 Butte is distinctly a well governed city. It is re- 
 markably free from the depredations of the lawless 
 element, which is held in .subjection by a well disci- 
 plined police force consisting of 28 patrol men, a 
 chief and a marshal. The city hall is a handsome 
 four-story brick structure occupied by the police de- 
 partment and the officers of the city. The mayor of 
 Butte is Eugene O. Dugan. The career of this gen- 
 tleman is an illustration of the rapid advancement 
 made by men of integrity and worth in the West. 
 Mr. Dugan was born in St. Johns, New Brunswick, 
 on March 24, 1862. He attended the public schools 
 of his native city and after a brief business experience 
 there he moved to Butte in 1884. Shortly after his 
 arrival in Butte the citizens of the second ward elected hon e. o. dugan, mavor. butte. 
 Episcopal Church, butte. 
 PHOTO. PALAI? studio. 
Ihttte, Montiitm. 
 palais studio 
 him a representative in the city council, (^thcr honors were bestowed on Mr. Dii^an 
 and in April, 1S93, he was elected mayor of the city, dekating liis republican oppo- 
 nent by a large plurality. He is now the senior member of the lirm of Diigan & 
 Jones, insurance and financial agents. 
 Among the public buildings of Butte is the county court house, a stately edifice 
 occupied by the countv officials of Silver l^owcounty, of which Hutte isthcseat of jus- 
 tice. Another handsome structure recently completed at a cost of 575.o'io is the Hutte 
 Public Library building. This library contains over I5,ckjo volumes of carefully 
 selected literature and is a fitting refutation of the charge sometimes made in the juist 
 that a mining town does not contain a cultured peoi)le with social and literary as])ir- 
 ations. Of the other fine buildings of Butte arc several first-class hotels, a costly 
 opera house and numerous brick and stone business block?.. 
 A peculiarity about the dwelling houses of Butte is that 
 most of them, while small but cozy cottages, occupied by 
 workingmen, arc furnished with costly furniture and the ap- 
 pointments of elegant homes. The high wages paid here 
 have allowed the workingman to live in a manner un- 
 dreamed of by his less favored co-worker of the Eatt. Al- 
 though small houses predominate here there are many 
 palatial homes scattered over the city. There are also main- 
 tained in Butte three social clubs or organizations which 
 enjoy a wide reputation for hospitality and which afford 
 their members all the comforts afforded by any of the best 
 maintained clubs of the East. These clubs, the Irish- 
 American, Oro Plata and Silver Bow occup)' apartments 
 fitted up in an expensive manner and the doors of all these clubs are always open to 
 the stranger or the tourist visiting Butte. 
 During the financial crisis of 1893, when frightened depositors gathered around 
 the paying-tellers' windows of hundreds of banks throughout the United States 
 and forced many of the strongest financial institutions to suspend payment, the 
 pcJople of Butte, having the utmost confidence in the soundness of their local banks, 
 refused to withdraw their deposits. This confidence was not misplaced, for during 
 the eventful period there was not a single bank failure in Butte. The banks of the 
 city arc the First National, with a capital and undivided profits of $1,000,000, the 
 Silver Bow National, with a capital stock of $100,000 and a surplus and undivided 
 profits of $300,000, the State Savings Bank, with a capital stock of $100,000 and a 
 surplus and undivided profits of $30,000. In addition to the above are the private 
 banking houses of W. A. Clark & Bro. and Hogc, Brownbee & Co., both of which 
 have at their disposal over $1,000,000. 
 The educational facilities of Butte, both public and private, are equal to those 
 of any city in the progressive West. The history of the public 
 schools of Butte is but a repetition of the history of the city 
 itself. From in humble beginning in 1866 the public school 
 system has grown here until it is now a crowning monument 
 to the intelligence and public spirit of the people. There 
 are today 16 public schools in Butte and its suburbs, and the 
 school property here is valued at $200,000, exclusive of the cost 
 PUBLIC SCHOOL, BUTTE. of thc grouud thc buildings occupy. These consist of a large 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 brick high school, erected at a cost of $80,000; three handsome 12- 
 room buildings, modem in design and equipment, and nine smalltr 
 buildings. The total enrollment in the public school shere in 1892 \v;is 
 3,643, which was an increase of 600 over the total number of pupils 
 enrolled the previous year. The course of instruction in these 
 ►schools corresponds with that of the best public schools of the Kasl. 
 In the primary department there is a kindergarten system. The 
 SOUTH School, Butte, grammar course is the same as pursued elswhere, and the high sciool 
 gives a pupil a thorough preparatory collegiate course. In addi.iun 
 to the public, school system of the city is a Catholic parochial school, which occu- 
 pies an |8o,ooo school building. 
 The spiritual welfare of the citizens of Butte is cared for by 15 church organiza- 
 tions, nearly all of which occupy imposing edifices. These churches have over io,o<x> 
 communicants, and own property valued at |375,ooo. 
 A description of the water-works system of a mountain city near where there are n ^ 
 large lakes or streams may prove interesting in con- 
 nection with this article. The Butte City Water 
 Company iias, within the past two years, entirely 
 rebuilt and remodeled the water-works system of the 
 city. The source of supply of this water is the melt- 
 ing snows of the mountain, augmented by springs 
 and creeks, a source that insures the absolute purity 
 of the water. The company is now constructing a ma- 
 sonry dam 120 feet in height and located al)out 13 
 miles south of the city. This will dam the waters of 
 Basin creek at its junction with Bear creek and, when 
 completed, will form a storage reservoir with a hold- 
 ing capacity of many million gallons of water. This 
 water will cover an area of 130 acres, and its greatest 
 depth will be about ico feet. The reservoir supplies 
 water by gravity to the highest point on Broadway 
 street. From that point it is pumped twice in order 
 to reach the most elevated sections of the city and to 
 supply the large mining properties to the north of 
 Butte, This water is carried from the reser- 
 voir to within three miles of the city in a 24- 
 incli banded redwood pipe. The remaining: 
 distance, owing to the heavy pressure of the 
 water, it is conducted through a wrought- 
 iron pipe. The redwood main is constructed 
 of California redwood staves, banded to- 
 ^^- gether with steel bands, and it is capable of 
 with,standinga maximum pressure of 200 feet. 
 The street pipe system is built of Ka- 
 lowein pipe, varying from 6 to 20 inches in 
 diameter. Mains are laid on all the prin- 
 cipal streets, and there are 132 double fire 
 •apiiisr^" "s ,;- * - hydrants located at various points through- 
 DAM, watcr works, BUTTE. o^t tlic city. Thc pressure on these mains 
 24-lNCH Redwood Main from Reservoir to 
 City Water Works, Butte. 
 PHOTO. PALAIS studio. 
 m : '>' 
dsome 1 2- 
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 Reservoir to 
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 It of Ka- 
 inches in 
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 thro ugh - 
 se mains 
 liutte, Montana. 
 "MOTO. P«LAH »TUD'0. 
 varies from 65 to 175 pounds per scjuare inch. A pumping station located on Ciulena 
 street takes the water from the gravity system and punips it into what is known as 
 I'Hevation 6,ckxj, from which it is rei)umped to give a fire pressure at an elevatioii of 
 6,300 feet. The paid and volunteer fire department of Hutte, with apparatus consist- 
 ing of two fire engines and two trucks and five hose wagons, furnishes ample pro- 
 tection to the city again.st fire. 
 Butte is lighted almost exclusively by electricity, although the city also boasts 
 of a good gas plant. There are in use here 15,000 incandescent lights and 250 arc 
 lamps. In addition to surface lighting, 
 some of the underground workings of the 
 largest mines are lighted by electricity gen- 
 erated in the shaft houses. 
 The permanence of Butte's mineral re- 
 sources is now conceded. Unlike other 
 mining camps that have sprung up in a 
 month, produced their millions in an in- 
 credibly short time and then faded away 
 into oblivion, Butte, with her practically 
 inexhaustible veins of copper and silver 
 will, probably, 100 years hence still be the 
 center of vast mining operations. Copper 
 is, today, king in Butte. From the mining 
 of this mineral the city derives the greater 
 portion of its revenue. Over |6oo,oc;o is 
 paid out monthly here to the employes of 
 copper mining and smelting companies. 
 There are millions of dollars invested here 
 in silver properties, but if, by any misad- 
 venture, the white metal should even be no 
 longer an article of commerce Butte from 
 her other resources, would still remain a 
 wealthy and prosperous city. 
 The mines of Butte are annually adding to the wealth of the world many mil- 
 lions of dolU.s. For the 12 years ending with 1S92, the total production of these 
 mines amountc^i v ) the enormous sum of $176,707,600. This output by years is as 
 follows: i.'8r, Ji, 247, 600; 1882, $2,100,000; 1883, $4,160,000; 1884,16,720,000; 1885, 
 $11,479,000; (886,113.246,500; 18S7, $18,275,000; 1888, $22,i86,fX)o ; 1890, $25,900, - 
 (XX3 ; 1891, $26, .\5o, joo ; 1892, $28,000,000. At no other place on the surface of the 
 globe dfies so small an area as that of the mining district here yield from the store- 
 houses of nature such vast annual sums of wealth. The greatest of the mines here 
 are the famous Anaconda group, managed by the well-known millionaire, Marcus 
 Daly. These mines are copper producers, but their output in silver amounts to many 
 thousands of dollars a month. The Anaconda Company own the Anaconda, St. 
 Lawrence, Mountain Consolidated, Wake Up Jim, Green Mountain and other prop- 
 erties, nearly all of which are located within half a mile of the business center of 
 Butte. The average daily output of these mines is about 5,000 or 6,000 tons. This 
 ore is shipped to Anaconda, where the company operates extensive reduction works. 
 The reduction works of Butte and Anaconda together represent an invested capital of 
 Chief Skeeas, Cree Indians, Montana. 
 .<>, *> 
 iii. 12 8 
 ^ m^m ,11,1 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) S72-4S03 

 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 $12,003,000, which in itself is an assurance of the confidence of the mine owners in 
 the permanence of the great bonanzas of Butte. 
 The Anaconda and St. Lawrence, two of the greatest copper mines in the world 
 adjoin each other on the same vein. The underground workings of both are lij^lued 
 by electricity. The main shafts of these mines are i .000 feet in depth and the veins are 
 from 60 to loj feet in width. The Mountain Consolidated, another of the -AnacoiKla 
 group, is a copper and silver producer, and is developed by a 1,000 foot shaft and l)v 
 numerous cross-cuts and level.s. The vein of this mine is about 60 feet wide, and the 
 daily output is about 1,200 tons. The Green Mountain, Wake Up Jim, High Ore and 
 Modoc all belong to the .\naconda Company and are situated just east of the Mount- 
 ain Consolidated. These properties are all in operation and are supplied with the 
 latest improved machinery. 
 Next in size to the Anaconda are the Boston & Montana Company's possessions, 
 consisting of 38 mines and two smelters, having a daily combined capacity of 450 
 tons. This company also operates a smelter at Great Falls having a capacity of 1,000 
 tons. Of the claims owned by this company only six are developed. The.se are the 
 Mountain View, Enst Colusa, West Colusa, Harris Floyd, Moose and Badger State. 
 Of the six the Mountain View is the most promising. It is developed by a i.ofKi 
 foot shaft from which cross-cuts and levels have been extended to the north and south 
 veins, each of which is from 30 to 40 feet wide, from the 500- foot level to the bottom. 
 Ii is estimated that there are now more than 1,200,000 tons of ore in sight in this 
 mine. The two Colusa mines 
 are next in importance belonji;injr 
 to the company. In the East 
 Colusa a body of copper ore 60 feet 
 in width has been opened up, 
 while in the West Colusa two 
 bodies the combined width of 
 which is about 70 feet, have been 
 explored to such an extent that 
 1,000,000 tons are now exposed. 
 The Harris-Floyd is another good 
 property from which the com- ''^'^iiiBK' pary derives a large amount of 
 revenue. It was purchased for .♦fj' '*^^ $^'^^,^^00 and is now valued at 
 $i,50(j,ooo. The Moose nnd "■*'!v;^S^ Badger State are both smaller prop- 
 erties, but are fast being de- ' yeloped into great mines. There 
 are now over 1.500 men on the payroll of the Boston & Montana Mininj,' 
 Company. The dividends paid by the Butlc mines of this company up to the first of 
 December, 1892, amounted to $2,075,000. 
 Another large corporation operating here is the Butte & Boston Company. 
 Besides a 4o-stamp mill and a well appointed smelter the company owns 33 mines, 
 all of which produce when the ore is desired. The principal mines worked by the 
 company are the Silver Bow, the ore from which is mostly copper ; the Belle of Butte 
 (silver), the Rast and West Grey Rocks (silver and gold) and the La Platte, con- 
 taining gold and silver. The output of these claims keeps both the mill and smeller 
 in constant operation. The smelter owned by this company has a daily reducing 
 capacity of 400 tons. There are about 500 men on the payroll of this compan\ . 
 The amount of money regularly paid out to these men in wages foots up to over 
 $60,000 a month. 
Butte, Montana. 
 th of 
 unt of 
 led a I 
 first of 
 Indian Squaw, Montana. 
 Next in size to the Butte & Boston is the Parrot Copper & Silver Mining Company 
 whose possessions consist of a smelter having a daily capacity of 400 tons per day, 
 and four good mines, all located at Butt'j. The amount of fine copper turned out by 
 this company each month amounts to about 2,ooo,(xk) pounds, and the monthly out- 
 put in silver is valued at about |6o,ocx). The company employs about 400 men. 
 The dividends paid by this company up to the first of December, .-Kga, amounted to 
 The Colorado Copper & Silver Mining Company owns and operates a smeker 
 here having a capacity of 150 tons a day, together with about six gooa mines, all of 
 which arc now producing a large amount of high-grade ore, carrying 
 copper, silver and a 1 mall percentage of gold. Of the mines belong- 
 ing to the company, the Gagnon, located right in the heart of the 
 city, is the most productive. This mine is developed by a i.ocxa foot 
 incline shaft and numerous cross-cuts and levels. The monthly 
 output of the company is approximately 2cx) tons of matte, con- 
 taining 70,000 ounces of silver, 150 ounces of gold and lootons of 
 copper. In addition to the smelter, the company also operates a 
 100-ton concentrator. The company employs about 300 men in its 
 various departments. 
 Among the copper producers of Butte are the Butte Reduction Works, owned 
 exclusively by W. A. Clark, The ore on which the works are kept in operation 
 comes from Mr. Clark's mines, of which there are about 14, all producing properties. 
 The daily capacity of the smelter is ^oa tons, 200 tons of which passes through the 
 concentrator, while the remainder is reduced in blast and reverberating furnaces. 
 These works furnish employment to over 150 men. 
 The largest silver producer in the camp is the Alice Company. The Alice mine 
 has reached a depth of 1,300 feet, at which depth ore bodies are showing up very 
 rich veins. At intervals of each 100 feet from the surface, both the north and souih 
 veins have been explored and have shown remarkably large reserves of sulphuret ore. 
 Besides the Alice proper the company owns nearly 15 other mines, of which several 
 are producers. The annual output of these mines is over |7cx),ooo, and the working 
 force employed here averages between 300 and 375 men. The dividends paid by the 
 Alice up to the first of December, 1892, amounted to #975,000. 
 The silver and gold-producing properties of the Blue Bird Mining Company, con- 
 sisting of the Blue Bird, Mono and Poorman mines, are located about two miles west 
 of Butte. The ore from the Blue Bird averages about 50 ounces in silver and p>> 
 in gold, and is free milling. The company operates a go-stamp mill, and employs 
 about 350 men. 
 The Lexington company is also a large gold and silver producer. Its proj)erty 
 is located just north of the city limits, and consists of the Lexington, AUie Brown 
 and other mi es, and has a 6o-stamp mill having a daily capacity of 85 tons. On 
 the Lexington proper, a shaft has been sunk to a depth of 1 early 1,480 feet, which 
 is deeper than any other shaft in the camp. Like the other large mines in the 
 district, the Lexington contains a north and south vein, from which millions of 
 tons of ore have already been extracted. The payroll of the company averages 
 about 240 men, who receive, in the aggregate, about $27,000 in wages per month. 
 Up to the 1st of December, 1892, the total dividends paid by the Lexington amounted 
 to $609,000. 
 The Ore^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 There are a great many other valuable producing mines near Butte, but space 
 will not permit a description of these mines. The combined number of mines 
 owned and operated by corporations in Butte, today, exceeds 230, in addition to 
 which there about 300 more being worked by individuals. All of these mines, when 
 sufficiently developed, become heavy producers, and thereby add much to Butte's 
 wealth and prosperity. 
 ^-^The formation around Butte is granite, with occasional porphrj', and all veins 
 run east and west, dip towards the south, and are true fissures. Unlike those of 
 other mining camps, the veins of the Butte mines are numerous, 
 and run parallel to each other at a distance of from 50 to 150 feet 
 apart. They vary in width from 10 to hxj feet, and seem, as tliey 
 appear in granite, like vast channels filled with argentiferous or 
 scrupiferous ores. The ore occurs in shoots, usually 
 varying in length from 100 to 1,000 feet. The niaj,'- 
 nitude and extent of the ore bodies can, therefore, 
 be imagined from the size of the district, which com- 
 mences at a point south of the city limits and extends 
 four miles north. The length of the district is abont 
 10 miles. In the heart of the city it is almost ini- 
 cusTEH MONUMENT, ON THtGHf. D.TTLE GROUND, possiblc to uxcavatc forthc fouudatiou of a house 
 without encountering a body of ore rich in precious metals. All of the copper 
 ore, however, is found in the veins passing just north of the center of the city, while 
 south and north of this point silver predominates. 
 In many of the copper mines here enough gold and silver is found to pay all 
 operating expenses. This is the case with the Anaconda company's large copper 
 mines. The great mineral veins of Butte are practicably inexhaustible in their su])- 
 plies of wealth. Experts who have carefully examined into the situation here are 
 confident that centuries of constant mining would not e.xhaust the ore bodies in the 
 mines of Biittc already opened. 
 Of the real estate and financial agents of Butte, the firm of W. McC. White iS: 
 Co. is the oldest and most prominent. The gentlemen connected with this finn 
 have, for some years been actively identified with every movement of a public nature 
 in Butte, and they will cheerfully answer any inquiries about the realty, mines or 
 finances of the city. W. McC. White &. Co. make a specialty of investing money of 
 non-residents, both in real estate and mortgages. 
 Aiiacoiida, ^^oiituim. — Among the mountains of Deer Lodge County, Mon- 
 tana, a prosperous n ining town has sprung up in recent years. The country imme- 
 diately surrounding .Vnaconda is bleak and barren. Here and there on the black and 
 rocky sides of the adjacent hills a stunted pine tree struggles for life. Nourished bv 
 water trickling down from the melting snow, grass springs up here during the first 
 few days of spring, but the summer heat soon causes it to wither. 
 Far below Anaconda, and contrasting with its bleak surroundings, is a beautiful 
 green valley through which winds the Deer Lodge river. Krom chis valley the site 
 of the city can be determined by the clouds of smoke which hover over it night and 
 day. Although Anaconda has no mills, factories, wholesale houses, or mines, it con- 
 tains 2,800 wage-earners, none of whom work for less than $3 a day. Everything 
 consumed in the place is shipped in from outside points. The place depends for its 
 ;i '!; 
Stock Rnisitiff in Montann. 
 but space 
 jf mines 
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 Is for its 
 Anaconda Smelters. 
 support upon one industry alone. Yet this city has the finest hotel in Montana and 
 here is published a daily paper which enjoys the distinction of having a circulation 
 larger than that of any other paper in the state. 
 Anaconda owes its existence to the genius of Marcus Daly, one of the great 
 men of Montana. The poor boy who left Ireland many years ago and landed at 
 at the docks of New York penniless now counts his wealth by millions. This boy 
 was Marcus Daly. The city itself, its newspaper, 
 its hotel and the model cottages in which its work- 
 ingmen live, are the productions of Mr. Daly. 
 This gentleman selected Anacon<la as the site of 
 the reduction works for the treatment of the ore 
 output of the famous Anaconda group of mines at 
 Ruttc. These mines are today the greatest copper 
 producers in the world. They are owned by a 
 syndicate, of which Mr. Daly is the manager. The works for the reduction of ore, 
 established by Mr. Daily at Anaconda, are the largest of their kind in the United 
 States. Around these works has sprung up the now prosperous city of Anaconda. 
 Anaconda is located 27 miles northwest of Kutte and 25 miles southeast of Deer 
 Lodge City. It is connected with tlie main line of the Montana Union Railway by 
 a branch eight miles in length. A company, of which Mr. Daly is the leading spirit, 
 is now engaged in constructing a railroad direct from the mines at Butte to the 
 reduction works. The works of the Anaconda Reduction Comj)any have a capacity 
 lor treating 5,000 tons of ore a day. They etnploy 2,500 men. About 3,(xxj tons of 
 copper ore arc treated here daily. The company has recently added a new building 
 640x350 feet in size which contains in additioti to its concentrating machinery, stamps 
 and pans for the treatment of silver ore. This plant has a capacity of about iSo 
 tons a day. 
 The machine and car shops of the M(mtana I'nion Railway located at this 
 point furnish employment to 300 men. Anaconda has an electric light plant, water 
 works, a police department, a fire department and a fine opera house. In the matter 
 of public improvements it is far ahead of most cities of equal population in the 
 fStoek liaising hi Moiitaiiai. — .\n industry of Montana thac 'i second only 
 to that of mining in the state, is the raising of cattle on the fine bunciigrass lands of 
 this part of the West. This is a great source of wealth in Montana, and the large 
 cattle owners of the state are no less heavy capitalists than arc many of the leading 
 mining men here. 
 The greater portion of the fine bunciigrass lands of Montana were on'i ""ew 
 years ago covered by an Miimense herd of 6,(xxj,cxx) buffalo. This vast herd u er 
 an extent of country extending from the valley of the Little Missouri to t' )ot- 
 hills of the Main Divide. Unmolested, except by small hunting parties c ,.ians 
 who inhabited the country, the buffalo herds constantly increased in number until 
 the threads of the great railroad systems began to stretch their way across the 
 plains toward Montana. With the advent of the iron hor.se there came an army of 
 pot-hunters. These men poured into the Yellowstone valley and at once commenced 
 their war of extermination against the buffalo. During the first few months mil- 
 lions of Imffalos were killed, and a few years of the slaughter eflfectually did the 
 work of extermination. In 18S3 the last remnant of the vast herd was exterminated 
 The Oregoniiin'a Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 A Montana Ranch. 
 near Glendive, and with the exception of a few scatter- 
 ing animals which escaped the general slaughter, and 
 which ai e protected in the Yellowstone Park , and a ffw 
 small bands which hi^ve been domesticated by the 
 stockmen here, the buffalo which formerly roamed 
 by the thousands over the plains of Montana is an 
 extinct animal. As an indication of the importance 
 the buffalo traffic attained at one time, it may be 
 stated that there was once noticed at Glendive a stack 
 8 feet high and over 1,000 feet long awaiting ship- 
 of the hides of these animals 
 ment at this point. 
 During the time the buffalo of Montana were being killed off thousands of head 
 of cattle began to be driven from Texas and Kansas to the grazing grounds along 
 the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers. This was the commencement in the state of 
 an industry on a large scale. Prior to the time of the influx of these outside herds 
 there had been about 200,000 cattle scattered throughout different sections of the, 
 then, territory. The individual holdings of cattle here were small, but the busiiiess 
 of cattle raising, in the aggregate, was an important one in the territory. The cattle 
 industry of Montana dates back to the early 6o's, when the bull teams of several 
 freighting outfits were turned loose for the winter on the bunchgrass lands here. 
 To the surprise of the owners of these animals, they turned up in the spring in bet- 
 ter condition than they were when turned out to graze before snowfall. This estab- 
 lished the possibility of raising cattle here without attention during the winter 
 months, it l)eing proved that cattle could care for themselves on the open plains 
 during even the heaviest snowfalls. 
 The vast plains and foothills of Montana afford pasturage for millions of domes- 
 tic animals. Nearly one-half of the lands of the state are valuable chiefly for graz- 
 ing purposes. It has been found that much of this land, while very rich, will pro- 
 duce only the native grasses, it not being adapted to agricultural pursuits for the 
 reason that it can not be irrigated, and without irrigation crops will not do well 
 here. It is estimated that there are in the state, today, i6,oco,ooo acres of farm- 
 ing land, and 38,000, xx) acres of grazing land. Nature l;c2 covered the latter 
 with various varieties of rich grasses which thrive on little moisture. Where the 
 lands are apparently the dryest or most sterile the grass grows in scattered tufts, 
 from which the name, bunchgrass, is derived, while on the richer soils it attains a 
 luxuriant growth. This grass, after reaching maturity, is self-curing. Although 
 apparently dead, it retains its nutritive qualities, and becomes an unsurpassed winter 
 food for cattle and horses. Cattle turned out on the open ranges here have no trouble 
 in keeping in prime condition, except during the severest of winters, and it is onl^' 
 occasionally that severe losses are incurred by the cattle men of this part of the 
 West. The heavy loss which the cattlemen here met with during 1886, when nearly 
 one-third of the range cattle perished from hunger, resulted in some radical changes 
 in the manner of wintering cattle here which had formerly been in vogue. The 
 fencing of large tracts of grazing land, either as leased property or when taken up 
 under the desert land law, is generally the system now adopted by Montana cattle- 
 men. This system enables the cattlemen here to drive their cattle to close ranges in 
 winter, and if necessary, owing to ht .vy snowfall, to feed these corralled stock with 
 hay. This has resulted in largely reducing the loss incurred by cattlemen here, and 
 it accords more with the views of the various humane societies throughout the coun- 
Stock Raisinff in Montana. 
 try who entered the most earnest protests against the heartlessness of allowing thou- 
 sands of cattle to starve to death during severe winters. 
 At one time the cattle business of Montana was practically controlled by a few 
 individuals or companies, whose herds appropriated the greater portion of the 
 ranges here. The tendency of late years, however, has been rather *o increase the 
 number of small ownerships of cattle and there are today thousands o/ stockmen in 
 the state where a few years ago the herds were controlled by hundreds. The cheapntss 
 with which stock can be fattened on the ranges here and the natural increase of the 
 herds has made cattle raising in the state a most profitable industry. The growth of this 
 industry is indicated by the following figures: In 1877 there were 182,659 cattle in 
 the territory, in 1880, 274,316 head; 1884,509,768, head; 1S85, 613,882 head ; 1H86, 
 663,716 head; 1887, 471,171 head; 1888, 488,467 head; 1889, 650,033 head; 1890, 
 649,757 head ; 1891, 621,742 head ; 1H92, 684,090 head. Over one half the cattle now 
 in the state are on the ranges of Custer, Chateau and Dawson counties. In these 
 counties are the immense herds and large outfits of the bonanza cattle concerns of 
 Montana. The annual round-up of these great herds and the scenes connected with 
 their care present one of the most picturesque phases of Western life around which 
 even literature and art have already woven a veil of romance which appeals with 
 equal force to the educated and the untutored mind alike. 
 The cowboys who take care of the immense herds of cattle in Montana are an 
 active and fearless l)ody of young men. They are splendid horsemen and with their 
 ponies, lariats, branding irons and picturesque personal attire form an interesting 
 feature of life on the plains. The relative rank of the "cow counties" of Montana 
 with the number of cattle in each in 1892 was as follows : Custer, 200,000 ; Choteau, 
 108,375; Dawson, 86,541; Fergus, 69,373; Yellowstone, 28,583; Madison, 25,393; 
 Meagher, 24,714; Beaverhead, 23,111; Cascade, 22,573; Park, 2i,3So; Gallatin, 18,298; 
 Deer Lodge, 18,900; Lewis & Clarke 14,684; Missoula, 12,053; Jefferson, 8,722; Silver 
 Bow, 1390 ; total for the state, 684,000. Ihe assessed valuation of this stock was 
 1110,296,003. It is estimated that the cattle in Montana increased eight per cent, in 
 1893 and that the showing for the present year will be equally as satisfactory. 
 There is still room in Ihe thousands of acres of good land now lying idle along 
 the numerous streams for increased cattle raising in the state. This land can be 
 secured at a nominal cost. Back of nearly all the rich bottom lands are splendid 
 j^razing ranges: Many of these ranges are unuppropriated today. A settler with 
 moderate means can start here with a small band of cattle and if he takes good care 
 of his stock during the winter it is only a question of a few years hence when he 
 will be independent. 
 Next in importance to cattle raising in Montana is the raising of sheep and the 
 handling of wool. In every county of the state are thousands of sheep the handling 
 of which is attended with most profitable results. The mountainous portions of the 
 state furnish good grazing grounds for sheep and there are still vacant in the state 
 thousands of acres of grass-covered hills, lands especiallj' adapted to this industry. 
 The United States depirtment of agricultural statistics places Montana seventh in 
 the list of sheep-raising states, the states ranking ahead of Montana in this industry 
 being as follows : Texas, Ohio, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Michigan. 
 The first record of Montana sheep is found in the territorial auditor's report for 1868. 
 This report states that the total number of sheep assessed that year was 1,752 head of 
 a total valuation of 19,685, or about $5.50 per head. In 1892, 24 years later, the total 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 number of sheep in the territory had increased to 1,884,086 and the assessed valuation 
 of this immense flock was $5,098,931. The growth of the sheep industry of the state 
 is shown by the following figures. The number of sheep found in the itate in the 
 different years was as follows : 1877, 79,288; 1880, 249,978; 1884, 593,896; 1885, 79.S,- 
 682; 1886,968,298; 1887, 1,062,141; 1888, 1,153.771; '^89, 1,368,848; 1890,1,555,116; 
 1891. 1.597./53; 1892, 1,883,840. The returns of 1893 showed that Choteau county is 
 now the principal sheep-raising section of the state, and that the three counties 
 Choteau, Fergus and Meagher contain considerable more than one-half of all the 
 sheep in the state. The sheep of Montana yield annually 14,000,000 pounds of wool 
 and the value of mutton sold here annually is |2, 200,000. 
 The raising of horses is al^o a great industry of Montana. Horses here arc left 
 to graze on the ranges throughout the year, they receiving little if any attention from 
 their owners even during the severest winters. These horses arc rounded up at cer- 
 tain intervals and shipped to Eastern points for sale. The ("ange horse industry of 
 Montana has maintained a healthy growth through a long series of years and it is 
 now one of the permanent resources of the state. Its development is recorded by 
 the territorial and state auditor's reports as follows, the number of head of horses in 
 Montana being given after each year: 1879, 44,416; 1884, 99,843; 1885, 114,925; 
 1886, 127,748; 1887, 136,978; 1888, 142,040; 1889, 160,940; 1890, 161,962; 1891, 161,311; 
 i?92, 169,259. 
 Montana possesses in addition to thi; range stock, a large number of valuable 
 standard-bred horses and cattle, and some of^ the greatest thoroughbred runninj^ 
 horses in America. The raising of thoroughbred horses is now successfully and 
 extensively carried on in the Deer Lodge and Bitter Root valleys. At Hamilton, in 
 the last named valley, Marcus Daly has established one of the largest horse ranches 
 in .America. A number of Knglish and Normaa draft stallions have been imported 
 into the state and arc used for breeding with native horses. The su:all farmers of the 
 state and the leading stock men are now raising a fine breed of cattle and in the near 
 future Montana will be as widely known for its blooded animals as it is now famous 
 for its range stock. 
 The Vlj^llantes of Montuna.— Nowhere in the world is justice more 
 impartially administered or is crime more severely punished than it is in Mon- 
 tana. In nearly every city of the state are stately temples of justice, the 
 tribunals of which arc presided over by fearless and impartial judges. Every 
 hamlet has its well disciplined police force or constabulary, and the citizens here 
 absolutely secure in the possession of their property and in the safety of their lives 
 are more free from the depredations of the lawless element than are even the people 
 of New York. In marked contrast to the safeguards now thrown around life and 
 property here, and the law-abiding and peaceful citizens now lomiciled in Montana, 
 was the lawlessness of the camps and the turbulent elcme.it residing here in 1863. 
 In the early 6o's the settlements of Montana were over 400 miles distant from any 
 official authorized 10 administer an oath, and there was no officer authorized to 
 administer the law nearer than the Mormon towns of Utah. The outlaws and des- 
 peradoes who flocked to the newly discovered placer diggings of the territory, find- 
 ing there was practically no restraint put on their actions here, at once commenced a 
 career of crime. The atrocities of the criminal element continued until determined 
 and law-loving men banded together and formed the Vigilance Committee of Mon 
 ,11 1 
The Vigilantes of Montana. 
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 of Mon 
 tana. A detailed recital of the acts of this committee, and the crimes perpetrated by 
 the outlaws if published would fill a volume. A short account of the work of this 
 committee in the present publication will be found of great interest, however. The 
 Orkgonian is indebted to T. J. Dunsdale's work, entitled " The History of the 
 Vigilantes," for the following summarized account of the work of the vigilantes 
 of Montana. 
 In 1863 Bannock and Virginia City were the two principal mining camps of Mon- 
 tana. The first named camp sprung into existence on Grasshopper creek in the 
 spring of 1862. Virginia owed its birth to the discovery of rich placer diggings in 
 Alder gulch in June, 1863. These camps, now well governed towns, are situated 75 
 miles apart from each other. In 1863 and 1864 it is estimated that their combined 
 population exceeded 15,000. With the thousands of gold hunters that flocked to 
 these camps there also came many desperadoes, outlaws and abandoned women, who . 
 scenting the prey from afar, flew like vultures to the battle field. 
 The streets of Virginia and Bannock in the early history of the camps presented 
 scenes which will doubtless never again be witnessed in a civilized community. On 
 all ' iies there were saloons, dance halls, bawdy houses and gambling dens. The 
 patrons of these resorts were constantly quarreling with each other, and disputes 
 were commonly decided on the spot by the knife or the revolver. Wounded men lay 
 almost unnoticed abo it the camps, and a night or a day without a shooting or a seri- 
 ous cutting or shooting escapade would have been recognized as a small and welcome 
 installment of the millenium. So far were the depredations of the lawless element 
 carried that it was unsafe for resp2Ctable people to venture out of doors after night- 
 fall. Every few days there would be found lying on the highway the murdered and 
 robbed body of some unfortunate miner. Women of easy virtue promenaded 
 through the camps habited in the gayest and most costly apparel. Drunken desper- 
 adoes booted, spurred and armed to the teeth, paraded through the streets, ready to 
 commit homicide on the slightest provocation. The trails le.'^ding into the camps 
 were infested by a band of road agents under the leadership of t'.ie notorious Henry 
 Plummer. This individual, known among his friends as "a perfect gentleman," was 
 in reality not only a profe.ssional gambler but also one of the most dangerous villains 
 in the territory. He was a man of prepossessing appearance, well educated, and with 
 a certain degree of refinement that made for him many friends. He concealed for a 
 time his many misdeeds under an assumed cloak of gentility, and even while chief 
 of the road agents he managed to induce the miners to elect him to the responsible 
 position of sheriff" of Montana. He appointed his deputies from his band of robbers. 
 The members of this gang were scattered all over Montana. Many a miner, after 
 having toiled for months in amassing a few thousand dollars in gold dust, left camp 
 for home, only to be robbed and possibly murdered by the very men who were sworn 
 to protect him and on whom he relied for protection. 
 So bold did these miscreants become in time that they made little]effbrt to conceal 
 their identity. Men who had been robbed on the open highway, on returning to 
 camp, would often see their plunderers lounging around the streets, but so great was 
 the dread felt of these malefactors that the innocent suff'erers by their misdeeds dared 
 not to accuse them, and under the authority of the law Henry Plummer robbed and 
 ruled the community as the fancy seized him. 
 By the discoveries of the bodies of several victims of this band and through the con- 
 fessions of several of the murderers before they were executed and through the valuable 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 information sent to the vigilante committee, it was discovered to a certainty after 
 several months of these depredations that 102 people had been killed by Plummei s 
 gang and their confederates in various places, and it was believed in addition to this, 
 scores of unfortunates had been murdered and buried whose remains were undiscov- 
 ered and whose fate to this day is not definitely ascertained. All that was known 
 definitely regarding these missing people was that they started from camp with sums 
 of money in their possession and were never heard of afterwards. Such was the con- 
 dition of affairs in Montana when five of the leading men of Virginia City and four 
 of the best citizens of Bannock started the movement which resulted in the forma- 
 tion of the vigilance committee of Montana. Nearly every law-abiding and respected 
 resident of the territory at once joined this organization and within a ft;w 
 weeks afler its formation every desperado in the West knew that the voice of 
 outraged justice had spoken in no uncertain tones. It was about this lime 
 that a most atrocious cold-blooded robbery and murder, committed by Geof^e 
 Ives a renowned desperado, aroused the law-and-order element of Alder gulch 
 to prompt action. Ives and two or three members of Plummer's gang were arrested 
 by a committee of citizens and broui!;ht to Nevada for trial. Tidings of the capture 
 spread rapidly through every inhabited part of Montana. Couriers were sent by the 
 road agents to inform distant members of their band that the life of one of their 
 number was in danger. The arrest of these men caused the most intense excitement 
 and hundreds of men anxious to be present at the trial soon reached Nevada from 
 Virginia and the other camps of Alder gulch. 
 Ives was tried in the open air in the presence of the whole body of citizens. The 
 miners reserved to themselves the ultimate decision of all questions arising durinjf 
 the trial, but, fearing that an injustice might be done the prisoner, they appointecl 
 an advisory jury consisting of 24 men. Never has there occurred in the West a more 
 sensational or dramatic trial. Before the arrest of Ives, citizens had spoken of the 
 atrocities of Plummer's band with bated breath. Even during the progress of this 
 trial many of the spectators expected to see the judge and jury shot down by the 
 outlaws and their friends. Not only was the fate of Ives depending on the result of 
 this trial, but also the lives of numerous other desperadoes, and the question of the 
 future preservation of law and order in Montana. It was the crisis of the fate of the 
 territory. The judge, prosecutors and jurors, in taking an active part in the Ives 
 trial, staked their lives for the future welfare of society. Judge Byam shouldered 
 the responsibility of the whole proceedings, and the prosecution was conducted by 
 Colonel W. F. Saunders, now one of Montana's foremost citizens. The defense 
 of the prisoners on this trial was conducted by several able lawyers. 
 In the center of the crowd at this famous trial, and surrounded by a guard armed 
 to the teeth, was a wagon occupied by the judge and advocates. Seated near the 
 wagon was the jury, and in front of the jury the prisoner was seated, heavily ironed. 
 After listening to the evidence the jury retired for deliberation and, within an hour, 
 returned with the verdict of guilty. Colonel Saunders then mounted the wagon and 
 moved that George Ives be forthwith hanged by the neck until he is dead. The 
 prisoner was led to the scaffold in 58 minutes after his doom was fixed. A perfect 
 babel of voices saluted the movement. Every roof was covered, and cries of " hang 
 him," "don't hang him," *' banish him," " I'll shoot," " their murdering soul." 
 "let's rescue him," were heard on all sides. The guard around the prisoner stood 
 like a rock, however. They heard the muttered threats of rescue from the crowd 
The Vigilantes of Montana. 
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 before the prisoner was led out, and they stood ready to keep the rescuers back with 
 rifle balls if necessary. As the prisoner stepped on the large dry goods box above 
 which hung the hempen noose, however, the noise ceased, and the stillness became 
 even painful. The noose was quickly adjusted, and to the usual question as to 
 whether the condemned man had anything to say, brought forth the reply : " I am 
 innocent rf this crime." All being ready, ihe signal was given ; the ominous click 
 of the gun locks rang shrirply and the gun barrels flashed in the moonlight as they 
 were brought to bear on the crowd. The box flew from under the murderer's feet 
 with a crash and the body of George Ives swung in the night breeze facing the moon 
 that lighted up the scene of retributive justice. As the click, click of the locks 
 sounded their note of deadly warning to the intended rescuers, the crowd stampeded 
 in wild confusion, even roUiho over one another shrinking and howling with terror. 
 A few resolute desperadoes who knew not fear, but seeing that their case was hope- 
 less and that their comrade was dead, retired with muttered curses of the fate that 
 had befallen them. 
 George Ives was a young man of rather prepossessing appearance, probably about 
 27 years of age. The carriage of this renowned desperado was sprightly and his 
 coolness imperturbable. Long practice confronting danger had made him absolutely 
 fearless. He would face all danger of death with an indifference that had become a 
 part of his nature, and the spirit of reckless bravado with which he was animated 
 made him the terror of the citizens. Ives' death, however, sounded the death knell 
 of the Plummer gang's desperate acts, and it was a realization of this fact by the dis- 
 cerning members of the band that caused them to take the execution of Ives so 
 f.eriously to heart. 
 George Hilderman, a petty thief, was arrested by the same committee that captured 
 Ives. His gastronomic feats at Bannock had procured for him the name of the Great 
 American Pie-eater. He earned this title by placing his capacious jaws over a layer of 
 ten pumpkin pies and biting through their entire thickness. As pies at that time were 
 worth $1.50 apiece the pastime was an expensive one. He escaped the results of 
 lawless pie-eating, but the committee banished him from Montana for his petty 
 Following the execution of Ives, all the prominent friends of justice were dogged, 
 threatened and watched by the roughs. An attempt was made to kill Colonel Saund- 
 ers and the lives of other men prominent in the trial of Ives and who have since 
 gained a national reputation, were in constant jeopardy. The ramiflcations of the 
 league of safety and order, however, extended in a week or two after Ives' execution 
 all over the territory, and on the 14th day of January, 1864, the coup de grace was 
 given to the power of the band by the execution of five of the chief villains of Plum- 
 mer's band at Virginia City. In the meantime a number of highly dramatic events 
 occurred, the most startling of which was the execution of Henry Plummer himself, 
 *.he chief of the road agents and the sheriff of Montana. 
 The vigilantes of Bannock arrested Plummer just as he was preparing to leave 
 the country. At the same time Stinson and Ray, two members of the band, were 
 taken into custody. Through the darkness of night the three prisoners were marched 
 to a scaffold erected a few yards from the camp. The spectators were allowed to 
 come up to within a certain distance, but they were halted here by the guard who 
 refused to allow them either to depart or to come nearer the dead line on pain of 
 being instantly shot. Plummer exhausted every argument and plea that his imagiua- 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 tion could suggest in order to induce his captors to spare his life. He begged to he 
 chained down in the meanest cabin, he offered to leave the country forever, he wantc(l 
 a jury trial, he asked for time to settle his affairs and falling on his knees with tears 
 and sighs decUred to God that he was too wicked to die. He confessed his numer- 
 ous murders and crimes and seemed almost frantic at the prospect of immediate 
 After the execution of Ray and Stinson, the order to "bring up Plummer," was 
 passed and repeated, but no one stirred. The leader went over to this "perfect gen- 
 tleman," as Plummer's friends called him, and was met with the request to "give u 
 man time to pray." Well knowing that Plummer relied for a rescue on other than 
 Divine aid the leader said briefly but docidedly, " Certainly, but let him say his 
 prayers up here." Finding that all efforts to avoid death were useless, Plumnici 
 arose and said :'o more prayers. He mounted the gallows which he him<«f1f had 
 erected in his capacity as sheriff for the execution of a murderer sentencctt by a 
 miners' jury, He slipped off his necktie and threw it over his shoulder to a yoiinj^ 
 friend who liad boarded at his house and who believed him innocent, saying as he 
 tossed it to his friend, "Here is something to remember me by." In the extremity of 
 his grief the young man threw himself weeping to the ground. Plummer requested 
 that his executioners give him a good "drop " and a moment later the most polished 
 but desperate villain that ever terrorized Montana was dead. 
 The effect of the execution of Plummer wes electrical. There was much yet to 
 be done, however, to insure lasting peace to the community. By this time eight of 
 the road agents had met a felon's death. There were still, however, many blood- 
 thirsty villains at large. These men had made constant threats against the members 
 of the vigilantes, and a plot to rob several stores in Virginia had been nearly matured 
 when it was discovered. Every man who had taken part in the pursuit of the crim- 
 inals in Montana was marked for slaughter by the vigilantes, and the work of the 
 vigilantes remained unfinished until the last of these miscreants was captured and 
 summarily executed on the scaffold. 
 On the 13th of January, 1864, the executive committee of the vigilantes, in sol- 
 emn conclave assembled, determii'ed on hanging six of the outlaws forthwith. 
 Express messengers were sent to inform the members of the vigilantes of the neigh- 
 boring towns of Alder Gulch of the action decided on by the executive committee. 
 All that night grim and determined men rode towards Virginia City. The breaking 
 of dawn on the following day found the pickets of the vigilantes stationed on the 
 crest of every eminence and point of vantage around tht city. The news flew like 
 lightning. Many a guilty heart quaked with fear, and many an assassin's lips turned 
 pale, and the roughs quaked with inexpressible terror. The detachments of the vigil- 
 antes, with compressed lips, for they were thoroughly in earnest, marched into the 
 town and halted in a body on Main street. Members of the band were at once 
 detailed for the capture of the road agents, and all succeeded in their mission except 
 the ones who went after Hunter, who managed to escape by crawling out of town 
 through a drain pipe. 
 Frank Parish was the first desperado brought in. He was arrested without the 
 least trouble in a store, and he seemed not to expect death. He even took the exec- 
 utive officer aside and coolly asked what he was arrested for. He was told for being 
 a road agent and a thief. At first he pleaded innocence, but at last he confessed to 
 having committed many crimes. 
The Vigilantes of Montana. 
 Club-Foot George, as he was known (George Lane), was brought in. He was 
 perfectly cool and collected, and on being told that his sentence was death, quietly 
 asked for a minister. He evidently thought no more of hanging than the ordinary 
 man would of eating his breakfast. Boone Helm was seized before he was able to 
 make an effort towards resistance. A man at each arm and one behind him with a 
 cocked revolver, brought him to tVe place of rendezvous. Helm lamented greatly 
 that hfc " had no show " when t&ken id he quietly added, "they would have had 
 a gay time taking me if I had known what they were after.' He said further : " I 
 am as innocent as the babe unborn. 1 have never killed anyone, or defrauded any 
 man. I am willing to swear it pm .he Biule." Anxious to see if ht was really so aban- 
 doned a villain as to swear to this, the ^ook was handed him, when, with the utmost 
 assumed solemnity, he repeated an oath to that effect, making the most terrific pen- 
 alties on his soul in case he was swearing falsely. He kissed the book most rever- 
 ently. He then addressed a gentleman present, and asked him if he would accom- 
 pany him (Boone) into a private room. Thinking that Boone wanted someone to pray 
 with him, he proposed sending for a clergyman, Imt Boone quietly retorted, " You'll 
 do." On reaching the room the prisoner asked his friend if there was no escape 
 from his present predicament. Being told that there was not, and that he must die, 
 Boone admitted that he did kill a man named Shoot, in Missouri, after which he 
 escaped to the West. He also admitted killing of a "chap " in California. 
 Helm was the most hardened, cool and deliberate scoundrel of the whole band, 
 and murder, with him, had become mere pastime. Finding that all his asservatioiis 
 and pleas availed him naught, he thus unburdened himself: " I have dared death in 
 all its forms, and I do not fear to die." He called repeatedly for whisky, and it was 
 necessary to reprimand him several time for his conduct on the verge of eternity. 
 The other two outlaws. Haze Lyons and Jack Gallagher, were brought in, the former 
 penitent and the latter abusing and cursing his captors. 
 After all arrangements had been made for hanging the desperadoes the prisoners 
 were marched into the center of a hollow square which was flanked by four ranks of 
 the vigilantes and by a column in front and rear armed with shotguns and rifles car- 
 ried at half present, ready to fire at a moment's warning. Other members of the 
 vigilantes, armed with pistols, were dispersed through the crowd. The party started 
 forward and marched to an unfinished building which had been prepared for the exe- 
 cution. The main beam for the support of the rooi', which ran across the center of 
 the building, was used as a gallows, the ropes being thrown over it and then taken to 
 the rear and fastened around some of the bottom logs. Five boxes were placed 
 under the beam as a substitute for drops. The procession halted for a few moments 
 before reaching the place of execution, Club-Foot George having called a citizen to 
 him and asked him to speak regarding his character. This the gentleman declined 
 to do, saying to George that while their dealings with each other had been square he 
 was not competent to speak of the prisoner's dealings with other people. Club-Foot 
 George then asked the gentleman he had spoken to to pray with him. This request 
 was granted, both men kneeling down and offering a fervent prayer. Ge^/ge and 
 Jack Gallagher also knelt in prayer. Boue Helm, after the prayers were over, called 
 to Gallagher, "Jack, give me that coat; you never gave me anything." "D d 
 sight of use you'd have for it," replied the man who had been on his knees a moment 
 before. The two worthies after this kept addressing shore and pithy remarks to their 
 friends around them, such as " Hello ! they have got me this time." " Bill, old boy 
 I'm going to cash in, sure," and other remarks typical only of wild mining life. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The guards finally marched iuto the place appointed for execution. They opered 
 ranks here and the prisoners stepped onto the boxes above which hung the dangling 
 ropes, the nooses were quickly adjusted and all being ready Jack Gallagher got a stay 
 of proceedings by asking as a last request for a glass of beer, which was given him. 
 Club-Foot George, recognizing an old friend in the audience, cooly hailed him with 
 the remark, " Good-by, old fellow ; I'm gone," and hearing the order, "Men, do your 
 duty," without waiting for the box to be knocked from under him, as coolly 
 jumped to his death. Jack Gallagher used the most profane and obscene language while 
 standing on the box awaiting execution, a tirade he kept up until the tighteniii;,' 
 noose cut him short. The character of Boone Helm can be judged by his careless 
 remark as he looked at the quivering form of Gallagher dangling by the rope, " Kick 
 away, old fellow ; I'll be in hell with you in a minute." Helm's last words wen-, 
 "Everyman for his principles ; hurrah for Jeff. Davis; let her rip." The sound of 
 his voice had hardly died away before he too was hanging from the rope, Frank 
 Parrish requested the privilege of having a handkerchief tied over his face. His own 
 black tic, fastened in the road agents knot, was taken from his throat and dropped 
 over his face like a veil, and with this death mask he was dropped. A bystander, 
 after the execution, asked a guard who had adjusted the rope around the neck of 
 Parrish, if he did not feel for the poor man when he put the rope around his neck. 
 The vigilante, whose friend had been murdered by road agents, regarded his interro- 
 gator for a moment with a stern look and then answered slowly, " Yes ; I felt for his 
 left ear." Haze Lyons evidently expected deliverance from death up to the last 
 moment. Finding, however, that entreaty was useless, he requested that his gold 
 watch be given to his mistress with his dying regards. 
 The bodies of the desperadoes, after being allowed to hang for two hours, were 
 cut down and carried to the street in front of the house, where they were found 
 by friends and carried away for burial. The'*- '-odies now lie in the cemetery at 
 These last executions ended the rule of the road agents in Montana. Where 
 once rode masked highwaymen and midnight marauders in the state are now ojjcn 
 highways where man is assured of the protection that he has in any of the best governed 
 communities of the United States. It v/as stern justice meted out to the desperadoes 
 that impressed all wrong-doers with a full sense of the fate that awaited them if tliey 
 committed any overt acts and these executions at the same time impressed the law- 
 abiding people with their full power when once thoroughly aroused, and it was the 
 moral force of the community that was triumphant here jnst as it always is in any 
 civilized country after the man who respects his own rights and the full rights of his 
 fellow man has been goaded to a certain point by the lawless acts of desperadoes and 
 British Coluiubla. — The first settlement made in the vast territory now 
 known as British Columbia dates back to the establishment of a trading post at I'ort 
 Victoria, on Vancouver Island, by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1842. It was not 
 until 1H71, however, that the mainland north of the 49th degree of nortli latitude and 
 Vancouver island were united under the name of British Columbia and entered into 
 confederation with the Dominion of Canada. Victoria was chosen the capital of the 
 new province. The nature of the country was such that only a few people were 
 attracted to British Columbia and, until 1886, the only two towns of importance 
 in the entire province were Victoria, situated on Vancouver Island, and New West- 
British Columbia. 
 minster, on the mainland, the latter place being located on the Fraser river, i6 miles 
 above the point where the waters of this stream enter the Gulf of Georj;ia. In 1886, 
 the Canadian Pacific railroad was completed to tidewater on the Pacific coast. The- 
 western terminus of this great transcontinental line is at Vancouver, situated on the 
 mainland, on Burrard Inlet, about 14 miles distant from the old town of New West- 
 minster. Vancouver is today the metropolis of British Columbia. The completion 
 of this greatest of transcontinental roads has marked a new epoch in the history of 
 the province. Before the cars of this road reached tidewater at Vancouver, Victoria 
 was the leading city of British Columbia, and it was one of the richest and most 
 prosperous cities of the coast. It was the one port of British Columbia to which all 
 the diversified productions of the province paid tribute, and it was at this point ihat 
 countless fortunes were made from the immense trade with the north and east which 
 Victoria so long held. Today, Victoria is still the home of many of the richest men 
 of British Columbia, but her former prestige is gone. Victoria is the leading city on 
 Vancouver Island, the resources of which, when fully developed, will alone support 
 a city at this point of a much larger population tlian Victoria contains today. Van- 
 couver, however, as the western terminus of the Canadian Pacific, will, probably, 
 always remain the leading city of British Columbia, and it is at the present site of 
 Vancouver that the people of the province expect to see a city grow that will some 
 day rival San Francisco or Portland in wealth and commercial importance. 
 British Columbia is a country of wonderful possibilities. Long before a city of 
 any pretensions had been established on the shores of Puget Sound, the rich gold 
 deposits of the Fraser river and of the Caribou district farther inland had attracted 
 gold seekers from all over the coast, and the Fraser river gold excitement of the early 
 6o's was second in importance only to the great rush of gold hunters to California 
 a little more than 10 years earlier. British Columbia is essentially a mountainous 
 country. Far to the interior of the province are found those same vast plains, covered 
 with alluvial deposits of the richest soil, which are found in Eastern Oregon and 
 Eastern Washington, but for a distance of 200 miles or more inland from Puget 
 Sound the province is one vast upheaval, mountain piled on mountain, and the 
 entire section is generally rough and uneven. Lying between the higher elevations 
 of this part of the province are many little valleys easily cultivated and highly 
 fertile. The principal sources of wealth of the province, however, prior to the time of 
 the completion of the Canadian Pacific, were the wonderfully rich gold n^incs of the 
 interior, the great coal deposits of Vancouver Island, the fisheries of the Fraser river 
 and of the Gulf of Georgia, and the vast quantities of fur-bearing animals which were 
 annually trr.pped along the coast and in the streams of the mainland. These were 
 pro lucts that were easily convertible into money. The lack of proper transportation 
 facilities and the cost of reaching the province necessarily kept people out of British 
 Columbia, and the result of these conditions, which existed prior to 18H6, was that 
 money was plentiful here, and Victoria, the leading city, may have been fairly said 
 to have rolled in wealth, a tribute she exacted from the immense trade which for 
 many years regularly came to this port. 
 The largest body of agricultural land in the western part of British Colu nbia is 
 found along the Fraser river between the (iu'if of Georgia and Yale. Three varieties 
 of soil, all highly productive, are found in tue Fraser River valley. These are deep 
 black earth, alluvial deposits and a clay loam. Wonderful crops are raised on these 
 lands and this is truly the agricultural belt of the province. Good lands for agricul- 
 ■'A : 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 tural purposes are also found on Vancouver Island, and a'iong the banks of the Thomp- 
 son river and Shuswap lakes are many fine farms in the highest state of cultivation. 
 East of the Cascades in the province are vast stretches of the finest grazing and 
 farming lands, and the cattle fattened on the succulent grasses of these inland prai- 
 ries are the largest and best beef cattle raised on the Pacific coast. 
 The most important industry of British Columbia at the present writing is the 
 mining of coal. On Vancouver Island are found the largest and most valuable 
 deposits, of coal on the coast. Nanaimo, a city of about 6,000 inhabitants, located on 
 the eastern side of Vancouver Island, and north of Victoria, is supported entirely by 
 the ten great coal mines situated in the vicinity of the place. Four of these mines 
 are operated by the New Vancouver Coal Company. The daily output of these four 
 mines is 2,400 tons. The coal tal'en from one of these mines is unexcelled for gas- 
 making purposes. It burns to a red ash, making a fine quality of coke and yielding 
 about 11,000 feet of gas to the ton, of an illuminating power of 22 candles. The coal 
 from another of this same company's mines is burned largely by the steamers plyiuj^ 
 on the Puget Sound and up and down the coast. The New Vancouver Coal Company 
 employs regularly about 1,400 men. They also use about 140 mules in the mines, 
 these animals working constantly underground. The principal part of the product 
 of the company is fhipped to San Francisco, although regular shipments are also 
 made from these mines to Portland, Southern Cali/omia and the Sandwich Islands. 
 The Great Wellington coal mines are located at the terminus of the Esquimalt & 
 Nanaimo railroad and operated by the same company that runs the railroad. Welling- 
 ton coal is the best of the coast coals, and is always in great demand in San Francisco 
 and other coast cities. The output of the Wellington mines is only limited by the 
 transportation facilities afforded for getting it to market. Most of the output of the 
 mines is sent over the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Company's own road to Departure Bay, 
 where the company owns large wharves and coal bunkers. Steam colliers of as high 
 as 3,00c tons carrying capacity carry the coal from Departure Bay to San Francisco 
 and other coast ports. Four miles from Nanaimo are located the East Wellington 
 Collieries, and there is also the rich Comox coal mine near Union, also located ou 
 Vancouver Island a few miles distant from Nanaimo. 
 Th2 mountains of British Columbia are rich in deposits of gold, silver, copper, 
 iron and all the baser metals. The greatest of the gold and silver-producing sections 
 of the province today is the Kootcnay district. This mineral belt is located in the 
 southeastern part of the province, and contains an area of about 7,000 square miles. 
 The section is enjoying something of a boom at the present time, and during the 
 latter part of 1892 and early in 1893 over 2,000 claims were filed in this section within a 
 pericr' of six months. The old gold diggings around Yale, the Lilloet, Cassiar and 
 Caribou gold-producing districts are still rich in gold quartz and silver ores, and the 
 working of the mines of these important districts will some day prove one of the 
 most important industries of British Columbia. 
 A large part of the area of British Columbia is covered with dense forests of the 
 finest timber. The varieties of timber found here are the same as are contained in the 
 forests of Western Washington and Western Oregon to the south. The British Col- 
 umbia timber belt is practically a part of the same forests which extend from the 
 southern boundary of Western Oregon north as far as Alaska, and as the timber 
 resources of Oregon and Washington are fully treated in another part of this publi- 
 cation, any extended mention of the great forests of British Columbia is unnecessary 
 in the present instance. 
 Victoria, British Columbia. 
 One of the great industries of British Columbia at the present time is the catch- 
 ing and curing of fish. The great inland streams of the province abound in the suc- 
 culent salmon, the mimmoth sturgeon and other food fishes found in the Columbia 
 and Sacramento rivers to the south, and the waters of the Gulf of Georgia and other 
 parts of the great inland sea washing these shore are alive with the finest of salt 
 water fishes. These waters furnish an inexhaustible supply of the finny tribe, valu- 
 able as food products, rich in oil, hundreds of barrels of which are annually exported 
 from the province, and the value ot fur- bearing aquatic animals annually caught in 
 these waters runs into the thousands of dollars. During 1890 the product of the fish- 
 eries of British Columbia, including seals and oil, reached the enormous amount of 
 $6,550,275. This amount was made up as follows: approximate value offish con- 
 sumed in the province, $3,085,000 ; canned salmon, 400,000 cases, $2,400,000 ; salted 
 salmon, 3,800 ban sis, $41,800; fresh salmon, 2,000,000 pounds, $240,000; smoked 
 salmon, 13,000 pounds, $3,250 ; fresh halibut, 750,000 pounds, $75,000 ; fresh sturgeon, 
 320,500 pounds, $16,025 ; fresh trout, 20,000 pounds, $2,cjo ; other fish, fresh, salted 
 and smoked, 905,000 pounds, $90,500; making a total ^f $5,953,575. Add to this 
 150,000 gallons of fish oil, $75,000; isinglass, etc., $21,700, and seal skins and other furs, 
 $500,000, and we have the grand total of $6,550,275 as the value of the year's product 
 of the fishing industries of the province. 
 Most of the salmon canned in British Columbia is handled by the many large 
 canneries located on the Fraser river. During 1890 the product of these canneries 
 amounted to 246,050 cases, valued at $1,476,300. Invested in the canneries of the 
 Fraser river is the sum of $1,357,000. These plants employ over 7,500 men during 
 the fishing season and pay out annually in wages about $1,025,000. An important part 
 of the fishing industry of the province is the shipping of fresh halibut, sturgeon and 
 trout to the East. These shipments arc made in refrigerator cars, and the fish is 
 landed thousands of miles from where it is caught in as fresh a condition as it was 
 when first taken out of the waters. 
 The climate of British Columbia, more especially that portion bordering on the 
 waters of the Straits of Georgia, which is the most densely populated, is similar in 
 every respect to the climate of Oregon 
 and Washington to the south. It is a 
 country of the same many and diversified 
 resources as Oregon and Washington 
 farther south, and that part of the 
 United States known as the Pacific North- 
 west will probably note no greater ma- l^„^.'<^ \^^tij^§- WMBIfM ^',f:^<. '-T""*^ ■, 
 terial growth and solid advancement than 
 the country to the north which is now .w^— — — j«43aK!«^™^™KVi' -^j- 
 under the British flag, a country so ^ "=^^5^^==^ ^^^tT 
 thoroughly wedded to British traditions, 
 and which has only been kept back by 
 the average Englishman's regard for prestige which so often discourages progress 
 under any regime which ignores precedents. 
 Victoria, British Columbia.— Victoria, the capital of the province of 
 British Columbia, is situated at the extreme southeastern end of the large island of 
 Vancouver. The most striking feature of the site the city occupies is the rare beauty 
 of this site and its surroundings. The citizens of Victoria honor their city with the 
 H. M. Dr> Dock, Esquimalt. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the I'acihc Northwest. 
 CAREY Castle, Lieut. -Governor's Residence, Victoria. 
 sobriquet of " The Gem of the Pacific," a name which the general attractiveness of 
 the place fully warrants. The surface of the land on which Victoria is built is 
 made up of a succession of hills and 
 level patches, and from the higher eleva 
 tions of the city is commanded an im- 
 posing view of the grand stretch of the 
 Straits of Fuca and the waters of tlic 
 Straits of Georgia glisten in the sunlight 
 a few miles away, while in the distance 
 ^Sl' llil M^:-•^" Jff T H i 'I" i^miS ^ IL^ JWPi^l^' ^^^ seen the imposing peaks of the 
 '^'^"SI^KsilMttMdJMlSHIMI^R^PSIW wV -i . Olympic range, and rising from the 
 mainland of the United States side stands 
 the hoary Mt. Baker, immaculate in all 
 the brightness of perennial snow, which 
 covers this giant peak of the Cascades. 
 Victoria is the mecca of tourists to Puget Sound who desire to visit the province. 
 The Englishman kn \vs how to enjoy himself. He takes 
 life easy, and he prepares the way for the enjoyment of 
 everyone who visits a city in which the English element 
 predominates. Victoria boasts of the finest drivewaj-s on 
 the coast, which lead out from the city in all directions, and 
 of the attraction of the great warships and drydocks at Es- 
 quimau, but a few miles distant. The place has good parks, 
 the numerous arms of the Straits of I -ca extending inland 
 at this point afford excellent boating, the city has the best 
 of hotels, and the tourist here finds as much to interest and 
 amuse him as he will find in any city on the coast. 
 Of late years manufacturing interests have made but little advancement at Vic- 
 toria. Victoria is a shipping port of considerable importance, and it is a city of 
 great wealth, heap)ed up here during the palmy days preceding the completion of the 
 Canadian Pacific railway to Vancouver. Although the first settlement was ma i- ^. 
 Victoria, in 1847, by the Hudson's I5ay Company, it enjoyed no large growth until 
 1871, when the provincial capital for British Columbia was established here. The 
 official census made by the dominion government, in 1891, gave Victoria a popula- 
 tion of only 16,849, and the most enthusiastic of Victoria's citizens do not today 
 claim for their city a greater population than 2o,ocx). The 
 growth of the city has been retarded by lack of railroad 
 connection with the mainland. The line of the Esquimalt 
 & Nanaimo railway, which connects Victoria with the 
 great coal mining district of Nanaimo, is the only railway 
 in operation on Vancouver Islav.d at the present time. 
 The Canada Western railway, however, it is hoped, will 
 ultimately reach Victoria from the mainland by taking 
 advantage of the numerous islands in the channel north of 
 Vancouver Island, to bridge the short stretches of water 
 which divide the island and mainland at this point, and the people of Victoria 
 confidently expect to see this line built at a time not far distant. 
 Victoria has excellent connection with all the Sound ports by numerous lines 
 of steamers. The fine steamships of the Canadian Pacific Company stop at Vic- 
 CiTY Hall, Victoria. 
 High school, Victoria. 
Nanaimo and the dreat Coal Mines. 
 toria, both in coming to Vancouver and in 
 departing for the Orient. Lines of steamers 
 regularly ply between Victoria and Van- 
 couver, between Victoria, New Westminster 
 and Nanaimo, as well as between 
 the leading city of Vancouver Is- 
 land and all ports of the Sound on 
 the United States side. 
 The Gorge, Victoria Arm, Victoria. 
 Beacon Hill Park, comprising 
 several hundred acres, is well laid 
 out, good driveways, leading in 
 all directions, and standing in this 
 park are stately oaks whose age is said 
 to represent centuries of time. A good 
 start for a creditable ' ' Zoo " has already 
 been made in this park, and the hun- 
 dreds of animals already gathered here 
 prove a great source of interest to visitors. Esquimalt, three miles distant, is 
 reached by a perfectly kept driveway, and also by an electric line of road. This is 
 the place of rendezvous for the British squadron of warships oti the Pacific coast. 
 The government naval - 
 j'ards and large drydock 
 are established at Esqui- 
 malt. The drydock is 
 built entirely of cut stone, 
 and was constructed at 
 great expense jointly by 
 the Imperial and Domin- 
 ion governments. An- 
 other delightful suburb of 
 Victoria is Oak Bay, and 
 this resort is rapidly be- 
 ing built up with seaside 
 homes. As the seat of the provincial government, Victoria enjoys a considerable. 
 prestige. The city is an old and wealthy center of population, and it is by far the 
 most attractive city of the province. 
 iNanalino and the CJreat Coal Mines.— The most interesting feature of 
 a visit to Vancouver Island is the trip by rail from Victoria to Nanaimo, where the 
 great coal fields of the province are located. The journey is made over the Esqui- 
 malt & Nanaimo railwa}', a distance of 78 miles. The route lays through the most 
 picturesque part of Vancouver Island. The line passes through what may be fairly- 
 termed a sportsman's paradise. The numerous lakes and small streams of this sec- 
 tion are stocked with the gamiest of trout. The scenery along the entire line of 
 road is interesting, and at times grand and almost awe-inspiring. One moment the 
 eye of the traveler rests on a peaceful vale with a placid clear lake in the center, 
 and the next moment he is looking through broken and rocky gorges to abrupt 
 forest-clad hills beyond. Many engineering difficulties were encountered in the con- 
 struction of this line. High trestles, with a seemingly dangerous pitch to one side 
 Bridge »t Beacon Hill Park, Victoria 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook oi the Pacific Northwest. 
 of the track, are as trying to the nerves 
 of the timid traveler as the construction 
 of these elevated bands of steel on stilts 
 was to the engineer who planned the 
 line, but it may be stated that no ac- 
 cident has ever occurred on this line, 
 and the entire road is pronounced, by 
 railroad experts, to be one of the best 
 built on the continent. 
 At the towns of Shawnigan, Chemainus and Cowichan, along the line of road 
 are located a few small sawmills, and in the timber belt which the road traverses, 
 considerable cordwood is cut and shipped to market over this same line. The prime, 
 and it may be said the only object in the construction of this road, however, was 
 to open rail connection between Victoria, the principal city of Vancouver Island, and 
 the great coal districts at Nanaimo and Wellington. Nanaimo, the second largest 
 center of population on Vancouver Island, is located on the east coast of the island, 
 on an inlet which goes by the name of the town. Nanaimo harbor opens direct 
 into the Straits of Georgia. The total population of Nanaimo, at the present time, 
 is about 6,000, and a glance through the directory of the town shows that about 
 three out of every five of the male adult population are either miners or employes 
 in the service of the great mining company operating here. The town is beauti- 
 fully located, fronting on a broad sheet of water, and the site, rising gradually from 
 the waters' edge, finally reaches an elevation which commands a perfect view of 
 the harbor and the Straits of Georgia beyond. The streets of the town are narrow, 
 so narrow, in fact, that friends can almost shake hands across the narrow drive- 
 way which separates the sidewalks, and it is evident to the visitor that the town 
 simply grew here without any attention having been paid to platting the townsite 
 by the original settlers. 
 Nanaimo's prosperity is practically entirely dependent on the operations of the 
 New Vancouver Coal Mining & Land Company which operates so extensively at this 
 point. This company bought the Nanaimo estate with its collieries, shipping wharves, 
 sawmills and water front from the Hudson's Bay Company in 1862. In Nanaimo 
 coal is king as cotton was in the South before the war. The New Vancouver Com- 
 pany have now five coal mines in successful operation, although these mines have 
 only been opened since 1S84. The shafts in these mines run down to the great depth 
 of 600 feet or even more. Double ventilating shafts have been constructed in these 
 mines in compliance with the protective laws governing coal mining in British 
 Columbia. The output of the company's mines is 2,ocx) tons a day. The company's 
 possessions on Vancouver Island in the vicinity of Nanaimo embrace about 30,000 
 acres, this estate exte* ding up and down the coast for a distance of 10 miles. Two 
 shafts of the company's mines, the one in Protection Island at the mouth of the har- 
 bor opposite the town, and the Esplanade shaft on the outskirts of Nanaitno, across 
 the harbor from the main business center, are connected by passages running under 
 the harbor. Above these passage-ways, through which the black diamond is being 
 constantly hauled, ships ride peacefully on a body of water deep enough to float the 
 largest of vessels. This great tunnel, over one mile in length, is a feat of successful 
 subterranean engineering that must call for the admiration of whoever traverses it. 
 The Esplanade mine is the largest operated here and the main shaft of this mine is 
Naaaimo and the Great Coal Mines. 
 Old Block House, Nanaiwo. 
 located only a few yards from the company's offices and power houses. The tall, 
 heavy-built chimneys of the great coal mining plants at Nanaimo pour out their vol- 
 umes of black, heavy smoke day and night the year 
 round. The endless steel cables hauling the coal cars 
 from the depths of the mine, 600 feet below, arc run at the 
 rate of speed of half a mile a minute, and the scene of 
 operations of one of the great mines here with its cars of 
 coal being dumped on the surface without cessation day 
 or night, is oue that cannot but impress the beholder 
 who is visiting a coal-mining center for the first time. 
 The engines of the coal company's plant of theEsplanade 
 miue have a hoisting capacity of 1,000 tons every eight 
 hours, and at the same time pump water out of the mines 
 if pumping is necessary. Most of the power for pump- 
 ing is supplied by electricity, generated by the company's 
 own dynamos and power house. The company have for 
 a number of years past heen operating far out under the 
 waters of the harbor at Nanaimo and also under the Gulf 
 of Georgia beyond, and they are gradually extending 
 their tunnels and shafts as the mines are opened. 
 In addition to operating largely at Nanaimo, the New Vancouver Company also 
 operates mines at Northfield and Southfield, towns in close proximity to the princi- 
 pal raining center. The company regularly spends large sums of money in prospect- 
 ing over its lauded possessions here with diamond drills with the most .:atisfactory 
 results. They now have sufficient coal in sight here to allow their mines to be con- 
 tinually operated at their present capacity for 80 years in the future. The coal mined 
 here is of a true bituminous character, and is pronounced by experts and the general 
 public to be the best coal mined on the coast. Shipments of this coal are made in 
 very large quantities to San Francisco, San Diego, I,os Angeles, Portland, Alaska and 
 all parts of the Dominion. The coal is carried principally in American bottoms, and 
 from four to one dozen ships and steamers are constantly in Nanaimo harbor await- 
 ing their turns to load with coal from the company's mines. The company itself now 
 has regularly 150,000 tons of shipping under charter, and private buyers of the com- 
 pany's product are constantly sending vessels here to be loaded. 
 The company employs in its mines 1,500 miners. These men work in shifts of 
 eight hours each, and they are generally contented and thrifty. This is a well paid 
 class of labor, and many of the miners here own their own homes. The reporter of 
 TAe Nanaimo Free Press, who is constantly making the rounds of the tov/n, is 
 authority for the statement that these men as a rule drink in moderation, and that 
 crimes of violence imong the laborers are of very rate occurrence. The money put 
 into circulation every pay day at Nanaimo reaches at least |ioo,ooo, and with the 
 money paid out for wages at the Wellington mines, and the mines of Northfield and 
 Southfield, all of which camps are tributary to Nanaimo, the monthly payroll 
 amounts to more than $200,000. 
 Nanaimo contains several good brick busiiiess blocks, and the town boasts of a 
 good hotel and a comfortably arranged opera house. As long as coal mines continue 
 to be operated here Nanaimo will be prosperous, and as the demand for this coal in 
 all parts of the coast is constantly increasing it is fair to presume that there coal 
 mines will b: operated on a more extensive scale with each successive year. 
 The Oreffonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Wellington, five miles north of Nanaimo, is the terminus of the Esquimalt & 
 Nanaimo railway. The coal mines at Wellington are owned and operated by the 
 company operating the railway. Wellington is really nothing but a great coal camj). 
 About 800 men are employed in the mines here. The product of the Wellington 
 mines is similar in every respect to the coal taken out of the mines at Nanaimo, and 
 Wellington coal is too well known on the coast to call for any future mention of its 
 qualities in the present article. 
 Vuiicouver, British Columbia. — Vancouver, the largest and most impor- 
 tant city located on the mainland in British Columbia, occupies the peninsula lying 
 between Burrard's Inlet and English Bay, just north of the mouth of the Fraser river. 
 It is called the Terminal City, and it is the terminus of the Canadian Pacific railway, 
 and the point of arrival of the three majestic steamships, the Empress of India, the 
 Empress of China and the Empress of Japan, a line run under the management of 
 the Canadian Pacific, and connecting Vancouver with China and Japan. The 
 immense cargoes of Oriental merchandise brought from Asia on these three mam- 
 moth steamships are unloaded at Vancouver and dispatched from this point over 
 the Canadian Pacific railway to all points of Canada and tli ^ United States. This 
 is one of the greatest of the trans-Pacific lines of steamships C(>nnecting the Occident 
 with the Orient, and the establishment of this line has already done much to advance 
 Vancouver's interests. 
 Daily connection is afforded between Vancouver and Victoria by the steamers of 
 the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company. The Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern 
 branch of the Northern Pacific railroad is already completed as far north as Sumas, 
 situated on the boundary line between the United vStates and British Columbia, and 
 work on this line is being rapidly pushed to its ultimate terminus at Vancouver. The 
 Bellingham Bay & British Columbia branch of the Canadian Pacific railway runs daily 
 freight and passenger trains between Vancouver and New Whatcom, connecting at the 
 latter place with the Sound division of the Great Northern railway to Seattle. The 
 New Westminster & Vancouver Electric Tramway Company runs passenger cars 
 each way between Vancouver and New Westminster every hour during the day, 
 making the 14 miles in 45 minutes. 
 The growth of Vancouver dates from the completion of the Canadian Pacific 
 railway to this point in 1886. Immediately following the completion of this line 
 to tidewater, the advance of Vancouver was so rapid for several years, both in the build- 
 ing line and in the establishment of large commercial houses and banking institutions, 
 that the city partook of something of the degree of prosperity which attends the 
 growth of one of the great centers of population in the United States. Of late 
 years, however, the conservative spirit of the English founders of Vancouver has 
 asserted itself, and a halt has been called in a growth that promised to make Van- 
 couver one of the big cities of the coast. 
 Vancouver is solidly built. Its buildings hav ■• been erected with a view of 
 furnishing as classic ruins, in distant ages of the future, as are found in the old 
 chateaus of France, or the deserted castles of England. During 1893 several hand- 
 some brick and stone buildings, both of a public and private nature, were completed 
 at Vancouver, but there is now an evident tacit agreement among property owner.s 
 of the city that no more large buildings shall be erected here until the present fine 
 business blocks that line all the main streets are fully occupied. The warning from the 
 Vancouver Board of Trade agrinst putting up any more buildings than the business 
New Westminster, liritish Columbia. 
 of the place fully -equires, grates a little discordantly on the ears of a typical resident 
 of Uncle Sam's domain, but the English only divorced the church from the state with 
 a fatal inclination to ask government protection of every possible private enterprise. 
 A number of large saw and shingle mills are operated along Burrard's Inlet and 
 F'alse creek, at Vancouver, and the products of these mills are shipped principally 
 to Eastern Canada, Australia and South America. Several schooners and one steamer 
 were built at the Vancouver shipyards in 1892, and while vessels of small tonnage 
 only have been constructed at these yards in the past, moreextenive shipbuilding, 
 it is expected, will be developed at this point in the future. Vancouver is the great 
 shipping point of British Columbia, and it perhaps can l)e conservatively stated that 
 the city is in the line of a material future advancement that will make this one of 
 the leading distributing centers of the coast. 
 The surroundings of Vancouver may be referred to as of the majestic picturesque 
 order. Lofty peaks of the Cascades tower high above the city, and two projecting 
 spurs, at the mouth of Burrard's Inlet, so closely resemble lions couchant that the 
 entrance is generally known as the Lion's Gate. Stanley Park, the driveway around 
 which is 10 miles in length, affords an exc Uent breathing spot for the overworked 
 people of Vancouver. This will become, in time, one of the finest public parks of 
 the British possessions, and already thousands of dollars have been expended in 
 adding to the attractions of this great resort. Vancouver possesses many fine busi- 
 ness blocks that would be a credit to the best business street of any city, and the 
 public structures are all of a heavy and attractive style of architecture. The city 
 lias good hotels, its banks are on the strongest of financial footings, its stores are 
 well stocked, and with the prestige the city has already gained as the leading 
 center of population and wealth of British Columbia, Vancouver will doubtless 
 always remain the principal city of the Pacific coast north of the 49th degree of 
 north latitude. 
 New Westminster, British Colinnbia. — New Westminster is situated 
 on the north bank of the Eraser river, 16 miles from the 
 point where this great stream empties its waters into the 
 Gulf of Georgia. It is ono of the oldest settlements in 
 the province, having been founded in 1858. It is reached 
 from the United States, the northern boundary of which 
 is but a few miles south of the city, by the New West- 
 minster & Southern branch of the Great Northern rail- 
 way and by the extension of the Canadian Pacific which 
 runs as far south as Mission Junction, near Bcllingham 
 Bay. It has direct connection with Vancouver, the term- 
 inus of the Canadian Pacific on Burrard's Inlet, by a 
 well equipped electric line of road, and also by a branch 
 of the Canadian Pacific. Steamers ply regularly between New Westminster and 
 Victoria, as well as making connection for Nanaimo and other Sound points. The 
 present population of New Westminster, or Westminster as it is commonly called, is 
 about 7,000. In the palmy days of the city's history this was one of the most pros- 
 perous towns of the Northwest. It was the only town of any importance located on 
 the mainland of the province and all of the rich trade of the interior passed this point 
 to reach tidewater. Many fortunes were made here in the early history of the 
 place, and like Victoria, New Westminster is today the home of great numbers of 
 Court House, New WESTMiNSTtK. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 wealthy, retired business men who lead a life of eab^- in elegant residences, and who 
 show a disposition to spend their declining days at the scene of their former business 
 The Fraser river is one of the great rivers of the continent. It bears the same 
 relation to British Columbia that the Columbia river does to Oregon and Washington. 
 The Fraser drains the great watershed of British Columbia lying west of the Rocky 
 Mountains, and while it carries a great volume of water practical navigation of the 
 stream is only possible as far up as Yale, a point about 90 miles above its mouth, owing 
 to rapids and other obstructions to easy navigating found in the river above the latter 
 point. Hundreds of miles inland, however, are found great lakes which this river 
 drains which furnish may miles of navigable water and during the time of the con- 
 struction of the Canadian Pacific regular lines of steamers plied on these lakes carr\ - 
 ing passengers and supplies for the railroad company. As far inland as New West- 
 minster the Fraser is navigable for vessels of 21 feet draft, but above this point 
 light-draft steamers only are able to ply. 
 New Westminster is the principal trading point for the Fraser river canneries and 
 for the rich agricultural district bordering on this same stream. Confidence in the 
 future of the city on the part of its inhabitants is seen in the character of the build- 
 ings which line the principal streets. New Westminster is the seat of the peni- 
 tentiary, the erection of which involved an outlay of 
 $140,000. The provincial asylum also located here, was 
 erected at a cost of $155,000, and the postoffice buildinj^ 
 here cost $25,000. The construction of four new business 
 blocks at New Westminster involved an outlay of from 
 $50,000 to $75,000 each. Over $200,000 has been spent on 
 the 33 miles of well paved streets of the city and the 
 ".'. complete water-works plant involved an expenditure of 
 $380,000 more. A good electric light plant is in success- 
 ful operation here. The municipal government at New 
 Westminster has spent over$5o,ooo on a system of fine 
 public parks. The leading one of these, the Queen's 
 Park, contains about 87 acres and is one of the most popular resorts of the city. 
 In this park a permanent exhibition building has been erected and annual gatherings 
 are now regularly held here. 
 The finances of New Westminster are on "a strong footing. Two branches of 
 leading provincial banks are located here and ample money is furnished at all times 
 to meet every legitimate demand of trade. The city is not without attraction to the 
 tourist and it is regularly visited by a large transient travel which finds here a typical 
 provincial settlement and a place that can well claim the attention of the traveler, as 
 a prominent center of British Columbia. 
 Exhibition Building, Queen's Park, 
 New Westminster. 
 The Kootenay District. — Lying in British Columbia between the Rocky 
 Mountains on the east and the Gold range of mountains on the west, and extending 
 south to the international boundary line is the Kootenay district. This region em- 
 braces over 16,500,000 acres and is subdivided into East and West Kootenay. It is 
 in the latter division that the great mineral developments now attracting so much 
 attention from the world are being made, and it is in West Kootenay that the main 
 interest of the present article centers. 
 The Kootenay District, British Columbia. 
 West Kootenay is principally a mountainous country. It includes, however, 
 two important valleys formed by a division of the Selkirk range of mountains. These 
 valleys are enclosed on either side by parallel and continuous ranges of mountains 
 which maintain a uniform height of from 5,000 to 7,000 feet. The first of these val- 
 leys is that lying between the Selkirk and Gold ranges. It is through this that 
 flows that part of the Columbia river known as the Second Bend as well as the 
 Arrow Lakes. The Upper and Lower Arrow Lakes are deep expansions of the Col- 
 umbia river itself. The upper lake commences at a point 30 miles south of Revel- 
 stoke, a station on the main line of the Canadian Pacific. This lake is considered 
 the most beautiful of all the many waterways of the Kootenay country. Near the 
 opening of the lake is the Northeast Arm which extends inland to the left for a dis 
 tance of about ten miles. Into this arm flows Fish creek on the banks of which have 
 already been located some promising claims of argentiferous galena. 
 Upper Arrow Lake is very straight and its waters are hemmed in on each side by 
 high ranges of mountains charmingly regular, with here and there small valleys 
 cutting through them. These valleys are formed by streams which wend their way 
 towards the lake through narrow defiles or canyons. Eighteen miles below Upper 
 Arrow Lake the Columbia river again broadens out forming Lower Arrow Lake. 
 This lower lake is shaped like a bow. It is 51 miles in length and is one of the most 
 striking features of interest in the British possessions north of the United States. 
 The general surroundings of the lake are similar to those of the upper lake. At a 
 point on the east side of the lake, just above wh^'-e it narrows, thus again forming 
 the Columbia river, is a remarkable landscape vie afforded by what is known as 
 Deer Park. This is so named from its attractive and park-like appearance, and from 
 the fact that it is frequented by a large number of deer. At the " Painted Rocks," 
 a few miles below Deer Park are many Indit... pictographs which have been rudely 
 painted on precipitous and overhanging surfaces of rock. On the Columbia 10 miles 
 south of the lake is the town of Robson the terminus of a railroad which runs 28 
 miles east to Nelson. It is this line of road which conveys passengers and supplies 
 to the great mining camps of the Kootenay Lake, and it is at Nelson that the prin- 
 cipal trade of this rich section is handled. 
 The Columbia & Kootenay Navigation Company operates a line of first-class 
 passenger steamboats between Ravelstoke and Robson, a distance of 145 miles. 
 About 90 miles of this distance lie through the Arrow Lakes, the remaining part of 
 the journey being on the waters of the Columbia river. From Robson boats run south 
 into Washington, where connection is made at Northport with the Spokane Falls & 
 Northern railway. The Kootenay river flows into the Columbia at Robson. Nine 
 miles from this point the volume of the Kootenay is increased by the waters of the 
 Slocan river. The sinuousities of the valley of the latter stream are followed by the 
 Columbia & Kootenay railway to Nelson. This valley is 28 miles in length and it is 
 the most picturesque part of West Kootenay. The river 
 here forces itself through a rocky pass to its junction with 
 the Columbia below. The stream is very swift and 
 along its course are numerous rapids. At one point on 
 the river known as St. Agnes falls, the stream is divided 
 into channels, the water in one channel falling vertically 
 a distance of 30 feet and in the other it rushes down a 
 deep chute with frightful velocity. The fall on the north 
 side is a picturesque and striking feature of the river, 
 Steamboat, Upper Columbia River. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 its beauty being enhanced by the clear blue color of its waters. At certain seasons 
 of the year fine trout may be taken from the basin below the falls in inexhaustible- 
 quantities. The other main falls of the river are known as Pillar and Geyser, both of 
 which are situated a few miles below Nelson. 
 The town of Nelson is situated on the west arm of Kootenay Lake, and it is at 
 this point that the second great waterway and valley of the West Kootenay may be 
 said to commence. It is in this region that the mineral developments now occupying 
 so much attention are being made. Upper Kootenay Lake and Kootenay Lake 
 proper are formed by the Kootenay river and numerous smaller streams which flow 
 into the great basins lying between two distinct ranges of the Selkirk Mountains. 
 Kootenay Lake, around which nearly all the mining camps of this section center, is 
 a magnificent navigable body of water, loo miles long and from three to five miles 
 wide. The elevation of the lake is 1,750 feet above sea level, while the crests of the 
 mountain ranges which border it rise to a height of from 6,000 to 10,500 feet, the lat- 
 ter elevation, however, being reached by but one or two peaks. 
 The Kootenay river heads in the Rocky Mountains in East Kootenay. It firs' 
 flows into the territory of the United States and thence courses back again int 
 British Columbia through West Kootenay. Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, on the line of 
 the Great Northern railroad, is the head of navigation on the river. From Bonner's 
 Ferry it is about 100 miles to the north end of the lake. A line of boats runs between 
 Kaslo and Nelson, on the lake, and Bonner's Ferry. The country surrounding 
 Kootenay Lake has a most interesting history. Its progress during the past four 
 years, more especially during the 12 months immediately preceding the date on which 
 this article is written, indicates that it is rapidly becoming one of the greatest min- 
 eral-producing districts in the Northwest. 
 In the early 6o's the section of country bordering on Kootenay Lake was pros- 
 pected for gold placers, and during that time a little dust was obtained from the beds 
 of some of the creeks here, but not in sufficient quantities to justify the adventurers 
 of those early days in remaining here long. The great deposits of galena on the east 
 bank of the lake were noted by many 
 PHOTO. Bv N^uANDs B-os _ CBrly prospcctors. Yet it is hardly 
 proper to say that these deposits were 
 discovered by them. Long before the 
 country was prospected the officers of 
 the Hudson's Bay Company had util- 
 ized these galena ores for making their 
 bullets, and the remains of the prim- 
 itive furnaces may still be seen here. 
 The first real start the section had as a 
 mining section had its origin in the 
 discovery of the Silver King mine on 
 Toad Mountain, in the fall of 1885. 
 The following spring a few hardy 
 prospe :tors straggled into the country, 
 but most of these remained here only 
 a short time. Between the time of 
 the discovery of the Silver King and 1890 the Kootenay Lake district was prospected 
 to some extent, but it was not until the season of 1891-92 that the rumors of the fabu- 
 The Kootenay District, Hriiish Columbia. 
 lously rich discoveries on Kaslo creek and in Slocan basin be^an to attract the atten- 
 tion of mining men from abroad. These rumors were not at ."".rst given much cre- 
 dence outside of the coast states, but as prospector after prospector returned with 
 samples of ore which assa>ed over loo ounces of silver to the ton, the wonderful rich- 
 ness of this district began lo be hci aided to the world. Careful in\estigation 
 showed that the.sc samples were taken from large ledges, and this was at once ac- 
 cepted as conclusive proof of the remarkable mineral surface showing of the entiie 
 Kootenay district. 
 These discoveries resulted in the establishment of numerous mining camps which 
 were scattered over the Kootenay country and in the laying out of a large number of 
 townsites. A few of the latter have developed into prosperous towns, but this sec- 
 tion, like all other silver-producing belts, has felt the stagnation in the silver market 
 and for the last months of i8'>3 the section was duller than it was during the 
 early part of the year. 
 Commencing with the Toad Mountain District, this article will briefly recite 
 the principal features of interest of the more important mining centers of West 
 The Silver King group of mines on Toad Mountain are the best developed and 
 the most valuable mines of West Kootenay. The ore in these mines is chiefly what 
 is known as Peacock copper, with iome copper pyrites and tctrathedite. The strati- 
 fied rock in which the metalliferous deposits of Toad Mountain have been found 
 appear to be surrounded on all sides by granite. The lode of the Silver King group 
 of mines is of a peculiar character, inasmuch as it has no distinct walls but occurs as 
 a zone of variable and sometimes apparently indefinite width of shattered and 
 mineralized rock, throughout which veins of pure and rich argentiferous ore occur 
 somewhat irregularly. Where gangue appears it is principally quartz, but there is 
 on the whole here a notable absence of crystalized vein matter, the ore apparently 
 filling irregular crevices and running in chutes and spurs into the rock so as to form 
 here and there in considerable masses. 
 The Silver King mine was bonded to an English syndicate for $2,000,000. About 
 $iro,ooo has already been expended in development work on the mine and it is esti- 
 mated that there is now half a million dollars worth of ore lying on the dump in front 
 of the mine. Shipments of nearly 200 tons of ore from this mine have been made to 
 the smelters at Butte, Montana, at a cost of $33 a ton. The ore has yielded on an 
 average 300 ounces of silver to the ton and 28 per cent, in copper. 
 Other Toad Mountain mines have produced ore which averages 35 ounces in sil • 
 ver to the ton and 12 per cent, copper. On this mountain there is also a gold belt on 
 which somi levelopment work has already been done. The free-milling gold quartz 
 found here ' .says from $15 to $30. These gold properties will prove valuable on a 
 fuller development. 
 After leaving Nelson and the Toad Mountain mines, the next important mining 
 section on Kootenay Lake is at Pilot Bay. This indentation is located about 20 miles 
 east of Nelson. It is on the shores of this bay that the Kootenay Lake Reduction 
 Company are now erecting a smelter which, when completed, will have a daily capa- 
 city of ioo tons. About 70 claims located near Pilot Bay have been recorded. The 
 Hendry group of mines here, of which the Blue Bell is the richest, are the most im- 
 portant in the locality. These mines contain numerous deposits of low-grade silver- 
 bearing galena and also a mixture of iron and copper pyrites. Almost directly oppo- 
 The Oregonian'3 Handbook of the Pacihc Northwest. 
 site the Hendry camp is the town of Ainsworth, with a population of 300. A group 
 of mineral springs is situated in the northern part of the townsite. The waters of 
 these springs contain sulphur and soda and their temperature is about 120 degrees 
 Fatenheit. Some radical oixres of chronic rheumatism have been effected by the 
 waters of these springs, and they are also beneficial in cases of dyspepsia and general 
 The mineralized area back of Ainsworth rises abruptly from the lake to a height 
 of nearly 6,000 feet. This elevation is attained, however, by a series of terraces 
 varying in height from a few hundred feet each up to 1,000 feet. On these terraces 
 veins of galena ore run northerly, almost parallel with the lake, and the continu- 
 ous croppings of these veins may, in somt^ instances, be followed two or three miles 
 wituout a break. The veins dip to the westward at an average angle of 45°. The 
 ores of most of the mines in this locality run from 25 to 100 ounces in silver, and 
 carry from 20 to 70 per cent of lead. In a few of the mines here very rich deposits 
 of ore have been found, assaying as high as 300 ounces in silver. 
 There are 2 1 mines in the Hot Springs camp at Ainsworth on which extensive 
 development work has been done. Ten tons of ore shipped to the Tacoma smelter 
 from one of these mines, yielded an average of $600 to the ton. One hundred tons 
 of ore sent to a Butte smelter from a mine here, averaged 100 ounces in silver to the 
 ton. Two hundred mining claims have been recorded in the recorder's office at 
 Ainsworth, and the indications are that this point will become one of the most suc- 
 cessful mining camps on the lake. 
 Twelve miles north of Ainsworth is the town of Kaslo, which is situated at the 
 mouth of the creek of the same name. The group of mines nearest to Kaslo are situ- 
 ated on the south fork of Kaslo creek, seven miles distant from the town, and are 
 known as the Montezuma group. The principal claim here shows a vein eight feet 
 wide of nearly solid ore, assaying very high in lead, and from 60 to 136 ounces in 
 silver. On Lhe north fork of Kaslo creek several valuable discoveries have been 
 made. Some very rich ledges of gray copper have been found here, but the ore 
 of the group is principally a high-grade galena. On nearly every creek in the 
 vicinity of Kaslo immeni'e ore lodes have been opened up in the past two y;ars. 
 These ores are carbonates, gray copper and galena. * large number of mines ir the 
 district have been developed sufficiently to show the permanence of the lec.ges. 
 That this is one of the most remarkable mineral regions in the West is now admit- 
 ted by practical mining men and capitalists. Many of the mines here have been 
 bonded for from $40,000 to $80,000 each. Shipments of ore from these mines to the 
 smelters in the United States have yielded, in some cases, over 200 ounces of silver 
 to the ton. Some of the mines in the district have well defined ledges of carbon- 
 ates and galena, assaying from 300 to 350 ounces. Other mines have certain ledges 
 from 8 to 20 feet wide, which contain high-grad^ galena ore. 
 A local paper at Kaslo concisely states the possibilities of this region in the fol- 
 lowing p-'ragraph : "Within 18 miles of Kaslo there are now discovered more rich 
 mines than there are within 200 miles of Denver, Colorado, which now has a popu- 
 lation of nearly 175,000." 
 The present depressed condition of the silver market is a serious drawback to 
 the development of the m'w aral properties of West Kootenay. At the present writ- 
 ing it is almost impossible for mine owners to secure capital to develop silver prop- 
 erties which, under more favorable circumstances, would be rich paying mines. 
The Kootenay District, British Columbia. 
 However, the fortunate fact remains to console the mine owners of this section, that 
 the ores here are sufficiently rich to allow the mines to be worked at a prnfit even if 
 silver should be limited to utilization in the arts. If the present agitation for a 
 universal bimetallic standard of coinage should succeed, as its advocates hope it 
 will, it would result, it is believed, in making the Kootenay district the foremost sil- 
 ver-producing district of the world. 
 Nearly 28 miles west of the town of Kaslo and about 30 miles north of the con- 
 fluence of the Slocan and Kootenay rivers, is Slocan Lake. This lake lies in the 
 center of the wonderfully rich mineral district known as the Slocan country. The 
 richest mines in the Slocan district are situated on the summit of the divide between 
 Kootenay and Slocan Lakes. It was not until October, 1891, that the first discov- 
 eries were made here. The area of the mineralized zone on this slope is roughly es- 
 timated to be from 10 to 12 miles square. In this area the rock is slate or shale of a 
 blackish color traversed by dikes of porphyry, and its limits are clearly marked by 
 the country granite which cuts it off on all sides, except to the east, where it extends 
 across the range of hills through what has been described as the Kaslo country, back 
 of which the granite comes in, making the circle complete. Throughout this area 
 the ledges of high-grade gf en a are numerous. They are also all definitely known 
 as fissure veins. The ledges run in one unvarying direction, northwest and south- 
 east, while the lay of the slate is also northwest and southeast. The country rocks 
 dip to the east at an angle while the mineral ledges dip just the opposite way. 
 Hardly any ore has been found here running under 100 ounces in silver and 40 per 
 cent, lead, and from this the returns have been way up into the thousands, the re- 
 sults of the assays depending on the proportions of gray copper, native ruby or anti- 
 monial silver present ;n the ore. In this district about 150 claims have already been 
 developed. Along Seatin and Carpenter creeks are a number of prospects that have 
 been bonded for over |4o,ooo each. 
 On a mouiitain called Noble Five Hill is the Bonanza group of mines, valued at 
 ;J;5C)o,oc.io, At the Slocan Star Mine, on London creek, thtre is a boulder of galena 
 flout measuring 125 tons which recently sold on the ground for I5, 000. There are 
 dozens of mines here with ores assaying from over 100 ounces in silver. Twenty 
 assays made of ore from this district ran all the way from 20 to 2,000 ounces in silver 
 per ton, the average having been 175 ounces. Man}' of the mineral ledges here are 
 from eight to 25 feet wide and contain from 18 inches to six feet of solid galena. 
 Never in the history of mining in America has there been a purely surface showing 
 of ore and character of assay equal to that of the Slocan district. On a number of 
 ledges in the Slocan district sufficient development work has been done to show their 
 permanent nature, and mining engineers and experts are of the opinion that none of 
 the galena-bearing ledges of the Slocan slope will deteriorate in value as they be- 
 come developed. The best and most accessible trail into the Slocan country is the 
 one from Kaslo via Kaslo creek, although there are two other traveled trails and 
 half a dozen passes through which easy ingress is made to the district. 
 Throughout the entire mineral belt of West Kootenay there are a number of pro- 
 jects on foot for building trails and railroad lines to the more important mining cen- 
 ters, and work on some of these projects has al.. eady been commenced. The pro- 
 vincial government is now expending large sums in grading roads to the mines and 
 in a year or two hence the most remote parts of West Kootenay will be reached with 
 but little difficulty from points on Kootenay Lake which are now on the regular lines 
 of steamboat travel. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 The Salmon River Mines.— Just north of the international boundary and 
 22 miles from the British town of Wanita, are the extensive placer fields of the Sal- 
 mon river. This stream rises near Toad Mountain and flows south, emptying into 
 the Pend d'Oreille river. The latter stream is noted for its varied nomenclature. It 
 rises among the mountains around Butte, Montana, and is first known as Silver Bow- 
 creek . When it reaches the Deer Lodge valley it becomes the Deer Lodge river, and 
 afterwards successively the Hell Gate, Clark's Fork of the Columbia, and finally the 
 Peud d'Oreille. Along the tortuous course of this mountainous river are many pic- 
 turesque bits of canyon structure and a succession of charming landscape scenes. It 
 flows into the Columbia on the boundary line near Fort Shepherd, an old abandoned 
 post of the Hudson's Bay Company. It is at and near the confluence of the Pend 
 d'Oreille and Salmon rivers that the placer mining of the Salmon River district is 
 successfully carried en. 
 The placer ground in this district consists of a blue gravel containing little, if any, 
 pipe clay. It is rich in coarse gold and it yields on an average 25 cents per cubic 
 yard. In spots the ground is much more productive than this, and a few miners here 
 have realized a large sum by ground sluicing with the most primitive apparatus. 
 Nearly all the gravel banks here are high and it is necessary to convey water to them 
 by ditches from i to 10 miles in length. T^^e cost of building a ditch with a capacity 
 of 600 inches of water here is about $2. 5. per rod. The Salmon river has a fall of 
 from 20 to 150 feet to the mile. It is believed by expeits who have examined the 
 ground here that the largest deposits of placer gold are to be found in the bed of 
 the river. 
 The Salmon River district is as yet a comparatively unexplored country. It has 
 recently attracted the attention of mining men of wealth, and this, with its accessi- 
 bility and the richness of its placers, will doubtless lead to its soon becoming the 
 scene of extensive raining operations. 
 A descriptirn of the claim owned by Mr. Rudolph Gorkow, the Spokane brewer, 
 will give a fair illustration of mining on Salmon river. This claim is 130 acres in 
 extent. It is a well developed, dividend-paying property. The gravel on it yields 
 on an average 35 cents per cubic j'ard. Over $7,000 was spent in improving the 
 claim. A ditch two miles in length with a capacity of 1,500 inches of water was 
 built from Six Mile creek to the mine. The fluming is 800 feet in length. The work- 
 men in setting the sluice boxes here cleaned up $25 in coarse gold off" a strip of bed- 
 rock 4 feet wide and 12 feet long. This indicates the richness of the ground. There 
 are in use on this mine a number of 4-foot sluice boxes set on a grade of 8 inches to 
 every 16 feet. The plant has a 300-fcot water pressure and a capacity of 2,000 cubic 
 yards per day. Associated with Mr. Gorkow in the ownership of the mine are Leo 
 Suter and Captain McCormick. 
 The Salmon river gravel banks are much richer than those now being worked in 
 California, as the latter yield only 10 cents per cubic yard. Nor far distant from the 
 Salmon river diggings is the Trail Creek district, a mining region of growing 
 Tlie Trail Creek District.— The Trail Creek district is situated on the 
 west side of the Columbia river, 12 miles from Northport, a station on the line of the 
 Spokane Falls & Northern railway. This district contains a number of developed 
 mines. These are the War Eagle, O. K., Le Roy, Center Star and Josie. In all of 
Kaslo, British Columbia. 
 these mines except the O. K., the ore is a sulphide of iron and copper averaging $30 
 of gold to the ton. A sample ton of ore shipped from Trail creek in 1893 
 netted $304. 
 Not far from the head of Trail creek, and separated from it b)' a low divide, is 
 Sheep creek. In August, 1893 two men working on the O. K. mine on this creek, 
 ponnded out $1,200 in gold in a common hand mortar in six daj-s. The ore in this 
 mine is a sulphide carrying free gold and galena. A pyritic smelter will be built at 
 Northport for the treatment of ores from Trail creek. This sr-elter will cause the 
 thriving town in which it is to be built to become tn important mining center. It 
 will also tend to attract attention to the many valuable Trail creek properties now 
 awaiting capital to develop them. 
 Kaslo, British Coliiinbia.— For several year? prior to 1892 many valuable 
 mineral discoveries were made in the Selkirk range of mountains near Kootenay 
 Lake. These discoveries finally attracted thvi attention of prospectors in the United 
 States and commencing with the spring of 1892 thousands of mining men started for 
 the mineral districts of West Kootenay. In anticipation of the comingof this army of 
 men, an enterprising company staked out a townsite where the Kaslo river empties into 
 Kootenay Lake. The town which sprung up here was named Kaslo and is today one 
 of the leading centers of the great mining district of West Kootenay. 
 In March, 1892, Kaslo contained but one house. Twelve months later there 
 were over 200 buildings in the town and the population had increased from nothing 
 to nearly 1,600. Not including the town's population at that time, there were 2,500 
 men prospecting in the mountains near Kaslo during the summer and fall months 
 of 1893. 
 It is something of an anomaly that the entire population of a town on British 
 soil should consist of citizens of the United States. The most distinctive feature of 
 Kaslo's population is the entire absence of foreign faces and the people here are made 
 up principally of the same types that in the early 6o's flocked to Butte, Leadville, 
 Creede and other great American mining camps. 
 The people of Kaslo have the utmost confidence in the permanency of their town, 
 yet its future at the present writing can hardly be said to be a fixed fact. The hopes 
 and possibilities of the maintainance of a town a.'^. this point depend altogether on 
 the future development of the great mineral districts surrounding it. Were it not 
 for the decline in the price of silver, Kaslo could in 1893 have secured ample capital 
 for the development and opening up of the rich mineral discoveries in the vicinity 
 of the town. As it is, many ei.couraging prospects in the neighborhood of Kaslo are 
 lying idle, properties that in an encouraging condition of the money market would 
 be worth many thousands of dollars. Should silver resume its place as a medium of 
 value which it formerly enjoyed, Kaslo and its immediate tributary mineral belt would 
 become the scene of one of the greatest activities in the mining world. 
 The picturesque location of the town of Kaslo, the mountain-enclosed lake on 
 which it is located and its wealth of scenic surroundings combine to make it one of 
 the most attractive mining camps in the world. Kaslo is easily reached from Ameri- 
 can points by either one of two routes. One of these is via the Spokane Falls & 
 Northern Railway to Nelson and from thence by a daily line of steamers which oper- 
 ates to Kaslo direct, and the other is over tlie Great Northern Railway to Bonner's 
 Ferry, Idaho, where connection is also made with steamers running to Kaslo. Kaslo 
v.- I 
 I ! 
 M I 
 MH ' ' I 
 The Oregonian' s Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 is about 45 miles east of Nelson, 90 miles north of Bonner's Ferry and nearly 210 
 miles northwest of Spokane. The town contains several well conducted hotels, and 
 recently the miners here, with the customary liberality of their class, have subscribed 
 for the erection of a church and school house. A wagon road has been graded from this 
 point to tap the rich Slocan country, some 26 miles to the west. A railroad line is 
 also projected to follow the course of the wagon road and some preliminary work has 
 been done on this line. All the supplies for the Slocan district are conveyed from 
 Kaslo by freight wagons and pack mules. These freight trains bring back from the 
 mines sacks of ore which are loaded on steamers at Kaslo and carried away for 
 reshipment by rail to distant smelters in Montana and on Puget Sound. The first 
 shipments of ore from the Slocau-Kaslo district were made in 1893. Although these 
 shipments were small in quantity they netted a large sum of money after paying 
 tr;insportation charges. 
 Kaslo is now the outfitting point, the port of entry and the base of supplies for 
 the richest mineral districts of West Kootenay, which, together with its command- 
 ing position and accessibility, will always make Kaslo one of the leading mining 
 centers of British Columbia. 
 Nelson, British Columbia. — Situated in the heart of the mineral belt ot 
 the Selkirk Mountains, on the navigable western arm of Kootenay Lake, is the town 
 of Nelson, the port of entry 
 and the judicial and com- 
 mercial center of the subdi- 
 vision of British Columbia 
 known as West Kootenay. 
 The topography, geographi- 
 cal location and resources of 
 this section are fully de- 
 scribed in a separate article 
 published in "The Hand- 
 A branch of the Cana- 
 dian Pacific railway starts 
 from Nelson and extends for 
 a distance of 28 miles to Robson, on the Columbia river, where connection is made 
 with a steamboat line which operates on the Columbia river as far north as Ravel- 
 stoke, on the main line of the Canadian Pacific. A steamer also runs south from 
 the rail connection on the Columbia as far as the Little Dalles, a station in Colville 
 county, Washington, on the line of the Spokane Falls & Northern railway. After 
 about February of the present year (1894), Nelson will have direct rail connection 
 with Spokane over the line of the Fort Shepherd & Nelson railway, which is practi- 
 cally a continuation of the Spokane Falls & Northern. 
 Nelson owes its birth and its present importance as a lown to the discovery of 
 valuable ledges of silver quartz, in 1886, on Toad Mountain, six miles distant. It 
 was not until July of 1887, however, that the now famous silver claims of Toad 
 mountain were recorded under the names of the Kootenay, Bonanza and Silver King. 
 These discoveries soon attracted the attention of the Provincial government, railway 
 men and traders, and as a result an excitement was stirred up which resulted in the 
 country being covered with an army of prospectors, and the great influx of people 
 Looking Up Kootenay Lake from nelson. 
 Nelson, British Columbia. 
 resulted in the establishment of the town of Nelson in the spring of 1888. In 1891 
 the railroad was completed to Nelson, and about the same time the Columbia & Koot- 
 enay Navigation Company commenced to operate a line of boats from Nelson to. 
 points on Kootenay Lake and to Bonner's Ferry, Washington, where connection was 
 made with the Great Northern railway. 
 Nelson was at once made the mineral 
 recording point for the surrounding min- 
 eral districts, including those of Kaslo, 
 Slocan and the Duncan river. The same 
 year the Provincial government expended 
 14,500 in making streets and in other pub- 
 lic improvements at Nelson. With the 
 substantial support from the govern- 
 ment Nelson soon grew to be a thriving 
 town of over 1,800 inhabitants. It now 
 has fine school houses, comfortable 
 church buildings, a fine system of water 
 works, a telephone line, a sawmill, and a good fire department. 
 The leading business houses occupy substantial buildings, and 
 many of the residences of the town are large and of a very attrac- 
 tive style of architecture. 
 Nelson is the banking center of the Kootenay min- 
 eral districts. There are located at this point branches 
 of the Bank of British Columbia and the Bank 
 of Montreal. In the vicinity of the town is some 
 of the most picturesque scenery in America. 
 The routes of travel to this point, from any di- 
 rection, and by either rail or water, present an 
 ever-changing panorama of river and mountain 
 views. Kootenay Lake, which is 1,750 feet above sea level, occupies a basin in the Sel- 
 kirk range of mountains. It is completely hemmed in on all sides by snow- 
 capped mountain peaks, which end abruptly at 
 the water's edge. This lake is over 80 miles 
 in length, and is formed by a widening out of 
 the Kootenay river. The waters of the lake 
 are very deep. The Kootenay river, by which 
 it is fed, suddenly emerges here from a con- 
 tracted channel and pours its waters into the 
 deep depression which the lake occupies. At 
 Nelson and from this point to its junction with 
 the Columbia river at Robsou, a distance of 28 
 miles, the river again becomes very narrow. 
 For this distance the stream is a turbulent tor- 
 rent, making three distinct falls over huge 
 ledges of rock before its waters finally join 
 those of the larger stream below. Along this 
 entire distance of 28 miles there is the best of 
 trout fishing. The river here teems with the 
 largest of mountain trout, and during the 
 Silver Kino Mine, Nelson. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 months of July and August, when the water is low, catches of 75 pounds are fre- 
 quently made by visiting anglers in a single day's fishing. In the mountains near 
 Nelson are plenty of large game, bear being the most plentiful. 
 Nelson is at present a mining town depending solely upon the development of 
 the great mineral districts that surround it. That these districts will eventually 
 become the scene of the greatest mining activity in the West is now conceded by 
 practical mining men who have carefully investigated their possibilities. This region 
 is as yet comparatively unknown, but as it is developed the importance of the town 
 of Nelson will increase, and this will probably always remain the chief commercial 
 center of the immense district now tributary to it. 
 Horticulture In Oregon.— [Extracts from an able article written by E. W. 
 Allen, secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, for The OrEGONian'S "Sou- 
 venir." It may be mentioned that the lands especially adapted to fruit culture in 
 the State of Washington are similar in every respect to the best fruit lands of Oregon 
 to the south, and any article on horticulture written for Oregon will apply equally as 
 well to this industry in Washington.] 
 Among the heroic souls who came to Oregon in 1847 was Henderson Lewelling, 
 from Southeastern Iowa. This pioneer conceived the idea of transporting to Oregon 
 a nurser}' on wheels. This idea he proceeded to put into execution by making two 
 boxes 12 inches deep and just wide enough to fill the wagon bed. These he filled 
 with a composition of earth and charcoal, in which he planted some 700 trees and 
 shrubs. These were protected from the stock by a light framework fastened to the 
 wagon bed. That load was, doubtless, for many reascns, the most difficult one to 
 handle that ever crossed the plains, and yet it has been truly said "that load of 
 trees contained health, wealth and comfort for the old pioneers of Oregon ;" and 
 that load of living trees and shrubs brought more wealth to the state than any ship 
 that ever entered the Columbia river. It was the parent of all our nurseries, and 
 gave to Oregon a name and fame she would never have had without it. These trees 
 were planted at Milwaukie, six miles south of Portland, and the sale of fruit and 
 grafts from them brought wealth to the enterprising proprietor. William Meek, who 
 had the forethought to provide himself with a sack of r.pple seeds before starting 
 for Oregon, arrived here the same year, and a partnership was formed between Mr. 
 Lewelling and Mr. Meek, and the first nursery was started in 184S. 
 The first stock upon which to bud and graft was secured from plum roots 
 brought from Rogue River valley, and from seedlings grown on French Pra'rie 
 from apple seeds taken from apples grown on the trees that were produced from 
 the apple seeds brought to this coast 20 years before. It soon became known to 
 the settlers of the Willamette valley that a limited supply of nursery stock could 
 be purchased here, and during the fall of 1848 and spriiig of 1849 they came from 
 all parts of the valley for trees to set in the yards surrounding the new homes of 
 the pioneers. In 1850 a second nursery was started near Butteville by a Mr. Ladd. 
 George Settlemier (father to J. H. and H. W. Settlemier, present well-known nursery- 
 men), arrived the same year from the East with a good supply of fruit and orna- 
 mental tree seeds of different kinds, which he planted on Green Point, but after- 
 wards removed them to Mt. Angel, his present home. The same year Mr. Lewel- 
 ling returned East and made another shipment of trees, this time selecting them 
 from some of the cfelebrated nurseries of New York state, and shipping them via 
Horticulture in Oregon. 
 Panama. Thus reinforced by the addition of many new varieties, it may be said 
 that horticulture was firmly and pretty thoroughly established in Oregon. 
 The Varieties First Introduced.— Among the fruits first planted in Oregon 
 the following well-known varieties appear. In apples, the Gravenstein, Red June, 
 Red Astrachan, Summer Sweet, Early Harvest, Blue Pearmain, White Winter Pear- 
 main, Genet, oloria Mundi, Baldwin, Rambo, Winesap, American Pippin, Red Cheek 
 Pit)pin, Rhode Island Greening, Virginia Greening, Spitzenberg, Northern Spy, 
 Swaar and Waxen. In pears, Fall Butter, Bartlett, Seckle, Winter Nellis and Pound. 
 In cherries, Early Kent, May Duke, Oxheart, Governor Wood and Black Tartarian. 
 In peaches, Hale's Early, Early Crawfo* and Golden Cling. In plums. Peach 
 Plum, Green Gage, Jefferson, Washington, Coe's Late Red, Reine Claude and the 
 Little German Prune. In grapes, the Catawba and Isabella. In addition to the 
 above standard varieties, there were a number of Oregon grown seedlings that were 
 not without merit, and many of them have since taken rank as among the first in 
 the catalogue of choice varieties. 
 Prosperous Times eor the Fruit Grower. — The first box of apples placed 
 upon the market by Lewelling & Meek contained 75 apples, and were eagerly pur- 
 chased by the fruit-hungry crowd that surrounded them on the sidewalk in the 
 streets of Portland at f i each. The great immigration to California, caused by the 
 discovery of gold, created a market for everything edible, and the " big red apples " 
 from Oregon were sold at enormous prices to miners and others. In 1853 a few 
 boxes, securely bound with strap-iron, were shipped to San Francisco on a venture, 
 and found a ready market at $2 per pound. A second shipment of 500 bushels was 
 made in 1854 with equally good results. In 1855, 6,000 bushels were shipped and 
 netted the shippers $20 to $30 per bushel. These prices not only stimulated the 
 farmers of the Willamette valley to put forth their best efforts in the planting of 
 fruit trees, but the climate and soil seemed also to vie with these efforts in bring- 
 ing forth wonderful crop results, and in 1856 20,000 bushels of apples were shipped, 
 one bushel of Esopas Spitzenbergs bringing the shipper a net profit of $60, and three 
 bushels of Winesaps sold on the streets of Portland for $102. Several persons made 
 fortunes from fruit growing, and these persons are at the present day enjoying the 
 well-merited reward of their early labors in thus laying the foundations of horticul- 
 ture in Oregon. The high prices then obtained gave a great impetus to the planting 
 of orchards, but when these came into bearing the increase of supply brought prices 
 down, and California being the only market available, the supply very soon exceeded 
 the demand, the result of which was that a general feeling of carelessness perme- 
 ated the fruit growers of Oregon, and but little attention was paid to taking proper 
 care of the orchards, or the enormous crops that they produced. These remarks apply 
 almost exclusively to that part of Oregon known as the Willamette valley. The fruit 
 yield in this valley alone has been estimated at 1,300,000 bushels per annnm. 
 Prune Growing. — The part of the earth's surface where the prune can be 
 grown in all its perfection is comparatively very small, and in no part can the vari- 
 eties be grown to such perfection as they can in Oregon. France, Germany and 
 Italy are the great prune-producing countries of Europe, and yet in not one of those 
 countries do all the different varieties do equally well. The French, the German 
 and the Italian prunes are each adapted to the country from which they take their 
 name, but in Oregon they all do well, and each variety attains its highest stage of 
 perfection. Oregon had no trouble in taking the four sweepstake premiums on the 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 above varieties, when placed in competition with prunes grown in these European 
 countries, at the Centennial Exposition, at Philadelphia, in 1876, and again at the 
 World's Cotton Centennial Expo;.ition, at New Orleans, in 1885. There is no fruit in 
 the world so easily produced and so readily prepared for the market, and with so 
 large a percentage of a certainty of a crop, and so remunerative to the grower, as is 
 the prune when planted in a soil and surrounded by a climate suited for it. Thus it 
 is that in Oregon is found that combination of soil and climate in which the prune 
 especially delights and in which it reaches perfection. 
 The prune is a fruit peculiarly sensitive both to soil and climate. The fruit is a 
 large feeder and reaches its greatest perfection in a rich and heavy soil, with a good 
 under-drainage, but with a sufficient moisture to feed it. The prime requisites in 
 the prune are, a solid, firm flesh that will not ferment at the pit in drying, a rich 
 fruity flavor and bouquet, and a keeping quality that will stand the test of years with- 
 out serious loss from shrinkage, and those sections of the world which possess the 
 peculiarities of soil and climate which insure these in their greatest perfection are 
 the true and only places where the prune can be grown with success. The drying 
 qualities of the prune are also greatly aflFected by the different soils in which it is 
 grown. In some localities it will shrink in drying four to one, whilst in others two 
 and one-half pounds of green fruit will make one pound of evaporated. If the cli- 
 mate is too hot when the prune begins to ripen, it shrivels up and becomes leath- 
 ery ; if too cold, the fruit does not acquire the saccharine juices that are so essen- 
 tial to its flavor. This is peculiarly true of the best variety grown, the Italian, which 
 is without question the par excellence of all prunes grown. Thus it will be seen, when 
 the comparison is made between the soil and climate of Oregon as it is, and that required 
 to produce the prune in all its perfection, that licre is found the natural home of the 
 prune, and while other less favored sections of the world will continue to produce 
 the prune in a limited extent, still the time will soon come when the consumer 
 will look to Oregon for that prune which will outrival all others in all the essen- 
 tial qualities of the most perfect fruit. The fact that the climate and soil of Oregon 
 are so well adapted to the grov/th of the prune is but little known even among her 
 own pjople. A number of her more enterprising horticulturists have, however, suc- 
 ceeded, during the past few years, in demonstrating this fact, and the horticultural 
 pulse has been very much quickened thereby. 
 It is not within the province of this article to enter into the details of the pro- 
 duction of the prune ready for the market, and yet it may not be out of place to 
 give a few figures relative to the cost of planting and caring for an orchard until it 
 comes into bearing or paying condition. The cost of the trees — 108 — set 20 feet apart 
 each way, together with the plowing, planting and necessary cultivation for the period 
 of three years, will, in an orchard of not less than 10 acres, be not far from $50 per 
 The trees come into bearing the third year, and reach their full bearing about 
 the seventh. One hundred end fifty pounds of green fruit to the tree is a low esti- 
 mate of the average yield, and i)4 cents per pound is a low price for the green fruit. 
 The gross amount received from one acre of prunes, at this rate, sold green, would 
 be I243, p.nd the $43 will more than pay the annual expense per acre. By evaporat- 
 ing the prunes, these profits can be still further increased, three pounds ot green 
 fruit making one of the evaporated. That these figures are low is evidenced from 
 the fact that many times that amount has been realized per acre from the crop of 
Horticulture in Oregon. 591 
 prunes produced. Is it to be wondered at, then, that prune orchards in full bearing 
 are valued at $i,ooo per acre ? 
 Apples, Pears, Cherries and Peaches.— Apples grow to perfection in all 
 parts of the state. Oregon is justly entitled to the sobriquet of "The land of the big 
 red apple." The tree is indigenous to the soil, the fruit of the orchard is large, and 
 highly colored and of delicate taste. Trees are stout and hardy, and bear so bounti- 
 fully that without due care they are liable to be broken down by overbearing. All 
 the varieties grown anywhere can be successfully grown here, therefore there is no 
 call for growing a poor variety because it is better adapted to the climate than is some 
 choice one. 
 What has been said about apples will apply with equal force and truth to the 
 pear. Pears of all the best known varieties are grown and do well in nearly all parts 
 of the state. The trees are hardy, bearing at a remarkably early age, and yielding 
 sweet, mellow fruit, which cannot be excelled either in size or flavor. Nothing is 
 more delicious than an Oregon grown pear. Some specimens attain a weight of 
 three pounds and upwards. So much can be said about the perfection the apple and 
 the pear attain here, that one is inclined to be a little modest when talking about 
 some of the other fruits. Yet the writer has often thought that if there was any one 
 fruit that just reveled in Oregon soil and climate more than another, that one was 
 the cherry. The person that has not seen an Oregon cherry, has certainly never 
 seen one in all its perfection. The trees are hardy and heavy bearers, and the fruit is 
 so superior in size and beauty, that its value for shipping and market purposes, leaves 
 nothing to be desired. There are trees in the Willamette valley that yield annually 
 over 1,000 pounds of fine marketable cherries. All varieties do well here, and yet 
 some of the very best grown are Oregon seedlings, viz : the Black Republican, the 
 Oregon, the Bing and the Lambert. Peaches are grown here in great profusion and per- 
 fection, especially in Southern Oregon, and in certain portions of the Willamette valley, 
 and in the district surrounding Portland, and in the valleys adjacent to the Columbia 
 river in Eastern Oregon. With proper care the peach orchard may be made to yield not 
 alone for home consumption, but also for export. Some varieties of this delicate 
 fruit are produced which, for beauty and quality, cannot be surpassed. 
 Apricots, Quinces and Figs. — The apricot, like the peach, does well in the 
 valleys of Southern Oregon and in the valleys along the Columbia river. It has also 
 been found that the apricot is unlike the peach, inasmuch as it will also do well in 
 the strong and heavier soils wherein flourish the apple and the prune. This fact will 
 give it more prominence among the fruits that will be grown for markets, for the 
 apricot is a rapid grower and an early and heavy bearer, and the fruit produced is of 
 the finest quality. 
 The quince is a fruit but little grown in Oregon, as yet, on account of the limited 
 demand for home consumption. The conditions, however, of the climate and soil 
 arc well adapted to the production of the quince in its highest stage of perfection. 
 The fig is not a fruit that can be grown in Oregon with the same success and per- 
 fection as can those before mentioned, but that figs can be grown in Oregon, under 
 favorable conditions and treatment, has been fully demonstrated. Mr. A. T. Hawley, 
 a gentleman and writer of large and extensive observation, both in the Southern 
 states and California, in an article on " Fig Culture in Oregon," read before the State 
 Horticultural Society, afler reciting his observations since 1885, says : "The follow- 
 & ! 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Ii i'.i 
 ing couclusions can be deduced with absolute certainty : Figs of fine varieties can 
 be grown in the valleys of Western Oregon. The most intelligent care must be exer- 
 cised in the selection of localities for planting. Absolute protection against the frosts 
 and ice of our infrequently severe winters must be carefully provided for. From 
 judicious planting and cultivation of the slips of the acclimated and naturalized trees 
 or bushes already referred to, the shade of the fig tree as well as the vine, could in a 
 few years become a universal feature of Western Oregon landscape." These things 
 are said of the fig, not that it is claimed that any great financial profit will ever be 
 realized from fig culture in Oregon, but that those not acquainted with the climatic 
 conditions of Oregon may be made acquainted with some of her wonderful possibil- 
 ities, and those who are residents may know that " the value and beauty of every 
 homestead in this section can be greatly enhanced by introducing this healthful and 
 delicious fruit." 
 Grapes. — The grape may be profitably grown in nearly all parts of the state, 
 and yet the climate of the lower Willamette valley is not so well adapted to its suc- 
 cessful cultivation as are the valleys of Southern Oregon, or those adjacent to the 
 Columbia river in the eastern part of the state. In these localities they may be, and 
 are, produced in unlimited quanties, and of the very best quality. Men of wide 
 experience concede that the grapes grown in Jackson county are unequaled, ami 
 enthusiastic wine drinkers have foreseen a "time when all the hillsides of that and 
 adjoining counties will be covered with vineyards, and when the appetites of an over- 
 flowing population, appeased by their own beverage, will enjoy life in the shade of 
 the vine, and that the laurels of France and Germany andother foreign wine- produc- 
 ing countries, as well as California, would be wrested from them and worn by the 
 lovely vale of the Rogue river, which will then be the abundant producer of the 
 best wines." 
 Smali, Fruits. — Small fruits of all kinds and of all varieties, large insize, delic 
 ions in flavor, and perfect in all respects, are easily grown and pre abundant in all 
 parts of the state. Some valuable seedlings among the small fruits have been pro- 
 duced here, notable among which may be mentioned, the Oregon Everbearing Straw- 
 berry, which is thought to be a seedling of the Triomphe de Gand, which is also an 
 Oregon seedling produced by a cross between the native strawberries of Oregon and 
 West Virginia. This promises to be one of the most prolific and continuous bearers 
 ever produced. Berries from these vines have been grown in the open field, near 
 Portland, and placed in the market as early as the middle of April, and as late as the 
 middle of December. 
 Soils and Location. — In our favorable climate fruit trees of all but the citrus 
 varieties, will thrive and do fairly well in almost any soil or location found in West- 
 em Oregon, except dry sand or wet swamp, but there is much to be gained in this as 
 well as in other climates, by a judicious selection of soil and location. A strong 
 loam soil, with just sufficient sand to make it easily worked is, on the whole, the 
 best for fruit trees. The soil most inviting to the eye is the sandy loam. Owing to 
 its loose and very fragile nature it is easily worked, and the rapidity which from its 
 warmth, trees of all kinds attain their growth and come into early bearing, causes it 
 to be looked upon with almost universal favor. The facts are that, on the whole, the 
 light, sandy loam is the worst soil for fruit trees. During the warm summer months 
 the tree needs a soil which will retain and afford a moderate and continued supply of 
 moisture, and here the sandy soil fails, the consequence of which is that the vigor 
Horticulture in Orcffon. 
 and health of the tree are impaired, and it is comparatively short lived and unpro- 
 ductive. As a tree in a weak and feeble state is more liable to be attacked by insects 
 than those that are healthy, those that are grown upon light, weak soil are the first 
 to fall a prey to them. 
 The heavy soils of the valleys and the foothills, are therefore the ones to be 
 selected in preference to the light, sandy soils of the river bottoms. One thing, how- 
 ever, is absolutely necessary to make a success in orcharding, and that is, to see that 
 the land is thoroughly under-drained. If it has not a natural under-drainage, then it 
 should be tiled. Wet, cold feet is the cause of more failures in growing fruit trees 
 in Oregon than all other causes combined. 
 Insect Pests. — Oregon, to within a few years, has enjoyed a freedom from 
 insect pests in her orchards not found in any other fruit-producing state in the union. 
 This was largely due to her isolation from the states thus infested, making it difficult 
 for insects to be transported and find lodgment within her borders. This very desir- ' 
 able — on some accounts — condition of affairs had existed for so many years that 
 many of the fruit growers of the state had settled down to the firm belief that, owing 
 to some peculiar conditions of climate and soil, Oregon was destined to remain 
 exempt from the pestiferous insects that were pla.ying so destructive a part in fruit 
 growing in other parts ' of our country, where they were contesting the field, as it 
 were, with the orchardists as to which should secure the crop. The advent of rail- 
 roads, which brought the .importation of fruit and fruit trees from other states, 
 brought to our healthy trees and luscious fruits enemies that have, since their ac.'vent, 
 waged a war upon them that has brought the thoughtful and observant fruit grower to 
 realize that hereafter in Oregon, as elsewhere, only by eternal vigilance can the big red 
 apple of Oregon be preserved from the ravages of the codlin moth, and the fruit and 
 other trees saved from the destructive greed of the wooley aphis and San Jose scale. 
 This new condition of affairs has, however, been promptly met by proper legislation, 
 creating a State Board of Horticulture, whose business it is to guard against the 
 importation of insects injurious to fruit and trees, and to aid the orchardists in extermin- 
 ating those that have already found lodgment in our orchards. This board has, dur- 
 ing the three years since it was organized, accomplished a good work in that assigned 
 it, and has done much in introducing the new era in fruit growing in Oregon 
 In addition to the State Board, there is a State Horticultural Society, and a num- 
 ber of county and district organizations, that are doing much to develop and build up 
 this most important interest upon its true basis. It can, therefore, be said that horti- 
 culture in Oregon has a bright future before it, and it can be truthfully added that 
 no section of our broad country can offer such inducements to those who desire to 
 engage in this noble and remunerative work as can Oregon. 
Aberdeen, Wi 
 stump, 56 ; bi 
 deiif- . timber, 
 school, 331 ; 
 330 ; salmou 
 St. Joseph's : 
 timber felling 
 city and harboi 
 erwax mill 
 Weatherwax s 
 er), 333. 
 Ada Co. Court 
 City, Idaho, 51 
 Ada Co. Court He 
 Mont., 526. 
 Albany, Or. :— Fj 
 Ins. 'Co., 178 
 174; Revere 
 Willamette Rivi 
 Young SE (stc 
 Allbee The ( I 
 Bend, Wash., 3 
 Allen &. Nelso 
 Monohan, Was 
 Alfalfa Crop, Kla 
 Alturas Co. Court 
 Idaho, 519. 
 American Book 
 opposite, 136. 
 American Lake, ' 
 Anaconda, Mont., 
 Anaconda, Mont., 
 Arlington Club, F 
 Armory, Portland 
 Arrow Lake, B. C 
 Artesian well, 
 Wash, 416. 
 Artesian well, Pu 
 Ashland, Or. :— I 
 land, 216 ; fli 
 216; Hotel C 
 Main street, 21' 
 Astoria Or. : C 
 294 ; Hanthort 
 trait), 297; H 
 & Co. ( cannery 
 thorn, J. O. & 
 interior), 296: 
 Atkinson school, ] 
 Baker City, Or. :- 
 288; Hotel Wa 
 Johns, C. A. (p( 
 public school, 2! 
 Baker, Geo. B. ( 
 ton. Wash, 462. 
 Baker River, Wasl 
I N ID b:s: . 
 Aberdeen, Wash.: — A giant 
 stump, 56 ; big timber, 323 ; 
 dens, timber, 32(5; high 
 school, 331 ; Main street, 
 330 ; salmon industry, 331 ; 
 St. Joseph's hospital, 333 ; 
 timber felling, r>7 ; view of 
 city and harbor, 330 ; Weath- 
 erwax mill boom, 332; 
 Weatherwax saw mill, 332; 
 WeatherwaxThe J M ( schoon- 
 er), 333. 
 Ada Co. Court House, Boise 
 City, Idaho, 511. 
 Ada Co. Court House, Missoula, 
 Mont., 526. 
 Albanv, Or. ;— Farmers' & Mer. 
 Ins." Co., 178; Main street, 
 174- ; Revere House, 177; 
 Willamette River bridge, 176 ; 
 Young S E ( store' ), 177. 
 Allbee The (Hotel), South 
 Bend, Wash., 319. 
 Allen it Nelson C sawmill ), 
 Monohan, Wash., 379. 
 Alfalfa Crop, Klamath Co., Or., 
 Alturas Co. Court House, Hailey, 
 Idaho. 519. 
 American Book Co., Portland, 
 opposite, 136. 
 American Lake, Tacoma, 353. 
 Anaconda, Mont., 83. 
 Anaconda, Mont., smelters, 559. 
 Arlington Club, Portland, 130. 
 Armorv, Portland, 129. 
 Arrow Lake, B. C, 27. 
 Artesian well, N. Yakima, 
 Wash, 416. 
 Artesian well, Pullman, Wash., 
 Ashland, Or. :— Bank of Ash- 
 land. 216 ; flouring mills, 
 216 ; Hotel Oregon, 215 ; 
 Main street, 214. 
 Astoria Or. : Custom House, 
 294; Hanthorn, J. O. (por- 
 trait), 297; Hanthorn, J. O. 
 &Co. (cannery), 295 ; Han- 
 thorn, J. O. & Co. ( cannery, 
 interior ), 296 ; public school, 
 Atkinson school, Portland, 145. 
 Baker City, Or. :— Front street, 
 288 ; Hotel Warshauer. 290 ; 
 Johns, C. A, ( portrait ), 290 ; 
 public school, 289. 
 Baker, Geo. B. (offices), Day- 
 ton, Wash, 462. 
 Baker River, Wash, 394. 
 Baldwin & Reames (store), 
 Klamath Falls, Dr., 219. 
 Ballard, Wash. : Pretty, A. K. 
 (portrait), 384. 
 Baltimore ( U. S. cruiser), 112. 
 Bancroft school, Spokane, 441. 
 Bank of Ashland ( Or. ), 216. 
 Bank of Montesano ( Wash. ), 
 Bank of Newberg ( Or. ), 252. 
 Bank of Puyallup( Wash ) bldg., 
 Barrett block, Chehalis, Wash., 
 Barrett's spur, Mt. Hood, 12. 
 Basin The, Oregon City, Or., 
 Beacon Hill Park, 'Victoria, B. 
 C, 573. 
 Beaver ( steamer ) , 36. 
 Bellingham Bay, Wash : gate- 
 way to, 396 ; general view, 
 397 ; Island scene near Fair- 
 haven, 399. 
 Bellingham Bav mill. Fair- 
 haven, Wash., 401. 
 Bellingham Bay Nat. Bank, N. 
 Whatcom, Wash, 404. 
 Benton Co. Court House, Cor- 
 vallis. Or., 261. 
 Big Bend 'Vat. Bank, Daven- 
 port, Was,h, 450. 
 Big Falls, Kootenay River, B. 
 C. 26. 
 Bi-Metallic Mill, Granite, Mont., 
 Bi-Metallic Mill, Phillipsburg, 
 Mont., 533. 
 Birge & Leitch (sawmill ). Cen- 
 tralia. Wash, 323. 
 Bissinger & Co., Portland, 154. 
 Bitter Root 'Valley and River, N. 
 P. R. R., 51. 
 Blaine, Wash. :— Fish trap, 407, 
 408, 409 ; public school, 406. 
 Blue Canyon Coal Bunkers, 
 New Whatcom, Wash, 403. 
 Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., 
 Portland, 125. 
 Boise City, Idaho :— City hall, 
 512 ; co'Tt house, 511 ; Cur- 
 tis, J. F. (portrait), 515; 
 Hill, W. C. (portrait), 515 ; 
 Lower, B. Bvron (portrait), 
 515 ; McConnell, W. J. ( por- 
 trait), 515 ; Parsons, Geo. M. 
 (portrait), 515; public 
 school, 512 ; Ramsey, F. C. 
 (portrait), 515; state capi- 
 tol. 510. 
 Boneyard, The Portland, 117. 
 Boom, Logs, Puget Sound, 60. 
 Bridal Veil Bluffs, Columbia 
 River, 43. 
 Bridal Veil Falls, Columbia 
 River, 41. 
 Brown L. P. (portrait), Mt. 
 Idaho, Idaho! 505. 
 Browne R. S. (portrait), Mos- 
 cow, Idaho, 490. 
 Brownsville, Or. : Thompson R. 
 N. (store), 184. 
 Brooke Geo. S. (portrait), 
 Sprague, Wash., 42 7. 
 Bryant School, Helena, Mont,, 
 Bryant School, Spokane, Wash., 
 Bryant School, Tacoma, Wash., 
 Buckley, Wash. :— Head of White 
 River, 412 ; logging, 412 ; 
 street scene, 512. 
 Bucoda, Wash. :— Water Power, 
 Buffalo Herd, Montana. 86. 
 Bull Run Lake, Or., 133. 
 Bull Run River Water Pipe 
 Line to Portland (map route), 
 Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mines, 
 Idaho, 483. 
 Burke, Idaho :— Poorman Mine, 
 485 ; Tiger Mine, 483. 
 Butte, Montana :— Business cen- 
 ter, 549 ; Catholic church, 
 551 ; court house, 553 ; Du- 
 gan E. O. (portrait), 552; 
 Episcopal church, 552; Indian 
 camp, 556 ; Indian chief, 
 554 ; Lexington mine, 72 ; 
 Moulton mill, 550 ; Park 
 street, 549 ; Parrot smelters, 
 550 ; eiacer mining, 71 ; 
 public school, 553 ; Scandi- 
 navian church, 551 ; Silver 
 Bow, 550 : South school, 
 554; view city in 1875, 
 548 ; water works ( 2 views ), 
 Butte Short Line R. R., scen- 
 ery, 50. 
 Byles C. N. (residence), Monte- 
 sano, Wash., 326. 
 Caldwell , Idaho:— Masonic build- 
 ing, 507 ; M. E. church, 507 ; 
 Pre.sbyterian church, 507. 
 Cal. Baptist church, Portland, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Prfific Northwest. 
 Cal. Fresb. church, Portland, 
 Cat.ias Prairie, Idaho, stock 
 scene, -tOT. 
 Campbell & Jones' block, Mc- 
 r.Iinnville, Or., 2+6. 
 Cape Di.sappointment, Wash,, 
 Cape Foulweather, Or.. 265. 
 Cape Horn, Columbia River, 25. 
 Carey School, Helena, Mont,, 
 Cascae^e Locks, Columbia River, 
 Cascade Rapids, Columbia Riv- 
 er, 29, J<0, 78. 
 Catching Crabs, Tacoma, 102. 
 Castle Dome, Columbia River, 
 Castle Rock, Columbia River, 
 ( 2 views;, 38. 
 Castle Rock, Lake Chelan, 
 Wash. 452. 
 Ca.stle Rock.Wa.sh. :— Methodist 
 church, 311 ; White Geo. F. 
 ( portrait), 311. 
 Cathlamet, Wash,: — Log roll- 
 way. 53 ; timber f '.Irng, 306. 
 Cedar I alls, ^akJ Chelan, 
 Wash., 4.51. 
 Centenarv M. K. church, Port- 
 land, 134. 
 Central School, Portland, 143. 
 Central School, Tacoma, S52. 
 Centralia, Wash. :— Uirge & 
 Leitch, mill, 323 ; Denton 
 block, 321 ; Ellsbury block, 
 322 ; First Nat. Bank, 322 ; 
 furniture factory, 324 ; Grace 
 Semi-.iary, 322 ; Hotel Cen- 
 tralia, 323 ; H -street school, 
 320 ; iron and braf '. foundry, 
 321 ; Martin H. U. & Son, 
 mill, 324; North school, 
 320 ; Park Hotel, 323 ; pub- 
 lic school, in '89, 320 ; lower 
 Lumber & Mfg. Co., 324. 
 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 
 Portland, 120. 
 Charleston, U. S. C;uiser, 112. 
 Charman block, Oregon City, 
 Or., 161. 
 Chehalis Co. Court House, Mon- 
 tesano, Wash., 327. 
 Chehalis lui. Co.'s Bldg., Che- 
 halis. Wash., 314. 
 Chehalis.Wash. :— Barrett block, 
 314; Chehalis Im. Co.'s 
 Bldg., 314 ; Com. State Bank, 
 315 ; First Nat. Bank Bldg., 
 315 , Mealy-Lacy boom, 317 ; 
 public i-chool, 31 2. 
 Childrens Home, Portland. 131. 
 Chuckanut Bay, Wash., 398. 
 Church of the Immaculate 
 Heart, Portland, 136. 
 City Hall, Portland, 129. 
 Clarke Co. Court House, Van- 
 couver, Wash., 307. 
 Clark's Fork, Columbia River, 
 Clark's Lumber Camp, Neha- 
 lem. Or , 242. 
 Clatsop Beach, Or. • — Grimes 
 House, 300 ; McGuirt'"* Hotel, 
 300 ; Necanicum Plver, 299 ; 
 Seaside opera house, 299. 
 Clackamas County Court House, 
 Oregon City, Or , 159. 
 Clear Lake, Pacific Park,Wa.sh., 
 Clinton Kelly School, Portland, 
 Columbia River : — Above The 
 Lalles, 76 ; Arrow Lake, 27 ; 
 below the Cascades, 74; 
 Bridal Veil bluffs, 43; Bridal 
 Veil falls, 41 ; Cape Horn, 25 ; 
 Cascade Locks, 30; Castle 
 Dome, 37 ; Castle Rock ( 2 
 views), 38; fish wheel and 
 trap for .salmon. 99 ; gorge at 
 the Cascades, 33 ; gorge at 
 The Dalles, 29 ; Horsetail falls, 
 39 ; Indian fishing for salmon, 
 97 ; Indian spearing salmon, 
 95 ; jetty at mouth, 31, 32 ; 
 Kettle falls, 454; Latoun^lle 
 falls, 40 ; lightship at mouth, 
 82 ; mountain scenery near 
 Viento, 61 ; mouth of river,31 ; 
 Multnomah falls, 40 ; near 
 Bonneville, 34 ; near the Cas- 
 cades, 32 ; Oneonta bhiffs, 43 ; 
 Oneouta falls, 39 ; Pace Creek 
 falls, 41 ; rapids at Ca.scades, 
 29, 30, 78 ; rapids above The 
 Dalles, 28 ; Rooster Rock, 37 ; 
 Royal Chinook salmon, 98 ; 
 scene near Mosier , 61 ; steamer 
 Harvest Queen running rapids 
 at Cascades, 29 ; steamboat 
 (upper river), 579; U. P. 
 Rv. track near Viento, 75. 
 Coal Bunkers, Seattle, 370. 
 Coal Bunkers, Tacoma, 344. 
 Coal Mine and Dump iiear Taco- 
 ma, 88. 
 Coal iviining. Oilman, Wash. ,90. 
 Coal Shipped to World's Fair 
 fr im Roslyn, Wash., 413. 
 Columbia River, steam boating, 
 upper river, 579. 
 Cogswell, C. A. ( portrait ), Lake- 
 view. Or., 224. 
 Cohn & Co. (store ~i, Tillamook, 
 Or., 238. 
 Coke Ovens near Tacoma, 88. 
 Colfax, Wash. : — Court House, 
 464, 465 ; high .school, 466. 
 465; Martlia Washington rock, 
 Colonian The, Portland, 151. 
 Colorado Concentrator, Butte, 
 Mont.. 551, 
 Colton.Wash.:— Pub. schoi.'.475. 
 Columbia County Court Ho'ise, 
 Dayton, Wash,, 460. 
 Columbia School, N. Vakin a, 
 Wash., 417. 
 Columbia School, Seattle, ,H75. 
 Columbia (steamship), 118. 
 Columbine ( U. S. light house 
 tender ), 106. 
 Colville River, Wash., 453. 
 Cotr.tnercial Bank, Moscow, Ida. 
 Commercial State Bank, Cheha- 
 ii.s, Wash., 315. 
 Commercial Street, Salem, Or,, 
 Congregational Church, Seattle, 
 Congregational (Second) 
 Church, Spokane, 438. 
 Congregational ( First ) Church, 
 Portland, 134. 
 Coolidge & McClaine, Bank, Sil- 
 verton. Or., 187. 
 Coos Bay, Or. : — Coal bunkers 
 at Marshfield, 265 ; docks it 
 Empire City, 267 ; entrance, 
 Coos River, Or., Logging Team, 
 Cornwall Mill, New Whatcom, 
 Wash., 405. 
 Corvallis, Oregon: — .\gricultur il 
 college,262; Court House. 26 1 ; 
 public school, 262; water low- 
 er, 261. 
 Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Port- 
 land, 151. 
 Cottonwood, Idaho, Goldstone & 
 VVax( store), 502. 
 Coeurd'Alene District, loggini,', 
 Coeur d'Alene Jt&utains, Line, 
 "'. P. R. R., 49. 
 Coeurd'Alene Mountains, Tun- 
 nel, N. P. R. R., 49. 
 Coeur d'Alene River, Old Mis- 
 sion Landinii, 481. 
 Coeur d' Alet;e Mines : — Bunker 
 Hill and Sullivan mines, -is,'? ; 
 Fort Sherman and lake, 482 ; 
 Gem, 485 ; Lake, 478. 482 ; 
 Mother Lode Mine. 48"; Poor- 
 man Mine, Burke, 485 ; Rive 
 at Old Mission, 481 ; steamer 
 on lake, 480 : Tiger Mine, 
 Burke, 484 ; Wallace, 483 ; 
 Wallace, church, 484. 
 Coulee City, Wash.: — Railroail 
 depot, 451 ; street scene, 451 . 
 Cowlitz Glacier and TatoDsh 
 Range, Mt. Rainier, 18. 
 Covv'itz Glacier, Mt. Raitu;.r, 17, 
 Crane's Falls, Lake Chelan, 
 Wash., 452. 
 Crater Lake, Or., 36. 
 Crater Rock, Mt. Hood, 7. 
 CunningliiUn. Chas. i portrait i. 
 Pendleton. Or., 280. 
 Cunningham Chas., ranch near 
 Pendleton. Or., 281. 
 Curtis Jas. F. ( portrait ), Boise 
 City, Idaho, 515. 
 Curtis The, Portland, 150. 
 Cusiter Geo. (portrait), Silver- 
 ton, Or., 188. 
 Custer Monntnent, Montana 5.5.'^ 
 Dairv Scene near Tillamook, 
 Or.", 241, 
 Dallas, Oregon : --Court Houst, 
 255 ; Hotel K -Iman, 256 ; La 
 Creole AcadcMiy, 255 ; Main 
 street, 254, 
 Daly. Bernard ( portrait ), Lake 
 view. Or., 225. 
 Davenport, Wash: — Big Ben<l 
 Nat. Bank, 450 ; Hawk River 
 falls, 449 ; horse and mule 
ileui, Or,, 
 li, Seattlo, 
 i Second ) 
 ) Churcli, 
 Bank, Sil- 
 1 bun'.:ers 
 ; docks ;it 
 ing Team. 
 Rricultnr il 
 louse. 201 ; 
 water low- 
 irant. Port- 
 oldstoue & 
 :t, loggiiiK, 
 lins, Line, 
 ;ains, Tun- 
 r, Old Mis- 
 : — Bunker 
 lines, -Js-i ; 
 lake, 4S2 : 
 4.78, 482 ; 
 4-87: Poor- 
 485 ; Rivi- 
 1 ; steanur 
 iger Mini, 
 lace. 4.83 , 
 — Railroad 
 scene, 451 . 
 iainiir, 1.7. 
 ;e Chelan, 
 )d, 7. 
 portrait i. 
 ranch near 
 •ait ), Boisf 
 it). Silver- 
 )ntana 55.s 
 )urt House, 
 n, 25G ; La 
 >55 ; Main 
 ait ), Lake 
 -Big Bend 
 awk River 
 and mule 
 ranch, 448 threshing grain, 
 Dayton, Wash :— Baker, Geo. B. 
 (offices), 462 ; Baptist church, 
 461 ; Court House, 460; Piet- 
 rzycki, Dr. M. ( portrait ), 462; 
 public school, 461. 
 Denny School, Seattle, 373. 
 Denton Block, Centralia, Wash , 
 Dexter Horton & Co., Bank, 
 Seattle, 382. 
 Dillnian L. C. (portrait), Spo 
 kanc, 442. 
 Donahue F. P. ( portrait ) , 
 Sprague, Wash , 429. 
 Douglas Co. ■:ourt Hou.se, Rose- 
 burg, Or., 205. 
 Drain, Or., Stpte Normal School, 
 Drum Lnmmon Mine, Marys- 
 ville, Mont., 547, 
 Dry Dock, Tacoma, 350. 
 Dry Dock, Victoria, B. C, 571. 
 Dugan, E. O. ^ portrait ), Butte, 
 Mont., 5'i2. 
 Eastern Wash., Farm Scene, 21. 
 East Salem School, Salem, Or., 
 Kldredge Hugh ( lesidence \ N. 
 Whatcom, Wash., 402. 
 Electric Street Car, Portland, 
 Electric Street Car, Salem, Or., 
 Eliot Glacier, Mt. Hood. 10. 
 Ellensburgh,Wash. :— Price.E.C. 
 (portrait), 415 ; public .school. 
 414 ; State Normal school, 
 Elliot Bay, Seattle, 364. 
 EUsbury Block, Ctntralia.Wash. 
 E'-.ierson School, Helena, Mont., 
 Emerson School, Tacoma, 351. 
 Empire City, Or., docks, 267. 
 Ensor Institute, Portland, 155. 
 Esquinio.lt & IJauaimo Ry., 
 B. C, 52. 
 Esquima'*, U. C, Dry Dock, 571 
 Eugei" . , Oregon : — First Nat. 
 B" .ik, 19T: Jane Co. Bank, 
 i.97 : Univers tv of Oregon, 
 199 ; Willanuae street, 195 ; 
 Willamette Tannery, 196. 
 Eureka Sandstone Co's Quar- 
 ries, Tenino, Wash , 353. 
 Everett, Wash ; -A factory, 385; 
 docks, 385 ; view of city, 385. 
 Exposi'.iot! Building, Portland, 
 Exposition Building, Tacoma, 
 Factories at Oregon City, Or., 
 Failing School, Portland, 141. 
 Fairhavef, Wash : -Bellingham 
 Bay (four views) 396, 397, 
 398, 399 ; ChucK.aiiut Bay, 
 398 ; Hotel Fairhaven, 400 ; 
 island scene, 399 ; Lake Pad- 
 den, 399 ; Lake Samish, 400 ; 
 Larrabee Ave School, 400. 
 Index. — Illustrations. 
 Fairhaven ( Wa.sh.) Coal Mines, 
 Fairhaven ( Wash.) Land Co's 
 M 11, 401. 
 Fairhaven ( Wash.) & N. What- 
 com Elec. Ry., 402. 
 Fairhaven i Wash.) & N. What 
 com BUec. Ry. Co's Power 
 House, 403. 
 Fall Creek, Wilson River, Or,, 
 Farmers & Merchants' Ins. Co. 
 ( offices), Albany, Or., 178. 
 Farm .-,cene. Eastern Washing- 
 ton, 21. 
 Farm Scene near Walla Walla, 
 Wash., 22, 
 Ftarnside, G. W. ( store ), Tilla- 
 tnook. Or.. 238. 
 Ferguson, E. C. ( portrait ), Sno- 
 homish, Wash., 387. 
 Ferguson, E C ( residence ), Sno- 
 homish, Wash., 387 
 Fir Lo^ sent t > World's Fair 
 frotn Wa'-.hington, 52. 
 First Paptist Church, Portland, 
 opposite 137. 
 First Cong, cnurch, Portland, 
 Fi'st Nat. Bank Block, Cen- 
 tralia, Wash., 322. 
 Fir.'it Nat. Bank,Che!- ilis,Wash. 
 First National Bank, Cheiialis, 
 Wash , 315. 
 First Nat. Bank, Eugene, Or., 
 First Nat, Bank, Heppner, Or., 
 First Nat. Bank, Kendrick, 
 Idaho, 494. 
 First Nat. Bank, Montesano, 
 Wash, 329. 
 First Nat. Bank, Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 389. 
 First Nat. Bank, Olvmpia, 
 Wash., 337. 
 First Nat. Bank, Portlatid, 138. 
 Fir.st Nat. Bank, Portland (in- 
 terior ), 139. 
 First Nat. Hank and Opera 
 Hou.^e, Puvpllup, Wash., 355. 
 First Pre.sb." Church, Portland, 
 First street, Portland, 109. 
 Fish wheel and trap ftir .salmon, 
 Columbia River, 99. 
 Fish whee!, Columbia River, 97. 
 Flathead Indian Reservatioti 
 Mission, Mont., 532. 
 Fl.ithead LaKe, .Mont., 62-532. 
 Hathead Valley, Mont., BuflTalo 
 Herd, 86. 
 Fort'.it Grove, Or. :— Ladies' hall, 
 facific I'liiversily, 231; 
 Marsh hall. Pacific University, 
 231 ; public school, 230. 
 I'ore.^t Grove, Or. to Tillamook, 
 stage, 232. 
 Fort Caiibv, n^■lsh. : — Big gun 
 and light hou.:e, 302 ; south 
 battery, 302. 
 Fort Missoula, Moni. , 527. 
 Fort Owen, Mont., 580. 
 l<ort Sherman, Idaho, 482. 
 Fort Vancouver, Wash, 308. 
 Franklin Block, South Bend, 
 Wash., 318. 
 Franklin School, Spoks.ne, 441 .• 
 FrankMn School, Tacoma, 352. 
 Friends' Church, Newberp-, Or., 
 Front street, Portland, in 1852. 
 Galloway, Wm ( portrait ), Mc- 
 Minnville, Or., 247. 
 Garfield, Wash., public school, 
 Gem mine. Gem, Idaho, 485. 
 Gibralter and Nisqually glacier, 
 Mt. Rainier, 13, 
 Oilman, Wash. :— Coal mining, 
 90 ; coal mine, 800 feet under 
 ground, 91 ; hauling coal 
 from mine, 89. 
 Goldstone, suburb Oregon Citv, ■ 
 Or., 161. 
 Golden Ri'.ie Hotel, Pendleton, 
 Or.. 277. 
 Goldstone & Wax ( store ), Cot- 
 tonwood, Idaho, 502. 
 Goodnough Block, Portland, 
 Good Samaritan Hospital, Port- 
 land, 131. 
 Gorkow Rudolph (brewery), 
 Spokane, 438. 
 Grace M. E. Church, Portland, 
 Grace Seminary, Centralia, 
 V. ash, 322. 
 Grain Field, Umatilla Co., Or., 
 Grand Central Hotel, Portland, 
 Grangeville, Idaho, Main street, 
 Granite, Mont, Bi-Metallic mill, 
 Grant's Pass, Or., 208. 
 Gray's Harbor, Wash., map, 
 Gray, Jas. B. (portrait), 
 Sprague, Wash., 429. 
 Great Northern Ry. town, 46. 
 Cireat Western Canal, Idaho 
 Falls, Idaho ( li views), 524. 
 Griffitts, T. 0. ( portrait ), Spo- 
 kane, 44'1.. 
 Grimes Iiouse, Seaside, Or. , 
 Hanrt s Terminal warehouse, 
 Pjrtland, 126. 
 Hailpy ( Idaho), Hot Springs, 
 Hanthorn, J. O. (portrait), As- 
 toria, Or., 297. 
 Hanthorn, J. O. & Co (can- 
 nery ), Astoria, Or. ( 2 views ), 
 Harrison school, Portland, 1141. 
 Harvest Queen ( steamer), run- 
 ning rapids at Cascades, 29. 
 Hauling ^.oal from mines, Gil- 
 man, Wash., 89. 
 Idaho : court house, 
 public school, 520. 
 Oregoii : public school. 
 I, 1 
 k I 
 The Oreg-onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Hawk River Palls, Davenport, 
 Wash, 449. 
 Hawthorne School, Helena, 
 Mont., 542. 
 Hawthorne School, Tacoma, 
 Helena, Mont. : — A business 
 block. o39 : issay office, 540 ; 
 a summer hotel, 541 ; Bry- 
 ant school, 542 ; Carey school, 
 542 ; cemetery ( entrance ), 
 543;. city hall, 541; Cong, 
 church, 544 ; Court House, 
 540 ; Emerson school, 543 ; 
 Episcopal church, ,545 ; fire 
 alarm tower, 543; Hawthorne 
 school, 542 ; High school, 
 541 ; Jeflferson school, 543 ; 
 Kenwood school, 542 ; Lin- 
 coln school, 542 : Lutheran 
 church, 545 ; Main street, 
 538-539 ; Methodist church, 
 534 ; Montana Club, 540 ; 
 Mt. Helena, 537 ; Natato- 
 rium, 541 ; old landmarks, 
 538 ; swimming bath, 541 ; 
 Temple Emanuel, 544. 
 Hellgate Canyon, Mont., 526. 
 Heppner, Or. :— First Nat. Bank, 
 272 ; McFarland Mercan. Co. 
 (store), 272; Nat. Bank ot 
 Heppner, 272 ; Palace Hotel, 
 273 ; public school, 271. 
 Hesperian The, Portland, 152. 
 High School, Coltax, 465. 
 High School, Helena. 541. 
 High School, Portland, 140. 
 High School, Spokane, 443. 
 Higli School,Victoria,B.C.,572. 
 Hillsboro, Or. :— City hall, 228 ; 
 Court House, 227; Morgan & 
 Bailey block, 228. 
 Hill, win. C. ( portrait ), Boise 
 City, Idaho, 515. 
 Holnies Lumber Co., Seattle, 
 HoUadav's Addition, Portland, 
 ( 2 views), 147, 148. 
 Holton House, Portland, 149. 
 Hope, Idaho : — Martin T. ( por- 
 trait), 478. 
 Hope Station, Idaho, 77. 
 Hop field between Tacoma and 
 Seattle, 359. 
 Hop growing, Yakima Valley, 
 Wash., 23. 
 Hop picking, Puyalhip, Wash., 
 Hop picking near Grant's Pass, 
 Or., 209. 
 Horsetail Falls, Columbia River, 
 Hotel Bellingham, New What- 
 com, Wash., 406. 
 Hotel Centralia, Wash., 323. 
 Hotel Fairhaven, Wash., 400. 
 Hotel Foley, La Grande, Or. 
 Hotel Holman, Dallas, Or., 256. 
 Hotel Olympia, Olympia.Wnsh,, 
 Hotel Oregon, Ashland, Or., 
 lotel Portland, Portland, 124. 
 Hotel St. Elmo, Kendrick, 
 Idaho, 494. 
 Hotel Warshauer, Baker City, 
 Or.. 290. 
 Hotel Willapa, South Bend, 
 Wash., 319. 
 Hyde, S. C. ( portrait ), Spokane, 
 Hydraulic Mininj?, 68. 
 Hydraulic Mining, Southern 
 Oregon, 67. 
 Idaho Falls.Idaho:— Great West- 
 ern canal ( 2 views ), 524 ; 
 Odd Fellows' Home, 523. 
 Idaho State Capitol, Boise City, 
 Idaho State Odd Fellows' Home, 
 Idaho Falls, 523. 
 Iler's Falls, Wilson River, Or., 
 Illumination Rock, Mt. Hood, 
 Ilwaco Ry. & Na v. Co. 's launch 
 Iris, 301. 
 Ilwacc Ry. & Nav. Co.'s steam- 
 er Ocean Wave, 302. 
 Independence, Or : Independ- 
 ence Nat. Bank, 250 ; public 
 school. 249. 
 Indian Cairp, Mont., 556. 
 Indian Canoes, Seattle. 377. 
 Indian Canoes, Tacoma, 342. 
 Indian Chief, Skeeas. Mont., 
 Indian family, Mont., 532. 
 Indian fishing for salmon, Co- 
 lumbia River, 97. 
 Indian spearing .salmon, head- 
 waters Columbia River. 9.5. 
 Indian .squaw, Mont.. ,557. 
 Iris, launch, Ilwaco Ry. & Nav. 
 Co., 301. 
 Irrigation, Yakima Vallev, 
 Wash., ( series of views ), 41 9 
 to 424. 
 Irving School, Tacoma, 350. 
 Jefferson Co. Court House, Port 
 Townsend, Wash, 410. 
 Jefferson School, Helena. Mont., 
 Jetty, mouth Columbia River, 
 31, 32. 
 Johns, C. A. ( portrait ), Baker 
 City, Or , 290. 
 Jones, Arthur D. (portrait), 
 Spokane, 44+. 
 Jones, H. D. stage. Forest Grove 
 to Tillamook. Or., 232. 
 JumpOff-Joe Rock, Yaquina 
 Bav, Or., 263. 
 Junction City, Or., Block W. S. 
 Lee, 193. 
 Ktndrick, Idaho :— First Nat. 
 Bank, 494; Hotel St. FI;nn, 
 494; public -chool 4vU*. 
 Kent, Wash.:— H'sp ;iOu;ie E 
 Meeker. 358. 
 Kenwood Schoo', , Helena, 
 Mont., 542. 
 Kerry, A. S. (sawmill), Seattle, 
 Ketchum, Idaho: — Public school, 
 Kettle Falls, Columbia River, 
 King Co. Court House, Seattle, 
 Klamath Co., Or.:— Alfalfa Crop. 
 219 ; crop oats, 21 ; driving 
 cattle, 218. 
 Klamath Falls, Or. :— Baldwin vS: 
 Reames' store, 219 ; genc.-al 
 view, 217 ; Klamath FalK 
 ( water ), 218 ; Moore & Mar- 
 tin's store, 219. 
 Kootenay Lake, B. C, 26, 47i'.. 
 Kootenay Lake, First Peterboro, 
 L ;' k e , looking up 
 M'--1scn, 586. 
 . . i(^ Nelson, B. C , 
 Kiver B. C:, Big 
 1) , St. Agnew's Falls, 
 P. i'lLjow 
 Koo(." ;.v 
 58 V 
 Falls, 25 
 La Conner, Wash. : — Town and 
 High School, 390. 
 La Creole Academy, Dallas, Or., 
 Ladd Glacier, Mt. Hood, 6. 
 Ladd W, S. ( steam dredge ), 
 Portland, 130. 
 Ladd & Bush, bank, Salem, Or.. 
 (2 views ^ 172. 
 Ladd & Tilton's bank (exte- 
 rior), Portland, 139. 
 Ladd & Tilton's bank ( inte- 
 rior ), Portland, 140. 
 La Grande, Or. :— Adams ave., 
 285 ; Depot street, 281 ; Ho- 
 tel Foley, 286. 
 Lake Chelan, Wash. 45 
 Lake Chelan, Wash 
 Rock, 452 ; Cedar ; 
 Cranes Falls, -li 2 
 Falls, 45:; 
 Lake CcEur d'Aii.:i ■ 4'.' V'. 
 Lake Cofiur d'Alene, b,.^ -i 
 Lake Cicur d'Alene ( .stei 
 Lake Kitchelas. North ".■ iuia, 
 Wash., 4.16. 
 Lake Pad den Fairhaven. 
 Wa.sh., 399. 
 Lake Pen d'Oreille, 477. 
 Lake Pen d'Oreille, Hope St.i 
 tion, 77. 
 Lake S a m i s h , 
 Wash., 395. 
 Lake Whatcom, 
 Wash., 395. 
 Lake Whatcoi,' 
 Wash., lunibe. . 
 Lakeview, Or,, 2~f 
 Lakeview, ..)r. : Cofis-.cll, C. A. 
 (rortrail), 224; Daley, Ber- 
 nard ( pjrtrait ), 225 ; freipht 
 team, 222 ; State graded 
 school, 223 ; Townsend, W. 
 ^I. ( prrtrait), -;26. 
 Lane Co. Bank, Eugene, Or., 
 Larrabee Ave. school, Fair- 
 haven, Wash., 400. 
 Latourelle Falls, Columbia 
 River, 40. 
 Lawrence, J. G, (portrait), N. Ya- 
 kima, Wash., 418. 
 i»'r ' 
Index . — Illustra tio ns. 
 Leadbetter Ditches, Yakima 
 Valley, Wash., series ot views, 
 Lebanon, Or. :— W. C. Peterson 
 I portrait), 180. 
 Lee.W. f>., business block, Junc- 
 tion City, Or., 193. 
 Leghorn, J. F. ( portrait ), Spo- 
 kane, 445. 
 Lewiston, Idaho :— Court House, 
 495 ; Episcopal church, 496 : 
 First U. E. church, 496 ; 
 Presb. church, 497 ; public 
 school, 495. 
 Lewis and Clarke Co. Court 
 House, Helena, Mont., 540. 
 Lexington mine, near Butte, 
 Mont., 72. 
 Library building, Portland, 129. 
 Lightship, mouth Columbia 
 river, 82. 
 Lincoln Co. Court House, 
 Sprague, Wash., 427. 
 Lincoln school, Helena, Mont., 
 Lincoln school, N. Whatcom, 
 Wash., 404. 
 Lincoln school, 01ympia,Wash., 
 Lincoln .school, Salem, Or., 170. 
 Lincoln school, Spokane, 442. 
 Lincoln school, Tacoma, 351. 
 Log driving in Oregon, 54. 
 Log hauling near Seattle, 62. 
 Log roUway, Cathlamet, Wash., 
 Logging, Buckley. Wash., 412. 
 r.ogging, Coeur d''Aleiies, 64. 
 Logging, Puget Sound, 59. 
 Logging scene, Oregon, 56. 
 Logging: tec^ni, Coos Bay, Or., 54. 
 Logging train, Puget Sound, 59. 
 Legging, Wilson River, Or., 235. 
 I. ong Beach, Wash.: — Surf bath- 
 ing, 3<)1 ; U. S. life saving 
 crew, 301. 
 'yOng Beach Hotel, Long Beach, 
 Wash., 303. 
 Lougfellow School. Tacoma, 351. 
 Loon Lake, near Spokane, 432. 
 Lowell School, Tacoma, 3t>;>. 
 Lumber can»p Lake Whatcoii- 
 Wash., 39G. 
 Lumber camp, near Tillamook 
 Bay, Or., 53. 
 L"'mber manufacturing. Pa- 
 louse, Wash., 471. 
 Lumber shipning. Port Blakely, 
 Wash., 378". 
 Lumber shipping, Tacoma, 344, 
 Madison Street Bridge, Portland, 
 Maher & Terwilliger's Block, 
 Portland, 126. 
 Main Street, Albany, Or., 174. 
 Main Street, Ashland, Or., 214. 
 Marble ledges near Spokane, 73. 
 Marent trestle, near Missoula. 
 Mont.. 48. 
 Marion Co. Court House, Sakni, 
 Or., 168 
 Maniuam (irand vJoera House, 
 Portland, 124. 
 Marslifield, Or., coal bunkers, 
 Martha Washington Rock, Col- 
 fax, Wash , 466. 
 Martin, H. N. (portrait), Spra- 
 gue, Wash., 428. 
 Martin, T. (portrait), Hope, 
 Idaho, 478. 
 Martin, H. H. &. Son, sawmill, 
 Centralia, Wash., 324. 
 Marysville, Mout., 546. 
 Marysville, Mont., Drum-Lum- 
 mon mine, 547. 
 McConnell, Wm. J. (portrait), 
 Boise City, Idaho, 515. 
 McFarland Mercantile Co., store, 
 Heppner, Or., 272. 
 McGilvra, J. J. ( portrait ), Seat- 
 tle. 371. 
 McGuire's Hotel, Seaside, Or., 
 McKenny Block, Olympia, Wash. 
 McMinuville, Or.:— Campbell & 
 Jones' block, 246; court house, 
 244 ; Gallowav, Wm. (port- 
 rait), 247 ; high scnool, 245 ; 
 public school, 24.5. 
 McMinuville, Or. . college, 246. 
 Medical Lake, Wash., Insane 
 a.sylum, 446. 
 Medical Lake, Wash., tall oats, 
 Meeker, E., hop house, Kent, 
 Wash., 358. 
 ^ieeker, E., residence, Puyal- 
 lup, Wa.sh., 355. 
 Mercer School, Seattle, 375. 
 Methodist Church, Tillamook, 
 Or., 239. 
 "Minnie" Harvester, Portland, 
 Minor, T. T School, Seattle, 
 Missoula, Mont: — Business block 
 526; prominent corner, 527; 
 Catholic Church, 529 ; Cen- 
 tra School, 528 ; Court House, 
 52ii; First Presb. Church, 529, 
 First Waterworks, 528 ; Fort 
 Mi' soula, 527; Hell Gate Can- 
 yoi , 526 ; Methodist Church, 
 52' > ; N. P. R. R. Hospital, 
 r-'Zr ; N. S. School, 528. 
 Monmouth, Or,, State Normal 
 School, 259. 
 Monohan.Seattle.Sawmill Allen 
 & Nelson Mill Co., 379. 
 Montana Club, Helena, .'j40. 
 Montana : — Building World's 
 Fair, 84 ; Crossing the Plains, 
 548 ; Camping Two, Medi- 
 cine Creek, 23 ; Ranch, 560 ; 
 SilverStatue World's Fair, 85. 
 Monterey V. S. Battleship, 112. 
 Montesano, Wash:— Byles, C. N. 
 (residence), 3V6; CoiirtHouse, 
 327 ; First Nat 3ank, 329 ; 
 Public School, 327. 
 Moore & Martin ( store ), Klam- 
 ath Falls, Or., 219. 
 lV»i,rey P. F. (residence), Oregon 
 City, Or., 160. 
 Morgan & Bailey Block, Hills- 
 boro, O-., 228. 
 Morrison Street Bridge, Port- 
 land, lai, 
 Morrow J. H. (portrait). Waits- 
 burg, Wash,, 460. 
 Moscow, Idaho :— Browne R. S. 
 (portrait). 490; Commercial . 
 Bank, 490; Epi.scopal Church, 
 489 ; High School, 488 ; Main 
 Street, 488 ; Public School, 
 489 ; University of Idaho, 
 491 ; Watkins W^. W. ( por- 
 trait), 491. 
 Motner Lode Mill, Murray, Ida- 
 ho, 487. 
 Moulton Mill, Butte, Mont.. 550. 
 Mt. Angel, Or.:— Hotel, 189; 
 Queen of Angels Academy, 
 190 : Seminary and College, 
 Mt. Baker, 392, 
 Mt. Baker : Baker River, 394 ; 
 from Nooksack River, 393 ; 
 Great North Glacier, 18 ; Nat- 
 ural Bridge, 393 ; waterfall, 
 near mountain, 19. 
 Mt. Helena, Helena, Mont., 537. 
 Ml. Hood ;— At timber line, 9 ; 
 Barrett's spur, 1 2 ; Broken 
 mountain near summit, 11 ; 
 Crater rock, 7 ; Crossing ash 
 beds near summit, 72 ; De- 
 wcrt party on summit, 81 ; 
 E'iot glacier, 10 ; From Cl,oud 
 Cap Inn, 5 ; From Govern- 
 ment camp, 8 ; From stage 
 road, 7 ; Great slope towards 
 summit, 80 ; Illumination 
 rock, 10 ; Ladd glacier, 6 ; 
 Sandy River (source of), 6; 
 Steel party at Crater rock, 11 ; 
 Summit, 8. 
 Mt. Idaho. Idaho :— Brown, L. 
 P. ( portrait ), 505. 
 Mt. Jefferson, from Grizzly 
 Tarn, 19. 
 Mt. Rainier : — A river of ice, 12 ; 
 a near approach, 14 ; Camp 
 Portland, 15 ; Cowlitz Glacier, 
 17; Cowlitz Gla.-'ier and Ta- 
 toosh range, 18 ; Falls near 
 mountain, 1.5 ; From Tacoma, 
 343 ; Gibralter and Nisqually 
 glacier, 13 ; Mt. Rainier and 
 Lake Washington, 14 ; Nis- 
 qually glacier, 17 ; Scenic 
 effect. , 13. 
 Mt. Tacoma (Rainier), Tacoma, 
 Mt, Vernon, Wash, :— A big log, 
 57 ; Fir.st Nat, Bank, 38'j ; 
 .school. 389. 
 Mount Wallace ( portrait ), 
 Sprague, Wash, 429. 
 Multnomah Box Factorv, Port- 
 land, 153. 
 Multnomah Co. Court House, 
 Portland, 120. 
 Multnomah Falls, Columbia 
 River, 40. 
 Murray, Idaho, Mother Lode 
 min*. 487. 
 Nanaimo, B. C. :— Harbor, 574 ; 
 Old Block House, 575. 
 Natatorium, Helena, Mont,, 
 Natchez River, North Yakima, 
 Wash., 417. 
 I ■ 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 :— Bank of Nevv- 
 t rif (ids' Church, 
 -, 251. 
 ttle, 379. 
 liua Bay, 
 National Bank of Heppner, 
 Or., 272. 
 Necanicuiu River, Or., 279. 
 Nehalem, Or.: — Clark's Lumber 
 Camp, 24.2. 
 Nelson, B C. : — Looking up Koot- 
 enay Lake, 58(5 ; Silver King 
 mine 587 ; from across lake, 
 Newberg, O- 
 berg, 252 
 251 ;Pacii 
 Neweli's sawir 
 Newport, Or :- 
 New Westminster, B. C. :— Court 
 House, 577 ; Exhibition Bldg., 
 New Whatcom, Wash.:— Bel- 
 linghain Bay Nat. Bank, 404 ; 
 city hall, 404 ; coal bunkers, 
 403 ; Cornwall mill, 405 ; 
 Court House, 4()3 ; Kldred^e, 
 Hugh ( residence ), 402 ; Fair- 
 haven & N. Whatcom Elec. 
 Ry., 402 ; Kairhaven & N. 
 Whatcom Elec. Ry. power 
 house, 403 ; Harbor. 402 ; 
 Hotel Bellingham, 406 ; Lake 
 Whatcom, 395; Li-xoln 
 school, 404; Lumber Camp, 
 Lake Whatcom, 396 ; Roth 
 block, 405 ; ship at dock, 
 402; Victor block, 405; 
 Whatcom creek falls, 40r^. 
 New York brewery, Spo. ne, 
 Nez Perces Co. Court House, 
 Lewiston, Idaho, 495. 
 Nisqually Glacier, Mt. Rainier, 
 North Central School, Portland, 
 Northern Pacific R. R. :— Bitter 
 Root Valley & River, Mont., 
 51 : car shops, Tacoma (two 
 views ), 342, 3i.3 ; Cct'ur 
 d'Alene Mountains, 49; depot, 
 .Spokane. 440 ; hospital. Mis- 
 soula, Mont., 527 ; Marcnt 
 trestle, 48; "Switchback," 
 summit N. P. R. R., 44 ; 
 trestle, Rocky Mountains near 
 He>na, 48 ; tunnel, Citur 
 d'.^ cue Mountains, 49. 
 Nort.i Glacier, Mt. Haker, 18. 
 N. W. Lumber Co. 's mills. South 
 Beud, Wash., 320. 
 North Yakima, Wash. :— Central 
 school, 418 ; Columbia school, 
 417 ; Lake Kitchelas it Ar- 
 tesian well, 416; Lawrence 
 J.G. (portrait), 418 ; Natchez 
 River, 417. 
 Oakesdale, Wash.:— Group three 
 f)romiiient corners, 469 ; pub- 
 ic school, 469. 
 Cakes Georgie ( steamer ), Lake 
 Cceur d'Alene, 480. 
 Oakland, Or.: — Public school, 
 Oai Crop, Medical Lake, Wash., 
 Oat Crop, Klamath Co., t)r., 21. 
 Ocean Wave ( steamer), II waco 
 Ry. & Nav. Co., 302. 
 Oil well Snohomish Co., Wash., 
 Old Mission landing,Idaho,481 
 Olympia school, Seattle, 375. 
 01ympia,Wash. :— Court House, 
 336 ; Eirst Nat. Bank, 337 ; 
 Hotel Olympia, 338 ; Lincoln 
 school, 338 ; looking down 
 Sound, 336 ; Main street 
 336 ; McKennv block, 337 ; 
 St. Peter's hospital, 338 ; 
 Young's Hotel, 339. 
 Oneonta Bluffs, Columbia River, 
 Oneonta Falls, Columbia River, 
 Orchard, Yakima Vallev,Wash., 
 Oregon:— State Agricultural Col- 
 lege, Corvallis, 262 ; State 
 Capitol, Salem, 166; State 
 Insane Asylum, Salem. 171 ; 
 State Normal School, Drain, 
 202 ; State Normal School, 
 Monmouth, 259 ; State Peni- 
 tentiary, Salem, 171; State 
 Reform School, Salem, 171. 
 Oregon coast surf bathing, 298. 
 Oregon Citv, Or. :- Basin, The, 
 159 ; Charman block, 161 ; 
 Court House, 159 ; factories, 
 158; Gladstone, 161 ; Morey P. 
 F. (residence), 160; Oregon 
 City Woolen Mills, 160; Port- 
 land Genl. Elec. Co. (3 views), 
 164, 165 ; pulp mills, 160, 
 salmon shipped to World's 
 Fair, 16.3; public school, 
 159; Sunset Addition, 162; 
 Willamette Falls (3 views), 
 157, 158 ; Willamette Falls, 
 title pape ; Willamette River 
 suspension bridge, 158. 
 Oregon City ( Or.) Woolen Mills, 
 Oregoiiiaii building, Portland, 
 title page (al.sol22); com- 
 posing room, 123 ; dynamo 
 room, 123 ; entrance business 
 office, 123; in 1854, 122; 
 lobbv, business office. 1 2.3 ; 
 mailing room, 123 ; main en- 
 trance, 1 2.3 ; stereoty])iiig 
 room, 123 ; tower, from roof 
 Oregon Pacific R. R., Or., ( 2 
 views), 42. 
 Oregon State graded school, 
 Lakeview, Or., 223. 
 Orting, Wash., State Soldiers' 
 Home, 411. 
 Pace Creek I-'alls, Columbia 
 River, 41. 
 Pacific College, Newberg, Or., 
 Pacific Park, Wash. : —Clear 
 Lake, 304 ; Sea Bree/e Hotel, 
 Pacific school, Seattle, 375. 
 Pacific University ( Marsh Me- 
 morial hall ), Forest Grove, 
 Or., 231. 
 Pacl'^c University ( Ladies hall i, 
 Poorest Grove, Or., 232. 
 Paine school, Walla Walla, 
 Wash, 456. 
 Palace Hotel, Heppner, Or., 
 Palix River Falls, South Bend, 
 Wash, 318. 
 Palouse, Wash. : — Lumb..-r man- 
 ufacturing, 471; public 
 school, 471 ; street scene, 
 Park Hotel, Centralia, Wash., 
 Park school, Portland, 141. 
 Parrot smelter, Butte, Mont., 
 Parsons. Geo. M. (portrait;, 
 Boise City, Idaho, .515. 
 Pend d'Oreille River, 477-525. 
 Pend d'Oreille River P'alls, 47. 
 Pendleton, Or. : — Alexander, R. 
 ( portrait ), 276 ; Court House, 
 275 ; Court street, 275 ; Cun 
 ninghain, Chas. (portrait), 
 280 ; Golden Rule Hotel, 
 277 ; Main street, 274 ; pub- 
 lic school, 276 ; savings bank, 
 Perkins Hotel, Portland, 149. 
 Peterson, Walter C , Lebanon, 
 Or, (portrait ), 180, 
 Phillipsburg, Mont., mill, Bi- 
 MetallicCo., 533. 
 Pierce Co. Court Hou.se, Tacoma, 
 Pietrzycki, Dr. M (portrait), 
 Dayton, Wash., 462. 
 Placer mining, 69. 
 Placer mining, Butte, Mont., 
 Pocatello. Idaho: — Opera house, 
 522 ; public school, 522. 
 Point Adams, Oregon coast, 
 Point Defiance, Tacoma, 345. 
 Point Roberts ( Wash ) Canning 
 Co.'s salmon traps ( 4 view.s ), 
 407, 408,409. 
 Polk Co. Court House Dallas, 
 Or., 255. 
 Pomeroy, Wash., public school, 
 Poorman mine, Burke, Idaho, 
 Port Blakely, Wash., shipping, 
 Portland: — American BookCom- 
 ])any, opposite 136; a drive, 
 128'; Arlington Club. 130; 
 armory. 1 29;. \tkiiison .Scl^^cl, 
 145; Uissinger S. Co., 154; 
 Bliiiiianer-Frank Drug Co.'s 
 building, 1 25 ; Bull Run Lake, 
 Or., 133; Hull Run River to 
 Portland, route of pipe line, 
 133 ; Calvary Baptist Church, 
 135; Calvary Presbyterian 
 Church, 135; Centenary M. E. 
 Church, 134 ; Central School, 
 143 ; Chamber of Commerce 
 Building, 121 ; Children's 
 Home, 131 ; China steamer at 
 docks. Ill ; Chinese buihling, 
 119 ; Chnrcli of the Iinmacu- 
Index. — Illustra tions. 
 late Heart, 136 ; City Hall, 
 129 ; Clinton Kelly School, 
 l-i2 ; coasting steamers at 
 docks, 111 ; The Colonial, 
 151 ; Columbia (steamship), 
 118 ; Court House(proposed), 
 121 ; Cosmopolitan restaurant, 
 151 ; Curtis, The, 150 ; draw, 
 steel bridf ■ pen, 115 ; J'^nsor 
 Institute and Hospital, 155 ; 
 electric street car, 145 ; Kxpo- 
 sitioii Building, 127 ; Failing 
 School, 141 ; Kirst Congrega- 
 tional Church, 134 ; First Bap- 
 tist Church, opposite 137 ; 
 First National Bank (exter- 
 ior), 13K ; First National 
 Bank (interior), 139; First 
 Presbyterian Church, 135 ; 
 First street, 109 ; four-masted 
 ship at dock, 110; Front street 
 in 1852, 107 ; Goodnough 
 Block, 124 ; Good Samaritan 
 hospital, 131 ; Grace M. E. 
 Church, 134; Grand Central 
 Hotel, 150 ; Hahn's Terminal 
 War?*""-^se, 126 ; harbor look- 
 ing north ""rom Morrison street 
 bridge, llo : Harrison School, 
 141; Hesperian The, 152; 
 High School. 140 ; Holladay's 
 addition ( 2 views ), 147, 148; 
 Holtou House, 149 ; Hotel 
 Portland, 124 ; in 1858, 106 ; 
 in 1854, 107; Ladd, W. S., 
 The, (steam dredge). 130 ; 
 Ladd & Tilton's Bank ( ex- 
 terior), 139: Ladd & Til- 
 ton's Bank (interior), 140; 
 Library Building, 129 ; look- 
 ing !-outh from S. P. ware- 
 house, 114; looking norih 
 from R.R.'indge, 114; Louvre, 
 The, 15'i ; Madison Street 
 Bridge, 132 ; Maher & Ter- 
 williger's Block, 126; Mar- 
 (luani (irand Opera House, 
 124; "Minnie" Harvester, 
 155 ; Morrison Street Bridge, 
 133 ; Multnoniali Box Fac- 
 tory, 153 ; North Central 
 School, 142; Gregoii (steam- 
 ship ), 119 ; Oregoniati Build- 
 ing, title page i also series rf 
 views, pages 122, 123) ; Park 
 School, 14t ; Perkins Hotel, 
 149 ; Portland Clay Co., 152 ; 
 Portland University, opposite 
 136 ; Post Office, 128 ; Potter 
 T. J. (.steamer), 118; Rail- 
 road Bridge. 132; Railroau 
 Bridge, showing train of cars, 
 132; Riverview Cemetery en- 
 trance, 146 ; Rheinpfalz Hotel 
 Zur, 152 ; Seid Back, Chinese 
 merchant ( portrait t. 120 ; 
 Seid Back, Chinese merchant 
 ( store ), 1 20 ; Sell wood Brew- 
 eiy, 153 ; Ships that visit Port- 
 land, 110; Skidmore Foun- 
 tain, 130; Smith.son Block, 
 127 ; Snell, Heitshu & Wood- 
 ard Block. 125 ; Stark Street 
 Ferry, 116; steam coast 
 freighter at docks. 113; steam- 
 er waiting for draw to open, 
 115 ; steam yachts in river. 
 119 ; Stephens' School, 142 ; 
 St. David's Episcopal Church, 
 x35 ; St. Helen's Hall, 144 ; 
 St. Patrick's Church, 136; St. 
 Vincent's Hospital, 131; Syna- 
 gogue, 136 ; Taylor Street M. 
 E. Church, 136 ; Third and 
 Morrison Streets, 108 ; Third 
 and Washington Streets, 109; 
 through the draw, 116; the 
 boneyard, 117 ; Trinity Epis- 
 copal Church, 135 ; up river 
 boats at docks, 105 ; Union 
 Depot,128; Unitarian Church, 
 135 ; United States war ships 
 in harbor, 112; Victoria 
 ( steame*-), 118; Weinhard's 
 Brewerj-, 126; Wheat F;ieva- 
 tor, 117 ; Wilhelm's Brewery, 
 153 ; Willamette River, scene 
 suburbs, 105; Williams Ave. 
 School. 143; Wolff & Z wicker 
 Iron Works, 137. 
 Portland Clay Co.. Portland, 1 5 2. 
 Portland Geu'l Elec. Co., three 
 views, plant at Oregon City, 
 Dr., 164-165. 
 Portland University, opp. 1 36. 
 Port Townsend. Wash: Central 
 School, 410 ; Court House, 
 41 Custom House 409. 
 Post : lis. Spokane River, 437. 
 Post Office. Portland, 128. 
 Potter, T J. (steamer), 118. 
 Price, E. C (portrait), Ellens- 
 burg, Wash. 415. 
 Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, 
 Pretty, A. E.f portrait ), Ballard, 
 Wash., 384. 
 Prospecting, Mont., 70. 
 Prospector for mines. 65. 
 Prosjjector's pack train, 66. 
 Prosser F.ill.s and Priest Rapids 
 Canal, Yakima Valley, Wash., 
 Pros.ser, Wa.-,h., irrigiiting, 4'24 
 Prunes raised in Willamette 
 Vallev. Or.. 104. 
 Puget Sound :— Boom logs, 60 ; 
 logging, ,59 ; log chute, 58 ; 
 log from chute striking water, 
 6(J : logging train, 59 : steam- 
 boating, 33. 
 Puget Sound I'ishing Co., Taco- 
 ma, 103. 
 Pullman. Wash .:— Artesian 
 well, 473 : city hall, 474 ; 
 loading wheat, 473 ; Main 
 street, 472 ; public school, 
 Pulp mills, Oregon City, Or., 
 Puyallup Wash. :— Bank of Puy- 
 allup building, 355 ; Central 
 school, 356 ; First Nat. Bank 
 and opera house, 355 ; Meek- 
 er, E., residence, 355; picking 
 hops, 359 ; Pioneer hop 
 house, 357 ; Spinning block, 
 356 ; Stewart, J. P., block, 
 Puyallup, Wash., roller spray- 
 er, 360. 
 Queen of Angels Academy, Mt. 
 Angel, Or., 190. 
 Railroad bridge, Portland, 132. 
 Railroad bridge ( showing train 
 of cars), Portland, 132. 
 Rainbow Falls, Lake Chelan, 
 Wash., 452. 
 Ramsey, F. C. ( portrait ), Boise 
 City, Idaho, 515. 
 Rainier school, Seattle, 375. 
 Revere House, Albany, Or., 1 77. 
 Review building, Spokane, 437. 
 Rheinpfalz Hotel Zur, Portland, 
 Ritzville, Wa.sh., school house, 
 Riverside ave., Spokane, ( 3 
 views), 433, 434. 
 Riverview cemetery, entrance, 
 Portland, 146. 
 Rock Creek, near Newport, Or., 
 O'-., 96. 
 Rock Point, Rogue River, Or. 
 Rocky Mountains, scenery 
 Butte Short Line, 50. 
 Rogue River Valley, Or., Table 
 Rock, 211. 
 Rooster Rock, Columbia River, 
 Roseburg, Or. : — City hall, 
 204 ; County Court House, 
 205 . Rose, Aaron ( portrait ), 
 207 ; school building, 206. 
 Rose, Aaron ( portrait ), Rose- 
 burg, Or., 207. 
 Roslyn, Wash. :— Block coal, 
 413 ; public school, 413. 
 Roth block, New Whatcom, 
 Wash., 405. 
 St. Agnes Falls, Kootenav Riv- 
 er, B. C, 23. 
 St. David's Episcopal church, 
 Portland, 136. 
 St. Helen's Hall. Portland, 144. 
 St. Ignatius Mission, Mont., 
 St. James Cathedral i 2 views). 
 Vancouver. Wash, 308. 
 St. Joseph's Hospital, Aberdeen, 
 Wash, 333 
 St. Josephs Hospital, Tacoma, 
 St. Patrick's Church, Portland, 
 St. Peter's Hospital, Olvmpia, 
 Wash, 338. 
 St. Vincent's Hospital, Port- 
 land, 131. 
 Salem, Or.:— Commercial street, 
 167 ; F'ast Salem school, 169 ; 
 electric cars, 1 69 ; Ladd & 
 Bush bank (2 views). 172; 
 Lincoln .school, 1 70 ; Marion 
 County Court House, 1 68 ; 
 Svr'" capitol, H>6 ; state in- 
 sane asylum, 171 : state pen- 
 itentary, 171; state reform 
 .school,' 1 71 ; Willamette riv- 
 er bridge. 1(57 ; Yew I'ark 
 school, 170. 
 Salmon cannery, South Bend, 
 Wash., 99. 
 The Oregonian's Handbook ot the Pacific Northwest. 
 Salmon fishing, Tillamook Bay, 
 Or., 100. 
 Salmon ( frozen ) shipped to 
 World's Fair from Oregon City, 
 Or., 163. 
 Salmon industry, Aberdeen, 
 Wash., 331. 
 Salmon, Royal Chinook, Colum- 
 bia River, 98. 
 Salmon traps, near Blaine, Wash. 
 ( 4 views ), 4-07, 408, 409. 
 Sandy river, source of, Mt. Hood, 
 Sawmill scene, Tacoma, 341. 
 Scio, Or., public school, 182. 
 Sea Breeze Hotel, Pacific Park, 
 Wash., 304. 
 Seaside opera house, Clatsop 
 Beach, Or., 299. 
 Seaside, Or. :— Grimes House, 
 300 : McGuire's Hotel, 300. 
 Seattle: —After the fire, 367; Al- 
 len & Nelson Mill Co. sawmill, 
 379 ; an office building, 368 ; 
 a prominent business block, 
 368; a prominent corner, 367; 
 a well known corner, 370 : 
 Central School, 372 ; Chief, 
 Seattle, 364 ; coal bunk,°rs, 
 370 ; Columbia school, 375 ; 
 Congregational church, 373 ; 
 Court House, 369 ; Day .school 
 (Fremont), 374; De-..iy .school, 
 373 ; Dexter Horton & Co. 
 Bank, 382 ; engine house. No. 
 3, 376 ; fire boat, 376 ; fire 
 department headquarters, 
 375 ; first hou.se. Alki Point, 
 364 ; Front Street, 366; Front 
 and James Streets, 364 ; Har- 
 bor, 364 ; hauling logs, 62 ; 
 Holmes Lumber Co., 380 ; In- 
 dian canoes, 377 ; Kerry, A. 
 S., sawmill. 380 ; McGilvra, J. 
 J. (portrait), 371; Meroer 
 school, 375 ; Minor, T. T. 
 school, 373 ; offices Board of 
 Education. 372; Olympia 
 school, 375; opera house, 373; 
 Pacific school, 375 ; Rainier 
 .school, 375 ; Second street, ( 2 
 views), 366 ; schools, 372 to 
 375 ; Smith, H. A. (portrait), 
 365 ; Siioqualmie ftiUs, near 
 city, 376 ; South school, 372 : 
 Teshi school, 369 ; Third 
 street, 367 ; water front (2 
 views ), 365 ; Yesler, Mrs. M. 
 G. ( residence ), 371. 
 Seid Back, Chinese merchant, 
 Portland ( portrait), 120. 
 Seid Back, Chinese merchant, 
 Portland ( store), 120. 
 Sellwood brewery, Portland, 
 Sheep ranch, Umatilla Co., Or., 
 Ship building, Tacoma, 344. 
 Shoalwater Bay, Wash. ;— ( Map 
 Willapa harbor), 317. 
 Silver Bow, Buttt, Mont., 550. 
 Silver Bow Co, Court House, 
 Butte, Mont., 553. 
 Silver King mine. Nelson, B. 
 C, 587. 
 Silverton, Or. : — Coolidge & Mc- 
 Claine bank, 187 ; Cusiter 
 Geo. ( portrait ), 188; public 
 school, 187; street scene, 
 186; Wolf, Adolf & Son 
 (store), 187. 
 South Bend, Wash., lyUmber 
 Mnfg. Co., 320. 
 Sovithern Oregon Mining, 67. 
 Spinning block, Puyallup, 
 Wash., 356. 
 Spokane : — A business block, 
 435; a residence, 436; Au- 
 ditorium, 435; Bancroft 
 school, 441 ; Bryant school, 
 439 ; business center, 433 ; 
 Cantilever bridge, 431 ; Con- 
 gregational (second) church, 
 438; Dillman, L.. C. (por- 
 trait ), 442 ; Franklin school, 
 441 ; Griffitts, T. C. (portrait), 
 444; High School, 443; 
 Hyde, S. C, 443 ; Jones, Ar- 
 thur D. (portrait), 444 ; Leg- 
 horn, J. F. (portrait), 445; 
 Lincoln school, 442 ; manu- 
 facturing district, 92 ; marble 
 ledges, 73 ; N. P. R. R. depot, 
 440 ; N. Y. brewery, 43S ; 
 Review building, 437 ; River- 
 side avenue (3 views), 433, 
 434; street scene, 433; 
 water power, 93 ; water pow- 
 er (4 views), 431. 
 Spokane river at Spokane, 431. 
 Spokane river Canyon, Wash, 94 
 Spokane river at Post Falls, 
 Spokane river scene, 45. 
 Spokane river, Spokane, 
 28. 45. 
 Spokane water power, 28. 
 Sprague, Wash.: — Brooke, G. S. 
 ( portrait ), 427 ; cattle round- 
 up, 426 ; Court House, 427 ; 
 Donahue, T. P. ( portrait ), 
 429 ; general view, 426 ; 
 Gray, James B (portrait), 
 429 ; harvesting, 427 ; Mar- 
 tin, H. N. ( portrait ), 428 ; 
 Mount Wallace ( portrait ), 
 Stark Street ferry, Portland, 
 Steamboating, Puget Sound, 33. 
 Steilacoom, Wash., State in- 
 sane asylum, 345. 
 Stephens school, Portland, 142. 
 Stevensville, Mont. : --Churches, 
 530 ; Fort Owen, 530. 
 Stewart, J. P., block, Puyallup, 
 Wash, 356. 
 Stock scene, Camas Prairie, 
 Idaho. 497. 
 Stouts I Mrs.) Hotel, Pacific 
 Park, Wash., 304. 
 Sumner, Wash. : — Whitworth 
 College, 362. 
 Sun.set addition, Oregon City, 
 Or., 162. 
 Superior, Mont. 
 Surf bathing. 
 Wash, 301. 
 Surf bathing, 
 Oregon coast, 
 " Switchback," summit Cas- 
 cades, N. P. R. R., 44. 
 Synagogue, Portland, 136. 
 Table Rock, Rogue River Val- 
 ley, Or., 211. 
 Tacoma: — American Lake, 
 353 ; Bryant school, 351 ; 
 catching crabs, 102 ; Central 
 school, 352 ; City Hall, 346 ; 
 coal bunkers, 344 ; coal mine 
 and dump, 87; coke ovens, 88; 
 C street, 349 ; C street busi- 
 ness blocks, & «6 ; discharg- 
 ing tea, 347 ; dry dock, 350 ; 
 Eleventh street, 349 ; Emer- 
 son school, 351 ; Eureka 
 Sandstone Co.'s quarries Te- 
 nino, 353 ; Exposition build- 
 ing, 353 ; first postoffice, 
 340 ; Franklin school, 351 ; 
 Franklin school, 352 ; Haw- 
 thorne school, 352 ; Historic 
 church, 341 ; Indian canoes, 
 342 ; Irving school, 350 ; 
 Lincoln .school, 351 ; loading 
 lumber en ships, 344 ; load- 
 ing wh'.-at, 347 ; Longfellow 
 school, 351 ; Lowell school, 
 350 ; Mt. Tacoma, 343 ; N. 
 P. R. R. car shops, 342 ; N. 
 P. K. R. car shops, interior, 
 343 ; N. P. R. R. yards, 44 ; 
 oldest church on Puget Sound, 
 341 ; Pacific avenue from 9th, 
 349 ; Pacific avenue from 
 13th, 349 ; Pierce Co. Court 
 House, 347 ; Point Defiance, 
 345 ; Presb. church, 351 ; 
 Puget Sound Fishing Co., 
 103 ; sawmill scene, 341 ; 
 school of shorthand, 354 ; 
 ship building, 344; St. 
 Joseph's hospital, 352 ; Tait 
 J. W. ( portrait ), 354 ; tea 
 steamship at docks, 349 ; 
 trout stream, 101 ; v,-''<irt 
 scene, 347 ; Whitman sc .^ol. 
 350 ; Wright Park, 345. 
 Tait, J. W., Tacoma, 354. 
 Taylor Street M. E. church, 
 Portland, 136. 
 Tea ship at Tacoma, 347. 
 Tea steamship nt Tacoma, 349. 
 Tenino, Wash.: — Eureka Sand- 
 stone Co.'s quarries. 353. 
 Teshi nark, Seattle, 369. 
 The dalles gorge, Columbia 
 River, 29. 
 The Dalles, Or., approach to, 
 The dalles rapids, Columbia 
 River, 28. 
 Third and Morrison streets, 
 Portland, 108. 
 Third and Washington streets, 
 Portland, 109. 
 Thompson, R. N.,store,Browns- 
 ville, Or., 184. 
 Thurston Co. Court House. 
 Olyupia, Wash, 336. 
 Tiger mine, Burke, Idaho, 484. 
 Tillamook Bay : — A lumber 
 camp, 53, 
 Tillamook Bay, Or., salmon fish- 
 ing, 100. 
Index. — Illustrations. 
 Tillamook county, Or., logging, 
 Tillamook, Oregon : — Court 
 House, 237 ; dairy scene, 241 ; 
 harbor scene, 236 ; Main 
 street, 236; Methodist church, 
 239 ; public school, 237 ; 
 store, Cohn it Co., 23« ; store, 
 Fearnside, G. W., 238 ; Tilla- 
 mook Lumbering Co.'s saw- 
 Tillamook stage from Korest 
 Grove. Or., 232. 
 Timber felling near Aberdeen, 
 Wash., 57, 326. 
 Timber felling near Cathlamet, 
 Wash., 306. 
 Timber felling near Chehalis, 
 Wash., 58. 
 Timber felling, Oregon, 55. 
 Timber felling near Snohomish, 
 Wash, 388. 
 Timber felling in Oregon, 55. 
 Tinker's Hotel, Long Beach, 
 Wash. 303. 
 Title page, 1, 
 Tower Lumber & Mnfg. Co., 
 Centralia, Wash, 324. 
 Townsend, W. M. ( portrait ), 
 Lakeview, Or., 226. 
 Trinity Episcopal church, Port- 
 land, 135. 
 Trout fishing near Tacoma.lOl. 
 Trout fishing, Willamette Val- 
 ley, Or., 100. 
 Two Medicine creek, Mont., 23. 
 Umatilla Co. Court House, Pen- 
 dleton, Dr., 275. 
 Umatilla Co. grain field, 278. 
 Umatilla Co. sheep ranch, 278. 
 Union Co. Court House, Union 
 Or., 287. 
 Union Depot, Portland, 128. 
 Union, Or.: — Court House, 287; 
 public school, 286. 
 Union Pacific Ry., approach to 
 The Dalles, 269. 
 Union Pacific track near Viento, 
 Columbia river, 75. 
 Unitarian church, Portland, 
 U, S. life saving crew. Long 
 Beach, Wash., 301. 
 University of Idaho, Moscow, 
 University of Oregon, Eugene 
 ( group), 199. 
 Vancouver, Wash. : — Court 
 House, 307; Main street, 307; 
 officers' quarters, barracks, 
 308 ; public school, 307 ; St. 
 James cathedral ( 2 views ), 
 308 ; school for deaf mutes, 
 307 ; school f o r feeble- 
 minded. 308. 
 Victor block, New Whatcom, 
 Wash., 406. 
 Victoria, B. C. :— Beacon Hill 
 Park, 573 ; Carey castle, 572; 
 city hall. 572 ; dry dock, Es. 
 quimalt, 571 ; high school, 
 572 , the gorge, 573. 
 Waitsburg, Wash.:— Morrcw, J. 
 H. (portrait), 460; school, 
 Wallace, Idaho, 483 ; church, 
 Walla Walla Co. Court House, 
 Walla Walla, Wash., 456. 
 Walla Walla, Wash.: — Court 
 Hou.se, 456 ; farm scene, 22 ; 
 Fire Dep't. Headquarters, 457; 
 Opera House, 457 ; Paine 
 School, 456 ; Penitentiary 
 (2 views), 457, 458; a street 
 scene, 455. 
 Wardner, Idaho, Bunker Hill 
 and Sullivan Mine, 483. 
 Washington Co. Court House, 
 Hillsboro, Or., 227. 
 Wa.shington : — Insane asylum. 
 Medical Lake, 446 ; insane 
 asylum, Steilacoom, 345; 
 Normal school, Ellensburgh, 
 414 ; Penitentiary, Walla 
 Walla (2 views), 457, 458; 
 school for Defective Youth, 
 Vancouver, 307 ; school for 
 Feeble Minded. Vancouver, 
 308 ; Soldiers' Home, Orting, 
 Wash., 411 ; State Normal 
 school, 414. 
 Watermelon Patch, near Grants 
 Pass Or., 210 
 Watkilis, iv.W. (portrait), Mos- 
 cow. Idaho, 491. 
 Weatherwax, The, J. M. Co.'s 
 Mill, boom, Aberdeen, Wash., 
 Weatherwax, The, J. M. Co.'s 
 Mill, sawmill, Aberdeen, 
 Wash , 332. 
 Weatherwax, The, J. M. Co.'s 
 schooner ( launch of), Aber- 
 deen, Wash., 333. 
 Weinhard's Brewery, Portland, 
 Weston, Or., Public School, 283 
 Whatcom Co. Court House, New 
 Whatcom, Wash., 403. 
 Whatcom Creek Falls, New 
 Whatcom, Wash., 405. 
 Wheat Elevator, Portland, 1 17. 
 Wheat (loading ), Pullman, 
 Wash ,473. 
 Wheat raised in Willamette Val- 
 ley, 20, 
 Wheat vessel loading, Tacoma, 
 White, Geo. F. (portrait). Cas- 
 tle Rock, Wash., 311. 
 White River, Wash., 412. 
 Whitman Co. Court House, Day- 
 ton, Wash, 464. 
 Whitman Co. Court House, inte- 
 rior, Colfax, Wash., 465. 
 Whitworth College, Sumner. 
 Wash., 362. 
 Wilbur, Wash., 450. 
 Wilhelm's Brewery, Sellwood, 
 Portland, 153. 
 Willamette Falls, Oregon City, 
 title page. 
 Willamette F'alls (3 views), 
 157, 158, 
 Willamette river bridge, Al- 
 bany, Or., 176. 
 Willamette river bridge. Pore- 
 land, 132, 13.3. 
 Willamette river bridge, Salem, 
 Or, 167. 
 Willamette river scene, Port- 
 land's suburbs, 105. 
 Willamette river suspension 
 bridge, Oregon City, 158. 
 Willamette street, F,ugene, Or , 
 Willamette Tannery, Eugene, 
 Or., 196. 
 Willamette Valley : — Limb of 
 prunes, 104 ; tall wheat, 20; 
 trout fishing, 100. 
 Willapa Harbor Tannin Ext. 
 Co., South Bend, Wash., 319. 
 Willapa Harbor, Wash., map 
 Williams ave. school, Portlanil, 
 Winlock, Wash : — School house, 
 Wilson River, Or., 233 ; Fall 
 creek, 234 ; Hers fall.s, 234. 
 Wilson River countrv, Or., log- 
 ging, 235. 
 Wolf, Adolf & Son block, Sil- 
 verton. Or., 187. 
 Wolff" & Zwicker, iron works, 
 Portland, 137. 
 Woodburn, Or,, public school, 
 Wright Park, Tacoma, 343. 
 Yakima Valley, Wash.: — Hop 
 growing, 23; Lcadbetter 
 ditches (series of views), 420, 
 421, 422; Sunnyside cansil, 
 419, 420 ; two year old or- 
 chard, 423. 
 Yamhill Co. Court House, M»;- 
 Minnville, Or., 244. 
 Yaquina Bay. Or. :— At Newport 
 265 ; bathing north jetty, 
 Ii64 ; Cape Foul weather, 264; 
 entrance, 35 ; Jump-Oif-Joe 
 Rock, 263; scene nearba.v, 
 262 ; steamer outward hound, 
 263 ; surf bathing, 263. 
 Yesler, Mrs. M. G. ( residence ), 
 .Seattle, 371. 
 Yew Park school, Salem, Or., 
 Young's Hotel, Olympia.Wash., 
 Young, Samuel E. ( store ), Al- 
 bany, Or., 177. 
 Aberdeen, Wash.: — General 
 description, 329 to 333 ; sal- 
 mon pack, 100. 
 Abert Lake. Oregon, 36. 
 Achnie, Wash., coal mines, 91. 
 Ada County, Idaho, 510, 517. 
 Ada County, Idaho, gold and 
 silver output, 78. 
 Adam, Chas. S., Roslyn, Wash., 
 Adams County, Wash., 426,447. 
 Adams Couutv Court House, 
 Ritzville, Wash., 426. 
 Adams, M. J., Silverton, Wash., 
 Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, 
 33. 409. 
 Ajrer, Cal., 217. 
 Ager, Cal., stage to Lakeview 
 and Klamath Falls, 219, 220. 
 Ahtanum River, Wash. 41 7.422. 
 Ahtanum Valley, Wash., 417. 
 Ailshie, J. F.,Graugeville,Idaho, 
 Ainsworth Bank, Portland, 135. 
 Ainsworth, B. C, 582. 
 Ainsworth school, Portland, 
 Ainsworth, Wash., 425. 
 Airlie, Or., 257, 40. 
 Alaska : — Area, 8 ; fishing, 97; 
 mines, 85. 86 ; population, 8; 
 purchase price, 8; .salmon can- 
 ning, 99 ; seals, 8 ; timber, 64, 
 65 (Alaska is reached bj' 
 stea.ner from Puget Sound 
 Alaska Commercial Co.. 8. 
 Albanj-. Or.: — General descrip- 
 tion^ 174 to 176, also see 39, 
 Albany (^Or.), college, 176. 
 Allbee. The, (Hotel), South 
 Bend, Wa.sh., 310. 
 Alberta Coal & Ry. Co., B. C. 52. 
 Albiiia Central school, Portland, 
 Albina Homestead school, Port- 
 land. 143. 
 Albina Sav. Bank, Portland, 1.35. 
 Albina, suburb, Portland, 41, 
 113, 115. 
 Albina, railroad shops, 41.131. 
 Albion Mine, Montana, 547. 
 Alder Gulch, Mont., 77, 81, 82. 
 Alderman, The, (Hotel), Tilla- 
 mook, Or., 239. 
 Alderman, A. L., Tillamook, Or. 
 Alexander, R., Pendleton, Or., 
 276, 277. 
 Alexander & Freidenrich , 
 Grangeville, Idaho, 501. 
 Alfalfa: — Canyon Co., Idaho, 
 509; Ellensburgh, Wash ., 
 414 ; Prosser, Wash., 424 ; 
 Rogue River Valley, Or., 213 ; 
 Walla Walla, Wash., 458 ; 
 Whitman Co., Wash., 467 ; 
 Wood River Valley, Idaho, 
 518 ; Yakima Valley, Wash., 
 423, 424. ( Also grown in 
 Southeastern Oregon, the 
 Willamette Valley, and nearly 
 all parts of Pacific Northwest.) 
 Algonquin Mining Co., Mon- 
 tana, 534, 535. 
 Alice Mine, Butte, Mont., 84, 
 Alice Mining Co.. Butte, Mont., 
 Alki Point, Seattle. 364. 
 Allen, E. W., Portland, 588. 
 Allen House, Tillamook, Or.239. 
 Allen. J. P.. Tillamook, Or., 239. 
 Allen, Mont., 51. 
 Allen & Nelson Mill Co., Seat- 
 tle, 379, 380. 
 Allie Brown Mine, Mont., 557. 
 Almira, Wa.sh., 448. 
 Almonds, Medford, Or., 210. 
 Alsea, Or., 99, 100. 
 Alta Coal Mine, Wash.. 90. 
 Alta Mine, Montana, 540. 
 Althouse Creek, Oregon, 69. 
 Alton Mines, Idaho, 499. 
 Alturas County, Idaho:— Court 
 House, .520 ; gold and .silver 
 output, 78, also see 517, 518, 
 519, 521. 
 American Creek, Idaho, 493. 
 American Flag Mine, Men. ,545. 
 American Lake, Taconia, 345. 
 American Nat. Bank, Helena, 
 Mont., 539. 
 Amity, Oregon, 258. 
 Amy and Silversmith Mine, 
 Butte, Mont., 84. 
 Anaconda, Mont. : — Copper 
 mines, 83 ; general descrip- 
 tion, 558; mines, 64, 555, 
 556 ; railroads, 56. 
 Anaconda Reduction Co., Mon- 
 tana, 559. 
 Aii.icortes, Wash. : — G e n e r r ! 
 description, 391, 392; r,: 
 roads, 45. 
 Ankeny, Levi, 290. 
 Annie Con. mine, Oregon, 61. 
 Antimony, Thompson Falls, 
 Mont., 525. 
 Apples : — Bentoti Co., Or., 263 ; 
 first tree in Oregon, 158 ; 
 Oregon, 588 to 593 ; Walla 
 Walla, Wash., 458. (Also see 
 fruit culture; grown in nearly 
 all parts of Pacific Northwest.) 
 Apricots: — Ashland, Or., 
 215 ; Big Bend country. 
 Wash., 449 ; Oregon, 591 ; 
 Snake River Valley, 495 ; 
 Wasco Co , Or., 270 ; Whit- 
 man Co., Wash., 467 ; Yaki- 
 ma, Valley, Wash., 433. (Al- 
 so see fruit culture ). 
 Arago, Oregon, 266. 
 Arkansas Belle mine, Oregon. 
 Arkansas River, Wash., 311. 
 Arlington Heights addition, 
 Spokane, 446. 
 Arlington Heights addition, 
 motor line, Spokane, 439, 
 440, 446. 
 Arlington, Or., 41, 270, 271. 
 Arrow Lakes, B. C, 25, 44, 
 441, 579. 
 Artesian wells: — Adams Co., 
 Wash., 426 ; Moscow, Idaho, 
 48P ; Moxee Valley, Wash., 
 423 ; Pasco. Wash., 425 ; 
 Pullman, Wash., 473 ; Tekoa, 
 Wash., 470 : Yakima Valley, 
 Wash., 423. 
 Ashland. Or. ; — .^19; general 
 description, 214 to 216. 
 Ashlanci creek, Or., 214. 
 Ashland ( Or. ), flouring mills, 
 Ashland ( Or. ), mine, 61. 
 Ashland (Or.), Mining Co., 
 Asotin, Wa.sh., 27, 496. 
 Astor, John Jacob, 107, 294. 
 Astoria, Oregon: — Early rail- 
 road history, 230 ; early 
 transportation, 117; first 
 settlement, 107 ; fishing, 
 114; general description, 
 294 to 298 ; precipitation, 
 16; salmon canning, 99; 
 temperature, 16. 
 Astoria & McMiunville R. R., 
 A.storia & South Coast R. R., 
 298, 299. 
 Athena. Or. : — General de- 
 scription, 282, 283 ; rail- 
 roads, 47. 
Index. — Reading Matter. 
 R. R., 
 Atkinson, Geo, B., Portland, 
 140, 141. 
 Atkinson, Geo. E.. New What- 
 com, Wash, 405. 
 Atkinson, J. B., Blaine, Wash., 
 Atkinson, W. H., Ashland, Or., 
 Atkinson school, Portland, 143. 
 Auld & Johnson Mills, Ballard, 
 Wash., 384. 
 Ayer's Furniture Factory, Mon- 
 tesano. Wash., 327. 
 Badger Mine, Idaho, 480. 
 Badger State Mine. Mont., 556, 
 Bailey, Dr. V. A., Hillsboro, Or,, 
 Baker's Bav, Wash., 300, 301. 
 BakerCity, Or., 70 ; general de- 
 scription, 288 to 290 ; pre- 
 cipitation, 16; temperature, 
 Baker County, Or., 291, 292; 
 general description, 288 to 
 290 ; gold, 67 ; mines. 70. 
 Baker, Geo. B., Dayton, Wash., 
 461, 462. 
 Bald Butte Mining Co., Mont., 
 Bald Mountain, Idaho, 487. 
 Baldwin & Reames, Klamath 
 Falls, Or.. 219. 
 Ballard, suburb, Seattle, 369, 
 384, 385. 
 Baltimore Market, Portland, Or., 
 Baltimore Mine, Ketchum, Ida- 
 ho, 521. 
 Bancroft, Idaho, 517. 
 Bancroft School, Spokane, Wash. 
 Bandon, Or., 266; precipita- 
 tion, 16 ; temperature, 16. 
 Bank of Albina, Portland, 135. 
 Bank of Ashland, Or., 215. 
 Bank of B. C, Portland. 135. 
 Bank of B. C, Seattle, 382. 
 Bank of B. C, Tacoma, 351. 
 Bank of Brownsville, Browns- 
 ville, Or., 184. 
 Bank of Cheney, Wash., 430. 
 Bank of ConDnerce Centralia, 
 Wash., 322. 
 Bank ot Fairhaven,Wash., 401, 
 Bankof Forest Grove., Or., 230. 
 Bank of Grangeville, Idaho, 50. 
 Bank of Montesano,Wa.sh..328 
 Bank of Newberg, Or., 252. 
 Bank of Oregon City, Or., 162. 
 Bank of Scio, Or., 182, 183. 
 Bank of Spokane Falls, Spo- 
 kane, Wa.sh., 441. 
 Banner Mine, Montana, 546. 
 Bannock Co., Idaho, 517, 522, 
 Bannock Indians, 522, 
 Bannock, Mont., 81, 83, 563. 
 Baptist College, Colfax, Wash.. 
 John, Tillamook, Or., 
 Barley : 
 448 ; 
 500 ; 
 327 ; 
 Montana. 51. 
 — Big Bend, 
 Camas Prairie, 
 Chehalis Co., 
 Colfax, Wash., 
 Dayton, Wash , 461 ; Junction 
 City, Or., 194 ; Moscow, 489 ; 
 Pullman, Wa.sh., 473 ; Skagit 
 Co., Wash., 396; Union Co, 
 Or., yield, 288 ; Walla Walla, 
 Wash., 458 ; Whatcom, 396 ; 
 ( also see wheat ; raised in 
 nearly all parts of Pacific 
 Northwest ). 
 Barnes, Geo. A. & Co., Olvm- 
 pia, Wa.sh., 338. 
 Barnes, W. St, M. Portland,! 55. 
 Barney, Frank M, New What- 
 com, Wash, 406. 
 Barrett block, Chehalis, Wash., 
 Barry, Col. Chas., 39 
 Bartholomew, W. L.. Buckley, 
 Wash, 412. 
 Basin Creek, Mont., 554. 
 Basin mines, Mont., 546, 
 Basket factory, Hoquiam,Wash., 
 Bath mine, Mont., 535. 
 Bay City, Or., 242. 
 Bay Creek district, Idaho, 79. 
 Bay Horse mines, Idaho, 70. 
 Beacon Hill park, Victoria, B. 
 C, 573. 
 Bear Creek, Mont., 554. 
 Bear Creek, Or., 213. 
 Beaver Canyon, Idaho, 48. 
 Beaver Creek, Idaho, 480, 486, 
 Beaver Creek, Mont., 545. 
 Beaverhead Co., Mont., ■<4, 
 Beaverton Valley, Mont., rail- 
 roads, 48. 
 Bees, Tillamook Co., Or., 240, 
 Beets, Skagit Co., Wash., 389. 
 Beets, -sugar, Coos Bay, Or., 266. 
 Belle of Butte mine. Mont. ,5.56. 
 Bellevue, Idaho, 519. 
 Bellingham, Wash., 393. 
 Bellingham Bay, Wash., 33, 
 Bellingham Bay and adjacent 
 country, general description, 
 392 to 396. ( Also see Fair- 
 haven and New Whatcom ). 
 Bellingham Bay, Wash., coal, 
 Bellingham Bay, Wash., Gas 
 Co., Fairhaven, 400, 
 Bellingham Bay & B, C. R. R., 
 44, 46, 377. 
 Belmont mine, Mont., 547. 
 Belmont, Wash., 45. 
 Belt Mountain and Sand Coulee 
 branch, Grt. North. R. R., 51. 
 Benedictine Sisters, Mt, Angel, 
 Or., 190. 
 Bennett, Nelson, Tacoma, 393, 
 Benn, Samuel Aberdeen, Wash,, 
 Benton Co. Court House, Cor- 
 valHs, Or., 261. 
 Benton Co., Or., general de- 
 •scription, 262 to 264. 
 Benton Co., Or., timber, 54, 
 Benton, Thos. H., 43. 
 Berries ; — ( See fruit culture ; 
 grown successfully in nearly 
 ail parts of Pacific Northwest). 
 Bertha, suburb Portland, 147, 
 Bickford, K. I,., Centralia, 
 Wash., 322. 
 Biddle. Kdward, Dallas, Or., 
 Big Bear Creek, Idaho, 493. 
 Big Bend Country, Wash. : — 
 Centers of population, 446 to 
 448 ; general description, 
 447 to 449 • Great Northern 
 Ry., 45, 46 ; lime, 94 ; .soil, 
 23. (Also see 26, 426, 427, 
 430, 435.) 
 Big Bend Nat. Bank, Daven- 
 port. Wash., 450. 
 Big Horn Mountains, Mont., 81, 
 Billings, G. F., Ashland, Or., 
 Bi-Metallic mine, Mont., 84, 534 
 Bi-Metallic Mining Co., Mont., 
 Bingham Co., Idaho, 78, .517, 
 Binkley block, Centralia, Wash., 
 Birch Creek, Or., 278. 
 Birge & Leitch, Centralia. 
 Wash., 323, 324. 
 Bishop, E. R., Heppncr, Or.. 
 Bishop Scott Academy, Port- 
 land, 143. 
 Bissinger & Co., Portland, 154. 
 Bitter Root Development Co., 
 Hamilton, Mont., 531. 
 Bitter Root ^lountains (see 
 Idaho & Montana.) 
 Bitter Root River, Mont., 530. 
 Bitter Root Valley, Mont., 526, 
 527, 530, 531. 
 Black Cloud mines, Idaho, 484. 
 Black Bear mine, Idaho, 77, 
 480, 485. 
 Blackberries ( also see fruit cul- 
 ture), Walla Walla, Wash., 
 Black Diamond coal mine, 
 Wash., 90. 
 Black Diamond mine, Idaho, 
 Black Diamond, Wash., 47, 
 Blackfoot, Idaho, 48, 523. 
 Blackfoot Indians, 526. 
 Blackfoot Milling & Mfg. Co., 
 Bonner, Mont., 64. 
 Blackfoot River, Mont., 526, 
 Black Jack mine, 77, 79. 
 Black mine, Mont., 546, 547, 
 Black River Junction, Wash., 
 47, 90. 
 Black sand, Oregon Coast, 68. 
 Black Tail mines. Idaho, 478. 
 Blaine mine, Mont., 534. 
 Blaine, Wash. :— Genl. descrip- 
 tion, 406, 407 ; Point Rob- 
 erts' Canning Co., 407, 408, 
 409 ; .salmon pack, 100. 
 Blue Bell mines, B. C, 581. 
 Blue Bird mine, Mont., 546, 
 547, 557. 
 Blue Bird Mining Co., Mcrtit., 
 :.d ; 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Blue Canyon Coal Co., coal 
 bunkers near Fairhaven, 
 Wash., 40. 
 Blue Canyon coal mine. Wash., 
 394-, 395, 403. 
 Bohemia mines, I^ane Co., Or., 
 200, 202. 
 Boise City, Idaho : — Barracks, 
 511 ; description, 510 to 
 516 ; precipitation, 16 ; tem- 
 perature, 16. 
 Boise City branch U. P. R. R., 
 Boise City & Nampa Canal, 
 Idaho, 517. 
 Boise River, Idaho, 28, 507, 
 509, 510, 517. 
 Boise Valley, Idaho, 507, 509, 
 Bolles Junction, Wash., 46. 
 Bonanza mines, B. C, 583, 
 Bonanza mines, Colville, Wash., 
 Bonanza mines. Or., 70, 292. 
 Bonner, Mont., 64, 529. 
 Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, 25, 36, 
 52, 580. 
 Bonner's Ferry, Wash., 587. 
 Boston mine, Wash., 74. 
 Boston & Montana mine, Butte, 
 Boston & Montana Mining Co., 
 Butte, 556. 
 Boston & Montana mine, Glos- 
 ter, 84. 
 Boston Nat. Bank, Seattle, 382. 
 Boulder gulch, Idaho, 480. 
 Boulder Hot Springs, Mont., 
 Boulder mines, Idaho, 493. 
 Boulder, Mon., 50, 546. 
 Boundary City, Wash., 453. 
 Boundary line (International) 7. 
 Boundary mines. Wash., 454. 
 Boven, C. D., Seattle, 364. 
 Bowen & Small, Baker City, 
 Or., 289^ 
 Brownsville, Or., 
 Mt. Idalio, Idaho, 
 Boyer, J. D. 
 Browne, C. M., Moscow, 
 Browne. R. S., Moscow, 
 Brown, L. P 
 504, 505. 
 Brown, W. W 
 Idaho, 501. 
 Bruneau River, Idaho, 517. 
 Bradley mine, Or., 292, 
 Bredemeyer, Dr. W., Tacoma, 
 Bridal Veil Falls, Wash.. 452. 
 British Columbia : — Descrip- 
 tion, 568 to 588 , area, 8 ; 
 exports 8; fisheries output, 
 8 ; fishing, 97. 99, 100 ; 
 mines output (gold), 8 ; pop- 
 ulation. 8 ; railways, 51 ; sal- 
 mon canning, 99 ; timber re- 
 sources, 65. 
 Brooke, Geo. S, Sprague.Wash., 
 427, 428. 
 Brooklyn school, Portland, 143. 
 Brooklyn, suburb Portland, 146. 
 Browne, J. J., Spokane, 434. 
 Browne Nat. bank, Spokane, 
 Brown, t,. H., Tillamook, Or., 
 Brownell, Geo. C, Oregon City, 
 Brownson, Rev. T. G., McMinn- 
 ville, Or., 247. 
 Brownsville, Or., 183 to 185. 
 Bryant school, Spokane, 442. 
 Bucoda. Wash : — Coal, 92 ; de- 
 scription. 335. 
 Bucoda, Wash., Coal Co., 335. 
 Buckeye Mines, Idaho. 487. 
 Buckley, Wa.sh., 411, 412. 
 Buckley, Wash., Lumber Co., 
 412, 413. 
 Budd's Inlet, Puget Sound, 335; 
 improvements. 338. 
 Buffalo, 559, 560. 
 Buffalo Hump (hill), Idaho, 
 Bullfinch harbor, Wash.. 325. 
 Bull Run Creek, Or., 133, 134. 
 Bullion Mines, Idaho, 486, 
 Bunchgrfiss : — Big Bend coun- 
 try, Wash., 447 ; Camas Prai- 
 rie, Idaho, 499 ; Colville Val- 
 ley, Wash., 435 ; Montana, 
 559 to 562 ; Pasco, Wa.sh., 
 426 ; Umatilla Co., Or., 278 ; 
 Whitman Co., Wash., 467. 
 Bunker Hill & Sullivan mine, 
 Idaho, 479, 480, 482, 483. 
 Burckhardt Bros., Portland, 
 Burke, Idaho, 482, 483 ; de- 
 scription, 484 ; railroads, 48, 
 Burlington Mines. Mont., 550. 
 Burnett, Wash., 346. 
 Burn.side Street bridge, Port- 
 land, 115. 
 Burnt Prairie, Or., 240. 
 Burnt River, Or., 290. 
 Burrard's Inlet, B. C, 569, 577. 
 Butcher Creek, Idaho, 498. 
 Butler, J. B. Monmouth, Or., 
 Butte, Mont. — Description, 548 
 to 558 ; banks, 553 ; business 
 blocks, 552 ; churches, 654 ; 
 clubs, 553 ; copper, 83, 84, 
 548 to 558 ; Cons. Ry. Co., 
 552 ; Court House, 553 ; 
 Daly, Marcus, 55.5 ; Dugan, 
 E. O.. Mayor of, 552, 553; 
 early history, 548 to 551 ; 
 fire protection, 554, 555 ; 
 {fold (placers), 548 to 551; 
 incorporation, 551 ; library, 
 553 ; lighting, 555 ; location. 
 551, 552 ; McC. White, W. & 
 Co., 558 ; mines, 84 ; mines 
 production, 555; mining, 548 
 to 558 ; mining companies, 
 556 to 558 ; police, 552 ; 
 quartz mining, 550, 551 ; 
 railroads, 551 ; reduction 
 works, 557 ; residences, 553; 
 schools, 553, 554 ; smelting, 
 551 to 558 ; Streets, 552 ; 
 street railways, 552 ; suburbs. 
 551, 552 ; wages, 552 ; water 
 works, 554, 555. 
 Butte, ( Mont.), Cons. Ry. Co., 
 Butte & Boston Mining Co,, 556 . 
 Butte Creek, Or., 173. 
 ButterCreek, Or., 278. 
 Buttercup Mine, Idaho, 519. 
 Byam, Judge, Mont., 564. 
 Byles, C. N., Montesano, Wash., 
 327, 328, 329. 
 Byles & Co., Montesano, Wash., 
 Cabinet Rapids, Columbia Riv- 
 er, 26. \ 
 Caldwell, Idaho. 507, 509. 
 Caldwell For. Co., 507. 
 cal. it Col. River R. R. Co.. 38. 
 California Mine, Idaho, 484. 
 Calipooia Creek, Or., 208. 
 Calipooia Hills, Or., 104, 113. 
 Calipooia River, Or., 175, 183, 
 Calvin, Mont., 50. 
 Camas Prairie, Idaho, 497 to 
 Camas Praire Land & Town 
 Co., Denver, Idaho, 503. 
 Camas Swale Creek, Or., 203. 
 Cameron Mine, Or., 69. 
 Campbell, P. L., Monmouth, Or., 
 259, 260. 
 Canadian Pacific Ry. in B. C, 
 51 ; Lumber shipments, 65 ; 
 at Seattle, 377. 
 Canadian Pacific Ry. in Wash., 
 Canals (also see irrigation.) 
 Canal & Locks, Oregon City, 
 Or., 159. 164, 165. 
 Canal, (lumber). The Dalles, 
 Or., 268. 
 Canal ( water power ), Albany, 
 Or., 175, 177: Eugene, Or., 
 196; Harri.sburg, Or., 192; 
 Lebanon, 179, 180; Salem, 
 Or., 168 ; Silverton, Or, 187; 
 Stayton, Or., 181. 
 Candle Fish (Eulachan), 102. 
 Cannon, A. M. Spokane, 434. 
 Canoe River, B. C, 25. 
 Canyon Creek, Idaho, 483, 484, 
 Canyon County, Idaho, 507, 
 Canvon County, Idaho, Genl. 
 Description, 508, 509. 
 Canyon Mountains, Or., 207. 
 Cape Flattery, Wash., 33; fish- 
 ing, 345 ; Hshing banks. 101. 
 Cape Lookout, Or., 241. 
 Capital Lumbering Co., Win- 
 lock, Wash., 312. 
 Carbon River, Wash., 354. 
 Carbon River, Wash., coal, 91. 
 Carbonado Coal Mine, Wash., 
 Carbonate mine, Or., 70. 
 Caribou Mines, B. C, 569. 
 Carp, Oregon & Wash., 102. 
 Carpenter Creek, B. C, 583. 
 Carr, F. L. Montesano, Wash., 
 Index. — Reading Matter. 
 Caritte & Griniiell, Spokane, 
 Carrots, Skagit Co., Wash., 389. 
 Carson, J. P., Moutesano,Wash. 
 Carten, John, Idaho, 484-. 
 Carter, E. V., Ashland, Or., 21 6. 
 Carter, V. H., Ashland, Or., 210. 
 Carter, Missjulia, Portland, 140. 
 Carlin, John, Caeur d'Alene 
 Mines, 479. 
 Cascade County, Mont., gold 
 and silver output, 84. 
 Cascade Mining District, Wash., 
 Cascade Mountains. ( Also see 
 Oregon, Wash, and B. C). 
 General course, 9 ; Stampede 
 tunnel, 342 : view from Seat- 
 tle, 370 ; view from Tacoma, 
 343 ; in Wash., 73, 74. 
 Cascades, gorge and rapids, Co- 
 lumbia river, 28. 
 Cascades, locks and canal, Co- 
 lumbia River, 28, 29, 118. 
 Cascades, railroad portage, 117. 
 Cascade River, Wash., mining, 
 Cassia County, Idaho, 517; 
 gold and silver output, 78. 
 Cassia Creek, Idaho. 517. 
 Cas,sia Mines, B. C . 570. 
 Castle Rock, Lake Chelan, Wash. 
 Castle Rock, Wash., 210 ; coal, 
 92; Coal Co., 311. 
 Catfish, Oregon and Washing- 
 ton, 102. 
 Catherine Creek, Or., 286, 287. 
 Cathlamet, Wash., general de- 
 scription, 300. 
 Cattle. ( Raised in all parts of 
 Pacific Northwest ; also see 
 Cattle, Baker Co., Or., 291 ; Gil- 
 liam Co., Or., 274; Heppner, 
 Or., 271 ; Union Co., Or., 288; 
 Wasco Co., Or., 270. 
 Caufield, C. H.. Portland, 164. 
 Caviar, manufacture. 1 00, 101, 
 Cavuse, Indian War, Or., 109. 
 Ceciar Creek, Idaho. 493. 
 Cedar District Mines, Idaho, 
 Cedar Mountain Coal Mine 
 Wash., 90. 
 Celilo, Wash., 27, 28. 
 Cement, Douglas Co., Or., 208. 
 Centennial Mine, Mont., 550. 
 Center Star Mine, B. C, 584, 
 Center\-ille, Mont., 551. 
 Centralia, Wash.; description, 
 320 to 324; coal, 92; also 
 see 43. 
 Centralia, Wash., Furniture Co., 
 Centralia, Wash., Lum!)er Ex- 
 change, 323 ; also see 45; 
 CentralMine, Idaho, 486. 
 Central Lumber Co., Caldwell, 
 Idaho, 507. 
 Central School, Portland, 143. 
 Central, Wash., branch N. P. R. 
 R., 45. 
 Chadwick, S. F., Or., 466. 
 Chadwick, Stephen J., Colfax, 
 Wash., 466, 407. 
 Chamber of Commerce building, 
 Portland, 131. 
 Chapman School, Portland, 143. 
 Charles River. Wash , 325. 
 Chnrman, F. T. L., Oregon City, 
 Or., 163. 
 Chehalem Or., 250. 251. 
 Chehalem River, Or., 104 
 Chehalis, Wash., 312 to 316; 
 also see 46 ; (louring mills, 
 Chehalis, Wash., Improvement 
 Company, 314. 
 Chehalis Co.. Wash., 324, 326 ; 
 timber, 58. 
 Chehalis River, Wash., 34, 317, 
 323, 325, 326, 327, 329, 
 Chehalis Valley, Wash-, 312, 
 Chelan Falls, Wash., 453. 
 Chelan Lake, Wash. (See Lake 
 Chelan ). 
 Chelan Mines, Wash., 76. 
 Chelan River, Wash., 26, 321, 
 Chemainns, B. C, 574. 
 Cheney, Wash., 45. 430. 
 Chenoweth Park, Oakland, Or., 
 Cherries (See fruit culture.) 
 Grown successfully in nearly 
 all parts of Pacific Northwest. 
 Cherries, Oregon, 591. 
 Cherries, Walla Walla, Wash., 
 ChetcoCountv, Or., 265. 
 Chewaucan, Or., 221.223 
 Chewelah, Wa.sh., 453. 
 Chilberg Block, Olympia, 
 Wash., 337. 
 Chinese in Portland, 119 : min- 
 ers. Baker and Union C ., Or ; 
 291, 292; miners - cvcn, 
 70 ; miners, Wnshinj^i vi, 73 , 
 riots, Seattle. 366 ; 367. 
 Chlopeck Bros., fish dealers, 
 Portland, 103. 
 Chloride Hill mines, Idaho, 
 Chuckanut Bav, Puget Sound, 
 395 ; coal, 88. 
 Chuckanut Sand.stone Quarry, 
 Wash., 395, 404. 
 Citizens Bank, Fairhaven, 
 Wash.. 401. 
 Citizens Bank, Portland, 135. 
 Citizens Nat. Bank. Spckaise. 
 Citizens Nat. bank, Tacoma, 
 City ,Sav. Bank, Portland, 135. 
 City Park, Portland, 128. 
 City Park Transit Co. , Spokane, 
 City & Suburban Rv., Portland, 
 City & West Portland Park 
 Motor Co.. Portland, 147. 
 Clackamas Co., Or.: — Coal, 71 ; 
 iron at Oswego, 70, 71. 
 Clackamas River, Or., l()4, 161; 
 salmon hatcherv, 97. 
 Clallam Co., Wash, 411. 
 Clancy Hot Springs, Mont. ,444. 
 Clancy Mine, Mont., 540. 
 Clarke Co. Court House, Van- 
 couver, Wash., 30S. 
 Clarke Co., Wash., 307 to 309. 
 Clark. Miss Abigail M., Port- 
 land, 141. 
 Clark, W. A., Butte, Mont., 557. 
 Clark, W. A & Co., Butte, Mont., 
 Clark's Fork, Columbia River, 
 25, 454. 477, 525, 532, 584- 
 Thompson's Falls, 525. 
 Clatsop Beach, Or., 298 to 300. 
 Clatsop Co.. Or., 294 to 300 ; 
 coal, 71. 
 Clay ( blue point ). near KUens- 
 burg, Wash, 41 6 ; ( fire ). near 
 Ellensburg, Wash., 416; 
 Helena, Mont., 544; (pot- 
 ters ), Seattle, 381 ; ( potter's), 
 Winlock, Wash., 310 ; Yaki- 
 ma Co., Wash., 418. 
 Clearwater river, Idaho, 28, 
 495, 497, 498, 503. 
 CleElum mining district. 
 Wash.. 74. 
 CleElum river. Wash., 422. 
 CleElum. Wash., 413. 
 Climate Pacific Northwest, 9 to 
 Clinton Kelly schoi • jrtland, 
 Clover Creek, Tacon , J53. 
 Clover Creek Valley, Or., 288. 
 Cloverdale, suburb Portland, 
 Clubfoot George, Mont., 508. 
 Coad, C. G.. Dallas, Or., 255. 
 Coal : — Bellingham Bay, Wash,, 
 394, 395 ; British Columbia, 
 570; Bucoda, Wash., 335; 
 Castle Rock, Wash., 311 ; 
 Centralia, Wash, 323 ; Coos 
 Bay, Or., 266; Cowlitz Co., 
 Wash., 311 ; Douglas Co., 
 Or., 208; Ellensburgh,Wash., 
 415 ; Fairhaven, 395, 401 ; 
 Florence, Lewis Co., Wash., 
 316 ; Oilman, Wash., 377 ; 
 Hamilton, Wash., 391 ; King 
 Co., Wash.. 378 ; I-ake What- 
 com, 394 ; Lewis Co., Wash., 
 316 ; Montana, 85 ; Nanai- 
 mo, B. C, 574, 575 : Neha- 
 lem Valley, Or, 293; New 
 Whatcom, Wash., 403 ; Ore- 
 gon, 71 ; Pierce Co., Wash , 
 344; Roslyn, Wash.. 413; 
 Sand Coulee, 51 ; Seattle, 
 377 ; Skagit Co., Wash., 394, 
 395 ; Tacoma, 344 ; Tilla- 
 mook Co., Or., 240 ; Umatilla 
 Co., Or., 279 ; Wellington, B. 
 C, 574 ; Whatcom Co., Wash., 
 394, 395 ; Yakima Co., 
 Wash. 418. 
 Coal Creek, Wash., railroads, 47. 
 Coast Fork Willamette River, 
 Or., 201. 

 The Ore^onian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Coast Mountains (see Oregon.^ 
 Coast Range Mountains, gen- 
 eral course, i). 
 Cod, I'acific Northwest, 101. 
 C<enr d'Alene branch, U. P. R. 
 R., +8. 
 C(tur d'Altne branch, N. P. R. 
 R., 4.'.). 
 Cd'ur d'Alene Indians, Idaho, 
 4-31.', +33. 
 CcEur d'Alene Indian Reserva- 
 tion, 4.33, 4-34., 470, 482. 
 Cfeur d'Alene City, Idaho, 49, 
 Cceur d'Alene, Idaho, farms, 
 CtEur d'Alene Lake ( see Lake 
 Cteur d'Alene ). 
 CcEur d'.Mene Lake, Fort Sher- 
 man, 434. 
 Cicur d'Alene Lake, 3 ; naviga- 
 tion, 49. 
 5<eur c\'Alene MiningCo.. 488. 
 Ctcur d'Alene Mining District, 
 description, 478 to 488, 78, 
 434, 435 ; labor troubles, 77 ; 
 railroads, 47. 
 CcEur d'Alene River, Idaho, 36, 
 49. 478. 479, 480, 482, 483, 
 48.5, 486, 487 ; navigation, 
 Coffee Creek. Or., 208. 
 Coffin, Sherman Caldwell, 
 Idaho, 491 
 Coffinau, J. Y. Chehalis, Wash., 
 Coffinan, N. B., Chehalis,Wash., 
 Cogswell, C. A. Lakeview, Or., 
 224, 225. 
 Cohn & Co., Tillamook, Or., 
 Coke : — Fairhaven, Wash., coal 
 mine, .394, 395; Hamilton, 
 Wash., 89; Taconia, 344; 
 Washington, 88 ; Wilkeson, 
 Cole & Switzer, St. Helens, Or., 
 Colfax, Wash. : — Description, 
 464 ; railroads, 46. 
 College of Idaho, Caldwell, 507. 
 College of Montana Lodge, 
 Collegiate Institute, Olynipia, 
 Wash., 337. 
 Colonial, The, Portland, 150. 
 Colorado Copper it Silver Min- 
 ing Co., Mont., 557. 
 Colton, C. H., Tillamook Co., 
 Or., 241. 
 Col'on, Wash. : — (jcnl. Descrip- 
 tion, 4-75. 
 Col. Rivei & Pug. Sound R. R., 
 47, 377. 
 Col. River & Pugf. .Sound Navi- 
 gation Co., 299. 
 Columbia Co., Or., 293. 
 Columbia Co., Wash., 460; 
 Court House, 461. 
 Columbia Falls, Mont., 532. 
 Columbia Hotel, Cathlamet, 
 Wash., 30. 
 Columbia Nat. Bank, Tacoma, 
 Columbia River Paper Co., La 
 Camas, Wash., 309. 
 Columbia River :— Description, 
 25 to 31 (also see 298, 
 425, 441, 447,454; Arrow 
 Lakes, 579 ; British Colum- 
 bia (navigation), 47, .52; 
 Cascade Locks ^^ Canal, 2H, 
 29 ; Clark's Fork. 454, 477, 
 ( also see Clark's Fork) ; Deer 
 Park, 579 ; Di.scovery, 294 ; 
 Early explorers. 107 ; fish- 
 ing industries. 9.5 to \0\ ; 
 gold mining, 73 ; in British 
 Columbia, 25, 587, 579, 586; 
 in Washington, 26.421,422; 
 jetty at mouth, 297, 298 ; 
 Little Dalles, 453 ; lower 
 river and Willamette river 
 improvements, 30 ; mouth, 
 297, 298 ; obstructions, 118; 
 painted rocks, 579 ; Priest 
 rapids, 26 ; relation to Port- 
 land, 129; Rock Island 
 rapids, 26 ; Rock rapids, 
 26 ; salmon canning, 96 to 
 lOO ; salmon output, 1892, 
 131 ; scenery. U. P. R. R. 41 ; 
 sturgeon fishing, lOO, 101 ; 
 the Cascades gorge and rapids, 
 28 ; the Dalles rapids, 28 ; 
 tide, 31 ; traffic from Port- 
 land, 117, 118; upper river 
 transijortation, 76. 
 Columbia School, Seattle, 372. 
 Columbia, (ship), 34, 294, 324. 
 Columbia it Kootenay Nav. Co., 
 B. C, 579, 587. 
 Columbia & Yakima Irrigation 
 Co., 422. 
 Colville Countv, Wash., 435 to 
 441 , 450, 94. 
 Colville Indian Reservation, 
 Wash., 453. 
 Colville Mines, Wash., 75. 
 Colville River, Wash., 453. 
 Colville Valley, Wash. : — De- 
 scription, 450, 451, ( also see 
 435. 441; railroads, 47. 
 Combe, Geo. K., Portland, 151. 
 Comet Mine, Idaho, 485. 
 Comet Mine, Mont., 546. 
 Commencement Bay, Puget 
 Sound, 340, .343. 
 Commercial Bank, Moscow, 
 Idaho, 489, 490. 
 Commercial Bank, Oregon City, 
 Or., 162. 
 Cominercial Nat. Bank, Port- 
 laud 135. 
 Commercial Nat. Bank, 
 Commercial Savings Bank, Spo- 
 kane, 441. 
 Commercial State Bank, Che- 
 halis, Wash., 314, 315. 
 Commoner, The, Colfax, Wash., 
 46 O. 
 Comox Coal Mine, B. C, 570. 
 Concentrators ( see mining.) 
 Cmconnully. Wash., 76. 
 Confederate Gulch, Mont., gold, 
 Bank, Tacoma, 
 Connaway.W. P., Independenct-, 
 Or., 249. 
 Connell, Wash., 46. 
 Connor Creek mine, Or., 69. 
 Conser, Geo., Heppiier, Or., 
 Cook's Addition, Spokane, 439. 
 Cook, Louis P., Baker City, Or., 
 Cooley, G.C. &Co., Brownsville, 
 Or., 184. 
 Coolidge, Alfred, Silverton, Or., 
 McClaine, bankers, 
 Or., 187. 
 S., Independence. 
 South Bend, 319. 
 Tillamook, Or., 
 ..,eburg & E. R. R. 
 Coolidge & 
 Silvert ju 
 Coopei, J. 
 Or., 249, 
 Cooper, T., 
 Cooper, W. H 
 Coos Bay, Or.; — Description, 
 265 to 267. (Also see 3;", 
 266) ; tl, 71 ; route from 
 Drain 202 ; route fsoiu 
 Roset )r., 206; salmon 
 Coos Ba^ 
 42, 43. 
 Coos Co., Or. :— 265 to 267; 
 Coal, 71 ; gold in black sand, 
 68 ; gold output, 69. 
 Copper : — Anaconda, Mont., 
 559 ; British Columbia, 580 ; 
 Butte, Mont., 83, 84, 548 ; 
 Josephine Co., Or., 210 ; Mon- 
 tana, 80 to 85 ; Oregon, 71 ; 
 Seven Devils di.strict, Wash., 
 Copper River, Wash., 459. 
 Coquille City, Or , 42. 
 Coquille River, Or., 32, 265, 
 266 ; salmon pack. 100. 
 Corbett, H. W., Portland, 138. 
 Corbiu, Mont., 50. 
 Corn : — Big Bend country. 
 Wash, 448 ; Dayton, Wash., 
 461 ; Medtord. Or.. 210 ; 
 Rogue River Valley, Or., 213 ; 
 Walla Walla, Wash, 458. 
 Cornelius, Col. T., 230. 
 Cornelius, Or., 230. 
 Cornucopia, Or., 287. 
 Cornucopia, Or., jnine, 291. 
 Cornwall Saw Mill, New What- 
 com, 405. 
 Corvallis, Or. : — Description, 
 260 to 262 ; carriage ami 
 wagon factory, 261 ; distance 
 from Junction City, 193 ; 
 water transportation, 118. 
 Coshow, O. P., Brownsville, Or., 
 Cosniopolis, Wash., 325, 329. 
 Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Port- 
 land, 151. 
 Cottage Grove, Or., 201. 
 Cotton. Prosser, Wash , 424. 
 Cottonwood .Butte, Idaho, 497, 
 Cottonwoo'l creek, Idaho, 498. 
 Cottonwood, Idaho, 501 to 503. 
 Coulee City, Wash., 450, 451. 
 (Also see 45, 130, 440, 448, 
 452. ) 
 Council Valley, Idaho, 507. 
Couch school, Portland, 143. 
 Covach, G H.. Portland, 104. 
 Cowan, John. Mont , HI. 
 Cow Creek, or., 20K. 
 Cowlitz Co., Wash., 300. 3()7, 
 310, 311 : coal mines. iVJ 
 Cowlitz River. Wash., 28. 31(). 
 Cowlitz River Valley, Wash.. 
 311, 312. 
 Cowichan. H. C, 57-t. 
 Cowychee Valley. Wash , -H7. 
 Cox, R. T., Pendleton. Or.. 277. 
 Craig's Mountain, Idaho, 497. 
 4.9H, 502. 
 Cranberry culture, Tillamook 
 Co., Or., 24-1 ; Ilwaco, Wash., 
 Crane, A. A., Harrison, Idaho, 
 Crane Creek Valley, Idaho, 507. 
 Crane I.ake, Wash.. 452. 
 Crater Lake, Or., 217. 
 Crater Rock. Or.. 32. 
 Crook, A. J., Clayton, Idaho, 
 Crowley, H. T., Spokane. 432. 
 Crown Paper Co., Oregon City, 
 Or.. 163. 
 Cruise Savings Uank, Helena. 
 Mont., 539. 
 Cruise, Thos., Mont., 540. 
 CrumViaker, E. S., Kendrick, 
 Idaho, 494. 
 Cumberland Mine, Mont., 84. 
 Gumming, John, Weston, Or., 
 Cunningham. Chas. ( sheep 
 king ), Pendleton and Pilot 
 Rock, Or., 279 to 282. 
 Curry Co.. Or., 265 to 267 ; 
 gold, 68, 69 ; timber, 54. 
 Curtis, Jas. F., Boise City, 
 Idaho, 480.484. 
 Curtis, Mrs.. Portland, 150. 
 Curtis, The, Portland, 150. 
 Cusiter & Davenport, Silverton, 
 Or,, 188. 
 Cusiter, Geo., Silverton, Or.. 
 Custer County, Idaho, 5 21 ; 
 mines, 78, 79. 
 Custer Mine, Idaho, 480, 484. 
 Custer Mine, Mont., 546. 
 Dairy Creek, Or , 229. 
 Dairying ( conducted iii nearly 
 all parts of Pacific North- 
 west) : — Ben ton Co., Or.. 
 262 ; Clarke Co.. Wash., 309; 
 Forest Grove. Or., 231; North 
 Yamhill, Or., 243 : Tilla- 
 mook Co., Or.. 240, 241 ; 
 Tillamook, Or.. 236 ; Uma- 
 tilla Co., or., 279 ; Washing- 
 ton Co., Or., 229; Yamhill 
 Co., Or., 246. 
 Daisy Mine. Colville country. 
 Wash., 454. 
 Dai.sy Mine, Idaho, 485, 486. 
 Dakota Quartz Lode, Mont.. 83. 
 Dallas, Geo. M.. 254. 
 Dallas, Or., 254 to 256. 
 Dallas, (Or.) City Bank. 255. 
 Dallas (Or.) Iron Works, 254. 
 Daly, Bernard, Lakeview, Or., 
 225, 226. 
 Index. — Reading Matter. 
 Daly, Marcus, Mont., 531, 555, 
 Damitio, A., Aberdeen, Wash., 
 Dandy Mine. Colville country, 
 Wash.. 454. 
 Daniel, S, M.. Scio, Or., 182. 
 Davenport, Wash., 45, 448, 
 David Stanton Mine, Mont., 
 Davis. .K. J., Mont., 550. 
 Davis. A. L., Portland, 141. 
 Davis, Theo. T,. Weston, Or., 
 283, 284. 
 Day, B. I-"., school, Seattle, 372. 
 Dayton, Or,, 118, 253. 
 Dayton, Wash, : — Description, 
 460 to 463 ; railroads, 46, 
 Dead medicine Mine, Colville 
 country. Wash,, 75, 454. 
 Decatur (U. S. warship), at Se- 
 attle, 365. 
 Deschutes River, Wash., 339, 
 Deer Creek, Or., 204. 
 Deer Lodge, Mont . 559. 
 Deer Lodge Co., Mont., 80, 84, 
 535, 558. 
 Deer Lodge Co. Court House, 
 Deer Lodge, 536. 
 Deer Lodge, Mont.. 535. 
 Deer Lodge River, 26, 454, 
 535, 558, 584. 
 Deer Lodge Valley, 535, 558. 
 Deer Park, B. C, 579. 
 Dekum Bldg., Portland, 121. 
 De Lamar Mine, Idaho, 77. 
 Demersville, Mont., 532. 
 Dempsev Lakes, Mont., 537. 
 Denny. A. A., Seattle,364, 382. 
 Denny Coal Mines, Wash., 90. 
 Denny School, Seattle 372. 
 Denton Block. Centralia,Wash., 
 Denver, Idaho. 503, 504. 
 Departure Bay, B. C, 570. 
 Derrv. Or., 256. 
 Deschutes River. Or., 28, 270. 
 DeSmet &, Cttur d' Aleue branch, 
 N. P. R. R,, 50, 51. 
 Devil's Lake country. Or., 234. 
 Dexter Horton &, Co,, bank, 
 Seattle. 382, 383. 
 Dexter Mine, Mont., 550. 
 Dillman, L. C, Spokane, 441. 
 Dillon, Mont., 48. 
 Discovery Passage, Puget Sound, 
 Distillery. Medtord, Or., 210. 
 Dix, A.' ?., Winlock, Wash., 
 Di.vie, Wash.. 46. 
 Doane, Rev. N., Portland, 141. 
 Dodge, J. P., .A.shUuid. Or., 214. 
 Dodge & Smith, Seattle, 383. 
 Dog Fish, 100. 
 Dolly Varden Mine, Or., 70, 
 Donahue, T. P., Sprague.Wash., 
 429, 430. 
 Donaldscn, F. K., Oregon City, 
 Or., 163. 
 Douglas Aline, Mont., 547. 
 Douglas Island, Alaska, 86. 
 Douglas Co., Or.: — Description, 
 207, 208 ; gold output, 69 ; 
 ■.lickel, 71. 
 Douglas Co. Bank, Roseburg, • 
 Or., 205. 
 Douglas Co. Wash., 447, 448. 
 Downing, Benj,, Spokane, 432. 
 Downing, T. W., Baker City, 
 Or., 290. 
 Drain, Or., 202. 
 Drayton Harbor, Puget Sound, 
 Dream Gulch, Idaho, 487, 488. 
 Drumheller, D. M., Davenport, 
 Wash., 4F0. 
 DrumLummon Mine, Mont.. 
 50, 84, 543, 546, 547, 548. 
 Druinmond, Mont., 50 ; general 
 description, .533. 
 Dry Dock.Esiiuimalt, B. C.,573. 
 Dry Dock. see Tacoiiia. 
 Dryer, Thos. J.. Portland, 111. 
 Drv.sdale. Daniel, Blaine, Wash., 
 Dry.sdale's salmon canneries, 
 Blaine. Wash., 407 to 409 
 Dudley Junction, Wash., 4(5. 
 Dugan, E. O., Butte, Mont., 
 nr.'i nr. 
 Dumax Plains, Idaho, 502. 
 Duncan Mines. 15. C. 587. 
 Dundee, Or,, 40. 
 Dunsdale, T. J. ( hi.story Vigi- 
 lantes, Montaim), Mont .5(53. 
 Dunsmore, B. C, 52. 
 Durachter, Ernest, Roslyn, 
 Wash., 413. 
 Durham coal mines. Wash., 90. 
 Duwamish Indians, 365. 
 Duwamish River. Wash., 34. 
 Dyer, R. B., South Bend, Wash., 
 Eagle Block, Spokane. 437. 
 Eagle Creek, Idaho, 480, 487. 
 Eagle Mine, Wash., 454. 
 Eagle No. 1 , Mine, Or., 292. 
 F;ag!e Woolen Mills, Browns- 
 ville, Or., 185. 
 Eagle Woolen Mills, .store, Port- 
 land, 185. 
 Eakin, S, B., Eugene, 197. 
 East Colusa Mine, Mont., 556. 
 F;ast Cottage Grove, Or.. 201, 
 Eastern Oregon Mining Bureau, 
 Baker City, 290. 
 East Helena, .Mont., 543. 
 East Fork Mines, Idaho, 79. 
 East Kootenay, B. C, 25, 578. 
 East Oregonian, Pendleton, Or., 
 East Portland, Portland, 113, 
 East Rock Canal, Idaho, 517, 
 East Side Ry., Oregon City, Or., 
 East Side Ry., Portland, 113, 
 East Wellington collieries, B. 
 C, 570. 
 East and West Gray Rocks 
 Mine, Mont., 556. 
 ■ :.. '■■ 
 ! 1 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Ebertran, Win., Tillamook Or., 
 Ebennan, R. L., Seasick, Or., 
 Ebey, Col. I. N., Olympia. 
 Wash., 336 
 Edison Klec. Ilium. Co., Spo- 
 kane, 438, 4.4.0. 
 Edison Sav. Bank, Tacoma, 
 Edison Srhool, Spokane, 442. 
 Edison suburb, Tacoma, 345, 
 349, 350. 
 Ediz Point light house. Wash., 
 Edwards, Jesse. Newberg, Or., 
 Edwards, Weiner & Clark, Port- 
 land, 150. 
 . „an, Mont., 532. 
 Eggs shipped from Oakland, 
 Or., 203. 
 Egypt Mines, Wash., 450. 
 Eldorado Bar, iMmt., 85, 544. 
 Eldredge, Hugh, N.°wWhatconi, 
 Wash., 403. 
 Electrical development, Oregon 
 City, Or., 163, 164. 
 Electric power, Willamette 
 falls, Oregon Citv. 158 to 
 Electrical development, Spo- 
 kane river. ( See Spokane. ) 
 Eleventh St. Cable Road, Taco- 
 ma, 3+5. 
 Elgin, Or., 41. 285, 286. 
 Elk City, Idaho, 77. 499, 
 Elk Creek, Or., 202. 
 Elk Horn Mine, Idaho, 521. 
 Elk Horn Mines, Mo;it., 50, 84. 
 Elk Horn Mine, Or, 'J92. 
 Elk River, Wash., 340. 
 Ellensburgh, Wash., 413 to 
 416, 74. 
 Elliot Bay, Puget Sound, 341. 
 364, 370. 
 Elliot, Simon G.. 38 
 Ellis, M. M., Dallas, Or., 255. 
 Pi;sburv, Geo. H., Centra!'a, 
 Wash.. 323, 324. 
 Klma, Wa.sh., 340. 
 Elmendorf, F. E,, Spokane, 44(5. 
 Elmore Co., Idaho. 78,517, 
 Emerson School, Spokane, 442. 
 Emerson School, I'aci.nm, 350. 
 Empire City, Or. 266. 
 Empire Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Empire Mine, Mont., 84. 
 Empire, Mont., 548. 
 I'Insor Institute, Portland, 155, 
 Eiitrito River, Wash., 26. 
 Ivsplanade Coal Miiie.H. (^,574. 
 B. C. 
 temperaturc, 16. 
 Nanaimo Ry., B. 
 , 573, 574. 
 Fred, Davenport, 
 tation, 1(> ; 
 F)s(|uimalt & 
 C, 52, 572 
 Essig, Dr. N. 
 Wash., 450. 
 Estill, J. W., Montana, 534. 
 Eugene, Or,, 194 to 20O ; also 
 see 32, 118. 
 . i,ulachan ( candle fish ), 102. 
 E;;rcka Junction, Wash., 47. 
 Eureka Mine, Mont., 545. 
 Flureka Sandstone Co., Tacoma 
 and Tenino, 353, 354. 
 Evening Mine, Idaho, 486, 
 Everett, Wash., 385, 386 ; also 
 sec 47, 377, 411, 
 Everett & Monte Cristo R. R,, 
 Wash., 48, 74, 377, 385, 388. 
 EvereLt, Port Angeles & Pac. R. 
 R., 411. 
 Excelsior Mine, Wash., 454. 
 Exchange Nat. Bank, Spokane, 
 Failing, Henry, Portland. 138. 
 Failing School, Portland, 143. 
 Fairhaven, Wash., 396 to 401. 
 Fairhaven Foundry & Machine 
 Co., 401. 
 Fairhaven Land Co., 393, 398. 
 Fairhaven Land Co's sawmill. 
 New Whatcom. Wash.. 40.'=. 
 Fairhaven (Wash.,) Nat. Bank, 
 Fail haven & New Whatcom 
 Elec. Ry., 395,400 403. 
 Fairhaven ( Wash. ) & Southern 
 R R., 398, 399, 400. ( Also 
 see Fairhaven and New 
 Whatcom ). 
 Fairweather, W. M.. Mont., 81. 
 F'ancy Gulc'i. Idaho, 488. 
 Farmers' Bank, Weston, Or., 28. T. 
 Farmers' Friend Canal, Idaho, 
 Farmers Ik. Merchants' Ins. Co., 
 Albany, Or., 178. 
 Farmington branch N. P. R. R.. 
 Farmington, V/ash,, 468 ; also 
 see 45. 46. 
 Farnsworth, O. R., Heppner, 
 Or., 272. 
 Father Demers (Jesuit ) 453. 
 Father De Smet, 526, 530. 
 Father Joset, 432, 43.'V 
 Kather Ravalli, Mont., 530. 
 Faulkner, L. C.,Chehalis,Wash., 
 31 4. 
 I'ay Templeton Mine, Idaho. 
 Fearnside, G.W., Tillamook, Or., 
 Fergus Co., Mont., ijold and 
 silver output, 84. 
 Ferguson, K. C. Snohomish, 
 Wash.. 386, 387. 
 Ferguson, James F. Baker City, 
 Or., 290. 
 Fernald, Walter, Baker City, 
 Or., 290. 
 Fernwood School, Portland, 
 Fidalgo I.s'.uul, Puget .Sound, 
 39(), 391. 
 Fidelity Trust Co.. Tacoina,3r) 1 . 
 Fields, .Ingh, (iotdendale, Wash. 
 Fig."., Medford, Or,, 210 ; in 
 Oregon, 591. 
 Filkins Bank. Co., Seattle, 382. 
 Finlay, Francoi.s, Mont., 535. 
 First Nat. Bank, Albany, Or., 
 First National Bank, Baker City, 
 Or., 2C0. 
 First Nat. Bank, Butte, Mont.. 
 First Nat. Bank, Centraliii, 
 Wash., 322. 
 Fir.st National Bank, Cheney. 
 Wash., 430. 
 First National Bank, Chehalis, 
 Wash., 314, 315. 
 Firs^t National Bank o. E. Port- 
 land. Portland, 135. 
 F'irst Nat. Bank, Eugene, Or.. 
 First Nat. Bank, Fairhaven, 
 Wash.. 401. 
 First Nat. Bank, Goldendale, 
 Wash., 310. 
 First Nat. Bank, Helena, Mont.. 
 First National Bank, Heppnt-r. 
 Or., 271, 272. 
 First Nat Bank, Hillsboro, Or , 
 First Nat. Bank, Independence. 
 Or, 249. 
 First Nat. Bank Kendrick, Ida- 
 ho, 493. 
 First National Bank, McMinn- 
 ville. Or , 246. 
 First Nat. Bank, Missoula. Mont. 
 First. Nat. Bank, Montesatio, 
 Wash., 328. 
 First Nat. Bank, Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 389, 
 First Nat. Bank, CMympia, 
 W^-ish., 337, 338. 
 First Nat. Bank, Portland. 138. 
 I'.i-i National Bank Building. 
 PuvalUip, Wash.. 356. 
 First' Nat Bank, .Seattle 382. 
 First Nat. Bank, Spokane, 436. 
 Fir (timber). 54, 5,5. 
 I'ish Creek, B. C, 579. 
 F i s h i n g Industries Pacific 
 Northwest, 95 to 104 ; out 
 put, 7 ; output. B. C. 8, 
 Fishing (also see salmon); As- 
 toria, or., 294 lo 297; Blaine, 
 Wash., 407; British Colum- 
 bia, .'"ii71 ; Cape Flattery, 
 ;{45 ; Cav>e Lookout U.iy,t)r.. 
 242 ; Cathlamet, Wash.. 306; 
 Columbia river, 9!J to lOl : 
 Coos Bay, Or., 2(>7 ; llwnco. 
 Wash., 302 ; Kalama, Wash.. 
 306 ; Klamath Co.. Or., 218 ; 
 Near Roseburg. Or, 204; 
 Puget Sound, 345, 381 ; Seat- 
 tle, 381 ; Semiahmoo, Wash., 
 407, 408, 409 ; Tillamook 
 B.iy, Or., (see Tillamook it 
 Tillamook Co.) ; Washing- 
 ton Coast, 3-t5 ; Wilson Riv- 
 er, Or., 234: Vatiuiua Bay, 
 Or., 264. 
 F i s h i n g (pleasure) ; ( also 
 see trout fishing ) : Cocur 
 d'Aleue, Idaho, 481 ; Deer 
 Lodge, Mont., 537 ; Flathead 
 Lake. Mont., 532 ; Hailey, 
 Idaho, 520 ; Kootenay River, 
 B, C, 579; Lake Whatcom, 
 Wash., 404 ; Near Hoquiam, 
Index. — Reading- Matter. 
 Wash., 334; Necanicum Riv- 
 er, Or, 279- Pacific Park, 
 Wash., 304; Pen d'Oreille, 
 Idaho, 497; Ratlidrum, 
 Idaho, 477; Rimini. Mont., 
 545; Silver Lake, Wash., 311 ; 
 Thompson Fa'.ls, Idaho, 525; 
 Vancouver Island, H. C. 573; 
 White River, Wash.. 412 ; 
 Winlock, Wash., 312; Yam- 
 hill Co., Or., 248. 
 Fish Oil, British Columbia, 571. 
 Flf.thead Indians, 527, 530. 
 Flathead Indian Reservation, 
 Mont. 531. 532, 53o. 
 Flatb.ad Lake, Mont., 532, 3G. 
 Flathead River, Mont., 532. 
 Flathead Valley, Mont., 527. 
 Flathead Valley, Mont., genl. 
 description, 531 to 533. 
 Flax: — Camas Prairie, Idaho, 
 'ii)8; Mu-scow, Idaho, 489; 
 Pullman, Wa-\, 473; Whit- 
 man Co., Wash. 41^7. 
 Fleming & Ayers ('\imber 
 mills), Ballard, Wash., 38-., 
 Flinn, L., Albany. Or., 176. 
 Flint Creek Mines, Mo'it., .534. 
 Flint Creek Valley, Mont.. 533, 
 Flint, S. C Rosehurji, Or.. 205. 
 Florence Coal Min'-s. Wash., 
 320, 323. 
 Florence, Idaho. 77. 
 riorcnce Mines, Idaho, 404, 
 Flour : —Albany, Or,, 175; 
 A.shland, Or,, 21 r> ; Blackfoot, 
 Idaho, 523 ; Boise City, Idaho, 
 511 ; Brownsville, Or., 183, 
 185; Cheney, Wash., 430 ; 
 Chehalis, Wash., 315 ; Col- 
 fax Wash., 4t>() ; Corvallis, 
 Or., 2<U ; Cottc>nwoo<l. Idaho, 
 502 ; Dallas, Or,, 254 ; Dav- 
 enport. Wash., -t49 ; Dayton, 
 Wash., 4(51 ; East Cottase 
 (irove, Or., 201 ; I^lleiishurgh, 
 Wash., 415 ; Kugene, Or , 
 195; I'armington, Wash., 
 4(58; Forest Grove, Or., 230; 
 Garfield. Wash,. 408 ; Gold- 
 endale, Wash.. 309 ; Grange- 
 ville, Idaho, .501 ; Heppnir, 
 Or.. 271 ; Hlllsboro, Or,, 227; 
 Idaho Falls, Idaho, 523; In- 
 dependence, Or. 249 ; Jeflfer- 
 soii, Or., 174 ; Junction City, 
 Or., 194; Kendrick, Idaho, 
 493 ; Lafayette, Or., 252 ; La 
 Grande, Or , 28.5 ; Lakevievv, 
 Or., 223; Lebanon. Or., 179 ; 
 Levviston, Idaho, 490 ; Mc- 
 MinnvtUe, Or.. 24.5 : Mcdford 
 Or., 210 ; Milton, Or,, 284 ; 
 Mt. Idaho, Idaho, 504 ; New- 
 berg. Or , 250 Oakcsdale, 
 Wash., 409; Oakland, Or.. 
 204 ; Ocosta, Wa^H 334 ; 
 Oregon City. Or,, 103; Pa- 
 louse. Wash., 471 ; Pendle- 
 ton, Or., 275 ; I'omerov. 
 Wash., 464; Portland, 130; 
 Prosser, Wash., 425 ; Ritz- 
 ville, Wash., 426 , Roseburg, 
 Or., 205 ; Salem, Or., 168; 
 Scio, Or., 182 ; Sheridan, Or., 
 25!-'.; Silverton, Or., 186; 
 ' pokane, 4 38; Sprague, 
 Wash., 428 ; Stavton, Or., 
 181 ; Tacoir.a, 344. 347 ; 
 The Dalles, Or., 268 ; Union 
 Or.. 287 ; Waitsburg, Wash., 
 459; Walla Walla, Wash., 456, 
 457, 458 ; Weiser, Idaho, 
 505 ; Wilbur, Wash., 450. 
 Flux fur smelters, 93, 94 
 '■oley, J. E., La Grande, Or.. 
 Forbes & Breeden Building, 
 Portland, 121. 
 Forest Grove, Or., gen. descrip- 
 tion, 230 to 232. 
 Forest Grove to Tillamook, Or., 
 stage ride, 232 to 235. 
 Forests. ( See timber). 
 Formosa Mines, Idaho. 485. 
 Fort Benton, Mont,, 38, 49, 51, 
 82, 432. 
 Fort Hall Indian Reservation, 
 Idaho, 517, 522, 523. 
 Fort Klamath, Or,, 218. 
 Fort Missoula, Mont., 530. 
 Fori Nisqually. Wash., 345. 
 Fort Owen, Mont., 530. 
 Fort Shepherd, B. C. 25, 584. 
 Fort Shepherd & Nelson Ry., B. 
 C, 586, 
 Fort Sherman, Idaho, 434, 
 Fort Steilacoom, Wash., 345. 
 Fort Stevens, Or.. 298. 
 Fort Vancouver, Wash., .307 to 
 309 ; also see 108, 14(>. 
 Fort Victoria, B. C, 568. 
 Fort Walla Walla, Wash., 457. 
 Ko>irth-of-July Canyon, Ida,, 51 . 
 l-'ox, A. T., Sumner, Wash. ,362. 
 Franklin Co., Wash., 425, 447. 
 Franklin, Idaho, 48. 
 Franklin Market, Portland, 156. 
 Frankhn School, Spokane, 442. 
 Frankl-n, Wash., (coal mines), 
 377, ), 47. 
 Eraser Kiver, B. C, 569, 571, 
 57 ~. 578 ; salmon, 99, 407 
 t( K)9. 
 Free Thinker Mine, Or., 291 . 
 Fremont Co., Idaho, 51 7. 
 Fremont i suburb), Seattle, 369. 
 French Prairie, Or., 173 
 Front St. Cable Rv. Co., Seattle, 
 Fruit C\iUure ; — Adams Co., 
 Wash.. 426; Amity, Or., 258; 
 Ashland, Or., 215; Baker '^o., 
 or., 291; Benton Co., )r., 
 263; Big Bend counl.-y, 
 Waih., 448, 449; Bitter Root 
 Valley, Mont., 526; Camas 
 Prairie, Idaho, 498; Canyon 
 Co., Idaho, 509 ; Chehalem 
 Valley, Or,, 250; Clarke Co , 
 Wash., 308, 309; Columbia 
 River Vallev, Wash., 445; 
 Colville, Wash., 455 ; Coos 
 Hav, Or., 266; Dallas, Or., 
 254; Dayton, Or., 253; Deer 
 Lodge Valley, Mont., 536; 
 Douglas Co., Or., 208; Ellens- 
 burgh, Wash., 414; Flathead 
 Valley, Mont., 532; Forest 
 Grove, Or., 231 ; Grant's 
 Pass, Or., 209; Hood River 
 Valley, Or., 267, 268; Horse 
 Plains, Mont., 526; Independ- 
 ence, Or., 249; Jackson Co., 
 Or.. 213; Jefferson, Or,, 174; 
 Josephine Co., Or., 209; 
 Klickitat Vallev, Wash., 310; 
 Lafayette, Or., 252 ; La 
 Grande, Or., 284; Lane Co., 
 Or., 200, 201 ; Lewis Co., 
 Wash., 316; Lewiston, Idaho, 
 495; Linn Co., Or., 179; Med- 
 ford. Or., 210; Milton, Or., 
 284; Milton Valley, Or.. 279; 
 Newberg, Or., 251 ; North 
 Yamhill, Or., 243; Oakland, 
 Or., 203. 204; in Oregon, 
 588 to 593; Palou.se, Wash., 
 472; Polk Co., Or,, 257; Pot- 
 latch country, Idaho, 493; 
 Prosser, Wash., 424; Puyal- 
 Inp, Wash., 356, 357; Puyai- 
 lup Valley, Wash., 362; 
 Ra( hdrum, Idaho, 476; Rogue 
 Ri\ ?r Valley, Or., 213; near 
 Rospb\irg, Or., 206; Salem, 
 Or., 179; Silverton, Or., 188; 
 Snake River Vallev, Wash., 
 445; Stuck Valley, Wash., 
 362; Teko'i, Wash., 470; The 
 Dalles, Or., 269; Tillamook 
 Co., Or., 240; Touchet Val- 
 ley, Wash., 459; Umatilla 
 Co., Or., 279; Union Co., Or., 
 288; Walla Walla Co., Wash., 
 458; Wasco Co., Or., 270; 
 Washington Co., Or., 229; 
 Weiser, Idaho, .506; Weiser 
 Vallev, Idaho, 507; Whitman 
 Co., vVash., 467; White Riv- 
 er Vallev, Wash., 363; Wil- 
 lamette Valley, Or., 105; 
 Wood River Valley, Idaho, 
 518; Yakima Valley, Wash., 
 417, 418. 421, 423, 424; 
 Yaml ill Co., Or., 248; Ya- 
 quina Bay, Or., 264. 
 Fruit, first shipment from Port- 
 land, 111. 
 Fr\iit Insect Pest, 593. 
 Fruit frees, Woodburn, Or., 165. 
 Fulton & Bell, Dallas, Or., 256. 
 Fulton School, Portland, 143. 
 Fulton Tannery, Portland, 154. 
 Funk, I. A., Moscow, Idaho, 490. 
 Furs, British Columbia, 571. 
 Gagnon Mine, Mont., 557. 
 Gaines, J, W., Scio, 182. 
 Galena. ( See lead.) 
 Gales City, Or., 232. 
 Gales Creek, Or., 229. 
 Gallagher, Jack, Mont., 
 Gallatin Co.. Mont., 84. 
 Gallatin Valley, Mont., 49, 551. 
 Or., 247. 
 Garfield Co 
 ing. 73. 
 Garfield, Wash.. 467, 468. 
 Garibaldi, Or., 242. 
 Garland, S.M., Lebanon, Or., 181 
 Wra., McMinnville, 
 Wash., 463 ; min- 
 The Ovegonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Garrison, Mont , nsf). (Also see 
 48, 50, 551.1 
 Gate City. Wash., 4.5. 
 Gates Shinple Mill, Chehalis, 
 Wash., ;U5. 
 (>auU, K. B., Moscow, Idaho, 
 Gazette, The (Newspaper), 
 Colfax, Wash., 460. 
 Gearhart Park, Dr., iiOlt. 
 George, M. C, lil»7. 
 Gem Drug Store, Chehalis, 
 Wash., 314. 
 Gem, Idaho, 485. 
 Gem Mine, Idaho, 480, 485. 
 Genesee, branch N. V. R. K.,45. 
 Genesee, Idaho, 47G. (Also see 
 Genesee Mine, Mont., 547. 
 Geneva Mineral Water, Port- 
 land, 156, 157. 
 German American Rank, Taco- 
 ma, 351. 
 Gervais, Or., 166. 
 Gettysburg Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Gevser Falls, Kootenay River, 
 B. C, 580. 
 Gilbert, A.T., Kendrick, Idaho, 
 Gilbert, 1'". N., Kendrick, Idaho, 
 Gilchrist, Chas., Centralia, 
 Wash., 822. 
 Gilkey, H. I,., Montesano.Wash. 
 Gilliam Co.. Or., 274. 
 Ciilman, Wash, (coal), 89, 90, 
 377, 45. 
 Glacial drift. Wash., 89. 
 Gladstone, suburb, Oregon City, 
 Or., 161, 
 Glenn's Ferrj-, Idaho, 518. 
 Gloster, Mont., mines, 84, 584. 
 Glover, J. N., Spokane, 432, 
 Goble, Or., 42, 70. 
 Godfrey, O. F , Roseburg, Or., 
 Gold Beach, Or., 265. 
 Gold. ( Also see mining ). Ash- 
 land, Or., 215; assay office, 
 Boise City, Idaho, 511 ; Baker 
 City, Or., 289 ; Baker and 
 Union counties. Or., 291,292; 
 Butte, Mont,, 548 to 558 ; 
 Coos Bay, Or., 266, 267 ; 
 Douglas Co., Or., 208 ; early 
 shipments from Portland, 111 ; 
 Florence, Idaho, 494; 
 Green river country, Wash., 
 312 ; Helena, Mont., 537 to 
 545; in British Colunibi!i,569; 
 in Idaho, 77 to 80 ; in Mon- 
 tana, 80 to 85 ; in Oregon, 67 
 to 70, 114; in Washington, 
 72 to 77 ; Jackson Co., Or., 
 213; Jacksonville, Or., 212; 
 Josephine Co., Or, 209, 210 ; 
 Kalama river. Wash., 307 ; 
 l.ane Co., Oregon, 200 ; Last 
 Chance Gulch, Mont., 537, 
 538 ; Montana output, 84 ; 
 Murray. Idaho, 486, 487, 
 488 ; Oro Fino, Idaho, 494 ; 
 output Tacoma smelter, 344 ; 
 Pechastin district. Wash. ,415; 
 Salmon river, B. C, 584 ; 
 Sheep creek, B C, 585 ; Sil- 
 ver creek, Mont., 54(i> ; Sil- 
 ver Bow creek. Mont.. 549 ; 
 Similkimeen river, B. C, 75 ; 
 Swauk district. Wash,, 41.'"); 
 Thompson Falls, Mont., 525 ; 
 West Kootenay, B. C, 436. 
 ( .\IsoseeC(tur"d'Alcue mines, 
 Kootenay mining district and 
 Montana ). 
 Cold Creek, Mont., 80, 82. 
 Golden Chest Mijie, Idaho, 487. 
 Goldendale, Wash., 309, 310. 
 Golden Kagle Mine, Or,, 291. 
 Golden King Mine, Idaho, 487. 
 Golden Rule Hotel, Pendleton, 
 Or., 277, 278. 
 (iolden. Wash., 52, 76. 
 Gold Hill, Or., iron, 71. 
 Gold Mountains, B. C, 578, 
 Gold Ridge Mining Co., Or., 
 Goldstone S: Wa.x, Cottonwood, 
 Idaho, 502, 503. 
 Gonnaga College, Spokane, 443. 
 Goode, II. W., Portland. 164. 
 (ioodnough Block, Portland. 
 Good Friday Mine, Mont., 545. 
 Goose Creek, Idaho, 517. 
 Goose Lake. Or., 221, 36. 
 Goose Lake Valley, Or., 221. 
 Gordon, A. W.,Ke>'.drick, Idaho, 
 Gorkow, Rudolph, Mine, Salmon 
 River, B. C, 584. 
 Gorlier, J. M., Portland, 151. 
 Gowey, John F., Olympia, 
 Wash., 338. 
 Grace Seminary, Centralia, 
 Wash., 322. 
 Grain. ( See wheat. ) 
 Grand Central Hotel, Portland, 
 Grand Ronde river, Or., 28, 
 285, 287, 288. 
 Grand Ronde River Valley, Or., 
 284 to 288. (Also s"ee La 
 Grande, Union and Union Co., 
 Granite Block, Spokane, 436. 
 Granite Co., Mont., 534. 
 Granite Ledges, Ashland, Or., 
 Granite Mine, Idaho, 480, 484, 
 Granite. Mont., 533, 534. 
 Granite Mine, Mont., 84, 533, 
 Granite Mountain Mining Co., 
 Mont., 534. 
 (irantCo., (ir., mines, 70, 67. 
 Grant's Pa.s-s, Or., 208, 209. 
 Grant'F Station, Or., 309. 
 Grant Street Klec. Ry. Co., Se- 
 attle, 369. 
 Grapes : — ( Also see fruit cul- 
 ture. ) Josephine Co., Or., 
 209; Medford, Or. (near), 
 210 ; Oregon, 592 ; Rogue 
 Rivei Vallev, Or., 213 ; Snake 
 River Valley, Idaho, 495 ; 
 Walla Walla Co., V/ash., 45.S; 
 Wasco Co.. Or., 270 ; Whit 
 man Co., Wash., 467 ; Vaki 
 ma Co., Wash., 417 ; Yakima 
 Vailey,Wash., 421, 423. 42 1 
 (iraphite, near Ivllensburgli. 
 Wash., 415. 
 Grangcille, Idaho, genl. de- 
 .-.cription 497, 500 to 502. 
 Grasshopper Creek, Mont. 77, 
 81, 82. 
 Grave Creek, Idaho. 498. 
 Grav, Capt. Robert ( ship Co 
 lumbii ), 34, 294, 324. 
 Gray, Junes B, Sprague, Wash., 
 Gray's Harbor Com. Co., Cos- 
 mopolis, Wash., 329. 
 Grav's Harbor country. Wash., 
 ( description ), 324 to 335. 
 Grav's Harbor, Wash. : — 34, 
 45, 60. 334 to 335. 
 Cirazing : — ( Also see stock 
 raising and dairying. ) Ca- 
 mas Prairie, Idaho, 499 ; Can- 
 yon Co., Idaho, .509 ; Colville, 
 Wash., 455 ; Flathead Val- 
 ley, Mont., 532 ; Klamath Co,, 
 Or., 218; Montana. 559 to 
 562 ; Umatilla Co., Or., 278 ; 
 Washington Co., Idaho, 507 ; 
 Yakima Co., Wash., 417. 
 Great Falls, Mont., 51. 
 Great Falls & Canadian Ry.,51. 
 Great Northern Rv. : — Descrip- 
 tion, 45, 46 ; at Seattle, 370, 
 377 ; completion to Spokane, 
 441 ; connection with Cana- 
 dian Pac, 51 ; in Idaho, 48 ; 
 in Montana, 49, 51 ; shops at 
 Spokane, 439, 440. 
 (ireat We.stern Canal, Idaho, 
 517, 524. 
 Green Lake School, Seattle,372. 
 Green lake, Seattle, 369. 
 Green River Mining Country, 
 Wash,, 74, 312. 
 Green Mountain Mine, Mont., 
 555, 556. 
 (irecnville. Or., 230. 
 Greig, James S., Chehalis, 
 Wash., 315. 
 Gregory Mine, Mont., 546. 
 Gregsen Hot Springs, Mont., 
 Griffitts, Thos. C, Spokane, 
 443, 444. 
 Grimes, K. M.. Seaside, Or.,3O0. 
 Grimes House, Seaside, Or., 300. 
 Grunter Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Guarantee Loan & Trust Co., 
 Seattle, 382. 
 Gubser, D., Winlock, Wash., 
 Gulf of Georgia, 33, 569, 571, 
 572, 579. (Also see Straits 
 of Georgia.) 
 Hadley, C. B., Tillamook, Or., 
 Haggin, J. B., Mont., 83. 
 H a h n ' s terminal warehouse, 
 Portland, 120. 
 Hailcy. Idaho. 519, 520. 
 Hailey (Idaho), Hot Springs Ho- 
 tel, 520, 521. 
Haines, W. \V. & Co., Kngene, 
 Or., 1<)5, 19(>. 
 Hale's Passage, Pitget Soiind, 
 Halibut (also see Fishing;.) — 
 British Colunihia. 571 : caught 
 oft" Cape Flattery, Wash., .-5+5; 
 Pacific Northwest. 1()1. 
 Halloran, P., Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 390. 
 Hr.ispv, Or. 191. 191.'. 
 Halsteaci. Or., 260. 
 Hamilton BUIg.. Portland, 121. 
 Hamilton, Mont,, 531. 
 Hamilton & Palm, Medford.Or., 
 Hamilton, Wash., 391 . 88. 
 Hammerton's Inlet, Pnget 
 Sound, 340. 
 Hammond, Arthur, Pendleton, 
 Or., 277. 
 Hangman's Creek, Wash., 4-33. 
 Hannaford Creek, Wash., 324. 
 Hanna, Jno. W.. Seattle, 373, 
 Hanson, Chas.. Tacoma. 61, 
 Hanson, Henrv, Centrali.-i, 
 Wash, 321. 
 Hanthorn, J. C, Astoria, Or., 
 29G, 297. 
 Hanthorn, J. O. & Co. 's salmon 
 cannerv, Astoria. 296, 297. 
 Harney River Valley, Or.. 293. 
 Harris, Dan., Pairhaven, Wash., 
 Harris. Floyd, Mine, Mont. ,556. 
 Harrisburg. Or., 192. 
 Harrison, Mont., 5(). 
 Harrison School, Portland, 14-3. 
 Hastie Lumber Co., Puvallup, 
 Wash., 357 
 Hattabaugh, I. C, Moscow, 
 Idaho, +89, +90. 
 Hauser, June. Idaho, 49. 
 Hauser, Samuel T., Mont., 83. 
 Hanser Mine, Mont., 5+6. 
 Hauswirth, T., North Yamhill, 
 Or., 24+. 
 Hawley, J. H., Monmouth, Or., 
 Hawley, W. H., Independence, 
 Or., 249. 
 Hay : — ( Raised in nearly all 
 parts of the Pacific North- 
 west. ) Camas Prairie, Idaho. 
 500 ; Chehnlis Co., Wash., 
 327 ; Colville Vallev, Wash., 
 +35, 453 ; E 1 1 e n sb u r g h, 
 Wash., 414; Flathead Valley, 
 Mont., 532 ; Horse Plains, 
 Mont., 526; LaConner, 
 Wash., 390; Lewis Co., 
 Wa.sh., 316 ; Snohomish Val- 
 lev, Wash., 388 ; Walla Walla 
 Co., Wash., 458. ( See Wil- 
 Ipmettc Valley, Or. ) 
 Hecla Con.solidated M i 'i e , 
 Mont., 84. 
 Helena, Mont. : — Assay office, 
 541 ; assessment, 530 , audi- 
 torium, 54<) ; banks, 539, 
 540 ; board of trade, 544 ; 
 business blocks, .540 ; church- 
 es, 542, 543 ; city hall, 541 ; 
 /nf'j.Y. — Reading Matter. 
 clav, 545 ; court house, 540 ; 
 early history, 537, 538, 539 ; 
 fire departiiien:, 543, 544 ; 
 fires, .5 1.1 ; first gold discov- 
 ery, 537 ; general description, 
 537 to 545: granite ([uarrie^:, 
 540; hangman's tree, 538; 
 hospitals, 543 ; hot springs, 
 544 ; jail, 541 ; Last Chance 
 gulch, 537 ; Lewis it Clarke 
 Co., 537 ; libraries, 541 ; 
 mines, 545. i Also .see Ri- 
 mini, Wicks and Marysville I; 
 mining, 544; Montana club, 
 5+0 ; Mt. Helena, 537 ; nam- 
 ing citv, 538 ; natatorium, 
 5+1, 542 ; N. P. R. K., 539 ; 
 orphan asylums, 543 ; placer 
 mining, 537, 538 ; popula- 
 tion, 539 ; police, 544 ; pre- 
 cipitation, 16; Prickly Pear 
 Valley, 537 ; quartz mining, 
 538 to 545 ; race track, 542 ; 
 railroads, 539, 543 ; railroad 
 depots, 540 ; residences, 54C», 
 541 ; sapphires. 544 ; schools, 
 542 ; sheep, 5+4 ; silver ship- 
 ments, 5.'!9 ; smelting 5+3 ; 
 stock raising, 538, 5+4 ; 
 street cprs, ,") + l ; tetnin ta- 
 ture, 1(> : theater, 5+2 vigi- 
 1 Mills ."38; warehouses, 
 w liter works, 5+3. 
 H' lr> Rv, Co., 5 + 1. 
 Helci. -at. !!ank, 539. 
 Helena Rapid Transit Co . 5+1. 
 Helena Snicltini Jt Refining 
 Co., 5+3, 5+<i. 
 Helena, Boulder Vnl! v .S; Hutte 
 R. R., 50, 
 Helena & Jeffer.son Co. R. R., 
 Helena & Northern branch ' ' 
 P. R. R., 50. 
 Helena & Red Mountain Irai 
 U. P. R. V .iO. 
 Heli.x. Or., 282. 
 Hell Gate, Mont., 526. 
 Hell Gate canyon. Mont., 526. 
 Hell Gate River, Mont., 2t> 
 +54, 526, 535, 584. 
 Helm, Boone, Mont., 567, 568. 
 Hemlock tanbark, Wash., 60. 
 Hendricks, R. J., Salem, Or., 
 Hendricks, T. G., Kugene, Or., 
 Hendricks tt Eakin, Kugene, 
 Or., 197. 
 Hendry Mines, B. C, 580. 
 Hense, I'"rank, Centralia.Wash , 
 Heppner, Or , 41, 270 to 273. 
 Heppner branch V . P. Ry,, 41. 
 Heppner BniMingit Loaii Assn., 
 Herriiiitc, 1()2. 
 Hesperian, The, Portland, 151. 
 Hibernian Sav. Bank, Portland, 
 Hibler, Shore it Holdredge, 
 Scio, Or., 182. 
 Hickey Mine, Mont., 547. 
 Hides :- The Dalles, Or., 269 ; 
 Union Co., Or., 288. ( Also 
 see stock raising. ) 
 Higgins, Capt. C. P., Mont., 
 Highland, suburb Portland, 
 146, 147. 
 High Ore Mine, Mont., 556. 
 Hildermann, Geo., Mont., 565. 
 Hill, James J., 45. 224. 
 Hill, Wm. C, Boise City, Idaho, 
 Hillsdale, suburb, Portland, 147. 
 Hillsboro, Or., 227, 228. 
 Hillsboro(Or. I .Co-operative Co., 
 Hillyard, subirb, Spokane, 439, 
 Hir.schberg, H., Independence, 
 Or., 249. 
 Hoff", H. H., Montpelier, Idaho, 
 Hogan. F. J., Cottonwood, Ida- 
 ho, 503. 
 Hoge, Browntree & Co., Butte, 
 Mont., 553. 
 Hogs. ( Rai.sed in all parts of 
 Pacific Northwest ; also see 
 stock raising); Southern Ore- 
 gon, 210 ; Wasco Co., Or., 270. 
 Hogue, Geo., Chehalis, Wash., 
 Holbrook, M. L., Chehalis, 
 Wash . 31 .-. 
 HolU' la\'- .\.ddition, Portland, 
 IJ r I 149. 
 Hollulav, Ben, 230. 
 Holh day School, Portland. 143. 
 lf')l!. nd, I'.li 1)., Mont., 534. 
 Holland. Capt. J. J., 384. 
 Hdlman, Nathaniel, Dallas, Dr., 
 Lumber Co., Seattle, 
 Marcus, Seattle, 380. 
 Honey, Tdlamook Co., Or., 240. 
 Holton House, Portland, 149, 
 Hood's Canal, Puget Sound, 33. 
 He ' River, Or., 267, 268. 
 M 111 River Valley, Or., 267, 
 lope Hill, Mont., 533. 
 Hope, Idaho, 477, 478. 
 Hope Mine, Mont,, 84, 533. 
 Hope Mining Co., Mont., 83. 
 Hop Louse Spraying, 360, 361. 
 Hops and their Culture, de- 
 scription, 357 to 361. 
 Hops. ( Grown principally in 
 Puget Sound valleys and 
 Western Wash., on the irri- 
 gated lands in Eastern Wash, 
 and Or., and in the Willam- 
 ette valley. Or. ). Amity, Or., 
 258 ; Benton Co., Or., 262 ; 
 Buckley, Wash., 412; Che- 
 halis Co., Wash., 327 ; Dallas, 
 or.. 254, 255 ; Dayton, <^)r., 
 253; Harrisburg, Or., 192; 
 Independence, Or., 249 ; Jef- 
 ferson, Or,, 174; Junction 
 Citv, Or., 194; Kent, Wash., 
 363 ; La Conner, Wash. ,390 ; 
 La Grande, Or., 284; Lane 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Co., Or., 200, 201 ; Ivcvvis Co., 
 Wa.sh., 31(> ; Uiin Co., or., 
 170; Newberg, Or,, 251; 
 North Yakima, Wash., 4-25 ; 
 North Yamhill, Or., 24.3; 
 Orting.Wash., 411 ; I'olk Co.. 
 Or., 257; Prosser, Wa.sh. 
 424; Puyallup vallev. Wash., 
 341, 357 to 301, 3(52; I'uv- 
 allup. Wash., 355, 356, 357 ; 
 Skagit Co., Wash., 389, 396 ; 
 Snohomish valley. Wash., 3,S8; 
 Snoqualmie vallev, 3H8 ; 
 Stuck valley, Wasli., 362 ; 
 Sumner, Wash., 362 ; Taco- 
 ma, 344 ; Union Co., Or., 288 ; 
 Whatcom Co., Wash., 396 ; 
 White river valley. Wash., 
 363 ; Whitman Co., Wash., 
 467 ; Willamette valley. Or., 
 105 ; Yakima Co.. Wash. ,41 7 ; 
 Yakima valley, Wash., 421, 
 Hoqiiarton Prairie, Or., 235, 
 Hoquarton Slough, Or., 235. 
 Hoquiam River, Wash., 325, 
 333, 334. 
 Hoquiam, Wash., general de- 
 scription, 333, 334. 
 Hornet Valley, Idaho, 507. 
 Horse Plains, Mont., 525, 526, 
 Horses ( blooded.) : —Deer 
 Lodge, Mont., 536; Hamilton, 
 Mont., 531. 
 Horses.:— Camas Prairie, Idaho, 
 499, 501; Gilliam Co., Or., 
 274; Hepi)ner, Or., 271 ; Mon- 
 tana, 562; The Dalles, Or., 
 269; Union Co.. Or., 288. 
 (Raised in all parts of the Pa- 
 cific Northwest; also see stock 
 Hortioilture in Oregon, 588 to 
 Horliciiltiire (see fruit culture ) 
 Horton, Dexter, Seattle, ,'f82. 
 Horton, K. M., Albany. Or., 1 7<). 
 Hotel nellingham. New What- 
 com, Wash., 406. 
 Hotel C e n t r a 1 i a , Centralia, 
 Wash., 322. 
 Hotel Fairhaven, Fairhaven, 
 Wash., 400. 
 Hotel Foley, La Grande,Or.,286. 
 Hotel Holnian, Dallas,Or., 255, 
 Hotel Hoquiam, Hoquiam, 
 Wash., 334. 
 Hotel Northern. Seattle, 393 
 Hotel Olympia,Olynipin,Wash., 
 Hotel Oregon, Ashland, Or., 
 214, 215. 
 Hotel Portland, Portland, 1.24, 
 Hotel St. Elmo, Kendrick, 
 Idaho, 494. 
 Hotel Warshauer, liaker City, 
 or., 290. 
 Hotel Willapa, .South Bend, 
 Wash., 319. 
 Hot Springs :— Ashland, Or., 
 215 ; Ainsworth, li. C, 582 : 
 Boise City, Idaho, 511 ; Deer 
 Lodge, J'^ont,, 537, 544 ; 
 Gregson, l»iont., 537 ; Hailev 
 Idaho, 520, 521 ; Helena, 
 Mont., 544 ; Jefferson, Mont., 
 544; Klamath Falls, Or., 
 219; Lakeview, Or., 223; 
 Meagher Co., Mont., ,544 ; 
 Montana, 537. 
 Hot Springs Mines, B. C, 582. 
 Hovey, A. G., Kugene, Or,, 197. 
 Howard, W. M., Seattle. 366. 
 Howell Pi.iirit., Or., 173. 
 Hoyt, J. H., Seattle, 383. 
 Hoyt, Phillips & Co., Olympia, 
 Wash., 338. 
 Hud.son's Bay Co., 25, 88, 97, 
 157, 307, 345 393, 441, 
 453, 568. 572, 574. 580. 
 Hughson, Walter & Co., Spo- 
 kane, 446. 
 Hume, P., Roseburg. Or., 205. 
 Humphrey, H. C, Eugene, Or., 
 Humphreys Mountain, Or., 116. 
 Hutnptulips River, Wash., 325. 
 Hunt, Hiler H., 56. 
 Hunts. June. Wash., 47. 
 Hunt Lines, Wash. ( Wash, and 
 Col. Riv. Ry. Co.), 47. 
 Hunting:" — Cieur d'Alene, 
 Idaho, 481 ; Deer Lodge, 
 Mont., 537 ; Flathead Lake, 
 Mont., 532 ; Hailev, Idaho, 
 520; Hope, Idaho, 477; 
 Ho(iuiam, Wash., (near) 334; 
 Klamath, Or., 218; Nelson, 
 n. C, 588; Ocosta, Wash., 
 (near) ,'5'{4; Rathdnmi, Idaho, 
 1-77; Koseburtr, ()r., (near; 
 204; Wilson River country, 
 Or., 235. 
 Huntingdon. U. C, .51, 52. 
 Huntington, Or , 27, 40, 48. 
 ( Al-M see 292, 293.) 
 HuntuC.ulch. Idaho, 486. 
 Huntci. I. I)., MuUan, Idaho, 
 Hunter's Hot Springs, Mont., 
 Hyde, Aaron J, Portland, 140. 
 Hyde, Sanil. C, Spokane, 443. 
 Idaho: — Area, 8; centers of 
 population, 475 to 524 ; cen- 
 tral atid southern \.'ater 
 courses, 28 ; elevation, mean, 
 maximum and minimiiin, 10 ; 
 Indian troubles, 43.3 ; lead, 
 77 to 80 ; mine^ 77 to 80 ; 
 population. ,S ; so 21, 23; 
 State Capitol, Hoisi City,510 ; 
 State Insane Asylum,' 523 ; 
 State Penitentiars Hoise City. 
 511; "The Panhandle," 
 476 ; timber resources, (53. 
 Idahoan Mine, Idaho, .519, 
 Idaho Canal, Idaho, 517, 524. 
 Idaho Co., Idaho, 78, 49", 504, 
 Idaho Falls, Idaho. 523, 52 4-. 
 Idaho Irrigation t'i. Coloiii/ati m 
 Co., Caldwell, Idaho, 509. 
 Idaho Mine, Idaho, 4S7 
 Idaho State Odd F'ellows' Home, 
 Idaho Falls, Idaho, 53.'!. 
 Ilwaco (steamer), 301. 
 Ilwaco Rv. & Nrv. Co., 301, 
 305, 319. 
 Ilwaco, Wash., 30O, 301, 302. 
 Independence Mine, Idaho, 
 486, 521. 
 Independence, Or,, 248 to 250. 
 Independence, Or., Nat, Bank, 
 Independent Gulch, Mont., out- 
 put gold, 82. 
 Indians : — Bannocks, 522 ; 
 Hinckfrjt, 523 ; Cayuse war, 
 109 ; Co'-iUe, Wash., reserva- 
 tion, 453 ; Cteur d'Alene res- 
 ervation, 433, 434, 470, 482; 
 C(cur d'Aiene tribe, 432; dis- 
 turbances in Oregon, 157 ; 
 disturbances at Seattle, 365 ; 
 executions at Fort Steilacooni, 
 Wash., 345 ; executions on 
 Hangman's Creek, Wash, 433; 
 Flatheads, 527 ; i-latheads, 
 Mont., 530 ; Flathead reserv- 
 ation, Mont., 531, 532, 533 : 
 Fort Hall reservation, Idaho, 
 517, 522, 5'-i3 ; Klamath 
 tribe, Or., 217 ; Klickitat 
 tribe, 417 ; Medical Lake, 
 Wash., 446 ; Mission .School, 
 Spokane, 4,32 ; Nez Perces 
 reservation, 493, 497, 500 ; 
 Old Mission Landing, Idaho, 
 432 ; Palouse 'ribe, 432 ; Pen 
 d'Oreille Tribe, 432 ; Saltice 
 'Chief), 433, 434; Seattle 
 (chief,)364; Shosliones, 522 ; 
 Sinicoe, Wash., reservation, 
 417; iiwinainirth reservation 
 Wash., 390 ; trail through 
 Davenport, \Vasli.,449; trou- 
 bles, Hud.son's Hay Co 
 troubles, Mont,, 527 
 108 ; 
 tilla reservation. Or., 279 ; 
 war, F'astern Wash., 432, 
 433 ;\Vhitinan niassacre, 109; 
 Yakima reservation, 422; Ya- 
 kima tribe, 417. 
 Indian Valley, Idaho, 507. 
 Indian Valley, Or., 286, 288. 
 International Boundary, 108. 
 Iris ( iiaptha launch ), 301. 
 Iron:— Bellinghani Bav, Wash., 
 395 ; Douglas Co., (")r., 208; 
 F;ilensburgh, Wash (near), 
 415 ; Oregon, 70, 71 ; Port- 
 land ( near ), 132 ; Skagit Co., 
 Wash., 377 ; Tacoma, 344 ; 
 Western, Wash., 344; Yaki- 
 ma Co.. Wash., 418. 
 Irrigation : — Adams Co., Wash., 
 426; Baker Co., Or, 291; 
 Big Bend country, Wash. ,447; 
 Bingham Co., Idaho, .524 ; 
 Blackfoot Idaho, 523 ; Boise 
 City, Idaho, 512; Boise val- 
 ley, Idaho, 509 ; Canyon Co., 
 Idaho, 509 ; Deer Lodge val- 
 lev, Mont., 53(5 ; Ellcnsburgh, 
 Wash., 414 ; Idaho, 50(5, 516 
 to 518; Idaho Falls, Idaho. 
 524; North Yakima, Wash., 
 417 ; Oregon, Wash, and Ida- 
 ho, 24; Pasco, Wash., 425; 
 Pro.sser, Wash., 424, 425 ; 
Index. — Reading Matter. 
 :J91 ; 
 524 ; 
 ise val- 
 ■oii Co., 
 li^f val- 
 )(■>. 51(> 
 iiul Iria- 
 4.yr. ; 
 +25 ; 
 Umatilla Co.. Or., 278; 
 Wei.ser vallej'. Idaho, 506, 
 507 ; Yakima CO. ,Wa.sh., 417; 
 Yakima valley. Wash., 24, 
 41G, 419 to 424. 
 Irvingtoti School, Spokane 
 Wash., 442. 
 Irvingtoii Park, suburb, Port- 
 land, 147. 
 Isinglass, B., C, 571. 
 Ives, Geo., Mont., 504. 
 Jackson Co., Or., 67, 69,71 , 21 3. 
 Jackson, C. S., Pendleton, Or., 
 Jackson, G. M. & Co., Junction 
 City, Or., 193. 
 Jackson, G. M., Junction Citv, 
 Or, 194. 
 Jacksonville, Or., 212, 213, 43. 
 Jacobs, Matthew, Kendrick, Ida- 
 ho, 494. 
 Jacobs, E. L., Buckley, Wash., 
 Jacobs, W. E., .\shlaHd, Or.. 21 6. 
 Jaeger, J. M., Brownsville, Or., 
 Jamison Block, Spokane, 437. 
 Japan Current. 12. 
 Jeffer.son Co., Mont., H4, 546. 
 Jefferson Co., Wash., 41(). 
 Jefferson, I)e I,os, 141. 
 Jefferson Hot Springs, Mont. 
 Jefferson, Mont., .">(). 
 Jefferson, Or., 173, 174. 
 Jenkins University, Spokane, 
 Jennings, Mont., 25. 
 Jenv.ings, Wash., H8, 391. 
 Jersey Mine, Idaho. 486. 
 Jesuit Fathers : — 433. 453 ; 
 Spokane, 443 ; Montana, 526, 
 John Day River, Or., 28. 
 John Day Valley, Or., coal, 71. 
 Johns, C. A., Baker City, Or,, 
 Johns Creek. Idaho, 498. 
 Johns River, Wash., 325. 
 Johns it Rand, Baker Citv, Or., 
 John.son, A. J., Scio, Or., 182. 
 Jones, Arthur I)., Spokane, 441. 
 Jones Bros., Tillamook, Or., 238. 
 Jones, H. 1)., (stage). Forest 
 Grove, Or., 232. 
 Jordan Creek, Idaho, 78. 
 Jordan Creek, Or., 2()8. 
 Josephine Co., Or., 2()9, 21 0; 
 gold, (57, 69 ; copper, 71. 
 Josie Mine, B. C, 584, 585. 
 Juliaettp, Idaho, 44, 49, 488, 
 492, 496. 
 Jumbo Mine, Idaho, r> 
 Jumbo Mine, Wiifh., 74. 
 Junction Citv, Or., 193, 194. 
 Jute Mills, Walla Walla, Wash., 
 ( state), 457. 
 Kaintuck Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Kalama, Wash., 300, 317, 42. 
 Kalania River, Wash., 307. 
 Kallispel, Mont., 532. 
 Kamm, Jacob, Portland, 301. 
 Kangley Coal Mines, Wash., 90. 
 Kasto, B. C.: — General descrip- 
 tion, 585, 586 ; also 52, 580; 
 582, 587. 
 Kaslo Creek. B. C, 580, 582, 
 Katches River, Wash., 422. 
 Keeley Institute, Seattle, 373. 
 Keene, J., Ballard, Wash., 385. 
 Kellogg, Frank, Heppner, Dr., 
 Kelso, Wash., 310 ; coal, 92. 
 Kendrick, Idaho, 492 to 494 ; 
 also, 49. 
 Kendrick, J. W., 334. 
 Kenawa Mine, Mont., 547. 
 Kennedy Mines, Mont., 540. 
 Kennewick, Wash., 42i . 
 Keno Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Keiio, Oregon, 217. 
 Kent, Wash., 363. 
 KeiTv, A. S., sawmill, Seattle, 
 Ketchum, Id;iho, 521, 522, 48. 
 Kilches Rive.-, Or., 35. 
 Killbuck Mine, Idaho, 485. 
 Killion Junction, Wash.. 47. 
 King Co.. Wash.: — See Seattle ; 
 also, coal, 89, 90; Court House, 
 Seattle. 371 ; mining, 73, 74. 
 King Co., (Wash.) F"air Associa- 
 tion, 3r>3. 
 King's Station. Or., 181. 
 King, W. C, Tillamook Countv, 
 Or.. 241. 
 Kinnikinneck Mines. Idaho, 79. 
 Kiona, Wash., 420. 
 Kirkland (suburb), Seattle, 369. 
 Kirk, W. R., Brownsville, Or., 
 184, 185. 
 Kitsap Co., Wash., 33. 
 Kittitas Basin, Wash., 422. 
 Kittitas Co., Wash. : — Min 'S, 
 73. 74 (also 413,414,41.5, 
 Kittitas River, Wash., 422. 
 Kl "uath Basin, Or., 217. 
 K' nath Co., Or., 216 to 220. 
 Klaiiiath Falls, Or. : — General 
 description, 216 to 220, (also 
 Klamath Falls (water course), 
 Klamath Indian Reservation, 
 Or., 217. 
 Klamath Lakes (upper and low- 
 er). Or., 36, 217. 
 Klamath River, Or., 217, 218. 
 Klickitat Co , Wash., 309, 310. 
 Klickitat Indians, 365, 417. 
 Klickitat River, Wash., 309. 
 Klickitat Valley, Wash., 309, 
 Knickerbocker Mine, Idaho, 
 Knoell, Wm., Tillamook, Or., 
 Knudson, Carl P., Tillamook, 
 Or., 238. 
 Koontz & Power, Halsey, ^^Y., 
 Kootenai Co., Idaho, 63, 476. 
 Kootenay Lake, t>. C , 25, 36, 
 47. 52, 96, 441, 586, 587, 
 Kootenay Lake, Reduc. Co., B. 
 C, 580. 
 Kootenay Mine, B. C, 586. 
 Kootenay Mines, B. C, 578 to 
 96, 579, 
 River, B. C, 25, 36, 
 580, 582, 587. 
 River, 25 • Gey.ser 
 Falls, 579; Pillar Falls, 580; 
 St. Agnes Falls, 579. 
 Kremer, W. F., Portland, 156. 
 Kuro Siwo (Japan current), 12. 
 La Camas, Wash., 309. 
 La Conner, Wash., 390, 391. 
 La Crosse, Wash., 46. 
 La Creole Academy, Dallas, Or., 
 La Creole River, Or.. 254, 104. 
 Lacy, F. C, Chelmlis, Wash., 
 Lacv, G. S., Chehalis, Wash., 
 Ladd, C. E., ^ortlana, 140. 
 Ladd, W. M Portland, 140,389. 
 Ladd, W. a., Portland, 70, 134, 
 139, 382. 
 Ladd, W. S. (hydraulic dredge), 
 129, 130. 
 Ladd it Bush, Salem, Or , 172. 
 Ladd it Tilton, Portland, 139, 
 La Fayette, Or., 252, 253. 
 La Fayette (Or.) Seminary, 252. 
 La Grande, Or., 284 to 286. 
 Lake Abert, Or., 221. 
 Lake Chelan, Wash.:— Descrip- 
 tion, 451 to 453 (also 35, 
 36, 76, 96. 
 Lak- CleElum, Wash., 422. 
 Lake Cctur d'Alepe, 36, 482, 
 96, 437. 440. 
 Lake Co., Or. :— Description, 
 220 to 227; timber, 54. 
 Lake Katches, Wash., 422. 
 Lake Kitchelas, Wash., 422. 
 Lake Padden, Wash., 400. 
 Lake Pend d'Oreille,36, 63, 96, 
 Lake Sammaish, Wash., 379, 
 Lakes, Klamath Co., Or., 217, 
 Lakes, Lake Co., Or., 221, 222. 
 Lakes, Pacific Northwest, 3.5, 
 Lakes, S. W., Oregon, 90. 
 Lake Tannum, Wash., 422. 
 Lake Union, Seattle, 34. 
 Lakeview Mines, Idaho, 478. 
 Lakevicw, Or., 220 to 227. 
 Lakeview (Or.) Bank, 223. 
 Lakeview School, Spokane, 442. 
 Lake Washington Ship Canal, 
 374, 384. 
 Lake Whatcom, Wash., 88, 
 394, 395, 403,404. 
 Lambert, A. F., Davenport, 
 Wash., 450. 
 Lake Waha, Idaho, 497. 
 Lake Washington, Seattle, 34, 
 369, 370, 375. 
 Lane Co. Bank, Eugene, 197. 
 Lane Co., Or., 200, 201, 69. 
 Lane, Geo., Mont., 537. 
 Lane, Gen. Jos., 110, 141. 
 Langdon, E. W., Albany, Or., 
 The Oregontan's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Lanf^don, Geo., Moscow, Idaho, 
 La Platte Mine, Mv. .: 556. 
 Larseii House, Tiliar lok. Or., 
 Larsen, M. H., Tillamook, Or., 
 Last Chance Gulch, Mont., 81, 
 82, 537. 
 Last Chance Mine. Idaho, 480, 
 Latah Co., Idaho, 475, 489, 
 Laths, (made in most large saw- 
 mills of Oregon and Wash.) 
 Latimer, N. H., Seattle, 383. 
 Latonia Mine, Mont., 535. 
 Latonia School, Seattle, 372. 
 Latonia, .suburb, Seattle, 369. 
 Lava neds, 20. 
 Lava Rocks, Or. 70, 71. 
 Lawrence, J. O., N. Yakima, 
 Wash.. 419. 
 Lead. ( Al.so .see mining ) See 
 CoeuT d'Alene mines ; Idaho, 
 77 to 80 ; see Kootenay mines, 
 B. C; see Montana mines ; 
 output Taconia smelter, .H44 ; 
 Washington, 72 to 77. 
 Leadbetter Ditch, Yakima Co., 
 Wash., 419, 
 Leadbetter .sy.stem , canals, Yak- 
 ima valley, Wash., 420 to 422. 
 Leap-For-Life Mine, Or., 70. 
 Leather made at Kugene, Or., 
 195, 196. 
 Lebanon, Or., 179 to 180, 49. 
 Lebanon branch S. P. R. R., 39. 
 Lebanon Junction, Or., 39. 
 Ledgerwood Park, Spokane, 4.S9 
 Lee, H. P., Olympia, Wash. ,338. 
 Lee, W. S., Junction City, Or., 
 Lee Mountain Mine, Mont., 
 Leeper, C, Chehalis, Wash., 
 Le Fevre, A., Medical Lake, 
 Wash., 446. 
 Le Fevre, H. B., Puyallup, 
 Wash., 357. 
 Leghorn, J. F., Spokane. 445. 
 Leisburg, Idaho, 79. 
 Lemhi Co., Idaho, mines, 79. 
 Le Roy Mine, H. C, 584, 585. 
 Lethbridge, B. C, 52. 
 Leudinghaus Bros., Chehalis, 
 Wash., 315. 
 Lewelling, H., Milwaukie, Or., 
 Levis, H. C Portland. 164. 
 Lewis Co. Bank, Centralia, 
 Wash., 322, 
 Lewis Co., Wash., 92, 311 to 
 316, 321. 
 Lewiston Addition to Cirange- 
 ville, Idaho, 501. 
 Lewiston, Idaho :— description, 
 494 to 497 ; also .see 27, 476, 
 488, 117. 
 Lewiston Land Co., Lewiston, 
 Idaho, 501. 
 Lewis & Clarke Co., Mont.; see 
 Helena ; Court House, 540 ; 
 mining, 81, 84. 
 Lewis& Clarkeexpedition,107, 
 Lexington Mining Co., Butte., 
 Lexington Mine, Butte, Mont., 
 550, 557. 
 Lime, Bellingham Bay, Wash., 
 395 ; Colville country. Wash., 
 454 : Douglas Co., Wash., 
 208 ; Ellen.sburgh, Wash., 
 415 ; Lakeview, Or., 223 ; 
 Myer's Falls, Wash., 454 ; Or- 
 egon, 93 ; Roche Harbor, 
 Wash., 395 ; Wa.shingtcn, 92 
 to 95; Yakima Co., Wash. ,41 8. 
 Lincoln Co., Or., 263. 
 Lincoln Co., Wash., 73, 426. 
 427, 447, 448. 
 Lincoln Co. Court House, 
 Sprague, Wash., 428 
 Lincoln School, Spokane, 442. 
 Link River, i ir., 218. 
 Linkville, Or.; see Klamath 
 Linn Co., Or., description, 178, 
 179 : gold output, 69. 
 Liunton, suburb, Portland, 110. 
 Litherland, F. L., Portland,152, 
 Little Bear Creek, Mont., 493. 
 Little Chief Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Little Dalles, Wash, (town), 
 453. 586. 
 Little Dalles, rapids, Columbia 
 River, 453. 
 Little Giant Mines, Idaho, 486. 
 Little Pitt.sburfe Mines, Or., 70, 
 LogtiU Co., Idaho, 517, 518, 
 Logan", Mont., 49, 50, 551. 
 Logging :—( Also see timber). 
 Bucoda. Wash., 335 ; Cath- 
 lamet,Wash., 306 ; Centralia, 
 Wash , 323, 324 ; Chehalis 
 Co., Wash., 321 ; Clearwater, 
 Idaho, 496 , Lewis Co., Wash.. 
 321 ; Lewiston, Idaho, 496 ; 
 Ma.son Co., Wash., 340; Mt. 
 Veriion,Wash., 389; Palouse 
 river, Wash.. 466, 471 ; Pav- 
 ette, Idaho, 506 ; Shelbv, 
 Wash,, 340; SkagitCo.,VVi.sh., 
 380 ; Tillamook, Or., 236. 
 Lo Lo Canyon, Mont , 5^0. 
 London Creek, B. C, 583. 
 London & S. F. Bank, Portland, 
 London it S. F. Hank, Taconia, 
 Long Beacli, Wash., 303. 
 Long Beach (Wash.) Hotel, 303. 
 Long Block, Centralia, Wash., 
 Longfellow School, Spokane, 
 Long Prairie, Or., 235, 240. 
 Long Tom River, Or., 104. 
 Long Valley, Idaho, 508. 
 Looniis, L. A., Ilwaco, Wash., 
 Loomiston, Wash., 52, 76. 
 Loon Lake, Wash., 453, 454. 
 Lost River Mines, Idaho, 79. 
 Lost River, Or,, 218. 
 Louvre, The, Portland, 156. 
 Lovejov, A. L., Portland, 110. 
 Lownsdale, D H, Portland, 11 1 . 
 I.ownsdale Scliool, Portland. 
 Lower, B. Byron, Boise Citv. 
 Idaho. 516. 
 Luckiamntte River, Or., 104. 
 Lucretia Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Lumbering: — ( As a great in- 
 dustry confined to Western 
 Oregon, Western Washington 
 and British Columbia. Also 
 see Timber, i Industries ot 
 > 'regon, 56 ; Industries of 
 Washington, 61 t5 63 ; Aber- 
 deen, Wash. ,331 ,332; A.storia, 
 Or., 296; Baker Citv, Or., 
 288 : Ballard. Wash., 369. 
 384: Blaine , 407: Bonner. 
 Mont., 529; Buckley, Wash.. 
 411, 412; Caldwell, Idaho. 
 507; Ca.stle Rock, Wash., 311 ; 
 Catlilamet, Wash., 306 ; Cen- 
 tralia, Wash., 323 324; Che- 
 halis, Wash., 315, 317; Che- 
 halis Co., Wash , 327; Collax, 
 Wash., 466; Coos Bay, Or., 
 266; Cosmopolis, Wash. ,329; 
 Denver, Idaho, 503 ; Fair- 
 haven, Wash., 401; Grant's 
 Pa.ss, Or., 209 ; Hamilton, 
 Mont., .531; Hociuiatn,Wash., 
 334 ; Ilwaco, Wa.sh,, 302 ; 
 Kelso, Wash., 310; La Grande, 
 Or., 284 ; Lewiston, Idaho, 
 496; Missoula, Mont., 529; 
 Montesano, Wash., 327; Mt. 
 Idaho, Idaho, 504; Mt. Ver 
 non. Wash., 389; New What 
 com. Wash., 405; North Yam 
 hill. Or., 244; oulput. Pacific 
 Northwest, 7; oulput four larg- 
 est mills, Washington, 40.5 ; 
 Oriing, Wash , 411 ; Palouse, 
 Wash., 471; Portland, 131; 
 Puyallup. Wash., 357; Ralh- 
 druni, Idaho, 476; Seattle, 
 369. 379, 380, 381; ,Sedro, 
 Wash., 391 ; Skagit Co., 
 Wash., 391 ; Snoliomish. 
 Wash., 38S ; South Bend, 
 Wash,, 319; Tnconia, 340. 
 341, 344; Thompson Falls, 
 Mont., 52.5; Tillamook Co., 
 Or.. 24(); Vancouver, B. C, 
 577; Winlock, Wash., 312 
 Lummi Island, I'uget Sound, 
 Lnrline (steamer) 30(>. 
 Lyman, Horace. Portland, 141. 
 Lyons, Haze, Mont., 567, i">(>8. 
 Macintosh, C. M., Chehalis, 
 Wash , 317. 
 Maddock, John G., Goldendale, 
 Wash., 310. 
 Madison Co., Mont., gold and 
 silver output, 8.5. 
 Madison St. Bridge, Portland, 
 Madison St. Cable Ry. Co., Se- 
 attle, 369. 
 Maguire, J. H., Moscow, Idaho, 
Index. — Reading Matter. 
 Maher & Terwilliger, Portland, 
 126, 127. 
 Mahogany Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Malarkey & Co., fish dealers, 
 Portland, loa. 
 Malheur Co., Or., Mine.s, 70. 
 Malheur Lake, Or., 36. 
 Malheur River, Or., 28. 
 Mann'.s Creek Vallev, Idaho, 
 Manufacturing at:— Aberdeen, 
 Wash., 331, 332, 333; Al- 
 bany, Or., 175, 176; Aua- 
 cortes, Wash., 392; Ashland, 
 Or., 214 to 216; Astoria, Or., 
 296; Baker City, Or., 288; 
 Ballard, Wash., 369, 38+ ; 
 Blacktoot, Idaho, 523; Blaine, 
 Wash., 407; Boise City, Ida., 
 511 ; Bonner, Mont., 529 ; 
 Brownsville, Or., 183; Buckley, 
 Wash., 412; Bucoda, Wash., 
 335 ; Castle Rock, Wash., 
 311 ; Centralia, Wash., 323; 
 Chehalis, Wash., 315. 317; 
 Cheney, Wash., 430; Cf'fax, 
 Wash., 466 ; Coos Bay, Or., 
 266; Corvallis, Or., 261; Cos- 
 mopolis. Wash., 329; Cotton- 
 wood, Idaho, 502; Dallas, Or., 
 254; Davenport, Wash., 449; 
 Dayton, Wash., 461 ; Denver, 
 Idaho. 503; Drain, Or., 202; 
 East Cottage Grove, Or., 201 ; 
 EUensburgh, Wash., 41 o ; 
 Eugene, Or., 195, 196: Ev- 
 erett, Wash., 385, 386; Fair- 
 haven, Wash.. 399,400, 401; 
 Farmingtou, Wash , 468 ; 
 Forest Prove, Or., 230; Gar- 
 field, Wash., 468; Goldendale, 
 Wash., 309; Grangeville.Ida., 
 501; Grant's Pa.ss, Or , 209; 
 Harrisburg, Or., 192; Hamil- 
 ton, Mom., 531; 'leppner. 
 Or., 271; Hillsboro, Or., 227; 
 Hood River, C»r., 267; Ho- 
 quiam. Wash., 334; Idaho 
 Falls, Idaho, 523; In- 
 dependence, Or., 249; Junc- 
 tion City, Or., 194 , Ka- 
 lania. Wash., 307; Kelso, 
 Wash., 310; Kendrick, Idaho, 
 493; I<aCanias, Wash.. 309; 
 LaConner, Wa.sh., 390.391; 
 Lafayette, Or.. 252; La 
 Grande, Or., 285; Lakeview, 
 Or.. 223; Lebanon, Or., 179; 
 Lewi.ston, Idaho. 496; Marsh- 
 field, Or., 266; McMinnville, 
 Or., 245; Medford. Or., 210; 
 Milton, Or., 284; Missoula. 
 Mont.. 5 2 9; Montesano, 
 Wash., 327; Mt. Idaho, Ida- 
 ho, 504: Mt. Vernon, Wash., 
 889; MuUan. Idaho, 486; 
 Newberg, (ir., 250; New 
 Whatcom. Wash., 404, 405; 
 Oakesdale, Wash.,4u9; Oak- 
 land, Or., 204: Ocosta, 
 Wash., 334; Olvmpia, Wash., 
 338; Oregon City, Or., 15" 
 toir-..^; Palouse, Wash. 47'.; 
 Payette, Idaho, 50(»; Pendle- 
 ton, Or., 275; Portland, 132, 
 133; also 126, 130, 187,152 
 and 153; Pomeroy, Wash., 
 464; Port Townsend, Wash., 
 410; Pros.ser, Wash,. 425; 
 Puyallup, Wash., 35V; Uath- 
 drum, Idaho, 476; Ritzville. 
 Wash., 426; Roseburg, Or., 
 ■205; Roslyu, Wash., 413; 
 b.ilem. Or., 168; Scio, Or., 
 18:?; Seattle, Wash., 369, 
 379, 380, 381; Sedro, Wasn., 
 391; Sheridan, Or., 258; Sil- 
 verto.i. Or., 187; Snohomish, 
 Wasti., 388; South Bend, 
 Wash., 319, 320; Sprague, 
 Wash., 428; Spokane, Wash., 
 437, *38. 439; Staylon, Or., 
 181 ; Tacomt., 340, 341, 343, 
 344, 347, 349, 350; The 
 Dalles, 268; Thompson Falls, 
 Mont., 525; Union. Or., 287; 
 Union'own, Wash.,47.'j, Van- 
 couver, B. C, 577; Vancouver, 
 Wash., 308; Waitsburg, 
 Wash., 459, Walla W^alla, 
 Wash., 466 to 458; Weiser, 
 Idaho, 505; Weston, Or., 283; 
 Wilbur, Wa.sh., 450; Win 
 lock. Wash., 312. 
 Marble: — Colville country, 
 455; Davenport, V/ash., 
 450 ; Douglas Co., Or., 208; 
 Washington, 93 to 95 Yaki- 
 ma Co., Wa.sh., 418. 
 Marcey, H. B., Moutesano, 
 Wash., 328. 
 Marcus, Wash., 4.:;3. 
 Marion Co., Or.:— Description, 
 172 -73; population, 168. 
 Markley, Hays & Roche, Port- 
 land, 149. 
 Marquam Grand Opera House, 
 Portland, 124. 
 Marquam School, P;,rtland, 143. 
 Marshall, Tunc. Wash., 44. 
 Marshfield, Or., 42, 266, 267. 
 Martin, H. H. & Son, Centralia, 
 Wash., 323, 324. 
 Martin, H. N., Spragi'e, Wash., 
 Martin, Talleyrand, Hope, 
 Idaho, 478. 
 Marj's River, Or., 104, 175. 
 Marysville, Mont., 50, 543. 
 Marysville, Mont.:— General de- 
 scription, ,')46 to .548. 
 Mary.sville, Mont., Mines, 84. 
 Mason Co., Wash., 340. 
 Matlock, W. F., Pendleton, Or., 
 Matthiesen, John, Portland, 
 May, Charles C, Davenport, 
 Was'i., 4-.* 9, 450. 
 Mayflower Mine, Idaho, 519. 
 Maviiard, Evtrett & Co., Che- 
 \\n.\\s. Wash., 314. 
 McCallan, A., lakeview, Or., 
 McCaniman, Idaho, 48. 
 McCarver, (ienl. Matthew M., 
 Tacoma, 341. 
 McClaine, Fielding, Silverton. 
 Or., 187. 
 McClelland, Thos., Forest Grove, 
 Or., 231. 
 McConnell, W. J., Boi.se City, 
 Idaho, 513, 514. 
 McCorraick, Caot., Salmon Riv-. 
 er, B. C, 584. 
 McCowan, Mrs. S. M., Oregon 
 City, Or., 161. 
 McCune, Or., 288. 
 McDonald, W. E., New What- 
 com, Wash., 405. 
 McFarland, Fraiik, Heppner, 
 Or., 272. 
 McFarland, Homer, Heppner, 
 Or., 272. 
 McFarland Mercantile Co., Hep- 
 pner, Or., 272, 273. 
 McGilvra, J. J.. Seattle, 371. 
 McGiven, Mrs. A. C, Tacoma, 
 McGrane, Frank, Grangeville, 
 Idaho, 501. 
 McGrath House, Cathlamet, 
 Wash., 306. 
 McGuire, C. A., Seaside, Clatsop 
 Beach, Or., 300 
 McGuire House, Seaside, Clat- 
 soo Beach, Or., 300. 
 McKenny Block, Olympia, 
 Wash., 337. 
 McKenny, T. I., Olympia, 
 Wash., 337. 
 McKenzie Rise., Or., 104, 200, 
 McLean, Geo. D., Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 390. 
 McLoughlin, Dr. John, 1()8, 
 McMinnville, Or., 244 to 247. 
 McMinnville (Or.) College,246, 
 McMinnville (Or.) Nat. Bank, 
 McC. White, W. & Co., Butte, 
 Mont., 558. 
 Meadow Creek Pass, Idaho,502. 
 Meager Co., Mont,, Mining, 84. 
 Mealy, A., Chehalis, Wash., 
 Mealy-Lacy Co., Chehalis, Wash. , 
 315, 317. 
 Medlord (Or.) Hotel, 211. 
 Medford, Or., 210 to 212, (also 
 see ^-.T,; 
 Medical Lake, Wash., 446,447, 
 Medical Springs, Or., 287. 
 Meek, W . M., Milwaukie, Or., 
 Meeker, Ezra, Puyallup, Wash., 
 356, 357. 
 Meeker, Ezra & Co., Puyallup, 
 Wash., 356. 
 Meeker, Jacob R., Puyallup, 
 Wash., 357, 358. 
 MeekersJunc, Wash., 45, 361. 
 Melnor Trail, Idaho, 504. 
 Melons:— ( Also see Fruit Cul- 
 ture.) Ashland, Or., 215; 
 Josephine Co., Or., 209; Med- 
 ford, Or., ( near) 210; Rogue 
 River Valley, Or., 213; Snake 
 River Valley, Idaho, 495 ; 
 Wasco Co., Or., 270; Yakima 
 Valley, Wash., 424. 
 The Oregoniati's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Mercer School, Seattle, 372. 
 Merchants Nat. Bank, Helena, 
 Merchants Nat. Bank, Portland, 
 Merchants Nat. Bank, Seattle, 
 Merchants Nat. Bank, Tacoma, 
 Meriden Mill Co., New What- 
 com, Wash., 405. 
 Merrell, J. M., Mont., 534. 
 Mesner, P. H., North Yamhill, 
 Or., '24-1. 
 Metalline Mines, Wash., 75, 
 Metcalf, J. E., Montesano, 
 Wash., 328. 
 Methodist Mission, Early, Or., 
 Methow River, Wash , 26. 
 Met. Sav. Bank, Tacoma, 351. 
 Metzger, N. A., Winlock,Wash., 
 Miami River, Or., 35, 239 
 Michigan Lumber Co., Aber- 
 deen, Wash., 332. 
 Middle Salubria Valley, Idaho, 
 Midway School, Portland, 143. 
 Miles, B. C, Newberg, Or., 252. 
 Miller, D. H., Medford, Or.,211. 
 Miller & Briden.stine's Sawmill, 
 New Whatcom, Wash., 405. 
 Milner, E. A., Albany, Or., 178. 
 Milo Gulch, Idaho, 482. 
 Mills, D. R. and E. V., Ashland, 
 Or., 214. 
 Milton, Or., 284, 110. 
 Milton Station, Or., 293. 
 Milwaukie.Or.. 110, 111, 146. 
 Mining: (Gold, Silver, Copper 
 and Lead.) Alaska, 85, 86; 
 Anaconda, Mont., 558, 559; 
 Baker City, Or., 289; Baker 
 Co., Or., 291, 292; Bellvue, 
 Idaho, 519; Boulder, Idaho, 
 493 ; Boundary District, 
 Wash., 454; British Columbia 
 (output), 8, (also see 568 to 
 588); Butte, Mont., 548 to 
 558; Cedar District, Idaho, 
 493; Caeur d'Alene, Idaho, 
 478 to 488, (also see 434, 
 435); Colville country. Wash., 
 434, 435 ; Corbin, Mont., 
 546; Deer Lodge Co., Mont., 
 536; Ellensburgh, Wash. ,415; 
 Egypt District, Wash., 450; 
 Granite, Mont., 533, 534 ; 
 Graugeville, Idaho, 501 ; 
 Green River, Wash., 312 ; 
 Hailey, Idaho, 519, 520 ; 
 Helena, Mont., 537 to 543, 
 (al.so see Marysville, Rimini 
 and Wicks ) ; Hope, Idaho, 
 478; Idaho, 77 to 80, 517; 
 Idaho Co., Idaho, 498, 499; 
 Kalama River, Wash., 307; 
 Kaslo, B. C, 585, 586; 
 Ketchum, Idaho, 521; Koot- 
 enay, B. C, 436, 578 to 584, 
 587; Lewis Co., Wash., 316; 
 Little Dalles, Wash., 453 ; 
 Marysville, Mont., 546 to 
 548; Metalline Di.strict, Wash., 
 454 ; Montana, 80 to 85, 
 (also see Montana centers of 
 population); Monte Cristo, 
 Wash., 377, 378; Nelson, B. 
 C, 586 to 588; Northport, 
 Wash., 454; Okanogan coun- 
 try. Wash., 435; Oregon, 67 
 to 72; Pacific Northwest, 65 
 to 85 ; Pechastin ristrict. 
 Wash,, 415 ; Phillii sburp, 
 Mont.,533 to 535; Rati drum, 
 Idaho, 476; Rimini, .VIont., 
 545; Ruby, Idaho, 493; Sal- 
 mon River, B. C, 584; Sho- 
 shone Co., Idaho, 478 to 
 488: Silver Creek, Wash., 
 377, 388;Slocan District, B. 
 C, 441; Snohomish, Wash., 
 388 ; Swauk Creek District, 
 Wash., 415' Thomp.son Falls, 
 Mont., 525; Trail Creek, B. 
 C, 584, 585; Union Co., Or., 
 291, 292; Washington, 72 to 
 77 ; Washington Co., Idaho, 
 506, 507; Wicks, Mont,, 545, 
 546; Winlock, Wash., 312; 
 Wood River Vallev, Idaho, 
 518, 522; Yakima Co., Wash., 
 Mineral City, Idaho, 293. 
 Mineral Point Mine, Idaho, 485. 
 Minor, T. T., School, Seattle, 
 Minnie Moore Mine, Idaho,519. 
 Mission, B. C, 51. 
 Mission Landing, Idaho, 49, 
 51, 479, 482. 
 Missoula Co , Mont., 85, (also 
 see Missoula.) 
 Missoula Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Missoula, Mont., 526 to 530, 
 (also see 49, 51.) 
 Missoula River,Mont., 26, 454, 
 Missouri River, 49, 432, 537. 
 Mitchell Creek, Or., 208. 
 Modoc Mine, Mont., 556. 
 Mohawk River, Eugene, 200. 
 Molalla River, Or., 104. 
 Monarch, Mout., 51. 
 Monarch Mine, Idaho, 484. 
 Mondovi, Wash.. 448. 
 Mono Mine, Mont., 557. 
 Monohan, suburb Seattle, Allen 
 & Nelson Mill Co., 379, 380. 
 Monmouth, Or,, 259, 260. 
 Monroe Street Bridge, Spokane, 
 Montana : — Area, 8 ; coal, 85 ; 
 centers of population, 525 to 
 568 ; early gold discoveries, 
 66 ; early history ( see vigi- 
 lantes ) ; elevation, mean, 
 maximum and minimum, 10; 
 first gold discovery, 535 ; 
 first quartz mill, 83 [ first sil- 
 ver mill, 533 ; first white set- 
 tlement, 526 ; gold and silver 
 output, 84 ; lead, 84 ; mines, 
 mining, genl. description, 80 
 to 85. ( Also see 525 to 
 559 ) ; population, 8 ; rail- 
 roads, 49, 50, 51 ; soil, 23, 
 24 ; State Penitentiary, Deer 
 Lodge, 536 ; stock raising, 
 genl. description, 559 to 562; 
 timber resources, 64. 
 Montana Bar, Mont., gold, 82. 
 Montana Central Ry., 49, 51. 
 Montana Club, Helena, Mont., 
 Montana Consolidated Mine, 
 Mont., 555, 556. 
 Montana Co., ( Id ) Milling, 
 Montana Nat. Bank, Helena, 
 Montana Savings Bank, 539. 
 Montana State Library, Helena, 
 Montana University, Helena, 
 Montana University, Missoula, 
 Montana Union Ry., 48, 49, 50. 
 Montana Union Ry. Shops, An- 
 aconda, Mont., 559. 
 Monte Cristo Mines, Wash., 74, 
 377, 378, 388. 
 Monte Cristo Mining Dist., 
 Wash., railroads, 47. 
 Montesano. Wash., 326 to 329. 
 Montezuma Mines, B. C, 582. 
 Montrose Park, Spokane, 439. 
 Moody, C. S., Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 390. 
 Moore & Martin,' Klamath 
 Falls, Or., 219. 
 Moose Creek Mines, Idaho, 79. 
 Moose Mine, Mont., 5.56. 
 Morey, P. F., 161, 164. 
 Morgan, J. J., Hillsboro, Or., 
 Mormons at Idaho Falls, Idaho, 
 Morning Mine, Idaho, 480, 
 Morning Star Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Morning Star Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Morris, B. F., Camas Prairie, 
 Idaho, 503. 
 Morris, Right Rev. D. D., 144. 
 Morrison House, Sealand, 
 Wash., 305. 
 Morrison Street Bridge, Port- 
 land, 115. 
 Morrow Co., Or., 273. 
 Morrow, J. F , Waitsburg, 
 Wash., 460. 
 Moscow, Idaho, 488 to 492. 
 Moscow, Idaho, Nat. Bank, 490. 
 Moscow, Idaho, railroads, 49. 
 Moscow, Idaho, U. P. R. R. 
 branch, 46. 
 Moscow, Idaho, University of 
 Idaho, 491, 492. 
 Moser, J. H., Silverton, Or., 
 1 88. 
 MO.SS, S. W., 157. 
 Mother I.ode Mine, Idaho, 487. 
 Moulton Mine, Mont., 84. 
 Mountain View Mine, Mont., 
 Mount Wallace, Sprague,Wash., 
 Mt. Adams, 233; from Port- 
 land, 116. 
 Mt. Angel, Or., 189 to 191. 
 Mt. Angel (Or.) Hotel, 189. 
Index. — Reading Matter. 
 Mt. Angel (Or.) Seminary and 
 Collefre, 189. 
 Mt. Baker, Washy -iOS, 572; 
 elevation, 9 ; from Seattle, 
 Mt. Belmont, Mont., 54.7. 
 Mt. Chapaca Mines, 75. 
 Mt. Helena, Mont., 537. 
 Mt. Hood, Or., 104, 233; ele- 
 vation, 9; from Hood River, 
 Or., 268; from Portland, 116. 
 Mt. Idaho, Idaho, 504, 505. 
 Mt. Jefferson, 116, 233. 
 Mt. Olympus, elevation, 9. 
 Mt. Pitt, 233; elevation, 9. 
 Mt. Rainier, 233,411, 412; ele- 
 vation, 9; from Portland, 116; 
 from Seattle, 370; from Taco- 
 ma (Mt. Tacoma), 343. 
 Mt. St. Helens, 233, 293; ele- 
 vation, 9; from Portland, 116; 
 gold, 312;mine.s, 316; min- 
 ing, 74. 
 Mt. Scott (suburb), Portland, 
 Mt. Shasta, Cal., 40. 
 Mt. Tabor (suburb), Portland, 
 145, 146. 
 Mt. Tacoma (Rainier), 341, 
 Mt. Vernon, Wash., 388, 389, 
 Mt. Zion, Or., 116. 
 Moyer, J. M., Brownsville, Or., 
 Moxee Valley, Wash., 423. 
 Muck Valley, Wash., 411. 
 Mullan, Idaho, 485, 486; rail- 
 roads, 48, 49; U. P. R. R., 
 46, (also see 482.) 
 Mullan, John, 486. 
 Mullan Road, 37, 49, 431, . .'8, 
 479, 486, 526. 
 Multnomah Box Co., Portland, 
 Multnomah Co. Court House, 
 Portland, 121. 
 Multnomah Co., Or., assessed 
 valuation, 140. 
 Multnomah School, Portland, 
 Munich Mine, Mont , 546. 
 Munkers, I. J., Scio, Or., 182. 
 Murphy, .'V. M. & Co., Bankers, 
 Spokane, 441. 
 Murray, Idaho, 486 to 488, 
 (also .see 479, 482, 485.) 
 Myer's Falls, Wash., 453. 
 Myers, Geo. T., Salmon Can- 
 nery, Seattle (pack), 99. 
 Myrtle Creek, Or., 208. 
 Myrtle Point, Or., 267. 
 Nail Factory, Kverett, Wash., 
 Nail Works, Port Towusend, 
 Wash., 410. 
 Nampa, Idaho, 48, 510, 513. 
 Nanaimo, B. C. : — Description, 
 573 to 576 ; railways, 52, 
 Naples Creek mines, Idaho, 79. 
 Nash, D. & Co., Halsey, Or., 
 Nass River, B. C, 99, 102. 
 Natatorium, Boise City, Idaho, 
 Natatorium, Helena, Mont., 
 Natchez River, Wash., 417, 
 422 423. 
 Natchez Valley, Wash., 417. 
 Nat. Bank of Commerce, Seat- 
 tle, 382. 
 Nat. Bank of Commerce, Taco- 
 ma, 351. 
 Nat. Bank of Heppner, Or., 272. 
 Nat. Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Natron, Or., 39, 186. 
 Neah Bay, Wash., 410. 
 Necanicum River, Or., 299. 
 Nectarines : — Whitman, Co., 
 Wash., 467 ; Yakima Valley, 
 Wash., 423. 
 Nehaleni, Or., 100, 242. 
 Nehalem Bay, Or., 239. 
 Nehalem River, Or., 239, 293. 
 Nehalem Valley, Or., 71, 240, 
 Neihart, Mont., 51. 
 Nellie Grant Mine, Mont., 545. 
 Nellie Mine, Idaho. 485. 
 Nelson, Abraham, Independ- 
 ence, Or., 249. 
 Nelson, B. C. : — Description, 
 586 to 588. ( .'Uso see 47, 52, 
 441, 579, 580. 
 Nelson & Fort Shepherd Ry., B. 
 C, 47, 441. 
 Nestucca Bay Country, Or., 99, 
 239, 240. 
 Nestucca Rivers (Big and Little), 
 Or., 239, 240. 
 Netarts Bay, Or., 239, 242. 
 Neuse River, B. C, salmon, 99. 
 Neuskahl River, Wash., 325. 
 Newaukum, Wash., 312. 
 Newaukum River, Wash., 316. 
 Newaukum Valley, Wash., 312. 
 Newberg, Or., 250 to 252. 
 Newberg, Or., Pressed Brick & 
 Terra Cotta Co., 250. 
 Newcastle Coal Mines, Wash., 
 89 90 377 
 Newell, George, Seattle, 379. 
 Newell Mill Co., Seattle, 370. 
 New Gem Mine, Or , 291. 
 New Pine Creek, Or,, 223, 
 Newport, Or., 265. 
 New Silver Bell Mine, Or., 70. 
 N. Vancouver, B. C, Coal Co., 
 N. Vancouver, B. C, Coal, Mine 
 & Land Co., 574. 
 New Westminster, B. C. : — De- 
 scription, 477; precipitation, 
 16; temperature, 16. (Also 
 see 51, 568, 569.) 
 New Whatcom, Wash. : — De- 
 scription, 401 to 406; ship- 
 ments coal, 88. (Also see 
 New York Canal, Idaho, 517. 
 Nez Perces Co., Idaho. (See 
 Nez Perces Indians, 4.33. 
 Nez Perces Indian Reservation, 
 493, 497, 500. 
 Niblocks, Wash., coal, 90. 
 Nichols, John, . Davenport, 
 Wash., 449. 
 Nickel, Douglas Co., Or., 208. 
 Nickel, Oregon, 71. 
 Nine Mile Canyon, Idaho, 484.' 
 Nine Mile Creek, Idaho, 483. 
 Nisqually River, Wash., 34, 90, 
 91 92. 
 Noble Five Hill Mine, B.C., 583 ; 
 Nooksack River, Wash., 34. 
 Normoyle, M. C, Kendrick, 
 Idaho, 494. 
 North Beach, Wash., 301, 302. 
 North Bend, Wash., 45. 
 Norris, Mont., 50. 
 North Central School, Portland, 
 North End Bank, Seattle, 382. 
 Northern Pacific Railroad : — 
 Description, 41, 42 ; lines in 
 Idaho, 48, 49 ; lines in Mon- 
 tana, 49, 50, 51 ; line in Ore- 
 gon, 42 ; lines in Washing- 
 ton 43 to 45 ; branches 
 from .Spokane, 440; Canadian 
 Pacific connections, 51 ; car 
 shops, Kllensburgh, 415 ; car 
 shops, Hope, Idaho, 477 ; car 
 shops, Missoula, .527 ; car 
 shops, Sprague, 427 ; car 
 shops, Tacoma, 349 ; coal 
 mines, Roslyn, 413 ; comple- 
 tion, 342, 434 ; on Gray's 
 Harbor 324, 325 ; at Seattle. 
 376, 377 ; stampede tunnel, 
 342, 411 ; steam ferry, Co- 
 lumbia river, 307 ; at Taco- 
 ma, 352. 
 N. P. Mine, Mont., 545, 546. 
 N. P. S. .S. Co., Tacoma, 352. 
 N. P. Yak. & Kit. Irrigation 
 Co., Wash., 419, 420, 422, 
 North Granite Mine,Mont.,535. 
 Northport, Wash., 44, 47, 52, 
 75, 441, 453, 529. 584. 
 Northport Mines, Wash., 454. 
 North Prairie, Or., 173. 
 North Seattle Cable Ry. Co., 
 North Star Mine, Idaho, 521. 
 Northwestern Luni. Co., Ho- 
 quiam. Wash., 333, 334. 
 Northwestern Lum. Co., South 
 Bend, Wash., 319. 
 Northwest L. & Trust Co., Port- 
 land, 135. 
 Northwest Min.Co., Mont.,. 534, 
 North Yakima, Wash., 416 to 
 North Yamhill, Or., 241? to 244. 
 North & South R. R., Boise 
 City, Idaho, 508. 
 Norway, Or.. 266. 
 Nurseriec at Woodburn, Or., 
 Oak Bay, B. C, 573. 
 Odkesdale, Wash., 468, 409. 
 Oakland, Or., 203, 204. 
 Oats : — ( Grown in nearly all 
 parts of Pacific Northwest, 
 Al.so see wheat.) Big Bend 
 country. Wash., 448; Camas 
 Prairie, Idaho, 500; Cheha- 
 The Oregotiian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ;l i 
 lis Co., Wash., 327; Flathead 
 Valley, Mont., 532 ; La Con- 
 ner, Wash., 390 ; Pullman, 
 Wa.sh., 473 ; Skagit, Wash., 
 389, 396 ; Tillamook, Or., 
 241: Union Co., Or., 288; 
 Walla Walla, Wash., 458 ; 
 Whatcom Co., Wash., 396. 
 Occidental Mine, Or., 69. 
 Occident Mine, Idaho, 487. 
 Ocean Park Wash., 305. 
 Ocean Wave (steamer), 301. 
 ■ Ocosta, Wash. :— Description, 
 334, 335 (Also see 45, 320.) 
 Oil, Wash., 88. 
 Okanogan Ivake, B C, 26, !52. 
 Okanogan Landing, B. C, 52. 
 Okanogan Mining Country, B. 
 C, 72, 73, 75, 76, 435, 440, 
 Okanogan River, 26. 
 O. K. Mine, B C, 584, 585. 
 Old Dominion Mine, Wash., 
 75, 454, 455. 
 Old Mission Landing, Idaho, 
 432, 433. 
 Old Nat. Bank, Spokane, 441. 
 Olequa Creek, Wash., 311. 
 Olympia Branch Or. Im. Co.'s 
 R. R., 47. 
 Olympia (Wash.) Door & Lum. 
 Co., 338. 
 Olympia, Wash : — Description, 
 335 to 339 ; oysters, 102 ; 
 precipitation, 16; road from 
 Port Townsend, 410; temper- 
 ature. 16. 
 Olympic Mountains, 405, 370. 
 Olympic School, Seattle, 372. 
 Onions : — Skagit Co., Wash., 
 389. (Also grown in nearly 
 all parts of Pacific North- 
 Opals: — Davenport, Wash., 450. 
 Oregon: — ( See general ar^icles, 
 climate, mining, fishing, etc. ; 
 also pages 104 to 300 ) ; area, 
 7 ; Cayuse Indian war, 109 ; 
 centers of population, 104 to 
 300 ; coal, 71 ; coast, har- 
 bors, 35 ; coa.st points, 232 to 
 242 and 263 to 267 ; copper, 
 71 ; creation of territory, 
 110 ; early history, 107 to 
 110 ; early history, Astoria, 
 294 ; early steamboating, 
 117; eastern centers of pop- 
 lution, 267 to 293 : elevation, 
 mean, maximum, minimum, 
 10 ; first railroad, 38 ; first 
 sawmill, 56 ; fishing indus- 
 try, 95 to 104 ; gold output, 
 114 ; hops, 357 to 361 ; In- 
 dian disturbance, 109, 157 ; 
 iron, 70, 71 ; irrigation, 24 ; 
 lime, 93 ; lumbering indus- 
 tries, 56 ; mining, 67 to 72 ; 
 nickel, 71 ; organization of, 
 7 ; population, 7 ; silver, 70 ; 
 soil, 21 ; southeastern lakes, 
 36; southern centers of pop- 
 ulation, 202 to 227 ; State 
 Agricultural College, Corvallis, 
 261 ; State Board of Immi- 
 gration, 121 ; State Capitol, 
 Salem, 166 to 172 ; State In- 
 sane A.sylum, Salem, 170; 
 State Normal School, Drain, 
 203 ; State Normal School, 
 Monmouth, 259, 260 ; State 
 Normal School, Weston, 283 ; 
 State Penitentiary, Salem, 170; 
 State Reform School, Salem, 
 170 ; State School for Blind, 
 Salem, 170; State School for 
 Deaf and Dumb, Salem, 170 ; 
 Territory of, 108 ; Timber re- 
 sources, general description, 
 53 to 65 ; Willamette Valley, 
 104 to 202: 227 to 232 ; 242 
 to 263 ; Wool crop, 1892, 
 130, 131; Woolen goods, 
 manufactured, 131. 
 Oregon City, Or.: — Descrip- 
 tion, 157 to 165 ; canal and 
 locks, 32 ; Indian executions, 
 110 ; light for Portland, 118, 
 119 ; as territorial capital, 
 110; Willamette falls, 31, 
 104, 158, 159, 160. 
 Oregon City, Or., Woolen Mills, 
 Oregonian, The, Portland, 111, 
 Oregonian, The, Building, Port- 
 land, 122. 
 Oregon Blade, Baker City, Or., 
 Oregon Improve. Co., 47, 391, 
 Oregon Lumber Co., Baker City, 
 Or., 288. 
 Oregon Market, Portland, 156. 
 Oregon Milling Co., Silverton, 
 Or., 186. 
 Oregon Nat. Bank, Portland, 
 Oregon Pac. R. R., 42, 174, 
 175, 260, 263, 264. 
 Oregon Railway & Nav. Co., 
 40, 41, 46, 117, 342. 
 Oregon Real Estate Co., Port- 
 land, 149. 
 Oregon Short Line R. R., 40. 
 Oregon State Graded School, 
 Lakeview, Or., 223. 
 Oregon Steam Nav. Co., 117. 
 Oregon & Cal. R. R., Co., 37, 
 39, 41. 
 Oriental Tea Co., Halsey, Or., 
 Oro Fino Creek, Idaho, 77, 
 Oro Fino Mines, Idaho, 79, 494, 
 Oro Fino Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Oro Fino Mining Co., Idaho, 79. 
 Ora, Wash., 52. 
 Orting, Wash., 411. 
 Osborne, Idaho : — Description, 
 485. ( Also see 48, 49, 482, 
 Ostrander, L- W., Olympia, 
 Wash., 338. 
 Oswald, B., Mt. Angel, Or., 
 Oswego, Or., Iron & Steel Co., 
 70, 132. 
 Oswego, Or.. 70, 132. 
 Overton. W. M., Portland, 110. 
 Owen, Maj., Montana, 530. 
 Owyhee Co., Idaho, 77, 78, 
 508, 517, 
 Oyster beds, Shoalwater Bay, 
 Wash 35. 
 Oysters : — Blaine, Wash., 407; 
 Pacific Coast. 102, 103 ; Pu- 
 get Sound, 96 ; Shoalwater 
 Bay, Wash., 96, 305 ; Va- 
 quina Bay, Or., 96, 264 ; 
 Oysterville, Wash., 305, 319. 
 Pacific Northwest : — Area, 5 ; 
 boundary lines, 5 ; boundary 
 ( internutional ), 7; climate, 
 9 to 20 ; elevation, general, 
 9 ; fishing, 7 and 95 to 104 ; 
 gold, discovery ol, 6 ; history 
 (early), 6 ; introduction, 5 to 
 8 ; lakes, 35, 36 ; lumber 
 output 7 ; mining, 65 to 86 ; 
 mining output, 7 ; railroads, 
 36 to 52 ; rivers and harbors, 
 25 to 36; rainfall, 18 ; re- 
 sources, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; scenery, 
 7 ; soils, 20 to 25 ; tempera- 
 ture, 11, 16, 17, 18 ; timber, 
 52 to 65 ; topography, 9 to 
 20 ; wheat crop, 7. 
 Pacific Coast Fishing Co., Port- 
 land, 1.04. 
 Pacific College, Newberg, Or., 
 Pacific Co., Wash., seaside re- 
 sorts, 300 to 306. 
 Pacific Co., Wash., 317 to 320. 
 Pacific Cranberry Co., Ilwaco, 
 Wash., 302. 
 Pacific Hotel, Caldwell, Idaho, 
 Pacific Junction, Mont., 51. 
 Pacific Nat. Bank, Tacoma,351. 
 Pacific Ocean, effects on climate, 
 Pacific Park, Wash., 304. 
 Pacific School, Seattle, 372. 
 Pacific S. S. Co., Tacoma, 352. 
 Pacific Steel Barge Co., Everett, 
 Wash., 385. 
 Pacific University, Oregon, 231, 
 Padillo Bay, Puget Sound, 34. 
 Padit River, Wash., 460. 
 Painted Rocks, B. C, 579. 
 Paisley, Or., 223. 
 Palace Hotel, Heppner, Or.. 
 Palmer Mountain, Wash., 76. 
 Palou.se Branch N. P. R. R., 44. 
 Palouse Country, Wash.: — 464 
 to 475. ( Also .see 23, 44, 46, 
 Palouse Indians, 432 
 Palouse Wash., 470 to 472. 
 Palouse River, Wash., 463, 
 Pandora Mine, Mont., 84. 
 Panhandle Mine, Idaho, 484. 
 Paper Mills, Everett. Wash., 
 Paper Mills. LaCamas, Wash., 
 Paper Mills, Lebanon Or., 179. 
 Paper Mills, Oregon City, Or., 
 Park Co., Mont., mining, 85. 
Index. — Read in ff Mutter. 
 VV. & Co., Seattle, 
 H., Uaker City, Or., 
 Park Hotel, Centralia, Wash., 
 Parker A. P.. Graugeville, Ida- 
 ho, 501. 
 Parker C. 
 Parker J. 
 Parker Mine, Idaho, 521. 
 Parkersburg, Or., 206. 
 Park School, Portland, 143. 
 Pari.sh Frank, Mont., 567, 568. 
 Payette Canal, Idaho, 517. 
 Payette, Idaho, 506. 
 Payette River, Idaho, 50, 509. 
 Payette Valley, Idaho, 506. 
 Paradise Valley, Idaho, 488. 
 Parrot Copper & Silver Min. 
 Co., Mont., 557. 
 Parrot Mine, Mont. 
 Parsons, Geo. M. 
 Idaho. 514. 
 Pasco, Wash., 425, 426. 
 see 27, 270.) 
 Pa.ss Creek, Or., 202. 
 Pataha River, Wash., 464 
 Pataha Valley, U'ash.. 463,464. 
 Patrons of Husbandry, Hills- 
 boro. Or., 227. 
 Patton's Creek, Or., 229. 
 Patton Ledge Mine, Ashland, 
 Or.. yi5. 
 Payette River, Idaho, 28. 
 Paymaster Mine, Idaho. 486. 
 Payne, Benj , Seattle, 366. 
 Peaches:— (Also see fruit cul- 
 ture.) Ashland, Or., 215; Big 
 Bend country. Wash., 449 ; 
 Dallas, Or.. 254; Douglas Co., 
 Or., 208; Grant's Pass, Or., 
 209; Hood River, Or., 268; 
 Medford, Or., 210; Newberg, 
 Or., 251; Oakland Dr., 20r 
 Oregon, 591; Pcik Co. 
 257; Potlatch country, 
 493; Rogue River, Or., 
 Snake River, Idaho, 
 Walla Walla, Wash, 
 Wasco Co., Or., 270; 
 man Co., Wash., 467; 
 ma Co., Wash., 417; Yakima 
 Valley, Wash. ,421, 42.'J, 424. 
 Peanuts:— Whitman Co.. Wash., 
 Pearce, Capt. Jas., 77. 
 Pears:— (Grown in nearly all 
 parts of Pacific Northwest. 
 See fruit culture.) Oregon, 
 591 ; Walla Walla, Wash., 
 Pechastin Mines, Wash., 415. 
 Pederson. H. B., Ballard, Wash., 
 Pen d'Oreille Indians, 433. 
 Pen d'Oreille Lake. (See Lake 
 Pen d'Oreille.) 
 Pen d'Oreille River, 453, 454, 
 477, 532, 584. 
 Pen d'Oreille, Wash., 453. 
 Peerless Jenny Mine, Mont,, 
 Pendleton, Or.: — Description, 
 274 to 278; mines, 70. 
 Pendleton Sav. Rank. 277. 
 Peninsula School, Portland, 143. 
 405 : 
 Pennover, Sylvester, as .school 
 teacfier, 141, 142. 
 Penland, Wm., Heppner, Or., 
 Penobscott Mine, Mont., 547. 
 Penticton, B.C., 51. 
 Pen Yan Mine, Mont., 546. 
 People's Sav. Bank, Seattle, 
 Percival, D. !>'., Cheney, Wash., 
 Perkins, Jas. A., Colfax, Wash., 
 Perkins' Hotel, Portland, 149. 
 Perkins' Restaurant, Portland, 
 Perkins, R. S., Portland, 149. 
 Peshastin Creek, Wash., 74. 
 Peterson, Walter C, Lebanon, 
 Or,, 180, 181. 
 Pettygrove, K.W.,Portland,l 10. 
 Pfeiflfer, Chas., Albany, Or., 1 77, 
 Phillips, A. A., Olynipia, Wash., 
 Phillip.sburg, Mont.:— Descrip- 
 tion. 533 to 535. (Also see 
 50, 83, 84.) 
 Phillips, David, Seattle, 382. 
 Phillips & Sullivan Mine, Ida., 
 Phillis Canal, Idaho, 517. 
 Pierce Co., Wash.:— Coal, 90, 
 91, 92, 344; Court House, 
 346, 347; timber, 344. (Also 
 see Tacoma, Puyallup and 
 Piedmont (suburb), Portland, 
 Pierce, W. M., Pendleton, Or., 
 Pietrzvcki, Dr. M., Dayton, 
 Wash., 461. 
 Pillar Palls, Kootenay River, B. 
 C, 580. 
 Pilot Bay Mines, B. C,, 580. 
 Pine Vallev. Ot ,, 288. 
 Pioneer Gulch, Mont.. SC. 
 Pioneer Silver Mill, Mont., 83. 
 Pittock, Henry L. Portinnd.lll. 
 Pittsburg Stone Co., raccma, 
 346, 347. 
 Pittsburg, Wash., 91. 
 Placer Creek, Idaho, 483. 
 Placer Mining, f See .mini ag and 
 Pleasant Valley, Or., 2-0. 
 Pleasant View, Wash., 47. 
 Plummer, Henry, Mont,, 81. 
 (Also see vigilantes.) 
 p;i u ni s : — ( See fruit culture ; 
 grown successfully in nearly 
 all parts' of Pacific North- 
 Pocatello, Idaho: — Description, 
 522. (Also .see 48.) 
 Pocatello Co., Idaho, 517. 
 Point Defiance, Tacoma, 343, 
 344, 345. 
 Point Defiance, Tacoma & Edi- 
 son Ry., 345, 346. 
 Point Roberts Canning Co., 
 Blaine, Wa.sh., 407 to 409. 
 Polk Co. Bank, Monmouth, Or., 
 Polk Co., Or., 256, 257. 
 Pomeroy Branch, N. P. R. R., 
 Pomeroy, Wash., 463, 464. 
 Pony, Mont., 50. 
 Poorman Mine, Idaho, 77, '480, 
 Poorman Mines (group), Idahr, 
 Poorman Mine, Mont., 557. 
 Port Angeles, Wash., 410, 411. 
 Port Blakely Mill, Wash, (out- 
 put), 405. 
 Porter Canal, Idaho, 524. 
 Port Gardner, Wash., 385. 
 PortIand:-(^106tol57); Albina 
 113; Albina car shops, 131; 
 architecture, 121; Atkinson, 
 Rev. Geo. B., 14 ••, 141; Balti- 
 more market, 104; banks, 
 134, 135, 138, 139, 140; 
 Barnes, W. SIM., 155; Bishop 
 Scott Academy, 143; Bissin- 
 ger & Co., 154; bridges, 115; 
 Bull Run Creek,Or.,133, 134; 
 Burckhardt Bros., 156; busi- 
 ness district, 119 ; Carter, 
 Miss Julia, 140; Chamber of 
 Commerce Bldg., 121; Chi 
 nese, 119 ; Chlopeck Bros., 
 fish dealers, 103; churches, 
 128 ; Citjj Hall, 121. 122 ; 
 Clark, Miss Abigail, 141 ; 
 Colonial, The, 151; Columbia 
 River. 129; Commerce, 115, 
 130, 131; Combe, George E., 
 151; Corbett, H W. 138; 
 Cosmopolitan restaurant, 151; 
 Court House. 121; Covach. G. 
 &Co., fish dealers, 104; Cur- 
 tis, The, 150; Curtis, Mrs. 
 150; Davis, Anthony L., 141; 
 Dekum block, 121; depth of 
 V ater to sea, 129; Doaiie, 
 lev. N., 141; East Portland, 
 113; east side di.strict, 127; 
 Edwards, V/einer & Clark, 
 i50; electr'c power, 159 ; 
 Elisor Inst/tute & Hospital, 
 155, 156; .'xports, 115, 130, 
 13l;expo-.t trade, 113,114; 
 Exposition building, 127 ; 
 Kriiling, Tienrv,138; finances, 
 134, 135, 1.38, 139, 140; 
 fire department, 144; first 
 incorporation. 112: First Nat. 
 Bank, 138, 139; first settle, 
 ment, 110; fishing industry, 
 131; fishing trade, 114; flour 
 shipments, 130 ; Forbes & 
 Breeden block, 121; Frank- 
 lin market, 156; Fulton tan- 
 nery. 154; Geneva mineral 
 water, 156, 157; gold min- 
 ing, 114; Goodnough block, 
 124; Gorlier, J. M., 151; 
 Grand Central Hotel, 150 ; 
 Hamilton block. 121; harbor, 
 129; heights back of city, 
 116; Hesperian, The, 152 ; 
 Holladay's addition, 147 to 
 149; Holton House, 149,150; 
 hop shipments, 131 ; Hotel 
 Portland, i:;4; Hyde, Aaron 
 J., 140; imports, 131; im- 
 The Orcgoniun's Handbook of ttie Pacific Northwest. 
 1 1 
 provements to Willamette and 
 Columbia Rivers, 31 ; iron 
 mines tributary, 132; Jeffer- 
 son, Uel.os, l-tl ; jobbing 
 trade, 119; Kremer, Dr. W. 
 F., 150; Ladd, Charles E., 
 140; ladd, Wm M., 140; 
 I<add, \v, s., 134., 139.140; 
 Ladd, v. S. ( hydraulic 
 dredge), \: 9, 130; Ladd & 
 Tilton, bank, 139,140; Lane, 
 Gen. Joseph, 141 ;LitherIand, 
 F. L., 152; lighting, IIH, 119; 
 location, 115, 116; louvre. 
 The, 156; lumber shipments, 
 131;Lyman Horace, 141; Ma- 
 larkey & Co., fish dealers, 
 103 ; manufacturing, 132, 
 133. 126, 137, 152, 153; 
 Markley, Hayes & Roche, 149; 
 Marquam Grand Opera 
 House, 124; Matthiesen, 
 John, 152 ; Morris, Right 
 Rev. U. D., 144; mountains, 
 snow peaks, 116 ; Multno- 
 mah Box Co., 153 ; Multno- 
 mah Co., Or., assessed valua- 
 tion, 140: Oregonian, The, 
 111 ; Oregonian, The ISuild- 
 ing, 122 ; Oregon Market, 
 156 ; Oregon Real Estate Co., 
 149 ; Pacific Coast Fishing 
 Co., 104 ; parks, 128; Pen- 
 nover. Sylvester, as a teacher, 
 141 and 142 ; Perkins Ho- 
 tel, 149; Perkins Rcstauratit, 
 149 ; Perkins, R. S., 149 ; 
 plaza, 121 ; police depart- 
 ment, 144 and 145 ; popula- 
 tion, 112 and 113 ; Portland 
 Clay Co., 152 and 153 ; pre- 
 cipitation, 16; public grounds, 
 128; railroads, 131 and 132; 
 Reed, Col. Cyrus A., 141; 
 residences, 128 ; retail dis- 
 trict, 119, 121 ; river traffic, 
 117, 118 ; Riverview Ceme- 
 tery, 146; vheinpfalz Hotel, 
 Zur, 152; Roche, M. D., 149; 
 Rodney, Misses, 144; Rohse's 
 Park, 157;salraon shipments, 
 131; scenerj', 116, 117: 
 schools, 140 to 144; Seid 
 Back, Chinese merchant 120; 
 Sellwood, 113; Sellwood 
 Brewery, 153; sewerage, 145; 
 shipping, 129 to 131; Sim- 
 mons, D. H., 149; Slatten, 
 Mrs. L. E., 152; Smithson 
 Block, 127; snow peaks, 116; 
 Steamboating, 117, 118; 
 Steffen.J. F., 129, 130; St. 
 Helens Hall, 144; streets, 
 118, 119; street cars, 145 to 
 147; suburban lines of trans- 
 portation, 145 to 147; tem- 
 perature, 16; Thiel's Detec- 
 tive Service, 155; Third street, 
 fine buildings, 121; Tilton, 
 C. E., 134, 139; timbertribu- 
 tary, 114, 115;Toulon (bark), 
 110; transportation ( water ), 
 ■J.17, 118; tributary country, 
 113; Union depot, 124; Uni- 
 versity of Oregon, 143; water 
 supply, 133, 134; Weber 
 Bros:, 154; wheat shipments, 
 130; wholesale business, 
 119; Wilcox, Dr. Ralph, 140; 
 Wilhelm, John G., brewer, 
 153; Willamette River, 129; 
 Willamette River, depth at 
 Portland, 117; Willamette 
 Valley, relation to, 113; Wil- 
 lamette University, 143; Wis- 
 ner, Mrs., 151; Wolff & 
 Zwicker Iron Works, 137; 
 Wolff, Zwicker & Buehner 
 Pipe Works, 137; Wood, 
 Walter A. Harvester Co , 154, 
 155; wool shipments, 130, 
 131; woolen goods manu- 
 factured, 130; wool trade, 
 114; Worcester Block, 121; 
 Wrenn, S. E, 153. 
 Portland Cable Ry. Co.. 147. 
 Portland Clay Co., 152, 153. 
 Portland Con. Ry. Co., 140. 
 Portland Gen. Electric Co., 
 velopment work at Oregon 
 City, 32 159, 160, 164, 165. 
 Portland Heights, 147. 
 Portland Hills, 70, 116. 
 Portland Indus. Ex., 127. 
 Portland Sav. Bank, 135. 
 Portsmouth School, Portland, 
 Portland Trust Co., 135. 
 Portland & Yamhill & Oregon 
 Div. S. P. R. R., 40. 
 Portland & Vancouver Ry., 307. 
 Port Ludlow, Wash., 411. 
 Portneuf Valley, Idaho, 522. 
 Port of Portland, 31. 
 Port Oribrd Cedar, Or., 266, 
 Port Orford, Or., 265. 
 Port Orford Bay, Or,, 265. 
 Port Townsend Bay, Puget 
 Sound, 409. 
 Port Townsend, Wash., 409, 
 Port Townsend & Southern R. 
 R., 47, 410. 
 Post. A. W., Rathdrum, Idaho, 
 Post Falls, Idaho, 437. 
 Potatoes : — ( Grown successful- 
 ly in nearly all parts of Pacific 
 Northwest.) Coos Bay, Or., 
 266; Skagit Co., Wa.sh., 389; 
 Whatcom Co., Wash., 396. 
 Potlatch Country, Idaho. ( See 
 Potlatch Creek, Idaho, 492. 
 Potter & Coutts, Kendrick, Ida- 
 ho, 494. 
 Poultry:— (Raised in all parts of 
 Pacific Northwest.) Douglas 
 Co., Or., 208; Oakland, Or., 
 Powder River, Or.. 28, 288, 
 290, 291. 
 Powell, Ira C, Monmouth, Or., 
 Prebilof Islands, Alaska, 8. 
 Pretty, A. E., Ballard, Wash., 
 Price, E.C., Ellensburgh,Wash., 
 Price, J. R., Newberg, Or,, 252. 
 Prickly Pear Creek, Mont,, 81, 
 Pricklv Pear Junction, Mont., 
 50, 543. 
 Prickly Pear Valley, Mont , 
 I'riest Rapids, Columbia River, 
 26, 422. 
 Princeton Mine, Mont., 535. 
 Pritchard, A. J., Cceur d'Alene 
 Mines, 479, 486. 
 Pritchard Creek, Idaho, 479. 
 480, 486, 487. 
 Pro.sser Falls, Wash , 420. 
 Prosser Falls & Priest Rapids 
 Canal Co., Wash., 419, 422. 
 Prosser, Wash., 424, 423. 
 Protection Island, B. C, 574. 
 Protestant Church, first on 
 Coast, 158. 
 Providence Hill Mine, Mont., 
 Providence Miners' I'nion Hos- 
 pital, Wallace, Idaho, +H4. 
 Prune Culture : — Ashla.i ,. Or., 
 215; Ilenton Co., Or., '03; 
 Clarke Co., Wash., ^.;- . 09; 
 Dallas, Or., 254; Douglas 
 Co,, Or., 208; Forest Grove, 
 Or., 231; Hood River Valley, 
 Or., 268; Lewis Co., Wash., 
 316; Marion Co., Or., 173; 
 Newberg, Or., 251, 252; N. 
 Yamhill, Or., 243; Oakland, 
 Or., 203 ; Oregon, 589 and 
 590 ; Polk Co., Or., 257 ; 
 Potlatch Country, Idaho. 493; 
 Roseburg, Or., 206; Silverton, 
 Or., 188; Snake River, Idaho, 
 495; Walla Walla Co., Wash., 
 458; Wasco Co.. Or., 270; 
 Weiser, Idaho, 507; Willam- 
 ette Valley, Or., 105; Whit- 
 man Co., Wash., 467; Yaki- 
 ma Valley, Wash, 421, 423, 
 424; Yaquina Bay, Or., 264. 
 Pudding River, Or., 104, 173. 
 Puget Sound: — Admiralty In- 
 let, 409; Budd's Inlet. (See 
 Olympia); centers of popula- 
 tion, 335 to 413; Chuckanut 
 Bay, 395; coal, 86 to 92, 378; 
 Commencement Bay, 340, 
 343 ; first settlement, 339; 
 Drayton Harbor, 406; early 
 settlement, 341; Elliot Bay, 
 364, 370; exports, 352; first 
 steam sawmill, 364, 365 ; 
 fishing,381;fishing industries, 
 96 to 103; general descrip- 
 tion, 33; Hale's Passage, 392; 
 Hammerton's Inlet, 340; im- 
 portance of, 6; lime, 93 to 95; 
 oysters, 102, 103; Port An- 
 geles Harbor, 410; Port 
 Townsend Bay, 409; Roche 
 Harbor, 395 ; Salmon Bay, 
 384 ; salmon canning, 99 ; 
 Saratoga Passage, 389, 390; 
 Semiahmoo Bav, 406; Skagit 
 Bay, 390; soils," 22; Straits of 
 Fuca, 391, 406, 409, 410, 
 411, 572; tributary rivers,34. 
 Puget Sound Fishing Co., Ta- 
 coma, 103. 

 Pug. Bound Nat. Bank, Seattle, 
 Pug. Sound Pipe Co., Olynipia, 
 Wash., 338. 
 Pug. Sound Pulp & Paper Co., 
 Everett, Wash., 385, 3H6. 
 Puget Sound Reduction Co., 
 Everett, Wash., 386. 
 Pug. Sound Sav. Bank, Seattle, 
 Pug. Sound Sav. Bank, Taconia, 
 Pug. Sound Wire, Nail &, Steel 
 Co., Everett, Wash., 385. 
 Pullman Junctioti, Wash.. 4.5, 
 Pullman, Wash., 472 to 4-75. 
 Pulp Mills, Everett, Wa.sh.,385. 
 Pulp Mills, Oregon City, Or., 
 Purdin, M., Medford, Or., 211. 
 Puyallup River, Wash., 34, 
 34-1, 343, 354, 3G1. 
 Puyallup Valley, Wash. 354, 
 Puvallup Vallev, Wash., Hops, 
 357 to 3G1. 
 Ouyallup, Wash., 354 to 357. 
 Puyallup Hardware Co., 35G. 
 Quakers, Newberg, Or., 250 
 Queen Ann School, Seattle.372. 
 Queen of Angels Academy, Mt. 
 Angel, Or., 189, 190. 
 Queen of the Hills Mine, Ida., 
 Queen's Park, New Westmin- 
 .ster, B. C, 578. 
 Quicksilver Mines, Douglas Co., 
 Dr., 204 
 Quillcene, Wash., 410. 
 Quimper Peninsula, Wash. ,409. 
 Quinces: — (Raised in nearly all 
 parts of Pacific Northwest.) 
 Oregon, 591. 
 Racar, Henry, Roslyn, Wash., 
 Railroads in the Pacific North- 
 west, 3G to 52. (Also indexed 
 under different name s of 
 Raging Creek, Wash., 90. 
 Railroad Creek, Wa.sh., 452. 
 Railroad Creek Falls, Wash., 
 Rainbow Creek, Wash., '452. 
 Rainbow Creek Falls, Wash., 
 Rainfall, Pacific Northwest, 16, 
 18, 19. 
 Rainier Ave. Elec. Ry. Co., Se- 
 attle, 369. 
 Rainier Power & Elec, Ry. Co., 
 Seattle, 369, 370. 
 Rainier School, Seattle, 372. 
 Ralph Mine, Idaho, 77. 
 Ramsey, F. C, Boise City, Idaho, 
 Ram.sey. W. H., Scio, Or., 182. 
 Randall School, Seattle, 372. 
 Randolph, Dr., 266. 
 Raspberries : — ( Also see fruit 
 culture.) Walla Walla, Wash., 
 Rathdrum, Ida., 476, 477. 
 Rattler Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Index. — RcaJing^ Matter. 
 Rattlesnake Creek, Mont., 528. 
 Ravalli Co., Mont., 531. 
 Ravalli, Mont., 531. 
 Kavelsloke, H. C, 44, 47, 52, 
 441, 529. 
 Ray, J. H., Oakland, Or., 204. 
 Ray and Stinson Execution, 
 Mont., 566. 
 Read, W. F., Albany, Or., 177, 
 Reardon, Wash., 448. 
 Red Cloud Mine, Idaho, 519. 
 Red Elephant Mine, Ida., 519. 
 Red Mountain Mines, Mont , 
 Reed, Cvrus A., Portland, 141. 
 Reed, Fred. R., Prosser, Wash., 
 Renton, WdSh., 47, 90. 
 Revere House, Albanv, Or., 
 177, 178. 
 Review, The, Spokane, Wash., 
 Rhea, C. A., Heppner, Or., 272. 
 Rheinpfalz Zur Hotel, Portland, 
 Rhoads, J. S., Cottonwood, Ida., 
 Rice. John D., Chehalis, Wash., 
 Rice-l^rquhart Block, Chehalis, 
 Wash., 314. 
 Riddle, Or., Nickel, 71. 
 Rimini, Mont., 545. (Also see 
 10 and 543.) 
 Riparia, Wash., 27, 495, 46. 
 Ritzville, Wash., 426. 
 Rivers and Harbors of the Pa- 
 cific Northwe.st, 25 to 36. 
 Rivcrview Cemetery, Portland, 
 Robertson, L. W., Independ- 
 ence, Or., 249. 
 Robin, John, Castle Rock, Wash,, 
 Robinson, Capt., Centralia, 
 Wash., 323. 
 Robson, B. C, 286, 25, 52, 
 287, 579. 
 Roche Harbor (Wash.) Lime 
 Works, 93 to 95. 
 Roche Harbor, Puget Sound, 
 Roche', M. D., Portland, 149. 
 Rock Creek, Or., 229. 
 Rock Islands Rapids, Columbia 
 River, 26. 
 Rock Island, Wash., 46. 
 Rocky Canyon, Idaho, 498. 
 Rocky Mountains. (See Mont.) 
 Rodney, Misses, Portland, 144. 
 Rogue River, Or., 32, 208, 213, 
 265; gold, 67; salmon pack, 
 Rogue River, Valley, Or., 213. 
 Rogue River Valley Ry. Co., 43. 
 Roh.se's Park, Portland, 157. 
 Rookery, The, Spokane, 437. 
 Rose, Aaron, Roseburg, Or., 
 206, 207. 
 Roseburg, Or. : — Description, 
 204 to 207 ; precipitation, 
 16; railroad to Coos Bay, 267; 
 temperature, 16. (Also see 
 42, 43.) 
 Roseburg & Coos Bay R. R., 
 koslvu Branch, N. P. R. R., 45. 
 Roslyn, Wash., 413. 
 Roslyn, Wash., Brewing Co., • 
 Ross Park. Spokane, 439. 
 Rcss Park Elec. L,ijie, Spokane, 
 439, 440. 
 Ross School District, Seattle, 
 Rubies, Montana, 8.5. 
 Ruby Mines, Idaho, 493. 
 Ruby, Wash., 76. 
 Runiley Mine, Mont.. 546. 
 Rumsey, Mont., 50, 534. 
 Runyoii, W. S., Tillamook, Or., 
 Rye : — (Grown in nearly every 
 part of the Pacific Northwest, 
 Also see wheat.) Chehalis 
 Co., Wash., 327; Colfax, 
 Wash., 465; Dayton, Wash., 
 461; Walla Walla, Wash., 
 Sagebrush : — ( Grows in East- 
 ern Oregon, Eastern Wash- 
 ington and Southern Idaho 
 St. Agnes Falls, Kootenay Riv- 
 er, B C, 579. 
 St. Anthony Canal, Idaho, 517. 
 St. Elmo, Idaho, +85. 
 St. Helen's Hall, Portland, 144. 
 St. Helens. Or., 293, 294. 
 St. John's Hospital, Helena, 
 Mont., 543. 
 St. John's, Or., 110; School, 
 St. Joseph, Or., 253. 
 St. Joseph's Academy, Pocatel- 
 lo, Idaho, 522. 
 St. Joseph s Hospital, Aber- 
 deen, 33:.. 
 St. Joseph River, Idaho, 36, 
 St. Lawrence Mine, Mont., 555, 
 St. Leonard Hotel, Blaine, B. 
 C, 407. 
 St. Margaretta's School, Boise 
 City, Idaho, 512. 
 St. Mary's Mission, Mont. ,.526. 
 St. Mary's, Mont., 539. 
 St. Paul's Mission, Colville, 
 Wash., 4o3. 
 St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., 
 Tacoma, 344; output, 405. 
 St. Peter's Hospital, Helena, 
 Mont., 543. 
 St. Peter's Ho.spital, Olympia, 
 Wash., 338. 
 Salem, Or., description, 166 to 
 Salmon : — ( Also see fishing.) 
 Astoria, Or., 294 to 297; al.so 
 114; Blaine, Wash, 407 to 
 409; Cathlamet, Wash., 306; 
 Coos Bay, Or., 267; Columbia 
 River, 294 to 297; output, 
 131; Fraser River, B. C, Can- 
 neries, 578; Gold Beach, Or., 
 267; hatchery, Clackamas 
 River, 97: Kalama, Wash., 
 306; Pacific Northwest, 95 to 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 10-1-; Seniiiihmoo, Wash.. -tOT 
 to 4.0'J; The Dalles, Or., 2G8, 
 2(39; Tillamook Bay, Or., 241 ; 
 varietieii caught, 98; WtUon 
 River, Or. (silversides), 234-; 
 Yaquina Bay, Or., 264.. 
 Salmon Bay, Puget Somid, 369, 
 Salmon Bay School, Seattle, 
 Salmon Fall.s Creek, Idaho, 
 517. . 
 Salmon Meadow Valley, Idaho, 
 Salmon River, B. C, 584. 
 Salmon River, Idaho, 28, 49;, 
 498, 503. 
 Salmon River Mines, Idaho, 77, 
 79, 81. 
 Salmon River Mountains, Ida- 
 ho, 498. 
 Salmon River, Wash., 76. 
 Salzer Valley, Wash., 321. 
 Samisli River, Wash., 34. 
 Sam's Creek, Or., 213. 
 Sand Coulee, Mont., 51. 
 Sanders, S. S., Chehali.s, Wash., 
 Sandersville, Wash., 313. 
 Sand Lake. Or.. 241. 
 San Francisco Mine, Idaho,-. S5. 
 San Franci.sco Mine, Mont., 
 Sanger, Or., 70, 287, 291. 
 San Juan Islands, I'nget Sound, 
 93 to 95; 102, 393. 
 Santiam Academy, Albany, Or.. 
 1 80. 
 Santiam Prairie, Or.. 173. 
 Santiam River, Or. :— Bridge at 
 Jeffenson, 1T4-; river at Jeffer- 
 son, 174; at Lebanon, 179, 
 180; in Marion Co.. 172; 
 North and South Forks, 175; 
 relation to Salem, 168; at 
 Scio, 181, 182; atStayton, 
 1 81 ; water power at .Mbauy, 
 176,177. i;A!so see 104.) 
 Sapphires, Mont., 85, 344. 
 Sapphire &. Ruby Co., (Id), 
 Mont., 85. 
 Sappington, .Mout., 50. 
 Saratoga PasBage, Puget Sound, 
 34, 389, 390. 
 Sardines, 102. 
 Sargeant, h. S., Buckley, Wash.. 
 Sargeant, W. P., Buckley, Wash., 
 Satas River, Wash,, 417. 
 Sash aiici '' jrs (al''o .see lum- 
 bering), ..iiitput, Oregon, 56. 
 Sauk River, Wash., 73, 388, 
 Saunders, Col. W, F. (See Vigi- 
 Sawmills. (See timber.) 
 Sawtooth Mines and Mountains, 
 Idaho, 519. 
 Say, I., h., Brownsville, Or.. 
 Scandinavian-. "inierican Bank, 
 Seattle, 38;.i. 
 Scandinavian Bank, Tacoma, 
 Scappoose Hills, Or.. 70 116. 
 Schmadeka, (ieo., Grang-. .ilie. 
 Or., 501. 
 Scio, Or,, 181 to 183. 
 Scoggius' Creek, Or., 229. 
 Scott. C. S., MO.SCOW, Idaho, 
 Scott, Harvey W., Portland, 
 Sea Breeze Hotel, Pacific Park, 
 Wash., 304. 
 Sealand, Wash., 301, 305, 306, 
 Sealing, Alaska, 8. 
 Seal skin.s, B. C, 571. 
 Seaside Opera Hou.se, Clatsop 
 Beach, Or., 299, 
 .Seaside, Or., 299. 
 Seatin Creek, B. C, 583 
 Seattle: — 364 to 384; Admir- 
 alty Inlet, 370; Alki Point, 
 364; Allen & Nelson Mill Co., 
 379, 380; a.ssessment, 383; 
 Ballard. 369; banV.-i, 381 to 
 383; Boren, C. D., .,v>4; busi- 
 ness blocks, .368; Ca.scade 
 Mountains, ,370; Chamber of 
 Commerce, 383 ; Chinese 
 riots, 3(56, 367; churches. 
 373; clay (potter's), 381; 
 clearing house report, 382; 
 coal, 378: coal, opening of 
 mines, 3(55, 366; coal mines 
 tributary, 377; Court Hou.sc, 
 371; Decatur, U. S. warship, 
 365: Denny, A. A., 3(54, 382; 
 Dexter Horton it Co., 382, 
 383; Dodge & Smith, 383; 
 early hi.storv, 364, 365, 366; 
 F;iliot Bav, 370; exports, 378, 
 381; finances, 381, 382, 383; 
 fire department, 37(5: first 
 plat, 364; first sawmill, 61 . 
 364, 3(>5, first settlement, ' 
 341; first shipping, 3(55; fish- 
 ing, 381 : Fremont. 3!)'\ Front 
 street, 368; great fire, 368; 
 Green Lake, 3(59: hanging of 
 Sullrvan, Howard and Pavne, 
 366; Hanna, John W., 364, 
 365; Holmes I -.imber Co., 
 380; Hoiiut:;,, Marcus, 380; 
 Uortoii, Dexter. 382; Hotel 
 Northern, 383; Howard, W. 
 M., 366; Hoyt, J. H., 383; 
 imports, 378; Indian trou- 
 bles, 365; jobbing, 377, 378, 
 "ist; Kee'ry Institute, 373; 
 Keriy, i. S., .sawmill, 380; 
 KirklaiHl, :;69; Ladd, W. S,, 
 382; Lake bu-nniaish, 379, 
 380; Lake Washington, 369, 
 374, 375; Lake Washington 
 Ship Canal, .34, 374; Latimer. 
 N. IL, 383; Latonia, 309; 
 library, ,373; ''ghts, elecirii:, 
 376; location, ;<64, 37(); lum- 
 ber, early shipinetils, 3(55; 
 lumbering, ;5(i9, 378, 379, 
 380,381 ; nianu(acturing,369, 
 379, 380, 381; McOilvra, J. 
 J., 371; mines, tributary, 378; 
 Monohan, 379, 380; Moiile 
 Ciisto mines. 378: Mt. Baker, 
 370: .Mt. Rainier, 370; Newell, 
 George, 379; Newell Mill Co., 
 379; Northern Pacific R. R., 
 larly history, 36(5; Olympic 
 Mountains, 370; Parker, C. 
 W. & Co., 384; parks, 369, 
 371; Payne. B. J., 366; 
 Phillips, David, 382; popula- 
 tion, 368; post office receipts, 
 383; public buildings, 371; 
 public schools, 372; railroads, 
 376, 377; railroads, early 
 history, 366; rapid growtj, 
 367, 368; residences, 370; 
 Salmon Bay, 369; sawmills, 
 379, 380, 381; schools, 372, 
 373; Seattle (Indian chief), 
 364; Seattle & Walla Walla 
 R. R., 365, 366; Second 
 street, 368; .shingles, 369, 
 379, 380, 381; shipping, 
 377, 378, 381; Silver Creek 
 mines, 378; Snoqualmie 
 mines, 378; Smith's Cove, coal 
 shipments, ,S9; Smith, H. A., 
 3(55; streets, 37.5; street cars, 
 369, 370; suburban towns, 
 369: .Sullivan, James. 366; 
 Terry Bros., 364; theater, 
 373, 374; tile, 381; timber. 
 37S; transportation, 3 76, 
 377.378; University of Wash- 
 ington, 372, 373- wagon 
 roads to Eastern Washin-^ton, 
 315.5; warehouses, 368; water 
 front, L!o8: water works, 375; 
 wharves, 368; wheat elevator, 
 381; wholesale business, 381 ; 
 wholesale trade, 377, 378: 
 Yesler, Henrv L., 364, 365; 
 Vesler, Mr,-;. M. G., 371, 372. 
 Seattle Cedar Lumber Co., 384. 
 Seattle Citv Ry.Co. (cable), 3 7(). 
 Seattle Coal Si Iron Co., S9. 
 Seattle Con. Rv. Co. ( elec ), 
 Seattle Dime Sav. Bank, 382. 
 '.-, "attle iliidian Chief I, 364. 
 Sei:ttle Lake S. &. K. Ky., East- 
 er.! Washington, 45 ; West- 
 ern Wa.-ihington, V.5; at Seat- 
 tle, 377. 
 Seattle Nat. Bank, 382. 
 Seattle Sav. Dank, 382. 
 Seattle Transfer Co.. 377. 
 Seattle iSi. Montana R. R., 46. 
 Seattle & Northern R. R.. 47. 
 Seattle it Walla Walla R. R.. 
 365. 366. 
 Seaview, Oi., 303. 
 Second Nat. Bank, Helena, 
 Mont., 539. 
 .Security Sav. Bank, Seattle, 382. 
 Security .'■"•av. & T. Co. .Portland, 
 S e d r o , Wash. : — Description, 
 391 . ( Also see 45. 399. ) 
 Seed I'^arm, La Conner, Wash., 
 .SehoineCoal Mine, Wash., 394. 
 Sehonie, Wash.. 393, 401, 402. 
 Seid Back, Portland, 120, 
 Sclah Valley, Wash., 419. 
 .Selkirk MouiUains, B. C, 579, 
 (.-Msosee ICootenay,) 
Index. — KeadiniT Matter. 
 Brewery, Portlaud, 
 . 4.7. 
 R. R. 
 sii., ai)4-. 
 |.o1. 4-02. 
 c, r.70. 
 Seli'vood (subMrb), Portland, 
 lli^. 11, 14 .,; school, 14.3. 
 Selph, B,. i;., Tillamook. Or., 
 Semiahinoo Ba\', Piioet Sound, 
 Seniiahmoo.Wash., 407 to 409. 
 Settlenieier, Geo., Or., 588. 
 Seven Devil.s Copper District, 
 Idaho, 29a. 
 Seven Oevils Mines and Moun- 
 -lins, Idaho, 49«, 490. 
 Seventh Day Advcji. College, 
 Walla Walla, Wash., +56. 
 Seventy-Nine Mine, Idaho. 79. 
 Severance, A. W., Tillamook, 
 Or., 239. 
 Seymour Shingle Mills, Cheha- 
 lis. Wish., 315. 
 Shaff, C. W., I^ewiston, Idaho, 
 Sharks, 101. 
 Shawnigan, B.C., 574. 
 Sheep:— ^Also .see stock rai.sing 
 rind wool.) Baker Co., Or., 
 291 ; Coos Bay, Or., 266 ; 
 Eastern Oregon, 279 to 282; 
 Gilliam Co., Or., 274: Helena, 
 Mont., 544 ; Heppner, Or., 
 271; Idaho Falls, Idaho, 524; 
 Klamath Co., Or., 218; La 
 Grande. Or., 284; Lake Co., 
 Or., 222; McMinnvillc, Or., 
 245; Montana, 561, 562; 
 The Dalles, Or., 209; Tilla- 
 mook, Or., 242; Union Co., 
 Or., 288; Wasco Co., Or., 27U; 
 Washington Co., Idaho, 507; 
 Wei.ser, Idaho, 506 ; Whit- 
 man Co., Wash., 467; Yaki- 
 ma Valley, Wash., 420. 
 Sheep Creek Mines, B. C, 585. , 
 ahelby Junction, Mont.. 51. 
 Shelton, R., Scio, Or., 183. 
 Shelton, Wash., 339, 340. 
 Shelton & S. W. R. R., 340. 
 Shepherd Tort, B, C, 441. 
 Sheridan, Geji., 4,32. 
 Sheridan Junction, Or., 40, 257. 
 .Sheridan, Or :-- Description, 
 257. 258. (ALSO see 40.) 
 Sherman, Gen. 432, 434, 345. 
 Sherwood, Wash., 453, 90. 
 Shingles :—( Made from cedar 
 timber ; also see lumbering 
 and timber.) Aberdeen, Wash., 
 332 ; Ballard, Wash., 369, 
 384 ; Blaine, Wash., 407 ; 
 Bncoda, Wash., 335; Castle 
 Rock, Wash., 311 ; Centralia, 
 Wash., 323, 324; Chehalis, 
 Wash. ,31 5; Fairhaven,Wash., 
 401; Kelso, Wash.. 310; Mt. 
 Vernon, Wash., 389 ; New 
 Whatcom, Wash., 40.5; Oregon 
 (output), 56; Pnvallup, Wash., 
 357; .Seattle, 369, 379, 380; 
 Sedro, AVasli., .391 ; Skagit 
 Co.. Wash., 389, 393; Snoho- 
 mish Co.. Wash., 388; Taco- 
 ma. Wash., 344, 349; Wash- 
 ington, 62. 
 Ship Bu i Id i ng : —Aberdeen, 
 Wash., 332, 333 ; Ballard, 
 Wash., 384; Everett, Wash., 
 385, 386; Portland, 180; 
 Vancouver, B. C. 577. 
 Shively, Joh:i M., 294. 
 .Shoalwater Bay :— (Willapa Har- 
 bor), Wash., 34, 35, 301, 
 305, 317 to 320; oysters, 35, 
 96. 102, 103; railroad, 45; 
 timber, 00. 
 Shoshone Co., Idaho, 63, 78. 
 478. 488. 
 Shoshone Falls, Idaho, 27, 48. 
 Shoshone, Idaho. : — De.scrip- 
 tion, 518. ^ Also see 27, 48.) 
 Shoshone Indians, 522. 
 Sh ..Is, R. W., Chehalis, Wash., 
 Shoudy, John A.. KUensburgh, 
 Wa.sh., 414. 
 Shu.swap Lake, B. C, 570. 
 Sicaraous Junction, B. C, 52. 
 Sierra Nevada Mine, Idaho, 
 480, 483. 
 Silver : — ( Also see mining.) 
 See Butte, Mont., Baker and 
 Union Cos., Or., 291, 292: 
 Ccinir d'Alene mines; Colville, 
 Wash., 455; Douglas Co., 
 Wash., 208; Idaho, 77 to 80; 
 Josephine Co., Or,, 210; Kas- 
 10, B. C. 585: Kootenay. B. 
 C. 436; see Kootenay Min- 
 ing District; Lane Co., Or., 
 200; Mo-tana (output ), 84; 
 see Montana; Nelson, B. C, 
 586, 587; Oregon, 70; out- 
 put Tacoma smelter, 344; 
 Wa.shington, 72 to 77; Wood 
 River, Idaho, 519. 
 Silver Bow Co , Mont,: — Court 
 House, Butte, 553; output 
 mines, 85. (Abso see Butte.) 
 Silverbow Creek, Mont., 549, 
 551, 584. 26, 454. 
 .Silverbow Junction, Mont., 48. 
 Silver Bow Mine, Mont., 556. 
 Silver Bow, Mont., 535. 
 Silver Bow Nat. Bank, Butte, 
 Mont., 553. 
 Silver Bow Valley,' Mont., 549, 
 Silver City, Idaho, 78, 79. 
 Silver Creek, Idaho, 486. 
 Silver Creek Mines, Wash., 47, 
 74, 377, 378, 388. 
 Silver Creek, Mont., 546. 
 Sliver Creek, Or., 187. 
 Silver Crown Mine, Wash., 4,54. 
 Silver King Mine, B. C, 580, 
 Silver Lake mine. Wash., 454. 
 Silver Lake, Or., 36, 221. 
 Silver Lake, Wash., 311. 
 Silverton, Or., 185 to 189. 
 Simcoe Indian Reservation, 
 Wash., 417. 
 Similkimeen Mine, B. C, 75. 
 Similkimeen River, B. C, gold, 
 Simmons, Capt., Puget Sound, 
 Simmons, I). IT Portland, 149 
 .Simmons Mine, Or., 69. 
 Siskiyou Mountains, 40, 214. 
 Sitka, Alaska. ( Reached by 
 Steam.ship from Puget Sound 
 Siuslaw River, Or., 32, 200. 
 Six Mile Creek, B. C, 584. 
 Skagit Bay, Puget Sound, 390; 
 Skagit Co., Wash., 388, 389, 
 391, 393 to 396; mining, 73; 
 timber, 58. 
 .Skagit Delta, Wash., 390. 
 Skagit River, Wash., 34, 88, 
 388, 389, 390, 391, 398. 
 .Skagit : — Whatcom Coal Field, 
 Wash., 87. 
 .Skamokawa Creek, Wash., 335. 
 Skinner's Butte, Flugene, Or., 
 Skookumchuck River, Wash., 
 321, 324. 
 Slade's Sawmill, Hoquiam, 
 Wash., 334. 
 SUitten, Mrs. L. E., Portland, 
 Sloane, Mrs. S. A. (hotel). Forest 
 Grove, 230. 
 Slocan Country, B. C, 582. 
 .Slocan Lake, B. C, 582. 
 Slocan Mines, B. C, 441, 580, 
 586, 587. 
 Slocan River, B. C, 579, 582. 
 Slocan Star Min?', B. C, 583. 
 Smelt, Pacific Noithwest, 102. 
 Smelting : — Anaconda, 5.59 ; 
 Bav Creek Distiict, Idaho. 79 ; 
 Butte, Mont., 548 to 559; 
 Great Falls, Mont., 5 56; 
 Hailey, Idaho, 520; Helena, 
 Mont., 543; Ketchum, Idaho, 
 521; Mineral Citv,Idaho, 243; 
 Montana, 83 to 85. ( Also, 
 533 to 559); Northport, 
 Wash., 75, 453, 586; Pilot 
 Bay, B. C, 580; Tacoma, 344; 
 Wicks, Mont., 546. 
 Smith, D. & H. A., Seattle, 365. 
 Smith & Lovett, Ice Works, Ore- 
 gon City, Or., 163. 
 Smith, S. W. Co., Waitsburg, 
 Wash, 460. 
 Smith T. J., Idaho Falls, Idaho, 
 Smith's Cove, Seattle, Coal Ship- 
 ments, 89. 
 Smitbson Block. Portland, 127. 
 Snake River, 27, 28. 298, 494, 
 495, 505, 509, 523; early 
 transportation, 117; Govt, 
 improvements, 27; navigation 
 above Huntington, Or., 293; 
 Shoshone Falls, 27,48.; Wai 1- 
 ington, 425, 4(53. 
 Snake River Valley, 293, 49 i, 
 517, 522. 
 Snell, Heitshu & Woodard. 
 Portland, 124, 125. 
 Snider, C. U., Lakeview, Or., 
 Snohomish, Wash.: — Descrip- 
 tion, 386, 387, 388. (Also, 
 45, 377). 
 Snohomish (Wash.) Land Com- 
 pany, 387. 
 Snohomish (Wash.) Nat. Bank, 
 The Orcgonjan's Hundbuok of the Pacific Northwest. 
 Snohomish County, Wash., 385, 
 3«(5,:i«7, as,s; mining 73.74. 
 Snohomish River, Wash., 34, 
 377, 3.S5, 3JS«>. 
 Snohomish Valley, Wash., 386. 
 Snow Shoe Gulch, Mont., 82. 
 Siioqualmie Fall.s, Wash., 388. 
 Snoqualmie Mines, Wash., 378. 
 Snoquahuie River, Wash., 380, 
 Sno(iualmie Valley, Wash., 377. 
 Snyder & Frost, Chehalis, Wash , 
 Soap Creek, Or., 175. 
 Soda Ci-eek, B. C. :— Precipita- 
 tion, 1(5; temperature, 16. 
 Soda Creek, Idaho, 517. 
 Sodavillc, Or., 180. 
 Sodaville (Or.) Mineral Springs, 
 Soils : — Pacific Northwest, 20 
 to 25; Big Bend country, 
 Wash., 23, 447; Colville val- 
 ley. Wash., 453; Eastern 
 Washington, 23; Idaho, 21 ; 
 Montana, 23, 24; Northern 
 Idaho, 23; Oregon, 21; Pal- 
 ouse country, 23; Puget Sound 
 country, 22; Washington, 21; 
 Willamette valley. Or., 21. 
 (Also see Willamette valley 
 centers of population); Yak- 
 ima valley, Wash., 24. 
 South Bay, Gray's Harbor, 
 Wash, 334. 
 South Bend, Wash.: — Descrip- 
 tion, .317 to 320; railroad con- 
 nections, 45. (Also see 313). 
 South Portland Park, Suburb, 
 Portland, 147. 
 South Prairie, Or., 173, 235, 
 South Prairie, Wash., Coal, 90, 
 South River Valley, Wash., 31 2. 
 South River, Wash., 311. 
 South Seattle Ry. Co. (electric), 
 South Westmin.sler, B. C, 385. 
 Southern Pacific Railroad : — 
 Coal from Wash., 91; ship- 
 ments in Oregon, 1892, 4(); 
 system and branches in Ore- 
 gon, 39, 40; (branches iii- 
 de.ved under names of lines.) 
 Sparta, Or., 70. 
 Spence's Bridge, B. C: — Precipi- 
 tation, 10; temperature, 16. 
 Spinning, Frank R., Puvallup, 
 Wash,, 356. 
 Spokane Branch N. P. R. R. Co. 
 (Idaho Div,), 49. 
 Spokane Falls iSl Northern Ry., 
 44, 47, 440, 441, 453, 454. 
 Spokane:— 430 to 446; Arling- 
 ton Heights Addition, 446; 
 Arlington Heights Motor 
 Line, 44(); assessni-.Mit, 445; 
 banks, 441; bonded debt, 
 444; bridges, cost, 44,5; 
 Bro.vue, J. J., 434; business 
 blocks, 4;;6; Cannon, A. M , 
 434; Carritte iSi Grinnell, 
 439; churches, 443; Cook's 
 Addition, 439; Crowley, II. 
 T., 432; Dilhnan, L. C, 441, 
 442; Downing, Beiij., 432; 
 early history, 431', -t32; Edi- 
 son Flectric Illuminating Co.. 
 438; Elmendorf, Frederick 
 C, 445; falls, Spokane River, 
 431, 432; finances, 444, 445; 
 fire, 1889, 430; fire depart- 
 ment, 444; flour mills, 438; 
 Glover, J. X., 432, 434: 
 Great Northern Ry. (comi>le- 
 tionX 441 ; Great Northern 
 Ry. Shops, 439, 440;Griffitts, 
 Thos. C, 4-t3, 444; growth, 
 434; Hangman's Creek, 433; 
 Hillvard, 439, 440; Hughson, 
 Walter & Co., 445; Hyde, 
 Samuel C, 443; Indian Mis- 
 sion School, 432; Indian 
 troubles, 432, 433; jobbing 
 trade, 441; Jones, Arthur D., 
 -1.44; Leghorn, J. F., 445; 
 Ledgerwood Park, 439; man- 
 ufacturing, 437, 438, 439; 
 mines, 75, 434, 435, 436; 
 mining, 72; Monroe Street 
 Bridge, 439; Montrose Park, 
 439; Northern Pacific R. R. 
 (completion), 434 ; police 
 department, 4-^-1; popula- 
 tion, 434; precipitation, 10; 
 railroads, 440, 441 ; railways, 
 street and suburban, 439, 
 440; Review, The, -1-37; resi- 
 dences, 436, 439; Riverside 
 ave., 430 ; Ross Park, 439; 
 schools, 441, 442; Scranton, 
 Wm.,432; Stone (building), 
 435 ; streets, 43(5 ; temper- 
 ature, 16; timber, 435; tribu- 
 tary country, 434, 435, 430; 
 tributary territory, 431; Fiiion 
 Pacific Ry. (completion), 441 ; 
 water power, 431, 432, 437, 
 438, 439; water works, 445; 
 wheat, 435; wholesale busi- 
 ness, 441 . 
 Spokane Cable St. Ry., 440. 
 Spokane College, 443. 
 Spokane Hvdraulic Pipe Co., 
 alaho, 488". 
 Spokane Nat. Bank, 43(5. 
 Spokane Railwav, 439, 440. 
 Spokane River, 20, 431,434, 
 437, 438, 439. 
 Spokane River, Post Falls, 437. 
 Spokane Savings Bank, 441. 
 Spokane Street Railway, 439. 
 Spokane Water Power, -L'.iT. 
 Spokane Co., Wash. (See Spo- 
 kane, Cheney and Medical 
 Spokane & Montrose Ry., 439. 
 Sprague, Wash., -1-20 to 430. 
 Sprague River V'alley, Wash., 
 Spring Creek, Or,, 173. 
 SJjringdale, Wash., 47.3. 
 Sipiaw Creek Minos, Ida., 79. 
 Stafford, Garret Co., Halsey, 
 Or., 191. 
 Stampede Tunnel, N. P. R. R., 
 342, 411. 
 Slarhuck, Wash., 40. 
 Starkey Prairie, Or., 288. 
 .Starve-out Creek, Or., 208. 
 State Sav. Bank, Butte, Mont., 
 State Sav. Bank. Tacoma, 351. 
 Statesman, The (newspaper), 
 Salem, Or., 171. 
 .Stavton, Or., 181. 
 .Steffen.J. F., Portland,129.130. 
 Stehekin River, Wash., 452. 
 Steilacoom, Wash., 345. 
 Stemwinder Mine, Idaho, 129, 
 Stenger, T. H., New Whatcom, 
 Wash., 400. 
 Steptoe, Col., 432. 
 Sterling Mine, Mont., 54(5,547. 
 Sterling Mining Co., Or., 212. 
 Stetson's Sawmill, Montesano, 
 Wash., 327. 
 Stevens Co., Wash., 455;" min- 
 ing, 73. 
 Stevens, Isaac, 432. 
 Stevens School, Portland, 143. 
 Steven.sville, Mont,, 530, 531. 
 Stewart, Calvin M., Sumner, 
 Wash , 302. 
 Stewart, J. P. & Son., Puyallup, 
 Wash., 350. 
 ,Stilaguamish River, Wash., 34, 
 Stinsou Luml)er Co., Ballard, 
 Wash., 384, 
 Stock Raising: — Baker County, 
 Or., 291 ; B. C, 570; Big Bend 
 CO' .trv, Wash., 447; Camas 
 T- airie", Idaho, 498, 499; Can- 
 yon county, Idaho, .509.; Ueer 
 Lodge, Mont., 536; Flathead 
 Valley, Mont., 532; Franklin 
 Co., VVash., 426; Garfield Co,, 
 Wash., 4(53; Genesee, Idaho, 
 475;GiIliamCo.,Or., 274; Hel- 
 ena, Mont. .544; Hepijner, Or , 
 271; Idaho Falls, 523, 524; 
 Jackson Co., (Jr., 213; Klam- 
 ath Co.. Or., 218; Klickitat 
 Co., Wash., 310; La (jrande. 
 Or., 284; Lake Co., Or., 221, 
 222; Montana, 559 to 502; 
 Morrow Co., (Jr., 273; Powder 
 Kiver Valley, Or., 291; The 
 Dalles, fM-..' 269; Tillamook 
 Co., 241; I'nion Co. Or., 288; 
 Wasco Co., Or., 270; Walla 
 Walla, 458; Washington Co., 
 Idaho, 500. 507; Weiser, I., 
 506; (see Willamette Valley); 
 Yakima Valley, Wash., 417. 
 .Stone: - ( .Sandstone ) ; Ashland, 
 Or., 21.5; Bellingham Bay, 
 Wash., 393; (blue saiulstone); 
 Burnett, Wash., 34(5; Chuck- 
 aunt Bav. Wash., 395, 4(J4; 
 (Build.); Colville, 435, 455, 
 (sandstone); Colville, Wash., 
 ■1.55; (gray sandstone); Fair- 
 haven, Wash. ,39.5; (building); 
 Helena, Mont., 545; (gran- 
 ite); Helena, Mont., 54 O, 
 Lakeview, Or., 22.3; (b'.ue 
 saiulstone); Tenitio, W a s h . , 
 353, 354; ( building > , Port 
 Townsend, Wash,, •' ^ .». 
 Stout, Mrs. A. K., Pacific Park, 
 Wash., 3()4. 
 Index. — Reading Matter. 
 ic Park, 
 Strahoni, R Co., Hailev, Idaho, 
 vStraits ot Puca, 33, -tOG, 4-Oi), 
 4.10, 411, 4.72; Kdiz Pt. 
 Liplitliousf. -H 1 . 
 Straits of (Veorgia. iSto I'.iilf ot 
 Strawberries : — ( Also see 
 Iruit ciilt\ire) ; Uig Bend 
 conn trv, Wash., 440; Hood Riv- 
 er, Or.,"i.M>H; Milton, Or., l.'S4; 
 Oregon. 592; PnyoUup.Wash., 
 H{)7; Pnvallup Valley, Wash., 
 3(52; Stuck Valley, Wa.sh., 
 362; Walla Walla Co., Wash., 
 45H; Yakima Co., Wash., 424. 
 Stuart, Jauies and C.ranville, 
 Mont., SO to 85. 
 Stuart, Mont , 48, 235. 
 Stuck Junction, Wash., 37(5. 
 Stuck River, Wash,, 3(51, 
 Stuck Valley, Was:.., 3(51. 
 Sturgeon : — ( Also see fishing.) 
 H. C, 571; Columbia River, 
 100, 101; Kalania, Wash., 
 30(5; Shipped from Columbia 
 River. 114. 
 Sturgess, O. D., Goldendale, 
 Wush., 310. 
 Suctotash Vallev, Wash., 411. 
 Sugar Pine, Lake Co., Or., 222. 
 Sugar Pine, Southern Oregon, 
 Sullivan, James, Seattle, Wash., 
 Sumas, li. C, 377. 
 Summanish River, Wash., 34. 
 Summer Group Mines, Idaho, 
 Summer I„ake (town). Or.. 223, 
 Sumner Iron Works, Kverett, 
 Wash.. 28(5. 
 Stimner Lake, Or., 3G, 2:^1. 
 Sumner, Wash., 3(51, 3(52. 
 Sumpter \'allev R. R., from 
 liaker City, Or., 288. 
 SuiinysideCo\intry, Wash. ,424. 
 Sunnvside School, rortlaiid, 
 Sli.''.pensi()n Hridge, Oregon City, 
 Or., 1(51. 
 Suter, Leo, Salmon River, H, C, 
 Swallow, Dr. Geo, C, 83. 
 Swank Creek, Wash. ,74. 
 Swauk Mines, Wash., 415, 
 .Sweet, v.. S. (sawmill), Cotton- 
 wood, Idaho, 502. 
 Sweet Home, Or., 180. 
 Sweet, Willis, Moscow, Idaho, 
 Swinomish Indian Reservation, 
 Wash,, 390. 
 Swinomish Slough, Puget 
 Sound, 34. 
 Table Rock, Idaho, 51 1 . 
 Tacoma : — 340 to 354; Ameri- 
 can Lake. 345; assessed val- 
 \iation, ,351, 352;l)anks, 350, 
 .3.51 ; Chamber of Commerce, 
 34(); churches, .350; Citv 
 Mall, 34<); Clover Creek, 35,3'; 
 coal bnnktis. 34t; conl fields, 
 344, .")4.5; coke, 344: Com- 
 mencement Uay, 340, 34.3; 
 Court House, 34(5, 347; early 
 history, 340, 341; Kdison 
 suburb. 345, 349; Eureka 
 Sandstone Co., 353, 354; ex- 
 ports, 347. 348, 340, 352; 
 liiumces. 350, 351, 352; 
 fire department, 353; first 
 sawmill, (51, 341; first settle- 
 ment, 341; fishing, 345; 
 flour exported, 347, 348; 
 flouring mills, ,347; foreign 
 trade, ;i,">2; Hanson's sawmill, 
 341, 342; hops, .344; 
 imports, 3.52; iron, 344; job- 
 bing trade, 349 ; laths ex- 
 ports, 349 ; 1 u 111 b e r ex- 
 ports, 349; lumbering, 
 349 ; manufacturing, 340, 
 341,343, 344, .349; -McGiv- 
 en, Mrs. A. C, 354; Mt. Ta- 
 coma (Rainier), 343; North- 
 ern Pacific R. R., 352; North- 
 ern Pacific R. R. car shops, 
 340. 350; Northern Pacific 
 R, R. completion, 342; North- 
 ern Pacific R. R. terminal 
 yard, 344; parks, 345, 346; 
 Pitt.sburg Stone Co.. 34(5,347; 
 Point Defiance 343, 344, 
 345; population, .343; Puget 
 Sound Fishing Co,, 103; Puy- 
 alluj» River, 343; residence 
 section, .343 ; scliools, 350; 
 -selection by N. P. R. R., as 
 terminus, 342; shippirg,.347, 
 348, 352; smeller,344; Span- 
 away Lake, .3.53 ; steamship 
 route to Sitka, 33; St, Paul & 
 Tacoma Lumber Co. (output), 
 405; streets, ,34(5; street rail- 
 wnvs, 345; suburbs, 345; Tait, 
 J. \V., 354; timber, 344, 349; 
 Iransporlation, 3,52 ; water 
 works plant, ,3.5.3; wheat, 344, 
 345 ; wlieat elevator, 347 ; 
 wheat shipments, 347, 348; 
 wholesale trade, 349; Wright 
 park, 340. 
 Tacoma HIdg. & Sav. Ass., 351. 
 Tacoma Hus. College, ,354. 
 Tacoma Mill Co. (output) 405. 
 Tacoma Xat. Hank, 351. 
 Tacoma, Olvm, it Cliehalis V. 
 R. R., 32,3, 
 Taccmia, Orting ^t S. IC. R. R., 
 T.'icoma Ry. & Mot. Co., 345, 
 Tacoma School of Shorthand, 
 Tait, J. W., Tacoma, 
 Talbot, Wash,, 377. 
 Tannerv, I'^ugetie, 
 190, ' 
 Tannery, Moiitesano, Wash., 
 Tannerv, Portland, 154 
 Taniiin'Kxtract, Wash., (50. 
 Tannin I-Cxtiact Works, South 
 Hend, Wash., 310. 
 Tannuiii River, Wash., 422. 
 Tauzler, A. iS: Co., JefTerson. 
 Or., 174, 
 Tekoa, Wash. : — Description, 
 4(50, 470. (Also see 4(5, 48.) 
 Telephone (steamer), 200, 300. 
 Temperature, Pac. N. W., 11 to 
 Tenderfoot Mine, Wash., 454. 
 Tenino, Wash., 45, 335, 338, 
 353, 354. 
 Ten Mile Creek. Mont.. 545. 
 Terry Bros., Seattle, 3(54. 
 Texas Ridge, Idaho, 493. 
 Thayer, C. & K„ Tillamook, Or., 
 The Dalles, Or., 268, 260. 
 The Dalles of the Columbia 
 River. 28, 117, 118, 
 The Dalles, Port, it As. Nav. 
 Co., 269. 
 Thiel's Detective Service, Port- 
 land, 155. 
 ThomasCreek, Or., 181. 
 Thompson Kails, Mont., ,524. 
 Thompson River, H. C, 570. 
 Thomp.son, R. N., Browiiriville, 
 Or., 184. 
 Thornton, Richard, Portland, 
 Three Mile Creek, Idaho, 498. 
 Three Sisters i snow peaks), 
 Thurston Co., Wash,, 335 to 
 340; Court House, 336, 
 Tieton Rivfr, Wash., 422. 
 Tiger Mine, Idaho, 77, 479, 
 480, 484. 
 Tile Factories : — Ilalsev, Or., 
 191; Newberg, Or,, 250; N. 
 Yamhill, Or,, 243; .Seattle, 
 381 ; We-ston, Or,, 283. Also 
 large works at Portland and 
 the other leading cities of this 
 Tillamook Hay, Or., 35; also 
 232 to 241 ; salmon canning, 
 00, 100. 
 Tillamook Country, Or., 235 to 
 Tillamook Co. Toll Road, 234, 
 Tillamook Dairy Assn.. 237. 
 Tillamook Head, Or,, 208, 209. 
 Tillamook Lumber Co., 236. 
 Tillamook, or , 235 to 230. 
 Tillamook, Or., stage from For- 
 est (jrove. 232 lo 235. 
 Tillamook. Or,, Stage from N. 
 Yamhill, 244. 
 Tillamook River, Or., 35, 236, 
 Tillingha.st. A. G., LaConner, 
 Wash,, 388. 
 Tillinghast. Philip, Moscow, 
 Idaho, 491. 
 Tiltou, C. K., Portland, 130. 
 Timber: — (Also see lumber- 
 ing.) General description, 52 
 to 65; Ala.ska, 64, 65; British 
 Columbia, (55; Idaho, 63, 64; 
 Montana, 64; Oregon, 53 to 
 56; Washington, 56 to 63, 
 318; also see .\storia. Or., 
 206; Baker City, Or., 288, 
 201; Bellingham Bay. Wash,, 
 30.3, 304; Blue Mountains, 
 Or,, 288; Buckley, Wash., 
 411,412; Cathlamet, Wash., 
 306; Chehalis Co,, Wash,, 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 I :i'' 
 321, 326, 328; Cheney, 
 Wash., 430; Clarke, Co., 
 Wash., 308, ,509; Clearwater 
 River, Idaho, 496; Columbia 
 Co.. Or., 293; Coh-ille, Wash., 
 455; Coeur d'Alenes, 478; 
 Coos Bay, Or., 266; Cotton- 
 wood, Idaho, 502; Cowlitz 
 Co., Wash., 310, 311; Craig's 
 Mountain, Idaho, 502; Doug- 
 las Co., Or., 208; Eastern 
 Washington, 435; Elgin, Or., 
 286; Fir, 54, 55, 56; Forest 
 Grove, Or., 231; Grav's Har- 
 bor, 326, 328, 331, 332; Hai- 
 ley, Idaho, 520; Hood River, 
 Or., 268; llwaco. Wash., 302; 
 Jackson Co., Or., 213; Jose- 
 phine Co., Or., 209; Klamath 
 Co., Or., 216, 221, 222; La 
 Grande, Or., 284; Lake What- 
 com. Wash., 394; Lewis Co., 
 Wash., 315, 321- Lincoln 
 and Benton Cos. Or., 264; 
 Linn Co., Or.. 179; Long Val- 
 ley, Idaho, 508; McMinuville, 
 Or., 245; Marion Co., Or., 
 172; Mason Co., Wash., .340; 
 Missoula Co., Mont., .529; 
 Morrow Co., Or., 273; Orting, 
 Wash., 411; Palouse Countrv, 
 Wash., 466, 471: Payette. 
 Idaho, 506; Pierce Co., Wash., 
 344; Polk Co., Or., 256, 257; 
 Potlatch Country, Idaho, 493; 
 Puyallup Valley, Wash., 357; 
 Ra'thdrum, Idaho, 476; Sho- 
 shone Co., Idaho, 47H; Skagit 
 Co., Wash , 389, 391; Snoho- 
 mish Co., Wash., 388; Sugar 
 Pine, 211; Tacoma. Wash., 
 344, 349; The Dalles, Or., 
 269; Thompson Falls, Mont., 
 525; Thurston Co., Wash., 
 335; Tillamook Bav. Or., 234, 
 236, 240, 241, 242; Umatilla 
 Co.. Or., 278; Union, Or., 
 287, 288; Vancouver Lsland, 
 B. C, 574; Washington Co., 
 Idaho, 507; Washington Co., 
 Or., 228, 229; Whatcom Co., 
 Wash., 393, 394; Willapa 
 Harbor, Wash., 320; Willam- 
 ette Valley, Or.. 106; Win- 
 lock, Wash., 312; Yamhill 
 Co, Or., 248. 
 Timothy (al.so see hay), 458. 
 Tinker, H. H. (hotel). 
 Beach, Wash., 303. 
 Tioga, Wash., 304. 
 Toad Mountain, B. C, 
 586, 587. 
 Tobacco, Prosser, Wash., 
 Whitman Co., Wash., 
 also raised in Moxee Valley, 
 and other parts of Northwest. 
 Topography and climate Pac. 
 N. W., 9 to 20. 
 Toppenish River, Wash.. 417. 
 Touchet River, Wash., 459, 
 4()0, 4r>1 . 
 Touchet Valley, Wash., 459. 
 Toulon (bark), at Portland,! 10. 
 Tower Lum. it Mnfg. Co., Cen- 
 tralia. Wash., 324. 
 M., Lakeview, 
 Town.send, W. 
 Or., 226, 227. 
 Townsend & Beach. 
 Or., 223. 
 Trade Dollar Mine, Idaho, 77. 
 Traders Bank, Tacoma, 351. 
 Traders Block, Spokane, 437. 
 Traders Nat. Bank, Spokane, 
 Trail Creek Mines. B. C, 584, 
 Trask River, Or., 35, 236, 239. 
 Treadwell Mine, Ala.ska, 86 
 Treasure Box Mine, Idaho, 487. 
 Trout Fishing:— (Also see fish- 
 ing,pleasure); Blackfoot River, 
 Mont., 537; British Columbia, 
 571; CtJeur d'Alenes, Idaho, 
 481; Derapsev Lakes, Mont., 
 537; Hailey, Idaho, 520; Ho- 
 quiam, Wash., 334; Klamat . 
 Co., Or., 218; Kootenay 
 River, B. C, 587, 579; Lake 
 Pend d'Oreille, 477; Lake 
 Whatcom, Wa.sh., 404; Neca- 
 nicum River, Or., 299; Pacific 
 Northwest, 95 to 103; Rath- 
 druui, idaho, 477; Rimini, 
 Mont., 54.5; Thompson Falls, 
 Mont., 52.5; Vanco\iver Lsland, 
 B. C, 573; White River, 
 Wash.. 412: Wilson 
 Or., 234; Winlock, 
 312; Yamhill Co., Or. 
 Tualatin Academy and 
 University, Forest Grove, Or., 
 231 232 
 Tualatin Plains, Or.. 116. 
 Tualatin River, Or., 104, 229. 
 Tualatin River juuctiotl with 
 Willamette, 161. 
 TuleLake, Or., 218. 
 Tumwater Falls, Wash., 61, 
 339 340. 
 Tumwater, Wash., 339, 340. 
 Turner, Or., 173. 
 Tuttle & Robeson, Tillamook, 
 Or., 238. 
 Tyler Mine, Idaho, 483. 
 Umatilla Co., 278, 279; Court 
 House, Pendleton, Or., 275; 
 mines, 70; silver, 67, 70. 
 Umatilla Indian Reservation, 
 Or., 279. 
 Umatilla, Or., 41, 46. 
 Umatilla River, Or., 28, 275, 
 Umpqua River, Or., 32, 208; 
 salmon pack, 100; South 
 Fork, 204, 205. 
 Umpqua Valley, Or., 20.^, 204, 
 Union, B. C, 570. 
 Union Co., Or.:— Desciiption, 
 287, 288; gold, 67; mines, 
 70. (Also see 291, 292). 
 Union County Court House, Un- 
 ion, Or., 287. 
 Union Depot, Portland, 124. 
 Union Gap, Wash., 417. 
 Union Pacific R. R.: -Along Co- 
 lumbia River, 41 ; completion 
 to Spokane, 441 ; Heppner 
 branch, 270; in Idaho, 48, 
 49; in Oregon, 4(i, 41; in 
 Wash., 46, 47; interests in 
 Oregon and Wash., 117, 118; 
 shops at Albina, Portland, 
 131; shops at Glenn's Ferry, 
 Idaho, 518; shops at Hunting- 
 ton, Or., 292, 293; shops at 
 La Grande, Or., 41 ; shops at 
 Pocatello, Idaho, 522; shops 
 at Portland, Or., 41 ; shops at 
 Shoshone, Idaho, ,518; shops 
 Tekoa, Wash., 469, 470; 
 survey Puget Sound to Port- 
 land, 320; water lines, 40. 
 Union ( Or.,) Railway Co., 287. 
 Union Savings Bank, Tacoma, 
 Uniontown. Idaho, 495. 
 Uiiiontown, Wash., 475, 476. 
 Union Trunk Line ( electric and 
 cable), Seattle, 370. 
 Union Tunnel Co's Mines, Or., 
 United railroads of Wash, 45. 
 U. S. Assay Office, Boise City, 
 Idaho, 511. 
 U. S. Assay Office, Helena, 
 Mont., 541. 
 U. S. Bank, Portland. 135. 
 I'. .S Land Offices in Pacific 
 Northwest : — Idaho : Black- 
 foot, Boise City, Citur d'Alene 
 City, Hailey, Lewiston. Mon- 
 tana : Bozema' , Helena, Miles 
 City. Oregon: Burns, La 
 Grande, Lakeview, Oregon 
 City, Roseburg, The Dalles. 
 Wa'shingtou : North Yakima, 
 Seattle, Spokane, Vancouver, 
 Walla Walla. 
 X'niversitv of Idaho, Moscow, 
 491, 492. 
 University of Oregon: — De- 
 scription, 198 to 200 ; School 
 of Law, Portland, 198; School 
 of Medicine, Portland, "OO. 
 University of Wash., Seattle, 
 372, 373. 
 Urquhart, W. M., Chehalis, 
 Wash., 314, 315, 
 Utah & Northern branch U. P. 
 R R.,48. 
 Utt.h Northern R. R., Mont. ,49. 
 Van Scoy, W. T., A. B., Drain, 
 Or., 203. 
 Vancouver, B. C, 569. 
 Vancouver, Capt. (ieo., 307. 
 Vancouver Ferry, Columbia 
 River, 146. 
 Vancouver, Island, B. C. : — 
 Boundary line, ,33 ; see Brit- 
 ish Columbia aiul Victoria. 
 Vancouver, Wash. ; — Descrip- 
 tion, 307 to .309 ; Fort Van- 
 couver, 108, 14(5 ; Electric 
 line from Portland, 14(5. 
 Vandalia Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Van Duvn, Isaac, Independence, 
 Or., 249. 
 Van Duyn, J. M., Independence, 
 Or., 249. 
 Van Tnye, F. R., Mt. Vernon, 
 Wash., 390. 
 Vautour Mine, Mont., 545. 
Index. — Reading Matter. 
 V. p. 
 Vegetables : — ( Grown in near- 
 ly all parts of Pacific North- 
 Veronia, Or., 230. 
 Victoria, B. C. : — Description, 
 562 to 568 ; precipitation, 
 16; temperature, IG ; aluo 
 see 568, 569. 
 Vieilantes of Mont. : — Descrip- 
 tion, 562 to 568. 
 Villard, Henry, 41, 43, 198. 
 Viola Group Mines, Idaho, 79. 
 Virgin, W. J., Ashland, Or., 21 6. 
 Virginia City, Mont., 81, 563. 
 Virtue, James W., Portland, 292. 
 Voegler Block, Spokane, 437. 
 VoUmer & Scott, Grangeville, 
 Idaho, 501. 
 Von Cadow, Mrs. M., 273. 
 Voruz, Emil, Heppner, Or., 272. 
 Wahkiakum Co., Wash., 306. 
 Waitsburg, Wash., 458, 459 
 Wake-Up-Jim Mine, Mont. ,555, 
 Waldo, Or., Copper, 71. 
 Walkerville, Mont., 551, 552. 
 Wallace, Idaho: — Description, 
 483; railroads, 48, 49. (Also 
 see 479, 482.) 
 Walla Walla Co., Wash., i458, 
 7, alia Walla River in Or., 278, 
 284; in Wash., 28. 
 Walla Walla, Wash., 41; de- 
 scription, 4.55 to 458; pre- 
 cipitation, 16; railroads, 46, 
 47; temperature, 16. 
 Wallowa Co., Or., 287; mines, 
 Wallula June, Wash., 41, 39, 
 47, 422. 
 Walton, Joshua J;, Sec. Uni- 
 versity of Or., Eugene, Or., 
 Wanita, B. C, 584. 
 Wann. J. H., Cottonwood, Ida., 
 Wardner, Idaho : — Description 
 482. ( Al.so see 478, 479) ; 
 railroads, 48, 49. 
 War Eagle Mine, B. C, 584. 
 War Eagle Mine, Ida., 485. 
 War Eagle Mountain, Ida., 79. 
 Warner Lake, Or.. 36,221,222. 
 Warner Valley, Or , 222. 
 Warrens, Idaho, 77. 
 Warrens Mines, Idaho, 499. 
 Warrens' Salmon Cannery, 
 Cathlamet, Wash., 306. 
 Wasco Co., Or., 269. 
 Washington: — A'ea, 7; coal, 86 
 to 92; coast harbors, 34; coast 
 points, 300 to 306, 317 to 
 320, 324 to 335; coke, 88; 
 centers of population, 3O0 to 
 475; early history, 345, 364, 
 .365; elevation, mean, maxi- 
 mum, mininmm, 10 ; first 
 court, 345; first sawmill, 61; 
 fishing industries, 95 to 104; 
 hops, 3.57 to 361 ; Indian 
 troubles, 433; irrigation, 24 ; 
 lead, 72 to 77; lime industry, 
 92 to 9.5; lumlxiing indus- 
 tries, 61, 62, (>3; m!\rl)le, 
 ."^S to 95; mining, 72 to 
 77; oil, 88 ; organization 
 of, 7 ; population, 7 ; rail- 
 r oads , 43, 44, 4.5 ; 
 shingle industry, 62; soil, 22, 
 23; State Agricultural Col- 
 lege, Pullman, 474 ; State, 
 Capitol at Olynipia, 339 ; 
 State Insane Asylum, Medical 
 Lake, 447 ; State Normal 
 School, Cheney, 430; State 
 Normal School, Ellen.sburgh, 
 414; State Penitentiary, Wal- 
 la Walla, 457; State School 
 for Defective Youth, Vancou- 
 ver, 308; State School for 
 Feeble Minded, Vancouver, 
 308 ; State Soldiers Home, 
 Orting, 411 ; timber. 378 ; 
 timber resources, .56 to o3; 
 wheat crop, 344, 345, 347, 
 Washington & Columbia River 
 Ry Co. (Hunt's lines), 47. 
 Washington Co., Idaho, 50.5, 
 517, 506, 507; gold and sil- 
 ver output, 78. 
 Wash. Div. U. P. R. R., 46, 47, 
 Washington, George, founder 
 Centralia, Wash., 321. 
 Washington Hotel, Olympia, 
 Wash., 339. 
 Washington Nat. Bank, Seattle, 
 Nat. Bank, Spo- 
 Nat. Bank, Ta- 
 kane, 441. 
 coma, 351. 
 Washington Savings Bank, 
 Seattle, 382. 
 \V ashington Savings Bank, 
 Spokane, 441. 
 Washington & Southern R. R. 
 Co., 340. 
 Washington Water Power Co., 
 437, 438, 440. 
 Washougal River, Wash., 
 Washougal, Wash., 309. 
 Water Power. :— Albany, 
 176, 177; Ashland, Or. 
 Baker City, Or., 288; Browns- 
 ville, Or., 183, 185; Caldwell, 
 Idaho, 507; Chelan River, 
 Wash., 451 ; Clarke Co., Wash., 
 309; Colfax, Wash., 466; 
 Colville Co., Wash., 454; 
 Dayton, Wash., 461; Eugene, 
 Or., 196; Goldendale, Wash., 
 309: Harrisburg, Or., 192; 
 Heppner, Or., 271; Hood 
 River, Or., 268; Idaho Falls, 
 Idaho, f'23; Jefferson, Or., 
 174; Josephine Co. Or., 210; 
 Klamath Falls, Or., 218; 
 La Grande, Or., 285; Leban- 
 non, Or., 179, 180; Milton, 
 Or., 284; Myers Falls, Wash., 
 453; North Yamhill, Or., 
 243; (See Oregon City article; 
 Palouse, Wash., 471; Pendle- 
 ton, Or,, 275; Polk Co., Or., 
 257; Pomeroy, Wash.. 464; 
 Portland (SeeOregonCity arti- 
 cle); l*rosscr,Wasii.,42i5; Rose- 
 burg, Or., 205; Salem, Or., 
 168; Scio, Or., 181; Silverton, 
 Or., 187; Spokane, Wash., 
 431, 437, 438, 439; Stayton, 
 Or., 181; The Dalles, Or., 
 269; Thompson Falls, Mont., 
 525; Touchet River, Wash., 
 459; Tualatin River, Or., 161 ; 
 Tumwater, Wash., 339, 340; 
 Turner, Or., 173; Union, Or., 
 286; Waitsburg, Wash., 459; 
 Washington Co., Or., 229; 
 Washougal, Wash., 309; Wil- 
 lamette Falls, Or. (See Oregon 
 City article); Yamhill Co., Or., 
 Waterville, Wash., 448, 451. 
 Watkins, W. W., Moscow, 
 Idaho, 490, 491. 
 Watts, Dr. J. W., Lakeview, Or., 
 Wax, Henry, Grangeville, Idaho, 
 Weatheawax, The J. M. Lum- 
 ber Co., Aberdeen, Wash., 
 Weatherwax, The J. M. (schoon- 
 er), 332, 333. 
 Webb, G. A., Silverton, Or., 
 Weber Bros., Portland, 154. 
 Webster Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Weinhard's Brewery, Portland, 
 125, 126. 
 Weiser, Idaho, 505, 506. 
 Weiser Mine, Mont., .546. 
 Weiser River, Idaho, 28, 506, 
 507,505, 517. 
 Weiser Valley. Idaho, 506, 
 Wellington Coal Mines, B. C, 
 52, 570. 
 Wenas River, Wash., 417. 
 Weuas Valley, Wash., 417. 
 Wcnatchee River, Wash., 20. 
 Wenatchee, Wash., 46. 451, 
 W. Coa.=t Mfg. & In. Co., Bal- 
 lard, Wash., 384. 
 West Colusa Mine, Mont., 556. 
 Westcott Bay, Wash., 93. 
 Western Mont. Bank, Missoula, 
 West (iranite Mine, Mont. 535. 
 West Kootenay, B. C, 436, 578 
 to 584. 
 Westminster June, B. C, 51. 
 Weston, Or., 283, 284. 
 West Portland Park, suburb 
 Portland, 147. 
 West Sawmill, Aberdeen, Wash., 
 West Scio, Or., 181. 
 West Seattle Cable Ry. Co., Se- 
 attle, 370. 
 West Side Mill Co., " Olynipia, 
 Wa.sh., 338. 
 West Stayton, Or., 181. 
 West Street & N. End Ry. Co. 
 (elee), Seattle, 370. 
 Whales, 102. 
 Whatcom Co, Court House, New 
 Whatcom, Wash., 403. 
 Whatcom Co., Wash., 393 to 
 The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest. 
 ii9G, 401i; also see Fairhaveti 
 and N. Whatcom. 
 Wlmtcotn, Wash., 393, 4-01, 
 Whaleback steamers, construc- 
 tion, 3.S5. 
 Wheat crop Pacific Northwest,?, 
 Wheat : — Adams Co., Wash., 
 420; Aniitv, Or., 25S: Athe- 
 na, Or., 2«2; Baker ' >., Or., 
 291 ; Big Bend Country, Wash., 
 t27, 4-4-8, 4.49; Benton Co., 
 Or., 262;' Bitter Root Valley, 
 Mont.. 526; Camas Prairie, 
 Idaho, 498, 500; Canyon Co., 
 Idaho, 509; Chehalis, Wash., 
 327, Colfax, Wash., 4G5; 
 Colton, Wash., 475; Colum- 
 bia Co., Wash,, 460; Colville 
 Valley, Wash., 453; Corvallis, 
 Or., 2G1; Davenport, Wash., 
 449; Deer Lodge, Mont.. 536; 
 Douglas Co., Or., 208; Elgin, 
 Or., 286; iMigene (storage), 
 195; Farniington, Wash., 
 468; Flathead Valley, Mont., 
 532; Forest Grove, Or., 231; 
 Garfield Co., Wash., 463; 
 Garfield, Wash., 467; Gene- 
 see, Idaho, 476; Gilliam Co., 
 Or., 274; Halsey, Or., 191, 
 192; HarrLsburg, Or., 192; 
 Heppner, Or., 271; Hillsl)oro, 
 Or., 227; Horse Plains, Mont., 
 526; Idaho Falls, Idaho, 524; 
 "Inland Empire" (exportedl, 
 113; " Inland Empire" 
 (shipped to Portland), 130; 
 Independence, Or., 249; Jef- 
 ferson, Or., 174: Josepliine 
 Co., Or., 209; Junction City. 
 C)r., 194; Kendrick, Idaho, 
 493; Klickitat Valley, Wash., 
 310; Lane Co., Or., 200, 201 ; 
 Linn Co., 179; Medford, Or., 
 210; Morrow Co., Or., 273; 
 Moscow, Idaho. 489; Mt. An- 
 gel, Or., 189; N. Yamhill, Or., 
 243; Oakesdale, Wash., 469; 
 Oregon City, Or., 163; Palouse 
 and Big IJend Countries, 
 Wash., 435; Palouss, Wash., 
 472; Pendleton, Or., 276; 
 Polk Co., Or., 257; Portland 
 (shipments), 130; Potlatch 
 Country, Idaho, 493;Pullmau, 
 Wash., "473; Rathdrum, Idaho, 
 476; Rogue Ri%'er Valley, Or., 
 213; Salem. Or., 168, 171; 
 Scio, Or., 182; Seattle, 381; 
 Southern Pac. R. R. (ship- 
 ments), 40; Sprague, Wash., 
 427;Tacoma, 344, 345, 347, 
 348; Tekoa, Wash., 470; 
 Touchet Valley, Wash., 459; 
 Turner, Or., 173; Umatilla 
 Co., Or.. 278, 279; Union Co., 
 Or., 288; Union Pacific R. R. 
 (shipments), 41; Unionto\vn, 
 Wash., 475; Walla Walla Co., 
 Wash., 458; Wasco Co., Or., 
 270; Washington, 344, 345, 
 347, 440; Washington Co., 
 Malio, 507; Washington Co., 
 Or., 229; Waterville, Or., 448; 
 Weis^. Valley, Idaho, 506; 
 Weston or., 283; Whitman 
 Co., V ish., 467; Willam- 
 ette \ alley. Or., 105. 130; 
 Wood River Valley, Idaho, 
 518; Yamhill Co., Or., 247. 
 Whipperville Mine, Mont., 5-1-7. 
 Whitcomb, Lot (steamer), 117. 
 White Bird Plains, Idaho, 502. 
 While, Geo. F., Castle Rock, 
 Wash., 311. 
 Whitehouse, Crimius & Co., 
 Aberdeen, Wash.. 332, 
 White River, Or., 270. 
 White River, Wash., 34, 412. 
 White River Valley, Wash. ,363. 
 White Sulphur Springs, A.sh- 
 land. Or., 215. 
 White Sulphur Springs, Mont., 
 White Swan Mine, Or., 70, 292. 
 Whitman College, Walla Walla, 
 Wash., 456. 
 Whitman Co. Court House, Col- 
 fax, Wash., 463. 
 Whitman Co., Wash., 440, 464, 
 Whitman Ma.ssacre, 109, 
 Whitney, Wash., 390. 
 WhitwoVth College, Sumner, 
 Wash., 362, 363. 
 Wicks, Mont., 545 to 547. 
 (.■VLso 50.) 
 Wilbur, Rev. J. H., 128. 
 Wilbur, Wash., 450, 448. 
 Wilcox, Dr. Ralph, Portland, 
 Wild Horse Creek, Or., 278. 
 Wilhelm, J. (i. (brewery), Port- 
 land, 153. 
 Wilhoit Springs, Or. (coal), 71. 
 Wilke.son, Wa.sh. : — Coal, 91; 
 coke, 90, 344. 
 Willamette Falls (suburb), Ore- 
 gon Citj', Or., 161. 
 Willamette Falls B:iec. Co., Ore- 
 gon City, Or., 164. 
 Willamette Falls, Oregon City, 
 Or. :- Description, 31, 32. 
 (Al.so see 104, 158, 159,160;) 
 power for electric lighting, 
 118. 119 
 Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., 
 Oregon City, Or., 163. 
 Willamette River, Or. : — De- 
 .scriptiou. 31, 32. (Also see 
 104. 158, 159, 160, 167, 
 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 
 192,194; commerce, .30; re- 
 lation to Portland, 129; traf- 
 fic from Portland, 117, 118. 
 Willamette Ry. Co., Oregon 
 City, Or., 161. 
 Willamette School, Portland, 
 Willamette Tannery, Eugene, 
 Or., 195, 196. 
 Willamette Trans. & Locks Co., 
 Oregon City, Or., 164. 
 Willamette University, Port- 
 land, 143. 
 Willamette University, Salem, 
 Or., 169. 
 Willamette Valley Or. :— -De- 
 scription, 104 to 106. (Also 
 see centers of population. 106 
 to 201 and 227 to 263); fir.,1 
 railroad, 109; first .settlement 
 109, 157; relation to Port- 
 land, 113; soil 21; wheat, 22. 
 Willamette Valley & Coa.st R. 
 R., 260. 
 Willapa Harbor Tannin Extract 
 Co., South Bend, Wash., 319. 
 Willapa Harbor ( Shoalwater 
 Bay), Wash., 34, 301, 305, 
 317 to 320; hemlock bark, 
 60; oysters, 96, 102, 103; R. 
 R. connection. 45. 
 Willapa River, Wash., 35. (Also 
 317 to 320.) 
 Willapa Valley, Wash., 320. 
 Williams, A., Tillamook, Or., 
 Williams Ave. School, Portland, 
 Wilson, Jog. A., Ashland, Or., 
 Wilson Mine, Idaho, 78. 
 Wilson River, Or., 35, 236,239. 
 Wilson River (Or.) Toll Road, 
 232, 233. 
 Wilson River Boom. Toll Road 
 & Im. Co., Tijilainook, Or., 
 Wilson Sawmilt, Aberdeen, 
 Wash., 332. 
 Willow Creek Canal, Iduho,517, 
 WilTow Creek, Or., 271. 
 Willow Creek Valley, Or., 271, 
 Willows Junction, Or., 270. 
 Windsor Mine, Or.. 291. 
 Wine, Rogue River Valley, Or., 
 Winlock, Wash., 311, 312, 74. 
 Winner Mine, Wash., 74. 
 Wise, Dr. W. A., Tillamook 
 and Albiiia, Or., 239. 
 Wishkah River, Wash., 325, 
 Wisuer, Mrs., Portland, 151. 
 Wolf, Adolf & Son, Silverton, 
 Or., 187. 
 Wolff, Zwickertfc Uuehner, Pipe 
 works, Portland, 137. 
 Wolff & Zvvicker, Iron works, 
 Portland, 137. 
 Woodburn, Or., 165, 16(5. 
 Woodburn-Springfield branch, 
 S. P. R. R., 39. 
 Woodin's Lumber Mills, Fair- 
 haven, Wash., 401. 
 Woodinville June, Wash., 4.5. 
 Woodlawn, suburb, Portland, 
 Wood River, Idaho, 28, 517. 
 Wood River Valley, Idaho: — 
 Description, 518 to 522 ; rail- 
 roads, 48. 
 Wood River, Or., 217. 
 Wood, Walter A., Harvester Co., 
 ^•ortland 154, 155. 
 Wool ;— ( Produced in nearly all 
 parts of tlie Pac. Northwest.) 
 Albany, Or., 175. 1 7(> ; Athe- 
 na, Or., 282; Brownsville, 
 or,, 185 ; Caldwell, Idaho, 
 507 ; Coos Bay, Or., 266 ; 
 Douglas Co., Or., 206, UOS ; 
 Eastern Oregon ( crop ), 114; 
 ( also sec Chas. Cuiitiinghaiu, 
 27U to li82 ) ; Giiliain Co., Or., 
 iJ74 ; Heppner, Or., 271; 
 Klickitat vallev. Wash., 310 ; 
 Klamath Co.,"Or., 218 ; La 
 C.rande, Or., 2S4 ; Lane Co., 
 Or., 201 ; Montana, 561, 
 562 ; Morrow Co., Or., 273 ; 
 Oakland, Or., 204- ; Oregon 
 City, Or., 163 ; Oregon (crop), 
 130, 131 ; Pendleton, Or., 
 276 ; Polk Co., Or , 254 ; 
 I'ortland ( shipments ) , 130; 
 Salem, Or., 168 ; The Dalles, 
 Or,, 269; UmatillaCo.,Or.,278, 
 279; Union Co., Or., 288; 
 Weiser, Idaho, 506 ; Whit- 
 man Co., Wasih., 467. 
 Woolen Mills : —Oregon (out- 
 put ), 131 ; Albany, Or., 175, 
 176 ; Brownsville, Or., 183, 
 185; Dallas, Or., 254; N. 
 Whatcom, Wash., 405 ; Ore- 
 gon City, Or., 163; Salem, 
 Or., 168 ; Taconia. 343. 
 Wooley, Wash., 392. 
 Worcester Bldg., Portland, 121. 
 Worden, K. L'., Mont., 526. 
 Index. — Reading- Matter. 
 Wrenn, S. U., Portland, 153. 
 Wright, Col. Geo., 432, 433. 
 Wright, O. C, Newberg, dr., 
 Wright, Wni. P., Dallas, Or., 
 Wright's Park, Tacoma, 346. 
 Writsman, J. O., Albany, Or,, 
 Xavier, St. Frances Mission, 
 Winlock, Wash., 312. 
 Yakima Co., Wash. (See North 
 Yakima Indians (Wash.\ 417. 
 Yakima Indian Reservation, 
 Wash., 422. 
 Yakima, Wash., Impr. and Irri- 
 gation Co., 419. 
 Yakima Prairie, Wash., 422. 
 Yakima River, Wash., 26, 413, 
 416, 417, 419, 420, 422, 
 425; mining, 73, 74. 
 Yakima Valley, Wash.: — De- 
 cription, 419 to 424. (Al.so 
 see 413, 414, 416; irriga- 
 tion, 24; soil, 24. 
 Yale, U. C, 569. 
 Yamhill Co. Court House, Mc- 
 Minnville, Or., 246. 
 Yamhill Co,, Or., 247, 248. 
 Yamhill Land Co., Newberg, 
 Or., 252. 
 Yamhill River, Or., 104, 248, 
 253,258; transportation, 118. 
 Yankee Fork Mines, Idaho, 79. 
 Yaquina Hay, Or.:— Description, 
 263, 265; fishing industries, 
 103; oysters, 96; rock oysters, 
 102, 103; salmon canneries, 
 99; steamers to San Fran- 
 cisco, 42. (Also see 35). 
 Yaquina City, Or., 264. 
 Yaquina River, Or., 264. 
 Yellow Jacket Mine, Idaho, 79. 
 Yesler, Henry L., 61, 364. 
 Yesler, Mrs. M. G., Seattle, 371, 
 You Like Mine, Idaho, 486. 
 Young America Mine, Colville 
 Country, Wash., 454. 
 Young's Bay, Or., 294. 
 Young, t;. T., Olympia, Wash., 
 Young's Hotel, Olympia, Wash., 
 Young, S. V,., Albany, Or., 176, 
 Yukon River, Alaska 64. 
 Yukon River, Alaska, gold, 85, 