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' « « • * ■ r • / / • 1 ? ^ ■ <l # - •• • « - o l 1 1 \ .;i / • M o. 0^ PROVINCE OF \ LOWER CANADA./ COURT OF APPEALS, THOMAS WHITE, and APPELLANT, EDWARD ANDREW CAMERON, •^ RESPONDENT. y ■ -s Cum for the Appellant I. HIS appeal has been instituted^froni a judgmept of the court of King's Bench for the District oF Québec ofFebriiaryterm iast, by whichasale of certain imnioveable propcrty is ordered at the/o//e enchère of the appellant, and his application for leavc to fyle a pétition in answer to the proceedings had in the Court below at the instance of the Hes- pondciit, is discharged with costs. ^ The facts upon whicti this case stands are thèse : — Previously to the purchase by the appetlant of thereal prqperty, a re-sale whereof is ordered at theappellaut's/u^/e enchère, it was agreed upon between 'hifn and the respondent, that if the appellant purchased the siiid propcrty, the respondent would allow the amountofhis certain mortgage upon the pfopertv, secured by privilège de bailleur de fonds, to remain in his hands at interest, upon ilie failli of whici» promise the appellant purchased the property in question. That the appellant lias satisfied ail the parties coUocated in the Prothonotary's report of dislrihution, excepting the respondent, and has nioreover paid into the hands of the Slurilf a sum of pounds, adéquate to cover ail law expences — notwithstandiiii; which the respondent has refused tp allow the amount of his collocation to reniain in tliu appellant's hands, and has obtained an order for a re-sale of thejiroperty. t, In answer to the respondcni's application in the court below, which was made in the. sliape of a rule nisi, the appellant filed an alRdavil, natanonuuiUing ail the above facis, and a pétition reciting them acco'mpanied alao by an afBdavit.'^ The prayer of the pétition is, th.ic the court below do order an enquête upon the fikcts alleged, and theieupon do render such Judgment as to justice shall apperiain^ The reasnnablenesB of this application appears so manifcst that the appellant conceives it unnecefsary at ail lo enlarge upon the subject. Notwitiistanding this, how-cve;-, (lie court holovv, by ils judgment refuijed to ôrder an enquête, and niade (lie rule for a re-sale absolute wiihcosid ; and it is for the reversai of tliut judgment that the présent appeal has been iiiâtitutcd. Québec, 21lh i\pril, 1830. J T. C. AYLWIN, For Appellant. t.