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X I GENERAL LAWS KOB TIIK aOTKBNMEMT 0» THE CanaMan frkt of fbb /eito, IX CONNEXION WITH THE MANCHESTER UNITY, AS ADOPTBD BY THE ANNUAL MOVEABLE COMMITTEE. HELD AT TORONTO, JULY 7, 8 it 9. 1852. HAMILTON : FU:flBD FOR TUB ORDBE, AT THK QAZETTB OFFIOK, COURT llOUSU «QUAUR. 18 52. ; / / INDEX TO GENERAL HEADS. FAGK. Accounts of the Order • • 38 Annual Moveable Committee *'* * 2 .Auditors of the Order • 37 Board of Directors • • • • 38 Breaking a Law to which tliere is no Fine attached 41 C. S. of the Order, • .... 37 Clearances and Travelling Certificates IT Contributions, ■• • 11 Dispensations • . 34 Disputes and Appeals. « 24 Districts, 27 . ■■! . Committees, 28 Officers, 29 C.S 30 Returns 32 ■ Disputes, 32 Election of Officers 14 Expulsions • 25 Form of Declaration, • • 1" Funeral Fund...... 21 Lectures and Degrees * • 16 Lodge Business • 5 Committees ••' 12 Medals, Sasbea and Aprons 33 Officers of the Order, • • 36 Pass- Words....... 13 Prayers, for Opening and Closing Lodges 3 , Propositions and Initiations 8 Postage r . • 34 Purple Degree. t 32 Quarterly Returns, 13 Schedule No. 1, Lodge Quarterly Return, 46 No. 2, District do. do 48 No. 3, District Quarterly Account with Lodges, 50 No. 4. Past Officer's Certificate 51 .. No. 5, Certificate forP.N.G., P.V.G., and P. S 51 No. 6, Form of Application and Certificate for new Lodge 52 ,_ Certificate from District for new Lodge 53 Sickness and Distress. • 19 Suspensions • » • • • • ♦ 11 'V{r;^/twc> anri DrnVinnR' Vund.t -.«!« f ««••«.«« SS / • belo> lake exal is n( / paAYEES Jldopled by the JL M. C.for the use of all Lodges, and they are nqucsted genoaUy to make use of the some. Almighty and me Opening Prayer. 1 merciful God ! Thou in vvhoni wc trust,— in vv n( honi "we live and nu)vc, and liave our beinj?" — wo h)re Thee as the Sujjrenie Ruler and righteous Govcrno o f tl,e world, and as the tnerc.i fill and houniiful Dispense, of <' every thy blessing ui^on us w Jood and perlect gift." We humbly invoke bile convened in this temple, const crated to Friendr,ei and charity, Ibot wo muy real.ze ' how go.u .nJw pleasant it i« «i' I' to dwell t.gether .,. .1" We i,n|.lorc Thee, in behalf of .he stra.,ger, tho siit the afflicted, the widow and iho orphan gtant to bo mo then, a Friend and Protector, ano .h, eld the m Iron. le o pre...ion and seUi.hne.s of the w<.rld. Kee,, us ,. ThvTar and wi.dont, and ultimately, n.ay «e be ..crthy ,0 en er into the company of those above who have bee, f^itJdd on earth, and Thine shall be the glory now and forever. Jlmfii. Closing Prayer. We sincerely return Thee thanks, Oh ! Lord, that Thou ha«t again permitted v,. to en oy thi. Lodge ,ntet,ng. Par- don wLt hou hast seen atniss in us; and ,:oW as we are ibo..r« separate, let thy blessing be w,th us. an all cor brethren lltCughont the globe. May peace and har„,o,,y mevtdl in our borders. May we, in our ,nte,conrse w,tl ech other and the world at la,ge, be tnl uenced and actuated 1 y the sublime precepts and teachings cf our be ved er, and at last .nay we all be pe....,tled o p r- lake of the joys of the Celestial Lodje above, ami to Thy M'be all the glory, " as it was ... tt^e beg.,,n,nK, i7now and ever shall be, world without enu. • .^m.>.. AiJ#. GENERAL LAWS. That thi« Fraternity be, and \s hereby called Ths Canadian Ordeu of Odd Fellows, in Connection WITH THE Manchester Unitt ^ its object being assist- ance to every Brother in sickness, distrcBS, or danger, and governed by the following Code of Lavv«. It shall consist of an unlimited number of members, well attached to the Queen and Government, whose admission shall be regu- lated in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of the Institution, and whose principles must be duly vouched for in conformity with the general declaration and qualifi- cation essential for a member. Lodge Bnsinesff^ 1. That in order to constitute a lodge, \t ihall be imper- ative that not le«s than five members be present, including a competent officer to preside, ^nd if fim tubscrtbing members of the lodge be not present, no business shall U transacted, except the receiving of conirtbuttonf, and the payment of sick and funeral donations, 2 That all lodges shall meet regularly on the evenings appointed, at not earlier than half-past six nor later than half-past eight o'clock. Lodge business to commence immediately after the lodge is opened, and not to be closed earlier than one hour from the time the lodge is opened. AH new business entertained after half-past ten o clock shall be null and void, and the three propositions in lodge business shall all be opened at the same time, and remain open until the close of the lodge. 3. That the N. G. shall cause the Warden to examine and demand the pass-word frorn^ every person who shall be in the lodge-room before the lodge is openeu, aR« with- out giving the pass-word no person shall be entitled to lit, ■st^iif GCNERAL LAWS. affer wliich the Guardian or Guanlians shall demand iho pads-word from every member who ii'ay apply for admission. 4. That in the absence of the N. G. of any Iodide, he Bhall appoint a P. G. to fill his cliair; when no oHicer ia nppointcd by the K. G. for that purpose, any P. G., or in the abseiicfl of a P. G., tlie V. G., may take the chair and open the lodjre. That any lodge admitting a pe-son not a rcgu'ar member of tlie Order, luilcss a member of a sister Order holding reciprocal connection,, into the lodge, when .ihe lodge is open, yhall be fined iweni_y-five.' shillings, the -fine to go to tlie. widows' and orphans' fund ' • r>'. Every member who accepts an ofilce, shall attend the %dge, and take his situation at the time appointed for open- ing^the same, or send an apology in writing, Ratisfactory to ft rnajority of the members present, or be fined, elective ■ rtffi-cers U. 3d., and inferior oiricers 7^d. ; and if absent for thr«?e successive nights, either with or without an apology, ehail vacate his olVice, and another be appointed in his stead, tuilcss such absence is caused by sickness ' n such cases only) his situation shall be filled by any alified member of the lodse,and the sick otlioer shall b- iititled to the ollice to which he was appointed. '"' .;6. That it be discretionary vvii.h all lod'ges whether 'they^ oppoint an Outside Guardian or not, and should either of the Guardians admit a member without demanding from liim the pass-word, he or they shall be fined two shillings fiild sixpence each ; and should cither of them leave the door, or sufior a L^tranger to enter during lodge hours, the party so offending shall be fined one pound ibr euch offeree. 7. That every member, upon his first entrance into the lodge, Bhall give the countersign to the N. G. and V. G. before taking his seat, and ngain on his last leav'ing the lodge, or be fined 7^(1, for vach offence, 8. That when a member addresses the N. G., or any other oficer that may be presiding, 'e sh&ll be standing, or he fined T^d., and anv member interrupting another whilst nddressing^he lodge,'shall be fined 7Jd. for each ofience. 9. That if a member disobey the N. Q.^ox any other presiding officer, when called lo order, he shall be fined Vjd. for eaidi oiTonce ; and when a hne iias oeen innjctet. by a presiding officer of a lodge or the district committee, GENERAL LAWS. f mand iho id mission. lotli^e, he oHicer ia , G., or in chair and "son not a of a sister jge, when ilhngs, the attend the I for open- s factory to J, elective absent for n apoh->gy, ted in his s ' n such y aliiied Uw iititled ether they I either of (ling from ro shillings I leave iho hours, the z\\ offeree. ce into the and V. G. easing the G., 07' any landing, or ther whilst ch offence. any other II be fined CJI jiiiJ:-.-iv. VI committee, upon a member for a violation of any general or by-law ol the bdge or district, such fine cannot be returned unless tha membe^r appeal, to his lodge, or a committee ot the d.^tr.ct. to. That any member being in a lodge room ma state of intoxication/shall, for the first offence be ^-^^f^^^^;^ of five shillings 5 for the second, ten shdlmgs ; nd or t third he shal^be reported to ----»^^- ^ ,f'\tel ^^e fit shall suffer as .hey mav think proper; m all ^a^es he tin^ to go to the lodge in which the offence was commuted, and thelodgo to which he belongs shall be responsible fo. the payment, if he continues a member. 11. That any member insulting, quarrelling with, or strUcing a u.ember, either in or out of lodge, shall be fined the ma of five shillings. Any member aiding or suotince,shairbe fined two shillings and Hxpence. If a"y brother 'misbehaves himself during ^^^;^^-^i;;[ enters into conversation with a new-made brother so that his conduct mav be deemed a bad example, lie shall be ■ fined two shillings and sixpence. 12. That no member shall be allowed to go in or out ot the lodge-room during discussion or harmony, nor leave the lole-room at a quarterly or special meeling until the lodge is closed, except by consent of the N. G. ^ , 13. That if anv member neglect to address the officers of his lodge by their respective litles, he shall be fined 7,d. 14 That no title be given, or the word brother be used^ except at those times when Odd-Fellows only compose a '"TThat if any member divulge a '^ember's name who votes against a person becoming an ^dd-Fellow, or „.ake known the discussions u.ed in edge, o^'J^orn,^^^^^^^^^ 80 as to cause disturbance or angry feeling betvveen tuo or n>ore member., he shall in each case be finjd Jo the fir.t offence, five shillings ; lor the second, ten sh llings and for the third, be suspended for twelve months. Any member making known the t'"'''"^%" /"d^^O^^^^ committee to any person who does not belong to the Or.ei shall be fined for the first offence, ten shillings ; second, twenty shillings ; and for the ^l-^, be expelled or 1 .1 . i.i.^.r.n* i\'i n conmuttee 01 tiie lou&o Bulier SUCH tiini'r |-vtiij-iiaitn. to « viisi^ or distiict may think fit. 8 GENERAL LAWS. 16. That any member improperly reflecting on the deci- •ioni of a lodge or committee, legally conrened, so aa to bring the same into contempt or ridicule, shall be fined five shillings for each offence. 17. That no member shall vote or take office in the lodge the night he is initiated, or the night he throws in his clear- ance, except it be on the opening of a new lodge ; or be allowed to vote in any lodge except where he is a subscrib- ing member. 18. That no lodge shall be allowed to sit under any lavys but those adopted by the A. M. C, or bye-laws made in conformity therewith. Any lodge breaking this law shall, for the first offence, be fined five pounds 5 and for the second be expelled, the fine to be paid into the widows' and orphans' fund. 19. Any brother transacting any private business, or reading any publication unconnected with the order, or mak- ing, or proposing to make, any wager, during lodge hours, iliall be subject to a fine of 7^d. Propositions and Initiations. 20. That all persons must be proposed by a member on one lodge night, and the parties so proposed are to be made on the next or any subsequent lodge night, within six cal- endar months from the time they were proposed, or forfeit their proposition money; and that lodges be not allowed to return such proposition money, except the person has been rejected. The name, age, place of abode, and occupation of the intended member to be entered into the book by the secretary, and read to the lodge. The N. G. shall be required to ascertain by a committee whether the person proposed is respectable, and whether he and his wife (if any) are in a sound state of health ; when that is done the opinion of the lodge shall be taken. 21. If any person be proposed in one lodge and made in another within the space of six calendar months from the time he was proposed in the first lodge, the lodge accepting such nerson shall Dav to the lodo^e in whicli he was first proposed the sum of twelve shillings and sixpence ; but no lodge shall have any claim if a longer time has elapsed / / GENERAL LA^TS. the deci- 80 aa to fined five the lodge his dear- ie ; or be subscrib- any laws i made in law shall, d for the 5 widows' siness, or r, or mak- ge hours, lember on 3 be made in six cal- , or forfeit allowed to 1 has been )ccupation )ok by the . shall be he person jis wife (if 3 done the d made in 3 from the i accepting e was first ;e ; but no as elapsed between the proposition and the initiation than six calendar "''22.'%hat no lodge shall be allowed to make a person knowing him to have been refused to be made or accepted in another lodge lu compliance, until they have received the consent of a committee of the district, under the penal y of twenty-five shillings to the widows' and orphans fund That any person who may have been refused acceptance by one lodge, obtaining admission into a"f ^^^^ ^^^g^' ^"^ not acquainti'ng its members of the fact of his having been so refused acceptance, shall, on proof being made, be expelled the Order. 23 If any member persuade a person, who may be pro- posed for any lodge, to be initiated in another, before the Expiration of'six calendar months from the *^,-^« «^ ;"^:^ proposition, lie shall be fined twenty-five shillings which fine shall be paid into the Widows' and Orphans' fund. 24. That lodges shall have power to appoint committees in such manner as they may think proper, to mto the character of persons proposed to bec^*"®, ""^^""'^^f. ^J the Order; all members to be admitted by ballot, and that lour black-balls shall exclude the candidate. 25. That each lodge shall appoint a surgeon, whose duty it shall be to inspect individuals intending to join the Order, and to visit the sick members, but when other medical men are employed he shall visit at least once a vveek,and every declaration on the funds, and recovery, shall be signed by him . Any lodge breaking this law shall be fined <^Us. 26. That no person of improper character, nor any one under the age of eighteen years, shall be made a member of this Order. Any member who knouingly proposes a person contrary to this law shall be fined twenty-five shil- lings, and not less than ten shillings, whether the person proposes? he admitted or not. 27. Taat every person, previous to initiation, shall sign, after being read to him either by an elective or past officer of the lodge, the following declaration; that the N. Or. or Secretary, as the case may be, shall sign his or their names as xvitnesses, and that the Board ot Directors proyidoa book of forms for that purpose, which bhail be itepl in mo loclure box : 10 GENERAL LAWS. FORM OF DECLARATION. Canntifan ©vUcr of ©tiTi iTeUoto?, i^iCantljcstev Elnrtj). I, residing at being desirous of becoming a member of the Lodge of tlie Canadian Order of Odd Fellows, of the Manchester Unity, do hereby declare that I was born on the day of — one thousand eight hundred and as I have been informed and verily believe; and that I am not, nor have I been afflicted with any disease, disorder, or constitutional weakness, which may tend to incapacitate me for the performance of my customary occupation, or which I have not mentioned to the Ceitifying Surgeon ; and I do hereby agree, that this Declaration shall be made the basis of the contract between the Lodge and myself; and that if any untrue averment is contained in this Declaration, all monies which shall have been paid by mo to the above Lodge, shall be forfeited. And I do hereby further declare, that if admitted a Member of the above Lodge, I will faithfully observe all and every the regulations thereof; and I do furthermore consent, agree and pledge myself, that all payments made by me to the Lodge, shall b© subject to the said laws and regulations. Dated this day of 28. That all monies be in Halifax currency, and tho fDllovving be the scale of iniatiation : Ago from 18 to 25 £15 do 25 to 27 110 do 27 to 30 1 17 G do 30 to 32 2 5 do 32 to 34 2 15 do 34 to 36 3 7 6 do 36 to 38 4 2 6 do 38 to 40 5 and that persons may be admitted above 4<0 years of age, by paying Je5 initiation fee, and the arrears of contribution from that age to be added to and received as initiation fee. That 5s. of the initiation money be paid at the lime of proposition, and the remainder previous to the person being admitted into the lodge' room for initiation. Any lodge breaking this law, to be lined ten shil'ings. as honorary members, shall be aUovved the fee paid by thorn out of tho initiation money required by thii law. GENERAL LAWS. 11 becoming an Order )y declare thousand •med and n afflicted 'ss, whicU ce of iny tioned to , that this t between erment I3 hall have forfeited. 1 Member and every ent, agree me to the ilations. ', and tho G 6 6 of age, by ution from ri fee. lie lime of rson being Any lodge 9 paid by is law. 29. Persons may be admitted honorary members on pay- ment of twenty-five shillings; but shall .not be allowed to vote, except giving a casting vote when presidmg, but ma> take degrees. Honorary members sha.l ;;ot/)e charged with contributions, nor have any claim on the fund:3 of the Lodge, District, or Order. Members who have gone out of compliance may be balloted for and admitted as honorary members withojt fee or charge. Contributions. 30. That the whole of the initiation money and a fixed amount of the contributions of members shall go to a lund to be called the general contribution fund of the lodge, and be appropriated exclusively to pay the sick and iunera do- nations of members and the surgeon, excepting new lodges, which shall le allowed the half of initiation money, for the first six months, towards pay ing for dispensations, books,&c. 31. That every member shall pay his contribution, which shall not be le.s than four pence per week clear to the general contribution fund of the lodge to which he be ongs, NThether he attend or not, and he shall not be credited with contiibulions, except on a regular lodge-night. 32. That no lodge be allowed to appropriate Uie general contribution fund of the loilge to any other purposes than assistance in slcknets, diisiress, or death. 33. That all lodges establish a fund, to be called the '^Incidenlr.1 Expense Fund,'» out of which all expenses incurred bv the lodge shall be paid for cotulucting its at airs, (overanu i bove the amount paid for sick and funeraUlona- tions,) together with its proportionate share ot Uistnct expenses. Suspensions. U. That any member allowing liis conlributicn to exceed the amount of fourteen weeks' contribution, or being fined and not paying such fine within fourtttn weeks, or order- ing goods and not paying for them in fourteen weeks alter deliverv. shall be refused his sick pay or funeral donation until the expiration of /oMr^eenweekii from the tune ne complies. Any member being fined shall be made ac- la GENERAL LAWS. i i q'jajnted with the same in writing within twelve weeks, or it shall be null and void ; and that secretaries of all lodgep be compelled to read over publicly, every lodge-night, tho names of all members who will be out of compliance helore next lodge-night. The N. G. of every lodge is compelled to deduct from every sick member's pay sufficient contri- butions to keep him good upon the hooks of the lodge. 35. A member neglecting to discharge his fines or arrears, phall not he allowed to visit his lodge, or obtain the pass- word, until he complies. 3G. If a meniber be in arrears exceeding the amount of twelve months' contribution, he shall cease to be a member of the Order, but the lodge to which he was last a si'h- Fcribing member shall be allowed to re-admit him as a new member, if they think proper, by his paying the usual admit- tance fee according to his age. He may be admitted into any other lodge within three miles from his residence, if there be one within that distance, if the lodge which he is anxious to join find, upon application to the lodge to vvhich he last belonged, that' there exists no reasonable objection to his being admitted, ^nd that such member y on his being re-odmitted, shall be in the same position wifh legnrd to any office he may have served, as he was at the time he ceased to be a member of ihe Order. Any person who has formerly been a member of the Order, joining another lodge without informing them of his having been a member of the Order before, shall be expelled. Lodge Committees. 37. That each Lodge shall hold a quarterly meeting, to which every member good upon the books shall be? sum- moned. The summonses shall state the amount due by him, and no by-law shall be made, altered or rescinded ex- cept at a quarterly or special meeting of the v^'h^le lodge. No by-law shall be made, except in conformity with the general laws. Notice of alteration or addition to by-laws shall be given at least two lodge nights previous to being entertained. QQ TtjP* OP ♦!""» rofriilaf olppfinn niohts. two nr mOrft auditors shall be appointed by the lodge, who shall examine theaccounta (or the last term. Tho three principal present and last give am inflictec 39. ' of the \ supprei which 40. the Wi 41. with tl lodge ; I such ( district 42. vj^ord entitle) unless proper shall e one e-'' in leg£ 43. ber wi offenc 44. of the eeltinj in abs the nj callinj and f( theN Janus GENERAL LAWS. 13 weeks, or ■ all lodges i-night, tho nee helore compelled ent contri- lodge. I or arrears, I the paps- amount of I a member last a si'b- Ti as a new sual admit- mitted into jsidence, if vhUih he is :e to which e objection !)er, on his viih icgnrd he time he m who has other lodge Tiber of the y meeting, all be sum- int due by scindea ex- hale lodge. y with the to by-laws LIS to being ''o or more 5.11 examine ipal present and last past officers shall attend the auditors meeting, and give and receive all necessary information, or fines shall bo inflicted the same as on lodge nights. 39. That all summonses shall be signed by the secretary of the lodge. That the N. G. shall do all in his power to suppress disorder, and shall not put any motion to the vote I which is contrary to law. 1 40. That all fines imposed by a lodge shall be paid into the Widows' and Orphans' fund. Pass-Words. 41. That the key of the pass-word shall be kept only with the lecture book of each lodge ; and any officer or lodge improperly exposing it, shall be expelled, or suffer such other punishment as a committee of his lodge ot district may deem proper. 42. That the N. G. shall not give the quarterly pass- word to any member of his lodge, but such as are legally entitled to receive it; nor to any member of another lodge, unless he receive a certificate to that effijct, signed by the proper officers of his lodge, and under the lodge seal ; and shall enjoin members who receive it not to give it to any one except the outside and inside guardians of the lodges, in legal possession of the same. 43. Any member givirig the pass-word to another mem- ber without authority, shall be fined five shillings for each offijnce. Eetums. 44. That each lodge shall make a return to the district of the amount of contributions received since last return, setting forth the receipts, expenditure and state of the funds in abstract— the nunjber of members good upon the books, the name of each member initiated, with their age, trade or calling, and the name of each member bad on the books, and forward the same to the Distiict C. S., duly certified by the N.G., on or before the fourteenth day of July, October, January and April, and any lodge breaking this law, or u:^« ^.,* o« :r»/.rtrr«soi rpfirn. shall he fined ten shillincSt without mitigation. All funds, not belonging to the Widows and Orphans' fund, over the sum of ten pounds, may be u GENERAL LAW!. paid into the hands of the District Oiricers for profitable investment for the benefit ot sucii lodge, in the purchase of public or bank stock, debentures, or mortgages, in the best possible manner. Election of Officers. 45. There shall be three elective officers, viz: — N. G., V. G. and Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot, and Eit thirteen lodge-nights, exclusive of lecture-nights : to be chosen out of their own lodge. 4.6. Propositions for candidates shall be received on the two lodge-nights previous to the niglit of election, and no proposition shall be received on the night of election, except all previously nominated for such office rejuse to stand. 47. To qualify a member for the office of N. G. he shall have served the office of V. G. or Secretary thirteen nights, or some inferior oifice for thirty-nine nights. 48. That no member shall be allowed to stand his poll for the office of N. G. unless he can read well and answer the fundamental questions of the four degrees. The N. G. shall nominate the warden, conductor, right and left sup- porters, and outside and inside guardians. 49. To qualify a member for the office of V. G. he shall have*serve»ix from the date of the lasty but may get a travelling certifi- Hhail pny full ifute, \ bo suspend- | 82. That lodges shall have newer to refuse a meniber earnnce is re- Presenting a clearance, when such member or his wile (if t on regular Jny) is in an unsound state of henlih, and the lodge from Which the card was drawn shall be compelled again to re- clen ranee, he |eive such member, ritirclogoT. I Sickness and Bistres,. Tiember with- | gg^ ^^^^^ ^U \Q^]^Q^ composing this order shall adopt one |of the following scales of contribution and sick pay, viz : — ^d. per week contribution, 10a. sick pay. ^<\: » iis.3d. " 5d. " 12s. 6d. " _hi8 anjount must be clear of the Widows' and Orphans' shall pay con- l^^j Incidental Expense Fund contributions, and no mem- \e suspension p^^ g^^H ^^ entitled to the benefits of thib fund until six ommeudatory Cjalendar months after his initiation, and be in compliance In conrormiiy with the 34lh law. - ^ 84. That no member be allowed the sick gift whose icknessor disability has been brought on by intemperance or immoral conduct. And when a brother has been chargeable upon the books of his lodge for the space of ) shall see his Jtwelve months, ho shall then be relieved from the funds of I is not above |ihe Order in such manner and to such amount as the Board • the lodge to jof Directors may determine. no lodge in the | g,-,^ -pi^j^j jj- g^^ member remove to some distant pait, be sent direct I^HIj^y^ having a clearance out of his lodge, and causes to , and his sick ||^^, ^^^1^1 j^j^^^ j^jg ^j^^,^ ^j, ^^^ ^^i^gj. j^jge q\\ monies due to ^^^•^^®' ihis lodge during his absence, he shall be entitled to the^ avel, the lodge Idonations of his lodge in case of sickness or distress, as if )n receipt of a jrebiding in the neighborhood of his own lodga, provided he ^man, advance Igend an account of such sickness or distress to his said lodge, certified by the N. G. of the nearest lodge to the place where ho then is, (if there be a lodge in the neighborhood on travel, he iractitioner, or ckness occurs, ium of the N. er's certificatt, h he belonged. 20 GSi^ERAL LAWS. in Strict compliance,) or by some respectable medical prac- titioner, or minister, stating his complaint or distress. Any lodge receiving the contributions of any brother of another lodge, shall give the lodge to which such brother belongs, . notice of the same within two months from the date of the first payment, or bo fined five shillings, the fine to be paid into the lodge to which such brother belongs. And any lodge paying sick or any other allowance to a member of a distant lodge, who may happen to reside in its neighbor- hood, shall be repaid the same by the lodge to which such brother belongs within two months after demand being made, or be fined five shillings. The money to be sent direct to the lodge. Should a member iall sick at a dis- tance from his own lodge, and in the vicinity of another lodge, the surgeon of such lodge, if called upon, shall attend the said brother, and the lodge such brother belongs to shall pay the surgeon the sum of ten shillings for each brother so attended. 86. That every lodge shall appoint a visiting committee, one of whom shall visit a sick brother at least twice a week, provided he reside within two miles of the lodg *. Visiting committees shall commence their visits within twenty-four hours after the sick brother has notified the N. G.' or Secretary o( the lodge. Any lodge breaking this law shall be fined 'ive shillings, which shall go to the Widows' and Orphans' fund. 87. That no lodge be allowed to pass a by-law declaring that the funds of the lodge be closed against members in dis- tress, but that the power be left with the members lor the time being. 88. Any member in the receipt of the gifts of the lodge, who may be found to be imposing thereon, by stating him- self sick, and iucapable of following his employment, usual avocation, trade, or calling, when he is able or actually doing so, shall be expelled, or suffer such other punishment as a committee of the lodge may think fit; and any mem- ber, in receipt of the gifts, getting drunk, shall, for the first offence, return one week's sick gift, and pay a fine of five shil- lings; for the second oiTence,be suspended fur three months; and for the third be expelled, or suffer such other punish- ment as a committee of the lodge may think proper. 89. ' I that all ithe fblh ^funds o f of mem to the d he, for Secretd cend a same tc him to quarter 90. ' fund d( up the with 3^ 91. ' deceas( the Hu the de( hours 5 claimai fiuch a which ^funeral shall b( be disf go 1the Hi bring o jfncmbe fe. of i GENERAL LAWS. 21 edical prac- I tress. Any r of another her belongs, 5 date of the to be paid . And any member of a ts neighbor- which such rnand being y to be sent iick at a dls- y of another , shall attend ongs to shall ;h brother so g connmittee, east twice a )f the lodg'. visits within notified the breaking this II go to the aw declaring nibers in dis- nbers lor the of the lodge, ' stating hinn- )yment, usual i or actually r punishment nd any mem- I, for the first neoffiveshi!- .L tl.„. other punish- proper. Funeral Fund. 89. Thui the Funeral fund be a general fund of the Order, I that all lodges be compelled to join, and that it be raised in Ithe following^ manner, viz. : — That a levy be made upon the Ifunds of each lodge in the Unity, according to ihe number iof members good upon the books, fr3m the quarterly returns fto the district (see 44th law). Tiie Funeral donation shall |be, (or a member JE 10, for a member's wife £1 10s. The ^Secretary of each lodge shall, within ten days of a death, send application to the District C. S., (see form,) the same to be forwarded to the C. S. of the order, to enable -tpiim to levy upon the Order for deaths during the past ysquarter. I 90. That all members shall be entitled to the Funeral fund donation in six calendar months after they have paid iup the whole of their initiation money, and in compliance Iwith 34th law. I 91. That in the event of a d(?ath, the lodge of which ihe Ideceased was a member, shall pay the Funeral donations to |the Husband, Widow, or other authorised representative of Ithe deceased, (as the case may be,) within twenty-four fhours after the decease, unless the ofiicers consider the ^claimant not a proper person to conduct the interment; in Buch case the officers of the lodge (for the time being, of which the deceased was a member,) shall conduct the funeral, and keep a correct account of the expenses, which shall be decent and moderate, and the surplus, if any, shall be disposed of as the officers may think fit. 92. That when a member or his wife die at a distance, the Husband, Widow, Administrator, or Assignees, shall bring or send to tha N. G. of the lodge of which he was a member, a proper certificate, signed and sealed by the N. G. of some neighboring lodge ; but if there be none within three miles, then the certificate shall be signed by a clergy- jnan, or any Justice of the Peace in the town or place— the l-eceipt of which shall be sufficient authority for the officers to pay the several donations, after ascertaining if he bo good on the books of the loJge. (See form.) i 93. That it be optional with lodges whether they read ihe funeral service at the grave of deceased members or n GfilfERAJL LA.\Ti. not • the elective officers of the lodge of which the deceased, brother was a member, shall conduct the funeral proces- iionT th^ brothers of the said lodge .hall walk fore- most, followed by the other lodges, according to the.r seniority in the district. Widows' and Orphans' Fund. 94 That the Widows' and Orphans' Fund be a General Fund* of the Order, and shall be raised in the following manner: each member in the Order shall he charged at the rate of one penny per week from his contribution, ac- cording to the quarterly return ; ttiat each married brother, having a family, shall pay 2s. 6d. entry njoney, and U, 3d for each child under fourteen years of age ; married brothers having no family, shall pay 2s. 6d. entry money. 95 That every member shall contribute to this fund six calendar months from the dateof his wife»s registration, be- fore his family can receive any benefit from it. 96 That should any single brother marry after his initia- tion into any lodge in this Order, he shall to entitle hmi to ihe benefit of this fund, give notice, and pay his wife^s entry money, 2ri. 6d. 97. That this fund be governed by the Board of Directors for the time being. 98 That a Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual Moveable Committee of the Order, to hold office for one year, and may be re-elected, and that all monies shall be placed in the Savings' Bank, in the name of the O.dei, and shall be withdrawn on the signatures of he G. M., C. S., and Treasurer for the time being, and the seal ot the Order attached to the check. 99 That it shall be held imperative that each and every member of every lodge in the Order shall be bound to contribute to this fund. ^ 100 That all ledges in the Order shall appoint a Visiting; Committee, to consist of not less than three members, whose duty it shall be to visit the Widows' and Orphans , , • - :^ .i.~ i.>,i«« onrt nnv fhftm their allotted a'lment -the amount of sHch aliment so paid to be deducted from the next quarterly account due by the lodge to the district j GENERAL LAWS. 23 he deceased. ;ral proces- vvalk fore- ng to their 36 a General le following 5 charged at ribution, ac- lied brother, ney, and 1a. ige ; married iritry money, this fund six ;istration, be- t ler his initia- j entitle him lay his wife's i of Directors ])ut no lodge or committee shall he empowered to grant any particularsiimof money to any Willow or Orphan, in lieu of aliment, without the consent of the Board of Directors being first obtained. 101. That each lod2:e shall Iceep a hook for the purpose I of registering members' families, and such registration shall '"* be sulFicient to entitle a member to the benefit of the funds; anil each lodge shall furnish a correct account of the same with the quarterly returns. The District C. S. shall keep a b)ok, in which he shall enter all members liable to thi^. I fund; and keep a fair and impartial account, which shall the audited bv the auditors, along with the district accounts. I 102. That any Widow who can show to the district Icommittee a reasonable ground for believing that the imme- Id'ate possession of a sum of money will be of more benefit ito her than receiving a weekly stipend, it shall be in th© Ipower of the committee to commute her claim, sul)ject to fthe approval of the Board of Directors; the children's iriaim not to be commuted while the parent remains in this Colony. 103. That every Widow shall receive two shillings and ^sixpence per week, and each child under fourteen years of age, one shilling and three pence per week, from this fund ; the payment to the WidoA^, should she marry again, shall Icease ; the children nevertheless shall receive their week- ,5* |jy allowance, until they are fourteen years old ; but should Ithe children be bereft of both parents, then it shall be the Iduty of the lodge (of which their father was a member) to [take charge of such Orphans, and to take especial care that Ithey be vvell attended, as regards their moral comfort and kleanUness, and also that they have a plain, good educa- Ition ; and when fit for employment, it shall be the duty of [such committee to provide them masters and mistresses, land otherwise to watch over their welfare^ 104. That any unmarried brother dying and leaving a oint a Vis'tingBwidowed mother or father who has depended on his labor ee members Band industry when living, such motherorfather shall receive *ie same allowance as the widow of a deceased brother, rovided he shall have paid the registrationfee, of such father T mother, according to the manner preHCribed for wives t the Annual office for one Dnies shall be )f the Order, the G. M., C. lie seal of the act! and every be bound to and Orphans' Hotted a'iment deducted from to the district} [andcbildien. 24 GENEnAL LAW6^ 105. That all lines imposed by the foregoing lavrs, shall be paid into the Widows and Orphans' fund ; and fines in- flicted on officers or ntiembers, shall be charged to the lodge to which they are a contributing mennber. Disputes and Appeals. 106. That lodges shall have power to form committees to try njinor offences, immediately after the commission of such offence, when the penalty does not exceed twenty- 5ve shillings ; such committee shall consist of not less/han eight members, together with the N. G., who shall preside, and shall be chosen in the following manner, viz: the name or number of each member shall be placed in the ballot- ing box, and the first eight names or numbers drawn, re- siding within three miles, shall form the committee, each party having power to object to four members, five to form a quorum, and that any member being regularly elected on such committee, and being notified at least 24 hours before the lime of meeting, and not attending within half an hour of the time appointed, shall be fined 2s. 6d. for such neglect, unless he send a written excuse, satisfactory to a majority of the committee present. 107. That when a dispute or other matter of a serious nature is brought before a lodge, which is likely to subject the party or parties concerned to a greater penalty than twenty-five shillings, it shall be referred to a committee o? the whole lodge, to which every member good on the books shall be summoned, if he resides within three miles of the lodge ; the summonses shall express the business to be brought forward, and no other business shall be transacted by such committee but that specified. The party or parties complained against shall in all cases where a committee of the whole lodge is called, be furnished with a copy of the charge at least twelve days before the case is heard, and the names of witnesses shall be taken at the time, and no other shall be heard at any subsequent hearing of the case ; or if any case be referred back to the lodge by the district, no additional evidence shall be heard from either party. 108. That if any member prefer a charge against another member, and the same be brought before a committee and proved to be false, he shall for every offence be fined seven shillings chaige a false, he and for 1 ment as 109. shall be where tl conclusii ties cone with the 110. [ mittee of trict, wi against v the dlstri 111. ' be given be sumn ing of th 112. against r heard, b the lodgt plied, if trict offic 113. ] Order, h ment as inflict. 114.. ] away th the lodg other pu maj dee the whol 115. [ jury of 1 GENERAL LAWS. 25 ws, shall fines in- the lodge mmittees lission of I twenty- less /han 1 preside, the name le ballot- raw n, re- ee, each e to form ecled on irs before an hour li neglect, majority a serious o subject lalty than imittee of the books ?s of the less to be ransacted or parlies imittee of ►py of the eard, and ', and no Ihe case ; e district, party. 3t another littee and led seven shillings and sixpence ; and if he continues to prefer such chaige against the same member, and it still be proved false, he shall for the second otfence be fined ten shillings ; and for the third be expelled, or suffer such other punish- ment as a committee may deem proper. 109. In all cases of appeal, the decision appealed against shall be inserted in full in the report of the committee where the case is heard, and the reason assigned for such conclusion being come to, and read afterwards to the par- ties concerned in the same ; such decision to be printed with the quarterly or other regular report. 110. That any party aggrieved at the decisions of a com- mittee of his lodge, may appeal to a committee of the dis- trict, within six months after the resolution appealed against was passed, and if dissatisfied with the decision of the district may appeal to the Board of Directors. 111. That in all cases of appeal, sufficient notice must, be given that the district, lodges, or parties concerned, may be summoned at least twelve days previous to the re-hear- ing of the case. 112. That in all cases of appeal the decision appealed against must be complied with before such appeal can be heard, but in cases where money matters are concerned, the lodge or member shall be considered as having com- plied, if they deposit the amount in the hands of the dis- trictofficers or the Board of Directors. Expulsions.. 113. If any member make known the secrets of the Order, he shall be expelled, or suffer such other punish- ment as a committee of his lodge may think proper to inflict. 114<. If any member damage, destroy, detain, or take away the regalia, money, or other property belonging to the lodge or district, he shall be expelled, or suffer such other punishment as a committee of the lodge or district maj deem necessary, and he shall not be reinstated until the whole be made good. 115. That if any member be convicted of felony, by a jury of his countrymen, he shall be expelled the Order. 26 eEISRRAL LAWS. 116. That if any member be guilty of fraud, or any other disgraceful coTiducty or follows any evil, wicked, or noto- rious practice, contrary to law, or uses any unlawful means in procuring a livelihood, or become an habitual diurikard, or be seen repeatedly in a state of intoxication, if proof be made thereof, he shall be e.spelled, or suffer such other punishment as a committee of the lodge or district may think fit. 117. That any member slandering another, designing, printing, or publishing, or by any means circulating any article or document, so as to bring another brother into con- tempt, shall, on proof thereof, be expelled, or suffer such other punishment as a comrailleG of the lodge or district may think proper to inflict. 118. That if any member be expelled, the N. G. of the lodge shall send notice to the District C. S., who shall cause it to be made known to every lodge in the district, and inserted in the A. M. C.'s Report. That before any member is expelled, (except in case of conviction of felony,) the N. G. shall cnil a committee of the lodg*", to which every member of the lodge who resides within three miles shall be summoned, (the summons shall state the nature of the business to be brought forward ;) and the member charged with the commission of an oflence shall be furnished wiih a copy of the charge at least fourteen days before the time appointed for hearing, That the names of all witnesses shall be taken at the time the case is tried, and none other shall be heard on any subsequent hearing of the case ; That any member having committed an offence which subjects him to expulsion, not appearing before a committee of the lodge to answer for his conduct, within one month after the commis!>ion of the offence is made knowr\ to the lodge, he having been duly summoned, shall be proceeded against in the same mantier as if he were present, and should there be no possibility of summoning him, he shall be proceeded with in one month after the commission of such offence in the same manner as if he were present. 119. That when a member is suspended or expelled, and shall appeal and establish his innocence, he shall> in casQ he falls sick between the timo of his suspension or GENERAL LAWS. 27 any other , or noto- lul means tliurikard, ' proof be iicli otiier Lrict may Jesigning, ating any into con- iller such )V distiict G. of the who shall e tlistiict, in case of in^ittee of lio resides nons shall forward ;) HI oflence t fourteen en at tlio heard on ice which ?.omniittee •ne month wr» to the proceeded jsent, and \, he shall mission of )resent. expelled, e shall, in )enslon or K.Kpuisioh and such appeal, be entitled to his sick allow- ance, and during the time of such suspenfiion^or if expelled and such expulsion should be removed by appeal, he shall pay his usual contribution to the lodge, and any member being su.spended or expelled, and dying between the tune of such suspension or expulsion, and the hearing of hii^ dppeal (he having given notice of appeal,) and his inno cence be proved to the satisfaction of the next district com- ntittee, his widow or other legal representative shall be entitled to his funeral donation. 120. That any lodge admitting expelled, suspended, or Illegal persons, or in any way giving them countenance or aid, by lending or allowing them the use of any regalia or lodge property, such lodgv^ shall, from the time of commit- ting such acts, become susiieiided from all benefits and J>rivilegesor the Order, until they shall satisfy the committee of the district ; and if such practices be persisted in or repeated alter notice being given them of the illegality of sUch proceedings, they shall be expelled the Order. 121. That the name of no expelled member be inserted in the reports of the Order until he ha^ had an opportunity of appealing to a committee of the district. 122. That no member who has been expelled by hia lodge, shall be re-instated without the consent of a com- mittee of the district, under a penalty of £2 10s., which shall be paid into the Widows' and Orphans' fund. 123. That any brother who shall at any time make use of the name or influence of the institution for any purpoee not strictly belonging to the Order, without the sanction of the district ofllcers, shall be subject to expulsion, or such punishment as the Board of Directors may determine. Districts. 124. That all lodges shall belong (o the district by which they are opened, and shall not be allowed to leave that or any other district to which they may afterwards belong with- out the consent of an Annua' Committee. They shall pay ar jusi ucuiw uuc uy niciii lu lu^ uicnivv rT..!v{. .i.. ^ — about to leave, and shall forfeit all claims on the district fund. B 28 / Cr.NKKAr, LAWS. 125 That the boundary of each Distrlrt sliallnot extend beyond half the distance from the market city, or town from which it takes its nnme. and that of tlie neighboring JJistnct: and a District C .inmiitee granting a Dispensation to open a new Lodge, or giving liberty toremo\e an old one nearer to a town, centre of a village, or place from w'hich another District takes its name, without ihe consent of such D.stnct, ^hail he fined the sum of five pounds: which fine shall go to the Widows' and Orjdians' fund. District Committees. 126. That it he discretionary with Districts how often they hold then- committees, but shall be compelled to hold an Annual Committee in the second week in May of each year, and that fines shall be imposed at District Committees the same as in open Lodge, 127. That each lodge shall send a deputy, and be entitled to send one extra deputy for every extra members good upon the books, according to the last re to th*>, Proy. C. S. ; they shall be chosen out of the past / present elective officers, and no deputy shall bit on such committee unless he has been regularly appointed bv his lodge, and be a subscribing member, (but n cases of emergency, the Noble Grand shall havl power to an point any qualified officer, subject to the approval of the quarterly committee ) except in case of a new lodge, when any of he elective officers may be appointed, though not subscribing members of such lodge, provided there b^ none of their own qualified, nnd thnt districts have the power"o determme where they shall hold their committees, and whe^ ther they make the attendance of deputies compulsory or not. 128. That every motion which comes before a distrirt comm-ttee shall be stated in writing previous to tsling put to the vote, and the resolutions carried shall be kept by the district officers, and they shall not put anv motl 10 the vote which is contrary to law. ^129. That all are bound to abide by the decisions of ^ZZ^TT'''' ^^"4^^«"y tnensure has been adopted D SV ''''^''' '^'^^ ""'^^ '^'^'^^ ^^ ^'^« ^0^^^ of > CtKERAL LAW*. sy lot extend » or town, ?ighboring ipensation ^e an old lace fronn le consent i pounds ; fund. often they hold an ach year, mmittees, and oe tra St re e past K 1 bit on >inted by cases of r to ap. il of the ?e, when High not b^ none power to md whe- T or not. I district ts being be kept i' motion isions of adopted 3oard of 130. That any member improperly reflecting on the decisions of a committco of the district, so as to bring it into contempt or ridicule, shall be fined, for the first offence, five shillings; for the second, ten shillings; and for the third, shall be expelled, or snlTer such other punishment as a committee of the district may deem sulficient. 131. That all lodges shall join in the necessary and incidental expenses of the district, according to their num- ber of members. 132. That the district committee shall not have ihe power of voting or paying away money for any other purpose than for the necessary and incidental expenses of the dislrict, except to lodges or members in distress^ applications or |)etitions from lodges. « District Officers. 133. That Districts shall elect three Officers by ballot, viz.: — G. M., D. G. M., and C. S., at each annual com- miitee of the district, out of Past Grands who have taken the Purple Degree. They shall be nominated by any lodge in the dislrict, and the name sent to the District C. S., and circulated in all the lodges, at least two months previous to the A. D. C. being held. That in case of removal, resignation, or death, the vacancy can be filled without notice. 134". That in case any of the parties so nominated bo absent on the day of election, they shall be allowed to stand their poll, providing they signify in writing their intention to accept the office if elected. 135. That no G. M., or D. G. M., shall be allowed to stand his poll for re-election, or no G. M. for D. G. M., until he shall have been out of office at least twelve months. C. S. shall be eligible for re-eleciion. 136. That any district officer subjecting himself to the 34th general law shall vacaie his office, and the district officers shall have power to appoint a substitute in his piaee iiuiix viuaiiixi^vx i . vj!. ej liiUsi i...^-» >- — 7 and he shall not be eligible for re-election until the next annual committee of the district is held. ao GENF.JlAL LAWS, } 137. Thai district ofllccrs shall see (hat all wigns, charge«, and cuakings are alike; and ehaU have power to examine the books of any lodge in their district, and see that the Lavvs of the Order are duly observed ; and if any lodge persist in acting contrary to law, they shall have power to bring them before a committee of the district. 138. That no district ofliccr i>hall be allowed to vole at any district committee, unless the votes be equal, in which case the presiding officer shall give the casting vote. 139. That if a lodge refuse or fail to comply with th*? resolution of the district committee, the district officers shall warn them of the same, and if they still persist in not com- plying, any two of the district officers being present, shall have power to suspend such lodge until the next district committee is held. That lodges requiring the attendance of the district officeri shall pay their reasonable expenses, Bistriot C. S. 14.0. That the C. S. of the District, immediately arter hi8 appointment to office, shall send his address to the C. S of the Order. HI. That all communications from or to the G. M. and Board of Directors, shall pass through the hands of the 0. S. of the District; and that whatever information the C. S. may receive for his district, he shall cause the same to he forwarded to tlie respective lodges, and the district shall be empowered to make a regulation in order to carry the same into effect, 142. That the C. S. shall furnish each lodge with an account of its arrears, fines, &c., quarterly ; and such ac- counts shall be paid on or before the fourteenth day of March, June, September, and December in each year. Lodges neglecting payment shall not be allowed the pass- \vord, reports, or other communications, unless they satisfy the District Officers, or a committee of the District, why such account has not been naid. i 14.3. That throe Auditors shall be appointed by the Dis- trict Committee, at the annual meeting, fiom the lodges in the locality where the C. S. resides, who shall examine 18, chargeg, lo examine 36 that the any lodge B power to to vole at , in which >te. r with th*? icerij shall 1 not com- esent, shall xt district ict ofiiceri OENliUAL LAW.S. ?A tely after iheC. S. jr. M, anti of the C. the C. S. ime to be t shall be the same with an such ac- th day of ch year. the pass- ;y satisfy rict, why the Dis- e lodges examine the books of the C. S., after being prepared bv him ; and that such bdoks shall be ready by the last day of April, July, October, and January respectively. The Auditors shall exannine said books, and prepare a balance sheet to lay before the Annual Committee at the meeting m May, or be subject to a fine of two «hillings and sixpence each. Each Auditor to be allowed two shillings and six pence for every meeting, when business is actually transacted. 144. That an abstract of \he business to bo brought before any meeting of the District, be prepared by the Cw S., and handed to the G. M. at or before the time of meeting. 145. That if the C. S. do not comply with the two fore- going laws, he shall be fined ten shillings; and that no part of his salary be paid until his accounts are satisfactorily approved of, and passed at the dist-'ct half-yearly committee^ 146. That nil the monies received by the C. S. shall be placed in the hands of the District Treasurer within three daya after receiving the same ; and that the Treasurer shall bank all monies in his hands within forty-eight hours after receiving the same, or each be fined 5a. (or every such neglect. 147. That the C. S. shall give security to the District to the amount of fifty pounds, for any monies he may from time to time be entrusted with. 148. That a balance-sheet of the receipts and disburse- ments of the preceding twelve months may be prepared by the C. S., previous to the Grand Annual Committee in each year, and circulated in the various lodges in the dis- trict within twenty-eight days thereafter; each lodge to be supplied with a sufficient number for a copy for every three members good upon the books. 149. The C. S. shall also notify all lodges in the District at least four weeks before any yearly or special meetings, of the time and place of such meeting, or be fined 5s. for each lodge so neglected. 1 '^0 TThqf ♦hill f^. S csVinU ]roon nn or/lot* Vi/-><-vlr in fTi}-iwe to obey his or their reasonable com- manis, he shall suffer kucIi ))enaUy as a majority of the next Annual Committee may think proper to inflict. District Retnms. 152. That the C. S. of each District shall, on or before the twentieth day of May of each year, transmit to the C. S. of the Order, an abstract of the returns received by him from the lodge, as per annexed schedule No. 2. 153. That the G. M. of each District in the Unity shall, up to the first day of April in each year, make or cause lob^ made, a return of each lodge in his district, stating where it is held, and what number of members it containH. Any district neglecting to send their returns lo the C. S. of the Order on or before the twentieth day of May in each vear shall be fined £1. J J > District Disputes. 154. Thai should a dispute arise between separate dis- tricts, which they cannot mutually settle between them- selves, either by arbitration or otherwise, they may refer to the G. M. and Board of Directors, whose decision shall bo final. Purple Degree. 155. That a Lecture shall be held after each District Committee, to be called a Purple Lecture, at which degiees shall be given to Past Grands' who are duly entitled to re- ceive them J and that a qualified P. G. mav be appointed in any lodge, to give the Purple and Past Oilirers' Degrees and return a copy of such degrees taken to the C. S. of the district. 156. In order to qualify an officer to take this degree, he must have regularly passed through the office of N. G., GKNtliAi. LAWS. 33 Lill Other ■ correa- in&acted , the D. Lint, and y time j lie com- y of the I. ■ before I the C. by him y shall, se to 1)Q vhere it ■ Any of the ;h year, te dls- them- 'efer to hall be District legiees to re- Dointed egrees, . of the ree, he N. G., filled the office of G. M. of his lodge foi thirteen lodge-nights, taken the four inferior degrees, together with the degree attached to the office of N. G., which nnust be taken at least tliree months before he receives this degree, and be good on the books of his lodge. He shall be proposed and seconded in open lodge, by past officers, and if his lodge on the next lodge-night declare him worthy, the presiding officer must sign a certificate to that effijct, which must be delivered lo the C. S. of the distiict. 157. That the past N.G.'s, past V. G.'s, and past Secre- taries be not allowed to take \\\g degrees attached to their offices without being proposed during lodge business, one lodge-night, and being confirmed by the members the next, at which lime, should a majority then present declare them worthy, the N. G. and Secretary shall sign a certificate to that elft'ct ; any person filling one up, or signing one illegally, shall be fined twenty shillings. 158. That the Purple Degree, and the degree of past officers, be not given unless the certificate is properly filled up, signed and sealed, and bearing date within fourteen weeks of the time of the lecture being given. 159. That the signs and pass-words of a P. P. G. M. be not given unless fie procure a certificate fiom a district commiitoe, nnd sealed by the district officers, stating that he has served the office in a meritorioub manner. Medals, Sashes and Aprons. 160. That the colour of sashes and ribbons for suspend- ing medals and trimming aprons, shall be as follows, viz. : — l)ast, and present officers of the Order or District, pwyle } and that the officers of Lodges wear the following sashes : — G; M. (not having taken the purple degree) scarlet; N. G., scarlet; past and present V. G., pink; past and present Secretaries, /)/a2c/,' and brothers, sky blue. It shall not be imperative upon numbers to wear regalia in lodges, but ail regalia worn shall be uniform. tbr. No decoration shall be worn in any lodge as apper- taining to the Order, except the brother be strictly entitled thereto. 34 GENERAL LAWS. i Postage. 162. That ihe postage or freight of all correspondence, parcels, &c., sent or received hv lodges from district offi- ToTes'''' "^^*^^'' "^ ^''^ ^'''^''' ^''""^^ invariably be paid by Dispensations. 163. That the Board of Directors shall procure ond issue Dispensations for t'.ie opening of Lodges,vvhich shall contain tlie ur^ual forms established by the Order. 164. That any party wishing to open a new lodge, shall cause It to be made known t® a lodge in the district, which lodge shall, ,f they think proper to apply for a Dispensation, give notice thereof to the district officers, and make it known in writing to the lodges in the immediate neighborhood of the intenried new lodge, and if it should be proved that it would be injurious to open such new lodge, the Dispensation shall not be granted. ^ 165. That no Dispensation shall be granted to open a lodge, without the consent of the officers of the district, and sanctioneon shall give the new lodge a name, which •nail differ from (he name given to any other lodge in the district. And should the name appear objectionable to the ^. M. and Board of Directors, they shall have power to reject the same. . i lu 166. All applications made to the G. M. and Board of Di- rectors for Dispensations for new lodges must be sent so as to be receivfcu uy them at least fourteen days before the time specified for opening them, and be in strict conformi- ty with the following plan, or they cannot be attended to, VIZ. .- ■ At a meeting of the the day of , in the year of our Lord 18~7it wa» district officers, held on resolved that a Dispensation be granted to open a lodge, at the house of known by the sign of in *K« ■— "ree^in the township of in the county of » DO called lodge, and to l>6 opeaed oa the d«J ) GENERAL LAWS. 35 of 18 — and to be held every night to be on the dny of The first lodge — 18 — (Signed) District G. M. '« D. G. M. u C. S. All applications to have the district sexil attached to the same. 167. That all Dispensations, frame and box for new lodge, shall be sent from the board of directors,in order that they may be all alike. 168. That all Dispensations shall have the signature* attached to the same of those of the three principal officera of the Order, the thr^e principal district officers, and the three past officers of the district from which the dispensa- tion was granted ; the names of the last named officers shall be fixed on by the committee granting the dispensation ; but in cases where the districts do not forward such names, they shall be supplied by the last past officers of the Order. 169. That no lodge shall be allowed to be held at any house where there is another secret society which holds its meetings on the same night. 170. That when the Directors receive an application to open a lodge at a distance from the place where the appli- cation is made, th-ey be empowered to make such arrange- ments as they may deem necessary, in the qualification of parties to take office in the new lodge. 371. That no Dispensation be granted to open a new lodge, unless there are ten candidates to be initiated ; iho name, age, trade or calling, and residence, together with the sura of five pounds, to be deposited in the hands of th« district officers, who shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, the intended lodge-room, and report as to its fitness, &;c., to the committee granting the same. (See form No. 6.) No lodge to be opened in a tavern, when a private room, at a reasonable rent, can be obtained. 172. That parties be allowed to open lodges in conformity with the foregoing laws, which shall be allowed to adminis- iter a Temperance or total abstinence pledge, and to pasi i 1 r^_ ^:„-_ ..- ii: u^ r violations thereof respectively : but that such .lodges shall 36 GEK^CRAL LAWS. > receive visiting members and their contributions, clearances, &o., without being amenable thereto, from lodges over a distance of five miles, and shall be bound to auond to such members in case of sickness, in the same way as other lodges : but that the lodges coming within the meaning of this law shall not be permitted to use any badges, regalia, emblems, or favors, other than those forming the distin- guishing mark of Odd Fellows. Officers of the Order. 173. That there shall be three Officers of the Order appointed at the A. M. C, who have taken the Purple Degree previous to being nominated for such office, viz.:— G. M., D. G. M., and V. S. Any district in the Unity shall be at hberly to nominate candidates to fdl such office, and the names of all can^Mdates to le published in the re2)orts, and polled for wjjelher present or not. 174. That any past G. iVl. or past D. G. M. of the Order, who has been out of office more than twelve calendar months, shall be eligible to stand his poll for re-election, and that no G. M. be allowed to take the D. G. M.'s chair for twelve months alter leaving the G. M.'s chair. 175. That the G. M. of the Order shall preside at all meetmgs where his attendance may be required. All dis- putes of the Order in general, if not settled to mutual satis- ; faction, after having been heard before a quarterly committee of the district, shall be under the cognizance of'this oflicer, whose summonses shall be attended to, and whose decifcion, m conjunction with the Board of Directors, shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. 176. That the G. M., D. G, M., or C. S. of the Order, shall be allowed his or their reasonable expenses by the district or lodge, at any time requiring his or their attend- ance. 177. That if the G. M., D. G. M., or C. S. of the Order, cannot attend when called upon, the foregoing law to be equally binding in favor of any other officer they may appoint. ' -^ 178. That the D. G. M. of the Order shall act in con- junction with the G, M., ana omciate for him during his absence. ) ^arances, 3 over a \ to such IS other aning of regalia, 5 distin- J Order ! Degree -G. M., ill be at and the rts, and J Order, alendar lection, J. M.'s lair. at all Ul dis- \\ satig- nmitiee officer, ?cifcion, 36 final Older, by the attend - Order, ^ to be i may n con- ing his GENERAL LAWS. 37 179. That the G. M. D. G. M., and C. S. of the Order, shall act in conjunction with the Board of Directors. C. S. of the Order. 180. That the C. S. of the Order shall superintend the forwarding of goods, huve liie charge and custody of the books, and the stock of goods ; receive all parcels, letters, and other correspondence on account of the Order, and place all correspondence to and from districts, before the G. M. and Board of Directors. He shall answer all com- munications, and pay all accounts. The C. S. shall not furnish goods t>), or reply to the correspondence of any person other than through the medium of the C. S. of the Djst,rict, except he refuse or neglect ; then \he C. S. of the Order shall reply to the correspondence, and furnish goods to the G. M. of the district, should he apply ; and that his salary shall be fixed by the A. M. C. 181. That all monies received by the C. S. shall be placed in the hands of the Treasurer within one week after receiv- in^r th<3 same — he shall pay no account without an order from the G. M. and Board of Directors, and shall produce the Treasurer's receipt at all meetings of the Board. 182. That the C. S. shall give jeiOO security for, the money and property entrusted to his care, which shall be satisfactory to the Board of Directors. Auditors of the Order. 183. That three Auditors shall be appointed by the Dis- trict Committee, at their first regular meeting after the A. M. C., from the district where the Board holds its meet- ings, whose duty it sliall be to examine the accounts of the Order quarteily, and produce at the Annual Committee a full statement of the afi'airs for the past twelve months, setting forth at length the receipts, disbursements, goods, &c., received and sold, and the stock on hand, and who shall be paid from the funds of the Order. X ; a:i uuuiii/i cannot attend, the district to which he belongs shall appoint another in his stead. 38 GENERAL LAWS. Accounts of the Order. 185. That the books and accounts of the Order be balanced up to the first day of May in each year, and that the auditors appointed lo exansine the same shall be called in on the fifteenth day foliovving. 186. That the C. S. <,( the Order shall forward to each District their account with the Board quarterly, which shall be paid by such Districts in three months from the issuing of such accounts ; otherwise all goods, reports and pass- words, shall be withheld until they have compl'.ed. 187. That districts shall settle their accounts with the Board of Directors up to the last day of April in each year, or be fined five pounds, which fine shall be paid into the general fund, and a list of such districts, together with the sums owing by them, shall be circulated in the quarterly reports. 188. That no district shall be allowed to send a delegate to the A. M. C» whose account is not paid up to the period last mentioned, unles-s a satisfactory reason is given why it has not been paid. Board of Directors. 189. That there shall be chosen out of the district wherd the officers of the Order reside, a Board of Directors, to consist of the G. M., D. G. M., and C. S., together with fi\e persons who have taken the Purple Degree, and to be polled for at the A. M. C, whether present or not ; and that the Directors examine the cash account for the last quarter, compare the Treasurer's arcoiint with that kept by the C* S., and that they have power to examine any of the books or papers connected with the Order — five to form a quorum* That the whole of the Directors retire annually, and be eligible for re-election. The last P. G. M. to be cacrokcio a member of the Board. 190. That should any one of the parties so elected neglect to attend the meetings, or be found incompetent to act, then the person next in number on the poll list shall be called in to fill UD the 'oacancv. 191. That any district in the Unity be allowed to send a deputy, who has taken the Purple Degree previous to elec- GCNKRAL t.AWft. tion, to lorin one of the Board of Directors at the quarterly meeting of the Board, who shall be allowed the same privi- lege at the meeting as those elected by the A. M. C, on producing a certificate with the district seal attached. Districts sending a deputy to pay their expenses. 192. That the Board of Directors meet quarteriy for the hearing of appeals, and to transact all the financial business of the past quarter, and that all accounts be settled at such quarteriy meetings, and that it be discretionary with the officers of the Order to convene a meeting of the Directort whenever it shall, in their opinion, be necessary to do so for the transaction of business relating to the Order. 193. That the Board of Directors shall send the pass- word quarterly, for the admission of menibers, and the pass- word yeariy, for the use of members drawing certificates, and of those connected with issuing and examining the same* 194. That the Board of Directors shall issue a report annually to each lodge, with a balance sheet containing the items of income and expenditure during the previous year, together with the sum to which the fund amounts, the Obituary, List of Lodges, and Nights of Meeting; and members to be at liberty to purchase the same. 195. List of Goods sold at the Board Room:—- Lecture Books and Supplement P. G.'s Certificates. P. O.'s CertificBtes. Clearances. Travelling Certificates. District and Lodge Seals. General Laws. List of Lodges. Emblems. Dispensations. Charges and Duties. , G. M., C. S., and Board of Directors shall be enl.lled to a copy of all printed docunr,ent* that are published for general circulation. Annual Moveable Committee. ^198. That there shall he held annually a General Corn- l-urple Degree, from the various districts in strict compli- ance. * ,h•^^ w'^^^*^^'^• x^* ^- comn^enceits sittings on the third Wednesday in June in each year, at nine o'clock in he morning. The certificates from the various Districts ll'YT r 't ''• ^- 'V.'^^ ""'''' '' ^-«^ -« --'^ '^e^ore rllf^{ ' " 1\''^^''''«^'^'5 after Which the names sliall be called over, and the Committee c.pehed for the transaction of bus,ne.s^ That no P. G. be allowed to stand his poll as deputy to the A M. C. unless he has taken the PurpL i^egree pnor to his nomination for election. That all Dis- tricts be represented at the A. M. C, according to the number of members; each District ,o have the privilege of sending one member, and every District having two hun- died mi^mbers, two deputies; and for every additional hundred members, one deputy. Each District shal nay the expenses of their own deputies. ^^ nfrp??; ^''^^ *''^ Auditors' Report shall be read immediately after the names are called over, and a copy of (he balance- Renlfr'?'^ '' 'r^ ^^P"^y- '^'^^^ «^^^^he Auditors' report has been read, a committee of three persons shall be appomted to examine the proceedings of the Board of Directors, power to calUor all books, papers, and persons, who shall report l hereon to the A. M. C. _201. That any lodge wishing to alterany existing law, or to the r T ' rl'^??T^ '^' "^°''^" thereof shall be sent M.Zl S\^/ .""^ '^^ Order, on or before the first dav of h^r\n\r''' ^^^'' ^!*^ '^"" ^^"«« ^^^ ««"»e to be circu- hall not h« /T'*' ^^ ^^ '^'"'^ '" ^^'•^h' ^tf^^'-^'i^^ they »>h9H not be taken into consideration by the A. M. C In / CEIfERAiL LAWS. 41 ,Q. M. and It I'! !: ■■ d Board of documenu eral Com- ceived the cl compli- igs on the o'clock in 5 Districts ?ek before es shall be ransaction lis poll as le JPurple it all Dis- ng to the I'ivilege of two hiin- additional shall pay nediately balance- Auditors' ons shall Board of lers, and ail cases where the District wishes to alter an existing law, they shall propose a new law in full, as a substitute for the one they wish to alter. When the Directors find two or nnore propositions in conformity with each other, one only shall be inserted. 202. That all applications for new districts, and applica- tioiis (rom lodges for permission to join other districts, shall be inserted in the March reports, or the same shall not be submitted to the A. M. C. 203. That the quarterly reports and the resolutions of the A. M. C. shall be read in the lodges on the first lodge night after having received the same. Lodges neglecting to do so to be fined two shillings and sixpence for each offence,-^\o be paid to the Widows' and Orphans' fund. 204. That all applications to the A.M. C. for relief, shall have the approbation of a committee of the district, and all such applications to be forwarded to the C. S. of the Order, at least fourteen days previous to the A. M; C. 205. That the whole of the laws for the government of the Order shall be ublished in a book, to be called " The General Laws," and sold to lodges for the use of members. Breaking a Law to which there is no Fine attached. 206. That any district, lodge, or membe:, breaking a law to which there is no fine attached, the committee before whom the case is tried shall have power to inflict such fine as they may think the case deserves, not exceeding twenty- five shillings, nor less than two shillings and sixpence. And wherever the word " month'''' occurs, it shall be under- stood to mean calendar month. g law, or )mmittee I be sent it day of le circu- ise they C. In / / ■ ■*■;.;■ \ / ri i I ^f A \ / APPENDIX. SCHEDULES AND FORMS nEFiCBRKD TO IN TUE VORBGOmG QENBRAL X.AWai) 6,^ FOR THE USE OF LODGES. * Owing to the vast amount of imnecessary laboii*- entailed upon the Corresponding SecretarieB of Lodgesij consequent on the want of one unifornr. mode of drawing' up the various Returns and other Documents of the Orde^^,,^ m conformity with the preceding General Laws, the Annual Moveable Committee have deemed it expedient to adopt the following Schedules and Forms, which, it is hoped, will be found more simple in every respect than the former methods, and better calculated to ensure that regularity in keeping ihe General Accounts of the Order, which is so essential to the welfare of an Institution having its principles so widely diffiised as Oddfellowship. It is therefore obvioua, that every C. S. will see the propriety of strictly adhering to the Forms annexed, embractngj as will bief found oir* examination, all that is requisite for tecurinc uniformitr^ and avoiding confusion. ^ M \ ^ SCHEDULES. ^ 9 •*>> >< I \ > SCniDULC^ -I I ■8 s o .IS a S o £ ^5 •jca I S a R I o la Q a S I if jS s m e a # SCHEDULEI. \ > 4 (A » o Co •*« 0:; «3 •2 Q \ V > 00 ■ — : ■ ■ »■ • -a • Pi 03 P^ +j n s o <.. . •fi f-l S-4 • -H : pq <«-l o S (4 i P • 1 SCHEDULES.'' 'id'< 4m rs »p^ C9 fi^ 4 . C>^ ■*^ _ • a s o E o q < -^4 '6 . to < ' «*- c O o 0) 'k *j CO C3 • — P s -o -< * *9 * • a ± ^ o m ••o m %) as • ^ * 4 * (^ ■ ' f^ f' Q r I**! V :. «J c b 4M .> •<* o ■ ^- <»9 fi v* f^ r •^ 2 M B a> ;^ " <4-< o as 0* B .« ;< as a a •♦J « a ^ (5.2 CO ►-5 o s ce ^ ^^2 O 9> <» -O o o s •2 I C8 o f? .2 .2 ■2" « o o o o o 09 O o H ^ o - > No. 4. SCHEDULES. Past Officer's Certificate. 51 CTanaTifnn mx of ©Dtr ifcHob).?, i«ancl)cster UnUs. DISTRICT. Lodge, Loyal 'W^^^ 18 The!>e are to certify that P. G. our Lodge, was on the_ day of a Regular Lodge-night, duly proposed b3rP'G~ and seconded by P. G. *■ of 18 as a fit person to be admitted to tlT^Turple LecturV^^^that on ^^.\~-r-~j- ^,«y of -. ^ :18 a Regular Lodge night, the Lodge sanctioned the same, an.d we do lierebv certify that he is good on the Books of the Lodge. In witness whereof, we have subscribed our hand*, and affixed our Lodge Seal. ' (L.S.) JV.G. _ ^. G. No. 5. Certificate for Degrees of PJTjG^P.V.G., &P.S. of Lodges. ©.TiiatJfati ©cTJcv of ©tjh i^cUoiu.'?, iftt«Tnc})estcv WiwU^. Loyal DISTRICT. . Lodge, 18 These are to certify that Brother has faithfully served tne Lodge in ihT^^ffi^^^ (L.SO JV.G. ■ V. G, Sec y- 52 SCHEDULES. V No. 6. Form of AppKcation and Certificate required for New Lodges, as per laws No. 163 to 172. eaiwTilan SCHEDULES. 53 No. 7. Certificate from District. or New CtlK 18 Per- ition for County iie ) passed ge to be .G. G. Canntifan ©vTJcr of ©TiTj J^eUob)?, i?«auc!)estcv atiutij. DISTRICT. 18 These are to certify that the foregoing Application having been duly considered, this District on the day of 18 and the sunn of £5 having been received, it has been con- sidered desirable lo recommend the same to the G. M. and Board of Directors, and to request a Dispensation may be granted forthwith for the^ Lodge as therein requested. As witness our hands and Seal, the day and year first above written. D.G.M, 'D.D,G,M. D.C.S, eniarks.