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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmis A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film^ A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en bas, an prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 O. H. M. S. Deputy Minister. LABORATORY OF THK INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, C'A>s-Ar)A BXJLLETI]vr I^o 204 Canned Soup. U;uu 1 • 5 . I LABOKATORY OK THK INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT ti OTTAWA, GANAD bxjllii:ti:n^ tsTo. 204 Caiiiied Soup. Ottawa, March 24, 1910. W. J. (Jkrald, Esq., Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue, »SlR, — I beg to iiandyou a report upon 1.50 samples, purchased throughout Canada, in December last, as Canned Soup. With two exceptions, due to carelessness of the inspectors, these articles are correctly named. The exceptions aie No. 38866 and 4 2763 ; both of which are dry material, put up in paper, and should not liave been accepted for purposes of this inspection. Complaints have Iwen received from time to time, making mention of the following objections in Canned Soups :— 1. Corrosion of the can. 2. Unsoundness of the contents. 3. Discoloration 4. Sub-stitution of other material tlian that designated on the label, In particular to the substitution of otiier tlesh than chicken (or fowl) in so-called chicken soup. As to the condition of the can, the samples now reported may lie classified as follows : — Samples. Can distinctly corroded 7 " slightly ' " 3 " in fair condition 14 ■' in g(X)d " .... 124 Paper wrappers 2 Total 150 Corrosion of the can procee ution of iron, which, however, can have no p^Lnou, .■fleet.. Lead was not found in any sample ; but traces of tiA were noteu in for?4i ^mples. The amount was too small to have any physiological significanc^ ^^ Ar regards the soundness of the contents, these were found to be good in 137 samples, and shghtlv unsound in 11 samples. In none, however, had dW.w"ition proceeded far enough to be regarded as spoiled, or made dangerous in use '"^'""P"'"^''"' r ^""^ ^uV, T.'-^ """^'' 811 attempt to distinguish between chicken flesh and veal ^.,r other substitute) m soups. The results of this examination were so unsatlfact^ri thatj^therwork must be done before a definite pronouncement in the matter ^a^ 1 ^l'.'" '%*j*,.""'- *'""' **"* '=*""*'' ^"P *>»» '^en ma-le the subject of insDection under the Adulteration Act. In the absence of legal standards for^ the artZ and 1: nl/h"^ violation of the terms of the Act, I am unable to describe any ;f the samples herein reported, as being technically adulterated ^ I 1k>- n, recommend publication of this report as Bulletin No. 204. I have the honour to lie, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. McGILL, Chief Analytl. -U II IIULLETIN No. 204— Cost. Nature of Saiiiplp. \ ,\me and Addreu of Vendor. Name and Address of Mantifactun-r or Furnishfr a» given Vty the Vendor, e DISTRICT OF NOVA SCOTl V- D.-C, ,lOi>. 7 C'annwl tHJiip 41771,-Iohn Tobin ,^ Co.. Halifax, : N.S. 7 „ .. 41772 BaiiUI Unw., Ltd., Halifax, N.S. 7 .. . . 4177:< .1. Frank C'roue 4 Co., Hali- fax. N.S. 7, , . . 41774 A. * \V. Smith * Co., Halifax, ' ; N.S. 7 „ .. 4177.'>!\Ventzeir«. Ltd., Halifax, N.3. 13 4171« .1. H. Bar*)., Wolfville, N.S. . . 1.5 .. ..' 417S7 Colin McNah * Co., Dart- iiiiiuth, N..S. 15 417H«(;. .V. Urnion, l»artmjuth,N..S. 15 •• .. 417H!t f'oleiiian 4 Kisener, Dartmouth, N.S. 16 .. .. 41700 Forsyth, .fr.. Diirtmouth, N.S. 3 tiiiK. 30 jFianai-Ani. FoodCc, .ler.^ey ! City, U.S. 30 .Urn. Camjiliell ACo., CanuK-n. 1 New .lerj*ev, I'.S. 30 iLibbv, McS'eil ' * Libby, I ChicuKo, 111. 30 , Van Camp FackinK Co., In i diaiiaiK.lis, U.S.A. .T5 Libby, McNeil & Libby, Chicago, 111. 35 -loa. Campbell & Co., Camden, New .(erwy, I'.S. 45 ^Van Camp I'acking Co., lii- dianajiolis, I'-.S. 38 Libby, McNeil i Libby, j Chicago, HI. 45 •!(*. Campbell A Co., Cumden, N. J., t'.s. 45 Amiotir. L- !., Tt)ronto. . . . , , DISTRICT OF PRINCE KUVVAKD ISLAND- Dee. 6 Ciinnt'd Soup ., lo' I .. 10 ., 10 ,. 15 .. 15 ;W5S1 ,\, Currie 38581 K. H. .lenkins, Charlottetown . JS 3^."T'C> Brace 4 .McKay, Sununeraide. 3 385801 .... 3 .l3tin«. 42 .loa CamplK>114Co.,Canideii, N,.F., U.S. 90 Kriiiico-Ain. Food Co., New .Ien;ey, U.S. 45 The Van Camp I*acking C*-'., IndianajK>)iK, U.S. 31) \V. A. I,,iiird, Siminierside. . . .'W587'.S.iuderson&Co. Charlottetown 3 1 ,3-.").><.s M. Dutley & Co.,Charlottetown 3 i ;!.S."jj*!l .lolin .MoKinna,Charlottetown 3 \H) Cro«w & Hliickwell, I*ondon, KnK. 45 Libby, .McNeil & Libby, Chiciigo, III. 75 H. .1. Heinz Co., I'itlsbuih', U.S. Iti 16 IC. D. .S« 4 (iotf, f'harlottelown.. ., 3 .. . iK) C. & K. Morton, Lcimlun. ; Fng. ■W."i!)l Stewart & Son, Charlottetown. 3 .. 4.") .los. Campbell 4 Co., Cuiiiden X..I., I'.S. 3S.MI2J.I. T. McDonald.Charlottetown 3 ... 45 Libby, i Libby, Chicago. DISTRICT OF NEW liRUNSVVICK- 3r^, .n.-d Soup 3!P."i!i,S H. W. t'oli, Ltd., St. .lohn. 3 tins i N.i;. 3 3!l."ill!i Bairil & IVters, St. .luhn, N.B. 3 .■ I H : .. :Wm{;. K, Harlxjur Co., Ltd., St. 3 .. i .lohn, 14 .. .. 3'J(10i;(;eo. T. Whclphy, I'redericton, 3 .. I N.B. IC „ .fiHKiL' Inches,^ Grimmer, St.Stephen,, 3 .. <■ N.U. ! 17 „ . ,3Wi03;Y.Txa(lrocerv<'o.,\Vi»j, I'.S, 45 .loH,Cauipl*114 Co., Camden, ' N..J., U.S. CANNED SOUP. InBiH'ctor'n Rpptirt. ( Ik not an cxitivMnion of oi>inion). KiCHlXTS or AXALTHM. Condition of Can. ■Acidity of ., . ... I Strained ^^'■^»'P Filtrate Con^m'n (JontentM. (as Acetic) "">"■ R*-m»rk». K. J. WAUUH. INSPKCTOR. Mock nil tie simp Good. 3, e S •8 Oood I P-c. 1 ■ •Sliglit.. None ... Beef, Uc. Gream of ct-l-ry soup . . Chicken loup Ci-ngomnie sby 5 1'remierconcentrat Good Good cd mock turtle soup. j<'Ood Trace | None . I ■■ -Slight Not very! good. Good I None •^.C^FKRCnsON, INSPECTOR. 072 Trace. . . . 127 Trace tin. Trace None Neutral. . „ Slight.. Chicken, rice, parsley . Beef,rice,curry powder, Ac. Beef, Ac Chicken and jelly . ;BeMip. I I " •■• Beef, A 39598 39599 3960O 39601 39002 39604 ] BULLETIN N'v ^Ot- 1 1 Natun> of Sample. '■ 1 1 ' 1 r. XhIi ■ ftiic! Adilrex." ir Vencl.ii. Com N.iiitr an"*4 of ll 1 M;itnifjKttir»T tr I'urnit*b Arnioiir. XjUi 45 ,Io«. Campbell {.'••.. Caui'l"ii, i N.J. I'.Klfl. Deo. l^J(^UHle*^ S mp 22i I 22i 22i :t<«167 \. Drolet, 714 Rue .St. Valier.. 3 tins SfitiiW .Io». Kalarileau, 271 Rue St. .3 .Totw'ph. :««•«» ,. ., . . 3 :tii«70 .. M . . 3 3li«71 C. Riverin, .'i.'i Rui- de la Cou- 3 n inue. ..3 :;tHi72 i .•«ifi73: ;ifiti74 '.iOffin H. Riverin, 55 Rue de la Ci>u- 3 ronne. 3667G ., .. .3 DISTRICT I >F IJUKBEC- 45 .Ino. CaHipbell. Ne^^ 'U-Cf'y . ' 60 Heinz-. Pitt^l)un,'l;. N..I. I 45 .1. B. RetiPiiu-.l, Vh-Ih-c . ' 45 J. A. CliulK.t. (^'leLec 45 I«inglnlH ,!k r:ir;idis l^uelie*; I '45 i i 45 ' 45 ■ 45 „ „ .. : 45 ' DI.STRICT OK ST. HVACINTHK u 7 Canneil S,.u)) ,1S8.J9.T. P. Paul. Sorel amiO L. E 1. Clioquette. Farnham. 38861 R. Cix.ld, St. .lean 38862 A. McLean A Riddle Biw., Dap* ille. 38863 S. L. <;ib«m. Danville 38864 A .1. Hudson, Richmond 38865 B. E. (Joyettc, Ma(?o(f 38866 H. Chamberlain, Magog. . 38867 \V. Murray & Co., Lfjrne, Ont. 3 ••54 H. .1. Heinz Co.. Vittstmrgh. 3 M . 30 lArmour. Ltil . Tonnto 3 •• . .TO 45 .1. Campbell Co.. Camden, 45 nipl N..I.. l?.S JKJ Simcoe Canning Co.. Simcoe. 15 W. Paul, .\gt.. .Montreal 45 I.ibby McNeill &Libby. Chi- cago. 45 J. Camiibi'll Co., Camden, 1 N.J., U.S. CANNED SOUP. lD«pettor'» Kei)ort. ( I« not an expreM(ioii of opinion) RlxfLTS o> AHALTBI.H. t'nnditiun of Acidity of ., . ... i Strained ! ^J*^"'? Can. ! Content*. ](a» Acetic)! "•'««>• Kemarkx. I 1 •s J. C. FERUL'.SOX, INSl'ECT<)R-CV«./udcd. Daviei* <»>nden:4ed ..*ouiJ«,'Goed moc'k turtle. CanipbeirK condeiiitKl uiock turtle .Houp. p. c. '^•o™' Trace : . >iie Beef, barley, tumipii, car- aWOS rotn, Ac. Slight...., . . . Beef, jellied Siltiir, •■ — ■■ ... Beef. Ac soar K. BELAXU, IXSPKCTOK. Fair . Good... CkkI... . .Slight .. None Kair 0!I8 Good (Nil Trace. . . . i .. B..f, 4c . Tomato . I Clear brotl Beef, 4c. . , Neutral ■Slightly. I .. ITrace ! ., I ; I 077 Trace tin Tomato Trace Xone beef, rit ery. curry, Ac. Chicken, jiarfiley. rice and onionH. Barley, bean«, |>ea8,carrot..<, Cumi|iH, imtatoea, Ac. Pean 366(>7 36WW .%tK<* 36670 36671 36ti72 36673 30074 36679 3ub76 J. C. ROl'LEAr, INSPECTOR. ' Lome " brand chicken . . . Good 'Good Tra, None. sicken and broth . . 'Tomato*' Fvr .... : ,. ' .Mock Turtle" Good „ 'Chicken" '.lulienne" „ •OxTail" ! „ 'Chicken" , I „ t ! I i Potato tabletis collected by • .Mock Turtle ■■ Cori«ied,.'Fair 'slightly . . iTrace tin. iB^t Ac*! . ; 225, Trace tin . Tomato I , ; . iTrace None iBeef, vegetables . I I ' , iNeutral. . . ' .. Chicken, rice, parsley . . ;Trace ,. Beef broth an 1 choppe.^ i I vegetables " lOxtail, liarley, vegetables, i Ac. — jChicken I Neutral.. .! 3S85» 38860 38861 38861 38865 38867 Good.. » >■ IV BULLETIN No. 204— Naiiip and Addrt^w of Vendor. Cost. N'aiUf and Adiltesx of Manufacturer or Furnisher as ^veti by the Vendor. t i a III DISTRICT OF MONTREAL— 1909.. Dec. 1 [Canned Soup 8j „ 8| 8> i .. U „ 14 „ !.'■> „ V, i .. 21 .. .211 ..! 40351 . .i 4ai52 Jamen Duncan, L-ichine, P.Q. Stint. 3 .. (Iravel Freres St. Catherine St. W., Montreal. 1 40353 R. Walsh, Cor. St. GenevieveS 1 & Dorchester St., Montreal. I .i 40354'DavieB Ltd., Chaboliz Square, '3 1 I Montreal. 40355 P. Daoust, St. .\nne de Belle- i 1 vue, P.ti. , .' 40. J«' " ..... I j 40357ij. K. DesaulnierR, 1121 St. 3 ! i Lawrence B., Montreal. 4035l*T. Simard, St. .Terome, P.Q. . 3 . .' 40350' A. tJiraril, 203 St. Antoine St., 3 ' . 1 Montreal ■ 403t)0:Beauvai« & Lalonde, 482 St. 3 i I James St., Montreal. 45 Ijoeeph Campbell, Camden, ! N.J., U.S. 90 Franco Am. Food Co., -Jergey ' City HighU, N.J. 30 Van. Camp Packing, Indian- j ajiolis, Ind. 16 The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Toronto. J» Campbells 46 ! Armour's, Ltd., Toronto.... 26 j .. 45 jCampbells 25 W. Clark, Montreal tiO IHeini DISTRICT OF OTTAWA— Nov. l)|.C. 24 Ciinued 4 • t; 1) 11 v> 1.-., 15 Hi 18 Sour>. j 4284fi'c. B. McLean, Ottawa i3 tins. , . J 42847 Ellis Bros., OtUwii |3 •. j . 1 ..' 42848 C. Mi.reland, Bank St., Ottawa'3 .. . ' .. 4284y' A. L. I'inard & Sons, Ottawa. .|3 .. 42850 Bennett & Code, Carleton Place 3 .. .. 428.51 Kavanagh Bros., Ottawa . . 3 .. 428.V.' A. E. Ken Ltd., Ottawa 3 .. 428:.3t'. .Moreland, 184 Storks St., 3 .. ( ittawa. „ 428.S4 W. llyiiclnwii. Smiths Kails .3 .. „ .. 42855 P. Lauioureux, Ottawa 3 .. 30 The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Toronta 46 Unknown i 35 TheWm. Davies Co., Ltd., ' Toronto. I 75 iludon Hebert .1 ( 'ie, Mont- j reAl. ' 40 Unknown ; 90 Crosse* Blackwell, London, \ Eng. I 37 Unknown ' 76 ' Henri Jonas, Montreal ! 38 Robertson Nichole & Co., : Smiths Falls, i 38 Unknown DISTRICT OF KINGSTON- N.iv. -.tM'anned 29 .. 30 Dec. 1 1 Soup 4271)2 P. A. Haflner, Kingston 427«3l.l. McCulla, Kingston . . 427t)4'A. (ilov.r, Kingston istins.! 38 JLibby McNeill & Libby, I I i Chicago, 111. ^ „ . I3 ,. 30 IW. SMiiington Co., Bowdan I .Marborough, Eng. k 1. 46 in. J. Heinz, Pittsburg 427C.5 Wallbridge A Clarke, Belleville. 3 Ont. 427« (Van Camp, Indianapolis, U.S. CANNED SOUP. Inapector's Report. (Is not an expresfiiou of opinion). R«SULT8 OF AaaLTSIS. Condition of Acidity of . Strained Filtrate „ I Filtrate Can. I Contents. |(u Acetic) Metallic Contami- nation. J. COSTIGAN, INSPECTOR. C'aiiipbells " Mock Turtle ' '*Coniiomme'*. . "Tomato" "Mock Turtle". "Ox Tail" ".Mock Turtle". "Tomjit(t" Good. Fair.. Oood. Good I Pc. . jTrace. . . . i Slightly . Fair. . . Oood. Corroded.. Fair Corroded.. Fair. Fair Good. Good. Trace.... Slightly. Trace ... None. Slightly . . I • I 054 T. A. RICKEY, INSPECTOR. Daviea " Mock Turtle ". . . . Good . Campbells "Mock Turtle".! „ Davies " .Mock Turtle ". . I „ i Franco Am. "Mock Turtle"! " Van. Camp!i"Mock Turtle" Corroded Cnwse A; Blackwfcll '• Mock Good rurtli' ". Campbells " Mock Turtle ". "M(x;k TurtlB" Libby'x " .M.xjk Turtle ' Anmmn. "Ox Tail"". <*ood. I_ Trace None. Slightly . Fair.. Good Fair. . Goo'JJ. Curtis, Pcjrt Hoi* ■ I 42770 S. A. Oke, Peterboro ! 42771 K. A. Dutton, Peterboro 3 tins. 3 n 3 ., . 3 „ . 3 .1 . Libby McNeill & Libby, Chicago, III. Campbell, Camden, N..I 38 38 38, 30 DaviesCo., Toronto, 30 I ,. Der. I Canned 3' I is! 21! j 21' oup 23 Dec. 7 Canned S..u| H 8 U M 1» IS " 17 DISTKICT OF TORONTO- 41411 41412 41413 41414 4U15 4141« 41417 4I41S 4141!) I .1. \. Brown, CoUingwood |3 tins. McLauchlan & Sand Co., Ltd., 3 Owen .Sound. I .1. H. MaiHball, Niagara Falls. |3 The \V. H. MerrimanCo., St. 3 Catherines. \V. .Joyce, Oakville :3 The Wm. Dnvies Co., Ltd ,!3 Toronto. ! Perkins Ince Co., Ltlis, U.S. IV) .TosephCampliell Co. Camden, N. .J.. 1-. 3. 35 ,Wm. Clark, Montreal 30 Vendors. 41420(irand Valley PrcltieeCo., To lonto. 45 lAylmer Canning Co., Ltd , Aylnier. 30 The F. K. I-ttlor Canning Co. Ltd., Uunville. 4") H. .1. Helm Co., Pittsburgh. 4.j Liliby McNeill * Libby, Chi- cago, 111. DISTRICT OF LONDON- 3IIS74 A. .7. (inxim, Guelph 308:.". I tuniine & Co. , Herlin .■tlW77 Beck & Schell, Berlin :mw\ A. Uiiittie* Co., .Stratftini .'W»882! WWUn.r. .McKwen, Stnitfonl .".II8»7 P. T. Denn 808i«-O. C. Whitley. fl.Klerich WMttiO .Stunly A Co., (Joderieh 4t7<)4iMichael Durkli.. Mitchell. 3 tint. 45 iSennon k Co.. (tuelph. . . . 3 M .1 45 !.1ot'epli Canipbell Co 45 iJaw. Lumlier^, Toronto. . . . . .1 25 j William Clark & Co., Mont- i ' real. .1 45 .las. LumlK'rs, Toronto ' ;iO 'Stmtford Wholesale Urocerv, j I Stratfonl. I 35 |H. P. F,ckert 4 Co., Toronto . .30 iA. M. Smith, I.ondon. (lillard & Co., Hamilton. . . . A. M. Smith, London, Ont 11 CANNED 8()L1'. Iiis|,.i 'orp Ke|«ut. (Ik tutt uii '■xprfsf'ioii of iij.irii.iii). of Analtsis. Condition c.f Can. Straine.1 L?I«'»"'.e Filiate IContamin. I Contpnts. j(a» Acet^o)! *'"'"• Remarks. 3 C J ».-< HO.IAN. IS^VKCTOH-Concluded. ■ ;(»oo»i . Good .Fair.. . ICJood. p. c Trace. . . Slightly acid. Trace... None , . . . Oxt lit, Ijarley, &c 127r>7 Tomato j 42768 42769 42770 B«*f, Ac Oxtail, vegetables. 42771 11. .1. DAlJKR, LNSPKCTOK. TIlH .\„rth I.iiu 1 .\lfy. Co..l(Jr»Kl Tui.iiin.. -.M .k Tiirtle.'i Aii^ ^r's •■ M V k Turtle."; ,. V:ui ( :iiii|;s '■ • 'liickMl." , . ! „ Can.i ■'!.- -M .(.-i; Turtle.'^ ,, Clai, "('liiik.ri ■■ I)a\i. s "Miiti..ii". -I'lii k.-ii- t Heiii..; Tciinat'i .'^■iu|i. Con-i .. tains n(i i)f-ii/.>;i^- Midaor' ol.'icr MTtitici 1 pr»'s»'rvu-! ti\i'. ; Lil.liyV Preiiii.i -Ox Tail" Kair T. Ivini), IXM'KCTOR ".M.K.kl„rtl. ^Kair., d Soup . . . 4Vfaa H. B. Hodgkins, Ayluier. Ont 3 tin». 38 W. Clark, Montr.*! 6 1 ■4265f) J. G. Heiter, Aylmer, Ont . . . 3 II . 40 Van Camp Packing Co., In- dianapolis. Armour Co., Ltd., Toronto. . II 7' 1 , 42663 W. J. Wilkins, •.'illsonburg.. .j3 n . 38 7 42665 Stillwell Brtjs., Tillnonbiirg . . . . 3 ,1 . 40 Libby's, Chicago M 8 42667 G. A. Cnrtis, Simcoe . . . 3 1. . 3 „ . 40 30 Van Camp Packing Co., In- dianapoliK. Armour Co. Ltd., Toronto. . . „ g! . 42669 <}eo. H. Widner, Sinicix' „ 9! i „ 9| .. 426X2 .. 426?4 \. U Vanstone, Brantfnrd .1. T. Wallace, Biantford 3 II . 3 M . 38 75 Van Camii Packing Co., In- diana [loiid. Lipton, Ltd., London, Eng.. „ 10 It 10 . . 42687 .. 42692 V. C. TiH,n, Ixjndon, Ont '3 ., . T. A. Rowat S Co., London, 3 » . 45 Jog. Canipliell Co., Camden, N. .1., ('.S. Columbia Conserve Co., In- 1 Ont. dianaiMtlis. DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- r>c. 9 9 C»nne»l Soup . . . .39861 .39852 .1. O'Hare, WinnijN'g .1. Grant. Winnipeg 3 tina. 3 .1 .30 The Van Camp Packing Co., IndirnapI<->1 .\. R. ChrUtie, Winniix-K S •.40 1, „ 10 398.V) H. K. Weldiu * Co., Winnipeg 3 1. 40 1, .. l.t .39856.1. Patprson, Winniiieg 3 1. .' 40 „ Hi . 39857 Win. Mahoney, Winniiieg. .... 3 1. . 45 .. Iti .. .'tiHWTIu' Hanly Buchanan Co., WinniiH-g. . ;t'.l8.-ftTlif.StwuCo|*lftna Co., Dau- 3 „ . 40 3 , . 4.5; II 32| . ■.imiO .1. I'aternon, Winnii)eg '3 „ . ; 40 DISTRICT OF CALOARY- !>••«. 10 Ciiniiwl .1 10 ."vtup. . , 43611 4:t612 H. W. Inland Co.. MCTlicinejS tins. 46 Hat. 1 R. Dunn, Medicine Hat |3 .. . : 60 Van Canir. Parking Co., Indiaiiaixjlis, ., 11 . 43613 SiH-iioer A Tod.l. Mcilicini- Hat's ., . 60 ,1 „ .. 11 ..| 13614 ir. .Mumiw, Mi-dicitiv Hat 3 u 4.5 .loseph Cairipl)ell Co., Cam- den, N..1. Libby, .McNeil 4 Libby, ChicaKo. CroKse* Black well, London, Kng. II 30 11 30; • 43615 I.3iil6 Hudson '» Bay Co., Ijetlibridge. B.iitliy Co., Ltd., Ii^'thbridge. 3 M S 1. . 1 06 l.OP 13 CANNED SOUP. Inapector's Ketoirt (Is not an expremiioii of upini:in. Rksi'lts of Analvjis. Condition of Acidity of I ., „. ■ Strained ;„*'*»*•'!'' I Filtrate jConUn.m-, Can. Contents. i(a» Acetic) "'""■• ! KeniaricH. S 3 JNO. TALBOT, INSPECTOR. Clark's Coucentratpd'MockiCorroded Turtle. " Mock Turtle " ipai. Savoy Souiw. " Chicken "iGood uunilx). Libby's Concentrated ., "Chicken.' Van Caiiip's Concentrated! „ "Mock Turtle." Savoy Soups. "Green ., I eas. ■ \ an Canin's Concentrated „ " Clam Chowder. ' ! Lipton"» Superior "l>iock Turtle." Cainpbeirs Condensed ' To- mato ' Columbia hi(?hc8t irrade "M1 . I I Good. .Slight.. . JTrace . . I " . . . ■Slight . . I Trace. . . None . Mock Turtle. 43811 43612 43613 N'egetables ; 436(4 Bicf and vegetables I ^3615 '"'"''. &c I 43(118 14 BUI-M:riN No. -JOt - of of \ .iidor. .iivl A.ldrcas 111' M:iiii,f..riiii. : ..r riimisher „- l.v 'h>- V.-nrt'T. lino .1.111. ■"' CiHinMl t*iiU)- 4.%17;llalli<-r,t Aldridtrr, K , KiliTi>iit'ii . .> ■ IHVl'KK r OF CALAin. F<«.<1 ("<' . •••i-'-y City ll'-iglus, N.-I- |iI>TUKT OF VANCOIVKU- Vni*.'. I Crtiiniu Simp. M !t !»; •i 10 10 10 lOi I lo; ;,7778|c.A.NV,.lc„,N...NV..t i.ter.j^ tin.! 4.. ^^^J^^^^ ^:V''""' •'"■ 37779:T. S. Aiiniiiid lU-, Nf* Wistp 37780 (J>'o. Ai!;tiii^ N« « \Vistiiiiii.«tfrj.J 37781 \V.-»t Kn.l Oim.iy. N<'W W<-Kt- 3 ] I iiiiii.»tiT. 3778:;; Kelly, l>oiigla« & C')., VanJ 1 I cimvtT. 1 1 3778;ii Hudson Bay Co., Vancouver. . i.i 40 I 411 'calitoriii:i Kr;ii', (iiowiTi*' ' I Awsoc. , , , i 25 il.ibby, McNeil >t I.iHiy. ChicjiB", 111. ,,, 40 'iArnioiirw, Ltd, Chi. mi,'", l" • .i 30 IJoH. Ciimi.WU C , Ne« I .leiat-y. 411 Wni. liaiis ('«. 37784! L..cson. Dickie Co., Vamomer 3 j 3778.5' W. H. Malkin k Co., Van- 3 .. . I .W Crone & lilaekv-.,, 1 i couver. .1 37786 WixKlwanlii Dept. S'tore, Van couver. ,^ 37787 A. MacDouald & Co., Van couver. 30 N. >I. Heinz & <' i burph. Tit. ' 30 W. Clark. Montreal I'ltts DISTRICT OF VICTOKIA Dec. p) Canned Sonp 1(1 i 10 I lOj .. 13' 13 14 14 U 14 41584 \Vind«or Grocery Co.. Victoria, i B.<;. 41.")85 W. Hpeet), Victoria, B.C 41,58c'Tlie Sann.S,i Harrison 4 .McDonald, Vic- i toria, B.C. 41.589 Acton Bro«., Victoria, B.C 41.V.HlTlie Went Knd (Irocery Co., I Ltd., Victoria, B.C. 41.501 K. D H. Uo»« h Co., Victoria, "i B.C. 1 415113 .\ I'ool, Victoria, B.C 3 tins 3 .. 3 Van < in,ti I'ackint,' Indiaiiai'iili-. I ..'^. A. .lusepli <•..■, ;i.l..ll < ■ . deii, N.I. Wui. Davie-f ( c, Lt.i r.intti. 45 Aylmer Canning Co., 1 Hamilton, <)nt. 40 Oohst! & Blackwell, L. I '•■"«• 40 l.IoM-pli Canililx'U C.'., I Canideji, S.,1. ;*) The W'ui. D.ivien Co.. Turonto. Brand & Co., Lond..M, IWi i 7ri (.'o., ( 'am- „ T..- Ltd., .iidon, Ltil., Ltd.. KiiK Wni. Claik, M.mtieal 15 CANNED SOUP. IilH|)ecttii f* Kt'iMHt. ( Ih not an t'\p^p^^^!on of i<|>iiiiiin). Rf-silts of A.\alv»i>. Condition of Acidity ofj ,, . ,,, Stmim-d L^'';'"'".'^ I Filtrate I* "Dtan"" Can. ' -ontents. (as Acetic)! **'""• H'liiarki K. W. KLETCHER, INSPECTOR-(7o,ic7«rffd. r«KKi. 1 P-e- ; ' Good. . . . iTracv None. . . . Bet-f, &c I Slight .... .Mwk Tiirtlf ' " .... Bwf, &c Trace ., . . , . ' 4»il7 4»>lf! 4.3. OSULMVAN, INSPECTOR. V.-in CanipM Mock Turtle'cood !(} Oxtail 41586 1 ' Beef and v.^retiiljlea 11587 Xeutral. . .1 * Chicken ;ind jelly 41588 Trace. . 41.589 Slight . . . ! ■ ■■• •! 41S90 Trace. ...1 , 41591 Slight... 1 ■ 41592 Trace ; ■ . C ■ t,i and broth. nmi