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 A Memoir, 6>'Sandford Fleming, C.M.G., M. Inst. C.E., F.G.S., F.R.G.S* 
 Engineer-in-Chief Canadian Pacific Railway, 6*^. 
 The question to whirh I propose to direct attention 
 is not purely English in its interests, or, indeed limited to 
 any particular country or continent. It is a question which 
 concerns all nations in common ; and is probably ot less 
 importance to the inhabitants of the British Isles than to 
 colonists and to those who live in continental countries. 
 Within a comparatively recent period, the human race 
 has acquired control over a power, which already has, in a 
 remarkable degree, changed the condition of human affairs. 
 The application of steam to locomotion by land and water 
 has given an enormous stimulus to progress throughout the 
 world, and with the electric telegraph as an auxiliary, has 
 somewhat rudely shaken customs and habits which have been 
 handed down to us from bygone centuries. We still cling, 
 however, to the system of Chronometry inherited from 
 a remote antiquity, notwithstanding difficulties and incon- 
 veniences which are constantly met in every part of 
 the world, but which are so familiar to us that they 
 are not regarded, or are silently endured. 
 I do not refer to the mechanism of our clocks and watches. 
 The art of watch making has by no means remained behind in 
 the general advancement. The horological instruments now 

 made are, indeed, of surprising accuracy and beauty ; and 
 simply as machines, for measuring time and dividing it into 
 minute portions, ihey undoubtedly are unrivalled amongst 
 the productions that come from the hand of man. The 
 difficulties to which I allude, are due primarily to the 
 principle of construction by which our clocks and watches 
 are made to indicate time only according to the longitude of 
 places on the earth's surface ; and, in a less degree, to the 
 fact, that we adhere to the custom of dividing the day into 
 halves of twelve hours each, one set of hours being described 
 as ante meridian, the other as pest meridian. 
 To illustrate the points of difficulty, let us first take the 
 case of a traveller in North America. He lands, let us say, at 
 Halifax, in Nova Scotia, and starts on a railway journey 
 through the eastern portions of Canada. His route is over 
 the Intercolonial and Grand Trunk Lines. He stops at St. 
 John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. At the begin- 
 ing of the journey he sets his watch by Halifax time. As he 
 reaches each place in succession, hefindsa considerable varia- 
 tion in the clocks by which the trains are run, and he discovers 
 that at no two places is the same time used. Between Halifax 
 and Toronto he finds the railways employing no less than five 
 different standards of time. If the traveller remained at any 
 one of the cities referred to he would be obliged to alter his 
 watch in order to avoid much inconvenience, and, perhaps, not 
 a few disappointments and annoyances to himself and others. 
 If, however, he should not alter his watch, he would discover, 
 on reaching Toronto, that it was an hour and five minutes 
 faster than the clocks and watches in that city. 
 In the United States the inconvenience is greater. Along 
 the great railway lines leading from Boston, New York, 
 Philadelphia, and other cities on the Atlantic seaboard, to the 
 west as far as San Francisco, the variation of time is of no 
 trifling importance. The difference between the time of New 
 York and that of San Francisco is nearly three hours and a- 
 half. Between these extreme points there are many standards 
of time, each city of any importance having its own. The 
 railway companies have to conform to this state of things, 
 and, as in Canada, are obliged to adopt local standards 
 Hence the discrepancies in time which perplex the travr.I'cr 
 in moving from place to place. 
 On the Continent of Europe, and, indeed, wherever lines 
 of communication extend between points differing to any con- 
 siderable extent in longitude, the same difficulty is experienced. 
 On a journey from Paris to Vienna, or to St. Petersburg, the 
 standard time employed by the railways changes frequently, 
 and the extreme difference in time between the first and last 
 city is nearly two hours. 
 Suppose we take the case of a person travelling from 
 London to India. He starts with Greenwich time, but he 
 scarcely leaves the shorea of England, when he finds his watch 
 wrong. Paris time is used for the journey until that of 
 Rome becomes the standard. At Brindisi there is another 
 change. Up the Mediterranean ship's time is used, At 
 Alexandria Egyptian time is the standard. At Suez ship's 
 time is resumed, and continues with daily changes until India 
 is reached. Arriving at Bombay the traveller will find two 
 standards employed, local time and railway time, the latter 
 being that of Madras. If he has not altered his watc i since 
 he left England he will find it some five hours slow ; should 
 he continue his journey to China it will fall eigtit hours 
 behind. 'f 
 In the United Kingdom the difficulties due to longitude are 
 felt in a very modified form. The greater island, embracing 
 England and Scotland, is comparatively limited in 
 extent, particularly in width. One standard of time is 
 therefore used. It is only in respect to the smaller island, 
 Ireland, that the difference in longitude calls for a difference 
 in time ; in the whole United Kingdom, consequently, there 
 are practically only two standards, viz., Greenwich time and 
 Irish time, the difference being twenty-five minutes. No one, 
therefore, whose experience has been confined to the United 
 Kingdom, can form an adequate idea of the extent of the 
 inconvenience arising from the causes alluded to in regions of 
 the world where geographical circumstances render the use of 
 a multiplicity of standards necessary. 
 The railway system is the principal agent in the develop, 
 ment of the difficulties referred to, and the still further 
 extension of steam communications in great continental lines, 
 now begins to force the subject on our attention. Canada 
 supplies a good illustration of what is occurring. The railways 
 built and projected there will extend from the eastern coast of 
 Newfoundland on the Atlantic to the western coast of British 
 Columbia on the Pacific, embracing about seventy-five degrees 
 of longitude. Every existing Canadian city has its own time. 
 Innumerable settlements are now being formed throughout the 
 country ultimately to be traversed by railways ; and in a few 
 years, scores of populous towns and cities will spring u^ in the 
 now uninhabited territories between the two oceans. Each of 
 these places will have its own local time ; and the 
 difference between the clocks at the two extremes of 
 Canada will be fully five hours. The difficulties which will 
 ultimately arise from this state of things are apparent; 
 they are already in some degree felt ; they are year by year 
 increasing, and will, at no distant day, become seriously 
 inconvenient. This is the case not in Canada alone, but all 
 the world over. 
 The other class of difficulties arises from the division of 
 the day into halves of twelve hours, each numbered from one 
 to twelve, from midnight to noon, and from noon to midnight 
 consecutively. Inconveniences resulting from this cause, may be 
 familiar to rr.any who have had occasion to consult " Bradshaw," 
 or other railway and steamboat time tables. Simply as 
 an illustration, the experience of a stranger during the first 
 few days of his sojourn in the United Kingdom, may be 
A few weeks ago he (the writer) landed at Londonderry by 
 the Allan line of steamers from North America. Circum- 
 stances call'.ig him to a place near Sligo, and having' two dayt 
 to spare, he determined, if it could be done within that period, 
 to visit the locality referred to. ♦' The Official Irish Travelling 
 Guide " was consulted, and the several routes were carefully 
 studied. Persons resident in Ireland, and accustomed to travel, 
 were also consulted, and a route was determined on, by which 
 the traveller could, with apparent comfort and certainty, leave 
 Londonderry any morning, and return the night of the day 
 following. The journey was by railway to Enniskillen sixty 
 miles ; thence by public car to Manor Hamilton, thirty miles ; 
 thence by private carriage to Killennumery, eight r whici jmilesl 
 completed the first day's journey. Next day, it was arranged 
 to leave in time to drive to Bandoran, forty-two miles, 
 in order to catch a train, which " The Official Travelling 
 Guide " indicated, would leave at 5.35 p.m., and enable the 
 traveller to reach Londonderry at ten o'clock the same 
 evening. There appeared to be no doubt, about accomplishing 
 the journey within the time and in the precise manner 
 The traveller set out, reached the house of his friend near 
 Sligo on the first day, without difficulty, pnd, on the second 
 day, started in a conveyance specially engaged to take him to 
 Bandoran in time for the 5.35 p.m. train. The conveyance 
 actually reached Bandoran at 5.10 p.m., apparently affording 
 twenty minutes to spare. But the discovery was soon 
 made that no train would leave that evening. The station 
 master was appealed to for an explanation, and, comparing the 
 "Official Irish Travelling Guide," as it was termed, with the 
 time table hung up in the railway office, it was found that the 
 " Official Guide " should have read 5.35 a.m., instead of 
 5.35 p.m. Thus, owing to the system of dividing the day into 
 two sets of hours, a most trifling typographical error made a 
 morning train appear to be an afternoon train, twelve hours 
 later than intended. 
 There was no help for it but to remain at Bandoran until 
 next day, and, as the morning train on the Bandoran branch 
did not, like the supposed afternoon train, run to meet an 
 express train on the main line, there was no regular means by 
 which the traveller could reach his destination before 1.30 
 o'clock in the afternoon of the third day, in place of 10 o'clock, 
 p.m., on the second day. An actual loss was thus entailed on 
 him of Bixteen and a-half hours, while several other persons 
 were subjected to needless inconvenience and disappointment. 
 This was the first few days' experience of a visitor from a 
 distant country to the United Kingdom, where untold wealth and 
 talent have, during many years, been expended in establishing, 
 developing, and perfectingthe railway system I 
 The question need not be asked, how many or how few 
 similar experiences could be related ? A single case like the 
 one described, is quite sufficient to establish that perfection of 
 system has not by any means been reached, and that the 
 present mode of measuring time and arranging railway time 
 tables, leads to errors which might any day prove serious in 
 their consequences. Such a case as the foregoing should be 
 rendered an impossibility in this age, more especially in the 
 British Islands, where the railway system was cradled, and 
 where it has been nurtured and maintained for half a century. 
 A remedy for the evils to which attention is directed, is 
 clearly of importance not only to this generation, but to those 
 who are to succeed us. No complete solution to the problems 
 presented may be possible ; but a general enquiry into the sub- 
 ject of Chronometry may suggest some means by which 
 the difficulties may in some degree be met. 
 Time is measured in nature by the motions of the heavenly 
 bodies. The great natural measures are three in number ; 
 the year ; the (lunar) month ;• and the day. All other divisions 
 of time, as the civil month, the week, the hour, the minute and 
 * The Chinese reckon by the lunar month. With them, the age of the 
 moon and the day of the month are identical. 
the second, although long in general use, are arbitrary 
 and conventional. 
 Of the three great natural divisions of time, the period 
 measured by the diurnal movement of the earth on its own 
 axis, constituted the first space of time reckoned by the human 
 race ; and is undoubtedly the most important to man in all 
 stages of civilization. It involves the most familiar pheno- 
 mena of light and darkness, and embraces the constantly 
 recurring periods of wakefulness and sleep, of activity and 
 . A day is the shortest measure of time afforded by nature. 
 It is denoted by the revolution of the earth, and, although the 
 motion of the earth is perfectly uniform, indeed the only 
 strictly uniform motion that nature presents, we have three 
 kinds of natural days all varying in length ; the solar, 
 lunar and siderial. 
 A solar day is the period occupied by a single revolution of 
 the earth on its axis in relation to the sun. 
 A lunar day is the interval of time occupied by a revolu- 
 tion of the earth on its axis in relation to the moon. 
 A siderial day is the period required for a complete 
 revolution of the earth on its axis in relation to the fixed stars. 
 Of these three natural days, the siderial day is the only 
 one perfectly uniform in length. The lunar day, on account 
 of the irregular and complicated motion of the moon in the 
 heavens, is never employed as a measure of time. The solar 
 day is variable in length on account of the form of the earth's 
 orbit around the sun, and the obliquity of the ecliptic. Solar 
 time is that shown by a sun>dial. 
 Although the siderial day is uniform in length, being 
 perfectly independent of the sun, and having no relation to 
 the daily return of light and darkness, it is not employed for 
 civil purposes. The commencement of the siderial day is 
 constantly changing throughout the year; at one period it 
 comes Pt midnight, at anoth r period at high noon. 
 It has been found convenient, therefore, to establish an 
 artificial day, uniform in length, designated the mean solar 
 The mean solar day, as its name implies, is the average 
 length of all the natural solar days in a year, and is the time 
 intended to be indicated by ordinary clocks and vatches. 
 In a year there are 366 siderial days and only 365 solar 
 days. A solar day, therefore, exceeds the length of a siderial 
 by about »h part of a day, or nearly four minutes (three 
 minutes 55*9094 seconds). 
 The mean solar day, according as it is employed for civil 
 or astronomical purposes, is designated the civil day, or the 
 astronomical day. The former begins and ends at midnight ; 
 the latter commences and ends at noon. The astronomical 
 day is understood to commence twelve hours before the civil 
 day, but its date does not appear until its completion, twelve 
 hours after the corresponding civil date. 
 It has been stated that all shorter periods of time than a 
 day, are entirely conventional and arbitrary, there being 
 actually no smaller measure than a day denoted by nature. 
 ^ The sub-division of the day into parts has prevailed from 
 the remotest ages ; though different nations have not agreed, 
 either with respect to the epoch of its co. -^encement, the 
 number of the sub-divisions, or the distribution of the several 
 parts. ■ '•'-'" '■■•■-.-?'■■'■■' ■'■■'! *■- ■■i-M-^ ■■''-■■ >■-''■'•:-*- ,. 
 The division of the day with which we are most familiar 
 is that which separates the whole space of time occupied by 
 a diurnal revolution of the earth into two equal parts ; one 
 part extending from midnight to noon, the other part from 
 noon to midnight. These half-days are sub-divided into 
 twelve portions or hours, and these again into minutes and 
In China and some other parts of the world, no hali-days 
 are used. The Chinese divide the day into twelv« parts, each, 
 being equal to two hours of our time ; these they again 
 divide into eight parts, thus subdividing the whole day into 
 ninety-six equal parts. The Italians, the Bohemians and 
 the Poles have a division of the day into twenty-four parts, 
 numbered from the first to the twenty-fourth — from one 
 o'clock to twenty-four o'clock. 
 In Japan there are four principal points of division, — at 
 noon, midnight, sunset and sunrise — dividing the natural day 
 into four variable parts. These four parts are divided each 
 into three equal portions, together making twelve hours. 
 £ach hour is again divided into twelve parts, thus making in 
 all, one hundred and forty-four sub-divisions of the day. The 
 six hours between sunrise and sunset differ in length, day by 
 day from the six hours between sunset and sunrise. During 
 the summer the hours of the day are much longer than those 
 of the night, and sh er on the contrary in winter. 
 The division of that portion of the day during vhich the 
 81' n is above the horizon into twelve parts, belongs to the 
 iemotest ages of antiquity. The divisipn of the other 
 portion, which embraces the period of darkness, into the 
 same number of parts, was introduced at Rome in the time 
 of the Punic Wars. 
 The system of dividing the day by the rising and setting 
 of the sun, makes the hours indefinite periods, as they 
 continuously change with the seasons. Except at the 
 equinoxes, the hours of the night and day can never be of 
 equal length. Near the equator the variations are least ; 
 they increase with every degree of latitude until the Arctic and 
 Antarctic circles are reached, within which a maximum is 
 attained. Even in the latitude of Rome, the length of the hours 
 of daylight and darkness under this system have an extreme 
 difference of 75 minutes. 
The day is reckoned to begin in China before midnight, 
 the first hour extending from ii'oop.m. to I'oo a.m. of our 
 mode ot reckoning. The Jews, Turks, Austrians and others, 
 with some of the Italians, have begun their day at sunset. 
 The Arabians begin their day at noon, and in this respect 
 they resemble the astronomers and navigators of modern 
 nations. It has been customary in Japan to adhere to the 
 practice of the ancient Babylonians in beginning their day 
 at nrise. 
 The Babylonians, Persians, Syrians, Greeks and other 
 ancient nations, began their day at sunrise, and had divisions 
 corresponding to mor iing, forenoon, mid-day, afternoon, 
 evening and night. 
 The ancient, like the modern, Arabians began their day at 
 The Chaldean astronomers divided the day into sixty parts ; 
 like the modern Chinese they also had a division of the day 
 into twelve hours. 
 The ancient Egyptians (probably B.C. looo) divided the 
 day equally into day and night, and again sub-divided each 
 half into twelve hours, numbered from i to 12 ; the night 
 with them commenced six hours before and terminated six 
 hours after midnight ; the day began six hours before noon 
 and lasted twelve hours, or until six hours after noon. 
 These are some of the customs, as gleaned from history, 
 which have prevailed at various times in different countries 
 with respect to the day and its sub-division. To these may be 
 added the customs practised at sea by navigators. The 
 shipping of different nations have had different customs, but 
 the most common practice on shipboard, is to divide 
 the 24 hours into six equal portions called " watches ;" 
 and these, again, into eight equal parts known as •* bells," and 
 numbered from one to eight. Thus the whole day is sub- 
 divided into 48 equal parts. The period of time called a 
 •• watch " is four hours in length, the reckoning being as 
 follows : — 
 From noon to 4 p.m., the afternoon watch. 
 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., the dog watches (from 4 to 6 being 
 the first dog watch, from 6 to 8 
 being the last dog watch). 
 8 p.m. to midnight, the first (night) watch. 
 midnight to 4 a.m., the middle (or second night) 
 4 a.m. to 8 p.m., the morning watch. 
 8 a.m. to noon, the forenoon watch. 
 From what has been set forth it would appear that man 
 ha;s reckoned the day to begin at sunrise, at sunset, at noon, 
 at midnight, at one hour before midnight, at six hours before 
 midnight, and at six hours before noon, and that he has 
 divided it in a great variety of ways ; firstly, into two, 
 four, twelve, twenty-four and one hundred and forty-four 
 unequal parts ; secondly, into two, four, six, eight, twelve, 
 twenty-four, forty-eight, sixty, and into ninety-six equal parts, 
 without including the small subdivisions of minutes and seconds. 
 The common practice at present with most civilized nations 
 is to divide the day into two series of twelve hours each, 
 a custom which corresponds very closely with that followed 
 by the ancient Egyptians long before the Christian 
 era. Thus, while we have made extraordinary advances 
 in all the arts and sciences, and in their application to 
 every day life, we find ourselves clinging to a conventional and 
 inconvenient mode of computing time ; one not materially 
 different from that practised by the Egyptians, perhaps thirty 
 centuries ago. 
 The Chinese system would, without a doubt, suit the re. 
 quirements of this age much better than that which 
 we now follow. The halving of the day is one source of 
 difficulty which ought not to exist, and it would be an im- 
 portant step to imitate the custom of computing time, which 
 is followed by that old oriental civilization. The adoption of 
 the Chinese system, by which half days would be thrown out 
 of use, would rwt, however, obviate the very serious incon- 
 veniences which have been referred to, resultip"j from differences 
 in longitude. * " 
 To overcome, at once, both difficulties, is the problem 
 which presents itself for solution. 
 It has been stated that a day is the shortest measure of 
 time which we find in nature. As a consequence, man is left 
 to sub-divide the day in any way best calculated to promote 
 his own convenience. There can be no doubi; whatever, that 
 all divisions, except that produced by the rising and setting 
 of the sun, are entirely artificial and arbitrary. 
 When the decimal system was adopted by the French, it 
 was proposed to divide the day into ten and a hundred parts : 
 a scheme which would probably be the best at this age of the 
 world had the whole system of horology to be established de 
 novo. In view of generally prevailing customs, however, it 
 will, doubtless, be felt that any attempt to introduce the decimal 
 division of the day would be ui>wise ; that it would be futile to 
 propose a change which could only succeed by seriously inter- 
 fering with the existing system. 
 The progress of the world may, indeed, before long, demand 
 a radical change in our Chronometry; but the present 
 method of computing time in the more civilized parts of the 
 earth, is so interwoven with human affairs, that it cannot in 
 the meantime be disregarded. It will be evident that the con- 
 sideration of any change shoold be entered on in the ill re- 
 cognition of established customs. Instead of attempting to 
 uproot and supersede the present system, it is considered that a 
 new scheme to meet the requirements of the age, should rather 
 be engrafted on, and be in complete harmony with the old one. 
 In this view the following suggestions are offered: — 
 It is proposed to take as the unit-measure of time, 
 the artificial day known as the mean solar day.* This unit 
 • The siderial day— the only natural day uniform in length — from its 
 uniformity would be well suited for the standard unit of measure 
 required. But it is not sufficiently marked for the ordinary purposes 
 of life. The diurnal return of the sun in the heavens is a phenomenon 
 much easier observed by the generality of man than the culmination of 
 to be divided into twenty-four equal parts, and these, 
 again, into minutes and seconds by a standard timekeeper or 
 chronometer, hypothetically stationed ?* the centre of the 
 It is proposed that, in relation to the whole globe, the 
 dial plate of the central Chronometer shall be a fixture, as in 
 Fig. I ; that each of the twenty-four divisions into which the day 
 is divided shall be assumed to correspond with certain known 
 meridians of longitude, and that the machinery of the instrument 
 shall be arranged and regulated so that the index or hour hand 
 shall point in succession to each of the twenty-four divisions 
 as it became noon at the corresponding meridian. In fact the 
 hour hand shall revolve from east to west, with precisely the 
 same speed as the earth on its axis, and shall therefore point 
 directly and constantly towards the (mean) sun, while the earth 
 moves round from west to east. 
 , It is proposed in order properly to distinguish these, as 
 well as the new time indicated by the Standard Chronometer, 
 that the twenty-four divisions shall be known by the letters of 
 a star. Hence the solar day reduced to a m«an is better suited for vivil 
 the alphabet, and that the corresponding meridians shall also 
 be so known. 
 Each of the twenty-four parts into which the day is 
 proposed, as above, to be divided, would be exactly equal in 
 length to an hou'* ; but they ought not to be considered hours 
 in the ordinary sense, but simply twenty-fourth parts of the 
 mean tfme occupied in the diurnal revolution of the earth. 
 Hours as we usually refc: to them, have a distinct relation to 
 noon or to midnight at some particular place on the earth's 
 surface ; while the time indicated by the Standard Chronometer 
 would nave no special relation to any particular locality or 
 longitude : it would be common and equally related to, all 
 places ; and the twenty-four sub-divisions of the day would 
 be simply portions of abstract time. 
 The standard time-keeper is referred to the centre of the 
 earth in order clearly to bring out the idea, that it is equally 
 related to every point on the surface of the globe. The 
 standard might be stationed anywhere, at Yokohama, at 
 Cairo, at St. Petersburg, at Greenwich or at Washington. 
 Indeed, the proposed system if carried into force, would 
 result in establishing many keepers of standard time, perhaps 
 in every country, the electric telegraph affording the means of 
 securing perfect synchronism all over the earth. 
 The time indicated by these instruments, it has been 
 stated, would be designated by letters. In order still further 
 to distinguish it from siderial, astronomical, civil or local 
 time, it is proposed, that, as it is common to the whole earth 
 it should be known as "common" or "terrestrial time;" 
 probably " universal time " would be a designation still more 
 appropriate, but for the present the term " terrestrial time" will 
 be used. i. 
 Besides the keepers of standard time established at many 
 places, possibly in every civilized country, it is suggested 
 that every clock and watch, should, as far as practicable, 
 move synchronically, all indicating " terrestrial time." As 
 a theory, it is proposed that when the hands of any one time- 
 piece point to A or to G, the hands of each and every other 
 horological instrument in use throughout the globe, should 
 point to A or to G at the same moment. ■ . 
 It is obvious that if clocks and watches constructed on these 
 principles and the scheme of" terrestrial time" were in general 
 use, the difficulties and inconveniences which have been alluded 
 to and which seem inseparable from the present system, would 
 be fully met. Every connecting steam line, indeed every 
 communication on the face of the earth, would be worked by the 
 same standard, viz., " terrestrial time." Every traveller having 
 a good watch, would carry with him the precise time that he 
 would find employed everywhere. Postmeridian could never 
 be mistaken for ante meridian. Railway and steamboat time- 
 tables would be simplified, and rendered more intelligible, to 
 the generality of mankind than many of them are now. 
 Examples of time-tables placed side by side may be 
 presented. Table A. is an ordinary " through " time-table from 
 Cork to London, extracted from the published sheets of one 
 of the Railway Companies. Table B. shows the application of 
 terr strial time to the same route. 
 Table A. 
 Table B. 
 e-o a.m. 
 Irish time. 
 %^OKK ••• •«• 
 Y. 40. 
 6*55 n 
 A. 35. 
 II'20 „ 
 E. 0. 
 i2'40 p.m. 
 G. 20. 
 Waterford ... 
 430 „ 
 Waterford ... 
 L. 10. 
 New Milford. 
 2-55 a.m. 
 Greenwich time. 
 New Milford. 
 5-20 „ 
 Y. 20. 
 6*33 M 
 A. 33. 
 2' 10 p.m. 
 L 10. 
 4-25 n 
 Gloucester ... 
 8*40 a.m. 
 Gloucester ... 
 P. 40. 
 lO'lO „ 
 R. 10. 
 i'25 p.m. 
 M ' ■• '" 
 ii'i3 a.m. 
 F. 13. 
 London (Pad.) . 
 i2'io p.m. 
 London (Pad.). 
 G. 10. 
 Condensed time-tables of the great mail and passenger 
 route now bemg established through Canada to the Pacific, 
 prepared in accordance with both systems, may also be 
 TABLE C,—The Present System. 
 Principal Stations. 
 Local Time. 
 8'oo p.m. ... 
 Greenwich time 
 S'oo a.m. 
 Irish time 
 (en route) .•. 
 ist noon 
 Irish time 
 W. Coast Ireland 
 I'oo p.m. 
 Irish time 
 {at sea) 
 ... and noon 
 Ship's time 
 {at sea) 
 ... 3rd noon 
 Ship's time 
 {at sea) 
 ... 4th noon 
 Ship's time 
 {at sea) 
 5th noon 
 Ship's time 
 St. John, NTland 
 g.oo a.m. 
 Newfoundland time .. 
 {en route) ... 
 6th noon 
 Newfoundland time ... 
 St. George N'f.H- 
 6'0o p.m. ••• 
 Newfoundland time ... 
 lo'oo a.m. 
 New Brunswiclc 
 {en route) ... 
 ... 7th noon 
 New Brunswick 
 Riv. DC Loup 
 lo'oo p.m. 
 Montreal time 
 2*oo a.m. 
 Montreal time 
 8 a.m. .•• 
 Montreal time 
 {en route) ... 
 ... 8th noon 
 Montreal time 
 I'OO p.m. 
 Montreal time 
 8*30 p.m. 
 Huron time 
 L. Superior 
 lO'oo a.m. 
 Superior time 
 {en route) ... 
 ... gth noon 
 Superior time ... . 
 Fort William ... 
 3*30 p.m. 
 Superior time 
 1-30 a.m. 
 6'oo a.m. ... 
 Winnepeg time 
 Winnepeg time 
 j_, ,, {en route) ... 
 ... loth noon 
 Winnepeg time 
 3"Oo p.m. 
 Saskatchewan time ... 
 Saskatchewan ... 
 9*30 p.m. 
 Saskatchewan time 
 foo a.m. 
 Athabasca time 
 9*30 a.m. ... 
 Athabasca time 
 {en route) ... 
 ... nth noon 
 Athabasca time 
 2*i5 p.m. 
 Athabasca time 
 Yellow HeadPass 
 7'oo p.m. 
 Yellow Head time 
 TeteJaune Cache 
 8'i5 p.m. 
 Yellow Head time 
 {en route) ... 
 ... i2th noon 
 Yellow Head time 
 Pacific Terminus. 
 1130 p.m. 
 Pacific time 
 ,. ^/ 
k ^-'' 
 TABLE D. i. . 
 of Terrestrial Time. 
 P. 00. 
 C. 25. 
 iBt Noon {en route) 
 G. 25. 
 W. Coast Ireland 
 H. 7.5. 
 2nd Noon {at sea) 
 H. 00. 
 3rd NooH {at sea) 
 H. 40. 
 4th Noon {at sea) 
 L 20. 
 5th NooH {at sea) 
 K. 00. 
 St. John, Newfoundland 
 G. 30. 
 6th Noon {en route) .. 
 K. 30. 
 St. George N'f'land ... 
 R. 00. 
 L 30. 
 7th Noon (t'M route) ... 
 L. 30. 
 Riv. Du Loup 
 B. 00. 
 8th Noon {en route) ... 
 M. 00. 
 N. 00. 
 V. 00. 
 L. Superior 
 L. 00. 
 gth. Noon {en route) ... 
 N. 00. 
 Fort William 
 Q. 30. 
 C. 00. 
 oGI^KIRK ••• ■•• ••** ••• 
 G. 30. 
 loth. Noon {en route) ... 
 0. 00. 
 R. 00. 
 X. 30. 
 C. 30. 
 Edmonton ... 
 M. 00. 
 nth. Noon {en route) ... 
 P. 00. 
 Q- 45- 
 Yellow Head Pass 
 TeteJaune Cache 
 X. 15. 
 1 2th. Noon {en route) ... 
 P. 30- 
 Pacific Terminus 
 A comparison of these tables will illustrate the extreme 
 simplicity of Table D, the one prepared on the principle of 
 terrestrial time. The watch of every traveller would agree 
 with the times given opposite each station in this table, 
 an impossibility under the old system. 
 It is not proposed to do away with local time. It is 
 contemplated by this scheme that each time-piece, clock, 
 or watch should indicate terrestrial time, together with local 
 time. The various methods by which the object may be 
 accomplished, remain now to be considered. '} 
 ■: ■ ■ ■■' . . . ^ -■ %,/:''■ ' ''■ .i . 
 If the practice of dividing the day into two series of hours, 
 each numbering from i to 12, could be wholly ignored, 
 the nomenclature proposed for terrestrial time, might very 
 readily be employed for local purposes. The time of day is now 
 known by numerals, but numerals have no special advantage over 
 letters. Habit has undoubtedly rendered the former familiar 
 to the mind in connection with the hour of the day, but if the 
 naming of the 24 divisions had to be done afresh, and letters 
 instead of numerals were adopted, there can be no doubt 
 whatever, that the time of day could be as well expressed, and 
 be as easily understood by the fonner as by the latter. 
 It hai been stated as part of the scheme, that each letter 
 has a corresponding meridian of longitude and that time-keepers 
 are to be so adjusted as to point to the meridional letter precisely 
 when it is noon in the particular longitude. 
 Suppose G to be the meridional letter of the British Islands. 
 How easy it would be for an inhabitant to comprehend that it 
 was noon, when the hands of the clock pointed to G, that it 
 was midnight when they pointed to the letter on the dial plate 
 o^ '^site G, viz., T. Or, in speaking of any particular time 
 of day, say four hours before mid-day, it would be just as easy 
 to understand what time was referred to by the use of the 
 letter C as by the use of the roman numeral VIII. It is 
 perfectly obvious that every person living in England, Ireland 
 and Scotland, would soon become familiar with the several 
 letters, and the precise relation which they had to the time 
 of day. If we pass to another part of the world, say where 
 Fig. 2. 
 O becomes the meridional or noon letter, as in Fig. 2, there 
 could be no misunderstanding the meaning of the expression, 
 " Time P. 22." It could have but one meaning viz., i hour and 
 22 minutes after mid-day, while the expression, ♦* 1.22 
 o'clock," has a double meaning undetermined without the 
 addition of •♦ ante -meridian " or '^post meridian" 
 To render the dial plates of time-pieces perfectly intelligible, 
 in each place when used for local tin?e, the expedient shown in 
 Fig. 2 might be adopted. Here the noon and midnight letters 
 are clearly distinguished, and that portion of the day which 
 includes the hours of darkness cannot be mistaken. These 
 or similar expedients, could be employed with the same effect 
 in the clocks and watches used in every place on the surface of 
 the earth. 
 -' "■ ' « 
 It would, however, be vain to assume that the present 
 system could be wholly abolished or seriously disregarded. It 
 becomes expedient, therefore, to consider how the advantages 
 of the scheme of terrestrial time could be secured in every day 
 life. It is perfectly obvious that the present system cannot be 
 overlooked ; and that, although perhaps not perpetuated, it must 
 for some time be continued. We must therefore look for 
 some means b) which the new scheme may be employed in 
 conjunction with the old, until perhaps at some period in 
 the future, the latter may fall into disuse. 
 The first arrangement which suggests itself, is to have two 
 dial plates to each time-piece, the same wheel-work moving 
 the hands of both, one indicating terrestrial time, the other 
 indicating the local time of the place. Stationary clocks might 
 have the dial plates side by side as in Fig. 3. 
 Fig. 3. 
 Watches, or other portable instruments, on the other hand, 
 might more conveniently have the dial plates back to back. , In 
 the latter case, means would be provided for adjusting the 
 local time dial plate to correspond with any new longitude to 
 which the instrument might be moved. Terrestrial time on 
 the other dial plate would remain unaltered. 
 Another plan of construction may be suggested, by which 
 terrestrial and local time could be indicated on the same face 
 of the clock or watch as in Fig. 4. In this arrangement 
 it is proposed to have the Roman numerals for local time 
 inscribed on a movable disc, which would admit of adjustment 
 for any longitude without in the least disturbing the 
 machinery of the instrument or interfering with the index 
 Fig. 4. 
 Church and other stationary clocks, as well as watches, the 
 use of which would be confined to particular districts, would 
 have the local time disc permanently secured in the proper 
 position. Only in the case of persons travelling beyond any 
 particular local time district, would the local time disc require 
 to be changed. Its adjustment, under such circumstance, 
 would be simple ; it would only be necessary to move the 
 disc round until twelve o'clock noon coincided with the 
 meridional letter of the new locality. Suppose, for example, the 
 letter G represented the longitude of the new position of the 
 watch, twelve noon placed in conjunction with G would com- 
 plete the adjustment of the instrument. For every other new 
 position, the same operation would be repeated, Notwith- 
 standing every change that may be made for local time, the 
 ■ machinery of the watch need not be touched, and the hands 
 would continue to indicate correct terrestrial time. The 
 distinction between terrestrial time and local time would always 
 be perfect ; the former would invariably be known by letters, the 
 latter as at present by the Roman numerals. " --f n:^> 
 If the change in longitude were but slight — making a difference 
 in local time, of only a few minutes — and in any case it 
 became indispensible that precise theoretical local time should 
 be indicated by the watch, in that case, a third hand for the 
 odd minutes, as shown by the dotted lined (Fig. 4) would be 
 required. It is, however, hereafter suggested that for ordinary 
 purposes this would be quite unnecessary. 
 As in the diagrams, it is proposed to denote that portion 
 oi the day which includes the hours of darkness by a black 
 or dark ground, in order that the night hours could never 
 be mistaken for the hours in the middle of the day, 
 which have the same numerals. It is likewise proposed to 
 distinguish the several " watches " itito which the day 
 is divided on shipboard. The local time disc, exhibits a light 
 portion between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. ; this includes and represents 
 the forenoon and afternoon watches, noon being the dividing 
 point. The dark portion, extending four hours before, and 
 four hours after midnight, embraces the two night watches ; 
 while the shaded portions, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and from 
 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. represent the dog-watches and the morning 
 watch. This arrangement, would, perhaps prove useful, in 
 view of the vast and yearly increasing number of ships 
 that adopt, and constantly use, the division of the day into 
 " watches," finding it, as they appear to do, the most convenient 
 scheme of division for daily routine at sea. 
 Navigators are required to employ a standard time to 
 \\ enable them from day to day, when on long voyages, to 
 compute their longitude. For this purpose it is a practice 
 with ships to carry the local time of the national observatory 
 of the country to which they respectively belong. For 
 example : French ships reckon their longitude by Paris 
 time ; British ships by Greenwich time. Terrestrial time 
 would serve precisely the same purpoti> as a standard for 
 geographical reckoning, and it would be some advantage to 
 the marine of the world to have a uniform standard established 
 — the common property of all nations and in common use by 
 land and water everywhere. It has already been said that the 
 telegraph provides the means of securing perfect accuracy at 
 all stations, however remote ; indeed, through this agency, 
 timekeepers may be made to beat time synchronously all over 
 the globe. Already the length of telegraph lines in operation 
 approaches 400,000 miles, and we are warranted in believing 
 that ultimately the means of instantaneous communication will 
 ramify through every habitable country and find its way to 
 every port of commercial importance. 
 It may be said, that with clocks moving synchronically 
 and indicating terrestrial time all over the globe, it would be 
 of little advantage to attempt to maintain precise local time 
 at every place on the earth's surface. Our clocks but 
 rarely indicate true local time ; even our most perfect time- 
 pieces are for the greater portion of the year either faster 
 or slower than the sun. In fact correct ordinary timekeepers 
 must necessarily at certain seasons be 15 or 16 minutes faster or 
 slower than true solar time, yet no inconvenience whatever 
 is found to result. It will be admitted, that the adoption 
 of Irish time in England or English time in Ireland, would 
 scarcely be felt in civil affairs. The difference between 
 English and Irish time as arbitrarily established, is twenty-five 
 minutes ; but in the west of Ireland the local mean time is 
 forty minutes behind English time (Greenwich.) Greenwich 
 time is used throughout England and Scotland, although it is 
 half an hour faster than correct local mean time on the west 
 coast of the latter country.* 
 In every country, local time is more or less arbitrarily 
 established ; it could not be otherwise, without causing great 
 * True Solar time is sometimes about 45 minutes in the Western coast 
 of Scotland, and 55 minutes in the west of Ireland, behind Greenwich time. 
 confVision, as no two places, unless in the same meridian, have 
 the same true local time. In considering the whole subject, it 
 is felt» that if some simple rule could be agreed upon for 
 defining local time everywhere, it would materially add to 
 general convenience. '*> 
 It is suggested that each of the twenty-four lettered meri- 
 dians, (Fig. i) should be taken as standard longitudes for 
 establishing approximate local time, and that as a general rule 
 all places should adopt the local time of the nearest of these 
 meridians. This would greatly reduce the number of local 
 time standards, and would divide the surface of the globe into 
 twenty-four "lunes," forming distinct local time sections 
 extending from pole to pole, within one or other, of which 
 every place would find its position. Only in extreme cases 
 would the difference between the true and approximate 
 local time be as much as halt* an hour. In many cases 
 there would be no difference ; and in no case could the difference 
 be of the slightest moment in the ordinary business of civil 
 life. Whenever exact time was required for any purpose, 
 terrestrial time, assuming it to be in general uuse, would be 
 available. "'vi-, 
 In this view, if we assume one of the lettered meridians, G, 
 to pass through Greenwich,* and terrestrial time for the 
 moment to be G 45, then approximate local time at other 
 places around the globe would simult neously be as in the 
 plates v/hich follow. In each of the separate figures it will be 
 noticed that the hands and the dial for terrestrial time remain 
 constantly in the same relative position, while the moveable 
 disc on which is inscribed the roman numerals for local time 
 varies in each case. If each figure be examined it will be 
 found that 12 o'clock noon is successively brought in 
 conjunction with the letters which represent the 24 meridians, 
 as in Fig. i . With each separate figure is given simultaneous 
 time at a number of well known places around the globe — 
 approximate local time of course changing 1th the meridian ; 
 terrestrial time remaining constant. 
 • See Fig. G., Page 25. 
' ', ". '■ *VV:V.. , :* ■ ' .'•^."'?i^' 
 Aembracine Yenisaisk, Tomsk (Si- T\ Archangel, Nizney Novgorod, 
 beria), Tibet, Calcutta, Bay ol 1/ Astrakhan, Bagdad, Arabia, 
 Bengal, Andaman Islands. Aden, Somali, Madagascar. 
 App. Local 6.45 /.w. ... Ttr. G. 45. App. Local 3.45 ^.m. ... Ter. G 45. 
 BGolph of Obi, Omsk (Siberia), 
 Kashmir, Lahore, Bombay, Coral- 
 line Islands, Chagos Islands. 
 E Lapland, St. Petersburg, Con- 
 stantinople, Alexandria, Nubia, 
 Ujiji, Transvaal, Natal. 
 App. Local 5-45 ^.w*. - '^er. G. 45. ^pp^i^cal 2.^5 p.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 CNova Zembla, The Ural Moun- "ri Spitzbergen, Sweden, Berlin, 
 tains, Orsk, Sea of Aral, Khiva, Jj Naples, Malta, Tripoli, Congo, 
 1- P 
 tains, Orsk, Sea of Aral, Khiva, Jj 
 Khcrassan, Mauritius. Cape of Good Hope. 
 App. Local 4.45 />.»». ... Ter. G. 45. App. Local 1.45 p.m. ... Ter. G. 45 
 G England, France, Spain, Algeria, 
 Timbucto, Ashantee, St, Helena 
 App. Local 12.43^ m. 
 KWest Greenland, The Banks of 
 Newfoundland, Maranhao, East- 
 ern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 
 Ter. G. 45. App. Local 9.45 a.m. ... Ttr. G. 45. 
 H Iceland, Madeira, Canary Islands, 
 Senegambia, Sierra Leone, As- 
 ension Islands. 
 App. Local 11,45 a.m. ... Ter. G. 
 I East Greenland, The Azores, Cape 
 Verde Islands, Fernando Island, 
 South Georgia Islands. 
 App. Local 10.45 a.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 L Baffin's Bay,Labradore, Barbadoes, 
 Trinidad, British Guiana, Buenos 
 Ayres, The Falkland Islands. 
 App. Local 8.45 rt.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 M Hudson Strait, Ottawa. Wash- 
 ington, Cuba, Jamaica, Equador, 
 Peru, Chili, Patagonia. 
 App. Local 7.45 a.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 

 N Hudson Bay, Lake Superior, St. 
 Louis, New Orleans, Yucatan, 
 Guatemala, Galapagos Islands. 
 App. Local 6.45 a.m. ... Tcr. G. 45. 
 OMfc.'ville Sound, Lake Athabasca, 
 Saskatchewan District, Colerado, 
 Mexico, Cape Corrienta. 
 App. Local 5.45 riJH. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 1) Banks Land, Great Bear Lake, 
 British Columbia, Oregon, Cali- 
 fornia, Sea Otter Islands. 
 App. Local 4.45 «JH. ... Tcr. G. 45. 
 QFort Good Hope, Sitka, Queen 
 Charlotte IsIands,Paxavo8 Islands, 
 vjrambia Islands, Pitcairn Island. 
 App. Local 3.45 a.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 p A1a8ka,0whyhee Sandwich Islands, 
 XL Maiden Islands, Starbuck Islands, 
 Society Islands, Tubuai Islands. 
 App. Local 2.45 a.tn. ... Tcr. G. 45. 
 SBehring Strait, Fox Inlands, Necker 
 Island, Palmyra Island, Fanning 
 Island, Palmerston Island. 
 App. Local 1.45 a.m. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 TWrangel Land, Aleutian Islands, 
 Gilbert Islands, Fiji Islands, 
 North Island New Zealand. 
 App, Local 12.45 a.m. ... Ttr. G. 45. 
 WVerkoansk, Nikolaevsk, Japan, 
 New Guinea, North Australia, 
 U Kamchatka, Marshall Islands, 
 New Hebrides, Norfolk Island, 
 Middle Island, New Zealand. 
 App. Local 11.45 />.w. ••• Tcr. G. 45. 
 VNew Siberia, Sea of Okotsh, 
 Queensland, New South Wales, 
 Victoria, Tasmania. 
 App, Local 10.45 /).m. ••• Ter. G. 45' 
 South Australia. 
 App. Local 9.45 /.w. 
 Ter. G. 45. 
 X Central Siberia, Eastern China, 
 Formosa, Philipine Islands, San- 
 dalwood Island, Western Australia. 
 App. Local S.i[$p.vi. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 YCape Sievero, Irkoutsh, Central 
 China, Cochin China, Singapore, 
 Sumatra, Java. 
 .4pp. Local 7.45 />.w. ... Ter. G. 45. 
 It will perhaps be allowed that the scheme of terrestrial time, 
 if put into practice, would, without seriously interfering with 
 the existing customs, completely obviate all the objections 
 to the present system w'^^ch have been set forth. It has 
 been shown that the use ^ocal time may be retained very 
 much as now, and that may be indicated along with 
 terrestrial time, by the same clocks and watches. Objections 
 may, however, be raised to the scheme, on account of the 
 apparent neccessity of abolishing all existing clocks and 
 watches, and substituting new ones. This indeed would be 
 an insuperable objection, if it held good, but the necessity of 
 this course is only apparent, as it is proposed to utilize existing 
 timepieces simply by furnishing them with new dial-plates. 
 If we take a watch or clock to be used in any particular 
 country, it would be a simple matter to inscribe on its dial the 
 letters which designate terrestrial time. A still better plan 
 would be to provide a new dial plate, such as Fig. 5. 
 ■-; Fig. 5. 
 ^4 A V,/ 
 In this design it will be noticed that G is assumed to be the 
 meridional or noon letter of the place and the letters on a dark 
 ground between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m. represent the hours in the 
 two " night watches." With such simple expedients as these it 
 would be perfectly practicable, without superseding existing 
 time-keepers, to secure in a large degree the advantages of 
 the new scheme in any country comparatively limited in 
 geographically extent. 
 Clocks and watches now in use might thus in a very 
 inexpensive way be so adapted as to show terrestrial in 
 addition to local time. It would only be necessary to have 
 \ „ 
 railway and steamboat time-tables prepared in accordance with 
 the new system in order to bring its advantages into common 
 use. But this would apply only to localities or individual 
 countries limited in extent. Mankind, generally, throughout 
 the world, would not participate in the full advantages promised 
 by the scheme until time-keepers for common use were 
 constructed on new principles. A general change could only 
 be a gradual process ; but as there are some hundreds of 
 thousands of time-keepers made every year, it would be well, 
 in the event of the subject of this paper being deemed worthy 
 of attention, for the manufacturers of horological instruments 
 to consider the expediency of introducing such changes in 
 their construction as may seem to be advisable. This 
 suggestion applies more especially to the manufacture of 
 portable time-keepers, watches, chronometers, &c. 
 Figs. 6 and 7, represent one of a variety of arrangements by 
 which terrestrial and local time may conveniently be indicated. 
 Fig. 6, shows the watch open with the terrestrial time dial 
 Fig. 6. Fig. 7. 
 plate exposed. Fig. 7, shows the same watch closed, with 
 the local time numerals engraved on the face of the case ; 
 » the latter being pierced in order that the hands may be seen. 
 The local time disc is designed to be adjustable for any meridian. 
 - In this communication attention has been directed to the 
 various customs that have prevailed, and which now prevail 
 with respect to the measurement of time ; and attention has been 
 drawn to the fact, that of late years the telegraph, and more 
 especially the application of steam to locomotion, have rendered 
 the ordinary practice of reckoning time but ill suited to the 
 circumstances which now exist. It cannot be supposed 
 that these active agents in human progress have completed 
 their mission ; nay, we may rather assume, that these 
 extraordinary powers, but recently placed under the control 
 of man, have but commenced their career, and that they will 
 still achieve greater triumphs in the work of colonization and 
 On the new continent, America, these wonderful agents 
 have been employed to the greatest relative extent, as the sub- 
 joined estimate from late returns will show : — 
 ASIA ••• ••• 
 N. & S. America 
 * Totals ... 
 Miles of Railway. 
 1. 45 1 
 .. 1,423,917,800 
 It has been pointed out that difBculties already met in 
 portions of America threaten to become seriously inconvenient 
 as the Railway system continues to be extended. On that 
 continent, therefore, it may be assumed that a practicable scheme 
 A to meet the difficulties alluded to would be favourably received. 
 I The importance of the subject is not confined to America. It 
 requires no great foresight to see that all quarters of the globe 
 are now or will eventually be interested. Australia and Africa 
 will before long be pierced, perhaps girdled by raih ays. Asia, 
 with more than half the population of the world, must in due 
 time yield to the civilizing pressure of steam and participate 
 in the general progress. In North and South America there 
 is indeed room for many times the total length of existing 
 * Estimate of Behm and Wagner. 
 railways, but even taking the present mileage and population 
 as a basis, the proportion would give to Europe and Asia 
 together more than one million miles. These two great 
 continents have as yet only 96,000 miles of railway and it 
 would probably be taking too sanguine a view to suppose that 
 so great an increase as that due to the American ratio would 
 speedily be realised. No one, however, can doubt that the 
 network of railways in Western and Central Europe will before 
 long be greatly enlarged ; that its branches will extend to Asia, 
 and that offshoots will ultimately be prolonged to the farthest 
 shores of the Chinese and Russian Empires. A comparatively 
 few years may, indeed, witness extraordinary progress made in 
 the direction indicated, when difficulties will undoubtedly be 
 experienced such as those which I have described, on a scale 
 greater than in America. 
 The subject to which attention is directed clearly concerns 
 all countries. It is especially important to Canada, the United 
 States, Brazil, indeed, to the whole of America. It is important 
 to France, Germany, Austria, and to every nation in Europe. 
 It is of peculiar interest to the gigantic Empire of Russia, 
 extending over nearly 180 degrees of longitude and with a total 
 variation in local time of about twelve hours. It is of still 
 greater importance to the Colonial Empire of Great Britain 
 with its settlements and stations in nearly every meridian 
 around the entire globe, and with vast territories to be occupied 
 by*civiHzed inhabitants, in both hemispheres. 
 The system of Chronometry we have inherited, was 
 doubtless, well suited to the purpose for which it was designed 
 two or three thousand years ago ; or to the requirements of 
 man two generations back, before the great modern civilizers, 
 steam and electricity began their work. Now we begin to 
 realize the fact, that the system is awkward and inconvenient, 
 and in comparatively a few years, say, by the time the twentieth 
 century dawns, may we not find a radical change imperatively 
 demanded by the new conditions of the human race ? 
 It is probably not too soon, therefore, to discuss the 
 subject. It would indeed be a vain task to attempt to 
 abolish a custom less hoary with age, less generally practised, 
 and even more faulty than our system of computing time. 
 But the scheme submitted involves no great fundamental 
 change. The ancient custom needs not be discontinued. It 
 is merely suggested that it be improved, and that such 
 modifications be introduced as are rendered necessary by the 
 conditions of an age in which all portions of the habitable 
 globe are being occupied by civilized communities, and 
 brought into constant communication by steamboat, railway 
 and electric telegraph. 
 Before the introduction of Railways in England, every 
 town and village kept its own time. A person travelling in 
 those days would find his watch varying more and more from 
 the local clocks as he proceeded from place to place. On the 
 establishment of the railway system, this state of things could 
 not be tolerated ; any attempt to work them by local time 
 could only lead to needless complication and confusion. The 
 railways demanded a uniform time, and Greenwich time was 
 used. This was looked upon in many places as an innovation, 
 and was for a considerable period opposed ; but at last the 
 advantages of a uniform time became so manifest that 
 Greenwich time came into general use. 
 But for the employment of Greenwich time in England it 
 would be an extremely difficult task to regulate safely the great 
 number of trains which daily travel. The safe working of the 
 railways is indeed a problem sufficiently difficult even with 
 Greenwich time, and we can scarcely conceive how much the 
 problem would be complicated if we were to revert to the 
 system of local time as it prevailed in England in the days of 
 stage coaches when every town and hamlet kept its own time. 
 Among the several objects which the scheme of terrestrial 
 time has in view, not the least important is to extend to the 
 world similar advantages to those which have been conferred 
 on England by the general adoption of Greenwich time since the 
 commencement of the railway era. 
 The foregoing has reference to the subdivisions of the day. 
 I shall now briefly direct attention to the day itself, and con- 
 sider a difficulty with regard to the determination of the 
 precise date of any occurence, and point out the elements of 
 confusion which exist under our present system of reckoning. 
 First, let us select points in four quarters of the globe, each 
 about ninety degrees apart — say, in Japan, Arabia, Newfound- 
 land, and Alaska. If we assume it to be Sunday midnight at 
 the first mentioned place, it must be noon at the opposite 
 point, Newfoundland, but on what day is it noon ? Arabia 
 being to the west of Japan the local time there will be 6 p.m. 
 on Sunday, and Alaska, lying to the east of Japan, the time 
 there will be 6 a.m. on Monday. Again, when the clock 
 indicates 6 p.m. on Sunday in Arabia it must be Sunday 
 noon at a point ninety degrees further west, or at New- 
 foundland; when it is 6 a.m. on Monday at Alaska it 
 must be noon on Monday ninety degrees further east, also 
 at Newfoundland. Thus, by tracing local time east and west 
 from a given point to its antipodes, the clock on the one hand 
 becomes twelve hours slower, on the other hand twelve hours 
 faster. In the case in point, while it is midnight on Sunday 
 in Japan, at precisely the same moment it is noon at New- 
 foundland on two .distinct days, viz., on Sunday and on 
 Secondly, let us trace local time, only in one direction around 
 the earth. The day does not begin everywhere at the same 
 moment. Its beginning travels from east to west with the sun, 
 as the earth revolves in the opposite direction, and it takes an 
 entire revolution of the globe on its axis to begin the day every- 
 where. Immediately on the completion of one revolution the 
 beginning of the day ends and the end of the day begins, but 
 the globe must make another complete revolution before the 
 end of the day entirely finishes. The globe must in fact make 
 two entire revolutions before any one week-day runs out, con- 
 sequently each and every day of the week runs over 48 hours, 
 and taking the whole globe into account two civil days always 
 co-exist. The first 24 hours of one day co-exist with the 
 last 24 hours of its predecessor, while the remaining 24 hours 
 CO* exist with the first 24 hours of the day which follows. 
 The accompanying diagram is intended to show the manner 
 in wljich one day overlaps another ; eight equi-distant stations 
 round the globe are taken and the day begins three hours 
 later at each successive station. 
 1 India 
 2 Arabia 
 3 France 
 4 N'F'Land 
 5 Minn-ta 
 6 Alaska 
 7 Fiji 
 8 Japan 
 .24 hours ..., 
 24 heiirs ...^. 
 24 hours ...,- 
 24 hours ... 
 Sunday . Monda. 
 Sunday . Mond 
 Sunday . Mo 
 Friday Saturday . Sunday 
 Friday . Saturday . Sunday 
 Friday 48 hotirs » 
 ^, Saturday 48 hours , 
 , Sunday 48 hours 
 It will thus be seen that if we take a general view of the 
 whole globe, on any given day, Saturday begins in the middle of 
 Friday, and does not end until the middle of Sunday. Friday on 
 the other hand runs into the middle of Saturday and Sunday 
 commences at the moment Friday ends. To state the case 
 differently, the same moment of absolute time which is 
 part of Saturday in one place, is equally part of Friday in some 
 place west, and of Sunday in some other place east. 
 From the fact that not only are the hours of the day 
 different in every meridian, but that two different days are 
 constantly running on the surface of the globe, it is a difficult 
 matter under our present system of reckoning to assign 
 properly the hour and day of occurrence on which any event 
 takes place. We may learn the local time of an occurrence, 
 but that time will be correct only in the meridian of the 
 locality, everywhere else it will be inaccurate, indeed, if the 
 fact of the occurrence be transmitted over the world by 
 telegraph, it may, in some places, be recorded on different 
 days. If the incident occurs at the close of a month 
 or a year, it may be announced in two different months or 
 in two distinct years. Under our present system it is quite 
 possible for two events to take place several hours apart, the 
 first and older occurring in the new year, the second, 
 although last in absolute time, falling within the old year^ 
 The same may be said of events that occur during the twenty- 
 four hours which elapse when one century merges into 
 Hence it may be supposed discrepancies in historical and 
 other important dates very readily arise.* 
 We have the telegraph to convey intelligence from one part 
 of the earth's surface to another. This instantaneous means of 
 communication is under the control of the highest scientific 
 direction, and there ought not to be the slightest difficulty in 
 determining and putting on record the precise day and hour 
 of the occurrence of any. event. It is nevertheless evident 
 from the foregoing explanations that we have not in common 
 use the means of doing so, and that there is still wanting in 
 civil life a proper system of reckoning time and verifying dates. 
 * (Note.) — Discrepancies in historical dates are by no means uncom- 
 mon. In one of the last books from the press, " Labillierfi's History of 
 Victoria," these discrepancies are frequently mentioned. One may be 
 instanced : Referring to the discovery of Port Phillip Bay, where Melbourne 
 now stands (p. io8, Vol. I.), although with the original log book before him, 
 the historian is unable to decide whether the event took place on the 26th 
 or 27th of April, 1802. The discoverer himself (Captain Flinders) appears 
 to be equally doubtful. 
 The co-existence of two distinct days of the week, and the uncertainty, 
 as to dates arising therefrom may possibly involve important legal questions 
 of various kinds, which will readily suggest themselves to gentlemen 
 engaged in legal pursuits. 
 The system ot Terrestrial time would, it is thought, supply the 
 want. As part of the system it would be necessary to establish 
 an initial meridian to denote the dividing line between each 
 day. It is suggested that the initial meridian be established 
 through or near Behring's Straits, passing from pole to pole 
 through the Pacific Ocean, so as to avoid all Continents and 
 Islands. Every civilized country, indeed, all habitable lands 
 would thus be brought within the limits of the same day, which 
 .for convenience might be designated — " The Terrestrial Day." 
 The Terrestrial day would not it is true commence at all places 
 at the same local hour, but it would begin and end everywhere 
 at the same moment in absolute time. The general adoption 
 of the system of Terrestrial Time would enable every human 
 being to reckon by a common day and by a common sub- 
 division of the day. Every steamboat and every locomotive 
 would be worked by the same standard, every telegram 
 would be despatched, practically by the same timekeeper, and 
 all uncertainty and confusion would be obviated. 
 In this paper it has been my desire to point out the character 
 and causes of the inconveniences and difficulties inseparable 
 from our present mode of reckoning time, which are being 
 developed by the rapid extension of lines of communication 
 over the earth. I trust I have succeeded in showing that it 
 is desirable to have some modifications in our system of 
 chronometry in order to meet the condition of an advanced 
 stage of civilization, and that we should not any longer be 
 compelled to perpetuate old customs and practices which 
 general progress will probably render excessively inconvenient 
 if not intolerable. We have undoubtedly entered upon a 
 remarkable period in the history of the human race. 
 Discoveries and inventions crowd upon each other in 
 an astonishing manner. Lines of telegraph and steam 
 communications are girdling the earth, and all countries 
 are being drawn into one neighbourhood — but when men 
 of all races, in all lands are thus brought face to face, what 
 will they find ? They will find a great many nations 
 measuring the day by two sets of subdivisions, as if they had 
 recently emerged from barbarism and had not yet learned 
 to count higher thari twelve. They will find the hands of the 
 various clocks in use pointing in all conceivable directions. 
 They will find at the same moment some men reckoning that 
 they live in different hours, others in different days. Is it not 
 important, then, that an attempt should be made to provide a 
 change for this state of affairs and devise for common use 
 some simple uniform system which all nations may with 
 advantage adopt whenever they may feel inclined to do so. 
 Should the desirability of some change be admitted, it is 
 important to ascertain what the change should be. A new 
 scheme should be well considered and rendered generally 
 acceptable in the first place, so that whenever the necessity 
 of a change be felt in any country or community, it may 
 be spontaneously adopted ; the inhabitants of the place feeling 
 assured that they have selected the system which eventually 
 will become universal. My duty has been simply to attempt to 
 draw attention to the subject, and submit some suggestions for 
 consideration. The subject is one which I feel concerns all 
 countries, although in differei- degrees, and I shall be gratified 
 if I have in any way assisted in initiating a discussion, which 
 may result ultimately in the production of a matured com- 
 prehensive scheme suitable for all lands and advantageous to 
 all mankind. 
 The Author's London Address: — Canadian Agency, 31, Queen Victoria 
 Street, B.C. 
 Edwin S. Boot, Printer, 3U, Gracechurch Stre«t, London, E.G.