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All g on tha pros- printad Las axamplalras orlginaux dont la couvartura an papiar ast imprimia aont filmAs an commandant par la pramiar plat at *n tarminant soit par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una ampreinte d'impraaaion ou d'illustration. aoit par la sacond plat, aalon la eaa. Toua las autras axamplaires orlginaux aont ffilmis an commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraasion ou d'illustration at an tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Bha CON- ND"). Un das aymbolaa auivants spparattra aur la darniAra imaga da chaqua microficha, saion la cas: la symbols — ^ signifia "A SUIVRE ". la symbols V signifia "FIN ". I at m to ba fiad laftto I as tatha Las cartas, planchas, tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra filmis A das taux da reduction diff^rants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit •n un saul cliche, il ast filmi A p^rtir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droits, at d9 haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nicassaira. Las diagrammas suivants lllustrant la m*thoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VropoMd a«T«nimMit For fh» J«wlah '•opU. Editor Fan PsBss-Tha foUowing l«t- tm ware poatod to Englud yaatardfty— Am they nuy potilbly be affaotive very toon rtonld the repreaantatlvci ol the Dominion here mMnwhile oonolnde to aflford meaome reawnable dMrae of Jaatloe; I oonddered that perhapa I had batter aend them on to yon for pnblloation, leat they may be of Intereit to triend« and aoqoaintanoea In thia Tlolnity. HiMPY WisTwoBTH Monk. F. D, MooATTA, Bsg. m?*" u'Sr^t*' •»<>»«»<» «traot from the Ottawa "Evening Journal" will apeak for .M .. .""' P^pla evidently reqnlre " a leader;" but aa they don't appear oapable of aareelna to aooapt anyone orUicmaelvea aa tteir leader, they are rednoed to theneoea- ity of aooeptlng aomeone who la not regarded aa one ofthemaelvea. who wUl yet never- theleaa "plead their oanae," and fiulat npon Jnatloe for them, aa for othera alao. Why ahonldn't yon atate this In plain terma to fc few of yonr moat oapable men, and pro- poae myieir, aa perhapa about aa fit and ooa ■ P«tentB "Iwder ' aa you know; and let them wnnge a time and place forua to meet to- getber,tbat my fitneia and oompetenoe for the poaltwn may be fully teated; and if no bet- ter man can be found, It will only remain then forna to forma government at once: aub]eot, of ooorse, to the aooeptanoe of the peal majority of your people; to whom we ahould appeal by a manifeato, embodying onr polioy for the reat«ratlon of larael, Md the Introduction of the glorioua reisn of "meroy and truth • • » righteonsneaa and peaoe' deatlned ultimately to eitend over the whole earth; not for our beoeflt only; but for the beat welfare of "all na- tionk" alao. The preaent ulrcnmatanoea of your people, (together with the great fact of the unpreoe- dented modernprogreaa)8honld convince any well kfarmed and reaaonable man, tht.t the time haa now at laat certainly come for the falttlment of the ancient prophedea regard- ing the future deatiny of yonr people. UnlttM yon require that the thunder ahould be made U> artloulate again aa at Mount Sinai, In the dayaof Motea; it h noteaay to Imagine what fnrther evidence y<»u are waiting for. Faithfully yonn , DO ^ HpBT Wehtwobth Monk. j;. B. . iLindly let me know, aa aoon aa yon can conveniently, what you are able to do for me, or rather foryouraelf , and for yonr people, in thia matter; for ahould you oegleot to do what you can, ao eaally now; It wlU certainly be you, younelf, who will be to blame for any fnrther evil that may aoon oome npon your people, to compel them to do aa la required of them upon thia moat Im- portant oooaaion. H. W. M If the Jewlah World would kindly pnbUah the above copy of letter to Mr. Moci^ta, aa well M the enoloaedeztraot from the Ottawa Evening Jovraal; the deatitute Ruaaian ,71 might aoon begin to experience aoma relief from their preaent great afaiotion and a batter era begin now to dawn npon the w«ld alao. Bxmt Wbniwobth Monk. Ottawa, Canada, 2Sth June, 1991. MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSIondlSOTE'TCHARTNo. 2) ^ APPLIED IM^GE 1653 East Main SIreel ('16; .82 .jOO- Phone (716) 28a - J89 - Fo,