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 1 2 3 
 — TO THE 
 Independent Forester and Foresters' Herald. 
 K. O. T. M. 
 Successftal Termination of t3ic 
 Ciriind Review. 
 The "i wo Wings Coalesce— The 
 Order r!jw 7,000 Strong. 
 Fort Haron, Mich., Jan. 13th, 1881. 
 The C t. Camp adjourned on Tuesday at 5 
 p.m., awaiting the action of the Joint Com- 
 mit »e. 
 In the eveaingf a large number of the dele- 
 gates attended b sesuon of Diamond Teut, 
 ' JSuroB. 
 The Ot. Camp waa opened on Wedneaday, 
 I2tb Oianuary, at 9 a.m., and routine and 
 general bnsineu waa taken up, pending a 
 report of the Reunion Committee. At 10 
 a.m. the Committee returned to the Orand 
 Review, and reported that a hitch had oc- 
 curred, and asked instractions in the mat- 
 The Gt. Camp voted unanimously to sus- 
 tain the pssition taken by the Committee. 
 The Committee then retired again and re- 
 turned at li.30, and reported that they were 
 unable to agree, and tasked to be discharged 
 and a new Committee appointed. 
 A unanimous rote of thanks was tendered 
 the Committee on their being relieved from 
 further duty. 
 A now Committee was immediately struck 
 consisting of Sir '.Knights Dr. McLeod of 
 Detroit, Wolverton of Grimsby, McCormiok 
 of St. Louis, Robb of Iowa, and J. Harris, 
 Jr., after which the Gt. Camp adjourned 
 till 2 o'clock p. m. 
 The Qt. Camp reassembled at 2 p. m. 
 The business transacted during the after- 
 noon was of a private nature. At 4 p. m., 
 word waa brought <.'aat it was expected that 
 the new Committee on Reunion would 
 reach a conclusion and would hare a report 
 ready at 5 p. m. The Committee, however, 
 not reportmg at 5:30 p. m., the Gt. 
 Camp adjourned till Wednesday at 9 a. ni., 
 the rumor oecame general that the Commit- 
 tee on Reunion could not agree, causing 
 muuh depression of spirits among the Sir 
 Wednesday, Jan, 12. 
 The Great Camp was opened at 9 a. m., 
 by Dr. Wilder, Gt. Sir Kt. G. C. 
 Owing to professional engagements the 
 Gt. Ercellent Prof. Clark Stanton was 
 obliged to leave last evening, and he was 
 excused from further attendance. 
 The Committee on Reunion reported at 
 11 a. m,, that the Committee from 
 the Supreme Tent had submitted 
 the following as their ultimatum :— 
 "That we meet in Joint Conven*ion in 
 your Hall immediately and elect officers 
 from the floor of the House under the 
 constitution of the Supreme Tent and act 
 under the same until a new constituticn is 
 completedby Sir Kts. Stanton and Boynton." 
 The Great Camp unanimously resolved 
 not to accept this proposition, and the Com- 
 mittee was instructed to so inform the other 
 side. At this stage the opinion became very 
 general that Reunion could not be cont^um- 
 mated, and the representatives of the Great 
 Camp determinedly set themselves to the 
 task of perfecting their organization for 
 aggressive work. 
 It was moved by Sir Kt. Oronhyatekha 
 and adopted. That we assess ourselves a 
 sufficient sum to pay our endowments iu 
 full from this date. 
 At 12 .30 the Great Camp adjourned to 
 meet again at 4..30 p.m. 
 The Gt. Camp reassembled at 1:30 p.m., 
 and shortly after the Reunion Committee 
 entered the hall, and reported thai the 
 Supreme Tent had agreed to adopt the 
 name of "The Great Camp" for the supreme 
 governing body, and to adopt the titles of 
 the Gt. Camp officers. At this stage a 
 deputation from the Supreme Tent was ad- 
 mitted, who presented certain amendments 
 of the Supreme Tent constitution made to 
 facilitate reunion. 
 It was then moved, that the Committee 
 return and have these various propositions 
 put in writing and duly signed before any 
 further action is taken. 
 At a later heur the Committee presented 
 the following igreement, duly signed: — 
 We, as a ]c int committee, agree to stand 
 by the agreement made yesterday, reduced 
 to writing and signed by the officers of our 
 executive bodies. 
 And we further agree that we will at once 
 go into union meeting and elect officers by 
 ballot from the floor, representatives of each 
 body being allowed to vote according to the 
 constitution of their separate bodies. We 
 agre** to divide the officers as folio wf: — 
 Great Camp to have Great Ex. Sir Kt. G. 
 C, Great Sir Kt. F. Keeper, Great Sir Kt. 
 Prelate, Great Sir Kt. Med. Ex., Great Sir 
 K. Master at Armi, Great Sir Kt. 2nd 
 Master of the G., Great Sir Kt. Picket. 
 The Supreme Tent to have P. G. Ex. Sir 
 Kt. G. C., Gt. Sir Kt. G. C, Gt. Sir Kt. R. 
 K., Gt. Sir Kt. Lt. Com., Gt. Sir Kt. Ser- 
 geant, Gt. Sir Kt, M. G., Gt. Sir Kt. 
 entinel. And we agree that immediately 
 after election that the presiding officer of 
 this Union meeting shaU at once proceed to 
 install the officers elect. And that we all 
 agree to support the officers so nominated 
 by each party- 
 We still further agree that the committee 
 agreed upon, viz.. Sir Kts. Stanton and 
 iSiynton, will at once prepare and de- 
 liver our executive officers a new or revised 
 constitution, which is to bo the law of the 
 Order. It is distinctly understood that , 
 there is to be no delay in the ;vork of this 
 Constitutional Committee. And that we 
 shall each act under our separat-e constitu- 
 tions nntil the new oonstitntion is ready. 
 Duncan McLeod, M. D., chairman; R. L. 
 Robb, Wm C. MoCormack, S. Wolverton, 
 John Harris, jr., Geo. E. McEwen, M. D., 
 chairman; Geo. A. Chase, R. E. Walker, 
 W. H. Bannon, F. W. Wilder, G. Ex. L. 
 C; Edward To we. Sec., pro tern.; N. S. 
 Boynten, Sup. Com. Supreme Tent, K. 0. 
 T. M.; E. E. Farman, 2nd Sup. Recorrt 
 Keeper, K. O. T. M. 
 The Gi«at Camp ratified the agreement, 
 and at once the present officers presented 
 their resignations, and the following new 
 officers were then elected from the Great 
 Camp to fill the offices assigned to them;— 
 Gt. Ex. Sir Kt Ow. Commander— Dr. 
 Wilder, of Chicago. 
 Gt. Sir F. Keeper— L. G. Jarvis, London, 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Med. Exam. -in-Chief —Sir 
 Kts. Dr. Oronhyatekha and Dr. McLeod 
 were put in nomination, and on ballot Dr. 
 Oronhyatekha was declared elected. 
 Sir iCt. Dr. Oronhyatekha declined to ac- 
 cept the office, and moved that Sir Kt. Dr. 
 McLeod be unanimously elected, which was 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Prelate— Rev. Thos. Broad, 
 Carlow, Ont. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Master-at-Arms— H. Chester, 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Second Master of the Guard— 
 J. S. Kite, Part Huron, Mich. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Picket— R. Moore, Simcoe, 
 The Master at Arms then announced that 
 the officers and representatives of the 
 Supreme Tent were waiting at the door for 
 admission. They were ref,eived with grand 
 honors, and three times tiiioe cheers. 
 It was then moved that Dr. McLeod, 
 Chairman of the Reunion Committee, act 
 as Chairman,and Edward Towe as Secretary 
 of the Joint Convention or Grand Review. 
 It was then moved by Dr. Oronhytekha 
 aud seconded, that the officers seleoted by 
 the Supreme Tent and Great Camb, respec- 
 • tively, be confirmed by the Grand Revipw. 
 Carn<^ amid applause. 
 The installation was then immediately 
 ordered, and the followmg officers were 
 installed by Past Great Excellents, W. D. 
 MoGloghlon and EUiott:— 
 Past Gt. l<;x. Sir Kt. G. C.-N. S. Boyn- 
 ton,'Port Huron, Mich. 
 Ot. Ex. Sir Kt. G. U.— Dr. 1". M. Wilder, 
 Chicago, lU. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. G. C— W. G. Imlach, Lon- 
 don, Ont. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. R. Keeper — E. E. Far- 
 man, 2nd, Warsaw, N. Y . 
 Gt. Sir Kt. F. Keeper — L. O. Jarvis, 
 London, Ont, 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Prelate— Rev. Thomas BnAd. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. L. Commander— A. Bassett. 
 Detroit, Mioh. 
 Ot. Sir Kt. Med. Examiner-in-Chief— Dr. 
 McTieod, Detroit, Mich. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Sergt.— N. H. Williams, De- 
 troit, Mich. 
 Gt. Si<- Kt. Master-at-Arms— H. Chester, 
 Gt. Sir Kt. 1st Master of the Guards— A. 
 H. Fessenden, London, Ont. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. 2nd Master of the Guards— J. 
 S. Kite, Port Huron, Mich. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. Sentinel— H. W. Harlow, 
 Boston, Mass. 
 Gt. Sir Picket— R. Moore, Simcoe, Ont. 
 A Committee of five, consisting of Sir 
 Kts. Jenkins, of New Jersey; Moore, of Sim- 
 coe, Out. ; Farman, Gt. R. Keeper; Bishop, 
 of New York, and Shipler of New York, was 
 appointed to proceed to Buffalo, on Satur- 
 dfvy, ISth inst., to meet a similar Committee 
 from the Supreme Tent under Sir Kt. Os- 
 borne, and arrange terms of Re-union, which 
 when completed will bring M the Macca- 
 bees under the Gt. Camp, and make them 
 about 10,00" strong. 
 Moved by Sir Kt. Dr. Oronhyatekha, 
 seconded by Sir Kt. Bassett, that from and 
 after the issuins of the new constitution, 
 the Executive De instructed to make as 
 many assessments as will be required to pay 
 the full endowments on deaths which may 
 take place after that date. 
 Referred to Executive Committee with 
 The Gt. Camn then adjourned, to meet in 
 the city of Toronto on the day ivhich shall 
 be fixed by the new Constitution, which is 
 to be agreed to by Past Ot. Excellents 
 Stanton and Boynton. 
 The following are the addresses of thechief 
 officers of the Order: — 
 Gt. Ex. Sir Kt. Gen. Commander, F. M. 
 Wilder, Ejq., M. D., 2, 429 Wabash Avenue, 
 Chicago, III. 
 C\ Sir Kt. R. Keeper, E. E. Farman, 
 '.Hi , \7arsaw, N. Y. 
 Gt. Sir Kt. F. Keeper, L. 6. Jarvis, Esq., 
 London, On'uirio. 
 Ot. Sir Ki:. Medical Exaniner-in-Chief, 
 Pr. D. McLeod, 336 St. Aubin avenue, De- 
 troit, Mich. 
 Tents Er.jst bear in mind that the medical 
 examination of all Sir Knights ad- 
 mitted intii the Order, and of all 
 Sir Knights who have taken increased 
 endowments prior to the 14th of January, 
 1881, must be sent to E/. Oronhyatekha, 
 London, the Medical Examiner-iu-Chief up 
 to that date ; and that the medical examina- 
 tion of all Sir Knights admitted or who 
 take increased endowments, after the 13th 
 of January, 18V, are to be sent to our new 
 medical officer. In each and every case the 
 examination must be on the new form for 
 all Sir Knights initiated after 1st November, 
 1880, and for all increased endowments. 
 The new forms can be obtained of the Gt. 
 R. Keeper. In each and every case 10 cts. 
 must be sent to the Gt. Medical Examiner- 
 in-Chief, with each examination form, 
 and until the fee is so sent the Gt. Medical 
 Officer will not report the Sir Kt. to the 
 Gt. R. Keeper as having passed the medi- 
 cal examination. And no certificate of en- 
 dowment can issue until such report is re- 
 ceived by the Gt. R. Keeper from the Ot. 
 Medical Officer. 
 Never in the history of the Order was the 
 outlook so bright. We look to see 5,000 
 additional members initiated within the 
 next three months. 
 We have good officers ; we have a good 
 Constitution and Endowment Law, and ex- 
 pect to have the best Constitution and En- 
 dowment Law of any order, when the new 
 Constitution is issued, which we hope to see 
 out in 18 days or two weeks. 
 Now let every Officer and Sir Kt go to 
 work with a will. You all have something 
 to work for now. 
 We shall continue to give all views of 
 We expect every Tent, every Officer and 
 all true Sir Kts. who want to be posted to 
 send US their subscriptions. Only 50 cent* 
 for one year, or 25 cents for 6 months 
 This is, however, the last number that will 
 be sent to any Sir Kt, except to regular 
 subscribers. If yon want a good live 
 Society fpaper, aend along your anbscrip- 