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The Mawigeqiif&at bwi 1^'Jioabaf lb aonoimce «hat^^Mto« Original And CiaMic P«rft*niMiiicei, Ulnttritiat n<^ Ciastic, Operatic »ad Bi)Iwl Haaic of Englftitd;' many an« Smto. fBtVPES!^ with OrigUial 1 priate INTBPPFCTIONS, glring •ketchfe Vocalist IrelMui Jlilill^^ Artitte nfll Appear in her Uni^ie' ' ~ "^ KiiUpitef lMK>4acing the Sacred, OxpBD BOMi, aad appro- 'init CottpOMra,' Aoii Aoi 111 ir 'i III. I It im li 49-Kntt0« 4^»nae of Proflprftuii 4i»c^ci& /3i}v«xi: am: programme!— PART FIR^Y 8ACRSD, 61. Alio rc AND Soored munc; iU antiq^ttt^ Mid heaTeniy iniiu- ence in Divine worahip; the gf«at aacred compo^ aerr, Haydn, Handel, Qeethoven and Mozart. iixoanUTOif. SACliBl) SOLO. " Angela ever Bright and Fair," INTBODUCTIOX. Claaaic muaic ; ita diatincdTe character ; muaical cul- ture ; progressive taate ; Wallacia aa a contpoaer. CLASSIC SONG. " Sweet Spirit Hear mV prayer." {Lurine) -. Wallace. niTSOSDCTIOK. Muaical inatinct; actsaracy of perception ; the Blind Asayium at lJv«rpool; aaecdotea. If.I.D8TRATI0ir. SOLO PIANOFORTE. " Iriah Aira," selected from Music uf Ireland, and arranged by RoSa D'Ehiha. Interval of Tan Mlnnte*. OPKRATIO SKLKCTIONS. imRoatooTtoir. The Fi^ench School of Ifnaic; experfencet of Paria;' the Empreaa ; tb» TuUeriee ; tfa« Conaerratoire ; Dupres, the great matttro ; the operatic atage. IKXHaTBATIOH. ORAND FRENCH SOEKA. "Le depart de Jeanne D'Arc." (The depiutaini of Joan of Arc) Bosdbsb The Pallia lbtjpoiitioa;.iU aplendor and magniflceace ; ita raHoaa ooarta and ana INTROOUCTION. America ; her Music and her Minstrels ; her Poets and her Poetry; tonlfetlow, Wil^ia, Bryant; her chantcteiriati)(; coriip6s«ra. ILtOSTBATIOX. ' AMERICAN BALLAD. '• llie Old Folks at Home. IMTRODDCTIOir. FOSTBB. Scotland ; famoua for her ballad literatare ; the Jaco- bite ballada ; the houae of Stuart, Bnma, Allen Ramsey ; the Ettrlc shepherd. ILLCaTBATIOH. SCOTCH SERIO-COMIC SONG. ««Comin* thro' the Rye," Bdbns. ntTRODtTCTIOM. The Serio-Comic Muae; how it diivea away "dull care ;" the high and low atylea of comic aonga ; Samuel Lover's freedom from vtilgparity in all hia compoaitions ; aparkling with wit and geniua; the poet, compoaer, painter nrd noyeliet; Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Hall; liter- ary and nra'aieai ceiebritiea of London ; a young artist's experience there; Lady DnfiMn. Il.r.USTBATION. IRISH SERIO-COMIC BALLAD. IRISH SEB10-Cq|IIC SGNG. "KatT'a Letter." LADrbcmBW. " Barney O'Hea." LOTBR .yiM^^M^^S^I^t'^^^^'^^^^^^^a'^^^^'^N^^f^n^kM^^^^^^^a^^^^ FiioM Ojf AdmlssiOia :— Qallery, 25 eta. : Oreh<»tra Chairs, fl.OO. Parqaette and Dress Circle, 60«ts PcfvAt^ If9]Fef, aiO ft f8, according to location. tar ReMrved Seats ia,t)i« IVrqu«U|S,%«Ui, fii**^ which om WsMureKl at the otlM of die Aeadsniy firom U am, to 2 ria. Doom open at 7.80. 0ommenoi9 at 8. Printed St H. Chubb ft Co.'s Steam .Job Printing Oflet, « Prinoa WilHsss Street, near tha Banks, Bt. John, IS. l» NEWSaUNSWiCK MUSEUM OMNimOF THE HIM, mSK, IRttH m MSm^Sk PAMm , It i« ia 4%|M m iteii bMr ff th« «tol«g of tu* giM Lyri#8tM,l^<«t kwni^tawllllM tRWi3.gnm^riH b»r MaplMty •! atanntr w& all tttefli. 1^ r«iri*. UoM DBHbk cioKt Irteb llalMiiM with tbM If HmIm te- Tor, ifhl«fc, M BfrM wMd t» My, " iMald tin tbm UHam, though marritd, rftTiBg.''—&««yiMi«.» Thfibsnilng yoBog wimm hM ,ft Pi^mdil rol«p •< grMt power Md MQMM, snd at VM laifguagu with OrupletO «MmM i^XMit Jhl>f SwatUta, m4 hm «aibad toaa a *ur, U4^ba»l»'Bri«llc>£* 'l^wpa. ^ Hoca D'Grina i* a diatlsgaMicd CMt«tci«a. ^bo baa tbo vnioe, the ta«t«, ibe tfadiilon, a ttfh^ Ao ■wato> tnet, tai a lOBl eucBtlally mB«l«Bl<— l^am. > Taoka to tb« aeoompli«bcd yowg mtiitt, Bi'lla D'Brlaa, fur ubiBg down "Tho Harp tbM «»•• in Tata'a lialla,' uf«d 10 raiact raub givrjr. un tb« poau and baidf of Erin.— J Mrnal dtt Z>t5«l«. »ijiii7|i«. Koaa D'Srina baa attaioad the bigktft poaitioB among the leading Irifb vcealUta, and ia afarjwbere „ gard«d a* the trutft and t air lining hitcrprttar of the m^iMiMwio tf her aatUe land. - JFVtemaii. We are anre thai all who .iota gaBvine aoag will hatton to greet baek to Erin ^neof Ita dynghterK who hha uphdd lu name and fame (or gcaioa in foreign U. ida.— InaA Ti^m. M'e veleeoM ,«lth «W wmI/* f<^tka the Boa» of l^rfe, «bo, in the eapitala ot Frcnoe and Bogland, haa made the uiuiic ul IrelHod celebrated, aiid rrfleeted by her gentna uiBob bonor ttn Ireland.- 77'« Nation. Ron D'Ertnalaaglnn ap«arda of one bnndred raeitala ut tbe mntio ot Ireland, in the gtrat Paiia Expoahion, to thousanda of d ^lighted beareia, and tbe Paria Hresa tecKS with bi r praiiea.— J^rmi'n^ /W. €:;hica€}o. hoaa D'Srina has eaubliebcd beraelf in tbe moat oordial and irUndly relations toward the Ohiaago pablie, and It ta not diffioaU to lur»e that her aterling aooumplisbmenls, vnloe and method, will win for her a moa brilliant earner. — 7Vt6«ii«. M'lle D'Brina proven to b( eantif ul young Irish woman. She IB naiaiat and artleaa in manner, tbe owner of a rioh and tme tuic«, and baa a ftage presenoe that tor a paradoki- oal oombliation of uaafTeote'i diffieenee and oumplete aeli- pi)S8(8Bion iaa v.odel.— Timt*. M'll D'Srina'a first appearanee npoa tbe eoBoertatage of Cbicay;a Is a tucocas tally dcaerveU by her great mnaioa abilities, and aeoorded withoat reaervation. Bar eompat rime, ao long «ithoat a repraaaatatlTa in tbe noat aiailaaal eCaatr, have every reaaoa to he pnmi of her aehle takaite^ M'lle Hoaa B'SrIna had the honor of aiagiag, hygradona eommand ot ber Royal Htghaew the Priaeeaa of Walea, at MariboroBgb Bau^e, yeaterday, in preaeiHie of a diatin- gHisbed eiioJc. — Star. Roaa I>"&ina baa tbe moat extraordinar) faeility of voeal. zation, for whether in French, lUlUa «f >paBiah mnaie, she is equally happy, wbilat ber Iriab Molawiea are truly luperb. — £ra. No Iriih artiaie siMe Catheriae H^es baa ereated ia the muKlcal world aneh a aeuaation aa the aoaompliahad and bighly*gilled yoang lady, M'U tvoaa DSrina.— MutUal Tiwut. ■ . ' . i Roaa Dlrtaa'a alagfag of Spaaiah ballads, ak tho Royai 9al||9 of Blastration, haa not bo«| aoMllei slaee •Jio days awBVBf ■Bwam aaww «««» weawaavwa ■««■« maw immjm The Spaalsh a|^( Biik la imia«Mt. A laast hrllltaat aasoahlaip greeted tho Rose of Bria at her blaeiit eonsea last night; Irelaad has good reasoa to »•• ftdad «r this gifted «MM wf soag-^Afenaiaf Adaanisar. Roaa D'Srina has wM all kettrta hy her exqn alta roadw- lag of the del ightfat maaie of hut aafive land. She b traly jaarrelkaa la her rfpertoirt of "M asie f^om many Laads.— Tim.*t. MBW YOMK. Rosa D'Briaa ia a apleadid vooaliat, of the noit varied ntaats, aa'd waa waloomed laat »ight by one of the largaat aadienoaa ever aaaemhied in Htolaway Hall. — H*rml4. The IlMi prima 4o*aa ONSda her d«6«i laat eveaiag at Steinwaf Hall, h^ro a oroi((led and ontbiuiaatio andioaee, and exhibited f*M powtra of'voealiaatien.--TU6im«. Rosa O'BriMk pof seaaea a ^teadtd masao-sopraao voieo, onltlvated to the hiKhaai datttae In the Parialan aohool. Ber varied proaraume proved her a .^Arvel in Nngaletie attainmeata —War. M'lle Roaa D'Brlna ia a ebarming joang aHittt of nnqaea- tioaable talent; her pare aB4 helutiial voiee, asd tbe per- . feet aimplieii> and uatnralnesa of her style, presented a ' ebarm which waa positively Irreslstahlc. - Traiaoa** Art ST. T^«UIS. The Major and eitiaena of St. |ionli aaaemhied lut even- ing to hon»r Roaa D'Brtni'a fHfaWall appesiranee. Harelv have wd wltnas^ a mora nwpestaM* sad i^preolatlvo andf- rnee. -'M pleastwg toaiite Bt oeearred hetweea tbo parts of tho programme. A» Mile lyjtriaa was about to retire Mr. Butler, oae of the editors of 7^ Di$patth, aaoended to the stage aad preseated ber, ta) the name of her auuiy friends, with a vtiy handsome aad valaahia gold Btraseaa eross aad chain, ioiaiu with pearls — Dupatch, June 24, 1871. Tbe performance of the Rose of Erin at ^he MereaatUe Library, during the week, have been a series of artlstio triumphs. No artiste has visited this city for years who combiner In so eminent a manner tne rare muaisid gifts of o«a D'Brlna.— TtmM. We he pleasure shared in by thoas- nnds of our ettisens during M lie D'Eriaa's " Musical Bvoa- ings." We caphot imagine any more ezeallei|t moans of spending an evteingthan ta listsaiag to this aoeampllshed musician, who is porfsctiy mt A*m« la tho « Maiio of Many Lands."— JZqgwMieaa. BOSTOIV. This lady, who eemaa with saeh glowtag eomiaeadatloas from tbe prcsS of both Europe and America, sang henelf immediatoty into favor with a large andioaee last eveaiag, and gaay ooaat apoa aaothar saaaass to add to tho nsaay apoBherHsft. Barvaiawlaom^ the haa beaa h e«lld hw a . — B iw ^ s a PM* Rosa D BHaa baa gfvaa a sa>iea of ooaoorta at Tramoat Temple to large aad eatlwiaatie audlaaaes. She haa a very agraeahle stage preseaeci her volae ia eiear aiid aweot aad pleasiag in the highest demo. Her versatility i* roal- ly rsmarkablo, and she readers nor attire difBoalt programme ia an artirtio manner.— i>««(«r Smitk'i Paptrt. This taloated aad versatile yoau lato haa already sang herself into the adfa|irtag apprafiation of oar exaetiag aadi- ences. She ia every day wiaaiag bar way through tho " high aad dry " classical oritieisms of oar ealtivatod me- tropolis to tboapplaase of delighted add varied assemblages. Ber piaaO ezeeatioa is t aly adttbaMd, tha rippling notes tolling la asagleal styhi tho ooadeassd muiieal baaatios she eopjnres «p for btr llstaatn. - TU PUt*. . i