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Les diegrammea suivants iilustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 municipali7;y f ilki© @f f ©ft Uimh] LIST OF YflTll f«»TMM / « J— Sec. (5, The Sheriff shall, immediately upon the receii>^ ^of his copies, cause one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous pla<!e in the C Jurb House ; the Clerk of the Peace, upon the receipt of his copies, shall cause . foue of them to l>e posted up in a con- spicuous place in his office:; every Public *r Separate School Head Master or Mis- tress shall in like manner post up one ^f his or her copies on the d<x)r of the School House ; and every Post Master. |iiall post up one of his copies in his Post Office. / ST. THOMAS riMKS SrKAM BOOK AND J OB PRINTING HOUSK, TALBOT SIREKT WE8T. 1 sm O u S ft VOTERS' LIST. 1879 Municipality of tlie Tillage of Port Stanley, POST OFFICE-PORT STANLEY. PART I. LIST OF PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT BOTH MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AND ELECTIONS TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. 2 o u P NO. ON ROLL. a 3 3 197 II 10 12 13 .15 182 16 NAME. Allen, George AH worth, Edward.. . Anger, Robert Arkell, Henry Arkell, Henry Armstrong, James.. . Bake, James Bake, Henry Balkwell, Isaac Barrett, William Batt, John Batt, John Begg, George C 17 jBegg, James. LOT. 5 10, pt 9 pt 8 8,-pt7 1 18 17 17. pt 6 1,2 ptl2, all 13, 16.. 1, 2, 9, pt 10.... ptlot 1 pts27, 28, 5U to 56 CON. OR3TBEET. E Colborne W Colborne >V Colborne S Erie S Bridge E Main E Main E Main S Erie S Joh.u W Main N George let Con N Elgin Yarmouth Yarmouth' Yarmoutir South wold Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Southwold Yarmouth Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Licome Owner Tenant Yarmouth i vvuer 19 iBerry, Mark pt 21, all 22,2.S,24!k CoIIk, >fne Southwold Yarmouth Southwold Yarmouth Owner Owner Owner Owner ~mt VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. E 2 J J J J J J J Ho. ON ROLL. 20 77. 57 21 21 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 116 67 197 36 38 40 41 42 43 163 46 48 I 49 I 44 50 NAME. Berry, William Bick ford, llezekiah . . Bobier, John Boatwick, Jos. R Boat wick, Jos, R Braddon, Authony . . Broderick, Gideon — Browu, V. A Burgess, W m. B Burt, George Burwell, Samuel LOT. CON. OR STREET. pt lot 1.. . pta lot 16. 33 17 ptl4 E Bostwijk S Smith S Smith lat Con N Lake R< ad S Elgin E Main S Luke Road Yarmouth South wold Southwold Yarmouth I South wold C s 10, pt 9 1 W Colborne 5 .... pt 15. Callahan, Tiiomaa pt 49 . Campbell, Oriu Cuney, George E. . . , Cattnach, William.. Cavanaugh, Rttbert Chandler, Thomas S Clarkson, John Cooper, W A Crawford, Robert Cronyn, Beujamiii Dalton, Michael Davis. Maurice J Doyle, Peter L)ra]»er, Isaac D 3 l,pt 2 12 18 7, 8, 9 11, 12 pt 16 pt 11 3 to 5, 11 to 14.. 10 ,14,15 2,3 S Bridge S Lake Road N Elgiik S Smith W Main E Main E Main W Main S George S Lake Road E Mail! N Front S Smith George S Bridge K George S Elgin ptlO Dunn, Samuel '!' '34 i Durham, Heury '46 to 49 jK C'«ibuni 'Ead, Charles ..,,... 5 JX Kii.i j Southwold i Yarmouth j Southwold Yannoutli Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Yaruuiuth Southwold Southwold Southwold Yaiuiouth "Southwold Southwold Southwold Southwold Owner Tenant Owner Owner 0*uer Owner Income Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owuf.r Tenant Ov'uor Owner Tenant Ov/ner Tenant Occupant Owner Owner Owner Occupant Occupant Owner Tenant Owner Owner J T VILLAGE OP PORT STANLEY. J T NO. JN ROLL. 51 51 52 55 53 56 58 53 50 5» 60 Gl 64 (Hi 68 6«J 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 78 80 79 85 86 NAMK. Edgcombe, John. . . Edgoombe, John. . . Ed;^combe, Riflurd Edgoombe, Samuel . . Edgeombe, William H Ellison, Hubbard.... li^Ilisun, James D. . . . IjUisoii, John, sr Ellison, John, sr RUisou, John, sr BUition, John, jr Kllison, Luka H livelaud, Edward Evelund, Samuel Fawcett, James tergusoii Uuj:ald.... Fergusaou, James, . . . Finlay, J T. C. Fitzgerald, James Foley, Patrick Fraser, Martin Fraser, 'riiomas Fraser, William (^learan Daniel GillDert, MA trlover, Samuel. Gormau, Daniel Gorinan, Patrick LOT. ptlO pt4,6 3, 20, pt 21 . pt 5 pt22 1 pt 8, 9 2, 6, 7, 10. . 15 Ship Yard . pt6, 7 t-'t 16 3 12 3, 4, 5 35 to 38 12 pt 2 1.3, J4 1 pt 16.... 19 to 23. , 25 to 30. pt 16.... pt 16.. . . 6, 7 6,7 CON. 01. 8TKEET. N Smith S George E Colboma W ('olborne S George S Smith N Erie NErie WMain Utter Y SErie Southw.->ld Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth 'Southwold 2 R N.lake road^ Southwold W Bo8twick Yarmouth E Main Yarmouth W Main Yarmouth W Golborne Southwold pt lot letter D Southwold W Colborue Yarmouth E Main Yarmouth N Smith Yarmouth N Front Southwold South lake road Southwold N Front Southwold W Colborne South lake road 2 RN, lake road E Frances E Frances Owner Owner Tenant Owner Occupant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Ownnr Owner Owner Owner Tenant Income Owner Owner Southwold 'Owner j Southwold jOwner Southwold jOwner Yarmouth {Tenant i Yarmouth Owner VILLAGE OP PORT STANLEY. e S a J J J J J KO. ON ROLL. 87 88 90 91 82 82 84 96 92 94 95 96 69 98 99 22 102 103 NAMK. LOT. COM. OR STRUT. Gough, George fi Gough, 'T»mea Gough, William Gough. William H . . Goulding, Robert R . . Goulding, Robert R. . Green, Walker Haight, Isaac Harmon, .lames T. . . . Hatton, Mathew Hebblethwaite, James Hemphill, George Hepburn, Andrew.. .. Hepbuni, Andrew Hepburn, Malcolm. . . Hindley, William Hough, Benjamin Hough, Edward.., pt 15... 17 18 pt lot I. 8 pt 1... 42 9 3 i E Colbomu E Colbome E Colborne 1st Con S Smitl) W Colborne E Colborne S Smith E Frances W Colborne N GeorgT S Smith W Colborne E Joseph IstCon , 15, 16, 18.. ■!pt<3 105 'Hough, Joseph 'Sl I I 222 I Hunt, Charles !6 to 10 . . . J 106 ' Jones, John pt 7 9 .S5 to3S,.... pt 4 pt lot 1 4. 5.. IE Francos pt letter D S Erie W (^olborno N Front E Colborne 106 Jones, George Ipt*7 . 1 108 Knight, Adonijah jpt 5 . 109 Lattimer, James F....ipt lot 1 110 236 111 Lighten, Benjamin — ;2 ... Lcitch, DC ;lpt22. Lewis, Alfred pt 13 E Colborne E Bostwick 1st Con S Smith S (jeoi-ge E Colborne Yarmouth Tenaut Yarmouth Teaant Yarmouth Owner Yarmouth Owner Southw,old Owner Yarmouth Tenant South wold Tenaut Southwoid Teuant Yarmouth Tenant Yarmouth Owner Southwoid Owner Southwoid Southwoid Tenant Oucupatit Yarmouth iOwner Yarmouth Occupant Yarmouth Southwoid Southwoid Southwoid Southwoid Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Sou''^hsvold Southwoid Yarmouth Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Teuant Owner Owner Owner Tenant VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. C £ J J J J KO. ON ROLL. 112 113 113 114 115 117 120 2.30 119 119 118 121 a I I 198 i 195 I I 125 J j 154 I 126 ! \ 144 1 145 J I 14i> J 14l' 157 ! 147 i 151 131 153 J 127 KAMI. Livingittou, Irwin. . . Lonji, Conrod Long, Conrod Uft. Lung, Frederick Magill, Henry >latiaon, •lohn Martin, Rol>ei-t Martin, Samuel Martin, John Martin, John Marshall, Thomas.. Mason, Ohailes .... .Vla8on, lohn Mason, Samuel Meek, William H.. Mellor, Thomas. . . . .Mellor, Thomas 4 26 to 34. 26 to 34. 35 to 38 1, pt 2 4,5 pt8 2, 3, 4.. pt8 2 3, 4. . . 15 15 lJt8, 9 fNErie 8 '8 Erie pt 8 i'vV Colborne I ptlotl5 S lake rtad E Bostwick 32 to 34, 39., COK. OK STBBXT. S Smith E Colborne W Frances K Colborne W Main VV Orchard N Bridge N Bridge N J'ront :i Front i \V Colborne -'.3 ;.S Hetty .Meredith, W R pts lot 16 Is lake road Mitcliell, Francis Ipts f to 11, all 12 S Erie I to 14 j Mitchell, Joseph 23, pts 24, 25 !s George Soathwold Southwold Yarmouth Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Southwold Southwola Suuthwold Southwold Yarmouth Sou rh wold Yarmouth Owner Southwold Owner Yaniiouth Owner Southwold Owner Southwold Owner Southwold Owner Southwold Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Tenakjt Income Owner Owner ! Mitchell, John jpt lot 14 . . ;S Jake road i.Mitchell, Robert.. |20 Ivv Sydenham iSouth wold Owner ' I I i Mitcliell, Thomas Ipt lut 15 S lake road VV Colborne S ElKin I Mitchell, Richard.. . . ipt 8 I.Mntni, Diuicaii '35, 36 iMunro, CoHii 'pt lot i Letter D i.Vlurpliy Ci riulins. . . pts 9, 10, 11 's Erie McCall, Nelson 8 20, 2! VV Main L Southwold 'armouth Southwold South tvold Southwold Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Variaouth I'lenant VILLAGE OF POUT STANLEY. E I NO. ON ROLL. 128 87 131 131 220 136 130 13") 137 148 KiS 155 l0() 158 150 161 1G3 ir.4 19 1G7 168 169 170 171 172 173 65 : 158 NAME. LOT. 11, 13, 17, 19, pt8 lot 7 to 10 'l to 7, ptl6 il to7,Ft9lot 16 McCalluin, James. . . . 0. pt 10. McCorkell, Robert... pt 16 McDonald, Daniel 14, jitlot MoDonald, Daniel. ... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .McD.nald, Donald McDonnld, Hugh . McDonald. Hugh. McDonald, .John. Mclntyro, John .30, pt of 15 McKnight, John ....1 19 i McLean, Alexander, ipt 5 McTiPan, '.Vilson ; 13 Neekiy, Adfiin pt 15 i Newman, Joseph , . . . 'itO . Newman, William.. . . jiJ iNewtoTi. Johii ll ipts 1,2 j ; jNicholas, Saiiiui 1 . . . ' 14, 15 iPage. William Ipt5, jPahiier, Harlow ;pt 21, all 22 to 24. i Patterson, Hobcit 1 10 N ticorgc E Colbi.rno [.ettt-r D K Cath'\rinc Letter D S \^ arrc-n North lake road North lake n ad S of lake road \V Sj'diiiham ii Ii:)9tvvick N b.iiitli S lake r. ad Yarmouth TenaDt Varniouth Owner Suuthwold Owner Southwold Owner .Southwold Tenant Southwold Owner Southwold Owner Southwold Tenant Southwold lUwnor S.^uthwoid 1 Owner Yai'fuouth 'Tenant i Southwold ITenaiit SoulhwoJd iTenant \V C.)iborne jSouihwold jTeuant N Smith Southwold rcDJiiit, N I'ridj^e ■^ George \V Clbonie ['] Coiijoru-; K C.)il.oine Pajne, Alfre ' I'ayii'j, Jnniej Payi)e, .Uth.u Payne, ^.'amIe! Pollock, Ale.x.inder . . 82, S3 |S Hill pt 19 \k .M:'.iii 4 \f. I'Mstwick I 15, 16 ■• •l'^^ '"'li" ,8, 9 IN Smith Pollock. William O |7, 8, 9 ;N Smith Price, Jolin |2, 3 | W 1', st ,■ i>. I; Priee, John I30. W ('« Ibonu Yarmi-uth jTenaiit Southwold jOwnor Vaimoutii Touaut Yarm.iutl! Occupant Yarmouth Owner Yavmouth lO'.vncr Yarmouth 'Owiur I : I lY-rm lu'.h i reiiaiit j I jYavmouth jOwner Simthwu'd I i'eiuiiit South v.ohl iOwuo;' ! Yiuni'aitli lOwiicr i ^l:Ut)l■.^ old Owilcr ' VILLAOir OF PORT STANLEY. f NO. 0!4 HULL. J !75 17(J 17 178 180 179 17i» 181 1S12 182 183 1S4 185 183 18G 187 190 J I lyi I I8S isy .'i'j 193 11)4 1% yt 199 NAUE. LOT. Price, Sa-nuel Rea, Hugh llae, Jamea Shepar.l, Frank E. . . Shepard, John Hliepard, Saciuol. . . . Shepard, Samuel. . . . |Simon3, 0. A Stacey. William jStacey, William Stanton, William.. jStark, John I I jKlark, Nichwlaj 21, pt 22 I'^t.irk, WUiiam il6 ' i jStark, WiUiaiu J! to 6, pt 7 to 12 jSteveiia, Hugh sr. . . . 7 jSteven!?, Hugh jr I'pt 2 i !St',*pl.ei)3, Joseph iO, 1 1, 12 I I 'SiopheiiH, William..., 8 OOW. OR STREET. K Josppb W Colborne N Elgin N Smith S Smith S Snnth VV Main S lake road S lake 1 oad Stei)lieii3, John Stephens, Joliu H . . . . .Ste\'. art, James. . . . . . Stook, William istrahhdee, Alfred C. ;Sti.T,tli(ltc, William.. G, pt 7 1.2,3 pt 9 27, 28. 50 to 56. 11, 12 6 6 10, 11, pt 12 pt 18 26, lot 16 pi,3 lot 1 'Ist Con I to 6, pta 7 to I21W Elizabeth S George S George K Colborne W Elizabeth W Frances S Bridge W Frances W France" VV Culb(.rne N Elgin .S Ge'rgo i Hill E Bostwick K Colborne 12, 15. 46, 47, 48. 11, 12.... pt 84 1 'Taylor, Freeborn . , . 7 •. . . . W Colborne Thomson, Itoboit 5, 1«), 17. W Colborne Yarmouth Yarmouth South wold South wold South wold Southwold Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Southwold Yarmouth houthwold Yarmouth Yaimoutb Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth Southwold Southwold Yarmouth Yarmouth Yaniiou, 1 Yarmouth Yarmouth Own;ir Tenant Occupant Owner Income Cwo«r Owner Occupant Owr - T'. --r . Tenant O'.vuer Owner Owner Owner 0«ner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner O'- -er IVnant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. e o hi E> J J J .1 J VO. OM ROLL. 201 204 205 47 165 209 214 4 211 212 213 215 93 62 217 163 218 218 .:i9 209 197 220 NAME. LOT. I W Boatwick N Warren E Mill S Smith N Smith Thomas, Benjamin. . . 2 Thorn, Georfte 31 Thorn, Horatio 10 Tomlinson, Arthur. . . 9 Twohy, James 13 Wade, James 3, 4 \^ eir, John.. 4 Weir, Robert 1 West, John A pt 1, 2 Wharry, Thomas .... 44 to 50 Wharry, William pt 18 White, Aluert E 4 White, John 3 WiUiamS; Thomas.. . . pt 16. ., Wilsun, JohnM pt 1 Wilkins, James U, 15 Wintemute, Benj . . . j pt 10 Wintemute, Benj. . . ;pt 4, 5 Wise, George -Letter W.. . . Wagner, Charles ;Park lot 4. . Young, Alexander.. . . 1 1 1 to 14 jE Colborne Young, Joseph 1 to 7, pt 16 js lake road Young, George. .' 1 to 7, pt 16 S lake road Yarmouth Suuthv/old Southwold South wold Southwold Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner W Colborne i Yarmouth ;Owner E Colborne 8 Briilge W Colborne W Colborne Letter !> S Bridge E l^'rances iTarmouth • Owner i Yarmouth i I Yarmouth iSouthwidd Owner Tenant Owner I Southwold jlncume i Yarmouth lOwtier I I I Yarmouth .Ownt;r 2 R N.lake road South'vold ! Owner W Colborne S George N Smith S George lat Con W East Yarmouth Southwold Tenant Occupant Southwold 'Owner j Yarmouth Owner Yarmouth ;Owuer I j ! Yarmouth lOwner 1 i I : j Yarmouth , Occupant ISouthwold Owner I I iSouthwold Far Son TOTAL NUMBKli OF JURORS 6.0. *-*- VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. PART 2— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. — None. %^;. Hv;^:- ■: PART 3, — Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legis- lative- Assembly only. — None. €E,MMm*l& mBWIFMMWB, T, KoBKRT Thomson, Clerk of the Municipitlity of the Village of Port Stanley, in the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that parts One and Three of the within list constitute a correct list, for the year 1879, of all persona appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Lecialative Assembly; and that parts One and Two constif'te a correct list for said year, of all per- sons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal elections in the said Mnn'/iipality. '' And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Pated this Slst'day of July, A. D. 1879. ROBERT THOMSON, Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Port Stanley.