^C:':\: •'■-■'■: .:i c .• >f /« . . -» r I*. ' ' cmtA iche Series ) ^^' ^ .^- • 1 iCMH .Collection ds nfiicrofiches ) >*-'■. ■t V / ■V' Canadian Institufa lor Hittorical Microraproductiona / Inatitut. Canadian da microraprb 1 I U titr* dt eoutMrtur* mianqiM □ CohMiradi CartM gfofraphiquM mi coulwr QCokNifMi ink (U. ettlMr than Mm or Mack)/ Encr* dacoulattr (i.a. autra mm M^ua ou noira) □ ColOurMI platM and/or iilustrationt/ Ptonchfs at/ou illintrations an coutaur □ flHN raitorad and/br laminatad/ Paiai raataurias at/ou paNkii^at 0NfH diieokMirad. ttainad or fonod/ .1 -^ 1 HfH dteolor4ai. tachatiat ou jMqufai Pdfas dataonaas Bound wMt othar malarial/ Rati* avac d'autrai documantt □ Ti#it bindint may eau«a thadown or distortion akMiQ intaripr maifin/ La raiiura tarrte paut cauiar jia i'ombra ou da la distortion la longda la margt inttriaura ^r Blank laavat addad durina rastoration ifiay 1 within tha taxt. Whanavar poHibIa, thaiM haul baan omittad f rom f ilminf/ II ta paut quacartainat pagn Wanchat aioutAaa tors d'una rastauration ap par ai a wnt dans la taxia; mais. lorsqua oala *tait postiMa. oas pagM n'ont pas at* lilmtes. 0QuaKtv of print irariat/ ' Qualiti inAfrfa daJ'impratsion □ Continuous.pagination/' Pafination dmtinua □ Includn indax(as)/ • Comprand un (das) indax ■ Titlaonhaadartakanfrom:/ La titra da I'an-tlta proviant: □ Titia pafa of issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison □ Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraison I 1 Masthaad/ . / ■^ Gin4riqua (piriodiituas)^ da la livraison 77j Additfonieommant.:/ Wrinkled pakes .ay film^ slightly out of /f ocu.. ilJciommanitirassupplimantairas: .vWiere are some creases in the middle 6f pages. Thisitainisfiknadattharidue^ratilrtfiackMbalow/^ "^-- <*t Ca doculmant (Ht filnii au ttux da reduction in^qui cindassous. 10X ux ityV — -^»»- -^•x^ ^OJ^ IS it m 12X 16X aox 24X 28X 32X '^m th« oopy fllm«d h«r« hM b(Mn r«pro- L'axamplairo fllm4 fut raproduit grAeo k la ginAroalt* da: ' -:. /. Motropolltan Toronto Rafaranca Library Jafdwin Room ^^ . Laaimagaa auh^antaa ont 4t4 raprodultaa avao la plua grbnd aoln. oompta tanu da la eonditlon at da la na«tat4 da I'axamplaira film*, it •» eonformit* avie iaa eondltlona du oontrat da "flliViago. . ' Laa axamplalraa origlnauK dont la couvartura §n- papiar ast Imprimia aont fllm«a m oommafft^ant par la pramlar plat at mn tarminant aoit par la darnlAra paga qui oomporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'llluatratlon. aoit par la taoond plat, aalon lo caa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originauK aont filmto on oomman^ant par la pramMro paga qui oon^porto una amprainta d'impraaaiop ou d'llluallration at an tarminant par ladarnl«^il' ampra|nta illia qui oomporto uno tallo Un daa aymbolaa aulyanta'appariftra au'r la ^ - dwnlkf imaga da ehaqua microifloha. talon la . oat: la tymbola^-^ algnlfia "A 8UIVRE", la tymboia ▼ algnlflia "PINr.. .-■ ■■■;■-• ^ ■■'.•■■ ■■■' ■\ •;" ■^■'■^■■- Lat oartaa. planohaa, tablaaux. oco.. piauvant Atra film^t) daa tauxda/Muotlon diffArantt. Loraqua la dooumant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an unaaul oliohirll aat flim4 A partir da i'anglaaupAriaur gauoha. do gaucha * droita. at da haut an bat, an prariant la nombra - d'imagat n«eattaira. LM oilgrammaa auivanta iliuatrant la mAthodO. ^ > ;.■ • 6 T MMumoN ran quir (ANSI and ISO TtST CHART No. 2) I.U iS" — • !?* 1.1 1.^ ■ .V II 1:25 ■ 1.4 n^s^iii^^ nlli 1.6 y /1PPLIED HS/HGE he 1633 Eoit Main Slraat ^ RochMtar, Nm> Yock 14009 USA (716) 4M- 0300- Phon. (7i#) jae - saw - fa i / i •t'-V "' :% W3 fr^%. "i *. n ■^•HfiT-n rf 4 I i ^ V t^ m -■ 4-. . v^ ,--- ^^o^-^. C -«^ ,c. A^ > 3P^- C^vO UH^ rj v' •I**'**' -.•»**«''^ S. ^c*/ *- » i4l*-rs»-*.- f -1 i !" ^ '^ ti 1^' ' J '•«, ►*V•^ »'>7l,*„ JS .«>Vf i^|u» .V-- -4 4i ,*' /■ \ « 'I M ■ / ".' V l,-. .. \; I C C. 1'. J- i '■■*. 1 »•- I.... • ■■. 4. ''■-■ > y'- '■"■ "■■■■:* , _. ^..;U-.-- - I.; r. ►I J. '■;:-..'"t- - ■.■*-:■ ■ > ■. '. - -■ , ■ , ■ :■ . ^ T..,, /V.. J,^ . ^ ■'■ s" ' . ' \ I' ■ ■'■■'■ .' "■:*■.'. . ' ■»-■ t i, ■ . |fc;\ \ ■ « ' -rl**»;' ■ ^ •■ ' • •^ BJg-fc^* ^-- '\ ■ 7^ V : r-'X^ /■--,• ■: ■ ■ ■ \ ■ ::.:/:::^, * ^^^^^^M ,-^H ■ \ ■ / . . . . jT' . • . . f»«'" ■ ■ •'.•'■*"»'. T,* ■ , ',' •♦- - ■■ • ■ . • 7).' ....' ,. ^ X ■ ■ ■» : .''ft ;'« ,\ \ .. — .i. • \. >»V • ^; - c t . • ■ .' t; ■ \ ;■; tr. ■ ■'. ■U ►? h r ■ :* ■.- "■/ "» .)P >i i; ■ i ■ ' (,'*'->'' 1^5* •'// ■'/.. ir^- t'-Jf^V •s 'f-w. :t;~ - 'if. :>i. 4- i.'. i PI '^T f#^i LIFE AND CONFESSION OF SOPHIA. HAMILTON, TRiki), CONVICTED, AND SENTENCED TO BE HUNG, AT PREDERICKTON/ON THE Sili DAY OE APRIL, H45, ' ''. / ■ . ri)lt 1HR PERPETRATION 0|i' THE MOjJT SMOCKING MURDERS AND DARING ROBBKRIE8 PERHAPS Rf^tORDED IN THE . ANNALS OF CI^IME. CAHMTUM.T •ICLKCTKU KT IMK AUtUOR, ' *. -^ ' \VU;UAM H. JA<'K^ON . ■ r • * FilED JvUlCKtON» 1^.0, !■>:•■■ n: 1S45. t;^ "•^*, * 1 •^ ! -'• . ." :" •' ' « ^ ■ • • * ■ ^ 1 ■ _* ■ _ X /T ^ ^^J -..^..-U-..^ SA^S&'jwl.g^. ^1^.. .^iarf: •„..;..-^-^.,.,. . t.*;payj:,.tii.ln..T-?i,;. ^^^ w.'y.-^BOK ^^^^ ^7^^^--?*^^^*^=^^ ^~?1?^^ ( r^ BiSlH wiHi HnMiMHHi^MNMM iHn^Hi HPffffiBSEwl t^HHl^ ** \ /!)l>> :\\/.n'')iV/'r':\ *■».' /Y ! 1 l> '■il •' /..-hi -i t)'1 .»■ » I * / PREFACE. As dliobeilicnco in youih loo frrqurnlly hfcomc« iho Eirciil of mi/>lortiiiio wlicn ndiiits, iherefoic H it hojHjjl llid liowing pugca, when reud nnil r^'flccled over, will l»e a valunhlc leifon to^ouih, as well us lo some unlliiiiking parents, who consider ihc expo8uro\<«f die lives of fiicn people iniher on fnjury; than a bfnefino moralii.y. But if such, if nny there, lie, would fiist cast their c^^'eg aiound, and behold the depravity of cily life, which principally furnish the gaol, the ulms-hoiise, aird peni- tentiary, there is only one question necessary l(» ask themselves, h order to satisfy every doubt, nnJ thnl isi Were those victims born in the city or in the couiilrVf and the answer will be that flmr-fifihs arc of coufitrr education, and it is as reasonable as mtonKlay, as tlieir eyes weie kept dark to the depravity of the world an^ii they got entangled in il> unmerciful grasp. Hence l^t ' lUio inariiter have his compass ns well as his quadrnni;^ that he may steer during the liighl, when there is^ sun. • • '. '. ■'■ i # J--' s J • I' ■ 1 * '■ ' 1 ( I •.< /■• 1 ■'I ,:■' Enteied nccorv iho fluhJActi of this nainuive» nnd that to6 In iho niuUt of o liijjiily civiliacd and Clrri«liun com- ^umlyi deeds t<»p, \\-|iich, forilio dcoruviiy of cvoiy hurtian feeling, i^t'm acprcely to havo found a parallel jii nife aurt'aU of cn>e. And it ^ecraa doubly slnickina and alYocibus \Vliefi \ve find lliem perpctiatchia Hamilton, tho aubject of this very intercAtirija; riarrotive. We deem it not unimponnnt la giveabridrnccouni ofher pnrentoge, in order thai «ir riui^erous r^acler^ may sceVthcsouice from which she i^rung J as also the iuestimablo iaiid intrinsic value of e .^. gpral education in youth, wbith i^ a gem of imperisba^ ^^>Ble, value, the fods of wliicb mnnv liav^ had to deplore, when p^rbaps^ioo kie. The i>ublic may depend Mtilbe * '^W >*: 'W!!?'?^ ^t^ rvBuuL \u Brisiol. Eng and ; he J.a6di.VVhiehhebelc^^^^ ^^^PS^ll Ji^iucb iiT»rtn his aged father, that he became 1 1, and it ^^^%!t^^t^^^ nichard W ihPn tutmri^ ih^ age. of twohiAr-fivf. and seemed so ffijbyi^e deaifi of his fUtlier, that he pfojmsed. SL^ of c^4u^, «i I ¥^"J<^.^^ »»^ ;S Vtief in the D^uggiat btfsinesnbut this ^yas^i^ aKy. ft>r »u a sh4irt tinie he sought every species of yic^ m xvickedness,wlnch the depravity of »»"«>»" "f*";;. Mid suggest. His uwle and he dissolved, and as^hft Sail Ci.niiSeral>le.>fibc money that liis lallier bequeathed t^ him. he so..n found company to jmt his purpose, an^ b^aine endmrtred of a woman j.f>vv cnaracler^, . 8tiKci5eded In making a union with him, am^ after spcnc^ »con3idciablc of the moncy.-and seeing the iMnd^, llkelY to bc'exhdustecl. immedii^lely scrqped np t dffecAs. as she posscjssed ii Uule, properly of her ^.,- rtiii- .. .1-^.. ...«»i<.^v1 i;La mnhv oihcrs. ta emigraic. tma- ■7 liMtime «ccu,nttlatcd^meah^ xvhic^ l&ei'i country, sioire J audits the neighbojlioodm^l)^ l^^l?vey taleiiient. j»rorgrty beg m to^w^ atia'be cjiinmencfed spt^uiatin^ III paTi'i^^ as ,iw S.VU ^cVd cidiidattor/ ami bri^Jil n^ellect, lie was^ scnm^ looke.fupoii as a leading man iii the neighborhood, and f ** U ifvttjj ifioti^hjl I»R^fi|?W(J, d4 ^cll idy nw^ ^ejiitlh^ ,„„ J Ifcverii III jlnd viclrtUy, ^ht6\)! >va« AlroWglfy ^atrsfactiirti tit JWs, ris he line\V.MJird*i^k; io he at iiiab of hmiesly, artif i! \^ns ori ihts gVoiintl, arid ihe fear ,bf deteiAd ffil e*i Ppsjire' tl^i^i Jdncsc(/ea(Jed, his olrf acqaalhuiric^; fo^ ^lijl a^iirin^ualiy Iatd'hour,^dd^eirii a^ great O..M ••« ire- ifeMijd if> ffdlri aiid sntiMy hi6 d6ubts>s lo Wrrat he b«- b sUsp^igd J and ihero his fouhd ' Joubs i(¥v i?%s then ^fifidinc thai,tM^ \vas' at lef^fK «!«- %^bM. Wfed 6r Mi|rdrfii6t fo yxiibse hihifarid « the sairieiifirepffcjl-bfhifti 'fifty p6ubd^,iis he snicr^jtiiW sbVc wbuld be life itapahs bf Wririgihg his TainiTy 16 dl». WM and %l d^sfiniaticin ; artd^at thi' saftie fi/iife eni WiiV6rin|( lb liiduc^ »Wi4l^k to jjanicittite iii the 6?^ ; but Miirdlb^l^ ftailV rplbsed; saying' thai his diiiy #r JF ?'^^ ari4 Ws'aoiintoy (l)^Baide iiuci* an uideitakiW '\''lle th«n begged l^f Mnrdbtk to aWoW hi'iii a linle im * [M^! ..V honest utter man. 'ah^ A!"^3* f^^^^ r j^^8^« ^ojf , f HW' ly,' yirm agHftii^erc il,cn butyiiMn^ *r<»»*S^-^ '^' *^ ' ^ll^Sll -S£n< assuranq^ Ui"l W >^!»4Ll^*^;: J^r,^ £Wa cuJH wUjiA was fi. neccs^'^^ /"'^ ^ ^^^^ W"T "• '^^U^ thi.n acDarated. rQ8<>lved . u];Qii^^l^ IJrMurdock'i l»uW3e, av iich was, abftut iji ee sm,^, Monj •fc ff" , <• _^ ,1' «± 1irtir8?quemly, and Jis^ ^ v.- ■\ ■•N I'oro ■( , ■\ tpn„m^ bcMeyo •« ilii? yc«r 18tl|?. Tin)* r(;liv iIm> guili.v hic wHuier . or l;U*e di^p^glil ;^|>ttiii8lMit(.Mijin T'l«i|i« cndcH tlHvc»K^>ct ^]i^,f\fim\fi'iUyHl if(Mi(,ilr^ti«**!5t CMMfl man, )^Iims«> <;or tvu« ilrtil' itiiln >Yii' l«n, i^'Hl* «'ri»w own (iti(i tlMl ilt-fiilril Mmdock^ \Y|ii^J^ffl,f*iN lielfilesrt cliihloMiio u«w|» .mer iIm; i«»;^s bf l^KjinkiuJIdtlivr. ; Alicr ilie WirMilM»rJ«in.'s, hirt xviiu cnN |JB|| 9ci the J»ii^iiej>.<< • Itir «« imu I iawt Uii( , tu ^otisi ((iierico «f, Idu 4^.il)«,/or. her , V^MiiU,unt» >v,liiel«< vvjis f*i'ii(ti3flij ^,kaf(w\u{a ^\v\\y |lU:it jl niM lie \V||6 \va« tiutiirl in liio U^iu«q 1*^' Mur,«,lcK*|%, lis Ik? wr^Sf 80 mucl» ^,;M^(J,lK>ti|ly {(SgorlilKit lie.wcMii la JCti^^hud Ui »viihvB Ket9|lK«s; l^ttt it ! w^ ptMiy gqiwnilly iickiiuuMntl^i'diby d^^if! I>ea( aqqiifliM^J m ^.iie l>ei<5l»U«^i lio.>cl>— lilic |»ulilio %|ioQk,,llle li»u«ff,;»u<| .>lr«*juiiic9 was obliged 10 sell OM^, »n(J(. j0a,Y(f . jtlie , r^elgUborliniWl^ < wliicb sire ^MWirJy iniie^jlVMin AI(*nji,ffipl., ^As'.l^ ^ lM;gfii;i:to gfpvfT raMwr scMinyrshci began iilai)^ t»doe «jbp, u^ge^f |L noc^aaiiy Qf bringing ihU her' imruli««*«. into |^nAci;ue,,P>r ^lie vya9 fi Meiy pfsrsevpriiig, aibtttiiiy w^^ 4j^6lie'haxl a Yciy U^nyy ii|t,tiiily io!«up|iort, «li« ciiil<^av«4 <^^(i,l(» make litir hou^i a fi^use qf »09ort i«»r tijivelier* or. persMiiii , who wished .to ,ap qge nCs(>y«niei^Urm2^irri|ed iq afOfpiIng; imui AifWeinhn^ >|f;i8 .^i^miltiQii, a pje^p^aV^viiip^aime^ Wliolbuppeni^d- to l|e tray,f;!|(n^ in.^hataiec^ifaof 4he onuntry^we li>t;iier jn6^|^*,ftl)quseih(il«btiBpfnmcr(^f«!l82§,V ^^i^aslifs i^^ltlf w^ j[^Mi?ir.idel>I^>«ictQtfni}ned|o^ -4-'4)|t .;r ^N^ I. :.r;^} I' ■'"^Ji. •1 V y?'Wi|ipfr«>"f ■■ ,■?*<' ■ /' f. r- •tnn^flomo thUf, a« hisi»hy9icmTf recJortihicndeJtl n clinn^ ofcKinaitt. However, her iniithcrfitWlth^ Mr. HiirrtiUiit^ to posses* bonsideralWe iiiimev nn«» n1y ngfeeabfcs' hSiikmjfe; <'<|"if lonnncc-, nllhoMgl* iiUhei mnscnlinc ; she wo* wry t«^*J- iMling, rtiMl eewnetl to ^iosscss a wilt.^tendcJr, ngr«^nbw iiipoMiHin ; nl tht^aaifie time »mr iriother \\i)i8 eiteroWiri^ ai fier ttii and !nfl4ieiice trt iiklud** Mm: Hrt iv*ft8 Vint w*T9^^ y The fi)IUiwiiis year he reMin^dd, m Klnfg*Unv,i«Mfi|f tvilh hir»ihi8tviiK ami settled dehvnhbotil fen mites Jro*fi ihet city; and iheie set upk luveiii, trhicHwaeur^ liable . to bis wife, as bcr moihertaiiglrt^bci' tlte'.art ^ijf sublle dfew -/fl0 Imd not been long' mhVrit»l1,'»fs maybe 's^i^ »mik he tbuiKl omfrhirielilcliiffrftctt'r erf' fife wift', whtete preywl so lAwcb 'ii|»**i "his^«6!i*iibi*fon, that His hrtilifi began to tle<}litie rapidly, 'rttKKai the! ^id'ftftvt'Vi^if;*^^ httidittdv leavirigawidouttbAiiri i/irtetefcn y^j^rfrtld. Hi* dcatbwas not *o much giiel'trf her as was stipfk.sed by those who ileuH fmt sympaibjrtowards her, as the 1*0'^ ierHbeaiied but dkeiviwl people thoiigUf.slic hei^f^^ foridisiartt iVom- bdrreltttiv«isH,ir iltirlrtta iiHy 6liVev«)lr none wero ever, seen vlhitln^ her since (hty'moved iheiei ^istit has «inc« bd from th<< feflS^cti^ jk'VHjfson x^Wdv khe' gii^'* \^m; I k-oughi the tt6fei« givli Whotiii she ktfjn tf s cciok; tak*j ing c: rs lest suspicion rri'^t oc'^uf flirieflii^^diHrtih ahd dnexsimlnaUoii fdlw'pbi<*ej t\(M'\i niigbt*:lpj^fea> W AiUiako ortliBougli (heiigrtofanfcb W thtt UlitfeJhtfe Welgrb. TWiif ahe dkl, tbiiikrng^ 'un di^Wht, th^t If Alio wa^' blesir o^ ^hini, i^>tu» hcaUhHS« untd \^tiehutii^, sh«6diilU ffiehCttrty qiit tny |»bn site tiiiglit dfeVlae llVr' thd^fatiti^ijupii oir H^ ^ropctwUies y ibrvshft was' very ^eii^ttdl M IjH plfiasttrei a^trtl'illv incaptibWbr apprt-fiatrrig that higb'-toiii^«l ft^P - ingj jfind the '9«5llinsiipec*t ainh'^ifiifem^t wincli'j islKmId tvei^the female, sex. She was almost indificrent to ■_■ ■ rote rble tifew * ■ ■'-. -•/ «ny prjncinlfl of jt^itic^; ai ^{t iiv. hun^iin )$64l&Hhff« vj ffiirrp .lirUJu: < , Alicr living Yn ihU manner Wlbred y<|ars after ihd irig her visiirtrs anything, In tlic courfeerof one J-ear lier liousc was the /firinci pie retort Irt the viUnge-^sO' ihrff rl yi'aa 'n\E5cc$sai/y to employ a nrctiy. smart 'l*a»-keept'rilor flne'wbo woiihl, be capable ot sujieilaiindilg ih^^geiieral b'^iiness J ihereKire, slie hiired ayouhgmaiH whofee rmlnci ^ai Brown; ji native ^f Maie vety ^itmlde as well as admired, tthlil at le«j|lh fi6 lefi-r^iiit drhim wcT \vill speak in Jahothf*f 1»age." At this tfmt *>«'* sinews scem< d to be very 'piflspeiwis,' stKthai k At*^* rtoili^ frtg reiiiarkablel for youn^ liieii of eveVy ranW, Slainnf and rfgt) to vi*it her li(»tise ; be$tde^, «he being a youtig fifnd ftiscinai'mg wiil6\y, havhij^ the w»te f^fitpfinfeibillhy of'tt /larjge and jirosperous looking cfstaMisbment, it was; WO iiriial! indnc^metit in^youii^imen Svhfo admired aft erti*»r-^ j^Hmhg paririrr. ' H^ sh^' -ttiiihaged : ntattt*!^ nk^to A^iiney! '^he 'sdon got arobnd'lier'a ^ang' of ruftitma \vf»tf fere t»ei feet lyobe*&nitoh^r Will, ffridK^^^ \ * „^^ ^ i *■'' .^•' i ihing he hml ^Mii»»>m. Aye ate »'^n^i' .^%w^^^ ^*«SrX cruel aiidtowlc«s gang «ipnu the ^^ tavW« Plemv of monev to carry oi^ ihrir gnmbhng . but ISn^^lS were Spelled U> cUr «ul ^ a«sa^«»*»«n lion and oiber drMnken PH'/WS* i' r.„,„ o.«d f« about ibree wpibft alier. ^w« f "»^«">^"{^"'i ^,"5 bee. pn their way to F«^eriqktj>n..b»in'enea y^^^ hS bouse. The travel ing being* vny had, in conse, \^;o^S^ liivy ip^ A ^Hieb rnude It, W^^ Slberfor wheeling or ^4*^^»»^3^ i;"?*^ "^^ AVflK»aav' After xaJllntf k^rtbniK'f owl ma King sow 22l &lon Markets, '.^bivbui once indicated their busi- I««s^d in aUpfob,nbiUtycp»tiheav their bves,^ they^ dJK.a gratilyiii^ir W^ig* bv il^ ^'^^nd C.^ 3 hpei#ss; ami a^ IvS wJuse4 weuyli.e■ el % ler. but / »^fr^ "jiirhiirli lofl h'rm p^^ffctly 9tiibiit ; Ilit^« slie krrit (h«liii ' iiii^H (llkiiit rit(lit nu'lficli Avc find a drt.uf ofibis nbhK)iell,*unprt*crdebl^(| out^ fii/Wi' 'jS«»(ibn Iier6cir|iie«t*^t n fmV ^rtrnute« tillet tbil niiifder \vas cominiued, aatt was of courise ^tnt* ' l^lovtid i^ fleuicbiiig and diN^iding ttib npJil. bf wbicK ho doubt $ho clt^bncd a jKrcriy gooti ibnrc. We are in*- |fbrmevti«iil^ in the last inoinen^ 6l \ih eatihlv fxi^tehce, cxpi'ctiugiii yfew ni(>incnts tii meet bis (*oJ in judgii^ciii, tlwt be Waal perlocliy inno- ciiit of the crime for which be was^tlmut to die~-but still dckiiniw'edged beingguiliy orBlher mur'fiers oft hff bbrcKi •6st shade. Ho then begged a littje time, as he •wished to acknowledge tiillie World somd o| the ciimes of which lie was guilty; He theo prcKc^ed us tiiilQws: ; " l^as born near Cstliiis, in ilig year 1^16; of jnorali fionest and industiiouis parents, who iyere 'kind, tender, iliid lovinf tnylftther*s contrary disji^siiion, ujiielvl ibonglu I bud |(nucli leason to conmluhi of; bjitridas ! to my sorrow^ I iliic'c became seusitik of my^tmvr. but loo late, iMub for Iff rtf r/Asris'-Stf £ s "^ ' rr. « nil aiinn ticcaino one ollhe mosi uiic hum ifAl compuny, p lU •f'<^'» .'^f^"^ ■ ,^ ihis manner 1 roN^a the aaiw who Uid aiipUirucvon o'^'^' f * "'* , "» " u3 ■ ^^ ■ '-7' m'v" Sins ;8iow 1 ••«'"*;' •"y,""!'E!;. ',". .S g !i?^;^ , lienor .*«.r;^^ »-;^-''^?e^^^^ ^V «.|i>o. .l.»l t was ..ol NvlK.t ^P''■-'-M<^^:'. "'-J 8 ; E,n,. iWauje, .li««siae wore l«tkMa m my naml.. I \ vX- 4r tfwu |)»Mi^i4yli.v, I «^«l w»« I |iHifu.J<»ltl lirr \%.ii>i$t., 'J!|iU slid HHlty if(u9f*(l, »a\iiig tt .tlmfKimvliMifN Miat i*lio \v«MgMii Id LI y «mt iiir ^fflp,, \v|iicli «»fi;rn^ei| ine.Uult I aiuglit ii|» u luwel whicli.WMrt.liuuuiug ill lii^ rnt»ii), i>U(liiif(/ loliirct! it rnib j^«^j j^imih. ♦*?li4|,rif«^iii0i|.vtiili j^ll Im«^. luigUl. 1 Oieii tyymvil it iirnuiAt,! Jier .jifckit cli'^kiui! Iier u^iil fli*lieilwy lidliislipqrfMiw, nriJ ku'iwiiig lli.;}^ U'rt|ie;fli.;uU|iHJci»yir.*«liu \v4uiM; iiniiirdiH %\f\y i^l¥MG me. I , i)iprv|m«;Ii|;1 coii^.iirimi»|e(l,l»y/ lying, la |MMkeii liiiiMlk«ixhi«'l' ^f,^fii|ul ||iTiiwl>/fo (is[lu i|a l«» iinnviiLilu; jmsiiJIilliiy «il* ^er, hrnailiiuii. l Uifu (t^lji lirr^ iiiul. iinakiiig in v wiiy Umicrctrivrd, tkul l*niii,iHA;iiy,.,,' Alieir i;|ml» rny il'ii«(ii>e»- tj«Hl,lM•;(:illl^•, ,); |^iii;fi|^lf, iiHtru' ivall lli" iHiicruuss Mraugiiisli, iiivi'jiiy V(>ry sumI Wii4 VtMHVKU'd t«ir yruifl* as ihiMigli 1 fell ihu \v|:i|h ijl* Qif^ iim) iht* lorintijle iilV liffll, i'w'ndd lliid iiHimeiM, il* i h mI tluii «j|H»ie<', HijHi»r iMTt^iity luoilid deal lis, ^mcIj n/t she did. Misui ajijulu enter iMtm Uie Irk*; ifeUiig:^ ujiivh ,1 Imve piHcu suHered— hut I (iimIm'UI to bo roUa^ed. ,B,iii iryuu wlfo lieur ine ctuld ml .coru^eive tli^ ^liglnrstidcjiMdilitiBMlliTiiigs njy [Mior Hira i t re»U» you \v(»u Id, ,m, lUnt |»i, lonk oo n|o w it U | li iiy ii nd npL witli drir; .bqi J.linpe my df»*ili;.\v.tll be an esam- ile IQ tjiu% >vbo finiivi.ve in»', inn I aiu saii^Hed to lavfi tlji3 world ;.aud: Ido^rve iljerat^|liuta\vrtit«iTte4? Brown then faheretl ba^k, (iiimieJi m«d «iient, and .^n h 111 t ^4s murilered on the if^il diy v)" June, 1830, as whs as-* ctifftaii^d by Biowirs picvif>ue coiilifssjon, while in pri* iOiijjiivaitiiig Mie^day niNexecurioii, vnd lioiji her dear ■ ' . (■ ^.„.,.*(- . .\ \\- \ . It 1 ,L-. bI' «.lu ?^m,Hli»..V^HH..Uy nl this II..K. I..hl "mbplj^ bi, o„nn.i»W.I hv .««* «»i -'Hi. f^mlrr >-*.. «•«« "^;^- iS;v nl ; lH.io|-7»MiAv« will ^penk thm iMopcr vluce. and i;..a.io,mbk. lM»u«e limn il.« .hJc >Ih} ^^^^^^^^ S.i. lu the .«>.nl. ..f Ap.il. 1911. a gentlem^u ho..«., mul pul iip ior iIhj night, ns lie >...« on .U .^o| iiniHc river, where Ik> IhkI eonneeliim wilh n saw ml. SCet^Sellhot he hud ^^^^!^. ^^^-^ ^ him ; t:,r slie i^liU made a praeut^ i^f .inauir...g h^ buji. ,«„« and ciciimsuincea ol'truveller;*, u, «^ ler lo hnd t m^ obiecicriier de*irei' Whili Be Was «l .l>'*^'»»**-»»'' f/g^ SlJhind hi.i. ami plungecr ni.rge k«.1e »»»r.H.«hijU back ; he lell, screaming tt^r some ^"^'^''l^^ expiri.1. Twoollierctms had attc^j ifcThev rolilied him wi »vbw, »»« ~."" -. , j'. _, -^li " wbnrf and direw il overb^rd. uiihchiog a^l«r^« ^^^ to \i la pievent it iVom liiin^. He wsis. » ♦^ ;'j*;^^'> . kiiHl. ch^rilaWe. an.1 good-heoiied ftian. revested anil^t<^ gpeeied'by all \vli«» kne^' him. . -^^^ .u *.4ihA.ii Irfi ■ Wliile things Aveie going on in thistle ^'^J;"^^^^ lcrrupti.m. dining the c«"r*e>f lire enSjn.jg yean n^^^^ Booth CaioUna. on hU NVtiy W QuelH^c. sloppe.^"^ ^^ iMHise ; she linmd ihut K^ had meney; os 8}ite ^jf^ coursed Avilh iiim on ihd »lave trade, tend findmg that h* 9 ' *'.,.y?r^"* '^^ :..L, ■ 'WW hiiiMolfwat cngngpd in iho truffic of ilaveii, tbo itnmedir o^ely rctolved Una ho rIiouIU neyer tell niiv niore. 6h« \mh put litin 1(1 ateep iti a room leiMinitr fmni tbo main pai t tif (lit) IxfMSo, urKi wiih two n(.\inr as«ociii(cii cnlnrcU \he ninm by;^ secret (Vilinfle, f^liicli they bud fixod 6r ■uch purnt'to^t ttiiu ono (fr'iTiem cut liia throat from ,car to car, wfiitu tlic olhttri heUl him in Iho bod } l|)cy )hcn robbed him ofSiOOO, toaethcr \vilh a valuable gnUI watch worth $130., The body wos aAorwards burif'd initio tk)j^r, wliojra I'Ml'^omuintWeife deposited without a nionumeht to record (hat. hd onco existed. Sooni aj^^r inisi iho^fuelly niurdcrcd a boy, twelve ycara of am, y^hom the ^d in llje lingse ijn tlio capacity of WQ.iicr or f^rvnot. bfscauie he accidentally saw them fcci^ting ti;ie body of the murdered in,i|n/ ana had ^tiid,\Vl^cii he wof ^ ooe day atigiy,* that he w<^u|d inform of them ; but she . litplved, b'ko the niraief. that the deod should tell no fa1c8^^e.order^d him down.tb the pcltiir to ifgul^to jlomelhiii^, and joltowed hin^K with a large knife f while he was sTov^r,|»ndj .^bre\v J^tf^^)^^^^ body / apion^ tno skeletons. ; ,". ' . • , I'his inhiinian aifid prjudt ranrdrr.ofiho unoflcnding 1, and faitl^ful domestic, IS the only instance of her dis^ti- / '■ ibresiea crueUvt, since tlie niurderof her biisbnnd ond^ cbdd ; for.>Yo piidt that the love of money seemed to be .die sole ojijoc^ 0^ hcpst, and by iifduigpnce arrived to tii|ature age ; so that ivi place of being un ornarnent to ^ ii^ry honored , sexn , she became a scou rgo to (» i^ jelloinr c/reatures, as >ye find by the confession of her associates ^ jjpI gailt, a^' well af ; from bpr owp confession. / , * "■ [About the middle of J'une, 1844, she mur.dered an I Ij^jishmap^ who was in the sjnMgglipg business (<)r some t$^ previOMS,! and who , was in tbe habit of putting im fl^t her hovsc) it being convenient to the steamboiit wharf; iiut of bjs deailh j^e b^v^^ other account, than that ^.^l^ich we cottect frpcift ber confession, which will |ie f'; I V. ' '. »• % -■■i* ■Win;, Wul p».»p ^?'l^.S;i..TouWlf.>v<.»init. 'alHiii Iho «ia .•ouj.trj. »• '''*^rJl 4 nSle.I lnlh*V. .:l.-..; .„,.„ ..vnP..i 111* 8ara« in retu^^ tl.^ iiv-y f P^*^ »'*^^ KSrd of the dehib of iie^ :*nother, vvho haxl 'e^g||^ 'Suaden and unii.t.eTy %c^ai9 before ",^V ^'"^fiffl^mSffifi noiliffiiril for inany ' Sealhof her brpiti»T, o!l^KliT^a"^ ahnt m King- years, whoso naineNvafi^M|^e8.™^ ^ finat(viol..tunijB;angof ^^^^^^ **!CT °?^^^^^ I'M^* ion- iind itil am0 ji of I lion, iiKer, vhbra nee (p ruipilVf r\mtB -flioh,l«r of horieA (hut flto» .Ion, orul for whicli l>^Mf%iA <^ cootiUefiihle lum of .money fdr kii iii^i11|My jil | Iiil|( ttu; otnccrs' (|uaf* i>i;tho vetorpnA, on%H(|i|[^>lfcp«u(, wIki gavo itiu altinn (p tilM giinfil* jllli JonewC- oo liranfig iliOi alarm ^ivcn» mountQil i4ril|PHie« an^ itaite«J oQ'at fuit •peed, wiili th|D guan^^n TuU purautl^ «uiti alihout^h ihey \vero on liiot, (bQ;|i;.kan\v tlie rowl iHUter thun hn UmIv tor he kiUctl ih^ ^)rie, which h« ruui, but ^ere of a perverse ^nd cr'Uel di8|H)sition, ai^d seeuu;! to i. set no value on the lives of theix ieUow beings; and •atmnge, tltoagh trae, thatj those who purchase prpix-ity at anch a 8acrifi(;e, «eld<»ra know how to take car4) at' it, and lowever much they may have, soeoi to Uiirst fkn tnor<^ l^'Her tlie newcf ^^^ death of Iter brotlier, ^o|i^iiu bo- if p«t|l|||le, mofc buibnrOQs and cruel (httn bt'liire. ^how kerned to take no (leligbi wbatevec in aqy thing Ibut; acts of the, most bUod-thitaty and inliuniari noiuro. Motbiug now sceme()U8 M :<}riines they had for, a long time time com m,Ul^'d, and tliius, far without detection. , , 'rj riTlr.fJdllie had anew gang of associatcst wlio w^^npi;:<|iH(« S: T ^^ Ol w m t , >rl of ihe boantifta Nb^^ "^ w»«lraveJling in dmt •Uy acq»i„tenFe.f .«?.SdT "fr&tK^^^ liM some intefcoui^A »iiB» k- « a "Jona, wim whom be .tonge that he mm:^lt^^^^^ tieraan stopped there • hTtW- .• ? .** "° ^"^'^ «««- ihc said Z'Wverrw^ !t^?,^ r^ ^ a letterfmm hifwtfe^n t£V?ft^""^'^ ; dissatisfaid dontestio as to whiil waa kept in the cellar* Slie sh^ok her head; and sat^ abd dare not tell. They ;then jM^roised to give her % handsome reward if she would only tell them, but hen mistress coming in ' at the mom)ili?|9l>;^cq0ripp;^iio(l ^oipV of ,th^ ji; ■ nejghbKp^ft lUom ,P9y,flrty ; %q, opHWn9e, ff id^ jvy^?,^^ ; oiWi; fi^rcMm?^m«ai.?»piWnf ^^\c)} L afn/fipmp^lljedi il?, owt- .^»t it! IPM> iftffifcsjlrag^uj tliQ ^e^dqritp.sl^le, QM mofp circujHpnpe, ^y^\ii^<» I^»a,eye wunes% ^pft, ajifi.pxdiottiMI'wbich jp^r^RwMr, ^ ^ 8f^;|i<|r; in QxA^T XQ Wpak t^Jj^r ff»;«9nie,if Pon?nlj (if^^tr-. t^fs qpiipeqiQcJ, with tef prpyi9!U9,,qp^^e qf li!^- . . Vg"^^ reaclied the prison, the jailor told ine that he coula.flqJ| jppsfi W V. ^dmilJpe {\iu\^ %♦ if* i!?!eing ^PP%yri ^.9T^?i«>^ ^Vc^^^^lne«i w t^e(,dty.PJ?%n?QWgf wh^^ftiT-T^ 9p, vi^it )ier, thgip^all i^fi pthe?; pijp^nr ^s.toffettj^i'. )H9>y^,yet»the BWSiiY* .irpP 499^- j«a^ ,MJ?T/ Mt^^T mi\ ; swut^ ppc}n,,.an4 ve , or^ceeded; along- A^ 4ark;ljgtih whi(f>^.^^i:j itea^.qr^ljbpt* ^^.it toypij^d. v^ ijo'y c^e4(a,89i[i^iM)n easier, ipit^iH^d ^hain dl^acubed j ai»4, PI i^ngtb^we ji^^ed ^,^»aijgfrpf edU, ^ndj immqdia-. t^ly the ,turn)feyr as.he is ^geijer^llycajled, Mnhpljed , if^> ^4 tpUmp tp walk ip>, lAad a?. I^fpppdpiysejf, inside a. pt'^jpnqeU (or the first limdjih my,i\fe, 1 pV,9whM. ^^[ ?^ \ya$ eitt^er tp.^ark 't|p,§^e, .pr, else my. .fiighl bf eanvf ^m qv^, apprpajchipg thp , spenp (qff i^of^r \ybicb f ^4 erect ber fi^^e inei and be£Qi;e I cdjifld < recoYer, , I "waa pc^osteijl liy h^l^trbngister^ vpicpt^>sb9 ^id;,.** Is tba,t y^u, Mr^- ^^k^pp— rdo you want ^0, ^pea^ witt me^*, ,1 atttswerp4 in, theaffirJaiativej^ Sl^e thp^iBaid,. j " SS49wn." But the plac^ v^as syspaati that, t tPuW hardly turn af ound. .r' T-/~ WVWf'^ft -v. rtbn« dibady disitiJf* IJ5t mwy #ijc! coold liKVi^^E STwdHfl^^^J^i^^^^^^^^ Wdrtiem;: bni Hot' ^&^^^!^^^ *^^ bite feV^ ffil^[& ^^^ *^^ flt8 ' had' ft %!e id^ ■*♦ ,^ f"? > 'r?¥^ » •weariuff in t moit borrible mtimefi andt attempting to destroy every thing witlin her rtach. JBo strong waa ilie in those fltrofnivinf^, that it ^as wubdiMUjI three men were abW to tie heron ber hMi pheiir' ed to be in great agony and |ii|p until shfl died. --.^ Omie houri nefore nier death sbft was tisited by |l mimi E of the MethodUt Churcbj to iil^ch she mto^^^ "^ tf|«4. He endeavored !• cmmoI^ 4ttd leefMidle hkK ^ing hrtrlbat thei#, lifii]^ hojie, itsh^! Would only Sit and'i^nowV»dg«hllie^ia^t whicbsbe had coni- Sb^got a liliw consoled; And mnlessed the 1^ as near as we dboUi Imoi^ from the/ minister*! 1 memo^t who^wttt itiOch a^<^ 9h beholding i-'.'y-V" ,:-•■' ■A'WiM-;,'"?, .4'" • J-;-.,, tin; i;- ; ,■• ''9^') if- .y;rt'i:: j!!^/ ii 1 f^ t' !i;vt:i-:i/L».% •I ev'. y it d t »> ■■•:>i.) .'; 1 ■tit;-!.' ', !, ^■!tr.i';;ri-r(''ifi^. ^3^R^J5 niivn;— rani-: '^ ■ ■-;• • ■■ .. • . ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■. ' . " ■ , * *► ( . j^^^ ih'SiiiSS^'iiiliiite^i 1 ?ir ^fe 4 1 ■ / A . __M« «¥9»^f! i ..h-' ■■■■.V,, \ I was born in the year 18U, coi/venient to Woodstock, in, the province of New Brunswick. % parents emigrated from Ene- land a short time previous to my b/rth, and I am happy to sAy that my mother is dead, so that she w6li»t feel the mortification of hear- ing or knpwinglof my untimely/and ill-fated end, for she wasSft early life, doonaelT to drink dee^of the galling cup of bitter sorrlW. She was questioned by the mijiister. as to wlat she bad reference to. She replied. I mcaii my iM-fated father, who lost his life when 1 was about eight years old, /n.attempting to take that of another, whose iianle was JWurdock.7 My father kifledMurdock, add was mms^lf immediat<«y devoun^d by a large dog which belonged to OteJioose of Murdock. Soon after my fether-i death, my poor mother, (with a large family, and the sole charge and responsibili- •;fffi^«»Sti / ly of a. l«rg«i«|laWi«h»«l. Md iwH bwhg ^il»»M wlih puWitJ licL iog«t»i'r. with Ibe* diigwwful tuciim of i|iy rafther •, d^ptMi V«t cJiiip.lM \»mA\ out* Md Iwve ihat aKMun of »Je.cou6Uy,, which «ha did.!in 1883, two yMM aftar my faihera d«aih. Bhj 4bao moved, uhmff wMh her tho..^hoU fcwiy , lo auaboc, aUtpMa. there, md M»»g •'; difficult to maintaia a l«r|a Amily, alio, thaa Moved up the St. Uwrenca f iv«r, and aattM (V>wiv about eigWe«» . miles froin Moi>ire«a, where I lived with hef.uptiU b«»aine,aighr»r taop yekM old, whtaft I waa, married to MA Haroiljoo, iplthe yeM 1830 About tan roonihi nftef my mttrtlnge. Ijnote* rwitjr »y. iSand to hia native plaqe, .wiiioh waa about tea mi|f a kom King-^ uT U.C., where I, during the fi«ai year, enjj^yed the Jiaopeaipor-i lioi! of my n«t""«l >»''•• ButIa()oo began to diawma.A»rk8h«da! « hi» couiJlenawe. ca&awlby jwibuayraa if toaigoify ihathe^w aorrv that h* ever beheld m. My mortiecaiion pnbeboWing «,; and lialening to iholtojunlingiand ane^iin? of bia r^Utiyea, with, which 1 WAS 8ituat«d, waa greali »ly wltttfy and- iMUncholy aontemplations were much aaaie? imagiood iBiP, doecnhwU bomg attalone, wiihoutioneuuatworiby friend to corwk, my woundedi faaliiiga. Thereftwo I wa* leftall alone tpcon>r aduSn, 1 at onceiewWwIto t*iich «h«m ji Ifwonon the lattwj ^--SLe then attempted io jump up, but iraa unable) . ^oon after! found his liealthhegUi^g to decline, jn l^naequM^^ tio fever which aei»ed him- I tbonght it waa ft gopd pppPfW^y- td put an end tarty melancNy lij^ J >«* »!" ' i^ ^ '^"'v'PS nyaelf deeper in the pit of mia^ry. I poiioned h'^ >j5«'> «*.^ W^rs and eiglit montha married to bim.to fme my«elf from tft% t^k inoideni to a protracted iline*., The poison I iirtminj«ter*4 tAhim through my tiegro.pook, and ih three montha atlefi 1 atraw^ •led 10 death my firaloffiipnng, which wa« the only chtld that nan ture ; ever fUrowhedi ma, with. , 1 ' that Cfver mwnoraWe, year an^ day; to it I will seal n.yr«blu deaib, ih»t h nmym* wnmlug to iboM tniorinc: on ibe^poib of life, ihni ilMf* my •upprvM ibo hnnwn ptwioM. and uniit iht aitong holiJt oP AHMH who waa Bfjr daily companion through life. She wa« »Hiv intamipiod by the good and m4ek pfertoii, who iritd to coo'^ IS i'V^y^ rofnIndWf bar of the paiienre M'bioh holy Job axer-^ «b«i« of the ttrmn of JodAi^ who drtmived of aalratioftt jMnttinoe mhetbiiffon fbo eroa«, for eMmple, to ebow ibattbtw WMhopM oraakotlon e»en at tUe Heventb boor, and eftuiioualv Wirnad her agninM the awful oonatiquence of dying in despair of An'Mhratlonof thei gnbd and bountiful *providence,wbo ia ev«r wiinng to^^extfend the arm of mercy to eoeb and ev«y one of nai Mweterjilackand grieroua-lookingmly be our aina. And heM M quoted lome testa of Scripture; which aeya, that He deairctli Ml ibtfdeMh of « ainnar. but miber that they live and be oonrert^ ?1l?1J '***'*'**" *'*<»'«'^«7 '««•<»»» to hope that it pleaci'd ibo AMighiy tn ntiniah her m> thia wotW. I^he then ae^mcd qnilt eioinpoi|ed and eaiy thouglh wenk. dhte went on to any, I would ftcnfell tfioiortur* and ifflkiicin with pleaaure. Hero the bwn« bM and c(M80ling iMn^m df Ond, who fell pletfaa;« in the dark ijc«Wf Of »he prilpn celk then Tcferrtid to the cro#flKir« and offlio' ttontwbieh WW ttrfured fay the primitive Chriatflfand the ii^rly iftMt%wfa6tUflr«red..'thottgh innocent; nk also the patience of the itMo^Mtnnd faarmleba, whtf aufTered in England dUiing the Refold wif - t> L }S^"'^ '° '^r •''»"• Q^'y. «"»d *e innoeeni Mfcry atwbn ors«ot», ^i'ho laid toeib*»yi>welip'| t* fivfli tonger than I now deiire^ 1 w«t ;. . / ■■ /. * .*f mm^^ , - ■. • ' •*!■ ■^^■ M p % P • ,'' ' ■ ■ ■ r 1^- ':. (< ■ if • > »> ; i i . .■■■ ^ ^ : ^ . r/ ■ . ■^ ■ /■■.,- / h . -■■ -'(*.■ N . -.'■■ ■^' r r ■ . *' • * 1 1 - ' -""■ I:- ■ . ■■ .. ■;. t 1 #^^:- •■:■'- • r . r ■■■/.. i; ■■ r. ■ >■■•.. ■ ■ / ■■■ • t .■ ** ■* :.: •■/.■■^- aleep in a rooib adapted for auch neraone. and in the night wo en- tered by menns of a slide door which was for the purpose, where wo •foond thero asleep. Each of us were armed, but we found no re- isietance ; wo soon committed them lo eternity, llieir bodies wa , buriedin the weod^house, atid found ie400. in gold, in their b«d; Mtre then divided the' spoil Their namM I nfrer knew. And, dast of alV I assisted to murder Morse, the auaker, from New Mlfbrfc. while boarding at my house, t am guilty of ten ddiberdto * iniurders with my own hands, and accessory to many more. I will not confeas any 'more^ for I do not, nor cannot expect forgiveness ; : fcri already feel the wrath of an avenging Ood searing my Soul,— foi viny^rimcs are too black, my deeds too henious, to expect to ! Wgrt in happiness with thoseinnocenl beings that leausedtoleava a , aa we fiwd Bru^n did. SSlnf r^ !' '''T?'* '* " «o liolaincefeiy hoped that tho Ifi?!^? fw*** 'T'^*''"* "^^^^'^beingamay lo ii,nplv i S«f **'*!,r'' • ^*^ '^•^'^ 'hi>; that all n.»y learn ioavS3 ieSw h^K **i *^T 'If'j' '"•"* ^^'^' mortal carfeer.'' When wS •t the Idea of pracucal religion, na'well a. the bo*u8ting. disda£. '%»' • ^ ■I- 'Sfc' aastn of NligioayiprMtnuie on tll« obikH of (lertih|>lli«ii>uu wH ftnd • oontradieiion df hit previoi^iy proCotiicd Minoiplo*. Eftn tvo«l«braicd.i^iiM. wbo flunt; the Mcred volUni»io ilift wiodi VfMlld i« CmI on ibo niMUt)r« during tlM cioio ofihia Mtihly cuA* fMgn. iHo: dMd like Judai, afllietod with (ho biUor gill of r*> moMo nnd ionroir, bat iiot^wttb irtt«>fopentan«o. Tbcrt^fur^i wo •'•hpftld trjr 10 life aa we wooM Wichtto die, or at lean with a coo* .a<9ittef «8 froo from inornl g uiltaai|xMalbli^ la order to reodei out iMKnonifnla hap pjT. .:^ iimsiivkiu n.ti i^i^'^w &cJw ,(^tir.ir<,, u'> , ^ ir^i%iving to the ip.•. ,. -■' .' , I ■ . .< ■' ■ 'I ■ •v.. •I < r- . . h ' <■ . A- ■ ' • . . f I ■* ■'■■i '■r •1 • ■ ■• /' :.. .v; I t - ■^1 ^ .: •: ? fc " ... * ' ■ .■ ■ .•.»•'■■■. 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