CiHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques I w/ 10 lues Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. 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Opposing pages with varying colouration or discolourations are filmed twice to ensure the best possible image / Les pages s'opposant ayant des colorations variables ou des d6colorations sont film6es deux fois afin d'obtenir la meilleure image possible. D r~7\ Additional comments / LkU Commenlaires suppl6menlaires: There are some creases in the middle of the pages. Copy has manuscript annotations. II y a des plis dans le milieu des pages. Cette copie a des annotations manuscrites. This Item Is filmed at «he reduction r stio checked below / C« document est film* iU taujt C« reouciion moique ci-oeaioua. lOx 14x 18X 22x 26x 30x K 12x 16x 20x 24x 28x 32x The copy filmed here hai been reproduced thanks to the generosity of: Art Gal lery of Ontario Edward P. Taylor Research Library and Archives The images appearing here are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specificationa. Original copies in printed peper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover end ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the bnck cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrsted impres- sion, and eroding on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — ^^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"). whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire filmA fut reproduit grice d la g^ntrositA de: Musee des beaux-arts de 1 'Ontario Bibliotheque de recherche et Archives Edward P. Taylor Les images suivantes ont 6tA reproduites avec le plus grand soin. compte tenu de la condition et de la nettet* de l'exemplaire film^, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de fiimage. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprim In presenting our annual catalogue of paintings by English Artists, we beg to announce that the pictures to be offered at public competition are the genuine original works and the absolute property of the Artists represented. The opportunity offered by this sale to obtain fine examples of the English School of paintings by masters whose works are continually advancing in the esteem of Art Connoisseurs, we hope will be abundantly appreciated. The copyright of all works in the collection is reserved to the respective artists unless arrangements to the contrary be made. Please keep Catalogue for use at sale, as the issue is limited. Hoping to have the honor of your patronage at the Exhibition and Sale, We are, Yours respectfully, M. HICKS & CO. ^^CATALOGUE^^ FIRST DAY^S SALE. Matcv Colors. O. RICKATSON, R3Jl, I A Rustic Bridge 2 Evening at Burnham Beeches R. T. MINSHULL, LJiJL 3 A Moorland Farm 4 A Stream from the Hills J. M. MacINTOSH, R.BJV. 5 The Pasture Stream CLAUDE HAYES, I.P.O., R.I. 6 Moonlight 7 Dunwich Suffolk 8 9 lO 12 H i6 17 i8 G. S. WALTERS, R.B JV. Off the Channel Islands At Anehor JOHN ABORN, R.B.A. A Sheep Pasture C BROOKE BRANWHITE. 1 1 On the Grampion Hills, Scotland A. W. WEEDON, R J., R.BA. Coast of Arran Hythe Common, Kent EDWIN HAYES, R.H. A., I.P.O., R.I. Entrance to Falmouth Harbour G. D. HISCOX. 15 Stoke Pogis Church JAMES MACCULLOCH, R.B.A. Ben Nevis from River Lochy Ben Cruachan from the Hills J.KNOWLES (MISS). Blossoms and Nest \ \ ©il Ipaintinos. De FLEURY. 19 Study of Rocks A. HULK. 20 Boats on the Maas 21 Boats in a Calni, Dordricht NILBS. 22 On the Ziiider Zee C BROOKE BRANWHITE. 23 On the Beach at Hastings THOMAS HUSON, R.I. 24 Kirkstone Pass J. H. HAWTHORN, 25 On the Thames WALTER FIELD, R.W.S. 26 Old EngHsh Tarmyard 27 28 6 PARKER HOGARTY, R.C.A. The Lady of the Lake An Old Gravel Pit JOHN ABORN, R.BJV. 29 Gorse and Heather G. D. HISCOX. 30 Winter in Burnham Beeches JAMES E. GRACE, R.B.A. 31 A Summer Landscape J. M. MacINTOSH, R.BJV. 32 Breezy Weather ERNEST PARTON, LP.O. 33 Evening at Newbury CHARLES STUART. 34 Sunset in a Deer Forest, Perthshire 35 A Scottish Deer Forest W. E. NORTON. 36 Shipping on the Thames <^:cr Matcv Coloi'8. ANGELO GIALLINA (COUNT). 37 Aero Corinth, Evening 38 Palio Castriza 39 Fishing Boats, Corfu A. W. AYLING, R.CA. 40 Harvest Gathering CXAUDE HAYES, I.P.O., R.I. 41 Sheep Feeding, Frosty Morning 42 Early Morning C. BROOKE BRANWHITE. 43 RedcHffe Chureh, Bristol Harbour from whence Cabot sailed, 1497 A. W. WEEDON, R.I , R.B.A. 44 Changing Pasture 45 Tittlevvorth Common, Evening 8 F. STUART RICHARDSON, R^.S. 46 Market day in the Low Country F J. KNOWLES. 47 Morning Frost Exhibited ;it the Royal Institute. EDWIN HAYES, R.H.A., I.RO., R.I. 48 Vessels Hove to for Pilot JAMES MACCULLOCH, R.B.A. 49 Loch Linhue from Appin 50 Fisherman's Hut, Loch Carran R. T. MINSHULL, L.A.A. 51 A Welsh River OCTAVUS RICKATSON, R B.A. 52 Harvest Time y ©il paintinos, J. L. PICKERING, I.P.O. 53 On the Ousc 54 A Bedford Pasture YEEND KING, R.I., R.BkA., I.P.O. 55 Lock at Woolhampton M. P. LINDNER. 56 The Coast of Wales THOMS HUSON, R J. 57 Glasmere Church CXAUDE HAYES, LP.O., R.!. 58 Sheep Feeding, Frosty Morning F. STEWART RICHARDSON. 59 A West Coast Haven ARTHUR HOPKINS,I^.W.S. 60 All Hands at tlie Capstan Exhibited at the Hoj^ai A-cade«iy. 10 i E. HOLMES, R.B.A. (deceased.) 6 1 Roadside Gossip PARKER HAGARTY, R.CA. 62 The Pool on the Common JOHN ABORN, S.W J^.S. 63 The Passing of Summer, North Wales J. AUMONIER, I.P.O. R.I. 64 Belluno, Venetia i — r i 1 J ' JAMES E. GRACE, R.B.A. 65 Autumn Twilight 1 66 Parting Day i Exhibited at the Royal Institute OCTAVUS RICKATSON, R.BA. 67 November Morning Exhibited at tiic Royal Academy. CHARLES STUART. 68 Bonny Scotland, Land of Heather - ' Exhibited at the Royal Academy. 69 Clouds and Sunshine I I >/>n\I»* i W. E. NORTON. 70 Salmon Fishing, North Devon A. W. WEEDON, R.L, R.B J^. 71 Evening- Shadows 11 I SECOND DAY'S SALK. Matcv Colors. DAVID COX. 72 An Old Windmill 73 Evening (Mow TRYTHAL ROWE, R3.A. 74 A Yorkshire Meadow 75 Canal at Newbury ^'>n