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L*ucun")bcrs P'or this, i>e s/tre, t(>-//ii;ht thou slialt hai'e eraiups P. olalocs r ar)las " Let the sl:y rain potat, Remove Plllcl of pccf '' O! luv s7oeet t'eef! ;Iical jaaHiccl 'KoiT) aloes .\ 070 Si 't the teeth, and streteh the nostri/s 7oide 'iP^- ; rt'l ', 'i't 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 tXiiT 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < < 1 1 1 < I 11 OUR FAP^ Grilled ScjuaLs, \iO\\\) \w) " ./;-(• there no younxpiK^'Oh Rrcr)cr) ]acar)s " / had rather hai'e a handful or t-i " You eannot feed eapons s /Isparaqus '' //'//(' eouies so fast in siienee of t Spring Lan-jL. \rO\Vr) (^vin " Is he a Iain/> f'' PrGi-)cl-) peas " IVaee />e to Franee !'' /I 1 Vlndoulousc " For this relief, iiiueli tha, " ./ '■eonsonnnafion' devoutly to / Game " The ^anw is up."' prairic Her) " . / sar'ofir, that may strike the dii k HrrrrrmT.- 1 1 1 1 .iii.n . . .. .'Eft l ^H^S^^^gg^g^ ■i'ilti'iii'iiJ .._ __ ,,._„,..^, ,,„,,,,,,, ^ r..,.rnrT7. ^^ :r iixxxTXitxfrxtxxxttnt \ "-#^11^: !§ s^JyaiM4^i^«4i!^ I 1 1 1 (III ••■It' •XMX-'-.'-ii-LUM.U.Ul-U-ia.'-U-'.l ' , 'J ,1 M U-- !-4r "iH ^iM ,.M" " . I .MM- JJXLLLLLLLu.■J.^I^a l^vJa4Jn^j4^^\,^l/.^!A'4■'.■'4,u^U!.u,^^^ aJSTr^ISi i ^ r^ ■sn^- gafesak^r^_ sd ScjuaLs. Will-) |ir)c herbs ' .//-(• ///(•;•(' //<> yoiinj^- />i'ji;t'(>us /" Rrcr)cr) jacans vi-ZZ/iv //^/7't' a Juuidfiil or hiW oj pcascy si of ^url^ej, v^ilH T'^'^fP^^ " Yon itvinof feed capons .sv." /Isparaqus ^v///('.v ,v^' A/.v/ /// si/eine of the iii^i^/if ."'' tg Lan-)L. \A^ill-) (^'nl Oaucc '' [s he a lanihr' PrGOcl") peas " /'v?(V he to l-'raiieel'" 7\ 1 'vlncloulousc ■' For this relief, i/i/ieh thu/zhs/'' oiiso/iiHiafioir a'e7'oiit!y to he 7oisJied.'" Gam® " 7'he ^-(Viie is tip.''' prairiG per) ■our, thiit /iiav strike the did/est nostril.''' Jalad uoDslcr " .\'^'7i', may ,L:,vod dis^estioii 7oait on appetde.'' '■'■ My hnii^j:;er's ^one." Diplon-)alic pudding. \^i>H rOarischino Oaucc " Blessed pudditi^^ I " 71 IDixcd Jelly " . /// vioner of no one ^ood tjuality.''' Ov^iss /"\crir)Qucs •' Hail kissing-conijits and sno-iO erii,\ij^oes.'^ rycapolilar) Ice L ( I t I I ' -' ^•#«f^||*;: \ ^^ 1^' 1 ■ ' I T I T t ' T I ■ I • T •_■ ■_;_ ■ ■ ■h ••JrasJf=aJn=sJn=Jr=Jns=I ur <^ompaaLj I^. 10. Boodle 6. S (9AMPBELL G. '05. F. (sAF^fKEF^ I'^EY. p. Hf^BNGH 6. I7 ('}OULD I^. <£>. bENEI^EI-^ ©. D. K.ING i { C IcAPLEIil^ (I). S. ICONEI^GAN p. (QgCmOUN, pJF?. H. CDCoIcENNAN "05. CDgLcennan F. e. CQei-^edith (9. C. (DOYSE I^BY. DF?. P.OI-^MAN p. ^AI-^I^EI-^ n. ^). r^iELLE ■(0. O. Smitih l'^. TlLLoIl. in Ihc Chcrlr. C W, yirlhy. ir) ll-)C Vice Cbai r. Rixjujiy.uiiy;£!tyiiJt5* jj i^ms^^^^MM •••#-PiW' ife^^^s^Mf iirmrtrtTrfrtTTrtilriritiJ ■ :*■ !■ [i'.dHHacj.ciacic i H ii 1 ' ' ' V .M .t..! . V .M'.!.?.?.t/ ' - ■:-#*|-* tffiBtHHHHH^HHECa . t I f I. < 1 1 f n 1 » 1 1 1. 1 » t ( 1 1 1 » t t n I « 1 1 1» I f 1 1 m 1 1 I I ' I t ( • ■ 1 ■i4 l t^g'rjar=j'i=-jr^l^fr^ ^ flJltlllJtlLAZIIlIIilNt ■ • dfc V 4fc '■ "ig r'^ r '' r' H'r^HP r^ H, H ^ f^Fr?7^^'i^ig ■ 4» . iK ' 5jU^^^iu.a,u^ui.u.., t»i in rrtit Tt 1 1 1 « I K I, F. nfSBAHATS ,« CO., I'HINTFRS