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 \ rHE (IHK A(i(). I)E IHOTT. l( 
 Caimiiii C^raiii) Cnnik lunction 
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F.iti f i.-!.'-\'iL 'mmmm::'^""^-f 
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 A X I » 
 (Immhx §xm\i Crunk Mutm 
 c^ y / ^ C> B 
 :^r Yi\ 
 MAY 1 9 m». 
 y 'Sii 

 f/ie C7u-ji(t/v\ Detroit and Canada fjrrimd Trauk Jumtwn 
 Uailroaf- Comiwinj to 0. S. (hotmhi ond Thomas 
 This Indextuici:, intide the twoiity-uiutli du;? of Septem- 
 ber, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred 
 iind fifty-nine, between The ChieagO; Detroit and Canada 
 Gran a Trunk Junction Railroad Company of the first part, 
 :ind Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski and Thomas Ualt, TruBteen 
 herinafter named, of iho second pari. 
 Wherea^i , the said The C)hieago, Detroit and Canada 
 (rrand Trunk Junctiou IJaih-oad (company has been organ* 
 ized and iucorporated under the j>rovisionsof an Actof the 
 i^egishiture of the State of Miehio-an, intituled "An Act to 
 provide for the Incorporation of Raih'oad Companies." And 
 whereas, by tlie twenty-seventh section of tlie said Act, it is 
 enacted tluit "All Companies organised under the said Act 
 " shall havcpowei'trom time to time to borrow such sums of 
 •' money as they may deem necessary for completing and 
 '* finishing or operating their Kaikoad, and to issue and dis- 
 " pose of their bonds for any amount so borrowed, for suck 
 *' sums and at such rate of interest as they may deem ad- 
 '•' visabie, and to mortgage their corporate property and 
 *' franchises to secure the payment ot any debt contracted 
 " by the (Jompany tor the purposes aforesaid, and the 
 i i 
 '• Directors of the Company may confer on fluy hoklei- of 
 " of any bond issned for money borrowed as aforesaid, the 
 " right to convert the i)rincipal due or owing thereon into 
 " fitock of said Company, at any time not exceeding twenty 
 •' years from the date of said bond, nnder such regulations 
 *' as the Company may see lit to adopt ; and such Company 
 '* may sell their bonds, either within or without this State, 
 " at such rates and prices as they may deem proper." And 
 whereas, at a special meeting of the Shareholders of the said 
 Company, held at the City oi' Detroit, on this twenty-ninth 
 day of September, called for the purpose oi' considering 
 the propriety of borrowing such sum of money as might be 
 deemed necessary for complctincr, finishing and operating 
 their Eailroad, it was rcKolvcd to borrow the sum of one 
 million and eighty-nine thousand dollars — equal to the sum 
 of two hundred and twouty-tive thousand pounds of sterling 
 money of Great Britain— to be re-paid on the first day of 
 ,luly, 1864, with interest on the same, payable meanwhile 
 at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, the said interet^t to 
 i)e paid half-yearly ; the said principal and interest to be 
 secured by the bonds of the Company, to be payable in 
 London, England, and Thomas E. Blackwcll, President of 
 the said Company, was authorized to execute a mortgage 
 of the property and franchises of the Company for securing 
 payment to the holders thereof of all bonds aiid debentures 
 issued under aaid resolution, together with interest thereon. 
 Xow, therefore, this Indenture witnesseth that the said 
 parties of the first part, in order to secure the payment of 
 the debentures and interest issued under said resolution, 
 wh':h said debentures bear even date herewith, and arc 
 countersigned by Thomas Gait, one of the parties of the 
 second part, and in consideration of the sum of fi>^c shillings 
 to them at the sealing and delivery hereof, in hand paid by 
 the said parties of the second part, the recei]>t whereof is here- 
 y holder oi' 
 foresaid, the 
 thereon into 
 iding twenty 
 ch Company 
 : this State, 
 3per." And 
 rs of the said 
 as mij^ht be 
 id operating 
 RUin of one 
 J to the sum 
 Is of sterUng 
 1 first day of 
 ^ meanwhile 
 id interet^t to 
 terest to be 
 payable in 
 T'resident of 
 a mortgage 
 ■ for securing 
 d debentures 
 rest thereon, 
 lat tlic said 
 payment of 
 d resolution, 
 dtb, and arc 
 )arties of the 
 fi\rc shillings 
 land paid by 
 lercof isbere- 
 by iicknowledgcd, have granted, bargained, sold, afteignefi. 
 transferred and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, 
 bargain, sell, assign, transfer and convey to the said parties 
 of the seoond part, and their heirs and assigns and suc- 
 cessors, in the trust hereby created, all the following pro- 
 perty of the said parties of the first part, that is to say, the 
 Line of Railway and all the Lands of the Company lying 
 within Wayne, Macomb and Saint Clair Counties, and in 
 the City of Detroit, together with all the blanches or 
 sidings of the said Railroad made or to be made withiyi the 
 said (bounties, or any of them, or of the City of Detroit, and 
 the linn thereof, including the right of way, and the land 
 occupied thereby and laid out and set apart therefor, to- 
 gether with the superstructure and tracks thereon, and all 
 bridges, viaducts, culverts, structures, fences, depot and 
 statiou grounds, and buildings and erections thereon, .and 
 all other appurtenances belonging to oj' to belong to the 
 said Railroad, or used or to be used therewith, and all 
 franchises, rights and privileges of the said pa.- -ies of the 
 first part in and to the same, and all income derivable or to 
 be derived therefrom, and all iron rails, chaii-s and equip- 
 ments, and all engines, cars, tools, materials, machinery and 
 other personal property and rolling stock of the said parties 
 of the first part, now, or hereafter belonging to tliem. To 
 have and to hold the said premises and every part thereof 
 with the appurtenances unto the said parties of the second 
 part, their heirs and assigns and successoi's in the said trusts, 
 upon the following trusts, that is to say :■— In case the said 
 parties of the first part shall fail to pay the interest on any 
 of the said debentures, at any time when the same may 
 become due and payable according to the tenor thereof,' 
 when demanded, then after sixty days from such default 
 upon the request of the jjolders of such debentures to an 
 amount in the aggregate of not less than ten tliousand 
riiiJi i'^-fyti'^ 
 i li 
 pounds sterliug, the juid parties oi" the second j)ail. iiud 
 their Buccessors in the said trust may enter into and take 
 possesBion of all or any par^ of the said premises, and as 
 the Attorneys in fact or agents of the suid parties of the 
 iirst part by themselves or their agents or substitutes duly 
 constituted, have, use and employ the same, making from 
 time to time all needful repairs, alterations and additions 
 thereto, and after deducting the expen&es of sucii use, repairs, 
 alterations and additions, and of the expenses of working 
 tl e said Railroad, to apply the balance of the receipts 
 thereof to the payment of the interest on all the debentures 
 secured by this mortgage remaining due and unpaid. 
 Provided always, that if any accident shall happen while 
 the said Railroad or any of the property hereby conveyed 
 is in the occupation of the parties of the second part, either 
 under tuo foregoing or any subsequent provisions herein con- 
 tained, whereby the parties of the first part may be rendered 
 liable to any person or persona for damrges sustained, the said 
 parties of the second part and their successors in tlie trust 
 shall not in any way be liable or responsible for the same, 
 but the same shall be paid and borne by the parties of the 
 Iirst part, and in case any of the property hereby conveyed 
 whall from any cause be destroyed or injured while in 
 possession of the parties of the second part, the said parties 
 of the second part shall not in any way be responsible for the 
 same. And ths parties of the first part covenant to indem- 
 nify and save harmless the ^parties of the second part and 
 their successors in the trusts hereby created, from all costs, 
 dairages and expenses to which they may be liable for or 
 by reason of their taking possession of the said Railroad 
 and of the property hereby conveyed, and working the said 
 Railroad, unless euch costs, damages and expenses shall be 
 occasioned by the wilful default of the parties of the second 
 part themselves, and not by any servant, ofKeer or agent 
^^..-^-^T ^1. 
 1 1 j)ait lUid 
 and take 
 ses, and as 
 irtics of tlio 
 titiites duly 
 taking from 
 »d additions 
 1 use, repairs, 
 of working 
 tke receipts 
 3 debentures 
 ,nd nnpaid. 
 ippen wliile 
 y conveyed 
 [ oart, either 
 s herein con- 
 be rendered 
 ned, the said 
 in the trust 
 or the same, 
 arties of the 
 )y conveyed 
 jd while in 
 I said parties 
 iisible for the 
 it to indeni- 
 ;id part and 
 )m all costs, 
 iable for or 
 ud Haih'oad 
 ving the said 
 SOS shall be 
 Df the second 
 er or a^'ent 
 employed by them in the nocc(4«ury working of the '^aid 
 Railwav. And it is heiebv an^recd, that n the event of 
 the parties of the second part taking posflet»sion of thr spid 
 Rrilroad and other property reby conveyed, it shall and 
 may bo lawful for them to u.'f; the name of tlio Company 
 ill all matters connected with or arising from the working 
 of the said Railroad, and t^, uppoiiu or remove all servants 
 and otiicerK connected with the working of the said Ku.'- 
 road, and in the place or stead of those removed to nr-'iat 
 others. Provided always, that the power of removal and 
 appointment herein contained shall not extend to the Chief- 
 Engineer, Secretary or Treasurer of tiie said Company. " 
 And it is hereby agreed between the parties to these 
 presents, that in case default shall happer to bo mad'^ mthe 
 payment of the principal money of the [said debentures or 
 of any of them when they shall become due and payable, 
 of which default the production of the debentures or any of 
 them unpaid shall bo sufficient evidence, and sixty days 
 shall have elapsed from the time of such default without 
 payment by the Company in the meantime, it shall be 
 lawful for the said parties of the f>econd part and their suc- 
 cessors in the said trust, on the written request of the 
 holders of at least one-fourth of the debentures then un- ' 
 paid, and on being satisfied that payment thceof had been 
 demanded, without any further consent or concurrence of 
 the said Company, when and as they shall think fit i taceably 
 and qizietly to enter into and upon, and to take possession of ad 
 and every the said premises, and to receive and take the rents, 
 issue and profits thereof; and after such entry to cause the 
 said Ijands, Stock, Premises and Franchises, to be sold at 
 Public Auction, in the said City of , . .roit, giving at least forty ^ 
 days' notice of the time, place and terms of such jalo, by pub- 
 lishing the same in two Newspapers published in the said City 
 uf Detroit, and in one Newsj»apor published in each of said 
coimticb (if any such is publiriiicd) through which the Line 
 of said Kaih'oad is situate, with liberty, if the Baid parties or 
 their successors in tlio Trust shall see fit to buy in the said 
 premises, or any part thereof, at any snch auction, without 
 being answerable for any loss or diminution in price by 
 re-saie, in the Bauio manner and witii full power and lawful 
 and absolute authority to execute to the purchaser or pur- 
 chasers thereof a good and sufficient Deed of Conveyance 
 in fee simple for the same, and wliich shall be a bar against 
 the parties of the first part, their successors and assigns, 
 and all persons claiming under them of all right, interest or 
 claim, in or to said premises, or any part thereof, and the 
 purchaser or purchasers shall not be bound to see to nor be 
 answerable for the application or non -application of the 
 j)urchase money, or any part thereof, but payment thereof 
 to the Trustees for the time being, or to one of them, shall 
 be a complete .lischargt; ; and the said Trustees shall, after 
 deducting iVoui the proceeds of said sale the costs and ex- 
 penses thereof, and ol managing such property, and of such 
 disbursemems as they shall properly have made, apply so 
 much of the proceeds as may be necessary to the payment 
 (»f said princii)al and interest due and unpaid on said De- 
 bentures, and shall pay over the residue thereof to the par- 
 ties of the 111 St part ; and the parties of the first part agree 
 that they will, on the application of the Trustees for the 
 time being, make and execute any further c- other con- 
 veyance of the property so sold to the purchaser or pur- 
 chasers thereof, but it is expressly ( .3clared that the refusal 
 of the parties of the lir&t part to make oi* execute such 
 further or other conveyance of the said property shall 
 not in any v.ay make void or impair the deed of 
 conveyance hereinbelbre mentioned to be executed by the 
 Trustees. And the said parties of the first part hereby 
 covenant to execute und deliver, at the reasonable request 
cb the Line 
 ,id parties or 
 in the said 
 tion, without 
 in price by 
 r and lawful 
 laser or pur- 
 I bar against 
 and assigns, 
 t, interest or 
 eof, and the 
 see to nor be 
 atiou of the 
 nent thereof 
 : them, shall 
 s shall, after 
 josts and ex- 
 , and of such 
 do, ftpply so 
 the payment 
 on said De- 
 )f to the par- 
 ■t part agree 
 itees for the 
 >r other con- 
 laser or pur- 
 }.t the refusal 
 ixecute such 
 foperty shall 
 the deed of 
 jcuted bv the 
 part hereby 
 nable request 
 of the parties of the second part, or their successors in the 
 said Trustj any further reasonable or necessary conveyance 
 of the premises or property hereby conveyed, or intended 
 so to be, or any part thereof, to the said parties of the second 
 part, or their successors in the said trust, their heirs and 
 assigns for more fully carrying into effect the objacts hereof 
 particularly for the conveyance of any property, the title 
 to which shall subsequently, to the date hereof, be acquired 
 by the said parties of the first part and comprehended in 
 the description contained in the premises, and for the more 
 particularly describing by metes and bounds or otherwise, 
 the property intended to be conveyed or conveyed hereby ; 
 And it is hereby mutually agreed, and these presents arc 
 upon this express condition, that on payment of the princi- 
 pal and interest of said Debentures the estate hereby 
 granted to the said parties of the second part shall be void, 
 and the right to the premises hereby conveyed shall revert 
 to and revest in the said parties of the first part in law, and 
 in fact without any acknowledgment, satisfaction, re-convey- 
 ance re-entry or other act. And it is also further mutually 
 agreed that the said parties of the second part, and their 
 successors in the said Trust and their assigns, shall be 
 entitled to receiv-e proper and reasonable compensation for 
 every labour or service performed by them in discharge of 
 their TruGt in case ihey shall be compelled to take possession 
 of said premises, or to manage the same, or to enforce the 
 payment of the said Debentures or any of them^ and shall 
 and may for that purpose appropriate to themselves any 
 moneys sufficient therefor which may come into their 
 hands. And it is further mutually agreed, that in case of 
 the death, incapacity or resignation of eitlier oi* bo<^^h of the 
 said parties of the second part, all his or their estate, right, 
 interest, power and control in the premises, shall be divest- 
 ed, ce<ise and determine, and the samf shall, from thence- 
 forth, for the purposes aforesaid, be vested in Mud all and 
 sinsular the Trusis and duties herein before enumerated, 
 shall devolve upon such person or persons as the parties of 
 the first part shall, with the assent of a majority in value 
 of the holders of said Debentures, nominate and ap- 
 point, provided such assent shall be signified within sixty 
 days after the same shall have been calledfor by a notice 
 therefor inserted by the said parties of the first part in 
 some ISTev^spaper published in the City of Detroit ; And in 
 in default of any application oeing made by the majority 
 in value of the holders of such Debentures for the appoint- 
 ment of any particular person or persons, the Directors of 
 the said Company shall appoint such person or persons to 
 be the new Trustee or Trustees, as to them may seem ex- 
 pedient, to supply the place of both or either of the said 
 Trustee or Trustees so dying, resigning, or becoming inca- 
 pacitated as aforesaid, and thereupon such new Trustee or 
 Trustees shall become vested for the purposes aforesaid, with 
 all the rights aiid interests hereby coveyed to ov vested in 
 the said parties of the second part, without any further as- 
 surance or conveyance for the same ; but if the same shall 
 1)0 necessary, both or either of the parties^hereto shall exe- 
 cute any necessary releasee or conveyances for that pur- 
 pose. It is also further agreed that the said parties of the 
 second part, or either ot them shall and may be relieved 
 from the Trusts hereby created upon, giving sixty days 
 notice, in writing, uf their or his desire to be releived from 
 the said Trusts, and that from and after the expiration of 
 sixty days from the giving of such notice, the person or 
 persons giving the same shall cease to be a Trustee o'- 
 Trustees, .or to have any estate or interest in the premises, 
 save only for the purpose of executing a conveyance, if 
 necessary, to any new Trustee or Trustees ; and the provi- 
 «.ions heroin contained whall apply and bo in forces a$ regards 
 Mud all and 
 le parties of 
 ritv in value 
 te and ap- 
 within sixty 
 r by a notice 
 first part in 
 oit ; And in 
 the majority 
 the appoint- 
 Directors of 
 )i* persons to 
 lay seem ex- 
 • of the said 
 omina; inca- 
 w Trustee or 
 foresaid, with 
 or Tested in 
 y further as- 
 5 same shall 
 jto shall exe- 
 for that pur- 
 arties of the 
 be relieved 
 ag sixty days 
 •eleived from 
 expiration of 
 le person or 
 a Trustee o'- 
 the premises, 
 mveyance, if 
 id the provi- 
 c(^ a$ rejyards 
 any new Trustee or Trustees vho may from time to time 
 hereafter be appointed in the place or stead of the parties 
 of the second part, or either of them ; And the parties of the 
 iirst part further covenant with the parties of the second part, 
 and their successors, in the said Trusts, that the said Com- 
 pany shall and will pay, or cause to be paid, to the holder or 
 holders thereof, all and every of the saidDtbentures, when 
 they shall respectively fall due, and the interest thereon 
 half-yearly, at the place therein mentioned, and in manner 
 and form as therein expressed. And the said parties of the 
 first part further [covenant and agree that the holder or 
 holders of any or either of the said Debentures, may at any 
 time, within the time limited by the said Debentures, upon 
 signifying his intentions to that effect to the said Company, 
 convert the said Debenture or Debentures into so much , 
 Capital Stock of the said Company, and that upon cancel- 
 lation and delivery up of any such Debenture or Deben- 
 tures to the Company, the said holder or holders thereof 
 shall be entitled to an amount of paid up capital Stock of 
 said Company, equal to the amount of such Debenture or 
 Debentures ; and the said Company shall and will deliver, 
 or cause to be delivered, to such holder or holders scrip for 
 the same in full payment or discharge of the Debenture or 
 Debentures so given up ; and in the event of any of the 
 said Debentures _ being so converted into [stock, the said 
 Company shall and will cancel>nd destroy each and every 
 such Debenture so con\ orted, and shall not and will not 
 re-issue the same to any person ^whomsoever. And it i^ 
 further mutually agreed that each of the said Debentures, 
 after having been signed by the President and Treasurer of 
 the said Company, shall be authenticated by the signature 
 of the said Tliomas Gait ; and such Debentures signed and 
 authenticated as aforesaid to the amount of two hundred 
 and twenty-five thousand pounds sterling, and none other 
 shall be deemed to be secured by virtue of these presents ; 
 And the said parties of the first part hereby covenant, pro- 
 raise and agree to and with the said parties of the second 
 part, their successors in the said Trust and Assigns, that 
 they, the said parties of the first part, at the time of tbo en- 
 sealing and delivery hereof, are, and stand solely, rightfully 
 and lawfully seized of a good and perfect, absolute and in- 
 defeasible estate of inheritance, in fee simple, of and in the 
 lands, tenements and hereditaments hereinbefore described, 
 with their and every of their appurtenances, and of and in 
 every part and parcel thereof, without any or any manner 
 of reservation, limitation, provisoes or condition, or any 
 other matter or thing to alter, charge, change, encumber, or 
 defeat the same ; and also that they, the said parties of the 
 first part, now have in themselves good right, full power 
 and lawful and absolute authority to grant, sell, alien, con- 
 vey and confirm the said lands, tenements and heredita- 
 ments hereby conveyed, or intended so to be, with the 
 appurtenances unto the said parties of the second part, tlieir 
 successors in the said trusts and assigns, in manner and 
 form aforesaid. And the parties of the first part hereby 
 further covenant with the parties of the second jDart, their 
 successors in the said trust and assigns, that they, the said 
 parties of the first part, will forthwith complete and make 
 perfect (where the same may be now defective,) their title 
 to any and all of the lands and premises by them set 
 apart and taken possession of for the said Railroad of the 
 said Company, and the same reassure to the said Trustees, 
 upon the provisions and upon the said Trusts and purposes 
 as hereinbefore mentioned. x\nd the parties of the second 
 part, each for himself, his heirs, executors and administra- 
 tors, and not the one for jtho other, doth herc])y covonaut 
[id none other 
 lese presents ; 
 jovenant, pro- 
 of the second 
 Assigns, that 
 ime of tha en- 
 ely, rightfully 
 )8olute and in" 
 , of and in the 
 ore described, 
 and of and in 
 r any manner 
 lition, or any 
 , encumber, or 
 parties of the 
 lit, full power 
 ell, alien, coii- 
 and heredita- 
 be, with the 
 and part, their 
 I manner and 
 1 part hereby 
 md j)art, their 
 they, the said 
 3te and make 
 ve,) their title 
 s by them set 
 ailroad of the 
 said Trustees, 
 I and purposes 
 of the second 
 id administra- 
 rc]>v CO von ant 
 and agree with the parties of the lirst part, that so long aw 
 he shall bo and remain a Trustee under this Indenture, he 
 will well [and truly observe, perform, fulfil and keep the 
 Trusts hereby created, and on his part to be observed, per- 
 tbrmed, fulhiled and kept. Lastly, it is hereby declared 
 and ag''eed l^etween the parties to these presents, that the 
 said parties of the second part their heirs, assigns and suc- 
 cessors in the said Trusts, or the survivor of them, and such 
 new Trustee or Trustees as aforesaid, and his heirs, execu- 
 tors and administrators of them and each of thsm, shall be 
 charged and chargeable respectively only for such moneys 
 as they Jiall actually receive by virtue of the Trusts hereby 
 ill them reposed, notwithstanding his or their giving or sign- 
 ing any receipt for the sake of comformity, and any one or 
 more of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the 
 other or others of them, but each and every of them only 
 for his and their own acts, receipts, neglects and defaults 
 respectively ; and that any one or more of them shall not 
 be answerable or accountable for any Banks, Banker, 
 Broker, or other persons with whom or in whose hands any 
 part'of the Trust moneys shall or may be deposited or lodged 
 for safe custody, or otherwise injthe execution of the Trusts 
 hereinbefore mentioned, and that they or any of them shall 
 not be answerable or accountable for the insufficiency or de- 
 ficiency of any securities, stocks or iunds in or upon which 
 the said Trust Monies or any part thereof shall be placed 
 out or invested, nor for any other loss, misfortune or damage 
 which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid Trusts, 
 or in relation thereto, unless the same shall happen by or 
 through their own wilful defaults respectively. 
 In Witness whereof the said Company have hereunto 
 S3t their corporate seal, and the President of the Com- 
 pany has hereunto set his hand, and the said parties of tlie 
 second part respectively have hereunto set their hund.s and 
 seals on the day and year first above written. 
 Signed, Sealed and Delivered Y 
 In the, 2yi'e8cnG(^ of ) 
 President. [l. 8.J 
 C. S. aZOWSKI. [l. s.] 
 THOMAS GALT. | l. b.] 
ir liund.s and 
 [l. s.] 
 [l. s.] 
 I L. S.] 
 Copy of Acknowledg'tuent Endorsed ou Deed. 
 State of Michigan, ) 
 County of Wayne. \ On this twenty-ninth day of 
 September, eighteen liundred and fifty-nine, before me, u 
 Notary Public in and for said ('onnty of Wayne, came tbu 
 within named Thomas E. Blaokwf.ll, tlio President of tlui 
 Oliicago, Detroit and ('anada Grand Trunk Junction Kail- 
 road (lompany, and acknowledged that iie executed tlie 
 foregoing Indenture as the Deed (A' said Company, for 
 the uses and purposes I herein mentioned ; that the fceal 
 affixed to the saidjndenturc is the corporate seal of tlie said 
 Compan}', and was affixed to said Indenture by order of the 
 Sharebolders or Stocklioldei'S tliereof, and that he, by like 
 order of said Sharebolders or Stockholders, did subscribe 
 his name thereto as President of said Company. 
 And 1 further certify tliat I know said Thomas. E. 
 Blaokwell personally, and as President as aforesaid, and 
 that said seal is the seal of said Company. 
 NotM-y Public iiinnd for thcsfiid Coiruiij nt' Woiin(.