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CANADA BULLETIN No. 395 CANNED CORN 36937—1 NOTES AND OOMMENTP ' 1' Under this heading, as occasion ar; jes, the Bulletins issued ty this Department will contain, as an appendix, such comment as may seem necessary or advisable upon matters rdatincr to the work of the Department in connection with the administration of the Adult(...ition Act, the Fertilisers Act, the Feeding Stuffs Act or the Proprietary Medicines Act. It frequently happens that correspondents ask information regarding the above Acts, cf such a nature that the matter in question possesses general interest, and comment upon it would prove acceptable and useful to others than the immediate questioner. In such cases "the reply may find a place in these columns. For con- venience of reference these notes will be numbered in series. A. McOILL, Chief Analyst. LABORATORY or Tui INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 395 CANNED CORN Ottawa, Qth March, 1918. J. U. Vr > V d ^.C, B.A., LPh., / Minister of Inland Bevenue. Sm, — ^I beg to hand you a report npon the examination of 207 sainpleB purchased liv our ingptiCtord as Canoed Com in August, September and October of last year. The samples in question apparently represent 61 diSereot brands, as ascertained by inspection of the labels. It is, of course, possible that several of these brands may he tlie product of a single factory, and may differ from each other only in name. While samples of every brand found on the market have been examined it has not livn considered necessary to work every sample, in cases where a large number of Bamplea of the same brand have been supplied. Tlie total number of samples upon which work has been done is 168. This food material has been in8i>ected on two former occasions. Bulletin No. 986 i-Tuly 1911) reports upon 146 samples and bulletin No. 285 (April 1914) upon 905 samples. With a single exception, the net contente of the cans closely approximate 20 minces in the present oolle<!tion ; and the same is true of former collections. As regards tho weight of solid matter, there is a somewhat more marked variation, and the fnllowing table shows the average results obtained, with the samples upon which work nas done: 36937— 1 J Null* of Bnnd. CoUtctad. Wurkwl. Mma iUaultk w to Caatmta. (nunoM). Bluollitirli) Brittnh CanAfiiiui. . Bnrford Caiuwlii Kimt. Ciilunint Cr<""C» Cnuadwr I)n«<lnuuKlit K. l).S I'40'rti»n Km*4'X . K.«efl»ior FaultlPM Kimt Pick Klmir de liii Fnnkford . . . . . Frontiiiac (iau'llu (JoM Bond . ... Unid Sundard . . . Unnd RiviT Hkrveat Honeydpup Huravihfw Hygf ian !«• Caatle. Lancebon) Lennox Lion Little Chief L<iK C'aliin Lynn Vallny Malkin'r* Best. . . Maple hx*l Mountain Crt«t. . . Mount Yoe No Vary Old HomcHtead . Old Oak Parliament Peacock Peerlew. Poland Pride of N. Falls Priniuj* Pure F<M>d Puri'an Quaker Red Seat SportHDian Sugar Corn Swiaa Bell TarUn Thamen Thiatle Victoria Victory Vine Vulcan White Rose WiH- 1 » 3 U !i 1 ti 1 4 1 3 2 1 3 U 2 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 7 13 1 1 i;t 23 3 12 1 7 3 2 4 6 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 2 2 13 2 1 2 2 1 I 1 3 3 H 2 1 ;t 1 :i 1 3 2 t 2 6 2 1 3 I 3 1 1 1 3 I 9 I 1 8 9 3 7 1 4 3 2 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 10 1 1 I I 2 2 11 O 1 2 2 1 1 Total. 3on 211-7 211 2 2" 4 19-0 ao 1 1« 7 21 4 acr,-. 20 2 ao'B 19 7 ao-M 20 19 9 20 1 20 fi 20 1 20 3 20 4 211 6 20 1 20 4 20 2 20 20 1 213 21 20 t 20 2<i <■' 20 4 21 20 9 19 9 19ft 20 2 2i) 2 20 3 20 20 20 4 19 6 20 2 192 20 1 17-5 20 1 20 8 20 3 20 7 19 9 20 3 20 9 20 20 6 20-3 20 7 19-3 212 20 4 Bolida. 17 4 17 19 fi 17 4 16 9 17 6 14 3 20 ft 17 7 15 3 IH 3 IH 2 20 8 14 1 175 IH 2 180 16 1 18 8 18 3 17 5 17 90 4 190 18 2 18-6 19 3 20 7 IK ti 17 4 18 9 16 3 14 3 17 3 15-2 18 3 18 9 17 2 lS-6 17 6 18 9 300 14 6 17 4 180 17 2 12 2 17 1 18 7 lA 3 17 3 IB 9 It) 2 19 7 16-7 16-4 14 4 19 7 15 2 11 6 19 9 Liquid. 3 2 3 7 7 3 n 2 7 3 4 4 9 2 K 4 9 3 2 1ft &'9 3 4 19 2 ti 4 14 2 2 3-1 3 1 1-2 1-8 1 « 20 3 3 8 3 1 17 4 2 6 7 3 2 4 7 12 1 3 30 4-8 2 4 11 4 fi I 2 « 12 2 9 5 3 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 4 1 12 3 3 5 1 69 10 41 9 fi 5 It will be noted that, with fow exceptions, the solid contents approximate 18 ounce*, and this may be rejrardt-d as a normal iimoiint. With one or two exceptions, the c«ntent» have been found to be in (rood condition. Only traces of sulphurous acid or sulphites are reported. This does not necessarily mean that bleaching with sulphites has not been done. Sulphurous acid is easily oxidized to sulphuric acid, and thus may I,, t appear after the Mmplo ht* l>een kept for ioino time. It it, however, quite apptrent liiat this bleaohimr «(rwit has been employed more sparingly than formerly, and it is tp Ui hoped that its use will soon be<<.me a thin<r of Uie past. In t»ll, 46 samples gmre (liH^iJed amounts of sulphites. In l!»H the number was much reduced; and the present ri|H)rt indicates a ix>ntinued loeseniiii; of the amount employed, and in many cases, itit iiitjre absence The use of taonliarin, as a >wcolenor, has likewise been discontinued. I beg to recommend publication of this report as Bulletin No. !K^IS. I have the honour to be^ Sir, Your obi«dient senrant. A. Mcon.u Chief AnaJyit. BUU.ETIN No. 805- •9 .>( Hitni|i|r. i I i <i( Vi-ndor. Coat. Nmm mkI AdrfrMB of Muittfaetiirw i>f KiirnUhiW M fivm by th« Vandor. Msnufartiirar. Kuraiahnt. DISTRICT OK NOVA UCOTIA- il 1017. Ut. 11 C»iim«l t'.irn Ttiriii Wn.. M<»re. lUlifat ... Stun. no Fiankford Can. Co., 'Kritnkfortl. Ont. Manufactor«n . . . .. 12 ruTir (ViillAC..., .. ,. . 3 „ HI) Laiiortti k Martin, Muntmkl. „ . . . .. 17 .. .^i :ii;iH T. J. Bniwn :» „ M HarvntCo., Ltd, Ham- ilton. „ SO .. . TiiTlU K. N. .McDonild, Huli S „ 75 Kranklord Can. Ci>., K. B. Swtnn C... fax. Krankford. Halifax. ,. ao •• • 7.7^ T. K. Courtn.y C».. •• S » 60 aimcn* Canning Co., HiiiictMf. BauMBroa.. Halt fitx. .. .lit „ M721 .r. I). Htfwart, H.^lifiix. . i .. m Otnu. Cannrn, Hamil- ton. " .. 31 „ ,. 76722 A. L. lV.yfc. 3 „ 75 Mimoie Canning Ca, Sinioop. ManufactiirMH . ,. »1 ■• 70723 I'ayxsnt ft King, .. 3 ., 65 K. A. Uloi Co., I>un nvilld. .. SI .. . 76724 .TiiM. .V. IjcaiiiAii i<k Co., ILtlifax. 3 M M A. 0. Miller ft Co., Picton, Oiit. John Tobin ft Co. Halifax. Not. 1 il 7K72.- H. O Hii>ho|i, Dnrtuiouth 3 ., no Bhti»h Canadian Can- W«nt»>ira Ltd i ning Co., Hamilton. Halifax. DISTRICT OK NKW BRUNSWICK .S«-|>l. Nov Canned Corn . W. A. SimoiiiU, St. .lohn N.B. 7M10.''i<'<i. K. Barhoiir Co., Ltd.. St. .lohn. N.B. 7H103 riHidinifti.ii VVctniore * .Morriwm, Ltd. St. .fohn, N.B. 781M \V»ltrr(;ilbtrt. St. John, N.ll. 7HKJ5 V.tnwart Bt «., ThiOC, Ityron Bnxi., 78107 M. K. Doohan, Finderic ton. 7810HW. H. Skillen. Wood- utiK-k, N.B. 781(HI TnclipH ft (trimmer, .St. Stephen, N.B. 78110 Hill Bron , St. Stephen, N.B. 3can». 3 ., 3 „ 3 „ 3 ,. 3 M 3 „ 3 ,. 3 3 .. Delhi V. * V. Canning Co., Delhi, Ont. Dominion I annen Ltd. Hauiiltiin. liritiah Canadian Can- nera Ltd., Hamilton. CreBi'tt Co., New York. Britiah Canadian Can- ners Ltd., Hamilton. DtmiinionCannefH Ltd. Hamiltttn. Sinicoe Can. Co., .Sim cHie. Brighton Can. Co., Brighton, Unt. (JtH). E. Barber Co., Ltd., St. John. J. W. Windsor, Mon treal. ( ANNEDCORN. BtmmI. Nm W*lirhi. ■■wilt* u( Aiukljnu. CunditUm. Col.M.r. ! i 1 J J Hiiiphiira Mh \mtU {ft SOW i fUmuka uii Upinioa i<t th* Ohiaf Awklyl. K I WACUH, INSHKCTOR. Kr ankford \ic i<>ri» H.irvnt lntiikfonimrPuk. I, villi Vkllxy — , I'liivKoiidtiimlity... I.Min V»Uey t.r:niil Rivor l.iitle Chief I uliinwt aoi 904 20 1 ao 2 20 4 90 1 19 8 906 197 103 18 8 14 170 17 « 18'6 Uiiod Uoud Creun. None 78718 .. 78717 t» 7871H n 7«71» Slight trace. . . 76790 NUM 76791 78792 Mlifbt trac* . . None 7672S Slight trace... 76724 Non» 76796 KilIN C FER(iU80N, INSPECTOR. M.ipl.'Leaf llvKi'ian I'.rliiiiiient ( 'ri'«c» I'.irlianient IMSenl Lynn Valley . 'Himtle <iM Bond K>- Castle 903 18 Uood...l 900 18 9 19 8 187 - ... 90 1 175 M ... 20 3 18 6 ., ... 908 18 T 9U 9 18 908 187 902 18.8 20 1 189 Top end, slightly ni'ted.. (tood. . Cimkni 8l.,ih^ t .ice. Tin Slight trace. . None Slight trace. . Trace. Slight trace. . None. 78101 78109 78103 78104 7810B 7H106 78107 7810« 78109 76110 i I BULLETIN No. 395— Nature of Sampl.-. 4 Nanit' and Addrc.-ttt of Vendor. C<wt. Xaint' and Adflrew of Manufacturer or Furnisher as given by the Vendor. 1 Brand. •s J t d y. 1 1 Manufacturer. Kurnisher OIHTRICT OF (iUEBKC 1917. Aug. 24 24 24 28 28 29 29 3(1 30 30 Ble d'Inde en Con- ri2(M serve. 712l',ti " 71267 " 71268 .. 71269 7U70 71271 .. 71272 " 7127a ■' 71271 A. L. K. Laniontagne, Quebec. BiliKleau & freres. Que Biloiieau & tili*, Quebec. T. J. Pepin, Quebec. . A. Bacon^ Quebec Xap. Treniblay, Que- bec. L. Lamlwrt, Qu«'bec. H. Leniay, .. Kizear Tiircotte, Quebec ; 3 l«ta. I CO 3 .. . 54 3 .. .. 54 3 ., .. 46 3 ., .. 54 a „ ., 64 3 .. .. 60 3 .. .. 54 3 .. .. m 3 ., ,. 54 Doniinion Can- ners Ltd. .Ham- ilton. W.. lioHlter A Sonn, Ont. Brit. Canadian CanneiB Ltd. Boulter & Son, Ont. Doniinion Can- nerB. Boulter 4 Son . . Hudun, Hebertft Cie, NIontreal .1. W. Windsor, Montreal. Brit. Canadian Ltd. Ont. Canners. Turcotte & frere. Langlois & Paradia. J. B. Renaud & Cie. Turcotte A frere. Langlois A Paradis. Morel, (Que- bec. Quebec Pres. Co. J. B. Renaud A Cie. Little Chief. Lion Fleur du Lis. Lion. . Little Chief. Lion Gazelle Ice Caftle . Fleuflr Lis. First Pick.. DLSTRICT OF (QUEBEC PROVINCE - Aug. 2; 2: 28 28 28 28 29 2<.l 30 31 22 22 22 Ble d'Inde 6465 641)8 6469 f47;i 6475 6477 6479 6480 M85 6196 5<156 6660 Eugene Bolduc, St. Valier. 1. A. Leniieux, St. .Michel. (Jeo. Roy, St. Michel. . Louis Corrivean. .St. .Michel. Naz. Morency, St. Charles. .1. H. Couture, .St. (^harles. J. E. Rouillard, St. (ItTvais. O. Tlubault, St. flervaia Mde. .A. nuchetneau, Armagh. Onesime Noel, Armagh. Emile Lefevre, St. Jer- ome. H. Ct>URineau, St. .ler- ome. 5662 Chan. E. Lattamme, St. 3 Jeroni«. 3bot8. 3 .. 3 .. 3 ., 3 .. 3 .. 3 ,. 3 ,. 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. A. C, Miller A Co., Picton, Ont. A. C. Miller A Co. A. C. Miller A Co. Old Honiesteiui Canning Co., Pictin, Brighton Can. Co., Ont. 60 J. W. Windsor, Montreal. Turcotte A freres. Carrier fils, Levis. N. Turcotte A Cie, Que bee. Turcotte fiere, Que- bec. Lion Little Chief. Lion Little Chief Lion Old Home stead. Thistle Ice Caatld. . .JL ( ANNED CORN. Reflults of Anftlysis. Net Weight. Condition. IS '5 o"s <^ S; jl A s 1 1 S b 1 1 •< a . — o 1 1 a S o Remark* and Opinion nfthe Chief Analyst. K .\. \V. E. BKLANl). INSPKCTOR. W 4 L'ii-6 a) L'O « L"i 3 L'll 2 L1I 2 L'lM :.'o 1 17 17 6 17 9 1.5 3 17 9 16 G 14 8 17 8 17 6 L-i 1 Good. Good Crean.. flight trace. None . Slight trace. None . .Slight trace. 7126fi 71266 71267 71268 71269 71270 71271 71272 71273 71274 X. CAr)IKIJX, T. GENDREAU, J. H. RIOUX, TEMPORARY INSPECTORS. :.'ii-4 1 17-8 i . . . 2 6 Good Good Cream. . Good... Good... Stan- dard. 5 6 None . . 6465 •6468 •6469 •6-17S ♦6476 17 n S 4 •6477 6479 :'i (• Good (Jood. Cream.. • Jmid... Good... Fancy . . 6-8 None.. •.11 S 1« 1.5 4 17 4 4 3 54 26 It . . Good. " ■ ■ Milk white. Watery. SUn- dard. 7 None . . . 6480 •6481. 6496 66.56 .'" 8 .•» Good Milk white. Cream. . tJood. . Watery. Mushy.. Stan- dard. 6 7 4 1'' •_' Ifi 2 3 .. .. Dark yellow. SlackfiU- vi\t Willie oulounid Second.. I 6 M ... 5600 •B662 ' Not worked. 36937—2 •Not worked. H 10 BULLETIN No. 395— l>: ' u c Nature of Sample. E ■1 3 Name and AddreM of Vendor. Coet. Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher i (Civen by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furniaher. Brand. DISTRICT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE. 1917. Aug. 22 BledTnde Mais Bled'Indp Otitic 56(M .Wl 06-3 6<i7B 5678 7393 7397 739!l 7WW 7821 782f> 772!) 77.'«t 77.W DniH W. Desjardins, St. .leronie. Ume Wilfrid Miron, St. Canute. Barcelow, St. Scholasti- que. A. Xjavigne, St. ScholaB- ti(|ue. C. Deroaier, .St. Scholas- tique. W. Sauve, St. Scholas- tifiue. .1. \V. Beaumond, -Mont- niogny. A. Previwt, St. Fran\i>i8 I)me V.P. Richard, Ber. thier. A. Letourneau, St. Pierre. J. .\. Corriveau, Mont- magny. .\d. Caron, Montmagny Ed. Boudreault, Cau- SH|l8Ca^ Ernest Kioux, Amqni . liaKni- & llelzile, St Fabien. 3bot«. 3 H 3 ., 3 ., 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 3 .. 3 3 M 3 „ 3 M 3 ., 3 ., t .. S4 64 «0 6*i 60 66 60 54 54 64 66 60 62 04 60 Bergeron Whi»- sell Co., Mont treal. Hudon, Hebert. W. Boulter Vulcan Sept. 1(J Gazelle „ 10 Lion .... M 10 ,. 10 Smicoe Canning. Lynn Valley „ 10 Aug. 21 Brighton Cann- ing Co. Brit. Canadian CannerH Ltil., Hamilton. A. C. Miller & Co., Picton. Ontario Cannera Ltd., Samia, Ont W. Boulter & SoHB., Picton. A. C. Miller A Co., Picton. T. W. Windsor, Montreal. Brit. Canadian Canners Ltd., Hamilton. Thistle KleurdeLis. M 23 .. 24 „ 28 Faultless . . . Little Chief. .. 30 .. .311 M 22 u 22 .. 28 First Pick.. Lion Little Chief. (ce Castle . . Parliament.. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS- Aug. 22 23 24 24 28 2:p 29 Canned Corn 7512 H. .Merkin, Rawdou. 7521 <J. I^mUrt, Ste. Jul- ienne. 7525 .Joseph Lelieau, Ste. Jul ienne. 7532 Ignace Diipuis, Chertsey 7537 .Xavier Braiilt, St. Felix de Valoirt. ~o40 Feli.\ CiiaiiJiHiglie, .St. f'elix de Valiiis. ?.")44 Ernest Asselin, St. Ftlix de Valois. 3 cans, 3 H 3 3 M 3 n 3 n D o m . Canners Ltd., Hamilton. Chevalier Afreres ■loliette. 54 .Siiricoe Can. Co., Ont. m A. C. Miller, Picton. Chaput Afils Montreal ■>. Dufresne, loliette. .r. Dufresne, Joliette. L. Z Ma gnan, Jol- iette. Log Cabin . Little Chief. White Rose. Little Chief. Lynn Valley Little Chief. jU 11 CANNED CORN. ResultH of Analyu*. Net Weight. Condition. g and Opinion of the 1 s n'S •^, 8 Chief if § i i fl .S :2 Analyst. 11 ■J X- a ¥ •6 1 '33 1 S 1 3 H < i 1 .• 1^ if 1 ' d < Oneluded. Ml IS 4 67 Good. Good Cream. . Good... Mushy.. Second.. 6-9 None .. 566S •JO -2 203 170 17 9 21 32 24 Bad.. Flat, sour. Milk white Sour . . Good... Stan- dard. 70 II ... 5668 5671 •3673 '5675 5678 21 None. Good. Good Cream.. Good... Good... Fancy.. None . . 20 17 1 3 Milk white. II ... Mushy.. Stan- dard. 7-2 7893 20 8 20 8 None. Good. Good. Cream. . Good... Fancy . . 4-7 7897 •7399 7809 20-8 16 fi 4 2 Cr«am . Good... Good... Fancy.. 5 1 None.. lit -9 13 1 6 8 " •• .1 . II Inaipid. Watery. Second.. 8-8 7821 •78S5 •772S* 7739 20 1 194 07 Good. Good. Milk white . Good.. Very Hmall Stan- . dard 8-7 None... 21) 1 158 4 3 Cream.. Good.. Fancy . 3 fi 7758 !»R. V. P. LAVALLEE, INSPECTOR. )ift. iley 21 1 190 2 1 Good. Good. Cream. . Good... Go<rf... Fancy. . 2 2 None. .. 751.' •7521 •7526 7532 •7587 7540 •7544 21 2 116 14 4 9-6 6 1 Good. Good. Good. Good. Not Dark cream. Cream. . Insipid, grams tough. Watery, grains overripe None... 4 9 None. . . 205 Good. . Watery. Stan- dard. 89 None... * Not worked . 13 BULLETIN No 395- i:\ ■a 3 •s Nature of Sample. Name and Address of Vendor. Co«t. ■s e » Name and Addreu ut .Manufactuter or Furnisher aa given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnisher- Brand. DISTRICT OF THREK RIVERS- 1917 Aug. 30 .. 30 .. 31 •• 31 Sept. 4 Canned Corn. 7M8 7M0 7651 7552 J. H. R. Ueblois, Si. Thomas de Joliette. Jules Lafleche, Joliette Magnan Freres, Joliette Amedee Chartier, Jo liette. 75«i Joachim Robert St. 'ialiriel Brandon. Scans. 60 3 „ 60 3 „ 60 3 , 60 3 „ C4 Aug. 21 Ble d'Inde 7623 .. 21 .. .. 7625 .. 22 .. .. 7628 .. 22 „ 7630 n 23 .. 76:« .. 23 „ .. 7638 ■■ U ,. .. 765(» .. » .. .. 7657 I. D. I<egendre, Asbes toe. A. Bolduc, ' joeatos . . . I Aruissfk Co., Asbestos.. I S. Rene, Asbestos. . . ! McKay freres. Rich niond, P.y. 1 Ainie Trudeau, Rich uiond, P.(i. B. Ht. Jean, Urummond- ville. Nap. Lindsay, Drum- mondville. ■Jboi. tes. 3 M 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ Aug. 14 . 21 M 21 .. 21 .. 21 Canned Com 74146 78916 J. A. Deliein, 112 Park Ave., Montreal. J. U. Archambault, 140 Villeneuve St. W., Montreal. 3 tins. 3 „ 78917 P.ovencher Bros., Wil 3 „ 78n8 Ham and St. Urbain Hts., Montreal. 3 „ 78919 It M 3 „ I. W. Windsor, Montreal. A. C. Miller Picton. Hudon He- bert, Mon treal. , Chevalier ft Po u I i o t, Joliette. (iazelle. Ice Castle . Little Chief. DISTRICT OF EASTERN TOWNHHIPS- \V. Boulter, Pic ton, Ont. J. W. Windsor, Montreal. J. W. Windsor, Montreal. Armstrong, Montreal. Chaput flU, Montreal. Laporte Martin, Montreal. Chevalier, Marchess- ault. Druniviiond- ville Markinson, Montreal. Ice Castle . Lion Ice Castle . . Lynn Valley Thistle DISTRICT OF MONTRKAL- J. W. Windsor, Montreal. Ice Castle . Vulcan Primus. .. Lynn Valley Crusader . . . ^ 13 CANNKD CORN. Retulta nt Analyiiib. ( onvludtd. Nf t WeiB ht. Cond It ion. fs i .2" " 1 1 J c i c 2 .c i. 2 il ■ S 3 1^ •t S i 5 4 4' 1 w ■f. J c c C h -^ r; 1 .a-1 i -^ Remarks and Opinion of the Chief AnaljrKt. at 1 16 11 17 8 3f. 27 Guild (itKxl. Cream.. Good .. Mu»hy.. SUiid ard. 6 ^ None. . . 7.54« •7549 7551 206 .T.X)d. Good Cream.. Grt-l .. Good . . . Fancy. 3.1 None . . . 20 A 17 8 27 „ . „ . „ .. .. .". 33 „ . 7n62 ♦7660 E. BLONDIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR. 2^1 17 S 27 (t(n»d. Good .Milk white. Goi<i. . Goi«l .. Fancy. 3 4 None . . 7023 •7«2b 2(11 20 1 187 18 7 14 1 J G(»Ki. Good. Milk wliite. Go.Hi. . (food. Stand- ard. None . . . 7fi28 7fi3C •7632 •7638 2 Ofi 18 T, 2 1 Good (!<iod Cream. (lood.. GHKi... Fancy. 2 None. . . 7(i.')0 i •7M7 1 J. .T. COSTIGAX, IXSPKCTOR. 2ilU 18-f. lit IK 4 17 1 18 It 1 tjiGood '(iotnl IM .. IS; I Milk white. Dark cream. (Jood , . . Ins:jii^, Mushy, Mark filled erain*. over ripe. SUnil- ar>l. None... 11 None . None... 7414(i 789111 l-ream. . Good... Good . . Fancy. . 2 1 " 7891T •:8918 •78919 •Not worked. 36937—3 11 J 6 "3 I Nature of 3 5; Name and Addr^sA iif V'end')r. BULLETIN No. 395— Name ami AildpfM of Manufacturer or Kurninherl a« (f'*"" I'y the \'enclor. Brand. DISTRICT OK MONTREAL - \t 1917. Aug. 21 .. 21 .. 21 •■ 21 •■ 21 •■ ■t| Caiinwl C^rn. 7S92<) 7*121 7f!»2.' 7*933 7S92t 7S;)25 (J. R. Chamlwrland. 173t) St. Dominique St., Mcintreal. A. Ii<ii«menn. 1123 Col onial Ave., Montreal l>. Ashkanse. 41 Mavi.- Anne St., Montrei.! N. Da.)ust, 481 Notre Dame St. W., Slon treal. 3 tin*. 3 ,. 3 „ 3 „ 3 ., 3 „ 6'.l 60 .54 48 48 Lion . . . Uaielle.... I'ur i tan . Mountain Crest. DI.STRICT OK VALLKVFIELD 191 . »S- 28 ■■ » ■■ 28 .. 28 „ 28 .. 28 „ an ., 28 3epr. C Canned 7S80l!Z. p,rron, Valleyfield Corn I ■ ■ . . I 78802] W. Lebeuf, Valleyfield 7S8a3l ! 78801 .i 7880;. .Sauve & Cie, ViiUey fiel" 7880iijVV, Beaudrv, Valley- ti..ld. 78807 L.duc & Prioce, Valley I Hell. 788!),S|W. I'l.-inte, Valleyfield ! 78SI)'.i;.J. Bourgeault, St. Ijun j bert. 78810 W. Bishop, St. Lam- bert. 3 tins. «) 3 „ 4."> 3 .. 15 3 ., 54 3 „ 54 3 „ 45 - ., 36 3 „ «0 3 „ 57 3 ., 45 rhe John Bt>yle Co. , Baltiniun:, Md. i t c e Castle I 'Little Chief Vic o r i a Quaker. Crusader Lynn Valley CanadaKimt Lion Victory. Old Home- stead. IS ( ANNED CORN. Rrwultl n Analymi* Roniarki »Dd NVt Weight. (.'niiditicin. ■2 2 ■ Opinion ■ y i ■k. of th« c 1 ^ a Chief 5| _4! ¥ ¥ 1 '3 1 1 1 1 s -< 1 'J .2 1 ^ -3 6 'A Analynt. i'j*'rhidtti. •'8920 •78921 ... •78922 ■-11 « 18 2 6 KlHXi. tioud Cream . (loud. . GoikI . . Fancy . 6 4 Sonti . . 7W>23 i;-) 12 2 5 3 it rains yellow, li()uid Iiii^ipid . Slack tilled. None .. 4 9 " • ■ ■ 78f/24 21 2 17 2 4 M . . " • ■ grey. Cream . G(K)d... tJoinl . Fancy . . 9 8 •■ ».. 78925 •!. COSTI(i.\X. ACTING INSPECrTOR. rX' ■Jii (i ."11 2 •JO 3 18-8 16 6 IB 8 15 11 3 15 4 18 14 4 16 4 IS 4 2 3 8 4 4 5 5 5-2 5 9 3 8 GcMkI KwiUkI (Joofl. G<»xl Milk white. Cream Yellow (grains in cream colour- ed liquid. Cream. Cream Gi«Kl Like ripe Good Good Go<k1 . . Mushy. . Slack tilled, many ri|>e trrain.i, watery. MuHhy. . Broken grains. Watery. Mushy . Fancy. Stand ard. None . . Stand- ard. Stand- ard. 4 3 Nune . . 4 7 6 3 8-3 , ... 8 9 4'8 j 7 3 None 2 8 78801 78802 78803 78804 78805 78806 78807 7«»0' 78809 78810 Con ten ta abnor- mally low. * Nut worked. 1« BULLETIN No. 395^- -■- ■-' - ■ - — — 1 r.-^ Tz:z - i 1 ■8 s Naturx of Sainplf. ■ Xwne »nd Addrma Co. ! of Vtudiir. >i & e ■A 1 NaoM- knd Addrrm of Cont. I Manufwturrr or Kurniajier u given hy the Vendor. DISTRICT OF OTTAWA 1917. Aug. 17 .. 17 » 17 27 f^»nneii Corn 77.')7SC. .1. Neate, 3j Sudwj St., Uttawft. '7574 E. Ackland, Creighton snd Victoria, Ottawa. 77679 Mrii. V. M. Crewe, :«76 McKay St., Otuwa. 775M Potter Itron , Somerset and Knmson, Ottawa. 77W7T. .T. Neagle, 25 Elifin St., Ottawa. WMH I'. .1. Campbell, Ren frew. 3 tinii. 60 3 .. 60 3 .. 60 3 M 54 3 ., 75 3 .. !M Siuicoe Can. Cu. , Simooe, Ont. J. W. Windsor, Montreal. Br. Am. Cannen Ltd., Hamil ilton. A. C.Miller Co. Picton. Kemald, Keene * True Co., Poland, Maine. Mathewson Sona, M o n ' treel. L)mn Valley Ire Caatle . Fl-'urdeLif, bleached with >u dium sul- phite. Little Chief. Poland . Peacock , DISTRICT OF KINfSSTON- Aiig. 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 2:^ Canned Com. 79901 W. .1. Nwbitt, Kingston 3 tins. 6( 79902 .T. Cullen, .. 3 ,. . 64 ■9903 Chas. Saiinden., „ 3 „ 60 79904 C. H Pickering, .■ 3 „ 60 7990.') .'\nderHon Br(«., ,. 3 „ 54 79906 A. S. Kinimerly, Napa- 3 .. 75 nee. •9907 The Beverly McDonald 3 ., 60 Co., Napan(«. 7!t9<WJ. A. Mcintosh, Co- 3 ., 54 bourg. 71180!) C. A. Pringle, Petsr- 3 .. i 54 boro. 7!nil0 p. S. White, 13 .. 00 ♦ Jeo. Riibert- «on & .Son, Kingston . Robertson Groceries Ltd. King' ston. I Maple Leaf. i(tld Htmie stead. Old Oak. W. G. Craig,, Ice Castle,. ft Co., Kingston. | I Mapfe Leaf . Crusader . . . Thistle I jSugar Corn. DISTRICT OF TORONTO- Aug. 24 .. 24 ., 24 Caime<l Corn, «0801 HO802 X0803 The Robt. Simpeon Co., Ltd. Uueenand Vonge Sts., Toronto. The T. Eaton Co., t^iueen and Vonge .Sts., Toronto tJroeeries Ltd., 9 Front St. E., Toronto. 3 cans 18 3 „ 4K 3 M 56 Aylmer Can. Co., Aylmer, Out. Brighton Can. Co., Brighton. Bloomfield Pack. Co., Ltd., Bloomfield, Ont. N'anada First 17 ( ANNEDCORN. RwulU of Anaiyaii. Net Weight. = 5 ■Si I' Conditiiin. B s a 6 .2 e I 1 a .1. A. RICKKY, INSPECTOR. ^1 It •.■0-4 174 3 LI) 1 17 9 2 2 20 8 170 S6 M-5 176 3 Good. •-■0-3 2iPl Lit -8 15 5 1» 4 l«o 14 4 4 8 07 4 4 6 4 Good I Dark Cream. Cream . . (f(Hxi. I 17 2 I 3 5 Good Good. Milk White Cream . . Some ■rraiDS uriRht yellow. Crvam Inaipid . Good. Muxhy. Gord.. Miuhy. Good.. Watery. Good. Grain* nearly ripe. Stand- ard. Fancy . Stand- aid. Fancy . . Stand- ard. Fancy . Stand ard. None.. Muahy.. 8 8 .iO 2 1 2 3 6 1 4-8 5 5 9 5 None H. J. DAGER, INSPECTOR. Stand- ard. 6 2 None. . 79901 79902 79903 79904 79906 79906 79907 79908 79909 79910 Remarks and Opinion of the Chief Analyat. •77673 •77874 77579 LM 6 17 3 j8 Good. Good Milk white. Good... Miwliy. . Stand- ard. 7 None. . . 20 9 16 6 4 3 .. . i> . Cream . Good... Fancy.. 5 7 77584 111 fi 14 6 81 " . Milk, white. ... Watery Stand- ard. 2 2 77587 '.110 18 9 11 .. .. " .. Cream. Good... Fancy.. 10 .. ... 80411 IA.ME S HO< JAN, INSPl :CTOB . 205 16'8 3 7 Goo.1. Good. Cream. Good... Good.. Fancy.. 5 T None... 80801 VJ-7 15 3 4 4 " . ,. .. " „ ... Mushy . Stand- 7 80802 LH) 3 15 4 4-9 ..., " ■ *' • • " ■ ■ - " ard. 9 6 I» 80803 18 BULLETIN No. 395— C'lMt. N«iii« »nd Addrew of Maimfkctiirrr or Kiirniaher i given by thu Vendor. Manufactiirxr. Kiirniaher. Hnnd. DISTRICT OF WINDSOR •4 1917. 8«pt. 4 Canned Com.. 66271 <«>2r9 65281 65283 6.'<28*i ti528!t 6.5306 &T316 ■J. D.Stark. Chatham. fJeo. Taylor Adam BruM., » Wm. Potter, „ T. J. Kelly, E. C. Qaihiiiage, .. G. M. Savaffe, Leaming- ton. M. Vandour, Leaming- ton. R. T. Moran, Learning- ten. Prosser ft Ryal, Lei.m. ingt4>n. 3 tina 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ :l M 3 .. 3 M 3 .. i „ 3 „ 60 ■>i 54 54 BO 51 60 54 IW 54 T. Kenny ft Co., Chat- ham, Ont. Mapiv t^af 1) 4 4 Delhi F. ft V. Cannera, Delhi Ont. E. D. Smith. Winona. Doni. Cannera Hamilton. E. D. Smith ft Ca, Winona. A. B. SaylorCan- n i n g Co., Bloomfield. Dom. Cannera Ltd., Hamilton E D .S 4 6 6 E. D.S. . E. D. S. ... " 1 " « DISTRICT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO- Aug. 24 " 24 " 27 " 30 Sept. lu " 21 Canneil Com. 21 78643 78645 78H54 78659 78663 78672 78673 K. n. Preston Hai ley bury. Co. Northland Storea, Ltd, Haileybury. Wuttton Co., New Lia- keard. Tayl„-Pipe, Col)alt... Victor Roy, Earlton, Ont. I). K.-»iTT)»n, Enplehart, Ont. Means. 3 3 3 3 -Miller ft Co. Trenton, Ont. Brighton Can Co., Brighton. SiuicueCun. Co., Simcoe. AylmerCan. Co. Ayliner, Ont. W. Boulter A Sona, Picton. Tharae^Can.Co. Thameaville, Ont. Frankforii C. A P. Co., Frank ford, Ont. Log Cabin . Thiatle Lynn Valley CanadntirHt Lion Tiiamea Cniaader . . . 1» (VNNED CORN. KeiiuU* of Analyaia. Net Weight. Condition. :4 ,. Kemarki and Opinion ii * .i i ,: ^ s J- i i of til* Cliiel ■\nalypt. s = ! 1 3 1 * S 1 1 ^ ii'HN TALHOT. INSPl-X^TOK. •113273 •♦15279 •66281 6528;i 6528«i •Cft28!l ji- ■.^ 16 7 18 2 IH 17 4 3 8 2 1 3 4 3 2 (:(x>d. GockI. (iood Dark Cr«-am. Cream Hat ., Good . . .Home grainii overrii* Broken Uraini, nu ap- mrent lic|iiid. Second.. Stand- ard. 6 8 "■4 None. . :•! 4 (i(H>d Dark Cream. Cream . . Go<k1 , .MuHliy . Stand- ard. 7-8 4-7 None. . :ii 5 17 3 3 2 " • ■ " ■ • " ■ ( it)od . . " 5-7 •6S31B TIKIS. K. ARMSTROXc;, INSPECTOR. p.. ■„ 4 18-6 lit 9 18 None Good, Gold. Cri'im. . GikmI... (i<Kxi. . . Fancy.. 8 None. . . 78643 786 tS '78<).'i4 I 2 17 1 4 1 Goo.1 G(K)d. Cream. . Good . . . Good... Fancy . . 8-7 None. . T8t»y ' 4 16 6 20- 1 3 8 on ■• .Milk white. Crejitn, . M ... Stand- ard. Fancy . . 4 3 5 6 .. ... 78C63 78672 •78673 * Sot worked. 30 BILLKTIX No. 39/^- ! i I ^f- Iwi s "8 Nature of Haniplv. i I "3 i 'A Cmt. Nuiii)' and Addn-ru "f Wndor. i? I Nmiw and Addma of Mkiiiifactiirrr or Fiiminher tut ffivf*n hy til* Wmlfir. Munufactiiicr. Kiimiidier, Brand. I>I8TRICT OK MAMTOHA- .. .% Sii ., 31 S«^t. s 11 n 11 11 II t'lvnnwl ' 'urn. 79S.K!sl». A, R,^rrr Rh|.m|I;«cihi» , Citv. j 7!*'.S4 ( J«j. ■HMrn«, Hanii<.tR ..,3 ., ;!C>;«('. n«id.»h^iiii.T, Hkui 13 \ iutn. 79r.')(l|.l. U. Kor'.yth, Miniotii. 3 7i>.">37 Al»'x. Viitiniiltlr, Swan 3 I Kiver. 79fl.tN'».n'« Hay C... ThfS i Pa.. 7!l.->;«l;\V. H. Hunting, The I'an 3 7'.C.Jli|\V,at*rn Tr»din.f C,.., 3 I The I'ttB. I 79,541 1 K. E. Tiiiri^ny, Th^ I'a. 3 7!tW2!\V.,.tHni Tnuline C... 3 i Th.. Ph.. «« Kawx C. * P. i'u.. Kmh-x, Ont. i tiO Hrit. Canadian C, Ltd., Haul ilton. Niaftara KalUC. *'"'.. Niairaru i .Kail., lilt |Vineland Can. I Cii., VinrlaiKl, Ont. 80 |N'.. Vary P,„. diitu Co., Tor- onto, f Delhi K. ft \.| Co., IWhi. Kwwx Hraml Brit. Cana dian. Pride. if X ill- Kara Kalln. Vine Krankfonl C. ft P. Co., Krank- foid. Bowlliy lln«.. Waterford. KtM-x C. ft 1'. Co., Fjaex. ■CtKlvilleCo. W'inniiw)^ No Vary Maple I,",ii . Gold .Stan.' . ard. Crmndrr. . H<ir»i- .Sho.. Kxcelxior UlSTRItT OK HASKATCIIKWAX Aug. 2,v Canned Corn. 28 2H 2S 2i- 211! j ,Ti I 7B9<ll:Th.- K..rt Trading Co ,'3 ^ ana. I I Fort liir.VpjK'lle. j I 7li9IM .laini'H Mac'd.iimld, For'i.'t .. I WuAl'I-ll.. 78!)(lt!!niid«,m'« Bay (.'.1., Kort!3 ,. : Wu A|i|».lle. 71HII I iTiplin? ft BeUIinit, IJal 3 .. carrvH. 74H14 A. .S. l>nmiin.,nd l.t-l ,!3 ., Balcarrc-^. i 7691!ITheHiif!«,mH Bay ('....S - i Vorkton. | j 7fiin.i;|M. Rotstein, . 7li!tt»<,B.k<if.,ky Br.w., Y.rk-ls , ton. 80 .lanifM T. Smith A. McDon aid ft (7o., RoK'xa Cameron ft Heap, Re- (fina Wilev, York i Co.. Pa., r.H. K jDoin. Canneni, j, Haniil I ton. fiO Bowlhy Br,«.,iH."(J. Smith I Wiitrrford. Ltd., Re- ' K<»a 45 IKxetrrC. ft, P ! Co., Kxett-r, I Ont. »5 rut No Vary Prwl i UCtil Co., Toto- i nto. .^5 i.Simcoe Can. Co., I Siintfie. 5."> jSmith Vinmling Co , \Ve«t I minuter, Md. TheC.Klvdle C.I.. Bran don. Y o r k t o n llfocerv. Yorkton. A. McDon- ald Co. Yorkton Wiley . . . , livfreian . Hortje Shoe Kxcelnior . . Hold Stand- ard. N'o Varv . . . Lynn Vallt-y Ijennjx .... SI ( \NNED CORN. KwultK (if Aiialynn. i i a M a 3"^ li Kcmnrk* iind (>|iiniiin of thv (hWf AiMljrit. .1 a COSOKOVE. INSI'KCTOR. I'l 7 18 4 . « 3 <iow) IJiKKt. y..ii, ■■• ' 5 155 5 wh 1!) 1 7 .. .. •• ■.'" 8 20 1 07 •• .'II t) 19 I 1ft ,j " ■.1) 5 l« S 4 .. . , ,, . , „ ■Jii 18 4 1 6 M .. .. . . ,, :ii 5 J7 2 3 3 " ll» 8 187 11 .. „ l!l U 18 1 18 " Non» 79M2 70535 7nS36 79537 79538 79639 79640 79541 79642 I H. HALL AND J, M. DANI8, INSPECTORS. 'JII 4 ■.'I ■.:-' 4 I'J 5 :'ii J ■M3 •21 19 9 19 9 19 7 18 4 19 7 19 6 17 6 ■-'1 20 7 ) 5 (iood. 1 ■7 1 •7 .. .. •7 4 3 Yeliow white. None . None. Trace . None. 7ta)01 7ti904 76906 76&11 76914 76919 76928 ' I 22 BULLETIN* No. 395— Natiirtj b of x' a Sample. •a ^ 1 3 c Si a ><; Xaroe and Addrem of VendiT. Co«t. Name and AddreM of Manufacturer or Fumiaher i Kiven by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnigher. Brand. l!iI7 ■■^ept. Aug. .S,-pt. Canned Corn Cum.. 12 20 20 21 27 27 27 -^ug. 20 • 2(1 " 23 ., 2.3 " 23 .. 23 n 23 Canned Corn. DISTRICT OF 8A8KATCHEWAN- 76932 Kent ft Brown Co., Ltd., 3caU8. Mouse (Jaw. 76940 VlcBridcs Ltd., Mooee .J ■law. 78521 Thi«. Holmea, Prince 3 Alliert. 78523 D. Robinovitch, I'rinci Albert. 78521) tTniim Trading Co , 3 Prince Albert. / 8.131 Prince Bros. Ltd., Batt- 3 leford. 7853S 78542 7.-^54" 78348 78551 78554 78557 785WI 785«2 White (irucers Ltd., 3 Saskatoon. Hafford Trading Co , 3 Hafford. C. E. Boland, Denholm 3 I>ion Bros., Cut Knife. . 3 K. A. Dillman, Cut 3 Knife. S. Raymond, Carruthers 3 \V. B. Amo8 ft Co , 3 Kam.Hack. .M. .\dilman, Kamaack 3 .A. Lindgren, Kam.sack. 52734 82735 527.S6 6273 52738 52739 Kerr ft Porterfield, Ca!- h. (». Freeze, Calgary . J. E. Grant, 812 3rd at X. E., Calgarv'. CKirke 4 Son, 712 3rd St. N. h:. (Jalgarv. <"». A. Miller, 619 3rd »t. N.E., Calgary. 60 60 60 No Vary P. Co., Minneapolis. Essex C. ftp. C, Essex. Dom . Canners, Hamilton. NewBurfi.rd C. Co. Ltd., Bur- ford, Out. .Miller 4 Co., Trenton, Ont. Ue Price ft .Sons, Darlington, Md VinelatidC. Co., Vineland. Conseeon C. Co. Consecon, Ont. Conseeon C. Co., Consecon, (Jnt Lambton P. Co., Petrolia, Ont. Dom. Canners Co.,Hamilum. De Price Sons, Darlington, Md. Dom. Canners Co., Hamilton Bowlhy Brew., Waterford. Brit. Can. Ltd., Hamilton. .Moose Gro- cery Co . , MooseJaw No Vary. Essex Hygeian.. . Burford . . . Log Cabin. Mt. Yoe.. Vine Mountain Crest. Dr,,Ml- nuught. Gold Stand- ard. Mt. Yoe. . Hygeian Horse Shoe. Brit. Cana- dian DISTRICT OF ALBERTA- 3 tins.! 50 65 BeamsvilleP.Co. Bcamsville. Br. Can. C. Ltd., Hamilton. 50 LanoeboroC. Co. , LAncelx)ro, Minn. Ne»' Burford C. Co., Burford, Ont. No ^^ary 'Pro- ducts Co. , Tor- onto. Br. Can. C, Ltd., I Hamilton. Peorless Br. Canadian Colonist. Lanceboro. Burford No- Vary... FleurdeLis. 23 ("ANNED CORN. ReaulU of Analybis. Remarka and Net Weight Condition. 3 g m of tbe Chief s .2" ■ % i ; 1 i ;^ s; 3 e s ^ Auitlrst. " 3 §0 ■Si r '5 3 1 1 1 1 'J p d S5 londaded. L-O 6 lie t 2il'2 HOT) l:t 4 L'Ofi III ;i I'l 3 L'l 4 •Jl lilG Li) - •JO 5 2i» 9 18 8 20 IT 7 19 4 19 2 18 19-3 14 2 14 4 20 5 16 5 18'(i 187 18 8 18-7 9 6 1-7 8 IS 14 1 3 5 1 4-9 0-9 4-5 10 2 17 2 2 (Sood Slitht- nut«d. Go<xi Good Yellow white. V'ellow Yellow white. None. Trace None. Trace None. Trace None. 76940 78521 78523 78526 78531 78639 78542 78647 78648 78D61 78554 78657 78660 78562 \. W. R. MARKLKY, INSPECTOR. 20 4 20-7 19 I 21 3 20 3 20 5 IH 300 167 14» 04 4 4-2 Rood Good. Yellow white. None. None. Trace. None. 6^733 62734 62736 19 3 2 " " M •■ Trace. 52738 19B 07 foatcd. " " ■■ None. 52737 18 2 2 3 Good " •• ■ Trace. 52738 lB-5 25 ■• " ■' " " 52739 24 BULLETIN No. 395— 1 W 1 I I I of Cost. Name and Address of Vendor. Name and Aildresg of Manufacturer or Furnisher given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnisher. Brand. 1917. Aug. 28 .. 29 M .to DISTRICT OF ALBERTA- Canned ' 52740 Com 52741 52742 R. A. W.-bsttT, Coch rane, Altwrta. Fisher * Co., Cochrane, Alta. W. Wood Roberts, 17 Ave. \V., Calgary. 3t-; 60 K««>x C. A P. Co.,Ltd.,I<>sex Frederick City Packing Co. Br. Can. Co., Ltd., Hamilton Essex Sportsman . . Fleurde Lis. Sept. 17 " 17 M 18 " 20 .. 20 M 20 " 26 o 2(i DISTRICT OF ROCKV MOUNTAINS- Canned Com 684% 684*0 U84&> •T. .1. Ling * Co., Ash- croft, B.C. Harvey Bailey. Ltd , Cochrane, B.C. K McCall Kamloops.. L. C. Masson, Revel- stoke. 88486|L. 0. Masson, Revel- >toke. G84U2 68500 68511 V. Hobson, Revelstoke. W. H. Crosby, Moyie,. ■Star Grocery, Nelson. . . 3 tins. 3 3 3 3 3 3 68518 Hudson's Bay Co., Nel- 3 „ son. 60 60 60 75 70 75 60 75 60 AylmerCan.Co., .\ylmer, Ont. Bloomfield P.Co. Bloomfield. Balfour Sniye & Co., Hamilton. Dom. Cann€rB, Ltd., Hamilton Brighton C. Co., Brighton. Dom. Canners, Ltd., Hamilton Simcoe Can. Co., Simcoe. K. p. Smith, Winona. AylmerCan.Co. Aylmer, Ont Canada First Quakers Tartan C^aker Thistle. Hygeian Lynn Valley E.D.8..... Honey Drop Oct. 29 " 29 « 29 .. 30 » 30 .. 30 Nov. 51 Canned Com. DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- 76156 McCullough Bros., 422 ^ Hastings St., E. Van 76157 76168 76159 76160 76161 Efford Bros., 673 Broad way, W., Van. Carter* Grocery, 264 Broadway W., Van C A. Welsh Ltd., New Westminster. Calladin?8, 2242 Gran viUe Si, , Van. E. T. Givins, S87 Broad way, V,:, Van. 76162 S. T. Wallace, 44 Hast I ing. St., W., Van. 3 cans. S „ 3 ., 3 M 3 „ 3 ,, 3 „ Bloomfield P. Co., Bloomfield. Brighton Can. Co., Brighton. Bloom8eId P. Co .Bloomfield. Thames C a n < ning Factory, Thamesville. AylmerCan.Co., Aylmer, Ont. Dom. Canners Ltd., Hamilton. W. H. Malkin Ca, Ltd., Van. Quaker . . Thistle... Quaker . Thames.. Canada First Hygeian Malkini Beat. 98 CANNED CORN. Remilta of AmUytia. Net Weiffht. Condition. . i i ' 1 _, '3 S a f| a 1 go ^ a IS s i i 1 < 1 "9 ^ ft i Remark! and Opinion of the Chief Analy«t. Cimrludtd. 20o 20 3 1ft 9 18 3 16 3 18 6 2 2 4 14 Good, (iood Yellow white. Titos. PARKER, INSPECTOR. 20 31 20-42 20 17 20- 17 20 77 19B8 20 00 13-64 20 35 14 03 17 39 17 89 2017 17 14 14-74 14 96 18 51 20 36 tjood Dent edand corro- ded. Good. Dent- ed. Dent edand corro ded. Dent- ed. Good Fair. Good. Fair. Good, Cream. LIfcht Kht How, yel <^'r«am, Liffht yellow. Cream. Liffht yellow. Dark yellow. Yellow. U. G. ARMYTAGE, INSPKCTOR. 19-61 20 28 20 49 20-77 20- 17 19 43 20 96 Good Dent- ed Cnmd Good Crean<. Yellow Cream. Yellow Cream. None. None. 62740 62741 62742 2 98 3 46 7-84 6 76 2-98 0034 009 Nil. 008 036 019 006 010 G3462 68468 68480 6«48A 68486 68492 68500 68611 68618 002 004 016 18 None. . . 0006 76166 76167 76188 76169 76160 76T61 76163 26 1 BULLETIN No. 395- I o J Nuture of Sample, •3. Name and Addreaa of Vendor. Coat. Name and Addreaa of Manufacturer or Furnisher aa given by the Vendor. s 5 Manufacturer. Furnisher. Brand. Nov. 9 9 Nov DISTRICT OK VANCOUVER- Canned Com 76163 David Spencer Ltd., Vancouver. 76164 Hudaon'a Bay Co., Ltd. Vanoiuver. 76165 J. Bt-har, 702 Richard St., Vancouver. 3cana. 60 60 60 Bell Fruit Farms Ltd., Griniaby, Ont. Nianant Falli Can. Co., Nia Kara Falla. Bloomlield P. Co., Ltd., Bloomfield. Swiaa BeU. Pride of Niagara Falln '^ker. .. Oct. 19 19 DISTRICT OF VICTORIA - Canned Com 75951 W. R. John«.n, 2067 Cadboro Bay R(l., Vic- toria. 75952 Hitrriaon Cash Grocery Co., 2215 Oak B»y Ave., Victoria. 7.5953 Mercer ft Rodgera, lOOlJ RuaaellSt., Victoria. 75954 Thdbum Grocery, £i>gnimalt, B.C. 76955 Dixi U. Rosa ft Co., 1317 Govt. St., Victoria. 76966 75!)57 7.5958 75959 75900 3 3 Copan, ft Young, 633 3 Fort St., Victoria. E. B. .Tonea, 1802 Cook St., Victoria. Windsor Grocery Co.. 817Govt. St., Victoria. We* tern Mercantile Co., Nanainio, B.C. J. S. Knaraton, Xanai- mo, B.C. 60 60 Bloomfield P. Co,Bloomfield. AylmerCan.Co., Ayliiier, Ont. De Price ft S<m, Darlington, Md. Balfour. Smve ft Co., Hamilton. Brighton Can Co., Brighton. Dom. Canners Ltd., Hamilton. Brightfm Can Co., Brighton. Quaker. Canada First Egyptian... Tartan Thistle Hygeian ITiiatle . S7 CANNED CORN. Rwulto o( Analytiii. Net Weight. Condition. H . , i II II s § 9 s u * ij 6 6 c I 'mcluded. lit 8fl •Jit 28 16 94 IS 94 17 t» Dent- ed Li^ht yellow ■ Cream. Yellow i. ARMYTAGE, ACTING INSPKCTOR -11 21 20-24 111 % 211 ai -11 21 lit .-W 111 3H l!t 86 lif5- l!l 9.1 14 49 19 08 15 16 17 99 15 34 14 95 11 53 16 22 19 11 18-41 Good Dent- ed Good. Dent- ed. Good. Good Yellow. Dark yellow Light yellow Cream., Yellow Remarkt and Opinion of the Chief Aralyit. 3 42 137 6 69 »4 4 26 3 62 3 30 1 29 337 1 33 2 11 7-96 None. . . 0008 006 761CS 76164 76166 C 016 0031 012 0016 .\one. . . 027 0030 008 0-002 005 75951 75952 76963 75954 75955 769 6 75957 75958 76969 75900