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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clich6 sont filmdes d partir de I'angle sup^rieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la mdthode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 fcj -**^ . . .<,^, ^«4'" % ^''--0 rj "< ^'f:«-,. .^:.i^ \ - '~' -3-' J .■* ' '■ ^ ^ ^^^ t -r _ J v^ ^ 11 >, ' 1 ^Slj/i \ i Lx^J A Si aa^^r^. i'^-^- iiC^Sf? «=?=— J/ > - %si^?' M ' Ti. V h >liit<in;;::j >;?^ A?-; '>■ 'y iii M^ >; >^^: \ "'. .- *^ ^- ^ :.i. ^P'-A .* Atk -/ EjP w!~^^"k liPr^ t Sffl i H ^ffil^ H i..-!rf9#*- ^..i^ ><«.. >" «i* ■.■^•Vlyi!.*?».>■i^#^^.»; -, . ^ ^:S m\ #. ' pi --'^ .^1 #^.'1 1 VANCOUVER, "^SARNIA, OREGON, TORONTO, Or^TARIO, MONTREAL DOMINION, TEXAS. •'-^>i^ SAILING BETNA/HEN sj^^si^. LIVERPOOL, QUEBEC and MONTREAL^ Halifax and PortUiQd, Mc, in Winter. *Th('s<» Stoaiiu'is li;iv(» Saloon Stali'-Uconi^. Music-Kuoin, Sinokiiig-Koom niul Datli- Kooiiis amidsliips, where but little motion is felt. Spoi'tsnicn and Tonrists visilini^ Canada will find the St. Lawrence route a lU'ist (losirable way oH roachin;^ tln.'ir ilestinalion, tlirei^ days of the voyage b^-ins; passed in tiin smooth waters and ainonj?st the niaynilieent stieuery of the (Jiilf and Uiver. 'J he Steamers sail from Liverpool every Tlmrslay, falling at Alovillo or Ik'll'ast the f()llf>win^ day to embarlv jiHssenyers. 'J"he Vancouver is lij^hted tlironj^li'mt with tlie i;ieeliic Lij^lit and liaspro\ed herself one of tlie fastest steamers in the Atlantic trade. Liverpool to Quebec, Montreal, Halifax or Portland, Cahiu (Vom I'lO.l!) (o lultM-mcillalc •.<}.«, Stm'aj;o U, For fiirtli'r parlienlars apply to JOHN F. ALLEN. - - <L8 Fenchurch St., London, MOSES BUCHANAN, - - 62 Buciiatiaa St., Glasgow. WtVr. MONTGOMEttY, - - St) Foylo St., Londonderry. HENRY GOWAN, - - - 13 Victoria St., Belfast, And to the Ajients in ,'ill tlie principal towns and cities of (ireat IJritain, or to DAVID TOin:AN( T, & ( <> , f.r.Nia^AI. A(.liNTS, :> and roKTi,.\ND. I'LINN, >I.\TN X M0NT(J0MI:RY, Managing Directors, 24 JAMES STREET, LIVERPOOL, and 70 OiiiMiii's Sliiiire, Itristol. ■4' AdveHisemmt, fj n i I CHARLES WILSON'S GINGER ALE (AROMATIC). Charles Wilson's (Ginger) Ale is not fermented, donsequently is not alcoholic, is eminently warming and invigorating, yet perfectly free from any intoxicating qualiiy. ■ Awards for Special Excellence. International Exhibition, Philadelphia, United States, 1876. International Exhibition, Sidney, New South Wales, 1877. Ginger Ale in Quarts Seltzer Water Ginger Ale Double Soda Water Lemon Soda Sarsaparilla Potass Water Yichg Water To be had of aU first class Grocers. KEEP IN A COOL PLACE-CORKS DOWN. No Steamer, Passenger Ship or Yacht should be without a supply of Charles Wilson's Aromatic Ginger Ale, Seltzer and Potass Water. Special attention given to fitting out Fishing & Hunting parties. CHARLES WILSON, •181 SMIBIOUHME STBEET, TORONTO, ONT. i V" V* VIPHIJ • ■I IWW'I^^'^T" Advertisement. » KNOX'S*. Gilling* Salmon Twines. Gilling Nets, Salmon Nets, Cotton Nets & Seines Tailors' Linen Threads, &c., Xrc, Xc. Solo Agents for Canada : Geo. D. Ross & Co, 648 STIIET, MON'^'^EAL r »/« ^■K T"'"-l \ i GUIDE 7 TO THE FISHING AND EDNTING RESORTS IN TIIE VICINITY OF THE Grand Trunk Railtcay off Canada. \\^iiU.y>-> CONTAINING I'AUTICULAUS OF FISH, GAME, HOTELS, L *'^.RY AND GENERAL FACILITIES. J. HICKSON, General Manager, T.. J. SEARGEANT, Traffic Manager. WM. EDGAR, General Passenger Agent. MONTREAL 1889. « T< • CONTENTS. Introduction , , 7 Fifching Waters and Hunting Grounds of — Ontario 11 Quebec 60 Maine 77 Michigan , , 8C New Ilampsbire 81 New York 84 Vermont 85 New Brunswick 86 Close Seasons for Fish and Game 88 Best Routes to the favorite grounds 92 ABBREVIATIONS. Co., county ; b. b., black bass ; Br., brook ; Or., creek ; g. b., green bass ; L., lake; m., mile ; Mg., niaskinong^ ; P. pond ; p. d., per day ; p. h., per hour ; pk., pike ; pi., pickerel ; p. w., per week ; E., river ; Str., stream; w., week. Advertisement t T H K QUEEN'S HOTEL, TORONTO, ONT. McGAW & WINNETT, Proprietors. •nipk aUhn 4C*ii»n The " Queen's" is one of the largest and most comfortable Hotels in the Dominion of Canada; and being adjacent to the Lake commands a splendid view of Toronto Bay and Lake Ontario. It is well known as one of the coolest liou.'-es in Summer in Canada, and is elegantly furnished throughout; rooms eii sin'ie, with bath-rooms, etc, attached to every floor. Tiiis Hotel is strictly firsi-ci.ass. and has received the patronage of the Royal Fannly, as well aJ^ that of the Nobility of Europe. The Grounds about it being both spacious and airy, with Croquet and Chevalerie Lawns, render it one of the most pleasant and desirable Hotels for business men, pleasure seekers and the travelling public. Terms for Board, per day, $3.00, $3.50 to ^4.00 per day, according to location of rooms. I 6 Advertisement JOHN LABATT'S ^it nn^ Stout Being perfectly pure, are med MEDICINALLY, DIETETICALLY, aud as GENERAL UEVERAGES at all Seas*ii8 of the Year. Tlicy llefresli, Stiiiiiilafo, niid Noi"*lsIi or Strcngtlieii. Highly reconimended by the Medical ProfesBioii erywliere. Sold in bottles under tbeao registered lab«;ia only. Highest Awards and Medals for Purity and Excellence at Centennial EAbibition, riiiladelphia, U.S., 1876 ; Canada, 187« ; Australia, 1877 ; ai.d Paris, Fraiuie, 1878. TESTI3IONIALS sSELECTED. Prof. H. H. Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, say.s : " I find it to be perfectly sound, containing no impurities or adulterations, aiul can strongly recommend it as perfectly pure and a very superior malt liciuor." John 13. Edwards, Professor of <^liemis(ry, Montreal, says: " 1 find tbem to be remarkably sound ales, brewed from pure malt and bops. " Rev. p. .1. Ed. Paoe. Professor of Chemistry, Laval Univernity, Quebec, says : "I have analyzed tb(^ India Pale Ale, nianufa«ture<i by .John Labatt, i.ondon, Ont., and have found it a Hglit ale, e.ontaining but little alcohol, <>f a deliciou- flavor, and of a very agreeable taste and superior <iuality. and conipares with the best imported ales i have also analysed the Porter XXX Stout, of the .same brewery, which is of e.xcelleit quality ; its flavor is ^ery agreeable ; i- is a tonic more energetic than the above ale, for it is a little richer in alcohol, and can be couipaaed advantageously with auy imported article." ASK YOVR GROCE;r rOR IT, INTRODUCTION. i The favor with which the previous editions of the Guide to the Fishing and Hunting Resorts on thi' line was received has prompted the manjigeuient of the Grand Trunk Railway to re-issue the work in a more extended form, containing new and interesting particulars, covering the entire territory served by its lines and connecting railro<ids and steamers. The pi m of the Guide may be described as a condensation of reports received from the Company's agents who were asked to furnish the names of hotels in their vicinity and their charges, als* the cost of livery ; the nearest lavorable fishing resorts :md their distance ; fish to be obtsiined, and varieties most pleiitii^)! ; best months; baits used; names of guides imd charges, and coj>t ofb >at hire. For hunting — the best grounds and distance ; game most ubundant ; best months ; guides and their charges ; whether dogs are obtainable, and a general 'lescrip- tion of the country. From these the best reports wero selected and are printed in a brief form in the order of the questions as above stated. Although fubject to change in the course of the season, the inf irmation may be generally :iccepted as reliable, and it is hoped will be a useful assistance to sportsmen or tourists in laying out a plan for t'^eir summer tour. We have included data of various poir^ts of interest on the Northern and North Western Hailway, now operat«jd by the Gand Trunk Rail- way as a division of its extensive system. The acquisition of this line adds an interesting territory which his long been known as a favorite district for camping out, fishing .ind shooting. We refer partieulaiiy to tlie Muskoka Lakes, Parry Sound Region and Georgian Bay. It is intended to improve the train service to th^ se northern pomts, make closer connections with trains from other parts of the line, and aflford, in all ways, increased facilities for visiting them. In these efforts the railway company has received considerable assistance from the various steamer lines plying on the lakes, who also are offering additional service and have co-operated in the preparation of a series of tours at low fares, with the object of opening to the travelling public this picturesque and health-giving country. 'JMie Muskoka Lukes .ire a beautiful range of waters, adjoining one another for a distance of about 50 miles. They are situated at an altitude of 750 feet above the level of Lake Ontario, and are especially commended for the abutidancc of animal and veget- able life to be found in their neighborhood, whilst the waters are filled with the choicest varieties of the fiuny tribes. The steamers of the > " Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navipcjition Company make daily trips from Gravenhurst, and passentrcrs h.ive tlie privil jr^^otstoppinir over or going all around the lakes, according to tlieir inelin.ition. The same company's steamers also leave Midland and Penctang for Parry Sound, and the SJiil through the wonderful Archipelago of over twenty-seven thousand islands, of all conceivable sizes and shapes, is one wliicli will not be easily forgotten, whilst the enthusiastic sportsman can safely be promised nmple opportunities for the use of his roil or gui<. An inter- resting work entitled ''Guide to Muskoka Lakes," containing full par- ticulars of the resources of tliis interesting reiiion will bo Ibrwai'dcd on application to J. A. Link, Secretary Muskoka & Georgian F ;y Navi- gation Company, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Rangeley ]-akes, in the State of Maine, are also referred to in the following pages, and are especially recommended to residents in the New England States. An interesting dt'scription of them with full particulars as to the mode of transportation, best routes, and fares has been written by Capt. A. J. Farrar, and intemling visitors will do well to obtain a copy of his book entitled "Androscoggin L:ikes Illustrated," published by the Androscoggin Lakes Transportation Co. at Boston. "Where Nature has provided so bountifully it is difficult to particu- larize, and we can therefore only make a passing allusion to the salmon fisheries of the Lower Provinces of Canada, which have a world-wide celebrity ; the magnificent fishin<r and scenery of the River St. Lawrence and the Thousand Islands, well-known and hiizhly appreciated re-orts of tourists from all parts of the continent, together with innumerable towns and favorite grounds in the vicinity of those great inland seas — Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, — which (as will' be seen by a, glance at the map on the back of this book) arc reached at many points by the,4nain lines and branches of the Grand Trunk Railway. ^^B^^ Adverliseraent. 9 10 Advertisement, ICstabUHhed 1 845. f \ m mmm 1641 MOTIiE DME ^f., MONTREAL, QUE., DEALERS IN If I FINE mm, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, FISHIXG TACKLE, AND EVERY VARIETY OF 0s:poK;Tinsrc3- ^ a-ooi3S.^ WE HAVE One of the JVlost (Complete 2)tocks in 'America IN OUR LINE OP GOODS. WE ABE HEADQUARTERS FOR FORREST SALMON TACKLE, W. W. GREENER GUNS, AND TRAP SHOOTERS' SUPPLIES. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, and mention this Guide. T. W. BOYD & SON, 1641 Notre Dame St., Montreal. PISHING AND HUNTING RESORTS IK THE VICIJNITV OV THE Irmth^rtmk !||^aHmni| iompn^ nf inmiha. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Acton West, Co. Hal ton. —Hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Small Str. within 2 \n. ; trout (speckled) ; best months — May and June ; baits — worms and flies ; boats — $1 p. d. HuNTixu. — All around within 5 m. ; ^'ainu — rabbits, partridge and woodcock ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; guides — not needed ; country — hilly, wooded, dry. Appin, Co. Middlesex. — Hotels, John Mullins' and Forbes McNaughton's, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Thames R., 5 m. ; sunfish, b. b., pk., catfish, eels, perch ; sunfish, b. b. and pk. most plentiful ; best months — March to May; baits — worms, minnows. Hunting. — From 2 to 5 m. tamarac swamp and large slashing ; game — rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, few (hicks, quail, woodchucks ; besl months — Oct. to Dec. ; several guides living in villaije, $1 p. d. ; country — mostly level, with one tamarac swamp ; splendid place for rabbits in Dec. and Jan. Aylmer, Co. Elgin.— Hotels, Central, $1.50, Brown House, $1.50, Man- sion House, Mero House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Lake Erie, 9 m., small P. and Cr. for trout, .S to 5 m. ; L. Erie — perch, pi. and bass with rod, whiteflsh, sturgeon, pi., herring, taken in nets ; in small P. and Cr. — fly and bait fishing for trout ; most plentiful — perch and bass ; best months — June to Aug. ; boats — 15c. to 25c. p. h,, contracts can be made at reasonable rates for longer periods, Ayton, Co. Grey. — Hotels, Royal, Commercial, Dominion, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 single, $3 douGle. Fishing. — Rocky Saugeen R., South Branch, about 5 m., and other trout Str. in vicinity ; fish — Br. trout ; best months — May to July ; baits — worms and flies ; Str. can be waded ; fine fishing waters, and large scores of trout have been caught ; fish of 2 and 3 lbs. weight are occasion- ally taken. 12 Fishing and Hwniing Resorts, V5c. Bainsville, Co. Glengarry.— Board, one to the grounds for $1. Fishing, — L. St. Francis, IJ ni fish ; most plentiful — bass and pk. ; best niontlis p. d. ; fanners will convey any fish — pk.,pl., b. b., and small Mav and June : bait — minnows ; guide, T. Carter, $1..50 p. d., who furnishes boat, Bala, Co. Sinicoe (reached by Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation Co. from Gravenhurst). — Hotel, Clifton House, $1 p. d. ; livery, dou- ble $3, single $2 p. d. FisHixd. — Muskoka L., at the house, Clear 1j., Blake Ti. 2 iii.. Long L. \ m., Muskosh K. \ m., Moon 11. 2 in.. Little Current, CouIter\s Cur- rent 1^ ni. ; salmon trout, whitetish, b. b., pi., herring, Mg., perch ; bass and pickerel most plentiful ; best months — July and Aug. ; baits — worms, crawfish, grassho|)])ers. Hies ; guides — W. Carr, J. McLean, C. Board, $1 to $L60 p. d. ; boats can be hired at 50c. p. d. and $;kO() per week. HuNTixo. — South side Bala Bay and Mtiskosh U. from I m. to 3 m. ; game — deer, partridge, duck, bear ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; guides as above ; trained dogs can be obtained for deer ; country — close wooded, dry, hilly. Ballantynes, Co. Frontenac. No hotels. Fishing. — St. Lawrence Jl., 3 m. ; pk. and b. b. ; best months — Aug. and Sept. ; baits — minnow and worm. Barrie, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Queen's $L50 p. d., Barrie, American, Wel- lington, $1 p. d. also Peninsular Park Iiotel,!) ui.on L. ; livery, from $2 to |5 p. d. Fishing. — Kempenfeldt Bay,L. Simcoe, Little L. ; salmon trout, white- fish, herring, rock and b. b., perch ; most i)lentiful — herring and white- fish; best months — Oct., Nov. and Dec. for herring, whitefish, Feb., March and April ; baits — mitinows, pork, worms ; guides — Watson Jones, Peter Hebner, $2 p. d. ; boats — 15c. p. h., $1 p. d. ; by the week or month better terms can be made. Hunting. — Within a radius of 10 in. from Barrie ; deer, bear, rac- coon, foxes, rabbits, ducks, wild gv:Qi^ii and partridge ; best months — Oct., Nov. and a part of Dec. ; guides — Watson Jones, Peter Hebner, with dogs, $2 p. d. ; country — medium rolling cmmtry. Beaumaris, Co. Muskoka District (reached by Muskoka and (Georgian Ray Navigation Co. from Gravenhurst). — Hotels, Beaumaris Hotel, $L50to$2p. d. Fishing, — Muskoka L. on the spot. Moon R., 8 m. ; small L, in neigh- borhood, ; b. b., pi., salmon trout, br, trout, Mg. in Moon R. ; b. b. and pi. most plentiful ; best months — June to Sept. incl. ; baits — worms, minnows, grasshoppers, crawfish, also trolling baits Bracebridge, Wm. Black, Walker's Point, P. 0., boats — from 50c. to $1 p. d. Hunting. — On the spot and at Moon R., 8 m. ; deer, bear, partridge, rabbits in their proper seasons ; same guides as for Fishing ; dogs can be obtained from Bracebridge ; country — wooded, wet, dry, hilly and level. Beaverton, Co. Ontario.— Hotel, Hamilton House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1 p. d. Fishing, — L. Simcoe, close to Beaverton ; whitefish, salmon-trout, b. b. ; salmon-trout most plentiful ; best months — Oct. for trout, April and May for whitefish, June and July, bass ; trolling spoon used ; guide — L. Baf ber, $1 p. d. ; boats, 75c. p. d. guides — John Cooper, from $L50 to |2 p, d.; li > Province of Ontario. 13 Belle River, Co. Essex.— Hotels, Commercial, Parent House, $1 p. d. ; livery, single rig $2.50, double $4 p. d. FisniNS — L. St. Clair; whitcfish, catfish, sturgeon, herrings and bass, all of good size; herring most plentiful; winter months are best when they are caught with spear through hole in ice; guide — at reasonable figuj-e ; boats — at low prices. Hu.VTixo. — Rusconi Plains, 4 m. east, with a small strip itnmediately; game — woodcock, and snipe, few d«t;k ; best months — the Fall; trained dogs can be obtained; country — open, wooded, level. Belleville, Co. Hastings.— Hotels, Queen's Hotel, $2 ; Kyle House, $1.50 ; Albion, Anglo-American, Windsor, Dominion, Commercial House, Gibson House, International, Ontario House, Ac, $1 p. d. ; livery, single horse, and rig, $2 p. d.,team, $3.50 p. d. Fishing . — Hay of Quinte (upon the shore of which the citv is situated), all j)arts of the bay have good fishing ; I), b., salmon, pi., j>k., Mg., sturgeon, etc., and all the smaller varieties; most plentiful — b. b. and Mg., best ^iionths — midsummer; baits — perch, worms, frogs, artificial minnows; guides to be had ; boats— $1 to $1.50 p. d. Bertie, Co. Welland.— Hotel, ^FcLeod's, $1 p. d., $3.50 p. w. ; livery, $3 p. d., reasonable charges for driving to and from the lake. FisiiixG. — L. Erie, 1 m. distant ; yellow pk., pi., whitefish, perch, and b. b. ; most plentiful — pi., perch and b. b. ; best months — Jan. to March, and July and Aug; bait — minnows; boats $1 p. d. Blackwater June, Co. Ontario.— G. T. R. Refreshment Booms ; livery, $1.50 p. d. anil up. Fishing — Beaver R. runs through station yard ; mongrel and speckled trout. Hunting. — Along Beaver R. ; game — bears, rabbits, pArtridges, foxes, coons, scpiirrels, porcupines, nuiskrats, miidv, &c. ; trained dogs can bo obtained; country — wooded and generally level, dry in summer. Blair, Co. Waterloo.— Hotels, $1 p. d. Fishing. — Mill Cr. ; speckled trout; best months — May and June; baits — worms, minnows. Bobcaygeon, Co. Victoria (reached by Trent Valley Navigation Co's steamers from Lindsay). — Hotels, Rockland House $1.50, Forest House, Rokeby House, Commercial House (Temperance), $1 p. d. ; favoral)lc arrangements can be made by the week or montli ; livery, $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Sturgeon and Pigeon L. ; Bobcaygeon lies between the two at a distance of I m. from either one ; l)ass and Mi^. ; most plentiful — bass ; best months — June 15th to Aug. 15th for bass, Mg. about a month longer; baits for ha«'^ — minnows, worms, crawfish, &c., according to season; guides — Jno. Godfrey, C. E. Gunsolus, Stewart Murray and others, $3 p. d., including boats and o«mp outfit; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Bass, Concession, Gull, Bald, or Ketchicum L. ; deer and partridge; guides — Jno. Godfrey, E. E. Gunsolus; trained dogs can be obtained; country — rocky, wooded. The noted summer resort. Sturgeon Point, is on the route of the T. V. N. Co's steamers, which call every trip !l 14 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, !i' I! i; between Lindsay and Bobcaygeon both ways; steamboat connection is also made between Bubcaygeou and Bridgenorth (on Cheniong L.j, 6 ni. from Peterboro. Bothwell, Co. Kent.— Hotels, Central, Royal, Masonic, St. Isicholas, $1 p. d. ; livery, .single $2, double $3 p. d. Fisuixo. — Thames River; catfish, rock-bass. Hunting. — Four or five m. townships of Or ford and Zone; game — qjiail, partridge, squirrels and rabbits; guides — H. Anthony, C. AlTin, W. H. Everinghani, U. Parker; trained dogs can be obtained; country — varied. Bracebridge, Co. Muskoka District. — Hotels, Queen's, British Lion. Foster's, $1 p. d. ;" livery, $2 to $3 p. d. FisHixo. — Muskoka L., 5 m. (per water via Muskoka River), Trading L., L. of Bays, 15 m.; b. b., pi., salmon-trout, speckled trout, herring, Mg., '.vhitefisli ; most plentiful, b. b.,pl., salmon trout, speckled trout; best months — May to Sept.; baits — worms, live bait and aftificial; guide — John Cooper; boats can be obtained. Hunting. — Trading L., or L. of Bays, and vicinity, and Muskoka L. ; game — partridge and deer ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; wooded, dry and hilly, with any quantity of snuill lakes and rivers. Bradford, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Armstrong House, Western Hotel, Innis House, $1 p. d. ; livery, §2 j). d. Fishing. — In vicinity; b. b. and catfish; best months, May and June; baits — worms, frogs and minnows ; no guides ; boats can be obtained at $1 p. d. Hunting. — 2 m. from Brsxlford ; duck, snipe, partridge, but not very plentiful ; country — open, wet and level. Brantford, Co. Brant, — Hotels, Kerbv House, $2, American, Butler, Commercial, City, Park, King's, trroat Western, Bingham, $1 p. d. ; livery, about $2 p. d. for single irse . d buggy, according to distance. Fishing. — Grand R. running through city, also some Str. not far from city; fish — pi., l)ass, pk., speckled trout, and other small fish, and some sturgeon lower down r, ; pi. most plentiful ; best months — July and August, for tiy-fishing. May and June ; baits used — minnows or worms ; boats — 20c p. h. Brighton, Co. Northumberland. — Hotels, Central and Kellv House, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — Presqu'Isle Bay and Spring Br. ; bass, pk., sunfish, eels, herring, mud-cats, perch and Mg. ; there are other kinds caught on the beach from Lake Ontario; niost plentiful — black, green and rock bass, pk., sunfish, eels, mud-cats; best months — with hook and line, summer, trolling, Sept. to Nov. ; baits — principally worms ; guides — T. C. Lockwood and J. B. Demi 11 ; boats — 50c. to $1 p. d. Hunting. — Ducks, partridges, snipes, rabbits, squirrels and foxes; best months — 1st Sept. to 1st Jan. ; guides — T. C. Lockwood and J. B. Demill ; trained dogs can be obtained for deer, rabbits and foxefi ; country — generally rolling lands, with plenty of swamps. Advertisements. 15 p. J. HOYENDEN, IMPOBTER AND DEALER IX ette;pialg, Colors, AND Painters' GENERAL SUPPLIES. i^hojl,i:QSAl,e; A^n retail,. Mo. 88 King Street West, TOROHTO. Dovercourt Twine Mills, MANUFACTURERS OF Cotton and Homp Twines and Cordage, HAMMOCKS, TENNIS, CRICKET & FLY NETS, BRAIDED FISHING LINES & SEINES, AVIS' PATENT BELTING. MULE DRIVING ROPES, Flags, Tents, Awnings & Covers. Braided Cords & Laces. .^TTIS cfi3 GO., DOVERCOURT, ONT., &. 50 Front St. E., TORONTO. H 16 Advertisements. TOURISTS AND THB Travelling Public GENERALLY, Will do well before starting out TO INSPECT THE WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF Sporting and T}tzzz ZhozZj TO BE HAD AT H. & C. BLACKFORD'S, 87 S: 89 King Street East, TORONTO. This House Always Leads in Serviceable and Stylish Goods. |< :; t mI HEINTZMAN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF (rc=? ■ .; Warerooms : 117 King Street West, TORONTO. Province of OntaHo, 17 IC 2, Is. ■9 T, Brockville, Co. Loeils — Hotels, St. Lawrence Hall, Revere Houpe, Central Hotel, &c., $2 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 p. d. single rig. Fishing, — St. Lawrence R., Chai lesion L. .iixi lliileau L. ; pk., bass, salmon trout, pi., Mg. ; most i)lentiful — salmon — trout and b. b. ; best months — June and Sept. ; baits used — sj)oon bait and live minnows ; guides — plentiful ; boats — $1 p. d. Hunting. — St. Lawrence R., Charleston L. and Ridcau L. ; game — duck, plover, woodcock, snipe and i)artridge ; best months — fall of the year ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded ^md hilly. Brucefield, Co. Huron.- Hotels, Albion, Queen's, Commercial and River Hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. for single rig. FianiXG. — L. Huron, ten miles from station; salmon,, bass, pi.; most plentiful — salmon trout; best months — May to Aug.; baits — fish, worms; boats can be hired at $1 p. d. Burks FaHs, District Parry Sound.— Burk House $L50 to $2 p. d., Chfton House, $1 p. d. ; Cataract House, $1 p. d. ; livery, single rig, $2, double $.'3 to $5, according to distance. Fishing. — Magariettawan R. and tril»utaries, Cecebe, Doe, Pickerel and Horn Lakes, 3 to 7 miles distatit; speckled salmon, grey trout, bass, pick- erel and perch; trout ami pickerel niost abundant; best months — from L5th May until end of Sept. ; baits — worms, jninnows and flies; guides — Chas. Davis, J^^hn Gray, John Bells, $2 p. d. ; boats — from 25c to 50c p. d.; bring worms. Hunting. — The whole vicinity from village outwards; game — deer, partridge and rabbits ; '.ny time in season ; same guides as for fishing, $2 p. d. ; can get all hounds required, for ))artridge shooting bring spaniels; country — generally wooded and somewhat hilly, but a great deal of level land ; deer are numerous ; the hotel accommodation is good. Burlington, Co. Halton.— Hotels, three, $1 to $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — In Burlington Bay, about 1 m. distant; bass, pk., sunfish, the former most plentiful ; best months — June, July, Aug. ; oaits used — worms and chub; boats — about $1 p. d. Byng Inlet, District Parry Sound (reached by Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation Co., from Midland or Penetang, also Great Northern Transit Co., from Collingwood). Mill boarding house, and Temper- ance Hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery not required. Fishing. — Maganettawan R. and Georgian Bay; salmon trout, bass, pi., Mg., whitetish, pk. ; most plentiful — nl. and bass ; best months — June, July; baits — spoons; no professional guides, but one can be easily procured at nominal figure; boats — at moderate rates. Hunting. — 10 m. up Maganettawan R. ; deer, partridge, duck; best month — Oct ; guides — $1 p. d.; country — rocky, hilly and dry, also thick woods. Callander, District of Parry Sound.— Pacific Hotel, White House, $1 p. d., no livery. Fishing. — L Nipissing (on the spot), L. Nasbonsing, 4 m.. Trout L., 5 m. north; pk., bass, pi., perch, sturgeon ; most plentiful — pk., bass, pi. 18 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, best months — May, June, Au^., Sept., Oct.; baits used — minnows, frogs •and the larj^cr tly baitn; guides — E. Martin, J. R. Moon, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; boats— $ I p. d. HuNTiNf}. — The country is all new, game plentiful in any direction; — moose, red deer, bear, ducks and partridges ; best months — Sept., Oct., Nov.; guide— E. Martin, $1.50 to $2; country— densely wooded, hilly, with some swamps. [Callander is built on a healthy and pretty situation on South-East Bay at the extreme east end of L. Nipis.«iiig. South-East Bay is abotit 2^ m. in length and 2 m. in width, and forms tlie finest harbor on Lake Nipissing; is well protected from strong winds blowing off the L. by a chain of beauti- ful islands, the channels atiording the best fisiiing to be found in the L., and good duck shooting in season]. Campbellford, Co. Northumberland.— Hotels, Windsor $1.50 p. d. St. Lawrence $1, Queen's $1, Victoria $1, Dominion $1 ; livery, $2 p. d. single rig. FisriiNG. — Hc*,ley's Falls, G m., Crow Bay 2 m., Percyboom fi m., good fishing within 200 yds. of Campbellford hotels, Mg., pk., pi., bass, perch, catfish, all plentiful ; best months — Aug., Sept.; baits — flies, frogs, min- nows, etc. ; guides — Henry Deacon, J. Gould, at riasonable rates; boats — mav be hat! for a trifle from above-mentioned men ; bass fishing particu- larly good ; from 20 to 30 b. b. and 3 to 5 Mg. considered here a fair day's sport. HuNTixG. — All surrounding country; partridge, ducks and rabbits; guide — J. Gould for ilucks; country — hilly, large marshes. Cardinal, Co. GrcM .illc. — Hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — St. Luwrence R., U m. west; perch, b. b., pk., pi., chub; best months — July and Aug. ; baits — worms, &c. ; boats — $1 p. d. Ceutralia, Co. Huron. — Hotels, Dufferinand Royal, $3 p. w. ; livery $2 p. d. Fishing.— L. Huron, 15 m. ; herring, pi.; best months — May and June baits — worms; boats — $1 p. d. Hunting. — On L. Huron; partridge and ducks; country — wooded and clearing ; fine land to shoot over ; numerous parties go back to lake to camp. Chatham, Co. Kent. — Hotels, Garner $2, Rankin $1.50, Royal Exchange, Grand Central, Rutley, Idlewild, Pierce's, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. single, $3.50 double. Fishing.— Mitchell's Bay 12 m., L. St. Clair 13 m., L. Erie 12 m., R. Thames, in town and mouth, 18 m.; bass, pk., pi., sun, white, Mjj., catfish ; most plentiful — bass, pi. and white; best months — April and May; baits used — minnows and flies ; guides — $1.50 p. d. ; boats — with punter, $1.50 p. d. ; Mitchell's Bay is mostly preserved. Hunting. — L.St. Clair and Erie, each 12 m., mouth of Thames, 18 m. ; ducks, geese, quail, grouse, woodcock ; best months — for geese, April, all others, Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; country — open, level, wet in marsh, where ducks and water-fowl are found, dry for others; L. St. Clair shoot- ing grounds all preserved. CobOCDnk, Co. Victoria. — Pattie's, University, Hotels, $1 p. d. . Fishing. — Gull R. running through village affords good bass and Mg. fishing; Turtle and Balsam L., 1 m. distant; Mg., bass, &c. ; most plen- Province of Ontario. 19 tiful — b. b. ; best months — 'luring Jnne and early part of July, fly fishing is good, later, baits — Hies, worin.s, grasshoppers, crawfish, <kc. ; guides — J. Richmond, F. Currie, J. Spensei", $1.50 p. d. ; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Game abounds within 1 m. of village; partridge, deer and bear; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; guides — J. Riclunond, W. Wellwood, $2 p.d., including dogs ; country — wooded, hilly, intersected by lake and swamp. Cobourg, Co. Northumberland.— Arlington Hotel, $2 p. d., Dunham House $1.50, Queen's Hote], Horton, British, $1 ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Rice L. about 12 m. north of Cobourg, reached by C. P. & M. Ry., or by stage to Gore's Landing, where good hotel accommodation can be obtained; Mg., b. b., pk., perch, eels ; most plentiful — bass and Mg. ; best months — Aug. Sept. ; baits — spoon bait, worms and crawfish ; guides— $1 p. d. ; boat ami man— 1$1.50 p. d. ; T. Wallace and H. Delaney, at Gore's Landing, $2 p. d. ; boat includod. Hunting. — In the vinicity of Rice L. ; game — ducks, geese and part" ridges ; guides — $1 p. d. ; country — wooded, dry and hilly. Cpe HiU, Co. Hastings (reached via Central Ontario Ry. from Trenton)' Hotel, Hill house, $L50 j). d. ; livery $4 p. d. double, $2 p. d. single* Pishing. — Ea^le L. 1 m.,Ea^en Cr. 7 in., ; trout and b. b. ; bait — chub * guides not required; boats mustlbe brought. Hunting. — Within 2 m. ; partridge, deer, rabbits, and. rvallgame; Sept* to Nov.; dogs can be obtained if necessary ; country — woo.ed and hilly. Colborne, Co. Northumberland. — Hotels, Brunswick and Windsor, $1 p.d Fishing. — Castleton village, 7 m. north; speckled trout; best months — May and June ; bait — worms and flies. Ooldwater, Co. Simcoe. — Ryan House, Borland House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $4 p. d., 2 horse rig. Fishing. — 4 m. South Coldwater R. ; speckled trout ; best months — June and July ; bait — worms ; guides — John Borland, Wm. Rowson, $L50 p. d. ; boats — scarce. Hunting. — North R., 10 m game — deer ; best months — Oct. and Nov.; guides — John Borland, Fred. Cauer, William Rowson, $1.50 p. d. ; country — wooded and wet. CoUingWOOd, Co. Simcoe — Hotels, Grand Central, $1.50; the Globe Manitoba House, Queen's, Dominion, and True Blue, all $1 p. d. ; livery — single rig $3 p. d., double rig $5. Fishing. — Georgian Bay, right at the door ; also Mud R., Silver Cr., Pretty R., the Beaver, from 1 m. to 10 m.; in the Bay — salmon-trout, b. b., yellow pk., common pk ; in the streams — speckled trout; best months — frf m 15th May to 15th Sept. ; baits — small frogs, small crabs, spoons and flies; no professional guides, but an army of volunteers ; plenty of boats and yachts (steam if required), 20c. per hour and much cheaper by the day. Fine healthy climate, good bathing facilities and mineral springs near at hand ; also summer cottages on the L. shore for visitors. Hunting. — Anywhere from 5 to 10 m. ; partridge, deer, rabbits, and other small game ; country — very varied ; the Blue Mountains stand on one side of the town, and the other GJdes are woody, with intervals of level country principally dry. i ; Collin's Bay, Co. Frontcnac. — No hotels ; livery, |I p. d. Hingic rig. FisHiN(;. — The Ihiy, J m. from Htation ; pk.,baHM,HftIrnon trout,Mg. ; best inonthH — June and Oct. ; bait — trolling ; boats — 70c. p.d. j board and lodging can be procured at 75c. p. d. Hunting. — Half m. from station ; partridge; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; country — wooded, dry, hilly, or on the Ii^lands south 3 m. Consecon, Co. Prince Edward (reached via Cent Ont.Ry. from Trenton)- Porter's hottl, $1. p. d. Fishing. — Consecon L., Weller's Bay, b. b., pi., etc.; best months — June and Sfept. ; baits — worms and small finh; boats — 10 to 15 cts. p. h. Hunting — Consecon L., Weller's Bay and L. Ontario; ducks; country — open, dry, level. Corinth, Co. Elgin.— Two hotels, $1.25 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — The Otter Cr., 2i m., and a few troiit Str. ; b. b., mulleti catfiah, speckled trout; most plentiful — sjjcckled trout and l). b. ; best months — May to July ; bait — worms ; guide — Robert Donaldson, $1.50 p.d. Hunting. — Woods within J m. of station, but grounds about 3 m. away ; partridge, woodcock, fox, rabbits, raccoons ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; guides — Robt. Donaldson and H. Ellsworth, $1.50 p. d. ; trained dogs can be obtained ; the country is level to the north and hilly near Otter Cr. ; Port Burwell, on L. Erie, is 11 m. south-east ; bass, whitetish, pickerel, pike, &c., are caught there. Cornwall) Co. Stormont. — Hotels, Rossmore House, $2 to $2.50 p. d.' American House, Commercial Hotel, Ottawa Hotel, $1.50 to $2.00 p. d. ; livery, 1 horse, $2.50 to $3 p. d. ; 2 horses, $3 to $4. Fishing. — From Cornwall to Lancaster, a stretch of 16 m. ; Oswego bass, Mg., pi., pk , perch, b. b., and a species of whitetish ; best months — bass,. April ana May ; pk., pi., mg., July and Aug. ; baits — live minnows, spoonc, artificial minnows and flies ; guides — T. Williams, Louis Senecal, and others ; guide and boat $3 p. d. ; boats — $1 p. d. or $3.50 p. w. ; average weight of Mg.35 lbs. Hunting. — Summerstown to Lancaster from Cornwall, 10 m. reached via G. T. R. ; deer and partridge ; guide — W. I. Sheets, Cornwall, $3 p. d. ; country — wooded, hilly and dry. in the Fall, ducks of all kinds, except canvass backs, are plentiful, and on some of the islands, woodcock and snipe abound. C. V. Jet., Post Office, Woodstock, Co. Oxford (See also Woodstock). Fishing. — Cedar Cr. P. 3 m. south, Thames R. and Cedar Cr. ; trout, pk. and whif-e ; two former most plentiful ; best months — June and July; oaits — grubs and worms mostly; trout are found in Cedar Cr. P., owned by a company in town. Hunting. — Cedar swamps all round about a mile out; rabbit, fox, part- ridge, pheasant, mink ; best months — November to Feb.; country — north is wooded and hilly ; east, some hilly ; south and west, swampy, between the hills north are cedar swamps. Darling Road, Co. Haldimand. — No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — Grand R., about 4 m. ; bass, mullet, pk., suckers, catfish j pi. ; best months — April, May, Aclvei'tisements. 21 C^M^ (luns, Fishing Tackle and General Sporting tioods, 1696 NOTRE DAME ST.' (3 Doors Cast ol Notre Dame Church.) f r^fS A- Agents i jr W. W. Greener's Ouns, * 1 I Scribiusr'B Salmun and Trout Roda. Also a full nssortinent of Forest & Son's colobratod Salmon and Troat Flies and Casting Lines; also compli'te line of Trolling Baits and Rods, Joseph Rogers & Son's Pocket Cutlery, Walking Sticks, etc., etc. ESTARI.ISHGD 1815, 2 m C/2 JAME;6 H. ROGERS, '""nS^^a^^.l^c^rSS^R^ Has the largest ana mosr sfieci; stock or nars, tjaps ana rine rurs tn tlie comprising Erigish and American Silk and Felt Hats, Travelling and Sportii Cap^ Straw Hats, Leatlier Hat Cases. Snow Shoes, Moccasins, Tobo?pa 8. G Furs, in Overeats, AdjuMtalile Collars and Cnlt's, (iiiuntlets. Gloves, Caps, Has the largest and most select stock of Hajts, Caps and Fine Furs in the Dominion, — rting Hats and Gentlemen's . &c. Sleigh Robes, in Wolverine, IJlaek Bear, Muak-Ox, Knccoon, Wolf, Buifalo. Ladles' Seal Skin Garments a si ecialty, manufactured on the premises from tlie finest Alaska Skins and Martin's English Dve. Perfect lit guaranteed. Highest prices paid in Cash for Raw Furs. COR, KING & CHURCH STREETS, TORONTO, 22 Advertisements. \mna(k ®I«; AND * WALL * PAPERS. Ornamental Glass of all kinds. ^§j|@IL lit f illli W§sk t §P®M$f ; 72 to 76 King Street West, - - Toronto. KENT BROTHERS, MANUFACTUBEKS AND lilPORTEUS OF Watches, Diamonds, Jetoelrg, Sibcrtuare, Clock? Bronzes, Spectacles,' .3? Ladies' Gold Watches, - Ladies* Silver Watches, Boys' Silver Watches, Gents* Gold V/atches, Gents' Silver Watches, - from $10 00 6 00 6 50 25 00 7 50 C( <{ Call and examine the Largest and Finest Stock of Goods in the Dominion. Orders by mail will be carefully and promptly attended to. SIGN OF THE ''INDIAN CLOCK," 168 YONGE STREET, - TORONTO. " Province of Ontario. 23 Darlington Stn., Post Office, Bowmauville, Co. Ontario.— No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — Hall'e Marsh, about 4 m. ; pk. and other smaller kinds ; best months — April. May, Sept., Oct. ; baits — trolling hooks are mostly used ; boats can be had, rates low. Hunting. — Hall's Marsh; game. — ducks 5 best months — Spring and Fall ; trained dogs can be obtained. Delhi, Co. Norfolk.— Hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.60 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — Trout str. 4 to 5 m. ; trout ; best month — May ; bait — worms. Hunting. — Within 2 or 3 m. of this station; pheasants and rabbits; country— dry and hilly. Deseronto, Co. Hastings. — Hotels, O'Connor House, Deseronto House, Empress Hotel, $2 p. d. ; by arrangement lower rates can be secured ; livery, very reasonable. Fishing. — Bay of Quinte at this place ; b. b., pk., pi., Mg. ; best months — June to Sept. ; baits — flies, minnows, spoons, worms ; guides — Thomas Hull, $1 to $1.50 p. d., John Stewart, $1.50 p. d , boats — 50c. to 75c. p. d. ; this is the best location in the bay for reaching by steamer all the fishing grounds of the Bay of Quinte. Dunnville, Co. Haldimand. — Hotels, $1.50 p. d., also Summer Pleasure Resort 4 m. and at farmers' dwelling houses. Fishing. — L. Erie at Port Maitland, 4 m.. Grand R. near station ; pi., Mg., pk., white and b. b., etc., most plentiful — pk., pi. and bass; baits — mmnows, flies and spoons; best montns — June and October; guides — $1.50 p. d. ; boats can be procured. The favorite places of the local anglers are at the bridges and waste weirs about H m. aistant from Dunnville ; good trolling below the dam and bridges on Grand R., and above the dam, Mg., b. b., and pk. are caught by trolling spoons. Duntroon, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Blackatock's and Bell's. Fishing. — Mad R., and Bruster's L. ; for speckled trout. May to July ; bait — worms. Durham, Co. Grey. — Hotels, Middaugh House, McAlister House, British Hotel and Noble's Hotel, $1 p. d. ; livery, from $1.50 to $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Rocky Saugeen, 3 m. ; Big Saugeen running through town. Bell's L., 14 m., and Beatty Saugeen ; trout ; most plentiful — speckled trout ; best months — May for Bi^ Saugeen, July and August for others ; baits — worms and flies ; guide — Hugh McKay, charges $1.50, apply at Middaugh House; no boats required, except at Bell's Lake, rate $1 p. d. ; small steam- er also on lake. Fish at Bell's L. run from 1 lb. to 3 lbs. weight, those of other waters mentioned run up to 1 J lbs. ; the R. Styx is also a good trout water, distance 6 m. from Durham ; size from J lb. to IJ lbs. Hunting. — Ranging within 2 m. to 10 m. ; hare and partridge in considerable numbers in Oct. and Nov., and some deer in their season of Oct. and Nov. ; guides and dogs can be had ; country — principally wooded, hilly and dry, but some swamps, in which hare are found. Elmvale, Co. Simcoe.— Hotels, Queen's, Elmvale, $1 p. d. each. Livery, single $2, double $3.50 p. d. Fishing. — Wye R., Orr L., Branch of Severn R. and Mud L. ; pk., b. b., speckled trout. A\ig. and Sept. best; boats can be hired at moderate rates. 24 Fishing and Hunting Hjzsorts, Hunting. — Vicinity of Mud L., partridge, deer, bear, lynx; country — dry and level. Emsdale, District of Parry Sound. — Hotels, Railrciad House and Emsdale Hotel, 75c. to $1 p. d. No livery. Fishing, — Ragged Cr., Maganettawan R., Doe L., Sand L., 1 to 10 m. ; speckled trout, pi., whitefish, b. b. ; speckled trout most plentiful ; best months — June, July, Oct. ; baits — minnows, worms and flies; no regular guides; boats can be obtained. Hunting. — Township of Bethune, 6 to 15 m. ; red deer, bear, partridge, Oct. and Nov. best months; country — wooded, laken and hilly. Enterprise, Co. Lennox and Addington (siluated on Napanee, Tarn worth & Quebec R.R., reached via Napanee). — Hotel, Kennedy's, $1 p. d. Hunting. — Mud L. ; ducks ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; guide — Daniel Kennedy; trained dogs can be obtaiued occasionally, but not always ; country — low, macshy, drained lands. Emestown, Co. Lennox. — Hotels, Kemp House and Bay View House, $1 p. d. Fishing, — Three Brothers 6 m., Fish Point 2 m., also the shore for 2 m. west; b.b. and rock baSs, fine perch; Mg. are also caught; best months — July to Sept. ; baits— niinnows, flies and worms, also trolls; guide — T. Edwards, charges moderate ; boats — $1 p. d. ; guides can be hired with or without boat. Hunting. — Nearest hunting "rounds ape Hay Bay, 5 m. from Bath for duck ; best months — latter part Oct. and Nov. ; country — open, dry ; these grounds are chiefly reached from Napanee. Everett, Co. Simcoe. — Dufferin House, $1 }.. d. No livery. Fishing. — Rino and Boye R. IJ m. ; speckled trout, chub; best months — June and July ; no guides ; boats not required. Fergus, Co. Wellington. — Hotels, American, Commercial, Dominion, On tario, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Grand R. and Spring Cr. ; speckled trout, b. b, ; best months — May and June; baits — minnows and flies; guides — Peter Grieve, John Thomson, charges as per agreement ; boats — not required. Hunting. — Adjacent and within a radius of 16 m. ; pheasants, hares ; best months — Nov. and Dec. ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — open and partly wooded. Fraserville, Co. Northumberland.— Hotel, Fraserville,45l pd.; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Otonabo R. and Rice It,; Mg., bass, perch, and several small kinds ; best months — May and Sept. ; guiue-^David Martin, $1 p. d. and board. Fredericksburg, Co. Lennox.— No hotel. Fishing. — Hav Bay 4 m., also grounds J m. distant ; pi., bass, pk., red Annies; best months — spring and fail ; baits — nets, spears and flies; guide — 'McCabe's, about $1 p. d. Hunting. — Hay Bay, about 4 m. from station; duck; best months- Sept., Oct., Nov. Province' of Ontario. 25 Gait, Co. Waterloo. — Hotels, Imperial, Queen's, $1.50, Central, Gait, Baker House, Market, Albion, Great Western and Sullivan House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing.— Grand R. and Milk Cr. run through town ; b. b. and Br. trout; best months — May, June, Sept. and Oct. ; boats — 10c. p. h. Gananoque, Co. Leeds.— Hotels, International, $1.50 to $2 ; Provincial, $1.60; Brophy, $1 to $1.50; Central and American, $1 p. d. ; livery, single $2, double $4 p. d. Fishing.— Opposite the town, and also Charleston L., distance 20 m. ; in the former Mg., bass, pk. and pi. ; in the latter salmon, bass, etc. ; best months — July to Oct.; baits — spoons, flies and minnows j guides — Wm. Stone, Frank Seymour, Wm. Lasha, 0. Geraldi, $3 p. d. ; boats— $3 p. w. Hunting. — Between Grass Cr. and Gananoque, distance 10 m. ; grouse, ducks; best month — Sept. to Nov. ; guides— W. Stone and H. Mortpn with trained dogs ; country — wooded, hilly in parts. Garden Hill, Co. Durham.— Hotel, James Webber, $1 p. d. Fishing,— Campbell's P. J m., Gray's P. f m., Patters(>n P. J m., Wilson's P. 3 m. ; speckled trout; baits — worm or fly; good trout Ashing in these poiads and tributary streams. Hunting. — Small game in woods all around; partridge and rabbit; country— wooded. Georgetown, Co. Halton.— Hotels, American, Clarke, Canadian, Bennett, $1 p. d. Livery, McCallum & Watson, Mitchell Bros., $2.60 p. d. Fishing.— Barnes P., Lawson's P., Johnson's P., and others, for speck- led trout; best months — May to Sept. ; baits — worms, minnows and flies ; guides — R. Campbell, H. Spiers, J. Buck, J. Fisher, and others ; very little boating. Hunting. — Along the mountain, and various swamps in the neighbor- hood ; fox, rabbits, partridge, woodcock, snipe and other game ; Sept. to Jan. best months ; guides — H. H. Spiers, R. Thurston and others ; dogs can be obtained; country — varied. Glencairn, Co. Simcoe.— Hotel kept by Wm. Grieves, $1 p. d. No livery. Fishing. — Mad and Pine R. 2 m. ; speckled trout and pk., but scarce ; best months — May, June and July ; bait— worms ; no boats for hire. Hunting.— Pinery 4 m. east; partridge and deer but scarce; best months— Sept. and Oct. ; country — wooded, mostly dry and nearly level. Glen Huron, Co. Simcoe. Fishing. — Mad R., } m. ; trout and chub ; best months — May and June ; baits — fish worms. Gobies, Co. Oxford. Fishing. — Cooley P. 3 m., and Pine P. 5 m. ; bass, sunfish, and a few pk. ; best months — summer ; baits — worms, frogs and small fish. Goderich, Co. Huron.— Hotels (in town), Albion, British, Exchange and Park House, $1.50 p.d., from $6 to $10 p. w., also Point Farm Sum- mer Hotel, 4 m. north on L. shore, rates $6 to $10 p. w., op'^n from June 1st till Sept. 80th ; livery, single rig average $1.50 to $2 p. d., double carriage $2.50 ^. d. _. 26 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, Fishing. — Waters adjoining town, R. and L. within 15 minutes walk of heart of town ; bass, pi., perch and herring ; best months— June and July ; baits — worhis and crawiisn ; good trolling at times ; joats — 15c. p. h. Qore Bay, Manitoulin Island (reac) i by Great Northern Transit Co.'s steamers from Collingwood or .V iarton). — Two first-class hotels, $1 p.d. Fishing. — Splendid trolling ; trout, pi., bass ; boats free at hotels for use of tourists. Hunting. — Partridge and ducks ; trained dogs 'can be obtained. Qravenhurst, Muskoka District. — Hotels, Albion, Windsor, Grand Cen- tral and Caledonian, $1, $1.50 and $2 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. FiSHiN- . — L. Muskoka, Rosseau and Joseph ; b. b., pi., herring, perch, salmon and brook trout and white fish ; most plentiful — bass, pi. and sal- mon trout; best months — May to, Sept. ; baits — minnows, craw-fish, frogs fish worms, grasshoppers; guides — Wm. Scott, Sam. Vernon, $2 p.d.; boats — from 60c. to $2 p. d. ; steamboats to all points on the lakes. Hunting. — Bala, Pt. Cockburn, Rosseau, Craig Ross Lea ; red deer, bears, rabbits, partridge, ducks; best months— Sept. and Oct.; guides — Wm. Scott, Sam Vernon, Col. Campbell; trained dogs can be obtained; country — wooded and hilly, dry and easy to travel. Guelph, Co. Wellington.— Hotels, Wellington and Royal, $1.50, American New Western, Commercial, $1 p. d. ; livery, single $3, double $5 to $6 p.d. Fishing. — R. Speed; trout; best months — May and June; bait — worms, no fly fishing ; boats $1 p. d. ; very good trout fishing in both branches of river. Hunting. — Township of Puslinch ; hares and pheasants ; host months — Sept. to Nov. ; country — wooded, slightly wet, slightly hilly. Haliburton, Co. Haliburton. — Hotels, Queen's, Haliburton House, $1 d., Newnham, $1 to $1.50 p. d., $4 to $6 p. w. ; livery^ single 51.50, double $3. Fishing. — Drag L. 5 m.. Pine L. and Clear L. 20 m., Kenneway Waters 30 m. ; salmon trout, speckled trout; most plentiful — speckled trout; best months — from 15th May to 30th June ; baits — flies, worms all kinds ; guide — L. M. Neely, Haliburton, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; boats, reasonable. Hunting. — Same as fishing grounds: deer, partridge, moose, ^car ; best months — from 15th Oct. to 15th Dec. ; guides — J. Rooerts, A. \l .it, J. Hazard, with dogs ; country — all kinds ; this is a good country for sport, deer very plentiful. Hamilton, Co- Wentworth. — Hotels, Royal $3, St. Nicholas $2, Ameri- can, Dominion, Franklin, Victoria, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. for single rigs. Fishing. — Burlington Bay; b. b., silver bass, eels, perch and pk.; best months — June, July, August and Sept. ; baits — spoon, live minnows and grasshoppers ; boats — 20c. to 25c. p. h. ; pk. take the trolling spoon bait freely from the 20th to 30th August, live minnows would be more successful at other times ; the grasshopper and live minnow are the best baits for black and silver bass, pk. and bass are also speared through holes cut in the ice during the winter season. £i I I ima Advertisements. 27 f isHiNc Nets and Twines. SAILS. Tents OILED AND « BAGS. SHEETS. Ship Chandlery, Flags, Bunting, &c. '""SacTLisi J. LECKIE, 13 Church St., TORONTO. GEORGE V. SPIES, Sole Manufacturer and Owner in Dominion op COOK'S * PATENT # LEVELS, Plunib and Level Coiubinctl. The l^cst in the Market. Every Level Warranted Perfect. PLUCHE'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE CRUTCH, Can be adjusted to any 1< ngth of arm. The lightest, strongest and most comfortable crutch made. Trussed four ways. PLUCHE'S i ;K ^ SUPPOBT, Can be moved around at will. Good to place on Verandahs, Lawns, etc. No Nails or Screws required to hang up your HAMMOCK. FACTORY AND OFFICE: Rear 77 Richmond St. ^V^est TORONTO. 28 Advertisements. i \ I he (f/Opland ©rewing {£ompany Brewers, Maltsters ^^ Bottlers, Our Mild and India Pale 'Ales are pronounced by experi- enced judges to be vastly superior to any brewed in Canada. Our Brown Stout is made from Malt specially imported, and is considered equal to Guinness'. N.B. — Hunting and Fishing Parties can have the above in quart and pint bottles (wired), carefully packed in barrels or cases. H. LI. HIME, president. JAMES E. MILLETT, Sec.-Treus. -<HAMIUTON ^ GUN * WORKS> 79 JAMES STREET NORTH. ST Wholesale aDd Retail Dealer in Arms, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle. ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS. Shells Loaded to Order. Caoe Pish Poles from lOcenls each. Estimates given for Tents and Camp Furniture, and arrangements made for "Ware- houBing the same until the following Season. Province of Ontario. 29 'y Hunting. — Burlington Bay and Dundas Marsh ; woodcock and ducks ; some flight shooting is done at times at Burlington Heights, and the beach decoys and blinds are used when practicable. Hanover, Co. Grey. — Hotels, Reid House, Scarborough House, Queen's Hotel, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Saugeen R., 4 to 6 m. ; trout, weight J to 1 lb. ; best month — May ; baits — worms and flies. Harley, Co. Brant.— Hotel, Harley House, $1 p, d. Hunting. — Radius of 3 m. from station ; rabbit, hare, partridge, quail ; best months — Oct., Nov. ; guides not necessary ; country— open, wooded, wet, dry, level. Harriston, Co. Wellington.— Hotels, Collison House, $1, Royal, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Maitland and cr. in vicinity; Br. trout; best months — May, June and July ; bait — worms. Hunting. — Partridge, rabbits; best months — fall months for part- ridges and winter for rabbits ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded and partly hilly. Hastings, Co. Northumberland. — Hotels, Clarendon, Caughlin House, Queen's, Royal, Albion, $1 p. d. ; livery, single rig $2, team $3.50 p. d. Fishing. — Trent R., which flows through village, and Rice L., a dis- tance of 6 m. ; Mg., bass, perch and trout; most plentiful — Mg. and bass; best months — any time from June to Oct., inclusive; baits — artificial, minnows, crabs, or frogs ; guides — John Scriver, Joseph Clapper, C. Scriver, $1 p. d. ; boats — 50 cts. p. d. ; the above grounds aflord e\cel- lent sport, and are second to none in the Province. Hunting. — Trent R. and Rice L., where ducks of every description abound, partridge and rabbits in close proximity; best months — any time during open season; guides — see fishing; country — all kinds; duck shoot- ing on lalce and river is unsurpassed in the provmce. Hawtrey, Co. Oxford.— Hotel, Mathison House; livery, 60c. to $1 p. d, for fishing purposes. Fishing.— Deer Lick Cr., J m., Siples Cr., IJ m. ; speckled or Br. trout ; best months — May to July ; guides — not needed. Hunting. — J to 2 m. ; pheasants, quail and rabbits ; best months — Oct. and Nov. j guides — 50c. to $1 p. d. ; trained dogs can be obtained. Hensall, Co. Huron. — Hotels, Centennial, Mansion, Hensall House, 1 p. d. ; livery, moderate. Fishing. — L. Huron, 10 m. west ; whitefish, salmon trout and herrings ; most plentiful — herrings. ^ Hunting. — Hay Marsh; partridge, rabbits, deer; best months— fall months ; guides — G. Parker, R. Coad, J. Colwell, T. Murdock ; trained dogs can nearly always be obtained ; country — level, not very wet until late in fall ; this is an excellent marsh. Hepworth) Co. Bruce. — Hotels, Spencer House, Hermann House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 single, $4 double p. d. F 30 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, i \ Fishing.— Spring Cr., 2 m., Sauble R., 2] in., Gould L.,4m. ; br. trout, pk. and b. b. ; most plentiful— brook trout ; best months— May to July ; baits — angle worms and flies ; guides — none required ; boats — free. Hunting.— Partridge, rabbits, deer ; best months — all good during the open season ; country — wooded and undulating, generally dry ; sportsmen generally have been well pleased with the sport m this section and with good reason ; the country generally is well wooded with hardwood, but there are several pieces of cedar swamp. Hespeler, Co. Waterloo.— Hotels, Queen's, Commercial, Sager's, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. Fishing.— R. Speed, Town Puslinch L., 3 m., Mill Cr., 6 m. ; b. b. and speckled trout ; best months — July and August; baits — worms and min- nows ; boats — 15c. per hour ; good tishing for bass at Puslinch L., and plenty of boats there for hire. Hunting. — In Puslinch Township, 8 to 12 m. ; rabbits, foxes and partridges; best months — Nov. and Dec. ; no guides needed ; trained dogs can be obtained; country — <jenerally open, part wooded, swamps intersper- sed with dry hills ; Puslincli L. is a great resort for pic-nic parties, a wooded island 7 acres in extent occupies the middle. Holstein, Co. Grey.— Commercial, Holstein House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Saugeen Cr. about 1 m. from hotels; speckled trout; best months — May and June ; baits — worms. Humberstone. Co. Welland.— Hotels, Western, Humberstone, Tremont, City, Queen's, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 single, $5 double. Fishin«. — L. Erie ; herring, pi., b. b., perch ; most plentiful — herring and b. b. ; best months — June and July ; baits — minnows and worms ; boats — 15c. per. hour. Huntsvllle, Muskoka district. — Hotels, Dominion, Gilchrist, Birtch,$l p. d. ; livery, $2.50 single, $4.50 double p. d. Fishing. — L. Vernon, Fairy, Mary, Peninsula and L. of Bavs and small streams tributary ; salmon trout, perch, speckled trout and small fish ; most plentiful — salmon trout and perch ; best months — Sept. and Oct. ; baits — otter and flies ; guides — Fred. Haines, W. Fetterley, E. J. Gouldie, the latter residing at L. of Bays, Dwight, P. 0., $2 p. d. ; boats— about $1 p. d. or 10c. p. h., can be obtained at Huntsville for the first four lakes, and at Portage or Dwight for Peninsular Lake. Hunting. — Immediate neighborhood to a distance of 15 m. surrounding deer, partridge, ducks and bear; best months — autumn ; Indian guides — $2 p. d. with dogs ; country — wooded, hilly, level and dry. Huntsville is situated on Vernon and Fairy L., the latter being connected with Mary L. by the north branch of the Muskoka R., Peninsular L. is connected with Fairy L. by a canal. All these waters are navigable- At one point on Peninsular L. there is a portage by team over good wagon road. There is good communi- cation from one end of the district to the other by entering the hunting grounds at this point. Iroquois, Co. Dundas. — Hotels, Commercial, Powell House, and Sonoma House, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2.60 p. d. Province' of Ontario. 31 ; br. trout, to July ; Be. during the sportemen and with wood, but ?, $1 p. d. ; ; b. b. and and min- li L., and foxes and jned dogs interaper- parties, a rery,$1.50 •out; best Tremont, — herring worms ; :tch, $1 p. Bavs and nail fish ; md Oct.; Gouldie, about $1 ikee, and • ounding 1 ides— $2 3 situated by the Fairy L. nsular L. ommuni- ; hunting Sonoma Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. ; b. b,, pk. and pi. ; the former most plentiful ; hiest months — the latter parts of July, Aug. and Sept. ; baits — minnows, worms, flies ; guides — J. McNairn, John McRobie, $1.50 p. d. ; plenty of boats at 76c. p. d. ; the river is close to the town, and good fish- ing at almost every poiot. Jennette's Creek, Co. Kent. FisuiNG. — R. Thames, Baptiste Cr., and Jennette'ff Cr., pk., pi., bass, perch, sunfish ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; baits — trolling ; guide — Jonas Peltier, $2 p. d. with boat ; boats--rather scarce. Hunting. — Grounds are reserved ; snipe, duck ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; country — wet ; the Chatham Club have a very large tract of land reserved, but still there is plenty left Open. Kagawong, District Akoma (reached via Great Northern Transit Co.'b steamers from ColTingwood or Wiarton). — One hotel, $1 p. d. Fishing. — At IJ m. away, full of bass ; bass and perch ; best months —-any time during season of navigation ; any kind of bait ; no guides re- quired ; man and boat $1 p. d. Hunting. — Close to village ; any quantity of partridge and duck ; trained dogs can be obtained. Keeue> Co. Peterboro. — Victoria Hotel, $1 p. d. ; convenient to lake. Fishing. — Rice L. 3 m. from station ; Mg., bass, the latter most plen- tiful ; best months — fish very plentiful all months during season ; baits — silver and brass, for still fishing, frogs ; guides — J. McLaughlin and 0. McGowan, $1 p. d. ; no boats for hire. Hunting. — Rice L., black duck ; best month 8-=-^ept. and Oct. ; guide — John McLaughlin, $1 p. d. ; country — lake. Killamey, District Algoma (reached via Great Northern Transit Co.'s steamers from Collingwood or Wiarton). Two good Hotels $1 p. d. Fishing. — Georgian B. ; pi. and bass ; any month during the summer season ; bait — trolling ; no guides necesearj' ; boat and man to row $1 p. d. Hunting. — Close to village ; partridge and ducks ; trained dogs can be obtained. Kincardine, Co. Bruce. — Hotels, Royal, Queen's, $1 p. d. ; livery, |2 p. d. for single rigs, $4 and $5 for double. Fishing. — L. Huron close at hand ; trout and whitefish with nets, herrings and perch caught off" the dock with line; most plentiful — trout and whitefish are caught in large quantities about 40 miles out with nets ; baits — meat or fish ; boats — row and sail boats can be hired. Einmount, Co. Victoria. — Hotels, Northern, Victoria, and Kinmount House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. Fishing. — Davis' L., 4 m. ; salmon trout ; best month — June; baits — minnows and artificial ; guides— -Jas. Scott, C. Rowlison, $3 p. d., and boats found. Good sport. Hunting. — All around this vicinity ; deer, bear, partridge and rabbits; best months — Oct., Nov., Dec; guide — Jas. Scott, $3 p. d. ; country- wooded and hilly. rr^ 32 Fishing and Buntmg Resorts, Kingston, Co. Frontenftc. — Hotels, British American $3, Burnett House $2 to |3, City Hotel, Windsor, Anglo-American |1.60 p. d. ; livery, single horse $2.50 p. d., team, $4. Fishing. — Along the shore of Wolfe Island, directly opposite the citv» the fishing grounds cover at least 12 m. ; fish—principally b. b. Mg., pk. and pi. ; most plentiful — b. b. ; best months — J une to Aug. ; bait — min- nows; guides — Davis, McAvoy, and several others, about $3 p. d. ; boats can be hired ; there are several fishing grounds in and about the city, being about 3 m. to the nearest, viz., the Brotherands and shoals adjacent. Hunting. — Duck hunting in the fall is principally carried on in Big Bay and the Rideau Canal ; game most plentiful—ducks ^ beat months — Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; guides — R. Millen, John Millen, Senecal Bros.; lots of trained spaniels to be obtained for duck shooting ; country — shore hunt- ing consists of partridge shooting ; the country ie very rough, and covered with wood. Kippen^Co. Huron.— Shaffer's Hotel, in Kippen, and Baker Hotel, Blake, $1 p. d. ; livery, %2 p. d. single rigs, $3.50 double. Fishing. — Drysdale, about 10 m. ; pk., bass, trout, herring, the latter most plentiful ; best months — bass and pike, April and Sept., herrings, winter season ; baits — worms ; no guides ; boats — 60c. p. d. Hunting. — Zurich Swamp; partridge, rabbits, deer; best months — fall and through the winter ; no guides ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — level, swampy parts, timbered with all kinds of wood. Lakefieidt Co. Peterboro. — Hotels, Midland House, Blakely House, American Hotel, $1 p. d. ; livery, moderate. Fishing. — Stony L., Clear L., Otonahee R. ; salmon, Mg. and bass ; best months — regular fishing season ; baits — worm and spoon ; boats — at almost any price. Hunting. — Apsley and north ; deer, partridge and quail during shooting season ; country — wooded and quite rough, both wet and dry. Lancaster, Co. Glengarry.— Hotels, Clair Hall, McRae Hotel and G.T.R. Hotel, rate $1.60 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — L. St. Francis and R. Raisin ; Mg., pk., bass, perch, etc.; most plentiful — perch and bass ; best months — May, Juneand Sept. ; bait — live minnows ; guide — H. Gibb, $1.50 p. d. ; boats — $1.00 p. d. ; Hunting. — All the way from Bainsville to .Summerstown, 10 m. ; ducks, partridge, geese ; best months — April for geese, the fall months for ducks. Ijtnsdowne, Co. Leeds— Hotel, Stewart's $1 p. d. ; livery, charge for double team to Charleston L. $2, single rig $1. Fishing. — Charleston L. 6 m. ; bass, pk., salmon, white fish, herring ; most plentiful — bass, pk., and salmon ; best months — June and July ; baits — small fish and frogs; guide— James Greer, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; boats — about 50c. to 76c. p. d. ; remarks — hotel kept at the head of the lake by Mr. Duffield. Lefroy, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, B. Hill's, Lefr. ,$1, J.K«ake Hotel, Roaches Point, 3 J m. from Lefroy, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. Fishing.— Cook's Bay and L. Simcoe, about Jm., for all kinds of L. fish ; most plentiful — trout, white fish, bass and Mg. ; best months— June, tt House ; Jivery, the citv» Mg., pk. lit — min- joats can ty, being at. I in Big iionths — ros. ; lots )re hunt- l covered ;1, Blake, he latter berrings, nonths — )btained ; House, id bass ; )oats — at shooting G.T.R. h, etc. ; pt. ; bait 10 m. ; nths for arge for lernng ; y ; baits ; boats lake by Roaches ds of L. —June, Advertisement. 88 -^WM. CROFT & SONS,^ ESTABLISHED 1855, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF FIBfE FliSHIXG TACKLE. :FlloSy Hods Oct^stliasr X^liaosi MADE TO ORDER, And all tbe newest and latest patterns in Rods, ReelH, Lines, Flies, Baits, Minnow s Uoolcs, &c., kept in stock. THE OLDEST AND LAR(iEST DEALERS IN THE DOMINION. Mall, Telephone and Telegraph orders receive prompt and personal attention. 37 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO. TURTLE ^ HALL W. CLOW, Proprietor, GO Colborne Street, - Toronto. r » 34 Advertisements. INCORPORATED. Mstnal Benefit Association. INCORrORATEl). Mitnal Benefit dissociation. PrByiileot Li fe & 1 m Mi Association. Chief Office, Room D, Yonge St Arcade, TORONTO. IN THE LIFE DEPAHT-MKNT-rmlemnity provided for .SICFvN'KS.S or ACCIDENT and substantial aHsistuiice in tlie timo of bereavement. IN THE LIVE STOCK DKP.VRT.MKNT-Two-Thirds the los.s by death of the LIVE STOCK of its members throngh disease or necident. Alio for depreciation in value for a'...ideiital injury. Those interested send for prospectuses, etc. RELIABLE ACJENTS WANTED. WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director. J. p. J^i^c^ & c^a, MANUFAGTUUKRS AND DEALERS IN FINE BOOTS & SHOES. For gentlemen we offer BUTTONED and LACED GAITERS, and LOW SHOES in Newest and most comfortable Shapes. For Ladies the WAUKENFAST, Common Sense* and Opera Shapes, OUR OWN MAKE. Also AgentH for the CRAY BROS'. MANUFAC- TURING CO., of New York. TENNIS, LACROSSE, and YACHTING SHOES in Great Variety. 79 KING STREET EAST, - TORONTO. I A TED. tion. NTO. ::!idp:nt le LIVE ion S'TED. »ctor. :s. AGED i most Senses rUFAC- 1TING ITO. Province of Ontario, 35 July, Auj'., Sept., and Oct.; buitd — Hpuou, worniH, grasshoppers, I'rog.s ; boats can DC obtained at Barrie, 12 ni, north by railway. Hunting. — J m. and over from station ; foxes, rabbits, partridge, and on L., duck, snipe, etc , in season ; no guides ; country — open, wooded, wet, dry, level and hilly, patches along edges of bay and lake of wooded, swamp and dry lands. Lindsay, Co. Victoria — Hotels, Benson House, $1.50, Congress Hall, Veitch Hoii«e, Royal, $1 p. d. ; livery — single horse $2, team $4 p. d. Fishing. — Scugog R. J m., Sturgeon L. 8 m. ; bass, Mg. ; the former most plentiful ; best months — June and July ; bait— spoon ; guides can be had at Sturgeon Point Hotel at $1 p. d. ; boats can be obtained at 50c. p.h. Hunting. — Emily Cr. for ducks; best month— October ; country — wooded and hilly. Lisle, Co. Simcoe.— Dominion House $1 p. d. ; livery $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Pine R. 3 to 8 m. for speckled trout; best months — May to July; baits— worms and flies ; guides— W. Paddison, R. Wade, $2 p. d.; boats not required. Hunting. — Partridge, rabbits plentiful in Oct. and Nov. ; W. Paddeson, guide, $2 p. d. ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — scrub bush. T^stowel, Co. Perth.— Hotels, Grand Central, $1.50, Queen's $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing.— Br. from 5 to 15 m.; trout; best months— May and June, bait— chub and worms, and various artificial baits. Little Current, Manitoulin Island (reached via: Great Northern Transit Go's steamers from Collingwood or Wiarton).— Two fine Hotels $1 p. d. ; many private villas for summer use. Fishing. — Splendid trolling, pi. and bass ; best months — any time during season navigation ; baits — trolling spoon or worms ; guides — unnecessary ; man and boat $1 p. d. Hunting. — Close to Village ; partridge and ducks ; trained dogs can be obtained. Longwood, Co. Middlesex.— Hotel, Nicholl House, $1 p.d; livery, $2 p.d. Fishing.— R. Thames 6 m. from here ; mullet, bass, pk,, pi., the latter being most plentiful ; best months— May and June ; bait— fly ; guide— C. Caven ; boats can be hired. Hunting. — Im. north ; partridge, pheasant, rabbit ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; guides — John Gallagher, James Coulter, $2 p. d. ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country— wooded, partly rolling. Lyn, Co. Leeds.— Hotel, Lyn House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing.— R. St. Lawrence 2 m., L. Charleston 16 m. ; pk., whitefish ; best months— pk., Aug. and Sept. ; guides— Justis Smith, Samuel Heeley, charges $2 p. d. for man and boat ; Charleston L. is the best fishing water. Madoc, Co. Hastings.— Hotels. Continental, Moon's and Windsor, $1 p.d. J livery, 2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Moira L ; pi., bass and Mg. ; best month — Aug. ; baits — frogs and minnows ; guides— Quinlan Bros. ; boats — 75c. p. d. Hunting.— Lingham Flats j deer and partridge ; best month— Nov. j country — wet and hilly. nF~^ 36 Fishing and ffunting Resorts, i I I ! Magnetawan, Parry Sound District (reached from Gravenhurst via Muskoka & Nipissing Na»\Mgation Co.) see Spence. Maitlanr" Co. Grenville.— Hotel, Doyle House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d- Fishing. — St. Lawrence, anywhere in vicinity ; bass, pk., chub, perch ; most plentiful — bass, perch and chub ; best months — May to July ; tDaits — flies, dough and minnows ; guides — A. Van Arnain and C. Jackson ; boitts from 50c. to $2 p. d. Mellorytown, Co, Leeds.— Hotel, Poole's Summer Resort, $1 to $1.50 p. d.; livery, $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — St. Lawrence, ^ m. from Poole's; bass, pk., pi., perch; best months — from June 16th to Sept. 15th; baits — minnows and fly; guides — John R. Gibson, Jos. Seneca], jun., Lewis Trickey, Geo. Andrews; boats — $2 p. w. or 50c p. d. ; the Resort is a private one and can acccommodate about 30 to 40 persons. HuNTiNCi. — The coimtry being pretty well cleared the only game is ducks in the fall of the year, at the same place as fishing. Manitowaning, Manitoulin Island (reached by Great Northern Transit Co's steamers from Collingwood or Wiarton). — Two hotels. FisHiNGK. — Blue Jay R. ; speckled trout very plentiful, and good size ; best months — June, Aug., Sept. ; baits — grasshoppers, worms, artificial flies ; guides — none necessary, Indian as servant, $1 p. d. ; boats — $3 p. w.; trout fishing said to be as fine as any in America. Hunting. — Anywhere within radius of 20 m. ; red deer, geese, ducks, partridges, pigeons; best monthf-^ -Sept., Oct., Nov.; guides — reliable In- dians at $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; no dogs; country — rolling hills, rocky, and in places marshy, generally well wooded; very picturesque, atmosphere generally clear and cool. Marmora, Co. Hastings (reached by Central Ontario Ry. via Trenton inc). — Hotels, Royal, Provincial, Pringle, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $4 p. d. Fishing. — Crow L., 1 m. ; bass, Mg. ; former most plentiful ; July and Aug. ; bait — frogs, minnows, crabs ; guide — J. Devlin, moderate charges, boats can be obtained. Marsrsville, Co. Hastings. Fishing. — Bay of Quinte, 3i m. ; bass, pk., pi., Mg. ; most plentiful — bass and pk. ; best months — July and Aug. ; baits — crabs for bass, spoons for pike ; Doats can be hired at Deseronto. Meaford, Co. Grey.— Hotels, Paul's, $1.50 p. d.; Royal, City, $1 p. d. ; livery, single, $2.50 p. d., double, $3.50 p. d. Pishing. — Georgian Bay, in vicinity; herring, pi., bass, all plentiful; Kiraberlev, 16 m. for speckled trout; baits — worms and flies; boats — 20c. p. h. or $1 p. d. Midland, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Clarkson House, Queen's, Gladstone House, American ; livery, $2.50 single, $4 double p. d. Fishing. — Wye R. 3 m., Georgian Bay Islands, all the way from Mid- land to Parry Sound • ^ b., pi., Mg., whitefish and lake trout; amongst the islands base most plenu^'al} best months — June to Aug.; baits — frogs, ^Tovince of Ontario. 37 st via 2 p. d- perch ; oaitB — ; bOiits ?1.50 p. h ; best aides — boats — mod ate game is Transit od size ; irtificial ;3 p. w.; , ducks, ible In- and in iospbere Trenton livery, il; July noderate mtiful— spoons ^1 p.d.; Ilentiful ; Its— 20c. [ladstone lorn Mid- igst the -frogs, worms and flics ; guide — W. H. Davis, owner of large sail boat, charge for use of boat and his services as cook, guide, &c., $4 p. d. for a party, Jos. Stewart, $1.50 p.d,; boats, 50c. p. d.; steamer runs daily between Mid- land and Parry Sound, stopping at principal islands to leave otf parties at fi.shing and caniping groundf*, and bring ^:u})plies daily from Midland. The islands of the Georgian Bay commence immediately up[>osite the harbor of Midland, and the bass tishiiig is good anywhere on the north shore, more particularly at Indian Harbor, Moose Point, Moone R., Honey Harbor, Governor's Island, etc., etc. Guides and boats can be had any day from here at rate of 50c. p. d. for latter and $1.50 for former. Camping or fish- ing parties can be supplied from here with everything required, and daily supplies (including ice) can be scut each day by steamer. « HuNTiXG.— Duck, 2i m. at Mud L., deer at Honey Harbor, 16 m.; best months — in their season ; guide — for duck or deer, Chas. Clarkson ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — all kinds, principally wooded and rocky for deer, for duck Mud L., wet; duck shooting at Mud Lake is really good at commencement of season, both spring and fall. Mille Koche, Co. Stormont.— Hotel, Albion, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 p. d Fishing. — R. St. liawrence, i m., 1 m. and 2 m. distant; pk., bass, pi.; baits — worms and sm,all tish ; boats at low rates. Milton, Co. Halton.— Bennett House, Wallace House, $1 to$I.50p. d. j livery, $2 p. d. Hunting. — 1 to 3 m. for rabbits and black squirrel in the fall ; dogs can be obtained ; country > — hilly. Milverton, Co. Perth.— Hotels, Milvcrton House, Queen's and Commer- cial, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 for double and $1.50 for single rigs. HuxTTXG. — Ellice Swamp, some 5 m. from station; wild ducks, rab- bits, partridges and foxes ; best months — Sept. and Oct ; i\o guides ; coun- try—open and level, rather swampy. Mimico, Co. York. Fishing.— -Humber R. and L. Ontario, H m. \ pk.j bass, herring, sal-" mon ; bait— minnows; boats— 20c. p. h. MitoheU, Co. Perth.— Hotels, Hicks House, $1.50 p. d.; Royal Hotel, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. single, and $3 p. d. double. Hunting. — 1^ m. from station ; duck shooting, 1 J m. ; partridge, 7 m. | best months— Oct. and Nov.; no guides; country — wet and swampy^ par* tially wooded. Moulton, Co. Ilaldimand.— 'Hotelj Upper House, $1 p.d.; livery, from $2 to $3 p. d. Hunting. — Within 1 ni. of station; white rabbits and pheasants; best months— Jan. to March; guide— S. Angle, $1 p. J.; trained dogs can be obtained; country — wooded and not wet. Mount Forest, Co. Wellington.— Hotels, Queen's, Coyne's Housej$1.50 p. d.; McQuillan's, $1'; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing,— 'South br. of Saugeen and numerous spring Cr. in vicinity ; Br. trout; best months — April to July; baits — flies^ worms j boats not required. m -*r I I I I ' i 1 lih ! : 'I I I 'i ' I * I 38 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, HuxTiXG. — At ea>jy distances from town ; rabbits, ]»artri<lgc' and wild duck; best months — Sept.,Oct., Nov., Dec; guides — W. Dickson, J.Allen, $1.25 p. d.; trained dogs can beobtamed; country — hilly and swampy in places. Morrisburg, Co. Dundas. — Hotels, St. Lawrence Hall, §1.50 p. d.; Sher- man, American, Windsor and Grand Trunk, $1 p. d.; livery, accor- ding to time and distance. FisiiiXG. — St. Lawrence 11.; pk., pi., bass, Mg., chub, perch; most plentiful — pk., pi., bass, chub and perch; best montlis — May to Oct.; oaits — artihcial, worms, minnows, dough ; guides niay be obtamed, if ne cessary, but there are no particular ones ; boats — 25c. for first 2 h., iOc. p. h. after, $1 p. d. Hunting. — St. Lawrence R. and woods, A to 4 m. from village; ducks, partridge; best months--Sept. to Doc. (inclusive); trained dogs can be obtained, but it is better to bring them ; country — open, dry, level ; foxes and rabbits are numerous, but hunted very little. Napanee, Co. Lennox. — Hotels, Campbell Hcjuse, Paisley House, $1.50 to $2, Davy's Island on Bay Quinte, and Glen House, §1 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Hay Bay G m., Bay of Quinte, L. on the Mountain, 6 to 14 m. ; bass, Mg., pk., trout, perch, pi.; must plentiful — pk. and bass; best months — latter part of June until early Oct. ; loaits — trolling spoons, worms, grasshoppers and miiiuuws ; guides — not considered neces.sary ; boats — 50o to 75c p. d. ; remarks — daily mail from Hay Bay ; daily boats from Davy's Island and Glencora connecting with Na])ane(', Belleville, Kingston and Pictoii. Hunting. — Kennebec for deer, GO m., Hay Bay 6 m., for all kinds of ducks; deer at Kennebec plentiful ; blue bills, red Jieads and black ducks at Hay Bay during open season ; guides at $1 j). d. ; trained dogs can be ob- tained; country— wooded, dry and very hilly m Kennebec, Hay Bay open and marshy ; remarks — Bay of Quinte lishing is good in season, so is duck shooting at Hay Bay, awA deer shooting is excellent in Kennebec Township. Nelles Corners, Co. Haldimand. — Hotels, American and Dominion, $1 p^ d.; livery, $1.50 p. d. Hunting. — Good woods for game between 2 and 3 m. ; partridge and rabbits, in their season ; no guides ; country — wooded, level, sometimes wet. Neustadt, Co. Grey. — Hotels, American, Royal, Queen's, Commercial, $1 ]). d. ; livery, $2 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — Saugeen R. G m. from village ; speckled trout; best months —June and July ; baits — Hy and worms ; boats not required. Ifiagara Falls, Co. Welland. — Hotels, American, Waverly, Windsor, Im- perial, from §1.50 to $2 \). d. ; livery, about §3 p. d. Fishing. — Niagara, 14 m. ; b. b., perch and pi.; all plentiful; best months — Sept. and Oct. ; bait — minnows; boats, $2 p. d. Nipissing Jnc, District of Nipissing. No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — L, Nipissing 3 m.. Trout L. 21 m. ; pk., pi., salmon trout, the two former most plentiful ; best months— May and June, Aug., Sept., Oct. i baits — frogs, worms, tlies. No guides nor boats. rid wild r. Allen, iinpy ill .; Sher- {, accor- h ; most to Oct.; ;d, if ne ., 10c. p. ; ducks, i can be i\ ; foxes , $1 .50 to ; livery, I, G to 14 ass; best s, worms, jat.s — oOo 11 Davy's ^«ton and kinds of ,ck ducks an be ob- Bay open u is duck ownship. kion, $1 p. [•idge and Linies wet. lercialj $1 st months idsor, Im- tiful; best ion trout, iig., Sept., Province of Ontario. 39 Hunting. — Trout L. 2^ in.; partridge, deer, juoose, bear; Sept. to Nov. Country— swampy with rocky ridges, dense growth of bush. North Bay. District of Nipissing. — Hotels, Pacific House, Mackey House, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — L. Nipissing for pk., pi. and bass. Trout L. 2J m. from the Pacific, also all the sir. ; salmon trout, Mg., b. b., speckled trout, pk., pi. ; b. b. and speckled trout very plentiful ; best months — from 1st June to Ist Sept. ; bait — trolling with spoons and minnows for bait ; guides — Joseph Laronde and Richard Jessup, $2 p. d. ; boats at 50c. p. d. ; remarks — the fishing at Trout L. is acknuwledged to be the finest bass and Maskinonge fishing in Canada. Hunting. — From 10 to 20 m. north of North Bay with good roads (Gov- ernment) ; red deer. Best months — in season from 15th Oct. to 15th Dec. ; guides — as above ; trained deer dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded and rolling. Lakes, streams and resources of this region in their order working down stream toward the east. 1. Trout L., 10 by 4. Has 35 islands, largely indented with bays. Con- tains b. b., Mg., pk., pk. — perch and salmon trout. Has 3 trout streams flowing into it. 2. Turtle L., joined to above by swift stream of only a few rods. 6 m. long, 1^ m. wide. Numerous small islands ; abrupt, rocky shores ; beattti- full)ays. Fish same as above except trout — perhaps (?) 3. Pine L., 3 m. by 2. Contains 10 islands. Pish same as Turtle L. 4. Lost K., 8 m. of beauty and grandeur; deep pools; abrupt turns ; swift rapids ; very rocky ; full of bass, etc. Easy j^ortages ; superb fly- fishing. 5. Tallon L., 14 by 4 m. Full of fish. 3 trout str. fiow into Lost R. and 3 into Tallon L. These constitute what is called the " Central Chain." • Southern Chain — 20 mud lakes ; moose, deer, etc., in season. Lakes * accessible by " carries." Northern Chain — 7 lakes, all abounding in speckled trout. Largest 3 m. long, nearly as wide ; two others 2^ m. long. The other two about % m.'?^ long. Longest " carry" to these lakes not more than 6 m., shortest about '" i m. North Hastings Jnct., Co. Hastings.— Hotel, Grand Junction, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Rosse's P., 1 m., also various trout streams; b. b. and br. trout ; the former most plentiful ; best months— Julyj Aug., Sept.aod Oct. ; guide— Stephen Tuft, $1.50 p. d. Novar) District of Parry Sound. — Novar Hotel* $1 p* d. Moderate charge for livery. Fishing. — Bay L., 5 m., Clear L.j 3 m. | salmon and speckled trout, tlie former most plentiful ; best months — Oct. and Nov* ; baits — minnows and U'orfjis ; guide — Ji Braund j boats can be had at moderate charges. Hunting. — Township of BethunCi 6 m.; deerj moose, bear, rabbits, partridges } best moMth.s— Oct. and Nov. ; guide^^J. Braund ; dogs can be obtained j country — wooded) dry and hilly. i 'I I 'I I 'I i ' I I Omemee, Co. Victoria. — Hotels, Bradburn, Clarke'tfi, Wikon'.s, $i p. d.; livery, single, $1.50 ; double, $3 p. d. Fishing. — Pigeon U. ; Mg., b. b. and rock b. ; Mg. most plentiful ; best modths — Aug. and Sept. ; baits — silver trolling bait and I'rogs; guide — Ths. Henderson, $1.50 p. d.; boats — $1 p. d. Hunting. — Woods from 1 to 5 m. from the village; wild duck on r., rabbit and partridge ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; country — open, dry and hilly. Onondaga, Co. Brant. — Ontario House, $1 p. d. ; no livery. Fishing. — Grand R., 100 feet from hotel ; bass, pike, &c. Hunting. — On Indian reserve, J m. distant; quail, partridge, &c. ; country — partly wooded, dry and hilly. Orillia, Co. Siincoe.— Hotels, Orillia House, Russell House, $1.50 p. d., and others. Summer resort at Strawberry Island, half an hour by boat (return tickets, 25c.). Hotel rate $2 p. d. Livery at moderate rates. Fishing. — Strawberry Island, L. Simcoe and Couchiching ; b.b., white- fish, L. trout, br. trout ; b. b. and trout plentiful ; best months — July to Oct. ; baits — worms, grasshoppers, minnows ; guides — Ben. Simcoe and Samson Ingersol, Indians, $1.50 p. d. ; boats — $1 p. d., $3 to $4 p. w. Hunting. — Sparrow L., 12 m. ; deer, partridge and ducks ; best months — Oct., Nov. and May for duck ; guides — Indians, moderate; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — all kinds. Oshawa, Co. Ontario.— Hotels, Queen's, Central, and Brook's, $1 to $2.5 ) p.d. Fishing. — Farewell's Marsh, 1 m.. Hall's, 2 m.; pk. and perch; pk* most abundant ; best months — April, May, Sept. and Oct. ; baits — spoon and minnows, also angle-worm ; guides — none needed ; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Hall's Marsh for ducks; best months — Sept and Oct.; guides — unnecessary ; countrv — open and wet (surroundings hillv and dry). Ottawa, Co. Carleton (reached from the East via Coteau, from the West via Brockville). — Hotels, Russell House, $3, Windsor, Grand Union, $2.50 p. d. i livery, team $5 p. d., single $3 p. d. Fishing. — Gatineau L., 30 m. distant from Ottawa; bass and trout; Itoth plentiful ; best months — Aug. and Sept.; baits — minnows and worms ; boats — T^c. p. d. Otterville, Co. Oxford. — Hotel, Revere House, $1 p. d. ; livery moderate. Fishing. — Otter Cr. running through village; pk., horn-chub, catfish, b. b. ; most plentiful — horn-chub, catfish and b. d. ; best months — May, June ; bait — worms ; boats-^at moderate price, about 25c. an afternoon ; some trout have been caught in small tributary streams, a few miles out. but they are scarce. Hunting. — Few pine swamps in vicinity; partridge, snipe, rabbits und foxes ;;,best months— 'Sept., Oct., Nov.; guides— none ; a few good fox hounds'and partridge dogs; country — open and hilly along the Cr.. partially covered with small pine forest and hard wood bush. ifcc; and FERPES & CO., Wholesale and Retai-l - Hardware Merchants, 38 JAMES STREET NORTH, HAMILTON, ONT. Builders' Hardware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Tarred Paper, Mechanics' Tools, GUNS, FISHING TACKLE, Cutlery, Graniteware, Tinware, Oil Stoves, Camping Supplies and House Furnishing Goods. Orders will receive oarcful and prompt attention. Overpayments refunded by first mail O'NEILL HOUSE, WOODSTOCK, ONT. T{eiizz per IDag, $1.S0 First Class Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Mrs. J AS. O'NEILL, Prop., J. K. 0'NHtIvL> M:ana^er. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE WITH FISHING & HUNTING PARTIES. r : I' 1 II • I 1 i !i i'' i I I i 42 Advertisement TINGLEY & STEWART MTG. CO., lO KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, -MANUFACTUKEIiS OF- o Eh <^ 2 g < z _ H S en Vi ^ pC4 o B@- ^ii WOBK GVAMANTEEjy. -m St. Nicholas Hotel, A. S. SMITH, Proprietor. JAMIS STlllT HAMILTON, Ontario. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY. Newly Furnished. Fine Sample Rooms. BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS.. 1 Province of Ontario. 43 CO., . >, 0) s CO ^ o tel, . 1 M^ looms. Owen Sound, Co. Grey (reached by train via Toronto). — Hotels— Queen's, Albion, Coulson House, City Hotel, Ross House, Seldon's Hotel, Pacitic, from $1.60 to $2 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Good trolling for salmon trout on Georgian Bay in month of Oct. about 7 m. ; very fair speckled trout fishing close by town ; speckled trout and .^ulmon trout, some b. b., pi., «&c. ; best months — from May to Ist Nov. ; baits — for sulnion trout, spoon ; for speckled trout, angle-worm and Hies ; guides — not required ; boats — 50c. p. d. : excellent trolling for salmon trout at Johnson Harbor, about 10 m. from h^re in Oct. Hunting. — No small game in this locality ; deer plentiful in season on the Peninsular, about 30 or 40 m. from here; best months — latter part of Oct. and Nov. ; guides — at from $1.50 to $2 p. d.; trained dogs can be ob- tained ; country — wooded, dry and level. Paisley, Co. Bruce. — Hotels,- Hanna House, Central, Royal and Sherman House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d.for single rigs. Fishing. — Teeswater and Saugeen R, both run through the village; pike, b. b. and other small r. fish ; most plentiful — pk. ; hest months — April, May and June ; baits — flies and ground worms; guides and boats not required. Hunting. — None of any account ; partridge and black squirrel ; best month — Oct. ; country — studded with bush, rather hilly, no swampy land. Palgrave, Co. Peel.— Queen's Hotel, $1 p. d. Livery, $4. Fishing. — Humber R. ; speckled trout, chub, suckers, shiners ; best months — May and June ; baits — flies and worms ; no guides. Hunting. — Humber Valley ; partridge and rabbits ; Nov. and Dec. ; country — hilly and open. Park Hill, Co. Middlesex.— Hotels, Hastings House, Royal, Tudor' House $1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 for single conveyance, $3 for double carriage p. d. Fishing.— Grand Bend or L. Huron and junction of Sauble R., 12 m., and L. Smith, 6 m.; white fish, b. b., salmon trout, pi.; most plentiful- white lish, bass and pi. ; best months — all through the fishing season ; baits — minnows ; boats can be hired. Parry Sound, Co. Parry Sound (reached by Muskoka &, Georgian Bay Nav. Co. from Midland and Penetang, by Great Northern Transit Co., from Collin";wood, also via Muskoka Lakes and Stage). — Hotels, Belvidere, Thomson, $1.50, Seguine House, Albion, $1 ; livery, $2.50 single rig, $3.50 to $4 double rig p. d. Fishing. — Good fishing from 1 to 10 m. from here in Channels of Georgian Bay, Mill L. IJ m. and numerous other L., b. b., Mg., pi., pk.,lake b. most plentiful ; best months — Aug., Sept. and Oct. ; baits trout, «&c., b — trolling and anjjle worms ; guides- .^'- ..V,....., e,"— " -Abraham Assa, Dan Tabobidang, James "VValker and others, $1.50 p. d.; boats— 50c. to $1, or by the week at $3.50 ; tents and blankets can be rented. Hunting. — Moose R. district, 15 m- from Parry Sound by land or water; deer, partridge, bear, fish.r, otter, beaver, mink, muskrat; best months— Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. ; guides^— same as above ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country— wooded, hilly and dry, with numerous small 1. and r. ; first-class steam yacht can be hired for summer tourists or hunting arties. I!' I I I' i I f ! • . I i ii* !'; ! I I i !|: I! 44 [ Flaking and Huntiny Mesorts, Feuetanguishene, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Cunada House ami Georgian Bay Hotel, ijji to ^1.50, Bay View $1 ; livery, ^A p. d. double; $2 p. d. single. Fishing. — For geueral^fishiiig about 7 m. and from that up to Geor- gian_^]iay, ^there are also several good trout streams within a short dis- tance; b. b., pi., pk., Mg. and speckled trout; most plentiful — b. b., pi. and trout; best months — for b. b. .June, July, Aug. ; baits — worms and Hies; guides — i*aul Vassier, J. Bossant $1 p. d ; boats — uUc. p. d. Hunting. — Can be had within 3 m., but the best grounds are among the islands, about 8 or lU m. up the 1.; deer, partridge, duck ; deer in season, for duck Oct. is about the best month ; guides — the same as above ; country — wooded, hilly, dry, mostly rocky where hunting is. Peterboro, Co. Peterboro. — Hotels, Oriental, $2, Grand Central, $1.50 and $2 p. d., and a number of good hotels at $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Kice L. (reached by the CalcuLt line of steamers) 12 m., Chemong L. 7 m., Katachawanuck l) m.; b. b. and Mg. ; b. b. most abundant ; best months — June, July, Aug., Sept. ; bait — live minnows ; guides — !gl.5() p. d. and expenses ; boats — 50c. p. d. ; remarks — any further information will be cheerfully given by Mr. T. Fitzgerald, Peterboro. Pickering, Co. Ontario — Hotels, Gordon House, Western Hotel, $1 p. d.; livery, single rig $2 p. d., double $3.50 or $4. Fishing. — Frenchman's Bay, 3 m., also Duffin's Cr.; pk., catfish, b. b., sunfish^and perch ; best months — Aug. and Sept. for trolling ; baits — regular trolling hooKS, also worms ; guides — $1.50 p. d. ; boats — $1.50 p. d. Hunting. — Not much hunting, some wild ducks spring and fall ; country — wooded, dry and hilly. Pictou, Co. Prince Edward (reached via Central Ontario Railway from Trenton, or steamer from Deseronto). — Hotels, Royal Hotel $1.50 to $ ', Victoria, Herrington House, Cardwell House, Murray House, McDonald Hotel, Picton Hotel, $1 p. d., livery — $1.50 to' $4 \^. d., depending on capacity of rig; the Lake Shore House, 10 m. from Picton, on L. Ontario, known as the Sandbank $1 p. d. Fishing. — West L., 8 m.. East L., 8 m., Bay of Quinte (on which Picton is situated) ; bass, Mg., pk., pi., perch ; most plentiful — bass, pk. and pi.; fine Mg. tisbii g in bay, 7 m.; best months — Aug. and Sept., but good fishing all the sea^c n ; baits — trolls, files, frogs, grasshoppers, minnows, crawfish ; guides — L. T. Voice, livery stable, or James Soly, Royal Hotel ; boats — at reasonable rates, steam yacht here can be chartered any time at reasonable rates. L. on the Mountain, 5 m. from Picton; good fishing; hotel rate, $1 p. d. ; Davy's Island, in Bay of Quinte ; hotel rates, $1 p. d. ; finest of fishing. Hunting. — For ducks, East and West L. and Weller's Bay ; woodcook, partridge, first-class snipe shooting, and all kinds of duck in season ; best months — 1st Sept. for duck and partridge ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — all kinds. Point Edward, Co. Lambton. — Hotels, Queen's, Royal, $1.50 p. d.; livery, none required. Fishing. — L. Huron and R. St. Clair on the spot ; pi., perch and herring ; best months — May to Aug. ; baits — minnows (found usually in Advertisements. 45 L'orgmii ble ; $2 3 Geor- jrt di«- . b., pi. ad riies; i among searioii, I above ; il, $1.50 y, $2 to ) 12 m., )undant ; jrniatioii $1 p. d.; sh, b. b., —regular .country ay from ^IM to Houi^e, $4 p. a., in. from :>n which , pk.and l)ut good minnows, al Hotel ; y time at lishing ; $1 p. d. ; oodcook, son ; best obtained ; d.; livery, lerch and isually in CANADA SHIPP ING COMPANY. BEAYER LINE OF STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly between Montreiil jvnd Liverpool duriiio; the Summer season, Jiiul between New York and Livfipool during the Winter season. Making close connections at either of the above-mentioned ports for all points in Canada and the United States, to which through ticltets are issued. Thest' Steamers have 8Ui)erior iicconimotliition for Saloon. Intermediate and Steerage Passengers. ^ An expenenced surgeon is carried by each steamer, also cabin and steerage stewardess. Passengers land and embark at Montreal, avoiding the trouble and aimoyance of transfer ai Quebec. KATES OF PASSAGE.— Saloon Tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, %W, S.'iO, and SCO ; Return Tickets, ."§80, $90, and .§110 ; Intermediate, $30, round trip, $60 ; Steerage, $20, round trip. $40. Through Bills Lading are issued to all points in Canada and the Western States. For Freight, Passage or other particulars apply to, in London, II. Montgomerie 8i Co., 82 Mark Lane; in Glasgow, to P. Kintoul, Son & Co.; in Queenstown, to N. G. Seymour & Co.; In Belfast, to A . A. Watt, Custom House Square; in Chicago, to Kop- perl & Hunsberger, 280 Madison Street ; in New York, to James Arkell & Co., Kembie Buildings; or K. \V. ROBERTS, Manager, H. E. 5IUKRAY, General Manager, 21 Water Street, Liverpool. 1 Custom House Square, Montreal. THE STAR SAFETY RAZOR. A yreat invention which renders shaving an easy and convenient lu.\ury, and obviates all danger of c'uttinij the face. Warranted to shave clean. Time and money saved. Delays in barber shops avoided. It is especially adapted to the aged and the young ; and is indispensable to travellers by land and by sea ; to miners and to persons camping out ; to the indolent and the luxurious ; to the man who wants a quick shave, and him whose skin is too tender to admit of the application of the ordinary razor. Once used, you will never be without it. SEYMOUR & CO., SOLE AGENTS, P. O. Box 1548, MONTKEAL. Sample Razor sent on receipt of $2.00. 19 46 Advertisements. i ! I ' Wheaton & Co. 17 KING ST., WEST, COR. JORDAN, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Boating, Shooting and Tennis Goods for Holiday Trade. HAKE TO OBDER TENNIS SUITS FROM $10,00 PER SUIT. Samples of Material Sent to any Address. WHEATON & CO, TORONTO. J. FRASER BRYCE, wJ lO"/" Kim ^TI(EET WE0T. .. . A SPE^CIALTY. N. de. IT. >. T. 5^ Province of Ontario. 47 abuinlaiico) ; ii(» .irniiK's ; ciipital spoit fruiii tlio tlocks with hook ami line, hirjrt' (umiher of pi'i-ch iiiid hcrriiij; thus raii^ht. Port Arthur, 'rimmlcr l^uy Distiic! (rciiclit-d hy Xortli West Traiis|Mii- tatidii ("o's. ^IcuiiuTs t'roin Suniiii). — floti'In, Xorthcrn, $l{» Alj^uina, H(Kk'ga!ij!2.r)0, Western, Ottawa, Alliinn, Mansion, Continental, Argyle,. $2 ; livei-y $1 }). d. single, or $1 \). \\. FisHiNfJ. — Xipigon G7 in., L(jon L. .'50 ni., .NfcKenzie li. 11 in., all reachetl liy train ; l». h. and Br. ('rout at Loon L., Hr. trout at the others ; June to Aug.; Ily haits; guides — ,J. Watt, .1. Hsquiniaux, .1. & L. Houchard, L. Bt)U(diier, 1). DeschiunjK', all residing at Nipigon, where alone guides are r<'(|nired ; hindi haik (tanoes r)(lc. p. d. : A pleasiint trip from Pcjrt Arthur is to hire a fislierinan and boat from $.'5 to $.') p. d., jind cruise along the North Shore between the Amygdaloyd Islands, where a strong trolling line and large spoons are necessary as (he fish cauglit weigh from 10 to 30 11»h, Port Cockburn, !Muskoka District (reached by Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation Co.'s steamers via Gravenhurst). — Hotels, Stimmit House and Islam! Park. FiSHiN(}. — L. Joseph, Blackstone, Crane, Clear, Whitefish and trout ; b. b. and rock bass, ])1. M^j. and salmon trout ; most plentiful — b. b. and Mg. ; best months — from 15th June till lath Nov. ; baits — minnows, worms, frogs, riies ; guides — Wm. Bradey, B. Bradey, F. Bradey, F. Wing; boatH at moderate charges. Hunting. — In immediate neigliborhood ; partridge, deer, duck ; best months — Sept. till 1st. Dec. ; j'uide— F. Wing, $1.50 and $2 p. d., man and dogs; trained dogs cati be ootained ; country — wooded, primeval forest, myriads of small 1. and str. ; Summit House, large-st summer resort in Muskoka, can accommodate 200 guests, post*, telegraph and express offices in house ; fast and elegant .steam yacht owned by proprietors. Port Colborne, Co. Welland. — Hotels, McNeal's, Simpson's, Commercial, from 75c. to $1 p. d. ; livery, single rig, $1.50 to $2 p. d., double rig $3 to $4 p. d. Fishing. — L. Erie, the town is on the shore ; b. b., pi., perch and her- ring, and about 15 m. west, w-hitefish ; bass and herring most plentiful ; best months — April to June; bait — minnows; guides — -Wm. Rambo and McCracken Bros., 50c. p. h. ; boats — 12^c. to 15c. p. h. Port Dalhousie, Co. Lincoln — No hotels, but several private boarding houses ; Walkerly House, McGrath's, McNulty, Duffin and Dixon Housei?; no livery stable. Fishing. — L. Ontario adjoining the place ; pk., pi., sunfish, bass, perch, ciscoes and herrings ; perch and bass most plentiful ; best months — May, June and Sept. ; baits — angleworms and minnows ; no guides required ; boats — 15c. p. h. Port Dover, Co. Norfolk. — Hotels, Dominion, Erie House, Commercial, Norfolk, $1 p. d. ; livery, none required. Fishing. — L. Erie, Silver L. and Lynn R. ; b. b., pk., perch, herring, pi., sturgeon, &c.; b. b., perch, (fee, in abundance ; best months — June and Sept. ; baits — frogs, minnows, &c. ; guides — J. Ross, Crab Ellick, L. Folemsbee and Wm. Collier ; boats — 20c. p. h. ;'tne fishing at this point is excellent. ■BRMCS il! :; Mi Hunting. — Lonj; Point and purroumlinj;; country ; thick, rubl>itH, black Hquirrel , Sept. to Dec; ^^uidcs — J. I'liync jukI.T. Green, witli (Io»i;s ; country — fairly \voo<ie«l, dry, and rolling. Slmuting, controlled at Ijou*^ I*(jint by a company. Port Elgin, Co. J^ruce.— Hotels, Arlingt(»n, Tretnont, Qiuhmi'h, Roval, American, Ocean IIuuMe (located at I{ay),$l p. d. ; two good liverien, (diargCH very moderate, according to distance, carriage with team $2.r>() p. d.. Mingle carriage, $!.')() p. d. Fishing. — Port Elgin Bay at edge of town, Mill Cr. also at edge of lown, Saugeen R. I m. east; pk., pi., bass, herring, trout, whitetish, i)erch ;* most plentiful — herring, trout, j)l. and whitetish; best months — May, June, Oct. ; bait — small herring; guides — reliable parties can always be had to accompany visitors ; little or no charge has so far been jnade, as local sports and citizens are always willing to entertain tourists or pleasure seek- ers; skirt's, $1 J), d. ; sail-b(jatH and small steamers at low rates for pleasure or picnic parties visiting adjacent points or islands. Hunting. — Immediate vicinity for small ganif, such as hares, rabbits, mrtridge and woodcock ; most i)lentiful — partridge ; best months — Oct., Nov.; guides — same as above; good dogs will accompany local sports with parties ; country — both open and wooded, rolling lands, perfectly dry and accessible at all times. Port Hope, Co. Durham— Hotels, St. Lawrence Hall, and Queen's, |2 p. a. ; several smaller hotels $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Rice L., 10 rn. ; Mg., V>.b. and green bass ; all kinds plentiful ; best months — June for Mg., Juiy to Sept. for bass; baits — spoons, crawfish, worms and shiners ; guides always on hand, $2 p.d. for man and boat ; boats — 50c. p. d. ; hotels on the ground at Bewdley Gore's Landing, Harwood, $1 p. d. Port Perry Co. t)ntario.— Hotels, St. Charles, Oriental, $1 to $L50 p. d. Queen's and Railroad House, $1 p. d.; livery, $1.50 p. d. single rigs to $3 p. d. for teoin. Fishing. — Scr L., 50 yards from the principal hotels ; M^., b. h.> green or bay ba.p perch ;ind coarse fish ; Mg., and b.b most pfentif'il j best months- . pt., and part of Oct. ; baits — trolling spoons and live frogs; oames Davidson, Port Perry, Joseph Cook, Caisarea, Ont., $1 to J p. d. for man and boat ; boats — 50c. p. d. any quantity ; the Leland nouse, Cm^area, $] p. d., splendid fishing, shooting and bathing in its vicinity. Hunting — Head of L., Nonquon Cr., and Cffisarea Bay, distance, 1, 6 and 7 ni. from Port Perry ; black duck, snipe, partridge and rabbits ; best months — Sept., Oct., and early part of Nov. ; guides — J. S. McKenzie, Port Perry, J. Cook, Csesarea ; trained dogs can be obtained, with guides, $lto $2 p. d. ; country — wooded, wet and level, plenty of rice beds and feeding grounds for fall duck, also large marshes for snipe adjacent to village. Port Rowan, Co. Norfolk,— Hotels, Steam's, Fick'e,$l p. d. and boarding houses ; livery, moderate. Fishing. — Long Point Bay, Dedrick's Cr., R. Rowan, and trout str., pk., b. b., pi., trout, some Mg. ; b. b. and speckled trout most plentiful ; nest months — May to July, Sept. j lait£--niinnows and worms ; guides unneces- eary j boats can be hired. L Province of Ontario, 49 Hunting, — Marsh and land in vicinity; ducks, snipe, woodcock, par- tridge, squirrel ; Sept. to Dec. ; guides not required , country— open, wooded, wet, dry, hilly and level. Port Sandfleld Co. Simcoe (reached by Muskoka and Geor;.;ian Bay Navigation Co. via Gravenhurst). — Hotel, Prospect House, ^1.50 p. ^. Fishing. — Near the hotel ; Hulinon-trout, bass, pi. ; best months — June to Aug. ; guides— $1.50 p. d. ; boats— 80c. j). d.,i|!.3.50 p. w. Hunting, — 2 to C ni. from hotel ; i)artridge and deer ; best months — Sept. and Nov.; guides — $2.50 p. d. with hounds; country — wooded and hilly. Port Stanley, Co. Elgin.— Ratt's Hotel and Russell House $1 p. d. ; Fraser House $2 p. d. ; livery, |3 p. d. Fishing. — L. Erie; pi. and perch ; Both very ]>lentiful ; best ruonths — June to Aug. ; baits — minnows ; guides — none required ; boats — 25c. p. h. Fowassan, Parry Sound District.— Hotel, Queen's, $1 j), d.; livery moderate. Fishing. — Guiness Cr., h m., Wasa L., 5 m., Trout Cr., 8 m. ; pk., pi., bass and trout; most plentiful — in Wasa L., pi., in Cr., trout; best months — June and July ; baits — worms, tlies, and spoon for trolling; boats — 50c. J), d., on lakes. Hunting. — Township of Chisholm, 7 or "8 m. east ; red deer, bears, partridges, small fur-bearing animals, and some moose ; best months — winter; trained dogs can be obtained; country — wooded and hilly, mostly dry. Preston, Co. Waterloo— Hotels, Preston Mineral Haths, $1.50 p. d., bath , included. Commercial, Central, Thomson House $1 p. d ; livery, single horse, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Trout Cr., from 1 to 3 m., r. } m., Puslinch L., 6 m.; speckled trout, bi:38 and perch in 1. ; bass and perch most plentiful ; best months — July to Sept. ; bait — worms, frogs and artificial ; guides — none required ; boats — on L., $1 p. d. ; first-class perch in 1 , good bass in r. and ponds ; trout not very large, but good. Hunting. — Not much hunting except grouse and hare, which are not very plentiful ; best months — Oct. to Dec. ; no guides ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — mostly open, with some large swamps, not very wet, and nearly level, or rather rolling. Rideau, Co. Frontenac. Fishing. — Rideau R., ^ m. from station ; bass and pk., most plentiful — bass ; best months — May and Sept. ; baits — worms and small fish, perch. Bockwood, Co. Wellington. — Hotels, Duffield House, Dominion Hotel,$l p. d. ; livery, moderate, varying according to distance. . Fishing. — Eramosa R., where a few speckled trout are caught in season ; usual baits. Hunting. — Some rabbits and other small game in usual season ; nq guides j trained dogs can be borrowed ; country — open dry, hill^. M&.jawi!j:^:iLi;M<;tj6i^t'»L^ fe^s^i^ .li«jJ^ --'^ 50 Fishing and Hunting liesorts, Rosseau, Parry Sound District ; (reached by Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation Go's., steamers from Gravenhurst). — Hotels, Monteith $1 to $2, Maplchursi, $1.50 to $2 ; livery, $4 p. .1. FitiHiNG. — L. Rosseau, L. Joseph, and numerous in-land L. ; b. b., pi., 1, trout, speckled trout ; b. b. most plentiful — June to Aug. ; guides — T. & W. Webster, D. Ross ; boats — $3 p. w., $1 p. d. ; sail boats, yachts and canoes by arrangement. Hunting. — 1 m. radius ; red deer, hares, partridge, ducks, bear'i deer from 15 Oct. to 15 Nov., partridge 1 Sept. to 1 Feb.; guides — D. Russ, F. Wing ; country — wooded, r'^cky, with large swamps and lakes. Hun- ters are recommended to mak p parties of six or more and bring dogs. St. Catharines, Co. Lincoln. — Hotels, Welland House $2, Murray House, GrsMid Central $1, Stevenson House $3 p. d. ; livery, $5 p. d. (team and driver). Fishing. — Fifteen Mile Cr., 3 tn., mouth of Niagara R., and L. Ontario ; j)erch at the Fifteen, b. b. at Niaga.-a, and pi. and herring in the L. ; most plentiful — b. b. and perch; best months — May to Sept.; bait — minnows, of which there are shoals ; guides — Capt. MciCvoy and George May ; boats can be hired of Charles, at Lock 2, Old Welland Canal, 25c. j). h. Hunting. — Radius of 12 m.; quail, diudc, rabbits, musk-rats and a few foxes ; best months — Sept. to Dec. ; country — wooded, hilly, dry. St. Marys, Co. Perth— Hotels, Windsor and National, 8 other hotels, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. single rigs, $3 for team. Fishing. — About 2 m. from town ; ba'^s ; best months — July and Aug. ; bait — flies ; boats not required. St. Thomas, Co. Elgin. — Hotels, Grand Central, $2 p. d., Hutchinson House, Queen's, Dake House, Wilcox, $1.50 p. d., Wyatt's, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 to $4 p. d. Fishing. — L. Erie, 7 m.; pk., whitefish, herring, perch ; best months — June to Oct. ; baits — minnows and worms ; guides — not needed ; boats — 25c. p. h. (See also Port Stanley). Salmonville, Co. Peel.— No liotcls. Hunting. — In vicinity of station : ])artridgcs, rabbits, ground, bogs ; Oct. to Dec. ; country principally wooded and hilly. Sarnia, Co. Lambton. — Hotels, St. Clair and Belchamber House, $1.50 p. d., other houses $1 p. d. ; livery, $1 for first hour and 50c. for each succeeding hour. Fishing. — L. Huron and R. St. Clair at Sarnia and Pt. Edward, also at St. Clair Flats; pi., herring, bass, pk. (with spears) ; most plentiful — her- ring and pi.; best months — April, May, Sept. to Nov. ; baits — herring, min- nows, caught by scoop nets along docks at Sarnia; boats — 15c. p. h. or 50c. p. d. Hunting. — St. Clair Flats ; duck ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; coun- try — flat and marshy. Sault Ste. Marie, District of Algoma (reached by Steamer lines from Sarnia, Godericli, Kincardine, Southampton, Wiarton, Collingwood, also by train from North Bay). — Hotels, Algonquin an<l International, $2 to $3 p. d., Grand Central, Windsor, Pacific, Murray House, Albioa, f 1 to $1.50 p. d. ; livery, at reasonable rates. Province of Ontario. 51 Fishing. — Sault Rapids, Hay L., Root R., Carp R. and other points ; speckled and 1. trout, bass ; June to Sept. ; baits — tlie.' , frogs and small fieh ; numerous guides ; boats — 50c. to $1 p. d. HuNTiNG.—Duck, partridge (deer, not plentiful) ; numerous reliable guides with dogs ; country — wooded and hilly. The route to Sault St. Marie is one of the most beautiful water stretches in Canada. The innumerable islands arc much appreciated by tourists for campinc;. The climato is delightful, Sault St. Mane is situated at the Eas- tern end of Lake Superior, the town is beautifully located at the foot of the Rapids. The River Mary is a scene of ever varying beauty. Steamers of all sizes and yachts continually going up and down from Lake Superior, laden with grain, iron, fish and copper. There are many rivers within a few miles of Sault St. Marie full of speckled trout. The locks, rapids, new Canal Works and Wpier Power Canal are all points of interest. There is no more healthy, lovely rural spot within a few hours ride of the large centres of the United States and Canada, on the Continent. The dis- tance from Sault St. Marie to the fishing rivers is from 2 to 40 or 50 miles east and west, and good facilities for reaching them, either by little steamers, or boats and voyageuis, the latter being numerous and most skillful in the management of open boats, and are capital canoe men, are invariably good cooks, and generally do the Camp cooking when em- ployer is on pleasure or fishing trips. All the facilities for reaching the fishing an^ other pleasure rivers and grounds are plentiful and very reason- able, and men and boats can be procured at a few hours notice. Severn, Co. Simcoe. — McKenzie Hotel, $1 p. d., no regular livery, but teams can be obtained when necessary. Fishing. — Sparrow L. 4 m.; Mg., b. b., pi., catfish; June to Aug.; baits — frogs and small ground worms ; Indian guides $1 p. d.; boats — oOc. to $1 p. d. ; Steamer daily from Severn Bridge to Sparrow L. Hunting. — Sparrow L. 4 m., Morrison L., Leg L. and Lower Severn R. ; deer, bear, partridge in season ; Indian guides from $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; not ma!iy dogs ; country — rough and rocky. Shakespeare, Co. Perth.- -Hotels, Royal and Shakespeare, $1 p. d. ; livery $1 for single and $2.50 for double rig p. d. Fishing. — Avon R.; trout and i)k., the latter most plentiful; best, months — June and July ; baits — nets and worms ; no boats required. Shannonville, Co. Hastings.— Hotels, Lome House, Albion Hotel, Com- mercial Hotel, $1 p. d. ; livery, reasonable charges. Fishing. — 2 m. distant; b. b., pi., pk., and other small kinds; good fishing in season for all kinds; best months- -June and July, Sept. and Oct. ; baits — live minnows, artificial baits of all kinds, and worms ; no boats for hire. Simcoe, Co. Norfolk.— Hotels, Battersby House, Norfolk, Mansion, Dean's, and others, from $1 to $1.50 ; livery, single $2 to $3 p. d., double $3 to $6, according to distance. Fishing. — Plenty of trout streams from 1 to 20 m., but fish scarce. Hunting — Almo'^t any woods in the vicinity; partridge; best monthg Qct. and Nov.; country — open, rolling land, with hard wood stretches, Stirling, Co. Hastings.— Hotels, Rathbun Station, on C.O.R.R., G. Whit- ley's, at Harold, near Trout Str., $1 p. d. ; livery, double team $4, single $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — Crow L., near Marmora; bass, "lunj'e" (Salmon L. on C. O.R.R., salmon and bass), bass, perch, speckled, or Br. trout, salnion and grey trout; most plentiful — bass, "lunge," and all kinds of trout; be.-^t months — salmon irout Oct., brook trout May and June; baits — flies and worms ; guides — $1.50 p. d. ; boats — at most places, 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Tiidor, Limerick, L. Wollustore (for deer) ; partridge, deer, hare, some woodcock, all varieties of ducks in lawful season; guides — as above; trained dogs can be obtained; country-open, wooded, wet, dry, hilly, level. Southampton, Co. Bruce. Hotels, Central and Commercial, $lp, d.; livery, $1.50 p. d Fishing. — L. Huron and Saugeen R., } m. ; pereh, pi., herring, bass, whitetish and salmon ; most plentiful — herring, pi., perch ; good fishing mostly any month ; baits — worms and uieces of fish ; boat.s — 25c. p. h. Mineral baths at 25c. each, or 8 tickets f ■ $1 ; good trolling on r. for pick- erel in May, June and July. South River, Parry Sound District. — Hotels, Queen's, Poucher's House, $1 p. d., $3 or $3.50 p. w. ; livery, single rig $1.50, double $3 p. d. Fishing.— South R. runs through the village, Eagle L., i\ *m.. Bacon and Rocky L., 2 m.; speckled trout, perch, shiners and chubs; most plen- tiful — speckled trout and perch; best months — May and June; baits — flies and worms, fat pork and minnows ; boats — from 25c. to $1 p. d. but cannot depend on getting them ; South R. and many small 1. and nr. near at hand are teeming with speckled trout and perch; trout have been caught in some of the small 1. as long as 18 in., perch and shiners may be caught from 12 in. down any quantity. Hunting; — Vicinity of village; partridge, duck, deer, moose, wolves, rabbits, foxes and bears; best months — Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec; country — principally hilly and wooded, dry land. Spanish River, District Algoma (reached by Great Northern Transit Co's steamers from Collingwood or Wiarton). — Hotels, 4 m. up river. .Fishing. — Spanish R., or Little Detroit; bass, pi., and sometimes sturgeon; most plentiful— pi. and bass; any month during navigation; baits — trolling; man and boat — $1 p. d. Spence, Parry Sound District. — Hotels, Magnetawan House and North Star, $1 to $1.50 p. d.; livery, single $2, double $4 p. d. with feed for horses. Fishing. — Ohmic L. 1 m., Deer L. 25 m., Sliee Sheep 3m. from Mag- netawan ; bass, pi., speckled trout, perch, the two first most abundant; best months — July to Oct. ; baits — frogs, crawfisli, minnows, grasshoppers ; guides — G.W. Ross, N. Ford, G. Nelson; boats can be obtained 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Spring L. 12 m. from Magnetawan, L. of Mary Islands 11 m., Shee Sheep 3 m.; deer, partridge, ducks ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; guides and dogs can be obtained; country — open, wooded, hilly, dry. Springford, Co. Oxford.— Sprirgford Hotel ; livery, from $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — Otter Cr., about 2 m.; pk. and bass; most plentiful — pk.j t>p3t moqtUs — April and May ; bait — minnows, J S I Advertisements, 53 yutcl:)ir:)Sor} y^ouse, ST. THOMAS, ONT- 9 H^f) « RATES $1.50 PER DAY. Sample Rooms Equal to any in Canada. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE WITH FISHING AND HUNTING PARTIES, STREET CARS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS. 'jr -tr' X lE^ Jtij f MANUFACTURE U OF ■#fci^ts, Awi^iQgs, Sails ar)d Flags,#- "Tjiis is our Family Tent." HORSE and WAGGON COVERS, LIFE PRESERVERS. TENTS TO RENT. . D. PIKE, 157 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CAMPING QUTFITS, Send for Catc^logue. H Advertisements. .1 <^ ^■ BOAT BUILDER, Foot of York Street, TORONTO- Boats for Hire. Agent for Brough's Folding Centre- Board. PACKING CASE & BOX MANUFACTURER. Agent for llie 9<5t6««<«'J«««)*StS;SxaS' Ontario Canoe Co. 'S>5>S»®=>®S>a9^ l^S'Ja^SlSW BOAT HOUSE, FACTORY AND SHOW ROOMS: ESPLANADE, OPP. UNION STATION, 'p IPELEP^ONE t7ff7. Province of Ontario. 55 ). IV ?. k«®3 0. ;: Hunting. — Near to the railway ; partridge and rabbits ; best month — Sept. ; country — swamp. Stayner, Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, Summerfeldt, Nottavva.'^aga House, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $3 for parties of 2 to 4 from Stavner to Van- black, P. O. Fishing. — Nottawasaga E., 10 m., Georgian Bay, Jack L, ; salmon trout, b. b., pi.; best months — May to July; baits — worms and trolling lines ; guides— $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; boats— 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Within a few miles radius; partridge, duck, pigeons, squirrels, bear, deer, rabbits ; Sept. and Oct.; guides — %l to $1.50 p. d. ; no dogs ; country — varied. Stoney Point, Co. Essex. — Hotels, Gr. W. R., Aubin House and Roya] Hotel, 75c. to $1 p. d. ; livery $2.50 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — L. St. Clair, at the mouth of R. Thames ; bass, pk., pi. ; mullet and shiners ; most plentiful — bass, pk. and pi. ; best months —Jan. to July ; baith — worms and frogs ; boats — 50c. p. d. at lighthouse, 4 m. from here. Hunting. — About 3 to 4 m. east of station ; duck, quail and a few snipe; best months — Oc .. Xov. and Dec. ; no guides; country — level. Sturgeon Point, Co. Victoria (reached via Trent Valley Navigation Co., from Lindsay). — Sturgeon Point Hotel, $2 p.d. ; livery, .f3 p. d. Fishing. — Sturgeon L., Goose L. and Scugag R. ; Mg. and bass, prin- cipally Mg. ; best months — July to Sept. ; bait? still fishing ; no guides necessary ; boats 25c. p. h. Summer stown, Co. Glengarry. — Richelieu Hotel, $2 p. d. ; livery 50c. to and from grounds to station. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. 3 m.; pk., Mg., perch, sturgeon; most plentiful — pk. ; best months — May to July ; bait — minnows ; guides — F. Laplante and D. Ward ; boats — at moderate rates by hour or day. Hunting. — 3 m. ; ducks ; best month — Oct. ; guides — as above ; country — level ; hunting on St. Lawrence ; good hotel situated close to hunting •rrounds. frogs, crawfish, &c., for Sundridge, District of Parry Sound. — Hotels, Queen's, Grand Central, Revere House, $1 to $1 .50 p. d. ; livery, single rig $2, double, $4 p. d. Fishing. — Stoney L. and Cr. at station, Black Cr., 3 m.. North Mag- netawan, 7 m.. Eagle L., 9 m., Trout L., 14 m.. Pickerel L., 7 m. ; speck- led and salmon trout, pi., bass and ling; most plentiful — speckled trout; best months — any durmg season ; baits — all kinds, principally worms, beef, flies, &c. ; guides — Chas. Anderson, Wm. Saunders, W. J. Spencer, $1 to $2 p. d. ; boats — lOc. p. h. or 50c. p. d. ; no worms to be obtained here, they are i in ported. Hunting. — Eagle L., 9 m.. Trout L , 14m.; red deer, moose, partridge, duck, bear and hare ; best months — Oct. for deer, Sept. and Oct. for birds ; guides — see above ; country — wooded, hilly, wet and dry. Sutton, Co. North York. — Hotels, Mansion House, Queen's, Royal, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $3 p. d. Cottages to rent at Jackson's Point, and restaurant. Wishing. — L. Simcoe, IJ m. ; salmon trout, b. b., whitefish. herring. &c. ; most plentiful — b. b. in .summer season ; best months — Aug. Sept. ; baits — worms, &c. ; guides — W. & K. Farr, $J. 25 j). d., also Indians ; boats —50c. p. d. Tamworth, Co. Lennox and Addington (reached via Napanee, Tamworth & Quebec Railway, through Napance). — Wheeler's Hotel, .$1 p. d. ; livery can be arranged. Fishing. — Beaver L., 2 m., Little ami Bij' Clear L., 15 m., Buck L., 10 m., Horse-Shoe L., 20 m.; pk., pi., b. b. and trout; best months — Aug., Se]it. ; usual baits, tlies and trolling; guides — Luke Wheeler, to whom write for further information. Hunting — Hungry B. in Township of Kennebec; moose, deer, bear, black duck ; best months — Sept. to the close season ; guides — Wheeler, of Tamworth, or u[)on application to Win. Mills, at Arden ; trained dogs can- not always be obtained ; country — all kinds. Tara, Co. Bruce. — Hotels, British, Queen's, and Tara House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 p. d. Fishing.- Various cr. ; trout ; best months — spring ; baits — worms. Tecumseh, Co. Essex. — Hotels, Tecumseh House, Paris Hotel, $1 p. d.. Club House $2 ; livery, $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — L. St. Clair and Detroit R. ; herring, pike, (iutfish, sturgeon, Mg. ; most plentiful — herring; best months — April, May, Juno, Oct., Nov. ; boats — 25c. p. h. Hunting. — Surrounding country ; quail, partridge, snijie, diu;k, wood- cock, plover ; country — open and dry. Teeswater, Co. Bruce, reached via Wingliam, whence trains or team can be taken. — Hotels — Commercial, $1 p. d. ; livery $2 single rig p, d., $4 to $5 double. Fishing. — Small Lakes and Teeswater R., fi to 12 m. ; speckled trout and pk, both plentiful ; best month.« — June to Sept. ; baits — earth worms for trout, chubs and trolling hooks for pk. ; boats — can be hired at low rates. Hunting. — Not much hunting; bears ure scon (K;(!asi(jnally in Green- ock Swamp, about 8 miles north, in fall and winter, rabbits, very plentiful. Thamesford, Co. Oxford (reaidied by team from Tngersoll). — Hotels, Commercial, Queen's, $1.00 p. d.; livery $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — R. Thames flows through village: b. b., i)k., &c., both plentiful in season : guides — W. Clark, Kirk Schram, I. Meeley ; boats not necessary. Hunting — In surrounding country : jjartridge, quail, rabbits, squirrel in season :—f;uides, as above, $1.00 p. d., with dogs if required | country, open wooded, dry. Thedford, Co. Lambton.— Holwell House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 p. d., single rig. Fishing. — Port Frank, 5 m. distant ; bass, pi., pk. ; baits — angle worm.s, flies and trolls ; no particular guides ; boats 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Grounds all leased ; L. Smith leased by company, no pri- vileges allowed non-members. i Province of Ontario. 67 Thornbury, Co. Grey.— Hotel?!, Revere House, the Low House $1 p. d. ; livery $2 p. d. Fishing. — Georgian B. white fish, salmon, trout, b. b. j salmon trout, most plentiful ; best month — Nov. Tilsonburg, Co. Oxford. — Hotels, Queen's, Matheson, Imperial, $1 d.; livery $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — PortBurwell, 16 m.; whitefish, sturgeon, herring, pi., bass, pk ; most plentiful — herring; seines 'ised ; boats can be hired. Toronto, Co. York. — Hotels, Queen's, Rossin, Walker, Palmer, etc., at all rates ; livery, $4 p. d. Fishing. — Ashbridge's B., Credit R., Etobicoke Cr., Stone House Cr. (for trout), and other small str.; pk., bass, perch, trout, «fec.; most plentiful-— perch and bass; best months — 15th .Fune to Ist Aug.; baits — spinning bait, or live minnows, dew worms; guides — apply to Jas. Douglas, *^5 Yonge Street, Toronto, $2 p. d. ; plenty of boats, $1 p. d. Hunting. — Good partridge and rabbits east of Don R. an^ west of Humber; partridge, raobits, duck and woodcock ; best months — Ist Sept. to 1st Dec; guides — apply at 85 Yonge Street; trained dogs can be obtai- ned; country — open, wooded and rolhng for ducks, large marshes; th6se grounds and waters are within 10 m. of the city. Trenton, Co. West Hastings. Hotels, Grand Central, Queen's, St. Law- rence, Gilbert House, rates $1, $1.50 and $2 p. d. according to loca- tion ; livery, reasonable, based on distance. Fishing. — Bay Quinte and various 1. north 6n lines ofC. 0. R. R., Consecon B.; bass, pk., Mg., and a few trout streams north; most plentiful — bass ; best months — July, Aug., Sept. ; baits — live minnows, crawfish, Dobson's, and a variety of trolling baits; arrangements can be made with settlers to assist hunting parties on the ground. Hunting. — North, from 60 to 100 m.; some duck shooting on Conse- con L., 12m. south ; duck, ruffed grouse, deer ; best months — Sept. and Oct ; country — 'WOoded and hilly; a good many hunters from other points go north for deer hunting, but they always bring their own dogs and outfit. Utterson. Muskoka District. — Hotels, — Commercial, Central, $1 p. d. Fishing— Three mile Cr. 6 m.. May L. 2^ m. ; Watties, Cr. 11 m.; pi., salmon trout, b. b., perch, spring an(J fall; baits — spoons, worms, grass hoppers guide — E. Hanes ; boats— -oOc. p. d. Hunting. — Partridge and deer from Ist Sept. to 1st Jan. ; same guide ; splendid hunting country. Victoria Harbor; Co. Simcoe. — Hotels, — Queen's and Harvie House, $1 p. d. Fishing.— Good trout fishing on Hog Cr. mouth, 1 m. from here ; pi., salmon, white fish, Br. trout ; best months — June and July ; boats — scarce. Hunting. — North Shore, 5 to 10 m. by water ; country — wooded and rocky. Vittoria, Co. Norfolk. Two hotels, $1 p. d. ; livery— $1.50 p. d. Fishing — Young Cr. in village, Fisher's Cr. 1^ m., Normandale Cr. 2, in., and other spring creeks | trout ia f-he Cr.^ and b. b., pi., pk. in ^buft* mm Fishing and Hunting Resorts, dance in L.Erie, 4 to 6 m.; best months— May and June; baits — worms, artificial flies,8poons ; guides — unnecessary ; boat and man $1 p. d. Hunting. — Rados of 3 m. ;partridge, hare, rabbits, fox, woodcock ,coon8. muskrat, minx ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; dogs can be obtained ; coun- try — open and wooded in places, forest mostly level and dry. Wanstead, Co. Lambton. — Temperance House, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. Hunting. — South of station; partridge, squirrel, rabbit, quail, fox ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; guides — Wm. Barnes, Wm. Forrester; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded, level and dry. Washago, Co. Simcoe — Crowther's Hotel, $1 p. d., livery, reasonable. Fishing. — L. Couchiching, and Severn R., 1 m.;pl., b. b., Mg.; bass most plentiful. May to July ; baits — fro^s and worms ; Indian guides — $1 p. d. ; boats at moderate rates, but limited m number. Waubaushene, Co. Simcoe.— Dunkin House $1.50, Campbell's Hotel $1 p. d. ; livery — $2 p. d., single horse. Fishing. — Severn R. 5 to 12 m.. Sturgeon Bay, 1 to 4 m. ; b. b., pi., Mg., &c. ; most plentiful — b. b. and pi ; best months — June to Aug ; baits — angle worms, craw fish, minnows and artificial baits ; guide — F. Carter, Fesserton, $2 p. d. ; a steam tug can be chartered for about $5 p. d. ; boats are very scarce. Hunting.— Duck B., Catfish B.,*North R., Severn R., 5 to 12 m.; snipe, woodcock, partridge, deer and bear ; best months — Sept. to Nov. > trained dogs can be obtained for deer ; country — all kinds, dependent on game souglit after ; woods for deer and bear, wet for snipe and woodcock, and water for duck. Waterdown, Co. Wentworth.— Hotels, Doyle's, Kirk, $1 p. d. Fishing. — Burlington B. ; speckled bass and pk.; most plentiful — bass ; best month — July ; bait used — small fish. Hunting. — Nothing but duck shooting on above bay; country — hilly. Welland Jet., Co. Welland.— Air Line Hotel and Schony, 75c. p. d. Hunting.— -In the marsh about 1^ m. west ; duck, woodcock and wild geese; best months — fall and spring for duck and geese, woodcock Oct.; country — marshy, wet and plenty of bush. WiartOD, Co. Bruce.— Hotels, Arlington $1.50, Pacific, St. Albans, Star House, Ely House $1 ; livery— single $2, double $4 p. d. Fishing. — Good speckled trout, 8 m., b. b. and pk. 4m., salmon in the 6ay ; most plentiful — pk. ; best months — for trout from May to June, bass, August ; bait — flies, worms, frogs, artificial bait ; boats — 25c. p. h., 10c. for every hour after the first. Hunting. — Good hare and partridge shooting within 6 m. of the town, deer 4 to 12 m., duck 4m. ; must plentiful — hare, duck, partridge in season ; country — varied. . . • . • Windsor, Co. Essex.— Hotels, $1.50 to $2.50 p. d. ; livery, $2.50 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — Amherstburg 18 m.; St. Clair Flats, 25 m.; b. b., pi., pk., &c- ; most plentiful — bass and pk. ; best months — latter end of Aug. and Sept.; baits — minnows and trolling spoons ; guide — Joe. ^edore^ St, Clftir • • Province of Ontario. 59 Flats; boats — 50c. to $1 p. d.; part of the St. Clair Flats leased by a sport- ing club. Hunting. — R. Carnard, 12 m., and Baptist Cr., 30 iii. ; snipe and duck ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; country — level ; no deer nor rabbits, &c., here, only marsh fowl. Wingham, Co. Bruce. — Dinsley House, Queen's Hotel, Brunswick House $1 p. d. ; livery— $1.50 for single rig, $2.50 to $o p. d. for double. Fishing. — From G to 10 m. from Wingham; speckled trout; best months — May to July ; baits — angle worms and artificial ; Hotels will give information about fishing grounds. Hunting. — In vicinity north and south; partridge and rabbit; best month — Sept. ; good hunting and fishing grounds. Winona, Co. AVentworth.— No hotels. Fishing. — L. Ontario ; perch, bass ; most plentiful— rperch ; best months — summer. Woodstpck, Co. Oxford.— O'Xeill House $1.50, Commercial Hotel $1.50 ; Caister House, Royal Hotel, Thompson House, North American $1 ; livery— $2 p. d. Fishing. — Pine Pond, 4.] m., Spring Cr. 12| m., trout plentiful ; best months — latter part of May and June; bait — worms. Wyevale, Co. Simcoe. Fishing. — Mud L., .3 m., Cranberry L., 3^ m.; pk., whitefish, suckers, trout ; no guides nor boats. Wyoming, Co. Lambton. — Central Hotel, Commercial Hotel, McKenzie House, $1 : livery— single rig $2 to $2.50, double rig $4. Hunting. — Quail, partridge, black squirrel. PROVINCE OF QUEBEO. Aotonvale, Co. Bagot. — Hotels, Dominion, Windsor, iSouth-Eastern, Ri- chelieu, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — Small R., 4 m.; b. b.; best months — July and Aug ; bafts — various, HuNTiN'G. — Close by, 1 to 6 m. distant; partridge, woodcock, rabbits; best months — Sept. and Oct. ; country — partly open, well wooded; partly hilly, dry, and wet. Ayer's Flats, Co. Stanstead (on Boston & Lowell R. R., reached via Sher- brooke).— Hotels, $1 to $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Head of Massawippi L., i] m., Tomfobia R., J m., and Bur- rows R., ^ m., the first named best; pk., salmon (land locked), bass, Mg., &c. ; pk., and Mg. most numerous ; baits — minnows and trout ; uest months — May, Aug., Sept. ; guides — at $1 p. d. ; boats and bait can be had at merely nominal cost ; good camping grounds. BelCBil, Co. Vercheres. — Richelieu Hotel $1 p. d. ; livery, 50c. p. d. Fishing. — At G. T, Ry. bridge close to station"; pi., bass and Mg., and other common fish ; best months — July and Aug. ; bait — minnows ; boats — $1 p. d. Beauharnois, Co.Beauharnois — Hotels, Beauharnois, Kelly's $1, St Law- rence, Hotel du Peuple, Hotel de Canada, Salabury Hotel 75c. p. d., single team 50c. p. h., double $1 p. h. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. on the spot ; bass, perch, b. b., Mg., dore, sturgeon, eels; Doi'e and b. b., most abundant; May and June, best months ; guides — J. Fournier, S. Lanthier, and others, $1.50 p. d. ; boats at 50c. p.d. Hunting. — Near L. St. Louis 1 m. ; duck, Sept. and Oct.; guides — as above ; dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded, dry, and level. Brompton Falls, Co. Richmond. — No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — St. Francis R. ; ] m. to 2 m. ; bass, pk. and pi. ; pk. and pl« most abundant ; best months — May to July ; baits — minnows and spoon. Causapscal, Co. Rimouski,(on Intercolonial R. R. reached via Levis). — No hotels, board at private houses. Fishing. — MetapediaR. at station, Angus L., 8 m.Michaud and Causap- scal L. (4), from 12 to 18 m. ; first named best for salmon and the L. for trout ; bait — flies ; best months — June for r., July and Aug. for 1. ; guides — $1.50 p. d. ; the Indians fish the 1. during winter, hence the fish are not as plentiful as formerly. Coteau Jet., Co. Soulanges. — Hotels, Fremont House, Coteau House, FuUum House, Richelieu, $1 p. d. ; livery, 50c. p. h. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. ; bass, pi., sturgeon, Mg. and perch ; most plentiful — bass and perch ; best tnonths — July, Aug. ; bait — minnows ; guides — G. Gauthier, Jos. Lalonde, $2.50 p. d. j boats — $1 p. d, Province of Quebec. 61 Ri- Danville, Co. Richmond—Danville Hotel, $1.50 p. d.; liverv, $1.50 to $:i p. d. Fishing. — Nicolet L., 5 m. and Nicolot R. Im.; trout, pi. and buss ; most plentiful — pi. ; baits — live and tmlling ; boatw — 50c. p. d. Doucet's Ldg., Co. Nicolet. — J. Doucet's jind 1). Moreau's Hoarding House, 75c. to $1 p. d. ; livery, 40c. p. h. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. 8 acren ; Dore, su(!kers, Mg. and shads; most plentiful — .shails ; best months — May and .lune for shads; bait — worms ; boats — 25c p. h. HuNTiNc;. — In the Bay 8 acres; ducks; best month — October. Parr ^tim, Co. Brome (on Central Vermont R. R., reached via St. Johns). —Hotels, $1 p. d. Fishing. — Yamaska R., nmning through town, but it is 7 m. to best fishing ground. Black R., 17 m.; b. b., pi., pk.and Mg., most plentiful — bass; spoons and live baits ; best months — June, Sept., and Oct. for bass and Mg., June for pi., most any time for pk.; guides — $1 p. d. with boat. Fort Ingalls, Co. Temiscouata (reached via Levis, Riv. du Loup and Te- iniscouata Ry.) — Hotels, Tetu House, $1.50 p. d.; livery — moderate, (see Temiscouata.) Qrande Ligne, Co. St. Johns.— Hotels, 75c. p. d. Fishing. — Richelieu R., U m. ;pk., perch, and some other general fish; most plentiful — perch ; best months — June, July, Sept., Oct. ; boats — $1.50 to$2p. d. Hunting. — Near Richelieu R., about Im. ; partrid<'e, some woodcock, ducks of all varieties ; best months — Sept., Oct., and Nov., and a part of Dec. ; guide — P. Levecques; trained dogs scarce ; country — oper./'"ry level, dry during the hot season, but in good order in the autumn. Hillhurst, Co. Compton.— No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — Bowen's P. 2 m. ; trout and carp ; most plentiful — trout j guide — Charles Bowen, owner, 25c. lb. for trout ; boats — free. Huntingdon, Co. Huntingdon.— Grand Central Hotel, Moer's Hotel $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $4 for team, $2 for single team. Fishing. — Port Lewis, R. St. Lawrence, 8 m. ; bass, pl.,Mg., pk., perch ; most plentiful — perch, bass, pi.; fishing good during the season; baits — ininnov/s, spoon and worm ; guide — Joseph Genier; boats — $1 p. d. Hunting. — Partridge and fox hunting in the fall ; best months — Sept., Oct. and Nov.; country — dry land. Chateauguay Chasm, 12 m., good teams to convey parties at reasonable rates. Kingsey, Co. Richmond.— Hotel, T. T. Cleveland, 75c. p. d. Fishing. — Nicolet L. 7 m. ; pi.; best months— July and Aug.; bait — minnows ; boats — 50c. p. d. Lacadie, Co. St. Johns. — No hotel near the grounds, but farmers can ac- accommodate sportsmen every particular a* reasonable prices ; livery, about $2 p. d. ; boats can be obtained at St. Johns, 6 m. Hunting. — Savane, about 2 miles from the station ; most plentiful — snipe, partridges and woodcock, plover, rabbits and foxes; partridges and woodcock most nun:erou8 in Oct. and first fart of Nov.; guides — David \'r ■p»"- 62 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, Wild gct'He : livi'i'V, if Wiiijr, $2 j). (1., wild jxjtJsi'ssc,'^ some wi'U trained thorou^ililm-d duj^s; cuiiii- trv — \V(»(»(|('d, wot and dry, hilly and level. David Winj^ acconiinodatert hunters with hoard; trained do^r- and livery for ahunt .f'i |>. d. are plentifid latteV end of Mandi and April ea(di year. IiSrChme. Co. .lacfjues ('artier. — llanna House, Lake View Prince of Wales Hotel $l.')0, other small Hotels |1 ]». d re(iuired, t|kl to $2 aceordinj^ to di-^tanee. Fi.siiixc. — li. St. Ijouis alxMindiniJ: with h. !»., pk.and dore, also an odd Mg., pendi, chuh, sturgeon, «fce.; most jdentiful — b. h. and dore; hest months — May and .June, also Aug. and Sept. pai-t of Oet. ; baits — live min- now, silver spcxjn and phantom minnow ; several guides, $.'{ to %\ p. d. with use of bout ; bouts — $1.50 to $2 p. d. HuxTiN(i. — Tslc D(jr\al and Heauharnois Islands .') m. ; blatdc du(dv, red heads, blue bills, teal and wild )i^i.'(}!i(.' ; best months — Sejjt., Oct. and Nov. ; guides — same as above. JJring traiiijd ilogs ; country — wooded, and good shooting over the ^^'aughnawaga Indian reserve, for woodcocjk, snipe, i)lover and partridge; Indian guiile, Fran<;ois Laronde, ^1.50 p. d. LacoUe, Co. St. Johns.— S. Ennis and L. Minotte, Hotelkeepers, $1 p. d. livery, $2 p. d. FisHixr;. — Richelieu R. 2 in.; bass, jd., perch; most plentiful — bass and perch ; best months — June, July and Aug. ; baits — minnow and worm ; guides — S. Lepine and R. Lci)ine, $1 p. d. ; boats — $1 p. d. ; slow current on river. Hunting. — Richelieu R. 2 m. ; spring and fall duck ; best months — April, Oct. and Nov. ; guides as above ; country — open, dry and level ; good place for hides and blinds. ' ' • Lake Edward, Co. Quebec (reached via Quebec, Lake St. John Ry. from Quebec).— Edgeley's Hotel, $1 to $1.50 p. d. FisHiNO. — L. Edward, at station ; trout, lake trout, dore very abundant ; trout, very fine quality, dark red Hesh very large average, weigh as much as 10 lbs.; best montlis — May, June, July and Aug.; baits — fly, worm; guide — can be had at R. R. shition, address F. Rothwell, Lake Edward; boats — moderate ; lake is 22 miles long an(i verv beautiful. Hunting. — Close .around; caribou, bear, moose, beaver, otter; best months — Feb., March and Sept. ; guides — apply to J. W. Baker, Roberval ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — hilly. Lake Megantic, Co. Compton (by train from Sherbrooke).— Hotels, $1 p. d., $4 p. w. Fishing. — L. Megantic, outlet at this station. Spider L., at head of L. Megantic, 13 m. ; trout, "lunge" (Mg.), cusk and whitefish ; most plenti- ful — cusk, Mg. and trout ; baits — minnows and worms ; best months — March, June and Sept. ; guides — $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; boats and baits very reasonable; boats and camp outfits atL. Megantic ; numerous smaller lakes and ponds near by, where good fishing can be had. See also Sherbrooke. Lake St. John, Co. Chicoutimi (reached bv Quebec and Lake St. John Ry. from Quebec).— Hotel, Roberval, |2 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — L. St. John, at Roberval ; lake is 30 m. wide ; land-locked salmon ("Quinaniche") trout, lake trout, dore; most plentiful — "Ouinan- iche ; " best months — June, July and August ; bait — fly ; guides — Montai- Advertisements, 63 $2, ■, If I'^tr^ytf'^'. TO THE -I'Fielfuregque Summer l^zzovizh — THKODGH THE— . . Magnificent jScenery of the Laurentides. /H'HIS Railway opens up valuable lumbering and agricultural M^ regions. Special encouragement given to parties establishing new manufacturing industries. THE FINEST WHEAT LANDS IN CANADA Are offered for sale by the Provincial Government in the Lake St. John Territory, only ten hours .distant from a seaport. Express Trains each way Daily to and from Rober- val, Lake St. John. Comfortable Hotels at Roberval, Lake Edward, Lake St. Joseph, St. Raymond and other points. Special attention given to encourage city families to reside at the different points along the line during the summer months. The region now opened by this Railway affords, probably, the best sporting ground in America. The renowned Fresh Water Salmon — " Winniniche " — is plentiful in Lake St. John. Excellent Trout Fishing in Lake Ed- ward, Lake St. Joseph, the River St. Anne af St. Raymond, and in the innumerable lakes along the line of the Railway. Lake Edward is probably the finest fishing ground in America for brook trout, which are caught here in immense quantities and of very large size. For further particulars see folders, ALEX. HARDY, J. G. SCOTT, Gen Freight <Sr» Pass. Agent. Sec'y. and Manager. GENERAL OKKICES : 92 ST. PETER STREET, - - QUEBEC. 64 Advertisements. EST^BZiISHED 1844:. -H'^ '^c..:-y^- ^^LEADING ADVERTISING MEDIUMs^ OK CANADA, BECAUSE Its circulation is larger than that of any other Cana- dian daily. Its distribution by its own Special Train throughout the West is far superior to that of any other Canadian * paper. Its honest circulation returns, printed every day at the head of its editorial columns, are unquestioned. TWK (5IiO,BE Is the only newspaper in the world running A SPECIAL TBAIH OF ITS —A DISTANCE OF— 111 Is^ILES UJiJrLrT. ' This train has been running between Toronto and London over the line of the Southern Division of the Grand Trunk Railwiy regularly since March 3, 1887. THE GLOBE, ^ Provinca of Quebec. 63 -? 4* ana- hoiit Jian * y at M I gnais Intliaiis ; boats — bark caiioos I'miii Indians ; fishing- is very good in all the rivers flowing into L. St. .lohn and alsDut the discharge ; "'Ouinaniclu'"' equal to salmon in every respect, weigh from 5 to 14 pounds, HuNTlNU. — Along line ot L. St. John Ry. ; caribou, "bear, moose, beaver and otter ; bestmontlis — Sept., Feb. and March; guides — apply to J. W. Baker, Roberval (Indians with dogs) : country — hilly and lakes. Lake St. Joseph, Co. Portneiif (reaidied via Quel)ec and Lake St. John Ry. from Quebec). — Lake View House, Gurry's Hotel, $1 to $1.50 p.'d. ; livery, §2 to :j;2.5() \). d. Fishing. — L. St. Joseph, 1 to I m.; trout, bass, L. trout, car}), whitetish ; most plentiful — trout; bestmontlis — May to Aug.; baits — minnows, tly ; guides — Peter Gurry, C. White, '^l to .^^l.^O p.d. ; boats — ode. p. d. no reser- ves. Hunting. — Mountains in rear 5 m.; bear, caribou, beaver, otter, fox, duck, partridge ; best months ; Jan. to Mandi and Sept.; guides — Peter Gurry, G. White, trained dogs can he obtained; country— hilly, dry. Laprairie, Co. J^aprairie. — Montreal House $1 p. d. by the month, Roberts House $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — i,m. to 2 m.; b. b., Mg., dore and perch ; most plentiful — b. b., dore and jierch ; best months — May for dore, June for bass ; guide — Alphonse Barette $1.50 p. <1. ; boats $1 p. d. ; boats can be hired at a very low price and in the months of Sept. and Oct., good sijieddore can be caught. Hunting. — 2 or 3 acres from tlii< station ; most plentiful — plover ainl ducks in the month of Sept. ami Oct ; no guides neeiled ; country — open, dry, almost level. Notre Dame du Lac, Co. Temiscouata (reached via Levis, R. du Loup andTemiscouata Ry). — Hotels ("^loutier House $1.50 ]). d., livery, model ate (See Temiscouata). Ormstown, Co. ''Chateaugua}' . — Dominion Hotei and others — $1 p. d. ; livery, 1 horse $2 p. d. and guide, double rigs, $5 p. d., and guide. FiSHixi;. — Chateauguay R., near the Dominion Hotel, to run 2 m. above and 2 m. below ; doio. b. b., Mg., pk ; most plentiful — b. b. and dore ; best months — May for dore, b. b. all summer; liaits — wt>rms, minnows, spoons ; guides — L. Prejent, no chii.rge ; boats — 50c.p. d., one free for guests. Hunting — 1 to m. ; i)artridg s, hares and foxes ; best months — from 15th Sept. and Oct. for partritlges, 1st Nov. for hares and foxes ; guide — L. Prejent, landlord of Dominion Hotel, free ; trained dogs can l)e obtained for hares, no bird dogs ; country — dry, level, open ami large bushes ; plmer very plentiful frt>m the 1st Sept. to the 15tlx Oct. ; distance from Domi- nion Hotel, 4 111. Pointe Claire, Co. Jacques Cartier. — Hotels, Windsor, Canada, Pointe Claire, $1 to $1.50 ^ .; livery, 75c. p. d. FisHiNt;. — 1 m. on R. St. Lawrence; bass ; pi., Mg., perch, i>k., &c.', most plentiful — perch, I ass, and pi; bestmontlis — Mav, .fune and July; baits — worms and minnows; guiiles — A. Desjardins, ll.Decosse, $1.50 p. d. ; boats — about 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Pointe Claire ; only duck shooting in fall ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; no dogs ; A. Desjardins ; country — hilly and dry. 66 Fishing and Huntinc/ Resorts, very, 1 1 1 I i \\ ' : 1 M ; II I! I :il I i ■ I j ill I i Point Levi, Co. Levis.— Hotels, Victoria, South Quebec, $2 p. d. ; li $8 to $5, according tu service required. Fishing.— Etcheinin K., G m., Chandiere R., 15 m., St. Lawrence R. at station, and 1. and str. on North Siiore ; trout, b. b., pk. iiio.-Jt plentiful — best months — May to Nov., troul ; baits — worni.-;, spoons, minnows, frogs, flies ; guides — not necessary ; boats — 50c. to $1 n. d. Quebec, Co. Quebec— Hotels, St. Louis $3, Hcnchey's $2, Blanchard's $1.50 p. (!.; livery, $5 p. d. Fishing. — R. Jac«iues Cartier, L. St. Joseph, R. Ste. Anne, L. Edward and L. St. John ; speckled trout, 1. trout, b. b-, pk.. whitefish, ouinaniche ; best months — trout, Mny, June, Sept.; bass, July, Aug.; baits — art. flies, minnows, worms, grasshoppers ; guides — $ 1 p. d.'; boats — 50c. p. d. Huntinm;. — 25 to 40 m. north for feathered f(jwl and deer; Sept. to Dec; guides — $1 p. d. and rations ; no dogs : country wooded, dry and hilly. NoTK.— Mr. A. Waltor,s 22 Fal)rique street, Quebec, P. Q., will be pleased to furnish additional information to sportsmen visiting this district on application. River Beaudette, Co. Soulanges.— Commercial Hotel, River Beaudette House and Central Hotel $1 p. d. ; livery — charges very moderate. Fishing.— R. Beaudette and St. Lawrence str. ; perch, pk., pi., b. b., Mg., suntish, sturgeon, eels and suckers ; best months — May, June, Sept., and Oct. ; baits — worm, minnow and spoon; guides — Genier, Percy and others ; boats can be had at moderate ch' rges. Hunting. — Point au Foin and Pointe Mouille; duck and partridge; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; for duck hunting grounds it is marshy, and for partridge, liigh and dry ground, partly wooded. Roberval, Co. Chicouti-mi (on Quebec and Lake St. John Ry., reached via Quebeo).— Hotel, Roberval, $2 to $3 p. d. ; Marcoux, $1.25 to $1.50 p. d. Livery, $2.50 to $3 p. d. Fishing.— L. St. John, Ouinaniche from June to Aug.; bait— fly ; guides — Montai^nais Indians. Boats and canoes with complete camping out- tit from Hotel Roberval at $2.50 p. d. Hunting. — On lino of Ry. and up the R. running into L. St. John ; ca- ribou, bear, moose, be-.iver, otter, ";eese, ducks in season ; guides — as above ; no dogs ; country — hilly and wooded with large swamps. For further in- formation apply to Manager, Hotel Roberval. St. Anne's, Co. Jacques Cartier.— Clarendon Hotel, from $1.50 p. d. ; livery, 75c. p. h. Fishing. — Ottawa R., ] m., Mg., dore, bass, perch and pk. ; most plen tiful — dore and bass ; best months — from middle June to Sept. ; baits — minnows ; guide — Joseph Sagala, $1.50 to $2 ; guide furnishes his own boat. St. Hilaire, Co. Rouville.— Iroquois House 2J m. $2.50 p. d., Richelieu Hotel 1 m.. Commercial Hotel at station $1 p. d. ; livery moderate. Fishing. — Richelieu R., ^ m. and Iroquois L., 2h m.; b. b., pi., perch- wliiteflsh and pk.; most plentiful — bass and r^ . ; best months — June, July and Aug.; baits — minnows, worms and flief boats — $1 to $1.50 p. d. St. Johns, Co. St. John's.— Windsor Hotel, St. John's Hotel, Bivhnoral Hotel, United States, Canada Hotel, $1 to $1.50 p.d. ; livery, $:J p. d., $1.60 for J d. Advertisemenis. 6? mm wiTTii WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FABRIQUE STREET, QUEBEC, ^viz\>e^ijoz to ^id §xceW«.ncu ifie Sovcrnox- (Sc-ueraC. By Appointment. Established 1787. A otice to e)portsmen, ^^nglers and | ourists. ll'T my establishmentj hunting parties, anglers, tourists, whether of Canada or from the States, can purchase till their Sitpplies of the finest quality and at the lowest price. Supplies of all kinds, carifully packed, and sent promptly to any address. Tents and full Camp outfits, Charts and maps of lakes and rivers north of Quebec, cooks and laborers, furnished to order. An angler and sportsman my self, I can appreciate the needs and position of campers in the woodsi Bi^^ Orders from any of the lakes and rivers on the line of the Lake St.j John Railway can be sent daily by letter or telegraph. References : — A. L. Lightj Kf.I.C.E.; Hon» Col; Rhodes^ JiD.Gilmoui' CtiJ)i> loliwell, H. H. Sewell, W. H. H. Murray. I i i I I i i !l* 6^ A dvertisemenis. Q uebec S teamship Cqmpanl ST» 1AWMBK€B MKK. During the Season of Navigation the Steel Steamship "MIRAMICHl" leaves Montreal every alternate Monday lor Picioii, N. S., calling at Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Ferce, Summerside and Charlottetown. Has excellent passenger accommodation. The very l^est fishing and shooting to be had at places along the Gaspe coast touched at by the «'Miramichi." The new Iron Steamship "'TRINIDAD," 2200 tons, or "ORINOCO," 2000 tons, with splendid acconmiodations, and built expressly for this route, will leave New York for Bermuda every alternate Thursday until the first of January, when steamers will run weekly. WEST IKBIA M; The Iron Steamship -'BERMUDA," 1400 tons, or "MURIEL," iaoo tons, will leave New York for Saint Kitts, Antigua, Dominica, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Barbados and Trinidad every fourteen days. These steamers have excellent passenger accommodation. For further information apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE& CO., Agents, 51 Broadway, New York. . THOS. COOK cl SON, Ticket Agents, 261 Broadw.ny, New York. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. RUSSELL'S ST liOUJS ST-, QUEBEC;. THE RUSSELL HOTEL COMPANY, WILLIS RUSSELL, PRESIDENT. This Ilotelj which is unrivalled for size, style and locality in Quebec, is open throughout the year for pleasure and business travel, having AtCOJHSlODATIOfll FOR 500 dUESTS. in WJ P- tl ni J Province of Quebec. 6^ eal >pe, ery the ith ida ave lad ^ Fishing. — In the rapids opposite the town, Richelieu R,, from 7 to 10 in. for best fishing ; b. b., pi., whitetish, pk., chub and perch ; most plentiful — perch, pk., whitefish, b. b. ; best months — June 20th to Nov. Ist, best time is An^. and Sept. ; baits — live minnows, grasshoppers, flies and spoons (ar- tificial) ; guides — Ed. Arpin, dealer in fisliing tackle and firearms; can al- ways procure experienced guides at $1.50 p. d.; tine skifi's and canoes at $1 p. d. sailing vacht $2 ; sailing yachts with cabins to accommodate 6 or 8 persons can be procured, also tents, all complete for long camping ; waters are still, and no dangerous places of any kind exist on the entire river. Hunting. — Immediately on leaving St. Johns for water fowl all along the river for about 20 m. ; ducks, geese, snipe, plover, woodcock; best months — April, Sept., Oct. for ducks, April and Nov. for geese ; guidt s — $1.50 p.d., $9 p. w. ; setters and pointers and retrievers loaned to responsible parties ; country — dry and level ; ducks are hunted along the river over de- coys, hunters standing in boats, snipe are mostly found in wet marshes where there is from 1 to 4 in. of water, caving in the earth sometimes afoot over the boots. Ste. Julie, Co. Megantic. — Meganticand Dominion Houses, $1 p.d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. for single horse. Fishing. — L. Joseph 15 in. ; trout, suckers and pk. ; most plentiful — suckers and pk.; best months — Au^., Sept. and Oct.; boats — 30c. to 40c. p. d. ; Dan McKillop is the boat lender. Hunting. — St. Pierre Baptiste, Inverness East and Lower Ireland, over- 12 m. ; partridge, rabbit, hare, and sometimes a deer but very few of latter; best months — Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; no particular guides ; country — open, partly wooded, in general hilly and dry ; Ste. Julie can also furnish part- ridge about 6 m. around and further. St. Liboire, Co. Bagot.— Hotels, Bagot and G.T.R., $1 p. d.; livery, $1.50 p. d. Hunting. — 1 m. ; partridges, wildcats, musk-rats, hares ; best months — Oct. and Nov. ; no dogs ; country— open, dry, level. Ste. Madeleine, Co. St. Hyacinthe. — Canada Hotel, $1 p. d. Hunting. — 1 J m., plover, partridge and fox, woodcock or Becasse ; best months — Sept. to Dec. ; guide — J. Jodoin, who also provides livery, and trained dogs ; country — open field for plover, and wooded and dry for other game. Ste. Martine, Co. Chateauguay. — Hotels, Central, Dominion, Station, Grand Trunk, 50c. p. d. ; livery moderate. Fishing. — Chateauguay, 10 acres from station ; dore, pk., b. b., Mg. ; most plentiful — b. b. ; oest months — Mav, June, July ; baits — minnows, spoons ; guides — $1 p. d. ; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — 1 m.; plover, partridjze, duck, woodcock; best months— Oct. and Nov. ; guides — $2 p. d. with dugs; country — open, dry, level. St. Raymond, Co. Portneuf.— Hotels, National, St. Raymond, $1.50 p. d. Livery, $2.50 p. d. Fishing. — R. St. Ann's and L. for trout from June to Sept., bait — flies guides — river fishing (wading), $2 p. d.; L. fishing, $1.50 p.d. ; boats — 50c. p. d., bring your own bark canoes,. or hire from L. St. John. Hunting. — 15 to 20 m. in rear ; caribou, partridge in season ; guides — ■ see above ; dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded and mountainous, full of lakes and rivers. 70 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, ;ii Sherbrooke, Co. Sherbrooke. — Hotels, Maeog House, Sherbrooke House, Grand Central, Continental, Albion, American, Commercial, Globe, City, Railroad, See, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ;. livery, $2 to $2.50 p. d. The Megantic Fish and Game Club (headquarters, Boston, Masri.) con- • • trol the L. Megantic Territory both sides the lines. Fishing. — Megantic L. and vicinity, 70 m., Brompton L., 16 m. 5 trout, 1. trout, bass, &c. ; most plentiful — trout and 1. trout ; best months — June and Sept. ; baits — flies and worm, artificial troll and minnows ; guides — at Megantic, S. D. Ball, W. E. Latty, Peter Malheson and others, $2 p. d. with boat ; boats— 50c. p. d. ; numerous other fishing lakes and ponds throughout St. Francis district. Hunting. — Along the line of R.R. between the State of Maine and Pro- vince of Quebec ; deer and cariboo ; best months — Sept. to Dec, Sept. close at present ; guides — as above ; country — wooded, mountainous and marshy, wet and dry. Stottsville, Co. St. Johns. — Stottsville Hotel, 75c_p.d. ; Loissant Hotel, $1 p.d. 5 livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Richelieu R. 3 m. ; pike, trout, eels, eel-pouts, carp; most plentiful — pk., trout ; best months — Jan. to April, Sept. to Dec. ; bait — trol- ling line; guides — R. Martin and A. Gosselin ; boats — $1 to $1.50 p. d. Hunting. — St. Valentin 2 J m. ; duck, wild geese and partridge; best months — April, May, Oct. and Nov. ; guides — R. Martin, J. Martin, A. Gos- selin, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded, wet, dry and level. Temiscouata Co. (reached by Grand Trunk Ry. to Levis, Intercolonial Ry., thence to River du Loup and Temiscouata Ry., running through to Edmundston). Pishing. — Excellent trout fishing may be obtained Lake Temiscouata, from June to Sept., averaging from for each boat. In size the br. trout weigh up to 7 lbs. been taken in these waters weighing 30 lbs. There are smaller tributary L. at distances of 5 to 20 m., all affbrding good sport. These can all be reached without trouble or inconvenience from Fort Ingalls, Notre Dame du Lac, Ste. Rose, or Edmundston stations. L. Temiscou- ata is a beautiful sheet of water, 28 m. long and in places 1^ m. wide. It is also very deep, soundings showing 100 ft. and over along the eastern shore. The other L. Squattock, Touladi, Cabano, Horton and Eagle, are unsurpas- sed for scenic attractions and their excellent fly and troll fishing. The Ma- dawaska and St. Francis R. are also noted fishing resorts. Good guides ; boats and livery can always be procured at reasonable rates. Very fair hotel accommodation can be had in either Fort Ingalls, Notre Dame du Lac or Edmundston at rates of not more than $1.50 p. d. (See also Edmundston). Three Rivers,Co. St. Maurice, opposite Doucet's Ldg. — ^Dufresne's Hotel, St. James Hotel, Dominion Hotel, $1 to $2 p. d. ; livery, carters al- ways on hand, charges reasonable. Fishing. — Lakes rented by clubs from the Government of Quebec ) many other lakes free to all, not leased 5 trout, and there are some pk. and whitefish far north; most plentiful — trout, (pk. in some near l.)dore; in R. St Maurice, pi. ; best months— June, July and Aug. ; baits — fly fishing and jui^inows J §uides-^plenty of good meu $1 p. d. } canoes and boats can be in the vicinity of 20 to 40 lbs. p. d. and L. trout have also a number of i/J Advertisements, ^1 J. RATTRAY & CO, :m:o:etti^ Manufacturers of Domestic Cigars. FRINCIPAL BRANDS: HERO AND CRUSADER. AZSO IMPORTERS OF jiaVana ©^cirs and ibbacconists' pancy '(^oocls. 'THOSr^SONNlT MANUFACTURER OF ■*u I L ■nWlMTTI (lllllJS, ) ^ I. ALL KINDS OF TENTS ON HIRE 187 and 189 Commissioners Street, Telephone 1101. IvdlOJ^TE.EA.Xj, Large Exhibition and Kermesse Tents on Hand and for Hire. ti Advertisements. 'I i 1 1 I '■i I i < I FRASEE, VIOEE & CO., Family Grocers and Wine lierclants, ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, The Leading House in Canada for FISHING, HUNTING and SEASIDE SUPPLIES. Direct Importers of Fine Havana Cigars. Purveyors to the "'eU-knovvn Restigoiiche Salmon Club. HOSTREAL STEAM LAVNDRY GO. (LIHITED). The Largest and Most Complete Laundry in the Dominion. Superior f.icilities for the rapid execiuion of all descriptions of laundry work. Agencies all through the Dominion. Telephone No» 580. T^ H. LOVE, Alana^er. Province of Quebec, 73 18, [ES. 3 o z a in. Scr. hired ; the guides generally have canoes and do not charge extra for them j the clubs have canoen and boats Hunting. — About 100 ni. north of Three Rivers in the St. Mauricee Territory ; nioose, cariboo, beaver; best months — according to game laws of the Province ; winter best time ; guides — good men $1 p. d., not allowed to use dogs ; country — very mountainous with numerous 1. and str. ; tourists coming to Tlirce Rivers might write in advance to Joseph Reynar, superin- tendent Forest Rangers of the District; VV. H. J^arker, care Fish and Game Club, Montreal, is agent for several fishing clubs; tourists might address him if desirous of having some trout tisluiig in June, July and Aug., and winter lishing after the 1st January. Mr. Reynar, who is tlovernment Su- I>erintendent <.if the St. Maurice District, will always be pleased to give any infurmation re(|uired to parties who write him. On L. St. Peter near Three Rivers is good l)lack duck shooting in Sept. and Oct. Valleyfleld, Co. Beauharnois. — Hotels, Queen's, Larocque House, Wind- sor, Caledonia, St. Lawrence,^! to $1.50 p. d.; single rig $1.50, double $o p. d. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. and L. St. Francis in immediate vicinity ; Mg., pi. pk., bass, perch and whitefish; most plentiful — b. b. and pi. ; best months — any time during lawful sea.son ; baits — artilicia!, and for bass, min- nows and grasshoppers; guides — Sicotte, Rochefort, Gobeil Bros., DeRepen- tigny, Maineville, and others, $1.50 to $2 p. d. ; guides furnish boats, inclu- ded ni $2 rate; good boat livery, no better lishing on St. Lawrence R. than in this vicinify. Hunting. — Tea field, Hungry Bay and L. St. Francis, for geese, ducks and plover ; all of the above varieties are very plentiful; best months — March and ApTil, Oct. and Nov. ; guides-^same as above ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — open, level, dry. Vaudreuil, Co. Vaudreuil — Hotels, DeLotbiniere House, ^2 to $3 p. d.: Ottawa Hotel, Vaudreuil Hotel, Serre and Leroux Houses, $1 to $2 p. d. Livery moderate. Fishing. — Within ^ m. of station ; good still and troll fishing; perch, dore, Mg., catfish, b. b., green bass, rock bass ; most plentiful — perch, bass and dore ; best months — May, June, Sept., Oct. ; baits — minnovvis, beef, worms, files ; guides — Ladurantaye, Dubreuil, Leroux, Ranger, and others, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; boats are supplied by guides at moderate rates. Hunting. — Black duck ; best months — Sept. to Nov. ; guides — same as for fishing; country — open, dry and level, dry. Waterloo, Co. Sheff'ord (reached from St. Johns via Central Vermont Ry.) — Brooks House, Canadian Hotel, National Hotel, Foster House, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 to $2 p. d. Fishing. — Brome L. 4 in., Brompton L. atui others in that vicinity 17 m. ; 1. trout, speckled trout, b. b., pk. and perch ; most plentiful — perch and bass, also good brook trout fishing all around ; best months — trout. May, June end Sept., bass all summer ; liaits — ininuuws, files and worms ; guides —$1.50 p. d. ; boats— 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Partridge in their sea«on in any of the woods ; best month — October ; guides $1.50 p. d. ; trained dogs can hn obtained ; country — all kinds and in thick cover; good beating and duck shooting in fall in Water- ioo L., and fishing; two fine little steamers here on Waterloo L., carr\ a 74 Fishing and Hunting Reaorts. party of about 10, and can be hired by the day ; 2 French Hotels, Canadian and National ; 2 English, Brooke House and Foster House. The village is a fine summer resort, streets clean and neat, and well shaded by maples, and a fine farming and grazing country all around; hilly ana rolling; Shefford Mountain only 2J m. drive ; also Oxford Mountain, 13 m. in whicn neighborhood numerous trout ponds will be found, and good hunting in season. "Waterville, Co. Compton. — Jubilee House, yl p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Massawippi L., 6 m.; " lunge," perch, bass ; most plentiful perch ; best month — June ; baits — live tr^mnows ; boats — 60e. p.^d. \ I 1: I I I A<lrer(isriiifnts, 75 • \ SPORTING GOODS. Fishing Tackle, Lacrosses and Cricket Goods, The Largest Assortment in the Prouince. WIGHTMAN, ^ RAMSAY ^ & ^ CO., MOf^TREAL. 76 A dvertisements. \\\ I ^^^Jl^^ TICKETS For all RAILWAY, LAKE & OCEAN Lines. CANADA, UNITED STATES, EUROPE, INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA. Rates of passage, cabin plans, sailing days, railroad time tables, maps of all lines, Summer tour books, mailed on application. Tourists' Tickets to all points in Canada and the United States. Lowest rates. Correspondence solicited. Telegraphic reservations will receive prompt attention. Accident Insurance Tickets issued to cover any tour. Cable service to all parts of the Globe. Please address communications. Post Office Address, BOX IS 34, Montreal, Canada. J. McCONNIFF, Union Ticket Agency, Windsor Hotel, MONTKEAIi, CANADA. 1! N.B.— Travellers' complete accommodation. All lines from Montreal— Rail, Steamer— can be secured at this Agency. if STATE OF MAINE. R. les. PE, oad Dks, ints tes. ons nee all >ns. btel, 'Om Andover, Co. Oxford (one of the gateways to the Rangeley L., reached by Tuttle's stage from Bryant's Pond). — Hotels, Andover House, French's Hotel, Gregg House, $2 p. d. Livery, $1.50 for single, $2.50 double or buckboard. Fishing. — Richardson & Rangeley L., 12 m. ; landlocked salmon and trout, the latter most plentiful ; best months — May, June and Sept. ; baits — worms and fancy flies ; guides — F. Thomas, H. Newton, J. Newton, S. Leonard, H. Pratt ; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Around Upper Dam and Middle Dam ; partridge, duck, woodcock, quail ; Sept., Oct. ; guides — F. P. Thomas, J. Morton ; dogs can be obtained ; country — wooded, hilly. Auburn, Co. Androscoggin. — Hotels, Elm House, Maine Hotel, and Park House, $2 p. d. ; livery, $2 to $5 p. d. Fishing. — Sabbadie P. ; trout ; best months — March to Aug. ; bait — minnows ; boats — 50c. p. d. Bemis, Co. Oxford (reached by stage from Bethel to Umbagog Lake). — Board, &c., in Bemis, and Student's Island camp, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Big L., Rangeley L., J to 10 m. Bemis Str., Four P., Up- per Dam, Cupsuptic L. ; trout, chub, land-locked salmon ; trout and chub most plentiful — May to Nov. ; baits — worms, shiners, artiiicial flies ; guides —$2.50 p. d. ; boats— 50c. p. d. Hunting. — All around ; partridge, duck, squirrel, deer, bear ; Sept. to Nov. ; guides can be obtained, but dogs not used ; country — wooded, wet, dry, hilly or level. Bethel, Co. Oxford.— Bethel House, $2 ; Elms, $1 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. single without driver. Fishing. — Rangeley L., 27 m., Parmachenee L., 65 m., Ma^alloway and Upper Androscoggin R., 30 m., Songo P. (bass and pickerel), 3 m. ; innumerable small str. from 2 to 10 m. from the station, affording the best of trout fishing ; there are at least 30 good trout str., within a radius of 10 m. ; there is only one club on these waters, viz., the Oxford Club, on the Upper Androscoggin, but they do not prevent the public from fishing in their waters ; trout, land-locked salmon, pi., b. b. ; best months — trout, May, June and Sept., pi., b. b., trout, land-locked salmon, June to Oct. ; baits — artificial flies, trolling spoons for pi., and live minnows ; guides — S. H. Morse, Upton; Lumen Sargeant and Alvah Coolidge, Upton, Maine, $2.50 p. d. and ooard ; boats — 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Rangeley L. region, 27 m. ; deer and wild fowl ; best months — fall ; guides — same as for fishing ; country — well wooded and hilly. Bridgton, Co. Cumberland.— Hotel, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Highland L., Peabody P., Long L., Hancock P., Barker P., all'gopd; trout, b. b. and pi., bass most numerous; usual bait; July and Aug. best ; boats and bait at moderate cost. iiryant's Pond, Co. Oxford.— Glen Mountain House, $1.50 p. d., $5 to$T p. \v. ; livery, single $1.50 p. d., double $3 p. d., by the week reduced prices. FiSHiXG. — Bryant's P., 50 rods from station, North, South and Indian P., I to 2 111. ; b. b., Mg., p]., yellow perch, trout and toge ; b.b. and pL most plentiful; best months — May, June, Sept. ; baits^ — nies, worms and live bait; guide — W. Arket, $1 to $1.50 p. d. ; boats — lOc p. h. Hunting. — Partridge, rabbits, deer ; best montjis — Sept. and Oct. ; dogs can be obtained ; country iiilly. This station is one of the gateways to the Androscoggin Lakes. Stage runs from this point to Rumford Centre, East Rumford, Andover, Mexico and Dixfield. Canton, Co. Oxford (reached by Rumford Falls and Buckfield R. R. from Mechanic Falls). — Hotel, $2 p. d. ; livery at reasonable rates. FisHTXG. — L. Ana^agunticook affords good b. b. fishing and small sir.. within 5 m. of Canton give crodd trout fishing in May and Juno. Hi'XTixo. — Good shooting, Sept. and Oct. Cumberland, Co. Cumberland.— No hotels nor livea-y. Fishing. — Ca^^co Bay, salt water tishing, mackerel ; best months — July and A ig. ; bait — clams ; uo boats. Dixfield, Co. Oyford (reached by Rumford Falls and Buckfield R. R. and stage from Mechanic Falls!!— Hot*-!, $1.50 p. d. Fishing.— Weld P., Birch P., Wa ,, Podnuk P., etc., and numerous streams within 10 m., reached with tei.iii ; all good; trout and land-locke<l salmon; trout most numerous; best months — May and June; guide^$1.50 p. d. ; boat — 50c. p. d. ; the b. b. fi<liinir very fine in July and Aug. near by ; the trout in Weld P. ranae from 1 to 4 lbs. Hunting. — Good shooting in Sept. and Oct. Empire Road. — Hotel, Hiland Hous?,at reasonable rates ; no livery ; pri- vate teams may be hired. Fishing. — Androscoggin R.,1 in., WorthU\y Br., h m., Range P.,1 m., Worthley P., 1 m., eqiuilly ifocid : b. b. pi., trout, ifec; n- -t plentiful — u'out; best months — Feb., May, June and Sept., preferred. Hunting. — Vicinity of station ; partridge, woodcock ; country — wood- ed, level, dry. /* Gilead, Co. Oxford.— Hotel, Cyrus Gammon, $1 }-. d. Fishing.— Wild R., Lary Br., State Line Br., TwitcheU Br. anil Pleas- ant Br. ; trout ; best months — June and July. Hunting. -Wild R., .S m. ; deer ; best months — July and Aug. ; coun- try — wooded, hilly and mountainous. "Lewiston, Co. An Iroscogsrin.— Hotels, De Witt, Elm Honse, E.v:changp and Rockingham, $1.50 to $3 p. d. ; livery, $2 to =^5 p. d. FisHivG. — L. Auburn, Sabattus P., ,S to 5 m. ; trou .<nd pi., the latter most plentiful ; best month — Sept. ; bait — Hies ; boats — 50c. p. h. I!je*«'iston June, Co. Androscoggin. Fishing.— AVorthey Br., Mouse Br., Rovals R. and Three L., trout, b. b, , " togue and pi. ; best months — May to July ; baits — various; guides — Trip, Edwards and Tidd ; boats — from 50c. to $2 p. d. ; these waters arfi all in tne vicinity of the Poland Spring House. HuNTiXG. — Immediate vicirity ; partridge and hare; best months — Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; guides as above; no dogs; country — generally second growth, level and dry. Locke's Mill To. Oxford.— Mount Abram House, $1 p. d. ; livery, 0. V. Farringt<..i. FisHixG. — S<juth P., 1 in. : b. b. and pi. ; best months — June, July ; baits — frogs^ legs and angle worms ; guides — unnecessary; boats — 50c. p.d. HrxTiXG. — Within a distance of 1 m. ; partridges ; best months — Sept. and Oct. : <ruides — John Bean and Wrn. Bean. $1.50 p. d. ; trained dogs can lie obtained ; country — dry, wooded and hilly. New Gloucester, Co. Cumberland. Hi'XTixG. — 1 to 5 m. ; partridge, wo 'dcock, highland plover, ducks, hare ; best months — Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st; for partridge and woodcock; guides — S. H. Hackett, G. R. Hunnewell, with dogs ; Hackett lives 1 and Hunnewell 5 m., P. 0. address of latter, South Danville, Me. ; country — all kinds. Norway, Co. Oxford.— Hotels, Beal's Ho^tse, $2 p. d., Elm House, $1.50 p. d. : livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Pennesseewassee L., h m. ; b. b. ; best months — July to Sept. ; baits — minnows ; boats, 50c. p. d. Oxford, Co. Oxford.— Lake House, .$1 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 p. d. Fishing. — Thompson P., 2 m. : Hogan and Whitney P., 3 m. ; Parker P., 10 nj. ; Pleasant P., 8 m., Crooked R., 15 m.; b. b., red spot and " togue " trout, pi., perch ; best months — June and July fur bass, Oct. red spot, winter for "togue," pi. and perch ; bait — minnows ; guides — Charles Hanscom and H. C. Whitehouse, $1.50 p. d. ; boats, 50c. p. d. HvjNTlNG. — In vicinity ; foxes, rabbits ur hurt, par'^, woodcock ; best months — foxes on snow in winter, rabbits ditto, partridge and wood- cock autumn ; no guides necessary ; trained dogs can be obtained ; country — all descriptions. Portia: i, Co. Cumberland.— Hotels, Falmouth, $2.50 to $3.50, Preble,$2 to $3, Unite'l States, $1.50 to $2.50; livery, various. Fishing. — Duck P., b. b. ; best months — July to Sept.; bait« — flies, worms, (fee. ; guides and charges — various ; boats, 2.5c. per h ; deep sea fish- ing a few m. off the coast of Portland, giving cod, haddock, pollock, hake,, mackerel and halibut. Hunting. — Fronts Neck, 9 m. ; Falmouth, 5 m. ; woodcock, snipe, partridge, duck and j)lover ; iiest months — open season for above Sept. 1st.; trained dogs can be obtained with guides ; country — open, marshy. * — . Rangeley Lakes ('-cached via Bryant's Pond, Bethel and Berlin Falls,, and thence by stage). Fishing. —''^'he^e 1. are 5 in nnmi'er,and (.-elebratcd for the quantity and size of their trout. The best fishing grounds are reached from Middle Dam Camp on L. Wekkennebaeook ; fron: Upper Dam Camp on L. Molechunk- amunk and fro/n Bemis Camps and Mooseluckmaguntic House; best months — May, June and Sept. ; a few trout can always be taken in Julv, increasing in August ; art. tiles are mainly used, but surface and deep troll- ing with the live minnow are effective. The largest genuine brook trout {salmo fontinalis) in the world are caught in these waters. Guides can be engaged at any of the above-named places at $2.50 p. d. and board. [The beautiful lakes and mountains of the Rangeley lose none of their attractiveness, never mind how often they are visited, and the fishing in these waters continues to afford sport to a greatly increased number of sportsmen ; there has been a falling off in the number of the very large fish, while the quantity of the small ones, say from a half to three pounds, con- tinues about the same, indeed more are caught now than ever before. In addition to trout there is a fair quantity of land-locked salmon ; hardly a day passes without one or two being brought mto camp weighing on an average about foi\r pounds, while much larger ones are often seen and taken, and we do not think the day is far distant when there will be a plen- tiful supply of this vaHety.] Hunting,— Game, large and Si.^all of all descriptions can be obtained in abundance daring their season. For further description of the Rangeley's send for Capt. Farrar's ^uide, " Androscoggin Lakes Illustiated," publish- ed by the Jamaica Publishing Co., Jamaica Plain, Mass. JKiohardson, Co. Oxford (readied by stage from Bethel to Lakeside, Um- bagog L.) —Hotels, Mo "^lucmaguntic House, $2 p. d. Fishing. — Big L., Rangelty L., ^ to 10 m. ; Cupsuptic L, and Str., Up- per Dam, Bugle Cove, Bern is Str. ; trout, land-locked salmon, chub ; trout and chub most plentiful ; May to Nov.; baits — worms, shiners, artificial flies ; guides supplied by Hotel, $2.50 p. d. and board ; boats, 50c. p. d. Hunting. — Partridges and ducks near Hotel, deer and cariboo; best months — Sept. and Oct.; guides supplied by Hotel; dogs not required; country — varied. STATE OF MICHIGAN. s Battle Creek, Co. Calhoun (reached via Chicago and Grank Trunk Ry. from Port Huron)~Hot'?l8, Williams House $2 p. d. Hotel Hamblin $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $3 p. d. Fishing. — Kalamazoo R. f-om Battle Cr., to Augusta, small mouthed b. b. and pi. ; b. b. most plentiful ; best months — June and July ; bait — min- nows; guide — J. Buckner, $2 p. d. ; boats — $1.50 p. d. ^ Cassopolis, Co. Cass (reached via Chicago and Grand Trunk Ry. from Port Huron). — Hotels, Park and Forest Hall, $2; livery, $3 p. d. Fishing. — Diamond L. Stone L. | m.;pk., pi., br. trout, perch, b. b., rockbass, blue gills ; most plentiful — pk., b. b. perch, pi. ; best months — Sept., Oct., May, June; baits — minnows, spoons, worms; guide — H. Lamb ; boats — at reasonable charge. Detroit City, Co Wayne.— Hotels, from $1.50 to $5 p.d.; livery, $1 p.h. Fishing. — St. Clair Flats, mouth Clinton R.; bass, perch, &c.; best months — from June until Sept.; baits — chubs and worms ; guides — $1.50 p.d. } boats — $1 p.d S g g State, of Michigan. 81 Grand HavQn, Co. Ottawa (reached via Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Ry. from Detroit) — Hotel — Cutler House, $10.60 to $17.50 p. w. ; livery, $1 p. h. single or $2 p. d. for the season. Fishing. — Grand R. and L. Michigan from J m to 6 rn. up R., Spring 1. 2 m. ; b. b., pi., white or silver bass, catfish, cisco, croppy, and L. perch; b.b. and silver bass most plentiful; best months — June to Aug.; bait — minnows ; guides — C. Geniaand others, $2 p. d. boats 25c. p. h. for fir8t,and 10c. afterwards, or $1 p. d. Hunting. — Brush and good cover, and miles of duck marshes ; part- ridge, duck, snijpe, woodcock ; duck and partridge, most plentiful ; best months — Sept., (Jet. ; guides. F. and F. Robmson, Indian Robinson $1 p. d. with dogs, duck most plentiful in Oct. Holly, Co. Oakland (reached by Detroit, Grand Haven and Milvva\ikee R. R. from Detroit) — Hotels — Exchange, Wa^^hington House $2 p. d.. National, Andrews House $1 p. d., livery, $1 to $3 p. d. Fishing. — 5 or 6 L. within 6 m.; bass, pi., blue gills ; bait — minnows ; boats at nominal charge. Hunting. — In vicinity 1 to 6 m. ; partridge, quail, rabbit ; country — varied. Pontiac, Co. Oakland. — Hotels, Hodges House, Waverly House, Rail Road Exchange, Northern Hotel, Rose House $1 to $2 p. d.; livery $1 to $3. Fishing. — 40 L. from 1 to5 m. ; pi., bass, sunfish and many other kinds in plenty ; June to Oct. ; no guides needed ; boats-^25c. to 50c. p. d. Hunting. — 3 to 5 m. from station ; partridge, quail, rabbits, squirrels ; best month — Nov. ; guides unnecessary ; dogs can be obtained ; country — open, dr}-^, rolling. Port Huron, Co. St. Clair. — Huron House, Pacific House, $2 p.d. ; livery, about $5 p.d. Fishing. — St. Clair R. ; perch and herring; best months — spring; bait — minnows and trollers ; boats — 25c. 1st hour, 15c. after. St Clair Fiat3, at mouth of St. Clair River, 27 m. by Steamer from Detroit.— Star Island House, $2 p. d. ; $10 to $12 p". w. Sault Ste. Marie, Co. Chippewa (reached by lake steamers from Port ..:" Huron, Sarnia, Goderich, &c.) — Hotels, Iroquois, $2.50 to $3.50, ('hippc'wa and Michigan Exchange, $2 to $3 p. d.. Hotel Superior $1 to 2. Livery, 50c. p. h. single, $1 double. Fishing. — Most any portion of Ste. Mary's R; trout, herring, perch, whitefisli, p. 1., m. g., b. b., in season;, baits — worm=', flies and minnows ; guides numerous; charges vpry ; boats, $1 p. d. or over. Hunting. — 3 hrs. run by train on D. S. S. & A. R. R. ; deer, bear, duck, goose, partridge ; best months — Sept. and Oct, ; guides can he obtained, also dogs ; country open, hilly, hard wood lands and some pine, sandy soil. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Berlin Falls, Co. Coo?. — Hotels, Cascale PTouse, Wilson House ; livery $2.50 p. d. FisHiNO. — Ten stnall L. within 20 ni. ;tront, pi., and landlocked salmon, jnost plentiful — trout ; best months — May to Oct. ; baits — flies and worms, numerou-i ouides at from $1.50 to$2 p. d ; boats — at 50c. p. d. ; this is a good route to ITmbagcg, Parmachenee, and the Rangeley L., 30 m. distant, where are several good hotels ; daily stage line. Hunting. — Partridges, ducks and deer. Colebrook (reached by Upper Coos R. R. froin North Stratford)— He tels, Monadnock House, capacity 100 boarders, Parson's House capacity 100, $2 p. d., fan)ilies at rei'luced price. FrsinNG.— Diamond P., 10 m.. Clear Str., 10 m., Ea^t and West Branch Mohawk R., 10 m., Errol Dam, 20 m. Dixville Notch, Co. Coos (reached by stage 10 m., running to and from Colebrook on Upper Coos R.R., or stage from Bryant's P. via An- dover). — Hotel, Dix House. FiSHiNo. — Diamond P. and Clear Str, stocked with trout; guides — S. Flint, A. Ward. A. Bennett, W. Keyes, $2 p. d. and expenses. Dogs fur- nished for liunting. Hunting.— Anywhere in the vicinity from 1 to 10 ni. ; duck, partridge, •deer, bear ; t)est months — Sept. and Oct. ; guides furnished by Hotel |2 p. d. ; •country — hilly, mountainous, thickly wooded and mostly dry. Gorham, Co. Coos. — Hotels at reasonal>le prices. Fishing. — Androsciggin R., ^ m. ; Pealiody R., I m. ; Moose Cr., J n.i., and many trout Br in imiueiliate vicinity ; trout; I'ait — worms; best months — July and Aug. There is good pickerel fishing in the Androscog, gin R., and at times trout are caught weighing 1 to 2 lbs., but vary gener- ally from o to IG oz. Groveton, Co. Coos.— Hotels, Eagle Hotel, Melchin House, Union House, $1 p. d. ; livery, modei'ate, $1 per 5 in. Fishing. — Nash Str., 4 m. ; Nash's Ponds, 14 m. ; Phillips Brook P., 18 m. ; trout only ; best months — June and July ; I aits — worms and flies ; guide — Nat Emeiy, $1 p. d. ; no boats on these ponds. Hunting. — 1 to 5 m. ; cartridge ; deer, 10 to 15 m. back in season ; best month — Oct. ; country — hilly. Lakeside, Co. Coos (reached by stage from Bethel). — Hotel, Lakeside, $2 to $10 p. w. Livery. .<L5i) p. d. Fishing. Umbagog L,, \ m.; Cambridge R., 4 m.; Bear R., 6 m.; Molnichowiic Str., 3 m. ; Diamond R., 15 m., Magalloway R., B. Pond, 10 m. ; L. WelokcnnebacooU, Rapid R., 10 m.; trout, land-locked salmon, pi., •dace; bait — worms, shiners, artificial flies; guides supplied In Hotel, |2 p. -d. and board ; boats, 50t' \^. d. • » I * '« I I state of New Hampshire, 83 I < Hunting. — In vicinity, partridge, woodcock, duck, and all marsh birds, deer, carilioo, bear, 6 to 20 m. distant ; Sept. to Nov. ; dogs can be obtained,, but may not be used for deer and cariboo; country — slightly opened, but mostly wooded, hilly, dry, with occasional swamp. Lake Welokennebacock, Co. Oxford.— Hotels, Lakeview Cottage, So. Arm, Angler's Retreat, Middlle Dam (reached from Bethel to L. Umbagog by stage), Esther House, $2 per day, $10 per week. Fishing. — Middle Dam, Rapid R., Pond in R, B. Pond, Umbagog L.- Upper Dam, Metallak Br., Ricnardson P, Beaver P., from \ to 10 m. , trout, land locked salmon, dace, from May to Nov.; baits — worms, shiners art. tiies ; guides furnished by hotels $2.50 per day and board ; boats 50c per day. Hunting. — Same district for moose, caribou, deer, bear, partridge, duck, marsh birds — rabbits and foxes, plentiful ; best months, Sept. to Nov guides as above ; dogs only used for bear and fox ; country, varied. No. Stratlord, Co. Coos. — Hotels, Willard House, Hinman House, Percy House, $2 p. d., parties special prices. Fishing. — Connecticut L., 20 m. from West Stewartstown and other streams along line of Upper Coos R.R.; "lunge," salmon, trout; most Elentiful — "lunge" and trout; best months — June, Sept., Jan. and Feb. ; ait — small fish ; guide — 0. Bumford, Connecticut L. ; boats at special rates. • Hunting. — Partridge and deer; best months — partridge, Oct. and Nov. deer Jan. and Feb. Percy, Co. Coos. — Hotels, E. Kane, Mrs. Brooks, $1 p. d. ; livery, $3 p.d. Fi.sHiNG. — Ciiristine L., South P., 1 m., trout, pi., dace, perch, eels ; best months — May and June ; baits — angle worms and flies ; guide — S. M. Crawford, supt. ; Christine L. is owned by Percy Summer Club who control the fishing. Hunting. — Grounds in neighbourhood of the P.; bear, deer, hare, part- ridge. Shelburne, Co. Coos. — Shelburne Spring House, Winthroup House, Ga- tis Cottage. Philbrooke House, and other Boarding Houses, $1 to $1.50 p. d.; livery, moderate. Fishing. — Mountain B., trout; best months — June and July; baits — angle- worms and flies; boats — not required; guides can be got at any house in vicinity, $2 to $3 p. d. Hunting. — All the surrounding mountains ; cartridge, red fox and small fur bearing animals, with occasional deer and near ; best months — Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; guides at any mountain house; country — hilly and moun- tainous, generally dry. Stratford Hollow, Co. Coos. — Brookside Cottage, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $1.- 60 for 1 horse, $3 for 2 horses p. d., with or without driver. Fishing. — Bogs of Bog B., 6 m. ; trout ; best months — June and Sept. ; baits — angle worms and fly hooks ; no need of guides ; boats, 25c p. d. Hunting. — Bogs and Sugar Loaf Mountain, deer and bear ; best months — June and July ; guide — Cepas Mann ; country — hilly and wooded back from the valley of the Connecticut R. «4 Fishing and Hunting Resorts, Wentworth's Location, Co. Coos (reached from Bethel to Lakeside by stage, thence hy steamer). — Hotel, — Berlin Mills Housi , $1.50 p. d.; livery, $2 p. d. single. FiSHiN'G. — Diamond R., Magalloway R., Parmachenee L., Umlagog L.» Sturtevant P., trout, land-locked salmon, dace, pi.; trout and pi. most plentiful ;'best months — May to Nov.; halts — worms, shiners, artificial flies, spoons ; guides furnished by Hotel, $2.50 p. d. and boanl ; boats, 50c p. d. Hunting. — From i m. to 30 m., jjartridge, duck, deer : Sept. and Oct. j guides from Hotel, ,$2.50 j). d. ; dogs not used ; country — hilly, dry, some parts damp and swampy. West Milan, Co. Coos. — Ammonoosuc House, Mountain View House $1.- 50 p. d. ; livery, $1.50 to $3 p. d., accur<;ling to distance. Fishing.— Millstield P., 13 n.., trout ; Drnnimer P.. 7 m., trout; Phil- lips B., 2^ m., trout; 22 m. to Steamer Landing L^mbagog L., which con- nectfS with all the Androscoggin L. and Magalloway R., and is nearer than any other G.T.R. station ; best months — June, Sei)t. and Oct. ; i^aits — live bait, flies and worms. Hunting. — There is good hunting for general game and deer in the 1. section ; parties can be carried there, and teats and guides also procured. « t I * I' STATE OF NEW YORK. I Buffalo, Co. Erie. — Hotels and livery at various prices. Fishing. — L. Erie and Niagara R. immediately adjacent ; last named best; b. b., Mg., yellow and llue pk., yellow percli, also white bass and mooneyes in season ; yellow perch and b. b. most almndant ; for b. b. soft shell fresh water lobster (craytish) are used as bait, and live minnows for perch ; June to Nov. best; boatmen $3 p. d., including boat ; lobsters, 2c 'Fort Covington, Co. Franklin.— Hotels, American House, StaHord Hotel, International, Lake View House, $1 to $1.50 p.d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — St. Lawrence R. 5 m.; Mg., pk., pi., bass, perch, eels and sturgeon, in season ; baits — artificial, minnows and worms; guides — $2 p. d. ; l»oats, 50c. p. d. Hunting. — St. Lawrence R. about 5 m.; ducks; best months — April, Oct. and Nov. ; country — level. Helena, Co. St. Lawrence. — Hotels, Helena House, $1 ; Ward House, 75c. Livery at modtrate rates. Fishing. — St. Regis and Raquette R., 5 m.; St. Lawrence K., 6 m.; tiiullet, suckers, bass in two first named, pk., pi., Mg. and sturgeon in St. Lawrence; best months — June to Sept. ; halts — worms for small tish, spoons for pi. and large fish; guides — Si. Regis Indians at low rates ; beats al)Out 50c p. d. ■• , V i'. ' J States of New York and Vermont. 86 Massena Springs, Co. St. Lawrence. — Hotels, Hatfield House, $2.50 p.d. ; White's Hotel, Allen House, Harrowgate House, Wheeler House, $1.50 p. d.; Bently House, $2, Boarding Houses also at reasonable rate.s. Livery, $'i to $3 p. d. FiSHiXG. — Raquette R. within 30 rods, Grass R., 1 ni., St. Lawrence R. 3 m. ; Mg., pk., suckers, whitefish, sturgeon, pi., pk. and pi. most plenti- ful, mullet in the early spring; baits — worms and spoons ; guides — .James Richards, L'^a Richards, Jesmore, T. Richards, J. Blair and others; boats, 25c. p. h. For further information, address G. A. Mowitt, Agent G.T.R. Ogdensburg (Ferry from Prescott),Co. St. Lawrence. — Hotels, $2 to $3 p.d FisiiiXG. — St. Lawrence R., ^ m. ; Black L., 5 m.; Oswegatchie R., |- m.; first best, Mg., b. b., pk., wall-eyed pk., perch, dace, chub, salmon trout, «kc. ; most plentiful — pk., bass and perch ; usual baits ; best months — June to Sept. ; guide, without boat — $2 p. d. ; boats — 50c p. d. The fish- ing is reported as excellent at this point, and for 8 to iO m. either up or down the river. Houses Point, Co. Clinton. — Windsor Hotel open 1st June to Oct., $2.50 to $3 p. d.j Holland House, Massachusetts, $2.50, also livery. Fishing. — L. Cham plain ^ to 1 m. ; b. b., pk., pi., rock bass and many ditterent kinds ; most plentiful — b. l>., pk. and pi. ; t.est months — June, July and Aug. ; bait — minnows ; guides — several parties can be procured; boats 50c p. d. Hunting. — Near the hotels and 4 ..o 10 m. on L. Champlain and Riche- lieu R. ; best . . / pril, Sept. and Oct. ; country — level and dry. STATE OF VERMONT. Beecher Falls (reached via Upper Coos RR., from North Stratford.) Fishing. — Connecticut First Lake, 15 m.. Lake House, O.G. Bumford, manager, capacity 100, $2 p. d. special rates to parties and families, first- class arrangements for fishing and hunting. Second L., 8 m.; Third or Upper L., 4i m. Good camp and guides at each. Parties carried at low rates from any of the above hotels, and every facility ottered to add to their comfort and enjoyment. Island Pond, Co.' Essex.— Hotels, $12 to $15 p. w. Fishing. — A great number of 1. called locally ponds are full of trout, and are easily reached. Land-locked salmon and 1. trout in Seyjiiour and Maid- stone I's and Echo p. Pickerel v -iters are numerous. The trout streams (fish J to^ lb.) distant^ m. to 4m. are tiie Black Branch, North Branch, East Branch, Yellow Branch, MuMnggin R., Perron's R., and several others; guides— $2 to $3 p. d. Lake Stn., Co. Essex.— Hotels, Mount Fitz House, $1.50 p. d. ; livery, $2 p. d. Fishing. — 2 m.; trout; best months — March, June, July, Aug.; live aits— files ; boats, $1.50 p. d. F 86 Fishing and Hunting Resorts. ssa I if f I ; I Hunting.— Deer and rabbits j best month — March ; guides, with trained dogs ; country — hilly. Norton Mills, Co. Essex. — Hotels, Stetson House, Averill Hotel, Fisher- men's Resort, $1 p. d. ; livery, $1. Fishing. — Pond, 4 m.; trout; July, Aug., Sept. ; baits — worms, flies and minnows ; guides, if wanted, can be obtamed, L. Allen, E. Daniels, T. King, and others, $1 p. d. ; boats free. Hunting. — 4 m. ; deer quite plentiful, partridge, bear and foxes ; best months— Sept., Oct. and Nov. ; guides — as above ; country — wooded, some wet and dry, also hilly and level. Summit Stn- (Post-Office, Island Pond), Co. Essex. — No hotels nor livery. Fishing. — Round P. and Norton L., 2 m.; trout; best months — June and July; baits — mud-worms and fly-hooks; guides can be had at Island P.; boats can be had at Lt !.;e. Hunting. — Head of Round P. and at the outlet of same and vicinity {)artridgP8 ; best months — Sept. and Oct. ; country — woded, wet and dry lilly and level. ; PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. EdmundstOU, Co. Madawaska (reached from Levis by Intercolonial R to Riv. du Loup, Temiscouata Ry., thence to destination). Hotelsy Hebert House, Edmundston Hotel and Condon House, $1 to $1.50 — d. ; livery — reasonable. Fishing.— L. Squattock, Touladi, Cabano, Horton, Eagle and Temis- couata; Br. trout, L. trout, perch and whitefish ; most plentiful, trout, in May and June ; best months — June to September; baits — fly, trolls, worms, meat, fish ; guides — S. Raymond, E. Landrie, J. Grifiin, $2 p. d. j boats can be h ired. Hunting.— Cabano, Squattock, Eagle, 14 m. by land and 26 m. by water; caribou, bear, deer, moose, duck, partridge and rabbit; September to November; guides— S. Raymond, E. Landrie, $2 per day. Country — wooded and hilly. Advertise nienta 87 LOVELL'S LIBRARY. Now containB tlie complete writings of the bent Standard autbors, such as DioKEXg Thackkkav, Ei.roT, Carlyle, Rnaliin, Scott, Lytton, Blaclt, &c., &c. Each number is issued in neat 12mo fonii. and tlie type will be found larger and tho paper bettei than In any other of the cheap series published. ' THE BESx CURRENT FICTION AND STANDiRP WORKS to, IS & 20 cnNTs. M ♦ NEW VORK;=-i=r.- ♦ To r\.N • VS/' • 1, OVE L L • Cor^PAUr^ LATE ISSUES. • 1281. Coningsl>y, by Lord Beacon jifield 1282. Svbil, by Lord Bearonsfield 1283. Venetia, by J^onl Beaconsfield 12S,5. Contarini Fleming, by Lord Beaconsfiold.... 1280. "Vivian Gray, 2 Parts, oy Lord Beaconsfield. 1287. The rise of Islcandcr, bv Lord Beaconsflold. 1289. In the Old Palazzo, by Gertrude Ford 1290. Enemies Born, by Laura C. Ford 1294. From the Earth to the Moon, by Julea Verne 1.300. Around the Moon, by Jules Verne 1302. Accoid and Discord, by C. N. Stanley 130.5. The Couiitess Eve, by J. K. Shorthouse 1308. Miss Bretherton, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. THE LIBRARY CONTAINS 23 Books by William Black 33 32 32 20 13 20 29 10 34 31 31 i< (< Thomas Carlyle J. Fen. 'r Cooper " Chs. Dickens On English Men of Let- ters by John Morley " Geo. Elliot " Washing'nilrving " Lord Lytton J " Harriet Marti- neau " John Ruskin " Sir Walter Scott •' W. M. Thackeray km NOW NUMBERS NEARLY 1200 VOLUMES. 10 10 A complete catalogue containing all '^^ the numbers %vill be sent to ar<y udilreta^ 20 I on application to JOHN LOVELL & SON, Montreal. I ' 1" ' CLf.SE SEASONS FOR FISH AND GAME. PROVINCE 01' ONTARLO. • FisniKG. — Salmon, trout and whitefish between the 1st and 10th Nov.; fresh water herrinti from 15th Oct. to 1st Dec; speckled trout, brook trout, river truut, from 15th Sept. to 1st May ; bass, 15th April to 15th June, pickerel, maskinonge, 15th April to 15th June, Hunting. — No quail shall be taken or killed between Dec. 15th and Oct. 15th following, nor wild turkeys until Oct. 15th, i889. Grouse, pheasants, partridges between 1st Jan. and 1st Sept. ; woodcock, 1st Jan. to 15th Aug. ; snipe, rail, golden plover, 1st Jan. to 1st Sept. ; swans or geese, 1st May to 1st Sept. ; (lucks of all kii)ds and all otber fowl, 1st Jan. to 1st Sept.; hares, 15tli March to Ist Sept. ; beaver, muskrat, mink, sal)le, martin, otter or fisher, 1st May to 1st Nov. ; deer, Nov. 20th to Oct. 15th ; moose and caribou protected entirely until 15tli Oct., 1895. No person who ha*! not been a resident of this Province or Quebec for three montlis next before Oct 15, can kill deer, except he bold a permit from the Commissioner of Crown Lfmds, wliicli may be obtained for $10. No person shall kill more than 5 deer; no two, hunting together, more than 8 ; and no party of three or move, inore than 12. PKOVIXCB OF QUEBEC. FisnTNc. — 1. Salmon fangling], from 1st Sept. to 1st May ; do., do. [Ristigoucbe R.) 15tii August to Ist May. 2. Speckled trout [saZ»7,o/on^i- iialis], from 1st Oct. to 1st Jan. 3. Large grey trout, lunge and ouinaniche, from 15th Oct. to 1st. Dec. 4. Pickerel, from 15th April to 15th May. 5. Bass an(i Maskincnge, from 15th April to 15th June. 6. Whitefish, from 10th Nov. to 1st Dec. N. B. — Angling by hand [with hook and line] is the only means per- mitted to be used for taking fish. [No person who is not domiciled in the Province of Quebec can, at any time, fish in the lakes or rivers of this Province, not actually under lease, witbout having previously obtained a permit to tbat effect from the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Such per- mit is valuable for a fishing season, and is not transferable]. HiTNTiN'G. — 1. Caribou and deer, from 1st Jan. to 1st Oct. 2. Moose [male and female] at any time, until the 1st Oct., 1890. N. B. — The hunting of moose, caribou or deer, with dogs or by means of snares, traps, &c., is prohibited. No person [whitemen or Indians] has a right, during one season's hunting, to " or take alive — unless he has pre- viously obtained a permit from the Coinmissioner of Crown Lands for that purpose — more than 8 caribou and 4 deer. After the first 10 days of the close season, all railways and steamboat companies and public carriers are forbidden to carry the whole or any part [except the skin] of any moose, caribou or deer without being authorized thereto by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. A dvertisements. 8 to « > «', SEWELL BROTHERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL NO. 32 ST. JAMES STREET NORTH, Wine — s^SWHOLiESAIiES" and ere Hants, NO. 4 KING WILLIAM STREET, » ttacii ja)EFERRING to the above card we would say that we make a specialty of '\ outfitting Camping and Hunting Clubs. Estimates given for all kinds of Camping Utensils and Tents. Our many years' experience in this particular business well fits us for thoroughly and carefully filling all orders given us, and we can also be of material assistance in parties camping for the first time. We beg to say to the Clubs residing in East and West Penn- sylvania and Ohio who intend visiting our beautiful Northern Lakes and Rivers this season, that we are particularly well situated to supply their wants, being only forty-five miles from the border and in a direct line with those lovely health-giving resorts. By purchasing your supplies from us you avoid all the vexations and duties of the Custom House, heavy Freights, etc., together with other inconveniences which go to make excursions of this ki"d more of an' annoy .tnce than a pleasure. If you send your order ahead we can have it carefully packed, strapped and checked at the station on your arrival, which will enable you to go straight through without the trouble of staying over here to select your goods. We will l^e pleased at any time to furnish prices, and also give any information about this part of the country not mentioned in this Guide. We might add that our prices for Groceries, etc., are about the same as in your own country, independent of freight and duty. We have pleasure in referring you to the Nypano, Metropolitan Solid Comfort, Pittsburgh Rod and Gun Glub.«» and others whom we have had the pleasure of supplying for some years. Yours very truly, SEWELL BROS .%-. e>. .1^, -'^■ ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 1.25 | 50 ■^" 11^^ US li£ 111112.2 "* — nil 2.0 1.8 U III 1.6 V] <^ /i 7: d? / /^ ^ ^ 4i S? ^ 90 Close Seasons for Fish and Game, 3. Beaver, mink, otter, martin, pekan, from l«t April to l^t Nov. 4. Hare, from 1st February to let Nov. 5. Muskrat [only in the counties of Maskinonge, Yamaeka, Richelieu and Berthier] from Ist May to let April following. 6. Wooflcock, snipe, partridge of any kind, from Ift Feb. to lat Sept. 7. Black duck, teal,; wild duck of any kind [except sheldrake and gull], from 15th April to Ipt Sept. [And ut any time of the year, between one hour after 8un«et and one hour liefore sunrise, and also to keep exposed during such proliibited hours, lures or decoy*, &c.] 8. Birds known as perchers, such as swallowi*, king-birtls, warblers, flycatchers, woodpeckers, whip-pojjrwills, finches [song-sparrows, red birds, indigo birds, «tec]., cow-buntings, titmice, goldfinches, grives [robins, \voc3- thrushes, ifec]., kinglets, bobolinks, grakles, grosbeaks, humming birds, cuckoos, owls, &c., except eagles, falcons, hawks and other birds of the falconidiE, wild pigeons. Kingfishers, crows, ravens, waxwings \_ricoUets], shrikes, jays, magpies, sparrows and starlings, from -st March to 1st Sept. 9. To take nests or eggs of wild birds, at any time of the year. N. B.— Fm? of $2 to $IJD, oi* imprisonm?nt in default of piym^at. [No person wlio is not dom:.;ileJ in the Province of Qiieb?j, n jr in that of Ontario, can, at any time, hunt in this Prtvince without bavin » previously obtain'-' 1 a license to that effect frojn the Cjiuiniisioner of Crowu L.x-.xl^. Such pern)it is hot transferable]. chl ■V. , ^.j^..j[r^.^- .4 II Hi ^w ST^TE OF MAINE. Fishing. — For laud-locked salmon, trout and tongue, October 1st to May 1st, excepting on St. Croix, and tributaries and waters in Kennebec county, September 15th to May 1st ; also on certain streams around Ran- geley Lakes, from July Ist to May 1st. Citizens of the State, however, may fish for and convey to their homes during February, March, and April, excepting on the Rangeley Lakes. For black bass and white perch, April Ist to July 1st. None of fish named to be taken at any time, except in ordinary mode of angling with single baited hook or artificial flies. For salmon, from July 15th to April 1st, but may be taken with single bated hook, or artificial flies, from April Ist to September 15th. Land-locked . salmon and trout not to l>e transported except in possession of the owner, , and not more than fifty pounds of both togetlier to l>e allowed by any person. Hunting. — For Moose, deer, or caribou, January 1st to October let. For deer on Mt. Desert Island, Janimry 1st tu November 1st, and no person is allowed to have in his possession between October 1st and January 1st more than one moose, two caribou and three deer. For mink, beaver, sable, otter, fisher or muskrat. May 1-t to Oct<:>ber 15th. For wood duck, black duck, dusky duck, sea duck. May 1st to SeptemVjer 1st, except on sea coast. For rufl^ed grouse, partridge, or wood cock, December 1st to , September 1st, and cannot be transported out of the State at any season. For quail, pinnated grouse, commonly called prairie chicken, January Ist ' to September 1st. For plover, May 1st to August li^t, and it is unlawful to kill or transport larks, robins, swallows, sparrows or orioles or other insec- tivorous birds, crows and hawks excepted, at any time. Sunday is a close time for all irame and birds. Close Seasons for Fish and Game, 91 STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Fishing. — Land-locked salmon, 1. anil br. trout, Oct. 1st to April 30th [fishing for 1. trout, with a single hook and line permitted from Jan. to April inclusive] ; pike, perch and white perch. May I -^t to June ?Mh ; h. b., May 1st to June 14th ; maskinonge, pike, pickerel and grayling, April 1st to May 30th. Young salmon, known as parr, smofts, or grilse when caught must be returned to the water. Fishing is prohibited within 400 yards of any fishway, and brook trout less than 4 in., and striped ba^s less than 10 in. in length mu«t not be caught. Fishing is prohibited in the Pemigawa«sit river in the vicinity of the State Hatching House in Holdernesp. HuNTiXG. — Sand pipers, duck an 1 rail, Feby. 1st to Aug. 1st; ruflfed f rouse, partridges, quail, Jan. 1st to Sepi. 1st. It is forbidden to kill any ird on private lands at any «ea=ion, if notice is posted to this effect. Deer, moo?e, caribou, Dec. 1-t tu Sept. 1st. STATE OF VERMONT. FisiiiN'o. — Trout, land-locked salmtn, trout or •'•' longe " [the latter is the local name for salmon or lake trout], Sept. 1st to April 30th ; b. b., Feb. let to June 14th; bass under 10 in. must be returned to the water. Wall- eyed pike [pike perch], pike and pickerel, Feb.-lst to June 14. HuxTixG.— Mink, beaver, fisher or otter, April 1st to November 1st; woodcock, partridge, Feb. 1-^t to Sept. 1st; but at no time may they be sent out of the State for traffic or gain. Wild geese or ducks, ^lay 1st to Sept. 1st, but prohibited at any time by means of a net snare or dog. The killing of domestic birds, such as robins, blue-birds, etc., is prohibited under any circumstances. Tlie law does not prohibit taking or killing wild deer in this State. ., .; STATE OF MTCniGAy. FisHiXG. — Black, strawberry, green or white ba^s, nfa-calonge, 1st March to loth June ; whitefi^h, 20th Nov. to 1st April ; truut, from Sept. Ist to April 30th ; grayling, from Nov. 1st to May 31st ; minnows may oe caught for bait onfy ; spearing iluring March, K]>vi\ anil May, prohihited in any of the waters of the State, except Lakes Michigan, Superior, Huron, St. Ciair, Erie ami Saginaw Bay. Hunting. — Partri<lge, "nipe, woodcock, ducks and <.thiT wild water fowl, from Jan. 1st to Aug. 31st ; prairie chickens, Jun. 1st to Sept. 30th ; quail, Jan. 1st to Oct. 31st ; < leer [upper Peninsnlar], Nov. 1.5th to Sept. 30th; lower Peninsular, Dec. 1st to Oct. 31st. The use of •log'* to hunt deer prohibited, or to kill any deer when in its red coat, or any fawn when in its spotted coat. Robin^, niirlit hawlc, finch. whip-p<)i>rwill, the rush, lark, cnerry bird, swallovv, yellmv bird, blue bird, brown thruslier, wren, martin, oriole, wo<jd[x'cker, bubulink, (»r any song bird protected all the vear rountl. A •♦* -i«>t tif.t'n* it tl BEST ROUTES TO THE FAVORITE GROUNJJS. Androscoggin Lakes. Fhom Nrw York. — By any of the Soni)d Steamer or railroad lines to Boston, Boston Jt Maine R.R. to Boston, and (Srand Trunk Ry. to Bryant's Pond or l^thel, where connection is made with the various Stage and Steamer lines for all parlsof the Lakes. Also via Worcester to Portland, making connection with Grand Trunk Rail- way, Ac. From Boston.— By Steamer, or Boston k Maine R.R. to Portland, and thence same aa above. Through cars from Boston to Bethel, kc. Lake St. John Territory. From New York. — By New York Central ard Delavaie and Hudson Ry's., or by New York Central, or New York, New Haven and Hartford and Central Vermont routes to Montreal, Grand Trunk Railway or Richelieu k Ontario Navigation Co., to Quebec, and Quebec and Lake St. Jo Im Ry., ihence to destination. Also by Sound Steamers or Railroad lines to Boston or Worcester, Boston k Maine R R. to Portland, Grand Trunk Ry. to Quebec, and Quebec and Lake St. John Ry. Additional routes through White Mountain to Groveton or Sherbrooke, and thence by Grand Trunk Ry. to Quebec. From Boston.— By Steamer or Boston & Maine R.R. to Portland, and Grand Trunk Rv. to Quebec, or Boston, k Lowell and Central Vermont R.R. to Montreal and Grand Trunk Ry., or Richelieu k OntHrio Nav. Co. to Quebec. From Canada.— By Grand Trunk Ry. to Quebec, with optional privileges on Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co.'s Steamers between Toronto and Quebec, if desired. Hotels. — An elegant new hotel — the Hotel Rcbtrval— has just be c(m|ileted at Roberval, Lake St. John, and is ready for the reception of guests— of which it will accommodate one hundred. A hotel is now completed at Chambord Junc- tion, Lake St. John — thirteen miles east ot Roberval ; and another at Lake Ed- ward, to accommodate fifty guests. At St. Raymond there are several country hotels; and at Lake St. Joseph there is a hotel— the Lake Vievp Houge — beauti- fully situated on the shore of that lake, with rooms for sixty guests- In the vil- lages around Lake St John a moderate uumb«r of visitors will find accommodation among the country people. To Spoutsmrn — The region now opened up by this railway affords, probably » the best sporting ground in America. In all the lakes and rivers, innumerable, touched by the road, fish of all kinds abound. Fork-tailed trout have been caught weighing up to thirty-two pounds, and speckled trout weighing eight pounds. Bass, Dore, Whitefish, Pike and Perch are also abundant, and of very Best Routes to the Favorite Grounds. 93 large size. But the finest fish of all is the renowned land-locked salmon of Lake Rt. John, called by the Indians "Ouinaniche," ofthr Fresh Water Salmon. This beautiful fish, which resembles the salmon in every respect, weighs from four to fourteen pounds. It is said by sportsmen to be quite as gamey as the salmon, taking the salmon fly greedily, and is believed to exist only in Lake St. John. It is to be found in nil narts of that lake, but princioally in the River Peribonca, and at the Granrl Disriinrge. The trout of Lake Edward are of very fine quality, very large, and having a dark red flesh which makes them a delicious fish for the table- Muskoka Lake Region, Prom Nrw York State, Pbvnsylvania, Ac— By the various Railroad routes to Suspension Bridcje (Niagara Falls), and thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Graven- hurst, Muskoka, & Georgian Bay Navigation Co., to the various ports on the Lake, or from Niagara Falls to Toronto by Steamer, and thence by Grand Trunk Rail- way, Ac. Prom Miofiioav, Ivdivna, &o. — By any route to Detroit or Port Huron, Grand Trunk Ry. to Gravenhurst, and Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation line to. destination. Prom Cavada. — By Grarrl Trunk Ry. to Gravenhurst, and thence as above. Thousands of devotees of rod and reel are uiiawnre of the splei did fishing which c\n be had in the r-^gio h n-^rih of Lake Ontario and east of Georgian Bay, everywhere travfirsod by the Grvnd Trunk Railway of Canada. Simcoe, Oouclii- ching, Muskoka, Ah-mic, Storey, Nipissing and many other lakes lie upon this route, each noted for snort, first-class both as regards abundance and variety of fish in the streams. The Severn, Muskoka, .Muganetawan, Frencli, and other rivers drain an irn-n'^nse territory, and as thn country is only partially cleared and set- tled, every reach of water is alive with br()ok trout, white bass, pike, perch, nins- calonge and other kinds are found in great plenty. Cliarges at hotels and for guides are cheap, and attention is given to spcirtsmen. The writer of this, in a single day, cui^ht in tha Mi? lU'tv vii River, the last week in July this year ninety-seven trout in a single afterioon, the largest of which tipped the scales at 2\ pounds. There were then no bla'^k flies or moscpiitoes, and poisonous sntikes are unknown. Partridges and quail arealraost as thick as blackbird.-^ in aswarap, while deer and bear abound, and be iver, fo.^, and otlier fur-bearing animals are plenty. The Grand Trunk railway fur.iishes every accommodation to tliose sportsmen who pass over it. Conductors and trainmen are diligent and obliging, and tak»n all in all, a trip to the portion of Canada referred to can bedepended upon to furnish solid enjoymsnt for each day of twenty-four hours. The heat of sum- mer has no terrors when, as there, frost killed potato vines to the groimd on the 13th of July? — The American Angler. Parry Sound Region. The route to this territory is nearly the same as to the M.iskoka Lakes, except that passengers take the train to either Penetang or Midland to join the steamers of th« Muskoka and Georgian Bay Navigation Company, or to Collingwood for Steamers of th? Great Northern Transit Uo. 94 Best Routes to the Favorite Grounds. Lake of Bays (Muskoka). This interesting place is now rapidly coming into prorainence, situated as it is in the heart of the bunting grounds of Muskoka. It is reached bj Grand Trunk Railway from any point to Hiintsville, thence by steamer over the beautiful waters of Fairy and Peninsular Liikea to the Fraser House (Giassmere, P.O.)- Here a small portage occurs by Omnibus or Team, to connect with the Lake of Bays Steamer. The Port Julian House (Baysville, P.O.), McCutcheon House, Maple Valley (Dwight, P. 0.), The Jelley House, Norfolk House, Baysville, Goldie House, Dwight, &c,,ofler ample accommodation to Tourists. Anglers will find this a veritable paradise, and can safely be promised an abundance of specklid trout as the result of their eflforts. All information about this delight- ful and romantic r<*gion will gladly be furnished by Captain G. F. March, Bays- ville, Ontario, who invites correspondence from those who desire to visit this favored locality. Summer Resorts. An interesting guide book under this title is published by the Grand Trunk Railway, containing descriptive matter and a list of fares and routes for a series of Summer Tours. It can be obtained from the agents of the Company or on, application to the General Passenger Agent, Montreal, P.Q. Through cars, also Pullman and Wagner coaches, are run between leading points (Boston, Portland, Quebec, Montreal, . Toronto, Niagara Falls, Detroit Chicago, &c.), and particulars will be advertised during the summer, or may be •obtained fn.m any of the Company's agents. .'»■ > i Advertisements 95 , LOVELL'S LIBRARY. Now contains the complete wiitingi of the best Standard authors, such as DiOKXXV Tbaokrkai , Eliot, Carlyle, Ruskin, Scott, Litton, black, fcc, &c. Each number is issued in neat 12mo form, and the type will be found larger, and tha paper bettot than in any other of the cheap series published. tTE^^?r THE BEST CURREI9T FICTION AND STAIARD WORKS lO, IS & 20 CENT' If ♦ ♦ To^N -w • lovei,l-co;apa>4y* THE LIBRARY CONTAINS A IZ !Li::£x:£;£xx:£]^£X] LATE ISSUES. 1281. Coningsby, by Lord Beaconsfield 20 1282. Svbil. by Ixird Beaconsfield 20 1283. venetiR, by I^rd Beaconsfield 20 1286. Gontarlni Fleming. byLord Beaconiiflpld.... 20 1286. Vivian CI ray, 2 Parts, ny Lord Beaconsfield. 20 1287. The rise of Iskandtr. by Lord Beaconsfield. 20 1289. In the Old Palazzo, by Gertrude Ford 20 1290. Fnemies Born, by Laura 0. Ford 1294. From thp Earth to the Moon, by Jules Vv<)me 10 1300. Around the iVoon, by Jules Verne 10 1302. Accoid and Discord, by C. N. Stanley 20 1306. The Countess Eve, by J. H. Shorthouse .... 20 1806. MlBS Bretherton, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. 20 I o» applieatton to JOHN LOVELL & SON, Montreal. i. ' .< ■ t • ••■ i '■ ■ . . 23 Books by William Black 33 " Thomas Carlyle 32 *' J. Fen/r Cooper 32 " Chs. Dickens 20 On English Men of Let- ters by John M or ley 13 ** Ceo. Elliot 20 " Washing'nIlrvingL 29 " LordLytton lOlT " " Harriet Marti- neau 34 <i " John Ruskin 31 tt " S> Walter Scott 31 tt ** W.M.Thackeray AND NOW NIJMBEB8 NEARLY 1200 VOLDMES. A complete catalogue containing all t/u numbera will be tent to any addrett, 'i-: r 96 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS' NAMES. I I 1 Avis k Co., Toronto BHiraojal llotel. Montreal Blacbfoid H. & C. Toronto Bojd T. W'., & .Son, Montreal Bryce J. Fnist-r, Toronto Canada Jihippitv Co . Montreal...... Clendinnirg vV. H , Toionio Clow W , Turontu Copland Brewing Co., Toronto Costen T., & Co . Motitnal Crott Wm., & Sous, Toioiito Dominion Line Boval Mail Steam- ships. Inaidi' front Cover. Ferris & Ct)., Hamilton, Ont Eraser, V'iger & Co , Montreal Globe Printing Co.. Toronto Gnrd Clias., &Co., Montreal Heintzman & Co., Toronto Hodson H. P., Toronto fiolman John, Toronto Hovendeu K. J , Toronto Kent Bros, Toronto King <k Co., Toronto Labatt Jolm, London, Ont Leckie J., Toronto Lion Life Assurance, Toronto . McBride Alex., St, U McCansland Jos., A: Son, Toronto.. Ask for 15 9 in 10 46 45 04 33 28 I 21 I 33 I 41 72 G4 16 54 28 15 22 34 27 34 53 22 Montreal Ste.m Laundry Co., Mon- treal 72 O'Neil J. F., Woodstock, Ontario... 41 Pike D., Toronto 53 (Quebec & Lake St. John Ry., Que- bec 03 Q'lebec Steamship Co., Quebec 68 Queen's Hotel. Toronto 5 Katiray J., & Co., Montreal 71 Rogers Jns. H., Toronto 21 Ross Geo. D.,<k Co., Montreal 2 Sewi-ll Bros.. Hamilton, Ont 89 Seymour & Co., Montreal '.... 45 Smith A. S., Hamilton, Ont 42 Sonne Tlios., .Montreal 71 Spies Geo. V , Toronto .^.... 27 St. Louis Hotel, Quebec 68 Tingley, Stewart ilc Co., Toronto... 42 Walters Adam, Quebec 67 Wheaton & Co., Toronto 46 White Star Line, Toronto. 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'' LIVEIIPOOL, 12, 15, 10 and 22 (iuineas, According to positio.i of berth and number in stateroom, all having equal privileges in the Saloon. Cliililt'cu under 13, Halt-farii ; under 3, Free. Kxcur- sion Tickets on iUvorable terms. Berths can be secured in advance of sailinj^ tliron^^h ^v of tlie Company's ag:ents, or l>y forwardiiijj^ a deiiosit of £5, or $35, to tlie Company's Oftices. T. W. JONES, J. BRUCE ISMAY, Agent, 49 Yonge St., Toroato. 41 Broadway, New York, MESSUS. ISMAY, IMKIE & CO., 31 Leadenhall St., Ldndss, E. C. 10 Water St., Liyerpjol. 1 1?i?i^l I r ^^n @i m IIhSI ^^^9n *^Btf^HnW]WJnnA\j^S^ ^ A Hw^l^ uSL i i^M^'l f^^o VittmlM^By^ W^m 3^fe ^^^bBbBbI^^^Hh.''>