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Lorsque le document est trop grend pour itre reproduit en un seul ciich*. 11 est film* i pertir de I'angia supArieur gauche, de geuche i droite. et de heut en Imc, en prenant la nombre d'inr^egee nAceeseire. Lee diagrammas suhranta illuatrent le mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE EIGHTH OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE ®£@)@@S€) @)t Smse)^! FOB THE YEAB EJSTJDINa Slst March, 1866. LONDON, C. W.: PKINTKD FOR THE CHURCH SOCIETY AT THE "FREE PRESS" STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, NORTH-ST. 18^6. TIME FOR HOLI>ING THE RZiOniiAR MlESISTmaS OF THE SOCIETir. Quarterly Meetings at 2 p.m. Standing Committee atj 4.00 p.m. on the day before the regular Quarterly meetings. ChUectiona during the year, as directed by Art. XVII., appointed by the Bishop. In January for Widows' and Orphans' Fund. April Mission Fund. July do. October do. Annual Subscriptions, Parochial Association Collections, and all moneys to appear in the Annual Report, should be sent in by the Slst day of March in each year, otherwise they will not appear until the following year's report. V OP THE OF THE DIOOESE OF HURON. ir¥ dfe ; T THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE. VEN. ARCHDEACON BROUOH. A.M. YEN. ARCHDEACON HELLMUTH, D.D. THE RURAL DEANS, HON. G. J. GOODHUE, M.L.C. F. TALFOURD. ESQ. L. LAWRASON, ESQ. CHARLES HUNT, ESQ. 1$ tanking Committee. THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENTS, SECRETARY and SOLICITOR, Ex-offlcio. REV. H. CAULFEILD, J. SMYTHE, M.A. E. E. NEWMAN, D. ARMSTRONG, S. TIGHE. A.B. J. GUNNB, A. TOWNLEY, D.D. F. D. FAUQUIER, J. CARMICHAEL, J. C. USHER, C. C. JOHNSON, S. DdBOURDIEU, R. J. ROBERTS. A.B. A. NELLBS, J. P. HINCKS, n «l It ti ti it tl i( t. (( ti it it DR. PHILLIPS, J B. STRATHY, ESQ. D. J. HUGHES, ESQ. M. HARRISON, ESQ. WILLIAM ELLIOT, ESQ. G. F. RYLAND, ESQ. J. HAMILTON, esq; T. THOMPSON. ESQ. J. BEARD, ESQ. P. ROE, ESQ. F. W. THOMAS, ESQ. S. PRICE, ESQ. C. J. KINGSTONE, ESQ. H. JOHNSTON. ESQ. COL. J. SHANLY, m JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. L. LAWRASON, ESQ. C. HUNT, ESQ. F. W. THOMAS, ESQ. Investment anb ^aixit (Committee. THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY, Ex-officio. H. S. STRATHY, ESQ. DR. PHILLIPS, E. T. LBDYARD, ESQ. JAMES SHANLY, ESQ. episcopal 4fttnb (fi^ommtttee. JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. I F. W. THOMAS, ESQ. I THE SECRETARY. Committee to C^ech Securities. JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. I CHARLES HUNT, ESQ. I F. W. THOMAS, ESQ ^nbitors. JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. I YEN. I. HELLMUTH, D.D. I A. G. SMYTHE, ESQ. ISoIicxtor. V. CRONYN, ESQ.; LL.B. THE MONTREAL BANK. J^ecretarg. REV. J. WALKER MARSH, M. A. RESOLUTIONS Passed by the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron; sanctioned and approved hy the Bishop of the Diocese. Moved by the Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M.A., seconded by Rev. F. W. Sandys, D.D., — Whereas it frequently happens that persons from various parts of the Diocese, and from other Dioceses, make application for assistance in building Churches, Parsonages; &c., to the Clergy and Laity of the Church throughout the Diocese, without any recognized authority and proof of the facts of the case for which application is made : — Resolved, therefore, that the Bishop be respectfully requested to establish as a rule in the Diocese that no clergyman or layman be permitted to collect money for any Church purpose beyond the bounds of his own mission, or to proceed to any other Diocese for the same purpose, without the sanction aud approval of the Bishop, given as a heading to his Subscrip- tion List; and that it be the duty of such collector to communicate with each clergyman before he makes a collection in his Parish; and that, on his return from his collection tour, every person collecting shall present his Subscription List to the Bishop, and account for all moneys received. And further, that no person from any other Diocese shall make collections within this Diocese without first obtaining the sanction of its Bishop, under his hand and seal. Moved by the Rev. F. W. Sandys, D.D., seconded by the Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M.A.,— Resolved, That inasmuch as great inconvenience and loss arise from the delay that too often takes place in making the collections for the Church Society and transmitting them to the Secretary, the Clergy are therefore requested to make the collections on some Sunday during the month appointed for each Collection, and to see that they are forwarded without delay to the Secretary. 4^ 11ES0LUTI0N8. .fc Moved by tho Vcn. Archdeacon Brough, A.M., seconded 'jy G. F. Ryland, Esq.,— Resolved, That all applications for grants of money, books, &o., shall . bo submitted for the consideration of tho Standing Committee previous to action by the Society thereon. Moved by the Rev. J. Gunne, seconded by the Rev. J. Walker Marsh, M.A.,— Resolved, that no change shall be made in tho Constitution of this Society, unless notice has been given at the previous quarterly meeting ; and further, that all proposed changes of the Constitution shall bo brought before tho Standing Committee for them to report upon. Moved by P. Roe, Esq., seconded by the Yen. Archdeacon Brough, A.M.,- Resolved, That the Lay Representatives of the Synod be considered ex f>fficio members of the Church Society, in so far as to enable them to attend and take part in all meetings of the Church Society which may be held during any week in which the Synod meets, dnring their term of office as members of the Synod. Moved by the Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M.A., seconded by the Rev. John McLean, M.A., — That, seeing it is absolutely necessary for tho successful working of the Church Society and the furtherance of the various objects embraced by its Constitution, that all parts of the Diocese should co-operate : Be it therefore resolved, That no assistance be given to any Parish or Con- gregation unless all the collections are regularly made by such Congre- gation, and a Parochial Association established in connection with the same, from which collections are annually made for the Society ; and, further, that the Bishop ba respectfully requested to apply the same rule to the S. P. C. K. Fund, for assisting in the building of Churohes in the Diocese. '10:' ■?f.. •,if^«f|HJ.- RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING, HELD ON THE 6th JUNE, 1866. The Annual Meeting of the Church Society was held in the City Hall, London, C. W., on Tuesday Evening, June 5th, 1866. The Chair was taken by the President, the Bight Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, at 7: 30 o'clock, P. m. The Bishop read the appointed prayers. The Secretary read the Report. Moved by J. Beard, Esq., seconded by Rev. J. McLean, M. A.— ^«ofo«^,— That the Report now read be adopted and printed. Moved, by Ven. I. Hellmuth, D. D., seconded by Rev; F. D. Fauquier,— Be8olved,—Th&t the abundant blessings, temporal and spiritual, of the past year, call for our devout and heartfelt thanks to the Giver of all good. Moved by F. W. Thomas, Esq., seconded by Rev. M. Boomer LL.D.,— Besolved,— That while the large measure of success vouchsafed to this Society during the past year, calls for our gratitude to Almighty God, the increasing wants of the Diocese should act as an incentive to further exertions in support of the important objects which the Society has in view. Moved by Rev. St. G. Caulfeild, LL.D., seconded by Rev. J. C. Usher, — Resolved, — That inasmuch as the Church of England possesses a Scriptural organization as well as " the faith once for all delivered to the saints ;" it is the duty of all her members to aid and support her to the utmost of their ability, by honoring her services, earnestly main- taining her doctrines, and contributing with a liberal hand to her measures for the evangilization of the nations at homo and abroad. Moved by Rev. G. J. R. Salter, M.A., seconded by Rev. J. Walker Marsh, M.A., — Resolved, — That the thanks of this meeting are due, and are hereby ?;iven, to his Worship the Mayor and the Members of the Corporation, or their kindness in granting the free use of the City Hall this evening. i\ CONSTITUTION OF THI ^ ADOPTED BY THE SOCIETY, AND CONFIRMED BY THE BISHOP, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1858. INCORPORATED FOR PROMOTING THE FOLLOWING OBJECTS: Firstly— For the encouragement and support of Miflsionaries and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Huron, and for creating a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen, and towards making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. Seoondlt— For the encouragement of education, and for the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the said Diocese* in con- formity with the principles of the said Church. Thirdly— For granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may be preparing for the Ministry of the GU)spel in the said Church, within the suid Diocese. Fourthly— For circulating in the said Diocese the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the said Church, and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the Central Board or Managing Committee of the said Association. Fifthly — For obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment, and maintenance of Churches, according to the establishment of the said Church in the said Diocese ; the erection and maintenance of Parsonage-houses ; the setting apart of Burial Grounds and Church Yards ; the endowment and support of Par- sonages and Rectories, according to-the same establishment, and . the management of all matters relating to such endowments. 8 CONSTITUTION. I. That before the Society iball enter upon any businesi at any of its meet- ingi, the following prayers shall be said :— Pmvknt d8, Lord, in all odi doings, with thy most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in Thee, we may gloryfy Thy holy name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlastrng life, through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. Amit. God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we humbly beseech Thee to prosper with Thy blessing the designs of this Society, and to comfort with Thy grace those benefactors who contribute to its support. Visit with Thy favor our Sovereign, QniiN ViOTOBiA, and all in authority under her, and so rule their hearts, that they may in all things seek Thy honor and glory. Bless the ministry of Thy servants, the Olergy, ; the endeavours of all who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in this Province, and the labors of those Mission* aries who are promoting the same in foreign parts. Inspire continually the Universal Ohurch with a spirit of truth, unity, and concord, and because it cannot continue in safety without Thy succor preserve it evermore by Thy help and goodness ; and may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Ohurch, through Jesus Ohrist our Lord. Amrn. Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amin. AND WHEN BUSINESS IS ENDED. Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we Thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness, to us and to all men ; moro particularly for the providential support by which this Society hath been enabled to extend the knowledge of Thy sacred truth. But above all, for thy inestimable love in the redemption of the world by Thy blessed Son ; for the means of grace and for the hope of glory, which thou hast given us, in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ; to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honor and glory, world without end. Amu. The OBAOB of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellow- ship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Ambn. n. That the Society shall consist of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, and of All Clergymen and Laymen who shall contribute to its funds. 1 \ CONHTITUTIUN. 9 III. That the Lord Bishop of tho Diocese be President, and the Dignitaries within the Diocese be Vice>President8 of the Society. IV. That the Corporation shall consist of the Bishop of tho Diocese, of the members appointed by the charter, and of so many of tho other members as shall be elected members of the Corporation at the meetings to be from time to time holden, on the day and at the place appointed by the by-laws of the Cor- poration for its stated meetings. That every incorporated member of tlie Society shall subscribe not less than five dollars annually, to the funds of the Society, or contribute lOt loss than fifty dollars in one sum, or land to tho value of one hundred dollars •■, and it shall be the duty of tho Secretary on tho first day of April in each year, to notify all incorporated members who have not paid for tho current year, and at the meeting in the month of Juno in each and every year to make a return to those who have not paid up the five dollars for the year ending J 1st of May previous, and such shall cease to be incorporated members of the said Society. ' ' ^ VI. That there shall be a Standing Committee (three of whom shall be a quorum,) to prepare the business for tho meetings of the Society. That the President, Vice-Presidents, Rural Deans, Secretary and Solicitor be Ex-OFFioio members of the Standing Committee. That the Standing Committee shall consist of, in addition to the members ix-OFrioio, fifteen Clergymen and fifteen Laymen, who shall be elected by ballot out of the Incorporated Members at their quarterly meeting in June, of whom i \ five of each order shall retire each year. ^ VII. ' That this Society shall, at the quarterly meeting in June, choose ono or more Vice-Presidents, in addition to the Dignitaries ; one or more Treasurers ; two or more Auditors ; one Secretary ; and such other officers as shall be thought necessary, provided that none but members of the Society shall be eligible to any office. VIII. That the paid officers of the Society shall be the Secretary, and an Assis- tant if required, and that the former shall furnish security to the satisfaction of the President and Standing Committee. 10 CONSTITUTION. IX. That if anj vacancy occur by the death, removal or resignation of any officer, notice of such vacancy shall be given to the Incorporated members of the Society, and the Preiident shall appoint a successor until the next meeting of the Corporation. X. That the Corporation shall meet in London, on the first Wednesday in the months of March, September and December, and in the month of June on some day during the weelc in which the Synod meets, provided, however, that the Bishop shall have the power of changing the time of meeting in any of the said months if he shall sec good cause, and the annual public meeting of the Society shall take place on some evening during the week in June in which the Synod meets. The President or Standing Committee shall have power to call a special meeting of the Corporation at any tune. XI. That no act done in any meeting of the Society shall be valid and effectual unless the President or some one of the Vice-Presidents shall be present at such meeting. XII. .That with regard to all meetings of the Society, and to the making, altering or repealing any by-laws, rules or regulations, it is to be specially noticed that by the Act of the Legislature, 7 Vic, ch. 68, it is enacted that no act of the Society, or meeting of the Corporation, shall be valid, unless six persons of the Corporation, at the least, shall be present, and the major part of them consenting thereto. And, further, that no constitution, by-law, rule, or regulation of the Society ; nor any abrogation, repeal, change or alteration of the same shall be of any force or effect until it shall have been confirmed by the Bishop, in writing, under his hand. XIIL That minutes of all the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at each meeting of the Society the minutes of the preceding meeting be read by the Secretary, and signed by the Chairman. XIV. That the accounts of the Society be closed the 15th day of May, in each year, and that the same be audited within one month from that date. XV. That the Secretary conduct the correspondence of the Society, take minutes of the proceedings of the general meetings and committees, prepare the CONSTITUTION. 11 annual report of tho Society, attend meetings of the associations throughout the Diocese, under the direction of the President, and take the superintendence of the affairs and the accounts of the Society in all its departments. XVI. That in order more fully to promote the objects of the Society, each con- gregation, in the persons of its clergyman and churchwardens, shall be a sub-association in correspondence, through its chairman, the clergyman, with the Parent Society, and may be denominated " Thb Parochial Association of THB Church Society." The Committee, which shall consist of the above named, with power to add to their number, shall meet so often, and at such periods as they themseUes decide to be most convenient, inviting the co-opera- tion of all the parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavor, by every means in their power, to augment the resources of the Society. All moneys raised to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Parent Society. XVII. That four collections be made annually, the proceeds of one of which shall be devoted to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and that of the other three to Missionary purposes ; and at such other times and for such purposes as the Bishop may direct. The collections to be forwarded to the Secretary of ihe Society. It shall be the duty of every clergyman to give notice of these col- lections, and to call the attention of their congregations to the importance of the objects, and their claims for liberal support. XVIII. That all moneys shall be paid by cheques on the Treasurer, signed by the President, and in his absence by the person administering the Diocese, and in case of the vacancy of the See by one of the Vice-Presidents, and counter, signed by the Secretary. EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OP THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF THK « In presenting their Eighth Annual Report, the Standing Committee desire, with heart-felt gratitude to Almighty God, to caU attention to the large increase in the income of the Society for the past year ; and this they feel they are warranted in looking upon as an indication that His blessing is vouchsafed to the Society, for without this all our exer- tions would be vain, for " Paul may plant, and ApoUos may water," but God alone can give the increase. While, however, the Committee acknowledge that miich has been done, they also feel that much more requires to be done, forthe growing wants of the Diocese have absorbed all our available funds, and the vacant places are not yet all supplied. During the past year the Lord has, indeed, abundantly blessed our country, and permitted " the earth to yield her ipcrease," well, therefore, may we say with the Psalmist, " Let the people praise Thee, God, let all the people praise Thee;" but a further duty also lies upon our people, which the Committee feel has not yet been fully performed, and that is to render unto God the first fruits of their increase, for thus only can we look in future years for " God, even our own God," to bless us." T REPORT. 13 Income, During the past year the income, derived from the Diocese, has reached the sum of 18502.59, which is no less than $1503.79 more tlian the previous year, and 1727.03 more than any former year, and bespeaks a growing interest in the work of the Society in the hearts of our people ; but when we consider that this has been contributed by about 150 con- gregations; and that it is not on an average $60 from each congregation towards all the objects of the Society for a lohole year, it will be felt that the full ability of our people has not yet been reached. General Purposes Fund, The amount received for this fund is $5140.50, and this, with the balance in hand, has enabled the Society, besides meeting the expenses of management, to grant $1140.59 to Churches ; $418.85 in books to Sunday Schools,and to carry $430 to lue Widows' and Orphans' fund,and $400 to the Mission Fund. The meeting of the Provincial Synod last year entailed a heavy expense on this fund ; to repay this, however, and to provide for the expenses of our own Synod, an assessment has been laid on all the congregations of the Diocese, which will eventually repay the amount advanced ; the sum assessed for the past year was $284.00, of which $153.00 have been paid, leaving $131.00 due by the congregations who have not, as yet, answered the call made upon them. T Mission Fund, For this fund there has been received from the Diocese $2772.69, which, with the usual grant from the S. F. G., $1000.00 from the interest of the Commutation, and $400.00 from the General Purposes Fund, has enabled the Society to meet all demands on this fund ; but we commence the year with an exhausted treasury, the balance on hand being less than $60.00, and our liabilities are increasing ; it is, therefore, imperatively necessary either that the income of this fund be increased, or that the demands upon it be restrained, otherwise confusion must inevitably ensue. During the past year, $11,791.00 have been employed 14 RIPOBT. in forwarding this branch of the Society's work, including $700 spent in our Indian Missions. Widotvs' and Orpluins' Fund, The receipts for this fund during the year from the Diocese have been 1589.40, and this, with $1053.72 interest from investments, and 0430.00 from the General Purposes Fund, has enabled the Society, after paying the pensions, to add to the investments belonging to this fund, as will be seen by the accounts in the Appendix. Depository Fund, During the year the receipts from the sale of books, including the grants to Sunday Schools from the G-. P. F., amounted to $842.97. The balance to the credit of this fund is $371.23, besides the stock of books on hand. , 8, JP. C, K, Fund, fm* Building Churches, During the past year $436.00 have been granted towards the build- ing of churches in answer to applications sent by the Bishop ; but the Committee regret to announce that the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has felt it necessary to suspend all further money grants for two years, which will compel our people to depend more upon their own exertions, and lay a greater burden upon our General Purposes Fund, if churches are to be assisted in future. General Furposes Land Fund, During the past year a part of the lands held by the Society in the Townships of Enniskillen and Dawn has been sold, which has largely increased the investments of this fund ; more remains for sale, which it is hoped, during the coming year, will also be sold and invested, and thus made available for the work of the Society. ■ S 4i i BEPOBT. 16 .i TRUST FXINDS. Commutation Fund, The capital of this fund shows a steady increase, by the reinvest- ment of debentures as they mature ; $1166.00 in debentures have been added to the capita] this year, which, as a matter of course, adds to the income ; thus gradually increasing the available surplus after paying the salaries on this fund. The annual surplus has now reached over $1400.00. ^ Episcopal Fund, The capital of this fund, although a gradual improvement is made each year, does not yet produce an income sufficient to meet the claims upon it ; still the Committee are gratified in being able to report that the annual interest from the securities belonging to this fund is now within about $300.00 of what is required for the present Episcopal stipend and expenses ; and that within four years at farthest the fund will be increased by nearly that amount from securities to bo received from the Diocese of Toronto, at all events on the 1st of January, 1870, S even if not before. The several other minor trusts administered by the Society arc fully explained in the accounts published in the Appendix. Such is a brief review of the Society's work during the past year, which, on the whole, presents much encouragement, and gives hopeful expectation that our people are awakening to the importance of supporting the Society, tbe organization upon which, under Godi we must more and more depend in future years, for the success of the Church's work in all parts of the Diocese,and more especially in the newer and more destitute places. During the past year one Clergyman has been called to his rest, the Rev. George Salmon, but he, although giving occasional assistance as he was able, has not, since the establishment of this Diocese, had any regular charge ; several others have left us to labour in other Dioceses, but their places have been more than supplied by additional labourers, thus increasing the number of the Clergy, which the Committee trust will lead to increased blessings to the Diocese, and tend to the enlarge- ment of the operations of the Society in future years. All which is respectfully submitted. 16 APPENMX. The SECRETARY of the CHURCH SOCIETY, in account FOR THE EIGHTH YEAR To Balance at end of 7th year $ 4,476 33 INCOME FROM THE DIOCESE DURING EIQIITH TEAR. To Cash for General Purposes Fund $ 5,140 50 " Missien Fund 2,772 69 " " Widows and Orphans' Fund..... 589 40 Total income from Diocese 8,502 59 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS, AC, &C. To Cash, S. P. G. grant to Mission Fund $ 7,262 21 '' C. F. Fund, Interest to Mission Fund, 1,000 00 " G. P. F., to Mission Fund 400 00 " Interest on Investments, W. & O.s' F. 1,053 72 *' G. P. F., to W. & 0.8' Fund 430 00 *' Depository Fund for Sales 842 97 " From S. P. C K. for Churches 436 00 " G. P. Land Account Interest 287 43 ** Interest for M. F. & Student's Inv'ts, 145 67 11,858 00 FOR INVESTMENT. To Cash, W. & 0.8' Fund, Inv'ment matured, 1,700 00 ** General Purposes Land 11,919 52 " M. F. & Student's Investments 434 93 14,054 45 TRUST FUNDS. To Cash, Commutation Fund Capital 6,590 00 *; " " Interest 13,857 03 *• Episcopal Fund Capital. 633 34 " " •* Interest 2,066 75 " Wardsville 343 26 " Dunwich 335 60 " Huntingford 138 00 " Wilmot , 796 19 '* KondEau 10115 Hall'sMills 202 25 25,063 57 $63,953 94 AvPtumx. 17 with the CHURCH SOCIETY of the Diocese of Huron, BNDINO MAROH 3l8T, 1866. I» .A. TT ^^ E IT O? S . Or. By Paid on aoooant of General Purposes Fand.$ 5,233 23 " " Mission Fund 11,791 00 W.&0.s'Fund 4,468 12 Depository Fund 818 35 S.P. C.K.Fund 965 12 General Purposes Land. 11,308 06 M. F. & Student's Inv'ts 689 68 (I (I $35,263 56 •A. TBUST FUNDS. By Paid Commutation Fund Capital $ 7,216 00 •• Interest 14,544 7« " Episcopal Fund Capital 619 00 " " " Interest 2,505 24 ♦' Wardsvillo 355 10 " Huntingford 138 00 " Wilmot 708 65 " Bond Eau 100 00 " Hali'sMills 200 00 26,386 69 961,650 25 Balance on hand 2,303 6P .S l~ 163,953 94 The above audited, and found oomet. Balance in hand two thousand three hondred and three dollars and sixty-nine cents. B. T. LEDYARD, i *„„,-„.. JOHN BBARD, JAuditom. London, C.W., May 4(b, 18 APPENDIX. STATEMGNT OF EACH FUl IN DIM Dr. GENERAL PURPOSES FUND. Cr. RECEIPTS. $ r. To Balance at end of 7th year 1,086 73 To Cash, Parochial Asso- ciation Collections and Annual Subscriptions. 4,983 50 To Cash, Synod Assess- ments 153 00 To Cash, Donation 4 00 $6,227 23 PAYMENTS. By Paid Postage " Contingent Exp. '♦ Rent of Office.. ** Insurance " Furniture, for Office By Paid *Printing ♦• 7th An- nual Report By Paid Printing Synod's Minutes By Paid Stationery, &c. . . " GrantSjChurches " Books to Sunday Schools By PaidSec'y's Salary.. " Provincial Syn'd Delegates to do. Deputation Exp. M. F. Com.'s do Solicitor Taxes on Lot in St. Vincent By Paid W.&O.s' Fund " Mission Fund.. (( tc $ C. 137 38 103 00 75 00 5 50 23 00 108 90 276 00 44 00 30 23 1,140 59 418 85 1,100 00 200 50 420 00 182 06 37 65 2 94 97 63 430 00 400 00 16,233 23 By Balance 994 00 $6,227 23 • S This include! printing for the Synod and all diocesan printing* iM_, t ■ \ ' AttENOlX. Id Dr. Mission Fund. Or. BIOEIPTS. PAYMENTS. f c. $ C. To Balance at end of 7th By Paid Salaries 2,881 00 year 414 43 " Outfit and Ex- To Cash Collection at Annual Meeting penses 710 00 61 10 By Paid Indian School- To Cash Donations 411 22 master and Catechists 700 00 " April Collec- tions (7th year) 34 19 By Paid S. P. G. Mis- sionaries 7,500 00 To Cash October do 5 00 " Meetings do. .. 600 111,791 00 . '• July Collecti'ns 540 62 By Balance 58 33 " October do 439 65 *• Thanksgiv'g do 499 65 " Meetings do... 775 26 " S. P. G.Grant. 7,262 21 " From Commu- tation Fund Interest. 1,000 00 To Cash from G.P.Fund 400 00 ,. $11,849 33 $11,849 33 Dr. Widows' and Orphans' Fund. Cr. RECEIPTS. $ C. To Balance at end of 7th year 72107 To Cash Collection (7th year) 5 00 To Cash Jan. Collections (8th year) 580 40 To Cash Donation 4 00 " Investment ma- tured 1,700 00 To Cash, Interest on In- vestments 1,053 72 To Cash from G.P.Fund 430 00 $4,494 19 u. PAYMENTS. $ C. By Paid Pensions 1,100 00 " For Investments 3,358 12 By Balance. $4,458 12 36 07 $4,494 19 20 APPENDIX. Dr. Depository Fimd. Or. BIOBIPTS. $ C. To Balance at end of 7th year 346 61 ToOashSales 424 12 " From G. P. F. forGrantB 418 85 $1,189 58 PATII1NT8. I C. By Paid for Books 722 43 " " Carriage on Books 86 92 By Paid Insurance 9 00 " Balance. 371 23 11,189 58 Dr. Gtoneral Purposes Land. Or. EEOSIPTS. $ C. To Gash for Land Sold. 11,919 62 " Interest... 287 43 (i 112,206 95 PATMBNTS. $ C. By Balance due at end of7thyear 14 24 ByPaidTaxes 120 74 " Expenses 17 82 Accrued Infest 11 83 For Investme'ts 11,157 67 "Balance 884 65 tt t( $12,206 95 Dr. Mission Fund and Students' Investments. Or. RECEIPTS. $ C. To Balance at end of 7th year 67 06 To Cash on hand 434 93 " Interest 145 67 " Balance due $647 66 . 42 02 $689 68 PAYMENTS. $ C. By Paid for Investments. 590 70 Taxes. 98 98 it (( $689 68 '1 APPENDIX 21 Dr. S. p. O. K. Fund for Building Ohurohes. «r. • \ RECEIPTS. f C. To Balance at end of 7th year 904 84 To Cash from S. P. O.K. 436 00 11,340 84 PATMINTS. • e. By Paid Walkerton Oh.. 72 G7 *' Oh. at Blenheim 8 22 " Mohawk Ohuroh 488 89 " St. John's, Sul- livan 72 67 By Paid St. Mark's, Hol- land 7267 By Paid Ohurch at Deal- town 60 00 By Paid Hall's MiUs' Endowment 200 00 $96612 By*Balanoe 376 72 $1,340 84 * This balance belongs to Teeswater, $62.39; Waterford, $72.67; Dealtown, $22.67 ; CkMfield, $72.66 ; MoDemitts, $72.66; West TUbury, $72.67. Total. $375.72. TBUST FUNDS. Dr* Commutation Fund Capital. Or. ., . ,.^ ,. EEOEIPTS. $ C. To Balance at end of 7th year 182 50 To Cash, Debentures ma- tured 6,590 00 $6,772 50 To Balance due 443 50 J J? i^'Su^-^ $7,216 00 PAYMENTS. By Paid for Debentures. 7,216 00 $7,216 QQ APPINDIX. I Dr^ Commutation Fund Intereit. Or. BBOIIPTS. I c. To Balanoo at end of 7th year 714 12 To Gash, Intoroston In- voBtmonta 13,857 03 $14,671 16 PATUIMTS. $ c. By Paid Salaries 13,486 98 " Gore Bank for OoUeoting 34 90 By Paid do for Disoount 22 82 '* Mission Fund. 1,000 00 114,644 70 By balanoo on hand 26 46 $14,671 16 Dr. Episcopal Fund Oapital. Or. RECEIPTS. C. To balance at end of 7th year 8 74 ToCash from Inv'tments 333 34 To do. for Land sold . . 300 00 $642 08 PATMBNTS. $ e. By Paid for Debentures 619 00 By Balance to Credit. . 23 08 $642 08 Dr. .10 Bpisoopal Fund Interest. Or. BEOEIPTS. $ C. To balance at end of 7th year 50 88 To Cash, Interest from Investments 2,059 95 To do. Law Expenses returned 6 80 $2,117 63 To Balance to Debit. . . 387 61 $2,506 24 PAYMENTS. C. By Paid Bishop, Stipend 2,400 00 By '' Insurance 66 50 By •* Taxes 32 39 By " Solicitor 6 10 By " Begistrar'sFee 126 $2,606 24 • S APPENDIX. 2B Dr. WardsTille Truft. RIOIIPTS. c. 16 69 25 00 To BaUnoo at end of 7th year To Gash, Balance on J. Stoatt's Mortgage To Cash from U.C Petro- ls.. m & Mining Co 300 00 To Oaah, Int't on Inv'ts 15 95 " From RevJ.T. Wright for Investment. . 2 31 1359 95 PATMIMTS. By Paid for Inyestmentii " Rv. J.T.Wright " Balance to Credit. .. . Or. $ 344 00 11 10 486 1359 95 Dr. Dunwioh Trust. Or. BK0IIPT8. $ C. To Cash received on In- vestments 335 60 $335 60 FATHENT8. $ C. 4 By Balance due at end of 7th year 27 14 By Balance to Credit. . . 308 46 $335 60 Dr. Wilmot Trust. Or. SEOEIFTS. $ C. To Cash from C. D. Brown.Bsq 637 54 To Cash from Rev. H. F. Mellish 40 00 To Cash from Inv'tments 90 00 .:, « " Interest on Investments 20 65 $79^ 19 PAYMENTS. $ C. By Paid for Investments 688 00 " Rev. H. F. Mel- lish 20 65 By Balance to Credit. ... 87 54 $796 19 u APPENDIX. ! Dr. Huntingford Trust. Cr. RECEIPTS. $ C. To Bal. at end of 7th year 3 04 To Cash, Int't on Inves't 138 00 1141 04 PAYMENTS. S C. By P'd Rv. F.D.Fauquier 138 00 " Balance to Credit. ... 3 04 $141 04 Dr. Bond Eau Trust. Cr. $ c. To Cash from E. S. Stod- dart, Esq. 100 00 To Cash, Int't on Inves't 1 16 $101 16 $ c. By Paid for Investment. . 100 00 " Balance to Credit.... 1 16 $101 16 Dr. Hall's Mills Trust. Cr. $ e. ToCashfromS.P.C.K. Fund,being the bequest of the late Dr. Hall ... 200 00 To Cash, Int't on Inves't 2 26 $202 26 By Invested 200 00 " Balance to Credit ... 2 26 $202 26 Be. balances. Cr. M. F. & Students' Inv'ts $ e. 42 02 443 60 387 61 G.P.Fund $ c. . . 994 00 C. F. Capital Mission Fund RA 5» Episcopal Fund Interest W. &0.8'Fund 36 07 Depository Fund 371 23 S. P.C. K. Fund 376 72 G. P. Land 884 66 C.F. Interest 26 46 Episcopal Fund Capital. 23 06 WardsviUe 4 86 Dunwich 308 46 Huntingford 3 04 Wilmot 5*7 lu Bond Eau 1 16 HaU's Mills LesB Debit .. 226 $3,176 82 .. 873 13 $873 13 $2,303 69 ;■ f f ■:- • s 'I c. / . • \ ! APPENDIX. 25 INVESTED FUNDS. widows' and orphans' fund. Twenty-five Shares in County Middlesex Building Society, on which paid $2,799 14 County of Middlesex Debentures 10,700 00 City of London Debentures 2,000 00 Bev. T. Green's Mortgage 400 00 Uev. J. C. Gibson's Loan, secured by Assignment of Lil'e Policy for £200 stg 300 00 Rev. A. Jamieson's Loan, secured by Assignment of Life Policy for £400 stg 350 00 Rev. F. W. Sandys' Loan, secured by Assignment of Life Policy for $4,000 500 00 Rev. A. H. R. MulhoUand's Loan, secured by Assignment of Life Policy for 12,000 600 00 Forty-eight Shares in Upper Canada Bank 1,440 00 Seventy-eight Shares in British American Assurance Co. . 1,935 00 $21,024 14 mission fund and students' fund. Debentures $1,460.00 Mortgages, 568 82 $2,028 82 OENEBAL PURPOSES LAND. Debentures $14,245 00 Mortgages 3,029 48 $17,274 48 TRUST FUNDS. COMMUTATION FUND Debentures $274,465 50 EPISCOPAL FUND. Debentures, Mortgages and Leases, $42,123 71 WABDSYILLE. Debentures $570 00 DUNWICH. Debentures and Balance of Mortgage , $1,311 00 HUNTINOFORD. Debentures $2,300 60 WILMOT. Debentures and Mortgage $620 00 BOND lAU. Debentures $116 00 hall's mills. DebentQres , $226 GO 26 APPENDIX. GRANTS FBOM THE GENEBAL FUBFOSES FUND DURING EIGHTH YEAR. BOOKS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Kov. S. H. Phillips $ 60 " J.Kennedy 4 42 " J. P. Curran 18 49 " H.Caulfeild 3 95 " H.B.Jessopp 10 90 " A.S.Falls ' 7 33 " F.G.Elliott 650 " A.Lampman 2 66 " J.P.Hincks 3 25 "J.C. Usher 11 00 " J.S.Baker 4 32 " C.C. Johnson 3 20 " W.B.Evans 1135 " Dr.Caulfeild 8 43 Ven. C. C. Brough 6 61 Rev. E. Patterson 3 00 " J.C.Gibson 1170 " S.Tighe 3095 " H.P.Chase 195 " T.E.Sandcrs 8 75 Miss Moore, for St. Patrick's, Biddulph 8 21 Rev.E.L. Elwood 6 25 Aylmer Sunday School 6 05 Rev. W.Davis 12 85 " A. Elliott..... 2025 '• R.J.Roberts 2100 " A.Nelles 9 50 " R.S.Cooper 1125 " F.D.Fauquier 3 37 " T. C. Des Barres 160 " G.M. Innes 150 " Dr. Townlcy 175 " W. Bettridge .-... 16 68 " R.Fletcher 15 25 St. Paul's, London, per F. Jewell 3 00 Rev. A. E. Miller 6 00 Carried forward $302 67 ' S A«». APPENDIX. 27 GBANTS FBOM THE GENEBAL FUBFOSES FUND DURING EIGHTH YEAR. Brought forward $302 67 •• W.B.Rally 9 75 " Dr.Schulte 6 25 " H.J.Evans 3 00 " G.Keys... 24 25 " W.Peake 4 25 AshfieldS.S 120 Rev. Dr. Sandys 7 50 '• G.J.R.Salter 3 75 " J.Smythe 9 00 " S.DuBourdicu 3 50 " S.B.KeUogg 1043 " H.Bartlett 6 00 " J.T.Wright 7 77 *• E.Softley 13 28 " R. Hill 6 25 '\ 1418 85 CHUBOHES. Kinloss 103 25 Belmont 27 34 Town Plot, Howich 30 00 Blenheim 30 00 Christ Church, Harrietsville 50 00 St. Luke's, Stanley 100 00 St. John's, Sullivan 50 00 St. Mark's, Holland 50 00 All Saints', Windsor 60 00 St. Paul's, Clinton 100 00 St. Paul's, Dungannon 220 00 St. Paul's, Kirkton 50 00 St. Paul's, Munceytown 15 00 Dealtown 25 00 St. Paul's, Burford 80 00 Innerkip 50 00 St. George's, Owen Sound 100 00 11140.59 APPENDIX. GRANTS FBOM THE MISSION FUND DURINa EIGHTH YEAR. S. P. G. MISSIONARIES. Rev.J.P.Curran, 15 rno's,* 500 00 T.E.Sanders, J. Hutchinson, W. B. Kallr, H.F. Hellish, D. Armstrong, " J. GarmiohaeT, " S. Ti^e, J. P.Hincks, W.Clotworthy, " T.C.DesBarres" S.B.Kellogg, ,R. Fletcher, S.E.Newman, J.P.Wright, W. B. Evans, J. Sohulte, A. S. Falls, G. Keys, S.DaBourdiea," B. Softley, " R. S. Cooper, A. E. Miller, S.H.PhilUps, W. Davis, G.J. Low, ««w — S. Harris, 12 months, 200 00 J. 8. Baker, " 200 GO W. Green, " 200 00 R. Hill, 3 months, 50 GO W. Daunt, " 50 GO T.H.Appleby," 50 GO (( K tl (i <( (C (»•- (t ti t< t< CI (t (t l( Ci (I 4« (( *( (( i( It t« It II II II l( II C( II CI (I II II (< 11 niod 18688- ent. • • o o o o o e ta >-tr-t oQ^a 1? o o o o o o iO »>- o ei o ta o rH 00 O F^ 2! - 00 eo e» m ••* I-* i-» 1? S mB . i-i « 04 t- © • • • q.2'2 o o lO 04 ta • • h" 5gN s o 00 CO cH • • • • • • • o s . «o m ^ o o • JS.p 1-t m o rl ^i| o r-i t- C4 to ■-• o © ^ lO a OJ*- CO CO O M 00 la 00 Tt< cot- 04 CO ^ I '^ o OS et GQ o .a .a o 00 o DQ CQH • a • 'is cqOoq a a 4> 4 «^. s .s a GQ .a to P o s ^ a o •a a o ca A^^INDIX. di t-1 -*— N ss H •-• 30 o » i-t > o 1 C4 > o ) 00 O 00 o o «!-• • o • o CO n o o o 00 00 M lO •-I CO e4 >0 CO aOr-* rt fO CO o N ft o CO 00 e« e lO «o o o ta in »n o Ui o i-< e^ *- o o CO «o o «o o t- 0> O 00 00 to CO 00 CO CO CO iO O CO Oil o 0> CO o eo CO i-« f-l o o o o C9 «0 CO 1^ o o f-« 00 CO 00 IO IO IO to CO 04 r^ I-t CO 04 CO o o C4 I o o • o •s G> •S a s I » I •."k CQCQ CO IS Cm O aa ^ OQ ^ ca o (4 CM QQ J3 JO ^ s. •g ,5 ^ © -a CQCQ Oh? » 00 « t» CQ n : ^ • .a • o • oa I :4 • ^ .•a •2 IS • S . in* JO ^- cc a u .5 oa J s? 9. S « ^ a o S b r2 5 ■« +» o .a 1 CQ «> o IB i I CQ ID I •a •a Eh S § ea n I 9i CO 00 CO i o •\ QO Ud rH W H O P? o CQ O O 8 APPtSNl>IX. P 6 a* • S e o n lO S o o CO go o o o o o o o o o o o la C4 fH ^ iH ^ 04 § o CO t> o m o o *» "H CO i-< « i-< r4 1S«5 ■ o o in o o o> lO 00 ^ o o m o o o Cd •^ "* o o m O to C4 in « CO O O Q <0 ■* ^ M e4 04 moo »- le ^ ooooooom ooino<-io«-^ •nosocoM^fHin i1_ is=? go m'ln o o o n o 04 C4 o m o m O(0CqcO'-lC4e4O4 o o m o o in 1 CO CO in 04 O o in 00 ^ to 04 CO i-l 1-1 00 00 00 04 O (O . 00 ^ o m • i-i 04 ^ ^ r fH 04 04 > o in O 04 • 04 CO in <0 04 04 04 rH 04 04 o o o 11 O CO »- CO in o CO 04 in r-< rH fH © ft in o o o«> o o in«> o ■n m o o 00^ 04 m 00 C4 00 CO 00 o COO 04 (D ^ 04 ' CO 04 • in (O o o 0> 00 04 : 5 a : • 8 g • J -..§5 ^ as APPENDIX. 33 o 00 00 00 o ■"1* 00 o 00 CJ /^^^^N^^-'^.^ ^^»/S^ r- o o o o o o o o o o o o o I o 00 ooc*>ao)e^ao^^maO'^coc4 M^e-i © C4 00 « 00 O H O » •J O o o c4 o ^ O CO M • >a 00 • in in MO»ena)>n)nincoco t-c4oo^oo©inint-c^©c9«C«IOO^©©©Op-iOO© «D in o"t- '* o © in"o *- o *->ii •«*• ' »-£-c40oi-)^winoO'Ht>^^'^ MOC^Oi-)^©©©©©©©© • M m o © in o • t> 04 0> <0 <0 CO ' 00 •^ N <-• fH iH eA'H©©eoo .,ooinin*->-t©©o^ WCO'^CflNi-iP* CO o o O „ >• 00 :3 d o> OQOO • > Es a o a d 8 ao m d o -^^ •*? nT lis « w o 00 A in 00 O »- in t- CO 00 © © 00 © '-I in 1-4 CO © © o o © o © © t3 iH r-4 d ri COOOCQ d i (4 .a bO -s n 8? l-« (u u o o en (4 a, h d o ij H^ : :^" ^ • ■ :^ 1^ O E-* ^-? : ^ d M 'O 2 : a o m m rding. ckridg t3 • d • 0) «St§;l o W'.^fe^ (»^q w > >:<1 t"' ► a> ^ o8 0) 0)^ ® « 05 >oi 03 03tf d o o QQ .a .a d o oa SB I 00 si a o CO >» : d V o 1^ CO d CO u O W < a 60 34 CO oo m ^ ^ CD 00 P3 O O O O APPENDIX. O H H O A o •* *- p ■-I fH <2 f-« Q <0 O ^ M e to t 9 , , ^ ' mm ,»^N^< , » » ^ 1^ sss c4 e> ^ M) 00 o n to O 1-1 © o I O M 00 p Q Q 04 0> t« >0 M 00 e e o o o e • CO • '^t _ jooooe^-oia»>cDiaiA eiio»ocooc«^*-^^«0'^«oo3 *->-ion'-4e4oorHoooooo laoooooooMootomiopoo (OrHocooi-iooooeoeoo 1 ^ C4 O 00 CO O »H CO M 00 00 ' C4 to ^) *- o O iH e 1-4 o o rH n e004<0 «o A>0'^eo»-ooo^ i-t . i-H i^ r^ . iH i^ • 6073 s 04 00 04 CO 00 00 a iS .- S • » •'S I ilia OQOQGQ lti|ililllial||i;::ii s s a O S « > & a a o OQ d % O g o I '^ =3^ OQ a o •♦a o , APFBNDIX. 35 SS to C4 O 0> o o> s m lA S; s e o 00 04 «e «s o 00 IO n 00 00 o e o o o o I o o o o o o o o o o o o e« 1-1 «■-•■-< o o o IO CO o o o o ^ IH 00 (O^ 00 >A o o e o IO e4 i-< 00 IO »-l to o «o ■* ■* 00 CO CO w IO lA n ^ ;o Q t> e4i> <0 00 «e •-4 N 1-4 CO e o s 0« 00 i e 00 IO IO •-• (O Ok- ie 1^ o o o <— a» O 4 o IO IO IO o (O o «0 1-4 (O (O IO (0 O ^ t» CO lOO 04 O i-t i-l o o o o o ■^lO IO 1-4 . CO • C4 • M CO IO IO IO o 00*- ■-• t- ^ I-l ««l o o IO 00 o ^ rH 1-4 IO lO o o o o> IO 1-4 ^ O (S lO 00 M> O A CO 04 lO O 00 ■* IO IO ISi CO IO 00 9 o IO C4 00 o o MS ^ O) A CO <- 04 O IO ^ CO (O 04 0> ^ IO C4 <0 O 04 o> rH 04 1-4 O 00 t- t-l 04 IO CO CO IO t- CO « IO CO COJ IO 1-4 IO ^ 04 O O lO ^ CO 04 00 ^ 00 04 C« CO A<0£> ^^ CO fH CO IO 00 •.a S g ■J ^ to o Mi e to 4o OS g«l ^. « 05 •a • a • :■& ,e 9 ft4 OQ •g : d • o . rfS "« a w • .s •gt-* oLJ a 3 •5 -^ • & 2 "2 • •• • m • «> M4i .a 04 •3 •2 m at 0Q»-3to o « Oh e o PQ Q QQ I OS I 1 M a S .a eg I (3 r SI I Q 36 APPJBNOIX. CO 00 CO n Q g CO oo ::« o w I— I o OS ;z; o >^ EH h3 1^ O APPENDIX. ^7 o o 0> 00 tn e m o o © m o o M m 00 91 Ob /^^•^N tm^^s/- s o o o o o o • © s M ^•^'©OA«OAOoao(ooD •^'(••o«©'«tooeo«ooc« O © 0> >n o oj © o ^ C> <0 lA o © o ■-« « CO ge«-aocomco©m ■-4«>n>-ioo>©t>o)*-© f » 00 ©oco^mioooiA^inco m©^>nt~t>0'A>- 05 PO • lO rH I-) 0) 61 H M o H P o o» CO M « : o CO CO eo e^ «o s 00 00 1-1 00 9> s? 1 :3 00 CO eo © fO § §§ ^ / * — ■>«^A^S S : S : s in >« M • ^^ o s © (O lA CO § lA nrj 0»»- co^ ^4 (A 2 to . : 5 : 1 • M • lA <-• g .CO • 00 t- to 00 'C SS ^ O o : ■* 1^ v4 1 c« o <0 lO © CO ^ (D O ri O 0> A 00 CO 00 00 >a r4 M O f4 fH § § . CO . 00 • M 00 . iO ■X 00 • M .© 00 l-t CO • • • • FH CO :§ 00 o e^ »- CO • I- © r^ •-) t- • CO eo lO 1^ , .(0 0> © N t- es CO e* !-• e«i ■ • • CO C»l eo 4* d Q Q pq (!3 tj ^ H a M o (>« O -U s .2 >• it « C4 O H o o • s 13 as Km 8 fc n GQ « 03 1 I I £ n Q 4) O CO •4 . "J O 09 ® o o •-< a bo .3 m .2 4> ^ .9 a s 1 g 38 APPENDIX. I CO CO oo CO Ud CO 00 rH O P? O GQ o M r3 o E-) O O 3 O •-' 1-4 *<• ;0 00 W i-H 1^ eo d M III o .oooooooooo o •oooooooooo 00 '^C^lNNi-ti-lr-lrHi-ipH Ef d ^ oooiAcomO'^ O^OOOiO^COOCO C0t-HOC4e o> e<» o t- e>» O B fl ■S.a ^ 1^ . O C« '^ A • '« eo>ao>oo eqtocooi^^coao i-tOiHCOi-ii-tNO ceo^>aca;oaot<->-icoo omoc4C4>aioo»o (AAO^COifl'^tOi-itOOO ^cot-)iomcoc4 c^i-H O H iz; o o CO DQ •SI •i •S • •-- fH ^ 'r* Q OS u -r^ 00 I O O O O O o o o o e .t- o la o lO e o d O IS M C4 >0 O 94 CO W d) M f-' C« CO CO C4 , lO O lO iO o I ^ «e C4 C4 o > ^ F^ CO ^ rH o> o o >a o o Ml fH e«i o ea o o o to • ^ 04 lO lO CO CO '04 s CO m o *- o o ica o«o lO CO M lO K) O I •-• i-t o lO (O o tK C4 CO A to . 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Hm London Cronjn, Mrs., London Francis, Dr., Delaware Franois, Mrs., Delaware GMdes, J. C, Dnndas Hellmnth, Yen. I., D.D., London Hunt, C, London Lawrason, L., London Lawrason, Mrs., London Palmer, Rev. A., M.A., Ouelph Penton, E.. Oil Springs Smyth, A. O.. London Wallbridge, Hon. L., Belle- ville I^COIlPOKA.TXlD SY cHAjarrnR, Ba]rly,Rev. B., A.B.,London Becher, H. C. R., Q. C, London Fauquier, Rev- F. D., South Zorra Goodhue,Hon.O. J.,M.L.C., ^1^^*' ?®^* ^'* ^•^•' f Gunne, Rev. J., Florence Woodstock Boomer, Rev. M., LL.D., Gait Brongh, Yen. C. C, A.M., London Ganlfeild,ReT. St.G.,LL.D., St. Thomas Deeds, Sheriff^imcoe DewsoUiDr., Windsor EUiott, Rev. A., Tusoarora EUiottiRev. F. G.,Sandwioh Elwood, Rev. E. L., A.M., Godench Gibson, Rev. J. C, B.A., Gibson Jamieson, Rev. A., Walpole Island Jessopp. Rev. H. B., M .A. PortBurwell Johnson, Rev. C. C, Clinton Kennedy, Rev. J., M. A., Tyrconnell Lampman, Rev. A, B.A., Morpeth Letnon. H., Brantford Maoh, Rev. F., Amherstburg Marsh, Rev. J. W., M.A., London MulhoUand, Rev. A. H. R., Owen Sound. Nelles, Rev. A., Brantford Padfield, Rev. J.J Burford Patterson, Rev. E-> B.A., Stratford Revell,Rev.H., A.M., Wood- stock Rally; Rev. W. B., M.A., New Hamburg Salter, Rev. G. J.R., M-A., Samia Sandys, Rev. F. W., D.D., Chatham Smythe, Rev. J., M3S.jrrrrx:T> by vote. Armstrong, Rev. D.,Moore Awty, FoQambet Mitohell Adamson. G., Oil Springs A|^'°>by,Rev. T. H..Clarks- Dorg Baker, Rev. J. E-, London Barretti T. B., Port Dover. Barrows, Col., R.A., Lon- don Barrows, A., B^waa Mills Blackburn, S., London Beard, J., Woodstock Baldwin, Rev. M. S., Mon- treal Bentley, R., Katesville Bacchus, S., Tyrconnell Blair, J., London Belcher, Rev. S., Thames* ford Beatty, J., London Boulby, Dr., Berlin Bryant, H., London Ball, A. T. H., Gait BaU, Mrs., Gait Bartlett, Rev. Hm Princeton CaulfeUd,Rev. H., Mitohell Cowan, James, Sombra Cooper, Rev. B. S., Paisley Craft, J. J., Windsor Oronyn, Y., Ltmdon AtPENDlX. 41 iron. don M.A., Belle- ford B.A.I Yood- M.A., tf-A., D.D., Lon- >.D., tford Canniohae?(Rev. J.,Clinton Cham,Kev.H. P., Delaware Clotworthy, Rev. W ., Mount Pleasant Grotty, H., IngonoU Claris, Q. T., St. Thomas Gurran, Rev. J. P., Soutli- ampton Gronyn, B., London Gronyn, F., London Gdstor, James, South Zorra DuBourdieu, Rev. S., Bay- field DesBarres, Rev. T. G., East- wood DuMouIin, Rev. J. P., Oalt Dyas, J. J., London Dampier, J. L., London Davidson, J., Gait Davis, Rev. W., Rond Eau Ebberts, H., Ghatham Ebberts, Mrs. H., Chatham Ellis, A., London Township ElUot, W., London Evans,Rev. W. B., Durham Evans, Rev. H. J., Port Rowan Evans, Mra. H. J., Port Rowan Evans, T., London Evans, Major R., London Friwlle, Sutton,South Zorra Faney, James, St. Thomas Falls, Rev. A. S., Adelaide Fitigerald.Gol.R. A ..London FletoheriRev. R.,Golohester Frank, W ., Luoan Oraasett, Rev. £., Simcoe Oale, Q. J., Owen Sound Guest, T. B.. St Mary's Green, Rev. w., Sombra Grey, W., Woodstook Hams, E., London Hamilton, J., London Harpnr, Dr. , London Harrisotk, M., St. Mary's Harte, D., Paris Herdsman, R., Onondaga Hinoks,Rev. J. P..Inger8olI Hams, Rev. S., Suucoe iiU,S.G,,HrilBboro HodgettB, Majpr, London Hon, H. G., Munoey Town Hughes, Rev. T..~preBden Bunt, Rev. J., Windsor Falpin, Rev. W. H.,London lxut«hinBon,Rev. J..Kirkton Hughes, D, J., St. Thomas Button, W. P., St Mary's Jell,R.N., Preston Johnston, D. J. W.. Samia Jackson, H. F. J., Berlin Johnson, J., London Town- ship Johnston, H., Goderich Kingston, A. J., Warwick Kennedy, Mrs., Tyrconnel Keys,Rev. G., Chatsworth Kams, G. T., St. Thomas KeUogg, Rev. S. B., East- wood Kingston, C. J., Warwick Lefroy, A., Goderich Livingston, W.. Delaware Labatt, J. K., London Low, Rev. G. J.. Millbank Ledyard, E. T., London McCaughey, J„ Ingersoll Marsh, L. R., Ingersoll Miller, J. B., St. Thomas Mookridge, Rev. J., Port Stanley Mortimer, H., Toronto MoQueen.D- S., South Zorra McLean, Rev. J., London Moore, Miss, London Mellish JI. F., Haysville MUler, H. J., Gomnna Miller,Rev. A. £., Listowell Macklem, Dr., Oil Springs Massingberd, Rev. H .Ln'dn Meredith, J. G., London Mitchell, B. A., London Marshall, E.,London Town- ship MiUer, J., Gait Murphy, Rev. W., Kinloss Newman, Rev. E. E., Dela- ware Pearce, J., Tyrconnel! Penton, J. A., Paris Phillips, Dr., London Poussett, P. J., Samia Powell, A., London Town- ship Payne, R. A. K., Ghatham Pollock, S., Goderich Price, S., Port Stanley PhiUi^,R«v. S. H., Widder Station Pope, W., London Perkins, J.. Leachville Reynolds, R.. Amherstburg Robson, G., London Town- ship Roe, P., St. Thomas Roe, Mrs., St. Thomas Robert8,Rev- R. J.,Newport Ryland, 6. F., Birr Racey, H., Brantford Richardson, Dr., Gait Sanders, Rov. T. E., Lucan Stephenson, J., London Stephenson, W. H., Port Rowan Smith, J. Sidney, Stratford Scott, G. B., London Schulte, Rev. J., Berlin Shanly, J., London Sandys, Mrs., Chatham Softiey, Rev. E.. Walkorton Smith, Sheriff, Brantford Strathy.J. B., London Smith, Rev. J. W. P., Bel- mont ftrathy, H. S., London weatman. Rev. A., London Scott, T.. Woodstock Trivett, T., Exeter Trivett. Mrs-, Exeter Tighe, Rev. S-. Clinton Taylor, E. A.. London Turville, W., London Town- ship Thomas. F. W., London Taylor, Ingram. Chatham Thompson, T., London Vidal, Mrs., Sarriia Vanallan, D. R.. Chatham Wright, Rev. J. '.i.\.,Ward8- ville Walkington, T., Ingersoll Wilson, G., London Town- ship Wilson, Gapt. T., London Warwick, Gapt,. J., Froom- field Wood, Rov. W., S. Williams Waring, Captain, London Township Watson, Rev. T. I^eaford Walker,Franois,Kuioardine Yarwood, E. M., St. Thomaa ^ eton ihell sley ■V, I ^' lil It I TO THl or TBI tXt/e Jtfm&ers. t Incorporated Members, t Nl I COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX LONDON CITY. 8T. PAUL'S OATHXDBAL. $ C. Dr. Harpnr 5 00 Dr. PhiUiiM 5 00 Hon. a J. Goodhue. 5 00 Bev. J. McLean .... 6 00 Col. Fitigerald 5 00 ' J. Stephenaon 5 00 B.F.Ledyard 5 00 MiuMooro 5 00 Collected by Mrs. Ham- iltOD. Mrs. Hawtayne 50 " Griffin 100 " Holmes 100 tH.Massingberd .... 5 00 tJ.K.Labatt 6 00 JohnTaylor 100 •a W.JT. 100 IHon.'GVJ.' Goodhue* 16 00 frs.Goodhne 6 00 Mr.EUiott 26 Friend 25 tJ. Hamilton 6 00 GoU^«)'»ed by Mrs. Row- land. $ e. E.B.Beed 100 fB. A.Taylor 5 00 tWiUiam Elliot 5 00 W.MoDonongh 2 00 Samuel Stewart 1 00 JohnPlatt 100 G.F.Jewell 2 00 ThomasPeel 3 00 Wm.Frier 100 H.Butler 100 F.S.01arke 100 W. MoClaiy 100 O.MoGlary 150 Dr. Gattermole 100 Mrs. CodA 100 JohnBrown 2 00 W. FumesB 200 tJ.B.Strathy 5 00 Samuel Gibson 2 00 F(ed.Bowland 4 00 Collected by Miss Dyaa. tRev. Ben]. Bayly. ... 10 00 iiisabeth Bayly 5 00 Ed. W.Harris 5 00 J.O.Meredith 5 00 T.Walkington 6 00 H.Briant 5 00 H. OiR.Beoher.... 5 00 }. O.Abbott......... 6 00 tB.A.MitoheU 10 00 tJ. Seattle 5 00 $e. Smith, Chapman & Co 600 Thos. Beattie 100 T. J. MoDonough .... 1 00 T. F. Kinssmile 2 00 W.Morrison 100 Mrs. Hobbs 50 A friend 60 Thos.P. Mahon 100 tBenj. Huron . 20 00 lMrs.Cronyn 10 00 tV. Cronyn .5 00 fB.Oronyn 5 00 tF. Cronyn 5 00 Miss Evans 5 OO tRev. J. W. Marsh. . 5 00 Mrs. Marsh 5 00 MissMarsh 6 00 " H.T. Marsh... 5 00 " E.S. Marsh.... 4 00 " H.F. Marsh.... 4 00 '* D.L. Marsh.... 3 00 " A. A. W. Marsh 3 00 Master G.W.O.Marsh 3 00 " W.L.E.Mar8h 3 00 Catherine Marsh .... 3 00 tG.B.Soott 5 00 J. ic S. Blaokbum. . . 5 00 tT.Hodfetts 6 00 Shaw & Vennor 1 00 T. G. MoDonough. ... 1 00 Mrs. Kirkland 2 00 Mrs.Balkwill 100 Mrs.Mann 60 Mr.Howitt 6 00 Afriend 100 Ed. Bostwiok 100 BobertH.DyaB 50 Mrs.Platt 100 tJ.J.Dyas 6 00 JaneAshbury 100 B.W.Hyman 400 |i A^PBNDIJt. 48 iOO 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 1, f c. Mn.Park 60 Mrs. Hobbs.... 25 tCoKBorrowB 6 00 Collected by Mrs. J. W. Lester. O.O.Gooinba 100 Bfn.0aR7 100 A.a.Sin]rth 60 J.W.Lester 3 00 J Thomas Evans 6 00 ames Brierley 1 00 Mn.BrierlMr 100 Mn.Wm.Wrii^t... 100 Afriend 25 AMend 25 Afiriend 25 Mrs.Ta^or 25 Mrs.Adooek 30 Mr. Wm. Boyer 50 Mrs.Ilitohie 25 Mrs.Harris 25 John Siddons 200 Mrs. Peters 100 AfHend 60 S.Bradford 12 Mrs. Sharpe 25 Afriend 50 Mrs.Whateley 50 Mr.Brans 25 John Jones 25 AfHend 12 Qeorse DarviU 10 Geoqte Gib^wn 25 Mis. Areher 25 Mrs.Dennis 25 lUohardHart 100 Afriend 20 Afiriend 10 OHBUT OHUBOH. OoUected b7Hr8.Drarj. John Oameron 100 J.Shanly 2 00 Mrs. Chambers 100 Thomas Soateherd • • • 1 00 WilUam Glass 100 Mr.Kemp 100 R.Lewis 100 P.O. Barnard 100 T.Brock 100 H. Waterman 100 Dr.Woodroff 100 JamesCtoUins 100 JohnBradley 100 Mrs.Hanson 100 Rioh. W. Jcdinston . ■ 1 00 Mrs.B.W.Johnstone . 1 00 A.S. Emeiy 100 Bfn.Blater 100 $ c. ThomasDrary 100 Hon. John Garling. • • 1 00 J. Jeffery 100 Mr.Garter 75 Wm. Warner 65 tRev. J.Smythe 500 Mr8.Smythe 100 Mr. Frank 100 Mr. Robey 100 Frank Robinson 50 Mrs. Hunter 60 Mr. George Hall 50 Mr8.HoflEg 25 Ifos.Eli^dge 10 Dr. Farrar 60 Mrs. Bumfather 50 Mrs. Thornton 50 Friend 50 B.W. Puddieombe.. 50 Mrs.Panel 50 Mr.;Griffith 50 W.M. Saunders ■■. 50 Mrs. Ghnroher 50 Mr8.Webb 60 MissWebb 60 Mrs. Trimble 60 Mr8.Vic8r 60 Mrs.Buaer 50 Mrs. Leathom 50 Mrs. Westlake 50 Mrs. Parker 50 Mr.Rapley 50 Friend 50 Friend 50 J.Whittaker 60 Mr8.Gharlton 30 Mrs. Winters 25 Friend 25 J.Webster 25 Mr.DeFoe 50 Mrs. Jackson 25 James Montgomery. . 50 OoUected by Mrs. Mack- intosh. Mr.Hlgainson 100 Mr. Barber 100 Mr. David Glass.... 100 Mr. D. G. Maodonald 100 Mr. J. Maodonald . • 1 00 Mr.F.Smith 100 Mr.Bamard 100 Mr. Graydon 50 Mr. G.Hohnes 100 Mr. Cleghome 100 Mr.MoGormick 50 W. Robinson 100 E.Rogers SO OoUected byMrs.Thomp- son. Bfrs.BarUett.. ..... 100 Mr. Philips 50 Mr.Tibbe 60 Mrs. Watson 60 MissGhuroher 25 Mrs.Smith 25 Mrs. Essary 25 Collected by Hiss Hor ton. tT. Thompson 5 00 Mrs. Thompson 1 00 Oapt Hugesson 5 00 Mrs. Taylor 60 Bliss Ferguson 1 00 Mr. Whetter 50 Mrs. Whitehead ... 100 Friend 25 J.Smith 4 00 Rev. W. Brookman- • 1 00 Mrs.Brookman 100 ST. JOBN'8 OHAPIL, HDEON COLLEGE. Collected by Mrs-Hyman tVen'ble Arehdeacon HeUmuth 5 00 Mrs.HeUmnth 5 00 tRev. A. Sweatman . . 5 00 tRev.W.H.HaIpia-. 6 00 Major Evans 5 00 tMr. Edw'd MarshaU 5 00 Mrs. MarshaU 100 Joseph Manhall 100 Jane MarshaU 100 BUenMarshaU 100 Thos. Shoebottom ... 1 00 Mrs. Gox. 100 Mr.GiU 100 Mr. Geary 100 Mr.Ghorch 100 Mrs. Ohurch 100 Mr. Sherman 100 Mr.Boyer 100 Rev. D. Deacon 100 J. E.Bowera 100 J.Norris 100 W.Logaa 100 AFriend 100 Mr.Heal 100 M.G.Niles 60 Ghas. S.^nnan 66 J. W.Hyman 60 Mr.CoUett U 44 A^PBNDI^. LONDON TOWNSHIP. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. Oollec'd by Miss Brough and MisB Johnson. $ c. fVen. C. C. Brough. . . 6 00 tMr.Ellis 5 00 rMr. Johnson 5 00 iMr. TurviU 5 00 Ir.Luard 4 00 Mr.Wariuff 4 00 Mr.TurabulI 3 00 Mr.Dempater 2 00 Mra.Dewar 2 00 Mm. Brough 100 Miss W. O. Brough . 1 00 Mr. Foster 100 Mr. Marshall 100 Mr.Hibblethwaite.. 100 Mr. Shoebottom 1 00 Mrs.Ooombs 100 Mn.Stiles 100 Gapt. Hawtfiyne 1 00 Mrs. Hibblethwiiite . . 60 JohnHibblethwsite.. 50 Mrs. Oeary 50 Mrs. Shoebottom 50 Mrs Jaokson 50 MiasStiles 50 Mrs. Scandratt 25 EmmaHibblethwaite 25 HenriettaShoebottom 25 Collected by Miss Sarah Hodgins. Joseph Buna 25 Betty Ashworth 25 Mr. Ashworth 50 Mrs. J. McDonald .•• 25 W. H. MoDonald . . . • 25 J. W. Hodipns 25 Mrs.Hudson 25 Samuel Hudson 23 Isaac Langford 25 WiUiam Gibson 25 Thomas Langford — 25 Mrs. Hodgins 25 Andrew McDonald . ■ ■ 25 Sarah Hodgins. 25 Collected by Miss Shoe- bottom and Miss G. Powell. B.Shoebottom 100 Miss Shoebottom.... 25 Miss 0. Powell 50 Mr. Armitage 75 Mrs. Armitage 25 Mrs. R. Armitage. • ■ ■ 25 Mrs. C. Hudson 25 J.Colbert 50 Thos. Smibert 25 Mrs. O.Sifton 50 Wm. Bere 25 Margaret Smibert — 25 M rs. Hetherington ... 50 Wm.Corst 25 Mrs. Oarmiohael 25 Elijah Hodgins 25 Mrs.Fysh 25 Mrs. Hetherington ... 25 Mrs. MoOuffin 25 A Friend 25 A friend 10 George Lovelys 26 Robert Lovelys 26 Jas. MoNaughton .... 25 Mr.Metcalf 25 Mrs. Colbert 50 Mrs. Mossip >... 26 Mr. Johnson 60 Mr. Condon 25 James Salmon 25 Collected by Miss Shoe- bottom and Misa H. Powell. +A. Powell 5 00 Mrs. A. Powell 100 Miss Powell 100 Miss H. Powell 50 Leonard Powell 25 Richard A. Powell . . 25 Charles C. Powell... 25 Ambrose H. Powell. . 20 J. Shoebottom 1 50 Mrs- J. Shoebottom. . 50 Miss Shoebottom .... 55 Mrs. MoGuffin 25 Miss Ardiel 25 H. MoGuffin 26 W. Perkin 25 Mrs W. Perkin 20 D. Sinclair 50 John McGuffin 25 Mrs. J. MoGuffin ..... 50 Miss Mossip 25 W. Howard 20 J. Winocot 55 Thos. Winocot 25 R. Moris 20 S.Powell 50 L. Ardiel 105 Mrs. L. Ardiel 25 Mrs. Harris 25 HughFn^ser 20 Edward Robert 55 Mrs. Sanbum 20 Wm.Golbert 50 W. Shoebottom 50 Mrs. Shoebottom — 50 Jas. B. Shoebottom. . 1 00 Misa Shoebottom .... 25 9 C> J. Shoebottom 25 T. Shoebottom 60 Wm. Griffith 26 Jas. C. Shoebottom . . 25 Jas. G. Shoebottom . . 25 Wm.Brimican 25 Collected by Miss Emily A. Kent. Mrs.S.Eent 100 Thos.Stiles 1 00 Emily A. Kent 50 Mrs.T.Stiles 60 John Stiles, jr SO George Monuhan .. 25 Sarah Monaghan — 25 Mrs. T. Elliot 25 WUUamEUiot 25 Wm. B. Bernard .... 25 Mrs. J.Hibblethwaite 25 John Zendlar 25 Richard Murphy .... 25 A. G- Osborne 25 Mrs.B. Sifton 25 Alex. Montgomery . . 25 Geo. English 25 EdwardlCalbot 25 Thos. Talbot 25 Mrs. Micheltree .... 26 H. P. Massay 50 Wm. Hussey 25 Joseph Micheltree .. 25 Henry Collins 2 00 Jacob Fraligh 25 Charles Webster .... 25 Mrs. R. Webster ... 50 to. Wilson, M.P.P... 5 00 Mrs. C.Wilson 50 S.J. Wilson 50 Eli O.Green 100 Walker Green 50 Robert Walker 50 Edward Collins 100 Thos. Fraligh 50 John Walker 25 Mrs. G. Fraligh 25 C.F.Roots 60 G.F.Kent 25 Mrs. G. M. Gary 1 00 Afriend 35 Collected by Miss M. Lewis and Misa Carrie. Wm. Carrie 2 00 James Carrie 1 00 Miss Carrie 55 William Shoebottom. 100 Wm. B. Shoebottom, 1 00 Mrs. Shoebottom .... 50 Francis Lewis 1 00 Miss Lewis 150 Mary Lewis 50 John Lewis 1 00 s' 25 60 25 2ft 25 25 100 100 50 50 SO 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 26 25 2 00 25 25 50 5 00 50 50 1 00 50 60 1 00 60 25 25 50 25 00 35 EOO 00 55 00 00 50 loo 50 50 00 APPENDIX. 45 S' Mrs. Lewis i OO Sarah J. Lewis 25 Kate B. Lewis 25 Oliarles B. Lewis .... 20 Mrs. F.Lewis 50 Charles Harrison — 1 00 Mrs. Harrison 26 Mrs. T. Harrison — 50 William Fitzgerald . . 1 00 Fenton Fitzgerald .... 25 Mr. Bobinson 60 Mrs.Ardiel 25 Mr. T. Murphy 60 Mrs. Murphy 60 MisaMurphy 25 Miss A. Murphy 25 Michael Murphy .... 25 James Murphy 25 HenryOrison 100 Mrs. Sipton 100 Benjamm Blaokwell. 35 Francis Blaokwell ... 25 Richard Blaokwell . . 25 Wm, Blaokwell.... 25 Wm. John Blaokwell 25 Mr.Mooney 25 Thomas Hays 25 James Hays 60 Mrs. Wilson 25 Mrs. Cooper 26 Oollected by Miss Mary- Jane Owens. Geo. Owens 50 Mary J. Owens 50 Robert Ralph 50 Mrs. Selby 50 Mrs. Nugent 5>) Joseph Hill 25 Mrs. Baxter 25 Mrs. Knapton 50 Mrs. McLeod 12 Mrs. Stevens 25 A friend 20 Mrs. Shoebottom .... 15 Mrs. Oarr 25 Mr. Warren 100 Mrs. O'Brien 40 Miss O'Brien 25 E.R. Talbot 50 Robert Routledge ... 1 00 William Lackey .... 25 John Long 24 Joseph Jones 24 Mary MoAdam lo John Kennedy 25 Elisabeth Mason .... 24 AnnGray 24 Jrb. Lamley 20 Wm. Routledge 30 George Edwards — 24 Mrs. Kennedy 50 Thomas Routledge . . 1 00 John Routledge..^.. . 50 George Routledge.... 26 Charles Lackey 25 Allen Routledge . Margaret Lackey. Dennis Avy David Cummings . Ckorge Kenney • ■ . $0. 25 25 10 24 20 TRINITY CHURCH. Collected by Miss Dea- con. James Evans Mrs. J. Evans Mr. Preston Thos. Deacon Mrs. T. Deacon Joseph S. Deacon. . ■ Joseph Deacon, sen . Mrs. Jos. S. Deacon William Hodgins... Mrs. Wm. Hodgins ■ Mrs. Gteorge Roberte Thomas Roberts . . . Richard Deacon — James Morrow Robert O'Neill Mrs. Jos. O'Neill . . . David Truant Mrs. J. A. Shoebottom John. R.Hod(nns... Wm. B.Ho A. Mann 50 G.W.Harris 60 M.Irwin 50 J. Wilson 50 J. Harvey 50 J- B. Small 50 G.W.Young 60 Long 50 Eill 50 A.Bngli8h 50 J.Ei^ish 25 Mrs. Pineomb 60 Cash 25 P.Carroll 30 W.F.Luxton 25 M.K.Pegley 25 W.H. Ewer 25 A,Polley 25 9 c. W..T.Purcell 26 A. Heden 26 R.DumbriU 26 J. Newell 26 JohnWiUson 25 G.Gordon ^ 25 James MoNiven 26 G. D. Oelycan 25 T.Carre 26 Col. Johnson 25 Dr. Molntyre 25 — Edwards 25 NaAiUh.. 25 Afriend 25 A friend 25 Afriend 25 NISSOURI. ST. JOHN'Si THAUE8F0BD. Collected by Mrs. Dawes and Miss Talbot. tRev.S. Belcher 5 00 Irs. Belcher 100 Jacob MoKee 60 JohnLee 100 E.H.Cogswell 25 J.W.MoLeUan 25 Mrs.Sifton 50 " Dundas 60 Catherine Brown . ■ • ■ 25 Nathaniel Orchard • ■ 25 Charles Conners .... 25 Mr.Russelt 60 Mrs.'Owens 60 J.S.Fallows 50 Frederic House 60 Wm..Tohn8 60 J. Halpin 60 Samuel Henderson.. . 13 Mrs. J. Henderson. . . 75 Dr. Dawes 100 Mrs. Wm. Johns — 25 J. Johns 1 00 E MoCarty 60 Mrs. J. Sugden 25 Wm. L. Waterhouse 25 J.Martin 50 Miss Martha Sugden 25 Miss Esther McCiurty 25 " N.W. Sugden.. 25 N.W.Sndgen 25 Nelson Day 25 Mrs. Day... 25 John Smith 25 Peter Servoioe 25 Henry M. Coomb .... 25 George W. McLellan 25 Wm.Millar 25 George Keys 25 JohnMoKay 25 Andrew Davidson .... 25 Mrs, N. C. MoCarty. . 30 $e. James Sherlock 30 Peter MeKaj 26 Mrs Hugh Kennedy. 25 S [ugh Kennedy 26 ohn McPherson .... 26 R. A. Leonard ..... ■ 26 Wm. O'Brien 25 Mrs.Robinson 25 Aflriend 8 eSAOl OHUBOB. Oollected byMigg Pardy and Miss Mooney. SamuelPardy 00 Wm.Fram 80 Mrs. Fram SO William Fram 26 Mrs. Mooney 16 Edward Keama 26 Thomas Taylor 80 Mrs. Evans SO Blisabetfa Taylor .... 26 WilsonHaU X John Taylor SO M.A.Dean 26 William Kirkoatriok 26 Mrs.KirkpaMok.... 26 <• MorrSra 26 DaddFoster 80 Mr.Headriok 26 JohnMooney 26 William Campbell .. 26 Robert MoDonald.... 26 Samuel Taylor SO Matthew Barber .... 60 Mr.Mahon 26 George Massey 26 Samuel Gibson 26 Mrs. Taylor 10 Abraham Sleator .... 50 Elisabeth Henderson 25 Mrs. Fallows 60 Jane MoGlennons .... 25 Meade Wright. 26 Mrs.Lackie 25 THORNDALE. ST. OEOBOK'S OHUBOB. Collected by Miss Fitz- simons and Hiss Jane Steadman. R.Hobb8 100 T.Stedmaq... ^ 00 60 AI'PKNPIX. I W Lovolook H. Fituimons • • • . Dawion oMph Dawion ohnMoOirk rs. Dundoa " Etmii Qharlei Fitig«r»ld.. J. Blow JamMSquirl W,Lo«ui W; H. Loffan John Scatoherd J. H. Fituimona- • ■ ■ ohn Fituimon*.... Mrs. Fitziimona • • ■ ■ " Fox " HarriBon georgo N. Harriton- T. Harriion William Dawson ■ • . T.MoOirdy Mr. Logan R.tSooU Mr.Walkor " Diokinson J. Henderson J. Henderton J.Stinson J. Jttdm J. W. 'Vanderburgh. Albert Daffin Peter Murray. ■•.... WiUiam Logan James Locsn ichard Thompson • Bdward Logan ^ IS Simmons .Sims W.Jaoksen Aflriend W. Oleason Mrs. Tamlin Thomas Holland . . . Aflriend Collected by Mill Ardiel and Miss Quest. $ c. 1 00 60 00 60 AO 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 25 2!V 26 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 26 25 26 26 26 20 26 176 IC Thomas A. Guest ■ • ■ . 1 00 Lanoelot Ardiel 1 00 Franois Mossip 25 William Hardbtg---- 25 Qeone Holland 25 WmTamArdiel 25 Afiriend 26 JamesHarding 25 Richard WeM 25 Robert Wilson 25 Leonard Hutohinson. 75 Charles Trooman . • • • 50 William MoQufBn--. 50 Thomas McLean ■ • • • 25 AyriUiam Howard .... 30 ,T <;:'.:0> " .n ffir. . . n-; «> .ar /!'.;>ij i't Jauo;! Mullaud 25 Rdward Roberts . E. '.Ouodt Joseph McOulBn f c. no so 60 Collected by Miss H. Henderson and Miss R. Logan. Samuel Henderson ■ . 60 Edward Fitsgerald . 60 Richard Lee 60 Mrs. McGutohion • - ■ 60 Maggie Henderson . ■ 25 Rebecca Logan 25 Andrew Sanderburg. 25 David Aikin 25 William Revere 25 Joseph Johnson 26 Thomas Oomlay — 2^ James Coalter 60 Mrs. Wright 25 George Martin 25 John McOutchim .... 26 Margaret A. Logan . ■ 26 George Qleason 26 Clark Vanderburg. . . 26 George Fitisimons ... 25 Henry Fitcsimons .... 25 Edward Lee 26 JohnLee 25 Ellen Howard 25 LAKISIDR. Collected by Miss Towle. Henry Towie 25 Miss Sarah TowIe • . 25 Mrs. James Towle . • 25 Thomas Towle 25 WiUiam Towle 25 Mrs. Ann Marshall. . 12 Thomas Tnok 25 HughMoLure 25 David MoLure 25 John Quinn 25 Daniel Quinn 25 Mrs.E.Swayze 25 Sarah A. Swayze .... 25 Mrs.A.Shaw 25 MissE.Shaw 25 PeterCragg 60 Mrs. Murray...' 25 John Marshall 25 Philip McDonald .... 25 John Thornton 25 .1' .'ill rl. j',1 i"j John Konuody '£> Collected by Miss Mc- Conkey. Mrs. MoGonkey 50 " Darling 25 Mr. Kithmer 25 William Wilson 25 Mr. Wilson 60 '* Snell 13 Mrs. Hnell 12 " Love 25 " Maekensie 20 " Mackeniie 25 '• M'Corquodale . . 26 " Baker 60 " Dawes 25 " Richardson .... 25 Mr.Kirk 60 •' Shaw 26 Collected by Hiss Brazier. Samuel Towle 50 Edward Braiier 25 D.D.Rose 26 S.Pelton 26 Sarah A. Burdirk ... 10 Elisabeth MitoheU.. 6 J I. Ammerton 5 ohn Seaton 60 A. H. Harris 25 W. Sinkins 50 Miss Sutherland 6 " Tims 10 H. Towle .■•.•• 10 R. Armstrong 60 Mrs. R. Armstrong . . 60 A. T. Fotheringham . 60 Josiah Whitstone.... 50 Elisabeth Weston.... 26 Mrs.Kiiig 26 " HTTowle 25 " Roberts 26 Edward Roberts 60 HARRIETSVILLE. Collected by Miss Mary C. Evans. Mr.Griffg 25 Mrs.Gncs 25 Thomas Fatterson . . 60 SethCline 50 Mr. Fitspatrick 25 Mrs. Fitzpatriok 25 " Sarah A. Amoss 25 Joseph Jackson 12 .Tames Rowse 25 Mr. P.w-n 25 iMi .-, lUjiVsi;- . 'Jii> .JuhuKowee ^ APPENDIX 51 M 28 25 20 00 13 12 25 20 25 2A 25 00 25 00 25 25 25 10 5 00 25 00 S 10 10 00 00 00 00 25 25 26 25 00 25 26 CO 50 26 26 25 12 25 25 f C. Ann Eliza RowRo .... 13 Mary Jane Morton . ■ 12 Mr. John Evans 2ft Mrs. Y.ynw*. "J, J;)lil<'r' i",MlHS . 'Si Alary C. Mv iuh '.'.i Murthii KvaiiM 2r> John Kvnnii 25 Hugh Fitzpatriok .... 26 Henry Barrons 26 James Jaokion 26 Mrs. Barr 25 " Thompson 10 Mr. Graham 20 Mrs. Oraham 20 " Gee 60 Jame» Amoss 20 Dunoao Sinclair .... 25 BT. JOHN'S OHUUOH. Collected by Miss E. M. Toolejr. J. J. Jelly 25 Mrs. J. J. Jelly 26 Joihua Kindree 25 James Brander 26 Isaac Wallace 25 Mr. S. Groat 6 C. Barr 26 W.Jelly.sen 25 Mn.W. Jelly, jun.... 00 Joseph I^anK 10 T.T.Baker 26 Mrs. Tooley 100 " Stripp 26 Thoa. Uodfina 25 Mrs- Jackson 26 " Bannantjme — 26 •• Tanner 10 Mr. J. Ward 10 Mn.Hunter 10 R.Tooley,Jun 26 W.S. Tooloy 26 J.B. Tooley 25 MiasB. Thick 25 " C. Thick 25 Mr. M. Thick 20 Mrs.Mahon 26 " Quaiff 12 " Easterbrook . . . . 26 Fanny Easterbrook.. 13 Thirza T.Easterbrook 12 E.M.Tooley 26 Oollec'd by Miss Eliza Johnson. ElisaJohnson 26 Mrs. Johnson 25 Charles Johnson 26 Cornelius Riokard ... 25 % Mrs. C. Riokard Philip Kiokard Mary.Tiinn H-r'knrd r.iiiiiiiiiiii Kirkai'il. . Williiiiii Uii>k!ti'... 00 Mrs. Beamish 00 Miss Clements 25 Mrs.JohnBuU 00 George Smith 25 Elizaibeth Armstrong. 25 GeorgeKelly 75 Wm. Johnston 25 Wm. Shepherd SO George Johnston 60 Hugh fohnston 100 Mrs. James Large. ... 60^ W. T. Bray 100 Mra. Nash 26 " Reynolds 90 " S. Wright ^ IsaaoBrown 26 Mrs. Charlton 26 " Duncan 26 52 APPENDIX. $ C. Q.L.EUiott SO Cuh 100 F.!R,Webb 60 R. Ghamben 2 00 AIe.v Pratt 100 Wm. JohnMn 25 Abraham MoMaster. 25 Francis Uiok 25 Mrg.Trott 15 F. Cox,jun 25 Mra. G. ArmBtrong. • ■ 25 G. Armstrong 25 Mr.Cox 50 Mr8.Gox 25 John Shepherd 50 Omega 30 GLENCOE. Collected by Miss Hobbs and Ikliss 0. Simpson. J. W. Campbell 25 James McOraoken. . . 1 00 N.Carrie 100 R. McDonald 50 A. McCracken 25 Jas. Greaves 25 James Simpson 25 A. P. McDonald 3 00 Mrs. A. P. McDonald 2 00 J.Patten 2 00 Mrs. R. E. Cross.... 100 A. McKay 100 J.F.Staiks 100 MissUobbs 75 John Walker 50 John Walker, jun • ■ • . 60 Mrs. J. Walker 50 A. Walker SO Samuel Walker 50 I.J. Walker 50 MarkWalker 50 Mrs. J. Gardiner • . . . 50 " McAlpin SO " Simpson So IfissD. Weeks SO " C. Weeks 50 J.Simpson 50 JohnFord 50 James Forbes 50 OeorgeYoang 50 JidmBloominston • . ■ • 50 D.MoKay 25 Geo.Dobie 25 A.MoBinnon 25 Mrs. Mary Smith . . ■ • 25 " NeU 25 J.Miller 26 J.R.MoRae 100 A. Lttche 25 Miss Jane Walker. . . 25 " AnnNutson.... 26 T.Philips 26 "iisC. Simpson 60 m. WUtbaok 25 NEWBURY. Collected by Miss Ball and Miss Anderson. JohuMylne 2 00 J-R-Adams SO J.F.Stark SO A. Fraser 50 D. R. Urquhart 1 00 JohnWilson 50 A.WiUon 75 A. Armstrong 25 H. Armstrong 25 D.D. Leioh 25 — Montier 25 Wm.Pike 25 G.E. Banning 50 JosephKelly 25 Mrs. Heywood 25 Friend 10 John Deacon SO Friend 25 Friend 26 O.White. 50 Thos. Robinson 2 00 COUNTY OF BRANT. BRANTFORD. OBAOK OHUBOH. Edward Brethour. ... 10 00 John Brethoor 4 00 Thos. Botham 2 00 Tho8.Brooks 100 Cash 500 E.Bunnell 100 John Carnegie 1 00 Mrs.Catton 2 00 " Cowcher 2 00 Miss Dunrich 100 Mr8.A.Ellis 100 AFriend 100 Alex. Gale 2 00 Mrs. Holme 40 IDaores W. Hart .... 5 00 Mr. D. W. Hart .... 3 00 MarionHart, 100 Philip D.Hart....... 100 W.B. Hurst 2 00 M.E. Hurst 50 M.J.Hurst 50 T.H. Goodson 100 Thos. James 2 00 Mrs. C \ I ! * PB Thomas. 1 00 Mrs. Capt Stewart. . 1 00 Peter Westbrooke .... 1 00 Samuel Squires 1 00 Richard Squires 1 00 D.Dresser 1 00 Joseph Thomas 1 00 Mrs. Thomas 25 Miss Thomas 25 William Thomas .... 25 Charles Thomas 25 Mrs. Samuel Squires, 50 Miss Squires 60 F.Browett 60 Mrs.Hewitt 50 Mrs. Marg't. Gronney, 50 Benjamin Shepard ... 60 Mrs. J.Smith 50 Alex. Fair 60 MissDuBritoh 25 Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, 50 Mrs. JohnOrr 25 Joseph Mordne 35 Miss Mordne 25 Mr8.Cain 25 A. S.Cruikshank.... 25 A.Dnnoan 25 Mrs.Olarke 25 Mrs. BUiott 25 Mrs.JanUn 25 Mr.Warbriok 25 C. Hobson 60 « c. Mrs. McCartney 60 Mrs. Malaohi File ... 50 W. J. Lovejoy 50 Mr.Hildred 25 W. H. Hildred 25 Mrs. Cole 25 Mr. Bizban 25 Mrs. Bizban 25 Anthony Copeman. . . 18 Mr. Thompson 50 Mrs. Lambkins 13 AFriend 6 Mrs. J. Clarke 25 Miss Jardin 16 Mrs.Ilett 13 ONONDAGA. Oollocted by Miss Gil- lurd. A.B.Willson 60 tR. Herdsman, sen... 5 00 R. Herdsman, jun... 60 George Holland 60 Harnet Lelliott 25 Edwin A. Gariller. . . 2 00 Mrs. E. A. Gariller . 2 00 William Burrill 25 Miss Bateman 26 James Bateman 1 00 James Braokin 60 Miss Dowrity 60 William Hamilton... 26 William Hodgins .... 25 Mrs. A. Fair 25 Deborrah Edwards . . 50 Gkorge Edwards 60 William Gribben .... 25 Mrs. Gribben 25 Mrs. G. Lincoln 25 William HowcU 10 AFriend 25 David Stenebaugh. . . 1 00 Duncan MoLeod 25 PhiUpGiUard 100 Collected by Miss Schol- field. Walter Scholfield.... 100 Mrs.N.Scholfield.... 100 N.B.Nisbitt 60 John Merrall 60 Mrs. Griffith 50 Mrs. B. Squire 26 Joseph Fair 25 John Waugh 25 Mrs. WiUson 26 Alex. Hamilton 25 James Graham 25 Mrs. G. Hew 26 APPENDIX. 65 c. 60 80 60 25 26 26 26 25 18 60 13 6 25 16 13 60 500 60 60 25 200 200 25 25 100 60 50 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 25 10 25 100 25 100 00 00 60 60 50 25 25 25 26 26 26 as $c. Joseph Ford 25 Mrs. Leonard 25 Miss Leonard 25 B. Merrall 25 Mrs. Benke 12 William WiUson 60 COUNTY OF BRUCE. SOUTHAMPTON. tRev. J. P. Gurran >- % OoUected by Mrs.Batler and Miss A.Proadfoot. F. Butter 50 Miss Maiy Burwash- 1 00 Mrs. Lindsay .- ... 50 Mr8.Calder 25 Mrs. Oonaway 25 Mrs.Hilbert 50 Fred. Proudfoot 100 Miss Sidney Thorpe ■ • 1 00 John Lee 50 Mr. Oascaden, sen. .. 50 Colle'd bj Miss Forrest. Thomas Lee 50 Mrs.T.Lee 60 Mrs. Gilbert 60 Mrs. W. Gilbert 60 Mrs.F.Smith 60 Mrs . Thomas Dayis . . 50 Mrs. Sti^onton 60 Mrs. WetheraU 1 00 Mrs. Douglass '6u Mrs. Morton 12 Fred. J.King 100 Charles Forrest. ..... 25 Mrs. Turner 25 O.F.Forrest 25 O.E.Forrest 12 Miss Forrest 25 Miss M. B. Forrest. . . 12 Miss E. A. Forrest- . . 12 Henry Douglass 26 Mrs. Makewsie 25 David Oasoaden 35 Dr. W. S. Scott 50 Mrs. Dr.Friokleton.. 35 Mrs. Wilson 50 Fred. Redden 50 Mrs. F. Redden 60 ]Mr.s. /\ . Lnurlo 12 JoluiMoL«ui 60 Miss M. E. Kenedy Miss 0. A. Kenedy- $ c 25 25 ARRAN, &c. Collected by Miss Mary Riddell and Miss F. Dyer. Mrs. Mamrion 25 William Briukman ■ 50 Mrs. Ohesterfield - ■ ■ . 25 MissOartill ' 10 Miss Shaw 25 Mrs. Newton 25 Mrs.Glarke '25 Mrs. William Barber, 50 Mrs. Henry Barber . - 30 William Barber 60 WUliam Barber, jun., 05 James Barber 75 Charles Ekins 100 John Soott 50 RobertOartiU 60 Mrs. Nelson 25 Oeorge Sutherland. . • 1 00 Mrs. Sutherland 20 Donald J. Campbell - - 25 AFriend 25 Mrs. Bryant 26 Mrs.Smith 25 Miss Mary RiddeU-.. 60 RobertKerr , 13 David Sheffield 25 Mrs. Dyer 25 Mrs. Falkner 50 Mrs. Kennedy 25 Mrs.Morgan 25 John Kilbonm 25 A. Neelands 50 Miss Marg't Riddell, 20 Collec'd by Miss Fenton. John W. Linton 1 00 R.M. Fenton 25 Mrs. R.M. Fenton... 50 Henry J. Fenton — . 26 John R. Fenton 26 William Fenton 25 Thomas Caims 60 JobnHall 50 Patrick Gallaghan- . ■ 26 AlfrodDyer 12 JohnKerr 25 Mrs. Robert Kerr — 25 Mrs. Stewart 26 James Duflfy 60- James Knox 25 Dr. Frauois 50 Robert Wark 25 James Johnstonoi sr,, 25 John Johnston 25 James Graham 60 Francis Gala^er. ... 50 Collected by Hiss Marg. Morrow. George Hyndman* ... 25 Thomas Morrow 25 Samuel Porter 26 Henryliillar 25 JohnHarron 25 JohnMoran 60 JohnLangstaff 60 William Morrow 25 Mrs. Morrow 25 Thomas Moran 25 Ellen Moran 25 Andrew Moran 26 Anne Moran 25 Johanna Nelson 25 Mrs. Thomas Morrow 25 Mrs.Wain 40 William Morrow, sen. 25 John M<»rfow 26 Mrs. Moran 26 John Sanders 25 John Briukman 25 William Crawford... 25 R.MoInneB 25 Mrs. R. Molnnei .... 25 T. Thompaon 60 Mr. Welsh 25 W.Trelford 26 Susanna Trelford. ... 25 GeorgoMorrow 25 WillifUB Nelson, jun. . 26 James HarroD 26 RobertMorrow 25 Thomas SummerviUe 05 A.MoKiUop 25 George Langstaff. .... 60 M ary Anne Moran . . . 06 Andrew Moran 05 George Iiangstaff .... 60 RobertMoran 25 Isabella Moran 25 Richard Langstaff . . 50 Mrs. R. Langstaff. ... 50 George Langstaff .... 23 Joseph Langstaff .... 25 WALKERTON. Collected by Miss E. Mackintosh. Mrs. Mackintosh .... 25 Mr.Bolton 50 DavidMoares 1 00 James A. Wilson .... 50 Andrew Wilson 60 AFriond 2& 66 APPENDIX. $c. Jsmea Watenon 1 00 H.C 60 Mifls Eastwood 60 Min Britton 25 William Logan 60 Miss Nellie Hayek • . 12 M. McLean 25 Mrs. Joseph Walker. 60 Mrs.Hanen 25 John Chambers 50 John Shaw 25 J.Jamieson 25 James Brooelbank- . ■ 25 JohnOillis 25 Thomas Hilson 60 RobertParris 26 Hngh Wilson 100 James Wilson 1 00 Hugh Wilson 60 tRe7. E. Sofltloy 5 00 HANOVER. Collected by Miss Mas- ters and Miss Ashdown Charles F. Ooodene- . 1 00 Mr. Ashdown 25 Miss Ashdown 25 Mr. Scarborough .... 25 Mrs. J. H. Johnston . . 25 Donald MoNaughton, 26 AFriend 25 AFriend 25 Mrs. MoGaw 50 Sigmund Brelim 20 E. W. Seoord 60 H.P.Adams 25 AFriend 22 Mr. Stewart 20 Mr. McLaoghlin 25 E. A.Qoodeno 100 Benjamin Lines 60 James Kirkendall ... 1 00 Thomas Coppinger. ■ 60 D. McDonald 25 G. Hassenjager 25 H.McNaUy 25 B.MoNally 25 Mrs.Hahn 25 Joseph Cook 25 R.R. G 25 A. Christie 26 A. Z. Gk)ttwals 25 James Armstrong — 25 Collected by Miss Lines and Miss Cooper. John O'Neill 25 Hector O'NeiU 25 Richard Everett 125 QeorgeRossell 2S $ W.J.Wood 05 Mathew Phillips 25 Edward Lines 25 Jacob Boiok 25 RobertOoode 25 Qeorge Cooper 60 Jacob Shanks 10 Kaspar Haller 25 Elisabeth Diokison . . 25 James MoVioar 23 Nathan Lines 25 John MoKelyie 25 John Smith 25 Thomas O'Neill 50 Collected by Miss Row- land. Henry Thomlow 25 G.W.Adams 20 Robert Reinter 25 R.HaU 50 Mrs.Cain 10 Robert Cain 25 Mrs. Faulkner 26 Ann Stephen 25 Mrs. Dobney 25 James Harris 50 Henry Huf'-'^s 25 John Hughes 25 George Campbell .... 25 Qeoiye Laidlaw 25 William Hughes 25 Robert Marsnad 60 James Kemahan .... 25 John Crispin 10 Levi Jones 09 O.Hudson 10 Mr.Fensom 25 Mr. Tedford 25 Mr. Rowland 25 Mr. McCracken 25 Joseph Lawrason ■ • . . 25 KIDD'S SCHOOL HOUSE. Collected by Mrs. J. Rothwell and Miss M. A. Nixon. Richard Rothwell.... 50 JohnNizon 20 MayardBell 25 George Thompson .... 25 James Bell 12 Rebecca Nixon 25 HenryKnight 25 Mary Ann Nixon — 25 G.J. Paine 1 00 Cash 12 A Friend 12 Alex. Craig 25 lo. JohnCr^ 26 Hortense Mitchell .... 10 Gteorgo R. Kingshot. . 25 Mrs. Foster 25 AFriend 08 Eliza RothweU 25 Elizabeth Soott 10 Isaac Soott 25 JohnEidd 50 Jeanette McDermot- • 12 Charles Short 50 Caroline Hampson ... 25 Stephen Knight 25 James Noble 25 J.Carbert 25 Mary Knight 12 James Delahey 25 John McDowell 25 John Scott 25 WiUiam Small 25 Jonathan Hillis 10 Samuel Hillis 25 John Brown 25 William Scott 25 Thomas Mitchell .... 12 KINCARDINE. ALL SAINTS. Collected by Misses Wilson and Smith. tReT.S.Tighe,A.B.. 5 00 tFrancis Walker .... 5 00 John Blake 50 WiUiamKievU 60 RobertBaird 100 Mrs. Wm. MoKenzie, 60 Mrs. Bobt. Walker . . 50 James Graham 50 Mrs.Robt. Burd.... 50 Mrs. Robert Barnes . 60 A Friend 50 Mrs Robert Reid.... 50 Frederick Dozing .... 25 Thomas Rooklidge . • 25 AFriend .«... 50 7... 10 25 60 Mrs. Woods 2S Mrs. Spiers 25 Mrs.Smith 50 R.MoInto8h 60 AFriend .... 25 Mrs. Guest 50 D. SmaU 25 John Barton 25 AFriend 10 C.R. Barker 25 Thomas Thompson ... 25 Benjamin Barnes. ... 25 • o. • • • • 25 • • • ■ 10 ot.. 25 25 • • • • OR • • • • 25 • • * • 10 • •• • 25 60 ot. 12 50 25 25 25 25 12 25 25 25 25 10 25 25 25 12 > 00 iOO 50 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 50 10 25 50 25 25 50 50 25 50 25 26 10 25 25 25 APPENDIX. 57 Benjamin Farrel 26 Thomas Parla 25 Frances MoKenny. . . 25 W. R.Sa«e 50 Mn.Calbert 25 F. Hnrdon 50 Alexander MeKensie, 25 John MoKenrie 10 Mrs. John Walker... 25 AFriend 25 Mrs.Peiinff.. 50 Mrs. D. MoKenzie ... 25 Mrs. Donavan 25 Timothy Finn 25 Robert WiUon 100 Colleeted by Miss Hamilton. Miss Ann Hamilton . . 25 Mrs. Farrel 26 WUUamFarrei 26 JolwFarrel 26 Benjamin Farrel 25 Mrs. McKenne 25 AFriend 12 James Graham. ..... 60 John liambert 25 Thomas Lambert. • ■ • 25 lbs. Mary Mitchell.. 50 Alexander Wrii^t... 25 Mrs. Qillis 25 Mrs. Robinson 25 Mrs. Loyd 20 Mrs.Butley 25 Miss Alicia Hamilton 60 John Wright 25 JohnElUott 10 Robert Huston 25 Gideon Donpe 26 David Carlton 25 James Wilson 100 RobertHardy 25 RobertPoUook 25 Francis Montspmery. 25 Mrs. Thomas Wilson, 50 Mrs.Scott 12 Collected by Mr. A. 6. Brown. A.G. Brown 2 00 JohnNorman 25 JohnEvang 50 Andrew Oodfirey 50 Samuel Henry 60 Mrs.Fanning 25 John Locke 25 Mrs.EUiot 25 Joseph Marsh 100 William Johnsttm.... 25 WiUiamHole 26 Ohiistopher Ditnum • 21 Wm. N. Merrii.... . 60 BERVIE. ST. JOHN'S CHVBCR. Collected by Hiss Jane Stanley. JohnColville 50 Wm.Boyd 100 Abraham Bums 60 Samuel Qplwell 100 Thomas Dan 25 Lewis Carter 60 Henry Stanley 13 JosephMottan 60 ^ohard6Mey 10 Blr. Shoebottom 25 MariaWaU 25 Joseph WaU 26 Mrs.WaIl 26 Thomas Morgan 25 Mrs. Morgan 25 SarahHodgins 26 Thomas Bums..... ■■ 26 Sbrs. Costella 26 Mrs.Monan 12 ^ancis Collins 25 Wm.ColUns 26 RobertMovue 50 tJ.McLmes 100 rs. McKinaey 25 rs. McKeinie 26 Edward CoUlnB 25 Collected by Miss H. J. Dagg. Richard Dug-. ..'... 100 Thoe.Bradl^,M.D.. 100 Wm.Dagg 50 James Bums 50 Abraham Bums 50 JohnHewit 26 Mrs. John Hewit 12 RobertWelsh 26 Wm. Bradley 25 John Bradley 26 NathnSel Bradley ■ 25 Joseph Bodgins 25 Thomas Stanley 25 George Lindsey 25 AFnend 25 ThomasHewit 26 AFriend 50 Jonathan Atkinson. . 60 AFriend 15 " 10 EdwwdSttaley 26 LiisyBradler. 85 Margaiet J. Bradley- 12 Wm. Bradley 10 AFriend 26 Wm.paa 25 Wm.Staiager 25 GoUe'ed by Miss Qrifflth Margaret GrU^th-.. 25 Samuel Tooke 25 Hiram Griffith 25 Samuel Long 25 Mn.Long 26 Mrs.Stringer 10 Wm. Thompson 26 Wm. Bennet 26 C.Bennet 100 Meredith McKee.... 25 Mrs. MoKee 25 Mr.Shoefelt 25 Mrs.Shoefelt 25 Peter Shoefelt 26 MissShoefelt 25 Mr.Shoefelt 25 Mrs. Shoefelt..... ... 25 PINE RIVER. ST. LinCl'B ORITROH. CoUe'ed by Miss Oamble JohnHnnter 50 Mrs. John Hunter — 50 Edward Hunter 25 Mrs. Edward Hunter, 50 John Hicks 50 Thomas Hendry 25 Wm.Blair » George Blair 25 John Emmerton 25 Sarah TiUey.... 26 Sarah Jane Tilley • • . . 06 R. C. Greenbam OB Mrs. MoPherson 26 Andrew Haluday. • • • 26 C. Pemberton 50 Alex.Fra8er 50 Wm.Keith 25 Wm.CoUey 10 John Young 35 R. Greenbam 50 Mrs. Greenbam 50 Collected by Mrs. Hum- phreys. Thomas Scott SO Mrs. Scott 60 Mrs. McDonald 25 ^hnBell. 26 ilrs.Nesbitt 50 Bus. Courtiwy 26 Wm. Humphiejni sen 26 llrs. J. SmelSr.' '.'.'.'. 25 JohnMcKeniie 12 pjtl 11 58 APPENDIX. 9 C. Peter Smeltier 26 Mn.D.Blae ' 25 Mn. O. Homphreye ■ ■ 26 Mn. Smeltier 12 i i! ■ 11 Collected by Mrs. Ro- bert Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. Robert Wilson 60 James MoTavi^h .... 26 Robert Martin 60 Mr8.Reb'oea Peacock 25 Wm. Wilson 60 ThomasKiity 25 ThomasMoore 26 John McCallnm 25 JohnMcTavish 26 Thomas Featherston- 25 ArohyGampbell 25 John Black 26 NeUlBlack 26 Andrew Moore 25 Wm. Walmsley 25 John Davis 35 John Martin 26 Richard Martin 25 Mrs. Richard Martin . 25 HenryMartin 10 Sarah Jane Wilson . . 10 Robert S. Wilson- • • . 10 Henry Wilson 10 A. Gonnol^ 25 EUenBowTes 100 Susan Featherston • • . 26 Wm. Johnston 25 Daniel Patchen 10 DavidSmith 26 KennethKoes 26 Ruth Wilson 26 Samuel Wilson 60 AFriend 25 Mrs. Ghristoidier — 10 Wm. MoMoroliy 25 Mn.Walmsley 25 PAISLEY, Ac. OoU'ted by Misses Mary Oood and A. Martin. J Rev. R. S. Cooper. . . 6 CO irs. MaUooh. 100 J.Vance 26 lbs. Butcher 20 W. Fare 60 Jfc.Briggs 60 W.Keyes 60 G.W.MaUoch 100 Mrs. Senison 36 MinOrHaUooh.. 25 *' ManrOood 26 Ic. Mrs.FuUer 26 Mrs.Baird 26 H. A. Wilson 60 James Saunders 60 John Watson 26 Mrs. R. Gilmour 100 S-T.Rowe SO Miss Amelia Martin . 25 BRARMAN'S, RLDERSLIE. Col. by Miss Catherine A. McManiB. Miss G. A. McManis. 50 WH. McDonald. •■• 60 Mrs. Robertson...... 25 W.McElroy 26 J. Senrison 25 Mrs. Wilson 26 J.Adolph 25 A. McLean 60 W. HoUiday 26 M. F. Atkinson 25 M. W. Robertson . . ■ ■ 26 James Maxwell 50 AFriend 26 " 12 Mrs. J. Fortune 50 James Gaims 26 W.Rattray 60 B.Gononly 60 M.McManis 26 Goirted by Miss Isabella Maxwell. Miss Isab'la Maxwell 25 James Davidson 20 QoorgeHope 26 Thomas Bearman • ■ ■ 1 00 Richard Buirell 50 16th congxssion.township of obkknook. Collected by Mrs. Keyes. John Arnold 30 A. Dimma 10 Mrs.M.A.Medcalf.. 20 Robert Wilson 10 John Wilson. 10 gughSteel 26 Dbert Saunders 26 tJ(dui Keyes 35 JamesKeyes 26 Mrs. Keyes 12 AFriend 10 RCKFOBD SCHOOL ROl'SK. Col. by Misses Margaret and Sarah J. Hunt. John Hunt 25 Elisabeth Hunt 25 John Hunt 26 Mary Ann Hunt 25 Margaret Hunt 26 AndrewKiUen 26 George Routledge — 25 John Qreen 25 Alice Green 12 Mrs. Walton 26 John MoGoy 50 ThomasTodd 50 JaneTodd 26 Gatberine Elder 26 W.H. Simston 60 F.Melaoh 60 Wm.O'Neil 60 Wm.McNeU 25 JohnByers 26 H.Bell 25 James Miles 26 George Keyes 25 Joseph May 16 William Garland.-.. 26 JohnBelbeok 25 FlemingMay 26 William Boddy 26 JohnBoddy 26 JamesHill 26 Sarah Boddy 26 KINLOSS- tWm- Murptiy 5 00 Collected by Misses Gee and Elliott. Miss Maiy J- Elliott. 50 MissGtoe 60 AFriend 26 26 Mies G- Vance 26 Rev. Mr. Preston 26 Mrs.JaneGla8S 26 MaySheltoB 60 VruioisBhalton... . W APPINDIX. 59 e, 25 12 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 12 25 50 50 25 25 60 50 50 26 25 26 26 25 15 25 25 25 5 00 60 60 26 25 26 60 SO $ C. JobnShelton 26 T- Taylor. • 60 Mr.Sbelton 25 OoU'd by Hisses Young and Haldenly. Mn. E. Haldenly ■ • • ■ 25 MU8M.J.Halden]y. 25 Mn.Parkor 12 Robert MoDonald--. 17 Mrs. Marten 25 JohnBeeking 25 Mrs. Atkinson 25 JohnKehoe 20 Mn.Mannel 30 John Manuel . 60 Mrs. Hannah 25 O.Crawford 18 Mrs. Thompson 10 Mrs. Hodgins 25 Janus Johnson 50 FranoisGnest 25 Wm.Peroy 25 Georm Patterson — 25 Mrs. Thomas Percy. . 60 Mrs. J. Vatohbom ... 12 Mrs. M. Haldenly 25 T.O. Young 26 Mis8B.Yonng 25 J.Hodgins..- 50 Samuel Hodgins 25 John Young. 25 Mrs. John Young — 25 Mrs. ThoB. Bayly.. .. 25 CoU'ted by Miss Collins. OharlesReid 25 Jamos Soott 26 Wm.Soott 12 Wm. Johnson, jun. . ■ 25 Wm. Johnstone, sen . 25 Edward Collins 25 MissC. CoUins 10 John Blaokwell 10 COUNTY OF ELGIN. ST. THOMAS. Collected by Mrs. Aiken and Miss Ermatinger. H.OaIdweU 100 CMitehell ^ $ c. Lindop B"^ . 60 C.W. H 60 Henry F.Ik. Is 60 Friend 25 A.J.A11worth,jr.... 25 B.Nngent 25 Thos. Arkell 100 Mrs.0n8tin 100 Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. ■■ 50 Mrs. Cole 60 g. Longden 1 00 rs. Cruise 50 M. J. Aiken 60 tPeterRoe .S 00 tVfrs. P. Roe 5 00 N. W. Moore 60 Mrs. D.Drake ' 25 F.B.Going 100 JohnHUIis 25 Mrs. Baker 25 Miss Ermatinger 2 00 J.A.Kains 50 Friend 26 J.A.Mann SO Collected by Mrs. Caul- feild. fRev. St. (i. GauUeild 5 00 t J. Farley 5 00 tD. J. Hughes 5 00 J.Robinson.. 26 Mrs. VaU 60 O.Luke 50 S.Luke 60 Rosa M.Luke 50 Mrs, J. Luke 50 Ada Luke 25 Henry Payne 1 00 Mrs. P^ne 1 00 A. J. Allworth 100 Wm. Martin 100 Mrs. Martin 1 00 Leslie Pearoe 60 Mrs. Pearce 50 Mr.Rapelge 50 I.D.Warren 100 J. Macartney 1 00 John B.Miller 100 Mrs-MiUer 100 John A. Roe 1 00 JohnWegg 50 Collected by Mrs. Man- devill. tGtoorge Kains 5 00 gS. M.Yarwood 5 00 rs. G. Eains 50 Mrs Cusaok 50 Mrs. F. Ermatinger- . 1 00 Mrs. R. B. Nioboll ■ ■ 1 00 [rs. Potteoary 25 __ Lawton.... fS Mrs. Crocker ... SU Mi>s Thompson 25 Mrs. MandeviU* 100 Mrs.C.D.Panl 100 Mrs. Thos. Eains. • • • 50 " Stanton 60 " L. Thompson... .75 " Fntoher 1 OO " T.Futoher 100 " TurviU 80 WESTMINSTER. Collected by Mrs. Jack- son. Adelaide E. A. Smith 1 00 Mrs. WriAt 26 Ed. Wright 25 Mrs. J. Jarmain 25 PhiUpA. Smith 60 Mrs.Fisher 50 A.RSmith 25 R. F.Smith SO M. Jackson 50 Mrs. Errington 26 Thos. Pearce . 26 Mr8.Shore 1 OO " Mnrdock 26 " Jackson 60 " Bonnet 25 Mr.Biddulph » Mrs. F.Shore 100 MaiyPearee , » Mr.Shore 100 Collected by Mrs.Mount- ford. WalterSmith 100 Jas. Mountford 1 00 Thoe.Welden 100 SamaelLewis 100 Hugh Maopherson . . 60 VioarsFisher 50 Thos.Meddioe 25 Mrs. Burtwistle 25 WiUiam Taylw 80 Francis Jones 100 Mrs. Jas. Sewell .... 1 00 Snlton Weidon 100 Ben. Cook 100 Jonathan Dawson. ... 50 Bbt.M'Cul]y 50 TLos.Dawson 50 HenryLegg 80 Mrs. Mountford 80 ^ APPENDIX. m OoUected by Mist Hop- kins. Mr.HopUni 100 Mn.HopkiM BO Mftiy Hopkins 60 IraUa Hopkins 2S CniM. Hopkins 25 J. M. Drake SO Jme 25 LenaOlass 25 f Rev. J. Kennedy ... 5 00 fMrs. John Kennedy. 5 00 Mrs. Liberty. .. .* 26 Joseph Mitchell 1 00 Mrs. Joseidi Mitchell 1 00 Mrs. McCallnm 30 Mrs.McNeU 25 Mrs. Moore 25 Thos. Morish 25 Mrs. T.Morish 25 B.Morish 26 Mrs.R. Morish 25 J.N. Morish 12 Mr. Orchard 25 tJohn Pearce 5 00 Mrs. John Pearce. ... 2 25 John S. Pearce 50 Mis. Pearce 175 Thos. Pearoe 50 Mrs. Thos. Pearce- ■ . 50 Jdm Sanders 100 B.B.Jtewart 100 Mrs. Kothen 25 D.M.Wallaoe 5C VIENNA. ST. LUKE'S. tH.B.Jessopp 500 Collected by Mils Mc- donald and Miss Mc- Knight. Sios. Jenkins 1 00 issEUiss 25 Friend 25 " 25 Chas. Draeseke 2 00 BIrs.Edison ICO Mrs. Stannage 75 J.W.Connor 50 Mrs. Abbott 25 A.M. Patton 2 00 Mrs. Young 25 6am.Brasher 60 Fred Brasher 26 John Edmonds 60 Mrs.R. Draper 26 '' Seymour 25 " Brown 25 " Wm. Brasher . . 1 00 MissMoCally 26 Mrs. MoKnight 100 Miss Gibson 100 AWidow 26 AFriend 25 " 50 " 60 " 50 " 100 R.L. MoOally 50 MissM. A. Edison. . 25 JohnT. Bond SO Mrs. Abarrow 25 " Nelles 1 00 Geo. Thv^mton 25 F.Jewell... 60 Mrs. Ault 25 " N. Draper 50 Wm.Mihie 25 Mrs. Parriok 25 A.Patton 200 Mrs. Wrong 25 AYLMER. Collected by Mrs. Wm. Simmons and Miss Mary Williams. F.T.Mann 50 H. G. Hughes 25 P. Hodgkmson fiO Mrs. Henry 25 Mrs. McCansland . • ■ 25 Mrs. Snow 25 Ed. Hopkins 25 Mr. Henry 5U Ja8.FimiIe 60 AFriend 25 Alex.LoTB 50 Dr. A. Williams 50 J.H.Arkell 100 Mrs. Mosley 25 Mrs.Simmons 26 • APPINDIX 61 100 25 25 25 2 00 1 00 76 fiO 2S 2 00 25 50 26 60 25 25 , 26 100 26 100 100 26 26 60 100 60 26 50 25 100 26 60 25 50 25 25 200 25 50 28 50 25 25 25 25 50 BO 25 50 50 100 25 25 $ C. Dr. B. Foote 50 Sn.E.Foote 26 n.Long 60 n.Brown 26 ^m. Buahmera 50 FIXQAL MISSION. fR«v. Jaa. Mookridge 5 00 Mrs- Mookridge 100 R. Ooohrane 1 00 J. Gottingham 25 W.Arkell 50 Mrs. W. Arkell 50 W. B. Burmgg 50 Mrs. Col. Barwell. ... 1 00 Mrs. MoCormiok 1 00 Mrs. Gassy 2 00 Mrs. Miller. 35 Mrs. Thorn 1 00 Mrs. Boa(;hner 1 OO Jas. Partridge 25 S.Tabby 26 J.Phillips 25 Mrs. Partridge 25 C. Edmunds 50 Amasa Wood 100 Hannibal Burwell.- 1 00 Ed. Burwell 50 Mrs. Ed. Barwell.... 50 J. Orchard 25 A Friend 25 COUNTY OF ESSEX. AMHEKSTBURG. Collected by Misses At- kinson and S. Corn- wall. tRev.F. Mack, 5 00 ]>. Lambert, 2 00 Mrs. Oordon, 2 00 Mr. .^derson, 100 " Strouts, 1 00 » Kolfage, 100 Mrs. Kolfage, 50 Mr. Hamilton, 100 Mrs. Horsman 1 .00 Oaptain Doherty, — 1 00 Mr. Ashdown, 100 " J. Park,. 100 " E.Park, 50 " SaUnonl, 50 $ C. Mrs. Brown, 60 " Oonroy, 50 Three Friends, 40 Mrs. Omadden, 26 " Burk 26 MissM. Brown, 37 MrsMcOregor, 26 " Archer, 15 Mr.Bondy, 25 Mrs. Mears, 26 Mr. Archer, 25 " Borrowman, — 60 Mr.Baker, 60 " R.Park, 50 " Templeton, . ... 25 " J Wilderspin,. 25 Mrs. Qreen, 25 Mr. Dall, 60 " Bungy, 60 Mrs.BeIl 100 Mr.Kane, 26 Mrs. Atkinson, 26 Mr. Wilderspin 1 00 Mrs.Gott, 50 Collected by Mr. Wil- kinson. Mr. J. Wilkinson, ... 25 " Bennett, 25 " Hyde 25 " Booth 20 " Direr, 10 •' GUffln, 10 " Smith, 25 " England 20 " Viney, 25 " Spinks 50 Collected by Miss Emma Harling. Miss Pettipiece, 1 00 Mr. Golbom 45 " E.M.Honner,.. 25 Mrs G.Buiey, 25 ■Mr. AUen, 10 " J. Hoskins,. — 18 " J. Bailey, Jr.,.. 50 Mrs. Harling,. ....... 50 Miss E. Heuling, 25 Mr. T. Harling 25 Mrs. Mosson, 50 '' Hoskins 25 '* Mayhew, 25 " McOee 25 " Pettipieoe, ^ " Smith 50 " J.Bailey, 50 Mr. J. Bailey, 50 Mr. Mayhew 25 AFriend, 25 AFiiend, 10 Mr. W. Pettipiece, ... 50 Collected by Mr. Milli- gan, flrom the employ- ees of the Lunatic Asylum. Doctor Fisher, 100 Mr. MUlUtan* 50 " F.BeU, 25 " Creed 25 " w.How, as " Blair, 25 " Rowen, Mrs. Greed, SANDWICH. Collected by Miflses Grant and Allison. IRev.F.G. Elliott,.. 5 00 Captain Wright, 100 ABViendi-. 100 MidorA.H.WiUiam8 Volunteers, 1 00 Mr.aS.Hayward, do. 100 '' J. G. Johnson, do. 1 00 "J. MoLeod, do. 100 Mrs.Gluns, 60 " Chalmers 25 " Forest, 25 AFriend, 25 Mrs.Trakle, 25 AFriend, .. 25 Mr. T. Trakle, 30 " Bain, 80 " MiUer, 25 " C. Clark, 50 " J.B.Clark,.... 50 " Green, 100 " Woodbridge, . • 1 60 " Gauthier, 25 " Ellis 26 Mrs. Weaver^. 25 Mr. Wm. McEwan,.. &0 " T McKee, 25 AFriend, 26 Mr.J.Grey, 100 " Vemer, 50 MissBaby, 23 Mrs.Chewett, 50 " AlUson, 25 MissMears, 25 Miss Wiggins, 25 Mrs. Feuers, 45 a r. Armstrong, SO rs. Capt Boyd, 60 " Q.% Lematt,. 1 00 Miss TilUe Elliot, thank offering, 1 00 Mrs. A. Prince, 100 m M m ill A I m •2 APPINOIX. WINDSOR. Collected by Mian Dew- son. tDr. Dewaon 5 00 Mr. Sutton fiO SM.Satton 60 MiuBlorke 50 Bif ■ B. Blorke 60 T. PoUook 50 Mr. 0. D. Oruett- . ■ • 60 Mr. J. Hatton •..•'■■■ 50 Kr-XNoble 50 n. W»tson 60 Mr.Biom 26 Mr.HdUnd 25 Collected by Miss L. Hurst and Miss £. Dewson. Miss Reynoldii 1 00 Mrs. JranDougal.... 5) " SfoDonald 50 " Woodbridge ... 25 » Elliot 35 Mr.Shields 100 Mrs-Lanria 60 " Biehards 60 " Colrert 50 Collected by Miss John- son and Miss Clarke. Mn.Skee 50 Mrs. Shipley 25 " MeMtoken 35 " Moore 25 A Friend 25 Federalist 50 BIrs.Bond 20 *' Blokely 20 IViend 10 MissMeason 25 Mrs. Anyn 60 Miss Johnson' 25 Mrs. Williamson ... 25 Collected by Miss Ken- nedy and Miss Morton Mr. MoCallestor .... 4 00 Miss McCallester .... 1 00 Mr. Kennedy... 100 Mrs. Kennedy 50 Mr.Foster 40 Mr. Irwin 25 Mn.Knigfat 25 IRISH SETTLBMBNT. Collected byMiss White. Mn.O'Neal SO Mrs.Daley 25 " Shuel 20 " W.Shael 28 " T. Holden 25 '< J.Shnel 25 Mr. White 60 Mrs. White 60 Miss White 25 Hnch White 25 BUen White 25 LonisaWhite 26 F.White 10 Ed. White 10 IJnie White 5 Emily White 5 Wm. White 5 Mrs.ShueU 25 Mr.A.Wood 23 Mr. J Holden 25 Collected by Mrs. Bon- nel. Mr. Bonwell 'SO Mrs. Bonwell 60 Aognstas Bonwell . ■ ■ 60 Ed Bonwell 35 Qeorge SuUivan 25 Robt. Herdman, sen. 25 Alex. Herdman 20 Jehn Herdman 25 Mrs. J. Herdman. ... 25 Robt. Herdman, jr. . . 25 Jas. Herdman 12 Miss M. Herdman. . . 13 Miss Sarah Donald . . 12 Wm.Radcliffe 25 Mrs. RadoUffei jun . ■ 25 John Herdmui 25 Mrs. SewiU. . . ., 25 J. Bonwell 50 Mrs. J. Bonwell 25 Jas. Glocae 25 Mr. John McKee 1 00 Collected by Miss Jane H. Volens. Mr. J. Volens 60 Mrs. Volens 25 B. Volens 25 Mrs.Red8dole 25 Wm. Volens 25 Mr.Page 25 Blisha McKee 50 Mrs. Thrasher 12 $ e. Joseph Atkinson .... 26 Mrs. J. Taylor 40 Mr.B. Taylor 25 Mrs. E. J. Hite 15 Hrs.R.Taylor 26 rs. Biotensham • • . 9 SiadeVolens 12 obert Volens iS Samnel Volens 25 Hannah Volens 25 Amy Volens Id John Redsdole 6(i Rebaeea Volens 26 Jos.O'Neil 60 Mr.Jessop 26 Mrs. JesBop 25 JohnF.Jessop 10 Wm.Jessop 10 Mrs. Hoesol 76 Ed. Taylor 26 Chaa.Hdden 46 Mrs. Bnrtos 25 Friend 25 F.B.Voletas 60 AStranger 25 Ed. Volens 26 Isaao Volens 25 Gordon B. Bronigon ■ . 26 COLCHESTER. Collected by Miss Ellen D. King and Miss Lockhart. MissBeU 50 Miss J. Wright 60 Mrs. Graham 60 Mrs.J.Bm8h 100 Mast W. Grab 10 MissA. Wright 60 MissO. WUoox 50 Miss J. Wilcox 36 Mr. Asa Wilcox 100 Mrs. Wilcox 26 A. Cornwall 10 Geo. Cornwall 10 Mr. Hntohins 60 Miss M. Ferguson — 50 Mr. S. Cornwall / 25 Mrs. George Fox 25 Mr.Pigeon 26 Mrs. P.Aikman 26 Mr.Sinesack 25 Mr.Hedriok 26 Miss M. Zofflemiro .. 15 Mr J.Lii^iten 50 Mrs.IJghten 25 Miss M. Lockhart.... 25 MissE.D.Ring 25 Mr.W.S.King 25 \" APPENDIX. 63 2S 40 25 15 25 9 26 16 Bit 26 60, 25' 26 10 10 76 25 45 26 50 60 60 100 10 60 60 35 100 26 10 10 60 50 25 25 26 26 26 25 16 60 25 25 25 Collected by Miss Thorn- son. Mr. Lennox Thomson 1 00 Mn.Thonuon 26 Miaa L. Thomson 20 8 Iss Thomson 25 r. OhH. Thomsou. ■ 26 A. E.Thomson .; 20 SS.TNrlor 26 Mrs. Taylor 26 Mrs. A. Lookwood ■■ ^ .Hnjdiaon ^ r. AiBMk.... 26 i..Affl«ok 12 .Haghson $ .Beaton 26 [TS.Macgie Hngfason 25 Collected by Miss L. Boyle. Mr. J. Fox 25 Mrs. Thoa. Lyppa. . . . 40 Mrs. J. Bertrand . • • • 26 Mr W. Riflhardson. ■ 25 Mrs. M. Bertrand. ... 26 Mrs. J. Bratt 60 " C.Quiok 100 " J.Best 16 MissL-Boyle 26 Collected by Misses E. and A Shay. MissGheyno 50 Mr. Lookhart 50 Mrs. Bnchanan 1 CO Mr8.Cnda 25 Mrs. Home 60 MissAikman 26 Mrs. BeU 60 iHssBeU 25 Miss MoGormick — 26 Mrs. McCodier 26 James Buchanan — 26 Mrs.Shay 50 MissShajr 26 Mrs. Baldwin 60 W.Baldwin 26 Mr. Woodbridse .... 25 Friend 10 Mrs. Wride... 26 BIr8.Duff. 100 Friend 20 Mrs. Wide 25 Miss Palmer 60 MissMoBwan 60 Hatde . S ntev. R. Fleteher. . . . 5 00 KINGSVILLE. Collected byMiss Davies and Miss Harris. Mr. Kennedy 50 Mrs.Kennedy 1 00 JamesKing 100 Mr. Pearce 25 Mrs. Harris 50 Dr. Allworth 100 MUs Stewart 60 Jas. W.King 60 Mr8.King 60 MissKing SO Miss Davies 56 Mr. E. Nightingale.. 60 Wm. Potts 20 Dr. Drake 100 H.Iler 60 J. Golden 50 V>4\ u COUNTY OF GREY. OWEN SOUND. ST. OEOBQE'S CHURCH. Collected by Mrs. Eough and Mrs. Preston. iMr. O.J. Gale, 5 frs. Galoi 1 " Rankin, 200 Miss Rankin 2 00 Mr. F. Lepan, 2 00 " Rough, 3 00 Mrs.Kough, 2 00 Mr. J.Pottenger, .... 2 00 " S. G.Scagel,.... 100 " W. A. Barrett,. 1 00 Mrs. Dowsley, 1 00 Spencer A Brothers, . 1 00 Mr.B.Notter, 160 " D.Greii^ton,... 100 Mrs.Parker, 100 " Goulson, 100 T. ft D. Nevings, .... 1 00 Mr. S. Jones, 60 Mrs.Bntohart, 50 Bfr. Robertson, 50 " J.Friisel, 50 " 0. HaU 50 " T.Gordon, 60 Mn> Gordon, 25 • c. Mr. C.W.Robinson,. 60 MiMSeUon, 60 Mr.Quin, 25 " Strong, 50 " H. Taylor, 60 " R.Hill 26 " H. Stephens, . . 26 •' FoUis, 60 " W. Boyoe, 25 Mrs.HewiU 26 Mr. S. V. Hutohins, . 25 " A. Spencer, .... 26 C&llect«d by Mrs. Chat- win and Miss Clarke. tRev. A. H. R. Mnl- holland, - 5 00 Mr.Chatwin 100 Mrs. Chatwin, 1 00 MissChatwin, 60 Mrs. Johnson, 76 MissGarvan, 60 Mrs. J. Pearson, 60 Mr. T.Scott, 100 Mrs. W. H. Smith, . . BO " Crane, 60 " Evans, 126 Mr. Preston, 2 00 " Boyd, 100 Mrs. Atkins, 100 " May, 60 " Douglas 50 " G. Rankbi 60 Mr. Rankin, 60 " R. Saddler, 60 " J.A. Wightman 100 " Edwards, 25 Mrs. Spray. 26 " GampbeU, 60 Miss Clarke, 160 Mrs. Fox, 100 Mr. Burgess, 100 Mrs. Malone, 26 " Peete 60 Mr. Williams, SO Mr. Edwards, 25 A Friend, 10 DERBY. ST. .lAMRS' cmntcH. Collected by Miss HaU and Master Hall. Mr. F. HaU, 50 " Whitney, 60 " W.Half, 60 Mrs.E.Hall, 25 Mr. F.Barber, 50 Mrs. F. Barber. 50 r^ 64 APPENDIX. r < I 9c. Mr. J. Armatronfft ■ ■ . fiO AFriMid 2S Mr. N. Barber, AO ** Jem Molimia,. fiO MiMB.Mounea,.... M AFriend, 10 Mr.HrHunUton,.-- 100 " S.HftU, 60 AFriend, 2S Aftlend, 2S HOLLAND. ST. PAVl'S GBtTROR. OoUected by Hiss Dad- geon and Miss Hem- broff. ThomM OuBon, 26 ThomuGibaoiii 2S Junee Daffoy, 80 Alnend. 90 Donald MoEey 25 Junes DandWi 26 MrStGreen. 25 " Sprool, 26 Wm. Dadmon, 25 Donald McDonald, • . • 26 John Foster, 50 Thomas Frost, 50 D.W. Shearman,... SO Mrs. Shearman 25 Bfr. Avery, 25 OoUected byMissCraren and Miss Coulter. AnnConlter, 50 Maiy Ann Craven, . ■ ■ 25 Joseph Troni^tim, ... 50 ^seph Tronghton, ■• 50 Wm. Lyttle, 60 Biuan^Lyttle, 26 j^hnOraven. 21 lAiomas Oouter, 80 BIrs. Deavitt, 5U DURHAM. rpPBB TOWN. Collec'd by Miss Jones and Miss S. Mockler. Wm. B. Evans, . . . frs. Anderson, Irs. Bayly LDal^, trs wTB. Evans,, arian F. Evans,. . ■ • M. Evans, AFriend, AFriend, AFriend, Mrs. J. H. Hunter, . O. Isaacs, T.Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. H. Jones, O.Jackson, W.Jackson, Mrs. Koiley, Mrs- Mookler,. ..... H. Mockler, Mrs. Matthews, H.Parker, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Rowswell, 5(M) M 26 200 60 25 26 50 60 20 50 50 60 50 50 00 00 25 50 50 26 00 50 50 LOWER TOWN. OoUected by Mrs. Sulli- van and Miss Willey. itlrs. Burt, 25 tr. Ooohrane, 25 r. Edwards, 26 ra.Eva, 26 " Foreman, SO AFriend, 26 AFriend, 10 Mr. Oainer, 25 Mr. J. Kelly SO p8.Kelly, 50 TboB. Kelly, 26 John Kelly 25 AlbertKelly, 26 Jas.A.A.KeUy 25 Mn.Little 07 J.McOaulay, 26 J.MoKelvie, 25 Mr. McDougall, 25 jTParrott, 25 Mr.Smith,^ 25 Jas.SttllivaD, 25 Mrs. Tamer, SO Mr8.WiUey, 25 EGREMONT. Collected by Misses Brown and McKenzie. DavidAllan, 26 Mrs. Brown, flO John Brown, 26 Mrs. Bradley, 25 " W.Bradley,.... 10 " Brown, 10 " T. Chapman,... 25 " Calvert, 30 " Caldwell 26 Wm. Chapman, 25 J. L. Doyle, sen., — 20 Mrs. Doyle, 20 Wm. Doyle, 20 Mrs. W.Doyle, 20 Rebecca Doyle, 10 J. L. Doyle, Jan., .... 10 Mrs. Darbey, 10 Chas. Darbey, 50 Jacob Dougherty, .... 12 Mr8.Fisher. 25 " R.Fraemao, ... 25 MissGray, 10 W. Mollvain, 26 D. McLaughlin, 25 Mr. Morrison 25 Miss Morrison, 05 Mrs. McKenrie, 26 Jane Orohard, 25 Mrs. G. Pollock, 25 " A.PoUock 25 JaneQuinn, 26 Miss Russell 06 Mr. Tanner, 26 Mr. Watters, 26 Collected by Miss Mead. James Allen, 60 Mrs. Aoheson 25 Steward Atoheson , . . . 10 Agnes Baird, 10 Mrs. Blaney, 12 " Dodd 26 " Fleming, 10 AFriend, 10 Mrs. Johnston, 25 " Privat, 26 " Wakeileld, 6b James Webber, 25 ■L iPPlNDiX cr» 2S 00 25 2ft 10 10 2S ao 2B 2S 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 60 12 25 26 10 25 25 » 05 25 25 25 ft 26 06 60 26 10 10 12 26 10 10 25 25 60 25 BENTINCK. ALLRN PARK. Collected by the Missea Fensom. Mrs. H. Briiham,.... 25 " Black, 25 G. Chlttiok, 25 Mrs. W. Cook, 90 " Gollett, 25 Mr. Cook, 25 Thoa. Dixon, 25 Mrs. Edmondflon, — 25 R. Feiuom 50 Mra.R. Fenaom 50 Mr. Fanaom 50 Mrs. Feuoon 25 Miss Fensom 60 LavinU Fensom 60 Georse Fensom 50 AF^end, 15 J.Qibson, 25 Andrew Marshall, ... 50 A.Stephens, 25 Joseph Tierman, 50 Mrs. Tierman, 25 OoUec'd by Miss Marvyn Mrs. Haselett, 10 Mrs.Hont 16 JThIx 25 John Marvyn 25 F. Marvyn 13 Jane Marvyn 12 Mrs- Meares 25 A. Marvyn 10 M. Marvyn 10 Miss Marvyn 25 James Marvyn 2 Mr. McLean 8 J.Sheak 25 Mrs. Sheak 25 Mrs. Smith 10 crozibr's school house. Gollected by Miss Loney George Adlane 25 John J. Armour 25 Thos. Ashberry 25 Thos. Ashberry, jr.. . 60 John Ashberry 20 Wm. Brint 12 George Brown 60 9 C. Mrs. Bamford 50 Wm. Brown 50 Mr. Curry 12 Miss Curry l.H Kebeooa A. Crosier . . 25 Sam. Croiler 25 Wm.Crosiar 25 Mrs. Crosier 25 Mn.Devlin 60 John II. Edge 60 Samuel Edge 50 Friend 25 Wm. HiUU 20 James Loney 25 Wm. Loney 20 Margaret Loney .... 10 Mrs. Ledien 25 Joseph Mighton 60 Mrs. Mann 25 Mr. MoDougall 10 Thos. Mighton 25 John McLean 20 Robt. Matthews 16 Wm. Matthews 6 M.A. Matthews ... 6 John Bedford 25 Alf. Taylor 25 DURHAM RUAD. Collected by Misses Hopps k Walton. Mr. Alexander 10 DavidOarr 25 A. Carr 25 Wm. Uopps 25 Francis Hopps 25 Mrs. Lovingston 10 Mr. MoCasUnd 26 Mrs. Reay 25 Mrs. Stewart 15 Wm. Thomas, jun. . 50 Mrs. Thomas 25 Mary Thomas 25 Mrs. Walton 25 Mrs. Walton 12 2nd. concession. Collected by Miss Col- linson. Mrs. J. Bums 25 John Collinson 25 Gibson CoUinson .... 25 Joseph CoUinson ■ ■ • . 10 Miss Collinson 25 Thos. Collinson i. 10 MissMCuff 20 Mis8H.Cuff 25 Chos.Cuff 6 • e. MUs E.Clark 5 Mrs. Dargavel 10 Miss Dunsmore 25 J. C. Dunsroore 25 Mrs. J. Edge 25 Friend 25 Mrs. G. Hutton 25 Mrs. S. Hopkins 10 D.Hopkins 25 L. Hopkins 25 Mrs. Jones 2r> Mrs. W. G. Jackson . 50 Mrs. Mann 'JCt Mrs.McIlroy 25 Wm. Mann ^> MoMartin 12 Mrs. C. Mighton ... 1i> Mrs. Newell K (J. Ryan 25 GLENELG. SOUTH OP DURHAM ROAO. Collected by Miss Low- tbT. Mrs.Cook 25 Mrs. Hampton 25 John Lawrence 25 Mrs. J. LdTtrence .... 25 James T i:iwrence, jr- 25 H- Lawience 25 p. T.awrenoe 25 Mrs. S. Lawrence. ... 25 MissLowther 50 G.Matthews 25 Mrs. G.Matthews. ... 25 Mrs.McFadden 5U Wm. MoFadden .... 50 Wm. Parslow 50 Robt Parslow 50 Nathan Whitmore... 25 NORTH or DURHAM ROAD. Collected by Mrs, A. Robson and Miss Davis. Thos. Collier 25 R. Collier 25 MissDavis 25 Thos Davis 50 D. Davis 20 Mrs. D.Davis 16 Mrs. Ben. Davis .... 20 Mrs. S. Edg4 SO f, 66 APPENDIX. hi isii $ c. J.Edjre 36 Mrs. Farr ^ C. FalkinKham 25 J.Falkintbam 25 J. Firth 25 Friend 15 J.Pike 50 A.Robson 25 Mrs. Bobson 25 Miss Bobson 25 W.H. Robson 25 G.T. Bobson 25 iMEAFOBD. CHRIST CHURCH. Collected hj Miss Leslie and Miss Smith. Mrs.Smith 50 Mary Ann Smith — 25 MissLeslie 100 James Smith 25 JohnAlberry 100 W.D. Pollard 100 James' Ctoddes 100 Mrs.Meddes 50 T. &^. N. Andrews . 50 Mrs. Brown • 25 Alex. Johnson 25 T.COhase 25 Mr8.Hilstrop 25 Mrs. Symes 50 Misa Brown 50 Mr8.Paul 50 Madebne Paul 25 AmeliaPaui 25 J.H.Waestaff 50 a. A. Caswell 25 Mrs. A. M. Lindsay . 50 Peter Fuller 50 J.D. McOoe 50 W.H.Tait 25 Isaac n. Thompson . ■ 50 B. CCainey 25 George Brown 50 Mrs.Foster. 50 William Stephena .... 25 John Blanohard 25 Mrs. Sheppherd 50 William James 50 WHUamDew 50 J. Cleland 25 Mr. Harris 50 C.Barber 25 B. Baraohree 25 David MoCann 1 00 Mrs. Johnson 25 Mrs. B. Johnson . • • . 25 Mrs. Andrews 25 C. B. MoLean, M. D. 100 y.O.Brodl* 60 RUPHRASIA BRANCH. Collected by the Misses Snelgrove. Charles Mitchel 81 Alfred Snelgrove 25 Miss Snelgrove 50 Mrs. McComb 25 Mrs. MoConnel 25 '' Drummond — 25 Mr. Lindsay 25 Mrs. Wilson 25 Mr. Harvey 50 Mr. Logan 10 Mrs.Gner 25 Mrs.Smith 25 Wm. Smith 25 George Terry 25 Mrs. McLean.. 20 Bobert Guardhouse . 25 Mrs. Taylor 25 Mrs. McComb, jr. ■ ■ . 25 Mrs. Clark 25 Edward Stokes 50 T.M. Beholds 25 Mr. Hopkins 25 Ceorge Black 50 Mrs.Mains 50 Mrs. Duke 40 Jeramiah Sears 25 Mrs. Johnston 25 Mr.MoComb 25 Bobert Abercromby . 25 James Lougheed 25 CLABKSBUBG. ST. OEOROB'S. Collected by the Misses McCort. Wm. J. Marsh 2 00 JohnMcCort 50 VV. Sparkling 25 A.Love 25 G.H. Shears 25 B. F. Green 25 A.W.Walker 25 Mr.H.I^e 100 Mrs. H. Lyne 50 Miss Bobinson 25 E.J.Brown 25 Mrs. John McGilvery 25 Mrs.F.Leroy 25 C. J. Vannostrand . . 60 W.Little 25 W. Crookshaoks ... 60 J.Parr 25 F. Hines 25 J. Campbell 26 Mrs.B. J. Marsh.... 25 Mrs. W.J. Marsh... 60 f c. Susanna Marsh 10 Mary E. Marsh 10 SarahB. Hurst 25 Margaret Badgerrow- 25 B. Granger 25 G.Polhr 25 Mrs. Hunter SO D. M. Cumming '.>5 C.Wheatland 25 J. Donaldson 25 H.Fracer 26 Mrs.B. Albery 25 Mrs. Dixon 12 Friend 25 William Carefoot. . • ■ 50 Thomas Veitoh 25 Miss Albeiy 25 F. WiUiamson 25 T. MoKenny 25 J.Haden 25 Francis Strain 60 Mrs. J. Mnrdy 25 Mrs. J. Stephenson • • 25 Mr. Hamilton 13 J. Ballentyne 25 Mrs.R.Hoy 25 TRIKITV OHUBCH. Collected by Mrs. Shore. Jb.nes McDoud 50 Thos.Ervm... 60 Andrew Shore 60 SarahShaw 25 George MoGruther ... 40 Louis Baker..' 12 Margaret Shore 15 Wm.Brvin 60 Joseph Corscaden . . • 60 Bobt. Aloook 25 Francis Wagg 13 A. Ohomier 25 JamesErvin 25 Mrs. J. Lougheed .... 25 Mn.J. Walaoe 60 Joseph Conn 60 J. MoGee 25. JohnE.Balflroy 25 Tho8.Wilson 25 MrB.H.Walace 25 Wm. Hoy 25 Thoa.Brvin 25 Jeramiah Taylor .... 60 Mrs. John Lawrence. 25 Arthur Wriiht 60 Edward Galloway. . ■ • .60 Elisabeth Galloway. . 25 Margaret Galloway. . 10 Ed. Galloway, jr 10 Frauois Galloway. ... 6 Thomas Shaw 60 EliiaCardweU 26 Wm.May SO Margant Wright ... 25 Joseph Brooks 25 m APPENDIX. 67 10 10 25 25 25 25 50 •.'5 25 25 25 25 12 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 13 25 25 60 60 SO 25 40 12 15 60 60 25 13 25 25 25 60 60 26. 25 25 25 60 25 60 .60 25 10 10 S 60 26 50 25 as -• s 9 C. Wm. Skelton 50 Wm. Brooks 25 Daniel Wright SO SamuelJohns 50 Sarah Johns 25 JohnMay 25 Joseph Skelton 20 Mrs. J. Alexander. . 75 Abraham Brooks.... 50 VJLLIDISTOWN BBANOH. Israel Loogheed 50 John Longheed 10- Daniel Loogheed 25 EdwardShaw 25 Joseph Mosorop 25 John Albery SO John Donaldson 25 Wm. Ward 50 JohnFord 25 JohnWright 25 Mrs. J. Wright 25 BiohardWright 25 HenryMoRae 25 Donald MoRae 12 Wm.Hugil 25 Mrs. Kenny 25 Wm.Garefoot SO Mrs. J. Carefoot 50 Michael Irwin SO JohnWright 25 David Donaldson. ... SO James Kerr 50 Arthur Barns 25 Arthur Cecil 25 Geoige Booth 25 Mrs. Wm. MoCIung. . 25 David Lougheed 50 Mrs. David Lougheed 25 Oeorge Vicars 50 Mrs. Qeo. Vicars. ... 50 Mary Jane Vicars — 25 Elisabeth Vicars 25 Hugh Read 25 Jeaston Badgerrow . . 25 Mrs. Badgerrow 14 Mrs. Wilson 20 James Wilson 60 J! $ C Elica Jane Shute- ... 13 Mary Ann Shute 12 Wm.Fardley 25 Samuel MoCIellan... 25 Sarah E. Edmunds . . 5 Thomas Whitney. ... 25 Robert Given 25 Mrs. R. Given 25 Mrs. Irving 05 Sunday Sobool 42 WILLIAMSFORD. Collected by Misses Mar- garet Doyle and M. J. Carson. StevartDoyle 26 Mrs.Doyle 10 JohnDoyle 25 Joseph Doyle 25 Wm. Hamilton 10 David Hamilton — 5 Robert Gillies 25 Mrs. RobtGiUies.... 25 EliEabethOrr 25 Nicholas Hopkins — 50 MrsrN. Hopkins — 25 N.I.Hopkins 12 Eliza A. Hopkins — 13 JoshuaBell 50 Mrs. Joshua Bell.... 25 Friend 5 Wm. Davidson 10 Mrs. Wilson 25 Peter Duffy 25 Jemmima Carson — 1 00 George Lee 25 Mrs. Geo. Lee 25 Hannah Lee 25 Thomas Duiiy 25 Mary White 25 Mrs. Wm. Hamilton . 10 Mrs. John Moggy — 25 Samuel Carson 25 Charles Shields 25 Mrs. Chas. Shields . . 25 James Shields 25 Mrs. Jame« Shields. . 25 MaxweU Wilton .... 25 Mrs. M.Wilton 25 Mrs. Barron 15 John Pears 25 Joseph Moggy 25 RobertMoggy 12 Mr8.Grey 15 ThomasDale 10 Wm.Moggy 25 John MiUer 20 Robt. Venner 25 Joshua Venner ...... 25 J. Armstrong 20 Mrs. Samuel ICarson. 25 JVobert White 25 APPXNDIX. • ARTEMESIA. Collected by Miss Isa- bella Brinker. James Corbet 25 Mrs.J.Corbet 25 Miohael Oldfield 25 Joseph Swift 25 Richard Beamish — 50 Mrs. FloreUo Mitchel 25 Robert Atkinson .... 25 Mrs. Mary, Atkinson. 25 Friend 25 Wm. Jelly 50 George Charters .... .50 Friend 25 Simon Jelly 25 Abraham Brown — 50 Mrs. Mary Gillespie . 25 Wm. Develin 10 George Timbury 25 Mrs. Sarah Timbury 25 Miss S. A. Timbury.. 25 Miss M. J. Timbury.. 25 Isabella Brinker — SO Collected by Miss E. Elliott. Rev.R. HiU 5 00 Mr8.R.Shaw 25 John Leary SO Thos.EUiott 50 Samuel Coleman — 25 James Walker 25 S.B.Walker 10 Susan Walker 10 Benjamin Coleman ■ 25 DavidEllioe 25 Mrs. Whitten 5 Mrp. Lockyear 12 JohnWalker 25 W.J.Coleman 25 Archibald EUio^t .... 20 Collected by Miss Alice Walker. Wm. Dundas 1 00 Solomon Hill 1 00 RobertSprole 25 Chas. Biggar 25 A. W.Eaton 25 Thos. Matthews 25 MissC. Wright 25 Mrs.Wright 25 James Bums 25 BobtMoKni^t 25 Samuel Ireton 25 PhUipMcGuire 25 Ebeneser Jones 25 Mrs. Fox 20 Thos. Grey 10 James Robinson 25 $ c. R. B. Hannah 25 Thomas HiU 25 Samuel Douglas 25 Adam Shale 25 Wm. Brown 25 Richard Stephens .... 25 John HiU 25 Richard Ireton 25 Thomas Hanbery .... '25 James EUiot 25 Simon Freeman 12 John Calvert 50 Patrick Kennedy .... 10 Francis MoCann 25 Gary Tredgold 25 Henry WiUiams 25 Samuel CasweU 20 George Ireton 25 James Lackie 12 CoUe'ed by Miss Sarah Taylor. EUzabeth Taylor 50 David Grant 25 Mrs. James Robins . . SO " Hamilton 25 " J.Taylor 25 Mrs. Barber 26 E. Faohnie 25 John Wheeler 25 Wm.Hamilton SO J.H.Martin 60 A.Wheeler SO COUNTY OF HURON. GODERICH. Coirted by Miss Parsons tMr. Thomas 5 00 •' Grace 2 00 " Davison 1 00 <' Trueman 100 " Cattte 100 " Wright. 100 " Shepherd 100 " Haldan, 100 " Archibald 75 ** Toms fiO " Donogh 50 " Clifford 50 " J. Elwood 80 " Butler 50 " Wetherald 50 " Kdler 50 •' Pinkerton 35 APPENDIX. 69 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 12 50 10 25 25 25 20 25 12 50 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 60 50 60 500 200 00 00 00 OO 00 I 60 50 60 60 60 60 li C. Mn.Rioh 3 00 " Lawson 1 00 " Parsons 100 " Campbell 100 " McDonald 100 " Wethorald 50 " McLean 35 " Morgan 25 Collected by Miss John- ston and Miss Elwood. tRev. E. L. Elwood . . 5 00 tMr. Johnson 5 00 t " Pollock, 5 00 t " Lefroy 5 00 " Widder 2 00 Mrs. Buxton 2 00 MissButem 2 00 Mrs. Cooper I 00 •' Watson 1 00 " Segmillor 100 " Hamilton 100 " Walker 100 " Boss 100 " Finley 100 Mr. Bintoul 1 00 Mrs.WUy, 100 *' Sinclair 100 Mr.Hunter 100 " Salkeld 100 " J. Salkeld 100 " E. Gunpeign. . . 1 00 Mrs. VanEvery 55 " Robertson 50 Mr. J- Robertson — 50 Mrs. Ord 50 " Dixon 50 Mr.Stotts 50 " Andrews 50 " J.Logan 50 " Spence 50 " Campeign 25 " Somers 25 " Simmons 25 AFriend 25 Mrs. Hosker 25 CLINTON. Collected by Miss Barrie. tRev. J. Carmiohael- 5 00 RaoeyBros 5 OO Wm. Smart 2 60 H.Hale 2 50 Samuel Holmes 1 00 Wm.Marten ■• 200 J.Ridout 100 JosephRye 100 Doctor Cole 2 00 B.J. M.Foot 2 00 Mrs. R. Johnson • • • ■ 40 George Thompson . • • 1 00 John Dinsley 1 00 Richard Thwaites ■ ■ . 2 00 J.H. Combe 2 00 MitsK. Barrie 50 Mrs. Hodgins 50 J. Farran 100 Annie Ryan 25 G. Laycook 1 00 JohnBeacom 100 Chas.Ryan 100 SarahRye 25 Rebecca Egan 100 J.Caldwell 50 W.R. Watts 100 R. P.D.Brown 50 Mrs. Spooner 1 00 Robert Ake'l 1 00 G. R. Commander ... 1 00 Campbell & Gamble ■ 50 Mrs. Mooney 35 T.Stanbury 100 Thos. Hessian 100 Wm. Jackson 100 John A. Strathy 50 Mrs.Wm.Grigg 50 Mrs.Salt 50 Mrs. Tutsburry 50 Doctor Appleton 50 Mrs. Honey 25 " Dohun 50 BAYFIELD. Collected by Mrs.Robson and Miss Murphy. tRev. S. DuBourdieu 5 00 G. Campbell, Esq. ... 2 00 W. N. Rankin, Esq. . . 1 00 Mr. W. Plunkett 100 " Eden 1 00 " E. Wakeford ... 75 AFriend, 50 Mr. D.Stewart 50 " MoAuley 50 " Jas. Thompson . 50 Mrs. Essen 50 " Crook 50 " Woods 60 " (^rainper 50 " Guwer 50 " Middlcton 50 H. Wainwright, Esq.. 50 Miss Katy Connor — 50 Mr . John Joslin 50 " Geo. Bates 40 " J. Keys 25 " A. J. Pollard ... 25 " A. Cameron — 25 " J. Erwin 25 " W.Erwin 25 Mrs.McLeod 25 AFriend 25 Mrs.M. Wilson 25 " BUiott 25 $C. Mrs. Looby 25 " Mossop ^ Mr. J. A. MoLeod . . 25 " A. Walwin. ... 25 AFriend 25 Mrs. Twentyman. ... 25 Dr. R. Stanbury 25 Mr. Brownson 25 MissE. Hayter 25 Mr.R.Ching 25 " p. Deasing 25 " Pollock '25 Mrs.Robson 25 Mr. Osmond 25 " Tudor Marks .. 25 Mrs. A. Uaacke 25 Miss E. Murphy 25 AFriend 25 A Dear Friend 25 Mr. C. Eberhart 15 Miss Mary Goodheart 20 AFriend.., 12 AFriend 25 ST. LUKE'S CHURCH. Collected by Miss Parke and MissBoyce. James Parke 100 James Boyce 100 Ralph Stephenson ... 1 00 Mrs. R. MoKinley ... 1 00 Mr.Clark 50 Thos. Robinson 50 Wm. Rathwell 50 Wm. Curry .t. . . 50 D, Stephenson 35 Thos. Johnston 25 James Johnston 25 John Pollock 25 John Armstrong 25 Wilson Eagleson 25 George Kennedy 25 R. Stephenson, Jr — 25 John Stephenson 25 Henry Johnston 25 Fred. Forsyth 25 Wm. Sherritt, Jr 25 Richard Eaorett 25 Mrs. John Dowson ... 25 Mrs. Joseph Dowson. 25 Henry Pollock 25 Mrs. H. Pollock 25 Wm. McClinohey — 25 Mrs. Wm. ElUott .... 25 Miss Lang 25 Mrs. J. MisKinley. ... 25 J.H.Parke 25 Mrs. Pieroy 25 Thos. Stoydill 25 Mrs. Hardwiok 25 " Hewitt 25 Wm. Sherritt 25 Wm. Eagleson 25 John Eagleson 26 |i'J :i 70 Chas. Wellg 25 KobertElliott 25 Robt. Montgomery .. 25 ThoB. Curry 25 Uonry Dowson 15 Collected by Miss Sarah Jane Fee and Miss Margaret Jane Fee. EdwardFee 1 00 Mrs. Jane Fee SO Thos. 8herritt 50 Thos.Curry 50 M. Nicholson.. ■'•••. 50 Thos. Wilson 50 Qodtrey Nicholson- . . 25 Mrs. A. Johnston — 25 David Pollock 25 A Friend 25 Wm. Sherritt 25 A Friend 25 Sarah J. Fee 25 Margaret J. Fee 25 Mary S. Fee 10 Alonzo Fee 10 GODERICH TOWNSfflP. ST. JAURS*. Collected by Miss Cluff and Miss McEidd. Mrs. G- Middleton. . . 1 00 '• Wr.Wise 75 Mr. Jacob Sheppard. 50 " Robert Cluff.... 50 " J. Stonehouae . . 50 " A- Stonehoase. . SO " John Middleton 50 " JohnMarahaU.. 50 " Jno. MoCIennan 25 Mrs. J. Cowan 25 Mr. G. Bheppard .... 25 " Thoa.Rathwell. 25 " Hugh Allen 25 '^ JohnBeacom... 25 *' Wm. Sheppard . 25 " G.Sherman.... 25 " B. Switzer 25 " John Cluff 25 ,' Geo. Burnett .. . 25 " David Welsh .. 25 " A. Emerson .... 25 " Hannah: 25 " W.Hudie 25 " Jas. Anderson. ■ 25 *' John Cooper — 25 " Thos. Jewett... 25 APPENDIX • Mr. T. McKenzio . " Jas. Johnston " Thos. Cooke. . " Wm. Soft '* Geo. Cooper . . " P.Cole 20 20 15 10 10 10 Collected by the Naftel. Misses J. T. Naftel. Esq 100 Mr. James Burk 30 " Thos. Elliott.... 30 " T.Harri88on ... 25 " J.Rut''>dge 25 " Cox 25 " D.Wilkinson... 25 " M.Neally 25 " J. A. Naftel . . . . 25 " Geo. Fowler ... . 25 " R.Aldworth.... 25 " Jas. Elliott 25 " D.M. McKenzie 25 Mrs. Wilkinson 25 •» WaUis 25 Miss< Eliza Burk 25 MrsBurk 25 " HaU 25 " JasWallis 25 " MoEenzie 25 Mr. John Clarke 22 Mm. Cox 20 Mr.W.Blair 12 Mrs. Walters 13 VARNA. Collected by Miss Mar- garet ^tinson & Miss Johnston. Andrew Stinson 50 Matthew Johnston ... 50 Mrs. Thos. Johnston. 50 William Evitt 50 Doctor Monroe 50 Mrs. Rattenbury 50 Mrs. PlewB 50 John Johnston 25 Thos. Johnston 25 A. Duncan 25 Mr.Folley 25 Mrs. Turner 25 Miss Turner 25 John Turner 25 Wm. Purdy 2.1 JwB. Falconer 2r> Thos. Cook 25 JjB.Secord 25 Chas. Young '25 Mrs.Colwell. 25 " Cook 25 " Armstrong 25 $ c. Mrs. Morrison 25 Chas. Logan 25 JohuWatt 25 John Cook 25 William Elliott 25 Thos. Hayter 25 Mrs. Briars 25 Mr. Marks 25 " Campbell. 25 John Rattenbury — 25 Mr. Forrest 25 " Middleton 25 Wm. Powell 25 James Logan 25 Jas. Johnston 25 Mrs.Hackett 20 James Turner 20 John Gibson 20 Mrs. MoNaughton • . 15 Margaret Lyons 15 Robert Cook 15 Henry Hudson 15 Mrs. Turner. 12 AFriend 13 Wm. Armstrong 10 Four Friends 40 SAUBLE LINE. Collected by Miss Stin- son and Miss West- lake. Mrs. Du Bourdiou. . . 1 • Thos. Stinson 33 M.WeBtIake SO Geo. Wright 50 R. J. Talbot 50 Henry McCann SO Chas. Dewar 35 Andrew Bannerman. 25 Henry Howard 25 Mrs. B. Snowdon — 25 Wm. Gibson 25 John Bannerman — 25 Mrs. W. Bannerman. 25 Eleanor Sootohmer ■ . 25 Isabella Talbot 25 Fred.Mann8 25 James Cattle 25 James Howard 25 Eliza Jane King 25 James Bailey 25 Mrs. Dewar 25 ^" Cowie 25 Isabella Spackman ■ ■ 15 Robert Watson 12 Thos. Johnson 13 John Talbot 10 John Vauvue 10 Wm. Johnston 10 Isabella Johnston .... 10 Catherine Sharp . . . , ■ lU Mrs. Hioke^ 10 James Cowie 10 John Walker 10 APPENDIX. 71 $ c. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 16 16 12 13 10 40. 53 50 50 50 50 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 26 25 25 25 15 12 13 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 $ C. Mn.Doak 10 R.Doak 10 Three Friends 30 A Friend 6 EXETER. Goirted by Misses Hynd- man and Elliott. Mrs.Floyd , 25 B.O.BlUott 100 Mre.BalkweU 50 George Eacrett 25 George Pierce 15 Mrs.Prew 25 CS. GuiUey , 50 laaaa Garling 1 00 IsaaoSmaU 26 Mr8.Bordland 25 " HoUand 25 Thoi. Gidley 50 H.G.Broderiek 50 T.M.Bowerman 25 John Hyndman 1 00 James Piokard 1 00 George Walrond 50 J. Spaokman 25 Wm.H. Watts 100 MissWatts 50 Wm. Gould 37 Mr8.Hnnt 25 " Hamlin 50 AFriend 25 Mr.Routley 60 Betty Deamonoe 12 Collected by Mra.Trivett tThomas Trivett 5 00 tMrs.Trivett 5 00 James Coggjns 100 Mrs. AUoway 100 8. Popplestone 25 Collected by Miss Case. Joseph Case 50 Castor WilUs 60 James Ferguson 60 RobertMiils 60 MissWilkie 26 AFriend 25 Mrs. Mowls 25 Wm. Hawkins 25 BichardOase 25 GeorgeCase 60 Abraham Case 60 Thomas Case 60 $c. Wm. Case 50 James Crawford 60 Charlotte Reynolds ■ ■ 30 George Reynolds .30 JohnCabett 25 Heniy O'Brien 25 Mrs. Armstrong 25 BenjaminCase 25 Qeorgo Hawkins 25 Thomas Hawkins — 25 Miss A. J. Wilson.... 26 A Friend 20 Col. ST. PATRICK'S. by Misses Carroll and Davis. Wm.Davis .30 MosesDavis 25 SamuelDavis 25 James Carroll 50 Michael Derham — 12 JohnDavis 25 Tbos. Colbert 25 Thos. Alexander .... 25 Francis Alexander. • 25 James Brown 25 JohnHodgins 25 John B. Hodi^ 25 Robert Stanley 25 Mr. Hopkins 12 Thos.Abbott 25 H.J.Clark 25 Lewis Gann 25 R. J. Clark 25 Robert MoFalls 15 Wm. Atkinson 25 Mrs. Smyth 25 Dinah E. Brownlee • . 15 Francis Davis, jun... 10 Sarah 12 LUCAN. Collected by Mrs. Wm. Frank andMrs.O'Neil. Robert O'NeU 50 Mrs. O'Neil 50 JohnO'Neil 25 James Mayo 25 D.Henry 25 F. Hodgins 10 Henry Fairbum '60 Daniel MoCosh 25 C.Robins 63 H.A.Smith 25 Wm. Taylor 25 $c. Wm.Hutohins 25 Alfred Haslam 25 Mrs.M. Roche 25 " T.Fax 25 AFriend 10 Mrs. Stanley 100 Mr. Reynolds 50 Thos. Atkinson 50 James Atkinson •■.. 25 J C.Frank 50 P.Jamieson 25 Wm.Porte 25 C. Pashley 60 Henry Collins 25 George Porte 25 J. R. Hinds 25 W. B.Armitage 60 B.Stanley 100 RobertFax 60 A Friend 25 Mrs. Goodacre 60 " Perry 25 " McLean 25 " Dight 60 A Friend 15 Mrs. Keays 25 VILLAGE OF IRELAND. Coirted by Misses Sarah and Mary Jane Garter. Wm.Carter 50 John Hodgins 25 Gtoorge Carter 25 D.Shoff 50 D.Sutton 25 D.Porte 25 F. Jones 25 George Hodgins 25 G«orge Ra«an 25 Mrs.Hodgson 26 " G.Seale 25 " J.Carter 12 " W.Gordon...... 50 " Johnson 60 " Galbraith 60 " White 25 " Neil 25 " Holt 25 " Hodgins (widow) 30 AFriend 12 BIDDULPH. tRev. T. E. Sanders. 6 00 tWm. Frank. 5 00 l\4 72 APPENDIX. 1st CONCESSION. Collected by Rev. T. Sanders. E. RobertSeale 25 Win. Tone 25 JohnHodgins 25 Wm. Howard 25 Dr. Sutton SO Mr.Harboume 25 J. Deadman 25 Robt. Hodgina 25 Robt.Mann ao Mansell Hodgins 25 George Simpson 25 W.Laynson.. 25 Wm.Boyd 25 Robt.Boyd 5(i John Morgan 25 2nd and 3rd concessions. Thos. Hodgina, sen. ■ ■ 25 Benj. Hodgina 75 Thoa. Hodgina, jun. ■ . 25 I Jamea Hodgina, aen ■ 25 Jaa. Hodgina (2nd) ■ ■ • 50 Wm.HocUnna 50 John Hodgina, aen ... 5C* Adam Hodgina, sen . . 25 Adam Hodgina, jun. 25 James Hodgina (3rd). 25 John Hodgina, jun ... 25 Mrs. T. Hodgins 25 " Hodp^ins (widow) 25 " J. Hodops, sen. 25 " James Hodi^. 25 Wm. Atkinson 25 Thos. Atkinaon, aen . . 25 Thos. Atkinson, jun . ■ 25 Richard Atkinson — 25 Mrs. T. Atkinson, sen 25 " T.Atkinson, jun 25 " Riohd. Atkinson 25 Thos. Stanley, aen — 25 Robt Stanley 10 Mrs. Thos. Stanley . . 10 Miaa Sarah Stanley. 10 " M.A.Stanley.. 10 Wm. Dobbs 50 Wm.Colbert 50 RiohardDagg 50 JohnRyan 50 PhilipOrawley. 25 John Hodgins (3) 50 Jacob Sparling 25 Mrs. J. Sparlmg 25 Joseph Lilli 25 Mra.J. LiUi 25 RobertLilli 50 JamesLUli 25 NatRyan SO JohnOoorcy 25 Jamea Stanley 25 Mn. Courcy (widow) . 25 4th and 5th coxoessiovs. George Hodgina 50 John Hodgina (4) 50 John Hodgins (5) 50 Jamea Hodgina (4) . . . 50 Capt. Henry Hodgins, 50 Mrs. Esther Hodgina, 25 " Piper 10 Mr. Brown 25 Matthew Caughlan-- -50 Edward Caughlan ■■ ■ 50 Thomas Morgan 50 W.Welsh 25 Thos. Harlington .... 50 Joseph Thompson. ... 25 John Thompson. ..... 25 Richard Dagg 50 John Dagg 25 F. Blaokwell 25 Mr. Woods 50 John Armitage, son . ■ 25 Wm. Armitage 50 Thoa. Armitage 25 Jamea Armitage 25 George Hamilton 50 Thomas Young 25 Simon Young 2^ RobertYoung 25 Edward Guilfage .... 25 Jamea Atkinaon, aen. 25 Jamea Atkinaon, jun. 50 Mrs. Jamea Atkinson 25 FrankSadlier 25 Wm.Mayo 25 Mra. Mayo 25 Jamea Dagg 25 George Porte 25 Wm.Ryan 25 Caleb Ryan 25 Mra. Wm.Ryan 25 " Caleb Ryan .... 25 M.Fax 25 Mra.M.Fax 25 Mr. Clattorham 25 " Corbett 25 McGILLIVRAY. 1st, 2nd and 3rd gonc'ions. Joseph Simpaon 25 Wm. Simpaon 25 Riuaard Carter 50 Jamea Carter 50 George Carter 50 Mra. Coatea 25 *' Varley (widow). 25 MarkWeat 25 JoaephLewia 25 Mrs- Briant 12 James Hodgins 25 Gol'ted by Misses Sarah Brophey and Eliza Cunningham. Wm. Cunningham ... 50 Thos. Brophey, aen. 50 Wm. Burke 25 Thos. Brophey, jun-. 25 Mrs. Anna Anderson, 25 " Ann E.Barber. 10 " Lintott 25 NKII.'S SCHOOL HOcSR STA- TION. CoU'd by Miss Margaret Maguire and Miss Eliza Neil. Henry Miller 12 Thompson Maguire. . 12 Jamea Maguire 25 Wm. Maguire 15 James Neil 50 JohnNeil 25 Hiram Miller 12 Miss M. Elliott 25 RiohardNeil 60 Richard Clark 10 James Miller 12 F. Maguire 12 Jamea Neil 12 Wm.Murdy 12 John Murdy 25 John Simpaon 25 Joseph Simpson 25 James Simpson, sen. . 25 James Simpson, jun ■ ■ 25 John Murdy 10 Thomas Simpson 10 James Maguire 12 Wm.Clari 12 Moses Hodt^ns 10 Richard Simpson .... 10 George Shoebottom . . 10 John Judge 10 Wm. Hunter 12 James MoNamee. ... 12 Robert McNamee — 15 Wm. McNamee 25 Wm. Lewis 25 John O'Halloran .... 25 JohnNeil. 25 Wm.Neil 10 Alexander Neil 25 Wm.Clark 12 David Maguire 10 John Bradley 25 AFriend 10 Mra. Drummond 16 MissM. A.Brown... 12 « APPENDIX. 78 60 50 26 25 25 10 25 12 12 25 15 50 25 12 25 50 10 12 12 12 12 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 15 25 25 25 25 10 25 12 10 25 10 15 12 DUNGANNON. Collected by Mrs. and Mias Duunt. Rev. Wm. Daunt .... 2 00 Friend 1 00 Cash... 50 D.Bell 100 JohnBird 50 Friend 50 G.W. Berry 50 Clias. Black 50 Dean Swift 75 John Cooke 100 i Mrs. Biokte 50 r Andrew Duff 50 • Wm. Matthewa 50 Elizabeth Alien 25 James Larren 25 Mrs. Jaokman 20 Henry Holland 75 Aobt. Bowers 50 Anthony Ivers 25 John Johnstone 50 ST. hklen's. Collected by Mra. Coul- ter and Mrs. Orr. Wm.Orr 100 AFriond 100 Mrs. Coulter 100 Mrs. A. Rutherford . 50 John Rutherford 75 Mrs. Leaver .50 John Webb 25 Geo. Asquith 50 Mrs. Humphrey 15 Mrs. Arlowe 25 John Hell wood 25 Janet James 13 Mrs. H. MoPherson. . 50 Jno. Coulter, sr 25 Robt Addison - 52 Wm. Molyneuz 10 James Campbell 25 May Campbell 25 WeslyFerrier 25 Thos. MoMurray .... 25 James Miller 10 E. Gaunt 100 Mrs. D. Cameron .... 25 Mrs. Barber 50 Ohas. Henderson ... 25 Mrs. Sturdy 25 Andrew Grundy • . • ; . 50 A. MoLenahan 25 JohnMcClusky . 2 00 Geo. Campbell 50 Ralph Milfer 100 Dr.Gardiner 100 AFriend 50 $C. Mrs. K. Camerron . . • • 20 A Friend 23 Chester Chapman... 25 Wm. Johnston 25 A. MoMannus 25 W. J. MoQuillin 50 Wm. McQuillin 60 Ed. MoQuillin ■ .. SO Mrs. Orr, (Luoknow) . 60 John Murdook 25 James Patterson 25 James Weatherhead. 25 Anne Lawrence 25 JohnMoRostio 50 Wm.Wood 60 JohnH.Hedly 50 Wm. Bunkman 100 Collected by Miss Anne Durnin. Wm.Durnin I 00 Thos. Taggart, 25 Thos. Porter 25 Jas. McDonald 25 John Frazer 25 Thomas Weir 25 JohnCluff 12 Hannah Murdook. ... 25 George White 60 Robert Johnston 25 JohnSproul 25 RobertTaggart 25 Wm. Stuart 50 Wm.Guthrie 25 D. McDonald 25 Cha8.Stnart 25 Joseph Fisher 50 JohnFowler 25 Robert Murray 25 Wm.Gordon 25 Wm. Letark 25 A. McDonald 25 RobertMurray « 25 Wm.Headly T 50 Anne Taylor 25 D. McDonald 25 A. MoKenzie 25 Henry Phillip 50 EdwardMorton 100 DUB^aM'S LINK. Collected by Miss Irwin. Hugh Irwin 25 Wm, Campbell 25 John Sturdy 25 Wm. Fowler 25 Mrs. Steward 50 Richard Dasher 25 AFriend 25 Edward Sfobla 25 I C. Mrs.Plunkett 25 Miss McLean 10 A.Tezine 25 Wm. Steward 25 Mrs.Steward 25 Wm. Davidson 50 James Ceasar 50 Stephen Buin Z> James Paterson 25 HenrvCeasar 25 Mrs. Majr McLean ... 25 M- Higgins 5 W.J.Sinyth 26 Wm. Durnin and { i m Mrs.Dumin \ * "^ James Fowler 25 DOOHERTT'S LINCl Collected by Miss E. Dogberty. James Maize 50 Miss Colwell 25 MissM.Quaid 25 Robert Quaid 25 Thomas Hawkins . . • • 1 00 AFriend 60 Wm.Gra)aam 105 Robt. Johnston 50 AFriend SO Mrs. R. Graham 20 Miss H. Christelaw . . 25 Mr8.W. Hayden 25 Andrew Peacock — 25 Mrs. J.Dunbar 25 Mrs.H. Otway 60 Richard Bennett 13 Collected by Miss E. J. Maize. James Graham 50 Miss Quaid 25 James Quaid 25 John Quaid 26 J.McRae 50 Dnncan McRae 50 Mrs Hawkins 100 James Walsh 24 Joseph Tinrt <>0 Wm.Dougherty 50 J. J. Middleton 25 Friend ...■ 60 Alexander Touns. ... 1 10 Mrs. A. Bennett 26 m u TODKO'I lOHOOL HOUM. OoUeeted by Misd Ellen Boyce. IiaaeJonea 25 Friend 10 OaoraeHawatt 10 WillleDaTidron 12 Mn. Syndngton 20 Aohild 5 Mn.BIi^ 25 Wm.S«lt 25 M.Orifihi 25 lira. Hunilton 25 Tho8. Hwnilton 25 Mn. J. M. Watson.. 25 Mn.Hiuton 25 Almina MoPhee • • . • 25 Fri«nd 10 Wm.MiU8 26 Wm. Floker 25 Mn. Beard 25 Maria Tatt 5 Friend 5 Mr8.TambIyn 26 James SatheriaDd — 25 HenryFarron. 25 Mn. Edw wd Jones . . 25 Mn. floaston 10 Mr. W. Tonni 60 Mn. 8. Tonng 25 Mr.B.FafOTd 12 lbs. BeU 13 l|n.J.Stqart 10 Mrs-Fleminc 10 B.MaUiatten 26 Mrs. B. W. Boyoe- ... 26 OoUeeted by Hiss S. Barnes. Mary A. Anderson ■ • . 20 Mn.8tardy 12 lUohard Fraire 26 NanoyWickem 5 Josecli Tonsley 10 Mary Downs 10 Mn.Soott 26 Mn. Clark 36 Mn.O. Toong 60 Josei^jStilt 13 tsabeUa Ganng 25 Mn. Darlington .... 10 Mr.Earr 10 Mr.MUUn 12 BobtKirkpatriek.... 13 Sarah Hnssey 10 '^itaCarey 26 obtCarey 12 APPINDIX. JOHRSOM'B BOHOOL H0U8I. OoUeeted by Hiss John- son. Qeorge Ourrill 60 Friend 10 Thos. Pierce .....^« . 60 Mn.Joy ^ Thos.Briok 26 Mn.Briok ^ Mn. Blake 25 gdwardPieroe 60 nnoan MoBae 60 Thos. Johnson 60 BodgerMolroy 26 Friend 10 BowlandFinlay 65 Friend 25 JohnWhitley 26 JohnFinlay 25 Mn. Dreaney 12 Mn. Willis 26 Arthur Dreaney — 26 Mn. Dreaney 26 Wm. Pennington .... 26 WiUiam Harris 25 Oliver Pennington. ... 13 Joseph Given 25 Thomas Harris 25 Anne Jane Johnson ■ . 60 Thos. Blake 16 SUMMERHILL. ST. PKTIR'S. OoUeeted by Miss Lovett and Miss Baker. Mn. G. 0. Johnson . . 60 Miss M. 8. Johnson. . 60 Master W. Johnson. . 25 Miss Emma Johnson 25 Master H. P. Johnson 26 Master C C. Johnson 25 Master J. G. Johnson 25 Miss Helen I, Johnson 26 BobertB^ker 60 Mn. Robert Baker .. 50 QeorgeStowart 25 Boberii Millar. 35 Mary Ann Beatty. ... 25 James Pollard 26 William MeBrien.... 25 Mn.McBrien 26 JamesMoCool 25 James Stewart 25 Mn.Mair 25 Mn. J. McBrien . • . • 26 John Caieetor 60 $e. Charles Lovett 26 Joseph Watkins 60 A. Dodsworth 25 Mn.Ward 26 WUliamBaker 25 H.Evans 20 AFriend 26 A Friend 10 Mn. H. Mundiy 26 Josei^ Habkirk 26 Kittle Qlasier 26 SEAFORTH. ST. THOMAS' OIURCH. OoUeeted by Miss Hick- son, Mrs. McOann and Mrs. Fitzsimmons. fRev. C. C. Johnson. 5 00 Edward Hiokson 1 00 F.Neal 100 T.P.Bull 100 R.L. Sharp.....' 100 R.Hannah 100 Mn. Loyd 50 E. J. Uaselwood 1 00 H.W.McOann 2 00 R. Traoey, M- D.,... 1 00 F.Meyer 25 J. Scatter 25 0. Pauli 60 James H. Benson. ... 1 00 . John Scatter 60 W. Mimna 26 jobnMoTavish 26 JohnP.Dowd 60 Mn. H. W. McCann. 1 00 Robert Jones 60 G.H.C11U 100 William Charton... 26 JHodgins 25 Thomas Adams 25 Mn. Coleman 1 00 S.SeweU 25 S. Dixon 50 8amuel Scarlett 60 Charles Switzer 25 C. T.Jarvis 100 W.VanEgmond 26 Qwree Jackson 25 Mn. C. Van Egmond 60 Mn. James Brydon. ■ 26 Mn. a.Soale 26 Mn. Fitzsimmons — 60 25 SO 25 26 26 20 25 10 25 25 25 500 100 100 100 100 100 60 100 200 100 25 25 50 100. 60 25 25 60 100 60 100 25 26 25 100 26 60 60 25 100 25 25 60 25 25 60 OoUeoted by Mrs. Kerby and Mrs. A. Strong. Mrs. Dorsey 60 W.Sholdioe 50 Bln.IiM 25 Mn.W. Oluff 26 Mrs. Hickflon 60 Mrs. Oldfield 25 Mrs. A. Sholdioe 26 Mrs.Oase 60 R.Glnff 80 Mrs. Piokurd 30 Mrs. A. Arohibald- • • 50 A Friend 60 AFriend 25 • Collected by the Hisses Fowler. Mrs, 0. 0. Johnson . . 1 00 Miss Thompson 60 Mrs. F. Fowler SO Miss Maiy Meyer.... 60 Miss Elisabeth Meyer 50 Mrs.Eden 25 Mrs.Taber 60 Mrs. Powell 25 Mra. Brttwar 2K MBssM. Fowler 26 Williiun Fowler 25 ) MissF. Fowler 25 Mrs. F. Fowler 60 Mn. Bnrton 25 Mrs. Gngen 60 JohnMoBlroy 60 Ralph Thompson 1 00 CHATHAM. Collected by — MissEberts $24 25 " E.Litae.... 1160 " Foster 26 38 " J.Forsyth.. 16 90 The following Incorpor- ated Members' sub - scriptiona are includ- ed in the above : — Bat. Dr. Sandys Mrs. Sandys BermuiEberts Mrs. H. Bberts S. K. Payne D. R.Vanallan ▲PPJftNBIX. 76 MORPETH. fRev. A. Lampman ■ 9 00 Collected by Misg'Carrie Miller & Miss Jennie McCoU. JohnCotder 26 J. Davidson 25 Miss F- McGoUom. ... 25 Mrs. Gampbell 10 Fanny D. MoCoUum . 13 MrF. Lucas 20 Chas. Armstrong 25 John Unsworth 16 Joshua Wellwood. ... 25 Thos. MoGoUum 60 LemnelOoU 25 Mrs. Oaswell 25 Mrs. Henderson 60 Matt.Soott 60 Miss Suah B. Wilson 25 Mn.M. Wilson 100 » IsaaoDuok 60 " JohnDuok 60 " Thos.Finley.... 40 " B.J.Heywanl.. 60 " W.WDson 100 R.R.Dent 60 ElijahDuok 25 Carrie H. Miller 25 JennieMoCoU 25 CoUe'ed by Miss Harriet Bury and Miss Annie Scott. Wm.Ress 25 Samuel Gilmore 25 Augustus Crane 25 MissC.Soott 60 Mrs. G. Henry 25 Thos. lUdley 25 Mrs.Benton 25 JosephBaokns 100 Mrs. Joseph Backus • ■ 60 D. H. Qesner 60 Mrs. Gesnsr 50 Miss S. Qesner 60 Miss M. Gesner 60 Abraham Gtosner .... 60 Riohd. RohhuKm 26 Maiy Robinson 26 D.McLaughUn 50 James E. MoKinley. • 60 I.H. Ridley 26 HatiieBunr 50 Annie Seott 60 OoUeoted by Miss Mary Ann Pearee and Miss Susanna Lampman. Mrs. W. Knight 26 Mrs. W.Kenney 25 AustinHiU . 25 Mrs. A. mil 60 R-Wade 1 00 Mrs.R.Wada 100 " R.Hackn^y •••• 25 " W.Waltofs 80 Miss Alice Walters .. 10 Leonard Spencer 60 Mrs. W. J. Pahner .. 60 " Thos. Backus . . 25 John Lampman 50 John Pearoe 25 JohnPalmer 60 Collected by Miss Ellen Williamson and Miss Susan Desmond. Mrs. John Stewart. . 1 F. H. N. Lampman. . Mrs.G. Lampman... 50 John Green, jr 60 R.Green 100 Mrs. Alex. Gillis 65 " A.Gillis 26 " Fish 100 " Bie 25 Miss WilliamsoD W Mrs. J. White 36 Mrs. Wm. Aimstrong BO MissSoariet 96 Mrs. Alex. BeU 96 " Gough S " John Desmond > 76 Collected by Miss Sarah Cleeve. Richards. Gleeve • • • 1 00 Maiy A. Jrdinson. ... 1 00 Bart Maiming.. ...•. 100 Elizabefii Manning . . 60 Susanna Paixott 26 JaneHumphrqv SO Sarah Johnson 80 lUsabeth Johnson ... .60 ^os.Johnson 1 CO laUBMkerT. M W. M. Bury 26 NMassey 80 Sd.Bnry 80 enryCIeeve 26 Daniel Tait 26 James Tait 96 Bd.MoCQUnm 100 SanihRettonmar.... 96 JohnPoor , 96 ISmotbyNewoome.'. QQ n APPXNDIZ. OoIIected by Mn. A. T. WilliamBon and Miia Sarah Brown. MraR.F. Brown ■• 100 " A.T.WiUiam«oii W " W Huband ... «• " 8. Kitehan fiO " 8.FlnIey 26 " Harriet Ridley . 100 Oeorm Daek 1 00 Mrs. John Kitchen ... 60 Mrs.Bennett 75 11 DRESDEN. Oollect«dby Mrs. Turner and Mra. Hughes. Mrs. E. Molnnei .... 1 00 A. D. Hollenaworth.. - 25 E. Hollenaworth 25 Mre. E. Terrioe 35 S. Clemens, sen 25 Mn.Watao& 50 " O.Adams 50 " Hollensworth... 10 " M. Smith 25 8.0. Smith 25 W.J.Smith 12 Mrs. 0. Watson 25 Mr. aodMrs. Rioks.. 25 A.Watson 50 A. H.HuKhes 50 Mrs. E.J. Bow 15 A. Richardson 12 A.HiBhgate 60 H.S.Hdl 10 B.HaU 10 Mr8.HaU 26 " P.M. Turner... 50 " Black 25 " L. J. Clemens . . 25 8. Clemens 25 Miss Hollensworth ... 25 J. B. HollenaworUi ... 25 MissBenUey 50 Mr. and Mn. Mount. 50 Mr.andMra.Inge. ... 50 Mr8.J. Carter 25 J.Wilson 12 H.8.Hugfae8 50 ThoB. Levi 26 J.N.Lovi 15 0. Levi 10 S.A.Levi 15 Mrs. Levi 12 J. M. Levi 12 Mrs.S.Huchea 50 J.H.Hali n Mr8.Cook m " Hu^es 100 IRev.ThoB. Hughes. 6 00 I, Long 50 DAWN MILLS. OoU'd by Miss Prangley. J. Smith 1 00 T.Smlth 50 D. Wallaoe 100 Mrs. Wallace 60 Daniel Wallace 6i) S.Wallace 25 L. Wallace 26 C. Prangley 100 Mrs. Pransley 100 E.J. Prangley 26 N.C.Eerby 100 Mr. and Mrs. Craft ... 75 Mr.Ward 25 MissRoe 25 D.C.Echlin 60 Mr.& Mrs.Edgeoombe 60 Mrs. Boulton 60 HenryWebeter 50 Mr. and Mn. Huff. ■ . 50 J. Craft 28 Mn. Baxter 25 " Pengelly 25 " Oiffard 25 " Blackburn 25 " Hughson 25 F.Kimmerly 26 J. Livingston 26 Mr. andMn. Hicks . . 1 00 D.V.Hioks 26 Mr. and Mn. Arnold . 1 00 J.Cole 26 W.Ccle 25 0. Ayres 25 A. Ayres 26 J. W. Ecoleston 26 T.S. Arnold 25 MissTranler 26 " Prangley 99 W.T. Prangley 50 W.Bodkin 40 A.M.C.O OB BLENHEIM. Collected by Rev. W. Davis. E.L.Stoddard 5 00 Mn. Stoddard 2 00 Eddie L. Stoddard ... 100 tRev. W.Davis 5 00 Mn.Davis 3 00 Richard Davis 2 00 Evans Davis 100 ThosRDavis 100 CoLPattanon 100 AFriond 70 Philip Cofell 2 00 W.R. Atkinson 100 E.C. Jackson 3 00 $ C. Stephen Lane SO Adaniran Lane 60 Robert Hughson 1 00 James Lane 50 David Barker 26 Joseph Meredith 60 Stephen Russel 1 00 Cyrus Bell 2 00 JohnMoMiohal 100 James Smiley 100 Oeorge Morgan 25 Albert R. Tennesy. . . 50 Hiram Clark 50 Eboneier Cofell ...... 1 00 John A. Sewell 1 00 Daniel Hall r 50 JohnNewoomb 26 Joseph Sewell 2 00 Charles F. Complin. . 3 00 Wm. McGregor 60 Gilbert H.Dolson.... .'iO R.J.Peare 25 T.Boys 26 Wm.Hall 50 Mn. Towser.. 1 00 " D.Stephens.... 50 Mr. Richardson 1 00 Joseph Sloan 1 00 Robt.S.Smith 50 Mn Eivelish 50 James English ()0 David Baird 50 James W. Baird 05 Eliza Baird 10 David Baird, jun . . . . 10 OoUected by Mrs. Flnley and Miss Hicks. Mr. Finley 100 Mn. Hungerford 2 00 Wm.Baird 25 Cash 25 W.R.Fellow8 25 Wm.Morris 25 Mn. McMichal 25 " Bell 25 " J. K. Morris... 1 00 " Morris 50 John H. Cavanagh ... 25 Collected by Mrs. Rice. Mre. Drowry 25 Oeorge Drewry 25 Mrs. Crackle 25 " WriKht 60 Thos. Corlett 50 Mrs. Rico 25 " 6. Bichum 100 Adonirana Young. ... 1 00 John Bichum 1 00 I) I ' f ) ( s $ c. 60 60 .. 100 60 2ft 80 .. 100 .. 200 .. 100 .. 100 2S 80 80 ■ ■ 100 .. 100 .' 50 .. 28 • • 200 .. 300 80 .. SO 25 .. 25 .. 50 -.100 80 .. 100 .. 100 80 oa . fiO 80 .. 06 . 10 10 100 200 25 25 28 25 25 25 100 SO 25 25 25 25 50 80 25 00 00 00 Collected by Miia Barke and Miss M . Hicks. Mrs. Burke 1 00 " Dr. Hioka 100 J. K. MorriR 1 00 Robt.Uicki 100 Aaron Jnokman 60 Joshua Wellwood — 60 Mahalla Wellwood . . 28 Harriet Wellwood-.. 25 Mark Wellwood 25 Mn. Oiffin 60 James Laurie 26 Wm. Wellwood 60 F. C. Kinnaird 60 Collected by Miss Row. Aaron Robinson no Mrs. Robinson 28 Miss E. Robinson — 25 " Lucy Robinson. 10 Conrad Row 1 00 MissJ.Row 25 Mrs. CM. Row 50 Dawson Wright 80 LITTLK'S school HOt'SK STAnON. Collected by Mrs. Pike. Anne Lark 25 Thos.OiU 80 John Sullivan 25 O.A.Pikc 25 Collected by Misses Case and DeClate. JohnDeCInte 100 Mrs. DeCluU) . . 50 Wheeler DeCluto.... 25 Jeremiah DeClute ... 26 Miss Case 50 Rudolph Huffman ... 25 Orlanda Huffman — 25 Arthur Toll 50 Lemaoh Moore ...... 28 Alexander Moore — 26 David Toll 25 George Golett 25 Julia Dutton 25 P.Bostie 25 Charles Stover 100 George Lows 25 JohnPike 50 MiUpToU 50 Wm. Sanderson 100 APPENDIX. Tt George Dutton 50 Thos. Hughson 60 Mn. Manning 60 Thos. Simpson . 25 JohnMoDonald 25 Mr. Russell 25 Esther Russell 25 MrR. Stanton 60 S.Crawford 50 Mr. Crawford 25 " Pardo 100 Mrs.Guird 25 " McPherson 28 " Pardo 50 " Mooro 28 James Little 25 Daniel Flater 25 HenryToU 10 UALEIOU TOW!* II ALL. Collected by Mrs. Ben- net and Mrs. Hinds. Mrs. Bonnot 25 *' Hinds Vb Martha Puce 20 AnnaBoyce 25 Mrs Manoell 25 John Broadbent 50 Mrs. Broadbent 25 '' Handcook 10 Collected by Miss Hart. Mrs. Pickering 50 Mr. Miles 25 " Walker 50 Mrs.Vester 25 " Hodgkins 25 " Hart 60 J.Hart,jun 25 MERSEA. ST. JOMX'S CHUaOH. Coll'd by Misses Siddle and Gillespie. John Roach 20 W.C. Coulson 10 Joshua Storey 25 Anno Wilkinson 12 $ e. Wm.White 25 SusanWhite 10 Rebecca Preston 25 Mary Foster 12 Solomon Malott 10 John Robinson 28 George Foster 25 Mary Coultes 50 Thomas Maroott 10 Benjamin Noble. .. . 25 Collected by Misses E. Robson and Gonitis. Eliza Robson 60 MargaretDeeds 25 Anne Harris 20 SarahRoberts 2ft W.Kemble 25 Melloine A. Coulds. . 10 Albert Seterington- . . 10 John MoAvey 25 Leonard MoGaw 25 AFriend 10 R.Chattin 25 Leonard Wigle 50 Mrs. Handford 25 " Palmer 28 " Hazleton 25 JosephFitoh 25 Mary Williams 25 Hank Brown 25 Isaac Webber 10 RobertWyes 25 Benjamin Siddle 15 MatUda Robson 25 Abel Curtis 25 Mrs. Loveless 50 " Dresser 100 Coirted by Misses Hair- sine and Thayer. Thomas Hairsine — 26 Edward Hairsine — 10 Mrs. Thayer 25 » Wigle 25 " Pigott 25 " Setterington . • . . 20 R.M.Franklin 26 Mrs.Quiok 20 Miss E. Derbyshire. . 25 " C.F.Derbyshire 10 Mrs. Watson 25 '' Cosman 09 R. Derbyshire 20 MatUdaFox 05 Mrs.Gaines 20 " Lebo 05 Mary Emerson 10 Mrs. Prosser 85 Wm.White ....;.... 26 Abraham Jones ]& JohnWigle 25 Alexander Wiglo .... 25 I c. ALittleOiM 10 HlrMnLuie 2B Wm.wLffleld 02 IhM. Wilkiiuon 2C ilMDslalr 16 etorDolAir 10 KOMMIT BOHOUL H0U8R. Oollected by Mrs. Merry- fleld and Miss Hodgins. Thomas Mosey SO |[n. Mosey 50 Robert Mosey 25 Mn.MernrfleId 12 Mr.HodjdoB 60 Oliver Hyatt 15 RobertGetty 10 JoMphMills 06 MalfndaMerryfleld.. 08 AFriend 06 Wm.Simpaon 10 Mrs. Heley 26 Hr.Heley 20 BUiabe£Heley 16 Sarah Ann ^ley.... 10 GeorgeHyatt 04 BenoneHeley 10 SimonPickle 10 HenryHeley 10 Mn.Heley 10 " Williams 10 Mr. WUUams 13 JohnLewthwaite.... 10 James Gahan 10 Mr. Ooates ?5 BmmaWilliams 06 praneSmith 25 Mrs. Jureson 2S " Bowles 11 ** Erers 10 B. Giea 25 Mn.Orea 12 OeorReGrea 25 WmJ^ales 25 isaaoDales 22 lbs.S. Dales 25 Ifiss Hannah Paine. ■ 10 ^set^Dales 25 Isaao Dales, jnn 12 JameiDales 18 kr.MiUs 25 JohnDavis . 25 MosetMcUlseh 25 JamesKodison 10 iQtfotfSM.- 25 Mn.GahaD 13 APPIMDIX. ROMNEY RIDOE. Oollected by Missea Mc- Donald and J. Dawson. Oeorge Coatsworth ... 60 Mrs. J. Dawaon 26 Alexander Goulett. . • 26 GeorgeOhnroh 60 ars. 0. Taylor 25 osesJaouon 60 Mrs. Shanks 37 Joseph Coatsworth ... 42 Robert Coatsworth ... 27 Arthur Coatsworth ... 25 Joseph Dawson 26 Robert Dawson 70 Mr. Bskart 60 MissHetherington... 10 Albert Dawson 26 John Dawson 12 Theodore Dawson — 60 JohnWhorm 20 Wm. Edwards 25 Wm. Wiokwire 25 Mrs. 0. Coatsworth . . 60 MissDawson 25 John Hetherington ... 25 Peter Hetherington . . 60 Joseph Hetherington. 36 Mrs. Robinson 25 Mr. Renwick 25 Mr.Renwiok 26 Mrs. Emery. 25 '' T.C. Renwick.. 25 Chas. Conlter 26 Jonathan Renwiek ... 25 Mrs. Carr 14 Miss McDonald 25 WEST TILBURY. Oollected by Misses Oornwall ft Nicholson. AFriend 100 Henry Morris 60 Daniel Liokman 50 Christopher Wyley. . 50 0. Mnrphy 50 Louis Shoults 50 A Friend 50 Mrs. Ford 50 Dr.Miller 60 Joseph Mark .. 50 Wm.Ray SO R. Taylor 25 Mrs.Peel 25 " Nicholson 25 George Liokman 25 MrB.^ould 25 Wm.Allen 26 Mrs. Po Robt. Brennen 25 John Waldon 25 Alex.MoCullough.... 25 P. H. Hodgins 25 Mrs. Ellen Waldon... 25 Joanna Bowes 25 Catharine Bowes. : • . • 25 AgnesBowes 25 John R. Jones 60 Christopher Murphy . 25 Gkorge Tanner 25 David Watson 36 John Brush 25 JohnMagwood 26 B. McGiUioudy 25 John Bowes 90 APPENDIX. 81 > c. 25 25 25 50 25 25 23 25 50 2fl 50 2S 25 25 50 25 25 25 5 5 13 5 00 50 25 25 20 25 30 25 25 25 25 2i> 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 35 25 25 25 30 $C. Doroaa Beard 10 John ETana 25 Ed. Tanner 25 Wm. SSaw 26 Mrs. Sheppard 5C Patrick Monahan — 25 Mi«8 Parker 25 Ghas. Rothwell 10 Mrs.W.Rothwell.... 50 Isaao Howas 25 Elisabeth Watson.... 25 Alex. H. Wallace.... 25 Christopher lies 25 G^rgeBriaon 25 Mrs.Widdis 25 P.J.Alison 100 Mrs. Evans 25 BROOKS. ST. JAMES'. Collected by Misses S. A. Shirley and E. Sutton. Oeorge Shirley 50 Mrs.Shirley 25 Sarah A. Shirley 25 Samuel Sutton SO Mrs. Sutton 25 Elizabeth Sutton 25 Mff . Garrall 50 James Slater 25 Ja8.IUddeU 10 Joseph Hastie 25 And. Atoheson 25 Mrs. Morrison 25 James Saunders 50 Mrs. McDonald 25 Mrs.Fatlahay 25 Mrs.Bitchie 20 Henry A. Slater 25 Bto. McQuiUan 'J5 Mary MoQtUllan 25 Mr8.Anflley 25 Mrs. Taylor 9b Tho8.:E^ns 2C Joseph Taylor 18 Wm.KeUy 100 Jas.King 1 00 Mrs. King. 50 CoU'ted by Misses Sarah J. Lucas and Kancy Bryce. Mr. Gkorge Lucas. ... 1 00 Wm. Lucas 25 JohnHigi^ 25 $ c. Thos. Higgrins 25 Wm. Higgins 25 RobtK^ 25 JohnKing 50 Mrs. Eliza Lucas — 25 " Mary Saunders . 25 ThoB. Henderson — 10 Mrs. S. J Brownlee . 25 " Wilson 50 " Hungerford 50 Mr. Williamson 25 P. Lesweir 25 Wm. WiUiamson .... 13 Mrs.Fullock 25 Mr. Percival 25 JohnStanley 25 Robt. MoLeay 25 Robt. Fowler ^ Arthur Stickle 25 G.EMurphy 100 A. White 26 Thos.Hillis 25 JohnHillis 25 Mra.Mitohell 25 James Lewis 50 Miss Margaret Bryce. , 25 JohnKidd 100 Charles Turner 50 Mr.E.Flynn , 25 Mrs. Wiltshire 100 " HiUis 25 Gollected by Mrs. Jas. Newell. Wm. Whitcraft 100 JdinCowan 100 Alex. Cowan 100 Mrs. G. E. Murphy . 1 00 Wm.Oowan 100 Mrs. Eliza A. Cowan. 50 JamesKeUy 50 Nancy J.KeUy 25 Mrs. Harriet Pepper. 25 " Nancy Newell,8r 25 Alex. Noms "25 Mary Kelly 25 Wm.KeUy 50 GeorgeKelly 50 Samuel Denny 15 Friend 15 Robt. Johnstone 25 Sarah Cowan 25 Edward Cowan 1 00 IsaaoNewoll 25 Mrs. James Newell. • 1 00 MOORETOWN. TBiNrrr chubor. Gollected by Mrs. Qreen and Miss Johnston. tRev. D. Armstrong (7th and 8th year) . 10 00 $ c. Mrs. Dale 25 Mrs. Givens 25 Mrs. J. MoKelvey — 25 Mr. Thorns 12 " McFarland 12 A Friend 25 Mra.McRea V. " Gamble 25 A Friend 15 Mr. J. p. Johnston. . 40 Mrs. McOuUaugh.... 25 Mr.A.Watson SO •' C. H. Woodruff. SO " Hurley 25 " A. MiUer 26 " Kerby 60 " Bazo 50 J. SiiJierland 28 Mrs. Johnston 25 " W.McPherson.. 25 John Morrison SO JohnBawIton 25 Miss McKelvey 26 Mrs. Donnelly 26 " Green 50 GeorgeGreen 25 Charles Green... 12 Miss Eliza Green 12 Mr. A. Courtney 25 Miss Courtney 25 " CSmito 25 N.Baweu 50 Mrs. Ennis.. 50 Miss Johnston 25 Mrs. Buckley 26 Small sums 26 Collected by Miss Leslie and Miss Sinclair. J. J. Francis 100 Mr. Sindidr 100 Joshua Payne 1 00 F. Creighton 100 Mr.Gawling 100 Mrs.NeTille 50 " Nesbit 25 " Neal 50 Mr.Abemethy 50 Miss Leslie 25 Mrs. Bostooh 10 Collected by Mrs. David Johnston. Mr. D. Johnston .... 1 00 Mrs. D. Johnston. ... 1 00 Nathan Crowhite .... 1 25 Mrs. N. Crowhite .... 25 Thomas Bowlton 1 00 Smallsams 112 I 82 APPENDIX. CORUNNA. ^CHBIST CHUBCH. Oollected by Miss M. M. Wright. tH.J.Millcr 5 00 Captain Wright 2 00 Miss Wright 100 " M.M.Wright.. 100 P. McGlashan 100 James Wilson 1 00 Mrs.McGuire.... ... 100 Mr.Metge 100 Miss Mai7 Metge. ... 25 " Louisa Metge. ■ . 25 JohnS.Metge 25 Arthur J. Metge 25 Mr. Quantrill 25 Mrs. J. Tumbull 75 J.WUson 50 Miss Austen 20 Mrs. J. Thomas 25 " T.Cowen 25 «' .T.Cowen 25 " R. Cowen 25 " W. Cowen 25 " E.Wilson 20 " H. Ferryman ... 25 " D.CaUum 25 C. Chambers 50 Mrs. C. Chambers — 50 Mrs. R. Fleeh 25 James Cowen 75 John Chambers 50 Mrs.T.EUis 50 " Reed 25 " D.Edwards.... 25 Mr.-MUlar 36 Mr. Jackson 25 M. Proctor 50 J. W.Huffhes 50 Mrs.Hughes 50 W.Hughes 25 J.A.Hughes 25 Miss L.J- Hughes... 25 Mrs. Wallace 25 " H. Ellis sen 25 " H.Ellisjun 25 " John Waliaee . . 25 " Ferryman 25 " Cooke 12 Mr. John Taylor 25 FROOMEFIELD. ST. (HABT'S. Collected by Mrs. Major and Mrs. Stone. iCapt. Warwick 5 00 Ir.Whoattey 100 9 c. Mr.Baxter 100 " James Major .... 1 00 " James Warwick. 50 " H. Warwick .... 12 Mrs. Warwick 25 " Stone 25 Mr. Edward Stone ... 25 " Froome Major... 26 Mrs. Major 38 " Ambrose 25 " Canada 12 «' TurnbuU 25 " Sevens 25 ■' Harpur 25 Mr. Gteorge Harpur. ■ 25 " John Fyfe 25 " Mills 25 " Isaac Baxter. ■ . 60 " G. Hauler 25 " Wm. Warwick. 25 AFriend 12 Collected by Miss Rody and Miss Dods. Mr. A. Rody, 50 " J.Payne 50 Mrs. Dobson 50 " Dods 50 Miss Dods 25 " M. J. Rody 25 Mrs. J. Gibbs 30 " J.Dods 26 " Hardich 25 Mr. J. Streosch 25 " A.Johnston 25 " W. Bauns 26 " Gowling 25 Miss Saynher 20 SmallSums 68 FOREST. Collected by Mrs. Smart and Mrs. West. E. Aiken 25 J.Boyd 25 M. Codling 25 ManrClark 25 W. H. Culclough .... 25 R.B.Dickey 25 Mrs. Dier 50 Miss Dier 50 S.Gilmore 25 G.Hair 25 Mrs. Hair 25 G.Hart 30 E.Hodgine 25 T. Jinnings 26 W. Meagher 60 D. MomuiKstar 25 $ c. A. Ounn 25 D. MoPberson 26 Mrs. Richardson 25 J. Smart 25 Mrs- Smart 26 " Smith 25 AFriend 25 15 10 C.Smith 26 .T.Trott 50 J.A. Woodrooffe-.- . 1 00 Mrs. Woodroofle 1 00 " West 25 " Marton 25 F.Wever 25 Miss Moor 25 Sarah Rood 25 E. Miders 25 J.Foset 50 J. Shellington 25 J. E. F.Robson 10 J. Deny 50 A.West 25 T.Core 25 Mrs.Edgar 26 WIDDER STATION. Collected by Miss A.Orr. Mr. Cornell 50 " Holwell 100 Mrs. Holwell 100 Mr.Rae 59 Mrs. Rae 50 Mr. Watson 50 AFriend 25 " 25 Collected by Miss Bishop tRev. S. H. Phillips . 5 OS Mrs.Long 25 Atkinson & Gattis ... 2 08 W.H.Morgan 50 Robe, i Watcher 25 Mrs. Morgan 50 " Bishop 2:3 " French 25 WIDDER. Collected by Miss Bell. Mr. Allen.. Mrs. Allen. GO SO APPENDIX. ' 83 $ 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 15 10 25 SO 00 00 25 25 25 2» 2ft 25 50 25 10 50 25 50 100 100 50 50 50 25 25 508 2S 2 09 60 25 50 C" 25 ^ I > i I S ^ c, John Bell SO Mw.Cook 100 Mr. English 50 " French 25 " Ginnar 25 Dr. Hopkins .'iO Mrs . Jackson .50 " Morris 50 Mr. McKeUar 50 Mrs. McMillan 12 Mr.Smith 50 " Tidball 'I'i ARKONA. Collected by Rev. S. H. Phillips. H. Wiseman 2 00 Mr. Jones 100 " Brown 100 Mrs. Brown 100 Mr. Dunne 50 Collected by Miss Agnes Jones. Mrs. A. Brown 50 J.Bond 10 R.Dunn 25 Tiltan Eastman 25 Mrs.Fuloher 25 AFriend 25 W.H.Jones 100 Mr. Langel 25 E.Beade 50 Mrs. Reade 50 Mr. Wilcox 50 H. Wiseman 1 00 f ('. 8ABMA I.NUIANS. Collected by Joseph Wawanosh. tRev. H. P. Cha«e ... 5 00 Joshua Wawanosh. . . 5 00 Josepli Wawanosh . . 5 00 Thomas Wawanosh • . 2 00 Amelia Wawanosh • . 1 00 .Tosdua Wawanosh. jr 25 Ch-rlottfi Elliot 75 Eii«ab th Riley 1 GO Joshua Whitebird .. 25 Betsy Wn 7MioBb ... 1 00 Antoine lUKld 50 Elizabeth Rodcl Eliza Wawanosh . . . Jane Wawanosh . . . .Fames Whitebird... David Shawunno ... Elizabeth Shawunno. ] 25 Public coUoction at meeting 1 70 25 1 00 50 25 1 00 WYOMING. tllev. J. S.Baker... . 5 00 IIILLSBORO. tS.C.Hill 5 00 SOMBRA. tRev. W. Green (7th year) 5 00 COUNTY OF NORFOLK. SIMCOE. Collected by Mrs. Camp- bell and Miss M. Walsh. Mrs. Allgoo 50 Geo. Battersby 2 00 Thos. Brock 5o Dr. Covemton 2 00 Mrs. Chrysler 25 tRov. E.Grassett.... 5 00 Mrs. Grassett 2 00 Joseph Hobbs 25 Henry Henderson — 25 Mrs. Howick 25 " Jones 50 Annie Kendall 25 Mrs. Killpatrick 25 " Lotteniian 1 00 " Lowndes .50 Miss Lowndes 50 " Kate Lowndes. 50 John Laing 5() $ C. Mrs. Harry Leancy . • 2| " JohnLeaney — 2^ Siiuiro Matthews 2 OlJ Mrs.MoGill 5" " Miller 25 Robert Moore 2 0'' J.E. Potts 2 0^ Mrs. Potts 2 00 AsaPurcoll 1 OO John Pusoy 50 Elizabeth Pusey 50 Abraham Rapelje. ... 1 OO J.W.Ritchie 2 50 Chas. Ritchie 100 Wm. Sinden 100 F.G.Stanton 4 00 W. P. Street 2 00 Thos. W.Walsh 2 00 Mrs. Walsh 2 00 Aquila Walsh 4 00 Mrs. Waters 25 Jas. Williams 50 Mrs. Williamson 50 Collected by Mrs. Foley and Miss Mary Walsh. Mrs. Brearley 25 Duncan Campbell. 4 00 Mrs. Caupbell 2 00 Henry Carter . 1 CO Jas. Chadwick 1 00 John Curtis 2 00 Mrs. Curtis 100 Margaret F'l'.ott 25 Hon. M. i;. ;')ley.... 2 00 N.C.Ford 5 00 Mrs. Ford 50 R. A. Galbraith 50 Henry Groff 2 00 Mrs.GrofF 2 00 Jas. Harding 25 Mrs. Harding 25 " Samuel Harris.. 50 Wm. Hooker 50 Mrs. Hunter 50 Geo. Kent 50 Mrs. Lucas 25 Miss Perry 13 Wm.Tuakay 25 J.J.Walker 50 John West 100 Dr. Wilson 100 Wm. Wilson 2 00 Mrs. Jas. Wilson 50 Collected by Mrs. Stan- ton and Miss Pufley. J.H.Ansley 10" John Axfor*. .- 10" MissAxford 5" Mr. Brydgea 4 0" SarB,h Chambea 5*^ Catherine Craik 2f Mrs.Cronyn 5^' APPENDIX. $ e. tSheriffDeedes 5 00 Edith Deedes 50 D. L. Buncombe 50 Jas. Ermatinger 50 Mrs. Poree 50 C.J. Fuller 50 W, II. Ilealcy 50 Eliza Hobsv)n 25 ThoB. Kendall 50 Maria Kent 50 R.M.Kestell 1 00 Thos. Lee 50 Jas. Miller 50 Henry Mulkins 2 00 Wm. Mulkins 75 Benjamin Mulkins ... 50 Judfte Salmon 2 00 Dr. Salmon 1 00 Wm.Sharpe 150 Mrs.Sharpe 150 Jas. Thompson SO DavidTisdale 2 00 Mrs. Townley 1 00 " Vincent 50 F.L.Walsh 100 C.Walsh 50 Col. Wilson 2 00 VITTORIA. Collected by Mrs. Cov- ernton andMiss Mack- elyne. Mrs. Alex. Bowlby ... 2 00 " Ades 50 " H. Bowlby 25 " Culver 25 " Dr. Walker 50 Mr.Walker SO " Covemton 1 00 Mrs. Covemton 1 00 PORT ROWAN. Collected by Miss Ste- venson. tW. H. Stevenflon. ... 5 00 Mrs. W.H. Stevenson 2 00 C.G.Lane 2 00 Mrs. Chadwiok 1 00 " Mabee 100 C. A. VaDBlyaok 100 Mr.MoEwen 100 0. Bennett 100 S.if.Holt 100 $ c. R. S. Stevenson 1 00 Mrs. Biddulph 50 P.Mabeo 50 J.Ryan 50 Mrs. Turrill 25 " Raymond 25 " Biddle 25 J. Raymond 25 A. Steams 25 J. Steams 25 Dr. Franklin 25 C. Francis 25 J.Kimball 25 A.Fick 25 J.IBoycan 25 J. Newkirk 25 J. Lonch 25 Miss Lemon 25 J. Kirk 10 Collected by Miss Mag- gie McLennan. tRev. H.J. Evans... 5 00 tMrs. H.J. Evans... 5 00 A. J.Potts 50 James R. Doan 50 Thomas Fry 25 R..T.Reid 50 J. L. Dedrick SO S. P. Mabee IM J. A. Dedrick 29 C.McCall 25 J.W.Lea 50 John Matthews 1 00 T. H. Barrett 1 00 Mrs. Leaton 25 G.G.Lane 2 00 George Patient 50 Wm. L Coulter 50 M. J. McLennon . 50 ROWAN MILLS. Collected by Miss Hut- chinson and Miss Lo- renza Hutchinson. tAraold Burrowes. . . 5 00 D. W. Burrowes 2 00 L. P. B. HutoUnaon . 1 00 LoremaHutohinaon • 1 00 Mra.BaiTett, Fannlea 100 Mr.Matthews 100 tSophia De Wolfe 1 00 Alex. Hutchinson .... 50 BUa 60 Bdwin Morton 50 Samuel Hodgina....- 50 Mrs. L. MoDoug&U . 60 1&. Foster 30 A Friend 25 $c. A Friend Ji E.Smith M Wm. Anderson M A Friend 25 Mrs. Pitman 26 Charles Brandon 26 W.S.Howe .. 25 Mrs. Ellen Hanson . 25 P. McArthur 26 M.MoDougall 26 Mrs. Bowers 25 Richard Cridlond — 25 Mr.Fry 25 W. Smith 25 Mrs. G. Hutchinson. . 25 Mr. Cook 20 A Friend 15 Solomon Rocker 12 Mrs. Wm. Franklin.. 10 " A. Franklin ... . 10 AFriend 10 Mr.MiUer 10 Frederick Tromday . . 10 Moses Brown 10 A Friend 5 E.Shiver 5 AFriend 3 SAINT WILLIAMS. Collected by Miss Wood and Miss M. McCall. giev. W.Wood 5 00 rs. W.Wood 100 Miss Mary Wood — 50 Master WiUy Wood . . 25 MissE.Wood 25 Wm. H.MUler 100 Mrs W.H.MUler ... 50 D. MoCall, den 1 00 C. Wood 100 AFriend 25 Miss Maria McGall . . 25 Mrs. J. D. McCall ... 50 AFriend 12 Mrs.W. MoBimie... 25 Miss Maggie McCall. HOUGHTON. IHIUNUEL CHUBOH. Collected by Mrs. Free- land. William Freeland.... 60 JeremiahHill 50 f I > APPENDIX. 85 $ c. » 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 15 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 3 00 00 50 00 00 25 25 50 12 25 60 SO DC. Brady 60 Mrs. KitchW 25 Henry Bradfield 50 Mrs. Freeland . . — 25 Colle'ed by Mrs. Lemon. Mrs. Burton 1 00 " R. Walker 50 Miss McQuie 25 Mrs. Parker 25 " J. Bingham ... ."JO " Lemon 50 Mr. Pierce 25 •' G. Pierce 12 Mrs. L.Pierce 13 " J. Fuller 10 Collected by Miss Char- lotte Naisbit. MrB. E.Walker 25 Mr. Hopper 35 " Chamberlain ■ • 15 " Thos. Walton . . 26 WATERFORD. CcAlectei by Miss S. W. Matthews. tRev. S. Harris 5 00 Mr,-'. S. Harris 50 Edward Matthews ... 50 Sarah W.Matthews... 25 Mrs. Burton 25 Miss Boughner 25 Wm. McCool 25 Mrs. A.M. Skelloy... 25 George W. Park 50 Alfred Bowlby 25 Mrs. Lundy 25 Mr. Saml. Lundy .... 25 Mrs. L. Sovereign — 25 Mrs. Dan. Beemer • . 25 Dan. L. Beemer 50 Wm. Pamey 25 rs. D R. Foster. ... 25 rs, Merrill 25 )0s. D. Merritt 25 Lr '■'rumb 25 If)'. Wm JfeMichaol. 15 :«/. -/. M6Ai)i»tor ... 25 MTS.y»\miif 20 *' J. WV>^//(ri<-fl . . . '2r> " Wesley Oreen. . 20 *' J. Culver 25 " Clondenny 12 " S. Anderyon • . 6 Dr. J. Merritt' 25 Dr. D. Duaoombc — 25 Mrs. Becker 25 " L. Becker 26 Friend 11 CoUe'd by Mrs. Edward Matthews. Geo. W Park 2 00 Dr. A. Bowlby 25 Ijeamon Becker 25 Phillip Beemer 50 Mrs. D.L. Beemer... 100 .Tames W. Squire 1 00 Mrs. N. Boughner — 25 Wr Pamey 25 Wn., MoMichael 25 Mrs. N.Green 13 " W.Green 25 '• Dr. D.Duncombe 50 Mr. Becker 50 Mrs. Famsworth 25 " Merrill 25 " Matthews 50 " Riokards ".. 25 " E.Matthews.... 100 COUNTY OF OXFORD. WOODSTOCK. Collected by Mrs. Lind- say. Wm. Downey 1 50 James Ekins 1 00 Chas. Pope 50 Mis. John Peers 50 Mrs.IFroyer 50 Mrs. Hart 50 Mrs.Bloe 50 John Lirdsay 4 00 Mrs.Lindsay 2 00 Miss Lindsay 1 00 John Lindsay 25 H.E.I& S. Lindsay. ... 12 A thank offering from three sisters 30 00 Mrs.Keys 25 Edward Magee 50 Miss Weir 50 Mrs.Coen 25 " Mrs. Elton 25 " Thomson 25 " Hacks 25 Wm. Green 25 Mrs. Green 25 Friend 25 do 25 do 25 Mr.Boeson 1 00 Collected by Mrs. H. Blaquiere. de Mrs. Arnold 2 00 " Alexander 1 00 f c. Mrs. Barwiok 2 00 " Bendyahe 2 00 " H. deBlaquiere . . 2 00 Mr.H. deBlaquiere. . . 2 00 " Peers 2 00 Coll'ed by Mi.^s Wright. Mr. Jackson 25 Mrs. Turner 25 Geo. Tumbull 25 Miss Alice Mills 15 Dr. Wright 50 Miss Wright 25 Collected by Miss Noad. Joseph Noad 2 00 Mrs. Ingersoll 2 00 Friend 30 do 25 Hhos.Scott 5 00 Collected by Miss Greig- T.H.Parker 100 Edwd. Perry 1 00 Wm. Warwick 1 00 fWm.Grey 5 00 J. Greig. 100 RobertBird 50 Geo. Weeks 50 Friend 50 E. Cody 50 R. Woodruffo 50 Mrs. Hall 25 Mr. Baker 25 Friend 25 W. K. Anderson 25 Mrs. Harwood 25 Mr. Crane 22 Friend 20 Mrs. Turquand I 00 Collected by Miss Fow- ditch. * Geo. Bowditoh 100 Mrs. Bowditch 75 Amelia Bowditoh — 26 Miss Bowditoh 60 86 APPENDIX. I Collected by Miss Jane Beard. Mw.Revell 100 tR«v. HRevell 5 OC Mra.8tark 50 t John Beard 5 or; Daniel Peacock 1 00 Geo. PuUyblank ^«' Cliarles Beards 10 00 CoU'edbyMiss.T, iVoati. Mr.Adams 100 Mr.Coad 100 Mrs-GoghUl 100 Wm.Bishop 50 Wm. Dorsan 25 Mrs. Hack 50 Ily. HaU 25 J.W.Kelly 25 Hy- Silvester 50 C. B. Torquand 100 Joseph N. Nellis 1 00 Mrs.Love 50 Friend 15 Hy. Youngs .■• 50 Hy.Martin 25 J.M.Grawibrd 100 Mr. Raokett 25 E. Lakeman 50 W. Hargraves 50 A.RiflKS 50 Ghas. Love 25 Dr. Wm. Soott 100 Geo.A.Gray 100 Alex. MoLenac^an ... 2 00 Wm.Pettit 25 Sunday School 20 30 INGERSOLL. Collected by Mrs. Meri- gold. Mr.Eakins 100 tHenryCrotty 5 00 Mrs.L.Bixel 100 " M.Bixel 50 M.Bixel 50 J. Benson 1 00 P.J.Brown 100 J.McCaughey 2 00 Mrs.Hockett 50 Priddy 50 T. Hovenden 50 Miss Hpvanden 50 Mrs. MoOartiby 50 Mr. Shrapnell 50 r.Ora«r 50 S.Adair 50 Mr. Dynes 60 L. Thompson 50 Mr8.Mei?gold 50 8 c. H.Worth 50 Jacob Moershfeldcr. . 50 Mrs. Jagoe 50 P, Knodtinger 50 A Christopher 50 Mrs.Miller 50 AFriend 50 M vs. Pawcett 25 " T. Crawford 25 if. Foster 25 Mrs. Gavanagh 25 *' Galliford 25 " H. Pole 25 " Wright 25 V. Herscadden 25 Hv6. McLeary 25 " W.Kyle 25 " T.Kylo 25 " Podo 25 Joseph Soott 25 Collected by Mrs. Dennis Mr. ThirkeU 100 Mrs. ThirkeU 100 Mr. Adkins 100 Mrs.Adkins 100 Mr. Mackenzie 2 00 Mrs. G. G. Mackenzie 2 00 " Mackenzie 1 00 " R.Grotty 25 " Podo 50 lit. Brown 1 00 " Doty 25 Dr.Garroll 50 Miss M. G. Ghapman . 50 Mr. O'Gonnor 1 00 Dr.Glark 100 Mr.Ganfield 100 " McLean 100 " WelU 50 " Young 100 " Dennis 50 tRev. J. P. Hinoks ... 5 00 Collected by Mrs. Havi- land and Miss Little. B.W.Crawford 100 Hatty M. Haviland ■ ■ 12 Charlotte J. Barclay. 25 M.M. Crawford 25 M. A. Crawford 25 A.Stuart 50 S. A. Henderson 12 JohnLitUe 25 Mrs. Little 25 Jane Little 25 Robert Little 25 Joshua Bob;«r 50 Mrs.J. Bobier 50 George Brown 50 Mrs.G.Browii 25 Mary Chapman 06 AFriend 100 Sarah J. Crawford ... 25 9 C. W. C. A. Crawford. . . 1 00 W.H.Schram 20 M.A.Andrew 25 Mrs. R. T. Crawford. 25 " E.T.Sandick.... 25 O.Seely 10 Collected by Miss Mary A. Chapman. Edward Chapman . 1 00 Mrs. Jas. Chapman . . 50 Sarah Holahan 25 T. Chapman 25 J. M. Chapman 50 J, F. Crawford. 50 Mrs. J. P. Crawford . . 50 Miss E. J.G. Crawford 25 Joseph L. Perkins ... 25 R. Ghapman 25 Mary G. Ghapman ... 50 Mrs. Crawford, sen . . 50 Sarah R. Crawford. . . 1 00 Geo. E. Perkins 25 Mrs. Walsh 25 A Friend 25 Mrs. Grotty 25 Mr. Foster 25 A.Perkins 25 A Friend 50 Mary A. Chapman . . 25 Collected by Miss E. Tarvifl. *Hi-a.C. Jarvis 25 J oseph Jarvis, jun. . . 25 ^'lizabeth Jarvia 25 hsephjanrls 50 Mrs. Wiseman 2S " Fletcher 25 Margaret Jarvid 25 Mrs. GhamUrs 100 " Mairs 30 Jas. Read 35 A. A. Crawford 25 Richard Mayberry. . . 25 Collected by Miss Jarvis. Jonathan Jarvis 1 00 Samuel Allon 25 BEACHVILLE Coirted by Migs Martin. C.Martin 100 H.F.Martin 80 At>PBNDIX. 8t c. 00 20 25 25 25 10 [00 50 25 25 50 50 50 25 25 25 50 50 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 CO 20 25 ^ 25 9 c. JohnCarroll 100 O.D.Martin 100 N. Barttey 100 Mrs. Monday 07 PhUipFox 100 Mn.Snider 13 " GUbert 10 " G. Downs 25 " CoUier 25 JohnRoBS 05 AFriend 50 Mr.Evntt 25 B. D.Innes 100 AFriend 50 " 20 Mr.McFall 2,5 Mrs. R. Bennett 15 " Slater 15 " A. Cholcroft . . . . 15 " W. Henry 25 " Blond 25 EAST ZORRA. CHRIST'S CHURCH. Collected by Misses Esther Haskett and Bessie Moysey. J Sutton Frizello 5 00 Uchard Moysey 1 00 Bessie Moysey 50 Timothy Flasket 1 00 Joseph Flasket 50 E.Plasket 50 Jos. Thwaites 1 GO Mrs. Dawson 1 GO Thomas Cross 1 00 Hiram Shadwick 1 00 Mrs, H. Shadwick. . . 1 00 Henry Pigeon 1 00 Samuel Cawker 50 H. Meadows 25 Wm. Goddard 50 David Pallister 50 Mrs. Milman 1 00 " Frost 50 A Friend 50 Mrs. R. Campbell.... 50 Eliza Marshall... 50 Stephen HeldewlT 25 ... -0 Mrs. Down .... !3 Wm. Phivsviu ;0 James Froet .. 3i Wm. Bruce 10 A Friend • S Mrs P. Shadwith 30 Collected by Hiss Mar- garet Donaldson. Mrs. Macqueen 6 00 ID. S. McQueen .... 5 00 Joseph Turner 1 00 Wm. Donaldson 1 00 Jo):n Donaldson 50 Israel Caister 25 Mrs.Caister 25 S.Wadland 25 Mrs. Wadland 25 " Robinson 25 Wm. Marshall 50 Martha Marshall .... 50 Mrs.Collins 20 George Collins 100 Jemima Collins 20 Stephen Collins 20 Mary J. Collins 10 Mrs. Kams 25 AVm. Walcraft 50 Robert Millman 50 Mrs. Pratt 25 James Last ... 50 Mrs. Buckle 50 '• Skelton 50 tRev. F. Fauquier ... 5 00 Mrs. Fauquier 2 00 Miss Fauquier 1 00 F. Fauquier 25 L. Fauquier 25 Samuel Nelson 25 Henry Rowland 50 Sunday School 4 00 TRINITY CHURCH. Collected by Misses M. Armstrong andAgnes Bale. t James Caister 5 00 A. Armstrong 1 00 Richard Bale 100 Robert Webber 50 Henry Harwood 50 Susan Burton 50 Thomas Rowo 100 Thos.Rowo, jr 100 George King 1 00 Mrs. Jane King 1 00 James Hatch 50 Frederick King 25 John Woon 100 Wm. Russell 1 00 J.Rutherford 25 GteorgeSkelt.n 50 Hur'; ^ur-iT-.-him .. 25 Mv.v a. Civ.^'. 50 ^:h!'. CaiFtfi- 1 00 'V'.wS.R!.?Mell 60 FMjihbyi Caister 50 Airs. S. C'lister 50 Jane Caister 25 Thomas Caister 25 Daniel Larke 60 • c. RiohardVarhy 100 Janet Pringle 25 Mrs. Grayson 25 Mary Armstrong 1 00 Jacob Armstrong .... 25 John Armstrong 25 John Francis 25 Henry Rockett 50 Mrs. Lucy Caister. . . 50 James King 1 00 JohnWadland 50 Alfred Harwood 100 Alfred Harwood, jr. . . 25 Mrs. Emma Harwood 25 Matilda Harrington. . 25 Hiram Harringtonn. . 50 Mary J. Harrington. . 25 Wallace Harrington . 50 Mary Jacques 25 ElizabithBickle 25 Susan Loveys 25 George Webber 25 Alex. Patterson 50 George Patterson — 25 Mrs.Gould 25 James Reynolds 50 Mary Grayson 25 Patrick Rnisell 25 Chas.E.Knott 50 Agnes Bale 50 George Bale 3S EASTWOOD. OoU'd by Mrs. Richard Robinson. Richd. Robinson 50 Mrs. R. Robinson — 50 Mrs. Cooper 25 Mrs. Hutton 50 Mr. Hutton 50 Mr. Qeo.vge Hersec . • 25 Mrs. Mary Dunn 25 Mrs.Whito 2'j Miss Ross 10 Mrs. Anderson 25 Mrs. Danbrook 25 Widow Ferguson — 25 Mrs. Alfred Hayward 25 AVm. Costello 25 Widow Robinson ... 25 Mrs. Wilson 25 Mrs. Ccle s!5 Bolton McForland . . 50 Mrs. Wm. Hewett ... 50 " Cheney 25 Agnes A. Perry 80 Saml.R Perry 50 Margaret Bell 25 Rich. Hutton 25 Joseph Edmonds 25 George Hillier 25 Mrs. John! Scott 30 D.D.Bums 50 Mrs. B. Hooper 25 James M. Robinson. . 13 APPXNOIX. 8 c. Eiixa J. Robinson. ... 10 Sarah A. Robinson ... 10 Marion Kirkland .... 25 Mrs. Edmiston 26 Wm. McOleUand.... 25 John Cooper 25 Henry Gooper 25 Oeorge Walker 60 PhUip Walker 25 Henry Edmonds .... 20 Mrs. Ferguson 23 Alex. Ferguson 25 Mr.Bigley 30 tRev. T.G.DesBarres 5 00 Collected by Miss Shaw. R.W.Burrowes) ^ «« A.Burrowes J" * "' Mrs. Jones 50 Mrs. Hurward 60 Jonah HaybaU 25 Mrs. Robinson SO Samuel Robinson — 25 Mrs.Smith 25 Mrs. W. Hayward ... 25 Mr. Bredin 50 Mrs. MoBlhoran .... 25 A.Crab 25 Jas.MoMillan 25 Mrs. McDonald 25 " Hyde..., 25 " Brown.... 26 Mrs. Bolston 25 Anne Cotton 25 Mrs.PaImer 25 " Shaw 100 A.Oldham 20 Mr8.Platt 25 " Harrison 25 Collected by Miss Annie Frizelle. Mrs. J. Frizelle 50 J.Frizelle 50 Annie Fiiselle 25 J.F.Friralle 25 Wm. Frizelle 25 Henry Robinson 25 Mrs. Lee 50 Mrs. Maycock 25 Mr. Harrison 25 "Lee 50 " Bargeant 25 Mrs. Bargeant 25 '* PUtt 10 " BeU 26 Collected by Miss Trim- ble. Mr. Ulman 20 Mrs. Ooble 25 " Bargeant 10 Mr. Lazonby 15 "Potter 60 "Lawrence 100 Mrs.Aling 10 EAST OXFORD. Collected by Miss Lamp, man. James G.PetUt 1 00 Mrs.Pettit 50 Peter Lampmon 1 00 Mrs. P. Lampman. . . 50 " W. A. Lampman 1 75 " Qarthwate 60 James Thompson.... 25 Mrs. Thompson 25 Enuna Palmer 25 Mr. W.Manoon 25 E.J. Lampman 10 Isabella M.Lampman 10 James Allen 75 Dorothy Allen 25 William AUen 25 Mary G^reen 25 Phoebe C. Lampman. 25 Miss C. Ranger 30 Mr. John Chambers . 25 W.A.Gray 25 AFriend 25 Mrs. Ann MoLivy . • • 25 A. Lampman 25 Q. Glendenen 25 CoUec'd by Miss Brown. Mrs. Brown 1 00 John Brown 50 Ann Brown 60 Teresa T. Brown .... 50 Mrs. Blatohford 50 Mr. AUen Green .... 5U Mrs. A. Green 25 Thomas Jones 20 Mr.Fowler 50 Thomas H. Brown .. 76 A. C. Glendenen — 50 Mr.TBrown 76 Charles Brown 60 Mrs. C.Brown 25 Mrs. Hopper 25 Collec'd by Miss Frizelle Mrs. Henry Piers. ... 1 00 Samuol Fnzelle 1 00 S.H. Frizelle 35 J. C. Frizelle 25 Mr. Hyder 60 Annie Hyder 15 Walter Glendenning . 25 James Dunphy 50 Mrs. J. Coneybeare. ■ 50 Janet Gray 2'> Mrs. P. Perkins 25 Roger Rice 60 RobertRoss 25 L. U.Bedford 25 William Jones 13 Mrs. DesBarres 1 00 INNERKIP. Collected by. Miss Ball. J.P.Bali 50 Mrs. BaU 25 MissBall 25 Mrs. Knights 25 " B^&iights 25 " MoCair 25 Samuol Evans 1 (lO Thos. F.Mitchell.... 50 H.Mitchell 25 Mrs. John Cowan — 25 James Russell 50 James Davis 50 Mrs. Hopkins 25 MissDay 25 Mrs. R. A.Nelles .... 50 AFriend 25 Mrs. Turner 25 " Quintan 25 " Harwood 12 Edmund Knight 25 Mrs. Bowman 9 PRINCETON. Collected by Mrs.Hickie. W.Hersee, sen 25 A.C.Orr... '25 T.L.Pain 25 H. Y. Lawrence 25 Mrs. Thomson 60 AFriend • 25 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 25 '» 26 At>t>lX. 89 1 00 1 00 sn 25 60 15 25 50 50 2i 25 60 25 25 13 1 00 50 25 25 25 25 25 1 00 50 25 25 60 50 25 25 50 25 25 25 12 25 9 OoUected by Mr. Quirk. H. Whittington 60 S.Yale 60 J. 0. Lindsay 50 J.Moore 25 W.Quirk 26 D. Baatede 25 W. Glbion 26 N.T.Penny 25 F- Cheese wriglit 26 J. Edgar 25 Geo. Lavery 25 Mrs. Giles 25 AFriend 25 " 10 T.Hall 10 Mr. Crosby 20 OoUected by Misa Agnes Symonds. tRevH.Bartlett 5 00 W . Brownrigg 50 W. SturgiS 26 S.Smiley 25 J. A. Lindsay 25 J. Freeman 26 W.H.Harrison 25 OHarris 26 W. Hersee, jun.. 26 Geo.Sturgis 25 P.Thomas 25 W.Retherford 25 HForoe 25 Alex. Mann 25 J. Stitt 25 Mrs.. MoKensie 25 " H. HaviU 25 " Hutchison 25 " G. Rouse 25 Miss J. Johnson 20 J. MoCrow 20 Miss E.Thomas 12 " J.Thomas 12 " E. Eunioe 12 C. Troworaft 10 G. Link 10 W.Forge 10 W. Wagner 10 Mr. Chambers 05 " Butcher 05 AFriend 04 J. G. Lockhart 12 MissMcGee 26 NORWICH. OoU'ed by Miss Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Miss Thomas 50 Rich. Thomas 25 Mrs. Vaughan 60 f C. Rev. R. Heyland . • ■ ■ 60 John Heyland 60 R. Chambers 26 Rev. E. Peake 5 00 DEREHAM. ST. CHABLES' OHUROH. CoU'ted by Miss Hockey and Miss James. William James 50 Miss E. James 10 Mr. Jts,me8 45 M. James 25 P.James 25 Mary James 25 Mrs. Hookey 50 Miss Hookey 25 Miss L. Hookey 25 John Hockey 25 W. Lawrence 50 W.Smith 60 MissSmart 60 Mrs.Soott 60 Mrs. Bearpark 60 Mr. Bum 50 M.Bum 60 Mrs. M. Bum 25 Mr.Stoker 60 MissWardle.. 50 A.Soott 60 Mrs. Curtis 60 J.Wilson 60 Miss Smith 50 Mrs. Smith 25 Mrs. Langrell 35 J. Petman 30 Mrs. Petman 25 Mrs. Wm. Petman . • 25 F.Stroud 25 R.Stroud 25 J.Stroud 25 Mr. Nickerson 26 Mr. Miners 25 Mrs. J. Stroud 25 Mr. Hall 20 Mrs. Palmer 2f B. Withers 25 W. Withers 26 Mr. Tapsell 26 Mrs.FaUe 25 Mr. Marett 30 T. Wardle 25 Mr. Armstrong 26 Mr.Stubbs 25 Mrs. Ostrander 25 " Thompson 25 »' S. Waller 26 T.Fletoheir 25 Mr. Roisier 25 Mrs. Renney 37 COUNTY OF PERTH. STRATFORD. ST. JAMES' OHUROH. Collected' by Mrs. Puller and Miss James. tRov. E. Patterson. . . 5 00 tJ. Sydney Smith. .. . 5 00 S.S.Fuller 7 00 R.Fuller 5 00 Mrs. Dr. Hanney .... 3 00 W.H. Hine 100 Mrs. Scown 25 J. A. McCuHooh 100 H. Imlach 1 00 Mrs. Robt. Smith.... 2 00 Mrs. C.James 2 CO Mrs.James 1 00 A.Mon(eith 100 Mr. Hammer 25 Mrs. Waucrh 100 Mrs. Johns 50 Mrs. G. Jackson 100 Mrs. P. Watson 2 00 Mrs.Lee 1 00 Mrs. Imlaoh 100 Chas Markham 50 Mrs. Sewell 100 Mrs.Caven 100 Collected by Mrs.Burritt and Miss Burritt. Mrs. W. Thompson, jr 25 Mrs. W. Thompbon,8r 25 J.Watson 25 H.Irwin 2r^ Mrs. Roberts 25 •' Powell 25 " Lawrence 60 " Lisars 50 Mr. Lawrence 25 Mrs. Ruff 25 " Davis 25 Officers 16th Regt 4 55 Mrs. Towner 60 Mr. Steel 60 Mrs. AUoock 50 '' Gladders 50 •• Steel 60 G. Stephenson 50 Mrs.Drury 25 90 APPENDIX. Collected by Mrs.Oeorge JackHon k Miss Susan James. Mr.OarroU 60 fTA-ManhaU 100 8.R.HeMon 100 J. Dntton 100 O. Hone 100 W.PortMua 100 C.Kahn 100 J.R.PhiUipB 160 I)^.J%okion 1 00 Mn. B. R SulUviw. . 60 W.H.Pattenoa..... 26 Mr.HoUida^ 100 U.Ranaom 1 00 J.Winter' 60 W. Buokingham .... 1 00 Mn. Oapt Adoook. . • 60 Mn.WilMii 25 P.R.Jarria 100 Mn. P. J- Smithwiok 1 00 •* Brownins 60 '.H. RobMia 60 ... Workman 100 W.D. Imlaoh 60 iir.Gorrie 60 Ifo.Worth 26 Mr.^ Mb 60 Ooli and ■ilrs. Hay lopwood. Mn.Ghidley SO " Hilton 60 **«Hopwood 60 •' Worthington.... 25 Friend 10 Mn.Hara 60 •' Vivian IB •' AUen 26 ' Sarah Armstrong]. ... 26 Mn.Burritt 100 " Clements 26 «• Cook 25 " Hay 60 ST. MART'S. OoU'ed by Mrs. Kellogg and Miss Short. Mrs.Abbott 100 *• Akinson 50 •• Baboook 60 Mr.Coleman 60 Mr.Day 60 MiuFranklin 60 Mn. Oriaaon 60 T.B. Gneit 2 00 R.Gaest 100 J.Oueit <•• 60 $c. A.Uill 100 Mr«.A.lIilI 100 Mn.Huokett 100 i.Y.Hoyt 60 .1 . P. Hunt 50 Mr. Iredale 45 Mrs. Johnstone 25 iRev. S.B.KeUogc. • 6 00 In. Kellogg 2 60 M.Ii. Kellogg 100 F. H. T. KeUogg .... 100 Mn.Kinf 76 Mr.Mwrshall 100 Mn. MoConneU 60 W.Oddie 50 Mrs. Pienon 1 00 Mn. Parks 26 Mr.&Mn. J.Robinson 2 00 "Small 100 "Short 50 •'Stafford H\ '• Wakeham 25 Dr.i). WiL James Foster....!. ... 25 Mrs.Walkom 26 Mr. Gordon 60 Misses Stewart 60 Robt. Nichols, sen — 60 Robt. Nichols, jr. 60 Wm.Oonld 60 Jas. Jacksont 100 R.FuUerton 60 E. Cox, sen 60 E.Cox.jr 60 Mrs. A. Moore 25 Thos.Link 50 Rebecca Tyors 8 Friend 10 KIRKTON. Collected by Mrs.Amelia Buras aad Miss Sasan Robiosoo. Frances Robinson . ■ ■ • 1 00 HugfaBeny 100 ThoB.Ervin 1 00 PeterBums 50 John'Baker 50 F.Montgomery 60 SamnelCair....! — 60 Rich. Switiser 50 John Balentine 50 le. aeo. Six- .-in. • ... 60 [rs..- - M John > n ... SO John' .. 80 ThoH ... 26 Marti 26 Chas. Wilson 26 Mrs. Wilson 26 David Cithcart 26 Miss B.Taylor 26 MUsA.Gooding 26 Joseph Ryne 25 JohnBerry 26 John Shier 26 Thos. Apleth 26 Mrs.Brag 26 Thos. Watson 25 Mrs. Belamy 26 John Bemg Vi Geo.Beaver 26 John Sampson 25 Thos. Hollinghead ... 25 Robt.Brant 26 Mrs. Sampson 25 Wm. BalUntina 26 M. Pattypioce 20 JohnBani 20 JosephBeaty 25 Wm. Hannah 10 MaryB.Bunu 6 Collected by Mrs.Creery and Miss Richardson. RobertOreery 1 0(' JdhnOreery 25 M.Fleteher 80 Mn.Fletoher 25 Robt. Fletcher 12 Wm.Fletoher 18 BliiaJ.OnMry 10 Mra.Mains 25 Henry Mains 25 S.BarrowB 25 Friend 10 Alex.MoKende 25 Joseph MiUer 26 George Godbolt 25 Simeon Barrows, sen. 10 Jas. Mills 60 Mrs.Mills 60 Ge&ElUott 25 Friend. 10 Harriet Weiiditmao. • 25 JosephCreery 50 SamI.Radley 60 Mrs.Shier 25 M. Makeins 23 Mrs-Nnrie 25 JohnEUiott 25 JaneMills 25 Mrs. Cameron 20 D.Walker.. 25 Saml.MilIer 100 Mrs.MiUer 60 M.Fletoher 100 Thos.NegIe 25 ^, ^ ^ A"^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 US 122 I 2.2 I.I 1."^ H^ 1 1.25 1.4 1.6 11^ < 6" - ► flioliographic Sciences (Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)a72-4S03 '^:^^ .%^ ^ iV * 92 APPlMDIXc Collected by Misses Bryans and Robinsou. Robt Huston 100 Mn. Wilson 25 David Brethoar 60 Mra.Brathour 50 MrB.Sryans 50 Jas. BryanB 25 MaryRobiuon 25 Mni.MuiTey 20 Mrs. Washborne. .... 25 Ghas Wasbborne.... 25 Mrs. MoCollum 12 Friend 5 MrA.Kirk 25 Friend 10 Alex. Murray 25 Mm. Elliott 25 And. Marsball 50 Mrs. Qilmore 15 N O.S.White 60 John Stenhen 26 Mrs. R. Switxer 25 Mr.Ross 25 MisaHazalem 25 Mrs. Bobkin 25 Jas. Hazalem. . ...... 25 Jas. Mahon 25 Alex. Walker 20 N.Shier 25 Mrs. J.Doupe 25 Joseph Bettie! 20 J. Bums 15 Mrs. Switzer 25 PROSPECT HILL. OoU'd by Mrs. Benjamin Stanley. BenJ. Stanley 50 Mr8.Stanley 50 Jas. S. Hodt^*; 50 John MoConnel 25 Thos. Stanley 50 Saml. Stanley 50 Joseph WUlis 25 Alex. Stewart 10 GeormOoold 50 JohnHayea 25 J. Hndson 25 Wm. Hays 25 Samnel Crawfordt jr . 50 Samuel Crawfordi sen 25 Wm. Caswell 10 Jaa.GraDt 25 BenJ. Blaekwell. .... 25 Wm.LeTitt 25 Mrs Levitt 26 AnnJermyn 26 JohnA.Staaloy 26 Diana Hodcins 26 Tho«.W. Stanley:.... 25 $ c. Thos. W.Bell 25 Alf. Padfield 60 Mrs. John Draper. . . 25 " J. Hudson 10 '• Stewart 10 " Langford 25 " J.Hayes 25 MargaretHayes 25 JaneW.BeU 25 Mrs.WriRht 25 Jas. Harrison 25 Mrs. Harrison 25 Alex.arKnt 25 CForeman 50 J. Bayne 10 Albert Beatson 25 HOWICH. Collected by Mrs. Mann. William Paden 50 John Thompson 25 William Story 25 Thomas Fraine 60 W.D.Laurie 25 RobertCathers 25 Mrs. John, Coots 12 " Spence 13 James Doubledee. ... 25 Charles Deas 25 John Miller 25 RiohardJones 15 Mr.Boyle 10 RobertGibson 25 Mr. Barker 12 Mm.Ohambers 20 Mr.Chambers 12 Dr.Smale 50 AFriend 25 J.B.Voat 25 AFriend 25 AFriend 10 John MoLaufhlin .... 25 Wm. Laurie 13 Adam Morrow 50 Collected by Miss Wor- thington. Dr. Worthincton 50 Mrs. Worthington.... 60 Miss Worthington. ... 1 00 MissM.A.Worthington 25 Mr. S. Date 50 Mrs.Date 26 Mr. C.OanoU 60 MasterCarroU 26 Mr.JohnSaonderaon. 60 AFriend 60 Collected by Mrs. James Perkins. t James Perkins 5 00 Jaines Young 1 00 Mrs. James Young. . . 1 00 WiUiamGlass 25 JohnStinson 50 James Canon 60 Qeorge Stung 50 John Potter 50 Charles Smith 60 Gtoorge Bisanson 25 John Roberts, jr SO Richard Jamea 60 John Roberts, sr 1 00 Oeorm Johnson 1 00 MissRoberts 20 Henry Perkins 60 James MagiU 25 Mrs. Johnson 60 D. J.Outram 50 James McWade 50 Richard Robinson — 50 Joseph MahoodS 25 Alex.Smith 25 ELMA AND WALLACE. Collected by Miss Miller. tRev. A. E. MiUer. . . Mrs. O.V.Miller.... 600 60 Miss Miller 50 Master W.R.MiUer. 25 " A.E.MiUer.. 25 Miss Virginia MiUer. 25 Mr.Laing 60 Wm. Fennel 75 George Draper Mrs.Draper 100 lo;) Master J. J. Draper. . 25 Misa Matilda Draper. 25 " Maria Draper . . 25 " E. Draper 26 Elijah Ellis. 50 Robert Fleming 50 Mrs.Denyaa 25 Paul Harvey.. 25 W.T.Waugh 100 Mr8.Wauflii 25 Miaa Wangh 25 " Kato A. Waugh 25 •• Fanny Waugh.. 25 Wm.Claarton Mrs. Barber 60 25 " Mom 25 " Harbmer 25 " Nelma 25 Jamea A. Halalead .. 50 JfiSin H AV 25 AFriend. 10 J. Uvingatona 25 Mra. Timmona 25 '* Wardman 26 Wm. Hay 25 APPINDIZ. 500 100 100 25 50 50 50 50 60 25 50 50 100 100 20 50 25 50 50 60 50 25 25 Mrs. Twamley 25 " J. Twamley .... 25 John Twamley C) J. Zimmerman 25 Dr.Sill 1 00 Mr. Lilioo 25 J- Christie 25 Mr. HalUday 50 CoUec'd by Miss Palmer. Henry Palmer 25 Mrs. Palmer 25 Miss Palmer 25 John H. Palmer 25 D.N.Qordon 25 Alexander Gordon ... 25 Arthur£Ilis 25 William Cowan 25 Nelson Kelly 12 OeorgeEunt 25 Mrs. HuU 10 John Hunt 10 Mrs. Keeny 50 " Tackaberry .... 14 WALLACE. ' Gollect'd by Miss Haugh. Wm.Haugh 45 Wm. MoKeover 20 Mrs. McKeever 20 Miss L. MoKeever ... 10 OeorgeAusman 10 Mrs. Jarvis 10 James Love — 7 Isabella Niohol 5 A Friend 10 Mrs. Hayslem 25 Mary Jane Leech — 25 Coll'ted by Miss Martin. Edward Leech 25 Daniel SpiUet 12 Mrs. McMillan 13 JamesGriffith 25 Mrs. Griffith 25 A Friend 12 Edward Anderson — 25 Mrs. Anderson 25 James Qallasher 10 Mrs. WiUonSiby 25 Mr. 0. M. Hemsworth 20 John Ramsey 15 Mrs. Bettison 15 John Bettiaon 25 JohnAllisoQ 25 Mn.Martin 20 Collected by Mies M. Mills. MissM. Mills 100 Joseph Bennett 50 T.Hacarty 25 R.Jone8 25 P.Collins 25 Ohas. Sohurter. ..;... 10 John Coohen 25 Andrew Sebaoh 25 Mrs. Pigeon 25 James Moore 25 A Friend 10 A Friend 10 Mrs.Graber 10 M.E. L 10 A. McLennan 25 A Friend 50 James Stewart 25 Anon 5 George Smith 50 Wm. McCabe 25 A Friend 10 Robert Martin 25 Mr. Andrew 25 JohnG.Mason 25 James Kincaid 10 Chas. Cosens 20 Fied'k Ettingoe 5 Mr.J.Read 25 Edward Bristow 26 Mrs. S. Hemfeworth. ■ 50 Wm. Hemsworth SO James Mnlrey 25 J.J.Smith 25 Mrs. Geom Hall .... 10 Andrew Mitchell 20 John Norman 25 Mrs.Frame 20 John J. Gardner 20 Mrs. Stewart 10 Joseph Lindsay 25 Gol'ted by Mrs. Donelly. Jos. H. Donelly 50 FranoisWangn 50 James Kinnie 25 James Shaw 25 Mrs. Donelly 50 Jas.Moffatt 25 James Long, jr 25 James Long, sr 50 Margaret Long 25 Wm. MoCombs 50 Mrs.Moffatt •.... 25 Matthew Henderson . 25 Margaret Henderson. 13 Wm. Henderson 12 RobertBtett 25 Mrs. Robert Craig ... 25 Francis Morgan 12 Jos. Craig, sr 60 E. A. McGombs 35 Wm.C. Cowan 25 Isaiah Kee 25 D. MoGaui^thren. .. 25 A Friend 25 Wm. Moore 25 I c. Geo. Morgan 20 Andrew Finley 10 Wm. Norong 10 Fayten Booth 25 Joseph Craig, Jr 25 Ooirted by Misses Shaw and Bridge. Wm. Creaser 25 Mrs. Creaser 25 Thomas W.B.Creaeer 10 Emily E. Creaser 6 Susan S. Creaser 5 E.B.McCombs 5 Mrs. Bridge 25 Jane MoCombs 6 Mrs. Shaw 25 Miss Shaw 26 Gtoorge Graham 25 Wm.Shaw 26 Donald B. Eraser .... 25 John Warren 26 Mrs. J.Warren... . 25 " P.Warren 26 " W.Warren 26 Thomas Sides 26 Jas. Johnston 26 Wm. Thompson 26 James Monk... 25 Robert G.Boyd 26 John Caswell 26 Mrs.MnMaster 25 James Shaw ........ 26 D!>'uelGurrie 25 Wm.H.Hall 25 Wm- MoDermott 25 Andrew MoAuley. ... 25 Mr.Brooks 26 Dorothy Brooks 10 LISTOWELL. TOWN I'liOT OF HOWCCH. Collected by the Misses Carter. Edward Phair 25 Wm. Spence 50 Mrs. Spence SO J. Dowiinx SO Mr. Kincaid. 25 John Armsfarong 30 Wm. Dowling 25 James Young 25 Robt. ElBwortb 25 Henry Newton 25 Mrs.Newton 25 94 APPINOIX. Il I Ic. Sftbt MeDonald » n. MoDoiudd tf J.A.Wood.. » RiohardOarter 100 John Carter X EUen Carter 25 Esther Carter 10 MiBBCarter ^ Wm. Carter 30 APriend. 60 Mn.Dowliiic 25 JohnDowlkv ...... 25 Esther A. Campbell . . 2» JoelMoEay 10 Robert Mosgrove 25 MissMoIntosh 25 EUenSpinka 25 Wm. Carson .25 A Friend 100 R. Toombs 5 AFriend 33 HenryCarter 12 J.Q.Flood 75 Peter Young 50 Mr. Lathom 50 Stewart Mosgrove — 25 ELMA. Golle'd by Miss Coulter. MissCouIter 100 Ohas Conlter 100 IsaaoFoater 1 00 HennrBharman 100 Mr. Townshend 1 00 Thos. Lineham 1 00 Wm. Esaels 50 Wm.AIdwiI 25 Francis Graham 50 Jo8.Blli8on 50 Jas. Jolley 50 Chas. Smith .50 SamnelLove 50 Wm. Fitnimmons .... 50 JohnDobbs 60 Tho«.Blair 25 JohnLoT* 25 ohn Rutherford 25 Mr. Cobum 25 A.-O.MitoheU 25 Mrs. MoFadden 10 W. D.MitoheU 25 A. Tennant 10 Heniy Wilson 25 JohnLuig 35 Mr. Fallarton 20 AFriend 25 Wm.Craic 25 Maoie Conlter 25 MILLBANK. Collected by Miss Lucy Griffith &; Miss Colvin. J. T- Atkinson 20 John Brownlee 25 Robt J. Brownlee .... 30 Robt Cathoart 60 Geo. Colvin 100 John Crawford 1 00 Wm.Crawford 25 Edw. Crawford 100 And. Crawford 25 Mrs. Crammer SO G^. Crummer 25 Mrs. Eberwine 25 " Elliott 60 AFriend 25 Frs. Graham 25 Ca;)herine Graham... 25 Jas. Graham 25 Alex. Graham 25 Adam A. Graham ... 25 Thos. Hammond 25 JohnHarron 100 Wm.Harror 100 Janet Hilloox 12 Wm. Kaysmure 25 Mrs-Lintick 50 James Love 25 SamuelMiUer 1 00 Alez.MiUer 60 Jas. C. Mitchell 75 R. Montgomery 50 George Morrow 25 Mrs. Morrow 20 " MoKee 25 " S.McKee 76 AdamMcEee 25 Miss Anne Phair.... 25 R.Rodehou8e 25 W.J.Smith 60 John Taylor 25 Mrs, J. Taylor 25 Thos- Taylor 25 Mr. Trimble 28 Wm. WUliams 50 Joseph Williams 25 Mrs.J. Williams .... 25 Samuel White 15 Collected by Miss Fannie Crozier. Wm. Burgmann 25 D.Conts 10 Alez.Cout8. 25 Samuel Crosier 1 00 Thos.Croiier 25 James Dougherty — 25 Mrs. J. Edwards .... 25 " Olathers 25 Mary Henderson .... 25 Mrs. Matthews 25 Oliver Maybury John MoKee f e. 25 25 Collected by Miss Jane McKee. Thomas Caulfeild. . . Mrs.T.CanlfeUd... Cha8.F.Caul(eUd... C. E.CaulfeUd R.L. Caulfeild Edw. F. CaulfeUd. . . Anno Caulfeild .Tohn Elliott 6f 25 12 13 12 13 12 10 Hanry Irwin Sarah Martin Alex. Harron Margaret Hanron ... G. R. Harron Rebeooa M. Harron. Ann Jane Harron... PhflJB TiAWIH 25 10 50 25 25 25 25 50 .Tnhn MITnn . 1 00 Mrs. J. MoKee Jane MoKee Zipporah MoKee . . . Wm. MoKee E MoKea 25 25 25 25 25 JaokMoKce Wm. MnKaa 25 50 Mrs. Wm. McKee .. Wm. Geo. MoKee... Anne McKee Ellen J. MoKee J cliffb. J.Airth 50 Mrs. Bird 25 Sarah Cleghom 25 R. Esleston 50 MrsTj. Glaister 25 " W. Glaister.... 25 *' G. Glaister 25 R. Hydeman 10 Mrs. Jennings 26 Miss M. Lee 26 J. McCutoheon 25 Mrs. MoCutohoon — 25 G.Oakley 50 Mrs. Oakley 25 JaneOakley 25 Birs.Phair 25 B. Ployford 18 Mr.'Ramo 12 R.M. Richards 26 E.Sutoliffe 60 Mrs. Sutoliffe 26 feSutoliffe 12 Wood 26 CoU'edbyMissM.J.WU- ford and Miss Under* wood. C^.Ballard 25 B.Bird 25 R. Bird 26 W.Cunningham 26 M.P.Empy 100 Mrs.Foster 6 Thos. Freeborn 25 Mrs.M.Hawke 26 J.L. Hawke 25 A.Nichol 6 G.L.Patoh 25 S.L.Patch 25 P.Patoh 12 G.Rennie ,. 25 Mrs. Rennie 26 Anne Rennie 25 Elisabeth Rennie — 26 A.Rennie 26 J.Rennie 26 EmmaRowe 25 W.Rhodes 25 J. Underwood 10 John UnderwoodiSen. 26 John Underwoodjnn. 10 Sarah R. Underwood 25 Hannah Underwood . 20 Eliz. A. Underwood . . 6 P. Volker 25 T. Wilford 25 Mrs. T. Wilford 25 John T. Wilford 25 P. Wilford 26 R.Wilford 26 Mary J. Wilford 25 W. Wilford 10 Levitt Wilford 10 COUNTY OF WATERLOO. GALT. Collected by Mrs. War- nock tc Miss Gooding. R.C.Allan 50 Mrs. Allan 50 J. M. Andrews 50 G.A.Baker 100 tA.T.H. BaU 6 00 tMrs.Ball 5 00 " Barraolough.... 50 Jarvis Barraclough.. 26 Mrs. Billings 25 James Blam t 50 Mrs. J. Blain 100 James BlaiDt jr SO Richard Blain.. 2 00 Mrs. R.Blaln 100 Thos. Blain 50 JosephBlaia 50 f c. R. Blidn, jan 25 E.Blain...< 25 J.Blain 26 J.Blain 25 Thomas Blain 50 Mrs.T.Blain SO " Hy.Bond 60 MissBroad 50 tRoT. Dr. Boomer ... 10 00 Mrs. Boomer 20 00 T.Brownlow 100 Mrs. Brownlow 1 00 M.E.Lrownlow 26 W.W. Brownlow.... 25 James Cloating 1 00 Joseph Clouting 100 Jas Craig 200 Mrs.J.Craig 100 A-Craig 25 MissS. Ohareh 50 •' Crawford 60 W.Cooke 300 J. Grombie 2 00 tJohnDayidson 6 00 Mrs. J. Davidson .... 5 00 J.B. Davidson 60 M.8.Davidson 50 Elise Davidson 60 J. A. Davidson 50 A.S. Davidson SO P. D. M. Davidson . . 60 Miss Davidson 2 00 J.W.Davis 100 W.Davis 50 J.Davis 50 Mrs.Deam SO Oeo.Dando 50 W. Dickson 20 00 H.H. Date 100 ChariesDyett 100 Mrs. Dykes 100 " Dowker 60 tRev. J. P. DuMouUn 6 00 0. A. Darand 1 00 F.DiffginS; » Mrs. Findlater . 25 J.D.Geddes 1 00 Mrs. Girdlestone 2 00 Miss Girdlestone 100 J.B.GUlespie 100 James Grant ,60 Mr8.J.Geddes 1 OO Miss Gooding 100 F.Gnggisberg 3 00 W. Guggisbeijt „ 50 Rev. CXF. Haensel. 2 00 Mrs. Hopkins 100 J.W.Harris , §0 J.HavUI 100 MissHavUl 60 Mrs. Heath SO D. HoweU 200 Mrs. Howell 2 00 Harry HoweU 100 D. Henwood 26 W. A. Husband... I.. 60 Jaffiray Brothers •■•. 2 00 Miss E. Johnson m Miss Johnson 25 " A. Johnson 25 W.H.Job 4 00 P.A.Knapp 100 MissKnapp 2 00 96 APPlNDIJCi $ c. Mn. Kippen 1 00 Peter Reefer 2 00 MiuKeefer 50 Mn.LoweU.... 100 W.Long 50 Mr8.Long 50 W. MoBroom 2 00 Mrs.MoBroom 2 00 a. P. McEenzie 1 00 J.McTacue 60 Miss A. Martin 25 Mn. T. MoMiUan... 100 A.a.MoMiUan 50 Mrs. Menie 50 R. Melliah 50 J.Miller 5 00 Mrs.J.MUler........ 4 00 MissMUler 100 R.Niohol8on 50 B.F.NeUe8 2 00 MtB.Nelles 1^00 MissNelles 1*00 O.S.Phillip 100 Mrs.Peok 50 Mrs.Pieraon 100 J.Robertson 50 W. Robertson 5 00 f Dr. Richardson 5 00 Thomas Rich 2 00 J. Rofers 20 G.S.Ilamsey 2 00 M. ShiUard 100 T.M.8imonB 300 R.8.8tronK 100 Mrs. Strong 100 R.Strong .,.. 25 MaiyStrons 25 FrankStrong 25 Hester Strong 26 A. Strong 25 Bessy Strong 25 J.Sproole 100 W.A.Shearson 100 Mrs. Shearson 1 00 Mra.J.Soott 100 " Seagram 100 J. Seagram 1 00 M. Stockford 50 W.Smith 100 F.Smith 50 Mr^. Strickland 50 Mrs.Tassie 5 00 W. Tiifer 60 J. Thompson 1 00 MissThompson 100 " E. Thompson. . . 1 00 B.HUnger 50 W. Vance 25 J.Vanstone 50 A.Wamock 2 00 Mrs. Wamock 2 00 G.Wamock ■• 30 Mn. Woodroffe 100 Jas. Woods 100 M. Wilkes 25 00 MiatWiUey 25 BERLIN. OoUe'd by Mrs. A.Miller. Friend 50 tDr. Bowlby 5 00 Mn. Hopkins 50 Wm.FenneU 50 JohnFennell 2 00 Mra.FenneU 100 Mn.W.H. Bowlby.. 100 Friend 60 T.Simpson 25 Mn. T.Simpson 50 Mn. M. Simpson 25 Wm.MiUer 60 W.N.Miller 50 Friend 25 Ohas. Stanton. . .' 1 00 JohnLe^ 60 Mn.D'Esterre 100 " MacMechan .... 25 " T.MiUer 75 " Usher 100 Miss Armstrong 50 tHenry F.J. Jackson. 5 00 A Friend of Missions . 50 Georgo Stanton 50 Friend 50 Mn. A.MUlar 100 Friend 50 Mn. Ormiston 50 R. N. Rogers 50 Collected by Mrs. Mac- gachen. W.Ralph 25 tRev. Dr. Sohulte ... 5 00 W. T. Arehibald .... 50 F. S. Macgachen .... 1 00 Mn. Macgachen 50 W.A.Bookus 100 E.Orange 30 J.Wilson 50 Friend 26 WILMOT. Collected by Rev. H. F. Mellish. Mr. Allen 60 Mn. Allen 50 Marfrt. F. Allen 26 AmueAUen 25 Elizabeth J. Allen.... 26 SarahAllen 25 Wm. Anderson 60 Mr.Baird 60 $ c. Arthnr Barber 50 Mn.Barber 60 Robt Barber 50 Jas.Beacom 25 Margt. Beaoom 25 JohnBlatohford 30 G. D. Brown 1 00 F.D. Brown 100 H. D.Brown 1 00 Mr. Campbell 5 00 Wm. CoUum 1 00 Mn.Collum 1 00 Hugh CoUum 1 00 SimonCoUam 100 Jane Collnml 60 Wm. Elliott SO Mn.EUiott 50 Mr.Faoey 50 Mn. Facey 50 Ro'bt.A.Faoey 25 Robt. Oilmour 50 Wm. lUingworth .... 50 Mn. Illingworth 50 Hannah illingworth . 25 Jane Illingworth 25 Wm.Kerr 1 00 Robt. Kerr 62 Miss Kerr 50 James Mallett 1 00 Wm. Mallett 25 Hy. Mallett ?5 AnnMallett 25 Caroline Mallett 25 Mn.'Marks 50 Annie Marks 25 tReT.H.F. Mellish.. 5 00 Mn. MeUish 100 F,. Stanton MeUish . . 26 F.C.MelUsh 25 Mr.MitchcU 50 Mn. Mitchell 50 Marat MitoheU 25 Mr. Nicholson 50 Hy. Puddicombe .... 1 00 Rich.Pnddicombe.... 1 00 Mn. H. Paddicombe. 1 00 Wm. Pnddioombe .... 2 00 Mn. W. Puddicombe. 100 Robt. fi. Puddicombe 60 Thos. B. Puddicombe 60 Frances Puddicombe. 60 Annie Puddicombe . . 50 Francis Sanderson ... 50 Jas. Smith 1 00 Mn. J. Smith 50 W.C.Smith 2 00 T.R.Smith 100 Mn.T.R.Smith .... 100 Mrs. Geo. Smith 25 ^. Smith 2 00 S&s.H. Smith 60 Oeo.A.Smith 10 AnthonySmith 50 Mn. A. Smith ,60 Elizabeth Smith 25 Thos.Smith 25 A.Smith,jr 25 Mrs. A. Smith, jr 25 John Smith 10 Wm.Smith 10 Miss Sommerville .... 50 Mn. Touchbonme . . 25 Mn. H.D. Tye 100 APPENDIX. 97 $ c. 50 60 50 25 25 30 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 60 60 60 60 25 60 60 60 25 25 00 62 60 00 25 25 25 25 60 25 00 00 25 25 60 60 25 60 00 00 00 200 100 50 50 60 60 60 100 60 200 00 00 25 00 60 10 60 ,60 25 25 25 25 10 10 50 9 *•. RC.Tye 50 Mra.R. C.Tye 60 AnnieTye 25 P- E. Tye 50 ThoB. Walker 50 Mrs. Walker 50 Sarah E.Walker.... 25 Wm. Walker 25 B.Wames 100 Wm. White 100 Wm. Woods 25 Mr8.,WoodB 25 G.Woodhead 60 Mrs. Woodhead 25 PLATTSVILLE. Collected by Mrs. Bass. Elisabeth Bass 50 Rich. Bass 12 Mr. Qroves 25 ArthurTtow 100 Bdwd. Bonrohier .... 60 E. Thompson 13 Oollected by Mrs.Dukes. W. Chambers And. Diggon . . 25 50 Jas. Eraser 1 00 Friend 25 Friend 25 Ann Graham 5 Mrs.Hagey 10 Edwd.Irriiic 4 00 E. Piatt 160 Mrs. Saunders 10 Mis. Shossenburg. ... 50 Wm. Waltho 2 00 Mrs. Weare 10 Jas. Workman 1 00 NEW HAMBURG. Collected by Mrs. Good- man. tRev.W.B. Rally... 5 00 J. AUohin 4 00 W. Dunwoodie 1 00 W.Soott 1 00 W. TumbuU 100 R. Goodman ICO W. Hunter 1 00 C.Oameron 100 Parker & Wilson.... 1 00 G. Holwell 50 0. Binst 60 P.Emst 50 T. G. S. Nerills 50 D.Fisher 50 J. Wilker 25 L.Mohr 25 B.Tauber 2?> E.Chry8ler 25 J.Niefd a-i Tapped Peine 125 F.O. German 25 H.G.Flock 25 S.J.Zingg 25 Friend 25 SHAKSPEARE Oollected by Mrs. Hol- well. T. HolweU 60 M.Brown 50 L. A. Cairnoross 50 W.Morton 60 Mrs. Bums 50 Friend 50 J.Dover 25 R.Flynn 25 R.Lean 25 Mrs.Stewart 25 " Cunningham ... 25 W. R. Pentland,M.D. 50 Mrs.Flynn 25 J. Richardson 25 G. Brown 25 J.ljraU 25 N.Dale 26 Cash 25 Small Sums 76 tRcT. M. S. Baldwin. 20 00 100 To make proTision for the due administering and improving of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Church Society of the Diocesb of Huron. Whiuas, in the division of tlie funds and property in which this Society is interested, certain lands and investments have been conveyed to the Ohurch Society of the Diocese of Huron for the purpose of malting provision for the widows and orphans of the Clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Huron ; and as other lands may be given for the same bene- volent purpose ; and whereas, sundry sums of money have from time to time been given and granted for the same purpose ; and whereas, sermons have been, and will be, annually preached, and collections made throughout the Diocese, tike proceeds of which have been, and will be, annually invested, unless wanted for current demands, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of Clergymen deceased,— it is expedient to provide for the due administration of the said fbnds, and to make further provision for the same object. I. Be it therefore enacted, under the authority of the Act incorporating the Ohnrch Society of the Diocese of Huron, and with the sanction of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, that all the said investments, and all moneys received by the Secretary of the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron, as the proceeds of the collections made for this purpose, shall form a fund, to be denominated " The Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Diocese of Huron." II. That all rents, issues and profits of lands or tenements held by the Society for the relief of the widows and orphans of Clergymen, and all moneys given or granted for the same purpose by individuals, or appropriated to the Fund by the Church Society, shall be put to the credit of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. III. m That the Society shall and will put to the credit of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund yearly, and every year, on the thirty-first day of March, a sum of money equal to five dollars for every Clergyman in the Diocese,— which sum shall be considered as part of the income of the said Fund. IV. That in order to entitle the widow and orphans of any Clergyman to enjoy the annuity hereafter provided, he must, from his ordination or entrance into the Diocese, have become, and continued to be, an annual subscriber of at least five dollars to the funds of the Church Society, or have become a life member of the said Society, and have made all the collections and subscriptions called for for the Society, unless excused therefrom by the Lord Bishop. V. That every Clergyman entering the Diocese, and every person ordained in the Diocese, under thirty years of age shall receive all the benefits of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund on complying with the conditions of this By-Law ; but all othen shall pi^, in addition to the requirements of Article lY. of tfaii By-Law, an entrance fee according to the following scale : APPINDIX. 9» When over 30 years, and under 35 years, a fee of $20 00 " 35 " " 40 " " 30 00 " 40 " " 45 " " 40 00 " 45 " afeeof 60 00 To be paid within six months after such entrance into the Diocese in one payment ; or, under the sanction of the Bishop, by annual instalments of five dollars ; and, in case such Clergyman shall decease before such instalments be paid, that then such instalments, as they become due, shall be deducted from the annuity payable to his widow and orphans. The same scale of payments, according to the ages specified, to apply to every Glurgyman who remarries, and is desirous of availing himself of the provisions of this By-Law ; said payment to be made within six months after such remarriage. VI. That the Secretary shall lay before the Society, at its meeting in June in each year, a statement of all the lands belonging to this Fund, and of all moneys invested or in his bands on the 31st day of March preceding belonging to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and of all moneys received and paid on account of the said Fund since the last annual statement. VII. That from and after the passing of this By-Law the Society will pay to ihe widow of every Clergyman of this Diocese who, from the passing of the By-Law, or from the time of his appointment in this Diocese, shall have been a subscriber of five dollars per annum to the funds of the < hurch Society, or shall have become a life member under the 5th Article of t «• Oonstitution of the Society, and who shall have complied with the requirement of this By-Law, such annuity, not exceeding two hundred dollars, as the income of the Fund will admit, payable in four equal payments-~on the 1st days of January, April, July and October in each year ; the first of such quarterly payments to be made on the day above mentioned next following the death of her husband ; (except in the case of the widows and orphans of those Clergymen who are on the Commutation Fund, or who are paid by any other Society, whose annuity shall commence from the time that their payment from the Commutation Fnnd, or said Society, ceases) ; such payments to be continued during her natural life, so long as she shall remain a widow ; and, when more than two children, a further annuity not exceeding forty dollars, as the income of the Fund will admit, for each child over the number of two children of said widow under eighteen years of age — provided that no more than one hundred dollars a year be paid for orphans in one family, except when orphans alone are left, and then a pension of sixty dollars for each child shall be paid, up to two hundred dollars, in one family ; — provided, also, that no widow shall be entitled to an annuity from this Fund whose income from other sources shall exceed six hundred dollars per annum ; but this proviso shall not apply to the annuity granted to the children, unless such child or children possess an income over six hundred dollars per annum ; and in case of the death or remarriage of any widow, the annuity of sixty dollars for each np to two hundred dollars a year shall be paid to the guardians of such children. All annuities to the orphans of Clergymen shall cease upon their attaining the age of eighteen years, or upon their marriage. ' All annuities under this Fund shall, in case the income of the Fund prove insufficient to meet them in full, be paid in such equal proportion as the income will allow, unless steps shall be taken by the Society to pay them according to the above scale ; and all annuities paid from this Fund shall be subject to such changes and alterations of this By-Law as the Society from time to time shall deem necessary to be made. 100 APPXNOIZ. VIII. That all moneyg to the credit of thii Fund that may not be required to meet tlie annuities payable to the widowi and orphana of the Clergy shall be from time to time inrested in some good and suiBcient security, upon the recommendation of the Investment Committee. IX. Every widow or guardian of any of the orphans of a Clergyman desiring annuities from the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, shall apply by memorial to the Church Society for such annuity, setting forth the time of decease of such Clergyman, the name of his widow, and the names and ages of each of the children, as the case may be, and that the income of such widow does not exceed six hundred dollars per annum. X. Every annuitant on the Widows' and Orphans' Fund shall annually, on the first day of January, make one of the following declarations in the presence of a Clergyman or Magistrate, which declaration shall be attested by the Clergyman or Magistrate before whom it is made : — DECLARATION TO BE HADE BY A WIDOW. I, , do hereby declare that I am the widow of the late Rev. ; that I am entitled to an annuity from the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron ; that I am still a widow, and that my income for the past twelve months, exclusive of the sums received from the Widows' and Orpluins' Fund, has not exceeded six hundred dollars ; and further, that my children, as named below, are entitled to annuities from the same Fund. Names and Ages of Children. Signed before me, Description. Residence. Name of Clergyman or Magistrate. DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY THE GUARDIAN OF CHILDREN. I, , do hereby declare that I am the duly appointed guardian of the children of the late Reverend , whose names and ages are respectively written below; that they are entitled to an annuity from the Widows' and Orphans' Fund of the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron. Names of Children and their Ages. Signed before me. Name and description of Clergyman or Residence. Magistrate. XI. That should any doubt hereafter arise as to the interpretation of this By-Law, or the construction which should be put upon it, or upon any of its clauses, such doubts shall be referred to the Standing Committee, or to any other Committee that shall be appointed for that purpose, who shall make a report thereupon to the Quarterly Meeting of the Church Society ; and their decision upon such doubt, when sanctioned and confirmed by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, shall be final. XII. That this By-Law shall take effect from July the 1st, 1864. * d to 1 be the ring A to inch the not ', on ence the Rev. lans' low, ived ars; Vom TBI N. lian are the 1 or Khig its any e a leir lop " CHURCH SOCIETY OF HURON. CAP. XLV. — An Act to Incorporate the Church Society of the Dioeeae of Huron, and for other purposes therewith connected. [AsMnted to 24th July. 1858.] ♦ WHEREAS, Her Majesty, by Her Royal Letters Patent, beating date at Westminster, on the second day of October, in the twenty-first year of Her Majesty's Reign, was pleased to divide the Diocese of Toronto into two Dioceses, the one to be called the Diocese of Toronto, and the other the Diocese of Huron, in the manner and with the limits and boundaries in the said Letters Patent mentioned ; and by reason of such division ithatt become expedient to incorporate a Ohurch Society in the Diocese of Huro i ; And whereas, a Society for the said Diocese of Huron hag been recently formed, and hath prayed that the members thereof, and their guceessors, may hereafter form a separate society, with the corporate name and rights, and subject to the provisions hereinafter mentioned : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. From and after the passing of this Act, there shall be and there is hereby constituted in and for the Ohurch of England Diocese of Huron as now constituted, a corporation by the corporate name of the " Ohcboh Sooiitt or THB DiocisK or HcBON," which shall have and is hereby invested with the like corporate ri.iits, powers and privileges, as by any Act or Acts of the Parlia- ment of this Province, are conferred on any Ohurch Society incorporated in any Diocese of the Church of England in this Province ; and to the said corporation and to the members thereof, the several clauses and provisions of the said Acts shall apply as fully as they would have applied to any of the said Church Societies and to the members thereof, in so far as may not be inconsistent with this Act, and subject always to the provisions herein contained. 2. The Church Society of the Diocese of Huron hereby incorporated, shall be composed and consist of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Huron for the time being, and of those members of the Ohurch Society of the Diocese of Toronto who shall, at the time of the passing of this Act, be resident witliin the Diocese of Huron, unless and until it shall be otherwise provided by the By-Laws of the said Ohurch Society of the Diocese of Huron, and of such other persons as shall, firom time to tiin'>, hereafter be elected members of the said Ohurch Society, in manner provided. 3. The Ohurch Society of the Diocese of Huron shall and may receive and take from any of the said Church Societies, any of the property held by such last mentioned Societies, and discharge the trusts relating thereto, and such last mentioned Societies shall thereupon be discharged f^om such trusts. 4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect in any manner or way the rights of Her Majesty, Her Heirs or Successors, or of any person or persons, or of any body politic or corporate, such only excepted as are herein mentioned and provided for. 5. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. Jkov nioosposAviiro TBI CIIICI SICIETIES IF OOEBEC t TIIIIIIITII. # WHEREAS, it has been represented to the Legislature of this Province, that certain persons hereinafter nained, and dirers others, inhabitants of Lower Oanada, and also certain other persons hereinafter named, and divers other inhabitants of Upper Oanada, have respectively established themselves together under a Oonstitution, Rules and Regulations, and have contri- buted, or engaged to contribute, considerable sums of money, and have given or granted, or promised to give or grant, lands or real estate for the following objects, that is to say : — First, for tne encouragement and support of Mission- aries and Clergymen of the United Ohurch of England and Ireland, severally within the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto, and for creating a fund towards the augmentation of the Stipends of poor Clergymen, and towards making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for the widows and orphans of the Olergy of the said Ohurch, respectively, in the said Dioceses. Secondly, for the encouragement of education and the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the said Dioceses, respectively, in con- formity with the principles of the said Ohurch. Thirdly, for granting assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may be preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the said Church, within the said Dioceses, respect- ively. Fourthly, for circulating in the said Dioceses, respectively, the Holy Scriptures, the fiook of Oommon Prayer of the said Ohurch, and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the several Central Boards or Managing Committees of the said Associations. Fifthly, for obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment and maintenance of Churches according to the establishment of the said Church in the said Diocese8,respect- ively, the creation and maintenance of Parsonage Houses, the setting apart of Burial-Orounds and Church- Yards, the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories according to the said establishment, and the management of all matters relating to such endowments. And whereas, it would tend greatly to facilitate and promote the purposes of the said Associations that they should severally be incorporated and empowered to hold property in mortmain without letters of license, and to manage, administer, alienate, or dispose of the same, for the uses and purposes aforesaid, and to make and enforce rules and regula- tions, respectively, for the government of the said Associations, severally, and for better attaining the purposes aforesaid. Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canadff, constituted and assembled by virtue and under authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland, intituled, " An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada," and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Lord Bishop* and such other persons as are now members of the said Associa- tion of the Diocese of Quebec, according to the existing Constitution, Rules and Regulations thereof, and their successors, to be elected in the manner hereinslter provided, and such other persons as shall from time to time here- J* 5 . * Names omitted. APPINDIX. 103 After b« el«ot«d to be memben of the Mid AMOcifttion in the maoner herein- after provided, ■ball be and are hereby declared to be a Bodj |Oorporate and Politio, in name and in deed, by the name of " The Ohordi Society of the Dioceie of Qnebeo." And that the Lord Biihop* and inch other pertoni aa are now memben of the said AMociation of the Dioceie of Toronto, according to the exliting Oonititution, Rules and Regnlationi thereof, and their ancceeion, to be elected in the manner hereinafter provided, and each other persons as shall firom time to time hereafter be elected to be members of the said Association in the manner hereinafter provided, shall be and are Ix^reby declared to be a Body Corporate and Politic, in name and in deed, by the name of " The Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto," and that by the same names the said Associations shall each have a perpetual Succession and a Common Seal, with power to chautTi), alter, break, or make new the same, as often as tbey shall Judge expedient, und that thev and their successors by the same names, respectively, may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any Court of Record, or other place of Judicature within this Province ; and that they and their successors, by the names aforesaid, shall be able and capable in law, respectively, to purchase, take, have, hold, receive, enioy, possess and retain, without license in mort- main, or " Lettres d'Amortissement," all messuages, lands, tenements, and immovable property, money, goods, chattels and movable property, which have been or hereafter shall be paid, given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed in any manner or way whatsoever, to, for, and in favor of the said Church Societies, respectively, to and for the uses and purposes aforesaid, or any of them, and to do, perform, and execute all and every lawfbl act and thing useful and necessary for the purposes aforesaid, in as fbll and ample a manner, to all intents, constructions and purposes, as any other Body Politic or Corporate by law may or ought to do. 2. And be it enacted, that all lands, messuages, tenements, heredita- ments, or immovable property, and all rents, sum and sums of money, charged upon and issuing or payable out. of any lands, messuages, tenements, heredita- ments, or immovable property, as aforesaid, and all sums of money, goods, chattels, effects, or movable property, which have been or shall hereafter be paid, given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised, or bequeathed in any manner or way whatsoever, to, for, or in favor of the said Corporations, respectively, to and for the uses and purposes aforesaid, shall be, and the same are hereby vested in the said Corporations, respectively, to and for the uses and purposes aforesaid in such manner and form, and subject to such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be made and passed by the said Corporations, respectively, concerning the same, in the manner hereinafter provided : And that the said Corporations, or the Central Boards thereof, or such other Executive and Managing Committees thereof as shall from time to time be appointed and authorbed for this purpose by the by-laws, rules and regulations, which may be made and passed in the manner hereinafter men- tioned, for the government of the said Corporations, shall respectively have power and authority to alienate or exchange, and to demise, let and lease, for any term of years, such messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments and immovable property as shall be so as aforesaid given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed to the said Corporations, respectively, for all or any of the purposes aforesaid, and to have, receive and take the purchase money, consideration or price, rents, issues or proits thereof: Provided always, that the said Corporations, or Central Boards thereof, or such other Executive or Managing Committees, as aforesaid, shall, respectivelyi have, receive, take and hold such purchase moneyi consideration or pricO) * Names omitted. 104 APPENDIX. hn rents, issues or profits^ for the uses and purposes hereinbefore mentioned and set forth, or some or one of them, and for none other. 3. And be it enacted, that the said Corporations, and their successors, shall and may, respectively, from time to time, hold assemblies and meetings of the said Gor^^on^.tions, which shall be called together in such manner, and at such times and places, as shall be directed and appointed by the by-iaws, rules, and regulations of the same, to transact the business of the said Corporations, and shall and may at any such meeting elect such persons to be members of the said Corporations, respectively, as they or the major part of them then present shall think fit: Provided always, that no act done in any such assembly or meeting of the said Corporations shall be valid or effectual, unless six persons of such Corporations, at the least, shall be present, and the major part of them consenting thereto. 4. And be it enacted, that the said Corporations, or the major part of those who shall be present at any of the meetings of the said Corporations, to be held in manner aforesaid, shall and may, respectively, make and ordain any constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations whatsoever, which to them or the major part of them then present, not being fewer in number than six, as aforesaid, shall seem meet, reasonable or requisite, touching 9.nd concerning the well ordering and governing of the affairs and business of the said Corporations, and the due administering and improving the property thereof, and the more effectually promoting the purposes thereof, as aforesaid, and such constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations, in like manner from time to time to abrogate, repeal, change or alter, as may be found expedient, which constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations shall be binding upon, and shall be observed, performed and kept by the members of the said Corporations, respectively : Provided always, that the same shall not be repugnant or contrary to the aforesaid purposes of such Corporations, or to the laws in force in this Province. 5. Provided always, nevertheless, and be it enacted, that no such constitution, by-law, rule or regulation of either of the said Church Societies of the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto, nor any abrogation, repeal, change or alteration of the same, shall be of any force or effect until it shall have been sanctioned and confirmed by the Bishop of or administering such Diocese for the time being, by writing under his hand. 6. And be it enacted, that nothing herein contained shall affect, or be construed to affect, in any manner or way the rights of Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, or of any person or persons, or of any body politic or corporate, such only excepted as are hereinbefore mentioned and provided for. 7. And be it enacted, that this Act shall be deemed a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all Judges, Justices of the Peace, and other persons whatsoeyer, without being specially pleaded. N • HH ■■ «5,, •»"i