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 ID th* •MMfMltv of : 
 Metropolitan Toronto R«f«r •net Library 
 Arts Dapairtmant j, 
 Tha liiMHt ■ PPMHwi hiw "ii** **5«J!S!SL 
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 pa«a imMi a printad 
 Tha laat toeord^d fiamo on aaah mlorofldio 
 ahoM aontain tha aymbol -»> (moaning "COM- 
 T1NUED"). or tho aymbol ▼ (mooning "CND'T 
 l^lopa. plataa. eharta. ate.» may ba flimad at 
 diff ar«nt raductlon ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ha 
 ontkaly mckidad in ono OKpoauro aro fHmad 
 haglnnlngin tha uppar laft hand aomor. laft to 
 right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa ,^. 
 roqulrod. Tho following diagrama Muatrata •^ '^-^ 
 i^giampliiro flm* flit rtfifvdiA 
 gin4roait4 da; 
 Matropolttan Toronto Rafaranca Library 
 Art* Oapartmant > 
 Laa bnagaa auivantaa ant M raprodultaa Waa la 
 plua grand soln. aompto tanu da la aondMon ot 
 da la nattoid da ('aaamplairo fUm4. at an 
 aonformM ovoe Iro aondltlona du aontrat id 
 Ua anamp la lraa arlglnaux dont la aouvorturo. im 
 popior aat ImprlmAa aqnt fHmda an aomman^ant 
 par la piomiar plat at an tarndnant aalt par la 
 . darniAro paga qui oompairto uno ampralnta 
 dimpraaalon ou dlNuatradon. soft par la saeond 
 plat, aalonlo aaa^ Toua laa autraa aaamplairaa 
 originaux sont fllmda ^ aommonyont par la 
 promMro paga qui eomporta una ampralnta ^ 
 dimpraaalon ou dINuatrotion at an tarminant par 
 la damiAro paga qui comporta una taNa 
 Un daa aymbdiaa aulvanta apparahro aur la 
 damlAra Imaga da ahaqua mioroflcha. salon lo 
 eas: la symbola -«* aignlfia "A 8UIVIIE". lo 
 laa eartoa. ptanahaa. tablqaux. ate., pauvont Airo 
 filmte A dos tau« da rMuetlon dINAranta. 
 Lorsqua lo doeumdnt oat trop grand pour Atro 
 roproduH on un soul oNehA. H oat fHmd A portir 
 do rangia supArlaur gaueha. da gauaha A droHa. 
 at da haut an baa. m pronant la nombro 
 d'Imagaa nAeassalro. Laa diagrammaa auhmnta 
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 Ontario SociETf of Artists 
 ' I n ii i I 
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 ' '''»r" ■■'•-',-■...-■.■ .■■/■,*•.■■■ ^ 
 AS REVISED AND ADiiPTED, Nov.1«iv i88iv 
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 tt^^SED AND ADOPTED NOV. tt|» ilBs. 
 fhe objects of the Societ]^ are the encouiige- 
 meiit and fostering *of original art in the country, 
 the promotion of the interests of the members by 
 muttud help and co-operation, and, as a means to 
 the foregoing ends, the holding of Annual Ejchibi- 
 tions, an Art Union in connection therewith, and 
 the establishment of a National Gallery and a 
 School of Art 
 ' % 
 .-•> * * 
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 ■^ ; ■ . \ ■ 
 ARTlCLfi I.-lfBllBBRSHlP. 
 The members must be professional artists ; all 
 who follow art as a profession being eligible as 
 candidates— namely: painters, sculptors, architeotl^ 
 artistic-engravers and draughtsmen-designers. 
 £vny candidaUfor membership must be proposed 
 and seconded by members at a regular meeting of 
 the Society, the proposer and second^ vouching for 
 ^^is eligibility in all respects. He must also, unless 
 l^is ability as an artist is well known to the members 
 genenilly, submit not less than three s|$ecimen 
 works to be forwarded and removed at^his own 
 risk and expense. Elections f^r membership must 
 take place at a regular meeting of the Society, and 
 shall be by ballot, requiring an affirmative vote of 
 two-thirdsof the members presents. The Secretary 
 shall then notify the candidate of his or her ad- 
 mission, send a copy of the Constitution and Rules 
 of the Society, and on receipt of the entrance fe^, 
 together with the fee for the current year, the name 
 of the candidate shall be placed upon the rolL ; 
 Ladies joining hereafter, i^ile admissible as 
 membefii to the Society, shall have no vote at the 
 ■ ;" business iiieeting&' -r^:,-^-^^-;^^^;^;--^^^ 
 Each member ahall pay an entrance fee of ten 
 dollars and an annual fee of ten dollari, the latter 
 being due on the first day of January in each year 
 — and shall further be responsible for ^ny ad- 
 ditional sum' that may, by the ma|prity at a regu- 
 lar meeting (after notice of motion at a previous 
 regular meeting), be considered necessary for the 
 management of the Society. ^ — 
 Tfie Secretary to give written notice to all mem- 
 bers of such notice of motion within the space of 
 one week after such notice is given. "-n^ . 
 Members whose fees are two years in arrear shall 
 be considered as having resigned ; which shall alio 
 be the case if a member fail to exhibit at the annual 
 exhibitions for two successive years. , 
 ' The officers shall consist of a President, Vice- 
 President (who shall also be Treasurer), a Secret 
 tary, and an Executive Council 
 The Secretary shall be paid such salary as may 
 from time to time be agreed upon, ^and the others 
 shall be honorary. 
 Two Auditors shall also be appointed,' who shall 
 be entitled to such remuneration as may be deemed 
 sufficient by the meeting at which they were elected. 
 The Ext€uti6e Catmcii shall consist of five mem*^ 
 ben, namely :^j^|M| by election, and {ix #«^> 
 \ ,P >>~ ml^ H^KlAll^lF^' 
 the Vice-Preiident and the Secretary. Three diall 
 fonn a quorum. > 
 They shall hare power to act in all bustnets 
 which does not necessarily come before the Society 
 for action* • -♦ 
 They shall examine qualifications of all nominees 
 for membership, and report to the Society. , 
 In the ifiterim between the regular meetings, 
 they shall have, power to expend, for extraordinary 
 purposes, the Societ/^unds to the amount of not 
 mpre than one hundred dollars. " % 
 All' disbursements on ac<x>unt of the Society 
 must come before the Executive Committee for 
 approval, and when passed^ the accounts shall be 
 initialed for payment. 
 The President and Vice-President shall, unlets 
 excluded by resolution, be ex qficio members of 
 all committees. 
 J7k Secretary shall perform all the duties us^al 
 to his office^ and shall keep regular record o{%' 
 ceipts and disbursements in proper books of ac- 
 count, which shall be open at all reasonable times 
 for the inspection of each and every member of 
 the Society, and he shall furnish a full report at 
 every regiUar business meeting. He ^hall receive 
 and bank, to the credit of the Treaswer^ all 
 moneys paid into the Society. ^: . 
 ' Tke Vio'Presidemty as Treasurer, shall be cti^ 
 todian of all the funds of the Society, which are 
X « 
 ; 1 
 be deposited to his credit i^ Treasurer in tome one 
 of the chartered t>anks of the Province, and only 
 paid out upon cheques signed by him and the 
 Secretary. ■ • 
 AU Offiars are to be elected annually by ballot. 
 They shall be nominated at the April meeting, 
 or at some other convenient meeting, to beheld 
 not. less than seven-days prior to the regular annual 
 meeting.:,:'.;.;,-; -.j^^^-^:^ ..•^■■; 
 iA .-- 
 7 The regular annual meeting shall take i^ce in 
 the month of May, if possible during the first week 
 of the Exhibition, so as to afford members not re- 
 siding in Toronto the best oppcMTtunity of attend- 
 ing., At this meeting the President shall preside, 
 and as Jiull a statement of the transactions of the 
 Society for the past year as may be practicable 
 shall be presented by the officers. The officers 
 for the ensuing year shall then be elected. 
 Hegular monthly meetings are to be held on 
 the first Tuesday of each month, exeept in July 
 August and September. 
 ; ; - .: ■ . ■.■■■■■■■:■>• ; :'■■:''-■■ ■ ■ " •■ ■ '<'■■: 
 SpecuU nUeetings shall be called at any time by 
 the Secretaiy, if directed by the President or Vicer 
 President, or upon a requisition signed by five mem^ 
 bers of-.the 'Society.; ^.y/-'7-;./.,;'7*;^^;:^;'-..-^ 
 # Written notice shall be sent by the Secretary to 
 embors of the time and place of each meet- 
 / ■ '■ '■;;■ 
 \. ' 
 / ■ '■ '■;;■ 
 ing, sufficiently in advance of the. time to enable 
 them to attend. 
 The President or Vice-President shall preside at 
 all ordinary business meetings, but if both be ab- 
 sent, a chairman shall be chosen from among the 
 m^bers present. * 
 .» - . Rvucs.: 
 'Hnjt iBt,— Order p/ dumess at pfeetings shall be 
 ^.as follows:---- ■;■■:••■:..: '■ 
 1. Signing ot names by members present in the 
 book kept for that purpose. '4 
 3v Reading of minutes of ^vious ineeting* 
 3. Correspondence read afid (considered. ^ 
 4. New members proposed.^v^ 
 5. AcccMints. / , 
 .6. Reports of committees. 
 7; Unnnished business or notices ot motion. 
 8. Gene^ business. 
 Rule ttid^-^Quorum. For the transaction of 
 ordinary business five shall be a quorum. For 
 election of members, ^n shall be a quorum. For 
 any alteration of Qj^titutiOn or levy of money upon 
 the members, as provided in Article a, ten shall 
 be a quorum ; and no such motion shall be adopted 
 of which notice has cdl been given at a previous 
 --meetii^l* ...t^,v„^-.^^:_.^..:|^-._.,-i,. .„ 
 Rule 3rd.— All motions must be in writing, with 
 the names of mover and seconder, and be decided 
 h% a inajority 0f mendbers^ present, ascertained by ' 
 . m 
 show of haiids, the chairmim having « casting vote ; 
 except the admission of new members, provided 
 fo^in Article i of Constitution. 
 *kule 4th.— All questions of order shall be de- 
 cided by the chairman ; but any member present 
 may appeal from his ruling, in which 'case the 
 question shall be put without debate, " Shall the 
 ruling of the chairman be sustained?^ and decided 
 in fiivor of the majority. i 
 „_;1.:1:, .OFjARTv,- ■^' ^'^^^ ;•■•■'■ .■ 
 Thw Society shall be tepriiented on the Council 
 of the School of Art by seven members* and the 
 President and Vice-President, and four members 
 present at a meeting shall form a quoruoi. 
 The Annual Exhibition shall be held during thet 
 month of May, or as near that time as circum- 
 stances may permit 
 The pictures shall be hung by a committee com- 
 posed of members of the Society, whose award 
 ujJbn all poiiits left to their decision shall be final, 
 and who shall be guided by the following rules :—^ 
 I. All works exhibited must be original, and 
 must be such as have not been previously exposed 
 to public view in the City of Toronto, except in 
 the artist's studia 
 / 9, The Hanging Cc^nmittee shall be de<^ed at 
 ^ April meeting. -, . . v 
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 3. Colore photogn4)hs shall not be admitted, 
 nor any picture of which the outline is not drawn 
 by hand without the wd of the camera. 
 4. Every picture or sculpture must be the 
 artist's own work, and if for sale, his own property. 
 5. No artist shall exhibit more than twenty 
 pictures ; but two, three or four small ones may 
 be put in one frame, priced separately, and counted 
 by the Hanging Committee as one picture. 
 ♦ 6. Not more than four portrait pictures shall be 
 ex^bited by one' artist .^^ ;-.: ZJTT^^^r-^^T":^^'— 
 7. Every exhibitor of paiiitings or sculpture must 
 send with his works to the Hanging Committee a 
 list, with tilies and prices, in the form which will 
 be furnished by the Secretary, and which shall con- 
 tain the following declaration, signed by the artist : 
 *'I declare the works in the subjoined list to be 
 original, my own work, and those for sale my own 
 property; that none of them have been previously 
 exposed to public ;riew in thp City of Toronto 
 except in my studio, and that none of them are 
 colored photographs, and in all the outline is drawn 
 by hand witfiout the aid of the camera,"- 
 S^Thevahieofallinctures taken as Art Union 
 prizes shall be credited to the artists whose work 
 thc^ are, and no picture shall be delivered to any 
 pim^haser (enxpt by the onier of , the artist to> 
 whom it bdongs) until paid for in full. 
 1.' The Art Union shall be styled the "Art 
 Union of Canada.** 
 a. . It shall be managed by a committee consist- 
 ing of ten members, and ix ojfido the President 
 and Vice-President of the Society, wjho shall elect 
 a chairman from their number. Five df the com- 
 mittee shall be artists, chosen by the artist mem- 
 bers ; and five shall be' honorary mernb^, chosen 
 by the honorary members. 
 . 3. Four shall be a quoriii(^^^^^~^-^:^i 
 4, The nominations as far as ri^Ufdsthe^tnt 
 members shall be made at the regular meeting prior 
 to the annual meeting of the Society. % 
 / The elections to be by ballot, and shall take, 
 place at the annual meeting of the Sdciety. 
 5. There shall be a paid Secretary, who shall 
 also be the Accountant, and two Auditors shall be 
 . appointed, one of whom shall be an auditor of the 
 Society, and the other appointed by the honorary 
 members.. : ■■■\'' '■ -v- '-v- ; 
 t. The amount of each subscriptidii tb^ the Art 
 Union shall be five dollars annually, oii payment 
 of nhich the subscriber shall receive one member's 
 ticket and coupon attached vn^^^^ v 
 t; The Art Union ticket entitles the subscriba'^ 
 to four admission tidcets to the Annual jSxhibition;i 
 3i coupon attached to each ticket, exchangeable lit 

 the Society's rooms for an original sketch, the work. 
 oC « member of the Society, or it can be applied at 
 the same value on the purchase of any drawing in / 
 tl^elArt Union Portfolio, or (by arrangement with 
 the secretary) towards the purchase of any picture 
 for sale in the gallery and executed by a member 
 of the Society. 
 3.1 All opportunity of obtoining a prize at the 
 ann^ drawing of Art Union pristes in May, which 
 will/be held as early as possible after the opening 
 of the Annual Exhibition. X 
 Members of the Society are requested to send 
 in to the Secretary sketches for the Art Union, 
 affixing a price to each, which must be either three 
 ddlars or some multiple thereof. Such sketches. 
 : must be original, and signed with the artist> name. 
 These sketches, when received by the Secretary, 
 shall be submitted! for api^roval to a committee 
 appointed for the piirpose, and, if approved, shall 
 be duly registered. y-^ * ^ 
 Where the price is $3.00 the sketch shall be exr 
 changeable for one cbupon ; if $6.00, twp coupons, 
 and sotoh for each multiple Ait Union sketches 
 '^ can t»nly be redsiyled from memb^ of the Society, 
 and, as they ure sold, the proceeds shall be cre<Uted 
 to the artist /. 
 A Club commission of one ticket free for every 
 seven sold shall be given alike to members aii4 
 non-memben of the Society» and, where desiriljalji^ 
 -•^.'^p '^ 
 « money commiition of ten per cent, may be ghren 
 to agents. One or more coupons, according to 
 value, must be furnished at the time of selection 
 by the subscriber for each sketch chosen, and the 
 Aft Union cannot be held responsible unless this 
 rule be strictly adhered ta 
 Permanent anniud subscribers for iTour tickets of 
 the total value of twenty dollars are eiigible for 
 election as honorary members, as also, are those 
 who guarantee a permanent annual subscription of 
 seven tickets of the total value of thirty-five dollars 
 by themselves or their friends. Subscribers dis- 
 posing of seven tickets receive the eighth ticket 
 free, as a commission. > ^ r ^ 
 ■'t. the holder of a Prize Ticket shall have the 
 option of choosing his prize from among those 
 paintings or odier works in the current or any 
 subsequent Exhibitions that are of the same value 
 as said ticket ; the amount of same, however, shall 
 in no (»9e be applicable to the purchase of more 
 tlmii one work of ait • — ^ - -- - -; , 
 3. Should a work of greater vahie than the 
 amount of the prize be setected, then such amount 
 shaU be i^^»Bedin patt pi^tii^t thereoC^e4)akaee 
 a^Bed by tfli prisel^^ 

 \iiiuid« the ftill amount of the priae be not expended, 
 the sum «o unexpended-jshtll be carried to the 
 reserve fund of the Society. 
 3. No arrangement shall be made between a 
 priie-holder and an exhibitor, or any party on his 
 or their behalf, in the selection of a work of art, by 
 which a prize-holder may fobtain the return of a 
 portion of the amount of the prize or other valuable 
 consideration. The catalogue, in all cases, to be 
 held to iU the iralue of a ittcture. 
 4rPrize4iolders unable lo attend pertonally tb 
 ' make choice of their prize, may nominate « some 
 person whose residence in or: near Toronto will en- 
 able him to attend the Exhibition. 
 •. ■ : . ' ■' ^ '■-■' '^ ' ,• '- 
 Certain sums donated by the Society, or by in- 
 dividuals, shall be set apartji a Provident Fund. 
 The objectof this fund is that of aflb^ 
 ance to arti^s or their families who inay be in 
 '-: ;distress.' -' ,■■-■:-: ,y' ./:[ :^\ ':':•?:. :'.-■■■■:-:■ -J/ 
 All moneys belonging to this fund shall be de- 
 posited in a Chartered Bank, or invested in such 
 stocks or iMOmtiiw w mi^ 1^^ 
 ,■■ Society. ':f'r'--<Z ' :^\-/'"^": ■,;/'' ■V-'-.'. ■'"■:> , ''""'[ -y 
 Giants ftok the fr«w^ Fiind shall pnly W 
 iuade by authority f^ a legiilar meeting of the 
 Society, or a meeting spedaUy convened for the 
;■>■■ . ' .' \'« ' ■ ' ». ■ 
 • . . ■ ■ ■■: ^ \ .. ■. . ; . -'V 
 purpose, consisting of not less than seven members, 
 and shall require an affirmative vote comprising 
 two4hirds of the members present 
 Thif Constitution may only be amended by a 
 two-thirds 'affirmative vote at a regular meeting of 
 the Society, notice of the proposed amendment 
 having t^n given at the next previous business 
 meeling.^ '.>'■■■,■■■'■ .:.■■.-:■■■'%-' 
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