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Lorsque le document est trop grend pour fttre reprodult en un seul clichi. 11 est film* i pertir de I'sngle supArieur geuche. de gauche A drolte. et de heut en bes. en prenent le nombre d'imeges nAcesselre. i.es diegremmei suivants/ illustrent la mAthode. . 2 ■■. ■/■■a-'- : 1 A 32X / "■^-' ■mm /^^ c^'-.:: .' CATALOGUE OF THE dfeRARY or THB SCARBOROUGH MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. r 1. 3. 5. 7. *• 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. BIOORAPHT. 2. f apoleon ftt St. Helena... Low 4, Memoinof BrituhQener»li..Sole AlfiBd the Oreftt... Abbott 8. i:utorio«l Sketch of Statesmen... Brouffham Oha'acteriitios of the Dake of Wel- lington. .Orey Gov srnor of Oaoona. . .Thiatleton Cha meter of Barn«...Wileon Oen snd Harelock . . Brook Memoriali of Hie Time ..Cookbnrn Autwioffraphy of Dr. Carlisle FemiJle Jesbit Faotons London Merohants... Bourne liOcmres of Gkvaan Menvnrs of Empress Catherine 20. L^rdJeffry... Cookbnrn Living Authors of America... Powell 23. BVron... Moore. 24. A Voioie from the DMert— Simpson 25. Henry of Onise.. James 26. Men of Mark ..Brightwell 27. Prince Talleyrand... MoHarg 28. Characteristics of CritioismB—Hannaey Defoe ..Chi^ers WaUace # PanlJones . . . Hamucon Hyacinth's Discourses... Bacon Goldsmith ... Irving 35. ^ 37. . . Chalmers and his Writings ...Hanna. 38. Chahuers... Defoe 39. Thackeray.. Taylor 40. Clishen » 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 41. Peter the Great 42. 43.,Cromwell...Bussel. ^ 44. Mshomet ..Green 45. George IV...Croley 46. Napoleon . . .Scott. 47. Memoirs of Great Commanders— James 48. Lbussiant L'Overture 49. Xerxes the Great... Abbott 60. 51. Washington... Paulding 52. The Popes.. .R«nke :% : 53. Plutarch... Lraghora 54. 55. 56. 57. Frederick the Great ... Carlisle 68. The Protector... D'Aubigne 59. James Wilson... Hamilton * 60. Captain Vicars '^ 61. Rev. Robert Bums.. .Bums 62. Lord Lovate and Duncan Forbes 63. 64. Charlotte Bronte. . GaskeU 65. Autobiography of Lord Dun Donald,... Thomas 66. Walter Raleigh... TvUer 67- Tupingwang...Maokie 68. Leotureson Masters of Art... Cassels 69. Men at the Helm... Adams 70. Marlborough... Burke 71. John Knox... McCrie 72. Napoleon Bonaparte v 73. Hugh Miller... Brown 74. School Days of Eminent Men.. Timbs 75. 76. British Poets... Howitt 77. 78. Napoleon Bonaparte... Lockhart 79. Nelson. . .Sonthey -# 80. 81. Scottish Worthies... McGayin I 82. Davenport'sXHctionary T"»'( ■-;/ ■ ''-' ■■>!.. 8S. M. 86. 86. 87. WoUingloii ud Ttl.. London Time. WooMn of E^uAmmI ..lira. ElUa. ""^Sliir^ 88. 80 t M. 96. 98. 97. 98. 100. 101. lOS. 108, lot. 106. 108. 107. Jmms ,..— M«— » Onion of th« Ag«...Fruida 89. Fr«Uriflk tho OrMl...Williaau HuMtfvf •« «^ IMS «f ^||ptt|if.w.r 5.98. Kdwi'sLibmyV V^y~» M« who hATO riMO. AlfMdtli«OrMt...N«laon ^Biop»nhiw...8imlM W. SuMMl Joluiaon...Bo«w«]l J. H. ThooqwHi The Mwiyr Oravw. Womon of Hiatoiy Coltimbiiu...IrTing * Colambw -i^ hto Con,p«ion. ...Irring MthoBio»Midhk8«oo«Mow.,.IrTing * H»'i 106w 109. 110. 111. 112. 118. 114. 116. 116. 117. 118. 119. ISO. 121. 122. 12S. 124. 126. 127. 128. 129. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. HannMit Coiim Alw Mi dT th« Or«it...Wil]uuns JOMI>hUM...M«nMM Oon^tM MMlboroagh...Al]iMni Oooiga StqtlMoaon (in dojplioate) P.T.Bwnnn. ^^ *^ lodartriid MognphiM . Smiles Burly Tew* of Bis Koysl Highness.., Wffli«n I. M.ok««ls...Und^;*^'~' Ihcksns...Btaunond Jie D»wiiin|i of 0«niiis.,.Backley Johns. Ckm^ SidMv 8miih. .Dndiinok Sketohes. . .M srtineM Imm JBMwk...TiipiMr ^ JohnCslYln "^^ Mn. Rogers Ooktamth sid Sksteh Book..,Irvinff Th?oksM3r...A. lUUope * uBlMk tto inreh 180 181. 182. 188 186. 187. 138. 189. 140. '■■X-. OoId8iiiikh...Wu Defoe... William Spencer.. .R. W. „«„ Ami8...J. C. Shine Httme...Hnx]sy ' Gibbon... J. 0. Mnrrisoa Bonis ^rsd the Orsst. . Hughes Old Soglish Wortiiies AdMns Honn with Men and Anthon.. Mat' Irishmen in Oanida... Darin »i«»P^ Oslehrities... Beaton Sidney Smith...By his Danghter A OMjtnrv of Scottish Life...Rogew Letters of Thomas ErakiBe...HiSna 141. 142. 148, 144. 146. 148. 147. tmm, y, sfotieoauunnbell f 149. 8o0llishA«^3U...BiZpT 180. UrM of Laboar...BHdktwell ^ IM. Maoa0lsy'sLtfsandLett«....Trarelyan 104. Annals of Carions and Romantio lives 169. 0idM«0aik3r...Artlmr William Amot...Mw. Fleming John Wesley • Peter Cartwright -- Anson Oreen 164. John Ashworth ...ColemMi 166. Mike Traoy Martyn and Heroes of Soottish Core- Robert Dick... Smiles "*^ Pessant Uf e in Sootiand Matthew Morrison Worthies of Bariy Methodism... With- Mistsr Horn and his Friends I%$S^ 178. Memorials of a Qniet Life ..Hare A Centmy of Soottish Life.. Rogera , Father Qorson ..Ckrrol ^ Simple Reoofds...Ashworth RePNsentaliTe Aotsn ' Chaiioer...Wsid Spenoer...Chttroh MUton... Patterson Cowner.. Smitii ; ' , Sonthey . . . Dowden ' U. Martin...BeU Wilberforoe...Stoaghton Webster... Teft^^ " 171. 172. 174. 176. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. m. KUy W...Bonme 183. Ssnu^V Hick... 184. A aty a;S* "^^^ m. Fifg*5St^s'Sjr^'*"'^>«»"«- }2- SWiuoon* Women 188. Tho£l>arlisle... Wilson 189. I>r. Chalmers, Wiii....HannA : 191. DeOninoey . Masson IS- S°"^ OiavV?q;ise loJ* Si?f ^^^T** ?*«^w»* .Edwald 196. President Garfield. Thayer iS^^EE;.;; ■** '\ « \ IfT. IM. IM. goo. 201. 20S. 20S. 204. 20B. 206. 207. 20S. 209. A Dai; D.P...,8fliilh Hon. O. Brown... Maokaasi* TkoouM Fowal Bnztoa... Madge J<^GMrrol...CMriol EUsab«lh PffwMit DttTid IiTiaM|M...A4MM PrMida R. Hav«in»I...By her Sister WUliaa Omtvomo BykiaSen Viovr of MorWMMlott...OoaM Oromwall... flood 8em HebMt ..Fnltoii Ohariolto BroBte ..HeOowey Ladr Jmm Gray. . . Bertlett 210. 0. H. 8|mrgaaa...N«edluHB 211. Boulton ead WaH, SmilM lUustrioiui AlMleiB«n...8h6rlook Dr. Ry6rMNii...Hodfiiui Drydm. Swift, ftc....8oott Viotorie. . .Oremwood NomiMi MeLeod...lfcLeod Ctenend Gordon. L(»d Pelmonton. .Trollope. Memoriela of Tempomnoe Workers Herpes of Three Wsrs.OUiier life of Gladrtone ' Wonderfnl Oharsoters 212. 218, 214. 216. 216. 217. 216. 210. 220. 221. 222. ■NOTOLOPJDDIA. 1 to 18. 4|Mftalmrgh. 18 yobb 19 to 28. Ouunbeta'. 10 toIs. ' 29. 80. Beeton's. S vob. Arts, Boienoes, Litemtore, A)i. 31 to 84. Urs's. 4 Tob. Arte end Mann- feotores. FICTION. , 1. The Disowned... lytton 2. Tiger Banters... Reid . 8. Ooeen Waifs.. .Reld .4. DoaUe Mairiage...Reid 5. Tristam Shandy... Sterne 6. The Boy Tar...Reid 7. 8. My Korel.... Lytton 9. Srlvester Sound... Cockton 10. flie Caztans...Lytion 11. Paosaniaa... Lytton 12. Zanoni...l4rtton 18. Peiham... Lytton s 14. Hncldebernr Finn... Twain 16. The Last of the Barons.. .Lytton 16. A Stninfe Story ..Lytton ' ■) 17. Tom Borike. Lever 18. Roland Oashel... Lever 19. KartjjrLorreqoer... Lever 20. Bamnfjton.. .Lever -— 21. The 01)onohoe...Lever 99. MaarieeTlerav.,.Lsvn I>rMl...8towo Winaifrwl Bwtnm TIm Kiqg of ttM Mountaina 94. Mw|M«t £?• 2?' ^'•^ o' *">«• -AquillM' The B.,b«'. Ch«ir...J,mad * T«1m of kl|« ColOlli«B...RoW0Krft LaTanffro...fiMron 104. Taim from BlMkwood 146. 146. 147. 148. AdvfiiftarM of QU BIm FWik MildnuMi't Adteiitai;t...G«. Malook 149. Oijiz'aBia>y...JeakiiM too. 101. 102. lOS. lOS. 106. 107. 106. 109. 110. Ill, ISO. 161. 169. 163. 164. 166. 166. 167. ■8aull«t .8ooM V Hoddw .Pinkerton MaoM WMigh...Moir of tUldk W6rk«oi ineiding ToinJonM...Fi«lding 112. The Coming B«oe ^^ | MS. Fairy Tale... And0«on i Pre-hirtoric World...Berrthet } Betey Jane Ward... Ward Lorenao Benoni 8w^fordawlMert(m...Day Molly Bawii...TheDucheM^ TTie White Sqnaw.Boid ^ Elbow Room... Ifax Adler m Tom Cringle'. Log...8eoU 126. Adventore. in OiSada Qeikie ?«• I?"* ^^°M*Mi'. TioaUei.. EUoart 127. The Memo Ciwle...Blite OfPtain CHM>t SUver m Earlj Marnyi...Bow« Stone, of 8ohoolLife...Hope The Idand Borne ^ S.«/°°« *^« -Bowmaii ^34. 136. BVee, yet foigingtiiir own Chain. IM. Stmingjgmnrt the 8t«Mun •^''""''" I2' ^|*I«f»P • Skelton Life in the Clearing... Moodv > Jw»? ^atare'. fletet.. ail Tb» Mano Ring...Porque 144. Robm*)nCnwoe... Defoe M4. 116. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 128. 129. 180. 131. 132. 133. Robe«ea...&owMMi Roderiok Random The Pride of Life. Laoretia The Junior Clerk. Claude Mefau>tte.. tiigma...Oaida . .« Adrenture. of Philip. . Thackeray MtolW Tale....Hawtfc»me ^ 161. The Braad Winner.' !52- £.•" •''•7 ^ 8«». May 163. The Land of Fire.. R«jd 164. Godfrey Morgan.. .Verne 166. OuUiver'.Trarel.... Swift Fairy Talee. ..Parranlt • -^ Lo.t Lenore...Reid at, £Imo...WilMn Prom Jert to Eamert...Roe Pendinni.. . .Thackeray RobinMD CrvMM... Defoe ' ° Wreck of the Chancellor... Verne 166 167. 168. 160. 170. 171. 172 173 to 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 140 141. 142. 148. The Ettnck 8he|ihenl'. Tale.: , Don Quixote. . Cervante. °^^ Tale, of Old Ocean... Low The Fatal Cotd...Reid Roekwood and 8t. Jame....Ain«rorth .o« ^*''^' Ho J...Kingriey IM. Two Year.' Ago... Kinney 184. Hypatia ..Kingeley ^ ■ Jf5* ?.•'•''•«* **»«S«on-Aui»ley 186. Alton Lookei.Kinmley ^ 187. Water Babie),JKi?«i;y ' The Heroe... Kina^y v Vea.t...Kingrfey Bleak HouM...Dioken. Little Dorrit...Dioken. Our Mutual Friend ..Dioken. ,«. ^*****^ Nickleby...Dioken. 194. The Two Citie. and Great Expectation. 196. MartmChuz«lewit...Dicken» 197. Ohver Twiat, Italy, and America^ m. Djmbey and Son...Diok^ •^''«"' 199. Ohnrtma. Stone, and The Unoommer- n u « , «^TrayeUer...Dickens Bamaby Rndge and Hard Time... Edwin Drood and Sketohe. ..Dickeiir* Pickwick Paper... .Diekena 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. A . L:. 216. 21». 217. 218. 210. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 226. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 281. 232. 238. 234. 236. 286. 287. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 248. 244. 246. 246. 247. 248. 249. 260. 261. 26" Old Catiodty Shop. . DiokoM Tfo ThoaMod k i«ur...WMrran An EaniMt TriHw.. Bpnguc ImprMsioos of Thtopluriiatiu Snoh... EUot Opcaiiiff • ChMinat Barr. . Rm Pat K«mlMm...Fl«p%iiig A Knifthl o! lk« NiMtooitH Cmtary... Th« Wid«, Wide World... W«th«r«ll Wjoh HMwl.,.Wethoi«U |Tim DooUm Uncle Tnm'a Cabin... Stow* M W»y to Woo and Win • Wife... Sonthgate Man Night*' Entertainment ly Deaire.Wetherell lerer Oirli...Joluiiton The Boy with an ldea...Eiloart Mm. Candle'* Curtain Leotare*...Jer- rold Myeterion* teland...Venie Eait Lynn. ..Wood Tom Brown'* School Da]r*...Hnghe* The Lone Banoh...Reid Tal**..Wil*on B«y Poor (lirla at ChMitMquA . Pftni* TlM M«o of Ih« HooM . Pmmt Jmhw Bnathwait* tb« !lap«nwrgo.. Th* OraiM of ib« Snow Bird.fluElMr tfom lb* Hndaon to thf N«r» .K«rr OapUio Jaok, or th« Takinff of Fort Slow Mid Sure... Algicr Pmuv's Ploar Bin...fluuy Handy Andy . Lovtr i^ W« and tli« World ..Bwing War and Pmm. or th« lUtnat hon ^ ^ ^ Oabnl ...A. IJ O. It On the Bank* of th« AnuMon...Kinfli. Philip and Catherine... Thaokaray Jock Halllday...Haidy CoraUa.Edflo SUfting Winds... Ballantyne The Moon VoyiM ..V«m« ThaMaidofAr? Daniai D«ronda...O«o. EUliot Adam B«I«...Om. Ellipt Palis Holt. .Geo. Elliot Tha Min on the FIoe8...0eo. . CSarioal life, and Silas Marin< Middle March ..G«>. Elliot fio«aolo...0«o. Elliot 34S. 345. 340. 347. 340. Way Home Bessy Oordoo's Story... Symi His Sombre RiiraIs.,.Roe Theodora... Norris Tha New Will AebeMappy". Woodward Mark 8aaworth....Kinnton SSI. His Father.. .Hockiaff 302. Dick's Fairy.. .Hookfitf 368. Sea Waif. ..Hooking 304. Ivy Cottage life.T^ooking 306, Her Benny... Hooking 306. Woman's PfetienoeTiWorboise 807. ChataoqnaQirls... Pansy 308. A Yoang Girl's Wooing... Koo 300. With Clire in India '*** ^*T^y' ^V Mannering, Antiquary. Rob Roy, Blaok DwarfToid MortaUty 861. Fortnnes of Old Nigel, and Coont Rob- - -; - .^ . ort of Paris... Scott 362. Red Oaantlet. and The Pirate... Scott «M. fair Makl of Perth, and the Antionarv 364. P«verOofthePtak.andtha^*te)thfd Hoott 368. The Abbot wd the Monastery Scott MO. iTanboe, and TaUsman Seotl 867. Rob Roy. aiid Midlothian Scott an 18. 10. Chiueee... Harper 20. OiTiM»ilo« in Ennme ...Ottfawt SI. a. Covenanters.. D'Anbigne ^ 94. Invaaioa of Orimsa...linaUke 20. Chnroh of Sootlaad. . . Hetherfiicton 26. 27. Saireriaga of tho Chnroh of Scotland 26. Drifted and ^«1 Wodron S- i^i?^* Battlee of the World. Creasy JO. 81. Traditidns of Bdinborgh ...Cham- 82. Tradition of Bdinborgh, New Edition «• n ^ ^ . ■■ Chambers 2*^^ Ancient and Modem .Rtt««,ll 84to3». England... Maoaulay 30. England ..Onene 40 to 42. England.. Mackintceh ^ 43 to 40. Europe... Allisoo 00 to 02. Europe. Modem... Runell 88to08. Family Ubrary. .Chricton 60. France... Bonneehose 60. 61. The Scottish Gael. Losaa 62. Oacetteer of Soothuid 63 to '66. Enoydoptedia of Geography... 67. 68. Genoftny. England and SootlaS*?' 60 to 71. Oiroigists. ITie ...DeL^^' 72. Manual of Modem History ...Taylor 78 to 77. Tales of History...fiy a Orand- 78. Hungarian Revolution , • ■ ^'\\- r -i fi 1- f. 7f ftpSl. Briiiah lodU.M array, kt. m, 8S. Indka Biipir* l|lMf«rlMKl 84 lo 80. J«w«.. JoMpkM 90 lo 02. JavMik UbrMj M. Old MMkiMw. 8ti4oUMid Vnnatut Owffii tt wi . 06. Unllwl NcAWUimU If otUy N«w York . . Knloksrbookwr OMoaum mmI BiMiiUk Enpirw — Rank* Papd Dr»iii*...oai 04. Oft. ^• 08. 00. Pilgrim Falhm... ^wdandHooM too. ParftaiM and Th« 101. -^- 102 |o 108. DmUm and FaU of Um fioi KlnpiM...Oibboii 106 to 106. Ronun Hlalory... Hooka 100. Roman R«pabllo...Fargiiaoo no. 111. Roma in tha Ninatoanth Cantery 112. Middla Agaa...Hallam 118 to 116. Ra7ormation...D'AabigDa 116. 117. 'RiiJbMbation in tha Tima of Calvin ...D'Anbigna 118. Raformatioii, HiaUvy of...D'Anbigna 110 to 124. 8ootlaiMl...B«Mhann«n 128 to 126. SootUml . Maokintoah 127. Oraaft Simraa of Biatory 128. Daf«io«wih 181. Gbraaaa.. Yoiif* 188. Bama .Ytwga ,<. 188. AriUmtaa Campaign... Raada 184. llaiioo...Pvaaootl 186. 186. Rniao-Tarkiah War. .OUiar 187. Franoo-Oarman War...Brookatt 18l». Haroaaof Yooag AiMriaa...Hopa 180. Manitoba ..Bryaa 100. QrMit Britain for IittlaBritoaa...BaUay 101. Canadian Mathodi«n...Ryaraon 102. Riaa of tha Dntoh Rap«blio...Motlay 108. Pompaii and Haronlananm... Adama 104. TraaTalaaaboat India... Ballard 108. Africa. Paat and Pr«aant...An D\A Bmiiimkt 106. 107. Loyalia^cl Amarica...Ryanon 108. OoUcii I>aada...Yonga J 100. Ottoman Powar in Eiiropa...Fraeman 200. Htoriaa from Livy..Chan>h 201. Abbaya and Caatlaa— Sonth.. Timba k Onnn ](02. E^^... Clamant 208. Epooha.and Epiaodaa ' 204. Political Daatuy of Canada... Smith ' 006. Canada... Withrow 206. Unitad Stataa and CaMwU.. Monroe 207. Hiatory of tha Centennial.. .McOtobe 206. Canada under Earl I>ttirerin...LMwa 200, History of the Telegraph... Johnston 210. The I^UMtMnth Centnry...Maokanaie 211. Hie Britiah Navy 212. Abb«7s and Caatlea— North... Timba 218. Journal of the Plagae Year...Defue 214 to 216. Unitad State»-IUustr»ted... Ckssells 217 to 210. Seven Great MoUMnohiaa...IUw- linaon 220. Akimfo or Ashantee Warr.Butlar :■ m M'.- 'V, '»Jf^ 'L »t ,i ^. 8ootlMid...8oott "noe ..Kirbet 67. ^**.lWMdPMw,, "S.i-u ?*. 88. Inrinff'i W/».b. I. BM«yi...OoIdffitth 3.4. Book of Dayg . niuunbaw ' — '^"f »• The New 7. "^ bei. S*iil^*?8" 03. Jiuiuia' Letters M to M. Ambroeito.. . Noctee • , 63., ReMlingf for Young M«mi 92. Thought, on Thing, 3*^, ^^ dS. LeavM from fttt. v^r ^^^**d...Burrit 105. B«.y.of€leo. EMot...Shepi2d" ''f-?«!jWo«U 6 to 9. Good Words 10 to 14. Sundsy Mi«i„. 24 HonsefioMWonJs S,- '■:.,*r'^ ,.-, -ss-Ste-^ » "»«! Witohomft . , 8oott Baritt •— Siamondi uwn, 4o. ■I •ToUooli I UngnagB... Adanu- tow ..GoIUer ; unoey 0^ ' Home and o«d...Bnrrit «ny Peru nit thews rdjBon Br '■. ?..Mn!lep fde Jraft tfd ■-.:■■'"■.• :/- 39 to 59. Blaokwood's 60 to 65. Leisore Hoar 66. TheVieitor 67. IntematioiuU Monthly 68. Edinlrargh Review 69. OhMnbers, iFonnudi 70. 71. Belford'i SIa«^e 72. Family Treaeory 73 to 78. Oirle' Own Adm 79, 80. Every Boy'a A 81, 82. Sundfty at Hom< 83, 84. Ligaor Annual 85 to 87. Quiver 88, 89. Sunday at Home 90, 9I.« Sundav Magadne 92, 93. Good Words 94,96. Leisure Honr MISOBLLANBOna ijinnal 1. The Seven Curses of L(»idon...Green- ivood 2. Thinfls not Oenerally Known... Timbs T, English Hearts and English Hands . - 4^ Turkish Evenings 6. A Book about iMminies 6 to 17. Miioellany...Chambers 18. Aneodotes . Percy ^ Penniiylvania Oil Regions... Mi^^t Anecdotes of Sir Walter Soott...Hogg Christiaa Stones...Barth The Letter Bsg...HaIibart(« Seottish Life and Character... Ramsay 25. London Labour and London Poor... Mayhew 27. Odds and Ends Illustrations of... Opie A Book of Table im...RusseI Conntty living^.. Hamilton Self Help ..Smiles Thrift... Smiles Villsfle Dialogues ^ Hunting Oroonds of the Old World Odd People Salmon Fishing in Canada Family Cyclopsedi* _. Storm Warriors Solitude^. Zimmerman 40. The Gathering of the West 41. The Mariner's Library Lectures on Witchcraft.. .Upham Edward Lrvins's Works to 46. Diary of a Late Physician ... Warren 47. JoshBfllings 48. Boys' Treasury of Sports and Pastimes 49. Notes on Uncle Tom'f Cabin^,.. Steams 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 42, 43. 44 50. Parents' Assistant... Bdgewoirth , 51. Nelson's Library 51 British Sports and Pastimes... TroAope 5S. Tales and Sketches..,MiUer 54. Star Papfsrs 55. Rome of To-day ' 56. Picture of Soouand 57. Seven Ctirses of London 68. Wonders of the World 69. Roughing it in the Bush.. .Moody 60. MiHtoa of Great Suffering. . .Burrii 61. Logndon Characters 62. Ten Thousand Wonderful Tbimn.. King 65. Character... Smiles 64. Work and Play...BushneU 66. Success in Life 66. A Book of Scottish Story... Hisllp , 67. Chips from Many Blcwks... Burnt 68. Annual Suaunary ^ 69. The Jest Bbol^..Lin lature.1880 92. Soottish Life... Wilson 93 to 95. Things Not Generally Known... f, limbs 96. 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Cioldunith *>T «• g*«»"£iJt....l<™. ••*»»'««« «> mtuh Dnuutitto «. uoon ^ ?inl»«!• I<*';; BBLIOlOUa ■- ■ ■ . . . ■ "a 2 bS?3 5Ji?«vKM«-. StwkhousJ 9 5?^ SJ^P^T^*!!" Watson ment ..Pridean i.>^ ■^i^^ j^ Toppv pets m i...Moii^(oin- •ry »tnre ion >nt Women ..SonUigate ■h iokenteith Myth OOMI^:: .Hoaaton .Pridisan 111 18. U. 15. 10, 20. 9, 10. 01iarcHHiakory...Wodrows 11, 12. Disoouraei of Oar Lord... Brown Rath«rford'i Letters... Bonner Analooy of Reli^on.. Batler _. Pelev'i Works 10, 17. Religionii Works ..MoCheyne 13. On Redemption... Robertson The Kor«i...8sle Dwif^ht's Theology— 5 Vols. 21 to 28. Podthnmons Works of Chslmers 29. Bsrds of the Bible... OiUaiUn 30. 31. Religion in Oenev* snd Bel^nam... Hengh 32, 33. Modem Pilgrims.,. Wood 34 to 36. Newton's Works 37. Home in the Psalms / 38. Catholic and Protestant Nations... Rowsell Clond of Witnesses Works of Dr. Chalmers - ;. • Reign of Peace.. .Dodglas Theology of Inventions Sermons ... Spnrgeon Precursor of Knox ... 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No. 4 SfJHes *^Talm^ ^' Sf*73;:?2'*'te'«** E"WeT.,Long S2- 2»*- Christian World Pulpit ^- ?»*White Fields of PrailS. Bonar 296. Palestine Eaqjlored . Neil ^ M7. Pastor's Skefches. ..Speooer 298. Human Nature-Foulrfold State. -Bos- ton y- la 'MtAineiit ... fe...Cnyl«r Jogy.JMk- •on „ mve of 8«-- ' nth.. .Cooke r •nd World *- i-.Thomion' ianley »r foolton per : iseon ipoi^geoa ook b, •Miea... Talmage d'«ix)Te... Mftlaw .Cook ttr Lord... Brown lb Chnroh i India... Taylor { in Call- I... Taylor f Known II deitine... Pitman mge It.., Long Bonar ton .290. Tnuioendentalinn...Cook aOO. A Pmd behind the Scenee... Walton 301 . Studies of Charaoter . . .Onthrie 302. Ben Hue... Lae Wallace 303. Life of Christ.. Oeekie S04. SOB. Sermons— Firet and Second Series ...Talmage 306. Holy Dyiiw... Taylor 307. Cheerfal Words ..Macdonald 808. OrthodoxTheology of To-day... Smith 309. Belimoas Feelma ..Smith 310. The Missionary Problem.. Croil 311. Tempted to Unbelief... Burr 312. 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Nichol WorkinoMan's Companion Notural History of Insects Studies of Nature .St. Pierre Physical Geography of the Sea. . Maury Cruise of H. M. S. Challenger. .Spry American Fruit Cultnrist WUd Flowers, Birds and Insects of the North.. .Adams History of Wonderful InvjBtiona... limbs Hugh MiUer'i Works Animal Locomotion ..Pitlegreen. Essays on Une^qplained Phenomenon Geology of Canada... Logan 72. Agriculture.. .Young Essays... Miller Dawn of Life ; > 77. Animated Nature History of Steam Ei^nne. . .Thurston Primeval Man... Argyle Fungi... Perkeley Animal Mechanism. A. Marey Five Senses of Man... Bernstein Animal Parasites and Me|fimateB...Van Bmeden Conversation of Energy... Stewart Play and Profit in the Garden. ..Roe Gardening for Profit... Henderson Ameriom Agriculture. ..Allen . Origin of the World... Dawson Every Day Cookery... Wame Natural History'of Csged mrds... Beck- stein Our Common Fruits... Bernard Insect World... Figuer 86. 86. 37. 88. 39. 40. 41. 42. 48. 44. 46, 49. 60. 61, 63. 64. 66. 66. 67. 68. 69. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 66. 66. 67. 68. 69, 73. 74. 76, 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 8.3. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 39. 90. 91. 92. ■A^ t:"-:^ p* ■« 'N. ■•■^^ 14 ; w. H. 90. 96. 97. .98. 99. 100. 101. 102. Rmm of ll«a...Piokeriiig Aninul OrMtioa...Joi|M Blementaof Moral Soioiio«...WaiTUnd BUtU Mid Their Neata ..HowH History of a Book... Caray PrMtioal A^altara...HeBdenoii Every ATui Hia Oim 0»tUe Doctor... 1100. 151. 102. 108. 104. 100. Miracle in Stone. . .8e{n Fmita of America Electric LightiiiQg...DoMonoell DiseaeM orMemory...lUbot Formation of V«||etable Moald. Dar- win Natural Hiatory of Biidi,..Jon«a On Sonnd.Tindall ^ - _. Friends in Fnr and Feathera ^08. Health and Gkiod Living... Hall /104. Ught ..Mayer and Banurd itoloS. HidfHoan 105 with Modem Soien^ ti«t»...Wfcllaoe, Ac 109. Canadian Fruit. Floww and Kitchen Garden 110. The Sheep ..Spoonw HI. 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Ounnmg Window Gardening The Coming Strug(^e...Harwood «:,^i^ ilNj u ■/ TRAVSLA • : . . ; 1. 1' ■■ ■ ■ ;■ ' 1. L.DuN 8. win [ 4. r. . Dr. 6. 7. Itidley 8. 9. / lOc ) 11. 12; 14. Ml 10. 16. ibiui... W iteriun 1», r ; 21. 22. .JonM -^, 2d. \. ■, 24. utor 26. 2«. una 27, |ton aUey ock... phoDM »omb aville rton rdwn 1883 Nktvwb $aA Bal>vIon...I«jurd If adMia, PortagM, ke. <, Land of Protti(le...BoDar 6. Kotth Am«rioA ..TroUope Artcnua Ward's Traveb In Kgypl. Arabia, fto....Steiiheiu RmI Bovliia in Hoatli 8«aa Wondarfnl EboapM.. Whiteing Lake NaMni...Aaden»n Thirty YMtfa of Army Life 18. Bntiak Aio«rioa...llcOrteor TwalTo Yean MiUtanr lifo in India CmiM of tho B«toy. Miller ImpreMiona in America... Miller 18. Travel* in Aiia...MaIooIm 20. Viiita to Remarkable Plaoea . . Bow- itt Prinoe of Wales in Canada Sinai and Palestine... Stanley Discovery of Hir J. Franklin. ..MoCUn- took Geographical View of the World... Ooldsmith Oar Life in theHi|dilands...yiototia Sicily and Malta... Brydane 28. 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ISl. 182. 188. 181 185. 185. 187. 18& 189. 140. 141. 142. 148. 144. 145. 146. 147. 1% IBO. 151. w 162. 168. 161 165. 166, 16& 169. 160. »^ 162. 168. 161 165. 166. 167. Adveotoree.in Arisona and New Btexioo Oooena A Canadian in Europe... Withrow Six Monfeha at the Cape...BaUan^yne Voyage of the SunbeMn... Brassy limu^ain and Piraiiie...QotitDown...Begg The Captain'e Story... Brookenight Austria and Hungary .. .Ki^ TrueTalee for my Grandsons... Baker The Lonely Island... Ballantyne Celebrated Women Travellers... Adams Our South Amerioan Cousins... Taylor Spain and its People Adventures in Canada.. Oeikie Wrecked on a Beef Bound the World in Six Months... Bridges From Old to New Westminster...nein- 171. 172. 178. 174. 175. 176. 181. 1((2. 188. 184. 185; 180^ 187. 188. 180. 190. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 196. 100. 200. 201. Across Africa... Cameron 202. Turkey ...Baker ing 208. Hand Book of Amerioan Travel... Ap- 204. Visit to IceIand...Ffeiirer ^**°** 206, 206. 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