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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la m^thode. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI a„d ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 150 2.8 ■3.6 U Mi ■ 10 2.5 2.2 2£ 1.8 ^ APPLIED IPvHGE inc 1653 East Main Street (716) 482 -0300 -Phone (716) 288 - 5989 -Fax Valiiabie work relating to the Indians of the Six Nations Piciui. and cloth binding'., covers exhibr map and illustrations PRlCt $? 00 ''^\\.z "PcoipVe 0^ Wz £»owo^vo\!Lse ^^ By EDWARD MARION CHADWICK, Shagotyohgwisaks, Honorary Chief- Albert Britnell Toronto ^%> a: ... 6The Peoi'LE OI-" THE LoNGiiOUSE aims at treating chietly of subjects which most writers overlook. It contains an outline history of the Six Nations coverinj^- the historic period, with an account of their peculiar form of Government, and their distinctive customs, costumes, etc., much of which has not hitherto appeared in print. Also the Roll of Chiefs, more full than any previously pub- lished, with a reference also to Honorary Chiefs and other adopted persons. Illustrated with original drawings by the author, and photographs. CRITIOUES ; 15y I'rofossiir A. F. ClianiDcrlain, u( Clark University, Worcester, Mass.. priiUoJ in "I'nivuisity o( Toronto Studies," just out -"Major Cliadwick's book, 'Tiie I'eoplo o! the Longliousu', of wliich the atrractive bindini; and excellent lypo- Rraphy are far from beini,' its greatest merits, is written in an interesting style, and contains much valuable information concerning the Canadian Ircxjuois, an Indian people in the midst of a white man's civilization. Not a little of tlie author's ilata seems to be derived from the older authorities, but Major Chadwick has made up for this by the novelty of some of his own contributions. Ues'ies a histurical sketch of the People of the Lon^iliouse, Iroquois or Si.n Nations (li imerly fivt na- tions) their government laws, ciisto'ns of marriage, adoption, war costume, wampum, dances, etc., the volume contains a roll of the ciiiefs of the Great Council, a list of th(! Ilonoraiy Chiefs and an essay on the In. ban character " Gov'crn neat Mouse, Ottawa, January 4, iSgi.'. Die Ak Mu. Chadwick, — Allow me to thank you most sincerely for the copy of your work on the "Six Nations" which you have had the kindtiess to send to me. I think you are to be conf,'ratulated re^rardin^,' the artistic shape in which you have placed the book bef jre the public, and the full and intiin.Ue tiescriptions which you have giv(m of tlie interestin':,' history and cast )ms of the tribe of which we are both Honorary Chiefs. I remain Sincendy yours (Signed) ABKK DHEN Indian Office, IJrantford, Jan. 2Sth, i8g8. To Major E. M. Chadwick, Chief ShaRotyohgwisaks, Barrister, Etc., My DrcAR CiiiKF StiACOTVoiKiWisAKs,— There frequently iiave been erqinries as to the best work on the Indians of this country, and 1 have always telt that it was to be regretted that there was no work which would j^ive a full and correct as well as concise account of the Indians who occupy a most important position in tlie his- tory of Canada, and particularly when there were means of obtaining; such infor- mation, partly by traditions and the historical w.impum belts of the nation, and liartly by writers who have also recorled much of their customs and many tilings ol interest." After carefully lookint< over your work, I am glad to say that that want has been supplied by the "People of the Longhouse." It certainly contains all the infvinnation and I can recommend it to any person who may desire to know something of the Ked Men who still arc very numerous in Canada. Believe me Yours Sincerely (Signed) E. D. (;:AMER0N, Supt. Six Nation Indians Toronto, January 25th, 1898 Peak Mr. (Chadwick, — You have succeeded in writing what seemed at first an impossibility, another book on the Six Nation Indians, which is interesting and new. The condensed account of the organization of the Confederacy and of the manners and customs of the nations composing it, especially of those which have settled in The list of Chiefs is a feature which historically adds to its Canada, is very good. . ..^ — ... The illustrations of the totems and the heraldic rendering value. „ - ^ is quite in your way, as also the ingenious binding exhibiting the peace and war colors. I congratu- late you on your sncctss. Y'ours failhfidly (Signed) JAMES BAIN JR. l-'rom Chui'ilt l-lriini^elis/, l-'el). loth, iSijS — "Tiio Pt^opltMif tlif I,()iii;1h)iis>' i> :i k;.ss t,iinili;ir luiirie lur iIkj Indi uis noiUTiUly known as tlu; Irotiuois, or Six Naiidns, whos'J history Major l"lia !wicl< i:,\\v.u in brii'l in this I'le^janl volnnit!. Tiio fuller history ol tins interrstint; jjcopltr is rontamuil in bcmks snnio of which arc out ot print anil all out of reach ol ilu; orilinary rtiailer , so that Major Chadwick has done ^ood service in thus rescniii!,' troni oblivion the antiijuitii-s, historical or social, of thuse tribes, and in brinfevt:ral excellent fea- tures which are not ofien foni\d in conioination, —an attraeti\'i- and characteristif COV(;r, a complete inde\, paper so j^'ood and t>pe so clear that it is ,i [pleasure ton ad it, and excellent ilhistrai ions of Indian warriors, chiefs, dress, bi^a I work, and wea- pons of war. llesides the index is s) coniplete that ther.- is nothing' of interest in the t'!Xt to whicli reference cannot be inade i'l a moment," March loth, i.Soo From the P,rsbytirit\it Rcviciv. — "The ordinary reader m:f.;ht thirk tliat there was nothin'^ ni'w nnder the snn to be written about the Iroipiois and th.- speci ilist raiKht sav tliat it was an iin()ossi.ulity to write anythinu; new about ttuun in repe- tition whicli would be reatlable. lint the ordinary rt^.ider has now presented to him a compressed amount of informaticMi on our Indians which tells him more th;ot he supposed existed, and the specirdist finds that in addition to the cunpressed and triple extracted old information tluire is in Mr (.'haduick's book mnih that hithertu has not been made public. The research put into "The People of the Longhon e" and the complete inilex provided to the work, make it a valuable reference for stu- dents of Indian lore who fiave not had the author's power of patience rmd love of his subject, not to mention his facility in etching and knowledt,'e of heraMry." From Montreal Herald, I2t' "March, 1H98. — "Not only has the White Face stolen from the Ltm^house ii 1 .ids ; he lias blackened the Indian character and made the Indian name synonymc .IS with treachery ar.d cruelty. Only occa- sionally is a voice raised in defence and jnstificition. One of these voices is raiseil in this book of Major Chadwick, Shai,'otvohf;wisaks as he is called in the roll of honorary (Chiefs at the ISrantford I^eserve. The book is one of the daintiest of pieces of the l)ookniakers' trade, or, as it is Ix'comin^' in these days, art The cover is colored on one side in vertical stripes, \ello\\ , jiink and white the colors of peace and festivity, and on the other side red and black, the Trdian war colors. Alonj? with much interesting' while at the same timf> crincise information of a general kind, the prettv little book t;ives some very valuable information relati\e to the remnant of the Longhousi; confederacy which is living its life out on the Grand River, in Ontario," March 2.fth, iHi)S From Canndian Churchman. — "Mr. Chadwick has produced a book not only of great beauty but of verv considerai)le historical and archaeolo}.;ical inten^st N'oth- ing could be better or handsomer than pa()er, type and bindin;;, and the contents put together with great literary abdity. The subject of t)ie volume is the Iroquois or People of the Longhouse, also known as the Six Nations and formerly ;is the hive Nations. The ancient customs and many things of interest concerning these peo- ples have lieen gradually passing out of memory, and the writer has properly con- sidered the preservation of them a matter of interest and importance. A good account is given of the Indian Wampum, of their music and dancing, of their clans and tokens. A full list of Chiefs and Honorarv ("Chiefs is appended." From Saturday Nifrfit. — "A book, full of information as to tlu history anrl cus- toms ol that nidst iiitiTc.itinK' people, the Iroijiiois or Six Nation Indians, lias just b(!on issued under the title 'The I'eople ot the l.onf^house'. Major lulward M. Chadwick, the author, is an Honorary Ciiief of the Mohawk tribe, and has had opportunities for thorouf^hly studying the ancient and modern lore of this people. Major Chadwick, besides describing peculiar and inferestinj; customs of this abo- rininal people, throws new light on the Indian character, and we see that the Six Nations at least are, and have been, unless whore contaminated by the bad white, a clean, brave, intelli^'ent and honest ptiople, the possessors of an old, if primitive, civilization, a reliable history dating approximately back as far as 1459, and an ancient and dit,'nitied form of repnes^int itive Government. In collecting and record- ing these facts about the Iroquois and their manners and customs, Major Chad- wick has comjiiled what will prove to be a very valuable work." From Review of Kf'y/ctfs.— "Major Chidwick's study of the Iroquois Indians, otherwise known as the Six Nations, discloses many interesting facts in tl'.e history of those remarkable tribes, and at the same time offers a suggestive - ;;- }entary on the methods of the (^^anadian Government in dealing with the lujians as con- trasted with those employed in the United States." From Canadian Ma!;azine.—''\L. M. Chadwick's piece of historical work, 'Tne People of the Longhouse' is a very satisfactory contribution to the literature relat- ing to our In:lian tribes. The Six Nations, or Iroquois— the other two common names of these Indians — have a history of considerable antiquity, and one which during the last hundred and fifty years is a part of the history of British Rule in Canada. Major Chadwick, himself a nominated Indian Chief, gives much informa- tion concerning their laws and customs, with chapters on Indian names and Indian character. The book is uniquely bound and handsomely printed " From Journal of the Royal Colonial Institutf. — "The work is a well-written, straightforward and valuable record of the history of a certain section ot the popu- lation of Canada, and clearly shows that the progress towards civilization of those bands of Indians which have only of recent years been collected in reserves is most remarkable." St. Kegis, October 4th, i8g8. E. M. Chadwick, Esq., Dear Sir, — Yours to hand on the ist inst. In reply allow me to thank you for the book which I received O. K. It is past my expectation I think it is the most complete on Rotinonsionni that I have read, and I think that we Indians ought to be thankful that you were able to get it in print so soon, for there are some things contained in the book almost forgotten by our people ; so your book will be guide for the future on Rotinonsionni. Yours, etc. (Signed) WILLIAM KEEP, Indian Interpreter -J^^^--