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New York 14609 USA "N. amiwE mTTwnI IN nil: CANADIAN- SKXATi:, MAI.'Cl -M. isT.s, o.v riie Tublic Finances of tho Hoi IlllllOll. 't^'"'^ I'lXAXriAL TKAXSACTfONS i'\ Till' ^''KKN/iKANi. mac|),.x\i,i.,:uvi.;i;xmi:\ts.onti;asti;|). SKNATOJi MACI'IIKKsox-s f>AMPHLl.:ix PiUNTICL. AT THK OPFWE OF THE GLOUE Ni^\V,PAPER i8;8. fe ' -...^u.sci-.^.i„r.7ii.nnriiniSi7i:E:!S:~^ »»"Tmr?»tfTTftnTt>iT ■ > :^' U THE The ord I'll Mr. Ma( "expeaJiti " largely w "the Gove: " tween im HON. f on the subj Senator opp when we a( trust the Se "■ords in rej t" u.s by th which has a was of a clef as the rules tion to the ( take no exce rules should siller that. Senate to is i this laxity o notice of a q liiiuutes, the against the . politics ; draj supposes will migstatement! extravagance groundless. MR. BROWN'S SPEECH ON THE FINANCES OF CANADA. Ottawa, Slat Marcli, 1878. on S'iS^J.oLinltSi!?''"^,^? "^^ Ir resu,ningth. debate ''tween income and expenditum"^^^^^ to restore the equdibrmm be- HON. GEORGE BROWN said :-I rise to make a few observationa on the subject that has been brought under our notice by the o" Senator oppc>s.te ^Vlr. Macpherson), an.l which wa. u^ler d ouSon when we adjourned last nig].t. J',„t, before proceeding to 1 "o I tr.,s the Senate will bear with me for a n.on ent w],ile I saya fLw words m regard to the forn. in .hich this n.atter has b en Z^JZ o us by the hon Senator, and the peculiar character of tl e de ate which has arisen from it. The notice given by the hon. gentle nn was of a definite question to be put to the Secretary of Stal N " ".n tVu T *' ''"'*' '^ "^^ '^"''^^ •''^™-'-' - P^»"-I'"a ^' turn to the Government, of whicli notice has been fonnally giv^ i I take no exception to discussion liaving baen raised now. I tLk our rn es should be amended on this point, but this is not the time to co .der that But what I do desire to call the special attention If the Sena e to ,s the inconvenient and unjust use that has been made of this laxity of order on the present occasion. Un.Ier cover of this notice of a question that might have been put and answered t two rZsT'th .d^"- r;^"'^" ^''"^ *'• '''-''-'' ^^ f.u.i::imi;:i gainst the Administration ; rambles over the entire field of p.rty politics ; drags in every conceivable or inconceivable matter tha he supposes wdl serve his purpose of detraction ; indulges in :rf and nnsstatements without end ; and fulminates wild charge, of wa. .^. !"d extravagance that have been again and again show'n to be utterly groundless. |Nay, the hon. gentleman ventured to go .till farther than IthiK- 1.0 venturcl t- iuKi.n.ato, nun>e i-lace, or .late being given, ^^•^iat ho n.uHt have known aniounted to a charge of fiaud on the part of tho Aclmiiiistratinn Mr. Ma.I'JIKRson- In what inHtance lUd 1 'hi tlmt ! Mr Brown -The hun. genthnuan .li.l it more than «'"o«- ^^^1';'" to the cloticit on the Receipts and Ex,.en.litureH of IHn, li« lne.1 to cast al.roa.1 the insinuation that the I'nhlic Accounts were no ,n,lv nuuh. np or the .h-fieit w.ul.l have been greater. He sa..l that ,,, ,• ,1 ,,een UM hy son.ehody or other that acconnts were imrp..He y kept hack, so as to force a bahvnce a.el lessen the dehcit of the y«a . ni the nnreliahiUty of Conm.ittees of t u, Honse of . u UH.ns, an.l hinte.l at a Royal Connuission as the only mode of gett uk at the facts. And this ontmgeons insinuation he accnupan.ed w.lh 1! i:tin>ation that he could not vouch for the truth o the story he b.d Leon uttering, and would not he hehl y^^'l";;;^^'; j^ll/^nown Z 1 1 1, ,f l>>M arv discussion I nave nevei kuowu oo [ rst^;!;;;;:? ;; ; 'ur;Si^ ;:i the'hiit^^ of ins ..nnty a» i. was Ins St, t u.u ;^ ^^ .^ ^^^ I a.nli.lent 1 am within bounds when d.aiged or "'«"'"' t^"> , via h^^ased on facts as to which ditforence but $8 85 in that year, and $4 08 in 1870-<. Mr. MACniKRSON-My statoment was strictly correct, and I bhall ^'^'*Mu BROWN-Thehon. gentleman may strive to escape by a play n n b^ on th -7 u Hiiid tliat purptwely f the ywiir. so uf * 'oni- of getting )iiniud with 10 story ho it. In all : known so ay, without lo of osciipo jntlenjan in y aH ho was (unds whoii 10 were »lis- Adiuinistra- ;h «lifforenc'e honi utterly bitterly a«- ' iunnigrant fact it was , anil 1 shall pe by a play ints arriving 11 knew that 1 1875-6, and of this lavgo id rcpresent- erage of the lan said — we 1 liini, or one nd his charge 3-6 liad taken nate, if it is the mouibers id indeed the ,t accusations d to rise at the ration as this, ng the public nund/ We have been d.«c.u«in« this umttor for a of davH- and so boundless a field to range over, wo nmy gu ,„. aLIZL fur a month without getting no.ror a solution than w^o ar. to-dav [ <-an understand how tho discussinn of two, or oven three, point^s o i;;! IXtf T'^ 'T -^"'•"«t-'/'«*'tl-- P'ofitably in this th an hor- utr cannot, I co„f,.„„ ouniprehon.l how a hundro.l points of d.Taii tha have never before been discussed here, oitlier op ,nly or in 'o loor Tho Hr.t 8h parliamentary system wisely provides that the con- trol of tho detaiU of mo,u.y Hills that the p,.vver which makes a 1 [mmakes Ministries shall n,st uith the bn.nch of "ho LoJ" ,110 It . .,es n,. a'« the Estimates closely and V in s^tIr?K ""'""'' ^T'^ '""I''? facilities that wo ,lo not possess.^The ; n wftl, 1 T° "*\'" ^^"^ ^"^^■«^- """"^ = ho is practically conver- Mnt with every transaction of the year ; ho opens the liud-'ot • he rarues and proposes all changes o? tariff" or taxatio i; he Us loj^; lefenlTt ^"'''^ "^ ^^ Coverniuont ; ami he stands prepare .defend at any moment every feature of that i.olicy. Then come the (-omm.tteos of Ways and Means and of Hupplyfin which e es .mates of the year and all proposals of revenui dLges a o ov^ ' ion sal: w^^^^ <^'^y^ "' 8uccessi,Ji, and .pio - h a doirl f f T''"^ V" /'^" '"'""""* '^^ ^^'•^^••■>^ ^l""l'tful point • sod Tn.fl'"'''™ ■''"•' P^'^*" «1^^^^'> th'-^t <^""'^l hardly bo sur- I'le P nbb-, r ?' n'-''"'"''. ""^ *''° "'I'*^'""- "f *'i« following session 'ranrod w th t"l!!, ' ^'»™""",^« '« ^'^'^^ ''^^ "'ork comparing t)ie sums " ther nXll inf...''^' "^''"*' ""''"^^-^ criticising evory^itom, and umK„/ i ^ ask the Senate if it is convenient that we ii Z K ^^Zl "^^.^ ^"''^"'^'' Ministers and Finance Com mttees {" eon ro the ac ion of the popular branch on such mal ill add o^?W fn\lf »«* ^'^"^lenng boyoud our province ?-if it IL • u.i • r° *^®, "8«f"J"ess or the dignity of this House? If 1 an. rightly informed, this reckless raid into the territoU of ou r veSs 3 ? '^' ^^f ,;hing of the kind that has happenedYor Lan^ jears ; and I respectfully submit for the consideration of tho Senate Ll% '' r^^' r * *." ^! *^ '•'^«*- ^^^*h these remarks I return to the bill of complaint of the hon. gentleman opposite The hon gentleman IS full of coni. , -nts and lamentations^He don't like the present Ministry; he ha. no faith in Conamittees oTthe Commops 6 ho ha« no faith in the Ptil.lic Accounts ; ho has no fiiith in anybody or iiiiythinK. The whi.lo wniLl ia ugew with him. Why, ho actually stirtt'd h\n nptouh tho utlior ovoninK with Ji wail of lamentiition that his speoc: cs and paniphlt'ts hnd nf.t houn answeiod by anyone -had imt boon tfnichod. Now, though I n(.t fortunate onou-h to bo pivsviit last HOHniou wlion tho linn, ^ontloiiian bo^an his attack, I road the spiM^-luM of my lion, friend Ww Secretary uf Statu (Mr. Scott) and of other aide leeiiiberH of thi.s EIoii«e in reply to tlio hon. i,'ontlo- nian, an Ho takes in one hand 11 list of the expenditures of 1875-(5, and in tho other a list of those of 1870-7 ; and ho rends aloud the several items in each and compares theui together. Does he come to an item in which the disbursements of the latter year exceed by a few dollars those of the former year, he exclaims, Oh, such wickedness ! Ruin and desolation ! Has ho to confess a saving of say .$r)(),On() on the next item, at once he becomes philo-sophical. " Ah 'l reductions are not always sound economy." " Penny wise anii. tjontlo- 1 ho moro lilctH, I ! he becomes d economy." 1 a reduction )f it ! Why, )w, with my , million dis- illion in one it, or how it lort, nothing lace, I think 7 w";;:;^;;:,^:^;^-^:: t:::jz "^*^^ ^-"-"«-n- .>f the great fallacy-shajl F call i a fT ' ^TT^ (Government. On.' underlies all the finanoia aln K^^^ nn«ropres«ntation ?- K.ntleinan. His entire filrirrl/w "'"' ""'"""it ions of the hon ■^•-''•Haid-s '^.v^nient' rrr,o;;'i i;; ';'■? m"' ""^ ?•• •^"'>'-"' '•"""t«y only up to .'{Oth .luni ' s:' I , '»/''" expenditure of th e are n.Hp„nHil,ie f,,.,„ t,iat daf'e Hnl h^ \''T''"^ '''•^"'■'•'""^ ■Sir J- hn Maod..nald's (^.vern lu^.t „ L /'''' '\- r.^' ' ^^''^^ ^hat t '.4t in \i,ril \HTi 1- /."'"*'•' ""'"t^'i'iti NoveMdu.i- I M7'< f'ill f^.r Hie ^n in '«;:.;:;;, ;::;:''■-''* P-r-l --1 oanied ;t Sum d^ i'".' on ;{ .Juno liVn lit ."S?r" '^' n' •^"'>'' '■^^•^' '-'' ' '^ ate in that year, knd Ld ti.vhutT'" ^'"^'"'•"""?"^ ^""k •'"'"« rained hy their -s a a. ted ii^VT '''" ';'■"«'•-'""« l)efore tlio elections wore (nor 3 >'.''"'' Y f'lH lament ; an.l that the financial ye .r wa. lea it d e Ti;e"T: .f""''' /," "^""'' '^«-'' povernment is responsible for t "xp.'.^t IV'^JV 'r • ^''^' '"•^'«""* terous ami mendacious that it i< un I ''*"* " "' Pi-^I""'- found to sot it up for a m n e t Whv if ""•^' T\^^'"'" ^^"'•''' ''« .laring as to do this, and t. di t to i>^ '„ , "' '" "" ^""- Sonthuvu, so common sonso I Why sim dv 1 ' ?i ^ ™-''«"i>''t it, i,. defiance of acti.jn in 187.3.1 c.a^, e^il S^drro" l^t^^ ^^'^^T ""' ^^^-"t'-' *'"■ '^'""i"i<'n. The Maed. II rv ?•''.''• *''," ""'"''-'i'^l nflairs „f climax of its reckless a irtit;:^ '" *''f >f^^ •^'''^'P-l «- been weighed down by the press mof „ « '"""^^>' '^^« ''^"'- «i"ce left asale-acy to its su JssZ tL it T'"^^^^^^^ f-rmod in I8i;7 and con nd -d H,/i 1 1 '''.•'''"•''''' ^'•»^'«'-nment was I«r4; let us see then how he nntlS- ""'"^^ ""^il :5"„ of $3,708 :300 And to 'V ""' ''""'' "^' ^""^^"*^»« '^^''''ti- -o«e, and how' nS^ht hte G ""r'^ '"'" *^>« -«* "— « I>ave taken from the pCbHc tcouT"" "''"' '"^""^'''^ f^'" '*' ^ of expenditure in the ^ isratdTsT^^'^^ '"^^ 'f '""^^ ^*- •low read them .- ^^'^"* respectively, and will Interest 1872-3 5,107,205 ciSrgea of' nianagcment of debt. . .. 172,981 Sinking Fund 40/,»-b Discount, Exchanged -''''" Subsidies to Provinces Civil flovenunent Administration of Juatnc Police Penitentiaries Legislatiiin ... f.oi ( J(H,logicid Survey. . . . . -^ • •.• • '*> ^^' Arts. Agriculture and Statistics. . . ^^0. WO Census •. o'uv'ifia Emigration and quarantine A'T^ Marine Hosi.itals *»'^J^ Pensions vVo26 •=">»"'^*'°'' 1,248,G(!3 2,021,309 750,874 308,9()6 49,813 270,6til 614,487 Super; Militia 1 -,a7f;i4 Public Works ^■■■., ^'S Von Ocean and River Steam Service. . . 4.A 1 J" Liglithou.seK i)7 878 lucr. Deer. 515,231 65,022 10(!,094 21,017 831 358 132,811 .. (iO,07l ■•• 0,574 142,890 lG9,5f;i 38,183 8,401 39;470 18.096 318,572 31,204 6(!,4(>2 18,312 5«,4o8 7,249 64,442 11,410 .. .... 977,376 271.287 1,820,001 228,387 --^ 407,701 48,489 537,057 56,682 1873-4 5,724,436 238,003 513,920 26,681 3,752,757 883,685 456,037 56,387 395,551 784,048 97,824 19,091 76.247 10,292 21,631 2,974 63,849 Fisheries . Steamer Inspection... Insurance Inspection Miscidlaneous fiq'777 Indian (Imnts. ^^'^^ Dominion Lands. ..^.....^... UTSfiR Dominion Forces, Manitoba 147,.it)» Moujited Police, N. W N . W. Organization Boundary Snrvey, U.S.. B.mndary Survey, Ontario Military Stores Custonis refunds former years Settlers' Kelief, Mauit(d)a ■- -- ^^^toins • ']l{jo'^ Excise ■•• Weights & Measures Inspection of Staples Adulteration of food co'fiiw CullingTimber l^;^- Post-Ofhce i\io-,lS-. Public Works ^'*-b!-,°:o Minor Pa-venues. Tot.l . .m.mM^ 23,316,316 4,141,669, 3-3,.3B9 , can «,e „«e„«on „Uhe ^^l^i^^^:-^^ Th.ttSS hy this cnnipimsc 11 ,-Fu«t, th.rt mu oi iiio „ere largely in- Ihc eutiro expeu.liturc „£ 'l-'^y^'.^^'^fA'e .unpaid fortll-e Lne 102,160 146,668 283,163 209,169 199,159 12,262 89,293 2,430 114,906 69,330 658,299 206,935 82,886 1,387,270 2,889,679 38,311 82,291 45,487 61,801 199,159 12,262 79,293 2,430 144,006- 69,330 '90,533 35,230 13,894 319,404 893,494 22.263 11,371 10892 creased by the U.te Government f 7,-";^,^^ in^^L^Ton t e e thi ty- service the l>-vio"s year ; ^^^^'^^^^^^ ^^^^^ six three items ^^"^^.^[iff^^^^^^^^^ the net increase of expen- itema of expenditure to fcTZ^.-itiJ. ^'^^'Z:lk^\r^ . „„.! third, that the diture in that one year to have ^een ^3^768 300 , and ^t^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ great mass of the increases were of such a character that they S have been reduced by the incoming Administration. Id And as illus- Deer. t > { I 18,096 I '2 II 6 . 271,287 7 . 48,489 ,2 ,*'. 21,fi31 .. 2,974 11 )\ ^7 n 59 S2 93 30 06' 30 33 ".. 30 m '.'. 104 t94 ... 10892 169, 373,369 jstablished, t constitute 3 largely in- n- the same hese thirty- niaining aix ,e of expeu- rd, that the , they could \nda8 illuH- 9 ^^^^^h:1:'Z''^^ '^''"^ r^--'^«t -« -au to the d:ti.,ns to existin^sa lario, flfnf "' ci-ea ions of new offices and ad- Gover„n.ent in tl.^; LT-t^^^^^^^^^ A. MacdonalA and wldle already in fhi tlir es . f ,hL i *^ >vere ojocte.i horn office, otticial return, and I fa i t ,",,"'"*'""• , \ ^^•^^'' i" '"y l^'^n^' the fewer tlian du new anno hi nZ ' ''^••^"/laous circumstances no oHiees alone, with LaS'aS^ T^'.^o? ^22 91^^^'^^^"-"*^' iiiid that additu.ns were m-ul.. i„ *i, ^■i'i'i,\)4n per annum ; J..!H1 CMnployeesint^,evZl)<,n, r •^^"'"«^- *" the salaries of ""•"""• The annu e.f r^^^^^^ amounting to $152,;io() per a>"ounted to the enurnn ,s smn ilTn J^, . '' '''''''' trai.sactions -e^t^n n.ore than ten ."H.^^^^ir d;!^^/"^ ^ S: --J IJepartmeiit. !,>,.„• i. » -(ipponit- Increases. Totnl nient.s. novenior-Oenerars Office ^"" 4'",*- ^"- ^mt. No. Amt. ';nvy Council ~ ^'J- 3 350 3 350 Secretary of State .V. A , ' » 6 820 7 1,520 'ul.1,0 Works oo ot'-'^ ^ '-^'-'^^ 1« 6 340 ■"^'ice ; :^ :M>40 171 lt),(i74 i9y 40,620 '"^•:"">- ■■.:.■. ;f 'Mi^, ii i.7«o 86 79.560 ' "*n ^* ^.of.O 41 18,050 A^Miuiilture ," „J'\'l'*^ ' l.'iOO 9 2 800 I'o^tOffice ^-'^ 2],M0 49 »,02.'-. 208 30 925 77 36,020 311 22,220 388 58 240 Totals.. ~z: — ! ^''^ =^--'^^3 1381 152,350 2010 475,293 <1- ST ^e' M^dZld i;r*'"?n-'"^' ^"•^•■--^ ^^ -^-y were M^- odium of th «e tr^/ 'T''*''*'''"--^"*/" '''^''' ^^ throw audaciously representsthLr s s^ onST";"!! t ''-'W ^"""^•"^" after the Ist of July, 1873 inS. f fi . of the Domi,;^^!^,^'^ ''JS?()S- o'f ' /'" 1^"'^^^^ *l/,yi7,410— or a nett,. I) r * il.^F'^^^'^'*^^' ''^^s assets "gnres show how thetb't ttJ::;ii^l^;;i:^ ' '''^^ ^'^^^^-^ ■Tuly, 1867 «9To4fit*i ^i^^^f"*^- Nett Debt. July, 1808 96 896 6)4 ^o '?''''* '"^ $75,728,641 July, 1869 ■.■■■ll2 3of'9i8 ?<^'n^'^'^i 75.757,135 July, 1870 1 5'Si'?n« t'-B^^^ 75.859,319 July, 1871 5'492'«S ?^'t5^*^* 78,209,742 July, 1872 122lS??Q ^H^^'^^^ 77,706,517 July, 1873 1307%nQ« t^'^^o^'^^^ 82,187072 July, 1874 4?'M? l^'t^l'^^^ 99,848462 141,163,651 32,838,586 108,324 965 ma 10 It will be seen from these figure" th-t ig t^^^-fi-^^.^^J/^S^^^^^^ Macdonald Ministry's existence, the nei , „„,! ,vhat it had ever but t^Tt in the sixth year it rose J^'500,0(X) ej.^^ ^^^^^ ^n,70(),()00 been l-efore ; that in the seventh ^^^^^ ^*;^^;\^\;a that in l873-4-for be Mul the high point uf the prev^o^ yeu ^ ^^ .^^^^^ ^^^ i.try re- llJich the hon. ^-"Jl^-^yr:! t>t than the -voUen figures o Bponsible-it rose ^,*>UO,000 stUl Pieman, " what the public 187'2-;3. "Behold," exclaims the 1^' ' ^f"j j {^r^, when the Mac- le.; and the annual expemhture w^o in J^ly,^^^ .l.niald (Joverninent J-^'^^^f^^^ZZ placing on the shoulders o brought them tc, m July, 18a ■ //V^^^^^^^^ed f 1^^^^ ^^'e.^''^, no nuuuier responsible^ annual expenditure for ^'^l ^m^^'S.^'i^^' re>tson than even these I Bnt the hon. gentleman had a stm sU o . ^^^^^ .^ ^ j.^^ ^^ ^ , llSs-r^^MlS^"" '^ ^^- when they came into l^'*''"' •'" $43,800,000 10,000,000 30,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 4,500,000 I'. IV 1. uiu.v>.j. o' 500000 Jl;p^;:;Sts,si^'i--- ■•;••••■;■;;;.;::::;:::: j>)^ A'^^''''"='' $9G,000,000 1 >vf.,l^incrs the new Ministry 1„ addition to V^-^«-riSi^:;ortS:g hniuediately, for found «^:55,0()0,OOU of Public 1^^'' '^ *' ;-'^^,,,ie by tlieir predecessors. which no provision ^vha es^r had b^ n ma le^^ J^^ ^^^^ expenditures And yet, with the P^^f^ff,^,;: ^^^^^^^L his own friends ; that they were forced on the "^^\\' .f ' "fla ' por the works begun , could not escape fr.mi executing '\' '^^'. / ^^ture must consequently S^ that the public debt ^^ ^^t^^Z^,^ ventures to speak be crreatlv increased thereby ; the »^ ". »; . ^ ^he present Oovern- 'tttt increase as a heinous crime on^^^ ^1^ ^^^^, ,, the ment and demnnices theu ^ ' | ^tions rest on groundless pre- the present Mnustry took ' 'f ', ^ ^"''i., ,f their reign for which t b i^^ir SU :^ tJ^;:^Ahlic Debt, on .st July last (Jauals ; Interculuuial Railway .... Pacitic Kailwiiy ... •■ N. S. and N. B. Railways P. K. 1. Hallway Mincn- works. the uett debt was.. _ -^ On 1st July, 1874, it was .$i;j8,208,699 ,. 108,324,969 Total increase J 24,883,735 X, ,v „„e.Uo,. at on« ames. Kow this gre.t inorea,e occurred 1 We^d Tml tad anotiic..! r«,.r,. «,al ...Ivc, Aat h- I of the )0,000 ; lad ever 700,000 3-4-for isti-y re- gures of t> public he Mac- len liava aiders of ;8,30O of poiisible. II these I engage- ;anie into t3,800,0OO l0,000,00O {0,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 4,500,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 (<)(5,000,O0O r Ministry iately, for idecessors. penditures that they •ks begun ; nsequently :9 to speak nt Gcjvern- tiole of tho ndless pre- 1 placed on Lt the time the results u for which it July last «i:W,208,699 108,324,960 .$ 24,883,735 Lse occurred ! Lat question 11 w.thin lialf a million of .Inlh .^,/th/f~" '"'" "^ f-^4,3Gl,920, or Items : ' '^'"^ "^ *'ie encu'e amount. Here are the <'IIAU(;KA)tLK TO <'A1'ITAI,. St. Tiawrence Ciinals \veii;u,a ('Miiai ;;;;;; $2,1.33,761 Ottawa Works 4,81(;,56'n Baie Verte -.lal ],207,6'4S tubhr -u . gs, Ottawa 57(J NovaSro! .-ulN. B. Kailways 71«,156' Inteieolou;., Railway.. 1,204,26'3 i'ncific Kailvay 5,248,509 ^""ce Edward I. Hailway 6,58.3,958 288,«32 IMI'KOVKMKNT OF KIVKKS. St. .Tohii, N. B Ked River, Manitoba...'.',' 13,866 P. ^i^W'-ence, ehain.s and anchors 200 Fraser Kiver, B. C 49,008 Kioheieu River ;. 7,360 Ked Kiver Route 29,234 292,076 VllMAi: BUILOINOS. London Imniigratiou Station . . Hamilton Post-Office, 1,989 loronto Customs House... 7,935 do Savings Bank 138,990 (o Inland Revenue OtHce do l'>xn mining Warehouse 17,889 do office .... 223,3;J8 r{lT^''\ ^»» :...'.'. -',933 Ottawa Post-office .... 5,339 (Tros,se Isle Quarantine Station Iti0,218 IhreeRiver Custom House.. 16,029 ^Hontieal Post-office 7,981 M.John, N.H., Post-office'.;; 212,4()0 lictou Custom House.. . 109,884 Alamtoba do 24,780 p . .'^** l*eniteutiaiy.'.'. 72,6,54 l.ntish Columbia Public Buiid'inirs 136,140 ^ 166,963 HAKKi.t KS AND I'IKRS. Collingwood Meaford 267 Inverhuron .....' 8,502 Kincardine.... 5*00^ I> . , ,, "j ^''O lort Albert 18,857 r'f"f'', 6,000 tortStanley 252,886 ' obourg s if;s 'i- He i,,j2o 10,292 12 HARBOURS ANU vivMH—Contimfd. Kingston Toronto Owen Sound Baytield Chantry Island Kondeau Shunnonville Saguenay Baie St. Paul Batlmrst, N.B Ricliibucto Dipper St. Jolm Petitcodiac Hillsboro' Macraie's Cove Tracadie Liverpool Mabou Yarmouth Oak Point Ingonish ,' ■;.',■,•' Porta George and William.. . Cow Bay • ;"Vi Salmon River and Plympton H Big Pond Maitland arbour Total. $10,647 '20,919 9,240 4l,51(i 138,981 30,9()r) 2 992 15,085 3,876 28,411 12,'23:) 141,369 1,194 1,500 5,004 7,564 26,831 12,176 1,000 20,042 78,668 5,000 80,115 1,200 500 1,061 $24,S61,921 S„ .hen. i< U>e PnMie ^^^Zl:^ J^^^^^^^ years of the present m/ime, it %vas "'^^'^^y^^^ and it for Public Works left to thein as ^^^ ^^^, ,{ those predece.- is not surely from the ips of the fneiids ^^^J "^ «j ^Yie Public Debt ; sors that reproach for it should come f^ "Jjf | J^^^i Expenditure, and now let us see how rt has ,;^\^'\^Vif,X comparative state- during the same three years T ^'^'^ '. /" ™[„ theyear 1873-4, (the last -,,..nt of the several terns of f^f^ " ,Vr87G-7, (tl^e last y^ar of the year of the late Ministry) and in ^^^^ ^f,^^^ \^i, J ^ far from finding present Ministry of which ^7^\7,«,,!^f;X^n" <^^^^^^^ ^he facts it dis- just cause of denunciation of the "'fu low m pov ^^^ ^^.^^ iloses, Ifind only grounds ot \^^l"\^ "^*^^:^^t t^^^^^^ with so tight a hand, and «weable to 'f ^^^ ^'^^^^^/^^i^'^Lreasing popula- so reasonable a compass. l^JP^^J^^/, .^^/^^ttrSension of' civilized tion, tlie opening ^lp of "^^J . e^^^J/.^^J^; the admission of Prince govenruent into many ;:f '"f ^^,!; ^' ' i'^^u'ense public works going Edward's Island into the Co"^^^^^^!^^'';^"' //""Sailing large additional on from the Atlantic to '\^^';'^l^^li^,^ieu.^^^^^ that annual burdens, and many ^'^^JJ "'"S Retu™ shows that large were not borne by their Predecessors, this Ketun ^^ ^^^ reductions were effect^ed on the ^rdm^S^^^^S^^^^ driven from trasted with those of their opponents in the year tney ^v office. Here is the statement :— 810,647 20,919 9,240 41,51(5 1158,981 30,965 2,992 6,065 15,085 3,876 28,411 12,239 141,369 1,194 1,500 5,004 7,564 26,831 12,176 1,000 20,042 78,668 5,000 ; 80,115 1,200 500 '. 1,061 124,361,921 11 the three of contracts jors" ; antl it )se predeces- uhlic Debt ; Ixpenditures rative state- J-4, (the last t year of the 'rom finding ■ facts it dis- eld the reins tures within sing popula- of civilized n of Prince works going e additional besides that xa that large tures as con- j driven from 13 T . . 1873-74. Interest... . |5, 724, 436 Uiarges on debt 238,003 Sinking fund 573920 I^'J*^?""* 26,680 ^"^'.f •«'« 3,752 757 Civil Government 883,685 A.lm. of Justice 459,037 '"'^'^:«-v ••• 50,387 Feiutent.aries 395 551 Legislation -34048 ( . 97 814 Arts, Ag. and Stat 19 09' f-'ensus... 39*470 Kinig. andQuar ;;.; 3i3;572 Marine Hospitals 66 46'' Pensions ' so' 453 Superannuations " ti4'442 ^^*''*'^- .77,'376 1876-77. 6,797,227 172.454 828,373 24,331 3,655,850 812,193 565,597 11,365 303,168 596,006 95,558 65,767 7,546 353,951 62,408 112,531 104,826 550,451 1,262,823 462,335 471,278 96,348 13,073 7,512 105,507 301,596 90,521 29,969 Inc. 1,072,791 314,'453 106,560 46,676 35,379 I'ublic Works 1 8.7g'^i Ocean and Kiver Steam Service '407!701 Lighthouses 537 057 fisheries 76 247 Steamer Inspection 10*292 Ins. Inspection ' Miscdiai,eous .....'::;;;.;■;;;;;;::; '"io2,'-i(io Indian Grants 146,068 foniinion Lands 283 163 Domiiiion Forces, Manitoba!."'..' 209! 169 -^ w> Mounted Police N.W 199159 3^:7?9 JN . W . Organization !"> 26" Boundary Survey, U.S. . ..! ! . !!! 79,'293 .'.' ! Do. Ontario 2430 Military stores ! i44'9^ !";!!'** Lus. refunds 69 330 Settlers Relief, Manitoba ! ' J;>j°™' "fi58;299 ■y2i:6o'4 Weights'andMeasures!!!!!'- ^^^'^^^ fn'iS Inspection of Stanles 648 4,903 68,171 1,705,311 2,351,832 20,181 56,078 40,384 54,634 2(),'l6i 2,781 7,512 3,347 155,528 Dec. 54,459 "'2,349 96,907 71,492 45,622 92,383 188,042 2,256 31,924 4,054 426,925 563,178 65,"? 79 153,500 192,642 179,200 12,262 79,293 2,430 144,906 69,330 ispection of Staples Adulteration of food Culling Tiinber V.;.!! ' ' ■82;886 P."f,-.°^,f •; 1,387,270 lubhc Works 2,389,679 Minor Itevenues jj 371 63,305 5,778 111,085 648 4,903 sisioii 8,810 14,716 38.847 $23,316,316 123,519,301, were-''"' '''^^^''" ^^""^ *^^ ^"*""*' expenditures of the Dominion In the year 1876-7 «2, .,„ om Ana in 1873-4 $-^3,519,301 23,316,316 Increase in three years But this increase was merely nominal $202,975 fact a large There was in m-7 in c( tervening three years money had to be Son S?? f ' ^""*^'«"']We expenditur; of 1876-7 in comparison with mat ot 187.^-4. During the intervenn^ thrfio v«. ~' f 1 14 borrowed to pay fur the vast -l'li«'^ti-»V"'^*''''l'''"!^.l?iu^ 'the^eai- erinnont and intoreat on the m-- .^Xn within $202,U8r) of what they sl...«l at in bs..5-4. I »«P'Y 3} f Invicti^.n that the people of liave suicere cause of thankful- nS;^Lt men are al thlhelm in ^--dilliculttnues ^d.,have™^^ and Btiength to hold it with so turn a grasp. But Mi. TVlacpheison riot satisHe.1 with this re.luctiou of nearly two m.liumM of dollars, lie uroS still--and he attempts to make some special points o^olijlSlm which, with the leave of the House, m;w pn^ to examine xn-hdim. The objection he makes I have •dua.a} nX^ncid ".tally, namely, that the Public Accounts of 18<0- 77 were mt correctly made' np^ that he has stnmg «-i;^^-» ^^ ,^ ountswere kept li m order to ^--^ ''^^if-;:"';^ "JiJ;;^^^^ than the truth wouhl warrant. Now, 1 repeat that it «. < "".srli u n s liable on the part ..f the lion, gentleman to send abroa.l such a inshuiation nnlessSie was prepared to formulate his cliai-ge s.. h t could be met promptlv and decisively; an. I I call np.;n the horn ^nlnantoriL n.Jw and state clearly - -^ ^^ <;':;;X:f;,^;:^i^;; the facts, wh., are the criminals, and move tor a ^^^^^^^^ ^''^^"^^ into the truth of his Loud cries of Heai, htai . ) r . es he Ion .'entlenian understand the gravity of his charge? Does herst 'a eThe^etlect on the creditof the country of a public statement b; a 11 ber of this Chamber that the Pubic Accounts have been falsitie.l ' Will it be kn..wn, as is well kn..wn in every coinei that the men who compose the present Government are it may, is a foul and groundless slander. Mr. Macpherson-1 tol.l the House what 1 had heard, and hear.l rep(^atedso fre-iuently that I ha.l strong reason *;' ^'^''.^^^ly ; , ' 'JJ' it was not in the power of a Committee sitting 111 Dttawa to get at the facts, so systematically and so persistently was the thing done. Mr. Brown -Well, then, 1 repeat that for an lion, gentleman ol the experience and positi.m of the h.m. member to inake such a statemuit here without being prepared to prove it, is entirely unwarrantable. Mr. Macphkrson— It is the North-west accounts I refjr to. Mr Brown—I do not care what accounts the hon. gentleman re- fers to Let him tell ns whose acc.mnts they were, an-l who it was that systeniatically kept them back, and what he is prepared to prove 1 16 late Gov- tlio year to be pai. \V liy, lu' is oldigc'd to admit a large reduction, but ho says, " as far as he can see, after i..oking tiirough it, the whoU^ of the reduction is ui nianiiai labor. The salaries are not in the least altered ; thercluction is all on wages. And how else could it be? The hon. Senator know.s well that in cairyiii" on great national works a regular stali\.f skilled men must be always retained, and that when the lack of work or lack of reveniie compels reductions the etl'ect must fall hrst on the supernvnneraries. It is easy to till an oi'.ler for labourers, but you cannot easily get up iin laiicient staH' i>i skilled overseers and foremen. Does the h48 151,471) e said that ere were no been syste- Lhis though Luy acofiunt lent. yourself to cannot be- — and here 560 on that regretted ; fc, Irom the p which the 17 Dominion Government had under the Act of Confederation no control • and second from the establishment of the Supreme Court of the Do' nnn.on which was anticipated at the Union, which waurKenti; :X^^'!:'irt:!l'!lL'^J^ .i"n.pnjdence of the whole I^S^ and had been too long deferred. VV e all recollect how often the late .overnment promised thi.s measure to the country, and as o te n o t! '..nen . from sheer want of tirmnoss to deal with it. By ev ery G v • ..nient by every prominent politician, and by every lead n^jur I ..absolute necessity for a Supreme Dominion Court has been aim ted I nd f a.u ama.c,l that the hon. gentleman ventures tocondemn i Tl « .;; .• gontkman's next complaint is as t.. the ii.crease.l expe se of tl e l« .1-4, and that any increase should have been necessary is undoubt hla'nd Vn'tStl:'- ''- ' t '""1' I"' ''—'--' that P^inL E^i IS a 1.1 in the three years interval has joined the Union, an.l that her men;'''"r. '''••!'"'"""* V'' '\^' "'''"* '" '^' ''^"""'^1 -'^t'of the Depart cut. (,ieat changes, too, have occurred on the Upper Lakes and f l-i n/'' "'" North-west and the Pacific coast, rendering needf ,1 fhcient arrangements for protecting the Customs revenue. Then to t must be kept in mind that we have had for some time i^^t 'very m .. . / "' T^ }}'"^ ''"'■'"« ^''^^ P«"^'f'« «-^treme vigilance is de- a iided from the Customs Department, smuggling showii. itself tt uch times in its most daring attitude.s.' The enonmms sSi k . i n the value.s of, too, must have demanded constant watchfulness aj cSrt ,.? r"-"t f e under-valuation of importations-^ai d u.ul.lnnt be done without extra expeim). Hon. gentlemen onnosite tve had much to say of late about Canada being^made a slaightr maiket for foreign; but what wrmld they not have said had without the ch)sest inspection by efficient officers ? ^ Mr. MA,THKii,soN-What of the Montreal Custom House ? Will the hon. gentleman say nothing ab..ut the .Iccline of revenue and the increase of expen.liture there ? ^^^nnt ana tne Mr. Bkown-I am glad the hon. gentleman reminds me of that \\ hat one place loses another place gains ; aiul I notice that th<.ugh the revenue at Montreal went down, at Toronto it went up I cann..t pretend t., judge as to the exact strength of staff necessary to be ma,ntaine.l at Montreal-but probably the customs authorities antict pate an early recovery from the severe commercial depression that has unhappily ex.ste.l at that pomt-and with that a corresponding recvery of ( ustoms revenue. It was of the Montreal Customs House, I thin/ that the hon. gentleman venture.) to speak as a " sink of con-uption." He said that the Customs Department of the United States was rotten to the core, but it was not worse than we had here. Mr. Mm:pherson-I spoke of the New York and Bost<,n Custom louses. Iheso are the only Custom Houses in the United States I know anything about. Mr be that as it may, it was utterly unwarrantable .>f the hon. gentleman to apply such words as he did to the Montreal Custom House as now administered, or to any other public department ot Canada. It was as totally unwarranted as the insinuation of the hon gentleman in regard to keeping back accounts to affect the annual 18 balance which he must have known was a direct impeachment of the integrity of the Auditor General. Mr. Campi.eix-1 think it was not with roRpect *" l<«W^^f:^, of accounts by the GovornmtM.t ; it was with roforcnco to accounts ni th. NoHh-weJt-certain purveyors who had s,,ont largo -;•-;;-;-; and of whnni the hon. Bonat<.r had hoard they had kept back thoir acc'.unts! It is not the accounts tho Au.iitor had anythn>K to do with. * u f Mr. BitowN-The hon. gentleman must not attempt to put that, colovn- on tho charge now. It is too late. Mr. Ma(THERSon-I stated it at the time ; I di•'"""'""' "^ posHildy know about the n t^or ° '"'"• 8«idleman may »- to tell that h ^ i,M,r t ?:^nHn rti.^T"" « -^"-^^S^vhy did ■•"" ' ' ^' ■ ■• ^ »-« were ni entire opposition to the ofHcial Hssuine-lnu.n ts,an,Uo;rtKrb.'''1 "^ "''!"i«rati<,n on his own '^'^Pita of each innuign nt ^ e esult Tf'^h «' ''"•' "? "" ''''' ^""• hon. gentleman willbo seen" v th« f II nian.pulation by the gentleman's staten.ents and tl ? ofci. 1'' ?7"^ ^""^T*^ "^ the lion And first as to the annuai'nlt"rxpSri^?<;;":;^;lt .^•■'''•^'"^"*- expen( ^fr. Mdcphcrson. IS^'f $277,368 Stfi 302,770 J87fi:?;:::..:::;:::;:::::;:::;:^««:«^7..... And now aa to the cost per capita :— Official Return. $296,R17 241,600 228,077 110,670 Mr. Maephcrson, 1872-3... « •? T/! 1874-5 ;•; ^8oo" 1875-6 .;:;•; ^^J?' 1876-7 ^^ "•*•• Official Rfhim. jrj 90 8 82 8 85 ■ 4 08 e hon, hf m . gonta^irS-rfrfrttT^ T^*" ^he Minister ..fAgrirnltu^reyesterdav^^^ ^y ^^^ "«.». Public Accounts. M^ staten enS !r« '*^f . ''»t"'''>ly "PPosed to the Public Accounts. Se hon JLitf Pr?f a" '^"u ^""^^^mity with the figures were n.^orr^'TZ^TZ^^^:^^ was nicorrect. H IT.-. "^^ fiffures includc Mb. PELLETiER-But not in your statement. Mr. BBOWK-The hon. gentleman incurred a serious responsibility r 20 >hinK^vc Khali have to "» '^S''"^,^^^.;^^^^^ ^o Rot t,„t h,..H.,f.Mo 4..0U0 ;'^ 2-;;:;; :\i:, ;;;:i,;«oncy exists.>i.'t, .specially fnon the ■-?;,^l- :^^'^ , , ' ' ^ „ ..uaf.r'B the hon. «ent en,.-.. '>Pl»'"'*|' ' . / '' V;\^,V. 42 o Manitol)a la.ul «",•- that' You have vcluced the H,.iveyH »>y tl''\V\';''' m th-Tt o l^:;no,..y * Von will stop them "-J >-- /^^ ;:f|f ^ ^ / i;!;.^ ii bo a saving f Au-l .f a„y -;;•;• ^^^ '"\ ,, ^ i, «.. hanl Mach.nal.l G.-verninent) ^'^^. '"^.fi'^'-'r* ;,\, '' J ',^^^^^^^ the Lnourable present Government it was ^: 8,;.0/. An.l '''^JlJ^^'^Y ' •, " ^ar t.. di.l Uecn.e ahout it to be «« o ^ell • .U-Mh.^^ e^^^ me a very large snm, and so V^'^I'^^TL o t e c tt e r ^f thi Depurt- ,vnd aske.l an explanation ol i from 'I « '^, , J'^JXran I 1 am sure ^nlu^i "1"; Ulat^in BT4^ there .ere «- <.n..ters^ ;^^^^^ O,'-! cries of hear, hear.) It so I'-'^PI''^' V''^^^ J^ ^.^^^J'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Telegraph Company was. le aye, .> l;-fj,f j * * ^ ^ ^ed ", 1^^^ it had, of fur the year were olused bet oie it coui.i oe ^-^^i"; ' correction ,«.„, P2,107 1874-5 ;■.'. li)',4'2I 1875-6 ifi'oKK 1876-7 ^^'"^^ There is another charge that the hon. gentleman preferred against the I^Tmin^^traitrn, and it is the last left f— nsideration 1 re^^loU^ Transaction known as the Intercoloni. : > r.-ense Account-and a veiy charge* rhn fir«t li.nowH- , wo got militia •ivv lH7:i- !V IH'illlC- |iiy thirt : , by this cy exists, luul <>Ill>- oiiriicstly tiiiiuMl in Wm tem- iiiilii^niint DMiints fts seiiator'H land sHV- s there in is that that, too, 1 sht)ulurt- 1 am 8\ire hears that raphinfj; in- ed. (Loud 1.i\l of the ut accounts I it had, of H correction of the tele- ition to the ah diftbnrse- loW8 : 07 •26 '21 :55 I against the [ refer to the — and a very 21 p!^ir::!^i!^.SaV:i::^^^^ n. 50.000 .>n, Hll wanted f.,, that n J, ^o, "' „ ./uhT"' T^ "" '^»-. wore m, "X'ney wa. paid, and of cnrMo w, t at • '*"\*" T^''^"^ '^""'""t- 'H.o So f,w aa the .anh in ooncer ,' ? T. \v , "T ',','*" V^" '*"''''" Accounts the ho.: .S.nato, ,|„..„..,.t ,1^^ „" ^vln l'"'".''- /'''''' "^"tement of of the PnM,.' Accounts ; „ulv h! u I c^ ^ V i" '*"''^' '"• ^''e accuracy y'7'' of Uovenne and Kxp ,^ii , f^^;:' " "«^'^''« the balance of hj '^•<'«?r for this iror<,.Md itu ritor... \"''':''''^ was opend in the '•'••t.onH of it wen. ap,. d t.rv crvic., 'm'*' '*'■'' ^'^"'''- As f«st as 'I'e cap, al account and . J to fh e « ' ' ' ' '■" ""'' ".t was d,!ly^..e.litod t U oS;Jit \^T "^ *•"''' ''^^-""1 thi eliargcul to the Intercolonial J{a vav In i^-l''!/''^' "'"" '"'''•"""* '"'d w;;rethn« obtaine.l and re- la \en tele f ''¥''" f ^'^'^ ''^^» *-!'^,d82; an.l in 187(;, ^^15 ^,h,, " '" i^deicuhuual track ; in 1875, «"i;i'<.8ed .lesirable that the," huu \l" ' T ' ""»'«rstand it, it was Jiad been dune before. It va« , , , 1 " ''"'y^''' 'I'lantity usJd than •'/ the road should be d i<7 ^^ ^'''* ''"''^ ;'^''^"-'''''" that\s ,,,« ^ ■'•'"•'I'Ul.ey adhere t,/tl,o;^,; of 'T ' '•'"' '!'" ''"««l<"" oa .eC rate of ^■M),mO a year or eh .v A ''•^'f «"'i»' "'e Interccdonia at th ', wante.1 in oAe yeaJ a^Un tt^^^ ^ 111 '^ f '^*'""*^ "^ "-' ^^'^^wt l->'- Now this .ledsion of th^ Depart ?..;;?'' T''''^*' ''^'^ ^^^^^^^ 't may have been wro,,., • that I'scMt^, 1 '"'^yhave 1 on rii/ht. or -'wn pait I think it was he t srH l ^ '' '"'^tter of opnuon ; In-'Z erco onial Railway acco,, Is uT m Sshed'*'^; *" 'f^' ^ ''«" ".e K hut the cost of n,aintai,,i,,git ^iJ I '^' '"^""^'' '^ i« "'>t desirable un the facts justly de,na,id. It irwell kn " ']">V"."r« "i'-' ' a,lway Co. charye three Kui,,l;^; .f/^" '''^V'"' ^'■^"" ^^««ter.! fteel ra,l they put upon the track-' vv*/",.^!' "'^i'.'^'^' ^•^"••"t "' every Trunk Co,npany oh.u^ u.e^who.e o/X 'steUl r 'y"^^' '''' "'" ^^-' ' ''^- k ;|';'^»t ; limt Act was passed by the House of , • "''"''"y ^^'"^ t'''^ «lialJ be so ' -Hi the hon. gentlcnan I,imsSt rtcvf foTlf"" ""' ''^' ^'"^ *^' "-- cw':^ SXt^t!;;;^^:;;;:;";^ rt;;^::::.^^^-^' ''^' -'- - "f the House, i„ discussions that Juwe tak!?. /"° *^ •'"• '^'^'« ^^'e dillered from the late Uovern.n^V who t. 1^ ?. lu' *'"" 'i"^''** '»» Railway and held that the rSv,W ; ??,'', '"'^V^'' ^^^^^^^ "vf' f °"W be charged to capital Sunt tI^'.^" i^*^^«'-'»"-^t did not h.dd that ; and what iL been Ze o^^v.'! .^f «f, *h' Hou.e axcic cui.iprouuse between the two nTan« " i^'®,^"J^'^''<=Oi" revenue ! Mr. Brown- -The hon. gentleman is lighting a shadow. V\ hat difference dues tliat make I , , ■, , Mr. MACPHEKSON-lt is evident that $543,000 worth of ravU have been used in renewals, which acconUng to the r««;;l"^'J" ."^ f^^^ ^ eminent really should have been charged to revenue Instead ot on"y l200,()0(?is charged, and the balance is put as a blind in a suspense account. i uuv i " AlR BROWN-The h.Mi. gentleman should not use that word blmcl. U ^v^ s perlctW straightfonvard, ami was fully explamed ni the Public \cc.n n s Sumittce. I admit the hon. gentleman may hold the opinion ilatSe rails having been handetl over to the '^^-J-J;;;- ^^^^-^ the full amount should have been entere.l against t^at C) "p.m>. B t the Intercolonial Railway belongs to the people of <-'"''^'1'^;t"^^ J^ J ■ire thero-the transfer does not affect the secur.ty^the rails aie as n uch at capi'il account as they ever were- and there is not one single sh 11 ng less to-.lay to meet the public debt than there was before the Is wl-e transfer'red f n>ni one ll.c.lity to another. Vj auyone say h<^t it makes the slightest difference to the ct.vintry whether * ;e ails he in a heap at capital account or lie in the track o - <->-"^^ /^^ ^ ;^; way at Ian Interohmial suspense acc.Mint Had any >;> "^^' '°^" inteiuled, why open a suspense account at all I Why not ! =|ve f * ^« capYtal account is it was/an.l have credited it merely with the usual annual prt^jortion of $200,000 I Honourable gentlemen, I have now gone through the entire charges and objections of the hon. Senator (Mr. Macpherson) ; and I put it to every hon. member of this House whether there is one single item in the of the hon. gentleman's indictment for which the slightest moral reproach can be cast upon the gentlemen on the Treasury benches. Will any hon. gentleman say that one instance has been shown of cul- pable neglect on the part of the Government I Can any hon. gentle- man say that the slightest proof has been given of even thoughtless waste on the part of the Government? Nothing of the kmu has been shown Hon-uraldfi gentlemen, the men who govern this Confedera- tion-be of what politics they may-have no light burden on their shouldc-B, We are eight separate Colonies, brought suddenly together ; 3ssafy td But what n capital ['•<-\i they 3rcolonial iibUc Ac- viped out itity last r. jhition of uue l V. What rails have the Gov- 1(1 of that, a suspense d "blind." ;he Public he opiniou al officer.^, pany. But — the rails ails are as one ain^^lo bofoi-e the le say that ise rails lie nieut rail- ind " been ,ve left the 1 the usual lire charges I I put it to item in the litest moral -y benches. Lown of cnl- [lon. gentle- thoughtless nd has been I Confedera- en on their ily together ; 23 we have a va,t extent of country, stretching from to ocean ; we are of different races, we speak different languag r, we have differ- ent forms o religions faith ; and we are all in the early stages of material an