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Tha laat racorded f rama ov aach microflcha ahall contain tha aymboi — ^>(mi>aring CONTINUED"), or tha aymboi V (moaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. Un daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparattra aur la dar- nlAra Imaga da chaqua microflcha. aalon la caa: la aymbola —*- aignifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola y aignifia "FIN". Tha original copy waa borrowed from, and filmad with, tha kind conaant of tha following institution: Library of tha Public Archivas of Canada IVIaps or platas too larga to ba antiraly included in ona axposure are filmad beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaira film* fut reproduit grAce d la gAnArositA de rAtabllaaament priteur suivant : La bibliothAqua dea Archivas publiquaa du Canada Las cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour fttre reproduitea en un aaui clichA sont fiimAes A partir da I'angle supArieure gauche, de gauche A droite et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaira. Le diagramme suivant illustre la mAthode : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Canada Permanent oan & Savings Coy INCORPORATED, A. D. 1855 OFFICE Company's Buildings, Toronto Street TORONTO Subscribed Capital $3,000,000 Paid-up Capital 2,200,000 Reserve Fund 1,100,000 Total Assets, $7,905,387 " Liabilities, . 4,407,853 Surplus Assets . . $3,497,534 Directors EDWARD HOOPER, President S. NORDHEIMER. Vice-President JOSEPH ROPmSON WM. GOODERHAM A. M. SMITH F. A. BALL B. HOMER DIXON Managing Director J. HERBERT MASON Solicitors JONES BROS, fr MACKENZIE, Bankers in Canada BANK OF TORONTO BANK OF COMMERCE MERCHANTS BANK FEDERAL BANK STANDARD BANK Bankers in Cireat Britain THE CITY BANK, LIMITED, London THE BRITISH LINEN COMPANY'S BANK, Edinburgh (^^ Savings Bank Branch 1'^HE Company receives mont y on deposit, and on all sums remaining three months and upwards, allows interest at four, or four And one-half, per cent, per annum, according to the amount and terms of deposit. Interest begins on the 1st and 15th days of each month, and is c: .nputed up to the 1st day of the month in which the money is repayable. Interest is payal)le in January and July of each year, and if not claimed, is added to the principal and compounded half-yearly. Dkrknturks The Company receives money on debentures at the following rates, viz. : For 5 Years and upwards, 5 Per Cent, per annum. For 4 " under 4^ The debentures are in sums to suit lenders, and have interest coupons attached, payable half yearly on 1st April and ist Octo- ber, at the Company's Office in Toronto, where also the principal when due will be repaid. Interest begins from the day the money If depositetl with the Company. Loans on Rkal Estate The Company advances money on Real Estate securities at current rates of interest, and on favorable terms of repayment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. Information for Invkstors T HE Directors of the Canat'ri Permanent Loan and Savings Company invite attention to the following facts : 1 The Institution has been in operation nearly thirty years, and being the most extensive Loan and Savings Company in the Dominion, a large and successful experience is thus brought to bear upon its business. 2 The paid up Capital and Reserve Fund of the Company, as well as all money borrowed, is invested in Mortgages upon Real Estate, and to a limited extent in Municipal Debentures, and constitute a guarantee fund pledged for the fulfilment of the obligations of the Institution. Depositors and Debenture-holders h.ive therefore the most complete and satisfactory assurance of the absolute safety of their funds. 3 Under the provisions of an Act of the Ontario Legislature, Trustees and Executors nre authorised to invest in the Deben- tu es of this Company. 4 The Company affords a convenient Depository for The accumulation of Savings. For creating Endowments for children. For securing a certain income in old age. For providing a Sinking Fund to meet the future liabil- ities of Municipalities and others. For investing the Endowment Funds of individuals, Corporations, and Charitable and other Institutions. For the investment of trust monies, and the fi.nds of all persons to whom undoubted security and punctuality in the payment of interest are essential considerations. 5 Persons residing at a distance from Toronto, who wish to place money with the Company, may obtain drafts payable to the Manager, free of charge, at any Agency of the Company's Bankers in Ontario. The Company's cheques for payment of interest or for repayment of the principal will also be negotiated l)y their bankers at par. Canvvda Permanent Loan and Savin(;,s Com tan \' 'pHE Einancial Progress of the Company, and its position at 1 the end of each year, may be seen from the following table: A.D. PAID UP CAPITAL LABILITIES. ASSETS. 1855 $31,32707 $31,455 75 $68,798 46 1856 73,61241 5o,9r>2 73 134,821 17 1857 115,00503 50,555 03 186,423 15 1858 157,00241 63,808 30 269,18938 1859 225,184 17 69,171 84 375,452 05 i860 321,218 14 100,730 10 535.25003 1 861 446,220 36 '52,257 12 718,52626 1862 537,519 79 '83,757 39 849,939 '3 1863 664,428 85 228,776 46 1,034,25890 1864 796,643 80 324,790 90 1,284,218 56 1865 961,981 21 337,17268 1,491,628 40 1866 990,349 17 318,11695 1,534,18293 1867 1,013,545 15 426,428 34 1,684,656 58 1868 1,026,603 92 567,15749 1,866,223 82 ib69 1,029,281 30 770,312 73 2,053,444 86 1870 1,244,409 71 747, '63 15 2,284,813 98 1871 ',334,948 54 940,736 49 2,610,792 70 1872 1,402,79087 1,082,446 68 2,870,833 77 1873 1,460,692 55 1,056,415 20 3,(^^3,309 75 1874 1,500,00000 ',337,120 19 3,415,482 94 1875 1,578,32894 ',570,54026 3,780,12695 1876 1,750,00000 2,358,748 91 4,883,473 91 1877 ',999,527 00 2,934,354 ^6 5,900,930 10 1878 2,000,000 00 3,323,062 27 6,355,342 67 1879 2,000,000 00 3,581,406 81 6,669,809 99 1880 2,000,000 00 3,701,526 44 6,853,276 80 1881 2,000,000 00 3,635,14088 6,850,18664 1882 2,000,000 00 4, 102,055 94 7,351,663 62 1883 2,200,000 00 4,407,853 68 7,905,387 56 <iNiH«M il wcasn, ei itiNe stnet mst, touonts.