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 Entered according to the Act of Parliament, in the year one thousand 
 eight hundred and seventy -seven, by 
 In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. 
 •.s'..-. .- 
 ' OTTAWA : 
GJubs in ©anada^ 
 ^^NationaV^ — Bay Street, Toronto. Goldwin Smith, Esq., M.A., 
 President ; Lieiit.-Col. T. C. Scoble, Seoretarj'. 
 ^^ St. James ^^ — Corner of Dorchester and University streets, 
 Montreal. W. H. Kerr, Esq., Q.C.,^President ; John Brown, Esq., 
 Secretary and Manager. 
 " Stadacona " — Corner of St.^Anne street and Esplanade, Quebec , 
 Hon. D. E. Price, President ; Henry J. Pratten, Esq., Secretary. 
 ^^ Halifax — 152 and 154, Hollis street, Halifax. Robie Uniacke, 
 Esq., President ; H. W. Johnston, Esq., Secretary. 
 " Toronto " — York street, adjoining Rossin House, Toronto. 
 Hon. William Cayley, President ; Major Draper, Hon. Secretary. 
 " Rideau " — Wellington street, facing Parliament Buildings, 
 Ottawa. J. M. Currier, Esq., M.P., President; Robert Sinclair, 
 Esq., Secretary. 
 " Carleton " — Dufferin Bridge, facing Eastern Departmental 
 Building, Ottawa. T. D. Harinoton, Esq., President ; Edward 
 Waldo, Esq., Secretary. 
 " U. £." — King street west, Toronto ; A. B. Campbell, 
 Esq., Resident Secretary ; Alfred Boultbeb, Esq., Corresponding 
 ^^ Hamilton^' — Corner of James and Main streets, Hamilton. 
 Edward Martin, Esq., Q.C, Chairman of Managing Committee ; F. 
 W. Gatbs, Esq., Secretary. 
Table of €!ontents 
 A Full Alphabedeal Index will be found on the last paga of the 
 I. — His Excellency the Governor-General and Staff; the 
 Queen's Privy Council for the Dominion and Members 
 of the Cabinet ; Chief Justice and Judges of the Supremo 
 Court ; Departmental Committees and Government 
 Commissioners . 
 II. — Deputy Heads and Chief Officers of the Civil Service, Ac 
 III. — Summary of Parliamentary Terms and Procedure. 
 IV. — Synopsis of Speakers' Decisions since Confederation. 
 V. — Table of Precedence for the Dominion. 
 VI. — Members of the Senate. 
 VII. — Members of the House of Commons. 
 VIII. — Counties, Districts, Cities and Boroughs returning 
 Members to the House of Commons,with names of Candi- 
 dates in each Constituency at last General Election, ar.d 
 at each subsequent Election, and the total vote polled 
 for each candidate respectively, &c . 
 IX. — Changes in the Dominion Cabinet from 1867 to 1877. 
 X. — The Local Governments and Legislatures, with Electoral 
 Votes, names of Candidates, viz : (I) Ontario, (2) Quebec, 
 (3) Nova Scotia, (4) New Brunswick, (5) Manitoba, 
 (6) Britisli Columbia, (7) Prince Edward Island, 
 (8) North-West Territories. 
 XI. — Divisions in the House of Commons by Provinces, from 
 1867 to 1876. 
 XII. — Political Organizations . 
 XIII. — Miscellaneous ; Party " Whips" ; Mover and Seconder 
 of "Address "(1877); Chairman of Standing Commit- 
 tees, House of Commons ; Addenda. 
 XIV. — Index, containing Key to each name, find subject re- 
 ferred to . 
 Ofkick of The Canadian Parliamentary Companion. 
 Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 25tli, 1877. 
 The copyright, together with all title and interest in the 
 Canadian Parliamentary Companion, having been purchased from 
 Mr. Henry J. Morgan, the new proprietor has endeavored to main- 
 iiiin the character of the work in this, th(? first issue under 
 his Editorial Management. He lias enlarged the form of the 
 volume ; and, at the expense of much labour and no small pecun- 
 iary outlay, endeavoured to add substantially to the general infor- 
 mation hitherto supplied. Many changes have taken place since 
 Parliament last met ; these liave been faithfully chronicled so far as 
 possible, both from a Dominion and Provincial point of view. Tho 
 Editor has further endeavoured to add to the acknowledged u'" ''ful- 
 ness of the Companion by incorporating several new parts, including 
 a synopsis of Speakers' Decisions since Confederation ; Cabinet 
 Changes from 18G7 to 1877 ; Important Divisions in tho House of 
 Commons from 1867 to 1876, together witli a carefully prepared 
 Alphabetical Index, affording ready reference to any particular 
 member of the Commons, Senate, or grade of the public service. 
 The Editor would further impress upon gentlemen in the Legisla- 
 tures and service of various Provinces, the importance of 
 supplying reliable information when such is of public importance ; 
 and has to acknowledge himself under many obligations to those 
 who so readily responded to his applications during the past two 
 months. The Companion is now considered a standard authority 
 upon Canadian affairs, and it is the desire of the Editor not alone 
 to maintain the already enviable reputation of the work, but if 
 possible, to add each year to its importance as a book of reference. 
Keij to ^bbtjeuiations. 
 E.R. signiiies East Riding; W.R., West Riding; N.R., Nortli 
 Riding; SR., South Riding; g.c, general election; U.C., Upper 
 Canada ; L.C , Lower Canada or Legislative Council ; N.B . , New- 
 Brunswick; N.S., Nova Scotia; Ont., Province of Ontario; P.Q., 
 Province of Quebec ; B.C., Province of British Columbia ; Man., 
 Province of Manitoba ; P.E.I., Province of Prince Edward Island ; 
 L.A., Legislative Assembly ; P.C., Privy Councillor of Canada; Ex. 
 Council, Executive Council; M.L.C., Member of the Legislative 
 Council; M.P., Member of the House of Commons of Canada; 
 Provl. Secy., Provincial Secrctaiy ; V.C, Victoria Cross ; G.C.M.G., 
 Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George ; 
 K.C.M.G., Knight Commander of do; C.M.G., Companion of 
 do; G.C.B., Knight Grand Cross of the Bath; K.C.B , Knight 
 Commander of do; C.B., Commander of do; J. P., Justice of the 
 Peace; N.P., Notary Public; M.D., Doctor of Medicine ; LL.D., 
 Doctor of Laws ; D.C.L., Doctor of Civil (or Canon) Law ; B.C.L., 
 Bachelor of Civil Law; B.A,; Bachelor of Arts; M.A., Master of 
 Arts; B.L., Bachelor of Letters; Q.C., Queen's Counsel; C.E., 
 Civil Engineer; P.L.S., Provincial Land Surveyor; Hon., Honor- 
 able; Batt., Battalion; B., born; S., son; Dau., daughter; M., 
 married; Ed. educated; Co., County or Company; V.M., Volun- 
 teer Militia; V.I Vancouver Island or Volunteer Infantry ; Sch., 
 School; U.E. Loyalist, United Empire Loyalist; Am., America 
 or Ameiican ; Govt., Government ; Parlt., Parliament ; Mem., Mem- 
 ber ; Univ., University; Dir., Director. 
 FOR 1877. 
 Governor General* — Ilfs Excellency the Right Honorable Sir 
 Frederick Temple, Earl op Dufperin, Knight of the Most Illus- 
 trious Order of Saint Patrick, and Knight Commander of the Most 
 Honorable Order of the Bath. B. 21 June, 1826. Ed. at Eton 
 College and Christ Church, Oxford. M , 23 October, 1862, Harriet 
 Georgina, old. dau. of Archibald Rowan Hamilton, Esq., of Killy- 
 leagh Castle, Co. Down. Succeeded as 5th Baron Duflferin and 
 Clandeboye, in the Peerage of Ireland, on the death ol his father, 21 
 July, 1841 . Created Baron Clandeboye of the United Kingdom, 
 1850 ; and Earl of Duflferin and Viscount Clandeboye (both of the 
 United Kingdom), 1870. Was a Lord in Waiting to the Queen, 
 from 1849 to 1852, and from 1854 to 1858 ; attached to Earl 
 Russell's special mission to Vienna, Feb., 1855 ; British Commis- 
 sioner in Syria, 1860 ; Under Secretary of State for India from 1864 
 to 1866, and for War, from 1866 to following year; and Chancellor 
 of the Duchy of Lancaster and Paymaster-General, from 1868 to 
 1. The Right Hon. Viscount Monck, G.C.M.G., from the Union, 1867, until 
 Nov., 1868. 
 2. Right Hon. Lord Liagar, G.C.M.G., from latter date until May,'1872. 
 7 ■ 
 1872 , Appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County Down, 1864 ; 
 and boveinor-General of the Dominion of Canada, 22 May, 1872. 
 (Salari/f i)10,0C0 stg.) His Excellency has, since arriving in Canada, 
 done much to make himself conversant with public affairs. He has 
 not only visited all the principal cities and towns of the Dominion, 
 but made extended tours through the sparsely populated Preo 
 Grant Districts of Muskoka and other sections . During the year 
 1875 he re-visited Ireland, and last year (1876) paid a lengthy visit 
 to British Columbia, also attending the Centennial at Philadelphia. 
 In January of the present year (1877) he visited Toronto for a 
 week, being most cordially receiveii by the people. His Excellency 
 is Honorary Colonel of the North Down Rifles . Author of A Tour 
 in Ireland during the Famine, 1847 ; Letters from High Latitudes, 
 1857; Irish Emigration, and Tenure of Land in Ireland, 1867; Notes 
 on Ancient Syria, 1807 ; An Examination of Mr. MilWs Plan for the 
 Pacification of Ireland, 18G8 ; Enquiry into the State of Ireland, 1869. 
 Residences: — ^^Clandeboye,^' Holywood, Co. Down, Ireland; ^* Rideau 
 Hall," New Edinburgh, Ottawa ; Citadel, Quebec, 
 Secretary of the Governor-General. — Lieut.-Col, tlie Honorable 
 Edward George Percy Littleton, Grenadier Guards. Eld. s. of 
 the second Baron Hatherton, by Lady Margaret Percy, youngest 
 dau of George, fifth Duke of Northumberland. B. 15 Aug., 1842. 
 Ed. at Eton College. M. Charlotte Louisa, dau. of Sir Charles Row- 
 ley, Bart., and the Hon. l^ady Rowley, of Tendring Hall, Suffolk, 
 Eng. Entered the army, 1861, and was in Can. with the Brigade of 
 Guards, i from Jan., 1862 to Sept., 1864. Is a Deputy Lieutenant 
 and J. P. for County of Staffordshire. Has been Supdt. of the 
 Military Gymnasia, London, Eng, ; Instructor of Musketry to 2nd 
 Batt. Grenadier Guards ; and Regimental Adjutant to the Grenadier 
 Guards. Appointed to present office, 27 Oct., 1875. (Salary, 
 $2,400) — « Bideau Cottage,'' New Edinburgh ; Travellers' Club. Pall 
 Mall, London, Eng. ; Guards' Club, do do ; Eastern Departmental 
 Building, Ottawa. 
 Military Secretary Lt.-Col. the Honorable Edward George 
 Percy Littleton Grenadier Guards. Apptd. to present office, 
 27 Oct., 1875. Same addresses as above. 
 Aid.-de-Gamp. — Frederick T. Rowan Hamilton, Esquire, Lieut., 
 9th Regt. Entered the army 1868 . Served at the Cape of Good 
 Hope from May, 1868, till Sept., 1870. Apptd. A.D.C. 28 Oct., 1872.— 
 ^^Rideau Hall," New Edinbugh; Eastern Departmental Building, Ottatoa. 
 Aile-de'Camp. — Robert Fredbrick Ward, Esquire, Lieut, 
 (retireil), R.N. Capt. North Down Rifles Militia. Entered the 
 Royal Navy Dec, 1859. Served as Midshipman in H. M, 8. Nile, 
 hearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Sir Alex. Milne, K.C.B., on the 
 North Am. and West Indian Station, from Jan., 1861, to March, 
 1864 ; as Midshipman and Sub-Lieut, in H, M. S. Hector, in 
 Channel Squadron, from June, 18G4, to March, 1867 ; as Sub-Lieut, 
 in H. M.S. J/i'no^attr, bearing the flag of Rear -Admiral F. Warden, 
 C.B., Commanding Channel Squadron, from May to June, 1867 ; as 
 Sub-Lieut, in H. M. Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert, from June 
 to. August, 1867 ; promoted to rank of Lieut. 23 Aug. same year, 
 and served in that rank in H. M. S. Minotaur, bearing the flags of 
 Rear-Admiral F. Warden, C. B., and Vice-Admiral Sir Thos. 
 Symonds, K.C.B., Commanding the Channel Squadron, from Jan., 
 1868, to June, 1870; retired on a pension, Dec, 1871, Apptd, 
 Capt. Royal North Down Rifles Militia, Jan., 1874; apptd. A.D.C. 
 24 Oct., 1873. Accompanied Genl. Smyth in his journey across 
 the Continent, 1875. — ^^ Eideau Ilall,^^ New Edinbuyh ; Eastern 
 Departmental Building, Ottawa. 
 Extra Aide-de-Camp.- -Lieut. -Col. HEvr'TT Bernard, C.M.G., 
 Major late Civil Service Rifle VDlunteors. Entered Volunteer Ser- 
 vice as Lieut. , Nov., 1855 ; apptd. Capt., 1857 ; Major, 1860 ; Deputy 
 Judge Advocate General, 1860; Lieut.-Col. (unatt.), 1865; extra 
 Aide-de-Camp to Gov. -Genl., Can., Jan., 1865; gazetted do. to 
 Gov. -Genl. of the Dominion, Oct. 3, 1868 ; apptd. by H. M. the 
 King of Spain a Knight Commander of the Order of " Isabel la 
 Catoliea^^^ 1872 ; apptd. by the Queen a Companion of the Order of 
 St. Michael and St. George, same year ; Deputy ol the Minister 
 of Justice of the Dominion, from 1867 to Sept., 1876, when super- 
 annuated ; a Queen's Counsel . — Toronto; Rideau Club, do; British 
 Service Club, St. James'', London, Eng. 
 Extra Aide-de-Camp . — Lieut.-Col. Frederick William Cumber- 
 land, C. E., late Cc'onel 10th "Royals," (Volunteers) Toronto. 
 Represented Algoma in Can. House of Commons, from 1871 until 
 dissolution, 1872; and same seat in Ontario Assembly, from 1867 
 until g. e., 1875. Apptd. Extra Aide-de-Camp to Gov.-Genl. 
 Can., Jan. 1865; gazetted do. to do. of Dominion, 3 Oct., 1868. 
 — " Pendarvis,^' Toronto; Toronto Club ; Rideau Club. 
 Private Secretary. — Walter Reginald Baker, Esquire. Apptd. 
 to present oflice. May, 1874. — 33 Steivart Street, Ottawa. 
 Envoy Fx(ra ordinary and Minisit, Plenipotentiary of Great Britain 
 at Washington. — Right Hon. Sir Edward Thornton, A'. C.Z?. — 1627, 
 1st Street. }] Sishington . 
 Secretary of Legation .—K. Q . Watson, Esq., 723, \5th Street, 
 Washington. ^ . > 
 \ • 
 ®lr(j %mn'^ Iriirg (Homxtil for (Kanada. 
 "" (Ministry formed, 7th November, 1873, )t 
 ■ ■ t: 
 President of the Council. — Hon. Joseph Edouard Cauchon. 
 Minister of Public Works. — Hon. Alexander Macebnzib (Prime 
 Minister of Justice and Attorney General. — Hon. Edward Blake, 
 Q. C. 
 Minister of Marine and Fisheries. — Hon. AlbiIRT James Smith, Q.C. 
 Minister of Finance. — Hon. Richard John Cartwrigkt. 
 Minister of Agriculture and Commissioner of Patents. — Hon . C. A . 
 P. Pelletier. 
 Minister of the Interior. — Hon. David Mills. 
 Minister of Customs. — ^n. Isaac Burpke. ,•,.?, .hti?^ i - ;■? 
 Receiver General. — Hon. Thomas Coffin. 
 iSecretary of Statu and Registrar General. — Hon. Richard William 
 Scott, Q.C. 
 ■?, Postmaster General — Hon. Lucius Seth Huntington, Q.C. 
 Minister of Inland Revenue. — Hon. Rudolphe Laflamme, Q.C. 
 Minister of Militia and Defence. — Hon. William Berrian Vail. 
 William Alfrko Himsworth, B. 28th August, 1820. Served 
 as Clerk in the Commissariat, 1838 to 1842. Called to the Bar in 
 IL. C, 1841. Clerk in Leg. Assembly, Canada, 1842-43. Apptd. 
 Clerk in Executive Council Office, 1843, and Assistant Clerk of 
 the Council, 1851. Sworn in as Clerk of the Queen's Privy Council 
 *The p'\iry of each Minister is fixed by Statute at $7,000, the Minister hold- 
 ing the recognized position of Prime Minister to receive an additional $1,000 
 tThe Government of Sir John A. Macdonald existed from Ist July, 18G7, 
 until its resignation, 5th November, 1873. 
■ 11 
 for Canada on 1st July, 1872. (Salari/, $3,200.) Was Secretary to 
 the " Confederate Council on Comroercial Treaties," whicL sat at 
 Quebec, 1864. Is Deputy Governor for signing money warrants ; 
 a Commissioner Dedimns Potextatem ; a Commissioner in the Queen's 
 Bench for Ontario; and a J. P. for the County of Carleton . 123 
 Daly Street; Eastern Departmental Building. . . . 
 The Right Hon. Sir Joun Alexander Macdonald, K.C.D.^ D.C.L., 
 {Oxon), LL.D, Q.C, M.P. 
 Hon. Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B., Lieutenant Governor of New 
 Hon. Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt, K.C.M.G., D.C.L. 
 Youngest s. of the late John Gait, Esq., the author of many well- 
 known works of fiction in English literature, who was for some 
 years a Commissioner of the Canada Land Co. B. at Chelsea, Eng., 
 6th Sept., 1817. Ed. in Eng. M., 1st., Elliott, dau. of the late 
 John Torrance, Esq., Montreal (she d.) ; 2ndly, Amy, sister of the 
 above. Adir. ofthe Bank of Montreal ; a governor of the Univ. 
 of McGill College ; Presdt. of the Accident Insurance Co ; and of 
 the Canada Guarantee Co. Has been Presdt; of the St. Andrew's 
 Society of Montreal . Was for many years in the service of the 
 British America Land Co., and held the office of Chief Commr. of 
 the Co. for a considerable period previous to his retirement from 
 it. Was President of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad in 
 1852-3, and carried out the amalgamation of that line with the 
 Quebec and Richmond, Atlantic and St. Lawrence, Toronto and 
 Guelph, and Montreal and Toronto branches, forming the railway 
 system now known as the Grand Trunk Railway, of which line h> 
 was a Govt, director. 1857-8. Proposed resolutions in Parlt. in 
 favor of a Federal Union of B.N. A. Colonies, 1858, which became 
 the basis of the policy of the Govt., which he joined that year under 
 the late Sir G. E. Cartier, and together with that gentleman and the 
 late Hon.' Johr Ross, proceeded as a delegate to England to urge 
 before the Imperial Govt, the Confederation of E.N. A. and the 
 construction of the Intercolonial Railway. Called upon to form an 
 Administration, 1858, but declined. Was a mem. of Ex. Council 
 and Minister of Finance, Can., from 7th Aug., 1858, to 21st May, 
 1862, when the Ministry was defeated on the Militia Bill. Held 
 the same ol.'ice a seco:id time, from March, 1864, to Aug, 1866, 
 when, in his capacity of leader and representative of tuc British 
 population of L.C., he resigned his office and seat in the Cahinet 
 on the educational policy of the Administration. Apptd. Minister 
 of Finance of the Dominion, 1st July, 1867, on which occasion he 
 was sworn of the Queen's Privy Council of Can., and continued to 
 hold office until the 4th Nov. of that year, when he resigned his 
 seet in the Cabinet for private reasons. Was a delegate to the 
 Charlottetown Union Conference, 1864, to that at Quebec same year ; 
 a mem. of Confederate Council of Trade, Quebec, 1 865 ; delegate 
 to Wasington respecting the renewal of the Keciprocity Treaty, 
 1866 ; and to the London Colonial Conference, 1866-7. Now holds 
 appt. from Imperial Govt, of Commr., under the Washington 
 Treaty, for the valuation of the fishing privileges conceded to U.S. 
 Declined the C.B. (Civil), 1867 ; the mission to Eng. with Hon. 
 Dr. Tupper, on the Nova Scotia question. Mar ;h, 1868 ; and the 
 Finance Ministership, on resignation of Sir John Rose, 1869. 
 Author of Canada from 1849 to 1859, and other pamphlets of public 
 interest. Created a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael 
 and St. George, 1869. Sat for Sherbrooke (County) in Can. Assembly, 
 from 1849 to 1850, when he resigned his seat, and for Sherbrooke 
 (town) from 1853 until the Union, when he was returned to the same 
 seat for House of Commons; retired at g.e., 1872. The consolida- 
 tion of the public debt, with provision for its redemption ; the 
 encouragement of direct foieign trade ; the abolU ion of the Canal 
 and Lake St. Peter tolls ; and the issuing of Provincial Notes as 
 currency, were among the most noticeable features of ^ir A. T. 
 Gait's financial administration. Though not now in Parlt., has 
 intimated his disposition to re-enter public life in connection with 
 the independent section of the Conservative party ; favoring inci- 
 dental protection, or modified free trade, based upon the revenue 
 necessities of the country. Is opposed to the prosecution of the 
 Pacific Railway, except so far as gradually required fn promotion 
 of the settlement of Manitoba and the North- Wjst. — 290 Mountain 
 St, Montreal; ^^ Seahrth," Cacuona ;1 Eefomrm Club, London; St. 
 James Club ; Stadacona Club ; Rideau Club. 
 Hon. William Macdougall. C.B., M.P.P. 
 Hon. William Pearcb Hoavland, C.B. 
 Tijdson River, N. Y, Came to Can., 1830. 
 (dead) ; 2ndly, 1866, the relict of the late Hunt, 'Esq., of the 
 Military Store Department. Was long engaged in trade in U.C, 
 and for some years held the position of Piosdt. of the Poard of 
 Trade, Toronto. Is a dir. of the Ontario Bank ; and Presdt. of the 
 Anchor Marine Insurance Co.; of the London and Canadian Loan 
 and Agency Co. ; of the Ontario Societv for the Prevention of 
 B. at Kinderhook, 
 M. 1st, Mrs. Craik 
 Cruelty to Animals ; and of the Confederation Life Association 
 of Canada. Apptd. a Cominr. to report on route of proposed Bale 
 Verte Canal, 1875. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, Can., from 
 24 May, 1862 to 29 March, 1864; and from 24 Nov., 1864, until 
 the Union. Was Minister of Finance from 24 May, 1862 to 15 
 May, 1863 ; Receiver General from latter date to 29 March, 1864 ; 
 Postmaster General from 24 Nov., 1864 to 30 Aug., 1866 ; when a 
 second time apptd. Minister of Finance, which office he held until 
 the Union. Sworn of the Privy Council, 1 July, 1867, and was 
 Minister of Inland Revenue from that date until apptd. Lieut.- 
 Govemor of Ontario, July, 1 868, in which office he remained until 
 Nov., 1873. Created C.B. (Civil) by Her Majesty, July, 1867. 
 Was a delegate to Washington with Mr. (now Sir Alex.) Gait 
 and others, 1866, respecting Reciprocal Trade, and to the London 
 Colonial Conference, 1866-7, to complete terms of Union of B.A. 
 Provinces. Sat for West York in Can. Assembly from 1857 until 
 the Union, and for same seat in House of Commons from that 
 event until July, 1868. — " Shrewsbury Lodge^'' Toronto. 
 Hon. Adams George Archibald, C.M.O., Q.C., Lieutenant- 
 Governor of Nova Scotia. 
 Hon. Peter Mitchell, M.P. 
 Hon. Alexander Campbell, Q,C., Senator. 
 Hon. Hector Langbvin, Q. C, M.F. 
 Hon, Jean Charles Cha'»ais, Senator. 
 Hon. Sir Edward Kenny, Kt. B. in Co, Kerry, Irel., 1800. 
 Ed. there. M., 1832, Anne, dau. of Michael Forrestell, Esq., 
 Came to Halifax in 1824, to manage the wholesale dry goods 
 house of James Lyons & Co., of which firm he was in 182G 
 admitted a partner; in 1828 he, in conjunction with his brother, 
 established the wholesale firm of T. & E. Kenny, of which he is 
 now senior partner. Has been Mayor of Halifax ; twice Presdt. of 
 the Irish Society ; a dir. of the Union Bank, and of the Merchants' 
 Bank of that city ; and a Commr. for signing Provincial Notes. Sat 
 in the L.C. of N.S. for twenty-six years, during eleven of which 
 he was Presdt. of that body. Was sworn of thePrivy Council, 
 and apptd, Receiver-General of Can., July, 1867, which office he 
 held until Oct. 1869, when transferred to the Presidency of the 
 Privy Council ; retired from the Cabinet in May, 1870, on being 
 apptd. Administrator of the (Jovt. of N.S. Created a Knt., Sept., 
 1870. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. 
 The constitution provides that any member of the Senate vacating 
 his seat during two successive seftsions, thereby forfeits it. Re- 
 signed, 187G, A Conservative. — ^' Sherwood,^ ^ near Beif^.d Basin 
 1 90 Pleasant St . , Halifax, Halifax Club . 
^ I 
 .: t 
 Jlon. Sir John Hose, Hart., K.C.M.G. Born in Aberdeen- 
 shire, Scot., 1821. Ed. at Udney Academy, and afterwards at 
 King's College, Abei-deen, where he obtained a Bnrsary. M., 
 June, 1843, Charlotte, dau. of the late Robert Emmet Temple, 
 Esq., of Rutland, Vt. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1842. Created 
 Q.C , 1848. Received degree of (hon.) M.A., 1855, from Univ. 
 of Bishop's College, Lennoxville . Was a mem, of the Royal institu- 
 tion for the Advancement of Learning, and a Governor of the Univ. 
 of McGill College ; and a Trustee of Univ. of Queen's College, 
 Kingston. Created a Knight Commander of the Order of St. 
 Michael and St. George, 1870 ; and a Baronet of the United Kingdom, 
 1872. Apptd. a mem. of the Royal Commission on Copyright, 
 1875. Has been a mem. of the banking firms of Morton, Rose & 
 Co., London, and of Morton, Bliss & Co., New York, since 1869. Was 
 Solicitor-Genl., L.C, from Nov., 1857 to Aug., 1858; a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council, Can., froni 6 Aug., 1858, to June, 1861 ; Receiver- 
 Genl.,6Aug., 1858; a second time Solicitor-Genl., L.C, from 
 7 Aug., 1858, to 10 Jan , 1859 ; and Commissioner of Public Works, 
 from 11 Jan., 1859 to 12 June, 1861, when he retired from the 
 Cabinet, owing to ill health. Apptd. in 1864, bythe Imperial Govt., 
 British Commissioner under the Treaty with the U.S. of Am. for 
 the settlement of claims arising out of the Oregon Treaty. Was 
 sworn of the Privy Council, 30 Nov., 1867, and held the oflfice of 
 Minister of Finance from ihat date until his retirement from public 
 life, in 1869. Was a delegate to Eng. during the sitting of the 
 Colonial Conference in London, 1867, representing certain Protestant 
 educational interests ; and, again, as Minister of Finance, on public 
 business, 1868. Sat as a member for Montreal, in Can. Assembly 
 from g. e., 1857, until g. e., 1861 ; ana for Montreal Centre, from 
 latter date, until the Union, when he declined a requisition to stand 
 for that constituency, and was returned for Huntingdon, which he 
 continued to represent until his reiirement from public life in 
 Can. — 18 Queen's Gate, London, (S.W.,) England.; St. Jame^ Club, 
 {Montreal) ; Athenseum Club; St. James' Club, (London.) 
 Bon. 5tr Francis Hincks, K.C.M.G., C.B. Youngest s. of the 
 late Rev. Dr. Hincks, Professor of Oriental languages in the Royal 
 Belfast Institution ; and bro. of the late Rev. Edward Hincks, D. 
 D., formerly Fellow of Trinity CoFoge, Dublin, and afterwards 
 Rector of Killyleagh, who was well known by his writings on 
 subjects conTiected with Egyptian, Persian and Assyrian Archaeo- 
 logy, The Irish family is a branch of one long settled in Chester, 
 Eng. B in the City of Cork, 14 Dec, 1807. Ed. at the Royal 
 Belfeat Institution, M., 1st., 1832, Martha Anne, dau. of 
 Alexander Stewart, Esq., of Ligoniel, near Belfast, (she d. 1874) ; 
 2ndly., 14 June, 1875, Emily Louisa, relict of Hon. Justice Sullivan, 
 of Toronto. Founded, in 1839, the Toronto Examiner, a Reform 
 journal, which he edited for several years, and, in 1844, the Montreal 
 Piloty also devoted to the interests of the Reform party, of which 
 ho was, for many years, chief political writer. Was a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council and Inspector Genl. of Can., from June, 1842, to 
 Nov., 1843, when he retired from the Govt, with his political 
 chiefs, Messrs . Lafontaine and Baldwin ; held the same office 
 again: lt5t from March, 1848, to Oct., 1851, in the Cabinet of 
 Messrs. Lafontane and Baldwin, and, 2ndiy, from latter date to 
 Sept., 1854, in the Hincks-Morin Administration, of which he was 
 a leader. Visited Washington on several occasions to confer with 
 British Minister there on the subject of commercial intercourse 
 between Can. and the U. S., and was selected by the Earl of Elgin 
 to accompany him as representative of Can., when he negotiated 
 the Reciprocity Treaty in 1854 ; was a delegate to the Maritime 
 Provinces in 1852 on tiie subject of the Intercolonial Railway, and 
 in the same year a delegate to the Imperial Govt . to urge the repeal 
 of the Clergy Reserve Act, and the grant of a guarantee for the 
 Intercolonial Railroad, during which visit he made the preliminary 
 arrangements with Messrs . Peto, Brassey, Betts and Jackson, which 
 resulted in the construction of the Grand Trunk Railway by English 
 capitalists. Was Govemor-in-Chief of Barbadoes and the Wind- 
 ward Islands from 1855 to 1862 ; and Gov. of British Guiana from 
 latter date until 1869. Created a Companion of the Order of 
 the Bath (Civil), 1862 ; and a Knight Commander of ttie Order 
 of St. Michael and St. George, 1869. Sworn of the Privy Coun- 
 cil of Can., and apptd. Minister of Finance for the Dominion, 
 9 Oct., 1869 ; resigned Feb. 1873. Is Presdt. of the City Bank of 
 Montreal, and of the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society of same 
 city, and a mem. of Council of Royal Colonial Institute, London, 
 Eng. Author of various pamphlets on public affairs. First 
 returned to Parlt. at g. e., 1841, for Oxford, in Can. Assemblv, which 
 he represented until g. e., 1844, when defeated. Returned for same 
 County at g. e. 1851, and also for Niagara, but elected to sit for 
 Oxford. Returned for South Oxford and for Renfrew at g. e., 1854 ; 
 elected to sit for latter seat, which he did until he temporarily 
 retired from Canadian public life, 1855, on accepting an appoint- 
 ment from the Imperial Govt. On a^ain accepting office iii 
 Can., returned for North Renfrew in the Commons, Oct., 1869, 
 which he represented until the close of Parliament, when returned 
 for Vancouver, for whicii he sat until his final retirement at g. e., 
 1874. — 418, Si, Antoine St., Montreal; Reform Club, London 
 Rideau Club ; Toronto Club . 
 Hon. Alexander JIorris, D.C.L.y Q.C.y Lieutenant-Governor of 
 Manitoba . 
 Hon . Christopher Dunkin, D. C.L .,Q.C. B . in England., 1812. 
 Ed. at the University of London (now University College, London), 
 and at the Universities of Glasgow and Harvard ; at which last he 
 was, for a short time Greek tutor. M. Mary, dau. of the late 
 Dr. Jonathan Barber, afterwards of McGiU University, Montreal. 
 Edited the Montreal Morning Courier, from May, 1837 to the summer 
 of 1838, when he became Secy, of the Education Commission, under 
 the late Earl ot Durham, then Gov.-Genl. of B. N. A. Served under 
 the late Lord Sydenham, when Gov.-Genl.: first, in carrying out 
 the work of that Commission ; and afterwards as Secy . of the Post 
 Office Commission; and from 1841, as Assist. Secy.' for L. C, 
 in which office he remained until May, 1847. Called to the Bar L. 
 C, 1846. Created Q. C, 1867. Was .President of the Shake- 
 speare Club, Montreal. Is a Governor of McGill University, 
 Montreal ; a Trustee of St. Francis College, Richmond, P. Q. ; and 
 of the South Eastern Counties Junction Railway. Was Lieut. 
 Col. of Volunteer Militia ; first of the Montreal Light Infantry, from 
 1856 to 1859 ; and from Sept. 1866 to June, 1872 of the 62nd 
 ("Bedford" Batt. of V. I. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council and 
 Treasurer of the Province of Quebec from July, 1867 until sworn 
 of the Privy Council and apptd. Minister of Agriculture, Nov., 
 1869, in which office he remained until 25 Oct. 1871, when apptd. 
 a Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec 
 (Salary, $4,000). Sat in Can. Assembly for Drummond and 
 Arthabaska, trom g c. 1857 to g.e. 1861, when defeated, and for Brome 
 from Jany, 1862, until the Union, when returned to Commons and 
 Local House by acclamation, where he rema'r.vd until his eleva- 
 tion to the Bench . — Knowlton ; Rideau Club. 
 //o/i . James Cox AiKiNS, Senator. 
 Hon. Charlvs Tupper, CB., MD., MP. 
 Hon. John Henry Pope, M.P, 
 Hon. John O'Connor, Q.C. Descended ^from two distinct 
 families of the O'Connors of Kerry, Ireland ; father and mother 
 were both O'Connors, though not related within known degrees of 
 kindred: they emigrated to Am. in 1823, and settled at Boston, 
 Mass. B. at Boston, Jan., 1824. Came to Essex with his 
 parents, 1828. Ed. there. M. April, 1849, Mary, eld. dau. of 
 Richard Barret, Esq., late of Killarnev, Irel. Called to the Bar, 
 U. C, Hilary Term, 1854. Created *Q. C, 1872. A mem. of 
 law firm of O'Connor & O'Doherty, Ottawa Is also a mem. of 
 the Michigan (U.S.) Bar. Elected Presdt. St. Patrick's Society of 
 Ottawa, 1874. Has been Reeve of the Town of Windsor. Was 
 Warden of Esssx tor three years, being twice elected by an 
 unanimous vote of the County Council; and for 12 years fulfilled 
 the duties of Chairman of the Board of Education of the Town 
 of Windsor. Acted as Chairman of Otta\.a O'Connel Centennial 
 Celebration, 1875. Author of Letters adc'ressed to the Governor 
 General on the subject oj Fenianism^ (1870.) 8worn of the Privy 
 Coum il, 2 July, 1872, and was Presdt. of thnt body from that date 
 until 4 March, 1873, when apptd. Minister of Inland Revenue, 
 in which he continued until transferred to Post Office Department, 
 1 July, same year; resigned with Sir John Macdonald, 5 Nov., 
 1873. Was an unsuccessful candidate for Essex in Can. Assem- 
 bly at g. e., 1861, but succeeded in 1863 in unseating the sitting 
 mem. (Mr. Arthur Rankin), and obtaining a new election, when 
 he was returned, and sat until tLt dissolution of Parlt. in May of 
 that year ; again contested same scat at g. e., 1863, when a Special 
 Return was made to the House by the Returning Officer — both 
 candidates petitioning to be seated, and Mr. O'Connor's petition 
 being thrown out by the Speaker upon preliminary objections, Mr . 
 Rankin was seated. Returned to Commons for same seat at g. e. , 
 1867, and continued to sit there until g. e., 1874, when defeated. 
 An unsuccessful candid ite for Ottawa in Ontario Assembly at g. e., 
 1875.— 52 Metcalfe St., Ottaiva. 
 Hon. Theodore Robitaille, J/.Z>., J/. P. 
 Hon. T. N. GiBBR, M.P. 
 Hon. Hugh McDonald, Q.C\ Descended from McDonald of 
 the Keppeck, in the Highlands of Scot. B. at Antigonish, N S . , 
 1827. Ed. there. M., 1850, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Smith, Esq. 
 Called to the Bar, N.S., 1855. Created a Q.C , 1872. Declined the 
 Solicitor Generalship, N S., 1862. An anti-union delegate from N.S. 
 to Eng., with Hon. Messrs. Howe and Annand, 1866. Sworn of 
 the Privy Council, 14th June, 1873, and was Prest. of that body 
 until 1st July, when apptd. Minister of Militia and Defence, in 
 which he remained until elevated to the Bench of the Supreme 
 Court of N.S., 5th Nov., same year. (5aZrtr?/, $4,000.) Sat for 
 Inverness in N.S. Assembly, from 1859 to 1862 ; and for Antigon- 
 ish, in House of Commons, from the Union, 18G7, imtil his retire- 
 ment in Nov., 1873. — Antigonish, N.S.; Halifax Club. 
 Hon. Antoine Aime Dorion, Q.C. S. of the late P. A. Dorion, 
 Esq., who represented Champlain in the L.C. Assembly, from 
 1830 to 1838 ; and grands, of the late P. Bureau, Esq., mem. for 
 St. Maurice in the same body, from 1820 to 1834 ; his brother, Jean 
 Baptiste Eric Dorion (who d, Nov., 1866), sat for a considerable 
 period in the Can. Assembly, and another brother, Pierre Nero 

 ■' ; 
 Dorion, sat in the House of Commons, from g. c, 1873, until g. e., 
 1874. B. at St. Anne de la Parade, P. Q., I7th Jan., 1818. Ed. at 
 Nicolet College. M, 1848, the dau. of the late Dr. Trestler, of 
 Montreal (she d.). Called to the Bar, L.C., Jan., 1842. Created 
 Q. C, 1863. Was leader of the Rouge or French Canadian Liberal 
 party of the Province of Quebec, from his entrance into political 
 life until his retirement. Occupied a distinguished position at the 
 Bar ; and was Battonier of the Montreal Bar for some years ; and also 
 Battonier General of the Bar of the Province of Quebec. Declined 
 a seat in tlie Can. Cabinet. 1859. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, 
 Can., from 2nd to 4th Aug., 1858; from 24th May, 1862, to 27th 
 Jan., 18G3; and again from tlie 16th May, 1863, until the 29th 
 March, 1864, and during those several periods held the offices of 
 Commr. of Crown Lands, from 2nd to 4th Aug., 1858, when the 
 Govt., of which he was co-leader, resigned, not possessing the 
 confidence of Parlt.; Pro. Secy, from May, 1862, to Jan., 1863, when 
 he resigned on the Intercolonial Railway question ; Attorney Genl,* 
 L.C., and co-leader of the Govt, (with Hon. J. S. Macdonald as 
 Premier), from May, 1863, to March, 1864, when the Ministry retired 
 from office, owing to their not possessing a sufficient majority to 
 enable them to carry on the business of <he country. Sworn of 
 the Privy Council 7th Nov., 1873, and was Minister of Justice of the 
 Dominion from that date until apptd . Chief Justice of the Province 
 of Quebec, 1st June, 1874. (Salary, $6,000.) Sat in Can. Assem- 
 bly as a mem. for Montreal, from 1854 until g. e,, 1861, when de- 
 feated, and for Hochelaga, from 1862 imtil the Union. Repre- 
 sented same county in House of Commons from the Union until g . 
 e., 1872, when returned for Napierville, for which he continued to 
 sit until his elevation to the Bench. Was apptd. Administrator of 
 the Province of Quebec, Dec, 1876, during the last illness of 
 Lieut. -Gov. Caron. — 117 St. Denis St , Montreal ; St. James' Cluh; 
 Rideau Club. 
 Hon Donald Alexander Macdonald, JAeutenant Governoi of 
 Hon. David Christie, Speaker of the Senate. 
 Hon. Telesphorb Fournier, §.C'., one of the Justices of the Supreme 
 Court of Canada. 
 //on. William Ross. S. of Mr. John Ross, who came to N.S. 
 from Sutherlandshire, Scot., 1816. B, at Boulardine Island, Cape 
 Breton, 1825, M., 1855, Eliza, youngest dau. of Peter Moore, Esq., 
 of North Sydney, Cape Breton. Is Lieut.-Col . 3rd Regt, Victoria 
 Militia. Sworn of the Privy Council, 7 Nov., 1873, and was 
 Minister of Militia and Defence from that date until apptd. Col- 
 lector of Customs at Halifax, 5 Nov., 1874. (Salart/, $3,000.) 
 Sai for Victoria in N.S. Assembly from 1859 until the Union, and 
 for same scat in the Commons from that time until his retirement 
 from political life. — Halifax. 
 Hon. Felix Geoffrion, N.P. M.P./or Verchcres. 
 " David Laird, Lieut.-Gov. North-West Territories. 
 " Luc Letellier DE St. Just, ZiCM^.-Croy. /*roy. Quebec. 
 NAMED UNDER ACT 31 Vic, Cap. 27. 
 The Speaker of the House of Commons, {Ex-oj]ficio^ Chairman. 
 Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. 
 " luAC Burpee. 
 " Thomas Coffin. 
 " Joseph Edouard Couchon. 
 RAILWAY ACT 31 Vic, Cap. 68. 
 lion. Alexander Mackenzie. 
 " Albert J. Smith, Q.C. 
 " Richard W. Scott, Q.C. 
 " T. A.R. Laflamme, Q.C. 
 ACT 32 Vic, Cap. 4. 
 The Hon , 
 the Minister of 1 inance, (Ex-o^cio\ Chairman. 
 Beceiver General. 
 Minister op Customs. 
 " Minister of Inland Revenue. 
 John Lanqton, Secretary to the Board. (Salary^ $1,U00. 
 John Mortimer Courtney, Assistant Secretary and Accountant. 
 B. 22 July, 1838. Entered public service in his present capacity, 
 2 June, 1869. Previously in the service of the Agra Bank in 
 India and Australia. Accompanied the Minister of Finance to 
 Eng. as Secy., 1874. (-S'a/ary, $2,200.)— 245 Theodore Street; 
 Eastern Departmental Building. 
 aihe JJuprcme Otourt of the iomlnion of Ciinadit^ 
 Chief Justice : The Honorable William Buell Richards. Family, 
 according to the New England Jfistorical Gazetteer, came from 
 Dorchester, in Dorsetsliire, Eng., and settled at Hartford, Conn., 
 and Boston, at which latter place. Judge Richards, a descendant, 
 married the daughter of Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts. 
 Eld. s. of the late Stephen Richards, Esquire, of Brock- 
 ville, Ont., by Phcebe, dau. of William Buell, a U.E. loyalist and 
 an officer in the " King's Rangers," who represented Leeds in the 
 U.C. Assembly Irom 1801 to 1804. B. in Brockville, 2 May, 1815. 
 Ed. at the Johnstown District Grammar School. M. 184G, 
 Deborah Catharine, dau. of John Muirhead, Esq., Barrister-at- 
 Law, of Niagara, Out., a grand s. of Col. John Butler, of " Butler's 
 Rangers" (she d. March, 1869). Studied law with Mr. Andrew 
 Norton Buell, late Accountant-Genl. to the Court of Chancery, 
 and subsequently with the late Judge Geo. Malloch, of Brockville. 
 and was called to the Bar of U.C. in Michaelmas Term, 1837. 
 Elected a Bencher of the Law Society, 1849. Created a Q.C., 
 1850. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, Can., and Attorney Genl. 
 for U.C. (succeeding the late Hon. Robert Baldwin, C.B., in 
 that office), from 28 Oct, 1851 to 21 June, 1853, when appointed 
 to succeed the late Hon. R. B. Sullivan as a Puisne Judge of the 
 Court of Common Pleas, where he remained until 22 July, 1873, 
 when promoted to be Chief Justice of that Court vice Hon . W . 
 H. Draper, C.B., transferred to the Court of Queen's Bench. On 
 16 Nov., 1868 again succeeded Mr. Draper, as Chief Justice of Ont., 
 the latter retiring to the Court of Error and Appeal. Apptd. Chief 
 Justice of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, 8 Oct., 1875. 
 (Salari/, $8,000). Apptd. Arbitrator on behalf of Ont., for the 
 fsettlement of the North Western boundary of the Province, 1874, 
 ii position he resigned in 1876. Was Deputy Governor of Canada, 
 during the absence of the Earl of Duf^^^rin in British Columbia, 
 from 29 July, to 23 October, 1876. Sat lor Leeds in Can. Assem- 
 bly from Jan., 1848, until elevated to the Bench in June, 1853. — 
 163, " San:1flcd Place,'" Dahj street ; Parliament JIomsj ; Rideau Club. 
 The lion. William Johnston RiTcmB. 
 Ritchie, of N. S. B, at Annapolis, N. S. 
 S. of the late Hon. Justice 
 Ed. at Pictou. M. 1st, 
 3Ii8S Strang, of St. Andrews, N. B. (she d.); 2ndly, \8')l Graco 
 Vernon, daii. of the late Thoa. L. Nicholson, Esq., of St. John, 
 and step-dan. of the lato Admiral Hon. \V. F. W. Owen, R. N., 
 of Campobello. Studied law with his brother, the present Chief 
 Judge in Equity for N. 8., and was called to the Bar, N . B., 1838. 
 Created a Q. C, 1854. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, N. B., from 
 Oct., 1854 until apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of 
 N.B, 17 Aug., 1855, in which position ho remained until he suc- 
 ceeded the late Hon. Robert Parker as Chief Justice of N. B., (• 
 Dec, 1865. Apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supremo Court of the 
 Dominion, 8 Oct., 1875. (Salary $7,00o;. Sat for the City and 
 County of St. John in N.B. Assembly from 1846 until 1851, 
 when he retired and from 1854 until his elevation to the Bench. — 
 " Beechwood,^^ Neiv Edinburgh. 
 The Hon, Samuel Henry Strong, S of Rev. Dr. Strong, formerly 
 minister of the Church of Eng., at Hull, P. Q., and now of Toronto. 
 B. in Eng., 1826. Called to the Bar, U. C, Hilary Term, 1849. 
 Created a Q. C, 1863. Apptd. a Vice Chancellor for Ont. , 27 Dec, 
 1869 ; transferred^ to the Court of Error and Appeal, 27 May, 1874 ; 
 apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, 8 Oct., 1875. (Salary 
 $7,000).— Ottawa. 
 The Hon . Jean Thomas Taschereau, LL. D. S. of the late Hon. 
 John Thomas Taschereau, in his lifetime one of the Puisne Judges 
 of the Court of Queen's Bench, L.C . , by Marie Panet, dau . of the 
 Hon. Jean Antoino Panet, first Speaker of the House of Assembly 
 for the Province of Quebec, an office he continued to hold for 20 
 years. B. in the City of Quebec, 12 Dec, 1814. Ed. at the Quebec 
 Seminary, where he greatly distinguished himself. M. 1st., 1840, 
 Louise Adele, dau. of the late Hon. Amable Dionne, M,L,C. (she d.) 
 2ndly, 1862, Marie Josephine, dau, of the late Lt,-Governor 
 Caron. Called to the Bar, L.C, 1836, but subsequently 
 followed several law courses in Paris, France. Created a B.C., 1860. 
 Received degree of LL.D. from Laval University, 1855. ^Apptd. 
 an Assistant Judge of Superior Court, L.C. (to replace a Judge of 
 the Superior Court at Quebec during the sittings of the Special Court 
 apptd . under the Act for the abolition of Feudal rights and duties in 
 L.C), 3 Sept, 1855; apptd. an Assistant Judge of Superior Court, 
 L.C (to act during the absence on leave of Hon. J. A. Tasche- 
 raeau), 2 Nov., 1858 ; apptd. an Assistant Judge of Superior Court, 
 L.C (to replace the Hon. Justice Morin, apptd. on the Commission 
 for the Codification of the laws of L.C), 8 June, 1850 ; apptd, a 
 Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of L.C . (as successor to Hon . 
 A. N. Morin, deceased), 11 Feb., 1865; apptd. a Puisne Judge 
 of the Court of Queen's Bench, L.C., 11 Feb., 1873; apptd. a 
 Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, 8 Oct., 1875. 
 (Salary $7,000). — Russell Jfonse^ Ottawa. 
 The Hon. Tblesphorb Fouiinibu. B. nt St. Francois, 
 Riviere du Sud, Montmagny, P. Q., 1824. Kd. at Nicolet Col- 
 lege. M., 1857, Miss Demers. Called to the Bar, L.C, 184G. 
 Created Q. C, 1863. Has been Datotiuier of the Quebec Bar, and 
 Presdt. of the General Council of the Bar of the Province of 
 Quebec. Was one of the Editors of Le National newspaper 
 (Quebec), 1850-7-8. Sworn of the Privy Council 7 Nov., 1873, 
 and was Minister of Inland llevenue from that date until 8 July, 
 1874, when apptd. to succeed Hon. A. A. (now Chief Justice) 
 Dorion as Minister of Justice, in which office he remained until 
 transferred to the Post Office Department, 19 May, 1875. Apptd. 
 n Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, 8 Oct., same year. (Salary 
 $7,000). Sat for Bellechasse in House of Commons from Aug., 
 1870, imtil his elevation to the Bench, and ropresented Mont- 
 magny in Quebec Assembly from g. e. 1871 until 7 Nov., 1873, 
 when he resigned on his taking office . The Supreme Court Act 
 and the Insolvency Act, 1875, were introduced and carried through 
 Parlt. by Mr. Fournier, as Minister of Justice. — Daly Street, 
 Ottawa ; Riueau Club. 
 The lion. William Alexander Henry. B. in Halifax, 
 N.S., 30 Dec, 1816. Ed. there. M. the dau. of Hugh Mc- 
 Donald, Esq., of Antigonish, N.S. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1841. 
 Created a Q.C., 1849. Has been Mayor of Halifax. Became a 
 mem. of Ex. Council, 1849, and subsequently held office as 
 Solicitor Genl. (twice); Provl. Secy, and Attorney Genl. Was 
 a delegate to England on public business, 1865, and to Washington 
 on Reciprocity Treaty, in conjunction with Hon. Messrs. Gait, 
 (now Sir A. T.), A. J. Smith and Howland, 1866. Sat in the 
 Charlottetown Union Conference, in that at Quebec, and in the final 
 Conf. that assembled in London, 1866, to complete terms of Union of 
 B.N. A. Provinces. Was a mem. of the N.S. Assembly for many 
 years, from the date of his first election, 1841. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for Antigonish in House of Commons at g. e., 1867, and 
 for Richmond, in same Chamber, March, 1869 . Apptd. to Supreme 
 Court 8 Oct., 1871 (Salary $1,000). ^Ottawa. 
 Registrar — Robert Cassels, Jr. Called to the Bar, L.C, 1864 ; 
 called to the Bar, U.C, Trinity Term, 1866. Apptd. to present 
 office, 8 Oct., 1875. (Salary %2,G00). ^129, Maria street, Ottawa ; 
 Parliament House, Senate Witiy. 
 Precis Writer and Secretary of the Supreme Court of Canada — 
 Georob Duval, Eaq. Son ot the late I. Duval, Esq., of Quebec, 
 by Adelaide Dubuc, iiov/ nmrried to Hon. I. F. Duval, late Chief 
 Justice of the Province of Quebec. B. at Quebec, 19 Dec, 
 1843. Ed. at the Jesuits College, Montreal. Called to the Bar, 
 L.C., 18G5. M 187'2, iHabella, fourth dau. of the late Hon. 
 Wm. Power, one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Lower 
 Canada, and 'of Suzanne Aubert De Gaspe. Practined at the Que- 
 bec Bar in partnership with Hon. L. B. Caron, since appointed 
 Judge of the Superior Court, P. Q., until 1874, when he was ap- 
 pointed Private Secretary to the Hon. A. A. Dorion, Minister of 
 Justice. Afterwards was appointed Private Secretary to Hon. T. 
 Foumier, Minister of Justice, and a Chief Clerk in the Department 
 of Justice. In January, 187G, was appointed to his present posi- 
 tion in the Supreme Court. — 229, Wilbrod street; rarUdment Jlouie, 
 Senate Winff. 
 S5hc 6en(?nil ©Dicer (jlommandinjg the IWilitia 
 of (Canndtt 
 Miyor Gcncml Edward Sblby Smyth. Only s. of late Capt. 
 John Selby Smyth, Royal Scots, B. 1819. Ed. at Putney College, 
 M., 1848, Lucy Sophia Julia, dau of Major-Genl. Sir Guy Campbell, 
 Bart. , and giand-dau. of the late Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 
 Entered the army 26 Jan., 1841 ; promoted a Major-General 6 Mar., 
 1868. Apptd. to command the Militia of Can., with the rank of 
 Major-General in the Militia, 1 Oct., 1874. {Salary $4000). Is 
 Presdt. of the Dominion of Canada Artillery Assn. Major-Genl. 
 Smyth's military record is as follows : — Served as brigade-major 
 to the forces in the Southern Concan ana Sawant Warree country 
 during the campaign of 1844-45, and was present at the attack and 
 capture of several stronrj stockades, as well as in the operations be- 
 fore the Mountain forts of Monohur, and at their final assault ; also 
 at tlie forcing of the Kirwattee Pass, and subsequent occupation of 
 the country below the Ghats ; served also in the Kaffir War of 
 1851-2, (medal), and mentioned in general orders for his conduct in 
 command of a column in action in the Fish River Bush, (brevet- 
 major) ; with the expedition north of the Orange River in 1852-53, 
 afterwards as Depty. Asst. Q. M. Genl. of the 2nd division ; and 
 subsequently as Depty. Adjt. Genl. and Depty Q. M. Genl. to the 
 forces in South Africa, from Jan., 1854, to July, 1860 ; commanding 
 the troops in Mauritius, from the 13 April, 1870; assumed the 
 administration of the Government there 3 June, 1870 ; and from 
 19 Aug. till ?9 Sept., 1871, was acting Secy, to the Govt, in the 
 Eastern Provinces, Cape of Good Hope ; in 1859, whilst employed 
 there, was Q. M. Genl. to the army ; and was Inspector Genl. of 
 Irish Militia, from 1861 till Oct., 1867 ; apptd. a special magistrate 
 for the County and City of Dublin, 18G7. Made a journey of 
 inspection across the continent to British Columbia, 1875. — Manor 
 House Thames I)itto/i, Surrey ; Uniied Service Club ; Rideau Club ; 
 Wellington street, Ottawa ; Western Depaiimental Building. 
 Aide-de-Camp — Edward Guy Selby Smyth, Esquire, Lieut 86l/i. 
 Royal Regt. Only Kon of Major Genl. Selby Smyth. B. 1851. 
 Ed. at Rugby. Entered the army,1870. Promoted Lieutenant, 
 1871. Served at the Cape of Good Hope, from June, 1870 till 
 March, 1875, and as A. D. C. to Lieut.-Genl. Sir Arthur Cunyng- 
 liame, K.C.B., from Nov., 1873, till appointed to present position, 
 5 Nov.; 1875. Is an hon. Captain in Canada Militia. (Salary 
 $1,000). — Wellington st.^ Ottawa; Rideau ^lub. 
 ^'♦NDFORD Fleming, C. E. B. 1827. Was on the engineering 
 staff of the Northern Railway of Can., from 1852 to 1863, during 
 the greater portion of which time he was Chief Engineer of the road. 
 Was Chief Engineer of other important works about that period. 
 WasR delegate to Eng., 1863, as the bearer of a memorial from the 
 people of Bed River Settlement, praying for the opening up of 
 such a line of road as would aftbrd that settlement Iree access with- 
 out being dependent on a foreign country. Apptd., same j'ear, * 
 by the Govts, of Can., N.S., and N.B., and ako by the Imperial 
 Govt., to conduct the preliminary survey of the Intercolonial Rail- 
 way ; completed all the location Surveys, and as Chief Engineer 
 superintended the construction of the Intercolonial Railway. Was 
 appointed., 5 May, 1371, Engineer-m-Chicf to carry on the Pacific 
 Railway Surveys: in 1872 successfully conducted an Expedition 
 from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, through Canadian Territory, 
 for the most part along the general route of the projected Railway, 
 in the short space of three months. Has remained, until present 
 time, Chief Engineer of Intercolonial and Pacific Railways. Is 
 the author of many printed reports on Railways and Public Works — 
 Author of "The Int-^r jolonial. A Historical Sketch of the incep- 
 tion and completion oi the line of railway uniting the Inland and 
 Atlantic Provinces of the Dominion." (August, 181 Q.) Made an 
 extended tour through Europe from August, 1876, to February, 1877. 
 Cor. of Daly and Chapel Sts., Ottawa ; Rideau Club ; Ojjice : Wester)} 
 Departmental Building. 
 Charles John Brydges. — B., Feb., 1826. Was for some years 
 in the service of the London and South Western Railway Co., of 
 which he ultimately became Assist. Secy. Declined the Secretary- 
 ship on his appt. as Managing Director of the Great Western Tlail- 
 way of Can., Jan., 1853. Apptd. Managing Director of th( Grand 
 Trunk Railway, Sept., 1862 ; Apptd. an Intercolonial Railway 
 Commr., Dec, 1868. Is President of the Quebec Rifle Assn.; Vice- 
 Presdt. of the Dominion Rifle Assn.; and Vice-Presidt. of Mer- 
 chants' Bank. Apptd. General Superintendent of Govt. Railways 
 in 18Y4, and has since the Intercolonial Railway Commission was 
 abolished, had charge of the completion of the works of that 
 Railway, and also the working of all the Government Railways east 
 of Quebec. The charge of the Prince Edward Island Railway was 
 also placed under his control in the autumn of 1875. — " Chandos 
 House," Sherhrooke St., Montreal ; St. James Club ; Stadacona Clnb ; 
 Toronto Club ; Rideau Club. 
 Hon. Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt, K. C. M. G., British Com- 
 Francis Clare Ford, Esquire. — British Agent. 
 H. J. G. Bergne, Esquire. — Assistant. 
 Joseph Doutre, Esquire^ Q.C., Montreal, 1 
 S. R.Thomson, Esquire, Q. C, St. John, j 
 R. L. Weatherbb, Esquire, Halifax, }■ Canadian Coanscl. 
 L. H. Davies, Esquire, M.P.F., Charlotte- j 
 town. J 
 I it 
 Ex. Lieut.-Gov. — Wilmot, Q.C, D.C.L., for the Dominion. 
 Chief Justice. — Harrison, D.C.L., for the Province of Ontario. 
 i^^ //on. ^«> Ed. Thornton, K.C.B., British Minister at Washing- 
 ton, Third Commissioner by Joint arrangement. 
 Hon. John Young, of Montreal. 
 [There was no Secretary or Assistant Commissioner appointed 
 by Government] . 
 ©he ifjjutg '§mh i\\\& (i[U4 ®^mfi of th^ 
 Clerk of the Queen^s Privy Council. — William Hlmsworth 
 {see ante). 
 Assistant Clerk of the Qtieeii's Privy Council. — Joseph Olivier 
 Cote, iV^.P. B. 1820. Admitted a Notary Public for L.C., 1841. 
 Was Deputy Registrar of Berthier, 1842-43. Apptd. a Clerk in Ex. 
 Council Office, Can., 1845. Asst. Clerk of Privy Council, 1 July, 
 1872. Author of Political Appointments and Elections in Canada^ 
 (2nd ed. Ottawa, 1800). {Salary $2,200). — Cor. Wilbrod and Kiny 
 Streets; Eastern Departmental Building. 
 Deputy of the Minister of Justice., — Zebulov Aiton Lash. B. 
 Sept., 184G. Called to Bar, Prov. Ont,, May, 1868. Practised his 
 profession in Toronto. Apptd. Lecturer and Examiner on Commer- 
 cial and Criminal Law to Law Society, Ont., Nov., 1872. Held 
 that office till apptd. Deputy Minister of Justice, Sept,, 1870, — 
 (Salary $4,000) 3Ietcalf'e Street, Ottawa. 
 Deputy of the Minister of Militia and Defence . — Jjieut.-Col, Hon . 
 Charles Eugene Panet. B. in City of Quebec, 17 Nov., 1830. 
 Called to the Bar, L.C., 1854. Is Lieut. -Col. commanding the 
 9th Batt. V.M. or " Voltiyeurs de Quebec ; a mem*, of the Council of 
 the Dominion liiflc Assn. ; and a Vice-Presdt. of the Dominion 
 Artillery Assn . Was Coroner for the City of Quebec for fourteen 
 years. Sat in the Senate for "La Salle" division from 27 March, 
 1874 until 5 Feb., 1875, when appointed to present office. {Salary 
 $3,200.) — Daly Street, Octawa ; Western Departmental Building. 
 Ac^iutant-General of Militia. — Colonel Walker Powell. B. 20 
 May, 1828. First appointed an officer in the Norfolk Regt. of 
 Militia, 14 Dec, 1847 ; promoted Colonel in the service, 1873. Sat 
 for Norfolk in Can. Assembly from 1857 to 1861. Has also been 
 Warden of Norfolk. Apptd. Deputy Adjt. Genl. U.C., 19 Aug., 
 18G2; Deputy Adjt. Genl. for Dominion at Headquarters, 1 Oct., 
 1868 ; Acting Adjt. Genl, 22 Aug., 1873 ; and Adjutant Genl., 21 
 Apl., 1875. {Salary $2,600.)— 138, JJahj Street; Western Depart- 
 mental Building . 
 Accountant to Bepartinent of Militia and Defence. — Lieut. -Col. 
 John IVl^ acpherson. B. 8 Jan., 1830. For many years a merchant 
 in Montreal. The following account of Col. Macpherson's mili- 
 tary services is taken from a printed circular, dated Nov., 1870 : — 
 3 849, apptd. Ensign 3rd Batt. Montreal Militia.— 1856 (16 Oct.) 
 organized first Highland Company formed in the Province of 
 Quebec ; gazetted Capt., and maintained the command for several 
 years ; the Company was subsequently attached to the 1st, or 
 "Prince of Wales" Rcgt., Montreal, and formed one of the Guards 
 of Honor during the visit of H.U.H. the Prince of Wales, and 
 thanked in Militia General Orders, Sept, same year. — 1861 
 (19 Feb.), promoted to rank of Major; (5 Apl.) received the appt. 
 of Brigade Major to the active Forces of Montreal. 1862 ^28 Nov.) 
 when the new regulations came into effect, imder Militia Act of 
 that year, was selected by the Commander in Chief to fill the post 
 of Brigade Major to the whole Militia Force of Militia District No. 
 11, L.C.; was instrumental in organizing a number of Drill Asso- 
 ciations in Montreal, in connection with tlie Militia Forces and 
 Colleges. — 1865 (10 Feb.,) Gazetted a mem. of Board of Examiners, 
 at Montreal, of Candidates for admission to Military schools ; 
 (24 Nov.) passed first-class examination before Board of Regular 
 Officers, and received First-Class Certificate ; (24 Nov.) Gazetted to 
 rank of Lt -Colonel. — 1866 (2 Jan.) Apptd. a mem, of Board of 
 Examiners of Officers for Commissions in Volunteer Militia. 
 (March) Served on the Staff of the Adjt. Genl. of Militia during 
 the threatened Fenian troubles ; (June) Served on the Staff of Major 
 General Lindsay at Montreal, and favorably mentioned in his report 
 submitted to Parlt.; (30 Nov.) Apptd. Deputy Asst. Adjt. Geul. 
 of Militif. commanding one of the Military Dists. L.C. 1869. 
 Under the operation of the present Militia Law, the Dist. then 
 imder his command was merged into ISos. 5 and 6 Military Dists., 
 and Col. M. having been ordered to headquarters was subsequently 
 — on 23 July— apptd. Acting Deputy Adjt. Genl. in command of 
 Dist. No. 3, Ont., during the absence on leave of Col. Jarvis, 
 D.A.G.— 1870 (18 Feb.), apptd. Acting Supt. of Military Schools in 
 the Dominion, and served in that capacity until the threatened 
 Fenian troubles in April following, when he was appointed to the 
 Staff of Lt. -General Lindsay, and assumed command of the Active 
 Militia Brigade s concentrated in Montreal. When Fenian invasion 
 took place in May he was again selected by the Gov.-Genl. to join 
 the staft" of Lt.-General Lindsay, as Asst. Adjt. Genl. of Militia, 
 and accompanied H.R.H. Prince Arthur to the scenes of action at 
 Eccles Hill and Huntingdon frontier. On the termination of this 
 service was ordered to join Staff at Headquarters, and for some time 
 acted as Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Apptd. to 
 present position, ] Sept., 1872. (Salari/ '^3,000.)— 210, Ualfj St. ; 
 Eastern I)ej)ari mental Building. 
 Under Secretai'tj of State of Canada. — Edouard Joseph Langevin, 
 N.P . Admitted as a Notary Public, L.C., 3 Dec, 1858, and was 
 for some years a mem. of the Chamber of Notaries for the District 
 of Quebec; apptd. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Can., 4 Jan., 
 1865 ; to same office for Dominion, 5 July, 18G7 ; Deputy Registrar 
 General, 1 July, 1868 ; Under Secy, of State of Can., 9 July, 1873. 
 In 1876 succeeded Mr. Wm. Smith as Secy, to the Civil Servir 
 Board. Was Major 9th iJatt. V.M., or ^'•Voltigeurs de Quebec j 
 and retired retaining rank, 1865 . {Salary. $3,200 . ) — Russell House; 
 Eastern Departmental Building. 
 Queen's Printer — Lieut.-Col. Brown Chambeblin, C.M.G., D.C.L. 
 B. 182*^. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1850. Was for many years one 
 of the conductors of the Montreal Gazette; Socy. to the Board of 
 Arts and Manufactures, L.C., from 1857 to 1862 ; Presdt. of that 
 body from latter date to ]865 ; a Commr. on behalf of Can. to the 
 London Universal Exhibition, 1862. Sat for Missisquoi in House of 
 Commons from the Union until apptd. Queen's Printer, 7 June, 
 1870. Has been Col. of the 60th Batt. (Missisquoi) Volunteer 
 Light Infantry, and a Fellow of McGill Univ., from which he 
 obtained degree of D.C.L. , 1867. Created by the Queen, in Sept., 
 1870, a Companion of the Most Distinguished Cider of St. Michael 
 and St. George, for liis services in repelling Fenian invaders at 
 Eccles' Hill, Mav, same year. (Salart/, $2,200.) McKag St., New 
 Edinburgh ; Eastern Departmental Building. 
 Keeper of the Records . — Henry James Morgan. B. in the city 
 of Quebec, 14 Nov., 1842. Entered public service 19 Nov., 1853 ; 
 Sessional Clerk Legislative Assembly, Can., from 1860 to 1864, 
 when apptd. Private Secy to Hon. Isaac Buchanan, then President 
 of the Ex. Council ; transferred to Provincial Secretary's Dept. as 
 Private Secy, to the Hon. Wm. Macdougall, C.B., Nov., same year. 
 At Confederation apptd. to State Dept. as Junior Second-class clerk ; 
 promoted to First-class (with the charge of the State Records of 
' ■ 
 Can.) Oct., 1873; and to a Chief Clerkship, with the title of 
 Keeper of the Records, Z2 December, 1875. (Salary/, $1,550.) 
 Called to the Bar of Quebec, Jan.. 1873 ; to that of Ontario, May, 
 same year.' Is author of The Tour of If. R. II. the Prince of Wales 
 through British America ami the United States (Quebec, 1860); 
 Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, ,jr. (Quebec, 18")2); The Place 
 British Americans have Won in Ilistort/, a lecture (Ottawa, 18G5) ; The 
 Bihliotheca Canadensis or a Manual of Canadian Literature (Ottawa, 
 1867). In 1862 established The Canadian Parliamcntanj Companion^ 
 which he continued to publish annually up to 1876. — Bank -street 
 Road ; Eastern Dciiartmcntal Building. 
 Clerk of the Cron-n in Chancerg. — Richard Popk. B. in Toronto, 
 19 Oct. 1827, Called to theBar, L.C., 1854, Asst. Editor L.C. 
 Latv Reports, 1855 to 18G1. Govt. Gold Mining Commr. for the 
 Chaudiere (Quebec) Gold Mining Division, 1865 to 1871 ; Presdt. of 
 the Chaudiere Gold-mining Assn., 1866 to 1871 ; Clk. in Corre- 
 sponding Branch Dept. Public \Vorks, and Private Secy, to Minis- 
 ter, 1872 until 21 Oct., 1873, when apptd. to present office. A 
 Major in the Militia. Organized Quebec Volunteer Rifle Assn. 
 at the time of the <' Trent " affair. Won first prize medal of Liter- 
 ary and Historical Society, Quebec, for best Essay on Canada, *1853. 
 Author of Canadian 3Ii7\erals and Mining Interests, 1857; Gold Fields 
 of Canada, in 1^^% ] Notes on Immigration and Mining and Agricul- 
 tural Labour in Ca?iada, IS59. (Salary, $1,750 ) — House of Commons ; 
 Lela7id Terrace, 21 Gloucester Street. 
 Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. — Edmund Allen Meredith, 
 LL.D.; Sch. (T.C.IJ.) B. 1817. Graduated at the University of 
 Dublin, 1837. Received honorary degree of M.A. from Bishop's 
 College, Lennoxville, and that of LL.D. from McGill University. 
 Called to the Irish Bar, 1844 ; to the Bar of U.C. same year ; and 
 to the Bar of L . C . , 1845 . Was Principal of McGill College, 1846-7 . 
 Apptd. Asst. Secy., U.C, 20 May, 1847 ; Inspector of Prisons and 
 Asylums, 1859 ; Chairman of Board of do., 1864 ; Under-Secretary 
 of State for the Provinces, 1 Julv, 1867 , Chairman of Civil Service 
 Board, 1869 ; Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, 1 July, 1873. 
 Is an hon. mem. of the Am. Association for the Advancement of 
 Social Science ; and a corresponding mem . of the New York Prison 
 Association. {Salary, ^3,200.) 253 Augusta St.; Eastern Depart- 
 mental Building. 
 Commissioner of Ordnance and Admiralty Lands. — Lieut.-Col. 
 title of 
 •io, May, 
 of Wales 
 , 1860); 
 lifi Place 
 IG5); The 
 Uink -street 
 itor L.C. 
 1-. for the 
 Presdt. of 
 in Corre- 
 to Minis- 
 offlce. A 
 ifle Assn. 
 I of Liter- 
 lold Fields 
 ul Agricul- 
 Lversity of 
 year ; and 
 e, 1846-7. 
 isons and 
 il Service 
 Lily, 1873. 
 cement of 
 Drk Prison 
 -n Do par t- 
 William Foster Coffin. B. 5 Nov., 1808. Called to Bar, L.C, 
 1835. Apptd. Asst. Civil Secy., L.C., 1838, and in following year, 
 Police Magistrate. Again apptd. Asst. Civil Secy,, for Police pur- 
 poses, 1840, and suhsequently, in same year, Commr. of Police for 
 L.C. Apptd., 1842, joint Sheriff of District of Montreal, whici. 
 office h© resigned in 1851, in consequence of d, sudden reduction of 
 salary hy Statute, which made the office insufficient to support two 
 incumbents. Apptd. to his present office, 1856. Declined the 
 Lieut. -Governorship of Manitoba and the North-T^est Territories, 
 1872, Has been a special Govt. Commr. on many occasions : 
 in 1840, to ^'nvestigate into the state and condition of the Montreal 
 Gaol ; in 1841, to enquire into Indian troubles at Caugh- 
 nawaga ; in same year to enquire into election riots in Toronto ; in 
 1854, to enquire into divers accidents on Great VVestern Railway ; in 
 1855, to enquire into the affairs of the University of Toronto ; 
 in same year was associated in the Commission of the Peace 
 for Montreal, Ottawa and Co. of Carleton, and sent to keep 
 the peace on the Gatineau, then seriously threatened by refractory 
 characters to the great disquietude of the lumbering interests. Was 
 also one of the Intercolonial Railway Commrs., 1868. Has been in 
 the Volunteer Militia Forces for many years, and raised and 
 commanded the Montreal Field Battery, 1855, for which he was 
 promoted to the rank of Lt.-Col., and thanked by the Commander- 
 in-Chief in " General Orders." Was a mem. of the Royal Institution 
 for the Advancement of Learning ; a Governor of McGill College ; 
 and has written a History of the War of 1812 (Mont., 1864); 
 Thoughts on Defence from a Canadian Point of VieWy (do., 1870) ; and 
 Quirks of Diplomacy, (do., 1874) ; besides various contributions to 
 Canadian periodical literature. (Salary, $2,200.) — " Aux Fcluses,'^ 
 Rideau Canal; Eastern Departmental Building , 
 Surveyor-General of Domitiion Lands — Lieut.-Col. John Stough- 
 TON Dennis. P.L.S. B. 1820. Commissioned as Surveyor of Lands, 
 U.C., 1842, and in that capacity practised extensively for many 
 years, being employed on many public surveys and explorations. 
 Raised Volunteer Battery of Artillery in Toronto, 1856, and 
 from that time up to quite recently has been permanently con- 
 nected wHh the Can. Active Militia Force. Apptd. Major of 
 Brigade to Toronto Force, with rank of Major, 1857 ; and Brigade 
 Major of 5th Military District, on re-organization of the Militia, 
 with rank of Lieut.-Col., 1862. Was on active service on Niagara 
 River during the Fenian Invasion, 186G, and on that occasion com- 
 manded a bodj"^ of Volunteers in action with the enemy. Wan 
 employed in North- West Territories, 18G9, to organize a system of 
 Public Surveys, and on his return, occupied tor some months the 
 office of Official Secy, to the Lieut.-Governor of Ont. Is author of 
 a Manual shewing the system of Survet/ adopted for the Public Lands qf 
 Canada in Manitoba and the North- West 'Territories, with Instructions 
 to Surveyors, (1871.) Apptd. to present office, March, 1871. 
 (<S'aZa/,y, $2,600.) — Cor. Coojicr and Metcaljc Sts.; Eastern Depart' 
 mental JJuildini/. 
 Director of the Canadian Geological Surrey. — Alfued Richard 
 Cecil Sblwyn, /'. G.S. B. in Eng., 1824. Youngest s. of the Rev. 
 Townshend Selwyn, Canon of Gloucester Cathedral, by Charlotte 
 Sophia, dau. of Lord George Murray, Bishop of St. David's, and 
 grand-dau. of John, fourth Duke of Athol. Ed. in Switzerland. 
 Apptd., 1845, Asst. Geologist on the Geological Survey of Great 
 Britain ; 1852, apptd. by the Secy, of State for the Colonies, on the 
 recommendation of Sir T. De la Beclie, the Director of the Survey, 
 to undertake the Geological Survey of the Colony of Victoria, 
 Australia, In 1854 and 1859, respectively, by special request of 
 the Govts, of Tasmania and Australia, Mr. S. examined and re- 
 ported upon the coal-fields and gold-fields of those Colonies ; apptd. 
 one of the Victorian Commissioneis of Mines in 1856; mem. of the 
 Board of Science and of the Prospecting Board in 1858 ; Commr. 
 for the Victoria International Exhibition, 1861. Was also a mem. 
 of the Govt. Tender Board, and mem. of the Councils of the Board 
 of Agriculture, of the Royal Society, and of the Acclimatization 
 Society, up to 1869, whonhe left Australia for Can. to succeed Sir 
 W. E. Logan in the superintendence of the Geological Survey of 
 the Dominion. Has been over thirty years in the Public Service in 
 Britain and, the Colonies (^Salary $4,000).~i08, Vansfield St., Montreal. 
 Deputy Mininter of Finance and Auditor General. — John Lano- 
 TON, M.A, B. in Eng., April, 1808. Came to Canada, 1833. Has 
 been Warden of Peterborough, and Vice-Chancellor of the Univer- 
 sity of Toronto. Sat for Peterborough, in Can . Assembly, from 
 1851 to 1855. Apptd. Auditor of Public Accounts, Can., 27 Dec, 
 1855; Audiior of the Dominion, 30 May, 1868 ; Secretary of the 
 Treasury Board, 31 Jan., 1868. Declined the Finance Ministership, 
 i862. Was a mem. of the Commission apptd. in 1868 to enquire 
 into and report upon the Civil Service. Is a mem. of the Board of 
 Audit; and Presdt. of the Civil Service Building and Savings 
 Society. (Salary, $4,200).--30, Stewart St. ; Eastern Departmental 
 1* «> 
 Assistant Auditor-Gensral. — lion. John Simpson. Was Collector 
 of Customs, Niap^ara, for somo years. Sat for Niagara in Can. 
 Asficrably from 1857 until 1864. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council 
 and Provl. Secy., Can., for a short period in 1864. Apptd. Asst. 
 Auditor, Aug., 1864. {Salary $2,400.)— 209, Slater St.; Eastern 
 Departmental Building. 
 Accountant of Contingencies . — Lieut.-Col. Thomas Ross. B. in 
 Montreal, 8 July, 1821. Entered public service as extra elk. in 
 Provl. Secy's office, L.C., 1839. Apptd. 2nd elk. in Provl . -Secy's 
 office. Can., Apl., 1852 ; chief elk., same office, Accountant of Con- 
 tingencies and Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Licenses, 
 June 1858; Accountant of Contingencies and Deputy Governor for 
 Dominion, 1868. Organized stationary branch ot State Dept , IBTO, 
 which has been the means of effecting a very considerable yearly 
 saving to the public revenue. Is Lieut.-Col. commanding Ist 
 Batt. "Governor General's Foot Guards," Ottawa. {Salary $2,400.) 
 — 188, Stewart St.; Eastern Departmental Building. 
 Financial Inspector. — Thomas Dillon Tims, B. in Castle Pollard, 
 Irel., 6 Jan., 1825. Engaged for many years in commercial 
 pursuits. Entered Civil Service in 1858 as 1st class elk. in audit 
 branch of Inspector Genl. Dept.; 1860 to 1866, chiefly employed 
 upon Inspection duty, and in the preparation of Public Accounts 
 and Estimates for Parlt.; 1863, apptd. a Commr. to enquire into 
 prison management at Montreal ; 1866, apptd Govt. Supt. of the 
 engraving and printing of the first issue of Legal Tender Notes, 
 visited Washington same year upon official business ; 1867, reported 
 upon a financial system for the new Province of Quebec ; same year 
 placed in charge of Dominion affairs at Halifax ; 1868, apptd. with 
 others Commr. to enquire into the management of Govt, railways 
 in N.S.; 1868 to 1872, engaged in the organization of Financial 
 Depts. and Savings Banks in N.S. and N.B.; 1872 and 1873, 
 visited British Columbia and Manitoba, and established branches of 
 the Finance Dept. and Savings Bank in both Provinces. Apptd. 
 Financial Inspector, 1870. Superintends in the Finance Dept. at 
 Ottawa, the financial business of the out-lying Provinct^s of N.S., 
 N.B., P.E.I., B.C., and Manitoba. Is Inspector Dominion Savings 
 Banks, and Sub-Treasurer and Auditor of Government Railways. 
 {Salary $3,000)— 286, Daly St.] Eastern Departmental Building; 
 Rideau Club. 
 Deputy Receiver General. — Thomas Douglas Hai tngton. B. 
 1808. Served for a short period in Royal Navy, and afterwards in 
 East India Company's Marine. Entered Provl. Secy, and 
 I m^ 
 Hegistrai's office, U.C , I Nov., 1832. At the Union of U. and 
 L.C., in 1841, was apptd. Chief Clerk of the Provl. Secy's, office, 
 Jleceiverof Fees and Paymaster of Contingencies, Deputy Governor 
 for signing Marriage Licenses, and Asst. Dpty. Clerk of the Crown 
 in Chancery, offices which he continued to liold until May, 1858, 
 when apptd. Deputy Receiver GcnI. Can. Appointed to same 
 office under the Dominion, May, 1868. Has been Grand Master of 
 the Grand Lodge of Free Masons of Can. Is a Jjieut.-Col. 
 (nnattached) in the Militia. (Salary |3,200.)— 12, Rear St.; Eastern 
 Departmental Building. 
 Commissioner of Customs. — James Johnson. B. 1817. Was 
 accountant of construction of the European and North American 
 Railway of N.B. (Government Road), from Aug., 1857, until its 
 completion in Nov., 1860, when apptd. Chief Clk. of the Provin- 
 cial office of Audit , N.B. Became acting Auditor-Genl. of N.B. , 
 Jan., 1865, and apptd. Auditor-Genl., 1366, which office he resigned 
 Nov., 1867, to accepc the Asst. Commissionersni^^ of Customs at 
 Ottawa. Conjointly with the Auditor Generalship, held the offices 
 of Asst. Provl. Secy, and Registrar of the Record of N.B. Was, 
 previous to entering Govt, service, Mayor of Moncton. Was Act- 
 ing Collector of Port of St. John, N.B., for some months, 1872. 
 Arptd. Commr. of Customs, 1 Jan., 1875. (Salary, $3,200,)— 381 
 I)aly St.; Eastern Departmental Building. 
 Commissioner of Inland Revenue. — Lieut.-Col. Alfred Bbunel, 
 C.E. B. 1818. Is a Civil Engineer by profession, and from 1844 
 to 1850 was employed on various Public Works in Can. Was Asst. 
 Engineer of the Northern Railway, 1852 ; Supdt. of same road 
 from 1853 to 1856 ; an Alderman of U'oronto from 1857 to 1862 ; 
 City Engineer of Toronto, 1859-60. Took an active part in the 
 organization of the 10th ("Royals") Regt. V.M. during the 
 "Trent " difficulty, 1861, of which he was gazetted Major, March, 
 1862, and Lieut.-Col. July, 1865, and continued in active command 
 of the Regt. (which was on duty during the whole Fenian troublee), 
 until he resigned, retaining his rank, 1871. Was a Commr. to 
 enquire into the state of the Customs' Ports, and especially as to 
 the workings of the free ports of Gaspe and Sault Ste. "Marie, 1862. 
 Apptd. Inspector of Customs, Excise and Canals 1863 ; Asst. 
 Commr. of Inland Revenue, 1869, and to his present office, 1871. 
 Proceeded to Eng. on public business, 1873. Is ex-opcio & mem. 
 of the Civil Service Board, and of the Board of Audit. (Salary, 
 $4,000.)— 92 Mefcaff St.; Eastern Departjuental Building. 
 Asst. ComMssioner of Inland Revenue. — Edwaod Miall, Jr. B. 
 1838. Entered Civil Hervic(;, 1870. Apptd. Asst. Commr. of 
 Inland Revenue, 1872. {Salant, $2,400.) MetcalJ); St.; Eastern 
 Departmental Building . 
 Deputy to the Minister of Public Works. — TouisSANT Tiiudeau, 
 C.E. B. 1826. Apptd. to present office, May, 1868. Was pre- 
 viously, for a short period, Secy, to the Department of Public Works, 
 Can.; subsequently Chief Engineer to do.; and from March, 1864, 
 to the Union, Deputy Commr. of Public Works. Apptd. a Commr. 
 of the Intercolonial Railway, 1874. Is Socy. to Railway Commit- 
 tee of Privy Council. {Salary, $4,400.)— 66 Stewart St.; Western 
 Departmental Buildiny . 
 Chief Engineer to Department of Public Works, — John Page, 
 C.E. B. in Scot., 1815. Served under the late Robert Stephen- 
 son, as Engineer of the Northern Lighthouse Board . Came to the 
 U.S, 1838, and was engaged on the Erie Canal until 1842, when he 
 entered service of Can, Govt., on the Welland Canal. Apptd, 
 Chief Engineer to Dept., 1853. Declined the Deputy Ministership 
 of Public Works, 1863. (Salary, $4,000.) — Russell House ; Western 
 Departmental Building. 
 Secretary to the Department of Public Works. — Frederick Braun. 
 B. 1826. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1848. Entered Civil Service, 
 1854. Apptd. Secretary to Public Works, 1864. (-S'a^ary $2,400.) 
 — Cor. Bay and Queen Streets ; Western Departmental Building. 
 Private Secretary to the Prime Minister. — William Buckingham. 
 B. anded. in Eng. Came to Can., 1857. Was on the staff for 
 many years of the newspaper press both in Eng. and Can. In 1859, 
 in conjunction with Mr. W. Coldweil, established the Nor'-Wester, 
 the first newspaper published in what is now the Province of Mani- 
 toba. Subsequently edited the Norfolk Reformer ; and in 1863 
 became editor and proprietor of the Stratford Beacon, a position 
 which he relinquished in 1873, a few months before his appt. to 
 the office which he now holds . Was Private Secy, to Postmaster 
 Genl. Foley from 1862 to 1863. Accompanied the Can. delegates 
 to Eng. as Official Reporter, at the time of the meeting of the 
 Colonial Conference in Eng., 1866, for the purpose of making final 
 arrangements for the Union of the B.N. A. Colonics. In 1873 was 
 deputed to Eng. by Ont. Govt, on Immigration business ; and 
 afterwards declined the Chief Agency of that Province in London. 
 Has been Reeve and Acting Mayor of Stratford ; mem . of Council 
 of the Board of Trade ; dir. of Mechanics' Institute ; mem . of 
 Grammar School Board; Presdt. of St. George's Society; dir. of 
[:: i) 
 North Perth Agricultural Society; dir. of Strtitfordand Livko Huron 
 Railway ; and Tresdt. of the Can. Press Assn. Was mem. of 
 Commission apptd. 18G2 so enquire into management of city Fob! 
 Ofticos {Salan/ $2,000.)— Slater St.; Western Deport mental Building i 
 JJeputif Postmaster General William IIbnhy Griffin. B., 7 
 Aug., 1812. Entered Imperial public service as a clerk in the 
 ofticeof the Depty. Postmastnr Gcnl., 23 April, 1831 ; promoted to 
 be Surveyor of Post Offices, east of Kingston, 1 May, 1835 ; apptd. 
 Secy, of P. 0. Dept. on its transfer to Provincial control, 1851 ; 
 Deputy Postmaster Genl. Can., 12 June, 1857 ; Deputy Postmaster 
 General of thtj Dominion, 30 May, 18G8. Apptd. a Commissioner 
 for the re-organization of the Civil Service, 18G8. Was also a 
 mem. of the Civil Service Commission, 18G2, Has been a mem. 
 of Board of Audit since its first establishment, 1858, and of 
 the Board of Customs, Excise and Stamps, since 1864. 
 Negotiated the Postal Convention with the U.S., 1875. Is Vice- 
 Presdt. of the Civil Service Building and Savings' Society. 
 {Salary $3,200.)— -300, Sparks St. West; West Departmental Building. 
 Secretary to Post Office Department. — Lieut-Col. Wm. Whitb. B. 
 G Jan , 1830. Entered Imperial public service as a clerk in General 
 Post Office, London, 19 Feb., 184G, which he resigned 1 April, 
 1854. Apptd. chief clerk in Money Order Office of P.O. Dept., 
 Can. (on its establishment), 1 Dec, 1854; Secretary of the Depart- 
 ment, 21 Jan., 1861. Author of a Post Ofjfice Gazetteer of the 
 Dominion ; and of the Annals of Canada, published (in the Cana- 
 dian Monthly) by Adam, StevcLson & Co., cf Toronto. Is Brevet 
 Lieut. -Col. of the Governor Gen" '^ Foot Guards. {Salary %2^^00 .) 
 — " Whitehurst,'^ 185 Fast Witrtrmbitry St, ; Western Departmental 
 Building . 
 Sat for 
 Deputy of the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics.- 
 Charles Tache, M.D. B. 1820. A doctor of medicine. 
 Rimouski in Can. Assembly from 1847 to 1857, when he resigned. 
 Was a Commr. from Can. to Paris Exhibition, 1855, on which occa- 
 sion created a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor by the Emperor of 
 the French ; ed* of Le Courrier du Canada (Que.) from 1857 to 1859, 
 when apptd. an Inspector of Prisons, Asylums, &c., of which he 
 became Chairman, 1863. Apptd. Deputy Min. of Agriculture, 
 Can., Aug., 1864, which office he continues to hold under the 
 Dominion. Was a Commr. to Paris Exhibition, 1867. Author of 
 various works on Canada. {Salary $3,200.) — 16 Water St.; We$tem 
 Departmental Building. 
 Secretan/ to Department of Agricultinr. — John LowK. Kutcrcfl 
 public service ns Census Staff Officer, July, 1870. Apptd. Secy, of 
 Dept. of Agriculture, 21 Feb., 1871 . Was reporter and asst. editor 
 Montreal Gazette, from 1848 to 1851 ; editor of Toronto Colonist, from 
 1851 to 1853 ; joint editor and proprietor of Montreal Gazette, from 
 1853 to 1870. Is author of several statistical and other publications. 
 (Salary $2,200). — ^^fnkerman Cottage," Kideau Canal ; Western Depart- 
 mental Building. 
 Deputy of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. — William Smith. 
 B. 1821. Entered public service in H. M. Customs in United King- 
 dom, under an appt. by the Lords of the Treasury, 1840; apptd. 
 second elk. of Imperial Customs at St. John, N.B., 1842 : Surveyor 
 of Shipping, same port, under Imperial Registry Act, 1851 ; Con- 
 troller of Customs and Navigation Laws, and Registrar of Shipping, 
 same port, 1855 ; Receiver-Genl. of Admiralty droits for N. B., 
 1858 ; a Commissioner to investigate complaints against Police Dept. 
 at St. John, 1862 ; a member of the West India Trade Commission, 
 1865 ; Secy, of Dept. of Marine and Fisheries, 1867 ; Deputy of tho 
 Minister of Marine and Fisheries, 1868 ; and in the same year Com- 
 mlBsioncr, with others, to enquire into and report upon the conduct 
 and efficiency of the whole of the Civil Service of the Dominion. 
 In summer of 1876 went on a mission connected with Marine Dept. 
 of the Dominion, to confer with Impcaial authorities. Is a mem. 
 of the Board of Audit and of the Civil Service Board, of the latter 
 of which he is Secretary. (Salary $3,200).— 162, Daly St.; Western 
 Departmental Bui! ding . 
 A. Mackenzie 190 Wellington Street. 
 R. Cartwright 252 Daly Street. 
 If. Blake 188 Maria Street. 
 I. Burpee 172 Elgin Street. 
 A. J. Smith 112 Metcalfe Street. 
 J. E. Cauchon Stadacona Hall. 
 R. Laflamme i» 104 Metcalfe Street. 
 David MillsiJ Maria Street. 
 Thos. Coffin , Corner Bank and Sparks Streets. 
 R. W. Scott 274 Daly Street. 
 L. 8. Huntington 104 Metcalfe Street. 
 W. B. Vail , . Russell House. 
 C. A. Pelletier " 
 Premier and Minister of Puhlic Works, — Mr. W. Buckingham (&« ante.) 
 " Justice. — Mb. H. Kinloch., 
 " Finance. — Mr. W. A. Blackmore. 
 " President of Council — Mr. 0. E. Paradis. 
 « Customs. — Mb. C. V. F. Bliss. 
 Secretary of State. — Mr. B. Seymour Tobin. 
 Minister of Interior. — Mr. A. M. Burgess. 
 Fisheries — Mr. A. Chisholm. 
 Agriculture. — Mb. E. Tetu. 
 Militia. — Mb. Colin Campbell, R.N. 
 Receiver-General. — Me. Coffin. 
 Postmaster-General . — Mb H. G. Hoi>kirk. 
 Inland Revenue. — Mr. L. Lafhamboisb. 
 Secretarif to Mr. Fleming, Chief Engineer .—'^ji. T. Burpbi. 
 (Explanation of |parliamcnlari| ®erms and 
 Adjournment. — See Interruption of the Sittings ot Parliament. 
 Amendment. — See Order. 
 Avoidance op a Decision. — When a motion has been made 
 upon which the House is unwilling to come to a vote, there are cer- 
 tain formal modes of avoiding a decision, amongst which are 
 " passing of the orders of tlie day," or " moving the previous ques- 
 tion." The former means that the House should — casting aside 
 and taking no notice of the matter then before it — proceed to the 
 other business appointed for that day ; the latter, that a vote be pre- 
 viously taken as to the expediency of coming to any decision on 
 the question raised. If "■ the previous question " be negatived as a 
 matter of expediency, the motion to which it referred is only 
 gotten rid of fur the time, whereas a direct negative io the motion 
 itself would be a proscription of it for the remainder of the Session, 
 as well as a denial of its principle. With respect to a Bill, moving 
 that it " be read this day six months," or " this day three months," 
 is a mode of throwing it out without coming to an express declara- 
 tion against the principle of the measure. 
 Bills (Private). — Private Bills are chiefly introduced to enable 
 individuals or bodies corporate to undertake works of public Utility 
 at their own risk, and chiefly for their own emolument and benefit ; 
 but there are other private bills which frequently come before Par- 
 liament, such as bills for adjustii g claims to property between 
 individual claimants, and bills relating to divorce, naturalization, 
 &c. , &c. The expenses of legislation in such matters must be paid 
 by the parties seeking the relief; and a deposit of $200 must be 
 made iramediatelj- after the second reading of the Bill. After the 
 second reading, if all the rules of the House have been complied 

 with, Private Bills go to th.e Committee, and it is before this Com- 
 mittee that proper attention must be given by the parties interested. 
 Individuals or companies may appear by Parliamentary Agent*}. 
 Bills (Public) . — A Bill is the draft or skeleton of a Statute. 
 Any Bill which the Senate can originate may be introduced and 
 laid on the table by an individual Senator without the previous 
 permission of the House ; but in the Commons no bill can be 
 brought in unless a motion for leave be previously agreed to. 
 Permission having been granted, a Committee is appointed to pre- 
 pare the Bill. It is then brought in and rcpd a first time, without 
 amendment or debate, and a day is appointed for a second reading, 
 previous to which it is printed, and a copy furnished to each mem- 
 ber. The Bill, after the second reading, is referred to a Committee 
 of the Whole House, at the sittings of which its details are con- 
 sidered, as its principles were at each of Its several readings. 
 Members are at liberty to discuss its principles at any of its stages, 
 but no one is considered to have declared decisively in favor of its 
 principles,unless by his vote he supports its second reading. In 
 Committee the Bill is debated clause by clause, the blanks left 
 for names, dates, nature and amount of penalties, etc.,^re filled 
 up, and sometimes the Bill is entirely remodelled. The blanks, 
 as they are called, which are usually filled up in italics, are agreed 
 to without a question being put, unless a member should propose 
 to alter them. The next proceeding is, that the Chairman of the 
 Committee should make a report to the House of the changes that 
 the Bill has undergone, which he does by presenting it to the 
 Speaker in its altered form. The report of the Committee is 
 agreed to without discussion, the Bill is ordered to be printed, and 
 it is then read a third time, when any further amendments can be 
 made. If a new clause be added, it is called a rider. The last 
 question but one is that the " Bill do pass ; " after this nothing 
 remains except to determine its title, which used to be a general 
 one for all the acts passed in the session, but in modern times dis- 
 tinct titles are used for each Statute. During the progress of a 
 Bill, the House may di\\do on the following questions : — 1st, on the 
 second reading ; 2nd, that it be committed ; 3rd, on the considera- 
 tion of report of Committee in case of amendments; 4th, or that 
 the Bill be recommitted ; 5th, that it be read a third time ; 6th, 
 that it do pass ; 7th, the title of the Bill. These are quite exclu- 
 sive of any division in Committee, or any amendments, or of any 
 clauses added to or expunged from the measure ^ n or out of the 
 Committee. Alterations arc not usually proposed in a Bill until 
 after its principle lias been disposed of on the second reading. 
 Immediately after the passing of a Bill, it is taken by a member to 
 the Bar of tlie Senate, desiring their concurrence, where it passe* 
 through the same forms as in the Commons . If the Bill be rejected, 
 no further proceedings ensue. When the Senate agree with the 
 Commons in the principle of the measure, but differ on matters of 
 detail, a conference usually follows between members deputed from 
 each House, who generally succeed in adjusting the difference ; but 
 if both Houses remain inflexible, the Bill is dropped. The same 
 proceedings are adopted mutatis mutandis, when the Bill originates 
 in the Upper House. The Bill having thus passed both Houses, 
 remains with the Senate, except in the case of a Bill of Supply, 
 which is sent back to the Commons, to be by them presented at 
 the Bar of the Senate to the Representative of the Sovereign. The 
 assent of the Crown is the final proceeding which converts a Bill 
 into an Act of Parliament. [See *< Royal Assent."] 
 Budget (The). — The Minister of Finance makes one general 
 statement every year to the House of Commons, the object of which 
 is to present a comprehensive view of the financial condition of 
 the Dominion. Sometimes there are preliminary, or supplemental, 
 or occasional speeches ; but the great general statement ot the 
 year has, for a long time past, -jeen quaintly called " The Budget," 
 from the French bougette, by a common figure of speech, putting the 
 name of that which encloses, to signify the thing contained . The 
 \nnual speech, known by that appelation embraces a review of 
 .*ie income and expenditure of the past year, as compared with 
 those of preceding years ; remarks upon the financial prospects of 
 the country ; an exposition of the intended repeal, modifications, or 
 imposition of taxes during the session ; and a detail of the public 
 expenditure during the current period with its grounds of justification. 
 Cabinet. — The Government of a State or community is under- 
 stood to signify the exercise of supreme authority, and includes 
 the executive, the legislative, and the judicial powers ; but in popu- 
 lar acceptation it means only the first of these, the higher and 
 more immediate functions of which are exercised by the Cabinet, a 
 select body through whom, for the time being, the principal func- 
 tions of royalty are discharged . 
 It is only since the adoption of the system of Responsible Gov- 
 ernment that any of the B.N. A. Provinces has had a Cabinet of 
 Ministers. Before this took place, those who advised the Execu- 
 tive, or Her Majesty's Representative, were called, as they were irt 
 1*1 > 
 fact, Members of the Executive Council. They are here dignified 
 by the same name as that by which they are acknowledged in the 
 Parent State — they are called the Government, when the fact is 
 that this word only applies to the three Estates which constitute 
 the Government ; but we have come into the use of the term 
 usually employed in England, and as such it will be best to use it. 
 When speaking of the Supreme Government of the Dominion, the 
 people understand the Members of the Queen's Privy Council for 
 Canada in office. The Queen's Privy Council for Canada is at 
 present composed of about forty members, but only thirteen of these 
 are of the Cabinet. It usually includes all those who are bound to 
 retire when a change of Ministry takes place. The Privy Council 
 being more immediately responsible for tlie conduct of public 
 affairs, their deliberations are always considered confidential and 
 are kept secret. The htad of the Cabinet, who has been entrusted 
 with its formation, is called " The Premier," but more properly 
 " the head of Her Majesty's Canadian Government." The Cabinet, 
 as it stands at present, comprises the following offices : — " The 
 Minister of Justice and Attorney-General;" *' The Minister of 
 Militia and Defence ; " " The Minister of Customs ; " " The Minis- 
 ter of Finance ; " " The Minister of Public Works ; " " The Minister 
 " The Minister of Public Works ; '' 
 of Inland Revenue ; " " The Minister of the Interior ; " " The Minis- 
 ter of Marine and Fisheries • " 
 Council ; " 
 Canada ; " "The Minister of Agriculture ; " 
 , " The President of the Queen's Privy 
 " The Postmaster-General ; " " The Secretary of State of 
 " and " The Receiver- 
 They usually resign when they have lost the confidence 
 of the House of Commons, or they may be dismissed by Her 
 Majesty's Representative, and either House can, by address to the 
 Governor-General, ask for the dismissal of his Cabinet or advisers . 
 The members of the Cabinet or Administration, are supposed to 
 agree upon principles of policy and legislation, and are expected to 
 co-operate in Parliament, upon aU matters and questions not speci- 
 fically agreed upon as " open questions." The office of Premier 
 may be held in conjunction with either of the principal departmer^s 
 of State, though heretofore (before Confederation), it has been 
 usually associated with the office of Att'jrney-General . 
 Clbfk op the Crown in Chancery. — The Clerk of the Crown in 
 Chancery is by right an officer of both Houses of Parliament. 
 His duties are to take charge of all the Poll Books and Election 
 Document; to issue Writs of Election, &c., attend with those at 
 the table when so ordered by the House ; and at the closing of each 
 session of Parliament, to read aloud the title of each several Bill, 
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 before it rnceives the Royal assent by Her Majesty's Representative. 
 We reproduce from Macqueen^s Appelate Jurisdiction of the House of 
 Lords that portion which refers to the duties of this officer 
 in England : — " The duties of the Clerk of the Crown do not now, 
 as heretofore, require his constant attendance in the House of Lords. 
 He assists when the Royal assent is given to Bills ; but has no 
 concern with the business of the Appellate Jurisdiction. In an 
 nncient manuscript, preserved in the office of the Clerk of the 
 Crown, the following particulars are given respecting this ancient 
 officer : — * The Clerk of the Crown sitteth in the Upper House of 
 Parliament, by the Clerk of that Court upon the Woolsack, attend- 
 ing there all the Pu'liament, and is sometimes sent on messages to 
 the Lower House ; and on the last day of the Parliament he readeth 
 the Acts, and the Clerk of the Parliament giveth the King's 
 answer ; where it is to be noted that all the time of Parliament, he 
 sitteth on the right hand of the Clerk of Parliament, and when he 
 readeth the Acts, he standeth on his left hand, which is the higher 
 place, being on the King's right hand.' " 
 Clerk OF THB House of Commons. — "The Clerk of the Com- 
 mons House of Parliament" holds an office of great trust and im- 
 portance. He, with two assistants, sits at the upper end of the 
 table. The Crown appoints him by commissisn under the great 
 seal. It is his duty to make minutes, not of the arguments held 
 in the House, but the decisions at which it arrives — in other wordSj 
 to make a true and faithful record of all the proceedings in which 
 it may be engaged ; to see that they are correctly printed and dis- 
 tributed to the members ; to read aloud all such documents as the 
 House may order to be read ; to perform the duty (without taking 
 the chair), of president or moderator during the choice of a 
 Speaker, putting a question and directing a division in the same 
 manner that a Speaker would do. 
 Committals. — In common with Courts of Law and Equity, the 
 Houses of Parliament can punish all contempt of their authority, 
 or disobedience of their mandates. Each House is armed with 
 power to repress any aggression commuted upon its rights, or any 
 interference with its privileges ; but in the case of the Commons, 
 the operation u{ this power is limited to the session of Parliament, 
 committals by that House being invalidated by a prorogation. 
 Either House can delegate to a committee the power of sending for 
 papers and records, and of enforcing the attendance of necessary 
 witnesses . 
 f i 
 CoMMiTEKKS. — Are, first, those of the Whole House, which may 
 be to consider (certain resolutions, as to the nature of which consid* 
 erable latitude prevails ; or the House itself resolveis into such 
 Committee, to consider the details of a bill, the principle of which 
 Ljay be discussed at any or all <n its ether stages ; or there may be 
 Committees for financial purposes, as those of*' Supply," or " Ways 
 and Means," (which see.) Secondly, there are Select Committees, 
 chosen by ballot or otherwise, for some specific purpose — the num- 
 ber composing such bodies seldom exceeds fifteen members, except 
 by permission of the House. Thirdly, Committees on Private 
 Bills (which see) . When the Whole House is in Committee, the 
 Speaker vacates the chair, the Mace is placed under the table, and 
 some other member is called to preside, who sits in the seat of the 
 Clerk of the House . 
 CoNFERENCK. — Tliis is a species of negotiation between the two 
 Houses of Parliament, conducted by managers appointed on both 
 sides, for the purpose of produci!«g concurrence, in cases where 
 mutual consent is necessary ; or for the purpose of reconciling dif- 
 ferences which may have arisen. If the conference be upon the 
 subject of a bill depending between the two Houses, it may be 
 demanded by that House which is in possession of the oill at the 
 time of asking the conference. It is the sole privilege of the 
 Senate to name the time and place for holding a conference, no 
 matter by which House it may have been demanded . Reasons in 
 writing for the course resolved to be taken are usually furnished to 
 the managers on both sides, in which case it is simply called " a 
 conference." Should this proceeding fail, "a free conference" 
 must be held, which gives an opportunity for the managers individ- 
 ually, and unrestrained by any precise form of argument, to urge 
 such reasons as, in their judgment, may best tend to influence the 
 House to which they are addressed. A free conference is usually 
 demanded after two conferences have been holden without effect. 
 After one free conference, none other but free conferences can be 
 held touching the same subject. 
 * Crown.— In speaking of the Crown the reader must remember 
 that the attributes and powers are exercised in Canada by a repre- 
 sentative, viz-, the Governor-General. Its attributes are : — 
 To give or refuse to bills <« The Royal As9e7ii ;" to cause the laws 
 to be duly administered and executed ; to act in behalf of the 
 whole community in its intercourse with other countries (but the 
 Representative of the Crown can neither declare a war nor conclude 
 a peace — this power cannot be delegated) ; to direct the Naval and 
 Military forces within the limit of his Administration ; to admin- 
 ister the Public Revenue ; to prorogue or dissolve Parliament. The 
 Queen's Representative, in appearing for the Crown, represents the 
 source of justice and mercy, confers office, honors and emoluments ; 
 but in the same manner as the Monarch acts, by Ministers, who are 
 amenable to the Imperial Parliament, so the Represeatative in 
 Canada acts by Ministers, who are responsible to Parliament, and 
 the choice of those Ministers is the only prerogative which can be 
 constitutionally exercised without responsible advisers ; but even in 
 this, Parliament, or rather the People's Representatives, exercise 
 the controlling power ; for the appointment of such Ministers by 
 the Crown's Representative can have no practical effect, unless it 
 rests upon men whose characters and measures prove generally 
 acceptable to the House . 
 Estate of Parliament. — Parliament fully assembled, consists 
 of the Monarch, or his Representative, the Upper House and the 
 Lower House. They are more frequently spoken of as the three 
 branches of the Legislature. Neither House deliberates in the 
 presence of the Queen's Representative, nor will either of them 
 permit any allusion in debate to the opinions or sentiments enter- 
 tained by him . The three branches taken together exercise none 
 but legislative functions, and they must all consent or no law can 
 be passed. But they have separate functions as well. The 
 Monarch, or Representative, hohis the whole Executive authority, 
 and while the Lower House alone can originate Money or Tax Bills, 
 the Upper House is deprived of this power. Nor does the Upper 
 House possess the great function of trying impeachments, which is 
 held by the Lords in Great Britain, from the simple fiact, we pre- 
 sume, that there is no power invested with the right to impeach . 
 But we will speak of each one separately : 
 House op Commons. — The Speaker takes the chair at 3 p.m. 
 daily. If there be a quorum, the business is proceeded with; if 
 not, the Ho'ise is adjourned to the next day, at 3 p m. Early meet- 
 ings take place before the termination of the Session, in order to 
 expedite business and bring matters to a close ; the House does not 
 usually meet on Saturday, nor does it assemble on any holiday. No 
 one can be admitted to hear the debates without an order from the 
 Sergeant-at-Arms, which is generally obtained through a member. 
 Twenty members, including the Speaker, constitute a quorum . 
 11 < 
 The Sbnatk. — The time for the ordinary meeting of the House 
 is at 3 p.m., nnl»isa some other time shall have previously been 
 ordered. If a quorum is not present at thirty miuutes after the 
 time of meeting, the House is adjourned until the next sitting day. 
 Fifteen members, including the Speaker, constitute a quorum. 
 The Speaker of the Senate is an officer appointed by the Crown . 
 Executive. — See Cabinet 
 FiNANrE. — See Budget. 
 Interrui'Tion op the Sittings of Parliamext. — The proceedings 
 of the Legislature may be interrupted or suspended either by 
 adjournment, prorogation, or dissolution . 
 Adjournment, as the term itself implies, is a postponement of 
 the sittngs or proceedings of the House, from one time to another, 
 specified for the re-assemblago. When the sittings of both Houses 
 are interrupted by royal authority, it is called prorogation . Dissolu- 
 tion puts an end to the representative character of the individuals 
 who, at the time, compose the House of Commons, and Parliament 
 cannot therefore assemble until after a new election, except in cases 
 hereinafter mentioned. The power of adjournment is a right 
 belonging to each House, and there are no restrictions to this 
 The House of Commons can interrupt or postpone any debate, 
 defer the considerarion of any measure, or altogether adjourn its 
 sitting, but the practice is always to adjourn to some stated time ; 
 and we think there can be no doubt that, by the previous permis- 
 sion of the House, the Speaker can leave the Chair for a certain 
 number of hours ; but this does not amount to an adjournment, and 
 could not be noted as such by the Clerk. But it must be remarked 
 that the adjournment of one House does not adjourn the other. 
 The Crown may, pending an adjournment, summon by Proclamation 
 either House or both, and may direct either House or both to 
 adjourn to any particular day. But while the power exists, and 
 although in former times it has been frequently exercised in the 
 Imperial Legislature, it has grown into desuetude there, as well as 
 in the Provinces enjoying the privileges of their own local Legisla- 
 An individual member may for a time interrupt the progress of 
 business by successive motions for adjournment, which may be 
 repeated indefinitely, with this restriction : no second motion to 
 adjourn can be made until after some intermediate proceeding shall 
 nil li 
 have been had. The motion in committee, tliat tlie chairman 
 report progrcsij, is equivalent to a motion to adjourn the debate. 
 Adjournment does not close the session, nor does prorogation 
 terminate Parliament. The former is an act which either House 
 can perform ; the latter is a power vested in the Crown, the dura- 
 tion of which may be subsequently shortened or extended as the 
 Crown pleases. All unfinished business terminates and dies with a 
 prorogation, but during an adjournment they remain in statu qxfo to 
 be revived on the re-ap.4embling of Parliament. A member who 
 moves the adjournment of a debate, or who is in posseesion of the 
 floor at the time of an adjo:irnment, is said to be in possession of 
 the House with the right to re-open +^'e debate which has been in- 
 terrupted. This is not the case, 1 v^er, when Committees of the 
 whole House adjourn. Prorogation never extends beyond forty 
 days, but it may be repeated from time to time by proclamation, 
 and continue to be renewed until it is intended that Parliament shall 
 meet for the despatch of Insiness. The Crown can summon 
 Parliament to meet at any time by giving fourteen days notice. 
 Dissolution is the simple death of Parliament, and may be brought 
 about in two ways, either by the pleasure of the Crown, or by lapse 
 of time for which it was called into existence. There was a time 
 when the existence of a Parliament terminated by the demise of 
 the Crown, but a special law removed this provision of the Consti- 
 tution. But there is no power in the Constitution by which a 
 Parliament in Canada can be extended beyond five years . If Par- 
 liament, at the time of the Sovereign's deatli, be separated by 
 adjournment or prorogation, it must assemble immediately, or 
 within a reasonable period. If no Parliament be then in existence, 
 the members of the last must again meet, and may serve as a 
 Parliament for six months unless sooner prorogued. By the 
 British North America Act, 30 Sec . , it is provided that " there shall 
 be a session of the Canadian Parliament once, at least, every year, 
 so that twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting, 
 Law Clkrk. — It is necessary to mention this officer in particu- 
 lar, because the Rules of the House assign to him and the tiunsla- 
 tors under him certain duties which must be performed to ensure 
 correct legislation . He is appointed by the Crown. It is laid 
 down as the duty of the Law Clerk to revise all public bills after 
 their first reading and to certify thereon that the same are correct ; 
 and in every subsequent stage of such bills, the Law Clerk shall be 
 responsible for the correctness of said bills, should they be 
 amended. The responsibility is increased by the fact of all Bills 
 having to be printed in botli languages, English and French, boforo 
 they can be disposed of. 
 Minister (Prime). — See Cabinet. 
 Ministry. — Sec Cabinet ; also Executive. 
 Money Bill. — See Supply : also Ways and Means. 
 Order. — By this word is meant an obedience to certain rules 
 and regulations intended to facilitate the despatch of business, and 
 preserve that necessary decorum so essential in all deliberative 
 assemblies. The rules by which the business of Parliament is con- 
 ducted are of two kinds ; one kind the house possesses in common 
 with all deliberative assemblies — another is penuliar to its own 
 existence and powers . For the proper application of all these rules, 
 the Speaker or Chairman's decision is had, and to this decision due 
 deference is at all times paid. The Speaker, while in the Chair, 
 takes no part in the debate, it being his duty to regulate the manner 
 in which business shall be transacted ; to confine those members 
 who address the House to the subject under consideration ; to give 
 his opinion in all things which relate to order ; to put the matter 
 in dispute into the form of a question, upon which the votes of 
 members are taken, and to declare the majority as soon as it is 
 communicated to him by the Clerk. It is also his duty to declare 
 the business of the House closed, and to see that the afl[airs of the 
 House are correctly and properly recorded. After routine he calls 
 upon the member whose motion stands first on the paper of notices, 
 or who is otherwise entitled to precedence . All motions must be 
 seconded, or they fall to the ground ; being seconded, the motion is 
 handed in writing to the Speaker, who has to read it before debate 
 can be had upon it ; having been read, objections may bo urged. 
 There are several ways by which a motion may be opposed ; it may 
 be met by a direct Tiegative, or by an amendment, or by a motion to 
 postpone, or by proceeding to the next order of the day, or by 
 moving the previous question, or by the simple motion of adjourn- 
 ment. A motion once read cannot be withdrawn without the per- 
 mission of the Houce. It must not be forgotten that unless a 
 'speech is made objecting to a motion, neither mover nor seconder can 
 speak a second time except in explanation . If, however, a debate 
 does arise, in which an opposition is given to the mover of a motion, 
 he has the right of reply ; but it must be understood that this privi- 
 lege does not belong to the mover of an amendment. All are per- 
 niitttd to explain. The dobatc being eiulocl, the Speaker or Chairman 
 puts the question, aud calls upon those in favor to say " Yea," and 
 those of a contrary disposition to say " Nay." He tlien declares 
 that in his opinion the "Yeas" or the ''Nays" (as the case may 
 be) have it. If his decision is questioned, the house divides, the 
 <' Yeas " rising, and their names being taken down, the " Nays " 
 following ; the numbers are counted from the record and declared. 
 When an amendment has been moved the vote is simply taken on 
 the amendment, and then on tlie original question . Should the 
 amendment be adopted, it then becomes the substantive motion, 
 and may be amended in the same way that the original motion was 
 amended. Thus a number of successive amendments to the original 
 motion may be disposed of. Any member is at liberty to interrupt 
 another by " rising to order," which means that he rises in his place 
 and calls the attention of the Chair and the House to a breach of 
 the orders then being committed . In the debate it is contrary to 
 order to mention any member by name ; the same rule prevails in 
 Committee of the Whole, except as rega'ds the Chairman, who is 
 sometimes called by his name, and not Mr. Chairman. 
 ORiGiNATiNa Bills — All Bills relating to public in'ome and 
 expenditure, and all Bills usually called Money Bills, must originate 
 in the Commons, and be introduced by the Government. — (SeeBilln). 
 Parliamentary Agents. — In England all the business transacted 
 for private Corporations and individuals is attended to by what they 
 call Parliamentary Agents, who are parties generally well up in the 
 practice of Parliament, and who take oft' a great deal of the drudgery 
 from Members. Parliamentary Agents are now employed in Canada, 
 and are a very useful class of men. Comprehending their duties, 
 they do not annoy the Members, nor neglect the interests they have 
 in charge . 
 Petitions. — Tliero are several regulations which govern the 
 presentation of Petitions to Parliament, which should be attended 
 to by those who are inte: asted. Petitions to the House of Commons 
 should be addressed to " IVie Honorable the Commons of Canada^ in 
 Parliament Assembled.^^ The petitiqji must be respectful, the state- 
 ment of grievance or cause of complaint must there be set forth, and 
 the whole must conclude with a specific prayer. Without a prayer 
 to the petition, it would not be listened to, as the mere complaining 
 for the sake of complaining will never be countenanced by Parlia- 
 ment, and the correct form is, after having alleged your complaint, 
 ii I 
 ■ i 
 to finish by connecting it with the prayer, beginning, " When'/orcf 
 your humble pclilioncr, iJT., f>rai/.i, <|c., setting fortli the redress ancl 
 relief that is sought. Signatures to petitions must be original ; no 
 agent should sign a petition to Parliament for any purpose. No 
 chairman can sign for a public meeting, but the common seal of a 
 corporation is received as the petition of the Avhole body. All peti- 
 tions must be in respectful and temperate language ; they should 
 not animadvert upon the conduct of the Parliament, the Courts of 
 Justice, or constituted authorities. It is not proper to make refer- 
 ence to any motion or subject under debate, or to a motion in the 
 course of preparation. After presentation, all petitions imdergo a 
 close inspection in the Clerk's Department, and when the time 
 comes for receiving them, the Speaker oflfers such remarks as their 
 raturc calls for. In England there is a Committee on Public Peti- 
 tions, which takes this duty from the Speaker, and it appears to 
 work well, for they frequently find it their duty to report the sub- 
 stance, and frequently the exact words of a petition to the House, 
 and not unfrequently recommend such action to be taken as the 
 cass suggests. 
 Previous Question. — See Avoidance of a Decision. 
 Privileges op Parliament. — There are three kinds. Ist, The 
 privileges which appertain to members individually. 2nd, Those 
 which belong to the House in its collective capacity, ^rd. Those 
 which belong to two Houses jointly . 
 It is unnecessary that we should hero discuss the points of 
 privilege which appertain to the two Imperial Houses conjointly on 
 the subject of assuming the supreme power of the realm . Amongst 
 the privileges which the Commons claim are : — 
 The power of committing individuals to prison — the po^.er of 
 publishing matters which, if not issuing from such high authority, 
 might become the subject of proceedings in a Court of Law — the 
 power of directing the Law Officers of the Crown to prosecute 
 persons accused of offences against tho laws, or affecting the 
 privileges of Parliament — and finally, of doing anything not directly 
 contravening an existing Act of Parliament, which may be necessary 
 for the vindication and protection of its own rights, in the exercise 
 of its constitutional function^. Questions of privilege take prece- 
 dence of all other proceedings, and are always in order. The 
 • privileges claimed by individual members — are freedom of speech 
 and person, including freedom from legal arrest and seizure under 
 process from the Courts of Law- and Equity. This does not extend 
 to iiidictablo offenccfl, or to ftctual contempts of the Courts of 
 Justice. Members of Parliament are exempt from all duticK, the 
 performance of which might interfere with their prompt attendance 
 to their Parliamentary callw, Privilege of Parliament, such as it is, 
 continues for a convenient time after prorogation and dissolution. 
 Prorogation. — Sec Interruption of the sittings of Parlaiment. 
 Question. — Soo Order. 
 Royal Assent. — The Act by which the Crown ngrecs to a Bill 
 is called the lloyal Assent ; this assent is usually given at the end 
 of a Session, unless there is urgent necessity for the Act becom- 
 ing law without loss of time, in which case, the Governor-General, 
 or the person administering the Government, comes down to the 
 Upper House, and there, in the presence of both Houses, gives his 
 assent. When this is done, either at the close of a Session or on a 
 special occasion, the Governor-General being seated on the throne, 
 the House of Commons is summoned to the bar of the Upper 
 House ; being Miere, the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery reads the 
 title of the iiill, hands it to the Chief Clerk, who says in both 
 English and French : " In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His 
 Excellency the Governor-General sanctions this Bill." His 
 Excellency specially manifests his assent to the Supply Bill. Bills 
 ti) which the Royal Assnet is not given are pronounced to be 
 reserved for the significatian of Her Majesty's pleasure there9n, and 
 are mentioned in the " Official Gazette ■ as having been reserved for 
 Her Majesty's consideration. Unless a reserve is made in the Act 
 itself, so soon as the Royal assent is given, the Act becomes a Law, 
 and can be proceeded on before any competent Court . In England 
 sometimes the Royal assent is given by Commission, but in a 
 Colony such an event has never taken place, although there can be 
 no doubt that the Governor-General has power to appoint a Com- 
 mission to give this Royal assent. 
 Sergeant-at-Arms. — This officer, although in attendance on the 
 House of Commons, is appointed by the Crown. It is his duty to 
 obey the commands of the House, to apprehend and to take into 
 custody all those who are committed for any otfence by the House . 
 All the messengers and servants of the House, except the Clerks, 
 .are under his orders. He has a seat at the Bar of the House, and 
 directs all arrangements for the maintainance of order in the 
 approaches thereto, and in the galleries. He is of course in imme- 
 p ' 
 (liato attendance upon the Speaker, from whom he takes all orders 
 in connection with his duties. He is assisted b}' a Deputy. 
 Session. — The Session is the term occupied hy Parliament 
 from its commencement to its prorogation . An adjournment does 
 not close a Session. Parliament is annually assembled for the 
 despatch of business There are certain important Acts which arc; 
 renewed every year, and without which the Government could not 
 be carried on, which compels the Government to meet the Kepre- 
 sentatives of the people, and render an account of the past years' 
 transactions once a year at least. Unless this be done, there will 
 be no supplies, liy an understanding, Parliament meets in the 
 month of February, although circumstances sometimes arise to 
 postpone the time. While the Crown has a right to summon Par- 
 liament where ii pleases, it is generally understood that it 
 assembles at the scat of Government. The House being assembled, 
 the Governor-General commands the attendance of the members of 
 the Lower House at the Bar of the Upper House, and delivc.s a 
 Speech from the Thorne.' This Speech is the first subject taken 
 into consideration ; no other business is commenceii until the 
 answer to it is given. As is stated elsewhere, the mere fact of one 
 or both Houses adjourning does not terminate the Session ; it can 
 only terminate by being prorogued by the Grown. All bills and 
 other measures left untinished, when the prorogation takes place, 
 are dead, and parties who wish to revive them must recommence 
 their labours at the next Session, as if nothing had been done in the 
 l)reraiscs. The mere assembling of members does not constitute a 
 vSession — one Bill, at least, must pass both Houses and receive the 
 lloyal Assent, before it can be called a Session. 
 Speaker.— Beyond all doubt this officer was designated Speaker, 
 from the fact of being the spokesman or the Commons in their inter- 
 course with the Crown. He is the presiding officer of the body . 
 He reads all communications which come from the Cjueen's Eepre- 
 .sentative to the Commons ; he has to present and read such ad- 
 dresses and petitions as (ire carried up to the Governor-General by 
 the Whole House, aud to deliver th(! usual speeches, on the part of 
 the Commons, when presenting the Supply Bill, and other Bills 
 calling for peculiar note and remark. Through him, all witnesses 
 and prisoners at the Bar of the House are examined, and he directs 
 all arrangements when the House is to be addressed by Counsel. It 
 is his duty to deliver the reprimand of the House to any one who has 
 incurred the penalty of receiving it ; it is also his duty to issue 
 warrants of committal or release for 'n*':ach of privilege ; to commu- 
 nicate with any parties, when so instructed by the House. It is his 
 duty to closely examine the provisions of private Bills, so as to pro- 
 tect the public against any surprise, or undue encroachment or in- 
 Jury ; to control and regulate the conduct of subordinate officers of 
 the House ; to enforce the Rules of the House ; he cannot join in 
 any debate unless in Committee of the Whole House. As the pre- 
 siding officer of the House, he has all the duties attached to such an 
 office. The Speaker is chosen by the members of Parliament, and 
 holds his office until the Parliament in which he is elected is dis- 
 solved. Should a member persevere in disobeying the order of tlio 
 Speaker, and of the House, the Speaker may " name him," as the 
 term applies, a course uniformly followed by the censure of the 
 House. In extreme cases, the Speaker may order members or others 
 into custody until the pleasure of the House be signified. On divi- 
 sions, when the numbers happen to be ec^ual, he gives the casting 
 vote, but he never otherwise votes. 
 Supply. — All proceedings which relate to the public income or 
 expenditure must originate with the Commons, and must be begun 
 by resolution moved in Committee of Supply, which is always Com- 
 mittee of the Whole House. In the course of the Session, estimates 
 are submitted to a Committee of Supply, and resolutions moved 
 thereon, granting to the Crown the sums requisite for the manage- 
 ment of the various departments of the Government, and the sup- 
 port of various public and private instituiions. Such as are confirmed 
 by the Committee of Supply are reported to the House, where they 
 are again re-conssdered, and adopted or rejected, as the case may be. 
 Upon these a Bill is passed, and this Supply Bill furnishes autnority 
 to the Government for disbursing the various sums appropriated. 
 The Upper House may reject this or any other Money Bill, but they 
 cannot alter or amend the substance of a Supply or Money Bill ; 
 such a course would be regarded as an invasion of the privileges of 
 tlie Lower House. Before any Bill can bo introduced authorizing 
 the expenditure of any publio money, resolutions must be moved 
 in Committee of Supply, agreed to there, reported and confirmed by 
 the House. 
 Three Months (This Day) See Avoidance of a Decision. 
 Ways and Means. — As the Committee of Supply relates to tho 
 expenditure of the country, so the functions and duties of a 
 Committee of Ways and Means have reference to the funds by which 
 ¥ t 
 such expenditure is to be met. Loans, duties, taxes, excise and 
 revenue of every description, are submitted to the Committee of 
 Ways and Means . The propositions of Government on this subject 
 are reduced to resolutions, submitted, considered and decided on, 
 and such as are agreed to are reported to the House. Those whic'r 
 may be adopted are embodied in a Bill or Bills, and in due course 
 and form become the law of the land. As in supply the Upper 
 House may reject these Bills, but cannot amend them , nor can the 
 Upper House insert a pecuniarj'^ penalty in any Bill, 
 (Rule 19.) — Ordinary Daily Routine of Business in the 
 House : — 
 Presenting Petitions. 
 Reading and Receiving Petitions. 
 Presenting Reports by Standing and Select Committees. 
 Order of business after the above daily routine : 
 Private Bills. 
 Questions put by Members. 
 Notices of Motions. 
 Public Bills and Orders. 
 Government Notices of Motions. 
 Government Orders . 
 Government Notices of Motions. 
 Government Orders. 
 Public Bills and Orders. 
 Questions put by Members. 
 Other Notices of Motions . 
 Private and Local Bills. 
 •Questions put by Members. 
 Notices of Motions . 
 Public Bills and Orders. 
 From haff-pasi Seven o'clock^ P.M. 
 Pi'ivute Bills for the first hour. 
 Public Bills and Orders. 
 Government Notices of Motions. 
 Crovernment Orders . 
 Until the Hour of Six o^ciuck, P.M, 
 Questions put by Members. 
 Notices of Motions. 
 Public Bills and Orders. 
 From half-past Seven o^clock P.M. 
 Government Notices of Motions . 
 Government Orders . 
 Other Notices of Motions. 
 Government Notices of Motions. 
 Government Orders. 
 Public Bills und Orders. 
 Questions put by Members . 
 Other Notices of Motions. 
 From half-past Seven o'clock P.M. 
 Private Bills for the first hour. 
 Presence of Strangers. — The following amended rule on this 
 subject was adopted in the Session of 1876 : — 
 Rule G. — If any member shall take notice that strangers are 
 present, Mr. Speaker, or Chairman (as the case may be) shall forth- 
 with put the question that strangers be ordered to withdraw, with- 
 out permitting any debate or amendment; provided that Mr. 
 Speaker, or the Chairman, may, whenever he thinks proper, order 
 the withdrawal of strangers. 
 Jjjcahm' ieci5io««. 
 Speaker — The Hon. James Cockburn. 
 1. Speaking Twice on Motion checked. — 20 March, 18G8. On 
 motion for reference of Petition of Hon. J. C. Chapais, relative to 
 Kamouraska eIe^-;tion, to the Standing Committee on Privileges and 
 Elections, a debate ensued, in which Hon. G. E. Cartier drew a 
 parallel between the Lotbiniere election in 1858 and the present 
 case, and alluded incidentally to the Corrigau murder. Mr. 
 Joly raised a point of order, that the murder of Corrigan had 
 nothing to do with the point at issue. Objection ovfr-ruled, and 
 debate proceeded. At its close The Speaker said : " That in order 
 " to put a check upon such sharp retorts as they had been listening 
 «'to, he would, in futuie, enforce a rigid observance of the rule for- 
 *' bidding any member to speak more than once upon the same 
 " motion . " — Debates, p. 130. 
 2. Trade — Bill on Banking. — 27 March., 1868. On motion for 
 second reading of the Bill to enable Banks in any part of Canada to 
 use notes of the Dominion instead of issuing notes of their own, 
 the Hon. L. II. Ilolton contended, " that^, this being a Bill relating 
 " to Trade, and also involving a pledge of the public credit, it ought 
 " to have originated in committee of the "Whole Plouse ; and, that 
 " step not having been taken prior to the" first reading, the Bill 
 " cannot now be read a second time." After considerable discussion, 
 Ruled : " I hold that the Bill does not involve an increased pledge 
 "of the public credit, and, therefore, ought (see Rule 41, and May, 
 " page 364) strictly to have originated in committee of the Whole 
 " House. 
 " But the Bill, having been read a first time, by leave of the 
 " House, and subsequently having been moved into committee upon 
 *' the resolutions, which were afterwards concurred in by the House, 
 (Si A 
 " it is now too late to raise the oLjection . In none of the prccc- 
 " dents quoted where Bills of this class were rejected on the 2nd or 
 " 3rd readings had the Houae been in committee, — that proceeding 
 "having been entirely omitted. Here the contrary appears ; and 
 " we need not enquire at this stage whether the introduction of thu 
 <' Bill, or the resolutions in committee, were the first step in point 
 "of time. 
 " I think the Hon. Member is not required to proceed de novo, 
 " but may go on with his Bill." The ^11 was then read a second 
 time. — Journal, />. IGl . 
 3, Trade — Billon Insurance. — 27 March, 18(i8. On motion for 
 second reading of the Bill respecting Insurance Companies, 
 requiring the deposit of a guarantee of $50,000 from fire, and 
 $100,000 from Life Insurance Companies, to be made in Dominio' 
 stock, the //o« . L. Jl. Ilolton objected tliat — "this Bill relates to 
 " Trade, and should be based upon resolutions passed in committee 
 " of the Whole House. That it is a Bill relating to Trade, and that, 
 "from the terms of the 'British North America Act,' unless it 
 " could be so treated, it is beyond the jurisdiction of this House, as 
 " it is only under the head ' Relating to Trade and Commerce ' 
 " that this House can deal with it, and that, if it does not como 
 <' under that head, the jurisdiction falls to the Local Legislature." 
 After much discussion, ruled : " 1 hold that the term ' Trade ' 
 ''does not, in its general and popul:.r sense, apply to Insurance. 
 " Trade means buying and selling, importing and exporting goods to 
 "market, banking, railways, navigation and telegraphs ; all assist 
 " trade, and are auxiliaries, but are not branches of trade in the 
 " popular sense ; yet certainly the first, * Banking,' is more intimately 
 "connected with- Trade than Insurance. I do not find that Bills 
 " relating to these subjects must necessarily be considered in 
 " committee of the whole ; sometimes it may have been done, buc 
 "the practice is not uniform, and I see no rule which requires it. 
 " 1 over-rule the point of order." 
 The House then proceeded upon the Bill. The other question 
 raised by Mr, Ilolton, viz: "That the regulation of Insurance 
 " Companies is a subject properly within the jurisdiction of the 
 " Provincial Legislatures," — being no point of order, but a question 
 of law, was advisedly passed over by the Speaker. It was, however, 
 decided by the House, on 20 May (see Journal, p. 426), adversely to 
 Mr. Helton's objection. Journal, p.lGl . 
 4. Amendment Inconsistent with Motion. — 6 April, 1868. On 
 motion, for an address for copies of certain papers, including copies 
 of any instructions to Hon . Dr. Tapper, now on a mission to Eng- 
 f f 

 land, J)r. Parker moved, in amendment, nn addition to the address, 
 requesting the recall of Dr. Tiipper. iVy. J/orm objected, that the 
 amendment was inconsistent with the main motion, and that both 
 would be imintelligible if co-joinud. Objection over-ruled. Journal^ 
 p. 185. 
 5. Complex Amendment to Motion into Committee of Supply. — G 
 ^fay^ 1868. On motion to go into Committee of Supply, Hon. Mr. 
 Jlolton moved, in amendment, that it is expedient to reduce the 
 salary of the Governor-General, and salaries of all Government 
 employes receiving more than $800 per annum, and to provide 
 against salaried officers receiving emolument for special services . 
 Hon . Mr. Dunkin objected to the amendment as being complex, and 
 requiring sub-division in order to a regular vote thereon, while, 
 being an amendment to go into Committee of Supply, it cannot, if 
 so put, be divided, or an amendment upon it moved. Ruled: — 
 "This motion, which contains three distinct propositions, on each 
 " of which a separate question might be put (and which is therefore 
 " a complex motion), is not, therefore, irregular, or out of order. 
 " The House could, in general, according to precedent, order a com- 
 " plicated motion to be divided. But that could only be done by 
 " amending the motion, which cannot be done now, for but one 
 '•amendment can be moved in going into Committee of Supply. 
 " Therefore the motion must stand or fall as a whole. The diffi- 
 " culty pointed out by the Hon. Member for Jirome is one which 
 " does not aflfect the regularity of the motion, and that is all that I 
 "have to deal with." Amendment put and negatived. Journal, 
 p. 2G8. 
 6. Petitions for Money Refused. — The reception of various 
 Petitions^ on the ground that they asked for grants of public money, 
 or aid, and trere not recommended by the Croicn, was refused on the 
 following occasions : 7 May, 1868, Journal , p. 297 ; Ist, 3rd, Ith, lOth 
 March, 1870, Journal, pp 30, 32, 40, 56 ; 11 March, 7 and 23 April, 
 1870, .7o?/nirt/, pp. 59, 167, 233; 20 February and 3 3farch, 1871, 
 Journal, pp. 18, 44, and on several other occasions, for which refer 
 to Index of the Journals. (See also No. 50 hereof, relative to 
 Petitions for Exemptions from Taxation. See also No. 12 hereof.) 
 7. Amendments — Greater Expenditure thon in Message — Unneces- 
 sary Imtniction to Committee. — 16 May, 1868. On motion to receive 
 report of Committee of the Whole on the Bill respecting 
 Militia and Defence, Mr Pope moved, in amendment, to re-commit 
 the Bill, to consider two resolutions ; the first declaring the inex- 
 pediency and injustice of present large sums paid to Staff Officers, 
 while Battalion and Company Officers are inadequately paid ; the 
 second providing that no money shall be paid to Stall' Officers until 
 such time as all the officers of the Force are properly considered, 
 &c . !" The Hon . A. 'i. Gait proposed, in amendment thereto, to refer 
 the Bill back to Committee, for the purpose of so adjusting the 
 Militia expenditure, that the officers " may receive such allowance 
 "as will distiiiguish between their respective ranks and that of the 
 "men." Hon. Mr. 7/oZ^o?», raising the question of order on Ifon. 
 Galfs amendment, Ruled : — ** Not in order, inasmuch as its adop- 
 "tion would involve the expenditure of a greater sum than that 
 "recommended by His Excellency's Message." Jfon. Sir John 
 '• Macdonald, raising the question of order on Mr Papers amend- 
 ment. Ruled : — " Not in order, inasmuch as, if adopted, it would be 
 " an instruction to the committee to consider certain resolutions 
 " which could have been considered without any instruction from 
 " the Hpuse •, and, moreover, that it involves an increase of the 
 " Public Expenditure over that recommended by the message from 
 " His Excellency the Governor-General." Journal, p. 300. 
 8. Petition for Canal Construction Received — 19 Aprily 18G0. On 
 presentation of petition for construction of Ottawa Ship Canal, Mr. 
 Alex. Mackenzie objected to its reception, on the ground that it 
 infolved an expenditure of public money. Ruled: "That, 
 " although the' prayer of the petition, if granted, might ultimately 
 " involve the expenditure of public money, yet, as it related only 
 " directly to public works, it might be received without any vlola- 
 " tion of the rules." On recommendation of the Minister of Justice^ 
 reception delayed till next sitting. 
 When again presented, Mr. Mackenzie raised a similar objec- 
 tion. A short debate ensuing, ruled : " The reception of this peti- 
 " tion is objected to, because of the rule adopted last session, when, 
 " for the first time, the English practice was introduced into this 
 " Chamber [7 J/«y, 18G8, Journal, p. 297.] These are tike words 
 " in which the decision of the Chair was then announced : — Though 
 " there is no rule of this House expressly applicable to the question, 
 " yet by rule 116, it is ordered that in unprovided cases, the rifles, 
 " usages and forms of the English House of Commons are to be fol- 
 " lowed. The practice in England has been clearly against the 
 " reception of such petitions, and I find, by a Standing Order of the 
 " House of Commons of the 20th March, 18GG, it is declared: — 
 " ' That this House will receive no petition for any sum relating to 
 " * Public Service, or proceed upon any motion for a grant or 
 " ' charge upon the Public Revenue, whether payable out of the 
 " ' Consolidated Fund, or out of moneys to be provided by Parlia- 
 " ' ment, unless recommended from tne Crown.' That decision 
 : m 
 ■ % 
 "■*" 1 
 ■ i 
 " having been given, the House agreed unanimously to adopt it as 
 '« the rule to be followed in future. The present Petition does not, 
 " in my opinion, come within that rule. It is very general in its 
 " terms. It sets out a variety of facts with reference to the con- 
 " struction of a work which would, no doubt, involve an expendi- 
 '• ture of money, but it concludes with Jicso words :• — 'Therefore 
 " ' your petitioners humbly request that Your Honorable House 
 " » will take such measures as will cause the obstructions to this 
 " ' navigation to be removed, and an uninterrupted line, to the full 
 " ' capacity of the leading channel, and the supply of water from 
 " ' the summit level, opened throughout.' Now, as I take it, this 
 '' is not a petition asking for any grant, which wou?(l be a charge 
 " on the public exchequer, and I do not think it would be my duty. 
 " sitting in this chair, to interfere with the right of the people to 
 " petition this House, unless there is a clear rule cf this House, 
 " which would prevent the petition, beyond a doubt, from being 
 " received. I cannot so apply the rule, for by express language it 
 "does not cover this case. This is not a petition asking for 
 " money. It is a petition asking simply for legislation, and were 
 *' I to say that the petition came within that rule, I should be 
 " opposing my authority against the rights of the public at large to 
 ^' approach this House . If it is the pleasure of the House to 
 •' exclude petitions of this class in future, the proper wr.y would be 
 •* to adopt a substantive rule, which would clearly exclude such 
 " petitions. I consider, therefore, that the petition must bo 
 '' received." The petition was then received. Journal, p. 22. 
 9. Motion Over-ruled — Comwittee on Depreciated Silver . — 26 Ma)f, 
 1869. Mr. Dttfresne -moyed. that iha House go into Committee, on 
 . Monday next, to consider a resolution, declaring the expediency of 
 the purchase, by the Dominion of depreciated silver coins now in 
 circulation, their export, and the substitution of Dominion notes. 
 A debate ensued, when the Speaker ruled, his attention having 
 been called to a point of order, that : — " The motion involved a 
 " charge upon the public revenue, and should originate by message 
 " from His Excellency." Motion withdraw^n. Ottawa Times Debates, 
 p. 77. 
 10. Amendments Over-ruled — Newfoundland Public Lands.— 10 
 June, 1869. On motion of concurrence in resolutions, reported 
 from Committee, on Union of Newfoundland with Canada, Mr. 
 Blake moved an amendment, relative to Newfoundland Public 
 Lands; negatived. Hon. Mr. TFooc/ moved an amendment, relative 
 to the lands, and to financial arrangements ; Ruled : " Out of 
 " order, inasmuch as it alters the manner in which the amount 
 :'i, !' 
 " rccommondod by His ExcuUency's message is to bo applied." Mr . 
 Wood subsequently moved another amendment, relative to lands 
 only ; Ruled : Out of order, the House having decided upon thi<i 
 question, on Mr. Blake^s amendment. Journal, p. 219. 
 11. Nova Scotia Financial arranyementu, Amendment, Abatract prin- 
 ciple. — 12 JunCf 18G9. On motion of concurrence in resolutions, 
 reported from Committee, for adjustment of the financial arrange- 
 mv'ints with Nova Scotia ; lIun.Mr. Wood moved an amendment,declar- 
 ing inexpediency, unless arrangements be at the same time made, in 
 favor of C^uebec and Ontario. Objected to, as proposing an expen- 
 diture in excess of that recommended in His Excellency's message. 
 IluLED : In order, as being a mere as^jcrtion of an abstract principle . 
 "Beyond that, it proposes nothing ; it does not propose to take any 
 " step in tlie direction of legislation ; but, on the contrary, as I read 
 "the motion, the effect would bo, if passed, to present concu ;nce 
 " in the resolutions, and to stop the whole proceedingK — so that the 
 " question on this proposed appropriation could not be approached 
 "again, this session, unless a message came down from the Crown 
 " recommending such additional expenditure.'' (Extract;. Amend- 
 " ment put and negatived Journal, p. 235 . 
 12. J'rimte Motion for Taxation ovcr-nilcd.— W June, 18G9. lleso- 
 lutiou moved to tax American wlieat, &c. Over-iiuled, inasmuch as 
 motions for imposition of duties should emanate from Government. 
 — Journal, />. 242. 
 13. Amendments Irrelcrant. — 30 March, 1870. On motion of 3L: 
 Blake, for an address to the Queen, for Imperial Legislation, to debar 
 the Canadian Parliament from disturbing the financial arrangements 
 of Union between the Provinces, two amendments, objected to as 
 irrelevant and vague, were huleu in order. — Joiirn-al, pp. 122-127. 
 14. C'anad(t School /Aindft — Remlution Irregular. — 4 April, 1870. 
 On motion of Jfon. Mr. Wood, for the adoption of a resolution, 
 detailing the proceedings oi the Government of the late Province of 
 Canada respecting the Crown and School Lands, declaring that good 
 faith towards the settlers required that Government to make certain 
 provisions which it had failed to do, and that the objection to carry ' 
 out the compact made with the settlers, devolves upon the Govern- 
 ment of Canada under the 13. N. A. Act -.—Mr. Casault objevited that 
 the resolution cannot be considered in the manner proposed, and 
 should have originated in Committee of the Whole House . The 
 Speaker uuled : That the objection was good, as the Resolution un- 
 (luestionably involved a charge upon the public purse of the Domi- 
 nion. With regard to a point raised by the member for Lamhton, as 
 to the Dominion Government "having power to pay this money out 
 ' 'ii 
 : ( 
 *''of tho Provincial Kubsidies, tlio very circumstance of this Huiiso 
 " being the trustee, as \i wore, olthe Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, 
 ** should nuike it all the more necessary that every proper constitu- 
 " tional check should be interposed before any charge shonld be 
 " incurred, which would eventually be imposed upon those Pro- 
 '• vinces " H(5 moreover thought there should be a message from 
 the Governor-General before such a motion could bo entertained, 
 and therefore declared the motion out of order. — Tournal^ }>. 143, 
 15. Motion on Hop intcrosl — Abstract Principle — Resolution affect- 
 ing Trade. — 4 April, 1870. On motion of concurrence in Report of 
 Select Committee on Hop-growing and Salt interests, Hon. Mr. 
 W '^i objected that adoption of motion would lead to imposition of 
 duties. Objection over-ruled, as it does not follow conclusively 
 that a tax or duty will be imposed ; the measures asked for are 
 measures of relief, so far as the House is informed. Tho Hon. Sir 
 (j. E. Cartier objected, that tho subject matter of the Report related 
 to Trade, and should originate in Comnvittee of the Whole House . 
 Ojection ovkr-ri;led as this rule, in express terms, is confined to 
 Bills only ; and the Speaker thought the House might adopt a 
 Report of this general character, which would leave it uncommitted 
 as to specific measures. Journal, p. 147. 
 16. Instruction to a Coyi-.mission not appointed 4 April, 1870. 
 Motion to give certain instructions to the Commission shortly to bo 
 appointed to consider the question of Canals. Over-ruled, as the 
 motion purports to give an instruction to a Commission which is 
 not appointed. Motion withdrawn. Journal, p. 149. 
 17. Senate Bill 2>romding Expeuditure. — 5 April, 1870. Cn 
 motion for 3rd reading of Bill from the Senate, amending the Act 
 relating to Lighthouses . lion . Mr. llolton called attention to cer- 
 tain clauses, which make dispositions respecting public expenditure. 
 Objection over- ruled . " By referring to the autliorities, it appeared 
 " that the Commons had accepted provisions in Bills from the 
 " Lords creating charges not directly imposed by the Bill, but to bo 
 " defrayed out of moneys to be provided by Parliament ; but that 
 " exception having been taken to this practice, it did not appear to 
 ''have been continued since 1860." The present Bill fell far short 
 of the class of Bills alluded to. A clause in it provides that 
 nothing in the Act shall authorize expenditure by the Minister, 
 until previously sanctioned by Parliament No contract could 
 therefore be entered into unless thus previously sanctioned. (Ex- 
 tracts.) Bill passed. Journal, p. 155 . 
 18. Amendment not connected with Motion. — 21 April, 1870. 
 Upon reading of Resolutions reported from Committee of Supply, 
 to be 
 IT to 
 to defray cxpcuKos of cortaiu Dominion oflficos, Mr. Mackcnzii^ 
 moved, "That this House regrets that the Government should 
 ** have deemed it necessary to increase the saUiries of otticers in the 
 " Public Service, &c." Mr. Masson (Soulatit/ea) then moved, "That 
 " no Public Employees shall receive more than one salary," &c. 
 This second motion was objected to, on the ground that tlic two 
 motions had no connection with one another ; and the Speaker, 
 concurring, over-kuled it. Mr. Mackenzie's motion was put and 
 negatived. Journal, p. 212. 
 19. Amendment changing Ih-pendiiure recommended by Message. — 
 6 May, 1870. On motion for third reading of the Bill for Civil Ser- 
 vice Superannuation. Mr. Godin moved an amendment as to the 
 mode of administering the fund, and providing that no officer shall 
 benefit unless he has contributed to the fund during five years, and 
 that widows and orphans of employees shall benefit, &c., &c. 
 Amendment objected to, Imp. Act, 30 Vic, C. 3, sec. 54, providing 
 that the House of Commons shall not pass any vote, resolution, &c., 
 fur an appropriation to any purpose not first recommended by mes- 
 sage of the Governor General during the same session as the vote . 
 Objection sustained, and amendment over-ruled. '^ This amendment 
 " proposes a substantial change from the proposal recommended in 
 " the message of 2nd May, inst.," &c. Journal, p. 303. 
 20. Trade — Bill on Insurance — Question already passed upon 
 G tj- 11 May, 1870. On motion for second reading of Bill to limit 
 the rate of interest, it was objected to, as it related to Trade, and 
 should therefore have originated in Committee of the Whole. The 
 Speaker, in a lengthy decision, and quoting precedents, ruled, that 
 the term " Trade' docs not, in its general and popular sense, apply 
 to insurance. "Banking, railways, navigation and telegraphs, all 
 " assist Trade and are its auxiliaries, but are not branches of Trade 
 in the popular sense, yet certainly the first, ' Banking,' is more in- 
 " timately connected with Trade than Insurance . I do not find 
 " that Bills relating to these subjects must necessarily be first con- 
 " sidered in (Committee of the Whole ; sometimes it may have been 
 done, but the practice is not uniform, and I see no rule which 
 requires it." The Speaker therefore allowed the Bill to be proceeded 
 Avith. {Mr. Mills then objected, and the Speaker concurred that 
 the same question had substantially been already brought before 
 the House and postponed for three months ; whereupon the order 
 for its second reading was discharged.) Journal, pp. 313, 3l4, 348. 
 21. Motion Respecting Re-vote Re-comn Uted. — 10 May, 1870. 
 The order of the day being read, for resuming debate on amend- 
 ment proposed on 2 1st April, to concuirer t in resolution of Com- 
 i '1 
 : I I t 
 mittee, appropriating $1,. '{00,000 for settlemuut and Government of 
 N. W. Territories (Re-vote), which amonchnent provided that no 
 Dominion funds should be expended for regaining, h)' force of arms, 
 possession of the Territory, &c. 
 lion. Mr, Dunkin moved, amendment to amendment, to refer 
 tlie resolution back to Committee on Supply, for reconsiileration 
 with Message transmitting Supplementary Estimates for 1869-70, 
 and with such estimates j)re8ently under reference to said Commit- 
 tee. J/on. Mr. Jlolton objected, that as this was a re-vote of last 
 year, and the Committee of Supply ha<l already before it a second 
 message, accompanying the supplementary estimates, recommend- 
 ing a re-vote in another form, one or other must be withdrawn. 
 Objection over-iiuled : The House can know notliing of what goes 
 on before the Committee of Supply until it nsports. The resolution 
 which is proposed to be reterred back, may, or may not, be 
 intended for the same sum of money as that in the Supplementary 
 Estimates which have also been referred to siime Committee. If 
 two resolutions are reported for two distinct sums, tin; House can 
 then refuse concurrence in one or other of them. Mr. Dnnkin's 
 amendment put and carried . Joumaf, />/». 339,340. 
 22. Modon (hrr-nt/rd /or A'llre.'tK on Prov. i>f Citudki Deht. — 
 G Mujc/i, 1871. JJon. Mr. Jhrion moved that the House will, on 
 Wednesday next, go into Committee, to consider certain reso- 
 lutions, for an address to the Queen, for amendment of the 
 IJ.N.A. Act, to assign the debt of the late Province of Canada 
 entirely to the Dominion, &c. 
 The Speaker^ concurring in an objection rais(!d by Ihm. f^ir O. 
 K. C<i rti. }% OvRR-RVLED the motion, as conflicting with Sec. 54, of 
 IJ.N.A. Act, which debars tlie House from any vote, address, &c., 
 ibr appropriation of llevenue not first recommended by message . 
 " The contention is that the proi)Osed appropriation being beyond 
 " the power of the Parliament of Canada, this provision of the 
 '* Statute cannot therefore apply. ]n its literal construction it does 
 *' apply to the motion, and certainly it seems to me to the full as 
 '' necessary in a constitutional sense,'' &c. Journal, p. 50. 
 23. Decisions on Motions — Address, Debt of the Prov. of Canada. 
 — 9 <^* 13 March, 1871. lion. Mr. Dorian moved an address to the 
 Queen, praying that the B.N .A. Act be amended, to authorize the 
 Camidian Parliament to legislate on all questions connected with 
 surplus debt of the late Province of Canada. 
 ][on. Sir G. E. Cartier moved an amendment, to the effect tliat 
 the House refrains from expressing an opinion on the award 
 rendered by the Arbitrators upon said debt . 
 %^ I 
 4, of 
 dl as 
 e the 
 lion. Mr. Chauveau moved a second amendment, declaring that 
 the House will give its most favorable consideration to any mea. 
 sure introduced by the Government, to arrange existing financial 
 difficulties between Ontario and Quebec, " and involving any aid 
 *' on the part of the Dominion commensurate with the importance 
 " of the object itself, and with our resources ; due regard being had 
 *' to the rights of the other Provinces . " 
 Mr. Mills (Bothwell) having objected to tVe latter motion, as 
 involving an appropriation, and asking the L.uuse to commit itself 
 to an expenditure of money, which cannot be done wit'.out a message 
 from the Government, rclrd : " That the said uiotion is out of order." 
 J/on. Mr. Ilolton moved an amendment to Sir O. E. Cartier't 
 amendment, expressing the regret of the House that the Governor- 
 General had not been advised to recommend the adoption of an 
 address to the Queen, siu^llar to that set forth in 3fr. Dorion'* 
 original motion. House adjourned. 
 Previously to the House resuming consideration hereof, on 
 March 13, the Speaker corrected the entry on the Journal of the fore- 
 going RULIN9. "The motion was out of order, in my opinion, not 
 " because it proposed an appropriation of public money within the 
 ''meaning of the 54th Section of the B itish North America Act, 
 '• and should have been preceded by Message, but because it 
 " involved an increase to the Public Debi,, and should therefore have 
 " been first considered in Committee of the Whole. 
 " I am aware that it is doubted whether it is a corr>^ct rule of 
 "Parliamentary practice that every abstract proposition w .l-3h, if 
 " acted on, would increase the Public Debt of the country, should 
 " be first considered in Committee ; but my opinion on the point 
 "has been expressed on two or three occasions, and I shall so con- 
 " tinue to decide unless the Ho»i.,o should think proper to express a 
 " contrary opinion . This rule, liowever, being self-imposed, may 
 "be enforced or relaxed as the House shall determine. But the 
 " constitutional rule contained in the 54th Section of the Imperial 
 " Act is one that, being absolutely binding, should be neither ex- 
 " tended nor restrained by implication, but should at all times be 
 " most guardedly considered by the House.'' 
 This decision was ordered to be entered on the Journal. Mr. 
 Holton^s amendment was negatived, and Sir G. Cartier's carried. 
 Journal J pp. 62 and 72. 
 24. hill on Stamp Duties^ simply Declaratory. — 16 and 20 
 March, 1871. On second reading of Bill to remove doubts as to 
 the liability to stamp duties ot Premium Notes, taken or held by 
 Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, Hon. L H, Uolton objected that« — 
 under Section Oi of B . N . A . Act, the Bill must first be recommended 
 by Message from the Crown, and also that it should have originated in 
 Committee of the Whole. Decision reserved, and debate adjourned. 
 On March 20 the Speaker ruled: — 'The Bill is to remove 
 "doubts; and decl.ares that certain notes shall be deemed to be 
 " promissory notes within the meaning of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 9, 
 " and shall be subject to the duties thereby imposed, and it provides 
 " that all such notes hen^tofore given and not stamped, shall bo 
 *' made valid by a double stamp, 
 " There being no appropriation of money proposed, there need 
 " be no recommendation from the Crown ; and the objection rests on 
 " the ground that, as it involves an additional charge on the people, 
 " tr Bill should have originated in Committee of the Whole, and 
 '' should, moreover, have been proposed by a Minister. 
 " It appears to me that the Bill is merely declaratory, and that 
 " it involves no new charge except in so far as the double stamp 
 " duty may effect that purpose. On looking carefully at the 31st 
 " Vie. Cap. 9, I find by Section 7 that the Governor in Council may 
 " declare thai any liind or class of instruments, as to which doubts 
 " exist, shall be chargeable with any and what duty under the Act ; 
 " and by Sections 10, 11, and 12, provisions are enacted to render 
 " valid notes in tlie hands of innocen holders, and notes passed to 
 " third parties. Tlie provision as to double stamps in the present 
 " Bill is merely an extension of the former Act in its remedial 
 " clauses to the class of notes here referred to, and which are now 
 " declared to be within that Act. 
 •' The Bill is one which, theiefore, in my opinion, may be 
 " properly introduced and proceeded with by a private Member. 
 " The question, generally, whether private members may in- 
 " troduce and proceed upon measures relating to taxation, which 
 " was discu8S(!s! in the course of the argument, is one of very grave 
 " importance, and, though not needful to the dec'sion of the present 
 " objections, I think it proper to say a few words upon it to the 
 " House. Instances may undoubtedl ' be found in the Journals of 
 " the English House of Commons, c*" Bills and Motions by private 
 " Members to increase taxation, some of which have passed unchal- 
 " lenged, whilst in other cases the indirect assent of a Minister has 
 "been deemed sufficient. Recently, however, in 1869, a high 
 " authority. Sir Thomas Erskine May^ stated before a Joint Commit- 
 " tee of the two Houses of Parliament, that 'no private Member is 
 " ' permitted to propose «n Imperial tax upon the people ; it must 
 »' ' proceed from a Minister of the Crown, or be in some other form 
 " 'declared to be ncccssar" for the public service.' 
 " I think the House may properly accept of this as the correct 
 "construction of the rules regulating the introduction of similar 
 "measures. The Motion or Bill should either bo introduced by a 
 " Minister, or, if initiated by a private Member (a practice which 
 " should not be encouraged), a Minister should assume the responsi- 
 " bility of it by signifying the conj-nt of the Government to its 
 " being entertained by the House . 
 " If the House agrees with me as to the desirability of adopting 
 " this constitutional restriction, it will become my duty to enforce 
 " the observance of the rule hereafter." 
 The Bill was then read and committed. — Journal, p.p. 9G, 112. 
 25. Amejidment Contrary to Previous Decisions. — 22 9 23 March, 
 1871. The House having considered in Committee of the Whole, a 
 Bill to amend the Acts relating to duties of customs, Hon . Sir F. 
 Hincks moved that the Bill be read a third time to-morrow. The 
 Hon. L. II. Ilolton moved, in amendment, that the Bill be now 
 re-committed to a Committee of the Whole House, for the purpose 
 of so amending the same as to repeal the duties on coal, coke, 
 wheat and flour. Hon. Mr. Elanchet moved an amendment to 
 amendment, adding the words, "and also salt, peas and beans, etc." 
 This was agreed to on division. Then Mr. Colby n.oved, in further 
 amendment, to substitute for Mr. Holton's amendment, as now 
 amended, a resolution that : " It is inexpedient during the present 
 " Session of Parliament to make any alteration in the existing 
 " duties on coal, coke, wheat, flour, salt, peas and beans, barley, rye, 
 " oats, Indian corn, buckwheat, and all other grain, Indian meal, 
 "oatmeal and flour or meal of any other grain," inserted instead 
 " thereof ; 
 Objection being taken by M.r. Ilollon^ as it proposes to strike 
 out certain words which the House has already decided shall form 
 part of the question ; Ruled : " The point of order is well taken. 
 " It seems conclusively so by English authority, nd there is good 
 " reason for it. The House has pronounced its decision upon th o 
 " proposition that salt and other articles shall form part of the 
 " question to be submitted to the House, and now the House is 
 " asked to say that they shall be struck out of the question. 
 " This would be a contradiction and is clearly out of order." — 
 Journal, pp. 131, 132. 
 26 . Amendment Sahstantially Same as Original Motion, but Differ- 
 ing in Details. — 23 ^'27 March, 1871. 3fr. Blake moved that the 
 House do now resolve itself into a Committee, to consider the 
 following resolutions : 1. Detailing the legislative action on which 
 confederation was based. 2. Defining the provisions in the B.N. A. 
 5? I 
 ;% « 
 ■ I I 
 Act for the admission of the N.W. Territories into the Union. 
 3, 4 & 5. Setting forth the measures already taken and proposed to 
 be taken by the Imperial and Canadian Governments for the 
 admission of said territories, and tli e erection of part of them into 
 the Province of Manitoba. And 6th, "That in the opin-'on of this 
 ** House, the sense of both houses of Ihc Parliament of Canada 
 " should be taken as to, and should form the basis of such proposed 
 " Legislation." 
 The Hon Sir. G. E. Cartier moved, in amendment, six resolu- 
 tions, the first five detailing Legislative and Governmental measures 
 taken for establishing the Province of Manitoba, and 6th, " That 
 " the provisions of the said draft ict meet the approval of this 
 " House, and are in consonance with the will of this House, as 
 " expressed in the most formal manner in the said Act relating to 
 ** Manitoba." 
 The Hon. A. A. Dorian moved, in amendment to the amend- 
 ment, that, " Irrespective of the merits of the measures proposed 
 " by the Government of Canada to be submitted to the Imperial 
 " Parliament for the purpose of confirming certain Canadian Legis- 
 " latioii depriving the Parliament of Canada of certain existing 
 " powers, and altering the British North America Act, 1867, this 
 " House would be waiiting in its duty if it did not express its 
 « decided opinion that no such Imperial Legislation should be 
 " asked for by the Government of Canada, except after the details 
 " of such proposed Legislation ahall have been submitted to both 
 " Houses of the Parliament of Canada for their judgment, and 
 " addresses of such Houses to the Queen, praying for such Legisla- 
 •' tion, shall have been passed." 
 Mr, Harrison objected to this amendment, as being, in effect, 
 the same as the original motion. Ruled : '' 1'he amendment is in 
 *' order. It proposes to the House a resolution which is substantially 
 <* the same as that involved in the original motion, but it omits 
 " considerable matter of recital both of fact and law, and in that 
 *« respect, I think, the proposition is one which the Honorable 
 "Member may propose as an amendment. He may say very 
 ** properly, as he does say, that he has no desire to commit the 
 "House to the recitals which form a part of the original motion. 
 ** I think the motion is therefore in order." 
 Mr. Dorion^s amedment was then put and negatived, and that of 
 Sir G. Carter carried, on division. — Journal, pp. 136, 145 
 27. Bill Over ruled— Question Already Parsed Upon. — 3 Aprils 
 1871 . A Bill respecting Insolvency having been passed and sent to 
 Senate for concurrence, another Bill, introduced to repeal the 
 InBolvency Laws ,wa8 objected to, and over-ruled, on the ground 
 that the House had already passed upon this question, and that no 
 measure could be entertained at variance with the former one during 
 the present Session. — Journal, p. 209. 
 28. Motion of Urgency — Without Notice — Id April, \%^\. On 
 motion for a Select Committee, to enquire into a charge made in 
 the House, that Mr. Delorme, member for Provencher, had been 
 concerned in the rebellion in the Hudson's Bay Territories, and 
 implicated in the murder of Thomas Scott, — it was objected that 
 previous notice of motion was required. The Speaker, after citing 
 May on the subject, said : — " That it rested with the discretion of 
 the House as to whether notice of this motion should bo given or 
 not. If the House believed that this was a case of such urgency 
 that it should at once be entertained and disposed of, the House 
 may say that the absence of notice should not bar progress in the 
 matter, but on the other hand, the House may consider the matter 
 of 80 grave a character as to require time for consideration . I 
 think it rests with the House." 
 After statements, and amendments, the House, on division, 
 passed to the Order of the Day. — Journal, p. 249. 
 29. Correspondence Respecting Damages Claim, Referrei to a Com" 
 mittee. — 10 April, 1871. Mr. Currier moved, that the Return to 
 Address for copies of correspondence between the Department of 
 Public Works and George Sterling respecting a claim for damages 
 by the said Sterling^ be referred to a Select Committee. 
 Mr. Speaker said, that his attention had already been called to 
 this motion . He ruled : " That it does not appear to be objec- 
 " tionable to refer a claim of this nature to a Select Committee. 
 " Shoi d their report recommend a payment of money, this House 
 " will refuse its concurrence, unless the recommendation from the 
 " Crown is announced bj a Minister." Question put iind motion 
 negatived. Journal, p. 25 i. 
 30. Reply to Speech from Throne not a Decision on Special Ques' 
 tioM. — 11 April, 1871. On motion of Hon. Sir G. E. Gartier, to go 
 into Committee, to consider a resolution, recommended by His Ex- 
 cellency, that tlie Pacific Railway should be a private, and not a 
 Government work, and should be aided by land grant and subsidy. 
 Mr. Mackenzie objected that the House had, during present session, 
 passed upon a motion in terms similar thereto [by negativing an 
 amendment proposed by Sir A. T. Gait (Sherbrooke) to motion for 
 Recond reading of Address respecting admission of British Colum- 
 bia. Journal, 202.] Ruled : That if the two Resolutions which 
 have been offered to the House — the Resolution of the Member for 
 R % 
 i ■- 
 J f 
 V s' 
 Sherbrooke, and that of tlio Honorable Minister of Militia, were 
 precisely the same, word for word, it would still be open to the 
 Hon.se tC' consider the Motion of the Minister of Militia at this 
 stage . The reason of that is this : — The Motion of the Honorable 
 Member for Sherbrooke was offer cdj i>y way of amendment, as an 
 alterrative proposition to the Ifouse . The House had its option 
 to adopt either the Main Motion, which vas to read the Address a 
 second time there and then, or to adopt the Motion of the Honorable 
 Member for Sherbrooke, which was to postpone the reading of that 
 Address to a future day, and to resolve certain things. The House, 
 in negativing the motior of the Honorable Member for Sherbrooke, 
 lias not passed upon the Hesolution contained in that Motion. It 
 has simply chosen to say, "we will now read the Address a 
 " second time, and we will not pass upon the llosolution, offered 
 " by way of amendment, at the present time." 
 I thirk we have only to consider the form used in the House 
 of Commons in England in putting questions, to see what is the 
 true effect of the vote on the Motion proposed by the Honorable 
 Member for Sherbrooke. Had the Question been put as it would 
 have been put in England, that all the words proposed to be 
 omitted <' stand part of the Question, that is, that the Main Motion 
 " should be voted upon yea Or nay." The House woul'l not appear 
 to have passed upon the alternative proposition. But though we 
 may vary our form of Question, our votes must have no different 
 effect than if taken in the Jinglish House of Commons. 
 Therefore, according to my view, if the two Motions had been, 
 precisely the same, it w^ould have been still open to the House 
 now, to consider and pass upon the Motion of the Honorable the 
 Minister of Militia. But there are, I observe, important variances 
 between the two Motions. I would particularly allude to the one 
 referred to by the Honorable Member for Sherbrooke, that his 
 ]\lotion proposed to pronounce an opinion upon the understanding 
 tf the two contracting parties, apart from, and irrespective of the 
 written evidence altogether ; this motion does not do that. With 
 regaid to the former Motion, the House might well hesitate in com- 
 ing to a decision upon a Question so difficult to decide upon ; whilst 
 it may or may not hesitate about pronouncing upon its own future 
 action, which is what is proposed by the present Motion. There- 
 fore, for these reasons, I think the Motion is in order," 
 The House went into Committee accordingly. Journal, p. 264. 
 31 . Motion for instructions already possessed by Committee. — 2 
 May, 1872 . On motion into Committee on Bill to repeal Insolvency 
 Laws, a motion to instruct Committee to except Ontario from its 
 operation was over-ruled, as the Bill alTocted the Dominion, and 
 the Committee liad already the power asked for. Journal, p. 18. 
 32.- Petition sent by Telegraph, refused. ~^3 May, 1872. A 
 petition respecting Red River Claims, sent by telegraph from Manitoba, 
 was presented by lion A. Mackenzie. Ruled : " This petition can- 
 not be received, because there are no real signatures attached 
 to it. 
 33 . Bill repealing Insolvency Laws need not originate in Com- 
 mittee of Whole.— \*l May^ 1872. Third reading of Bill to repeal 
 Insolvency Laws, objected to, the Bill not having originated in 
 Committee of the Whole. Objection ovbr-bulbd, this Bill not im- 
 posing burthens, but repealing them. More».>ver, it applies to 
 traders, as individuals, net to Trade as a subject matter. Journal, 
 p. 120. 
 34 Practical Amendttant to an Abstract Motion. — 27 May, 1872 . 
 On resuming adjourned debate on motion of Mr. Joly, to go into 
 Committee for consideration of a resolution, that the Superannua- 
 tion Fund should be entirely devoted to the relief of officials and 
 their families, Mr. Jackson moved, in amendment, that it is inex- 
 pedient now to alter the Act, and that the subject should be con- 
 sidered by a new Parliament. Amendment objected to as having 
 no relation to the original motion, but ruled in order, Mr. Joly's 
 motion, though merely an abstract opinion, being expressed against 
 the present system, and Mr Jackson's being a practical proposition, 
 which miglit ]>« adopted in lieu of the other, and pertinent to the 
 subject of the main motion. The ; nendment was put and carried. 
 — Journal, p. IGG. 
 35. Bill Regulating Bon^s — hoes not Compound Debts with 
 Government. — \Qth April, 1873. On motion for second reading of 
 Bill extending provisions of Grand Trunk Act, 18G2, so far as 
 relates to certain preferential bonds, etc., lion. Mr. Cauchon objected 
 that it should have been introduced in Committee of the Wnole, 
 as its object was virtually to compound a debt due to the Govern- 
 ment. Objection overruled: "'C mpounding' is strictly the 
 "taking less than the thing that is duo. That is not asked in this 
 "case." — Journal, T^. 164. 
 35. Second Amendment to Motion into Committee of Supply. — 
 2 May, 1873. On debates on amendment of motion to go into 
 Committee of Supply, Hon. Mr. Tapper moved, a second ar^.end- 
 ment, which was objected to by lion. Mr. Ilolton as out of order, 
 and over-ruled. Journal, p.2G2 (See also No. 56). 
 37. Amendment to an Amendment, Obliterating Original Motion. 
 8 May, 1873. On motion of Mr. Mackenzie, declaring it reprehen- 
 !• tl 
 \ f- I 
 ' "1 
 I i 
 Bible for Miiiisters or other servants of the Crown to use the powers 
 of office in elections, and censuring Gilbert Griffin, Post Office 
 Inspector, for a certain letter by him addressed to J. Rannie, Post- 
 master, Jlon. Mr. Tupper moved in amendment, that the House 
 proceed to the orders of the day. Mr. Joly moved a second 
 amendment, declaring the advisability of so amending the Election 
 Law as to disfranchise the whole Civil Service . Second amend- 
 ment OVER-RULED : Mr. Tapper^ s amendment, if adopted, obliterates 
 •' the original motion, and no further amendment can be proposed 
 "pending its consideration." Mr. Tiq^per^s amendment put and 
 carried . — Journal^ p. 300 . 
 38. Bill from Senate ImpGwig Burdens. — 10 J/fly, 1873. On 
 third reading of Bill from Senate, respecting Inspection of Steam- 
 boats, Hon. Mr. Ilolton took notice that the Bill contained pro- 
 visions which will be a burden on the people, when the House, by 
 resolution, waived its privileges on this point. Journal^p. 319. 
 39. Motion not According to Notice. — 12 May, 1873. On 
 motion of Mr. Mackenzie to go into Committee on Resolution, that 
 no person interested in the Pacific Railway " shall be capable of 
 being elected to, or of sitting and voting in Parliament" Hon. Sir 
 J. A . Macdo7iald objected that motion was not in accordance with 
 notice given, which read " shall be eligible to be elected a member 
 of this House." Roled : — " The objection is well taken." Mr. 
 Mackenzie altered his motion accordingly. Journal, p. 32G. 
 40 . Beading Papers in House Relating to Mailers be/ore Commit- 
 tee. — 15 May, 1873. Hon. Mr. //tm«en^/on moved, upon information 
 of important documents, in reference to Pacific Railway charges 
 under investigation by Select Committee, being in the hands of a 
 Trustee, under such circumstances, that there is great danger of 
 their being placed btyond the reach of the Committee before 2nd 
 July next, to which date Committee is adjourned ; that rhc Com- 
 mittee assemble to-morrow, and summon the Trustee to produce 
 the documents. The mover proceeding to read certain letters and 
 documents, Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald objected thereto. Ruled : — 
 '* The question of Order, as I understand it, is this : — Whether a 
 Member in making a motion is to be permitted to read certain let- 
 ters and papers which, it is said, will support that motion, and 
 which relate to a charge referied on a previous occasion to a Select 
 Committee lor investigation . This is bringing into the House for 
 discussion evidence that must come before that Committee in sup- 
 port of the charge. J do think, and I appeal to both sides of the 
 House, that upon the point of Order, us well as upon the strong 
 justice of the case, I am bound to rule that the Honorable Member 
 I r 
 cannot read those papers." The motion was then put and carried. 
 Journal, p. 349. 
 4 1 . Accusing Action of Crown as be ng " for a purpose . " — 3 
 -y<w.,1873. In resumed debate upon tbc amendments proposed to 
 the Address, in reply to the Speech from the Throne, which amend- 
 ments expressed opinions upon the conduct of His Excellency's 
 advisers, Mr . Mills made reference to the despatches from the Gov- 
 ernor-General to the Imperial Government, submitted to the House 
 by Message, 'as being sent down for a purpose." Hon. Sir J. 
 A. Macdonald objected, that no Member had a right to say that the 
 Representative of the Sovereign sent down certain despatches for 
 the purpose of influencing debate in this House. Ruled ; — " There 
 " is no doubt an Honorable Member may criticise the subject-mat- 
 " ter of such despatches, but he should not say ' they were sent 
 "' down for a purpose.' " Journal, p, 131 . 
 SpBAKEtt— Tub Hon. T. W. Anglin. 
 42. Petition Rejected as an Election Petition. — 20 -<4/>rj7, 1874. 
 On motion for reception of Petition of H La BoutiUier^ that Return 
 for last Election for Gasp4 be completed and amended, as a matter 
 of privilege, by substituting the name of Petitioner, for that of L . 
 O. Harper. Objection being taken, that the subject is one which 
 could only come under the cognizance of the Courts of J^aw, as pro- 
 vided by Statute : Ruled: — "I cannot find any rule or precedent 
 " to guide me in coming to a concj usion on this question . I think 
 " it would be well for the House to consider this matter, and lay 
 " down a rule with respect to similar Petitions in the future. I am 
 " of opinion that it is an Election Petition. Looking over the late 
 " English Journals, I cannot find any cases of Petitions of this nature 
 " having been ruled out. After considering all the circumstances, 
 "I think ihat the Petition ought not to be received" Journal, 
 p. 82. 
 43. Trade — Bill on Banking. — 30 Ji>W/, 1874. On raiDtion to 
 introduce a Bill, amending the Acts relating to Banks and Banking, 
 respecting liability of shareholders. Objection being taken that the 
 Bill affects Trade, and should originate in Committee of the Whole. 
 Ruled : — The Bill cannot proceed. Journal, p. 142. 
 44. Abstract Proposition, Affecting Expenditure, in Order. — 
 11 May^ 1874. On motion of Mr. Blain, for a Committee of Seven, 
 to consider the feasibilty of an Ontario and Huron Ship Canal, also 
 declaring expediency of the appointment of a Commission to 
 confer with the U.S. Transportation Committee for a similar pur- 
 pose. Mr. Thompson (Haldimand) olyected, that the motion involved 
 ' •' 
 •' :tl| 
I: ■!: 
 Public Expcnditiiro in recommending appointment of Com- 
 raissioners. Objection oveu-rcled : — " The motion was an abstract 
 "proi>osition such as could be regularly proposed by a Private' 
 " Member. If it should pass, it would not necessarily bind the 
 " House in any way." Question was again proposed, debated, and 
 finally withdrawn. — Journal, p, 214. 
 45. Motion of Concurrence in an Improper Report of Committee. 
 — 11 May, 1874. On motion of Mr. Jiunster, that the House dotk 
 concur in report of S lect Committee, appointed to enquire into the 
 way in ^vhi .B ...h Columbia is affected by the present tariff; 
 objection bei | Uxk'^n that the motion asked for concurrence in a 
 Report which ■ r not to have been received by the House. 
 Ruled : — "That he o'' ntion was well taken. The Report was 
 ♦' clearly out of order, inasi luch as it recommended the enactment 
 *»of a special tariff, which could only be originated with the 
 " sanction of the Crown, and in a Committee of the Whole . " — 
 Journal, p. 216. 
 46. Improper Tariff Amendment. — 15 Mai/, 1874. On third 
 reading of Bill amending the Tariff, an amendment moved by Mr. 
 Ryan, that the Bill be re-committed, witl^ a view of substituting ad 
 valorem for specific duties on tea and coffee, was objected to and 
 OVER-RULED (on the ground that it might involve an incaease of tho 
 public burthen). — Journal, p. 24:3. 
 47. Committee Cannot Embody Reports of Previous Committees. — 
 20 May, 1874. Mr. Orton, having moved that the House doth 
 concur in the Second Report of Select Committee upon the 
 Agricultural Interests, Hon. Mr. Mackenzie objected that it is not 
 competent for a Special Committee to embody in its report the 
 opinions of a similar Committee appointed in a previous Session. 
 Ruled : '* My attention has been directed to this subject, and I have 
 " come to the conclusion that the motion is decidedly out of order, 
 " It is laid down distinctly by May : ' A Committee re-appointed 
 " • cannot report the evidence taken before the Committee in tho 
 " ' previous Session.' This I find has been done in the Report now 
 " before the House : < The Committee having carefully examined 
 " * the result of the labors of a former Committee on the subject of 
 " ' Agriculture, find that much valuable information had been 
 " * obtained directly from the lUrmers and millers of the country, 
 " ' &c . The substance of which information as obtained from a 
 " ' draft Report of a former Comittee, the present Committee beg to 
 '"embody in the Report which they now have the honor to sub- 
 " mit ;' — consequently the Report, and the motion founded upon 
 " it, are out of order." — Journal, p. 282. 
,u ," 
 48. Motion to Change Destination of Grant Recommended by 
 Menage. — 26 Feb., 1875. On coiisidcrtuion of Resolutions reported 
 from Committee of Supply, Mr. Masson moved, in nmendmont o 
 the vote for Mcnnonite Immigration, that a part thereof be assicji i 
 to inducing Canadians in the United States to settle in Mani'0< a. 
 Over-ruled, it not being competent for the Hon. Member to movv. to 
 change the destination of the grant recommended by the Crown. — 
 Journal^ p, 140. 
 49. Petition Cannot be Referred to Committee till Called.— ~^ 
 8 March, 1875. On motion of concurrence in 1st Report of Select 
 Stand. Com. on Pub. Accts., Mr. Domville moved to refer a certain 
 petition to said Committee. Objection being taken to this motion, 
 as one now on the notice paper and undisposed of it was over-rulbd . 
 until it was called. — Journal, p. 177 . 
 50. Petitions Refused — Exemptions f'd Duty. — 22nd, 24<A» 
 2lth March, 1875. — Presentation of Pcitioic for the passing of 
 Acts to authorize Commissioner of Cus* ♦^s t exempt certain roll- 
 ing stock from duty, over-rcled, as in^ Vi ig a public charge, and 
 not being recommended by the CroM-n. -Journal, p.p. 260, 269, . 
 287. 9 March, 1874. A Resolution, declaring opinion of the 
 House that the Welland Canal shoul "^ ^nlargcd ; similarly over- 
 ruled. — Journal, p. 191. {See also No. 6.) 
 51. Motions Conflicting loith Previous Decisions. — 11 March, 
 1875. In the resumed debate upon the motion for an Address to 
 the Queen, upon the New Brunswick Schools question, two amend- 
 ments (Messrs. Baby and Costigan) were over-ruled, on the ground 
 that they conflicted with resolutions just affirmed by the House. 
 Journal, pp. 200, 203. 
 62. Northern Railway Bill not a Public Bill. 12 March, 1875. 
 Hon. Mr. Markenzie having moved the introduction of a Bill to 
 re-arrange the capital of the Northern Railway Co . , to enable it to 
 change its guage, &c., objection was taken that some of the pro- 
 visions of the Bill were of a private nature, and should be dealt 
 with under the Rules . Ruled : The Bill cannot bo introduced as a 
 Public Bill. Bill withdrawn . Journal, p. 2\Z . 
 53. Amendments to Clauses of Bills in Committee. — 1 April, 1875. 
 The Committee of the Whole, on Bill to amend the General Railway 
 Acts, reported for instructions, vhether a member might move an 
 addition to the 4th section, to provide that all supplies for Govern- 
 ment Railways, for a greater amount than $1,000, should be pur- 
 chased only upon public tender and contract. It being objected — 
 Ist, it was not relevant to the Bill, and could not properly be 
 moved in the Committee ; 2nd, it imposed a burthen, and should 
 have been first originated by a resolution in a Committee of the 
 Whole. Ruled : " 1. There is no doubt that it is perfectly legiti- 
 « mate to make, in Committee, any amendment to a clause, pro- 
 " vidcd that it is relevant to the subject-matter of a Bill, or pur- 
 '< suant to instructions ; but if any such amendment shall not be 
 " within the Title of the Bill, then the Committee must amend the 
 " Title accordingly. 2. The clause, if added to the Bill, will be 
 " actuall}' restrictive of the expenditure of public money, and will 
 " not tend in any way to increase the public burthens. The amend- 
 "ment is in order." Committee resumed. Journal. />, 327. 
 54. Abstract Motion Respecting Tariff Allowed . . — 18th February^ 
 1876. On adjourned Debate, on motion of Mr. Mills, for appoint- 
 ment of a Committee upon the present financial depression. Mr. 
 DeCosmos moved in amendment, that the early revision of the 
 Tariff is very desirable ; and that a revised discriminative Tariff 
 would be productive of great benefit, &c . Objection being taken 
 that the amendment involved the imposition of a burthen upon the 
 people, RULED : That being an abstract proposition, and barren of 
 results, it was in order . Journal, p. Gd. 
 55. Motion Affecting Privilege, Unimportant. — 28 February, 187G. 
 The Motion of Mr. Masson, to concur in Report of Select Committee 
 on reporting and printicg of debates, was not allowed to be put 
 without previous notice, not being considered sufficiently important to 
 be treated as a matter of privilege ; but on March 2nd, on which 
 day it appeared on the notice paper, it was allowed to take prece- 
 dence, when Notices of Motions were reached. Journal , pp. 87, 
 56. Second Amendment on Motion into C of Supply. — 29 
 February, 1876. Mr. Workman^ s motion in favor of Protection was 
 OVER-RULED as irregular, being in amendment of an amendment by 
 Mr. Irving y to the motion that the Speaker leave the Chair for the 
 House in the Committee of Supply. Journal, p. 89. (See also 
 No. 36.) 
 57. Bill, Examination of Engineers, Relates to Trade. — 8 March, 
 1876. On resuming debate, the motion for second reading of Bill 
 providing for Examining and Licensing Engineers employed else- 
 where than on steamboats was over-ruled, because : 1. The Bill 
 related to Trade, and should have originated in Com. of Whole, 
 2. It imposed penalties and exacted a fee, which could only be 
 done with consent of Crown. Journal. p. 119. 
 58. Amendment Irrelevant to Motion. — *lth April, 1876. Two 
 Resolutions reported from Committee of Supply ; 1, Grant for 
 expenses of Pacific Railway ; 2, Expenses of its Survey, Res. 1 
 mU i 
 was, with an amemlmcnt, adopted. Res. 2 being read, Mr. Plumb 
 moved, in amendment, an addition, recommending the construction 
 of the Railway as speedily as pi-acticable . Objected to, and otbb- 
 RULBU, as irrelevant to the Resolution under consideration. Mr. 
 Plumb then moved an amendment, recommending the surveys being 
 proceeded with, which motion was put and lost on division. Jour- 
 nalfp. 286. 
 69. A Member cannot Adjourn a Debate following his own Motion.-— 
 February 12/A, 1877. Mr. John Macdonald (Toronto), having moved 
 for the reading of prayers daily, on the Speaker taking the Chair, 
 a debate ensued . 
 Mr. John Macdonald — " I beg to move the adjournment of the 
 Mr. Speaker — " The Hon. Gentleman cannot, under the circum- 
 stances, move the adjournment of a debate on his own motion." 
 Mr. Bolton then moved the necessary resolution. 
 ©able of l^^'^'^^^l'!"^'^ Ulithiit the dominion of 
 1. Tbo Governor General or Officer Administering the Govern- 
 2. Tbo Senior Officer commanding II. M. Troops witlua the 
 Dominion, if of tbo rank of a General, and the officer commanding 
 H.M. Naval Forces on the B.N. A, Station, if of the rank of an AdmiraL 
 Their own relative rank tv be determined by the Queen's Uegulations 
 on the subject. 
 3. The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. 
 " " Quebec. 
 " " Nova Scotia. 
 " " New BrunswitK.* 
 Archbishops and Bishops according to seniority. 
 Members of the Cabinet according to seniority. 
 The Speaker of the Senate. 
 The Chief Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity accord- 
 ing to seniority. 
 11. Members of the Privy Couicil, not of the Cabinet. 
 12. General Officers of H.M. Army serving in the Dominion, and 
 Officers of the rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy, serving on the 
 B.N.A. Station, not being in the chief command, the relative rank of 
 ■uch officers to be determined by the Queen's Regulations. 
 13. Members of the Senate. 
 14. Speaker of the House of Commons. 
 15. Puisne Judges of Courts of Law and Equity according to 
 16. Members of the House of Commons. 
 17. Members of the Executive Council (Provincial) within their 
 18. Speaker of Legislative Council withm his Province. 
 19. Members of Legislative Council. 
 20. Speaker of Legislative Assembly. 
 21. Members of Legislative Assembly. 
 •Manitoba (1870), British Columbia (1871), and Prince Edward 
 Island (1873) have all been admitted to the Union, but there is no 
 Authoritative arrangement as regards precedence. The North West 
 Territories have also (1875) been organized into a Province with a 
 Lieutenant-Governor and an Executive Council appoinied by ttie 
 ©able of ®itU\<i. 
 Governor General of Canada to bo styled " Ifit Excellency.'' 
 The Lieutenant-Governor of each Province to be styled " //t« 
 Privy Councillors of Canada to bo styled "Honourable'' and for 
 Senators of Canada to be " Honourable," but only during oflice, 
 and the title not to be continued atterwards. 
 Legislative Councillors in the Provinces not in future to have 
 that title ; but gentlemen who were Legislative Councillors at the 
 time of the Union (July 1, 1867) to retain tlicir title of '^Honourable" 
 for life. 
 [Mem. — The title, thoupfh without precise warrant, has general'.y 
 been concedea to the Legislative Councillors apptd. at the time of the 
 Union, as well as to their colleagues who had previously been 
 By a mere lapsus pennoe the Speaker of the House of Commons 
 was ommitted from this list— an omission, we believe, not yet recti^ed, 
 though usage— which becomes law where none exists opposed io of 
 superseding it — has always conceded the title to him. 
 ifltit ^^natc of (![anada. 
 Duration of e-ich Session of the Sen.<»te since Confederation, together 
 with nanj<»s of the mover and seconder of the Address in reply to 
 the Speech from the Throne; day on which the Addreiss was 
 moved and when carried : 
 Mover of Address. 
 Seconder of 
 6 Nov. 
 15 April 
 16 Feb. 
 15 Feb. 
 11 April 
 11 Nov. 
 16 April 
 17 Feb. 
 17 Feb. 
 12 April 
 Hon G W Allan. 
 Hon Dr iiacoste . 
 Hon J R Benson. 
 Hon A Macfarlane 
 Hon M A Girard . 
 Hon J McCuUy. 
 Hon D Wark. 
 Hon R R Dickey. 
 Hon J F Armand. 
 Hon J Robertson 
 11 Nov. 
 16 April. 
 17 Feb. 
 17 Feb. 
 12 April. 
 22 June. 
 12 May. 
 14 April. 
 14 Jime. 
 5 Mch. 
 10 Mch. 
 23 Oct. 
 27 Oct. 
 Hon A Vidul . 
 Hon G Alexander 
 Hon MHCochrane 
 10 March. 
 27 Oct. 
 13 Ang. 
 7 Not. 
 26 Mch. 
 4 Feb. 
 10 Feb. 
 8 Feb. 
 30 Mch. 
 5 Feb. 
 14 Feb. 
 9 Feb. 
 Hon E G Penny. 
 Hon D W ark. 
 Hon A Paquet. 
 Hon A Hope. 
 Hon C E Panet. 
 Hon P Baillargeon 
 Hon E Leonard 
 Hon R Haythorne 
 30 March. 
 5 Feb. 
 14 Feb. 
 26 May. 
 8 Apnl. 
 12 April. 
■ i! ' 
 Sfhe Senate. 
 Speaker ot the Senate* — Hon. David Christie. (Apptd. 9 Jan., 
 Clerk of the Senate and of the Parliaments. — Robert LeMoine. B. 
 in Quebec, 28 Aug., 1815. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1839. Entered 
 public service, Feb., 1835. Apptd. Cik. Asst. of L.O., Can., and Master 
 in Chancery, 1851. Continued in same office in the Senate of the 
 Dominion, and apptd. a Commr. to administer the oath of allegiance 
 to the members of that body, and take and receive their declaration of 
 qualification, 2 Nov., 1867. Apptd. Clerk of the Senate, 28 Jan., 1871. 
 A Major in the Militia. A Commr. tor taking affidavits in the Queen's 
 Beach, 1873. {Salary, $3,000.)— 108 Daly St. ; Parliamenl House. 
 Gentleman Usher of the Black ^oc?.— Rene Edward Kimbbr. Born 
 in Three Rivors, I .Q., 24 Jan., 1846. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1867 ; to 
 that of U.C , in the Easter Term, 1869 ; apptd, to present office (on the 
 retirement of his father), 4 June, 1875. A Commr. for taking affida- 
 vits in the Queen's Bench, 1871. {^Salary, $1,350.)— C/iAgr'a Residence ; 
 Parliament House. 
 Deputy Clerk, Clerk Assistant, and Master in Chancery, of the 
 /Sfenrt^c— Fennings Taylor. B. in London, Eng., 10 March, 1817. Ed,/ 
 at Radley. near Oxford, Eng. Came to Can. 1836, and, on the 4 Dec. < 
 of that year was apptd. a Clk. in the L.C. office of U. Can. In 1842 " 
 was apptd. First Office Clerk of the L.C. of Can. In 1846, Additiotal 
 Clerk Assist. In 1855, Clerk Assist, and Deputy Clerk. In 1853, 
 under the Great Seal, Master in Chancery. Is a Lieut.-Col. of Militia ; 
 a Commr. under the Great Seal for administering the oath of allegi- 
 ance, &c., to members of the Senate ; and a Commr. of the Court of 
 Queen's Bench in Ont. Is the author of " Sketches of British Ameri- 
 cans : inth Photographs by Notman,^' " The Life and Death of the Hon. 
 T. If Arcy McQeeP " The Last Three Bishops Appointed by the Crown 
 for the Anglican Church o^ Canada^—Q^ 'Jheodore St.; Parliament 
 ♦Previous Speakers. 
 (1.) Hon. Joseph E. Cauchon, from 5 Nov., 1867 until 26 July, 
 (2.) Hon. P. J. 0. Chauveau, Q.C., D.C.L , from 21 Feb., 1873 
 until 8 Jan., 1874. 
 i. \\ 
 > m 
 i 1 
 r !Si 
 I i!^ 
 AiKiNS, IIo,: James Cox. P.C. 
 Of Irish parentage. B. in Tp. of Toronto, Peel, Ont., 1823. Ed. 
 at Univ. of Victoria College, Cobourg. M., 1845, Miss Mary Elizabeth 
 Jane Somerset. Is Major 3rd Batt. Peel Militia, and a Vice-Presdt. of 
 the Ottawa Auxiliary Bible Society. Sat for Peel in Can. Assembly 
 from 1854 until g.e., 1861, when defeated. Was mem. for " Home " 
 division, L.C., Can. from 1862 until the Union. Sworn of the Privy 
 Council 9 Dec, 1869, and was Secy, of State of Cam. (and as such or- 
 ganized the Dominion Lands Bureau), from that date to the resignation 
 of the Macdonald Govt.. 5 lYov., 1873 Called to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, May, 18(37. A Liberal. — 82 Gloucester St., Tcronto ; 
 Richview, Ont. ; Rideau Club. 
 Alexander, Hon. George. 
 B. in Baufffshire, Scot, 21 Ma^', 1814. Ed. at Aberdeen University. 
 M., 1847, the youngest dau. of the late Col. A. AV. L.ight, of H.M.'s 25th 
 Regt. of Foot (" King s Own Borderers.") Was Presdt. of the Provl. 
 Agricultural Assn., U.C, 1857, and continued a mem. of the Board of 
 Arts and Manufactures until 1867. Represented "Gore" division in 
 L.C. of Can., from 1858 until the Union. Called to the Senate, 30 
 May, 1873. A Conservati^ h. — " RokewootV Woodstock, Ont. 
 Allan, Hon. George William, F.R.G.IS., F.Z.S., 
 S. of the late Hon. William Allan, of Moss Park, Toronto; for 
 many years a mem. of the L.C. of U.C, and of the Ex. Council, same 
 Province, during the governments of Sir F. B. Head and Sir Geo. 
 Arthur, by Leah Tyrer, 4th dau. of the late Dr. John Gamble, surgeon 
 of the " Queen's Rangers,' a U.E. loyalist. B. in Toronto, 9 Jan., 1822. 
 Ed. U.C. College. M., 1st, 1846, Louisa Maud, third dau. of the late 
 Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart., C.B , Chief Justice of U.C, (she d. at 
 Rome, 1852) ; 2ndly, Adelaide Plarriet, 'dau. of the Rev. T. Schrieber, 
 formerly of Bradwell Lodge, Essex, Eng. Called to the Bar, U.C, 
 Hilary Term, 1846, 1 Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society ; 
 and of the Zoological Society (Eng). Is Lieut.-Col, of the Regimental 
 Division of East Toronto ; and an hon. mem. of the "Queen's own" 
 Rifles ; a trustee and mem. of the Council of the University of Trinity 
 College, Toronto ; Presdt. of the Upper Canada Bible Society ; and of 
 the Western Loan and Savings Company ; Vice-Presdt. of the Church 
 (of Eng.) Union of Toronto ; and of the Ontario Society for the Pre- 
 ventioiof Cruelty to Animals; and a dir. of the Canada Landed 
 Credit Co. Way Mayor of Toronto, 1855, Has been Presdt. of the 
 Canadian Institute, same city. Apptd. Govt. Trustee for Municipal 
 JJonus Fund of Toronto and Nipissing Railway, 18G9. Elected Water 
 Works Commr. for East Toronto, June, 1872, an office which he has 
 since re+-ained. Sat in L.C., Can, for " York " Division, from 1858 until 
 the Union, and was Chairman of the Private Bill Committee of that 
 House, a position to which he was again elected in the Senate, on the 
 first meeting of the Dominion Parlt., 1867. Called to the Senate by 
 Eoyal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Conservative. — " Moss I*ark^^' 
 Toronto; ^^ Strathallanj" Lake Simcoe; Rideau Clvb ; '^ U. E.^^ Club'; 
 Conservative Club, London, Eng. , . 
 Archibald, Jhn. Thomas Dickson. 
 S. of the late David Archibald, Esq., of Onslow, N.S. B. at 
 Onslow, 1813. Ed. at Pictou Academy. M., 1st,, Susan, dau. of Wm. 
 Corbett, Esq., (she d,) ; 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of George Hughes, 
 Esq., of Boston, U.S., (she d.) ; 3rdly, June, 1874, Maria Louisa, relict 
 of the late John Burnyeat, Esq., (she d. Feb., 1875,) A member of the 
 firm of Archibald & Co,, merchants, la Consular Agent for the U.S. 
 at Sydney ; and Presdt. of the Gowrie Coal Mining Co. Was a mem. 
 of the Ex. Council, N.S., from 1860 to 1863. Sat in L,C. of N.S. from 
 1856 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, 
 May, 1367. A. Liberal. — North Sydney, C.B. ; ILilifax Club. 
 Armand, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Joseph Francois {Rcpmtiguy.) 
 Of French descent, his grandfather a royalist, having emigrated 
 from Normandy during the French Revolution of 1793. S. of the late 
 Lieut.-Col. Francois Armand, by Marie Louise Vincent. B. at Riviere 
 des Prairies, P.Q., 1820. Ed. at Si-. Hyacinthe College. M., 1855, 
 Alphonsine, dau, of the late Amable Simard, Esq,, M.D. Is Lieut.-Col. 
 16th Batt. Montreal Militia ; and a dir. of the Isolated Risk Insurance 
 Co. Represented " Alma" Division in the L.C., Can., from 1858 until 
 Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A 
 Conservative. — Riviere des Prairies, P.Q. 
 Baillargeon, Hon. Pierre, M.D., (Staducona). 
 Descended from a French family that emigrated to Can, from 
 Londigny, France. S. of the late M. Francois Baillargeon, by Marie 
 Louise Langlois, of St. Laurent. B. at Crane Island, P.Q., 8 Nov., 
 1812. Ed. at Nicolet College. M., 1842, the dau. of the late Joseph 
 Painchaud, M.D., of Quebec. A brother of the late lit. Rev. C. F. 
 Baillargeon, D.D., Archbishop of Quebec. Received degree of M.D. 
 from Harvard University. Is a mem. of the Boston Medical Assn. ; 
 and one of the visiting physicians to the Quebec General Hospital. 

 Called to the Senate, 26 March, 1874. 
 Association of the Province of Quebec. 
 I.J President of the Dental 
 A Liberal.— 17 St. Urmle St. 
 Bellerose, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Joseph IIyacintiie, J.P. (De La Naudiere), 
 S. of the late M. H. Bellerose, Esq . merchant, Three Rivers, P.Q., 
 by Sophie Le Maitre de Lottinville. B. at Three Rivers, 1820. M., 
 1847, Henrietta, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Armand, and sistsr of Hon. J. F. 
 Armand, Senator. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Isolated Risk and Farmers' 
 Insurauce Co. ; and Mayor of his Municipality. Plas been a Commr. 
 under 2 Vict., cap. 29, Stat. L.C. Has been long and prominently con- 
 nected with the Volunteer Militia movement in L.C, having, after the 
 passing of Militia Act of 1854, been the first to organize companies in 
 the rural districts ; became Brigade Major 8tb Military District, and in 
 1862 was promoted to his present rank, with command of 12th Volun- 
 teer Rifles, retaining the appt. he had received in 1859 of Commandant 
 of the whole Volunteer Force in M. D. No. 8. Is now Lieut.-Col. 
 commanding Laval Reserve Militia. In 1858, 11. M. the Queen, bemg 
 desirous of showing her estimation ot his military service^!, charge<l 
 Sir E. VV. Head, then Gov.-Genl., to offer him a captaincy in Xha 100th 
 or " Prince of Wales Royal Canadian Regiment," then being- organized, 
 a position he accepted, but subsequently, for private reflsons, leaigned, 
 notwithstanding that he had passed the necessary examinauong there- 
 for. On two occasions declined important appts. under Govt., and 
 after death of Sir G. E. Cartier, refused a seat in the Cabinet, owing 
 to the unsettled policy of Govt, on Manitoba Amnesty and N. B. 
 School questions, but principally on account of Pacific Railway 
 charges, then pending. Sat for Laval in Can. AKofJiibly from g. e., 
 1863, until the Union, and for same seat in House ot Conuaons from 
 that event up to his elevation to the Senate, 7th Oct., 1873,, Repre- 
 sented Laval in Quebec Assemb);- Tom the Union until g. e.. 1875, 
 when he retired, and was, durini^ iho v. hole of that time, Chairman of 
 the Contingent Committee, and k : :h cflected great reductions in 
 the House expenditure. A Conservative. — St. Vincent de Paul, P.Q. 
 Benson, lion. J.v>fES Rea. 
 Descended frem an Irish family of Eng. extraction, that came to 
 Am., 1815, and settled at Kingston, Out. M. the eld. dau. of the late 
 Chas. IngersoU, Esq,, of Ingersoll, Ont., who for some years represented 
 Oxford in the U. C, Assembly. Has been engaged in commercial pur- 
 suits, in connection with mills and vessels, for many years. A dir. of 
 the Imperial Bank of Can,, and of the London and Canadian Loan 
 Agency Co. ; Vice-Presdt. of the International Suspension Bridge Co. 
 Ri d Prosdt. of the Welland Loan Co., and of the St, Catharines Gaa 
 Co. Hus been Prasdt. of the Niagara District Bank, A mem. of the 
 Town Council of St. Catharineg, and of the Co. Council ofXincoln. 
 Was solicited to become a candidate for L. C. Can., upon several oc- 
 casions, but did not enter public life until 1867, when returned by ac- 
 clamation for "Niagara" division; owinpf, however, to prorogation of 
 Parlt. shortly afterwards, did not take his seat, and the Union Act 
 coming into force almost immediately, the old Parlt. of Can. ceased to 
 exist. Sat for Lincoln in House of Commons from g. e. 18G7 until 
 called to the Senate, 14 March, 1868. A Liberal. — Cor. of Church and 
 James Sis., St. Catharines, Ont. 
 BoTSFORD, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Amos Edwin. 
 Second s. of the late Hon. \Vm. Botsford, one of the Judges of the 
 Supreme Court, N. B., and formerly Speaker of the Assembly of that 
 Province; and grands, of Amos Botsford, Esq., a U. E. Loyalist, for- 
 merly of Newton, Conn., who was Speaker of the first Assembly elected 
 after N. B. was constituted a separate Province. B. in St. John, N. B., 
 1804. Ed. at Sackville. M. Sept., 1864, Liary, relict of the Ir.te T. F. 
 Allinson, Esq , of Sackville. Is Presdt. of the Provincial Board of A%~ 
 riculture, N. B. ; and Lieut.-Col. 2nd Batt. Westmoreland Militia. Was 
 Presdt. of the Dominion Rifle Assn. from its organization until 1871, 
 and is now a Vice-Presdt. of that body. Was a mem. of the Ex. Coun- 
 cil, N. B., from 1838 to 1840, when he resigned ; and a mem. of L. J. 
 same Province from 1833 until the Union. An unsuccessipl candidate 
 for Westmoreland in N. B. Assembly, 1830. Was Senior Jud.-^'- of 'Jom- 
 mon Pleas for Westmoreland for several years ; a Comrnr. .7ith flou. 
 E. B. Chandler, to settle the boundary line between N. S and N. B. 
 1836; a delegate to Washington, respecting border difficulty, 1839 ; a 
 delegate to Quebec during Govt, of Lord Durham, to discuj^s n^aasi re.?, 
 connected with the general interests of B. N. A. ; a Commr wLli Coi, 
 Robinson and the late Col. Bouchette, to settle disputed boimcla.y be- 
 tween Can. and N. B ; and a delegate, a second time, to V shingtoa 
 respecting a Reciprocity Treaty with the U. S. 1852. MotcI .md car- 
 ried, 1855, an addition to Standing Orders of L. C. of N. B., t ; aJiow 
 the public to be present at the deliberations that body, which up to 
 that period had been carried on with closed jors ; moved reso'utiuns 
 in same House. March, 186(), approving of 1 Union of B. N. A. Col- 
 onies. Was requested to form an Administration for N. B., 1860, but 
 declined. Called to (he Senate by Royal 1 jclamation, May, 18(>T. A 
 Conservative. — Sackville^ N, B.-,' Eideau < luh. 
 HouRiNOT, Lieut.-Col. Ifon. John. 
 Of Norman descent. B. in the Island of Jersey. Ed. in Jersey, 
 and at Caen, in Normandy. M., Jane, daughter of Hon, J. G. Marshall, 
 formerly Chief Justice of Cape Breton. Is Vice Consul for France at 
 Sydney; Lieut.-Col. Capo Breton Reserve Militia; and a mem. of the 
 'Sf « 
 V ':] " 
 Council of the Dominion Rifle Assn. Sat for Cape Breton in N. S. 
 Assembly, from 1859 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, May, 1867. A Conservative. — Sydney, C. B. 
 Brown, lion. Georoe. 
 S. of the late Peter Brown, Esq, merchant, Edinburgh, Scot., 
 who in 1838 emigrated to New York, where he edited the British 
 Chronicle newspaper, and thence, in 1843, moved to Toronto, where he 
 established the Toronto Banner^ as an Independent organ of Ijiberal 
 Presbyterian views, by the only dau. of George Mackenzie, Esq., of" The 
 Cottage," Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. B. in Edinburgh 29 Nov,, 1818. Ed. 
 at Edinburgh High School. M. in the same city, 27 Nov., 1862, Annie, 
 eld. dau, of the late Thomas Nelson, Esq., of Abden House, Edinburgh. 
 Founded the Toronto Daily Olohe newspaper, of which he became chief 
 politicalwriter, 1844 ; founded the Canada Farmer, a weekly journal 
 devoted to agricultural interests, 1864. Is now Managing Director of 
 " (7/o6g Printing and Publishing Company;" and largely engaged in 
 stock raising. A mem. of the Senate of the University of Toronto. 
 AVas a mem. of Commission apptd. to inquire into certain alleged abuses 
 in the management of the Provincial Penitentiary, Kingston, 1849, Was 
 for many years leader of the Reform Party of U.C, and as such 
 called on to form a Govt, for late Province of Can., 2 Aug., 1858, 
 which he succeeded in doing in co-operation with the Hon. A. A. (now 
 Chief Justice) Dorin. Before it was possible for the members of his 
 Adminisitrn tion to be re-elected, th^ House of Assembly passed a vote 
 of want of confidence. He consequently determined to dissolve Parlia- 
 ment, bat the Governor-General (Sir Edmund Head) refused to grant 
 a dissolution, when Mr. Brown and his collegues at once resigned. 
 He again entered Ex. Council, 30 June, 1864, as a member of the 
 'Administration formed to carry out the scheme of Confederation, 
 being leader cf the Reform section, then in a majority in the House, as 
 Mr. Macdonald was leader of the Ontario Conservatives, and Mr. 
 Cartier of the French Canadian Conservatives. Mr. Brown had in the 
 fSession of 1864 obtained a Select Committee to enquire into and 
 report upon iuch changes in the constitution as might satisfy the just 
 expectations of Western Canada. The Committee reported in favor 
 ot a F^derjii system, such as was afterwards established. He resigned 
 21 ^;ec , i8(;.', ii^tcr the confederation scheme was arranged, though the 
 Imperi.il Act won not passed, owing to his disapproval of the policy of 
 the Govt., w'th t fr^rence to a Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S. Was 
 a mem. of Xh^ Ciiarlottetown Union Conference, 1864, of that at 
 Quebec S^ jnme year, and of the Confederate Council of B.N.A. 
 Colonies k- he nercotiation of Commercial Treaties, that satin latter 
 city, Sept , jO'). Proceeded to Eng. as a delegate on public business, 
 lt'( .'), and t VV^ashington, Ma^oh, 1874, on behalf of Can., and the 
 }:mpire, as , ihiX Plenipotentiary, with Sir PMward Thornton, to 
 negotiate with the Govt, of the U.S., a commercial treaty. Declined 
 the Licut.-Governorship of Ont., 1875. Sat for Kent in Can. Assembly, 
 from g. e. 1851 to g. e. 1854; for Lambton from latter date to g. e. 
 1857, when returned for North Oxford and the City of Toronto 
 (elected to sit for Toronto) ; for South Oxford, from March, 1863 until 
 the Union. Was an unsuccessful candidate for Haldimand, April, 
 1851 ; for Toronto East, at g.e. 1861 ; and for South Ontario, in House 
 of Commons at g.e., 1867. Called 
 Liberal.— 252, Wellington St. West; 
 to the Senate, 16 Dec, 1873. A 
 Toronto, " Bow I^ark,^^ near Brant- 
 ford, Ont.; Toronto Club: Rideau Club 
 Bureau, Hon. Jacques Olivier, N,P, {De Lorimier.) 
 Family came from Normandy. S. of Jacques Bureau, Esq., 
 merchant of Three Rivers, P. tj. B, there, Feb., 1820. Ed. at Nicolet 
 College. ' M., 1st, 1844, Mdile. Helene St. Pierre (she d. 1852) ; 2ndly, 
 1868, Madame J. H. Terroux. Admitted as a Notary Public of L.C., 
 1843. Sat for Napierville in Can. Assembly from g.e., 1854 until Sept. 
 1862, when elected for " De Lorimier" Division in L.C., which he 
 represented until the Union. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, and Prov. 
 Secy., Can. ("succeeding Hon. A. A.* Dorion) from Jan. to May, 1863. 
 Called to Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. Was one of the 
 most active promoters of the anti-seigniorial movement, and a mem. 
 of the Reform Convention that met at Quebec on that subject. Took 
 a leading part in the debate in the Senate on Senator Christie's motion 
 respecting the Pacific Railway; has always been a consistent 
 -96, St, Francois Xnvier St., Montreal. 
 Camprell, I/o/i. Alexander, Q.C. 
 Of Scotch descent. S. of the late James Campliell, Esq., M.D., 
 formerly of Hedon, Yorkshive, Eng. B. in the East ixiding of York- 
 shire, 1822. Came to Can. with his father when very young. Ed. 
 at Lachine, at the College of St. Ilyaciuthe, P. Q., and at Kingston. 
 M., 1855, Georgina Fredrica Locke, dau. of Thomas Sandwith, Esq., of 
 Beverly, Yorkshire. Called to the Bar, U. C, in Michaelmas Term, 
 1843, Created Q. C, 185G. Is Dean of the Faculty of Law, Queen's 
 University, Kingston ; a dir. of the London and Canadian Loan and 
 Agency Co. ; of the Canada Investment and Agency Co. ; and Presdt. 
 of the Royal Canadian Bank. Has been a Bencher of the Law Society, 
 U. C. Represented "Cataraqui" division in L. C, Can., from Nov., 
 1858, until the Union. Was Speaker of that body from 12th Feb., 1863, 
 until the dissolution of Parlt. in Ma3',*same year; and a mem. of Ex. 
 Council and Commr. of Crown Lands, from March, 1864, until the 
 Union. Was a mem. of the Quebec Union Conference. Sworn of the 
 Queen's Privy Council, 1st July, 1867, and was Postmaster Genl. from 
 that date until 1 July, 1873, when appointed Minister of the Interior 
 I !. 
 .■ i: 
 ,1 * 
 il ■ 
 (on the creation of that Dept.), which he continued to hold until the 
 resignation of the Macdonald Govt., 5 Nov., same year- Was Govern- 
 ment leader in the Senate from the Union until Nov. 1873. la now 
 leader of the Opposition in that Chamber. Proceeded as a delegate to 
 Eng., on public business early in 1870 ; and again in June, same year, 
 to make representations to Imperial Govt., respecting injuries inflicted 
 b^r Fenian marauders, and the necessity for continuing a regular 
 military force in Canada. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 tion, May, 1867. A Conservative. — Toronto: '■* Hillcroft'''' Union SUf 
 Kingston; Rideau Club ; " IL E, " Club. 
 Caruall, Hon. Richard William Weir, M.I). 
 S. of the late James Uarrall, Esq., for over 2Q years Sheriff of Ox- 
 ford, U. C; and grands, of John Carrall, a U. E. loyalist, who removed 
 from N.Y., to U.C. on the Rebellion of the American Colonies. B. at 
 Carrall's Grove, near Woodstock, Ont;, 1839. Ed. at Trinity College, 
 Toronto, but did»not graduate. Graduated as M.D. at McGiil Univer- 
 sity, 1859. Unmarried. A Vice-Presdt. of the Dominion Rifle Assn. 
 Represented Cariboo in the L.C. of B.C. from 1868 until the admission 
 of the Colony into the Can. Dominion, 1871 ; and from 1870 up to the 
 latter event wa& one of the Local Executive. Was a delegate to 
 Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs. Helmcken and Trutch, 1871, to arange 
 terms of Union with Canada. Has always been an ardent Uuionist. 
 Called to the Senate 13 Dec, 1871. A Conservative.— nv/om, B. C: 
 Rideau Club. 
 Chaffers, Hon. William Henry. {Rougemont.) 
 S. of the late Mr. William Uns worth Chaft'ers, by Catherine H. 
 Blar." bette ; and grands, of W. ChafiTers, Esq., M.D., of Liverpool, Eng. 
 B. in Quebec, 1830. Ed. at Chambly and Montreal. M., 1849, Louisa, 
 dau. of the late James O'Leary, Esq., M.D., formerly a surgeon in H.M. 
 service (she d. 1870.) A merchant. Is a dir. of the Isolated Risk In- 
 surance Co. Sat for Rouville in Can. Assembly from Oct.. 1856, till 
 g. e., 1857, when he retired. Has been Warden of Rouville, Mayor of 
 St. Cesaire, a Commr. of Small Causes, and Presdt. of the Rouville 
 Agricultural Society Represented " Rougemont" in L. C. Can., from 
 Jan., 1864, until theUuiou. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 tion, May, 1867. A Liberal.— *S^ Cesaire, P. Q. 
 Chapais, Hon. Jean Charles {De la Durantaye), P.C. 
 S, of the late J. C. Chapais, Esq., Merchant, of River Ouelle, P.Q. 
 Born at River Ouelle. Ed. at Nicolet College. M. the dau. of the late 
 Hon. Amable Dionne, for many years a mem. of the L.C, Can. ; a 
 merchant ; wa.s a mem. of the Ex. Conncil, and Commr. Public 
 Works. Can., from Miirch, 18G4, until the Union. Sworn of the 
 Privy Council, 1 July, 18G7, and was Minister of Agriculture from 
 that date until 16 Nov., 1870, when apptd. Receiver-General ; 
 resigned Jan., 1873. Sat in the Quebec Union Conference, 1864. 
 Has been a Govt. Director of the Grand Trunk Railway. Sat for 
 Kamouraska in Can. Assembly from 1851 until the Union. Con- 
 tested same seat for Commons at g. e., 1876, on being opposed by Mr. 
 0. F. Pelletier ; special return made and no election declared. Sat 
 for Champlain in Local House from 1867 to 1871. Called to the Sen- 
 ate, 13 Jan., 1868. A Conservative.— ^^/^ewj* de la Bouteillerie, P.Q.f 
 liideau Club. 
 Chinic, Hon. EuoENK. (Gulf.) 
 S. of the late Joseph M. Chinic, Esq , merchant, of Quebec. B. 
 there 18 Oct., 1818. Al. Miss Le Blond, of Montreal. Head of the firm 
 of Chinic & Beaudet, wholesale and retail hardware merchants. Is a 
 dir. of the Stadacona Fire Insurance Co.; of the Quebec Fire Assur- 
 ance Co. ; of the Notre Dame Savings' Bank ; of the Quebec and St. 
 John Railway Co. ; and of the Canada Investment and Agency Co. ; 
 and Presdt. of the Quebec Steel Co. ; and of La Banqiie Notionale. 
 Called to the Senate 10 April, 1873. A Conservative. — Hount Pleasant ^ 
 StFoye Road, Quebec; ^^(adacona Club; Rideau Club. 
 Christie, Hon. David. P,C. 
 B. in Scotland, 1818. Ed. at Edinburgh High School. Came to 
 Can. 1833. lil., 1st., 1858, Isabella, eld. dau. of Robert Turnbull, Esq., 
 Lennel (she d.) ; 2ridly, 1860, Margaret, dau. of William Telfer, Esq., 
 Springfield. An extensive agriculturist. Has been a mem. of the 
 Board of Agriculture, and of the Council of the Agricultural Assn., 
 since its formation. Has been Presdt. of the Agricultural Assn., U.C; 
 of ttie new Agricultural and Arts Assn. of Ont. ; and of the Board of 
 Agriculture ; and for many years sat in the Senate of Toronto Vniver- 
 Bity. Was Vice-President of the Constitutional Reform Assn., Toronto, 
 1859. Sworn of the Privy Council, 7 Nov., 1873, and was Secretary of 
 State from that date until apptd. Speaker of the Senate. 9 Jan., 1874. 
 {Salary, $4,000.) Apptd. Administrator of the Govt, of Ont., May, 
 1875 (during the illness of Lt.-Governor Crawford), but not sworn in, 
 owing to the death of the Lt.-Governor Sat for Wentworth in Can. 
 Assembly, from 1851 *o 1854, and for East Brant from 1855 to 1858, 
 when he resigned, and was elected for '"Eric" division, L C, which 
 he represented until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal. — '^ T/ie Plains,'^ Paris, Ont. 
 Cochrane, Hon. Matthew IIrnry. ( Wellington.) 
 Family came to Can. from the North of Ircl. S. of the late Mr. 
 V- in* 
1 1 
 ■ V 
 Cochrane, a Quebec trader. An eminent cattle importer and breeder, 
 la a trustee of Lennoxville University ; a mem. of the Council of .igri- 
 culture for Quebec ; a dir. of the Canadian Meat and Produce Co.; 
 of the Can. Agricultural Insurance Co.; and of the Waterloo and 
 Magog Railway Co. ; and Presdt. of H\e Tolley Manufacturing Co. 
 Called to the Senate, 17 Oct., 18":. A Conservative. — ^^ Jlill hurst 
 Farm,^' Compto/i, P.Q. 
 Cormier, Hon. Charles. {Kennebec.') 
 S. of M. Pierre Cormier, by Marie Anne Landry ; and grands, of 
 Francois Cormier, who emigrated from France to I'Acadie, N.S., and 
 removed thence to St. Gregoire le Grand, Nicolet, P.Q. B. at St. 
 Gregoire le Grand, 22 June, 1813. Ed. there. M. 5 Nov., 1838, Mdlle. 
 Lucile Archambault, of Montreal. A millowner. Has been Mayor of 
 Plessisville on several occasions, Presdt. of the Commrs. Court, and 
 Presdt. of School Commrs. Sat for " Kennebec" in L.C., Can.,from 
 1862 until the Union, when called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 mation. A Liberal and a '' Nationalist." — J'/essiNvi/le de Somerset, 
 Cornwall, Hon. CLE.MEx\r Francis, B. A. ' 
 S. of Rev. Alan Gardener Cornwall, Rector of Newington, Bag- 
 path and Beverstone, Gloucestershire, Eng., and Chaplain in Ordinary 
 to Her Majesty, by Caroline, his wife, dau. of Thomas Kingscote, Esq.. 
 of Kinnscote Park, Gloucestershire. The ancient English family of 
 Cornwall is descended in an unbroken line from a son of King John of 
 Eng., who was created Earl of Cornwall ; the Kingscotes of Kingscoie 
 have lived on the lands they now hold for a period antecedent to the 
 Conquest. B. in England, 1836. Ed. at a private school, and at Trin- 
 ity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B. A. M., 1871, Charlotte, 
 3rd dau. of Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton, Rector of Kensal Green, 
 London, Eng. Called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, Eng., 27 Jan., 
 1862. Is a magistrate for B. C. Sat for Yale-Lytton in L. C. of B. C. 
 during sessions of 1864-5, and again during session of 1871, when terms 
 of union with Can. were agreed upon. Called to the Senate, on 
 B. C. entering the Dominion, 13 Dec, 1871. A Conservative. — 
 Ashcroft, B. C; Oxford aiid Cambridge Club, London, Eng.; Rideau 
 Dever, lion. James. 
 B. at Ballyshannon, Ireland, 2 May, 1825. Came to this country 
 early in life, and was ed. at St. John. M., Nov. 1853, Miss Margaret 
 Morris. A merchant. Called to the Senate, 14 March, 1868. A Lib- 
 eral. — Union St., iSt. John, N. B. ; Rideau Club. 
 Dickey, lion. JIoukut IUkfjy, Q. C. 
 S. of the lato R. \[. Dickey, Esq. W. at Amherst, N. S., 10 Nov., 
 1812. Ed. at Windsor Academy. M., Oct. 1854, Mary Blair, 3rd dan. 
 of the late Hon. Ale.K. Stewart, C. B. Called to the Bar, N. S., Jan. 
 1834, nnd to that of N. B. 1835. Is a dir. of tlie N. S. Electric Telef?raph 
 Co., and Consular Apcent for the United States at Amherst. Was a 
 delegate from N. S. Govt, to Eng. on subject of Intercolonial Railvirav, 
 18"'' ; and to the Quebec Union Conference, 1864. Was a mem. of L. C. 
 of S. before the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 tion, ^'^ay, 186<. A Conservative. — Amherst, iV. S. ; Halifax Club; 
 Ridea. (Jliih. 
 Dickson, Licuf.-Col. Hon, AValteii Hamilton. 
 Of Scottish descent. S. of the la*e Hon. Wm. Dickson, a mem. of 
 the L. C. of U. C. B. in U. C, 1805. M., Ist, Miss Augusta Maria 
 Geale (she d.) ; 2ndly, Mrs. Armstrong. Called to the Bar, U. C, 
 Hilary Term, 1830. Sat for Niagara in Can. Assembly from 184 i to 
 1851. Was a life mem. af the L. C, Can., from Feb. 1855 until the 
 Union. Called to the Senate by Ro^al Proclamation, May. 18G7. A 
 Conservative. — '■'Woodlawn,^^ Niagara^ Out. 
 DuMOUCiiEL, lA tit. -Col. I fan. Leandre, M.D. {Mill e hies). » 
 Of Norman descent. S. of the late J. B. Dumouchel, Esq., of St. 
 Benoit, P.Q., by Marie Victotia Felix. B. 29 March. 1811. ^d. at 
 Montreal College. M., Ist, Nov., 1839, Mddle. Herra'inie Peltier, of 
 Montreal (she d. 1867) ; 2ndly, Feb., 1872^ Marie E. Bauset, widow of 
 Ed. Lesperance, Esq. Admitted to Medical profession 1835. Is Lieut- 
 Col, in the Militia, und has been for 19 jears President of the Agricul- 
 tural Society of same Co. Represented "Mille Isles" in L.C. Canada, 
 from 1864 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 tion, May, 1867. A Conservative.— ^^^ Benoit, P.Q. 
 Fabre, Hon. Louis K. Hector (La Salle.) 
 S. of Edouard Raymond Fabre, Esq., by Luce Perrault ; and 
 brotner of the Rt. Rev. E. C. Fabre, Coadjutor Bishop of Montreal. B. 
 in Montreal, 9 Aug., 1834. Ed. at the College of L'Assomption and 
 St. Hyacinthe, and a St, Sulpice, of Montreal. M., 3 Aug., 1864, Flora, 
 dau. of Adolphus Stein, Esq., of Arthabaskaville, P.Q. Studied law 
 with his brother-in-law, the late Sir George E. Cartier, and was 
 called to the Bar, L.C, 1856. Has been long and intimately con- 
 nected with the newspaper press of Quebec, and occupies a distin- 
 guished position as a French Can. litterateur. Was some time editor 
 oi VOrdre (Montreal) ; and from 1862 to 1866 had editorial manage- 
 "■: I 
 ^ .*^i^ 
 I2£ 121 
 1^ IjjZ W 
 — t. 
 U 1 1.6 
 7^ ' >^ 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 ^^, <^\ w^ 

I- i 
 Vi \ 
 V < 
 ment of Le Canadien, (Quebec.) In iMay, 1869, founded VEvenement 
 (Quebec), of which he remains editor and proprietor. Has been a Vice 
 Presdt. of the Dominion Editors' and Reporters' Assn. Author of 
 Usquisse biographic sur Chevalier de Lorimier (Montreal 1856) ; Ecri- 
 vains Ganadiens {Rev. Can., 1865-6); Canadian Literature {Trans. L. 
 4* H. Soc. 1866) ; Confederation, Independence, Annexation {Quebec, 
 18Y1.) Has been President of the Literary and Historical Society of 
 Quebec. An unsuccessful candidate for Quebec County in House of 
 Commons, March, 1873. Called to the Senate. 5 Feb., 1875. A 
 ••Nationalist."— Comer Z>rtM^>Am« and St. Urmle Sts. 
 Fbrguson, LieiU.-Gol. ITon, Sous. 
 Descended from the family of Ferguson of Auchen liber, Ayrshire, 
 Scot. Born in Ayrshire, Scot., 1813. Ed. there. Settled in Bathurst, 
 N.B. 1836. M., 18"47, Mary, youngest daughter of the late Hngh Mun- 
 roe, Esq, of Somersetvale, Bathurst. Has been for many years a 
 partner in the firm of Ferguson, Rankin & Co., a branch of the exten- 
 sive firm of Pollock, Gilmour & Co., of Glasgow. Is Lieut.-Col. 1st 
 Batt. Gloucester County Militia, and a mem. of the Council of the 
 Dominion Rifle Assn. Sat in L.O. of N. B., from Sept. 1864 until the 
 Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A 
 Conservative. — Bat/nml^ N. Ji. 
 Ferribr, Lieut. -Col. Hon. James. {Shawinegan.^ 
 B. in Scot, 1800. Ed. in Fifeshire. Came to Canada in 1821, 
 and up to 1836 was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits. Became 
 a mem. of the Corporation of the City of Montreal in 1841, Mayor in 
 1847, and Lieut.-Col. of the Fire Battalion of Montreal Militia same 
 year. Projected the Montreal and Lachine Railway, of which he 'v^as 
 Presdt for some years. Apptd. a mem. of the Board of the Royal Insti- 
 tution for the Advancement of Learning, 1845, of which he subse- 
 quently became Presdt. Has been a dir. of the Canada Board of the 
 Bank of British North America since it was first established. Was 
 Presdt. of the Montreal Assurance Co., for six years, of the St. 
 Andrew's Society, Montreal upon several occasions, and a mera. of the 
 Council, Victoria College, Cobourg. Is Chairman Canada Board of 
 the Grand Trunk Railway Co.. including the Montreal and Champ- 
 lain, and the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Cos. Presdt. nt the 
 Quebec Temperance aud Prohibitory League ; of the Montreal Temper- 
 ance Vigilance Assn.; and of Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society : Vice- 
 Presdt. of the Sabbath School Assn. of Can. ; and of the French 
 Canadian Missionary Society ; Superintendent ot the Weslesyan Cen- 
 tral Sunday School, St. James St., Montreal ; and a dir. of the Inter- 
 national Bridge Co. Was a life mem. of the L.C., Can., from 27 May, 
 1847, until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, 
 ' 93 
 May, 1867. Apptd. mera. for " Victoria " in the h.C, Quebec, 1867. 
 A Conservative. — 100 St, Alexander St; Montreal ; St. James^ Club. 
 Flint, Ifon. Billa. 
 B. in Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont., 9 Feb., 1805. Ed. there. M., 
 Sept., 1827, Phoebe Sawyer, 2nd dau. of the late P. Clements, Esq., of 
 Brockville. A merchant ; Reeve of Elzevir, Hastings ; Vice Presdt. 
 of Sabbath School Assn. of Can., of which he was previously Presdt. ; 
 and a dir. of the Grand Junction Railway. Apptd. a J. P., 1836. Was 
 first Presdt. of the Board of Police, Belleville. Reeve of Belleville. 
 Mayor of that town, 1866, and Warden of Hastings, 1873. Sat for 
 Hastings in Can. Assembly from 1847 to 1851, when defeated, and for 
 South Hastings from 1854 to 1857. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 " Trent" division, L.C., Can,, 1861. Represented that division from 
 1863 until the Union. Called to the Senate, by Royal Proclamation, 
 May, 1867. A Libeial.— i>'e//«t;>7/*, Ont. 
 GiRARD, Hon. Marc Amable, N.P. 
 S. of the late M. Amable Girard, of Varennes, P.Q., by Josephte 
 Daunais. B. at Varennes, 25 April, 1822. Ed. there. Unmarried. A 
 Notary Public. Called to the Bar of Manitoba, 1871. Was a mem. 
 of the Ex. Council, and Treasurer of Manitoba, from Sept., 1870 until 
 March, 1872, when he resigned ; and Premier of the Province, with 
 office of Provl. Secjr., from 8 July to 2 Dec, 1873, when he and his 
 Govt, retired. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council for N.W. Territories, 
 Dec, 1872. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Selkirk Agricultural Society, and 
 President of the St. Jean Baptiste Society ot Manitoba. An unsuccess- 
 ful candidate for " Montarville " iU'L. C, Can., 1858, and for Hoche- 
 laga in Can. Assembly, 1862. Represents St. Boniface in Manitoba 
 Assembly, for which he was first returned by acclamation, Dec, 1870. 
 Called to the Senate, on Manitoba entering the Dominion, 13 Dec, 
 1871. A Conservative — St. lioniface^ M. 
 Glazier, lion. John. 
 A lumber merchant. A dir, of the Fredericton Railway Co. Sat 
 for Sunbury in N.B. Assembly for some years prior and up to the 
 Union, and afterwards, until apptd. to the Senate, 14 March, 1868. A. 
 Liberal. — Lincolny Sunbury, N.u. 
 B. in P.Q. Sat for Richelieu in Can. Assembly from 1854 to g.e., 
 1856. when defeated. Represented "Sorel ' in L.C., Can., from 1858 
 until the Union. An unsuccessful candidate for Richelieu in Quebec 
 ^1 i 
 94 ' 
 Assembly, at g.e., 18G7. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation 
 May, 18G7. A Conservative.— f7<a;/o^/« St., Sorr/, J\Q. 
 Grant, lion. IIoueut Pattkuson, J. P. 
 S. of the late Lewis Grant, IJookseller and Publisher, Inverness, 
 Scotland. B. tnere, 1814. Ed. at the Inverness Royal Academy. 
 Came to Canada, 1833. Served for two years in the employment of 
 the late Hon. Roderick Matheson, of Perth. U.C, ; went to N.S. in 1835. 
 M., 1840, Annie, dau. of the late James Carmichael, of New Glasgow, 
 and sister of the present senior member, who represents Pictou County 
 in the House of Commons. Contested four elections in the Liberal 
 interest, in only one of which was successful ; on that occasion he 
 was elected to the Nova Scotia Assembly from the N.R. of Pictou, and 
 which seat he held from 1859 to 1863. Attended the Detroit Conven- 
 tion (made celebrated by the memorable speech of the late Hon. Joseph 
 Howe) as a delegate from the Halifax Board of Trade. Is, and has 
 been for the past tifteen years. Chairman of the Incorporated Board of 
 Education of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of 
 B.N. A. (now incorporated with the Canada Presbyterian Church.) Is 
 Attorney for the Underwriters of the Home Marine Insurance Associa- 
 tion of Pictou, and Vice-President of the Pictou Bank. Has always 
 been a Liberal, but differed from his political friends on one question — 
 the question of Confederation— whicli he favored. Apptd. to the Sen- 
 ate, 2 Feb., 1877, on death of Hon. John Holmes. — Sea Bank, rictou, 
 Hamilton, Hon. John. 
 Youngest s. of the late Hon. Robert Hamilton, of Queen.stown, 
 Ont. Born there, 1801. Ed. there. M., Frances Pasia, dau. of David, 
 Macpherson, Esq., of Inverness, Scot, (she d. 1873). Is Chairman of 
 the Board of Trustees of the Queen's University, Kingston. Was for 
 17 years Presdt. of the late Commercial Bank. Has been Presdt. of 
 the Kingston St. Andrew's Society. Sat in L.C. Can., as a life mem., 
 from June, 1841, until the Union. Called to Senate by Royal Procla- 
 mation, May, 1867. A Conservative.—" The Elms;' MaUland St., 
 Kingston, Ont. 
 Hamilton, Jlon. John, ifiikerman.) 
 A mem. of the family of Hamilton of Hamwood Co., Meath, Ir^l. 
 The family claims descent from Hugh Hamilton, a son of Sir James 
 Hamilton, of Evandale, in the kingdom of Scot., who settled in Irel. 
 1616. [See Burke^s Landed Gentry.] Third s. of the late Col. Geo. 
 Hamilton, ot Hawkesbury, Can., who died in 1837, by Lucy Craigie. 
 B. near Quebec in 1827. Ed in Montreal. M., 1st , Rebecca L., dau 
 of the Rev. John Lewis, B.A., of Cork, Jrel. (she d.) ; 2ndl3', Ellen 
 Marion, dau. of Wm. Wood, Esq., of Scale Lodge. Surrey, Eng. (shed. 
 Jan., 1872) ; 3rdly, June 1873, Jeanie, relict of the late John Major, 
 Esq., and dau. of the late Charles Carabie, Esq., formerly of Castle- 
 town, Tipperary, Irel. Is a mem. of the extensive and long established 
 lumber firm of Ifamilton Bros., proprietors of the Hawkesbury Mills, 
 Ont. ; of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co. ; and a dir. of the Ottawa 
 Union Forwarding Co. ; of the Canada Investment and Agency Co. ; 
 Vice-Presdt. of the Merchants' Bank ; and of the Reliance Mutual Life 
 Assurance Society of London ; and Presdt. of the Canada Timber and 
 Lumber Assn. Was Reeve of Hawkesbury for four years, and War- 
 den of the United Counties of Prescott and ftassell for three years. 
 Sat for " Inkermau" in L.C., Can , from 1860 until the Union. Called 
 to Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Conservative. — 
 ^^ Evandale Jiouse" Hawkesbury^ Ont; " TyrcUa Iloiise,^' Sherhrooke St., 
 Montreal ; St. James^ Club ; Rideau Club. 
 ' Haviland, I foil. Thomas Heath, Q. C. 
 S. of the late Hon. Thomas Heath Haviland, formerly of Glouces- 
 tershire, Eng., who was for many years before the introduction of 
 Responsible Govt, 1851, a mem. of the Ex. and Leg. Councils, and 
 Colonial Secy, of P.E.I. B. at Charlottetown, 13 Nov., 1822. Ed. at 
 Brussels, in the kingdom of Belgium. M., 1847, Anne Elizabeth, dau. 
 of John Grubbe, Esq., late of Horsendon House, Bucks, Eng. Called 
 to the Bar, P.E.I., 1846. Created a Q..C, 1865. A dir. of the Bank of 
 P.E I. ; a Master in Chancery ; a Notary Public ; and a Colonel in the 
 Volunteer Militia. Was a mem. of E'x. Council, P.E. I., from April, 
 1859, till Nov., 1862 ; for a short period, 1865 ; from 1866 to 1867 ; and 
 from Sept., 1870, until April, 1872, during which several periods he 
 held the office of Colonial Secy, almost constantly, except in 1865, 
 when he was Solicitor-General. Was Speaker of theProvl. Assembly 
 from 1863 to 1864, and Leader of the Opposition in that Chamber from 
 1867 until the g. e., 1870. Entered Local Cabinet again 18 April, 1873, 
 and held oflBce of Provl. Secy., which he resigned in 1876. Was a 
 delegate to the Quebec Union (jonference, 1864 ; and to Ottawa, with 
 Hon. Messrs. Pope and Howlan, May, 1873, to arrange final terms upon 
 which P.E.I, was admitted as a Province of the Dominion. Has sat 
 for Georgetown in Provl, Assembly since 1846. Called to the Senate 
 on P.E.I, entering the Union, 18 Oct., 1873. A Conservative. — '•'■Alma 
 Cottage" Charlottetown. 
 i 1 
 IlAifTHORNE, Hon. Robert Poork. 
 Descended from a family of merchants and bankers belonging to 
 Bristol, Eng. S. of the late Aid. Haythorne, four times elected Mayor 
 of Bristol, who was largely engaged in the Spanish wool trade, and 
i > 
 •tlli ' 
 subsequently owned 
 Curtis, of Mardyke, Bristol. 
 landed property in Gloucestershire, by 
 k at Clifton, Bristol, 1815. " ' 
 M., 1861, in P.E.I., Elizabeth Radcliflfe, eld. dau. of Thomas Scott, Esq.. 
 Belfast, Irel. Is a Magistrate, and a Governor of Prince of Wales* 
 College. Entered the Ex. Council, 1867, as a mem. of the late Hon. 
 G. Coles' Administration ; after his retirement continued to sit la the 
 Administration of Hon. Joseph Hensley, and on his elevation to the 
 Bench, succeeded him as Presdt. of the Council, and leader of the 
 Govt, in which he continued until his resignation, 1870. On 2nd 
 April, 1872, four days before the meeting of Parlt., was entrusted with 
 the formation of a new Govt.j a duty in which be was successful : and 
 in Feb., 1873, b", with his colleague, Hon. D. Laird, formed a delega- 
 tiott to Ottawa on the subject of the Union of P.E.t. with Can., on the 
 result of which mission his Govt, went to the country, but not being 
 sustained, he accordingly resigned, 18 April, 1873. Has assisted in 
 carrying improvements in the laws relating to the Land Tenures of 
 P.E.I. SatintheL.C.of P.E.L from 1866 to 1874. Called to the 
 Senate, on the admission of P.E.T. as a Province of the Dominioii, 18 
 Oct., 1873. Ahihevix].—'^ .Vorshjield," CharlotMoicn. 
 Hope, Hon. Adam. 
 B, in Scotland. Came to Ctioada in early life, engaging in 
 mercantile pursuits. Was of the firm of Hope &Birrell, London, Ont , 
 for many years and afterwards Hope k Co. Went to Hamilton, yrhatd 
 he formed a co-partnership with Mr. Isaac Buchanan, which partner- 
 ship was afterwards dissolved, the business being now controlled by 
 Mr. Hope. Has been a very successful merchant. Upon the death of 
 Hon. E. Perry was called to the Senate, 3 Jan., 1877. A Liberal. — 
 Hamilton^ Ont. 
 HowLAND, lion. George William. 
 B. in Waterford, Irel., 19 May, 1835. Emigrated with his parents 
 to P.E.L, 1839. Ed. at the Central Academy there. M. Oct., 1866, 
 Miss Olson, of St. John, N.B. (she died in April, 1876.) A merchant 
 and shipowner, and largely engaged in the fish-trade. Is Vice-Presdt. 
 (P. EI.) of the Dominion Board of Trade, and a Governor of Prince 
 of Wales' College. Entered Ex. Councl of P.E.L, 1866, and remained 
 a mem. of the Govt., a part of the time being co-leader, almost unia- 
 terruptedly up to 30 June, 1873. Was a delegate to Washington on 
 trade matters, 1869, and to Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs, Pope and Havi- 
 laud. May, 1873, to settle terms of Union with Can., which terms were 
 adopted unanimously by both Houses of the Legislature. Sat for 
 Queens, (1st. Dist.) in Provl. Assembly, from 1862 until June, 1873, 
 when appointed Collector of Customs at Charlottetown, which oflBce 
 be resigned in September foUowlnsr, in order to contest Prince for 
 .u ■■ 
 House of Commons, and was dffeatpd. Wns in Provl. Assembly a 
 etrcnuoiis advocale of the building of P.E I. Railway, Called to the 
 Senate, on P.E.I, entering the I^ominion, 18 Oct., 1873, A Liberal. — 
 Alberton, P.E.I. 
 Kaulback, Lient.-Col. IIo?i. IIenuy Adolpiius Newman, LL.B.^ Q.C. 
 S. of Lieut.-Col. John II. Kaulback, Hijfh Sheriff of Lnnenburgb, 
 N S. ; and grandson of Henry Kaulbuck, Esq., who was High Sherilr 
 of t:ame County for ati , xtended {U'liod. H. at Lunenburg, 18.3'). Ed. 
 in N S , and in Harvard University, where he graduated LL li. M., 18.08, 
 E'inici'.S)|»liie, only child of the late John Harris. Esq .of '• Thornhili," 
 Kings, NS. Called to the liar, NS, 185'), Cjeaied a Q.C, 1873. 
 Was for some yeais a mem. of Central Board of Agriculture, and 
 commanded the first, regiment of Miliiia and volunteer artillery in his 
 native town. Sat for Lunenburg in N.S. Assembly, from 18G3 until 
 the Union, when he was dtfealed as a candidate for House of Com- 
 mons. Called to the Senate, 27 .March, 1872. A Conservative, and has 
 always been a steady and reliable Unionist. — king St., JAi}ietibur</, N.S, 
 Lacoste, Lieut-Col. Hon. Louis, N.P. {Montarcille.) 
 Family came originally from Languedoc, France, and settled at 
 Boucherviile. B. 3 Ar»ril, 1798. Ed. a' St Sulpice College, MontreaL 
 BL, Ist., Jan., 1822, Miss Catharine Boucher dc Labruere (she d.) ; 
 2ndly, Sept., 1835, Charlotte Magenty Mount, relict of J. L. F. Gene- 
 vey, Esq. (she d.); and 3rdly, Nov., 1838, Aldlle. Marie Antoinette 
 Thaia Proulx. Is Lieut.-Col. commanding 1st Batt. Chamblay 
 Militia. Has been Presdt. of the Board of Notaries, Montreal. Sat 
 for Chambly in the L.C. Assembly from 1831 to 1838, and for same 
 county in Can. Asstmbly from 1843 to 1861, when he resigned, and 
 was ri-turned for " Montarville" division in L.C, which he represented 
 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 
 1867. A Conservative. — JJouchervUle, P.Q. 
 Leonard, lion. Elijah. 
 B. in the U.S. Has been Mayor of London, Ont., and a dir. of the 
 London and Port Stanley Railway. An unsuccessful candidate tor 
 London in Canadian Assembly at p;. e,18r)4. Represented " Mala- 
 hiue " division in L.C , Can , from 1862 until the Union. Called 
 to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal. — Talbot 
 St., London, Ont. 
 Lbwin, Ilvn. James Davies. 
 • Descended from the Lewins of Woranston, Radnorshire, Wales. 
 il i 
 1 1 
 A family of private country gentlemen. B. at Wamnston, Radnor- 
 Bbire, in 1812. Ed. at Kingston Gra nmar School. In early life en* 
 tered the Civil Service of the British Government, and in that service 
 came to New Brunswick in 1830, and coniinued thus for 20 years, 
 ■when, upon the abolition of the Department with whioh he was con- 
 nected, he was elected, in 1855, Presdl. of the Bank of New Brunswick, 
 maintaining that position ever since. Called to the Senate, 1876, to fill 
 vacancy created by death of the Hon. John Robertson.— ^S^ John, If.B. 
 McClelan, //o;». Abner Rkid. 
 B. at Hopewell, N.B., 1831. Ed. at Mount Allison Wesle^an 
 Academy. Unmarried. Was one of the Governors of Mount Allfson 
 Wesleyan College, Sackville, N.B., and Vice-President of the Alumni 
 Society of the Academy and College of that name. Was a mem. of 
 Ex. Council, and a Commr. of the Board of Works, N.B., from 
 April, 186G, until the Union. Sat for Albert in N.B. Assembly, from 
 1854 until the Union, Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, 
 May, 1867. A Liberal.— "Ait;e7-5jc?f," //o/ ewell, N.B. 
 McDonald, lion. Donald. 
 Of Scottish origin. B. in State of New York. 1816. Ed. in Can. 
 -J.. 1838, the dan. of the late James Mitchell, Esq., Judge of the Lon* 
 don District Court. Was for many years in service of the Canada 
 Company Is a trustee of QueenV University, Kingston. Repre- 
 fiCiei '• Tecumseth" division in L.C, Can:, from 1858 uniil the Union. 
 Ctt ' .V. to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal. 
 409 Queen St. West, Toronto. 
 McLklan, Bon. Archibald Woodbury. 
 Of Irish origin. Only son of the late G. W. McLelan, Esq., who 
 eat in the N. S. Assembly for a lengthened period. B. at Londonderry, 
 N.S., Dec, 1824. Ed. there and at Count Allison Wesleyan Academy. 
 M., 1854, Miss Caroline Metzler, of Halifax. A dir; of* the Cobequid 
 Marine Insurance Co. Sat for Colchester in N.S. Assembly, from 18?8 
 until 1863, for Northern Colchester from latter date until the Union, 
 and for Colchester in House of Commons, from the Union until calhd 
 to the Senate, 21 June, 1869. Apptd. one of the Commrs. for the con- 
 struction of the Intercolonial Railway, June, 1869. (Salary $3000.) 
 A l.ihpral ; was opposed to Confederation until '"Better Terms" were 
 yiel cd (o ii.S,— Londonderry, N.S. 
 MacMaster, Bon William. 
 S. of the late Mr. William MacMaster, linen merchant, of Oo» Ty- 
 rone, north of Ireland- B. 1811. Came to Can., 1833. M.,l8t, 1851, 
 Mi8S Mary Henderson of N. Y. (she d. 1868) ; 2ndly, 1871, Susan 
 Molton, relict of the late James Fraser, E«q., of Newburgh, N. Y. Was 
 for many years head of the firm of W. MacMaat^r and Nephews, whole- 
 sale dry floods merchants, Toronto. Is a mem. of tlic Senate of the 
 University of Toronto ; and of the Council of Public Instruction, Ont.: 
 President of tlTe Canadian Bank of Commerce; and of the Freehold 
 Permanent Building and Savings Society; Vice-President of the Con- 
 fedtralion Life As.'an.; a dir. of ihe Great Western Railway of Can.; of 
 the Isolated Rijk Assurance Co ; of the Canada Landed Credit Co.: and 
 of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway. Held for several years 
 the office of Chairman of the Canada Board of the Great Western Rail- 
 way Co. Represented " Midland" division in L.C., Can., fiom 1862 
 uniil the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, l\ay^ 
 1867. A Liberal — ^^ Jiathnellt/" JJavenvort Hoad^ Toronto] Uloor St., 
 Yorkville^ Toronto ; Toronto Club. 
 Maodonald, Hon. William John. 
 be^cended from Somerled, Thane of Argyle and Lord of the Isles. 
 Third s. of the late Major Alexander Macdonald, of Valley, North 
 Uist, and Glendale, Isle of Sky- B. in Co. of Inverness, Scot, 1832. 
 Ed. there. Came toB.C. .r851. M., 17 March, 1867, Catharine, 
 second dau. of Capt. J. M. Read, of Hon. H. B. Co.'s service. Is Presdt, 
 B. 0. Rifle Assn. Was for eight years in Hon. H. B. Co.'s service, dur- 
 ing which time he acted as Capt. of Militia and Collector of Customs. 
 Electod Mayor of city of Victoria, 1866, and again, 1871. Served as a 
 mem. of first Board i>f Education, mem. Govt. Tax Court of Revision 
 and Appeal, Road Commr., Ac. Sat for Sooke in V.I. Assembly from 
 1859 for several years, and was also a mem. of the L.C. of B.C. 
 > Apptd to the Senate on B.C. entering the Dominion, 13 Dec. 1871. A 
 Liberal.— Gordort St.., Victoria, liideau Club. 
 MoFarlanb, Hon. Alexander, Q.C. 
 Of Scottish descent. S. of the late Donald McFarlane, Esq., by 
 the dau. of James McNab, Esq. B. at Wallace. M. the dau. of the 
 late Amos Seaman, Esq., of Minudie, N.S. Called to the Bar, N.S., 
 Dec , 1844. Is a Queen's Counsel. W^as a member of the Ex. Council, 
 N. S. from 18S3 until the Union. Sat for Cumberland in N S. Assembly 
 from 1856 until the Union. Called to th'i Senate, 10 Oct., 1870.— A 
 Conservative. — Wallace, N.S.; Halifax Club. 
 Macphkrson, Hon. David Lewis. 
 B. in Scot., 12 Sept., 1818. Ed. at tbe Inverness Royal Academy. 
 Game to Canada, 1835. M., June, 1844, Elizabeth Sarah, eld. dau. of 
,. 3 
 William Molson, Esq., of Montreal, ftiul granfl-diin. of Hon. John Mol- 
 son, in his life-time a mem. of the Kx. U»»uncil of L C, and Presideat 
 of the iJiiiik of Montreal. Is a mem. of the lirm of Gzowski k Co., 
 contractors, who have constructed several branches of Canadian Rail- 
 Wiiys an(. other important works; a mem. of the C()r[)oration of Hell- 
 muth College, [jondon, Ont; ; a dir. of Molson's IJank ; of the Toronto 
 Rolling Mills Company; of the Toronto, Grey & Brnoe lUilway Co.; 
 and of the Western Canada rermanent I>nildings and Savings Society. 
 Elected President of the Inler-ocean'c Railway Co, incorjioraled for 
 the purpose of constructing a railway across the continent to British 
 Colimihia, 1872. Was Arbitrator for the Province of Ontario under 
 the H.N.A. Act, "for the division and adjustment of the debts, credits, 
 liabilities and properties of LTpper C.inada and Lower Canada, 1868." 
 lias been Vice President of the Montreal Board of Trade, and Presi* 
 dent of the St. Andrew's Society of Toronto. Author of a pamphlet 
 on Banking and Currency, (Toronto, ISoU.) Represented **Sange«'ii" 
 divi.-»ion in L C, Can., from Oct., 18G4 nniil the Union. CaUed to the 
 Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 18()7. A Coniervalive. — *' CheS' 
 nut J'ark" Toronto; Turonlo Club; Hi lean Club; ISt. Jutnes' Club. 
 Miller, lion. Willi a.m, Q.C. 
 Descended from a family that emigrated to N.S. at the early set- 
 tlement of the Province. Born at Antigonish, N.S., 12 Feb., 1835. 
 Ed. at the Grammar School, St. Andrews, and the Antigonish Acad- 
 emy. M. Oct., 1871, Annie, dau. of Hon. James Cochran, of Halifax, 
 N.S. Called to the Ber, N.S., May, 18G!). Created Q.C., 1872. Sat in 
 N.S. Assembly, from g. e, 18()3, until the Union, and while in that 
 House rendered important assistance to the Union cause. Being 
 opposed to the financial conditions, and other details of the Quebec 
 scheme of Union, it was on his suggestion that the Government dele-* 
 gation to England was appointed, in order to effect, under the 
 au.^pices of the Imperial authorities, such modifications of that scheme 
 as would render it more acceptable to the people of N.S. Was nomi- 
 nated as a delegate to the London Colonial Conference of 1866-7, but 
 declined the ajipointmcnt. Called to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, 18G7. A LxhaxdX.— Halifax; Arichatj A^.S. 
 Sixth s. of the late Daniel Montgomery, Esq., who emigrated from 
 'Argyleshire, Scot, to P E 1.. upwards of a century ago, and for more 
 than thirtv-five years lepresented Prince county in the Provl. 
 As.sembly, by Miss Penman, of .Vew Eng. B. in Princetown, P.E I., 
 19 Jan., 1808. El. there. M., 1st, 183.5, Miss Anne Wainay, (she d. April, 
 1856; ; 2ndly, May, I86I, Louisa, relict of the late Lawrence W. Gall, 
 Esq. Sat tor Princetown in the Provl. Assembly, of which he woa 
 Speaker for four years, from 1838 until 1862, when the L.C. beir.p mad© 
 elective, he was elected to that body and became Speaker, au office he 
 continued to hold until March, 1874. Galled to tlie Senate nn P.KT. 
 entering the Union, 18 Oct. 1873. A moderate Conserralive. — I'ark 
 Camevt J*.t\L 
 MuiRHBAD, lion. William. 
 S. of the late John Miiirhead, Esq.', a native of Dumfries-shire, 
 Scot, who came to N.S., 1817, and for some years carried on business 
 as a merchant and shijibuilder, at Pictou, N.S. Born in town of Pic- 
 tou, 4 April, 1819. Ed. at Miramichi, M. Miss Annie Gray. A 
 tDerchant, shipper, shipbuilder, ship and mill own^. Is a dir. of the 
 Maritime Bunk of the Dominion ; of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co.; 
 of the Northern Western Railway; President of the Miramichi Ship 
 Building Go. ; and of the Maritime Warehousing and Dock Go. Sat 
 in the L.C. of N.B., from 18U7 until called to the Senate, 4 Jan., 1873. 
 A Liberal. — Chatham, N.B. ; IHdc^^i Club. 
 NoRTnup, lion. Jkremiah. 
 S. of John Northup. E«q. ; and descended from Jeremiah Northup, 
 a loyalist, who came to N.S. from the U.S , at the close of the Ameri- 
 can Revolution, represented Falmouth in the first Provincial Parlt. 
 that SHI in N.S., and continued to hold that seat until his death, a 
 period of 25 years. B. at Falmouth, 1H15. Ed. in Halifax. M., 1848, 
 Emily, dau. of the late John Gochran, Esq., of Newport, N.S. A mem. 
 of the firmof Jno. Norihup& Sons, merchants, and shipowners. Is a Jus- 
 tice of the Peace ; Vice-President of the Merchants' Bank of Halifax ; 
 a dir. of the Ocean Marine Insurance Association; a mem. of the 
 Committee of the Protestant Industrial School; and a governor of 
 Dalhousie College. Was for a considerable period a Commr. for sign- 
 ing Treasury Notes. Sat for Halifax in N.S. Assemblv from g. e., 
 1867 until called to the Senate, 10 Oct., 1870. A 'Liberal.— 433 
 Brunswick St., Halifax ; Jlalifax Club. 
 Odbll, Hon. William Hunter. 
 S. of the late Hon William Franklin Odell, who held the office of 
 Provl, Secretary of N. B. for 32 years ; and grands, of Hon. Johnaihaa 
 Odell. a zealous royalist. B. in N. B Ed. at King's College, Fred- 
 ericton, where ho graduated B. A , 1832. M., the eldest dau. of the 
 late Hon. Mr. Justice Bliss, of Halifax. Called to the Bar, N. B. 1838, 
 Apptd. Clerk of the Sufreme Court, N. B , which office he subsequently 
 resigned, .\pptd Deputy Provl. Secy., tvegistrar and Clerk of the Ex. 
 Council, N B., 1838, and subsequently, in 1844, filled the latter position 
 on ita being cunstituted a separate and distiuct office. A Judge of the 
' ' 
 Conrtor* Common Pleas, 1847; and a mem. of the L.C, of N.B, bj 
 RojhI Warrant, 1850, where ho sat unlil the Union. Was a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council and I'oit Master Genl., N.U., from 1865 unlil resljjnft- 
 ion of the Govt, the following year. Called to the Senate by Uojal 
 Proclamation, May, 1807. A 'Jonservativc — "T^ocAwooti," Fredericton, 
 iV. Ji. ; JUdeau Club. 
 Paquet, Jfon. AN.SELMB IIoMKHR, M. 1). {Dela Valliere.) 
 a. of Mic late Timothce Paqnet, Esq , by Mi,rie F. Robillard, both of 
 the parish of «t. Cnthhert, P.Q. W. at St. Ciithbert, 27 Sept., 1830. 
 Kd. at the College of L'Assomplion. M , at L'Assomption, Sept. 1864. 
 Delle Marie A. 11. tUriepy U a Licentiate of Collegn of Phydicians 
 and Surgeons, L. C. An unsuccessful candidate for"De LaNaudiere," 
 li. C, Can , I8G3. Sat for lierthier in Can. Assembly from 1863 
 unlil the Union, and for same seat in House of Commons from that 
 event until I) Feb., 1875, wiicm elevated to the Senate. A Liberal. 
 —Si. Culnbert, P. Q. 
 Pelletieu, Ciiaules Alpiion.sk Pantalkon. (Katnouraska.) 
 Descended from two of the oldest French families in Can. S. of M. 
 J. M. Pelleticr, a merchant, by Julie Puinchaud, sister of the lute Rev. 
 C. F. Painchaud, founder of the College of St Anne, P.Q. B. at River 
 Quelle. P.Q ,22 Jun, 1837. Ed. at Si. Anne's College and at Laval 
 University, from which he obtained d^^groe of B.L., 15 Sept., 18.58. M., 
 1st, 1801, Susanne, d<ui. of the late Hon. Chas. Casgrain, M. L. C, (she 
 d. 1862); 2n(ily, Virginia A., second dau. of the late Hon. M. P. De 
 Sales la Terrii-re, M. D, who sat in the Parlt. of L.C, and afterwards 
 in that of the United Can. Called to the Bar, L.C, 1860. Has been 
 Syu'lic of the QueSoc Hnr, and Presdt. of the Sociele de St Jean 
 j'iapnute, Quebec. Was for some years Major 9lh Batt., or ^^Voltigeur* 
 dtt Quebec;" retired, retaining his rank, 1866. Was a randidat»^for 
 Knmoumska ai. ge . 1867, when special retnrn was made and the con- 
 stituency was disfranchised for some months. First returned for that 
 8Ciit Feb., 1869; re-elected at go.. 1872, and again, by acclamation, at 
 last ge., 1874. Sat for Quebec P^ast in Quebec Assembly trom Feb., 
 1873, to Jan., 1874, when he retired from that body. Sworn of the 
 Privy Council, January, 1877, as Ministerof Agricultnre and called to 
 the Senate for Kamomaska division upon appointment of lion. 
 Letellier de St. Just to the Lieut-Gov. of Quebec, A Liberal.— Cor. 
 St. Ursule and St. Louis Strettn, Quebec; Ottawa. 
 Penny, Hon. Edward Goff. (Alma.) * 
 B at llornsey, Loudon, Eng., 15 Mav, 1820. Ed. in Eng. M., 18-57, 
 Elenor Elizabeth, duu. of Oliver Smith, Esq., of Montreal. Came to 
 Can. 1844. Called to the Bftr, L.C., 1850. One of tlio proprletOM of, 
 and chief political writer fvir, the Montreal 11 raid newMpapcr. Au- 
 thor of :i pamphlet nt^ainst Cunfederution (Montreal, 18G'7). Apptd. 
 a Oommr. on hehalf of Can. nt the Phihi(lel|>hia Exhibition, 1875. 
 Called to the Simaie, 13 March, 1874. Was a Dominion Commr. to 
 th<* Centennial Exhibition at Pliihidulphia from May to November, 
 1876. A Liberal.—" /forneni/ House,'' Cor. Si. Luke ani St. Murk Sit 
 Montreal; Rideau Club. 
 PowKR, Hon. Lawrkncr Geopphky, L.L.il. 
 Wa«i called to the Senate 2 Ppb., 1877, in place of Uon. 
 Sir E. Kenny, resigned. Is eldest und only surviving son of Mr. 
 Patrick Power, MP. for Halifax. N.S. B. Aug, 1841, at Halifax, N S. 
 Ed. at St. Mary's CollejfP, Halifax, Carlow Collejre and ihe Catholic 
 University. Irel., and Harvard Law School, Cambrid(i:e, Moss, where 
 he took the degree of L.L B. in 18GG. Was admitted to the Bar in 
 December, 1866. Has been for seven years a Commr. of Schools, and 
 for five years an Alderman of the city of Halifax. Was for ten sessions 
 Clerk Assistant and Clerk of BiMs of the Assembly of Nova Scotia, 
 having been three limes elected by the House. Is a mem. of the Sen- 
 ate of the University of Halifax. Is unmarried. A Ilefoimer — South 
 ParkStJIaliJax, N.S. 
 PozBR, Christian Henry. 
 Of German descent. S. of the late Wm. Pozer, Esq., of St. Georgo 
 d'Aubert Gallion, P.Q., B. there, 2G Dec, 1835. E<1. in Quebec. 
 Unmarried. Called to the Bar, L.C, July, 1860. A diror the Levis and 
 Kennebec Railway ; and of the Quebec and Gosford Railway. Was 
 an un3ucce3sful candidate for Beauce in Can. Assembly at g.e., 1863. 
 first returned to P»»rli>tment ut g. e., 1807 ; re-elected at g. e., 
 1872, and again, by acclamation, at last g e. Sat for Beauce in Quebec 
 Assembly from g.-^., 1867 until Jan., 1874. when he resigned in order 
 to confine himself to the Commons. Resigned seat in the Commons 
 and called to the Senate Sept. 26, 1870. A Nationalist; and a sup- 
 porter of the Mackenzie Adminisiri.iion. — Quebec ; St (Jeorye, Beauce, 
 Frios, Licut-Col. Uon. David Edward. {Laurentides.) 
 Family originally from Wales. Eldest s. of the late William Price, 
 Esq., an extensive lumber merchant at Quebec and the Saguenay, by 
 Jane, third dau. of the late Charles G. Siewart, Esq , Comptroller of 
 the Imperial Customs at Quebec ; and grands, of Richard Price, E-q, 
 of Elsiree, Herts, Eng. B. in the city of Quebec, 11 May, 1826. Ed. 
 there. Unmarried. Is senior partner of the firm of Price Brothers & 
> I 
 Co., mercliantg, Quebec: Vico-Connsel at the Sflgiionay, where his 
 firracarrv on large lumbering operations, for Norway, Sweden, Den- 
 mark, Chili and'Pei;%and ihf U-C of Am.; Lieut-Col.. 2nd Batt, 
 Chlcoatimi Militia; Pres<it. of the Chicoulimi AKrieultiiral Society; 
 and of the St. George's Society of Quebec ; and a mem. of the Quebec 
 Agricultural Council. Sat for Cliicoutimi and ^Hdousac in Can. 
 A^^enibly from 1855 to g.e., 1857, and for Chicoutimi and Saguenay 
 from latter date until elected to L. C. for •' Lai.rentidos' division i?: 
 1864. where he eat until the Union. Was a candidate for Chicoutimi 
 and Tadousac. 1854, but retired in favor of tlie late Hon. A .N. Morin. 
 Called to tne Senate by Royal Proc'emation, May, 18(;7. A Con- 
 servative. — ^^ Wol/esjj-U,' Quebec : ^^ Liberty IlaU,-^ Cluc^nlimi ; Sla- 
 dacciia Club ; JiiJcau Club. 
 Read, i/i/7i. Robert. 
 Eld. p. of Robert Read, Esq , -^n extensive farmer in. the Co. 
 Suffolk. Er.g. B. at F'rcssiuKfieM, in that county, U Dto , 1814 EJ. 
 at Laxlield. same county. A dir. of the Grand Junction Rail»7Ky. 
 [3 it for "Quiute" division in L.C.. C:in., from Oct., 1862 until the 
 Union. Represented East Hastings in House of Commons from the 
 Union, until called to the Senate, 21 Feb , 1871.— A Conservative. 
 — Belleville, Out. 
 Reesoi:, lion. David. 
 Of Ge-raan descent. B. in Tp. of Markham, Out.. 1823. Kd. 
 there. M. Emily, eldest dnu of the late Daniel jMcDougall, Esq ,of St. 
 Marys, Ont., and sister of Hon. W. McDougall, C J? , M P.P. Founded 
 the Markhum Econom s' newspaper, of whirh he was editor (or some 
 years. Hus been Warden of York jmd peel. Represented ''Kings" 
 division in L C, Can., from 1830 until the Union. Called to the 
 Senate b? Royal Proclamation, ihiy, 18G7. A Liberal.— J/ari/tam, 
 Ryan, LieiU.-Col, Hon. Thomas. (Vicloria.) 
 B. at Biiliuakill, Co. of Kildare, Irel. Ed. at Clongowes College, 
 same county. \i., 1371. Duding, 2nd .hiu of Ch.Mrles N'. F. de Mon- 
 tena(h, Esq, grand-d::u. of the lasi Harronejs de Longaeuil, and 
 relict of the late Olivier Perr.iult de I iiiiere, Esq, of Montreal Is 
 one of the Cjitholic Comnirs. of Educat.on for the Province of 
 Quebec; and a dir. of the Hunk of Montreal. Whs for many years a 
 partner in ih? Quebec and .Montreal firms of Ryan Brothers and Co.; 
 retired From business, 18.3, and in same year was f Icted by acclama- 
 tion for the ''Victoria" div siou in L. C, which division he continued 
 ii rcprtscnt until Coiifedt .aion. Was one of the Commrs. appld. in 
 18G5 to proceed to the West Indies, Mexico and Brazil to open trado 
 relation? between those countries and Can. Called to the 
 Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. Elected President of the 
 Montreal, Portland k Boston Rallwav. 1876. A ijiberal Conservative, 
 — 206 Peel St., Montreal ; St. James? t'lub ; Rideau Club. 
 Scott, Hon. Reciiard William, Q.C. 
 On paternal side descended from an infliential family in the Co. 
 Clare, Irel. S. of the late W. J. Scott, Esq , M.D., who after servinsf 
 the medical staff of the army during the Peninsular war, came to 
 Can., and subsequently became Registrar of the County of Greuville, 
 Ont, by Sarah Ann, dau. of the late Capt. Allan McDonell, of 
 Matilda, Dundas, Ont., formerly an officer in the "King's Royal 
 Yorkers." B at Prescott, 24 Feb., 1825. Ed. at U C. College. M. 
 Mary Ann, dau. of the late John Heron, Esq , of Ottawa. Studied 
 law .with Mr Marcus Burriii, of Prescott, and subsequently with 
 Messrs. Crooks & Smith, of Toronto, and was called to the Bar of U.C., 
 Easter Term, 1848. Created a Q.C. 1867. Is head of the law firm of 
 Scott, Stewart & Gi.rmuliy, Ottawa. Was Mayor of Ottawa, 1852. 
 Elected Speaker of the Ont. Assembly, 7 Dec, 1*871, but resigned on 
 being ap')td a mom. of the Ex. Council and Commr. of Crown Lands 
 for that Province, on 21 of same month, in which office he remained 
 until 7 Nov., 187.^, when sworn of the Queen's Privy Council. Apptd. 
 Secretary of State of Can., 9 Jan , 1874. {Salanj, $7,000). Is ex-officio 
 Rcgistrar-Generril of Canada, and a mem. of the Railway Committee 
 of the Privy Council ; and also Govt, leader, with Hon. Mr. Pelletier, 
 in the Senate. A*'ted as Minister of Finance during the absence of 
 Mr. Cartwright in Eug., 1874, and ngain in 1S75; acted as Minister of 
 Inland Revenue, during illness of Mr GeoflVion, 1875-6. Sat for 
 Ottawa in Can. Assembly from 1857 to 1363, when defeated ; and for 
 same seat in Ont. Asstmbly from g.o , 1867, until Nov, 1873. when ho 
 resigned. Mr. Scott's principal Icgislaiive acliievement is the Separate 
 School Law of Ontario. whi(*h he jirepaied aud carried in 18G3, as a 
 private member, h measure which was the means of removing a vexed 
 political question from the political arena, and of alla.ying mucii pub- 
 lic irritation. Called lo tne Scnote, 13 March, 1874. Was present 
 officially at the US. Centennial, 1876. A Liberal Conservative. — 
 274 Daly St. Oltaua ; Fair view Hall,'' I'.Q. ; Kideau Club; Toronto Club. 
 SsYMOCR, Hon. Bexjamix. , 
 Of English origin. B. in Fredericksburg, Ont, 1800. Ed. at tho 
 Royal Grammar School, King.st<ju. M , 1833, a dau. of the late Dun- 
 can McKenzie, Esq. Sat for Lennox and Addington In Can. As.ienibly 
 from 1844 lo 1854, whin defeated. Was a life mem. of the LC, Can., 
 from 1855 until the Union. C.vllod to the Senate b} Ruyal Proclama- 
 tion, May, I6G7. A Conserve tive. — '■^ Seynour rhicc,'' Port Hope, Ont. 
! I 
 I' I 
 Shaw, Lieut -Col. Hon. Jamks. 
 B. in Co. Wexford, Irel. Emigrated to Can. 1820, Sat for Lan- 
 ark and Renfrew in C»*n. Assembly from 1851 to 185i, and for South 
 Lanark from latter year until 1857, when defeated. Represented 
 "Batbnrst" division in L C. Can., from 1860 until the Union. Called 
 to ibK Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Constrvatire.— 
 Smithes Falls, Ont. 
 Simpson, Ifon. John. 
 Family came to Can. from Scot., and settled on the "Scotch 
 Line," Perth, 1816; afterwards removed to Brockville. B. at Rothes, 
 near Elgin, Scot, May, 1812. Ed. in Can. Entered mercantile life 
 182^>, as a clerk, at Darlington, Ont. Opened a branch of Bank of 
 Montrt-al at Bowmanvill*?. 1848, and subsequently another at Whitby. 
 Assisted in founding the Ontario Bank, 1857, of which he be^^ame 
 Pro8«Jt., a position he still holds. Represented " Queen's" division in 
 L.C., Can., frohi 1856 until the Union. Cailled to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal. — Bowwanville, Ont.; Kideau 
 Skbad, -^on. James. ' • 
 Of Scottish descent. B. at Calder Hall, Cumberland, Eng. Ed. 
 there. M Miss Mackey. A lumber merchant and manufacturer. I9 
 Presdt. of the Ottawa Board of Trade ; of the City of Ottawa Agritiul- 
 tural Society; of the Ottawa Liberal Conservative As<n. ; of the 
 Royal Mutual Life Assurance Co. ; of the Ottawa Agricultural Assur- 
 ance Co. ; and of the Upper Ottawa Steamboat Co. ; Vice-President 
 (representing Oat.) of the Dominion Board of Trade; a dir. oftn^ 
 Ottawa Assn. of Lumber Manufacturers; of the Madawaska River 
 Improvement Co. ; of the Caughnawa Ship Canal Co, ; of the Canada 
 Central Railway ; of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Assn.; and of tho 
 Montreal and Ottawa City Jur^'tion Railway. Elected President of 
 the Liberal Conservative Convention which met in Toronto, 23 Sept., 
 1874. Has been a nem. of the Corpornllon of the City of Ottawa; 
 Presdt. of ttie Agricultural and Arts Assn. of Ont. ; and of the Ottawa 
 St. George's Society, by which he was (1876) pre'jented with a hand- 
 some gold cross of St. George, for active s«'ivice£ in r-romoting the 
 affairs of the Assn. Was also (1876) apptd. a jndge of the Tiuiber 
 Department at ..;e US Centennial. Unsuccessfully contested Carle- 
 ton for Ontario Assembly at •?. e., 1867. Represented "Rideau"' 
 division in the L.C, Can , from 1862 imtii the Union. Called to the 
 Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, '.86:. A Conservative.— C7ur. qf 
 Wellington and Hugh Sts., Ottawa ; Rideau Club. 
 Smith, Hon. Frank. 
 B. at R; Jifield, Armagh, Irel., 1822. Accompanied his father to 
 Can., 1832, and settled near Toronto. M. the dau. of John O'Higgins, 
 Esq.. J. P., of Stratford, Ont. Carried on business in London from 
 1849 to 1867, when he removed to Toronto, where he continues his 
 extensive wholesale grocery trade. Was an Alderman of London for 
 eeveral years, anl Mayor of the city 1866. Ts Presdt. of the Toronto 
 Savings Bank, tind of the Toronto Victuallers' Assn., and a dir. of the 
 Dominion Bank. Was Presdt., during its existence, of the Northern 
 Extfns^ions Railway Co. Called to the Senate 2 Feb., 1871. A Con- 
 servative. — 13 Bloor St.y Yorkvilte, Toronto; Toronto Club; Rideau 
 Stbvims, lion. Gardner Green. (Bedford.) 
 S of the late Gardner Stevens, Esq., one of the early settlers of 
 the Eastern Townships. B. in Brumpton, P.Q , 1814. Ed. there. M., 
 1847, R. J , dan. of the lute Sidney Spafford, Esq., of Compton. A dir. 
 of the Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railway, of the South Eastern 
 Railway, and of the Eastern Townships Bank, lias been Mayor of 
 Waterloo, and for the pnst two years has held the Wardenship of 
 Sheflfbrd. Called to the Senate, on the resignation of Mr. Foster, 12 
 Feb., 1876. A Liberal.— Waterloo, F. Q. 
 Sdthhrland, Hon. John. 
 S. of Mr. Alexander Sutherland, a nativo of the North of Scot., 
 who after serving in the British army during the Peninsular campaign 
 camu to this country in 1815, and settle'^ at Red River, 1821, Ed. 
 there. M. the second dau. of John Macbeth, Esq , of the same place. Was 
 a mem. of the Council of Assiniboia, from 1866 until it ceased to 
 exist; and w;is the first Sheriff of Manitoba (apptd. 1870), an office he 
 resigned on his being called to the Senate, 13 Dec, 1871. Is " Nation- 
 al " in politics, but desires to have the connection with the mother 
 country cherished to the fullest extent.—" liellevue Jlouse,^^ Kildo' 
 K^Tl, i/. 
 Tbudbl, Hon. FaANCois Xavier Anselmb. \De Salaberry.) 
 S. of F. X. Trude:, Esq , of St. Prosper, P.Q , by Julie Langevin, 
 a grand- dau. of J. A. Hamlin, Esq, Seif/nsur des Grondines; and 
 grands, of Olivier Trudel, Esq.. of Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan, who 
 represented Champluin in the L.C. Assembly for a lengthened period. 
 B. at St. Anne de !a Perade, P.Q , 29 April, 1838. Ed. at Nico^t Col- 
 lege. M. April, 1864, Marie Zoe Aimee, dau. of Hon. Louis Renaud, 
 late Senator for De Salaberry division. Called to the Bar, L.C., Dec, 
 :■! ■■ 
 ■t , 
 1861. Wns editor of La Minerve (Montrenl) for a short time, 1800. 
 One of the authors of the Programme Catholiqve (1871), and has 
 written largely in the French Canadian periodicals of the day. Sal for 
 Chamol.ain in Quebec Assemhly, from ge., 1871 until p.e., 1875. 
 Called to the Senate, 31 Oct., 1873. A Conservative.— 265 Sherbrook* 
 St.} Montreal. 
 ViDAL, LieuL-Col. Hon. Alexander, P.L.S. 
 Family originally from Spain. Removed to Eng. in 17th century. 
 Eld. surviving s. of late Capt. R. E. Vidal, R.N. B. in Berkshire, 
 Bng., 4 Aug., 1819. Ed. at Roval Mathematical Si.'hool, Christ's Hos- 
 pital, London, Eng. Accompanied his father to Con., 1834, and set- 
 tled in Sarnia, following year. M., Dec, 1847, Catharinp, eldest dau. 
 of the late Capt. W. E. Wright, R.N., of Moore, Lambton. A P.L.S., 
 and practised his profession from 1843 to 1852. Is Lieut.-Col. Lamb- 
 ton Reserve Militia ; County Treasurer of Lambton ; and Presdt. Y.M.'s 
 Christian Assn., Sarnia. Was manager of Sarnia branch of late Bank 
 of Upper Canada, from 1852, uatil the failure of that institution. 1866, 
 and held same position in service of Bank of Montreal from that time 
 until 1875, when he resigned. Elected Chairman of the Dominica 
 Prohibitory Convention, Montreal, Sept., 1875. An imsuccessful can- 
 didate for House of Commons at ge . 1867, and at g.e., 1872. Sat for 
 "St. Clair" division in L C , Can., from Sept., 186.3. until tho Union. 
 Called to the S'jnate, 15 Jan., 1873. Is President of the Dominion Al- 
 liance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traflic. A Conserva- 
 tive. — Sarnia, Ont. 
 Ware, Hon. David. 
 Descended by both parents from Scotch families that settled in 
 Ulster in the 17th century B. near Londonderry, Irl 1804. Came to 
 N.B , 1825. M. Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Burpee, E^q., of Sunbury, 
 N.B. A merclmnt. Is a mem. of the Senate of the University of New 
 Brunswick. Was a mem. of the Ex Council, N.B , from 1858 to 1862, 
 and Receiver-General for a few months, 1867. Sat for Kent in N.B. 
 Assembly from 1845 to 1851, vhen apptd. to the L C. of that Province, 
 where he remained until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal 
 Proclamation, May, 1867. A Liberal.— Water St., Richiburto, N.B. 
 WiLMOT, Hon. Robert Duncan. 
 S. of John M. Wllmot, Esq , who sat for St. Julin (county) in N.B. 
 Assembly for many years, by Miss Street, sister of the late Hon. 
 Samuel Street, of Niagara; and grands, of Capt. Lemuel Wilmot, 
 formerly of the Loyal Am, Regt, who settled in N.B. at the close of the 
 Am. revolution. (See Sabine's Am. Loyalists.) B. in Fredericton, N.B., 
 16 Oct., 1809. Ed. in St. John. M., 18.33, Miss Mowatt, of St. Andrews. 
 A dir. of the Quebec and N B. Railway Co. Was a mem. of Ex. 
 Council, N.B. from 1851 to 18o4, from 1850 to 1857 ; and again, in hia 
 own Govt., from 1866 until the Union ; held office of Surveyor-General 
 from 1851 to 1854; and that of Prov.-Seey., from 1856 to 1857. Wag 
 Mayor of St John, 1849; a delegate to Confederate Council of Trade, 
 Queoec, 1865 ; and to the Colonial Conference for tl)e Union of the 
 B.N.A. Colonies London, 1866-7. Was apptd. a Coramr, on behalf of 
 Can to the Pijiladeli»hia Exhibition, 1875. Holds a patent of rcnk 
 and precedence from Her Majesty, as an Ex. Councillor, N.B. Sat for 
 St. John (city and county) in N.B. Assembly, from 1846 until 1861, 
 and from 1865 until the t'ni lU. Called to Senate byRojal Brocla- 
 mation, May, 1867. A Conaeivative.— " UelmontP Sunbnry, N.B. 
 Wilson, Hon. Charles, {Rigaitd.)] 
 Sixth s. of the late Alexander Wilson, Esq., Collector of Customs 
 at Cotcau du Lac, P.Q., by the dau. of Capt. Monteth d'Aillebout. B. 
 at Coleau du Lac, April, 1808. M., 1835, the sister of the late Dr. 
 Tracey, of Montraal. Was for many years head of a firm exten.eively 
 engaged in the hardware business. Is a dir. of the Scottish Provincial 
 Assurance Co., and Pre?dt. of the International Transportation Co. 
 Was elected Mayor of Montreal by acclamation in 1851, in 1852. and 
 again in 1853. Created a Chevalier CommanJeur of the Roman Order 
 ot St. Gregory the Great, 18.'i4- Sat as a life mem. of the L C. Can., 
 from 1852 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Roval Proclama- 
 tion, May, 1867. A Conservative. — 820 SfierbrookeSt.y Montreal. 
 I ^ 

 ghe louse of Commons of Caiuula. 
 Table showing the duration of each Session of the Houso of Com- 
 mnns, &c. (Present Pailiament elected 1874; term expires 
 Mover of Address. 
 Seconder of 
 6 Nov. 
 15 April 
 16 Feb. 
 17 Feb. 
 11 April 
 8 Nov. 
 16 April 
 17 Feb. 
 26 Feb 
 12 April 
 Hon C. Fisher. 
 \V. M. Simpson. 
 A* W. Savary. 
 Dr. Lacerte. 
 Henry Nathan. 
 Dr. Desaulniers. 
 J. Bolton. 
 J. Scriver. 
 a. A. Kirkpatrick. 
 Edward Carter. 
 15 Nov 
 16 April 
 22 Feb. 
 26 Feb. 
 12 April 
 82 June. 
 12 M»7. 
 14 April. 
 14 June. 
 5 Mch. 
 23 Oct. 
 11 Mch. 
 27 Oct. 
 Stephen Tobin. 
 H. B. Witton. 
 A. L. Palmer. 
 L. F. G. Baby. 
 11 March. 
 26 Mch. 
 4 Feb. 
 10 Feb. 
 18 Feb. 
 30 Mch. 
 5 Feb. 
 11 Feb. 
 Thomas Moss. 
 L. H. Frehettc. 
 (1. E. Casey. 
 D. Guthrie. 
 Wilfred Laurier. 
 Colin Macdougall. 
 H. T Taschereau. 
 F. Bechard. 
 30 March. 
 5 Feb. 
 14 Feb. 
 9 Feb. 
 Speak<;r of the House* — Hon. Timothy Warrem Angliv. 
 Elected 26 March, 1874). 
 Clerk, of the House. — Alfred Patrick. — B. at KinLston, Ont., 
 J 811 Ed. at York, U.C, (now Toronto), under tutorti hip of late 
 Dr. Strachan, afterwards Bishop of Toronto, and at Cazunovia 
 Seminary, State of New York. Entered the service ot the House 
 of Assembly of Upper Canada, as a elk., 13 Jan., 1827. Apptd. 
 Clk. of Committees at the Union of Upper and Lower Can., 1841 ; 
 Chief Clk. of Coiitroverted Elections, 1850; Depuly Clk. Asst, 
 1858; Joint Clk. Asst., 1863; Sole Clk. Asst. at Confederation, 
 1867, and Clk. of the House of Commons, 21 Jan., 1873. {Salary^ 
 $3,400). Is a Commr. under the Great Seal fur Administering the 
 Oath required to be taken by members of the House of Commons, 
 and a Commr. Dedimus Potestatem, for administering the oath to 
 Public Officials. Author of a Digest of ^^ Precedents or Decisions'* 
 on Upper Canada Controverted Election Cases from 1828 to 1841. 
 (Montreal, 1849.) 160, L'alt/ St.; Eastern Tower, House of Commons. 
 Sergeant-at-Arms . — Donald William Macdonell. B. at Corn- 
 wall, Ont., 1824. Commanded the 4th Stormont Militia for many 
 years, and retired with rank of Liout.«>Col , 1864. Apptd. Sergt.- 
 at-Arms to the Leg. Assembly of the late Province of Can., 14 June, 
 1854 ; to same office for the House of Commons of the Dominion, 
 2 Nov., 1867. A Commr. per Dedimus Pntestatem, to administer 
 the oath of allegiance to members. {Salari,, $2^200). Sergeant-atr 
 Arms Residence, Parliament Buddinsj. 
 Deputy Clerk of the House of Commons and Accountant. — Hekrt 
 Hartnry. B. at York, U.C, 10 Aug., 1822. Ed. at U.C. College. 
 Entered Public Service in the office of the U.C. Assembly, 
 1838. Apptd. As.<t. Office Clerk to Can. Assembly, 1854; 
 Clk. to Joint Committee of Both Houses on the Printing of Parlt., 
 1862 ; Chief office Clk., 1864; an Asst. Clk,, House of Commons, 
 Jan., 1873; and Deputy (Uk. of same House, June, 1873. Is also a 
 Commr. to administer the oath of allegiance to members of the 
 Commons. {Salary, $2,600). — 390, Sparks St; House of Commons. 
 First Clerk Assistant. — EraKNB Urgele Pichb, Q.C. Called to 
 the Bar, L . C . , 1846. Created a Q.C . , 1 867. Sat for Berthier in the 
 (1.) Hon. James Cotjkburn, Q.C, from 6 Noy.,{l867 until dissolution of th« 
 fieoond Parliament, Jan., 1874. 
 Can Assembly, from 1858 to 18GI. Apptd. Clk. Asst. of House 
 of Commons, Apl., 1872. (SaUmj, $2,100). Is a Coramr. to 
 adminibter the oath of allegiance to the members of the House. 
 —Clerk Asm/ant's Offi,ce, House, of Commons; Montreal. 
 Second Clerk Asustant.—3o\\s Gkohge liouHiNOT. Eld. 8. of 
 Hon. J Bourinot, Senator; and grands, of Judge Marshall, of 
 N.S. B at Sydney, N.h., Oct., 1837. Ed. under tutorship of Rev. 
 W. Y. Porter, and at Trinity College, Toronto, where he took 
 Wellington and other Scholarships. Was subsequently connected 
 with the newspaper press of Canada as Parliamentary Reporter and 
 EJitor. Has been for years a contributor of leading British, 
 American and Canadian periodicals, and is author of several 
 pamphlets on various historical and political qu'stions. Was 
 Chief Official Reporter of the N S. A-ssembly, f.om 18G1 to the eve 
 of Confederation. Apptd. to the Senate as short-hand writer, etc., 
 1868, where he remained until appointed to present office, Apl. 
 1873. (Sahtri/,$],SQO).—Kent St.; House of Commons. 
 Angllv, lion. TiMOTUY Warre.v. (Gloucesf&r.) 
 B. in Irel. Ed. there, M. Miss McTavish, of St. John, N.B. 
 Came to St. John in 1848, where he founded the Morning Freeman 
 newspaper, of which he has since continued to be editor and 
 proprietor. Sat for St. John (county) in N.B. Assembly from 1861 
 tog. o. 1866, when defeated on Confederation question, to which 
 he was opposed. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, N B. (in the Smith 
 Administration) for a few months, 1866. Has sat for Gloucester 
 in the House of Commons since the Union. Returned by acclama- 
 tion at the last g. e. Elected Speaker 26 March, 1874. (Salart/f 
 $4,000.) — A Conservative. — Speaker^ s Ch'imbsrs, House of Commons ; 
 Waterloo St , St. John, J^.l). 
 Appleby, Stephen Burpeb. {Carleton, N.B.) 
 Paternal branch of fainily came from England. Maternal 
 ancestors were New England Puritans, who moved from Mass. to 
 Sheffield, N B.J and were amongst the first settlers at that place. 
 B. at Florenceville, Carleton, N.B., 1836. Ed. there. M., Dec, 
 1864, Harriet Elizabeth, dan. of John H Estey, Esq , of Florence- 
 ville. Called to the B;ir, N.B., 1869. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat, Hept. 1873, on death of Sitting mem.; re-ehscted by 
 acclamation at last g. e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the present 
 Administration. *' Was strongly opposed to the acts of the late 
 Govt., with reference to the Pacific Scandal and prorogation of 
 the 13th Aug." Has taken strong ground towards thu maintenance 
 of the present n m-Sectarinr* School Law of N.B, — Woodstock, 
 Archibald, Cyril. (Stormont.) 
 Fourth 8. of the lato Dr. John Archibald, of Osnabiuck, Stor- 
 mont, Ont., by the eld. dau. of the late Mr. Adam Dixson, of Mou- 
 linette, same county. Family came from Irl., about 1718 and 
 settled in New Hampshire ; a branch moved to N.S. about 1760, 
 and settled there ; in 1796 his grandf. moved to Vermont, whence 
 his father cama to Stormont, 1816. B. at Osnabruck, May, 1837. 
 Ed. at Upper Canada College. Unmarried. Is Paymaster 59th 
 "Stormont and Glengarry" Batt. of V.I. Has served in the 
 County and Township Councils. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present scat, at. g. e. 1873 ; re-elected at last g. e. " Has always 
 been a Peformer, and is to be classed as a supporter of the present 
 Reform Govt." — Dickinsons Landing, Oti!. 
 Atlmer, Hon. Henry. (Richmond and Wolfe) 2sd mem. 
 Second s. of Sir Udolphus, seventh Lord Aylmer, in the Peer- 
 age of Irl., by Mary Eliza, dau of Kdward JonrP'iaiix, Esq.. of Mel- 
 bourne, P.Q. The first peer, Matthew Ay.mer, Esq., a distin- 
 guished naval officer in the reign of James II , and after the Revo- 
 lution, Rear Admiral of the li-^d, Governor of Greenwich Hospital 
 and Ronger of Greenwich Park, was raised to the Peerage of Irl , as 
 a reward for his professional service, 1 May, 17 18. {See Burke*s 
 Peerage.) B. at Melbourne, 25 April, 1843. Ed. at the Naval 
 Colbge, Portsmouth. M., 6th Oct., 1871, Louisa Blanche Fanny, 
 eld. dau. of H. Aspinwall Howe, Esq, L.L.D., Principal of the 
 High School, Montreal. Served for some years as a Lieut, in the 
 Royal Marine Artillery. Is Captain No. 3 Co. 54th •' Richmond" 
 Batt. of V.I., of which his father is Lieut.-Ool, ; and a Trustee of 
 St, Francis College and Grammar School. First returned to Parlt. 
 S- : 
 for present scat at last g. c; unseated on petition, 24 Oct., 1874 ; 
 re-elected same year. A Liberal and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. " Belioves tiiat it requires but two words to indi- 
 cate tlie correct policy for any Govt, in Canada, * Improvement ' and 
 •Progress' and all measures tending to either ho will cordially aid in, 
 and support Is in favor of Civil and Religious liberty and equality, 
 and of encouraging by all means possible the educational, ngricul- 
 tuialand manufacturing interests of our country." — " Mdlvale^" Mel- 
 bourne^ P.Q. 
 Baby, Louis FBANgoisGEOUGBS, (i>.C (Joliette.) 2nd Mkm. 
 Family, one of the oldest and most honorable in the Province 
 Oi Quebec, the founder of it, Jacques Baby de Ranville, having been 
 an officer in the celebrated regiment of Carignan-Sallieree, that came 
 to this country, 1662. S. ol the late Joseph Baby, Esq., N.P., by 
 Caroline, dau. of the late Hon. Louis Guy, in his lifetime, King's 
 Notary, and a Leg. Councillor for the old Provicne of Quebec ; and 
 grands, of the late Hon. FrauQois Baby, an Executive and Legisla- 
 tive Councillor, by Marie Anne Tarieu de Lanaudi^re. B. in 
 llontreal, 26 Aug., 1834. Ed. at St. Sulpice College, Montreal, and 
 at the College of Joliett3. M., July, 1873, Marie H616ne Adelaide, 
 dau. of the late Dr. Berthelet, of Montreal, by Dame Kel6ne Guy. 
 One of the iounders of the Montreal Historical Society. Was for 
 several years a Clerk in the Civil Service of Can. Called to the Bar, 
 L.C., 1857. Created Q.C., 1873. Is Mayor of the town of Joliette. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for Joliette at g.e. 1867. First returned 
 by acclamation at g.e. 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e.; unseated on 
 petition, 28 Oct, 1874 ; re-elected 10 Dec, same year. A Conser- 
 vative, and opposed to the present Administration. — Joliette ^ P.Q ; 
 Rideau Club ; St, Jamesl Club. 
 Bain, Thomas, (^North Wentworih ) 
 S. of the late Mr. Walter Bain, of Denny, Stirlingshire, Scot., 
 who came to Can., 1837, and settled in West Flamboro', Out. B. 
 in parish of Denny, aforesaid, 14 Dec. 1834. Ed. in Canada. M., 
 25 June, 1874, Helen, second dau. of John Weir, Esq., of West 
 Flamboro'. Was for several years Reete of the Township of West 
 Flamboro', and, in 1870, Warden of Wentworth. First returned to 
 Parlt. for present seat at g.e., 1872; re-elected by acclamation . at 
 last g. e. A Reformer, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Adminis- 
 tration.— -5^ra6anc, Ont. 
 Bannattnb, lion. Andrew Guaham Ballendkn, {Provencher.) 3rd 
 8. of James Bannaiyne, Esq., of Rothesay, Scot., an officer of 
 the Fishery Dept,, Scot.; and grands, of Governor John Ballenden, 
 of Hon. 11. B. Co. B. in South Ronaldshay, Orkney Isles, Scot., 
 31 Oct. 1829. Ed. there. Came to Can., 1846. M, Annie, dau. 
 of Andrew McDermot, Esq.. one of the earliest settleis on the Red 
 River. For many years in the service of the Hudson Bay Co., but 
 retired, 1851, to enter on business on his own acct at, in which he 
 is still engaged. Is Vice- Patron, Selkirk Rifle Assn.; Chairman of 
 Trustees of Manitoba College; and Presdt. of the Selkirk St. 
 Andrew's Society. Held office in the Provisional Govt, estab- 
 lished by Riel, Dec, 1869. Was Postmaster of Winnipeg, and 
 Inspector of Post Offices for Manitoba from 1870 until 1874, when 
 he resigned. Was pieviously Presdt ot Petty Courts, and a mem. 
 of Council of Assiniboia. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council for 
 the N. W. Territories, 1872. An unsuccessful candidate for Sel- 
 kirk in House of ('ommons at g. c., 1874. First returned to Parlt. 
 for present seat, by acclamation (on the explusion and banishment 
 of the sitting mem), 31 March, 1875. — " Uraehead," Winnipeg ; 
 Manitoba Club. 
 Barthb, Gborgeb leiuoRK. (^Richelieu.) 
 8. of the late Capt. Joseph Barthe, orginally a merchant at 
 Carleton, District of Gasp6, who afte^-wards, for many years, com- 
 manded his own vessels, trading between the St. Lawrence and the 
 Antilles, by Marie Tapin. Born at Restigouchc, Baie de Chaleures, 
 16 Nov., 1834, Ed. at Three Rivers. M, 1861, Josephine Char- 
 lotte, third dau. of J. B. Meilleur, Esq., M.D., L.L.D., late Supt. 
 Education for L.C. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1855. A mem. of 
 the law firm of Barthe & Brassard ; and has been Mayor of Sorel 
 ■ince 1864. Is a mem. of the Executive of the Reform Assn., ot the 
 Parti National of Montreal Has been engaged as a writer on the 
 French Can. newspaper press. Ed. L'Ere Nouvelle (Three Rivers) 
 1852-3. Founded Le Bas Canada^ in the same city, 1855, and in 
 1857 removed to Sorel, where he founded La Gazette, of which he 
 continues editor and proprietor. Sat for present seat from Nov., 
 1870, until g. e., 1872, when defeated; again elected at last g. e. 
 A Liberal-Conservative, but is thoroughly independent of party. — 
 King St.^ Sorel, P..Q. 
r' ' ' 
 BficHAKD, Mi\jor Fhas^ois. {Iberville.) 
 S. of the late M. Fran. Beclmrd, of Mount JohnRon, P.Q., bj 
 CI6monco Gozutto. B. in Q. Ed. at St. llyacinthe College. 
 Resided for some years iij Illinois, where he m. Mary Eliza, dau. of 
 William Townsend, Esq., of Chicago. Is Major Ibervillo Becerre 
 Militia. Has been Mayor of St. Giogoire. First returned to Parlt. 
 lor present seat at g.e., 1867; re-elected by acclamation at g.e,, 
 1872, and again at last g.e. A Conservative. — Mount Johnson. 
 Bbnidt, PiBRRB Basilb^ J. P. {Chamhly.) 3rd Mem. 
 A mem of a long-established family in Quebec. S. of the late 
 Laurent Btmoit, Esq. B. at Longueuil, Que. Ed. at St. Uyacinthe 
 College. M. Delle. Josephine Sicotte, of Boucherville. A mem. 
 of tho Agricultural Council of Quebec. Has been Presdt. of the 
 Chambly Agricultural Society for several years, and an active pro- 
 moter of local Agriculture and Industrial exhibitions. As a farmer 
 has carried off the lirst prizes from the Party of Labour in Cham- 
 bly. An unsuccessful candidate for Chambly in Local Asscniblj 
 atg. e., 1871, and for s^iie seat in Commons, Dec , 1874. Sat 
 for Chambly in present Chamber from g. e., 1867, until g e., 1874, 
 when defeated. Again returned 7 Jan., 1875, on sitting mem. 
 being unseated and disquc'ilified. A Conservative, and opposed to 
 the present Administration. — St. Uuhert. P.Q. 
 Bbrnier, Henri. {Lolliniere.) 
 8. of the late M. Jean Baptiste Bernier, a native of Cap 6tk 
 Ignace, Montmagny, P.Q., by Margaret Belanger. B. in the 
 parish of Lotbinicre, P.Q., 5 July, 1821. Ed. there. M. Mdlle. 
 Henrietta Pare. Is principal partner in the firm of H. Bernier A 
 Co., foundry and agricultural implement works ; I*resdt of the Des- 
 chambault and Lotbiniere Steamboat Co.; and a dir. of the Ijot- 
 biniere Industrial and Agricultural Assn. First returned to Parlt. 
 for present seat, at last g. e. A Liberal and a supporter of the Mac- 
 kenzie Administralion. — St. Louis de Lotbiniere^ P.Q. 
 Bertram, John . ( West Peterborough . ) 
 S. of Mr. Hugh Bertram. B. at Fenton Barns, Haddington- 
 shire, Scot., 16 Oct., 1837. Ed at Dirleton Parish School. M.,at 
 Almonte, Ont., 16 Sept, 1863, Miss Helen Shiells, of Edinglnirgh, 
 Bi.i ' 
 Scot. A hardware merchant. Was a caiididate for present seat at 
 g. e., 18V2, and received the majority of votes, but the Ktturning 
 Officer returned his opponent (Mr. Wm. Cluxton) on the ground' 
 that he was the only candidate who had complied with the pro- 
 Tisions of the Election law. First returned to Parlt. at Iai<t g. e, 
 A Liberal, and " will give the Administration in power a loyal, but 
 not slavish support, in carrying out the policy they advocated while 
 n opposition. Earnestly desires to maintain < British Connection/ 
 und to consolidate the Dominion, giving to each Province justice 
 iind equal rights, thus allaying sectional feeling, and securing pros- 
 perity and happiness throughout the land. In iavor of opening 
 railway connection with the great North-West without delay, that 
 every facility may be avoided for settlement. Will advocate Free 
 Trade as far as the circumstances of the country will allow, that the 
 burden of taxation may fall ats lightly as possible on the great 
 producing classes, the farmer, mechanic, and labourer. — Peter- 
 borough, Ont. 
 BiQOAR, Jahkb Lyons. {East Northumberland.) 2nd Mem. 
 Only s. of the late Charles Biggar, Esq., J. P., of Carrying 
 Place, Murray, Ont , whose parents emigrated from the town of Big- 
 gar. Lanark, Scot.; his maternal grandfather was a U.E. Loyalist. 
 B, at Carrying Place, 14 Feb., 1824. Ed. at Victoria College, 
 Cobourg. M. at Cobourg, 22 June, 1856, Isabella, dau. of the late 
 Wm. Hodgins, Esq., of Dublin, Irel., and sister of Dr. Ilodgins, 
 Deputy Supdt. of Education, Toronto, and of Thos. Hodgins, Esq., 
 Q.C., M.P.P. She dked, Sept., 1876. Has been a mem. of the Sen- 
 ate of the University of Victoria Collt ge . Sat for present seat in 
 Can. Assembly, from g. e., 1861, imtil the Union. First returned 
 to Commons at last g. e.; un?eatcd on petition, 27 Oct., 1874; re- 
 elected 1 Dec, same year. An Independent Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of Mr. Mackenzie. "Will support the Reciprocity Treaty as 
 he thinks it for the interests of the iarmer," — Murray, Ont. 
 Blackburn, Robkrt. (Russell.) 
 8. of Robert Blackburn, Esq ., merchant. Glasgow, Scot.; and 
 nephew of the late James Blackburn, of Aylmcr, P.Q, who repre- 
 sented the Co. of Ottawa in the L C. Assembly from 1834 until the 
 suspension of the constitution of the Province, 1838. B. in Glas- 
 gow, Scot., 17 Dec., 1828. Came to Can., 1842. M., June, 1864, 
 Mitry Ann, dau. of the late John French, Esq., of Bunitt's Rapids, 
 > M 
118 r 
 Ont. A merchant, and managing partner of the firm of Blackbam 
 & Co., New Edinburgh Woollen mills. Is a dlr. of the Ottawa 
 Agiicultural Insurance Co., and of the Bank of Ottawa. Was for 
 several years Reeve of Gloucester, and subsequently of the Village 
 of New Edinburgh. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at last 
 g. e. A Liberal and a supporter of Mr. Mckenzie. "The 
 country being pledged to construct the Pacific Kailvvay, he con- 
 piders that this great enterprise should be constructed entirely 
 within our borders, with a view to build up, strengthen, and 
 consolidate the Dominion. Is in favor of even handed justice 
 to every constituency ; and maintaining ' British Connection ' in 
 the strongest possible manner." — Neio Edinburgh. 
 Blain, DAvm, ZL.D. {West York^ Ont.) 
 S, of Mr. John Blain, J. P., now of South Easthope, Perth, Ont. 
 ard formerly of King, York, same Province, who came to Can., 
 1842, by Elizabeth McCulcheon. The family of Blain i': a very old 
 and well-known one in the South-west of Scot , the Blains of Blain- 
 field being of the same stock. B. on Brown Carrick-hill, near Ayr., 
 Scot, 15 Aug., 1832. Ed. there, at the Provnl. Normal School, 
 Toronto (from which he received a first-class certificate), a:.d at the 
 University of Toronto, where he took the degree of L.L.D., 1870. 
 M., 27 Jan . , 18G7, Eliza, dau . of John Harrington, Esq . , of Toronto, 
 and great grand-do 'i. of the late Gen. Bobinson, of Ballynovan, 
 Tipperary, Irel. Calljd to the Bar, U.C , Trinity Term, 1860, but 
 does not now prpctice his profession. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal, and 
 will give the Govt, of Mr. Mackenzie an Independent support. — 
 226, Jarvis Street, Toronto; Toronto Club. 
 Blake, Hon. Edwahd, M.A.. Q.C. (South Bruce.) 
 2xD Mkm. 
 Eld. s. of the late Hon. William Hume Blake, a distinguished 
 jurist of U C, who sat in the Can Assembly from 1847 to 1849, was 
 Solicitor-Genl . for U.C. for a short time, in the Lafontaine- Bald- 
 win Administration, and subpequently Chancellor of that Province, 
 by Catherine Hume, grandau. of William Hume of Humewood, 
 Esq., M.P. for Wicklow in the British House of Commons; and 
 grands, of the late Rev. Dominick Edward Blake, (of the family of 
 Blake of Castlcgrove, Galway) Rector of Kiltegan and of Lough- 
 brickland, and Rural D>?an, by Anne Margaret Hume of Humewood. 
^mmammmimmtf^-^mmi vrciyrjrsi^ i'i t ' -: 
 B. iQ Tp. of Adelaide, Middlesex, Ont., 13 Oct., 1833. Ed. at 
 University of Toronto, where he took first-class honors in classics, 
 and received the degree of M.u. 1858. M., Margaret, dau. of the 
 late Right Rev. H. Cron>n, Lord Bishop of Huron. Called to the 
 Bar, U.O., in Michaelmas Term, 1856 ; created Q.C., 1864. Elected 
 a Bencher of the Law Society of Ont., 1871 . Senior partner ii> the 
 extensive law firm of Blake, Kerr & Boyd, Toronto. V/as for a 
 short time one of the examiners in, and lecturers on, Equity Law, 
 for the U.C. Law Society. Returned lor South Bruce in Ont. As- 
 sembly at g.e., 1867, and was leader of the Opposition in that 
 bcdy from 1868 until 20 Deg., 1871,- when called upon to form a 
 Govt, for Ont., which he succeeded in doing, accepting for himself 
 tie position of Presdt. of the Ex. Council in the same (without salary) ; 
 resigned the Premiership of Ont. and his scat in Local House, 25 
 Oct., 1874. Returned for South BrTJce. and for West Durham in 
 Local Assembly at g. e., 1871 (elected to sit for former place). 
 First returned to House of Commons lor West Durham at g. e., 
 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation, and also returned for South Bruce 
 atg. e , 1872 (elected to sit for last-named seat), for which he was 
 again returned at last g.e. ; re-elected by acclamation on his appt. 
 to office, 2 June, 1875. Sworn of the Privy Council, 7 l^ov. 1873, 
 and was a mem. of Mr. Mackenzie's Administration (without office 
 and without salary) from that date until Feb., 1874, when he 
 resigned. Declined the Chancellorship of Ont , Dec , 1869 ; and 
 the Chief Justiceship of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, May, 
 1875. Apptd. Minister of Justice, 19 May, 1875. {Salary^ 
 $7,000). Is cx-offi.cio a Commissioner for the management of 
 the Interior Economy of the House of Commons. Visited 
 England on public business, 1876. The following statement 
 of Mr. Blake's political views is summarized from his speeches 
 as a private member: "An Independent Libera^ prepared to 
 give a general support to the Govtirnment, so long us they fairly 
 fulful their pledges, and show themselves fairly adequate to 
 their great task ; believes that the bar.is of the franchise should be 
 "widened, and that efficiency instead of influence should be the pass- 
 port to the public service ; thinks political progress essential to 
 political vitality, and advocates the fullest freedom of discussion on 
 all topics affecting the public interests ; supports the adoption of a 
 system of proportional representation, whereby, among other im- 
 provements, the strength of the various opinions held by the people 
 may be more nearly represented in Parliament ; considers that, as 
 tho franchise is not merely a right, but a trust, the wilful neglect 
 to vote should be followed by temporary disfranchisement ; is op- 
 r I 
 ■.' \ 
r I 
 posed to the appointment of Senators for life by the administration^ 
 and desires their selection for a term of years by the Provinces^ 
 thinking that the future of Canada depends very largely on the 
 development of the great North-west, advocates the construction, as 
 rapidly as the resources of the country will permit, of the sections 
 of the Pacific Railway necessary for communication between that 
 country and our interior seaboard, in conjuction with an extensive 
 scheme of exploration and colonization ; believes that the cultiva- 
 tion of a national spirit is requisite to the success of the Union ; 
 that the present form of connection between England and Canada 
 does not possess the element .of permanence ; that as the child 
 grows into the man, so the State will come to maturity, and that 
 (notwithstandinsf the enormous difficulties which surround the 
 scheme), there is a possibility and hope of reorganizing ihe Empire 
 on a federal basis, so as to reconcile British connection with British 
 freedom.'' —Oor. of Metcalfe and Maria Sts . ^ Ottawa ; 84 Groavenor 
 St., Toronto ; National Club ; Toronto Club ; Rideau Club . 
 Blanciiet, Lieut.-CoL Joseph Godbric, M.D. {Bellechasse) 2nd 
 *• i' '■■ ■ ■ ,■'■1 ' 
 Family one of the first established in La Nouvelle, France. S. 
 of M. Louis Blanchet, of St. Pierre, Rivere du Sud. B. at St. 
 Pierre, 7 lunc, 1829. Ed. at the Quebec Seminary, and at the St. 
 Anne College, M., Aug., 1850, Emelie, dau. of M. G. D. Balzaretti, 
 cf Milan, Italy. A physJcian. Is Lieut.-'-ol. of the I7ih Batt. 
 Volunteer Infantry, which he raised in 1863, and has since com- 
 luauded. Elected Hon Prosdt of the Cercle de Quebec, 1871 ; 
 Presdt. of the Levis and Kennebec Railway, 1872 ; and apptd. a 
 mem. of the Catholic section of the Council of Public Instruction 
 for the Province of Quebi'C, 187.3. Commanded the 3rd Administra- 
 tive Batt. on Frontier service during the St. Alban's Raid, 1865 ; 
 and was in command of the Active Militia Force on the south shore 
 f ' the St. Lawrence, Quebec District, during the Fenian Raid in 1866 
 and again in 1870. VVas Speaker of the House of Assembly of the 
 Prcvinae of Quebec, from the meeting of the First Parliament after 
 the Union in 1867, until the dissolution of the Second Parliament, 
 1875. Was Mayor of the Town of Levis for six years. An 
 unsuccessful candidate for Levis in Can. Assembly at g.e., 1857. 
 Sat for Levis in Can. Assembly, from g.e., 1861 until the Union, 
 when returned by acclamation to the House of Commons, where he 
 continued to sit until g.e., 1874, when in. consequence of the opera- 
 tion of the act respecting dual representation he resigned his seat 
 in that body, ia order to remain in the Quebec Assembly, to which 
 he was first returned at g.e., 1867, and in which he coatimied, 
 (representing Levis), up to g.e., IS'Td, when defeated. First 
 returned for present seat, 23 Nov., 1875, to fill the vacancy caused 
 by the elevation of the sitting mem . to the Supremt? Court of the 
 Dominion. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present 
 Government. — St. Joseph St.^ Levis. 
 BoLDDO, Joseph (^Beauce, 2nd mem.) 
 Js a notary, and largely engaged in agricultural purbuits . S . 
 of the late Capt. Augustin Bolduc, who was one of the earliest 
 settlers in the parish. B. on the 22nd June, 1846, Ed. in St. 
 Marie. M. at St. Francois de ia Eeauce, 12th Oct., 1873, M. A. O. 
 Mathier, dan. of Jean Mathier, Esq. Is Mayor of the Parish in 
 which he resides, and Warden of the County , also a Director of the 
 County Agricultural Association. First returned to Parliament on 
 the 18th of Oct,, 1876. In politics "National." SL Victor de 
 Tring, Co. Beauce, P.Q. 
 Borden, Frederick Willi^xM, A.B.^ M.D. (Kings, y.S,) 
 S. of the late Dr. Jonathan Borden, who practised his pro- 
 fession in Kings, his native Co., for thirty years. B. in Cor n- 
 wallifl. Kings, N.S., 14 May, 1847. Ed at King's College, 
 Windsor, in Arts, where he took degree of A.B., 1866 ; and at Har- 
 vard Medical School, Boston, in Medicine, where he took degree of 
 M.D., 18GS. M., 1 Oct., 1873, Julia M., dau. of John H. Clark, 
 Esq., of Canning. First returned to Parlt., for.present seat, at last 
 g.e. A supporter of the present Reform Govt. — Canning., N»S. 
 BoBRON, Edward Barnes. (Algoma.) 
 Descended from Paul Borron, of RoUestoue, in Staft'ordshire, an 
 Eng. inquire in the time of Charles II. S. of the late John A. 
 Borron, Esq., of Woolden Hall, Lancashire, Eng., a magistrate for 
 the county. Chairman of Quarter Sessions, and Col. of the Warring- 
 ton and Preston Militia, by Mary, dau. of Archd. Geddes, Esq., of 
 Leith, Scot. B. at Woolden Hall, 6 Dec, 1820. Ed. at Mytholme 
 Academy, Lancashire; Percy St. Academy, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; 
 and at Edinburgh University. Came to Can, 1850. M., 1854, at 
 Bruce Mines, Mdlle. Marie Fevre de Larame, of Yamaska, P.Q, 
 Was for many years manager of the mines at Lead Hills, Scot. ; 
 i 1 
 t „ 
« I 
 five years manager of the Bruce Mines ; and for four years, Mining 
 Inspector at Thunder Bay for the Ontario Govt.; resigned 1873. 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat at last g.e. "Not an 
 extreme man hut a Liheral, and a supporter of the present ( Mr. 
 Mackenzie's) Govt, and policy so far as yet declared and made 
 known."— ^awZ^ St. Marie, Ont. 
 BouRASSA, Francois, Jr. (Si. Johns.) 
 Eldest s. of Capt. Francois Bou.assa, farmer, of Montebello, 
 P.Q.; and bro. of M. Napoleon Bourassa, the well-known Can. 
 writer and painter. B. at Lacadie, June, 1813. Ed. there. M., 
 Feb., 1832, Dlle. Sophie Trahan. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 « De Lorimer," in L.C., Can , 1862. Sat for present seat in Can. 
 Assembly from 1854 until tht Union, when returned to Commons; 
 re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 18'74, and at last g.e. A Liberal, 
 and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. — Lacadie, P.Q. 
 BowELL, Lieut.'Col. Mackenzie, J. P. {North Hastings.') 
 B. at Kickinghall, Suffolk, Eng., 27 Dec, 1823. Came to 
 Can with his parents, 1833. M., Dec, 1847, Harriet Louisa, eld. 
 dau. of the late Jacob G, Moore, Esq., of Belleville. Is a Mfcjor 
 49th Batt. of Volunteer Rifles ; a dir. of the Grand Junction Rail- 
 way ; a Vice-Pre^dt. of the Dominion Editors and Reportern' Assn. ; 
 Presdt. of the Hastings Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; of the West 
 Hastings Agricultural Society; of the Farren Manufacturing Co.; 
 and of the Dominion Safety Gas Co. Was editor and proprietor of 
 the Belleville Intelligencer newspaper for a lengthene<1 period ; r.nd 
 has also been Presdt. of the Ontario Press Assn. Held the Chair- 
 manship of the Board of School Trustees, Belleville, for eleven 
 years ; and was, for eight years. Grand Manter of the Provl. Orange 
 Grand Lodge of Ontario Fist. Elected Most Worshipful Grand 
 Master and Sovereign of the Orange Associotion of B.A., '1870, an 
 office he has since continued to hold. Is als ) a Deputy G. M. ot 
 the Grand Black Chapter of B. A. Moved the resolution for the 
 expulsion of Louis Riel from the House of Commons, which was 
 carried :6 Apl., 1874. Visited the Orange Grand Lodge of Ireland 
 as a Canadian delegate, 1876. An unsuccessful candidate for North 
 Hastings in Can. Assembly, at g.e., 1863. First returned to 
 Parlit., for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872. and at 
 last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — 
 William St, Belleville. 
 *■.',' 1 
 Bowman, Isaac Erb. {North Waterloo.) 
 Descended from a Swiss family that emijirated to Penasylvania 
 in the early part of 18th century. S, of Mr. John B. Bowman, who 
 removed from that State to U.C. 1820. B. in Woolwich, Waterloo, 
 Ont, 1832. Ed. at the Rockwood Commercial Academy. Is Presdt. 
 of the Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. Has been Township Clerk 
 and Treasurer of Woolwich since 1857, and Local Supdt. of Schools 
 since 1862. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from 1864 until 
 the Union. Returned to Commons by acclamation at g.e., 1867, at 
 g.e., 1872, and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of tho 
 Mackenzie Administration. — St. Jacobs^ Ont. 
 BoYflR, Louis Alphonsk. {Maskinonge.) 
 S. of Louis Boyer, Esq., merchant, Montreal. B. in the 
 Province of Quebec. Head of thi» firm of Boyer, Hudon & Co., 
 merchants and dealers in sawed lumber, Montreal. A dir. of the 
 Royal Canadian Insurance Co . , and *vas one of the charter dirs. of 
 La Banque Ville Marie., Montreal. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at g c., 1872 ; re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal, 
 and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. — 320 Commit- 
 sioners St.^ Montreal ; Hochelaga, P.Q.; Rideau Club. 
 Brooks, Edward Towlb, M.A. (Sheibrooke.) 
 8. of tho late Samuel Brooks, Esq., who sat for Sherbrooke 
 (county) in Canada Assembly from 1844 until his death, 1849. B. 
 in Si»erbrooke. Ed. at Dartmouth College, N.H., where he gradu- 
 ated, M,A. M. the dau. of the late Eleazar Clarke, Esq., Revenue 
 Inspector and High Constable, Sherbrooke. Called to the Bar, L.C.. 
 1854. A dir. of the Waterloo and Magog Railway. Electee! 
 Bdlonnier of the St. Francis Bar, 1875. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present scat, by acclamation, at g. e., 1872 ; re-elected by acclama- 
 tion at last g. e. A Conservative ; and " seeing no good cause for 
 changing his political opinions as expressed b}' him at his former 
 election, so far as relates to the policy inaugurated and carried out 
 by the late Gov. from the time of Confederation, and under which 
 the country has been so pro.sperous, he will use his best endeavors 
 to see that policy successfully carried out." — Sherbrooke, P.Q. 
 BnovBEy William Uk^ry, M.A, 31. D. (South Granville .) 
 B . of Col . Jacob Brouse, a descendant of one of the first U . B . 
 loyalifits that settled on the banks of the St. Lawrence. B. in 
 Matilda, Dundas, Ont., 1824. Ed. at Victoria Collepfe, Cobourg, in 
 Arts, where he took degree of M.A., 1849 ; studied with the late 
 Hon. Dr. Rolph in Toronto; and graduated at McGill College, 
 Montreal, in Medicine, where he obtained degree of M.D., 1847. 
 M., 1857, Frances A., eld. dau. of the late Alpheus Jones, Esq., of 
 Prescott. Is Surgeon f)6th Batt. V.I. ; a mem. of the Sen&te Vic- 
 toria College ; and a dir. of the Toronto Life Assurance and Tontine 
 Co., and of the Ottawa Agricultural Insurance Co. Apptd. mem. 
 of the Medical Examining Board for U.C, 1850. Elected mem. of 
 Medical Council for Ont., 1866, 1869 and 1872, continuously, since 
 its first formation, and elected Presdt. of thai body, 1870. Has 
 been Reeve and Mayor of Prescott. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 St. Lawrence division in L.C. Can., 1858. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Reformer ; 
 and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administmtion. Took an active 
 part in securing the appropriation $50,000 as a reward to the sur- 
 viving Militia veterans of 1812. In favor of the establishment of 
 a Dominion Sanitary Bureau; and of the introduction of Military 
 Drill into Schools, respecting which he moved ^^r a Committee dur- 
 ing the Session of 1875. — Main St., Prescott, Ont. ; St. James' Club. 
 Brown, Lieut.-Col . , James. ( West Haslings . 
 B. in Scot., 1826. Ed. in Canada. Unmarried. A mem. of 
 the firm of C & J. Brown, iron manufacturers, Belleville. Is 
 Lieut-Col. 49th "Hastings" Batt. V.I.; and Vicc-Presdt. of the 
 Belleville and North Hastings Railway. Has been Mayor of Belle- 
 ville, and was Raeve of Hastings for six years. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for South Hastings in Can, Assembly at g.e., 1861. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected 
 at g.e.j 1872, and at last go. A Conservative; and "feels it his 
 duty, under the present circumstances, to give the Administration 
 a fair and candid support, but shall without hesitation oppose any 
 of their measures which in the exercise of his judgment he honestly 
 considers would be injurious to the well-being of Can. This was 
 his position with regard to the late Govt., when he voted against 
 them on the Washington Treaty, the Pacific Railway. Scheme, and 
 other less important measures." — Great St. James St., Belleville, 
 BuELL, Lieut.-Col. Jacob Dockstadkr. (Brockville.) 
 Youngest s. of the late Licut.-Col. William Buell, 7th 
 " Leeds " Militia, who held the medal with clasps for the battle of 
 "•Chrysler's Farm,"' 1813, and was one of the representatives of the 
 county of Leeds in the U.C. Assembly from 1828 to J 836 (having 
 been thrice elected); and grands, of the; late William Buell, Esq., 
 aU.E. Loyalist, and an officer of the "King's Rangers,'' who 
 represented the county of Leeds in the U. C. Assenr.bly, fiom 1801 
 to 1804 B. in Brockville, 4 Oct., 1827. Ed. there. M., 1st, at 
 Pittsburg, U.S . , Susan Chafft y, 3rd dau of the late John Chis?iett, 
 Esq., (she d. Dec,, 1857) ; 2ndly, at Brockville, in May, 1861, 
 Margaret Sophia. 4th dau. of the late Rev. Edmund J. Senkler, 
 M.A., (Caius Co''"'ge. Cambridge), formerly of Docking. Norfolk, 
 Bng. Called to iiie Bar, U.C., Michaelmas Term, 1854. Is Lieut.- 
 Coi. 42nd "Brockville" Batt. of V.I. ; a mem of the Council of the 
 Dominion Rifle Assn.; Master in Chancery; wa,3 elected Mayor of 
 Brockville for seven successive terms, several times by acclamation. 
 Defeated for the mayoralty of Brockville, Jan. 1877. An uniuc- 
 cessful candidate for Brockville in Ontario Assembly at g.e., 1871. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Liberal and a supporter of the Mackenzie Adminis- 
 tration. — Cor. of Church and Buell Sts.^ Brockville, Ont. 
 BuNSTER, Hon, Arthur. (Vancouver.) 
 B. in Queens Co., Irel., 1833. Ed. in Dublin. M. Miss Pmtt, 
 of New York State. A brewer, miller and farmer. Sat in the 
 B.C. Legislature before the Union with Can , and represented 
 Victoria in B.C. Assembly from the Union in 1871 up to Jan , 1874, 
 when he resigned in order to contest Vancouver for the Commons, 
 in which he was successful. A Liberal ; and will support the 
 party that builds the railway and carries out strictly the terms of 
 Union with B.C. — Victoria. 
 B^RK, Harvey William. (West Durham.) 2nd Mem. 
 Family emi<5rated irom Irel to the Am. Colonies, whence his 
 paternal grandfather, at the close of the Revolution came to Can., 
 and was the first settler in the township of Darlington, and 
 remained for .everal j'ears the only settler in what is now the 
 West Riding of Durham. B. at Darlington (where also his father 
 was b.), 1822. Ed. there. M., 1st, 1848, Miss Baby Williams 
 (dead); 2ndly, 1857, Miss Susan Armour. A farmer and a master 
 and owner of vessels engaged in the carrying trade on the lakes. I8 
 Chairman of School Board; Capt, No. 2 Co., *<West Durham," 
 it ii 
 11 ! 
 V.I.: Reeve of Darlington and a mem. of the County Council j 
 and Prcsdt. West Durham Reform Assn. First -returned to r<»rlt., 
 for present sent, April, 1874 on the resignation of the sitting mem. 
 A Reformer, and " will give a cordial support to the present Govt., 
 in all measures that are, in his opinion, for the advancement of 
 Canada. Is in favor of a prohibitory Liquor Law, and also of a 
 Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S. on an equitable basis." — ^^ Attune 
 Orove" Darlington, Ont. 
 BuRPSM, Charles. {Sunbury). 
 Family removed to N.B , from Massachusetts, 18(53, and were 
 among the first English Inhabitants of the Province ; they settled 
 at Sheffield, Co. Sunbury, where they havu continued to reside ever 
 since. B. at Sheffield, 18 June, 1817. Ed. there. M., Charlotte 
 Hay ward, dau. of the late Thos. Perley, Esq , of the same place. 
 Was a mem. of the Provl. Board of Agriculture from 1864 to 1866. 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected by 
 acclamation at g.e., 1872; and again returned at last g.e. 
 Liberal ; and 
 Sheffield, N.B. 
 a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. — 
 BuRPEB, lion. Isaac {St. John, N.B.) P.C. 
 Descended from a Huguenot family, that, driven out of France 
 by religious persecution about the year 1570, took refuge in Eng- 
 land, and subsequently, in 1622, or thereabouts (religious freedom 
 and liberty of conscience being denied them), emigrated to Ameri. 
 ca, where thi^y joined the little colony of Puritans already formed in 
 Massachusetts Bay. In 1763, Jonathan Burpee removed from Haw- 
 ley, Mass., to Mangerville, in the present Province of New Bruns- 
 wick, where he left many descendants, one of whom, David Burpee, 
 became Provost Marshal, then High Sheriff, and subsequently a 
 Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of New Brunswick . Eld. s. 
 of the late Isaac Burpee, Esq., of Sheffield, N.B., by PhcBbc, dau. 
 of Moses Coban, Esq. B. at Sheffield, 28 Nov., 1825. Ed. at the 
 County Grammar School. M., 8 March, 1855, Henrietta, youngest 
 dau. of the late Thos. Robertson, Esq., of Sheffield, Eng. Removed 
 to St. John, in 1848, shortly afterwards entering into partnership in 
 the hardware trade, with his brother, Frederick, under the name and 
 style of J. & F. Burpee, and subsequently with another brother, 
 John P. C. Burpee, from which firm, however, he retired on his 
 appointment to office. While a merchant of St. John, took an 
 active part in having manufactories cstaLIished, to provide employ- 
 ment for the surplas population of the city ; and he was also one of 
 the leaders of the movement which secured for the town of Port- 
 land an act of incorporation, thereby doing away with the old 
 system of irresponsible life magistrates, and placing the adminis- 
 tration of civic affairs under the control of the people Of the new 
 Town Council he was elected Chairman, an office he continued 
 to hold for several years. Is a dir. of the Confederation Life 
 Assn.; of the "Victoria Coal Mining Co.; and of the N.B. Deaf and 
 Dumb Institution ; Treasurer of the St. John Industrial School ; a 
 mem. of the Ex. Council of the Congregational Union of N.B. and 
 N.S . ; and Vite-Presdt. of the Evangelical Alliance of N . H . Sworn 
 of the Privy Council, and appointed Minister of Customs, 7 Nov.1874. 
 (^Salary, $1,000). First returned to Parlt . for pre ;nt seatatg.e., 
 1872 ; re-elected by acclamation on his appt. to office, and returned 
 atlastg.e. A Liberal. — ^^Bcllevue," St. JohUy N B.; Cartier Square^ 
 Ottawa ; Rideau Club , 
 Cambron, Hector, Q.C, M.A. (Jiorlh Victoria.) 3nD Mem. 
 Descended from the Glen Desscry branch of the Clan Cameron, 
 of Inverness-shire, Scot. Only surviving s. of the late Asst. Com- 
 missary Genl. Kenneth Cameron; and nephew ot the late John 
 Cameron, Esq., who represented Victoria in Can. Assembly from 
 1857 to 1861 . B. in Montreal, 3 June, 1832 . Ed, at King's Col- 
 lege, London, Eng.. and at Trinity College, Dublin, where he gradu- 
 ated B.A., 1851 ; afterwards took degree of M.A. at University of 
 Toronto. M., Aug. 1860, Clara, eld. dau. of Wm. Boswell, Esq., 
 baiTister-at-law ; and grandau. of Capt. Hon. W. Boswell, R.N. 
 Called to the Bar, Ont., Ei'ster Term, 1854. Created a Q.C., 1872. 
 A dir. of the Huron and Quebec Railway. Unsuccessfully contested 
 South Victoria at g.e., 1 867, and North Victoria at g.e., 1874, both for 
 House of Commons. Was again a candidate for latter seat, 10 Nov. , 
 1874, on the sitting mem. (Mr. Maclennan's) being unseated, when 
 the latter was returned, but being agnin unseated, 4 May, 1875, Mr. 
 Cameron was declared the sitting mem. on a scrutiny of votes. A 
 Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Toronto Club; 
 **U.J3." Club; Universities' Club {London, Etig.) 
 Campbell, Lieut. -Col., Hon. Charles James, J. P. (Victoria, ^,8. 
 Descended from the Campbells of Bradalbane and Glen Orchy . 
 Fifth 8. of the late Capt. John Campbell of Duntulm, hj Isabella, 
 h I 
 dau. of the Rev. John McRea, minister, of Kintail, Koss-shire. B. 
 in Skye, Inverness-shire, Scot , 6 Nov., 1819. Came to N.8. 1830. 
 M, Jan., 1843, Eliza June, sec. dau. of the late Styles Ingraham, 
 Esq., of Baddeok. A merchant, and prop, of the New Campbdl 
 Coal Mines. Is a Fellow of tlie Royal Colonial Institute, London. 
 Ai»ptd. a Coroner for Cape Breton. 1857, and a J. P. for same 
 county, 1851. Was Lient.-Col. ci Ist Rejrt. Victoria Militia for 
 porae years previous to Confederation ; apptd. Lieut.-Col. Victoria 
 Reserve Milit?a, 1868 Was a mem. of the Ex. Council. N.S., from 
 1857 to 1860. First ntturned to Provl. Farlt. for Victoria, 1851, but 
 unseated on piitition. Again returned, 1853, and sat until 1859, 
 when defeated on Protestant alliance cry. Again returned, 1860 ; 
 unseated on petition, 1861 ; returned 1863 and sat until 1867, when 
 again defeated on Confederation question, of which he. was in favor. 
 Again returned at g.e., 1871, and sat until called to L.C. of N.S., 2 
 May, 1873, where he sat until Dec , 1874, when returned to Com- 
 mons for present seat . Unseated upon a scrutiny of votes, but re- 
 elected September, 1876, upon the sitting member Mr. Trencaino 
 accepting a Judgeship. A unsuccessful candidate for Victoria, in 
 Commons, Dec,, 1873. A Conservative. — -^ Dufitulm," Jiaddeck, 
 N.S.; New Campbell Mines, Great Bras d' or ; Halifax Club. 
 Carmichael, Lieut. Col. James William. (Pictou.) 
 Of Scottish descent. B at New Glasgow, N.S., Aug., 1819. 
 Ed. there. M., Miss Maria McCoU (she d. Dec, 1874). Is Lieut.- 
 Col. Pictou Reserve Militia ; Presdt. of the New Glasgow Marine In- 
 surance Assn. ; and Agent at New Glasgow for the Bunk ot N.S. 
 •Sat for present seat from g.e., J 867, until g.e., 1872, w! on defeated ; 
 again returned at last g e. A Liber il, and a supporter of the Mac- 
 kenzie Gov. — New Glasgow, N.S. 
 Caron, Joseph Philippe RioNli AdolphEj B,C.L. {Quebec County.) 
 Eld. surviving s. of the late Hon. R. E. Caron, Lieut, -Governor 
 c-i the Province of Quebec. B. in the City of Quebec, 1843. Ed. 
 at the Seminary of Qiieboo, at Laval University, and at McGill 
 University, at which latter institution he graduated B.CL., 1865. 
 M., 25 June, 1865, Alice, only dau of the late Hon. Fran9ois Baby, 
 who represented " Stadacona" division in L C. of Can. for several 
 j'ears. Studied law with L. G. Baiilanife, Esq, QC, and subse- 
 quently with Hon, (now Sir) John Rose, Bait, and was called to the 
 Bar, L.C, 1865. Is a mem. of the extensive law firm of Andrews, 
 Caron k Andrews, <3iiebcc. A dir. of the Stadacona Bank of Que- 
 bec ; of the Anticosti Co.; and of the Cohl Brook Rolling Mills Co. 
 Was Vicc-Presdt. of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 
 1867. An unsuccessful candidate for Bellechasse at g.e., 1872, 
 First returned to Parliament for present seat, March, 1873; re- 
 elected by acclamation at last g.e. Created Q.C. , 1876. A Lib- 
 eral Conservative, and " intends following the same course in tho 
 future as he has in the past ; will not vote blindly with any parti- 
 cular clique, but will give a loj'al support to the present Govt, in 
 nil measures which he shall consider good and likely to consolidate 
 the Confederation, to develope the resources of our country, to pro- 
 tect our institutions, and give to our countrymen the labor and 
 advantages they now seek elsewhere." — Charlevoix St.^ U.T., Que- 
 bec; Stadacona Club; liideau Club, 
 Cartwrigiit, lion. Piiciiard John. (^Lennox.) P.C. 
 S. of the late Rev. R. D. Cartwright, Chaplain to the Forcei 
 ftt Kingston; and grands, of Hon. Richard Cartwright, a U.E; 
 loyalist, who was a mem. of the first P«arlt. of U.C., which mat in 
 1792, and continued to hold a seat in that body until his death, 
 1815. B., 4 Dec, 1335. M., Aug., 1859, Frances, eld. dau. of Col: 
 Alex. Lawe, late H.E.I.C.S. A dir. of the Canada Life Assur- 
 ance Co. Was Presdt. of the late Commernal Bank of Canada. 
 Author of a pamphlet on the Militia question (1864). Sworn of 
 the Privy Council, and apptd. Minister of Finance of Canada, 7 
 Nov., 1873. (Salary, $7,000). Proceeded to Eng. on public busi- 
 ness, 1874 and 1875, and again in 1876. Sat for Lennox and 
 Addington in Can. Assembly from 1863 until the Union. Returned 
 to Commons for present seat at g.e., 1867; again at g.e,, 1872 ; 
 again on his appt. to office, and by acclamation at last g.e. An 
 independent Conservative. — 252, Dahj St., Ottawa; King St.^^Kings" 
 ton, Out.; Rideau Club. 
 Casey, Geoiigb Elliott, B.A. {West Elgin.) 
 S. of the late William Casey, Esq., of South wold, Elgin, Ont., 
 and formerly of Westmeath, Irel., by Sarah, dau. of the lato 
 Ed. at the Grammar School, St. Thomas, and at the Univ. of 
 Toronto, where he graduated (with honors in Classics), June, 1871. 
 Passed matriculation of Law Society of Ontario, Feb., 1872. Un- 
 married. Is Capt. No. G Co. 25th Batt. "Elgin " Light Infantry. 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g.c, 18T2 ; re-electud at 
 last g.c. A Ref(^rmer, and a supporter of the present Ministry. In 
 favour of the re-organization of the Senate on Mr. Mills' plan ; and 
 of the introduction of the competitive principle in exammationH 
 for the Civil Service, respecting which he moved for a Comuiittoo 
 during the Session of 1875. — Fingal^ Ont ; RUleau Club, 
 CASGBiiN, PniLii'PB B.\Dv. (V Islet.) 
 Descended from an ancient French family, originally belong- 
 ing to Airvault in Poitou, members of which came here in the early 
 years of French settlement in Canada, served in the French army, 
 and became possessed of the Seigniories of La Bouteillerie, St. 
 Denis, and L'Islet dc Bonsecours. S. of the late Hon. Charles 
 Eusebe Casgrain, who sat for Cornwallis in L.C. Assembly from 
 1830 to 1834, was a mem. of the Special Council of L.C. from 1838 
 to 1840, and at bis death held the office of Asst. Commr. of Public 
 Works, Can., by Anne Elizabeth, dau. of the late Hon. James 
 Baby, at one time Speaker of the L.C. of U.C. B. in City of 
 Quebec, 1827. Ed. at St. Anne College. M., 1854, Matilde, dan. 
 of the late Col . Perrault, and grand-dau . of the late F. X. Permult, 
 Esq., for many years Prothonotary of Dist. of Quebec. Called to 
 the Bar, L.C, 1850. Was Deputy Prothonotary of Superior Court, 
 Quebec, for thirteen years up to 1873, when he resigned to enter 
 Parliament. A dir. of the Stadacona Insurance Co. First returned 
 to Parlt. for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected by acclamation at 
 last g.e. A Liberal ; favours Political Independence, unless the 
 Colonies have a more direct influence in the Councils of the British 
 Empire.— 4 Collins St,, Quebec 
 Cauchon, L^e^^t -Col. 
 2jJD MBM. P.C. 
 Jfon. Joseph Edouard. (Quebec CcnCre.) 
 Descended from a member of the Conseil Superieur, who came 
 to Canada in 1636 ; a son of this gentleman, Cauchon de Laver- 
 diere, was a Judge of the Cour Royale, at the Island of Orleans. S. 
 of the late M. Joseph Ange Cauchon, by Marguerite Vallie, both of 
 Quebec. B. at St. Rochs, Quebec, 31 Dec, 1816. Ed. at the 
 Seminary of that city. M., 1st, 1843, Julie, eld. dau. of M. 
 Charles Lemieux, of Quebec (she d. 1864); 2ndly, 1866, Maria, 
 dau. of Martin Nolan, Esq., of the same city. Studied law with 
 W '■ 
 the lute Mr. James G. Baird. and was called to the Bar, L.C., 
 1843 Edited Lc Canaiiin newspaper from 1841 to 184 '2, and in 
 tho latter year founded Lf Journal de Quebec^ of which he is still 
 chief political editor. Ih I'resdt. of the St. Jean /iaptiste Societe of 
 Quebec. Was Lieut. -Col. of the 9th Batt. of Volunteer Militia, or 
 Chasteurs de Quebec, and Mayor of Quebttc for some years . One of 
 the chief promoters of tho North Shore Railway and St. Maurice 
 Navigation Co., and its Presdt. from its organization up to 1872. 
 Is author of Notions Elementaires de Physique (Que., 1841) ; Etudes 
 sur V Union Projctid dcs Provinces de Jiritannique de VAmerique du 
 Nord (do. 1858); and Ij^ Union des J'rovinces de VAmerique Lrit- 
 annique du Nord {do.^l^Q^). Declined the Asst. Provl. Secretary- 
 ship for L.C. (with a seat in Parlt.), 1851 . Was a mem. of tho Ex. 
 Council and Comr. of Crown Land.^, Can., from Jan., 1855, to 
 April, 1857 (in the McNab-Tache Administration) ; and Comr. of 
 Publio Works from June, 18G1, to May, 18G2 (in the Cartier- 
 Macdonald Administration). Called upon, in 18G7, to form a Govt, 
 for the Province of Quebec, a duty he failed to accomplish, owing 
 to causes beyond his control. Sworn jof the Privy Council, and 
 apptd. Presdt. of that body, 7 Dec, 1875. {Salary, V,000). Sat for 
 Montmorenci in Can. Assembly from 1844 until the Union, when 
 ho was returned to Commons and Local House by acclamation. 
 Resigned seat in former House on being called to the Senate, and 
 apptd. Speaker of that body, 5 Nov., 1867, where he remained until 
 July, 1872, when he resigned in order to re-enter Commons. 
 Resigned seat in Local House, 11 Dec, 1872, and again returned by 
 ncclamation. Returned to Commons for Quebec Centre at g.e., 
 1872; re-elected by acclamation at last g.e., and again on his 
 apptd. to office. A Reformer. — 17, ITAuteuil St., Quebec ; Ottawa. 
 CiiABLTON, Jonx. (Xorlh Norfolk.) 
 Descended from the Charltons of Northumberland, Eng. 
 Father canie from Northumberland, 1824, B. near Caledonia, N.Y,, 
 3 Feb., 1829. Kd, in New York. Came to Can. with his family, 
 1849. M., Nov., 1854, in Can., Miss Ellen Gray. Has been an in- 
 habitant of Norfolk since 1853. A timber dealer, and engaged in 
 business in Can. and Michigan. First returned to Parlt. for pres'^ut 
 seat at g. e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of the Mackenzie Administration. — Lynedoch, Out. 
 Chbval, Gdillaume, J.P. (Eouville ) 
 S. of M. Louis Cheval : grands, of Cnpt. Pierre Chcval ; and is 
 ■« I 
 i' '- I 
 a nephew of M. C. S. Clxcrriev, Q.C., tlic '^ father" of the Montreal 
 Bar. B. at Beloiil, P.Q, 17 April, 1828. Ed. at St. Denis. M. 
 there, Oct., 1852, Miss Hermelimbe Richer. A merchant. Has 
 been Mayor of St. Hilaire for several years. A delegate to the Pro- 
 hibitory Convention, Montreal, ] 875. Sat for present seat from g.e., 
 1867, until g.e , 1872, when defoatod ; again returned at last g. e. 
 A Liberal.— ^^ Hilaire^ P.Q. 
 Church, Charles Edwabd, J". /*. (^Lunenburg) 
 Of Eng. and German descent. Ancestors came to Am., 1622, 
 with the Pilgrim Fathers, Great grandf., Charles Church, a loyalist, 
 removed from. U.S. to N.S., during the Am. revolution; grandf., 
 Charles Lot Church, represented Lunenburg in the N.S. Assembly, 
 B. at Tancook Island, Lunenburg, N.S., 1835. Ed. at Chester and 
 Truro. Unmarried. A merchant. Has held high rank in the 
 Graad Lodge of British 'J'emplars, and in the Grand Division of Sons 
 of Temperance, N.S. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 ge., 1872 ; re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 "pledged to give the present Reform Govt, a fair and consistent 
 support, believing that its policy will be sound, wise and economi- 
 cal, and that it will render justice to all the Provinces of the 
 Dominion." In favor of measures beneficial to N.S. and tho 
 Dominion generally. — Chester, N.S. 
 Christie, Thomas, M. D. {Argenteuil .) 3rd Mem. 
 Th!rd s. of the late John Chrisiie, by Elizabeth Nichol, both of 
 Stirlingshire, Scot. B. in the City of Glasgow, Scot., March, 1824. 
 Came to Canada with his parents, 1827. Ed at McGill University, 
 where he obtained degree of M.D., 1848. M., Oct., 1849, Catherine, 
 dau. of the late Peter McMartin, of St. Andrews, P. Q. Is Chair- 
 man of Board of School Commr. for Parish of St. Jerusalem D'Ar- 
 genteuil ; and Secretary of Lachute Academy. Was Warden of 
 Argenteuil for some years. Acted as Assistant Surgeon at Point St. 
 Charles during the ship fever, 1847. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat, by acclamation, 31 Dec, 1875, to fill vacancy caused 
 by sitting mem. being unseated and disqualified. A Liberal; bufe 
 goes in unpledged and unfettered. Every measure coming before 
 the House will receive his best consideration, and he will vote for 
 or against it as he shall deem best calculated to secure the interest 
 of the country. Is opposed to annexation or independence. 
 Favors a Reciprocity Treaty on a fair and equitable basis ; and hav- 
 labor to. 
 ing been an abstainer from his boyhood, will alwaj's 
 promote the cause of temperance , — Lachute, P.Q. 
 CiMOjr, Ernest. (Chicoutimi find Saguenay.) 
 S. of Cleophe Cimon, Esq., N.P.. who represented Charlevoix 
 in the Can Assembly, from 1858 to 1861. B. at Murray Bay, P.Q., 
 30 March, 1849. Ed. at the Seminary of Quebec and at Laval Uni- 
 versity, where he became a Licentiate of Law, 1871. Unmarried. 
 Studied law with Mr. M. A. Hearn, and with Messrs.- Langlois, 
 Angers, and Colston, of Quebec, and was called to the Bar of Que- 
 bec, 1871 . Has acted as Crown Prosecutor in Chicoutimi for 
 several years. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at last g.e, 
 A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Chicoutimi^ 
 CoOKBUUN, Ale.kander Peter . (Muskoka . ) . 
 Of Scottish parentage. B. in Finch, Stormont, Out., 7 April, 
 1837. Ed. there. M., Sept., 1864, Miss Mary Helen Proctor, of 
 Beaverton, Ont. A merchant and forwarder. Has been Reeve of 
 Eldon. Sat for North Victoria in Ont. Assembly, from g.e., 1867 
 until g.e., 1871, when he declined again offering, being satisfied 
 with having aided, while there, in the development of a compara- 
 tively liberal land and railway policy for the Province, and also 
 because he was not fully in accord with the leader of either of the 
 two parties in the Assembly. Elected for present seat in House of 
 Commons at g.e., 1872, but not returned, until writ amended by 
 resolution of the House, March, 1873 ; re-elected at last g.e. Has 
 labored successfully to promote a vigorous policy for the develop- 
 ment of the great northern districts by the construction of railways 
 md colonization roads, in conjunction with a liberal land policy for 
 actual seitlers. Has written largely on the subject, from 1865 up to 
 present time : A Few Weeks in the North (for which he was special- 
 ly complimented by the late Hon. T. I). McGee) ; the Settlers' 
 GuidCy (1858) ; and the Tourists' Guidey (1868) being amongst his 
 productions . Was Presdt. of the Muskoka Settlers Assn . , which he 
 founded, 1867, and is now manager ot the Northern Lakes Navi- 
 gation Co. A Liberal. 
 -40 Duke St.f Toronto. 
 Coffin, //on. Thomas. (Shelburne) 
 Ancestors came from Eng. and settled at Nantiickot, wliero 
 13 t 
 several of theii- descendants were raised to tlio Bench ; thence a 
 branch of the family removed N.S. after the Am . revolution. 8. of 
 the late Thomas Coffin, Esq., by Magaret, dau. of the late Joseph 
 Homer, Esq . , a U.E . loyalist, and for many years Collector of Cus- 
 toms at Banington, N.S. B. at Barrington, 1817. Ed. there. M., 
 Ist, 1841, Miss Sarah Doane (she d. Aug., 1860) ; 2ndly, 1871, Ade- 
 line, dau. of the late John Coffin, Esq., of Barrington , An exten- 
 sive merchant, shipbuilder and owner. Has made many successful 
 voyages to different parts of the world in command of his own ves- 
 sels. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Receiver-Genl., 7 
 Nov., 1873. {Salary, $7,000). Sat for Shelburne in N.S Assembly, 
 from 1851 to 1855, and again, from 1859 until the Union. Returned 
 to Commons for present seat, by acclamation at g.e., 1867, at g.e,, 
 1872, again on his appt. to office, and at last g.e. A Liberal. — 
 Cor. of Sparks and Hank Sfx., Ottawa ; Barrington, N, S. ; Riiean 
 CoLBV, Charles Carroll. {Stanxtead.) 
 Paternal ancestors emigrated from Chester, Eng , to Newr 
 Hampshire, before the Am. revolutionary war. S. of the lute Dr. 
 F . M. Colby, a well-known medical practitioner, who came to Stan- 
 stead 1832, and represented that county in the L.C. Assembly from 
 1831 until the suspension of the Constitution, 1837. B. at Derby, 
 Vt, 10 Dec, 1827. Came to Can , with his parents, 1832. Gradu- 
 ated at Dartmouth College, N.H., July, 1847. M., Dec, 1858, Miss 
 Harriet Child, of Waybiidge, Vt. Called to the Bar, L.C, 1805. 
 A dir. of the Massawippi Hallway ; of the Crown Mining Co. ; and 
 of the Waterloo and Magog Railway. Was a Vice-Presdt. of Que- 
 bec Temperance and Prohibitory League, 1872. First returned to 
 Parlfc. for present seat at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at 
 ge., 1872, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Stan- 
 «tcid, P.O. 
 CooK, ITeumon Hexry. {Xorth Sitncoe.) 2.nd Mem. 
 Fif'oh s. of the late Capt. Geo. Cook, a U.E. loyalist ; nephew 
 of Capt. John Cook, who represented Dundas in the U.C. Assembly, 
 from 1820 until Responsible Government was obtained when he 
 resigned; brother of J. W. Cook, Esq., who represented Dundas in 
 the Can. Assembly from 1857 until 1861 ; and brother S. S. Cook, 
 Esq., who lately represented the same countv in the Ont. Assem- 
 bly. B. in Tp. of Williamsburg, Dundas, Out., 1838. Ed. atlro- 
 quois Grammar Sch, M , 1361, Miss White. A lumber merchant. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for North Simcoe in Local Assembly at 
 g.e., 1871. First returned to Parlt, for present seat at g.e., 1872 ; 
 re-elected at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 11 Nov., 1874; re- 
 elected 26 Dec, same year. A Reformer; .and "so long as the 
 present Government prove faithful to their past record, so long will 
 they receive his support." — 505 King St. West, Torcnto. 
 CosTiGAN, John, J. P. 
 ( Victoria. 
 B. at St. Nicholas, P. Q,, 1 Feb., 1835. Ed. at St. Ann's 
 College. M., 1855, Miss Ryan, of Victoriii, N.B. Has been 
 Registrar of Deeds for Victoria, and Judge of the Superior Court of 
 Common Pleas, N.B. Sat for present seat in N.B. Assembly from 
 1861 to 1866, when defeated. Returned to Commons at the Union ; 
 re-elected at g , e . , 1872; and again at last g.e. A Conservative ; and 
 opposed to the present Administration. Moved an address, 20 May, 
 1872, praying His Excellency to disallow the N.B. School Act on 
 the ground that said law is unjust, and causes much uneasiness 
 among the Roman Catholic population; and on 14 May, 1873, " that 
 the Govt, should advise His Excellency to disallow the Acts passed 
 by the N.B. Legislature," which was carried. On 6 May, 1874, 
 Inoved for an address to Her Majesty, praying to cause an Act to be 
 passed amending the B.N. A. Act, 1867, by providing that every 
 religious denomination in N.B. shall continue to possess and 
 cnjc all such rights with regard to their schools as they possessed 
 and enjoyed at the time of the passage of the said Act, «fec., which 
 motion was subsequently withdrawn. On 8 March, 1875, moved 
 resolution praying for the passing of an Act amending the B.N. A. 
 Act, by providing that the Roman Catholic inhabitants of N.B. 
 shall have the same rights, privileges, &c., as to separate or 
 dissential schools, &c., as are enjoyed and possessed by the Roman 
 Catholic minority (.f Ontario and the Protestant minority of 
 Quebec, which, after amendment, was carried. — Grand Falls, N.Ii. 
 CocPAL DE St. Cyphien', Sixte, J.jP. {Napier viUe.) 3rd Mem. 
 B. in Province of Quebec. A farmer. Has been Mayor of 
 the Municipality, and a School Commr. An unsuccessful candidcie 
 for present seat in Can. Assembly, 1862, and for same seat in 
 Commons at g.e. 1872 and g.e., 1874. Represented Napierville in 
 Can. Assembly, from g.e. 1863 until the Union, when he was 
 returned to Commons, where he sat until g.e. 1872. Again 
 1 I 
 !.' i 
 h s 
 } \' 
 returned 4 Aug, 1874, on resignation of sitting mem.; unseated on 
 petition, 7 May, 1875; re-elected, 18 June, 1875. A Liberal. — 
 Laeolle, P.Q. 
 CuNKTNGHAM, James, J. P. {Westminster), 
 S. of James Cunningham, Esq., of Anyevny, Monaglian, 
 Irel. B. at Anyevny, 1834. Ed. there. M., 1864, Miss Mary 
 Ann Woodman, of St. Uhomus, Ont. A merchant. Apptd. a 
 mem. of Dominion Prohibitory Council, 1875. Has been Mayor of 
 the City of New Westminster. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat at last g.e. A Liberal. — New Westminster, B.C. 
 Currier, Joseph Meirill. {City of Ottawa.) 
 Of French descent. Seventh and youngest s. of the late 
 Ezekiel Currier, Esq., of North Troy, Vermont, near Canada line. 
 B. 1820. Ed. at North Troy. M., 1st, 1846, Christina, dau. of 
 the late John Wilson, Esq., of Cumberland, Ont^ (she d.) ; 2ndly, 
 1861, Annie, dau. of F. G. Crosby, Esq., (accidentally killed at 
 Long Island a few days afterwards) ; 3rdly, 18G3, Hannah, duu. of 
 the late Ruggles Wright, Esq., of Hull, P.Q. Came to Can., 
 1837, and was for many years engaged in the lumber trade ; had 
 charge for several years of the extensive lumber mills of the late 
 L. C. Bigelow, at Buckingham, P.Q., and afterwards of the 
 lumber business of Messrs. McKay and McEinnon, New Edin- 
 burgh, Ont. • Commenced business on his own account, 1855. Is 
 Presdt. of the Ottawa Valley Immigration Society, and of the 
 Ottawa Horticultural Society. Was an Alderman of Ottawa for 
 one term. Sat for present scat in Can. Assembly from g.e., 1863 
 until the Union. Keturned to Commons at g.e., 1867 ; by accla- 
 mation, at g.e., 1872, and again returned at last g.e. A Liberal 
 Conservative ; <•' pledged not to follow blindly any party leader or 
 to factiously oppose the Govt., but rather to treat all measures 
 they may bring before Parliament strictly upon their merits, with- 
 out reference to party considerations, and in such manner as 
 becomes an independent member of Parliament, and to a patriotic 
 course in reference to all Dominion interests." — ^^ Gorphwyiifa" 
 New Edinburgh ; Rideaii Club, 
 CuTHBERT, Edward Octavian. {Berthier.) 2nd Mem. 
 Descended from the Cuthbci-ts of Castle Hill, Inverness-shire,^ 
 ir . t 
 Scot. Only surviving s. of the late Hon. James Cutbbert, a mem. 
 of tlie Special Council of L.C., by Louise A. Cairns, his wife, B. 
 at the Manor House, Berthier(en haul), P.Q., 3 Dec, 1828. Ed. 
 at Chambly College. M., 1 Dec, 1853, Mary, eld. dau. of the 
 late Augustus Bostwick, Esq., Q.C., of Three Rivers. Is Seignior 
 of Berthier. Has been Mayor of the town of Berthier ; and Presdt. 
 of the Counly Agricultural Society. An unsuccessful candidate 
 for Berthier, in Quebec Assembly, at g.c, 1867, and for same seat 
 in Commons at g.c, 1872. First returned, 27 Feb., 1875, on the 
 elevation of sitting mem. to the Senate An independent Con- 
 servative.— Zj^cr^Aier {e7i haut), P.Q. 
 Daoust, J.B. {Two Mountains.) 
 S. of J. B. Doust, Esq., bj L. St. Germain. B. Jan. 18, 1817. 
 at St. Austache. M. Miss Z. St. Maurice, dau. of J. St. Maurice, Esq., of 
 St. Laureut. Apptd. Magistrate and Commissioijer of small causes ; 
 and has held various municipal offices. Elected by acclamation, in 
 1854, for Two Mountains to the old Parliament of Canada, which seat 
 he held from that date until the Confederation of B.N.A. Provinces, in 
 1867. Elected for House of Commons at g.e., 1867, by acclamation, 
 and continued to sit in that chamber until 1872, when he retired for 
 a short time from political life ; held the position of Warden of 
 Penitentiaries of the Province of Quebec fv)r three years. At g.e. for 
 P.Q., 1867, waived his claim for a seat in the Locarilouse in favor of 
 the then Attorney-General of that Province, Hon. Mr. Ouimet. 
 Elected for House of Commons, last time, 11th March, 1876, by accla- 
 mation, on the resignation of Mr. Globinsky, the sitting member. 
 A. Conservative. — St. Austache. 
 Davies, lion. DANiEii. (Kinf/s, P.E.I.) 
 Of Welsh descent. B. in P.E.I., 1825. Ed. there. M., 
 Feb., 1854, Miss Catharine Cameron, A merchant. Is a dir. of 
 the Bank of the P.E.I, and Presdt. of the P.E.I. Steam Navigation 
 Co. ; and of the Merchants' Marine Insurance Co. Sat for Charlotte- 
 town in the Local Legislature from 1858 to 1868. Was a mem . of the 
 Ex. Council of P.E.I, from 1864 to 1866. First returned to Com- 
 mons, for prcsant seat on P. E . I . entering the Dominion, Sept., 1873 ; 
 re-elected at last g.o. A Conservative. Carried the Decimal 
 Currency and other mercantile bills through the Local House. — 
 " Westwood,^^ North River Road, Charlottctown. 
 DAweoN John A. (Piclou.) 
 A merchant. First returned to Purlt., for present scat, at last 
 .! T 
 V * 
 g.c. A Liberal; and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administra- 
 lion. — Pictou, N.S. 
 1)e Cosmos, i/o/^ Amou. (^Victoria, Ji.C.) 
 B. at Windsor, N.8. Ed. there and in Halifax. Unmarried. 
 Went to California, 18u2 ; and to B.C., 1858, where he has since 
 remained. Founded the British Colonist^ newspaper, 1858, which 
 he owned and edited from that date until 1863 ; founded the Daily 
 Standard (same city) for political purposes, 1870 ; and was editor 
 and proprietor o'i it until 1872, when he retired from the proprietor- 
 ship. Has been actively engaged in politics since 1858. Called 
 upon to form an Administration in B.C., 23 Dec, 1872, a duty he 
 succeeded in accomplishing, and in which he held the office of 
 Presdt. of Ex. Council (without salary), from the date of the Govt's 
 formation until he retired, Feb., 1874, from local politics, owing to 
 the operation of the Act against dual representation. Was special 
 agent and delegate to Ottawa and London, respcting the B.C. Grav- 
 ing Dock and Loan, 1873-4. Mr. De C. was the first British 
 Columbian to advocate the introduction of responsible govt, into 
 that Colony ; he was the first person to recommend a Union of the 
 Pacific Provinces, which he succeeded in accomplishing, 1867 ; and 
 he was also the first to advocate the Confederation of I3.C. with the 
 Dominion, and v/as subsequently instrumental in receiving the unani- 
 mous acceptance of the terms of Union made with Can. Kepresented 
 Victoria in V.I. Assembly, after the Union of V . I. with B.C. Sat in 
 the L.C., almost uninterruptedly from 1867 to 1871 ; at the Union 
 of B . C . with Can . , was returned to both the Assembly and the House 
 of Commons ; re-el cctc.'d to Commons at g e., 1872 ; and again 
 returned at last g.e. Has always been thoroughly Liberal in poli- 
 tics. In favor of tne Union of Canada with the United Kingdom, 
 sharing the full powers, privileges and responsibilities of the 
 Empire ; of the appt. of the Governor-General from among our own 
 people ; and supports compulsory votin-r, and the re-organization of 
 the Senate. — Victoria. B.C. 
 I '!■ 
 ai '' 
 Delorme, Louis. (*S'/. 7Ii/acinlhe.) 
 S. of Pierre Delorme, Esq., of Montreal, by Elizabeth, dau. of 
 Patrick Burke, Esq. Paternal grandfather was a French military 
 officer. B. in Montreal, 29 Dec, 1824. Ed. at St. Sulpice College, 
 Moiibreal, and the College of St. Hyacinthe. M., 1st, 1855, Marie 
 Julie Anna, dau. of U. A. Forticr, Esq., M.D., of Stc. Marie, 
 Nouvclle Beauco, P.Q., by Julie Loui^o, youngest dau. of Hon. 
 Gabriel Elzear Taschereau, (she d.) ; 2ndly, 1871, Flore, dau. of 
 F. X. Paradis, Esq., of Quebec. Called to the Bar of L.C., 1847, 
 but does not now practice his profession. A dir. of Bank of St. 
 Hyaciuthe. Is Mayor of the parish of St. Hyacinthe, and Warden 
 of the County. First returned to Parlt.,by acclamation Sept., 
 1870, on death of sitting mem. (Hon. A. E. Kierzkowski) ; re-elected 
 at g e., 1872, and again by acclamation, at last g.t'. " A true Liberal ; 
 and supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. — St. iri/acinthe, 
 Desjardins, T. C. Alfiioxse. (Iloch^'lar/a.) 
 Family settled in Can., before the Cession to Eng. B. at 
 Terrebonne, P.Q,, 6 May, 1841. Ed. at Masson College and the 
 Seminary of Nicolet. M., 19 May, 1864, Virginie, eld. dau. of the 
 late Hubert Pare, Esq Called to the Bar, L.C., 1862, and practised 
 his profession in Montreal until 1868, when he abandoned law for 
 journalisjn, and became one of the editors of VOrdre. Is now, and 
 Jias been for some years past, editor and one of the directors of Jje 
 Nouveau Monde. A dir. of the Jacques Cartier Bank ; and of the 
 National Insurance Co. ; and Vice-Presdt. of the Canada Agricul- 
 tural Insurance Co Created a Knight of the Order of Pius IX., 30 
 July, 1872, after his return from a visit to Kome, where he had the 
 honor of being admitted to an audience with His Holiness. Took 
 an active part in the organization of the Canadian Papal Zouave 
 contingent, which went to the assistance of the Holy Father, 1868. 
 ^Vas one ot the authors of the Programme Catholique, first published, 
 April, 1871, which was prepared for the purpose of being offered to 
 the Conservative party as a basis on which the several opposing sec- 
 tions of that party, then, engaged in a warm contest, might agree. 
 First returned to Parlt . for present seat, by acclamation, at last g.c. 
 An Independent Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt . 
 Took strong ground in favor of an amnesty to Riel, and of support- 
 ing the B.C. minority in N.B. on the School question. In favor 
 of separate schools ; of the National route for the Pacific Railway ; 
 of a Protectionists policy ; and a fair Reciprocity Treaty with the 
 U.S. — 758 Dorchester St , Montreal; Rideau Club. 
 De Saimt Georges, J. Esdpas Alfred, M.D. {rortneiif.) 
 Third s. of the late Laurent Aurez de St. Georges, Esq., N.P., 
 of Cap Sante, by Adelainc, dau. of the late George W.AUsopp, Esq., 
 i!il ir 
 ■ H.: 
 seigneur of Jacques Cartier and d'Auteuil, who for many years rep- 
 resented Portneuf (then Hampshire), in the L.C. Assembly, and 
 grand-dar.. of the late Hon. George AIlsopp, Provincial Secretary of 
 the first Province of Quebec. B. at Cap Sante, 4 Aug., 1849. Ed. 
 at Nicolet College, and by private tuition. Unmarried. Gradu- 
 ated as M.D. at Univ, of Victoria College, Cobourg. M., 2nd 
 Feb , 1876, Laure, dau. of Hon. Isidore Thibaudeau. Is a governor 
 of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of L.C. First returned 
 to Parlt. for present scat at g. e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g, e. A 
 Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Govt. — C(fj} Sant'^, P.Q. 
 Db Veber, Jkremi mi Smith Boies. {City of St. John, N.Ji.) 
 S, of L. H . Dc Veber, Esq., for many years a leading merchant 
 of St. John, and g ands. (iRutornally) of the late William Hubbard, 
 Esq., wiio was one of the representatives of Sunbury in the first 
 Parlt. of N.B., that met 1785. B. in Vm city of St. John, 1830. 
 Ed. there. M., at Portland, Me., 1850. Elizabeth Kobinson, dau, 
 of Kobert Ilsley, Esq. A mem. of the extensive mercantile firm of 
 L. H. De Veber & Sons, St. John ; a dir. of Bank of N.B ; of the 
 Riviere du Loupe Railway Co.; and of the N.B. Deaf and Dumb 
 Institution; and Chairman cf the N.B. branch of the Royal 
 Canadian Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Contested present seat 
 unsuccessfully at g. e., 1872 ; first returned, by acclamation, Dec, 
 1873, on resignation of sitting mem. (Hon, S. L. Tilley, C.B.) ; 
 re-elected at last g. e. A Reformer, and "will support the policy 
 of the present Govt, as foreshadowed by the Premier in. his address 
 to his constituents, as well a?, in all other good measures." — Seeh/ 
 St., Portland, St. John, NM.; Rideau Club. 
 Devlin, Lieut.-Col. Bkrnard. {Montreal Centre.) 3rd Mem. 
 S.of a once extensive landed proprietor in Co. Roscommon, Irel. 
 B. there, 15 Dec, 1824. Ed. in Dublin, and studied for the 
 medical profession under his uncle, Dr. Charles Devlin, of Ballina, 
 Co. Mayo. Accompanied his father to Can. when young, and set. 
 tied in the City of Quebec, Avhere he presented himself before the 
 Board of Medical Examiners for admission to the practice of the 
 profession, but was refused on the ground that he was under 21 
 years of age. Entcre:\ the ranks of journalism, and founded the 
 Freemanh .Journal, (Quebec) of which he became editor, but soon 
 afterwards abandoned that paper on his removal to Montreal, where 
 he was also associated with the press, becoming at the same time a 
 Ji- it 
 1 fi* »/^ 
 8tudent at law under Eaward Carter, Esq., Q.C., and late M.P. for 
 Brome in the House of Commons, and was duly called to the Bar, 
 Oct'.. 1847. Called to the Bar of Ont, Michaelmas Term, 1868. 
 Enjoys a large lucrative practice, especially as a criminal lawyer. 
 Is Counsel to the Harbor Commrs . of that city ; and was for some 
 years up to Dec, 1875, joint Ciiy Attorney for Montreal. Amongst 
 other important causes, was retained, during the late Am. war, by 
 the U.S. Govt., as their council in the prosecution of the St, Albans' 
 raiders. M., 1318, Miss Anna Eliza Hickey, of Brooklyn, N.Y. 
 (she died, 13 June, 1875.) Is Presdt. of the St. Patrick's Society of 
 Montreal (an office he has held on several occasions) ; and a mom, 
 of the Executive of the Reform Assn ' the Parti National. Was a 
 delegate to the Catholic Conventio? promote actual settlement in 
 North Am., which met at Buffalo, 1856, and was elected a mem. of 
 the Supreme Directory of Can. in connection with that Convention. 
 Sat in the City Council of Montreal during seven consecutive 
 years, and, while a mem. of tli it body, proposed the establishment 
 of the Mount Iloyal Park, and finally succeeded in cairyi ng the 
 scheme, notwithstaning the most strenuous opposition. Was for 
 fifteen years closely identified with the active volunteer militia 
 force, entering the 1st, or " Prince of Wales," Rifle Regt., first as a 
 captain, and eventually becoming Lieut. -Col. of the corps^ and as 
 such commanded it during the Fenian outbreak of 1866, on the 
 eastern frontier, and for his services on that occasion was publicly 
 complimented by Lord Monck, then Governor-Geieral of Canada; 
 retired from the force, retaining his rank, Aug., 1866. An unsuc- 
 cessful candidate for Montreal West at g.e., 1867 ; and for Montreal 
 Centre at last g.e. Succeeded in unseating Mr. M. P. Ryan, the 
 sitting mem., on petition, and at the new election, w'.iich followed, 
 on 12 Jan., 1875, was returned. Unseated on petition, 26 Aug., 
 1875 ; re-elected, by acclamation, 26 Nov., 1875. "In politics, ae 
 in religion, he is not, and never will bo, found to be a fanatic. His 
 motto is 'justice and equality to all classes and creeds, undue favor 
 to none.' " — 118 ^S*^. James St., and St. Lawrence Ilall^ Montreal, 
 Dbwdney, lion. Edgar, C.E. {Yah.) 
 B, in Devonshire, Eng,, 1835. Came to l^.C, 1859. M,, 28 
 March, 1864, Jane Shaw, eld. dau. of Stratton Moir, Esq., of Colom- 
 bo, Ceylon. A Civil Engineer, and as such has been employed on 
 Can. Pacific Railway Survey, Sat for Kooton«y in the Local Assem- 
 bly, 1868-9. Returned to Commons at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at Irtst 
 g.o. A Liberal, and is "perfectly untrammelled, having neither 
 received nor Rolicited any pcrson:il favor from (iithcr parly. Will 
 support that Govt, that will complete the pled^a-s made to B.C. in 
 the terms of Union ; hut should the electors direct him to assent to 
 a modification of those terms he will do so ; in the meanwhile 
 (believing, as he docs, that no concession of any important feature 
 should be made), he pledges himself to vote with the ayes in favor 
 of a strict fulfillment of the Treaty engagements ; with the Govt., 
 if that is their poLcy, and against them, if, unhappily, the friends of 
 B.C. are only found in the Opposition." Believes that *^ so far the 
 promises made by Mr. Mackenzie's Govt, with referenc e to the sur- 
 veys in his (Mr. D.'s) portion of B.C. are being carried out, and 
 they have no reason to believe but that they shall receive continued 
 justice at their hands, and every effort be made by the Govt, to 
 ensure the best line for our national highway." — JIopp^ li C. ; Fi- 
 deau Club. 
 DoMViLLE, James. (Kinr/K, X.B.) 
 Descended from an ancient Norman family that settled in 
 Cheshire, Eng., at the time of the Conquest, three members of 
 which have at different times been created Baronets of the United 
 Kingdom. S. of Major-General James Domville, R. A., by Fran- 
 ces, dau. of Hon. William Usher, a descendant of the celebrated 
 Archbishop Usher. B. 29 Nov, 1842. Ed. in Eng. M., 1867, 
 Isat 1, dau, of the late William Henry Scovil, Esq., of St. John, 
 N.B. Went to Barbadoes, where his father was in command of 
 Royal Artillery and of the Garrison, 1858, and entered mer- 
 cantile film of Michael Cavan & Co . , a branch of the house of 
 Cavan, Lubbock & Co., London. In 18G6 came to St. John, N.B , 
 and commenced business as a merchant, establishing a direct trade 
 between that port and British W^est Indies. He also became the 
 propnetor by purchase of the extensive iron works, rolling mill, 
 and nail factories at Moosepath, Coldbrook, and Rockland, in King's 
 Co., and entered largely into other commercial business, in which he 
 is still engaged. Is Presdc. of the Maritime Bank of the Dominion 
 of Can . ; and of the North Shore and Salisbury Junction Railway ; 
 Vice-Presdt. of the King's Co . Rifle Assn.; a Fellow of the Royal 
 Colonial Institute. London, Eng.; Managing Dir. of the Coldbrook 
 Rolling Mills Company ; a dir. of the Maritime Warehousing & 
 Dock Company; ot the Anticosti Co.; and a local director of 
 the Globe Mutual Life Assurance Co., of N.Y.; and of the Stada- 
 cona Fire Insurance Co. Has been Piesdt of the Kings Co. Board of 
 Trade. Sat as Chairman of the delegation from St. Sohn, N.B., at 
 Dominion Board of Trade, Ottawa, 1871. First returned to Parlt. 
 for present seat, at g. o., 1872 ; re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal 
 Conservative ; and " will, as in the past, vote for all measures that 
 may be conducive to the welfare of the Dominion, — '•^ Wellington 
 Row^ St. John, N.B.; ^-Kinff hurst," RothcHa;/, Kings Co., NM.; 
 Rideau Club; St. Jamas' Club; Carlcton Club. 
 Donahue, William, (Missisquoi.) 
 B. in Canada, of Irish parents. A merchant. Has heen a 
 mem. of the County Council of Missisquoi. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, T»y acclamation, at last g. e. A Liberal; 
 and a supporter ot Mr. Mackenzie. — Montroal. 
 DuGAS, FiRMiN. ^Montcahn.) 
 Of French Canadian parentage. B. at Rawdon, P.Q., 1830. 
 Ed. at L'Assomption College. M , ISoT, Miss A. Porainville (dead) ; 
 2ndly, 1861, Miss M. A. Reinhardt. A mill owner. Has been 
 Mayor of the Municipality, and Presdt.of the School Commissioners. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Can. Assemhly at 
 g. e , 1854, and at g, e., 1863. Sat for Montcalm in Quebec Assem- 
 bly from g. 0., 1867, until Feb., 1874, when he resigned, in order to 
 confine himself to the Commons. First returned to Commons for 
 present seat, by acclamation, at g. e , 1872 ; re-elected by acclama- 
 tion at last g. e. A Conservative. — Montcalm Village, P.Q. 
 Dymond, Alfuei) Hutchinson {Noith York, Ont.) 2sd mem. 
 B. at Croydon, Surrey, Eng., 21 Aug., 1827. Ed. there. M., 
 June, 1852, Helen Susannah, dau. of Mr. John Henderson, of 
 London, Eng. In early life was engaged in commercial pursuits, 
 which he relinquisshed in order to advocate the abolition of the 
 Death Punishment, wit}> which movement he was long identified ; 
 he became the Secy . and lepresentative of the Society fonned to 
 carry ont that object, and ui that capacity lectured in many of the 
 principal towns and cities of Great Britian, and, besides writing 
 several pamphlets on the question, was the author of a book 
 entitled, " The Laio on its Trial, or Recollections of the Death Penalty.^' 
 Joined the Morning Star newspaper (London), 1857, and ultimately 
 became Genl . Manager of that paper, which position he resigned 
 shortly before the amalgamation with the Daily Neics, in order to 
 come to Can., where ho arrived Oct., 1869, and has since been one 
 I I 
 I ' ) 
 I' . i 
 of the editors and political writers ol' the Toronto Dailt/ Globe. Wa« 
 closely identified with the TTuion and Emancipation movement in 
 Eng. during the Civil War First returned to Purlt., for present 
 seat, at last g.c.; unseated on petition, 29 May, 1875 ; re-elected 
 29 June, 1875. A Liberal. Advocates a Liberal extension of the 
 franchise ; limitation of import duties to pin-poses of revenue, as 
 .opposed to protection ; a i)r()lubitc)ry liquor law ; abolition of 
 capital punishments; and a most liberal immigration policy. — 301, 
 King St., West, Toronto. 
 FAunow, Thomas. (Xort/i I/uron .) 
 S, of Martin and Sabina Farrow, l»(»th of I-inccjlnshiie, Eng. 
 B. in the Parish of Mumby, Lincoln, Eng., 8 March, 1833. Ed. 
 there. Came to Can., 1819. M., 1858, Miss Mary McDonald, of 
 London, Ont., (she d. 26 July, 1874). Was for some years Supt. 
 of Schools for Wawanosh, Morris, and Turnberry. First returned 
 to Parlt. for present seat at g.e., 1872.; re-elected at last g.e. 
 Decidedly a Liberal-Conservative. "Believes in a protective 
 policy ; and is in favor of a stringent liquor law ; the developing of 
 the resources of the country from East to West; a liberal land 
 policy; inducements to emigrants; and the nursing of our homo 
 manufacturing interests. — JJhicvale, Ont. 
 Ferguson, Charles FREDEriicK, J/. /A (Xorlh Leeds and GrenviUe.) 
 2nd mem . 
 S. of Mr. C. Ferguson, of the Tp. of Kitley, Leeds, Ont. B. 
 tnere. Graduated as M.D. at Queen's University, Kingston, 1859. 
 M. Miss Bell, of Oxford, Co. GrenviUe, sister of the late Robt. 
 Bell, Esq., C.E., who represented Russell in the Can. Assembly 
 previous to Confederation. First returned to Parlt, for present 
 seat, at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 10 Nov., 1874 ; re-elected 
 16 Dec, same year. A Liberal-Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. — Kcmptville, Ont. 
 Ferris, John. {Queens, N.B.) 
 S. of the late Mr. John Ferris, of Waterboro', N.B. B. in 
 Waterboro', Queens, N.B., 9 Jan 1811. Ed. there. M., 1835, 
 Sarah, dau. of Capt. John McLean. A lumber merchant. Is a 
 Vice-Presdt. of the N.B. Baptist Heme Missionar)^ Board. Sat for 
 Queens in N.B. Assembly from 1854 to 1865 (when he retired from 
 Parliament for a short time), and again from 1366 until the Union. 
 Was an unsuccessful candidate for the same suat, 1840. Returned 
 to Commons by acclamation at g.e., 18G7, and at g.e., 1872; 
 re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a Hupporter of the present 
 Administration. — Cambridge, Queen'' s Co, N.B. 
 FiSBT, Jean Baptistb Romuald, M.D. {Rimomki.) 
 B. of Henri Fiset, E.«»q., J. P., of St. Cuthbert, P.Q. B. 
 there, *l Feb., 1842. Ed. at Montreal College; graduated as 
 M.D. at Laval University, 1867. M., Aimce, dau. of Honor6 
 Plamondon, Esq., of Quebec, and ncice of Hon. Justice Plamondon, 
 of Arthabaskaville, P.Q. Is a Town Councillor of Rimouski, and 
 Surgeon Provisional Batt. Rimouski Militia. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for llimouski in Quebec Assembly, April, 1872. First 
 returned to Par It. for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last 
 g.e . A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration . 
 St. Qermain de Rimouski y P.Q. 
 Fleming, Gavin, J. P. {North Brant.) 
 8. of the late Mr. John Fleming, by Marganjt Dobbie, both of 
 whom came to Can., fiom 8cot., 1831. B. at the farm of Shield- 
 hill, near Falkirk, Sterlingshire, Scot., 5 June, 1826 Ed. at Fal- 
 kirk. Came to Can., 1849, and for 20 years was a merchant at 
 Glenmorris ; retired from business, 1871 . Was Treasur ^ of South 
 Dumfries for four years. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 
 at g.e., Ife72; re-elected by acclamation at last g. e. A Liberal,, 
 and a supporter of the present Administration. "Advocates a 
 Prohibitory Liquor Law ; an Elective Senate ; a liberal land policy ; 
 the enfranchisement of the Indians in the older settled districts of 
 the country ; and is in favor of a fair and equitable Reciprocity 
 Treaty . " — Glenmorris, Ont . 
 Flbshbu, William Kingston, J. P. (^East Grey.) 
 B. at Kingston-upon-Hull, Eng., 10 June, 1825. Ed there. A 
 millowner, and (Japt. 3lst "Grey" Batt. V. 1. Was Keeve of 
 Arte mesia for the long period of sixteen years. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for South Givy in Ontario Assembly at g . e . , 1867 . First 
 returned to Parlt. for present seat, at g. e., 1872 ; re-elected at last 
 g.e.. A Conservative and opptsed to the present Govt.. — Flesh- 
 ertoUf Ont. 

 'fi-.i ^' 
 Flynn, ZTon. Edmund PowEK. {Richmond, N. S.) 
 B. in Cape Breton. Ed. there. A merchant. Is a Coronor for 
 Richmond. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, N. S. from Nov. 
 1867, until Jan., 1874, and Commr. of Crown lands from April, 1871, 
 until date last mentioned, when he resigned. Sat for Richmond in 
 N. S. Assembly from g.e,, 1867, until Jan., 1874, when he resigned, 
 in order to contest the seat for the Commons, in which he was suc- 
 cessful. A Conservative, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Ad- 
 ministration . — Arichat . 
 FoHBES, James Fraser, M. D. (Queens, JV. S.) 
 Descended from the old Scottish family of Forbes, immediately 
 from Alaster-Cam., thiid bro. of Sir Alexander, afterward created 
 Lord, Forbes, 1405 . Great Grandfather, William Forbes, settled 
 in Island of St. Kitts, W.I., establishing a branch of the family 
 there. S. of Anthony V. S. Forbes, Esq., a native of St. Kitts, 
 and an officer in the 64th Rogt. , v/ho, after retiring from the army, 
 was apptd. Collector of Customs at Yarmouth, N. S. B. at Gib- 
 raltar, 1820. Graduated at University College, N. Y. M., Sarah 
 Jane, only dau. of W. S. Jacobs, Esq.: of Liverpool, N. 8. A 
 physician, and surgeon to Ist Batt. Queens Co. Militia. Has been 
 Coroner for the Co. for over 20 years . and Health Officer for Liver- 
 pool and the Co. for a longer period. Elected Presdt. Bank of 
 Liverpool, 1874. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g. e. , 
 1867; re-elected, by acclamation, at g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. 
 "His political views are, as they always have been, independent, 
 and he is an advocate of the Independence of Can . at an early 
 date " — Liverpool^ N. S. 
 Fraskr, James HARsaaw. {London.) 2nd Mem. 
 Of Scottish and Irish descent. S. of Major Fraser, of Westmin- 
 ster, Middlesex Ont. B. in Westminster. Ed. at London Gram- 
 mar School. M. Sophia, dau. of Judge Elliott, of London, Ont. 
 Studied Law with Mr. W m . (now Judge), Elliott, and was called to 
 the Bar, Ont. , and in Hilary Term, 1867 . First returned to Parlt,for 
 present scat, 18 Feb. 1874, on sitting mem, being unseated on pe- 
 tition. A Liberal Conservative and opposed to the present Adminis- 
 tration. — William St., London. 
 Qor for 
 a Nov. 
 lond in 
 -as 8UC- 
 iio Ad- 
 ^ settled 
 J family 
 b. Kitts, 
 le army, 
 at Gib- 
 [., Sarah 
 . 8. A 
 las been 
 r Liver- 
 Bank of 
 at g. e., 
 ist g.e. 
 n early 
 [n Gram- 
 m, Ont. 
 :;alled to 
 on pe- 
 Frbchbttb, Louis Honore. (Levis,) 
 B. at Levis, P. Q , 16 Nov. 1839. Ed. at the Seminary of 
 Quebec, St. Ann's College, and at the College of Nicolet. Un- 
 married. Called to the Bar, L. C, 1864. Author of two volumes 
 of poems, Mes Loisirs, (Quebec, 1863 )and La Voizd'um Exile, (Chi- 
 cago, 1868), and has contributed largely in prose and verse to the 
 Canadian periodical press. Was one of the Editors of Le Journal 
 cfe ^uc6gc for a short period, 1861, and in 1865 founded 2/5 Jowrna^ 
 rfe Zeyis, weich he conducted for some time. Eesided in Chicago 
 from 1866 to 1871, and while there contributed to the Tribune, ed- 
 ited VAmerique, and was for two years corresponding Sec'y . , in the 
 Land Bureau of the Illinois Central Railway Co. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for Levis in Quebec Assembly at g.e., 1871, and for same 
 Beat in House of Commons, at g.e., 1872. First returned at last 
 g.e. A Liberal ; and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration . 
 — 3, Port Dauphin St., Quebec. 
 Galbraith, Daniel. {North Lanark.) 
 Parents came from the Highlands of Scot. B . in the City of 
 Glasgow, Feb., 1813. Came to Can., 1821. M , 1850, Miss Janet 
 McFarlane, of Ramsay, Ont. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Brockville 
 and Ottawa Railway Co.; and Presdt. of the St. Andrew's Society 
 of Almonte . Was Reeve of Ramsay for many years, and held the 
 office of Warden of the United counties of Lanark and Renfrew, and, 
 after the division of the counties, of Lanark separately . Sat for 
 North Lanark in the Ont. Assembly, from g. e., 1867, until July, 
 1872, when he resigned, to contest the seat for the Commons, and 
 was elected; re-elected, by acclamation, at last g. e, " Has always 
 been a mem. of the Reform Party, and is a supporter of the present 
 Govt., under the leadership of Mr. Mackenzie, and in favor of their 
 policy as announced by the Premier in his address to the electors of 
 Lambton." — Almonte, Ont. 
 Gaudbt, Joseph, J"./*. (Nicolet.) 
 B. in Quebec. A mem. of th^ Council of Agriculture for 
 Quebec. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly, from g. e., 1857, 
 until the Union, when returned to Commons, where he has con- 
 tinued to sit. Represented same seat in Quebec Assembly, from 
 g. e., 1867, until g. e., 1871. A Conservative ; and opposed to the 
 present Go vt . — Gentillij, P.Q, 
! , 
 fl J 
 Gbopprion, //o« . Felix, iV. P. (Vercheres.) 2nd Mem. P.C, 
 S. of M. Felix Geoffrion by the late Catlierine Brodeur. . B. at 
 Vareimcs, P.Q., 4th Oct., 1832. M., Oct., 1856, Almaide, the 
 youngest dau. of Lieut. -Col. Joseph Danscreau, of Vercheres. A 
 Notary Public. Was Registrar for Vercheres from 1854 to 1863. 
 Has been Presdt. of the Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Railway. 
 Moved for Select Committee, 1874, to enquire into causes of the 
 difficulties existing in the N. W. Territory, IseO-'ZO, of which Com- 
 mittee he became Chairman, and prepared report submitted to 
 Parlt. Sworn of the Privy Council, and apptd. Minister of Inland 
 Revenue, 8 July, 1874. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from 
 1863 until the Union, when returned to Commons, where he has 
 since continued to sit. Re-elected by acclamation on his appt. to 
 office. Resigned portfolio in consequence of serious illness, Dec, 
 1876, retaining his seat in Pailt. A Liberal. — Ottawa ; Verchirea, 
 Gibson, William. ( Dundas . ) 
 B. in Dumfries-shire, Scot., 1815. Ed. at Annan and Dum- 
 fries. A miller. Is a dir. of the Ottawa Agricultural Fire Insur-v 
 ance Co. Has been a mem. of the Morrisburg Council for a number 
 of years. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, at g.e., 1872 j 
 re-elected at lastg.c. A Liberal, but sits as an independent man, 
 " for he could never accord a blind and slavish support to any min- 
 istry, no matter to which party it professed to belong." In favor of 
 " British Connection ; " a renewal of the Reciprocity Treaty with 
 the U.S., if it can be obtained rn equitable terms, not otherwise ; a 
 more careful expenditure of the public revenue, and such amend- 
 ment of the laws as will put it out of the power of any contractor or 
 corporation to attempt to buy the Executive and Parlt. of Can." 
 Mormburg^ Ont. 
 GiBBS, Hon. Thomas Nicholson. (^South Ontario.) 
 S. of Mr. Thos. Gibbs, who came to Can. from Kingsbridgo, 
 Devonshire, Eng., in 1819, settled at Terrebonne, P.Q , and in 1833 
 removed to Oshawa, Ont. ; and cousin of F. W. Gibbs. Esq., C.B., 
 formerly tutor to H. R H. the Prince of Wales. B. at Terrebonne, 
 11 March, 1821. Ed. in Eng. M., Aug., 1813, Almira, youngest 
 dau. of the late Joseph Ash, Esq., of Cobourg, Ont. . Head of the 
 firm of Gibbs & Brother, produce dealers and proprietors of the 
 Oshawf, Mills. Is a dir. of the Confederation Life Association ; of 
 the Dominion Telegraph Co.; and of the London and Canadian 
 Loan and Agency Co,; and President of the St. Lawrence Bank. 
 Was the first Reeve elected for Oshawa, 1850 ; and the first Warden 
 elected for the Co., 1854. Sworn of the Privy Council, 14 June, 
 1873, and was Secy, of State for the Provinces from that date until 1 
 July, when transferred to Inland Revenue Dept., where he remained 
 until the resignation of the Govt., 5 Nov., same year. Contested 
 North Ontario unsuccessfully at g.e., 1854. Sat for South Ontario 
 in Can. Assembly, from Jan., 1866 until the Union, when returned 
 to Commons, where he continued to represent South Ontario until 
 g.e., 1874, when defeated. Upon death (June 1, 1876) of sitting 
 mem. (Hon. M. Cameron) returned for South Ontario. — " Ellesmere 
 Bali;' Oshava, Out.; " U. E," Club, 
 GiBBS, William Henry, J. P. {North Ontario.) 
 Of Norman descent. S. of Mr. Thos Gibbs, a native of Kings- 
 bridge, Devonshire, Eng., who came to Can., 1819, and settled at 
 Oshawa, Ont., 1832, and younger bro, of the mem. for South 
 Ontario. B. at Terrebonne, Que., 29 Nov., 1823. M., 23 Dec, 
 1845, Frances, second dau. of the late Geo. Wells Colton, Esq., of 
 West Whitby, Ont. A mem. of the firm of Gibbs & Brother, pro- 
 duce dealers and mill owners, Oshawa. Has been Reeve of 
 Oshawa, and Deputy Reeve of Whitby, and Warden of Ontario. 
 First returned to Parlt.,at g.e., 1872. Defeated at g.e., 1874; 
 elected to present seat upon death (May 28, 1876) of the sitting 
 mem., Mr. Adam Gordon. A Conservative. — Simcoe St., Oshawa. 
 Gill, Charles Ionace, LL.B. (YamasJca.) 
 Ancestors were early settlers of New Eng. ; Samuel Gill, the 
 head of Can. branch of the family, was kidnapped when a child by 
 Indians, and brought to St. Francois de Yamaska, where, in 1710, 
 he married Miss James, who had also been kidnapped. S. of 
 Ignace Gill, Esq., whe represented Yamaska in Can. Assembly from 
 1854 to 1861. B. at Pierreville, P.Q., 1845. Ed. at Nicolet Col- 
 lego. Graduated as LL.B. at Laval University, 1867. M , Jan., 
 18 70, the dau. of L. A. S6necal, Esq , who represented Drummond 
 and Arthabaska in House of Commons, from 1867 until 1872. 
 Called to the Bar, L.C., Oct., 1867. Is a dir. of the Montreal, 
 Portland and Boston Railway Co. Sat for preseat seat in Quebec 
 Assembly, from g.e., 1871 until Jan., 1874, when he resigned, in 
 \ II 
 ': 1 I * 
 f in 
 order to contest the seat for the Commons, and was elected hj 
 acclamation. A Conservative. — Sorel, P.Q. 
 Gillies, John. {North Britce .) 
 Is Reeve of Elderslie, and has been Warden of Bruce. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1872; re-elected by 
 acclamation at last g e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 Mackenzie Administration. — Paisley j Ont. 
 GiLLMOR, Hon, Arthur Hill, Jr {Charlotte.^ 
 S. of Daniel Gilmor, Esq., J. P., of St. George, N.B.; and 
 grands, of Arthur Hill Gillmor, Esq., of Hillsborough, Co. Down, 
 Irel. B. at 8t. George. Ed. there. M., 1846, Miss Howe, of 
 Maine, U.S. A mill-owner. Sat for Charlotte in N.B. Assembly 
 from 1854 until 1.S66, when defeated on Confederation question. 
 V^as Provl. Secy, in Mr. A. J. Smith's Anti -Con federate Govt., 
 1365. Contested Charlotte unsuccesslully for House of Commons, 
 at g.e., 1872. First returned at last g.e. A Liberal ; and »* fully 
 endorses the course pursued by by the Opposition in the late 
 Parlt. in dealing with the Pacific Scandal, and condemns the conduct 
 of the Macdonald Govt, and all who sustained them in that trans- 
 action. Believes the present Govt, intend to legislate honestly 
 and fairly for the public good, and conduct the public business 
 economically, and he will therefore, give them a fair and generous 
 support." — Broadway, St. George, N.B. 
 GouDGE, MoNSon Henry. {Hants.) 
 S. of the late Henry Goudge, of Windsor, N. S. B there, 
 1831. Ed. at Windsor Academy. M. Miss Grant, of Kempt, 
 N.S. A merchant. Is Presdt. of the Young Men's Christian 
 Assn., Windsor; and a dir. of the Mineral Exploration and 
 Mining Assn., of N.S. An unsucc».8sful candidate for Hants, 
 against the late Hon. Joseph Howe, Jan., 1809. First returned on 
 the elevation of Mr. liowe to the Lieut.-Governorship of N.S. , 
 July, 1873. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal and a supporter of 
 the Mackenzie Administration. — Windsor, N.S. 
 GreenwaY; ThomaS. {South Huron.) 2nd mem. 
 Eld. 8. of the late Thos. Green way, Esq., formerly of Corn- 
 wall, Eng., and latterly of Stephen, Co. Huron. B. in Cornwall, 
 Eng., 1838. Came to Can., 1844, where he was ed. M, 25 Jan, 
 1860, Miss Annie Hicks (siic d., May, 1875.) Has been Reeve of 
 the Tp. of Stephen for the past ten years. An unsuccessful candi- 
 date for South Huron at g.e., 1872, and at g.o., 1874. First 
 returned to Parlt , for present seat (on sitting mem. being unseated), 
 11 Feb., 1875. An Independent Conservative . — Cetitralia, Ont, 
 Guthrie, Donald, Q.C. (South Wellington.) 2nd mem. 
 B. in Edinburgh, Scotland, 8 May, 1840. S. of late Mr. Hugh 
 Guthrie, of same place, by Catharine, dau. of Mr. John Macgregor, 
 of Rannoch, Perosturo, Scot. Ed. in Edinburg, and afterwards in 
 Toronto, Can. Studied law in the offices of Hon. Oliver Mowat, 
 and the late Hon. Ferguson Blair and Mr. Kingsmill. Admitted 
 an attorney, 1863 ; called to the Bar of Ontario Trinity Term, 1866. 
 M. Dec. 17th, 1863, at Montreal, Eliza Margaret, youngest dau. lato 
 Mr. John Mac Vicar, of Chatham Township, Ont., formerly of 
 Douglass, Argyleshire. Created Q.C, March, 1876. Is senior 
 partner in the law firm of Guthrie, Watt & Cutten, of Guelph. Has 
 been for seven years President of the Guelph Gas Light Co. First 
 returned to Parlt. 5th July, 1876> upon resignation of sitting mem. 
 A Liberal, and Siipporter of the present Dominion Govt. — " Craga- 
 nour" Guelph, Out. 
 Haqau, Albert . ( Prescoit . ) 
 Ancestors emigrated from Eng. to Massachusetts before the 
 Am. revolution. S. of the late Abner Hagar, Esq , J. P., who came 
 to Montreal, 1801, was a well-Unown merchant in that city, and 
 settled in PLantagcinet, 1820, by Hannah P. Barker, of St. Johnsbury, 
 Vt. Unmarried. A farmer, merchant, lumber dealer, and grist 
 and saw-mill owner. Is a dir. of the Ottawa Agricultural Fire 
 Insurance Co. Holds a captaincy in the Militia. Has been Local 
 Supt. of Schools; Reeve of North Plantagenet ; and Warden of 
 Prescott and Russell. First returned to Parliament for present 
 seat at g.e., 1867; re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 1872, and 
 again returned at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 Mackenzie Govt. — Plantagenet, Ont, 
 Hagqart^ John Graham. (^Soufh Lanark.) 
 S. of John Haggart, Esq., formerly of Brcadalbane, Perthshire, 
iva' '<•)' ' 
 (1 '1 
 k.t B 
 H lit! 
 Scot., but latterly of Perth, Lanark, Ont., by Isabella Graham, of 
 the Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scot. B. in Perth, Ont., 14 
 Nov., 1836. A saw and grist-mill owner. Was for several years 
 Mayor of Perth. An unsuccessful candidate for South Lanark in 
 Local Assembly at g. e., 1867, and in 1869. First returned to 
 Parlt. for present seat at g. e., 1872; re-elected at last g. e. A 
 Liberal-Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Perth, Ont. 
 Hall, 3 AKKS, C.F., P.L.S. {East Petcrbarough.) 
 S. of Mr. James Hall, of Clackmannanshire, Scot., who came to 
 Canada, 1820, and settled in Tp. of Lanark, Ont. B. in Clack- 
 mannanshire, April, 1806. Ed. at the Grammar School thert;. 
 M., 1st, in Dartmouth, N.S., 1830, Jane, second dan. of Samuel 
 Albro, Esq. (she d.): 2ndly, Aug., 1870, Miss Jane Giflford Fergu- 
 son, of Edinburgh, Scot. Practised his profession as a Civil Engi- 
 neer and Provincial Land Surveyor in Lanark, in Halifax, N.S. 
 (where he resided from 1829 to 1835), and at Peterboro'. Has been 
 Mayor of Peterboro'; a mem. of the Town and Co. Councils; and 
 Presdt. of the Peterboro' Literary Club. Was Sheriff of the United 
 counties of Peterboro' and Victoria, from 1856 to 1863*, when the 
 counties were separated, and of the Co. of Peterboro' from that time 
 until Nov., 1872, when he resigned. Sat for Peterboro' in Can. 
 Assembly from g.e., 1848, until g.e., 1851, when defeated. First 
 returned to Commons, for present scat, ar last g. e . A Reformer. 
 " When in Parliament before, supported the Buldwin-Iiafontaine 
 Ministry ; has been on the Liberal side of politics since that time, 
 and now re-enters Parliament to support the Mackenzie Adminis- 
 tration, so long as they adhere to their present Liberal policy, but 
 no longer. ' — Peterboro\ Ont . 
 Harwood, Robert William, J. P. (Vaudrenil.) 
 Second s. of the late Hon. Robert LTnwin Harwood, a mem. of 
 the Special Council, L.C., from 1838 to 1840, subsequently the rep- 
 resentative of Vaudrcuil in the Can. Assembly, and at his death, 
 1863, mem. for " Rigaud" in the L.C., Can., by Louise Josephine, 
 eld. dau. of Hon. M. E. G Alain Chartier de Lotbiniero, a mem. 
 of L.C., of L.C., and grand-dau. of the Marquis de Lotbiniere. B. 
 in Montreal, 27 Oct., 1826. Ed. at St. Sulpice College, in that 
 city. M., 7 Oct., 1856, Mary Charlotte, eld. dau. of John McGillis, 
 Esq., of Williainstown, Glengarry, Ont. A Captain in the Militia, 
 and Presdt. of the Commis' 'oners Court. Has been Warden of 
 Vaiulreuil. -An unsuccessful candidate for Vaudreuil in Quebec 
 Assembly at g. e., 187i . ^irst returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 at g. e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal Conservative.— 
 Vaudreuil^ P.Q. 
 2no Mem. 
 •Col. Nathaniel, J. P. (^North WeUingtoti) 
 B. in the Co. Caven, Irel., 1830. Ed. at National School there, 
 and afterwards by Kev. Wm. Little, of Cootehill. Came to Can. in 
 1846, and in 1848 settled at Guelph, where for twenty yenrs he car- 
 ried on business as Chemist and Druggists M., 1862, Margaret, 
 only dau. of David Allan, Esq., of Guelph. Is Presdt. of St. Pat- 
 rick's Society, of Guelph. Was a mem. of the Town Council of 
 Guelph for many years, holding offices of Deputy Reeve and Mayor 
 on st^veral occasions. Has been long and intimately connected 
 with the Volunteer Militia movement. Joined the active force, 
 1856; was present on the frontier four months during the first 
 Fenian Raid, 1866 ; and commanded the 30th Batt. Rifles (10 com- 
 panies) from its organization until his retirement from the force, 
 retaining rank, 1872. First returned to Parlt. at g. e., 1872; re- 
 elected at last g. e. Unseated on Petition, 3 Feb., 1875 ; re-elected 
 18 March, 1875. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Ad- 
 ministration.— ^?/ecn St.^ Guelph. 
 HoLTON, //:)n. LuTUER Hamilton, J. P. {Chateau ffuay.) 
 B. in South Leeds, Oct., 1817. Removed to Montreal, 1826, 
 where he entered mercantile life, and was for many years a mem. 
 of the firm of Hooker & Holton, forwarders. M. Miss Forbes. 
 Is honorary Presdt. of the Reform Assn. of the Parti National of 
 Montreal, and a Governor of McGill University (he being a mem- 
 ber of the Royal Institution for the advancement of learning). 
 Was a contractor for a portion of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence 
 Railway, Has been Presdt. of the Board of Trade (repeatedly); 
 and of the Montreal City and District Savings' Bank ; a Vice- 
 Presdt. of the Free Trade Assn.; a Harbor Commr ; a dir of the 
 City Bank ; and a member of the corporation of Montreal. Was a 
 mem. of the Ex, Council, Can,, from 2 to 6 August, 1858 (in the 
 Brown-Dorion Administration) ; and from May, 1863, to March, 1864 
 (in the Sandfield Macdonald Dorion administration) : and held the 
 office of Commissioner of Public Works, Can., on the first occa- 
 sion; and that of Minister of Finance on the latter. Was a 
 Govt, dir of the Grand Trunk Railway from Nov., 1852 to July, 
 1857. Sat for Montreal in Can. Assembly xrom 1854 till 1857, 
 when deteated . Was mem. for "Victoria" division in L. C, 
 Can, from Sept., 1862. to May, 1863, wh«n he resigned (on being 
 apptd. Minister of Finance), and was returned for present seat, 
 •which he represented until the Union . Returned to Commons at 
 g.e., 1867, again at g.e., 1872, and again at last g.e.. Represented 
 Montreal Centre in the Local House (^.vhere he led the English op- 
 position), from g. e., 1871, until 16 Jan., 1874, when he retired 
 from that body in order to confine himself to the House of Com- 
 mons. Entered Parlt. as an advanced Liberal, and has always 
 been in accord with the Liberal party, except on the question of 
 Confederation, which temporarily divided that party. Supports the 
 present Administration. — 1043, Sherhrooke St., Montreal ; St. Jametf 
 Club ; Rideau Club, 
 HoRTON, Horace. (^Centre Huron.) 
 S. of Henry and Sarah Horton, of Co. Kent, Eng., who came to 
 Can., 1831. *B. at Stallisfield, Kent, Eng., 9 Oct., 1823. Ed. at 
 Goderich. M. Hannah, second dau. of Robert Gibbons, Esq., 
 sheriff of Huron. Has been Mayor of Goderich. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present scat, at g.e., 1872; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. — 
 Goderich, Ont. 
 Huntington, Hon. Lucius Setu, Q.C. (She ford.) 2nd Mem. 
 The descendant of a New Eng. family that came to New Eng. 
 at the time of the Mayfoiver^ and participated in all the vicissitudes 
 of that time. No New Eng. family has more distinguished itself in 
 the Church, Field and Senate. {See Neio Eng. Genealogical Reg'ster.) 
 Grandf, aU.E. loyalist, removed to Can. and settled at Compton, 
 towards the close of the last century. S. of the late Seth Hunting- 
 don, Es' , of Waterville, P.Q. B. at Compton, P.Q., 26 May, 1827. 
 Ed. in Can. M. Miriam Jane, dau. of the late Major David Wood, 
 of Shefiord (she d. March, 1871.) Called to the Bar, L. C, 1853. 
 Created Q.C, 1863. A mem. of the law firm of Laflamme, Hunt- 
 ington & Laflamme, Montreal! Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, 
 Can., audSol.-Genl., l^.C, from May, 1863 to March, 1864, when 
 the Govt, (the Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion) resigned. Sworn of 
 the Piivy Council, 20 Jan., 1874, and was President of that body 
 from that time until appt^l. Postmaster-Genl . , 9 Oct., 1875. 
 I ■if 
 I. 1 
 (Salary. $1,000.) Acted as Minister of Public Works, during Mr. 
 Mackenzie's abscnco in Eng., 1875. Contesttd Shefford for Can. 
 Assembly,- 1860, on which occasion there was no return, and before 
 the Election Committee to which the matter was referred could 
 report, the Parlt. had expired. At the ensuing g.e., 1861, waa 
 elected, and he continued to represent Shefford until the Union. 
 Returned to Commons at g.e., 1867, at g.e., 1872, and again at last 
 g.e.; re-elected by acclamation on his appt. to office, A Liberal. — 
 Metcalfe St . , Ottawa; Waterloo, P. Q., 1124 St. Catharine St., Mon- 
 treal; "Bolton Lodge," Lake Memphremagog, P .Q . ; St. flames' Club; 
 Rideau Club. 
 HuRTEAD, HiLAiRB, iV.P. {V Assomptiou.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. at Contrecoiur, P.Q., 4 May, 1837. Ed. at L'Asisomptior. 
 College. M., 30 May, 1859, Mdlle. DelpiJ.ne Beaudoin. A 
 Notary Public. Was Mayor of St. Lin for three years, and Warden 
 of the County for an equal length of time. Has also held the office 
 of Secy .-Treasurer ot Schools. First returned to Parlt. , for present 
 seat, at last g.e ; unseated on petition, 24 Nov., 1874 : re-elected 
 by acclamation, 16 Jan. ,1875. A Liberal Conservative. — St. Lin, 
 IiiviNO, ^MiLius, (>. C. (IlamiKon.) 2nd Mem. 
 8. of the late Hon. Jacob iEmilius Irving, who after having 
 served as an officer in 13th Light Dragoons, with which he was 
 present at Waterloo, came to Can., 1834, and after the Union of 
 1840, sat in the L.C. as a prominent mem. of the Liberal party, 
 warmly supporting Messrs. Baldwin and Lafontaine in their 
 struggle with Lord Metcalfe, b" Catharine Diana, dau. of Sir Jere 
 Honfray, of Landaff House, Glamorganshire. B. in Eng., 1823, 
 Ed. at U. C. College, M., in Montreal, 1851, Augusta, dau. of 
 Col. Gugy, of Quebec. Called to the Bar of U.C , Michaelmas Terra, 
 1849. Created aQ.C, 1863. Held for a short period the office of 
 Clerk of the Peace of the Co. of Waterloo, Ont. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for present seat at g.e., 1872. First returned at last g.e. 
 Unseated o.i petition, 20 April, 1875; re-elected, 20 May, 1875. 
 Conducted the Crown business at York Assizes, held in Toronto, 
 Jan., 1877. A Reformer. — 137 James St., Hamilton; Toronto 
 Club ; Rideau Club ; Staiacona Club. 
'il . f! 
 1 ill. 
 Jbttb, Louis Am ABLE. {^Montreal East.) 
 8. of M. Amablc Jette, fonncrly a merchant at L'Assomption, P. 
 Q.jby Dame Caroline Gauftreau, grand-dau. of a St. Dominique 
 planter. B. at L'Assomption, 5 Jan., 1836. Ed. at L'Assomption 
 College. M. 23Apl., 1862, Berthe, dau. of tlio late Touasaint 
 Laflamme, Esq., of Montreal, and sister of the mem. for Jacques 
 Cartier. Called to the Bar, L. C, 1857. A corresponding mem. 
 of ihQ Soc ite de Legislation comparee de Paris (France); editor of 
 the Eevuf Critique de L^.gislation et de Jurisprudence du Canaday and a 
 cor '68 '^ndent of the Revue de Droit I))ti'rnational d: Gand (Belgium) 
 Is Treasurer of the Montreal Bar; a dir. of the Lsolated Risk and 
 Farmers' Fire Ins. Co.; of the Royal Mutual Life Assurance Co.; 
 and of the Laurenlides Railway Co.; and Presdt of the Reform 
 Assn. of the Paiti National. Was editor oi LOrdre for a short 
 period, 1862-63. As a lawyer was retained on behalf of the Sem- 
 inary of St. Sulpice in the celebrated Guibord case. First returned 
 toParlt. ag.e., 1872, (defeating the late Sir G. E. Cartier, Bart.) 
 re-elected by acclamation atlastg.e. A Liberal and a Nation- 
 alist ; and supports the present Administration ; strongly in favor 
 of a protective tariff, — 97, Hubert St., Montreal, 
 Jones, Lieut. -Col. Alfred Gilpin. {Halifax.) 
 Paternal ancestor, Josiah Jones, emigrated from Eng. to 
 Boston, in Am., as early as 1665 ; grandfather, Stephen Joues, a 
 graduate of Harvard college, was an officer in the King's American 
 Dragoons, and settled in N. S. at the closf^ of the Am. revolution- 
 ary war, where he died, 1830. S. of the late Guy Carleton Jones, 
 Esq., who held the office of Registrar of Deeds, Co. Digby, N. S. 
 B. at Weymouth, N. S., 28 Sept., 1824. Ed. there and at Yar- 
 mouth Academy. M., 1850, Margaret Wiseman, dau. of the Hon. 
 W. J. Stairs, (she d. Feb., 1865.) A mem. of the firm of Thos. 
 C. Kinnear & (To ., West India Commisision Merchants, Governor 
 of the Protestant Orphans' Home ; and of Dalhousic College ; a dir. 
 of tiie Nova Scotia Marine Insurance Co., Halifax, and 
 of the Acadia Fire Insurance Co. Was Lieut-Col., 
 commanding the 1st "Halifax" Brigade of Garrison Artiller 
 for some years . Sat for present seat from g.e., 1867 until g.e 
 1872, when defeated. Again returned at last g.e., and "havin,^ 
 been elected as the representative in some sort of both sides o 
 politics, and of the whole country, he will endeavor to honestly do 
 his duty to the whole community, irrespective of class or party.— 
 ^* Blooming dale ^" North West Arm, Halifax ; Halifax Club. 
 JovvSj Major David Ford. {^Sonih LfeJs.) 
 Of Welsh descent. Family came to Am. 1G45. 8. of the 
 late Hon. Mr. Justice Jones, of Toronto, and grandson of Ephriam 
 Jones, Esq , a U. E. Loyalist, both of whom at different periods 
 represented the Co. of Leed« in the U C. Assembly. B. at Brock- 
 ▼ille, Ont., 1818. Ed. at Upper Canada College. M. Rebecca 
 Ogden, dau. of William Roebuck, Esq, and neice of John Arthur 
 Roebuck, Esq., M. P. for Sheffield in the British House of Com- 
 mons. An extensive manufacturer of agricultural implements. 
 Has been Warden of Leeds and Grenville. Commanded the Ganan- 
 oque Artillery tor several years, and retired with the mnk of 
 Major, 1869. An unsuccessful candidite for present seat in Can . 
 Assembly at g. e., 1863. Sat for South Leeds in that House from 
 Jan., 1864, until the Union. First returned to Commons at last 
 g. e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Ganan- 
 ogne, Out.; Rideau Club, 
 Kerr, William, iJ/.^. (West Northumberland, Out.) 2nd Mem. 
 Father a native of Fermanagh, Irel. B. in Co. of Prince Ed- 
 ward, Unt, 1836. Ed. at Victoria University, Cobourg, where he 
 obtained degree of M.A., 1855. M. Miss Field, of Cobourg. 
 Called to the Bar, U.C., Hilary Term, 1859. Is a mem. of the 
 Senate, and Bursar, of Victoria University. Was eleven years a 
 mem. of Cobourg Town Council, during the last six of Vfhich he 
 held the office ot Mayor. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 at laRt g. e. Unseated on petition, 26 Sept., 1874; re-elected, 17 
 Nov., 1874. Created Q.C., 1876. A Liberal, and a supporter of 
 the Mackenzie Administration — King St., Cobourg , Ont. 
 KiLLAM, Frank. ( Yarmouth . ) 
 Third s. of the late Hon. T. Killam, some time a mem. of the 
 N. S. Assembly, and who sat for Yarmouth in the House ot Com- 
 mons from the Union until his death, Dec, 1868. B. at Yarmouth 
 about 1845. Ed. there and at SacUville, N.B. M., 1868, Ellen, 
 ^u. of Henry Hood, Es«».> of Yarmouth. A mem. of the exten- 
 "..ve tirm of Killam Bros., ship-owners and commission merchants, 
 ** a dir. of the Westt^rn Counties Railway; a governor of Yar- 
 mouth Seminary ; and a Vice-Presdt. of the Bt^ard of Agriculture, 
 N.S. First returned to Parliament, for present seat, on deitth of 
 his father, the sitting mem., Jan , 1869. Rt oi":ied at g. e., 1872, 
 J' I'' 
 ll'l i 
 i , 
 and again ut last p:. e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackcn- 
 alo Administration, — Ynnnoiith, N.S. 
 KuiK, 7ytew/.-(7<;^. John Angus. {Guysborovgh.) 
 S. of Angus Kirk, Esq., J. P.. and grands, of William Kirk, a 
 native of Duniirmline, Scot., who served in the British Army dur- 
 ing the Am. revolutionary war, and afterwards settled in N.S. B. 
 at Glenelg, N.S., I March, 1837. Ed at home. M., 1864, Sarah 
 Susannah, dau. of Mr. Timothy McLean. A farmer. Is Lieut. - 
 Col. 5th "Guysborough" Regt. of Militia. Was a Commr. witb 
 Messrs. Annand and Allison, to enquire into the system of manag- 
 ing inebriate asylums in the U.S. and neighboring Provinces, 1873. 
 Sat for present seat in N.S. Assembly trom g. e., 18G7, imtilJan., 
 1874, when he resigned in order to contest the seat for tho Oom- 
 mons, in which he was successful. A Liberal, and a supporter of 
 the Mackenzie Administration. — Glenelg, N.S. 
 KiRKPATRiCK, Lieut.-Col. Georqe Airey, LL.B. (^Frontenac.) 
 Fourth s. of the late Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., Q.C., a native 
 of Coolmine, near Dublin, who represented Frontenac in the House 
 of Commons from tho Union until his death, March, 1870, by the 
 dau. of the late Alex. Fisher, Esq., Judge of the Midland Dist. 
 B. iu Kingston, 13 Sept., 1841. Ed at Kingston Grammar School, 
 at High School, St. John's, P.Q., and at Trinity College, Dublin ; 
 graduated at latter institution as Moderator and Silver Medalist, 
 Dec, 1861, and received the degrees of B.A. and LL.B. M., 
 Oct., 1865, Frances Jane, dau. of the late Hon. John Macaulay. 
 She d.,Jan. 20, 1877. Called to the Bar, U.C., Hilary Term, 
 1865. Is Presdt. of the Kingston Waterworks Co.; Lieut.-Col. 
 commanding the 47th " Frontenac " Batt. V.I.; Vice-Presdt. cf 
 the Kingston Rifle Assn., and a dir. of the Kingston and Pembroke 
 Railway. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, April, 1870, on 
 death of his father, the sitting mem . ; re-elected by acclamation at 
 g. e., 1872; and again returned at last g. e. Commanded tho 
 Wimbledon Rifle Team, 1876. A Liberal Conservative, and op- 
 posed to the present Govt. — Khig St., Kingston. Out.; Toronto Glut; 
 Rideau Glub; « U.E." Club. 
 Laflamme, Todssaint Antoinb Radolphk, Q.C, D.C.L. (Jacquet 
 S. of the late Toussaint Laflamme, Esq., a merchant, J 
 ier of the Mackcn- 
 of William Kirk, a 
 I British Army dur- 
 settled in N.8. B. 
 . M., 1864, Sarah 
 farmer. Is Lieut. - 
 Vas a Commr. with 
 } system of manag- 
 ng Provinces, IS'ZS. 
 e., 18G7, untilJan., 
 seat for the Com- 
 and a supporter of 
 , Esq., Q.C., a native 
 ntenac in the House 
 I March, 1870, by the 
 f the Midland Dist. 
 on Grammar School, 
 ty College, Dublin ; 
 nd Silver Medalist, 
 A., and LL.B. M., 
 n. John Macaulay. 
 U.C, Hilary Term, 
 s Co.; Lieut. -Col. 
 I.; Vice-Presdt. cf 
 ston and Pembroke 
 seat, April, 1870, oe 
 by acclamation at 
 Commanded tho 
 onservative, and op- 
 Ont.; Toronto Club; 
 , D.C.L. (Jacques 
 ., a merchant, J 
 Montreal, by Marguerite Suzanne Thibaudcau, of Pointe Claire, a 
 dau. of one of the expelled Acadians from N.S. B. in Montreal, 15 
 ;May, 1827. Ed at St. Sulpice College. Unmarried. Studied law 
 with Hon. L. T. Dnimmond, Q.C., afterwards a Judge of the Court 
 of Queen's Bench, and was called to the Bar, L.C., 1849. Created 
 Q.C., 1863. Head of the extensive law firm of Laflamme, Hunting- 
 ton & Laflamme, Montreal, and in his professional capacity has 
 appeared on several occasions before the Judicial Committee of tho 
 , Privy Council in England, He was also Council for the Seigneurs 
 'who claimed their idemnity in virtue of the Seigniorial Act, 1857-8. 
 Was one of the earliest members of the L.C. Rouge party ; became 
 one of tho editors of I/Avenir\ and was in 1847 elected Presdt. of 
 the Institut Canadien Montreal, of which he was one of the founders. 
 Is Professor of the Law of Real Estate in McGill University, from 
 i which institution he received the hon. degree of B.C.L., 1856, and 
 ^ that of D.C.L., 1873. Is also a mem. of the Executive of the 
 j Reform Assn., of the I'arti National of Montreal. Declined a 
 : Puisne Judgeship in the Supreme Court, 1875. First returned to 
 Parlt., fo*- present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected by acclamation at 
 last g.e. Sworn a member cf the Privy Cmncil as Minister of 
 Inland Revenue, Nov., 1876, and re-electec' Nov. 28th. "Is of 
 opinion that the present Govt., notwithsir'.ding the short time it 
 has been in power, has done more for the country than any which 
 has preceded it. The French Canadians are under peculiar 
 bligations to it, having received from it that Justice which had 
 een aforetime refused to them," — 294, Lagnuchetitre St., Montreal; 
 St. James^ Club ; Eideau Club. 
 [Lajoih, Charles Gbrin. (iS'^ Maurice.) 
 Eld. s. of Andre G^rin-Lajoie, Esq., of Yamachiche, P.Q., 
 Iby Ursule Caron, dau. of Charles Caron, Esq., who represented St. 
 IMaurice in the L. C. Assembly for a considerable period. B. at 
 Yamachichie, 1824. Ed. at Nicolet College. M., Mdlle. Dupont 
 j(she d.) A mill-owner and manufacturer. Sat for present seat in 
 Can. Assembly from g.e-, 1863 until the Union. First returned to 
 Commons at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. — Yamachichie, P. Q. 
 [Landkrkiw, George, 31. B., {South Gi eg.) 
 S. of the late Mr. James Landerkin, a native of N.S., who 
 Iscttled in in Co. Simcoo, Ont., 1824. B. at West Gwillinb'iry, 
 ! k 
 .! V.' ' 
 Uv 1 
 ;» , 
 ^imcoe, 20 July, 1839. Ed. at Victoria College, Cobourg, where he 
 graduated as M.D., 1862. M., 15 Feb., 1870, Miss M. Kirkendal of. 
 Elora, Ont. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, at g.e., 1872 , 
 re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. — Ilanoverf Ont . 
 LiNGEviN, Hon. Hectob Louis, C. li., Q. C. (Chirlevoiz). 
 S. of the late John Langevin, Esq ., formerly Asst. Civil Sec'y 
 under the Earl of Gosford and Lord Snydenham, during the period 
 those noblemen held the office of Governor General, by the lati 
 Sophia Scholastique La Force, whose father, Major La Force, wenl^ 
 with his militia-men to the frontier in the war 18l2,and whose grand 
 father was acting Commodore of the British fleet on lake Ontari 
 during the Am. Revolutionary war ; and brother of His Lordship 
 the Right Rev. Jean Langevin, Bishop of St. Germain de Rimouski 
 B. in the city of Quebec, 25 Aug., 1826. Ed. at the Seminary o 
 that city. M. 1854, Justice, eldest dau. of the late Lieut-Co\3 
 Charles II. Tetu, J. P. Studied law first with the late Hon. A. N[i 
 Morin, and afterwards with th late Hon. Sir Reorge E, Cartier^ 
 and was called to the Bar, L. C., October, 1850. Created Q. C.q| 
 30 March, 1864. Was editor of the Melanges Religieux (Montreal W 
 fiom 18-17 to 1849, and also of the Journal d' Agriculture (8amecity)jl 
 and at a later pel iod (1857) of the Courrier du Canac?a (Quebec. ) 
 Sat as a mem. of the (Jity Council, Quebec, for some years, and was 
 Chairman of the Waterworks Committee, Was Secy-Trt^asurci 
 and afterward} Vice-President of the North Shore Railway Co. 
 Mayor of Quebec from Jan , 1858 to Jan., 1861, and during his in 
 cumbency visited England on matters affecting the city tinanceSj 
 etc.; for two years, 1861 and 1862, Prcrdt. of St. Jean Baptistc 
 Society (Quebec;; and in 1803 and 1864, Presdt. of the Institu 
 C^awrtfieVn, same city. Author of La Canada, ses institutions, etc ., s{ 
 prize essay (Quebec, 1855), ard of Droit Adminislralif ou Manuel dei 
 .Paroisseset Fabriques (do., 1862. > Was a mem of the Ex. Council 
 Can. from 30 M.irch, 1864, until the Union ; and held the offices ol 
 Solicitor-Genl., L.C., from 30 March, 1864 to Nov. 1852 ; and 
 Postmaster Geul, froni latter period until the Union. Was sworn of the 
 Privy Council, 1 July, 1867, when appointed Secrettiry of State 
 of Canada, in which office he remained until transferred to tlio 
 Publk; Works Departmimt, 8 Dec, 1860. Was, while at the State 
 Department, ex-offi,cio Registrar General of Canada, and Supdt. Gen! 
 of Intlian Affairs. \/as a Conimr. to assist Mr. Speaker in the 
 management of the interior economy of the House of Commons; also 
 ge, Cobourg, where helairman of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council . Created 
 Miss M. Kirkendal of, Companion of the Most Honourable order of the Bath (Civil) by 
 ent seat, at g.e., 1872 ; er Majesty, 1868. Created a Knight Commander of the Roman 
 orter of the Mackenzie ^dev of Pope St. Gregory the Great, 1870. V7as a delegate to the 
 harlottetown Union Conference, 1864; to that in Quebec in same 
 iar ; and to the London Colonal Conference, 1866-7, to complete 
 (Chjrlevoix). rms of Union B.N. A. Provinces. In 1871, at the desire of the 
 rivy Council, visited British Columbia with the view of acquiring 
 lerly Asst. Civil Sec'y knowledge of that new Province in relation to the Pacific Rail- 
 ,m, during the periods ^y and its western terminus, and also of studying the requirements 
 General, by the late • the Province, and ascertaining personally what public works 
 Major La Force, weni, gj.^ necessary for it. On his return he published a report, con- 
 18l2,and whose grand- jning much information about British Columbia, and making 
 fleet on lake Ontariq ^own its present position and immense wealth and resources, 
 other of His Lordshijjj )ttawa, 1872.) Acted as leader of the L. C. Conservatives in the 
 |}ermain de RimouskijLggion of 1873,dul-iDg the absence, in Eng., of Sir George Cartier, 
 Id. at the Seminary om^d was selected by the Conservative members, after Sir George 
 )f the late Lieut-Col 
 irtier's funeral in Montreal in June, 1873, as the Conservative leader 
 es Religieux (Montreal^|i;irert 
 4^ncM/iMre (same city)g Nov., 1873. He also represented Dorchester in Local House 
 He had ceased to be a Cabinet Minister with hit^ colleagues 
 du. Crtnaia (Quebec.) om g.e., 1867, to g.e., 1871, when returned for Quebec Centre 
 »r some years, and was yr acclamation; retired, Jan., 1874. Elected for Charlevoix 
 Was Secy-Treasurei anuary, 1876. Election' contested. Respondent sustained, and 
 1 Shore Railway Co. ase appealed to and argued before Supreme Court, Feb. 2nd, 1877. 
 61, and during his in- )eci8ion deferred. A Conservative. — Coraer of St. Louis and St. 
 ing the city finances, Jrsuie streets, Quebec ; Stadacona Club ; Rideau Club . 
 of St. Jean Baptistc 
 resdt. of the Instituj^ x^^j^ois, 3 exs, L. L.D., Q.C. (Mont mo r end.) 
 ses institutions, etc . , 
 nislratif ou Manuel dei 
 m of the Ex. Council 
 to Nov. 1852 ; and 
 lion. Was sworn of the 
 ;d Secretiiry of Stato 
 il transferred to the 
 as, while at the State 
 Eida,andSupdt. Genl. 
 Mr. Speaker in tha 
 »use of Commons; also 
 B. at St. Laurent, Island of Orleans, P. Q. Ed. at the Seminary 
 f Qu<;bec. M , March, 1870, Mary Josephine, 2d dau. of tht, late 
 nd held the offices o||ion. John Sandfield Macdonald, Q.C., M.P., first Prime Minister 
 nd Attorney-Genl . of the Province of Ontario, Called to the Bar, 
 j.C, 1847, Created a Q.C., 1873, A mem, of the extensive 
 aw firm of Ti'inglois, Angers and Colston, Quebec, Was professor 
 f Criminal Law in Laval University (from which he obiained degree 
 >f L.L.D., 1865.) from 1858 to 1867 ; and JUtonnieroi the Quebec 
 3ar, 1871. Was BiUonnipr (rcneral oi the Quebec Bar, 1875. First 
 returned to Parlt., Dec., 1807, for present seat, on resignation of 
 itting mem .; re-elected at g.e., 1872 ; and retiirnL-dby acclamation 
 atlastg.e. A Conservative. — -^3,81. I'rsule street, Quebec; Sta 
 acona Club , Rideau Club. 
 LANTiBn, Jacques Philippe, J. P. {Soulanges . ) 
 Family came from Brittany. S. of M. Antoine Lantier, I 
 Marie Keine Ramour. B. at St. Polycarpe, P.Q., 21 July, 181^ 
 Ed. at Nicolet College, and at the College of St. Sulpice, Montrea 
 M., 24 May, 1865, Delle. Julienne Bonville. A store-keepe 
 Author of a pamphlet on the Cascades and Coteau Landing Cana 
 and of another on the Ha jours of Coteau Landing and Cascadi 
 Bay. Sat for Vaudreuil in Can. Assembly from 1844 to 184"; 
 First returned to Commons for present seat at g. e., 1872; r 
 elected by acclamation at last g . e . A Conservative. Gave noti( 
 of motion, 1873, for an address to the Queen, praying Her Majestl 
 to grant a lull and complete pardon and amnesty for all acts, crime| 
 and offences committed in Manitoba previous to its being incorpo 
 ated with the Union. " In favor of the consolidation of B, A.; tl 
 'mprovement of the navigation of the St. Lawrence ; the develoij 
 ment of our resources ; the extension of our trade ; and protectio* 
 to manufacturers . " — St. rolycarpe, P.Q. 
 Lajrieb, Wilfrid, B . C. L . (Druvimond a)id Ai thabaska . ) 
 Family among the first established in La Nouvelle France . 
 of late M. Carolus Laurier, P.L.S. B. at St. Lin, L'Assomptioi 
 P.Q., 20 Nov., 1841. Ed. at L'Assomption College. M. 13 Ma 
 1 868, Miss Lafontaine . Obtained degree of B . C . L . at McGill Un 
 versity, 1864. Studied law with Mr. R, Laflamme, Q.C., M.P 
 and was cailed to the B.ar, L.C., 1865. A dir. of the Royal Mutui 
 Life Insurance Co . Edited Le Defricheur newspaper for a shoi 
 time . Was a delegate to the Dominion Prohibitory Conventioi 
 Montreal, 1875. Sat for Drummond and Arthabaska in Queb( 
 Assembly from g. e., 1871, until Jan.. 1874, when he resigned, i 
 order to contest the seat for the Commons, in which he was su( 
 cessful . Was mentioned (Jan., 1877) as probable successor of Hoii 
 L. deSt. Just, as Minister of Agriculture. A Liberal, and a suf 
 porter of the pr^^sent Administration. — Arthabaskaville, P.Q, 
 Rideau Club, 
 Little, William Carrutiieks, J .P . {South Slmcoe.) 
 Third s. of John Little, Esq., of Pitchcombe House, iv i 
 i if 
 1 ■ i 
de street^ Quebec ; Sta> 
 M. Antoino Lautier, 
 pe, P.Q., 21 July, 181 
 roud, Gloucestershire, Eiig. B. in Eng. Ed. at Bedford Gram- 
 ar School. Served in the Royal Navy during the war with 
 lina, and was engaged in the Chinese Sea up to the close of the 
 ir, 1844. Came to Can. 1847, M., 1st, 1854, Mary, dau. of 
 iward Hamil, Esq., of Tyrone, Irel. (she d., 1866) ; 2ndly, 1869, 
 I ary Harriett, youngest dau . of Wm . Bennett, Esq . , of Claremont, 
 kering, Ont. Has heen a mem. of the Innisfil Municipal Coun- 
 )f St. Suipice, MontreaMfor twenty-four years, and of the County Council of Simcoe for 
 dlle. A store-keepe4hteen years. Is a Major South Simcoe Reserve Militia ; Reeve 
 J Coteau Landing CansBInnisfil ; Presdt. of Innisfil Agricultural Society ; and of South 
 1 Landing and Cascad^coe Liberal Conservative Assn. First returned to Par It. at 
 )ly from ""1844 to 184 
 seat at g. e., 1872 ; r 
 iservative . Gave noti 
 en, praying Her Majesty 
 lesty for all acts, crime 
 us to its being incorpo 
 isolidation of B . A . ; tl 
 |e., 1867, for present seat ; re-elected by acclamation at g. e., 
 '2, and again at last g. e. A Liberal-Conservative, and opposed 
 [the present Govt. — AllandaJe^ Orit. 
 JDONALD, Alexander Francis. (CornivalL) 2xd Mem. 
 Youngest s. of a Scottish Highlander .ind Roman Catholic who 
 Lawrence • the develoiWed in Glengarry, Ont, 1786 ; and a brother of the late Hon. J. S. 
 donald, Q.O., M.P., who represented Cornwall in the Can. Parlt. 
 iWing the whole period between the Union of 1841 and the Confeder- 
 n of B.N. A. in 1867 ; was Prime Minister of Can. from May, 1862, 
 arch, 1864, and first Prime Minister of his native Province after 
 nfederation. B. at St. Raphael's, Glengarry, Unt., 1818. Ed. at 
 hop's College, St, Raphael's, and at Cornwall Grammar School, 
 ier Dr. Urquhart. Unmarried. A dir. of the Canada Cotton Co. 
 St. Lin, L'AssomptioMs been an extensive railway contractor in Can. and the U.S, First 
 n College. M. 13 Majurned to ParU., for present seat, at last g. e. Unseated on petition, 
 jept., 1874; re-elected, 20 Oct., 1874. A Liberal ; and "finds him- 
 f free, now as on his first election, to say that he will give the Govt. 
 air and honest support so long as they continue to do what, aceord- 
 y to his judgment, is ri^ht Will consider carefully the Reciprocity 
 ,,.,., -^ ,. .—eaty, when it comes before the House, to the best of his iudgment. 
 Prohibitory Conventio«the interests of the country."-(7ornu-J//. ^ ^ 
 Arthabaska in Queb 
 , when he resigned, 
 in which he was su 
 mble successor of Hon 
 A Liberal, and a sufHd Bay'sl AcadViriy (Boyd"s)7Toronto. M., 1st, Eliza, dau. of Alex. 
 .irt/iubaskaville, P. (i^.^milton, Esq., (she d. Jan., 1856) . 2udly, Aug. 1867, Annie Elizabeth, 
 ly dau. of Samuel Alcorn, Esq., of Yorkville, Ont. Is head of the 
 tensive importing house of Jolin Macdonald and Co., Toronto, and 
 Simcoe.) ^uchester, Eng, Distinguished for his local philanthrophy and 
 blic spirit. Is a dir. of the Isolated Bank Insurance Co, ; mem. of 
 chcombe House. n'^W^ ^^S^i School Board of Toronto ; a mem. of ihe 
 r trade ; and protectio 
 d Aithabaska.') 
 La Kouvelle France . 
 B.C.L. atMcGillUnl 
 afiamme, Q.C., M.Pl 
 ir. of the Royal Mutua 
 newspaper for a shoj 
 MCDONALD, John, J. 2* 
 J. in Perth, Scot 
 {Toronto Centre). 2nd Mem. 
 Dec, 1824. Ed. at Dalhousie College, Halifax, 
 Council of the 
 hr V' 
 Evangelical Alliance of Ont. ; a mem. of uie Senate of tlie University 
 of Toronto ; a mem. of the Executive Commitiee of ilie General Con- 
 ference of the Methodist Church of Can ; Visl :or to Victoria Univer- 
 sity ; Vioe-Preidt.ol the Canada Landed Credit "^^ , and of the Upper 
 Canaaa Bible Society ; Treasurer of the Missionary Society of the 
 Methodist Church of Canada; Presdt. of the Canada Cur and Man- 
 ufacturing Co. ; of the Bible Society, YorkviUe ; and of the Y. M. C. 
 A. of Toronto [for past six years]. Has '.Iso been Chairman for 
 several years of the Toronto General Hospital. Author of '■'■ Busiw^sa 
 Success \ what it is, ajid how to secure it f a /'?f/if/re [Toronto, 1872]. 
 Was Presdt. of the Istand 2nd Conventions of the Y.M.C.A., Ontario 
 and Quebec. Sat for Toronto West in Can. Assembly from g.o., 1861 
 until ihc Union, when defeated for same seat in Commons. Returned 
 by acclamation for present seat, 21 May, 1875, to fill vacancy caused 
 by sitting mem. being unseated on petition. A Liberal. Declined to 
 follow the Reform parly into the Coalition of 18G4, and voted against 
 Confederation. — " Oakln.nds,^' Avenus JioacI, ForkviUe, Ont.; Toronto, 
 Macdonald, Tlie Right lion. Sir John Alexandek, K.C.B.,D.C.L., 
 lOxo^), LL.D., Q.C. iKingstoa.) 2nd Mem. P.C. 
 Eld. 8. of the late Hugh Macdonald, Esq., of Kingston, Ont , and 
 formerly of Sutherlandshire, Soot. B. 11 Jan., 1815. Ed. at the Royal 
 Grammar School, Kingston, under Dr. Wilson, a Fellow of Oxford 
 Univ. M., 1st, Isabella, dau. of the late Alexander Clark, Esq,, of 
 Dalnavert, Inverness-shire, Scot., (she d, 1856); 2ndly, 1867, Susan 
 Agnes, dau. of the late Hon. T. J. Bernard, a mem. of Her Majesty's 
 Privy Council of the Island of Jamaica. Studied law with the late 
 Mr. George Mackenzie, and was called to the Bar, {].G., Hillary Term, 
 1833. Created Q.C., 1846. A Bencher, ex-o^cio, of the Law Society of 
 Ontario ; and head of the extensive law firm of Macdonald, Patton & 
 Macdonald, Toronto, Is the grand representative in Can. of the Grand 
 Lodge of Aneient Free and Accepted Masons of Eng., and holds the 
 rank of a Past Grand Senior Warden of the Freemasons of Can. Was 
 a mem. of the Ex. Council of Can. from 11 May, 1847 to 10 March, 
 1848 (in the Administration of the late Hon. Mr, Morris); from 11 
 Sept., 1854 to 29 July, 1858 \\\\ the McNab-Morin, the Tache-Mac- 
 donald, and the Macdonald-Cartier Administrations); from 6 Aug., 
 same year, to 23 May, 1862 (in the Cartier-Macdonald Administra- 
 tion) ; and from 30 Alarch, 1864, until the Union (in the Tache-Mac- 
 donald and the Belleau-Macdonald Administrations) ; and was during 
 these several periods, Receiver-General from 21 May to 7 Dec, 1847 ; 
 Com. of Crown Lands from latter date to 10 March, 1848; Attorney- 
 General for U.C, from 11 Sept , 1854 to 29 Juljr, 1858, when as Prime 
 Minister he and bis Cabinet resigned, being defeated on the Seat of 
 Govt, question. Returned to office 6 Aug., same year, as Postmaster- 
 General, a position he resigned the following day, on his re-appoint- 
 ment as Attorney-General, U.O., which he continued to hold until the 
 defeat of the Administration on the Militia Bill, in May, 1862, when he 
 and his colleagues again retired from office. The late Sir George E. 
 Cartier and he led the Opposition in the Assembly, until the defeat of 
 the SandSeld Macdonald-Dorion Govt., when the Tache-Macdonald 
 Govt., was formed, 30 March, 1864, and he returned to his old office of 
 Attorney-General, and was Govt, leader in the Assembly from that 
 time until the Union of the B.A. Provinces, 1867. Held the office of 
 Minister of Militia Affairs jointly with that of Attorney-General, from 
 Jan. to May, 1862, and from Aug., 1865, until the Union. Was 
 requested to take the place of Sir E. P. Tache as Prime ]\linister on 'he 
 death of that gentleman in 1865, but waived bis claim in favor Sir N. 
 F. Belleau. Has been a delegate to Y- g. and other countries on pub- 
 lic business on many occasions, and wes a delegate to the Conference 
 in Charlotte town, in 1864, which had been convened for the purpose 
 of effecting a Union of the Maratime Provinces, to that which suc- 
 ceeded it in Quebec, same year, to arrange basis of Union of all B.A. 
 Colonies ; and was Chairman of the London Colonial Conference, 
 1856-7, when the Act of Union known as the " British North America 
 Act," was passed by the Imperial Parlt. On 1 July, 1867, when the 
 new constitution came into force, was called upon to form the first 
 Govt, for the New Dominion, and was sworn of the Privy Council, 
 and apptd. Minister of Justice and Attorney-Genl. of Canada, an 
 office ne continued to fill until he and his ministry resigned on the 
 Pacific Railway charges 5 Nov., 1873. In 1871 was appointed oue of 
 Her Majesty's Joint High Commissioners u A Plenipotentiaries, 
 together with Earl de Grey (now Marquis ' i' Kipon), Sir Stafford 
 Northcote, Sir Edward Thornton and Rigfit Hon. Montague Bernard, 
 to act in connection with five Commissioners namen by the President 
 of the United States for the settlement of the "Alabama" claims, and 
 of matters in dispute between Great Britain and the United States, 
 the labours of which Joint High Commission resulted in the Treaty of 
 Washington, signed at Washington, US., on 8th May, 1871. Received 
 degree o*' D.C.L. [hon.] from Oxford University, 1^C5. Is also an LL.D. 
 of Queen's University, Kingston, and a D.C.L., v.f the University of 
 Trinity College, Toronto. Created K.C.B. [civil], by Her Majesty 
 July, 1867. Created a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of 
 Isabel la Catolica [of Spain], Jan., 1872. Apptd. a mem, of Her 
 Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, July, 1872. Unanimously 
 elected leader of the Can. Liberal Conservative Opposition, 
 6 Nov., 1873. Sat for Kingston in Can. Assembly from Nov., 
 1844 until the Union. Returnrjd for same seat in the Commons at g.e,, 
 1867; at g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 21 Nov., 
 1874 ; re-elected, 29 Dec, 1874. The following are among the principal 
 measures which have been carried through Parlt. by the Right. Hon. 
 Knight, viz— The secularization of the clergy reserves; the improve- 
 * si'. 
 ment of the criminal laws; tbe promotion of public instruction; the 
 consolidaiion of the statutes ; the extension of the municipal system ; 
 the reorganization of the militia; the settlement of the Seat of 
 Government question; the establishment of direct steam mail com- 
 munication with Europe ; the establishment of additional peniten- 
 tiaries, criminal lunatic asylums and reformatory prisons, and provid- 
 ing for the inspection thereof; the providing for the Internal Economy 
 of the House of Commons; the reorganization of the Civil Service on 
 a permanent basis ; the construction of the Intercolonial Railway ; 
 the enlargement of the canals; the enactment of a stringent election 
 law; the ratification of the Wnshington Treaty; the Confederation of 
 British North America ; and the extension tnd consolidation of the 
 Dominion. In his present position, as leader of the Opposition, Sir 
 John, has, on several occasions given the Government the benefit of 
 his ability and long experience in perfecting several of their most 
 important measures, notably the Insolvent Act, and the Act constitut- 
 ing the Supreme Court of the Dominion. — George St., near University, 
 Toronto ; Kingston; Ottaiva [during Session o/l87T} 119 O'Connor St.; 
 Stadacona Club; " U.E:' Club; Rideau Club; Yacht Gh'h. 
 (,;•»/ ! 
 MacDonxell Samuel, Q.C. {Inverness.) 
 Fifths, of the late Donald MacDonnell, Esq., of St. Andrews, Anti- 
 gonish, N. S., by Miss Mary Macdonald, Knoidart; and grands, of 
 Donald MacDonnell, Esq., Glengary, Scot., who came to N.S., 1820, 
 and settled in Hants. B. at St. Andrews, April, 1834. Ed. at St. 
 Andrew's Grammar School. M., 1866, Annie, second dau. of Hon. 
 Peter Smy^.h, M.L.C.,of N.J Called to the Bar, N.S., .d62. Created 
 at Q.C, 1867. A master in the Supreme Court of N.S. Was a 
 Comrar. in charge of a detachment of H. M's I7th Regt , to suppress 
 the riot at Sidney Mines, 1804. Sat for Inverness in N.S. Assembly 
 from 1863 until 1867' and from g.e., 1871 until Aug., 1872, when he 
 resigned to contest the county for the Commons, in which he was 
 successful ; re-elected at last g.e. While in the Assembly seconded 
 the motion of Hon. W. Miller referring the Quebec terms of Union to 
 tiitt Imperial Govt, for such modifications as would make them more 
 acceptable to the people of N.S. An unsuccsssful candidate for same 
 seat in Commons ai g.e., 1867. A Conservative and a Unionist; sup- 
 ports the Mackenzie Administration. — Fort Hood, N. S. 
 Macdouoall, Colin. {East Elgin). 2nd Mem. 
 S. of the late Mr. Lachlin Macdougall, a native of the lale of Mull, 
 Scot., who when young came with his parents to New York city, and 
 in 1816 removed to Can., where he became a settler in Aldborough, 
 Elgin, Ont., by Sarah Ruthven, a native of Argyleshire. B. in Aid- 
 borough, 3 March. 1834. Ed. in Can., and at Michigan Universiiy. 
 M., Feb. 1864, ^liss Catherine Rose, of St. Thomas, ( nt. Called to 
 the Bar, Ont., in Hilary Term, 1869. Was Reeve of Aliborough, 1857- 
 58, and again in 1860-61. A delegate to the Domiiiion Prohibitory 
 Convention, Montreal, 1875. An unsuccessful candidate for West 
 Elgin in House of Commons at g.e., 1867. First returned to Parlt. 
 for present seat, 6 Aug., 1874, on death of sitting mem. A Liberal. 
 ** Is in favor of tlie Reciprocity Treaty now pending, in nearly all of 
 its provisions ; of the reorganization of the Senate , and generally, of 
 the policy of Mr. Mackenzie's Administration. Is committed to a 
 Prohibitory Liquor Law — in fact he stakes his political existence upon 
 it."— ^^ Thomas, Ont. 
 Mackay, Newton Leoayet, Q.C. {Cape Breton.) 
 Of Scottish descent. S. of the late William McKay, Esq , C. E. A 
 native of Halifax, N.S. Ed. at Dalhousie College in that city. M., 
 Kate, eldest dau. of the late Edward C. Bown, Esq., of Halifax (she 
 d. Oct., 1874). Called to the Bar, N.S., 1859. Created a Q.C, 1872. 
 Is County Treasurer for Cape Breton. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 Cape Breton in N.S. Assembly at g.e., 1867, and at g.e., 1871. First 
 returned to Parlt. at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e. A supporter of 
 the Reform party sirico the Pacific Railway disci'jsures. — ^'■Rockaxvayl^ 
 near Sidney^ C. U. 
 Mackenzie, Hon. Ai.exandeu. {Lnmbton.) l\C. 
 Third s. of the late Alexander Mackenzie, of Logierait, Perth- 
 shire, Scot., by Mary, second dau. of Mr. Donald Fleming, of the same 
 })ari8h ; and grands, of Mr. Malcolm Mackenzie, of Strathturamel. The 
 family, consisting of the parents and seven sons, came to Can., 1842. 
 One of the sons — the late Hope F. Mackenzie, Esq., represented 
 Lambton and afterwards North Oxford in the Can. Assembly for some 
 years. B. near Dunkeld, Perthshire, 28 Jan., 1822. Ed. at the public 
 Bchools of Moulin, Dunkeld and Perth. M., Ist, Helen, dau. of the 
 late Mr. Wm. Neil, of Irvine, Scot. (she. d. 2 Jan., 1852) ; 2ndlv, 17 
 June, 1853, Jane, eld. dau. of the late Mr. Robert Sym, of Perthsnire, 
 Scot. In youth learned the business of a builder and architect, and 
 after arrival in Canada, became a contractor. For some years edited 
 ihe Lambton Shield, a Reform journal. Is Presdt. of the Isolated Risk 
 and Farmers' Fire Insurance Co. ; and a Commr, ex officio, to assist 
 Mr. Speaker in the management of the interior economy of the House 
 of Commons. Was Major 27th "Lambton" Batt. of V.I., for some 
 years up to Oct., 1874, when he resigned. Was a mem. of the Ex. 
 Council and Treasurer of Ont. (in Mr. Blake's Administration), from 
 21 Dec, 1871, until Oct., 1872, when he retired with Mr. Blake for the 
 purpose of confining themselves entirely to Dominion politics. 
 Declined a seat in the Can. Cabinet, on the occasion of the retirement 
 .' I ' 
 ^ « • 
 of Mr. Brown, 1865. Was leader of Ontario Reform Opposition in 
 House of Commons from the Union until 1873, when elected Leader of 
 the whole Opposition party, and continued in that position until 5th 
 Nov., 1873, when, owing to the resignation of Sir John Macdoaald, he 
 was called on to form a new Administration, a duty he succeeded in 
 accomplishing on the 7th of the same month, when he ».nd his 
 colleagues were sworn of the Privy Council, he (Mr. M.) taking the 
 office of Minister of Public Works. {Salary, $8,000.) Proceeded to 
 the Mother Country on publ'c business, June, 1875, and while there 
 was presented with ' •? Fr >m of Irvine, Dundee and Perth, and 
 visited Her Majesty at Wf?i< jr Castle. Sat for present seat in Can. 
 Assembly from 1861 Ui... -l \hv i nion. Returned to Commons at g.e., 
 1867, and at g.e., 1872 , '!..:kiie«i by acclamation on his apptd. to 
 office, and again at last g,e. R» ]• sented West Middlesex in Local 
 House, from g.e., 1871 until Oct., i872, when he resigned. Several 
 important measures owe their existence to Mr. M., as a private member, 
 viz — the Act amending the Assessment Act of U.C. (1863) ; that con- 
 solidating and amending the acts relating to the Assessment of 
 Property, U.C. (1866); and the highly useful measure for providing 
 means of egress from Public Buildings (1866). As Chairman of Com- 
 mittee on Municipal and Assessment laws (1866), wrote and framed 
 the greater part of the General Act on Municipal Corporations, &c. 
 All the measures of his Government, including the enactment of a 
 stringent election law, with the trial of election petitions by judges, 
 and vote by ballot ; the abolition of the real estate qualification of 
 members ; the inspection of produce and weights and measures ; the 
 better administration of Penetentiaries ; the enactment of the Marino 
 Telegraph law, wnich virtually abolishes the monopoly of the Cable 
 Company ; the establishment of a Dominion Military College, and the 
 improvement of the militia system ; the enlargement of the Canals ; 
 the permanent organization of the Civil Service; the establishment of 
 a Supreme Court for the Dominion ; the reduction of postage to and 
 from the U.S.; the free delivery of postal matter in cities and towns ; the 
 opening of direct mail communication with the West Indies ; the con- 
 struction of a transcontinental telegraph line; the better administra- 
 tion of Government Railways ; an improved copyright law ; the adop- 
 tion of a final route for the Pacific Railway; the opening of negotia- 
 tions, conducted on our behalf by our own delegate in person, between 
 Can. and the U.S. for the establishment of an equitable Reciprocity 
 Treaty between the two countries ; a new insolvent law ; and 
 the establishment of a territorial government for the great North- 
 West, have all been more or less moulded and directed 
 by him. In addition, two very important questions, which for 
 some time agitated the public mind and threatened the gravest compli- 
 cations — the Manitoba Amnesty and the New Brunswick school ques- 
 tions—have been satisfactorily adjusted, during Mr. M.'s administra- 
 tion, A Liberal ; and " has always held those political principles — 
 which by some in England may be considered peculiar— of the 
 universal brotherhood of man, no matter in what ranlc of life he maj 
 have taken his origin. Has believed, and now believes, in the extinc- 
 tion of all class legislation, and of all legislation that tends to promote 
 any body of men, or class of men, for the mere fact of their belonging 
 to a body or class, to a higher position politically than any other class 
 in the country. In our great colonies, while no fault is' found with 
 the political organization of the Mother Country, or of any other 
 country, we take our stand simply and completely on the ground that 
 every man is equal in the eye of the law, and has the same oppor- 
 tunity, by exercising the talents with which God has blessed him, of 
 rising in the world, in the confidence of his fellow-citizens— one maa 
 quite as much as another. Believes thoroughly in party government 
 and that it is utterly impossible to conduct the G( . of a new country 
 without it. Sees no reason to doubt that the polu v i ich has always 
 been held by the Liberal party, and which the r '^ser Vdministratioa 
 are endeavouring to carry out, is one that will u' imiiicly and at no 
 distant day bring about that jjolitical peace w' ' > iil enable us to dis- 
 cuss poltics in a respectable way without beinj'' Iol .'d to discuss Pacific 
 Scandals and things of that sort, will bring in*o harmonious action all 
 sections of the Dominion, enable every Cana' 7 :■} be proud to speak 
 of himself as a Canadian, and will promote tho cultivation of a broad 
 national spirit which must be cultivated if we are to become a great 
 people on this continent. While an earnest advocate and upholder of 
 the present connection with the Mother Country, he will always 
 endeavour to maintain Canadian rights and to bring Canada into 
 prominence in the eyes of the world." — 190, Wellington jS7., Ottawa; 
 Sarnia, Otit ; liideaii Club. 
 Macmillan, Dcjncan, li.A. (East Middlesex.) 2nd Mem. 
 Second s. of William Macmillan, Esq.. P.L.S., and grands, of the 
 late Duncan Mackenzie, Esq , J. P., who served throughout the Penin- 
 sular War, and on the reduction of the army came to Western Can., 
 1817, where he continued to reeide up to his death, Aug., 1875. B. iti 
 the Tp. of London, Middlesex, Out., 11 Feb., 1837. Ed. at Queen's 
 University, Kingston, where he graduated B.A., 1857. Unmarried. 
 Studied law with Sir John A. Macdonald, and was called to tht Bar, 
 Ont, in Easter Term, 18G1. First returned to Parlt. [on sitting mem. 
 being unseatedl, 28 Jan., 1875. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed 
 to the present Govt. — London, Ont, 
 - i 
 i, }M^ 
 Masson, Lieut.-Col. Louis Francois Roderiqub. {Terrebonne.) 
 Fourth s. of the late Hon. Joseph Masson, and bro. of the late 
 Hon. Edouard Masson, M.L.C. B. at Terrebonne, P.Q., 7 lYov., 1833. 
 Ed. at the Jesuit College, Georgetown, and at Worcester, U.S., and 
 lie ■/ 
 i ■"■ 
 complet/d his classical studies at the College of St. Ilyacinthe, P. Q. 
 M., 1856, Louisa Rachel, eld. dau. of the late Lieut.-Col. Alexander 
 Mackenzie, and grand-daughter of the late Hon. Roderick McKenzte, 
 au Ex. Councillor of the L.C, and a partner in the North-West Fur 
 Co. Called to the Bar, L.C, Nov., 1859. Has held a commission in 
 the Can. Volunteer Militia force since Oct., 1862, and was apptd. Bri- 
 gade Major 8th Military Dist., L.C, 21 Aug., 1863, which he resigned, 
 Jan., 1868. Served on the frontier during the first Fenian Raid, 
 March, 1866, and was on active service during the second raid, in the 
 same year ; promoted to present rank 1867. Elected Mayor of Terre- 
 bonne 1874. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, by acclama- 
 tion, at g. e., 1867 ; re-elected, by acclamation, at g. e., 1872, and again 
 at last g. e. A Conservative. Has taken strong ground in favor of 
 an amnesty for political offences in Manitoba, and of a settlement of 
 the N.B. School question, and declined a seat in the Macdonald Cabi- 
 net in the fall of 1873, principally on account of the unsettled state of 
 those questions. Is in favor of a Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S. oa 
 fair and equal term r ; of a moderately protective tariff ; of the con- 
 struction of a Canadian Pacitic Railway, wholly on Can. soil, as soon 
 as the finances and circumstances of the country will permit. — Terre- 
 bonne, P.Q. 
 McCallcm, Laciilin. i^Monck.') 2ni) Mem. 
 B. in Scot. A shipbuilder and owner. Was Captain of tbe Dun- 
 ville Naval Co., which he commanded at Fort Erie during the Fenian 
 Raid, June, 1863. An unsuccessful candidate for Huldimand in Can. 
 Assembly at g. e., 1862. Sat for present seat, in House of Commons, 
 from g. e., 1867, until g. e., 1872, when defeated, and in the Ontario 
 Assembly from g. e., 1871, until Sept., 1872, when unseated on peti- 
 tion. Again returned to Commons at last g. e. Unseated on petition 
 12 May, 1875; re-elected 22 June, 1875. A Liberal Conservative, and 
 opposed to the present Govt. — Stronuiess, Onf. 
 McCarthy, Dalton. (Cardirell.) 
 Descended from an Irish family,hif« father being a solici. of Dublin, 
 and grandf., Bucknell Henry McCarthy, a mem. of the Irish Bar. B. 
 at Oakley Park, near Dublin, 10 Oct., 1836. Ed. at Rev. Mr. Ham- 
 man's School, Blackrock ; at Rev. Mr. Flynn's school, Dublin, and at 
 Barrie Grammar School. M., 1st, 2l8t Oct., 1867, Emma Katharine, 
 dau. of Edmund G. Lally, Esq , of Barrie [she d.] ; 2ndly, 15th July, 
 1873, Agnes Elizabeth, relict of Richard B. Bernard, Eiq. Contested 
 North Simcoe unsuccessfully, 1872-74. First returned to Parlt., 14th 
 Dec, 1876. Has been an elected Bencher of the Law Society fince 
 the elective system was introduced, under the late Hon. J. Sandfield 
 Macdonala's Act. Has been Presdt. of Agricultural Society of North 
 Hiding of Simcoe, until its disaolutu.n by tlie division of the North 
 Riding into East and West Ridings, since which time ho has been 
 Presdt. of the West Riding Agricnltural Society. lias also been 
 Prestd. since formation, 1873,;of the Liberal-Conservative Association 
 of North Riding of Sinicoo. A Conservative. — JJa.rrie, Ont.; If.C^ 
 McCraney, "William, J./'. (Ifalfon.) 2xd Mkm. 
 Of Scottish and Irish origin. Grandfather a U.E. loyalist ; settled 
 first near Caledonia, Ont. (where his father was born in 1801), and 
 thence, in 1805, removed to Trafalgar, in Co. Hulton. B. there, 1831. 
 Ed. there. M., 1857, Miss Elizabeth Coote. A saw-mill owner. Was 
 a delegate to the Dominion Prohibitory Convention, 1875. Has been 
 Mayor of Oakville. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 25 Jan., 
 1875, on sitting mem. being unseated. A Liberal. " Feels a rever- 
 ence for Messrs. Mackenzie and Mowat, and is satisfied that Can. and 
 Ont. have better Governments now than they have evei had before. 
 In favor of Mr. Mackenzie's p nicy in regard to the Pacific Railway, 
 though he has felt bound to vote against some of the details ot the 
 scheme, which are simply legacies left to them by Sir John Macdon- 
 ald. Favours a Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S.; the deepening and 
 widening of the canals, and a general improvement in our great water 
 routes ; of everjr possible assistance being extended to emigration ; of 
 compulsory voting, and will vote for total prohibition every time." — 
 Oakville J Ont. 
 McDonald, Willi AiM, J. P. 
 {Cape Breton.) 
 Descended from the Clan Roland family. Grandfather emigrated 
 from the Island' of Uist, Scot., and settled in the Go. Inverness. N.S. 
 B. at River Dennis Road, Inverness, N.S., Oct. 1837. Ed, there and at 
 St. Francis Xavier College, Antigunish. M., Feb., 1805, Kate, dau. 
 of Mr. Donald McDonald, of East Bay, C.B. A merchant. Has been 
 postmaster of Little Glace Bay (which position he resigned previous 
 to g. e, 1872). Issuer of Marriage Licences, and Registrar of Births, 
 Marriages and Deaths. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at 
 g. e,, 1872; re-elected at last g. e. A Lib?r:il Conservative. — Little 
 Olace Bay, N.S. 
 McDouGALL, John LoRNE. (Sou)h Jicnfreic 3rd MEM- 
 S' of the late J. L. MacDougall, Esq., who sat for Renfrew, in Can. 
 Assembly for a short period in 1858, when he risigned. B. at Ren- 
 frew, 1838. Ed. at High School, Montreal, and at Toronto University, 
 where he took gold medal in Mathematics, and silver medal in Modern 
 Languages, and graduated B.A., 1859. M., Sept., 1870. Miss Marion 
 , i I ■ ■**. 
 t ), 
 E. ilorris, of OttaAva. A mill-owner. Is Presdt. of the South Ren- 
 frew Agricultural Society. Has been Warden of Renfrew. Sal for 
 f (resent seat in Ont. Assembly, from g.e., 18G7 until ge., 1871, and in 
 louse of Commons from Sept., I86i) until g.e., 1872, when defeated : 
 Again elected at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 9 Sept., 1874; re-elected 
 by acclamation, 24 Oct , 1874. Again unseated on petition, 21 
 Jan., 1875 ; re-elected 20 Feb., 1875. A Liberal and a supporter of the 
 present administration. In favor of compulsory voting, and intro- 
 duced a measure in that behalf, 1874. — Bcnfrew, Gnt. 
 MoDouGALL, William, Q.C. {Three Rivers.) 
 Third g. of the late John McDougall, Esq., merchant, who sat for 
 Drummond in the Can. Assembly from 1851 to 1854. li. in Scot., 
 1831. Accompanied his parents to Can. when very young. M. 
 Agnes, dau of the late John Henderson, Esq, of Hinchinbrooke, P. Q., 
 Called to the Bar L.C., Jan., 1854. Created a Q.C, 1873. U a dir. of 
 the Phillipsburgh, Farnham andYamaska Railway. An unsuccessful 
 candidate for present seat in Can. Assembly at g.e., ] 863. First 
 returned to Parlt. Oct., 18G8, by acclamation, on resignation of sitting 
 mem. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 1872 ; and again returned 
 at last g.e. A Conservative. — Alexander S/., Three Hivcrs, P.Q. 
 McGreevy, Hon, Thomas. {Quebec West.) 
 B. in Irel. M., 1st, Miss O'Rourke (dead); 2ndly, the dau. of Martin 
 Nolan, Esq., of Quebec (dead); 3dly, the dau of the late J. W. Woolsey 
 Esq., Presdt of the Quebec Bank. A contractor and capitalist. Built 
 the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, the Quebec Custom House and 
 other important public edifices. Is Presdt. of the St. Lawrence 
 Steam Navigation Co ; Vice-Presdt. of the Union Bank of Lower Can; 
 and of the Levis and Kennebec Railway Co ; and a dir. of the North 
 Shore Railway ; and of the Engilsh and Canadian Mining Co. Was 
 for some years a mem. of the City Council. Quebec. Sat for "Stada- 
 cona"in the L.C., Quebec, from Nov., 1867 until Jan., 1874, when he 
 resigned. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g.e., 18G7 ; re- 
 elected at g.e., 1872, and again at last g.e. A Conservative, "but 
 perfectly independent of any Govt., his policy being now what it has 
 ever been — to do what he believes is most for the interest of the Do- 
 minion, and he will not bind himself to any person, nor never did." — 
 19i, UAultuil St., Quebec ; Stadacona Club ; Rideau Club. 
 McGregor, William. {Essex.) 2i\D Mem. 
 Parents came from Scot., 1831. B. at Sarnia, Ont., 24 June, 1835. 
 Ed. there. M. at Amherstburg, Ont., May, 1866, Jessie L., dau. of the 
 Rev. Robert Peden, of Hamilton, Ont. Is head of the firm of Mc- 
 Grogor Brotliers, bankers, specie brokers and dealers in bonds, and 
 was Reeve of Windsor for six years. Held tlie Wardenship of Essex 
 for five years. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. 
 Unseated on petition, 26 Aug , 1874 ; re-elected, 22 Oct., 1874. '' Haa 
 been a Liberal from his youth, and as in the past, e' in the future 
 he will support Mr. Mackenzie's Govt., unless something ia done by 
 that Govt, which shall show it in his judgment to be deserving of op- 
 position. ITas the fullest confidence in the ability, integrity and liber- 
 ality of Mr. Mackenzie and his colleagues, and believes they deserve 
 well at the hands of all classes of Canadians. Favorfj g, Reciprocity 
 Treaty with the U.S., and an income franchise. — Windsor, Ont. 
 McIntyre, Pp:teu Ad^. piiu.t*, M.DJJJF. {Kiiiffs, P. E.I.) 
 Paternal grandfather came from Long Island, Liverness-shire, 
 Scot., about 1785, and settled at Cable Head, Kings, P.E.L ; maternal 
 great-grandfather fought under Wolfe at the taking of Quebec. Is a 
 nephew of the Right Rev. Dr. McIntyre, R.O., Bishop of Charlotte- 
 town. B. at Peterville, Kings, P.E.I. , 1840. ¥A. at St. Dunstan's 
 College, the Quebec Seminary, and Laval University. Graduated ai 
 M.D. at McGill University, 1867. M., 15 Feb., 1871, Agnes M., only 
 dau. of Angus McDonald, Esq, of Souris, and niece of the late Hon. 
 I). Beaton, M.P.P. Is a Coroner for King?. Was a Railwav Commr., 
 P.E.I., from May, 1872, to Aug., 1873. First returned to 'Parlt., for 
 present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. — East Souris, P.E.I. 
 McIsAAC, Angus. (Antiyonish.) 
 Of Scottish descent. B. at Antigonish, N.S., 1842. Ed. at St. 
 Francis Xavier College, N.S. Apptd. inspector of Schools for Anti- 
 gonish, 1868. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1871. First returned to Parlt.. 
 for present seat, Dec, 187.3, on resignation of the sitting mem., but did 
 not take his seat, owing to the dissolution of Parlt. soon after ; re- 
 eleoted by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 Mackenzie Administration. — Antigonish, N.S. 
 McKay, Tiioma3. (Colchester.) 2nd Mbm. 
 Of Scottish descent. B. in Co. Pictou, N.S., 8 Jan., 1839. Ed. 
 there. M., Nov., 1868, Miss Jessie Blair, of Truro. A merchant. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. Unscrtted on pe- 
 tition, 14 Nov., 1874; re-elected 17 Dec, 1874. "A Liberal, and an 
 independent supporter of the Reform party." — Truro, N.S. 
 K-L^-nn, George. {Kent, N.B.) 
 Second s. of the late Wm. McLeod, Esq., of Eichibucto, N.B., by 
■ f 
 I :' 
 I I'. 
 ill ■!■■ 
 Elizabeth Sutherland, both natives of Caithness-sbire, Scot. B. at 
 Richibucto, 26 ApL, 1836. Ed. at Richibucto Grammar School and 
 Sackville Academy. M., 1st, 8 Nov., 1859, Sarah Abramo, dau. of the 
 late Geo. Kerr, Esq , of Chatham, N.B. [she d. 14 Nov., 1866] ; 2ndlj, 
 27 Dec, 1870, Sarah, dau. of Wm. G cdon, Esq, of Pictou, N.S. A 
 lumber merchant and manufacturer, shipbuilder and shipowner. First 
 returned to Parlt, " r present seat, at last g.e. Independent in 
 politics, and will support and oppose any Govt, according to their 
 acts. — St. John, N.B. ; Rideau Club. 
 McNab, Archibald. {Glengarry.) 2nd Mem. 
 Third s. of the late Capt. Alexander McNab, of Perthshire, Scot., 
 and Catharine McDougall, of Argyleshire, Scot., who came to Can., 
 1815, and settled in Breadalbane, Tp. of Lochiel, Glengarry. B. at 
 Breadalbane, 20 Jan., 1826. Ed. there. M., 7 Jan., 1851, Margaret, eld. 
 dau. of the late Duncan McArthur, Esq., of Breadalbane, [she d., 
 Augt. 9, 1874.] Has been mem. of the Lochiel Municipal Council for 
 the past 21 years, and unanimously elected Reeve for a greater portion 
 of that time. Has been Warden of the united Counties of Stormont, 
 Dundas and Glengarry ; and a dir. of the Montreal and city of Ottawa 
 Junction Railway Co. Has been Presdt. of the Glengarry Agricul- 
 tural Society ; and Vice-Presilt. and Presdt. of the Ont. Agricultural 
 and Arts Assn. An unsuccesful candidate in 1867 and 1875 for 
 Glengarry in Ont. Assembly. First returned, for present seat, 7 July, 
 1875, to fill vacancy caused by the elevation of sitting mem. to the 
 Lieut.-Governorship of Ont. Unseated, June 27, 1876 ; re-elected 
 3] Jul^, 1876. A Liberal, and a supporter of the present (Mackenzie) 
 Administration. — Breadalbane, Ont. > . ; 
 McQuADE, Arthur. {South Victoria.) 
 S. of Mr. Henry McQuade, of Lisnabuntre, Cavan, Irel., by Mary 
 Curran. B. in Cavin, 1817. M. at Cobourg, Ont., 1841, Susannah, 
 dau. of Mr. Thomas Trotter. For eleven years held the oflSce of 
 Deputy Reeve, and is now Reeve of the Tp. of Emily. Is also Lieut. 
 Victoria Reserve Militia. Has been long connected with the Orange 
 body, and for some years held the office of County Master. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat at last g.e. A Conservative, and 
 opposed to the present Govt. — Omcmee, Ont. 
 Metcalfe, James. (East Vork, Ont.) < , .^ >, 
 B. in Eng. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Royal Canadian Bank. 
 Formerly a contractor in Toronto, Resided some years in Australia. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present boat, at g.e., 1867; re-elected by 
 acclamation at g.e , 1872, and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 ]»orter of the Mackenzie Administration. — 40, AJclnide S(., 'loronio ; 
 Bloor St., Vorkville, Ont, 
 Mills, David, LL.B. (Bothtvell.) 
 Family, which came from near Plymonth, Eng., proceeded to Hol- 
 land in the time of Charles I., thence to New Eng. with tlie Puritans, 
 and the descendants removed to N.S. at the time of the Am. revolu- 
 tion. S. of Nathaniel Mills, who removed from N.S. to Can., 1817. 
 B. in the Tp. of Orford, Kent, Ont., 18 March, 1831. Gradnated at 
 Michigan University. M., Dec, 1860, Miss M. J. Brown. Was Supdt. 
 of Schools for Co. of Kent from April, 1856, to April, 1865. Was em- 
 ployed by Ont. Govt, to define the North Western boundary of the 
 Province, 1872. [See Re^tort on that subject.] Author of a pamphlet 
 on The Present and Future Political Aspects of Canada [1869] ; and 
 another on The Blunders of the Dominion Government in connection with 
 the North-West Territory [1871]. Elected mem. of the Council of Pub- 
 lic Instruction for Ont. [representing the School Inspectors] Aug., 
 1875. An unsuccessful candidate for a seat in the Council of Public 
 Instruction, Ont, 1874. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. Sworn in as 
 Minister of Interior [vice Laird] October, 1876. An advanced Liberal. 
 Favors the amendment of the Constitution so as to provide tor the 
 election of the Senate ; for the appointment of Provincial Judges 
 by the Provincial Executives, and the complete separation of Pro- 
 vincial and Federal jurisprudence. Was opposed to admission of 
 British Columbia into the IFnion as premature, and the terms of Union 
 as prepostrous. He was of opinion that with more than two thousand 
 miles of unsettled territory between the Upper Ottawa and British 
 Columbia, we were not in a position to undertake the responsibilities 
 of governing the country upon the Pacific coast. He held that rail- 
 way construction, if needed in British Columbia, was a work to be 
 undertaken by Imperial rather than by Canadian authority. He was 
 opposed to pledging Canada to the construction of a continuous line of 
 Railway to the Pacific, as wholly beyond the resources of this country. 
 He denies that there ever can be a through traffic of Asiatic or 
 European products over the road of any consequence, and that no 
 engagement yet made with British Columbia looking to the comple- 
 tion of the road can be fulfilled. He holds that since the Northern 
 Pacific Railway has been built to the banks of the Red River of the 
 North, that the Eastern terminus of the Canadian road ought to have 
 been at Pembina. He holds that railway travel and traffic are not in 
 any way affected by political boundaries, and that by utililizing the 
 Northern Pacific we would have made it dependent upon the continu- 
 ance of our trade over it to and from the North-West. Favors the 
 government of Canada by the Canadian Parlt., and not by despatches 
 from the Colonial Office. In favor of the establishment of Canadian 
 I j 
 i A\ 
 It » 
 1. <o 
 Courts having Admiralty jurisdiction. Holds that power to legislate 
 upon the subjects of navigation \nd shipping carries with it power to 
 establish Courts to adjudicato upon matters arising under such legis- 
 lation, in accordance 'vith the well-settled rules of martime law. 
 Favors a national policy, based not upon principles of commercial ex- 
 clusion, but upon principles of commercial extension. Tinnks Canada 
 Las outgrown the condition of an ordmary colony. She has commer- 
 cial relations with Foreign States, in which she alone is interested, 
 and which she alone ought to regul; te and control on her own behalf. 
 Is opposed to the People's re{)resentative3 abdicating their functions, 
 either by failing to maintain an etfeciive control over the expenditure 
 of the national resources, or by surrendering to the Crown and Privy 
 Council PwU important part of their legislative functions. Does not 
 regard an enormous public debt as a national blessing; and believes 
 that the prosperity of the country is to be promoted by habits of 
 economy among the people, by encouraging a feeling of self-reliance 
 and personal independence, and by fostering a spirit of patriotism — 
 not flunkeyism — by which the interests, the prosperity, and the honor 
 of Canada are made the paramount duty of her representatives, and 
 not upon gigantic and costly works, built in wild and uninhabitable 
 regions. Considers the present state as one of transition ; and regards 
 the Confederation of the Empire, for certain specilifd purposes, as the 
 most satisfactory solution of our political future. — Palmyra^ Ont. 
 Mitchell, //o«. Petkr. y^Xoi'thuviherhtud; N.Ji.) P.C. 
 Parents came from S^ot. to N.B., and settled on the Miramichi, 
 in that Province, 1818. B. in Newcastle, Miramichi, 1824. Ed. 
 at the Grammar School there. Called to the Bar of New Bruns- 
 wick, 1819. M., 1853, Mrs. Gough, of St. John. Has been 
 an extensive shipbuilder. Is Presdt. of the Mitchell Steamship 
 Co., running belween Montreal and the Maritime Provinces in 
 summer, and between the Maritime Provinces and Portland in winter. 
 A dir. of the Merchants' Insurance Co. of Can. ; and of the Bale des 
 Chaleurs Railway ; a Vice-Presdt. of the Highland Society of N.B. ; 
 and is Manager and Treasurer of the Anticosti Company. Author of 
 A Revieit) of Pref<ident Grant's recent Message to the United States Con- 
 gress^ relative *o the Canadian Fisheries, and the Navigation of the St. 
 Lawrence River, (Ottawa, 187u), and of other pamphlets of public 
 iiitcest. Sworn of the Privy Council, 1 July, 1867, and was Minister 
 of Marine and Fisheries from that date until 5 Nov., 1874, when he 
 retired from office with his chief. Sir John A. Macdonald. Was a 
 mem. of the Ex. Council, N.B., from 1858 to March, 1865, when his 
 party was defeated on an appenl to the people on the scheme for the 
 Confedera'.ion of B.N.A. In Apvil, 1866, after the resignation of the 
 Smith Cabinet, was civlled u])on to form a Government, in conjunctioQ 
 with the Hon. R. D. ^\ ilmot, which bo did, holding the office of Presi- 
 dent of the Ex. Council from that date until the Union. Was a 
 delegate to Quebec in 1861, and again in 1862, on the subject of the 
 Intercolonial Railway ; to the Union Conference in the same city, 1864 ; 
 and to the London Colonial Conference to complete terms of Union 
 of B.N. A.. Provinces, 1866. Sat for Northumberland in N.B. Assembly 
 from 1856 to 1860, when apptd. to L.C. same Province, where he 
 remained until the Union, Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- 
 tion, May, 1867 ; continued to sit in that House until g.e., 1872, when 
 be resigned, and was rpturned for Northumberland in House of Com- 
 mons by acclamation ; re-elected at last g.e. An Independant Liberal. 
 — Mountain St., Montreal; Newcastle^ Miramichi ; Rideau Club; City 
 Club, (^Mo?itreal). 
 MoFFATT, George, J. P. (Restigouche). 
 B. in Scot. A lumber merchant. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 present seat in Commons, March, 1868. First returned Nov., 1870, on 
 death of sitting member ; re-elected at g.e., 1872, and by acclamation 
 at last g.e. A Conservative. — Dalhousie, N.B. 
 MoNTEiTH, Andrew. {North Perth.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. in North of Irel. Has been Warden of Perth. Sat for piesent 
 seat in Ont. Assembly from g.e., 1867, until Jan., 1874, when he re- 
 signed, in order to contest North Perth for the Commons, in which he 
 was successful. Unseated on petition, 7 June, 1875 ; re-elected 7 
 July, 1875. " Will continue to support, as he has ever done, the 
 party of Union and Progress — the great Conservative party. AH 
 these public undertakings which tend to develop our resources — the 
 extension of our Railway system, the enlargement of our canals, and 
 the improvements of our harbours, will receive his hearty support. 
 He will use every effort to encourage our manufacturing industries ; 
 and he will oppose any measure tending to weaken the ties which 
 bind us to Great Britain, and to deprive us of the advantages which 
 we derive from that conn^GWon:^— Stratford, Ont. 
 %% ■ 
 la I 
 ■ 'I 
 MoNTPLAisER, Hypolite. {Champlahh) 
 S. of Mr. Paschal" Montplaiser, by Victolre Crevier. B. at Cap de 
 la Magdelaine, P.Q., 7 March, 1839. Ed. at Three Ri'rers. Has been 
 Secretary and Treasurer of Schools, and Mayor of the parish. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of the Mackenzie Administration. — Ca2y de la Magdelaine, P.Qy 
 MoDSSEAU, Joseph Alfred, Q.C. (Bagot.) 
 S. of M, Louis Mousseau, of Berthier, P.Q., by Sophie Duteau de 
 in " 
 Grandpre, and grandson of M. Louis Mousseau, who sat for Warwick 
 in the Quebec Assembly for a considerable period. B. July, 1838 
 Ed. at the Berthier Academy. M.Marie Louise Herselie. eld. dau. of 
 Leopold DesRosiers, Esq, N.P., of Berthier, by Marie Louise Donarie 
 Bondy. Studied law with the Hon. L. A. (now Justice) Olivier, sub- 
 sequently with Mr. T. K. (now Hon. Justice) Ramsay, and finally with 
 the Hon. L. T. (late Justice) Drummond, and Mr. L. (now Hon. Jus- 
 tice) Belanger. Called to the Bar, i^.C, 1860. Created a Q.C 1873, 
 Declined a Judgeship in Manitoba 1871. Head of the extensive law 
 firm of Mosseau, Chapleau & Archambault. Well known as a writer 
 for the periodical press. Was one of the founders of Le Colonisateur 
 newspaper, 1862, and of Ij Opinion Publique, 1870. Author of a pam- 
 phlet in Defence of Confederation against the attacks of the then Op- 
 position, 1867, and of another brochure : " Cardinal ^* Duquet, Vic- 
 times de 1831-38." First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last 
 fe. A Conservative, and "as in the past will constantly labour to 
 ave British North America erected into a grand empire, under th« 
 auspices, and with the institutions of the mother country." In favour 
 of a full and complete amnesty covering all offences committed in the 
 North-West previous to the establishment of a Constitutional Gvct, 
 there.~27 St. Gabriel St., and 268 Dorchester St., Montreal. 
 ! i 
 '• D 
 i m 
 NoRRis, James. (lincoln.) 2nd Mem. 
 L, in Argyleshire, Scot. Came to Can. 1834. A merchant, miller 
 and ship owner. Is Presdt. of St. Catherines Board of Trade, and haa 
 been Mayor of St. Catherines. First returned to Parlt. tor present 
 seat at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 8 Sept., 1874 ; re-elected .\ 7 
 Nov., 1873. A Liberal ; and "will continue to give the present Govt, 
 a cordial support so long as their general o ; v tends in his opinion 
 to advance the interests and prcnotethe pros] rilyof the Dominion." 
 In favor of 'British Connection'; eucoura£ .utut ot immigration ; and 
 the commencement at an early day of the Pacific Railway. Fully 
 approves and endorsts the whole Recipriocity Treaty, excepting what 
 is contained in Schedules B and C, which refer to manufactures on 
 the free list, and Article 4, called the Sliding Scale, These portions 
 of the Treaty he will oppose, believing the manufactures of Can. are 
 not yet in a position to compete on equal terms with older and more 
 wealthy countries." — St. Catherine.'^, Onf. 
 Oliver, Thomas. {Nor' h Ch ford.) 
 it. and ed. in Scotland. Has been Reeve of Woodstock, and Warden 
 of ti.*^ ♦?('. Oxford. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from 1866 
 until th( Union. Returned to Commons, by acclamation, at g.e., 1867, 
 and ?t P'.e.. 1872 : again returned at last g.e. A Liberal and a sup- 
 porter ci' iilr. ^lackenzie, — W'.jdstock,Onf. 
 Orton, Georgk Turner, M.D., M R.C.S. (Eng.) {^Jeiiire Wellington.) 
 2nd Mem. 
 S. of the late Dr. Henry Orton, who came to this country from 
 Leicestershire, Eng., and settled at Guelph, Ont, 1835. B. in Guelph, 
 1837. Ed. for tlie medical profession at the College of Surgeons, 
 Dublin, and at the University of St. Andrews, Scot., where he- grad- 
 uated M.D, 1860. Is a mem. of the Royal College of Surgeons of 
 Eng.; and Surgeon 30th Batt., "Wellington" Rifle Volunteers. M. 
 Anne, dau. of William Farmer, Esq., late ot Sutton-Maddock, Shrop- 
 shire, Eng.; for many years engagd in lumbering operations on the 
 Gatineau. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat at g-e:, 1872; 
 first returned at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 3 Nov,, 1874 ; re- 
 elected 13 Dec, 1874. A Liberal Conservative ; in favor of " British 
 Connection;" the consolidation of the Dominion ; equable recipriocity 
 with the U.S. ; and the construction of the Pacific Railway through 
 our own country with the greatest despatch, so as, if possible, to keep 
 faith with British Columbia. Moved for a Committee on the Agricul- 
 tural Interests of the Dominion, 1874, and in 1875. — St. Bav/.s Street, 
 Fergus, Ont. ; ''U. ^." Club. 
 OuiMET, Joseph Aldric, Lly.B. {Laval.) 
 Family one of the oldest in the Dist. of Montreal. S. of l\. 
 Michel Ouiraet, J.P. B. at Ste. Rose, P.Q., 20 May, 1848. Ed. at the 
 Seminary of St. Therese de Blainville ; graduated as LL.B. at Vic+ori-t 
 College, Cobourg, 18G9. M., 3(> July, 1874, Theresa, dau. of Alfred Li.. 
 Rocque, Esq., of Montreal, by Dame Emelie Berthelet. Called to the 
 Bar, L.O., 1870. Is mem. of the law firm of Desnoyers, Ouime' <!i; 
 Ouimet, Montreal. Apptd. a mem. of Board of R. C. School Comnira. 
 for Montreal, 1874. First returned to Parlt, for present seat, on 
 resignation of sitting mem., Nov., 1873 ; re-elected ' ■ acclamation a"; 
 last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and was firs' eturned as a an 
 independent supporter of Sir John Macdonald. 1 strongly in favor 
 of " British Connection," and of the carrying out ot the Confederation 
 scheme in its entirety. Will support a protective 'iriff; the construc- 
 tion of the Pacific Railway on Canadian soil; a.td any well devised 
 scheme for the improvement of the interior navi<5:ation of the countiy. 
 — Montreal, 
 I 11 
 Plamer, Acalus Lockwood, Q.C, (St. John, Cirg and County, N.B.) 
 S. of Philip Palmer, Esq[ , of Sackville, N.B., who for many years 
 represented Westmoreland in the N.B. Assembly; and grands, of the 
 late Capt. Gideon Palmer, a loyalist, who left a large property in 
 Westchester, N.Y., at the time of the War of Independence, and came 
 to N.B., where he settled at Dorchester. B. at ,- -'iCkville, 28 Augt., 

 1820. Ed. there. M., 11 Sept., 1849, Martha Ann, eld. dau. of Andrew 
 Weldon Esq., of Dorchester. Called to the Bar, N.B. J 846 ; created a 
 Q.C., 1867. Several years a mem. of Council of the Barristers' 
 Society, N.B., and has carried on a large legal business, in N.B., for 
 over 30 years, in which he is still actively engaged. Twice contested 
 Westmoreland unsuccessfully, in Confederate interest, previous to the^ 
 Union, and was an unsuccessful candidate for St. John (city) in Local 
 Assembly, at g.e., 1870. First returned to Commons, for present seat, 
 at g.(;., 1872, and supported Sir. John A. Macdonald's Administration ; 
 again elected for same seat at last g.e.j since which he has acted as an 
 Independent mem., sometimes supporting Govt, measures and some- 
 times opposing them, and declaring that he will support the Mackenzie 
 Govt, when he thinks them right, and oppose them when he thinks 
 them wrong. A Liberal. — Queen's Square, St. John, N.B. : Rideau 
 Paterson, William. {South Brant.) 
 S of James Paterson, Esq , of Aberdeen, Scot., who came to Can., 
 18?6 ; and grands, of Rev. Mr. Paterson, of Midnar, Scot. B. in 
 Hamilton, Ont., 19 Sept., 1839. Ed. there, and at Caledonia by Dr. 
 Perrier. M., Sept., 18G4, Lucy Ciive, third dan. of F. C. Davies, Esq., 
 of Brantford. A mem! of the Executive Committee of the Ont. 
 Sabbath School Assn. Is a member of Hie firm of Leeming & 
 Paterson, wholesale confectioners and cigar manufacturers, Brantford. 
 Elected a mem. of Town Council of Brantford. 1868 ; was Deputy- 
 Reeve, 1869-70-71, and Mayor, 1872. First returned to Parli, at g.e., 
 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. "Firmly believing in those 
 great principles of morality, justice and right in the administration of 
 our national afifairs advocated by Reformers while in opposition, he 
 will do his utmost to ai(? ihose now in power to carry into effect such 
 legislation as will ensure the triumph of these principles, and will give 
 a cordial support to the present Govt, in all measures which fte con- 
 ceives to be wise and in accord with the spirit of true Reform." — 
 Oxford St., Brantford, Ont. 
 B. at Tignish, P.E.I., 
 M., April, 1847, Miss 
 Perry, lion. StantslaT'cI Francis. {Prince.) 
 Descended from a Fre'^ib-Acadian family. 
 7 May, 1823. "M. at, St Andrew's College, P.E.I. 
 Margaret Oarroil. Repr< seuwd Prince district in the P.E.I. Assembly 
 from 1854 almost uni'itn'jpt'jdiy until Jan., 1874, and was Speaker of 
 the Assembly from lb miii i874. Has also sat in the Ex. Council 
 of P.E.I. An uiisucce ful candidate for Prince in House of Com- 
 mons Sept., i^;-- 3. Firs returned at last g'. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 pOiter of tlt»' present G i.-'Tigmsh, P.E.I. 
 Pettbs, Nathaniel, J". P. {Brome.) 
 Of Eng. and Scottish extraction. S. of Charles Pettes. Esq., by- 
 Miss Desire West. B. in Tp. of Brome, P. Q., 21 April, i825. Ed. 
 there. M., Dec, 1844, Miss Narcissa Ferrand. For many years a 
 (general merchant iu Brome, and has held the offices of School Commr, 
 and Sec-Treasurer of the Municipal Council. Is now Warden of the 
 County, and a dir. of the South Eastern Railway Co. (of which he 
 was one of the promoters), and of the Canada Central Railway. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, by acclamation at last g.e. 
 " A Liberal, and will give the present Administration a fair, liberal 
 and independent support." — KnoicUon, P. Q. 
 PiCKARD, John. ( Yorh, N.B.) 
 Descended from a loyalist family that came from Massachusetts to 
 N.B. after the Am. revolwtion, and were amongst first settlers on the 
 River St. John. S. of Mr. David Pickard, millowner, Douglas, York, 
 N.B B. in Douglas. Ed, there. M., Oct., 1851, Mary, dau. of Daniel 
 Yerxa, Esq., of Douglas. A lumber merchant. Is R. W. Grand Mas- 
 ter of the Orange Grand Lodge of N.B. : a dir. of the N. B. Railway 
 Co. ; and Vice-Pr^sdt. of the York Agricultural Society. Sat for 
 York in N.B. Assembly from Oct., 1868, until following year, when he 
 resigned, and was returned by acclamation to Commons upon the 
 resignation of the sitting mem. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 
 1872 ; and again at last g.e. A Liberal ; " was previously opposed to 
 Confederation, but it having been accepted by the people, he will do 
 his best to render it successful. Occupies an independent position, 
 and will support or oppose the Govt, according to its acts." — Regent 
 Sty Fredericton, JV. B. 
 PiNSONNEAULT, Lieut.-Col. Alve^y,J.P. {Laprauie.) 
 B. in Province of Quebec. Is Lieut.-Col. 7th Batt. Huntingdon 
 Militia. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from 1863 until the 
 Union. Returned to Commons at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872 ; 
 and returned by acclimation at last g.e. A Conservative. — St 
 Jacques Le Mineur, P.Q. 
 Platt, Samuel. {East Toronto.) 2nd Mem. . .' 
 B. in the 2ity of Armagh, Irel, 1812. Ed. there. Came to Can,, 
 1827, and settled at Kingston, whence he removed to Toronto, 1829, 
 where he has ever since continued to reside. M, 1837, Miss Lockett, 
 of Staffordshire, Eng, A dir. of the Toronto Consumers' Gas Co., and 
 Vice-Presdt. of the Western Loan and Savings Co. Elected a Water 
 Commr. for Toronto, 1872. Was an extensive brewer and distiller for 
 "■' 'i \\ 
 i '! 
 • : ;i>:;i 
 t ' '■ 
 many years. Sat in the Toronto City Council for nine consecutive 
 terms. First returned to Parlt 18 Jan., 1875, on the sitting member 
 being unseated, and a new election ordered. Thoroughly indepen- 
 dent in politics, and in strong sympathy with the " Canada First " 
 party.— 295 e/ary^'s -S^/., Toronto; National Club. 
 Plumb, Josiah Blur. {Niagara.) 2.nd Mem. 
 S. ofan Episcopal clergyman of Eng. descent on both sides. B. 
 in his father's parish, East Haven, Conn., U.S., 1816. M., 1849, the 
 youngest dau. of the late Hon. Samuel Street, of Niagara Falls (she 
 d.) I ■ 3t returned to Parliament, for present seat, at last g.e. Un- 
 seated on petition, 22 Oct., 1874 ; re-elected 19 Dec, 1874. A Conser- 
 vative. Is of opinion that " the great aim of Parliament should be to 
 remove sectional jealousies, and to cement the Union into a whole, in 
 which Provincial boundaries should be obliterated in the carrying out 
 of Parliamentary work." — Niaaara. On(.; Toronto Club; Rideau Club; 
 '' U. K- Club. J ^ > . 
 Pope, Hon. John Henry. {Compton.) 
 B. In Eastern Townships, P. Q. IsPrcsdt. of the St, Francis and Me- 
 gantic International Railway, and of the Compton Colonization Society; 
 one of the Trustees of St. Francis College, Richmond, P.Q.; and a dir. 
 of the Eastern Townships Bank. Commanded the Cookshire Volun- 
 teer Cavalry for many years, and retired, retaining his rank as Major, 
 1862. Sworn of the Privy Council, and was Minister of Agriculture 
 from 25 Oct., 1871, until 5 Nov., 187.3, when he retired with his chief, 
 Sir John Macdc* aid, on the Pacific Railway question. Sat for present 
 seat in Can AsseLibly from 1857 until the Union. Was an unsuccess- 
 ful candidate for same seat at g.e., 1854. Returned to Commons by 
 acclamation at g.e., 1867, on his appt. to office ; again at g.e., 1872 ; 
 and again returned at last g.e. A Liberal Conservaiive, and opposed 
 to the present Govt. — Cookshire, P.Q.; Rideau Club. 
 Pope, Hon. James Colledge. (Queen's P.E.I.) 
 Descended from a Cornish family. B. at Bedeque, P.E.I., 
 1827. Ed. there. M. the dau. of Thos. Pothich, Esq., of Charlotte- 
 town. A merchant. Entered P.E.I. Assembly, 1857; and con- 
 tinued to hold a seat in that body since that time (except during a 
 few months in 1873, when he sat in House of Commons) until Aug. 
 1876, when defeated. Entered Ex. Council, 1859 ; and in 1873 
 was called upon to form a new administration, which he succeeded 
 in doing. The construction of the P.E.I. Railway, and the success- 
 ful negotiations of " better terms" on the colony entering the 
 Dominion, were two of the achievements of his Ciovt. Returned 
 for present scat in the House of Commons, Nov., 1876, upon the 
 elevation of the then sitting member, Hon. D. Laird, to be Lieut.- 
 Gov. of the new North-West Territories. A Conservative. — 
 PouLioT, Jean Baptiste, A^./*. {Temiscoiiata .) 
 S. of M. Francois Pouliot, by Julie Damien, B. at St Louis de 
 Kamouraska, P.Q., 1816. Ed. there. M. Sophronie, dau. of Lieut.- 
 Col. Blais, of St. Pierre, Riviere du Sud, P.Q. Studied for the Bar, but 
 did not present himself for admission. A Notary Public, and a mem. 
 of the Provl, Board of Notaries. Is a dir. of the Canadian Agricultural 
 Insurance Co. Was Warden of the County for some years, and is 
 still a Councillor of the town of Fraserville. One of the lirst, in con- 
 junction with Hon. John Younc: and others, to press on the attention 
 of the Govt, of N.S. the construction of the Intercolonial Railway. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Canadian Assembly at 
 g.e., 1854, and at g.e., 1857. Sat for Temiscouata in Can. Assembly 
 from g.e,, 1863, when I'eturned by acclamation, until the Union, 
 against which he voted, when he retired. First returned to Commons, 
 by acclamation, at lastg.?, A Liberal " who in 1843 helped to secure 
 the return of the late Hon. Jlobt. Baldwin for Rimouski, at which time 
 Temiscouata formed part of that county." — Riviere dii Loupe (en has), 
 Power PATniCK. (Ifalijax) 
 B. at Kilmacthomas, Waterford, Irel., 17 March, 18l5. and came to 
 Halifax, 1823. Ed. there. M., 1840, Ellen, eld. dau. ' of John and 
 Catherine Gaul. Head of the firm of P. Power & Co., dry goods 
 merchants ; and a dir. of the People's Bank. Has been a J. P. for past 
 twenty-eight years, a Commissioner of the the Poor's Asylum, and of 
 the (;ity and Provl. Hospital for seventeen years. Was an Alderman 
 of Halifax from 1851 to 1854, a Commr. of' Schools for same city for 
 several years, and has filled the Presidency of the Charitable Irish 
 Society. Created a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, 19 
 July, 1870. Sat for present seat from g.e., 1867 until g.e., 1872, when 
 defeated ; again returned at last g.e. Continues to be an independent 
 supporter of the Reform Farty. —iSouth Park St., Halifax. 
 Ray, Lieut.-CoJ. William Hallett. (Annaj^olis.) 
 Descended from a rovalist familv that came to N.S., from Long 
 Island, N.Y, B. at Clements, Annapolis, NS., 25 May, 1825. Ed. 
 there. M, 1S18, Henrietta, dau. of Isaac Ditmars, Esq., of Clements. 
 Is Lieut.-Col. of 1st Regt,, Annapolis Co. Militia. Sat for present seat 
J . 
 in N.S. Assemblv from 1865 until the Union, when returned to Com- 
 mous ; re-elected at g.e., 1872, and again at last g.e, A Liberal -^ 
 supports the present GoYt.— Clement spori, N.S, 
 Richard, Edouard Emery, B.C.L. {Megantic.) 
 Second s. of the Hon. Louis Richard, M.C.L., of Stanfold, Artha- 
 baska, P.Q., by Hermine, sister of the late Right Rev. Dr. Prince, 
 Bishop of St. Hyacinthe. B. at Princeville, P.Q., 1844. Ed. atNicolet 
 College, and at McGill College, Montreal, where he obtained degree 
 ofB.C.L., 1867. Unmarried. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1868. Fir^ 
 returned to Parlt-, for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at laest 
 ge. A Liberal and a Protectionist. In favor of International Arbi- 
 tration. — Princeville, 1*,Q. 
 RoBiLLARD, Ulysse Janvier, J. P. {Beauhornois.) 
 S. of M. Joseph Robillard, of Ste. Genevieve, Jaqucs Cartier, P.Q. 
 B. there, 1826. Ed, there. M., June, 1871, Delle Marie Virginia 
 Lanaud. A produce and grain merchant. Was Ma^'or of town of 
 Beauhornois, 1864-65-66. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative, Independent, and 
 Programmist, but promises fair play to the new Ministry, to enable 
 them to develop their policy, and if it is favorable to the interests of the 
 country will give ihera his loyal support. In favor of the construction 
 of the Pacific Railway at an early day. — Beauharnois, P. (J. 
 Robinson, Hon. John Beverley. (Toronto West.) 2nd Mem. 
 Second s. of the late Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart., C.B., for 
 many years Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and representative of 
 Vork and Toronto in Parlt. Descended from a Yorkshire family, 
 among the most prominent of whom may be mentioned Christopher 
 Robinson, Secretary of the Colony of Virginia, the first of the family 
 to come to Am., 1660, and elder brother of Dr. John Robinson, Bishop 
 of Bristol, and of London. Among the diiect descendants of Chris- 
 topher Robinson, were John Robinson, President of the Council of 
 Virginia, and for nearly thirty years Speaker of the House of Bur- 
 gesses there, in old colonial times ; Col. Beverley Robinson, a well- 
 known loyalist officer in the Am. Revolutionary war, who raised a 
 regt. in defence of the Crown, and whose name is intimately associated 
 with that of Andre, in the treason of Benedict Arnold ; Gen. Sir 
 Frederick Robinson, G.C.B., Commander-in-Chief and Provisional 
 Gov. of U.C, and afterwards Gov. of Tobago ; Christopher Robinson, 
 who during the Revolutionary war served as an officer of the 
 " Queen's Rangers," under the command of General Simcoe, first Gov. 
 ofU.C. After the close ot the war he was app.td. Inspector of the 
 Keservrcs of the Crown in U.O., finally settled in York, and in 1796 
 represented llie Counties of Lennox and Addlngton in the House of 
 Assembly. He was father of the late Chief Justice Sir John Beverley 
 Robinson, who, in addition to his other services to his country, fought 
 as a Volunteer under Gen. Brock, in the war of 1812, and was present 
 at the cap*'ire of Detroit, and at the battle of Queenstown Heights. 
 B. atBeve y House, Toronto, 21 Feb., 1821. Ed. at U.C. College. M., 
 30 June, 18* Mary Jane, second dau. of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Hager- 
 raan. Calleu -) the Bar, U.C, Easter Term, 1844. Is a dir. of the 
 Northern Railway of Can. ; and one of the Solicitors of the Corpora- 
 tion of the city of Toronto. Five times elected as one of the Alder- 
 men for Toronto, afterwards elected President of the City Council, and 
 subsequently Mayor of the same city. Has been President of the St. 
 George's Society of Toronto, and was for sixteen years President of 
 the Northern Railway Co. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, Can,, and 
 President of that body, in the Cartier-Macdonald Administration, 
 from 27 March to 21 May, 1862. Sat for Toronto in Can. Assembly, 
 from 1857 to 1861, and for Wesc Toronto from latter date until 1863, 
 when defeated. Returned for Algoraa in House of Commons at g.e., 
 1872, and sat until the dissolution, 1874. Returned for present seat, 6 
 Nov., 1875, to fill vacancy created by the elevation of the sitting mem. 
 to the Bench. A Conservative. A strong supporter of protection to 
 the manufacturing interests of the Dominion; opposed to the scheme 
 of the present Government for the construction of the Pacific Rail- 
 road ; and a firm advocate for maintaining the present relations of 
 the Dominion with the Mother Countrv. — ^^ Sleepy Jlolioic" Toronto; 
 Toronto Club ; " 11. E." Club. 
 RoBiTAiLLE, //t)?i. TimoDOUE, M. IJ. (Boiuire III tire.) P.C. 
 Descended from one of the oldest French families in Can. ; one of 
 his grand-uncles Messire Robitaille, was chaplain to the Active Militia 
 force of L.C., during the war of 1812, in which all the family took an 
 active part on the loyal side ; a second grand-uncle, the Rev. Louis 
 Brodeur, after spending seven yea^s as amissionary in N B., wasapptd. 
 a curate of the parish of St. itoch des Aulneis, where he died, 
 bequeathing his wealth to the St. Anne College, of which he was one 
 of the founders ; another grand-uncle, Jean Robitaille, Esq., was a 
 mem. of the Can. Legislature for twenty years, viz : from 1809 to 1829. 
 S. of the late Louis Adolphe Robitaille, Esq., N.P. B. at Varennes, P. 
 y., 29 Jan., 1834. Ed at the Model Sch. of that place, in the United 
 States at the Seminary of St. Therese, the Laval University, and at the 
 University of McGill College, Montreal, at the latter of which he 
 graduated, M.D., May, 1858. M., Nov., 1867, Marie Josephme Charlotte 
 Emma, dau. of P. A. Quesnel, Esq., and grand-dau of the late Hon. F. 
 A. Quesnel, for many years an M.L.C. of Can. Is Presdt. of the Baie 
 des Chaleurs Railway. Sworn of the Privy Council, and was Receiver 
 La 12.8 
 L£ 12.0 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 145S0 
 (716) S72-4S03 

 Genl. of Can. from 30 Jan., 1873, until 5 Nov., same year, when 
 he resigned wlih his chief, Sir John Macdonald, on the Pacific Railway 
 mattsr. Sat for present seat in Can. A.S3embly from ge., 1861, until 
 the Union, Returned to Commons at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 
 1872 ; returned, by acclamation, on his appt. to office, and aorain re- 
 turned at last g-e. Represented Bonaventure in Quebec Assembly 
 from g.e., 1871, until Jan., 1874, when he retired in order to confine 
 himself to Commons. A Conservative, and opposed to the present 
 Oovt. — New Carlisle, J*. Q. ; Kideau Club. 
 Rochester, John. (Carleton, Ont) 
 Family came from Eng. to Am., 1818 ; removed to Can., 1820, and 
 finally settled at By town (now Ottawa City), 1827. S. of the late John 
 Rochester, Esq., a native of Berwick-on-Tweed, and for some years a 
 contractor to the troops employed in the construction of the Rideau 
 Canal. B. at Rouse's Poict, N.Y., 1822. Ed. in Can. M., Sept., 1845, 
 Elizabeth Ann, dau. of the late Rev. Thos. Bevitt, Wesleyan Minister 
 at Matilda, Ont. A lumber manufacturer. A dir. of the Ottawa 
 Agricultural Insurance Co. Has been Presdt. of the St. George's 
 Society, Ottawa ; and of the Ottawa Ladies' College. Sat in City 
 Council, Ottawa, as an Alderman, for eleven years, and was Mayor of 
 the city for three consecutive terms. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 present seat at g.e., 1867. First returned at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected at 
 last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Administration. 
 — Richmond Road, Ottawa ; Rideau Club. 
 RoscoE, Francis Ja.mbs. (Victoria B.C.) 
 S. of the late W. S. Roscoe, Esq., banker, of Liverpool, Eng. ; and 
 grands, of William Rc^coe, Esq., for some years Liberal M.P. for 
 Liverpool in the British House of Commons, and author of the Life of 
 Leo X., etc. B. in Liverpool, 1831. Ed. at University College, 
 London, and took degree of B.A. at London University. M., 1854, 
 Anna Letitia, dau. of W. H. LeBreton, Esq., Barrister at law. A mem. 
 of the firm of Fellowes & Roscoe, iron and hardware dealers. Is 
 Capt. No. 1 Co. of Volunteer Rifles. Victoria; a mem. of the Council 
 of Dominion Rifle Assn. ; and a Vice-Presdt. of the B.C. Rifle Assn. 
 Has been Oommr. of Savings Bank, B.C. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat at last g.e. A Liberal ; but " at the present time considers 
 it the more expedient course for members from B.C. to keep from party 
 entanglements, and to render a fair and independent support to the 
 existing Govt, on the condition of its promptly and fairly carrying 
 out the terms of Union, particularly the early commencement and 
 vigorous prosecuHon of the Pacific Railway, and generally giving 
 attention to the interests of the Province."— T^ow/ Bay Road, Victoria ; 
 Rideau Club. 
 Ross, Gbouge William. ( West Middlesex.) 
 Of Celtic origin. Family came to Can , from Ross-shire, Scot., 
 1832. B. in County Middlesex, Ont., 18 Sept., 1841. Ed. there and at 
 Provl. Normal School, Toronto. M., Christina, fourth dau. of Duncan 
 Campbell, Esq., of Middlesex. She d., Aug., 1872 ; 2nd, 1875, 
 M is3 Boston, of Lobo, Co. Middlesex. Has been for many years a 
 prominent leader in the Temperance and Prohibitory movements m 
 Can., and has rendered most important services in connection there- 
 with, having succeeded in obtaining the appt. of the late commission 
 ot the U.S., and in securing the meeting of the late Dominion Conven- 
 tion at Montreal. Is Inspector of Public Schools for Co. Lambton ; 
 one of the proprietors of the Ontario Teacher ; a Vice-Presdt. of the 
 Ontario Temperance and Prohibitory League ; and a P.G.W.P. of 
 Grand Division Sons of Temperance of Ont. Has been editor of the 
 Strathroy Age, and of the Seaforth Expositor^ both Reform journals. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected by 
 acclamation at last g e. A " thorough Reformer," and a supporter of 
 Mr. Mackenzie. — Strath 
 Ross, Lewis. {East Durham.) 
 B. in parish of Fearn, Ross-shire, Scot., 1825. Ed. there. M., 
 1852, the dau. of John S. Cute, Esq., Collector of Customs, Picton, 
 Ont. A brother of the mem. for Prince Edward. A merchant, and 
 a dir. of the Midland Railway ; of the Midland Manufacturing Co. ; 
 of the Port Hope Mechanics' Institute ; of the Royal Canadian 
 Insurance Co. (local) ; Chairman of Public School Board, and Presdt. 
 of the Port Hope Agricultural Society. Was Presdt. of the East 
 Durham Reform Assn. for, four years, but resigned on his election to 
 Parlt. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1872; re- 
 elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. — " Ross Mount Jlouse,^^ Port Hope. Ont. 
 Ross, Lieut.-Col. Walter. {Prince Edward.) 
 B. in parish of Fearn, Ross-shire, Scot. Ed. at Parish School, and 
 the Tain Academy. Lieut.-Col, of the 16th Batt. "Prince Edward" 
 V.I. ; genl. manager of the Ontario and Quebec Navigation Co. ; and 
 a dir. of the Prince Edward Co. Railway. Was a mem. of the Town 
 Council of Picton for eight years, and subsequently Mayor of that 
 town for four years. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from g.e., 
 1863 until the Union. Returned to Commons at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected 
 at g.e., 1872 ; and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. 
 Mackenzie. — Picton, Ont. 
 t ^ 
 Rouleau, Fhancois Fortuna.t, B.C.Ij (Dorc heater.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of Lieut.-Col. Francois Roulean, N.P., Registrar of Dorchester, 
 by Luce Labonte. B. at Ste. Claire, P.Q., 4 July, 1849. Ed. at the 
 Laval Normal School, Quebec, and at Laval University, wliere he ob- 
 tained the degree of B.C.L., 1870. Unmarried. Called to the Bar, 
 P.Q.,1870. First returned to Parliament, for present seat, at last g.e. 
 Unseated on petition, 8 July, 1875 ; re-elected 14 Dec, 1875. A Lib- 
 eral Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — JJonnacona St., 
 Roy, Charles Francois, P.L.S., C.E. (Kanwuraska.) 
 Remote ancestors from St. Malo, France. S. of the late M. F. E. 
 Roy, of St. Anne la Pocatiere. B. 14 Sept., 1835. Ed. at St. Ann's 
 College. M., Caroline M. C, 2nd dau. of J. B. Sasseville, Esq., of 
 Gaspe. A Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Was Colo- 
 nization Agent for Dist. of Gaspe from 1862 to 1868. First returned 
 to Quebec Assembly, Feb., 1868. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 
 1871 ; and again returned at last g.e. Upon elevation of M. Pelletier to 
 the Senate, successfully contested Kamburaska for the Dominion Par- 
 liament, Feb. 19, 1877. A Conservative. — St. Anne la Pocatiere. 
 Ryan, Joseph O'Connell. (Marquette.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of Mr. John O'Connell, of Pittsburgh, Frontenac, Ont. B. at 
 Dunnville, Ont, 18 Dec.^ 1841. Ed. at Regiopolis College, Kingston. 
 Assumed his mother's maiden name (Ryan) at the request of his uncle. 
 M., Sept., 1868, Mary Helena, niece and adopted dau. of the late P. 
 Macmanamin, Esq., of Kingston. Studied law with Robt. Wilkinson. 
 Esq., Co. Attorney of Frontenac, and was called to the Bar, Ont., in 
 Michaelmas Term, 1869 ; to that of Manitoba, 1872. A dir. of thei 
 Royal Mutual Life Assurance Co. Edits'd the British American 
 (Kingston), a Reform journal, for a short period ; and was one 
 of the two special Auditors who, in 1868, discovered a defalca- 
 tion of many thousand dollars in the accounts of the then Treasurer of 
 Frontenac. Was a candidate for present seat at last g,e., when the 
 late Mr. Robert Cunningham was rfitumed; the election being pro- 
 tested, a scrutiny of votes was had before the Election Court, after 
 Mr. Cunninghams death, and Mr. Ryan was declared the sitting mem. 
 A Liberal. — Portage La Prairie, M. 
 Rymal, Joseph. (South Wentioorth.) 
 S. of Mr. Jacob R3'mal, who sat in the U.C. Assembly. B. in Co. 
 Wentworth, 17 Nov., 1821. Is a dir. of the Victoria Mutual Insurance 
 Co. Sat for present scat in Can. Assembly from g.e., 1857, until the 
 Union. Returned to Commona at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872 , 
 and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie 
 Administration. In favor of a Prohibitory Liquor Law. — Barton, Ont, 
 ScATCiiEUD^ Robert Collv. {Xorth Middlesex.) 2xd Mem. 
 Eld. 3. of the late John Scatcherd, Esq., a native of Yorkshire, 
 En£., who emigrated to U.C, 1821, and at the lime of his death (1858) 
 represented West Middlesex in Can. Assembly, which he had also done 
 in the previous Parliament ; also brother of the late Thomas 
 Scatcherd, Q.C, M.P., who died April 15, 1876, whilst attending to his 
 Parliamentary duties at Ottawa. B. at London, Ont., 12 Nov., 1832. 
 Ed. at London District Grammar School. M., 7 May, 1863, Margaret, 
 eldest dan. of James Oliver, Esq., of London. Studied law with his 
 brother, Thomas Scatcherd, and commenced practice in Stratbroy, 
 Ont., 1862. Was solicitor for village and town of Stratbroy, from 
 1863 to 1873; and mayor, by acclamation, for 1874-75 and '76. First 
 returned to Parliament upon death of silting member, 7 June, 1876. — 
 Sirathroi/, Ont. 
 ScnuLTZ, Jlon. John CnnisriAx, J/. J). {Lisgor.) 
 ' Of Scandinavian descent. S. of the late Mr 
 merchant, of Amherstburg, Ont., by Eliza, dau. of 
 Wm. Schultz, 
 — Riley, Esq., 
 ofBandon, Irl. B. at Amhurstburg, Ont., 1 Jan., 1840. Ed. in 
 Arts at Oberlin College, Ohio ; and in Medicine at Queen's Univer- 
 sity, Kingston, and Victoria University, Cobourg. Graduated as 
 M.D., 1860. M., at Winnipeg, 1868, Miss Agnes Campbell Farqu- 
 harson, of Georgetown, British Guiana. Went to Red River, 1860, 
 where he has since resided, practising his profession and being also 
 largely engaged in mercantile pursuits. Was leader of the « Cana- 
 dian " party at the time of the Rebellion 1869-70, and was seized and 
 imprisoned, and sentenced to death, by Reil, but escaped. Apptd. a 
 mem. of the Ex. Council for the N.W. Territories, Dec, 1872. Is 
 President of the Manitoba Board of Trade ; a mem . of the Domin- 
 ion Board of Health for Manitoba and the North- West Territories ; 
 provisional dir. of the Manitoba Central Railway and of the Mani- 
 toba North-Western Railway. President of the " North-West Trad- 
 ing Company," and one of the Board of Governors of Manitoba 
 Medical Board. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, on Mani- 
 toba entering the Dominion, March, 1871 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872, 
 and again at last g.e. An Independent Liberal ; in favor of union 
 and progress. Favors a Prohibitory Liquor Law. — Winnipeg. 
 11 ^*, 
 I-' I 
 ScRiVER, Juura. {Huntingdon . ) 
 Descended from U. E. loyjilists, who came to Can. from 
 Dutchess County, N.Y., at the close of the Am. revolution. B. at 
 Hemmingford, P.Q., 26 Feb., 1820. Ed. at the University of 
 Vermont. M., Miss Frances A. Stevens, of Potsdam, N.Y. Is 
 President of the Quebec Frontier Railway. Sat for Huntingdon in 
 Quebec Assembly from the Union until Sept., 1869, when he 
 resigned, and was returned to Commons by acclamation. Re- 
 elected by acclamation at g.e., 1872 ; and again returned at last g.e. 
 A Liberal, and an independent supporter of the existing Adminis- 
 tration . — Ilemminf/ford, P .Q. 
 ShiblbYj Schuyler. {Addington.) 2nd Mem. 
 Of German descent. S. of the late Henry Shibiey, Esq., of 
 Portland, Co. Frontenac, Ont . ; grand-s . of John Shibiey, Esq . , a 
 U.E . loyalist, who came to Can. at the close of the American Revo- 
 lutionary war, and settled at Bath, Ont, 1783; and a nephew of 
 Jacob Shibiey, Esq., a follower of the late Hon. Robert Baldwin, 
 who represented Frontenac in the U.C. Assembly previous to the 
 Union of 1840, Bom in Portland, 19 March, 1820. Ed. at the 
 Waterloo Academy near Kingston. M., 1854, a dau. of the late 
 Thos. Greer, Esq., for many years a prominent merchant of King- 
 ston. A dir. of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway, and of the 
 Royal Mutual Life Assurance Co . Was Warden of Frontenac dur- 
 ing three consecutive terms. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 present seat at g.e., 1867, when defeated by a small majority, but 
 returned at g. e., 1872, by a majority of 646 over his former 
 opponent. Again returned at last g.e.; unseated on petition 21 
 Sept., 1874 ; re-elected, 28 Oct., 1874. " A Liberal-Conservative, 
 and until the exposure of the * Pacific Railway Scandal,' an indepen- 
 dent supporter of the Government of Sir John lilacdonald. Believ- 
 ing that the present Administration is entitled to a fair trial, he 
 will support the measures brought forward by them so long as they 
 are worthy of confidence." "Regards the Reciprocity Treaty, on~ 
 the whole, as likely t«) be beneficial to the Canadian people at 
 large, and especially to the farming community. — Murvale^ Ont. 
 Short, John. (Gasp^). 2nd Men. 
 Great grandfather, Rev. Robt. Short, D.D., Rector of Three 
 Rivers, P.Q. ; grandf. , John Quirk Short, Esq., M.D., Staflf Sur- 
 geon and Dpty. Inspector Qeiil. of HospitaltJ. S. of Rev. Robt. 
 Short, M.A., of the Church of Eng., by Margaret, dau. of Capt. 
 Lyon, of Aberdeen, Scot. B. at Richmond, Ont., 4 July, 1836. 
 Ed. at Lennoxville. M., 30 May, 1858, Mary Charlotte, dau. of 
 Jas. Boyle, Esq., of Gaspe. Was Mayor of Ga8p6 for fourteen 
 years, during a portion of which time he was Warden of the County. 
 Has also been Chairman of School Commrs. ; and Sheriff of Gaspo. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 30 July, 1875. A Liberal 
 Conservative. " On Free Trade and Protection, the only two 
 leading questions before the country, he is for incidental protec- 
 tion." — Gaspi. 
 Sinclair, lion. Peter. {Queens^ P.E.l.) 
 S. of the late Peter Sinclair, Esq., by Mary Crawford, both of 
 Argyleshire, Scot. B. and ed. there. Unmarried. A farmer. 
 First returned to Parlt. in P.E.I., 1867. Was apptd.amcm. of the 
 Board of Education, 1868. Was a mem. of Ex.-Council from 1869 
 to 1871, when the Govt, resigned, and again in 1872, in the Hay- 
 thorne Liberal Administration, when he acted as Govt, leader in 
 the Assembly, and was a mem . of the Board of Works. On the 
 admission of P.E.l. into the Dominion, returned to Commons for 
 Queens, Sept., 1873 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. An advo- 
 cate of international free-trade upon a just and equitable basis ; and 
 of a prohibitory liquor law. — Summerjield, P.E.I. 
 Skinner, /yteM^ -Co/. .Iambs Atciiisox. {South Oxford.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. in the Royal Burgh of Tain, Ross-shire, Scot , 1826. Ed. 
 at the Grammar School and Royal Academy there . Came to Can . 
 1843, and in 1849 m. Agnes, second dau. of Robt. Johnson, Esq., 
 of Annandale. " A farmer, and proud ot being a farmer." En- 
 tered the Can. Volunteer Militia service, 1855, and shortly afterwards 
 organized the first Highland Co. enrolled in Western Can . ; in 1860, 
 after the disbandment of the first one, organized a second Highland 
 Co., (which he uniformed at at his own expense), and which did 
 duty during the visit to Hamilton of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales ; 
 in 1862, on the formation of the 13th V.I , became Major, and in 
 1866 succeeded to the Lieut . -Colonelcy of that Batt., a position ho 
 still retains. Is also Vice-Presdt. of the Ontario Rifle Assn, ; 
 a member of Council of Dominion Rifle Association ; and 
 Presdt. of the Highland Society ol Hamilton and Canada West 
 (holding a charter from the Highland Society of Scotland) ; and of 
 H ; 
 the Highland Society of Embro. Was present at Ridgeway with 
 the 13th ; and acted as Brigadier at the military camps at Niagara, 
 1873-4. Col. Skinner also organized nnd commanded the first 
 Colonial i'team," (laisedin Ontario in 1871), ior competition at the 
 annual Rifle matches at Wimbledon. First returned to Parlt. for 
 present seat, 23 May, 1874, on the resignation of the sitting mem. 
 " In politics, has always been a Reformer, and having every confi- 
 dence in the integrity and honesty of purpose of the present Ad- 
 ministration, will give it his cordial support, and will always bo 
 found using his best endeavors to procure an honest, economical 
 .ind efficient administration of the affairs of the country. Having 
 been continually connected with the Volunteer Force from its first 
 inception in 1855, it is natural that he should take a deep interest 
 in it. Regrets, however, to say that its efficiency is not at all 
 commensurate with the large amount of money spent in keeping it 
 up ; at the same time believing its maintenance to be a necessity, 
 he will use every effort at his command to make it still more 
 efficient (which he knows to be possible) without at the same time 
 increasing the burdens of the people either in time or money. 
 Bel'"eving t?iat any change in our relations with the Mother Country 
 in '; direction of Independence, would not only not be for our 
 |^fl<^<i, but very much to our detriment, he will strenuously advocate 
 he maintaining of the existing relations between the Dominion 
 and the 
 iipire." — " St . Duthus House," iJunelg, Woodstock, Ont. 
 Smith, Hon. Albert James, Q.C. (Westmoreland.) 
 S. of the late T. E. Smith, Esq., of Co. Westmoreland, N.B. 
 B. there, 1822. Ed. at the Co. Grammar School. M., June, 
 1868, the dau. of J. W. Young, Esq., of Halifax, N.S. Called to 
 the Bar, N.B., Feb., 1847. A Queen's Counsel. Was a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council, N.B., from 1856 to 1863, and also for a short 
 period in 1866 ; Attorney-Genl . from 1862 to 1863, when he retired 
 from the Govt.; held same office in his own Administration, 1865. 
 Was a delegate to Eng. with the present Judge Fisher, 1858, on the 
 subject of the Intercolonial Railway ; to the same country, with the 
 present Chief Justice Allen, on public business, 1865 ; and to Wash- 
 ington, with Hon. Messrs. Gait (now Sir A. T.), Howland and 
 Henry, on the subject of reciprocal trade, Jan., 1866. Declined the 
 Chief Justiceship of N.B., 1866; the Lieut.-Governorship of the 
 same Province, 1873 ; and the Ministership of Justice, June, 1874. 
 Sworn of the Privy Council, and appid. Minister of Marine and 
 Fisheries, 7 Nov., 1873. {Salaiy, $7,000.) Sat in the N.B. 
 ^ Assembly from 1852 until the Union, when returned to Commons ; 
 re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 1872, again on his appt. to office, 
 and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Russell Ilouse^ Ottawa; Dor* 
 Chester, N.B,; Rideau Club. 
 Smith, lion. Donald Alexander. (Selkirk.) 
 B. in Scot. 1821. Ed there. M., Isabella, dau. of the late 
 Richard Hardisty, Esq., at one time an officer in the British army, 
 and afterwards of the Hon. Hudson Bay Co. Has been for many 
 years in the service of the Hon . Hudson Bay Co., and now holds the 
 office of Resident Governor and Chief Commissioner of that Cor- 
 poration. Is Vice-Patron of the Selkirk Riflle Assn.; Presdt. of the 
 Manitoba Provl. Agricultural Assn.; of the Selkirk St. Andrew's 
 Society; and of the Anticosti Co.; Vice-Presdt. of the Dominion 
 Rifle Assn . ; and of the London and Canadian Loan and Agency Co.; 
 and a dir. of the Bank of Montreal ; of the Mitchell Steamship Co.; 
 of the Bank of Manitoba ; and of the Railway Equipment and Rail'y. 
 Stock Co.; and a mem. of the Board of Management of the Manitoba 
 (Presbyterian) College. Apptd. a member of the Ex. Council for 
 N.W. Territories, Oct., 1870. Was a Special Commr. to enquire 
 into the causes, nature and extent of the obstruction offered in the 
 North West Territories to the peaceful ingress* of Hon. W. Mac- 
 dougall,and for other purposes, Dec, 18G9. Represented Winni- 
 peg and St. John in the Manitoba Assembly, from the first meeting 
 of that body, 1871, until Jan., 1874, when he resignsd, in order to 
 confine himstilf to the Commons. First returned to Commons for 
 present seat, on the admission of Manitoba into the Union, 1871 ; 
 re-electedat g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. A Conservative ; and "as 
 he has no favors to ask and nothing personal to desire from any 
 Govt., he will support only such measures as are conducive to the 
 advancement of Manitoba and the North West in the first instance, 
 and to the general prosperity of the Dominion. " — Silver Heights and 
 Fort Oarry, Manitoba ; Hudson Bay Jlouse, Montreal ; St. James 
 Club ; Rideau Club. 
 Smith, Robert J. P. (Peel . ) 
 Family came from Irel. to Can., 1828. B. in Co. Armagh, Ire!., 
 11 April, 1819. Ed. at Common School. M., April, 1847, to Miss 
 Eliza Jane McCandless. A farmer Was a township and county 
 councillor lor ten years. An unsuccessful candidate for Poel in 
 Ont. Assembly at g.e., 1867. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 Beat, atg.e., 1872 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, andasup> 
 porter of the Mackenzie Administration. In favor of a Prohibitory 
 Liquor Law. — Brampton^ Out. 
 Bnidsr, Qeorgb. (North Grey.) 
 Grandfather emigrated from Germany to British Colonies in Am. 
 in the 18th century. 8. of Martin Bnider, a native of Pennsylvania, 
 and a U.E. loyalist, who fought en the loyal side during the Am. 
 revolution, was taken prisoner, but escaped and made his way to N . 
 B.,andihenje toU.C. B. atEglmton, Ont., 31 Jan., 1813. Ed. 
 at Toronto. M., 1835, Jane, dau. of the late Joseph Maughan, of 
 Northumberland, Eng. Was local agent for the sale of Crown Lands 
 on Toronto and Snydenham Boad, 1848 to 1850; Crown Lands 
 agent, same place, from latter date to 1854; andSheriflfof Grey 
 from Dec., 1853, to June, 1863, when he resigned that office. Has 
 been Presdt. of the Mechanic's Institute of Owen Sound, and of the 
 County Agricultural Society, and Mayor of Owen Sound on two 
 occasions. Was an unsuccessful candidate for Grey in Can. As- 
 sembly at g.e., 1863. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872 ; and at last g.e. A Liberal, 
 and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration . — Fairview Cottage^ 
 Owen Sound, Ont. 
 Stbphbnson, Rufls. (Kent, Ont.) 
 Family came originally fiom Lancashire, Eng. One of his an- 
 cestors, Samuel Chapin, emigrated to Am. as early as 1641. 
 Youngest s. of Eli Stephenson, Esq ., formerly of St. Catharines, 
 Ont.; and nephew of the late Col. E. W. Stephenson, of the same 
 place. B. at Springfield, Mass., U.S., 14 Jan., 1835. Ed. at Grant- 
 ham Academy, St. Catharines. M., Oct., 1854, Georgiaa Emma, 
 eld. dau. of Thomas Andrew, Esq., barrister, formerly of London, 
 Eng., and grad-dau. of Joseph Sparks, Esq., of the Co. Kent, Eng., 
 once a dir. of the Hon. East India Co. Is editor and proprietor of 
 the Chatham Planet newspaper. Has been a mem. of the Town 
 Council of Chatham for some years, and was Mayor of that town 
 from 1875 to 1869. Is also a mem. of the Kent Municipal Council ; 
 mem. of the Co. Board of Grammar School Trustees ; and Capt. of 
 No. 2 Co,, 24 "Kent" Batt. V.I. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1872, and again at last 
 g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Administration. — 
 Chatham f Ont.; Rideau Club, 
 n, of 
 f the 
 a two 
 L. As- 
 iat, at 
 us an- 
 letor of 
 It town 
 )uncil ; 
 Capt. of 
 It., for 
 I at last 
 tion. — 
 St. Jean, riKiiHE, iW./>. {Ottawa City.) 
 S. of the late M. Silvas St. Jean, of St. Sulpice, L'Assomption, 
 P.Q., l>y Klizabeth Casaiibon, a descendant of a French military 
 officer of that name. B. in the City of Ottawa, 22 Sept., 1833. 
 Ed. at the University of Ottawa; obtained degree of M.D. from 
 College of Physicians and Surgeons, L.C., 1855. M, 1st, Jan., 
 1856, Rose Delima, dau. of Levi LaRue, Esq., Supdt. of Public 
 Works. at St. Ours, P.Q. (she d, 1857) ; 2ndly, Nov., 1862, Louise, 
 dau. of Antoino Frechette, Esq., of Qut.bec. Has been Presdt. of 
 the Ottawa St. Jean Baptiste Societe. First returned to Parlt . , for 
 present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and will give the present 
 Administration his cordial support. In favor of "the protection of 
 the rights of minorities, whether Catholic or Protestant; a fair 
 reciprocity treaty; the construction of the Pacific Railway on 
 Canadian soil, as soon as means vill permit ; all projects having 
 in view the opening up of our vast Dominion to emigration ; improv- 
 ing water and railway communication ; and promoting the consoli- 
 dation of the natural interests of our country ; and will urgently 
 and consistently press on the Govt, the improvement of the navi- 
 gation of the Ottawa River, with a view to the early adoption of 
 the scheme known as the Ottawa Ship Canal." — 174, St. Patrick St., 
 Ottawa . 
 TaschvreaU; Henry Thomas, B,C.L.,{Montmagny.) 
 A mem . of one of the oldest and most honorable families in 
 the Province of Quebec, the head of the family in this country, 
 Thomas Jacques, of Touraine, France, s. of Christopher Tasche- 
 reau. King's Councellor, director of the Mint, and Treasurer of the 
 City of Tours, having come to Can. towards the beginning of the 
 last century, was apptd. Treasurer of the Marine, an{i in 1736 
 obtained the cession of a Seigniory, on the banks of the Chaudiere. 
 8 . of the Hon . Jean Thomas Taschereau, one of the Judges of the 
 Supreme Court of the Dominion, and grands, of the late Hon. Jean 
 Thomas Taschereau, who for many years fought for constitutional 
 liberty in the Parlt. of L.C., was imprisoned, 1810, and subsequently, 
 after his release, raised to the Bench . Is nephew of his Grace the 
 Archbishop of Quebec. B in the City of Quebec, 6 Oct., 1841. Ed. 
 at the Quebec Seminary and at Laval University, from which he 
 obtained degree of B.L., 1861, and B.C.L., 1862. M., 22 June, 
 1864, the dau. of E. L. Pacaud, Esq., advocate, Arthabaskaville, 
 P.Q. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1863. Has been a mem. of the 
 •; I 
 P j. 
 H '" 
 City Council of Quebec, and represented tlie City of Quebec on the 
 North Shore lUiilway Board, Edited Les Debals, 1862, and was one 
 of the «jditor8 of La Tribune (Quebec), 1863. An unsuccesoful 
 candidate for Dorchester in Oan. Assembly at g.c., 1863. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1872 ; re-elected by 
 acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 Mackenzie Administration — 35, <S7. Louin St, Quebec, 
 Thibaudkau, lion. Isidorb. {Quebec East.) 
 Descended from a French family, mentioned in history as 
 being in existence during the reign of Louis XV., and which, on 
 the breaking out of the Revolution of 1789, migrated to Acadia 
 and thence to Can. B. at Cap Saute, P.Q., 30 Sept., 1819. M., 4 
 Sept., 1850, Laura, eld. dau. of the late Qaspard Drolet, Esq., advo- 
 cate, of Quebec (she d., Dec, 1863.) Is head of the firm of Thibau- 
 deau, Thomas & Co., wholesale merchants of Quebec and Montreal ; 
 and Vice-President of La Banque National^ and of the Quebec Steel 
 Company. Has been President of the St. Jean Baptiste Soeiiti of 
 Quebec; and adir. of the G. T. Railway. Was President of the 
 Ex. Council, Can., from May, 1863 'to March, 1864 (in the Sanfield- 
 Macdonald-Dorion Administration.) Sat for Quebec Centre in Can. 
 Assembly from g.e., 1863, until the Union, when he retired* and 
 was apptd. to represent "Kennebec " division in the Quebec L.C., 
 where he remained, having charge of all opposition measures, until 
 Jan., 1874, when elected to Commons for Quebec East, by acclama- 
 tion. A Liberal, and a supporter of the Mackenzie Administration. 
 3^ St. Genevieve St, Cape, Quebec. 
 Thompson, Major David. (Baldimand.) 
 Grandfather came from Scot. S. of the late D. Thompson, 
 Esq., who sat for Haldimand in Canada Assembly, from 1841 to 
 1851. 'B. in the Tp. of Wainfleet, Welland, Ont, 7 Dec, 1836. 
 Ed. at Hamilton Grammar School and Upper Canada College. M., 
 Sept., 1858, Elizabeth, fourth dau. of E^enezer Stinson, Esq., 
 of Hamilton. A grain and flour merchant. Is a Municipal Coun- 
 cillor ; a dir. of the Canada West Farmers' Mutual and Stock Insur- 
 ance Company; Major 37th "Haldimand" Batt., of Volunteer 
 Rifles; Vice-President of the Canada Fire and Marine Insurance 
 Company ; and President of the Haldimand Agricultural Society. 
 Sat for Haldimand in Canada Assembly from 1863 until the Union. 
 Returned to Commons at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at 
 g.e., 1872, and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 Mackenzie Administration. In favor of a Prohibitory liquor Law. 
 ^' RtUhven Park," Deana, Ont. 
 Thomfbow, Joshua Spencer. {Cariboo.) , 
 Descended from a Northumbrian family that settled in Ulster 
 at the time of the Kevolution, B. in Belfast, Irel, 1828. £d. 
 there. Unmarried. Is editor and proprietor of the Cariboo 
 Sentinel, First returned to Parlt., for present seat, on the admis- 
 sion of B.C. into the Can. Union, Dec, 1871 ; re-elected by ac- 
 clamation, at g.e., 1872, and again returned at last go. A Liberal ; 
 and "considers that in any case the first duty of every British 
 Columbia member should be to ignore parties and prejudice, and 
 give a fair trial to the new Administration, with a cordial support, 
 so long as they carry out the terms of Union in their integrity . " 
 Barkerville, B,C. \ Rideau Club. 
 Thomson, William Alexander. {Welland.) 
 B. in Wigtonshire, Scot., Nov., 1816. Camo to Can. 1834. Has 
 promoted the construction of the Erie and Niagara, and of the Can. 
 Southern Railways, and is a local dir. of the latter, and has been Presdt. 
 of the former. Author of an Essay on the Philosophy of Political 
 Economy (Buffalo, 1863), which foreshadows the creation of a cur- 
 rency of a national character, that would make credit the exception 
 instead of the rule, in all Government and individual transactions, 
 the soundness of which doctrine he still maintains. An unsuccess- 
 ful candidate for Niagara at g.e., 1867. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, 19 Nov., 1872, on the death of the sitting mem. ; 
 re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and favours Free Trade. — " Glt^' 
 cairn" near Queenston, Ont. 
 Trow, James, J. P. (South Perth.) 
 |nion . 
 Ion at 
 B. in Newton, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, 16 Dec, 1825. 
 Ed. at Welchpool. Came to Can., 1841. M. 1847, Miss Mary 
 Moore, of Blenheim, Oxford, Ont. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Perth 
 Mutual ; and a dir. of the Ontario Mutual Insurance Associations . 
 Is Reeve of North Easthope, an office to which he has been 
 elected by acclamation seventeen years in succession. Has been 
 Warden of Perth. Sat for South Perth in Local Assembly from 1867 
 until 1871, when defeated. First returned to Commons at g.e., 
'.'J .?) 
 I li 
 Wl't • . 
 1872 ; re.elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of the M&ckeniie Administration. — Shakespeare, Ont. 
 TupcER, /7ort. Charles, CZ/., M.D , L.R.C.S. [Edin.] (Cum- 
 Family originally from flesse Cassel, wont to (iuernsey, thence 
 to Virginia, and Bubsequently, at the termination of the Am. rev- 
 olution, removed to N.S. with other loyalists ; it is connected with 
 the family of the late Mujor-Genl. Sir Isaac Brock, K B ., the hero 
 of QueensiCon. S. of the Rev. Charles Tapper, D.D., of Aylensford, 
 N.S, B. at Amherst, N. S, 2 July, 1821. Is an MA . of Acadia 
 College, IT.S. Took degree of M.D. at Edinburgh, and obtained 
 the diploma of the Royal College cf Surgeons, same city, 1843. 
 M., Oct., 1846, Miss Frances Morse, of Amherst. A physician. Is 
 governor of Dalhousie College, Halifax, (apptd. by. Act of Parlt., 
 1862.) Was Presdt. of the Canadian Medical Association, from its 
 formation, 1867, until 1870, when he declined re-election. Was a 
 mem. of the Ex. Council, and Provl, Sec)^, N.S., from 1857 to 1860, 
 and from 1863 to 30 June, 1867; and of Prime Minister of that 
 Province from 1864 until he retired from ojBdce with his Govt, 
 on the Union Act coming into force, 1 July, 1867. Was a delegate to 
 Eng. on public business from N.S. Govt,, 1858 and 1865 ; from the 
 Dominion Govt, (with respect to the N.S. difficulty,) March, 1868; 
 leader of the delegation from N S. to the Union Conference at 
 Charlottetown, 1864 ; to that in Quebec in same year, and to the 
 final Colonial Confereno in London to complete terms of Union, 
 1866-7. Holds patent of rank and precedence from Her Majesty as 
 an Executive Councillor, N.S. Created C.B. (civil) by Her 
 Majesty, 1867. Author of ^ Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Eorlof Car- 
 narvon on the Union Question {IjOU.^ 1866). Declined a seat in the 
 Can. Cabinet, 1867 ; and the Chairmanship of Intercolonial Rail- 
 way Board, 1868. Sworn of the Privy Council, June, 18T0, and was 
 Prusdt. of that body from that date until I July, 1872, when he was 
 transferred to ilio Inland Revenue, and theie remained until 22 
 Feb, 1873, when apptd Ministei of Customs; resigned office with 
 Sir John Macdonald, 5 Nov., 1873. Sat for present seat in N.S. 
 Assembly from 1855 until the Union, when returned to Commons ; 
 re-elected by acclamation, on his accepting office ; again returned 
 atg.e., 1872, and again at g.e., 1874, making nine times that he 
 has been elected in his native county. The following arc some of 
 the measures which w^re introduced and carried through the Leg- 
 islature of N.S . by the hon . member : the Jury Law ; Education 
 Act providing free schools and assessment ; Equity Judge Act ; 
 Windsor and Annapolis Act ; bill providing for a quarantine station 
 and hospital ; Representation Bill ; Executive and Legislative Dis- 
 abilities Act ; the first Act passed by any of the Provinces prohib- 
 iting dual representation ; an Act reducing the number of members 
 in the Assembly, from 55 to 38 on entering the Union, and nn Act 
 relative to certain public officers and their salaries' which abolished 
 the offices of Financial Secy., and Solicitor-Genl., and largely re- 
 duced the expenditure for salaries ; he also moved the resolution 
 for the Union of the Maritime Provinces, 1864, under which delegates 
 were sent to Charlottetown in tliat year ; and the resolution author- 
 izing delegates to be sent to London to arrange the terms for the 
 Union of N.S andN.B. with Can., 1866. A Liberal Conservative. 
 — Cor. Jarvis and Girard Sts., Toronto; ^^Belmore" St. An- 
 Andrew^s, N.B.; Halifax Club ; Rideau Club ; 'U. EP Club. 
 Vail, LieuL-Col. lion. William Berrian. (^Digby.) 2a'd Mem. P.C. 
 Descended from John J. Vail, of Westchester, N . Y . S. of 
 the late John C. Vail, Esq., of Sussex, N.B., who was Judge of the 
 Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and a mem . for Kings in the 
 N.B. Assembly for upwards of 25 years, by Charlotte H., dau. of 
 the Rev. Oliver Arnold, formerly of Conn., U.S., and afterwards 
 Rector of Sussex ; and grandson of Robert Vail, a loyalist, who came 
 to N.B. at the close of the American Revolution. B. at Sussex 
 Vale, N.B., 23 Doc, 1823. Ed, there. M. Charlotte Leslie, eld. 
 dau. of Charles Jones, Esq., of Weymouth, N.S. Is Lieut. -CoL 
 2nd Regt. Digby Militia. VVas a mem. of the Ex. Council, and 
 Provl. Secy. N.S. (in the Annand Administration), from Nov., 
 1867, until 30 Sept , 1874, when sworn of the Privy Council, and 
 apptd. Minister of Militia and Defence. (Salary, $7,000 . ) Bat for 
 Digby in N.S Assembly from 1867 until his appt. to office in the 
 Federal Govt., when returned to same county in House of Com- 
 mons. — A Reformer. — Russell House, Ottawa ; Halifax Club ; Rideau 
 Wallace, John, J.P, (Albert . ) 
 Grandparents came to N.B. from the North of Irel. B. at 
 Hillsborough, 18 Nov., 1812. Ed. there. M., 1st, 1846, Eleanor, 
 dau. of Mr. George Russell, of Hopewell, N.B. (she d, 185C) ; 2ndly, 
 1859, Miss Cymintha Foss, of New Hampshire, U.S. (sLe d. 
 1865). Has been President of the Albeit Agricultural Society. 
 .] lis 
 First return d to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected 
 at g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 present Govt. — Hillsborough^ N.B. 
 Wallacf, William. {South Norfolk.) 2nd Mem. 
 Eld. 8. of tiie late John "Wallace, a native of Ayrshire, Scot., 
 who served in the Scots' Greys at Waterloo, by Anne Spiers, his 
 wife. B near Gp^ston, Ayrshire, 4 Feb., 1820. Ed. at the parish 
 school at Whithorn, Wigtonshire. M., 1852, Mary Anne, second 
 dau. of George Kent, Esq., of Simcoe, Ont. Came to Can., 1840. 
 Founded the British Canadian newspaper (Simcoe), 1861, of which 
 he still remains editor and proprietor. Was School Trustee of 
 Simcoe for many years, and has been Reeve of Simcoe and a mem . 
 of the County Council. Sat for present seat from g.e., 1872, uitil 
 g.e,, 1874. Again returned 16 Dec, 1874, on the unseating of 
 the sitting mem. A Conservative, but not opposed to well con- 
 sidered change or wise progress. An opponent of the present 
 Govt., but n3 tactionist. Is an advocate of a Federation of the 
 Empire, and iutroduced a series of resolutions bearing on that 
 question in 1873 ; of railways and telegraphs being owned by the 
 Govt.; of a scheme for building the Pacific Railway on the credit 
 of the country, but not by money borrowed from abroad; o;'' a 
 national currency ; and of a Civil Service reform, which will dive st 
 Govts., of patronage ; of compulsory voting; aiid of every other 
 measure that will advance the moral or industrial interests of the 
 country. Determined hostile to "Canada First " if it means Inde- 
 pendence, but strongly in favor of it if it means Canada first in 
 all that will tend to the elevation of man and the greatness of a 
 people. Opposed to an elective Senate because it is another step 
 towards Republicanism, in which it is his opinion, Canada and 
 Canadians have already gone too far .—Simcoe, Ont. 
 "White, John. {East Hastings.) 
 B. in town of Donegal, Ircl., 1«33. Ed. there. M., 1856, Miss 
 Esther Johnson, of Roslin. Has been Reeve of 'J'yendinaga during 
 past three yea. 6. Elected Grand Master of the Grand Orange 
 Assn. for Ontario East ; and a Deputy Grand Master of the Grand 
 Blacl^ Chapter of Orangemen of B.A., 1874 First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, March, 1871; rj-elected at g.e., 1872, and 
 at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt— 
 Roslin, Ont. 
 Whitb, Pbtbr, Jr. {North Renfrew.) 3bd Mem. 
 Of Scottish descent. S. of Lieut. -Col. Peter White, who 
 settled at Pembroke, 1828. B. in Pembroke, Ont., 30 Aug., 1838. 
 £d. there. Unmanned. A lumber merchant. Has been Beeve 
 of the Township and Town of Pembroke. An unsuccessful candi* 
 date for present seat at g.e., 1873, and in Nov., 1874. Sat for 
 present seat, from g.e., 1874 until 14 Sept"., same year, when 
 unseated on petition. . Again returned, 21 Jan., 1876, on the sitting 
 mem. being unseated. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. — Pembroke; Rideau Club. 
 Wood, Andrew Tbkw. {Hamilton.) 2nd Mem. 
 Family on paternal side, came from Scot., and on maternal side, 
 fromEng., and settled in North of Irel. Eld. s. of David Wood, 
 Esq . , a merchant ok the town of Mount Norris, Armagh, Irel . B . 
 at Mount Norris, Aug., 1826. Ed. there. Came to Can., 1846. 
 M., 1st, 1851, MaryE., eld. dau. of the late Wm. Freeman, Esq . , 
 of Saltfleet, Wentworth, Ont., (she d.) ; 2ndly, 1363, Jennie, eld. 
 dau. ot George H. White, Esq., of Yorkville, Ont Senior partner 
 in the extensive hardware firm of Wood k Leggat ; Presdt . of the 
 Mechanics' Institute, Hamilton ; Vice-Presdt. of the Mutual Life 
 Assn. of Can. ; a dir. of the Y. M. Christian Assn. of Hamilton ; 
 of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railv ay ; of the Victoria Mutual 
 Fire Insurance Co, ; of the Hand-in-H:md Mutual Fire Insurance 
 Co. ; and of the Hamilton Provident and Loan Society. Has been 
 Presdt. of the Hamilton Board of Trade. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at last g.e. Unseated, on petition, 20 April, 1875 ; 
 re-elected 20 May, 1875. A Liberal and "still adheres to the 
 principles and platform, he announced during the election of 1874," 
 — East King JSt., Hamilton . 
 Workman, Thomas, ,7./*. (Montreal West.) 3rd Mem. 
 Family, which was originally English, settled in Irel. during 
 the time of Cromwell S. of the late Joseph Workman, Esq., of 
 Montreal. B. near Belfast, Irel., 17 June, 1813. Ed. in Montreal. 
 M., 1845, Annie, eldest dau. of the late John Eadie, Esq., of Glas- 
 gow, Scot. Is senior partner in the extensive and long established 
 firm of Fi-othingham & Workman, wholesale hardware merchants, 
 Montreal; Vice-PresJt. of Molson's Bank; Presdt. of the Sun 
 Mutual Life Inswranco Co . : Chairman of the Montreal branch of 
I -'1 
 i *, 'J 'l , ■ ^1 
 the Stadacona Fire Insurance Co. ; and a dir. of the Canada Ship- 
 ping Co. Has been Presdt. of the Irish Protestant Benevolent 
 Society of Montreal. Sat for Montreal Centre in the House of 
 Commons from the Union until g.e., 1872, when he retired from 
 Parlt. Retnrned for present seat, 30 Oct., 1875, on the unseating, 
 on petition, of sitting mem. A Liberal and a supporter of Mr. 
 Mackenzie. — '* Farkside,^^ Sherbrooke St., Montreal ; St. Jame^ Club. 
 Wright, Lieut.-Col. Alonzo. (^Ottawa County.) 
 8. of the late Lieut.-Col. Tiberius Wright; and grand B.^fii 
 the late Philemon Wright, formerly of Woburn, Mass , who came' to 
 Can., 1797, founded the village of Hull, on the Ottawa, and became 
 the first representative of the Co. of Ottawa in the L.C. Assembly. 
 B. at Hull, P. Q, 26 Feb., 1825. Ed. at Potsdam Academy, N.Y. 
 M., Mary, eld. dau. of the late Nicholas Sparks, Esq., of Ottawa 
 City. Is Lieut.-Col. of the Ottawa Co. Heserve Militia; Presdt. 
 of the Co. of Ottawa Agricultural Society ; and a dir. of the City of 
 Ottawa Agricultural Society. Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly 
 from 1863 until the Union, when returned to Commons by acclama- 
 tion ; re-elected by acclamation at g.o., 1872 ; and again returned at 
 last g.e. A Liberal Conservative " Ironside^'' Hull, P. Q. ; Rideau 
 Club ; Carleion Club , , 
 Wright, William McKay, B.A., B.C.L. (Pontiac.) 
 Descended from a Kentish family, coming from the neighbor- * 
 hood of Canterbury, that was amongst the earlist Puritan exiles to 
 America ; they settled at Woburn, Massachusetts, removing to 
 Canada abr>ut 1797, where they founded the first settleirent on the 
 Upper Ottawa at the village of Hull. S. of the late Lt.-Col. 
 Ruggles Wright ; and youngest grand-s, of Philemon Wright, the 
 pioneer of Colonization in the Ottawa Valley. B. at Hull, P.Q., 12 
 Nov., 1840. Ed. at the High School, Montreal, and at McGill 
 Universit)', where he took degree of B . A , with first-class honors, 
 1861, and that of B.C. L., from Law Faculty, 1863. M., Oct., 
 1864, Mary, eld. dau. of the Hon. James Skead, Senator. Called 
 to the Bar, L C., 1863, and to that of Ontario, Michaelmas Term, 
 1868, Is 1st Lieut. Ottawa Field Battery, and served with his 
 corps at the front during the last Fenian Raid ; a mem . of the 
 Council of the Dominion Ilifle Assn.; and of the Ontario Rifle 
 A.sn. ; and a dir. of the City of Ottawa and County of Ottawa Agri- 
 cultural Societies. First returned to Parlt., for present seat g.e. 
 1872; re-elected at last g, c.,by acclamation. A Liberal Con- 
 servative. — ^''Orchard Hill," llull, P.Q.; Rideau Club ; Carleton 
 Club ; " U.E." Club. 
 "i EC, ^on. James. (^Prince.) 
 Second s. of the late Hon. James Yeo, of Porthill, P.E.I., who 
 came from Devonshire, Eng., 1827, and held a peat in the Provin- 
 cial Assembly for a period of thirty years, B. at Porthill, 1832. 
 M., 1855, Sarah Jane, dau. of William Glover, Esq., formerly of 
 Devonshire, Eng. A merchant, ship-builder and ship-owner. 
 Sat in the P.E.I. Assembly for some years before the Union with 
 Can., and also held a seat in the Ex. Council of that Colony. 
 First returned to Commons, on P.E.I, entering the Dominion, Sept., 
 1873; re-elected al last g.e. A Liberal and a supporter of the 
 present Reform Govt. — Porthill^ P.E.I. 
 Young, James. (South Waterloo.) 
 Eld 8. of the late John Young Esq., of Gait, Ont., formerly 
 of Roxburgshire, Scot, who came to Can. 1834. B. at Gait, 24 
 May, 1835. Ed. there. M., Feb., 1858, Margaret, second dau. 
 of John McNaught, Esq . , of Brantfo'-d , A mem . of the Honorary 
 Council Ont. School of Agriculture ; a mem. of the Agricultural 
 and Arts Council ; a dir. ot the Confederation Life Assurance Co.; 
 of the Canada Landed Credit Co. ; and of the Gore District Mutual 
 Fire Insurance Co . ; and Presdt. of the Association of Mechanics' 
 Institute, Ont. Has been Presdt. of the Provl. Sabbath School 
 Convention of Ont., and is now Vice-Presdt. of the Sabbath School 
 Assn. of Can. Was for several years a mem. of Board of Public 
 School Trustees and the Collegiate Institute ; six years a mem of 
 Gait Council, and once Deputy Reeve. Owned and edited the 
 Dumfries Reformer (Gait), from 1853 to 1863. Author of two piize 
 essays : The Agricultural Resources of Canada^ and the inducements 
 they offer to Brisish Labourers to settle in Canada^ and The Reciprocity 
 Treaty. First returned to Parlt.,for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; 
 re-elected by acclamation at g.e., 1872, and at last g.e. Since in 
 Parlt., proposed the abolition of the office of Queen's Printer, and 
 letting all Departmental printing by tender, which has greatly re- 
 duced the annual expenses; in 1871 the House adopted his bill 
 confirmiug the naturalization of all aliens who had taken the oaths 
 of allegiance and residence prior to Confederation ; in 1873 sub- 
 mitted a bill in favour of the ballot ; in 1873, and again in 1875, 
 carried addresses to Her Majesty, praying that the Imperial Govt . 
 might take steps to confer on Germans and other aliens naturalized 
 in Can., the same rights in all parts of the world as British born 
 subjects; and in 1874 proposed a committee and report which re- 
 sulted in the publication of the " Hansard/' containing the House 
 of Commons debates for 1875 and 1876. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of the Mackenzie Administration. — " ThornhUll" Oalty OfU.; 
 Rideau Club. 
 |ii I 1 
 /I • 
 Names of Candidates in each Constitmncy at last General Election^ 
 18 "74, and at every Bye Election since held, together with the PopU" 
 lation and Number of Voters in Each Constituency. 
 Note. — The year in which each new constituency was created is given after 
 each new constituency. The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Itaiic», 
 Addinoton, (1867. 
 S. Shibley 1275 
 David John Waggoner y (Glcnburnie) 982 
 On Mr. Shibley's being unseated, on petition, 21 Sept., 1874, 
 new writ: 
 S. Shibley .... 1263 
 David John Waggoner •. 920 
 Pop 21,312. 
 No. of voters 3,966 . 
 John Wallace 810 
 John Calhoun, (Hopewell Cape) 760 
 Pop 10,672 
 No. of voters 1,948 
 ALaOMA, (1867.) 
 E. B. Borron , 43g 
 William James Scott, Jr., barrister, (Batcbewana, Lake 
 Superior 258 
 Peter J. Brown, barrister; (Ingersoll) , 18 
 Pop 10,000 
 No. of voters » ' 
 frfl , ■!■ 
 0'''.:- >.(j''.'(,iT 
 Lieiit.-Col. Hay 878 
 Thoinax Win. Chedey, (Granville) 220 
 Pop 18,121 
 No. of voters 2,889 
 Angus Mclsaac Acclamation. 
 Pop 16,512 
 No. of voters 2,069 
 Hon. J.J. C. Abbott, Q.C., D.C.L., (Montreal 731 
 Lemuel dishing^ jr. , advocate, (Montreal) 727 
 On the unseating of Mr. Abbott, on petition, 6 Oct., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 Lemuel Cushing, jr 840 
 William Owens, merchant, (Stonefied) • 736 
 On Mr. Cushing's being unseated and disqualified, 21 July, 
 1875, new writ : 
 Dr. Christie Acclamation. 
 Pop 12,806 
 No. of voters 2,000 
 J. A. Mousseau, Q.C 1163 
 Jean Bte Bourgeois, advocate, (St . Hyacinthe) 1 120 
 Pop 19,491 
 No. of voters 3,132 
 C. H. Pozer Acclamation. 
 On elevation of Mr. Pozer io the Senate, 20th September, 1876, 
 new writ : 
 Dulbuc ,. 1404 
 DeLery 1215 
 Pop 27,253 
 No. of voters 3,776 
 iT. J. flobillard 711 
 Moise Branchaud (Beauharnois) 346 
 Deaire Girouard, B.C.L., advocate (Montreal) 314 
 Pop 14,757 
 No. of voters 2,372 
 Hon. T. Fournier, Q.C Acclamation. 
 On Mr. Fournier being elevated to the Supreme Court Bench, 
 9 Oct., 1875, new writ : 
 Hon. Dr. Blanchet 698 
 Achille Larue, advocat (Quebec) 443 
 Pierre Boutin, (St. Raphiel) 359 
 Pop 17,637 
 No. of voters 2,373 
 Dr. Paquet Acclamation, 
 On Dr. Paquet's being elevated to the Senate. 9 Feb., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Edward Octavien Cuthbert 1056 
 Isaie Stanislas Norhert Drainville, M.D. (St. Bar- 
 thelmy) 784 
 Pop 19,993 
 No. of veters 3,133 
 Hon. Dr. Robitaille 1063 
 Menalque Tremhlay, advocate, (New Carlisle) » . 742 
 Pop 15,826 
 No. of voters 2,352 
 Both WELL, (1867). 
 David Mills, LL.B 1600 
 . John Dohhyn, (Florence) 1137 
 On Mr. Mills acceptance of the portfolio of the Interior, 1876, 
 new writ : 
 David Mills 1650 
 James Dawson 1142 
 Pop 20,701 
 No. of voters 3,916 
 Brant, North. 
 Gavin Fleming Acclamation . 
 Pop 11,493 
 No. of voters 2,093 
 m *' 
 1 i 
 ■! I 
 1 ■ , 1 
 1 1 ii 1 
 : 1 ', : 
 « 1 ■, i 
 ,:' i ■ 
 . ■ 1 
 i ^^ 
 Brant, South. 
 W. Paterson 1463 
 Alfred Watts, grain merchant, (Brantford) 1019 
 Pop 20,766 
 No. of voters 3,920 
 Lieut-Col. Buell 910 
 Lieut.-Col. Jas. Crawford, (Brockville) 868 
 Pop 10,475 
 No. of voters 2,385 
 N , Pettes Acclamation. 
 Pop 13,757 
 • No. of voters 2,702 
 Bruce, North, (1867). 
 John Gilles Acclamation . 
 Pop 17,183 
 No. of voters 2,599 
 Bruce, South,(1867). 
 Hon. Edward Blake 2312 
 Robert Baird, merchant, (Kincardine) 1991 
 On Mr. Blake's apptri. as Minister of Justice, 19 May, 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Hon . Edward Blake Acclamation . 
 Pop 31,332 
 No. of voters 5,268 
 Cape Breton.* 
 William McDonald : 1251 
 t,i Newton L. Mackay, Q.C 1136 
 ' Hugh McLeod, barrister, (Sydney) 1 108 
 No. of voters 2,820 
 Card WELL. 
 Hon. J. H. Cameron, Q.C, D.C.L 1204 
 Thomas 0. Bowles (Sandhill) , 1140 
 ♦Given an additional member, 1872, 
 ^On death of Hon, J. H. Cameron, 14th Nov., 187G, new writ : 
 Dallon McCarthy 1217 
 * ' " ' Lambert Bolton 937 
 Pop 15,600 
 No. of Voters 2,898 
 Cariboo (1871). 
 J. S. Thompson 192 
 Samuel Walker (Barkcrville) 40 
 Pop 1,965 
 • No, of Voters 4G4 
 Carleton, N.B. 
 S. B . Appleby Acclamation 
 Pop 19,938 
 No, of Voters 3,748 
 Carleton, Ont. .. .. .: .'•;', 
 John Rochester 870 
 John Jlohnes, J'.L.S. (Huntley) G31 
 James Wallace (North Gower) 347 
 Pop 21,739 
 No. of voters 3,145 - *. , 
 Amable Jodoin, Jils 848 
 Pierre Basile Benoit (St. Hubert) 742 
 On Mr. Jodoin's being unseated, on petition, 3 Dec, 1874, new- 
 writ : 
 Amable Jodoin, Jlh , 863 
 J*ierre Basile Benoit 817 
 On Mr. Jodoin's being unseated and disqualified, on petition, 
 3 Aug., 1875, new writ : . 
 P . B . Benoit ..#..., 913 
 *ivt V Alfred Fortier, M. D . (Longueuil) 763 
 Pop 10,498 
 No. of voters 2,133 
 Hypolite Montplaisir 1063 
 c! u Robert Triidel, N.P. (St. Genevieve de Batiscan) . . . . 1052 
 ".. Pop 22,052 
 No. of voters 3,47 1 - :i.U* 
'; f r 
 r •■ ■ 
 P. A. Tremblay 1377 
 Hon. Pierre Joseph Olivier Chauveau, Q.C., fJ.C.L. 
 (Quebec) 1104 
 On Mr. Tremblay's being unseated, on petition, 23 Aug., 1875, 
 now writ : 
 Hon. H. L. Langevin, C.B., Q.C 952 
 Pierre Alexis Tremhloy, P.L.S. (Chicoutimi) 741 
 Pop 15,882 
 No.ofvoters 2,882 
 Hon. A. H. Gillmor, Jr 1518 
 Hon. John McAdam (Milltown) 1222 
 Pop 25,882 
 No. of voters 4,1 59 
 Chatbaugay . . . 
 Hon. L. H. Hoi ton 911 
 Joseph Sautoire (St. Jtsan ChrysoKtome) 519 
 Pop 16,166 
 No.ofvoters 2,029 
 Chicoutimi and Sagubnay. ' ' 
 E. Cimon * 1145 
 Arthur Hudon (Chicoutimi) 743 
 Pop 19,281 
 No.ofvoters 2,493 
 COLCHBBTER. »'»'*'' 
 Thomas McKay 1429 
 Frederick M. liearson, merchant (Truro)* 1313 
 On Mr. McKay's being unseated, on petition, 14 Nov., 1874, 
 new writ : / 
 Thomas McKay 1818 
 A. C, Page, M.D. (Truro) 951 
 Pop 23,331 
 No. of voters 3,705 
 Hon. J. H. Pope <.... 1387 
 Hugh Egbert Cairns (East Clifton) , 535 
 ■"Since deceased. 
 Pop 13,605 
 No. of voters 3,162 
 A. F. Mncdonald 471 
 Darby Bergetiy M, D, , (Cornwall) 448 
 On Mr. Macdonald's being unseated, on petition, 3 Sept., 1874, 
 now writ : 
 A. F. Macdonald 459 
 Darby Bergin^ M.D 419 
 Pop 7,114 
 No. of voters 1 j280 
 Hon, Dr. Tuppcr, C.B 1580 
 Geo. Ilibbard, (Minndie) 1201 
 Pop ; 23,518 
 No. of voters 2,562 
 E. R. Oakea 1168 
 Alfred Wm, Savary, M. A, Q. C., (Digby ) 631 
 On Mr, Oakes' appt. to the Legislative Council of N.8., 2 Oct., 
 1874, new writ : 
 Hon. W. B. Vail , , 932 
 * * W' S. Taylor J merchant, (Digby) 656 
 Pop . 17,037 
 * No. of voters 2,448 
 Dorchester. . • *.T;r> 
 F. F. Rouleau, B.C,L 895 
 Edouard Hospice Marceau* (St. Henri) 874 
 On Mr. Rouleau's being unseated, on petition, 8 July, 1875 
 new writ : ' 
 F. F. Rouleau, B.C.L 1086 
 Alfred Morisset, J/. I> . , (St . Henedine) ' 620 
 Pop 14,704 
 No. of Voters % 2'579 
 Drummondand Arthabaska. 
 Wilfrid Laurier, BC.L.. . .'. 773 
 Onisime Tessier, iV. P. , (Warwick) :...!.*.. 700 
 ! . -If 
P i!| 
 , 212 
 X op ••»•■•••••••••••••••••••• oijO«7L 
 No.ofVoters S.'Ol 
 William Gibson 1389 
 Jlenru G. Merkley, (Morri,jjburg) 1316 
 Pop 18,777 
 No. of voters 3,27r =^ n,. 
 Durham, East. ■- — ^^r . ^ r - - - ■ ■.•■■ ".'^ ■ . "^ ■•- 
 Lewis Ross 1373 
 Frank Beamish, (Port Hope) 722 
 Pop 19,064 
 No. of voters 3,475 ;\ 
 Durham, West. 
 Hon. E. B. Wood, Q.C 1«81 
 Alfred Nelson McBrien, M. D . , (Newtonville) 736 
 On the elevation of Mr. Wood to the Chief Justiceship of Man- 
 itoba, in April, 1874, new writ: ^ 
 H. W. Burk.... 1251 
 Toomot McClung, merchant, (Bowmanville) 989 
 JrOp ...... .... .... .... .... .... lojoio 
 No.ot voiers 3,114 
 ^ 'I 'I 
 Elgin, East. ■"-"•■ ■ - -■ ' ■■» ' •■ ' ' ' '- ^--^-^.-'- --^' 
 W. Harvey 1886 
 Samuel Buy, (St Thomas) 1704 
 On the death of Mr. Harvey, 14 June, 1874, new writ : 
 Colin Macdougall 1738 
 Thomas JenkinSf ■meichiiiit and manufacturer, (Vienna) 1523 
 Pop 20,870 
 No of voters 4,962 
 Elgin, West. ^ 
 G. E. Casey 1216 
 K'iphalef Wither :,ustin, MJK, (St. Thomas) 891 
 Pop 12,796 
 No. of voters 2,594 
 Essex. ;.;^: ' 
 William McGregor. ............... . .... . . . . . ; . .... 2508 
 Jloti, John O'Connor, Q.C, (Ottawa) . 1768 
• ■ 
 * • 
 • • 
 On Mr. McGregor's being un sated on petition, 2G Augt., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 William McGregor 1763 
 Jeremiah O Connor, (Windsor) 750 
 Pop ^ 32,697 
 .- No. of voters 5,695 
 G. A. Kirkpatrick 1172 
 James Stratchan Cartwright, barrister, (Napanee) 696 
 Pop 16,310 
 No. of voters 2,458 
 GaSpI. ;• ; 
 L. G. Harper... .' 545 
 Horatio Le Bouthillier, merchant, (Gaspc; Basin) 500 
 On Mr. Harper's being unseated on petition, in Jan., 1875, new 
 John Short ..,...,, 605 
 Horatio Le Bouthillier, merchant (Gaspe Basin) 299 
 Pop 20,524 
 No. of voters 2,763 
 Hon. D . A . Macdonald , 1288 
 Alex^ J. Grant, (Williamstown) 612 
 On Mr. Macdonald's elevation to the Lieutenant-Governorship 
 of Ontario, 18 May, 1875, new writ: 
 Archibald McNab 1227 
 Donald McMillan, M. D., (Alexandria) 945 
 On Mr. McNab being unseated, new writ, July, 1816 : 
 Archibald McNab , 1 203 
 John McLennan 1032 
 Pop 18,810 
 No. of voters 1,863 
 Gloucester. "^ =^ 
 Hon. T. W. Anglin Acclamation. 
 Pop 18,810 
 No. of voters 2,357 
 G RENVILLE, South. 
 Dr. Brouse , 1 106 
 Walter Shanley, C.E., (Montreal) 995 
 '; I. 
 % \ 

 > a • 
 I ;« 
 in H 
 T I ! I 
 . ,' i 
 Top 13,197 
 No. of voters 2,538 
 Grey, East, (18'72). .--,.;•;■ '^. v:, 
 W. K. Flesher •.. 1566 
 Robert McKmght, (Meaford)* 1121 
 Pop 22,193 
 No, of voters 4,263 
 Grey, North^ (1867). 
 G. Snider 1320 
 Samuel Jonathan Lane, barrister. (Owen Sound) 1241 
 Pop 18,580 
 No. of voters 3,218 •'. •• 
 Grey, South, (1867). . ' '" : ^■ 
 Dr. Landerkin 1248 
 Steplien Pre' hie (Egremont) 863 
 Pop 18,622 
 No. of voters 2,863 '• 
 GuYSBOROUGH. :!<• ■ 
 John A. Kirk.... 759 
 Hon . Steimrt Campbell, Q.C., (Gujsborough) ....-..., 544 
 Pop 16,555 :.: 
 '• ' No. of voters 1,833 
 Haldimand. ' , . 
 D. Thompson Acclamation . 
 Pop 19,042 
 No. of voters j 
 Patrick Power 3186 
 A. G Jones 1^2979 
 Bo^rald Robb, (Raliiax) 834 
 Pop 56,914 
 No. of voters 7,165 
 D. B. Chisholm.. 1464 
 John White, (Milton) 1441 
 * Appt. Registrar North Grey, 20 Nov., 1S75. 
 On Mr. Chisholm, being unseated, on petition, 8 Dec, 1874, 
 new writ : 
 William McCraney 1 704 
 Daniel Black Chisholm^ barrister, (Hamilton) 1569 
 Pop 22,606 ; 
 ; I . ; No . of voters 4,35G " ■.: 
 Hamilton.* - ' 
 Andrew T. Wood 2086 
 ^milius Irving, Q.C 2083 
 James Edwin O'Reilly ^ solicitor, (Hamilton «,,.. 1518 
 Henry Btickingham }FJ!<<on,*( Hamilton) 1515 
 On Messrs. Wood and Irving being unseated, on petition, 20 
 April, 1875, new writ : 
 ^milius Irving, Q.C 1977 
 A.T.Wood..* 1952 
 H. B. Witton 1691 
 Michael Wilson Browne 1568 
 Hants. ... :^r , 
 M. H. Goudge 1433 
 Wm. Henry Allison, (Newport) 1341 
 Pop 23,301 
 . - No. of voters 3,443 
 Hastings, East, (1867,) . •' 
 John White 1049 
 Thomas Holden, barrister, (Belleville 978 
 ._^_ Pop 17,392 
 "^ No of voters 2,396 
 Hastings, North. 
 Lt.-Col. Bowell 847 
 Edmund D. G'Flynn, merchant, (Madoc) 752 
 Pop 16,6C7 
 ' " No. of voters 1,916 
 Hastings, West. • 
 I.t.-Col . Brown 414 
 \Thomas Wills, couuty clerk, (Belleville) 40 
 Pop 14,365 
 No . of voters 3,095 
 *GiTen an additional member, 1872. 
 t Mr "Wills retired before the poll opened. 
 « ■ 
 .' i. 
.va;a^s>.T^ar,^.agr£.i- •^•'•iiair., .a .i rrt in w a r * «? ■■■ 
 Alphonse Desjardins, B.C.L Acclamatioa. 
 Top 26,640 
 No. of voters 4,294 
 Julius Scrivcr 876 
 * Alexander Cross, Q.C.y (Montreal) 48 
 Pop 16,304 
 No. of voters 2,476 
 Huron, Ckntre, (1872.) 
 Horace Horton 1510 
 C. Crchhe, (Goderioh) 730 
 Pop 22,791 
 No . of voters *. 4,050 
 Huron, North. 
 'J'homas Farrow 1655 
 John J.eikie, (Brussels) 1510 
 Pop 21,862 
 No. of voters 3,866 
 HuiiON, South, (1867 ) 
 Malcolm C . Cameron \ 1 522 
 Thomas Greenway, (Centralia. ) 1436 
 On Mr. Cameron's being unseated, on petition, 22 Oct., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 « *?! 
 ii^»', .. 
 Thomas Greenway Acclamatioa 
 Pop 21,512 
 No. of voters 3,572 
 Iberville. \ 
 F. Bechard ,.,.'., . . Acclamation 
 Pop 15,413 
 No . of voters '' ^ 
 Inverness. * 
 S.McDonnell, Q.C , 1223 
 Iluffh Cameron, M.D.j (Mabou) 1102 
 Mr. Cross retired before the poll opened. ^ * . r ' 
 Pop 23,415 
 ■-: ,.;,. No. of voters 3,504 ,. . 
 Jacques Cartibr ^' 
 R . Laflamme, Q . C . , D .C.L Acclamation. 
 On Mr. Laflamme's acceptance of Portfolio of Inland Revenue 
 (viceM. Geoffrion), Oct., 1876, new writ : 
 Hon. R. Laflamme...... 907 
 Desire Girouard 878 
 Pop 11,179 
 No. of voters 1,880 
 L, F. G. Baby, Q.C 924 
 Amable Beaupre, M.D. (St. Elizabeth) 879 
 On Mr. Baby's being unseated, on petition, 28 Oct., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 L. F. G. Baby, Q.C 1069 
 Amable Beaupre, M.D 906 
 Pop 23,075 
 No. of voters 2,429 
 C. A. P. Pelletier Acclamation . 
 On elevation of M. Pelletier to Senate, and appointment as 
 Minister of Agriculture, new writ and election on 19 Feb., 1877 : 
 C.T.Roy, P.L.S 1139 
 — Perrault 1085 
 , >;, Pop 21,254 
 No. of voters 3,654 
 Kent (N.B.) 
 George McLeod » 1570 
 Auguste Renaud (Buctoucho) 1072 
 Pop 19,101 
 No. of voters 3,360 
 Rufus Stephenson 1895 
 William Slade Stripp, vine-grower (Buckhorn^ 1823 
 Pop , 26,836 
 No. of voters 5,127 
 f , vl 
 i' i 
 I ; 
 t -A 
 ' \ 
 I i 
 ■(', !■ ■* 
 Kings (N.B.) 
 James Domville , 1651 
 JohnE.B, J/Ccrcac/y, journalist (Penobsquiss) 1389 
 Pop 24,593 
 No. of voters 4,193 
 Kings (N.S.) 
 Dr. Borden ....*..... 1043 
 Licut-Col Leverett De Veber Chipman (Kentville) 945 
 Pop 21,510 
 No. of voters 3,984 
 Kings (P.E.I. 1873.) 
 Hon. D. Da vies 1704 
 Dr. Mclntyre 1530 
 Hon. A. C. Macdonald 1496 
 •'fn Pop 23,060 
 jn o. 01 voters ••.••••••.••>••••• t... 
 Kingston. • 
 Rt. Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonaid, K.C.B 839 
 John Carruthers, merchant (Kingston) 801 
 On Sir John Macdonald's being unseated, on petition, 21 Nov., 
 1874, new writ : 
 Rt. Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, K.C.B 889 
 Joh?i Carruthers. 872 
 Pop 12,407 
 No. of voters 2,431- 
 I *'" 
 Lambton. . ,. . 
 Hon . A . Mackenzie Acclamation , 
 Pop 31,994 
 No. of voters 4,856 ; 
 Lanark, North. • . . ''■'■■' 
 Danl . Galbraith i '.......'.. . Acclamation. 
 Pop 13,830 
 No. of voters 1,542 ' 
 • ■ 
 Lanark, South. 
 J. G. Haggart 1318 
 James Henry Gould, millei' (Smith's Falls) 887 
 Pop 19,190 , 
 No. of voters 3,161 
 il,- ; 
 A. Pinsonneault Acclamation. 
 Pop 11,861 
 No. of voters 1,584 
 HilaireHurteau, N.P.... 879 
 Ludger Forrest, M. D . (L' Assomption) 818 
 On Mr. Hurtcau's being unseated, on petition, 24 Nov., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 Hilaire Hurteau, N . P .Acclamation . 
 Pop... 15,473 
 • No. of voters 2,277 
 Laval. ■ .• *'^ • 
 Joseph Aldric Ouimet Acclamation . 
 Pop 9,472 
 No- of voters 
 Lfeds AND Grbnville, North. 
 Dr. Ferguson 918 
 Francis Jones, C.E., P.L.S., (Kemptville) 785 
 On Dr. Ferguson's being unseated, on petition, 10 Nov., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 Dr. Ferguson 917 
 Joan K. Weir, farmer, (Easton's Corners) 765 
 Pop 13,530 
 No. of voters ,.... 2,344 ,, :, 
 Leeds, South. -^ - -^v - v^ 
 D. F.Jones 1602 
 W. 11 Fredenhurg. (Westport) 1599 
 Pop 20,716 
 , _ , No. o^ voters 3,701 , "^ " 
 Lennox, (1867). 
 Hon. E. J. Cartwright , Acclamation. 
 Pop ...' 16,396 
 No. of voters 3,500 
 Levis . 
 L.H. Frechette 1670 
 Jtdien Chabot, merchant, (Levis) 1572 
 i ' 
 ^ u 
 • . M.l 
 ^■' 1 
 :j :^ ■ 
 ' 1 
 Pop 24,831 
 . No. of voters 4,268 ; 
 Lincoln. • • 
 James Norris 1493 
 Thomas Clark, M. I)., (St. Catherines) 1 338 
 On Mr. Norris' being unseated, on petition, 8 Sept., 1874, new 
 Avrit : 
 James Norris 1406 
 Augustus Jukes y 31. B., (St. Catherines) 1270 
 Reuben Bynne, (do) 7 
 Pop 20,672 
 No. of voters 3,861 
 LiSGAR, (1871). - 
 Hon. Dr. Schultz 285 
 J'jd. Henry Geo. Guner llay, miller, (St. Andrews) . . 216 
 Pop " 3,109 
 No. of voters 642 
 P . B. Casgraiii Acclamation . 
 Pop , 13.517 
 No. of voters 1,687 
 Major Walker 1269 
 lion . John Carlingy brewer, (London) 12,08 
 On Major Walker's being unseated, and disqualified, on petition, 
 9 Sept., 1874, new writ : 
 James H. Frazer 1228 
 Samuel Peters, P.L.S., (London)^ *100 
 Pop 15,826 
 No. of voters 3,741 
 Lotbiniere . 
 Henri Bernicr 776 
 Louis Gonzagne Ifoule, (Ste . Croix) 288 
 Pop „ 13,576 . 
 No. of voters...., 2,065 
 C . E . Church Acclamation. 
 Pop 23,834 
 No . of voters 3,531 
 Marquette. ■ 
 Robert Cunningham '.' 293 
 Joseph Jit/an, barrister, (Portage la Prairie) 351 
 On trial of election petition, 25 Aug., 1874, Mr. Ryan was 
 declared the sitting mem , as the result of a scrutiny of votes, as 
 under . 
 Joseph Ryan 351 
 Robert Cuunint/h<im* 329 
 Maskinongk, ■"' ; 
 L. A. Boyer 7G4 
 Gconje Caron, merchant, (St. Leon) GOT 
 Pop 15,079 
 No. of voters 1,995 
 Meg AN TIC. 
 E. E. Richard 1003 
 JameK Reed, M.D., (Reedsdale) 621 
 Louis Philippe Eugene Crepeau, (Arthabaskaville) . . . . 252 
 Pop 18,879 
 No. of voters 3,204 
 Middlesex, East. 
 Crowell Wilson ,...,' 1977 
 David Glass, barrister, (London) 1933 
 On Mr. Wilson's being unseated, on petition, on 15 Dec, 1874, 
 new writ : 
 Duncan Macmillan 2098 
 James Armstrong (Tp. of Westminister) 1926 
 Pop 25,055 
 No. of voteis 4,714 
 Middlesex, North, (18G7). 
 Thomas Scatcherd Acclamation 
 On death of Mr. T. Scatcherd, April, 1876, new writ : 
 Robert Colin Scatcherd, (Strathroy) 1576 
 John Levi, (East Williams) 1318 
 Pop 21,519 
 No. of voters 
 Middlesex, West. 
 G. W. Ross i Acclamation 
 *Mr. Cunningham had died on tlie 4th July, previously 
 M ■ 
 Pop 20,195 
 No. of voters.. 3,254 
 • VV. Donahue Acclamation 
 Pop 1G,922 
 No. of votci-s 3,338 , , 
 MoNCK, (1867). 
 Lachlin McCallum 1354 
 James David Edgar ^ barrister, (Toronto) 1320 
 On Mr. MoCallum's being unseated, on petition, 12 May, 1875, 
 new writ : 
 L. McCallum 1333 
 /. D. Edgar 1329 
 On petition, a scrutiny of votes was had before Vice-Chancellor 
 Blake, and Mr. McCallum was declared the sitting mem. as under : 
 L. McCallum 1319 
 J. I). Edgar 1314 
 Pop 16,179 
 No. of voters 3,326 • 
 Firmin Dugi'" Acclamation 
 Pop 12,742 
 No. of voters , ' ; • n 
 XM ■■•■ ^- 
 MONTMAGNY. •. i « 
 H. T. Taschereau, B.C.L Acclamation 
 Pop 13,555 
 No. of voters 1,790 
 J. Langlois, Q . C . , LL. D , Acclamation 
 Pop 12,075 
 No. of voters 1,485 , ^ ^ , 
 Montreal, Centre. 
 M. P. Byan 2140 
 Bernard Devlin, advocate, (Montreal) 1 782 
 On Mr. Byan's being unseated, on petition, Oct., 1874, new 
 writ: ., , ,._,_ , ■.. ^, 
 Bernard Devlin 2303 
 Michael Patrick Ryan, merchant, (Montreal) 2220 

 On Mr. Devlin's being unseated, on petition, 26 Aug., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Bernard Devlin Acclamation 
 Pop 23,903 
 No. of voters 6,068 
 MoNTRBAL, East. 
 L. A. Jette : , Acclamation 
 Pop 46,291 
 No. of voters "^j^SO 
 MoNTREEL, West. 
 Fred Mackenzie, B.C.L 203G 
 Lient-Col Alexander Allan Stevenson^ printer (Montreal). 1442 
 On Mr. Mackenzie's being unseated, on petition, 22 Oct., 1874 > 
 new wiit : 
 Fred Mackenzie 2030 
 Thomas White, Jr . , journalist (Montreal) 2023 
 On Mr, Mackenzie's being unseated on petition, 14 Aug., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Thomas Workman 2300 
 Thomas White, Jr 2250 
 Pop 37,031 
 ' ' No, of voters 6,837 " 
 MUSKOKA (1872). ; , ,^ 
 A. p. Cockburn 876 
 John Tivoitdale (Bracebridge)* 567 
 "^ Pop 4,895 
 No. of voters 
 Hon. A. A. Dorion, Q.C 731 
 f'iixte Coupal dit la Reine (Lacolle) 542 
 On Mr. Dorion's elevation to the Chief Justiceship of Quebec, 
 1 June, 1874, new writ : 
 Sixte Coupal dit la Keine 618 
 Antoine Goyer (St Reni) 609 
 On Mr. Coupal' 8 being unseated, on petition, 7 May, 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Sixte Coupal de St Cyprien 721 
 Louis Bedard, N, P. (Montreal) 637 
 *D. 16 Sept., 1873. ■ '-v t; -V. ^/ ■ ■^,,.' ,.■ -.5 :::^r- ■:..,.■ , . 
 if.. Ili! 
! ' ' 
 "i ., 
 Pop 11,688 
 No. of voters 1,()30 
 New Westminster (1871). 
 James Cunningliam 162 
 ./. A. Reynolds Homer (New WestmiiiPter) 142 
 Pop 1 ,356 
 No. of voters 403 
 NlAGAHA.. , ' - ,:' ' 
 J. B . Plumb 336 
 John M. Currif, Attorney (St . Catliarincs) ^ , 306 
 On Mr. Plumb being unseated, on petition, 22 Oct., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 J. B. Plumb 354 
 Solomon John Johnson Jirown, farmer (Niagara) 251 
 Pop 3,693 
 No. of voters 930 
 J. Gaudet 1290 
 Georges Daoid^ N. P. (Nicolet) 951 
 Pop 23,262 
 No. of voters 3,244 
 Norfolk, North. 
 John Charlton 1 434 
 David Tisdale, Q. C. (Simcoe) 1264 
 Pop 15,390 
 No. of voters, ";,142 
 NORFOLK; South. 
 John Stuart , , 1233 
 l*eter Laivson, tanner (Port Dover) 1 140 
 On Mr, Stuart's being unseated, on petition, 3 Nov., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 William Wallace 1 402 
 John Stuart, merchant (Hamilton) 1 244 
 Pop 15,370 
 No. of voters 2J967 
 Northumberland (N.B.) » * 
 Hon. Peter Mitchell 1312 
 Jabez B. Snowball merchant (Chatham) 820 
 Pop 20,116 
 No. of voters 2,975 
 J. L. Biggar 1662 
 Joseph M. Keelar, grain and lumber dealer (Colborne). . 1497 
 On Mr. Biggar's being unseated, on petition, 27 Oct., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 J. L. Biggar 1670 
 Hon Jamen Cockbiirn, Q.C, (Ottawa) 1.385 
 Pop 21,758 
 No. of voters 3,827 
 Northumberland, (Ont.) West. 
 Wm. Kerr, M.A 1336 
 Hon. James Cockbttrn, Q. C. (Cobourg) 1 105 
 On Mr. Kerr's being unseated, on petition, 26 Sept., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 William Kerr, M.A 1315 
 Hon. Sidney Smith, Q.C, Inspector of Registry Offices 
 for Ontario, (Cobourg) 1 IGO 
 Pop 17,328 
 No. of voters 3.361 
 Ontario, North. 
 Adam Gordon , 1804 
 William Henry Gibbs, manufacturer, (Oshawa) 1712 
 On death of Mr. Gordon, May, 1876, new writ: ? 
 : W.H.Gibbs. 1891 
 Geo. Currie 1804 
 Pop 25,967 
 No. of voters 4,856 
 Ontario, South. , ■ ' • 
 Hon. M . Cameron 1039 
 Hon, Thomas Nicholson Gibbs, banker and manufacturer, 
 (Oshawa). 1488 
 On death of Hon. Malcolm Cameron, June, 1876, new writ : 
 Hon. T. N. Gibbs 1665 
 James D. Edgar , 1627 
 Pop 19,923 
 No. of voters 4,038 
 Ottawa City.* ' 
 J. M. Currier , 1453 
 Dr. St. Jean 1212 
 * Given an adaitional member, 1S72. 
 15 / 
 V Ic' 
If 1 
 !■ ^ 
 226 . 
 Joseph Aumond, lumber merchant, (Ottawa) 1101 
 John Sweetland, M.D., (Ottawa) 8 
 John Bower Letvis, Q. C, f (do) 
 Pop 21,545 
 ' No. of voters 3,875 
 Ottawa County. '-* 
 Alonzo Wright 1783 
 Francis Samuel McKay, N. F . , (Papineau ville) J 716 
 Pop -. 35,649 
 No of voters 6,1 51 
 i : ■ . . . , - r \ , . > . , . 
 _, . V 
 OxFOKD, North. 
 T.Oliver 1866 
 /. //. Wood, (Woodstock) 655 
 Pop 24,559 
 No. of voters , 4,142 
 ,.< ■ ■ 
 Oxford, South. ti.ai f .y i,.; 
 E. V. BODWKLL 981 
 John II. Thrall, M. I)., (Burgessville) 223 
 On the appointment of Mr. Bodwell to be Superintendent of 
 the Weiland Canal, in April, 1874, new writ : 
 Lt. Col. Skinner 1186 
 James David Edgar, barrister, (Toronto) 833 
 Top 23,678 ,,,, 
 No. of voters 4,225 ^- 
 Peel. ' 'i"^ 
 Robert Smith 1299 
 Lieut. -Col William Elliott, (Meadow vale) 1 285 
 Pop 16,369 
 '•* No. of voters 3,332 
 Perth, North, (1867). " ■ '^ 
 Andrew Monteith 1992 
 James Bedford, (Stratford) 1829 
 On Mr, Monteith's being unseated, on petition, 7 June, 1875, 
 Tiew n'rit ; 
 A. Monteith 1737 
 ./aw<!« /'is/wr, (Mitchell) 1717 
 Pop 25,377 
 No. ot voters 4,967 
 t Mr, Lewis diod between the nomination and the polling day. 
 Perth, South, (186V). 
 J. Trow Acclaiur.tion. 
 Pop 21,150 ... 
 No. of voters 3,790 
 PKTKRnoRorGH, East, (1867.) 
 James Hall , , 993 
 Ji, D. Rodgers, (Ashbiirnham) 879 
 Pop * 18.706 ^vj^j 
 No. of voters 2,389 
 Pbtbrbohough, West, (1867.) 
 J. Bertram. '. 892 
 Wm. Hepburne Scott, barrister, (Peterborough) *" 801 
 Pop 11,767 
 No. of voters 2,262 
 James W. Carmichael . .... ... 2178 
 John A. Dawson : 2124 
 Robert DouUj merchant, (Pictou) , 21 23 
 Hon . James Macdonald, Q, C, (Halifax) 2110 
 , Pop 32,114 
 No. of voters 5,001 
 W. McKay Wright, B.C.L Acclamation 
 Pop 15,810 
 No. of voters 3,31 4 > t 
 PORT.VEDF. , - . ^ 
 Dr. De St. Georges 1421 
 Isidore Noel Belleaii, //L.^., journalist, (Levis) 108G 
 Pop 22,569 
 No. of voters 3,372 
 Pbescott. ,* .. * ' '^ V 
 A. Hagar 665 
 Thomas White, Jr., journalist, (Montreal) 659 
 James Boyd, (Vnnkleek Hill ) 292 
 Pop 17,647 
 No. of voters 2,372 
 ■"Qiven an additional member. 1873. ' . > 
 n y\ 
 ;l ,^ 
 I :i ! 
 (■*■! ' ■ 
 I'' : I 
 • it: 
 Frinck. (1873.) 
 Hon. James Yeo 2188 
 Hon. Stanislaus F, Perry 1804 
 John Ramsay, (Rose Hill) " 669 
 FinUni McXiell, (Summerside) 337 
 Pop 28,0G4 
 - No. of voters 
 Prince Edward. • ' ' ^' 
 Lieut.-Col. Ross 1775 
 .lameK Simeon McCuaiff, forwarder, (Picton) 1649 
 Pop 20,336 
 No. of voters 4,150 ' '^v 
 Provenchbr, (1871.) 
 Louis Riol 195 
 Joseph JIamelin, (St . Norbert) 69 
 On the expulsion of Mr. Riel, in April, 1874, new writ, 
 Louis Riel Acclamation 
 On Mr. Riel being adjudged an outlaw, 24 Feb., 1875, new 
 writ : 
 , Hon. A. G . B . Bannatyne i Acclamation 
 Pop 2,143 
 No. of voters 418 \ • 
 QcBBEC, Centre. 
 Hon . J . E. Cauchon V . . . Acclamation 
 '"^'' On Mr. Cauchon's appointment to office, 7 Dec., 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Hon . J. E . Cauchon Acclamation* 
 Pop , 18,188 
 No. of voters 2,353 
 Quebec^ East. 
 Hon. 1. Thibeaudeau Acclamation 
 Pop 28,305 • 
 No . of voters , , 
 Quebec, West. .• , -jr .». 
 Hon . T . McGreevy 587 
 Joh >i O'Finrell, advocate, (Quebec) 403 
 Pop 13,206 
 No. of voters 1,826 
 ♦Mr. I. Tarte was nominated as a candidate, but withdrew before polling d;iy 
... 2188 
 . .. 1804 
 . .. 669 
 . .. 337 
 .. 1775 
 .. 1649 
 . .. 195 
 1 7 6, new 
 75, new 
 .. 587 
 .. 403 
 ling cl;ij 
 Quebec, County. 
 J. P. K. A. Caron Acclamation 
 Top 19,607 
 No. of voters 2,729 
 Queens, N. B. 
 John Ferris 621 
 Amasa Coy, (Upper Gagetown) 135 
 Vincent W. Wiggins, ( Waterboroiigli) 30 
 Pop 13j847 
 No. of voters 2,469 
 Queens, N. S. 
 Dr. Forbes : Acclamation. 
 Pop 10,554 
 .. . , > No. of voters 1,551 
 Queens, P. K 1, 
 Hon, David Laird, | ^ .......Acclamation. 
 Hon. Peter Smclair, / 
 On Hon. D. Laird accepting the office of Lieut.-Govcrnor of 
 the North West Territories, October, 1 &V6, new writ and election 
 on the 22nd of Novomber ; 
 Hon. James C.Pope 3199 
 r-lsh 3111 
 - h : Pop 42,574 
 t,: d No. of voters . . . . , 
 Renfrew, North, (1867). 
 Peter White, jr 600 
 Thomas Murray, merchant, (Pembrooke) 498 
 William Mofait, Warden, (do) 328 
 On Mr. White's being unseated, on petition. 14 Sept., 1874. new 
 writ : 
 William Mmray . . .. 889 
 Feter White, jr., merchant, (Pembrooke) 841 
 On Mr. Murray's being unseated, on petition, 26 July, 1875 
 new writ : 
 Peter White, jr 1192 
 William Murray, merchant, (Pembroke) 982 
 Pop 14,833 
 No. of voters 1,868 
 1 ' 
 Ih '^. 
 i^u . 
 f! i 
 liBNFREw, South. 
 J. L. McDoiigall 738 
 irm. liannerman, lumber merchant, (Burnstown) 668 
 On Mr. McDougall's being unseated, on petition, 9 Sept., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 J. j L. McDougall Acclanation . 
 On Mr. MoDougaH's being unseated, on petition, 21 Jan., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 J. L. McDougall 803 
 Wm . Bannerman 748 
 Pop 14,935 
 No. of voters 1,616 
 • -.»•<,■'''' 
 G. Moffatt Acclamution . 
 Pop 5,575 
 No. of voters 932 
 G.I. Barthe , 1320 
 Michel MathieUf advocate, (Sorel) 1119 
 Pop 20,048 
 No. of voters 3,247 
 Richmond, N.S, , . 
 Hon. E. P. Flynn .'1 ...... . 564 
 Jlcmi Henoit, (Descourse) 486 
 Pop 14,268 
 * JSo. of voters - 1,517 • - ' 
 HiCHMOND AND Wolfe, (P. Q.) ^ r« t 
 Hon. Henry Aylmer 1111 
 William Hoste Wehhy Q.C . , (Melbourne) 949 
 Octave Gaudet, (North Ham) 10 
 On Mr. x\ylmer's being unseated, on petition, 24 Oct., 1874, 
 new writ ; 
 Hon. Henry Aylmer 978 
 Lieu.-Col. Henry R. JIanninff, (Danville) 592 
 L. C. Bellanger, editor, (SherbrooU) 414 
 Mr Scarry^ (Richmond) . . , 19 
 Pop 20,036 
 No. of voters 2,623 
 Dr. Fisct 1728 
 M, Lefendre, (8t. Ocrraaiii de Rimouski) , 354 
 Pop 12,958 
 No, of voters 4,040 
 G. Chcval dit Si. Jaciues 812 
 Oeorge A. Gigaull ... , 73 
 Pop 17,G34 
 No of voters. 3,018 
 Russell . 
 Robert Blackburn 1078 
 .Tames Alex Grants M.D., F.G.S. (Ottawa.) 1014 
 Wm . Ralph Bell, M. D . (Now Edinburgh) 05 
 Pop 18,344 
 No. of voters , 3,214 
 - '♦ 
 St. Hyacintiie. 
 L . Delonne , Acclamation. 
 Pop 18,310 
 No. of voters 2,959 
 St. John (City). 
 J. S. Boies de Veber , 1772 
 George W. Day, journalist (St . John) 591 
 '^^ Pop..' 28,805 
 No. of voters 3,645 
 St, John (City and County)* 
 Hon . Isaac Burpee 2826 
 A. L. Palmer, Q.C 2261 
 Johti V. Ellis, journalist (St. John) 1561 
 Pop 52,120 
 ' '' No. of voters 5,592 ^ 
 St. John's, p. Q. 
 F . Bourassa Acclamation. 
 Pop 12,122 
 No. of voters ^ 
 ♦Given additional Member in 1872. ,...., ; vt 
 t 1 1 
 I ft! 

 ' 'M 
 i|. li 
 ' ■!.!' II 
 ' 232 
 St. Maurice. 
 Charles Gerin-Lajoie 575 
 £lie Lacerte, M.D. ( Yamacliichie) 521 
 Pop 10,668 
 No. of voters' 1,689 
 Selkirk (1871). 
 Hon. D. A. Smith,.....: 329 
 lion Andrew G. B. Bannatyne, merchant (Winnipeg).. 225 
 Pop 2,820 
 No. of voters 839 
 Hon. L. S. Huntington, Q.C. ....... .7. 1618 
 John Joseph Curran, B.C. Z., advocate (Montreal) 1172 
 Pop 19,077 
 No. of voters 3,393 
 Hon . Thomas Coffin A: clamatiou. 
 Pop., 12,417 
 No. of voters 2,000 
 JE. T. Brooks. . . , Acclamation. 
 Pop , 8,516 
 No. of voters 1,788 
 SiMCOB, North. 
 H. H.Cook 2279 
 J)' Alton, McCarthy, Q. C. (Barrie) 2125 
 On Mr. Cook's heing unseated, on petition, 11 Nov., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 H. H.Cook 2355 
 B'Alton McCarthy, Q.C 2281 
 Pop 33,719 
 No. of voters 6,031 
 SiMCOB, South. 
 W. C. Little Acclamation. 
 Pop 23,670 
 No. of voters 
 J. P. Lanthier Acclamation. 
 Pop 10,808 
 No. of voters 1,842 
 C. C. Colby. .....,..:......... Acclamation. 
 H Pop 13,138 
 Pi O. 01 VOuCrS .•••>•#••»•«..•... .«•• 
 Stormont. '^' ' ' 
 Cyril Archibald 905 
 '^ J. Ralph Crysler (Crysler) 797 
 Pop 11,873 
 No. of voters 2,167 
 Charles Burpee 556 
 Hon. W. E. Perley, (Blissville) 495 
 Pop ..6,824 
 No. of voters.... .► 1,402 
 J. B. Pouliot, N.P Acclamation 
 Pop 22,491 
 No. of voters 2,754 
 Lieut.-Col. Masson . . . . . . . .* .......... Acclamation 
 Pop iy,o9l 
 -i^o. 01 A'Oicrs, •••>............. 
 Three Rivers. 
 W. McDougall, Q. C 451 
 Joseph Napoleon i??«'firt?/, advocate, (Three Rivers).,,, 126 
 . Pop 7,570 
 ^^^* No. of voters 1 ,022 ^ 
 Toronto, Centre, (1872.) 
 Robert Wilkes 1509 
 Angus Norrison, i^ . C, (Toronto) 1225 
 Or Mr. Wilkes" being unseated, on petition, 1875, new writ : 
 John Macdonald Acclamation 
 No. of voters 4,366 
 Toronto, East. , ^ \, 
 John O'Donaghue 1289 
 Emerson Couiswotth, (Toronto) ,- 1 152 
I' I ■■^-. 
 J I 
 On Mr. O'Donagliuc's being unseated, on petition, 2G Nov., 
 1874, new writ: 
 Samuel Piatt '. 1396 
 John O Donaghue, barrister, (Toronto) 982 
 Pop 15,090 
 No. of voters 4,116 
 Toronto, West. - ., ^ 
 Thomas Moss, ML, Q.C 1G51 
 Hon. John Beverley Robinson, barrister, ('J oronto) 1440 
 On Mr. Moss being elevated to the Beneh, 8 Oct., 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Hon. J. B. Robinson 1935 
 Alderman John Turner, (Toronto) , 158 4 
 Pop 20,325 
 No. of voters 5,024 
 Two Mountains. 
 W. Prevost 725 
 James Watts, (St. Placide) 670 
 On Mr. Prevost's being unseated, on petition, 13 Jan., 1875 
 new writ : 
 C. A. M. Globensky 939 
 Wil/rid Prdvost, advocate, (Ste. Scholastique) ., 810 
 On resignation of Mr. Globensky, 1876, new writ ; 
 J. B. Daoust Acclamation 
 Pop 15,615 
 No. of voters 1,927 
 , hf>' 
 t , 
 Vancouver, (1871.) ' > •r.t^ujv v'-.r,..- ,^^^, ;,,;.•, -^. sv 
 Hon . A . Punster 209 
 A . C. Anderson, (Victoria) 84 
 Joseph W. Carey, (Victoria) 73 
 Pop 1,419 
 No. of voters 553 
 Vaudreuil. " ' 
 R. Harwood Acclamation 
 Pop 11,003 ;.,, 
 No. of voters 2,167 
 ^ *■■■ 
 VkRCHBRES. '^ v..,%'i ., 
 F. Geoflfrion, (N.P.) 924 
 Edward liarnard, advocate, ( Varcnnes) 563 
 On Mr. GeofTriorrs iippt. to office, 8 July, 1874, new writ : 
 Hon . F. Geoffrion Acclamation 
 Pop 12,717 
 No. of voters 2,126 
 Victoria, B. C, (1871.) 
 Hon. Amor DcCosmos 308 
 • Capt . Roscoe 304 
 Charles Morton, (Victoria) 299 
 Thomas Harris, ( do ) 97 
 Pop 4,r>40 
 No. of voters ., ■ ... 959 
 ViCToniA, N. B. 
 J . Costigan 8C8 
 F. S- Bernier, M.D . , (Edmonston) 429 
 Pop 11,641 
 ' No. of voters 2,166 
 ■ r 
 Victoria, N, S. • 
 Hon. Wm. Ross Acclamation 
 On Mr. RoFs's appt. to the Col lectors!' ij) of Customs at Halifax., 
 6 Nov., 1874, new writ : 
 Hon. C. J. Campbell 641 
 Barclay Edmund Tremaine, barrister, (Baddeck) 523 
 Mr. Campbell's election set aside, 17 April, 1875, and Tremaine 
 declskiiid entitled to the seat on following vote : 
 B. E. Tremaine 589 
 Hon. Chas. Jas . Campbell, (Baddeck) 556 
 On. Mr. Tremaine's acceptance of a County Judgeship, 1876, 
 new writ : 
 Hon. C. J . Campbell , . 624 
 John Ross 526 
 Pop 11,346 
 # :-V 
 ^:m ' 
 Victoria, (Ont.), North, (1867.) 
 James Maclennan, Q.C 564 
 Hector Cameron, Q.C.j (Toronto) 560 
 On Mr. Maclennan's being unseated on petition, 10 Nov., 1874, 
 new writ : 
 James Maclennan, Q.C 604 
 w- % Hector Cameron, Q.C , .... 601 
 8 '.M 
 ; I ' ^ii 
 Hl-:r / 
 On petition, Mr. Cameron declared the sitting mem., on a 
 scrutiny of votes, 4 May, 1875. 
 Pop 10,95r, 
 No. of voters 1 ,585 
 Victoria, (Ont.), South. (1867.) 
 Arthur McQuade 1292 
 John Maclennan, (Lindsay) 1223 
 Pop 19,224 
 No. of voters 3,472 
 ' * , - 
 Waterloo, North. 
 I . E. Bowman '. Acclamation 
 Pep 19,256 
 No. of voters ,.:, 
 Waterloo, South. 
 James Young Acclamation 
 Pop 20,995 
 No. of voters — — — 
 W.A.Thomson 1682 
 Emmanuel W. Brookfield (Crowland) 1493 
 Pop 20,572 
 No. of voters 4,409 
 Wellington Centre, (1867.) , ^..-j.. 
 Dr. Orton 1530 
 * Robert McKim, farmer, (Parker) 1481 
 On Dr. Orton's being unseated, on petition, 3 Nov., 1874, new 
 writ : 
 Dr. Orton , 1571 
 James Ross, (Cumnock) 1445 
 Pop 21,118 
 No. of voters 3,852 , 
 Wellington, North. 
 Lt.-Col. Higinbotham 1470 
 George Alex. Brew, Q. C, (Elora) 1464 
 On Col. Higinbotham's being unseated, on 1st Feb., 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Lt.-Col. Higinbotham 1368 
 (/. A. JJrew, Q.C ]365 
 Top 18,740 
 No. of voters 3,650 
 Wellington, South. 
 D. Stirton 1607 
 Jlennj JIntch (Guelph) 468 
 On Mr. Stirton's acceptance of tlie Postmastereliip of Guelph, 
 1876, new writ : 
 Donald Guthrie 1366 
 James Goldie 1228 
 Pop 25,431 
 No. of voters 3,952 
 Wentworth, North. ' «•« i,,v 
 Thomas Bain Acclamation . 
 Pop 16,245 . . 
 - No. of voters 3,878 
 Wentworth, South . . ij 
 Joseph Bymal 1184 
 Jlon. JIarcourt B. Bull (Hamilton) 875 
 Pop 14,638 
 No. of voters 2,658 
 Hon .A.J. Smith, Q.C Acclamation . 
 Pop 29,355 
 No. of voters 4,977 
 Yale, (1871). 
 Edgar Dewney, C . E 89 
 - ' Donald Chisholm (Kootenay) 20 
 Pop , 1,316 
 No. of voters 189 
 Chas. T. Gill Acclamation. 
 Pop 16,317 
 No, of voters 3,352 
 F. Killam ^ 1192 
 George S. Brotcn, shipowner (Yarmouth) 762 
 ' ''1 
 *'i ifi 
!.!. . 
 I . 
 I I 
 rHu. 1 
 Top 18,550 
 No. of voters 3,054 
 York, N. B. 
 J . Picard Arclamatiou 
 Pop 27,140 
 No. of voters 4,400 
 Tore, East, (Ont). 
 I. Mctcalf. Acclamation . 
 Pop 19,360 
 No. of voters 
 York, North (Ont.) 
 A. H. Uymond 1854 
 William Henri/ Thome, miller, (Holland Landing) 1516 
 On Mr. Dymond's being unseated, on petition, 29 May, 1875, 
 new writ ; 
 A. H. Dymond 1684 
 Alfred Boultbee, barrister, (Toronto) 1316 
 Pop 24,262 
 No. of voters 4,455 
 York, West (Ont.) 
 D. Biain 983 
 Nathaniel Wallace (Woodbridge) 556 
 Pop 16,260 
 No. of voters 2,789 
^\\t Olabind of (Eiinada 
 hi, , In 
 'V •.,. 
 Xames, Ac. 
 Rt. Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald, K.C.B.M. P. 
 Hon. Sir George E. Cartier, Bart . . ■ M. V. 
 I • • • • • 
 Samuel L. Tilley, CB IM, P 
 Sir Alex. T. Gait, K.C.M.G..!m. P 
 William McDougall, C . B . 
 'William P. Howland, C.B. . . . 
 Adams G Archibald, CM. G.. 
 A. J. X erguson Blair 
 Peter Mitchell 
 Alexander Campbell 
 Jean C. Chapais 
 Hector L. Langevin, C.B 
 Sir Edward Kenny, Knight. .. 
 Sir John Rose, Bart., K.C.M.G 
 Joseph Howe 
 iM. P'. 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 l8t Sen'tor 
 M. P 
 Senator . . , 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 Sir Francis Hincks,KCMG,CB: 
 Christopher Dunkin JM. P. . . 
 James C. Alkius i Senator 
 M. P... 
 " Alexander Morris.. 
 *' Charles Tapper, C.B 
 *' John H. Pope 
 '* John O'Connor 
 Theodore RobitaiHc. 
 Tliomas N. Gibba. .. 
 H.ifiii McDonald . 
 M. P. 
 M. P. 
 M. P. 
 M. P. 
 M. P. 
 M. P. 
 Ontario . 
 Quebec . 
 N. B.. 
 N. S . 
 N. B .. 
 X. S.. 
 N. 8.. 
 < iBtOnt I 
 i 3d B.C S 
 Quebec. . 
 Ontario j 
 Ontario . . 
 N. S .. j 
 Quebec . . . 
 Ontario. < 
 Quebec. . . 
 Ontario. ' 
 N. S. .| 
 PoRTFOIilO . 
 Prem. A M. of Jua. 
 Militia A Defence. 
 Public "Works ... 
 Inland Revenue.. 
 Sec.State for Provs 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Marine <& Fisheries 
 Postmaster-Genl . . 
 Minister Interior. 
 Receiver-General . 
 Secretary of State 
 Public Wosks ... 
 Receiver-General . 
 Pres. Privy Couu. 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Sec. State for Provs 
 Without Portfolio 
 Secretary'of State. 
 Inland Revenue. . 
 Pres. Pi'ivy Coun. 
 Inland Revenue . . 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Inland Revenue . . 
 Postmaster-Genl . . 
 Ueceiver-(}eneral . 
 Sec. State for Provs 
 Inland Revenue . . 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Militia & Defence 
 JJittt^ (Konfctturation* 
 . 2 
 July.. . 
 July.. . 
 July.. . 
 Nov ... 
 July.. . 
 Nov . . . 
 Vov. . . . 
 Jan... . 
 Nov. . . , 
 Oct .... 
 Nov . . . 
 Nov. .. I 
 Nov . . . . 
 June.. . 
 March: . 
 Jan.... , 
 June . ., 
 July.. . 
 June .., 
 1867 5 
 1867 20 
 1867 22 
 1873 5 
 1867 4 
 1867 29 
 1867 14 
 1867| . . 
 1867 29 
 lb 72 
 Feb , 
 Dec .. 
 Jan ., 
 • •••«• 
 I • • • • < 
 18 3 
 > • t 4 • • • 
 25 Oct.. 
 8 Doc. 
 5 Nov. 
 2 July 
 1 July 
 22 Feb 
 6 Xov 
 .'i Nov 
 4 March...... 
 1 July 
 5 Nov 
 CaUS^ of EEMOVAIfc 
 Cabinet Resigned . 
 > Apptd. Lieut. -Gov of New Brunswick 
 Apptd. Lieut.-Gov of N.W. Territories 
 Apptd. Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario. 
 Resigned. - «. 
 Cabinet Resigned. 
 i Cabinet Resigned. 
 > Resigned. ^ 
 > Cabinet Resigned. 
 /Apptd. Administrator of Nova Scotia 
 ( Apptd. Lieut.-Gov. of Nova Scotia. 
 Appt Puisne Judge Superior Ct , Que. 
 > Cabinet Resigned. 
 Apptd, Chief Jus. Court of Q.B., Man. 
 2 } 
 3 > Cabinet Resigned. 
 Cabinet Resigned. 
 > Cabinet Resigned. 
 (.'abinet Resigned. 
 i Cabinet Resigned. 
 V Apptd Judge Supreme Court, N. S. 
 :! ,1 
 bi 1 
 ^'( , .8 
 NAM£S, &C, 
 Alexander Mackenzie 
 A^toine A. Dorion 
 Edward Blake 
 Albert J. Smith 
 L. Letellier de St. Just 
 Richard J. Cartwright 
 David L-aird i 
 David Christie 
 Isaac Burpee 
 Donald A. Macdonald • > 
 Thomas Coffin 
 Telesphore Foumier 
 William Boss 
 Richard W. Scott 
 Lucius S. Huntington 
 Felix Geoffrion 
 William B. Yail 
 Joseph E. Cauchon 
 David Mills 
 Toussant B. Laflamme 
 Charles A. P. Pelletier 
 JVLa Jr««*«*i • 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 ill • JT* •••••■•« 
 iU* Jr • •••t«*«a 
 M. P 
 M. P 
 JlstM.P.. ) 
 \ 2ndSen't r \ 
 Ontario . . 
 N. B 
 Ontario . . 
 P. E. I... 
 Ontario . 
 N B 
 Ontario . . 
 N. S 
 Quebec. < 
 N. S 
 Ontario \ 
 Quebec. \ 
 Quebec. . . 
 N. S 
 Quebec. . • 
 Ontario . . 
 Quebec. . . 
 Quebec. . . 
 Prem. AM.ofP'W 
 Without Portfolio* 
 Marine AFisherirs 
 Secretary of State. 
 Postmaster-Oenl • . 
 Inland Revenue. . 
 Postmaster-Oenl . 
 Militia & Defence. 
 Without Portfolio. 
 Secretary of State . 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Postmaster-Genl. . 
 Inland Revenue.. 
 Militia & Defebce. 
 Pres. Privy Coun. 
 Interior.. ,.,..,.. 
 Inland Revenue. . 
 Cause 0F_EEM0VAii. 
 Jan • . • ait. 
 Jan < • • t • • . 
 18 3 
 Apptd. Chief Justice, Quebec, 
 Oct '.'.'... \\. 
 jiiiy !.'.!.'.*.' 
 Oct !.*!!!!!! 
 Apptd. Lieut -Gov of Quebec. 
 Apptd. Lieut.-Gov. of Keewatin. 
 Apptd. Speaker of Senate. 
 Apptd. Lieut.-Gov. Ontario. 
 < Apptd. Pui.ne Judge, Sup. Court, Can. 
 Apptd. Collector H.M's Customs, Hali^ 
 Resigned. . • '.'.:-'.' 
 > • • • 
 '■r. ■I-'! •, ■ '■ ■■(■7,1, ■:-'. 
 . . - ' . .. I . ,■ '(■ -■ - ^,'' \. 
 • • 
 • • • a 
 i ' 
 I'.' ■ -« 
 r,! V 
 h , .1 
 i . ?■• 
 • k vuVv^' 
 u 3oci\\ (i5oucrnmcnte mn\ 3fi?sislafur^s. ; 
 ; J. . ONTARIiO. V 
 The Lieutenant-Governor .*~— His Honor the Honorable Donald 
 Alexander Macdonald, F.C. S. of a Scottish Highlander and 
 Roman Catholic, who settled in Glengarry, Ont., 1786; and a 
 younger brother of the lat'^ Hon. J. S. Macdonald, Q.C, M. P., 
 who repiopented Cornwall in the Can. Parlt. during the whole 
 period b^itv.een th'^ Union of 1841 and the Confederation of B.N. A., 
 186'7, was Prime Minister of Can. from May, 1862, to March, 1864 ; 
 and first Prime Minister of his native Province after Confederation. 
 B. at St. Raphael's, Glengarry, Ont. Ed. at St. Raphael's College 
 under the late Hon. and Right Rev. Alex. Macdonell, D.D., after- 
 wards Bishop of Kingston. M., 1st, 1843, Magaret Josephine, eld. dau; 
 of the late Duncan Macdonell^ Esq., of " St. Andrew's," Cornwall 
 (she d, 1844); 2ndiy, Catharine, second dau. of the late Hon. Col. 
 Alex. Fraser, of Fraservillo, Glengarry (she d. 1869). Is Lieut. - 
 Col. commanding the Glengarry Reserve Militia ; Presdt. of the 
 Montreal and Ottawa City Junction Railway; and a dir. of the On- 
 tario Bank. Was for several years Warden of Stormont, Dundas 
 and Glengany. Acted as Vice-Presdt. of the Constitutional Re- 
 form Convention at Toronto, 1859. Declined the Treasurership of 
 Out., Dec, 1871. Sworn of the Privy Council, 7 Nov., 1873, and 
 was Postmaster-Genl. from that date until apptd. Lieut. -Gov. of 
 Ont., 18 May, 1875. {Salary, $10,000.) Sat io^ Glengarry in Can. 
 Assembly from g.e., 1857, until the Union, when returned for 
 game seat in House of Commons, \vhcre he continued to sit until his 
 (1) Lieut. -Genl. Henry WilHam Stisted, C.B., from 1 July, 1867, until 14 
 July, 1868. D. 10 Dec , 1875. 
 (2) Hon. William Pearce Howland, C B.. from 14 July, 1868, until 6 Not., 
 (3) John Willougliby Crawford, Esq., Q C, from 5 Nov., 1873, until his 
 death, 13 May, 1875. 
 elevation to the Lieut. -Governorship. Mr. Macdonald's minis- 
 terial achievements included the establishment of direct mail com- 
 munication with Europe ; free postal delivery in cities and towns \ 
 and a reciprocal reduction in postal rates between the United States 
 and Can. He was also instrumental in securing the grant of 
 $uO,GOO as a reward to the surviving militia veterans of 18 i2.-rr 
 Oovemment House, Toronto; Alexandria; Rideau Club. 
 Aide-de-Camp and Private Secretary. — CaptJ. J. Forsyth Grant, 
 late AQih Foot. (Apptd. 1875; /Salary, $600.) 
 [Apptd. 25th Oct., 1872.] 
 Hon. Olivbr Mowat, Q.C ., Attorney-General {Prime Minister.) 
 '* C. F. Eraser, Commissioner of Public Works. 
 ** Adam Crooks, Q.C.^ D.C.L., Provincial Treasurer and Minister 
 of Education.* ... 
 " T. B. Pardee, Commissianer of Crown Lands. 
 " S. C. Wood, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Secretary and 
 Registrar-General. V 
 Clerk: — John G. Scott, Barrister-at-law, (Apptd. 1870 ; 
 -Salary, $2,800.) 
 f I 
 ..,.;,4. A [Elected 11th— 18th Jan., 1875.]* 
 lion. Rupert Mearsb Wells, 5/?mA;er.f 
 [Elected 7 Jan., 1 873 ; re-elected 24 Nov., 1875.] 
 Clerk: — Lieut. -Col. Chas. Todd Gillmor. — B. in Irel. Served 
 for many years in H.M.'s Customs. Was for some years Lieut.-Col., 
 * The estimates for 1877-78 contain an item providing for paymeDt of a special 
 Departmental Head of Education ; it is therefore probable that Mr. Crooks will 
 ratain his portfolio as Minister of Education, and be succeeded in the Treasurer- 
 ■hip by one of his colleagues, and that a new minister will be added to the 
 1.] Hon. John Stephenson, from 27 Dec, 1867 to March, 1871. 
 "2.] Hon Richard W. Scott, Q C, from 7 to 21 Dec , 1871 . '' ' .. 
 3.] Hon. James Or. Currio, from 21 Dec, 1871, to 30 March, 1873, 
 4.j Hon. Rubcrt M. Wells, from 7 Jan., 1873. 
 : I 

 L h 
 li i 
 H , .11 
 2nd Batt. " Queen's Own Rifles" of Toronto (Volunteers,) which he 
 commanded at Ridgeway. Commanded the Canada Wimbledon 
 "team," 1874. Apptd. Clerk of L. A., Ont , 27 Dec, 1867. 
 {Salary^ $1,800.) — Parliament Buildings ^ Toronto. 
 Sergeant at Arms: — Frederick Joseph Glackmeybr. — Apptd., 
 27 Dec, 1867. {Salary, $600.) 
 Appleby, Nathaniel Stephen, J.P., {East Hastings). 
 Ancestors, paternally, from Eng.; maternally from Holland. 
 Grandfather, Stephen Appleby, emigrated from Westmoreland, 
 Eng., to New York, and settled in Westchester Co., 1758 ; father 
 came to Can., 1798, and settled in Prinee Edward, Ont. B. there, 
 27 Feb., 1820. Ed. at Belleville. M., Nov., 1843, Miss Sarali 
 Maria Lewis, of Shannonville, Ont. A J.P. since 1856. Wag 
 Reeve nf Tyendinaga from 1851 to 1870 ; and Warden of Hastings, 
 from 1858 to 1862. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 last g.e. A Conservative. In favor of perpetuating the connec- 
 tion now existing with the British Empire. — Shannonville. 
 Baker, Adam Jacob. (Russell.) 2nd Mem. 
 Of Dutch origin, and descended from U.E. loyalists. 8. ot 
 William Baker by Catharine Waddorflf. B and e<l. in Osnabruck, 
 Stormout, Ont. M., Miss Janet McDonell. Elected Reeve of 
 Osgoode, 1876. Was Postmaster at Osgoode for 20 years. First 
 returned to Parliament, for present seat at last g.e. Unseated on 
 petition, 4 June, 1875; re-elected 12 Aug., 1875. A Conservative, 
 and opposed to the present Govt. In iavor of a well digested Pro- 
 hibitory laquor Law. — Osgoode ^ Ont. 
 Ballantyne, Thomas. {South Perth.) -* 
 S. of Mr. James Ballantyne, of Peebles, Scot. B. at Peebles, 
 13 Aug., 1829. Ed. there. Came to Canada, 1852. M., Mary, 
 dau. of Robert Ballantyne, of Downie, Perth, Ont. For many 
 years Clerk and Reeve of Downie. Largely engagid in the manu- 
 facture and shipment of cheese ; and was for two years President of 
 the Canada Dairymen's Association. An unsuccessful candidate for 
 North Perth at g.e., 1871. Unanimously nominated by South 
 Perth Reform Convention for the Commons at g.e., 1872, but ds- 
 clined. First returned for present seat at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 a supporter of the Movvat Ad" ministration, — Stratford. 
 Barr, John, if. />. {Dufenn.) 
 Father a native of Ireland, came to Can., 1822, and settled 
 near Brockville, in Co. Leeds, Ont., thence moving to Middlesex. 
 1848. B. in Leeds. 4 March, 1842. Graduated as M.D. at Victoria 
 Jniv., 1866. Unmarried. Is Deputy Master of South Grey County 
 Orange Lodge. Has been an Associate Coroner for Grey. First 
 returned to Parliament for present seat at last g.e . A Liberal Con- 
 servative. — Horning'' s Mills. , . , .. 
 Baxter, Jacob, tJ/. />., J. P. {Ilaldimand.) 
 Eld. 8. of the late Mr. Jacob Baxter, of Bertie, Wclland, Ont.; 
 and grands, of the late Mr. John Baxter, who came from Ireland, 
 and settled in Bertie towards the close of the last century. B. in 
 Bertie, June, 1832. Graduated at the Medical Schools of Toronto 
 and New York city. M., 1866, the third dar. of R. V. Griflath, 
 Esq., Deputy Clerk of the Crown for Haldimand. Has been Local 
 Superintendent of Schools. First returned to Parliament, for 
 present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g. e., 1871, and again at 
 last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Cayuga^ 
 Ont. , -r .; 
 Bell Robert. (^Turonto West.) 
 Is Chairman of Board of Waterworks Commr's. Toronto. 
 Elected a Deputy G . M. of the Royal Black Chapter of Orangemen 
 of B.A., 1875. Has sat in the City Council of same city. First 
 returned to Pari t., for present seat, at last ge. A Liberal Con- 
 servative, and opposed to Mr. Mowat. — 22, Camden St., Toronto ; 
 "U.K" Club. 
 Bbthunb, James, LL.B. (Stormont.) 
 Descended from a family of U.E. loyalists that has resided in 
 Glengarry, Ont , since 1797. S. of Angus Bethune, Esq., for many 
 years Deputy Sheriif of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. B. m 
 Glengarry, 7 July, 1840. Ed. at the University of Queen's College, 
 ^ing.ston, and at University College, Toronto, at which latter he 
 graduated LL.B., 1861. M., 1860, the dau . of the late Dr. Chas. 
 : 'i.l I'i' 
 |i " i'l 
 Rattray, of Cornwall, Ont. Called to the Bar, U.C., Easter Term, 
 1862 ; and to that of Quebec, 1869. Is head of the extensive law 
 firm oi Bethune, Osier and Moss, and lecturer on General Juris- 
 prudeuce for the Law Society of Ont. Elected a Bencher of the 
 Law Society, 1875. Was County Crown Attorney for united coun- 
 ties of Btormont, Dundas and Glengary from 1865 until 1870, when 
 he resigned. Has also acted as Deputy Judge for same counties. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for present seat ut g.e.; 1871. First 
 returned on sitting member being unseated and new election taking 
 place, Jan., 1872. Re-elected at last g . e. A Reformer. In favor 
 of compulsory voting, and introduced a measure in that behalf, 
 1872. — ^^StormontLodffe," 238, Adelaide St.f West, Toronto, 
 V ».t. 
 Bishop, Archibald. (South Huron.) 
 J'r.M^i m 
 B. in Edinburgh, Scot. Ed. in Lanarkshire. M. Miss Janet P. 
 Doig of Huron . Has been Reeve of Usborne for past ten years, and 
 is now Warden of the county. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, on resignation of sitting mem., 5 Oct.; 1873. Re-elected at 
 last g.e. A Reformer, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Haj/, Ont. 
 BoNFiELD, Jambs. (South Renfrew.) 
 ■t' ik: 3 
 8. of John Bon field, of Gartmore, Tipperary, Irel., by Elizabeth 
 O'Meara. B. at Gartmore, 1825. Ed there. M., in Ottawa, 1855, 
 MissTreacy. A lumber merchant. First returned to Parlt, for 
 present seat, by acclamation, at last g.e. A Reformer, and a sup- 
 porter of Mr. Mowat. — Eganville, Ont. . 
 Boulter, George Henry, M,D.,J.P. (North Hastings) 
 Li'-^f^il f ■» 
 S. of George Boulter, Esq., of Belleville, Cnt. B. in Co. Prince 
 Edward, Ont , 17 July, 1825. Ed. at Victoria College, Cobourg, 
 and McGill College, Montreal, at the latter of which he graduated 
 M.D., :?52. ::., 1853, Deborah, sec. 'lau of R. E. Gross, Esq., of 
 Sidney, Hastings, Ont. Is a Trustee of Queen's Univ., Kingston ; 
 Vice-Prcsdt., of Hastings Mutual Insurance Co.: Chairman of the 
 Hastings Board of Public Instruction ; a director of the Grand 
 Junction Railway ; and Capt. No. 2 Co. 49th Batt , V.M. Has 
 been Warden of Hastings. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at g.e.. 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1871, and again at last g.e. 
 A Conservative, and opposed to the present government. — Sterlirtfff 
 Ont; U.E. Club. 
 Browm, Nicholas Wood, t/^. P. (South Ontario.) 
 Of Scottish descent. Parents came from State of Vermont, and 
 iettled in Tp. of Whitby, 1821. B. there, 8 Aug., 1821. Ed. 
 there. M., Miss Susan Chapman, of Pickering. An iron founder. 
 Has been Town Councillor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve, and has also 
 filled the Mayoralityof Whitby. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, dt last g.e. "A Conservative, but inclined to be In* 
 dependent." — Whitby. 
 Brodkb, Andrew. {Dundas.) 2nd Mem. - *■ 
 Is W. M. of Dundas County Orange Lodge. First returned 
 to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. Unseated on petition, IS 
 June, 1875. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. 
 •*— V««< Winchester. 
 .Calvin, DfiLiNO Dbxter. (Fronteriac.) 
 .^'B. in the State of New York, at commencement of present 
 century. M. Miss Wilkinson of Kingston. A mem. of the exten- 
 sive firm of Calvin & Co., Garden Island, lumber merchants, for- 
 warders and shipowners. Has been Reeve of Garden Island and 
 Warden of Frontenac. Sat in the Local Legislature of Ontario for 
 present constituency from 1868 to 1874, when he retired. Was a 
 member of the Canal Commission, 1870, Returned for present 
 seat upon decease of sitting member, Mr. Graham, February, 1877. 
 A Conservative. — Kingstoyi, Ont. 
 Cameron, Hon. Matthew Crooks, Q.C. (^Toronto East,) 
 8. of the late John M. A. Cameron, Esq., who held a 
 responsible position in the Canada Company's Office in Toronto fot 
 a lengthened period. B. in Dundas, Ont., 1823. Ed. at the U.C. 
 College. M . , Miss Wedd (dead). Called to the Bar, U.C, Hilary 
 Term, 1849 . Created a Q.C . , 1863 . Elected a Bencher of the Luvr 
 Society of Ont., 187l. Is head of the law firm of Cameron,, 
 McMichael, Fi'^^^^erald & Hoskin, and occupies a distinguished 
 position as a Criminal and iV^m Pnws lawyer . Is Presdt. of the 
 Liberal Conservative Assn. of Toronto ; and a dir. of the Dominion 
 Telegraph Co. Has been Presdt. of the Ontario Literary Society, 
 Led the Opposition in the Ontario Assembly from Dec, 1871 until 
 g.e., 1875; and was Vice-Presdt. of the Libeial Conservative Con- 

 5 t H 
 vention tl:at assembled in Toronto, 23 Sept , 1874. Has sat in the 
 City Council of Toronto, and contested the Mayoralty of that city 
 unRuccessfully, 1861. Was a mom. of the Ex. Council of Ont., 
 from 20 July, 1867 to 19 Dec., 1871, (in the Sandfield Macdonald 
 Administration), when the Ministry, bein^ defeated, they retired ; 
 and during this period held the offices of Provincial Secretary and 
 Registrar, from July, 1867, until 25 July, 1871 ; and that of Commr. 
 of Crown Lands from latter date until the resignation of the Govt. 
 Sat for North Ontario i'l Can. Assembly from g.e., 1861 tog.e. 
 IP' , when defeated, anri for same seat from July, J 864 until the 
 Union, when defeat '1 for Commons. Re lurned to present House, 
 for present seat, at g.c, 1867; re-elected at g.e.^ 1871, and again 
 returned at laat g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present 
 Govt.— 146, Dukff St., Toronto; " U.E.'' Club. 
 CmsHOLM, Kenneth. (Peel). • ;, •• 
 Descended from an old Highland family, originally from 
 Inverness-shire. B. and ed. in Co. of Peel. A merchant. Held 
 the Wardenship of the County fur three year.*? in succession, and is 
 now Reeve of Brampton. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 19 Dec, 1873, on death of the sitting mem.; re-elected at last g.e. 
 Unseated on petition 14 June, 1875, but judgment subsequently 
 reversecl on appeal. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — 
 " Alderlea," Brampton, Ont. 
 Clarke, Lieut. -Col. CnARLis, J. P. (Wellington Centre.) j,i 
 B. in Lincoln, Eng.. 28 Nov., 1826. Ed. at Waddington, 
 Lincolnshire, under Mr. George Boole, afterwards Professor of 
 Mathematics in Queen's College, Cork. Is Lieut -Col. commanding 
 the 30th " Wellington " Bait. Volunteer Rifles. Edited the Jour, 
 nal and Express, (Hamilton) from 1848 to 1850, SAid the Backwoods- 
 man, (Elora) for some years. Was Reeve of Eiora for several years. 
 First returned to Parliament, for present seat, at g.e., 1871 ; re- 
 elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Reformer and a supporter of 
 Mr. Mowat. — Elora, Ont. ... . .. „.i_J. 
 Clarke, John Fitzgkuald, M.D. (North I\'orfolk.) 
 S. of the Rev. W. Clarke, one of the three first Congregational 
 ministers that came to Canada ; and grands, of James Clarke, Esq., 
 a large landed proprietor in Stafioidshire, Eng. B, in Coventry, 

 Eng., 16 July, 1827. Ed. in Eng M., 1st, i84'7, Hiisan Miiria, 
 second dan. of Joseph Vannormun, Esq., of Normandale (she d. 
 1853); 2ndly, 1855, Maria, second dau. of Thomas J. Mulkins, 
 Esq., of Simcoe. A licentiate of Montreal Medical Board, 1847. 
 Is Vice-President of the Ontario Temperance and Trohibitory 
 League. Was a Coroner for Norfolk from 1847 to 1871. Has been 
 (I mem. of the Town Council. First returned to Parliament, lor 
 present seat at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a 
 supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Simcoe. 
 CoDB, Abraham. (South Lanark). - ' 
 Youngest s. of Mr. John Code, who came to Canada from Ire- 
 land, 1817. B. in Tp. of Lanark, 28 Dec, 1828. Ed. there. M., 
 1858, Eliza, eld. dau. of William Hopkins, Esq., of Ramsay (she 
 d., May, 1875.) A woolen manufacturer. Was Reeve of Drum- 
 mond from 1^60 to 1875. Contested present seat unsuccessfully at 
 g.e., 1867. First returned to Parlt., 1869, on death of sitting 
 mem. Re-elected at g.e., 1871, and again at last g e. A Liberal 
 Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Carleton Place ; 
 ''U.Er Club. - ' - ' - - . .-. > - 
 Cols, Lient.-Col. Wilmot Howard. (Brockville.) 
 S. of Mr. Abel Cole ; and grands, of Adam Cole, who served in 
 the Royalist forces in the Am. colonies, and on tht breaking out of 
 the war of independence, came to Canada, and was one of the first 
 U.E. loyalists that settled on the banks of the St. Lawrence, in 
 the Tp. of Elizabethtown. B. at Brockville, 16 Feb., 1834. Ed. 
 there. M., Jane Adelaide, youngest dau. of the late Abram Phil- 
 lips, of New York . Sits in Brockville Town Council. Isadir. 
 (and has been President) of the Johnstown Mutuctl Fire Insurance 
 Co. Elected Grand High Priest of the Grand Encampment, 
 I.O.O.F., 1875. Joined the Volunteer militia force in 1855, and ia 
 now Lieut. -Col., commanding 41si "Brockville" Batt. Rifles. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal ; 
 and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Main St., Brockville. .•; 
 GoDTTS, Alexander. (West Kent.) 
 S. of Mr. John Coutts ; and grand-s. of Mr. John Coutts, of 
 the parish of Crorthie, Aberdeenshire, Scot. B. at TuUich, near 
 Balmoral Castle, 17 April, 1824. Came to Canad ,1834, and was 
 11 : 
 1 .11 
 ♦ S 
 ed. in Tilbury East. M., Juno, 1856, June, eld. dau. of Arohd. 
 McVean, of the Goro of Toronto. A farmer. Was Township 
 Councillor for 18 years in succession, and has been lleeve of Til- 
 bury East for }2 years. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 atlastg.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt.— 
 CeBianroN, David. {North Grey). 2nd. Mem. 
 Of Irish parentage. B. in Glasgow, Scot., 1 April, 1843. 
 Came to Canada with his parents, 1855. M., 15 Oct., 1873, Misa 
 Jane Elizabeth Kramer. Has been editor and publisher of the 
 Owen Sound Times newspaper since 1864. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, 30 Oct. , 1875, on sitting mem. being unseated and 
 disqualified. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to Mr. Mowat. 
 Owen Sound. ,...,,, , 
 ,'i I 
 Cbooks, Hon. Adam, LL.D., Q.C. (South Oxford.) 2nd Mkm. -q 
 S. of the late TTon. James Crooks, who sat in the Legislative 
 Council of U.C,and from 1841 until his death in 1860, in the 
 Legislative Council of Canada. B. at West Flamboro', Ont., 11 
 Dec, 1827. Ed. at U.C. College and at the University of Torqnto, 
 where he was Gold Medallist in Classics and Silver Medallist in 
 Metaphysics, and graduated B.A. 1860, and afterwards proceeded 
 to M.A. and LL.D. M,, 4 Dec, 1856, Emily, youngest dau. of tho 
 late General Thomas Evans, C. B. (shed. 5th Nov., 1868). Called 
 to the Bar, U.C, Trinity Term, 1851. Created Q.C, 1863. Elected 
 a Bencher of the Law Society of Out., 1871. Is a mem. of the 
 Corporation of Hellmuth College, London. Was one of the 
 ExHmine.s in and Lecturer on Commercial Law, for Law Society of 
 Ont.; and Vice Chanceller of University of Toronto for some years. 
 Author of Characteristics of the Canadian Covimuniiy (Trans. Royal 
 Colonial Institute.) Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council, and Attorney- 
 General for Ont., 20 Dec, 1871, in which office he remained until 
 transferred to the Treasurership, 25 Oct , 1872, to which was added 
 the oflice of First Minister of Education, 1876. Contested Toronto 
 West unsuccessfully at ge., 1867. and Toronto East at last g.e. 
 Sat for Toronto West from g.c, 1871, until last g.e. Returned for 
 present seat, 10 Sept., 1875. A Liberal.— 75 Peter St., Toronto; 
 Toronto Club. 
 CvmiB, Licut.'Col. Hon. Jaueb Qkorqe. (Wetland.) 2irn MgM. 
 -'''•8. of Mr. Lachlan Ciirrie, of the Tp. of Niagara, Lincoln, Ont., 
 a native of Scot. B. in Toronto, 24 Nov., 1827. Ed. at Niagara. 
 M., 1 June, 1854, a daii. of the late Mr. Joseph Brown of Niagara 
 Township (she d. June, 1863). Called to the Bar, U.C., Michael- 
 mas Term, 1853. Elected a Bencher of the Law Society, 1875. Is 
 Lieut. -Col. commanding 19th Batt. " Lincoln " V.I Was Waiden 
 of Lincoln, and Mayor of St. Catharines, from 1859 to 1863. Was 
 Speaker of the Ontario Assembly from 21 Dec, 1871, until 30 
 March, 1873, when he resigned. Sat for Niagara in L. C, Can. 
 from 1862 until 1865, when he resigned, disapproving of Confedera- 
 tion. An unsuccessful candidate for Niagara in Canada Assembly 
 at g.e., 1857. Returned to present House at g.e., 1871. Re- 
 elected at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 28 May, 1875; re- 
 elected 2 July, 1875. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. 
 Introduced measures, 1875, in favor of manhood suffrage in local 
 parliamentary elections ; for the establishment of cumulative vot- 
 ing in municipalities ; and for the abolition of Grand Juries. — Jamet 
 Sireeff St, Catharines, Ont -v ' 
 Dawson, Simon James, C.E. (Algoma.) -v r r 
 5 Connected on both father's and mother's side with old historic 
 Scotch families ; maternal grandfather for a long period heir pre- 
 sumptive to the honors of the ancient house of Glengarry. B. in 
 Scot., 1821. Ed. there. Came to Canada when young. Un- 
 married. A Civil Engineer; a dir. of the Prince Arthur's Landing 
 and Kaministiquia Railway Co,; and Viee-Presdt. of the Lake Su- 
 perior Silver and Gold Mill Reducing Works and Mining Company 
 ©f Thunder Bay. Apptd , 1851, to plan and superintend the con- 
 struction of extensive works then contemplated on the St. Maurice, 
 to open up the vast pine regions of that river and its tributaries, 
 which had been previously almost inaccessible to the lumber trade, 
 which works he carried out successfully. Apptd., 1857, to explore 
 the country from Lake Superior to the Saskatchewan and report 
 upon its adaptability for settlement, and the practicability of open- 
 ing up communications therewith. Resigned the office after com- 
 pleting his reports, and carried on business for some years as a tim- 
 ber merchant on the St. Maurice. In 1868 called upon to commence 
 the construction of the route to Red River, now kiiown as the 
 " DawKon route;" and, in 1870, although but little had compara- 
 tively been done, owing to the limited means appropriated therefor. 
 ''^ Jill 
 ill ; ' nf< ^ J 
 ti • ^ 
 ;,., J!l 
 put through the Red River expeditionary force under Col. (now 
 Gcnl. Sir) Garnet Wolsely, when all other means of reaching the 
 country to suhdue the insurrection had been found unavailing. Re- 
 signed superintendence of the Dawson route on becomming a can- 
 didate for Algoma, for which he was duly returned at last g.e. — 
 Sault Sie Marie . > ' • - ( ~»- * 
 Deacon, Thomas. (North Renfrew.) - ■ .: ,m ..■ ; .* 
 Sixth s. of Mr. John Deacon, a native of Kilkenny, Irel., and 
 of Mary Harper, who came to Can. 1816, and settled in Perth, Lan- 
 ark, Ont. B. there, V Nov., 1832. Ed, at Perth Grammar School. 
 M., 1864, Caroline Rebecca, eld. dau. of John Dunlop, Esq., lumber 
 merchant, Pembroke, Ont. Called to' the Bar, L.C., Michaelmas 
 Term, 1862. A dir. of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway j 
 County Ma^-ter of County Orange Lodge, a position he has 
 held for ten years ; and is Master and a Deputy Registrar in Chan- 
 cery. Has been Deputy G.M. of the Grand Black Chapter of 
 Orangemen of B . A . VVas sole Official Assignee for Renfrew from 
 the passage A the Insolvent Act of 1864 until the con jg into force 
 of new Actv 1875. Has also been a Grammar School Trustee, and a 
 mem. of the Town Council. First returned to Pari t., for present 
 seat, at g.e, 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. Created a Q.C. 1876. A 
 Conservative, aud opposed to the present Govt. In favor of aiding, 
 by grants of public money, railways running into the interior of the 
 country ; colonization roads ; immigration ; and the settlement of 
 the back country by free grants to actual settlers. Carried through 
 Parlt. Act to amend Division Court Act. — Pembroke, Ont.; " U.E.^* 
 Dbroche, Ha MMBL Madden. (Addington.) J i ^ ir r >ti^l H 
 Of French descent. B. in Ont. Ed. at the University of 
 Toronto, where he graduated B. A., 1868. M., Dec, 1872, Sarah 
 Anne Christian, second dau. of T. G. Pile, Esq., formerly of Barba- 
 does, W.I. Admitted as an Attorney, Ont., Nov., 1873. Apptd. 
 a mem. of the Council of Public Instruction, Ont., 1873. First re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1871; re-elected at last 
 g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Napanee, Oni»^ « ■ 
 Ferris, James Marshall, ./.P. {East Northumberland.) 2nd Mbm. 
 Family settled after the Cromwellian wars at Florence Court 
 m 1 
 Fermanagh, Irel. S. of the late Matthew Ferris, by Miss Marshall^ 
 of Co. Tyrone. B. in Co. Fermanagh, 1828. Ed. there. Came to 
 Can. 1850. M., 1857, Catharine, second dau. of the late Jacob 
 Fralick, Esq., of Sydney, Hastings. Ont. Has been Postmaster of 
 Campbeliford since 1860, and Reeve of Seymour since 1868. Has 
 also held the office of Warden of the united counties of Northum- 
 berland and Durham. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 last g.e. Unseated, on petition, 10 Oct., 1875; re-elected 9 Nov., 
 1875. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Movvat. — Campbeliford. 
 FiNLAYSON, Hugh. {North Brant.) 
 B. in Scot, A merchant. Is Mayor of Paris. Sat for Enst 
 Brant in Can. Assembly from 1858 to g.e. 1861. Returned for 
 present seat at g.e., 1867. Re-elected at g.e., 1871, and again at 
 last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Faris, Ont, 
 Fleshbk, John . (Cardivell.) 
 S. of the late Rev. John Flesher, of Forest Moor House, York- 
 shire, Eng. B. at Duffield, Yorkshire, 8 Juno, 1833. Ed. at 
 Dumpton Hall, Kent, Eng. M., 1855, M. A., only dau. of the Rev. 
 Wm. Fowler, of New York city. A storekeeprr. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and 
 opposed to the present government. — Orangeville, 
 FviASBR, IIo7i . Christopher FiNLAY. (South Grenvilfe.) 
 S. of Mr. J. S. Eraser, of Brockville, Oat. B. there, 1838. M., 
 Miss Lafayette, of the same town Studied law with th«^ Hon. A. 
 N. Richards, Q.C., and was called to the Bar, U.C., in Trinity Term, 
 1865. Is Presdt. of the Catholic Literary Assn., of Brockville. 
 Was one of the originators of the Ont. " Catholic League." Apptd. 
 a mem. of the Ex. Council, 25 Nov., 1873, and was Provl.-Secy. 
 and Registrar from that date until 4 April, 1874, when apptd. 
 Commissioner of Public Works, {Salary % 4,500 . ) An unsuccessful 
 candidate for Brockville in present House, at g.e., 1867, and for 
 South Grenville, at last g.e. First returned, March, 1872, on death 
 of sitting meui . , but unseated on pedtion . Again returned on now 
 election, Oct., 1872, and. by acclamation, on his appt. to office ; re- 
 elected at last g.e. Created a Q.C., 1876. A Liberal. — Romn 
 Houte, Toronto ; Brockville, Ont, 
 ' "I HJ 
 1,1 I 
 ri h 
 , ! 
 Gibson, Thomas. {North Huron.) 
 S. of Mr. Thomas Gibson. B. at Greenlaw, Berwickshire, Scot. 
 8 Jan., 1825. Ed. there. M., 1854, Miss Elizabeth Hudson. 
 Was Reeve of Howick for seven years. An unsuccessful candidate 
 for present seat at g.e., 1867. First returned at g.e., 1871 ; re- 
 elected at lastg.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — 
 Jiroxeter^ Ont. 
 Graham, Peter, J. P. (East Lambion.) 
 S. of Mr. Thomas Graham, of Kirkoswald, Cumberland, Eng., 
 who emigrated to L.C., 1832. B. and ed. at Kirkoswald. Has 
 held the office of Councillor, Deputy Reeve, and Reeve of Warwick, 
 in succession ; and has also been Presdt. of the Lambton Agricul- 
 tural Society. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last 
 g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr, Mowat. — Warwick. 
 Grange, John Thomas. (Lennox.) •....• i •• 
 S. v)f the late Mr. William Grange, a native of Napanee, and 
 grandson of the late Mr. John Grange, of Ayr, Scot., who emigrated 
 to Can. 1793. B. at Napanee, 30 Jan., 1837. Ed. there. M., 
 Jan., 1857, Miss Jane Ann Scales. A merchant. Has been Coun- 
 cillor and Reeve of Napanee. An unsuccessful candidate for Len- 
 nox in the House of Commons at g.e., 1867. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1871; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal Conservative. — Napanee, Ont. 
 ..'. -I ■ '. 
 Grant, Alexander J. (Glengarry.^ 
 Of Scottish descent. B. in Charlottenburg, Glengarry, Ont. 
 Ed. there. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in House of 
 Commons, at g.e., 1874. First returned to Parlt. for present seat 
 at last g.e. Will give an independent support to the present 
 Govt. — Williamsto:vn. 
 Hanev, Henry Ry^.n, M.D. (Monck.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. in Can. Unmarried. A doctor of medicine. Has been 
 Coroner for Welland. First returned, for present seat, Sept., 1872, 
 on sitting mem . being unseated . Re-elected at last g.e. Unseated 
 en petition, 13 May, 1875 ; re-elected 22 June, 1875. A Liberal 
 and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Femoicky Onf. 
 *■ - . ''* 
 Hardy, Arthur Sturgis. {South Brant.) "i 
 ; 1. 
 Descended on both sides from U.E. loyalists. S. of Russell 
 Hardy, Esq., merchant, Brantford, Ont. B, at Mount Pleasant, 
 Ont., 14 Dec, 1837. Ed. at Rock wood Academy. M., 19 Jan., 
 1870, Mary, dau. of Hon. Justice Morrison, of Toronto. Called U> 
 the Bar of Ont., Easter Term, 1865. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, April, 1873, on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected 
 by aqclamation at last g.e. Created a Q.C., 1876. A Liberal, and 
 a supporter of Mr. Mowat . — Brantford. ,' ;r'! 
 Hargrapt, William, J".P. (West Korthumherland.) " .,,.;;•, 
 Family originally from Eng.^ went to Irel, about the time of 
 the Protectorate. B. at Templemore, Tipperary, Irel., (of which 
 place his father, George Hargraft, was postmaster), 16 Oct., 1829. 
 Came to Can., 1833, and was ed. at the Grammar School, Cobourg. 
 M., April, 1853, Mary, sister of Alex. Ross, Esq., of Kingston, Ont. 
 A merchant. Is Mayor of Cobourg ; and a dir. of the Hand-in- 
 Hand Fire Insurance Co. Has sat 14 years in Town Council ; and 
 is also a Commr. of the Town Trust. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal. "Approves of the general.,* 
 policy of the Mowat Administration, reserving to himself the right 
 to criticise their future action, and support or oppose it, as he 
 believes best for the interests of the Province." — " Greenbank,^* 
 Cobourg. . 
 Harkin, William, 3/. />. C. J/, (rrescott.) 
 Parents came from Donegal, Irel. B. at West Havvkesbury, 
 Ont., Oct., 1831. Ed. at the Vankleek Hill and L'Orignal High 
 Schools ; graduated as M.D. at McGill University, 1858. M 
 May, 1859, Eliza, dau. of Duncan McDonnell, Ksq., of 
 Plill. A mem. of High School Board. Has been Reeve for past 
 three years. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. 
 A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Vankleek 
 J I ill. 
 , 24 
 I : 
 ' I 
 Hay, David Davidson, J.P. (AVr/^ Perth.) 
 Family from Forforsh ire, Scot. B. in Dundee, Scot., 182S, 
 ^1. J- 
 I , 
 i I 
 I I 
 i V I 
 Ed. by private tuition. M., 1849, Miss Jiine Eogerson, of Co. 
 Simcoe, Ont- Has been Reeve of Elma, and of the village of Lis- 
 towel. Served as Emigration Commr. to Scot, for Ont., 1873-4, 
 whenapptd. General Emigration Agent for Oniti,rTo, an office he 
 held until Jan., 1875, when he resigned. An unsuccessful candidate 
 for present seat at g.e., 1867. First returned at last g.e. A 
 Reformer. In respect of administration, is in favor of economy, 
 combined with wise and liberal expenditure on Public Works to 
 develop the resoiuxes of the Province, especially (colonization Rail- 
 roads. In respect to legislation, wili support a bill for compulsoi^ 
 voting, improved assessment laws, the simplifying and cheapening 
 of the legal machinery of the Courts, &c. — Listowcl. 
 HoDGiNS, Thomas, M.A.^ Q.C. {M^est Elgin.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of William Hougins, Esq., formejly of the Co . Wicklow^ 
 Irel. B. in Dublin. Ed. there and at Bristol, Eng., and at Uni- 
 versity College, Toronto. Entered the University of Toronto in 
 1853, and obtained first-class honors with his degree of B. A. in 1856, 
 and afterwaads proceeded to the degree of LL.B,, (1858) and M.A., 
 (1860). M., 1858, Maria Burgoyne, dau. of John Scoble, Esq., 
 who represented West Elgin in Can. Assembly from 1863 until the 
 Union. Called to the Bar, Hilary Term, 1858. CreatedQ.C, 1873. 
 Elected a Bencher of the Law Society, Trinity Term, 1874. Is 
 Chairman of the Legal Education Committee of the Law Society ; 
 mem. of the Council of the Law School of Osgoode Hall, Toronto ; 
 and Senior Law Examiner in the University of Toronto. Is an 
 occasional contributor to the Periodical Press on Parliamentary and 
 and Legal questions. First returned to Parlt. at g,e., 1871. De- 
 feated at last g.e. ; but, on petition, declared entitled to the seat, 24 
 June, 1875. A Liberal.— 29 Bloor St., West ; National Club. 
 Hunter, James Hill . (South Grey.) 
 Parents both natives of Renfrewshire, Scot. B. at Kilbarcliall, 
 in that Co., 26 July, 1839. Ed. at the Grammar School, Goderich, 
 and at U.C. College. M., Oct., 1863, Kate, youngest dau. of Alex. 
 McDonald, Esq., of Belleville. A merchant. Has been Reeve and 
 Deputy Reeve of Glenelg. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at last g.e. A Liberal. — Durham. 
 Ke AN, John, -7.7*. (East ^Simcoe .) 
 S. of Mr. Benjamin Kean. by Jtnc McKinley, loth of Ai.trijn, 
 , of Co. 
 ) of Lis- 
 , 1873-4, 
 ofidce he 
 g.e. A 
 A''orks to 
 tion R^al- 
 i at Uni- 
 oronto in 
 L. in 1856, 
 ind M.A., 
 lie, Esq., 
 until the 
 I.e., 1873. 
 L874. Is 
 Society ; 
 Toronto ; 
 o. Ts an 
 ntary and 
 871. Dc- 
 le seat, 24 
 [. of Alex, 
 iceve and 
 Irel ., who came to Can. 1824, and settled in Halton, Ont. B. in 
 town of Bushmill, Antrim, Irel., 4 June, 1820. Ed. in Can. M., 
 1850, at Brantford, Ont., Miss Mary Jordan, of the Tp. of Norwich. 
 Was Reeve of Orillia and Matchedash, from 1862 to 1867, and War- 
 den of Simcoe, 1868. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 last g.e. An Independent Conservative. — Marchmont . 
 liANE, John, J.P. (^East York.) 
 Family a branch of the Lanes, of Lane's Park, Tipperary, Irel. 
 B. in Tipperary, 28 Nov., 1818. Came to Can. when young, and 
 was ed. here. M., 16 April, 1845, Miss Sarah Barker, of Yorkshire, 
 Eng. A mem. of the County Courcil . First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at last g.e. "Has been during his whole life a 
 Liberal," and is therefore a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Thornhill. 
 Lauder, Abram William. {East Grey.) • 
 S. of the late Thos. D. Lauder, Esq., of Durham, Ont. ; and 
 grands . of the Re^ . Wm . Lauder, late of Bewcastle, Cumberland, 
 Eng. A collateral ancestor was one of the claimants for the Rox- 
 burgh Estates in 1812. B. at Bewcastle, 1834. Ed. at Canobie 
 and Langholm. M., 1856, Miss M. E. Toof. Called to the Bar, 
 U.C, Easter Term, 1864. A mem. of the Senate of University of 
 Victoria College, Cobourg. Apptd. Govt. Trustee of Mimicipal 
 Bonus Fund of the Toronto, Grey and Bru'e Railway, 1869. Sat 
 for South Gray from 1867 until 1871, when i.naeated on petition ; 
 re-elected Jan., 1872, and continued to sit for that seat until g.e., 
 1875, when returned for present seat. A Liberal Conservative, and 
 opposed to the present Govt . — 262 Victoria St.jToronto] ^^U.E:^Cluh. 
 Long, Thomas. {North Simcoe .) 
 B. at Mount David, Limerick, Irel., 1836. Ed. there. Camu 
 to Can., 1850. M,, 1861, Ann, eld. dau. of Mr. Chas. Patton, of 
 Collingwood. A store keeper. Was a Councilman of Collingwood 
 from 1864 to 1870, First returned to Parlt,, lor present seat, at last 
 g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Colliny- 
 Lyon, William DuRiE. {Halton.) 2nd Mem, 
 A store keeper. Is Reeve of Milt(n, and has been Warden of 
 lit'": 'li .1 
 ■i '! 
 ■ .1' 
'i H' 
 Halton. An unsuccesefiil candidate for present seat at g.e., 1871. 
 First returned, 2 Nov., 1875, on sitting mem. being unseated and 
 disqualiiied. A Reformer. A supporter of Mr. Mowat, and a strict 
 adherent to party Govt. — Milton. 
 SIacdoug ALL, 7/y;j. William, C'.7i. (South Simcoe). 2nd Mem. P.C. 
 S. of the late Daniel Macdougall, Esq., of St. Mary's, Ont., 
 and grand-s. of John Macdougall, Esq, a native of Scot., and a 
 U.E. loyalist, who served in the British Commissariat service 
 during the Am. revolution, settled in N S. at the termination of the 
 liostilities, and subsequently removed to U.C. B. in Toronto, 25 
 Jan., 1822. Ed. there, and at Victoria University, Cobourg. M., 
 1st., 1845, Amelia Caroline, dau. of Joseph Easton, Esq., of Mill- 
 bank, (slie d. Jan., 1869); Indly, 18 Nov., 1872, Margaret, dau. of 
 John Beatty, Esq., M . D., formerly a Professor in Victoria University, 
 Cobourg, Ont. Admitted as an Attorney, U.C, 1847. Called to 
 the Bar, U.C, in Hilary Term, 1862. A mem. of the law firm of 
 Macdougall & Gordon, Founded (1848) the Canada Farmer, Rii 
 agricultural Journal, subsequently merged in the Canadian Agricul' 
 tiiralist, which he published and edited until 1858 . Founded (1860) 
 the North American, a Reform newspaper, of which he was chief 
 editor, until it was merged in the Toronto Daily Globe, in 1857. 
 Was the leading political writer on the Daily Gtobe, from 1857 to 
 1860. Represented Can. at the New York Exhibition, 1853. Was 
 Secy, of the Constitutional Reform Assn. of U.C, 1859 ; a mem. of 
 Ex. Council and Commr. of Crown Lands, Can., from May, 1862 to 
 March, 1864, (in the Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion Administration), 
 when the Govt, resigned ; Prov . -Secy (in the Tache-Macdonald 
 Union Administration), from June, 1864, and Acting Minister of 
 Marino (with charge of Provincial gun-boats on the lakes), from 
 July, 1866, until the Union of the Provinces, 1867. Sworn of the 
 Queen's Privy Council, and was Minister of Public works for the 
 Dominion, from 1 July, 1867, until commissioned Lieut. -Gov. of 
 Rupert's land and the North West Territories, Oct., 1869. Created 
 C.B. (Civil), by Her Majesty the Queen, 1867. Was Chairman of 
 the Commission apptd. to open trade relations with the West 
 Indies, Mexico and Brzail, 1865-6. (See Report.) Was a delegate 
 to the Charlottetown Union Conference, 1864; to that at Quebec, in 
 in the same year ; and to the Colonial Conference in London to 
 complete terms of Union of B.N. A. Colonies, 1866-7. Delegate 
 to Eng., with late Sir G. E. Cartier to confer with Imperial 
 authorities on the defences of the Dominion, ami for the 
 5 chief 
 I 1857. 
 857 to 
 em. of 
 862 to 
 ter of 
 or the 
 an of 
 c, in 
 ■Dn to 
 acquisition of the North West Territory, 1868. Apptd. Govt. 
 Trustee of Canada Southern Kailway Municipal Bonds, 1870; 
 Commr. for Ont., for the settlement of the North Wei^tern Boundary 
 of the Province, 1871. (See Report.) Sent to Eng. by Dominion 
 Govt., 1873, as Special Commr. to confer with Imperial Govt, on 
 subject of Fisheries, and to make arrangements in Scandinavia and 
 tlie Baltic Provinces for the Emigration Department. Author of 
 Six Letters to the Hon. O. Moivat, Attorney-Genl., on the amendment of 
 the Provincial Constitution (Toronto, 1875). Sat for North Oxford in 
 Can. Assembly, from 1858 to 1863 ; for North Ontario from g.e. 
 1863 imtil July, 1864 ; and for North Lanark from Nov., 1864 until 
 the Union, when returned to Commons for same seat, and continued 
 to represent it in that house until g.e., 1872, when defeated. Was 
 an unsuccessful candidate for North Wentworth, 1854 ; for Waterloo 
 at g.e., same year; for Perth at g.e., 1857, and for East i'ork in 
 the Ont. Assembly at g.e., 1875. Returned for present seat, 25 
 May, 1875, on death of sitting mem. A Conservative Liberal. 
 " It is his theory and belief tliat it is in the interest of the people 
 at large, in the interest of the Provinces, and, therefore, of the 
 Dominion, that our local questions, our local measures, and our 
 ixiunicipal affairs, should be considered on their merits and indepen- 
 dently of politics." Mr. Macdougall's legislation includes the 
 Public Lands Amendment Act; the Bureau of Agriculture and 
 Agricultural Societies Act ; the Act providing for the disposal of 
 property of Lunatics ; the corrupt Practices of Elections Act ; the 
 Grammar School Act, 1866 ; the Act providing for gi-anting Charters 
 of Incorporation to Companies ; the Public Works Act, 1867 ; and 
 the Patents of Inventions Act. — 289, Simcoe St. ; Toronto ; Efform 
 Club, London; liiJeau Club; " irE.'' Club. 
 Maste'^s, Isaac). (South Waterloo), 
 An Agriculturalist. An old resident township of Wilmot. 
 First returned to Parliament for present seat, 19 Feb., 1877. A 
 McCraney, Daniel, 
 (East Kent.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of Hiram McCraney, Esq., of the Tp. of Trafalgar, Halton, 
 Ont., one of the early settlers and pioneers of the Province ; and 
 younger brother of the member for Halton in the House of Com- 
 mons. B, in Trafalgar, 1 July, 1834. Ed. at the Oakville Gram- 
 mar School. M., at Oakville, 1866, the eld. dau. of the of the late 
 %. I 
 hi 'I 
 h ' 
 , 1 
 George Evvan, Esq. Called to the Bar, Ont., Michaelmas Term, 
 1871 . Was Mayor of Bothwcll from 1868 to 1873. First returned 
 to Parliament, for present seat, 16 Sept., 1875, to fill vacancy 
 caused by resignation of sitting mum. A Liberal, " and gives a 
 hearty support to the Governments of Mackenzie and Mowat." 
 MCDOUGALL, JOIIK. Xoi'lh (JUddlscX.) ■ . , : - 
 Of Scottish descent. ^.';«h b^'-n lleeve of Lobo. An unsuc- 
 cessful candidate for presei/f i •;■ .'t g.e., 1867. First returned at 
 last' g. c. A Conservative, iu^^ opi '^d to the present Govt. — 
 Komoka. ' - ■ 
 McGowAN, John. {West Wellington.) 2kdMem. 
 Father's family came originally from the Highlands of Scot- 
 land ; mothei's from Ayrshire. B. and ed. in town of Greenock, 
 Scotland, Unmarried. Has been Reeve of Tp. of Peel for 
 past two years. First returned to Parliament, for present seat 
 Feb., 1874, on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. 
 Unseated on petition, 26 June, 1875 ; re-elected 27 Sept., 1875. A 
 Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Alma^ 
 */ -I] 
 McLeod, John. {West Durham.) ■\- >. • . 
 Parents came to Canada from Glenelg, Inverness-shire, Scot. ; 
 and settled in Lancaster, Glengarry, 1815. B. there, 20 Sept., 
 1833. Ed. there. M., 1857, Caroline Rose, youngest dau. of the 
 late Mr, Thomas Plews, of Hamilton, Northumberland, Ont. Has 
 been Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Dur- 
 ham. Is a dir. of the Bo wmanville Furniture Manufacturing Co. 
 First returned to Parliament, at g.e., 1867. Again returned by ac- 
 clamation, Jan., 1872. Re-elected at last g. e 
 supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Bowmanville, Ont. 
 A Liberal, and a 
 McMahon, James, il/. 7>. {North Wenticorth.) 2-nd Mem. 
 Is President of the North Wenworth Reform Association. 
 Obtained license from Medical Board, U. C., 1850. First returned 
 to Parliament, for present seat, 29 October, 1875, on sitting mem. 
 8 Term, 
 gives a 
 I unsuc- 
 urned at 
 of Scot- 
 *eel for 
 mt seat 
 last g.e. 
 875. A 
 Scot. ; 
 Sept . , 
 of the 
 , Has 
 nd Diir- 
 ring Co. 
 i by ac- 
 I, and a 
 elation . 
 being unseated and disqualified, on petition. A Liberal, and a sup- 
 porter of Mr. IVEowat. — Dundas. 
 McRab, Duncan. (Xorth Victoria.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. in Ross-shire, Scot. Came to Can. when young, and lived 
 ■with his father in Glengarry, whence he moved into Eldon, Co. 
 Victoria, about 1850. Carries.on an extensive business as a farmer, 
 merchant and miller ; and as a contractor built a lari^e part of the 
 Toronto and Nipissing Railway. Has been Warden of Victoria. 
 Hat for present seat from g.e., 1871, to g.e., ] 875, when defeated. 
 Again returned, 24 Sej't., 1875, on sitting mem. being unseated on 
 petition. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to Mr. Mowat. — 
 Meueditii, William Ralph, LL.B. (^London.) 
 S. of John Cook Meredith, Esq., a native of Lobi'r , Irel. B, in 
 Westminster, Middlesex, Ont., 31 March, 1840. Ed.at^onJon Gram- 
 mar School and at Toronto University, where he ta'ned degree of 
 LL.B., 1872. M., 26 June, 1862, Mary, dan. ot r.Lircus Holmes, 
 Esq., of London. Called to the Bar, U.C., in Trinity Term, 1861 . 
 Elected a Bencher of the Jjaw Society, Ont., 1871. Is a mem. of 
 the Senate of Toronto University. First returned to Parlt., for 
 prt'sent seat, Aug., 1872, on resignation of sitting mem . ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. Created a Q.C. 1876. A Liberal Conservative, and 
 opposed to present Govt. Favors compulsory voting. — Talbot St., 
 London, Ont.; ''U.E.'' Club. 
 Merrick, Henry. (North Leeds and Grenville.) 
 S. of Mr, Stephen Merrick, and grandson of Wm. Merrick, who 
 settled on site of present village of Merrickville, where he erected 
 mills. B. there. A wollen manufacturer. Elected a Deputy 
 G.M. of the Grand Orange Lodge of B.A., 1875. Has been a 
 Deputy G.M. of the Grand Black Chapter of Orangemen of B.A. Has 
 been Mayor of Merrickville. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at g e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, 
 and opposed to the present Govt- — 3Ierrickville, Ont. 
 Miller, John Classon. (Muskoka and Parry Sound.) 
 Grandfather served in the British Army in Am . under Bur- 
 m -'I 
' I 
 goyue, was taken prisoner at the battle of Stillwater, and at the 
 close of the war came to Can. and settled in Leeds, Ont., where his 
 s. (the father of sitting mem.) was born, 1796. B. in Yonge, 
 Leeds, Ont., 16 Dec, 1836. Ed. at local schools. M., 2 Aug., 
 1859, Adelaide Augusta, only dau. of A. A. Chamberlain, Esq., 
 ]M.D., of Farmersville . A lumber merchant and mill owner. 
 Was Si.pdt. of Woods and Forests, in Crown Lands Dept., Ont. 
 (and as such succeeded in largely increasing the public revenue), 
 from March, 1868, until 1871, when, owing to partial blindness, he 
 was compelled to resign. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 at last g.e. Unseated and disqualified, on petition, 17 Sept., 1875 ; 
 decision reversed by Court of Error and Appeal, 22 Jan., 1870. ' A 
 Liberal. — Carleton St. IWonto. 
 Monk, George Wiliiam. 
 Youngest s. of the late Capt. John Benning Monk, H.M. 97th 
 Regt. of Foot; grandson of the late Hon. G-. H. Monk, who, 
 originally a midshipman under Admiral Boscawen, entered tho 
 army and became Major of the Royal Fusilieas, but retired, and was 
 admitted to the Bar, aiid finally attained a seat on the I3cnch in 
 N.S.; and great-grandson of Sir James Monk, Atty.-Genl. of N.S., 
 who claimed descent from George Monk, Duke of Alberraarle, B. 
 10 Sept., 1838. Ed. at Bytown (now Ottawa). M., Jan., 1863, 
 Emily Blanch, dau. of the late Lieut. -Col. Dyer, formerly of tho 
 37th Regt. of Foot. Is a Depty G .M. of the Grand Black Chapter 
 of Orangemen of B. A. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1871, but unseated on petition j re-elected Jan., 1872 ; and 
 returned by acclamation at last g.e. A Lib.cral Conservative, and 
 opposed to the present Govt. — South March, Ont.; ^'U.E." Club. 
 MosTYN, William, J/.7>. {Xorth Lanark .) 
 Of Welsh descent. Family moved to Irel., at time of Cromwell, 
 and became large land owners in Connaught. B. in town of Elphin, 
 Roscommon, Irel., 5 June, 1836. Accompanied his parents to Can., 
 in following year ; and was ed. at the grammar school, Kingston, 
 in which city they settled. Graduated as M.D., at Queen's Univ. 
 Kingston, 1858. Unmarried. Is Surgeon 42nd "Brockville," 
 I'att. V.I. Has been Presdt. North Lanark Agricultural Society 
 since 1867. Elected first Reeve of Almonte, 1871, a position he 
 continued to retain for three years. Represented Ridcau and 
 Bathurst division in the Ont. Medical Council from 1869 to 1872 ; 
 [I nt the 
 here his 
 2 Aug., 
 in, Esq., 
 ►t., Ont. 
 iiess, he 
 !nt seat, 
 ., 1875; 
 87G.* A 
 M. f»7th 
 k, who, 
 red tho 
 and was 
 cnch in 
 •le. B. 
 L, 18G3, 
 of tho 
 seat, at 
 Ive. and 
 Univ . 
 on he 
 872 ; 
 and v»'as Associate Coronor of Lanark for fifteen years, Was D.D. 
 G.M ., for Ottawa dist. in the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Can,, 
 in 1867 and 1873. Has also held a fellowship in Queen's Univer- 
 sity. First returned to Parlt., for present seut atlastg.c. A 
 Liberal Conservative.— yI/>«on/e. . , 
 MowAT, Hon. Oliveh, Q.C.^ LL.J). {Xorlh Oxford.) " ' 
 Eld. 8. of the late John Mowat, Esq., formerly of Cainsby, 
 Caithness-shirc, Scot., who, after serving in the British Army during 
 the campaign in Portugal and Spain under Lord Wellington, came 
 to Can., 1816, and settled at Kingston, byMissLevack ; and bro. 
 ofth6Rev. Prof. Mowat, of Queen's University, Kingston. B. in 
 Kingston, 1820. Ed. there. M., 1846, Jane, second dau. of the 
 late John Ewart, Esq., of Toronto. Studied law with the Hon. 
 (now Sir) John A. Macdonald, and was called to the Bar, U.C., iu 
 Hilary Term, 1842. Created a Q.C., 1856. A mem- of the Senate 
 of the Uni V . of Toronto ; a bencher ex officio of the Law Society of 
 Ont., and head of the law firm of Mowat, Maclenan and Downey. 
 Sat in the City Council of Toronto for a short period. Has been 
 Presdt. of the Canadian Institute, Toronto. Was a Commr. for 
 consolidating Public General Statutes for Canada and Upper Canada, 
 respectively, from 1856 to 1859. Sat in the Quebec Union Con- 
 ference, 1864. Elected Presdt. of the Evangelical Alliance of Ont., 
 Jan., 1875. Was Provl. Secy, (in the Brown-Dorion Administra- 
 ' ^ation) from 2 to 6 Aug, 1858; Postmaster-Genl . (in the Sand- 
 field-Macdonald-Dorion Adrainistraion) from May, 1863 until 
 March, 1864 ; held the same office (in the Tache-Macdonald Coali- 
 tion Govt.) from June, 1864 until Nov., 14 same year, when apptd. 
 Vice-Chancellor of U.C , an office he resigned 25 Oct., 1872, on 
 being called upon to form a new Administration in Ontario. Apptd. 
 a mem. of the Ex-Council, and Attorney-Gen., Ont., 31 Oct., 1872 . 
 {Salary $5,500). As Vice-Chancellor was one of the Judicial 
 Officers apptd. under 34 Vic, Chap. 7 (Ont.,) to enquire into and 
 report upon Estate bills to the Ont. Assembly. Sat for Soutly 
 Ontario, in Can. Assembly, from 1857 until he rtthed from public 
 life, Nov., 1864, An unsuccessful candidate for Kingston, 1861. 
 Returned for present seat, by acclamation, Nov., 1872, and again at 
 lastg.e. — IZl-'i^^, Simcoe Si. ^ Toronto. ' 
 Massje. (South Wellinijton). 
 Elected 1877, on appointment of sitting member to Shreivalty 
 of Wellington. A wholesale merchant. A Reformer. — Guslj^h. 
 ii; ii 
 \ 'If-; 
 '« 1.1 J 
 ''■ I 
 I \ 
 0'Dox( GHLE, Danihi. John. (Cifi/ of Ottawa.) 
 A lineal descendant of the family of " The O'Donoghne's of th(^ 
 Irlen " Eld. 8. of John O'Donoghue and Catherine Flynor, of the 
 County Kerry, Ireland. B. at the Lakes of Killarney, in that 
 county, August, 1844. Came to Canada, 1852. M., September, 
 1870, Mary Margaret, only daughter of M. George Cloutier, of 
 Ottawa. Is Vice-President of the Co-nada Labor Leaque ; President 
 of the Ottawa Trades' Council ; and President of the Ottawa Typo- 
 graphical Union. Introduced and carried the " Mechanic's Lien 
 Law," 1874. First returntid to Parliament, for present seat, Jan., 
 1874, on the resignation of sitting mom. Re-elected at last g.e. 
 Ran on both occasions, as the " Workingman's Candidate," and is 
 independent in politics. — 96 Water Sl.f Ottawa. 
 O'ScLLiVAN, John, 3/. 7). (East Petcrborou(/h.) 2nd Mbm. 
 Of Irish parentage. B. in Co. Northumberland, Ontario, 1841. 
 Ed. at Victoria University ; graduated as M.D., at Queen's Unirer- 
 sity, 1868. M , 1871, Margaret, eld. dau. of Michael Flanagan, Esq., 
 City Clerk of Kingston. First returned to Parliament, for present 
 seat, at last g.e. Unseated on petition, 2 Aug., 1L75 ; re-elected 24 
 Sept., 1875. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — 
 PeterhoroiDih , 
 Pardee, /7on. Timothy Blair. (West Lamlton .) 
 8. of A. B. Pardee, Esq., of Co. Grenville, Ont. B. in Gren- 
 ville, 11 Dec, 1830. Ed. there. M. the dau. of J. K. Forsyth, 
 Esq., of Sombra, Lambton, Ont. Called to the Bar, Ontario, Hilary 
 Term, 1861 . Elected a Bencher of the Law Society of Ontario, 
 1871. Apptd. a member of Ex. Council, 25 Oct., 1872, and was 
 Provincial Secretary from that date until 4 Dec, 1873, when* apptd. 
 Commissioner of Crown Lands, in which office he still remains, 
 (Salary, $4,500.) Was County Attorney of Lambton for some 
 years; resigned 1867. First returned to Parliament, for present 
 seat, at g.e., 1867. Re-elected, by acclamation, at g.e., 1871. 
 Created a Q.C., 1876. A Liberal.— 125 Wellington St., West, To- 
 ronto ; Sarnia, . 
 Patterson, James CoLEBROOKE. (Xorth Essex.) •'■ -' ^ 
 First returned to Parlt ,, for present scat, at last g.e. Has 
 ?'« of tlio 
 )r, of the 
 , in that 
 mticr, of 
 va Typo- 
 ic's Lien 
 iat, Jan . , 
 last g.e. 
 ." and is 
 rio, 1841. 
 s Unirer- 
 jan, Esq., 
 : present 
 lected 24 
 t Govt.— 
 in Grcn- 
 >, Hilary 
 and was 
 ei?.' apptd. 
 br some 
 , 1871. 
 West, To- 
 . c . Has 
 Ix'cn Rocvo of Windsor on several occasioutJ. 
 187G. A Conservative. — Windsor. 
 Patterson, Peteii. (^Wcst Vorh .). 
 Culled to the Bar, 
 Ancesters came from Co. Antrim, Irel., to New Hampshire, in 
 Am., 173G. There many members of the family subsequently dis- 
 tinguished themselves in the service of their country as judges, 
 legislators and governors. S. of the late Col. Robt. Patterson, of 
 Perry, N.Y., a mem. of the Legislature of New Hampshire, anc' 
 t-iubsequently of that of New York. B. in Londonderry, N.H., 10 
 April, 1825. Ed. atHunt""gton Academy, Perry. Came to York, 
 Can., 1849. M., Sept., 1859, Miss K. E. Haffy, of Yonge street. 
 An agricultural implement manufacturer. Was Reeve of Vaughan 
 from 1868 to 1871, when elected Warden of the County. First 
 returned to Parliament at g.e., 1871; re-elected by acclamation at 
 last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Patterson. 
 Paxton, Thomas. (Xorth Ontario,) 2nd Mem. 
 Eld. s. of Wm. Paxton, Esq., of Walsingham, Eng., who, with 
 his wife, Elizabeth Dryden, came to Can., 1820, and settled in 
 Whitby, Ont. B. there, 27 Nov., 1820. Ed there. M., 7 Nov., 
 1847, Miss Eliza Huckins, of Whitby. Settled at Scugog, now 
 Port Perry, 1846, and built a steam saw mill, of which he is still the 
 proprietor. Is a dir. of the Port Perry Railway Co, Has been 
 Reeve of Reach and Scugog. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at g.e., 1867; re-elected at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. Un- 
 seated on petition, 2 June, 1875; re-elected 21 Oct., 1875. A 
 Reformer, and an admirer and supporter of Messrs. JIackenaie and 
 Mowat. Carried through several bills, of which the settlement of 
 tax titles was the most prominent. — Port Perry, Ont. 
 PiiESTON, Robert PIenrv, J/. /->. (South Leeds.) ' v 
 B. in South Elmsley, Leeds, Ont., 15 March, 1840. Ed. at 
 Grammar Sciiool, Smith's Falls, and at Ann Arbor University, Mich. 
 M., 3 Nov., 1^68, Elizabeth, second dau. of Benjamin Tett, Esq., 
 who represented South Leeds in Can. Assembly from 1858 to 1863, 
 and afterwards sat for the same riding in the first Parlt. of Ont. 
 Studied medicine, &c . , at Bellevue College Hospital, N , Y*, and at 
 Queen's College, Kingston, where he received degree of M.D., 1864, 
 and in 1867 became a M. R. C. P. & S., Ont, Has been an 
 i ' ,1: • 
 . f '1 
 m ^ 
 I 'iii 
 f. > 
 Associate Coroner for Leeds. First returned to Parlt,, for present 
 seat, at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. 
 — Nowboro.' 
 EiCHARDSON, Richard, J.J\ (South ^'^orfolk.) ;;, 
 S. of Richard and Mary Richardson. B. in the city of Lincoln, 
 Eng., 23 June, 1820. Ed. there. M., Oct., 1844, Miss Louisa 
 Mnnro, of South wold, Elgin, Ont. Has been Reeve of Walsingham 
 since 1874, Is Capt. and Adjutant in 4th Batt. Norfolk Militia, 
 (apptd. 1856.) First ret'-.rned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e, 
 A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Port Rowan. 
 Robinson, William. {Kinr/ston.) * t . 
 B. in Ballymony, Antrim, Irel., 5 Nov., 1823. Came to Can. 
 and settled at Kingston, 1846. Is Presdt. of the Kingston and 
 Marmora Railway. Was an Alderman of Kingston for 16 years; 
 and held the office of Mayor 1809-70. An unsuccessful candidate 
 for latter office, 1876. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g e. A Conservative, and a strong 
 supporter of the Mowat Administration. — Batjot St., Kingaton, Ont, 
 RosEVEAR, John. {East Durham.') 
 Is Reeve of Hope ; and Major of East Durham Reserve Militia. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last go, A Liberal 
 Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Fort Hope. 
 Ross, Lieut. -Ctl. Alexander McLagan. {West Huron.) 
 B. in Dundee, Scot. , 20 April, 1828 . Came to Can. and settled 
 at Goderich, 1834. Ed. there. M., Nov., 1852, Agnes, dau, of 
 Thos. Kydd. Esq., Postmaster of God<irich . Has been Manager at 
 Goderich of Bank of Commerce since 1870 ; and Treasurer of the 
 United Counties of Huron and Bruce since 1858. Was a clerk in 
 Bank of U.C., from 1849 to 1856 ; an'l Paymaster on the Buffalo 
 and Lake Huron Railway, from latter date to 1858. First returned 
 to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter 
 of Mr. Mowat. — Goderich. ' 
 Scott, William Hepburne, li.A. (\VeH Peterborough.) 2nd Mem. 
 Thiid surviving s. of the late John Scott, Esq., of Brampton, 
• present 
 ?nt Govt. 
 I Louisa 
 last g.c. 
 nva7i . 
 to Can . 
 ton and 
 I vears : 
 seat, at 
 m, Out, 
 ail. of 
 ager at 
 of the 
 )rk in 
 I Mem. 
 Out., formerly of Aberdeenshire, Scot., who was one of the earliest 
 settlers in P(5el : and brother of A, H. Scott, Esq., Judge of the 
 County Court of Peel. B. at Brampton, 5 Nov., 1837. Ed. at 
 Toronto University, where he took degree of B.A., 1860, M., lU 
 March, 1863, Sarah Jane, dau. of the late George Wright, Esq., 
 who represented West York in the Can. Assembly from 1851 to 
 1854. She d. Oct. 8,1876. Is a director of Huron and Quebec 
 Railway Co.; and Presdt. of the Liberal Conservative Club of 
 Peterborough. An unsuccessful candidate for West Peterborough 
 in House of Commons at go., 1874. First returned to Parlt,, for 
 present . scat, in Ontario Assembly, June, 1874; defeated at g.e., 
 1875 ; again returned 26 Oct., 1875, on sittingmem. being unseated. 
 Created a Q.C. 1876. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. In favor of compulsory voting. — reterborough ; "i/". 
 A\" CluK 
 Sexton, William, -/.P. {South Wcnticorlh.) . 
 S. of the late Mr. Ezekiel Sexton; who came to Can. from 
 Schenectady City, N . Y ., and settled in Ancaster, Ont., in 1834; 
 and grandson of Mr. Peter Sexton, of Monmouth, New Jersey. B. 
 at Schenectady, 3 Jan., 1819. M., 1840, Eleanor, dau. of the late 
 Mr. J. H. Wilkins, of Ancaster. Was a mem. of the Municipal 
 Council from 1855 to 1867 ; Reeve of Ancaster, 1859 ; Deputy 
 Reeve, 1862, 1866-67. Is a Conimr. in Court of Queen's Bench for 
 Wentworth. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at ge., 
 1867. Re-elected at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. A Liberal, and a 
 supporter of M r . Mowat . — Jersencille . 
 Sinclair, Donald. (Xor/h Jiruce.) 
 B. in Island of Islay, Scot. Ed. at Bowmore School. Came 
 to Can. 1851. M., 1871, Isabella, dau. of Thomas Adair, Esq., of 
 Southampton, Ont, A merchant. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, by acclamation, at g.e., 1867; re-elected b}' accla- 
 mation at g.e., 1871, and again returned at last g.e, A Liberal, and 
 a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Pa isle if. 
 Snetsixger, Jofin Goodall. (Cornwall.) 2nd Mem. 
 A inerchaut. Has been Warden of Stormont, Dundas and 
 Glengarry, First returned for present seat, July, 1872, on death of 
 sittingmem. Defeated at last g.e., but again returned, 17 July, 

 m.^ n 
 1 m/ s 
 r^''' S ' 
 ii * 1 
 P-i 1 
 |!'il |; 
 B|i:. J; 
 *'<■ ■■ f 
 :v:: (i : 
 If •■• 
 ■ ' 
 1 ^' 
 -V ' . .! '• 
 ■Is. , 
 1' '■ 
 270 . 
 1875, on sitting mem. being- unseated. A Liberal, and a siii»pofter 
 of Mr. Movvat. — White House, Jlouliiie/te, Onl. 
 Springer, Moses, 7. /*. {Sorth Waterloo.) 
 Of Dutch descent. S. of Benjamin Springer, who came to Can, 
 with his mother at the close of the first Am. revolution, and grands^, 
 of David Springer, shot by the rebels near Poughkeepsie, N.Y,, at 
 the commencement of the revolution, and had all his property con- 
 fiscated. B, in Waterloo, Ont., 31 Aug., 1834. Ed. there. A mer- 
 chant, and a dir. of the Economical Insurance Co. of Berlin, and of 
 the Agricultural Assn. of London. Was the founder, and for many 
 years Presdt. of the Waterloo County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 
 Has been Reeve of Waterloo. First retiu-ned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at g.e., 18(37. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e, 1871, and 
 again returned at last g.e. A Liberal, and " firm believer in ]\Ir. 
 Mowat." — Waterloo 
 Striker, Z/e?/^-Co/. Gideon. (Prince Edward.) 
 Descended from a U.E. loyalist family that emigrated from 
 Dutchess Co., N.Y., to Can., and settled on the shores of the Bay 
 of Quinte, shortly after the American revolutionary war. B . in Co. 
 of Prince Edward. Ed. at Picton Grammar School. A merchant. 
 Is Lieut. -Col. Prince Edward Reserve Inilitia. Has been Reeve of 
 Picton, and Warden of Prince Edward. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at g.e., 1871, but unseated on Petition ; new elec- 
 tion, Jan., 1872, when his opponent, Mr. J. S. McCuaig, was re- 
 turned, but was unseated, and Mr. Striker declared the sitting mem. 
 by the Judge, Aug., same year. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, 
 and a supporter of Mr. Mov/at. — J*icton. , . , 
 Toole Y, Richard. {Eaat Middlesex.) 
 B. at Buckfastleigh, Devonshire, Eng., 25 Nov., 1820. M., 
 April, 1846, Jane, dau. of Mr. John Easterbrook, of Jordan Wide- 
 comb in the Moor, Devonshire. Has been Deputy Reeve and 
 Reeve of North Dorchester, and Warden of Middlesex. First re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1871; re-elected at last 
 g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Belmont. 
 Waiter WORTH, John. {West Middlesex.) 
 Of Eng. parentage. Thirds, of the late Mr. William Watter- 
 worth, who came to Can. about 1819, and settled in Co. Elgin, Ont. 
 B. in Elgin, 24 Nov., 1827. Ed. in Middlesex. M., 1854, Jane, 
 dau. of John Walker, Esq., of Mosa. Has been Reeve of Mosa, and 
 "Warden of Middlesex. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 Sept., 1872, on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected at lastg.e. 
 A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Wardsville. 
 Wells, //o/i. Rupert MsARSE. (South JJnice.) 
 Of Eng. descent. S. of James Pendleton Wells, Esq , {Sheriff of 
 the united counties of Prescott and Russell. B. in Co. of Prescott, 
 1835. Ed at Toronto University, wiiere lie was Jameson medallist 
 and silver medallist in ethic.i, and graduated B.A., 1854. Unmar- 
 ried. Called to the Bar, U.C, Trinity Term, 1857. Was asso- 
 ciated in business with Hon. Edward Blake from 1860 to 1870, but 
 is now a partner of Mr. Angus Morrison, Q.C. Held the Co. Attor- 
 neyship of York from 30 March to 14 Sept., 1872, when he resigned, 
 in order to become a candidate for South Bruce, and was returned . 
 Re-elected at last g.e. Elected Speaker of the Ontario Assembly 
 on the resignation of the Hon. J. G. Currie, 7 Jan., 1873 : re-elected 
 24 Nov., 1875. (Salanj, ^1,500.) A Reformer. — Speaker's Cham- 
 hej'Sjiind. 125 Wellington St. West, Toronto; Toronto Club. 
 WiDDiFiELD, Joseph Henry, M.D., M.R.C.S. (J^ng.) ; L.R.C.P' 
 (Edin). {North York.) 
 Family came originally from Eng. S. of Charles Elis Widdi- 
 field. Esq . , of Maple Grove Farm, Whitchurch, Ont . ; and grands . 
 of Henry Widdifield, a U.E. loyalist, who came to Whitchurch, 
 1801, and was one of the earliest settlers there. B. at Maple Grove 
 Farm, 12 June, 1845. Ed. at Newmarket High School and Victoria 
 University. Unmarried. Studied for his profession at the Royal 
 College of Surgeons of Eng., at the Royal College of Physicians of 
 Edin. (of both of which he is a mem.), and at St, Thomas's 
 Hospital Medical and Surgical College. Is Presdt. "ioung Men's 
 Reform Assn. of North York. Has been a Coroner for York. 
 Holds first-class certificates from the Toronto School of Military 
 Instruction and the Toronto School of Gunnery. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present scat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and was elected as 
 an independendent supporter of the Mowat Administration. — 
 " Prospect CottarjCy^ Neivmarkct. 
 ! Ui. 
 I I 
 WiGLE, Lewis. (South Esnex.) 2nd Mem. •; f V-" ;? 
 Of German descent . Eld. s. of Soloman Wigle, Esq., who 
 represented Essex in Ont. Assembly from 1867 until g.e , 1 871, by 
 Miss Her. B. in Tp. of Gostield, Essex, 10 March, 1845. Ed. 
 there . M . in Mersea, Eebecca, youngest dau. of Thos . Hairsine, 
 Esq. A storekeeper. Has been Reeve of Mersea for past six years. 
 First returned to P irlt , for present seat, at last g.e. Unseated on 
 petition, 30 July, 1875; re-elected IG Sept., 1875. A Liberal 
 Conservative. " Unbiased by prejudice and untrammelled by party, 
 he will ever endeavor to record his votes upon all questions to the 
 best of his judgment, and according ts the dictates of his con- 
 science." — Leinninyton. -. , 
 Williams, James Milleu. (Ifoitiil/on.) 
 B. in the U.S. / merchant. Is Presdt. of the Canadian Oil 
 Co.; and dir. of the ilatual Life Assn. of Can.; of the Hamilton 
 and Lake Erie Railway ; and of the Victoria Mutual Fire Insuranc 
 Co. Has been an Alderman of Hamilton. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1871, and 
 returned by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of 
 Mr. Mowat. — '■'■ Mapleu'k^'' Hamilton. 
 Wills, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, J. P. {Went Ila.^tlngs.) 
 B. at Salisbury, Eng., 1826. Ed. there, M., 1852, Anna 
 Maria, youngest dau. of Capt, Henry Le Ves( <>nte, l.N. Is Clerk 
 of the County of Hastings ; and Lieut.-Co' commanding East 
 Hastings ' Reserve Militia. An unsuccessful candidate for West 
 Hastings in Commons, at g.e., 1874. First returned to Parlt, for 
 present seat, at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present (lovt. — Belleville. -. 
 Wilson, John Henuy, J/. />. (Kist hli/in). 
 Grandftitlier a U.E. loyalist, a veteran of the Am. revolutionary 
 war. S. of Mr. Jeremiah Wilson, B. in Ont. Ed. at the Gram- 
 mar Schi oi, St. Thomas, and at University College, New York. 
 Graduate J1*H.r. at "Victoria University, Cobourg, Ont., 1858. M. 
 1869, at Toielj, Ohio, U.S., Amelia A., dau, of George Ryerson 
 Williams, Esti., of U.E. loyalist descent. Has been Professor of 
 Anatomy in \ ci )ia University. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a 
 supporter oi Mi . Mo wat. Favors advance Liberal principles. — St . 
 Wood, Hon, Samuel Casey. (South Victoria.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. in the village of Bath, Ont., 27 Dec, 1830. Ed there 
 Was for some years a public school teacher, and subsequently fol- 
 lowed mercantile pursuits . Was Official Assignee for Victoria, and 
 County Clerk and Treasurer from 1860 until his appt. to office, 
 when he resigned. Is Chairman of Board of High and Public 
 Schools, Lindsay. Elected a mem. of the Council of Public In- 
 struction (to represent the School Inspectors,) 1874 ; resigned 
 July, 1875 . Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council, and Commi of Agricul- 
 ture, and Provl. Secy, and Registrar, 24 July, 1875. (Salary^ 
 $4,500). First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at ge., 1871 ; 
 re-elected at last g.e., and again returned on his appt. to office, 
 A Liberal. — Toronto; Lindsay. 
 Names of Candidates in each constituency at the General Elec- 
 tion, January, 1875, together with the population«of each constitu- 
 ency. The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italics, 
 H. M. Deroche 1453 
 George Lake (Camden) 938 
 Pop 21,312 
 S.J. Dawson, C.E 510 
 Edward Bigyinys^ journalist. (Sault Sto. Marie) 283 
 Brant, North. 
 II. Finlayson 747 
 J. S. Crawford 632 
 Pop 11,493 
 Brant, South. 
 A . S. Hardy „ Acclamation 
 Pop 20,766 
 ■■"This election did not take place until 11 Aug. 
 i 1 .1' 
 : i 
 Lt.-Col. Cole 1247 
 Wm . Fitzsimmons (Brockville) 1174 
 Pop 13,937 
 Bruce, North. 
 D, Sinclair 1832 
 Archibald Connell Sinclair, M.D. (Port Elgin) 970 
 Pop 17,183 
 Bruce, South. 
 Hon. R. M. Wells 1864 
 Donald Wilson Ross, attorney, (Walkerton) ....,- 966 
 Pop 31,332 
 John Flesher 1208 
 Thomas 0. Bowles, (Sandhill) 1080 
 Pop o 17,248 
 G. W. Monk Acclamation 
 Pop 21,739 
 A. F. Mclntvrc... 499 
 John G. Snetsinger, (Moulinette) 494 
 On Mr. Mcln^yre's being unseated, on ^..ctition, 8 June, 1875, 
 new writ : • •. ;: . i- ;,. • 
 John G . Snetsinger , 481 
 Alex. Frazer Mclntiire, barrister, (Cornwall) 473 
 Pop ' 7,114 
 Dr. Barr 982 
 Maitland McCarthy^ attorney, (Orangeville) 727 
 Thomas Armstrong, M. Z>,, (Rosemont) 390 
 William. Parsons, (Orangeville) • 33 
 Pop..... 15,508 
 Andrew Broder ... , , 1458 
 Simon S. Cook, lumbti merchant, (Morrisburgh) v 1364 
 ' On Mr. Bro'lerp being < nseated, on petition, 16 June, 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Andrew Broder ..,,.. 1505 
 Mr. Rose 1274 
 Pop 18,777 
 Durham, East. 
 John Rosoverc 1454 
 • ••••• J t\j 
 .,...,- 966 
 I ft • • * • 't%J\/ 
 June, 1875, 
 • • • • • %J %^ 
 .... 1364 
 line, 1875, 
 .... 1505 
 .... 1274 
 ... 1454 
 275 * 
 Seth Soper Smith, barrister (Port Hope) 1179 
 Pop 19,064 
 Durham, West. 
 John McLeod 1257 
 Jas. McCluiiQ, merchant, (Bowmanville; 1073 
 Pop 18,316 
 Elgin, East. 
 Dr. Wilson 1924 
 Thomas Arkell, merchant, (St . Thomas) 1900 
 Pop 20,870 
 Elgin, West. ■ • ' 
 M. G. Munroc 1101 
 Thos. liodffins, M. A., Q.C., (Toronto) 1 09 1 
 On petition, Mr. Hodgins was declared entitled to the seat, by 
 Chancellor Blake, 24 June, 1875. 
 Pop 12,796 
 Essex, North. 
 J.C.Patterson 1209 
 Luc Montreuil, (Sandwich, East) , 755 
 Pop 17,988 
 Essex, South. 
 Lewis Wigle 1014 
 Jb^n C. i/(sr, (Colchester) 967 
 On Mr. Wigle's being unseated on petition, 30 July, 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Lewis Wigle 1310 
 John 0. Her 926 
 Pop 14,709 
 Peter Graham 884 
 Thos. Daioson,(WoUe Island) 59,J 
 On death of sitting member, January, 1877, new writ : 
 Calvin 747 
 Dawson 388 
 Bawden 292 
 Murray , 203 
 Pop 16,310 - 
 A.J. Grant 1125 
 Archibald McXab (LoohieV) 1078 
 Pop 20,524 
 Grenville, South. 
 Hon. C. F. Eraser 1136 
 ,1 i-l-i- •! 
.' .11 
 •'■ ^»J 
 : J 
 i I 
 : I 
 « 276 
 J. C. //•I'j/w, (Edwardaburg) 993 
 Pop 13,197 
 Grey, East. 
 A.W.Lauder 1297 
 Wm. Broivn (M.arMa\e) • 623 
 Pop 18,425 
 Grey, North. » ^ - . > . 
 T.Scott 1431 
 Charles McFai/den, barrister, (Owen Sound) 1249 
 On Mr. Scott's being unseated and disqualified, on petition, 25 
 Sept., '315, new writ ; 
 D. Creighton 1261 
 Roht. Mc Knight, (Meatord)* 1171 
 Pop 20,305 
 Grey, South. 
 J.H.Hunter 1017 
 John Xaismith (Mount Forest) 724 
 James Hopkins (Bentinck) , . , , 457 
 Pop 18,622 
 Haldimand . ., , ' 
 Dr. Baxter 1476 
 Mobe rt Waldbrook (Walpole) 1264 
 Pop 19,042 
 Halton. ' - " 
 W. Barber 1609 
 W. C. B><Htii (Milton) 1457 
 On Mr. Barb r's being unseated and disqualified, on petition, 
 14 May, 1875, new writ : 
 W.D.Lyon 1363 
 Col. Wm. Clay (Norval) 1196 
 J. M. Williams Acclamation. 
 Pop 23,716 
 Hastings, East. ... ; ■■. 
 N. S. Appleby 1064 
 Benjamin S. Wilson, 31. JJ. (Roslin) 57l 
 George Jerold Potts, M.D. (Belleville) 44 
 Pop 17,392 
 Hastings, North. us,tr- 
 Dr . Boulter , 9G0 
 *Apptd. Registrar of North Grey, 20 Nov., 1875. 
 f. : 1 
 Edmund D. O'Flynn (Madoc) 781 
 Pop 16,607 
 Hastings, Wbst. 
 Thomas Willis . ... 720 
 Ketchum Graham (Belleville) 618 
 John Lewis (Belleville) 615 
 Pop 14,365 
 HuBON, East. 
 Thomas Gibson 1530 
 Fred VanNormaUj barrister (Brantford) 1361 
 Pop 21,976 
 Huron, West. , .. 
 Lt.-Col. Boss.... .. 1595 
 John Davison^ barrister (Goderich) 1503 
 Pop 21,434 
 Huron, South. . . . . ; 
 A. Bishop V... 1440 
 George Case (Seaforth) 1372 
 Pop 22,755 
 Kent, East. 
 Hon. A. McKellar 1425 
 James G. Laird (Harwich) , 1328 
 On Mr. McKellar's appt. as Sheriff of Went worth, 7 Aug., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 , D. McCraney 1509 
 J. G. Laird 1345 
 Pop 19,772 
 Kent, West. 
 Alex. Coutts 1440 
 Stephen White (Charring Cross) 1294- 
 Pop 20,862 
 W . Kobinson 935 
 James McCammon, M.U. (Kingston) 791 
 Pop... 12,407 
 Lambton, East. 
 Peter Graham 1 443 
 George Shirley (Rvookt) 1262 
 Pop 19,289 
 Lambton, West. 
 Hon. T. B. Pardee 1372 
 » Robert S. Chalmers (Sarnia) 754 
 Pop ,. 19,608 
 n : 1 
 » 1 
 '.. ^ •; 
 'i I 
I Ml 
 Lanark, North. 
 Dr. Mostyn 913 
 Wm. Chfde Caldfcell, lumber merchimt (Lan^k) 887 
 Pop J 5,035 
 Lanark, South. 
 A. Code 1234 
 Wm. Doran (Perth) 1065 
 Pop 18,985 
 Leeds and Grenvillh, North. 
 H.Merrick 1035 
 1 Henry Dolphus Smith (Merrickville) G4G 
 Pop 13,530 
 Leeds, South. 
 Dr. Preston 1481 
 Reuheii Fields (Mallorytovvli) 1042 
 Pop 17,254 
 J. T. Grange 1065 
 T. W. Casey, journalist, (Napanee) 510 
 r. D. Booth (Odessa) 384 
 Pop 16,396 
 Sylvester Neelon 2065 
 John Chas. Rykert, barrister (St. Catherines) 1954 
 On Mr. Neelon's being unseated and disqualified, on petition, 
 17 Sept., 1875, new writ r 
 Chas. J. Rykert 1934 
 { jjT* Sylvester Neelon » 1914 
 Upon the case being carried before an election court, Mr. Ry- 
 kert unseated, but seat not given to respondent. Full judgment 
 still pending, v .... . ,.? 
 Pop 24,765 
 W. R. Meredith 1311 
 James Durand, builder (London) Il70 
 Pop 15.826 ,....,,,. 
 Middlelex, East. 
 R. Tooley .i ." 2185 
 James ' Evans (London) ^ 1929 
 Pop 25,055 
 Middlesex, North. 
 J. McDougall 1565 
 James Sinclair Smith (Ailsa Craig) 1286 
 !i i) 
 > 887 
 .... 1954 
 ... 1934 
 .... 1914 
 t, Mr. Ry- 
 .... 1170 
 ... 2185 
 ... 1929 
 ... ISG.'i 
 . .. 1286 
 Pop '. 21,510 
 Middlesex, West. 
 J. Watterworth 1415 
 Nathaniel Currie (Glencoe) 1191 
 Pop. - 20,105 
 Dr. Han«!y 1412 
 S. W. Hill (Ria^ ville) 1100 
 On Dr. Haney's boing unseated, on petition, 13 May, 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Dr. Haney .. ." '... 1362 
 George SecorJ (St. Ann's) 1101 
 Pop 16,170 
 MusKOK A AND Parry Sound. ♦. 
 J.C.Miller 8:50 
 James Long ( Bracebridge) 582 
 Norfolk, North. ' , . . 
 Dr. Clarke 1417 
 James Mc Kiiigld (Windham) 1208 
 Pop 15,300 
 Norfolk, South. 
 R. Richardson 1293 
 Simpson McCall (Victoria) 926 
 Pop 15,370 
 Northumberland. East. 
 J.M.Ferris 1551 
 Edward Cochrane (Cramahe) 1448 
 Wilson William Webb (Brighton) 214 
 On Mr. Ferris being unseated, on petition, 1 Oct., 1875, new 
 writ ; 
 J. M. Ferris 1709 
 Edivard Cochrane 1549 
 Pop 21,758 
 Northumberland, West. 
 W. Hargraft 1251 
 Captain Charles Giford(Cobourg) 1128 
 Pop ', 17,328 
 Ontario, North. 
 Thos. Paxton 1858 
 Fhilip McRae, (Mara) 1728 
 '.. '1 
 ■4 1 
 Ui Uj2 |2.2 
 1^ 12.0 
 - 6" 
 " v' 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) S72-4S03 
 1 'i 
 ■" t 
 ■i : 
 On Mr. Paxton's being unseated on petition, 2 Jnne, 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Thomas Paxton : 1 635 
 Norman F. Patterson^ barrister, (Beaverton) 1450 
 Pop 25,967 
 Ontario, South. 
 N. W. Brown 1614 
 Ahrdm Farewell, merchant, (Oshawa) 1581 
 Pop 19,923 
 Ottawa City. . 
 D. J. O'Donoghue 852 
 John Peter Featheratoney Mayor, (Ottawa) . . , , 80O 
 Hon. John O'Connor^ Q'C., do 758 
 Pop 21,545 
 OxPOBD; North. 
 Hon. O. Mowat Acclamation 
 Pop 24,559 
 Oxford, South. 
 A.Oliver 1305 
 Ber^ . Hopkins^ farmer, (Brownsville) 1262 
 John McDonald^ (Ingersoll) 372 
 Jan\e8 A. Devlin, M.D.yQiBmWioli) 9 
 On Mr. Oliver's being unseated, on petition, 15 July, 1875, new 
 writ : 
 Hon. Adam Crooks, LLD., Q.C 1612 
 Benj. Hopkins,. , 1352 
 Pop 23,678 
 K. Chisholm 1349 
 John W. Bei/noUf barrister, (Brampton) 1 246 
 Pop 16,369 
 Pbrth, North. 
 D. D. Hay 1847 
 Thomas Mayne Daly, merchant (Stratford) 1 707 
 D. D. Campbell (Listowel) 9 
 Robert Keyes (Bomholm) 9 
 Oeorge Towner (Listowel) 1 
 Pop 25.377 
 Pbrth, South. 
 Thomas Ballantyne 1508 
 George Leversage (Carlingford) 1326 
 Pop 21,159 
 Dr. O'SuUivan... 759 
 James Stratton, journalist (Peterborough) 697 
 On Dr. O'Sullivan's being unseated on petition, 2 Aug., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Dr. O'SuUivan 722 
 Janies Hogon (Peterborough) 365 
 W. Sargent (Peterborough) 340 
 Pop.'. c U,993 
 Petbrborough, West. 
 G. A, Cox 970 
 William Hepburn Scott, barrister (Peterborough) ...... 925 
 On Mr. Cox's being unseated, on petition, 17 Sept., 1875, new 
 writ : 
 W. H. Scott 995 
 George Albertus Cox, insurance agent (Peterborough).. 994 
 Pop 12,948 
 Election protested, but prosecution thereof finally abandoned, 
 Dec.^ 1876. 
 Dr. Harkin , 988 
 Richard Philo Paliee (L'Orignal) 591 
 Pop ,.. 17,647 
 Prince Edward. 
 G. Striker 1762 
 Robert Clapp (Milfoid) , 1699 
 Pop 20,336 
 Sbnfbbw, North. 
 T. Deacon 894 
 William Mofat (Pembroke) 779 
 Pop 14,833 
 Renfrew, South. 
 Jas. Bonfield Acclamation . 
 Pop.... 14,935 
 A. J. Baker 1066 
 Ira Morgan, Warden of Carleton, (Metcalfe) 673 
 On Mr. Baker's being unseated on petition, 4 June, 1875, new 
 writ : 
 A. J.Baker 1335 
 Ovide Arthur Rocque, contractor (Ottawa) 734 
 Pop 18,344 
 >. i I 
 '. n 
 ■ts.i , 
 " i 
 . !»■ 
 i .- 
 I!, I 
 1 I' 
 SiMCOE, East. 
 John Kean 1133 
 Hugh McKay Sutherland^ mill-owner (Orilla) 965 
 Pop 14,974 
 SiMCOE, South. 
 D. Arcy, Boulton, Q.C 1057 
 Richard Snelling, LL.JJ.y barrister (Toronto) 760 
 On the death of Mr. Boulton, 15 Feb., 1875, new writ ; 
 Hon. W. Macdougall, C.B 817 
 George Dinwoodie (Tecumsetli) 538 
 Pop 15,437 
 SiMCOB, West. 
 Thos. Long 1353 
 Thos. David McConkey (Barrie)* . . , 1 292 
 Pop 18,745 
 Stormont . 
 Jas . Bethuno 948 
 Wm. Colquhoun, (Dickinson's Landing) 815 
 Pop 11,873 
 Toronto, East. 
 Hon. M. C. Cameron 1849 
 Bon Adam Crooks, LL . />. , Q.C, (Toronto) 1579 
 Roht. M. Allan, barrister, (Toronto) 7 
 Pop 19,991 
 Toronto, West. 
 Robert Bell • 2145 
 Wm . Thompson, merchant, (Toronto) 2085 
 Pop 24,830 
 Victoria, North. 
 J. D.Smith 724 
 Duncan 3tcRae, (Balsover) ." 720 
 On Mr. Smith's being unseated on petition, 18 Aug., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Duncan McRae 837 
 Peter Demy Clark, M.D., ( Woodville) 719 
 Pop 13,167 
 Victoria, South. 
 S. C. Wood 132G 
 Wm. Cottingham, (Omemee)* 1026 
 *Apptd. Sherifif of Simcoe, 6 March, 1875. • 
 On Mr. Wood's appt. to office, 24 July, 1875, new writ : 
 Hon. S. C. Wood 1304 
 Adam Hudsperthy barrister, (Lindsay) 1 228 
 Pop 19,244 
 WatiJrloo, North. 
 M. Springer 1363 
 Alex . Miller, barrister (Berlin) 650 
 Pop 19,256 
 Watebloo, South. 
 JohnFleming Acclamation. 
 On death of sitting member, Jan., 1877, new writ ; 
 Isaac Masters , 1252 
 Samuel Merner (New Hamburg) 1 247 
 A new count of ballots has been ordered to be made on the 
 6th of March. 
 Pop • 20,995 
 Hon. J. G.Currie 1719 
 Wm. Buckner (Crowland) 1641 
 On Mr. Currle's being unseated, on petition, 28 May, 1875, new 
 writ ; 
 Hon. J. G. Currie 1747 
 Wm. Buckner 1580 
 Pop 20,572 
 Wellington Centre . 
 Lt . -Col. Olark Acclamation. 
 Pop 18,435. 
 J. McGowan 1553 
 Robert McKim, (Parker) 1455 
 On Mr. McGowan's being removed, on petition, 26 June, 1875, 
 new writ : 
 J. McGowan 1238 
 Thos. Garbutt,(^eel) : 1210 
 Pop 26,769 
 Wellington, South. 
 Hon. P. Gow Acclamation . 
 Pop 18,105 
 On appointment of Mr. Gow to the Shrievalty, new writ: 
 Massie Acclamation 
 ♦Since deceased. 
 i I 
 I H 
 It ' 
 Wellington, North. 
 Thomas Stock 1222 
 Robt. Christie, (Flamboro) 1199 
 On Mr. Stock being unseated and disqualified, on petition, 20th 
 May, 1875, new writ : • 
 Dr. McMahon 1142 
 Thos. Miller, M. D. (West Flamboro') 1016 
 Pop 16,245 
 Went WORTH, South. 
 W.Sexton 944 
 Jacob Van Wagner Spohn, barrister, (Hamilton) 383 
 Pop 14,638 
 York, East. 
 John Lane 1266 
 Hon. Wm. McDougallj C. B., barrister, (Toronto) 1067 
 Pop t 19,360 
 York, North. 
 Dr. Widdifield 1835 
 Erastus Jackson, journalist, (Newmarket) 1346 
 Pop 24,265 
 York, West. 
 P. Patterson .... , Acclamation 
 Pop 16,260 
 Clerk of the Executive Counci! — John G. Scott, Q. C. barrister, 
 [see ante]. 
 Assistant Provincial Secretary — Isaac R. Echart. Apptd, 1870 
 [/Salary $1,600.] 
 Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands — Thomas Hall Johnson. 
 Apptd. 21 August, 1869. [Salary, $2,800.] 
 Architect and Chief Officer of the Department of Public Works-— 
 KiVAS Tully, C. E. [Salary $2,200.] 
 Auditor of Public Accounts — Hon. William Cayley. Apptd. 
 1 7 July, 1 869 . [Salary $2,000 . ] 
 Inspector of Asylums, Hospitals, Common Gaols, and Reformatories 
 — John Woodburn Lanqmuir. Apptd. 20 June 1868. [Salary 
 Queen^s Printer — John Notman. Apptd. 19 March, 1870.. 
 [Salary $\, 200. ;\ 
 , ! 
 [Entered Confederation 1 July, 1867.] 
 The LieuL-Governor : — TJie Honorable Luc Lbt^llier Db 8t« 
 Just. S. of Francois Letellier, Esq., of St. Valier, Co. Bellechasse, by 
 the dau . of the late Charles Casgrain, Esq., Seigneur of Blvcr Quelle, 
 P.Q. B. at Kiver Quelle, 1.2 May, 1820. Ed. at St. Anne College. M. 
 Eugenie, dau. of the late F. Laurent, Esq., of Quebec. A Notary Pub- 
 lic. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council and Minister of Agriculture, Can., 
 from May, 1863, to March, 1864. Sworn of the Privy Council, and 
 apptd. Minister of Agriculture, 7 Nov., 1873. Was ex-ojicio Commr. 
 of Patents^ and co-leader with Hon. B. W. Scott, for the Govt, in 
 the Senate up to Dec, 1876, when he succeeded the late Hon. Rene 
 E. Caron, of the Province of Quebec. Sat for Kamouraska in Can. 
 Assembly during the session of 1851. Was an unsuccessful candi- 
 date for same place at g.e., 1852, a second time at g.e., 1657, and 
 again for Quebec Assembly in Feb., 1869. Was also an unsuccess- 
 ful candidate for L'Islet in Quebec Assembly at g.e., 1871. Repre- 
 sented "Granville" division in L.C., Can., from May, 1860, until 
 the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 
 1867. Apptd. to present office Dec, 1876. {Salary, $10,000.] 
 Spencer Wood, Quebec. 
 Aide-de-Camp and Private Secretary. — Capt. Fbedbric E. A. 
 Gauthier. Ensign 1st Batt. G.G.F.G. 
 [Apptd. 22 8ept., 1874.] 
 Hon. C. B. DB BoDCHBRViLLB, J/.i>., Minister of Agriculture and 
 Public Works [Premier]. 
 Hon. L. R, Church, Q.C, Provincial Treasurer. 
 A. R. Angers. Q.C, Attorney General. 
 P. Garneau, Commissioner of Crown Lands. 
 J. A. Chaplbau, Q. C, Provincial Secretary and Registrar. 
 J. J. Ross, M.D., Speaker of the Legislative Council. 
 G. B. Bakbr, Q.C, Solicitor General. 
 Clerk of the Executive Oouncil. — Felix Fortibr, Advocate. 
 Apptd. 29 Oct., 1867. [Salary, $2,000.]— 31 St. Genevieve St., 
 Cape, Quebec. 
ii,. I 
 Sfteaker. — Jfon. John Jones Ross, Jf.D. (Apptd. 27 Jiin.> 
 Clerk. — George Boucher de Bouchervillk. Called to the Bar, 
 L.C., 1837. Author oi ^Programme de e' etude pour la formation 
 cFune Banquc Agricole Nafionale pour le Bas Canada (1862), and of 
 Bcveral other important literary works. Was one of the Commrs. 
 appvd. to consolidate the Public General Statutes of Lower Can . 
 and Can., respectively, 185G. Apptd. Secy, to the first Lieut.- 
 Goveraor of Quebec, 6 July, 18G7,- resigned onhisappt. to his 
 present ofticc, 30 Oct., same year. (^Salary, $2,000.) — Port Dauphin 
 AS'^, Quebec. 
 Archambeault, Lieut. -Col, Hon. Louis, X.P. {Repent igng.) 
 Descended from a family that came from France and settled at 
 Longue Pointe, P.Q., 1G18. B. at Longue Pointe, 7 Nov. 1817. 
 Ed. there. Admitted as a Notar}', 183G. Practised at St. Roch 
 I'Achigan until 1855, when he removed to L'Assomption, where he 
 has since resided. Was Maire of St. Rochs, and President of 
 of School Commissioners ; and was Maire of the County Leinster 
 from 1850 to 1855. Became Registrar of same County, 1843. 
 Has been a member of the Board of Notaries of Montreal since 
 1848, and in 186G was elected President of the Chamber of Notaries 
 for the Province. Was a member of Ex. Council and Commis- 
 sioner of Public Works from July, 1867 until the retirement of the 
 Ouimet Government, 8 Sept., 1874. Sat for L'Assomption in 
 Canada Assembly from g.e., 1857 until g.e., 1861, when defeated ; 
 and again from g.e., 1863 until the Union, and for same seat in the 
 House of Commons from g.e., 1867 until g.e., 1874, when he 
 retired. Appointed to L.C., 18G7. A Conservative. — IJ Assomption. 
 Beaubien, Lieut.-Col. Hon. Joseph Octave, 3I.D. {De la Durantaye.) 
 Descended from Julien Trottier, who came to Canada from the 
 parish of d'Ige on d'Igne, Province du Perche, France about 1650 ; 
 [1] Hon. Charles Bouchei de Boucherville, from July, 1867, to Feb,, 1873. 
 [2] Hon. John J. Ross, MD.. from 27 Eeb , 1873, to 7 Aug., 1874. 
 [3] Hon. Felix H. Lemaire, N.P„ from 22 Sept., 1874, to Jan , 1870. 
 I < 1 
Jan . > 
 from this gentleman subsequently sprang the three Canadian fami- 
 lies of Beaubien, Pombert and la Bissonni^re. S. of A[. Louis 
 Beaubien, of Nicolet, P.Q.; and grands, of M. Jean Louis Beaubien. 
 B. at Nicolet, 24 March, 1825. Ed. at the College there. M. 
 Catherine Aglae, dau. of the late Antoine Chenet, Esq., Seigneur dc 
 Vincelotf Cap. St. Ignace (she d. ) A doctor of medicine. Is Licut.- 
 Col. of 61st Batt. Moutmagny and L'Islet Militia, and a member of 
 the Agricultural Council of Que. Was a member of Ex. Council 
 and Commissioner of Crown Lands of Quebec, from July, 1867 until 
 Feb., 1873. Sat for . Montmagny in Canada Assembly from g.e., 
 1867 until the Union, and for same seat in House of Commons, from 
 the Union until g.e., 1872, when defeated. Apptd. a dir. of Paci- 
 fic Railway Board, Feb., 187.1. Called toL.C, 1867. A Conserva- 
 tive. — Montmagny. 
 Beaudry, //o//. Jean Louis, A/*. {Alma.) 
 A Warden of the Trinity House, Montreal ; President of La 
 Jianque Jacques Cartier ; and Major Ist Montreal Centre Reserve 
 Militia. Has been Mayor of that city, t;„^ President of La Banque 
 du Penple, and of the Mutual Fire Assurance Co. Contested Mon- 
 treal unsuccessfully for Canada Assembly, at g.e., 1854, and in 
 1858. Called to L.C., 1867. A Conservative. — 31 DninimondSt., 
 f ''i\ 
 Brtson, Hon. George, (fnkerman,) 
 Of Norman descent. B. at Paisley, Scot., 16 Dec, 1813. 
 Came to Canada, 1821, and settled in Ramsay, Lanark Ont. M. in 
 Ottawa, March, 1843, Miss Robina Cobb. A lumber merchant; 
 and a dir. of the Bank of Ottawa. Was elected for Pontiac in the 
 Canada Assembly in the fall of 1857, but Parlt. being dissolved 
 shortly aiterwards, he never took his seat. An unsuccessful candi- 
 date for same seat at g.e . , 1867-8. Was Mayor of Mansfield for a 
 lengthened period, and Warden of the County for four successive 
 terms. Called to L.C., 1867. A Conservative. — Fort Coulonge. 
 De BoDCHERViLLE, Bon. Charles Eugene Boucher, M.D. {Montar- 
 Descended from Lieut.-Gen. Pierre Boucher, Sieur de Grosbois, 
 Governor of Three Rivers in 1653, and founder of the Seigniory of 
:■ M' 
 ii t. 
 ■« { 
 Bouchen-ille. S. of the late Hon. P. Boucher de Boucherville, a 
 member of the L .G., Canada., by Amelie, sister of the Uon. C. C. S. 
 de Bleury. B. at Boucherville, P.Q., 1820. £d. at St. Sulpice 
 College, Montreal . Conducted his medical studies at Paris, where 
 he graduated. M., 1st, Susane, dau. of R. L. Morrogh, Esq., advo- 
 cate, of Montreal (dead); 2ndly, Miss C. Luissier, of 'Vak'ennes. 
 Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Speaker of present House from 
 July, 1867 to Feb., 1873. Entrusted with the formation of a new 
 Cabinet on the resignation of Mr. Ouiment, a duty he successfully 
 accomplished, 22 Sept., 1874, when he and his Ministeis were 
 sworn into office, he ^Mr. De B.) taking the'portfolio of Secretary 
 and Kegistrar and Mmister of Public Instruction ; transferred to 
 Department of Agriculture and Public Woiks, 27 Jan., 1876. 
 (Salari/, 3,750.) Sat for Chambly, in Canada Assembly, from g.c., 
 1861, until the Union. Called to L.C., July, 1807. A Conserva- 
 tive, — Quebec ; BoitcherciUc 
 DeLbry, Hon. Alexander Bene Chausskgros. (Lauzon.) 
 Descended from the Chevalier Gaspard Chausscgros de Lery, 
 head of the family in this country, a nobleman who was sent out in 
 1716 by the King of France, to construct a system of fortificationj^ 
 in Canada; one of his cousins became a Vice-Admiral in the 
 French navy, and his grandson, Vicomte de Lery, attained the 
 high position of Engineer-in-chief of the Imperial army. S . of the 
 late Hon. Charles G. de Lery, an Ex-Councillor of L.C. B. 28 
 March, 1818. Ed. in Can. M., 1844, Catherine Charlotte, dau. of 
 Hon. Antoine Gaspard Couillard de L'Espinay, a member of the 
 L.C . of Lower Canada . Called to the Bar, L.C . , 1842 . Is Seigneur 
 of Bigud, Vaudreuil. Has been President of the Levis and Kenne- 
 bec Railway. Appointed member for " Lauzon '' in L.C, Quebec, 
 1867. Called to the Senate of the Dominion of Canada, 13 Dec, 
 1871. Resigned, 187G. A Conservative. — 13 B^Auteuil, Street, 
 Quebec . 
 DiONXE, Hon. Elizee. {Grandville.) 
 S. of late Hon. Amable Dionne, M.L.C, of L.C. B. at Kam- 
 ouraska. Ed. at St. Anne College. M., 1852, Clara, dau. of the 
 late J. F. Tetu, Esq., N.P., Registrar of St. Hyacinthe. Called to 
 the Bar, L.C, Oct., 1851. Called to the L.C, 1867. A Con- 
 servative. — St. Anne de la Pocatihe . 
 DosTALBR, Hon. PiKRKB EusTArHB, J.P . (De La NauM^re.) 
 A dir. of the Isolated Risk Insurance Co. Sat for Berthicr in 
 Canada Assembly from go., 1854 to g.e., 1857, when defeated, and 
 from g.e., 1861 to g.e., 1853, when again defeated. Called to the 
 L.C., 1867. A Conservative. — Berthicr en hant. 
 <iiNt;RAS, 7/ti/t. Jean Elie. (Laurntides.) 
 An extensive shipbuilder. A Warden of the Trinity House, 
 Quebec. Has been a member of Corporation of that city. Sat for 
 ♦« Stadacona " in L.C., Canada, from 1864 until the Union. Apptd. 
 to pres'jut House, 1867. A Conservative. — St. Sauveur, Quebec. 
 Laviolktte, //<m. J. G. {Xapicrville.) 
 LBk^AiiiB, lloji. Feli.x Hyacinthe, N.J'. {Mille hies.) 
 B. at the Mission of the Lake of Two Mountains, P.Q., 14 
 March, 1808. M., January, 1837, Delle Luce Artemise Barcelo. 
 Admitted as a Notary Public, 16 January, 1836. Is Major Two 
 Mountains Reserve Militia. Has been Agent for the Seminary of 
 St. Sulpice at Montreal, at the Seigniory of the Lake of Two Moun- 
 tains, since 1842. Was a member of Ex. Council and Speaker of 
 the L.C., from 22 September, 1874, until January, 1876. Called to 
 the L.C., 1867. A Consei-vative. — St. Benoit. 
 Pa NET, Lieut. -Col Hon. Louis. {La Salle,) 
 S. of the late Hon. J. A. Panet, for many years Speaker of the 
 L.C. Assembly, and afterwards a member of the L.C. of same Prov- 
 ince, B. in Quebec. M., the dau. of Dr. Oliva, of St Thomas, 
 P.Q. A Notary Public . Is Lieut.-Col. in the Militia'. Sat as a 
 life member of L.C, Canada, from 1852 until the Union. Sat in 
 the Senate from February, 1871 to March 1874, when he resigned. 
 Appointed to the L.C. of Quebec, 1867. A Conservative. — 5 St. 
 Louis St., Quebec. 
 Proulx, //on. Jean Baptiste George. {De La Valli&re .) 
 Sat for De La Valliojg in the L C, Canada, from 1 860 until the 
 Union. Called to present House, 1867. A Conservative. — Nicolet. 
 I : 
 'I, :i' 
 ' I' 
 ruUDUOMHB, lion, J. ErSTACIIK. {RiyitUci) 
 Snt for Rigtuu! in L.C., Cantula, from 18G3 until tlic Union. 
 Called to present House, 1867. A Conservative. — CMeou St. Pierre. 
 lloss, linn. John JoNBP, M.lK {Shawinujan) . 
 8. of (.r. Mcintosh Ross, Esq., of St. Ames, formerly a West 
 Indian merchant, by Marie Louise Oouin. 6 ut St. Ames. A 
 physician and surgeon. Is a governor of the College of Physicians 
 and Surgeons, L.C. ; Surgeon 1st Batt. Camplain Militia ; 
 I'rcsdt. of the Champlain Agricultural Society; and a mem. 
 of the Agricultural Council of Quebec. Elected Vice- 
 rrcsdt. of the North Shore Railway Co., 1875. Was 
 u mem. of the Ex. Council, Quebec, and Speaker of the L.C, from 
 27 Feb., 18715, to Aug., 1874, when he resigned; re-appointed 27 
 Jan., 187<>. (.SWar?/, $3,750.) Sat for Champlain in Can. Assembly 
 from g.e., 18G1 until the Union, when returned to Commons and 
 Local Assembly. Resigned his scat in the latter on his appt. to 
 L.C, Quebec, 1807. Continued to represent Champlain in the 
 Commons nntil g.e., 1874, when he retired. A Conservative. — 
 Quebec; St. Anne dc la Pirnde. 
 Roy, Hon. PiERnE Eiclide. (Saurel.) 
 Is Treasurer of the Phillipsburg, Farnham & Yamaska Rail- 
 way. Apptd. to L.C. Nov., 1873. A Conservative. — St. Pie, 
 Savage, //o;< . Thomas, V. P. {fJulf.) 
 Of English descent. 13. in the Island of Jersey, 16 Sept., 
 1808. Ed. there. M., at Berthier, (en hant)^ P.Q., Apl., 1847, 
 Mdlle. Julie Laliberte. A merchant and ship-owner. Is a major 
 in the militia. Unsuccessfully contested Gaspe for Can . Assembly, 
 g.e., 1863. Apptd. to L.C., 19 Nov., 1873. A Conservative. — 
 Cape Cove, Gasp^. 
 Stadnes, Lieut. -Col. Hon. John, J.I\ ^^DeSalaberry.) 
 8. of a UE. loyalist, of Scottish descent, who settled in Can. 
 at the close of the Am. revolution, by a French Canadian lady. 
 B. at Kingston, Ont. Ed, at the Montreal College. Is Lieut. -Col. 
 1st Montreal Centre Reserve Militia ; Presdt. of the Montreal and 
 St. Jerome Railway ; Vice-Presdt. of Uffi St. Jean Baptiste Societe ] 

 And of the Moutival Warehousing Co.; and a dir. of the Richelii'ii 
 Steamboat Co.; of the Can. Engine and MachinciyCo.; and of the 
 International Trans[)ortatlon Co. Was Presdt. of the Metroijolitan 
 J3ank from its establihhment until Nov., 1875. Was for some 
 years a mem. of tlie firm of Leslie, Starnes & Co., wholesale 
 merchants, Montreal. Has been a dir. of La lianqne du J'cuple ; 
 a Warden of Trinity House; Vice-Prcsdt. of the Board of Trade; 
 and for many years Manager in Montreal of the Ontario Bank. Was 
 Mayor of Montreal in 185G-57, an^^ again in 1866-G7. Sat for 
 Chateauguay in Can. Assembly from g.e., 1857 to g.e., 1863, when 
 he retired. Unsuccessfully contested Montreal at ge., 1857. 
 Declined a seat in the Quebec Cabinet, 1867. Apptd. to L.C., 1867. 
 A Conservative, — 104, 6t. Alexander <S7., Montreal ; Si. James Club, 
 Webb, i/o«. William HosTK, <?. C. {Wellington.) 
 Eld. 8. of the late Commander Edward Webb, 11. N., who 
 came to Can., 1836. Ed. at the Royal Naval School, London, 
 Eng. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1850. Created a Q.C., 1807. Is 
 Presdt. of the Richmond Agricultural Society, and a Trustee of St. 
 Francis College, Richmond, P.Q. Was the first Warden elected for 
 Richmond. Has been Mayor of the municipality. Sat for Rich- 
 mond and Wolfe in Can. Assembly, from 1858 until g.e., 1861, 
 when defeated ; and from g.e., 1863 until the Union, when returned 
 to Commons, where he continued to sit until g.e., 1874, when 
 defeated. Was an unsuccessful candidate for L.C, division of 
 Wellington, 1856. Apptd, to present House, 9 Oct., 1875. A 
 Conservative. — Melbourne. 
 Woovy lion. Thomas, J. P. {Bedford). 
 Ancestors came from Eng., and settled in present U.S., whence 
 his parents, Thomas Wood and Mary Skeels came to Can. B. at 
 village of Dunham, P.Q., 7 March, 1815. Ed. there. M., 1st, 
 Anr Jane, dau. of Capt. N. Stephens, (she d. 1841) ; 2ndly, 1845, 
 Eliaabeth, dau of Capt. Wm. B. Seeley. A merchant. Is Mayor 
 of the village of Dunham ; Chairman of the Trustees of Dunhara 
 Academy; and Presdt. Missisquoi Junction Railway Co. Hasbetn 
 Mayor of the Township of Dunham ; Presdt. of the Agricultural 
 Society ; and of the Dist . of Bedford Rifle Assn . ; and Warden of 
 the county. An unsuccessful candidate for Missisquoi in Can. 
 Assembly at g.e.^ 1861. Apptd. to L.C, 1867. A Conscsrvative . 
 •—Dunham . 
 i Mv 
 L I 
 [Editor's ^otb.— On February 3, 18T6, Hon. Charles S. 
 Nodier died, the vacancy being filled by the appointment of Hon. T. 
 G. Laviolette, of Naperville, P.Q. Since November, 1876, the 
 Honorables Fraser de Berry, Louis Richard and John Sharpies, died. 
 The vacau?ie8^have not yet (Feb. 28th) been filled. 
 i iAi 
 [ElectedJuly, 1875; term expires, 187}t. J 
 ^pniker. — Hon. Louis Be aubibn * 
 [Elected Speaker, 11 Not., 1876.] 
 Clerk. — George Manly Mem. S. of the late Major Adam 
 Charles Muir, 41st Regt., who highly distinguished himself during 
 the war of 1812, and received the gold medal for Detroit. B. at 
 Amherstburg, Ont., 16 April, 1807. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1830. 
 Entered service of L.C. Assembly 1831, and after the Union of U. 
 and L. Can., continued in service of Can. Assembly. Sworn in as 
 Clerk of Ex. Council of Quebec, 1 July, 1867, and apptd. Clerk of 
 Quebec Assembly, 3 Dec, same year. Created a Knight of the Or- 
 der of St. Gregory the Great, 13 April, 1369. (-SaZary,$2,000.)— 1 
 Rampart St., Quebec. 
 Sergeant-at-Arms. — Gkdbon Laroc que, J[f.i>. Sat for Chambly 
 in present House from g.e., 1871, until apptd. Sergeant-at-Arms, 
 29 July, 1875. (Salary, $1,200.) — Pariiament House, Quebec. 
 Angers, lion. Augusts Leal, Q.C. (Montmorenci .) 
 B. m Quebee, 1838. Ed. there. M. the dau. of Hon. Eugene 
 Chinie, Senator Caile.l to the Bar, L.C , 1860. Created a Q.C., 
 1874. A mem. of the extensive law firrr of Langlois, Angers and 
 Colston. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council 22 Sept., 1874, and was 
 t )licitor Genl. from that date until 27 Jan., 1876, when apptd. 
 ulttorney Genl . (^Salary, %3, 150.) Has been Govt, leader in the 
 Assembly since the Session of 1875. First returned to Parlt., for 
 [1] Lieut.-Coi. Hon. Joseph Goderic Blanchet, M.D., from the Union, 1867, 
 until the dissolution ot ilie oecond Parliament, 1875. 
 [2] Hon. Pierre Fortin, M.D., from 5 Nov , 1875, to 9 Nov., 1876. 
 Charles S. 
 int of Hon. T. 
 er, 1876, the 
 Major Adam 
 mself during 
 3troit. B. at 
 r, L.C., 1830. 
 Jnion of U. 
 Sworn in as 
 ptd. Clerk of 
 it of the Or- 
 , $2,000.)--I 
 for Chambly 
 [on. Eugene 
 |ateda Q.C., 
 Angers and 
 1 7 4, and was 
 ^hen apptd. 
 ider in the 
 Parlt., for 
 Union, 1867, 
 present seat, Feb. 1874, on the resignation of the sitting mem.; re- 
 elected by acclamation on his appt. to office, and again at last g.e. 
 A Conservative. — 7 Charlevoix St., U.T., Quebec; Stadacona Club. 
 Bachand, Pierre. {St . Hyacinthe.) 
 Ancestors came from France. B. at Vercherob. P.Q., 2> 
 March, 1835. Ed. at the Seminary of St. Hyacinthe. M., Ist, 
 1859, Delle. M. E. Delphine Dufort, of Montreal (she d. 1864); 
 2ndly, 1868, Delle. Marie Louise, dau. of Louis Marchand, Esq., of 
 game city. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1860. A mem of the Execu- 
 tive of the Reform Assn. of the Parti National of Montreal. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867 , re-elected by ac- 
 clamation at g.e., 1871, and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and op- 
 posed to the present Govt. — Rt. Hyacinthe. 
 Baker. Hon. 
 2nd Mem. 
 George Barnavo, M. A., Q. C. {Missisqtioi .) 
 Third s. of the late William Baker, Esq., Avho represented 
 Missisquoi in the L. C, Assembly from 1834 until the suspension 
 of the constitution of that Province in 1837 ; and nephew of Ste v^ens 
 Baker, Esq . , who represented the county in the same body frcm 
 1830 until 1834 ; grandfather was a U. E. loyalist. B. at Dunham, 
 P. Q., 26 Jan., 1834. Ed. at the Uni. of Bishop's College, Lennox- 
 ville, where he graduated, 1855. M., 1860, Jane Percival, eld. 
 dau. of Peter Cowan, Esq., of Cowansville, Sheriifofthc District of 
 Bedford. Called to the Bar L. C, same year. Created a Q.C., 1876. 
 Is a Trustee of the Uni . of Bishops' College. Appt . a mem . Ex . 
 Council and Sol. Genl., 27 Jan., 1876 (Salary $2,800.) Sat for 
 Missisquoi in the House of Commons from June, 1870, imtil g.e., 
 1874, when he retired. Elected to present House, by acclamation, 
 at last g.e. ; and on his appt. to office. A Liberal Comervative. — 
 Beaubib.v, //on. Louis. (Hochelaga.) 
 Born 27 July, 183'7, son of Dr. Pierre Beaubien, of the Uni- 
 versity of Paris, of Dame Justine Casgrain, daughter of Pierre 
 Casgrain, Seigneur of Paviere-Ouelle ; was educated in the St. Sulpice 
 College of Montreal. . Did not pursue any of the liberal professions, 
 but devoted himself to Agriculture and to the management of his 
 extensive landed property. "Was a Captain in the old Chasseurs 
 ■: ■: 
 '•■ '■• till 

 '; V, 
 1 1 
 Canadiens. Advocated fic n the first, the opening of the country bjt 
 railways ; the active promoter of the Montreal Northern Colc^ization 
 Eailway, Vice-President of that road ; worked for it and for the 
 Laurentides Railway, in and out ot Parliament with all his might, 
 sparing no pains, no trouble, to advance his object. Was elected in 
 1867 for Hochelaga to the Ijocal House, which seat he has held 
 ever since; and in 1872 to the Commons, where he held hig seat 
 until 18'74, and the abolition of dual representation; unanimously 
 elected Speaker of the Assembly, on the 11th of November, 1876. 
 A member of the Agricultural Council and President of the Agricul- 
 tural Society of Hochelaga. Owns and cultivates farms at Coteau 
 St. Louis and Cote Ste. Catherine. His families' founder in Canada 
 was one Trottier do Beaubien, who came from St. Martin d'Ig6 
 Perche in France in 1650. His father represented Montreal from 
 1841 to 1844, and Chambly fiom 1848 to 1851 in the Can. Assembly. 
 Married in 1864 Susanna L'^uretta, daughter of Hon. Judge Andrew 
 Stuart, of Quebec. A Conservative. — 165 James Street, Montreal, or 
 Outremont, near Montreal . 
 Bellingiiam, Lieut. -Col. Sydney Robert, J. P. (Arf/cfiteuil .) 
 Fourth s. of the late Sir Allan Bellingham, Bart., of Castle 
 Bellingbam, Co. Louth, Irel., by Elizabeth second dau. of the Rev. 
 Edward Walls, ofBoothby Hrll, Lincoln, Eng. ; and grands, of Sir 
 William Bellingham, the first Baronet, who was some time Secre- 
 tary to the Right Hon . Wm . Pitt, and afterwards Commissioner of 
 the Navy, and represented Reigate in the English House of Com- 
 mons. (See Burke's Peerage.) B. 2 Aug. 1808. Ed. in Irel. M., 
 Arabella, dau, of Wm. Holmes, Esq., of Quebec. Studied law wUh 
 the late Mr. Alexander Buchanan, Q. C, and was called to the Bar, 
 L.C, 1841. IsLieut.-Col. IstDatL Argenteu^'I militia. Has been 
 Presidt. of St. Patrick's Society of Montreal. Was for many years a 
 political writer for the newsp<^per press of L. C, principally for the 
 Montreal Times and the Montreal Daily IVews. Wao the Magistrate 
 sent with Col. Wetherall in 183V, 'vhen that officer attacked SI, 
 Charles . Sat for present seat in Can. Assembly from 1854 to 1860, 
 when unseated on petition. Returned to present House by accla- 
 mation at g. e. 1867. Re-elected at g. e. 1871, and, by acclamation, 
 at last g. e. Informally resigned seat October 1876, but afterwards 
 decided to remain in Parliament. An Independent Conservative . 
 "His duty to his country he has always held to be superior to the 
 exigencicis of party, and his best efforts will be given to promote the 
 prosperityof the Dominion." 23 St Nicholas St. Montreal. 
 BiSBON, Elik] Hercules, iV", /'. {Beaulmmois .) 
 8. of M. Alexis Bisson, by Ester Longdn, both of St. Remi, 
 Napierville, P.Q, B. at St. Remi, 8 July, 1833. Ed. at Montreal 
 College. M., 1861, Dame Virginia Rapin of Beauharnois . Ad- 
 mitted a N. P. 1860. "Was Deputy Register for Chateauguay from 
 1856 to 1858, and Deputy Prothonotary for Bcauliarnois from latter 
 date until Nov., 1860. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 14 
 July, 187.5, on the death of Sir George Cartier, the former mem. 
 Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the present 
 Govt. — St. Louis Je Gonzagtie. 
 Chapleau, //o/i. Joseph Adolphe, Q.C. {T'errehonnc .) 2nd Mim. 
 Ancestors came from France, and were early settlers in the 
 Seigniory of Terrebonne. B. at Hte. Therese de Blainville, Terre- 
 bonne, P Q., 9 Nov., 1840 . Ed. at the College cf Terrebonne. M . , 
 25 Nov., 1874, Marie Louise, dau. of Lieut. -Col. King, Brigade 
 Major, Sherbrook. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1861. Created Q.C, 
 1873. A dir. of the Laurentides Railway Co,, and of Le Credit Fon- 
 der du Bas Canada Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Solicitor 
 General from 27 Feb., 1873, until 8 Sept., 1874, when he resigned 
 with his chief, Mr. Ouimet. Apptd. Provincial Secretary and 
 Regir-trar 27 Jan., 1876. {Salary, $3,750:) U'^successfully con- 
 tested Vercheres for House of Commons at ge,, 1872. First re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, b.v acclamation, at g.e., 1867 ; re- 
 elected by acclamation at g.e., 1871, and again on his appt. to 
 office. Again returned at last g.e., and by acclamation on his sec- 
 ond appt. to office. A Conservative. — Quebec; 29 St. Gabriel St., 
 and St, Lawrence Hall, Montreal. 
 .■\ ill.X 
 Chablebois, Leon Benoit Alfred. {Laprairie.) , _ i 
 S. of M. B. Charlebois, merchant, of Laprairie, by Marie M. 
 David. H. 18 Feb., 1842. Ed. at Laprairie M., 24 Aug., 1868, 
 Marie E., dau. of J. B. Varin, Esq., N.P., and Hermine Raymond, 
 A raerchrnt. Is a Municipal Councillor, and Presdt. of the La- 
 prairie Turnpike Trust. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 at last g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. De Boucher- 
 ville. — Lajirairie. 
 Chauveau, Alexander, />'.C.iy. (liimouski.^ 
 Second s. of Hon. P. J. 0. Chauvcau, Q.C, D.C.L., late Prime 
 r'. IB 
 Minister of Quebec, and Speaker of the Senate of Can. B. 14 Feb. , 
 1847. Ed. at tho Jesuits' College, Montreal, and at Laval and 
 McGill Universities, at which latter he took the degree of B.C. L., 
 1867. M., 1 Aug., 1871, at Bimouski, Adele, eld. dau. of the Hon. 
 U. J. Tessier, LL.D., Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of Que- 
 bec. Called to the Bar, P.Q , 1868. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, May, 1872, on resignation of sitting mem. Be-elected 
 by acclamation, at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. — 6 St. Genevieve St.^ Cape, Quebec, 
 Champagne, Chas. A. (Two Mountains.) 
 B. at St. Eustache, 24 Sept., 1838. Ed. at Seminary of Ste . 
 Therese. Engaged in Agriculture for several years, and afterwards 
 studied law with Messrs, Moreau, Ouimet and Chapleau, advocatet, 
 Montreal. Admitted to the Bar let Sept., 1865. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, 1876, on resignation of Hon. Mr. Ouimet. 
 A Consc'vative, — St. Eustache. 
 ■ vj i 
 Church, Hon. Levi Rcggles, Q.C. (Pondac.) 
 Descended from one of the oldest families in New England, his 
 ancestors having emigrated from the Old Country to the then 
 Colony of Massachusetts in the early part of the 17th century. One 
 of them. Col. Benjamin Church, distinguished himself in the French 
 and Indian wars, in which the New England colonists were en- 
 gaged, having commanded the volunteer army, which, in a pro- 
 tracted kind of guerilla waifare, defeated and afterwards killed the 
 celebrated Indian King Philip, who had given so much trouble and 
 alarm to the early settlers. At the breaking out of the Revolution- 
 ary war, the Church fajiily, respectable both in numbers and posi- 
 tion, being Whigs, espoused the Republican cause, except two, who 
 took up arms to defend the Royal prerogative. One of these was 
 killed in battle, and the other, Jonathan Mills Church, was taken 
 prisoner in 1777 by the Am. army, froTki whose custody he escaped 
 and came to Can., and ultimately settled in the neighbcrhood of 
 Brockville. He took an active part in defending Canada during 
 the war of 1812-13-14, and died at a very advanced age in 1846. 
 Second s. of the late Dr. Peter Howard Church, of Aylmer, P.Q., 
 and grands, of the nl-ove mentioned Jonathan Mills Church. B. 
 at Aylmer, 26 May, 1836. Ed. at Victoria University, Cobourg. 
 M., 3 Sept., 1859, Jane .Erskine, dau. of Wm. Bell, Esq , barrister, 
 and niece of Gcnl. Si^ George Bell, K.C . B . Graduated in medicine 
 were en- 
 at the Albany Medical College, and at McGill University, where he 
 took primary, final and thesis prizes . Studied law under the late 
 Henry Stewart Esq., Q.C., and subsequently under Edward Carter^ 
 g.C, and was called to the Bar, L.C., 1859. Created a Q.C. 1874. 
 Is a dir. of the Ottawa Agricultural Insurance Co., and of the Bank 
 of Ottawa ; and a Governor of the College of Physicians and Sur- 
 geons, L.C. A mem. of the law firm of Fleming, Church and Ken- 
 ney, Aylmer, and was Prosecuting Attorney for the District of Ot- 
 tawa from July, 1868, until his appt. to office. Apptd. a mem. of 
 Ex. Council, 22 Sept., 1874, and was Attorney-Genl. from that date 
 until transferred to the Treasurership, 27 Jan., 1876. (Salary, 
 $3,750.) Sat for Ottawa from 1867 until g.e., 1871, when he re- 
 tired. Returne<l for present seat by acclamation on his appt. 
 to office, 26 Oct., 1874. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. 
 Visited England upon financial business during the summer of 1876, 
 and successfully negotiated a large Provincial Loan . A Iiibcral 
 Conservative. — Aylmer; Quebec. 
 '* ■'.• .''.'■■■■ * 
 Daiqle, Joseph. (VerchPres.) 
 A merchant. First returned to Parliament, for present seat at 
 g.e., 1871; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. — Beloeil. , 
 DbBbadjeu, George Raoul Leotalb Humbert GuirjART SAUvfccsK. 
 Descended from Captain Daniel C. DeBeaujeu, Chevalier of the 
 Military Order of St. Louis, who commanded the French forces at 
 the battle of Monongahela, July 9, 1755, where the Englisl inder 
 General Braddock were defeated, and where Captain DeBeaujeu was 
 killed. Fourths, of the late Hon. G. R. S. DeBeaujeu, who suc- 
 ceeded to the title of Count dc Beaujeu, of France, and at his death 
 was a life member of the L.C, of Can. B. at the Manor House, 
 Coteau du Lac, 22 June, 1847. Ed. in Montreal. M., Sept., 1869, 
 Henriette, eld. dau. of G. M. La Mothe, Esq., of St. Hyacinthe. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g. e., 1871 ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — 
 Manor Ho use y Coteau du Lac. 
 DficHBSNE, Georqe Honore . {Temiscouatu .) 
 First returned to Parlt., for present scat, last g.e. ACon- 
 seryaiive, and a supporter of Mr. I)e Boucher ville. — St. Epiphane. 
 M ' 
 .•If, II 
 DuHAMEL, Louis, J/. Z>. (Ottawa.) 
 Family, which resided at Coutrecoeur, P. Q., for some time, 
 removed to Ottawa some years since. A brother of^the Right Rev. 
 J. T. Duhamel, D. D.,R.C. Bishop of Ottawa. Graduated as 
 M.D,, atMcGill University, 1860. M., Madame Bourgois, a dau. 
 of M. Joseph LeBel, of Aylmer, P.Q. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat at last g.e . A Liberal Conservative, and a supporter 
 of Mr. de Boucherville. — Wright. 
 DuLAC, Francois Xayier Bonhommk dit, (^Beaucc.) 
 S. of the late M. Augustin Dulac, who was one of the earliest 
 settlers at St. George, Beauce. B. at St. George, 26 July, 1840. 
 Ed. there. M., June, 1864, Mdlle. FlavieVeilleux. A merchant. 
 Has been Mayor of the Parish, and Warden of the County. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, 24 Feb., 1874, on resignation of 
 sitting member. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, 
 and a supporter of the Dc Boucherville Government. — St. George, 
 JSeauce . 
 DupONT, Flavien, N. P. {Uayot.) 
 A N. P. and Secy, of the Municipality of the County of Bagot ; 
 and of the Agricultural and Colonization Societies of the County of 
 Bagot. S. ot Flavien Dupont, Esq., by Nathalie Fouriner. B. at 
 St. Simon, 1847. Ed. at St. Hyacinthe College. First returned to 
 Parlt. for present seat, 7 July, 1876, on resignation of sitting mem. 
 A Conservative, and a supporter of the De Bouchci'ville Adminis- 
 tration . — St . Liboire, P.Q. 
 FoRTiN, Louis N., M.D. (Montmagng.) 
 First returned to Parliament upon disqualification ot sitting 
 member, Nov., 1876. A Libeml. Is a physician . 
 FoRTiN, Hon. Pierre, 31. D. {Gaspe.) 
 S. of the late M. Fortin of Laprairie, by Julie Duvernay. B. 
 at Vercheres, P.Q., Dec, 1823. Received his classical education at 
 Montreal Seminary ; studied medicine at McGill College, where he 
 took his degi'ee of M.D., 1 845. Unmarried. Served as a surgeon at 
 Quarantine, Grosse Isle, during 1847 (fever year) and 1848. Aided 
 in 1840 in forming a special mounted constabulary force for quelling 
 disturbances of the peace in Montreal and adjoining districts, a 
 troop of wliich was placed under his command. Was Stipendiary 
 Magistrate for the protection of the fisheries in the lower River and 
 Gulf of St, Lawrence (i om 1852 until the Union, when he resigned) 
 and as such, commande i, first, the armed steamer Doris, and after- 
 wards the armed schooner La Canadienne^ built specially for the 
 service, in which latter vessel he was wrecked in Nov., 1861, during 
 a violent storm on the North Coast. A dir. of the Isolated Risk. 
 Insurance Co. Was a mem. of Ex . Council and Commissioner of 
 Crown Lands from P^eb., 1873, until 7 Sept., 1874, when he resigned. 
 Elected Speaker, 4 Nov., 1875. {Salary, $2,400.) Resigned 
 Speakership in consequence of his election being protested, and 
 still under consideration of a judicial tribunal. Sat for Gaspe in 
 House of Commons from g. e., 18G7 until g.e., 1874, when he 
 retired in order to confine himself to present House, for which he 
 was first returned at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected, by acclamation at g.e., 
 1871, again returned at last g.e. Was, during the whole time he sat 
 in the Commons, Chairman of the Special Committe on Navigation 
 and Fisheries. (See Parliamentary Reports.) A Conservative. — 
 Quebec ; Laprairie . 
 Fraditte, Pierre, {IJellcchasse.) 
 S. of M. Ambroisc Fradettc, of St. Gcrvais B. at St. Gervais, 
 21 Sept., "833. M,, 1856, Mdlle. Louise Lachance, of Quebec. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Conserva- 
 tive, and a supporter of Mr. de Boucherville . — St. Gervais. 
 I ," 
 Garneau, Hon. Pierre. (County of Quebec .) 
 ■ r. 
 Ancestors came from France, 1700. B. at Cap Sante, PQ., 
 8 May, 1823. Ed. there. M., Sept., 1857, Cecile, dau. of Edward 
 Burroughs, Esq., formerly Prothonotary at Quebec. A merchant; 
 a dir. of the Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Co., and of the Que- 
 bec and Lake St. John Railway; Vice-Presdt. of the Stadacona Bank ; 
 and Presdt. of the Quebec Street Railway Co . Has been Presdt, of 
 the Quebec Board of Trade. Was Mayor of the city of Quebec from 
 1870 to 1874: and was a mem. of the Canal Commission, 1870. 
 Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, 22 Sept., 1874, and was Commr. 
 of Agriculture and Public Works from that date until 27 Jan, 1876, 
 when transferred to the Crown Lands. (Salary, $3,750.) First re- 
 turned to Parlt,, for present seat, by acclamation, 21 March, 1873, 
 :^' : '. ^ t 
 on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. A Conserva- 
 tive- — I Ilaldimand St., Quebec ; Stadacona Club. 
 G AUTHIKK,' Onezimr, J. I*. ( Charlevoix. ) 
 Descended from an old French family that emigrated to this 
 country during the ancien regime. S. of the late M. Michel Gauthier 
 dit Larouche, by Marie A. T. Tremblay. B. at St. Urbain, P.Q., 2 
 Dec, 1834. Ed. there. M., 17 Nov., 1871, Delle. Melanie 8imard, 
 of Baie St. Paul. A farmer, and agent of the " Canadian Titanic; 
 Iron Company (limited) " at St. Urbain. Is mayor of the Munici- 
 pality. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g e. A 
 Liberal Conservative, but perfectly independent of party. — St. Ur- 
 ,! -.'i 
 fVt '. ! 
 * ¥ 
 K ' 
 Hbarn, John. (Quebec West.) ■ 
 B. in Irel. Came to Can. when young. Is Presdt. of the Hi- 
 bernian Benevolent Society of Quebec. Was lor a lengthened 
 period a mem. of the Corporation of Quebec. F'rst returned to 
 Parlt , for present seat, by acclamation, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected by 
 acclamation at g.e., 1871, and again returned at last g.e. A Con- 
 servative, and a supporter of Mr. de Boucherville . — 46 J Grand 
 All6e, St. Leivis Road, Quebec. 
 HouDE, Charles Edward. [JVicolet.) 
 B. at Riviere du Loup, District of Three Rivers, 17 Dec, 1826. 
 At the age of 22 years he entered into commerce. At the age of 
 23 m. Miss Marie L. Therien, of St. David, County of Yamaska. 
 He commenced business in St. Michel, Yamaska. After four 
 years' residence there he removed to St. Celestin, which was then a 
 new parish, where he has ever since resided . Shortly after his ar- 
 rival there he was apptd. a Justice of the Peace, and in 1854 be- 
 came a Postmaster. When the Parish became a Municipality he 
 accepted the position of Secretary-Treasurer, which he held for ten 
 years. He subsequently became a Councillor, then Mayor. In 
 1875 he opposed Mr. Melliot in the election for the Local Legisla- 
 ture, but was defeated. The election was contested, and Mr. 
 Melliot was unseated and disqualified ; upon issuance of new writ 
 was elected, July, 1876. 
 HouDB, MoiSE. (Mafkinonffe.) 
 Sat for Mackinonge in Can. Assembly from 1863 until the 
 Union, when defeated for the Commons . First returned to present 
 House at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative, and a 
 supporter of Mr. de Boucherville. — Riviere dii Loup (en haul.) 
 JoLY, Henri Gcstave. {Lotbinirre.) 
 ' S. of the late Giispard Pierre Gustavo Joly, Ksq., Sciyneur df 
 Lotbtniere, by Julie Christine, dau. of the late Hon. M. E. G. A. 
 Chartier de Lotbiniere, Speaker of the Quebec Assembly from 1794 
 until May, 1797, and afterwards a mem. of the L.C. of same 
 province. B. in ITrance, 5 Dec, 1829. Ed. at Paris. M, the dau. 
 of Hammond Gowan, Esq . , of Quebec. Called to the Bar, L.C . , 
 March, 1855 . Is Presdt. of the Reform Assn. of the Parti Nationd 
 of Quebec; of the Lotbiniere Agricultural Society No. 2; of the 
 Quebec and Gosford Railway Co.; and of the society for the promo- 
 tion of Canadian industry, and Vice-President of the Royal Humane 
 Society of B.N. A.; and of the Society for the Re-wooding of the 
 Province of Quebec . Was Presdt. of the Agricultural Society of 
 Quebec for some years. Declined a Senatorship 1874. Sat for 
 present seat in Can. Assembly from g.e., 1861, until the Union, 
 when elected by acclamation to both the House of Commons and 
 the Assembly. Continued to sit in both Houses until g.e., 1874, 
 when he retired from the Commons in order to confine himself to 
 the Assembly, in which House he is leader of the Opposition. Re- 
 elected at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. Offered a portfolio in the 
 Dominion Cabinet as Minister of Agriculture, and elevation to the 
 Senate, Jan., 1877, but declined. A Liberal and a Nationalist. — 12 
 St Denis iSt., Caj>e, Quebec; Rideau Club. 
 Kexnedy, Andrew . {Mpyantir . ) 
 Ancestors came from Irel. S. of Daniel Kennedy. B. iu 
 County of Megantic, P,Q., 1844. Ed. at Megantic, and Worcester, 
 Mass. Unmarried. Elected for present seat April 18, 187G. A 
 contractor. An Independent Conservative. — South Ilalit'ax; Mt^gan- 
 tic, r.Q. 
 Laberge, Edouari), M.D. (Chateauyuai/.) 
 S. of M. Francois Laberge, of Chateauguay, P.Q., and grands. 
 M . 
 ^ l§ 
 of M. ClmiU'8 Laborgo, formerly of L'Auge Gardicn, P.Q. B. in 
 Chauteauguay, 22 Aug., 1829. Ed. at Montreal College. Gradu- 
 ated as M.D. at McGili University, 1856. M., Oct., 18t32, Mdlle. 
 Nathalie Poulin, sister of Rev. M. Poulin, Cure of St. Philomene. 
 First returned to Parliament, for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re- 
 elected at g.e., 1871, and returned by acclamation at last g . e. A 
 Liberal or Nationalist — St. Philomene, 
 Lacertk, Emk, M .D.J .1 .r . {St Maurice .) 
 Ancestors came to Can. from France about 1680. 8. ofM. 
 Pierre Lacerte. B. at St. Severe, P.Q. , 15 Nov., 1821. Ed. at 
 Nicolet College. M., 1 May, 1848, Mdlle. M. Ijouise Lamy. 
 Graduated as a doctor of medicine at Harvard Jniversity, 1845. 
 Has been Postmaster at Yamachiche. Sat for St. Maurice in 
 House of Commons from 29 Oct., 1868, until g.e., 1874, when de- 
 feated. Returned to present House at last g.e. A Conservative, 
 and a supporter of M. de Bouchervillc. — Yamachiche . 
 Lafontaink, TiAUREXT David, M.D. {Xapierville) . 
 B. at St. Phillippe, P.Q., 9 Augt., 1823. Ed. at the Chambly 
 College. M., Sept., 1868, Delle. Marie C. Lemay. A physician. 
 Has been Warden of Napierville. Is Secy-Treasurer of Schools, 
 and Agent for the Seniority of St. George. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, Oct., 1870, on death of sitting mem. Re-elected 
 by acclamation at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. A Liberal and 
 opposed to the present Govt. — St. Edouanl. 
 Laframboise, Hon. Maurick. {She ford). 
 S . of the late Alexis Laframboise, Esq . , J . P . , of Montreal . 
 B. there, 18 Aug., 1821. M., the dau. of the late Hon. Jean 
 DessauUes, M.L.C. of Ca' , by his marriage with the sister of Hon. 
 Louis Joseph Papineau. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1843. Is prop, of 
 Le National newspaper . Has been Mayor of St . Hyacinthe , Was 
 a mem. of Ex. Council and Commr. of Public W^rks, Can., from 
 July, 1863 until March, 18ft4. Sat for Bagot in Can. Assembly from 
 g.e., 1857 until the Union, when defeated for the Commons. First 
 returned to present House for present seat at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the present Govt. — 85, Union 
 Avemie, Montreal. 
 Lalondk, Embuy, J,F . (^Vaudreuil.) 
 B. atRigaud, P.Q., 20 May, 1821. Ed. at Vaiulieuil. M., 
 Aug., 1849, Dlle. Louise Prevost, sister of J. B, Provost, Esq., 
 formerly M.P.P. for Soulanges. Is Mayor of St. Marthe. First 
 returned to Par It., for present scat, at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last 
 g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. DeBouchervillc. — St. 
 Laroohellb, Louis y ♦ VOLEON, ./. /*. (Dorc/ieistfir). 
 A mill-owner and manufacturer. Is Warden of the County, 
 Mayor of the Municipality, and a dir. of the Levis and Kennebec 
 Railway. An unsuccessful candidate for Dorchester at g.e., 1867. 
 First returned by acclamation at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected by acclama- 
 tion at last g.e, A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. De 
 Boucherville. — St. Anselme. 
 La Rub, Praxbde, M.D. (Portnev/.) 
 A physician. Is Presdt. Poitneuf Colonization Society. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867; re-elected by 
 acclamation at g.e. 1871 ; and again returned at last g.e. A Con- 
 servative, and a supporter of Mr. DeBouchervillc. — St. August ine. 
 Lavalbe, Vincent Padl, M.I)., J. P. (Joliette). 
 S. of M. Paul Lavalee, by Marie Lafeniere. B. at Berthier ru 
 Atfu<, P.Q., 1839. Ed. there. M., 1st, Dlle.-Henriette Chalut 
 (dead) ; 2ndly, 1870, Marie Josephine Elia, dau. of M. Crcpeau, 
 N,P., of St. Felix. A physician. Is a Commr. of Small Causes. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1807 ; returned by 
 acclamation at g.e., 1871 ; and at last g.e. A Conservative, and a 
 supporter of M. de Boucherville. — St. Felix de Vahns. 
 Lb Cavalieb, Narcisse Maximilien, N.P. /^Jacques Carticr). 
 A Notary Public, and Secy, of the Municipality. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present scat, at g.e., 1867. Ro-oloctod at 
 g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. 
 De Boucherville. — St. Lauimt. 
 LoRAXGEn, Louis Onesimb. {/AivaD. 
 S. of the late M. Joseph Lorangcr, by Marie Louise Dugal ; 
 and bro. of Hon. Justice Loranger, of the Superior Court. B. at 
 St Annie d'Yamachiche, P.Q., 10 April, 1837. Ed. in Montreal. 
 M., 3 Oct., 1867, Marie Annie Kosalie, dau. of Hon. Maurice 
 Laframboise, M.P.P., by Marie Rosalie Dessaulles. Called to the 
 Bar, L.C., 1858. Has been a mem. of the Council, a id is now one 
 of the Examiners, of tlie Bar of Montreal. Has beer, an alderman 
 of Montreal since 1870. Is Vice-President of the Societie de St. 
 Jean Paptiste, and was elected Presdt. of the Special Committee 
 apptd. to superintend the grand national demonstration, 1875. 
 Acted with Mr. Ritchie, Q.C., as attorney for the Govt, in the 
 investigation before the House into the Tanneries Land transaction. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat at last g.e. A Conserva- 
 tive and a protectionist. — 344, d-ait/ St., Montreal . 
 \ !,•< 7 
 •■ I 
 Lynch, William Wauren, //.(',//. {/irome). 
 Of Irish parentage. B. in Bedford, P.Q., 30 Sept., 1845. Ed, 
 at Stanbridge Academy, Vermont University, and at McQill 
 University, at which latter institution he took the Elizabeth 
 Torrence gold medal for Proficiency in Roman Law, and graduated 
 B.C. L., 1868. M., 25 May, 1874, Ellen Florence, eld. dau. of 
 J. C. Pettes, Esq., Knowlton. Called to the Bar,L.C., June, 1868. 
 Is D.D.G.M. of l)ist. of Bedford in Grand Lodge of Freemasons of 
 Quebec. Was editor of the Observer (Cowansville) for a short 
 period ; and has held the Presidency of the Provl . Assn . of 
 Protestant Teachers of Quebec. First returned to iParlt. , for present 
 seat, by acclamation, at g.e , 1871 ; re-elected, by acclamation, at 
 last g.e. A Conservative. — Knowlton . 
 McGauvuan, John Wait, ././*. (Montreal West), 
 i V . 5^ 1 
 Of Irish parenttige. B. in Glengarry, Ont. Ed. at Plantagc- 
 net . Unmarried. Head of firm of J . W . McGauvran & Co . , saw 
 and planing mills. Is a dir. of the National Insurance Co. Has 
 been an Alderman of Montreal. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat Aug., 1873, on death of sitting mem. Re-elected at 
 last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. De 
 Boucherville . — 517, William St., Montreal. 
 Marohand, Lieut. 'Col. Felix Oabribl, N.P. (St. Johns.) 
 A Notary Public; Lieut.-Col. commanding 21st Batt. 
 "Rlrhclieu" Light Infantry; and editor and prop, of Le FraneO' 
 Canadien newspaper. Elected a mem. of the Executive of 'i e 
 Reform Assn. of the Parti National of Montreal, 1875. Is author of 
 IJErreur n'est pas comple, (Quebec, 1873) and of other dramatic 
 pieces. First returned to Parlt., for present scat at g e., 1867. 
 Ke-elected by acclamation at g.o., 1871 ; and ngain returned at 
 last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the present Govt. — St. John^s. 
 Martin Louis Gustavb. (^Montcalm.) 
 Family came from France and settled in Acadia, whence they 
 were expelled with their other countrymen by the English, and 
 made their way to Canada. S. of the late J. L. M. Martin, Esq., 
 who was returned for Montcalm in the Can, Assembly at g e., 1861, 
 but did not live to take his seat. B. at St. Jacques L'Achigan, 
 P.Q., 22 Augt, 1847. Ed. there and at L'Assomption College. 
 Unmarried. An architect. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 eeat, March, 1874, on the resignation of the sitting mem.; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. De Boucher- 
 ville. Opposed to a Legislative Union ; and supports strongly the 
 maintenance of the rights and privileges claimed by the French 
 Canadians, and by Catholics, in all parts of the Dominion — 15, St. 
 Lambert Street; and 296, St. Catharine Street^ Montreal. 
 Mathiku, Michel, A''. 7^. {Richelieu.) 
 S. of M. Joseph Matliieu, J. P., of Ste. Victoire, Richelieu, 
 P.Q., by Edwidge Vandalle. B. at 8to. Victoire, 20 Dec, 1838. 
 Ed. at St. Hyacinthe College. M., 1st, 22 June, 1863, Marie Rose 
 de Lima Thirza, dau. of Captain St. Louis, of Sorel (she died 
 March, 1870); 2ndly, 30 Oct., 1871, Arnclee Antoio'jtte Amelie, 
 dau. of the late Hon. D. M. Armstrong, a member L.(J., of Quebec. 
 A Notary Public. Called to the Bar, L.G , 1865. A dir. of the 
 Montreal, Portland and Boston Railway. Was Sheriff of Richelieu 
 from June, 1866, to August, 1872 (when lie resigned to become a 
 candidate for Parlt.") ; and the proprietor and co-editor of the Revue 
 Legale. Sat for present st^at in House of Commons from g.e. , 1872, 
 until g.e., 1874, when defeated. Returned to present House, by 
 acclamation, at last g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of the 
 present Administration. — King Sired, Sorel. 
 If, • 
 MouEUti, L0U13. (Iberville.) 
 Is President of the St. John's Bank ; and a dir. of the Canada 
 Agricultural Insurance Co. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at ge, 1867. Re-elected at g.e., 1871; and returned by 
 acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the present 
 Govt. — St.John^s. 
 Oqilvib, Lieut. -Col. Alexander Walker, J. 7*. (Montreal Centre.) 
 Descended from a younger brother of Gilchrist, Earl of Angus, 
 a valiant soldier, who, in the 13th century, was rewarded with the 
 lands of Ogilvie, in Banffshire, Scot., and assumed the name of the 
 estate. The family is celebrated in history for having long pre- 
 served the Crown and Sceptre of Scotland trom the hands of Crom- 
 well. Parentf. came to Canada, 1800, where his father served dur- 
 ing the war of 1812, ard also during the rebellion of 1837 as a 
 volunteer cavalry officer. B. at St. Michel, near Montreal, 7 May, 
 1829. Ed. in Montreal. M., 1864, Sarah liUcy, dau. of "Wm. 
 Lang, Esq. Head of the fiim of A. W. Ogilvie & Co., general grain 
 merchants and proprietors of the Glenora Mills. Is a Lieut. -Col. 
 of Montreal Cavalry (retired list); a dir. of the Montreal Perma- 
 nent Building Society ; of the Edwardsburg Starch Co . , of the Sun 
 Life Insurance Co. ; of the Montreal Turnpike Trust ; of the Anti- 
 costi Co. ; of the State Insurance Co.; and of the Exchange Bank 
 of Canada ; Vice-President of the Merchants' Marine Insurance 
 Co ; President of the St. Michel Eoad Co.; and of the National 
 Insurance Co. Has been a Ciij Alderman ; President of the Work- 
 ingman's Widow and Orphan's Benefit Society ; and of the St- 
 Andrew's Society. Sat for Montreal West in present House from 
 g.e., 1867, when returned by acclamation until g.e., 1871, when 
 he declined re-nominatio7.i. Returned for present seat at last g . e . 
 .A Conservative pure and simple. — Edge IfiU Avenue; Dorchetter 
 St., Montreal. 
 ■^ , Paqdet, Etiennb Theodore, A.I*. (Levis.) 
 B. at St. Nicholas, Levis, P.Q., 8 Jan., 1850. Ed. at the 
 Quebec Seminary, at Fordham College, N.Y., and at Laval Uni- 
 versity. Unmarried. Vice-President of the Club Canadien, <^ue- 
 bec. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A 
 Nationalist. St. Nicholas. 
 the Canada 
 for present 
 returned by 
 the present 
 'real Centre.) 
 x\ of Angup, 
 ded with the 
 name of the 
 ig long pre- 
 iiis of Crom- 
 r served dur- 
 of 1837 as a 
 itreal, 7 May, 
 au. of "Wm. 
 general grain 
 , Lieut. 'Col. 
 treal Perma- 
 ., of the Sun 
 of the Anti- 
 ;hange Bank 
 le Insurance 
 |the National 
 of the Work- 
 ed of the St- 
 House from 
 , 1871, when 
 at last g.e. 
 ; J)orche»ter 
 Ed. at the 
 Laval Cni- 
 Inadiew, Que- 
 last g.c. A 
 i SLLETiER, Onuphe. (^L' Assomption .) 
 First returned to Parlt., fv)r present seat, by acclamation at 
 •g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.c. A Conservative, and a supporter 
 of Mr. De Boucherville- — VEpiphanie. 
 PiOARD, Lieut. -Col. Jacques, N.P., J. P. (^Richmond and Wolfe.) 
 S. of M. Jacques Picard, by Thnrese LeBeaii, both of St. 
 Thomas, District of Joliette, P.Q. B. there, 2 July, 1828. Ed. at 
 Colleges of L'Assumption and Joliette. M., Jan., 1873, Orpha, dau. 
 of the late E. A. Genereaux, Esq., for some years in Crown Lands 
 Dept., Can. A J^otary Public. Apptd. Registrar oi Wolfe, Dec, 
 1861. Elected Presdt. of Wolfe Agricultural Society, 1861. First 
 returned to Pailt., for present seat, at g ;., 1867. P»,e-clectod by 
 acclamation at g.e . , 1871, and again at last g.e. A Conservative, 
 and a supporter of Mr. de Boucherville. — Wotton. 
 Pbefontaine, Joseph Raymond Fournier, (/<7, i?. C.X. (Chamblj/.) 
 Family settled in Chambly towards 1700. B. in 
 P.Q., 16 Sept., 1850. Ed. by private tuition, and at the Jesuits 
 College, Montreal. Unmarried. Received degree of B.C. L. from 
 McGill University, and was called to the Bar, L.T. 1873. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e . A Liberal, and in 
 hearty sympathy with the old Liberal party. In favour of com- 
 pulsory voting and compulsory education. — 8 and 9, St. Vincent 
 St , Montreal . 
 Priok, William Evan. {Chicoutimi and Saguenay .) 
 Family originally from Wales. Seconds, of the late Willipm 
 Price, Esq.; Wolfestiold, Quebec, and formerly of Elstree, Hert- 
 fordshire, Eng., by Jane, third dau. of the late Charles G. Stewart, 
 Esq., Comptroller of the Imperial Customs at Quebec, and brother 
 of the Hon. D. E. Price, Senator. 3. at Wolfesfield, 17 Nov., 
 1827. Ed. at Dr. Lundy's Classical School, Quebec, and at Kings- 
 ston. Unmarried . A mem of the firm of Price Brothers, lumber 
 merchants, &c., Saguenay. Sat for present seat in Commons from 
 g.e,, 1872, until dissolution, 1874, when he retired. Returned to 
 present House, during his absence in Europe, at last g.e. A Lib- 
 erui Conservative, and a supporter of the present Administration. — 
 " WoJJesfieldy" Quebec ; Chicoutiird^ Saguenay ; Stadacona Club : Rideau 
 -. i«; 
i .^( 
 I I 
 I;! Ill fli 
 RiNFRBT rfeY Malouin, Remi Ferdinand, M.D. (Quebec Centre.) 
 B. at Quebec, 5 June, 1819. Ed. at the Seminary of that city ; 
 pursued his medical studies in Quebec and at Harvard University, 
 where he graduated M.D., 1845. Has been an Alderman of Quebec 
 since 1862. First returned to Parliament, for present seat, April, 
 1874, on resignation of sitting mem.; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and opposed to present Government. — 19 D'Aigtiillon Si., 
 . ■■ r ■. • ^_ ■ ., i 
 Robert, Victor. (Rouville.) ' 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867. Re- 
 elected at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e, A Liberal, and opposed to 
 present Govt. — Ste, Angele de Monnoir. 
 Robertson, lion. Joseph Gibb. (Sherbroo'ce.) 
 :V 'I'.r 
 S. of the late Rev. James Eobertson, for thirty years pastor of 
 the Congregational Church, at Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire, Scot., 
 and subsequently of Sherbrook, P.Q. B. at Stuartfield. Ed. in 
 Can. M., 1870, Mary J., eld. dau. of A. G. Woodward, Esq , of 
 Sherbrooke. Is Presdt. of the Sherbrook, Eastern Townships and 
 Kennebec RailwHy, and a dir. of the Sherbrook Mutual Insurance 
 Co. Was Secy. -Treasurer of Co. Sherbrook, 1854-5, and from 1858 
 until 1868, and Presdt. Quebec Temperance League, 1870-71. 
 Apptd. a mem of Ex. Council, 25 Oct., 1869, and was Provincial 
 Treasurer of Quebec from that date until 7 Sept., 1874 (when he 
 retir(!d from Govt, on land exchange case) ; re-apptd. Treasurer (in 
 Mr. de Boucherville's Administration), 22 Sept., 1874, and con- 
 tinued as such until 14 Jan., 1876, when he resigned. Was a dele- 
 gate to Eng., on public business, 1874. First returned to Parlt,, 
 for present seat, at g.e., 18G7. Re-elected by acclamation on hiu 
 nppt. to office, and again at last g.e. — A Conservative. — Welling- 
 ton St., Sherhrookp.. 
 St. Cyu, Domink^ue Napoleon, N.J\ (Champlain.) 
 t yiiP •■■■ 
 Grandfather served under Montcalm ; was preaent at Carillon, 
 and subsi-'quently at Saratoga. S. of M. Jean Baptiste Deshayes 
 St. Cyr, by Josephte Lebebre Des Coteaux. B. at Nicolet, P.Q., 4 
 Aug., 1820. Ed. at Nicolet College. M., 15 Sept., 1854, Marie 
 Rose Anne Deshayes St. Cyr, Admitted as a Notary Public, 1867. 
^ 309 
 Had previously been admitted a model school and an academy- 
 teacher. Was Secretary-Treasurer of St. Anne de la Perade, from 
 1856 to 1863. First returned to Parlt., from present seat, at la^^t 
 g.e. A Conservative, and a "supporter of the De Boucherville 
 6c>vt. on its educational and railroad policy." — St. Anne, de la 
 Sawyer, William, /.P. {Compton.) * 
 Ancestors, early settlers in Massachusetts. Grandfather came 
 to Canada., 1796, and obtained grant of present Township of Eaton, 
 Co. Compton. S. of late John Sawyer, Esq , of Eaton. B. there, 
 25 Nov, 1815. M.,Sept., 1839, Julia, dau. of late J. B. Smith, 
 Esq., of Eaton, and grand-dau. of Rev. N. Smith, of uilmanton, 
 New Hampshire. If Mayor of Eaton, and Warden of Compton. 
 First returned to Parlt, for present seat, at g. e., 1871 • re-elected, 
 by acclamation, at last g,e. A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. 
 De Boucherville. — Sawyersville. 
 Shehyn, Joseph, »A, P. {Quebec East.) 
 Of Irish and French-Canadian parentage. B. in the city of 
 Quebec, 1829. Ed. at the Quebec Seminary. M., 16 Aug., 1858, 
 Marie Zoe Virginie, eld*, dau. of M. Ambroise Verret, of Quebec. 
 A member of the firm of McCall, Shehyn & Co., wholesale dry 
 goods merchants. Is a dir. of the Stadacona Bank; and Vice- 
 President of the Quebec Board of Trade. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal. — 1 George St., Hamparts, 
 • .... 
 Sylvhstbb, Louis. (Berthier.) 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, g.o., 18V 1 ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the present Govt, — Berthier ^ 
 (en haut.) 
 Vhrbault, Pamphilb Gaspabd N.P. (L' Islet.) 
 S. of the late Antoine Verrault, Esq. B. 6 Sept., 1832. Ed. 
 at the College of St. Anne, PQ. M,, 1863, Miss Justine Pamela 
 Couillard Dupuis. A .Notary Public. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 1871, and at last g.e. 
 A Conservative, and a supporter of Mr. De Boucherville. — St. Jean 
 Port Jolt. 
2L - 
 Taillon, Louis Olivier. {Montreal East.) 
 B. at Terrebonne, P.Q, 16 Sept., 1840. Ed, at Masson Col- 
 lege. M., July, 1875, Marie Louise Georgina, dau. of the late Hon. 
 P. U. Archambault, for several years a M.L.C. of Canada (she d. 
 24 Jan., 1876.) Called to the Bar, L.C., 1865. A member of the 
 law firm of Trudel, Taillon & Labelle. Was one of the originators 
 of the great French-Canadian national demonstration which took 
 place in Montreal on the festival of St. Jean Baptiste, 1875. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g. e. A Conservative, 
 and a supporter of Mr. De BouchciA'ille. — Dorchester, near St. 
 Hubert St. ^ Montreal. 
 Thornton, John, J.P. (Stanstead) . 
 Of English parentage. Family came from town of Thornton, 
 N.H., U.S. Bin Derby, Vt, U.S. Ed. at the District School . Came 
 to Can., 1841. M., 1847, Miss Lucy Baldwin, of Barnston, P Q. A 
 merchant and farmer. Has been a Municipal Councillor for 
 Barnston, and for Coaticook, Mayor of Coaticook, and Warden of 
 Stanstea<l. First returned to Parliament, for present seat, at last 
 g.e. A Liberal Conservative . In favor of Prohibition and Protec- 
 tion — Coaticook, 
 TuRCOTTE, Arthur. (Tnree Rivers.) 
 S. of Hon. J. E. Turcotte. B. 19 Jan., 1845. Ed. at Jesmts 
 College, Montreal, and Stonyhurst College (Jesuit), Lancashire, 
 Eng. Returned to Canada, 1863. Admitted to the Bar in Montreal, 
 June, 1867. M., 16 Jan., 18'^'^, Marie Elenor Isabella Macdonald, 
 only dau. of Angus Macdonald, Esq., of Bi?cancour. Elected Town 
 Councillor for Three Rivers, July, 1873; Alderman, 1875, and 
 Mayor, 1876. Elected lor present seat, 18 March, i 876. A Con- 
 Watts, William John, B.A., B.C.L. (Drummond and Arthabaska.) 
 S. of the late R.N. Watts, Esq., av'iO represented Drummond 
 in Can. Assembly, from 1841 to 1851 Ed. at McGill University, 
 where he took degree of B.A., 1866, and that of B.C.L. , 1869. 
 Called to the Bar of Quebec, 1869. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, Feb., 1874, on resignation of sitting mem. Re- 
 elected at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present 
 C ovt . — Drummond. 
WuHTBLE, Jonathan Saxton Oampbkll, Q.C . , li. C. 7j. {Vainaska.) 
 Family comes from Strumpfelbach, near Stuttgart, Wurtem- 
 burg, South Germany, and can be traced back to 1559 in the parish 
 registers. S. of the hite Johnathan Wurtelo, Esq., Seignior of 
 River David, who came to Can. 1780. B. in city of Quebec, 27 
 Jan., 1828. Grandson of Josias VVurtele, who emigrated from 
 Germany. Ed. at Quebec High School, and by private tuition. 
 M., 1st, 7 Jan., 1854, Julia, dau. of the late Dr. Wolfred Nelson, of 
 Montreal (dead) ; 2ridly, 1 June, 1875, Miss Sarah O'Brien, dau, of 
 Thomas Branitf, Esq., of New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. 
 Called to the Bar, L.C., 1850. Heceived degree of B.C.L. from 
 McGill University, 1870 . Created a Q.C., 1873. Is Professor of 
 Commercial Law in McGiU University ; adir. of the Credit Foncier 
 of L.C.; and Solicitor of Trust and Loan Co. of Can. for Quebec, 
 Has been Chief Clerk to the Seignorial Cor ...ission, Montreal; 
 Mayor of St. David; Presdt. of School Commrs., St. David; and 
 Presdt. of Agricultural Society of Yamaska. First returned to 
 Parlt, for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal. — 416, St. Antoinc 
 Street, Montreal ; River David, P.Q. 
 .11 .,,,': 
 f. il 
 Clerk of the Executive Council — Felix Fortier [see ante.'\ 
 Assistant Secretary of the Ptovince — Phillippe J. Jolicobur, Q.C. 
 Apptd. 25 July, 18G7. [Salary, $2,000.] 
 Assistant to the Law Oncers of the Crown — Joseph Alexander 
 Dbfoy, advocate. Apptd. 2 March, 1868. [Salary, $2,000 ] 
 Auditor of the Province — Gaspard Drolet. Apptd. 25 Oct., 
 ISeT. [Salary, %2,^00.'] 
 Assistant Treasurer — Henry Turner Macuin. Apptd. 9 Nov., 
 1874. [Salary, %2 ,200.] 
 Assistant Commissioner of Crown Lands — Eugene Tachb, C.E., 
 P.L.S. Apptd. 25 Sept., 1869. [Salary, $2, 000.] 
 Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works — Simeon 
 Lksaqb, advocate. Apptd. 2 Nov., 1867. [Salary, $2,000] 
 Superintendent of J'ubl'c Instruction — Hon. Gedeon Ouimet, Q.C. 
 Apptd. 1 Feb., 1876. [Salary, .] 
 Secretary to the Department of I^ublic Instruction — Louis Girard, 
 M.D. Apptd. 2 March, 1868. [Salary, %2, 200.] 
 •"I ii 
 ■v s. 
 Assistant do. do, — Hknry Hopper Miles, LL.D. Apptd. 2 Mob., 
 1868. [/Sf'a?-y, $1,600.] 
 Deputy Registrar of the Province — Jean Btb. Mkillbur, M.D.^ 
 M.A.^ LL.D. Apptd. 29 Oct., 18—. [Salary, $1,600.] 
 (Apptd. 1 Feb., 1876.) 
 Hon. Hmnri Gedeon Malhoit, Q.C. 
 //on. George Irvine, ^ C, />. (7. Z. 
 Hon. Eugene Chinic, Senator. . . 
 Office — Quebec. 
 15 Dec, 1875. 
 Mr. Bechand moves in amendment : "That in the opinion of 
 this House the policy of the Govt . , on railways endanget^s the con- 
 struction of tha North Shore, and Montreal, Ottawa and Western 
 railways, and is at the same time unjust towards the railways of 
 the south side of the St. Lawrenc." 
 Ybas— Messrs. Bachand, Bisson, Cameron, '"'hauveau, Daiglc, DeBeaujeu 
 Irvine, Joly, Laberge, ^jafontaine, Laframboise, Laroclielle, Marchand, MoUeur 
 Faquet, Prefontaine, Eobert, Sawyer, Thornton, Watts, Wurtele— 21. 
 Nays— Messrs. Angers, Baker. Beaubien. Beaucbesne, Bellingham, Ghapleau, 
 Cbarlebois, Cburch, Deschene, Dubamel, Fradet, Garneau, Gauthior, Gendron 
 Hearn, Houde, Lacerte, Lalonde, Landry, Larue, Lavelle, Lacavalier, Loranger, 
 Eijncb, Malbiot, Martin, Mathieu,McGauvran, Methot, Ogilvie, Ouimet, Pelletier, 
 JPicard, Binfret dit Maloutn, Roy, Shebyn, St. Cyr, Sylvestre, Taillon, Ver- 
 itSii ^ -..4' 
1 313 
 Names of candidates, with number of votes polled for each one 
 TCflpectively at General Election, 1875, and at each casual election 
 •iucc held. 
 The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italics, 
 Arqintbuil . 
 Sydney Bellingham Acclamation , 
 Pierre S . Gendron Acclamation, 
 On appointment of M. Gendron, Joint Prothonotary, Montreal, 
 new writ : 
 Dupont, Notary 1337 
 Fontain 1127 
 F. X. Duiac, St. George 1269 
 Michael Cahill, storekeeper, St, George 716 
 E. H. Bisson 699 
 Celestin Bergevin^ St. Timothee 640 
 p. Fradet 762 
 Onesime Felletier, M.D., St. Charles 510 
 M. Chabot 199 
 L. Sylvestre 973 
 Louis Tranchemontayne^ insurance agent, Berthier 928 
 p. C. Beauchesne, New Carlisle 837 
 John Robinson Hamilton, merchant, New Carlisle 767 
 Upon unseating and disqualification of sitttng mem.>er, new 
 writ and election on 23 Feb., 1877 : 
 Tartt5 965 
 Hamilton -► 417 
 Tremblay 123 
 W . W. Lynch Acclamation. 
 J. R. Fournier dil Prefontaine 825 
 Timothee Sauriol, M. D., St . Bruno 79 A 
 1% H:] 
I, » 
 D N. St. Cyr 859 
 Joseph V. Genest, clerk 741 
 George Henri Dufieme, M.I) 370 
 Joseph O. Lamothe, farmer 261 
 L. J. 0. Bruncllcy advocate 138. 
 O. Gauthier 982 
 Simon Xavier Cimon^ contractor, Malbaie 3?1 
 Dr. Laberge Acclamation. 
 CmcouTiMi AND Saguenw. 
 W. E. Price 1279 
 Jean Guar/, merchant, Cliicoutimi 721 
 Wm . Sawyer Acclamation . 
 L . N. Larochelle Acclamation . 
 Drummond and Arthabaska. 
 W. J. Watts s.. 1326 
 J. U. Richard 777 
 Hon. P. Fortin 1073 
 Prof. E. J. Flynn^ advocate, Quebec 810 
 Election protested, but no judgment given up to present date, 
 Feb. 27, 1877. 
 L. Beaubien 1930 
 Laurent Oliver David, journalist, Montreal 1622 
 Dr. Cameron 909 
 Andrew Oliver^ farmer and merchant, Ro<jkburn 653 
 On Dr. Cameron's being unseated, on petition, 17 Jan., 1876, 
 new writ : 
 Dr. Cameron Acclamation , 
 L. Molleur , Acclamation . 
 Jacques Cartier. 
 N. M. Le Cavalier 842 
 Joeeph Michel Robillard* J. P., St. Anne du Bout de 
 I'Isle 685 
 *D., 14 Sept., 1875. 
 dl ! 
 Dr. Lavalle Acclamation . 
 C. F.Roy 1043 
 T. A. Sirvis,M.D., at. Andve 975 
 Mr. Roy resigned, Feb., ISTY, and succeRsfully contested 
 Kamouraska for Commons. New writ not yet ij^isued. 
 L. B. A. Charlebois 764 
 Andrew Fsinhart, storekeeper, Laprairie 422 
 Election protested, sitting member being confirmed in his seat, 
 Jan. 31, 1877. 
 0. Pelletier 1051 
 P. A. 0. Archambault, advocate, Montreal 706 
 L . O. Loranger 570 
 Joseph Alphonse Ouiniet, advocate, Montreal 431 
 E. T. Paqiist, N.P ■: 1994 
 Hon . J. G. Jilanchet, M.D.^ Levis » , . . . 1837 
 P. G. Verrault 588 
 Alfred Miville Dechene^ M.D 471 
 H. G. Joly 893 
 Guillaume E. Amyot^ advocate and journalist, Quebec. 750 
 M. Iloude 781 
 Abraham Lesieur DesaulnierSj Jj.C.L.^ advocate, Three 
 Rivers 635 
 Mboantic . 
 Hon . George Irvine, Q.C Acclamation . 
 On Mr. Irvine's appointment as Commissioner of the Q.M.O. 
 Railroad. Feb., 1876, new writ: 
 Andrew F..enncdy 593 
 John McLean 439 
 James Reid 347 
 J.B. Hall 439 
 George B. Baker Acclamation. 
 On Mr. Baker's appointmeiit to ofl&ce, 27 Jan., 1876, new writ ; 
 Hon . G . B. Baker Acclamation. 
 1 r 
I), ■* 
 r; ■ 
 I. .;r^ 
 L.G.Martin 774 
 Jean B . Deslongchampa^ St. Lin . , , , 428 
 A.C.P.R. Landry 673 
 Francois Charles Stanislas Langelier^ advocate, Quebec. . 665 
 On iinst-ating«nd disqualification of Mr. Landry, new writ, 
 6 Nov., 1876 : 
 Dr. Louis N. Fortier 793 
 L. A. Beauhien 756 
 Hon . A. K. Angers, Q.C Acclamation . 
 Montreal, Csntrb. 
 A. W. Ogilvie ' 776 
 Charles Alexander, wh >lesale confectioner, Montreal. . , 735 
 Montreal, East. 
 L.O.Taillon 3068 
 Joseph Duhamel^ advocate, Montreal 2711 
 Montreal, West. 
 J. W. McGauvran 2193 
 James Ed. Mullin, merchant, Montreal 1790 
 Dr. Lafontalne. Acclamation . 
 P. X. Methot...... 1208 
 C. E. Houde, merchant 816 
 Upon unseating and disqualification of Mr Methot, new writ : 
 Charles A. Houde, merchant ...^ 1131 
 A. O. Desilets, A-^.vocate 1 105 
 C. E. Mardrildon 179 
 Dr. Duhamel , , 1450 
 Ezra Butler Eddy, lumber manufacturer, Hull 863 
 Thomas P. Foran, advocate, Montreal 296 
 Charles Borrovie Rouleau, advocate, Aylmer 144 
 Hon. L. R. Church, Q.C , Acclamation. 
 Dr. LaRue 1424 
 Hercule Collet, store-keeper, St. Basil e 1138 
 Quebec, Centre. 
 Dr. Rinfret 992 
 Edmond Giroux, druggist, Quebec 530 
 QuiBKO, East. 
 Joseph Shchyn *. 1 560 
 Pierre V. Valin, sliipbuilder, Quebec 899 
 Qdbbbo, West. 
 John Hearn 649 
 Patrick Uenchy^ hotel-keeper, Quebec 402 
 QuBBEO County. 
 Hon. r. Oarneau 1228 
 Michael Connolly, merchant, Quebec 1066 
 J. Picard Acclamation 
 M. Mathieu Acclamation 
 Rim ousKi . 
 A. Chauveau Acclamation 
 V. Robert ' 70T 
 F. Bouthillier 405 
 St. Hyacinthe. 
 P. Bachand Acclamation 
 St. Johns. 
 F. G. Mauhand 739 
 L, L. Roy , 481 
 St. Maurice. 
 Dr . Lacerte 63T 
 Francois Dichene Fontaine^ St. Barnabe 401 
 A. Adolphe Lamy, Inslituteur, St. Severe 199 
 Hon . M. Laframboise 1407 
 Antoine D. Oirard 1191 
 Sherbrooeb . 
 Hon . J . G . Robertson Acclamation 
 G . R, L. De Beaujeii 682 
 Oscar JJunn, journalist, Montreal 562 
 John Thornton " 1 008 
 Thomas Locke, Stanstead 856 
 G. H. Duchesne 967 
 0. H, Pelletier 741 
 if ' % 
 f f 
 \l. II 
 . M 
 Hon. J. A . CliJiploHU .*. 1316 
 Joseph Alfred Dnchemeau, M.I).* 716 
 On Mr. Chupleau'8 appt, as Provl. Secy, and Ilcgiatrar, 27 Jan., 
 1876, new writ : 
 Hon . J . A . Chapleau Acclamation 
 TnnEK Rivers. 
 Hon. H. G. Malhiot, Q.C 621 
 George A. (Jouin, Itimbei mercliant, Three Rivers 507 
 On Mr. Malhoit's apptd. as Railway Commr., 1 Feb., 1876, 
 new writ : 
 Arthur Turcotte, advocate 632 
 T. E. Normand 428 
 Two Mountains. 
 Hon. O. Ouimet, Q.C Acclamation 
 On Mr. Oiiimet's appt. as Sept. of Public Instruction, 1 Feb., 
 1876, new writ : 
 Chas . L . Champagne, advocate 956 
 Isodore Preulx 556 
 E. Lalonde 673 
 J. B. A. Mongeiiais^ Rigaud 64 1 
 J. Daigle 833 
 J, B. Brillon 647 
 J. S. C. '^^ntele, Q.C 866 
 Joseph Ne'-dor Duguay^ St. Zephirin 841 
 Pierre Vanasse dit Verte/euille, St. Guillaume 251 
 *Apptd. Warden of'tho Peniteutiaxy at St. Vincent de Paul, 15 Dec, 1875. 
 '. ■> 
 TAeutenant Governor — Ilia Honor Hon. Adams Geohob Akohi 
 BALD, C.M.O, Q.C.y P. C. S. of Suinnfl Archibald, Esq., 
 aud grands, of the lato Jamos Archibald, P^sq. Judge 
 of the Court of Common Pleas, N,S. B. at Truro, N. S., 18 May, 
 1814. Ed. at Pictou Academy under the late Kev. Dr. McCulloch. 
 M., 1 June, 1843, Elizaheth A. only dau. of the lato He v. John 
 Burnyeat. Called to the Bar of P. E I.. 1 838 ; and to that of N .S. , 
 1839. Is a Queen's Counsel j and Presdt of the Acadia Provident 
 Assn. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, N.8., first, as Solicitor Genl., 
 from 14 Aug., 185G, until the resignation or the Govt., 14 Feb., 
 1857 : secondly, as Attorney Genl., from 10 Feb., 1860, until 11 
 Juno, 1863. Was a delegate to Eng., with the late Hon. J. W, John- 
 stone, to arrange terms of settlement with British Govt., and Gen- 
 eral Mining Assn. in respect to N.S. Mines, and to ascertain views 
 of the British Govt, on the question of the Union of the Province^, 
 1857 ; to Quebec, on subject of Intercolonial Railway, 1861 ; to 
 Charlottetown Union Conference, 1864 ; to Quebec Conference, same 
 yepr ; and to the final Conference in London to complete terms of 
 Union, 1866-7. Took a prominent, part in local legislation ; carried 
 Bills for regulating Municipal Assessments ; in reference to Gold 
 Fields ; r(!Stricting Election Franchise, previously universal, to 
 ratepayers ; and assisted in maturing measures in reference to Edu- 
 cation. Sworn of the Privy Council, 1 July, 1867, and was Secy, of 
 State for the Provinces, from that date until early in 1868, when he 
 resigned. Was Lieut-Governor of Manitoba and the North West 
 Territories, from 20 May; 1870, until May, 1873, wh' he resigned; 
 and Judge in Equity of NovaLcotia, from 24 June i873, until 4 
 July, same year ; when he was apptd. Lieut, Go\ rnor of Nova 
 Scotia on the death of Hon. Joseph Howe. (Salary $9,000.) Was 
 one of the directors of the Canadian Pacific Railwjiy, under Sir Hugh 
 Allen, 1873. Created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and 
 St. George, 1872. Sat for Colchester in N.S. , Assembly from 1851 
 to 1859, when county being divided, was returned for South Col- 
 chester, which he represented until the Union. Sat for Colchester 
 in House of Commons from Sept., 1869, until apptd. Liut. Gover- 
 nor of Manitoba, in May, 1870. — Government House, Halifax; ^'The 
 Cottage," Truro, N.S. ; Halifax Club, - 
 Private Secretary— ^ous Hicks, Esq., Lieut. E.N. [Apptd. 4 Augt., 
 1874; Salary .$1,2.')0] 
 Provl, 'Aides-de-Camp : — Lieut.-Col. Hour: Wabino CijERkk, N. S. M, 
 [Apptd. lAugt. 1S7S.]— Lieut.-Col. Chas. .T. STeWABT, Ist Cumberland Batt. 
 [Apptd. 1 Augt. 11574.] 
 il If" 
 .. VI; 
 [Apptd. 7 Nov., 1867.] 
 Hon. P. C. IIiLL, D.C.L.^ Provincial Secretary and President 
 <y the Executive Council {Premier) . 
 Hon. Staylky Browk, Provincial Treasurer, 
 " RoBBRT Robertson, Commissioner of Public Works and 
 Mines . 
 Hon. Alonzo J, White, Attorney General.* 
 " Jambs Cochran (without department) . 
 " Colin Campbell do 
 " Daniel Macdonald, do . 
 " John McKinnon, do 
 Retired members of Council retaininy their rank and precedence by 
 special permission of Her Majesty. 
 Hon. Sir William Young, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. 
 « Charles Tupper, C.B., M.D., M.P. 
 " Adams G. Archibald, C.M.G , Lieut.-Gov. of Nova Scotia. 
 " W. A. Henry, ^.C, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of 
 the Dominion. 
 Hon. J AMES McDonald, Q. C. . w ; " ; 
 " S. L. Shannon, QC. ■ - 
 . " Alex. Mc F abl ahe, ^Q. C, tSenator. 
 a; I 
 ,< M^^i 
 } ! 
 Speaker — lion. Jons Creighton, (>.C.t 
 [Apptd. March, 1875.] 
 Clerk — John G. Halliburton. Called to the Bar, N.8., 1829. 
 Was Deputy Clerk to the L.C. from 1830 to 16 Jan., 1838, when 
 appointed Clerk. — Halifax. 
 Gentleman Usher of the Black Hod — Robert Romans. Apptd. 
 11 March, 1874. 
 ♦Kesigned office of Commiesioner of Crown Lands, Jan , 1877, and ewom in 
 Jan. 19, 1877 to present office. Office of Crown Lands abolished. 
 [1] Hon. Alexander Keith, from 28 June, 18G7, until his death, 14 Doc, 1878. 
 [2] Jfon. Stayloy Brown, from 11 March, 18/4, until 19 Jan., 1876, whea ha 
 resigned, on his appt. as I'rovl. Treasurer. 
 Vorks and 
 idence by 
 Tova Scotia. 
 me Covri of 
 Annand, Hon. William. 
 Of Scottish parentage. C. in Halifax, 1808. Ed. there. M., 1st, 
 Miss Cuff (she d.) ; 2ndly, Miss Tupper, of Stewiacke. Entered N.S, 
 Assembly in 1837, and was a mem. of the old Reform Party led by 
 the late Hon. Joseph Howe, which established responsible Govt., 
 settled the Civil List, promoted telegraphs and railways, and opened 
 outports to the advantages of foreign trade. Edited the Speeches 
 and Public Letters of the Hon. Joseph Howe (Boston, 1858.) Is also 
 author of a pamphlet on Confederaiion (London, 1866). Has long 
 been u public writer on the N.S. press . Held the office of Queen's 
 Printer for some years. Was a mem . of Ex . Council and Financial 
 Secy., N.S., from 1859 to 1863. Called upon to form an Adminis- 
 tration for Nova Scotia; Nov., 1867, a duty he satisfactorily accom- 
 plished, and in which he held the office of Picyincial Treasurer from 
 above date until Jan., 1875, when he was transferred to the Presi- 
 dency of the Council, which he resigned, with the Premiership, 8 
 May, 1875. Apptd. Agent in London for the promotion of immi- 
 gration, and for more effectually representing the interests of the 
 Provinces of N.S. and N.B. in the United Kingdom and on the 
 Continent of Europe, 11 May, 1875. Was a repeal delegate to Eng., 
 with Mr. Howe and others, in 1866 and 1868, and a Commr,, with 
 Messrs. Allison and Kirk, to enquire into system of Managing In- 
 ebriate Asylums in U.S. and neighboring Provinces, 1873. Sat for 
 Halifax in N.S. Assembly before the Union. Contested Cumber- 
 land unsuccessfully for Commons at g.e., 1867. Called toL.C, 
 1867. A Liberal. — Canada Government Building^ King St.y Wesim'ns- 
 ter^ London, C.W., Eng.; Dartmouth. 
 .8., 1829. 
 L838, when 
 I. Apptd. 
 Ind Bwom in 
 |4 Doc, 1878. 
 75, when he 
 Brown, lion. Stayley. 
 S. of John Brown, Esq , who came to N. S. and settled in Yar- 
 mouth, 1813. B in Glasgow, Scot., 1801. M., 1st, 1825, Char- 
 lotte, dan. of Richard Fletcher, Esq., M.D., formerly physician to 
 the Forces in N.S. (she died, 1843) ; 2ndly, Ellen, dau. of Henry 
 G. Farish, Esq., M.D., of Yarmouth. A merchant. Was a 
 mem. of Ex. Council and Receiver-General, N,8., from 1857 tO 
 1860; Speaker of the L.C.,froni 11 March, 1874, until 19 Jan., 
 1875, when appointed a member of the Ex. Council and Provincial 
 Treasurer. {Salarg $2,000 .) Called to the L.C., 1843. A Liberal. 
 Hall/ax; Yarmouth. 
 J3oAK, Jr., lion, Robert. 
 A commission merchant. Is President of tlie Acadia Firo 
 Insurance Co.; and of the Merchant Insurance Co.; Vice-President 
 of the Chamber of Commerce, Halifax ; a dir. of the Union Bank of 
 Halifax ; and of the Sydney Coal Mining Co. ; and Vice-President 
 (representing N. S.) of the Dominion Board of Trade. Was 
 President of the Repeal League of N.3., 1867-8. Called to the 
 L.C., 21 Feb., 1872. A Liberal.— 36 Morris St , Halifax. 
 Chipman, Hon. Samuel. 
 B., Oct., 1791. (Mled to L C, 1863. A Liberal. -.-Co/-;/ ?i'aW»a. 
 Cochran, Hon. Arthur McNutt. 
 Sat intheN.S. Assembly for some ycuvs previous to Con- 
 federation. Appointed to L . C ., 3 Sept.^ 1875. A Liberal. — Mail- 
 Cochran, Hon. James. 
 B. in Granard, Longford, Ireland, 1802, Came to Halifax, 
 1825. M., 1829. Miss Catherine Walsh, of Wexford, Ireland, (she 
 died, 1874). A merchant ; a dir. of the People's Bank ; and of the 
 Acadia Fire Insurance Co. Has been a J. P. since 1848. Was 
 twice President of the Charitable Irish Society. Apptd. a men.ber 
 of the Ex. Council, N.S., without ofi&ce, Nov., 1867. Sat for Hali- 
 fax in the N. S. Assembly from 1867 until 1871, when 
 called to L.C. A Liberal. — Camp Hill, Ruby St., Halifax ; Halifax 
 Creelman, //on Samuel, ,/./*. 
 Great-grandfather emigrated to N.S.,from North of Ireland 
 about a century ago. B. in Upper Stewiacke, N.S., 19 Nov., 1808. 
 Ed. there. M., 1834, Miss Elizabeth Elliott Ellis. Is President 
 of the N . S . Temperance Alliance ; and Vice-President of the 
 Y.M.C. Association for the Maritime Provinces. Has been G.W.P. 
 of the Grand Division Sons of Temperance, N.S. Was Financial 
 Secrdtary, and a member of the Ex. Council, N. S., from 1851 until 
 1855; Chief Gold Commissioner from 1862 until 1863; and a 
 second time a member of the Govt, for a few months, in 1867. 
 Sat for Colchester in N.S. Assembly from 1847 to 1851, and for 
 South Colchester from latter date until 1855, when defeated. 
 Apptd. to L.C., 1862, hut resigned samo year on his appt. as Gold 
 Commr. Re-appointed to L.C, 1867. A Liberal. — Roiaidhill, 
 Upper Siewiacke. 
 Creiohton, lion. John, Q.C, > 
 B. in England, Sat in N.S. Assembly from 1830 to 1850. 
 Called to the Bar, N.S., 1816. Is senior Queen's Counsel in N.S. 
 Was a member of the Ex. Coim^il N.S., for some years. Apptd. 
 Speaker of the L.C, March, 1875. (Salart/, $800.) Called to L.C, 
 1859. A Conservative. — Liinenhurg. 
 Cutler, Z-«eM^- Co?. i?ow. Robert MoLLESON. ' ' 
 Only s, of the late Thomas Cutler, Esq., a loyalist, and an offi- 
 cer in the "King's Orange Rangers," who removed to N.S. imme- 
 diately after the American revolution, settled in Guyshorough, was 
 subsequently returned to the Provincial Legislature, and ultimately 
 became a judge of the Superior Court. B. at Guyshorough, 9 Oct,, 
 1784. Ed. there. M., 1809, Sophia, second dau. of the late Wil- 
 liam Reynolds, Esq., Clerk of the Cheque, Ordnance Dept. Has 
 been Custos of Guyshorough, Deputy Prothonotary, and Clerk of 
 the Crown. Sat for Guyshorough in N.S. Assembly from 1819 until 
 1821, when the House was dissolved. Apptd. to L.C., 1838. A 
 Conservative. — Guyshorough. , 
 Dickie, Hon. Charles. . .t /; ,; 
 Grandfather emigrated from North of Irel., and settled in N.S., 
 1 7 70. S. of the late David Dickie, Esq., by Miss Clark. B. in N.S., 
 1800. Ed. there. M. 1826, Miss Tupper. Sat in the L.C . from 
 1861 to 1864, when he retired, lle-apptd. 1871. A Liberal 
 Eraser, //on. James, J. P. 
 Descended paternally from the Erasers of Farraline or Foyers 
 and maternally from those of Gorthlic. B. in Boleskine, Inver- 
 ness-shire, Scot., 7 March, 1802. Came to N.S., 1804, where, and in 
 N,B ., he was educated . M., 1826, Elizabeth, eld. dau. of Rev. 
 Peter Gordon, of New Glasgow, N.S. Has held a commission in 
 the militia of N.B. and N.S. Called to L.C., 18fi7. A Con- 
 servative. — Drummond Cottage, New Glasgoio. 
 HEFFEnvAV, Lieut. -Col. Hon. William Owen, ././*. 
 S. of the late D. Hefifernan, Esq., asst-surgeon in the Royal 
 Nc*vy ; and grands . (maternally) of the late Mr. Wheaton of H . M . 
 service. B. in Guysborough, N.S. Ed. there. M,. Lncretia, 
 second dau. of the late Isaac Wylde, Esq . , of Lancashire, Eng . , 
 (she d. June 1875.) Is Lieut.-Col. 2nd Regt. Guysborough Militia. 
 Sat for Guysborough, in N.S. Assembly from 1859 to 1867, Called 
 to I C, 1867. A Liberal — Guysborough. 
 Martell, Hon. Henry, J.T. ■' ' .^ 
 Of French parentage. B. at Arichat, N.S., 3 Aug. 1806. Ed. 
 there. M., Sept. 3, 1833, Mdlle. Marie Julie Peltier, of Quebec. A 
 merchant. Has been a School Commr., Warden of the River Fish- 
 eries, and a Commr. of the St, Peter's Canal. Sat for Arichat (town- 
 ship) in N.S. Assembly at different times, from Dec, 1849, until 
 abolition of township representation, 1859, when returned for 
 Richmond, which he represented until 1863. Called to L.C., 1868. 
 A Conservative . — Arichat . 
 McKenna. //on. Gilbert, J. i*. 
 Parents emigrated from Scot., to N. Y., and thence removed to 
 N.S,, 1783. B. at Shelburne, N.S. Ed. there and in Halifax. M 
 1846, Miss Mary Stalker, of Clyde River. Sat for Shelburne in 
 N.S., Assembly from 1840 to 1844, and from 1847 to 1851 . Called 
 toL.C. 1868. A Liberal Carleton, nrar ShelUurne. 
 McKiNNON, Hon. John. 
 Descended from a branch of the McKinnon family, of the 
 Western Isles of Scot. S. of John McKinnon, who emigrated to 
 N.S. from Inverness-shire, Scot,, and settled in the then Co. of Sid- 
 ney ; and bro. of the late Rt. Rev, C. F. McKinnon, D.D., Lord 
 Bishop of Arichat. B. in Dorchester, Antigonsh, 29 Nov. 1808. 
 Ed. there. M., 1834, Jeannet, dau. of John Chisholm, Esq., of 
 same place. An Agricultural Commr. for N.S. Was a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council, N.S. without office, from 1857 to 1860, and from 
 1863 to 1867. Sat for Antigonish in N.S. Assembly, fiom 1851 to 
 1867, when called to L.C. A Conservative. — Antigonish. 
 Morrison, lion. Thomas Fletcher. 
 Family originally from Scot., removed to Irel. many years 
 ago. Great-grandf. emigrated to Am. Colonics . S . of the late Mr. 
 Joseph Morrison, a native of Londonderry, N.S., by Isabella 
 Fletcher; and grands, of Mr. Morrison, who removed to NS. from 
 New Hampshire, 1760, and sat in the N.S. Parlt. for many years. 
 B. at Londonderry, N.S., 22 Feb., 1808, Ed. there. M., 1st, 1838, 
 Miss Hannah Faulkner (who d. 1842) ; 2Ddly, 1844, Miss Margaret 
 B. Fletcher . Was a mr.dter mariner for many years . Introduced 
 and carried through the N.S. Legislature the act establishing vote 
 by ballot at elections . Sat for North Colchester in N,S , Assembly 
 from g.e., 1876 until g.e., 1874, when defeated. Apptd. to L.C. 
 5 Jan., 1876. A Liberal. — Little Dyhe, Londonderry. 
 Oakes, //on. Edwin Randolph. 
 S. of the late Henry Cakes, Esq., who at the age of nine years 
 came with his father, Mr. Jesse Cakes, to Annapolis Co., N.8., from 
 Long Island, N.Y., after the close of the Am. revolution, by 
 Mary, dau . of Robert Randolph, Esq , also a loyalist from N . Y . 
 State. B. at Pleasant Valley, Digby, N.S. Ed. at Digby. M., 
 there, Georgina Jane, dau. of the late George Bragg, Esq., formerly 
 of Birmingham, Eng . A merchant . Sat for Digby, in House of 
 Commons, from g.e., 1874 until called to the L.C, Oct., 1874. A 
 Liberal Conservative. — Dighy, N.S. 
 Parker, lion. Daniel McNeill, M.A., M.D., L.R.C.S. (Fdin.) 
 S. of Francis Parker, Esq., of Walton, Hants, N.S. (a descen- 
 dant of a Yorkshire family), by Mary, Janet McNeill, formerly of 
 H,M. Service. B. at Windsor, Hants., N .S., 28 April, 1822. Ed, 
 at Horton . Took medical degree at Edinburgh University. M . , 
 1st, Eliza Ritchie, dau- of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Johnstone of 
 N.S. (dead); 2ndly, Fanny H., dau, of the late Hon. W. A. 
 Black, M.L.C., of N.S. A Governor of Acadia College, Horton, 
 N.S. ; a Coramr. of the Provincial Hospital and Poor's Asylum ; 
 and a dir. of the Windsor and Annapolis Railway ; and of the 
 Acadia P.-ovident Assn.; and Presdt. of the Inebriates' Home, 
 Dartmouth. Has been President of the Canadian Medical Assn . ; 
 ^ h 
 * ill 
 I* fcll 
 ■ ( 
 of the Medical Society of N.S.; and of the Halifax Mechanics' 
 Institute ; and Chairman of the Comrars . of the Hospital for 
 the Insane. Called to L.C., 1867. A Conservative. — Mount Hope 
 Jtoadf Dartmouth, Ilali/ax, K.S.; Halifax Club. 
 Smyth, Jlon. Peter. 
 B. in Irel . , 1802 . Ed. in N.S . :M . , 1st, Miss O'Grady (dead) ; 
 2ndly, Miss Helen Keating. Is Custos of Inverness. Sat for 
 Inverness in N.S. Assembly for nearly twenty years previous to the 
 Union, Apptd. to L.C., 1867. A Conservative. — Port Hood. 
 TuppER, Hon. Freeman. 
 Is Custos of Queen's, and a trustee of Gorham College, Liver- 
 pool, N . S. Called to the L . C . , 186 1 . A Liberal . — Liverpool. 
 Whitman, Hon . William C . 
 Called to the L.C., 1861. A Liberal. — Lawrencetoim. 
 J-Elected 10th— 1 7th Dec, 1874.] 
 Speaker. — Hon. Isaac Newton Mack. (Elected Feb., 1877.)* 
 Clerk — Heury C. D. Twining. 
 Allison, William HENR-i . (Hants.) 
 Family originally from Donegal, Irel, S. of the late James W. 
 Allison, Esq., J. P., who represented Newport in N.S. Assembly 
 for some years. B. in Newport, June, 1838. Ed. at Sackville, 
 N.B. Unmarried. Is a Trustee of School Lands, and a Captain 
 Keserve Militia. Sat for present seat from g.e., 1871, until Jan., 
 [1] Hon. John J. Marshall, from 30 Jan , 1868, until his death, 26 Octy 1870. 
 [2] Hon. Jared Chipman Troop, from 2 Feb., 1871, until dissolution, 18/4. 
 [3] Hon. John B. Dickie, from 11 March to 1 May, 1875. 
 [4] Hon. M. B. Des Brisay, from 3 May, 1875 to Sept., 1876. Vacated upon 
 his appt. to County Judgosliip, 
. 327 
 1874, when he resigned to contest Hants for the Commons, in 
 •which he was unsuccessful . Again returned to last g.e. A Con- 
 servative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Mantua^ Nepwort. 
 AiicHJBALD, Donald, J. /'. {Halifax^) 
 Descended from Samuel Archibald, who >vith his father emi- 
 grated from Londonderry, Ireland, about a century ago, and settled 
 in the New England States, whence they removed to Truro, N.S., two 
 years later. S . of Matthew Archibald, Esq., of Musquodoboit, N.S . 
 B. anded. there. M., Feb., 1856, Grizell, dau. of Mr. William 
 McLachlai) of Middle Stewiacke, N.S. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, 
 and a supporter of the present Government. — Little Ricer, Musquodo- 
 boit . 
 Black, Hiram, ./.7'. (Cuiiiberlantl.) 
 S . of Mr . Joshua Black, whose grandfather came to N . S . from 
 Huddersfield, Eng., in the latter part of the last century, by his 
 wife Miss Beech, the descendant of a family of loyalists that settled 
 at Fort Lawrcr-"; at the time of the American revolution. B. at 
 Amherst, N.S., 9 Oct., 1837. Ed. at Mount Allison Academy. 
 M., 12 Nov., 1874, the dau. of George Smith, Esq., of Maitland, 
 N.S. IsD.G.W.P. of the Sons of Temperance of Cumberland. 
 Has been a member of the Central Board of Agriculture. First 
 returned to Parlt . , for present seat, at last g.e. A Conservative 
 before Confederation, then a Confederate, now a Liberal Conserva- 
 tive . In favor of the construction of local and branch railways to 
 the utmost extent of their resources ; the development of their ex- 
 tensive mines and minerals ; and the abolition of the Legislative 
 Council. — Amherst. 
 I '^ 
 1 .! 
 !f ;• 
 acated upon 
 BouDROiT, Charles, J./*. (^Richmond.) 
 Of French descent. Family long settled in N.S., his grand- 
 father having been born in Cape Breton, upwards of a hundred 
 years ago, B. at Arichat, 1822. Ed, there. M., 1845, Char- 
 lotte, dau. of the late Mr. Peter Forest. A master mariner. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, March, 1874, on resignation of 
 sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. Occupies an independent 
 position in politics. — Arichat. 
'I u '. ■■■» 
 ' ■ 
 i.i I 
 Campbell, Jr., //on. Colin. {Digby.) 
 Descended from the Baicaldine branch of tlic Campbells of Ar- 
 gyle. Grandf. , Colin Campbell, came to Am. 1770, and filled 
 many important positions under Govt, in N.8. andN.B.; he was 
 elected in 1793 to represent the town of Shelburne in the N.S. 
 Assembly, and continued to sit in that chamber lor that constitu- 
 ency for over 20 years, retiring therefrom to take the office of Col- 
 lector of Customs. B. in Shelburne, 7 Aug., 1822. Ed. at DJgby 
 and Weymouth. M. at Weymouth, 9 Dec, 1845, Phoebe Ann, dau. 
 of Josiah G. Seely, Esq., of N.B, An extensi j shipowner and 
 merchant. Is Presdt. of the Weymouth Mo .ne Insurance Co.; 
 and agent at Weymouth for the Merchants' Bank of Halifax. 
 Holds the rank of Captain in the militia. Was a mem. of the 
 Howe Govt ., retiring therefrom to vote on tlu "Retrenchment" 
 scheme introduced by Hon. Dr. Tupper ; re-apptd. a' mem. of the 
 Ex. Council, N.S., 19 Jan., 1875. Sat for present seat from g.e., 
 1859, until g.e., 1867, when defeated. An unsuccessful candidate 
 at g.e., 1871 ; again returned at last g.e. A Conservative. When 
 in Parlt. before voted for extension of railways by Govt, subsidy ; 
 free schools; and the Confederation of the Provinces. — Weymouth; 
 Campbell, Duncan, J., M JJ.f J.J*, (fnvei'ness.) 
 S. of Samuel Campbell, Esq., of Margaree Forks, Inverness, 
 N.S. B. there, 1845. Ed. at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. 
 M., Feb., 1874, Elizabeth, dau. of Hon Peter Smyth, M.L.C. Is 
 a Coroner and Health Officer for Inverness . Apptd. Immigration 
 Agent for N.S. 9 June, 1875, First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, Sept., 1872, on resignation of sitting mem.; re-elected at last 
 g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to present Govt. — FoH 
 Cameron, Hugh J. (Pictou.) 
 A merchant. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1871. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal Con- 
 servative, and opposed to the present Govt . — Neio Glasgow. 
 Davison, Charles Henry. {LunenburQ.) 
 S. of E. D. Davison, Esq., whose grandfather emigrated to 
 Nova Scotia during the American Revolution. B. at Mill Village, 
 Queen's Co., N.8. Ed. at Sackvihe, N.B. M., Feb. 26, 1873, 
 Annie, dau. of A. M. Foster, Esq. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, Sept. 27, 1876, to All vacancy caused by the elevation 
 of Hon . M. B. Des Brisay to a Co'mty Judgeship. A Liberal . 
 Dickie, lion John B. (^Colchester .) 
 Family came to N.S. from Derry, Irel., about 17'30, and settled 
 in Cornwallis, B. there, 30 March, 1829. Ed. at Horton, Sackville 
 andr ax. M., 1st Oct., 1850, at Stowiacke, Miss Ellen Putman, 
 (sht ..) ; 2ndly July, 1858, at Onslow, Miss Harriet Dickson. Is 
 Gustos Rotulorum for Colchester ; Commr. of Schools; Presdt. of 
 the Truro Marine Assn.; and Agent at Truro for the Merchants' 
 Bank of Halifax. Was Speaker of the present House from 1 1 Mareli 
 to 1 May, 1875, when he resigned. Has been Prest. of the Onslow 
 Agricultural Society ; and was for many years an elder in the Pres- 
 byterian Church. First returned to Parlt'., for pre sent seat at last 
 g.e., A Liberal. — Truro. 
 EiSENHAUEH, James. (Lunenbwy .) ■...■,... 
 ;! :.<! 
 e., 1867. 
 .First returned to Parlt. for present stat at g 
 Ile-elected by acclamation, in 1871 ; and agaiL^ returned at last g.e, 
 A Liberal, and a supporter of the present Govt. — lAinenburg, N, S. 
 Farrell, Edward, M.D., {Halifax.) 
 Second s. of Dominick Farrell, Esq., of Dartmouth, N.S, who 
 settled in that Province, 1839 ; and grands, of Dominick Farrell, 
 Esq., of Waterford, Irel., who served as an officer in the Irish Bri- 
 gade of France ; (other members of the family have held commis- 
 sions in the British army, and one became a Judge in Ceylon.) B. 
 at Dartmouth, 1842. Ed. at St. Mary's College, Halifax. M., 
 June, 1870, Mary, dau. of Thos. Walsh, Esq., of Halifax. Gradu- 
 .ated in medicines at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N . Y . , 
 1864, and for two years subsequently occupied the position of 
 Asst. and House Surgeon at Bellevue Hospital, in that city. Is 
 Pressdt. of the Medical Board of the Halifax Dispensary ; Vice- 
 Presdt, of the Halifax County Medical Society ; Surgeon to the 
 Provl. and City Hospital ; Professor of Surgery in the Halifax 
 School of Medicine ; and one of the Coroners for the C">. of Halifax. 
. *.-:■! 
 i % 
 'I 1 
 ■•■r i 
 ■' ..(. 
 ■ I 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 a supporter of the present Govt. — 43, Argyle St., Halifax. 
 Francheville, Charle3 Mulleh. {Guyshorouf/h.) 
 S. of Edmund II. Francheville, Esq., by Sarah dau, of Thomas 
 Peart, Esq. B. and cd. at Guysborough, N.S. M., June, 1864 
 Miss Harriet Amelia Jost. A merchant. Was captain of sailing 
 vessels for seven years. Is Capt. and . Adjt , 3rd Regt. Guysborough 
 militia, and Consular agent for the U.S., and Lloyd's agent at Guys- 
 borough. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, March, 1874, on 
 resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. A Reformer, 
 and a supporter of the present Government. — Guysborouf/h. 
 Freeman, Samuel. (Queens.) 
 A Vice-Presdt . of the N.S. Temperance Alliance ; and a dir. 
 of the Bank of Liverpool. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 
 at g.e., 1867. Re-elected at g.e., 1871 ; and again returned at last 
 g.e. A Reformer, and a supporter of the present Govt. — Liver- 
 pool. , 
 Fraser, John A., J. P. ( Victoria . ) 
 Only surving s. of the late Rev. James Fraser, by Jessie Mor- 
 rison, his wife, both natives of Ross-shire, Scot., and grands, of the 
 late Rev. Mr. Fraser, who came to Cape Breton as a missionary in 
 connecUon with the Church of Scot., 1835, and for 35 years had 
 charge of the Presbyterian congregation of Boularderie. B. at Bol- 
 arderie, 6 November, 1840. Ed. at Halifax. M., 14 Feb. 1865, at 
 North Sidney, Frances Helen, dau. of Saml. Piatt, Esq., (she d. 30 
 May, 1873). Is Postmaster at Boularderie. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal and a supporter of 
 the Govt. — Boularderie. 
 Gayton, Albert. (Yarmouth.) 
 Eld. s. of James Cay ton, Esq., by Miriam, dau. of the late Wm. 
 Hamilton, Esq.; and grands, of Thos. Gayton, Esq,, a native of 
 Irel, ; other ancestors were U . E. loyalists. B at Argyle, N . S., 30 
 Dec, 1840. Ed. there and at Truro. M., 2 Dec, 1862, Helen, 
 . dau. of Samuel Hamilton, Esq . , of Kemptville. A merchant. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e, 1871. Re-elected at 
 Jastg.o. A llcloinu'r, and a Biipportcr of the prosont Govt.-' Lotver 
 Argyle . 
 Hill, Jlon. I^iiilip CARTEnETj D.C.L. (//<r/<^/.) 
 S. of Capt. N. T. Hill, of the Royal Staff Corps, who was 
 stationed at Halifax after the war of 1812, and while there m. Miss 
 Binney, a cousin of the present Bishop of N.S., and left the 
 .service; and grands, of Major Hill, of Cork, Irel., who was for 
 some time Quartermaster-General at Waterford. B. in Halifax, 13 
 Augt,, 1821. Ed. at King's College, Windsor, from which he 
 obtained degree of D.C.L., 1858. M. the dau. or the late Hon. 
 E. Collins, for many years a mem. of the N . S . Legislature ; and 
 grand-d. of the late Sir Breton Halliburton, Chief Justice of N.S, 
 Called to the Bar, N S., 184:4. A. dir. of the Halifax Banking Co.; 
 a Commr. of the Provl. Hospital and Poor Asylum; Vice-Presdt. 
 of the Acadia Provident Assn.; and of the Deaf and Dumb Institu- 
 tion ; and Chairman of the Provl. Industrial School. Was elected 
 Mayor of Halifax for three consecutive terms. Has been Presdt. of 
 the Institute of Natural Sciences, Halifax, Author of Unity of 
 Creation, a lecture, (1857) ; and The United States and British 
 Provinces Contrasted from Personal Observation, a lecture (1859.) 
 Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Provl. Secretary, N.S., from 
 1 July until Nov., 1867, Avhen the Hill-Blanchard Coalition Govt, 
 resigned; again entered the Ex. Council as Provl. Secy., 1 Dec, 
 1874. Succeeded to the Premiership (on retirement of Mr. 
 Annand), 8 May, and apptd. Presdt. of the Ex. Council, 11 May, 
 1875. (Sala7'i/,$2,^00.) Unsuccessfully contested present seat at 
 g.e., 1867. First returned, Nov., 1870, on resignation of Mr. 
 Northup; defeated at g e., 1871; again returned at last g.e. A 
 Liberal Conservative. — 72, Morris Street, Halifax; Halifax Club, 
 Holmes, Simon H. (Fictou.) 
 S. of Hon. John Holmes, Senator. B, at East Uiver, Pictou, 
 1839. Ed. at the Grammar School, New Glasgow, and the Pictou 
 Academy. M., 23 Dec, 1874, Isabella J., eld. dau. of James Little, 
 Esq., of Haliburton Stream, Pictou. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1865. 
 Has been editor and proprietor of the Colonial Standard (Pictou), 
 for the past fourteen years . An unsuccessful candidate for Pictou 
 at g.e., 1867. First returned to Parlt,, for present seat, at g.e., 
 1871 ; again returned, by acclamation, at last g.e. A Conservative, 
 and opposed to the present Govt. —Pictou. 
 I- h 
 *- .'I 
 :'■ 1' 
 , i 
 ! t 
 Johnson, Thomas. (Shelhurne.) 
 S. of Thoinp.s Johnson, Esq. B. at Shelburnc. N.8. Ed. 
 there. J[., 1866, Jerusha, relict of the Jate Capt. R. D.Todd. 
 Was Sheriff of Shelhurne for seven years. First returned ':o Parlt., 
 for present seat, by acclamation, at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e., 
 18*71 ; and again returned, by acclamation at last g.e. A Reformer, 
 and a supporter of the present Govt. — Ragged Islands, 
 LoNGLEY, AvARD, ././*. (AnnapoUs,) 
 Ancestors came to N.S. from Mass , in the latter part of the last 
 century. Youngest s. of the late Asaph Longloy, Esq., of 
 Wilmot, N.S., by Dorcas Poole. B. in Wilmot, 22 Feb., 1823. Ed. 
 there. M., 1st, 19 Jan., 1847, the dan. of David Whiteman, Esq., 
 of Rosette (she d.); 2ndly, 26 Sept., 1855, the dau. of W. U. 
 Troop, Esq., of Bridgetown. A Governor of Acadia College 
 (apptd. 1874). Was Chief Commr. of the Nova Scotia Railway, 
 (first under the Local Govt., and subsequently under that ot the 
 Dominion), from 12 Dec, 1864, to 1 July, 1869, when he resigned. 
 An unsuccessful candidate for Annapolis, in House of Commons, at 
 g.e., 1867, and at g.e., 1872, and for same seat in present House at 
 g.e., 1871. Sat for Annapolis from g.e., 1859 until g.e., 1867 ; 
 again returned at last g.e. Has always acted with the Conserva- 
 tive party in N.S. Was an advocate of the Union of the Provinces ; 
 of the School bill passed in 1864; of the extension of the N.S. 
 railway system, and aided in carrying these measures ; and was 
 mainly instrumental in carrying through the Assembly several 
 important amendments to and improvem 'nts in the " License 
 Law ;" also a bill for the extension of the jurisdiction of magistrates, 
 — Paradise . 
 LoviTT, John. {Ymmouth.) 
 A master mariner. Is a dir. of the Pacific Insurance Co. 
 First returned to Parlt . , for present seat, at last g.e. A Reformer, 
 and a supporter of the present Govt. — Yarmouth, 
 Macdonald, Hon. Daniel. {Antigonish.) 
 Descended from the Macdonalds, Lords of the Isles, Scot. B.- 
 at Antigonish, N.S., 17 May, 1817. M, at Boston, Mass., 25 Nov., 
 1874, Annie, dau. of the late Hugh McDonald, Esq ., formerly of 
 y of 
 AntigoniKh. Called to the Bar, N.8., April, 1852. Apptd. a 
 inember of tho Ex. Council, 17 Jan., 1872, and was Chief Commis- 
 sioner of Public Works and Mines, from that date until Jan., 1875, 
 when appointed Attorney General, an office ho resigned 20 Nov., 
 1875. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1867 ; re- 
 elected at g.e., 1871 ; returned, by acclamation, on his appt. to 
 office; and again returned at last g.e. A Reformer. — Halifax; 
 Mack, Isaac Newto.v. (Queens.) t > ' 
 Great-grandfather, Samuel Mack, a loyalist, came to N.S. from 
 Connecticut; his descendants have since lived in N.S. B. at 
 Mill Village, N.S. , 1 Sept., 1838. Ed. there and at Sackville. 
 M., 12 Nov., 1872, Rachel, eld. dau. of Captain Silas Vaughan, late 
 of St, Martins, N . B . A merchant. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, et last g.e. "Before Confederation was a* Liberal,' 
 then became an * Anti-Confederate,' is now in sympatuy with the 
 Reform party." Elected Speaker of the House of Assembly, Feb., 
 ISn.—JIill Villaije. 
 Mackay, Alexander, J.1\ {Pictou.) 
 Parents came from Sutherlandshire, Scot. B. at West River, 
 Pictou, N.S., 3 April, 1818. Ed. at Pictou. Sat for Pictou in 
 p.-Qsent House from 1863 to 1867, when defeated on question of 
 Confederation, which he supported. Again returned Oct., 1872, on 
 resignation of sitting member ; re-elected, by acclamation, at last 
 g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Lime 
 Mocky West River, N.S. 
 McCuRDY, Daniel, J. P. {Victoria.') 
 S. of Mr. J. McCurdy, of Onslow, N.S.; and grands, of Matthew 
 Archibald, Esq , who sat in tLe N.S. Parlt. , for several years. Is a 
 cousin of the Lieutenant-Governor of N.S. B. at Onslow, 1810. 
 Ed. there. M., in Truro, Miss Mary Archibald. .^ merchant. 
 An unsuccessful candidate, for present seat, at g.e., 1871. First 
 returned, Nov., 1873, on resignation of sitting mer bcr; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Reformer, and a supporter of the piesont Govt. — 
 Baddeck . 
 McKiNNON, lion. John. (Inverness.) 
 Family belon:?s to the McKinnons of Skye, Invcrness-shire 
 'HI I 
 I r 
 t( :■ ill 
 liv i 
 ■ \ 
 • 334 
 Soot. Second s. of Lachlin McKinnon, Esq., who camo to Capo 
 Breton fiom North Uist, 1828, by Annio McLean, his wife. B. at 
 Whycocomah, N.S., 14 July, 1832. Ed. at the Presbyterian Col- 
 lege, Halifax. Unmarried. Apptd. a member of the Ex. Council, 
 8 May, ISTS. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.c. 
 A Liberal. Advocates free trade ; a union of the Maritime Prov- 
 inces; British Connection , and the encouragement of emigration. 
 McKiNNON, Joiix J. {AnliffOfush.) 
 S. of Hon. John McKinnon, M,L.C., by Jeannet, dau. of 
 John Chisholm, Esq., formerly of Strath Glass, Scot. B. at Wil- 
 liams Point, Antigonish, N.S., 29 July, 1847. Ed. at St. Francis 
 Xavier College, Antigonish. M., 12 Feb., 1874, Christina J., dau. 
 of Prof. McDonald, of St. Francis Xavier College. Called to the 
 Bar, N. S., 1872. First returned to Parlt., )r present seat, at last 
 g . e . Independent . — Antigonish . 
 McRae, Murdoch. (Richmond.) 
 Parents came from Loch Alsh, Scot., about fifty years ago. 15. 
 at Nest Bay, Rich raond, N . S . , 4 Nov . , 1 8 46. Ed. there. M . , 1 8 7 2 , 
 Mary Euphemia, dau . of Mr. Lachlin McDougal, of Dunally House, 
 Whycocomah, N.S. (she d., 1874.) A merchant. First returned 
 to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected by acclamation 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, but occupies an independent position. — St. 
 reters, N.S. 
 MoSEFiEY, Ebenezer Tilton. {dqtc Breton.) 
 Grandfather a U.E. loyalist, who left the Am. Colonit'S at the 
 time of the Revolutionary war, and settled in Halifax. B. there, 2 
 June, 1844. Ed. at St. John's and Dalhousio Colleges. M,, 8 
 Sept,, 1864, Isabel, dau. of Samuel Brookman, Esq., of Sydney, C.B. 
 Called to the Bar, N.S., July, 1868. First returnad to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to 
 the present Govt, — ' Wentworth Flace^'' Sydney, C.B. 
 North, John B. {Kings.) 
 A ship builder. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 last g.e. Independent. —//«A?/spor^ 
 I ii 
 ;«<rrjMm."-'-,. ■! 
 Patterson, William Albert (Colchester.) 
 S. of Abram Patterson, Esq., late of Pi^tou, N.S., by Christiana, 
 eld. dau. of Rev. James McGregor, D.D., First Presbyterian Minis- 
 ter at Pictoii, and grandson of John Patterson, who came to N.S. 
 from Paisley, Scot. B. in Pictou, 10 July, 1841 . Ed. there. M., 
 in Halifax, 23 Dec, 1869, Bessie, youngest dau. of Wm. Campbell, 
 Esq., late Collector of Customs at Tatamagouche. A lumber mer- 
 chrnt. First returned to Parlt . , for present seat, at last g.e . In 
 dependent. — T'atamagouche. 
 Putnam, Alfred. (^Ilants.) 
 A ship builder. Is a dir. of the Truro Marino Assn. Con- 
 tested Hants unsuccessfully, March, 1874. First returned at last 
 g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — 
 Maiiland (^Hants) . 
 Robertson, 7/o». Robert. {Shelhurnc.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of tlie late William Robertson, formerly of New York, and 
 latterly of Barrington, N.S., a U.E. loyalist, by Sarah, daughter of 
 Gabriel Van Norden. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council of N.S., 
 Nov., 1867, and was Commr, of Public Works and Mines from that 
 date until April, 1871, when he resigned that office, remaining a 
 member of the Govt, (without office) , re-apptd. Commr. Public 
 Works and Mines, 8 Jan., 1875. {Salrry^ $2,000.) Sat for Bar- 
 rington (township) for Fome years, and for present seat since g.e , 
 1867, for which he was returned by acclamation. Re-elected at 
 g.e., 1871, by acclamation at last g.e., and again on his accep- 
 tance of office. A Reformer. — Halifax] Barrington; Halifax 
 Robicheau, Henri M. (Digby.) 
 Descended fiom the original French settlors in N.S. or Acadia; 
 ancestors among those who returned to N.S. after their exile, in 
 1755. S. of M. Bonaventure Robicheau, of Metaghan. B. there, 
 12 Sept., 1838. Ed. in Clare. M., 27 Aug., 1875, Mddle. Madeline 
 Le Blanc, of Metaghan (she d., April, 1875). Is a Captain in the 
 Militia. First returned to Parlt , for present seat, at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and a supporter of the Govt. — Metaghan. 

 i '! 
 Troop, "William BoTSPORD, J^. p. (Annapolis.) 
 Descended from the Hon. Amos Botsford, a U.E. loyalist, who 
 was Speaker of the first Assembly elected after N.B. was constituted 
 a separate Province, and held the office for a period of 21 years. S. 
 of Israel Troop, of N.S., and grandson of John Troop, a native of 
 Germany. B. at Granville, N.S., 13 April, 1834. Ed. there. 
 M., at Cornwalls, N.S., 10 Jan., 1872, Miss Elizabeth Ann Magee. 
 A storekeeper and ship owner. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the 
 present Govt. — Granville Centre. 
 ViCKERY, Edward. (^Cumberland.) 
 Descended from U. E. loyalists who removed from Boston, 
 Mass., to, N.S. at the time of the Am. revolution. B. at Parrs- 
 boro,' N.S., 1823. Ed. at Horton. M., 16 Jan, 1869, Miss Matilda 
 Church, of Amherst, Contested Cumberland unsuccesstully at g. 
 e., 1867. First returned to Parlt. at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last 
 g.e., but not returned, and only seated by resolution of the House, 
 12 March, 1875. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. 
 White, //ow . Alonzo J . {Cape Breton.) 
 Called to the Bar, N.S., May, 1858. Apptd. a mem. of the 
 Ex. Council and Commr. of Crown Lands, 29 Feb., 1874; office 
 abolished, Jan., 1877 ; sworn in Attorney General. Jan. 19, 1877. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present scat, at g.e., 1867; re-elected 
 at g.e.. 1871; by acclamation on his appt. to office; and .again 
 returned at last g.e. A Reformer. — Halifax; Sydneij, C.B. 
 Weeks, 7/c»». Otto S. {Gujfshorouyh.) 2nd Mem. 
 S. of the late Rev. Otto Weeks, a clergyman of the Church of 
 Y^ng. B. in N.S Ed. there. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1854. 
 7^pptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council and Attorney General, 20 Nov., 
 1875. (Salart/j $1,600.) Resigned office of Attorney General, 
 1876. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 16 Dec, 1875, on 
 resignation of sitting member. A Liberal. — Halifax; Windsor. 
 WooDwoRTH, Douglas Benjamin, LL.B. (^Kinffs.) 
 Paternal ancestors emigrate i from Eng. to Coim?cticut during 
 the early settlement of Am . Colonies ; their descendants removed 
 to N.S. about the time of the Am. revolution. Maternal ancesters 
 came from Irel. S. of B. B. Wood worth, Esq., J. P., of Canning, 
 N.S. B. at Canning, 1 June, 1841 . Ed. at Cornwallis, by Rev. 
 W. Sommerville, at Sackville Hcademy, and at Normal School, 
 Truro. M., Feb., 1865, Lizzie, dau. of the late Hon. Ezra Churchill, 
 Senator. Called to the Bar, N.S . , 1865 . First returned to Parlt . , 
 for present seat, at g.e., 1871; resigned his seat, 14 June, 1874, 
 (having previously refused to apologize as directed by the House.) 
 Again returned at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and thoroughly 
 apposed to the present Govt. — Kentville. 
 Names of Candidates and number of votes polled at General 
 Election, December, 1874. 
 The names of the unsuccessful Candidates are in Italics . 
 Annapolis. v>;t.(; 
 Avard Longley. 1211 
 W.B.Troop 1177 
 Edmund Bent, Paradise 1013 
 JB, Harding Parker^ Nictaux 994 
 Hon. J. McKinnon 1012 
 Hon. D. Macdonald 752 
 Joseph McDonald, Antigonish 661 
 Cape Breton. 
 Hon. A. J. White 1129 
 E. T. Moseley 1039 
 Hon. John Ferguson^ Sydney 596 
 Alex. G. Hamilton, Sydney Mines 416 
 John Currie, Halifax 204 
 W.A.Patterson 1718 
 J. B. Dickie 1687 
 Robert Putanm, Fort Belcher, Onslow 1126 
 Thomas Fletcher Morrison, Little Dyke, Londonderry.. 104G 
 Hiram Black , 1461 
 AmosPurdy i.«* 1304 
 22 • 
 ::ii 1 
 i:' I 

 Edward Vickery, Parrshoro' .' 1301 
 Charles J. Townsheady Amherst 1209 
 On Mr. Purdy's resignation, 11 March, 1875. Mr. Vickery 
 declared entitled to the s-^at, by resolution of the House. 12 March, 
 Hon. Colin Campbell 1123 
 Henry M. Robicheau 967 
 John C. Wade, Q. C, Digby 574 
 Urbain Doucette, ketaghan 529 
 C. M. Francheville 682 
 W. H. Wylde 628 
 Hon. Stewart Campbell, Q.C, Guysborough 440 
 A. N. McDonald, Sherbrooke 362 
 J. W. Hadley, Port Mulgrave 301 
 On Mr. Wylde's resignation, Nov., 1875, new writ: 
 Hon. 0. S. Weeks 729 
 Joseph W. Hadley, msLster mariner, Port Mulgrave.... 717 
 Hon. P. C. Hill 2862 
 Donald Archibald 2853 
 Edward Farrell, M.D 2709 
 Robert Sedgewick, barrister, Halifax 1837 
 William J. Almbn, M.D., do , 1818 
 Martin J. Griffin, barristers, do 1630 
 W. H. Allison 1463 
 Alfred Putnam 1407 
 Thomas B. Smith, Windsor 1332 
 Duncan J. Campbell, M.D ,. 1482 
 . John McKinnon 1390 
 Alexander Campbell, Broad Cove 1309 
 Hugh McDonald, ^Bbow 1260 
 TCtwc s 
 D. B. Woodworth 1260 
 JohnB.North 1171 
 Daniel Moore, Kentville 1027 
 Henry Shaw, Berwick 1016 
 James Eisenhauer 1507 

 12 March, 
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 1 • « • 
 M. B. Des Brisay 1423 
 William Younfff Lunenburg , 1 148 
 Edward James^ Mahone Bay 1127 
 Upon elevation of Hon. M. B. Des Brisay to a County Judge- 
 ship, new writ, and election on the 27 Sept., 1876 : 
 Charles Henry Davison, Bridgewater , , 1322 
 John W, Andrews^ Bridgewater 937 
 PlOTOU . 
 S . H. Holmes, '\ 
 Alexander MacEay, \ Acclamation. 
 H. J. Cameron, J 
 J.N. Mack 740 
 Samuel Freeman 705 
 Charles Allison, Kempt 441 
 George Starrat Parker, Liverpool , 394 
 M. McFae, 1 Acclamation 
 Charles Boudroit, / Acclamation. 
 Shblburne . 
 Hon. R. Robertson, ) A«^i„«.o*i^« 
 Thomas Johnson, '} Acclamation. 
 On Mr. Robertson's appt. to the Works and Mines, Jan., 1875, 
 new writ : 
 Hon. R. Robertson Acclamation 
 D. McCurdy 680 
 John A. Eraser 548 
 William Kidston, Baddeck *. 394 
 John Morrison, St. Anns 397 
 Albert Gayton 1641 
 John Lovitt 1211 
 J. K. Ryerson, Yarmouth 739 
 I '■; I ii 
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B ■."■" ■»':•• 
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 'I Mil 
 Lieutenant-Governor :* — His Honor the Honorable Samubl Leonard 
 TiLLEY, C.B., P.C. S. of Thomas N. Tilley, Esq., of Queen's 
 Co., N.B.; and great grands, of Samuel Tilley, Esq., 
 formerly of Brooklyn, N.Y., a U.E, loyalists, who came toN.15. 
 at the termination of the Am. revolution, and became a 
 grantee of the City of St. John. (See Sabine's American Loyalists). 
 B. at Gagetown, Queen's Co., N.B., 8 May, 1818. Ed. at the 
 County Grammar School. M., 1st, Julia Anna, dau. of James T. 
 Hanford, Esq., of St. John (dead) ; 2ndly, 1867, Alice, eld. dau. of Z. 
 Chipman, Esq:, of St. Stephen, N.B. Is Vice-Presdt. of the 
 Diocesan Church Society, N.B,; and Patron of the Auxiliary Bible 
 Society of Fredericton. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, N.B. from 
 Nov., 1854 to May, 1856 ; from July, 1857 to March, 1865 ; and 
 again from April 1866 until the Union; during whieh several 
 periods he held the ofl&ce of Provl . Secretary of that Province ; and 
 from March, 1801, to March, 1865, was leader of the Govt. Was 
 leader of the Liberal party in N.B. for a lengthened period, and was 
 a delegate to Eng. on several occasions to confer with the Imperial 
 Govt, on important public business, notably regarding the Union of 
 the B.N. A. Colonies, and the constmction of an Intercolonial Rail- 
 way; has also repeatedly served in like missions to the sister 
 Provinces. Was a delegate to the Charlottetown Union Conference, 
 1864 ; to that in Quebec, same year ; and to the London Colonial 
 Conference, to complete terms of Union of the B.N. A. Provinces, 
 1866-7. Holds a patent of rank and precedence from Her Majesty 
 as an Ex-Councillor, N.B. Created a C.B. (civil) by Mer Majesty, 
 1867. Sworn of the Privy Council, 1 July, 1867, and held the 
 ofldce of Minister of Cu.stoms from that date until 22 Feb., 1873, 
 when apptd. Minister of Finance, in which office he remained until 
 apptd. Liout.-Governor of New Brunswick, 5 Nov., same year. 
 [l] Lieut.-Gen. Sir Chas. IlAsxiNas Doti/E, K.CM.Q., from 1 July, to 18 
 Oct., 1867. 
 [2] Lieut.-Cl. Francis Pym Harding, C.B., H.M.'s Foot, from latter date 
 until 14 July, 1868. 
 [3] Hon. Lemuel Allan Wilmot, Q.C., D.C.L., from latter-dato until 6 Nor., 
 18 3. 
 {Salary ^ $9,000). Was acting Minister of Publ'c Works from Nov., 
 1868 to April, 1869. Sat for the City of St. John in N.B. Assembly 
 from June, 1854 to June, 1856, when defeated on the Prohibitory- 
 Liquor Law question, and the Govt, resigned ; from June, 1857 to- 
 March, 1865, when defeated on the Union policy of his Govt.; and 
 again from 1866 until the Union, when he resigned to accept a seat 
 in the Commons, and to represent New Brunswick in the Dominion 
 Cabinet. Continued to represent the City of St. John in the House 
 of Commons until Nov., 1873, when he retired on his appt. a» 
 Lieut. -Governor, as aforesaid.. The Prohibitory Liquor Law of N.B. 
 was the work of Mr. T. as a private mem . ; among other mea- 
 sures of importance introduced and carried by the Govt, of which 
 he was a mem., may be mentioned the following : "Vote by ballot, 
 and extension of the franchise ; an act. authorizing the construction 
 of the European and North American Rar^vay as a Government 
 work ; an act authorizing the coLstruction of the Intercolonial Bail- 
 way, N.B., agreeing to pay three-and-a-half twelfths of the cost ; 
 an act granting facility for the construction of certain Bailways 
 under which 208 miles have been built in N.B. — Government House ^ 
 Provincial A.D.C, and Prhafe Secretary j Lieut. -Col. John 
 Saunders. Apptd, 23 July, 1873. (Salary, $920). 
 Extra A. D.C.J Alfred F. Street, Esq., Capt. Reserve Militia. 
 Apptd. 11 Feb., 1874. 
 lame year. 
 [Apptd. 22 Feb., 1871.] 
 Hon. Bobert Young, President of the Council. 
 George E. King, Attorney General^ (Premier.) 
 J. J. Frasbr, Provincial Secretary and Registrar, and Receiver- 
 B. B. Stevenson, Surveyor General. 
 W. M. Kelly, Commissioner o/ Public Works. 
 Angus McQueen, 1 Members of Board 
 J. H. Crawford, / oj Works. 
 W. E. Pbrley (without Department). 
 Retired Members of Council retaining their rank and precedence, by special 
 permission of Her Majesty . 
 f . 
 .1! i 
 Hon. E. B. Chandler, M.L.C. 
 &. D. WiLMOT, (Senator.) 
 J. H. Gray, Q. C, (Judge of the Supreme Court, British 
 S. L. TiwLBY, C.B., (Lieut. "Oovernor of New Brunswick.) 
 C FiSHKB, D.C.L„ Q.C., (Judge of the Supreme Court, N.B.) 
 Speaker. — Hon. J. S. Saunders. ' 
 Clerk George Botsford. Apptd , (on resignation of Mr. G. 
 J Bliss), 19 March, 1873. (Salary $1,000 — Fredericton. 
 r ■ ■ I 
 "Baxley, Lieui -Col. //on. Gideon Dorb.J^. P. 
 Of English parentage. B. in Sunbury, N.B., 25 Feb., 1819. 
 M. , Feb., 1848, Miss Bronscombe. Is Lieut.- Col, Queen's Militia ; 
 and Presdt. Agricultural Society. Sat for Queens in N.B. As- 
 sembly from 1865 to 1866, and again from g.e. 1870, until 30 Apl., 
 1872, when called to the L.C. A Conservative. — Newcastle Creek. 
 Bbckwith, Hon. John A. 
 Descended paternally from the family of Beck with, of Norwich, 
 Eng., and maternally from C. Le Brun de du Plassis, cousin and 
 private secy, to the Cardinal de Richelieu. B. at Fredericton, N.B, 
 1 Dec, 1800, Ed. there and at Toronto, Montreal, and Windsor, 
 N.S. M., 1st Miss Anne L. Jouett, (dead) ; 2ndly, Miss Maria A. 
 Buton, both of Fredericton, A Deputy G . M. of the Grand Orange 
 Lodge of N.B. Has been Mayor of Fredericton ; Deputy Commr. 
 of Crown Lands and Surveyor Genl. ; Chairman Provl. Board of 
 Agriculture; Major 1st Batt., York Co. Militia; and a dir. of 
 Quebec and N.B. Railway. Was a mem. of Ex. Council, and 
 Provl. Secy, and Registrar, N.B. from Sept., 1867 to Feb., 1871. Sfet 
 for York in N,B. Assembly from 1866 until 8 Apl., 1874, when 
 called to L C. A Conservative. — Fredericton. 
 Bevbridqe, //ow. Benjamin, J. P. 
 B. in Eng. Came to N.B. when young. Ed. there. A 
 'ourt, British 
 Court, N.B.) 
 on of Mr. G. 
 Feb., 1819. 
 en's Militia ; 
 n N.B. As- 
 itil 30 Apl., 
 castle Creek. 
 of Norwich, 
 cousin and 
 ricton, N.B. 
 d Windsor, 
 Maria A. 
 tnd Orange 
 Board of 
 a dir. of 
 tuncil, and 
 1871. Sfet 
 874, when 
 ihere. A 
 lumber merchant. Apptd. a member of Ex. Council, Sept., 1867, 
 andPresdt. Ex. Council, Oct., 1870, both of which positions he 
 resigned, on retirement of Govt., 21 Feb., 1871. Sat for Victoria 
 in the Assembly from 1866 to 12 Jan., 1869, when called to L.C. 
 A Liberal Tobique. 
 Chandler, lion. Edward Barron. 
 S. of Charles H. Chandler, Esq., for many years High Sheriff 
 of the Co. Cumberland, N.S. ; and grands, of Joshua Chandler, of 
 New Haven, Conn., a well-known loyalist, and a mem . of the Gene- 
 ral Assembly, 1775, who proceeded to N.S, in 1783, and thence to 
 Eng., to obtain compensation for his losses by the Am. revolution, 
 {See Sabine's Am. Loyalists.) B. at Amherst, N.S., 1800. Ed. there. 
 M., 1822, Miss P. W. Millidge, dau. of t^-e late Dr. Millidge, and 
 niece of the late Judge Botsford. Called to the Bar, N.B., Oct., 
 1823. Has been Judge of Probates for Co. Westm oreland since 
 1823, and Clerk of the Peace for same Co. from 1823 to 1862. Is 
 Presdt. of the Albert and Westmoreland Mining and Manufacturing 
 Co. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, N.B., from 1844 to 1858 ; and 
 from 1867 to 1869 ; when he resigned on his appt. as an Inter- 
 colonial Railwaj^ Commr. Was a delegate to London, 1833, on the 
 Casual and Territorial Revenues ; to Toronto with the late Hon . 
 Joseph Howe, 1850, on the subject of Intercolonial Railway; a 
 second time to London, 1852, with Mr. (now Sir F.) Hincks, on In- 
 tercolonial Railway ; to Halifax, same year, with Hon. Messrs. 
 Tach6, Hincks and John Young, on same subject ; to Quebec, 1854, 
 to complete legislation on subject of Reciprocity Treaty ; to Wash- 
 ington, i^ame year, on same subject ; to Charlottetown, 1864, as a 
 mem. of the Conference for the Union of the Maritime Provinces ; 
 and ro London, 1866, as a mem. of the B.N, A. Colonial Conference 
 to c< mplete terms of Union. Sat for Westmoreland in N.B. Assem- 
 bly from 1827 to 1836, when called to the L.C. Declined a seat in 
 the Senate of the Dominion, 1869. Apptd. a Commr, for the con- 
 struction of the Intercolonial Railway, 1868. A Conservative 
 Hamilton, Hon. William. 
 Apptd. to the L.C, 1853. A Conservative. — Dalhousie. 
 Haninoton, Lieut. -Col. Hon, Daniel, J, P. 
 S. of the late William Hanington, Esq., formerly of London, 
 ^■! J 
< I 
 I! ' 
 i:i, ■ >■ 
 '.' \ 
 • 1 
 Eng., "Who settled at Shediac, N.B., 1780, by the dau. of a U.E. 
 loyalist. B. at Shediac. Ed. at the Sackville Grammar School. 
 M., 1831, Margaret, dau. of William Peters Esq., formerly member 
 for Queens in N.B. Assembly. Is Lieutenant-Colonel Westmore- 
 land Co. Militia. Was a member of Ex. Council from 1850 to 1851 ; 
 and Las been Speaker of both Houses of Parliament. Sat for West- 
 moreland in N. B. Assembly from 1833 until 1862. Apptd. to 
 L.C., 1867. A Liberal. — Shediac. 
 Harrison, Hon. Archibald. 
 S. of the Hon. C. Harrison; late M.L.C. A member of the 
 Senate of the University of N.B. Unsuccessfully contested Sun- 
 bury in N.B. Assembly, 1868. Sat •for Sunbury in that House from 
 g.e., 1870 until 8 April, 1874, when called to L.C. A Conservative. 
 Upper Maugerville. 
 HiBBARD, Hon. Francis. ii 
 A lumber merchant . Is a member of the Provincial Board of 
 Agriculture. Has been Consular Agent for the United States at St. 
 George, N. B. Sat for Charlotte in N.B. Assembly from 1866 until 
 8 April, 1874, when called to L.C. A Liberal. St George. 
 Jones, Hon. Thomas Rosenblb. 
 Family among the earliest settlers in N.B., and on maternal 
 side were loyalists. S. of the late John Jones, Esq., of St. John, 
 N.B. B. and ed. in St. John. M., Mary, eld. dau. of Charles 
 Doney, Esq., of Johnston, N.B. K. wholesale dry goods merchant. 
 Is a dir. of the Cansolidated E. k N. A. Railway for extension 
 Westward ; and of the N.B. Deaf and Dumb Institution ; Vice- 
 President of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co . Has been President 
 of the St. John Board of Trade, and an Alderman of St. John. 
 Was a member of the Ex. Council and President of that body, 
 from 23 Feb. to 2 June, 1871 . Called to L.C, 12 Jan., 1869. A 
 Liberal . Elliot Row^ St . John . 
 Lbwjsj ZTon. John, I.P. jiI 
 Remote ancestors emigrated from Wales to New York about 
 1730. Grandfather and father, both of whom where U.E. loyalists, 
 came to N.B. at the close of the American revolution. B. at 
 si »'■■■ 
 Moncton, N.B., Aug., 1804. Ed. there and at Halifax, N.H. M., 
 let Jane,' 1829, Miss Lavinia Taylor (she died, IHf'/i) ; 2n/JIy, Miuy, 
 relict of the late Captain William Bennett. Ih Pr','«id'rnt (A tfc^ 
 Albert County Railway Co. Sat for Albert in N. B. AtvteuMy fr*/tti 
 Jan., 1852, almost uninterruptedly, up to the Union, 1*{^7, wb/itTj 
 apptd. to the L.C. Has been Judge of the Inferior Conrt of C'^m- 
 mon Pleas. A Liberal. — Hillsborough. 
 Lindsay, Hon. William. 
 B. in Irel. A merchaiit. Has been a mem. of the County 
 Council of Carleton. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, without 
 office, from 1868, and Surveyor-General, from Oct , 1870, to 21 Feb , 
 1871, when he retired with the other members of Government. 
 Sat for C«rleton in N.B. Assembly from 1862 until 8 April, 1974, 
 when called to L.C. A Liberal. — Woodstock, 
 McInbrnby, J7on. Owen. 
 Sat for Kent in N.B. Assembly from 1866 until 12 Jan., 1869, 
 when apptd . to L . C . Was an unsuccessful candidate for same 
 seat in Commons at g.e., 1867. A Liberal. — Richibucto. 
 Perlbv, ffon. Charles. 
 Descended from a loyalist family. B. in County Sunbury, N.B. 
 A lumber merchant and agriculturist. Sat for Carleton in N.B. 
 Assembly previous to the Union. Called to L.C, 1867. A Liberal. 
 -^ Woodstock . 
 Saundhes, Hon. John Simcoe, Q.C., J.P. 
 '"Only s. of the late Hon. John Saunders, late Chief Justice of 
 N.B., and formerly a Captain of Cavalry in the Queen's Bangers, 
 (of which Col. Simcoe was Colonel), by Ariana Margaretta Jerkyl. 
 This gentleman was a noted loyalist during the Am . revolution ; 
 he was descended from an English family that adhered to the King 
 in the civil war between Charles and the Roundheads ; his grand- 
 father had emigrated to Virginia, and acquired large landed estates 
 there, which were afterwards confiscated on account of the loyalist 
 tendencies of Captain Saunders. As before stated, he was a Capt . 
 of Cavalry in the Queen's Rangers, his troop of horses having been 
 raised at his own ex^ c-nse ; in 1780 he commanded at Georgetown, 
 ■ m 
iu " 
 South Carolina, and was twice wounded in partizan strifes : at the 
 peace he went to Eng. ; became a member of the Middle Temple, 
 and practised law ; in 1790 he was apptd. Judge of the Supreme 
 Court, N.B„ and in 1822 became Chief Justice of that Province; 
 he d. in 1834 at the age of eiglity. (See Sabine's American Loyal- 
 ista.) B. in N.B. Ed, at Oxford, Eng. M. Elizabeth Sophia, dau. 
 of the Rev. Geo. Stone, Rector of Stow Maries, Essex, and of West 
 End Lodge, Thames Ditton, Surrey, Eng. Called to the Bar, N.B., 
 1819, and to that of L.C., 1820. Is Presdt. of the Leg. Council ; 
 a Presdt. of the Diocesan Church Society ; a member of the Senate 
 of the University of N.B. ; and Senior Justice of the Courts of 
 Common Pleas for the Counties of York and Sunbury. Author of 
 The Law of Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions, (Lop.) Has been 
 Surveyor-General ; Provincial Secretary, (which office he held for 
 nearly nine years) ; Clerk of the Circuits ; and Clerk of the Crown 
 on the Circuits. A Liberal Conservative. — Fredericton. 
 Sebly, Hon. Alexander McLkoo. 
 S. of the late Mr. Scth Seely of St. John, N. B.; and 
 grands, of the late Seth Seely, of Stamford, Conn., a U.E. loyalist. 
 A merchant and banker ; a mem . of the Senate of the University 
 of N.B.; Vice-Presdt. of the N.B. Baptist Education Society, of 
 the N.B. Baptist Home Missionary Board ; and of the Baptist Con- 
 vention of N.S. and N.B.; and Presdt. of the Commercial Bank of 
 N B.; and of the St. John Religious Tract Society. Called to the 
 L.C., 1854. A Liberal. — 104, Germain Street, St. John, 
 Young, Hon. RobbrT;, /. 1*. 
 Eldest s. of the late James Young, ""Ssq., of Tracadie, Glou- 
 cester, N.B. B. there, 11 Nov., 1833. Ed. at Chatham, N.B. M, 
 Dec, 1857, Sarah, second dau. of William Hubbard, Esq., J. P., of 
 Tignish, P.E.I. A merchant. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council 
 and Presdt of that body, 17 July, 1872. Sat for Gloucester in 
 N.B. Assembly from July, 1861, until the Union. Called to L.C, 
 Sept., 1867. A Liberal Conservative. — Fredericton] Caraquette. 
 -aJii i iBT 
 •5 ivti»ii-vK. 
 [Elected June, 1874 ; term expires, 1879 j 
 Sjteaker. — Hon. Wm. Wbdderburn, Q.C. 
 [Elected 18 Feb., 1875.] 
 Clerk. — George Johnston Bliss. Was previously Clerk of the 
 L.C. Apptd. to present o1.icQj 19 March, 1873. {Salary^ $1,000). 
 Austin, Henry Aldkrt . {St. John County) . 
 Of Eng. and Scottish origin. Grandparents came from N. Y. 
 with other loyalists, and settled at Scotchtown, Queens, N.B. B. 
 there, 11 Feb., 1833. Ed. there and at Sackville Academy. M., 
 Jan, 1876, Minrie R., dau. of the late Aaron Eaton, Esq., of St. 
 John, A merc'jant. Is a dir of the St. John Industrial School, 
 and of the Dea^ and Dumb Institution. Has sat in the Portland 
 Town Counc:^ First returned to Parlt ., for present seat, at last 
 g.e. Independent, and in favor of the free, non-sectarian school 
 system. — Indiantown, St. John. 
 Barker, Thomas F., 7,P. (Vork.j 
 S. of the late Anthony Barker, Esq., a captain in the N.B. 
 Fencibles, a native of N.Y., who came to N.B. with other loyalists; 
 in 1783. B. at St. Mary's, N,B., 3 Sept., 1828. Ed. at the 
 Fredericton Grammar School. M. Hannah, dau. of the late James 
 A. Miles, Esq., J.P. Is Presdt. St. Mary's A ofricultural Society. 
 Has been a mem. of County Council for past x4 years, and Warden 
 of the County for past 4 years . A Conservative, and in favor of 
 the free, non-8ectarian school system. — Fredericton. 
 Bevbrioob, William B. (Victoria.) 
 S. of Hon, B. Beveridge, M.L.C. A merchant, and post- 
 master at Andov^r. An unsuccessful candidate for Victoria in 
 House of Commons at g.e., 1867. First returned to present House 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favour of the free non-sectarian 
 school system. — Andover . 
 ■ I 
 Burns, Kennedy FRi.NCis, J. P. (Gloucester.) 
 B. at Thomastown, Tipperary, Irel., 8 Jan. 1842. Ed. at SalU 
 fax and St. John. M., 24 Sept., 1864, at Bathurst, Harriet, dau. 
 of John McKenna, Esq, A merchant and millowner. Served in 
 the Volunteer Militia force for a number of years ; retired with 
 rank of captain. 1874. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 
 at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. In favour of a Maritine 
 union. A believer in Iree-trade. Opposed to the present School 
 act of N.B., and an advocate for Separate Schools, — Bathurst. 
 BuTLKR, Walter Scott, J. P. (Queens.) 
 S. of tlmlate Mr. James Butler, of Halifax, N.8., by Mary Smith, 
 dau. of all. E. loyalist ; and grands, of Mr. Walter Butler, who came 
 from Waterford, Irel., 1790. B. at Grand Lake, Queen's Co. N.B., 22 
 July, 1823. Ed. there. M , 1854, Janet Anne, dau. of Mr. Hanford 
 Sowers, Sat for present scat from 1867 until g e., 1870, when de- 
 feated. Again returned June 1872, on resignation of sitting mem. 
 He-elected at last ^.e. A Liberal, and in favour of the non-sec- 
 tarian school system. — Grand Lake. 
 CoTTRELL, Thomas, J. P. {Charlotte,) 
 Descended from a loyalist family . B. at St. David, N.B., 10 
 Aug. 1815. Ed. there. M., 9 Oct. 1836, Miss Anne Wyman of 
 Waterville, Maine, U, S. Holds a captaincy in the Reserve Militia. 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 in favour of the non-sectarian school system. — Oak Bay. 
 Covert, Hon. John Stewart. {Sunhury). 
 Descended frm a loyalist family. B. at Maugerville, K . B. 
 Ed. there. A shipbuilder. M,, Ist the dau, of Col. Mouatt, of St. 
 Andicws, N.B., (dead) ; 2ndly, the dau. of the late John Hains, 
 Esq., ol St. Jobn. Was a mem. of Ex. Council from 23 Feb. 1871 
 to Jan. 1872. First returned to Parlt., in 1868, for present seat. 
 Ke-elected at g.e. 1870, and at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favour 
 of the non-sectarian school system. — Maugerville. 
 Crawford, Hon. John Hbrhbrt, {Kings.) 
 Grand parents were loyalists who removed from Mass., 1783, 
 I! i 
 and settled on the Kennebecasis, where they remained until their 
 death. B. at Hampton, N,B., 2 Nov., 1843. Ed. at the St. John 
 Grammar School . Unmarried. Called to the Bar, N.B., 1868. 
 Lieut, in Kings Volunteer Cavalry, and Secy. Co. Rifle Association. 
 Apptd. a mem of Ex. Council, 17 Jan., 1872. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1870 ; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and in favor of the free non-sectarian school system. — 
 Osskeaffj Hampton ; St. John. 
 Davidson, Allan A., Q.C. (Northumberland.) 
 Called to^the Bar, N.B., 1840. Created a Q.C, 1875. An un- 
 successful candidate for present seat at g.e., 1870. First returned 
 at last g.e, A Conservative, and in favour of the non-sectarian 
 school system. — Newcastle. 
 Dow, Hiram, Jtf.2>. {York.) 
 B. in U.S. A physician. Sat for present seat from 1862 until 
 1870, when defeated. Again returned at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 in favour of the non-sectarian school system. — Fredericton. 
 Elder, William, A.M. {St. John County.) 2nd Mem. 
 B. at Malin, Co. Donegal, Irel, 22 July, 1822. Ed. at Belfast 
 College, at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and at New 
 College, of latter city, at all of which he greatly distinguished him- 
 self. Studied theology, and was for some years a clergyman in the 
 Presbyterian Church. "^''ell known as as a public writer and 
 speaker. Edited the Color tal Presbyterian and the Morning Journal 
 newspaper (St. John) for a considerable period, and is now chief 
 editor and proprietor of the St . John Daily Telegraph. A mem . of 
 the Grammar School Board, and of the Council of the Dominion 
 Board of Trade. An unsuccessful candidate for St. John in House 
 of Commons at g.e., 1872. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, 6 March, 1875, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Mr. 
 Coram. A Liberal, and a supporter of the free non-sectarian 
 school system. — 166 Princess St., St John. 
 Fle WELLING, John. (Kings.) 
 A storekeeper, and Postmaster at Hampton Ferry, Is Treasu- 
 rer Kings Co. Board of Trade. Sat for Kings from 1866 until 1870, 
 tP' F 
 t. -f 
 when defeated . Again returned at last g.e. An imsuccessful can- 
 didate for same seat, Oct., 1873. A Liberal, and in favour of non- 
 sectarian schools. —Hampton Ferri^. -t^ 
 Fbaser, lion. John James, Q. C. {York.) 
 S . of the late John Fmser, Esq.> n native of Jnverness-shire, 
 Scot., who came to N.S. in 1803, and in 1812 removed to Miramichi, 
 N.B. B. at Beaubairs Island, Nelson, Miramichi, N.B., 1 Aug., 
 1829. Ed. at the Newcastle Grammar School. M., Sept., 1867, 
 Martha, eld. dan. of Alexander Cummiog, Esq., of Fredericton, (she 
 died, March, 1871.) Called to the Bar, N.B. , 1852. Created a 
 Q . C . , 1873. ] s one of the examiners for the Bar of N . B . Sat for 
 York, in present House, from 1865 until g.e., 1866, when defeated. 
 Apptd. to L.C., June, 1870, where he sat until July, 1872, 
 when he resigned and was again returned for York in the Assembly; 
 re-elected at last g.e. An unsuccessful candidate for lork, 1867; 
 Was President of Ex. Council from 2 June, 1871 until July, 1872, 
 when appointed to present offices of Provincial-Secretary and Re- 
 ceiver-General. (Salary, $2,400.) Has been a delegate to Ottawa 
 on several occasions, to press " Better Term " for N.B. (See 
 Report.) A Conservative, and in favour of the free non-sectarian 
 school system. — Fredericton. 
 Johnson, Urbain, J.P. (Kent . ) 
 Family came from Scotland about a century ago, and settle u 
 amongst the Acadians in the Bate des Chal^urSy whence descendants 
 removed to Kouchibougnac . B. at St. Louis, N.B., 1824. Ed. 
 there. M., 1855, Mdlle. Nathalie Leblanc. Sat for present seat 
 from 1869 to g.e., 1870, when defeated ; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and in favor of separate schools. — *S^^ Louis. 
 Jones, Randolph Ketchum. (Carleton.) 
 Has been Clerk of the Circuits of Carleton . Called to the Bar, 
 N.B., 1867. Frst returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. 
 A Lioeral, and in favor of the non-sectarian school system. — Wood- 
 Kelly, //on. William Moor, ./.f*. (Northumherland .) 
 S. of Mr. J. M. Kelly, who came to N.B. from Belfast, Ireland, 
 1798. B. at Moncton, N.B., 1827. Ed. at N.B. M., Ist, Eliza, 
 dau. of the late James Long, Esq,, of Cocaigne, N . B. (dead) ; 2ndly, 
 Margaret, dau. of the late Alexander Fraser, Esq., of Northumber- 
 land, N.B. A dir. of the Chatham Branch Railway. Apptd. a 
 member of the Ex. Council, and Chief Commissioner of Public 
 Works, 1868. {Salary, $2,400.) First returned to Parlt., June, 1867 
 for present seat, by acclamation ; re-elected at g.e., 1870, and again 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favor of the non-sectarion school sys- 
 tem. — Fredericton ; Chatham. 
 King, Hon, George Edwin, A.M.^ Q.C. (St. John) 
 Second s. of the late George King, Egq., of St. John, N,B., 
 shipbuilder. B. in St. John, 8 Oct., 1839. Ed. at the Wesleyan 
 Uuiv., Connecticut, where he graduated A.M., 1859. M., Nov., 
 1866, Lydia, sixth dau. of the late Aaaron Eaton, Esq., of St. 
 John. Called to the Bar, N.B., June, 1865. Created a Q.C, 1873. 
 Apptd. member of the Ex. Council, 2 March, 1869, and Attorney- 
 General, 9 June, 1870 . (Salary, $2,400 .) First returned to Parlt,, 
 for present seat, 1867 ; re-elected at g.e.,, 1870, and again at last 
 g.e. A Liberal, and in favor of the non-sectarian school system. — 
 49 Carmarthen St., St. John; Fredericton. 
 LBiaHTON, John Stewart. (Carleton.) 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Lib- 
 cKil, and in favor of the free non-sectarian school system. — h'ood- 
 Marshall, Robert. (St John City.) 
 Elected for present seat, 1876, on death of Mr. Keans, the sit- 
 ting mem. Is Presdt. Kings Co. Board of Trade. An Insurance 
 broker. — St. John, N.B. 
 McKay, James . (Charlotte . ) 
 Family originally came from Scot. Youngfest son of the late 
 Mr. Alex. McKay, who emigrated from north of Irel., and settled 
 atPennfield, N.B., 1812. B. there, 11 Feb., 1836. Ed. there. 
 M., 26 Dec, 1872, Miss Mary Elizabeth Hawkins, of Pennfield (she 
 d. same year). A farmer. First returaed to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and strongly in favour of the free non- 
 sectarian school law. — Pennfield Ridge . 
 '1 .'i 
 ■-; l* 
 Itl i 
 Mc Kbnzib, a rohibald . (Restigouche. ) 
 Deecended ^rom the Eintail l^Iackenzies. Parents came to 
 N.B. from 'the Isie of Arran, many years since. B. at the Flat- 
 lands, Kestigouche, >T.I»., 29 May, 1841 Ed. atCambellton. Un- 
 married. Has been Chairman of School Trustees. An unsuccess- 
 ful candidate for Restigouche in House of Commons, at g.e., 1872. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A supporter 
 of the " National " party, believing that Canada should always be 
 first in the aspirations and affections of every true Canadian. — 
 McLbod, Robert E. (Kings.) 
 Is Vice-President of the Kings Co. Board of Trade, and Presdt. 
 of the Provl. Farmers' League . First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favour of free non-sectarian 
 schools . — Hampton . 
 McQuBBN, Jlon, Angus. ( Westmoreland.) 
 Of Scottish descent. Paternal and maternal grandfathers came 
 from Inverness-shire, Scot., to Pictou, N.S., and settled there. B. 
 at Little Harbor, Pictou, Jan., 1828. Ed. there. CametoN.B., 
 1849. M., 1853, Margaret, third dan. of Joseph Avard, Esq. A 
 merchant. A dir. of the Maritime Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 
 Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Coimcil, 17 Jan., 1872. Is Chairman of 
 Committee on Agriculture. First returned to Parlt., for present 
 seat, in company with Hon. A.J. Smith, and being opposed to 
 Confederation. A Liberal, and " in sympathy with the present 
 Dominion Govt." — Pointe de Bute. 
 MuRCHiK, James, J. P. (Charlotte,) 
 S. of Mr. Andrew Murchie, of Paisley, Scot., by Janet, dau. of 
 Mr. Colin Campbell, of Argyle, Scot. B, at St. Stephen, N.B., 16 
 Aug., 1813. Ed. there. M., 1st, Nov., 1836, Mary Ann, dau. of 
 John Grimmer, Esq., formerly Collector of Customs at St. Stephen 
 (she d., May, 1857) ; 2ndly, Jan., ^860, Margaret Jane, dau. of 
 Jackson Thorpe, Esq.. of St. George (she d., Dec, 1872). A mer- 
 chant and ship owner. Has been a captain in the Militia for 30 
 years. Is a dir. of the St. Croix Lloyd's Insurauce Co.; of the 
 Frontier Steamboat Co.; of tLo Cttiais Boom Co.; of the Steamtug 
 Boat Co.; of the St. Stephen Branch Railway; of the Houlton 
 Branch Railway ; of the Woodstock Branch Railway ; of the N.B. 
 and Can. Railway, and of the St. Stephen's Bank. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e, A Liberal, and supports the 
 free, non-sectarian school system . Advocates the construction ot 
 public works to open up the country and develop its resources . — 
 St. Stephen. . 
 O'Lbary, Henry. {Kent.) 
 A fish-dealer. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, Dec , 
 1873, on the death of the sitting mem. A Liberal, and in favor of 
 8epar"-te schools. — Richihucto. 
 Phillips, John. {Restigouche .) 
 B. in Westmoreland, Eng., 16 June, 1810. Ed. in Eng. Came 
 to N.B. ,1831. M., 1832, Miss Catharine McCarthy. Has been 
 Deputy-Sheriff of Co. Gloucester . Was an unsuccessful candidate 
 for present seat, 1861, and for same seat in Commons at g,e., 1867. 
 First returned, Dec, 1870, on resignation of sitting mem.; re- 
 elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the non -sectarian 
 school system. — Dalhousie. 
 Pbrlky, Hon. TY^lliam E. {Sunhury^) 
 Was a mem. of Ex. Council, without office, from 1862 to 1865. 
 Again apptd. to same position, 28 Oct., 1874. Sat for present seat 
 from 1854 until 1870, when defeated; again returned at last g . e . 
 An unsuccessful candidate for Sunbury in House of Commons at 
 g.e., 1867 and at g.e., 1874. A Liberal, and supports the free 
 non-sectarian school system. In favor of an elective L.C. — Blist- 
 i il 
 PiCKARD, Thomas, A.M. (Westmoreland.) 
 Both paternal and maternal grandparents camo from Rowley, 
 Mass.j and settled at Sheffield, N. B., 1764. Father for niany years 
 a merchant in Fredericton. B. there, 18." 3. Ed at the Wesleyan 
 iJniversity, Middletown, Conn., wliere he graduated A.M., 1840. 
 M. at Sackville, 1854, Miss Mary Dixon. Was Professor of Mathe- 
 matics in the Wesleyan Academy and College, Sackville, from 1848 
 to 1869. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last f^.e. A 
 'it . ■ 
 l(«5} ' 
 .f ,t 
 ni : 
 Liberal, and was elected pledged to maintain the N. B. free non- 
 sectarian school law. — Sachnlle. 
 Robinson, Robert. {York) 
 B. in Irel. A dir. of the Consolidated European and North 
 American Railway, Western Extension . Has been Warden of York. 
 First returned to Parlt., ior present seat, at g.e., 1870 ; re-elected 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of the non-sectarian school 
 law . — Canterbury. 
 Rogers, Alexander. {Albert.) 3rd Mem. 
 Great grandparents emigrated from North of Irel. to N.S., 
 about 1Y60 ; grandfather removed to N.B., 1800. Only s. of Wm. 
 Rogers, by Eliza, dau. of James Loughead, of Truro, N.S. B. at 
 Hopewell Hill, N.B., 12 Feb., 1842. Ed. at Mount Allison, Wes- 
 leyan Academy. M., 5 Dec , 186f?, at Hopewell, Bessie, dau. of 
 Thomas B. Moore, Esq., barrister. A merchant. First returned 
 to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. Unseated, on petition, 17 
 July, 1875 ; re-elected, 28 Augt., 1875. Again unseated, 3 Dec, 
 1875 ; re-elected, 18 Jan., 1876. A Liberal, and a supporter of the 
 non-sectarian school law, — Hopewell Hill, 
 Ryan, Jambs, J,P. {Albert.) 3rd Mbm. 
 S. of Mr. Matthew Ryan, who served in the British army for 
 many years, was present at Waterloo, and d. in N.B., 1870, when 
 within six weeks of being 100 years old. E. in Kings, N,B., 15 
 March, 1821 Ed. in N.B. M^ 1848, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob 
 Frites, Esq. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1870 ; 
 re-elected at last g.e. Unseated, on petition, 17 July, 1875; re- 
 elected 28 Aug., 1875. A Liberal, and a supporter of the non-sec- 
 tarian school law. — Middle Goverdale. .^, 
 Ryan, Patrick J. {Gloucester.) 2nd Mem. 
 A tanner. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 31 Jan., 
 1876, on resignation of sitting mem. A Conservative, and opposed 
 to the present school system. — Upper Caraquette. 
 Smith, Edward John, .TIP. {Westmoreland). 
 Descended from U. E . Loyalists. B. in Shediac, N.B, 1819. 
 B. free non- 
 Ed. there. M., 1st, 11 Sept., 1844, Miss Maiy Bell, of Shediac, 
 (she d. July, 1853) • indly, 5 Juno, 1856, Miss Amelia E. Robb, of 
 Dorchester. A merchant. Is a brother of Hon. A . J. Smith, Q.C., 
 M.P., Minister of Marine and Fisheries. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat at last g.e. A Liberal, and elected to support the 
 non-sectarian school law. In favour of a reduction of taxes ; a re- 
 duction of salaries ; a reduction of lawyers' fees ; and increasing 
 the price of timber on Crown lands . — Shediac . 
 Stephenson, ZTow. Benjamin Robert. (Charlotte). 
 Grandfather came from Renfrewshire, Scot., to St. Andrew's, 
 N.B., 1819. S. of Robert Stephenson, Esq., .by Miss Milil-jn. B. 
 at St. Andrew's, 10 April, 1835. Ed. at Grammar School there, 
 and at the University of New Brunswick, where he graduated B.A., 
 1854. M., 1866, Kate, sister of the late John Bolton, Esq., who 
 represented Charlotte in House of Commons from 1867 to 1872. 
 Called to the Bar, N.B., 186G. Was Registrar of Probates for Char- 
 lotte, which he resigned, 1867. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council 
 and Surveyor Genl., 23 Feb., 1871 . Has been a delegate to Ovdwa 
 on several occasions on behalf of the N. B. Govt. First reiuined 
 to Parlt., Oct., 1867, for present seat. Re-elected at g.e. , 1870, and 
 at last g.e. A Liberal, and pledged to uphold the non-sectarian 
 school law. — St Andrew' s ; Fredericton. 
 ! I 
 ac, N.B., 1819. 
 Swim, William. (Northumberland.) 
 Is Vice-Prest . of the N.B. Baptist Home Missionary Board. 
 First returned to Parlt. , for present seat at last g.e. A Liberal, and 
 in favour of free non-sectarian schools. — Doaktown. 
 Theriault, Lieut. -Vol. Hon. Levite, J.P. (Madawaska.) 
 Of Acadian origin. B. at St. Basil, N.B., 1837. Ed. at St. 
 Anne's College, P. Q. M. 13 Jan., 1875, Eugenie, dau. of Edouard 
 Le Bel Esq . , of Kamouraska, P . Q . Is Lieut.-Col. of Victoria Re- 
 serve Militia . A mem . of the Provl . Board of Agriculture, and 
 Secy, of the Victoria Central Agricultural Society. Was a mem. 
 of Ex. Council from July, 1871, to Feb., 1872, when he resigned. 
 Represented Victoria from 1867 to g.e., 1874, when returned lor the 
 new county of Madawaska. A Conservative and in favour of separ- 
 ate schools. — St. Basil. 
 •-' ; ■; ! 
 iv •' 
 '.'J , 
 TwBEDiB, Lemuel J. (Northumberland.) 
 Of Irish extraction, father being a native of Leitrim, and 
 mother, of Down, Irel. B. at Chatham, N B., 30 Nov. 1849. Ed. 
 at County Grammar School and at Pre8b3rterian Academy. Un- 
 married. Called to the Bar N . B. , 1870. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal, and elected in the interest 
 of the free non-sectarian School party of N.B. — Chatham. 
 Wedderburn, 77ow. William, Q.C. (St John Citi/.) 
 S. of the late Alexander Wedderburn, Esq., a native of Aber- 
 deen, Scot., who was H. M.'s Emigration Officer for N.B. for many 
 years, and wrote several works on that Province, by Jane Heaviside, 
 of London, Eng., B. in St. John, N.B. 12 Oct. 1834. Ed. at St. 
 John Grammar School. M., 29 April, 1858. Jennie, dau. of C.C. 
 Vaughan, Esq . , of St. John . Studied law > nth. the present Judge 
 Gray, of B.C.. and was called to the Bar, 1858. Created a Q.C. 
 1873. Adir, of the N.B., Deaf and Dumb Institution. Has been inti- 
 mately connected with the newspaper press, as editor and contrib- 
 utor for many years. Apptd, Commr [with Messrs. Morrison and 
 Skinner], to consolidate the Provl. Statutes of N.B., 1873. Held the 
 office of Presdt . of St. John Mechanics' Institute for many years. 
 Was G.W.P of the Sons of Temperance of N.B., during two terms, 
 and has also been successfully, Deputy Grand Master, and Grand 
 Master, [being re-elected to both offices], of the Freemasons of 
 that Province. Elected Speaker of the N.B. Assembly, 18 Feb. 1876. 
 Has ^ilways been identified with the Liberal party, and was one of 
 the earliest advocates of Confederation, having lectured on "the 
 Union of the Colonies," during the Portland course of lectures, 1857. 
 Promoted the "Better Terms," agitation, and moved the resolutions 
 in the present House shortly after his election, and has been on 
 three occasions a Govt , delegate to Ottawa on this subject : — Istly, 
 with the late Hon. C. L. Hatheway and Hon. B. R., Stevenson ; 2ndly, 
 with the late Hon. G. L. Hatheway and Hon. J.J, Fraser ; and 3rdly; 
 with Hon. Messrs. Fraser, Young and King. Has also advocated a 
 political union of the Maritime Provinces Has twice declined a 
 eeat in the N.B. Cabinet. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 at g.e. 1870 ; re-elected at last g.e. Stands pledged to uphold the 
 non-sec tiirian school law of N,B.-^aS^. John; JJampion, King's County. 
 Willis, Hon. Edward. (aS'^. John.) 
 Of Irish and English parentage. S. of the late John Willis, 
 Esq., a native of Cavin, Irel. B. in Halifax, N.S., 5 Nov., 1835. 
 Ed. there. M., Sarah, eld. daughter of vechariah Adams of St, 
 John. Adir. of the St. John Buildi^T ociety and Investment 
 Fund ; of the Maritime Mutual Fire In lance Company ; and is 
 Master of the Loyal Orange Association oi the County of St. John. 
 Has been connected with the New Brunswick press for many 
 years. Established Western Borderer (Carleton) 1857, and about 
 the same time, the Freemason^ s Monthly Monitor. Was chief editor 
 of the Courier (St. John) ; and since 1863 has been editor and 
 proprietor of the Daily Morning News, same city . Has held vari- 
 ous oflaces in the Grand Lodge ofA.F. & A.M.,ofN.B.; and was 
 elected Deputy Grand Master, 1872. Appted. a member of the 
 Ex. Council of N.F 20 Feb., 1873, and which position he resigned 
 in the fall of 1876. 'as an unsuccessful candidate for present 
 seat, 1867. First -etu id at g.e., 1870 ; re-elected at last g.e. A 
 Liberal, and a si i.i ^rtc. of the non-sectariiin school law. In favor 
 of a Legislativ . nr)n of the Maritime Provinces, respecting which 
 he mo ved a res oiu on . 1875. — Princess St . , St. John. 
 Woods, Franc. J. P. {Queens.) ■ • 
 Eldest s. of Anthony and Elizabeth Woods, who came to N. B. 
 from Ireland about 1829. B. in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, 1819. 
 Ed. in New Brunswick. M., Jan., 1852, Jane Eliza, dau. of John 
 Armstrong, Esq., of Petersville. Is President of Gagetown and 
 Peterville Railway . First returned to Parlt . , for present seat, at 
 last g.e. A Liberal, and supports the non-sectarian school system. 
 John Willis, 
 Moved by Hon. Edward Willis, seconded by Mr. E. J. Smith: 
 *' That, in the opinion of this House, a Legislative Union of New 
 Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island would lessen 
 the expenses connected with their Government and legislation, 
 have a tendency to diminish local prejudices, which to some ex- 
 tent, obstruct their material progress, add weight to the influence 
 ol" their representatives in the Federal Parliament, and otherwise 
 promote the interests of the people." 
 . U 
 Yeas: — Messrs. McQueen, Willis, Murcbie, Burns, O'Learf, 
 Blanchard, Smith, Humphrey, Pickard and McKenzie.-— 10. 
 Nays : — Messrs . Fraser, King, Perley, Covert, Keens, Theri- 
 anlt, Johnson, Flewelliug, McLeod, Jones, Beveridge, McKaj, 
 Butler, Ryan, Austin, Robinson, Dow, Barker, Davidson, Elder, 
 Swim, Woods, Rogers, Cottrell and Leighton. — 25. 
 ,» rl 
 . I 
 I i 
 1 .r' 
 .,. / 
 Names of the Candidates, with total number of votes polled for 
 each respectively, at General Election, June, 1874. 
 The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italics . 
 Alexander Rogers , 768 
 James Ryan 708 
 Martin Bent Palmer, Hopewell Cape 614 
 Gains Turner, Harvey 504 
 Elisha Peck J Jr . , Hopewell Hill 331 
 Peter Duffy, mW^hoxon^h. 130 
 On Messrs. Rogers and Ryan being ui. ^cated, on petition, IT 
 July, 1875, new writ: 
 A Rogers 804 
 James Ryan V81 
 Dr, Lewis 755 
 Gains Turner 753 
 On Messrs. Rogers ann Ryan being again unseated, on petition, 
 6 Dec, 1875, new writ : 
 A.Rogers ,.,. 965 
 James Ryan 923 
 Br. Lewis 903 
 Gaius Turner . 777 
 John S . Leighton 1 739 
 Randolph K. Jones 1503 
 George W. White, Centreville , 1210 
 James Murchie 1971 
 Hon . B, R. Stevenson 1970 
 James McEay. 1920 
 Thomas (Jottrel 1721 
 Melbourne il^cJ/owfl^Ze, barrister, St. Stephen ,,, 1058 
 Joseph Donald, barrister, St. Stephen 761 
 James Dou\ school teacher, St. Stephen 720 
 Simeon C. Irish, merchant, St. George , 610 
 K.F. Burns 1188 
 T. Blanchard 962 
 J. Meahan, Bathurst 504 
 Onesi'phon Tourgeon, Petit Kocher , 447 
 On Mr. Blanchard's appointment as Inspector of Weights and 
 measures, and subsequent resignation, Dec, 1875, new writ : 
 Patrick J. Ryan 915 
 O, Turgecn 861 
 Prosper E. Paulin^ Caraquette 172 
 Henry O'Leary 1577 
 Urbain Johnson 1310 
 John Brait, Richibucto 1273 
 Jaddus GouguieUj Cocagne 918 
 Hon. J. H. Crawford 1656 
 J. Flewelling 1623 
 R. E. McLeod 1597 
 Hon. Edwin A. Vail. 31.1)., Sussex 1208 
 Walter B. Scovil, Kingston , 1145 
 James Wm, Nowlin, Studholm 1045 
 Hon. L. Theriault 474 
 John Lynch, St. Basile 210 
 Prudent A. Bahine, retired 
 Hon. W. M. Kelly 1407 
 Wm. Swim 1304 
 L. J. Tweedie 1319 
 A. A. Davidson 1310 
 Michael Adams, barrister, Newcastle 1121 
 Jacob Garvell Gough, ship builder, Chatham 1014 
 Thomas F. Gillespie, iron founder, Chatham 1«09 
 •Erected and Proclaimed, 1874. ^ • 
 f, '1 
 ir '' 
 h . ' > ■ 1 1 
 E'l ? 
 * * 
 S .,' 
 Walter B.Butler 1112 
 Francis Woods 1091 
 Ebenezer Williams^ Gagetown 770 
 Robert Armatrong^ Chipman 643 
 Archibald McKenzie 441 
 John Phillips 411 
 J. W. CuUen, Dalhousie 299 
 St. John (City). 
 W. Wedderburn, Q.C 1691 
 W. H. A. Keans 1546 
 Robert Marshall, insurance agent, St. JoI:n 978 
 On death of Mr. Keans, 1876, new writ : 
 Robert Marshall 
 C. A. Everett 
 On Mr. Marshall's being unseated on petition, new writ : 
 Robert Marshall Acclamation. 
 St. John (County) . 
 H.A.Austin 2653 
 Hon. C. E. King, Q.C 2532 
 Joseph Coram 2498 
 Hon. E. Willis 2475 
 Michael Whelan Maher, architect, St. John 1214 
 Christopher Armstrong, publisher, Portland 1090 
 George Gilbert. St. John 961 
 On death of Mr. Coram, 1875, new writ: 
 William Elder, A.M...... 1866 
 James Alfred Clark, Carleton 1592 
 Hon. W. E.Perley 686 
 Hon. John S. Covert 610 
 Aaron H. ^e%, storekeeper, Fredericton Junction.... 402 
 James K. Hazfn, county auditor, Oromocto 266 
 Orran Smith, Enniskillen 81 
 W. B. Beveridge 496 
 James Tibbits, Salmon River 233 
 E.J. Smith 2024 
 A. McQueen 1989 
 J. A. Humphrey 1953 
 T. Pickard 1913 
 Daniel N". llanington, barrister, Dorchester 1709 
 Pierre A. Landry^ barrister, do 165T 
 Titua IlickSy Sa'ikvillo 1667 
 John McKenzie, clerk, Moncton 1664 
 Hon. J. J. Fraser 2536 
 Thomas F. Barker 2089 
 Kobert Robinson 2077 
 Hiram Dow, M.D 1964 
 Frederic P. Thompson, Fredericton 1413 
 William Hazen Needham, barrister, do 1 282 
 Andrew George Blair ^ barrister, do 1248 
 J. C. Fverittf Nashwaak 193 
 > iil 
c . Hi :.'■ 
 ,t r •,fi-r, ' -• \ 'i 
 > i . 
 [Entered Confederation, 15 July, 1870.] 
 Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba : — His Honor the Honorable Alex- 
 ander Morris, B.C.L., P'.C. Eldest son of the late Hon. Wm. Morris, 
 who was a mem. of the Legislative Assembly and Council of U.O., 
 and of the Legislative Council of Canada continuously, from the year 
 1820 until 1859, a period of 39 years. B. at Perth, Ont., 17 March, 
 1826. Ed. at the Universities of Glasgow, Scot., and McGill College, 
 Montreal. M., Nov., 1851, Margaret, dan. of William Cline, Esq., of 
 Cornwall, Ont. Called to the Bar of U. C. in Hilary Term, 1851, and 
 afterwards m July, same year, to Lower Canadian Bar. Called to 
 tlis iVfanitoba Bar, Oct., 1872. Has been Presdt. of the St. Andrew's 
 Society, Montreal ; a Governor of the University of McGill College ; 
 and a Trustee of the Universjity of Queen's College, Kingston. 
 Author of " Canada and Her Resources" an essay, to which was 
 awarded by Sir E. W. Head, then Governor-Genl., on a reference from 
 the Paris Exhibition Committee of Can., in consequence of a division 
 of opinion in the Committee, the second prize ; " Mova Britannia" a 
 lecture on the extent, resources and future of B. N. A., published 1858, 
 iit the request of the Mercantile Library Association of Montreal, in 
 which he advoc led the incorporation of the B. N. A.Provmces under 
 one Confederation ; and of " The Hudson's Bay and Pacific Terri- 
 tories," a lecture, in which he also urged the incorporation of the 
 North West and British Columbia under one Confederation with the 
 older Provinces of Cai'.ada and Acadia, and the construction of the 
 Intercolonial and Pacific Railways. In 1864 was one of the active 
 parties in the negotiations which resulted in the Coalition of that 
 year, and the adoption of the Confederation policy which he had long 
 previously advocated. Sat for South Lanark in Can. Assembly from 
 1861 until the Union, and for same seat, in House of Commons, from 
 the latter event until g. e., 1872. Was sworn one of the Queen's 
 Privy Council of Can., 16 Nov., 1869, and held the office of Minister of 
 luland Revenue from that date until 2 July, 1872, when appointed 
 Chief Justice of Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba, being the first 
 Chief Justice and Judge of that Court. Apptd. to present office, 2 
 Dec, same year. {Salary $10,000). Apptd. a Commr. of Indian 
 Affairs for Manitoba and the N..W. Territories, 16 June, 1873; and 
 took pft't as Commr. in negotiating treaties with the Saulteaux and 
 Cree tribes of Indians, at the north-west angle of the Lake of the 
 Woods, and at the Lakes Qu'Appelle, in the years 1873 and 1874, 
 whereby the title to a large area in the N. W. Territories was settled. 
 Apptd. a Commr. under Statute 38 Vic, cap. 53, respecting conflicting 
 claims to lands of occupants in Manitoba, Jan., 1876. — Government 
 House, Winnipeg. 
 Frank G. Becheii, Private Secretary. Apptd. 1 Sept., .1873 
 iSalary $1,000.] - ■ ^ :. r . ,. ^ 
 J . !J 
 [Apptd. 3 Dec, 1874.] 
 ■1 \- 
 Hon. Colin Inkster, President of the Executive Council. 
 '* R. A. Davis, Provincial Treasurer. \_Premier.'] 
 " Joseph Royal, Provincial Secretary and Attorney General. 
 •' James McKay, Minister of Agriculture ' 
 " John Norquay, Minister of Public Works. 
 Clerk — Sedley Blanchard, Barrister-at-Law. Apptd. 30 Nov., 
 1871. [/Salary $500.] 
 " k\ 
 Up to January, 1876, the Province of Manitoba had an upper 
 chamber or Legislative Council; but the political machinery for 
 so sparsely populated a Province, was considered altogether too c "*i- 
 bersome, and upon Financial Delegations conferring with the Dkj^ i- 
 inion Govt., an arrangement was entered into in 1875, that the Pro- 
 vincial Govt, should endeavor on condition of the annual subsidy to 
 Manitoba being increased to $100,000, lo simplify legislation by abolish- 
 ing the second chamber. The minority, to meet the views of which 
 the Legislative Council had presumably guaranteed, gnicefully 
 yielded to the generally expressed desire, and the abolition motion 
 was carried on the following division : — 
 ■i^' Vote on the Second Reading of the Bill, 26 Jan., 1876 :— 
 Yeas : Messrs. Brown, Bourke, Bird, Cornish, Cowan, Chonier, 
 Davis, Dick, Giiard, Gunn, Luxton, Lemay, Lepine, Murray, McKay, 
 McKenzie, Norquay, Nolin, Royal, Taylor — 20. 
 Nay : Mr. Sutherland — 1. 
 The Bill, after passing the House, was reserved by Hie Honour 
 the Lieut.-Gov., for the Govrnor General's consideration and formally 
 assented by His Excellency, shortly after. 
 • f ;. 
 • •■ ,('. 

 1 ii 
 t. : 
 1 •! 
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 1 " 
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 V . 
 . iP 
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 V " ^1 
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 ". 1 
 '. ♦ 
 ■ ,i 
 .' » 
 [Elected 23-30 Dec, 1874; term expires 1878.] j- 
 Speaker— Hon. Joseph Dubuc, B.C.L., [Elected 31 March, 1875.J ^ 
 Clerk— Ric^ M. Howard, Barrister at law, Appt. 1 July, 1874. 
 [-STaZary $700.] 
 (aS^^ Pauls.) 
 A supporter of the present Govt, elected November, 1876, upon 
 death of former member, Hon. 0. J. Bird. 
 Bo"RKK Edwin. (St. James.') 
 B. in Manitoba. An Irish '* half-breed." First returned to Parlt: 
 for present seat, on the erection of Manitoba into a Province of the 
 Dominion, 1870 ; re-elected at last g.e. — St. James. 
 BvLOWHf, CoRYDoa VxRTLOW, C.E. (Westbourne.) 
 Grandfather, an officer in the Brit. Army, settled in N.B. at close 
 of Aru. Revolutionary war. S. of Wm. Brown, Esq. B. at Southamp- 
 ton, N.3.J 15 Nov., 1848, Ed. there and in Fredericton. M., 21 Feb., 
 1874, Emma, old. dau. of J. Davidson, Esq., of Palestine, M. A civil 
 engineer and land surveyor, and has been employed as such by the 
 Dominion Govt, in the North West. Was Principal of St. MJary's 
 (N.B.) School, 1872. First returned to Parlt, for present seat, at last 
 g.e. A Liberal. — Palestine. 
 Chbnikr, Fklix, iV.P. {Bale St. Paul.) 
 S. of the late M. Felix Chenier, of St Hermas, P.Q., by Sophie 
 Legault dite Des Lauriers, his wife. B. at St Hermas, 18 Jan.. 1843. 
 Ed. at the College of St. Therese, P.Q. M., 28 Nov., 1871, at Bale St 
 Paul, M., Marie Sarah Levina, eld. dau. of M. Fabien Poitras, of Belle 
 Riviere, P.Q. Admitted as a Notary Public of Quebec, 1866. Called 
 lo the Bar of Manitoba, 1871. A member of the Board of Education. 
 First returned to Parlt, for present seat, at last g. e. A Conserva- 
 tive. — Baie. St. Paul, 
 Cornish, Francis Evans. {Poplar Point.) y .,; 
 Belongs to an old Devonshire family. S. of Wm. King Cornish, 
 Esq., (B.A. of Oxford University,) M.D., who came to Can., 1819, and 
 settled in the old London Dist., where he practised in the professions 
 of law and medicine. B. in London, Ont., 1 Feb., 1831. Ed. at the 
 London Grammar School. Called to the Bar, Unt., in Hilary Term 
 1855; and to that of Manitoba, 1872. Elected first Mayor of Winni- 
 peg, 1874. Was an Alderman of the City of London from 1858 to 
 1861, when elected Mayor of the city, which office he retained until 
 1865. Contested East Middlesex unsuccessfully for Can. Assembly, 
 1860 ; and London, for Ont. Assembly, at g. e., 1871. First returned 
 to Parlt, for present seat, at last g. e. "National" in Politics.— 
 Winnip g. 
 CowAN, James, il/.Z?. {High Bluff.) 
 B. in the North of Irel. Ed. there. Graduated as M. D. at Vic- 
 toria University, 18G1, and practised for some years at Ilarriston, Ont 
 Was a Coroner for Co. Wellington, Ont. First returned for present 
 seat, at last g, e. Believes the "National" policy best suited to the 
 requirements of the country. — Portage La Prairie. 
 Davis, //on. Robert Atkinson. (Wimiipeg.) •. . . 
 S. of Tho3. Davis, Esq., of Dudswell, P. Q., who came to Can., 
 1812. B. in Dudswell, 9 March, 1841. Ed. at St. Francis College, 
 Richmond, P.Q. M. 9 March, 1870, Miss Susan Augusta Trew, of the 
 Eastern Townships (she d. 15 Nov., 1872). Came to Manitoba, May, 
 1870, Apptd. Provl. Treasurer (in Mr. Girard's Administration), 8 
 July, 1874, and so remained until 2 Dec, same year, when called upon 
 to form a new Govt, for Manitoba, a duty he succeeded in accomplish- 
 • ing on following day, when he and his colleagues were sworn into 
 office, he (Mr. D.) resuming his old place as Treasurer. (Salary 
 $2,000.) First returned to Parlt., for present seal, Af)ril, 1874; re- 
 elected at last g. e. Visited Ottawa to confer with the Federal (jrov- 
 ernment in 1875 with reference to the financial arrangements between 
 the Province and Dominion. — Winnipeg. 
 Dick, William Robert, /./'. {Springfield.) ^ "; .. ' 
 Father, a native of Paisley, Scot. B. in Ernct'town, Ont., 30 
 Dec, 1821. Ed. in Victoria. M,, 1845, Miss Isabella Willock. of Ops. 
 Elected first Keeve of Springfield, 1873. Held same office in Ftnelon, 
 Ont., for 12 years. First returned to Parlt., for present scat, at last 
 C. e. A Liberal. — Spr ngfield. 
 DvBUO, Hon. JosEvn, B.C. L. (Si. NorberO i . ^ ,. 
 ''*• S. of M. Joseph Debuc, by Euphcmie Garand. B. at St. Marline, 
 I ' 'Si 
 [; r' 

 li ■ '' 
 '1 * Si 
 '. » ■ 
 ,1 > 
 P.Q., 26 Dec, 1840. Ed. at Montreal College. M., June. 1872, Maria 
 Anna, third dau. of Henri B. Renault, Esq., of St. Cuthbert, P.Q, 
 Graduated as B. C. L. at McGill IJaiv,, 1869. Called to the Bar,L.C., 
 1869, and to that of Manitoba, 1871. Is one of the editors of J.e Metis ; 
 and Capt. of St. Boniface Volunteers. Apptd. Suptd. of Catholic 
 Schools, and Secretary of the Catholic section of the Board of Educa- 
 tion for Manitoba, March, 1872 ; and a mem. of Ex. Council for N. W. 
 Territories, Dec, same year. Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Attor- 
 ney Genl. (in Mr. Girard's Administration), from 8 July until 2 Dec, 
 1874, when the Govt, resigned. Elected Speaker of present House, 31 
 March 1875. {Salanj $800.) Sat for Baie St. Paul from from g. e., 
 1870, until last g. e., when returned for present seat. A Conservative. 
 — St. Boniface, 
 GiRABD, Hon. Marc Amablk, N.P. {h't. Boniface.) , 'J - ^| ', ','. 
 See Senate. 
 OxsTi^ ioim, J.P. {St. Andrews, North.) 
 S. of Hon. Donald Gunn, M.L.C. B. at lied River Settlemeat, 8 
 Augt., 1827. Ed. by his father. ?.f., Feb., 1855, Emma, fifth dau. of 
 the late Wra. Garrioeh, Esq. Was a teacher in St, John's Day School 
 from 1845 to 1847. Elected a School Trustee, 1871, and has been 
 Secy.-Treas. of the Board from its organization in that year. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e.— " Little Britaiti" 
 Lower Fort Garry. 
 ^ y ; ■■f-yrf-i:, 
 Howard, Thomas, {St. Clements.) 
 S. of r. Howard, Medical Supt. of Provl. Lunatic Asylum, St. 
 Johns, i' Q., 1/ the late Charlotte Alicia, third dau. of Nice Meredith, 
 Esq., of .' .uy V allev, Queeu's Co., Irpl. B. in Kingston, Ont., 2 June, 
 1845. Ed. in Montreal. M., 1868, Mira Walters, dau. of Col. Dyde, 
 C.M.G., Montreal. Was Capt. and Paymaster, 2nd Batt. (Quebec 
 Rifles), of the Red River Expeditionary Force, 1870. Is Secy, of the 
 Board of Health for Manitoba and N.W. Territories. Was a mem of 
 Ex. Council from Jan., 1871 until July, 1874, and during that time 
 filled the offices of Minister of Public Works, Provl. Secy., and Provl. 
 Treasurer in succession. Sat for St. Peters, from g.e., 1870 until last 
 g.e,, when returned for present scat. A Conservative. — " Redwood^" St. 
 Lemay, Joseph. {St. Vital.) 
 S. of M. Isale Lemay, by Julie Jacques, both of St. Louis de Lo- 
 tbiniere, P.Q. B. at St. Louis, 18 March, 1829. Ed. there and in 
 Quebec. M., at Mendota. Minn., U.S., Mdlle. Camilla Julie Ange. A 
 merchant. Resided for many years iu the State of Minnesota, and 
 while there was admitted as an Attorney-at-Law by the Supreme 
 Court, and was a Notary Public. For several vears he held office as 
 Collector of Customs in tlie same State. Sat fo'r St. Norbert, North, 
 from g.e. 1870 until last g.e., when returned for present seat. Has no 
 ;political creed, and will support the present Govt,, so long as they 
 faithfully discharge their duty. — St. Norbert. 
 Lbpinb Maxims. {St. Francois Xavier, East.) 
 B. in St. Boniface. A "half-breed," andabro. of Ambroise Lepine* 
 Adjutant Genl. to M. Riel, during the existence of the Provisional 
 Govt. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, bv acclamation at 
 last g.e. — Whitehorse Plains. 
 LuxTOM, William Fisher. (Rockwood.) 
 Of Norman origin. B. in Devonshire, Eng., 12 Dec. 1844. Came 
 to Can , 1855, and was ed. at Common and Grammar Schools of U.C. 
 M., 4 Apl., 18(J6, Sarah Jane, only dau. of Je.emiah Edwards, Esq., of 
 Lobo, Ont. Is Presdt. of the Provl Agricultural Society of Manitoba. 
 Founded, and for some time ed. .he Strathroy, (Ont.) Age. Subse- 
 quently became ed. of the Seafo, >h (Oat.) HJxpo&itor. One of the 
 founders, and now ed. of the Manitoba Free 1 -^fs (daily and weekly). 
 An unsuccessfnl candidate for Winnipeg Aiayorality, 1874. First 
 returned to Parlt., for present seat, at ast ge A Liberal iu Federal 
 politics. Advocates a Prohibitoiy L'q;ior Liw; purely secular na- 
 tional systems of education; the e'&lab; -shmeiiit of a complete munici- 
 pal system in Manitoba ; the aboli* u of the French language in the 
 Legislature and Law Courts of saui. Province ; and vote by ballot in 
 Legislative and Municipal elections.— Mianipeff. 
 McKbnzie, Kennet J.P. (Portage la P.nrie.) 
 Second s. of John McKenzie, Esq, of Essich, parish of Strath- 
 doors, Inverness- .ire, Scot. B. there, 5 Jan., 1822. Ed. at Common- 
 bridge, Ross-shire, and at Dumfermline Academy. M., 12 Dec, 1844, 
 Jane, eld dau. f Adam Condy, Esq , of Bartonville, Ont, Has been, 
 a magistrate f( the past 13 years. Is Presdt. of the Provl. Agricul- 
 tural and Arts Society of Manitoba ; of the Marquette St. Andrew's 
 Society ; and of the Marquette Agricultural Society. Has been 
 Presdt. of the Wfllington (Ont.) Agricultural Society; and was for 
 11 years Presdt. of the Puslinch (Ont.)Reform A3Soci;aion. Was first 
 Postmaster at Burnside. First returned to Parlt., fur present seat, at 
 last g. p. A Liberal. — Burnside. • 
368 • 
 Martin, Alphonsb Fortunat, P.L.S. (St. Agathe). 
 S. of the late M. Henri Martin, merchant, of Rimouski, P. Q., by- 
 Marie Dessein, his wife. B. at Rimouski, 14 May, 1849. Ed. at 
 Rimouski College. M., 26 May, 1874, Louisa, dau. of John Radiger, 
 Esq., Barrister, Winnipeg. Is editor of Le Courrier du Nord Quest. 
 Graduated at the Military School of Quebec. Admitted as a P. L. S., 
 1871, and has been employed as such by the Dominion Government 
 since 1872. Served in the Pontificial Zouavei from June, 1868, to 
 Nov. 1870, and was present with them at the seige of Rome in the lat- 
 ter year. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g. e. Neither 
 * National,' * Liberal,' nor ' Conservative,' but 'Manitoban,' and looks 
 to the interests of the Provmce before everything else. Will stand bj 
 the maintenance of thvS French language. In favour of the abolition 
 of dual representation resi^crcting Manitoba Senators, and of the 
 further establishment of separate schools. — Winnipeg. 
 ^LEXAhuEu, O.l' 
 (St. Charles). 
 Only s. of the late Mr. James TJurray, who came to Red River 
 from S'.itherlandshire, Scot., with Lord Selkirk. B. in Kildonan. Red 
 River, 18 April, 1839. Ed. at St John's College, (under Bisliop 
 Anderson), where he look a scholarship, 1857. M., 1861, Letitia,dau. 
 of Rev. Geo. Flett, of Okanese Mission, N. W. Territories. First re- 
 turned t., Parlt., for present seat at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. 
 Insists on the maintenance of the French language in the Legislature 
 and Courts of Law. — Sturgeon Creek. , . 
 NoLiN, Ron. Charles. («S'^. Anne). 
 &, of the late M. Nolin, a French Can. trader, wUo went to Red 
 River, 1817, by Annie Cameron, the dau. of a Chief Factor of the Hon. 
 H. B. Co. B. at Red River. Ed. under the late Bishop Provencher. 
 M., Miss Champagne. A merchant and traUer. Is Chairman of Mani- 
 toba Advisory Board of the Can. Commission of the Philadelf)hia 
 Centennial K-vhibition. Was Minister of Agriculture, Manitoba, from 
 March to Dec, 1875, when he resigned. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at last g.e. — St. Anne. 
 NoRQUAY, lion. John. (*S'/. Andrew's, SjiitJi). ' .- i 
 Seconds, of the late Mr. John Norquay, a native of Red Riv^r. 
 B, 8 May, 1841. Ed. at St, John's Ilcademy, under Bishop Anderson, 
 where he took a scholarship, 1854. M., June, 1862, P]lizabeih, 2nd 
 dau. of George Setter, Jr., Esq. Is a mem. of the Board of lie allh, and 
 of the Board of Education .or Manitoba. Was a mem. of the Ex. 
 ouncil, and .Minister of Public Works and Agriculture for Manitoba 
 WwwWKiW nmm*m\fm :iw 
 > Piirlt., for 
 from 14 Dec, 1871, until 8 July, 1874, when he resigned with his 
 colleagues. Re-apptd. to new Govt., March, 1875. Sv^orn a mem of 
 the Executive, as Minister of Public Works, May, 1870. An unsuc- 
 cessful candidate for Marquette in House of Commons at g e 1872 
 Sat for High Bluff from g.e., 1870, until last g.e., when returned for 
 present seat. A Conservative.— 7%/< Z^/f<//;'; Winnijteg. 
 Royal, Jlon. Joseph, L.L.D. {St. Francois Xavier, }Yest.) 
 B. at Repenti^ny, P.Q., 7 May, 1837. Ed. at the Jesuits' College, 
 Montreal. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1864, and to the Bar of Manitoba, 
 1871. As an advocate has been retained in many important causes, 
 the most notable of which were those of the Queen vs. Ambroise Le- 
 pine, and the Qneen vs. Naud, tried at the Manitoba Criminal Assizes, 
 Oct., 1874, for the execution of Thos. Scott under the provisional govt, 
 of Louis Riel, and ia which he was associated with Hon. J. A. Chap- 
 leau, Q.C., as counsel for the defence. Was for some years one of th 
 Asst. French Translators to the Can. Assembly. Has been a pro- 
 minent writer on the French Can. newspaper and periodical press for 
 a lengthened period. Edited the Montreal Minerve from 1857 until 
 1859, when he established LOnlre^ which he conducted until 1860. 
 Was one of the founders of La Revue Canadienne, 1864, to which he 
 contributed many valuable and interesting papers. In 1867 founded, 
 with others. La Nouveau Monde (Montreal), of which he became chief 
 editor, In 1871, shortly after his removal to Manitoba, established Ije 
 Metis, of which he still remains ed. and prop. Is leader of the Metis 
 and French Canadians of Manitoba. Author of Vie Politique de Sir 
 Louis II. Lafontaine (1864), and of many other important contributions 
 to French Can. literature. Was one of the Secretaries to the Montreal 
 Centeral Committee, and took an active part in organizing the Papal 
 Zouaves, who were sent to the assistance of the Holy Father, 1868. 
 Elected Speaker of the first Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, 1871, 
 an office he vacated March, 1872, on being apptd. a mem. of Ex. Coun- 
 cil and Frov'. Secy, of the Province ; resigned with the Govt., 8 July, 
 1874. Re-apptd. to the Cabinet, with the offices of Provl. Secy, and 
 Minister of Public Works, 3 Dec, 1874. {Salary $2000). Resigned 
 office of Public V\^orks and accepted that of Attorney General May, 
 1876. Appld. a mem. of the Ex. Council for the N.W. Territories, 
 1873. Was the first Superintendent of Education (apptd. 1871), fur 
 Manitoba, and as such exerted himself in having the law explained 
 and carried out in every locality ; resigned March, 1872, on his appt. 
 to office. Obtained the command of a cavalry troop, composed of 
 natives, at the time of the Fenian Raid, Oct., 1871, and was detailed 
 on an important scouting expedition in the Sonth West of tlie Pro- 
 vince. Has discharged the administrative duties of Attorney Genl. 
 from 3 Dec, 1874 to date, and personally supervised the important 
 legislation of 1875-0, introduced by the Davis-Royal Govt., which in- 
 24 * . 
 If,. '^ 
 II ■'I. '^ 
 P > , -! 
 I ! 
 (' ■•) 
 eluded the County Municipalities Act; the Administration of Justice 
 Act; the Electoral Law; the Act respecting the trial of Controverted and 
 Elections, the Act for the abolition of tne Leg. Council. Ts also the 
 author of the School Law (refunded) 1873; of the system of reeistration 
 of deeds ; and of the mode of establishing and collecting vital statistics. 
 Has been a delegate to Ottawa on several occasions on the subject of 
 " Better Terms," and the enlargement of the boundaries of Manitoba. 
 Tn Oct. 1875, was successful, with Mr. Davis, in securing a re-adjust- 
 ment of the financial airangements with the Dominion. First return- 
 ed to Parlt., for present seat, by acclamation, Dec, 1870, on the erec- 
 tion of Manitoba into a Province of the Dominion ; re-elected by 
 acclamation at last g.e. A Conservative. Aa advocate of extension, 
 so as to make Manitoba a maritime Province, with a port on Lake 
 Superior and on the Hudson's Bay. A firm believer in the great des- 
 tiny of the Far West, and will labor zealously towards its accom- 
 plishment. Visited Ottawa to confer with the General Government 
 upon Provincial affairs in 1874, 1875, and again in September, 
 1876. — Frovencher Avenue J St Boniface ; Mltmipeg ; Manitoban Club. 
 Sutherland, John. (Kildo?ian.) 
 Sat for present seat from g.e., 1870, until last g.e., when the elec- 
 tion resulted in a tie. At new election, April, 1875, again returned. 
 — Kiidonan. 
 Taylor, John, J./'. {l[eadin(/ly.) 
 S. of Mr. James Taylor, a native of one of the Orkney Islands. B. 
 anded. in Manitoba. M., 1st, 27 Feb., 1856, Miss Flora Campbell, of 
 Manitoba (she d.) ; 2nd]y, 31 Dec, 1856, Miss Frances Jane Brown, of 
 same Province. A farmer. Is Postmaster of Headingly. An unsuc- 
 cessful candidate for Headingly at g.e., 1870. First returned at last 
 g.e. — Headingly, 
 Names of Candidates, with total number of votes cast tor each 
 one respectively, at General Ele.ction, Dec, 1874. The names of the 
 unsuccessful candidates are in italics. 
 Baib St. Paul. 
 F. Chenier 81 
 WmE. Spcnce^ Bale St. Paul ...... 37 
 No. of voters 202 
A'hen the elec- 
 turned at last 
 John Taylor 59 
 Jlon. W. Tail. Ileadingly 54 
 No. of Voters .' 196 
 High Bluff. 
 Dr- Cowan 76 
 James Cadman 30 
 No. of voters 185 
 John Sutherland 49) ,. 
 John Fraser 49 J * "" 
 On issue of new writ, April, 1875 : 
 John Sutherland 
 Wm. Baldwin Thibaudeau, barrister, Win- 
 nipeg ... 
 John Henderson^ gentleman, Kildonan.., 
 No. ofvoiers 133 
 Lake Manitoba. 
 Angus McKay Acclamation 
 On resignation of sitting member, December, 1876, new writ ; 
 nomination on 17 January, 1877. 
 Hon James McKay Acclamation 
 No of voters 65 
 Poplar Point. 
 F.E. Cornish 92 
 Eobt. Ilastie 65 
 No. of voters 176 
 Portage La Prairie. 
 Kenneth McKenzie • 87 
 W.J.James, barrister. Portage la Prairie 81 
 No. of voters 262 
 W. F. Luxton 90 
 A. W. McGlure 24 
 No. of voters 324 
 St. Agathb, 
 A- F. Martin 94 
 Cotton W. Almon^ DufFerin 58 
 Wm. Dease, St. Ajrathe 2 
 No. of voters 322 
 St. Andrew's, North. r> v v - 
 John Gunn < 83 
 Alex. McPherson, St. Andrew's 36 
 No. of voters 158 
 ! i 
 1 > 
 I il 
 •i i 
 t I 
 . >:f 
 ' 'Pi: '•■ 
 St. Andrew's, South. 
 Hon. John Norquay 67 
 Ed. Il'nry Geo. Gunter Ila\j^ miller, St. Andrew's 34 
 No. of voters 140 
 St. Anne. 
 Chas. Nolin 69 
 A, A. C.LaRiviere 29 
 No. of voters 135 
 St. Boniface. 
 Hon. M. A. Girard, N,P A.cclamatiou 
 No. of voters 183 
 St. Charles 
 A. Murray 84 
 Louis Schmidt, St.Boniface 44 
 H. P. Mulligan 9 
 No. of voters 193 
 St, Clementu. 
 Thos. Hovrard 
 Wm. Leask ^ 
 No. of voters 149 
 St. Francois Xavibr, East. 
 Maxime Lepine Acclamation. 
 No. of voters 93 
 St. Francois Xavier, West. 
 Hon. Joseph Royal Acclamation. 
 No. of voters 116 
 St. James. 
 E. Bourke 
 Molyneux St. John, journaWst, Winnij^eg 42 
 Robert Tait 3 
 No. of voters 119 jjj 
 St. Norbert. 
 Hon. Joseph Dubuc 51 
 Jlon Pierre Delorme, St. Norbert 31 
 No. of voters 116 
 St. Paul. 
 Dr. Bird 42 
 Hugh Prilchard 34 
 No. of voters^ 96 
 On death of Hon. C. J. Bird, new writ in November, 1876, 
 and return of Mr. Black. 
 St. Vital. 
 Jos. Lemay 72 
 i^'. J. Jf. /'off cAer St. Boniface 47 
 No. of voters 166 
 W. R. Dick •. 
 John Scott, Sunnyside 
 No. of voters 233 
 0. P. Brown 
 Walter Lynch, Westbourne 
 Donald Leask, Palestine 
 No. of voters 355 
 Hon. R. A. Davis 
 Ctwt. Thos. Scott, Winnipeg 
 No. of voters 599 
 • • • 
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 I i' 
 IJ2 1^ I 
 IL25 i 1.4 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 

 i .41' 
 [Entered Confederation, 20 July, 1871.] 
 Lieut. -Governor — Flis Honor the Hon. Albert Norton Richards, 
 Q.C., youngest s. of the late Stephen Uichards, Esq., who came to 
 Can., from Saratoga, New York, in the early part of the present 
 century, by Phosbe, dau. of the late Wm.Buell, Esq,, a U. E. loyalist, 
 and an officer in the "Kings' Rangers," who represented Leeds in 
 the U.C. Assembly, from 1801 to 1804. B. at Brockville, Ont., 8 
 Dec, 1822. Ed. at the Johnstown District Grammar School. M., 
 1st, 17 Oct., 1849, Frances dau. of the late Benjamin Chaffey, Esq., 
 formerly of Somersetshire, Eng., (shed. Apl. 1853); 2ndly, 12 
 Aug. 1854, Ellen Chaffey, dau. of the late John Cheslett, Esq., 
 formerly of the same County . Studied law with his brother, the 
 present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, and was duly 
 called to the Bar U.C, in Michaelmas Term, 1848 and to that of 
 British Columbia. 1871. Created Q.C, 1863. Was a member of 
 Ex. Council, Can., and Solicitor-General for U.C, from Dec., 1863, 
 to Jan., 1864. Accompanied Hon. Wm. Macdougall, C.B. to the 
 North West, as Attorney General in the Provisional Government, 
 about to be established there 1869. Was for some years Legal 
 Agent of the Dominion Government in British Columbia. Apptd. 
 Lieutenant Governor of that Province, 20 July, 1875. (Salary 
 $9,000.) Sat for South Leeds in Can ., Assembly, from g.e.' 1863 
 until Jan., 1864, when defeated ; and for same constituency ir> House 
 of Commons, from g.e., 1872, until dissolution, in 1874. — Govern- 
 ment House, Victoria, B.C. 
 A.D.C.f and Private Secretary — Capt. George Richabd Layton, 
 Provincial A.D.C, to the Governor General. (Apptd. 20 July,1870.) 
 [Apptd. 1 Feb. 1876.] 
 Honj Andrew C. Elliott, Attorney General and Provincial Secre- 
 tary , (Premier.) 
 Forbes G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Workt. 
 William Smith, Minister of Finance and Agriculture. 
 ♦Previous Lieut. -Govenior His Honour Hon. J. "W.Trutch, who was appoint- 
 ed let Lieut. -Governor under Confederation, 6 July, 1871, 
 [Elected Sept, 1875 ; term expires, 1879.] 
 Speaker — Hon. Jambs Tremble, J/. D. [Elected 15 Feb,, 1372 ; 
 re-elected 10 Jan., 1876.] 
 Clerk — John Rolan TIett, Barrinter'at-law. Apptd. 4 Jan., 
 1873. (Salary, ^500.) 
 Armstrong, //on. William Jambs, /. /\ (Xew Westminster District ,) 
 S. of William Armstrong, J.P., for some years a mem. of the 
 Municipal Council, Dist. of Newcastle, U.C. B. at Peterborough, 
 Ont, 1826. Ed. there. M., 1861, at Victoria, V.I., Miss Honor 
 Cheuhalls Ladner. Was Presdt. of the Municipal Council of the 
 City of New Westminster from 1866 to 1867, and from 1869 to 1871. 
 Was a mem. of Ex. Council from 23 Dec, 1872. until Jan., 1876, 
 and held the office of Minister of Finance and Agriculture from 28 
 Feb., 1873, until the resignation of the Govt., 27 Jan., 1876. 
 First returned to Pari t., for present seat, on B.C. being admitted 
 into the Dominion, Dec, 1871. Ue-elocted at last g.e. — Mary 
 Street, New }Vest>nins(cr. 
 AaUflJon. John, J/. /A (Comox.) 
 B. in Eng, Ed. there. M., 11 Dec, 1875, Adelaide Anne 
 Amelia, dau. of the late Sir John, de Veulle, Kt., High Bailiff of 
 the Island of Jersey. A physician. Was a mem. of Ex. Council 
 and Provl. Secy., from 23 Dec, 1872, until the resignation of the 
 Walkem Govt., 27 Jan., 1876, Sat in the Vancouver Idand Legis- 
 lature for some years. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at 
 g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e. — Victoria. 
 Beaven, IIo7i. Robert. (Victoria City.) 
 S . of the late Rev . Prof. Beaven of Toronto . B . and cd. 
 there. M., the dau. of the Rev. William Ritchie, of Georgina, 
 Ont. A merchant. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council and Chief 
 Commr. of Lands and Works, from 23 Dec, 1872, until the resig- 
 ■J 'I 
I Hi 
 » • 
 ■II ! 
 nation of the Walkem Govt. , 27 Jan., 1876 . Apptd. a gold commr., 
 May, 1873. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e., 1871 ; 
 re-elected at last g.e. — Government Street, Victoria. 
 Brown, JTbn. Ebenezer. (Xeio Westminster District.) 
 B. in Eng. Ed. there. Came to B.C., 1858. A wholesale 
 merchant. Has been a mem. of the Municipal Council of New 
 Westminster. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, and Presdt. of 
 that body, (without salary), 1 Feb., 1876, but resigned the position 
 on the 11th of September following. First returned to Parlt., for 
 present seat, at last g.e . " Will advocate reform in the laws affect- 
 ing the summoning and payment of jurors." — I^ew Westminister. 
 Brown, William. {Lillooet.) 
 B. 'n Eng. A farmer. First returned to Parlt ., for present 
 seat, Nov., 1874 ; re-elected at lastgc. — Clinton. 
 *' ■ ■ J.' • 
 1,, I" 
 1 ^ 
 1 ', 
 1 , 
 Bryden, John. (Xanaimo.) 
 B. in Irel. Is fl«'t. manager Vancouver Coal Co. 
 returned to Parlt., for j^yresent seat, at last g.e. — Nanaimo. 
 Davib, Alexander Edmund Batson, {Cariboo.) 
 B. in Somersetshire, Eng., Nov., 1847. Ed. at Silcoatc's 
 School, near Wakefield, West Yorkshire. M., 3 Dec, 1874, 
 Constance Langford, third dau. of Thomas S. Skinner, Esq., of 
 " Farleigh," near Maple Bay, V.I. Admitted as an Attorney of 
 B.C., 1868. Called to the Bar of the same Province, 1873. Is one 
 of the Benchers of the Law Society ; and has been employed as 
 Crown Counsel on the Mainland Circuit . Was Law Clerk to the 
 B.C. Assembly from 1872 to 1874. First returned to Parlt., for 
 ^j)resent seat, at last g.e. — Victoi-ia, 
 Dickinson, Robert. {City oJ New Westminster.) 
 B. in Liverpool, Eng., 1835. Came to B.C., 1859. V/as 
 Presdt. of the Municipal Council of New Westminster, 1863-4, and 
 Mayor of the same city, 1874-5. Has also been Presdt of the Me- 
 chanics' Institute, and of the Royal Columbian Hospital. First re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. A Liberal. In favour 
 of a just and well-considered lien law ; reform in the jury laws ; 
 encouragement to education ; and the simplification of the registra- 
 tion of Voter's Act. Is a strong advocate of opening up the coun- 
 try by the construction of useful and reproductive public works.— 
 New Westminster. 
 f 5 
 Douglas, James W. {City of Victoria.) 
 Eld. s. of Sir James Douglas, K.C.B., first Governor of V.I., 
 and afterwards Governor of the united Colonies of B.C. and V.T., 
 by Miss Connolly. B. in Victoria about 1846. Ed. there. Un- 
 married. Is Ensign No. 2 Co., Victoria Militia. First returned to 
 Parlt., for present seat, at last g.o. Independent. — James^ Bay, 
 Victoria . 
 Elliott, Hon. Andrew Charles. {City of Victoria .) 2nd Mem. 
 B. inlrel. Ed. there. Came to B.C. 1859. Called to the 
 Bar at Lincoln'^ Inn, London, Eng,, 9 June^ 1854. Apptd. a 
 County Court Judge of B.C., Jan., 1860 ; asst. gold commr. and 
 Stipendiary Magistrate at Lillooet, June, 1861 ; High Sheriff of B.C., 
 1867 . Subsequently held the office of Police Magistrate of Victoria, 
 which he relinquished on his appt . to the Attorney-Generalship in 
 his own administration, 1 Feb., 1876. (<S^rtZary, $3,500.) Satin 
 the L.C. of B . C, previous to the Union with Can . Returned for 
 present seat at last g . e . ; re-elected on his appointment to office . — 
 Evans, John. {Cariboo.) 
 B. at Machynlleth, Montgomory-shirc, North Wales, 15 Jan., 
 1816. Ed. there. M., Ist, June, 1840, Martha, third dau. of Mr. 
 John Evans, of Llangwm, Denbighshire, N.W. (dead); 2ndly, 
 Nov., 1842, Ann, dau. of Mr. Edward Thomas, Blackpool Farm, 
 Holywell, Flintshire. A mining surveyor. An unsuccessful candi- 
 date for present seat at g.e., 1871. First returned at lastg.e. 
 " While in Eng,, identified with advanced Liberals, but in Can . is 
 thoroughly independent." — Van mnklc. 
 Fisher, William. {Fsquimalt.) 
 Claims descent from a brotlier of Jolin, Bishop of Rochester, 
 who suffered in the reign of Henry VIII. Eld. s. of the seventh 
 William Fisher, of Winsoaler, Dovcrby and Workington, in the Co. 
 of Cumberland, Eng.. by Margaret, only dau. of Isaac Simon, a yeo- 
 man, who married Margaret, dau. of John Ferron, of Dean, by 
 Sarah Fletcher, of Pardshaw, all in the said Co. of Cumberland. 
 B. 10 March, 1811. Ed. at the Workington Academy, and at the 
 Boarding School of Rev. J. C. Prince, Liverpool, where he served 
 an apprenticeship of seven years to Alderman J. N. Woods, and 
 acquired the Freedom of th»t borough, and of Bristol, Waterford, 
 and Wexford, in 1832. M., 16 Feb., 1844, Harriet Alice, second 
 dau. of John Birch, Esq., of Lees Hall, Werneth, and Manor House, 
 Ardwich, Manchester, cotton-pinner. Commenced business as 
 jimior partner in firm of Williom Fisher & Son, in 1832, merchants 
 in the African trade, and ship owners in the East and W'jst India, 
 Brazil, River Plate and China trades ; and owners of Iho Quebec 
 and Montreal line of Traders, which were superceded by the Allan 
 line of steamers. Elected a mem. of the Liverpool Town Council, 
 1848, and a mem. of tlie Dock Committee (now tlie Mersey Harbour 
 Board) 1849. Was an Overseer of the Poor for Toxtech Parks, and 
 a Poor Law Guardian for the West Derby Union ; a dir. of the 
 Metropolitan Life Assurance Co . ; and of the first Liverpool Marine 
 Assurance Co.; a Commr, of Pilots ; a mem. of Lloyd's classifica- 
 tion committee of British and Foreign Shipping ; a mem. of the 
 Ship Building Committee ; a mem. of the Committee of the Ship- 
 owners Assn.; and of the Committee of the Constitutional Assn.; 
 a Vice-Presdt. of the Philomathic Society ; and of the Assn. for the 
 protection of British industry and capital ; a mem. of the Town 
 Improvement Committee ; a trustee of the Royal Infirmary ; and of 
 the Northern Hospital ; and Treasurer of the Southern and Toxteth 
 Hospital ; life mem. of the Queen's College and Mechanics' Insti- 
 tute, and a mem. of the Royal Mersey VTachtClub. First came to 
 B.C. 1860, and was a delegate to Eng., 1801, to obtain Imperial 
 aid, and a mail subsidy for improved postal communication. Re- 
 turned to B.C., 1863, and settled in Esquimau. Was a mem. of 
 the Committee (aided by Gov. Kennedy) for exploring Vancouver 
 Island; a Road Commr.; chairman of the Board of Education of 
 Esquimau and Craigflowcr ; and an unsuccessful candidate for 
 present seat at g.e., 1871. First returned at last g.e. as an inde- 
 pendent member. — " The Fort,^' Msquimalt. 
 Gallagher, Charles. {Kootenay.) 
 B. in Ireland. Ed. there. Unmarried. Came to B.C., 1862. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last g.e. — Kootenay* 
 Humphreys, Hon. Thomas Basil. (^Victoria Diiitrict.) 
 B. at Liverpool, England, 1840. Ed. at Walton. M., Nov., 
 1873, Miss Carrie Watkins. Sat in the B.C. Legislature before tho 
 Union with Canada. Apptd. a member of Ex. Council, and Minis- 
 ter of Finance and Agricultuje, 1 Feb., 1876. {Salary^ $3,500.) 
 Resigned portfolio in July, 1876. Sat for Lillooet from g.e.. 1871, 
 untif last g. e., when returned for present seat ; re-elected, by 
 acclamation, on his ap^-t. to office. — Victoria. 
 Mara, John Andrew. ( Yale.) 
 B. in Toronto. Ed. there. Unmarried. Sat for Kootenay 
 from g.e., 1871, until last g.o., when returned for present seat. — 
 Kamloops . 
 MiLBY, William Cosoiiove, {Kootenay.) 
 An unKuccessful candidate at g.e., 1875. First returned 
 September, 1876, upon resignation of sitting member, Mr. Vowell. 
 Morrison, William. {Lillooet) 
 B. in Scot. Ed. in Can. Unmarried. Came to B.C, 1862. 
 First returned to Parliament, for present seat, at last g.e. — Lac de 
 II ache. 
 PiMDURY, Edwin. {Cowichan ) 
 S. of Samuel Cosbournc Pimbury, Esq., of Bagpath House, 
 near Stroud, Gloucestershire, Eng. B. at Hyde in that Co. Ed. at 
 Minchin Hampton. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat at 
 g.e., 1871 ; first returned at last g.e. A Liberal. — Comchan. 
 Smith, Robert, ./. P. Yale. 
 B. in Irel. Sat for Yale and Lytton in L.C. of B.C. before 
 the Union. Unsuccessfnlly contested Yale for Commons at g.e., 
 1872 ; returned to present House at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last 
 g.e. Moved resolution, Jan., 1876, to the effect that if the Pacific 
 Railway be not commenced betore January, 1876, that British 
 Columbia be allowed to sever her political connection with Canada, 
 and become an independent Province under the protection of Her 

 1! ' 
 Majesty's Government ; and claiming from Canada thirty millions 
 of dollars as compensation for non-fulfilment of Treaty obligations . 
 Smith, William, J. P. ( Cow.'chan . ) 
 B. in Scot. Is Secretary Board of School Trustees. M., 
 July, 1873, Martha, third dau. of A, R. Kier, Esq. First returned 
 to Parlt,, for present seat, atg.e., 1871 ; re-elected at last g.e.; and 
 again hy acclamation, August 10, 1876, upon acceptance of port- 
 folio of Finance and Agriculture. — " The IIer7nitaffe" Maple Bay. 
 ToLMiE, William Fkasbr, M.I). {Victoria District.) 
 B. in Scot. M., Miss Wark. Sat in the V. I. Assembly 
 before the Union. Returned for present seat, March, 1874, on 
 resignation of sitting member ; re-elected at last g.e. A Libeml. 
 " In favor ot Law Reform, and the extension of the advantages of 
 the Free School system. Will support any Government in an 
 honest endeavor to have the Carnarvon modifications of the 
 Jvvlway terms faithfully carried out." — " Cloverdale Farm" Vic- 
 I Ha, 
 Triv^, lion. James, M.D. (Victoria City.) . 
 B. in Irel. A physician. Sat in the V.I. Assembly. 
 Returned to present House at g.e., 1871, of which he was elected 
 Speaker, 15 Feb., 1872; again returned at last g.e.; re-elected 
 Speaker, 10 Jan., 1876. (^Salari/, $750). — Broad Street, Victoria. 
 Vernon, ^on. Forbes George. (Yale.) 
 Third s. of J. E. V. Vernon, Esq., D.L., of Clontarf Castle, Co. 
 Dublin, Irel. (See Burke's Peerage for family lineage). B. at 
 Clontarf Castle, 1843. Ed. in Eng. Unmarried. Apptd. a mem. 
 of Ex. Council, and Commr of Lands and Works, 1 Feb., 1876. 
 (Salary, $3,500). First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at last 
 g.e. Re-elected on his appt . to office — Victoria; Coldstream, OkaU' 
 Walkem, Hon. George Anthony, Q.C, F.R.G.S, {C./iboo.) 
 Family has lived for several generations on the border of 
 Devon and Cornwall, near Saltaah . S . of Charles Walkem, Esq . , 
 late Chief Draughtsman on the Royal Engineer Staff in Can., by 
 Miss Boomer, sister of llev. Dr. Boomer, Dean of Hedon. B. at 
 Newry, North of Irel., Nov., 1834. Ed. at High School and 
 McGill College, Montreal. Studied law with Hon. (now Sir) John 
 Rose, Q.C., and was called to the Bar, L.C., 1858 ; was called to 
 the Bar, Ont., 1861 ; and to that of B.C., 1864. Created a Q.C., 
 1873. Settled in B.C., 1862. Was a mem. of the Leg. Council, 
 B.C., for some years before the Union with Can. Apptd. a mem . 
 of Ex. Council, 12 Jan., 1872, and was Chief Commr. of Lands 
 and Works from that date until 23 Dec, same year, when apptd . 
 Attorney-Genl. (in the DeCosmos Administration), in which he 
 remained until 11 Feb., 1374, when, on the resignation of Mr. De 
 Cosmos, he was entrusted with the duty of forming a new govt., in 
 which he continued to hold the office of Attorney-Genl . up to the 
 resignation of that Govt., 27 Jan., 1876. Apptd. delegate 
 by B.C. Govt., June, 1874, to proceed to Eng., to present 
 the case of B.C. on the subject of the differences between 
 it and the Dominion Govt, respecting the construction of the Can. 
 Pacific Railway, to the Imperial authorities, which differences have 
 since been amicably settled by the friendly intervention of Lord 
 Carnarvon. Is Presdt. of the Law Society, B.C.; a Fellow of the 
 Royal Geographical Society ; and a mem of the Special Committee 
 of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 
 Returned to present House at g.e., 1871 ; re-elected by acclamation 
 on his appt. to office ; and again returned at last g.e. — Victoria. 
 Williams, Frederick. {Esquimau.) 
 B. in Eng. First returned to rail t., for present seat, at last 
 g.e. — Esquimau . 
 Names of Candidates and number of votes polled at general 
 election, 1875. 
 The names of unsuccessful candidates are in Italics. 
 Hon. G. A. Walkem, Q.C 254 
 A. E. B. Davie 199 
 ■■'"' 'J 
 John Evans 173 
 Edward Pearson, Barkcrville 117 
 John Johnson Robertson, Victoria 68 
 Samuel Walker, Barkcrville 41 
 Coifox . 
 Hon. Dr. Ash 
 Mr. Robh, liirmer, Comox 
 W. Smith 78 
 E. Pimbury 72 
 W. Henry Lornas, Somenos 54 
 John Paton Booth, Vesuvius Bay 42 
 Upon Mr. Smithe's acceptance to oflice, July 26, new writ, and 
 election on 10 August, 1876 : 
 Hon . W. Smithe Acclamation 
 W. Fisher 58 
 F.Williams •• 52 
 Robert Weir, farmer, Metchosin 43 
 Ninian Frederick Foster, M.D., Esquimalt 24 
 A. W. Vowell 16 
 Charles Gallagher 16 
 Robert L, E. (Ja^ftrai^A, merchant, Eootenay 16 
 W, C. Milby, gentleman, Wild Horse Creek 15 
 On resignation of Mr. Vowell, new writ and election on Sept., 
 W. Cosgrove Milby , 17 
 R. L, E. Galbraith 16 
 Mr, Milby was elected by the casting vote of th« Returning 
 Officer, the original poll standing a tie. 
 William Brown 53 
 William Morrison 48 
 William Saul 46 
 J. Martley, Pavilion 33 
 D, Dunne 21 
 John Bryden , 128 
 *The Betuming Officer declared Messrs. Vowell and Gallagher duly elected. 
. 173 
 . 117 
 writ, and 
 )n 8ept., 
 • t 
 ... 128 
 Ijr elected. 
 /?. W. Gordon, 
 John Fi 
 Nbw Wbstminstbr, City. 
 Robert Dickinson 
 Henry Holbrooke merchant, New Westminister 
 Nhw Westminster, District. 
 Ebenczer Brown 154 
 Hon. W. J. Armstrong 153 
 D. McGilUvray, farmer, Sumass 117 
 Jeremiah Rogers, English Bay Ill 
 William M. Campbell, Sumass 54 
 ViCTOBiA, City. 
 Hon. R . Beaven 428 
 Hon. Dr. Trimble 405 
 Andrew C. Elliott 383 
 James W. Douglas 382 
 Simeon Duck, Victoria 319 
 Thomas Harris, do 233 
 Gideon C. Gerow, do 67 
 Robert Williams, M.A., Victoria.,,. 24 
 On Mr. Elliott's appt, to office, 1 Feb., 1876, new writ: 
 Hon. A. C.Elliott 
 S, Duck 
 Hon. Mr. Elliott's majority 163 out of a total vote of 731 . 
 Victoria, District. 
 Hon. T. B.Humphreys 89 
 Dr. Tolmie 65 
 William Reay, farmer. North Saanich 51 
 Noah Shakespeare, pliotographer, Victoria 48 
 Michael Baker ^ contractor, Victoria 12 
 On Mr. Humphrey's appt. to office, Jan., 1876. new writ : 
 Hon . T. B . Humphreys Acclamation 
 J.A.Mara 130 
 F. G. Vernon 125 
 Robert Smith 117 
 J. F. Allison, stock-raiser, Okanagan 100 
 Charles Augustus Semlin, farmer. Cache Creek 94 
hr _ -^ 
 » 384 
 James Robinson, Yale • 59 
 James Hoss, Thompson River 7 
 On Mr. Vernon's appt. to office, new writ and election on the 
 18 March : 
 Hon. F. G. Vernon 164 
 C. Semlin 54 
 .-' » 
 ,»■ ^ ". 
 f. > ? 
 [Entered Confederation, Ist July, 1873J 
 Lieutenant-Governor: — Ilia Honor the Honorable Sir Robbrt 
 Hodgson, if;. S. of Robert Hodgson, Esq., formerly Speaker of 
 P.E.I. Assembly, by Rebecca, dau. of Lieut. -Col. Joseph Robinson, 
 of the South Carolina Royali&t Rcgt . B. at Charlottetown, P.E . I . , 
 1798, Ed. at the Collegiate School, Windsor, N.S. M., 1827, 
 Fanny, dan . of the late Captain Ranald Macdonald of the Glen- 
 garry Light Infantry and Town Major of Charlottetown (dead). 
 Called to the Bar, N.S., 1819, and to that of P.E. I., same year. 
 Appointed Surrogate and Judge of Probate for P.E.l., 1828, also 
 Attorney-General and Advocate General, same year ; President of 
 the L.C., 1840 ; acting Chief Justice, 1841. In 1851, resigned all 
 the preceding offices on the introduction of Responsible Govern- 
 ment into the Colony, except those of Surrogate and Judge of Pro- 
 bate. Appointed Chief Justice, 1852 ; and Judge of the Court of 
 Vice Admiralty, 1853. Administered the Government of P.E.I, 
 1865, in 1868, and from 30 July, 1873 until 4 July 1874, when 
 appointed Lieutenant-Governor. iSalanjy $7,000). — Government 
 House ; Charlottetown . 
 Private Secretary— Hdbeut Faz Gera.l>d Db Blois- iipptd. 32 Nov. 1875. 
 (Salary, $325.) 
 Provincial-Aides-de-Camp— Lieut. -Cds. John Long worth and R. R. Hodo- 
 [The Government of which Hon. Lemuel C. Owen was leader 
 resigned on 4 September, 1876, that gentleman not having offered 
 for re-election to the House of Assembly . The question at issue 
 at the general election having been that of giving grants from the 
 Treasury to certain sectarian schools, and the members of the Gov- 
 ernment not holding like views of the point. Mr. L. H. Davies was 
 called upon to form a new Administration, which he did, and the 
 25 385 
 'iV li 
 following persons sworn in as members of the Executive Council on 
 the 6 September, viz : 
 Tlon. Louis H. Davies, Premier and AttyMreneraU 
 " William D. Stewart^ Commr. PubUc fT-'rfcs. 
 " George W. De Blois, Prov.-Secy. and Treasurer. 
 " John Yko. 
 *' Alex. Laird. • - ■' 
 " Daniel Gordon. -•r.'w.-vVM, ,,- i r. ;;y. ;^^VM■■ ...-." ,;;.; 
 " John Lefurgy. 
 " John F. Kobertson, 
 ** Samuel Prowse. 
 fElected Oct., 1870; and Oct., 1874.] 
 Speaker — (Vacant.) 
 Clerk— loYmBkhL. (Apptd. April, 1867.) {Salary^%2H>) 
 Balderston, //o;i . John . {Queens ^ IsX Did .) 
 S. of Mr. Benjamin Balderston, who came to P.E.I, from Lin- 
 colnshire, Eng., 1822, by Elizabeth Deacon of Wexford, Irel, B. at 
 Littlr York, P.E.I . , 1831 . Ed . by private tuition. M . , 1862, Miss 
 Sarah L. Weeks. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 1865 ; 
 re-elected, Oct., 1874. A Liberal. — North Witshire. 
 Bolgeb, Hon. Simon. {Kinc i, 1st Dist.) 
 ■VA :.ij 
 First returned to L.C., Oct., 1874. A Conservative. — St, 
 Peisr's Bau. 
 Dinqwell, Hon. James. {King^s First Dist.) 
 A Conservative. — Bay Fortune. 
acil on 
 DoDD, lion, Thomas W. {Charlottetown and Royally .) 
 A dir. of the Union Bank. Elected to L.C., 187^. A Libcal. 
 — CharloUetovon . 
 om Lm- 
 B. at 
 62, Miss 
 it, 1865 ; 
 LVO . — St, 
 Laird, /Tow. Alexander. {Prince, 2nd Dist.) 
 S. of the Hon, Alex. Laird; and bro, of Hon. David Laird, 
 Lt.-Gov. N. W. Territories. B. at New Glasgow, P . E.I ., 1830 . Ed . 
 there. M., at Bedeque, Jan., 1864, Rebecca P., dau, of the late 
 Ephraim Read, Esq. Entered the Ex. Council, 1867, as a mem. of 
 Mr. Cole's Administration ; after his retirement continued to sit in 
 the Administration of Mr. Hensley, and on his elevation to the 
 Bench remained as a mem. of Mr. Haythorne's Govt., until Augt,, 
 1870, Was a mem. of the Board of Works for two years. Sat for 
 Prince, 4th Dist., in P.E.I. Assembly from 1867 until 1870. Re- 
 turned toL.C, for present seat, 29 Oct., 1874. Appointed to the 
 Ex. Council, 1876, upon the formation of Hon. L. H. Do vies' 
 Govt. A Liberal. — ^'^ Bedqeue House ^^^ Summer side. 
 McDonald, i/on. Daniet,. (Kings, 2 id Dist.) 
 First elected, 1873, A Liberal. — A^ew Perth. 
 McE WEN, ZTon. Arthur. (Queens 1st Dist.) 
 Great grandfather, who sat in the Island Legislature in his 
 early days, came from Perthshire, Scot., about 1760, and settled at 
 St. Peters. B. at St. Peter's Harbour, 24 Feb., 1837. Ed. there. 
 M., 24 July. 1860, at Campbellton, Miss Helen A. McEwen. Was 
 a railway appraiser under the Laird-Haythorne Govt. First re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, 29 Oct., 1874. A Liberal. — 
 Campbellton . 
 McGiLL, Lieut.'Col. lion. William, J.P . {Queens, 2nd Dist.) 
 Descended from Saml. McGill, one of three brothers who 
 migrated from the Nortn Country during the 16th century and 
 settled on the Queensburg Estate, Kirkmichael, Dumfries- shire, 
 Scot , where his descendants resided until 1854. Second and only 
 survivinj^ 8. of James McGill, of Nether-Gnrrell, Kirkmichael, by 
 Agnes, dau. of Peter Dinwodio Townhead, same parish. B. at 
 Corshill, Kirkmichael, 21 Nov., 1819. Ed. at parish school, and 
 : 1 
 ' . 
 at Dumfies Academy . Came to P. E. I., 1835. Unmanied. A 
 commission merchaut. Is Lieut.-Col. Ist Queen's County Regt. of 
 Militia. Was H'gh Sheriflf of Queen's in 1858, in 1869, and again 
 in 1870, when he declined re -nomination. Sat for Queens (2nd 
 Dist.) in P.E.I. Assembly from 1853 for several years. Elected 
 to the L.C., 1873. "An advanced Liberal both in Eng. and 
 Colonial politics." Was one of the earliest advocates of Confedera- 
 tion, and is now a supporter of the Reform party. — Charlottetowu . 
 MuNN, //on. iCODBRiCK, (^Meens, 2nd District .) 
 Second s. of Jlr. Neil Munn, who came from the Island of 
 Colonsa, Argyleshire, Scotland, 1818, by Elizabeth McLeod of P.E.I. 
 B. in Tp. 48, P.E.I., 17 April, 1835. Ed. there and at the Free 
 Church College, Halifax, M., March, 1863, Jane Miller, second dau, 
 of Alex. Robertson, Esq., of St. Peters Road, P.E.I. Ordained 
 an elder of the Presbyterian Church, 1864. Has been Capt. in 3rd 
 Queen's County Regt., of Militia. First returned to Parit., for pre- 
 sent scat, 29 Oct. 1874. A Liberal. — Wood Islands , 
 Rbid, Hon. Richard Bernard, J. P. {Prince, \st District.) 
 S . of the late Mr. James Reid, by Mary Vicars, both n\tives of 
 Kilkenny Ireland. B. in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Ed at the 
 Academy, Charlottetown. M. Miss Margaret Burke of Georgetown. 
 Is Major of the 4th Prince (>ounty Regt, Reserve Militia. Fint re- 
 turned to Parlt., for present seat, 
 Conservative. — Alherion . 
 1869; re-elected, Oct. 1870. A 
 Strong, /ion. William Gambec, J 
 (Prince, 2nd District.) 
 S. of Rev. John. E. Strong, who was sent from Eng. to I,C , 
 1813, by the Wi^sleyan Methodist Missionary Society, ac the iarst 
 missionary of that Church to that Province, and who, in 1816, was 
 apptd., to the pastoral charge of the W. M. Church at Charlotu'- 
 town, by Elizabeth Gambec, of Three Rivers . B. at Sackville, 
 N.B. 1819. Ed. at the St. John, N.B., Grammar School, and at 
 Hendersor. e, Annapolis, Ro)'al, N,S. M., 1842, Sarah Jane, third 
 dau, of Edward Little Bousfield, Esq., then Mayor of Newark-on- 
 Trent, Eng. Is a trustee of the Lunatic Asylum ; member of tho 
 Board of Education ; and a dir. of the Summerside Bank. Was a 
 lay delegate on behalf of the P.E.I. Methodist Church, to First 
 General Conference, in Toronto, in Sept., 1873, consequent on a 
 i. A 
 !gt. of 
 1 (2nd 
 ^. and 
 land of 
 I P.E.I, 
 le Free 
 id dau, 
 in 3rd 
 :or pre- 
 tives of 
 at the 
 'in.t re- 
 70. A 
 L,C , 
 he iSrst 
 16, was 
 and at 
 of the 
 Was a 
 to First 
 it on a 
 Union of the seven Conferences composing the Methodist Church 
 of the J)ominion and Newfoundland. Apptd. a memher of Leg. 
 Council, 18 April, 1873, and is Govt, leader in that House. A 
 Liberal Conservative . Assisted in obtaining better terms from the 
 Mocdonald Govt, on the occasion of the Island entering the 
 Canada Union. — ^^ Newark Cottage ^^^ Bedeque. 
 Walkeb., Hon. Patrick. {Kings^lst Dist.) 
 A merchant. President of the Caledonian Society ; a Trustee 
 of the Lunatic Asylum ; and a Commissioner of the Government 
 Poor Asylum. Elected to L.C., Oct., 1870. — A Liberal. — Charlotte- 
 "WiQHTMAN, Lieut, 'Col. jF/o«. Joseph. (Xingsj 2nd Dist.) 
 B. in Dumfries-shire, Scot. Ed. at the Lockerby Academy . 
 Came to P.E.I., 1823. M. Miss Margaret Macdonald. A merchant 
 and ship-builder. Is a Lieut.-Col. in the Militia. Has been 
 High Sheriff of Kings County. Was a member of the Ex. Council 
 for some years, and subsequently Speaker of the P.E.I. Assembly. 
 Sat in the P.E.I. Assembly from 1838 to 1870, when elected to the 
 L. C. A Liberal. — St^ Andrew's Point. 
 i ( : "if 
 [Elected, April, 1873 ; term expires, 1877.] 
 Speaker — Hon. Cornelius How att. (Elected March, 1874.) 
 Clerk — Archibald McNeill. (Apptd. April, 1873.) (Salary, 
 AiSBNBAULT, //o/i. Joseph Octave, J./*. (Prince 3rd Hint .) 
 Of Acadian descent. B. in P.E.I. , 5 Aug., 1828. Ed. there. 
 M., April, 1861, Miss Gaudet, also of Acadian descent. Was a 
 member of the Ex. Council, 25 July, 1873 to 1876. First returned 
 to Parlt., for present seat, 1867 ; re-elected in 1870, in 1872, again 
 in 1873 and 1876. A Conservative. — Egmont Bag. 
 Bbbr, Lieut, -Col. Hon. Henry. (Queens, 3i'd Dint.) 
 A merchant, Has sat in the Ex. Council. Is Colonel of the 
 Queens County Regiment, V.M. A Liberal. — Southport. 
 Calhou^j, John R. (Prince Co., Ath Dist.) 
 Returned to Parlt . attheg.e. of 187G. ' " 
 C AiiPBELL J Lieut. 'Col. WiLUAM. (Queens, 1st Dist.) 
 Descended from the Argyle Campbells, and on maternal side, 
 from the Camerons of Lochiel. B. at New London, P.E.I., 12 
 Jan., 1836. Ed. there. M., 1st, March, 1863, Miss E, McLeod 
 (dead); 2ndly, Jan., 1874, Miss Elizaloth Sutherland. Is Lieut. - 
 Col. Queens Militia. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 14 
 Oct., 1873, on resignation of sitting mem. Again at g.e., 1876. A 
 free-trader. — •'< Millville," Park Corner.] 
 CoNROY, Nicholas, J. P. (Prince, 1st Dist.) 
 Sixth and youngest s. of Thomas Conroy, late of Rathdowney, 
 in the Barony Forth, Wcxforth, Irel., B. there, 1816. Ed. there. 
 Came to P.E.I., 1835. M., 1851, Catharine, dau, of the late Mr. 
 John McDonald, of Kings Co., P.E.I., and niece of Rt. Rev. Peter 
 Mclntyre, Bishop of Charlottetown. A J.P. since 1840. Is 
 Collector of Customs at Tignish ("having previously filled the same 
 office at Cascumbec). Has served as Sergeant-'' t-Arms to the 
 P.E.I. Assembly; and was twice apptd. High Sheriff of Prince 
 Co. Has sat for present seat almost uninterruptedly, since 1846. 
 Re-elected, by acclamation, 1872 and 1876. A Liberal, but not a 
 violent party man. In favor of religious education. — Tignish. 
 Davies, Louis Henry. (Charlottetown.) 
 S of Hon. Benjamin Davies, M.P.P.; and grands, of Nathan 
 Davies, Esq., who came to P.E.I, about 1812 B. in Charlotte- 
 town, P.E.I. , 4 May, 1845. Ed. at the Central Academy and Prince 
 of Wales' College. M., at St. Eleanors, P.E.I., July, 1872, Susan, 
 fourth dau. of the late Dr. A. V.G. Wiggins. Called to the Bar 
 of P.E.I. , 1866. Is leader of the Opposition in the present House. 
 Apptd. Counsel to represent P.E.I, before International Fishery 
 Commission, 1875. Was Solicitor Genl., 1869, and again, 1872-73. 
 First returned to Paiit., for present seat, Nov. 1872 ; re-elected at 
 last g.e. Called on to form a Govt., Sept., 1876, which he did 
 successfully, assuming the position of ]?remier and Attorney-Genl . 
 A Liberal. — Water Street, Charlottetown. 
 DbBlois, GEORaE W. (^Charlottetown.) 
 Returned at g.c., Aug., 187G. Apptd, Provl.-Secy. and 
 Farquharson, Donald, (^Meen's Countf/, 2nd District,) 
 ; Returned at last g.e. 1876. • ' 
 Gordon, //on. Daniel. (Georgetown.) ' ?; 
 Returned at g.e. 1876, and appointed to Ex. Council upon 
 formation of new Govt . 
 Hackett, Edward, (Prince Count//, 1st Dist.) 
 Returned at last g.e. 1876. 
 Kelly, //o». Francis, J". P. (Quecn^s 3rd Disi.) ' ^ ■ ■■ • "' • 
 Descended from Donoagh 0' Kelly, of Mount Talbot, County 
 Roscommon, Ireland ; grandfather removed to County Monaghan, 
 about 1721. B. at Mulloloughan, Monaghan, Irel., May, 1806. 
 Ed. there and in Dublin . M., Miss Catherine Lennon, of TuUy- 
 corbet. Is a mem. of the Board of Works and Board of Education ; 
 a Governor of Prince of Wales College ; and of St. Andrew's Roman 
 Catholic College ; and a Commr. for establishing the boundaries of 
 Counties and Townships . Has been a mem. of Ex. Council and 
 Commr. of Crown Lands. Re-appointed to latter office, 8 Nov. 1875, 
 Re-elected at g.e. Aug. 1876. A Conservative, — Fort Augustus. 
 Lea, William C. (Prince Co,, Ath Dist.) "" ' 
 Returned at last g.e. 1876. ^^'' ' " ' " 
 I- . *',■■'. 
 Lefdrgy, Hon. John. (Prince, 6th Dist.) 
 Descended from loyalists. S. of the late William Lefurgy, Esq. 
 B. at Bedeque P.E.I. Ed. there. M., Doretha, dau. of the late 
 Ephraim Reid, Esq., of N.B. A merchant and shipbuilder. 
 Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council, 1873. First returned to Parlt., 
 for present seat, July, 1870, and has since been thrice re-elected. 
 Appointed to Ex . Council in 1876, upon formation of HonL. H. 
 Davie's Government, A Conservative, and was in favour of Con- 
 federation ; assisted in carrying the Railway Bill ; and the Purifica- 
 tion of Parlt., and Election Bills, — Summerside, 
 McDonald, John A. (Prince 3rd Bist .) 
 Elected for present seat at g.e., 1872 ; and again in 1876. A 
 Conservative. — Lot 18. 
 McDonald, J. E. {Kings, 3rd Dist.) 
 Elected for present seat, Sept., 1873, on resignation of sitting 
 member, and again in 1876. A Conservative. — Cardigan. 
 McDonald Lauchlin. (Kings, 1st Dist.) 
 First returned to Parlt. for present seat 16 Dec, 1875, 
 to fill vacancy caused by death of sitting member. Re-elected at 
 g.e., 1876. 
 McKay, Donald. ( Queens 2nd Dist.) 
 Returned at last g.e., 1876. 
 McIsa AC, Hilary. {Kings, 2nd Dist.) 
 Family emigrated from the Highlands of Scot. B. at St. 
 Peter's Bay, P. E. I., 1 Nov. 1820. Ed. there. M., 1852, Miss 
 Sophie McDonald. A member of the Board of Works. Has been 
 Collector of Customs and Controller of Navigation Laws for Port 
 St. Peters. Firpt returned to Parlt., for present seat at g.e.,. 
 1872, and again at g.e., 1876, A Conservative. — St Peters. Bay. 
 McLean, IIoji. James R. {Kings, 1st Dist.) 
 Grandfather, Charles McLean, emigrated front north of Scot, 
 about 1800, lived for a short time at Charlottetown, but finally 
 settled at East Point, 1805. B. at East Point, 9 April, 1842. Ed. 
 in P.E.I. M., Nov., 1870, Mary Armstrong, dau. of Hon. Joseph 
 Wightman, M.L.C. A merchant. Was a member of the Ex. 
 Council, 1872-3, and sat at the Board of Works and at the Board of 
 Education. Has been a Governor of Prince of Wales College. An 
 unsuccessful candidate for Kings in House of Cominons, Sept., 
 1873. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 18t9, and has 
 since been re-elected seven times. A Liberal. — Souris. 
 Macmillan, Angus. (Prince ^ 5th DistJ) 
 Returned at Inst g.e., 1876. 
 Prowsb, Samuel. (Kitiffs, 4th Dist.) 
 Returned at last g.e., 1876. Appointed to Ex. Council 1876, 
 upon formation of new Govt. 
 Robertson, Jambs, if. D. {Kings, 4th Dint ^ 
 Returned at last g.e., 187(5. | ,-■ 
 Robertson, John F, (Queens Co ., 4th Dist.) " 
 Returned at last g.e., 1876, and apptd. to Ex. Council upon 
 formation of new Govt. 
 Richards, James William. (^Prince^2nd Dist.) » 
 B. at Swansea, in Wales, 31 May, 1850. Ed. at Prince of 
 Wales' and St, Dunstan's College, Charlottetown. Unmarried. 
 First returned to Parlt., for present seat, Oct., 1873, on resignation 
 of sitting mem. Again re-elected by acclamation, 1876. A Con- 
 servative. — Bideford. 
 Scrimgeour, John G. (Kings Co., 3rd Dist.) 
 Returned at last g.e., 1876. 
 Stewart, William D. {Queens, 1st Dist .) ^^li^ ' 
 Elected at g.e., 1872. Apptd. Comrar. of Public Works, 
 Sept., 1876, and returned by acclamation. A commission merchant. 
 A Liberal. — Charlottetown, 
 Sullivan, 21on. William Winfred. (Kinjs, 2nd Dist.) 
 Ancestors came from Co. Kerry, Irel. B. at New London, 
 P.E.I. , 6 Dec, 1843. Ed. at Central Academy and at St. Dunstan's 
 College. M,, at Charlottetown, 13^-L\ug., 1872, Alice Maud Mary,[third 
 daii. of the late John Fenton Newberry, Esq. (B.A. Oxford 
 University), formerly of London, Eng., and of Siena, Italy, 
 Called to the Bar, P.E.I., Trinity Term, 1867. A Surrogate in 
 Admiralty Court, and a Notary Public. Is a Trustee of the 
 Lunatic Asylum. Was a mem, of Ex. Council from 22nd April to 
 June, 1872, when he resigned; re-appointed to the Ex. -Council 
 with the office of Solicitor-Gcnl . , (on the formation of the Pope 
 Administration), 18 Apl,, 1873. {Salary , $649.) First returned to 
 Parlt., for 1st Dist. of Kings, Apl., 1872; returned for present 
 seat, at last g.e., and again, by acclamation, on his appointment to 
 office. Resigned Ex. Council upon resignation of Govt., 1876, and 
 returned at g.e., Aug., 1876. A Liberal Conservative. — " Brighton 
 Villa,^' Charlottetown, 
 Welsh, William. {Queens, Ath Dist,) 
 Elected for present seat, Sept., 1873, and again in 1876. A 
 merchant and ship-owner. A Liberal. — Charlottetown. 
 Westaway, Lewis J. (Georgetoivn Tp.^ Kings Co.) 
 Returned at last g.e., 1876. - ' 
 Yeo, i/on. John . {Prince^ 2nd Dist.) 
 B. at Porthill, P.E.I, 29 June, 1837. Ed. at Uxbridge, Eng. 
 Unmarried. A merchant and ship-owner . Elected M.W. Grand 
 Master of the Freemasons of P.E.I., June, 1875. Was a mem. of 
 the Ex. Council, 1870, and Speaker of the Assembly, 1871. Again 
 apptd. to Ex. Council, 27 Sept,, 1873. Returned at last g.e., and 
 appointed to Ex. Council, 1876. Has sat for present seat since 
 1858. A Conservative.. — Porthill. 
 ■ if 
 ogate in 
 of the 
 April to 
 le Pope 
 irned to 
 tment to 
 876, and 
 je, Eng. 
 ^ Grand 
 mem. of 
 :.e., and 
 at since 
 [Election, 11 Oct., 1870.] 
 r Kings County, 
 1st Dist. 
 Hon . Patrick Walker Acclamation . 
 2nd Dist. 
 Hon. Daniel Gordon , Acclamation, 
 On his resignation, new writ : 
 Hon. Daniel McDonald. i,...., 
 Prince County. ■ ,, , , . 
 1st Dist. 
 Hon. Herbert Bell 663 
 Thomas Kelly 228 
 2nd Dist. 
 W. G. Strong 453 
 Hon . W. W. Lord, Charlottetown 397 
 QuBBNS County. 
 1st Dist. 
 Hon. Donald Montgomery Acclamation. 
 On his resignation, Sept., 1873, new writ : , 
 Arthur McEwen 114 
 Lawrence Tremaine 9 
 2nd Dist. 
 Hon . George. Beer Acclamation. 
 On his death, new writ : 
 Hon, E. Palmer. 
 On Mr. Palmer's elevation to the Be en, new writ : 
 Wm. McGill. ^ , 
 3rd Dist. 
 Hon. T. H. Haviland Acclamation. 
 On his resignation, new writ : 
 Thos. W. Dodd. . ; ,-:; ,. 
 [Election, 29th Oct., 1874.] 
 Kings County. • ' 
 1st Dist. 
 Simon Bolger 435 
 John C. Underleay 370 
i iii^ 
 Hon . Joseph Wightman Acclamation . 
 Prince County. 
 Ist DUt. 
 Hon. R. B. Reid A 533 
 N.Woodside,, 195 
 2nd Dist. 
 Hon . Alexander l^aird , * 402 
 Daniel Oreen^^t.'EAQ^nox^ 281 
 • ' * * * Queens County. 
 lit Dist. 
 Hon . J . Balderston Acclamation 
 2nd Dist. 
 Roderick Munn 540 
 Donald Ferguson^ East River , , . , 464 
 '" , ' ' [General Election, April, 1873 . ] 
 Kings County. 
 Georgetown and Royalty. 
 Hon. T. H. Havi land, ) A^«^„«^o♦;/^« 
 Hon.A. J.Macdonald, } Acclamation. 
 \st Dist. 
 Hon. E. McEachren, ] a„«i„«,„+:«« 
 J. R. McLean, '] Acclamation. 
 On death of Hon. Mr. McEachren, 5 Nov., 1875, *»ew writ : 
 Lauchlin McDonald 
 Mr, Kirkham 
 2nd Dist. 
 Hon. W. W. Sullivan 907 
 Hilary Mclsaac 576 
 William Hooper 372 
 Thomas Reilly 329 
 Hon. L: C. Owen 755 
 A. C. Macdonald 748 
maticn . 
 vrit : 
 J. Scrimgeour 323 
 On Mr. Macdonald's resigning, Sept., 1873, new writ : 
 J. E. Macdonald 453 
 John Kelly 327 
 4M Dist. 
 L. H. Davies 722 
 M . Rowe G16 
 Samuel Prowse 395 
 Prince County. 
 Hon. G. W. Howlan 855 
 S. F, Perry 728 
 B. Rogers 379 
 N". Woodside ^ ..... . 11 
 On Mr. Howlan' 8 resignation Sept., 1873, new writ : 
 N. Conroy Acclamation 
 On Mr. Perry's resignation, Jan., 1875, new writ : 
 Francis Gallant, Tignish 
 James F, White, Alberton 
 2nd Dist. 
 Hon. John Yeo 222 
 James Yeo 223 
 J. W. RichardSy withdrew 
 On Mr. James Yeo's resignation, Sept. 1873, new writ : 
 James W. Richards 452 
 Alfred Mc Williams 290 
 3rd Dist. 
 John A . McDonald 707 
 Hon. J. O. Aisenault 674 
 A. 11. Allen 473 
 A. E. C. Holland 647 
 C. Howat 610 
 John Beer 447 
 Thos. Schurman 394 
 ^th Dist. 
 Hon. John Lefurgy 448 
 Thomas Kelly 400 
 Lemuel Vickerson, Summerside 215 
 On resignation of Mr. Kelly, Jan., 1875, new writ : 
 Hon. J. C.Pope Acclamation 
 . t: 
 ' 1 
 ; :! 
 *l' « 
 Queens County. 
 Charlottetown and Rojinlly. 
 Hon, Jas. C. Fopo f . , i..^,„*:^„ 
 Hon. F. do St. C Brechcn ( Acclamation . 
 On Mr. Pope's resignation, and Mr. Brechen's appt. to office, 
 Sept. 1873, ne^v writ ; 
 Hon. Mr. Bre<;hen 611 
 Dr. Jenkins 601 
 John Andrew McDonald , 276 
 IH Dist. 
 Hon. r. Sinclair 903 
 W. D. Stewart 741 
 D. Cameron 446 
 George Ilowatt 337 
 Donald Palmer 323 
 William Ross 189 
 ' On Mr. Sinclair's resignation, Sept. 1873, new Writ : 
 William Campbell 660 
 Donald Cameron 375 
 2nd Dist. 
 H. I. Callbeck 774 
 W. S. McNeill 727 
 J. T. Jenkins 679 
 II. Longworth 670 
 H. Beer 852 
 Hon. F. Kelly 785 
 J. Angus McDonald , , 655 
 John MuUin • 642 
 On Mr. Kelly's apptd . as Commissioner of Crown and Public 
 Lands, 8 Nov., 1875, new writ : 
 Hon . Francis Kelly 635 
 James Bambrick 115 
 Ath Dist. 
 Hon. David Laird , 720 
 Benjamin Davis 695 
 Richard Smith , , 665 
 Son. Col. J. Hamilton Gray^ C.M.G 621 
 On Mr. Laird's resignation, Sept., 1873, new writ: 
 William Welsh 488 
 Richard Smith 385 
to office, 
 [Ocncml Election, Augnwt 17, 1876.] 
 Kings County, 
 1st Dhl. 
 Jainos n. MacLean, "> a„„i„,«o*;.., 
 Lauchliu Macdonaia. | Acclamation. 
 2n i IHst. 
 Wm. W. SuUivnn G27 
 Hilary Maclsaac 453 
 John Caven 445 
 William Ilooi>er , 430 
 3rii Dist. 
 James E. Macdonald 611 
 John G. Scrimgeour 542 
 Alfred W. Owen 467 
 4th Dist. 
 James Robertson, M. D 600 
 Samuel Prowse 649 
 Malcolm MacFadyen 5 44 
 Oeorgetown . 
 Hon. Daniel Gordon 201 
 Lewis 'I. Westaway." 168 
 Archibald J. Macdonald 1G7 
 The election for Georgetown is contested by Mr. Macdanald. 
 Queens County. 
 \H Dist. 
 William D. Stewart 813 
 William Campbell 806 
 James Holmes 777 
 Roderick M. Neill, M. D 653 
 On acceptance by Mr. Stewart of office of Commissioner of 
 Public Works on 6 Sept., 1876. returned by acclamation September 
 21, 1876. 
 2nd Dist. 
 Donald McKay 840 
 Donald Farquharson 750 
 Hon . John Longworth 702 
 William S. MacNeill 689 
 Zrd Dist. 
 Hon. Francis Kelly 924 
 Henry Beer 864 
 i ■' 
 I! I I 
 il ||. 
 Donald Farquharson 681 
 'Uh Dist. 
 William Welsh 1051 
 John F. iiobertson 1030 
 Andrew O'Keefe 285 
 Chaloitetown . 
 Louis H. Davies 987 
 George W. DeBlois 990 
 . Hon^ James C. Pope 880 
 Frederick Breckerd. , 865 
 On the acceptance by Mr, DeBlois of office of Provincial Secre- 
 tary and Treasurer, and by Mr. Davies of office of Attorney General, 
 a Partial Election on 28 September. 
 Louis H . Davies , 851 
 George W, DeBlois 844 
 Henry B. Smith .. ..' 447 
 Prince County. 
 1st Dist. 
 Nicholas Conroy, ) a i ^ *• 
 Edward Hackett; 1 Acclamation. 
 2nd Dist. <"' < 
 Jmes^W.' HichardB, | Acola.ration. 
 3rd Dist. 
 Joseph . Aiseneault . . 585 
 John Alexander Macdonald 574 
 John Gaffney . 438 
 Uh IHst. 
 John R . Calhoun 708 
 William C. Lea 649 
 A. E. C. Holland , . 596 
 Cornelius Howatt 556 
 Uh Dist. 
 Angus Macmillan 580 
 John Lefurgey 567 
 Richard Hunt 329 
 Daniel Oreen 313 
 , 1051 
 . 1030 
 . 285 
 . 987 
 . 990 
 . 880 
 . 865 
 . 851 
 . 844 
 . 447 
 Lieut. Governor i—IIis Honor the Honorable David Laird, P, C, 
 S. of the late Hon. Alexander Laird, who came to P.E I. from Renfrew- 
 shire, Scot., 1819, and was for some years a mem. of the Ex, Couccil of 
 that colony. B. at New Glasgow, P.E 1 , 1833. Ed. at the Presbyterian 
 Seminary, Truro, N.S. M., 1864, Mary Louisa, dau of the late Thos.Owen, 
 Esq., Postmaster General of P.E.L By profession a journalist, and is 
 editor of the Charlottetown Patriot newspaper. A governor of Prince 
 of Walas' College, and a director of the Ottawa Agricultural Insur- 
 ance Co. Has sat in the Charlottetown Cliy Council. Was a mem. 
 of the Ex. Council, P.E. I., Irom Nov., 1872, until April, 1873, and, 
 while holding that position formed a delegation to Ottawa, with Hop 
 R. P. Haythorne, to negotiate terms of Union with the Dominion 
 Govt. ; ine basis agreed upon by the delegation was submitted to the 
 people, and being rejected, on account of the side issuer brought up, 
 the Govt, resigned ; but a short time afterwards, the same terms, with 
 a slight modifacation in two clauses, were adopted by the Legislature^, 
 and the Island entered the Dominion. Has also been a member of the 
 Board of Works and of the Board of Education. Sworn of tha Privy 
 Council and apptd. Minister of the Interior, 7 Nov., 1873. Was apptd., 
 in the summer of 1874, a Commissioner to treat with certain Indian 
 tribes in the North-West for the extinguishment of thviir title to the 
 soil, a mission which resulted in the conclusion of a Treaty at 
 Qu'Appelle Lakes, by which diey surrendered a tract of country con- 
 taining about 75,500 square miles, through the northern part of which 
 the Telegraph and Canada Pacific Railway lines will pass. Sat for 
 Belfast in P.E.f. Assembly from 1871 until the Lland entered tHe 
 Union, 1873, when returned to House of Commons for present scat. 
 Re-elected by.acclamation, on his appointment to office, and again at 
 last g.e., 1874. Was Minister of Interior from 1873 until the latter part 
 of 1876, Avhen he was appointed Lieut. Governor of the North West 
 Territories.— i/a«/e/;»-i, N. W.T. 
 [Apptd. 7tli Oct. 1876 ] 
 Mathkw Uyan and IIdqh Richahdson, Stipenhry Magislratet^ 
 Members o/ Council, cx-officio. 
 26 401 
k 'Mtf.. 
 Lieut. -Col James Farquharson McLeod, C. M. G., Commis- 
 sioner oj Police^ member of Council. 
 Anbdeb Forget — Clerk of the Council and Secretary to the Lieut. 
 William James Scott, Registrar, 
 Lieut. -Col. Aoheson Gosford Irvine, Assistant Commissioner of 
 Lindsay Russell, Assistant Surveyor General. 
 Joseph Alfred Norbert Pro^encher, Indian Agent . 
 N. W. Indian Superintendency. 
 Hon. D . Laird, Superintendent. 
 M. O. DiCKiESON, Storekeeper. 
 [Apptd. 15 Dec. 1876.] 
 Commissioner of Indian jif airs for Manitoba and Keewatin—'RiB Honor 
 Lieut. -Governor Morris. 
 J,ieitenant Oovernor— -The Lieut.-Governor of Manitoba for the 
 time being. 
 [Apptd. 25 Nov. 1876.] 
 J. A. N. Provencher. 
 A. G. Jakes, M.D. 
 Lieut. -Col., Osborne Wm. Smith. 
 Wm. Hebpbler. 
 Gilbert McEinnon. 
 A. CoDD, M.D. 
 Immigration Agent — Wm. Hespblbr. 
 be Lieut. 
 isaioner of 
 His Honw 
 >a for the 
 [Although Newfoundland has not yet entered the Dominion^ it has been 
 considered that a list of the Members of the Legislature of the 
 Colony would be useful for purposes of reference .'] 
 Governor, Commander-in-Chief and Vice Admiral— Capt. SirJoua 
 H. Glover, R.N., G.CJLG. Apptd. Jan. 181 Q.^St Johns, Nfd. 
 Private Secretary — Herbert G, Mundy, Esq. Colonial Aide-de- 
 Camp, Edward L. Jarvis, Esq. 
 [Apptd. 3lJan. 1874.] 
 Jlon. F. B. Carter, Attorney General, (Premitr.) 
 " Jaues J. RoGERsoN, Receiver General. 
 *' Edward D. Shea, Colonial Secretary, 
 ". V.''. J. S. Donnelly, Financial Secretary. 
 W. V. White WAY, Solicitor General. 
 Stephen Kendbll. 
 Clerk of the Council — Hon. E. D. Shea. 
 [Apptd. 19 Nov. 1858.] 
 Hon. Edward Morris, President » 
 Nicholas Stabb. (Apptd. 1 9 Nov .1858.) 
 Robert Kent. ( " 28Jan. 1860. ) 
 James S. Clipt. ( •< 7 May, 1861.) 
 Edward White. ( " " ) 
 Peter G . Tessibr ( " «« ) 
 II i. 
 1' ;• 
 John Winter, ( 
 Edward D. Shea, ( 
 Wm. J.S,Donnklly( 
 Aug. W. Harvey ( " 
 BoBT. Thorjdrn. ( " 
 Thomas Talbot, ( " 
 Stephen Rbndell, ( " 
 Clerk — Hugh F. Carter , 
 15 April, 1865.) 
 25 Jan., 1866.) 
 9 Dec, 1868.) 
 14 Feb., 1870.) 
 3 May, 1870.) 
 31 Jan, 1874. ) 
 [Elected 7 Nov. 1874.] 
 Speaker — IIo7i . Prescott Emerson. 
 Clerk — John Stuart. 
 Conception Bay. 
 Portgrave Divishi . , Nathaniel Rabbits . 
 Conception Bay. 
 Harbour Grace Divi ^^^'^' Ambrose Shea. 
 uaroour urace jmv<^ j^^^^j^ Godden. 
 Conception Bay. 
 Carbonear JJiv John Rorke, 
 Cbnception Bay. 
 Bay de Vefd Div. . ,. lion. James J. Rogerson. 
 {Hon. Wm. V. Whiteway. 
 John Steer. 
 James H Watson. 
 {John H. Warren. 
 Charles Bo wring. 
 Alex. J. W. McNeilly. 
 (Uon. F. B. T. Carter, {^Premier.) 
 Twillingatb & FoGO-^ Charles Duder. 
 ( Willinm Kelligrew. 
 BuMn J Charles R. Ayre. 
 I James S . Winter. 
 FoRTDNH Bay Robert Alexander. 
 BuBOBO & La PoiLB....Alex. M. McKay. 
 r Robert J. Kent. 
 St Johns, East. . -j Robert J. Parson. 
 I John J. Dearin. 
 f Lewis Tessier. 10* 
 St. Johns, West . . -J Maurice Fenelon . 
 (Patrick J. Scott. 
 Fbbryland^ I ?^^^^^?, '^^**«« • 
 i James Gerve Conroy. 
 {//on. Charles F.Bennett. 
 James Collins. 
 Michael E. Dwyer. 
 Conception Bay. 
 mrborMamI)ivfi''f?^ ^^ ^^**^^'- 
 t Patrick Nowlan . 
 y • 
 ' % 
 Index to the principal Divisions of the Uouse op Commovs, 
 from 1867 to 1876. 
 (Navies of Mover and Seconder of Qnestian in italics.) 
 ,' , > ■ Subject. 
 Appropriation . 
 Not based on detailed Estimates — {Do- 
 rian— Elake) 
 Dept , unuece8sary~(Macfc«n«i« — Do - 
 Hon. ) 
 Banks, Bill. 
 Rate of interest, 7 p. c..—{Godin—Pa- 
 For correspondence, sale of Dom. stock — 
 Bank, Montreal. 
 ( fIo7*: n— Mackenzie. ) 
 Banks, Bill. 
 (Dom. notes)— Statement required— (Mor- 
 ris— (/i^fts.) 
 Resolution, Legal Tender Notes, opposed 
 Resolutions containing various Regula- 
 tions— Amendments— (Colby— Picfrard!; 
 RosH—Bowell ; Ferguson— O'Connor.) 
 Resolutions— Dom. notes— Amendments 
 — Cart Wright— Gait ; Blake— Ilolton ; 
 Mackenzie.— I J olton. ) 
 Amendment Act — Amendments -{Mac- 
 kenzie— Jlolton.) 
 8 p. c. 
 maximum rate of interest — Godin — 
 iSaiecai ) 
 See also "Interest." 
 B. N. A. Act. 
 See "Parliament." 
 British Columbia, 
 Terms of Union, 
 Pac. Ry., Govt, proposals opposed— Ifoo- 
 kenzie— Ilolton ; Jones— Bodwell : Ross 
 — Jcnes; Dorion — Killam.) 
 • 1 <( 
 Postpone consideration— (Jfoc^^neie — 
 Non-committal to 10 years for Ry.— 
 it <( 
 it 11 
 Reiiresntn. in Parlt. excessive— {Bodwell 
 <i i< 
 Payment for waste lauds opposed— (B?aJte 
 << (1 
 Terms unjust —(Mackenzie— HoUon.) 
 202 & 
 II .( 
 Ry. construction by private enterprise 
 on\y— Gait— Cartwright ; Cartier— Til- 
 Icy ! Dorion — Ilolton ; Tremblay—Four- 
 B— Continued. 
 imatea — {Do- 
 )om. stock— 
 lired— (Afor- 
 tes, opposed 
 ous Regula- 
 ke—IIolton ; 
 icnts '(Ji/ac- 
 8 p. c. 
 !8t — Godin — 
 ■)osed— i/oc- 
 iwell: Ross 
 MacktmU — 
 1 for Ry.— 
 artier— Til- 
 193 & 
 197 & 
 * 346 
 British Columbia, 
 Terms of Union. 
 (< << 
 British Columbia. 
 Building Societies. 
 J}iiti.sh Columlna. 
 " charter, previous sanctl'm— (Afacfccu- 
 " i jandGrant, previous sanction (Younr,) 
 " Terminus — L Nipissiny — (Blake— Mac- 
 kenzie ; Dorion — Holton.) 
 " Powers of Govt. t^xceHsive—{MaekenzU 
 Ilolion ; Wood— Mills.) 
 " Settlors on hinda— (Mackenzie- -Do- 
 " M P's to be excluded from Company- - 
 ( Mills — Geoffiro n . ) 
 Election by, Bill—" llo'iiit"~-Macdonald 
 — Curtier.) 
 " " 2nd Reading — (direct vote.) 
 Pacif. Ry— Charges against Govt — Sec 
 " " Persons interested in, ineligible 
 f ( ) r Parlt. — ( Mackenzie — Holton. ) 
 " " Voteforsurvey, opposed— (.3/oc- 
 kensle—Jioss ; Wood— Rosa.) 
 " " Bill— Amendments — period cf 
 commencement and construction - 
 (Bu nutcr — Plumb.) 
 Bill— Amendment (Oliver —Elain.) 
 Pacif. Ry— Eastern erd commencement 
 and speedy construction —(Tupper- • 
 Pacif. Ry— Georgian Bay Branch Thor- 
 ough preliminary survey— (il/asson — 
 Tupper ) 
 Es(iuimt."& Nano. Ry-" Hoist "—(IFal 
 lace — Stephenson ) 
 " " Contract— Previous 
 Pary. approval —(Tupper —Macdonald.) 
 " " Bill passed— (A/ocfccnste— 
 Telegrai)h — Contracts made, before loca- 
 tion of Pacif. Ry. line, disapproved — 
 (Bowell-Pabner ; Kirkpatrick-Cameron^ 
 Pacif. Ry. — Construction urged— (am. t - 
 motion into 0. of Supply — (De Cosm a 
 — Thovipsoji.) 
 Pacif Ry.— Construction not to increase 
 taxation -(Ross— Sinclair.) 
 " " Country pledged to speedy con 
 struction— ( PI nmb—Kirkpatrick. ) 
 " *' Steel Rails, purchase olojecte 
 to — (Bomdl—Kirkpatrick ) 
 i< ;VI 
 C ^ 
■i ■^■ 
 Civil Service. 
 <( << 
 <( <i 
 Cliantrey Isld. 
 Canada Central. 
 Canada, Province. 
 Currency Bill. 
 Canada, Doiu, 
 Canada, debt. 
 Court, Divorce 
 •' Supreme. 
 .\ct -Aniendnienta- Sec " Tariff." 
 Salaries— See ' * Salaries. ' 
 R(iorstan\zation—{Halton— Mackenzie.) 
 Motion for Select Com —Johnson— ItymaL 
 Purchase, oni^oscA— Stir ton— Helton. 
 liailway— See " Railways." 
 Debt, adjustment between Ont. & Que.-- 
 {Dorion - Fournier ; Carticr—Tilky ; 
 Holton—Delorvie ; Mills— Scatcherd ; 
 Joly— Pellet icr.) 
 Postponement of operation - {Jones— Ross) 
 B.N. A. Act-See "raWiommt." 
 Washington Treaty- See " United States." 
 Financial readjustment with I'rovinces— 
 Resolution for— (Z)c Cosmos— Brouse.) 
 Bill— Amendments : — 
 Rill opposed — {Bahy—Mow^seau.) 
 " Hoist" proi^oaad— White— JoTU'S.) 
 Exclude civil rights cases— Owimef—Jfoiis- 
 Exclude cases. Provincial jurisdiction — 
 {I'aschcreau— Scatcherd. 
 Judces smaller Salaries — Palmer^ Bowell, 
 Proviso relative to Juries— Irvinff—Blan. 
 Judgment final, except Royal Preroga- 
 tive Irvinrf — Laflamme. 
 Not to take ciffect in Quebec, till approv- 
 ed by Que. Legisl'rc — Mousseau—Cimon. 
 See "TaHff." ,. j ^ ■> 
 Hee " Militia." 
 Disestablishment , 
 Irish (. hurch, approved— (//o/ton — Mac 
 Prov. of Cm., adjustment — See Canada 
 Dominion Notes. 
 See " Ndtei." 
 Divor '-e Courts. 
 Resolution for — {De Cosmos— £rotiS6. 
 ackennU. ) 
 nt. &Que« — 
 Uer-~Tilley ; 
 Scatcherd ; 
 Jones— Ross) 
 lited States." 
 Brouse. ) 
 Jones. ) 
 ier- Bowell. 
 il Preroga- 
 ;ni approv- 
 ton — Mac- 
 3 Canada, 
 Excise duties. 
 See " Inland Revenue." 
 Detailed, ai»propriation not based on - 
 Dorio7L — Blake. 
 Kamoi iraska— (Joly — Tremhlay. 
 I. of P. Act— Officials eligible-(B&ifc« 
 Act again.st dual represcnt'n— "Hoist"— 
 (Blanchct — Curon. ) 
 Act against dual represent'n— "Hoist"— 
 Enquiiy, necessity for increased taxa- 
 tion— (DorioTi — Mackenzie .) 
 Act against dual rej)re8ent'n— "Hoist"— 
 (Drew — Harrison. ) 
 Bill— "Hoist "—{Langlois—Blanchet. ) 
 Govern't, excessive— (Galt—Cartwright.) 
 Pari. Indep. Act -Ry. Comonrs ineligi- 
 ble —{Blake— Holton.) 
 Pari. Indep. Act —Sheriffs, &c., ineligi- 
 ble— (fiZufce — Holton.) 
 Pari Indep. Act — Provl. Ministers ineli- 
 gible— (lfiofc«—//o?<o7j., ) 
 Militia, Artillery Vote opposed— (Direct 
 General, simultaneous Bill—" Hoist " — 
 (Blake— Godin ; Mac.donald—Cartier.) 
 Dual Represent'n Bill—" Hoiit "—(Bdle- 
 Controverted— Bill- "Hoist"— (A/aodon- 
 ald — Cnrtier.) 
 13y ballot— Bill— " Hoist "—(MacdonaUi 
 Militia — Excessive — (Fouvnier — Paquet. ) 
 Dual Representation Bill, passed— (Mas- 
 soyi — A rchamhacult ; Bdlerose— Fortin; 
 Baker— Wallace.) 
 By ballot, Bill, 2nd reading— (Direct vote.) 
 Govt, interference, condemuiug — (Afoc- 
 kenzie— Holton.) 
 To disfranchise officials— (Jo/y—W^/iite.) 
 Those interested in Pacif. Ry. ineligible 
 —(Jfaokemie— Holton.) 
 Controvd, Act, passed -(Af-^mcr — D«- 
 lojine ; Fonmicr—Mercitr ; Macken- 
 zie — Dorion. ) 
 I I 
 Financial . 
 Finian Claims. 
 For Select Com.— {Mackeneie— Geoff- 
 Bill, oitposed— ( ^'ackeneie—IToUon.) 
 Punishment of, o\>YiosGii— (Dor ion— Hoi- 
 Arrangements— Inter-Provincial -Power 
 of Parlt to Ux-(Afacdonald— earlier.) 
 Currency Bill- See ^'Currency." 
 See " United States." 
 lleadiustment — Bill-passing — ( Cauchon 
 . 1869 
 . 1869 
 • 1869 
 • 1869 
 Great Western. 
 Grand Trunk. 
 Reduction of SahiTy—inblton—Macken- 
 Reduction of fiiiliiTy—iOHoer—Bodtoell; 
 Salary, privilege of Parlt. to fix — (Aftxo- 
 kemie—Dorion. ) 
 Salary Reduction — {Oliver, — Mills; 
 Jones,— Scdtchcrd.) 
 Railway— See "Jiailways." 
 Exi)ense8 of, excessive— (C<jlt — Cart- 
 Pacific; Ry., enquiring— See "Jlunting- 
 Railway— See "Railway ' 
 Payment in excess to contractors, with- 
 out Parl's. sanction, condeninod— 
 Mackenzie— Blake. ) 
 Hospitals- Marine. 
 it (I 
 Harbor Masters. 
 Immigration Agency opposed— (Z« Ves- 
 conte— Mackenzie ) 
 Local Gov'ts, using, should contribute — 
 {Mills— Bodv)ell. ) 
 Quebec Govt, aid should ceaBQ—{Fer- 
 gv (son— Little,) 
 Impro\'ement, St. John, grant opposed — 
 Of Commons— See "Parliament." 
 Vote, opposed — Mackenzie — //olton.) 
 Charges against Govt, on Pacific Ry. :— 
 Motion for Committee— {Huntington — 
 Adjournment of Com., opposed— DoriOH 
 Sitting of Com. during recess— (Cameron 
 — Blanchet ; Dorion— Ilolton. ) 
 w ja^a n a | ii inj» Hij tm m 
 iial- Power 
 ■ Bodwell; 
 fix— (i/ao- 
 ^ Mills; 
 ^t — Cart- 
 ors, vvith- 
 {le Ves- 
 Hy. :- 
 ngton — 
 Inland Kevoinic. 
 Intorcolonl. Railway 
 Iiitf'rest, riitft. 
 Indemnity Act. 
 Insurance Act. 
 I nun ignition. 
 Irish Clmrch. 
 Inturost, rat^ 
 Insolvency Laws. 
 Hcp" TV/rf^." 
 Act, Amendments, fovR—(Jloife — Mao- 
 don aid ; Jj'ecJiard — Maanon.) ' 
 Tobacco Manufacture Act — {Oodin—Pa' 
 Tobacco, native, sold \)y pntdiicer, free 
 Act, 3rd reading, enqniry, (^xiienditure 
 and necessity for increased taxation -- 
 {Dorion — Mackenzie. ) 
 See "llailwaya." 
 Banks, 7 p. c.-{Godi7i—Pnqnct.) 
 Member's, " lioist " — (Jackson — Work- 
 man; Macdonald — Cartier.) 
 Should be under Local Legislatures— 
 {Mackenzie- -Blake. ) 
 Halifax agency opitosed— (f.e Fcsco/if* — 
 Disestablishment approved —{ITolton 
 Act, Amendments — {Geoff > ion— Dorion ; 
 Wood— Bodwell ; Ftrguson— Oliver; 
 Blake— Mack nzic.) 
 Banks, Amendment Act, Amendment 8 
 p. c. maximum— {Godi II— Senecal.) 
 Corporate bodies and i)rivate individuals. 
 Resolutions, 8 p. c. maximum, Amend- 
 ment— (J/acYiono?cZ — Anglm ; Joly — 
 Pelleticr; Cameron— Workman; Mac- 
 kenzie— MilU ) 
 Bill, 2nd reading, "ho'isi"— {Mackenzie— 
 Bill, 3rd reading, 6 p. c. maximum— ( //o/- 
 Bill,3rd reading, "hoist"-^^iw€r-J?off?rc?/) 
 Ilesolution, dropped— ( Wood-Mackenzie) 
 Laws, Act to repeal, " hoist"— (Cartier — 
 Re\)eal, ' ' Hoist" — {Bellerose — Archam- 
 Reiieal, "llo\'s,i"—{AngUn— Power.) 
 N.S. and N.B., " Hoist"— ((?i6ft» 
 — Merrill; Bdkrose —Masson.) 
 To continue till next Session — {IloUon — 
 Bill, various amendments and "Hoist," 
 proposed — {Boicell— Mitchell ; Bnuras- 
 sa—Bichard ; Colby— Devlin; Palmer 
 Amendment Act-{Boiirassa-Direct note.) 
 " " {Blake) Amendment, 
 non-traders, {Canm—Baby) Bill passed. 
 ■( I 

 Pensions on lletiring--/)w/'rfisn«— 3/'aMon) 
 Suliirics— Excessive— (//o/<(m— if iafc«.) 
 " '* JSiipiemo Court— 
 (Palmer— Bmoef I) 
 Election— (/o/v--7V«m6/fl J/.) 
 Peniteutiary, Salaries, reduction — (Mat- 
 son — Piithonncault. ) 
 I-aws, Provincial. 
 Lucliine Canal. 
 Lepine D. 
 Assimilation of — Grant for— objection to 
 M F's receiving money from — (Macken- 
 zie — Ilolton.) 
 Ditto — Inexpediency of transferring cer- 
 tain powers k'-'om Provincial to Federal 
 legislation— ( '"'f-ti— Young.) 
 Ditto— Grant for Commission opi)osed — 
 (Mills — Hutchinson.) 
 Lease of Land condemned— (iToZton— 
 See 'Manitoba." 
 Montreal Bank. 
 Militia Act. 
 For correspondence, sale of Dom. stock 
 — (Holton —Mackenzie.) 
 Indemnity- See ''Indemnity." 
 Fortification— For Select Com. — ifacJten- 
 Volunteer system sufficient— (Z)orio»— 
 Fortification Bill, opposed— (Jlfa<*fl»«r(e— 
 M.— Continued 
 ion— (Mat- 
 >j<)ction to 
 srring cer- 
 to Federal 
 apiWBed — 
 fn. stock 
 Militia Act. 
 Motion, TarifT 
 Aincndnipnt, pay of staff oiFrs. — Adjourn- 
 Aniendnieiits. aiiioants to be voted, rates 
 of pay, fic— Howell— McCallnm : Car- 
 tier— Mdcdonald; Savury — Jones; Baum 
 Thompson. ) 
 Oovemmcnt Act — Amendments : — 
 rtliould be territorial — Mackenzie — Oliver) 
 as N. W. Territories and Assiniboia— 
 ( McDougall^ Mackenzie. ) 
 of District— (Fer(/?won—Sco<cft<nl; Cart- 
 wriyht—ltosH ; 3icKcnzie—McDougaU 
 ineligible for Legislature — {MUla — Geoff- 
 grants to sctilers—Fergusson—Drew ; 
 Macke nz ie — Mc Douga II . ) 
 first, duration— (Drew—Fenjuson . ) 
 qualification— (Fcrg'Kswa.—i/yeiy; BodweU 
 grants, Half-breed s— (Jlf acfccn^ie— i/icDou- 
 omit clauses re8pecting"(0/ii;er-JBod«;eM.) 
 Military Expedition, Ot Britain respou- 
 sible — {Tremhl((y — Pelletier.) 
 Withdrawal opposed— (Afi7/s—0Z/rer,) 
 Govt.— Proposed Imperial Act, draft 
 should have jtassed Can, Parlt.— (i>o- 
 rion— Mills.) 
 Govt.— Proposed Act, satisfactory— (Chr 
 tier— Til ley.) 
 Scott murder, cniquiry, &c., demanded — 
 (McDongdU — JJoioen ; Dorian — Ma^on ; 
 liymal — Stirton ; JiouH.ll— Drew.) 
 Artillery, Vote for, o\^j)08cd— (direct vote.) 
 Vote — Excessive— (f'tmrHJcr — Paquet.) 
 iVmnesty motion — Kiel's expulsion from 
 House — {Bowell — Schultz ; Holton — 
 Cameron ; —Mfftcsi.san — liaby. ) 
 Amnesty, Address— Kiel and Lepine, 6 
 years banishment — O'Donohue excepted 
 ( — Mackenzie — Fournier ; Mousseau — 
 Baby ; Farrow — White. ) 
 Kiel outlawed— Expelled— iVcw writ— 
 Mackenzie— Fournier ; Plumb — Roche»- 
 O'Donohuo's ai)peal— Motion for enquiry 
 —{^Costigan — Devlin ; dii-ect vote.) 
 K if 
 Is !, 
 , i !«;■ 
 N. W. Territory, 
 Nova Scotia, 
 N, W. Territory. 
 • < 
 Nova Scotia. 
 !7ote8, Doui. 
 Nova Scotia. 
 N. S. & N. B. 
 N. W. Territory. 
 Notes* Doni. 
 New Brunswick. 
 Navigation . 
 New Brunswick. 
 Navigation . 
 New Brunswick. 
 Purcliase from H. B. Co. opposed — 
 (Holton— Parker.) 
 Re\)ea\— {McDonald — Jones ; Jxorrit — 
 Chamberlin ; Holtou — Dorion.) 
 Expense of acquisition, opposed — (Le 
 VesconU — Killam. ) 
 Terms of admission — Public lands-- 
 {lilake— Holton,) 
 Terms of admission — Coal duties — (Le 
 Vesconte — Killam.) 
 Better Terms, opposed — {Blake— Macken- 
 zie ; Wood — Bowell.) 
 Better _ Terms, opposed— (W^o^ton—l/ac- 
 kenzie; Killam— Le Vesconte.) 
 Legal] Tender, Resolutions opposed — 
 Vartivright — Bolton.) 
 Resolutions — Amendments to — {Cart- 
 wright — Gait ; Blake — Holton ; Mac- 
 kenzie— Holton.) 
 Term.s — Power of Parliament to fix — 
 {Macdonald — Cartier . ) 
 No further concessions — {Oliver— Ma- 
 ffill ; Wood — Magill.) 
 Dom. offices, salaries -^Reduction— (Hoi- 
 ton — Mackenzie. ) 
 Manitoba att'airs — See "Manitoba." 
 Military expedition — G. Britiiin respon- 
 sible— (7Vem6iay—P«?/erttir.) 
 Act — Specie Reserve— (//oWon—Jfctcfcen- 
 zle ; Young— McDougall ; Cibbs- 
 School Acts — Protestagainst— (CAauveott 
 — Abbott : Colby — Bolton ; Dorion — 
 St Lawrence, Washington Treaty— See 
 " U. S." 
 School acts— To disallow— (Co*tiflra«- - 
 Clearing Rivera, Bill-" Hoist"— ifc. 
 Callum— White .) 
 School acts — AddTesH—{Costigan— Mat- 
 son ; Mackenzie — Jfaedonald ; Cau- 
 chon — Make.) 
 (TDonohue, W. D. 
 Debt, Prov. of Can. -Sec "CatiOJ/*" 
 ^ce" Manitoba." 
. opposed— 
 ; Aorris — 
 »ppoae(l— (/^ 
 )lic lands-- 
 duties— (Le 
 Iton ; Mac- 
 nt to fix-- 
 tiin reapon- 
 Dorion — 
 reatj— See 
 d ; Cau- 
 Postage rate . 
 Printing Com. 
 Patent Law . 
 Poniket Island. 
 Paciflc Ry. 
 Canadian Newspapers, "hoist" — {Mac- 
 kenzie— Dorion.) 
 Canadian Newspapers free— {Bowell^I/ol- 
 Concurrence in Report — {Mackeneie— 
 See "Salaries." 
 Independence Act, Officials ineligible — 
 {Blake— Ifolton.) 
 Dual Representation, "hoist" — {Blanchet 
 Car on.) 
 Privilege of fixing Governor's Salary— 
 {Mackenzie — Dorion.) 
 Against Flogging— (2>orion — Holton . ) 
 Rules, Amendment — {Oalt — DunHn.) 
 Independence, objection to Members re- 
 ceiving payments under grant for as- 
 similating Provincial l&yr a— Mackenzie 
 — Holton.) 
 Inexpediency of transferring certain 
 powers from Provincial to Federal 
 Legislation— {JlfiKs — Ymmff.) 
 Purchase, opposed — {Le Vesconte — Stir- 
 Dual Representation, "hoist" — {Harrison 
 — Gray.) 
 Can fix all Inter-Provincial financial ar- 
 rangements— (JTacdonaJd— Cartier. ) 
 Assimilation Provincial Laws—Grant for 
 Commission opposed — {Mills— HvCtcMn- 
 Independence, Members receiving public 
 emn\\\\nei\i9— {Blake— Holto^i ; Savary 
 -Botcell ; Cartier— Tilley.) 
 Dual Representation, " hoist"— (2)re'W~ 
 Govt, not to seek any change in B.N./. 
 Act without previous consent — {Holton 
 — Mackenzie.) 
 Senate, Independence, Bill, 2nd reading - 
 {Blake— Holton.) 
 See "British Columbia." 
 B. C. Representation excesaive— {.5o<2to«U 
 Indept. Act, Intercol. Ry. Commrs. in- 
 f^\.\^ih\e— {Blake— Holton. ) 
 Indept. Act, Shoritt's, Ac, ineligible- 
 i! -1 
 ; I 
 P —Continued. 
 •^ . 
 ludept. Act, Provincial Ministers, in. 
 eligible— (5/a*e—//oWott.) 
 . It 
 Gen. Elections, simultaneous— (5Wfe« — 
 Godin; 3facdonald—Cartier.) 
 - • ,■* ; '• . H 
 Senate, Independence, Bill, "Hoist"— 
 Dual Representation, Bill, "Hoist"— 
 ( Bellcrose — Jfasso n.) 
 Controv. Elections. Bill, "Hoist"— (JTao- 
 Elections by Ballot, Bill, "Hoist"-(i/ac 
 Patent Laws. 
 Duration of Patent, &c.,— (CAaureaw— 
 Re-ad.jiistment of Representation, Bill— 
 (Mackenzie ~ Blake ; Mills — Wood ; 
 Thompson — You7Lg ; Power — Oliver ; 
 Cameron — Whitehead ; McConkey ~ 
 Thompson ; Dorion— Foamier ; Macken- 
 eie—Blake ; Workman— Boss.) 
 Officials, salaries, increase— <ifcZ)(Mifl'aW 
 — Holton.) 
 Dual Representation, Act passed— (il/<M- 
 son —Archamheault ; Bellerose — For- 
 tin ; Baker— Wallace ) 
 Ballot Act, 2nd reading—^'cfircci vote. J 
 Elective Senate, resolution — fMilU — 
 Govt, interference, condemning— (Jfa«. 
 To disfranchise officials (Joly -White,} 
 Pacific Ry., those interested in, ineligi- 
 ble— ^iV/rtoArexsie—Z/oi^onJ 
 Controvd. Elections Act, passed— /'i/er- 
 cirr—Delorme ; . Fournier— Mercier ; 
 Mackanzie—Dorion. ) 
 ,;. ■ "u 
 Representation, veadjustjnent. Act, 
 Pacific Ky, Enquiry— Sco "Huntington." 
 financial readjustment Bill, passing— 
 fCauchon—I/uiton ) 
 Elective Senate, Resolutions— /'ifiWi— 
 Quebec . 
 Marine Hospital, Govt, aid should oeaae 
 -^f Ferguson— Little.) 
 Debt. Prov. of Onn — H(^e " Cinnd-a " 
iniatera, in. 
 us— (5Ja*«— 
 [, "Hoist"— 
 , "Hoist"— 
 loist"— (ATao- 
 loist"— (Mao- 
 itation, Bill— 
 'ills — Wood ; 
 oer — Oliver ; 
 McConkey — 
 nier ; Macken- 
 >as3ed — (ilfoM- 
 llerose — For- 
 irect vote. J 
 »n — fMilU — 
 nning— (JTrtC- 
 Joly— White.) 
 '.d in, ineligi- 
 )ussc(l — fMer- 
 >,r — Atercier ; 
 ment, Act, 
 11, passing— 
 should oease 
 1 I 
 1873 6 
 & 286 
 Rupert*' Lp.nd. 
 See "N. W. Territory." 
 Intercol. , Route, location— (Dorion—Jtfac 
 kenzie. ) 
 Dual— Act against—" Hoiat "—{Blanchet 
 G. Western, agreement with, opposed— 
 {Eoioell — Ross. ) 
 Intercol. , Route, location — {Cartwright — 
 Tup per.) 
 For address in favor of— (Dor wn. — Con- 
 Dual— Act against—" Uoiat"— (Harrison 
 • —Groy.) 
 Resolutions — Amendment — {Macdonald 
 Intercol, — Should be a private enterprise 
 '• Govt should construct, without 
 Commissioners— (7on.c«— Gitnon. ) 
 Can. Central Act — Amendments— (Jlfiic- 
 donald — Ferguson ; Chauveau — Mac- 
 Dual — Act against — " Hoist "— (Drew— 
 Harrison. ) 
 Pacific — See ' ' British Columb ia . " 
 of R. C. iu Parlt. excessive — {^Bodwell— 
 Intercol— Guage— 4 ft. 8hm.— (McDougall 
 •' —{Bodwell— 
 Curmichael .) 
 Intercol. — Hails to be iron— Bodwell — 
 Dual— Bill against—" Hoist"— BelUrogef 
 —'MasHon . ) 
 lie-adjustment of. Bill — {Mackenzie — 
 Blake ; Mills — Wood ; Thompson — 
 You ng ; Power — Oliver : Cameron — 
 Whitehead ; McConkey — Thompson ; 
 Dorion—Fournier ; Maclzenzie — Blake ; 
 Workman — Ross. ) 
 Dual — Act against — Passed — Masso'. — 
 Archambeault ; Bellerose — Fortin; fia- 
 ker — Wallace.) 
 Readjustment, Act. ." IJoist". .(A/acion- 
 ald~ Mitchell.) * 
 G. Trunk, arrangements Act . . 2nd read- 
 ing. .(f?i.rfof. rof«.) '' 
 ! I 
 1'. um 
 i' 1' ' 
 « ■ 4 
 Riol, L. 
 liuils, ste';]. 
 " old. 
 Intercol. . . Payment to contractors, in ex- 
 cess, .vvithont Pa'lts. sanction.. (J/iac- 
 kcnzie.. Blake.) 
 Financial, Bill. .Passing. .{Ca^^chov,. .Hot- 
 See "Manitoba." 
 Navigable, clearing — Bill .. "Hoist" .. 
 {3IcCailuhi. . White.) 
 Can. Cen., connection with Pacif. Ry. — 
 Subsidy — Survey required — (Masson — 
 Esquinmt. & Nans— St „. "B. Odumbici." 
 Purchase, objected to— (BowtU—Kirkpat- 
 rick. ) 
 Loan of, to feeders of Govt Jlinos op- 
 posed — (Bowell — Flesher . ) 
 Sui)ply— Com. of 
 Salaries, Act. 
 St. Jolin. 
 Supply— Com. of 
 Motion into, opposed : Appropriations 
 not based on detailed estimates — [Dor- 
 ion — hlake. ] 
 Members — " Hoist " — [Jackson— Work- 
 man ; Macdanald- -Cariier .] 
 Governor and Employees, reduction — 
 [Helton — Mackenzie. ] 
 QovernoT— {Oliver— Bodwll ; Dufreane— 
 Publi c Service— Reorganizatio n— ( ffolton 
 — Mackenzie.] 
 Public Service— For Select Com —John- 
 son — Rymal. ] 
 Clerk, Printing Com ., Reduction— [Jfae- 
 kcnzie — Brouaseau . ] 
 Judges' Pensions on retiring— [Dit/resne 
 — jfasson.} 
 Governor, Privilege of Parliament to fix 
 — [Maclcemie—Dorion . ] 
 Governor —Reduction --[Oliver— JIfiUa ; 
 Jones . . Scatcherd . ] 
 Tiarbour improvement grant opposed.. 
 Mackenzie . . HoUon . ] t***- " t^t*> -""^ " ' 
 Penitentiary officials, reduction . . [ATasaon 
 . . Pinsonneaidt .] 
 Motion into, opposed. .[Direct vote.] 
 Civ. Service. .Resolutions. .Amendments 
 . . [Godin . . Geoffrion ; Jdy . . Bertrand ; 
 J'iu. .Gftdin.] 
xactore, in ex- 
 action.. (J/iac- 
 .. "Hoist" .. 
 1 Pacif. Ry.— 
 ud— (ifossoJi — 
 B. Cdlumh'.ci:' 
 ovt flinos op- 
 timates— [Dcr- 
 reduction — 
 ; Dufresne — 
 ation— {/Tbl^oTJ 
 Com— John - 
 uction — [Mac- 
 rm— {.Dufresne 
 lament to fix 
 Oliver— MiU8 ; 
 nt opposed . . 
 lion . . [Masson 
 ^ect vote.] 
 y . . Bertrand ; 
 ... — . _ 
 Bill— 3rd reading. .4 Divisions. 
 Dom. offices, N. Scotia. .Reduction. . 
 {Holton . . Mackenzie . ) 
 Dom. offices, N. Brunswick — Reduction 
 -(flcltcn— Mackenzie.) 
 M P.'s not to receive from Govt— (Blake 
 — Helton; Savory— Doiuell : Cartier — 
 Senate . 
 Independence, Bill— 2nd reading —(iiaA;c 
 Helton. ) 
 I^ependence, Bill— "Iloist"— (Macdo?t- 
 %ld Cartier.) 
 Judges'— excessive. .(//oJ^OTi. .Llake.) 
 llarbr. Masters .. Vote opposed. .(Afac- 
 kcnzie. .I/olton.) 
 II. of Commons, officials— Increase . .{Mc- 
 Schools act. 
 New Brunswick. .See " N. B." 
 Senate . 
 Elective, Resolution— (JtRBs. . Young.) 
 Supply— Com. of 
 Motion into, opposed .. Payments in ex- 
 cess to contractors, without Parly, 
 sanction. .(Mackenzie. .Blake.) 
 — - 
 8t Lawrence. 
 Navigatioji, Washington Ty. . .See "U.S." 
 Supply — Com. of 
 Motion, opposed.. N. B. Schools. .(Costi- 
 gan. . Cunningham.) 
 Pacif. Ry. . .See " Brit. Celumhia." 
 Seriate . 
 Elective, Resolutions . . [Mills — Blake . . 
 Direct vote. 
 • • 
 , , 
 , , 
 Supreme Court, 
 See " Courts." 
 Judges, Supreme Court, excessive. .[Po?- 
 mer. .Bowell.) 
 89, 115 
 Supply.. Com. of 
 Motion into, opposed . . Tariff ques- 
 CI l< 
 Motion into, opposed . . N. W. Amnesty. 
 It « 
 Steel Rails, pur- 
 Reduction, molasses, tea, &c.— Free, flour, 
 &c. —(Fisher— Pape . ) 
 Free, flour, meal and corn— ^i/cZ>onaW — 
 Postponement of consideration — {Fisher 
 Reduction, Sugar — (Jones — Macdonald. } 
 Free, Books and Periodicals— ^CAaitveaw— 
;'■) , : ■■ 
 U- ' 
 < ■' (I 
 T — Continued. 
 Reduction, ♦^n — ( Macdonald—Mackf\^ 
 Statu qno, grain except wheat— ^.Bos#— 
 Reduction, tea — f Youn.y—Macken»ie.) 
 Free, agricultural &.n\M\a\^ — ( Oliver — 
 Free, xxce— (Make— Mills.} 
 Off free list, Indian corn— fMunroe— Ross J 
 For Address in favor of Reciprocity— ^2>or- 
 Reciprocity Resolutions, Amendments— 
 fMacdonald — Cartier. J 
 Free, Flour and Meal — fMacdonald— 
 "Previous question" moved— (ZZbWon- 
 Free, Coal and Co\i^—( HoUon— Mac- 
 Free, Salt, Inland Waters— (Ross Bro^onJ 
 Free, Salt— (MoConkey— Kemp.) 
 Free, Flour, Meal, Wheat, Coal and Coke— 
 (Dorion—Mackene ie. ) 
 Free, Rice— (Thompson— Bodwell,) 
 Free, Coal and Coke from G.B.— ^ClMat«i< 
 Free, Indian (Jorn—(Bdlton— Wallace.) 
 • 1 
 Free, Packages and Charges— ^ircC7o7i*«y 
 — Young.) 
 Free, Leaf Tobacco, native, when sold— 
 Customs Act, 3rd reading— Enquiry as to 
 ExpenditUxX) and necessity for increas- 
 ed taxation— (Dorion—Mackengie.) 
 Customs Act, 3rd reading — Protest 
 against taxing coal, coke, flour and 
 wheat~< Workman. . Gasault.) 
 Powei of Govt, to place articles on free 
 1 ist, inexpedient— ^-ff'oWon—ZJorion.; 
 Dutv resolution— Withdrawal opposed— 
 (Mills— Oliver.) 
 Free, Coal, Coak, Flonr and Meal. Peas 
 and Beans, and all grain— /'//blfon— 
 Mills ; BlancJut—Rya n. ) 
 On Cereals, Repeal, opposed— ^JSotre/i— 
 On Cereals, Coal, Coke, Salt, Repeal, op- 
 posed— ^Latosow — Bowell). 
 On Salt, Repeal, opposed —^Cameron— 
 - (Oliver — 
 nroe — RossJ 
 ncitj— (Dor- 
 endments — 
 oUon— Mac- 
 OSS Bro^'m) 
 I and Coke— 
 rhen sold — 
 iquiry as to • 
 for increas- 
 — Protest 
 flour and 
 cles on free 
 opposed — 
 Meal. Peas 
 (BoweU — 
 Repeal, op- 
 T— Continued. 
 115 41 
 415 16 
 On native grown Tobacco, opposed . .(De 
 St. George .. Paquet.) 
 Free, Tea and Cottee. .(Bahy..3£onteUh.) 
 For 10 p.o. (Wfiereni&X. .{Irving—Wood.) 
 For " protection" — ( Workman — Devlin.) 
 For decrease on Petroleum— (C/o^fty— 
 Canadian Manufacture, Act. .Regulations 
 — ( Godin — Paquet. ) 
 Na^'ve, sold by producer, free— (Godtn — 
 Native grown, Tariff opposed— (Z>e St, 
 Georges — Paquet.) 
 Pacific Rv.--See"-ffriMsA Columhia." 
 U - ! 
 United States. 
 Fenian claims— Resolutions — Cartwright 
 — Ross; Harrison — Gray; Blake — Bol- 
 Washington Treaty— Bill opposed— (B^fce 
 — rcr-'- *- ; Bodivdl—Anglin ) 
 Washington Treaty— Navigation of St. 
 Lawrence— For address, rights of Can- 
 ada —Blake - Ilolton ; Tupper — Mac- 
 donald ; 3fackemie — Foumier) 
 See "United States. " 
hu }] !i 
 Ipolitiral Jotieticfi and ^rjgitnigdions. 
 ^ 'i' w 
 Name of Societt. 
 North Brant Reform Assn. 
 "West Elgin Ileform Assn. 
 .V"f ~ 
 Barrie Ileform Assn 
 Barrie Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Assn 
 Belleville Beform Club. . 
 Belleville Native Cauadiau 
 Pkes. and Vice-Pkes. 
 Mr. Chittenden, Presdt., 
 Dr. Kitchen, V.P 
 Dugald Fergu8on,Presd^, 
 Port Stanley 
 Dr. McCoU, V.P., Wal- 
 lacetown ■ > 
 Messrs. D. McGregor, Aid- 
 borough ; McEachren, 
 Dunwich; E. Cameron, 
 Southwold; S- Shepard, 
 Port Stanley, Prcsdis ef 
 Tov^mship and Village 
 Branchesjforming ^ with 
 above Ojicers, the Ex- 
 ecutive Council. Annual 
 meeting for election of 
 officers, second Tuesday 
 In February, at Wallace 
 Di; Hamilton, Presdt. 
 W. D. Ardagh, Presdt 
 — Hickey, Ist V.P.... 
 Wm. Boys, 2nd V.P... 
 John Lewis, Presdt 
 R. S. Patterson, 1st V.P. 
 W. W. Dean, 2nd V.P. . 
 Dr. P. \ . Dorland, Presdt 
 Mr. Lang, Sec. and Treat. 
 Archd. Leach, Sec.-Treas., 
 Button P.O. 
 Henry Baird. 
 Col. McKenzie. 
 B. C. CI lite. 
 George A. Pope. 
 . and Treat- 
 , Sec.-Treas., 
 Namb of Society. 
 North Brant Reform Assn. 
 South Brant Reform Assn. 
 South Brant Liberal Cou' 
 serva^ivo Assn 
 Brockville Liberal Con 
 servative Asan 
 Brockville Koform Assn . 
 Liberal ConBervative Assn 
 of Oardwell 
 Vreb. and Vice PaES. 
 Cavan Conservative Club. 
 Collingwood Reform Assn. 
 East Durham Reform Asn. 
 Liberal Conservative Assn. 
 of Dufferin 
 Piitrick O'Connor, Presdt. 
 Matthew Whiting, V.P 
 Thomas Botham, Presdt.. 
 A. S Hardy, M. P.P. . 1 ^ 
 J. B. Merrit '. ^ 
 Wm. Bryce... . ■ .. ; . 
 W. McAlistcr ...]> 
 John T. Brown, M.D 
 Harry A' '>ott, Hon. Presdt 
 Dr. V. Moore, Presdt. . . . 
 T. Price, Ist V.P 
 R. C.Jamieson, 2nd V.P 
 W. Hannah, Presdt 
 Messrs.- R. Wilson, Or. V. 
 Hughes, O. Stubbs, R 
 Robertson, and D. Tay 
 lor, Vice-Presidents.. . . 
 Richard Staples, Presdt . 
 Geo. Hethonngton; V.P. 
 Henry Robertson, Presdt. 
 John McMillan, Secy, and 
 B. F. Fitch. 
 East Elgin Reform Assn. . 
 West Elgin Reform Assn . . 
 Thomas Webster. 
 John McConkey. 
 JohnM. (iill. 
 James Kerr. 
 B. F. Lewis. 
 Geo. B. Slater, Presdt.. . 
 Messrs. Dr. Corbett, Thos. 
 Kyres, and John Wright, 
 Township Chairmen. 
 Capt Allen, Presdt 
 Messrs. J. Foster, R. Hew- 
 itt, W. Meuary. andJ. 
 Ferguson, Vice-Presdts. 
 W. E- Murray, Presdt. . . 
 Dr. Cascadeu, Presdt 
 Messrs. Dr. Ruthven, .T. 
 Sheppard, D- Ferguson, 
 J. Galbraith, and J. Cun- 
 Messrs. Seth S. Smith, W. 
 Harris, A. Wood, and 
 P. R. Randall, Secre- 
 J. Doole. 
 John Graham. Sooretary- 
 -1 1 .It ' 
 1; ' 
 t ki * i- m1 
 Si:- t " ;! 
 If: , ' ''^ • i 
 ' I,- 
 Namb or Society. 
 Liberal Assn or the Coun- 
 ty of Eseex 
 Liberal Assn. of South 
 Essex ... 
 Fergus Reform Assn . 
 Goderich Reform Assn . 
 Coderich Conservative 
 Prrs. and Vice Pbes. 
 James Dougall, Fresdt 
 Samuel Geo, Presdt. . . . 
 Liberal Conservative A sso- 
 ciationofS. Grenville 
 North Grey Reform Assn. 
 Liberal Conservative Assn 
 of North Grey 
 South Grey Riform Assn. . 
 Haldimand Liberal Con- 
 servative Assn 
 Halifax Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Assn 
 John Craig, Presdt 
 Alex. Forbes, Ist V.P 
 Alex. Goforth, 2nd V.P. . . 
 W. R. Squier, Presdt 
 Messrs. J. S. Sinclair, F.A 
 Robertson, T. N. Dancy 
 and S. Sloan, V. Presdts. 
 C. Crabbe, Presdt. . . 
 W. Campbell, V.P. 
 Wm Ellis, Presdt 
 James Cairns, V. Presdt. 
 Charles McFayden. Presdt 
 Robt. McKnightj A. Frost, 
 and Jas. Beattie, V.P's.. 
 S.J. Lane, Presdt 
 Joseph Re rke, V.P 
 Dr. Gow, Presdt 
 Stephen Lusted. 
 W. D. Balfour. 
 Alex. Taylor. Secy<TreM. 
 J. J. Bell. 
 T. W. Johnson. 
 John Scot, Presdt 
 Messrs. W. Buck and C. 
 Eadie, Vice Fresdts . . . 
 Dr. Almon, Presdt. 
 Halton Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Assn 
 Halton Reform Assn. 
 Hamilton Canadian Asso- 
 W. C. Beatty, Presdt. . . . 
 Dr. Freeman, V. Presdt. 
 Dr. Robertson, Presdt. . . . 
 W. F. McMahon, Presdt. 
 Charles Cliffe. 
 Geo. C. Couper. 
 W. B. Stephens, Cor. Sec. 
 W. F. Sawte. 
 Robt. Scdgcwick. 
 D. McGibbon. 
 J. Lindsay. 
 J. Horsnell. 
 '. Secy-TreM. 
 IS, Cor. Sec- 
 Naiu or SocmT. 
 Centre Huron Beform As 
 East Huron Conservative 
 East Huron Reform Asa'n 
 West Huron Conservative 
 Association , 
 West Huron Reforn. Ass'n 
 Sent Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Association 
 East Kent Reform Ass'n. . 
 Kingston Liberal Conser- 
 vative Association 
 Kingston Reform Ass'n. . . 
 East Lambton Reform 
 West Lambton Reform 
 Korfh Lanark Reform As 
 South Lanark Reform As- 
 South Leeds Reform Ass'n 
 Reform Association of th( 
 ^ ' f County of Lennox 
 Lincoln Refonn Asa'n .... 
 Press. Ann Vice Pres. 
 W. R. Squier, Presdt.... 
 Joseph Leacli, Presdt • • . 
 Wm Morris, V. Presdt. 
 John McOrea, Presdt 
 Donald Scoft, V. Preadt. 
 Wm. Malough, Peesdt. . . . 
 Dr. Taylor, V Presdt. 
 J. P. Sinclair, Presdt. . . 
 Chau. Garvin, V. Presdt. 
 D. R. VanAllen, Presdt.. 
 I)r Jacob Smith, Presdt. 
 D. McCranoy, "V. Presdt. 
 S. T. Drcnnan, Presdt.. . . 
 Patrick Harty, V. Presdt. 
 Henry Cunninghani, V. 
 John Carruthers, Presdt . . 
 Wm. Ford, V. Presdt. 
 Alex McGregor, Presdt. . 
 H. G Taylor, V. Presdt. 
 D. Mackenzie, Presdt . . . 
 M. J. McLe&n. 
 James Johnston. 
 Mr. McGUlicuddy. 
 Wm. Campbell. 
 R. Clondenning. 
 John Sc.tt, Presdt. 
 Wm. Doran, Presd'^ .... 
 J. H. G uld. iBt V.PrSsdt. 
 Archd. McArthur, 2ndV. 
 0. D. Cowan, Presdt 
 Sidney Warner, Presdt.. . . 
 Messrs. Morden, Box, Her- 
 ring, Allison aud bcher- 
 mahorn, V.P.'s. 
 Sylvester Neelon, Presdt. . 
 Robt. Lawlor, V. Presdt. 
 T. T. Arnold. 
 James Grant. 
 J. Maguire and J. John- 
 stone, Joint Secretaries. 
 C. V. Price and J. A. Al- 
 lan, Secy Treasurers. 
 D. J. Campbell. 
 F. Davis. 
 Archd. McNeo. 
 T. W. Casey. 
 W. H. McClive. 
' fv ' 9 mm ' w m ^^ ' w wi a w 
 II . ^' 
 1 1 
 Namk of Socibtt. 
 City of London Reform 
 London ConaervatiTe As- 
 East Middlesex Bcform 
 North Middlesex Reform 
 Association .... • . . . 
 West Middlesex Liberal 
 Conservative Ass'n . . . 
 West Middlesex Be/orm 
 County of Monck Reform 
 Montreal Reform Ass^n. . 
 Montreal Liberal Conser' 
 vative Association. . . . 
 Executive of the Reform 
 Associatiori of the Parti 
 National for Montreal 
 and Shorbrooke Section. 
 Prrs. and Vicr Purs. 
 Warren Bock, Presdt. . . . 
 Hugh Mc .VI ahon, James 
 Durand, V. Cronyn, T 
 Scatcherd, M. P., and 
 Jno. Campbell, V.P.'s. 
 Hon. John Carliug, Frosdt 
 James Egan and C. P. 
 Smith, V. Presdts. 
 John B. Dixon. 
 fioorge Pritchard. 
 Eli S. Jarvis, Presdt. 
 Thomas Oordon 
 Major John English 
 Jacob Krnnedy, Presdt . 
 Hon. L.H. Holton, Presdt. 
 Messrs. .Tohn Piatt, V. P 
 W. Dorion, J.H. loseph, 
 M. Donovan, Bobt. Mc- 
 Cready. D. Mclntyre, N. 
 Valois, F. W. Kay, fend 
 Wm. Clendenning, V 
 John McLennan, Presdt. 
 Hon. L. H. Holton, M.P., 
 Hon. Presdt 
 L A. Jett6, M.P., Presdt.. 
 Messrs. B. Devlin, M.P., 
 F. Mackenzie, F. (}. 
 Marohand, A1.P.P., G. 
 J. Barthe, M . P., P. Bar- 
 ehand, M.P.P., W. Pie- 
 vost, Hon M Lafram- 
 boise, Hon. B.Lafiamme, 
 M.P., V. P. W. Dorion, 
 J. L. Cassidy, J. Per- 
 rault, H. F. Bainville, 
 A. Jodoin, Jr., (J. A. 
 Geoffrion, L. O. Da- 
 vid, E. Lareau, and J. 
 McShane, Jr., Vice- 
 Messrs. Ellis and Ding- 
 D. M. Cameron. 
 J. J. McLaren, B O.L., 
 and F. M . Archambrult, 
 Secretaries ; W. Sttiw- 
 art, Financial Socretaiy. 
 David A. McCord. 
 A. Christin. 
 and Ding- 
 n, B O.L., 
 w. sum- 
 1 Socretaiy- 
 Nakb or 8001ETT. 
 Club Cartier do Montreal. 
 MuskokaBeform Ase'n. . . 
 Muakoka Liberal Conser- 
 Tativo Association 
 Phk8. anu Vicb Pheb. 
 North Norfolk Beform As- 
 South Norfolk Beform Ab- 
 South Norfolk Conserva- 
 tive Association ... .... 
 East Northumberland V 
 form AsBociation 
 East Northumberland Lib- 
 eral ConserTative AsB'n. 
 West Northumberland Re- 
 form ABSociation ...... 
 A. D. DeCellea, Prradt.. 
 jr. B. Holland, Jr. VIT... 
 Tho8 Meyers, Presdt.. . . 
 Frank Stain 
 John Teviotdale, Presdt.. 
 R.W. McMichael, Preadt. 
 Col. S. T. Mabeo, Presdt. 
 Wm. Dawson 
 SoLn E. ProBtor 
 F. Vanasse. 
 E. F. Stephenson. 
 D. Courtney. 
 A. J. Donly. 
 Dr. Stewart. 
 Liberal Couservative As- 
 sociation for W. Nortli- 
 South Ontario Liberal 
 Conservative Ass'n 
 Ed. Cochrane, F^resdt. ... 
 Messrs. A. May bee, B. 
 Dinweodie, John A. Mc 
 Call, W. Wade, I. A) 
 WellinRton, B. (libson, 
 H. P. Gould, and J. S. 
 Fowlds, V.P.'s. 
 John Fisher, Preadt 
 Messrt. A. Fraser, W. Mc- 
 Dougall, Thos. McAu- 
 l(!y, and W. Brisbon, 
 ■7 Presdts. 
 Lt.-Col. D'Arcy E. Bol- 
 ton, Presdt 
 Lt.-Col. Charles Gifford, 
 and Messrs. G. M. Good- 
 eye, G. B. Nixon, W.L- 
 Bumham, Maj. Bogers, 
 Thos Heenan, Allen 
 Wylck, John Tiiackeray 
 and JohnCoyle, V.P.'s. 
 J. B. Bickell, Presdt 
 W. F. Cowan, Arthui* 
 Johnston, W.Smith, Dr 
 Gunn, W. Hall, V.P.'s. 
 David Ewing. 
 H. Hough. 
 Major Vance GraT ^ly. 
 John McGillivray. 
 ■ii. ' 
 Orangeville Beform Aas'n. 
 Oahawa Liberal CouserTa- 
 five Association 
 Fres. and Vicb X*res. 
 Beform Association of the 
 City of Ottawa 
 Liberal Gonservative As 
 Bociatiou of the City of 
 Ottawa , 
 South Oxford Beform As- 
 Pembroke Beform Ass'n. , 
 Sonth Perth CJonservative 
 Prescott Liberal Conserva 
 tlve Asaoclation 
 Peterboro' Liberal Conser- 
 vative Club 
 Prince Edward Beform 
 Prince Edward Liberal 
 Coneervative Assn. ..... 
 John Green. Presdt 
 Wm. Parsons, V. Presdt. 
 Wm. F. Cowan, Presdt. . . 
 John Sweetland, M. D., 
 W. H. Waller, C. w. 
 Bangs, O. A. Bocque, 
 and M. Starrs. V.P.'s. 
 Hon. Jas. Skead, Presdt. 
 ^feBsrs. Chas Magee, Dr. 
 Hamnet Hill, Joseph 
 Aumoud, Hiram Bobin- 
 Bon, and Dr. Tr C. 
 Beaubien, V. Presdts. 
 Jas. V. Bodwell, Presdt. . 
 S. E. Mitchell. Presdt. . . . 
 Messrs. Wm. Murray, M. 
 P., J. Or. Cormack, Dr. 
 Desloges, H. J. Church, 
 0*0'Kelly, Dr Lafferty, 
 A, Forbes and B. White, 
 V. Presdts. 
 Ed. Homibrook, Presdt. 
 Hon John Hamilton, [of 
 Inkcnnan] Presdt .... 
 J. S. Fead, Secy-Treas. 
 John V. Harris. 
 J. P. Bobertson. 
 Wm. Mosgrove. 
 W. n. Scott, Presdt 
 J. Carnegie, Dr. O' Sul- 
 livan, Al.KP., V.P.'s. 
 George P Curry, Presdt. . 
 D J. Pruyn, Presdt 
 A. H. Brown, Secy-Treas. 
 John D. Slater. 
 J. O'Donnel, Cor. -Secy. 
 P. D. Morden, Sec.-Troas. 
 'n, Secf-Trea». 
 Cor. -Secy. 
 , Sec.-Troaa. 
 Navb op Society. 
 North Wcntworth Liberal 
 Conservative Assn 
 North Wentworth Beform 
 Woodstock Beform Assn. . 
 Young Men's Keforra Asn. 
 of North York 
 North York Liberal Con- 
 servative Assn 
 North York Beform Assn. 
 Liberal Conservative As- 
 sociation of S. Essex.. 
 Liberal Conservative As- 
 sociation of S. Greuville 
 East Middlesex Liberal 
 Conservative Ass'n 
 Toronto Beform Ad«n . . . . 
 Welland Beform Ass'n. . 
 North Wentworth Beform 
 Yprkvillo Beform Ass'n. 
 Robert McKechnie, Prest. 
 James McMahon, M.D., 
 John Douglas, Presdt . • 
 H. Parker Ist Vice-Pres. 
 J. Cameron, 2nd Vice- P. . 
 J. H. Widdifield, M.D., 
 Dr. Strange, Presdt 
 Wra Mc Master, Presdt. . 
 George Wilson, Presdt. . . 
 Wm. Ellis, Presdt 
 Messrs . J. Stitt, G. Lang- 
 ley. Capt. Chadwick, J. 
 Irvine, and A. Carmi- 
 chael, Yice-Presdts 
 Thus. Boutledge, Presdt.. 
 Messrs. J. M. O'Neil, W. 
 Shoebottom, Sr., Thos. 
 Thompson, B. Dreaney, 
 and Saml. Taylor, Vice- 
 Hon. John McMnrrich, 
 Presdt. .. ; 
 Bobt. Jaffray, Alderman, 
 J. J. Withrow, and W. 
 W. Ogcien, M.D., Vice- 
 B. Coulter, Presdt 
 P, Gibbons, V. -Presdt. . . . 
 James McMahon, M.P., 
 M.P.P, Presdt 
 Joseph Gibson, Prti?dt • . . 
 Messrs. S- W ickson and 
 Wm. Echardt, V-Pres. 
 A. S. Wink. 
 T. H. A. Begue. 
 J. R. Patullo. 
 Amos Hughes. Hon. Sec. 
 Ed. Morgan. Sec-Treaa. 
 H. L\indy. 
 Daniel Spry. 
 J. J. Lidy. 
 ". H. A. Begue. 
 0. Ft Foster, Sec'y-Trewr. 
 ■W:: • 
 Name of Society. 
 Picton Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Assn . 
 South Renfrew Reform 
 Samia Liberal Conserva- 
 tive Assn 
 North Simcoe Liberal Con^ 
 servative Assn 
 South Simcoe Liberal Con- 
 servative Assn 
 South Simcoe Beform Asn 
 Strathroy Reform Assn. . . 
 Canadian National Assn.. 
 Canadian National Olub. . 
 "U. E.'» Club. 
 Fres. and Vicr Pres. 
 D. J. Pruyn, Presdt 
 Wm. Owen, lat V. t* 
 Jos. Redmond, 2nd V. P. 
 W. Jamiescn, Presdt. . . . 
 Messrs. W. Burton, T> 
 Stewart, Geo Brown, jr., 
 W. Russell, D. Taylor, 
 J. Maloney, G. J. Mc- 
 Kain, Jas. McKiernan 
 and John Smith, V. P's. 
 John A. McKenzie, Presdt 
 Dalton McCarthy, Q.C, 
 M.P.. Presdt 
 The several Presidents of 
 the Local Associations 
 in affiliation with the 
 .Assn. V P's. 
 W.P. Litttie, M. P., Presdt 
 John Hoey, Ist V. P 
 John Boddy, 2ndV.P ... 
 Thos. Maconley, Presdt. . 
 J. W. H. Wilson, Ist V. P. 
 Finlay McFarlane,2d V.P. 
 Jas. Noble, Presdt 
 Fames Bromloy. 
 W. McWhinney. 
 W. E. O'Brien. 
 I 4i_ 
 W. H. Howl and, Presdt. . 
 GoldwinSmith,M.A. Pres. 
 John Turner, Vice-Pres. . 
 Hon. C Tupper, Hon. M. 
 C.Uameron,Q.C.. vi . P. P; 
 J.H.Beatty, and Mcss^r. 
 O. J. Uampbell, Lewis 
 Moffatt, Dr. CfT,nniflf, A 
 Boultbee, J ohn M acdon- 
 ell, E. O. Bickford, T. 
 V. Patteson, P. G. Close, 
 Lt.Col. K. M. Moffatt, 
 Angus Morrison, Q.C, 
 aud JuH. Titt, Members 
 of Committee , . 
 R. S. Banting. 
 Joseph D. Booth. 
 James R. Roaf. 
 Lieut.-Col, T. C. Sooblo. 
 Alfred Boultbee, Oor-Sec. 
 A. B. Campbell, Soorotary. 
 O. Sooblo. 
 ^bee, Cor-Sec. 
 all, SoQiotar/. 
 Name of Society. 
 Liberal Conservative Asn. 
 of Toronto 
 Beform Assn. of Upper 
 C anada 
 Ontario Catholic Leagiie. . 
 South Victoria Reform 
 Pass. AND Vice Pees. 
 iS^outh Victoria Liberal 
 Conservative Assn .... 
 North Waterloo Reform 
 South Waterloo Reform 
 Centre Wellington Con- 
 servative Assn 
 Centre Wellington Reform 
 x\8Su ••••••••*••* •• 
 North Wellington Con- 
 servative Assn 
 North Wellington Reform 
 Liberal Conservative Asn. 
 of South Wellington . . . 
 f?outh Wellington Reform 
 West Wellington Reform 
 Hon. Vf. O.Cameron,Q.C., 
 M.PP , Fresdt 
 John O'Donaghue, Fresdt. 
 John ^hea, Vice-Presdt. . 
 John McLennan, Presdt. 
 John Connolly, 1st V. P. 
 A. Cameron, 2nd V.P. . . 
 Marcellus Crombio. 
 J. D~ Edgar, J Sec'ys. 
 M, Lawlos, M.D., Sec'y. 
 Wm. A. Lee, Asst. Sec 
 J.Spreuel, ) 
 John Dobson, Presdt . . . . 
 John Knowlson, 1st V.P. . 
 Dr. De Grasai, 2nd V.P. . 
 John McDougall, Fresdt. 
 iMessrs. A. Huber, J. Shut, 
 W. Hastings, S. S. Wea- 
 ver, and H. Snider, V.P'8 
 J. S. Frater, Presdt 
 Alexander Dyce, Presdt . 
 Hugh Milloy, Ist V.P. . . . 
 Charles Nichlin, 2nd V.P, 
 John Kennedy, I'resdt . 
 A. Meiklejohn, Presdt. . . . 
 Andrew Lemon, Prest ... 
 Dr. Herod, Dr. R. Qrton, 
 Dr. McNaughton, and 
 Messrs. McKerlie and 
 Swcetniau, Vice-I'resdts, 
 Chas. D. Barr. 
 W. L Russell. 
 Dr. Griffith. 
 John Craig, Cor. Sec'y • • . 
 W. W. White. 
 Frank Graham. 
 Goo. Elliott, Presdt ... 
 E. J. O'Callaghan, Presdt. 
 W. n. Lowes, Vice- H res. .{John McLaren. 
 n f 
 ifiqUiiiKou.^ and Jiddertdn* 
 OF COMMONS, 1877. 
 .rti-^iM «,*! 
 Privileges and Elections . — Abmilius Ikvino, Esq. 
 Expiring Law3-—EDVfAnT) T. Brooks, Esq., Q.C. 
 Railways^ Canals and Telegraph Lines. — lion. R. Laflammb. 
 Miscellaneous Private Bills. — S. MacDonnbll, Esq. 
 Standing Orders — Joseph Ryual, Esq. 
 Joint Committee on Printing. — Hon. John Simpson, Senator. 
 Public Accounts. — James Young, Esq. 
 Banking and Commerce — Hon. L. H. IIolton. 
 Immigration and Colonization. — Jas" Trow, Esq. 
 Joint Committee on the Library. — Hon. David Christie, Speaker 
 </ the Senats. ^' 
 V . 
 TABTfe, Israel. (Bonaventure.) 
 First elected to the Quebec Assembly, Feb. 23, 1877, upon 
 unseating of former mem,ber. B. on 11th Jan., 1848. Has beep 
 connected with VCanadien, Quebec, as chief editor, for some years. 
 Was nominated to oppose Hon. J. E. Cauchon, for Quebec Centre, 
 :> Cv;Wi(,k 
 laf or . 
 [b, Speaker 
 877, upou 
 Has been 
 fme years. 
 3c Centre, 
 when appointed Presdt. of the Council, 1876, hut retired three days 
 before votation : 
 Israel Tarte 1,235 
 Hamilton 514 
 Tremblay 139 
 Charlevoix. — The Supremo Court, on Wednesday, 28th of Feb., 
 1877, declared the seat held by Hon. M. Laugevin, as representa- 
 tive of Charlevoix, in the House of Commons, vacant, on the 
 ground that undue priestly influence hjid been exercised over 
 electors at the last contest. A ne^y writ was issued. Nomination 
 16th of March, and election on the 23rd. 
 Index. — Part XI — Should read "Index to Divisions in the 
 House of Commons from 1867 to 1876." 
 Kamouraska. — The votation in this constituency for a member 
 of the Quebec Assembly, to replace M. Roy, since, elected to the 
 Commons, takes place on the 19th of March, 1877. The Can- 
 didates are Joseph Dumont, Liberal ; Paiscal Tache, Conservative. 
 Lincoln. — (correction of figures). The official re-count of 
 figures in the election in this constituency between Messrs. Rykert 
 and Neelon, on the 25th Feb., 1876, resulted as follows :— 
 Rykert. o.. 2118 
 Neelon 2095 ' 
 After a lengthy trial before the Election Court Mr. Rykert wag 
 unseated. Surthcr proceedings have been deferred for a brief 
 South Wellington. — Add to the notice of Massic, James, South 
 Wellington, the following :— 
 B. in the Parish of Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire, 1833 ; emigrat- 
 ed to Canada 1844, and settled in Guelph where he has since resided. 
 Entered the firm of N. J. Brown & Co., General Merchants, as assist- 
 ant salesman : three years afterwards became a partner and at the 
 end of five years assumed control of the entire business. Besides 
 a wholesale grocery business, is also proprietor of the most complete 
 Biscuit and Confectionery Manufactory in Ontario. Was for many 
 I ( 
 ., ': r-l 
 years in the Town and County Council, and upon appointment of 
 Mr. Gow to the Share valty of Wellington, was elected by acclama- 
 tion to fill his place in the Ontario Legislature, October, 1876. M. 
 1862, Mary A., third daughter of the late Robert Armstrong of 
 Guelph. Is a Reformer and supporter of the Mowat Administration. 
 — Guelph, Ont. 
 Beauce. — In reference to M. Bolduc, M.P. for Beauce, the 
 following should be added : " Was elected, June, 1876, a member 
 of the Provincial Board of Notaries for the Province of Quebec." 
 For J. F. Grant, late 46th Regt., substitute, «W. Forsyth 
 Grant, late Captain 82nd Regt., Private Secretary and Aidende- 
 Camp to His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. 
 In notice of Mr. G. Snider, M.P. for North Grey, '* Fairview 
 Cottaffe" should read, " Faii-view House" 
 Hon. James Cochrane, member of the Executive and Legis- 
 lative Council, Nova Scotia, died at Halifax, on the 6th of March, 
 G. E. Casey, Esq., West Elgin; 
 H. T. Taschereau, Esq., 
 C. E. Church, Esq., Lunenburg. 
 Substitutes . 
 Cyril Archibald, Esq., Stormont. 
 F . Bechaid, Esq., Iberville. 
 George McLeod, Esq., Kent, N.B. 
 Rufus Stephenson, Esq . , Kent. 
 J. P. R. A. Caron, Esq, Q.C., 
 Quebec County. 
 George A. Kirkpatrick, Esq., 
 Fronienac . 
 I , 
 For Great Britain— Hon. Sir Alexander Gait. 
 For the United States — Senator Kellogg. 
 Third Commissioner (named by the representative at London 
 of the Emperor of Austria and King cf Hungary) — the Belgian 
 Minister at Washington. (For Agents and Counsel, see PageJ26.) 
ointment of 
 by acclama- 
 ,1876. M. 
 rmstrong of 
 Beauce, the 
 3, a member 
 W. Forsyth 
 nd Aide-de- 
 (T, ** Fairview 
 I and Legis- 
 th of March, 
 isq., Kent. 
 Esq, Q.C., 
 rick, Esq., 
 The Editor would impress upon Members of Parliament and those 
 connected with the Dominion and Provincial Public Service, the necessity 
 of furnishing such information as may b& of importance. Be would 
 specially request such to consult the Companion, and wheresoever an error 
 isfoundy to at once notify him, and the same rill be promptly corrected. 
 It is proposed to introduce several new features into the Companion for 
 1878, and to issue promptly during the first week in February. All 
 information, changes, statistics, etc., must, therefore, be received by the 
 15th qf December, 1877. -.^^ 
 Address — 
 Editor PARiiiAMEXTARY Companiok, 
 P. 0. Box 305, 
 at London 
 he Belgian 
ii»TiDE3:z:— a-E!i>rE3i^ if\.x-. 
 (For Personal Index see " Post.") 
 Abbreviations, Explanation of 6 
 Addknda * 43*3 
 Adjutant General of Militia 27 
 Agbicdlturb and Statistics, Deputy Minister 36 
 Secretary of Department 37 
 AuDiTOB General : * . . . . 32 
 Assistant 33 
 Bonaventdrb Election Addenda, 432 
 British Coluubta, Province of 
 Lieutenant-Governor , , 374 
 Executive Council » , , . 374 
 Legislative Assembly 375 
 Votes polled last election 381 
 Cabinet op Canada, since Confederation 2<iO 
 Charlevoix Election , Addenda, 433 
 Civil Service, Officers of, Canada 27 
 Ontario 284 
 Quebec 311 
 Clhrk of the Queen's Privy Council 10 
 Crown in Chancery 30 
 Senate 81 
 Cldbs in Canada 3 
 Commission, Canada Fisheries Addenda, 434 
 'i\ •■ 
 . 1 
 438 . 
 CoMMissiONBns, on Fisheries, Washington Treaty 26 
 House of Commons, Interior Economy 19 
 Indian, N . W . Territories 402 
 Ontario Boundary 26 
 Quebec, M . , . , & Occ . Railway , 312 
 Sydney Exhibition, 1877 26 
 Committees, Parliamentary, Chairman of 1877 , 432 
 Commons, Houe of 110 
 Speaker lil-112 
 Clerk Ill 
 c^rgcant-at-Arms , Ill 
 Assistant Clerks 111-112 
 Deputy Clerk Ill 
 Sessions, duration of , 110 
 Members, alphabetically arranged , 112 
 Election Returns, summary of, 205 
 Divisions, Index to, 1867-'76 406 
 Committees, Chairmen of, 1877... 432 
 Contents, Table of , 4 
 Contingencies, Accountant of 33 
 CcaTOMS, Commiiisioner of 34 
 Divisions, Commons, 186 7-' 76, Index to 406 
 Dominion Lands, Surveyor General of 31 
 Election Returns, Summary, Commons 205 
 Ontario Legislature 273 
 . ' Quebec " 313 
 Nova Scotia '' 337 
 New Brunswick Legislature 358 
 Manitoba " 370 
 British Columbia " ..... 381 
 P. E. Island '• 395 
 Election, Bona venture Addenda^ 432 
 Charlevoix Addenda^ 433 
 Kamouraska. « Addenda^ 433 
 Lincoln Addenda, 433 
 Exhibition, Sydney, Commissioner of 26 
 . 26 
 ... 111-112 
 ... 111-112 
 .... 406 
 .... 31 
 .... 331 
 |re 358 
 .'.••• 381 
 iddenda^ 432 
 ddenda^ 433 
 ddenduj 433 
 ddenda, 433 
 FiNAMCB, Deputy Minister 32 
 FINA^CIAL Inspector 33 
 Commission, Washington Treaty 26 
 Fisheries, Commission Addenda^ 434 
 General Officer Commanding the Militia 23 
 Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod 6 
 Geological Survey, Director of the v 32 
 Governor-General, the ^ 7 
 Staff of. 8 
 Govbrnors-Genkral, Previous 7 
 Indian Commissioners, N. W. Territories 402 
 Inland Revenue, Commissioner of 34 
 Assistant Commissioner 35 
 Interior, Deputy Minister. 30 
 Jddoes of Supreme Court of Canada 20 
 Justice, Deputy Minister 27 
 Kamorouska Election Addenda^ 433 
 Keewatin, Lieutenant-Governor and Council 402 
 Lincoln Election Addenda^ 433 
 Major-General Commanding the Miliiia ...... 23 
 Manitoba, Province of , 
 Lieutenant-Governor 362 
 Executive Council 363 
 |ii ( 
 ■ k. 
 ! ' 
 . > • ■> ■. 
 ' .»; ■ 
 1 , 
 IiIanitoba, Legislative Council (abolition of) 3C3 
 Legiulative Assembly 364 
 VotcR polled at last General Election 370 
 Marinb and Fisukrirr, Deputy Minister 37 
 Hapitiuk PitoviNCES, Union, vote on, N. B 357 
 Military Srcretary to Governor-General . . . . > , , 8 
 Militia, Major General commanding 23 
 A. D.C. to General comti auding 21 
 Adjutant General 27 
 Militia and Defence, Deputy of Minister 27 
 Accountant and Chief Clerk 28 
 Ministers, of the Crown 10 
 Residences 37 
 Private Secretaries 38 
 N«w Brunswick, Province of 
 Lieutenant-Governor of 310 
 Executivi! Council of 341 
 Legiblativc Council of 342 
 Legislative Assembly 347 
 Votes polled at last general election 358 
 Newfoundland, Colony of , . . 
 Governor of 403 
 If. Executive Council of 403 
 Legislative Council of 403 
 fv r House of Assembly of 404 
 Nortu-West Territories, Lieutenant-Governor of 401 
 Executive Council of 401 
 Officials 402 
 Nova Scotia, Province of 
 Lieutenant-Gov^ernor of 319 
 Exticuti ve Council ot 320 
 . ; Legislative Council of 320 
 . ; Legislative Assembly of 326 
 * Votes polled at last general election 337 
 OmtaRio, Province of 
 Lieutenant-Governor of 244 
 Executive Council of 245 
 .... 3C3 
 .... 364 
 .... 370 
 .... 37 
 .... 357 
 .... 8 
 .... 24 
 .... 27 
 .... 27 
 .... 28 
 .... 10 
 .... 37 
 .... 38 
 .... 403 
 .... 403 
 .... 401 
 ... 402 
 • • • • O L «7 
 .... 320 
 . . . . . o-.\j 
 ... 337 
 * • • 
 .. .. 244 
 . .< . 245 
 OlTARio, Legislative Assembly of 245 
 Deputy Heads and Chief Officers of Civil Service.,., 284 
 Votes polled at last general election 273 
 Boundary, Commission 26 
 Ordnance and Admiralty, Lands, Commissioner 30 
 Pabliamknt, Duration of the Sessions of , 80-110 
 Parliambntary, Terms and Proceedings, Explanation of 39 
 Procedure, General Rules 48 
 * '' . Speakers' Decisions 56 
 Divisions, lnd(!x to 406 
 Committees, Chairmen of, 1877 433 
 Political Societiks and Organizjitions .... 422 
 Postmaster-General, Deputy 36 
 PosTOFFiCB Dkparttmbnt, Secretary to 36 
 Prkoedrncr for the Dominion, Table of 78 
 Princ& Edward Island 
 Lieutenant-Governor . . 385 
 Executive Council... 385 
 Li^gislativo Council . 386 
 Number of voters at last general elec- 
 tion for Council and Assembly 395 
 Privy Council of Canada, Tne Qu»^en's 10 
 List of, by dates, since Confederat'n . 2;0 
 Members of, now forming the Cab- 
 ^ inet 10 
 Mt mbers of, who are not of the Cab- 
 inet II 
 - ' Members of, who are Commissioners 
 for the management of the In- 
 terior Economy of House of Com- 
 • -.^ — . mons 10 
 ■^ Committee of, under Railway Act. . 19 
 Metiibers of, forming Treasury B'd.. 19 
 ' ;^ " Clerk of 10 
 Assistant Clerk of 27 
 Private Secretaries 38 
 Public Works, Deputy of the Minister 35 
 Chief Engineer of the Department 35 
 ' ♦ ■:> Secretary of the Depai tiuent 35 
 ' ^- Private Secretary to Minister 3N 
 R i 
 i\ 1 
 QtTBBBC, Province of 
 Lieut. -Governor 285 
 Executive Council 285 
 Legislative Council 286 
 Legislative Assembly 292 
 Deputy Heads and Chief Officcjs of the Civil Service. . 311 
 Railway Comraist.ioners 312 
 Vote on Railway Bill 312 
 Votes polled at last General Election - 313 
 Queen's Pbintku, the 29 
 QuEEN'b Privy Council, the 10 
 Railways, Government, General Superintendent 25 
 Intercolonial and Pacific, Chief Engineer 24 
 Railway, Pacific, Secretary to Chief Engineer 38 
 Quebec, M., O., and Occ , Commissioners 312 
 « Bill, final division 312 
 Committee of Privy Council : 19 
 Reci?iver-G ener al, Deputy 33 
 Records, Canada, Keeper of , 29 
 RssmENCES Of Ministers 37 
 i t. 
 A' (■■ ^' 
 Secretary of State vv Canada, Under 29 
 to the Governor-General..., 8 
 to Chief Engineer, Pacific Ry . 38 
 Secretaries, Private, to Ministers 38 
 Senate of Canada 
 Duration of the Session ; 80 
 Speaker of .,. 81-89 
 Speakers, Previous 81 
 Clerk , 81 
 Usher of the Black Rod of 81 
 Deputy Clerk of 81 
 Members of, in alphabetical order 82 
 Societies and Organizations, Political 422 
 Speaker of the House of Commons 111-112 
 " " " Previous Ill 
 " " " Divisions on Points of Or- 
 der and Proceedure, 1867-76 C6 
 ervice., 311 
 ., 313 
 ral . . . , 8 
 ifioEy. 38 
 • • • • • ol 
 •••••• ol 
 • • • • • o 1 
 • • • • • ol 
 • • • • • • m 
 .. 111-112 
 of Or. 
 I • • • CO 
 ' Pagb 
 Spbakbb of the Senate , . , , , 81-89 
 " " Previous 81 
 SuPRBMB Court of the Domiuion. the C^hief Justice and Jus- 
 tices of 20 
 SupRBMB Court, Registrar of 22 
 Titles, Table of 79 
 Trbabuby Board, Members and Officers of 19 
 Union, Maritime Proxnnces, vote on, N.B 357 
 Votes of House of Commons, 1867-76, Index to 406 
 Washington, British Minister at 10 
 « Whips " Party Addenda, 434 
 i li 
 I' fj 
 it'' :.» 
 ''■ I ■. 
 II: ' '*! '■ 
 I. '■ 
 1 ' 
 ; • 
 . » 
 i' ;u-'" 
 r'. (iw 
 V t ife 
 .. f 
 ii^iDEJix:— :e>e3i^so>t-a.il.. 
 (For General Index sec anle.) 
 <* » « *■ » V M*.Mi ivi. 
 llie Paeliament of Canada, and the respective Provincial 
 Legislatdres, are alhhabetically arranged in the volume itself, com- 
 mencing at the following pages : — 
 Canada, Senate , 82 
 House of Commons 112 
 Ontario, Lecislative Assembly 24Q 
 Quebec, Legiblative Council 286 
 Legislative Assembly 292 
 Nova Scotia, Legislative Council 321 
 Legislative Assembly 326 
 NEVf Brunswick, Legislative Council 343 
 Legislative Assembly 347 
 Manitoba, Legislative Assembly 364 , 
 British Columbia, Legislative Assembly 375 
 Prince Edward Island, Legislative Council , 386 
 Legislative Assembly 389 
 Newfoundland, Legislat! ve Council 402 
 , House of Assembly *,,, 404 
 Note. — The names omitled from Alphahelical Lints, and subset 
 quently included in the Addenda, are Indexed herein. 
 Archibald, Ilis Honor, A. G., Lt.-Gov., N. 8 319 
 Baker, W., Priv. Sec. to Governor-General 
 Ball, John, Clerk, Leg. Council, P.E.I 386 
 itself, com- 
 • • • • • • O^O 
 • • • • • • 044 
 • • • • • • iJ-i ( 
 ..... 404 
 and 8ub8e> 
 • a,. *AVr«> 
 Bbchbb, F. G., Priv. Sec. to Lt.-Gov., Manitoba. ... 363 
 Bbrhard, Lt.-Col. H., C.M.G., A.D.C , 9 
 Blanchard, S., Clerk, Ex. Council, Manitoba 363 
 Bliss, G. J., Clerk, Legislative Assembly, N. B 347 
 BoLDUC, — ., MP.,'Beauce, Addenda 434 
 BoTSFORD, G., Clerk, Legislative Council, N. B 342 
 Braun, F., Secretary, Public Works » , 35 
 Brunel, Lieut. -Col. A., Commr. Inland Revenue 34 
 Brydges, C.J. Supt. Gov. Railways 25 
 Buckingham, W., Priv. Sec. Minister of Public Works 35 
 Oassblls, R., Registrar, Supreme Court 22 
 Caylby, Hon. W., Auditor, Ont 284 
 Chambbrlin, Lt. Colonel, C. M. G., Queen's Printer 29 
 Clerkb, Lt.-Col. H. W., A.D.C, Lt.-Gov., N. S 319 
 CocHRANB, Hon. J., Exec. Council, N. S., deceased, .... Addenda 434 
 CoDD, A., Councillor, Keewatin , 402 
 Coffin, Lt.-Col. W., Comm'r Ordnance Lands 30 
 CoTfe, L 0.,Asst.Clk., Privy Council 27 
 CouRTNBY, J. M., Finance Dept 19 
 CUUBBRLAND, Lt. Col. F. W., A.D.C , 9 
 Di Blois, R. F. G., Priv. Sec, Lt. Gov., P E I 385 
 Db BoDCHT-HViLLB, G. B., Clerk, Leg. Council, Que 286 
 Dbfoy, J. A., Asst. to Law Officers, Que 311 
 Dbnnis, Lt. Col. J. S., Surveyor-General 31 
 DiCKiKBON, M. G., Stoiekeeper, N. W. T 402 
 DoRiON, Hon. A. A., P. C 17 
 Drolbt, G , Auditor, Quo 311 
 DuFFBRi.v, His Excel, the Earl of 7 
 DuviL, G , Pr6cis. writer, Supreme Ct 23 
 EOHART, J. R , Asst. Provl. Secy., Ont. 284 
 Parquharson, Lt.-Col. J., Commr. Police, Ac, N.W.T 402 
 : ! 
 S .1 
 Fleming, S., Chf. Engi ., Fr.cinc Ry 24 
 Forget, A., Clerk <fe Govr.'s boc, N.VV.T ... 402 
 Forsyth Grant, Capt. \V., l.D.C, Lt.Gov. Ont 245 » 
 Addenda. 434 ) 
 Fortirr, F . , Clerk, Ex . Council, Qucj 285 
 FouRNiKR, Hon . Justice 22 
 Galt, Sir A. T., T.C , 11 
 Gauthibr, Capt. F. E. A., A.D.C., Lt.-Gov., Que 285 
 GiLLMOR, Lt.-Col . C . T., Clerk, Leg . Ass . , Ont 245 
 Girard, L,, Sec.'s Dep't Pub, Instruction, Que 311 
 Glackmbybr, F. G., Serg't^t-arms, Ont , 246 
 Glover, His Ex'y, Sir J. H. , Governor, Newfoundland 403 
 Griffin, W. H . , Deputy Postmaster-Gen'l 30 
 Halliburton, J. S., Clerk, Leg. Council, N.S -. 320 
 Hamilton, Lieut . F.R.,A.D.C 8 
 Harinqton, T. D . , Deputy Receiver-Gen'l . . 33 
 Henry, Hon . Justice 22 
 Hbspbler, W., Councillor, &c., Keewatin 402 
 flett, J. R., Clerk, Leg. Assembly, B . C 375 
 Hicks, Lieut. J., R.N., Prin. Sec, Lt.-Gov , N.S 319 
 Hihsworth, W. A . , Clerk, Privy Council 10 
 HiNCKS, Sir F., P.C 14 
 Hodgson, His Honour, Sir R., Lt.-Gov., P.E.I 386 
 Hodgson, Lt.-Col. R. R., A. D.C., Lt.-Gov., P.E.I 385 
 Howard, R. N., Clerk, Leg. Assembly, B.C 375 
 Howland, Hon. W. P., P.C 12 
 Irvlne, Lt. Col, A. a. Asst. Comm'r Police N. W. T 402 
 Jakes, A. J . , Councillor, Keewatin 402 
 Johnson, James Commissioner of Customs 34 
 Johnson, T. H. Asst. Commr. Crown Lands, Ont , 284 
 JoLicoisuR, P. J. Asst. Provincial Secretary, Que » , 31 1 
 • . • .... 402 
 245 i 
 lenda. 434 J 
 • • • : • • O0 
 t • • • f • 402 
 • ■ • • t • 04 
 Kmbwatin, Lt, Governor, Assistant Council 402 
 Kbnny, Sm E., p. C 13 
 Laird, His Honor D . Lt. Governor N. W. Territories 401 
 Langevin, E. J. Under Secretary of State 29 
 Langbvin, Hon. L., M.P., Charlevoix, unseated, Addenda 433 
 Langmuir, J. W. Inspector Asylums, Ont 284 
 Lanoton, John Auditor General 32 
 Lash, T. A. Deputy Minister of Justico . , . , 27 
 Layton, Capt,, G. R, Pfiv. Sec, Lt. Govr. B. C 3t4 
 Lasagb, S. Asst. Commr. Agriculture, &o., Que , 311 
 Lbtellier db St. Just, His Honor L., Lt. Govr. Que , . . , 284 
 Littleton, Lt. Col. the Hon. E. G. P 8 
 LoNGwoRTii, Lt. Col. J., A.D.C., Lt. Gov. P.E.I. 385 
 LowB, John Sec . Dept. of Agriculture 37 
 MaCdonalb, His Honour D. A., Lt.-Gov., Ont 244 
 M ACHiN, H. T., Asst. Treasurer, Que 311 
 Macphrrson, Lt.-Col. J., Accountant and Chief Clerk, Milita and 
 Defence ,. 28 
 MaSSIb, J., M.P.P., S. Wellington, : Addenda 433 
 Meilleur, J. B., Depy. Registrar, Que . , 312 
 MiREDiTH, E. A., Deputy Minister of Interior 30 
 MiALL, Edward, Asst. Commr., In. Revenue 35 
 MiLBS, H. H., Asst. Sec, Pub. Instruction, Que 312 
 Morgan, H. J., Keeper of the Records •. . . . 29 
 Morris, His Honour Alex., Lt.-Gov , Man 362 
 Mdndy, H. G., Priv. Sec ,, Govr., Newfou'idland 403 
 McDonald, Hon. Hugh, P. C 17 
 McKinnon, G., Councillor, Keewatin 402 
 McNbill, Archd., Clerk Leg. Assembly, P. E. 1 389 
 Nothan, John Queen's Printer, Ont 284 
 '' -A 
 iWi V 
 OX'OMSOR, Hon . John, P. C 16 
 Page, John Chief Engineer Public Works 35 
 Pakbt, Lt. Col. Hon. C. E., Dpt'y. Mins'r of Militia k Defence 27 
 PoPK, K. Clerk of Crown in Chancery 30 
 Poii^BLL, Col W. Adjutant General Militia 2t 
 Pbovencher, J. A. N. Indian Agent, ic. , N. W. Terr , 403 
 Hiohards, Hon . B. Chief Justice 20 
 Richards, His Honor A. N. Lt. Governor B. C 374 
 Richardson, H. Stip. Magistrate, &c , N. W. Terr 401 
 Ritchie, Hon. Justice 20 
 Robe, Sir JoHM P. C 14 
 Romans, Robert Gent. Usher Black Rod, N . S 320 
 Ross, Hon. W., P. C 18 
 Ross, Lt. Colonel T. Accountant of Contingencies 33 
 Roy, C. F., M. P., Eamouraska, Addenda 433 
 Russell, L. Asst. Surveyor General, N. W. Terr 402 
 Ryan, M. Stip. Magistrate, &o . , N. W. Terr 401 
 Rykert, C, M. p. p. Lincoln, unseated Addenda 433 
 Saunders, Lieut. -Col, J., A.D.O., Lieut. -Gov., N.B 341 
 BooTT, J. G., Clerk Ex. Council, Ont 284 
 Scott, W . J . , Registrar, N . W . Territories 402 
 Belby, Smyth, Major-General , 23 
 Sklby, Smyth, Capt., A.D.C 24 
 Sblwyn, a . R . C . , Director Geological Survey 33 
 Simpson, Hon . John, Asst. Auditor-General 33 
 Smith, W . , Deputy Minister of Marine 37 
 Smith, Lieut . -Col , Councillor, &c . , Keewatin 402 
 Stewart, Lieut. -Col, C. J., A.D.C. , Lieut. -Gov., N. S 319 
 Street, Capt., A. F., Priv. Sec. Lieut.-Gov., N. B 341 
 Strong, Hon. Justice , , 21 
i i] 
 , 16 
 efence 27 
 • • • • • • 20 
 I • • • • • X4 
 • « • • • • o«U 
 •••••• XQ 
 . • • • • Ol) 
 ddenda 433 
 ddenda 433 
 Tache, Dr. J. C. Deputy Minister of AgnciiUoi'e , . 36 
 Tachb, E., A'^st. Comnir. Crown Lnnd, Quebec 311 
 TASt.iiEHEAD, Hon . Justice 21 
 Tarte, J., M.PP., Bonaventure, Addenda 432 
 Thornton, Sir E , Minii-.tcr at Washington lo 
 TiLLEY, His Honor, S. L , Liiait.-Gov. N. 13 340 
 Tiiwa, T. D., Financial Inspector 33 
 Tkcdeau, T., Deputy Minister Public Works ,'J5 
 TuLLY, K. , Architect, Public Works, Ont 284 
 Twining. H , C. D., Clerk, Legishitive Assembly, N. b 326 
 Ward, Lieut. F. R., R N.,A.D. C 9 
 Watson, R. G., Secretary of legation, Washington 10 
 White, Lieut. -Col, W., Sec. P. 0. Dept 36 
 H , . ^ .......,, •,. . ... ^/. : : . :•!« 
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^^ i II ^ \ 
 A' ' a 
 1 • * 
 This school will be opened on the first ti. i '*'»ruary next, in the 
 buildings of the Legislative Assembly, under t •» tuition of William C. 
 Seaton, esquire, professor of navigation, and late nautical master to 
 the Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol, England. 
 The terms of time will be as follows : » 
 The school will be opened daily throughout the year, (except 
 from the first July till the end of August), from nine in the forenoon 
 till four in the afternoon. 
 On Saturdays, it will close at noon. 
 The course of studies to be followed at this school will be : 
 For. the preparation of candidates for the masters' and mates' 
 certificates of competency, granted, after successful examination, by 
 the Board of Examiners of the Dominion of Canada. This will em- 
 brace the use ot logarithms ; the sailings ; day's work ; finding tho 
 latitudo by meridian ullitude of the sun, of a slar, by an ex- meridian 
 altitude of the sun ; finding the longitude by chronometer ; tho varia- 
 tion and deviation of the compass by an amplitude and by an azymuth, 
 to find the times of high water; the correction of soundings ; to make 
 obsf rvations for the formation of the table of deviations, its applica- 
 tion, also the laying off and use of Napier's diagram ; the use of the 
 chart of instruments , the rule of the road and all other subjects com- 
 prised in the viva voce examination before the Dominion board of ex- 
 An extended study of practical navigation and nautical astrono- 
 my. To find the latituuo by a meridian altitude of the moon, of cir- 
 cum-polar stars, by an ex-meridian altitude of the pole star, by double 
 Altitudes of a celestial body (Summer's and Ivory's methods) ; to fiud 
 the longitude by double altitudes, by lunar observations} to rate a 
 ■chronometer by equal altitudes ; the use of the artificial horizon, the 
 laws of storms, &c., &c. 
 Jflafbematical investigation of the diiTerent rules and formulae used 
 In nautical science. 
; finding tho 
 I ex- meridian 
 r ; tho varia- 
 an azyrauth, 
 PCS ; to make 
 ), its applica- 
 ic use of tho 
 subjects coin- 
 board of cx- 
 ical astrono- 
 Qoon, of cir- 
 ir, by double 
 uds) i to find 
 Ds \ to rate a 
 horizon, the 
 DrmuliB used 
 Tho Matriculation fees will be $15, for those studying to pass for 
 a mate's certificate before the Dominion Board of Examiners, and S20 
 for those studying to pass as masters ; and students, after having 
 matriculated, will have the right to attend tlie school, free, for any 
 length of time, until they have obtained their certificates from tha 
 Dominion Board of Examiners. 
 Should extra-examinations be establishod before the Dominion 
 Board of Examiners, the preparation for those extra-examinations of 
 •uch candidates, as will have made their studies or this school, will be 
 free of any charge. 
 The tutor of the school will make a monthly report to the Pro- 
 vincial Secretary, stating the number of proficiency of students, and 
 the number of candidates from the school who have successfully 
 passed the Dominion Board of Examiners, for cerlificatoa of masters 
 and mates. 
 Persons dtsirous of entering the school may apply to the Honor- 
 able the Provincial Secretary, or to Wm. G. Seaton, esquire, at 
 Quebec. • , 
 By order. , " 
 Secretary of the Province of Quebec. 

 ! K f 
 Department of Crown Lands. 
 List of Croun Lands aid Timber Affencies, with ihdr disignations^ the 
 nomes and residences of the Ayents, and the quantity of land 
 disposable in each Agency, on the first of January. 
 No. 1.— TIjE COULOXGE AGENCY comprises alltlie townships 
 and unsiu'veyed lands in the County of Pontine. E. Heath, Esq., 
 Clarendon, Agent. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 271,700, 
 No. 2— THE GATINEAU AGENCY comprises all tliat part of 
 the County of Ottawa, situated to the west of the River du Lievre, 
 except the part of the township of Buckingham, on the same side of 
 eaid river. Robert Farioy. Esq., Hull, Agent. Number of acres dis- 
 poisallh in 1872, 449,700. 
 No. 3.— THE PETITE NATION AGENCY comprises the town- 
 ship of Buckingham, all the tovvrjshii)s and unsurveyed lands in that 
 part of the County of Ottawa situated to the east of the River du 
 lationSf tha 
 atli, Esq., 
 at part of 
 du Lievre, 
 ne side of 
 acres dis- 
 Ihe lown- 
 ds in that 
 Iliver du 
 Lievre and the County of Argenteuil. G. W. Cameron, Esq., Thurao, 
 Agent for part. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 141,000. 0. E. 
 Belle, E?q., Montreal, Agent for part. Number of acres disposable in 
 1872, 47,500. A. D. Fillion, Esq., Grenville, Agent for part. Number 
 of acres disposable in 1872, 1G1,G00. 
 No. 4.-TIIE MAGOG AGENCY comprises all the townships of 
 the Counties of Huntingdon, Missisquoi, Brome, Stanstead and Shef- 
 ford ; the townships of Brampton and Melbourne, in the Cotmtyof 
 Richmond ; Durham, Wickham, Upton and Grathara, in the Countj 
 ofOrummond; Acto and the augmentaton of Upton, in the County 
 of Bagot ; and Orford, in the County of Sherbrookc. O. B. Kemp, 
 Esq.. Grauby, Agent. Number of acres disposable in 1872,7,850. 
 No. r> —ST. FRANCIS AGENCY comprises all the townships in 
 the County of Compton ; the township of Ascot in Uie County of 
 Sherbrooke ; the townships of Stokes, Windsor, Shipton and Clove- 
 land, in the County of Richmond; Dudswell and Wheedon, in the 
 County of Wolfe ; and Spalding Ditclifield and Woburn, in the County 
 of Dorchester. W. Farrell, Esq, Robinson, Agent. Number of acres 
 disposable in 1872, 25G,200, 
 No. 0.— THE ARTIIABASKA AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships in the County ot Arthabaska ; the townships of Wolfestown, 
 North Ham. South Ham, Wolton, St. Camille, Garihby and Stratford, 
 in the County o^ Wolfe; IJalifax, Somerset, Leed.s, Inverness, Ireland 
 and Nelson, m the Ccmty of Megantic ; Kingsey. Simpson and Wend- 
 over, in the Cour.ty of Drummond ; and Aston and the parts of Wend- 
 over, Maddingion and Blandford, in the County of Nicolct. A. Gag- 
 vHon, Esq, Arthabaska, Agent. No. of acres disposable in 1872, 
 No. 7.---TIIE CIIAUDIERE AGENCY comprises all Townships 
 in the Counties of Beauce and Dorchester, ex/ept Spalding, Ditclifield 
 and Woburn ; the townships of Coleraine, Thetford and Broughton, 
 iu the County of Megantic, and that part of the tov/nship of ButH''.and 
 in the County of Btllechasse. J. A. Fortin, Esq , St. Joseph, Tcuce, 
 Agent, i^ Number of acres disposable in 1872, 't2.',900. A reserve of 
1,; ; 
 320,000 acres in the Chaudiere Riraouski, and Bonaventure Agencies 
 has been made in favor of the Sociele Gencrale Forestiere de France. 
 No. S.— THE MONTMAGNY AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships and unsurveyed lands in Ihe ('ounties of Montraagoy, L'lilet 
 and Bellechasse, except that part of the Township of Buckland in the 
 County of Bn'lechasse. Eiig. Renaud, Esq, Monlmagny, Agent. 
 Number of acres disposable in 1872, 568,500. ( 
 No. 0. -THE GUANDVii.E AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships and unsurveyed lands in the Countit-s ol' Kamouraska and Temls- 
 couta. C.T. Dube, Esq , Riviere du Loup, (<?n has), Agent. Number 
 of acres disposable in 1872, 610,510. 
 > No. 10.~THE RIMOUSKI AGENCY comprises all the town?hips, 
 and unsurvt^yed lauds in the County of Rinioaski. J. B. Lepage, E;q., 
 Rimouski, Agent. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 447,900. A 
 reserve of 320,000 acres in the Chaudiere, Rimouski; and Bonaventure 
 Agencies has been made in favor of the Societe Gencrale, Forestier de 
 No. 11.— THEGASPE AGENCY comprises all the townships and 
 unsurvejed lands in the County of Gasne. ^ohn Eden, Esq, Gaspc 
 Basin, Agent for part. Numbor of acres disposable in 1872,112,187. 
 Louis Roy, Esq., Cape Chat, agent for part. Number of acres dispos- 
 able in 1872, 80,000. 
 No. 12.— THE BONAVENTURE AGENCY comprises all the 
 townships and cinsurveyed land? in the Crunty of Bonaventure. L. 
 J. Riopcl, Esq., New Carlisle, Agent. Number of acres disposable in 
 No. 13.— THE SAGUENAY AGENCY comprises all the town^ 
 ships and unsurveyed lands in the Counties of Saguenay and Charle- 
 voix, and the townships of St. John Hehert, Otis, Kane, Boileau, St. 
 Germain and Champiifny, in the County of Chicoulimi. George 
 Duberger, Esq , Malbaie, Agent. Nur/ ber of acres disposable in 1872,. 
•e Agencies 
 I de France. 
 I the town- 
 i.y. L'lilet 
 land in tbe 
 ny, Agent. 
 the town- 
 and Temis- 
 t. Number 
 page, E..q., 
 47,930. A 
 oresiier de 
 q., Gaspc 
 , 112,187. 
 es dispos- 
 al I the 
 iture. L. 
 )U3uble iu 
 le town- 
 Id tJharle- 
 ileau, St. 
 3 in 1872,' 
 No. 14.— THE LAKE ST. JOHN AGENCY comprises all the 
 townships and unsurveyed lands in the County of Cljicoulirai, except 
 the townships of St. John Ucbert, Otis, Kane, Boileau, St. Germain 
 and Campigny, comprised iu tlie Saguenay Agency. J. 0. Tremblay, 
 Esq., Chicoutimi, Agent, and Israel Dumais, Esq., Roberval, deputy 
 Agent. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 367,980. 
 No. 15.— THE ST. CHARLES AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships and unsurveyed lands in the Counties of Montmorency, Quebec 
 and Portneuf, as far as the rear line of the timber limits south of the 
 river Batiscan, L. Z. Rousseau, Esq., Quebec, Agent. Number of 
 acres disposable in 1872, 194,370. 
 No. 16.— THE ST. MAURICE AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships and unsurveyed lands in the Counties of Champlain, St. Maurice 
 and Mftskinonge, except that part of the township of Peterborough, in 
 the said County of Maskinonge. Also the unsurveyed lands in the 
 Counties of Portneuf and Quebec, north of the rear line of the 
 timber limits, south of the River Batiscan. Alphonse Dubord, Esq., 
 Three Rivers, Agent. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 04,200. 
 No. 17.— MHE ASSOMPTION AGENCY comprises all the town- 
 ships and unsurveytd lands in the counties of Terrebonne, Mantcalni, 
 Juliette and Berthier, witii that part of the Township of Peterborough 
 in the County of Maskinonge. J. B. Delfausse, Esq., Joliette, Agent 
 for part. Number of acres disposable in 1872, 209,350. C. E. Belle, 
 E?q.. Montreal, Agent for part. Number of acres disposable in 1873, 
 99,520. . V , ^ 
 The Special Crown Timber Agency, under the direction of A. J. 
 Russell, Esq , residing at Ottawa, comprises the County of Pontiac and 
 part of the County of Ottawa. 
 The Special Crown Timber Agency under the direction of C. R. 
 Belle, Eiq., Montr'^al, comprisos tne Counties of Berthier, Joliette, 
 Montcalm, Terrebonne, Two Mountains, Argentcuil and part of 
 i I 
■ I • ^ it 
 I : 
 J I 
 -■•M ■. »,.-, 
 IN THE • 
 TIncLev Act 38 'Vict,, CJiccp. 3. 
 The Lieutenant Governor In Council may authorize tho 
 Gommissioner of Agriculture and Public Works to cause 
 a certain number of lota, of one hundred acres each, to bo 
 prepared, in townships to bo designated by tho Lieutenant 
 Governor in Council, to bo offered to Canadians from the 
 United States, id European immigrants, and to inhabi- 
 tants of the Province desirous of settling, and who appear 
 to him to be in a position to succeed as settlers. 
 The preparation of such lots shall consist in the clear- 
 ing of four acres in readiness for sowing, and in the con- 
 fitruction of a dwelling house of not less than sixteen 
 feet by twenty, and such works shall be, as far as possible, 
 performed by the settlers for whom such lots are intended. 
 * ^ 458 
 m^ i Ks^^ m ^s mns^' j. 
 The cost of such work, including the price of the land, 
 shall in no case exceed the sum of two hundred dollars 
 for each lot, and by order of the Lieutenant Governor in 
 Council, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Public 
 Works shall authorize the payment of the said work, 
 from and out of the *' Colonization Fund," hereby 
 |to cause 
 '<h, to bo 
 om the 
 e clear- 
 he con- 
 The price of each of such lots shall be payable in the 
 usual manner, that is to say: onc-tifth on taking the 
 location ticket, and the balance in four consecitive 
 annual pa3';nents, with interest from the day of the issue 
 of the location ticket. 
 The cost of the improvements shall bo payable in five 
 other oonsecutive 3'early pa^'ments, which shall become 
 exigible successively, after the complete falling due of the 
 price of the land, without interest, until maturity of each 
 payment. , » :■■. .• 
 The settler who may wish to establish himself in one 
 of the districts where the above mentioned advantages 
 are offered, will have the option of doing himself on his 
 lot the four licrcs of clearance, and of building himself a 
 house of not less than sixteen feet by twenty. In such 
 case, the settler shall receive, as an advance, the price of 
 these improvements when they shall have been executed 
 to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Agriculture and 
 Public Works, at the i)rice fixed by him; this advance 
 shall be paid in five yearly instalments, which will 
 '■ pi 
 become exigible successively after the price of the land 
 shall have completely fallen due. 
 To be entitled to any lot so prepared, or to receive the 
 advance by clearing himself his lot, the settler must be 
 at least eighteen years of age, possess the qualifications 
 required to succeed as a settler, and not be proprietor of 
 landed property in the Province. 
 Letters-patent for the lots so prepared shall not bo 
 granted until the price of the land and the cost of im- 
 provements, or the amount advanced in lieu thereof, shall 
 have been both fully paid, nor until the settler shall Isave 
 cleared, and in maintaining, in a state of cultivatioJi, at 
 Jeast fifteen acres of his lot. " | 
 A Colony has already been established under this act • 
 in the Townships of Ditton, Chesham ana Emberton, j 
 County of Compton. Another i-^ intended to be estab- 
 lished in Timiscouata, a block oi land in the Townships 
 of Demers, Iloequart and Raudol Las been set apart for 
 the purpose. • ^ . ' .^ 
 By ordor, , . 
 . , Assistant Commissioner. 
 Parti I 
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 for doing t 
 partieti, ar< 
 the Lcgis 
 (which art 
 specifying i 
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 the require] 
 las-t of such 
 any person 
 from the fir 
 ward a co])) 
 the Clerk oi 
 All pot 
 " first two V 
 -Oepartmcnt of Agriculture, *) 
 ar d i^ubiij VVoikM, P.Q. v 
 Q!TEi^E^ 'February 1st, 1877. j 
 r: , ,1 
 Quebec, 1; 
 ho land 
 nvQ the 
 must be 
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 5of, shall 
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 th, is act 
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 art for 
 r>R,IVA-XJK Bir^T^JS. 
 o . 
 r .J 
 Parties intending to make application to the Legislature of tho 
 Province of Quebec, for Private or Local Bills, cither for granting 
 exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial 
 or other purposes of profit, for regulating surveys or boundaries, or 
 for doing anything tending to aftcct the rights or property of other 
 parties', are hereby notified that they are required by the Rules of 
 the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly respectively 
 (which are published in full in the Quebec Official Gazelle) to give 
 ONE MONTH'S NOTICE o#the application (clearly and distinctly 
 specifying its nature and object) in the Quebec Official Gazette in the 
 French and English languages and also in a Erench and an English 
 newspaper published in the District affected, and to comply with 
 the requirements therein mentioned, sending copies of the fii'st and 
 labt of such notices, to the Private Bill Office of each House ind 
 any persons who hIkiII make application shall within one oek 
 from the first publication of such notice in the Official Gazeti , for- 
 ward a copy of his Bill, with the sum of one hundred doll s, to 
 the Cleik of the Committee on Private Bills. 
 All petitions for Pkivate Bills must be presentert w. iitn the 
 '< first two weeks" of the Session, 
 Clk. Log. Council. 
 G. M. MUIK, ■ 
 Clk. Leg. Assembly. 
 Quebec, 1st Eebruary, 1877. 
 i:^ i 
 |v I 
 lentil and the ^nr of the iominio*' of O^anittla* 
 To Subscribers 
 To Non-Subscribers 
 All Orders for Copies and Ad'/ertisuments to bb Addrbsbsd to 
 ,, Publishers, 
 ^^^ Toronto. 
 Pariiamenta y History of Canada, 
 BY Hr:i^Ry J. MORGA/V. 
 ^ ^^tHsmmmmMMLJ^^Sm 
 ■»in4Stf%:-rl3rmm»^^ . 
 Dominion of Canada, 
 } I ST. JOHN, N. B. - '' 
 JBfiD TO 
 '^■'¥' -^fr' 
 President : 
 Vice-President : 
 Directors : 
 J. V. TROOr, Esq. ' ''^ 
 HON. W. MUIRHEAD, Senator, 
 W. H. THORNE, Esq. 
 V '* 
 ;-^^^ wS- 
 ALFRED EAY, Acting Cashier. 
 Agk^'tb.— -Quebec, Ontario and ^ova Scotia-—B&nk of Montreal, 
 its branches and agencies ; New York — Bell & Smithurs ; Chicago — 
 Bank of Montr( al ; Boston — Merchants' National Bank.