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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. errata I to t I pelure, on A n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 3B ar 1^ i<.ll ^ |fcllMll » OK« f ^■»i —ft 1 /^ I, - I * I j-A^w-j 'A.r 7'o> rtf4i^c j ! \ la iiUr.lt , . ■' > 6U^ ,!5 ^wv^^^w^^^^^^^ W^.A.Vii'--.^/'VW-.' THE CANADA COMPANY. Havtoo had numerous inquiries from various parts of British North America, and from the United States, upon the Western District, wherein the Company possess Lands, in Scattered Lots, of 80 a 200 Acres, and in Blocks containing from 3000 a 9000 Acres each, have been induced to print the following Memorandum — which will, it is believed, prove very useful and satisfactory to those who may contemplate settling in Canada West, as the Memorandum is furnished by a very intelligent and experienced gentleman resident in the Western District, where he holds the office of District Councillor. jNrf^w^^^^rfWVK^V^^^^ ^ft^^^^^^N^^^^^^^^^AJ^^^ Company's Landi, &c. 3 Coupany't Landa ; Locally ; Facilities of Communication with other Parts *, Roads ; Grist -ti^ and Saw Mills, &c. &c. TIm CompuT*! Ludi in the WMtem Diitriet, nrnaiaiDg nnditpoicd of, m*y be about Two Hondred Thooiend Aetm, litaeted (with very few exoeptiom) within from one to iis mile* of naTigtble waten. The Weitern Oirtrict ii perticalarly well litutted, haTing the Hirer Thamee ronning exactly through the centre, with Lake Erie on the South, and Lake St. Clair on the North, with two bianchea of the Sydenham River, both navigable for a conaiderabia diatance into the northern part of the Diat'-'ct, and the noble River Thamei having a navigation of twenty-aix milea fVee for the largeit Schoonen. Ciutbjiii, the principal Town in the District, and twenty milej from Lake St. Clair, can boait of two Steam-bontf, one of which pliea between that place and Dbtroit ; the other along the shores of Lake Erie, fkom St. Thomas to Bul&lo, twice-a-weik. Notwithstanding the proximity uf these lands to the navigable waters, they are in the immediate vicinity of old settlements, with Roads in every direction ; with Grist and Saw-Mills— an advantage of no small consideration. There are two Steam Grist Mills, and ono Water Grist Hill with a Steam Saw-Mill, in Chatham. The Board of Works have now commenced their operations on the road leading from London, via Chatham, to Maiden, a distsnce of upwards of 130 miles. The Plank Road from Chathom to the new Harbour on Lake Erie will be immediately undertaken, which cannot fUl of advancing the proeperity of the Western District very materially. Price of Land \ Cost of Clearing ■, Crops ; Prices of Produce, &c. The price of Land, per Acre, may be quoted at about from 8s. 9d. to I3s. 8d. ; the cost of clearing, fencing, and making ready for seed, may be fairly put at £3 per Acre. The crops most cultivated are Wbett (the boaA of th*i Province), Barley, Oats, Rye, Pease, Indian Com, Potatoes, kc. Tobacco has been extensively cultivi|ted along the shores of Lake Erie, and not a few have made themselves independent by it. There is an extensive field for Old Countrymen with small capital and enterprise, upon the extensive Prairies in this ])i|trict, either as liairymen and Graders^ or as growers of Barley, to meet the rapidiy-increas><)g demand for Beer,— or the culture o/'FIax or Hemp^ either of which the Prairies are eminently calculated for and capable of producing. Thqy, hpwover rpq^irlg, (groining, an improvement the people in this quarter have no idea of; from two to three crops are raised by once ploughing ; the price of ploughing in breaking up may be fairly put at lis. ed. per acre, afterwards Ss. per acre : price of Wheat per bushel, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. ; Pdse, in. ed. ; Oats, Is. 3d. ; Barley, Sa. 6d. ; Indian Corn, is. ; Tobacco^tft (4.']^4Pf' tba. ; Flax is cultivated more for the iSeigi}, ^,{|hjf , f ^ ; j^ I^pipn thet^ is jlitt|^ or pone grpwn. Average yield of Crops, &c. < {W i o.i v r), . ;. i (^ Average yield of Wheat, per acr^ ^rom SO to IS biisliels, although 50 have been rtis6d ;' Oats, tost yehr,' from 79 to 80 bushels ; Rye^ SO bushels ; Barley, 30 buthela ; Potatoes, oi\en 500 bushels. So fertile ore the lands here, that many Farmers cq the River Tbamea find it necessary to tcsadve their, eattl^jibeds, t|iat being fn easier pfpitr^tt '/!■, - ■•: . J, ' .1 - ■■•i ,,r. ,,= ;,', -if,;' . ,. 'I Cost of Houses ; Buildings-, Furniture | Cattle; othtt'&tocki^&c.ii A Comfortable Log-House, 16 feet by t4, two floors, with shingled roof, £9 ; Log Bam, 24 feet by 40, £10 ; Frame House of same dimonsiouE, £50 ; Ditio Barn, £70 ; t, yoke at Oxen^ JttO to £U 10s. ; Cows, £Z lOe. to £Sy— thia sort of property has fallt-n in value one-third during the last; two yean ; Household Furniture— many indeed are aatisfied with Furniture entirely of their own manufacturt; ; gopd Cabinet Furniture, however, can be bought at very low prices, of Blick Walnut or Cherry : Breakfast Table, £1 ; Pning do., £2 ; Bureau, £2 tOs.; Bedsteads^ Its. 6d.; Chairs^ per doxen, £l Ss. ; Clothing, very little dearer than in foglond ; a pair of Horses average £16.* Price of Provisions. Flour, by the barrel, £1 ; Beef, per lb. 2d. to 2)d. ; Mutton, the aame ; Pork, 2d. ; Butter, 5d. to 6d. ; Eggs, pet dpxen, 4d. to 5d. ; Cheese, Sd. ; excellent Fish at' very low prices. Farming Implements. Threshing Machines, from £18 to £30^ fixed or ^rtable; Fanning do. £5 ; Ploughs, £2 to £4; four-wheeled Waggon, £15 to £17. i • . '. . , '. \ As to the coming and departure of Frost. From 20th September, frosty nights, with particnlarly clear days generally, until about fourteen days befbte Christmas, «-ben the navigation of our Rivers generally closes, until about the end of March, when the ice breaks up. The Farmers neor the prairies may reasonably calculate upon good feed for th.^ir cattle^ npon the wet ports of the pfairie^ by the tst &y «f April,— upland fourteen days later. Farmers* Avocations during Winter. Attention to their cattle^ milling, providing fire-wood, kilting their pork, and marketing generally. Few Famien of experience have found their way here. The greatest evil seems to be the extreme fertility of the soil. The more nature does fur man, the less he will do for himself. Fruits and Vegetables. Scarcely one Farm on either side the River Thames, for forty miles from Lake St. Clair, is to be found withoat •n oxtentive Apple, Peocb, and Cherry Orchard ; price of Fruit in the fall, ed. to Is. per bushel ; Turnips, and all Mria of Vegctablei, can be raised to any extent, without manure or even hoeing, if sown thin. Few indeed trouble themselves about raliing anything b?yond a few for the uae of the kitchen, olthoogb it is evident to those who knew better that nothing couU be produced to greater advantage. Wages Taxea. a W»gw. Pum 8«mnt% per moBlh, with botrd, £B lOi. i Wilhoat baud, £S itt. to ie4. with board. Dty Ltbourer% fli. ad. per dey, without board. tmrnk 8 iv / / ■ i . .eV , I. The Climate is milder In the Western District than in ady oihWpart of the Prorineer-Mng four degrees sooth of Montreal : The highest range of the Thermometer may be lUrly suited at 94 ; the lowoat SO below xero— but thia oi iiv noi ! '* *" extreme laitge, of rare occurrence aa to the cold. The Air ^eneially is particularly clear and aerene. '•"''•''"' ' ■ - ■ . ' ■■'.■•. , :■';■ :i;,! ;W .idixJl . <.: . .„..,-i ... ,,■< jl :,..■„.„!<,;. Tlw Plrobi^le Expense of Supporting a Family^ wi. » r)->!> r^ti.'i't m .» • ,..,,•! ,„.,,, The probable expense of supporting a Family of i ix grown persons, for twelve months, (a sufficient time for an industrious family to raise a crop, ) malfbe