.^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGEt (MT-3) < ^ 4^ 1.0 ■tt Uii 12.2 ■ 1.8 1 1-25 1 \:a |||.6 4 . : 6" \ ^ /A Phptpgraphic / 4s ^ V M WttT MAIN tTKMT ;\ AiT/SS ^.^ JiP ^ \ '^ CIHM/hCMH Microfiche Series. CIHiyi/ICMH Collection de microfiches. 'H Canadian Instituta for Historical 'Microreproductions / institut Canadian de microraproductiont historiquaa -a'aSsvj Ttchnical and Bibliographic Notaa/Notat tachniquaa at blbliographiquaa Tha inatituta hat attamptad to obtain tha baat original copy avaiiabia for fliming. Faaturaa of thia copy which may ba bibllographically uniqua, ,:; which may altar any of tha imagaa in tha raproduction, or which may significantly changa tha uaual mathod of filming, ara chaibkad balow. n L'instltut a microfilm* la maillaur axamplaira qu'il lui a it* pbssibia da sa procurer. Las d*tails da cat axamplaira qi^i sont paut-*tra uniquas du point da vua bibliographiqua. qui pauvant modiliar \ina imaga raproduita. ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dana la m*thpda nofmala da filmaga sont Ihdiqutto ci-daaaous. D Colourad covars/ Couvartura da coulaur r^ , Covars damagad/ ^ a Couvartura andommag*a Covars rastorad wis^fw laminatad/ Couvartura raataur*a at/ou pallicul*a nn Covar titia n:iisaing/ La titra da couvartura manqua Colourad mapa/ Cartaa g*ographiquas an coulaur D D D D Colourad ink li.a. othar than blua or black)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua blaua ou noira) Colourad plataa and/or illuatratlona/ Planchaa at/ou Uluatrationa ms coulaur D ^ound with othar matarlal/* Rail* avac d'autraa documanta ' ~ » Tight binding may causa shadoiws or distortion along intarior margin/ Larsllura sarr*a paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la (Jiatbraion la long da la marga int*riaura ' ' ' Blank laavaa addad during rastoration may appaar within thq taxt. Whanavar poaaibla. thasa hava baan omittad from filming/ II sa paut qua cartainaa pagas blanchaa aJout*as lors d'una raatauration apparaissant dana la taxta, qtaia. lorsqua caia *tait possibla. cas pagas n'ont paa *t* fllm*aa. r^l Colourad paga«/ D D Pagaa da coulaur Pagaa damagad/ Pagas andommag*aa Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas raataur*aa at/ou pallicul*aa Q Pagaa discbiouijKl. stainad or foxad/ Pagas d*color*as. tachat*as ou piqu*as I I Pagaa datachad/ D □' Q D D 13 Additional commants:/ Commantairas suppl*mantairaa; [PrintKi sphMnars] [4] p. Pagaa d*tach*as Shqwthrough/ Tranaparanca .. Qualtty of print variaa/ ^ Qu^t* in«gal« da I'impraaaidh Includaa supplamantary matarial/ Comprand du mat*riai auppl*mantaira 8 Only adition avaiiabia/ Saula *dltion diaponibia Pagaa wholly or partially obscured by errata slips, tissuaa. ate., hava baan rafilmad to ansura tha bast possibla imaga/ Laa pagas totalamant ou partiailamant obscurcias par un. fa;^uillat d'arrata. una palura. ate. ont *t* film*as'* nouvaau da facon * obtanir la maiHaura imaga potfsibla. •% This ita'm is filmed at tha reduction ratio checked below/ iquAci - da aaaufc 10X 14X ItX { Pit MX ,|0X 12X (* *^^9^^ %% 32X tiaira m details quas du fit modifiar ligar una la filmaga i/ luias Th« ebpyi^mad hara haa baan raproducad thanka to tha ganaroaity of : D. B. Weldon Library ' University of WMttrn Ontario , (Ragional History Room)' Tha imagaa appaaring hara ara tha boat quality poaaibia conaidaring tha condition and lagibility of tha original copy and in*kaaplng with tha filming, contract ipaqificationa. Original copiaa in.printad papar covara ara filmad baginnihg with tha front eovar and anding on tha l4iat paga with a printad or illuatratad iiripraa- siop, or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othor 6riginal copiaa ara filmad baginqing on tha firat paga with a printad or illUatratad impraa- alon. and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraaaion. L'axamplaira filmA fut raproduit grioa i la gAnAroaitA da: » , D. B. WeMon Library Univarsity of Wettarn Ontario (Regional History Room) Laa imagaa auh^antaa ont M raproduitaa avfc la plua grand aoin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattatA da l'axamplaira' filmA, at an conformity avac laa condltiona du contrat da filmaga. Laa axamplairaa origlnaux dont la couvartura an IMpiar aat imprim4a aoht filmte an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la damlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'llluatration. soit par la sacond plat, salon la caa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa origlnaux sbnt fllmAa an comman^nt par la s^ pramlAra pago qui- comporta una amprainta dHmpraaaion ou d'llluatration at an tarminant pisr la damlAra pagb qui comporta una taU« amprainta.'.'"' '": ■ '.i;: .V'"*; .; Tha laat racordad frama on aach microtRcho shall contain tha symbol — »> (moaning "CON- TINUED "), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appHaa. Un daa symbolaa suivanta ^pparaltra sur la damiAra imaga da chaqua microffcha, salon la caa: la symbola — »- signifia "A SUIVRE". lo aymbola ▼ signifia "FIN". sirs Mapa. plataa, charta. ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raductidn ratkia. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly includad in ona axpoaura ara filmad beginning in tha uppor laft hand comar, loft to ri^ht and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa , raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mothod: Laa cartaa. planchaa, tablaaux, ate.,* pauvant dtra flimte i daa taux da reduction dIffArants. Loraqua la dqcumant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit i% un saul cMchA, il'aat film* i partir da I'angla sup4riaur gaucha, da gaftcha i droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra dtmagaa nAcaaaalra* Laa diagrammaa suivanta illuatrant la mAihoda. by errata ned to lont una palura. fa^on i ■% 1 2 ■ 3,,-. 32X riMa GflTflIiOGflE*7875. ^ ^ ^ ^jA ^,A 4I1 . A A <k A 4 A il> A r i i A A ^ ^ ^ ilT -A..<k ..A>.^ ; ▼ y ^ V - y y <r '-r y y T T w t ' ^ 7i > ■'» ^ ^ ■r^^^^^-^-^y A Ai ifc »■ -*■ -Ih '« V y V V ▼ •J ' » y <r V y y '▼' V -'ip y ^'y ▼ "T y » " <r y y »r " y y y y yy y » # ' ■# ^Potting * ^taflion -<«> T. D. HODGEHS, Wa te rl oo H^M^daiMlBil Loodon I^nting & Udio. Co STANDAItD-iNtED TROniNG STALLION, CATALOGUE, 7875. :^ Bay Horse; Foaled 1887; Bred by the late Edwin C. Bate, Derby, Vermont ; Registered in Voh VIL Ameri' can Trotting Register. IDHSOIlIFTIOlSr, /pVATALOGUE is a beautiful bay | black ^^ legs ; star in forehead, and two white heels behind; stands close on sixteen hands, with good bone and the best of feet. The gentleman from whom I purchased says, that owing to sickness he was not broken until last fall, and inside of two months could trot better than a. 30. He has a big,^ rapid, open stride, with plenty of knee action. Catalogue is a remar^t>ly well-bred horse, in trotting lines each ancestor clearly tracing through speed- producing sires and dams for four crosses, .and each side terminating with the Pilot, Jr., cross on thoroughbred foundation. CATAI dam Sti m sire < first and two raq won in I Nu . Nutwoo Str 20Q; Oi and full Ak II., and of Hyla Day ZJl 2.18;^), Ct WUkes . Tai the dan 15 sired his sire of his d CATAI $15 to Mares I at the contrac acciden in fcMil. January GHAS CATALOGUE, by Nutmont 2206 ; Record 2.28^ ; 1st dam Cymbal, by Alcalde 103. Nutmont, by N»tbouroe 1399, trial 2.26>i ; 1st dam Stiabo, full sister to Stephen G. 2.20%, Nutmont ii are of Navarro, Record 2.30/^ at 4'yeai^, and the first and only one of his get being handled, and won his two races in the otte week last September, each being won in three straight heats. Nutboume, the sire of Nutmont, is foil brother to Nutwood 2.18^. Nutboume is the sire of Cheyenne 2.15J|^. and Nutmont 2.28^. Strabo, the dam of Nutmont, is by Knickerbocker 200; out of Sunbeam, by Volunteer 55 (Goldsmith's), and full sister to^Stephen G. 2.20^. Alcalde, the^sire of Cymbal, is by Mambrino Chief II., and out of a daujghter of Pilot, Jr. . He is the sire of Hylas2.24^ ; Enigma 2.26; Mary R 2.29; Fancy Day 2,30; Mambrino Bruce 2.40>^ (sire of Kit Currie ^i8>^)> sund the dams of six others in the list. Cymbal was a fast mare, and is the dam of Wag Wilkes 2.40, quarters in 37 seconds. Taglioni, by Alexander's Abdallah 15, out of Mary, the dam of Dick Moore 2.22^. Alexander's Abdallah 15 sired Goldsmith Maid, and many others in the list, his sire Rysdyk's Hambletonian being the greatest sire of his day. '^' "' • ' '. CATALOGUE will stand for mares the spring of 1892 j(l owner's stable, London, and Western Hotel ' stables, during the season. $15 to insure that a mare proves to be with foal. Mares must be returned regularly for trial. All accidents at the owner's risk, and must be considered^ a portion of contract. All due care will be taken to prevent such accident. Money pa]^ble i st Jan. , 1 893, if mare proves in foal. Parties selling or parting with mares befolte January, 1893, will be held for foil amount of insurance. GHAS. LACKEY, T. D. HODQENS^ Agent, Owner. London, Mardi 1st, 1892. - - - II , - • • ■-■ ■ ....-....■ . ...^ I .- .——..-...— . ii.iii.il- — I,.— ,,.■■1 .,. i .....,^.., ^ - -,i„.-i— I— I , -,,1 — ., I III 1 -.n.^ --.. pn r-i , , Is."^ O > > Q d oo 01 .W)