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Un dee symboles suivsnts spparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE" le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film*s A des tsux de riduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film* * partir de langle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaira. Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 32% 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRE ONTA] PI TpHinii TH£l EXTRACTS FROM THE HON. J. H. GRAYS 'preliminary report 0^ THR STATUTORY LAWS ONTARIO, NKW BUUNSWICK. AND NOVA f SCOTIA, PlimmTM,, TO THE HOUSE OF COUMOKS. '•mmrnvf-Jes^-^ i, .y^ tai *'»..fjN»|^ I 1871. SlI />. mi ^^^iiiiRAHY CONTENTS. [■Aoe 107 Absconding Debtors Actions, PerHonal ) LimiVatiiin.' .'.'.■ 'm Actions Keal f of Zk Admiralty )*•? Administrators . . „ Artidavits, Ac. i ^•' Affirmations abroad, j 141 Agents ■■; Aplieal, Court of ;'^ Apprentices -^ Arbitration '.'. ^i,. Arrest ' ''^ Assembly Legi.^'ati vn. ■■.'■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',[[ fj Bills of Exchange " no Bills of Sale... .. "« Bastardy '.'.'.'.'.,'. ' ' ;.,., * X Ji> Children, illegitimate ! ,-,., Civil cases witiie.sses „ij Concealed debtors {^i Corporations , ri <-'ourts, Superior. ..........", \h „ Admiralty •>? ,, Chancery 7q ,, County '//[ •,• ■• ,,^ ,, IJivision ',' r,, „ J>ror and Appeal. ..'.'..'.". •"i; ,, Magistrates 7,^ „ Marriage & ) ." " ,, Divorce ) '''_' 21 ,, Probates „, ' rowii debtors. ".t 4o Kebtore, Abscondiiu' ) and Concealed ' ] 107 Debtore, Crown. .^ Debt, aiTest for. V\ Division Court. . ,,f Diatresi for Kent. ;,, I'j I'i Kxchaiige, Bills of .' ,,« c^jectment ^ '" Elections, Legislative .'. ll ';i"ity : i' ; J'.rror, Courts of... ... Exeinitors and AdminiHtratore' .'.■.■. t! Estates, Intestate. . ", . I. A; .1 ^*'^* Intestacy Iinprisomnent for debt. fl.. Joint Tenants °f Jury Laws '*'■ Justices of the Pe.-vc'e, ' Coui'tV of .' .' .' .' .■;.■;.■; ;;;;; 24 Landlord and Tenant . . , '' ,» Legislature, ElectioiiM to . r ! Limitatioiw, Statute »f... ;', 1-oans, Interest on .. i' Lord's Day Lunatic Asylums .....'. Lunatics, Estates of . ! ! .' ^.„ Lunatics, Dangerous '.'.'.'.'.'.'. T ^ 45 Marriage, Solemnization o U. 130 115 Married Women, Assurances' hy '.'.'.'.'.'. ■« Married Women, Kights of ..... . .;?,? Magistrates' Courts . . r, , Master mi. I «•„„ 1. -» Master and Servant Marriage and Divorce Members, Election of Minors ami Apprentices. m 24 l;js Mortgages, Personal PropeVtv" .' A, Mortgage., Sale . ,f 1 ,and . ...... ,' „, Muiicipalities 121 Partition ' ., Parties to suit Witnesses' .'.'." ,1^ Partner.ships ■'^ Personal Actions, Lim'itatio'n'sof .' .'.■.■ o. Probate Courts ,,, Jry Notes. ....'.','.'.'.' jj'^ romLssory j K. 101 Estates, Lunatic Evidence 4: 127 104 Ileal Estate, Sale of Peal ActioiLs, Limitation of . A Keference to Arbitration . . 7;, Kent, Distress for i^ Registration of Bills of Sale '. ^i± I vers and Streams ... ?? 41 Sale, Bills of , , . Sabbatli, Profanation of ■.;; ■ ..,io o.> 101 8ti •. 41 M V. Fisheries, Sea & Hiver „ 1' oieclosure ,^f Frauds, Statute of".'.;;;;;;;;;;;";;;; j^J Illegitimate Children ... " , .11 Infants li-fi Interest .... ^^^ 45 S.ale of Lands Seamen Sea and Kiverl Servants Streams Superior Courts sherie 41 19 T. lonants, Junit ami in Common ... 41 I enant, Ejectment of If. Tenant holding over . iZ to W Wills Witnesses Abroad nu Witnesses, Parties to Suit . '. ' '. '. '. '. '. ', '. ' ', ", '. ". '. ', '_ ' ' ^^ Of Ho Silt New r,v to lie iss of tlio B PtirliaiiK reference The hearing i Dominio tlio Grin uniformi selecting within ti purpose ( The the subje corrcspon facility ol tlifferenct hardly to the main In ci the statut index to 1 Brunswic seventeen First A copy is Secoi — were fi and bore i no coUecti was thong matter, wJ giving the of tlio stat nexed. Third PEELIMINARY REPORT Of Hon. J. H. Grav on the Uniformity of the Statutory Laws of the Provinces of Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. „ . Ottawa, 9th February, 1871. New Bn;;;;vid-'^,l' N;v?S T'^ ''\r" '" ''''"""' ''"^ ''^^« "f *^^« P'-°^i"<=«^ of Ontario, A copJtln^Je™' *'""'"''' ^"""'"•^' ^'^ ^''^^'^""^ «-'' ^ -^-- This was done. anai.oren,inttM> emu^l V "nX:'Vr;H p' -^"--^tration of justice. mmmmmmm .. «,c.,utut„ .,„. .„.,,„, „p„„ British N»th iLsr ™r;ir a'C r»- Thirdly.-Ar,,lic»tionswMe made to the Provincial Socrotarioa of the Provinces of Nova Scotia nnd Now nninswick, and to llio Socrctniy of Stiito for tlif! Ooniinion, to ol)tain, if iKssililo, ii sulllficiit huihImt of copies of tlir cnditiod mid uiuMjdificd laws of'tlie two foniKT pioviuccK, .-ind of old Cuiiidii— to l,o tisc.l for ciittiii;; out tin- oxtnicts for the jiarallol coliiiuiis— loaviii;^' simply tiio ^ijiionil rcmiirics to bo writU-n, thus saving ialior and time, and <,'reatly facilitating' tli(! roadiness with which tiio ci-mparisoiis coidd ho made. From Nova Scotia no copy of tlit^ Ciinsolidatcd Htatiite.s wn.s ohtaint'd, Imt one sot of tho Acts for five years, from 1801 to 1.SG9, was sent. From tho Secretary of State for ( 'unada, o\w copy of the Consolidated Statutes, and the Acts jiasscd suliscquontly up to the time of L'onfoileratioii. From New IJrunswick, nothing,' but tlio Act.s pasaed .since Confederation ; of tlio laws of tho latter province I liad a perfect set of my own, which obviated the ditliculty ; and of those of Nova Scotia, 1 obtained the use of the Pievised Statutes belon"in<' "to the Secretary of Stati; for the Provinces. "^ ° Fourthly.— Th(! Stiitutoiy Laws of Ontario, irresjiective of any made by the Dominion Parliament, are found in the Gon.solidat(Ml Statutes of Canada, up to ISo'j ; tho statutes passed by the United Parliament of Canada, from 18.") 9 to 18G7 : the Con.solidated Statutes applicable to Uppin- Canada alone, passed by tlie United Parliament up to 18r)9, and similar statutes jias.sed by the .suae }';uliamcnt from that ])eriod to 1807* and the .statutes pa.ssed by the Legislature of Ontario sinco 1807, making an apia-oi- mate total, in round nundmr.s, of 1,GU0 Acts or chapters ; but omitting tho.setubjects that come exclusively within the scope of the Dominion Parliament, and have been legislated ui)on, and such Acts as wtre ap|iliealile to Quebec aloiu', abimt 1,100. ° Fifthly.— The Statutory Law (;f Nova Scotia will be found in one volume. Tho re- vised Statutes, 3rd series, ui) to 18Gi, and in tho Acts of tliu Local Legislature" from that period, passed annually, comprising a.s above about, 700 Acts or chapters. Sixthly.— In New Brunswick, tho Statutory Law will be found iu the 1st and 2nd volumes of the revised statutes ni> to IS,")!, and in tin several Acts of the Local Legis: laturo, annually passed since tliat period, comprising, excltiding as above, and also those in the third volume, which are called private and local Acts, and which have not been at all referred to, about 1,200 Acts or chapters. Seventhly.— Thus, in order to determine tho Legislation on any particular point in Ontario, the search extends over a period of eleven years ; in Nova' Scotia of six years and in New Brunswick of sixteen years, and for the purpo.se of determining the entire uniformity or diH'erences between them on matti'rs coaxing within the jiirisuicdon of t)i«ir Local Legislatures, an examination of upwaixls of .'i,000 Acts. Eighthly.— The laws of Nova Scotia, as found in tho llevisod Statutes, are the simp- lest, best arranged and most easily understood. Tiiose in Ontario, from the past position and history of that Province, as a part of ol.l Canada, and the general and sepai-ato special local legislation that was necessary, and the cliauges that have been made by its Legislature since Confederation, are necessarily the most complicated and dillicult to arrive at, assuming that information of the law on any subject is sought by one who, from previous knowledge, is not familiar with the legislation alfecting that Province. In New Brun.swick, the absence of any revision for sixteen years renders tho search more intricate tluan in Nova Scotia, though less than in Ontario. Ninthly.— The re-enactment in the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia of many of the old English Statutes affecting t!ie ordiirary relations of life, such for instance as tho Statutes of Frauds, 29 Charles 2, chap. 3, and the achtptation of others, with special alterations, suited to tho local wants ami habits of the country, such for instance a.s with i-eference to distresses for rent, the recovcny of rents by an action for use and oc- cupation, itc, make a knowledge of the remedies within their power, attainable by the people, and by the local magistrates who administer justice in the rural districts. In Ontario— while as in tiie other two i)rovinces — those parts of Uw Tmiiorial Act 9th Geo. 4, chap. U, rentlering a "written memorandum necessary to the validity of certain promises and" undertakings," which relate to taking a case out of the Statute of Limita- tions, tho i-atification of an infant's i)romise after coming of age, rei)rcsentations as to the cliar; and a sp( 17th sec the prov defaults i or as to a been leg authority " ja'opert " to ])rop "on the for rent, < Tent limited ii nature of no provisi sons in A Islaiuls, C Calcutta, or any [ih States, or This. Elev( adoption c of incapac leaving th as far bad is in advai relates to : of litigatio l)Owers th;i involving 1 operate ius it disposes liero to alli In ma excellent. In Ne plicity, ec( majority a dividing till to the part; laws, both trustees, to imported in Twelft Court exist late act of t istration of; time comm under that . Inke trake i Thirtee the same ex nally amalg tribunal abc >i)i)iiiii()ti, to liiw.s of tlio nicts for Xhe iig liitior and lie iiuiilc. It Olio set of ;atutes. and ; of tlio lawH lenity ; and ,'iiig to tlio Dominion .ho stiitutes Jonsolidatf'd up to 18r)9, d to 18G7, an ap|)roi- uhjccts tliat 1 legislated 0. Tlio ro- j from tliat Isti.ud 2iul ocal Tji'gis: 1 also those lot been at iir point in six years, the entire ion of th«ir i the sinip- st position il S(!pai-atu lade l>y its ditlicnlt to i who, from '. In New- re intricate ■a Scotia of )r instance, ;hers, witli ir iustunce, so and co- ble by the ts. iai Act Otli of certailii of Limita- tions as to the provisio.iH of the Statute of KriudV w 1, f "'i'' "l'^^''^''''" J ^'^ ,i,f„,.u i- .1 ^I'liiiu oi r Minis, with reference to in'omisi* for tlie de!)t<< m- ::i.;prn:;-^.^S^ fnv , n! f J ' ' "' "" ^'''^ *■"'" "* •lo'^'i^i""" So also with reference to distresses for rent, or actions tor use and occupation, Ac etc (Ustiesses Tenthly._In some cases tlie Legislation 'on particular subjects a,.poa,-s to be moro "m ..^'tS:' 'j;---''-"-*!-'^ F'obably from inadvertence, \!erliapf^,rZ n ovi i^ h.lev r^^ ^^"'■'* '^f i'^x'-l.ange, there is Calcutta Madras; or Chma ; or Smyrna, ,„• the oth.-r part^ of the Eastern Me.l itcrrm m' involving long and intricate accounts, the time occupied n the trS of vl I i excenenr""^ of these respects, the pr ...ons of the law in Nova Scotia are equall. tim, eommumlv, (vhich -vine »lmo.,l ivitlioul ,™.»,lv l.efoi-,. an-l t1,.. b™ ■& of uZl lake aaku is eutirclv witiiout any sucli tribunal ' Thiiteenthly.-In the Supremo Courts of the three Provinces the iurisdiction is to he same extent ; but u the Maritime Provinces, the Court of C anc' v Im ^^^^^^^^^ In Now BniiiHwick its principles and nio.lc of pioceduro ronmia iis .listinct i.s hefom the a.nalgamati..n with th„ Courts of fo.nnu.u Law, tl,,. rhani,.. sinmly Ikmu^ that the Supremo Court has a Con.uion f.iw si.lo. a.ui an K,p,ity .si.le. Th.- same .JmL nmv sit in i^..pntyto.,Hy ami at Common Law to-monow, ami his dmsiou at Con.mon l"iwt.:,lav bo rcstramotl by las (h cision in Eipiity to-morrow. He has no power, if, in the progress of the cause at Common Law. it is found that the party wouhlhavo a rom.'.ly or reli.f in l.;,,„ity, toap],lv the remclv or -ivo the relief It must he sought for on the K.piity side of the ( 'onrt. " ' But though equitahle.lefence.s in actions at Common Law are not i.rovided for as in Ontario and Nova Scotia, yet, by section 2G of the same Act, which mado tlu. ainai-Mma- Q , ,. , o . V""' '*^ i« ^ecl'^'-'-'l. "That whenever a d.'murrer will li., to a JJiTl for voL'KewLu'itS ; ^'";* f ;T''-'' *■'" ''";'"". "" *'"' >»'•«"""•"*' '"-KV, if the facts warrant, Page 83. instead of dismissnig the Jiill, order the remedv as at Common Law '.'or he may make such otiier order as to proceeding therein on the Common Law side of the Supreme Court, and for the tiial of the same on such terms us to payments of costs or otherwise, as may appear to him just." Tn Nova Scotia the fusion was more comi)lote. By chap. 123, Revd. Stats, of Nova Scotia, 3rd series. It IS enacte.1 that the Supremo Ccmrt shall have, within the Province thesame powers as are cxercise.1 by the Courts of Queen's Bench.Commou Vh'iis,C'/uu,cery and Exchequer in Lnglaud. By chap. 12 L " Of proceedings in K,,uitv," it was enacted Sect.l. r- T\ ^u^'i 4^1-"tluit in that chapter the term " Sup.vn.e Court," should " mclude the Equity Judge and his Courts ; the term "the Court," means the Court of the Equity Judge, except otherwi.se cxiiressed or clearly indicated ; and the "jurisdiction expressed to be transferred to and to bo exorcised bv the Sui.reme Court ' means the jurisdiction and i)owers of the Judge in E.piity, alone, or with the associated Judges, andof the Judges of the Supreme Court on Circuit, and of the Supreme Court " Bencli on api)etls. ' " In the illnes.s or absence of the Equity Judge, or in cases requiring attention in the Sect 2 ,, ^""''^'T. the duties imposed on him shall be exercised bv the other Judges, as the ucv-i,. i. i, ^^^^ jj^^y require. " ° " Tlio Supreme Court has jurisdiction in all cases formerly cognizable ])y the Court Sect- 3 !! ""^ ^}^^^<^^^:y, and exercises the like powers aud applies the same princii.les of ■ • equity as justice may rciuire, and as has formerly been admini.stered in that Court. In all cases in the Supremo Court in which matters of Law and Equity arise " the Court before which they come for consideration, trial, or hearing, shall have power to investigate and determine both the matters of Law and Equitv, or either as mnv be "necessary for the complete adjudication and decision of the whole matter accordin<^ to ' right and justice, and to order such proceedings as may be expedient and proi.er ■ "and all writs issuable out of Chancery now issue out of the Supreme Court. " The plaintiff may unite several causes of action in the same wiit, wlicther they be Sect 7 !! ^'f^ '^ ^'''^'' heretofore been denominated legal or equitable, or both. The causes • • ot action so united must accrue in the same right, and affect all the parties to the action, and must not require different places of trial." When applicaljle, the practice of the Supreme Court was to be observed, when not Sect 10 *fe practice of the English Court of Chancery, and bv section 10, "In the • • final decision of cases on equity principles, the Court shall give iudgment according as the very iight of the cause and matter in Law shall appear to them, so as toaliord a complete remedy ' upon equitable principles applicalilo' to the case And in Sect. 43 i',^^'*' '^'^' iV^'^^^l;"'*"* 1^^'^'*»1 f°'' tl'O 'plaintiff in replevin or a .lefendant in ,,, any cause in the Supreme Court, in which, if judgment were obtained, ho would be entitled to relief against such judgment, on equitable gj-ounds, to plead the facts which would entitle liim to .-.uch relief. '" And the plaintiff may reply an Avoidance of these tacts on equitable grounds. And in ejectment, an equitable defence'may be set xm Immediately followmg this Act (by chapter 125), provision was, notwithstanding I made for before hii the Court Court fioi the Suprc Thor to sit as at Chambi or other si Infu side; the J Two , the nbovo 29 Vie., ch. Sect. 7. " chapt(;r, " meiits h( "oftheE. " tion ; an( " and Jud " Common " Supreme " redenqitii " porforma; " sections f " matters a " mi!id, OIK "chap. 152 " Statutes, "and shall " and ' the " mean the " exercising "But "IHoftlu " 'mortgage "before the " In ca Sect. 8. "eit " an( " Equity Ju " Judges, or "The 1 'of 'of " Court." Section Supreme Coi of the Suj)re said chaj)ter " and the otl " to exerci.so "Court." The rigl section 10 sa Sect 9. let iiH l)C'f(»ro iij,' timt tlio i(lj,'o may sit liiiw t(t ilay i found thiit u the it'lief, i3(l for uH in ' iiniiilgiinm- () ii IJill for •ts warrant, niiion Law, iciii on tlie ah terms us its. of Nova Province, w,C'/taiiceri/ as (inactod irt," sliould means the 1 ; and the lenie Court associated ■eiiin Court ition in the Jges, as tlie tlio Court rinciplea of 'd in that ;iuity arise, ave power as may be ;cording to 'oiier : and !r they be The causes rties to the when not, "In the judgment lom, so as And in fendant in rained, he plead the avoidance r he set up. hstantling, the Court wh«n busin..s . . ir "i I '' V •''."■'■^"'"V""' '^"'' '" '"••■^'^'" *" Co.ntf,„mlf.lifax to.erfom I It! . • ? '?"'" "•*/'"' '^'"'""^ '^*' t'"' «"l"'<'mo the «„prona. Court ' ^" '"'''' *'""'" *'"^^ ""■^'''* ^'" •■•■'I'"''"'' "'' -^ •'>"l,^^' of to siu^;::;? uL'di,;::;;?!!;^''*^;''"'''^'"-^ ^ «"i— curt, in whi... i. was the above iur ^^^"I'-lTo'^^l^i 'T'. [''"''■ ^^' ^"-ff^^^^^-V^r. IL'4 an,l 125, oo-ir. , "-•-'""«, I,-, 5, /, ot chaptor IJl were repealo( , ami the Kduitv (',»n-t 29Vi«.. ch. 11. and lurisdiction —air, rH-,.«.nl.i;.l,„,i u.L t ' ' J/ '"' -^ ^"""' «ect.7. '' JneCou^'" ^^Tl'V^-ff^^'-'i^l'-l- ^-t. 7 .mtcts, "That tj.o ' Su- ''elu,,ter, except ^Ch^X;t^:w;!:^'V"''Y' ''■"'''"'. "' '•^"''«"'' "' «'-^' ''n.entsh,.T.,f areconf id a ™^ .uconsist.nt with the enact- " of the Kquit; Juduo "ho Co t ; r ? ' "^T'''' J".''''^'''^tion, to the Cou.t " tlon • an, in dl ..\t f '"" "'•'^"'''^"""^lly exercising tiie oouitv iurisdic- " l!Z Jm ai^rr Mi^'s^Zl^iwf 'T'-f''T f'"^ ^'"''>^"'*'^" '^ -^^'' ^^' ''CounnonYaw,contra;Hstin"; d fn 1 '^"•^.^"■^ ■""I i" -H -tses purely at "Supreme Court and i^ts JmS^ ''■'■tucery jurisdiction, those terms mean the ''iJeniptionr th Le kSy r^' '" '" > '"''^ '^'" "'''"'' l»-«<=e"di»S« f-'" the " I.orfbrLanco „n er t e'Sf^e o, nd'^''' Tr"' l^'' -^*'' ^^^'^""' ""'^ *'"' «1'''"«° " sections from the .5 t to o 5^ . ' 1 ''";.' ^"^ T"' ''^"^'' "^ "'f^'"*^' ""''''• tl'o " matters and th U reh .l to e ' '."^•'"«'^-"'"f ^■'•'1 ^M'- (H* t) ; and all proceedings, "mind, ond tSat S^ """•;, '""''' ■""' ''■''l'"''"' "^ l-''^«"« ''f ""so""' "chap. 1520 t eli^id ilf ' l'^7 *™'' ^ *° ''^' '*"*'' "'^■l•••^'^■'^ "f " Sta utes, th r tr es ' S S .,? 1 / ";' ""- I"'°'^^'<^''i"«« ••'"!«• -Lap 131 of the Rc^vd. "and shall i^^^ v^::^L,^.:^':^a:i^'::::::^:z .";;;'fv''r -i-'i^i--'"'^^'"" ""•^'- "and 'the Court ' and the ' J,,J,«1 • T < t i ?^"^ ', • ^''° ^''''"'''*' '''*' Sui-remeCourt,' " mean the E uity J 1' o .'S F /' ^^ '"''^ "\ *''^' ''^'^'^ «'^^*''^"^ '""1 ^'"'I'te. "e..ercisingthe';;'jit'!:'jS;.i.sdiction ^^'"*' ''""'' "' *'" ^'""'•^ -' ^'"'^^ °-"-'"""y " 1 U" ' tlrtS^sir? t StS"- ;S^ - J^ ^.'If « to o. «,e. chapter ...7^^^:^r':^^^'Z'^£r'lt^^ ^-o-n Hali.., "E,uit;s,:i^di^=3^r;-^-^^-^ Seeto" :'V^';-^;t;r:i^^^^^^ '.the a.urt ^^^^^^^^;:,of equity as Justice may require, which ^:tr^^'J-::ZJri^ supr'rt :;.t^S'Siff.^' ;S',ir t l;e '? "; /^'^ f ^^"^^ °^ ^"^ j-'^'^- °f ti. of the S.mreme Court wa ' ^ne t /^^^"^^ f ? • ' '""•■^°'™ '^" ^he .luties of a Judge saidchai.cr U --Tvic th^bfr'^ '^ '^'=''^ ™'"^te,l in section 3 of " and uL othe Judge so he Sl™ :|"''"^. ^'-"^^' " '- '^^'^y^ -m, " to exerci.se the functions of th' 7 > \ ^""^ 1''"'"' '" '■'^■'^■^' ^^'^'"''''^ e„,powired "Court." ' '""^t.uh.. or the Ecputy Judge, should have the full powers of the ^ectil'lo'llpf ""^"^"""^^^'^'•'^--''-t of equitable defences, was still retained, ^ Section 10. " But. nevortlipless in all notions at law in tlio Supreme Court, on the trial or argument of wliicli matters of e(|uitahlG jurisdiction arise, tliut Court lias power ^^ to investigate diid dotoiinine liotli the matters of law and of eiiuitv, or either, as may be 1^ necessary for ihe complete adjiulieation and decision of tlie whole matter; and also, all '•actions at law, to which e'-'-^''^'> ratten f tlii> siiii. ,.,.,,,., n„...i _ . , , comnu.ssion difficdty has arisen in Ne^; i);-un;;;d;Sn tlinc/'^''"*^^ " ^''° ''"•'«'• ^^^-^-U^^" A provision for the substitution or a 2 t ^t o it .e^'f^ '''":^' "''•^ '^'''''' "'■'^'^ing no of the illness or absence of the Ju l^e .s an il: ^7 '^ ^'^!"° '' '''^ ^ ^"''' "'^'^ "> ^'^«« by other causes fron. presiding, ami JJ U^^r^ I^ ""T'^n' °'-'''-' ^^'^'"" V^'^^^nU^A remedy the .lefect was lost. mtioduced m the Dominion Parliament to In Nova Scotia, the Act pa.sscd in 1 861; ' \ ,.„c . ,. during the illness or ten,porary absence of 1 • . ,^^0"^ *° *^!'' ^""'•*' I"'"^'^'^^» that .night appoint the Chief Justice ^o^ S^a::1f^^7'7' S^ t^overnor in Council .Jn.lge Ordinary, and by ,,u Act passed a 87 t' T . ' '""'"'""'" ^'""^'^ *" "<^t "s meet the case of his l,eini: nreventod f,L' :!!!!].. ^'''* l'^^^^^^' ^^'^« f'»'tl.o.- extended to o-'ound ov tJie husband's tenancy by e 1 1/ &'■--■' "^^ ""c V <.mii w eniorce its decrees •nwl in , of adultery, to detenniue whether the wife's vS fof 1 1 courtesy shall be divested or not. ^ ^ ''°'' ''' ' In New Brunswick the "rounds of (ii\-,ii adultery, and consanguinity witliin thode-reo. .""V-rvT!" '^ 'T •'""^ed to impotence, marriages and precontracts. '^ '' l'^"'''"^^*'"^! ''y the 32 Henry VIII., touchin.^ onthogroundof ad;;;t^',S ,^^,::;|''::^:;^7f- ^'-^t t,„ .Hvorce a vn.ul. Nova Scotia there is no JX p.ovill^n" pSa! 'Llt^m 1^, l"«.tnnacy of the issue. In provisions are made for appeal from the lecition of h, , ''rTr^'u ^'' *'"^'' P.'ovinces m New I^runswick from ti e Sui.reme Com of W P n^" *",^ '" '^"l"'^""' ^"'^"^'t, and In Ontario there is no slat ,te constU in" * '° ^"P;.^""'^"' "1 England. la Now Brunswick and Nova S f s "^ "^ ;''"""*°^'' ''"'^ ^'i^'O''^"- CWrt, there is no Court of A,n;e"r,ml^ ^""''^ '^'''"^K the sole Supenor the Privy Council in l^4^^^^^Zt'^Z::::7' '" "" ''"'''^^'^' Counnit^e":^ proceedilH^s therein, is practically of no " ai t l! ■^''"''' ''^^"'''"'« '"'>' •■M'FUato two Provinces. ^ ° '^''''^ to the great nniss of the peojde in those Thus Ontario ; ^le ^X Z o/^^r p""^ ''' therein, without resort to "li^ant am "u 'Hv^'?"'"^: m''"', '^"'^^'^'^ ^« ^^^ ^^tigants appeal to a Court composed of Ju.^ "he 1 a i 1 o:;'oV;h 'V''? '^W'-'t'-ity of an the comi.lainant may justly conceive that , 1 1 i , ° l"i''tifular Court in which contrarv to law. ^ '' ' ^^^"^ *''"* '"^ ^"^'^ '^^^'^ condennied or deprived of lu« ri-dS gate SiS:*"'" '" ''^'""^ '"'^« °^ *^^ ^--*y ^-n-t i«, - .^«., Judge of the 8^ ^^^^:^^'S::t;tSZ:^^^^ ^-^^^ ^^ ^-^^^te is appointed TO- J ^ . ,, •' -.-.v.nv/1 111 \^uuncM. In Oata,-io, the .Surrogate Cou.t n,ay order any .uction of fact, arising in any proceeding before it, to be tried by a Jury before the Judge of the Court, when such trial would take placfs in the County Court in the ordinary manner. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the Probate Courts have no such power. ' Fifteenthly.— With reference to executors and administrators, an important provision exists both in ()iitiirio and Nova Scotia relative to the law of evidence in suits arising out of miittci's with deceased ]>art:es in wliich issue has been joined, and a trial, o°auj enquiry, is being hud, immely, that it shall not l)o competent for the survivor or survivors, being a jiarly oi- parties to the suit, or their wives, to give evidence on their own behalf, of any dcjalings, transactions, or agreements with the deceased, or of any statements or acknowledgments made, or words spoken by deceased, or of any conversation with deceased ; l)ut such jjarties may be compelled to give evidence on behalf of deceased. This ap]>areutly fair policy has not been adopted in New Brunswick, and is not in accordance v.itli the law in England, perhaps because it is depriving one party, without any fault of Jiis own, of an advantage which both possessed; and periiaps because tlie knowledge that rsucli an advantage may be lost, induces i)arties more to reduce their agreements to wi'iting, and tiiereby avoid. unseemly conflicts of testimony. In No^•a Scotia, tlio jirocoedings against executors and administrators cum testamento anmxo have bi.cn simplified on behalf of legatees l)y permitting actions at Common Law, and m the same Act, for enabling executors appointed trustees by a will, or trustees appointed by deed, to be relieved of their trusts or executorship by an application to the Supreme Court, or to be removed on an ai)plicatiou in the same way by any one interested ill the execution of the trust. In the course of this work, Mr. Butlei^'s Alphabetical Index of the Canadian Statutes, from 1859 to 18G7, has been continued so far as Ontario is concerned, from 1867 to the pi-esent day ; and the New Brunswick index, first prepared and referred to above, has also been further continued to the present time. There are many other differences wliich will bo observed by an examination of the schedides annexed, but it is obvious that any review of a sidjject so comprehensive as the legislation of throe Provinces must be more or less imperfect, unless made by persons familiar witli the construction put upon tlie Statutes of each Province by the Courts of eacli Province. A knowledge of the decisions of the Courts in one Province alone midit very eironcously lead a party to suppose that inadvertencies or omissions existed in tlio Statutory I„iw.s of the, other Provinces, which an acquaintance with the decisions of tlie Courts of those Provinces niiglit show was not tlio case, but a knowledge of whicli could only be obtained by their being brought forward or quoted in the discussion on ijiose difrereuo(.'s themselves. 0[)iniuii:s of the Statutes as found in the Statute Book, without knowing how far the practical operation of those Statutes may have been extended or uarro^\^d by the critical examination to which they would be subjected in the process of judicial enquiry, must be subject to inaccuracies. The insti-U' ions given to me being simply to prepare for a Commission hereafter to be issued — not to recommend or pro])ose any form or suggest any chance I have confined my labor solely to pointing out the diflerenccs ; but thci'o can be no doult that an excellent practical Code of Law, simple in its language, easily understood, ex]ieditious and economiciil in its administration, could be formed from a judicious selection of the best of the Laws of each of the Pri)\ iuees by men wlio were severally acquainted with each. I beg to refei- you for further information to the Schedules hereunto annexed numbered 1, 2, and 3, ' And have the honor to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, , J. H. Grav. xo the Honorable tlie Minister of Justice. Me.i columns < index o/t As t nnd those examinuti volumes q, must be m For I InO,, Allp, Division, c local purpc Townsliip, rate there c in all Cour The ej Executive ( Governmen nient — and of the Pro\ Peace ; Slie Members ol Courts of J Army and I Office; Sher Collectors a establishinen Employees ; conricted cri Membei rations, Alayi being selecte Assizes, or A Jurors M by Selectors, Twelve J By the C with tlie Pljiii The Jure The May Sulectoi-s, 2 when such tnial :h power. ' ortant pi'ovision suits arising out a trial, or auj ^or or survivors, r own behalf, of ' statements or ivorsation with f deceased, k, and is not in I party, without aps because tha to reduce their cum testamento Common Law, ivill, or trustees iplication to the Y one interested ladian Statutes, im 1867 to the above, has also lination of the •ehensivo as the lade by persons y the Coiu'ts of ice alone might existed in tlie decisions of tlie of whicii could ssion on tiioso lowing how far arrowed by tho idicial enquiry, on hereafter to I have confined lat an excellent and economical . of the Laws of unto annexed, H. Gray. EXTRACTS FROM SCHEDULES, must be more or les. incon,phte. ''' '^"^ '">'•'««""« hnp-arlcd in these AtrJ^ JURY LAWS. I-v Ontario. InOntario.^Con. Stnt. chap. 31 (22 Vi« 1S50 -i-x-^ The exceptions are set o„t in 34 oV svs ,n ' "' '''"^''^ ^'« '•««i'l<^«- Lxecutive Council and persons in thrser • S> of ,T n '''''' ^-l'«''«»"« GO years of ac^e • Government; Clerks and Servants of tic IWhf !1p^"''''"°'" = ««i'^'^''« "of the Provinchl ment-aiKl Public DepartnientsV Jnccto^^^ of the Provincial Penitentia.y • JuK 'f r' ?'"'"' ^^""'^'"■^' '^^"^•'''■■S and Se™ts Peace; Sheriffs, Coroners, Gao^l rs, if K^' "i.^?;. ''Y^l'^ of' Quarter Sessions of £ Members of the Law Societv • At to .,Wp. ^ p • '''""I'' ' -^Ii"'«tcrs of the GusdoI Courts of Justice ; Physician/- ^S.t™ . , 1 ^""T"'' '■ «tucients-at-Law ; OlS if Army and Naw on full mv • Piln / V ^P»thocaries ; Oiiicers of Hev Ar,W ' ^e; Sherill.U)mce.i'2l Co^j£'ZZ; ^ff^^ f .^'"^--.^^S::, S^^I Ea.ployees;Td:,gSri)p^r'£iC^'- -'^1 ^^ftL cS^'i^w; Ssf'^S conricted criminals. '' '''^^''' ' ^'^'^^^^ of a regular con/pa'ny ; 'aliens IiJ -ftlembors of the Pi'ovin,.;.,! n i- rations. Mayors, Keeves. or Soputv rZs'"'' f ,^°".'^*3^ Councils, and Municipal Corno «.,„i':— ■ " ''»™. ■^■»". -- ^ .w„ „,. ,_, „^, ^^^ w 10 The Selectors arc to niont on tlio iirst of Sc})tciiili(!r in eiicli yciiv (if a dies uon, tlion on tlio (lay after, itc, il'c), at llie public nicetini,' place of tlie jMnniciiial Council, or some other jilaco witliin the iSIuiiicapality, named by tlio Ifciul of th(! Coi'poration, for the jiurposo of seli'L'tini,' from th(! Assesi-inii ntltolls tlic pcr.-^ous (jiia!ili(il and liahii; to .servo lis Juror.s. Eaeli Seloetoris sworn to an iaip.irtial s 'h-ction by a .Justice of tlie Peace; two-thirds of the cpialitied persons on the liolis must be seiccti-d. In case of an (upiality of votes in making any stdection, pro\ision is nuuh* for a castin,:', or doiible vote, being /;iveii to tlio Mayor or l\e(!\e (Irst, Town Clerk second, or Assessor of most iniinert)ns lioil, or iirst Assessor in ease of joint Assessors. Thirdly, — An e(jual nnmlier of l)alluts, with the nninbcr selected, is made out, names of parties seleeteil wiitten thereon, and one-half of the muuber drawn, and openly declared as each is drawn. The necessary mnnber bcinjf e(Mnpleted, the list is disirilnitiMl into four divisions : first, as Grand Jurors in Superior Courts ; s >cond, as Oi-and dui'ors in Interior (Jonrts ; tkird, as Petit Juriors in Su]ici'i(U' Coui-ts, including Court of Clianceiy ; fourth, Peti I; Jurors in Infei-ior Courts. The distribntion being in the following proportion for each division ; one-twelfth for tlio iirst ; two-twelfths for the .second ; tliroe-twolfths for the third ; six-twelfths for the fourth, or as nearly as may be. The Peport (as it is called) is then to be made; out in chiplieate, under the hands and seals of the Ai'ting Selectors, in a form jtre^cribed with a written declaration subscribed, by each Sulectcn', that he has made the selection to the best of his judgment, pursuant to the Act. One of su«h duplicate reports is to be filed on or before the }.~)th September, witli the Clerk of tho Peace of the (.-'ounty ; the otliei', with the (!ity or Township Clerk. The lo.ss or desti'uetion of one duplicate to be supplied by certified copy of the other. The Clerk of the Peace of the County is to keep a "Jurors' Pook," and trlm.scribe therein, between the l.'ith September and the lOdi November, in alphabetical order, from the i'ej)ort of the Selectors, the names and additions of tho persons selected as Grand or Petit Jurors, to be transcri'i;ed in four Jlolls, according to abo\'o distribution. On or before the .Tlst December, he is to ileposit a certified copy thereof with the Clerk of tho Crown, and Pleas of the t^neen's Bencli in the Connty. Provision is made for certified coi)ies in cases of loss by lire, and for division of Coiuities ait(>r the st^kjction. On the first day of the Court of General Quarter Sessions in each County, held .after the 10th November, the Clerk of tho Peace is to bring into Court, and i)ni)licly deliver to tho Chairman, nctleiUc curia, the Jurors' Book for tlio then next year, with the Juror.s' Looks of such preceding yiNirs, as may be re(piirod, and make oath in o}ion Conrt, to the best of hi« knowleilge and belief, al'ter comparison, that tin- Jurors' Polls contain a correct transcript of the persons selected, balloted and re))orted ; and that the other Jurors' Books are those remaining on iile in his oiHce. The oa+h is to be modified accordingly when Clerk has been changed, or books brought in for first time, and if there is reason to suspect tiimpering with the original entries, before coming into the Clerk's possession, in conse(iuenco of which he cannot make the oath, the Quarter Sessions is to enqui-;o into tho matter. The Books having been received, the Cliairman certifies the same therein nnder liis hand and seal, and minute of t!io same is made by the proi)er ollicer. The Court then })roceeds to consider the probable amount of judicial biLsiness for •which Jurors will proliably be rc(juisite, in order to determine wliether to select a full Jury List, or a two-third oi' half Jury List. If a full Jury List is determined on, u would be ; the Pol! of Grind Jurors, Huiic) 1st. Vi 2nd. From the Roll of Gi'and Jurors, Liferior Courts perior Com'ts, 48 96 3rd. From the Poll of Petit Jurors, Su])erior Courts 144 ■ith. From tho KoU of Potit Jurors, Inforior Courts 288 11 lies lion, tlion uiicil, or Hoino ition, for tlio ;il)ln to servo jo; two-tliird.s ty of votes ill ; ,!;ivcn to tlio lioll, 01' first de out, naiiies , and openly ur divisions : 'erior (Joiirts ; fourtii, Potii ition for each aiahs for the .lie liiinds and 11 subscribed, , imi'suiint to ilier, with the Clerk. The hei. 11(1 trlmscribe il order, from as Grand or reof with the or division of County, held and jmblicly eai-, with the Datli in open Jurors' Kolls and that the looks brought filial entries, lot make the „'iii under Jiis business for • seleet a full 4S 96 Ml 288 • I' a twi)4hifd .ii I'd., \'\,v the lirst -'ihI, I'W Mie second. ly is (h'termiiu'd on, it would b ''ir.l, F, tliird. If nil. l''orlhefointh a liMlf.Jm.y JH determined on, it wouhl ImV-l' Int. l''or the first ir tl •'•l'"\;:f'T;;':r!''''^',V''' >'•''*■•'. >^- 'fiLure.-, tho Hlierid'; ami by wie. 5 e U A f) mr- ii ,.,, •■••••' 7-' " •"■■>"> i."ir ireasurer, tlio ^>-»^^'^>'iiy.Uv^\rn;y-\uultu:o}^^ the Peace; and in the absence of '»■" ■HM.ln ex ulli.-io S. eet ff h ' , ^'^^J^I^'-Vor of any City situate in such County ''oun|^.H, An;t'h,.e:ofu;;.:lQz;;/'""' '"^ ''"'"'•" "'"^ ^^•^'■'^ *^'*-- -i-*- •Turors for n, .t y Wor e C ,. t •^''''■'V"''^'-" '^""^^"^'; f"'' •'^"«"«'. ^^^'il" "ames of «^''^.Midly,rornny,So, .tvlf /• T "^"'"•■' ""^''"i?'' f'™" the Jurors' KolLs ; and Tim H.le ; J«' ;: : ; J S'^^^Iir/'V'^- "-- -^^ ed, to come forth and stat^ it. tlif'y, or ann-ior V f 1 1. *'\""^<''^<' f™'» the P^olls, the names o^mch persons as fullwi,.,, „.!;;i';,;,.L"^ *'"'"' '•""" ^'^'^ ■■"^■^'^ ^^'^'^''-'^t and compet..nt for jurors, in the onuid j;u.;i;:'^:';,'i:.i!;::7^:,.^jf ^;tu';rv'"'- ^:^" -^r'^--- «-t on the nst, for is ''X.-ii.pt on LTuunl o se vie! n,. ls then made to see wliether such person y-b eutl.y Urn, ,,r .,";„,:" 1"?V;^"«, 1"'"^'^«' sumcieutly recent to exempt. If i^iiall he L m.|,.,Le I ,1. it' T T , , '^' •'"", "'"'''' ''' '^-'"" '^='"'^'1' "»'l question i.ut. ('Lairmau r^^ib .^ one .^"h;:; IllJ'f ;;S' ^'^ ^^■'T^'T/"' -f^''^^^ i"'^"«"^' ^'- IviHt. If n„ ,„„„„ !,•; ,, „ ' ,, "'f •••"•'" ^I'y /"""« «I'ou!d not be in.serted on Jury a«ent or w ( n •« mme ' <^ ' ,''V''f' '^l- Ij cause be shewn on oath by party, his itu.l HO on7 , J) , S,™t:S ' '"■' -.try of exemption with grounds tl^ilf ^^.d.^ The r 'l„..l, ' 1, ; ' '^" "''I'lwite number is obtained. ' tion« el mj • .1 ,,,^*5.,^nS°rmr;''' ^-^^^.^^'lll'^^'-^-f y. -i^h residence and addi- So HomnL"';;;!! i:in:''n:;f :;:?^'^ ^-J transferred, eoiisatute the Jui-y Lists for next year. P..aee c^^ if , ■ eac ^ h f.,c' wf"'T *™^? ^'''^'l' *''« C^^''-''"'-' an,l Clerk of'th olliee of tl..;'(Ji;;k ortlll; Pete ' " '"' "^'"■"'■■'' ^''°'^ ^^^*'' '''« List are deposited in tho tenanuioU,:,..,.; 'cin^s il^i^i^r til;;..^:-^ ^^^^' ^^«^' -• ^^' *^- Li-'- "> wl.i.l. e„„e ni,eeial in'ovisions aHir ^ " " °' '^"''^' ''''" ''^ ^"^ '^'•^•^^•^"' New Brunswick. In X>'w llnniswid: tho Jury Law differs snbstantinllv f.-nm n ^ n . • t ...OS >mpor„„.t eharaeteristics-in the select ioi.itt,^^^^^^^^ L'^^^"^ '^ n."..l.fi.-, and the mode of delivering the ver.Iict in civil eases '™''' "^ *^"' J'-vory MrUiHl, mule subject between 21 and GO years of age, rosideut in a County 12 ami posscssiiijr tliorein real or personal ostah' ..f tlm valuo of £100, is qualified to strvo as a (ri-aiul or l',.tit Jiuoi'. Tlio Mant of snrli <|i,aliticalioii is a, gromul of ciialloiiKe, or of excuse on tlio party s own oatli. ° , Hy Act of 1.S70, chalKni-^, to tlio array on tl„. j^round of affinity in the sunnnoning Oflicov IS taken away, unless tho affinity is within tlic secuiid dc-n-'O. riio e.xoniprions ar.. tl.o sanio as those in Ontario, willi tlie'exceptions of Editors, A'c, ot JVowspapers, hadwayl<:n.ploye..s, Trl,.t'raplH)per,itors^^ in 1H70, tl.o exemption of Jnstitvsof the Praee from servin- on Grand .Inries is also taken away. ' lu all non-ineoriiorated Counties the Sli,.riir anunaliv in the month of January i.re- parosan alphahetieal list of all j.ersons .piaiilied for Jurors in Ids Couutv, with' their iKl.litmns and reseleuees, and enters the sanu. in a Hook provided for that purpose, und returns the same to tJie Olerk of tho Peace to he kept among the records. In incorporated Counties, the Secretary-Treasurer i)rci)ares the lists, and files the name m his own office. The Lists are to he made ui)from the Assessment List. No per.son who.se ni'.nie is iu,t u])on tlie Jury List can he empanelled to try an issue in any Court of l^-eord. The Olei-k of tho Circuits notifies the SherilF of the Co.mty wIumi and where the Court Grand Jurora' P»ud, 24 '''' *,''o'l%\"''''' ',""' *'"' ^'"^'■'^'' ^'"''■^''M'^" sun.mons 21 Crand Jurors, Tetit „ „ 21. •!'"' -1 ■'^^''f't J urois to attiMi.l, .tciviiii; six days notice, and tho .same for any adjourned Court. The Sheriff is paid for' i.ivparin- the Jury Lists hy the County Treasurer, out of Lounty tinuls, such remuneration as Sessions determine. If SJieritr i.s interested, or of kin, either ])artv- to a cause inav have issued a r,;dre to the (.oroner, if .le is interested, to elisors, to summon twentv-one Jurors for trial of cause, who are sidiject to ' ' ' " " " :anie ha ilities and penalties as other Jurors. • -J ..... ..,..> o ,1,1,1 [niiiuin-.~. i!s uiiier .J HI ois. Ihe Petit Jury for tlic trial of a.U civil causes, consists of seven persons ; in criminal causes ot twelve. In criminal causes the verdict must be miauimous : in civil cases if Jury do not agree M-ithin two hours, iuiv live mav return a verdict. ' If thev cannot agree, Jud:(,,. may i), or por.souai property of the value of ,^1,200, shall lie qualified to serve as (.irancl Jurors. ' All persons twelve months r,-sident within tho County, owning j.roperty within the County of the value ot 8800, shall be qualilied to servo as Petit Jurors of such County! Th tion of p Mail Co Tellers r Grand oi case of ; In < less than and revi; accounts, and tho 1 return th Tho : one or nv tious by \ The number o The to the Cle ill their r( Se.ssioiis, I County 01 the lists p names om The 1 Prothonot improper i The J die oi- becc are to be s or a Jiidj^e I'eturn frcs The I; drawn to si Grand or I The C. who revise, folio for co| Any I person, or -v Provis drawn for < Justices are to Halifax, After t on ballot sli At the two persons twenty-four served witl The ProtliG, Court or Ses four days be At each the Petit Ju !(! to Rtrve as liillenge, or of 10 .siimiiioning f Editors, A-c, ail Act passL'il liirii's, is also J:(iuiury ]ire- y, witli tiieir purpoKO, uutl ami files the try an issue n'e tli'j Court Irand JurorK, iml tlie same isuror, out of ucd a rriilre 5 for trial of ; ill criminal iivil ca.sfs, if trial at same drav/u from , Jvidgo may us a second earlier than ?li Coroners' ^minal Law, i Law (lifTera liverinft the dve months rlv value of freehold of | qiudified to ■ within the ich County, 13 Mail Couriers, sw„ru Klrct. c ' Vie S^ 'i ard ( rdnauco, and other Departments, Tellers actually eini o . 1 s e^ , 'Z^^^^^^^ '" """''"T' "i"' ^^--"^ants and Grand or Petty Jur OS "wih IZ i -n , • ' l"'''T"' ''^'° '"^'■" '""'•^^'"l O" *''" case of a default of Ju. or'; l-'ovmus years (unless in the latter instance, in less tJ;:.rs,t;;;s: Sd.ilun d;ir;;ur'"i-''^^'%^i:^''v^'^'''^'^^' '^ ^ '--"- "^ -^ and revise the Jur7l]; ^ ] 1 , "^ sections of the County or District, to prepare aecou,.ts,pr« .^ i^^ni; s^^Jl Ti'V ^''^^" ^™/-r *" ''" '"'''"'' I^l-rs and and the i ts are\i 1 i? ,1 io,.i v nP '"r""^' ''■"•'''' *''^''"°'" *" *'"'' l''-"tl""--otary j return thereof" '' ^ "^ *''" ''^"^"-"'"^ appointed act in the compilation ot- one rmo::J^5i';, S-;is' :;;;! ^l^ ,f"-'V""«^?"^--^ ^'-^'^'•-t'- andsi.names, or to ^.'^.^7Z'j£: Z t; J *f T, 't- -r^ »^^" -^ --^ -^^l^ -tl^aHy arranged iu their reie" i ruffic s f^rir onth" ^ >^ "'"'-"-^ *" 1««^ *''« -'-' "P Sessions, at\vlnchtleTw"en^^^^ '^^'' '""""'■^ ^'•'"" *''^' l"'^"* ^% "^ County oi- T)istriet C ourrifou'^^^ ' t *^'"J""""'"^ ">• '^ •"■•'J^^'ity, must meet at the the lisls posted p i3 IrS hir -nTT" '" 'l^*'^ ?'°'^^« '^f «"^'' *""« "'oing given on nanies onkte.l tl/c^ifrom ' '""' ''"'"'''" "''J^'''^""'^ ^^ *° *''« "''^""'^ therehi, or tho protiJc!;:,;^'; ''^'uTt:. Tt^f tiV^rn '"'i"/'-"'''^'? i'^ ^^'^ ^«"-'"- *« *>- improper inse'rtions of nani^s '""^^^ ''''"^' ^^^t^^'^thstanding omissions, or return fivsh lists ^ ' '^ ''"''"^ ^^'' ^^"^""^S Committee to make out and .Imwn t Swe'eLh"yeu!'\li:t^ "^' '' !'l P-^^-'-tary's Office, and as the Juries are Grand or p'-tit Juron ' ^ ' "''''''*^ ''^'^'''''' '^'' '^"'•"'•'^ "^"''<^' "»'l ^vhether as folio for copying ^ ""'" travelling fees, going and returning, and ten cents per P0.c^^^S?;SSL!^rS^ ^™' - ---^"^ ."^H«ed Justices are <^^ be ch? 4 biennj ! ^ ? ^"'' '"'"^i ''«^-^: . '^'''^ ^^^^^ising Committee of to Halif^,., St. M,:;?:^.d'cuv£;rJ """ '^'""' P"'"""^ ^'''^ "^^^^^ ^^'^'' -^-"- on ^«P:Sp;.t ^^^^^^ Ws written two it.0 " "ISt:; t^T'r ?" ''^ '"'"^ ^'^ ''''' y^^' *'- P-thonotary, with four days hefo^trl ,^ attenln^ ° '^""''' ""' '^" Sheriff summons them at le.st the ^i!7tyB:.VZ!77Z^?';^: f P-*'--*-^ ^^■™ -^ the same way from ^ury mx the panel of the Petit Jurors, settnig aside names of those wh^ Iiave 14 Hei'vcil as Onind ov Petit Jurors witliin two years next procodiii!,', and tliosc tlien serving as (JraiKJ Jniois, jircpares list of names tir.st ilrawn, obtains sif,'niitnre of I'residinf; Judge tiiereto, issues venire to Slicrill'at least tsvonty days liefore term ; and Siiei'lfl'suniinous at least four days before ojieninj^ (ractice of starvijig Jmy abolished. T/ie .Vom Scotia Lam has been further amended by chap. 10, A.D. 1870, entitled an Act to amend chap. 13(; of tLe Revised Statutes •= of Juries," wliicli enacts that, "From and after the i.iissinit of this Act, the (Jourt of ( Jeiu^ral Sessions in (^vcry County where tlie Supreme Court sits only in tlie Shiri! Town, and wliich is divided into districts, and has a Court of Sessions for eaeli district, sh;ill, at its iiist sittiu!,', pi'oceed to Revised Statutes, and of chapter 8 of the Acts of 1805 as is cousistent v,-ith this Act is hereby I'cjiealed. ' Thus, with reference to the original formation of the selection, and tlie ultimate mode of the verdict, all the three Provinces dilioi-. In the mode of striking a Speci.al Jury, they equally differ. In Ontario and New Brunswick any party to a cause may have the issue tried by a Special Jury, as a matter of right, subject to the ultimate decision of the Court, as to the party who is to bear the expense thereof. In suffieieni party to costs. In ( who app( previous taken so! matle, or. time alio tion of w the S| lecii In^i number i are to be In A the Clerk and place iiled ; in tided list- each part) The ( SJierifl", w seven an; Simil being bon Litigants is to come In 0, and hands to receive Certai penalties ii Municipal Treasurer < must raise In Xo prepares th Funds. A Pi'othonota raising of ti bo a genera In Xei prepares tin of each can.' each J uror ( Tlie Cc Treasurer, \ of the amou burse the C( Thus, i Nova Sentin In Nev per day witl receive noth ic tlioii serving I'l'sidiii^ .hiclgo ifl'suiiunous lit ' of two-thirds suninionod in i, +1, n ^ t-i prepares the pay-list, instea.l of ^l/e S.; r Zd the t'^"^ ^' ^ ""'^- '^'"^ P-t'^onotary Funds. A Jury Fu ul is raised bvcetaienf^! f I'easurer pays out of the County Prothonotary, a .1 by him to a ivt 2 "" '""'.'^ '''^''' ^^'^'«^' ■'''•- V^^^^ ^^ the misi.gofthideiicit^houh/;,'';^.'S' uJ i ;^^ '- --y «p-fi« be n general charge upon tlie County Funds. ' ' ^ '"'^'' '™"''^ ^'-'^"^ *« In Tfiio ///vfwsjtvV;/,; the Clerk of the Court on +l.f> l.,„f 1 m prepares the pay-list, and J.ukIs the sam- t elho w ] tl ^ :^' ""^ '^'' •^^'""¥ °^ ^''« ^'"""-t. of each cause, for the Jury fees on trial, to ttc^ t u,Z wZ'iirir'f^'^ '!l' r''' each J uror out of the County Funds the sum to whici; h t ni't " ' "'"^'''' *° ^"^ llio (Jounty Treasurer then forward-' tlic T;«f ,>f i '^'^"^'• Treasurer, w].en\a warrant is is^u.Hln Oder of ufc^^^^ ^-'r^'^* *" *^'^ Provincial of the amouait (less the sun. recdved Iv t e'oun v %Z "!■ ^'''''f ^''' '^'' I'^^^™^"^ burse the CounV Treasurer for the dilLies'^^d.'"' '"" *'" ^^''^^•^^) ^" '-- Ihus, in New Brunswick the deficiencv filk ii..r.., +i tj Nova Senti... upon the County. "'"'''"^^^^^ ^'^''^ "I'on the Province : in Ontario and In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Potif ^,.u i per day witli mileage; in the l^^^i'S^^S^V ^ly ^ZJ:!:^ t'P 'TT ^' receive nothing. '■ •' uiiJe.ige , out Grand Jurors IG In Ontario the Petit JurorB receive $1 per tlav, with iuilea<(o, and the Grand J urors such biini out ot the County Fniirls ns thu Cotmty Council deom reasouiible. In each of the three ProAinces, in a civil cau.sc, each party to the cause may chal- lenge peremptorily tlirec Jurois. ' By (chap. 8 Stat 1805) Act of Nova Scotia, Revd. Stats., page 884, in amendment Section 1. of Chaj.. 13G, Eevd. Stats, it is enacted that, " Pioni and after tho imssing of this Act the Courts of General Sessiou. in each County and District in this 1 rovmee where any Court shall .sit at any time, not less than one month after the pass- ing ot this Act, shall, at tlusir first Meeting, and where such Court sits before the expira- tion of that tune, ;it the first meeting the.'eafter, divi 1864, p. 20. >) 1868, p. 42. J) 1854, p. 105. >) 1859, p. 14. jt 1860, p. 44. )t 1855, p. 92. M 185G, p. 110. II 1857, p. 12. >> 1862, p. 83. J) 1856, p. 119. M 1855, p. KM). !> 1856, p. 110. ') 1867, p. 18,4.3,191. )) 1868, p. 11,41. » 1870. p. 48. Nova Scotia. Kov. Stat., Ch. 123, 427, Ch. 124, 432—7. Statof 1866,29 Vic, c. 11. Stat, of 1870, Chap. 2. Rev. Stat., Chap. 114, 403. In til Imt in tho witli thi! ( In y as beforo t, men Ijiiw IH'H, ilw tlif Court Til.' ,s, and his dm to-niorrow. Ro lii party won I tliat niii.st liut tl Ontario am " ever a de " if the fac " Law, or 1 " side of th " of costs, ( Scotia, 3rd the .same po eery and E Equity" it Section 1. " Court oft: " diction ej " niean.s tho " iated Judg " Court Bei " In thi Section 2. " Judges a.s " The S Section .3. '■ ciples of E " Court. In i " tho Court" " to investigii " necessary fi " right and J " all wiits i.sf " The Pi " such as ha^ Section 17. " to the actio When a] firction 10. " the iinal dec " as the very Section 43. 19 5t'0TJA. 123, 427, Ch. 32—7. 29 Vic, c. 11. 0, Chap. 2. ap. 114, 403. SUPKHlOIl COURTS AND COURT OF EQUITY '■ of CO.,,, or<,.i.,.wi»., „, l;„rl,";:,«';„';;i',,t.s;°'"'''° °" ■'"* ''"•" "• "^ » ■»"« "Jictio,, .xp^L/to iftai'ImS r^mrtoT^ "'""''Vr^^ " lu the ilhiess or ahseuco of the Eaiiitv Tn.lir* n,. ;„ ,. ... .r,...;,.. .": . '^'""''■\ t''«J'l-« powers and apjilies the same prin- " iiecessar/for tlie coimA^i^'^^ii^!^-""!^}''^ °- .''^'"' ^''\^ Equity, or either, as may be " right and Justice, an" oo.Sc"^^^^^ f' ''■''''?. '-^"-- --«l4 to " all w.its issuable out of Chancer^ ow^s^ f. ''VT^J'^ expedient and proper; and " The PkinHff ,.,L '^?'^'^^^' J ""^^ i^^^'ie out of tJie Supreme Court. tolls' ''^'^^:tLSZ^l^=i!i^''^^^^ applicable" to the case. And lenmt 20 in section 43, it is declared lawful for the " plaintiff" in Re))levin, or a defendant in any " cause in the Supremo Court, in wliich, if judgment were obtained, he would be entitled " to relief against such judgment on eriuitable gft)uiul3, to plead tiie facts 'which would " entitle him to such relief. '| And the i)laintifr may reply an avoidance of these facts on equitable grounds ; and in ejectment, an equital)le defence may be set up. Immedittely following this Act (by chapter 125), provision was notwithstanding made for a distinct Equity Judge, who was to make rules to govern the practice in equity before him ; and to hear and determine all matters of equity jurisdiction ; and to preside in the Court when business required ; and, in the absence of the Judges of the Supremo Court from Halifax, to perform all the duties there that might be required of a Judt^e of the fcjupreme Court. ° _ There was to be an appeal from his decisions to the Supremo Court, in which lie was to sit as one of the Judges of Appeal. He was also to sit in the Supreme Court iu banco, and at chambers ; but not to preside at trials, or on circuit, except in case of illness of a judge or other sufficient cause. In full bench, in cases civil or criminal, legal or equitable, the Cliief Justice was to preside, the Judge in Equity next to him ; anil in case of the Chief Justice's absence the Judge in Equity to preside. ' Two years afterwards in 186G (by 29 Victoria, chapter 11, amending chapters 124 and 125) the above four sections, 1, 2, 3, 17, of chapter 124 were repealed, and the Equity Court and jurisdiction again re-established. Section 7 enacts " that the Supreme 29 Vict., c. 11, Coiu-t,' and the 'Court,' and the 'Judges' or ' Judge,' in such chapter, Section 7. " except when herein otherwise expressed, or'when inconsistent with the " enactments hereof, are confined in all cases of exclusive Chancery jurisdiction to the " Co^J^'^.of *'i® E(|uity Judge, or the Court or Judg'e occasionally exercising tlie equity " jurisdiction ; and in all cases of concurrent jurisdiction, those terms apply alike to such " Court and Judge, and to the Supreme Court and its Judges ; and in all cases purely at " Common Law, contradistinguished froui chancery juris jiction, those terms mean the " Supreme Coui-t and its Judges alone, and all suits or other proceedings for the redemp- " tion or the foreclosure of mortgages under the twenty-fourth section, and for specific " performance, under the twenty-fifth section, and in relation to real estates of infants " under the sections from the fifty-first to the fifty-fifth, both inclusive, of .said chaiiter " (124), and all proceedings, matters, and things relating to the custody, care, and disposal " of persons of unsound mind, and their estate and effects under the sections froui two to used in the said sections and chapter, mean the Equity Judge, or tlie Equity CoiTrt, " or the Judge or Court occasionally exercising the Equity jurisdiction ; but nothini' in " either of the said chapters 124 or 125 applys to or aiiects chapter 114 of the Revised " Statutes, third series, ' of the sale of lands under foreclosure of mortgages,' the proceed- " ings under which may continue to be in the Supreme Court, and "before the Judges " thereof. ° " In case of the illness of the Equity Judge, or in case of his absence from Halifax, " either within the Province on judicial duty or for other cause or abroad, and also in Section 8. " cases requiring attention in the country on circuit, and when the Equity " Judge does not preside, the duties imposed on him maybe exercised by the other Jud^'es " or any of them, as the cases may require. ° ' " The Equity Judge has jurisdiction in all cases formei-ly cognizable by the Court of " Chancery, and exercises the like powers, and applies the samei)rincii)les of Equity ns Saction aled, and the it the Supreme 1 such chapter, stent witli the sdiction to the ng tlie equity y alike to such cases j)urely at •ms mean the or tlie redenip- nd for specific ates of infants, of said chapter ■e, and disposal ns from two to all proceedings 1 Trustees,' are id accordingly, 3 ' or ' Judge ' Equity Court, n\t nothing in )f the Revised ,' the pi'oceed- re the Judges from Halifax, d, and also in len the E(juity other J udges, y the Court of i of Equity ns ered in that Judges of the ios of a Judge D ''open .iKi thh;;.:^;:;; ;j':,^ s;;;;;: nif t.^'^r^i^'S^f --^^^ " ^^ ^r^^ ;; emj.w..l to exercise tl^ ..nctions of L ^^1^, ^JjJ t^ ^ ^ ^^J- Section o'Sjs°' ''" '"'"""" ^'"" '' "'^""^ ''' ^"'"'^^^'^'^ '^'-^■--' -- «till retained. ;~a.yfbr the complete -Ijudicatiou and decision oi^ J S ^i^'^.,S!::f'f; " pedient and cotulucive to the ends of jus ice to b t^ or o;\ . '''"" V*."^" wmmmmm ap,.cals from lus decsums may be heard, and judg.uent pronounced as if he were pn^i In Ontario, the Court and Judges of Common Law and Cl,..nP^,.v- .„u^ .i • pnr..ples and practice, ren.ain as separate and distinct l^th't^^i^.^i,^^^^ lu Nova Scotia, there is a provision that a defnidant or oliintiir in v>JZl • ' wtvtu I,;: ;;;Ser" "■■ """■"' "° •"'^"' "'" "-' » «°- • •" ^.w ,» « .„ r /i: „,. „,"'""•,'," "'° »■"«-■"«<>»' ■>'" kiioivloilg, m la „:,,,,t coustmclion mav liav, been „„t or may jol bo put iiiioii tlie Bist ]«ut of soction 1(1 21) VictoiT, clm?tm- 1 w o ' ?■ ' groat e.„o.„o fro. L^^.^ i,;ai;uti;i"i:;sv;rirtZ'ir'''''"' '°'"' '"""' Con. Stf Stat, of ] Chap. 14 „ 3C Law Refc Clii i])rs Chap. Stat, of U Bivi Con. Stat. 1" Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, Chap. 15. Stat, of 1860, Chaps. 43, 42, and 44. Chap. 14, 2na Sess. 1863. " 30, „ 1865_ Law Reform Act of 1868-9, Stat, of 1869 „s 19 33 40 Chaju's.e, 22 (23 reserved), ' ^ ^'^' '^'^' ^^■ Chap. 2«. ^ Stat, of I86^aps. 7 » » 1870, p. 9 & 169. u COUNTY COURTS, &e. In Ontario tlio Courts of more limited jurisdiction iiro tlic County Courts and tlie Division Courts, the forninr liaving jurisdiction subject to cortiiiu exceptions over personal actions, not cxcpi'diui,' 82(J(), unli(iuidiitcd damages, and §400 when tlie damages are li(Hiidatcil, and dv 13;{ Vic. cliiq). Vi, in actions of ejectment, when tlie annual value of tiie promises do(>s not exceed s^OO.— The latter (being sul)divisions of the County) with certain exceptions to pcrstuiid actions of $-10, and money demands of $100. In Xeii) Briuwwick tliey are tlie County Courts liaving jurisdiction (subject to certain exceptions sitnilav to tliose in Ontario), in actions e.c contmetu to §200, i)t (oris to $100, but no rig] it lo try ej.'ctment. And the I\[agistrates' (!ourts, the latter having jurisdiction in actions ex contractu to $20, in torts to §8. Tne City Court of .Saiut John has an exceptional jurisdiction of its own. _ In Novu ^cofi'i tlicro are no County Courts, but the Magistrates' Courts liavo juris- diction for tlie recovery of debts. Ono Justice wlien the deljt does not exceed §20 ; two Justices wliciL the v. hole does not exceed $80, the jurisdiction being confined to the County where the debt has l)ten contracted, or the defendant resides. In Ontario the Senior Judge of the County Court is ex officio Judge of the Surrorratc Court. ■ ° In Xew Brunswick and iVomc Scotia the Surrogate Judge of Probates is appointed directly to that office by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. PROBATE COURTS. In Ontario the Surrogate Court may order any question of f^ict arising in any itro" ceeding before it, to be tried by a Jury before the Judge of the Court, when such trial would take jilace in the Comity Court in tlie ordinary manner. In ^\'w Briuhvricli and Xova Scotia the Probate Com-ts have no such power. COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES. ' Tn both Xom Scotia and Few Brunswick " the Court of Divorce and Matrimonial " Causes," has full powers to dissolve marriages " a vinculo matrimonii," to declare the same null and void,and to licv.r and determine all causes, suits, controversies, matters and questions toucliing and concerning marriages. In bot1i Piovhices the Court is a branch of the Supreme Court, and presided over by one of its J udgcs. "^ In JSTew Jirnn,w•icL—Al^lmntcd specially lor that purpose l)v commission under the Great Seal, and Ijcmg the only Judge constituting tliat Court, the law vesting no power in the Government to appoint any other judge or person, to act pro hue vice, or in his illness or absence. In Nova Scotia it is presided over by the Judge in Equity for the time being, who is for that purpose termed the Judge Ordinary, and ht'cumcH^c.c ojicio the Judge of that Court; During his illness or temporary absence, or in cases wh'cie he may l)e disqualified froni acting 111 any cau.o (Act 1870, chaj.. 22), tiie Lieutenant-Governor"has power to appoint under Ins hand and seal, the Chief Justice, pi one of the other Judges of the Supreme Court to act as Judge (.)rdiiuu'y in his place. In both Provinces powers are given to tlie Court to enforce its decrees, and in cases of divorce on tin* ground of adultery, to determine whether th« wife's riWit of dower or the husbands tenancy by tiie courtesy shall be divested or not. ° ' In iVew Brnnsicirk tlic ground of divorce a vinculo, are limited to impotence, adultery and consanguinity witliin the degrees prohibite< I by the 32 of nenrv th« 8th " touching marriages and pre-contracts." ' ' ' In Nova Scotia they include the above, and are extended to crueltv and pre- contract. " * 25 Courts and tlie IS over iiorsonal le damages aro umial value of le County) with il)jcct to certain torls to $100, I ex contractu to vn. arts have juris- cecd .$20 ; two 1 to tlio County E" tlio Surrogate tcs is appointed ng in any pro* kvhcn such trial power. id Matrimonial to declare the c.«, matters and i-esided over by ision undci the ng no power in )r in his illness ( being, who is 3 of that Court; sqxialified from wer to ai)point ' the Supreme 'S, and in cases lit of dower, or to impotence, Teiiry th« 8th, lelty and pre- In V> '* '"'■' '■'•"" ■'^"^■'' l"«^'i«i'^»-l'eii^Hps noi deemed ncessarv COURTS OF VICE-ADMIRALTY Admiralty, ,„. the re Lmemkir of^h^^ ^"™'^' ai.pointmc.nt is made by the pHncipalHccrelaricH of s"aie Oovermucnt, to one of Her Majesty's :lamag.H (Vom ,.o||i,sio,, botton.ry, l'fm„"',e£ "'"*'' ^^^ in refip,...|, oClMul.Jing, k- o.n.i,; i,w ''t" i ? .' '*'r''" "'"""'^ ^°'- "ecessaries, or and whellH... tl.,, .^use of action ostud, o i „uT'tl"; .^''"'*r5*'" ^^'-"-1^^^. «tc.. III 0«/rr,',„ (hero is no Vice-Admiralty Court "'''•'•' '''''l'''"™'«"^t''°M'eml Act of 2Gth and 27th ViV r>lv,,.o^ i c , tJic pow.rH ,md provisions of the Vice-Adn.iralty Cri t 1 , . bo.n f ' ;f ' "'''l ""^'"■"'^ *"' tho Counly CouriH. (passed 31st .July ISHsT ^"'^^^''^'S Admiralty jurisdiction on 26 COURT OF ERROR AND APPEAL. The Provinces of //ei« Brunswick and Xdva Scotia have no Local Courts of Error and Appeal from the decision of their Supreme Courts. Tlio Appellant must go to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England. No diflference can therefore be pointed out, the Province of Ontario alone of the three Provinces, having a Court of appeal within its own territory accessible to litigants therein. 'oui-ts of Error Tiust go to the >ne of the three! tigauts therein. 38 marrip:d women. Omtario. Cap. 73, Con. Stat. U. C, Page 791. New Brunswick. 2 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 1 1 -i, p. 294. Stat, of 1869, Cap. 33, p. 70. Nova Scotia. Statof 186G, Cap. 33 p. 67. 29 Scotia. Cap. 33 p. 67. MARETED WOMEN, RIGHTH, &v. In Xew Bnnmolrh tlie property of a manied woman accpured Loforc, or accminff after marriage (otli.irwi.s9 than from lu-r Imsbau.l whil.. manie.l), cannot ho ma.l,. availal.lo lor her husbands del its, or he .lispo.sed uf, or encumbered hv him, and in case of desertion or abandonment by lier imsband— or hei living separate anil apart from him, not willincdy and ot Jier own aecord_or being comi)olled to support hoi'self, she can nnuntain an action in iier own name for del)ts due to her, or damages to herself, or her separate i>roi.erty • at the sanie tuno, no power is given to lier of alienating her i.roperty without his consent except in tJio case of pi'operty acrpiired by her after desertion by her liusband. In 1869, by chap. ;53, tliis protection was e.'^tended to the case of married women ivmg apart trom their husbands, not willingly, or of their own accord, althoucdi the husl)and may not have aliandoned or deserted her, and she is now authorised uikUt sucli circumstances to dispose of property thereaft.^r acquired, by will, devise, gift.'or grant as it a femme tiole, and to appoint executors to her will. o . o j By the 2nd section of this last named Act, the husband ac(puros no estate ri<»ht or interest m any property real or i)ersonal, earned or ac(iuired by her after sopftratfon for such cause, and she may convey tiie same in her lifetime to any person without his assent or las being a party to the conveyance. (Chap. Ill, Revis. Stat., and chap. ;53 1809 ^ In Ontario (Con. Stat. chai.. 73) a married woman holds all hei' real and personal property belonging to her before inarri.age, or acrpiired after marriage, free from the debts control, or disposition of her husb..nd, as fully as if she were solo and unmarried If she lives apart from him for any justifiable cause, and which would not absolve lira Irom liability for her support— cruelty, lunacy, imprisonment in the Penitentiary, habitual drunkenness, prolligacy, neglect or refusal to support, desertion or abandonment : or. It her husband h.is never been in the Province, sh',> may obtain an order for protection lTom_ tiie Recorder, Police Alagistrate, or Judge of the Division Court in the citv or district (as it may be) where she resides, which order entitles her to have and euioy her earnings, and those of her minor children, as if sole. She may dispose of her i)roi)ertv by will, executed in presence of two witnesses, neither of whoin is her husband (whetheV such property was acquired before or ,-d'ter marriage) to her children, issue of any marriacre and failing issue, then to her husband, or as slie may see lit, but the husband is not deprived ot any right he may have acquired as tenant l^y the courtesy. Thus between Ontario and Xew Brunswick there are several important differences. 1st. With reference to proi)erty acquired after desertion or aban.lomnent, or .separa- tion tor the causes cnumei-ated, or coming within the definition of the terms of the Act tJie imsband s tenancy by the courtesy, in Ontario would exist. ' In New Bnmsivick, it clearly would not, with reference to any proi)erty acquired alter desertion or separation, and a point might be raised on the construction of the 3rd section of the Act of 1869, whether, after desertion, it would exisc, with reference to her separate property owned or accpiired before marriage (otherwise tlian through hhn) Secondly, if living apart from her Inisband, for any of the causes mentioned, in NeioLrunswick, she can maintain an action in her own name, for the enforcement of her rights, or the redress of injuries, and her husband has no power or control over the action or the claim, and cannot discharge, release, or abate it, or the action in anyway or de<'ree No provision to that effect is made in Ontario, and it is a question, therefore, "how tar the protection, as against the liusband, is complete. Thirdly, with reference to any property acquired after desertion or separation as atoresiiid t« New Brunswick a married woman may convey it, or will it as she pleases In Ontarw It would be a question whether she could convoy it at all, and her power to will it, IS limited as above mentioned. Fourthly in Ontario the intervention of a Magistrate is necessary to give the ri^ht In iVejo yy>v«(,9i««c^ it attaches at once, by virtue of law. " In both Provinces the separate property of a married woman is made primarily 80 liable for her debts contracted before marriage, and for judgments obtained against her iiusDaud tor lier torts. In .Vovn Scotia the Liw diHers from that of both of the other Provinces ; up to 1866 there does not snem to have been any Statute as to tlie rights of a married woman in her S'!Sdb'''E'*'''''''" '*' '"'"*^''''*'"" *"''"'" *''" '^^'''^'^ "'• liabilities of her husband, or of u^aJjfi'^'^''- \-'^^v' 29 Vic Cimi,. 33 is confined entirely to the case of married women deserted by the.r husbands It is not m comprehensive in its provisions as the Law in Ontario ami .\ ew lirinmvick. When deserted by her husband, she may, after such desertion, apply to a Judge of lie hupmne (Jourt for an order for protection agauxst he^- husband and h,s creditors If the Judge ,s satisHod of such .lesertion, that it was without reason- able cause, and that the wife is mainfciining herself by her own industrv oi property, he may give an order protecting her earnings and property acquired since the des... ion, and such earnings a„. property shall then belong to her as if a>,«,»« sole. Suci. orde nm be entered with the llogistrar of Deads, within whose Jurisdiction the wife resides J Ins order, as in Ontario, is open to bo rescinded, by an order of a Judge, on sufficient cause shewn on an application by her husband or any creditor, or person clainung under him. But, while it remains in force, it protects and renders and preserves valid, both durirg Its contmuance, and after its discharge siiould one be obtained, all Vnnwlf. *'"'V""^ r' ?■ ^"''^^ '"^" ^'^'^ ^^*'^ ^^^ '^'^''' '*""»g «"«^ desertion, and Avithout Knowledge of such discharge. The Act furtlier gives the wife, pending the continuance of such order, the rights of sueiiig and of being .sued, as if .she had obtained a divorc, ,u,d also/if any of her property is seized or held by the husband, or any creditor, or 'penson claiming ^througli to o, X^nrv 1 fT^ "'' ''^°" **" Ventore the specific property, and also a sum equal to .louble the value of the property so seized-if seized or held after notice of the order nf idifr r'''!f' '* ;-^?'' "°* "'*''^'"'' '^^"' *^'^ "'■^^^"■■^'•y ^'^^ «« *« th« i»""tai rights ot tlie husband m the wife s property. '' MARRIED WOMEN, ASSURANCES BY. Substantially the same. necl against her ices ; up to 1866 3(1 woinun iu her n- husband, or of i" marrieil women 3 as the Law in II, apply to a t lier husband without reason- oi property, ha e (lese/tiou, and ■sucii order must fe resi'les. Df a Judge, on liter, or person rs and preserves be obtained, all 9n, and without r, the rights of I, if any of her aiming through Iso a sum equal ce of the order, e marital rights 32 Ont AHIO. EXKCL'TOES AN New D ADMINISTRATOES Brunswick. Con. Stat. U.C, Cap. 78,806, | 2ml Vol.Kov.8tut., c.29, 359. i R Cap. 15, Stilt, of 18G3 (L'lid Sess.) I ). 7! Cap. 28, Stat, of 18G5, 2ml Sess., p. 143. Cap.lO,Stiit.ofOntario,18G8 and 1869, p. 40. Cap.37,Stat.ofOjitMno,18G8 ! and 18G1), p. 229. i Cap. 18, Stat, of 1869, p. 36. Nova Scotia. lev. Stat., Cap. 143— GIO. Cap. 145, Kov. Stat., sac. 10. Cap. 7, 1865, p. 881—3. Cap. 7, Stat, of 1869, p. 39. 33 St'OTlA. 'ap- 143— GIO. V. Stat., sec. 10. •5, p. 881—3. of 18G!), ]). 39. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Tn Ontario and Xova Scolm, in i.roco(>(linj,'s l.y ,„■ a<;ainHt tho represcntativos of a cloceasod party, tho law docs not porniit tlu3 sn.-vivors (or their wives) .,u either sido if I)arties to tho Hint, to givo evidence on tiio trial or inqniry, on their ..wn l.ohalf ■ hnt .such Hurviror, uc, may l,e inado a witness l.y tho representatives of the deceased, on hebalf ot tho deceased. ' In Xm Brnnswick there is no snch restriction on the Law of Evidence _ In Nom Scotia legatees nuiy sue tho Executor at Common l.iw' for le-^ncips Ke-siduary Legatees being Co-Executors, may also suo eacli other at Common Law for their rateable parH and Executors may also be removed on r,ppli,.atiou to tiir S.i|a-em., Court, and other Executors or Trustees may bo appointed in the phico of those removed by the Court, or any two Judges thereof No such statutoiy power exists in Ontario or X,iw Ih-umwick In Ontario there is a provision, that in case of the death of one ioint contractor, proceed.ngs may bo had against the represeutativ. of deeease.l, as if the contract had been joint and several notwithstanding the otlu.r contractor may be still living, aiul action bo ponding against him. (Cap. 7H, see. ().) In Xew liriuiitmich and Xoca Scotia there are no provisions to this effect. _ 111 Aew Brumwick, Executors or Administi'ators, PlnintiUs or Defendants, nuiv bring their actions or be prosecuted within six months after deatli--if party dies befora hmita 1C.1 of ime---..r within thirty days thereafter, if cau.,o of lietion survives. (1 Vol. Rev Stat in.) And m the same Province under the provisions of tho Act relating to the Administration of Justice in E.iuity, (2d Vol. Rev. Stat St sec 31 \ a summary power is given to a Judge on an application on the E.piitv side, by k creditor navt of kin, or peivon interested in a Will, after cause heard 'on Jurumons ami aftidavitr, to make an order m his di.scivtiou for tho administration of tho estate, real or personal, when tho whole estate has been by deviso vested in a trustee for sale, and for receipt of rents and pi^oduce— which ordar is to have tho force of a decree. In Ontario and Xovu Scotia these provisions are not found. The powers as to distresses for rent, and bringing actions for injuries to real or personal property by or to the deceased in his lifetime, with tlie limitations within which such proceedings must be taken, are similar. In Nora Scotia, by the amending statutes of 1805, chap. 7, an exeellent i.rovision is made for a rrustee. Executor, or Administrator, to obtain the opinion or advice of a Judge in Equity, respecting the manage....:- 1 or a.lministration of the trust ..roperty. or tho assets of any testator or intestate, a proceeding which may sometimes save a good deal of wasteful litigation and render unnecessary the inj.uUcious interposition of personal legislation by parliament in matters of a private nature. " h. ,fi;l Jr^^-fr""/:/* '•' ?•'"*"''' " ^y^ ^'"**^"^' Executor, or Administrator shall be at liberty without the institution of a suit, to apply by petition to tho Judga in Equity, for the opinion, a. vice, or direction of such Judge on any question respecting tho manHgement or adnunistration of the trust proj.erty, or tho assets of any testltor ov intestate; siich application to be served upon, or the hearing thereof to be attended by all persons interested in such application, or such of them as tho said Judge shall think expedient. And it shall be m the power of the said .Judge to direct^any question arising on any such aj.p lications to be argued before him,and to aj)point counsel for that purpose, if he sliull think it necessary to do so. And ho is also empowered to refer questions arising on such applications to the consideration and judgment of himself, with two Judges of the Supreme Couit associate.l with him, or the Bench of the S.n,.n,nc nurt, and todirecl the argument to bo had beibre the said Associated or full Court. Iho Trustee Executor, or Administrator acting upon the opinion, a.lviee, or direction given by the said Ju.lge in Equity, or As.sociated Court, or Supremo Court, shall be deemed, so far as regards his own responsilality, to have discharged his 34 duty M such Tnistee, Lxecutor, or Admijii.stratoF, in the subject matter of the said apphcatiou; provided nevei-tlielcss, that this act shall not extend to indemnify any Trustee, Lxecutor, or Administrator in r(3spect of any act tlone in accordance witfi such opinion, ae obtained by means of an amicable suit ; but in ciisos where no such arrangf.-ment can be come to, the Estate may be wasttd before the Law is declared, and the Trustee, Executor, or Administrator be in no way er of the said indemnify any !anco with such Administrator •esentations, in l)lication, ai'gii- Jiich they shall ated Court, or , "An Act to ires that ^"ch 10 appli cation. )urse in that of an amicable nay be wast«d be in no way 36 PAETNERSHIPS. Ontario. Con. Stat. Canada, c. GO, Liniitocl Partnerships, 689. Con. Stat. U.C.,c. 78, sec. G. Con. Stat. U.C, c. 19—149. Statutes of Ontario, 33rd Vic. 1869, c. :20-39. 'New Brunswick. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 121-305. Do do 0.137, sec. 37. C. 19 p. 65, Statutes of 1858. C. 31 p. 49, Statutes of 1800. page 105. Statutes of 1864, p. 105. Winding-up Act of Incor porated Companies. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., c. 80—312. Stat.ofl865,c.l0,R.S. 886. ,c.lO, R.S.886. PAETNERSHIPS. +;«. J" *^- f "'^« P''"^-i»ces, tlio Acts relativo to liuutcl partnerships, tlio rigl.ts and liabili- tiesot special partn«rs tlieroni, tlio distinction in such partne.sliip hotween special nnd <'cneral partners, the provisums for signing and tiling tlie certificate of partnership anartner IVuin ranking on the estate, or claiming as a creditor until the claims of all other creditors of the partnership are satisfied Chap 80. "' '^"''- ^'^' ^^-^ ' ^- ^'■' ^'- ^■' '''"I'- ^-^ ' ^- ^■' ^^- ^■' 3i'^l Series, •u.. ^/"/•^^•« ,'^>'0<'«--J'i the same Chapter SO, uro some excellent [.rovisions for wind- ing up the aflaivs of a partnership consisting only of two i.ersous, whieh has terminated and tlie parties cannot agree. ' vesnenHn'""!}'^'-' f'v ''^^^' T^' ^'^-^ '' ''"^'^^"'^ "' *''° «"l'i'e>uo Court, stating the focts lespecting their dea hngs, anv or any two of them, are to make tlieir award, witli or without costs, in their .liscretiou ; file the same in the Prothonotarv's Ofiice, and judgment is thereupon to be entered at the next term, if no suflicient objection be shewn ; which judgment is to be final, an.l execution may b(. issued thereon llie arbitrators, or any two of them, may order the costs of the proceedin.'s, includ- ing a reasonable compensation for themselves, to Ik, paid by either of t]H> partnerL and in such manner as' the arbitrators, or any two of them may .liivct ; and the Court is to enforce such piiynicnt by attachment or otherwise. After such adjudication by the arbitrators, no proceedings in E.mity, touching the ]iartnership tlealiiigs l)y one partner against the other, will bo allowed mv,Briimwkk ''° *''°'''''°"' "^ ^'"' ''''^'"'^ *"'" '^""^"^S "I' '' l""tnersbip in Ontario or In .Yew nrnnsioich, the 21st Vic. chap. 19, A D. 1858, was passed reciting as its object, to promote, and secure greater confidence in doaling with co.partnershi,.s, and facilitating the^recovery of debts, by making accessible tlio names of the difler.mt pc'rsons composing v.-nnn^* »'«q"»'e') that all persons then carrying on business in co-partnership in the Pro- vince as general partners, shouhl within six months after passing the Act severally make ami sign a certificate containing the nam(>s and places of residence of the partners in the ness' i-n"tt p'"' ^"'"T ^■"■'''^''' *' '*' ^^^^^'-'i^''^"!' «''""'''- i''''"vious to carrying on busi- nesa m tlie f lovince, do Ilie same. Thatsucli certificates shouhl be proved or acknowledged in the same manner as deeds cimveyances of land, and si mi-^m , • ., „. "„ yeyii County, where the business was. Id bo filed in th(> ofll or was to be carricnl on i (jf the Registrar of Deeds for tho Uiat, on dissolution or changes, similar certillcate 'S were to be proved and filed : that 38 l%'^rtaCS"k"to ^SlfJl^'^^ -tificatesso.proved.d.o..and enter entitled to a fee of Is. 3d ^ P^''^"'"' ^°' ^''^'''' ^"^''^ '^« «"«i»W be Thatwh I'erHfi?? ''' ''" *""'' to iaspection on payment of a fee of Is. two eon^eouti;; ^v'et "' " "'" "^ '^''' ^^""'^^ ^'^ l-*'^^^^^'^ "^ *'- ^"^^^ Gazette io. penal^yT/S^t'Jitd?dawi*l"^^^^^ "if"^ P"V'^^ the certificate ; and a further or any i,erso.KS de^linlS Wfir^ •" ''"""^^ *? ^° "«' •'^^*"'' ""^^^^^ ^^^ ^ '^reditoi. of che'^ace! "orthelsrof tt fcty' ''"^"'"'' "^' "" "^'^^ "^•'^^'"'^'^^^ ^^ *^° ^^--^^ .md,wiSn*tlS Kf '' " fTvi'"* *^-" ^™' "^'-^ ^°* *° ^« "^ff^^t^ by the Act; beingaffected no Zl co.uparatively nugatory-tlie right of tliird partie.s not filed .4^i^.^iredby C^' " "''^' *" '''^''''' *''° 1^"'^^*^««' ^^^^ -"^ificates are not f 'fl^ 1, (fee, and enter ly he snojild be ioyal Gazette foi- ; and a further from a creditor, >le by the Clerk ed by the Act ; egistrar, should hing penalties; ird parties not fine, when col- tificates are not 40 IlIVEK,y AN.D STREAMS.— SEA AND RIVER FISHERIES. (Ontario. Ne»v Brunswick. Con.Stiit. U.C, C.47— 459. I 1 Vol. Rev. Stat, c. 101, ., „ c. Gl— 147. Stat, of 18G6, of Muuicipiil Inst., c. ni, .sect. 280. ; Stiitutos of 185G, p. 108. Stat, of Outavio, 1867-8, c. 30—180. 18.')8, p. 83. 1860, ]). Gl ct77. 1861, p. 28. 1862, p. «8. 18G3, 11. 30. Nova Scotia. Ivcv. Stat., 0. 103. Statutes of 1870, c. G. Vide Domiuion xlct, Slat Vic, c. GO, 18G8, 177. rif n ERIES. (V Scotia. tilt., 0. 103. A 1870, c. 6. RIVERS AND STREAMS, to eiiSfstf:i:^^:t t:^^""*"'^^' "^^^« ^'^' b, status enactment, docla.ed the'sakl Hver for tmn portatio,^^^^^^^^^^ "' l".nbenng thereon, or otherwise using Jury-the Governn: n 'i^I t Z^^^ Kr" "' r^ «-.Se-ion.s and Grand and removing obstrnetions botwe:,; l^.S^'Xt^rZZ^'':::^:'^ W ^^^"'"l Sessions sial desismate A nrl fm- +!,.,+ . „. * ,, .,"? '^^^'' "« f'e Grand Jury and and private land,^::;:ve ^^,tt!XS:h"Z^ facilitating its use for tlie puruose nienti,.nod m?l T ' '"'^' ''" ^'^ oilier a.cts necessary for the throwing in or fallin/ n Ts Z Xt T f''^ ""^y '"'^ke reguhitions, preventing chap. 6, 1870 to, "from $8 to $40 " ^ to .S8, are now increa.sed by cxcee^hy^s,Sra;;dru.e'iL';™:;rr '"^^ ''r^^ ^"^ '—^-^ --—^ by the Sessions, upon ti'xi^r.; ^f ir^^S;.^" sSl^r f *°^'«--*«'-'i last until the money borrowe.l, witli interest has tt;. ^ ! ' "'''^''''' ""^^ *'' ^vith the expenditure and other proceedinrr.'.f fl Ir '■" ' '""^ '"' '^'^'°""* *'»^i-'="*' mitted to the Sessions for audit l''°''''*"'«« "^ *^'« Commissioners, to be annually sub- fbren^trsiss^;; ^ i^hS^!! i^iz^r r "I^'tt^ ^^~' - -^- to ii^i. or afi.ct pi4te ri^t:^::J:::iz.^^ — ^^^ -^^ -^ on..^:u;:'::.L?7i-:-^^^^ ^-and lumber Sessiot We^'pZiTo^;'^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^' °f ^^^ova Scotia, but the and harbors, L.,7^^ kv^^^S^'^^y^JT"-''^'''' ° '^'' "'""^•'•'^^••'■^ «f --''^■« managementofboon.sfoi hokir^ImLr J andl/r'^ ".-^ °^' '^'' ^'^S'^l'^tions and for boomage, &c. ° ' ^''•' ''"'' ^°' *^"^"^°" *"^i^«^' '"^^l log«, Sxing tolls edgin^^;'^ir:-ii:^sn:;L'"tx^^^^ r- ««'-^- - ^^a^s. stream, under a i-enalty varying fronl 10s to £15 '''' °' 1'"* "' '"^^ ^'i^'^'' «^' V^^^^^T^::^::^:^^^^^^ ^.^ve similar and.irther anyH:e?St^:r^t:::rS;;;?slS^br ^"ft ;^' i-^to be thrown into jnill (except saw-dust), T.^TZi^l i, ^:'Z wj' l^^'o"" "'"'^^ °' ^'^^' ^^^^- falls any tree across any river rivulW or CnW 1 ' 7 „•' ""' '^"^ 1'^^'''°" «"*» or Con. Stiv JOINT TKNANT8 AND TENANCY IN COMMON. Ontario. Con. Stilt. U. C, cap. 82, l)age. .S30. Nkw Brunswick. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 117-29r.. Nova. Scotia. Rov. Stat. c. 113, p. 402. 44 JOINT TENANTS AND TENANTS IN COMMON Tonancy);has a retmsi.octive offS ^ ^ ' "' "'' '^'"^' «™'* "'• ^^'i"' "'^^ti'^S ^^e In Ontario, retiuspectivo as far ],auk as 1st July 1834 in .\ew Brumwick, prospective only fronx tin,o of Revised Statutes, 1854. ( Con. Stat. Con. Stat. -■■<.,. I 45 »N hat, in yova Scotia cy and Tonanoj' in • will, (.leating the s, 1854. Ontario. Con. Stat. U.C., c. 43—449. Con. Stat. U.C, c. 58— G82. INTEREST ON LOANS. New Bnu.vswKK. Statutes of 185!), c. 1>1, p. 74. NcvA Scotia. Rev. Stat. c. 82—741. 40 INTEREST ON" LOANS. fn Ontario, any nito of interest tliat may Iji; .ij^rced iiiioii in legal, except — Istly. Banks ineoriioiated hy Uoyal Cliaiter, or l)y antliority of, or eHtal)Iishc(l nnder any particular Acts of the Legislature of Canada are not to take more than 7 \n'V cent. L'ndly. ff nanies oi- Associations (other than hanks) authorised Uy law lieforo the IGth August, ISf)?, to loud or borrow money, are forl)idden ui)on any contract to take directly or indirectly for h)an, more thaij f) poi- cent., excej-t when authorise I by tlirtt Act (Chapter 58, Cons jjidated Statutes of Canada) or by some other Act or Law, and in case of so doing, contract is declared void, and Comi)any forfeits ti'ebio the value of the loan— ono half to tho ({overnmeut of the Province, tie- other half to the person sueing. No limitation as to time v.ithin which action nuist bo l)rought. In .\V*/' ^/v///^w/f/., l)y special enactment in L'^.TO, chapter 21, the rato of interest recoverable by law i.s limited to G j)er cent.— if more is stipulated for at the time of tho loan, or taken, it does not vitiate tlu^ contract ; but in any action In-ought to enforce such contract, the excess paid beyond (i jicr cent, may be deducted fiom tim amount due upon the contract. Witli ref vence to Banks undoi' the Acts of the Legislature of the Province, or by l\oyi\\ Charter, interest is limited to per cent., if more, by any contrivance, is taken, the Bank forfeits the pi-iaicipal sum vvith all interest and protil-- 'one half to tlie Queen, for the use of tin: I'rovince, the other half to the pei-son sueuig for the same. Action mn.st be brought within twelve months from the time of tin olleiice. The Act not to extend to bottomry bonds, damages on protested bill,, cases of contracts, when tne penalties aiv mutually binding, oi' c utracts for th(^ hire of grain or live stock, wlien casualties thereto are at the risk of tiie lender. In Xova Scotiit the old law still ]irevails. Interest on loans is limited to G per cent., all contracts reserving more declared void ; and all persons taking or receiving a .gi'oater rate to foifeit treble the value of the monies or goods contracted for or seciu'cd. Contract for hire of grain or live stock, »S:c., and liypothecation of vessels excepted. '0[lt - itiilili.sliod uiidci' III 7 |ii'r t'cnt. ,'iiiiii(la (Old) is lie one at which t« tiio discount it., according to . addition to tho ml exchange in •hai'ged, and ho lioriHed l)y law on any contract n authoriHe 1 hy •r Act or Law, l)io tiio vahio of ( pei'Hon Slicing. rate of interest the time of the to enforce siicli lount due upon Province, or by t'ance, is taken, f to the Queen, same. Action liills, cases of lire of grain or [ to G jiercent., 'iving a gi'eater ired. Contract 48 CKOWN DEBTS AND DEBTORS. Ontario. U.C. Statutes of 18GG, c. 43, p. 139. New Brunswick. 1 Vol. Eev. Stat., c. .5—24. C. 7—25, Stat, of 1808. 31st Vic, c. 6. Nova Scotia. If m^ InO individua any ordin a.s +0 the with. A not in ai would do IniV cases of a\ debts to tl against th slieriff, for boxuid as c In 0) Upjier Cai inr; debts ( that .such f executing the date o securities) In Xe debts. Ju Court, as i Crown beii ought to b( that purclif whicli it wi It is SI cases, cont cantile opei The A In No, subject, anc lands, (tc. In 186 means of v liabilities ol of which ar< passed in O: 49 CEOWN DEBTS AND DEBTORS. In Ontario, the position of the Crown us n .M-Pfi;tm. ,^p „ u 1 1- individual, is, by statutory enactment r.n s. 1 ,^, l«rr '. ''"'''V'^ ^'^''""ti^s from, an any o.Jinary peLon, and^he diSr ' v ouSi"" J Tf"' "f'^'^"" '" *''^* °^ a.s to the binding cliaracter of the security , id {nv 1^ ^^''''"' °^ *^'^ '^'•«^^"' ^oth with. A bond to the Crown or a \X^.l n • . 1^!"°^-^*^ "^ "Pei'^tion are .lone away not in any way bind the realoi- S^ Lf ^ °"'''''l'' '" ^'"■°'' '^^ ^^'^ ^^'•°^^-"' ^^'0"W would do in ordinary cases ^ ^ ''*^*'' "'' ""^''^^'^ '^"^ preference other than it debts to the Crown, from the tiu.; o 1 « uS ' Tn "' T '' ^'T'' ""''''■''' against the goods and chattels, lands and ttnCnftrof tt ,lTr '°'^ "^*'^'' J"^'«'"«'^*^ sheriff, for want of goods and chattels .n..vl«, i , 'f'*""-" "^''^^ 'hsuo, and tho 6on«cJ .. a/oresaUCMer .1 Ai^./H^iSJ-'Le '""^^ --It-ements of the debtor, ing debts due to the ft.own in t e o£ of th CI k Tf If 'o'^''' >''i °'' ?^ ^''^"''^^ ''^'^t'""" that such socurities si.oald not ..(Feet the lur.n Q^'een's Bench at Toronto, and Crown being registered. As ii es^ ecuritts iff . /'™r' T, ^'' .°*^^*^^" '''''''^^'' *« ^'^^ "1tis-i^j;rr:s:?S-^ cases, contracts i^r pJE'^I, ' ,^ ^ l,::^^- ^^ «|-- ove.y day in Revenue cantile operations to require such'USLuon ^ t'''"^«"^tion«> ^t would impede mer- The Act of 1 86(r settles the question in O^itario. in A ova bcotta there does not annpn' fn i.oto i ^ ,• , subject, and the Crown debts would Ter fore o^- ^^ °>^ *1^« lands, ic, t'leitioie opa..ce as at Common Law and bind tho n.ea,^^i'l:;ringSi;;L''^,:f;^^^^^^^ Now Brunswick, expediting tho liabilities of parties dealing w tl/ h^h, ^fc ' '•'" '"f T"'"^' ''"' ''"^'"^ '>"'! of which are set forth in the New Bn , v ' J l ' Vr'"^' ',''° ^''■"^^"' ^^^^ Provisions passed in Ontario or Nova Scotil ^''''""''''^ ^"'^"'"'^- ^'^ ^'^'^^^^ enactments have been Con. Stat. 1 3 4 7 9 10 12 15 18 20 Not Con. Stat. I Stat, of 18i Vic, , 51; Ontario. Con. xStat. Ciiii., c. 59—084. 1 & 2 3 4 5 ^ 7 & e 9 10 & 11 12 & 13 15 IG 17 18 19 20 Not 14 21 22. AGENTS, CONTRACTS WITH. New Brunswick. None, Corresponding Soctions. Nova Sootu. Rev. Stat, «. 81—317. 1 2 3 4 (fe .5 G & 7 8 ' 9 & 10 11 12 13 U 15 Not 16 Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 75—798, Stat, of 18G6, 2nd Sess., 29 Vic, c. 33—152. MASTER AND SERVANT, New Brunswick. None. NoTA Scotia. Rev. Stot., c. 123—424, 62 AGENTS, CONTRACTS WITH. In Ontnno a d tVow, Scoiia, tlio Statutos on thin subject are Rubstantially the same, lu jVeio Brunswick, there is no Statute. Cod. Stat MASTER AND SERVANT. Tl.o ■^'\f ''" ^rdT'^l' ''''",'•" '" "° P'^''ticuhir snactment regulating master and servant- llie n atter is left to the ordinary law in the same manner as other contracts, but there IS a statute regulating mniors and apprentices. u„, ?' ^'''T '^'^"^T' *''° ^!^'^ ""'l^^- it^^ titl^. professes to apply to master ami servant, but does not refer to questions of .lomestic SQrvice ic. It is like the law in New Brum- wick, regulating nunoi-s and apprentices. In Ontario it seeuis more general though it is evidently intended, mainlv to regulate questions of manual labour, aud of .iounieymen engaged in any trade or craft. 53 titially the same. THE LORD'S DAY, PROFANATION THEREOF. Oktahio. Cob. Stat, V.O., c. 104-943. New Brunswick. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 144-411. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., cap. 139. ter and servant- racts, biit tliere ;er and servant, in iVeio Bruns- linly to regulate raft. 64 M: THE LORD'S DAY, PROFANATION THEREOF. Tlie provisions for punisliing the profanation of Sunday or the Lord's Day in U,)per C S U*C " ^''^''^ precision, and are extremely strict and minute. C. 104, h.f.I^^^ ^''^^ to be enforced by penalties varying from one to forty dollars on conviction befo e a single Justice, on the oath or afiirmution of one witness, or on view had by Ee Justice himself. One moiety of the penalty to be paid to the party charging the offence Z^'^'^H'f"" *^'« J"«* '^^ ^'"l t'!'' «tl^er to the Treasurer of the Count^v, and on non payment of the penalty with costs, imprisonment for three months, but the paity makii^c ActllTit is'nft";^" ' f w' '" "i "'*'n' f V J^^"^^^" ^'^^ '^ ^ saving^laie in t"^ ... ^l^f-"'' ^'°-'-' ^"'' ^'"' ^'■""^"'f '^•' tJ'e Statutes on this subject are not so numer- In i\^om£co -"^-^ «^- l^eiS Sent \f'>^^ s Day in Upper ninute. C. 104, irs on coiiviction view liad by the rging tlie offence ity, and on non- le ixu'ty making ng clause in tlie nforced must be I not so niimer- Ities are not to I cap. 7 sec. 1, 1 do or exercise Lord's Day, or )een held to be eclares, that all i-sonal property tterly null and and repealing on this subject ,d reference to , or benevolent 59 ELECTIONS TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES. Ontario. New Brunswick. Statutes of 1868-9, 32 Vie, \ Statutes of 1855, c. 37. c. 21. I Statutes of 1858, c. 33. Statutes of 18G8-9, 32 Vic, c. 1, page 11. Statutes of 18.59, c. 32-l,')0. Statutes of 1870, c. 21, p. 18. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., c. 28—767, 0. 2—5. Stat, of 1870, c. 24. \f?^ 57 S. Scotia. c. 28—767, J-5. 870, c. 24. ELECTION LAWS. tions unposed upon the Evord.^ii;:!^:' ^J;;.'"'^'''' '^'^^' *'"- "^ -^tiug, an.l tlu, roitric- Jirst:— As to the ninilificatiou uf tli(! Voters and certified List of Voter/ Sn'etudiv ' y-'^'^'^'}'}''\ ''"'y ''"terod on the last revised ^al property of the vat^ i.eSS ^ ^,u ii^rt,;; W,"^^'';"-' T^'\ "^^-I'-* ^'^ As.sessnient-RolI for any city, town or vill c/e n« , " '^"'''' '" ^^'"^ ^'^'''t '■'^^''^'^^l real property, namely :- ' ' ^ ^^' '"^ '"'^' "^^''"^i'' te"""^, or occupant of such In Cities, of the actual value of -., .« In Towns " « << OlOO ^''^"JS,:rS^i:^n:eu:.^!:^S^^^ t"° L^siat^veAs^endd?. divided between them to^h-aliX^^ '''f '? "r','"* -"«--^ if oc,ually theA.t; otherwise, .^ne^fti;:Sl;5r;l:i;;;.:jtS'"' '" ''^""^^^ ^^^^''^^ ^'^*'- greater^eXte. """" '^ '" °"" "»"''*' "^' '"^ '''S^^^ "^ ^"'^ -^e, of an estate for life or any (o^e:^ci!zL£':Xz^Z':^jT °"" "^i'* ^^ -^ "«"^ ^^ ^- -^^ own use. '' '" ''"•'">"'g ^'evenues an.l jirofits therefrom to his to the value of .?loO, or in respect of ne.t!, n' ^^J^f ^'"«»t-Koll m respect of real estate ofthevalue«f$300,^hani;eeSl"dto X ' "'' "^ ''"^ ""^ l'"'''°"^' '^Sothev, ^^^^'^^!i:Z:7i::^tjZ::,:fj;:7-'y ^-^f-^ *- ^^- -h member a thelist,butnomemberofaco™ ebor^^^ '^'^^^^^ ^"' "^^^^'t^*! i'^ .Sectio„22. li,t in respect of corpo'^^tf ,n-opttf ^^ ''''*''^^ *" ""*" "^ "^"^ '-'"*^^-^^l «" ti>" usth^^:;te^S^;/i;;„^^r5^-,;-~^^^ tl. estate of any person deceased, or deceased in actual occupation ttltL°o'"^^^^ T "' ''"^■^' *'" ^'^''^ "^ t^^" of the iirm at the time of the assessment nl Hu \ ' '^e persons who were partner.s the assessment shall be entit ed to le 'xs f tl r Ze^l 'fT °'''^'^T '^* *^'^ *'"- «f in the assessment, on takiner an oatJiirren, i . 1 1 ^'"^ "''^^^^^^^^^ mentioned Sections. -tluntheseparate:iaSa;Ln?U:^;;ov:7S^,^^^^^ *^- ^^^s coming In A^ew Brunswick every male nevsinn o^ „„„..„ ^e t, . . , any legal incapacity, assessed'^f^rihe^^^.r l; wSfthe Jg^i^trv ifm ."''J"' T' "'"^^'* of real estate to $100, or personal m-onertv n, 1. ^ ^^^gistryis made up. -—In respect on an annual income ^f %looXllT:S(Zx ^toTot^^ ""' ^"^^' •^'^^^""*-^' *« ^^^^ J, or _ Tlius, in both Nova Scotia and Noav Brunswick tlin T?r .^.i • • m Ontanu. hi Ontario it still .avors of tl e reXstSe ^'^ t '^"'°''" '^'''^"'^"'^ *'^^" Scotia it is based upon personal estate, y.:; ^''.^ellu 'r.d".^^ ^'""^"^'^^ ^'"' ^^^'* h\ Ontario certain persons are forbidden to CKcrcisP fl.P P. i • , , »■ n„, „,.,„e,, ._,„.„. „.■ .1.0 s,,p,.e„,e o:^;r:/''^:;»rsitrff '.J fig citicH Officers of hn Customs of the Dominion, Clerks of t!.e Pe.co, County Attorneys, Rog,str..s, Sherills, D.-puty Slu-nlik, D,.,.uts ( JL^ics of the Crown, Ayonts fo • the salo^of £ on,) .1 ^'"''T'T- '" "^''r T^ ''"^^■"•'^- '"^^' ^'-^^^•^^-' '>«iceK„"undor a penalty of ^J,U()0, uiul Uuir vuti'S being (hrlareil voii!. "^ A-ain, 110 Returning '(Officer, Deputy-lleturning Officer. Election Clerk, or Poll Clerk and no person who at any timo, either .Inrir.,- the Election, or I.efore the Election IS, or has ...en omploy,-.,! m the sai,l Election, or in refV-renee the.'eto, or for the pu o J offorwarcmgthe sam., hy any Can.li.late. or by any j.orson. whomsoe er, as CouLl, c, paav,^^ hate eran,l who Inxs receive,! or expects to receive, eitiier before, .luHng, or after the sanl Election, from any Candidate, or from any person, whom.oeve •. for ae ii"^ an; iolld :"'''ri •'' '" ''"""''' "V """ "^ """^'-^' '^^ ""''-' '''-^'' - enq-ioyment, ^ Elecion ^ ^^ ^'"" "' '"•■'"' •^' ^^■^"^^^■^■^''- ^'"■'■'*"- ^'''^'l ^^ ^'"titled to vote at any No woman shall be entitled to vote at anv Election. V.Jol'-/?" ^^'■"'""■''i' "'"' ^\'""" ^'■"''" tlx'i'o is HO restriction as to the exercise of the Iiancl ise by j.ersons who.aro^duly .lualified. On the contrary, express provisions are mada to enable presuhng Othcers, Poll Clerks, Can.lhlates and their Agents, when acting in the ai-scharge ot their various duties connccte-d with the Election, to polf their votes in dis- tncta where, otherwise but for such provisions, they would not bo entitled to vote. As to the Qiiulljlcutiou of Candidates. In A'om Scotia the Candidate must possess the qualiKcation requisite for an Elector of Si S^ii ' "■ '" ^^""^^'^^ ft-hold estate in possession. oAhe clear yearly ^l^^ In .^ew Brunswick the Candidate must be a male British subject, -'i years of ace and for SIX months previous to the test of the writ of Election have been legally seLl^S of freehold for Ins own use of land in the Province of the value of .£300, over and abo^ all incumbrances charged Ihereon. d-uure In Ontario by the Act of 1SG9, 3,3 Vic, chap. 4, i.a.ssed to amend the Act of the ^"mbW-ltl"; ^Yi^' ^^",tf/-I-^'"g ^^^^ ot- Members of the tgi.ltfv .' ^,Tf Anf ^ vc ■ ' ''i'- ^7'^ '^ " '•"^^'-•'"^^ "'-^l^'^t from and after the passing of that Act, no quahhcation m real estate should be lequired of anv Candidate for a seat ' lidln^Til ;:r "7 '^^'''''^'"■"/•c"'^ ^*=^*"*^ «'• ^-^ *°'^'- contrary "ouS^ stamlmg, -Audevcrij s^^ch hU vicntwncd Statute and Law is lardn, repealed." chaps 5t"'4dethdite"'-''''^^^''' '"^- *'" ^'"''^'^^ Acts of 'the .same Session, clLips. 3 .uid 4, de iiung the pruueges, immunities and powers of the Legislative Assembly and for securing the Iiulepondenee of P,.u-li;uuent, point out what shaU be tL qua '£ wi;.^:;;Sr''''""^'"""'^ ^'^^^'■^^'^'^ consolidated statutes on thJ'ui^^t n,., i^^ *''^ ^.f'"^'''' "^ ^- ^^"'■' ^'''"l*- -^' ^•"^^'' tl'e Elector, present on Nomination Day are to name the per.son or persons whom they wish to choose to represent them T^ the Legislative Assembly. There is no restriction as in Nova Scotia that a Candickte ^,W nwe the .piahficationof an Elector, which, among others, is th^^'llTldl t a t^ 3 ^tlts:^:::^::^}^''^'-'^'''''^-''^^-^' ^^^^^^ that i. must :x « to Ji^l *'-'l ^^ff"" ''^'* ^^' T'- •' "''"''• - ^' '"'''• -^' it ^'^'^'^ts " No woman shall be entitled tovote, but here IS no restriction in the 23rd section as to the sex of the person or peisons whom the Electors shall choose to represent them in the Lec^slalivf lessen bly nor IS there any cUus. in the two Acts, chaps. Sand 4, before referred rfrtrwhich !:*r?^;s ir'^rwi r- f "f • ^^^^^ «^^t «- «f ^2 vi., chap, n, .liZ s no Cmrh l:ite sli:dl, with lutcat to proniote his Election, provide or furnish &c " But V^ aSoTsf :f ?"T"%^'f'- '"""^ ''' '''' '^^^^' «f Ontario Chap 1, 31 Vic, (l80<-») sec. G, clause S. it is enacted that "words importing the slligulaJ nulmber. no unty Attornoys, 3 for tliu sale of ler a |ien.ilty of Clerk, or Poll re tiio Election, for tliu i)ur|)ose cr, as Counsel, )r ill liny other Pore, diuinj,', or L'vcr, for acting employnicnt, or bo vote at any oxerciso of tlio visions are nuida an acting' in tho r votes in dis- to vote. for an Elector ar yearly value years of age, gaily seized as ver and above the Act of the ;ho Legislative tho passing of itlate for a seat trary notwith- Cil. same Session, Live Assembly, tho qualifica- )n tho subject DQiination Day t them in the iindidate must e a male sub- he must be a all be entitled the person or ve Assembly, , from -which loclares "That ?h, etc." But Chap. 1, 31st ;ular niuuber, Act,tClJ;,C",™,r °''""' """' '"' "■'■ '""■■'•"■""°" 'l™'- ->•"> to .pply to a.1 f MS^:;^ ;;;?;l^: ■^tr^li:: r;,r;™r > - »'" '» ^ lnallU,i«. „l tl,„ PioviniTs |.oi„>,„ l,„|,|i„„ „|,i„,, „,■ jj rmoliinmii i„i,l».- ,,,e <^l^i^.^^s. tz^zlr-z'tzzi "s^^t^^^'i , " ",' ':.°"> '"-■""'' '"■■■'S "-I'ln llic ic.i,i-raa„t„iiv,.» of ,. dcmisoil i,.,rtv „. ti,. menibm of „ t„-m „.»«.,1 ,„.o , ,„i,l,,| ,„ „t.'; „„,, i„ n„„, |,„,,,S w h™ u,™ ' " y/^e J/ori'f' y/ Conducting the Election. Tho mode of conducting tho Election bv ballot, in vnv mi.,.l. fl.f. o.„„n ;„ v , o .• as .t is i. New Brunswick, tho n.ost mafriul .listincul 4 w 2^3. L^il ^tt^ tie ±011 ,it oad, Polhng Place, m the jn'osonce of tho Candidates, or their A-onts dulv SS irtire'tu\?V'''"T" ''f ^""T^ ""'"'-^'^ ■■" "'^' ^'^'' «-ks or Che k 'iS vni }^ "'!. u' ^^,^''^ '^'^'' countorsign,-d by the C.udidatos or their A-ents and tho Ballots then forthwith destroyed, tho countersigned Pull Book or CI. r l- Tit uiVl v ten statement of tho result of tho Poll at that District, wW L s.V utt. s of CWu" (latesor diwr agents is thou forthwith eaclosed. sealed up ..nd nublicl 1 t s^chngofficer to botransmittod to tho ShorilF t^ bo o.LnlV^lfSSi^^D ^^ "' "" ^^"■ _ ^\here.as, ui Neva Scotia t!,o Ballot Boxes, with the Ballots, are seale7„, and sent r."ss m connection with the Election. peibon > not liaMiig busi- la Ontario and Nova Scotia, in ease of a (Jenoral Election, tho Pollin- must be sing by will of in Canada, and liffers from the dispol:of:;:;if;::^SfeS.^rL£'^rr'''^o t^'t-^ ^"^' «^'™^'^ -^^ -^ -^^ Act regulating Surro" e CWt; tl v, "• ^'*'""'' ''V '''''"'' ^^' '^'^i'^'' ^*>' th« and sean^en, with tLo^ duitiortl tn 1 n/'™' r''^' is made with reference to soldiers force should be good (5 5 ecemb r 185 tf " ^7^" '""■'' '"^'''' ''''^* ^'' ^=''"'^' "^ New Brunswick Tuid Nova Scot a ;; it ti\ letter provision was not necessary in writing, saving the exc;:ttoniust'n:m;d''"" ""'^""' ''''' ■'^^' ^^'^"'^ ^^''-''^ ^- - are ^ia:;^^';:^,:;^/""' '^-'-' -"^ '--te^ as provided under their Statutes, thatJ\";;Sto;^;!i:;c:;;i?!;;£^^i^^^^^^^ -of freehold lands. nie Jarl;,, Lst "tl'un 'e tT "' '""'"'■''"^' '^''''^'"' '''''' '' '''^' int.^SlfSZZi:':^l^Z':^''' ^--l-^ency of witnesses (by reason of will is not the eby "eXred invS^ °^?° -^.T " ^'''' ^'''' '•'^'»«^-'^''- The and. if proved, the wil Ic c ^ed va I tl ! 1 ^'''""^- , "" •'^*'"^^''^ '''' "^•'"i"«"«' be to the husband or wife of witness ' "" °'' ^"^ ' '^' '' '""''' ^■""'' '''''' ^^ i* ISea'^f^StnS:^ i;,:;:^S:n "^7 l'™tr^ f *'^'^ chanvcter (the Act, chapter 13, Imperial A.t^^rC^^^e'u^lZ'S.T"^^'^^ '""".'f^T^ ^'''°-) ' --^ -i'^^e the witness himself is in o.^l^'tion^n (Jnt 'rh.' ^\ 'ft'^^"''"' '\' '^'''^''^ '' ^^S^^Y *" the «ame^.^,.^.e to a Jevis^^ ^^^J'^JlS^:; JS^^tn^tn^f ' '^'''''''^ *^'^ are.5^:^:;:;zf^rr'^^°^^ ''''- -- ^^y^-^^^^ In iVova Scotia, similar provision In Ontario, none, but would come in under George II., chapter 6 executi- '" """'' '" "'*'"" '' '-^-^'-"^ mcompetent'by Son c In Xova Scotia, the same. In Ontario, no similar i)ro\-ision witn^L'^;afi::a'jrs,;;::id^r ?"*"' '^^'^^t'" ^^^ *° ^'- -""-*--- «f from interest or chI' haS lo f 1 .^^^ T?' ^V'-f ^T"'^'' ''' ''"' 1'^'°"^ ^^ ^^'l''^) ^^E be witnesses ; but t oVe Act ' fno w.v?."'f .^ "'' ^-'^ =^ '°"'"° l''"'*^^''* *° ^ '^^^ *« which declare legacies ^tudtv^ie^'iS^ir^tSTrr^^"'^^ ''' '''' ''''' '^^^''^ *^ -"« TherJ'ai^r'lh^;.^.i:'SlSt wS'"'-""^'^' 7.r ^""^^^^•'"^* ^"--^«- I-^^'-- and it n>ay be a quest on wl £ ,S, 'T, i'^ "' 'f'^ "^^\° «tf^"**« -^^^^-l^ ^''^t^- to wills, I)ecembe;,18G9 entitlX " A L /^ the Aco passed by the Ontario Legislature in makes ITnfcompSjl declt t e". *' ''"' ""''^^'^''^' ^^ ''''''''''^' ''--"- ** ^l«-ly chapter 2G r3ed S ^"'^^^' ^'"^^^- ^I'o Statute, 1st Victoria, extended the mum-a o' tit n^.m! v ' r' *! "' ^''■'l''''^'^ ''' *° *'^" ^'"'""^^^ ^'^ A»'«"<^^ an.l legacv to t H sbamf or S oH '" "/ ' T' ^"'"' ""' ^"'■^^''^""•'^^ "^ '^'^ '^'^'^^'^ Jarn^vn 67. per on 1 M'ltne.ss as wel as to the witness hiniself, and to Georgo li ell,, t!;6 lid n^ . f '''''[r^'''^^ (it having been decid.ed that the 2.5t,b wicLui Nova sc^i^w n^:-t^;Lsi;;'s.!r^^^°"^ " ^^'"^^ '' ^^- ^-- The Statute of Ontario of December, 1809, which admits an interested wicness to upon the estate. I of his being declared u give evidence, says nothing about devises or legacies to witnesses to wills bein.^ void Ihus, 111 the absence of any knowledge, as to what may have been done by the Courts of Upper Canada on this subject, it would appear that on the first point as to tlie validity or invalidity of a will of freehold, witnessed by one to whose wife or husband a devise or legacy has been left (under the Statute, George II), the question remains open : secondly If the devise or legacy was to the liusband or wife of the witness, it would not be affected at all It tlie will was sustained ; and thirdly, it having been decided that that statute did not apply to personal property, a person directly interested by a legacy to himself or his wife, 111 sustaining a will, may be admitted as a witness to prove' the will creatincr the interest Avithout forfeiting or affecting the legacy— a principle inconsistent with" the policy of the same Act (Ontario, December, 1S69), which, while allowing parties to a causa or interested m its results, to give testimony in their own favor, vet, in an action brought by or against executors or administrators, excludes the testimony' of the survivor as to what may have been said or done to him by the deceased, whose representatives are the other party to the suit ; thus, the testator being dead, a claimant who is a witness to a will ot personal property, might prove the document, giving to himself or his wife £500 • but in a suit brought by him to recover £5 from the testator's estate, he would not be adnussable as a witi. .s to prove iliat the testator promised to pay him £5. , xt'^^ ^^^ Victoria, chapter 26 has been substantially re-enacted in New Brunswick and Nova bcotia ; not so in Ontario. The revocation of a will by a subsequent marriage, and its non-i evocation by a change of circumstances, or otherwise, than by a will or codicil duly made, is the same in all three Provinces. • "^ m/^T ^^r"'^'"'"^' ''"^'l ^^oi'« Scotia, obliterations, interlineations, or alterations made in a will after Its execution (except when the words or effect of the will before alteration is not apparent) shall have no effect, unless alteration is executed as required for a will • and no will or codicil which has been revoked is to be revived, otherwise than by a duly executed will or codicil reviving it. ■'J' In Ontario, no such provisions. In all three Provinces, a conveyance of a part of an estate made after the execution ot a will IS not to affect the operation of the will upon the part not conveyed. in Outano and .Jew Brunswick, both with reference to real and personal estate, the will IS to be consa;ue( as if executed immediately before the death of the testator. In .\oya^con varies iu each. from the will hJ^tl^^ZS':^"^''^' ''°-;-'-»^. -' ^^J -isin,. months to three years. circumstances the term varies from sk In Oit'.ario, under the Retristrv 4pf l)5r,« 1 <. m purchasers, wills must be recnstered Jithin twll' S ' ""' *." '''^""^ subsequent devisor, testator or testatrix, f ^17 tt Jevt ! Tfu '7'r "^'''' *''° ''^"^'^ ^^ *''« within the said time, by reixsonof ts beh.It., f f ? T''^'^^ ^'■*'''' I'o.dstering the will his or her wilful deL It " Li S then ^ M, "IT" °"'"' T^'f'^'' ^''*'"'^*'^ ' ^^'^^''"^ ^ .-ill or j^robat. or ren.oval of t.^^^^^ ^e;:^h ^g E r ^i:^:;'™" '' ''' ;^ntl. <^.. ofiWider sll^ suppress I ':i!ii*^;:. t^ it^ .^S^^f t^.^^^^ In iVejo 7ynwm/;/c/.', tiiere is the samr nemlK- r>r er, r, pressing a will, in the Act regulatin-^ C^ ts T& L f -""^ '''"°" F'^^^ "^ ''^"1^- and cause the will to be ro-ister d n,- 1 , • ' "'" '^ '''^ ^'xecutor does not prove rroritoiltiJ^rhr. ?slsL" "'"'""""""" "'"■'"•'•""'8 »■■ "-"■°.''"» « -" - real estate to u. Coil, I Sttttuto ( Imp, Ai! chap, II,, e, Oxtahio, (-■'oh, Htttt, tr, C, c. 82. Stotute of IgCP, 2ncl Sess., jm^e 145. Imp, Act», 22 «> :• of the hoir-at-law, and probably escaped attention v/Iien 21st Vic, cap. 20, was p.isse.l ) If there be no children, or legal repiv-s-ntativea of them, one half goe; to the wi.iow, the resi;lue eipndly to n;;xt of kin, in e(pial degree and their r;'prosentative;i ; bpt no representation anion'c collaterals after livothers and si.ster's childi'en. ° If no widow, equally among children, and if no widow and no children, to next of kin i'l e pial degi'ec (.Saiue m 22, 23 Charles 2, cap. 10, as explained by 29 Chaides 2, cap. 30.) If after the death of the father, any of his children shall die in tho lifetime of the motiier, intestjite without wife or children, every brother and .sister and tlieir represent- atives shall have equal share with (he mother. (Same as l.st James 2, cap. 17. differin" in this re.spect from Eeal Estate.) ^ '^ In Ontario. Con. Stat. cap. 82, page 829. Tlic Ileal Estate, in case of Intestacy, goes 1st. To children and their representatives, per stirpes in equal jiarts. 2nd. If Intestate, dies without desc(>ndants, leavlmj a father, the Estate will go to the father, unless the Intestate actpured it on the part of the mother, and she be ifving, and if such mother be dead, then the estate so acquh'ed goes to the father for life, reversio"a to the brothers and sisters; if no brothers or sisters, or descendants, .tc., to father absolutely. — Sec. 2/. , If Intestate die without descendants, and without a father (or a father entitled, as under the lastsection), and leaviiig a mother, and a brother or sister, then the estate "oes to the mother for life, revei^sion to the brother or sister, or their d'-K vnidants, itc ; luul if no brother or sister, or descendants of any. then to mother absob ' -Sec 28. ' If Intestate dies without desctndauts, and without father or nu. then estate goes to brothers and sister.^, and their ilet^cGnAimiH, per stirpes, however -. r, ite. — Sects. 29°30, if acquired on tho the Intestate, and their . f none on tlic father's 31 If no heirs, under any >, i ) preceding .sections, then th father's side, shall go to tht b.Dtiiers and sisters of the fatlu descendants, in ecpial shares, per sflrpr.^ (or their descendants) side, then to those on the mother's side.— Sects. 32, 33. If the rstatc sliould havt! come on (he mother's side, failing li- brothers and sisters of the mother, and their de.scendants, per stirp— and if none on the mother's side, tlien to tiioso on the father's side. Thi ^c, then to the equal sluucs, itc. ; ■. 34. Ci) lelv sliort. ■aiicomoiiis iwmao on or theif legal 1, rcaers-'fig the ii)J..'!.l in e(iiial ird (.'j) to widow, 'v stirpett). Tlio lutcstiite ill Iiiy ; !)iit iiiiy other icli e(iu;il share, ' the heir-iit-law. If thero 1)(! 110 3 resiiUie ecjuidly ioutation among [rcn, to next of ly 29 Charles 2, lifetime of the tlioir represent- >. 17, difibriiigiu f Intestacy, goes itate will go to [ slie lie living, for life, reverssion , Are., to father ther entitled, as . the estate goes idauts, etc. : and -Sec. 28. ' then estate goes .—Sects. 29, 30, acquired on tlio ;estate, and their le on tlio father's tc, then to tiie :]ual fdiaiCM, ikc. ; 31. I 4t1 to gee. 35. inoDiK,i,.ili!.o, and tiieir re[)resentatives, per stir pes. ~ Half-hlood succeeds witli whole-l.lood.— Sec .^0 th^iJofS^i^'Siri^T'l ^^'^n^'f ""''^' ■ostatogoos to next of kin, according vlll \-']f}'^^^ '"statute ot Distribution of Personal Estate.— Sec 37 PosthumoiLS children to inherit as if horn in lifetiuK-.-Soc. 39. "^^^ " " Memorandum.— With. respect to lical Estate. OntaHir h;'ll''^o7f^r'"'''r'r''''^''; ^''°'" ,"''^* "^ <^"'"'"'=° "' *''^«' '^'^' ^^^ile the Law of m' ' o'trtlef^t]?, ,- "■', '"i ' «^'-^-"lants, provides, specifically, that the estate The next of kindred would bo deteriniiunl l.v the Civil Liw, and is tlm sam-is in the 2S3\ An^ ;' T '.r -'^'■'t"''' "'"■' '" ^"^ ''"•'•'.swick !,v 1st vol. R,vd. Stat., pa-^e iS IFst I'o hI': T''"' '^".r'^'"'' '^^i ^^-^'1' f the father, would conjonitly .succeed o tho nSmf t *?l P .:^r?'- tT""!^?' - t''"y. l-'^i'^^ "^''t of kin U e^ual degree, would ue 1 vl.ilji /'"'"'' "^ theLit.,stat., who, leaving no widow, di'ed ivithout l^l'^^'^'^''''"^'^^'''^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^) and, assuming th<. fatlier w.is dea-l, .she being tlie neai-est o kin, accoi.hng to the Civil Law, would be entitled t,, the whole. ' (Ihe btat, of 1st James IL, cap. 17, which provides, that the father being dead, the o vay alters the .l„le as to who next of kin may be under the Civil Law, so that with ^ference to Eeal Estate in New Brunswick, the mother is in a better posti^n than she i. with reterence to Personal E.state.) As to J'ersomd Property. o^!'^ -^"v' "1 ,0'\tn"o and New Brunswick is tho .same ; the Stat. 22 k 23 Charles II iZe. V"" 1 r"' .^^''?rf 1'"''o"^I'- 17'l>'--il-g i" <>^tario under the Act i. pexW loperty and Civil llights (chap. 9, p.age 30, Cons. Stat.) ; ami in New Brnnsv.iok by specific re-enactments of their several provisions. "-«■ uy The Nova Scotia Law differs from both,— See revised Statutes, 3rd .series, 747. ■ With reference to Heal Estate. jst. It first provides for an e.pial destribution among chiidren and their descendants. |)ci sen pes, ' 2nd. If no childreii, one-half of Real E.state goes to father ; the other half to widow, in lieu of dower; if no widow, all to father. '"w, m 3rd If no children and no father, one-half to widow j the other half, in equal shares to his mother, brothers and sisters, and their representatives, and failing all t lese, « en o next ot km, in equal degree. If there be no kindred, all to widow for her own use if here be one. Minors unmarried, without father or mother, property to brothers" and sisters m equal degree. The Civil Law to prevail, and half-blood to inherit with whole-blood. With reference to Personal Property. Ist. Widow has all her parai)liernalia, apparel, ornaments, apparel of minor elnldron, and provisions lor 90 days, and such other necessaries as shall be allowed by 70 Judgo of Piobato, (loceasod's wearing api)aiel, to $40 value, to be be distributed among laimly by tho adniinutrator. * 2nd. Residue of Personal Estate, after p.iynieut of the debts of deceased, die to be distributed, one-third to widow, residue to persons entitled to tho Real Estate, and if lu r'^'To'^- 7"''"° ^" *''° ^'''"''''- (<-'i""'fe'«'l f'«'" one-jmlf, R.S. 747, to ' bv Amend. btata., 186;), chap. D.) •* ' 3rd. There is a, provision under the Law relMting to Intestacy, that a po.sthuinous child, iinprovided for by the 'lestator in his will, shall liave the same interest in the estate, both Real and Personal of the father, as if t/,e/ut/ur had died intestate, and for such purposes, all the devises and becpicsts made in tho will shall abate proi.ortionably. 4th. Advancements to be taken into consideration in f c aiitwrtionmeut, and if e.xceeding the proportion, that would come to the child on a division, he i.s to bo excluded liom the division, but cannot be called on to refund. . ,, •''*''• ^'^ 8^^*^ '^'"' «'''^"^'^ '"■« *o l^e deemed advancements, if stated to !)e .so made in the gilt or grant, if charged in writing as such, or acknowledged in writing, or on examination before the Judge of Probate on oath, and not otlierwise. 6tli.— Tenancy by Courtesy, or of a widow in dower, not affected. 0/ Mh Heul and revsonal Property, by amended Statutes of 1865, chap. 3, sec 2 — If a marrie.1 woman shall die intestate, without issue surviving, one-half of the Real and PersonalE.state owned by her in her own right, or held by her for her separate use, shall go to her husband, and the other hal/ to her father ; if she have no father, then to her mother, brothers and sisters, in ecpial shares; and the chihlren of any deceased bro her or sister, by right of representation, and if there be no issue, father, mother, brother or sister, or child of brother or sister, the whole shall go to her husband " istributecl among L'ji.setl, &c.; to be il Estate, and if to ^ by Anieiul, nt a postlmmous B interest in the ttate, and for such rtionably. ;ionment, and if is to bo excluded to 1)0 HO made 1 writing, or on ;hap. 3, sec. 2. — f of the Real and Qv separate use, o father, then to of any deceased father, mother, laisband." 72 KOVA S'OTIA. Rev. Stilt., c.llG- -Ol."). ARBITIIATION. New BRrN.sw!CK. •2 Vol. I.'ev. Stat., 351. Ontario. Con. 8tat. LT.r , c. 22—216. Also clauses relating to ilo. in following pages ; 128, loO, 40S, 513, 529, 01.., r.29, 73'J, 749, 926, 1,014. ( 'on. Stat, of Canaila, 756. Stat, of Ontario, 1867, 186. Oorrespoiid:'ng Secti' us, Schedul. 73 ARBITIIATTON, In tl.n throe Provinoos of Outari.., Xcw Bir.nswick and Nova Scotia, there are «pecihc i.rovis,o„s Uy statut., ,,rovi.li,ig t'n- au:l ro,:;ulatiai< rof,T.nicos to arbitration, to bo found in Ontario, prmcii-ally m the Common Law Proaidiuo Act 22 Vic oliai) '>2 Cons Stat U a 21(J. In New Bnuiswick i.i a -haptcr con.solidati.iu tho v, rbus amendmonts of the Law 2 vol. Rov. Stat. im. Au I in Nova Scotia iu a chapter exclusively on the .subject. (Rev, Stat. G15.) Ti,cy are in a great measure similar, but in Ontario and Nova bcotia, they .)o more comprohonsive, and under certain circum- stances give powers to the Court, or th« Judges thereof, with which they are not vested m New Brunswick. In Xova Scotia the |x)wer of arbitrators appointed bylRule of Court, or a submission contaimng an agreem-ut that th- sulm.is.iou should be made a Rule of tho Supreu.e Court shall be irrevocable, unless the Court or Judg.- otherwise order nnv n„ ^"'"7';. '\'\ ^''^ T^T' ^''\ '^ '' '^ necr,'ssary that a submission sho.dd contain any agreenient that it would be made a Rule of Court, such an agreement is to be infer- red Muless the negative be stated and the arbitrator is to proceed notwithstanding uuyr may not a iter wards attend the reference. i j a ,,. . S*"^'"" ^'''""^'"l"^ tlio power of an arbitrator appointed by any Rub' of Court or Nisi Prius m any action brought in the Supreme Court is not revocable uiihout leave Ac, &c.,_and arbitrator must proced as in Ontario, but there is no provision ., ith recrard' t > snbmis.sions, or agi-e.-uents fu, reference to arbitration, otherwise than by Rule of C(;.ii-t, as m Nova Scotia and Ontai'io. ^ 'ho diilirulty, however, has been always obviated in New Brunswick by makincr the subu.:.3ion or agreement contain such clause, and then fo.tlnvith getting it made a R.de of Court, V, en the Law w.uld at once apply; but there has 1.(^^1 no Legislation on tho point, ,1 the power of non-revocation in cases uf subuiission bv agreement, must depend upon tlie prude- e ami discretion of counsel--instead of-as in Ontario, upon the Law in A ova ,a, arbitrators, whether appoiuted by rule of Court or othenms,' have power to issue .enas for attendance of witnesses at any time or place in subpceua named and parties subp.ened on tender of f.es for travel, etc., as in Stipr.me CoiU' aro liable for non-attendance, .tc, as if the subp,cua had issued from the Sui.reme Court ' .-ll'« Arbitrators appointed by Rule of Court, or submission containing agreement that It may be made a Rule of Court, have power to administer oaths ; bi^t if the sub- mission contauis no such agreement, any .Tnsti-u. of the Peace may a,lminister the oatlis. No person shall be compelled to produce papers, that he would : be co Mpelk-d to poiluce at a trial, or to ati.'nd more than two conseuutive days In New Brunswick it is necessary to obtain a rule or Orderof the t .,.ii or Jud"e for attendance of wit a..sses antl production of documents, and disobedience to order ^^iltbe u contempt of Court, if n,.pointment of time and place, be served with order. Witness is entitlet' the arbitrators, iward to expire, sion of lands, or —in Nova Scotia pursuant to the a ejectment, and rio Act, provides at, unless in the l^ova Scotia does erefore, doubtful a different con- ;reemont should (29 Vic, ehap. 1 of the Judge, 76 Ontario. Con. Stat. U.C, c. 27—303. LANDLOED AND TENANT. New Brunswick. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 10— 1G6. Stat, of 1800, c. 43, p. 92. Statof 18G7-8, p. 1 19. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 1 26, p. 322, and 32G. 2 Vol. Rov. Stat., 12 Vic, c. 39, .sec. 31 and 32, (Title Exor., and Admin., p 359. Statutes of 185.5, p. 91. „ IB.'iS, p. 7.5. 1865, p. 67. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat, c. 135, pages 140, U5, 586, 604, 613. 77 LAl>rDLORD AND TENANT. Ejectment and the mode of Recovering Possession of Real Estate. is siml^andtl.*!',': 'Tr^'nT* r V^'.' procee.Hnffs to rocovor possession of real estate IS simple and clear. The old Enghsli fictions of John Doe and Richard Roe and an imaginary tenancy are ahandor.ed, an,l the first process is a writ directed to the persciitn possession by name describing .vith reasonalfle certainty, the property clai, led and stating the names of al the persons in whon. the title is al eged to he. Vo ie w^^^^^ notice must be attached stating the nature of the claimant's tith>, whether by grntTlecd or lease &c., and from --horn derived, according to tlie nature of tlie title, Jtk reaso able certainty, and only one n.ode of title can be set up, unless leave of a Court or J dc!o be ^ ThislT" ' "'^ "' f' ''f ?" ^^'^"""^* ^^ ''^"'"'-1 t" t'- P-°f °f tl- title allegocl This writ remains in force for three mouths, but must be retuined within sixteen day.s after service must be endorsed with the Attorney's or party's name like other wrS and IS liable to the same proceedings for ascertaining the authoritv for issuing it, udwho the chamants are, and tlieir abode, etc., as on other writs. It may be served in te usual way, or m such mode as the Court or Judge may order ; and in cise of v^cl 't' e s on ' by posting copies upon door of dwelling-house or other conspicuous part of the\°™,Tty It must issue from the proper office of the County in which the land. lie. Be ide^ the original jurisdic ion m the Superior Courts, jurisdiction in ejectment is under certS ch! cums ances specified in the Act (23 Vic. chap. 42, Statutes of Canada), extended to the When judgment does not go by default, tJie party or parties named in the writ may appear an.l defeml for the whole or part as he or the/ may desire, specifying in tloiaTtS case the part with certa nty ; and must file a notice not only denving chfiman's tie buj hiSr to '"V "■ '}' r'' """"■^' ■'' ""^"^ ^' required to set forth ^;^ in Older to prevent mere intruders speculating on flaws in titles, the Plaintift' may give a notice, requiring Defen.lant to shew on the trial what legal right he has to the posse'simi and on the trial mere formal defects are not allowed to prevail against the claimant f the Court and Jury are satisfied that in justice he is entitled to be%.egarded as ropietor legally entitlea by reason of claimant's defective title; or bona >/« holds under the persons enti led. Judgment obtained under .such circum'stances camiot afterwai' bo used m evidence to entitle claimant to recover for viesne profits A.f. fi^'^f °" ''^ i"'^^;^ f°^- «tli?i- l'°''son« tlian those named in the writ, to come in and defend by leave of a Court or Judge, a,id for the enforcing of judgment by execut\rs fr^in TT-^^Jr**'^''""'''"^" *^"^^"'^ "^ co,nmon,''that;ui°«c<««^ oL.r mu t S A Ten . T™"i* '^'' '''T': "'^^^ ''^'' ^^^^* °" *''« *"»' "''^■^'«« P^'"f^(^ n^'-^y 1^0 allowed! ^oSrht l' n iT r'' V'?* °^fj°'^*"^^?* f°-'f-t.s three years' rack nnit if lie omite to no ify his landlord ; and when the rent is six months in arrear, and landlord has power of re-entry, he may without formal demand or re-entry, servo a writ of .yectinent md recover possession in case no sufficient distress was to be found upon the premises rLnnir*''''- ;'''P"*!"S ^ay, uudcr certain circumstances, be relieveel in Equity on depositmg in Court the arrears, costs, Ac. ^ -^ In the class of cases in ejectment coming within the County Court jurisdiction an arrear of rent for sixty days wioh power of re-entry for non-payniLt, authm-i^es the ^r^ additS'n'^iri f'f *^ f '?^'^' '™'^' °^ proceeding as in Ontario also exists, but with the addition, that on the trial damages may be given for the Plaiatiff, hut there are none of those wise provisions operating against speculators in flaws in titles : and the other nro visions are not as full and explicit. The Defendant is not required to'. shew ly wl r d^ he holds or to set forth his title ; and formal defects in proJf are not rendered hiopem tive. It 18 not abated that the damages sliall be limited ti mesne profts ^ T8 Tn Jfew Br^inswick tlie old English mode of proceeding in ejectment still prevails. John Doe and Richard Roc are in full force. To recover a city lot, the deckration vhich is served upon the party in posse.ssion describes it as ten lots— ten acres of wilderness land, ten acres of land covered with water, ton acres of arable land, ten acres of cultivated land, and ten acres of other land ; and John Doe by a notice at the bottom of the declar- ation gravely informs the party to whom the notice is addressed, that ho John Doe has no claim to the lands above described, and that if lie has any claim thereto, ho had better appear hx court and defend tlie same. If the party to wliom the notice is adckessud sufficiently recognizes the description anddoes not permit judgment to go by defoult, he api)ears and the real description of the lot is subsequently set forth in a Consent Rule. On the trial the Plaintiff must make out his own case. If the proof of his deeds or their registration be defective, the defendant has nothing to do with it. He relies upon the position that posssession is nine points of the law, and he is not called upon by the Court, or the practice to make any admissions. In other respects as to the rights of the LantUord to proceed in ejectment when rent is in arrear, and the relief of the tenant disputing, the provsions are substantially the same as in Ontario. In both Ontario and Nova Scotia provision is made that in case a party defeated in ejectment afterwards brings another action for tho same projjerty, he may be compelled on an application to a Judge to give security for costs. In New Brunswick no such provision is to be found, and tho action for mesne })rofits IS separate from tho ejectment. OVER-HOLDING TENANTS. In Ontario under the Consolidated Statutes 313 (22 Vic. chap. 27), if a tenant refuses to go out after the expiration of his tenancy, tlie Landlord may in case he brings eject- ment, by a notice require the tenant to finil bail, if ordered hy the Court or Judge for such damages as claimant may recover, and tho Judge or the Court on summons and'cause shewn, may order such bail, and on such conditions as deemed proper, and if party does not comply, judgment may bo signed at once for the recovery of che possession. Tliere is a further ])rovision under the G3rd and following sections of the same Statute, that the Landlord may, in case the tenant wrongfully refuses to go out, apply to tho Court or Judge on affidavit, shmviiig that tenant wrongfully holds over without color of right, for a writ of inquisition in the Queen's name, which writ the Court or Judge is authorised to order to issue directed to n Commissioner appointed by the Court or Judge, commanding hini to issue his precept to the Slieriff to summon a jury and try the cpiestion, notice of time and i)lace being first served on tenant three days before^ with copy of the affidavit and popers attaclied. The jury and witnesses are sworn, verdict taken, and writ with evidence returned by the Commissioner to the Clerk of the Crown and Pleas at Toronto ; and if the Court or a Judge at Chambers is satisfied that the case comes within the provisions of the G3rd section. Court or Judge may issue precept in the Queen's name to tho Sheriff, commanding him forthwith to put landlord in possession. The proceedings .are open to revision, and if set aside, tenant restored, in order that question of right, if any, may be tried by tjoctment. By a later act passed by tho Ontario Legislature in 1868, these latter powers are transferred to a County Judge, who may proceed without jury in a summary Avay the parties themselves being al!',v. .,1 to be witnesses (a ])rovision which did not exist under former statute), and tiie jiroce.dihgs are made pai-t of tho Records of tho County Court. Such proceedings may be removed by certiorari to either of the Sui)erior Courts of law. bo set aside, and a writ of restitution issued and tenant restored in order iliat question of nght may be tried in an action of ejectment,— proper powers aro given for making rules, Buiumonmg witnesses, tSic, Tlic witli tho Mo) " Tei;ant In. and deiiii on couipl gives bai answer t secui'ity i the Su])i'( Plai: foui-teeu I way, in t' the Com- previousb But the C by a Jury Noti( one montl Suiii] detainer, i issue in si quiet jjoss In JVeio remains ir possession. any single take7i aiva'i done unde and give s Wher possession, to two Jus days, to sh If deftiult evidence, n and chattel gaol of Coi In On landlord, oi arrear for o a year ; fou In JVo; year's runt, must pay si In Oni ■Rent. Tlie ■Reuts Olid I 79 with •r mesne i^Tofits in order that I!;; 1=S:? ^^ ^ - "- ^-o..roa with, ana it i. optional "Ti^'i^i,St,nrSd ^"^ ""^'^^^ '^ ^^"^^' -'' ^-- "^-"o^<^" and and <£.irc?;:^^;-^r:r' t;;;*^^ over a^er th. expiration of t].e tonancv, on comphdut oi oat h, bv T ■ uJ to 'n.:; r^"/'.'^^"-'^^'^ ^^f/'"' I'-^«'. ^^here lands lie give,, hiil, to appear at \] ,;" t torn ^ £'/ '' "' |."^«««««'">'. ■''•hI ^l^^in lum nntil ho answer tl,e con .laint, and „• y lis rf t ,r ^^'' 'r '^"''r"';' ^'""^'^ ^" ^^^^ <^'°"»tV' *« Hut tl,i. Court, if it »eo a, n„,, o,,l , ™ " , „ t.i ■ . ",1 \ ""^'T'' l™«««i°"- by, I Jury. ' ' *'-"'«"'"»', '"ulUKi'riita or clamiigesiuBCBsed one ^±- ^:!S;;, Z ':!i^''~''''^^ ^---^-' ^'-- --tl. ; ^.onthly tenancies, detain:;^;::ii^;^s Ser;;7i^.CT""r"'" f t^ -' ""^^^ ^^ ^-'''« -*^ -d i«suo in HuclwMses when L Dc ££ o^^^ "f da.nages ; but no warrant is to quiet possession for the tht y^SJi^^^r^ the'cSlpli.bf ^ "'"" '" ''^^^"'^^' ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ In Keio Brunswlch. — If a voarlv tfii.mt ^.. ... ■, remains in posession, after noEt ^ l"^^ . S;;„'':i^^ tL't '" '""""? T^^^ ^""^' possession, huullord may recovr double tl.e c' or y l^V "/™"S' ^'''^ '^'"^'^'^^^ «f any single rent niay be recovered, the tenant n.ay Kf] e ft , S Z Tl^T- "'"""•' '•' to^-«n aiuay. In case of action brouglita-ainstlandlord lis '■ H .' { 'f .'" "^''''^ " ^^t^h^w-^^i^ri^^^^^ If dof^udt bo niade, oJ n^ Sci^ 1: s^'^Z^^' jl'li^^'l''^^ evulence, n.ay issue warrant to Sheriff to nut Im I .'.■, I ' ''^f"'^ l''"'*"'''' ^nd and chattels li tenant for cost^ a^d fo^i ^^ ^ . rd^S '*^ '^7 "I -^""^''^ gaol of CWnty for days (specified in warrant) ^^''^^t^''^' *« ^^^l^^' l"m to arrear for one year, in cases of yearly tenancio ° two tSn 1^ \. , ''fr''' *° ''''' ,"^ a year ; four weeks, in cases of wee Jy tenants, luadlsntSo to SStv "'"'''' ''"'^'' In ^ova Scotia and xYew lirunswicL-Tho landlord's m'oHtvT.?^" yoar'H rent, irrespective of the extent of the tonancvindL\.^^^ reserved to ono must pay such arrears before removing tt '^^' "° l^^'t^ «^ccutmg the execution Distress fok IIent. Rent'" mt'tstSro «*?*'^*°''y P™™s reguk the proceeding, on distx.,ss for 80 In New Brunswick mid Nova Scotia. — Distresses for Rent are regulated in detail by- Statute. Ill New Jininswlck. — Goods seized for Rent, if not replevied within five days after distress and notice, are under the direction of the Hlieriff or a Constable of the County, to b(! ajjpraised by two sworn Appraisers, and after apjiraisement sold to the higliest bidder ; they may be impounded on the premises, with free access to all i)ersons connected with the distress. Arrears may be distrained for, within si.K months after determination of the lease, if tenant's possession and landlord's interest, still continue. Goods fraudulently or clandestinely removed from the premises to avoid distress, may be followed and distrained within thirty days, and sold ut auto (but no goods bona fide sold foi valuable consideration before seizure, shall be distrained) and if such goods so fraudciutly or clandestinely removed are secured in a building or close, to prevent distress, the Sheriff must aid landlord to take, and if they be in a dwelling-house, on oatl' of reasonable susjucion made, may in day time break open same. In case of rescue or pomiil breach, party injured may recover treble damages with costs against the offender, or against the owner of the goods distrained, if same come to his use or possession. Irregularity when Rent is justly due, does not make distrainer a trespassei', but party injured may recover damages, unless amends tendered before action bro'ight. In the case of goods liable to Rent, seized in execution, and the one year'.s arrears not paid, the otlicer must sell, pay the same, and apply residue to execution. The Queen's riuhts not be affected. In Nova Scotia the proceedings are similar, except that in case of fraudulent removal, the time for following is twenty-four days ; in case of pound br(;acli or rescue, the party aggrieved reco i^ers his damages only (not treble damages) ; in the case of the one year's rent in arrear I'csoi'vod on an execution for the Landlord, there is no provision for the Queen's lights, and there is no provision for the Sheriff breaking oi)en door of a dwelling-house in cases of fraudulent removal. There is provision made for distraining cocks of grain, or grain loose in the straw, &c., &c., and imi)ouiiding same on i)remis(!s, not to be removed therefrom to the damage of the owner, before sale ; and also for seizing cattle feetling upon any common, parcel of, or ai)purtenant to premises demised; and for seizing growing corn, roots, fruits, &c., &c. ; and for cutting, gathering, curing, and laying them up, wlien rii)o, on premises demised, and if no proiier place therein, for removing them to some convenient place, and appraising and disposing of same towards Rents and charges, — appraisement not to be made until after crop cured or gathered, and notice of place of stowing served on tenant. ated in detail by- five days after 3 of the County, to the higliest ersons connected ion of the le.ose, 3 avoid distress, ; no goods hoim . if such goods so prevent distress, ouse, on oat1' of ie damages with if same come to lake distrainer a •ed before action 10 year s arrears n. The Queen's idulent I'emoval, ■escuo, the party e one year's rent 1 for the Queen's I dwelling-house ie in the straw, L to the damage mmon, parcel of, , fruits, (fee, &c. ; ■emises demised, e, and appraising ! made until after 82 ARREriT AND TMPEISOInMENT FOR DEBT. Ontario. Coii.Stut.U.C.,c.:2i,i..27C. NeVi' BllUNS'iVICK. 2 Vol. llev. LU;it., page 3-33. 1 Vol. llv.y. 8tat., Jiuisdic- tionJ. P., cliiip. 137. Sciicdulu of 1870. Nova Scotia. llov. iSfcat., c. 134— 510. Ecv. Stat., Jui'isiliction J. P., c. 128-4GG. 83 A Scotia. ;., c. 13-1--U1C. Jui'isilictionJ.P.j .28-— iGG. AREEST AND KIPIIISONMENT FOK DEBT. (Con. Slat. U. C. chap. 2A, 270.) In Ontario, no person can be i-iiTcstr^T or inq risoiied on mme process for delit, unless tlie cause of action amounts to 8100, anil an order iias first l)eon ol)tained from a Judge of a Superior or County Court, on affidavit, sliev.ing fa.cts to the satisfaction of tlio J u.lge, that there is prohabh; cause for Lelie^'ing that such person, unless a])prehended, is about to (piit Can;'da ^vith intent to defraud Iiis creditors gcnerallj^ or the plaintiff in particular. The Judge's order must specify the time within which, an', may hy a s[)ccial order, direct a (,'«. Sti. to he. issui';]. ;uul sucli writ may then be is.Hue'.l afcordi!'." to i^-'c- iii-'i.-'* ;.-',* of the Courts. Process of .arrest for contempt of Court on no!i-iva}ineut of monies ordered by the Courts of Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, County Courts, or tho Judges 84 thereof, IS abolished ; l)ut in sucli cases, on sucli proof as would authorize the issuing of a Crt ba. a writ of attacliment corresponding to a Ca. Sa., may, Ly special order, bo obtained, and the order of tlie Court, directing the i)aynient, is to be treated as a^ judcr- nient, and the parties thereunto, are to be regarded as debtors and creditorH, and entitled to like remedies as in corresi)onding Laws under the Act. In A'uva Scotia and lYcw Jlrnnswlck, there is no special statutory provision authoriz- ing an arrest on a Ca. Sa. for debt. The right to issue such an execution follows as an incident of the jiidgniout which must have been obtained, and it is constantly put in force m botli of those Provinces. In liU three Provinces, provisions exist and are made for giving the limits of the eaol to debtors imprisoned on wesne or final ])rocess, and for their discharge from imprisonment on dt.ior mesne or final process in case of delay or irregularity in his proceedings by the plaiutifT, or the insolvency of the defendant. ^ ' In Ontario, it is enacted, no married woman shall be arrest.^d on mesne or final process. In A ova Scotia and New Brumwich, no such provision is made, that beinucl)ec.) S7 TARIO. in., c. 13- 550. i(;l)ee.) In New Urunswick, S(>;iiuoii arc pvivilcged from avrost for dobt incuiTod withotit allowance of ]\ra.stcr of .sliij) to which he belongs, whilo vessel within the Province, until after voyago perfonncil, or I13 bo discharged ; and in oaso of arrest he is to be innnediately released, l)y any Judge of tho Court from which tin process issued, and, if amount bo two poimds, or under, by any Justice of the Pea. ■ in Nova Scotia, no debt over$l, incurred by any Seaman after signing articles, can bo recovered until the conclusion of tho voyage. In New Brunswick, a Seaman's projierty, under !'' unot be detained by any person, and provisions are made for aiijilication to a Ju^ Peace for retlress. No person isallowed a Hen thereon if, at tho|ime of tho applicai.on, it shall anpear that tho Seaman was a deserter. In Nova Scotia, tho restriction is limited to tho keeper of a public house, and there is no limitation as to value ; provisions for reilress substantially the same. In New IJi'unswick^if a Seaman refuses to do d\ity, or absents himself without leave, complaint may lie made by owners, consignee, or master, to any Justice of tho Peace, and he may be arrested, and, on conviction, kept until delivered over to jH-occed on tlie voyage, the expenses to be paid by and recoverable from the complainant iuid to be deducted by him from seaman's wages. In Nova Scotia, the complaint may be made by owner, Jlaster, or Blate, and on con- viction the Seaman may be sentenced to 30 day's hard labor in gaol, but if ho con- .sents to go on board his ship, he is to be sent, if the Master so request, tho expenses, not exceeding '$$, to Ijo deducted from his future wages. In New Brunswick, any person knowingly harboring a seaman deserter from his ship, on conviction before two Magistrates where the offence is committed, is liable to a penalty not exceeding XlO—onedialf to jirosecutor, the other half to County Treasurer — and if, during a voyage, Seaman deserts, lie also forfeits all wages coming to him from tlio vessel he has joined, to be detained by iMaster or owner of such vesselfor the owner of the shij) from which ho deserted. In Nova Scotia a Seaman deserter foifeits all his effects on board and waccs duo him provided the circumstances of the desertion are entered in the log-book, duly certified by Master, mate, &c., or credible witness. Desertion is defined to bo absence for 24 honra before sailing, without leave, or any circumstances showing intention not to return. Any one knowingly harboring .any deserter, who shall liave signed articles, or having reason to suspect lum of being absent without leave, was liable to a penalty of .$1, but it is now increased to $40, by amendment of Act of ISC'), chap. .'3— one-half to prosecutor, tho other half to County. In New Brunswick, search-warrants may bo obtained on complaint before a Justiceof the Peace, on oath by owner, consignee, or Master, to search any alleged suspected ship within any liarbor of tho Province, or any house or place within tho County of the Justice of Peace, and if Seamen bo there found, to be taken and dealt with by the Justiceof Peace, by being sent on board, or committed mitil vessel is ready for sea. In Nova Scotia there is no such provision. In New Brunswick, contracts made for procuring Seamen for any vessel, declared void, and money paid for such jiurposc, recoverable back. In Nova Scotia.- — No sueli provision. In New Brunswick and No\a Scotia. — Seamen only bound when articles linvo been signed. In Now Brunswick. — Any one aiding a Seaman to desert, liable to a penaltv not exceeding .£10. In Nova Scotia. — No pi-ovision of tliat character. In both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. — Entering II. M. Naval Service is not desertion. By tho Nova Scotia Act, coasting vessels are exempt from its provisions. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 !? I.I u m ^ U& 12.0 ■2.5 2.2 IM MIL III 1.6 1 liuiugiupIliL Sciences Corporation ^ ri>^ ,\ «^ v> *% v .-V '<«!^>. f^ 6^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^ ^L- 1 "'^^^^ <^=^* 'l^^^---- the by re^enSent '"nli'':;:; H ?'? ^'f'' ^^ '^''''^' re-enatme„t. In Ontario, partially JJiit thoi'c exists m Oiitiiio (chai. 20 St'its of IHfiO « A„+ li l- ,;..:;. " actions iuul suits in ir,.,KT ('.,„ „1 " t,', ^'. .' °V/7^'. ^,'^t I'elating to limitation of Ti.lv ISPQ n , ; 1 ". V '' ) 'M"'«^vision tliat, in all procwdin-.s after 1st of «1 m .;i' ^ ''"'" "'? '"^""' °'" ^« ■•^•'^'•''^'^t «"t of. 01- absent from LTpp-r Canaj" The distinction in porsoiiiil ju-lions is still l-f.nt nn I'n V.„- p -i i in Novi Smti'i m isr;r, ,, n P*^ " "' -^f'^^ ■ijiunswick, and was aUou"' llo i^ V r'* ,'''''''^ ""* of those t.;o Provinces, who were therein K:^it,r:;i,™:t: ■;,';:: "s„?.^ r,!- j--, '^" '"• ~" ^'-.-^ '.'S™i » ^^faoSr ^r™;;;!; '-"■«""°" "l"'"' »- year, „oxt W»,, the c„,n„,e„oc,;S;; of lu NZfVJlr""-'' ","«'," "','■ "° ^'^"""°''y P"'""!'"^' ™ «.es« point,. iliiiiiiilS "was'^ct^W.^'li;;,^"''^ ^'^"^'i'',^^ ^'-P- 1^4, Revised Statutes, section 9. ' '^'^'°''' u^/ ,: °p "'^'- """'"■"' """•'•'«•' ^^°'»«"' I'C'-'^""^ i"«^'ne, imprisoned or ont of S«'=t»- u<::l^:.\VT\\ ""^••' '.';. ««"i'""^ce'l within the like period after tho « i i xi the neir. Sect. 14. ° '^lotuei is not to bo deemed tho possession of In New Bnumoick there is no sucli clause boenS;^: S'S'^gtt^JtST.';:: ,t^; - acknowh^dgment. but po.ses«ion has not claiming through him,°ma; nluh a ZA ^L ^sL 1-son, or tho person entry or bring his action within five years n^xtSCteX St 'T""'' ""'° '^^ In Ontario, no such provision. •' ' In New Brniiswich it is enacted tlnf nn ivn.f «<• iu tt -^ . n America shall be considered '^iySldtl '^liilerl' AcY'secf ^^^ " ''"^^^'^ ^^'-^'^ is abSlsK:"'" ■" ""' '"'*^'^ i"~"' "^'^ '^^ - ^0, 18G2, privde^-from non-residenco l.st l:^:;'Z'^:;Z:^^:S'Z!^ -tlon within twenty years after tho righiofontiy Lrued ij^^t:t^^^ ^^^^^ «-• al- right of entry accrued). payment was made withm twenty years after In Ontario tlio inortafafco has the timm ,.;„i,f ],„i. . ^■n ■, , In Ontario^ provisionslire mLlotlS?;: "A^ "^ '''''''''' ^^ *^° l-^-' relat?;; t£to^''"^^"^''' ''""''^ ""' ^'^^•"^^' ^^^ ^'-1-1-^. - provisic . , re niado In vf rfc P™^!t"« ^'^ "^^^° ^^itl» reference to easements. in A ew Lrunawick, none. In Ontario, no arrears of rent or intprnot ; ,.cc..,, 4. e land, or any legkcy, or any damuis in ri.nP.f/r 7^ ^ °^ ■'"'^ '''^"'^y chargeable on beyond six^ears Vei tL s mf ^ &^ ^l' "^^orest, can be recovered writing. Sect. 19. ^^ ''''"' °' ''^^^'' '''' acknowledgment thereof in In New Brunswick, tJiero is no such iirovision and fl.o mc.++<... 1 1 t the nature of the contract, whether parol orotherwlse ""^'^ ^' ^°^"""^"'^ ^^^ In Ontario, sect. 19, is riualifiod in fn,>.. ^p i notwithstanding such section ":ov/l\-/"l,:^fi,tt^!^^^^^^^^^^ '"-tgpe. who may, mortgagee has been in possession, even beyoml the xTel f'''°. "" -^^^ *^"^^ ^^ 1'"°^" been in j-ossession one year before action brought ^ ' ^ '"'^' i'"*'' mortgagee has In New Brunswick, there is no such provision. In Norn Scotia, the Statutes, with rcforenco to ItmUnfJ^^c • 1 actions, were comprised in one chapter, 151 Reused StliH '" •'''"' ^"'' l'"''''""^* the provisions witli regard to real Estate. w^.Titr^^^^^^^^^^^ "'"'''' ^'-^^^ «" ^ --' ±>ut in a later Act, passed in 186G, the nrovisions win, ',.J^ been extended, and made 'substantially the sZ a^rOn aHo ■ n H K %? ""^ ■'?^^*"' '''^^° that where in Ontario, all distinctiL wiirXe ic^^t ' "^^^^^^^^^^^^ imtxuito to lesulence or non-residence, or oc absence from tho province, wherever it may bo, relative to the time witliin wliich actionn may bo brought, is abolished, and in New Brunswick, for the same imrpose, and to tho same extent, tho United States and British North America are declared not to l)e " beyond seas," in Nova Scotia, tho distinction is preserved, and absence from Nova Scotia gives an additional ton years after retui-n. In ^ovn i^cctia, the same clause is found as in Ontai'io, with reference to tho limi- tation of six years, for the rocovary of arrears of rent, but by a sub.soquent section, action for rent upon an indenture of demise may bo brought within twenty years. ' The latter is tho law in Now Brunswick, and it is probable that the construction of tho 19th section, in Ontario, has been limited to parol contracts for rents. The statutory provisions, with refercmce to oiusements in Nova Scotia are the same as in Ontai'io. JBut with reference to light, tho City 6f Halifax is specially exempted from tho api)licatiou of the principle, that twenty years user, or enjoyment, gives a right to light. n which nctiouH I'pose, ami to the t to bo " beyond I Scotia give3 an CO to the limi- t HBctiuu, action ■s. construction of a are tho same iciiilly cxompteil nt, gives a riglit 91 WITNESSES ABROAD, EXAMINATION OP. Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 32— iOI. New Buunswick. 2 Vol. Kov. Stat., c. 34-335. Novi. BCOTIA. Rev. Stat., c. 135—570. 99 EXAMINATION OF WITNESSBS ABROAD. AT.,,.'?' ProviBiona for this purpose iu tho thme Provinces are the same, except that in New Brunawick, the Aot of tho CommissionerH, in takin- tho evidence is not nv,uiro,l as m Ontario, to he venfiod by affidavit, sworn before tl,o Mayor or (Jhiof Ma«i.strato <,f tlio place where tlie Coninussion was execmted. The niaxin. "Omnia prrmmuntur rite" ,mrlTh^ n'^^K^T^^- ^*! *^" Commissioners, who are for the purpose roganlod as olhcers of tho Court, having been appointed under its seal. And further that in .Ve,« nm,^,wick beforo the Commission can be opono.1, or the ^lon of the Judge trying tho cause, that tue witnesses examined aro out of the Province or dead, or cf unsound mind, Ac, Ac. or unabio fn.m ..thor causes to attend &c InOnlano, on tho contrary, the Commission will bo opened and the evi.h'nce'rec.ived unless the party objectmg, shows u.at the Commission was not properly take f or that tlal witness IS of sound mind, and living within tho jurisdiction of thL Co^urt at the t me the examination is offered in eTidence to the Court. In Nova Scotia the Statute makes no particular direction as to the mode in which tho Commission sha 1 bo executed .r v.rifie.l. The Court, or Jud.res, or Prothon^t rv spocifying any restriction, they deem necessary in th. order gn uS he a,m^^^^^^ and tho Commission when returned may bo opened by tho Prothcno"ir^ t tho ins i.co of either party, on notice given to the of.er parly of tho Con.mi.sion be ig re un e" Ind no suh notice tL'S'h "';• !""« "«''. ""^ '^""' ""'^'''^ *"'^- -■*''- -«''t da'y; aft r \k Scotia. it., c. 135—570. N >y 101 MORTGAGES, SALES OF LANDS UNDER FORECLOSURE. Nova Scotia. ■^ov. State. 114—403. c. Ii24— 435. . » 433. New Brunswick. 2 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 5—96. Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 12—57. 102 MORTGAGfES. Sale of Lands under Foreclosure of. In Nova Scotia the Sale of Lands under foreclosure of Mortgages and the redemption thereof, are made the subject of provisions differing from the proceedings of the other Provinces for that purpose, and in the Act of 18GG, 29 Vic, chap. 11, which restores exclusively to the Equity Court manj matters that had been previously brought by the Acts amalgamating the Courts of Equity and the Courts of Common Law, within the cognizance of the latter, Chap. Hi of the Revised Statutes, 403, "Of the Sale of Lands under tlie foreclosure of Mortgages," is specially excepted, and it is declared that the proceedings thereunder, are to continue to be h\ the Supreme Court and before the Judges thereof. In actions of ejectment, brought by a mortgagee or on bonfls or notes secured by mortgage, or on any covenant in a mortgage, when no other suit touching the same matter is pending in the Court, the person entitled to the Equity of Redemjition, may appear as Defendant, pay to the Plaintiff, or bring into Court the amount due, with costs, and thereupon the C^^tirt, by a rule, may compel the Plaintiff to re-convey to such Defendant, the land mortgaged, and deliver up all writings in his custody relating thereto. Provisions are made for service of the ejectment, in case one of the Mortgagors, should be an absent or absconding debtor ; and further for notice on any persons who would have to be made Defendants, if the proceedings Avere in Chancery. The Court may, if the amount due with costs is not paid, order the lands, after thirty days' advertisement by handbills in the County, to be sold at public auction by the Sheriff. In case the Defendant is an absent or absconding debtor, he is entitled to a re-hear- ing at any time within three years after judgment, and plaintiff, when he obtains his rule for a sale, must give security for repayment, if judgment should be reversed on re-hearing. The deed is to be executed by the Sheriff, and the Court may award a writ of possession. The Sheriff pays out of the proceeds of the sale, the debt to the Plaintiff, and the balance to any person the Court may direct, and the Court, with reference to such suits, and the equitable adjustment of the rights of all parties, is clothed with the same powers as the Court of Chancery. In Ontario and Neio Bruiisvnck there arc no such statutory provisions, and Iho foreclosure and sale of lands under Mortgages (when no power of sale is given in the Mortgage), and the redemption thereof, have to bo brought about by proceedings in the Court of Equity. the redemption ga of tho other which restores broiiglit by tho Law, within the le Sale of Lands Bcl&red that the and before the lotes secured by the same matter may appear as with costs, and such Defendant, elating thereto, agors, should be who would have the lands, after 3 auction by the ed to a re-hear- obtains his rule 3d on re-hearing, award a writ of 'laiiitiff, and tho 3 such suits, and same powers as visions, and !he is given in the r proceedings in 104 Ontario. Con. Statu. C.,c. 32— 401. WITNESSES IN CIVIL CASES, Parties to Came. New Brunswick. Statute of 1856, c. 41. Statutes of Ontario, 1867-8, cap. 1—56. Statutes of Ontario, 1869, cap. 13, p. 31. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., c. 135—580. Stat, of 1865, pago 13. Stat, of 1867, cap. 19. Stat, of 1869, cap. 135. 10^ 1^ Scotia. ., c. 135—580. 1865, page 13. 1867, cap. 19. 869, cap. 135. WITNKSHKS AND KVlimSVE IN (IVTI. C'ASRS. ■■ ''^'^^-'-.^'-pXlj;^^ who may bo parties (, to give Oviil,.|i,.,,. oil tl opi)osito party. u Con. SI Con. St 107 ABSCONDING Oil CONCEALED DEBTOiiS. Ontario. Con. Stat. V. C, c. 25-286. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 19-172. New Brunswick. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 125-315. Statutes of 1807, c. 10, p. 3,5. Statutes of 1859-65. Nova Scotia, Rev. Stat., c. 141—605. Statutes of 1865. 18G7. ins or ABSCONDING OR CONCEALED DEBTORS. Tlio osHGiitial (lilFiTcnce botweeu tho three Provinces in this respect is, that in Ne\v Bniuswick, tho procoodiuLCs, wlien oace takuii a,!,Minst iUi ul).scorulinj,' or ooiieoaled debtor, c««/-rt to tho houolit of ail tho creilit'jrs of tlu; debtor, whereas, in Ontario and .Yova tScolia, I hey enure only to tlu^ b.'nelit of such ci'oditors as may have taken active ste])3 to enforuo thoir claims in that direction, and tho Shorifl', who' acts as trustee, only takes possession of so much propei'ty, as will meet with costs, the amount of the particular claims put in and jiroved on which the proceodinf,'s were taken. Tu A'cw BrnasuHc.k, on procoedin,^'s taken, tiie whole estate of tho debtor, both real and iiersonul, liecoiiies by operation of law, vested in the trustees, who are afterwards to be appointc^d in accordance with tho provisions of the Act relating to Absconding Dobtoi's, and must (unless the proceedings »re set aside by the return of tho dolitor, and he is acquitted of tho act of ab.sconding or concealment, for thf; jjurpose of defrauding his creditors, on due cause shown on personal examination and othei'wise, befoi'c the j'udge who issued the warrant) be divided among his creditors pm rata, .according to law, at'a general meeting, the surplus alone, if any, after full payment, being returned to tho debtor, or his roprescntativcis. In Ontario, before procecd'ugs can be taken, the indebtedness must be to $100, and undei' certain ciirumstances in the Division Courts between $100 and $4. In iV'eio Mrunsii'ick to $40, In iXova Scotia to .$20. In Ontario and iVc(y Branswick; tho departure with intent to defraud, &c., must be verified by tho oaths of two credible witnesses, in addition to the affidavit of the creditor or Ins agent, who applies foi> the attachment or warrant, of this fact, and tlie indebtedness In Xova Srnlits within throe months, such estate will be sold for payment thereof The debtor is forthwith divested of all property, and all acts by him after such notice and all payments of any debts, or delivery of any property to him, or to any peivsons but the trustees, after ■iu-ils to l;e appointed, are declared void. If tho debtor does not return willuti three months and obtain a duperne^hts of the warrant, a Judge appoints three Trustees, who thereupon proceed to wind up the estate, and diride the proceeds, for whicli purpose they are vested with full legal powers. of at i, that in Ne\y coaled debtor, rio luid Xova ictivo steps to CO, oidy takes the particidar )tor, both real afterwards to i Absconding 10 debtor, uml lefrauding his ii'c the Juilije g to law, at a ;urned to the to $100, and (kc, must be f the creditor indebtedness, he jirocess or ication. .summons for ■ six months, ior's property ' to make an ent, or botli. t of the debt and $28 in ;or to a Judge in the Act, warrant is at 1 the Estate rn tho same ? puljli.sliod in as ordered all returns and nent thereof. such notice, r persons but es not return )points three [Is, for which 100 putting in special l' all ll. tl:: ;;.o;e:!Hngs '' '''" ^^^^^'"-"*^ -" ~od on tho debtor .oodJb/^- ^;r^ any other party. Piovi.sion, fur the d.sposidon of perishable property,*made in all the provinces. Statutes Statutes Do. of 1 Ill Ontario. Statutes of Canaila, 18G1, c. 18, p. 30. Statutes of 1868, c. 1, p. 34. Do. of 1867-8, c. 20, h. 4G, p. 117. COIIPOEATIONS. New UnuNswicK. 1 Vol. liov. Stat., 0. lll>. Stat, of 18G2, c. 86. Stat, of 18G4,o. 44—107. Stat, of 18G7, c. 52. Stat, of 1869, e. 72. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., c. 87—342. 112 COUroiJATJONS. «.«rr',Ir>^ti!iT" '^'''" "" ^ ''''•'"^™^'"«*'' '^ -'"'-""1 "^ «>'« Act. Its ,n.ovi.ion, n.-o Manufuc urn,, 'W,,oratiu>u,, tlu, ,n.„l.. ofs,,.!,,, . Corpon.tion. a,.! . 'f wi,uli„g oa, up llu Ju.M S ..K ( omi,,uiH.s r t rmir- .oid,;;;.£::;::s£;;:;:'i;J:;:;';i™;;r'''' ''' '^"^ '^^'^*^^^ ''' company .ay be I here IS no provision uf thi« char.n.'ter in .^V,^ AV,/»Wc/[; and Onlario, though in both, ivs well as in A om ,yc,>^.Vs th,. sio.^k is made Personal Estate. ^ ' manaacincit oft h ''', m •"""; l'. " p'" ''"''"''^' ''''^""''^ ''1^°" '^"^ ^"•^'^'^"'^ '» ^^'^ °f »'i«- inanagemeut ot the allaus of the (Joinj)anv limited uJL^lT'f')" ^'"''''T .'^ "^ '"''^'''''^' ^^'"" ""'^^''*>' ^'f "•'""•^« "'""ber.s is om dlv be^^ of Incorporation) are nuule personally liable for an v responsibility ^ZT ]K '^'^'i-«';'"*"'^''"' ^ '"■''"'•'"'""' '"■>•'""* "'"^'Hpital subscribed, unles.s the sa ct on ot the company therefor be fust obiained at a duly held meeting, held in a Snce poritlon. ^ ' "'' '" '■^'''' '^ ''"■'''"« ''" ■^'"'■"^"-^ authorised by the Act of incor: vent^or^"irinvM/'''f ^r''",^^^^^ ''"'t"'" 'J"'' ''''■' "">' '"^'''•^•'^'' ^^'''^" the company i.s insol- vent, o Jie payneatof which makes the companv insolvent, or diminishes the cu.it il tock, they are mad., jointly and severally liable'to ihe comj.any, to tho id v^d aUh. ^ holders, and o the creditors thoreot; ft.r all .u, to alUaborers. .servants, and apprentices of the ^S^^Z^iX^ "'"' "^'^ "''"^^^ '^ '" ^""^'""' l>ertbrniiJ while tiiey arc But, that liability, uudar this section, .•)9tli, is qualitied :— 113 '.ta in-oviiions jun H tu iMitiinji; ami illilillL,' our up. 1 I'^^Ol, ClltUl.'tl, Vic, ciii), 18.) i.s ill luivancc of i for ail imrposea ho scopo of their ly the Corponito 'I'H to make By- Incorpoiatiou. on of thi^ time y foifciture, or er, fiv tJio pur- i.spo.sing of tlieir unpany may be rio, thougli, iu in case of nii.s- iso niemboi'!5 i.s V I'c.-sponsihility ibed, unles.s tiio Kl in accordance ) Act of Incor- impany is inspl- lies tlie cajiital Uvidual .sharo- lisling, and for •pciti\( ly ;tl, i. .T ibsont, s ..ble to do so, aynient on tlic ewspaper near irs and officer.s the company tli interest, for ent. tlie company. e name of tlie (Miticfs of tlie ivliile they aro cxigiJi'^'- '^^" '^°"'f^'"'-' """* '" ^"^* ""-' ^''" "'f-. -Hliin on,. y.«r after tho samo became 3nllv" I!'" '"'■"':•"'■ """' '"' """•' *'"•'•''''•"• ^^''"'i" «'"• vour thereafter CO J''" '"''"'^^ ''' •'"' ^^''■'■^•'""' -■" """ '- -'■ • .— unt due on the exeouti.m, .ith deb, duo b/ihe .^orponitioCiirr:!;;:.^ ;. ':; n ;■:; ,:;':r;'1 ''^'"'' •-'• -^ debt, incase an oxeontion, on any jud.'meu. " i ,s t e ,f "" ;^'^''- '",', T^" l"'»^-"'« nn,aisti-,|.— (Section l.-J) '•■'"""'• •'n'"">'t ti.e (corporation sjudl be returned '''"'t^^^^^ "-"° Act passed in ;S 3 '^f^. ;^:,VTci' 1 '"''■^'' ''^''^ ''''^'- ^'V. »--'•-' '- -. n'ining and manufacturii... p . r I csL ' 1 ^''T: ";"'"""'" *""'• ('orponaions for 0«u: ::;\;;:;::?,rr' '" ''"^' ''^■■* ^<^^'^'^'' ^-"- -t^-ut the about cbarge.s or posta-^ ' ''' ''""'^"■' " ^"' '''''■' "'t"-««t 6 per cent. ; nothing ^^^Jf drawn on a penson i., any otl.r country, damages 10 per cent., and interest 6 per day, f S;:I;"^ '"' ''^^^ "' " "''^« ^'"'"S •'- ~ «" - PuMic holiday or non^uridical In Ontario, it becunicH due tbe .lay af(or the lioliday. In Acio linnmmck, lh.> day l,efbre the holiday chapter 1 of the Construction ofSt; .tolLi" If'f, ^'^^^^^^ ''''' •^^^^'°" «f " done falls on u Sun.iav, ( 'In istnr (V n I ( .^ I *'"' ''''>',"' ^'•'"^'' '"^ ^ct in to be " day following," nn.st/i;, is ,', b tn nS t' f'"'' ''^'^'^'"' l"'^''"""^"^ °'^ ^J^ required to bo done by .Statute constiued as havuig reference only to Acts onB;^^?Sj:;;;r:^dSi^;:;;;t-^^ declaratory of the well-known law allLti. 7 3i I ? f*m ""' ' '' '^^^^ "\ ^'^'^'^ty "''^ ""ly as such are recognized an.l ucU.! u p m b v tin t. 1 ^ ^^' n'"'"' P™"'i««°'y Notes, and aud not hitherto deenie.! uecc. s^ rv n t lie P.^ "\ ^ ^''""^^^i'^k and Nova Scotia, In other respects uJ^^ULt^ZZ^! '" '''''''''' '''''''''■ 2 Vol. 1 Vol. 97, Stat. Stat 121 Nsw Brunswick. 2 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 8, p. 19. 1 Vol. liev. Stat., chapters 97, 42, 43, 44, and 45. Stat, of 1854, 18 Vic, c. 3. Statutes of 1856, 104. » 1862, 104. ,f 1865, 65. 1870, 122. MUNICIPALITIES. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat, c. 133. Ontario. Con. Stat. U.C., c. 51-151. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 133. 16 122 MUNICIPALITIES. Tin. 1.0WC.H of a :,Iuuicipality, wlien once estal.li.slied, witli n-ferenco to its control mor local afh.irs are m tho several Provinces substantially the same ; though in Ontario, iur the purpose of meurring debts, issuing .l..bentures, and aiding and constructing Publii^ .c-rks, theyare more extensive than in the other two Provinces-but the essential (liherence lies m the mode of their inception. In Outario thr. inhabitants of every county o/ union of counties erected by inwlam- atu.n into an ludeijendent poiinLy or union of counties, and of ..very township or union of townships erected_ into an independent township or union of townships, and of any locality •reeled into a city, town, or incorporaied village, and of every county or township hci.aiated from any incorporated union of counties or townships, and of every county or iu.vaship, or of the .ountius or townships, if more than one remaining of the union, after seuaration, being ko «-ected or separated after the Act takes eHeci (1800), shall be a body coi;j)0iate under tho Act. ^ nnlltJM' j^'^f'^^r*!^'^" ^'f °1'''°" ; ^}^'^' "'"!<"• certain circumstance.s, creates the munici- luiiUer of 'LmV '''''"' re«I'onsibilities of such a Corporation thereupon follow as a wi,otJr/]r""' '^'•Tit '""^ '""'"" ^rnmmck, it is optional with the inhabitants of a county wi other they wil be incorporated or not ; and in each Province, the mode by which that option shall be declared ,s specifically pointed out, vir. :-Bv public meetings in .^S. J.ruuswick, called on a )5otition to the sheriff of at least one hundred of the resident freeholders or householders of the county payincr rates upon property praying for the calling of public meetings for such s ' 'A- P.i ?"'' T '7"^^'' 1.'"''''" ""''"'' "f ""^^^ meetings and the object, given by tho hhcnf of the County, the meetings are held at each of tht- polling places in each paris^ „ '-^ ^ ;«7. I»;";t^'l handbiUs, pulihshmg the calling thereof and the olnect, in ten c, ,. it^.;,. ^i u,e n.o.st public ].laces in each parish, having tlr.st been printed and p.. up. At each meeting, the town or parish clerk or presiding ofTicer returns the lists o. uie votes ooth for and against to the Sheriff, who a.lds ^lie same up and declares the tio ;i:rsi!„^ff"'^?'?' ? ratepayers on property (19 Vic, c. 37) vote for the incorpora- S^ai'ter " ' «ame to the Governor in Council, who thereupon grants a In Xova Scolh on a Petition by one hundred freeholders to the Sheriff, who shall Fl clirVr!"'.' 7"l^ P "''/*"■ «":"i't^^>^eously holding a public meeting in each Electoral District in the County first giving, in each District in three of the most public In Xcio JJr>>us>rick ^xnd ^\n^a Scotia, the right of incorporation is limited to counties, a.tu does not extend to townships or subdivisions of counties as in Oiitario ihe Jlumcpal Act of Ontario is more elaborate, comprising 429 sections, and con- taining ].rorision for almost every subject that may arise in the administrat on of the local aflaus of a county or snbdivison thereof. In X«,,,' Urun^wick and .Yova Scotia, the laws authorising mnnicipalities have never been acted upon to the .same extent that they have been in Ontario, and the local affairs 3 vol., Kev. Stat., c. 8. ICO to its control hough in Ontario, nsti-ucting Publiu -but the essential ectcd liy proclam- nship or union of md of any locality nty or township i" every county or ■ tlio union, after !), shall bo a body ■eates the niunici- ipon follow as a tants of a county do liy which that ineetin(,'s in Xeio t one hundred of ity paying rates cetings for such ect, given by the IS in each parish, he object, in ten iiecn printed and returns the lists ind declares the or the incorpora- ireupon grants a iherifF, wlio shall meeting in each the most public petition affixed, lited to counties, 0. fctions, and con- listration of the lities have never the local affairs es, Sessions, and 124 Ontahio. siiii. of isno, c. ^^^-^r)7. PARTITION. Nnw Brunswick. 2 Vol. Rov. Stat., c. G— 99. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., c. 139—597. T tlio ad I in Out "An . Ti Court, I Judge A in diffc Court Ii and toi Ii ontitloi all j)arl / Act, ar In lands, £ legal ri Impel ii In the peti In u{)on th or not ; respects will ren Foi Commis In made th the jmrt Pre the land sion is n In I e.Kceptioi 125 ScOTfA. c. 139—597. PARTITION. the aE,!;;S^:^!;:;ii?if^,^:--^ "^"^ '"''-' '^ "^^"^" °^*'^^ ^^^ -'^*-« ^« Tn Xom .Sco/rn, it falls un.ler ,v ,livi,sion of tho law relating to Real l>;-onertv whilst An Act respecting, the ,,art,tiou an.l sale of Real Kstato in the Province of ) ario '' VnJ " /^'•«"'«"'«'^^. tl'« proceedings h.ve to be on tho Equity .side of th S nrcnio (^ourt, somewhat accoiding to tho forms in Chancery. ^iiprcnio T I ^'V'!;?""^'^"''"'.''yi"'o^'ce,t CMoa m E,,„it,-, to ll,o ,,yic,v nml »u,,c„.Sf oftL CW Con. S St) Sti 127 Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 12—52. Stat, of 18G5, c. 17. Stat, of 18G5, c. 18. LUNATICS, ESTATES OF, New Brunswick. 1 Vol. liov. Stat., c. 88—222 Stat, of 18Ga, c. 9. NoTA Scotia. •Rev. Stat., Liuiatics. 128 ESTATES OF LUNATICS. In Ontario the control ancj management falls within the power and jurisdiction of the Court of Cliancery to the same extent that it does in England, and will l^e found in the statute relatmg to that Court (chaj). 12, 22nd Vie. con. Stat. U. C. 45). TJie tei'm Lunatic includes Idiots, and the Court has power on evidence to declare a jiarty a lunatic without issuing a commission, except in cases of reasonable doubt. In t le case of a commission, a period not exceeding .six months wa.; allowed to traverse and the trial took place before any Court of Record, or a Judge of the Court of Chancery with a jury, or without a jury (chap. 17, 28 Vic. 1865). By the latter Act tlio right of traverse is taken away, and ill lieu thereof a new trial or new trials are granted under certain regulations, and on such enquii-y the Lunatic must 1)0 produced, if within jurisdiction. _ In New limmwlch a person must be found lunatic by a commission de lunatico mquirendo, which was formerly done ))y a commission in nature of a writ de lunatico inqmvendo .inder the Great Seal, but is now (by an Act passed in 18G9, c. 9) by appli- cation under oath, to a Judge of the Su]neme Court who orders commission to issue under heal o the Court, and the proceedings thereupon had are in accordance with the iiractice ot and by that Act, to be conducted in the Court of Chancer,/. (Memo.— No Court of Chancery there ; mistake in passing Act ; Equity side of Supreme Court.) In .\ova Scotia no commission is neces.sary. Application is made to Superior Court or a Judge tJiereofljy the friends of the insane person, or the overseers of the poor where he is an mnabitant, to have a guardian appointed ; and the Court or Judge after 14 days iiotice, liears and dismisses, or appoints a guardian of his person and estate. The <'uar- dian has to give bonds, and his duties are clearly and succinctly defined. *" In Ontario the- management of the Estate, after the party lias been found a lunatic IS vested in a Committee a])pointed by tlie Court, whose powers are also clearly defined' and by whom security has also to be given. The powers and duties of the Committee are substantially tlie same as those of the guardian in Nova Scotia. ^1 V^ v'^'" //*•«»« w/f/>; the management is by a Committee as in Ontario, and the duties though differently defined, are substantially tlie same. There is no specific provision that the Committee should give security ; but the requiring that would clearly come within ihe jjowers of tlie Court appointing, and is always required. In New Brunswick the creditors, as well asthe Committee, may apply to have the free- hold and leasehold Estate, sold and encumbered to pay debts or perform contracts of the Lunatic, before lunacy. and jurisdiction of id will ])o found in . 45). 'idence to declare a ionable doubt. In 3d to traver.se, and ■t of Chancery with thereof a new trial y the Lunatic must jission do lunatico a writ de lunatico 39, c. 9) by appli- sion to issue under ) with the practice nio. — No Court of ■) to Superior Court, of the poor where udge after U days istate. The guai-- L found a lunatic, so clearly defined, the Committee are •io, and the duties ciftc provision that Hvrly come within ! to have the free- n coutracta of the 130 LUNATIC ASYLUMS AND 1)ANGI<]R0US LUNATICS. Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 71-784. New Bhunswjck. 1 Vol. Rev. Stilt., c. 90— 22G. Do., c. 89-221. Stat, of 1859, c. 30—84. Stat, of 1869, c. 124. Stcat. of 1870, 41 .v^,^,^i'^'^;^ '"^'^'T''^ ^>y ^''« Oovennnont, Assembly, and tl.o nidicul Sup^^S^uI^S^;!;! 1, '!" IT':^*" ^^"^ Govenunent .nd of medical Superintendent not to exceed S/loO 67.1!° tl oS "^ "''''"''"''' ^^'"'^ cornj£sif:;;;£;r^'- -^;f--^ not.;.tLn-fiv,o. .ore than nine three a ,uonnn / ind the nu j^Htv ™U ™Li^ po^^'TS^'T- '""" f '"^™^^^ ' management, conditions of admission, and .li u-^rof .ntfel t^ T^ ''egulations f,,,- disallowance, or amendment by Governor in Co „uin ,!,.•' ^ '* ''* *" ^•^"'"'"lation, visions, and enforcing regulations, i reconl^ ' i^^T ^''7'^^^^ furnishingpro- times to the inspection of Governor in Coun Lf ,i Z "^'- . t ""''•'' "^^"'^ =*^ ^'" Legislature to examine, but no .,erv ui or offil'r.; '^'^''""^'^Pl'^^itf ''7 either brancli of at least five commissioner, -xvemolZ "'^'^'" *"^ bo appointed, unless at meeting, w],ere hold any office of emZmr :^;;;::Sd .^h zz^Ti:: zr\ -'-i-'^^^-' - -^-*or, for, or on account of Asylum, ^r r^;^ ::^Z;;::::::::^::r^-^ly/;^ ^^^^P^'^ ^^ the Board of Wor,., CounliTanJ^rLrontlaJd '" '"'''' '' ''''■^'' "^^'^^'^ '^ ^PP™-' ^^ Governor i„ tives of Christkn churches T. the pS'cs re L^r-^' "^ T^'^"^"";^! '-^l^--"'- appomts medical Superintendent, sala.^ 8200 ' witho^toard'n; I'T • ^''l ^"^"■'••"^'• dent appoints his subordinates, and deferm nes 'tl.H, n !ril i °''='"^ ^ «"poriuton- executive officer, must be a we 1 educateTX. f , V :^"^\ ^7'^ges, and is the chief prenoises^^and devote his wholJ time to tile 'in^H^S.'"' "*' '" "^""^^ ^^^^^'^ °'^ ^l- pal ow :s^sLS::::££:;^Se^ '>^p™-^p^' --iei. for committal of Lunatic, and^ i^a u 3 authorities at Asvlum to detain Lunatic '"'thouty to any person to convey, and on r^^^:::^z;l:::;:^2^ ^^ ^ o-s Lunatic ..o, to the Provincial Asylum Wan ant by two Justices, and committed hards^,fSjSs:^:;,j;:£lt^r:;,^^?^ -^-r^-^ '^'«*-- - qualified medical practitionS. and, m. ^^ " cJS^ li^^ecinSlT "' ?" "" ""^" ^"^>^ pi-actitioners, in writing, the Sheriff or Justils r^u^W n l f fT P'^'^f *-»-'■- -" case before apprehension, only one medical innctitiom ,■ too /•« , , ^^PP'^^hension, iu by two, appointed by tl.; conmissio.iers / I ^.n • ?'*?^"l' '^° ""''^^ '^^ examined In 0«k./o, pro^sion is male Wthe^iymertoZ I ':/""' to H„,,i,,, tenanco of the Lunatic, if under n veirs f ."oL . • "^ ""' "^ ^'"^ ™«t of the main- pblo to pay, and, in 4se of .4;^^ .IS'^^^ S'5'.f"r'''"V- "' ^^'"""^""^' be possosse!rr"Vf ^°f°»-^"^V« "-"""1^1 or dangerous Lunatics, are sub- Co„.St.t,. U,,p,,.c„„»,l;,)J,,dg„„f,|,eC„„„t/c„„,° '^ "^ ' " ^"■' "*=• "' a,m,,'l rcS'of h,l »PI»-.l...;»io»|mJ maintenance, in the atacnce of s,od.and ch.Uels.ot leConnty Judge, as a boarder, a his support, but, ipprehension are- by order of tlie Justices, on any )f sessions, over- o abide order of e of maintenance, n the same man- e, iiave omitted lie cae of pauper in case of omis- ities or Districts tion of crime, or smmitted to the see fit, and the f County funds) may be realized, ement, and for of GoTernor to ieersofthePoor 10 legal settle- rs apprehended, inatics, are sub- rsons becoming 'ge — of the two 1, one must be ' Vic, sec. 5, and chattels, or upon his place r's residence, if •'s family ; if a i^ear, or beiag jylum thereby 134 Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 74-795. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 12—56. INFANTS. New Brunswick 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 126-356. Do., c. U6, sec. 44. Do., c. 121, sec. 2 & 5. Stat, of 1860, c. 3. 2 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 4, p. 94. Nova Scotia. Rev. Stat., «. 127—453. 121, sec. 2 & 5. 124, p. 440. sentt the I Guai theg infan by in and t does : relati of ki fourtc be CO] securi I of Pr appoir the d\ \ fall wi V the sai Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 77-805 ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN. New Brunswick. 1 Vol. Rev. Stat., c. 57-137. '■»- Stat, of 1869, c. 36. Nova Scotia. Rer. Stat., c. 91—357. 135 VA Scotia. «. 127—453. 121, sec. 2 & 5. 124, p. 440. INFANTS, GUARDIANSHIP. the st2gl"'cot?S;^^^^^^^^^ a guavdian however, rests exclusively with infant has\o fathe or guX^^^^ cases wh4 the relative, or the executor or tmSl.fo^^^^^^ tt^if 'f'" '^ *'" "^"^'''•' ^'^ ««^« of kin, unless on good caus. Zwn ^ .In . ^^^^^^\7^^ *""«* appoint the next fourteen years of age, theTXtmrJr^M^^^ '°"'' ?.^^''' P'''''>'' ' l^"fc on attaining be confirmed by thf Jxle "f ProbSe on thJ T" f '"'""' "^^f '-^PPointment is to security. ^ -rrobates, on the guardian nomniated giving the requisite '■A Scotia. ,t., c. 91—357. Con. 1 Con. I 137 Ontario. Con. Stat. U. C, c. 19-11.5 Con. Stat. U. C, c. 76-801 APPRENTICES AND MINOIIS. New BnuxsM-u'K. 1 Vol. Ecy. Stat., 317. Statutes of 1808, c. 13. Nova Scotia. Eov. Stat. 18 138 APPRENTICES AND MINORS. CW ' '^ ''■"''"' '^"""^ ^'^ •^^^^' '" ti'c latter, to .$200 in the County In Ifova Scotia there is no siicli provision. is viitu'.Uv nn^'r? ' "'"'7 '"■"' ^^ ^''w' ^^ ■'«''' ^^'^'^ ''^« "« l"^^'"^t or guardian, IS ^ u til, uy m.ule of ago, and may sue and he med on his contract. his Mrm-:l'\'J^rT'^^^^^ lii these Province, ^vhilo a contract to s uoneht may be enforced hy hun, ]:c himself cannot ho sued upon lils contract and Vic en ; ,^ s •/ ' '''""r'^^''^ '" '''^' '^"'^^ -^f " ^^";-'^'« '•"« to him," Avhen I.y 31st HPPreSes' Tn;;i/''u'°''''^^"""r'^''''",'"'' ^^''■'" ^^'•""^■"•''■^■' •"!""'•« '"'vy bo bound as i/vear^o?r vi/lf ^:f"-%"V'f '• ' ^ ^T"' "'' «'"^''"''"^ ^^"•*"«"* consent-above one;X:^byt;;!\-:;r;;;£^^^ in ; th ee />/ .• ir-r'"'" ".'"'" ' '''' ""*'^ '^ ^'^''^'^ "'^ "g^^-^'nale until 18. I ? L r the r'?/ 'r !,"-^l.^^'>t -"ties have power to bind chiUken chargeable, in uniu) to, tJie consent of the nunor is required. the Ju'stlero/^U^' I'.tf ' ''" '^ *" ''' '-^' •'"^"'■'' ''' '"^ ''^'''^''' ''^ ^'^•'"W i"«t objection, and J I \^».. V «^ • T '" "'^ ^''''^ f ^•t'*!<^'^te to thut eilect, or indent've will be void in .\ova iicotw, there is no such qnalifyuig clause are g^u to^ny uSr^^" l-u'-'^ng app..entices i.v disobedience or in,proper conduct Hereof cj;"^;- :';;:; ,;;;:ni:s.f'" '''^^''' '''-' ^^^^"^^ '^ ---*-'^^ ^^ too,^\^s.t;i:tt;;i:^ir;:;'Saf "' ^'^ ^^^-^ •'"^^^^^^ '^ "'^ ^--' -^ -^-'^ Peac^:f Sra^dSll.::^^,^^^;:^^^^^^^^^^ '^-^'^ ^^^- - ^-ice of other':;i^';,fr;;;;^i;^,'^^=^'^'' ^^^«- -^^ J-^-- °f P-^e, wj^o may order discha.^e or * In Nova 6'cotia, same as in New Brunswick. «pprentiees. ^ ^ '^''" '""'^'"^^ «" '''''"^ '^"«"i«-'*. ^^"J- is competent to take puts a^ S**? IheSa^r'"' '" '" ^'"^^^ ''^ ^^^^^^ "^ ^^''"-^■- ^I^P>--«-^' -d death In iVova Scotia, the statute is silent on this point. section 7 "■"' " "^^ '''''' "^"^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^M>l'ventice are defined by statute, t ^.^:^tCtf^:^:!:^-^ - ^^ - - in U. indenture. In .Uio LruHBwic'; and Xooa Scotia, not. la A^;i"Si;;S"Sl"f '"' t^r^^^^^ apprentices are limited to three years, onlinarylaw. '""' ^^"^'^ '^'"'"'' "^ ""^-l' provisions, therefore governed by In l^aSZtXL^"" ''''''"''"''' ^'—l--lties for harboring indented apprentices. usaa^^tc^Sdl:?'^;::;;""'^^'^^^^"^^'-^ *^'° -^-^--^ if apprentice becomes ninor to sue for 200 in the County ■ent or guardian, lo a contract to his contract, and iini or guardian 1," wlieu \>y 31st niado quoad the ly Ijo bound as consent — above re in two i)arts, .'t'd ; bnt in caao rob.'ition of two inale until 18. ch'en chargeable. st objection, and ivill be void. n))rojicr conduct commitment to ^c, and extends one Justice of ler discharge or ition of law is ster lias powers npetent to take ices, and death ed by statute, tlio indenture. three years, ' governed by ed a2)j)rentices. sntice becomes 1.39 J" f:: tz:-l ™^:;;r;;/'™'7; ','""■" "" '■» '"■''■ ■■""■won,. Kvcry master sliip builder is b, un 1 h C.?' ' *" ^'" penalty, fipi.rentices. "' '" "J"''' '''^ '"' '""I'ls without having any such -d J:;:^;;:.':^;J;^;^J;^^^ H. ac. authorises parents ^IeiV.mltlu.mincas,lof ilMroatnu" l" i: ^ t w'tE m /f " ''^"'" *""*"^^"^' "'"' lu Onn,no, there are no special provisions :i^u:i.*i^^'*^'-^- Stat. Ill AFFIDAVm AND AF1.7nMATT,)X,s MADE ABROAD. Stat, of 18G3, c. 41-107. Stat, of ly,14. o. 40-90. Staf. ,,0,, n — 11.3. Stat, of 18C0, c. 20. I Stat, of 18G2, c. 31. Nova Scotia, R SiS i^ ^^^ b^;!!;} "reside » ''"'"'" " '"" ""*^°'^*'^' *° '''^^'^''' ^•''^'"^ "' ^h^ place wht!^ Xy « \.7i"'' ^.f '•" ')?"' ^^'''".''"''''^ ^™^ ''1 amenanient of (23 Vic. chap. 26 ISGO^ "An ml 0^7 M-'n " .'^J'l^^^^^'^r.* "f, ^■o-"H«.sionors in Ihe United Kingdom an I ott paits of IT. Ms Domnuons, and ni the United States of America to take affida tsn v 'acknowledgements of deeds an.l other instnnnents relating to m te^-s Irtlif R-ovlS " mmed"AS"l;?e r l^^'"^'^ °' *'* '"^"t^ Govenuneut! as a qualification of tl" last Xavtes': ^ °"'' ^'""''^ *•'" ^'''' ^^^"'•^' '"^^-^''g ^^^«" disallowed as 1Rfi3'^/l!!fr^"r"*''V"5 '^^^^'^ ^^°!>^ removed by the subsequent legislation, namely • In "^foler s,^h '!n 1 "'' ''"'''^^ authoridng the Governor by Commiss on to " Enl '' Sve ^H d?^K /"^^^'''■'°"^"'.•^ ""^^'* '^''^^ ^' "^ .'uhfunister oaths, take ami lecene aHu lavits, declarations and aftirmations, in the United Kingdom of Great B4ta and Ire and or any Colony or Dependency thereof without .any qimlification " bmiilar Acts were, in the folowinc/ year nassed hot), ; , ,v.,:. 7? • V i ,r ^co./«, but addnig to the above, or " in an^f;;.i::"stSt^;ounh;^' ''""""' *'"' "^^^^ llio^\eioi./'i/HS!y?f/i.- Act then follow.s the Canadian Act nnrlW c«.+;..„ •? i -x vince ot New Brunswick, before any commissioner authorised bv the Tn,vl ri^or,!.!!! V J)!' '''l'^^f^^'}°"^"'-\^;'^' »'■.'>''<>'<> tl^'i'IVOl or chief m„gi,.„te ofaiiy city fe in «ct:Lfp";Sr'»°' '"""•' "*■■■'' °' He..MaJe.,.,,°„,. i„,„, r„^i^,'^.S'; Tile jA'om Scotia Act is much shorter. A^ee^^^^SrSd'AW " *!" f ■'' ^™r"''-' ''''"^' *''« P«^^'«^- «f *'•« Government in countfr ''^'^°" commiS3ioner,s for these purposes in a foreign In Ontario, Not. same, except a tl to l>ail ; and a I ill the United - take affi(la-\its ilace where tliey 26, 18C0) "An gdom and other ce affidavits and 1 tliis Province," xtion of the last ;n disallowed as on, namely : In ission to "Em- oaths, take and of Great Britain ition." noick and Nova action 3, admits out of the Pro- d Chancellor, to certified under any city the remainder Property and Civil Eights. ^ i"tioducuig tlie Law of England relating to TARIO. J. C, c. 9- 30. ngland, 1792.) 44-452. 90—903.