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 —^-^''JL%'^ — — 
 . I A N I :^VUrS' -t— 11.1 HT -I-. 
 It U n^iiiii nnr tltity nml i>rivil('f,'<> to suiniiion vini to juin in tin' lustoiimvy A'kkk or l\TKnrK.sHrox wliidi for inajiy 
 years Cliristiiiiis of diliiii'ii! niilinns uinl Imii.hiimucs Imv iinrccil to oliscrvi'. It is iliii'iiii;^ to niiirk. ns tln' ycnrs roll on, liow 
 tills (\. II to in'iiyi'i' iiu'i ts willi :i ;iion' ^'ciii'i'iil iiii'l Ij.iuty itsikmisi'. :iii(! i;ic!i suncs-iivc year is iislicrcil ill liy 11 witlci' and 
 inoiv rxtcinli il f^'iitln rin;;' ol' Ihc iliililrcii ol' <1im1 loonnil llir liirotir of tin' liiMVciily ;;rMii'. 'I'lii' rciiii'inlntinci! of niuiiy 
 lialluwcil seasons, wlicn o\ir divolioiis wi re IimI liy vciiiTatcil and iiclnvrd servants nf (Ind. who now rest from tlii'ii' lalioiii's, 
 ami liavi' exi'liaiij,'ed ]H'ayer for pvaise, caimot lait endear to ns tlios casions of cult i vat in^' and Liijoyiii;^ tlie (.'oinninnioii 
 of Saints, ^^'or do the circuinstaiiees of the day in vliieh we live ]ieiiiiif the tlioniiht I'f velaxiiii; in the earnestness and 
 iinpbrtimity of our [prayers. All aroinid ns are syniiitoins which may well awaken ^'rave and aiixions thou>,dits in (.'hristiaii 
 hearts. Tim a^'itatioii and nnn-st of nations, the rise ami fall of emiiires, the rapid and sudden revolutions of o|iinioii, the 
 iinl^ocial ami aiiti-('liristiaii idenuMits known lo he ferment i-i.^ anions,' the masses, the v.ide-spread <lilfusion of seeptieal 
 iduaH, the hostile attitude of modern science towards everythiiij,' sniiernatnral, the startling,' (h'Vclo]iments of an unseri|itnnd 
 and suiierstitions liitiialism ; ami, not least, the astute and audacious stnij,';,di's of J'o|iery to recover its authority over the 
 niinds of men, — tdl tofjether constitute such a ]>lea for jirayer as no iiit(!li),'eiil and thouf,'htl'uI mind can fail to recofini/.e. 
 Tlie most ell'e<'tive reply which the faithful ilisi iples of Clirist ran ;,'ive to the sccivnful tauii!, " \\'hat ]irolit is there in 
 prober]" is by a more fervent and encrjjetic ajipeal to llim ''that heareth jirayer." The most li(iiie.ful mt-thod of frnstratinj,' 
 thefl^iei iiicioiis schemes of foolish or wicked men is l.y en^'agin;;' the arm of niiini[iotencc ai,'ainst them. The constant 
 leissun which the AVord of (lod ti'aches the lieliever in his wartaie with the fniies (.f evil, is, '• Fe.ir them not, for they that 
 lie with I'.s are niori' than they that l"- with them." '•(onl is our refu-^'c and streiiiLjth. a very pnseni iielp in tiMeMe. The 
 I^Ottl of Hosts is with us; the ( Iwd of .lai(d) is oili' refiljj[e." At the same time there is much to excite j^ratitude and 
 eii(!<)niiij,'e hope. Never was the world so open to the entrance of the (iospel. The ancient bariieis of inveterate prejudice 
 liiivu licen lirokcn down; (hieiital nitions an' awikeiiinj,' from tlie deep sliimiier of a,L,'es, and an- turning wi.stfnl eyes 
 towards the mysterious wisdnni and powerof the West. The Alissioiiaiy and tia' Uilile enter with the en^'iiii'ir and tln> 
 mtjcchant. lie it (ail's tu piay that all tin.-.' thiii,:.;s may tall lait to thi' fnrtiiei'iinee ^l l!ie (iispel ; and while dnwinj,' closer 
 t<T¥!TMi other and to (!oi|, to lift up niir united supiilieations that the ;,'loi'ious (luspel nf Christ, who is the iliiaf,'e of (Joil, 
 may shine upon the dark places of the earth, ainl till the world with the knowledi.ri' of llis;,dory. 
 JnLO following are suggosted as suitable topics for exhortation and prayer on the successive 
 -' days of meeting; : 
 tSimihy, Jiniiian/ i. — Seimons: — Tlic niiily of llic t'linstian t'lau'cli. Tin.' real oiiencs.s of all true bulicvfi'i'. Ilinilrniircs nml motives to 
 uiiiiiii. iluliii wii. ;^l, -J^, '2'\. 
 ifunihiii, " 5. — Tbaoksgiviog: — Fin- iiatloniil, iloiiiostic, inid )'(r.-enal iiii'i'cii'S, iKith s|iintuiil aiul toni|K)i'al. Confeuion: — Vn- 
 worthiness and t;iiilt of our iicoplc and oiir.'ii.'lvi's Dau. ix. .1. 
 Tiiemldi/, " 0. — Prayer :— Kor the Chiislian ( 'hiiich ; for llic iiu'iciiso of faith ntnl hoUucss, love nnil iiowi'i- ; mid for the more uliuiii!iint 
 grace of the Holy Spirit ; for |K'rsecatc'il ami suHiriiiH: Chiistiiitii'. Col. i. 1), 10, 1 1 ; Hih. xiii. .'1. 
 Wednemlatj, " 7. — Prayer: — J'or Kami lies ; Home and luireiitnl iiitlncnee. Schools, private ami pulilio. Siais ami dan);li(ers nlisrnt from 
 home. Chiidrcn in siekiu'ss mid alHietioii The eniii;; and di.s(diedliiit. I'.saliii c.w. 1:2, I.'l, 14 ; exliv. 12. 
 Thuriuhiii, " S. — Prayer: — For iinliou.i ; for peace amoajr men ; lor puhlic virtue aial ri^'hieoasness ; lor the luniishment of liitcni|ici'aiirp, 
 iiitidelily, superstitio!:., ami error, mid liir the dilfii.-ioii of laoe and C'hri»tian literature. Isa. .\i. 17, 4H. 
 Ftidiii/, " !). — Prayer:— For the evnn;ieli/.ntioii of Karopcmi eoaiitries ; for the coineision of Isnie! ; lor the .spread nf the (iospel in 
 Aloh'immcdan and lieiithcii hinds. IValm l.\vili..'ll ; e.Nxii. t) ; lleli. .\ii. ;i. 
 Siittiidui/, " 10.— Prayer: — Iii review of the events of IS'.'l. lteco;;Mitioii of the rioviilciice of (iod. Happy Issue of the llivine dis|H'n- 
 isatioii. Isa. xwi. S, II. 
 S'i/H(/(i(/, " 11.— Sermons:— Suhjeet : Christ's kingdom universal and everla.stiii^. rsnliii ^•e^ii. I, l!. 
 The loHowinji urraiij^emeiits have heen adopted for the city of Halifax : 
 SAl'.n.\Tir : .Inn. 4tli.- -Meetinj,' at +), o'clnck P. .M., conducted hy the V,,uii;' McnV. <'hri.tiaii Assecialion. 
 Mei'tin},'s will lie helil every Week-day mornini; at lU, o'clnck, in Aitovii; llvii. 
 Mvi llilll,' .Mectiie/s will he lielii llnlii 7 h till 'J o'clock, as follows: — 
 MONDAY : Brunswick Street Clnircli. 
 TUESDAY : Grafton Street Church, aud Richmoad Churcli. ' 
 WEDNESDAY : Fort Massoy and St. John's Churches. 
 THURSDAY ; Granville Street and Poplar Grove Churches. 
 FRIDAY : St. Andrew's Church and Nortli Baptist Church. 
 SATURDAY : St Matthew's Church, at ;ii P. M. 
 HAI51IATK: Meeting,' eomluetj'd hy the Yoiinj,' .Men's Chiisiiaii As.sociatioii. 
 MOXDAY, .fan. I'Jth.- ■.\ special Meelin;j; of Tii WK.siiivixo roit Tin: .\li:iii ii:s oi' iiik Wi;i:k or s'iiavku will Im' held in 
 Chalmers' (Miuirh at 7^ 1'. >i. 
 1). .MeX. I'AlJKKIf, /Vr.</,/,„/, 
 |.I{aufax, ])i'cuialK;r, l«7;i. I.'OIIKK'T .Ml'IM.'AV. S<-nrhi,;i. 
 . BV I fr .