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Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon Ie cas: Ie symbols — ► signifie "A SUlVRE ", Ie symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimte i des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombra d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 r r' .- ■ * • \l 1 / ■ • !' EXTRACT : OF THE PROCEEDINGS Of a Committee of the whole Council. Under the following Order of Reference relative to a Converfion of the prefent Tenures, in the Province of Quebec into that of Free and Common Soccage: Printed by Order of His Ex- cellency the Governor in Council of the 20th. Odobcr, .1790, for the Ufc of the Members of the Legiflative Council. \ •. ' ' QJJ E B E C: Printed by Samuel Neilson, N°3 Mountain-street, m.dcc.xc. '« ■ «»!■■ p., I ■>-' i^ •• '^Ai • .; .■• ,'■■^■.1^,<,.f \ 4 * * .¥ .^i ■f; 1 -'^'«^■i' ■■■'"!'*• ^«^ ' - *i I ' 1-. - vr. .V f";;^./}* vi-i . vV't- -V:-.**-^^. >-.-'Me--t».»'«';'*-'! •■ --■■\^^' ^-* * -" ' '^ '\ -X / ff^ >•*- .■; -*- |i»>*i,-.-jS.v;v )is>«S':S5t-.M>»vvJ t./.*--»i >t«w»« ^V'?' ' ■ " ■■ -! *:* ittf* ■-'-*■ >^^,»fc-j^>v"-^ -"V V' L'i^- ';'* ,:^>t. ..>_ji..4-i,.-.^»».fv»i'-sn.:,*-' yS;tij4V«»i»-.>" •.-•.*.'-*»"«•*»«»■''-'■* '''"■■^_' r W\ EXTRAIT DES Precedes d'un Commite de tout le Gonfeil, En Vertu de I'Ordre de Reference qui fuit, quant a un Changement des prefentes Tenures dans la Province de Quebec, en Franc et CoMMUN SoccAGE, Imprimc par I'Ordre de Son Excellence leGou- verneur en Confeil, en date du 20 Odlobre, 1790, pour I'Ufage des Membres du Confeil Legiflatif. A CLU E B E C: Chez Samuel Neilson, N'3 Rue la Montagne, m. dcc. xc. \ ■fpw!PW|*ifi»wiP«ii^pp .♦.»■' f '■•y >i 'i''" >..'*<^»j*-»<«in'j^».it'^, "***'* »,;';*r' ';'.'' '.J' '"'■'ft'!'''"** ♦'•*im»»^.'. 'V^' '^' ' ^' ' ■- ,JJ ■■.• :.: ■''' ■n V(f:nW'K ^■'■- fi-u ^u ''' yt '?:^ '■-.: ■ i , ,v.»</ r-. i„ ^J , ,■ ^'■■■'• 1 ■■ . . (•. ,■• ; ■;; ♦^■'V'.-vn^:'. V";' ,j. I "^ ■>!:•■ i I .- 4i'.», j\-' V. .-«-„»i# wasm II Extract of the Proceedings, ^c. T the Council Chamber in the Bifhop's Palace, on Wednefday the 25 th. of Auguft, 1790. PRESENT, ' ' HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE GUY LORD DORCHESTER, GOVERNOR, The Honorable WILLIAM SMITH, Efquire, Chief-Juftice, The Honorable ^ AND ' Hugh Finlay, Thomas Dunn, Edward Harrison, John Collins, Adam Mabane, J. G. C. Delery, George Pownall,"^ He"^ Caldv/ell, William Grant, Francis Baby, C. Delanaudiere, LeCt« Dupre', ORDERED by His Lordlhip, that a Committee of the whole Council invcfligate and report a llatemcnt of the comparative advanta- ges and difadvantages of the Tenure in Free and Common Soccage, and the prefent Tenures of the Province of a different defcription, with a view to the public intereft, as well as that of the individuals, holding under fuch Tenures; that they deliberate, and in cafe a converfion of the prefent Tenures in Fief or otherwifc into foccage Tenure fliall ap- pear to be advifable, that they report upon the moft eligible mode of effecting •i^'Cf/ EXTRAIT DES ProCEDE's, ^C. La Chambre du Confcil dans I'Evcche, Mercrcdi le 25 Aout, 1790. pre'sens, SON EXCELLENCE LE TRE'S HOHORABLfi GUY LORD DORCHESTER, - . GOUVERNEUR, L'Honorablc WILLIAM SMITH, Ecuicr, Juge en Chef, ET r Hugh Finlay, Thomas Dunn, Edward Harrison, Les Honorables < j^^^ Collins, Adam Mabane, J. C. G. De Lery, George Pownall," Henry Caldwell, William Grant, FRAN901S Baby, '" C.De Lanaudiere> LeCte. Dupre', U 3 u w ORDONNE' par fon Excellence, qu'un Commitc de tout le Confcil cxaminera et fera fon rapport d'un ctat dcs avantages et defavantages comparatifs de la Tenure en Franc et Commun Soccage, et des Tenurcj adhielles de la Province, fous une differentc dcfcription, en regard- ant I'interet du public comme celui des individus qui pofTedcnt fous tcl, les Tenures; Qu'il delibere, et en cas quele changcment dcs Tenures avfhiclles en Fief ct Seigneurie, en Tenure de Spccagc, paraifTe etrc confeille, Qu'il fera fon rapport fur la nianierc que Ton doit choi- I i i r cflcdling the fame, without prejudice to the Rights of individuals, and the general Intcreft of the Country. IndoingthistheCommittccareto at- tend ta the Nature and Operation of the different Claufcs in the Statute of 1 2 Car. 2 cap. 24, by which foccagc holding was made general in Eng- land, giving Mr. Lanaudiere at the fame time an opportunity to be heard on his Petition for a converfion of the Tenure of his Ertatcs into that of Free and Common foccage, which was referred to a Com- mittee of the Council on the 14th 'of February 1788. And the Com- mittee may call on Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General for their o- pinion on the fubjed: matter of the reference, if they (hall conceive the fame to be necelfary, and take all fuch other means, as they may think propt J for acquiring the ncceflary informr\tion ; and further, if the Legiflative interpofition (hall appear to be neceflary, the Committee are to report fuch draft of a bill, as the cafe may require. Letter of the Surveyor-General and Deputy-Surveyor General y inclofing an Enumeration of Grants to the Amount of 7>985j470~ Acres. "Surveyor General's Office, Quebec, 25th Sept. 1790." Sir, .. • " The inclofed Lift of Seigniories and their contents was formed in ** purfuance of the Right Honorable Lord Dorchester's Commands. •♦ fignified to us by Letter from Mr. Secretary Motz of the 28th " Auguft." ' " We have had recourfe to the Public Records for thepurpofe; and 'tis polfible, tho' we are not aware of it, that there may be a grant or two, and perhaps more, that have efcaped our refearchcs, and there may for want of accurate adual furveysbe fomemiftake in the '* computation of their contents, and particularly of the Iflands from ** their irregukr figures." "- « Wc (( (< %t ' r ' ] ■ fir pour Ic faire, fans prcjudicier aiix droits dcsindividus et u I'mtcrOr . general du pais. En faifant ccci, Ic Commitc fcra attention a lu nature ct a rcffct dcsdivcrfes claufcs infcrccsdans Ic Statut dc ladouzicmc an- ncc dc Charles II. Chap 24, qui a rendu Ic Soccage general en Angle- tcrrc; Dc donnercn menie tcnisii Mr. Dclanaudicrc la libcrte d'etre en- tcndu fur fa rcquetc, pour Ic changcmcnt dc la Tenure dc fes bicns en ccllc de Franc ct Commun Soccage, qui a etc referee aun Commitr detout IcConfeil, Ic 14 Fcvrier, 1788. hi IcCommite peut dcmander l'oj)inion de Mr. leProcurcurct le SoUicitcur General fur I'objct dc U rttcrence, s'il croit quccc fcra neceflairc, et il prcndra toutcs ct tclles autrcsmefurcs qu'il jugera a-propos, pour prendre ct recevoir I'in- lorniation neceiiairc; et depliis fi rinterpoiition LegKlative paroit etrc nccefTaire, IcCommite fcra Ic rapport d'un projct dc Bill tel que Ic cas . pourra le requerir. Lc/irc dc VArpcnicur Gt'neral ct du Be pule Arpcnlcnr General ^ coiilenaitt un el at desconccjfions montant a 7,985,470:} arpcns. Bureau ee i'vYrpenteur-Generai., Quebec, 25 Septcnibre, 1790. " Monsieur, " La liflc ci-inclufc dcs Seigneuries et dc cc qu'ellcs conticnncnt, a ** ete faite en confequence des Ordrcs du Trcs honorable Lord Dor- «' CHESTER, a nous fignifiespar Mr. IcSecrctairc Motz, du 28 Aouft. " Nous avons cu recours aux Regiftres publics a cet eflct, ct il eft pof- fible, quoique nous n'en favons rien, qu'il peut y avoir unc oudeuxou peut-etre plufieurs conccfTions qui ont cchapces a nos recherches, ct pcut-ctrc que par le defuit d'arpentages a*.^uels exacls, il peut y " avoir unc meprife dans la fupputation de ce qu'clles conticnncnt, et particulicrcmcnt dcs Ifles par leurs figures irreguUcrcs. , B Nou? €t €1 iH r 3 ] ' <* We have lately had occafion to fliew the comparifon, between the «• granted, and ungranted Tcrntoi ies, on the SouibMe of the St. Law- " rence, but the want of Surveys, and the innmenfe extent of the Pro- vince, on the North, and in the North-Weft, renders fucli a com- parifon on the North fide at prefent impolFiblc, nor can be expect- " ed for an Age to come." «' AH we know is, thut thefe vaft regions furnifh abundant fcope for «•, fettlcment and Cultivation, and an innumerable population, cfpcciall/ '• to the Weft of the Meridian of this City, tho' the Counrrits North «• and North-Eaft, of that Meridian, arc mountainous up to the linuis ** of the Hudfon'o Bay company." ♦* We arc Sir your moft Obedient Humble Servants ,^. ,. f SAMUEL HOLLAND, fSigned) J ' ^ ° IJOHN COLLINS, D.^'.G. Honorable William Smith, Kfq; Report of the Solicitor General. ro THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OFTHE COUNCIL. May it please your honors, Anxious to contribute all the Information in my power to the Hon- orable Board of Council upon the fubjed of the Letter I received from His Honor the Prcfidcnt on the 3 1 ft of Auguft laft, inclofing fcvcral im- portant queftions relating to the Tenures ofLftatcs in this Country, and fuggcfting the idea of converting the fame into Free and Common foccagc; I fubmit the following Anfwers to thofc Queftions for the consideration of the Board. It is fit I fliould inform the Honorable Board that the prefent dangerous ftate of Health of the Attorney Ge- neral has defeated our intentions of making a joint Report, and I may urge with truth that the daily avocations of my other public depart- ment '■I • r 3 J (< (( U « (Sigms) mcnt «* Nous avons dernierement cu occafion de montrer la cctmparaifba * entre les terntoircs concedes et non-concedes fur le cole Sud du *' rieuve St. Laurent, mais le defaut d'arpentages et rimmenfe cten- ** due de la province au Nord et dans le Nord Oueft, rcndent impof- fible a prefent une comparaifon fur le cote Nord, et o.i ne peut cf- pcrer de I'avoir d'un fiecle a venir. " Toutce que nous connoifTons eft, que ces vaftes rx^gions fournilTent une carriere abondante pour retablifTenient et la culture et une po- pulation innombrable, fpecialement au Oueft du meridien de cette ville, quoique les pais Nard et Nord- eft de ce meridien, font mon- tagneux jufqu'aux limites de la baie d'Hudfon. " Nous fommes, Monfieur, vos ties obeilfans, humbles Serviteurs, TsAMl. HOLLAND, \jOHN COLLINS, D. A. G. A lllonorable Wm. SMITH, Ecuier. Rapport du Solliciteur General. AUX MONO RABIES MEMBRES DU CONSEIL, Qu'lL PLAISE A VOS HONNEUR3, D^firant contribuer a toute rinformation que je puis donner a l.'Ho^ nora'.lc Confcil au fu jet de la Icttre que j'ai re9u de fon Honneur le Ficiident, dateedu 31 Aout dernier, contenantdifterentes queftions im- portantes quant a la maniere de pofleder les biens dans ce pais, et qui Iiggcrent I'ldeede changer cette maniere encelled'un Franc etCommun Soccage; Je foumets les reponfes fuivantes a ces queftions, pour la con- fideration du Confeil. II eft a propos d'informer 1 Honorable Confcil, que le dangereux etat aduel de la fante du Procureur General, a em- peche 1 intention que nous avions de faire conjoinrcn'ens un rapport, et jc puis aflurer avec vcnte que les diverlions journalieres de mon autre •fc» 2 dej^artcmcnt fsK 1 i mi nil r 4 ! mfnt have greatty impeded mydeliberationsontheprefent rubjecn-, but as expedition may be wilhed and e\pedcd, I ihall (late my Anh\tia concifely, but I hope witL a degree ol' precifion. " %icJiion I. — Upon uhat Tenures were the Lands of this Country "granted by the French Crown? The Civil Conftitution of Canada was Eftabliflied upon the Feudal Syftem; large Tradts of Land were granted by the 1 rench Crown en Ficf et StignenriCy thcfe Eflates are ?ii\\Qd Bicns Nobles i fmall parcels and Town Lots were granted by an Ignoble Tenure, called Rotun\ There arc fome, a very few, allodial grants, the Tenure is termed Franc Altu Noble and Franc Aleti Roturict : a lower ftili by that I'cnure which is of a fpiritual nature called I^iire Aumone^ or Frankalmoign. (C « ^icjlion 2. — What kind of Tenure was mofl: prevalent and what may be Itated in probable conjecture for the proportion between them? In the Country, the Tenure en Fief et Seigneurie were almoft uni- verfal. In the Town of Quebec, feveral fmall parcels ^\ ere granted up- on the fame Tenure; and there, as well as at Three Rivers and adjoining to the Forts of Crown I'omt, Detroit &i.c. fmall parcels or lots w ere granted en Roture. The proportion in favor of Fi<?fs and Seigncurics (alluding to the Royal Grants) is beyond comparifon g'-eater than all the other 1 enures. " ^rjlion 3. — What fccuritics had the French Crov/n by the Law of *• the Country, or the Nature and Tenor of the grants, to compel or <' promote the Cultivation and improvement of the land granted? 1' i It li' ' . . r 4 ] d^parrement puM'c, ont mis un grand obftacle auv del'berations qiit j'aiuois pu faire lur ceprefcntobjet; maisconime I'onpeut fouhaiter ft aitendreune prompte expedition de ma part, je ferai mes reponfes d une nianiere ccncifc, et j'efpere avec un degre de precifion. letr. ^urJI/v?.—" Dans quelle efpece de Tenure ctoient les terrcs de *• ce pais, ronredecs par la Couronne de I ranee? La Conftitution Civile du Canada ctoit etablie fur Ic fyneme Feodal: de grandes parties de terre ont ete concedees par la Couronne de I ranc& en i icf et beigneuri'c— ces etats etoient ftiles biens nobles. Queiqucs parties et quclques emplaccmens de villc ont ete concedes en Tenure fous la denomination de RoHnr—U y en a queiqucs uns mais trcs pcu, en conccflions lianches, cettc Tenure ell denommec i ;v./t.- a.'eu NolU\ el tranc-Aieu Rotiaicr. 11 y en a un j.lus petit nombrc encor fous la Tenure d'unc nature fpirituelle, appellee Pure Aninjiie ou Frank A.i/nif7g. 2de. ^lejimt. — " Quelle efpece dcmouvance prevaloit, et quelle pcut •* etre fur une conjedure probable, la proportion entre les dites terrcs? Dans le pais la Tenure en Fief et Seigneurie a ete prefque univer- fellc. Dans la villc de Quebec pluficurs lopins font concedes fur Ic rramepicd, et dans ret endroit ainfi qu'aux Trois Rivieres ctdanslc ter- rain aux forts de Crown roint, du Detroit, &c. quelques petites parties ou lopins ont ete concedes en Roturc. J a proportion en fa^ eur des Fiefs et Seigneuries (en confiderant les conceflions Royales) efl; hors de toute comparaifon avec toutes les autres tenures. 2^11 c ' _%(ejl ion. — " Qucllcs garanties avoit la Couronne de France par *' la loi du pa'is, ou la nature ctla tencur des conceflions, pour obliger '• ou aiancLf la cukuie et ramelioration dc la tciie concedec? ^ ;ll ) I i: ij i ! ! ' i I W * [ 5 ] A power of reuniting the Fftate to the King's Domain, in default of Cultivation and Improvement by the Grantee, was the on)/, ifitcan be deemed anyfecurity of the Crown; and this ift. By the Tenor of the grant, almoft univerfally ftipulated; and 2ly. By virtue of two Arrets of the King of the 6th of July, 171 1, His Arret of the 13 th of March, 1732, and his declaration of the 17th of July, 1743. Several Seigncuries, and more particularly thofe near Lake Champlain, were, antecedent to the Conqued, at the inftance of the King's Attorney General, reunited to the King's Domain, by Or- iionances of the Governor and Intendant, for want of Cultivation and Improvement made by the Grantees, and afterwards regranted to o« thers, and in fome inftances to the fame Grantees. " ^i^Jiion 4. — What were the legal Burdens upon the Grantee of the *' Crown in refervations, conditions, rents anci iervices; or what were ** the benefits accruing to the I rench Crown trom the Nature ot ihe ** Grant founded in the ufual refervations, or by the general lawi of " the country?" The Grantee and his Heirs and Afligns, by the Tenor of his Grant and by the law of tl^ country (Art. 32 and 33 of the Cuflom) were bound to render fealty and Homage to the King (by his Reprefenta- tive) at the Caille of ht. Lewis in this City ; the valkl, was bound at the fame time, or within I orty days after; (Art. 8, io and 11,) to de- liver to the King's Kepreleniative, an Aveu ct DojcmlrejnentythaX is to fay, a particular flvitement of his Title, the extent of his fief, its de- pendencies, appurtenances and prerogatives ; whether he had aright to hold Courts of Juflice, high, inferior or low Juflice, any and which of thtmi the amount of the icni of the Clerk's and Notary's (Jflices, I me* default of fit can be ,ted; and le 17th of lofe near [iftance of I, by ur- ition and Lted to o- tee of the .hat were ire ot the .1 laws of [lis Grant 3m) were prefenta- bound at ,) to de- that IS to -, its de- a right to nd which 3 Oflices, lines I - I s 1 ■ ' . Un pouvoir de reunir le bien au Domaine du Roy a defaut de cul- ture et d amelioration par le conceflionaire, etoit le feui moicn que Ton peut croire etre la garantie de la Couronnc, et cela lere. Par la teneur de la concefllon, prefqueuniverfellementftipuleejet 2de. En vertu de deux arrets du Roy du 6 Juillet, 171 1, de fon arret du 15 Mars, 1732, et de fa declaration du 17 Juillet 1743. Flufieurs Seigneurics ct plus particulicrcmcnt cellcs pres du Lac Champlain ont ete, avant la Conquete, a I'inflanccdu Procurcur General du Roy, reunies au domaine du Roy, par des Ordonnances des Gouver- ncur et intcndant, par faute de Culture et d 'amelioration faites par les conccffionaires, et cnfuitc elles ont ete concedcesde nouveau a d'autres ct en quelqucsinflanccsaux mcmes concellionaires. 4f.mc. ^fcjiion. — " Quelles ctoient les charges li'galcs fur Icconccfllo- ** naire de \a Couronne, en referves, conditions, rentes ou fervices, ou " quels ctoient les avantages qui refultoicnt a la Couronnc de France, ** de la nature de la concelTion, fondce fur les referves ufitees, par les '* loix generales du pais? Le conceiTionaire et fes heriticrs et aians caufcs, par la teneur de la conccffion, et par la loi du Pai's (Article 32 et 35 de la coutume) ctoit oljlige de porter Foy ct Ilommage au Roy (par fon reprefentant) au Chateau St. Louis dans ccttc villc; le valTal etoit oblige enfuite, ou dans I'cfpace de quarante jours apres (Art, 8. 10. et 11.) de delivrer au re- prefentant du Roy, un aveu et denombrement. Cell a dire, un etat par- ticulicr de fon titre, I'etcndue de fon Fief, fes dependanccs, fes appar- tcnances et prerogatives, s'il avoit le droit detcnirdes Cours de Juflice haute, moyenne ou bafTc, aucune et quelle de ce: Cours ; le montant de la rented': grefiiers et- Notaires, les amcndcs ct autrcs droits, fon n.anor 4 •,'". -J: ill i'/'' • [ 6 ] Fines and Other Rights ; his Manor- Houfc, the lands of his Domain, the quantity and quahty ot'his arable, Meadow, paliurc and Wood Lands, what Ponds and Lakes; what laim Houles and other Buildings he had on liis Domain, the boundaries of the I arms, their revenue and to whom let, or whether he cultivated them himfclf, the annual amount of the CcJiSy Rents and other dues, with the number and names of his Cnifit aires ox Tcy-'lcnanlSy or others fubj eel. to pay rent to him; the Rights andfervices he owed on account of his lief; whether he had Right of Mill ; the Lands granted en AV/.rronhis LOate; and a particu- lar delignation of the Arriere or rere-Fiefs; How he became entitled to hia lief and ^cigncurie, whether by SuccelTion (and particularly whether in the Line direCl or Collateral) by purchafe, gift, or how othervvife. Upon the fale or other mutation of the Fief (except in the dircc^I. line) the Fine called Droit Dc S^jin/, or a fifth part of the amount of the purchafe money was payable to the King, at the time of rendering fealty and homage, (Art. 25.) in rcfpedl of Lands governed by the Cuflom of Paris, which is the general law of the Lountry; and in, re- l*pe<I;l of Lands governed by the Cuflom of Av.v/// Le iruneois (for there were fome few grants made fiibjecft to that Cuilom) a Relief, i, c. one Year's Revenue of the Fief fold (Art. 23-) and not the Quint was pay- able upon every mutation whatfccver. The King might ufe his Right of Ret rail Fcodal, the Jus reira^um w ithin forty days after notice given of the Sale of any Fief and Scig-, neurie made by his Grantee, rcimburfing the Purchafer his, purchafe money, and the legal expences (Inyaux Cents) Art, .20. but this Right ceafed after an Livelliture of the New VafTuls Thcfe are legal Burdens, ' r 6 ] ST'nnoir, les tcrresde Ton domainc, la quantite et la qualit'e de fes terres en labour, ccUc dc fes prairies, pfituragcs et a bois — quels etangs et lacs; quelles muifons de fermc et aiitrcs bfitimens conflruits fur fon do- r line, les limitcs de fes fernies, leurs revcnus, ct a qui elles etoicnt af- ■f rmees, s'il les cultivoit lui-iTKnic — le niontant annuel des cens, ren- tes et autres droits, avcc le nombre ct les noms des fes cenfitaircs ou t nanciers, ou autres fuiets a lui paier rente — les droits et fervices qu'il dc oit a caufe de fon fief; s'il avoit droit dc moulin; les terres conce- dees en Roture dans fes biens, avec une defignation particulicrc des ar- riere ficfs; comment ilefldevenu proprietairede cc Fiefct fcigneuricp Si c'efl par fucccfllon fet particuliercment par ligne direcle ou collatc- rale} par acquifition, donation, ou par quelle autre maniere. Lors de la vente ou autre mutation du Fief (excepte en ligne diredlej Tamendc appellee droit de Quint ou la cinquieme partic du rnontant du prix dc la vcnte, etoit paiec au Roy dans Ic terns de la rcddition de la lay et Hommage (Art. 25) eu egard aux terres fous la Coutumc dc Pa- ris qui eft la loi generale du pais ; ct quant aux terres fous la Coutumc du />a/w /c h'iDK^ats ( car 11 y avoit ici quelques conccffions aflfujeties a cctte coutumc) \\n relief toit payc, c'eft a dire, une annee dc revcnu du dit lici vendu (Art. jj) ct non Ic Quini:, a chaque mutation quel- coiique. 1 c Roi pouvoit ufer dc fon droit Feodal f Jus Rctracftum) dans qui- rante jours, apres avis donne dc la vcnte d aucun fief ct feigneurie faitc par fon concefiionaire, en rembourfant a 1 acquereur fon prix d'acqui- licion et les d pcnies legalcs ou Loyaux Couts (Art. 20) rnais ce droit -cciloit apres 1 lavclUiurc du nouveau valfal ; ce font les charges Icgales. C QueU V : \uw? r 7 ] A few old Grants made by the India Company ftipulated that on c-* very Mutation a Medal of half an ounce or an ounce of Gold (uii^ Mailie J'Ur) fliouldbe paid the Company m lieu of the Quint. The ufual Refcrvations and Conditions in the more ancient Grants ivere, I. That the Grantee fliould, vithin a Year and a day, build an Ha- bitation upon, and a>;tually inhabit the Lands (lenir feu ei lieu) and cultivate and improve the lame (dcfcrter et meltre en v. .ur) and caufc hiS Ter-Tenants (Cenjitaires) to do the fame within the fame period; (fome Grants mention that the Lands arc to be Hocked with Cattle in in two years) in default of which the King fiiould of Right re-enter in- to the PolFcffion of the Lands granted — but a formal i^rocefs for the Re- union, was however thought nccelfary, and always profccuted by the Attorney General. 2. That the Grantee flioulJ prefcrve all Oak Trees growing on his Domain, and caufc all Oak Trees fit for the Conilruction ot the Kin"-'8 Ships to be preferved by his Sub-feudatories (CenJ.taires). 3. That the Grantee (liould give Immediate Advice to the King or h'u Governor and Intendant, of the difcovery of all Mines, Ores and Minerals (ALues, Miniercs rl Mmereaux) found in the Lands Granted; With exception only to two Giants, wherein they arc cxprcfsly given to the Grantees. 4. That the Grantee fliould get the Grant ratified by the King, ge- nerally within the period of one Year. 5. That the Grantees fliould permit the ncccflary Roads to be laid out for public Utility, and caufc a Claufe to be inferted in their Con- cclfioaa to the Tcr-tcnants that they fi.ould do the funic. The .^^ t on c- Id ('«'.'(? Granta an Ha- ;'«j and :aufchiS period; .attic in nter in- the Re- I by the g on his e King's King or )rcs and • ranted; y given obe laid eir Ccn- The • r 7 ] . Quelqucs anciennes concefllons faites par la compagnic des Indes, (li- puloicnt qua chaque mutation, il Icruit doniieunc inedaillcdunedame once ou d'une once d'or a la ConipagniCj au lieu de Quint. Les rcferves ct conditions ulitees dans les plus ancicnncs conceflions, ctoient, I o Que le ConcefTionaire dans I'an et jour, batiroit une maifon fur la conceflion et habiteroit aduellcmcnt les Terres et cultiveroit et ame- lloreroit les ditcs terres, et fcroit faire la meme chofe par les cenlitaires dans le meme cfpace de tems — quelques concefTions font mention que les terres I'eront fournics d'animaux en deux ans, a faute de quoi le Roy rentreroit de droit dans la polfcflion des terres concedees ; maisl'on croi- oit toujours ccpendant, qu'il ctoit neceflaircde faire la reunion par une adion pourfuivie par le procureur General. 2. Que le ConcefTionaire confer veroit tous bois de chcne pouflant dans fon domaine, et fcroit confcrver tous les bois de chene propres a ]! conflrudion des vaifTeaux du Roipar fes fousfcudataires oucenfitaircs. 2. Que le ConcefTionaire donneroit immediatcment ivis au Roy ou a fon Gouverneur oulntendant, de la decouverte de tou s mines, mini- cres ou mineraux trouves dans les terres concedees; il y a feulement deux concefTions dans Icsquclles ils font e.\prefTcmcnt donnes aux con- cefTionaires. 4. Que le ConcefTionaire obtiendroit une ratification par Ic Roy dc fa .conccfTion. en general dans I'efpace d'une annee. 5. Que !cs concefTionaires fupporteroi ent les chemins neceffaircs qui feront fa'ts pour I utilite publicjue, et qu'ils infereroient une claufe dans leg concefTions a leurs tcnancicrs, qu'ils les fupportcroicnt egalcment. C 2 Les .^^ ■^: ill [ « J. The more modern Grants contain the fame Pcfervations anj Con- dilions, but they alio contain additional btipulatjons, nuuidy, 6. That in cafe the King fiiould have occalion lor any part of the Land granted for the purpofc of building 1 oris. Latteries, i'laces of Arms,.i3torcs, or other i'ubHc V\ orks, he fl.ould be at liberty to take the fame, together with the Trees and '1 mibcr that fljould be nccef- fary, and alfo. Firewood for the fupply of the Cjarnfons within the extent of the Lands granted, without being held or bound to make any Compcnfation to the Giantce. 7. That the Grantee fl^ouJd allow the free ufe of the Beaches to all Fifliermcn, except fuch part as he might Ihmd in need of lor his own Lilherics. 8. That the Grantee fliould concede Lands to his Subfeudatories at the.iccuitomed Rents and Dues (cense/ Rentes ct Rcdevames Accoiwlumcs) for every Acre in Front by forty in depth ; about a fourth part only of the Grants contain this Claufc. 9. In many of the latcfl: Grants the King- refervcs the Right of tak- ing Oak Timber, Marts, and Yards (Miitures), and all other Timber proper forthe Condruction and Fquipment.of his hhips, without making any Compcnfation for the fame — and in one Grant the King rcfcrves the Red or Pitch Pine for making Tar. There were no Rents rcfcrvcd to the King by the Grants made in Fief and Scigncurie; nor were the Grantees liable to any legal bcrvicts, except rendering I'caliy and Homage to the King's Lt}:re(cntative, and furniflung the Aim el Demmlrement in the nianner before defcrib- cd, but this they were bound to, on Pain of the jaij.e Jcodak of their Eflates. (Art. i.) By V W m C 8 3 Lcs conccHlons plus modernes rcnfLrincnt Ics mcmcs rcrcrvcs et cpn- diuons, mais cllcs conticnncnt cncor U'autrcs Aipulations, I'avoa-, 6. Que dans le cas ou Ic F^oy auroit bcfoin d'aucune partie de terre concedee a 1 cHetdc conlUuirc dcs Torts, batteries, places d'^nnes, nia- gafins ou autrcs ouvra<^es publics, il auroit la llbcrte de prendre telle piirtie, enfemble les arircs et bois nrccllaires, et Ic bois de chauffage pour lafourmturc dc la garni Ton dans 1 etcnduc dcsterrcs com edees, fans ttretcnu ni oblige den faire aucune compenfation au conccllionairc. 7. Que le conrcfTionairc laifTcroit I'ufage des greves a tous pcchcurs, cxceptc telle partie dont il auroit befoin pour fes propres peches. 8. Que le conccfllonairc concederoit I,cs tcrres a fes cenfitaires aux rentes, cens et redcvances accoutumes par chaque arpent de front fur quarante de profondcur — 11 y a environ laquatrieme partie des concefli- ons qui conticnncnt cctte claufe. 9. Dans piulicurs des dcrniercs conccfHons le Roi fe referve le droit dc prendre des bois de chcne, des mats et vcrgues, et tous autrcs bois propres a la conftrui.T:ion et tquipcment de fes vaiflcaux, flins en faire aucune compenfation. Kt dans unc conccfTion le Roi fc referve le pin rouge pour faire du godron. II n'y a point dc rentes refervees au Roi par les conccHions faitcs en Fief ct fciprneuric, et les conccfllonaircs n'etoicnt obliges a aucuns fcr- vircs lejraux, qn'a rcndre et porter Foy ct hommage au reprefentant du Koi, ct fouinir fon aveu et denombrcmcnt dans la maniere ci-defRis evpliquee, mais ils t'toient obliges a ces deux ferviceSj fous peine de faific feodale dc kurs biena. (Art, i.) Par i Ma r 9 ] By one of the Arrets aforementioned of the 6th July, 171 1, the Gran- tees were hound to concede Lands to their Subftudatories for the ufual Cens el Rentes el redejiin.csy and by the Arret of the 1 5th of March, 1 732, uponnon-conpliance on the Part oftheKoyal Grantee, theGovernorand Iiucitdant \\tie impf/Vcrcd and directed, to concede the fame on the Part of the Crov^ii, to the Iixclulion of the Grantee, and the Rents to be pa) able to the Receiver General. The Grantees are thereby aifo reft rioted from felling any Wood Lands (Dois de loul)^ upon Pain ofNul- 1 ty of the Contract of Concelfion, a Reunion of the Lands to the Roy- al Domain, and Reftitution of the Purchafe Money to the Subfeu- datory. The Benefits accruing to the French Crown from the Nature of the Grants en Fief el Seigneur/e, Mere cafual; under the Cuflom of Paris, the Revenue oi^iinl (a third of which was ufually remitted) and un- der the Cuflom of rexi:t Le fran^joist a Relief. I have mentioned the Droit de Retri:it fcodal. By the Roture Tenure, the Grantor, whether the King dircdly, or his Grantee en Fief medial el)\ ftipulated a fpccificSum (one Halfpenny for every Acre in Front by forty Acres in Depth) payable to him by the Roture Grantee annually on a fixed Day, and at the Seigneur's Manfion Houfe, for what is termed Cens, evidencing thereby that he was the Seigneur Cenjur et Fonder, or immediate Seigneur of the Roture Gran- tee (marqiie de ladireiJe Scigneurie.) A Specification indifpenfibly ne- celTary to intitle the Seigneur to be paid the Lods etventes, upon every fubfequcnt alienation of the Land granted, (Cens porte Lods el Ventes) and anotucr Specific Sum (one Halfpenny for every fupcrficial Acre con- tained [ 9 3 t'ar un des arrets ci-devant mcntionnes dii 6 Juillct 1711, Ici eonccfliona:res ctoicnt obliges dc concedcr a Icurs ccnlitalrcs pour ks cens ct rentes et redcvanccs ulites; etpar larrctdu 15 Mars i7j2,lors- que Ic foncclFionairc Royal, nc s*y coalormoit pas, Ic (jouverncur ct 1 intcndant ctoicnc autord'es ct ordonnes de concedcr Ics dites terrcs au nom de la Couronnc al'cxclufion du conceirionairc, ct Ics rentes ctoicnt p'lyees au Receveur-gcncral — Ics concclFionaires n'avaicntpaslc droit dc vcndrc aucunes terrcs en bois dc bout, fous peine de nullite du contrat de conccffion, d'une reunion des terrcs au doniainc du Roy, ct dc U relUtution du prix de la ventc au ccnlitaire. Les profits que retiroit la Couronnc de France de la nature i\cs concef- fions en I'ierctScigncuric, ttoicntcafucls — fous la Coutumc dc Pans, le revcnu du quint (dont Ic tiers ctoit ordinaircmcnt rcmis) ; et fous la CoutMine du l^'exinlc FuuK^ais, un Relief. J'ai parledu droit dc retrait icodal. Par la Tenure en Rotilrc, cdui qui concede, que ce foit Ic Roy dircc- tcmcnt ou fon concefllonaire en I'icf intcrpofe, IHpuloit une fonime fpe- cilique (un demi penny par chaquc arpcnt fur quarantc en profondcur) paiable par le conccflionaircen Rotiire, chaquc annec a un Jour fixe ct au manoir feigneunal, pourquoi cettc fomme aoitdenommec cens, prou- \ant par la.qu'il ctoit le feigneur cenficr et foncicr, ou le fcigneur im- mediat du concefTionaire en roture (niarque dc la dircvile fcigncuric) fpecifiration indilpenfablcmcnt neceflairc pour autorifcr Ic Seigneur a ctre pair des Lods et Ventes fur chaquc alienation fubfequcnte de la tcire concctlcc (cens porte lods et ventes) ct une autre fomme fpccifiquc (d'un demy penny par chaquc arpcnt en fupcrficie dans la concciTionj pourquoi elk etoit dcnommee Rent:. Dans ks villes de Quebec et des Trols f TO 3 tained in the Gnnt) for what is called Re^te. In the Torn? of Qu^Vec and Three Rivers, the Refervation of the Cens et Rentes^ fcr fmull Lol^, are variable anri very low, but fpecifically afcertaincd. Upon every Muration of Roiure Lantls, the New Proprietor was bound to produce his Titles to the Seigneur, and in forty Days afccr ex- hibitin-^the fame, the Seigneur, in cafe of a Mutation by S-^le, and even upon Donations, i>ucr •vi-vjSy from a Collateral Branch or Stranger, w i-; intitlcd to the Ahenation 1 ine called Dr-jit de Lods et Venics, (Arc. 7,-) v hich is the tvclfth Penny or a tvtlfth Part of I'lc Priceor Value of il c L.;na; a fourth of the Fine was ufually remitted by the Seigneur, but Without any Obligation fo to do. The King by Virtue- of an Edid of the 20th March, 1673, ^^'^^ the Right of Lcds et veviis i j^cn ex harpcs ct one inhtnianct for ano- ther, on Lands granted by the Crown en Rmre. Put this Kight v as limited to the King alone, and did not extend to his (uantees en i wf ct Seiptrurir o\er their fulfVudntoiics, txcepaheJ-^cgnturs of thelflaiia of Montreal, to whom th's Right was given, m lieu oi tiie JJio,* uc Jiiftice, which they rcl-nquifiied. Thefe are legal burdens, but clearly afertained. Tlie Pencf.LS accruing to the I .ench Crown from the nature of the Ro\al Grants e-i Rct/ar, were morel} the Oz/j et Rentes, and the^^aiu- al Revenue of Lod.^ rt I'mtrs, with the Right of Pre-emption, but this Right ccafed after feifin given to the proprietor. The Roturc Tenants in Canada, in Vrtue of the King's FdieT ofr! c 4th lune, 16S6, and the provincial Judicial decifions given in crn- fequpnre, Mere bornd to the ferviruile of grinding all the Corn foi if,e ^onfumption of ti^ca i anuLco at tiic Luiui, JVIiIli oi their Scigneris. t 10 3 Trois Rivieres la referve des cens et rentes eft variable, et tres modique, mais conftatee fpecialement a chaque mutation de terres en roturc, Ic nouveau proprietaire etoit oblige de produire les litres au Seigneur, et dans Ics quarante jours aprcs I'cxhibition de ces titres, le Seigneur en cas dc mutation par vcnte, et mcme fur donations entre vifs, prcvenant d'unc branche collaterale ou etrangcre, etoit auffi autorife a recevoir I'amcndc d'alicnation denommee Droiis de Lods et Ventes (Art. 73) qui eft Ic douzicme folou la douziemc partie duprix etvalcur dela terre; un quart de I'amende etoit ordinairement remife par le fcigneur, mais fans aucune obligation de le faire. Lc Roy en vertu d'un edit du 20 Mars 1673, avoit k droit dc lods et ventes fur les echangcs d'un heritage pour un autre, fur terres conce- dccs par la Couronne en roturc, mais cc droit etoit limite au Roi feul, ct nr s'etendoit pas a fes conccflionaires en Fief et Seigneurie, fur leurs ccniitaircs, exccpte les Seigneurs de I'lllc de Montreal a qui ce droit a, cte donne, au lieu du droit dc Juftice qu'''s avoient abandonne. Cc font les charge?^ legalcs, mais claircment conftatees. Les profits rcfultans a la couronne de I ranee dc la nature dcs concclTions Royalcs en roturcs, etoicnt fimplcment les cens et rentes, et le revenu cafuel de* lods ct ventes, avec Ic droit de rctrait — mais ce droit celToit, lorfquc Ic proprietaire etoit enfaifme. Les Tcnanciers en Roturc en Canada, en vcrtud'un edit du Roy du 4 Juin 1786, et des decifians Judiciaircs Provinciales donnees en con- fcqucncc, etoient obliges ^ la fcrvitudc dc moudre tout le froment pour la confonmiaiiou dc Icurs families, aux moulins bannaux de leurs Seig- D ncurs., f '■ 3 The Toll is a Fourteenth Buflicl; and the Penalty for a Contravention, under the Authority of Provincial Deciiioms is undcrilood to be the iay- niLiiL o[ DouUe Toll. c^th .^^rjlt'on.—- •* What were the Benefits \vhl( h the Grantee of the " Crovn might draw from the fu! -feudatory; or what were the burd- *• cni in acknowledgements. Rents and Services, to which the occu- *' pants 'inder the l<o)al Grantee were Lable from the nature of the •* Conceflion or by the Law of the Country? This is in great part anfwcred upon the fourth Quertion, in refpect of the Benefits which by the Law of the Country (independant of con- ventional flipulations) the Grantee of the Crown might derive from his fubfeudaiory ; and which in fact are the burdens that the fubfeuda- tories are liable to. But the Grantees, of long ufage, impofed other flipulations in their contracts of Conceflion to the fubfeudatones ; fuch as the Rtlrait Con-cenlioncl (the Jus reiraciunij the payment of one or more Bufliels of Wheat annually, one or more Capons, a certain num- ber of day's labour (Corvees) &c. But thefeare Conventional Burdens. dlh ^iCjlion. — "Was the Ef^ate of the Grantee of the Crown fubject to partition by Marriage Contra -t, TcHamentary Difpofiti- on, or any other mode of alienation voluntary cir Judicial, and by *' inheritance in the Lines dired or Collateral; or was any Lilatc held " impartible and unalienable, or ui the nature of an Lngliili Intail? I jonccive the Common Law of this Lrovinre, in relation to the pow- ers to be exercifed by Marriage Contmcf, tellamentary difpolition or any other mode of ahenat'on, refpe(:!:iing the tenure en li-f el ibagneii- fie, and that en iioiurcy to be indifcriimnately the iiime, By t* it pil hcurs. Lc droit eft le quatorzicme minot, et la peine, en cas de contra- vention, fous I'autorite des decilions provinciales, eft lc paiementdu double decc droit. ^me. ^tcjiion. — " Quels etoient les profits que lc conccflionairc dc '* la Couronnc pouvoit tircr dc fon ccnlitaire; ou quelles etoient les ** charges reconnues, les rentes et fcrviccs auxqucls les pofiefleurs fous •* le conccfTionaire Royal, etoient obliges par la nature dela conccflion ** ou par la loi du pais? Uncgrande partiede la queftion aete reponduc fur la quatrieme quef*- tion, quant au profit que par la loi du pais (independant des ftipulations conventionellesj Icconccllinnairc de la Couronne peut avoir de fon ccn- litaire, et oui en fait font ks charges auxquelles Ics cenfitaires font ob- liges, mais les conceffionaircs,- depuis un longufagc, ont impofe d'au- tres Hipulations dans Icurs contrats dc conceffion aux ccnlitaires, tels que lc rerrait conventional (Jus rctradum) le paiementd'unou pluficurs ininotsdebIcdparchaqueannee,ou un pluficurs chapons,un certain nom- bredejournecsdc corvee, &:c. — muis ce font des charges conventiorel- les. (mr. ^{rjlioii. — " Lc bien du concefnonairc de la Couronne etoit il ** fujet a partage, par contrat de mariage, difpofitionteftamentaire, ou " par aurune autre maniered'alienation volontaireoujudiciairc, et par ** fuccefllon en ligne direde oucollaterale? ou y avoit-ilquelqucsbiens ** fonds tenus indivifibles ou inalicnables ou dans la nature d'unefubfti- '* tution Anglaifc? Jecon<j'ois la loi commune de cettc province, relative aux pouvoirs qui doiventctreexerces par contrat dc mariage, difpofition tcPamenta're, ou par aurune autre rr.aniered'alienation conccrnant la Tenure en Fief ct fcigncurie, et celle en roture, eft indiffercmmcnt la mcmc. D 2 Paf r » 3 By Contradt made before Marriage, the contravHiing pirtfes might make fuch Itipulations refpeding both their Real and Pcrfoiial Proper- ties as they unitedly juged fit. They might ftipulate that the real ae Veil as the pcrfonal property belonging to both, or either of them, of any defignated Part thereof fliould, or lliould not, enter intothe Conjugal partnerlhip. Butafter Marriage, Inheritances descending to either ofthem byfucceflloninthelinedired,orColIateral,orgiven by Donation or other- wife in the line dired (unlcfs the contrary were exprelTcd in the deed of Conveyance) to either of them, did not enter into the Communaute or Fartnerfhip. Lftates given Collaterally, or by ftrangers to cither of them, after marriage, became a part of their joint property; but b/ cxprefs ftipulations in the conveyance, the liberality of the Donor might be prevented from becoming a part of the common Hock, Antecedently to the Quebec Ac% 14th of His Majefly cb. 83. a fifth part only of Eftates defcendcd by Inheritance, which are termed Ptopres, could be devifed or otherwife difpofed of (except in cafes of adual falej to the prejudice of the Heirs dired or Collateral, who in that refped might be faid to have the expedant Reverlion of the other four fifths. Real as well as perfonal property acquired or purchafed pending the Communaute, which arc termed ConqiuHs^ being the fruits of the joint induHry of the hufband and wife, were a part of the joint itock and partible as fuch. In cafe of Marriages, without a previous Contrad, no part of tbe ■ real property of either huiband or wjfc, before marriage, entered into tihe QommunaHtet by the Municipal Law j their perfonals alone did ^o, ", Eilatce r 12 3 Par le contrat fait avant le mariage, les parties contraiHiantes pou- voient faire telles fpeculations conccrnant leurs proprictcs refpedives recllcs et perfonelles, comme ellc Ic jugoieut a-propos; elle pouvoient ftipuler qne les biens reels et perfoncls de chacune des parties, ou dc I'uiie d elles, ou aucune partie de ces biens entreroient ou n'entreroiciit pas dans la communaute conjugale — mais aprcs Ic manage, Ics heritages qui leur advcnoient a I'une dcs deux par fucceflion en ligne directeou colhiteralc, ou donncs par donation ou autrement ' i ligne direcle (a moins que le contraire ne fut exprime dans le contrat de Tranrport) a I'une oua I'autre n'cntroit point dans la communaute ou la focicte -Les biens donncs en collateral ou par etrangers a I'une des deux parties apres le mariage, devenoit partie de leur propriete conjointe, mais la liberalite du donatcur, par ftipulations exprefles dans I'ade dc tranfport, pouvoit cmpecher tels biens de former une partie du fonds commun. Antecedemment a lade de Quebec, dans la i4me. annee ciu rcgne de fa Majefte Chap. 83 une cinquicmc partie feulemcnt dcs biens d'hcri- tage fous !a denomination de proprcs, pouvoit etre divifee ou autrement dilpofce (exccpte dans les cas d'une vente acluelle) au prejudice dcs hcntiers diredsoucollateraux, qui a cet egard pOuvoient ctre reputes avoir la reverfion des autrcs quatre cinquiemes. Les biens reels et perfoncls acquis pendant la communaute, qui font nommes conquiis, etantlcs fruits d'une induftrie conjointe du mari et de la femme, faifoient partie des fonds de la communaute et divifibles comme tels. Dans les casde mariage, fans contrats prealables, aucune partie des biens. reels du mari oudc la femme avant le mariage n'cntroicnt en com- Biuaautn par laloimumcipalcj kuri biens pcrfonncls y cntroient feuls. Lea- m [ '3 ] Ertates en Fir/ei Seigneurie , are partible in the manner following. The elded fon in the nature of a jointure,^/)^r droit (.VAineJJe ct Vrcci^ put) fucceedsto tlie Manfion Houfe (Chdlcau on manoir principal) the Inner yard (Bafft^ conr) and a fupcrficial Acre of Land adjoining to the Manfion Moufe fuppofcd to be an inclofcd Garden (un nrpent de I'erre de Vendos cl Jardin) if there be fuch ; and if there happens to be a Mill within that Inclofure and annexed to it the Right of Bunnulity, the bo- dy of the Kuilding belongs to him, but the profits of the Toll are not veiled in him alone, they arc divided in proportion to the inheriting Rights of each -cf the Mcirs (Art. 13 and 14.) If it fliculd happen tl'.at thtic were but a fon and one otiicr child to inherit, the eld».'ll fon furcccdcd to two thirds of the lillate. Mi Brother or Siilcr to ihe ether third (Alt. 15.) If there Mere more Children, the elded Son fuTecded to ono moie- ty, the other Children to an eoual proportion of ihe other n.oiety (Art. 16.) The Dnit d' Aineffc did not extend to f.malcs, but fuccedions, in the di reel and Collateral lincs^ \\cre divifibie in equal portions. (Art. 19.) Jn the Collateral Line, females u.d not fucceed with Mules in equal degree, (.-. -.25.) Upon marriages had a\ ithout a previous Ccntrad, the Widow had her cudomary Dover (le Dmairr Cauiumur) Mhuh Mas a mo.ety for her life of the Revenue of her Hulbinds real cfiatcs pollcli'ed at the timeof his marriage, and tholedcfeenaing to him in the line direci pend- ing the marriage, (Art. 247,248;)defcenfiibletothe iftueofthcmairiagc, (Art. 249;) upon renouncing to their lather's fucccdion (Art. 23O;} for theycannotclaim to thecflateby inheritance and to the right of dover. Kid n\Jl DoUiiiriir ct hcriiicr dc fon Ptrc ( Ar. 25 1 . j Edates IC .e re ill )- Its r 13 ] . Les biens en Fief ct feigneunc font divuiblcs dc lamanicrc fuivantc. leprcmier enfant (parclroit d'aincfTc et preciput) fuccede au manolf principal, a la bafle coui, a un arpent en luperficie de terre joignani !c ni,ino;r, que Ion iuppo(c rtrc un jardin enclos (un arpent de terre dc I'cnclosct jardin) s'll y en a un, ct s il y a un moulin dans cet endcs avec le droit de banaiit , Ic corps du moulin lui appartient, mais Ics profits de mouture n appartienncnt pas a lui fcul — ils font divifes en pro- portion aux droits d heritage dechacun des h:^ritiers (Art. 13. & 14) s'll arrivoit qu il n y cut qu'un fil-. ct un autre enfant henticr, le fil ain;- fuc- c doit audeux tiers dubieu fonJs ct I'autrc ticrj a^partcnoit a fon frcrc ou a fa foLur (Art. 15} S'il y avoit pl'ificurs cnfans, I'aine fuccedoit a unc moitie, ct IcsautrcS enfaiii a unc gale portio^i dans 1 autre moitie (Art. 16.) Lc droit d'ainefTe ne s'cte'idoit pas aux filles, mais les fucccflions ca ligncs dire.;:l:es et colkrt rales etoiencdivifiblcs en cgalcs portions. Dans la ligne collatcraie les lilies ne fucccdcnt point avcc les males en gal dcgr, (Art. 2^) Dans les mariages ou il n'y a point dc contrats prcalablcs, la veuve avait ion douaire Coutumier qui ccoit pendant la vie, la moitie du reve- nu des proprc-. de fon mari polTedes au terns de fon manage et ceux qui lui font advcn'is en ligne di redes pendant le manage (Art. 247.248) qui dcfccndent aux enfans iffus du mariage (Ar. Art. 249) en renon9ant a l.i fucceiuon de Icur pcre (Art. 2^0) parcequ'ils ne pcuvcnt rcclamer le uicn comme h riticrs ctcomme au droit du douairc. Isul n\jt iicua:- rur Li L^,:,ur ucf:nj)crc (An. 1^ i ) Lef5 M feflat(?s fubjctfl to tlie cuflomary dower, flood pledged (Mypothuiiiis) from the day of the marriage for the fecurity of the Widow and IfTue of the marriage, and if aliened afterwards, they continued fubjed to her and their rights. Marriage Contracts, donations ////iT r/t'<7J, and by tcflamcntary difpofi- tions, an Intaii, which the Civilians term Suljliliidon (F-Uici Commiffuire) may be created (iho* I know no inftancc of it in this Province, but ihere may be fome) fo far down as the fccond degree ( VOnioutiancg iVOrlcans) they mufl. be publifticd and cnregiftcrcd in the proper Court of jullicc within fix months after the date, if inter vivos, and within the fame period after the dx^ceafe of the fubflitutor if it be a teflament- ary difpolition, and in that cafe they cannot be purged or affeded by any Judicial decree whatfocvcr, except refpecling debts due by theSub- flitutor. -ith ^irjlioii. — " Were the fubfcudarory Farms of the concefTionsof *• the Tenantry helil under the royal Grantees, dcvifablc, defcendiblc, ** alienable and partible in the like manner without limitation," V/ith exception to the partition of the Roturc Lands among the Heirs, which were partible among them in equal fliares, Mithout the Droit d'Aint'jft' or other preferable right, the anfwcr tothefL\thqucfticnapplies. %lh ^irjlion. — ♦' Would a converfion of the French Tenures into •' the Tenure of Free and common Soccage be advantageous to the •♦ proprietor holding by grant of tlie French Crown in lief, Scigneu- «' rie or Roturc, difcriminating its effeds as to the parcels that are fet- ** tied, or fuch as are flill unconceded and t icukivated; and what in particular apj cars to you to be the inflance3 of advantage or difad- << vantage to rcfult from fuch Convcrlior." There t M 1 Lcs biens fujets au douaire coutumicr ctoient hipotheques da jour du mariage pour la fOrcte de la veuve et des enfans du mariage, et s'ils et- oicnt alicnes enfuite, lis cominuoient a etre fujets .a fcs droits ?ta ccux des autres. Lcs contratsdc mariage, les donnations entre vlfs et les difpofitiona teftamentaircs.ainfi que la fubftitiiiion que ks Civilicns denommcnt Fideu Comm'ffaire pouvoicnt etre faits, (quoique jc n'cn connoifle pas d'exem- pledans cctte Province,maisilpeut yen avoir) jufqu'au fcconddcgre ct (Ordonnance d'Orleans) ils doivcnt etre publics et enrcgiftres dans la cour dc Juftice compctente, dans fix mois apres Icur dare, fi cntrc vifs» et dans Ic mcme terns, apres ledeccs du fubftituteur; fic'cflune difpofi- tion tcftamentaire, et dans ce cas ils ne pourroicnt etre purge's ni affecles ^laraucundecrctjudiciaire quelconquc,exceptcquand aux dettes qui fc- roient dues par le fubflituteur. 7wr. ^lejlion. — " Les fermes des conccfTions dela tenure fous les con- « ccdionaires Royaux, etoient-clles divifiblcs, dans le cas de fucceffion " defcendante, alienables et fujettes a partage de la meme maniere fans ** aucune limite ni rcftridtion? En exceptant le partage des Terres en Rotiire parmi les Heritiers, qui etoient divifibles entr'cux en panics egalcs, fans le droit d'aineffe on autre droit privilegie, la rcponfe a la fixicmc queftion s'adapte a cctte fcpti'-'me. %me. ^lejlion. — " Un changcment des PoireiTions ou Tenures Fran^ai- " fcs en celles de Franc et commun foccage, feroit-il avantageux au •* proprictaire tenant par conceffion dc la Couronne dc France en Fief " ct Seigneuricouenroturc? en difFcrenciant fes cffets, quant auxpar- " tics qui font etablies, ou a celles qui nc font point encore concedes sX ■♦* incultes; etce qui vousparoit particulier(.mcnt etre des cxcmples de '** J!avantage ou defavantagc qui doit rcfultcr d'untcl changcment? E 14 r rs ] There appears to be engrafted on the Royal Grants the fiaion of feo- dal Tenure, drawing after it the fervile appendages of Alienation 1 inea, &e. .flints and Reitefs upon the lenuretv/ HeJ\ and Lous el Ventes and the fcrvitude of Bamtalile upon that en Roture-, and therefore a general anfwerto this qucflion can give no Lmbaraflnient; nor can 1 helitatc faying that a Converlion ot ihoi'e Tenures into that of I ree and con.nion Soccage, which is not fubjed to thofe appendages, would be advanta- geous to the Roture Grantees of the Crow n. With regard to the Royal Grantees en Fiefct Scigneuriey fuch a con- verlion, if unqualified, might and 1 think would opperate a heavy lof« to moftof them, by being deprived of their certain Revenue oi Banna-' iiu't and their cafual Revenue of Lods et Veules. The Droit de Jujlicey accorded to them by their Grants, w hich tho^ cxercifed in many Seigneunes antecedent to the Conquefl, but tacitlf rclinquiflied, or at leaft not excrcifed lince that period, is an objed: fre- quently mentioned by the Seigneurs, to whom by their Grants that light was given. The Haute Jujlice, on account of the Prifons which the Selgneut Jrlaut Jujlicicr was bound to ered and maintain, as well as of the necef- fary Officers of that Juftice, might be conlidered onerous upon them, but on the other hand, they w ere entitled to the confifcated Lllates and Effeds of perfons convicted of 1 elony within their Seigneuries, to Ls- trays, to Lltates efcheating for want of Heirs, to the pofltfhon of vo- cant inheritances, and to Judicial lines. By the (latute of the 14th of His Majefty ch, 83, I conceive the cri- minal powers of the Seigneurs to be abrogated, and their pretensions limited to the civil part only. [ »S ] II paroit que la fidion de la Tenure Feodale eft annexce aux concefliftns Royales, entrainantaprcs ellc Ics appanages fcrvilcs des amendes d'alic- nation, &;c.-Quints ct reliefs fur la tenure en fief et les lods ct ventcs et la fcrvitude dc banalite fur cellc en roture; et par conf.qucnt unc rtponfc gcncrale a cettc quefbion ne pcut donner aucun enibarras; et jc n'hcfitc pas ^ dire qu'un changcmentdc ccs Tenures en Franc ct commun Soc- cage, qui n'eft point aflujeti a ccs appanages, feroit avantageux auxcon- ccflionaircs dc la Couronne en roture. Quant aux conceflions Royales en Fief ct fcigncurie tcl changcmcnt, s'il n'etoit pas revctu des qualit-^s requifcs, pourroit, et jepcnfeop 'rero-t une grande pcrtc a himaicurc partied'icelles, ftant privees de Icur rc- venu certain de banalite c't de leur revenu cafuel de lodset vcntes. Lc d it dcjunicer^eux accorde par leurs concefllons, qui quoiqu'cx- erce dans plulicurs Scigneuries antcctdenient a la conqucte,mais aban- donntc tacitcment, ou au moins fans avoir etrcxerce dcpuis ce terns, eft un objct dont les Seigneurs parlent fouvcnt, ce droit leur aianr. cte don- nepar leurs conccfTions. La haute julticc, rapport aux prifons que le Seigneur haut jufticicr /^toit obiigf* dc conflruirc ct d'entretcnir,ainfi que lesofHciers nCceiraires decett.e juftice, pouvoit etrcconlidi'rc'ecomme leurctant on.rcufc; maia d un autre cote ils avoient droit aux biens confifqu.'s et aux effcts de« pcrfonne.i convaincuesdeFelonicdans leurs Scigneuries, aux cpaves,aux fucccffions en aubaine faute d'heritiers, a la pc/ffeflion des heritages va- cans et aux amendes judiciaires. Par le Statut de I.i quatorzieme annn'e du R'gne dcfa Majcftt^ Chap. 8j- '}c Contois que lespouvoirs crimincls des feigncurs ojit t tc abrog'^;s, ex Icur^ pretentions limit^cs a la partie civile fculement. E 2 lji\ r '6 J A converfion of the Tfnnrc<rw Fief, \nKr ^re^ffrd common 5<nrraj?tf^ fi'ould exonerate thofe Eltaces from the Alicna..<m Hnes payal)lc to the King in the manner 1 ha^e mentioned ; but as they have in view to hand down their Eftates to dilbnc generations of their fimJies, many of them conlider the i:.xcmption of payment of thofe fines to be but of little moment; and then fore, upon that ground, atonverfion ofthe '1 rn- ure would be a certain difadvaii:age, but no certain benefit to thcm« refpeilUng the parctls of their cAatcs that are already conceded. \t may not have the fame effecfl with rcfpc(fl: to the iinconccdcd part Ofthcireltatcs; 'tis true, theconverfion of the Tenure into free and frora comnion feoccage, vould, by a fit law for thatpurpofe, preclude them theirnowlegalnghtstoalienationfinesandBannalit , but they might dif- pofc of that part of their Trtatesin fee fimple, for fuc'u annual quit rent as may be agreed upon, or upon Leafes for lives, or term of years, per- haps to a greater advantage than thofe at prefent granted upon the Ro- ture Tenure; and there is great reafon to apprehend, that that part of their Inflates would be more rapidly fettled and cultivated; I am therefore of opinion, that in refpeCt oi the ungrantcd parcels of their Tftates, no material difadvantagc, perhaps a much greater benefit would accrue to them, by a converfion ofthe Tenure into free and common Soccage. ^h ^irjlioti. — " Would fuch converfion ofthe Tenure ofthe Enateft " or larrns ofthe fubfeudatorics be beneficial or detrimental to them; •* and in what rcfpeCtsas you apprehend, and for what rcafons?." The e i6 } Vn Aingemcntd'unc Tenure ea fief en ccllc de Franc ct Commun Soccagc dcchargtroit ces biens des amendcs d'alicnation paiables au Roy dans la manicrc que je 1 ai mcmionnr ; mais conime ils ont en vuc do tranfmettrc Icurs bicns aux generations cloigncca de leurs families, plufieurs d'cntr'eux conlidcrcront I'cxcmption du paiement de ccs am- endcs, comnic fculcmeni pour un moment; ct confequcmcnt fur ce prin- cipe> un changcmcnt de tenure deviendroit un d ^fa vantage certain pour eux, ct ils n'auroicnt aucun avantage allure quant aux parties de leurs bieiis qui font dcja concedes. Ceci ne pcut pas avoir le meme effet quant a la partie de leurs bicns qui n'cit pas cntor cone dee; il eft vrai que le changcmcnt de 'I'enurc en cellede i ranc et ccmmun Soccage par une loi a cet efi'et, les prive- roit de leurs droits adiucls et Icgaux, aux amendcs d'alicnation et a la banalitc; mais ils pourroicnt difpofcr de cctte partie de leurs biens en fimple emolum cnt pour telle rente annuelle dont ils peuvent convenir, ou fur des Baux a vie ou termes d'anncts, peut-etre a un plus grand avan- tage que celui dont ils jouiflent adutUement fur une Tenure en Roture, et il y a de grandes raifons a croire que cette partie de leurs biens fcroit plus promptement etablie et cultivee ; je fuis en confequence d'opinion* que quant aux parties non-concedees de leurs bicns, ilb nv,; peuvent fouf, frir aucun deliwantage d'importance, et que peut-etre il leur en rcfulte- roit un plus grand profit par un changement de 1 enure en un Franc et Commun boccage. gme. ^iejlion — " Tel changcmcnt de la Tenure des bicns ou Termes " des cenfitaircs feroit-il avautagcux, ou tourncroit-il au detriment de <* ces '-cnfitaires; et dans quciles vues vous le voyez, ct pour qucllcs V: raifons VOUS Iccroiez,? Le [ 17 ] The benefits that would refuk to the Roture Grsimees of the Crown, of which I have fpoken in the anfwer to the 8th queftion, would equal- ly atfed; the fubfcudatories of the Royal Grantees in Fief. It is however right to obfervc, that, by the French King's edidts and declaration before mentioned, the Royal Grantee en 1/r/wa.s bound to concede Lands to all Applicants /or the acciijlomed Rents and Dues, and upon his non-compliance, the Governor and Intenvlant were diredled to do fo, on the pnrt of the Crown, and for the benefit of the Crown; this niay be confidcrcd a great ficiJity for the fcttlement of the Children (who are numerous,^ of the pocr Peafantry of this Country, to whom a]one> and in this refpectonly, the converlion of the 1 enure may prove detrimental, from their Inability to purchafe Lands, though a wilder- nefs^ on account of the exorbitant demands of the Lroprietor. loth ^lejlion. " How may the Intcrefls of the Crown and public be " affecled by fuch convci fion; ilati.ig the p jints inw hich it may opcr- " ate to the lofs or emolument &f the Royal ktvenue? " The intcrefl of the Crown, in relation to the Grants m^de by the French Crov^n, and there have been \ery few, and of but fmall parcels or lots (except that given to Mr. Shoolbred in the Diflrid of Gajpc^ fincet'^.e Conqucli, is but of fmall v. onfi deration in pv)mt of Revenue, iilienations of ivV/iand ^'eigmuries in the Country are not frequent, but the royal Koiim' Grants, in the tov n of Qiicbec, merit fonie confidcrati- on, not in reft^ecit to the quantum of the annual rents, but on account of the line of Lcds et Ventes, proceeding from the frequency ofalicna- tionr; they are a Cafualty,anu cannot bcprecifclyafcertaincd, an) more t};an the revenue of Quint. Eut r '7 ] I.e benefice qui en refulteroit au>: concefflonaires en roture de la Cou« ronne, doat j'ai parle dans U reponfc a la huitieme quellion, aiteclcroAt cgalemenc les cenfitaires des conceliions Royales en Fief. II eft jufle cependant d'obferver que par les edits et declarations du Roi de i ranee ci-defTus mentionnres, leconceffionaireduRoietoit oblige dcconcedcrdes terres a tous ceuxquilui en demandoient aux rentes ct droits accoutumes, et lorfqu'il ne s'y contbrmoit pas, le Gouverneur et Intcndant avoient le droit de le faireau nom dela Couronne et Jour fon profit; ceci peut-etre confidere comme une grande facilite pour I'eia- bliflcment des eiifans (qui font tii grand nombre) des pauvres habitans de cepais, a qui feuls, et a cet egord feukment, le changement de te- nure peut tendre a leur detriment, par leur incapacite a acheter des terres quoiqu en fore ts, rapport aux demandcs cxhorbitantes du pro- prietaire. lome, ^lejlion.—'* De quelle maniere les interets de la Couronnc et •» du pubhcpcuvent-ils ctre affcCies par te! changement; en conftatant '* les points danslesquels il peutopercr la perte ou femolument du re- ** venu du Roy ? L'Interet de la Couronne quant aux conceffions faites par la Couronne de P>amc, et il y en a trcs peu etde petites parties ou lopins fexcepte celle donnec a Mr. Shoolbred dans le diftrkt de Gaipe,) depuis la con- quete. eft d'une petite confideration quant au revenu. Les alienations dvs fiefs etfcigneunesdans le pais, ne font point frequentes.mais lescon- ceftions Royales en roture dans la ville de Quebec meritent quelque confideration, non pas quant a la quantite des rentes annuelles, mais rnpport aux lods et ventes qui proviennenr du gnnd nombre d alienati- ons; mais comme Us font caluds,l'onng peut fas les tonflater plus que h: ievenu du quiiit, j^j^i^j •II [ .8 •] 'But if the extenflve trads of the ungranted lands of the crcwh were divided into diftindt ISeigneuhes, and Grants made vi the lands therein to the Peafantry upcn the Roture Tenure, the revenue dcducible to the crown thereby, might, and would in the courfe of a feries of years, be very produdive, and continue to inereafe. At the fame time I am of opinion, that the Settlement of the waftc lands might, under that Tenure, be checked and g'.catly impeded, to the detriment of the Population, Agriculture and Commerce of the Province, a great part of the benefits of which would cc-^ter in the Mother Country. iifJo ^lejlion. — " By what mode may fuch converfion of the Tenure "be created? If the Prerogative is competent for it, what claufe may *♦ be necefTary in the Royal Patents or Grants, and if a law is wanted to *' cffed thcdefi^ii, what paragraphs ought it to contain for the intercft «* of the Proprietors, whether Seigneur or Cenfitaire, Lord or Tenant, •' ormoft eligible as Avell for individuals as thecro\vn and the public? " Taking at jhe fame time into confidcration the flatutc of 12 Car 2. " ch. 24." The exiting tenures being a part of <"he municipal laws of the Coua. try, I think a law will be neceflary to declare their convcrlion. I fhall, with all the expedition that my now prefling avocations in the Council oflice department will admit, fct about preparing fuch claufes as, to me, mayap[,.ur expedient for the intended law. I fubmit this report, as a work done with fome degree of precipitation, proceeding from the motive of accelerating the i.iiportant object under the confi- deration lis Lion t '8 3 Mais fi les lots etendus des terres non-concedes de la Coirronnc etoi- «nt divifes en feigneuries diftindes et des conceflions faites aux payian* fur une polTcffion enroturek revenu qui en reviendroit a la Couroans pit cela, pourroit, et dans le cours d'une ferie d'annees, feroit tres prod^ table ct ne feroit qu'augmenter. En meme tems je fuis d'opinion que retablifTement des terres non^. concedees pourroient fous cette maniere de Tenure, etre arrete et ren- contrer des obftaclesau detriment de la population, de Tagriculturc et du commerce de la province, dont une grande p^rtie des avantageg pourroient etre reunis a la mere patric. lime, ^ifjlion. — " Par quelle maniere tel changement peut-il etre ** fait? Si le pouvoir de la Couronne eft competent pour cet effet—* u Q,,g] ijj^fe peut ^tre necefTaire dans les patentes ou conceflions Roy« « ale, v-t ti I'on a befoin d'unc loi pour efFeduer ce projet, quels par- ** agraphcs doivent y etre inferes pour I'interet des proprictaires, foit «< Seigneur ou cenfitaire, ou que I'on doit prefcrer tant pour les indivi-> ** dus que pour la Couronne ct le public? en prenant en meme tems en ** confideration le Statut de la douzieme annee de Charles> II. Chap. 24? Les tenures qui exiftent ai5tuellement etant une partie des loix muni- cipales du pais, jc penfe q"'il feroit nccelTaire de faireune loi pour de- clarer tcl changement. Je m'occuperai.r-ATc toute I'expMition poflible que mes occupations .preflantes adue' mm: dans le departement du bureau du Confeil me Ic permettront, a p • n. telles claufei qui pourront me paroitre convena- bics pour la loi projt iJe— Je foumets ce rapport comme un ouvrage fait avec quelque peu de precipitation refultant du motif d'accelerer I'objet important fous la confideration de cet Honorable ConfdU-en demandant r ^9 7 denition of this Honorable Board ; requefling your Indulgence till a fu- tun; day, to lubmit the necelFary Paragraphs to be inferted ir* the Adt» 1 have the Honor to be with great Refpedl, Gentlemen, Your moll obedient and mod humble Servant, (Signed) J. WILLIAMS, Soir. Genera!. Quebec, 5th Oilr. 1 iV>o- J ■ • Answers by Charles deLanaudiere Esqjjire,. ^ofome of the ^lejlions propofedby the Hmorable Committee of the "jnhole Council. Atifiver to the \Jl ^iejiioii. — In FiifiLnd Seignenrie, jin Fiefs of Dignity, with the Right of high, middle and inferior Juftice, and fomc in hief without the Right of Juflice. Town Lots, and fome fmall Traits in the Country eu Cenjive or Roture^ fo that, generally, there is no other Tenure in Canada than Fief and Roiure, governed according to the Cuftom of Paris, and the AVavV; le Francois^ furroundcd by that of Paris. odiy. The Fiefs granted by the Company of the AfTociates of New France, that is to fay, before 1663, (at which Time that Company furrendercd their Rights to the King) were principally granted accord- ' ing to the Cuftom of Vcxiu le Fraui^cis. Poflerior to that Period, the King granted none but according to the Cuftom of Paris. All rele- vant from the Caftle of St.Lewis at Quebec, the Place dcfignated in the Title Deeds of Conccflion, for rendering Fealty and Homage to His Majcfty, and other Rights and Dues according to thofc Cuftoms. With exception to the Houfc-Lots in the Towns of Quebec and Three Ri- vcrsj there are only a few Royal Grants en Cenfrcein C^inada, except at- Dctroi^ torre Indulgence jufqu'a un autre jour, pour founncttrc Ics claufcs ne- tclfaires a infercr dans I'adc. J'ai I'honncur d'etre avec un profond rcfpecflj, Messieurs, Votre tres humble ct tres obeifTant Serviteur, (Signej }. VJILLIAMS, So//. Gad. Quebec 5 OcTiobre, 1790. > Reponses, par Ciiari-'s de Lanaudiere, Ecuier, - <f (juc/qucs-uncs dcs ^trjlions de V Honorable Commiti dc tout le CoK/ai Kt'ponfe a /a icre. ^icjiion — A titrc de lef et fcigneurie, ct quclques- tins a titre de fief dedignite,avec Icdroitde haute, nioycnncet balle juf* tice; et quclques-uns a titre de fief fans juflice, des cmplaccmcns dc ville ct quelqucs tcrres de canipagiie de pcu d'etcndue en cenfive ou roture — De forte qu'il n'y a generalcment en Canada d'autrcs tenures que fiefs et rotures, regis et gouverncs fuivant Ic Coutumc dc Paris et le Vexin le Fran^ais, enclavee en celle de Paris. // /a 2ndt\ — Les fiefs concedes par la Compagnie dcs AfTocices dc Ia» Kouvelle Iran e, c'cfta dire avant 1663 (terns auquel cette Compagnie ccda fes droits au Roy) etoicnt principalement concedes fuivant le Vex- in le Fran^ais. Dcpuis ce tems le Hoy n'en conctda que fuivant la Cou- tume de Paris. Tous relevent du Chateau dcSt. Louis de Quebec, lieu in- dique par les titres de conceffion pour rendre la Foyet Hommage a fa Majcfie et autres droits et redevanccs fuivant ces Coutumes. Hors les cmplacemensdcs maifons dcs villcs de Quebec et Trois Rivieres, il n'y a que pcu dc conceffionr. Royales en Canada en cenfive, excepte au De- troit ou toutes les conceiTions relevent de fa VTajelt' en roture foit de Viilc, foit de campagne. Les conceflions Ro)alcs du Gouverncmenu F 2 ^ raa.fais ''-— — SIPWBwm f 30 J Detroit, where all the Grants are ilFued by HU Majefty in /?o/«r^,.a» ■well in the Town as in the Country. The Royal Grants of the French Government are therefore principally in Fief and Signiory, high, middle and inferior Juftice. 3^/y. By the King's Order of the 20th of May, 1676, (the firft Royal* Regulation relating to Lands, found enrcgiftered by the Superior Council or Parliament of Quebec) the King's Governor and Intendant ought not to grant Lands in Fief ex in Roture^ to the Inhabitants of Canada, but upon Condition that the Grants in Fief Ihould be repre- fented to the King within a Year from their Date, to be confirmed or ratified by His Majefty, upon Pain of Nullity; and upon Condition, that the Grantees Ihould caufe the Lands to be cleared and improved withia the fubfequent fix Years. In lyit, the 6th of July, the King ordered by His Arret, (alfo en- regiftered in the Superior Council of Quebec) that the Seigniors of the Colony who had no Domain cleared, nor Inhabitants placed upon their Seigniories, fhould put them into Culture within one Year, on Pai' being reunited to the King's Domain, upon the Judgments which the Governor and Intendant ihould render, at the Profecution of the At- torney Grneral. That the Seigniors Ihould make Grants to the Inha- bitants a titre de Redevance^ that is to fay, in Roture or for Cens ^iRenteSi ■without exacting f^^^'i them any Money in the Nature of a bale; and in Default of doing {o^ the Inhabitants were permitted to make a De- inand upon the Seignior by Sommation, and in cafe of Refufal, to addrefs themfelves to the Governor and Intendant, upon whom it was incum- bent to make the Conceffions to the Inhabitants, fubjedl to the fame Rights with other Lands conceded in the Seigniory, payable to His jyiajefly, and not to the itignior. Another Arret of His Majefty of the fame C 20 ] Fran^ais font done principalement en Fief et Seigneurie, haute, moyen- ne ct baflfe Juftice. A la "^me. — Selonl'Ordre du Roy en date du 20 May 1676 (le premier Reglement Royal pourles terres qui fc trouve enrcgiftrepar le Confeil Superieurou Parlement de Quebec) le Gouverneur et Intendant pour fji Majefte ne devolentconceder des terres en fief ou roture aux habitans du Canada qu'a condition que les lettres de concefllons en fiefs feroient re« prefentt^'s a fa Majefte dans une annecde Icurs dates pour ctre par fi Majefte confirmee^- ou ratifiees a peine de nullite; et a condition que Ics conceffionaircs feroient defricher Ics terres et Ics mcttrc eji valeur en Ics fix annees prochaincs. En 171 1 le6 Juillet, le Roi brdonna par fon arret (aulTi enregiflre au Confeil Superieur de Quebec) Que les Seigneurs de la colonic qui n'avoi- cnt point de domaine defriche, ni habitans places fur leur feigneurie, les tnettroient en culture dans une anaee,a peine d'etre reunis au domaine de fa Majefte fur les jugemens que le Gouverneur et Intendant rendroient a la pourfuite de fon procureur-general. Que les Seigneurs concede- roient aux habitans a titre de redevances, c'eft a dire en roture ou cens et rentes, fans exiger d'eux aucunes fommcsd 'argent commeprixde vente» et a faute de ce faire, il etoit permis aux habitans de demander la con- cellion au Seigneur par fommation, et en cas de refus, de s'adrefTer au Gouverneur et Intendant qui devoient les conceder aux dits habitans, aux memes droits impofes fur les autres terres concedees en la feigneurie, les dits droits paiables a fa Majefte et non au feigneur. Mcmc jour, autre arret de fa Majefte qui ordonne aux habitans ou cen- fitaircs dcs feigneuries de mettre leurs terres en valeur etd'y tenir feu et lie\) t 2, ] iamc Day, ordering all Inhabitants or Cenfttai^-cs of the Seignior* to put their Lands in Cultivatipn, r. 1 to inh.:bit them within a \crif and a Day, upon Pain of being' rcui. ted f- c bcignior's Domain, by Judgment of the Intendant. Another Arret of .lis Majefty of the 15th March, 1732, cnregifier- cd at Quebec, mentioning the forcgoinc; Arrets of the 6th of July, 1711* and rellraining the Seigniors and other Proprietors from felling any Wood Lands (en Lois de lout) upon Pain of Nullity, Reftitution of the Purchafe Money, and reunion to the Domain of His Majefty, or of the Seigniors. . , The 17th July, 1743, a Declaration of HisMajefly (cnrcgiflcrcdjau-* thorifing the Governor and Intendant, to make (.rants of Lands, to proceed to reunite to His Majefty's Domain the Lands granted that fliould be found liable to be fo, for want of Culture, and prcfcribing the mode of proceeding in that Kcfpci^l-, attributing to them the Cog- nifance of all Matters relative to Grants, to the exclufion of all other Judges. . - All the Titles or Fretcts of ConccfTion of 1-ands contain Claufcs ob-* ligatory of Cultivation. It does not a|"pear that either thofe Claufes, or the y\rrcts quoted, vcre ever rigoroully executed, being conlidered ccmminatorv, ratlicr than renal. 4 & 5//?. The legal and cuflomary Charges of Grants in Fief, are Fealty and Hcnuge, the A'ccu el Deyiomiremen:, or I and Koll, the Re- trait feodal and ligna^er, the Quint, the I»clief, the Right of franc Fief, of Aimrtiffemenl ami oi Souveaux A quels; thcfe Charges draw after them the lidclity and Military Service of all PofTcfrors of Fi^fs and Rcrc-fiefs, under v, haclocvcr litle, as WiW j-cilci.ali> as ly ftcu * - - ' niary^ { 21 3 lieu en I'an et jour, a peine d'etre reunies auxdomamcs dcs Seigneur* fur lejugementde rintcndant. Le 15 Mars 1732, autre arret de fa Mijcfle, enregiftre a Quebec, qui fait mention dcs arrets du 6 Juillet 1 7 1 1 , et defend aux Seigneurs et au- tres proprietaires de vendre aucune tcrrcs en boisde bout a peine de nul- lite, reftitution du prix et reunion au domainc de fa Majeite ou ceux dcs Seigneurs. Le 17 Juillet 1743, declaration de fa Majeftc (enregillrec) autorifanf le Gouverneur et Intendant dc faire les concelTions dcs tcrres, a proce- dcr a la reunion au domaine de fa Majcfte des terres concedees qui fc trouventdans le cas de I'ctre faute de culture et prefcrivant la forme de . procedure a cct egard. Leur attribuant la connoifTance de tout ce qui concerne les conceffions privativement a tous autres Juges. Les titresou brevets dcconccflion des terres contiennent tous desclau- fes qui obligent a la cultivation; il nc paroit pas que ces claufes, ni les arrets cites, aicnt jamais ete rigoureufcment executes, etant plutot re- gardecs comme peines comminatoires, que de rigucur. A la ^mc. et c^me. — Les charges legales etcoutumieres des concedions en Fief, font la Foy et hommagc, I'aveu et denombrement, le rctraic feodal et lignager, le quint, le relief ou rachat, le droit de Franc-Fief, d'amortilfcment et de nouvcaux acquets. Ces charges entrainent la fi- delite et le fervice militaire de tous poifeffeurs de tous fiefs et arriere- • fiffs a titrcsquclconques,tantenperfonnequ'cacontjributioiipecuniaire. . pr M Hilary Contribution. The feodal Seizure, Forfeiture, or Confifcation for Services and Rights not paid and rendered, or of Felony, Denial* Reproach or Scandal of the Seignior, or of an illegal Difmemberment of the Fief, and other ufual Charges, Duties and feodal Reftraints, as the Cafe might require. The ordinary modern Refervations In Grants en Fhf, arc ift. Feal- ty and Hrnnagc.— 2d. 1 he accudc nr.cd Rights and Dues according to the Cudom. — 3d. The prefcrvation of Oak Timber fit for the conf- trudion of His Majefty's Ships. — 4th. To give the King advice of Klines, Ores and Minerals found. — 5 th. That Appeals from the Seig- neurial Courts fhould be made to the Provoftlliip of Quebec. — 6th. To build a Habitation, and to inhabit it (lenir feu ct lieu) and to caufc their Subfeudatories to do the fame, — 7th. To clear, and caufe to be cleared, without Delay. — 8th. To fufFer to be made all the Roads ne- celfary for public Utility. — 9th. To infert fimilar Claufes in the Con- ccflions to the Tcr-tenants, at the ufual Cens^ Rents and Dues per Acre of Land in Front, by forty in Depth. — loth. To permit the Beaches to be free for all Fifl^crmen, with Exception to fuch Part as the Seignior lliould have occafion to uit for his own Fifliery, — nth. In cafe Hi« Majefly Ihould at any future Time have occafion for any Part of the Seig- niory, whereon to build Forts, Batteries, Places of Arms, Stores or Public Works, His Majefty might take the fame, as well as the Timber neceflary for thofe Works, and the Firewood for the Garrifon therein, w ithout being held to make any Recompencc. The Charges of the High Juftice {Haulejujiiie) are ifi:. By the Ordinance of Rouflllon in 1563, Art. 27, it is enabled, that the Jurifi* didlion thereof fliall be fimply under that of the Parliament, and the Seigniors Hants Jnjticien condenuiable in fixty Livres {t'dnjis) for tht erioncoup [ 22 ] . . l.a faific fcodalc, la commifc ou confifcation a dcfaiit des ferviccs et dicitii ncii-^aies et noii iciidus, ou ue Icionic, ou dcfaveu, demcnr.i ou injure du t'n^^iieur, ou de dcmembreinent illegal dc Fief ct autres char- ges, devoir^ cl reiiraintes ftodalcs accontumes, fuivant Ics ca3. Les refcrvri nioderaci ordinaires par les lettrcs dc conccfHon en fief> font I ere. la loy ct hoinma^e - 2dc. les droits de redcvances accoutu- mes, fuivant l.i couturae - jiiie. la confervatioii du bois de cheiic propres pour la conltrudioii dos vailfeaux du Roy - 4mc. dc doaiicr avis a fa Majefle dcs iTjines,nninicres ct mincraux qui fe trouvc^it — fine, que les appellations du Jugc qui y fera etabli, reflbrtironta laprevuie dc Que- bec — 6nie. d'y tenir feu et lieu, et Ic faire tenir aux tenanciers - yme. de deferter et faire dcferter inccllamment la terrc ou la feigneurie- 8mc.dc laiffer faire tous chemins qui feront j'.igcs neccffaires pour I'utilite pu- blique — 9me. d'inferer pareilles claufes dans les concelTions des tcnan- ciersaux cens, rentes et redcvances accoutumes parchaqucarpcntdeterre de front furquarantc dcprofondeur- lomc. dc lai/Tcr les grcves librcs a t:)us pccheurs, a I'exception de cclledont Icfeigneur aura bcfoinpour fa pcchc — iime.cn casque fa Majefteaitbefoinpar lafuitc d'aucunc par- tic de la feigneurie pour y faire conflruirc des forts, batteries, places d'aimes, magafms et ouvrages publics, clle pourra Ic^ prendre aulFi bi- cn que les arbres necelT^iircs pour les dits ouvrages, et Ic bois dc chauf- fage pour la garnifon des ciits forts, fans etre tenue d'aucun dedomage- ment. Les charges dc la haute juflicc font ler. par I'ordonnance de Ruf- fillon en 136J. Art, 27. II eft ftatue que les hauts jufticiers rcfTortiront n'iement aux parlcmcns et feront condamncs fuivant Tanciennc Ordon ■ nance en 60 livres Fanfis pour le mal jugc dc leurs juges 2me G Iw crrrmconsf Judgments of their judges. — :cl. Children found evpofed within the extent of their JunCdidion, arc at the Seigniors Charge, ac- cording to difierent Arrets, particularly the Regulation of the joth June, 1664. — 3d. The Seignior, having the Right of holding Courts ofjullice, is obliged to have a Hall {Aiuliloirc) on the out-fide of his Chateau to hold his Court at, together with Prifons on a Ground 1 U or that the Prifoners may be kept in a dry Place. — ^th. The Officeis Ihould execute, and rigidly exadl the Execution of the Police, which is a heavy Charge, more cfpicially rcfpcding the Profecution of Crimi- nals and Delihquents, for all Species of Crimes. — 5th. The Seigniors having right of Juftice, are obliged to excercife and rc" 'icr Juflice to their Vafials and Subjedls at their own Expence, that is to fay, to pay Salaries or Wages to their Oflicers according to the Ordinance, upon Pain of loling their Right of Juftice. Fiefs of all Sorts owe IcaL ty and Homage, of^Oath of Fidelity to the dominant Seignior, and Military Service to the King, when His Majefty fliall be plcafcd to af- fcmble the Ban and Arriere-ban, and fub-arrierc ValTals. All Eftates being originally ilTucd from the Royal Domain, have been charged with Military Service, as an inherent and infeparable Condition of the Fief and Oath of Fidelity made to the King by his direct Vaifal; a Reafon why all Proprietors of Fiefs, Rere-Fiefs in w hatfoevcr Decree of Partition they are found, are obliged to attend at the Ban whic.i the King caufes to be proclaimed whenever he chufes to affcmblc the No bles and Vafials of his Efiates. They fiiould aflemble when the Kino- * direds, in Arms, in Men, and in the Equipage of Military Service. ** The Ordinance of Fran9ois the FirfV, of the 19th May, 1740 dif tinguiflies the Service of the Vaffal by the Value of his Fief, viz A Fief producing an annual Revenue of 5 or 600 11. a Horfc-man armed and f 23 ] . les enfans cxpofes irouves dans Tctendue de la juftice font a la charge du Seigneur, luivans dilfcrcns arrets, particulicrcmcnt Ic rcglcmcnt du 30 Juin 1664 — jmc. Ic feigncur jullicicr eft oblige d'avoir un audi- toire au-dchors de fon Chateau pour 1 excrcice de fa jufUce, cnftmblc' des prifons au rcz de chaulfce oCi les prifoniers fcront fechemcnt. 4me. les ofHciers doivcnt faire ct maintcnir la Police rigidcmcnt, ce qui eft une grande charge, furtout quant a la pourfuite dcs cnminels ct delinquans en tous genres de delits — 5me. les feigncurs jufticiers foHj. obliges d'exerceret rcndre la juftice a leursvaflaux ct fujcts a Icurs frais, c'eft a dire payer falairc ou gages a leurs othciers, ct cc fuivant les Or-, donnanccs, a peine de pertc de leur juftice. Les fiefs de toutes efpeccs doivcnt la foy ct hommagc, ou ferment de fidchtcau feigncur dominant et le fervice militaireau Royquant il plait a fa Majcfte d aflcmblcr le ban et arriere ban. Le ban n'allcmblc que les vafla"x immediat du Roy; 1 arriere-ban, les arricrcs etfou>-arricrcs vafTau' "ous biens etant originaircmentfortis du Doniainc Royal, ont ete chaises du fervice militairc, conimc condition inhcrente ct infcpa- rablc du fief ct ferment de fidelite fait au Hoy par fon vafial immediat. Raifon pourquoi tous pofTefTcurs de fiefs, arricrcs fiefs en quelque de- grc de divifion qu"il.> fe trouvent, font obliges a fc trouvcrau baa que Ic le Roy fait proclamcr, lorfqu'il veut aillmbler la Noblcffe ^c valfaux de les ctats — Cette Alfcmbl c doit ctre ou le Roy I indique en armcs, en hommes et en equipages de fervice militaire. L'Ordonnance de Fran9oi3 Icr. du 19 May 1740, difiinguc le fervice du valTal par la valeur de fon fief. Savoir, un 1 i.f de revcnu annuel de 5 a bcoU. unhomme dccheval, habill '-, arme et mo.ite. Ficfde 3 a40oIJ» G » un [ H ] andlhounted; a Fief of 3 or 400 11. a Horfe-man with a an attendant Arqiiihnfur\ a Fief of 2 or 300 11. a Man on foot, armed; the fmalleft Fief, a Man on foot. Thai encreafed or diminiflicd according to the order and the will ^^^ the Prince. Louis the 13th, the 30th July, 1635, made a Regulation containing twenty Articles for the lian, and Arri^re-Ban.— Louis the 14th, made a Convention by Letters Patent of the i ith Augult, 1674, Commanding " all Nobles, Barons, Chevaliers, Lfquircs, Vallals and " others holding Fiefs and Rere-Fiefs, that all Lxcufes fet apart, up- »* on Pain oi Seizure and Conhfcation of their 1 iefs, they put them- «• felves in Arms, mounted and equipped, according to w hat they ••■ fhall be held hound,and to be prefcnt on the Da) ;> and at the Place 10 " be fixed." Ecclefiaftics and others exempted from pcrfonal Service ought to contribuf'" one Year's Revenue of the Fiefs tiiey poflefs, or fuch other Contr*v . >n as His Majefly Ihall regulate. The Roiure Pcrfons, who are unworthy to carry Arms with the Nobles, are compellable to contribute to the Tax of the Ban and Ar- ricre-Ban according 10 the Value and Revenue of their I'iefs ; and the Roture Proprietors who ferve perfonally do not <tx\\oy all the Gra. c or Favor which Nobles do, and ought to contribute more than they do. The Ihiure Poffeffors follow the fime Principle and Oider towards their dominant Seignior as the Fiefs do, bccaufe the Vallals and Sub- feudatories have the fame Obligations for the 111 ales and Inheritances which thofe Sc'gniors hi»ve given them, and for which they owe Ac- knoM Icdgcmer.ts or Declarations on the I vent of each Mutation. Giants en Roture arc inade b) a iitle called Lcalc lor Ccns, or Cem r 24 ] un bonr»me c!e chcval avec un valet arquebufier— .-iefde 2 a 300II. horn* me tie pied arme. Le moindrc licf, uii homine de pied. Ccla s'ai!o;mentoltoudiminiioitruivantrordreec la volontc du Prinrp, l.oui.>XllI. Ic JO Judlet 1635. til un ko_5!tment conccaaac vingtarticks pourle banet arriere-ban. Louis XiVIe convoqna pnr lettres patentes du ii Aouft 1674, avec ordrc"a rous nobles, biron>, chevalieri, ecuyer^j *' valKiux etautres tenant fiefs et arnere-fiefs, qu il-;aient toutes excul«.s ** ccliantes, fur peine de lailic^ et confif. ations de Icurs fief^.a Icmettie ** en urmes, nionter ete^uipcr felon .ju'iU feronitcnus, et uefctrouvcr '• pfwt& auA jour^j tt au.v Iilux qui fera choifi." les Eccl fiafliques et autres evcmpts de fervirr pcrfonel doivcnt con- tri^ucr uncannee de revenu dc'^>nef^ qu iL policdciit, ou telle autre coii- triLuuon que la Majelte reglcia. ICo -oturicrs qui ne font pas digncs de porter lc3 armes avec le^ No- ble jiont tenu.3 dev:onLribucr a lataxcdu ban et arnere ban felon la valeur et revenu de leurj fiefs - et le^ roianers qui (er -cntenperfoHiie ne jouifrent pas de f^ute^ les graces dcji nobles etdoiventcontribjer plus qu'eux. Les ccnfitaires ou roturiers fuivent Ics mem^s principes ctordresenvers le cigncur dominant quelesficf^.^jarrcque les .adaux etcenlitaircsontles m( mes obligation^ pour les b:en:'- tt beritages qucces feigneurs leur cnt donne, et dont lU doivent reconnoiirance ou declaration a chaque mu- taiion. La conccflion en roturc fc fait par titrc appclle bail a ccns ou S ccns et w^^'^ [ ^5 3 (•/i?^«A', annual, perpetual and poitable. This Lcafe by its Naturg obliges Fidelity and Acknowlcgcmcnt to the Seignior who grants it. Alfo the Right of Bannalit y. Pre-emption conventionally and lineally the alienation Fine of Lods et Ventc, Seizin, Confifcation, and others, as Cafes may happen. ExprefTions of Refentmcnt, Contradidion, Ingratitude, and Scandal, be it by the VafTal or Subfeudatory, arc fcvercly puniihed by the Laws. Bcfides a Confiication of their Lands, there are Examples of being ob- liged to appear in Court during its fitting, bare headed, kneeling, fet- tered, afking Pardon of their offended Seigniors; Even Imprifonment* put to the Galhes, and other unheard of Punilhments, at the Mercy o^ the Judge. Vaflals, and dircd roture Tenants of the Crown, render their Duties and pay their Rights to His Majcdy or His Reprefcntacives ; the Rere- Vaflals and Roture Tenants to their particular or dominant Seigniors. 6 6i 7. Fiefs, as well as Rotiu'e Efiates are fubjcclto fucccfTive Par- tition, ad infinitum, cither in nature, or a proportionate Recompcnfe in other Lflates or in Money as well in the dired as collateral line, and each divided Part, by Operation of Law, becomes a dillindt and fcparate lief. It is the fame w ith lioture Lands. The honorary, as veil as pecuniary Duties and Dues arc evidently complex, arbitrary, injurious! Can any thing further be nectflary to induce a benevolent Monarch and Nation to deftroy them, and to grant in their Stead that cer.ain and determinate Tenure of King Charles the Second, free and common Socage, which the other SubjtLiS of His Majelly King George the 1 hird enjoy, and with fo much Reafon boafl of. C^uEiiLc, ivthOcLober, I 7 9 o. RESOLVES I (Signed) d;-: LANAUDIERE. r ^s ! et rente annucls, perpctucls et portaLIes — ce bail par fa nature em- port e la fideliLe et la reconnoiflance envcrs le feigneurdont le ccnlitaire ou tenancicr releve,ainfi que Ic droit dcbanalite,retraitceniieret lignagcr, lods et ventes, faifine, amende, brandon, commife et autres fuivaat les echeances et cas. Le depies, dementis, ingratitudes et injures, foit de vaflal ou de ccnfitaire, font feverement punis par les loix. Outre la commife de kurs terres il y a des exemples de comparution, les plaids tenans, tetcs nue, a genoux, les fcrs aux p'^'d':, pour demander pardon a Icurs fei- gncurs injuries, mcme des emprifonemens, galcres et autres punitions inouies a larbitrage des juges l Les vaflaux et cenfitaires immediats de la Couronne rendent leurs devoirs er paient leurs droits a la Majcfle ou fes reprefentans -- les ar- ricres vaflaux et cenfitaires aux feigneurs particuliers ou dominants. A la 6vie, et "ime. Les fiefs ainfi qi:e les rotures, font fujets a parti- tion fucceifive a I'infini, foit en nature ou en ff^compenfe proportion- ncs en autres biens et argent, tant en ligne direde que collacerale, et chaque partie divifee devient pur I'operation de la loi, fief diilind et fepare, il efl de meme des Rotures, ces devoirs et red inces tant ho- norablesquepecuniaircs font done cvidemment complexes,; riccrrains, ar- bitraires, injurieux! laut-il d'avantagc pourqu'unMonarqueetunc nation bienfaifans les detruifent et accordent en Icur place ce titre defini ct aifure emane du Roy Charier IL le libre et commun Soccage dont les autres fujets de fa Majertc G. IIL jouilTent etavec tantde raifon fe glorilicnt. (SigneJ DE LANAUDIERE. QiJEBtc, ce 17 Odobrc, 1790. RESOLUTIONS irw [ 26 ] RESOLVES OF THE COUNCIL. ** 'T^ HAT the progrcfs of popuivition and fetLlemcnt in this Pro- ■*" ** vincc under the Government of France, vhatcvcr the caufe " or caufcs of it, was floM, the cultivated parts even in the central Dif- " trid:s of Quebec, Three Rivers and Montreal, being to this day con- '• fined to the banks of the St. Lawicnce, and the mouths of the navi- " gable li reams that fall into it. " That the royal patents, grants or crncefllons of the lands, were ** either in Segniory or in Roture; the latter confjfling of town lot"?* *• farms or fmall tra^f^s, and the Segniories larger traces of various di- ** menfions, many of which arc in the rear, or at a few leagues from " the convenience of \\ater carriage, y.'/V/ /;/ forrj}. *' That the French King's territorial revenue arofc from quints or *' alicniation fines of one fifth of the conficicrat'on rr.oney payable by " the purchafer of the lands held in Scgni:r\' -, aiid of lots et vcntes .':f ** one twelfth on the fale of lands held /// yjiirc; the lands in roture " ordinarily paying alfoCensetrcntc^the Cens Itingone fcl.oran i:ng-. *' lifh halfpence for a front of one acre or i 80 French feet, and the " rent, another fol for every acre of the concefTion, with a bulLd of " wheat for every forty acres, tr Vfso fat Capons of the value of twenty " fols. " That the French Crown did not era'! its r.-hole dues, but remit- " ted a third both of the quint and lods et ventcs. " Til It the Scgniories were pin oiled out into farms, and the^e " conveyed by the Scgniors uiidtr ike charges of Cxns et rente, and ** fubjccl to lods et ventes, except \^ hri'^ 1 lan^c par -el was granted in " arrierc fief ; on tl e fuhfe nient transfers whereof a quint became " due to the Scgnior wiihout Ccii3 ct rentes. That (C « f 26 ] ' . RESOLUTIONS DU CONSElL. ** /^UE le progres de la population et de 1 etabliflement dans cctte V^ Province fous le (joUverncmcnt de la France, a ete lent, les " parties cultivees, meme dans Ics dillrids centraux de Qiiebec, des " I'rois Rivieres et de Montreal, etant encor relTerees jufqu'a ce jour aux bords du fleuvc St. Laurent, et a 1 'embouchure des rivieres navi- gables qui s'y dechargent. " Que les patentes ou coiicefTiuns Royales des terres ctoient, foit en ** Seigneurie ou en Roture; ces dernieres confirtant en erhplacemens de " ville, fcrmes ou petits lopins; et les Seigneuries en plus grands lo- ** pins de differentes dimenlions, dont plulieurs font dans la profon- *• di'ur, ou a c^uelques lieues de 1 aifance du tranfport par cau, encor ** en forels. ** Que le rcvenu domanial du Roi de France provenoit des quints ou •* amendes d'ahenation de la cinquieme partie du prix que I'acquereur " devoit paier pour les terres tenucsen leigneurie; et des lods et ventes " faifant la douzieme partie du prix de la vente des terres tenues en Ro- ture; les terres en Rotiire ordinaircmcn: aufll fujettcs aux cens et ren- te, le cens d un fol, oud'un demi penny Anglois, pour un arpent ou 1 So pieds Fran^ais de front, et la rente, un autre fol pour chaquc arpent de la conccdion, avec un minot de bled par chaque quarante arpens, ou deux chapons gras de la valeur de vingt fols. " Que la Couronne de France n'exigeoit pas tous fes droits en enti- er, mais qu'elle remcttoit un tiers du quint et des lods et ventes. " Que les feigneuries etoicnt divifees en fermcs tranfportees par les Seigneurs fur les mf mes charges de cens et rente et fujettes aux lods et ventes, excepte lorfqu'il y avait unc grande partie concedce " en arriere-ficf, qui lors, de mutations fublequentes, etoit fujctte au ** quint du au Seigneur lans cens 1 1 rente, H " Que f =7 J " That all the (rramees as well of the «?rotrn n^ of the ?egniors, *• had permament eilaces, under an habendum to them their Heirs and " That according to the Receiver General's accounts, the territorial «' Revenue for the thirteen years from ift Miy 1775, to ift May 1788, «* (comprehending arrears) was in actual receipt ac the Trcafury not e- ** qua] to ten thoufand pounds (lerling. " The lods ct ventes being but /"^35' 9 5 + " The quints 3148 i 4^ ♦* The ballancc of Royal rents from all the! 4c C4 7 5^ " King's own Segniories, Sorel excepted J ■ ■ 9053 18 3i " From Sorel 2161911 ** Which together with certain duties of cufloms fixed by adtofpar- " liament, is by the royal grace given to the Province towards the ^ fupportof its Government. " That in exploring the caufes of the tardy progrefllon of the popu- " lation of the colony under the Government of 1 ranee, there feems to " be little or no ground forafcribing it to the non compliance of the " Segniors with the conditions for cultivation cxprelfcd in their pa- ** tents or grants ; the inftances of profecutions for taking an advan- " tage of thofe conditions, and reuniting their Segniories to the royal ** domain, being rare — and xhc Segi?icral cenlitaires fo n\uch more nu- ** merous than tiie King's that the former, or the inhabitants of the " Segniories, at all times did, and do now, conlUtute tlie main body of ** the landholders of the country. « That the feudal Syllcm, if that was amongfl the caufes of the non ♦' fcttlcment [ n J •« Que tousles conceflionaires tant ceux de la Couronnc que ceux dear « Seigneurs, avoient des biens permanena, tranflatifs a leurt hcritiers " et aians caufe. " Que fuivant les comptcs du Receveur-general, le revenu domanial " pendant treize annees depuis le premier de May 1775, jufqu'au ^^^' " de May 1788 (y compris les arrerages) n'equivaloit pas, en recette " aduelle, a dix mille livres fterling. " Les lods et ventcs n'etant que de £^3S^ 9 S-i " Les quints 3148 i 4^ " La balance des Rentes Royales de toutes"1 les feigneuries appartenantcs au Roi, ex- >.. 4554 7 5:| cepte Sorel, J 9053 18 3^ " De Sorel, 2161911 ^9270 18 2^ c* qui avec certains droits de douanes fixes par afle du Parlcment, eft ** donne, par Grace du Roi, a la Province pour le foutien de fjn Gou- " yernement; en failant la recherche des caufes du progrcs tardif de la " population de la Colonie fous le Gouvernement de la France, il fem- •* ble qu'il y a pcu ou pointde fondemenL a Tattribuer a ce que les Sei- *• gneurs ne fe font point contbrmes aux conditions de cultivation in- " f- rees expreflcmeni dans leurs patentes ou conceflions ; les exemples " de pourfuites,afin de prendre avantage deces conditions et reunir leurs " Seigneuries au domaine du Roi, etantrares; etles cenfitaires Seigncu- " riaux beaucoup plus nombreux, que ceux du Roy. Que les premiers, " ou les habitans des feigneuries, ont en tous terns, ct forment aduelle- " ment le grand corps des proprictaires des terrcs du pais. " Que le Syflcme Feodal, s'il etoit du nombre des caufes du defaut H 2 d'etabliffcment r( C( [ 28 ] * fettlement and proportionable debility of the French colony, oper- ating to a difcouragement of the royal grants, as well as the grants of the fubjedt, there can be no juft ground for holding the grantees to ** a rigorous performance of the conditions of their grants. " That it was among the main caufes of that low condition, in " which Canada was found at the Britifh conqueft, is deducible from " the probability, that many thoufands of families had found their ac- " count in emigrating from the exuberant population of the Kingdom ** of France, if the government had given their lands here upon cafy " terms, and efpecially in the fertile regions and moderate climates, on ** the banks of the rivers and lakes in the South and South Weft. ** That the difcouragement of that Syftem to the fettlement of the old " French grants, muft in future greatly increafe; the population of the *' Province depending wow upon the introdudion of Britiih fubjedls, ** who arc known to be all averfe to any but Englifh tenures; and the " Canadian Segniors of courfe be left without a hope of multiplying *' their cenfitaireSj, except from the prediledion of the dcfcendants of " the French planters, to ufages no longer prompted by the motives of " intereft, nor recommended by example. *« That the grant of the wafte lands of the Crown in free and common " Soccage, is effential to the growth, ftrength, defence and fafcty of <* the Province. " That unlefs the old French Scgnioric? can be fettled upon terms as " advantageous to the hufbandman as the lands of the Crown, their " land market muft be at a ftand, to the detriment of the proprietors, " until ■ji & r 28 3 « d'etabliflement ctdeladcbiliteproportionelle de la colonic Fran9aife, " tenda;n a undccouragement des conceflions Royales, aulFi bien que «• les conce(rions du fujet, il ne peut y avoir aucun juile principe d'obli- " ger les concefTionaire^i a fe conformcr rigoureufement aux conditions ** de leiirr.. concelfions. "Quecc filkme fut parmilesgrandes caufesdecettebafle condition dans iaquelle 1 on a trouve le Canada lors de laconqucte Brirannique,«v;rive *• de hi probabilite, queplufieurs milliers de families aurolcnt trouve leur ** avantage d'abandonncr ctdc fc retirer de cette abondante population «' du royaume de France, fi le Gouvernement avoit donne ici leurs ter- *• res fur dcs conditions facilcs ct fpecialement, dans les r 'gions fertiles *• et dans les cLmats moderis, fur les bords des Rivieres et des Lacs " dans le Sud et Sud-Oueft. " Que le decouragement dece fiftcmc quant u I'etabliflfementdes an- " ciennes conceflions Fran9aifes, doit augmenter confiderablement a " I'avenirja population de la Province dependant maintenantde I'intro^ ** dudiondesfujetsBTitanniques,qui font connus pour rt'pugner atouteau- *' trc tenure quecelle Anglaife; ct les feigneurs Canadiens confequem- ** ment refteront fans efperancede multiplier Icurs ccnfitaires, cxccpte ** par la pr^-dilecSlion des defcendans dcs cultivateurs Fran^ais, aux uf- ** ages qui ne doivent plus etre fuggeres par les mot.is d'interet ni etre ** recommandc's par I'exemple. " Que la concefllon des terres non-cone edees de la Couronne en Franc " et Commun Soccage eft ellentielle a 1 'augmentation, la Force et la " furete de la Province. " Qu'a moins que les anciennes feigneuries Fran^aifcs puifl^ent etre »* etablies fur dcs conditions aufli avantageufes a I'agriculteur, que les ** terres de la Couroniic, les vcntcs de Icurs tcrrcs feront arrctees, au " detriment V ;!.**♦' rr " U *t <( €( r 59 1 " until the cultivation of the wafte lands of the Crown> is damped oy " their rcmotcnefs from all water carriage and the conveniences and be- *' nefits of commerce. " That with the advantage of a vicinity to the navigable waters and a converfion of the tenures, the Sr gniories will probably be the firft to be fully cultivated, and with an increafe of profit to the propriet- ors, under that ample dominion, which they will then enjoy over their lands, for fettling them upon fuch terms as thcmfclvcs may concert, to form a populous tenantry, and lay a foundation //; properly^ for that ** perpetuity oi their names and families, w hich a wife and well Lallanc- " ed government will be inclined to encourage and fupport, " That the King's Rotiirier tenants, cannot fail towifli for a conver- " fion and difchargc from the Cens rente and Lods et Vcntes, and all " the other feudal burdens connedted with the tenure under which " they now hold. '* That the motives of intcrefl: will naturally make it the defire alfo ** of every Scgniorial cenfitaire, to fland upon the fame free foundation ** of exemption with the other landholders of the colony; but as this ** commutation for a difcharge o{ the rents and dues to the landlords, " mufl necefTarily depend upon private conventions between them and «* their tenants, and involving confiderations, out of the coutemplalion, of " any but the parties reciprocally interefled, their cafes cannot be the " objeds of fpecial and particular Icgillative provifion; perhaps the *f furcfl: means of fecuring to the tenant a fair compac'l, v ill be to hold " the Lord to his dues to the Crown, until he has difcharged his tc- '*• nants, from all the feudal incumbrances in his own favour. " That C 29 ] ** detriment des propricf, s, jufqu'a ce que la culture des terres non- «* conccdees de la Couronne, fcra reflraintc par 1 eloigncnient de toui *• tranfports par eau et des aifancei cc avaauges du Commerce. (( Qu'avec ravantaf;;e du voiflnap;e t'es rivieres navigables et d'un " changementdcstcnurca, le^ rcigmuries feront probabkment les pre- ** mieres entiercmcnt cukivccs, et outre unc augmentation de profit aux " proprietaires, fous cet arrpU-pouvoir, dont ils;ouiront fur leurs terres, " de les etablir lur tcllcs conditions quils jugeront tcndre a dc nombrc- " eufes habitations, et aflurcr uafondi en propriete, pourcette perpe- " tuite de leurs nom? ct families, qu'un lage et juflc Gouverncmcnt " fera incline a cncourager et amaintcnir. •• Que les tenanciers roturier. du Roi ne pourroient que dcfircr un changement, et unc d charge des cens, rentes et lods et ventes etdc toutes le , autrc^. charge feodales qui font annexees a la tenure fous la- ** quelle ils jouilFcnt aotuellcment. ff f( (C Que les motifs d'inttrOt induiront naturellement a chaque cenfi- ** taire feigneurial de defirer aufli d'etre fur le memcpied d'un principc " libre d'excmption conjointcmcnt avcc les autres tenanciersde la co- ** lonie, mais comme ce changement pour la dt'charge des rentes et ♦' droits diis aux Seigneurs, doit ncccflairement d.-pendre fur une " convention privce entreeux et leurs tenancicrs, et en en.\ doppant les ** confiderations hors de la contemplation deperfonne quelconquc, ex- cept les parties fp'cialcmeiir: intercflees, leurs cas ne pourroient ctre des objets d'unc provifion legillative fpeciale et particuliere; peut- ** etrc que le plus fur moien de garantir au tcnancier un accord jufte ct *' 'Equitable, fera de tenir le Seigneur a fes droits envers la Couronne " iiifqn'a re qu'il ait donne unc decharge a fon Tenancier de routes *' charges fcodalcs en fa proprc favcur. " Que fc (( [ 30 ] «* That the prerogative is competent to put the ivnJJe lands of the ** Crown, under a Socage tenure. But the kgillative interpolitioa " is ncceflary, to make ihit tenure tinivcrfal. *' That if this is to be the work, not of Parliament, but of the colo- '* W'j Icgiilacure, the royal inltruCtions given for the greater fecurity '^f the property of thcfubjcd, will require an a^t with a probationary of fufpcnding claufe, until his Majefly's approbation can be obtained. u <c <( ct " That an abfolute and univerfal commutation of the ancient tenu- ** res, //jo'yi/rrf /r//tr, vould be a meafure of doubtful j)olicy; but that ** no fubflantial objection occurs, againll giving fuch individuals that '* benefit asdclire it ; and efpeciaTly to fuch of the Scgniors whofe ten- •* ants or cenlitaiics, Ihall conceive it to be for their own, as well as *' for the intcrefl and benefit of their landlords; and may therefore fg- nif^ their confcnt to the change. *' 1 hat thcfecndi) may be acconipliflicd by a law vith claufcs of the following tenor or import ** Be j t enacted &:c. ** That if any perfon or prrfons holding lands in the Provinre of Quebec in 1 icf and hcgnior^ in.nictiiaLcLy-^ot ihc crown, and haxing ** authority to ahcnatcLhe fame, ri'ailat.any.tirne after ihe ccn.mence- " n.entof this act, furier.e \ the liinie into ihc hands of his Maiefly " his Heirs or Succeilors, by petition to the Gpyernor or Onimander " in Chief of the lad Province for the time being, ftttlng forth that " he flie or they is or are dtfuous of holding the fame in free and •' comnon Socage, fuch Governor or Conimander in Chief for the •* time being, lliall c aufc a frefli grant to be made to fu. h perfon or perfcns of fuch Iandi> to be hoidtn in in:z and coinmon Socaj>e: «• And. «( rr « r 30 3 *« Que Ics droits dc la Couronnc font competcns pour mettrc Ics terrc?: «* de la Couronnc fous unc Tenure en Soccage, mais rintcrpofition de ** la Legiilaturc fera nccellairc pour rendre cett*- tenure univcrfellc. "Que fi cc doit ctre I'ouvrage, non du Parlemcnt, mais dc la Legis- ** laturc dc la Colonic, Ics InltruCtions Royalcs donnccs pour la plus grande garantic dc la propricCt- du fujet, exigcront un acilc avec une claufc dc fufpcnlion, jufqu'a cc que Ton puilFc obtenir I'approbaLion " dc fa Majcfte. " Qu'un changcment abfolu ct univerfcl dcs ancicnncs Tenures •* (quoique pour le mieiix) feroit un moyen dc politique douteufc, mais ** qu'il n'y a au'.une objedion fubflanticllc adonncr a tels individus cc ** b'neficc qui Ic defircront, ct fpecialemcnt a tels dcs Seigneurs dont " Ics tcnanciers cu ccnfitaircs le rcgardcront tanr pour Icur propreinte- • ret, que pour I'intcret et Tavantage dc leurs Seigneurs; et quipour- *• ront en confcqi'cnce fignificr Icurconfcntemcnt a tcl changemcnt. " Que cc but peut-etre rcmpli par une loi avec dcs claufes de la ** teneurou du f.ns fuivans. " Qu'il soi r siATUE', &:c. " Que fi aucuncs pcrfonnes pofTedcnt dcs Tcrres dans la Province dr •* Quebec en Fief et feigncurie immediatemcnt dcla Couronne, et qui' •* ont lepouvoir d'aliener les dites tcrres, pourront en aucun terns aprcs ** Ic ccmmtnccmcnt dc cet adc, rcmettre Ics ditcs terres entne les *• mains de Hi Majcfle, fcs heriticrs et fuccclTcurs, par rcquctc uu Gou- •• vcrneur ou conmiandant de la ditc Province pour lors, all.'guant •« qu'cllcs d;!fircnt dc tcnir les ditcs tcrres en Franc ct Commun Soc- «* cage; tcl Gouverncur ou CommandantcnChcf pour lors, fcra donncr ** unc nouvcllc Concefllon a tellcs pcrfonnes, dc tcllcs tcrres pour ctre ** tcnues en Fnuic ct Commun Soccngc - chaquc et tcl cliang< nicnt 1 " de C 31 ] ** And every fuch change of tenure iliall work the abfolute extinginni* " ment Of all mutation fines, burthens and mctmbrances within the " trad: fo furrendered and regrantcd, to -which the fime or any put " thereof would or might have been liable under the laws and cuflon>s ** concerning lands held in Fief and Segniory, or in any other numicr " than in free and common Socage. " Provided neverthelefs, and be it alfo cnar5>ed by the fame authorf- " ty, that fuch furrender and regrant fliall not avoid or bar any ri^yht *• to any fuch lands fo furrendeied, or any intereft in the fame, lo " which any other than th?pcrlbn or perfons furrendering the fame, fliall *' have beenintitiVd either in poffellion remainder or reveriion or other- *' wife; but that every fuch right c.nd title Ihall be as valid as if fuch ** furrender and regrant had never been made. " And provided alfo, and be it enacted by the auchority aforefaid,as to " all fuch lands as are held of the crown in Roture \'\ the faid Province, " the fame fliall be deemed and adjudged, to be held in free and com- *• mon Socage, from the time it fliall pleafe his Majefly by any inflru- * ment to be ilfued under the Great Seal of the fa d Province, to de-» !are the difchargeof all Cens et rente a.nd mutation fines due to the " crown thereon. t'. " And provided alfo, and be it further enacted, that nothing in this « AcT; contained fliall be of force until his Majefly fliall have fignified " his royal aflfent to orallowance of the fame. " And to provide foi the cafe when it ma} happen, that the Scg- " nior .w f 3' 3 <»■ de tenure etcindra et annullcra abf olument toutes amendcs d'alienation " charges ct fcrvitudes dans les ditcs terres ainfi rerr\ifes et concedses " de nouveau, auxquclles, Ics ditcs terres ou aucune partie d'icellcs " auroient ou pouvoient ctrc fujettes en vcrtu des loix et coutumes con- cernantles terres tenues en Fief et Saigneurie, ou dans aucune autre *' rnaniere que celle en Franc et Commun Soccage. " Pourvii neanmoins, et qu'il foit auffi ftatue par la dite autorite.que telle remife et concelTion nouvelle nc detruira ni n'empcchera " aucun droit a aucunes t<!lles terres ainfi remifes, ou aucun inttret " dans les dites terres, qu'auroit aucune per.fonnc que celle qui a ainfi " remis les ditcs terres, foit par droit de poflclfion, ou reverfion ou " autrcmcnt; mais que chaque et tel droit et tltre feront aufii valides u commc fi la remife et la concefiion nouvelle n'eulTcnt jamais etc faites. " Et pourvu aufli,ct qu'il foit fiatue par la dite autorite,que quant a <' toutes et tclles terres qui font tenues de la Couronne en Roture dans " la dite Province, clles feront rcgardc'es etordonnccs d'etre en Franc ct " commun Soccage, a compter du terns qu'il plaira a fa Majcde par " aucun aclc publiquc qui fera proclame fous le grand Seau de la dite " Province, de declarer la decharge de tous cens, rente, amendcs dc *' mutation dus a la Couronne fur les dites terres. " Et pourvu aufTi, et qu'il foit de plus fiatu-, que rien de ce qui eft '' contcnu dans cet ade fera mis en force jufqu'a ce que fa McTJefie ait ** fignifie fon approbation i<oialeau ditade. " Et afm de pourvoir dans le cas ou il pcut arrivcr que Ic Seigneur 1-2 •' poiirra r 3t T <^ nior may be defirous of the converfion of the Tenure of the ^eg-ni- ** ory^andfomeof the vafialsor ceniiLaires of it^difinclined to thechange/ " Be it alfo ena^fled by the fame r.Dthority, that in every fuch cafe, * the Petition for a furrender as wirll as the Patent for the regrant «' thereof, fliall exprefs and defcribe with competent certainty, the fi- •' tuationand real contents of the lands and ellatcs of all that are fodif- " inclined to a change of tenure; And thofe parcels, fliall he except- ** ed out of the faid regrant, and remain iu all refpecis as if fuch re- " grant had never been made. But that from and after fuch regrant, " one lifth part of all Lods et Ventes or mutation fines, to accrue on the " alienation of fuch excepted parcels, Ihall be paid by the proprietor or ** proprietors of theSrgniory, for the ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs or '* Succeflbrs; and fliall and may be fecured by proper claufes and pro- •* vifoes, to be cxprelkd in fuch Patent of regrant," ix DISSENT. ^ Mr. Mahane's Rcajons of Dijjent fnm the Rcfoluthns and motion of the " Chitfyufiice adopted by the (Committee. *' Bccaufe the Refolutions moved for do not appear to apply to the objed of the Reference " Becaufe it appears that the flow progrcfs of population and fettlc- " ment under the Government of I Vance, cannot be afcribcd to any inr " hcrcnt vice in the feveral tenures under which lands are held in the •» Colony, that it arofe from the Difficulties which the firit fetlers' found " in contending with the fierce and favage nations which furrounded ** them, from their frequent wars with the Bntilh Colonics and above " ali ffr (f re (( t 3^ 1 " pourra J'fircr le rhanp^ement dc la tenure de la Seigneurie, ctqu'il y * ait quelques valTaux oa ccaritaires d iiielle qui refulcioient Je fe foii- •♦ mettre a tel changcment, *' Qu'il fcitaufli llatUv; par la dlte autoritt', que dans chaque et tel cas, que la requite quifcra prcfentee pour remettre ainii que la pa- tente pour cone dcr de nouveau, e.vprimeront et defigneront dune " maniere certahie, la fiuuation et le contenu rt'el dcs terres et biens dc tous ceux qui ne voudront point ainii un changement de tenure, et ces parties feront exceptces de la nouvelle conceirion et reftcront a tous egards comnie (i telle conceffion nouvelle n'eut jamais etc falte; niais qu aprcs telle concelFion nouvelle, une cinquieme partic de tous " lods et ventcs ou amcndes de mutations qui proviendroit de rulie- *' nation de tellcs parties exceptces, fcra paye par leproprietaireou ks *' propnetaircs dc la leigneurie, a I'ufagede la Majelle, fes heriticrs et «• fuccelTcurs ; et fcra garantie par des claufcs convenables et provifos qui " Xeroat mf»rJi> dans telle patcntc ou conctllion nouivtlle. D E S A V E U. «' Ra'fons du Defavcii de Mr. Ma bane des Rejclntions et de la Motloft dti *' Jitge en Chef adoptees par le Ommite. ** Parccque les refolutions propol'ees ne paroillcnt pas s'appliquer a •* I'objet de la Reference. •• Parcequ'il paroit que le progres lent de la population et de I'eta- •* bliffement fous le Gouvernementde larrance,nc fauroitctreattribue „ a aucun vice inh 'rent dans les diflvrentcs tenures fous lefquclles les *' terres ont ct' poffl'dees dans la Colonic; qu'il a rcfulte des difficultts *' que Ics premiers colons ont trouve a. fedefendrc contrc les nations cru- ^ cllcs et fauvagcs qui les cnvironnoient , de Icurs frequentes guerrcs a- " vec -■«!;: ?'iT '■■•''^v«':7J.i'r/^'v^TSp?'F-'fJ?TfT^ I 33 1 " all from their repeated Expeditions in the Upper Countries and to- " ward the Ohio in which the ambitious Policy of France had forced*^ *' them to ingage " Bccaur«" it appears evident from the rapid and ahnofl: unexampled " Progrefsof Population in the Province (from its own Rcfources) be-- '* ingfrom 65,000 fouls in the year 1766 to about 120,000 in the year " 1784 and who are now Chieily employed in agriculture that the prc- *' fent tenures are not inimical to Population and fcttkmcnt of the " Colony. " Bccaufethe King's Rights in the ancient tenures of the Country " being exprcfsly refervcd in the Adl of the 14th of the King, and by " his Majelty's graciou^ bounty appropriated to defray the expences of " Civil Government ought not to be relinquifhedor facrificed without " an equivalent compcnfation. 1 ** Becaufe however unproduclive thc^ Territorial Revenue may have *' hitherto been from the indulgence or fupincnefs of Government, no " Judgment can be formed from the fums actually colleded, of the Re- " venue that may hereafter arifc therefrom, which mull incrcafe in " Proportion to the Population and commerce of the Province " Becaufe the Prcdileclion of the native Inhabitants of the Province '' to their antient tenures and laws ought not to be interfered with un- " Icfs by their own confcnt, and or the flrongeft and clcarcft Grounds '• of Public Utility. *' Becaufe the alterations p*-opofed by the Refolutions or any other ** Converfion of Tenure tending to give the Seigneur a more abfolutc «• and unconditional Poffeflion of the Fief would not only be a fac nfice ** ofihcKmg's Rights, but would defeat the wife intentions and bene- " iicent IS- [ 33 ] '0 vec les Colonies Britanniques, et par-defllis tout, de leurs eYpe'Vition» ** rrpetees dans Ics pais d'cnhaut et vers I'Ohio dans Icfquellesh loVi- ♦* tique ambitieufe dc la I ranee Ics avoit force de s engager. " Parccqu'ilparoit evident, du progrcs ripide et prefque fans cxem- ** pie, de la population dans la Province (de fes propres refources) ct- *• ant de 65,000 ames dans I'annee 1766, a environ 120,000 dans I'an- *' nc^e 1784, et qui font adtuellemcnt en majeure partie cmploiees a 1 a- *' griculturci ^ue les tenures aduelles ne font point coniraircs a la po- " j.Ailacion ct contre rt'tabliircmcnt de la Colonic. " I'arceque les droits du Rci dans les anciennes tenures du paisetant '* expreflenient refcrves dans le (latut dc la quatorzieme annec du Roy *' et appliquee par la gracicufe generofiti de fa Majefte a defrayer les *' d pcnfes du Gouvernemcnt Civil, ne devrolent pa., etre abancionni^s ou *' facrilks fans une compenfationequivalente. ** Parceque le revenu domanial n'a pas etc julqu'ici producTiif par " I'indulgence ou molellis du Gouverncment, Ion ne peut former une ** opinion fur le fommes acluellemcnt revues, du Revenu qui pourroic *• en refulter ci-aprcs, qui doit augmenter en proportion a la population " ct au Commerce dc la Province. " Parceque la predilecflion des habitans natifs dcla Provincc,a leurs " anciennes tenures et a leurs loix ne devroit pas etre contrariee, a *' nioins que ce ne fut par leur propre confentemcnt etfur les principcs " Ic^ plus forts et les plus clairs dc I'avantage public. " Parceque les changemens propofes par Ics Rcfolutions ou aucuii " autre changement de tenure, tendant adonner au feigncur une pollcf- " fion du fief plu^ abfolue, et fans condition, fcroient non-feulcmcnt un • facrificc da, droits du Koi, niais rcnvcrferoient Ics fages intentions ct «« its M < ft re u «« « tt i< tt r 34 ] <* ficcnt Effetfls of the Arrets of 1711 and 1732, and the Declaration of 1743, by which the Seigneur is obliged to grant to fuch Perfons as will apply for them foi the Purpofe of Improvement Lands in Concelfion fubjedl only to rhc accuflomed and flipulated Rents and " Dues and upon nis non Compliance the Governor is authorifcd on the ** Part of the Crown and for the Benefit thereof to the Exclufion of the Seigneur for ever, to concede or grant the Lands fo applied for. By the fame Law the Seigneurs arc forbid under pain of Nullity and a Reunion to the Crown of the Land attempted to be fold to fell any part of their unimproved Lands or en Bois de Bout, Difpofitions of Law highly favorable to the Improvement of the Colony and which fccure to the Children of the Cenfitaircs or others the means of fettle- mcnt and of employing their Induflry in Cultivation on fixed and moderate Terms, whereas if the Converfion of the Seigneuries into free and common Socage fliould take place, the Childrenof the pre- fent Inhabitants of the Country and all others defirous to Settle there- on would be left intirely fubjecl to theabitrary Exadlions of the Seig- neurs to their infinite Prejudice and the manifeft detriment of the Country's Improvement. •• Becaufe it appears that the fervices or Burthens to which the Cen- ** fitaires under Conccflions from Seigneurs are fubjCtfl, are few, clear- ly undcrllood and afcertained and are by no means onerous or op- preflive.** J. WILLlAxMS, a a <c « It t< tt tt <( FINIS. \ [ 34 3 . <' \es effets avantageux des arrets de 171 1 et 1732, et de la declaration <« de 1743, par lefqueL le Seigneur eft oblige d'accorder a tousceux qui «• en demanderont, a I'effet d'amcliorer des terres, des conceffions fu* " jettes feuicment aux rentes ct droits accoutumesetftipules; et fur fon •• refus le Gouvcrncur eft autorife, au nom de la Couronne etpour fort ** profit, a I'exclulion du Seigneur pour toiijours, de conceder les terres " demandces. Par la meme loi les Seigneurs ne peuvent, fou^ peine de " nullite et dc r^'union a la Couronne de la terre projettee d'etre ven- ** due, vendre aucune partie des terres incultes ou en bois dcbout, dif- «♦ pofitionsdelaloiextrtmement favorables aux ameliorations dc la Colo- *• nie, et qui alFu rent aux cnfansdesccnfitairesouautres, lesmoiensde s'e- " tablir et d'emploier leur induftriedans laCultivation, fur des conditio " ens fixes et modc'rees, tandis que fi Ton changeoit les Scigneuries en «• Franc et Commun Soccage, les enfans des habitans aduels du pais ct " tous autres qui defireroient s'etablir fur icelles, feroient cntierement '* lailfcs aux exadlionsarbitraires des Seigneurs, a leur prejudice inlini " et au detriment manifeftede I'amelioration dupais. " Parcequ'il paroit que les ferviccs ou charges auxquels les ccnfi- taires fous les conceffions des Seigneurs font fujets, font en petit nom. brc, clairement entendus et conftates, et ne font aifurement pas onereux ni oppreflifs." J. WILLIAMS, G,C.L, << F I N.