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BT GOLDWIN SMITH. e^ MAOMILLAN & CO., LONDON. ALEXANDER IRELAND & CO., MANCHESTER. 1867. [All riyhts reserved.'] s OXF<)RD: nv T. rr)MBK, M. A., E. B. GARDNER, K. P. HAIL, AND H. I-ATHAM, M. A. PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. & TO THOMAS BAYLEY POTTER, M.R, «• I'ATHAM, .V.,\. A STAUNCH FRIEND OF HHMANITV AND JUSTICE IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. ^fiese Hectures ARE DEDICATED. CONTEiNTS. Lecture I. » PYM II. CROMWELL „ in. PITT „ IV. PITT (continued) PAGE 1 65 145 227 !» II THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. I. PYM. .•-*• Let us never glorify revolution. Statesman- ship is the art of avoiding it, and of making progress at once continuous and calm. Revolu- tions are not only full of all that a good citizen and a good Christian hates while they last, but they leave a long train of bitterness behind. The energy and the exaltation of character which they call forth are paid for in the las- situde, the depression, the political infidelity which ensue. The great spirits of the Eng- lish Revolution were followed by the men of Charles II. Whatever of moral grandeur there was in the French Revolution was followed by Bonapartism and Talleyrand. Even while the great men are on the scene, violence and one- I I ' t! I 2 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. sidedness mar their greatness. Let us pray that all our political contests may be carried on as the contests of fellow citizen, and beneath the unassailed majesty of law. But the chiefest authors of revolutions have been not the chi- merical and intemperate friends of progress, but the blind obstructers of progress ; those who, in defiance of nature, struggle to avert the inevit- able future, to recall the irrevocable past ; who chafe to fury by damming up its course the river which would otherwise flow calmly be- tween its banks, which has ever flowed, and which, do what they will, must flow for ever. If a revolution ever was redeemed by its grandeur, it was the revolution which was opened by Pym, which was closed by Cromwell, of which Milton was the apostle and the poet. The material forces have been seen in action on a more imposing scale, the moral forces never. Why is that regard for principle, which was so strong among us then, comparatively so weak among us now ? The greatest member of parliament that ever lived, the greatest mas- ter of the convictions and the feelings of the House of Commons, was not Robert Peel, but John Pym. But if Pym, in modem garb and I ii PYM. using modern phrase, could now rise in his old place, his words, though as practical as they are lofty, would, I fear, be thought " too clever for the House.' Is it that wealth, too much ac- cumulated and too little diffused, has placed the leadership of the nation in less noble hands \ We must not regard this revolution merely as the struggle of the English House of Com- mons against the tyranny of Charles I. It was part of a European conflict between two great opposing currents of opinion, one running to- wards the future, the other towards the past. The Reformation, like all really great move- ments, was religious ; but acting on the deepest part of humanity, it impelled forwards the whole nature of man ; and the reaction against it ac- cordingly was a reaction of all the powers of the past. In Spain the reaction, both political and ecclesiastical, had triumphed through the alliance of the Inquisition and the kings. In France the political reaction had triumphed through the policy of Hichelieu, whom some, thinking more of organisation than of life, num- ber with the friends of progress ; the rest was to be done by Louis XIY. In Germany, Austria and the CathoHc League had nearly crushed the B 2 i i 4 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. independence of the Protestant states, and made a Catholic empire of the land of Luther. At first the Reformation, with liberty in its train, had spread over all the nations that spoke a Teutonic tongue ; it had spread over a great part of France ; it had gained a footing in Italy and Spain. Now, England and Holland seemed to stand almost alone. It was a crisis as perilous as that of the Armada. How natural to hu- manity, wearied and perplexed with change, is this yearning for the thrones and for the altars of the past ! In England, however, not only was there this conflict between the Reformation and its enemies. Here, the real reformation was still to come. The reformation of Henry VIII. was 2 royal reformation, which put the king in the place of the pope. The people were now to have their reformation, a reformation of convic- tion, which put conscience in the place both of pope and king. I take for granted a knowledge of the reign of James I. ; the glories of Elizabeth lighting up the shame of her successor; the fatal ques- tion whether sovereign power resided with the king or with the parliament, kept undecided by I I UfEN. ites, and made ^. Luther. At Y in its train, tliat spoke a over a great oting in Italy )nand seemed sis as perilous atural to hu- th change, is for the altars Y was there tion and its on was still y VIII. was king in the ^ere now to n of convic- ace both of f the reign ith lighting fatal ques- d with the idecided bj PYM. 5 her tact, forced to decision by his folly ; the weaknesses of a sovereign who seemed born to advance constitutional liberty by provoking re- sistance which he could not quell, and proclaim- ing principles of absolutism which he could not sustain ; the close alliance between prerogative and the priest party, the king insulting the Puritan divines at the Hampton Court confer- ence, and the bishops prostrate in grateful ecstasies at his feet ; the government of fa- vourites, whose names were bywords of infamy ; the judicial murder of Raleigh ; the disgrace of Chief Justice Coke, and of the common law in his person ; the divorce of Essex ; the murder of Overbury ; the mysterious threats by which the murderers appealed not in vain to the guilty conscience of the king ; the uprising of the Commons ; the Protestation of Right ; the storm of national resentment to which the court sacrificed Bacon — Bacon, who served darkness in the hope that when he had raised himself to power his science would make the darkness light, the dupe of a dream of beneficent des- potism, a warning to fastidious minds if they would work for the people to work with and by the people. t|! MM ■I.'' m m I, ! 6 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. I take for granted, too, a knowledge of the early part of the life and reign of Charles : the ominous episode of the Spanish match ; the scenes of duplicity which followed, already re- vealing the dark spot in Charles's character ; the ascendancy of Buckingham, safely intrenched in favour, more safely than ever Strafford was, because his mind was not above that of his master ; the coronation, in which the bishops and their paraphernalia played so conspicuous a part; the brief honeymoon of the new king and his parliament ; the renewal of the struggle ; Charles's policy oscillating between government by parliament and government by prerogative, and both ways fatally to himself; his foreign policy oscillating between the support of Pro- testant freedom, for which the nation called, and the support of Catholic absolutism, towards which his own heart yearned ; the French queen, with her French notions of what a king and a queen should be ; the beginnings of arbitrary- taxation and military rule ; the " great, warm, and rufflhig parliament," as Whitelocke calls it, by which those encroachments were withstood ; the Petition of Eight, that complement of the Great Charter, which declares that Englishmen ,1 i PYM. shall never be subject to martial law, and which if it be tampered with in our day, though it be in the person of the humblest English sub- ject, we purpose, after the example of our great forefathers, to make good. At last Charles broke with his parliament, passionately dissolved it amidst a scene of tempestuous violence (the Speaker being held down in his chair till the protest of the Com- mons had been made), and by proclamation forbade any man to talk of a parliament being ever held again. The leader of the Commons, Sir John Eliot, was thrown into the Tower. There he sank at last beneath the bad air and the chills of his prison-house, constantly re- fusing, as a champion of the law, to do homage to lawlessness by submission. "My lodgings are removed, and I am now where candle- light may be suffered, but scarce fire." So he writes when he is dying of consumption. The court knew what they were doing. " 1 must tell you," writes Lord Cottington to the rene- gade Strafford, "that your old, dear friend Sir John Eliot is very like to die." His family petitioned for leave to bury him among his fathers in his Cornish home. The king wrote 8 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. li.'i !|H!l at the foot of the petition, "Let Sir John Eliot's body be buried in the church of that parish where he died." But Sir John Eliot's spirit rose in the king's path in a decisive hour. Then followed eleven years of government by prerogative — in place of ParHament, the triune despotism of the Privy Council, the Star Chamber, the Court of High Commission ; in place of laws, proclamations ; in place of courts of law, courts of arbitrary power ; in place of legal taxation by parliament, forced loans, monopolies, feudal and forest extortions, ship- money ; the tenure of the judges made during the king's pleasure, that they might be perfect slaves to the king's will ; the tamperings with the bench, by which old Judge Whitelocke warned Laud he would in the end raise a flame in the nation ; the " Book of Sports" put forth not only to do despite to the Puritan Sabbath, but to make a merry England, free from political thought ; the Protestant cause abroad openly abandoned ; the strength of the nation declining as the power of the crown rose, and Barbary pirates riding triumphant in the Channel ; Straftbrd and Laud with their MEN, it Sir John Lirch of that John Eliot s ^ ci decisive government iament, the 3il, the Star mission ; in 36 of courts in place of reed loans, tions, ship- ade during be perfect rings with Vhitelocke d raise a 'f Sports" le Puritan land, free ant cause th of the le crown phant in ith their PYM, 9 policy of Thorough ; Laud, Primate and Chan- cellor, extirpating freedom of thought in Eng- land ; Straiford, lord deputy of Ireland, making ready there an army for the completion of the joint work, and reading us two lessons which from so able an enemy we shall do well to learn; first, that a standing army is a standing menace to public liberty ; and, secondly, that arbitrary government in a dependency is the stepping-stone to arbitrary government at home. Hopelessly as it seemed at the time, Hampden withstood ship-money : he was cast in his suit before a servile and unjust court, but he proved that in a righteous cause a defeat before an un- just court may be a victory before the people. With tyranny in the state, tyranny in the church went hand in hand. Intimate is the connection between political freedom and free- dom of the soul : eternal is the alliance of the Lauds and the Straffords against both. Heaction in the state and reaction in the church, a Ho- manising 'clergy, and a government tending to martial law, these are the joint characteristics not of one age alone. The drry bones of the Tudor episcopate had now begun to live with a portentous life of priestly ambition, the source I' f'li: :;'!! *o PYM. 17 the kingdom men entering rding the en- principle, we age. Oxford and there he olid acquire- lents, so that ite of Apollo. Tace in some ir of reason, and destroy- N'evertheless, it statesmen timonwealth. ien, and of xford where were nursed i the House now seems ir learning, wrong to id upon to University ien to the which the University is, and, unless you rescue her, will continue to be, a slave. It is another point of difference between the English and the French revolutions that the leaders of the English revolution were as a rule good husbands and fathers, in whom domestic affection was the root of public virtue. Pym, after being for some time in public life, married, and after his marriage lived six years in retire- ment — a part of training as necessary as action to the depth of character and the power of sus- tained thought which are the elements of great- ness. At the end of the six years his wife died, and he took no other wife but his country. There were many elements in the patriot party, united at first, afterwards severed from each other by the fierce winnowing-fan of the struggle, and marking by their successive as- cendancy the changing phases of the revolution : Constitutional Monarchists, aristocratic Repub- licans, Republicans thoroughgoing, Protestant Epincopalians, Presbyterians, Independents, and in the abyss beneath them all the Anabaptists, the Fifth Monarchy men, and the Levellers. Pym was a friend of constitutional monarchy in politics, a Protestant Episcopalian in religion ; : 3iii i8 THREE El^GLISH STATESMEN. ■^ ! '.'I I against a despot, but for a king ; against the tyranny and the political power of the bishops, but satisfied with that form of cliurch govern- ment. He was no fanatic, and no ascetic. He was genial, social, even convivial. His enemies held him up to the hatred of the sectaries as a man of pleasure. As the statesman and orator of the less extreme party, and of the first period of the revolution, he is the English coun- terpart of Mirabeau, so far as a Christian patriot can be the counterpart of a Yoltairean de- bauchee. Nor is he altogether unlike Mirabeau in the style of his eloquence, our better appreciation of which, as well as our better knowledge of Pym and of this the heroic age of our history in general, we owe to the patriotic and truly noble diligence of Mr. John Forster, from whose researches no small portion of my materials for this lecture is derived. Pym^s speeches of course are seventeenth-century speeches ; stately in diction, somewhat like homilies in their divi- sions, full of learning, full of Scripture (which then, be it remembered, was a fresh spring of new thought), full of philosophic passages which might have come from the pen of Hooker or of against the the bishops, urch govern- ascetic. He His enemies sectaries as iesman and i of the first English coun- Lstian patriot Itairean de- .beau in the preciation of dge of Pym history in and truly from whose "f materials speeches of les ; stately their divi- ure (which spring of ages which oker or of vf I PYM. 19 xi: m a Bacon. But they sometimes strike the great strokes for which Mirabeau was famous. Buck- ingham had pleaded to the charge of enriching himself by the sale of honours and offices, that so far from having enriched himself he was £100,000 in debt. " If this be true," replied Pym, " how can we hope to satisfy his immense prodigality ; if false, how can we hope to satisfy his covetousness 1" In the debate on the Peti- tion of Eight, when Secretary Cooke desired in the name of the Idng to know whether they would take the king's word for the observance of their liberties or not, " there was silence for a good space," none liking to reject the king's word, all knowing what that word was worth. The silence was broken by Pym, who rose and said, " We have his majesty's coronation oath to maintain the laws of England ; what need we then to take his word T And the secretary desperately pressing his point, and asking what foreigners would think if the people of England refused to trust their king's word, Pym rejoined, " Truly, Mr. Secretaiy, I am of the same opinion that I was, that the king's oath is as powerful as his word." In the same debate the courtiers the House to leave entire his majesty's pray c 2 V ' U .[ i , .■ i /I Hi 'I' I r li ! . ; I 90 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. sovereign power — a Stuart phrase, meaning the power of the king when he deemed it expedient to break the law. " I am not able," was Pym's reply, " to speak to this question. I know not what it is. All our petition is for the laws of England ; and this power seems to be another power distinct from the power of the law. I know how to add sovereign to the king's per- son, but not to his power. We cannot leave to him a sovereign power, for we never were possessed of it." The English Be volution was a revolution of principle, but of principle couched in precedent. What the philosophic salon was to the French leaders of opinion, that the historical and an- tiquarian library of Sir Robert Cotton was to the English. And of the group of illustrious men who gathered in that library, none had been a deeper student of its treasures than Pym. His speeches and state papers are the proof. When the parliament had met, Pym was the first to rise. We know his appearance from his portrait — a portly form, which a court waiting- woman called that of an ox ; a fore- head so high that lampooners compared it to I i >,.5 lEN. meaning the it expedient /' was Pym's I know not the laws of 3 be another the law. I 3 king's per- sannot leave never were ■evolution of in precedent, the French Lcal and an- tton was to illustrious none had isures than ers are the yni was the trance from h a court »x ; a fore- jared it to PYM. 81 a shuttle ; the dress of a gentleman of the time : for not to the cavaliers alone belonged that picturesque costume and those pointed beards, which furnish the real explanation of the fact that all women are Tories. Into the expectant and wavering, though ardent, minds of the inexperienced assembly he poured, with the authority of a veteran chief, a speech which at once fixed their thoughts, and possessed them with their mission. It was a broad, complete, and earnest, though undeclamatory, statement of the abuses which they had come to reform. For reform, though for root-and-branch reform, not for revolution, the Short Parliament came : and Charles might even now have made his peace with his people. But Charles did not yet see the truth : the truth could never pierce through the divinity that hedged round the king. The Commons insisted that redress of grievances should go before supply. In a mo- ment of madness, or what is the same thing, of compliance with the counsels of Laud, Charles dissolved the parliament, imprisoned several of its members, and published his reasons in a pro- clamation full of despotic doctrine. The friends of the crown were sad, its enemies very joyful. i IF ■:i 22 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. Now, to the eye of history, begins to rise that scaffold before Whitehall. Once more Charles and Strafford tried their desperate arms against the Scotch ; and once more their soldiers refused to fight. Pym and Hampden, meanwhile, sure of the issue, were preparing their party and the nation for the decisive struggle. Their head-quarters were at Pym's house, in Gray's Inn Lane ; but meetings were held also at the houses of leaders in the country, especially for correspondence with the Scotch, with whom these patriot traitors were undoubtedly in league. A private press was actively at work. Pym was not only the orator of his party, but its soul and centre ; he knew how not only to propagate his opinions with words of power, but to organise the means of victory. And now Charles, in extremity, turned to the middle ages for one expedient more, and called a Great Council of Peers, according to Plantagenet precedents, at York. Pym flew at once to York, caused a petition for a parlia- ment to be signed by the peers of his party there, and backed it with petitions from the people, one of them signed by 10,000 citizens of London. This first great wielder of public MEN. PYM. n 3 to rise that 'd tried their h ; and once t. Pym and ) issue, were ition for the [•ters were at but meetings waders in the ice with the Jraitors were e press was y the orator ; he knew )inions with le means of nity, turned t more, and ccording to *ym flew at r a parlia- - his party from the 00 citizens ' of public 4 opinion in England was the inventor of or- ganised agitation by petition. The king sur- rendered, and called a parliament. Pym and Hampden rode over the country, urging the constituencies to do their duty. The constitu- encies did their duty, as perhaps they had never done it before, and have never done it since. They sent up the noblest body of men that ever sat in the councils of a nation. The force of the agitation triumphed for the moment, as it did again in 1830, over all those defects in the system of representation which prevail over the public interest and the public sentiment in ordinary times. The Long Parliament met, while round it the tide of national feeling swelled and surged, the long-pent-up voices of national resentment broke forth. It met not for reform, but for revolution. The king did not ride to it in state ; he slunk to it in his private barge, like a vanquished and a doomed man. Charles had called to him Strafford. The earl knew his danger ; but the king had pledged to him the royal word that not a hair of his head should be touched. He came foiled, broken by disease, but still resolute, prepared to act on the it: ? hi' I 24 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. aggressive, perhaps to arraign the leaders of the Commons for treasonable correspondence with the Scotch. But he had to deal, in his friend anil coadjutor of former days, with no mere rhetorician, but with a man of action as saga- cious ,ind as intrepid as himself. Pym at once struck a blow which proved him a master of revolution. Announcing to the Commons that he had weighty matter to impart, he moved that the doors should be closed. When they were opened, he carried up to the Lords the impeachment of the Earl of Strafford. The earl came down to the House of Lords that day with his brow of imperial gloom, his im- petuous step, his tones and gestures of com- mand: but scarcely had he entered the house when he found that power had departed from him ; and the terrible grand vizier of govern- ment by prerogative went away a fallen man, none unbonneting to him, in whose presence an hour before no man would have stood covered. The speech by which Pym swept the house on to this bold move, so that, as Clarendon says, " not one man was found to stop the torrent,'' is known only from Claren- don's outline. But that outline shows how the f .* leaders of the •ondence with in his friend vith no mere 3tion as saga- Pym at once a master of /ommons that 't, he moved When they he Lords the rafford. The f Lords that oom, his im- ires of corn- id the house ^parted from of govem- fallen man, ►se presence have stood ym swept so that, as s found to om Claren- VB how the PYM. 95 speaker filled the thoughts of his liearers with a picture of the tyranny, before he named its chief author, the Earl of Straiibrd; and how he blended with the elements of indignation some lighter passages of the earFs vanity and amours, to mingle indignation with contempt and to banish fear. Through the report of the Scotch Commis- sioner Baillie we see the great trial, to which that of Warren Hastings was a parallel in splendour, but no parallel in interest — West- minster Hall filled with the Peers, the Com- mons, the foreign nobility, come to learn if they could a lesson in English politics — the ladies of quality, whose hearts (and we can pardon them) were all with the great criminal who made so gallant and skilful a fight for life, and of whom it was said that, like Ulysses, he had not beauty, but he had the eloquence which moved ^ god- dess to love. Among the mass of the audience the interest, intense at first, flagged as the immense process went on; and eating, drink- ing, loud talking filled the intervals of the trial. But there was one whose interest did not flag. The royal throne was set for the king in his place ; but the king was not there. ,* i. ''|« ■' ! I ■ *!■( : }fi li 26 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. He WO.S witli his queen in a private gallery, the lattice-work of which, in his eagerness to hear, he broke through with his own hands. And there he heard, among other things, these words of Pym : " If the histories of eastern countries be pursued, whose princes order their affairs according to the mischievous principles of the Earl of Strafford, loose and absolved from all rules of government, they will be found to be frequent in combustions, full of massacres and of the tragical ends of princes." I need not make selections from a speech so well known as that of Pym on the trial of Strafford. But hear one or two answers to fal- lacies which are not quite dead yet. To the Ciiarge of arbitrary government in Ireland, Strafford had pleaded that the Irish were a conquered nation. " They were a conquered nation," cries Pym. " There cannot be a word more pregnant or fruitful in treason than that word is. There are few nations in the world that have not been conquered, and no doubt but the conqueror may give what law he pleases to those that are conquered ; but if the succeed- ing pacts and agreements do not limit and re- strain that right, what people can be secure ^ 'MEN. Lvate gallery, eagerness to I own hands, things, these js of eastern js order their •us principles md absolved :hey will he tions, full of of princes." )m a speech the trial of iswers to fal- yet. To the in Ireland, ish were a conquered i be a word )n than that 1 the world o doubt but he pleases the succeed- mit and re- be secure ? PYM. 27 t .i -IS A England hath been conquered, and Wales hath been conquered ; and by this reason will be in little better case than Ireland. If the king by the right of a conqueror gives laws to his people, shall not the people, by the same reason, be re- stored to the right of the conquered to recover their liberty if they can V Strafford had alleged good intentions as an excuse for his evil coun- sels. " Sometimes, my lords," says Pym, " good and evil, truth and falsehood, lie so near together that they are hard to be distinguished. Matters hurtful and dangerous may be accompanied with such circumstances as may make them appear useful and convenient. But where the matters propounded are evil in their own nature, such as the matters are wherewith the Earl of Straf- ford is charged, as to break public faith and to subvert laws and government, they can never be justified by any intentions, how good soever they be pretended." Again, to the plea that it was a time of great danger and necessity, Pym replies : " If there were any necessity, it was of his own making ; he, by his evil counsel, had brought the king into a necessity; and by no rules of justice can be allowed to gain this ad- vantage by his own fault, as to make that a 1 IIHI: J ? -V 28 THREE ENGLISH STATESJfEK ground of his juHtification which is a great part of his offence." Once we are told, while Pym was speaking, his eyes met those of Strafford, and the speaker grew confused, lost the thread of his discourse, broke down beneath the haggard glance of his old friend. Let us never glorify revolution ! It is commonly said that Pym and Hampden, finding that the evidence for the impeachment had failed, made short work with their victim by an Act of Attainder. Mr. Forster has dis- covered proof that Pym and Hampden were personally against resorting to an Act of At- tainder, and in favour of praying judgment on the evidence in the regular way ; but the opinion of the majority being opposed to theirs, they went with the rest. Guilty of treason against the king Strafford was not for the king was his accomplice. But he was guilty, and he stood and stands clearly convicted of that which Pym charged him — treason against the nation. He had "endeavoured by his words, actions, and counsels, to subvert the fundamental laws of England and Ireland, and to introduce an ar- bitrary and tyrannical government." The Act of Attainder was not in those days what it would d o| I] l-i: UfEN. PYM. 29 is a great part Avan speaking, d the speaker his discourse, glance of his jvohition ! nd Hampden, impeachment I their victim 'ster has dis- ampden were 1 Act of At- judgment on it the opinion theirs, they 3ason against king was his md he stood ' which Pym nation. He actions, and ital laws of duce an ar- The Act hat it would f be in ours, an instrument of whicli no just man would make use against the worst and most dangerous of criminals. It had a place in juris- prudence, and would have been used on the like occasion as freely by one party as by the other. In this case the process had been perfectly ju- dicial, and the Act of Attainder did no more than punish treason against the nation, as the Statute of Treasons would have punished treason against the king. *' Shall it be treason," asked Pym, alluding to that statute, "to embase the king's coin, though but a piece of twelvepence or sixpence ; and must it not needs be the effect of a greater treason to embase the spirit of his subjects, and to set a stamp and character of servitude on them, whereby they shall be dis- abled to do anything for the service of the king and the commonwealth V^ And he justly reasoned that laws would be vain if they had not a power to preserve themselves, if any as- pirant to arbitrary power might with impunity compass their subversion. Falkland voted for the Act of Attainder, and Falkland would not have voted for legislative murder. The Lords hesitated ; left to themselves they would have shrunk from convicting on a capital %\ ii i ... ,i :;ii .-!. tn J) ! 30 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, charge. But the popular clamour was loud and terrible. The Lords showed what in them is called tact, and the Bill of Attainder passed. The king had pledged his word that not a hair of Strafford's head should be harmed ; and to a chivalrous mind the release which Strafford sent him would have made the pledge doubly strong. But the king had casuists about him, and the queen hated Strafford as the rival of her power, though she allowed that he had fine hands. Before the trial, Charles had attempted to save his minister by making overtures to the leaders of the opposition, which, as they would have come in as a party on their own principles and with full securities, they were not only en- titled but bound as an opposition to accept. But the negociation was broken off" by Bedford's death. Charles still tried influence and en- treaty. But the discovery of the queen's plot (for hers it probably was), to bring up the army and overawe the par'ament, sealed Strafford's doom. And so that promise made in the con- ference at Greenwich was kept to the letter. Better had it not been so. Better to have been satisfied with establishing the principle that treason against the nation was as high SMEN. ' was loud and at in them is ier passed. >rd that not a harmed ; and hich Strafford pledge doubly ;ts about him, s the rival of at he had fine lad attempted ertures to the LS they would wn principles 3 not only en- m to accept, by Bedford's nee and en- queen's plot up the army id Strafford's 3 in the con- o the letter, ter to have he principle vas as high PYM. 31 ' a crime as treason against the king, and then Ho have exalted and hallowed the national ^ cause by mercy. The other course exalted and I half hallowed the crime. But it seems to have I been the feeling of all patriots that the consti- itution could not be safe while Strafford lived. fit was the moderate and chivalrous Essex that i uttered the hard words — " Stone dead hath no ^'fellow." Falkland was a party to the death of J Strafford ; so was Hyde, who, while he labours J to create the contrary impression, unwittingly I betrays himself by a subsequent admission, that f throughout these transactions he and Falkland ihad never differed from each other. So was Lord Capel, though afterwards, when all was I changed, himself dying as a royalist on the I scaffold, he professed to repent of his vote. I Laud was impeached also Surely no man lever tried the sufferance of his kind more I severely than this persecutor in the name of Ian authority which was itself the rebel of yes- terday. There is something singularly tyran- nical in High Anglican pretensions. The vic- Itims of Laud had seen with their own eyes the introduction of the doctrines and the practices which they were called upon to accept as the ■^ nS' I ..j. { 1 i f--i 32 THREE ENaiASH STATESMEN. iiiiineiuorliil Jiiul uubrokeii tradition of an iiii imitablo and iiil^illihlc! cliurcli. Laud liad Icanit government in tlie petty despotism of a col- lege, lie was sul)ject, as his friends said, tractical way. Pym ill the eived it from opened, there n taken from I of infection, id I. )t do the )e tned. A )ut it struck )ves, though lie assassin's ;he assassin's e was ready. s through a nonumeiital s for which « parliament had extorted redress, and concludes, ill effect, hy calling on the nation to supj)ort its leaders in n.aking the work good against evil counsellors and reaction. On the morning of the 23rd of November, 1641, it lay engrossed upon the table of the House of Comnions ; not the present House of Commons, as Mr. Forster reminds us, but the narrow, ill-lighted, dingy room in which for centuries some of the world's most important work was done. And never, perhaps, did that old room, never did any hall of debate, witness such an oratoric struggle as the debate on the Grand Remonstrance. The speakers were Pym, Hampden, Falkland, Hyde, Culpepper, Orlando Bridgman, Denzil Hollis, Waller, Glyn, Maynard, others of name The stake was the Kevolution and the fortunes of all who were embarked in it. Cromwell said that if they had lost he would have left Eng- land. The forces were by tliis time evenly balanced, for secession to the court hac made great gaps in the patriot Jirray, and in the royalist ranks were now seen not only Digby, Hyde, Culpepper, but Falkland — Falkland, in whose house, the free resort of all learning, a college, as his friend calls it, situated in a purer y f >! "i A.I ^4 ■m 1 1 :Ji m 40 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. I '' air, no small part, perhaps, of the intellectual elements of the revolution had been formed. There were many waverers whose votes were still to be lost or won. From noon to past midnight the battle raged ; for a battle it was of orators, not dictating pamphlets to the re- porters, but grappling with each other for victory. The merest skeleton, alas ! of the speeches alone remains. Pym rose when the debate was at its height, replying to the leaders on the king's side — Hyde, Falkland, Culpepper, and Sir Edward Dering. That the house was thinned by fatigue before the divi- sion has been proved to be a mistake; though there were many trimmers who stayed away altogether. At midnight, the Remonstrance was carried by eleven — 159 to 148. So charged was the air with the electricity of that fierce debate, that when the royalist Palmer at- tempted to protest, a tumult arose in which, as one who was present says, they had almost sheathed their sworcls in each others' breasts. In the following days the exasperated majority proceeded to violent measures against members of the minority. Let us never glorify revolution ! Now Charles arrived from Scotland, inflamed ib ;Jb ■& p P |T 1 mEN. fie intellectual been formed. =?e votes were noon to past battle it was its to the re- ch other for alas! of the )se when the ying to the de, Falkland, g. That the ore the divi- lake; though stayed away Remonstrance So charged f that fierce Palmer at- 56 in which, had almost lers' breasts, ted majority t members of revolution ! nd, inflamed PYM. 41 by contact with the fieiy spirit of Montrose, and bringing the proofs he had sought of the com- plicity of the opposition leaders with the Scotch. I He found the royalist reaction strong, many gained over by the queen, the students of the Temple hot in his favour, a royalist lord mayor, who got up for liim an enthusiastic reception in the city. He was in an atmosphere of violence. Whitehall was thronged with dis- banded officers and soldiers, ready at his com- mand to fall on. The parliament, by a bold act of sovereign power, had raised for itself a guard. Soon the names of Cavalier and Roundhead were heard ; soon blood was shed, and the hand which imfolds the book of histoiy turned the red page of civil war. The French queen, ignorant that in England a nation lay behind the parliament, thought the time had come for crushing the ringleaders and stamping out the revolution. Even now it seems Charles wavered between two policies, and made some overtures to Pym. Then he gave ^tar to the queen and Digby, impeached the five members, and went himself, with an armed train, to seize them in the House of Commons. All know how the attempt was foiled ; how Lady Carlyle — a ^:!iV •,s4''. |. '«M TF f^ 1 i li'ii 1 liii k\ i ,:! 1 ) 4« THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. storm-bird of this revolutionary storm, the political devotee first of Strafford, and when Strafford fell, of his conqueror — conveyed a warning to Pym ; how the queen cried joyfully that the king was master again of his king- dom, and found that she had spoken too soon ; how Charles entered the house, looked towards the place, on the right hand near the bar, where Pym sat, found that he and all the " birds" were " flown ;" left the house amid cries of " Privi- lege ; " tried the city ; found there now, instead of an enthusiastic greeting, shouts of " To your tents, Israel;" and departed from Whitehall, to return once more ; how the five members were brought back in triumph, " and," as Claren- don says, with an irony too near the truth, " set upon their thrones again ;" and how four thou- sand freeholders of Buckinghamshire rode up to protect their Hampden. Where are those four thousand freeholders of Buckinghamshire now \ And where then our English Hampden stood, speaking for English liberty, who stands now upholding martial law as the suspension of all law? Pym must now have seen that he had to conduct a civil war. His first task was to [st J storm, the )rd, and wlien — conveyed a cried joyfully L of his king- >ken too soon ; 3oked towards the bar, where "birds" were ies of " Privi- now, instead J of " To your >m Whitehall, five members Ld," as Claren- le truth, " set )w four thou- re rode up to •e those four nshire now ? apden stood, stands now 3nsion of all . he had io a-sk was io PYM. 43 f strengthen the weak knees of the Lords. The I special grievance of the Lords, the preference J of upstart ecclesiastics to the great nobility in I appointments to the offices of state, liad long 'I ago been redressed ; they saw that matters f were going too far for an aristocracy, and they I had begun by their qualms greatly to disturb I the unity of action. They had thrcAvn out the bill for taking away the votes of the bishops. A great popular demonstration was got up against obstruction. Pym carried the petitions of the people to the Lords, and backed them with a speech, in A.hich he said that the Com- mons "would be sorry that the story of that parliament should tell posterity that in so great a danger and extremity the House oi Commons should be enforced to save the kingdom alone." The Lords again showed tact ; they passed the bishops* bill with only three dissentient voices, and they also passed the bill giving parliament the command of the militia. The passing of the bill for taking away the bishops' votes was a matter of vital necessity to Pym, who though himself, as has been said already, an Episcopalian, and the reverse of a fanatic, was thrown more and more, as the i^i ■ iJU 'far m . Hi ! i: i !:m 1 1 fA W' m 11:1 Hi K :' 1^1 44 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. struggle went on and the moderates seceded, on the Presbyterians and the Independents. Fr(jm the Independents we may be sure his cultivated statesmanship would shrink ; but as a leader ^le must have noted that the unwaver- ing courage and devotion of these men, their fixity of purpose, their terrible force, stood out more clearly as the sky darkened and the storm came on. Mirabeau marked the intensity of convictit;u wdiich was to give ultim^ite ascen- dancy to the chief of the Jacobins. Pyrix may have marked the same thing in Cromwell. The final rupture between the king and the Commons took place on the demand of the par- liament for the control of the mihtary forces of the kingdom. No doubt if Charles had yielded to this demand, nothing would have been left him but the name and state of a king. And yet while the king had the power of the sword, could a constitution which he desired to over- throw be secure ? The question is not made less grave by the substitution of a standing army for a militia. It may one day present itself again. In truth it does partly present itself whenever an attempt is made to bring the Horse Guards under constitutional control. 1 i"'i 1 anj j ieil lof '^ tlu • talJ A sin ; the i f sqi „ bei PYM. 45 A pause ensues of eight montlis, during wliicli all Englishmen are choosing their parts, all ])reparing for civil war ; the king's pursuivants and his commissions of array are being encoun- tered by the commissioners and the ordinances of the parliament ; the old corselet and steel-cap, Ihe old pike, and sword, and carbine are being taken down from the wall where they had hung since the time of the Armada ; the hunter and the farmhorse are being trained to stand fire ; squadrons of yeomen, battalions of burghers are being drilled by officers who had served under Gustavus ; French and German engineers are or- ganising the artillery ; uniforms are being made for Newcastle's white-coats, Hampden's green- coats. Lord Save's blue-coats, the City of T-ondon's red-coats ; banners are being embroidered with mottoes, loyal or patriotic ; friends who have taken opposite sides with sad hearts are waving a last farewell across the widening gulf to each other. Sir William Waller, the parliamentarian general, writes to his future antagonist, the royalist general. Sir Ralph Hopton : " My affec- tions to you are so unchangeable, that hostility itself cannot violate my friendship to your person; but I must be true to the cause wherein I sei^ve. Ik i\» ''si? if i^^ i'^M tiij 46 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. The great God, who is the searcher of my heart, knows with what reluctance I go upon this service, and with what perfect hatred I lo(jk upon a war without an enemy. The God of peace in his good time send us peace, and in the meantime fit us to receive it. We are both on the stage, and we must act the parts tliat arc assigned us in this tragedy. Let us do it in a way of honour, and without personal ani- mosities." Not only friend against friend, neigh- bour against neighbour, but fatlier against son, son against father, brother against brother, women's hearts torn betw^een the husband who fought on one side, the father and brother who fought on the other ; those who last Christmas met round the same board, before next ChristmaH to meet in battle. If the High Church bishops and clergy were too roughly handled, as un- happily they were, let it be remembered that this was their war. It was truly called Bellum Episcopale. " I have eaten the king's bread," said Sir Edmund Verney, the king's standard- bearer, " near thirty years, and I will not do so base a thing as to forsake him. I choose rather to lose my life (which I am sure I shall do) to preserve and defend those things which '-, ar«] ? reii ^ Hul I tlu } bet I of mEN. PYM. 47 sr of my lieart, go upon tliis latrrd I look The God of peace, and in We are both he parts that Let us do it personal ani- iriend, neigli- r against son, insc brother, husband who I brother wlio ist Christmas ixt Christmas urch bishops died, as nu- mbered that ailed Bellum ing's bread," s standard- will not do I choose sure I shall hings which r 1. are a<^ainst my conscience to preserve and defend ; for I will deal freely with you, I have no reve- rence for the bishops, for wliom this quarrel subsists." Sir Edmund's presentiment was true : the first battle released him from this struggle l)etween his conscience and his chivalry. Let it be noted, however, that the injunction of Sir William Waller was not unobserved. This war was on the wdiole carried on in a way of honour ; and if not without personal ani- mosity, at least without the savage cruelty which has marked the c'vil wars of some na- tions. It was waged like a war of principle, like the war of a self-controlled and manly race. It was entered upon too, by the Commons at least, in the right spirit, as a most mournful necessity, with public humiliation and prayer. The playhouses were closed by an ordinance of the Parliament as in a time of national sorrow. These hypocrites, say royalists, knelt down to pray, and rose up again to shed innocent blood. And does not every religious soldier, when he goes into battle, do the same ? The king had now on his side \nost all the nobility, most of the wealthier gentry, and the more backward parts of the country, in which m ;*' -.i*,l ■ <% I: '^ if y^ - (i r-:t\ ii:!l!!i .jlll I!, ;l r' i} U 48 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. the feudal tie between the landowners and the peasantry was still strong ; such as the western counties, Wales, and part of the north. Of course he had the Episcopalian clergy, and the cathedral towns and universities which were vnider their influence. Oxford, once the in- tellectual head-quarters of Sin^ )n de Montfort, was now the head-quarters of Charles. The Roman Catholics also were with him ; he and they were in the same plot a,gainst liberty, though they did not yet quite understand each other. Pym and the Commons were strong in the more advanced and commercial districts, especially in the eastern counties. They had all the great towns, even those in the districts favourable to the enemy. " The town of Man- chester," says Clarendon, " had from the be* ginning, out of that factious humour whicli possessed most corporations, and the pride of their wealth, opposed the king, and declared magisterially for the parliament." Birmingham, too, according to the same authority, " was of as great faiue for hearty, wilful, affected dis- loyalty to the king as any place in England." London was the head- quarters ; not a London of warehouses at one end and Belgravias at PYM. 49 rners and the s the western e nor til. Of 3rgy, and the which were 3nce the in- de Montfort, Charles. The tiim ; he and linst liberty, ierstand each were strong cial districts, .. They had the districts 3wn of Maii- 'om the be- Qiour which he pride of md declared Birmingham, y, "was of [ifFected dis- n England." t a London ilgravias at the other, but a great city democracy, still warlike, as the conduct of the train-bands at Newbury proved, and devoted with heart and purse to the cause. Above all, the Commons had the lesser gentry and the independent yeomanry, everywhere attached to the cause by its religious side. Those independent yeomanry, with high hearts and convictions of their own, who filled the ranks of the Ironsjdes, who con- quered for English liberty at Marston, Naseby, and Worcester, in their native England are now seen no more. Here they have left a great, perhaps a fatal, gap in the ranks of freedom. But under Grant and Sherman thev still conquer for the good cause. Foreign powers stood neutral. Happily for us, Laud's desire of reunion with Eome had not been fulfilled, and the Anglican reaction in England remained isolated from the Catholic reaction in the rest of Europe. The Anglican Pope could not stoop to submission, and Home would hear of no compromise. To all offers of compromise, to all offers of anything but submission, she then said non possumiis, and she says non possumus still. So the Catholic powers left Charles to the doom of a heretic E '4 50 THREE ESaLLsn ,s7M 7XsJ/ /wV. V IH I |>rin(M\ !Uh1 wlion Ins lu^nd loll on (lio s^'alVoM. t(>ok tlu» (>])in>rtnniiy ol' Iniviny; Ins Ihu^ ml liH^ion (>r works of nil. Sp.'iin |)l!iy«Ml lid- own ii'Mnu^ in IvoImimI ; jukI IliolnOion ilii'on^li ont. \hv wlioK* of (hos(» Irnnsnoiions lind Ihmmi inirio'ninn' wilii tlio KnuKm's oT ll»o (\)n\nionM. Th(^ s\in]>ntlnos of llii^ SImIvs of lloll.'md wore Aviili il\o |>arlinn»on<, ihos(* of tho llonso of Oranm^ willi tlio Ixinjr. St.Mndinjj nnnv in ilioso days tluM'o was nono; if tboro bad 1)0ys|)a])or press; and it is instnietiye to see tliat, from the tirst, the party of "blood and eidtnre" lield its own in rnthanism and ribahhy. A statelier >yar of manifestoes meanwhile w^as waired bei\yeen Pvm in tlie name of the Com- mens, and Cbu'endoii in the name of the king. Hal lam thinks that Clarendon had tlie best of it. Mr. Forster scouts the idea. But I am of ryj]f. Bt r(> I* House of V AVMS none ; IWV VV\\h]\V{] of ihv C{)U\- riiriinnism. > lijul foiiglil HTjiMed l)v ■ MideH. Tills tlwit, Iroin g{ilit;y covivr n, »<'Voliitioii ; Jind H(i sli'otoliod, llio pMroliinont crnckH, mh f ll'inhdo?! (locM not Ijiil lo friiirk. Yoi l*yni W!ih wh.r. in |HVS<'Illlllg lllH ('}IIIN(5 JIH IC'g.'lliy {IM I IcLr.'ill ;»owMi Mo I o Jl |;i\v loving people, who liiid iioi loiirnt lo lliink of liiw JipJirt f'roiii M, king. Nor does lie (}iil io diMitliiy IiIm power, wliioli liiy oH[ieoi;dly in iin- niiiMkiiig rjilkioiow of prinoiplo. Ilydo luid nrgiiod lliiii Hie kinir iiixJ d Ji iillo U) ]\\h i( )WfJ ii;i] nie king IumI mh good a iitio t(» ni of !!'ill iind ilH ningJi.zinoH, nw {iny c^f* Ihh niih- jeclH .i;id to tlieir Iiomhoh ;ind landH, ;ind tluit (o disposer of ili(! |»l;ie(i wiilioni liis ooriHont would nlinki; ili(^ (onrKhitionH of* \)r()]H'r\y in geii'-nd. "Hero," replioH J'yrri, "ilud ik laid down for ;i |)rineij)]e wliioli would indeed pull iij) llie very ioiindation of tlie liborfy, [)ro})e,rty, iind interest oC (ivery Hiil)j(r,t in [)firtionljir, and ol' nil tlio siiljjoctH in gonenil, if wo slionld ;nlmit it (or a triitli tluit his rn;ijoHty lifilli tlio s;inio riglit ;ind ti1l(; to liis towns {ind maga- zines (l)ouglit with tlio jMiMif- money, ;»s wo conooivo ili.'it at Ifidl to lifivo boon) tluit ovory ])a]tieuliir iruin luitli to liis Ijouho, lands, and « goods ; for liis majesty's tov^ns aro no more his own than his people aro his own ; and if* E 2 J T(?n ■M,i ( I , ■'^*i ■: • Ml i m i--,::i 52 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. the king had a property in all his towns, what would become of the subjects' property in their houses therein r' A provision lal government of live peers and ten commoners was formed, under the name of the Committee of Safety, and installed at Derby House. At its head was Pym. Hampden went down to his county to muster his yeomen, and to second and perhaps watch Essex, a military grandee of rather lukewarm sentiments, though honourable and trustworthv, whom it was thought politic to make commander-in-chief Pym in his youth had been in the Exchequer; and the Chancellorship of the Exchequer was the office destined for him when he and his friends were on the point of forming a govern- ment. He now used his financial knowledge to organise the finance of the Commons in the way of regular taxation extending over all the districts in their power, to the envy of Claren- don, whose side was supplied only by irregular contributions and by the rapine, as wasteful as it was odious, of Hupert. "One side,'' says Clarendon, mournfully, "seemed to fight for monarchy with the weapons of confusion, and the other to destroy the king and government wl ml EN, towns, what irty in their 3 peers and -he name of ed at Derby upden went eomen, and , a military mts, though )m it was ^er- in -chief. Exchequer ; hequer was he and his a govern- knowledge ions in the »ver all the of Claren- y irregular tvasteful as side," says fight for usion, and overnment PTM. 53 with all the principles and regularity of monarchy." Towards the end of October, 1642, whatever there may have been on Pym s brow, deep care must have been in his heart, for the king was moving southw^ards on London, Essex was wait- in ir on his march, and a battle was at hand. Accordingly, on Monday, the 24th, came first, borne on the wings of fear, the news of a great defeat ; then better news, then worse news aofain ; then Lord Wharton and Mr. Strode from the army, with authentic tidings of the doubtful victory of Edgehill. Edgehill, the king's evening halting-place, looks out from the brow of the high table-land on a wide cham- paign ; and immediately below lies the little town of Keynton, the evening halting-place of Essex, Between Edgehill and Keynton is a wood called the Graves, the burial-place of five thousand Englishmen slain by English hands, among them it was said of a soldier to whom death was made more bitter by the thought thar- he had fallen by the carbine, in vai avoided, of his brother. There, on the Sabbath day, October 23, Roundhead and Ca- valier first tried the bitter taste of civil w^ar. '' < W X \ % I '\'-\ r 64 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, I I II' . From two o'clock till nightfall the plain be- tween Edgehill foot and Keynton was filled with the wild and coxifnsed eddies of a battle fought by raw troops under inexperienced com- manders. The action was, however, a sort of epitome of the war. It began with the deser- tion to the enemy of a body of Parliamentary horse under Fortescue, named by his sponsors, in proplietic irony, Sir Faithful. Rupert with his cavalry carried all before him, rode headlong off in pursuit, and returned with his wearied horsemen to find the Parliamentary infantry in possession of the field, and the king's person in great danger. The army of the Commons was enabled to hold its ground that night and the next day, and thus to gain the semblance of a victory — a semblance which was the saving of the cause — by the zeal of the country people, who eagerly brought them provisions, while the king's soldiers, when they went out to forage, were knocked upon the head. But as yet there was no Cromwell in command, and the serving- men and tapsters in the army were too many, the Ironsides were too few, as in the Federal army at Bull's Bun there was too much of New York and too little of Illinois. Edgehill m I iti: 3 plain be- was filled of a battle ienced com- [% a sort of . the deser- rliamentary is sponsors, lupert witli le headlong [lis wearied infantry in ng's person 3 Commons b night and semblance the saving itry people, , while the I to forage, s jet there le serving- too many, le Federal much of Edgehill rYM, 55 h M ffl was, in fact, our Bull's Run. The panic of the Parliamentary horse at the first charge of the Cavaliers was shameful. Some must have fled still earlier, if there be any truth in Clarendon's statement that though the battle began so late, runaways, and not only common soldiers, but officers of rank, were in St. Albans before night- fall. If the Times correspondent had been there, he would certainly have reported that Englishmen would not fight. Our nation, like the American nation of late, had to go through greater trials, and be thrown more upon its nobler self, before it could deserve victory. The Commons voted Essex £5,000 for his success. But meanwhile the king was taking Banbury, and in a fortnight he was before London. The Commons had gone into the con- flict, like the people of the Northern States, full of overweening confidence in their superior num- bers and resources, and ignorant of the bitterness of war. They had now found to their cost that an aristocracy and its dependants, used, the masters to command and the servants to obey, have a great advantage over a democracy in the field, till the democracy have learnt the higher discipline of intelligent submission to command if i ■' ' I ' lit. V* n ■41 ^i w wr St TIinEE ENGLISH STATESMEN I n !:iilii % % illil for the sake of tlieir own cause. From tlie pin- nacle of exaltation they fell into the depth of discouragement ; and the thirteen months of life which remained to Pym were months of inces- sant struggle against despondency, defection, and disaster. The peers soon began to fall away. The few members of the Upper House who stayed at Westminster were a perpetual source of timid councils. Essex himself, though he kept his faith, felt the bias of his order ; he was at best far from a great general, and his operations in the field were apt to be affected by fits of political moderation. The fortune of war was on the whole decidedly in favour of the king. The Fairfaxes were defeated at Atherton. Sir William Waller, after the brief career of victory which gained him the nick- name of William the Conqueror, met with a bloody and decisive overthrow at Koundway Down. Bristol was surrendered by Fiennes, the only notable instance of a want of military courage among these leaders who, many of them so late in life, had changed peaceful arts for war. Only in the association of the eastern counties, where Cromwell fought under Lord Mandeville, the light of hope still shone. The py3f. 67 discovery of the plot formed by Waller, who liiul been a leading patriot in the debate on the Grand Kemonstrance, to deliver London to the king, revealed the abyss on tiie edge of which the leaders of the Commons stood. A mob of women, and women in men's clothes, came to tiie Tlonse of Commons, calling for tlie traitor Pym, and it was necessary to disperse them with cavalry. Hampden, Pym's second self, and the second pillar of the cause, fell in a petty skirmish on Chalgrove Field. Yet Pym seems to have remained master of the burning vessel, tossed as she was upon a raging sea. He managed the war, kept watch against conspiracy, held together the discordant and wavering party in parliament, sustained by his eloquence the en- thusiasm of the city. Unable to quell the tendency of the peace party to treat, he adroitly fell in with it ; went down himself to the city, which had become infuriated at the report of negociations, to vindicate the character of the parliament, and thus remaining master of the negociations, prevented them from degenerating into surrender. Wliile the king, made confident by success, was issuing proclamations promising pardon to all but leading rebels, Pym daringly ^(' ?H .M '■m iiti n .''Q 58 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. f^ I . ; I ^i'i'' 'H impeached the queen for the part which slie was taking in the war. The queen was not in his hands, nor hkely to be ; and if she had been she would have been safe. The move was in- tended only to commit Parliament past recall, and to iiurl defiance at the king. The Presby- terians were secured by the appointment of the Assembly of Divines to reform the church after their model. BuL it is evident that the free nature ol Pym, and the free natures of other men Hke Pym, struggled hard and long before they could <3onsent to bow their necks to the voke of the Calvinistic covenant, on which con- dition alone the aid, now indispensable, could be obtained from the Scotch. The tide still ran for the king. Gloucester, the last stronghold of the Commons in the west, was in peril. Essex had sent to the Houses proposals for an accommodation, the rejection of which Pym and St. John, by their utmost efforts, could only just procure. Then Pym went down to the tent of Essex, tried on the moody and jealous aristocrat the powers of persuasion which had carried the Grand Remonstrance, and tried them not in vi;'.n. Essex marched ; Gloucester was relieved ; the king was worsted at New- 1 bu cl( of tL thi ev( EN, PYM. 59 which slie was not in le had been )ve was in- past recall, rhe Presby- aent of the hurch after at the free 3S of other long before !cks to the which con- able, could Gloucester, [1 the west, he Houses ejection of lost efforts, event down aoody and sion which and tried Gloucester . at New- I bury ; and a ray of victory, l>reaking from the cloud, shone upon Pym's last hour. Work tells upon the sensitive organisations of men of genius. Pym had been working, as the preacher of his funeral sermon tells us, from three in the morning till evening, and from evening again till midnight. He must have borne a crushing weight of anxiety besides. The loathsome fables invented by the royalists are not needed to account for the failure of his health. He met his end, if we may trust the report of his friends, with perfect calmness. At the last, we are told, he fell into a swoon, and when he recovered his consciousness, seeing his friends weeping round him, he told them that he had looked death in the face, and there- fore feared not the worst lie could do ; added some words of religious hope and comfort ; and, while a minister was praying with him, quietly slept with God. Funeral sermons are not history. No character is flawless, least of all the characters of men who lead in violent times. But if the cause of English liberty was a good cause, Pym's conscience, so far as we can see, might well bid him turn calmly to his rest. 't. . I " m\^4 ■'ii 6o THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. ff^ 1 %. :|l 111! Til The King of the Commons was buried with the utmost pomp and magnificence in the rest- ing-place of kings. The body was boriio from Derby House to Westminster Abbey by ten of tlie leading members of the House of Com- mons, followed by both Houses of Parliament in full mourning, by the Assembly of Divines, and by many gentlemen of quality, with two heralds of arms before the corpse bearing the crest of the deceased. This last piece of state shows how near we still are to feudalism, how far from the Sans-culottes. Ten thousand pounds were voted to pay Pym's debts, a proof that he had not grown rich by the public service. No doubt he had been obliged to keep some state and hospitality, as head of the provisional government, at Derby House. A pension was also voted to his son, w^ho bore arms for the parliament, but after the Restoration sank into a baronetcy — one proof among many that pub- lic virtue is not hereditary, and that its titles ought not to be so. Nor did Oxford fail in its way to do honour to the departed chief. The news of Pym's death had been long eagerly expected there, and when it arrived bonfires were lighted, and there was high carousing ^ \ i am| mo) seeJ befl he ' I FYM. 6i insion was I among the Cavaliers. He was gone, the man most needful to the commonwealth, and as it seemed at the hour of her utmost need. But before he went he had turned the tide, and lie bequeathed victory to his cause. Had Pym lived and remained master of the movement, what would have been the result ? Into what port did he mean to steer his revo- lution '] To have embarked on the sea of civil war without a port in view would not have been the part of a great man. The indica- tions are very slight in themselves ; but taken with the circumstances and the reason of the case, they may perhaps amount to probability. If my surmise is right, Pym would have pre- served the monarchy, he would not have changed the family, but he would have changed the king. He would have put the king's nephew. Prince Charles Louis, the eldest son of the Pro- testant heroine, Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, on the English throne. The prince, unlike his brothers Hupert and Maurice, had shown sym- pathy with the Commons, and he was received at London with much state just about the time when Pym died. English history presented to Pym's historic mind more than one example of '^■rM , J i ! :i lii >! II''! 62 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. such a change of king. Thus he would have done m 1643 what was afterwards done in 1688, but he would probably have done it with a stronger and more statesmanlike hand, less in the interest of the aristocracy and the hierarchy, and more in the interest of the nation. At the Kestoration, Pyms body was torn, under a royal warrant, from its tomb, and throvm with the bodies of other rebels below the rank of regicide into a pit in the adjoining churchyard. The great man of the heroic age lies not beside the parliamentary tacticians whom our age calls great. As you stand on the north side of the nave of St. Margaret's Church, where some canons' houses once were, your feet are on the dust of Pym, of Blake and Dean, of Strode, of May the parliamentary historian, of Twiss the Prolocutor of the Assem- bly of Divines, of Dorislaus the martyred envoy of the Commonwealth, of Cromwell's mother, whom also the chivalry a id oiety of the Ee- storation tore out of her griwe, Hampden had fallen and been buried in his own county, or his dust too would be there. In the vestibule of that vast and sumptuous but feebly conceived and effeminately ornamented pile, no unmeet FYM. 63 ' <"^ shrine of Plutocracy, the present House of Com- mons, stand on either hand the statues of parliamentary worthies. Pym is not there. Ignorance probably it is that has excluded the foremost worthy of them all. Pym does not look down on the men who now fill the house which once he led ; nor do they read on the pedestal of his statue the moral of his political life — " The best form of government is that which doth actuate and dispose every part and member of a state to the common good." But Pym has a statue in history, and seldom has there been more need for unveiling it than now. '■.5 Ml "«t -t 4 '!•' I'* ' 4, .:'(!' 'I m> CROMWELL If 1 it .' ■j^K.'i' il Hti'lBr '' 1 M f ;m, I iH^SH 1^ m i I'M If II. CEOMWELL. I HAVE called my subject "Cromwell, I ought, perhaps, rather to have called it the Protectorate. For to that part of Cro:.iiweirs life what I have to say will be almoi entirely confined. I speak of him not as a general, or as a party leader, but as a prince. In the early debates on religion, amidst the great orators of the Parliaments of Charles, there had stood up a gentleman farmer of Huntingdonshire, a fervent Puritan, with power on his brow and in his frame, with enthusiasm, genius, even the tenderness of genius in his eye ; but in a dress which scandalised young courtiers, and with an unmusical voice, his sen- tences confused, his utterance almost choked by the vehemence of his emotion. On him God had not bestowed the gift of soul-enthralling words ; his eloquence was the thunder of victory. F 2 » ■ +■ 1 ''•I : ■iftfi' : H it a m 68 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. i*' |:;ii,l li Victory went with him where he fought, when she had deserted the standards of all the other chiefs of his party. Hope shone in him " as a pillar of fire," when her light had gone out in all other men. He came to the front rank from the moment when debating was over, and the time arrived for organising war. From the first he rightly conceived the condi- tion of success — a soldiery of yeomen fearing God, fearing nothing else, submitting them- selves for the sake of their cause to a rigid discipline, as the only match for the impetuous chivalry of the Cavaliers : and his conception was embodied in the Ironsides. Marston crowns the first period of his career. It was won by the discipline of his men. Then came the struggle between his party, who wished to conquer, and the Presbyterians, who but half wished to conquer, who by this time hated the sectaries in their own ranks more than the common enemv, and whose aristocratic leaders now saw plainly that the revolution was going beyond the objects of an aristocracy, and that it was likely to do too much for the people. The Self-den}^ing Ordinance set aside the Presbyterian commanders. It included in its CROMWELL, 69 operation Cromwell. But Fairfax desired liini, before lie resigned his command, to perform one service more ; and it was felt, as it could not fail to be felt, tiiat to part with him was to part w4th victury. This, as far as I can see, not any intrigue of his, is the true account of his retention in command. Naseby was won by him with his new moo.el army ; it made him the first man in England ; though since Mars- ton the adverse factions had been viewing his rising greatness with a jealous eye, and vainly plotting his overthrow. Then came the cap- tivity and the death of the king, with the interlude of Hamilton's Scotch invasion, and the victory of Pi*eston, gained in Cromwell's fashion, which was not to manoeuvre, but to train his men well, march straight to his enemy, and fight a decisive battle — a fashion natural perhaps to one who had not studied the science of strategy, but at the same time merciful, since no brave men perished otherwise than in fiight, the loss of life was comparatwely small, the re- sults immense. Cromwell is now the general of the Commonwealth : he conquers Ireland ; he conquers Scotland ; the " crowning mercy" of Worcester puts supreme power within his < '1 H-i^ ■ ^1 ill ■Ijij«k-ii. I.-' I . 'A I II i 70 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. grasp. After a pause, lie makes liimself Pro- tector. There are two points, dark spots as I think them, in his career on which I must dwell to pay a tribute to morality. The execution of the King is treated by cynical philosophy in its usual strain : " This action of the English regicides did in effect strike a damp like death through the heart of flunkeyism universally in this world ; whereof flunkeyism, cant, cloth- worship, and whatever other ugly name it have, has gone about incurably sick ever since, and is now at length in these generations very rapidly dying." This is not the tone in whicli the terrible but high-souled fanatics who did it would have spoken of their own deed. They at least so far respected the feelings of man- kind, or rather their own feelings, as to drape the scaffold with black. Cromwell would have saved the king ; he would probably have made terms with him, and, if he could have trusted him, set him again upon his throne. Himself a most tender husband and father, he had seen Charles amidst his family, and had been touched. But Charles could not see that he was fallen ; his anointed kingship was still fact-proof. He CROMWELL, 71 tried to play off one of the two contending parties against the other when it was a matter of hfe and death to them both. Cromwell dis- covered his duplicity. He then tried to frighten Charles out of the kingdom, by sending hhn an intimation at Hampton Court that there were designs against his life. Charles fled from Hampton Court, but, his flight being mis- managed, he became a prisoner ui the Isle of Wight. There he negociated with the Parlia- ment, in which the enemies of Cromwell and the Independents were still strong. At the same time he was carrying on the intrigues with the Royalist faction which produced the rising in Kent and the invasion of England by Hamilton. Before the army marched against Hamilton, the officers, exasperated at having their lives and their cause thus again put in peril, after so many bloody fields, by the duplicity of the king, held a prayer meeting at Windsor, and there resolved — " That it was their dutj if ever the Lord brought them back in peace, t" call Charles Stuart, that man of blood, to an account for the blood he had shed and the mischief he had done to his utmost against the Lord's cause and people in these :. m 'If 1? t i h ■.'■J M 72 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. I i ^^ poor nations." They had before them a pre- cedent in the case of Marv Stuart. When they returned victorious, they signed a petition " for justice e.nd a settlement of the kingdom." Cromwell sends the petition to Fairfax, with a letter, saying, that he finds among the officers of his regimen li a great sense of the sufferings of the kingdon, and a gieat zeal to have im- partial justice done upon offenders. He adds that he does himr'3lf from his heart concur with them, and believes that God has put these things into their hearts. Thus the king was brought to trial and to the scaffold. This, so far as I can see, is the real account of Charles's death, and of Cromwell's share in it. Of CromwelFs own, there is, touching this the gravest and most questionable act of his life, no recorded word. He does not touch on it in his speeches or his letters ; he appears not to have touched on it in conversation with his friends. Never did a man more completely carry his secret with him to the grave. That the execution of the king was a fatal error of policy is a thing so clear to us, thai we can scarcely suppose one so sagacious as Cromwell to have been altogether blind to it ; and it is, therefore, reasonable to fl 4 » n- ♦ CROMWELL. one so 73 suppose that his course was determined not by policy, but by sympathy with the feelings of his soldiers. The fierce and hard Old Testa- ment sentiments which were in their hearts were in his heart too. Nothing, unhappily, can be less true than that the act of the regicides struck a damp through the heart of flunkeyism, or that flunkeyism has gone about incurably sick of it ever since. It is hberty, if anything, that has gone about sick of it. The blood of the royal martyr has been the seed of flunkeyism from that day to this. What man, what woman, feels any sentimental attachment to the memory of James II. '? There would have been less attachment, if possible, to the memory of the weak and perfidious Charles, if his weakness and his perfidy had not been glorified by his death. The other point is the slaughter of the gar- risons of Drogheda and Wexford. Here again the cynical philosophy, which from a satiety as it seems of civilisation we are beginning to affect, exults in the blow dealt to what it calls false pliihmthropy, rose-water, universal pardon and benevolence. It is to be hoped that these philosophers will, as soon as possible, tell us H «i \\ i'l^i(;!#i Mil 1 , 1' 74 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 1 j 1 ,5 ill f '-_ what philanthropy is not false, lest we should all become brutes together. The war in Ireland had been on both sides a war of extermination. The Catholics had begun it by a great massacre of the Protestants, on the reality or the atrocity of which it seems to me idle to cast a doubt, though assuredly if such deeds could ever be pardoned, they might be pardoned in a people !iO deeply wronged, so brutalised by oppression, as tlie Catholics of Ireland then were. These very garrisons had taken part, or were believed to have taken part, in cruelties worse than those committed by Nana Sahib. The feeling of Eng- lish Protestants against the Papist rebels of Ire- land, which of course Cromwell could not help sharmg, was at least as strong as that of Eng- lishmen in our own time against the Indian mutineers. Cromwell summoned both places to surrender, with an implied offer of mercy, before he stormed. The laws of war in those days were far less humane and chivalrous than they are now : the garrison of a place taken h^ stori) . was not held to have a right to quarter. The Catholic hero, Count Tilly, had put not only the garrison but the inhabitants of the great Pro- testant city of Magdeburg to the sword ; and CROMWELL. 75 '■I'll i should Ireland aination. nassacre atrocity a doubt, ever be a people pression, . These believed lan those J of Eng- Is of Ire- not help of Eng- Indiaii Dlaces to y, before se days lan they 3y storiv er. The only the eat Pro- rd ; and the same thing had been done by Alva and other generals on the Catholic side. Cromwell says in his despatch : " I am persuaded that this is a righteous judgment of God upon these wretches, who have imbrued their hands in so much innocent blood ; and that it will tend to prevent the effusion of blood for the future, wliich are the satisfactory grounds to such actions, which otherwise cannot but work re- morse and regret." This excuse is not sufficient, if any innocent persons were involved in the slaughter ; no excuse can be sufficient for the shedding of innocent blood on any occasion or under any pretence, except in fair battle. But it is at all events the excuse of a moral and reasonable being. "Durst thou wed the hea- ven's lightning and say to it. Godlike one ?" This, I think, is the excuse of one who, under the influence of a literary theory, has for the moment divested himself of his morality and of his reason too. We pass on then +o the Protectorate. Great questions concerning both the Church and the State are still open; and till they aru settled the judgment of history on Ci omwell can scarcely be fixed. To some the mention of his reign still t -^t w 1 W UjlHi 11 IT t] I III 76 THREE ENGLISH STATES.:./. ^N\ recalls po transient domination of liie po^vel's «»f evil breaking through the divine order of the political and ecclesiastical world. Others regard his policy as a tidal wave, marking the line to which the waters will once more advance, and look upon him as a ruler who was before his hour, and whose hour perhaps is now come. Here we must take for granted the goodness of his cause, and ask only whether he served it, faithfully and well. Of his genius there is little question. Cla- rendon himself could nob be blind to the fact that such a presence as that of this Puritan soldier had seldom been felt upon the scene of historv. Necessity, "who will have tlie man and not the shadow," had chosen him from among his fellows and rdaced her crown upon his brow. I say again ht us never glorify re- volution; let us not love the earthquake and the storm more than the regular and beneficent course of nature. Yet revolutions send capacity to the front with volcanic force across all the obstacles of envy and of class. It was long before law-loving England could forgive one who seemed to have set liis foot on law ; but theri' never p^ihaps was a time when she was a' ifff-^ ' mx CROMWELL. 11 not at lieart proud of his glory, when she did not feel safer beneath the pegis of his victorious name. As often as danger threatens us, the thought returns, not that we may have again a Marlborough or a Black Prince ; but that the race which produced Cromwell may, at its need, produce his peer, and that the spirit of the Great Usurper may once more stand forth in arms. Of Cromwell's honesty there is more doubt. And who can hope, in so complex a character, to distinguish accurately the impulses of am- bition from those of devotion to a cause ? Who can hope, across two centuries, to pierce the secret of so deep a heart '? We must not trust the envious suggestions of sucli observers as Ludlow or even Whitelocke. Suspicions of selfish ambition attend every rise, however honest, however inevitable, from obscuritv to power. Through "a cloud not of wav only but detraction rude," the "chief of men" had " ploughed his glorious way to peace and truth." These witnesses against liim are n t agreed among themselves. Ludlow is sure that Crom- well played the part of an arch-ljyp(xrite in pressing Fairfax to command the army of Scot- Iciiid ; but Mrs. Hutchinson is sure that ^hough mmm^' til I S' i 1 i ] ki % 1' .11, ii 78 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. he was an arcli-hypocrite on otlior occasions, on this he was sincere. After tlie death of the king, after the conquest of Ireland, when the summit of his ambition must have been full in his view, he married his eldest son Richard to the daughter of a private gentleman, bargain- ing anxiously though not covetously about the settlement, and caring, it seems, for nothing so much as that the family with which the connection was formed should be religious. Can Richard have been then, in his fathers mind, heir to a crown ? Cromwell was a fanatic, and all fanatics are morally the worse for th ir fanaticism : they set dogma above virtue, they take their own ends for God's ends, and their own enemies for His. But that this man's religion was sincere who can doubt \ It n(jt onlv fills his most private letters, as well as his speeches and despatches, but it is the only clue to his life. For it, when past forty, happy in his family, well to do in tl.\e world, he turned out with his children and exposed ilil^ life to sword and bullet in obscure skirmishes as well as in glorious fields. On his doathbev^ his ilioughts wandered not like those of Napoleon among the eddies of battle or in 6i3 \kA& >*..*: CROMWELL. iions, on 79 the mazes of statecraft, but among the religious questions of his youth. Constant hypocrisy would have been fatal to his decision. The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. This man was not unstable in any of his ways : his course is as straight as that of a great force of nature. There is something not only more than animal, but more than natural in his courage. If fanatics so often beat men of the world in council, it is partly because they throw the die of earthly destiny with a steady hand as those whose great treasure is not here. Walking amidst such perils, not of sword and bullet only, but of envious factions and in- triguing enemies on every side, it was impos- sible that Cromwell should not contract a weari- ness, and perhaps more than a wariness of step. It was impossible that his character should not m some measure reflect the darkness of his time. In establishing his government he had to feel his way, to sound mens dispositions, to con- ciliate different interests ; and these are pro- cesses not favourable to simplicity of mind, still less favourable to the appearance of it, yet com- patible with general honesty of purpose. As to what is called his liypocritical use of Scriptural i t %: ■ ■ I •!* i^*' . -.1 84 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. never cared for the affection of a dependent or for the obedience of a slave. When a revolution is over, a government must be founded, at once to gather in the fruits and to heal the wounds of the struggle. And the only men who can found it are those who remain masters of the revolution. The man who remained master of the English Revolution was the victor of Worcester. The conquest of the Royalists was not his only service, or his only claim to supreme power. In the English, as afterwards in the French Revolution, the foun- tains of the social deep had at last been broken up, and terrible forms of anarchy had begun to appear. Cromwell had quelled anarchy as well as tyranny. With a promptness and an integrity which go far towards proving his paramount devotion to the public good, as well as with a courage, moral and personal, which has never been surpassed, and at the same time with a merciful economy of punishment which shows how different is the vigour of the brave from the vigour of the savage, he had confronted and put down the great mutiny of the Levellers. He had thus perhaps saved England from a reign of terror. And they were no Parisian CROMWELL. 8S > 1 i.- street mob, these insurgents with whom he had to deal, nor were their leaders the declaimers of the Jacobin Club. They were the best soldiers that ever trod a field of battle, the soldiers who had gained his own victories, led by men of desperate courage, and fighting for a cause in which they were reckless of their lives. The decimated remnant of the Long Parlia- ment was not a government. It was a Revolu- tionary Assembly. It had lost the character of a government when it deposed and beheaded the king who had called it ; when it abolished the other house, which was as essential a part of a legal parliament as itself; when it was reduced to a fourth of its legal number by Pride's Purge and other violent acts of the revolution. Nor was it fit to become the go- vernment, though this was its aim. Revolu- tionary assemblies, while the struggle lasts and egotism is subdued by danger, often display not only courage, energy, and constancy, but remarkable self-control. So sometimes do revo- lutionary mobs. But the struggle over, the tendencies to faction, intrigue, tyranny, and corruption begin to appear. The services of the Long Parliament as a Revolutionary As- III liili ; \'Jl' % M il| 1 1 ■ % i 1- %. 86 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ^K If lidlli! sembly had been immense ; its name will be held in honour while English liberty endures, But when it was victorious and aspired to be the government, its rule was the tyranny of a section, insufferable to the great body of the nation. It was a dominant faction, maintaining itself in power by daily violence, prolonging all the evils and imperilling all the fruits of the revolution. In finance it was subsisting by revolutionaiy expedients, by the sale of public property, and what was much worse, by con- fiscation. Its office for sequestration in Haber- dasher's Hall was crowded every day with the trembling victims of its cruel deeds. It had superseded the regular courts of justice by a revolutionary tribunal which had put a man to death fir having acted as the emissary of Charles II. at Constantinople. In foreign policy it was numing wild. It wanted to annex the Dutch Republic, and when it was thwarted in that chimerical scheme it plunged the two Pro- testant nations into a fratricidal and disastrous war. That it showed in the conduct of that war great Republican vigour, and by the hand of Vane created a navy with marvellous ra- pidity, was but a slight compensation for so CROMWELL. 87 calamitous an en'or. The measure by which it was preparing to perpetuate its own existence was as riuch a usurpation as tlie assumption of supreme power by Cromwell. And yet what could it do without a permanent head of the state ? Had it issued writs for a Free Parlia- ment and dissolved, it would not only have committed suicide itself, but have plunged the nation into an abyss of anarchy and confusion. Cromwell was set up by the army : whence an outcry against a government of musketeers and pikemen. A government of musketeers and pikemen is the greatest of calamities and the deepest of degradations ; and how to escape the danger of such government, which threatens all European nations in their critical transition from the feudal aristocraxjy of the past to the democracy of the future, is now a pressing ques- tion for us all. But the soldiers of Cromwell were not mere musketeers and pikemen. They were not like the legionaries of Caesar and the grenadiers of Napoleon, raising the idol of the camp to a despotic throne. They were the best of English citizens in arms for the nation's cause ; and when all was over with the cause, tliey became the best of English citizens again. y\ ■I si P m VM >t\ r.' 9fr THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. Tliroiigli tliem tlie Revolution luul conquered ; they in truth were the Revohition. They had no riglit, and tliey liad as little inclination, to Bet up a niihtary tyranny ; but tliey had a right to give a chief to the State and to support the goverimient of the chief whom they had given. It was in fact upon them and their general, not upon the nation or any considerable party in it, that the Parliament itself rested, and they and their general were accordingly responsible for its acts and for the continuance of its power. Nor was the chief whom they gave to the nation a Caesar ; much less was he a Bonaparte, an unprincipled soldier of fortune vaulting on the back of a Revolution to make himself an emperor. The relation of Cromwell to the Eng- lish Revolution was not that of a Napoleon, but, if it is not blasphemy to mention the two names together, that of a Robespierre. The chief of the Rousseauists was the leader of the most religious and the deepest part of the French movement, though shallow was the deepest. Cromwell was in like manner himself the leader and embodiment of the most religious and the deepest part of the English movement. He was Puritanism anned and in power, not the sue- CnO.VWELL. ft9 ccRHful general of a forcMgn war. I say tluit in ihii case alike of tlie Pjiglinh and of tl»e French Uv. olution the most leligiou.s j»art of the move- ment was tlie deepest part. Tlie most religious part of all movements is the deepest part. Be- neath these social and political revolutions which are now going on around us, and which seem to move society so deej)ly, do we not perceive, deeper than all, a revolution in religion — a revolution which may one day clothe itself in some form of power and cast the world again in a new mould ? The form of government which Cromwell meant to found was a monarchv, with himself cis mcjnarch. I do not doubt that this was his design from the time when he took supreme j)ower into his hands. But it was not to be a Sjbuart monarchy. It was to be a Constitu- tional and a Protestant monarchy, with Par- liamentary government. Parliamentary taxation, reform of the representation, an enlightened and vigorous administration, the service of the State freely opened to merit, trial by jury, law reform, church reform, university reform, the union of the three kingdoms, a pacified and civilised Ireland, and with no halting and .; ;ii^ r 90 TUREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN, 'J % ri- i\ m •II wavering foreign policy, but the glorious head- ship of the Protestant cause in Europe; above all with that to which Milton pointed as the chief work of his chief of men, that for which the leader of the Independents had through- out fought and suffered — liberty of conscience. CrornweU might well think that he thus gave the nation all the substantial objects for which it had fought. But how far in this policy per- sonal ambition may have mingled with public wisdom is a question which, as I said before, can be answered by the Searcher of Hearts alone. After the foundation of the monarchy would necessarily have come a dynasty, with all the accidents and infirmities to which dynasties are liable; but this dynasty would have been bound by stronger pledges than the Hanoverian dynasty was to Protestantism and Constitutional Government. We need not sneer at the high aspirations of Vane and the Republicans. If some men did not aspire too high, the world in general would fall too low. But few think that a democratic republic would then have been possible even for England ; much less would it have been possible for the three kingdoms, as yet most CROMWELL, 91 imperfectly united, and two of them politically in a very backward state. It must have been an oligarchical republic like that of Holland: and it must hav-'^ been, for a long time at least, a party republic. Vane said that none were worthy to be citizens who had not fought for liberty. There would thus have been no pro- spect of reconciliation or of oblivion : the fruit of the nation's sufferings would have been a chronic civil w .r. It was time to make Eng- land again a nation. This a national govern- ment alone could do. And as matters stood, the government of a single chief, raised in some measure above all parties, could alone be na- tional. Cromwell's first act after Worcester had been to press on the parliament a general amnesty, in which he was supposed as usual to have some sinister end in view. The first day of his reign was the last of confiscation and of vengeance. From that day every Ca- valier was safe in person and estate ; might, after a short probation, regain the full rights of a citizen ; might, by mere submission to the established government and without injury to his honour, become eligible to the highest offices of the state. t.. \ {• MX ■ ti 9i THREE E^^GLISIl STATESMEN, : ij' The conduct of Cromwell luis been contrasted with that of Washhigton. The two cases were quite different. In the case of Washington there had not been a civil war in the proper sense of the term, but a national struggle against an external power, which left the na- tion united under a national government at its close. England, as Cromwell said in his rough way, stood in need of a constable : America did not. On the other hand, the insulting violence of the manner in which Cromwell turned out the Long Parliament is not to be justified. That scene leaves a stain on his character as a man and as a statesman. By thus setting his heel on the honour of those with whom he had acted, and whose commission he bore, he was guilty of a breach of good policy as well as of right feeling. He needlessly stamped the origin of his own government with the cha- racter of violent usurpation, and he made for himself deadly enemies of all those on whom he had trampled. It is not improbable that he was hurried away by his emotions, which, dissembler as he is supposed to have been, sometimes got the better, to an extraordinaiy CROMWELL. 93 extent, of his outward self-control : and that, having wound himself up by a great effort to a doubtful act, he w^nt beyond his mark, and launched out into lanpiage and gestures which to those who witnessed them seemed insane. In his first speech to the Littlo Parliament, he paid at least a tribute of homage to legality and right feeling. "I speak here in the pre- sence of some that were at the closure of our consultations, and as before the Lord — the thinking of an act of violence was to us worse than any battle than ever we were in, or that could be, to the utmost hazard of our lives: so willing were we, even ve»T tender and de- sirous, if possible, that these men might quit their places with honour." Be it remembered, too, that there was no insolent parade of mi- litary power. Cromwell went down to the house not in uniform, but in plain clothes. Much less were there the arrests, the street massacres, and the deportations, which consti- tute the glory of a coup d'etat in France. To restore the Constitutional and Protestant monarchy in his own person was Cromwell's aim. In this enterprise he had against him all the parties; but he might flatter himself h.' ■ '>"M> m \ h. I. i .: i;|j 94 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, ^H $ that lie had the secret wishes and the ten- dencies of tlie nation on his side. He had in his favour the divisions among his enemies, which were such that they could scarcely ever act in concert; his own surpassing genius; a temperament which never knew despair ; a knowledge of men gained by reading the heart when it is most open, at the council-board in dangerous extremity, or on the eve of battle by the camp-fire side. And the army, though opposed in the main to his design of restor- ing the monarchy, was bound to his person by the spell of victory. The step from civil war to legal government cannot be made at once. There must be a period of transition, diu-ing which government is half military, half legal, and while law is gradually resuming its sway, the efforts of the defeated parties to prevent a government from being founded will have to be repressed by force. It will be the duty of the head of the government to see that his measures of re- pression are strong enough and not too strong ; that he hastens, as much as the enemies of the government will permit, the restoration of the reign of law. Cromwell well understood the true ii CROMWELL. 96 docT' lie of political necessity. " When matter?, of necessity come," he said to his parliament, " then without guilt extraordinary remedies may be applied ; but if necessity be pretended, there is so much the more sin." He did not allow the government to be militaiy for an hour ; but at once summoning the Barbones Parliament, rendered up his authority into their hands. " To divest the sword of all power in the civil administration" was the declared ob- ject of the great soldier in summoning this assembly. A parliament the assembly is called ; but it was not elective or represen»:ative ; it was a convention of Puritan notables caLled by Cromwell. It was denounced at the time and has since been commonly regarded as a jvinta of fanatics who wanted to sweep away law, learning, and civil society to mai o room for the code of Moses and the reign of the saints. It went to w^ork in eleven committees ; for the reform of the law ; for the leform of prisofis ; for the reform of the finances and the light- ening of taxation : ^or Ireland ; for Scotland ; for the arm}''; for r3titions ; for public debts; for the regulation of the commissions of the peace and the reform of the poor-law ; for the ? £ iil f .1 at ^ '' h.» 'fi 96 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. u- r ■1 ' advancement of trade ; for the advancement of learning. Among its proceedings we find measures for the care of lunatics and idiots, for the regular performance of marriages and the registration of births and deaths, for probate of wills m all counties, for law reforms which pointed both to a more speedy and cheaper administrtiuon of justice and to the preparation of a simple and intelligible code of law. We have not yet carried into effect the whole pro- gramme of these mad fanatics ; but we have carried into effect a good part of it, and we are hoping to carry into effect the rest. But the Barbones Parliament was wanting in know- ledge of government : it attempted too much and it went too fast, common faults in a revo- lution, when the minds of men are stimulated to the morbid activity of political thought. It aroused the formidable opposition of all the lawyers and of all the ministers of religion : it showed an inclination prematurely to reduce the army, which, it is idle to doubt, was still the indispensable support not only of the general's power, but of the Cause ; and, moreover, it did not do the essential thing ; it did not take measures for the foundation of a government, CROMWELL. 97 while it had no title to be the government itself. Cromwell determined to bring its sittings to an end. As usual, it is thought that he was play- ing a deep game, that he had foreseen that the Barbones Parliament must fail and that its failure would render him more indispensable than ever. A deep game indeed, to bring to- gether the leading men among your own friends, discredit them by failure, and then make them your enemies by sending them away ! If Crom- well intended that the Barbones Parliament should prove a failure he took a strange way to his end, for he undoubtedly summoned to it the best men he could find — men so good that his enemies were greatly chagrined at seeing an assembly so respectable answer to his call. The Machiavellian theory of his conduct was easily framed after the event : no sagacity could have framed it before. Cromwell now called a council of leading men, civilians as well as soldiers, to settle the govern- ment : and this council made him Lord Pro- tector of the three kingdoms, with the pro- visional constitution called the Instrument of Government. And if Cromwell set up arbitrary power, here is the arbitrary power which he set H !: •u i t ■;! I'M.-, ^^ fW, 1! *: THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ur . The executive government is to be vested in an elective Protector and a Council of State. The members of the Council of State for the first turn are named in the Instrument. When a vacancy occurs, Parliament is to elect six can- didates ; of these six the Council of State is to choose two, and of these two the Protector is to choose one. The powers of legislation and taxation are to be vested in Parliament alone, the Protector having only a suspensive veto for twenty days. A Parliament is to be held once at least in every three years. The Protector is to have the disposal of the army with the consent of the Parliament when Parliament is sitting, of the elective Council of State when it is not. In the event of war, Parliament is at once to be convoked. The Protector and the Council are empowered to frame ordinances for the govern- ment of the country till Parliament meets ; a temporary provision, which only gave a legal character to an inevitable exercise of power. It was probably designed by the chief framers of the Instrument that the elective Protector should make way for an hereditary king ; but no de- sign was ever entertained of departing from the constitutional principles on which this settle- CROMWELL. 99 ment was based : on the contrary, those prin- ciples were afterwards ixiost distinctly ratified in the document called the Petition and Advice, under which Cromwell was invited to take upon him the title of king. The Protector declared himself content to submit to all these limitations of his power, and ready to submit to further limitations, if by so doing he could satisfy the Parliament and give peace to the nation. The constitution enacted by the Instrument presents several points of interest. Government under it can hardly be party government, the members of the Council of State being elected by personal merit, for life, and under conditions which prevent the Council from becoming a cabinet or cabal. Provision is made for the permanent existence of a national council, even in the Parliamentary recess. The army is brought thoroughly under the constitution. The nation is secured against the danger of being entangled in a war, without its own consent, by the ministers of the crown. The organic legis- lation of Cromwell's time may still deserve the consideration of constitutional reformers, if the nation should ever desire to emancipate itself from the government of party, which by H 2 if) 5 ^:!:^tj m 100 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. its faction-fights, its rogueries, its hypocrisies, the ascendancy which it gives to mere Parlia- mentary gladiators, — if the name of gladiator is not profaned by applying it to the hero of a venomous tongue, — and by its failures at home and abroad, must be beginning to bleed serious thoughts in the mind of every independent lover of his country. The Instrument embodied a measure of Par- hamentary Reform, which Clarendon says was fit to be more warrantably made and in a better time. The representation was fairly redistributed on the basis of population. The small boroughs were swept away. Eepresentatives were given to large towns hitherto unrepresented, Man- chester among the number. The county repre- sentation was greatly increased ; Yorkshire, for ex- ample, having fourteen members. Not only real but personal property was admitted as a qualifi- cation for the county franchise, every person being empowered to vote who had property of any kind to the value of £200, so that the copy- holders, of whom there were a large number at that period, would have been enfranchised, as well as the leaseholders for Hves, who were also a numerous class. Tenants at will, on the other -IP' '' CROMWELL, lOl hand, would not have been enfranchised unless they had independent property, to the requisite value, of their own. The result would have been most worthy and independent county con- stituencies, consisting in great measure of the yeomen, whose political virtue and military valour had just saved and still sustained the country. The borough franchise, with all its varieties of suffrage, was left untouched. If this measure still does not sound democratic, we must bear in mind that serfage had but recently ceased to exist in England, while its traces still lingered in Scotland ; that the manu- facturing interest and the artisan class were in their infancy ; that this was the last stage of the feudal, whereas ours is the industrial era. To know the value of Cromwell's Reform, we have only to consider what the rotten boroughs, to whicii the Restoration of course reveited, did for us in the two centuries which followed the Protectorate. The Protector was now installed with mo- derate state, and on the next 3rd of September, his lucky day, he took the first great step to- wards the restoration of Constitutional Govern- ment by meeting his first Parliamttit. That -•'iU. I02 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ?i^ ! •■^1 1,1 ■ i' Parliament proved refractory. Instead of voting the necessary supplies r.nd doing the business of the country, its members fell to questioning the right of the Protector. The answer to their questionings was simple. If they wanted divine right, it was by the Protector's hand that God had saved them aU. If they wanted human right, it was by virtue of his writ that they were there. In the end it was found necessary to put to each member a test, in the form of an engagement to be faithful to the established government by a single person and a parlia- ment. The test was nothing more than was implied in the writ under which each member had been elected ; yet many of the Republicans refused it and were excluded. Even after this purgmg, the Parliament remained intractable. It spent its time in the persecution of a Soci- nian, and showed a tendency to tamper with the fundamental principle on which Cromwell always insisted — liberty of conscience. The Protector at last dissolved it, with thunder in his voice and on his brow ; and in doing so he did well. He was now driven again to govern for a time without Parhament ; and the Royalist plots and CROMWELL. 103 risings obliged him to appoint major-generals. But his government was taking root. The na- tion felt the beneficence of his administration ; the glories of its foreign policy touched its heart. Men contrasted them with the ignominy of the Stuarts, as when the Stuarts were restored they had reason to do again. The tidings of Blake's victories were ringing through England when the Protector again met a Parliament. This time nothing w^as to be risked. The known malcontents were from the first excluded. Their exclusion, though veiled under a legal form, was an act of arbitrary power. The jus- tification for it was, that if these members had been allowed to take their seats, they would have done their best to overturn the govern- ment ; that, if they had overturned the govern- ment, they would have brought in not the Republic of which Vane dreamed, nor the Reign of the Saints of which Harrison dreamed, nor the Covenanted King and the Calvinistic Church of which the Presbyterians dreamed, but the Stuarts ; and that if they Lid brought in the Stuarts, they would have cancelled the revolu- tion, wrecked the cause, and set their own heads on Temple Bar. U 5 U-', m m \l . I'-p- ■! '"i 104 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. After the exclusion, the Parliament still num- bered three hundred and sixty members, friendly in the main. And now the time was come for the great attempt. A long train of waggons bore through London streets the spoils and trophies of Blake's victories over Spain. A poet was writing — "Let the brave generals divide that bough, Our great Protector hath such wreaths enow : His conquering head has no more room for bays, Then let it be as the glad nation prays ; Let the rich ore forthwith be melted down , And the State fixed by making him a crown : With ermine clad and purple let him hold A royal sceptre made of Spanish gold." By the series of resolutions called the Peti- tion and Advice the Protector was invited to take upon him the government by a higher title, and with a second house, which was to consist of seventy members to be named by the chief magistrate with the consent of parliament. Then followed the most anxious deliberation in Cromwell's life. He spoke himself of royalty v;ith indifference, as a feather in the cap, the shining bauble for crowds to kneel and gaze at. I am ready, for my part, to believe that a man who has done such things in such a cause may, % CROMWELL. 105 by the grace of heaven, keep his heart above tinsel. But we know why the title of king might, apart from any love of tinsel, seem es- sential to his policy. The lawyers could not get on without it ; the people, as they then were, craved for it. It was constitutional, whereas that of Protector was not constitutional : it saved persons adhering to the king de facto under the statute of Henry VII., whereas that of Protector did not. But the stern Republicans of the anny were resolute against monarchy. It was not for a king that they had shed their blood. To their opposition Cromwell for the present yielded. Probably he not only yielded to it, but respected it. To be turned from his course by fear, it has been truly said, was not a failing to which he was prone. But ardent, sanguine, inexhaustible in resources as he was, he was the victim of no illusions. He knew the difference between the difficult and the impossible ; he faced difficulty without fear, and he recognised impossibility without repining, and again turned his mind steadily towards the future. So Cromwell mingled not with the crowd of kings. He wore no crown but "Worcester's laureat wreath," and the more laureat wreath of t iit i\j'.. '.,;.i« io6 THREE ENGLtSH STATESMEN, Milton's verse. Fate ordained that he should stand in history a chief of the people. Part of the Petition and Advice however was carried into effect. The Protectorate had been elective. The Protector was now empowered to name his successor. There had hitherto been only one House of Parliament : there were now to be two, and the still half-feudal instincts of the nation were to be indulged with a House of Lords. This was the first Parliamentary settle- ment of the new constitution ; the Instrument of Government under which the Protector had hitherto acted having been framed as a pro- visional arrangement by a council of military and political chiefs. To mark the legal com- mencement of his power the Protector was in- stalled with more solemnity than before, and with ceremonies more resembling a coronation, the account of which is given us by Whitelocke, who, though no lover of Cromwell, seems to have been impressed with the scene. In West- minster Hall, under a canopy of state, was placed a chair of state upon an ascent of two degrees, with seats down the haU for the par- liament, the dignitaries of the law, the mayor and aldennen of London. Thither on the 26th of on CROMWELL. 107 of June, 1657, went the Protector with his council of atate, his ministers, his gentlemen, sergeants -at -arms, officers, and heralds. His Highness standing under the canopy of state, the Speaker, in the name 'of the Parliament, put on him a robe of purple velvet lined with ermine, delivered to him the Bible, richly gilt and bossed, girt on him the sword of state, and put a golden sceptre into his hand. The same functionary then gave him the oath to observe the constitution, with solemn good wishes for the prosperity of his government. Mr. Manton, the chaplain, next by prayer recommended the Protector, the parliament, the council, the forces by land and sea, the whole government and people of the three nations to the blessing and protection of God. Then the people gave a shout and the trumpets sounded. The Protector took his seat in the chair of state, with the ambassadors of the friendly nations and the high officers of the Protectorate round him ; and as he did so the trumpets sounded again, heralds proclaimed the title of his Highness, and the people shouted once more " God save the Lord Protector." So looked sovereignty when for a moment it emerged from feudalism and showed ,:-i.l ij. \ 'I;' ; ..,,1 M m Mi io8 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. W 3!>. \ itsulf in the aspect of the modern time. At the gorgeous coronation of Napoleon, some one asked the RepubHcan General Augereau whether anything was wanting to the splendour of the scene ? " Nothing," replied Augereau, " but the presence of the million of men who have died to do away with all this." There was not much in Cromwell's installation to do away with which any man of sense had died. We got back after- wards to the more august and venerable cere- mony, with the bishops, the anointings, the champion in armour, and the glorious expense, which the finances of the Protectorate could ill bear. At the coronation of George III., as Horace Walpole tells us. Lord Talbot, the Lord Steward, had taught his horse to back all down the hall after his rider had delivered the cup to the king ; but the too- well-trained animal in- sisted on backing into the hall and going all up it with its tail in the king's face. The second Parliament wasted time and vio- lated the Protector's principles by the persecu- tion of Naylor, a poor victim of the religious frenzy which had seized many weak natures in the vortex of a religious revolution. But it voted supplies, and on the whole acted cordially CROMWELL. 109 vvitli the Protector. Hope dawned on the grand enterprise. Its dawn was again overcast. When Parlia- ment met after the recess, it was with the excluded memberr. restored to their seats and with an Upper House. The Upper House was a failure. An old aristocracy may he j)atched to any extent, especially if some freedom is allowed in constructing Norman pedigrees ; but to make a new one when the age of conquest and conquering races is past, is happily not an easy thing. Cromwell got few men of ter- ritorial or social consequence to sit, and he incurred many damaging refusals. He said that he wanted something to stand between him and the Lower House, his direct contests with which were no doubt bringing a heavy strain upon his government. But to make up his House of Lords, he had to take many of his supporters from the Lower House, where the great battle of supplies was to be fought, and probably to break up the lead for the government there. The result was that the Lower House fell foul of the Upper, and the ship became unmanageable once more. At the same time, and perhaps in consequence of t *fi • t:t*i no THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. '••it' '■''<. I P ;' .*. n ;1 V '■ the distress of the Government, conspiraxjies, both E-oyalist and Kepublican, had broken out on the most formidable scale. It was necessary at once to dismiss Parliament, and to deal with this danger. And so effectually was it dealt with, though at a small cost of blood, that, after this, the Royalists rose no more. The hopes of that party, in the eyes of the shrewdest judges in Europe, were dead : and Charles Stuart could scarcely obtain common courtesy, much less recognition or support, from Mazarin or Don Louis de Haro. Only the Presbyterians had the power which, when Crom- well was gone, they used with such happy re- sults to the nation and themselves, of setting the Stuarts again upon the throne. In these contests with refractoiy parliaments, the great soldier and statesman had to play the part of an orator. He was too old to learn a new art. He did not prepare his speeches; and when he was asked to write down one of them a few days after it had been delivered, he declared that he could not remember a word of it. Clumsier or more uncouth compositions than the reports which have come down to us, the records of bad oratory do not contain. The CROMWELL. Ill grammar is hopeless, the metaphors and con- fusions of metaphor most grotesque — " God kindling a seed" — "the Lord pouring the nation from vessel to vessel, till He poured it inco your lap." The last editor only makes the matter worse by his running commentary of admiring ejaculations. But the speeches are not kings' speeches. There runs through them all a strong though turbid tide of thought. They are the utterances of one who sees his object clearly, presses towards it earnestly, and struggles to bear forward in the same course the reluctant wills and wavering intellects of other men. The great features of his situation, the great prin- ciples on which he was acting, are brought out, as M. Guizot says, with a breadth and force, which are a strong proof of a statesmanlike intellect, and not a small proof perhaps of good faith. But he pleaded to deaf ears. It is vain to rail at those who refused to listen to him, and who thwarted him to the ^-ad. They were not great men. They were contending, many of them at least, in singleness of heart, for what they believed to be the good cause. They might say with truth that Cromwell had changed ; that the language of the Revolutionary Soldier fls ■ ''- 'Inl^^^^^l i ( 1 1 iH in 1 !; ill ; ■ - . i0 '.i!!!^! :.f^| i , 1 I ■ i ■i,3' I i:».!fiitV :?•• 112 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, Irit . 5ff..1ir was not tliat of the Head of the State ; that his mind had grown more comprehensive, his vision clearer since he had risen to a higher point of view and into serener air : and, as he liad changed, they might represent him to them- selves as a renegade and a traitor. These misunderstandings between men who yesterday stood side by side are another mournful part of revolutions. We owe those who resisted Crom- well forbearance and respect. So far as they were struggling for English law against what they believed to be lawless power, we owe them gratitude. Principles are worth incomparably more than any possible benefits of any one man's rule. Yet the conduct of these patriots brought ruin on all they loved. When Parliament refused the necessary sup- plies, the Protector was compelled to levy the old taxes by an ordinance in Council: but he did this with manifest reluctance, and with a manifest desire to return to Parliamentary taxa- tion, as well as to Parliamentar\ government in other respects. The spoils of the Spanish gal- leons helped his finances for a time. A less noble source of supply was an income-tax of ten per cent, levied on the Royalists after their great CROMWELL, 113 at his vision int of 3 had them- These terdav Dart of Crom- ,s they b what e them parably e man's >rought ry sup- ivy the I but he with a ly taxa- lent in |sh gal- lA less of ten Li' great revolt. In that great resource, frugality, the government of Cromwell was rich ; considering what it did, it was the cheapest government England ever had. But the truth is, greatness is generally cheap : it is littleness aping great- ness that is so dear. The Protector offered to lay the financial administration open to the most rigorous inspection. He was not afraid, he said, on that score to face the nation. He was ready, in fact, to do anything, except to allow the government to be overturned : rather than that, he said, he would be rolled v/ith infamy into his grave. All this time he had been struggling with a series of plots against his power and his life. The ground on which his tottering throne was reared heaved on all sides with conspiracy and rebellion. The plotters were not only Royalists but fanatical Republicans, leaguing themselves in their frenzy with Royalists to their own destruction. To the Republicans Cromwell be- haved as to old friends estranged. The utmost that he did was to put them for a time in safe keeping, when they would have laid despe- rate hands on the life of their own cause. He was careful too of their honour ; and so long as ;.:mi H.' n ■■'^M 114 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 'k. , V. I S"JSi ''I''::' they would be quiet, never put to them any oath or test. With the Boyahsts he dealt rigor- ously, as old enemies, yet mercifully, as all fear- less natures do. When they had risen in arms against him, he placed them under the control of the Major-Generals, and laid on them, not a fine of the tenth part of their property, but an income-tax of ten per cent. It is said that this taxing of the Koyalists was a breach of the Act of Oblivion. It was so ; but what was their insurrection ? In the punishment of political offences, Crom- well did his best to return from the revolu- tionary high courts of justice to trial by jury. The first case with which he had to deal was that of Lilburn, an aimless and egotistical agi- tator, though otherwise pure and brave, who had returned from exile merely to prevent the settlement of the nation. Lilburn was sent before a jury; but the jury being strong par- tisans, and the court being crowded with the friends of the accused, the government failed to obtain a conviction, and was driven to the worst course of all — that of mixing force with law, by keeping Lilburn in custody after his acquittal. The conspirators in Vowell and CROMWELL. 115 Gerrard's plot, and those in Slingsby's plot, were sent before a high court of justice. But Crom- well's high court of justice was not like the French revolutionary tribunal, or an Irish or Jamaica court-martial. It consisted of a large number of judges, including the highest func- tionaries of the law, it sat publicly, proceeded deliberately, and observed the legal rules of evidence : nor, unless to murder the Protector and overturn the government was no offence, s^ias the slightest suspicion rest upon it of having shed one drop of innocent blood. The Koyalists taken in Penruddock's rebellion were tried before juries in the counties where the rebellion occurred : so little known to this mi- litary despot were our present theories of mar- tial law. The daggers of the Royalists were always threatening the Protector's life. And not their daggers only : a proclamation was cir- culated, in the name of the exiled king, pro- xnising great rewards and honours to whoever would take the usurper off with pistol, sword, or poison. It is commonly believed that his nerves were completely shaken by the fear of assassination; but the well-known passage of Hume, describing the Protector's agonies of I 2 :iit m w ii6 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. alarm, is a rhetorical improvement on the passage in the rabidly Royalist work of Dr. Bates, the court physician to Charles II., and I believe the statement has no trustworthy foundation. Cromwell, of course, took the necessary pre- cautions, and as the author of " Killing no Miurder" assured him, great precautions were necessary ; but there is nothing in his bearing or in his policy to the end of his life to show that fear had shaken his fortitude ; and as- suredly it did not shake his clemency. Of the forty men arrested for Yowell and Gerrard's plot, three only were sent before the high court of justice, and of those three one was spared. In Slingsby's plot five persons only suffered, though it was a formidable conspiracy to de- liver Hull to the Spaniards, and at the same time to raise an insurrection in London, which would have filled the city with fire and blood. Few besides the actual leaders suffered death for Penruddock's rebellion, though a good many of their followers were transported. Fear for his government, though his fife was in no danger, impelled Bonaparte to murder a Bour- bon prince who had approached his frontier. Ormond, Cromwell's most formidable, as well CROMWELL. 117 as his most honourable enemy, came to London in disguise to get up a plot against the go- vernment. His presence was detected. Crom- well took Lord Broghil, Ormond's former asso- ciate, aside, and said to him, "If you wish to do a kindness to an old friend, Ormond is in London ; warn him to begone." Those were harder times than ours, and civil war begets recklessness of human life : but the strongest man of those times in his true strength has bequeathed a lesson to the emasculate sen- timentalism which counterfeits manliness by affecting sympathy with deeds of violence and blood. There can be no doubt that the Stuart princes and their advisers were privy to as- sassination plots. Cromwell had threatened that if they used assassins, he would make it a war of assassination. But he was not a Stuart prince, and he never degraded his nobler nature by putting his threat in execution. Algernon Sidney, staunch republican as he was, told Burnet that the Protector had just notions of public liberty. In one respect at least he had juster notions of liberty than his parliaments, for he stood out against them for 'J 'V-1 '.im ii8 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. -J ! IS.' 1 ' ■,-5f freedom of conscience, and his veto on acts of persecution was one of the powers which he would never let go. "To save free conscience" was the special task to which he had been called by one who understood the interests of freedom of conscience well, and he seems to have performed that work faithfully according to his lights, which it is especially necessary, with reference to this subject, to bear in mind were not those of an inspired hero, but those of an uninspired Puritan of the seventeenth cen- tury, sitting at the feet of Hugh Peters and in thraldom to Hugh Peters's superstitions, beheving in the necessity of dogma, and be- lieving, we may be quite sure, in witchcraft. Theoretically, of course, his toleration embraced only Protestants and Trinitarians, all sects of whom he desired to see not only at peace with each other, but united, in spite of those se- condary diiferences which he deemed of no importance compared with the vital principles of the Christian faith. But the greatness of his nature carried him beyond his theory, and in all cases we find him practically the enemy of persecution. He snatched Biddle, the So- ciiiian, from the fangs of Parliament, placed CROMWELL. 119 him in mild confinement, and, so soon as it was safe, set him free. He tried to procure the formal readmission of the Jews to Enof- land, from which they had been banished since the time of Edward I., and, failing in this, he protected individual Jews who settled in this country. He left the Roman Catholics prac- tically unmolested in conscience and in their private worship, while they were burning Pro- testants alive wherever they had the power, though he could not have permitted the open celebration of the mass without causing an outbreak among the people. The persecution of Cathohc priests, which had been going on during the latter days of the Parliament, soon abated when he became Protector. At one time he launched some fierce ordinances both against the Catholics and the Anglicans, not on account of their rehgious opinions but on account of their political plots and insurrec- tions. Generally the Anglicans enjoyed under him as much liberty as they could expect, when the foot of Laud had but just been taken from the neck of the nation. All sects, in fact, even the most unpopular, even those which the Protector himself most hated and had the ill f 'vll itti :ttl , ,.u :iv! .;:l 120 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. bitterest reason to hate as the nurseries not only of his political opponents but of the assassins who sought his life, provided they would only abstain from active attempts to overthrow the government, were sure of obtaining under that government the utmost measure of freedom which could be expected from the most liberal spirit of that age. The Presbyterians, who had persecuted Cromwell with the most unrelenting maHgnity, were never persecuted by him. On the contrary, his scheme of church polity com- prehended them, and he was most desirous that they should come in. It was in this matter of freedom of conscience that the man was most before his age, and that the most momentous issues hung upon his life : issues how mo- mentous we see from the religious perplexity and distress into which, partly by the reversal of his policy, we have been brought. Reasons have been already given for believing that this was in him, not the toleration of indifference, but the real toleration of a man of strong con- viction. Much as his mind had grown in stature, he remained to the last open to the impressions even of very fanatical preachers of the doctrines which had been the spring of r CROMWELL. 121 his own spiritual life. He liked to commune with such enthusiasts as Foxe. This may have been, and no doubt was, partly policy : it was to persecuted sectaries that the government of the Independent chief especially appealed. But great simplicity of religious feeling is compatible with high intellect : and, after all, the enthu- siasts, who, whenever the spirit of the world is deeply moved, come forth preaching a more equal state of society, and a brotherhood of man, are they the people whom the profoundest political philosophy would most despise ? Are they mere dreamers, or do they dream of that which is to come ? When we consider that the Protector's reign lasted but five years and that it was a constant struggle for the existence of his government and his own life, and when we think what he achieved, we must allow that his administration was as high a proof of practical capacity as was ever given by man. Or rather, it was as high a proof as ever was given of the power of a nation when, in a moment of extraordinary exaltation, the nation finds a worthy organ in its chief. In the department of justice, the Protector r\ W 1 •f \W^M i' r i ,!,.? F' ,'\i\ 1 I ^3i 122 THREE Ejs^GLISlI STATESMEN. I ii put upon the bench the best judges probably that Engkind had ever had, and at their head Sir Matthew Hale. He made strenuous efforts to reform those monstrous delays and abuses of the Court of Chancery, which afterwards insulted reason and sullied public justice for nearly two hundred years. He wished to re- form the criminal law, which the Tudor despots and their aristocratic parliaments had made a code of blood. " It was a scandalous thing," he said, " that a man should be hanged for a theft of twelvepence or sixpence when greater crimes went unpunished." A man of the people, he did not shaie the aristocratic recklessness of plebeian blood, which had lavished, and which when he was gone lavished still more, capital punishment for vulgar offences, while the worse offences of the privileged class went free. Had he succeeded, the work of Romilly would have been performed, in part at least, two centuries before. Everything was done to foster commerce, and that interest seems at this time to have received a permanent impulse, which bore it prosperously onwards even through the maladministration and the naval disasters of the E/Cstoration. A CROMWELL. 123 Committee of Trade was formed, and Wliite- locke, who was one of its members, savs that this was an object which the Protector's heart was greatly set Other than territorial interests were now held to deserve care. If on the subject of navigation laws Cromwell was a Protectionist, so on the same subject was Adam Smith. Slowly the light dawns even on the highest peaks of thought. A navy had been created by the Parliament in the war with the Dutch ; when Vane, at the head of the Admiralty, had shown that energy, purity, and public spirit, added to intellect, will make a great administrator, even of a man who has not passed his life in office. But the Pro- tector fostered that navy so well that if Blake is the father of our naval tactics, Cromwell is the father of our naval greatness. The army, which found no equal in the field, and on whose invincible prowess Clarendon could not help dilating when it was disbanded by Charles II., was in discipline equally without a peer. Though the Protector's power rested on the soldiery, their licence, if ever it broke out, was rigorously repressed. In this so-called military government, no soldier was above the ■■;' 128 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 1* I had ever had. By uniting Ireland to England and calling her representatives to his parlia- ments he brought her under imperial rule, the surest protection against local tyranny that he could give. His policy in this respect was ratified after another century and half of dis- union and ascendancy by Pitt, or rather by those calamities which great men avert, but which to ordinary men are the only teachers of wisdom. The chiefs of the Irish government and law were appointed, not by a Dublin fac- tion, but by him. He sent over an excellent viceroy in the person of his son Henry, to whom he gave counsels of gentleness and moderation ; and with complaints of the wrongs done to the Irish people we find mingled the mention of the Protector's name as that of a power (though, no doubt, he was too distant a power) of justice. He even saw with a statesman's eye what Ire- land from its very backwardness and unsettle- ment might be made to do for England. In a conversation with Ludlow, after dwelling on the delays and expensiveness of English law, he added that Cooke, the Chief Justice whom he had sent to Ireland, determined more causes in a week than Westminster HaU in a year. CROMWELL. 129 " Ireland," he went on to say, " is a clean paper, and capable of being governed by such laws as shall be found most agreeable to justice, and these may be so administered there as to afford a good precedent to England itself, where, when we shall once perceive that property may be preserved at so easy and cheap a rate, we shall never allow ourselves to be cheated and abused as we have been." It is not in the matter of conveyancing only that Ireland is a clean paper, where such laws may be tried as shall be most agreeable to justice and good precedents es- tablished for England herself Of Cromwell's colonial policy the records must be sought in colonial archives. The American historian, Mr. Bancroft, says : " Cromwell de- clared himself truly ready to serve the brethren and the churches in New England. The de- claration was sincere. The people of New England were ever sure that Cromwell would listen to their requests and would take an interest in all the details of their condition. He left them independence and favoured their trade. When his arms had made the conquest of Jamaica he offered them the island, with the promise of all th^ wealth which the tropical K s ''mm\ ' M i\ 130 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, climate pours into the lap of industry, and though they frequently thwarted his views they never forfeited his regard." "English history," proceeds Mr. Bancroft, "must judge of Cromwell by his influence on the institutions of England. The American colonies remember the years of his power as the period when British sovereignty was, for them, free from rapacity, intolerance, and oppression. He may be called the benefac- tor of the English in America, for he left them to enjoy unshackled the benevolence of Pro- vidence, the freedom of industry, of commerce, of religion, and of government." Cromwell and Chatham, these are the two English statesmen the memory of whose sympathy America still cherishes ; and were Cromwell and Chatham " great un-Englishmen " and traitors to their country *? But it is to the foreign policy of Cromwell that his countrv, even when she honoured his name least, has always looked back with a wistful eye. Unhappily it is a policy apt not only to be admired but to be travestied by wretched imitators when the age for it is past. Such imitations are the mockery and the bane of greatness. These are not ^ IB CROMWELL. 131 and they tory," nawell ^land. ars of 3ignty Tance, mefac- b them f Pro- imerce, b11 and tesmen a still atham their omwell Inoured with Icy apt -estied for it ^ockery not the days of commercial monopoly ; Spain ig not now excluding the trade of all nations from the western waters, and forcing them to open the highroad of mercantile enterprise by arms ; nor is Europe now divided between Catholicism and Protestantism, waging against each other internecine war. The intense spirit of narrow nationality produced by the disruption of Christendom has now begun to give place again, if not to a new Christendom, at least to something like a community of nations. Crom- welFs was a war policy ; and so far as it was a war policy, it was a bad policy, if Christianity be true. But it was not a pohcy of mere ag- grandisement. It was the championship of a cause, a cause now out of date, but the best, the purest, and the loftiest which the chief of Pu- ritanism knew. Why did Cromv/ell league with France against Spain when the power of Spain was declining, when that of France was on the point of rising to a height which threatened the liberty of all nations % The answer is — first, that the decline of Spain was scarcely yet visible, even to the keenest eye ; the vast de- pendencies, which we know now to have been one cause of her decay, were still thought to be K 2 '1 » . ' .' ■ - n-. '* , ■ i '1, 1 '■ ; /■ mi % fit ■• \ :a I ::^t^ v!2 ^32 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. the pillars of her towering greatness : secondly, that if Cromwell^s dynasty had endured, the France of Louis XI^^. would not have become the tyrant of Europe, for that which made her so was the prostration of England under the feet of the French king, and this was the work of the Restoration : but, thirdly, that Spain was the power of persecuting Catholicism, and that France, under Mazarin, though Catholic, was tolerant compared with Spain. To form a great Protestant league, and put England at its head again, was a policy which, unlike that of modem diplomatists, all the nation could understand, which carried the heart of the nation with it, and had the moral forces, as well as arms, upon its side. The Protector stepped into the pLice of Gustavus Adolphus, as the head of Protes- tant Christendom. The first embassy which he sent was to the daughter of Gustavus ; and Christina, before the madness which mingled with the heroic blood of Yasa had made hei its jDrey, knew and acknowledged her father's heir. Her master of the ceremonies was not so kind ; but Whitelocke made his entry into the Swedish capital in a snowstorm, and it was a hard trial for a master of the ceremonies to stand bare- \' ' \ CROMWELL. 133 idly, the 3ome 5 her • the work I was that was great head odem stand, Lth it, upon place rotes- ch he and gled lei its heir, dnd ; edish 1 trial bare- n headed in a snowstorm bowing to the ambas- sador of a regicide republic. A policy of mere aggrandisement, without the championship of a cause, is not a Cromwellian policy, nor are its authois the heirs of Cromwell. Their meanness stands contrasted with tlie majesty of the Pro- tector. We have seen that, according to Mr. Bancroft, Cromwell offered Jamaica to the colonists of New England ; and if he annexed Dunkirk, it was in those ports that, within the memory of living men, Parma had mustered his army ot invasion to be convoyed by the Armada. Cromwell would have made England the head at once of Protestantism and of Christendom. As chief of Christendom, he chastised the pirates of Tunis and Algiers, then the terror of christian mailners on all seas. At home he was strug- gling for his government and his life with a swarm of enemies; abroad, under his outstretched arm, the Protestants of France and Savoy wor- shipped God in peace. I am not an adherent ot non-intervention, if it means that England is to have no sympathies, that she is never to inter- pose for the defence of right or for the redress of wrong. I believe that when she is again a united nation, though she will not meddle or i: *■■ t. ! ' '1. i' in I .[ '' I 1% »f'j if T34 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. h ;» i- . bluster, she will make herself felt in the world once more. Till she is united, no doubt she must remain a nullity in Europe : no foreign minister can act with effect, except as the organ of the nation and with the nation at his back. The case of the Protestants of Savoy stirred the Protector's soul from its very depths : his feel- ings were expressed by the pen of Milton ; and surely never did such a secretary serve such a Prince in such a cause. Cromwell did not send vapouring despatches ; he interposed effectually, and right was done. He talked of making the name of an Englishman as respected as that of a Roman in a strain suited to those days, not suited to ours. But he did not seek to win respect for the English name by ignoble swag- ger, or by trampling on the weak. He spared the dignity even of the Duke of Savoy, though if the Duke had refused justice, he would have struck him to the dust. The part of a conqueror, which Europe ex- pected that Cromwell would assume in his own person, his good sense at once renounced : and on the evei^ing of Worcester he sheathed his sword for ever. Mr. Hallam, who was in- fected with the Whig worship of Napoleon, CROMWELL. 1.35 rji' speaks of his idol as the child of philosophy and of enlightenment, and contrasts ' im with Cromwell, who, he says, " had sucked the dregs of a besotted fanaticism." I find it difficult to conceive any fanaticism either so besotted or so cruel as that which leads a man to sacrifice the hves of millions and the happiness of hundreds of millions to his own " star." " Cromwell," says Burnet, " studied to seek out able and honest men and to employ them, and so having heard that my father had a very good reputation in Scotland for piety and integrity, though he knew him to be a Royalist, he sent to him desiring him to accept a judge's place, and do justice iij his own country, hoping only that he would not act against his government ; but he would not press him to subscribe or swear to it." This man had indeed a royal eye for merit and a royal heart to advance it in the state. Nor was he too nice in scrutinizing the opinions of able men, nor, so long as they served England well, did he too curiously inquire how they would serve him. Here again he stands contrasted with Bonaparte, whose first thought in advancing men was their subserviency to himself, who even i1 '*:•' vj 136 THREE ENGLISH STATESMAN. avoided promoting officers of the artillery, be- cause that service had the character of being republican. There is no pledge of greatness so rare, so decisive, or so noble as the choice of associates who will not be tools. Blake was a Republican. Lock hart, the chief instrument of the Protector's foreign policy and the first diplomatist of the day, was an old Royalist, whose value Cromwell had discerned. He was employed again as ambassador at Paris under Charles II., and still showed something of the spirit of the Protectorate in altered times. The King of France once jjroduced a private letter from Charles, obtained by corrupt influence and contrary to Lockhart's public instructions. " Sire," said Lockhart, " the King of Engknd speaks to your Majesty only through me." Sir Matthew Hale had been counsel to Straflbrd and the king : and he well justified the Protector's choice by boldly braving the wrath of the Protector him- self, who, tried beyond endurance by the resist- ance to the establishment of his government, had been betraved into one of those brief out- ft'' breaks of arbitrary violence which, though culp- able in themselves, illustrated the more signally his general desire to govern under the law. CROMWELL. 137 Royal natures, even on a throne, love sim- plicity of life. The Protector kept such state as became the head of a great nation, but it was a modest state, unlike the tawdry paoreantry of the court of Bonaparte. A man of little refine- ment and accustomed to the comradeship of the camp, Cromwell m private was apt to relieve liis burdened mind with rude humour, boisterous merriment, and even coarse practical jokes. But when he received foreign ambassadors, he knew how to show himself the head of a great nation and the peer of kings. A leading pa.rt of his entertainments was music, of which ho was very fond. The court was the first household in England, and, as enemle- confessed, a good pat- tern to the others, let Mrs. Hutchinson in her jealousy of the Cromwell women say what she will. Whitehall was the scene of work. But sometimes the Protector shuffled off that terrible coil of business and anxietv^, and his hfeguards waited to escort him (their escort was no need- less pageantry) in his ride to Hampton Court. There he refreshed his soul with quiet and country air. Thither an organ had been brought from the chapel of Magdalen College at Oxford, to chase away for an hour the throng of cares. i; ■lit < il iiM! 'I! m ■in It i _ m 138 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. But the Protector's chief comfort and delight was in his family, to which through all the chances and changes of his life, in trial alike and in victory, his heart had turned. They were all gathered round him in the hour of his greatness and of his peril, and remained bound by strong affection to him and to each other. One was missing, the eldest son, Oliver, who had fallen in battle for the cause, and whose image, as we know from Cromwell's last utter- ances, never left his father's heart. Among the rest the Protector's mother, ninety years old, was brought to a scene strange to her and iu which she had little com.fort, for every report of a gun she heard seemed to her her son's death, and she could not bear to pass a, day without seeing him with her own eyes. We mav trust the brief account of her end which is found among the dry state papers of the unimaginative Thurloe : — " My Lord Protector's mother, ninety-four years old, died last night. A little before her death she gave my lord her blessing in these words : ' The Lord cause His face to shine upon you and comfort you in all your adversities, and enable you to do great things for the glory of your most High God, elight .1 the alike ■ were )f his bound other. ', who whose utter- Lmong rs old, and hi report sons day We which f the ector's night, d her se His in all great God, a CROMWELL. 139 and to be a relief unto His people. My dear son, I leave my heart with thee. A good night.' " T nave estimated Cromwell highly. I see no ^jason why his nation in his age should not in the terrible but fruitful throes of a revolution have brought forth one of the greatest of the sons of men. " A larger soul never dwelt in a house of clay," said one who had been much about his person, after his death, when flattery was mute. His greatness is not to be compared to that of conquerors. Ten years more of Alexander and we should have had ten more satrapies. Ten years more of Napoleon and we should have had ten more conquests at once pr( fligate and msensate, civili- zation put back ten degrees more, the barharous war spirit made ten degrees more powerful in the world. Ten years more of Cromwell and the history of England and of Europe might have been changed. In England we should have had no revival of the absolutist and Romanising monarchy of the Stuarts ; no re- surrection of the Cavalier party under the name of Tories ; no waste of the energies of the nation and disturbance of its progress by the renewal of that barren struggle ; no restoration of the 2*' I:' III :!! 'li' ¥. ■ I! '^' :i » , ''h' .ii U\ 140 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 1 i hierarchy ; and if an hereditary House of Lords, one at all events that could not have fancied itself Norman, and must almost inevitably have assumed more of the character of a national Senate. In Europe, there would have been no domination of Louis XIV. ; no extermina,tion of French Protestantism ; probably no such crisis as that of the French E/Cvolution. And now the Protector's foot was on the threshold of success. His glory, the excellence of his administration, his personal dignity and virtues were founding his government in the allegiance of the people. The friends of order were beginning to perceive that their best chance of order lay in giving stabiHty to his throne. Some of the great families, acting on this view, had connected themselves by marriage with his house. His finances were embarrassed ; but he was about again to meet a Parliament which would probably have voted him supplies and concurred with him in settling the constitution. His foot was on the threshold of success ; but on the threshold of success stood Deatli. It was death in a strano^e form for him : ior after all his battles and storms and all the plots of assassins against his life, this terrible chief died did Lords, Fancied y have ational eeii no tion of 1 crisis on the jellence ty and in the ►f order chance throne. s view, r'lih. his but he which es and itution. ,s ; but It was fter all lots of lef died CROMWELL, 141 of grief at the loss of his favourite daughter and of watching at her side. Up that steep and slippery path of worldly greatness, so dangerous to the simplicity of faith and virtue, the religious farmer of Huntingdon- shire had wandered far awav from the Puritanism of his youth. He felt it, and when his end was near he asked his chaplain whether those who had once been in a state of grace could fall from it. He was assured that they could not. Then he said, " I am saved, for I am sure that I was once in a state of grace." The Calvinistic formula has become obsolete for most of us : but we may still trust that he who has once sincerely devoted himself to God's service is not often allowed . to become an enemy of God. At the time of his installation, the Protector had executed the power given him by Parlia- ment of naming a successor. He had sealed up the paper and addressed it to Thurloe, but had kept both the paper and its secret to himself. In his last illness, at Hampton Court, he sent to London for the paper, telling the messenger that it was on his study-table at Whitehall ; but the paper could not be found. Whose name did it contain ^ I doubt not, that of Richard i'i ':■ •'■'|1 ;li ■r 'tli -r .I'ii •r f 1?^ ,ti>; uHjit .!:U.: ■, ■im : f :< 142 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. mU I. 1 Cromwell. Perhaps the Protector's memory had failed him, and he had really destroyed the paper, still expecting that Kichard would suc- ceed not as Protector under the power of nomi- nation, but by act of Parliament as hereditary king. Nor do I see any reason to question Thurloe's statement that the Protector named Richard his successor by word of mouth just before he died. Wliat else was to be done ? Ricliard was weak, as his father must too w^ell have known; but he was popular and blameless, and had the shadow of hereditary right. Henry Cromwell was a man of mark as well as of worth, but not of mark enough to bear the burden unsupported by any other claim. Among the generals there was not one to be thought of since Ireton was gone. We know the rest. How military ambition broke loose : how anarchy ensued. Anarchy, not Cromwell's government, brought on the Restoration. At last the nobler spirit of the nation rose again. But the Re- volution of 1688 was an aristocratic revolution ; and there were other interests for which men had given their lives at Marston and Naseby, and with which, when Cromwell died before his time, all was over for many a day. CROMWELL. 143 All was over here, and once more there was an illustration of the frailty of systems and institutions which depend on a single life. But the counsels of Providence never depend upon a single life. Just as the great struggle was com- mencing in England, a little bark put forth on the Atlantic, unnoticed amidst the great events and the great actors of the time. Its passengers were Puritan peasants, lumted out of their homes by the Anglican hierarchy and its per- secuting agents. It bore English Democracy, safe beyond the reach of the Eiglish reaction, to the shores of the New World. There, too, it has encountered its old foes, the enemies of liberty, both of body and soul. But there it has triumphed : it has triumphed for itself, and it has triumphed for us all. ti P I T T. I .■ "i ■ V f ' 9 ' ' ^ m I ■ i ■ '■■■■If" % 'A ' ^'fl-Ssj Fn the hiu at to [ it ^ To no\ pro whi We • • in 1 the it y sen ser^ cen III. PITT. — I. m The European movement which ended in the French Revolution, Uke that w^iJch ended in the Reformation, Hke all great movements of humanity, was complex in its nature. It was at once religious and politica,l, and it extended to all the other parts of human life. In religion it was almost entirelv critical and destructive. To our generation was left the heavy task of re- novating faith. The religion of Rousseau, indeed, proved itself the strongest among the elements which struggled for m^astery in the Revolution. We can understand liow at the time it breathed in its freshness like the breath of morning into the feverish atmosphere of French life. But it was merely a bastard Christianity, emotional, sentimental, based on no conviction. The great service done to religion during the eighteenth century was the advancement of toleration, to L 2 f!-i ''.-all 1 -■1|: •\{\ i'l' w: Imm rm Jil im 'Aa > I ^ y i :. if? 148 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. which Frederic the great, tyrant as he was in politics, was a real friend ; though it was the toleration of indifference, not the toleration of those, who with deep convictions, and because they have deep convictions, reverence conscience as the source, and liberty of conscience as the sole guarantee, of truth. In the political sphere also the movement was merely destructive ; it pulled down feudalism without building up anything in its place, and it has left European society generally in a chaotic state, from which the nations have sought refuge in democratic despotism, pending the evolution of a sound and permanent order of things. Two political ideals, however, this century produced ; the half-classi- cal, half- Christian Republicanism of Eousseau, and the enlightened and beneficent despotism, having its imaginary type in China, which was the Utopia of Voltaire. In jurisprudence and political economy, on the other hand, there were positive and great results : in jurisprudence, the reforms of law, especially the law of succes- sion to property and the penal code, of which the Code Napoleon is the most scientific em- bodiment, though the philosophy of the pre- vious century was the source ; in economy, free '11 PITT. 149 vas in as the ion of ecaiise science as the sphere ve ; it ig up ropean which ocratic id and ideals, isseau, Dot ism, )h was !e and B were 36, the lucces- which c em- pre- Y, free and all the 3nefits which the world has received from the principles enunciated Ly Hume, Turgot, and, greatest of all, Adam Smith. The first part of Pitt s life — that part which forms the subject of this evening s lecture — is a product of the economical, and in some measure also of the political, part of this European move- ment, limited by the conditions imposed on the leader of an aristocratic assembly and a minister of the English crown ; the second part, which will form the subject of the following lecture, is a product of the reaction against the religious Cvxid poHtical part of the same movement when it had arrived at its revolutionary crisis and over- turned the French Church and Throne. During the first part of his life, Pitt is to be classed with the philosophic and reforming kings and ministers before the Revolution, whose names ought not to be forgotten, though the Jacobins chose to call the year of their frenzy the year One ; with Joseph II. ; with Pombal, Aranda, and Choiseul, the overthrowers of Jesuitism ; with Tanucci, with Leopold of Tuscany, with Turgot, with Frederic of Prussia, and with Catherine of Kussia, so far as Catherine and Frederic were organs of philosophy and reform. n 'I \a::. );--'9 . m 111!? ii I- t 1 n ! f h :l ;; 14 '' ;i|.,< «i. 150 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. During tlie second part, ^10 tends, though lie does not actually sink, to the level of the Metier niclis, the Polignacs, the Percevals, and the Eldons. The Pitt of my present lecture and the Pitt of my next stand in strong contrast to each other, though the connection is quite intelligible and signally illustrates the power of circumstances over any Lut the strongest men. The same change is seen in the lives of Joseph and Cathe- rine and other reformers in high places, who, when the Revolution came, found out thfit cheir trade was that of king. It is seen in the English aristocracy, the more intellectual of whom had, like the French aristocracy, been affecting scep- ticism and Republicanism, as we may learn from Horace Walpole, who is always throwing out light Voltairian sentiments and cutting off the head of Charles I. This evening we speak of the happier Pitt, of him whose monuments remain in free trade, an improved fiscal system, I'eligious toleration, the first steps towards colonial emancipation, the abolition of the slave trade, the condemnation of slavery. Another evening we shall speak of the Pitt whose monu- ments remain in six hundred millions of debt, and other evils political and social, of which the des PITT. 151 bitter inheritance has descended to us and will descend to generations yet to come. William Pitt was born beneath a roof illus- trious, but not likely to give birth to an apostle of economical reform. What the inglorious frugality of Walpole had saved, Chatham had squandered in victory ; and he had added a heavy burden of debt besides. But the bequeathed to his child the exanq^le of purity, of patriotism, of a high aspiring spirit, which soared, if not to the summit of political heroism, at least far above the place-hunters and in- triguers of the time. He bequeathed to him also of his eloquence, not the incommunicable fire, but so much as assiduous culture under a great master could impart, and sent him into public life a youthful prodigy in the accomplish- ment by which we choose our statesmen. From the conversation of Chatham and of Chatham's friends, Pitt, who was brought up at home, must also have learned much ; and thus his parliamentary maturity at twenty-one, though a w^onder, is not a miracle. I have noticed that Pitt was brought up at home. He was nevertheless no milksop. AVe complacently accept it as a full set-off against i % •id""-' ^f -n ¥ 152 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. all the evils of public schools, that they make boys manly. It is easy to see liow by cutting bovs off from intercourse with men and women, and confining them to the society of boys, you may make .hem hard ; but not so easy to see how you can make them manly. Pitt brought up in the house of Chatham is, of course, too exceptional a case to reason from : but no want of manliness, either of mind or character, was seen in this boy when he became Prime Minister at twenty-four. He, however, went to Cambridge at fourteen, and stayed there seven years, during which he was regular and read hard, owiiTg, it may be, partly to the weakness of his health, which by debarring from physical sports and enjoyments, has perhaj s turned not a few men into the path which leads to intellectual greatness. We are beginning to know the power of education, and the significance of the question, what sort of culture it was that was undergone by a future chief of the state. The classics, a school at once of taste and of the political character formed by a rather narrow and heathen love of libertv, were the staple of Pitts training, as they had been those of the English statesmen before him. VITT. 153 ,"H make utting ^omen, S, YOU to see 'ought 3e, too ) want r, was inister irteen, ich he ly be, ch bv nents, path e are 1, and )rt of \iture once Iby Dertv, T had hhn. 3C To these he added the discipline of mathematics, some jurisprudence, some expeiimental philo- sophy, and a good deal of general literature, including history. Historical pliilosophy was not then in existence : it might have taught him, the destined ruler of his country at the epoch of the French Revolution, to view with intelli- gence and meet w^itli calmness the tremendous l)henomena of his time. But above all he read the work, then new and unknown to his elder rivals, of Adam Smith, to which, in his great budget-speech of 1792, he referred as furnishing the best solution to every question connected with political economy and with trade. Pitt was Adam Smith's first powerful disciple. And from this source he drew not only the principles of his commercial reforms and his budgets, but a taUsman of command. The commercial and manufacturing interests were rapidly rising in importance, and with these interests Pitt alone of the party leaders had qualified himself to deal. The aristocratic statesmen, with their purely classical training, seldom stooped to any- thing so low as economy or finance. Fox avowed his ignorance of political economy ; he used to say he did not know why the funds i .SIM Mi: Iflfll* 1 t i i ■ II h f ■' M' Nl •54 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. went up or down, but he liked to see them g(j down because it vexed Pitt. Sir Francis Dash- wood was thought good enough for the Chancel- lorship of the Exchequer, though a sum of five figures was said to be an inscrutable mystery to his mind. The student of the " Wealth of Na- tions" might have learnt, and perhaps he did learn, from it, other things besides those which he mentioned in his budget-speech. Free prin- ciples hang together, and Adam Smith is, in an unobtrusive way, the apostle of Democracy as well as of Free Trade. Pitt's tutor was Pre ty man, better known in the annals of ecclesiastical rapacity by his later name of Tomline. This man seems to have done the classical and mathematical part of his duty well : Pitt at least was grateful to him, and gorged him — to satiate him was im- possible — with preferment, till George III. cried "Hold, enough." Tomline thus enriched, pro- vided with the means of enriching his whole tribe, and having inherited a private fortune beside.^, subscribed, among others, £t,ooo to- wards the payment of Pitt's debts, which sum he afterwards tried to get repaid to him by tli(? nation. em go Dash- lancel- Df five eiy to Df Na- le did which prhi- in an acy as wn ill ^ later have art of ful to us iin- cried , pro- whole jrtuiie 30 to- h sum jy tlu.' PITT. 155 Bad physicians advised the stripling to drink port, the panacea and almost the physical gospel of the age ; and he followed their advice with a vengeance. Hence disease and mortal langour in his prime ; hence the constitution early de- cayed which succumbed to the blow of Auster- litz. Lord Stanhope — to whose most valuable bio^.aphy, which forms the foundation of this lecture, let me here acknowledge my great obligations — Lord Stanhope says that Pitt was only once seen drunk. There are traditions of a different kind. In all other respects Pitt's character, like that of his great father, was pure ; and though the wits might scoff at the idea that genius and morality could exist together, his purity gave him a great advantage in self- control, in conscientious industrv, in dignity of bearing, in the confidence of the community — especially of the middle classes — over his chief rival, who, though he had a warm heart and noble sympathies, was a rake, a gambler, corrupt himself, and a corrupter of the youths about him. Of religion there was little to be had in those days ; and of that little not much re- sided in Mr. Pretyman. Pitt was regular in his attendance at the college chapel. He also read i ' d :i il i;:: mk 1 : ' ., W 1 J 1 1 1 i . 1 li Itff" 156 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. theology with his tutor, and some would have us believe that he became a theologian at once most learned and most orthodox, armed at all points to maintain the Thirty-nine Articles against all heresies, whether on the side of Popery or Dissent ; while, on the other hand, there is a tradition that, by his own avowal, Butler's " Analogy " raised in his mind more doubts than it solved, wherein he would by no means have been unique. But it is plain that he had not that strong and present sense of things unseen by which the noblest characters have been sustained. So far as integrity and real desire of the public good would carry him, he could go : but when the great trial came, the trial which called for complete self-sacrifice, the sustaining force was wanting, conscience yielded to ambition, and the son of the morning fell. As Chatham's son, Pitt entered public life as a Whig. But Whig, by this time, meant little more than Guelf or Ghibelin. The Whigs were a party, and an illustrious party, while they were making the Bevoiution of 1688, and afterwards while they were defending the Re- volution settlement against Louis XIV. abroad and the Jacobites at home. But that stiuggle ■k ». * V, PITT. 157 over, they became an oligarchy of great houses squabbling among themselves for the high offices of state. The long scene of degradation which ensued had, for a time, been broken by the rise of Chatham, a middle-class minister putting the oligarchy under his feet, though to do it he was obliged himself to connive at corruption, and allow a Duke to do for his government the work which the great Com- moner abhorred. In this party government of ours, which we take for an eternal ordinance of nature, though it is but an accident of yes- terday, everything depends on the existence of a real division of opinion on some important question. When the great questions are for the time out of the way, party government degenerates into a chronic faction-fight between a connection which wants to get place and a connection which wants to keep it. At this time the great questions were out of the way, there was no real division of parties, and a reign of cabal and corruption naturally ensued. All the factions ahke used power for class purposes ; the nation had little interest in their scuffles, and no hope but that by some accident a man of heart and brain might get into his 158 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, V\ •■ii. ■fij ii hands a measure of independent power, and use it partly for the public good. Pitt took his seat when only just of age for the nomination borough of Appleby, and at once came forward in debate. His command of rounded sentences was already fearful ; assuredly no youth ever wrote such stately despatches to his mother. He gave the House without delay a taste of his oratorio training, and early showed his greatest gift as an orator, the power of lofty sarcasm, which, in a House not much in earnest, is so telling, both in its direct effect, and because, unlike open invective, it suggests a reserve of power. Those stately speeches of his, with their long rolling periods, were, no doubt, very imposing when they were delivered with an imperial bearing and haughty gestures from the summit of Parliamentary command. But the best of them, and those best reported, can scarcely be placed in the small number of orations which deserve to live beyond the hour. They contain few memorable words. That fusion of reason in the fire of passion, the attribute of the highest eloquence, is not there. They are the works of talent, but not of genius. The war with the American Colonies had I' TITT. 159 almost run its guilty and disastrous course, and was drawing near its shameful end. The North ministry tottered to its fall. It was upheld only by the personal support of the King, who, like kings in general, was still for war. Pitt went into strong opposition. He denounced the war with a vehemence which, we should have thought, would have seemed inexpiable to the King. He supported Burke's motion for re- trenchment, He took ap Parliamentary Keform warmly, and made the question his own. This he did with his guns levelled directly against the corrupt influence of the court — " an in- fluence," he said, which has been pointed at in ever/ period as the fertile source of all our miseries — an influence which has been substi- tuted in the room of wisdom, of activity, of exertion, and of success — an influence which has grown with our growth, and strengthened with our strength, but which unhappily has not diminished with our diminution, nor decayed with our decay." The court was so discredited and detested that on his motion for a select com- mittee Pitt was only beaten by 20. It has been remarked that the Reformers never had so good a division again till 183 1. Pitt also voted for . A ^: . % ''*Si I i6o THREE ENGLISH STATESiVEN. s: m ■■ 'i ■ 3-_v h; the motion of the Radical Alderman Sawbrido^e to shorten the duration of parliaments. If this bright archangel of Toiyism had sat long in opposition he might liave become a minister of the Darker Power. North fell ; and over the prostrate favourite of the court Fox and Eockingham entered the royal closet by storm. On Eockingham's death Fox pressed the Duke of Portland on the King as first minister, but the King carried Lore* Shelburne, one of Chatham's old connection ; anil Pitt, whose aspiring boyhood had refused offict without a seat in the cabinet under Rock ^g- ham, came into Shelburne's cabinet at twenty- three as Chancellor of the Exchequer. The foot of Adam Smith was on the steps of power. The Shelburne ministry had to make peace with the Americans, and with their allies, France and Spain : but on the preliminaries of peace the Government was overthrown by the profligate coalition of Fox and North. Pro- fligate that coalition was, not so much because it violated political principle, for none of these factions had much political principle to violate, as because it violated personal honour. Fox had spoken of North in terms which made an PITT. l6i alliance between them, manifestly concluded fur the sake of getting back into place, equally infaii /ms to them both. The king struggled ; he ti.rned to Pitt ; (uid the dazzling offer of the premiership was refused by a farsighted youth of twenty -tliree. Then the king was forced to go under the yoke : but this time the nation was with him, and his defeat was a moral victory. A constitutional monircliy, according to the classic aphorism of M. Thiers, is one in which the king reigns and does not govern ; in the less pointed words of Lord North, one in which the king has only the appearance of po\Ner. This highly artificial arrangement — for highly artificial it is, when we consider that the king is treated, even in our addresses to Heaven, as though he were the real ruler, and we his obedient subjects — is commonly taken to be coeval with the monarchy of England. It came into existence a century and a half ago, and has not continued without interruption since that time. The feudal kings, like the Saxon kings before them, not only reigned but governed, and were dejDOsed, and sometimes put to death, if tliey governed ill. The Tudors were despots. M lit '''fli :l i tftl 1 m H '^ ^BbI I 1 11,^ ' Ejf * ■ ; t' .. f " 4 1 *^ f 162 THREE EXGLISII STATESMEN. Tlu' Stimrta tried to be. William ITT., tliongh a foreigner, Jiiul dependent on the Whigs for his crown, was at the head of his own government, had no foreign minister but himself, at a, time when foreign policy vv^as the most impoitant department, and vetoed the Triennial Act. Anne changed the government and the policy of the country at the whim of her waiting- woman. The first constitutional king was George T., ;i foreigner like William, very stuj)id, which Wil- liam was not, miable to speak English, with a Pretender across the water, and absolutely in the hands of his Whig patrons. George IT. was pretty much in the same case, and accord- ingly he was only one degree less constitutional than his father. But George III., as he told Parliament in graceful compliment to the shades of his ancestors, was born a Briton. " What lustre," responded the Peers, "does it add to the name of Briton when you. Sir, esteem it among your glories.' Jacobinism was defunct ; and the last nonjuring bishop died about this time, ail apothecary at Shrewsbury, owning that Providence had declared itself for the Hanover line. Therefore, George TIL was not constitu- tional : he wished not only to reign but to govern. f *• ough )r his [nent, time ntiiiit Act. icy of Oman. I., a iWil- witli ;ely in re 11. ccord- itional e told shades What dd to em it funct ; t this that Imover stitu- overn. (T I'lTT. 163 lie IS surely not much to be bhuned tor that wish. Hearing a prayer put U}) every Sunday, that he might be enabled to rule well, he might not unnaturally conceive that it was a part of his dnty to rule. Despotic ideas had been care- fully infused by his mother and Lord Bute into a mind which the absence of any other culture left entirely open for their recepti(^ii ; for never had a born Briton so un-British an education. The Parliament of that day was not a free Par- liament, but an oligarchical and rotten-borough Parliament , and we might have sympathised with the King if he had really intended to over- ride the factions, put the oligarchy under the feet of a national trustee, promote merit in the public service without regard to connecti(jn, and ofovern in the interest of the whole nation. Unfortunately, George the Third's idea of merit was Lord Bute and Mr Jenkinson, and his idea of governing in the interest of the whole nation was the American w^ar. It was unluckv, too, if the new system was to restore purity, that it was itself supported by corruption ; and that in this corruption, and in the coarsest form of it — that connected with elections — the King him- self took an active part. If any one, in his M 2 ill m I m i ■^a :^l i Pi I ' f"f 164 TllRKE ENGLISH STATESMEy. hatred of oligarchy, dreams of a patriot king, let him awake from that dream. Sooner than a i)atriot king, he will find an oligarchy ready to divest itself of power. George III. tried unconstitutional monarchy, first hy Lord Bute, a walking-gentleman, and failed ; then by Lord North, a good man of business and a good parliamentary tactician, but pliant enough to submit to government by departments ; that is, a government in which the king was first minister, and the departments against their consciences carried on the King's American Avar. But the end of that war broufjfht the system to the ground amidst a storm of odium ; and only the superior odium of the Coalition could have given the King a third chance. A third chance he now had, and having twice before got hold of a tool who was not strong enough to be a minister, he now got hold of a minister who was rather too strong to be a tool. The Coalitioi. deserved to fall, but not on the measure on wdiich it fell. It had become neces- sary for humanity, and for the honour of the countrv, to arrest the servants of the East India Company in their career of crime. The govern- king, I' than ady to larchy, [1, and lan of itician, ent by which bments King's rought )rm of of the third laving as not )t hold to be ion the neces- of the India overn- PITT. 165 ment brought in a bill taking India out of the bands of the Company and putting it into the hands of a board of seven commisHioners to be named for the first time by })arliament and afterwards by the crown. There can be no doubt that the measure was framed in good faith. Burke, whose zeal for Indian reform none will question, was its framer. Fox him- self, with all his faults, was a true friend of humanity : let us honour his name for it, at a time when contempt for humanity and sym- pathy with cruelty is cultivated by fe.^bleness as a proof of vigour, and lauded by public in- structors as a healthy English tone. As, how- ever, the majority in parliament were to have the nominations for the first time, a cry was got up that the party intended, by the appropriation of overwhelming patronage, to perpetuate itself in power. Set up by Pitt and the opposition, this cry was swelled of course by the whole East Indian interest, which by buying rotten boroughs had made itself a great parliamentary power, and was beginning, in the secret counsels of Providence, to avenge, by its pestilential in- fluence on English politics, the wrongs of the ilindoo. The great standing army, estranged ifi •« M 1' it "\ ^1 1 -• ^ i W ,! !■' n paMt ■ > ifi. m I''. m rill' w * 11 1i « V 1 66 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. from the ideas of English citizenship and from reverence for English liberties, which is now being trained up in India, may perhaps one day carry further the work of retribution, and teach people that they cannot practise rapine in an- other country, even under pretence of propa- gating Christianity, and with the tacit sanction of their bishops, without entailing some conse- quences en their own. The king was in a paroxysm of rage and fear at the prospect of having so much power taken out of his hands. The bill, however, passed the Commons by a large majority, and was on the point of passing the Lords, when Lord Temple, who had before been carrying on a most unconstitutional cor- respondence with the King against the Ministers, crept to the royal ear, and received from His Majesty a paper to be handed about among the Lords in the following terms : " His Majesty allowed Earl Temple to say that whoever voted for the India Bill was not only not his friend but would be considered by him as an enemy ; and if these words were not strong enough, Earl Temple might use whatever words he deemed stronger and more to the purpose." The only words which could have been stronger and more PITT. 167 to tlie purpose would have been some having reference to more substantial motives than af- fection for the royal person. By a free use of this august document, the India Bill was thrown out ; and the Coalition ministers fell, most of them in transports of rage, Lord North, with his usual good-humour, declining to get out of bed at twelve o'clock at night to give up the seals, and forcing the royal envoy, wlio came at that unseasonable hour, to have an interview with Lady North, as well as with himself. For a moment. Temple, the author of the plot, was secretary of state ; but he immediately vanished under a cloud of mystery which has never been cleared away. Lord Stanhope is inclined to think that Lord Temple having saved the monarchy by a back-stairs intrigue, wished to assure its salvation by getting himself made a .Duke ; and that the King, faithful 'o first principles, even in tiiis supreme hour of political extremity, would make none but Royal Dukes. A more obvious solution is that Tem})le, like most intriguers, Wiis a coward, and that his heart failed him as he touched his prize. What is certain is, that Lord Tem]»le went to Stowe. Meanwhile the King had turned again to Pitt ; -Mil i_ iip% -<.* « i68 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. il , and Pitt was prime minister, and not only prime minister, but, as the rest of the cabinet were mere respectabilities, sole minister at twenty- four. Unluckily there was now a taint on his appointment, which there would not have been if he had dared to accept the prime minister- ship before. Lord Stanhope defends the King and his partners in this transaction. He says the rules of the constitution were not then settled. The principle that the King was not to take notice of anything depending in Parlia- ment had been asserted, as I apprehend, against the Stuarts. But be this as it may, if the rules of the constitution were not settled, the rules of lionour Avere ; and the rules of honour, while they permitted the King to dismiss his minis- ters openly and appeal against them to the country, did not permit him to stab them in the dark. But, says L<: rd Stanhope, Pitt at all events stands clear. His conduct was excusable perhaps ; but if the transaction was criminal, lie was not guiltless. He was an accomplice after the f^ict. He ^'creened Lord Temple in parliament. He accepted th( fruits of the intrigue. Afterwards, he was himself called 5 't PITT, 169 upon to confront the prejudices of the King. George III. was cunning, and though he might quail before the haughty son of Chatham, he must have felt in his heart that Pitt had once been his accomplice. Then came the famous struggle of the young minister at the head of a minority, and without a colleague to support him in the House of Commons, against the superior forces and the veteran chiefs of the Coalition. The merit of Pitt in this struggle has been overrated. The Opposition made him a present of the victory. They should have proceeded not passionately but vigorously against Temple, and treated Pitt with cool forbearance, so os to avoid making him an object of national sympathy. Tliey pro- ceeded passionately but by no means vigorously against Temple, and they assailed Pitt with a ferocity which arrayed the sympathies of all men on his side. The fact is, however, that Pitt played a winning game from the beginning. The numbers of the majority in the House were no measure of their hold on the country. The nation was weary of cabals which bandied power from one set of place-hunters to another. Its heart yearned towards the young, and as it % «■-■'■ f V- (■ I- 170 THP.EE ENGLISH STATESMEN. hoped pure and patriotic, son of Chatham. The Tories wished the King to choose his own ministers. The few Radicals that there were liated the great Whig houses. The CoaUtion was hated by all. In the middle of the struggle the Clerkship of the Pells (a sinecure office with an income of £3,000 a year) fell vacant. The minister might liave taken it himself, and Pitt was poor. He fancied that if he lost his place he should have to go hack to the bar. But he used the windfall to redeem a pension which had been improperly besto ved by the other party, thus placing his own purity in contrast with their corruption. As a minister he waged no war on great sinecures, and he held the Wnrdenship of the Cinque Ports himself But this act proved at least that he was playing a high game, and that he would not let his cupidity stand in the way of his ambition. He shewed sagacity, too, in putting off the dissolution, and thus giving the opposition rope to hang themselves, and the tide of opinion time to rise in his favour. Ev^en in the House, the Opposition was at the last gasp ; and when urged by ito leaders to throw out the Mutiny Bill, it no longer answered the n. The [lis own re were ]!oalitioii Jlerkship icome of 3r might IS poor. 3 should jsed the lad been ty, thus th their ) war on nship of proved me, and d in the ty, too, giving and the E s^en +he last u throw red the PITT. 171 spur. A JasL effort was made by a devoted adheT'e-^t in the faliinsf hour of the e that the Tories being, thi'ougli some cause un- explained by political science, rather more stupid than the Whigs, liave been rather more often obliged to take adventurers into pay ; but tliey do this for oligarchical purposes, and an oligarch is not the less an oligarch because he l» 'mi 174 THREE ENGLISH STA TESMEX. »»M popularity which he once enjoyed, but which he so unha]^pily has forfeited. For it is the best and most ordinary resource of these pohtieal apostates to court and offer {heniselves to perse- cution, for the sake of the popular predilection and pity which usually fall upon persecuted men ; it becomes worth their while to suffer for a time political martyrdom, for the sake of the canonisation that awaits the suffering martyr ; and I make no doubt the right lionour- able gentleman has so much penetration, and at the same time so much passive virtue about him, that not only would he be glad to seem a poor, injured, persecuted man, but he would gladly seek an opportunity of even really suf- fering a little persecution, if it be possible to find such an opportunity." It m\ist have been difficult for an opponent, or for any one indeed but a partisan, to help very cordially abhorring the gifted youth, from whose lips flowed un- bidden such perfect periods as these ; especially when at his back was a mob of Tory squires, under the famous Kolle, hooting down the speakers on the other side — a habit perhaps not yet quite extinct. If there was any one in that assembly to whom the term apostate might :ring iin- :ially lires, the not that light riTT. 175 with justice have been apphed, it was the vehement advocate of Parliamentarv Reform as ft/ the great antidote to secret influence who now stood, through a most flagrant exercise of secret influence, First Llinister of the Crown. Pitt's great glories are economical and finan- cial. In that sphere, as he touched neither pre- rogative nor privilege, royalty and aristocracy allowed him to have free play. They even formed his support in contending against the commercial tyranny of protection. He found the finances after the American war and the North Administration in a desperate state. There were 14 millions of unfunded debt ; exchequer bills were at 20 discount ; consols were at 56. The customs were so laid on that the smuggling trade in tea was double the lawful trade in amount. The pupil of Adam Smith set all this right, brought income by bold taxation to a level with expenditure, and apply- ing the principle which he was the first to grasp — that reduction of duties will increase revenue by increasing consumption — transferred the gains of the smuggler to the national exchequer. He was at the same time enabled to do away with a number of places in the Customs and Excise, ■I I . 9'..; s 9M * 176 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. .'M Wwm. III mm r III m and thereby not only to reduce the national expense, but to stanch some of the sources of corruption. He thus, in spite of some occasional waste in armaments, the debts of the Prince of Wales, and the voracity of the civil list, turned deficit into surplus, and saved England perhaps from a crash like that to which deficit was hvuTying France. He was also the author of the reform which put up loans to the highest bidder, instead of making them government patronage, with a toll to corruption. Adam Smith had denounced funding. His pupil, when obliged to borrow, borrowed in the five rather than in the three per cents, to keep down the capital debt and improve the chance of paying oif. He had not read Lord Macaulay, who from the growth of suburban villas " em- bosomed in gay little paradises of lilacs and roses," proves that a funded debt of eight hun- dred millions is no burden to the nation. He had not learnt that in the case of a national debt, debtor and creditor are the same, so that, as it seems, w^e might as well simplify the trans- action by the use of the sponge. Still less, probably, had he, like Lord Macaulay, discerned the recondite truth, that the practice of fighting ? i!|.?-,!» « » PITT. ni ational rces of jasional Prince vil list, England I deficit author highest 3rnment g. His 1 in the to keep chance acaulay, em- and it hun- )n. He national so that, e trans- ;ill less, scerned ghting IS ICS u with soldiers hired at the expense of posterity, which removes the last restraint on war, is favourable to the ascendancy of intelle3t over force. He might have asked Lord Macaulay, if a national debt was a blessing, why it should not be doubled 1 In his anxiety to reduce the debt Pitt was caught by the project of a sinking fund. When national debts grew heavy, various projects were devised in different countries for conjuring them away without the unpleasant process of paying. The Mississippi scheme and the South Sea scheme were among the number. Tamper- ing with the currency was a coarse expedient. The simplest was that of the French Finance Minister, Abbe Terrai, who repudiated fifty per cent, and proved that the glory of repudiation is not monopolised by republics. The sinking fund was a project for conjuring away the debt by the magic of compound interest. People think that money at compound interest grows of itself like a plant. But compound interest, in the case of individuals, is merely compound savings reinvested, and compound diversions of capital from other investments. In the case of a national sinking fund it is com^Dound payments N .^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^.^<* 1.0 I.I I^|2j8 125 j50 "^ iHl ut 1^ 1122 Z Ml 12.0 Ml 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 h ^ 6" ► V] /I m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTIR, NY. MSSO (716) S73-4S03 ^>' „^ d %o o 178 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, i*\\ ' .1 \ [ I \ made by the nation to itself. Of course, as soon as the question arises between further borrow- ing, perhaps at a high rate of interest, for some pressing emergency, and dipping into the sinking fund, the sinking fund goes to the wall. There arc only three courses for nations which have run into debt — to bear the debt for ever, to be- come bankrupt, or to remain at peace, retrench and pay. It does seem, however, that a nation ought to take advantage of its immortality, and to borrow on terminable rather than on perpetual annuities. To the mortal creditor there is no dif- ference between an annuity for the longest span of moital interest and an annuity for ever. To the immortal nation there is, between a burden for a century and a burden for ever, all the difference in the world. Destiny mocks the hopes of man. This is the minister of whom it was too truly said — " Mr. Pitt's memory needs no statues. Six hun- dred millions of irredeemable debt are the eternal record of his fame." He ought, from his early studies and experiences, to have felt more strongly the injustice of laying burdens on other generations without their own consent. In PITT. 179 as soon borrow- or some sinking Tliere ;h Lave ', to be- retrench 11 ought and to erpetual s no dif- est span ^er. To I burden all the This is T said — 51X hun- ? eternal lis early t more lens on jent. In barbarous ages, people when they went to war fought themselves. Civilisation taught them to hire, impress, or kidnap other people to light for them. Still there was a check on war while those who made it had to pay. Taxation of the present was confined within narrow limits ; it provoked unpleasant outcries, sometimes it pro- voked resistance. So the expedient was hit upon of taxing the mute and unresisting future. The system was perfected by degrees. At first the Government only anticipated payments which they miglit, with some colour of reason, call their own. Then they mortgaged particular sources of revenue. Funding with us dates from William III. ; hence to the author of the great Whig epic, of which William is the Achilles, the system seems all lilacs and roses. Pitt's financial speeches were as notable as his budgets. Inferior, no doubt, in knowledge to those of Peel, they are superior in form, which is something when people are to be instructed on a subject to most men at once repulsive and obscure. In the mind of Pitt, as in that of Adam Smith, as in that of Cobden, as in the counsels of Providence, free trade v/as connected with N 2 ■W iB ¥1 4: i -v ' i8o THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. a policy of peace and goodwill among nations. Pitt, too, was " an international man." Since the religious wars of the sixteenth century, hatred had been the law of Christendom. International malignity had been organised under the name of the Balance of Power. Each nation had thought itself prosperous just so far as it could prevent the prosperity of others. Hence pro- tection, the colonial system, and commercial as well as diplomatic wars. Chatham's glory had been bound up with these notions, especially with the notion of eternal enmity between England and France. But Chatham's son, en- lightened by a better teacher, commenced the work of healing, through free commercial inter- course, the divisions of Christendom. The pre- cursor of Cobden, he carried, against strong- opposition, a commercial treaty with France. Fox Avas a man of larger sympathies than Pitt, and if he had been in power would probably have been on the whole a better foreign minis- ter ; but party, sacred party, hurried him and his liberal friends into denouncing the treaty on the most iUiberal grounds of international jealousy. In defending it, Pitt combated, in - language which Cobden might have used, the itions. ce the tiatred itional name Q had , coukl e pro- cial as y had ecially jtweeii )n, en- }d the mter- e pre- strong I'rance. 1 Pitt, ^bably iiiinis- m and treaty tional ed, in d, the PITT. i8i doctrine that France must be the unalterable enemy of Britain. He treated as monstrous, and as founded neither in nature nor in history, the position that one nation could be the unalterable enemy of another. He called it a libel on society, as sujDposing the existence of diabolical malice in the original frame of man. He was obliged to pay some homage to the war spirit, as in truth does Adam Smith ; and he urges that whatever enriches us will, wlien the time comes, give us the sinews of war. But he returns to less equivocal ground in showing that the chances of war will be diminished when nations are bound together by free trade. The chances of war will be diminished. Let us not, in the face of so many victories of principle, honour, passion over mere interest, imagine that any bond of mere interest can do more. If to slake a fierce hatred or to uphold a great cause men will sacrifice their lives, much more will they for a time sacrifice the luxuries for which they are dependent on foreign trade. The only sure guarantee of peace is morality. The next greatest is not commerce but freedom, which puts down standing armies. A commercial treaty is a poor set-off against the mischief done »v,)' »f '\t U \ fl- a ' :(■'■ !!i!|j m . w I >. I. -4'..' ;l l82 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. by a mil'taiy despotism, the great embodiment and consecration of the war spirit in the world : and if we were to truck our abhorrence of mihtary despotism for such a treaty, we should find — to put the question on the lowest ground — that we had bought our mess of pottage far too dear. Adam Smith had advocated the union of Ireland with England. He had pointed out that free trade with England would far more than make up to Ireland for the increase of taxation — that by the union of his own country with England, the Scotch people had been de- livered from the Scotch aristocracy — that by the same process Ireland " might be delivered from a much more oppressive aristocracy, an aristocracy the most odious of all, an aristocracy of political and religious prejudice, which, more than any other distinctions, animated the in- solence of the oppressor and the hatred of the oppressed, and made the natives of the same country greater enemies than those of different countiies ever were." At this time the relations between Ireland and England were such as could not be endured. The Protestant Ee- publicans of the North of Ireland — they, mind, PITT. 183 not the Catholics — takinfj; advauta<2fe of the weakness of England after her reverses in the American war, and catchino: the infection of the American Revolution, had risen in arms, under pretence of forming a volunteer army for the defence of the kingdom, and extorted legislative independence. The result was not, be it re- marked, a Federal union, with a Federal Govern- ment having a definite province of its own, but two independent Pailiaments under one Crown ; and the Crown being constitutional, the two Parliaments were two sovereign powers. There was an hourly danger of a divergence of policy, even on questions of peace and war. At the same time, the Catholics remained excluded from the Irish Parliament, and Protestant ascend- ancy was thus left rampant, without any imperial control. The consequence was that Ireland was ruled, and her policy kept in union with that of England by systematic corruption. Mr. Massey, the recent historian of this period, has found, among the original papers with which his work is enriched, a sort of chart of the Irish Parlia- ment, drawn up confidentially for the guidance of Pitt :— " H. H., son-in-law to Lord A., and brought 4 J ' I i ; iJ .,t. .'^^^ h r i- ■ V 1* I i 5: 184 THREE ENGLTSII STATES ^fEiV. into Parliament by liim. Studies the law ; wishes to be a Commissioner of Barracks, or in some similar place. Would go into orders, and take a living. " H. D., brother to Lord C. Applied for office, but as no specific promise could be made, has lately voted in opposition. Easy to be had, if thought expedient. A silent, gloomy man. " L. M., refuses to accept £500 a year: states very high pretensions for his skill in Plouse of Commons' management. Expects £1,000 a year. — N.B. : Be careful of him. " J. N. has been in the army, and is now on half pay : wishes a troop of dragoons, or full pay. States his pretensions to be fifteen years' service in Parliament. — N. B. : Would prefer office to military promotion ; but already has, and has long had, a pension. Character, espe- cially on the side of truth, not favourable. " B. P., independent, but well disposed to Government. His four sisters have pensions, and his object is a living for his brother. " T. P., brother to Lord L., and brought in by him. A captain in the navy. Wishes for some sinecure employment." On the government side were the members PITT. i8r. for eighty-six proprietary seats, the owners of wliicli had let them out for titles, offices, or pen- sions. Sir Arthur Wellesley, at a kiter period, found that a zealous su])porter of the govern- ment had been endeavourinof to strenjxthen the Union by appropriating to his own use the gold provided for the collars of the order of 8t. Patrick, and putting copper in its place. Meantime ftuuine, with pestilence in its train, •stalked among the Irish people, who w-ere re- duced to the level of beasts in everything except that they had the capacity of suffering as men. Does history afford a parallel to that agony of seven centuries which has not vet reached its close '? But England is the favourite of heaven, and when she commits oppression it will not recoil on the oppressor. Pitt brought in a measure of free trade with Ireland which was intended no doubt to pave the way for union. Party, combined perhaps with some real ignorance and prejudice, again led the Foxites to the side of illiberality and wrong. Their liberalism at the best was, in fact, a narrow thing. Even Burke is found on this question fighting, an Irishman against Ire- land, as well as an economist airainst free trade. ' in * •til . 'if i'i< 'I;, I .111 '1,1 " ti f ;-. '4 t t' '■;:?, ■ii i86 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, : i L ! 7 i; And this time the Op{)usition had more than one })Ower of evil on their side. In Irehmd the jealous fears of ascendancy and jobbery were aroused. In England Protection was strong. Shall I tell it — eighty thousand Lancashire manufacturers signed a petition against free trade ? All men are alike sellish, and till their seltishness is enlightened, all are protectionists. Pitt fought gallantly against this host of j^re- judices and cupidities. He was beaten, but liis power was too strong to be shaken by the defeat. In the article of corn, Pitt was himself a protectionist. He is taxed with apostacy by Grenville, who had studied Adam Smith with him, and who was a thoroughgoing adherent of free trade. Probably the disturbing cause in his mind was a remnant of the war theory of international policy, which assumes that each nation is a garrison, and must be ready to feed itself in case of siege. However, the case against the Corn Laws then was not so strong as it is now. There was not then the vast manufactur- ing and mining population which Protection afterwards compelled to live on the produce of an insufficient agricultural area, till it reached ! than id the were truiig. lashire t free i their onists, if pre- lut liis y the iself a 2y by with ent of ise ill ory of each feed gainst s it is actur- ectioii Lice of ached riTT. 187 starvation prices, for the benefit of the land- lords. But what became of Parliamentary Eeforin '{ At the opening of his ministry Pitt still hoisted reform colours — still professed his determination to press that which, as he said, " alone could entitle Englishmen to the appellation of free, and ensure to wise, to virtuous, and to consti- tutional endeavours a victory over factious am- bition, and corrupt venality, the great question of Parliamentary Reform." But the lieformer grew very tame in the Minister. When he did bring a measure forward it was not like his first, a liberal disfranchisement of rotten boroughs and redistribution of seats, the same whicli had been proposed by Chatham ; but a paltry plan for gradually buying up rotten boroughs, with the consent of the boroughmongers, and transferring the seats to counties. Even this was thrown out. The boroughmongers were shocked at the idea of treating the franchise as a matter of property to be bought or sold. The minister evidently did not put forth his power in support of the measure which consistency required him to propose ; and if he succeeded in persuading his dearest friends that his heart ■" ■ t B i r ;•'« ' • 1 i hi ■ 1 'I I '.:.l! >■■•■! > -I "P*^! -r, •■ri;il i88 TIinEE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 4 w \\\ it .f \ W was in it, tliat only shows that his dearest friends did not always see to the bottom of his heart. It must be borne in mind, how^ever, that when Pitt first came forward as a Parlia- mentary Reformer, at the close of the American war, there was great public discontent : he had made the nation contented, and now there was apathy. Yet had a good measure passed, the government and the nation alike would have felt a calm confidence in the soundness of their institutions, which would have prevented the panic dread of French infection, and saved us from the revolutionary war. This was the ac- cepted season, and it departed, not to be recalled. Sinecurism, as I said before, gross as it then was, Pitt scarcely attempted to attack, though with his Customs' reforms a number of useless 23laces fell. He even goes out of his way to commend Addington for bestowing a colossal sinecure on his nephew, a boy of sixteen. Per- haps he thought corruption good enough for Addington and kept purity for himself. But the task would have been a hard one ; it might even have cost him the power which he was using, on the whole, for the public good. In the last hour of the French monarch v, when the dearest torn of )wever, Parlia- aerican he liad re was ed, the 1 have )f their ed the ved us the ac- scalled. it then though useless vay to olossal Per- gh for But might e was In the 311 the riTT. the wall, th 189 e re tor mm g handv riting was on me wa ministers found it impossible to reduce sinecures and pensions. The ministry of the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel estranged Tory support from them when they tried to save Toryism by the same means. It is vain to appeal to these people to give wp the abuses in order to save the system. What they care for is not the system but the abuses. There was one kind of corruption of which Pitt himself was the prince. In the course of his ministry he created or promoted in the peerage one hundred and forty peers. The great mass of these creations and promotions were not for merit of any kind, but for political support. If the Peerage of England intends, as it seemed from the language held in the debate on life- peerages that it did intend, to set up a divine right against the nation, it had better not look into its own annals : for taking those annals from the days of Henry VIII. and his minions, the real commencement of our present nobility (the feudal nobility having been destroyed in the Wars of the Koses), it would perhaps be difficult to find a group of families whose en- noblement had less to do with honour. The ! r i i M if H ■' if! 190 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. u Stuarts sold peerages for money ; later peer- makers have sold them for votes. " Besides these appointments" — says Lord Stanlxope, after giving an accomit of the accession of the Duke of Portland and his friends to Pitt's govern- ment — "beside these appointments, two or three peerages, and two or three places of less amount, gratified some less leading members of the same connection." And not only the " less leading members of the connection," who were thus gratified, but their descendants to the end of time, even thougli they might degenerate from the littleness of their sires, were to have a sacred and indefeasible right of legislating for a great nation. Not only so, but if they did not choose to leave their country houses or Newmarket for a division, they were to have the right of de- ciding by proxy the destinies of England. Is this to be classed among the anomalies which are no evils 1 Is not every anomaly an evil which cannot be thought of, which cannot bo mentioned to a foreigner, without shame ? I call this use of peerages, and I may add that of baronetcies, a kind of corruption. It is the most potent of all kinds of corruption, when the persons to be corrupted are wealthy men. riTT. 191 ^ter peer- *' Besides ope, after the Duke ; goveru- 3 or three s amount, ' the same s leadmg ^ere tluis e end of rate from 3 a sacred r a great ot choose larket for ht of de- hmd. Is es which an evil annot be e ? I call that of t is the )n, when thy men, wealthy upstarts perhaps, craving, as such men crave, for hereditary rank. Even the social position which a minister can partly bestow, is no small source of influence in such a communitv lis ours. Yi^alpole's bribery-fund was perhaps £50,000 a year : a peerage, it may be even a baronetcy, to an ambitious millionaire is worth £50,000. Therefore, it is not wealth that will keep a member of parliament entirely above corruption. The only thing that will keep him entirely above corruption is honour. There can be no mistake as to the objects with which, in Pitt's day, the power of con- ferring peerages was used. " At the close of the elections," says Lord Stanhope, " the King showed his entire approval of his minister by the grant — perhaps a little hivish — of seven new peerages. The others were to baronies ; but one, Sir James Lowtlier, whose influence at Appleby had not been forgotten, was raised at once to higher rank, as Earl of Lonsdale.' I believe it would be putting the case mildly to say that the beneficent influence of Sir James Lowther at Appleby was the only public service by which he had merited public honour. Irish peerages, of course, were granted with even a . :1 if 'k I % ^ nm I i' ' K 'Mr li 11 ■'«» i^i U ih t4 -i. h ■ P III fi^ '!J Im M m ■ra ij ^Htl 1^ EllI ,1 ^huE. 1 Uil 192 T If REE ENGLISH STATESMEN. more shameful prodigality than the English, just as the Irish pension list received spies and cast-off mistresses, whose names on the English pension list would scarcely have been endured. Pitt was on the point of making a loan-con- tractor an Irish peer because he had j)arliamen- tary influence in England. And this is called " recruiting the peerage." So recruited, as Pym said in another great peer-making epoch, " hon- our itself would become a press." Perhaps Pitt was sensible of this danger, when, in framing the Regency Bill, he withheld from the Prince of Wales the power of creating peers, which would have been exercised under the advice of Fox. Pitt's admirers plead guilty on his behalf to the charge of not patronising men of letters. But patronage of men of letters was going out of fashion, and it was happy for literature that it was so. How can a statesman have leisure to discriminate literary merit "? And if he cannot discriminate, how can we desire that he should patronise ? Of course he can be told what writers are on iiis own side in politics, and he can see wlio flatter him in their prefaces ; but this is not what learning or the public wants. PITT. 193 A munificent despot, such as Louis XIV., may foster a Court literature : a munificent party- chief, such as the Wliig leaders in the reign of Anne, may foster a party literature. A healthy literature needs no fostering but that of freedom. The best patron of intellect is an educated people. The newspaper press was not a great power in Pitt's day. In laying a stamp duty on news- papers, he speaks of it jestingly as an interest with which the members of the House would desire to stand well. If it had been a great power, he would have deserved gratitude for not tampering with journalists. The anonymous press has done great service to reform, a service which nothing else could have done. But if its independence should ever be lost — if its great organs should ever by patronage or social in- fluence be made secretly subservient to the purposes of a dishonest minister, if its chiefs should ever forget the sacredness of their mis- sion in the " gilded saloons" of power — it would itself become the most potent and terrible, as well as the vilest, of all the engines of cor- ruption. Political evil is Protean in its forms. New diseases, new dangers arise as civilisation o »fi ■. n 'k '{■' \m ■.is! ! H I' * r ■ ',..' tl li! IIP 194 TirnEE EXGLISlf STA TKSMKN. advancoR ; and the corruption of an anonynioiiH press is by no means among tlie least. The reform of tlie Libel Law, in the interest of liberty, received Pitt's cordial snj)])ort. He was too great, at all events, to fear free criticism ; thongh we may guess what he would have said of the use of attacks on ])rivate character as a mode of carrying on political war. Of no other la^v reforms was he the author. Yet he had before him a code which ought to have made any statesman a la\\ reformer — a code truly and fearfully aristocratic — a code which, for the lower orders, was indeed written in blood — a code which, while duelling and oilier offences of persons of quality were practically overlooked, inflicted capital punishment with an almost unparalleled recklessness of human life on the petty offences of the poor — a code which was the proof of a deeper barbarism than the native ferocity of the mitutored savage. This work was left to Mackintosh and Romilly. Uncon- sciously and involuntarily perhaps Pitt contri- buted to law reform. He put Eldon at the head of the law. And with Eklon at the head of the law, reform could no longer be delayed. Humanity, however, honours Pitt as the /'V PITT. »95 VM iteivst t. He ticism ; ^e said T lis a oiher he had 3 made ily and \)r the iood — a 3iices of looked, ahiK^st on the ch was native IS W( )rk Uncon- contri- at the 16 head |ayed. as the constant and powerful opponent of the slave- trade. Perhaps he deserves in one respect to be honoured above Wilbcrforce and Clarkson, in- iisniuch as the rcsponsil)ility of the statesman is greater than that of the private reformer. On this question he remained true to his better self, when on all other questions he had passed to the side of reaction. In 1799 he carried through the Commons a bill for the partial abolition of the trade, which, to liis great grief, was thrown out by the Lords, on grounds which it must be left to the advocates of hereditarv • virtue to explain. His speech against the slave- trade in 1792 is justly regarded as about his best. A few years before, an action relating to a policy of insurance on the value of certain slaves had been tried in the King's Bench. The question was, whether the loss of the slaves had been caused by perils of the sea. A slave-ship, with four hundred and forty-two slaves was bound from the coast of Guinea to Jamaica. Sixty of the slaves died on the passage from overcrowding, but in respect of these it was not contended that the underwriter was liable. The captain, having missed Jamaica, found himself short of water, and under the apprehension of o 2 % !■ 'f ;H A ;■ 1 ■ i 1 a' m m I'lllpH m " ' 'tfy M m ! 'f pi i I?; 196 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, scarcity, but before his crew and passengers had been put on short allowance, he threw ninety-six of the sickliest slaves overboard. A fall of rain now gave him water for eleven days, notwith- standing which he drowned twenty-six more of the slaves. Ten in despair threw themselves overboard, for a negro is human enough to feel despair. The ship arrived in port before the water was exhausted. " Thus," says Mr. Massey, " one hundred and thirty-two human beings, if negroes are human beings, were wilfully murdered." But the city jury found that they were chattels, lost by perils of the sea, and gave £32 damages for each slave thrown overboard. The court granted a new trial on the ground that there was no such necessity for drowning the second batch of slaves as to constitute a loss by perils of the sea. There was not a thought, as Mr. Massey re- marks, of proceeding against the captain or his crew for homicide. And this is a law-case of the nation which was conquering India to in- troduce a higher civilisation, and which justified its treatment of the Africans on the ground that they were incorrigible barbarians. One of the proofs of African barbarism adduced by the slave-traders was that a boy had been put PITT. 197 tVn rs had 3ty-six of rain ►twith- lore of iselves to feel 5 water \ " one legroes ." But 3ls, lost lO'es for anted a 10 such f slaves le sea. sey re- or his ase of to in- ustified oTound One ced by 3n put to death by an African because a trader had refused to buy him as a slave. Pitt replies that the real reason why the boy had been put to death was that he had three times run away from his African master, who, by the native custom, had to pay his value every time he was brought back to him, and failing to dispose of him to the English slave-traders, killed him in anger, or to avoid having to pay for him again. He cites a law from the West India Statute Bouk, enacting that "if any negro or other slave shall withdraw himself from his master for the term of six months, or any slave that was absent shall not return within that time, it shall be adjudged felony, and every such person shall suffer death." He then bids the House compare the sudden wrath of the wild African, which slew the negro after the third offence, with the deliberate legislation of the civilised planter which puts him to death for the first, and say on which side the barbarism lies. The answer must be of course that the barbarism lies on the side which has not Enfield rifles but only bows and arrows. The slavery party of those days had not all the lights of science that the An- thropologists have now ; but by the light of Hill ' • :i I 'W% .■ n 198 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ' 1') W't I i. ■-. H-' their own cupidity they had discovered the argument that the negro was by nature in- capable of civihsation. Pitt asks what a Roman senator would have said of the Britons — whether lie would not have said with confidence : ''There is a people that will never rise to civilisation ; there is a people destined never to be free — a people without the understanding necessary for the attainment of useful arts, depressed by the hand of nature below the level of the human species, and created to form a supply of slaves for the rest of the world '? " It was deposed on the side of the slave-owners that the middle passage was a very happy part of the negro's life ; the air of the hold was exactly suited to his Tropical constitution ; when on deck he made meriy and danced his national dances. The privy Council on inquiry found that, the better to secure the comfort of the negroes in their Tropical hold, they were chained two and two together or fastened by ringbolts to the lower deck ; that they were allowed one pint of water each daily under the line, with two meals of yams and horse-beans ; and that after their meals they were made to take exercise by jumping on deck in their irons under the wners J part was when ional bund f the ained bolts d one with and take inder PITT. 199 the lash. These were their national dances. There was one argument for the slave-trade which seems not to have been urged. The reformers did not at this time venture to pro- pose the abolition of slavery ; and, of the two, slave trading was rather better than slave breeding. Of the Church Pitt seems to have had no conception, except as an establishment, the prizes of which were to be bestowed with some regard for piety and learning, but with a pri- mary regard to personal and political connection. He gave Tomlirie a fat Bishopric and a fat Deanery at the same time. One instance Lord Stanhope has found in which he resisted the solicitation of a powerful man in order to re- ward a curate who had done his duty. He is disclosed to us in the life of his great friend Mr. Rose, coolly using a Deanery as a political bribe, and enjoining his agent to see that the object bargained for is secured. No thought of purifying the Church as the spiritual organ of the nation seems to have arisen in his mind. A strange spiritual organ for the nation the Church then was. Lord Stanhope has given us the following correspondence : A I "i ■ 'if nn M .. <: ->m . )■<■>■■ 'm .;*M •J V',' liili ! i : I 1 m :l 200 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. The Bislcop of Lichfield {Dr. CornwaUia) to Mr. Pitt. " Wimpoie-' ' , June lo, 1791. "Sir, — After the various instances of neglect and contempt whicli Lord Cornwallis and I have experienced, not only in violation of re})eated assurances, but of the strongest ties, it is inij)ossible that I should not feel the late disapi)oint- nient very deeply. " With respect to the proposal concerning Salisbury, 1 have no hesitation in saying that the See of Salisbury cannot be in any respect an object to nie. The only arrangement which promises an accommodation in my favour is the pro- motion of the Bishop of Lincoln to Salisbury, whicli would enable you to confer the Deanery of St. Paul's upon me. " I have the honour to be, etc., "J. Lichfield and Coventry." Mr. Pitt to the Bisliop of Lichfield. " Downing-street, Saturday night, June 11, 1791. " My Lord, — On my return to town this afternoon I found your lordship's letter. I am willing to hope that on further consideration, and recollecting all the circumstances, there are parts of that letter which you would yourself wish never to have written. " My respect for your lordship's situation, and my regard for Lord Cornwallis, prevent my saying more than that until that letter is recalled your lordship makes any further inter- course between you and me impossible. " I have the honour to be, etc., "W.Pitt." PITT. 201 The Bishop of Lichjleld to Mr. Pitt, " Wimpolc-street, June ii, 1791. " Sir, — Under the very gi-eut disappointment which I have felt upon the hite occasion, I am much concerned that I was induced to make use of expressions in my letter to you of which I have since repented, and which upon consideration I heg leave to retract, and I hope they will make no unfavour- able impression upon your mind. "Whatever may he your thoughts regarding the subject- matter of the letter, I trust that you svill have the candour to i>ardon those parts of it which may appear to be wanting in due and proper respect to you. " And believe me to have the honour, etc., "J. Lichfield and Coventry." Mr. Pitt to the PisJiop of Lichfield. " Downing-street, June 12, 1 79 1 . " My Lord, — I have this morning received the honour of your lordship's letter, dated the nth, and have great satis- faction in being able to dismiss from my mind any impres- sion occasioned by a paragraph in the former letter which I received from you. " With respect to any further arrangement, I can only say that I have no reason to believe that the Bishop of Lincoln would wish to remove to Salisbury ; but, if he were, I should certainly have no hesitation in recommending your lordship for the Deanery of St. Paul's. " I have the honour to be, etc., " William Pitt." < it ' in 'f t. % iV 'vA\ r 202 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ^>\ B III jlH HtI *^ I t in In! • Hi He that (leHireth a biHliopric, desire tli a good thing, hut he that desireth a bishopric and a deanery togetlier, desireth a still better thing : so, no doubt, Dr. Cornwallis would have inter- preted the Scripture. And, be it observed, the covetousness of the man, his meanness, his fla- grant unworthiness to hold any spiritual oftice, make no bad impression whatever on Pitt's mind. The only thing that makes a bad im- pression on his mind is the injurious expressions touching himself. When these have been re- tracted, he is quite ready to promote Dr. Corn- wallis higher in the Church. In another case we have an aspirant resorting to the ingenious artifice of writing to thank the minister for a blissful rumour which assigned to him a mitre then vacant. The minister has the pain of informing him that the rumour is un- founded. Lord Stanhope gives the correspondence be- tween Pitt and Dr. Cornwallis, with the warning that such a case could not occur now. A case so gross and palpable could not occur now. But may not things really just as bad occur now ? May not a political tactician, and one to whom regard for spiritual interests could scarcely be PITT. 203 iisorilicd except in jest, use spiritual preferment to purchase the j)oUtical support of a gn.'at reli- gious party as cynically as ever the 8up[»ort of the lords of rotton boroughs was purchased by Pitt? May we not, in return, hear religious adulation poured forth by Pharisaic lips to a patron whose only title to respect, in a religious point of view, is that he is not a Pharisee '\ May we not see men who profess to be pre-eminently Christian supi)orting a policy pre-eminently un- christian, because its author puts ecclesiastical power into their hands 1 May we not see a re- ligious connection, yesterday independent, to-day laying down its independence and its influence for good in the ante-chamber of a minister '? May we not see divines, the authorised guardians of the truth, shaping their doctrine to the taste of the great bishop-maker of the day ? And if this is so, are we really much better off now than we were in the days of Pitt and Dr. Cornwallis ? The highest rule of duty which Pitt knew in the use of Church patronage he kept. He was staunch to his friends. He had high words with the King because the King insisted on making Moore, instead of Tomline, Archbishop of Can- terbury. Tomline evidently thought that though n m^ i 204 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. iM the country was in the midst of ii great war, the government ought to have resigned. Whether Pitt had been at all touched by tlie scepticism of his century or not, he had imbibed its toleration. He was always in favour of Boman Catholic Emanciptition. lie was not dis- inclined to the repeal of the Test and Corpora- tion Acts. But he consulted the bishojis. It is wonderful that of fourteen bishops two were in favoiu' of the repeal. We maintain a political hierarchy, and we must accept the natural re- sults. It does not lie in the mouths of Noncon- fonnists, who have political power in their hands and fail to use it for the assertion of religious freedom, to rail at the evils of the Establish- ment ; for the blame of those evils rests on them. I say it in no spirit of irony, but with sincere conviction ; the marvellous thing in the charac- ter of the state-bishops is not the illiberality of the many, but the liberality of the few. Pitt's episcopal advisers erred under the almost irre- sistible pressure of the circvnustances in which, not their own act, but the act of the community liad placed them. Yet could they have had their way, these questions would long ago have been solved by civil war. Warned by his oracles — >,>*•> war, tlie I by the imbibed vour of not dis- Corpora- s. It is were in political l:ural re- Noncon- ir hands [•eligious tablish- )n them. sincere cliarac- ality of Pitt's )st irre- which, munity id their ^e been 'acles — PITT. 20 1 the keepers of tlie state conscience — Pitt re- sisted a motion for the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts. You can see thnt, like Peel resisting Catholic Emancipation and the repeal of the Corn Laws, he is struggling against the dawning light within liim, as well as against the argnments from witlioiit. His reasoning is founded on the assumption with which we are now being made again familiar, tliat no man has any political rights, and that it rests entirely with the dominant party in the state to dole out to tlieir fellow citizens just as much of political fi'eedom and justice as they may think compa- tible with the ascendancy of their own opinions and with the safety of the political arrangements by which that ascendancy is preserved. Such advantages as he gains are due to the weakness of his opponents, who, though their hearts were on the side of justice, had not yet learnt, as in- deed few public men have even now learnt, to examine boldly the duty of the state in matters of opinion. The revolting profanation of the sacrament, which the Test and Corporation Act involved, as it did not shock the clergy, naturally did not shock the man of the world. The Commutation of Tithes into a corn-rent yM A f I II ^^B ' ^ t- it' IflHi r i 1:' III Mt' 1 mi ./ ii i 206 THREE ENGLTSII -STATI'SMEN. was rut's only Cliurcli reform. Tt was destined mainly for Ireland. I liave seen among some papers of Sir Robert Peel a ])ieture of the levy- ing of titlie in a, Catholic's farm-yard by a Pro- testant parson, who is jnst seizing the tenth pig, while soldiers with fixed bayonets stand by to sn}>port the law. The pietnre is a caricature of coin'se, but caricature itself coidd scarcely add deformity to the truth. Pitt, in his letter to the Lord- Lieutenant, hopes that the Irish clergy will take a sober and dispassionate view of the matter ; that thev will luideratand how much easier it is for them, by persisting in an odious system, to imperil the government than for the government to uphold them ; that they will pro- pose an accommodation, which, originating with them, would not be luibecoming. He apj)ealed for a sober and dispassionate consideration of an angry question to men whose whole existence was a iierce conflict with a hostile nation. His plan was rejected, and he gained nothing but the credit with posterity of having been before his time. To pass froni home government to the depen- dencies, Pitt had throAvn out the India Bill of Fox, but he could not help bringing in one of les tilled jX Honio lie levy- I a. Pro- iitli pig, (I l)y to atiire of ;ely add iettcr to I I clergy J of the ^v much 1 odious L for the vvill pro- ng witli i})ealed )n of an xistence n. His iig but before depen- Bill of one of riTT. 207 his own. The Coinpany'.s servants — tlieir cu])i- dity inflamed to the'utinost by tlie sight of such gorgeous booty — liad burst tlirougli the frail bar- rier which divides the rapacious trader from the robber, and were heai)ing uj) fortunes by violence and fraud, hardly paralleled, to borrow the words of Mr. Massey, in the dark and bloody annals of conquest. Pitt was trammelled by his opposi- tion to Fox's measure, and by his alliance with the East-India, interest and the ludjobs who sat for its rotten boroughs. The result was a half measure — the double government which shambled on in its awkwardness till the Sepoy Mutiny, by breaking up the army on which the dominion of the Company rested, and thus de- stroying one of the two powers, gave the system a final blow. The abuse of Indian patronage, the dread of which had been worked against Fox's Bill, was not avoided by that of Pitt. The corrupt dominion of Dundas in Scotland was maintained to a great extent at the expense of the Hindoo. And we soon find Lord Sydney, an honourable member of the Cabinet, complain- ing of the monopoly of army appointments in India by Scotchmen ; of " insatiable ambition," " sordid avarice," " base work," and "the character 'I il fi it • ■ 1 . J'' 208 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, :i! m i i il' ijf! : J rf' I hi of men whom he had imprudently treated with great openness, but who sho\ild never come into his room again while he had a bolt to his door." Perhaps there is still something in the feelings of Scotchmen, even of pious Scotchmen, towards the oppressed people of dependencies, which savours of the old time. It mav be doubted, however, whether the failure to incorporate India completely with England ought to be reckoned among the demerits of the Bill. Writers on the government of dependencies have not sufficiently considered the consequences of the relation to the character of the imperial country. The effect of incorporating a vast despotism like India with a free nation perhaps remains yet to be seen. There is a poison which is imbibed daily though it is not perceived ; which was imbibed, though it was not perceived, by Imperial Spain. In the case of Hastings, the accusers being Whigs, the Tories of course took the part of the accused, with whom, indeed, as a representativu of arbitrary and sanguinary violence, they had sympathies of a more specific kind. Pitt, as is well known, turned round in the middle, and to the dismay of the mass of his party, who voted against him, carried the impeachment by the FITT. -09 ed with )me into is door." feelings towards i, whicli doubted, ite India •eckoned •s on the fficientlv )n to the effect of [lia with be seen, though , though •s being 't of the entativo ley had tt, as is , and to no voted bv the votes under his absolute command. His conver- sion was so mysterious that it was avscribed to jealousy of Hastings. But we may safely regard it as conscientious, and as having been delayed only by his inability to look thoroughly into the case at an earlier stage. Hastings was a great criminal, and one who, for the honour and in the highest interest of the country, ought to have been brought to justice ; though he might have pleaded, in extenuation of his guilt, the evil necessities of conquest, for which his masters were more responsible than he. He was ab- solved, and afterwards honoured, because his crimes had served, or were supposed to have served, the aggrandisement of England. And if the aggrandisement of England is a redeem- ing motive before God as well as before the House of Lords, all, no doubt, will be well. Then there will be no danger of retribution, though our press, reflecting too faithfully the morality of the nation, should preach, under the thin disguise of rhetoric, doctrines which in their naked form could be avowed only in the cavern of a bandit or on the deck of a buccaneer. Hastings and his party complained, with some 210 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. rl hi 'Si ( 111' "I i!;i Ml' ! [il , :M 1 :i i^i m fllL' reason, of the length of a trial, conducted by a tribunal the dilatoriness of which equalled its untrustworthiness for the purposes of justice. It was about this time that a woman died in Devon County Gaol, after an imprisonment of forty-five years, for a debt of £19. Parliament, however, displayed in the case of Hastings a higher sense of justice and of the national honour than it displays in cases of wrong done to the subject races in the present day. The conscience of the nation had not then become seared by the long exercise of empire ; a perverted code of imperial morality had not had time to grow up, nor had the plea that an act was done in the interest of the dominant race yet become familiar and persuasive to English minds. On these questions we grow worse ; and we shall probably continue to grow worse till for us, as for the American slave-owner, the end arrives, and we find that neither the appro- bation of our press, nor the acquiescence of our state-clergy, is the connivance of the Power which, after all, rules the world. Adam Smith had proposed that the colonies should be represented in the British Parliament. Such was his cure for the conflict between iV^. PITT. 211 iucted by equalled Df justice, n died in nment of le case of id of the cases of le present I not then jmpire ; a d not had tat an act nant race > English w worse ; ow worse wner, the le appro- scence of le Power colonies irliament. between imperial supremacy and colonial liberty, which was gathering to a head while he wrote. At the time, it was answered that this plan would be impracticable on account of the distance. With regard to the Australian colonies, the same objection would be fatal now. You could not, after a dissolution, wait till the returns to the writs had been made from Sidney and Mel- bourne, before reassembling Parliament. But the more fatal objection is that the colonies have national Parliaments of their own, and that to let them send members to the national Parliament of England also, and have a voice in our national questions, while we should have none in theirs, would involve a confusion of functions full of absurdity and injustice. If you have any common assembly for the mother country and the colonies, it must be a Federal Council, dealing with the interests of the empire apart from those of the several nations : and this Federal Council must in Federal questions be above the national government of Great Britain, an arrangement which Great Britain would never endure. A moral, commercial, and diplomatic union of all the communities of the Anglo-Saxon race, including what must soon P 2 !i : ! 212 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ■I I t 1 become the greatest of those communities, the United States of America, is no dream, and if a national policy is pursued, may be made a glorioub reality. But a political union of all these comi.iunities, or of those still under the nominal run of Britain, scattered as they are over the globe, is a dream, and one from which we shall soon awake. Colonial Emancipation, while the tie of affection remains unbroken, is the only mode of securing that to which we all alike cling, that of which we all alike are proud. There is no reason why it should not be ac- companied with a mutual retention of the rights of citizenship, so that an Englishman might, to all intents and purposes, be an Australian in Australia, and an Australian be an Englishman here. There is no reason why the colonies should not keep the old flag. The only thing which need be given up, and this Nature pro- claims aloud must be given up, is the pohtical dependence of a nation on one side of the globe upon a nation at the other. Towards Colonial Emancipation Pitt made the first step, still partly guided herein by his great teacher, who, though he had proposed a plan which was not feasible for the political incorporation of the lities, tlie n, and if ; made a on of all mder the they are om which ncipation, Droken, is ich we all ire proud, ot be ac- bhe rights might, to iralian in glishman colonies nly thing ture pro- pohtical the globe Colonial tep, still her, who, was not of the 1 FITT, 213 colonies with the mother country, had placed their uselessness as dependencies in a clear light. The Canadas, which had remained ours when we lost the British Colonies in America, had hitherto been governed as dependencies. Pitt now gave each of them a Parliament of its own, and thus, in fact, made them separate nations, though to complete the severance would have been a measure at once out of the range of his vision, and beyond his power. The people of French Canada being Catholics, their admission to political rights was, in fact. Catholic Emanci- pation. The good King and his spiritual ad- visers appear to have made no objection to this feature of the plan. Perhaps it was thought that Providence, for commercial objects, winked in a colony at that which it would have visited as impiety at home. There is a beautiful plas- ticity in our political religion. Intent on pro- ducing another England beyond the Atlantic, Pitt piovided for the endowment of a State Church, and for the creation of a peerage in the colonv. UnoTateful Nature has refused both boons ; though, in the plans now framed for Canadian Confederation, there is a proposal for a mock House of Lords, not hereditary, but for i l''i HI \\\ i tl' h"; h i« ^ii ■,'»>„ r f 214 THERE ENGLISH STATESMEN, life, the proper materials for which the colonies, from the instability of wealth and the absence of any social distinctions there, will fail to fur- nish, and which, if it is set up, will, I venture to jDredict, in the end breed confusion. Pitt had no philosophy of history to teach him that progress is the law of things, that though the essence of religion and morality does not change, all be- sides is ever changing, that the scroll is not yet all unrolled, and that Providence does not mean merely to repeat itself over again in the new world. He did not know that feudalism had performed its part in the development of hu- manity, that of a schoolmaster, to train society for a larger freedom ; that it was bound up with military aristocracy, the offspring of con- quest, which with the age of conquest and military ascendancy passes away ; that it was based on a tenure of land, which the English race had discarded from the moment when it set foot on the new shore. What is more, Pitt when he tried the experiment had not, like us, seen the experiment fail. Nor is Pitt's sagacity much to be impeached because, under an unhappy star, he founded Botany Bay. Leave nature to herself and she } colonies, e absence ail to fur- denture to itt had no t progress essence of e, all be- is not yet not mean the new ilism had it of hu- in society )ound up g of con- aest and at it was English when it [lore, Pitt like us, npeached founded and she FITT. 215 will choose the germs of new nations well. Wise, beyond the reach of human wisdom, in all her processes, she does not forget her wisdom ill this most momentous process of propagating humanity over its destined abodes. Careful in the selection of the right seed for a plant, she is not careless in selecting the right colonists. Left to herself she selects the flower of English worth, the founders of New England ; when man undertakes to select for her, he selects the convicts of Botany Bay, and taints the being of future communities at its source with the pes- tilence of a moral lazar-house. But the severance of the American Colonies was supposed to be a fatal blow to the prosperity of England, which only the foundation of new colonies could coun- tervail, though, as we all know, it proved an im- mense gain, and turned the driblet of restricted commerce mto a mighty current of wealth. Our gaols too, dens of the most hideous de- pravity, filth, and cruelty, called loudly for depletion, and the dream was a flattering one of turning the felony of England into the virtue and industrv of other lands. Still mischief was done, mischief of which the traces are not wholly effaced yet. But I am falling into a repetition "i. m^ rM 'I h t 81 i ! I 1 It 1 1' IS I' I li ri-) TIIRHH ENGLISH STATESMEN. of wliat I have said on the subject of colonies elsewhere. Towards the American Colonists Chatham's son inherited the feelinfifs of Chatham. Not only did he, as a member of the Shelburne government, gladly take part in making peace with them, but he desired in matters of trade to treat them, to the utmost of his power, as though they were Englishmen still. And they are Englishmen still, if the England, which notwithstanding all that the evil agents of a selfish faction have done to breed bitterness between us, her Colonists still love, will show that she still loves them This was treason and revolution yesterday : it is orthodoxy and Conservatism to-dav. It is said of Sir Robert Peel by a French statesman, that he had no foreign policy but peace and good- will among nations. The same thing may be said of Pitt during the first ten years of his power. He w^as remarkably free from the vice of diplomacy. He did not meddle except when he w^as called upon to do so, and then he quietly and with dignity maintained the honour of the country. It is ^vell for the nation when the Chancellor of the Exchequer is the most ^ colonies iliatliaiii's in. Nut ilielburno iig peace of trade )ower, as Lnd they 3, wliicli snts of a )itternesy ^ill show treason oxy and French )iit peace le thing years of rom the except then he honour n when e most r/TT 217 powerful mail in the government, because liis ambition is op[)oHed to war. The son of Chat- ham, while he was himself, and before he became the organ of a panic-stricken and in- furiated faction, was eminently a peace minister. In 1792, while all the world was arming, he was cutting down armaments ; his army that year was only 18,000 men, and his army estimates only £1,800,000. When shall we see such estimates again ? Once, indeed, the Minister was led into mak- ing a demonstration against the aggrandise- ment of Russia, in which he iiiiled to carry the nation with him. There are politicians who would say that he stood alone in his prophetic wisdom. Probably he would at the time have succeeded in exciting the nation more if India had then been to us whjit it is now, and the safety of the approaches to it had been as great an object of solicitude. The Crimean war must be set down partly to the account of India ; and so must the false bent given to our diplo- macy in the East, as will appear when in the question of the Eastern nationalities, Nature has asserted her power, and produced, in spite of diplomacy. Christian communities which by flfi III 1, t,_. i i ';f 1 I ^m Hf. h 218 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, a more genial policy we might have made our friends. This is not the place for a discussion of the Russian peril. Mr. Massey holds the usual language on the subject : " Eussia had begun to unfold those gigantic schemes of aggrandisement which modem statesmen have justly regarded as menacing the independence and civilisation of the continent with a new irruption from the northern hive." The old irruptions from the northern hive were those of nomad hordes. They were in a word not invasions but vast migrations. The modern Russians, however backward, are a settled na- tion, and will scarcely, like the Goths and Huns of old, put their wi\es and children into their waggons and descend with their herds upon the south. The Christianity which ought to restrain their lust of military aggrandisement is unhappily itself neutralised by a State Church, which, as usual, instead of being the reproving conscience, makes itself the servile organ of the passions of the Government by which it is maintained. But it is in the government, not the Russian people, that this lust of in aafizrandisement resides. In this case also the 'oto beginning of political freedom will probably made our discussion holds the Lissia had hemes of nen have 3pendence h a new The old ere those word not ! modern ittled na- md Huns nto their 'ds upon ought to disement 3 Church, eproving an of the ch it is lent, not lust of also the Drobablv PITT. 219 be the end of military rapacity ; and, since the emancipation of the serfs, tlie beginning of political freedom can scarcely be far distant. The fear that Europe will soon be either Ee- publican or Cossack does not seem to me chi- merical; but the fear that it will be Cossack does. The Minister also met with a check in bring- ing forward a proposition, which w^as not his own but the Duke of Richmond's, for the forti- fication of the arsenals. Party came in as usual, regardless of the safety of the country when the paramount interest of faction was to be served. But the feeling upon which party played seems to have been confidence in the sufiiciencv of the wooden walls. The nation might, at all events, and may still truly say, that Government has at its command a great fleet, maintained at a vast expense to the nation, and that it is bound, with this fleet, to maintain an ascendancy in the British waters, which if it would do, we should stand in little need of fortifications. But the fleet is scattered in petty squadrons over the world, for the nominal defence of distant colonies and de- pendencies, and for the hollow pretence, which could not now be sustained six months after the 1* % \\\ "/.f :**!.■ 1 if! if (• t 1 i 220 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. ■i i !■ ■ outbreak of a great war, of dominating in the Mediterranean. The country is continually pouring millions into the naval estimates, only to be told that its own shores are defenceless, and that millions more must be spent in forti- fying them against French invasion. As a member of Shelburne's government, Pitt had been called on to defend, among the other articles of the peace with America and her allies, the abandonment of the clause in the treaty of Utrecht, providing for the demolition of Dun- kirk. North denounced the article, on the ground that though Dunkirk was no longer of real importance, the presence of our com- missioners on the enemy's territory was to be desired, because it perpetuated the memory of former victories, exalted the dignity of Great Britain, and humbled the pride of France. Such has hitherto been the code of honour among nations. Among men true dignity is inoffensive, and he who is most careful of the honour of others is thought likely to be most careful of his own. Shelburne, like Chatham and Stanhope — two ministers of spirit as well as sense — before him, had proposed to give Gibraltar up to Spain for an equivalent. Three times round that -'. PITT. 22 I g in the ntinually ttes, only Fenceless, in forti- lent, Pitt he other er allies, treaty of of Dun- on the > longer ir com- s to be Tiory of f Great . Such among fensive, lour of 1 of his hope — -before I) Spjiin that barren rock had the waters — Nature's destined portal of peaceful commerce, and her destined highway of kindly intercourse among the nations of Christendom — been dyed with Christian blood and covered with floating agony. It does not command the entrance to the Mediterranean. It has made Spain our enemy in every war of the European Powers. When almost paralysed by decrepitude, she dragged her feeble limbs again and again to the attack, that she might remove this stain on her escutcheon, this eyesore of her honour. The recovery of it would be the greatest bribe that a military adventurer rising to power in Spain could offer to his countrymen : and perhaps the day may not be far distant when such a crisis may occur. But let us by no means exercise any foresight in the matter. Foresight is unworthy of a practical nation. A passage in one of Pitt's letters seems to indicate that he opposed Lord Shelburne on this occasion. But, if he did, it must be borne in mind that we had then no other station in the Mediterranean. Minorca had been lost : Malta was not yet ours. Pitt said " some naval station in the Mediterranean is absolutely indis- peusable, but none can be found so desirable si i 222 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, vs. I i'l and secure as Malta." If we cite great au- thorities, we must remember the circumstances under wliich they spoke. But again I am re- peating what I have said more than once before. In the midst of his useful course Pitt was almost thrown out of power by the illness of the King, which, if it had lasted longer, would have made the Prince of Wales Regent, and transferred the government to his friends ; one of the many warnings to nations in search of a constitution not to embrace ours without con- sidering all the liabilities of so peculiar and complex a machine. The Prince of Wales, partly from fiUal feeling, partly perhaps like D'Orleans Egalit^, for the sake of another for- bidden pleasure, flirted with Liberal principles, which, however, of course, lost for ever their place in what he was fond of calling his heart, the instant that his foot touched the throne. The debates on the Pegency Bill, under the guise of a great constitutional discussion, were a scuffle for power between two factions which had accidentlly changed their positions with regard to royalty for the moment, and got hold each of the other's cant ; so that if Pitt could say that he had im-Wliigged Fox, Fox might g-reat aii- iimstances I am re- ce before. Pitt was illness of er, would ^ent, and nds ; one arch of a lout con- Ill iar and >f Wales, laps like ther for- rinciples, ^er their lis heart, throne, ider the on, were is which lis with got hold tt could X might PITT. 223 '^f' :S.i have said that he had un-Toried Pitt. These scenes revealed on the critical eve of the French Eevolution the scandals of Royalty — a King, in whom the ray of reason barely flickered swaying the destinies of a nation — the Princes mocking at the affliction of their father — the Queen receiving with complacency the duellist who had nearly killed her detested child. Not long before had occurred the episode of the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Fitzherbert, in which the Prince broke every law of honour, and put up his bosom friend to tell a lie for him in the House of Commons. But there are extenuating circumstances in this case. First, the Prince, like all princes, had been sacrificed to the public good : he had never known equal friendship, heard the voice of truth, or learnt self-control and honour in the school of other men. Secondly, his love for Mrs. Fitzherbert was undoubtedly deep and sincere ; a lawful marriage w^ith her might have been the means of reclaiming him. Thirdly, he had not made the laws which, in the case of royal marriages, sacrificed affection to policy ; and, heir to a kingdom as he was, he might have envied the meanest servant in his train whose hand and ^j*' -7 i 1 it I. m au t ;■< I iti'l m HW fillip I R Hi ■ Iti ■iB 224 heart THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. free. He ifterwards were tree. ±ie was atterwaras married to a woman whom he had never seen, and the sight of whom caused him at once to call for brandy, while further researches have revealed that he drowned the horrors of his wedding in an enormous potation of liqueur. His mother had been called down from her nurserv one after- noon to dine at table with the family, and introduced to a stranger, who after dinner led lier into the next room, and went through the form of marriage with her as the deputy of the King of England. When she was brought to St. James's, never having seen her destined husband, she was going to fall down at the feet of the wrong man. The people showed their sympathy and their loyalty when the King recovered. They passed from mouth to mouth, and engraved on their rings and snuff-boxes the words of the honest Lord Chancellor Thurlow : " When I forget my King may my God forget me." They had not heard Buike's exclamation, " The best thing he can do for you," or the more pungent but highly improper comment of the graceless Wilkes ; nor had they seen Pitt run out of the House crying, "Oh what a rasccl." In the cc fr i. FITT, 22$ Liairied to the sight r brandy, lied that ng in an Dther had ►ne after- iih% and inner led 'ough the ieputy of brought destined 1 at the course of the great struggle between the King's party and that of the Prince, when the King's friends were holding a Cabinet at Windsor, as they rose to go, the honest Lord Chancellor's hat was missing. It was brought to him from the Prince's room. And now the sun of Pitt's glory has reached its zenith. It declines towards the West and night. • nd their y passed on their honest forget They The best pungent graceless . out of In the m i'. ^fU 41! [Hitl t 's PITT.-Il. n ■ 'J(i- i,J, \ If T!?[ Q 2 < t ■'■J * •. 11 i^m Hniw ii' 1 IS 9 HP I|i M b1 9 ' H|H Wt m i: H wm M \ i: HI ^H fl ^ L' ' H3 i^^yiH i IH| ^^Hhb 1' 1 1 i' ,1 i 1 1 1 A tl ca bJ to Li to fa cc le in fr tl t( tl rr IV. PITT. — II. An optimist viev/ of history will not hold good, any more than an optimist view of nature. All will be well in the sum of things, but in the meantime calamities occur. No greater calamity ever occurred, no greater disaster ever befell the cause of human progress, as it seems to me, than the revolution which brouo^ht the Liberal movement of the eighteenth century to a violent crisis in France. Apart from the faults of political character, the want of self- control, the want of mutual confidence, the levity, and worst of all the cruelty, which have marked all their revolutions, the French were from their circumstances, and from the evil training which they had undergone, quite unfit to take the political destinies of the world into their hands. The abuses of their own govern- ment were so flagrant, the obsoleteness of their 230 THREE EXGLISH STATESMEN. ,'■!' "i\i I!' -I t ' ; it 1 viBl; 1 1 1 own institutions was so manifest, that the thouglit of caution and moderation was banished from their minds, and tliey were content with nothing sliort of introchicing a new order of tilings, a new political creation as it were, dating from the day of their revolt, which they sought to extend to nations unwilling to accept it, or unripe for a great change. They had no middle class accustomed to government, ready to take power into its hands, and furnish wise rulers to the state when the aristocracy had been overthrown. The peasantry and the populace of their towns were brutalised to the last degree by ignorance and oppression. The court and the aristocracy were too utterly cor- ]upt and effete to show any moral courage or attempt to control the crisis which they had themselves, by dallying with Liberalism and Scepticism, helped to bring on ; they threw the reins on the neck of a frenzied people, and betook themselves, for the most part, to ignominious flight. In the whole nation, though there were generous aspirations, there was no faith. The state superstition had been renounced by all men in their hearts, even by its state supporters, even by its own prieats : but its tliat the ^ b[uiished tent witli order of it were, >lt, whicli kvilling to ^e. They vernment, id furnish ristocracy ^ and the id to the ion. The terly cor- airage or hey had lism and y threw I people, part, to , though was no enounced its state but its rJTT. 231 political ascendancy had been tlie upas shade which had forbidden any other religion to grow. The creed of Rousseau was not a faitli but an emotion, capable oi' impclUng, not of con- trolling or sustaining men. Here, as Quinet in his recent work has pointed out, lay the loot of the whole failure. Institutions, an- tiquated and decayed, may fall or be pulled down ; but humanity can advance into a new order of things only when it is borne forward on the wings of a new faith. And not a step will be made towards the attainment of a new faith by guillotining all the tyrants and oli- ofarchs in the world. First there was a revolutionary movement in which the generous hopes and glorious pro- mises w^hich fascinated the youth of Words- worth, Southey, and Coleridge were blended with the premonitory symptoms of the crimes and horrors to come, and accompanied by an explosion of chimeras, of rhetoric, of theatrical egotism, and of political folly, the fearful sig- nificance of which is plain to the retrospective eye of history. Then ensued Anarchy and the Eeign of Terror, which has left so deep and almost ineifaceable a stain on the cause ...^v^l ^4 ■uld have on of free bound up Congress lie would mrt, the ^er, been on daily 5 classes, . by the lical and part of PITT. 239 his career, had been one of the best organs of the movement, into the reaction against which he now flung himself headlong. If the greatness of offences were to be measured, not l)y the badness of the intenticm, but by the badness of the effect, few greater offences would ever have been committed than the publication of the " Reflections on the French Revolution." It was the special duty of a political philoso- pher at that moment to allay passion, to bring the nt tion under the dominion of its reason, and to enable it to meet calmly and wisely tlie tremendous crisis through which Europe was evidently about to pass. Mr. Buckle thinks that Burke, who up to this time had been the first of statesmen, now suddenly went mjid. But the truth is, that two of his best treatises, the " Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe" and the " Thoughts on Scarcity," were written after the " Reflections on the French Revolution." In a certain sense he had always been mad ; his reason had always been liable to be overpowered •by his imagination; he had always in his moments of passion been incapable of self- control ; he had always had in him that which is commonly the root of madness, for he was a .f;Sf r-i 1^^ i M ts if [IIP 1 I \ 240 TIIREK ENGLISH STATESMEN. great egotist, and his egotism is always breaking out under tlie tliin disguise of an affected self- depreciation. He liad lost the ear of the House of Commons as much bv his extravagance and rant as by his prolixity ; he had come to be regarded not only as a dinner-bell but as a fool ; and if we are scandalised at the exclusion of thi:3 man of genius from the Cabinet, people in 1789 would have been more scandalised at his admis- sion. " Folly personified," he wa« called by one who had just been hearing his speech on the Regency Bill ; and the same witness says that he finished his wild speech in a manner next to madness. When the house wouJd not listen to his ravings, he called them a pack of hounds. He described the Lord Chancellor as a man with black brows and a large wig, and said he was fit to do an act worse than highway robbery. He spoke in offensive language even of the afflicted King. He called upon the Clerk to read the Great Charter because a bill for the reduction of offices trenched on sOme vested interests. He took a dagger out of his pocket, and hurled it on the floor of the House, as a symbol of the atrocity of the French Revolution; upon which Sheridan remarked that he had brought the knife, but he lei I^. PITT. 241 s break ill o- 3cte(l self- 5 House of 3 and rant ) regjirded ol ; and if ' tliis man in 1789 lis admis- y one who } RecfencY e finished madness. s ravings, described Lck brows do an act spoke in 3d King, le Great of offices e took a t on the atrocity Sheridan 3, but he had forgotten to bring the fork. He deserves the national gratitude for having summoned Hastings before the bar of justice ; but the vio- lence of liis sallies in the course of the trial gave a great advantage to the accused. Though he was by principle a free trader, his party passions had led him to oppose Pitt's measure for free trade with Ireland. He was now dis- credited, somewhat neglected by his friends, restless from mortified self-love, and ready for an outbreak. Mad in any other sense he was not. No doubt in the " Heflections " he is sin- cere. He was i» worshipper of Constitutional Monarchy. It was his Fetish. He loved and adored it with the passionate loyalty whicli, as an Irishman in his own country, he would have felt towards the chief of his clan. Politics were his religion, to which, in his mind, any other religion was subservient, as he showed, when for political purposes, he supported the imposi- tion of the Thirty-Nine Articles on the reluctant f^nnsciences of clergymen who had petitioned for rei jf. His philosophy afforded no firm and lofty ground of immutable faith in things un- seen, from which he could form a rational M ;i ! 242 THREE ENGLISH STA TESMEX. estimate of political systems, as things merely subservient to the higher life of man, veneral)le only for their utility, not to be altered without good reason, but when there was good reason, to be altered or abolished without superstitious scru- ple, and destined like all other parts of the out- ward vesture of humanity to pass away before the end. He did not know that, while many things that are of man are good, nothing is sacred but that which is of God. He was not so much an advocate as a priest of the constitution and its mythical founders ; he preached sermons on it as fervent as those of Bossuet, and defended its absurdities by arguments which his piety sug- gested as strange as ever a Roman friar used in defence of his superstitions. According to him it was ordered by a sort of divine wisdom that Cornwall should have as many members as Scotland, because the representation was thus prevented from being too closely connected with local interests. When the French Revolution got beyond his consecrated type, it forfeited his sympathies, and with a nature so passionate as his, to forfeit sympathy was to incur hatred. I do not complain of his strictures on the petence of the French Revo- folly incom 5' V igs merely 1, veneral)le ed without 1 reason, to itioiis scru- of tlie out- ' before tlie any things sacred but much an Lon and its nons on it efended its piety sug- iar used in ng to him Lsdom that embers as was thus ected witli ilevolution rfeited his sionate as latred. Bs on the ich Revo- PITT. 243 'cely go bey hitionists. Here lie could S( the truth. But I complain of his blindness, which charity, making the utmost allowance for the frenzy of rhetoric, can scarcely 2>ronounce altogether involuntary, to the evils of the French Monarchy and Church — I should rather say his raving panegyrics on things shocking to sense and virtue. " Ideas furnished from the ward- robe of a moral imagination " — " decent drapery of life" — " vice losing half its evil by losing all its grossness" — is it possible that he can sin- cerely have applied such terms to the system of Louis XV., of the Regent Orleans, of Car- dinal Dubois 1 KnowTiig, as he must ha\^e done, the character of the French aristocracy, can he in perfect good faith have uttered in relation to them the blasphemous extravagance that there were two sources of all good in Europe, the spirit of religion and the spirit of a gentleman \ Knowing, as he must have done, the condition of the French people, and the responsibility of the Court for their misery, can he have failed to be aware of the sophism of which he was guilty in presenting that Court under the image of the Dauphiness as a star rising full of beauty and beneficence over the horizon of Versailles '? That R 2 ■ f m ( t I M--, I'll m ! W t '\ M i f\ ll I 244 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN mrcli this beavitiful and beneficent mom bankrupt is a fact of which its devotee just shows himself conscious, and the remedy sug- gested by the great pubHc morahst is in effect robbery of the public creditor, which he thinks preferable to any appropriation of the property of the State Church. He defends the ecclesi- astical sinecurism so enormous in France, on the ground that ecclesiastics make as good a use of property as laymen ; an argument which would prove that there can scarcely be too much corruption in the Church. His political philo- sophy does not enable him, in his anti-revolu- tionary transports, to distinguish between the character of feudalism in its own day and its character when its day was past, or between the situation and the difficulties of the English nation in 1688 and those of the French people in 1789. In this vituperation of the National Assembly and the movement party in France, if he is sometimes telling, he sometimes sinks to the level of a scold. His declamations against declaimers, his sophistical attacks upon sophis- ters, the contempt which he the economical reformer affects for economists and calculators, would move a smile if we did not know how ti r( rchy was ^otee just ledy siig- 1 in effect he thinks property le ecelesi- rance, on s good a ent which too much cal philo- ti-revolu- ween the Y and its between Enghsh ;h people National France, nes sinks LS against n sophis- jonomical Iculators, low how e PITT, 245 terrible their effect had been. He talks unc- tuously of religion, and lashes himself and his readers into fury against French Atheism. Soon we find him at the feet of Catherine of Ilussia, a Voltairian in creed, and more than a Voltairian in practice, conjuring her, with fulsome flattery, to lend the aid of her unrscrupulous arms in crushing the objects of his political aversion. Burke broke with his old party : he won the affection, almost the worship, of a new party, the fierce applause of a new audience. He received a pension, and the promise of a peerage, from the Court and the Tory Government. His eminence entitled him to a pension if anybody was to be pensioned, and to a peerage if he, a peer of intellect, cared to be a lord. But that he should accept these rewards of his change of party was another proof of the truth of his own statement — that the age of chivalry was gone. Of course the clergy were deeply moved, and the drum ecclesiastic beat to arms. Horsley, the leading political bishop of the day, and a sort of ecclesiastical henchman of Pitt, is known as the author of the maxim " that the people have nothing to do with the laws but to obey them." This prelate preached a sermon, 1 'iJ 1 n 1 .'H n I ^ ^.1 m rat II * 246 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. published in his works, in which, correcting the imperfect views of the Founder of Christianity, he lays it down chat a conscientious submission to the sovereign power is, no less than brotherly love, a distinctive badge of Christ's disciples — in other words, that the distinctive badge of Christians is to love one another and be Tories. He thanks God that in the Church of England both these marks of genuine Christianity have ever been conspicuous. He then proceeds to say * that in the exercise of brotherly love, it is perhaps the amiable infirmity of Englishmen to be too easy in admitting the claim of a spirit- ual kindred — that the times compel him to remark that brotherly love embraces only bre- thren — that the term of holy brotherhood is profaned by an indiscriminate application — that if persons living under the British constitution have dared to exult in the proceedings of the French revolutionists, with them it is meet that we abjure all brotherhood ; a claim on our charity these miserable men may have, they have none on our brotherly affection.' If this was preached by a man of sense and learning in a responsible position and before an intelligent audience, we may imagine what was preached fi tc b iV. PITT, 247 ecting tlie iristianitj, ubmissioii brotherly lisciples — badge of ^e Tories, f England nity have ds to say :>ve, it is iglishmen f a spirit- l him to only bre- jrhood is on — that istitution ?s of the fleet that on our ve, tliev If this riling in telHgent :>reached from the rural pulpit before the squire. It is to be borne in mind, however, that if the State bishops and clergy, who supposed their wealth and +heir privileges to be in danger, inveighed against the impiety of revolution, so did Robert Hall, fascinated as he had been at first by its political promises and hopes. The French atheists shocked all decency, as well as all religion. It must be added that Fox behaved unwisely. His generous heart was on the side of liberty : but there was too much in him of the Palais Royal, too much of the former member of the gambling club at A 1 mack's, where people played for desperate stakes, with masks to conceal their emotions and a wild masquerading dress to typify their delirious excitement. The political arena was to him still a gambling-table : and his strong point was not self-control. He ought, in the interest of his cause, to have repressed the ardour of his sympathies, to have blamed the excesses while he showed the benefits of the Revolution, to have pointed out how inevitable it was ill France, how diflerent was the case of the English from that of the French Monarchy, how small was the danger iu England of French contagion ; and then to have insisted that for 'it\ i m '"<*. ^1 I 248 THIIFE ENGLISH STATESMEN. whatever danger there might be, the right an- tidote was not war or violent repression, but timely measures of reform. He would thus Lave strengthened the hands of Pitt, whom he must have known to be moderate, in resisting the war tendencies of his party and of the Court. Instead of this he held the language of a Jacobin, and at once inilamed the panic and wounded the national pride by talking of the Bevolution as the most glorious event since Saratoga and York- town. His hot-headed followers, of course, went beyond their chief. But he was the leader of the Opposition, and the function of a leader of Opposition is, at all costs and hazards, to assail and to embarrass the Government. Whilst this system of party government lasts it must be so. But we will hope that party government is not to be the end of all things ; and that in the coui:*se of our political changes we shall find a way of establishing a Government to which we may all feel loyal, and which we may all desire to support as the Government, not of a party, but of the nation. For one of his speeches Fox has been rather unreasonably blamed. Speaking of the refusal of the French guards to act against the people, b( st tl M right an- ssion, but thus Lave I he must ig the war t. Instead eobin, and mded the 3hition as and York- irse, went leader of leader of to assail hilst this List be so. nt is not t in the II find a diich we 11 desire a party, n rather refusal ' people, PITT. 249 he said that the example of a neighbouring nation had proved the fear of standing annies to be unfounded, since it was now shown that by becoming a soldier, a man did not cease to be a citizen. This, at the time, brought on a storm of denunciation, which still rebellows in the histories. "All the objections," says Mr. Massey, "that have been urged by theoretical writers and popular orators against permanent mihtary establishments, sink into insignificance when compared with the appalling magnitude of the danger attendant on an armed force which is to arbitrate in disputes or conflicts between the people and their rulers." Mr. Massey fails to see that, as it is, the armed force in the hands of the rulers all over Europe arbitrates in the disputes and conflicts between the rulers and the people. Standing armies are the bane of the world, and to make them a perfect curse it is only necessary to extinguish in the soldier the last spark of the citizen and the man. Soldiers, while they are soldiers, must submit to a rigid discipline, and move at the word of command : it is the condition of their calling and the dictate of their honour. But I claim for the soldier, whether officer or private, the rights of Wn' ; i ■ 1 ;. 1, : if. i '''1 1^ hH '!^i ■A 'i 't ■tf) !u I 11 1 1 1 ^ ; ll H' 1 % H':^ If III-' f-i. H '' i''' < Hi V ^ 1 ; : *• ■ 1 ■ Mi H- *^': 1;^ ^Bi' ''"''"^t-" H^i: ^ RP ' *' 1 ■ I f'' I> r ^ • ! I 2riO THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. labour and of man. I claim for liim, in the first place, the right to dispose, like other men, of his own industry ; to make the best terms he can for himself, like other men, in the labour market, and to give his employer warning — such warn- ing, of course, as the nature of the calling may reasonably require — if fair terms are not allowed. In this way our army might be smaller, but it would be better than it is now. In the second place, I claim for the soldier the right to retire, and to deliver up his arms, though by no means to use them against his employer, when he finds that his military duties are likely to come into conflict with his duties as a citizen. There will be no fear of his exercising this right, unless the heart of the nation is really against the Govern- ment, and when the heart of the nation is really against the Government, the Government ought not, if politics are a matter of reason and justice, to have the means of pi tting down the nation by brute force. The habit of treating the soldier for a long term of years as the bondman of the Government and the blind instrument of its will, is a relic of barbarism, against which advanchig civilisation will in the end protest. y. I the first len, of his IS he can ir market, ich warn- ling may t allowed, er, but it je second to retire, no means I he finds !ome into 'here will mless the s Govern- lation is s^ernment ason and iown the treating 3 as the he blind irbarisni, II in the PITT. 251 Pressed by his own party, not supported in his resistance by the Opposition, Pitt, though the spirit of Adam Smith struggled hard and long in him, began to slide towards war. He first showed his tendency by a royal proclama- tion against seditious writings, and by measures of half hostility towards France — an Alien Bill pointed against French emissaries, an Act pro- hibiting the circulation of assignats, and another prohibiting the exportation of corn and flour to France. At last he himself caught, or aflected to catch, the panic, and held wild language about his head being in danger. The French Republicans meanwhile, by their aggressive vio- lence and their frantic language, were giving every possible handle to their enemies. To treat their wild propagandism, their decrees of uni- versal revolution, as the ravings of madmen, whose paroxysm would soon be over, and who would too surely avenge their outrages on themselves, was the course pointed out by wisdom : but it was ^xot an easv course for Pitt to take The execution of the king — a proceed- ing as disfjustino- in its theatrical levitv, as it was shocking in its cruelty — gave a deathblow to the hope of peace. The French ambassador % 1 ■■,:.^ <, ;S ■ n ♦ « S ^ '1 i ;, I* 1 » 1 1' m M't 1 ini!iviB ■,': ■ f qShSm < ' f^l' mHtiif PI III 1 m iifl* ( .. . ^ 11 HI Ih m 1 llill tmi^^H in Hiri ': K WtM 1 M ■ I H l^Bi wmi III 254 TIinKI': ESGLISII srATI':sMKN. us. Tn WMs in fact comniittod partly in Imita- tion of our execution of Charles I. And if tlie murder of tlie King \v;is the cause of the war, wliat was to he its ohii^cf? To brincf the Kiuir to life again 'i Or to punish his mu.dercrs'? Or to punis^ th<^ whole French nation i! Jf there was to bt ? V Hegicide peace, how was a war with llegic — . s t-^ he brought to an end ? The vindlcati(m of public right is anotlier o'round assio'ued for the The conduct of the French Republicans to the countries which they overran was infamous. But they had vio- lated no public right which we w^ere concerned to defend. The aUied kinos had attacked them ; they had beaten the allied kings, taken the offensive, and commenced a career of conquest in their turn. This was the fortune of w%ar. And these allies of oiu's in the cause of public right, what sort of champions of that cause w^ere they ? Austria, Prussia, and Eussia had just consummated the partition of Poland, the most flagrant violation of public right in history, and one against which, let them roll as many stones to the mouth of that sepulchre as they mil, nature and justice will protest till right is done. Not only so, but when we had become tl It till 1 « 4 "■% Y in imitn- And if tlie )f tlio war, ■ the Kiiijr crcrs ? Or If tliere ^ns a war (1? is another onduct of I'ies whicli ' had vio- concerned :ed them ; aken the conquest 3 of war. of public luse were had just the most history, as many ! as they till right I become rirr. -55 tlieir confederates, Austria and rrussla, took j)osse8sion by robbers' law of Coiide and Valen- ciennes, in s]>ite of tlic })roteHt of the Bour])ons, for whom, as legitimate sovereigns of France, tlie allies professed to fight ; and when Austria afterwards, in concert with P>ona])arte, committed an act of brigandage by the seizure of Venice, this j)rodiiced in us no moral repugnance to her alliance. The conduct of England ixr as I am prepared to maintain, more disir^ercstcd on the whole, as well as marked by greater constancy and fortitude than .that of any other nation engaged on either side. Her liberties, imperfect as they were, breathed into her govern- ment a spirit of honour which was not found elsewhere, and checked infamies wdiicli in the secret counsels of despotism were conceived with- out shame and perpetrated without rebuke. But even England from the beginning made it a war of interest as well as of alleged principle ; and our first act was the appropriation of the Island of Tobago. French propagandism, and especially the propagandist decree of the 19th November, 1792, is another alleged jastiiication of the war. But this was merely the counterblast to the F 1 ¥\ r « r 4 It ' ■•! '-'i ,::| :''i ^ ;-♦ ."1 t. t ( i ■'i '•ih 256 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. m 1 ' li A : \ propagandism of the Duke of Brunswick. If it was lawful for the allies to declare themselves the protectors of Monarchy in France, it was equally lawful for the French to declare them- selves the protectors of Republicanism in other countries. We ourselves avowed, though with faltering accents, that it was part of our object to change the government of France. The decree of the 19th November, so far as we were con- cerned, was empty fanfaronade ; no execution could be had of it in this country provided our government behaved decently to our people ; it might have been treated by England as the insult of a lunatic, which touches no mans honour. Was it against Frencli Atheism that we went to war ? This probably was the leading motive of the clergy. It cannot have been the motive of Pitt. He at least must have had sense enough to know that mankind could not be convinced of the existence of a beneficent Creator by filling creation with blood and havoc. And who were the representatives of religion ? An Emperor of Austria, who shortened his life by self- indulgence ; a King of Prussia, of whom it was said, in allusion to his emulation of Frederic tlie Great, "that he had nothing of Solomon I ,1 kvlck. If it themselves ce, it was lare them- n in other )ugh with our object rhe decree were con- execution provided Lir people ; .nd as the IS honour, b we went ng motive he motive se enough convinced by filling who were Emperor by self- whom it P Frederic Solomon PITT. 257 but his concubines ; " the Semiramis of the North ; Prince-Bishops of the Rhine, whose petty courts were noted as the sacred scenes of every pleasure. Among ourselves, the Duke of York with his Nancy Parsons ; Lord Chan- cellor Thurlow, who died with the name of God on his lips, bat not in prayer ; not to mention the Minister himself, who sometimes saw two speakers instead of one. The great Tory authority, 8ir Archibald Ali- son, is very frank and explicit. He says that what the Government had in view was not the conquest of the Republicans, but a danger nearer home : that they dreaded domestic re- volution if pacific intercourse were any longer carried on with France. He cites a remark of the Empress Catherine to the effect that war is sometimes the only way of giving a useful .direction to the passions, and says that in this remark is to be found the true explanation and the best vindication of the French war. "The passions," he proceeds, "were excited, democratic ambition was awakened ; the desire of power, under the name of reform, was rapidly gaining ground among the middle ranks, and the institutions of the country were threatened s ii i \ n S:P^ Mr* m f |r 'I ' '■ -I mm: ' i ■ 258 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. Ith )lcnt as tl] ^hicli li \ overthrow as ^ recently taken place in the French Monarchy. In tliese circumstances the only mode of check- ing the evil was by engaging in a foreign contest, by drawing off the ardent spirits into active service, and in lieu of the modern desire for innovation, rousing the ancient gallantry of the British people." Sir Archibald is cer- tainly wrong as to the fact. The institutions of the countrv were not threatened with over- throw. The people were loyal ; they had shown the utmost enthusiasm on the recovery of the King's health. Burke himself said that not one man in a hundred was a Revolutionist. Fox's revolutionary sentiments met with no response, but with general reprobation, and caused even his friends to shrink from his side. Of the so-called Jacobin Societies, the So- ciety for Constitutional Information numbered only a few hundred members, who, though they held extreme opinions, were headed by men of character, and were quite incapable of treason or violence. The Corresponding Society was of a more sinister character ; but its numbers were computed only at 6,000, and it was swal- lowed up in the loyal masses of the people. vhicli had Monarchy, of check- a foreign pirits into em desire gallantry Id is cer- nstitutions ^vith over- lad shown 3ry of the that not rolutionist. with no .tion, and from his 3S, the So- numbered Dugh they 3y men of of treason ciety was ^ numbers was swal- le people. riTT, 259 Tlie mob at Birmingliam rose for Church and King, and sacked tlie liouse of Priestley because lie was an Atheist, or, what was the same thing, a man of science. A Tory mob at Manchester treated Mr. Walker, a respectable lleformer of the place, in a similar manner. We liad a Parliament of rotten boroughs, but still a Par- liament ; a law framed more in the interest of tlie rich than of the poor, but still a law ; a free press ; trial by jury and Habeas Corpus, no lettres de cachet, no Bastille. The State Church was unjustly privileged, but n(jt per- secuting ; and the Dissenters, if they did not love the Test and Corporation Acts, had no desire to worship the Goddess of Reason in the form of a naked prostitute on the altar of St. Paul's. The religious middle classes were soon repelled by the impieties of the Eevolution, social enthusiasts like Coleridge and Southey by its atrocities, all men of sense by its mon- key ism and its madness. Foreign emissaries can do nothi/]g except where there is widespread disaffection among the people. The army, navy, yeomanry, and militia were perfectly sound. Volunteers in large numbers answered the call of the Government. At the threat of a French s 2 '1 t 'I III 5 ;j( |b ■;■. Si V 'si i ft II 11^ i' i^^fl if lii H ! i 1 t i l! r 260 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. invasion the nation would have risen as it had risen against the Armada. In Ireland alone there was real and just hatred of the Government : but the long pressure of an iron tyranny had crushed Ireland in+o mute de- spair : and m this case, as in all cases, Irish dis- affection was rer.dered dangerous only by the war which brought it the aid of foreign arms. The Government had but to rule well, tread steadily in the path of moderate reform, and keep the defences in good order. England would then have passed unscathed through the crisis, and the wisdom of her rulers would have ensured the gn^titude of the nation. But supposing that the reverse had been the case : supposing tha+ the Tory panic had been as well founded as it was groundless ; — does the morahty of Sir Archibald Alison and his party sanction the maxim of the virtuous Catherine, that governments are at liberty to divert trouble- some aspirations into the channel of a foreign war "? Is there anything more dangerous than this in the ravings of the Jacobins ? Is there anything more immoral in Machiavelli? The principle, no doubt, is intended for the exclusive use of such governments as Tories desire to . « € ^\-% «. \^. PITT. 261 ^nM sen as it n Ireland ed of the of an iron mute de- Irish dis- by the war rms. The id steadily keep the ould then crisis, and e ensured supposing supposing 11 founded orahty of J sanction rine, that t trouble- a foreign rous than Is there >lli ? The ! exclusive desire to uphold. But its application cannot be arrested there. If the Tories had a right to divert revolutionary sentiment into the channel of war, the Jacobins had a right to divert reactionary sentiment into the same channel : and Napoleon had the same right to get rid in the same man- ner of the sentiments which, as he declared, threatened the stability of his throne. The same remark applies to the excuse founded on the danger of political contagion. Are all governments to be alike licensed to make war with their neighbours for the pur- pose of political quarantine \ Is the privilege to be extended to republics disquieted by the neighbourhood of monarchies and aristocracies, as well as to monarchies and aristocracies disquieted by the neighbourhood of republics % Or is it taken for granted tliat no free com- monwealth can be so ill-rooted in the aifec- tion of its citizens, or so wicked as to make use of such a power \ It is sad to say it, but when Pitt had once left the path of right, he fell headlong into evil. To gratify the ignoble fears and passions of his party, he commenced a series of attacks on English liberty of speaking and writing' ^ii& M 262 Til rep: ENGLISH STATESMEN V [l^.W- i: a : ft \ I whicli Mr. Massey, a strong anti-revolutionist, characterises as unparalleled since the time of Charles I. The country was filled with spies. A band of the most infamous informers was called into activity by the Government. Men were prosecuted for loose or dnmken words, of which no man of sense would have taken notice, and for speculative opinions with which no Government had a right to interfere. An attorney, named Frost, for saying in a coifee- house, where he could not have intended to conspire, and out of which he was, in fact, kicked by the company, that he was for equality and no king, was tried before Lord Kenyon, a high Tory judge, and sentenced to six months' imprisonment, to stand hi the pillory, to find security for good behaviour, and to be struck off the roll. The courts of quarter session, wnth their benches of Tory squires, were em- ployed to try political cases by the G(wern- ment, to which their character as tribunals must have been too well known. Associations were formed under Government patronage, for the detection and prosecution of sediti(jn, and thus the impartiality of the jury was tainted at its source. There was a Tory reign of terror, 11 i^olutionist, le time of vith spies, rmers was ent. Men en words, ave taken 'itli wliicli fere. An I a cofFee- teiided to , in fact) ►r equality Kenyon, ;i X months' y, to find be struck V session, were em- ' Govern- tribunals 5sociations 3nage, for ition, and IS tainted of terror, PITT. 263 to which a shVht increase of the panic among the upper classes would pro])ably have lent a redder hue. Among other measures of repression the Habeas Corpus Act was suspended ; and the liberties of all men were thus placed at the mercy of the party in power. The Habeas Corpus Act is an Act of Parliament which Parliament may suspend. But the security of all English freemen from arbitrary arrest, as well as from any punishment without a trial by their peers, rests not on the Habeas Corpus Act, but on the great clause of the Great Charter, of which the Habeas Corpus Act is merely a supplement and guarantee. And the Great Charter is not an Act of Par- liament: it is a fundamental covenant between the Government and all the people of these realms, a v^ovenant which was before Parliament, which is above Parliament, and with which if Parliament tampers, it may conthiue to reign by force, but it will no longer reign by right. The tyranny of the Crown is [)ast : it is the tyranny of the House of Comm ns against which we have now to guard. A House of Commons, not the prerogative of Kill Is;, 1 'i 1 1 « 264 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, m ^' M m y m >I the Crown, was Pitt's instrument in his a gressions upon public liberty. " I called a Par- liament in Ireland," was the plea of Strafford, when he was accused of arbitrary government. " Parliaments without parliamentary liberties,' replied Pym, "are but a fair and plausible way to servitude." A clnss Parliament is an oligarchy witli a broad basis, more powerful for iniquity than any Crown. In the cases of Home Tooke and his asso- ciates, the Government well knew that tliore was no real evidence of treason. The charge of constructive treason was brought in instead of that of sedition, to make an impression on the nation and possess the public mind with the idea that there were terrible conspiracies on foot. But to brin£ :i to trial for their lives for such a purpose was a profanation of the courts of justice. The constructive treason was made out thus : * The prisoners had issued a prospectus for a convention. To issue a prospectus for a convention was to enter into a conspiracy to compel the Kmg to govern otherwise than by the laws. A conspiracy to compel the King to govern otherwise than by thf: lav7f' was a conspiracy to depose him ^*v. PITT, 265 from the royal state, title, power, and govern- ment. Such an attempt must lead to resistance. Resistance must lead to the deposition of the King, and his deposition must endanger his life.' Such was the substance of the capital indictment which it took the Attorney-General nine hours to state. Supposing that policy could ever find a place in the proceedings of public justice, no sound policy could lead the Government to incur an ignominious defeat. Sir Archibald Alison says the trials did good, because the acquittal of the prisoners showed the public that liberty was not on the decline, and the people, satisfied with this great victory over their supposed oppressors, relapsed into their ancient loyalty. A profoimd way of attaching the people to the Government — to exhibit it to them as a tyrannical aggressor defeated in an attempt to wrest law to the purposes of judicial murder ! It was in one of these state trials, where the accused, Major Cartwright, was the leader of a Parliamentary Reform Association, that the Pitt of fonner days, the Pitt who had once been a member of the same association and the foremost champion of its j.rinciples, f ■ li I! I'fll). 266 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. It/. inn ,8> : B^^p IH ;' )ji SaRi^.V?' IH 1'^' wi n 51 • S^Hj nf III ( it 'li I was put into the witness-box by the defence to bear witness against Pitt the renegade from Reform, the persecutor of Reformers in these evil times. Pitt might plead that circumstances were altered, and that when circumstances are altered, honourable men may change. Honour- able men may change, and that they should have full liberty of change is essential to the public interest and to the integrity of public life. But no great nature ever passes a sponge over its former self: no great nature ever persecutes old friends. It "vv^as in one of these trials, too, that Eldon, then Sir John Scott and Attorney-General, opened his attempt to procure the capital conviction of a man who he knew had done nothing worthy of death with a pathetic exordium on his own disinterestedness and virtue. "He should have nothing to leave his chl^'iren but his good name." And then he wept. The Solicitor-General wept with his weeping chief. " What is the Solicitor weeping tor'^" said one bystander to another. *' He is weeping to think how very little the Attorney will have to leave his children." The juries at quarter sessions of course gave HI ;:VT|.«1|at*"1* •*••■- defence :ade from in these imstances ances are Honour- y should eutial to sgritj of 3r passes it nature it Eldon, -General, 3 capital lad done pathetic less and to leave Lud then pt with Solicitor another, ittle the en. )} I PITT. 267 rse gave the verdicts desired by their proprietors on the bench. The London juries on the whole behaved well, and deserve our gratit.ids for their guardianship of public liberty in its hour of trial. Thev had not then been so entirely relieved of apprehension for their own liberties as to make them regardless of the liberties of others. The judges behaved not so well. Tiie tenure of the judges is inde- pendent. But after all they belong to a political party, and they belong to a social class ; and these are influences which, even on the judgment-seat, only the highest and strongest natures can entirely put aside. How to appoint judges who shall be strictly im- partial in political cases, is, I fear, a problem still to be solved. But the judge who does in political cases show himself above everything but justice is one of the greatest and noblest benefactors of his kind ; he presents law in its highest majesty to the reverence of the people ; and extinguishes in the hearts of men the sources of violence and revolution. In Scotland the Tory reign of terror was worse than in England. In Scotland there was scarcely the mockery of a representation i & I 'lit \): 1 I ;:^ij|.f1l;i:^-H.%. 268 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. II ^^1- (jf the people. The entire electoral body was not more than four thousand. Edinburgh and Glasgow had each a constituency of thirty-three electors. The county of Bute had one resident elector, who constituted the meeting, called over the freeholders, answered to his own name, moved and seconded his own nomination, put the question to the meeting, and unani- mously elected himself Every county and borough was in the hands of some proprietor. The whole country was one nest of jobbery and corruption, managed in the interest of the Tories, or I suppose we must say of religion and the Supreme Being, by that eminent servant of He:.ven, Mr. Dundas. The juries partook of the general slavishness, the judges were fiercer Tories than the judges in England, and much less honest. Thomas Muir, a young advocate of high talents and attain- ments, was an active champion of parliamentary reform, as any man in Scotland who had not the spirit of a serf would have been, and had been a delegate to the Edinburgh convention of Associated Friends of the People. An indictment for sedition was preferred against him by the GoA^ernment. "Every incident of of << of of mi < % • V 4 ^ FITT. 269 of the trial," says Sir Erskine May, the autlior of the " Constitutional History of England," "marked the unfairness and the cruel spirit of his judges. In deciding on the relevancy of the indictment, they dilated upon the enor- mity of the offences charged, which in their judgment amounted almost to high treason, the excellence of our constitution, and the terrors of the French Revolution. It was plain that any attempt to amend our institutions was in their eyes a crime. All the jurymen, selected by the sheriff and picked by the presiding judge, were members of an association at Goldsmiths' Hall, who had erased Muir's name from their books as an enemy to the consti- tution. He objected that such men had already prejudged his cause ; but he was told that he might as well object to his judges, who had sworn to maintain the con- stitution. The witnesses for the Crown failed to prove any seditious speeches, while they all bore testimony to the earnestness with which Muir had counselled order and obe- dience to the law. Throughout the trial he was browbeaten and threatened by the judges. A contemptible witness against him was caressed fl "III *•: i. Hi I! - fif 270 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. by the puLlic prosecutor, and complimented by the court ; while a witness for the defence was hastily committed for concealing the truth, and Muir, when he offered to speak on liis witness's behalf, was silenced and told that he had no right to interfere i^ the business. In the spirit of a bygone age of judicature the Lord Advocate denounced Muir as a de- mon of sedition and mischief He even urged it as a proof of guilt that a letter had been found among his papers addressed to Mr. Fyshe Palmer, who was about to be tried for sedition." Let us hope that the age of judicature, when a dominant party in possession of party courts of justice, or of those still more convenient instruments, courts of martial law, could murder the objects of its political hatred under the form of a trial, is as completely bygone as Sir Erskine May imagines. Scroggs and Jeffreys are in their graves of infamy ; but their spirit is not quite dead. Muir defended himself gallantly, and drew from the audience applause, which one of the judges noticed as a proof of the seditious feelings of the people. He asserted that he was brought to trial for promoting parliamentary reform. " The Lord I .-If plimented e defence he triitl], ^ on liis told that business, udicature as a de- en urged lad been Ir. Fvshe sedition." re, when ty courts )nvenient 1 murder the form as Sir Jeffreys 3ir spirit himself applause, a proof le. He rial for le Lord PITT. 271 Justice -Clerk Braxfield," remarks Sir Erskine May, "confirmed this assertion by charging the jury that to preach the necessity of reform at a time of excitement was seditious." The judge harangued the jury against parliamentary reform. " The landed interest," he said, " alone had a right to be represented ; as for the rabble who had nothing but personal property, what hold had the nation on them V Another judge said, " If punishment adequate to the crime of sedition were to be sought for, it could not be found in our law, now that torture was happily abolished." Torture is not abolished, if the theories now maintained by servile lawyers and prerogative politicians on the subject of martial law be true : if these theories be true, English freemen are still liable to torture. Muir was sentenced to transportation for fourteen years. " Of the three Koman punishments, crucifixion, expo- sure to wild beasts, and deportation," said one of the judges, "we have chosen the mildest." Chosen the mildest he had not, but a people not so barbarous as its rulers had forced him to take it. In another trial, a judge said, in summing up to the jury, " Gentlemen, the ' ! •i^\ >i i t * V'-s % ^^.^^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (AAT-3) k A />« <^^\^ y ^0 1.0 I.I 128 150 Uk 1^ Ij^ 12.2 IL25 11.4 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 \ iV [v

-o" ..^ '4^^ ^ ■^' z ^ ^ \ cS"^ i ill li V 272 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. right of universal suffrage the subjects of this country never enjoyed ; and were they to enjoy it, they would not long enjoy either liberty or a free constitution. You will there- fore consider whether telling the people that they have a just right to what would unques- tionably be tantamount to a total subversion of the constitution, is such a writing as any person is entitled to compose, to print, and to publish." Under such law, delivered from the bench of justice, a man was condemned to transportation for seven years. If, as Pym said, parliaments without parliamentary liber- ties are but a fair and plausible way to servi- tude, jury trial without impartial judges and honest juries is but a fair and plausible wav to murder. Was Pitt answerable for all this? He was. With full knowledge of the facts he defended these outrages and their perpetrators in Par- liament. The infamy cannot be wiped away from his once pure and patriotic name. Lord Stanhope pleads that these and still more vio- lent measures were demanded by the temper of the time. Does not the very fact, that the temper of the time was what Lord Stanhope rages of a Dt PITT. 273 states it to have been, prove that there was no danger of revolution, and therefore not even that wretched justification for these out- rages on liberty and law ? And if the demand of a party was a warrant for violence in the case of the Tories, was it also a warrant for violence in the case of the Jacobins ? It seems that Pitt even sank so far below his nobler self as to entertain the thought of taking ad- vantage of the free language of his rival, Fox, and committing him to the Tower. The worst Reign of Terror, however — a Keign of Terror in no figurative B3Mse — was in Ireland. Unhappy Ireland, and still more unhappy England if Ireland is always to be our weakness and our shame, the standing confutation alike of our boasted statesmanship and of our boasted love of justice ! In 1795, the Duke of Portland and the Whig section of the Cabinet, I fear against the wishes of Pitt, had sent over Lord Fitzwilliam as Lord- Lieutenant, with a policy of relief and con- ciliation. But Fitzwilliam had been too open in proclaiming his mission ; lie had been too hasty in setting his heel on the agents of tyranny and corruption ; most fatal error of T m * ^ I 274 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, 'M I all, he had dismissed one of the great robber house of Beresford. The whole nest of jobbers were immediately alarmed ; and as the means of arresting justice they naturally had recourse to religion. They appealed against Catholic Relief to the conscience of the King. We are frail beings, but conscience is always obeyed when she bids us deny a right to others. Fitz- william fell ; not, it is to be feared, to the dis- pleasure of Pitt, and was succeeded by Lord Camden. Catholic Relief was thrown out by the Irish Parliament, the Government now de- claring against it. Not contented with this, the Protestants began to organise themselves for the repression of the Catholics ; the Cath- olics organised on their side ; and the hatred of the rival races and creeds burst forth. I have myself sought and found in the study of Irish history the explanation of the paradox, that a people with so many gifts, so amiable, naturally so submissive to rulers, and everywhere but in their own country indus- trious, are in their own country bywords of idleness, lawlessness, disaffection, and agrarian crime. But I will hare follow Mr. Massey, not only one of the most matter-of-fact of writers, TITT. 275 but a most unquestionable enemy to revolution. Mr. Massey writes thus : " Lord Carhampton, the general commanding the forces in the dis- turbed districts, let loose his troops upon the wretched peasantry. It was enough for a niagistrate, a squireen, or even a farmer to point out any person as suspected, to have his habi- tation burned down, his family turned adrift, and himself either shot or transported, without trial, without warrant, without inquiry. An Act of Indemnity was passed by the Irish Parliament, in the session of 1796, to protect these enormities ; and the Insurrection Act gave them for the future the sanction of law. The suspension of the Habeas Corpus completed this barbarous code, which, in effect, outlawed the whole people of Ireland." The Government armed a great body of Protestant yeomanry, who were allowed to wear the Orange ribbon, the badge of ascendancy. " The cruelties," says Mr. Massey, " perpetrated by these men, both before the rebellion, and while it was raging, and after it was suppressed, differed only in degree from the worst enormities (;f the French revolutionists. Under the authority to search for concealed arms, any person whom any T 2 ■i !i:!!!! * 1 1 276 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. 'A\ :. i •' I ruffian, calling himself a Protestant and a loyalist, and either with or without a military uniform, chose to suspect or to pretend to sus- pect, was liable to be seized, tortured, md put to death. Hundreds of unoffending people, and people who were guilty of no other offence thah professing the creed of their fathers, and of letting fall a word of discontent, were flogged till they were insensible, or made to stand upon one foot on a pointed stake. These were the most ordinary punishments. Sometimes the wretched victim was half hanged, or the scalp was torn from the head by a pitched' cap. Catholics and reputed malcontents of the better class were subjected to still worse treatment. Militia and yeomanry, as well as the regular troops, were billeted on them at free quarters ; and this billet appears to have been invariably construed as an unlimited licence for robbery, devastation, ravishment, and, in case of re- sistance, murder." Sir Kalph Abercromby, on assuming the com- mand of the army in Ireland, branded these ruffians in general orders as formidable to every- body but the enemy. To him it did not appear essential to the honour of the profession that a and PITT. 277 soldier should be licensed to play the butcher. But he was at once hustled out of his command. The Catholics, if they had not been goaded to despair, would not have risen. Their priests had no sympathy with the Atheists of the French Republic. But the conduct of the Protestants and of the Government drove them into the arms of France and of the revolutionary con- spirators of their own country, who were mostly not Catholics, but Protestants, if they had any religion at all. When the Catholic peasantry did rise, they rose with the ruthless fury of tortured and embruted slaves, and perpetrated nameless atrocities in their turn. Then the saturnalia of martial law were proclaimed ; and under cover of that proclamation, the ven- geance of the dominant race was poured out, as we have just seen the vengeance of a domi- nant race poured out, upon the victims of its hate. Of that phrase martial law, absurd and self-contradictory as it is, each part has a mean- ing. The term martial suspends the right of citizens to legal trial ; the term law suspends the claim of an enemy to quarter and the other rights of civilised war. The whole compound is the fiend's charter ; and the public man who i;p5 ii H i ■\i • i 278 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. I i| connives at its introduction, who fails in his day and in his place to resist it at whatever cost or hazard to himself, is a traitor to civilisa- tion and humanity, and though official morality may applaud him at the time, his name will stand in history accursed and infamous for ever. The first notable case under martial law in Ireland was that of Sir Edward Crosbie, a gentleman residing near Carlow, where a rising had taken place. I will give the case in the words of Mr. Massey. " It unfortunately hap- pened," says that writer, " that the miserable rabble, before entering the town, had paraded in the grounds of Sir Edward Crosbie, who resided at a distance of a mile and a half from Carlow. There was not a tittle of proof that this gentleman was in any way connected with the lioters, or that he had invited them to assemble on his lawn at midnight, preparatory to their lawless proceedings. He had not ac- companied them, nor did it appear that he held any communication with them. But Sir Edward was a friend to Parliamentary Reform, and hos- tile to the oppression of the tenantry by their landlords. To be friendly to the poor and to reform was presumptive evidence of disaffection ; PITT. 279 1 5 in his ^'hatever civilisa- norality me will ous for tial law osbie, a rising in the \j hap- iserable paraded ie, who ilf from of that id with lem to aratory lot ac- le held Idward id hos- T their md to action ; and presumptive evidence of disaffection was sufficient proof of complicity in the rebellion The day after the attempt on Carlow several persons were seized, tried by court-martial, and hanged for this offence. Among others Sir Edward Crosbie was dragged before a set of ignorant, blood-thirsty ruffians, who styled themselves a court-martial. There was not a particle of evidence which could have had the least weight with a fairly constituted court, though Catholic prisoners had been, by torture and promises of pardon, converted into wit- nesses against the accused. Numerous loyalists came forward to state what everybody in the neighbourhood knew, that Sir Edward was a good subject of His Majesty, as well as one of the few humane and accomplished gentlemen that Ireland possessed. But these witnesses were excluded from the place where the pro- ceedings were held by the bayonets of the sol- diery. A gentleman of rank and fortune, who thought that Parliament phould be reformed, and that squireens should not be permitted to grind and insult the peasantry, was a dan- gerous member of society, and must be made an example of to deter others. Accordingly, Sir li m 28o THREE ENGLISH STATES ME y. Edward Crosbie was doomed to death by a court-martial, the president of whicli was an illiterate fellow who could not spell. The sen- tence was immediately put in execution at the gallows ; and the remains of the murdered gen- tleman were abused in a manner shocking to humanity." The passages of history which de- live their character from the lower and viler passions are apt to repeat themselves with great fidelity. Lord Corn wal lis, who had at length been sent over by Pitt, in the place of the wretched Camden, to stop these orgies of blood, states in one of his letters that under martial law "numberless murders are hourly committed without any process or examination whatever.'' " The yeomanry," he says, " are in the style of the loyalists in America, cnly much more numerous and powerful, and a thousand times more ferocious. These men have served their country, but they now take the lead in rapine and murder. The Irish militia, with few officers, and those chiefly of the worst kind, follow closely on the heels of the yeomanry in murder and every kind of atrocity ; and the Fencibles take a share, although much behind-hand with PITT. 281 the others. The language of the principle persons of the country all tends to encourage this system of blood ; and the conversation, even at my table, where you will suppose I do all I can to prevent it, always turns on hanging, shoot- ing, burning, etc. And if a priest has been put to death, the greatest joy is expressed by the whole company." He asserts from his own knowledge of military affairs that of the num- bers of the enemy reputed to be killed, a very small proportion only are really killed in battle — and adds that " he is afraid that any man in a brown coat, who is found within several miles of the field of action, is butchered with- out discrimination." He describes the principal persons of the country and the members of both Houses of Parliament as " averse to all acts of clemency, and desiring to pursue measures that would terminate in the extirpation of the in- habitants and the destruction of the country." Lord Comwallis was no friend of rebels : he had commanded apjainst rebels in America : he was a Tory : he showed no weakness in quenching the embers of the insurrection in Ireland. But a burst of loyal execration arose against his detestable clemency. Dr. Duiguenan, the organ 282 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN, i'M of the Orange party, wrote to Lord Castlereagli that the conduct of the Lord-Lieutenant had rendered him an object not only of disgust, but of abhorrence to eveiy loyal man. " You write," says Cornwallis to General Ross, " as if you believed that there was any foundation for all the lies and nonsensical clamour about my lenity. On my arrival in this country, I put a stop to the burning of houses and murder of the inhabitants by the yeomen, or any other person who delighted in that amusement ; to the flogging for the purpose of extorting confession, and to the free quarters, which comprehended universal rape and robbery throughout the country." A party of the Mount Kennedy corps of yeomanry (again I tell my story in the words of Mr. Massey) were, on an autumn night in the year 1798, patrolling the village of Delbary, in the county of Wicklow. Two or three of the party, led by Whollaghan, one of their number, entered the cottage of a labouring man named Dogherty, and asked whether there were any bloody rebels there ? The only inmates of the cabin were Dogherty's wife and a sick lad, her son, who was eating his supper. Whollaghan asked if the boy was riTT. 283 tlereagli int Lad ust, but I write," if you ion for out my I put rder of other nt ; to torting which obbery Mount 3)1 my on an ig the cklow. ighan, 3 of a asked here ? erty's sating r was Doghertys son, and being told he was — "Then, you dog," said Wholhighan, " you are to die here." " I hope not," answered the poor hid ; and he prayed, if there was any charge against him, to be taken before Mr. Latouche, a magistrate in the neighbourhood, of known humanity and justice. The fellow replied that he cared nothing for Latouche, and raised his gun. The mother entreated him, for the love of God, to take her life in- stead of her child's. Whollaghan, with a volley of abuse, pulled the trigger twice, but the piece missed fire. A comrade then handed him another gun ; and the mother rushed at the muzzle to shield her son. In the struggle the piece went off, and the ball broke young Dogherty's arm. When the boy fell, the assassins left the cabin ; but Whol- laghan returned, and seeing the lad supported by his mother, cried out, " Is not the dog- dead yet ? " " Oh, yes, sir," said the poor woman, " he is dead enough." " For fear he is not," said Whollaghan, " let him take this." And with deliberate aim he fired a fourth time, and Dogherty dropped dead out of his mother's arms. Whollaghan was tried for il „•:• I i nw •3 If '^i M , » .84 TllliF.K KyarJSIl STATh:SMEN. tlio nuirdiT, not 1)V a civil irihiinjil ns lio shouM \\\\\K^ boon, l>ii( ]>y oourt-iiuirtinl. Tlic laois wiM'o not illspiittHl ; hut tho (Iclciico was tliai tlio poor hov Iwul Ihhmi a. ivluO, and lliat tlio prisoiuM* was a Iniinaiio aiul loyal huUhh'!. Thai tlio Dogliortvs won* rrludH is prohahlo onouiih : as indood, savs Mr. Masscv, whom 1 am still tollowing, it was hardly j)ossil)lo that a (^ilhoHo j)oasant could haw been any- thinjjf tdso. Hiii no loa'al ovidonc(* of the tact was tiMidorod ; and the hearsay, which was admitted, was about as credible as the oaths of the Orange-men who came to give Whol- la^^han a characti^' for humanitv. Tlu^ real ilet'enoe was that the prisoner and his com- panions \vm\ been sent out with general orders to shoot anybody they pleased. "The coiu't," remarks Mr. Massev, "seemed to have been of opinion that such orders were neither unusual or unreasonable ; and it is difHcult io extract from their tinding that they thought the prisoner had been guilty even of an error in judgment." They found that "the prisoner did shoot and kill Thomas Dogherty, a rebel ; but acquitted him of any malicious or wilful intention of murder." V. PfTT. a«5 ll MS lie inl. Tl,(. •Mid llijit I NUl|j('t'i. l>n>I>;i|)|(» ^'. whom l)<>.s.sil)lo ^HMi jiiiy- i^'li was H^ oaths 3 Whol- 'Ik^ real • iH coin- I onloi's ! court," '0 been noithor ^lifHoult Iiought II error ►risoiier rebel ; wilful Their H(niiin(M)t,H hw\\\, in [wvX, to have Ijecii pretty much the Hnnic as which pn-vail ill high oHieial regioim now. The trial took placid at Dublin. The prnsidcnt of tln' pera,ry, Mr. 'I'hoinas Judkin Fitzg(!rald, a tnaTi of conspieuous loyah.y, was made; high- sherifli', and acted as a, sort of jirovoHt-inarshal in that district. His plan, says Mr. Maswjy, was to Beize |)ersons whom he chow; to suspc^et, often without the slightest ground, if not Irorn sheer malice, wwX \>y dint of tin; lash and tlireats of instant death, to extort confessions of guilt and accusations of other persons. lie recommended himself especially to the a[)pro- bation of all loyal men by attacking a some- what higher class of persons than most of his compeers ventured to attack. Mr. Wrigbt, a teaclier of lajiguages at Clonmel, and a man of good family, heard that he was suspected. He hastened to deliver himself up, in tlie liope that he might thus save his cha- racter and life. But Fitzgerald was not to ' \\ 1 J a86 rilRKK ENiUsli^n ST A TKSMKN. 1)0 (lis!i|>|K)into(l of Inn vit^iiin. !fo rocoivcd Mr. Wright with a. tonuMit of aluiso, and onlcriMl him to fall on liis kiU'OH to reocivo Iiih wmi- tonoo. *' Yoii aro a rclud," said ho, "and a, prinoipal in this robollion. Von aro io rocoivo five hnndrod laslu^H, and thon to bo Hhot." Tho ]H)or man lu^ggcd for timo, and wa,,s ho rash as io ask for a trial. This aroused Fitz- gerald to fnrv ; he railed at his prisoner for daring to open his month after ho was eon- denniod. Wright was hurried to tlu^ fl'*Sf?'''S~ ladders, whieh were oreoted in the main street ; and expecting innnodiate death, had })laced his liat before his face while ho nuittered a, praver. Fitzgerald with his own hand tore away ti»o hat, trampled on it, (h'agged his fainting victim by the hair, kicked him, and tiiudly slai^liod him with a sword, drawing blood. Wright was then fastened to the bidder. Fifty hishes had been inflicted, wluMi a Major Riall came up ami asked what Wright liad done. The Sheriff answered by flinging Riall a note taken from the person of Wright, as a justificaiion of tho punishment to which he wa^ subjected. The note was in French — a language of which Fitzgerald was wholly riTT. 2R7 igtK»rjini atid coiiinlfKjd two lines excMiHing (]i(^ writ<'r for linvitig failcil in a visiting cngjigcntR'nt. Kijill MHHurod Fitzgerald tliat the !i(>te was perlVujtIy liarnileHH ; nevcjrthcloKH, the Inwli eontinued io deneend \\\\\\\ the (jnivcr- ing entrnilH W(;r(^ viHil)le through the fl'iyed tlesli. Th(^ liJingniJMi wmh tlien <)rdered to ii|)])ly liiH thongK to a pnrt of thi; hocly whic^h hjid not yet heen torn, while tlie Slieri ff hinmelf went to the genonil in command of the diHtriet for i\.\\ order to put hiw j)riHon(!r to dejitli. The order, however, was not given, and Wright wmh released. To add to the bright roll of EngliHh honour, Mr. Thomas Judkin Fitzgcjrald rec(!ived a j)(;n- sioii, and, at the Union, was made a baronet of the United Kingdom. Tliese men were not fiends ; they were a dominant class, the planter -class of Ireland, maddened with cruel panic and administering martial law. It is good that these things should be recalled to mind when we see men of letters and artists, who have been brought up in the air of English li})erty and within the sound of Christian church bells, proposing to blow Fenians from guns, and to re-enact ^irfH ,.V 'J i it 288 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. on Irish insurgents the atrocities which marked the putting down of the Indian mutineers. Ireland had what one of our prelates calls a Missionary Church ; that is an establish- ment profusely endowed out of the penury and misery of the Irish people ; and the bishops and clergy of which were intended, I suppose, to be placed by their wealth and privileges above the passions of any class, and enabled boldly to preach justice and mercy. What weie they doing \ Were they preaching justice and mercy, or were they doing what the prelates and clergy of the planter church of Jamaica do now — drawing up certificates of Christian character for men whose hands were red with innocent blood 1 It is a point which I have never been able clearly to ascertain. There is nothing in this revolting history more revolting than the cant about loyalty. Loyalty is not due from the conquered and the oppressed to the conqueror and oppressor. Nothing is due but submission, which the conqueror and oppressor must enforce as best he can. The Indemnity Act passed by the Irish r^ PITT, 289 Parliament unfortunately proved insufficient to cover all these acts of the supporters of order, and especially the use of torture. Cer- tain bloody-minded persecutors, pseudo-philan- thropists, and Hiberno-philists were proceeding to appeal to the courts of law against indis- criminate butchery, torture, and arson. So the Parliament — of the temper and language of whose members. Lords and Commons alike, we have heard Lord Cornwallis's description — passed a more comprehensive Act, which effect- ually screened every murderer, torturer, and incendiary from the law. Safe under this Act, Fitzgerald, when arraigned before a jury, vaunted his exploits in the face of justice. He named several persons whom he had flogged under circumstar jes more aggravated than those before the court. He mentioned one man who had cut his throat to escape the horrors and ignominy of torture. He ad- mitted or boasted that in his search for rebels he had flogged many persons who had proved to be perfectly innocent. Lord Avonmore, who tried the case, did not dissemble his grief and indignation at having to administer such a law as that which had recently been enacted. m (■r mi 290 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. After dwelling on the flagrancy of the outrnge, for which he said no damages would have been too great, he ended by saying that the words of the Act placed an insuperable bar between injury and redress, and set all equity and jus- tice at defiance. . And with that he dashed the Act upon the cushion, and threw himself back on his seat. Lord Moira brought the state of things in Ireland before the British Legislature ; of course without effect. The Government supported their subordinates. If it is the luty of govern- ments to support their subordinates, the people must support themselves. Statesmen are learn- ing to make an easy reputation for chivalry by supporting their subordinates at the expense of humanity, justice, and the honour of the nation. Public morality requires that a sub- ordinate should be supported in difficulty al- ways, in error sometimes, in crime never. Lord Stanhope charitably ascribes these hor- Tors, in the refusal of all inquiry into which he apparently concurs, to a helpless crisis in human affairs, such as is described by the Cardinal de Eetz, caused by accident and mis- chance, not by the faults or errors of mankind. PITT. 291 It was no helpless crisis, but the natural con- sequence of Protestant ascendancy in Ireland, sustained by the oligarchical government and hierarchy of this country. They were the authors before God of the Rebellion, though the people died for it by earthly law. And how far, I ask again, is the benefit of these excuses to extend ? If ever the hand of fate was seen in history, it was in the history of the French Revolution. If ever a crisis could be called helpless, it was that of 1793. Is this to absolve the Jacobins ? No ; there have been misfortunes in Irish annals — misfortunes which were not faults — misfortunes which the rulers of Ireland in past times may fairly plead in their own excuse at the bar of his- tory. The partial nature of the Anglo-Norman Conquest of Ireland, which led to the forma- tion of an English pale instead of a national aristocracy mingling in course of time with the native race, was the original spring from which this bitterness flowed. But Protestant ascendancy was a fault, not a misfortune. And the obstinate maintenance in the interest of a class of an alien church and an alien land- law in Ireland are faults, not misfortunes, u 2 I) "1^ i k 'ft 292 THREE ENGLISH ST A TKSMEN. HOW. The guilt of the consequences in the eye of Heaven, rests on the Government, though still, by earthly law, the people pay the penalty. The appearance of Hoche and his French armament of liberation in Bantry Bay was a warning which could not be neglected. Irish disaffection, if it is not formidable in itseii, will always be formidable when it is backed by foreign aid. If Hoche had landed, he would, for the time at least, have been master of Ireland. The Orange yeomanry and militia, though they could murder, burn, and torture, could not stand before an enemy, as they showed when they were led against the small French force afterwards landed by Humbert. And with steam instead of sails Hoche would have landed. It had become manifest that the Orange government of Ireland was not only criminal but dangerous. Pitt now resolved to carry the Union, and the Union was car- ried. It was carried through an Irisli Parlia- ment in which the Irish people were not represented, and which had no sort of right or title to dispose of the independence of the nation. And through that Parliament it was PITT. 293 was carried by bribery and corruption of every kind, including the prostitution of lionours and offices as well as pensions, so foul and infa- mous that men of honour, such aR Lord Corn- wallis, who were employed in the operation, shrank with loathing from their task. One million two hundred cind sixty thousand pounds were distributed among the proprietors of boroughs as compensation for the loss of their means of preying on the State, and the peerage was again recruited with houses which derive from this noble origin their divine right of legislating for the nation. The acquiescence of the Catholics was procured by fraud ; the hope of emancipation was distinctly held out to them as the price of their concurrence, and was not fulfilled. The Union vras a good and an indispensable measure. It was, as Pitt saw, the only chance of saving Ireland from Protestant ascendancy and provincial tyranny : and legally of course it is perfectly valid. To give it moral validity, it requires the free ratification of the Irish people. When the Union is what Pitt declared it was to be, a union of equal laws, that ratification will be obtained. % I t, 294 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. Pitt is generally held to have been a bad war minister. That he was not a successful war minister is certain : and i ar, if in anything, ministers may be judged by their success. His navy gained victories by dint of British sea- manship and courage. His military operations ended almost uniformly in disaster. His forces were never found on a decisive field. Like a bad chess-player he ran over the board taking pawns, while the adversary was checking his king. He carried his victorious arms from To- bago to St. Domingo, from St. Domingo to St. Lucia, and from St. Lucia to Guadaloupe. This was the traditional mode of making war on France ; and he did not see how different was the France on which he had now to make war. Meantime his allies were being beaten in battles, which, if they had been won, would have given him as many sugar islands as he pleased ; and which, being lost, swept away the sugar islands in the general ruin. When Bonaparte and the best army of France were in Egypt and off the board, Pitt took advantage of their absence, not to join his allies in dealing a decisive blow, but to make an isolated descent on the enemy's country, the weakest operation in proportion to PITT. 295 the force employed which can be undertaken, and one which in this case ended in ignominious failure. He had not his father's eye for men. Chatham would have brought Nelson to the front before. When Nelson had won the Nile, Pitt only gave him the lowest rank in the peer- age, and said, in defence of this parsimony in rewarding merit, that Nelson would live a^s the winner of the greatest of naval victories, and that no one would ask whether he had been made a baron, a viscount, or an earl. This, when the highest rank in the peerage was being every day bestowed on political subserviency, and even on political corruption : when Sir James Lowther was made an earl direct for his influence at Appleby. Pitt is open to a worse censure that that of merely failing to distin- guish merit. When he allowed himself to be made minister by an unconstitutional use of the King's personal influence, he had sold himself to the fiend, and the fiend did not fail to exact the bond. Twice Pitt had the criminal weakness to gratify the King's personal wishes by entrust- ing the safety of English armies and the honour of England to the incompetent hands of the young Duke of York. This absurd princeling , \\ !'lti 'iiiiii I 'I i I', \ 296 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. t 3 actually objected to acting under the command of Claiifait, the most competent and eminent of the allied generals : and to gratify his conceit, the command-in-chief was assumed by tlie Em- peror, the arch-incompetency of all. But, after all, could promotion by merit be expected at the hands of governments whose essence was privi- lege \ It was against promotion by merit that they were fighting. To accept promotion by merit would have been to accept the revolution. In the sixth year of the war, the nation was brought to the brink of destruction by a mutiny in the fleet, caused entirely by the vices of the administration. The pay of the sailors and their pensions had not been increased since the time of Charles II., in spite of the immense rise of prices since that period, which must have been felt more than ever in time of war. This, while millions were being paid to boroughmongers and sinecurists, and when Tomline was not satisfied unless he had a rich bishopric and a rich deanery too. Light weight of provisions was served, a sailor's pound being fourteen ounces instead of sixteen ; and even for this short weight the sailors were dependent on pursers taken from a low class, who cheated them without limit. The PITT. 297 disinbution of prize-money wtis most unfair ; tlie discipline most vexatious ; the officers, wlio were appointed entirely by interest, were incompetent and tyrannical ; and seamen who had fought the battles of the country, seamen scarred with hon- ourable wounds, were sworn at and abused like dogs by insolent and worthless boys. At last the sailors rose and respectfully demanded re- dress. The Government, conscious of its guilt, was compelled to accede to their demands, and even to dismiss a number of officers from the service. But the spirit of mutiny once roused, naturally broke forth again in a more turbulent and dangerous form. It was suppressed at last, and justice of course was done on the piincipal mutineers, who were hanged or flogged through the fleet. It must be owned, however, that even in the case of the worst offenders, justice was tempered with mercy, for no lord of the Admi- ralty was either flogged or hanged. Since that time, and owing originally to the mutiny, the navy has been in a sounder state. Neither that nor any service will be in a perfectly sound state till dismissal is the highest punishment. And now — Democracy is such an ungrateful thing — can any one point out to us an instance in I 298 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. /■' I history, from Athens down to the American "Republic, in which a Democracy treated its defenders as the British seaman was treated before the mutiny at Spithead? Democracy does not build Blenheims and crea.te vast estates for the general or the admiral ; but it is just, and it cannot help being just, to the soldier and the sailor. What Pitt's war finance was, tax-payers need not to be told. He did make an effoii: to keep borrowing within bounds, but it soon broke down, and he plunged headlong into an abyss of debt. In this he was backed by a Parliament of the rich and idle trained to public extrava- gance by prodigality at home. His own reck- lessness in private expenditure is too well known. It compelled him to accept somewhat ignomi- nious aid. This system of laying burdens on posterity removes, as I have said before, the last check on war. Nor is it capable of moral defence. The theory on which Pitt and his supporters acted — that they had a right to mortgage the estate which they bequeathed to posterity — assumed that the earth belonged to one generation of men. The earth does not belong to one generation of men, but to A PITT. 299 God, who has given it to each generation in its turn. Of Pitt's war taxes the most notable were the income-tax and the succession-tax. The income- tax is a tax which ought to be resorted to only in time of war or in some national emergency which excites the national spirit as much as war. It is only when the national spirit is so excited that there is a chance of true returns. In ordi- nary times the income-tax is a tax on honesty, a premium on dishonesty, a corruptor of national and especially of commercial honour. Pitt pro- posed a succession duty on real and peisonal property alike ; but the landlord Parliament threw out the duty on real property, and passed that on personal property alone. There are no Trades Unions in the House of Commons. Pitt had gone into the war reckoning on the failure of the French finances. While French finance was recruited by despair, he was driven to a suspension of cash payments. There is no great mystery, I apprehend, about the character and effects of this measure. It was, in fact, a forced loan, which was paid off, at the expense of great national suffering, by the return to cash payments after the war. Meantime it caused i |:i' I I II -1 f l!i 300 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. a depreciation of the currency, which bore hard on fixed incomes, while it did not affect the landowners, whose rents could be raised. All political progress was, of course, suspended in England, as it was over Europe generally, in these disastrous years. Pitt's speeches were full of claptrap against democracy, as though Equa- lity were responsible for the political calamities which Privilege had brought on in France. He now openly renounced Parliamentary Reform, and began to declaim in the full Tory strain against following false luminaries and abandorxing the polestar of the British constitution. He and his party maintained that the rotten borough Parliament, the stench of whose corruption rose to heaven, which was wasting the blood and substance of the people in a class war, and bru- talising them at the same time, had been found amply sufficient for securing their happiness, and that the system ought not to be idly and wan- tonly disturbed, from any love of experiment, or predilection for theory. It would be very wrong to do anything wantonly or idly, or from mere love of experiment, or predilection for theory. But supposing that an absurd system of repre- sentation did work well, not only for those who PITT, 301 monopolise power and patronage under it, and who of course find it practically excellent, but for the nation : still its absurdity would be an evil calling for amendment, because institutions ought to command the reverence of the people, which they cannot do unless they are intelligible and consistent with reason. And if theory is nothing, and if the people are already practically represented, where is the great danger of bring- ing the theory into accordance with the practice ? Great allowance is to be made for the Torv Minister in this matter : but had he been one of the first of statesmen, he would have seen how sure an antidote against disaffection and foreign contagion was to be found in timely and moderate Reform. It has been said that when Pitt had once gone into the war, he ought to have made it a crusade. Burke complained at the time that he did not : and the charge has been re- peated with great amplitude of rhetoric by Lord Macaulay. If Pitt did not actually proclaim a crusade, he used language about the salvation of Europe wild enough to satisfy most fanatics, and the flagitious nonsense which he did not talk himself, he allowed his colleagues and m " l. 302 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. subordinates to talk for him. So far as he re- strained liimself or them, he is to be praised, as Lord Stanhope justly says, for not having given the war a character which would have made it internecine. But as to a crusade, who were to be the crusaders \ Would the borough- mongers and the sinecurists have played the part of Tancred and Godfrey % Would Tomline and Dr. Cornwallis have gone forth, like the bishops of the middle ages, at tlie head of the army of the Cross % Burke himself, the Peter the Hermit of this crusade, would he have left Bea- consfield and his pension to share the doom of those whom he had sent forth to die ? Save the Sepulchre ! So ve Gatton and Old Sarum ! Save the Earldom of Lonsdale, save the Clerkship of the Pells, the Wardenship of the Cinque Ports, the Tellership of the Exchequer, the salaries of the Six Clerks, and the Deputy Chafe-wax ! Save the Deanery of St. Paul's and " the onlv arrangement which can offer any accommoda- tion in my favour!" Crusading is self-sacrifice. Tliese men were carrying on a war in their own interest, with armies of peasants trepanned by drink and the recruiting sergeant, with seamen levied by the press-gang, and with the money PITT. 3'^3 of future generations. They had not self- sacrifice enough even to suppress for the mo- ment their own petty jealousies and interested intrigues for office in ttie most desperate moments of the struggle. The ruling class, I apprehend, bore little of the burden. If their taxes rose, their rents and tithes rose also ; and they shared a vast mass of patronage besides.* The great merchants who supported the war were in like manner growing rich, as great merchants in war often do, at the expense of their less opulent rivals. Burke had described them on a former occasion as snuffing with delight the cadaverous scent of lucre. The crusading spirit, if it was anywhere, was on the side of the French youths, who went forth shoeless and ragged, without pay, with nothing but bread and gunpowder, to save their country from the Coalition, and, as some of them thought, to overthrow tyranny of body and soul, and open a new reign of justice and happiness for mankind. When the French Revolution had turned to the lust of military aggrandisement embodied in Bonaparte, the crusading spirit passed to the other side, and then the leaders of England might appeal to it not in vain. 1 1 ;i1 304 THREE ENGLISH STA TESMEN. I i Pitt did not know why he had gone to war, and therefore when he found himself aban- doned by most of his allies, the rest requiring subsidies to drag them into the field, the cause of Europe, as it was called, thus renounced by Europe itself, everything going ill, and no prospect of amendment, he did not know how or on what terms to make peace. This is called his firmness. He vaguely represented himself as fighting for security for the past and repara- tion for the future, and his words were parroted by his party ; but it was not stated what the reparation or the security was. He pretended at one time that there was no government in France with which a treaty could be made. There was always a government in France, even during the Heign of Terror, obeyed by the nation and the national functionaries, and with which, therefore, a treaty might have been made. It signifies nothing, as everybody would now admit, how polluted the origin or character of a foreign government may be, you must treat with it as a government. If its origin and cha- racter are polluted, or even questionable, you need not, and if you are jealous of the honour of your country and your own you will not, PITT. 305 tl fling England into its arms, or eagerly place her hand in the hand which has been held up to heaven in perjury and is stained Tvith in- nocent blood. But you must treat all govern- ments as governments ; it is tlie only way of fixing responsibility where circumstances not under your control have fixed power. Pitt, however, finding disasters thickening, did struggle to make peace. He underwent great humiliations to obtain it. His envoys waited, with a submissiveness and a patience which must call a blush to ever}^ English cheek, m the antechambers of the insolent and domi- neering Directory. He even offered to pay two of the Directors the heavy bribe which they demanded. England trying to bribe two sharpers to vouchsafe her a peace ! But the profligate lust of aggrandisement which had now taken the place of defensive objects in the councils of the French Government, the insufferable temper of its chiefs, the divisions in the Directory between the Jacobins and the party of Heaction, and at the same time the divisions in the English Cabinet between Pitt, who was for peace, and Grenville, who was still for war, prolonged the bloodshed and the r! ,tl 3o6 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. misery for eight years. At last, in 1801, peace, and an ignominious peace, was inevitable. Pitt lias bicn suspected of having slipped out of office a^d put Addington in to eat the dirt, meaning h'mself to leturn to power when the dirt had been eaten. There seems to be no gi'ound for the suspicion, though Pitt's con- duct at this juncture is not easy to under- stand. The ostensible cause of Pitt's retirement was the King's refusal to allow him to redeem the pledge which he had given to the CatJiolics at the time of the Irish Union. Not only was his honour involved, but it was of vital im- portance to the nation, engaged in a desperate struggle, that the estrangement of the Irish, from whom a large proportion of our soldiers were drawn, should be brought to an end. But the King had a conscience. Pitt resigned, put- ting in his friend and creature, Addington, merely, as I am convinced, to keep his place for him till the Catholic difficulty could be solved. " Mr. Pitt," said Sir James Graham, speaking of the Catholic Emancipation, "w^as prepared to do the right thing at the right moment ; but genius gave way to madness, and two genera- tions have deplored the loss of an opportunity PITT. 307 which never will return." Genius gave way to madness, but to madness practised upon by genius of another kind. The chief performer was Lord Loughborough, of whom when he died His Majesty was pleased to say (having first assured himself that the melancholy news v/as true) "that a greater rogue was not left in his dominions." Loughborough's coad- jutor was Auckland, afterwards spurned as a knavish intriguer both by Pitt and by the King. Their instruments in tampering with the con- science of the half-insane King were Moore, Archbishop of Canterbury, the odour of whose nepotism has reached the nostrils even of our generation, and the Primate of Ireland, who was called in as a wolf to decide this question of conscience as to the claims of the sheep. There is scarcely a worse intrigue in history. And now came a strange turn of affairs. Scarcely was Pitt out and Addington in, when Pitt sent the King a promise never to moot the question of Catholic Emancipation again during his life. Not only so, but he undertook, in case any one else should moot the question, to find the means of setting it aside. The reason alleged for this strange sacrifice of a pledge and a principle, X 2 't V 3o8 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. that the of the Ki ind was tnat tne agitation the subject had brought on a recurrence of his iUnesa. If this was true, we may remark, in the first place, that here is another warning to nations in search of a constitution ; and, in the second place, that if the state of the King's mind was such that he could not consider a State ques- tion of the most vital and pressing importance without bringing on derangement, he was physi- cally unfit for the duties of his office, and he ought to have given place to a Regent. Lord Stanhope urges the claim of His Majesty's con- science to loyal forbearance, but perhaps he does not sufficiently consider, on the other hand, the claim of the nation to existence. The doctrine that one man ought to die for the people has been propounded, though not by auspicious lips ; but no one has yet propounded the doctrine that the people ought to die for one man. Not only George III., but his highly conscientious son and successor, had scruples about Catholic Emancipation and the Coronation oath : and George the Fourth's successor might have had the same. This is not constitutional government. What great measure of reform would ever have been carried, if it had required the free personal PITT. 309 assent of the Sovereign and the majority of the House of Lords % George III. was against the abolition of the slave-trade. Were the horrors of the middle passage to go on while he lived ? But the fact is, his conscience was not a God- made conscience, it was a bishop-made and chan- cellor-made conscience ; and it had not the firm- ness any more than the purity of the God -made. It would have given w\ay under vigorous pres- sure, as it always did. He had ordered his yacht for Hanover more than once ; but he counter- manded it when people were firm. One thing, at all events, ought to have been done. The secret intriguers against justice and the safety of the nation ought to have been dragged into the light of day, and made per- sonally responsible for the advice which they had given the King. But how could Pitt do this — he who had allowed himself to be made Prime Minister by the secret and equally infamous in- trigue between the King and Temple \ The fiend always claims his bond. The situation, however, was now absurd. Pitt was out, though by his abandonment of the Catholic cause the sole ostensible ground of his retirement had been removed : Addington was •!i "S I 310 THREE ENGLISH ST A TESMEN. in, equally without reason. Of course Pitt's friends wished at once to take out the warming- pan and put back the man. But to do this was now not easy. The warming-pan did not know that it was a warming-pan. It had been told by Pitt when he put it in that it was the man of the crisis. It toor the flatterer at his word. It grew settled and self-satisfied in place. The King, who had revered the august Pitt, was attracted with magnetic force to the comfortable mediocrity of Addington. He addressed him in the most affectionate terms — " The King cannot find words sufficiently expressive of His Majesty's cordial approbation of the whole arrangements which his own Chancellor of the Exchequer has wisely, and His Majesty chooses to add most correctly recommended.'' Pitt aimself, though clearly conscious of the disarrangement, was, for a long time, forbearing : he had enough to rest on : but his younger friends were more impa- tient. Canning lampooned Addington, who had a brother named Hiley, and a brother-in-law named Bragge : — " When the faltering periods lag, When the House receives them drily, Cheer, oh, cheer him, Brother Bragge, Cheer, oh, cheer him, Brother Hiley." to ^ him and PITT. 3»i And again, when the Thames was being fortified witli blockhouses : — " If blocks cun from danger deliver, Two i)laces are safe from the French, The one is the mouth of the river. The other the Treasury bench." The same active and ingenious spirit proposed to present to Addington a round-robin, telling him how much everybody wished him to resign ; and as there was a difficulty in getting the best signatures. Canning suggested that the round- robin should be sent in without signatures, and that Addington should be told that he could have the signatures if he liked. It was proposed that Addington, as being Speaker was his spe- cialty, should be made Speaker of the House of Lords; they would have made him Speaker of Elysium if that place had been vacant. For three years all the world was out of joint, and everybody was in perplexity. Mr. Wilberforce wrote in his diary : " I am out of spirits, and doubtful about the path of duty in these politi- cal battles. I cannot help regretting that Ad- dington's temperance and conciliation should not be connected with more vigour." And then he puts up a prayer to Heaven for guidance. Heaven, 3<2 TllUKK KNaill^ll STATESMEN, T s\ispoct, K*ft tlioso politiciaiiH protty innch to tluMHst'lvrs. At Inst iiocessity, wlucli will liiivt^ tho nuin and not the warinino;-pan, came in the shjipe of the renewal of the war with a (hm^in* of invasion. A little snhterraiiean work was done by the Lord (^liaiieellor Kldon, and Ad(lin(^ton temul himself and his friends jj^ently lifted ont of plaee, and Pitt (piietly installed in their room, Eldon remaining Chancellor in the new administration. Tjord Eldon'a conduct in this matter, of wdiich many h;ird things liavc been said, has been a good deal cleared by Lord Stanhope. Addington, it appears, authorised the Chancellor to open negotiations, and all that can be said is, that he was not kept inibrmed of their progress, and was by no means graiitied at their result. Eldon thought himself above the rules. He was the King's own Chancellor, not a mere member of ephe- meral a^^ministrations. Had not the King, when the Chancellor was appointed, buttoned up the great seal in the breast of his coat, and taking it out said — " I give it you from my heart T' However, after the light thrown upon the transaction by Lord Stanhope, we are happy riTT. 3M ^ to acqui(»sco ill TFIh MMJfsty s intimation fo "liiH cxcelltiTit L(>r(] ('lian(;(^llor," tli;it " tlic; Ufiri^^iit- ncKH of Lord Eldon h mind, and Imh attac^limf^nt to tlio Kinnr, Iiavo horncj Iiim with credit and liononr, and (what the; Kin<^ knowH will not 1)0 witliont its (hie wcMf^lit) with th(; ;ij>pro})a- tion of his Sovereign, throng!) an un[)l(!JiHMrit hi])yrintli." Tlie last two words at nil evcntH arc true. Pitt came in to conduct a war, and tliis time a necesHjiry war ; for I nm convinced tliat with the perfidy and rnpine of T^onnpnrte no peace coidd be made, that tlio struggle with liim was a struggle for the independence' of all nations against the armed and disci- plined hordes of a conqueror as cruel and as barbarous as Attila. Tlie outward mask of civilisation Bonaparte wore, and he could use political and social ideas for the purposes of bis ambition as dexterously as cannon ; but in character he was a Corsican and as savage as any bandit of his isle. If utter selfishness, if the reckless sacrifice of humanity to your own interest and passions be vileness, history has no viler name. I can look with pride upon the fortitude and constancy which England i I is ■i : % 'X 3'4 THREE ENGLISH STATESMEN. displayed in the contest with the universal tyrant. The position in which it left her at its close was fairly won : though she must now be content to retire from this temporary supremacy, and fall back into her place as one of the community of nations. But Pitt was still destined to fail as a war minister ; and Trafalgar was soon cancelled by Austerlitz. "How I leave my country!" Such, it seems, is the correct version of Pittas last words. Those words are perhaps his truest epitaph. They express the anguish of a patriot who had wrecked his country. APPENDIX I I THl Ti hold( of H in tl at t] high as t ofth (iv. gent] Bucl (as ridin Prot says were APPENDIX. THE ANCIENT FREEHOLDERS OF ENGLAND. I The number of the Buckinghamshire free- holders who brought up the Petition in favour of Hampden, and to whom reference is made in the lecture on Pym, was variously estimated at the time ; by themselves it was placed as high as six thousand, by their enemies as low as two thousand. (See Mr. Forster's "Arrest of the Five Members," p. 353, note.) Rush worth (iv. p. 487) says: — "This day divers knights, gentlemen, and freeholders of the County of Bucks, to the number of about four thousand (as they were computed), came to London, riding every one with a printed copy of the Protestation lately taken in his hat." Clarendon says : — " As soon as the citizens and mariners were discharged, some Buckinghamsliire men. U I 3'8 APPENDIX. who were said to be at the door with a petition, and had, indeed, waited upon the triumph -Cvith a train of several thousand men, were called in ; who delivered their petition in the name of the inhabitants of the County of Buckingham, and said it was brought to the town by about six thousand men " In " Whitelocke's Memorials" (vol. iv. p. 272) there is an entry respecting the writer's election as a knight of the shire for Buckingham, which throws some light on the number of the free- holders. "At the election of the knights of the shire for Bucks, my friendd marched into Bucks one thousand horse, and were in the field above three thousand, so that I was first and unanimously elected, and with me Colonel Ingoldsby, Sir Bichard Piggott, Mr. Hambden (the son of the great man), and Mr. Granville." This was under Cromwell's Beform Act, embodied in the Instrument of Government, which gave votes for counties not only to freeholders, but to all persons holding property, by whatever tenure, to the value of £200 ; so that probably many leaseholders and copyholders took part in the election. On the other hand, those who had fo."'ght for the Kini were] state quari pend| who to V was wive to si APPENDIX, 3'9 King since the commencement of the troubles were disabled from voting ; and in the divided state of the other party, consequent on the quarrel between the Presbyterians and Inde- pendents, it is not likely that all the electors who remained qualified would come forward to vote for a man connected as Wliitelocke was with the Protector. Not a few of the wives of the freeholders who rode up to London to support Hampden must have been widows. Whitelocke's words seem to imply that the other candidates had their special cavalcades of adherents as well as himself, though they may have been less numerous than his own. We may feel pretty sure, from the habits of life prevalent at that time, that the bulk of these electors were really Buckinghamshire men resident on the holdings which formed their electoral qualifications. Whitelocke gives this account of the Ironsides : — " Cromwell nad a brave regiment of horse of his countrymen, most of them freeholders and freeholder's sons, and who upon matter of conscience engaged in this quarrel. And thus being well armed within by the satisfac- tion of their own consciences, and without by tj.'; i?! 320 APPENDIX. good iron arms, they would as one man stand firmly and fight desperately." M. Guizot, in his " History of the English Revolution," notices the subdivision of land and the increase of the different classes of resident proprietors as characteristic of the period of Charles I., ascribing them, in part, to the break- ing up of the great Church estates, which had been granted to courtiers, by whose prodigality they were dispersed, and to the sale of Crown lands enforced bv the fiscal necessities of the Crown. There seems to be no doubt that in the seventeenth century, and even at a later period, England contained a much larger number chan at present of yeomen freeholders subsisting by the cultivation of their own land. The cha- racter of these men appears to be very distinctly marked upon the history of our revolution. They are the heart and the sinews of the Puritan cause. In ordinary times they accept the leadership of the higher gentry, as the lists of Parliament show : but they have independent opinions of their own : it is upon matter of con- science that they engage in the quarrel ; and when the aristocracy desert the cause they APPENDIX. 3^1 stand firm to it, adhere to a leader of their own class, and bear him on to victory. An inde- pendent yeomanry has left a similar mark in the history of other countries, where that class has borne the brunt of patriotic or religious struggles, and most recently and signally in the history of the United States, where the yeomen, especially those of the west, were, throughout the late struggle with the slave- owners, the unshaken pillars of the Republic. The farmer, though less active-minded, of course, than the trader or the artizan, is, as a general rule, more meditative, has more depth of character, and, when a principle comes home to him, grasps it more firmly. 13 ut to make his spirit independent, he should be the owner of his own land. The remnant of these yeomen still lingers, under the name of " statesmen," in Cumberland and Westmoreland, where they formed, in the language of Wordsworth, " a perfect republic of shepherds and agriculturists, proprietors for the most part of the land which they occupied and cultivated." But from the rest of England they have either altogether disappeared, or are very rapidly disappearing. Such, at least, is the Y II ! 1 APPENDIX. conviction of all whom I have been able to consult, whether general economists or persons of local knowledge and experience. We have, unfortunately, no published statistics, of a trustworthy kind, as to the proprietorship of land, and the changes which it has been undergoing. Mr. Disraeli, indeed, in the speech in which he attacked the passage in the text, boasted that there were still four thousand freeholders upon the electoral register of Bucks, and he implied that these were freeholders of the old yeoman class, part of " the backbone of the country.^' There are not only four thousand freeholders on the register, but four thousand five hundred, the number having recently in- creased. But an inspection of the register at once indicates, and local inquiry decisively con- firms the indication, that, for the most part, these are not freeholders of the old yeoman kind. Of the 4,500, 2,100 only are at once occupiers and owners ; and of the holdings of these 2,100, more than half are at an estimated rental of less than £14. The holdings of a large proportion are in towns, as Mr. Disraeli iiimself is always complaining, and belong to APPEXDTX. J 2 -■» a class of electoral nuisance which he is always scheming to clear aw^ay from the fair face of the rural creation. The descrii)tions of the pro- perties in the electoral register are not precise, but when inspected, and compared with the electors' phices of abode, it will be found that they are seldom suggestive of a freehold farm cultivated by a resident owner.* * In speaking of this question at Guildford, I took as ii specimen the electoral register of the parish of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, not because I had or pretended to have any local information as to that parish, but as I stated at the time, because it happened to be the first rural parish in the register of the county. T believe I gave the analysis cor- rectly- But there appears to be some discrepancy, not only between the electoral register and the actual list of land- holders in the parish, some of whom are females, or register their votes in other parishes, but between the impressions of local informants as to the character of some of the holdings and their occupants. The Rector, who challenged my state- ment in. a published letter, makes lo, and according to a list with which he has since favoured me, even 13 '• homesi ids,'" while another informant think Sl that the designation of " yeomaji subsisting by the cultivation of his own land" can be properly applied only to two holders, whose farms tog..- ther comprise but 82 acres out of a total acreage of 3,550. The last-mentioned informant also states, and is sup- ported by other persons acquainted with the district in the statement, that the class of freeholders which existed in Hampden's days is quietly disappearing from that part Y 2 324 APPENDIX. Tlie change is due, no clonLt, mainly to economical causes independent of legislation. Wealth has of late years accum\dated to an immense extent in commercial hands, and the of the country. It is useless, however, to carry on a discussion res])ecting a single disimted instance, when the general fact is undisputed. I only wish to remark that my assertions were not "random:" they were an account of a document before me, to which Mr. Disraeli had appealed. In the same speech (or, as I should rather call it, epilogue to my lecture) I alluded, in passing, to the connection of Milton with Chalfont St. Giles. My words I believe were, "There Milton found a refuge, at the time when Mr. Dis- raeli's party was in the ascendant." This seems to have been turned, in an abridged rei)oii;, into " Thither Milton fled from the Tory mercies of the Kestoration." The Rector thereupon reminded me with some asperity that Milton had left London to avoid the plague, and that he was secured against personal danger by the Act of Indemnity. Milton left London to avoid the plague ; but he came to Chalfont, I ai^prehend, because in that district the Hampden and Cromwell connection was very strong, and he would there be safe from annoyances against which no Act of Indemnity could secure him. (See Murray's Handbook for Bucks, under Amersham.) My real words imported no more. Milton, however, did not feel himself quite so safe as the Rector of Chalfont thinks. •* On evil days though fallen and evil tongues ; In darkness, and wHh dangers compassed round And solitude." APPENDIX. 325 first ambition of its possessors generally is to invest it in land. Prices are thus offered for land which the smaller holders cannot resist. The high prices of the French war led land- owners into extravagjmce which, when peace and the fall of prices arrived, probably com- pelled the sale of many a yeoman's or small gentleman's estate. The habits of the farmer class generally, and of their families, have be- come more luxurious and expensive, and the [iroduce of a small holding has not sufficed for their desires. Msire of or poli- tie other 1 #