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C'a!,:-,.l.i \y.-.. 1 |;!, .\i:'i.t 1- Tlii^ 111. r|(.i lliii;!:!', 1 '■>■ .I>>)mi M.'f,. .m1. i;«|ini. I'lo-Li.-iil i>l tli.. A >lli'ir:;li il'i I .-•I, 'l'li..iii:iH lliiilw:!',-, \v!ii. Ii i lli" W'^'-rn !nlf "f til- l,iiii' I.I !ic 'ul!,.! Th • i!i- -il "^niilli W.-li in. iinlil «■.• iii.'. . cil jn iiMiliint' i' 'li • S..ii(li Mm' nl tlio tinnt W. Mrii.lirii,' from t!i..' Sii •I" I'''', Niiii.'iiru I'^ilN In St, Tli'iiiiii«, iiinl iMMiiiiiiinii'iiliiiL' v il)i llio Ciiv nl r.iitlaln liv lli.- l!i|ti';il. iiii;iii;tviir/ yi>ii thiit i' will I'l' iiilicil.'U- l,.'i', !• !.i til,' tticr..!- 1.1' M-MiiMil \Vi--liiii Uiiilu-.iy In iinli.' in •■<<\\ iin.'lMi'.r ili. i;r.:ii .•-winli \V,'^t,i-ji lliiilwnv, will, II view til lllc "V.MtM il ■UII-|l!.'.II!..|ll'ill "f tlli' SIh.-)> ol' till' tvv,i Lill.'-, llirln I,, lii\ mit I li -ir M.iilii-V il l.lllMiri'.' :\ liiillMi- !l;|i-k •n t!i • '!r,ii! W.-!,'in. rl \ o,i ill ■■ ;m !■ .i'>Mi' • 'I ,ir, 11. .<\ til.' "i-iu' |i;iiiii,il.'i-' 111 ill. i;r,;il \V -•.111 l!iiil\v,i\. :iii.| | Ili'W ti ii,i<'rf< i)f CI; 1.-. t" -.IV ,i-_'iin . .Ill 1 if ill" .->!i:ir.''i I'l.;--. ill 'ii:i-.. |iii'ii ■■■■ 'if my l:ii-,'i;iL'. i'l , 'njtiii.'l imi will, •■t\ In. 'lliei-. .Mr. I'.-t.r Uii • I'll- iiaitii. r. '.!■ Ilii Tr'-iji'iit .if llii ( 'iiiniMiiiy, Ii. ;li S'l'l'ii'l-ili'l'-, I- Will IH (if till' I'l ii.lvi.'i' nil. -I'l- til., fill! t li.iM.'is iif til ■, I.I -111 111. II' I'Klll.'V t.l til,' (i .'J- ;l iill',-.. l.;ill I r ll... <.|'i;:ilial .it. Wi'ili'i'ii Uiiil'iviiv. U'l' ■ \,\\\< M "itly •'!• Kv. ■"i.'i'k III III.. IJi-.-.ii Wi-liiii Itiiilwiiy tiini i.iit :in.| tiiiii.' I'lriiia !l'.l IIP. w'r-i|iiiiiiii III oiii ii\v:i iiiiii'i- III ,1 III.' •rtv i'l 'III' rt'.irl.i •ii'il mti' ;iitii xliti /.... if , .111111111. 11 iiil, ',li.','iii'.. an. I a liMl. •lu'V i< ix.l at |l|.. |.r.-s."it I'liiii. rv Miar. II |iri'liiilif\ 1- .'iwiiv. (Jrnii'l 'I'l'iirik Itnilwny. wii-' ci ihiiiiiM'.. of till' (;•■ it \v..''i"Ti' i:|t .il.'if,' 'I;.' 111. 'at \V."y I'Vri-l oi>n."rt'^.l tlio ;i'i.iiti'*i I'Vl.'iit lli"i" I'l. i..fiiili.i'iil. hill iinl(ii'!iiniiti!\ iiilli.i- |ii','iiiatiiii' iiii.l.'rlakiiit'. .\ii.l williin lli.. alii)i.-f >ii|...|| I.f III.. IViiiiiU ll. 1.. of ill., ^^,v^•n\ W.-ti'i-n. tlint llii-v liav. a\..;|...l a wrll "ii'^Iiira.'v, li\ a . iliitiiiliiiii 'if iiiiriii" li''|.' anl in Iji'^'laiiil, ( ji'iilmi-. .if it-'i'fiil j.i .i.i|i.>i'ily aii.l iinw i x.-clli-iil ..I'niiDii.iL'.'il iiiaiiairoi I.) \v!' .11, 'CI'.;'' w 'tilil liav<' niiiili' '.n .ii'ii']>]i. iiv ,il mui. tlir iiiillinn nf [< .sii'i'liii;; i.f ]i|'emiiiiii a' wliicli our ."^tncl; now stan.l:' I'lli' .it VOII! .Jvi'J I Hci' tliai liv a lii"m 'itiil .li'i'iili'il I'lfnrt at. self |iri.-.i'vati(iii .it ll 1- iii'ii'i..ii II. it only ^av.' il- iiili'i'i.-t" in tli.. |ii"J.'ni. Inil |'l'iei' llicm fnf I'vcr ficc IVniii tin. Iiln^iii.y iiiilii.-n,.,. ,,f th,. \ ;i'a:i,1 '['r\ I. till' (m. at Wi'st.'iii Kiiilwn}' (■ni.;iii..-, i'\ li'inal an I int. )l. ill ('aiiaila .mil in l!ir.'lan.l. Mv ii'ti'i-f.'i'i'ii HI V'i'ir lii'liiilf I'll* li.'i.;i l\ii' fnlil. Ill til.' (ir^t yU-c, in I'liin'Oit wilii riinii' !ii,-niU In-rr. iili.nil >i.\ in. mil. - ( |.oiii!"'l out lliaf, ill till now alli'fr'l ll,i' iiii'iiry iii-iivi'li''! for lliat ii'iriiii>.. i iri'iini.-taiii'i"', it W'Ui ll ll,' >lii.('i' fully to lay mil in Iniii.liii.,' a .Iniilil.' track nf tli.- ( \Vi .ti lait'liiii'l. .\ii.l. ill til.' .v'c.m,/ /;/iii'c, In 'iiiiiTrl wiili llu_. sum.' fiimi.!- liii'i., (af|.|. i',....iv 111',' tho approval of i.iirtios in l".n|;laii.). <'iiiiiioi';...l with iln' 'li'.al Wi'stirii. who lia\ o tho h..;t o|i)iiii't iiiiilii'j nf jinli^'iiiu'.) ahmil a i.i.mili ai,'o, 1 [H'r.'onallv inlirfiToil, ami. hy a rnjiid movciiiont, ih'fi'iitoil n hii.i roiir^pirmy to ilo away with our iii,li"pi.iiili.'n.'i' ol the (M'aiiil Tnitik l!aihvav in ('ana. la. mi the ono liaii.1, an. I of Ihi' rniti-i] Stat.'i' JJailwiiv.x, oast, ami wo.-tt of \\i. on the .'lln.'r. A- tluio v, a.s no liim.' .1 i.oniiiiiiM.'iit.' villi I'.niiiaii 1. I 111. 1,'lti.nk ll -t I' ilily of >t,'piiiiit; fin'wal-il, ninl, hy pa\ii Iiavi' (jot po.<*.'-<-ioii nf till' Chartor.j a' 1(1 .-itnck- nf thr wl ( i IVII t >miih ll.' till.' iiei'.'.->aiy .Ii'|."-il-. 1 Wi'ritiri; l,ii,i'. so lliiit I ,iia in n piifitimi looiiVi' il,./ >ai:i. In till' Shari.'Iiolil,>i's of th ' (Jr.'u' Wi'-f-Tii r.ailway, / : M.V iws will not milv save voiiv Stn.^k aii'l irri'iitlv iiii'i'..|-.' iu valiip a< an iiu .' ifot tin- i-onti Inl Imtli I'haii.i- whii-li I'omprift' tin Ui-fiit S..111I1 W<>iitoi'n line, nii'l linvo rlo.'tc.l tin- frii'inl'' of the Uri'iif Wi'-lrrn llnilwriy u* hiriH'tm's nf hnih. It wa-; iiiteinK.d tliat .Mr. lluni.^, tlio rrosili lit of till. (iri'iitWesfii'i;. Mr. .'. I>. Smilli, M.l'., tho I'liiiirmiin of our iJiirliKli Diri'i'Im's, iiinliiir KiiL'lish i.'i-crlor..*, ^ll^lllll luivohoon ii.ii.iiimti'.l t, slitntr half till'''.' 'icw l!oaii1:». n-; th.^ \>>'*' iio'iiii-" of .-.'I'lnini; ynnr I'milili'iu'.', hut il wa^ foiiml that tl !•' I'liaiicr^ 1,1 iroil till' l>iiiitors In ho ll -iih'iil in (ana. la. 'I'liii Imwrvii-. laii h.' airamri'il III iMlIu''''' ari' iiiiiuli.'iiiiiat,> .1 with llio (Ircnt Wo.'ti'ni. 1 Liy^ilf am l'ri"iilent of tin' Ka^li'in half of Ih,- (irnat .S.iiit.lii'rii lini', anl .liliii .Mel, 1, i.>i|iiii'i'. of Amlii'r*thiir_'l 1, o| till' Wo.Hl.'rn hall. Tlii- I'lilli'inan. ai'i'iimpami .1 hv .Ml-, lloli'i', till" Clii.'f •,ii'.;in.ii'i' .1 I 1)1 Ih" !■; i''l.'rii) half of 111" Lino, l'-h-s Iidiiiu hv lii.s sloiinii'r. Thov will ho fotiinl nt tln' oili.-o of tin- (Jroat, Wo'storn Kailwny. in ainl will h.- pripareil to it'i into uil .1. I.iil..! villi you eillior iiulivi.limlly or oolU-oIivoly, w hen I ihmlit not yon will omilially iipinini' "f all wo Imvo ilmio fur ymi. Tliuro is loiibt, liowover, that if loft to .-itiinil alino, tho l!roat Smilhi'm Kn.i 1 will I'lirin 111" tin. -I pi-nporty tlint onii ho .'oii.'oix o.l. Most no ( i>f tho wav from Niiiijara l''ii!l- to tl.o Dotmit l!ivor. tho omiiitry ii» '^nliroly '11 loro IS ■'.'ill •ly aiiv HnLMnoi'iin..' .litlii'iili \ mi ih,. illo Ii 111 tho milv I \pl T\ Thniisaliil l'oun.1.1. or iiii aoponliii'.; ns wo aio forluiinto or ollioiwiso in tho foiiniliitimi.'< ol tliu piorri. A cmiiiJoriih itlav 11 aNo ho roipiiroil in'ini: hotwooii .^lllln'r^thlll•l;ll ninl tho lliiitoil Stiito* si.lo of tli.^ Ik'troit Uivcr. ii-s in this wiiy il i* pli 1 111 roiliii.' ih" wi Ith nf th" Slcaiiih'.il IVrrv to on.' half what il i^ at tho liriiiiMi- nf I In' tJroiit WosI.m'ii Unilwav at \Viii.J.i.j Cx/f) it :-•!,.- el. \i i:- t!n • tlw C:. u! Soiilti W. -f. Til I'liii li.- I.iiilt In;- hil!f tun •• lliiiil oil.' Ii;il( lli • n-t <.| ili" t ii .mI \V,-Ui ii Uuil- u..y, I'll' I \ii;l I f. •■•,,!,• ,.1 till- u'fii'liii/ iiii'l -Iru.liiir. I.riii'.' tiiu.!" ;it hih . f .i a .'...iil,],' Tim.'K ..i lli.' ■i,..-; -iil.-l,itili:il iliiifiii'l'T. iiii'l 111'' ir 'II -I I '1,1 1 I . \. ly ii:il.-li ln'iiv i''!' lluili "ti tin- lir.'.it \\'.'.t.'iii 'i.- :,tiy Alil'li'illi \\\\\\\\ .1_V, lli'' I'iliL'i'i' - at:.! Ii . 'u'l.' 'JViiiii- nii lli. I 'I' at \V.'>'.'i II I. II. ill:.' I'Ihv ' '1 l" !'>■ iiiiK-li liiiMu |"ii'< ill ill Wi'-' :uil.ii i|i;ilnl tiy iitiy mn'. Ill n y.'ii; ..!• tvv'i ilii'i" will j.o |.|fnty of i'in|.l.'ytiii?iit Cor li.'ta lli- Giv'nl \V< .tciJi linilwiiy ai'l tli" i.rat Souili Wc^irrii llail. "•a\ .,l"'. »-,, ^:. HI m;i. !."I i-i 111. Dm-ii Jil llii' i m-iit I'... iralli.- > \\A:. lai', lli,' la, -s .'I' lli.' Iliiihv.iv" in ('iilia'!.i i-" lii.ilt" i I'V ' 'A. ,1 t'.i-tl- ■,:'• I. ,.| ll" l,'ail« a\ - ill I'tiil. -I "-Iji. . Kii-t illi'! W. : I'l iiv :i iiiiilli'f I'.'.'.'tiiiii',' .lailv laiii'.li. .,'. Ill I" 111- ill'.' V, I'll I liasr w III I. 11, I r< at- lliat I iml liav .' i \|il.iiii. 'I ,iirti'-i"iil ly lli" '■ir.'iiiii-laa •'■ \vil!i u u Im'I I'l .1. al. a 11' I I 1." .» I'l '" ' ' 'I 111 '! A I'll I- y oil liU'l ii- .''liaia lii'l'l'i • 'i |iHi|ii]'lly ■ ill -.i iIm •! yoiii U:..",. y I'l"- tli.' iI.'iiMlin.' ,'| ||,, Tia I. "I lli. !'';,• W . -■' I II l!ailu ay, y"ai I'l i'-ii.l.- li.-i .• .li-.-'iVii-i-.l a n- \\ .''.'ini' i" l"r . iii-i'l.'r.ill.ui. liy ailiiiiltili:.' llif ii"i'.'!<>ity of a l| lii'tinll III II Soinlit I II liiii' 111 III ly |iHi allil w itii oi:i> il li.'.'iiiii" :i l'I'iivi' i(;ii'-.iiiiii wIh'iIi.t \ .air tiioii. y -lioiil.) 1,, lai.l mil on ilmililitii,' tlir .iiiliiult ftii.i lil'i'iuloiis iil I ill' iJiiat \Vi-l'iii l!ail\va\ . Mviiiir tli, it lor ^/i, ',«'((// //-(i///.-, lli.' .-.'Ulloi'i l.ii.i . a- 1.. ii •.' willmut lira\y i;ia.i.i, woiiM lie |i:"fi'rri"!. W 1 mail.' 11 1" our iiiiii'l> lo 1 1 r.iiiin rii.l you ;.. ki • p llu Im my |ii'\ oli 'I |i r ". lir ili'iiMi' lia. i. ol llir i-r. at \V< -ti in Kailw .-iv. umi III iii'iilv a Hiiiilar .-U'li in tin- coii-l lu.t ii'n i.f ij,, dr. at "^"i.tK \\ i--l( in, w illi a \ 1. \'. '" il- . \ ' nli'iilly li.iii'.' '.'uli -'■. .1 u iili il>' (.|i at WoU'ru l!ail«ay, ami tn Lo I'all.'.l tin- ( Uf-t.Tii IJailway- S.irlli-ni l.iiu. Tlii" I'oiir-i' sci'iiiiil cli'iirly your illl^'l■o^^,<'M•tl il'il \\a- not ins il lui lO'il mil to li. . i .'il"oiluli''' lo ■ . --aiy to |i|i-\i ni l|n' -ii.-i'i >• nl ati"llor ri'i'i litioii of Ilir uM atl■. oii llii> si.'i . wiru ii:o\ iiif; fiTWiiril, I'Ul, « illi lIu' (.■iiiilioti ol I'ailii's wlio, wliili' aii.\ioii»i lo.'-i'r\v llnir IVirmls, It'll hnw i a-y il uoti'.l In lii ll. i i iwiiiraloi.-, .-xlciiial iiini iiilriiiii, liy u>inu' tlii'ir inllmiKi' fioiu ii]i|iali titly ililliiinl I'oiiils :ii Ijoj-laiul, i., ..v < 1 1 uu i i ii^ \ntli lai-i .'|.i . v|.|iiiiiinii:i, iiulis-i iii'i'iilii«tiiiii'i'.» ii',rainft limn wi-rr \ i ry ■ Mriionliiiaiy. or llio »'.\(.o-iiti' of llnir >''lli>li -tlniiii -^ s . ty . 'iiii|ili li-. lii tli:- -lal.' I'f I hint's, liowi vi-r, < .lUi- fcni'i'S lu'iv li.'i'auu' •' ;•;/ '.itriii'i-il-ii'ir'^, (ill'' Sto.'k iiook- 11' in'_' alti iii|iti'.| 1.1 I'l' 'ini'iililiou-*!;, . lo.-. .1, |.i |.ii \ . nl iiii\ otliri - suli-i'iiliini.', rxcoi't Mr. /.iii.iaiiniaii iiU'l iiinr I'f lii- (i i.ii'l-, l.i i;i\ i' I iiii lli.- r.intia' t on lii- <'>wi Iri iii-, aii.l t'l liaiiil om ;■ tin' Kaihvay to « liiiln-N t lu' |i'a a-.'.l.) ami nunli- il oli\i.iii- timl iiiilos'' .-oni'' imliv iilnnl. I'.i . i n-. a-nnii.'. \i;-l rrs|ioii-iliilily, (nn Ir^- a ii'.-|ioii >iliilit\ , in fiii'l, llniii 'o :-iilisi'riln' Im- lli'- wlmli' S|i..'k nf tin- (li'nl Smilli \Vi -I'l'n.i oui .ilijci-; .'iiil I ii.'V.r ai.'uin. I'l al a fiiluii' liini', lio atlaini'l of -I'l'uri'iLr llu- roiitrol nf llii- line, •"■ a- to dilVr il l'> tin- .-Iiari li'.M.'i ■■ o| ili,- di-.a' Wc.-tnii. W >■ -aw llial lln' (iralnl TfUtik « n- al'O'i' to 1" rn.ililu.l I'V llm-.- (it- liiilul-.l win. woiiiil l.uil.l tl..' ^ouIll. i i' 1 1, ail, I.' in v a. In lli.' I^n-al W't -Urn's 'I'l'ii iti'ry, ami allnin llii' ol.'irtl nf its Ioiil' ili'siir, \'\- crufxhi;! I" tin S'liilh lA llu- (ir. at W.-I'iii ;;; l.oiuliii, .iml, allri- i uniiini; paiallil witliu,s for 1 111 mill s, sciuti'. on tlic I)i-lroit l!iv>r, a lnlK'r Wi-Uin l,|iuiiiii.s llimi tlir (.'ruit Wi-K in. a^ limlin;;- ilsi If I'loUL'lit into ilin-ct .'omiuunii-atioii, mi ' nly (as wo aia i wilh tli" MirliiLraii ('ii.lral a; I'ltii'il. Kiit «illi tin.' Mit-liiLaii ."-..ullurii at Amlit'istliiiricli. Till' frii'iiil* of llii' (iraml 'I'lnnk. l.y l.iiil.lini.' tlir (ir.-al >oiit!i W. si,iii, w. i'.' not nnly alioiit to .1.. an iniinitc sirvici' lo lln' Ciaii'l Trunk, I'lit aliout to Jo an I'Xi'.iltiit lliiii',' for llu tiisolvis, llirmi'^'li oMi mlin.,' Ilo' Komi |iaialli 1 willi tlu' (inal Wostirn, nut oiilv iVoiu Dolroit to I.oiiilon, liiit from J.omlnti la-twaiil lo Siisjiiii^iiin Hiiili.',' ami liuHalo. Ami tluir saiiL'niiii' cxin'i'tatiiiii wiis lliat llo' 'irial ^Vostl'l■tl. win n inioli' to iiii|n'nr iinslmi lniifn.i. llu lo //o .V,„ili uinl lli> (/)r.i< >.;« llu S\)»(/( wouM at omc 111' rolilieil of its [iro-iiit t wciilylivo ytv ciiit. |iii'iiiiuin, ainl cviiiliially iViirliUniil into aiiiiilL'iuiiatioii wiili ilio (iraml Tiunk. Il was at this iri-is that I .-ti'ii|ii'il forwai'l ami ii^oi Imld uf tin. two Knilway Cliailors, as 1 Iwim' .'Xiilaiiuil. As 1 have liffore .sai'l, our triuui|ili is i oii,|il,'U' : — 1st. Vt'c liavo inatiagiil lo irot tl.o (il.nt >oulli Wosti |-;i a- aii ally aiui as.i.-l.inl 1.. ;lu' (aoa; \Vi .-tern Ilailwnv , \\ Inn, otiu rw in', it w I'll 1.1 hav.' 1'. . n a luo.-t I'owi-rful o|'|imi.ii! — ti.o j.uv. .-rfiil ai' i'|i]M.iirnt — if (.is was slat iil) tin N. u \ oi k d ntial ami Mii-liiL;an ('(•iilral wpri' liotli uinli r iMoiiiip.. to throw tluir « liolo Irallii' oviv this now i,-lii'al> sini;K' line, rvi ii, aliliontrli, (t.i an oiiimnlatr this \. ry trairu' ) wi' iniclit irrovoialilv liavo lunilo tin' (inal Wisli in iiioio i-xiu'iisivL' liy aihliiii; tin iloiihlu track. •iii'l. Ui'siclos ^aviiiiT Ihi >liari hoMirs of lIu' fiii-at Wc-lcirii Kailw ay from 1 1 i tain lo-- in tin- futun, ami Bii-tainiiii; llu |ii<'siii, iiri'iiiiuiii uf th.> Stock, I iiiivc |ilai'> 1 iiiysilf in a po-ilioii |.i oliVr llnni a |ii ojiorly -o muih I'ltlir than tluir own. iis, w lu n amaljjainatcil with it crailiiailv to iiu-ronac tlio [Ui niiiiiii on tlio Stock, aiiil -'ctiiii llo in-rinancm y of the lli \ iilcmls of llu; linal \\ c~li i ii Itnilwny. A vM-v liU'L'c lion us for this [iropcrty ' .iilil, no iloulit, In- ifot I'roin th" purti's « ho Jc-iro an oppo-ilimi lim, for all lulniit that the 'irio mile* of throiiith 11111(11 Villi , I'll', iriil hy llic I'liartcis in iny liamls, aii' th" liiu-.-t o,...iipi,'.l ur uiiLcnpii'l Kailw ay l.iiii.' In Aiiiii iiii, perhaps in the worlil whili' Ih.' Koa'l can lie Imill al tin- small. '-I possiMc, Il iiiiiliy In ' wi en th.. N iairaia ami li't init Kivir.-- In iii).' in ally a .Icail level. l'",n'rv cons iil'-ral ion of jirivn!. interest ..hssuaiicl nu- lioiii m. irreal an iimlii takintr ; Iml 1 was 1. .1 lo inake up my niiinl to this hoM ctnnil ill ilcfen.e of the properly of the (ircat Wesiern Kailway. in which fo many of my fiiemls are so ileeply involveil, Ky havini; il elearlv -hewn ine that our Knilwuy was alioiil heiiiL; lietraycil to inosl (low crfiil opponents hy its pretcinJeil friemls. I diil not act till nflcr I hnil it fi""i •'"■ '""^' authority tliat wiieii the late Directors of the Eustfrii half uf the (Jroat Southern Itailwoy (iiliicli liiis a r'njhl to umal- nxiniiti' llf "llin- IfW ) cxpressoil thcuisc-lves lo Mo.ssrs. Zitiiiiiormaii ami U'lteilly a? aiixiou.s to know w hat parties of influence anil means tliev lunl liehlinl them in their proposal to luiihl the Great South Kailway, they iiicnlioiicil the names of Mr. liryiljjes llie Maiiai:- 'na DirtH'tor of the (Jnat Western Kailway ! ami the II able laastns i '.(rnint,' who is I'resi.knt of the New Vol k Central, ami h is a eon- Irmiliiii: [lower in th.' .Miehiiraii Central. Il was lU'l in hi- '1 reiiL'th, Iml in the p.iw.'i- "I liulli. aii'l in llu name of ju-l iee, that any\iilual . miM laiM- ilareil lou'rajipli Hiii(..|r liiii .|r.l vwMi III. i.i.ili'l I (...v. I :,ii,. I t, llifdiaiMl 'rriii.l.. lli.' Niw Vi'l K I ■ n' nd .•ni.l |I|. \|i. Iii.-im ('• i.l i .il IIiuIh ii\ •<, ill li'ai.'ii>' u itli II ''"i>-|'iiii' y iilO'i'Ii-l *"ll -' I k<'i'' ii.^'nli' mil' liiilluii} Ik ii' lUiil ill MiiuIiiikI i may i \|>liiiii llmt in lielitintr Mr. Siitiniil Ziliiiii' III ■•'III. Ill'- i!''iil ''""'III' '• r. I'lillnl III' Itiiifiiihi hiiiii iif ' ■iiiii'lii. w. Iiiui' nil incir. llnm llii.i'ii-ii.ii l.r. •! iiiii.Ii t" iVi I lliiil Wf ni'tllllllv lui.l ill. '^ilV.I 1 111. Ill C'l I'llllll.Ill (il.l.(.-ril 111 1|.<, < )|il |.. 1 -iiM.ll (lirl|.l-lli|.« | .| i \ ill I IIH' MV i 11'/ ll |il| r t Imri « Iml i« kl'.liXVII In iVi'I'y mil' lii'ii , \\/.: tliiit Mr. /iniiin Miinii .lly luiil in lii- p.iwi iliil liiiinl'' I In' ril.linti .1 I'liiu Mii:i-ti rnj riiiuiilu, Mi. Iliii. k-. (ii mini 4 Ifl' Ml hll< llli'.l 111 In 111' ul>l> t" Kn\U ll llli rrn\ ill! > \V il Imllt II [U'i H.'il'lr I llll'l I lllll illl.'l' ( i n\ i I 1^ ll|i.nt • |l||Vi' llllinllll I I'll In Mil lllnl'. t|||||l ri.tli..'tinll-< nf Mr. llilll.-"- .1. pill till..- L'iniy. A* In ill'' ( I nill.rrnMlk'- llll\iil.\ Imlil'.nl IIJ, « (■ II. ,.l i,ii|\ j.i.ik In i|.< nru'lin iIh' Ti'Inliln l.fiulr, wliii'li imw iliiily li'i'iii- M iili ili'tiiiiii'iiiiinii^ mill iiii'ii'i'ii'iiiliit iflillr lull' |.|nr. I'.IiliL'- , lilt •I'l" llltnl II- |,i-...J nil.] |n n| iif Lnininii, wli.'lli.'i' ill.' (iiaii'l 'riiilik ili'l In. I |.|'..ini-.' lln'ii :l mal Ir'Hn l."li.lnii In M.'h'iil. iiii>M..'-i.l.. lli.' I.|. at \\ .-I. lu. Am! a- L. til. |iurl Ink. 11 ill till' inii-j.iiii.'y I'V Ml'. Ill vili:'-. llll'l 111" Uiiil\vn\'< .a-' an.! \. t .j u. n i',. ri,i|,,| ■.„,„,;„,,',. .t „i ..„.■., ,/. Urmicfl !■• ii'i.l'l t/i- <.•/•.'(' S(„il/, III liaU.-iiy. \V.. iiin-l, Imw... .-i-. vo Ini wai'l Willi. .11' .!• I;:;, in lii.- \, .,ik. ami il i- I.. Iia-I. ii I hi- tln.l Mcs*!'". M.'l..'n.liiiul II.1.I.-'.' j;.. In i:ni;liiii I. Tli.'\ will t.llymi tlia '.ir'.'iiii.alinii li..r.. i. |.. ii,..-l. linn.--' Kinjin. ,; - .,1 ll,. ._.|'riil.-i oxpiTi. i..-.av. nil lln't'iniiinl, ami in inniiiiiL: mil Ih.' I. in.. 11.1 .nn .i.l,.ial i.'ii-' uill !,.• Iia.l in \ i.u . \r.|.i , .•..ii..i,.y (wlii. Ii i- llnu'i'iil priii .'ijili-in Hail ways) till' | ii.l. tin inl, 1 -I ..It In- Sliarrlmliln.-. Ami ii- L. m.iii ariaii..'.-ni..iil- in j-jiL'laii.l. I >liiill nl nri.-.. I'.-. 1 III CUM' ill tin. I tli.i! my l.rnllni'. Mr. i'.l. r nii.liunaii nl 1 llinijim-, will . ..iim-iiI 1.1 a.l a- a-, nt in lli • |.r. -.'lit .•11—, aii.l ni-..'aiii/.- ihi-- ('niii|.iii.y in if li.' -11.1 lli.' Nri'al W'.'-tm'ii Uaihviiy, iiiakiii.' -'ir.- lliat in ■;i\ in.' .ml tli.- -liar.-, ll.. . ..n.lili..ii i- iiia.l.' lluit tlicSl.."k nf ili,.(;i',.at .'^niilli WrM.'Mi It.iilway ami "l" 111.' Im'.m' W.'-I.rii will !..■ anial'jainii. .! w! ■ n tli.. 'i;!,.- an iv . - ll,,.i ilii- .•.■,!, 1,,^ Ir^ully •.ii^'.iiiiinal. .|. | |;