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Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 AMENDED CONSTITIJTION AND OF THB $T, i.,.«^ ( In4!orporated 181(1.) WITH LI8f OF PAST 0FFI0I5 REAEEES AND UFB MEMBERS. LONIMJN: PRINTMD BY THK FRBE FR1S88 BOOK AND JOB PRlStHNtt CO., niCH;,«)KD 8T. 1874 .f] o '■3«^- i ^mm AMENDED CONSTITUTION AID BTZ'-L^A.^WTS OK TllK T. wE0B6£ >-«2 OF LONDON, (Incorporated 1S71,) WITH LIST OF ET ■"1 m at PAST OFFICE BEA11E1;S ? \.. AND * IW LIFE MEMBERS. LONDON : I'RINTHD BY THE FREE TRF.SS tOOK AND .lOB rRINflNa CO., RRilMOJ 1874 i u A P"^ RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 —READING THE MINUTES. 2.— READING ACCOUNTS AND COMMUNICATIONS. 3.— UNFINISHED BUSINESS. 4.— RECEIVING REPORTS. 5.-.ADMISSI0N OF NEW MEMBERS. C— ELECTION OF OFFICERS IN THE ORDER OF THEIR RANK IN THE BY-LAW CREATING TIJEM. 7.— NEW BUSINESS. 8.— ADJOURNMENT. ~J OFFICERS FOR 1874. u m |3re3ibent: MR. (4E0. PRITCHARD. dfirst 13ice: MR. THOS. PEARSON. (Scconb '9 ice: MR. W. WEIOHTMAN. MR. W. WEBB. cSecrctarj): MR. W. C. ROSSIE. 3^«st.-<Sccrct;iv,ij: MR. W. R MILLAR. clfiii^wcc nub Jlttbit: MESSRS. F. WESTLAKE, W. BLINKHORN, T. H. BARON. E. GALPIN, W. H. ESSERY, J. H. PRITCHARD, ^iimiijing (EommiiUti W. NICHOL, CHAS. WHEELHOUSE, J. KNICtHT. (^tanbarb §cai*cr«: JOHN EGGATT, W. FENN. ^birehal: JOHN PANNELL. Cha))latu3: VEN. J. W. MARSH,M. A. | REV. CANNON INNES, REV. J. MEDICRAFT. |9hw0ixmtts: DRS^. HARPER, CATERMOLE and PAYNE. h: ( w -A.^»^EinDElD W CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS I. \'r~^'^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ IncorporatioD, the Society shall be known as the St. George's Society of London. r ^~T^\^ Society shall consist of such persons of English or Welsh birth, or descent, as shall be elected members thereof, according to the re^^ula- tions hereinafter made. 3 —The objects of the Society are to imite Englishmen and Welshmen, arid their descendents, m a social compact for the promotion of mutual and friendly intercourse, and for affording? to persons who may be in distress their advice and counsel, and, if necessary, such pecuniary assist- ance as the funds of the Society will admit of. 4.— The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, first and second Vice-Presidents Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, a Fi- nance and Audit Committe of three members, a Managing Committee of six members, two Standard Bearers, one Marshal, two or more Chaplains, and one or more Physicians. 5. — The General Annual Meetin<^' of the Society shall be held on the second Friday in January in each year, for tlie reception of the Annual Eeport, the election of ofticers for the ensuing year, and transaction of general business. In each year there shall be foui Quarterly General Meetings, viz., the Annual General and one each on the second Friday of the months of April, July and October. Monthly meetings shall be held on the second Friday of each month throughout the year, except in January, April, July and October, as before provided. At quarterly, the Managing Committee sliall present a statement of progress of the Society. At the Annual and Quarterly Meetings, thirteen to form a quorum ; at the Monthly Meetings, seven to form a nuoruni. 6. — The annual subscriptions of members shall be one dollar, payable in advance ; and if any member shall neglect to pay his subscription to the Secretary for more than twelve months, such member's name shall be erased from the roll of the Society, and no member shall be allowed to take part in the business of the Society if three months in arrears. The subscription year shall be from the first of January to the thirty-first of December. 7. — A subscription of ten dollars shall be a life subscription, and the same with all donations of ten dollars and upwards shall be a permanent fund, unless such donations are made for specific purposes. The })ei'm}iueut funds of the Society shall be invested in the name of the St. George's Society of London, as directed by the ^Managing (Jornmittee. Tlie interest only of the permanent fund shall be applied to charitable purposes and the ordinary expenditure of the Society. 8. — Persons shall be proposed for membership at any ordinary meeting of the Society ; the elec- tion shall be by open vote, and the consent of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to the admission of a candidate ; after his election, he shall subscribe to the Constitution and By-Laws. 9. — The election of officers shall be by ballot, and a majority of all the votes present shall decide. If more than one ballot is required, the lowest member shall drop out in each successive ballot. All other business before meetings of the Society, not otherwise provided for, shall be decided by show of hands. In case of an equality, the presiding officer shall have the casting vote. 10. — The Managing Committee shall appoint the place for holding the meeting of the Society. The President, or in his absence a Vice-President, shall have the power to call special meetings as •often as he may deem it necessary, or upon the requisition of five members, stating the object; but of all of which he shall give due notice to the Secretary, who shall give at least three days* notice to the members by advertising in the 8 public papers or otherwise, naming therein the object of the meeting, its time and place, as he may be directed to do by the President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, as well as generally to Superintend the concerns of the Society ; but in the absence of the President at any meeting, then the ilrst Vice- President shall preside ; or, in case of his absence, the second Vice-President ; or, in their absence, such members as may be elected by the meeting. 11 — Tlie Treasurer shall have the custody of the money and other property of the Society ; he shall keep regular accounts of his receipts and expenditures in suitable books provided for that purpose ; he shall honor and pay the drafts of the members of the Managing Committee ; he shall, at each quarterly meeting, present an abstract of his accounts, stating the sum received and expend- ed since previous meeting, signifying the cash in hand, that the Society may, if they think proper, determine as to the disposition thereof; he shall enter on his books each sum paid by him on the reconnnendation of the Managing Committee, the names of the memb?rs who si^^ned the order, and of the person to whom the money was paid ; he shall receive from the Secretary all the funds of the Society, and shall, en leaving office, deliver to his successor the books, papers and other effects remaining in liis hands. 12. — The Secretary shall keep a fair registry of all proceedings, orders, rules and regulations of the Society, and shall cause the same to be entered in a suitable book provided for that purpose. He shall receive all the subscriptions and donations to the Society, and shall hand them over to the Treasi'rer within one insonth after receipt. He shall 'Aimmon the Society as directed by the Managing Committee. 1 Z. — The Managing Committee shall take full cliarge of all business relating to the Society, and ail applications for relief coming before them shall be dealt with only after due investigation. All drafts on the Treasurer, or orders for relief, shall be signed by one member and countersigned by the Chairman of the Managing Committee, who shall keep a record in a suitable book pro- vided of all orders granted, shewing the name of the applicant, the natuie of the relief, and the name of the member of the Committee who signed the order. In the absence of the Chairman, any member of the Committee may countersign orders,, but all orders so countersigned must be recorded in the Chairman's book before mentioned. 14. — The Finance and Audit Committee sliall be a standing committee, to whom all financial affairs of the Society shall be referred for enquiry or investigation ; to audit the accounts and report to the Society at general or ordinary meetings. No other office-bearer shall be eligii3le for this Committee. 15. — The anniversary of St. George shall be celebrated as may be determined at the Monthly lO Meeting in March. No expenses of any anniver- sary festival, or of any social entertainment whatever, shall be charged against the funds of the Society. 16. — The Secretary and Treasurer shall, one week previous to the Annual Meeting, lay before the Finance and Audit Committee the books, papers and vouchers, the property of the Society' which they shall duly examine and certify to the correctness of the same. 17.— It shall be- tlie duty of the Physician to give liis advice and professional assistance to any sick or maimed persons who may be recommended to his care by the Managing Committee. The cost of drugs and medicines em.ployed by the Physician shall be defrayed by the Society, on vouchers being presented to the Treasurer,endorsed by the Committee. 18. — In the event of any vacancy occurring in the othces of President, Vice-Presidents, Secre- tary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, in the Board of Management, or other Committee, a successor shall be elected by ballot at the next General Meeting, or a Special Meeting may be called by the President or one of the Vice-Presidents for that purpose. 19. — The introduction of political or religious subjects, or their discussion, shall never be allowed at any meeting, of the Society. *^0.— The members of this Society shall faith- fully observe and conform to all the rules and 1 1 regulations that shall be made by tho Society and entered in the books thereof, on pain of being dismissed from it, and having their names erased from the list of members. 21. — That the foregoing By-Laws shall be J altered and amended at General Meetings only, and no motion of alteration or amendment shall be made unless notice shall have been given to the members, through the Society, in manner provided. Any new rule or by-law may be established by a simple majority of votes ; but no existing rule can be repealed or essentially altered without a two -thirds vote in favor of such repeal or alteration. 22. — Any member sliall be liable to expulsion if guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of this Society ; such member to be notified ot the charge in writing by the Secretary two weeks before the meeting immediately following the making of the charge. The accused ay then elect to be tried . by the Managing Committee, or by a Committee of the Whole, provided that the accuser be present. 23. — The Standing Committees shall elect their own Chairman as early as possible after the Annual General Meeting. 24. — On the death of a member, the Secretary being notified, shall advise members, through the local press or otherwise, to attend the funeral. SECRETARY'S REPORT. The records of your Society for the past year, show con- tinued progress, and that it has still continued to fulfil the objects of its promoters in a more marked degree than hitherto. Your officers have felt that it would enhance the stabihty of your Society by increasing the permanent funds as much as possible, and, with this view, have solicited life subscriptions, which, in accordance with your By-Laws bearing on this question, has been invested for the benefit of the Society. In accordance with this object, your Com- mittee appointed for that purpose, took ten shares of accumulating stock in the Dominion Savings and Investment Society, which was afterwards converted into paid-up stock. A subsequent Committee was appointed, who took five shares of accumulating stock in the Agricultural Investment Society and Savings Bank, all of which is drawing dividends. In consequence of Mr. Arkell's resignation as ycur Treasurer, caused by removal from the city, Mr. Henry Taylor was elected your Treasurer, but subsequently resigned, and was succeeded by Mr. Wm. Webb, your present Treasurer. The Anniversary Supper, provided by the Vice-President of the Society, Mr. Galpin, in the City Hall, was well attended, and passed off very pleasantly. Telegraphic congratulations were exchanged with our fellow Societies of Toronto, Strathroy and Detroit. On the Sunday succeeding the Anniversary, a special service was conducted in St. Paul's Church on behalf of the Society, by your Society's Chaplain, . the Rev. Mr. Marsh preaching an eloquent and patriotic sermon to the members and others assembled. The proceeds from the Anniversary, after paying expenses, ■ was $29.03, which was placed to the credit of your Relief Fund. The annual pic-nic at Pt. Stanley was very largely attended. A pleasing feature in connection with this event, was the presentation of a new Dominion flag to the Society, procured by your energetic President, Mr. James Griffin, who opened a ten cent subscription for that purpose at the previous Anniversary Supper, by which means your Society became possessors of a veiy nice flag in addition to your handsome silk banner. The day at "Port" was very >'t* ^3 ^T» pleasantly spent, and it was very generally acknowledged that St. George's picnics were becoming more popular each succeeding year. Th^ tinancial result over expenses was $17.05 in favor of the Society's funds. By resolution, it was decided to amend the By-Laws of your Society, and a Committee appointed for the purpose, whose report was received, amended and adopted, and ordered to be compiled and printed; but subsequently it was decided by resolution to defer printing in order to embrace the Annual Report and the list of membership in the same book. The Members' Roll of your Society for the past year number 24 life members and 203 ordinary members — a large accession over previous years. Some of the ordinary members included in this list afterwards became life members. In order to form a special fund for Christmas cheer for the poor, irrespective of nationality, your Christmas Relief Committee were successful in carrying out the arrangements for the Christmas soiree, which, with the pictures giv^en by Messrs. Ashton and Weigh tman, and drawn for at the Mechanic's Institute, together with the " benefit " given by Miss De Montford, supplemented by generous donations from friends of the Society, placed 336.27 cash at the disposal of this Committee, and groceries, meats, provisions, clothing, &c., to the value of about |175; in all, over .foOO worth of food and clothing was distributed with as much care as circumstances would permit, during Christmas and >Jew Year's week, with the exception* of a balance of |54.03 remaining to the credit of this Committee for further relief purposes. You will observe from your Treasurer's statement that the financial position of your Society has been strengthened during the year, and in accordance with your By-Law bearing on the subject, all life subscriptions, and special donations fcr *^^hat pxirpose, has been invested, interest from which can aiCxie be iised for relief purposes, from which source you have an increasing revenue, supplementing the ordinary members' subscription . I regret to report the loss by dea,th of two of our members the past year, namely : Mr. A. W. Brown o,nd Mr. John Hibbert. GEORGE PRITCHARD, Sfcrdary. H Annual Statement of the London RECEPTS. To balance brought forward from 1872 $ 11 10 Ordinary members' subscriptions 208 00 ** ** donations 6 00 Life members' subscriptions 70 00 51 et proceeds of anniversary, dinner and service at St. Paul's 29 03 Balance from Banner Fund 5 52 Interest on Saving Bank deposits 4 60 July dividend on Huron & Erie stock 3 33 July and January dividend on Agricultural stock ... 4 49 January dividend Dominion Savings and Investment Society stock 25 00 January dividend Huron & Erie stock 2 50 Savings Bank withdrawals 501 58 Net proceeds of picnic 17 05 $883 20 ASSETS. One share Huron & Erie Savings and Investment Society's stock '. | 63 00 Ten shares Dominion Savings & Investment Society's paid-up stock 525 00 Five shares Agricultural Investment and Savings Society's accumulating stock 82 68 Balance deposited in Molson Bank 21 78 Balance in Treasurer's hands 42 76 'A. $735 22 iMf 15 St. George's Society for 1873. EXPENDITURES. By paid 66 relief orders % 127 73 *' 10 shares Permanent Stock Dominion Sav- ings and Investment Society 525 00 By paid 5 shares Accumulating Stock Agricultural Investment and Savings Society 82 68 By paid printing and advertising 39 25 Deposited in Molsons Savings Bank . 61 78 Insurance on banner and postage 4 00 Cash balance in Treasurer's hands 42 76 00 50 58 05 I 883 20' LIABILITIES. Unpaid relief orders and other charges, estimated at $ 30 00 Actual assets 705 22 . $735 22 WILLIAM WEBB, Treas. Examined and found correct. W. R. MILLAR, ) AuDiiOKs WM. BLINKHORN- \ ^^^^^^^^^ •7 ; I l^ifc iHembeui. Mk. F. W. Thomas, ISO'S. Mr. E. B. Keed, 1S6S. Mil. H. Taylor, 1871. Mr. Thos. Carling, 1S72. Mr. Jno. Pannell, 1S72. Mr. Jno. Wright, 1S72. Mr. Thos. Heamen, 1872. Mr. Geo. Pritchard, 1872. Mr. Jno. Taylor, 1872. Mr. a. Ponty, 187?. Mr. James Griffin, 1872. Mr. W. Carling, 1872. Mr. Jas. Jeffrey, 1872. Mr. Thos. Thompson, 1872. Mr. Jno. Williams, 1872. Mr Ed. Coleman, 1872. Hon. .John Carling, 1872. Mr. Chas. Wheelhouse, 1873. Mr. Wm. Pope, 1873. Mr. Robt. Arkell, 1873. Mr. Jno. Bait, 1873. Mr. W. H. Rooks, 1873. Mr. Wm. Webb, 1873. Dr. Landor, 1873. Mr. Wm. Weightman, 1873. Mr. Thos. Pearson, 1873. Mr. Robt. Pritchard, 1873. Mr. T. H. Carling, 1873. ^km '.TlTTif 1tin|-, ""■'" — '^fimr-Mi i f i_ I ORDOARY MEMBERS FOR 1S7;^ -<hi INCLUDING NEW MEMBERS TO 1st MAY, 1874. } Ar Brown, A. W. Dyde, C. Bilton, E. S. Darch, K, Anderson, H. Burroughs, Philip Drake, B. Andrews, Jos. Burridge, John Duffield, J. Adcock, R. Breuton, Thos. 'Daw, Jno. Allen, B. Brown, W. G. Back, W. Dunn, James ■ B Bartlett, L. Bridle, Oliver E Brown, Chas. Essery, W. H. Balkwill, J. A. C Elliott, W. (Judge.) Brummitt, E,. Eldridge, J. Beaton, Jno. Chapman, Chas. Evans, Jno. Bartlett, Jno. Chadwick, Sam'l Evans, J. Booth, Timothy Churcher, Thos. Errington, E. Breathwick, J. C. Coombs, H. Emery, A. S. BuUen, W. F. Carter, D. Elliott, J. H. Brunton, W. Y. Crow, J. J. Eldridge, John Balkwill, jr.,Wm. Cave, Alf. Eckley, H. K. Blinkhorn, W. Congdon, Wm. Eggatt, C. sen. Bousfield, W. H. Cox, J, B. Eggatt, C jun. Bartram, T. A. Chalcraft, F. Eggatt, John Bawden, Geo. Courtridge, Wm. Crack, Ttenry Brown, W. S. F Baron, J. H. Busby, Jas. D Fields, Geo. Brydges, 0. E. Fairbanks, Wm. Bruce, Henry Dyson, W. Fuller, F. Bennett, John Dutton, Saml Fox, C. J. Bowman, ). Darch, J. F. Fields, R. E. ■ d -tiftfm mt m mimmmt$m Farncomb, Thos. Feiin, Wm. Fenn, John G Groves, H. Galpin, Joa. Galpin, E. Griffin, G. J. Groom, W. S. A. Green, Thos. Gilbert, M. A. Greason, Michael Gavill, S. Garside, Joseph Garside, Thos. (xarside, Wm. Garside, James Hall, T. A. Harper, Dr. Hutchinson, C. (UROWN ATTORNKY.) Hindmarsh, J. Harley, T. A. Hooper, Jno. Hunt, C. B. Haymen, Wm. Hardie, H. Harding, F. Hawthorne, T. Hickson, S. Harris, Jno. Hearn, R. Hands, Hunter, Geo. Harris, G. B. Hookaway, Robt. Haymen, John Hodges, Geo. Howeli; Ed. Howell, James Hillson, Frank Howe, A. W. JeweU, G. F. Johnson, J. Jarmvii, B. Jell, H. James, R. Jenkins, Wm. K Kidner, R. Kelley, H. Knight, J. Key, Thos. Lawrence, D. Leys, J. B. Lentall, T. Luard, A. Lamb, E. Louring, J. Lewis, J. Land, E. Loyd, Thos. Lamson, A^^m. Lee, Edward Luff, Wm. Lee, Geo. J. M Mitchell, B. A. Mason, J. S. Miller, W. R. Metherell, Wm. Moore, W. R. Mummery, S. Minhinnick, J. R. Medicraft, Rev. J. Michelmore, Thos. Meredith W. R. M.P.P. Nattrass, Jno. Nicols, Wm. jOverell, J. lOnslow, W. V. Puddicombe, R. W. Phillips, Geo. Parish, Geo. Peters, Geo. Pritchard, J. H. Pegler, Anthony. Pennington, Jno. Pegler, Jno. Pook. Geo. Peel, J. R. Peters, John Plant, Wm. Palmer, J. C. Puddicombe, Jno. Perrin, James Pritchard, Jos. Philipps, W. H. Q Quick, Robt. B Keynolds, li. J. Rowland, F Riley, C. W. Rossie, W. C. Reyner, Jno. Richards, Rowe, Wm. Russell, G. W. Riley, W. J. Richardson, J. Rodgers, Ed. Rapley, Jesse Rudd, C. B. Robinson, Alf. Routledge, W. E. Raymond, John S Smyth, J. B. Smyth, A. G. Saunders, Wm. Slater, E. K. Southam, W. Symonds, Jno. Stephens, W. Some, R. Sainsbury, J. T. Spry, A. W. Spettigue, J. Syer, E. W. Sparrowhawk, R. Sayer, T. Suard, A. Shopland, J. Stockwell, C. Smith, Robt. Stalker, Joseph Shears, Chris. Slater, James Steads, Chas. Segsworth, John Tanton, Jno. Taylor, E. A. Tanton, Thos. Tomlinson, Thos. Teeple, Jno. Treggatt, Jas. Tibbs, Jno. Taylor, Jno. Turville, <.c(). Thompson, W. H. Teeple, E. Thorn, L. Taylor, Geo. Thorn, Chas. Trebilcock, Wm. Tucker, Wm . * V Vernon, T. W Westlake, F. Whetter, R. Warner, Wm. Wellington, C. Welch, Sam'l Weston, Amos Wheeler, Frank Wilkinson, J. Watson, Wm. Wetcombe, Jos. Weld, Wm. Wilson, Chas. Wilkins, Sam. Wilson, Wm. Young, Mr.