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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. rata D leiure, I A 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i- I- I T>'?.\''5'?"V"f "'>;■'■■■« V I »■■"»■ r:f--^rF-'<-j— . '- .:r'r-irT»f nr^^nr ^ -t— tr- iJ^ON AND BRASS FOUNDER Light [and Orna- mental Castings, Vault Doors, ,^ lijHi iron Columns and Candelabras in new designs. Locomotive and Car Fittings, Telegraphic and Electrical Instruments and Supplies, Fire Alarm Apparatus, Artistic Bronzes, Church Ornaments, Lamps and Gazeliei's, Copper Works, Cooking Rangen for ^ • ^ ' Hotels, Hospitals and Private Houses, i-ylti''-^i'i^-t:l^*:$l MANUFACTURER OF' , Tower, M and Locomotive INCLUDING CHIMBS AND PBALS. GAS AND COAL OIL BURNERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Steam Fittings, Coil Screens, Hot Water and Steam Apparatus, French Window Fasteners and Espagnolettes, Railway Supplies of all descriptions, Electric Apparatus and Tiupplies, Builders' Hardware. Office and Works, 587 to 593 Craig Street r. I i j , -. I . " p'i w^"

i ■*^ A i ■ "!■ .:^T^ ••• ; '" -« T'^:^y~~7~rrr V'T" •3c . ~?" : ' : T .gJ ':t~— :- Have Superior Accnminodation for Saloon, Iiitermecliate ■ jifji and Steerage Passengers. SALOON TICKETS, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, $40.00f $50-00 and $60.00. RETURN TICKETS, $80.00, $90.00 AND $110.00, According to Steamer and Accommodation. INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE AT LOW RATES. For tiirtlier particulars and to secure Berths, apply to H. B. MURRAY^ Gen^l. Manager, 4 cmTOM movi$n i^qwAEE, MQmMESii^ OV to the Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities, r ^ \# Works; Mill cJt, aad Lxohiiw Canal. Warehouses 146 MoGill St- ¥ ■ ■i ,6 CANADA TRUSS^FACTORY. -:— EstabUsiied 4886 — - 712 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. Surgical Instri^ument Maker. . TrufjBeBo( every cie80|-ipti l859>) DESI6NER UND EN6RAVER ON WOOD ■ . ■ i ; - ■' Foreslry Chambers, 132 St. James Street, And 116 ST. F RANCOI S XAJflER STREET. OBiaiKAX; DRAWINGS TRilFARED TO ILtUS- TBATE ANY SOBJECT. PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOS. \lews of Biiildingrs* Hotels, Scenery, Etc. Cuts Qf lUiiHtrated CHtalogHe^ autl Price Lists, Labels, Cuts for Circulars, Newspapers, Patented Articles, Etc., Etc. PINE CUTS FOR POSTERS, ELECTROTYPINQ. ETC. Orders promptly attended to, cend sent per Express^ Eirpp:. USJIg. iiiiiiiU ? i *■ > i k ; ^r (BY ^PATENT MACHINERY.) Office ^ Factory, 642 LagaucKetiere'Sti MONTREAL kt f ^:/ r ft .; f^ii Elvery description of Corks mi haiul aiid cut to order; also Cork wood *: ;. ■ i >■ i ,; \\ s's \ i '■ *"*^ Cork IMe Preservers. , : ' ; ', . ^ , ■ ;, ' ■ Ail sizes df h'srid and's'ttft Wood Taps, Bunge^ Spiles; Caps, Bptfling Wife' and Wax, dale ' Bottle Baskets, Tinfoil, Coi'lc Ijf riving and Capsniind Niioi^ines, Capsules, ^o., &c. MANUFACTURERS OF ■'■; A ■ rsmys, SM Eoiines Lak J(C: &s. - ' n BAKERS' AND CONFECTIONERS' MACHINB9T Nazareth, Brennan and Dalhousie Streets, ;i ^ T* Anni Olaime "cal offi Loans -EWli -i-i» .^ t-^ JLl If > ''• ^ < ^t -0 E8TABUSHED 1820. o- -vV- ■-»-»--^w-v.-v^.' THE HX- SIANOARD ^ LIFE ^^ ASSURANCE ^ COMPANY ^ HEAD OFFICES: Edinburgh, Scotland and Montreal, Canada. ANVIJJAIm RXSPORT^ 1889. Amount of Assurances accepted during the year 1888 for which 2972 Policies were issued - $7,282,205.07 Annual Premiums on new Policies during the year 1888 - - - - - - - 281,064.93 Claims under Policies during the year 1888, inclusive of Bonus Additions - - _ - _ 2,867,352.40 Amount of Policies issued, during the last five years 31,313,145.60 Subsisting Assurances at 15th November, 1888^ of ■jh ~ which $6,882,000.00 are Re-assured with other offices - 101,258,149.14 iiccumulated Funds^ $34^019^523.27 Annual Revenue - - $4^525^703.13 Olaims settled in Montreal, giving to this Company all the advantages of ' local office, with the benefits of an extended business and connections otherwise. Loans advanced on Mortgage of Policies to the extent of the office value. wEWIS & KIRBY, W. M. RAMSAY, Agents, Wbmipeg, Mau. Manager, Montreal. ROBT. WARD & CO., Agents, Victoria, B. C. 10 ElBT^BIilSHED 1820- EASLE «> FOUND RV OBORCE BRUSH^ f4 to 34 KING and QUEEN STREETS, - MONTREAL Steam Engines. Steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, CIRCULAK SAW MILLS, BARK MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS. ORE CRUSHERS* MILL SEARINS. SHAFTIN8, HAN0ER8 AND PULLIES. SPECIALITIES HAND ELEVATORS f AND POWER — Sole maker in Dominion of — HOISTS. BLA KE'S CHtiLEHiiE^ sTnME BREAKER. M ONTREAL ' W ALL « P aperV F ACTORY. COLIN MCARTHUR & CO.. il Ul '*' e ® O ■ \ ». ESw^MmHViaifsMgKBr^ T MMK-M ^' 11 Bf I WARDEN KING & SON, TREAL Pumps, PULLIE8. ITS. KER. iORy! 3 M •» -n o U 3 (D 2 w ^ Q — o of O o Q o_ Or CD (SUCCKSSOKS TO JlOdKRH & KING,) CRAIG STREET FOUNDRY, 637 & 639 Craig St., Montreal, MANUFACTUUKRS .VNI» TATKNi OF Spence's Hot Water and Steam Boilers, steam and Hot Water F)** ags, Soil and Greenhouse Pipes and Fittings, Plumbers' and Builders' Wa,re, and Stable Fittings. Hachiiiery and Castings of Every Description* H. SI. I"VES &c acD.:, MANUKACTUUKKS OK STOVES, HARDWARE, IRON BEDSTEADS, IRON RAILINGS, CRESTINGS, &c. SOIL PIPE A SPECIALTY. Office and Warehouse : Queen St., Montreal. J. 6. T. GLZSGHORltf^ Agent^ S4 Princess St., WINNIPEG, Man. THE OA.3^^D^ "V^T^IE/B CO., H. R. IVES, President and Manager, MANUFACTURERS OF BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING, TWO AND FOUR-POINT. Office and Works : Queen Street, Montreal, MERRICK, ANDER30N A CO., Agents, WINNIPEG, Ma r I? ..:, 12 MIOBTH SULi Fire and Life Insurance Goi EDINBURGH and LONDON. ^-^^ ESTABLISHED 180». Subscribed Capital, $12,500,000. ESTAlEILISMMBI^'r IN €ANABA s MANAGING DIRECTOR : THOS. DAVIDSON, Esq. DIRECTORS : Gilbert Scott, bsq., of Messrs. Wm. Dow & Co. ; Arch. Macnider, Esq-, Chief Inspector Bank of Montreal; W. W. Ogilvie, Esq., of A. W. Ogilvie & Co. IjES"\7VUS cfc JESLXfiLlS'^r) Agents for Manitoba. Head Office for the Dominion In Montreal . THOMAS DAVIDSON, General Agent. KNOX'S # SALMON * TWINES AND FISHIMG MITS. Knox's Tailors' Threads, CLAPPERTON'S SPOOL COTTON. » SOLE AQENTS KOR CANADA : §. i« iOiS & £0 648 CRAIG ^ STREET, . imoiffTRisAi:.. .13 M THE CANADIAN RUBBER GO., MANUFACTURERS OF Rubber Shoes, Felt Boots, Lumbermen's Shoes, Pure Gum Boots, Belting, Steam Packing, Engine, Hydrant, and Suction Host. Scc, S:c. OFFICE AND V^AREROOMS: 335 St. Paul Street, Hontreal, AND Cor. Front & Yonge Streets, Toronto, -rOHN WIl^ON & SON, ^!l,A^i.iow. tlAMKS R. WILSOX, MoNTBEAI, THOMAS ROBERTSON & CO , MONTREAL AND GLASGOW. Factory and Stores ; Cor. Common & Colborne Sts. Oill<'e and Warcrooins ; 642 CRAIG SIREET. WIL.LIAM BAIRD & CO., Glasgow, '• tiaitslicnie, " " Kylinton," COLTNESS IRON CO., Limited, Glasgow, "c:oUness,""^"D.ilinellinRton.' LONSDALE HEMATITE IRON CO., Whitehaven, "Lonsdale." CHAS. HUSTON & SONS, " I.ukens" Rolling .Mills, Coatesville, Pa. SHANKS & CO., Barrhead. THOMAS CLOVER & CO., London. LEEDS FORGE CO., Leeds. DAVID COLVILLE & SONS, " D.ilzell Iron and Steel Works," Motherwell. IMI'OBTKR.S OF IHg and 3lnnufactwe(l Iron ami Steel of all Descriptions, Metal and Tin Plate Merchants. Manufacturers of Wraught Iron Tubing for Gas, Steam and Water, also Wilson's Celebrated Lap-welded Boiler Tubes. :\liiile from IKON «>r STKKI.. Proprietors of Montroul Lrints, apply to any TICKET AGENT OF THE CAXVA^IAN PACIFIC RAILVirAY. 3EO. OLDS, ROBERT KERR, Oen'lTrattlcMani. PaSB. Traffic Manager, Uen'l I'ass. Agent, Western Pac. Div, M JTREAL. MONTRKAL. WINNIl'EO, Man. D. MoNICOLL, Goii'l Pass. Agont, MONTRKAL. 18 KJiG UL. ATIONS FOK THE SALE OF . , Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. The Canaditiii racilii: Uailwny t'Diupaiiy offer for sale some of tlip finest Agricultural I-amls in Manitoba and the Noriiiwest. 'I'liese land-;, wliicli extend twenty-four miles on each side of the main line, will be dis])ose(l of at luices rallying' FROM $2.00 PER ACRE UPWARDS. Detailed jirices can be oblaiiied from llie Land Commissioner at Winniiieg. TERMS OF PAYMENT. If paid for in full at time of iHiiclias( , a Deed of foiiveyance will be (;iven ; but the purchaser may pay one-tenth in cash, and the balance in msialments spread over nine years, with interest at six per cent, per aniuini, payable at tbe end of the year with eacii instalment. GENERAL CONDITIONS. All sales are subject to the following; conditions : I. — All iniprovemciUs placed upon land purchased to be maintained thereon until the final payment has been made. 2. — All tuxes anc' •xssessments lawfully imposed upon the land or improvements to 'w paid by the purchaser. 3. — The Company reserve from sale, iiiuler these reyulalions, all mineral and coal lands, and lands containin}; timlKi in (|uamilies. stode, slate and marble (juarries, lands with water-power thereon, and tracts for town sites and railway puipo.se^. 4. — Mineral, coal and tindier lands and <|uarries, and lamls controlling water-power will be disposed of on very moderate terms to ])(.rsoiis i^iviii^' sal isfai'.ory evidence of their intention and ability to utilize the same. Liberal rates for settlers and theii effects will be granted by the Company over their railway SOUTHERN MANITOBA LANDS. The LAND GRANT OF TllK MA.\1T01'..V StJUTlI-WESTERN COLONIZATION RAILWAY COMI'ANY, now placed on the markei, oilers special attractions to purchasers. It consists of over 1,000,000 acres of the elioieesl lard in America, well ailapted for grain growirg and mixed farming, in a belt 21 miles wide, iinniodiately north of the International Boundary, and from ranye 13 (west ist meridian) westward, 'I'luu portion of ihis <.!rant lynig in Manitoba is well settled (the homesteads haviiiL; been long taken iiu). Purchases will at once have all the advanta- ges of this early settlement, such as schools, elnnciies, and mui.icipal organization. The fertility of the soil has been amply demonstrated by the splendid crops which have been raised from year to year in that district. The country is well watered by lakes and streams, the principal of which are Rock Lake, Telican Lake, Whitewater Lake and theSouris River, and its tributaries, while never-faihng spring creeks take their rise in the Turtle Mountain. Wood is plentiful, and lumbe> suitable for budding purposes is manufactured at Desford and Wakopa, and may be purchased at reasonable prices. At the latter ])'aee a jurist mill is also in operation. The terms of purchase of the Manitoba South-Western Colonization Railway Conipuny are the same as those of the Canadian Laeilic Railway. The Company have for sale on liheral terms lots ni the following towns along the line: Mar- quette, McGregor, Austin, .Sidney, Carberry, Sewell, Chater, llrandon, Treherne, I lolland, Cypress River, Glenboro, tbetna, Movdenville, Manitou, LaRivieie, (Crystal City, Pilot Mound, Cartwright, Holmfield, Killarncy, Whitewater, Deloraine, Ninga, Piuni Coulee, Carmen, Douglas. For further particulars apply to L. A. HAMILTON, Land Commissioner, Winnipeg. NOTE. — All i>aynients are to be remitted by the imrchaser direct to the Land Commissioner, Winnipeg. Local land agents are not autliori-ed to a(,-eei>t or receipt for any monies in payment for land. , ^ BRITISH COLUMBIA TOWN SITES. For full information regardini; the Town lots in \ nncoiiver and Kamioops, write to J. M. BllOWNING, Vancouver, B. C. 19 Manatfor 'l\-lc-ia])lis MONTREAL. B. S. JENKINS, Siipt. Western Division, WINNIPEG. This is the only Company having direct communication through CANADIAN TERRITORY with all pointa in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba,v the Northwest Territories and British Columbia. The splendid new wires ef this Cumpany, of the heaviest guage yet strung, admit of the working of direct circuits with NEW YORK, MONTREAL, OTTAWA and TORONTO in the East, and VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SAN FRANCISCO in the West, thus avoiding the repetitions and consequent delays which occur on other Companies' Lines. The Company's UNITED STATES connections aflTord the most direct route and at lowest rates to all points in the United States. This Company has direct wires working into the Com- mercial Cable Co.'s office at Canso, N. S., where the main Atlantic Cable lands, and is thus able to afford the most direct and prompt Cable CommunicatioU wich Great Britain, France, Germany and all parts of the World. HEAD OFFICES: Cor. St. Francois Xavier & Hospital Sts., Montreal, Que. HEAD OFFICE, Western Division: ^ No. 471 Main Street, Winnipeg, Man. :\y 20 -iH^ l lHI • «■ » < . iieriiiL ti^AOE nmioiA|Li.T 0iirailiii *oi» U^ rip, iMoMTeiili^ A in^^ ^ ■ — ' ' ' " f "; ' I ; 1 ^ . i " 'I " i » . "— ' ..' . / 1.- ' V '. ' ..I "' ' "" ^1 ' ,- ■ J y. i ^ '' -■^>,' t- T- 11 ipa^lfiBi •WMfyMrriipi*:it ^ -v / i •/ '■#l'" ) fekLklNQ AOSIIflit (£ B. HEfii)^SOir # '<» y "I. J -mr:' T 1 , :.:.^i ,-* -v.'. if-"*': J^|,gg|jg|y,g| Kff-: HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. P^OK; 1890, CONTAINING L OF THE CITIES VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA AND A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. t ■ ■f ■ > ■■ ! J- f ;■ ^ IPE.IOE, S3.00. PUBLISHED BY THE HENDERSON DIRECTORY CO., VICTORIA, B. C. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year One Thousand" Eight Hundred and Ninety, by the Henderson Directory Co., in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. 3475 iMMm: (LIMITED), (Soccessors to Toronto BriigeCo.,) Manutacturers of IRON AND SUEL BRIDGES FOR mmi m highways, IBON ROOFS, Turntables, Iron Piers ANDTREStUES, Bridge Eods, Sight and Left Sa&d Sleeve 17uts, and all SindsofStrtictval Iron Work. AT LACHINB, p. Q GENERAL OFFICE: Room No. 2, Windsor Hotel, MONTBEAL, P. Q. Address.inquiries.in response to this advertisement to lion Brill! Go. (IJMITED), MONTREAL, P. Q. PREFACE. ■« The Publishers have much pleasure in submitting herewith the annual edition of their British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory. Great care has been taken in compiling and revising the Work, which, we trust, will meet with the approbation of our subscribers. Special attention is called to our Street Directories, they being the first ever published of the Cities of Vancouver and Victoria. Every effort has been made to secure the christian names in full, which, we believe, will be of advantage. We desire to announce that the Directory of the City of Vancouver contains 999 names over that of last year, showing an increase in population of 3997 ; and the Directory of the City of Victoria contains 3005 names over that of last year, showing an increase in population of 5241 : Vancouver has 3630 uami;s, multiplied by 3 10,890 Hoating population and Chinese 2,000 Estimated population 12,890 Victoria has 5566 names, multiplied by 3 16,698 Floating population and Chinese 3,500 Estimated population 20,198 The names of the residents of Victoria in 18G3, published in the Directory for that year, which also appear in the present edition, are given as they then appeared, and will no doubt prove of interest. Attention is specially called to our complete Classified Diuectory. All the work pertaining to our Directories is doue by men traiueil ^o the work, and who are engaged at it the year round. To make a Directory absolutely correct is impossible ; but we believe that this volume is an nearly correct as it is possible to make it, with the ever changing population of a now country. To our many kind friends who have r 3 vised proofs, and without whose assistance it would have been impossible to secure other reliable information, we take this opportunity of returning our sincere thanks. It is our intention to publish this work annually, corrected and revised to date of publication, keeping up with the rapid development of the country. Thanking our patrons for their encouragement, courtesy and liberal support, our endeavors will be to merit a continuation of their favor. L. G. HENDERSON, Compiler. Victoria., January, 1890. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Paob Abbott k Co., Montreal 14 Auld John, Montreal 7 Ball Electric Light Co., Toronto 463 Bank of British Columbia 280 Bank of British North America, Victoria 459 Bewicke & WulffVohn, Vancouver Facing 291 Bwdemeyer W., Vancouver Facing 291 British Columbian, New Westminster 114 Brown Bros., Harrison Springs 623 Brush Geo., Montreal 10 Burland Litiifi>.'rRphic Co., Montreal../'ac»n^629 Canada Jute Co., Montreal 48 Canada Papci <"o,, Montreal 3 Canada Shipii ig Co., Montreal 4 (vanada Truss Factory, Montreal 6 Canada Wire t/c, Montreal 11 Whetham C, 4 Co., Vancouver Car s Wilson J. C, & Co., Montreal Inside bnc': cover Wiseman Jas. L., Montreal 8 Woods, Turner 4 Gamble, New Westmins- ter On cover World, Vancouver...; 278 Zimmer Prof. Qeo. E., Vancouver 212 COIjTTEJ^TS. Pasr Cards 1 10 463 and Dep. 641 224 10 466 3r)3 92 168 .. Front covr ice Go... \i 642 Curds 15 6.14 er 617 Card* 279 277 Cards \n3teT..Card8 • ...On Cover il 13 62!) 12 Cards 'eT..On cover 369 ia,l.. ..Faninff e hack cover no real 9 15 stmins- ..Back cover 64H 16 • • 14 461 ciation. Front Edge 31)3 C 4fi:> Car's Inside bnt (■ cover 8 itmins- •■ On cover 278 312 Preface 43 Index to Advertisers 44 I Classified Business Directory 603 if C. P. R. Pacific Division Directory '. 213 Gazetteer and Directory 49-194 iNanainio Directory 91 New Westminster Directory 115 Vancouver Street Directory 225 " Alphabetical Directory 281 Victoria Street Pireetory 389 " Alphabetical Directory 467 " Directory, 1863-1890 459 Fire Insurance Company CANADIAN DEPARTMENT, IS. D. ImAGYj Res. Manager^ Victoria, B.C., - R. P. RITHET & CO. 46 FERSUSSOi, ALEXANDER & CO., 22 COLLEGE STREET, MONTREAL. Manufacturers of the Celebrated ELEPHANT WHITE LEAD, Elephant Ready Mixed Paints Elephant Prepared Floor Paints, Elephant Roofing PaintS; Elephant Japan Carriage Colors^ Elephant Varnishes and Japans, Elephant Oil Wood Stains, Mistletoe Window Blind Green, THE ONLY PAINT HOUSE IN CANADA DIRECTLY REPRESENTING THE PRODUCERS, Bmm LEAD AND COLOR WORKS, MOITTRBAL. tco., iJAD, ts aints. rs, pans. ireen. 'ADA RES, PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.* Population (1881), 49,4Fi». Seat of Government — Victoima. LIEUVENANT GOVERNOR: The Honorable Hcpr. Nelson (appointed 28/11 March, 18S7). Priuut" SecTe'.ary, Herbert Stanton. PREVIOUS LIBUTENANT GOVEKNORS : Hon. J. W. Trutch, 20th July, 1871. Hon. A. N. RiCHARPS, 20th July, 1876. Hon. C, F. GoKNtVALL, 20th July, 1S81. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Honorable CiiAS. B, Poolby, President {without porifnllo). " Thkodore Davik, Q.C, Attorney Geuer'al. " John Robson Fuemier, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines. " Forres George Vernon, Chief Oomraissiioner of linnda and Works. " John ITuReEHT Turner, Minister of t.. .ace and Agriculture. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker: The Honourable — Clerk of the Le<]ii>la. Davie. Hon. Theodore Victoria Citv Duck, Simon jVictoria City Nanaimo Fry, Henry. Grant, John Higgins, D. W Humphreys, T, B Ladner, W. H Martin, 6. B Mason, Joseph Orr, James Pooley, Hon. C. E Robson, Hon. John Selmin, C. A Smith, Hon. Tulmie, James Thompson, Geo Turner, Hon. J. 11 Veiuon, Hon. For'^es Geo Cowichan Cassiar Esquimau Oomox New Westminster.. ^ale Caribiio Now Westminster.. E:iquimalt New Westminster Yale Lillooet Victoria Nanaimo Victoria City Yale VictoriH. Victoria, Qiiamichan. Victoria. Vi .oriii. Victoria. Ladner's Landin?, Ducks. Barkerville. New Westminster. Victoria. Victoria. Cache Creek. Victoria. Nanaimo. Victoria. Victori*. *Butered Coutederatiuu, 20th July, 1871. ■ I'^^jmnii BAGS JUT^, uine:n or cotton. The Largest and Best Assorted Stock in Canada. Bag-Printing' in Colors -A- s:peoi-a.XjT"Z". HESSIANS^ Every QUALITY and WIDTH K ,pt in Stock. IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET SAMPLES AND QUOTATIONS FROM US. y Oitj! strong king! Fine Printing! Prompt Dcliycri! THE CANADA JUTE COT (umted, 17^ 19 and 21 St. Martin Street^ I A A A A B< I ) TON. lada. olors HENDERSON*S BRITISH COLUMBIA OAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. s n Stock. 'VIPLES AND Is FROM US. npt (UmTED), :l In the following section of the work the cities, villages and post oitiees are arranged in alphiiht'tical order. A description is given of each piaiie, witli an alpiiabetical list of all persons doing business therein. Great care has been taken to insure correctness, as well as completeness. ABB McK ABERDEEN, A country post office on Skeena River, in the Oassiar district ; populiilioa 200. Has G canneries, packing 7r),()00 cases ; lias .Metlio- dist and Eoiscopiil churches. Nearest rail- way,telegrapli and express ottices, Nauaiiuo, distance 540 miles. Postuitister, VVm. H. Dempster Aberdeen Canning Co. AGASSIZ, A station on the main line of the 0. P. R., 70 miles from Vancouver ; has telegraph, express and post oIKce ; mails (hiily. tstages connect with all trains for Harrison Hot tSprinf^s. The Dominion Government has an experimental farm here of 300 acres. Population 200. Pcstmastor, L. A. Agassi* Agassiz B. James Agassiz L. Archer, J. P. Agassiz Mrs. C, general store Ashton Kieliard Lawrence Bell D. L. BiirUett John Ccimeron Xorinan Canadian Pacific Railway Tel- egraph, Ck Irkman, a^ent Colbec'k Fiank Dominion Experimental Farm, T. A Sliarpe, manager Dumas Zittera Galbrailh Daniel Geraghty Jolin llaltby Walter HaUery Irkman Chas., agent C. P. R.^ Dominion Express and post- master Lennon Joseph, sec foreman Lowes \Vm. Gibson McDonald James Albert John McDonald Eoyal K McEwen John Donald MdJauiy Peter McKercher Alexv € Mi 50 Henderson's British Columbia ALB WIN McRao Alex. McRao Donald, hotelkoepor Merchant T., watchman C. P. R. Moffat Mrs. Moffiitt Wm. Owen Chas, Mojston, clerk Pare Edward Probate E., general store Roberti^on Duncan Rooke Robt. Thoa. Sharpe T.A., mgr Dominion Experi- mental Farm 8t Alice hotel, Harrison Hot Springs, Brown Bros., props Walker W^m., sen, Wilson John W^oods John ALBERNI. A country post office and settlement at the bead of Barclay Sound, electoral dist. of Vancouver. Mails weekly. Nearest tele- j graph, express and railway station, Naoai- 1 mo, dist. 54 miles. Nearest steamboat landing, Saywards, entrance of Somas River. Albe'rni is a valley probably 25 miles long by 10 wide. It is situated pretty near tlie centre of the Island, 30 miles north from Cape Beal lighthouse, at mouth of Barclay Sound. The water is , navigable for tlie largest vessels right into the settlement. Tiiere is also a wagon , road connecting Nanaimo, by which the mails are brought. It is also proposed to j connect ('omo.x with a good wagon road | next year. Alberiii is a good farming settle- 1 ment, and, no doubt, will be an important ; jdace in the tuiure. A saw mill is located ] here, capacity 1000 .M per day. Has a Pres- j byterian and Catholic Church and two ' public schools. j Postmaster, Chas. Taylor, jr. j Armstrong William, mail contractor | Barclay Sound Fishing Co., salmon packers and gen store Chun on t Frank Clarke Croorgc 1). Clarke John J)aniol Cox Charles A. Cox EmmiinucI, lighthouse keopor, Cape Beal Crompton fxeorge Cummerford Patrick, sen. Fletcher Thomas Folwell Edgar Gill Edmund Cirandy Edward JIall Chas. Wm., laborer Hansen Henr^ , farmer Hills Henry Hills James Huff George A.,J.P. Ingram Valentino Jolly John S. Xing James Leeson William Little David Malheran Edward McKenzie Hector McKeiizic Kenneth AlcKittrick Robert McQuillan Frank Mollet John 3Iollct John C, J. P., Government agent Moore Edward Muller Frederick W. Xorris Arthur Orr John Pinker ton R >bert, J. P. Proctor Arthur Percival, schoolmaster Red ford James Sarault Michael Marvin, saw mill Saunders Henry, general store and dog fish oil dealer Saunders F. P., manager for II. Saun- ders Smith Andrew L. Smith George A., C. E. Stirling Waiter Stolhurd William Taylor Chas., Jr., postmaster Walters Walter Ward Matthew A. Winston Walter OAZETTEER AND DIRKCTORT. 81 rovcrnmont ■hool master w mill 9ral store ler T H. Saun- tmaster ALB ALE ALBERT CANYON, A station on the main line of the C. P. R., 403 tiii!e9 ea3' of Vancouver; has a telegraph office. Si^veral rich mining claims have been taken up in the vicinity. All trains stop here 5 minutes, to give the passengers a view of the Canyon. Berub(5 J. E., operator C.P.E. ALDER GROVE, gee also Lland Hall A. J., missionaiy, trader and saw mill Hawkins Geo,, laborer Hyde John, faimer. Port McNeill Ini>er,>oll Joiiii, ALKALI LAKE, A post office in the Lillooet district, 90 miles north east from Clinton. Stock raisiiig is the principal industry. Postmistress, Mrs. lioswell Moore John E., J. P., rancher ASIICROFT, An important town on the main line of the C.lMi., 210 miles east of Vancouver, in Yale district. .Mails daily ; money order post ollice, telegraph and Dom. and B.C. express offices. It is tlie forwarding point to Caritioo mines. Stage leaves 3 times a Week for Clinton, connecting with .stage for Cariboo ; stage at 7 a. m. Monday for Barkerville, Quesiielle, Soda Creek and points north. Pop. 200. Postmtister, W. V. B. Bailey Armstronij; A., watchman C.P.R, shiiif^le inaUer Mai lory W. U, Bailey W. V, B., postmaster^ mgr O, Harvey IJtirnes J. C, tarmer and stock raiser liliuhe & l'>3ne, props Ashcroft hotel British Columbia Express Co., S. Ting- ley, siipt (;urey C. E., af^ent C.P.Pt. C!iri;-ili hotel, Clias. McNiehoU, prop Carqiill Wm., hotelkeeper CoriiwtiU Bros,, farmers and stock raisers hand loyyer and I Cornwall hon, Clement F., ex-liout. tiovernor, rancher hand ioir Piiver May Wm., Airmer, near Port McNeill Olnev Silas, farmer, Craycrnft Island Pidcock B. H., J, P., Indian agent Redgretives II., prov. police Simpson H., trader, Black Fish Sound | Gunter A., section foreman 1 Haddock J., mgr F. W. Foster Spencer S. A.iPOStmaSterand | Harvey Oliver, gen store salmon cann^: r 1 Harper T., flour mills, Bonaparte GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 53 district, 90 Stock raising !1 or ill lino of the ancoiiver, in nioupy order iiu. and H.U, vardinjr point ves 'i times u Willi stage for Monday for a Creeli and ley tmastery oek raiser lot'l hotel ...,S. Tiiig- loU, pi'op and 8tock ex-licut. Mackay, tic tor and (irwardinij Lcr kpurte BAR BEA Hinton J., sootion foreman Kirkpafrick T, G., farmer Lolimat) I>aac, blackBmith Lync William, of Blighe & Lyno Mackay John J., agent C. P. E- telegraph ami B.C. Ex. Co. McBiido J., hardware and stoves McDonald & T{at\kin, blacksmiths McKay L., harness maker ]\rcXi("holl Clias., prop Cargill hotel Mitchell T.. opoi-. C.P.R. telegraph Newlatid James A., hotelkeoper Smith Geo., baggageman C.P.ll. Stewart James, gen store Stoddart A , contnictor and builder Tingley Stephen, supt B. C. Ex. Co. Wood & Campbell, merchants 3ARKERVILLE, A mining town on William's Creek, at the tenninns of the Cariboo waggon rond, dis 280 miles from Ashcroft, the nearest railway station ; money order post office, tt'legrapli office and B C. Express, Episcopal and Methodist churches and pnblic school. Mails weekly. Pop. of district 500. A Government smelter is situated here. Postmai>ter, James Stono Bibby John, hardware Bendixen Mrs., saloon Bowson John, Govt, agent and gold commissioner, and registrar of votes foi" C;irilioo district Cowan George, M.P.P. Kelly A., hotel Knott John, hotel Martin E. A., stipt Govt. Reduction works Mason Joseph, M.P.P., gen store Moses W., barber Robinson capt. G. W, Rigors Sai A., gen store Stone James, J. P., postmas- ter and agent C.P.R. tele- graph and B.C. Express Co. Watt Hugh, J. P., surgeon in charge Uoyal llospital BEAR CREEK, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 434 miles east of Vancouver ; has t(l('frra|ih office; nearest steamboat landirg (Joldnn, dis 40 miles ; express office Glacier, dis 18 miles. Fop. 20. Lorimer George E., C.P.R. agent BEAVER MOUTH, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 44!) miles east of Va'icoiver, has telegraph office ami a saw mill employing 40 hands. Mails daily. Carroll James Mahor Columbi'i River Lumber Co., saw mill and gen store Davis R., agent C.P.R. IIar est otMiid Bay. Alexander Eobcrt, farmer Baxter Wm., farmer Bookman Wm., farmer Benson John B., farmer Brewster II., farmer Cailioune John Colborne, farmer Cannnid^e Edwin, farmer Culverwell Chas. RoLt., farmer Ilnnt Chas., carpenter Jordan Joiin, farmer MoKee Daniel Alex., farmer McKeeJohn, farmer McKee John, jr., farmer MoKee Robert, fjirmer Molvoe William, farmer O'Brien Ed., flirmer ShivasWm., laborer Thomson Edwin, farmer Thomson Wm., farmer Wright Kobe t, former BRIDGE CREEK, A stage station on the Cariboo stage route, in the Lillooet district, Post olfice Lac La Ilache ; mail weekly. Telegraph ot1ice,108 Mile House, dis 8 miles; Asbcroft 80 miles. Population 200. Abel William, stock raiser. 111 Mile House Allan William C. E., hotelkee2)or and stock raiser Felker J. K., farmer, 118 Mile House Hot hiTi ngton Jo8., farmer, 117 Mile House MoCartiiy M., farmer, 137 Mile House MoKinley Bros., stock raisers, &c., P. 0..115' Mile House MoDougal Thomas, farmer, 122 Milo House Morrison Wm., 1?4 Milo IL.use, B. C. Express Co's. stables Which A. S., farmer, 132 Mile House AV'alker William, 108 Mile House, C.P. telegniph agent and stock raiser Wright Jno., farmer, 127 Mile House [JIG BEAR CREEK, A country post office in the Lillooet Cariboo District. .Mails weekly in summer and every second week in winter. Nearest telegraph and express offices Clinton, dis 45 miles. Railway station Ashcroft, dis 106 miles ; has a saw mill and 2 flour mills Postmaster, John Gallagher Gallagher John, J. P., post- master BROWNSVILLE, A farming settlement on the Fraser River opposite New Westminster ; post office New Westminster There is a regular ferry boat to New Westminster. Daney Michael, farmer Herring Tillman Willard, fisherman GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 55 1 stage route, )IHce r^ac La ftph ofl[ice,108 lot't 80 miles. Ill Mile olclkoepor Ho House 117 Mile lilo House I'H, &,(.•., P. , 122 Mile use, B. C lilo House »uso, C.P. : niiser lilo House looet Cariboo iuminer and liT. Nearest Clinton, dis Vslicroft, dis 2 dour mills BUE CAN •» post- i'raser River ]>ost office a regular r. Sherman f Punch James, hotel Snuffs Clias. S., cnrpcnter Whipple Tlios., farmer "Wilson James, farmer BURGOYNE BAY, (see Spring Island.) Salt A post settlement on Salt Spring Island. Cowichan District. Mails from Victoria twice a week, Monday and Thursday, Postmaster, Samuel Maxwell Akerman Jos., gen store Arnold Geo. Brown John Brown Robert Cairnes John Dukes Goo. J. Dukes Walter J. Fooi'd Fi-el Furners Geo. Hannah Geo., logger Irwin Mii'hael Kenney Wm. Thos., teacher Lee Edward Lunney James Macdonald Chas. Maxwell John Maxwell Samuel, postmaster, assessor and collector Mills Daniel Olsen Chas. Pollard Henry Pollard Joseph Pollard Wm. L. Roberts John Henry Robinson Arthur Shepard Geo. Julius Sparrow John C. AVhims — , clerk Wilson Alex. Williams Kar Williams Wra. Yves Michael BURRARD INLET, (See Hastings.) A postolfice on the inlet at Hastings station, 3 miles east of Vancouver, connected by a good road. Postmaster, George Black Brighton hotel, Geo. Black, prop CACHE CREEK, A country post office on the Cariboo road. Nearest railway, telegraph and express offices Ashcrof't, dis 6 miles. Postmaster, Joseph Irwin Campbell James, rancher Carr Alexander, laborer Cargile Wm., hotel, Hat Creek Collins John G., rancher. Hat Creek Connor Charles, laborer English B. F., rancher, Bonaparte Harper T., flour mill, Bonaparte Irwin Joseph, postmaster McLeod J., rancher Morgan Thomas, rancher, Bonaparte O'llara Daniel, rancher, Bonaparte Parke Philip, rancher Parke Thomas SantbrdWm. H., laborer Semlin Chiis. A., M. P. P., rancher Stevenson George S., blacksmith Stevenson Jonn A., hotel Veasey .Michael, rancher, Bonaparte Watson Geo. D., laborer CANOE PASS, See Ladners P,0. 15 miles below New Westminster, on the Fraser River British American Packing Co. Bussanwich Mat,, general store W^ellington Packing Co, Williams Thomas Young Benj. 69 HlNDERsaN'" BRITISH COIUMBIA CAS MoD I i ' i i I [: I ji ii! CASSTAR OR STICKEEN, An electoral district in the northwestern part of the proviace. Mining is the princi- pal industry. Brown l[onry, miner Crtlbi'tiith, Grant & Cook, general morclmnts Calbrnith J.C, ofCiilbraitli, Grant & Cook Crimp J. L.y .^ol(l oommr. and Go- vernment "icent, L.'iketon Delisle Onesime, blackHmith, Tbibert Creek Grant John, M. T. V., of Calbraith, (xrant, & Cook, res Victoria Hiirbland Robert, trader, Telegraph Creek Hiulson Bay Co., general storo Metcalfe Edward, clerk, McDames Creek Porter James, general store and hotel, Porter's Landing Reed John, miner Reid Robert, clerk, Dease Crook Richard Matthew, trader and hotel- keej>er, Dease Creek Williscroft George, mill owner CEDAR, A country post oflRce in Nanaimo District, electoral district of Vancouver. Farming and oyster dredging are carried on. Mail weekly. Nauaimo, dis 10 miles, is nearest railway, telegraph and express oflSce. Postmaster, John Hill Hamer John, blacksmith CENTERVILLE,seeChillivvack CHEMAINUS, A station on the E. & X. Railway, Elec- toral district of VancouTer, 55 miles from Victoria ; has post office ; telegraph O.P.R. ; has saw mill, Episcopal church and 2 public schools in the vicinity. Postmaster, Henry Hague Anderson Abraham Ash by Hugh Gibson "lork Beauneau Joseph B., logger Blayney Charles Bonsai 1 Henry Brown William E. Burke John E. Butler James Ere Eobotham John 11., S. Q. COxMIAKIN, A settlement in the Cowichan District. Flctt .Tamos Flott .Tolni William Flctt Potor Fi'onoh Wm. John Richardn Josoph Skinner Ernest M. Smith Nii'holas John Sj'mons Richard Dunn COQUITLAM, A settlement in the New Westrainsiter dis- trict. Bradsliaw VAirar ^Y. Cameron Nicol Johnston Janios A, B, McLennan Duncan Peters Lawrence, contractor Scott John, reeve Wilson Edwin John, blacksmith COUTLEE, (see also Nicola Lake.) A country post office in the Nicola Valley. Nearest railway station and telegraph office, Spence's Bridge, dis 42 miles. Steamboat landing Kamloops, dis 90 miles. This is a ({oud agricultural section ; and is chiefly occupied by cattle ranches, pood coal m'nes and silver ledges are locaied here and are being worked. Mail iri.weekly. Pop. 12. Postmaster, Gilbert Blair Blair & Co., traders and I'anchers Coutiee Alex. Jo-jepli. hotelkeepor Hamilton Cha.s. John 0. E. Smitli James, blacksmith Smitli Wm., clerk COWICHAN, (see alsoShawni- gan.) A countrV post office in the C,>\vic!ian di^- trict. Nearest railway station Cobble Hill dis 4 miles ; dis from Victoria ;i.) miles. Postmaster, Jjunes Kit) near Abbott James, l.-iboror Abernethy James Bartlett Geo. Bayly Chas., Cowichan L-ike Beaumont Wm. Beri^eo Jose])h Bickmore Edward Alox. B( a! James !5urnham Euiiene Carralle Phillip Co mar Ed. Cowichan Saw Mill.s, Sniton Si Co. Crai^ Francis, Cowichan Lake Crai^ Robt. Crate Adolphus Croft Henry, M.P.P, Donckelc GustavusTheopliilus rev,R.C. Donovan Jatnes, jr. Prummond Hugh Edu;son Milton El lender Wm., Cowichan L;ike Klliott Tlios. Field Jerome E,, laborer Forrest Ed. Forrest VVra. Gilmour Win., carpenter Green Abralniin Green Chas. & Francis Jacob Harris Edwiird H. Henderson John llersch John, Cowichan Lake MMBMHUMl GAfcETTteER AND DIRECTORY. 61 HOD DEP . pood coal located here 1 tri.weekly. ir ion Jame.s, ry foreman CRAIGELLACHIE, A station on the main line of the C.P.R.j 353 miles east of Vuncoiiver, Telegraph otfice, iSicamousc, dis 1UJ| miles i has a s&W mill. Gar bet Wm. Willes Joseph CRANBROOK, A post otfii-e in the Kooteaay district. Nearest railway station, Golden, dis 200 miles. Postmaster, Geo. Patterson DELTA MUNICIPALITY, (see Liidnera ) In the district of New Westminster, front- ing on Fniscr River and Gulf of Georgia, area 50,000 acres. Ladners, the business centre, is 13 miles down the river from New Westminster, with which city there is daily communication by stefn^er. It is the chief salmon packing point on the Fraser River, besides ths fisheries. Farming is extensively carried on. Fruits, roota and grains are raised. The soil is the richest. DENMAN ISLAND, Is situated in the Comox District. Its nearest railway station and telegraph oilice Nanaimo, dis 40 miles. DEPARTURE BAY, The shipping port of the Wellington Col- liery, connected by telephone with Welling- ton coal mmes and Nanaimo, distant three miles, coaling station for China steamers. Austin Henry Bay hotel, Joseph Harper, prop Crocktbrd Miss M., teacher HENDERSON S BRITiSH COLUMt.IA DOG EVA Harpci- JoMcph, hotel Ilu^liert Wm. Micklenon .). Nichols John Ti'ei^urnin^ Wm., foreman N., shipping ugent Young C DOG CREEK, A country post office in the Cariboo Lil- looet District. Mail weekly. Nearest tele- graph office, Clinton, dis 62 miles. Railway Station Ashcroft, 90 miles. Its principal industries are stock raising' and mining •, has a flour mill and saw mill. Pop. 25. Postmaster, Joseph S. Place Boyle Thos., mail carrier Caspar Isidore, saw mill a\id stock raiser Place Joseph S., merchant, postmaster and hotelkeeper Tweiityman A., flour mill Ah Why, trader Hing Lee & Co., store Le Poo, store DONALD, A town on the main line of the C.P.R., 461 miles eai^t of Vancouver. At the first cros- sing of Columbia River in the Kootenay district, has Episcopal, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic churches and Masonic Lodge. Post office, express and telegraph offices. Mails daily. The Division wrrk- shops of the C.P.R. are located here. Postmaster, Geo. H. Prefiwell. Armstrong Alex., conductor C. P. E. Aiti; v.'orth William, car inspector Anderson Robert, nightwatchman C. P. R. Babbott John, conductor Baities Chas. T., dra^-man Barnes John, clerk Manuel & Euttan Barton Geo. II., farmer Biret Thomas, titter Bcasioy H. B., secy to suptRMarpolo, C. P. I{. Blanej- .Fames, teamster Blythr T. A., draughtsman C. P. R. Boj'd James, wiper Bru'idrett George, wiper Ba.ra O., hiborer Bown James P., laborer Jjrown Wm., machinist C. P. R. Oalder Fred, A., chief clerk supt's office C. P. R. Caldwell W. H., conductor Cameron Arch., Govt, road foreman Canadian Pacific Railway supply store, C. C. Sproule, storekocpor Canadian Pacific Railway, J. B. Johnson, agent Carryer Y , local forman's clerk Clegg Robert, teamster Coeb John, boilermaker Cob Web hotel, Ceo. Suther- land, prop Colpitts A. E., farmer Colacurccio F., laborer Connacher Henry, bartender Forrest House Corson Frederick, turner C. P. R. Court House Cook II., carpenter Denman Arthur, engineer Dnliin Francis, tinsmith C. P. R. Dominion E.^press Co., J. B. J(jhnson, agent Donald Hospital, W. A. Richardson, M. D., and C. Tyrell, nurse Donatelli Getuge, coal and wood man C. P. R. Downie T., chief train despatcher Edwards L. J., accountant C. P. R. KIson W., biakeman C. P. R. Engineer's Office C.P.R., J. F. irriffith, chief engineer, office near station Ejiiscopal church, rev F. E. Wright, pastor Elvans Tliop. J. P., assistant store keeper C. P. R., and secretary treasurer for Kootenay RmBI GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY, 63 ESC RAN C. P. E. P. R iiipi'rt office d foreman ipply store, r ilway, J. tlerk Suther- Forrest P. R. r. R. Johnson, fliardson, vood man chop P. R. Uriffith, Niation Wright, nt store ocretary Escott John, mesflenc^er C. P. E. Forrington Arthur, wiper Forrest House, Thos. Forrest, prop Folley James, brakeman Gavin P. J., engineer Geddes James, fireman Genier Nap., lino repairer Graham Goo., conductor Grant P., engir..,. ;• Griffith J. E.', C. E., resident eng. Grimes W. J., brakeman C. P. R. Grimes Wm., yardmaster C. P. R. Hamilton John J., despatcher C. P. R. Hamilton William, watchman •nderson Thomas, commercial oper- ator Hobbs F. E., local foreman C. P. R. Hughes H., C. P, R. boarding house Hoyland R., cook car 33 Hopgood J., brakeman Hyland R., brakeman Hull Bros., & Co., butchers, J. H. Stirrett, mgr. Hunt George C, watchmaker and jeweler Johnson J. B., agent C. P. R. and Do- minion Express Kilpatrick 'f'hos., foreman C. P. R. Bridge ...".ng Kimptoi' i . Miss, Selkirk House Kimj)tf .; R ' general store Labv'C»;'r' .i . (j., ))rop Vallo}' House Lam. >n J.-, t painter, bds Selkirk TT UOUbo Larcher Gt n , laborer Lawson J., braicoman C. P. R. Lean Allen, plasterer, bds Forrest hotel T 'I'um T. J., constable Leiiiiiu D. Miss Levesque Louis McBrido Minnie Miss Mel' loR., ya.-draan C. P. R. M. * ,n( W. j., yardman C. P. R. Mci; ,■; ■ } Obv.les R., clerk Selkirk HoUiMj McDonald Alex., clerk for J. C. Steen McGinty John, carpenter, bds Selkirk House McGinn is James, yard gang foreman M(dConzie Mrs. McLean A., brakeman McLean D.IL, baggagem.in C. P. R. McLeod John, piiinter C. P. R. McRae 31iss Mary, cook Selkirk House Manuel Geo. I'., of Manuel & Rattan, J. P., ana coroner for Kooienay District Manuel & Rattan, gen merchants Marpole Richard, supt Pacific division C. P. R. Matheson John H., barber Middleton G., foreman fitter Milligan & O'Brien, wholesale liquor merchants Milligan Gideon, of Milligan & O'Brien Mitchell A., C. P. R. Morrison Thomas, Temperance House Murphy Patrick, proprietor Woodbine hotel Mnlvey James, night watchman C.P.R. Muth W., circuit manager C.P.R. and agent C. P. Tel. Need ham Sam. O'Brien Martin, of Milligan ct O'Brien Palorcia M., shoemaker Patmore R. W., clerk for G. IL Press- well Paquette J. Paquette N., general store Palmer Simon, bartondcir Cob Web iiotol Penzer A., brakeman Peterson Peter, wiper Pierre Robert Pitts J. C, manager for R. ^. Kimp- ton Fresswell George H., .'general store and postmaster Presbyterian Church, Rev. A. Robert- son Randall Arthur, turner u Henderson's SRiTisft coLtiMBiA EED DUG I ! Redgrave Stephen, sheriff^ asse&sor, collector, and re- gistrar county court, Koote- nay district EeidW. JJ., blacksmith llieliardsou W. A., M. D., G. P. R. sur- geon Eidlc}- Hannah Mis8, waitress Selkirk House Eidle}' James, night watchman C.P.E. liizzon A.) shoemaker for M. Paloreia lioiieitsoii rev. A., ptte m Presbyterian Church Eoian David, barieiid-j. jodbine hotel Eo.ss J. II., C. P. E. Ecy P., carpenter Riittan W. S., of Manuel & Euttan Selkirk House, J. C. Sleen, prop SicotteiSoel, C. P. E. boarding house Spragge Arthur G. M., banister Stall' boarding house, on hill in rear ot station 8teon J. C, prop Selkirk Ilonse Stirrett J. U., manager Hull Bros & Co. Sullivan Mile, cook Staff boarding house Sutherland George, prop Cob Web hotel Sutherland Gordon, foreman carpenter Tyrell Charles, hospital nurse Turner rev. J., Methodist Van Antwerp W. F., engineer Wallace Alfred, hospital nurse Welsh William, porter Forrest House Wilson J. T., bookkeeper G. P. E. mechanical stores Woodbine hotel, Patrick Murphy, prop Wood house Alfred, fitter Wiight James, c nductor C. P. E. Chiiig Koe, laundry Chong Kee, store Lee Sing, laundry Wo Hing, laundry Yeu Sing, laundry DOUGLAS LAKE, A countr}' post office in the Yale disirlct. Nearest railway station and telegraph office, Speuce's Bridge, dis. 80 miles. Mails weekly. Postmaster, J. B. Graves Bercie Augustin Douglas Lake Cattle Co., ranchers and butchers English Mrs. John, gen store Craves J. B., postmaster Irving Eobert, teamster Jackson Fratdi W., laborer Jveneor J. \V'., gen store Lefevre Alphonso McEae George, sawyer McEae Eonald Murray Hugh, stock raiser Sabine Napoleon DKYNOCK, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 175 miles east of Vancouver; has a tele- graph office. Pop. 5. Flock John Thomas, horse dealer DUCK & PHINGLE (See also Ducks), A country post office on the south Thomp- son River, 18 miles east of Kamloops Ranching is the principal industry in this section. Postmaster, 0. S, Batchelor DUCKS, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 270 miles east of Vancouver on the Thomp- son River; has a telegraph office. Mails daily. Pop. 40. iSee Duek and Pringle P.O. Postmaster, O. S. Batchelor Batchelor Owen Salisbury, Postmaster Bostock Hornett, hotel iBostock Hewict, rancher ICruvon A. II., rancher 4JU i GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 65 1 the Yale district, in and telegrapli lis. 80 miles. Mails DUN KAS ■lives 0., rancher.s and n store ma.ster er borer )re sr iiiser line of the C.P.R., jouver; has a tele- lorse dealer LE (See also n the south Thonip- east of Kaiuluops. ijal industry in this ihelor line of the C.P.R, uver on the Thonip- graph office. Xlailj Duck and Pringle atchclor Salisbury, 1 lor Elwell J., rancher Goulet E. v., agent C.P.R. & Dominion Express Jai^oe J., rancher Kinnear John McDonald, acting P.M. and hotel clerk Martin G. B., M.P.P. Null J., rancher Pemberton A. G., sheriflF and rancher Eobbins C. S., rancher Wilson G., rancher DUNCAN'S, A station on the E. & N. Railway, 40 miles nor'h of Victoria, has telegraph office. Stage leaves here for Cowichaa Lake. Adams & Beaumont, gen store Adam.s E., of Adams & Beaumont Allard J., laborer Allard M., laborer Beaumont C, of Adams & Beaumont Brownell A. A., blacksmith Cathcart D. Oath cart Jas., butcher Carrie D., carpenter Duncan W. C, farmer Dwyer J. U., farmer Evans Jas., farmer Fry H., jr., C.E., of Macdonald & Co. Qood A. C, clerk Macdonald & Co. Hi 1 born W., blacksmith Holmes D., farmer Lee 0. E., carpenter Lomas W. A., farmer Xomas W. II., Indian agent Jjusty F. Packenzie J. C, teamster acdonald & Co., gen stcre fMacdonald Jos., of Mac- : donald &Co., postmaster lathew W. C. Lt.-(Jol., farmer IcKay C. B., C.E. IcKerrow W. H., carpenter Price & Jaynes, Quamichan hotel )uamichan hotel, Price & Jaynes, props Jlosset L., tailor Sing Lee, laundry Smith D. Gregory Street J., b.acksmith Tansey T., section foreman Wellburn 31. 0., Govt agent Wilson Geo., blacksmith's helper Wilson Ilonald, farmer Wilson Wm., farmer Wood W. agent A., C. P. ll._ telegraph 8 EAGLE PASS, Empz A. I., blacksmitii Jones James, rancher McTavis David, boatman McPinnan Alex., foremar^ Murdoch Geo , miner Peacock Wm. A„ trader EAST WELLINGTON (See also Wellington), A mining town, 4 miles from Xmiaimo, Iia.s post office, churches and public school. The East Wellington Coal Co.'s colli'iry is the support of the town. Postmaster, Wm. S. Chandler Anderson Abe, miner Anderson Henry, watchman Anderson Wm., miner Bagg A ley., miner Baines Potor, miner Barber J )hn, miner Barlow John, miner Barnes Aaron, minor Bciinio John, miner Bonnie Robert, miner Bertram Thomas, minor Bochaine Jos., miner Bowater Noil, foreman miner Bowater Wm.. foreman miner Boise Tulley, miner Bradley James, miner Braize Evan, miner Brennan Richard, minor Brown James, butcher Brown James J., minor )f: V ^ mmm ■^<^ 66 HENDERSON 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA BUR EAST WELLINOTON. STE Burn John, miner Cameron Alex., engineer Carmichael Wm., miner Chandler Wm. 8., superinten- dent E. Wellington Coal Co- Chisholm Duncan, miner Clarlie IJdward, miner Craven Webster, miner Crossen Andrew, miner CroHton John, miner Crowley Daniel, miner David John Davies Jchn, miner Davis Edward Daykin Israel, miner Delahay Wm., blacksmith Dick William Dixon Diin., foreman Donohue Lawrence P. Drew Richard, sen., trapper Dunn Robert, overman EaAt Wellington Coal Co., Wm. S. Chandler, superin- tendent Eaton, Chas. miner Ellis llenry, miner Ferguson William Fielding William, trackman F inlay James Flynn William Fraser Hugh Freer Victor Gavin John Gavin Thomas Gibson Archie Gilbert Jiichard Glover Albert Gold John Golder Robert, woodman Griffiths Wm., miner Grundy A\ ni., miner Harper William Harwood John }Iepi)le Henry Heyman William High Thomas Holland Fred. Hope Thomas, miner Horth Charles, clerk Howe James Howe Robert Hudson Richard, miner Hughes Edward Jones Ed., miner Jones Fred., miner Johnston John, miner Kelly Robert, miner Kilpatrick John McKinley James, son., miner McKinley Jas., jr., miner McKinnell Andrew, miner MfKinnell James, miner McNeven Duncan, minor McLay Robert, miner McMillen Daniel, carpenter McTaggart Wm., miner Marshall Thos., engineer Martin Robert Matthews David, miner Morris Wm., miner Morrison John, engineer Murphy Michael, miner Murphy William, miner Orr Alex., foreman Overyby Robert, miner Parrott Steve, sen. Parrott Steve, jun., min3r Parrott John, hotelkeeper Parrott Wm., miner Pascoo Thos., miner Payne John, bankman Peck T. E., saloon Peck Thos. E., Old Swan Inn Pippey R. L., bookkeeper Wellington Coal Co. Proven James, miner Quinn Michael, minor Reinhart Chas., trackman Robei'tH S. B., engineer Ross W^illiani, trackman Shea Thos., minor Smith Jesse, minor Stevenson David, engineer East QAZETTEER AND DIRECTORT. 67 ELG ENO minor lor iner ©r or enter r or )r er jr jr ler an Inn )kkeoper East lan n leer East Sfcrutliera James, miner Sturges Charles, miner Taylor Wra., miner Vanberg Fred., trackman Waddels John, engineer Walkem W. W., surgeon Wellington Coal Co. Wannaby James, miner "Webster James, miner Westwood Benjamin, blacksmith Westwood Cicero, bankman Westwood Joseph, blacksmith "We8t-;yood Milton, bankman "Westwood Novella, carpenter Westwood W. J., gen store Wheater Kichard, miner Winning Eichard, miner JELGIN, A country post oflfice in tlft ?Tew West- minster district. Mail from New We»t- mindter, die 12 miles. Postmaster, Joseph Dales 3fcDougall W. C. EMORY, A country post office. Nearest railway station Yale, dis :5 miles. Postmaster, Fred. W. Geisler Billadcaux Pierre, hotclkeoper Ceisler Fred. W., postmaster Gcisler W. T., hotel Lovell Jiobert. woodsman .Paupore James E., firoinan ENDERBY, see also Spallum- cheen. A country post oETice in the Si)allumclioen district, on the banks of the Spall umclieen River. .Steamers rim between Knderby and I Sicamouse, on G. l». Ry., dis 23 miles. A I large roller process flour mill ia located ^ here. Mails 4 times a week. Postmaster, Uiivor Harvey Bailey Robt., engineer Beacon I. W., carpenter Campbell Alex., of Fletcher & Camp- bell ■ Campbell Alex., carpenter Columbia Flouring Mills Co., E. P. Rithet & Co., props Dew James, carpenter Faulkner Geo., laborer Fletcher & Campbell, carpenters Fletcher T. W., of Fletcher & Camp- bell Fortune & Campbell, butchers Fortune Wm., jun. Groop A. K. , general store Gibbs Samuel, raanagev Columbia Flouring Mills Co. Hall Wm., mate Harvey Oliver, gen. store and postmaster Jones Edwih, gent Lambly Bros., hotelkeepers and farm- ers Lambly Robert, of Larably Bros. Lambly Thomas McKee, of Lambly Bro.s. LUMBY MOSES, J. P., secretary Sluiswap and Okanagan Railway McCallum Duncan, laborer Mclntj-re Archibald, carpenter Mclntyrc D. M., miller McLean Neil McLeod Norman, engineer O'ljoary Wm., miller Oliver Jlonry, miller I^itton John IE., carpenter Rouiidings Sumncl, timekeeper Silverlhorno Herbert, miller Smytlie Wm. Henry, clerk Stark John Edward Watson Ernest C, laborer White Chas. C, engineer ENGLISHMAN'S RIVER, see Parksville P. 0. "% 68 Henderson's British Columbia ESQ HOW ESQUIMALT, About 3 miles from Victoria, connected hy a {»ood rortd. TLe cliief n'lval station on the Pacific coast ; has a, dry dock, length 450 ft., width at entrance C5 ft., depth 2G feet. An arsenal and naval hospital, has poit office. Mails daily. Episcopal and Catholic churches and schools. Postmaster, John T, Howard Anderson Ths., res Old Esquimalt H^^ Andrews James, steward Royal Naval hospital Arthurs J., carpenter, Old EsqiiimaU Road Ashley ThoR., milkman, Esquimalt Tld Barry Charles, storoliouseman, Xaval Yard Bay ley Joseph, Trenton hotel halfway bourse, Esquimau Road Bebbington Geo., boatman Bishop Caleb, storehouseman, Naval Yard Bland Joseph, laborer, Esquimalt Ed Bogle John, laborer, Dry Dock Bolton rev. W. VV., head master St. Paul's boys' school Broster George, bartender Ship Inn 6a 100 n Bunlin^^ Chas. E., customs landing wai Bunting Chas. R., student Callum^Capt. E. 0. Cameron Archibald B., ship carpenter Campbell John Donald, constable prov police Campbell II. J., asst master St. Paul's School Carr Frederick, bartender Ship Inn saloon Clark Wm., marine in charge Royal Naval Club Coach & Horses saloon, W. B.Smith, prop, Ej^quimalt Road Cohen Joseph, aest Royal Naval Hos- pital Cura Frank, Esquimalt Road Customs Oflficer, outpost of Victowa, Chas. E. Bunting Cutler George, Royal Navy Canteen Davej' Fiederick, clerk Naval Yard Deon J., contractor, bds Globe hotel Devereux Capt. John, dock- master. Dry I)ock Dillon B. F., prop Coach & Horse Saloon, Esquimalt Dillon Chas. I., clerk Poar.son & Co., res Esquimalt road Dillon Edward F., clerk Young &Co., res Esquimalt road Dobbin T. Sydney, chief clerk Naval Yard, res Esquimalt road Dodds Thos., cooper. Naval Yard Doran John, prop New Inn, E.squimalt road Downer Richard, storehouseman. Na- val Yard Dry Dock, Capt. John Devereux,dock- master Elliott Hector, stableman filsquimalt hotel, J. T. Pearce, prop Evans Alfred, steward Officers Club Fisher Chas., proprietor Globe hotel Fisher Joseph, groom Howard's ho tel Fitzgerald M., staff surgeon R. N., in charge Royal Naval hospital Francis G., boatman Freith A. J. E., asst storehouseman, NavalYard Gillespie Geo,, asst mgr Bk. of B. C., res Esquimalt road Globe Hotel, Chas. Fisher, proprietor Gocpel Phillip D., clerk, Naval Yard Gray Joseph, carpenter Grieve A. D., carpenter, Drj' Dock Grenfell Lieut. Hamcr Geo., carpenter Hammond John, laborer Harris Henry, proprietor Ship Inn saloon Holman James, shoemaker Howard John Thomas, post- master, livery stable and hotelkeeper tlAZETTEER AND DIBECTOUT. 69 HOW iESQUIMALT. YOU t of VictoMa, avy Canteen Naval Yard Globe hotel John, dock- ach & Horse oarson & Co., Young &Co., if clerk Naval oad val Yard nn, E.squimalt Duscnian, Na- evoi'cuXjdock- sarce, prop fficers Club lobe hotel ward's ho tel on E. N., in ispital •rehouseman, Bk. ofB. C, ', proprietor SI aval Yard )vy Dock )r Ship Inn lasy post- able and Howard Hotel, John Thoc Howard, prop Howard Victor, clerk Howard Hotel Innes James H., naval and victua- ling storekeeper, and accountant in charge Naval Yard Jones David, school teacher Jones P. N, stoker, Dry Dock Jones Peter Dry Dock Saloon Keeler Eichard, grocer Kirwin — , res Esquimalt road Littlefield J. Cading, striker, Naval ard Lloyd Chas., laborer, Dry Dock Logan Hugh, son., asst armourer, Naval Yard Logan Hugh., jun., clerk J. T. Pearce McCausiand James, boatman HcDonaid P. J., saloon McKenzie — , section man E. & N. Ry., Esquimalt road McKenzie Kenneth, clerk, Naval Yard McNiven Alex,, fireman Martin — , boatman E. N. Yard Mathews Edward, statf engineer R.N. Muir W. J., machinist Spratt&Gray Muir A. C, chief engineer, Dry Dock Nunn Chas,, clerk Half Way House,ro9 Esquimalt road New Inn, John Doran, prop, E.squi- malt road Officers Club, Alfred Evans, steward Oldershaw — , plasterer, Oraigflowor road Pearce Jo. Tamlinson, general store , Pearson Thomas, Albion Irou Works, res Esquimalt [Phillips Eiehard, storehouseman, Na- 1 val Yard [Pine John, bartender Esquimalt Hotel Pooley hon. C. K., res Esquimalt road Eichardson Thomas, armourer. Naval ' Yard j Eobinson Wm., clerk I Eoyal Naval canteen, George Cutler. in charge Eothwell William Eoyal Navy Club, Wm. Clark, marino in charge Eoyal Naval Hospital, staff surgeon B. N., in charge, M. Fitzgerald Eoyal Naval Yard, James H. Innes, Naval & Victualing storekeeper, and accountant in charge Russell James, Esquimalt road Ruthwell Wm. St. George's Inn, Chas. William,?, prop, Esquimalt road St. Joseph K. C mission, E«quimalt St. Paul's church, Episcopal, EovEllison, l*GCt01* St. Paul's school, Eev. W. W. Bolton, head master Scarf George, boatman Scott J. Allen, asst master St. Paul's Boys school Shaw Mrs., res Old Esquinialt Road Ship Inn saloon, Henry Harris, prop Smith Wm. B,, prop. Coach & Horse saloon, Esquimalt r lad Spilmun W. J., carpenter's mate, Naval Yard Spotts James, laborer Stock John, night watchman, Dry Dock Trenton hotel, Joseph Bayloy, prop, Esquimalt road Trimen L, B., architect, res Esquimalt road Were P. J., stoker. Naval Yard Wake Gorvas F., clerk Naval Yard, vea Esquimalt road Walker F. G., barrister, res Esquimalt roan Martin Fred. Jos., of J. Martin & Son Martin Joseph, of J. Martin & Son McCall James Maver S., watchman C.P.R. Parent Felix Pursill (t., general store Young C. A. HAT CREEK(SeeCncheCreek), A mining town, on the Yale Cariboo WHgon road, 15 miles northwest from A-^h- crot't. A good quality of coal is mined here. Cargill Wm. HATZIC PRAIRIE, A settleuieut in the New Westminster district. Boucliier Moise, farmer Gtirneau Kusebo, funuor FiajjiUe Amttble, farmer Loiicville Napoleon, farmer Martin Theophile, farmer McEwan Wm., farmer Thompson Livingston, farmer • H Henderson's British columiiia HOP ILL 'i: HOPE (See iilso Hope Station)^ A town on the south side of ;Lc Fraser River, about 90 miles from its rcouth, and head of navigation, in the Yahi F )otenay District, it is reached by steamers from New Westminster. Nearest railway station and telegraph Hope station, on the west bank of the river, d'la 1 mile. It has one taw mill ; an Kpiscopal and Roman Catboiic church, and public school. Mails daiiy. Postmaster, James Wardle Alvarez Manuel, laborer Anderson John, farmer Anderson Peter, farmer Bears John H., farmer Bristol Wm., farmer, Bristol Islan d Bulger Thomas, farmer, Huntersvillo Cawley ^., millhand, Popcum Clark Wm. farrier Chouinard Joseph, telegraph operator, and agent C.P.R. Coppen II., assi postmaster and clerk Corrigan James, hotelkeeper Flood W. L., carpenter and contractor Fraser Jus. A., agent Hudson Bay Co. Galloway Charles, hotelkeeper Goldsborough George Hudson's Bay Co., gen store Heirling Chas., farmer, Heirling Island Hunter Henry, storekeeper, Huniers- ville Jones Owen, farmer, Ohamon Landwight Mrs., widow Marshall George, carpenter & rancher Mnrphy Chas., The Luke Coqiiechalla Murph}' M. J., fai-nier, Heirling Island Pethew rev. Father Eediy John, farmer Ryder Roland, blackf-inith Shuttleworth Cha^. E., assistant guide Shuttleworth II., H. 1). hunters' guide Small rev, R., Episcopiil Starret W. A., farmer Wardle James, J. P., postmas- ter, general store & forwar- der Wilson Miss J., teacher Yates AVm., rancher Ah Yuen, merchant Cliiiig Keo, merchant HOPE STATION (See Hope), A station on the main line of the C.P.R.,9 miles east of Vancouver; nas . telegrapi office. Mails daily. Chouinard J., agent C. P. R. Iledon P., watchman C. P. U. HOWE SOUND, Alcock Thos. H. Anderson James Canersa John Howe Sound Shingle Mill Co. Johnstone W. E., of II.S.S M. Co. ILLECILLEWAET, A mining town on the main line of tli> CP.R., 407 miles from Vancouver; .u- post, telegraph and express offices. Ma,!: daily. Several rich claims are being devc loped here. Postmaster, W.T. Atherton Anderson Ewan, hotel Atherton W. T., postmaster Bain «fe Boyd, miners Buchanan George O.. saw mill Calloway George A. L., engineer Corbin D. W.,of Corbin & Kennedy Corbin & Kennedy, miners Dunn <& Leamy, general store Ferland S., general store Fox L., Haw mill Green Bros., general store Gicci\ Robert F. Green Samuel IF. Illocillewaot Mining Co., Fred. Fook* manager Kennedy J. P., of Corbin & Kennedy Leamy Daniel A., general Htore Maple Leaf Hotel, Thos. Richardson, prop McArthur A. C, agent C. P. R. and Dominion Express Mm, «■ iilii # GAZETTEER AND OIRECTORT. 75' LL INV KAiM eher It N (See Hope), n line of the C.P.R.,;,; louver; nas . telegrapi C. p. R. n C. P. R. Mill Co. II.S.S M. Co. ET, the main line of tli! "om Vancouver; .is; xpress offices. Ma.li laims are being dere Uherton si postmaster Haw mill I., engineer )in & Kennedy liners ill store ore itoi-e Jo., Fred. PooI<^. bin & Konned}' oral Htore lOH. Richardson, It C. P. R. and f pin tyre Hugh, boote and shoes bLeod Kenneth, miner JMcKinnon I'eter, butcher Hcliae & Richardson, hotel McDonald Wm., hotel WlIIo-t W., & Co., boarding house Norris John, bartender Queen's hotel Kchardson John Ricbardson Thomas, hotelkceper Selkirk Mining & Smelting Co., E, G, Tilton, mgr Snider W., prop Queen's hotel Teetzel ANorris, druggists Tilton Wm., miner Wood C. D., miner INVERNESS, A fishing station on the northern coast. 'Mails monthly from Victoria, dis 500 miles. Reached by steamer from Victoriu. About 260 Indians here. Brown James, engineer Hawkins Thomas, general store InverncbS cannery, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Victoria Poole Sam,, carpenter Robinsop Theo. H., hjokkeeper Inver- iiess cannery Steepledon B., managei Inverness can- nery Steepledon John, ciiginecr Stewart David, fisherman Sullivan Pat,, captain Wal.sh Mich,, tisherman Washburn Lew, fibherman JOHNSTON'S LANDING, A jiost settlement in the New Westminster district. Postmaster Robert C. Garner ett Richard, fnrmer nzy Joseph Normage, farmer earner Robert C, postmaster dardner Cha",, farmer ^gersMonsen, farmer Lacroix Joseph, farmer Lux Geo., farmer Moore John Thos., farmer Smith Samuel, cflrpenter Wade F, E,, general store KAMLOOPS, A town on the main line of the C.P.R., 250 miles east of Vancouver, at the junction of the North and South Thompson rivers, has post, express, telr- graph and telephone offices, Bank of B.C., one weekly newspiper, Episcopal, Metho- dist, Presbyterian and R.C. churches, public schools; court house and jail; steam, saw and grist mills. A good system of water works supplies the town for tirK> and domestic purposes. Pop. 900 whitf, 400 Chinese, 200 Indians. Steamers nm to Enderby and Savona. Postmaster, E. H. Jones Archibald C. H., plasterer Armstrong Thos. H., of Matheson & Armstrong Austin E., engineer C.P.R. Bacon Chas., painter and paper hanger Bank of British Columbia, J. C.Ooclcerill, manager. See ado page 280 "* Bannermao John, fuel agent C.P.R. Baynton James, h{iri)er shop Bedard rev. Father Juiian A., O.M.I , pastor R. C. Church, of tho Sacred Heart, 2nd asst St Louis Mis*jion Belanger M., prop Senate Oyster Sa- loon Bennett John S., accountant, collector and conveyancer Bentley Wells, I'tutionery, fancy goods, etc. Blackwood J^no., comp Inland ScntincL Blair J.. C.P.R. yardmaster Blair R.D., bookkper Hull Bros. & Co. Brown John L., dry goods, groceries, etc. Burnyeat Arch. G., clerk govt office.s Burnj'eat John P..C. E. & surveyor Cameron M. A. Miss, tailoresa tor I** S. Renier * I i !''!'' I .'' Henderson's British Columbia CAM KAMLOOP. HEA 1 1 'li. is,. I I'll Campbell Angus, teamster govt service Campbell D. H., carpenter Campbell John, auctioneer 'Campbell K. G., Dominion hotel Canada Life Assurance Co., McArthur, Stevenson & Mclvor, agents Canada Pacific Ry Teiegraph, Jean E Saucier, agent Canadisn Pacific Raiiway F. W. McKechnie, agent Cannell C, stock raiser Carswell Edwin, baker at J. S. Smith Chovonic Del phi ne Miss, head milliner McArthui-, Stevenson & Melvor Chi«holm rev. John, pastor Presbyte- rian Church Cliuroh of England Churcli of the Sacred Heart rev. Father Julian A. Bedard, 0. M. I., pastor City of London Fire Ins. Co., E. H. Jones, agent Clarke & Co., druggists Clarke Sibree, M.D. Clary S., fireman C.P.R. Cochrane W. M,, barrister, notary public Collins David, harness maker E. C. Davidson Collins John, butcher for Jas. Wood- land Colonial Hotel, Alex. McLean, prop Cooke A. K., tailor for F. S. Konier Cooney Chas. T., ranchman Conway F. ,].. baggage mawtcr Cosmopolitan Hotei, Joseph Kiilcbford. prop Coistioy Thos., planer Shusvvap Mill- ing Co. Couisicr Ilcnry X., clerk J. L. Brown Davis ILirry Herbert, paiiitc • Davis Henry, sen., painter Jiavison E. C, hainossmakor Derby Andrew, gen blacksmith i)ocicerillJ. C., manager Bank of British Columbia Dominion Hotel, Matheson & Arc * strong, props ^ Douglas Oaasie Mi.ss, milliner McA: ■* thur, Stevenson & Mclvor Douglas J. S., clerk F. J. Robison :{ Downey H., printer Sentinel ^ Driscoll A. surveyor ■ Driscoll Edward, harness maker E,( Davidson -. Duhamel Cora Miss i Duhamel Henry, restaurant Duhamel Horace, butcher Jas. Woo house Duprat G., prop Kamloops Soda Wau . Works Dutton Arthur, millhand Shuswa . Milling Co. Equitable Life Assurance Co, Jean E. Saucier, agent Federal I^ife Assurance Co., E. H Jones, agent Fletcher A , Colonial Hotel ]| Fletcher E., carpenter Foster J., engine turner Frankland John G., clerk H. B. Co. Fulton Fredk. J., solicitor England and notary public, man; ger for B. M. N. Woods & Loan agei, Furrer Edward, M.D. CagiiettO M. & Co., bakery ar. general store Gilleum Vic, saloon, J. O'Brien, mgf Gillespie Isaac, painter Gladius Theodore Gvveer Goddard Andrew M., engineer C.P.I! Goodfcllow J., chief train dcspatchor Gordon Marshal P., furniture and ui. dertaking Crahame James O^den, mgr Hudson Bay Co. Grand Pacific Hotel Grinrod E. H., insp telegraph repiiir- HAGAN M., sup Indian Industrie School Hall Arthur, booranan Shuswap Mill- ing Co. Hearn Henry, brakcraan C.P.R Hoarn R., despateher hjiii I 'Hi' GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY, 7T [BA HEP KAMLOOP. MAI tfatheson & Arr. 33, milliner McA: k Mclvor : F. J. Robisoa r Sentinel jr urnesa maker E, ( istaurant )utcher Jas. Woo tnloops Soda Wau iiillhand Shuswa Assurance Co, igent ranee Co., E. K li Hotel ;i ter rner clerk H. B. Co. J., solicitor > U'y public, man: oods & Loan ugei ?0.| bakery an. J. O'Brien, mgr ;er eer engineer C.P.I! rain dc.spatchor urniture and in. es iCo. Oj^den, olegraph rcpiiir- ndian Industria. n Shuawap Mill- lan C.P.R. Hepburn Jennie Miss, school teacher Herchmer John, brakeman Horan H. P., harness maker E. C. Davidson Hornby Thos., express and teaming Hosker D. M.. locomotive foreman Hudson's Bay Co., J. Ogden Grahame, manager Hull Bros. & Co., butchers Hull John, of Hull Bros. & Co. Hnll Wm. R., of Hull Bros. & Co., res Calgary Hussey Frederick, J. P., Gov- ernment agent Hutcbeson L. M. Miss, tailoress for P. S. Renier Hutcbeson P. E. Miss, tailoress for P. S. Renier Hjiatt M., foreman bridge gang C.P.R. Indian Industrial School, M. Hagan, superintendent Inland Sentinel, Hugh McCut- oheon, pub. Irvine Lydia J. Miss, dressmaker Mc- Arthur, Stevenson & Mclvor Jackson J., boilermaker C.P.R. Jamieson Joseph, teamster Jones E. H., postm Hter Jordan Fred. W., clerk j . A. Mara Kamloops House, Mathcson & Ann- strong, props Kamloops Pharmacy, Wm. E. McCartney Kamloops Soda Water Works, G. ipuprat, prop Etmloops Wagon & Gen. Blacksmith ffiiop, Geo. P. Raven, prop Kamloops Water Co., Jus. Mcintosh, X P., mgr Kearns Miss, mngr C.P.R. dining hall Kelly M., roadmuster C.P.R. King Annie J. Miss, dressmaker fur JlcArthur, Stevenson & Mclvor Lidner rev. Chas., pastor Metho- dist church Ij#Qe J., yardmasier C.P.R. Lfttider Joseph Dixon,8tock raiser Jiiwreuco J. S., despatcher i i Lee R.H., architect and civil engineer ■ Lejeune rev. Father J. M., O.xM.I., l.st a.sst St Lotiis Mission Lepine Frangois, ■watchmaker J. E,. Saucier London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. J. A. Mara, agent. Loney Geo., ferryman McArthur Alex. S., clerk for Mc- Anhur, Stevenson & Mclvor McArthur James, of McArthur, Ste- venson & Mclvor McArthur Jessie E. Miss, dressmaker McArthur, Stevenson & Mclvor McArthur, Stevenson & Mclvor, dry good.*, grociTic^?, millinery, etc. McCartney Wm. E., chemist and druggist, Kamloops pharmacy McCrimmon Duncan, blacksmith Geo. P. Raven McCutcheon Hugh, publisher of the Inland Sentinel McDonald Geo., blacksmith for An- drew Derby McDonald J. A., cler' asst supt McGillivery D. C. McGuire Chas. A., clerk J. A Mara Mcintosh James, J. P., manager Shuswap Milling Co. and IvaniloonK AVater Works Co. Mclvor Murdoch J., of McArthur, Ste- venson & Mclvor McKechnie F. W., agent C.P.R. McKune Robert, engineer C.P.Ji. McLaren J.C., convict gunrd prov jail McLean A., boots and shoes McLean Alex., prop Colonial hotel McLean Duncan C, clerk McLeod Ilattie Miss, dressmaker Mc- Arthur, Stevenson & Mclvor McLeod Hugh D. McMorris Daniel C, editor In- land Sentinel McPhee John, prop Oriental hotel McQuarrie Donald, boots and shoes Mainland Pioneer society, Jas. Mcin- tosh, president '% I:. I '1 I t lifi" 78 Henderson's British Columbia MAN KAMLOOP. SIN Manenteau \ugU8t, capt. str Kamloops Maple Grove Nursery, McArthur, Sle- vonson & Mclvor, agents Mara J. A., M.P.igeneral mer- chant March Frank, brakeraan C.P.R. Mai'tino G. Matheson Alex., of Matheson & Arms- trong I Matheson & Armstrong, props Domi- nion hotel Matheson Donald J., tailor Matheson Malcolm, merchant tailor Matthews Thomas, wheelwright Geo. P. Raven Megaw W. R.. gonoral store Methodist Church, rov Chas. Ladncr, pastor Mitchell J. R., mgrE. G. Prior & Co. Mitchell R. C. tailor for P. 8 Renier Moore J., U.M.I. Lay Broiher Moore Sam., stock raiser Morris Alfred, painter MunroeGeo.. asst roadm aster C.P.R. .MylesJ. C. machinist CP.H. Nelles C. N.. bartender I)i»in. hotel Nelson Fred., livery, feed and sale stables Nel.-^ent Quinn Lawrence, boots and shoos Raab A. E., bartender Grand Pacifi hotel Rankin George, blacksmith for Ales McDonald Ratchford Joseph, prop Cosm politan hotel Raven George P., propKamloop Waggon and Gen. Blacksmith shoji Renier P. 8., merchant tailor Rhoault Louis, bartender Co8mopi> litan hotel Rice John, engineer Shuswap Mill. Cj Ridley H. C. ins. agent Road ley Thomas, saddler Rob.son F. H., groceries and provision. Roman (Jatholic Church, rev. Fathc Lojccque, P.P. Ross Henry, tinner for Jas. Vair Ro,s.s\V Iv. brakeinan C.P.M. Royal Inland Hospital, Di-. E. Furrci house ^urg«'on Royal Int*. Co. J. A. Mara, agent Rudd 11 v., clerk Bunk of B. C. Rushton Francis, gunsmith Saucier Jean E., Agent C. P, R. telegraph, jeweller, and manager Telephone Co. Savii-.. .iohn, <'abineimaker for VV. f, ( lonlnli Scala Phillip, of Gaglietto .t Co. Schomaker A., br-ilrniun C.P.R. School llou.se, K. S. Wood, principal Sentinel, ))ulilishe(l weekly, II. McCutchoon, prop Shuswao Millin Co., Jumei Mcintosh, J. P. manager Sidgmore J. V., timekeeper C.P.R. Silvor.stone Norbcit, restaurant Simmons \V. A., carpenter shop Sinclair Geo., fiuits and confectionor) GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 79 b, rev. Jolin Chij (iw. and agr. impi e.nment Off)' Fluasey, ?jont ots and shoos ier Grand Pacifi cksmith for Ales phy prop Com' *'f propKamloop Blacksmith yhoji irchant tailor •tender Costnopo Shiwwap Mill. Co ;ent idler rioH and provision' Lirch, rov. Fathe: or Jas. Vair nC.P.M. Lai, Dr. E. Kurrci Mara, agent nk of H. 0. iirtmitb , Agent C. P, jeweller, and hone Co. maker for W. l\ M'lto .V: Co. lun C.P.Il. A'oad, princi[);u eii weekly, JI. CO.y JaiUOi anager oeper C.P.K. •entaurant enter shop nd conl'octionerj' SIN KAMLOOP. KEI Sinclair James A., jailor Smith James, butcher Hull Bros. & Co. Smith J. F., boots and shoes Smith J. S., baker Smith E. E., gen store and merchant tailor Spinks Wm. Ward, of Corbould,McColl, & Spinks, county court judge, and stipendiary magistrate Stevens Saul, storeraan J. A. Mara Stevenson Lottie N. Miss, dressmaker for McArlhur, Stevenson & Mclvor Stevenson Chas., ofMcArthur, Steven- Bon & Mclvor Stewart M. F., checker C.P.R. Stewart M. P., freight checker C.P.R. St Andrew's Society, Jas. Mcintosh, pres. St Ann'b OonventjSister Mary Joachim, BOperioross StLauront J., car insp C.P.R. St Louis Church (Indian), rev. Father J. M. J. Lejacq, O.M.I., pastor St Louis Mission, rev. Father J. M. J. Lejacq, O.M.I. Sorel T.i O.M.I. Lay Brothers Sweeney Thomas, fireman C.P.R. Tatnier Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 9, B. T. W. Pearse \V. G. Telephone office, Jean E. Saucier, mgr Temperance House, John Fox, prop Thoxton William, sawj'er Shuswap Milling Co. Tanstall James, bookkeeper J. A. Afara Tanstall S. J., M.D., C.P.R. physician jCopeland John, mc hant White Charles, cutter at E, E.Smith White G. A., acct Shuswap Milling Co. WhittakerWm. H., barristei Wood E. S., principal school Wood W. F., manager for J. A. Mara Wood E. M. H,f barrister, soli- citor, etc., Fred. J. FuJton, mgr. Woodland James, butcher Woodland John, butcher CHINESE Bow On Jong Chong Lee & Co., grocers and dry goods Hop Lee, merchant Jang Gun Tong, doctor Kwong Ching, laundry Kwong Joy & Co., merchante Kwong Lung, merchant Kwong On Wo & Co., merchants Kwong Tai, employment ofl&ce Sam Kee, laundry Voo Lee, laundry Yec Chong, merchant Wing Fong, laundry Wah Kee, merchant KEEPERS, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 11 miles east of North Bead and 143 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegraph office. clerk I LB. Co. hardware, stoves, tin- TiRrnor John A Yiir James, %are, etc. Wlllkemllon Justice George Anthony. judge ClinloM judicial disl, county of Yale Walsh John, engine turner Ish rev Father J. M., O.M.I., 3rd iflsst Si Louis Mission laterous (rus,, night yardman C.P.R. laterous W. A., switcher C.P. li. latson Chas. II., photographer fham G, II., barber shop Donnelly C, agent C.P.R. Jamieson J., stock raiser Lamie — , stock rai.sor L i b by G . A . , go n . s tore KEITIILEY CREEK, A coiiutry post office in the Cariboo dis- trict. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 270 miles. Reached by saddle horse from l.OO Mile House. Telegraph Barkerville, 30 miles. Mails fortnightly. Mining la the chief industry. Postmaster, G. A. Voith i 'n in-. t\ 80 HENDERSON'S BaiTISH COLUMBIA J\KN KOO .1,.-; ! I I: Borland Et)bt., of Veith k Borland Veith & Borland, ijen store Veith C. A., postmaster KENSINGTON PRAIRIE, A seltleraent in the New Westminster dis- trict. Calicrliev Wm., farmer Fallowficld TlioH. Atk'nson. farmer Fallowfield Eobt. Atkinson, farmer Kerry -lohn. farmer Jjoj'c Wm. Crespim, shoemaker Marshall Daniel, farmer McKay Kenneth, farmer McPhee Jame>, farmer T{u.aly ArraHtroiiiif Kobert C, laborer Bothwell Alex., laborer Cohen Wm. Coulthai'd John Oswald, rancher Daly Thomas, general store, postmaster and rancher Ellis Thoma.s, rancher and general store Gartrell Walter, laborer Hoening I>avid L., blacksmith Manery Wm., laliorer Manson Kobert, laborer McCurdy Daniel, stock raiser McCJiirdy Geo., laborer Neil John, laborer Periso Juan, laborer Pike George, laborer price B., gen store Verdin Peter Versars Louis Weith Jordan W^endell, tol operatov KETTLE RIVER, A settlement in the Yale district. Almond Sidney J?., .'Stockman Dailey Richard, f.irmer Ehault Louis, far.ner Gilpin W., stockraiser Jonos James S., stock raiser Jones Wm. S., etock raiser McCanley Jd-eph, tarmer McConnell James, farmer Meehan John, farmer Nelson George, farmer Nicholson Henry, farmer Eendell C. M., farmer Spraggett Ernest, slock raiser Thorlin John, farmer Vaughn Leonard, farmer KOKSILAH, A station on the E. k N. Railway in thi Cowichan District, 38 miles from Victoria has post and telegraph offices. Mails dailv. Pop. 100. Postmaster, J. C. Crosier Crosier J. C, gen store and postmaster Good II. L., agent C. P. K. telegraph and K. & N. Ry. KOOTENAY, A post office on Wild Horse Creek. .Mail; semi-monthly via Golden, dis 175 miles. Postmaster, David GriflSths Baker Col. James, M. P. P., Cranbrook Dakers George, general store Galbraith T. J., & Bro., general store Galbraith II. L. T., general store miner and rancher. Fort Steele, Griffiths David, postmaster A general store i'lliri i GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 81 3- ill, tcl operator ale district. ockmua er r : raiser : raiser rinor rraer ler rmor T )ck raiser r iner fc N. Railway in tLi miles from Victoria offices. Mails daily, rosier an store and P. R. telegraph Horse Creek. MaiL- n, dis 175 miles. riffitbs P. P., C ran brook il store ., general store general store r, Fort Steele, ostmaster & LAC LAN Humphreys J. K., general store, Cherry Kootenay Valley Co. (Ltd) McFarlane Wm. G., V. surgeon Morden rev. George H , Methodist Phillips Michael, Indian agent Eykert J. C, landing waiter H. M. C. Barnard, Kootenay Lake Sinclair & Co., contractors LAC LA HACHE, A country post office on the Cariboo Road. Cattle ranching is the principal industry in this section. Nearest railway stution Ash- croft, dis 100 miles. Telegraph otHce Bridge Creek, dis 8 miles. Pop. CO. Postmaster, O. A. McKinlay Allan Wra., hotel and store McKinay O. A., J. P., post- master Walker Wm., gen. store LANDER'S LANDING, An important town on the Fraser River, 5 miles from its mouth. It is the business centre of the Delta municipality, which contains 50,000 acres of the finest agri- cultural lands in the province. It has te- legraph and money order post office. Mails daily, via C. P. N. Co. Steamers from Vic- toria and New Westminster. Nearest railway fetation New Westminster, distance 13 miles. It has 9 salmon canneries, 1 saw mill, an Episcopal church and 4 public school';. The export of grain last year (Fall, 1889) is estimated; at 1500 tons, potatoes 500 tons, hay 1000 tons, and large quantities of currants, cherries, blackber- ries, apples, and pears. Pop. of municipality 1,500. Postmaster, Thos. McNecly Adams George, blacksmith and farmer Alexander R., farmer Arthur Daniel, farmer Barber Alfred B., farmer Barber Charles E. Beath Josiah, merchant salmon M. T. Blanchard Augustus, farmer Booth William British America Packing Co., packers, Canoe Pass British Columbia Canning Co. Johnston, mgr, Victoria Brown Christopher, stork rai.ser Burr John J. Burse Basil, farmer Cain midge E., farmer Calvert rev James, Methodist Charletoii Ed. F. , Coulter Albert Henry Delta Canning Co., salmon canncrs Delta hotel, Thos. McNeely, pioj) Dominion Express Co., and Cana- dian Pacific Navigation Co., Thos. McNeely, agent Elliott J. B., contractor p]!liott S., blacksmith Ercole W., Canoe Puss Fraser River Fishej-y Co., M. T. JoJin- son, mgr, Victoria Gilchrist Alex., teacher Glan.son Edward Gough James Gray Robt., farmer, Scott's ro;ul Green C. F., fishery warden Green Geo., netman Wdlingtoa Cannery Guichon Laurent, mcrchnnt Harlock & Co., sjilmon canncra Haiickti., general store Ilinclilitt' .Stephen, bookkeeper Kicks Jlenry A.,l'armei- and cai-penter Hodge Harry, blacksmith and lurraer Hoier Peter Hutcherson Ernest, gardener Hulclierson Harry Hutcheson E., nursery man Jfainland nur.'^ery Kerr T. W., saw mill Kirkland Edmund Lamport Kirkland John, reeve and farmer Kitson Robert Fdward |Ladner Thomas F., salmon packer Uadner Wm. H., M, P. P.* 11! 10 farmer I " 82 HENDERSON 3 BRITISn COLUMBIA 111; LAK TON i i ill I \ Larseter Goo., wr. Larseter Geo., jr. L'HenaflF Lewis, fiBherraan LiddleWm. fl. Lord C, cannery foreman Lord F. L., cannery foreman Matheson Edward, farmer Matheson Robert, carpenter McAllister Duncan McBride Joseph McKee W., notary public McKee & Sons, butchers McLean Alexander, carpenter McLearn Jacob, carpenter McMillan Hugh, farmer McNeely Thomas, gen store postmaster and hotelUeeper Moran James Nordin Bard Eeinhardt G. W., physician Rich Harry, auctioneer Rich Henry Nelson, clerk Robertson D. M., farmer ThirkleT., livery stable Tingley James Anderson Tingley John Fraser Wade Sam., painter Waddell J., shoemaker Wadhams E. A., salmon canner Watson Robinson Wellington Packing Co., salmon canners. Canoe Pass Wood rev James A. Woodward Wm., farmer Woodward John Woodward W., boat builder Young Ben., canner, Canoe Pass Kwong Yuoii Tai & Co., merchants LAKE, A seitlemeat in the Esquimalt District. Adalgee M., farmer. Elk Lake Anderson Ceo. Wm., M. P.P. farmer Atkins Robert, farmer Beck Thomas, laborer Belyar Amos S., stonemason Black John, farmer Bull Jofiiah, farmer, Beaver Lako Burry David, laborer Burskey Geo., farmer Camp John, hotel keeper Carey Joseph Wm., farmer Carmichael James Rutherford, farmer Critchley James, farmer Davidson David, laborer Dempsey Francis, laborer Douglas Thomas, laborer Dunaven Thomas, farmer Durance John, farmer Dwyer John, farmer Eads John, laborer Fernie Peter C, lime burner FoUey William, laborer Foot William, farmer Franklin Goo. Wm., farmer Gray John Kimpson, mason Guyotte Joseph, farmer Heal John, farmer Johnson Adam, farmer Johnson William, farmer Jones Samuel, farmer Lesh Chas. Came, farmer Lindsay George, jun., farmer McHugh Henry, J. P., farmer McHugh Wm., gentleman McKenzie Alex., laborer MoKenzie Alex., farmer Mc-Kenzie Hugh, farmer McKenzie Kenneth McWilliams Thoma.«(, cook Porter Richard Thomas Porter Robert, farmer Pritcbard Edward, farmer Piisoy James, farmer Pusey Leonard Richie John, farmer Rickets Samuel, farmer Sills Wm., laborer Snider Wm. Honrj', farmer Stevens John, hotel Sulcomb James, laborer Temple Wm., laborer Tonot Philip, farmer GAZETTEER AND DIREOTORT. 83 LAN McD per arm er ithorford, farmer Dor •rer 30rer orer :mor r 'Tway John, farraor Tway Theophilus, farmer \Webber John, laborer 'Wiffins Chas. Sidney, farmer Wiffins Sidney, farmer "Wilkinson Edward, farmer '.Wilkinson Eichard, farmer 'Wilson James, farmer Young John L., farmer liANCHOIL, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 398 miles cast of Vaacourer. Has a tele- graph office. aLANGLEY See also Alder Grove and Langley Prairie, A settlement oa the south bank of the Fra- River, 15 miles from Xew West- minb:-r, and 3 miles from Port Haney station on the C.P.R., from which place the mitil is received daily, except Sundays and Mondays. Port Hammond, dis 6 miles is nearest telegraph and express office. The populations of Langley municipality ■ f New Westminster district, comprising Langley, Langley Prairie, and Alder Grore. are about 2,500. Principal industry is farm ing, stock raising, fine orchards. We have 2 saw mills and one flour and grist mill, 3 blacksmith shops, C general stores, 3 hotels and one butcher shop. There is daily steam- boat connection with >few Westminster. Postmiit^ler, J. M. Drunimond -^Uard Ja.son, farmer trmstrong Charles, wood contmctor rmstrong W. D., fruit grower Armstrong William, wood contractor Bellargo Peter, farmer Black Tiiomas. farmer Blackett St. Ciiiir.ofBlackett & White llackett & While, geiil. store llair Thomas, farmer irazil Brusseaii, laborer lurtholme (reoige, farmer lyrara A. II., farmer Jameron Neil, farmer Campbell Alien, farmer Campbell Archie, farmer Carmen Sim., farmer Carter George C, farmer Coglan Henry, farmer Coglan Nathaniel, tiarmer Collins Henry Cromarthy James, farmer Davey W. G., farmer Davis Henry, farmer Drummond J.M., postmaster, and agent Hudson Bay Company BIkins James, laborer Emptage Wm., jun., farmer Emptage Wm.,8en., farmer Francis Walter, clerk Blackett k White Eraser Andrew, ftirmer Foreman William, farmer Goddard Goo., blacksmith and farmer Goddard Richard, farmer Graham T. W., farmer Graw Ernest, farmer Gray James, farmer Haldi Jacob, farmer Haley William, hotelkeeper Harris Henry, farmer Harris James, farmer Harris Samuel, farmer Hattie Daniel, farmer Holding Alexander, farmer Holding Henry, farmer Holding Richard Henry, farmer Hossack James, prop Langley Flour & Grist Mills Houston James, farmer llud.son Bay Co., J. M. Druranuond, in charge James James, farmer Jamieson J., farmer Johnstone James M., farmer Jollv John, farmer Kiiinovan John, farmer Knox John, farmer Larmon Nathaniel, farmer Latimore John, farmer Lowes John, meat market McDermit Neil, farmer McDonald John, farmer ! ^ 1 " ,1 ■ 1 '■ '^ i 1 f ; : 1 1 84 Henderson's British ooliimbia McD McPonald Mulcoliu, liirmor M<'E\v:m Walter, farmer MclOwan Win. I)., liinner MoKny Daniol^ fnnner McKay Gilbert, f'armor McKco Jainos, fanner McKee Kobert, reeve, and beo raiser McTvor Kennel li, fanner Mclvc-r Murdoch, farmer McLennan John, farmer McLennan John P'rei., farmer McLennan M. D., farmer Mackie James. J. P. Matheson Franl:, farmer MatheHon John, farmer Mavis Alexander, farmer Mavis Frank, macliiniHt Maxwell John, J. P. Medd William, farmer Misner rev. Wm. D., Methodist Morrison Adam, farmer Morrison Alex., farmer Morrison Hector, farmer Morrison Joseph, farmer Morrison Kenneth, farmer Morrison William, farmer Mutfard Joseph, fiarmer JIufftnvl Thomas, farmer Mufllard WiMiam, school teacher Korrid Hobert, farmer Norris Kobert, jun., farmer Oakes Eobort Patterson Joseph, farmer Plaxton li. J., school teacher Pratt John, farmer Rawlison Geo., clerk municipal council Rawlison William Henry, farmer Eich Jo.'':eph, farmer Bichardson Alexander, farmer Richardi^on William, farmer Eowan Kobert, farmer Sincocks Thomas, farmer Skea James, farmer Skca John, farmer Smith John, farmer Snow Frank, farmer Spence Peter, farmer Stewart Donald, farmer LAN Stoddard Thomas, farmer Taylor James, farmer Taylor John, assistant mail carrier Taylor James, blacksmith Titenus Samuel, farmer Titmus Herbert, farmer Tuwie Eliza, hotel anc^ gen store Towle George, saloop Towle Reed, farmer Towle Stanley, farmer Towle Wilson, farmer Tyro John, farmer Underwood George, farmer Vivian Henry, farmer West Henry, saw mill White Fred. G., of Blackctt & White Wilkie Henry, gentleman Wilkie Otway, mail contractor Wilkie Octavius, civil engineer Wilkie Walter, clerk H. B. Co. Williams Alexander, farmer Worley William, farmer Worrel Frank, farmer YeomansJohn, farmer Yorkson Ebenezor, farmer LANGLEY PRAIRIE, A country post office on the jYale road, 15 miles from New Westminster, in Langley municipality, New Westminster district. Mail twice a week ; railway station and telegraph, Port Haney, dis 9 miles. Steam- boat landing, Langley. Postmaster, John Boyes A-nderson Jacob, farmer Boyes Francis Dickson, farmer Boyes John, postmaster Boville Arthur, saw mill and grair crushing mill Brown Robt., farmer Cottoll Wm. Trewyn, farmer Fabian Bruno, architect Jolly J., J. P. and stock rancher Mcintosh John, farmer McKay Cornelius, farmer * Mi.sncr rev. — , Methodist minister Monahan Robt., farmer Munn Malcolm, farmer M^ Jii' ,1, I'F II r mer t mail carrier mith er er ^gen store QAZETTEBU AND DIRECTORY. 8S LAN LUL urmcr f 1 iciictt & White man on tractor engineer H. B. Co. Urmer ler [' r :mer [RIE, n the jYale road, 15 ninster, in Langle; estminster district, ailway station and di3 9 miles. Steam- >yes or farmer master mill and grair farmer L'k rancher a nor "■ ist minister r !Murray Wm., farmer [Murray Wm., blacksmith M utrie — , real estate agent Nelson Daniel Horatio, farmer Nelson J. K., carpenter Kiddie & Davidson, gen merchant Kobinson Chas. J., farmer Smith John, farmer Taitrev. — , Presbyterian minister Towle David, farmer Turnbull Thos., carpenter 'Underwood Geo. Ewart, farmer LANDSDOWNE, A town at the northern end of Okanagan Lake, between Vernon and Enderbj. Armstrong H. J., hardware, &c. 'Cargill E. C, &Co., general store Frane Richard, harnessmaker Schneider N., hotelkeeper LILLOOET, On the south side of the Eraser River. It has a post office. Nearest railway station Aahcroft, dis 77 miles ; telegrapl^ at Clinton, dis 45 miles. Postmaster, C. A. Phair 1 Allan Edward, M. P.P., hotelkeeper Cunningham Wm., trader Dickie James, farmer j Ferguson Adam B., hotelkeeper i JIarris Thoma.s, trader Keary Harry J., clerk Xyman .Tames, hotelkeeper McDonald A., tnider ^hairC. A., gen store and '% postmaster j* hair Caspar, Govt] assessor and re- corder LOWER NICOLA, II A country post office on the Nicola and M Kamloops road in the Yale district. Nearest railway station and telegraph office Spence's Bridge, dis 35 miles. Mail tri- weekly. Pop. 50. It is reached by mail stage weekly. Postmaster, R. M. Woodward Armstrong G. B., general store Carrlngton A. R., bookkeeper R. M. Woodward Forsyth D., farmer Forsyth & Stuart, farmers Homos W., miller Irwin A., carpenter MoKittrick P., farmer McQueen Jessie Miss, school teacher Parsons A., hotel, -2 Mile house Parsons F. H., fai-mcr Smith Donald W.,22 Mile house Woodward Frank, farmer Woodward Henry, farmer Woodward H. H., farmer Woodward Hiram, farmer and carpen- ter Woodward R. M., gen store and postmaster Woodward Tho.s., & Sons, grist and savr mills Woodward Thomas, of T. Woodward & Sons Woodward W. E., farmer LULU ISLAND, A country post office at the mouth of the Fraser River, north side, in Richmond muni- cipality, New Westminster district. Mails daily, via Victoria and New Westminster steamers. N'-arest telegraph office Ladner's Landing, dis 4^ miles. New Westminster, dis 15 miles. Has one church and a public school. Its principal industries are farm- ing and fishing. Postmaster, W. 11. London Ijlair James, farmer Blair John, farmer Clarke Michael Englisii & Co., fish packers and can- nery English M. M. Ferling J. C, gen store Gerard Elzear Johnson John IT* 86 HENDIRSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA J.YT McP : i t ,. »'«.' >I|| 1 Kidd Thoman, farmer Knapp T. K., Hchool teacher Lindnay Thos. Dulzell London Bros., gon store and temper- ance hotel London Chas. E., of London Bros. London Wm. H., postmaster, i of London Bron. Lord W. R., cannery foreman for Todd & Son Martin S. B., of English k Co. Martinson Beryt McMyn Jamea MoMyn John MoMyn Wm. R. McMyn Wm., nr. Paine T., farmer Pearpon Solomon Mnnn Reid David, farmer Sharpe E. A. Steves Manoah, rancher Steves W. Herbeil, farmer Thirkell Tom. Tiffin H. M. Todd J. H., & Son, salmon canners Vermilyea John C. Whiteside J., farmer Woodward Dan., butcher LYTTON, An important town on tbe main line of the (J.P.R., 159 miles east of Vmicouver, at the junction of the Fraser and Thompson. Rivers, 57 miles above Yale, Yale district Hae post office and telegraph. Mails dailj Express Dominion B. C. Has Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches, and a public school. Postmaster, Louis Cuvreau Baillie G. F., prop Baillie House Bell James Smith, clerk Blachford Henry, blacksmith Brand James, tinsmith Buie Arthur B., mgr J. 31clntyre Cuvreau Louis, postmaster and gen store I Podd Wm., govt, agent j Doyle John, laborer Earl George, gardener Earl Thonias (J. FloresH Joseph, laborer Gillivray Daniel J., carpenter Hautier Alphonse F., prop Globe hotel Hong Wo, merchant Jackson Hiram, laborer Kilbroy Patrick, rancher and butchei Kong On, merchant Landsbnrg David, foreman Loring Deloss Lorenzo McOue B., watchman C.P.R. Mclntyre John, gen store McKay John McKittrick Arthur, teamster McNeil Archibald, carpenter Phibbs John, driver Pearson James, gen store Quinn Peter, carpenter Rebagliatta B., gen store Richley Geo. JtogersWm., carpenter Scott Robert J., teacher Sealy Wm., blacksmith Seward Thomas, J. P. Small Richard, clerk Smith C, watchman C.P.R. Stevenson Arthur, J. P., Govt, roadsupt Trickey John, af^enl C.P.R. Trodden Rich., Govt road foreman Walsh Wm., gen store and baker Walsh Wm., trader McPHERSON'S STATION, On llnj E. & N. Railway, 35 miles from Tictoi ia, located on the Koksalah River in the heart of a fine farming and lumbering district in the electoral district of Cowi- chan. Its sandstone quarries are considered the best on tbe Pacific coast. Has Epis- copal church and public school Mails daily. Telegraph office at Kok&alab, dis 3 miles. Steamboat landing Cowieban, dis 2 miles. Its principal industries are lum- bering, farming, fishing, and stone quarry- ing. It has an Episcopal church, aiid public scboola. Postmaster, Geo. A. Jones lii 1 OAZETTEXR AND DIRECTOBT. sr •penter roj) Globe hotel er and butcher man IV.R. ore xmBter center )re re P.R. Govt. roadBupt "li. ad foreman ind baker lATION, ,y, 35 miles from Kuksalab River in Dg and lumbering iiatrict of Cowi- riesare considered oast. Has Epis- ic school Mails it Kok&alab, dis 3 ig Cowieban, dis dustries are lum- _nd atone quarry- pal church, aiid )nea MAP KYL Jones Ceo. A., general store, hotelkeepor and postmaHter Jonen Wm., aHHt postmaster Levingo John, teacher Lewis George, contractor Hay Arthur, boarding lionse Mcl'herson D., .sec. foreman Ordnano Bapt., hotel Ordnano Austin A., gen store MAPLE BAY See also Dun- can's Station, A c >untry postotiice in the district of Cow- ieban ; it has an excellent harbor, on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Mails three times a weelc. Nearest railway sta- tion and telegraph Duncan's Station, dis 6 mile.<4. Its industries are farming and lumbering. It has Episcopal and Metho- dist chiuches and public schools. Postmaster, Wm. Beaumont Beaur>ont W., gen store, ho! el a'"l postmaster Webber David C, farmer MAPLE RIDGE, A muuicipality on the banks of the Fraser River in New Westminster District. It has an area of 50,000 acres and a frontage of IS miles on the Fiaser River. The soil in the vicinity of Port Haney is a heavy clay, suiiable for brick making. In the vicinity of Port Hammond it is exceptionally rich, and is adapted to market gardening, as the : soil is very prolific. On the LiUooet^River, two miles in rear of Port Haney, are '« extensive tracts of timber lands. At the extreme western boundary of the municipality are the Pitt Meadows, richer land than which cannot be found. At pre- sent they are subject to overflows at high water, but are being reclaimed and will soon be ready for settlers. The C.P.R. ,5 rung through it and has the following sta- I tions : Haney, Wharnock and Hammond. I Daily communication by steamer with tf New Westminster and up-river points. 4 (See also Port Hammond and Port flaney.) Andonoi. Albert Grey Anderson Andrew Anderson Thomas George Ansell Wm. .Henry Apnaut Geo. i'. -Baker August Francis Boll John Edward Beat Arthur Best James Blackstock Robert Blackstone George Blake Kobort Blaney John Bowser Francis Braden Robt. Alexander Bryant C. rev, Methodist Callaghan Daniel Oallaghun John Chadwick Fouls Chalmers James Cook Ed. A. Cook James Gilbert Daback Elsin Darcy Edward F. Davidson John Davis Wm. James Dawson Henry Docksteader Adam George Docksteader Daniel Edge Samuel Ferguson Angus Ferguson Hector Fern ham Wynn Fitzpatrick John Hammond John ]Iampton W^illiam Haney Thomas Hinch David Hinch John Howeson Wra. Justus Howett George Iraine Adam Isaac William James Thomas King John R Knight Ebenezer Kyle Andrew Kyle John •il'l &8 HENDEftSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA i l| ;■ 1|»1 I'M 111) MAT MET Laity John Henry Laity Thomas Martin Onfifen McAdam William McCam bridge John McCann Kobert J. J. McTver John McPhorson Daniel Murry P., teacher Myghton Joseph Noely Robert Kelson William Nice George KcidFraiu'is Richmond William Ritchie A. W. Ritchie J. R. Ritchie John Ritchie William Robertson Alexander Robertson Andrew Robertson Charles E)boi >on Donald Rober'aon James Robertson iiobert Ivobcrtson Samuel Ross Albert, lumberman Shouldice .lohn A., lumberman JShouldice Robt., lumberman Smeadly William Smith Gideon Stephens Joseph Stevenson Alexander Sy sou James Thomas J(»hn Towers Francis Tiembath John Wales William White .lames W.iitc John Wilson Wilson .lames John MATSQUI See Mission Station A ooimty post office on the nortli bank of the Ki'iisor River, (lis 2ri miles from New Westminster, and 45 miles east of Vancoii ver on the C.P.R. Hallway station anil telegraph office are called Missionttelegraph office M.itsqui, G miles south of poat office PuHtmaster, James Tietheway Bates Henry Pennington, farmer Barnes John Brett Robt. Henry, farmer Burton Ralph, farmer Chester Thos. , DesBrisay M., gen store Edwards Henry Edwards Patrick, Grey Alex., farmer Hawkins Alban, farmer Hudson Lawrence, farmer Lecraux Gabriel, gen store Lehman Sam., farmer Little & Morriscy, "en store Mackinlay Win. Scott, farmer Maciure John, C.P.R. telegraph age;i Maclure Samuel, farmer Macrae Duncan, farmer AlcCailum Alex., farmer McGillivray John B., farmer McKjiy Geo., farmer McKe3 James, farme'* Nicholson Malcolm, farmer Prophet Daniel B., farmer Purver Richard Alex , farmer Purver Richard Ei, farmer Ross Hugh, farmer Sword John, farmer, Buchanai TrethewayJames, postmaster Trethewjiy M. A. Mrs., gen store Turner Geo., survey -;r Wren John R , farmer METCHOSIN, A country post office, situated 15 mi' ■ southwest of Victoria, in the Bsquimi District. F.irming is the principt indu t.y. Postmistress, Mrs. Rachel Gleed ' Fulton Alex., farmer .Johnson Lewis, farmer McDermid Malcolm, farmer Hoy Samuel, farmer Slodhard Thomas Glod, farmer WiUker Jahies, farmer V. ity William, farmer GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. T ^ton, farmer armor r ore ner armer 1 store 2r n store i, farmer I. telegraph ago;; Tier ner rner , farmer farmer irmer , farmer armer Buchanai Sf postmaster ., gen store r r , situated 15 in;'- I, in tiio Bsqiiimn is the principt {aclicl Glood *r irmor I, farmer MET MOO METLAKAHTLA, On the Taimpsheaw peninsula, about raid- way between Port Essington and Port iiSimpson, in the Cassiar District. It is reached by steanners which anchor in the Bay facing the T^illage while delivering freight and mails. Mails are received foit- nigbtly in summer for 8 months, and monthly in winter for 4 months. It is .".bout 650 miles north of Victori" An Anglican church is supported by the C.M.S. CM. school for Indian boys and girls, and Industrial school maintained by the Dominion Government. Pop 30 whites and 140 Indians. Postmaster, John Cuuniiigham Jkrdagh Vernon, L. R C. P. and S., Edinburgh and L. M., Ed., member British Aied. A^^80ciation, Med. Mis- sionary, Church Misssionary Stteiety Anderson Miss E., matron industrial School B.C. Canning Co., M.T. Johnson, mgr, Victoria Cunninfiham John, gen Store and postmaster Tlewin John, constable and recorder •Onrd rev. R. W. Kelly Maurice, cooper Morrison Clias. F., cleric B.C. Canning ; Co. (Ld.) Aidley Eij-ht rev., Bishop of Caledo- nia .iili;"und James, trader Kudhmd William, carpenter and boat builder Scot L J. E.. principal Indian Industrial school Spence .Foim, mechanical engineer !K)d'i Chas., Indian and Government agent Washburn Lora, logger Washburn N. B., logizer "Vfootten S. Y., stipendiary magistrate MILLSTREAM, A post office in Victoria District. Dixon Joseph Marion, farmer Lindsay George, farmer Mesher Geo., contractor Pike Chaa., farmer MISSION See Matsqui P.O., A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 45 miles east of Vancouver, and on the Fraser River, 35 miles above New West- minster ; has telegraph office. Mails daily. Post office called Matsqui. Abercombie Hugh, farmer A.ntiiony Geo. Harvie, farmer Bi.wyer Francis, farmer Catherwood John A., teacher Gibbard Geo., fiarmer Livingston John C, farmer McLean John, farmer Murcheson Jas. W,, farmer O'tfeil .Tohn, farmer Passingham Francis, fanner Shook M. F., agent C. P. E. Solloway Thos., farmer Trommer Louis, fanner Trouiuier Eichard, former Wells Joshua Willard, farmer MOIKliLEY, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 10 mile.s east of Donald in the Kootenay district. Barker William, trader MOODYVILLE, On the north shore of Bumirii liilet, nearly .)ppo3ite Vancouver. The population con- sists principally of ih<< employees of the .Mooil> ville Saw Mill Co. Has a post office. Mails twice a day from Vancouver, dis A m les, has telephone (.iirinectiou with Van- couver ; 1 Episcopal church ana 1 Itidiao mission, and public school. Postiuastor, Ben. Springer I'" 'It ! i "^ 90 nBNDERSON S BHITISH COLUMBIA MOU t \)'' i ■ mm Ut Calbick G. A., coiistable and tax col- leclor Flood E. N., clerk King A.N.C.K., accountant Lunn E., tallyman Miller Fred. J., clerk M. S. M. Go's store Moodyvllle Sawmill Company (Ltd). Benj. Springer' manager McGrath W. F., tallyman Bamsdale H. J., foreman Randall S. J., engineer and machinist Scott A. W., clerk Sprineer Benjamin, manager H. S. M. Co., and postmaster MOUNT LEHMAN. A couutry post office on the Fraser Rive 30 miles above New Westminster. Mails 3 times a week. Nearest railway station and telegraph Mission, distance 6 miles. Its industries are tarming, stock raising and Iruist. Has Episcopal, Methodist, Tresby- terian and Catholic churches, and public school. Postmaster, E. J. Thomson Anderson Peter, farmer Eenson J. B., farmer Berry John Boyle Geo. Brewster Jas. Bru.skey Geo. Burnett. ^T ^tiry j^hn Augustus Cabana Oiias., fi^hermiln ('oghl&ii Robert, farmer Corby Henry, farmer Cornelius Henry, laborer Cosens Geo. T. S. Craig Neil, dentist Di.xney Edmund, contractor Disney II., carpenter Ferguson Munro Gillis Alex. Gratf Mo&es, fishci man SUT Hannah John Hawkins A If,, dairyman Ibbotson Jake, laborer Ibbotson Jno., sr., farmer Ibbotson Jno., jr., farmer Jones Jno. M. King Ed. W., constable Leciair Fred. Leo George A. Lee James Homun, farmer Lehman Carson Lehman Jacob, farmer Lehman Jesse, laborer Lehman Thos. H., mail contractor Long Jno. Lo'vlan Wm. MucConnell Alex. McCallum Alex., contractor McCormick Wm. P., farmer Mc Derm id D. McDougald Donald B. McGregor James R. McKa}- George, farmer McRae Geo. McTavish Jno., farmer Marsh Wm. John Morryfield Jas. Morrison Jno. Morrison Malcolm D. Nicholson Chas. Malcolm, rancher Nicholson Daniel, shoemaker Nicholson Malcolm, farmer O'Leary Dauiel, farmer Owen James Patterson Jos., farmer Peacock Wm. I\ 1 ly Wm. Phillips H. Pogue Levi Pope John Ross Hugh, contractor Russell Thos, Snell Thos. St Oiige Jos. Stevens Isaiah Stewart Jno. Sulloy Goo. Archibald Sutherland D. W,, teacher ■iilN N ilim GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 91 T nan sr mer iner )le armer er r ail contriictor tractor farmer ,er r olra, raucher einulter inner >r MUD NAN ;her Sweeney R. H., farmer O^ajlor iJurton Thomson E. J., gen Store and postmaster Thomson Wra., carpenter KUey F. B., farmer Tredo Joseph Weecott Sinclair Jones, plasterer White Ed., farmer Towart Joseph MUD BAY, A country post office in Surry municipality, New Westminster district. Nearest rail- way station New Westminster, dis 10 miles, wbicb is also the telegraph and ex- press office. Postmaster, Wm. Woodward Anderson Alexander N., farmer Boothroyd Geo., farmer Brewer Wm. Johr, farmer Brewster Chas. Chantrell Jlenry Dennis Chantrell John Barston Clay Samuel, gen store Daroe Gordon Palmer Graff Moses Hatt James, trader Johnson Daniel, dairyman Johnson Lsjiuc S. Johnson James Johnson Philip Johnson Wm. Kyle Geo, Biuco MoDougali Wm. Campbell McBae Farquhar Ogden Wm. Jlenry Oliver Thoe. Pike Caleb Pike Wm. Borieon Baril D, Stein John Wm. Stewart Donald Stewart Findlay Stewart John T. Tamer John J. Wade John Weaner John Woodward John Woodward Wm., postmaster NANAIMO, An incorporated city on the B. k N. Ry., 70 miles from Victoria ; its principal indus- try is coal mining. The new VancouTci Coal Mining and Land Co. (Ld.) employ over 1000 men ; it has Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Bapt;>t and Roman Catho- lic churches, Public schools. Fire Depart- ment, Court House, Jail, Govt. Buildings, Post Office and Custom House, Bank of British Columbia, money order Post Office, Telegraph office and Telephone exchange. There is a large and excellent harbor, and immense quantities of coal are carried from here to all coast points aud many foreign ports. The Nanaimo " Free Press " (evening) is published daily. Popu- lation of city about 5,000, and including neighboring towns 7,000. Postmaster, Wm. Earl Aaronson B., manager for T. Argyle, res Prideaux Abrams James, president B. C. Tan- ning Co. Adam Thomas, fruit, confectionery, etc., Nicola Adams David H., of Adams & Lawrence Adams & Lawrence, props Eureka soda water works, imported ales, etc.. Commercial ana Wharf Tel 24 Ailderton John, & Son, bakers. Com- mercial Adderton John, of Addorton & Son, res Commercial Adderton Thomas, of J. Adderton k. Son, res Commercial Aitken Fred., weighman Aitken James, firoman Aitken James, jun., runner Aitken John, miner Aitken Peter, mule boy "J ,i '1 S2 HENDERSON'S BBITI8H COLUMBIA It '1 ,1 u hi 4 "PI 'IllM I [if"' iNi AIT NANAIMO. BAY Aitken Robert, nee. N. E. P. Society, res Halibui'ton Aitken Tom, miner Atkins T. E., of G. A. McBain & Co. Allison Joseph, shoemaker, Nicol Allsop H., miner Anderson A., miner Anderson Anthony, teamster Anderson Wm, T., carpenter Andrews Sam., miner Archer S., carpenter, bds Occidental Hotel Ai-^'yle Albert A., fruits and tobacco, Victoria Crescent, bds Provincial Hotel Argyle Thomae, clothing and furnish- ings. Commercial, res Metchosin Arrowline Peter, miner Askell Wm., runner Atkinson J., miner Atlantic Steamship Lines, W. B. Den- nison, agent, res Albert Atwood R. J. W., druggist. Commer- cial, res Albert Baker Andrew, carpenter, bds Palac, Hotel Baker B. Baker G. Baker Jas., miner Baker T., miner Balmoral Hotel, J. Hough prop, Ik burton Bank of British ICoSumbia, Front 8t, Geo. Cruickshank! agent. TellO Barnwin Robt., miner Barratt Wm., miner Bate M., J. P., mayor of Na naimo, assessor and coUoctf Nanaimo District, res cor Franldi; and Wallace. Tel 6 Bate Mark, jun., cashier New V.Oi Co., res Esplanade Bates Richard, miner Battson Wm., tinner for J. H. Pleace Bay View House, Wrn. Jenkins, piv; Nicol 'ANAIMO FREE PRESS. ESTABLISHED 1874. DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY. GEORGE NORRIS. Editor and Proprietor. Advertisements at Reasonable Rates. The Daily published every evening except Sunday and the Semi-Weekly on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Job Printing in all its Branches, Bel GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY, 93^ iY jenter, bda Palac, Hough prop, Ila »h ICotumbia, Cruickshank! ler r mayor of Na r and colloctc , res cor Franldi: >16 ishier New V.Oi .6 er r for J. H. Pleaw ''ra. Jenkins, pnj :ly. tor. lates. ept Sunda; y and BEA NANAIMO. BRI Beaven J. Bell Geo., miner Bell J. A. Ward, bookkeeper Nanaimo saw mills, res Prideaux BellJ. W., tiler Nanaimo saw mills Bell John, miner Bell Ralph, miner Bell Thos., miner Belloni J)., miner Belsey— , miner Bennett James, miner Bennett Thos., miner Bennett Wm. Bentley Wm., clerk R. J. W. Atwood, res Albert Berry Percy, upholsterer Jos. Hoskin, bds Provincial hotel Bertram John, planerman Nanaimo saw mills Best T., jun., miner Best T., miner Beveridge Wm,, of Davies^& Beveridge, ns Hali burton Beveridge Wm., convict guard, cor Prideaux and Franklin Bevilockway George, gen Biore, Victoria Crescent, res same BioWe John, salesman N. E. P. Society, r©B Winifred Crescent Biermann Gustave, miner, res Hal bur- ton Biggs Henry, miner Biggs Wm., miner Bignay James, miner Black Diamond Lodge No. 5, I.O.O.O. P., Commercial Blakcway Geo. Henry, of G. H. Blake- tfay & Co., res Commercial Blakeway Ceo, Henry, & Co., druggists. Tel 21 Bone Michael, miner Bone Nick, miner Bone S., miner Botie Thos., butcher at E. Quennell Bone Thomas, miner Botte Wm., miner ■**^ita C, miner J. PALMER & SON CARRY THE FINEST STOCK IN CANADA OP HAIB, TOOTH &NAIL BRUSHES. 1743 & 1745 Notre Dams MOXTBEAL. Booth A. Miss, tailoress for Caldwell & Lewis Booth Louisa Miss, Lailoress Caldwoll & Lewis Booth Richard, miner J^owden James, miner Bowden Jos., miner Box The, T, L. Brown & Co., props Boyle W^ni , miner Bradbury Mark, miner Bradley James, miner Bradley Richard, miner Bradshaw John, miner Bramiey PI, miner Bramley John, miner Brammcll L., miner Bray E., miner Bray Marshal, Covernment agent, dis registrar Sup Court and reg County Court. To! (J Bray Wm. M., miner Brian N., lather, bds Provincial hotel Brightmiin Samuel, prop Queeii'ij market nr Longbridgo Brighton Gef), minor Britanniahotel,Marwick&Hof- lie, props, Commercial British Columbia Tanning Co., James Abrams,prcs; Andro- , ltaslam,sucty.; John Panson, treus. If M - i II i \n M HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA BRO NANAIMO. CIT li: ii; im ' •Ml llfiRi. Brodie P. G., baker for W. E. "Webb, TC8 Victoria Croecont Brough Geo., miner Brovvitt — , miner Brown Ed., miner Brown Francis, miner Brown James M., raor tailor, Front Brown Joseph M., watchmaker, 7ront, res same Brown Misa Isabella, teacher girls' school Brown Stephen, fish market, Victoria Crescent Brown Thomas, miner Browne T. L., A Co., props The Box, gents' furnishings, clothing, etc. Browne Thos. L., of T. L. Browne & Co. Bruce J., n.iner Bruce M., miner Brunt Jaraoa, miner Bryant Miss M., teacher girls' school Brvant W. R., clerk N. V. C. Co., res Wallace Bryden James, bartender Opera House Buckle Thos. Israel, tailor at E. Hird, res Skinner Bullman Thos., foreman Nanaimo Gas Co. Bulton William, miner, bds Temper- ar c House Burbjiil:j;e A. E.,' clerk at J. J. Sehl, res Fruser Buvko VVm. M., dork Old Flag Inn Burgees Benjamin, clerk A. K. John- ston c\: Co.,bdsOociilciitJil hotel Burgcs.>i T. C, bds Occidental hotel Burrow — , miner Burt (lOO. A., miner Butcher Jos., miner < ■alderheud T., minei- C. Tel P. E Provi in CIS Caldwell Robt., miner Callaghan J. A., agent telegraph, res Richard. Calverly H. D., miner Calverly John, miner Calverly Wm., miner Cameron P., miner Cameron Wm., bartender hotel Campbell Geo., miner Campbell Hugh, miner Campbell Neil, minor Campbell Walter, of Foreman & Cam; bell, Victoria Crescent, res same' Canadian Pacific Navigatior Co., A. R. Johnston & Co,, agents. Tel office l6,Whar 7. -if^ advpage 462 Canadian Pacific Railway's telegraph, J.: A. Callaghan agent. Tel 9 Carey Pat., niiuer Carrick Robt., miner Cussidy P.. miner Case E. W., upholsterer J. Ililbert Cavalsky Ceo. Edward, fruits confectionery, etc, Victoria Crescent, res satno Cawthorn J. L., prop. Lansdowii brcwci-y, Comox road. Tel 48 Cawlhorne Geo., miner Caldwell Lewis James A., of Caldwell & Caldwell & Lewis, merchant tailors, Commercial !■«•' ,1 Central Hotel, Commercial, Hallick c\: Hall, props. Tel 45 Challomer Wm., miner Chalmer David L., farmer Chapman (li-orgo, shoemaker Wulle: Campbell, bds (^ueen Chop house Charles Edward, stableman Shatnroii stable.-, res Albert Checloy Patrick, baker Chas. Karst Cheney Wm., auctioneer, Bastion Churchill Geo., miner Churchill Mark, miner Citizens Insurance Co. of Canada, 1, H. Home, agent Core Co8m( Cha Oottoi Oo. Ooagl] ')i«l I !|ll'l II 'H* iiiiw, :iT ner agent uhard. C. P. 1 Tel 9 ner er or r tender Provinci ler inor nor f Foreman & Cam escent, res same fic Navigatior hnston & Co,, >fFIce l6,Whar tific Railway's : A. Callaghan )r erer J. Hilbert Edward, fruits etc, Victoria rop. roiid. nor Lanwdowri Tol 4S Commercial, ■np«. Tel 45 ner nrmer loemakcr Walu: een Chop lioii.sc bleman 81i;vtarijri :or Chas. Kar^l ncor, Jiaslion r or 0. of Canada, A, OAZETTEEB AND DIRECTORY. 95 CIT NANAIMO. CUR City Hali, 3am. Cough, city cleric, assessor & collector, 'Jastion cor Skinner. Tel 22 City IMarlcet, W. D. Deeble, prop., Commercial •City of London Fire & Marine Ins. Co., C. C. McKenzie, agent Glark E. C, C. E., and Hurvoyor Cliff Charles, tinner J, H. Pleucp Coburn Wm. H., groceries, dry goods, Ac, Victoria Crescent, res same Cockayne — , miner Cohen A., miner Cohen E., minor Cohen & Graham, barbers and props Metropolitan baths, Commercial Cohen JanicH, of Cohen & Graham, res Commercial Collier George, minei- Commercial hotel, Sabiston & Wilcox rop.H. Commercial cor Bastion. Tel' Every Canadian should take THE PICTORIAL WEEKLY OF CAMDA. $4.00 A YEAR. ^ ADDRESS t J. H. Brownlee, Agent, Brandon. Commercial Union insurance Co. of London, Smith & Yarwood, agents Commcrford Thos., tailor Caldwell & Lewi^ Connolly John, waiter Royal hotel Conto M., niinoi- Conwaj-A., minor Cook F., miner Cook Wm , nimor B. MiN.. dressmaking, Pitz- Cooper K. Willi:irn Coqper Ilai-ry, wharlinger IS". V. C. Cooper Will., Ill in or CorcoriiiiJolin, at (^»iiooii's niarlcot Coroor:in Timotiiy, at (Queen's market Cornihih T., minor Coroner, Joseph Prhys Planta Co8Biopi)Iilan Bostaurant and Bakorx- Charles Ivarst, prop, Bastion Cotton .loll n J J., storekeeper N. Y C 06. Conghlan W. P., photographer Coulson C, miner Coulson S. W., miner Coundloy M., miner Coundloy K., miner Coundloy Wm., minor Courto John, minor Cowan John B., millhand Nanaimo f^'aw mills Cowan John, miner Cowan P., minor Cowie Arch., minor Cowie James, comp Free Press res Irwin ' Craig R., miner Craig R., gen blksmith, Bastion. Tel 38 Craig Thomas, blacksmith for Ralnh Craig * CrcwH., miner Crossan A., miner Crossan James, miner Crossan William, driver X.K P S Crowe W. J., firemai. Nanaimo Gas Co. Cruiclcshank Ceo.,agentBanlc of B. C. Cudhoa Bobt., minor Culligan Jno.. minor (JumlHM'land John, blacksmith ('raig, bds Provincial hotel Cunlitto John, Nanaimo Saw mills Currio Robert, cigar maker P. Goblo Currie Thos., cigarmakor P. Goblo Curry IL, miner Curry Jos., minor for '1 I ' .1 I 'I S i ;'ll! . I 1 !I* ■ !!(».. m .iii„ 96 CUli MtNDKRSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA NANAIMO. DUN Ourry R., Biincr Coaack Ro^t., prop New Castle house Custom House, B. H. Smith, collector, Front Cuthbevt Geo., miner Dailey D. G., ba'-bor for John Lewis, bds Comnnercial hotel, Commercial Danks Geo., miner Daveys Montaj^uc, C. E., Commercial Davies & Beveridge, merchant tailors and furnishings, Commercial Davies Thos. L.,of Davies & Beveridge Davis A., miner Davis A. A., cigarmaker for Philip Gable, bds Palace hotel Davis Geo., di'iver Nanaimo brewery Davis John, miner Davis John, bds Nanaimo Hotel Davis John, miner Davis L. T.. M.D„ C. M., Hospital Nur- geon,Commorcial,res Albert. Tol..']6 Davis Samuel, miner Davis T. J., miner Davis W. C, miner Davison J. H., miner Davison John, miner Davison Robt., miner Davison Samuel, carpenter for Frost, bds Oriental hotel Davy Joseph, miner Dean John, miner Decker & Co.. props Occidental hotel, Tel ;}7 Decker J., of Decker & Co. Deeble W, D., prop City Mar- ket, Commercial, bds Eoyal hotel Deeming James, miner Deimonico Restaurant, Hugh Dempsey, pi-op. Tel 43 Dernpsey Hugh, prop Windsor Hou-so and Deimonico restaurant Dempster Charles, teller B. of B. C, res Departuj'e Bay road Dennison W. B., agent Northern Pad fie Railway, and Atlantic Stean-. ship lines, Commercial DeVeris Chas., miner Devlin Ed., miner Devlin H., miner Devlin Jas.,minei- Dew Drop Hotel, Samuel Hague, prot Hal i burton Dick Archibald, Govt, inspector ( mines, res Prideaux Dick John, miner Dick Wm., miner Dickenson John, miner Dickenson Wm., miner Dixon Albert, bds Occidental hotel Dixon J. D., prop Somerset House I Dixon Tho>j.. bartender Britannia hoit 1 Dobeson D., miner j Dobeson Joseph, machinist Nanaim ! Iron Works, res Comox Road Dobeson T. & N. W., props Nanain, foundry Dobeson "Tliomas, ofT. & N. W. Dok son, res (': Front Goody Wm., •waitorQueenChopHou.se (rordon Herschel, preventive office! Custom House, res Prideaux Gordon G., miner Gordon James, miner Gordon T., miner Gordon D. W., M. P. for Nanaimo Gordon Wm., miner Gosh F., miner Gough & Evans, props Nanai- mo hotel, Commercial Gough Mrs. E., of Gough & Evans Gough Samuel, city clerk, assessor anJ collector, res Skinner. Tel 22 Gourley James, miner Gourloy Robert, bartender Commerciri' hotel Gowland R.. miner -■,* -t UHiii , '"% OAZETTEKR AND DIRECTORY. 99. GEA NANAIMO HAS Dor No, 3 Shaft nist N.V.C. Co. op Tempei-anco or J. Hilbert [iss A. Gardner, R. Johnston ii' Langcl A., minor ];anglon W. M., harJ\^aro, cutlery ivnd house furnishings, Vi( icu'ia Ci'os- cont, res same Lansdowne brewery. J. ^j. Cawthorii, prop.. Comox road. lY'l 48 Lawless Gus., minor Lawless Joseph, miner Lawley Thomas, wheelwright for I^an- wick & Home, res Commercial Lawrence E., miner Lawrence Louis, of Adams & Law- rence, Haliburton Laurence Sarah Miss, dressmaker for N. E. P. S., res Haliburton Lawson John, miner Lawson Wm., miner Leask James, jr, miner Leaak James, sr, miner LeBallister& Thompson, propsI.X.L, livery, Chappie nr Comraercinl. Tol 18 Lee Amos, minor Lee Goorge Lee Gu}-, millhand Nanaimo Sawmills Lee Henry, driver X. E. P. S., res Prideaux Lees Frances Miss, dressmaker L: N. E. P. S., res Prideaux Leemaa Robert, miner Leeman Thos., miner Leighton William K., ho>'K. keeper A. R. Johnston & Co., res Sol by Lewis D. B., miner Lewis John, barber shop. Commercial, res same Lewis Thos., miner Lewis Wm., of Caldwell & Lewis Lewis F., miner Lievre Chas., waiter Occidental hotol Lincoln Robt., millhand Xanaiiao S;iw mills Lister Goo., miner Lister Jloniy, miner Lister James, miner Liverpool, London & Globe Insuranco Co., Beevor Potts, agent Lomas Jas., minor London A. Lancashire Fire Ire surance Co., of Liverpool, Planta & Norris, agents. Love J, Miss, tailoress E. Hird, rei Franklin >f! 'Ur^, :'*it OAZKTTKER AND DIREtTOBV. 103 Iwrightfor Lwn- IJomraercial idams & Law- drossraaker for burton )n, propel.X.L. ir Commercin!, naimo Saw mi I U E. P. H., m dressmaker L: iaux n K., hook- ton & Co., ITS >p, Commercial, II & Lewis )ccidental liotol i Nanaiia;) Saw obe Insiiraiui) ;ent lire Fire In* Liverpool, igents. E. Ilird, re^ LOW NANAIMO McL Lowes J., miner Lowden J., miner >i, )ni8 Peter, miner Lukey Ricliard, comp Free Press, res Wenlworth ^Xund Chas., bartender Identical saloon Lund Ciias., miner Lund Jaraos, miner Luprini C, minor ILuprini R., miner IMacDonald D. S., gen store MacRlmen A. T. D., barrister, solicitor, notary, etc., Front McAdie Henry, contractor and undertaker, Victoria Crescent, res Albert McAllister Geo., bartender Royal hotel, Commercial .McAllister Henry, stableman I. X. L. liver}', res Chappie He Arthur Ada Mias, comp Free Press, res Wontworth ,McBain G. A. & Co., real estate agents, Commercial nr Bastion .McBain George A,, of G. A. McBain &Co. McCuish Alexander, teamster, bds Oriental hotel McCuish John, bds Oriental bote McCuish Rory, fruiti, etc. dept prop bdg Victoria Oriental Crescent, hotel j^^cDcrmott Thos,, miner ""cDonald Dan., miner cDonald Donald, millhand Nana! mo Saw mills cDonald John, clerk A. R. Johnston ^ & Co., res ilMcDonald John, miner ^McDonald K. C, wheelwright for § Ralph Craig McDonald Mike, miner McDonald W., miner cDonald Wm., pilot IcDonald Wm., bartender Oriental hotel McDougall Jas., clerk John S. Stan- nard & Co. McGargle Geo., miner McGargle Robt., minor McGee Pat., porter Central hotel McGill John, clerk Spencer & Perkins, res Hali burton McGregor Arch., weighraan McGregor Arthur, miner McGregor James, oversoor South field Mine V. C. Co. McGregor Ms . J. C, dressmaker and millinery, Victoria Crescent McGregor Wm., mgr of works Tho New V. C. Co., res Esplanade Mclnnis James, miner, bds Provincial hotel Mclnnis Kenneth, minor Mclntyre P., miner Mcintosh D., miner McKay Jas. W., nincr McKay A., miner McKenzie C.C., conveyancer, real estate and ins agent. Front nr Post Office McKenzie Murdoch, carpenter II. Mc- Adie McKenzie Wm. Robert, merchant tailor, Victoria Crescent, res same McKenzie James E., reporter Free Press, res Victoria Crescent McKenzie Jno., miner McKenzie Rod., miner Me Kin ley Jas., miner McKinnell Df vid, groceries, etc., lltili- burton, res same McKinnoll Gilbert, minor McKinnon Alex., miner M'Kiiinon C, miner McKinnon Dennis, minor McKinnon ^ames, expressninn Sham- rock stables, res Ilaliburton McKinnon .Fno., sen., miner McKinnon Jno., jun., minor McKinnon Mike, minor McLaughlan J., minor M<'.Lay Thos., miner McLeun Duacan, miner :i\ . 'i: til Or t ' I* ^ 'u ^ ,1. I ■ % 104 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA MoL NANAIMO MER !i| !*'"*' '(•►'in l^!!: MeLean D., miner McLean Hector, NanaimoSaw mills McLean Hugh, miner MeLean John, miner McLean K., miner McLean Wm., miner McLolian A., miner McLellan W., miner McLennan Donald, miilhand Nanaimo 8a w mills McLcod Daniel, bin Hoyal hotel McLeod John, miilhand Nanaimo Saw mills McMillan B. Tel res 39 McMillen W.. miner McNeil A., minor McNeil John, miner McNeil M., miner McNeil Mai., miner McNeill Edward, harnes8,Vic- toria ^'rcsccnt, ren t«ame McNeill Mary Miiss, dresHiiiaker N. E. P. S., res Hal i burton McNeill Slephoti, miilhand Nanaimo Saw mills McPhce Mai., miner McPhee T., miner McPhorson John, minor Macarty J., miner Mace Alfred, painter Foster Bros. Machin C. miner Machin Fiank, miner Machin Fi'ed., miner Macalone}' JoKe])h, minor Mahle A., miilhand Nanaimo Saw mills i^ahrer John, prop Nanaimo Brewery and Nanuimo Opera house. Church. Tel 46, ro.s 47 Mfilcolm Walter, minor Malcolm Wm., ros Haliburton Malcolm Wm., miner Manson L., groceries and gen merchan- dise, Haliburton, res same Manson Win., bookkeeper Nanaimo Saw mills, res i^rideaux. Tel 34 Manson Wm., clerk L, Manson Marfar John, miner Marshall James, miilhand Nanaimo Saw mills Marshall Jas., miner Marshall Oliver, miner Marshall Wm., miner Marr Geo., miner Martin Chas.yprop Globe hotel Martin Dennis, miner Martin Jos., miner Martin T., miner Martin Wm., miner Marwick AiHoflie, props Brit- tania hotel. Commercial Marwick John, of Marwick & Hoflie Marymont Bros., furniture, crockery, clothing,bootsand shoes, Victoria Crescent Marymont H'..nry, of Marymont Bros., Victoria Crescent Maiymont Joseph, of Maiymont Bros., V^ictoria Crescent Martell Joseph, miner Masonic lodge, Commercial Matheson A., jr,, miner Mathe.son A., sen., miner Matheson Dan., miner Mathoson V., miner Ma\' John, cahinelmkr J. J. 8ehl, res Newcastle Town site Mayer Alex., & Co., wholesale moi'chan- aiid Bastion. gen and retail dealers in dise, cor Cunimercial Tel 33 Maver Alox.. of Alex. Mayer & Co., ros VValiace Maynard Chas., bds Occidental hotel Moakin Fi-ed., engineer Meakin John, miner Meicer Joseph B., tallyman Nanaimo Saw mills ^h»,. ;2SL GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORT. lOS Hanson id NanaimoSaw MEK NANAIMO NAIT > Globe hotel i, props Brit* rcial wick k Hoflie ,, furniture, ngybootsand Crescent larymont BroR., larymont Bros,, mWn Wm Meredith Geo., miner Mtrritt Geo., bartender Occidental lotel Merritt John, miner Merritt M., miner Merritt Matthew, miner Merritt Thos., miner Merryfield Thos., miner Metcalf Jos., miner Methodist church, rev. Jos. Hall, pas- tor, Wallace Metropolitan baths, Cohen & Graham, 'props, Commercial Michael Jules, miner Milchin^ton Wm., miner Mil^fi Walter, prop Grs^nd hotel Millar Thos., prO|« Provincial hotel, Victoria Crescent Millbu'-:^ T., miner Miller .^ miner Miller Joi.h, miner Miller Mat., miner Miller rev. James, pastor St. Andrew's church miner rcial er J. J. Sehl, rc^ ., wholesale gen nn'i'chaii- I and Hastion. ayer & Co., ros cidental hotol 'man Nanaimo Millmore Jas., miner Mitchell John, prop Pioneer Soda Water works, res Wallaco. Tel 20 Mitchell M. Mitchell M., minor MoUison James, miner Molloy Hugh, minor Moore Wm., miner Moifden Eodger R., comp. Free Press, Tfe Comiuercial Md%an (J., jr., minor M<»^an M., minor Morgan Thoia., miner M agent Notts Benjamin, miner Nyith Wm., niiner,bd8 Nanaimo li" O'Brien A Dunlop, pror Shamrock stables, Albe cor Victoria Crescent. Tel 8 OBrien Jna. Thos., of O'Brien k P: lop, res All)ort Occidental hotel, J. Decker & i props. Tel :{7 Old P'lag inn, J. E. Jenkins, prop I lion. Tel 4 Oriental hotel, James Philip, pr Victoria Crescent 0. R. & N. Co., A. R. Johnston 41 agents Orr William, miner ()>l)urn JoM., minor Pacific Coast Steamship Cc A. R. Johnston & Co., agents Fc^ace Hotel, Skinner Stre« Hind marsh & Peters, props '!" Ilili.!., '>« GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. lOt ^L PAL NANAIMO PUT r Coal Co., { pt. Tel 11 >enter inter, bds Centr. nillhand Nanait millhand Nanair ebsmaket'N.E.P; iblisher Nana 8, res Chappli , compohitor F; ;kecpor, ros Cliapi >f Planta & Nor ly., W.B. Denni. iner ,bd8 Nanairao by lunlopf prof tables, Albe iceiit. Tol 8 of O'Brien & k J, Decker k i Jenkins, prop I mcs Philip, \<: K. Johnston k i tteamshipCc Co., ageiitu Ulnner Stree era, props 'PWmer Zac, miner PaiBleyJohn, miner Paisley T., miner PMjnell Ed., butcher for Ed. Quennell PMJnell Frank, apprentice FoHterT?roe. Pargeter Daniel, barber John Lewis, ifes Victoria road Pai^eter Dan., miner i^argeter James, jun., miner Pargeter James, sr., miner Pargeter John, engineer Parish J. 0., miner Parker Ed., painter Foster Bros. Parkin Isaac, clerk Wm. Parkin, res Commercial Parliin Wm., gen store Commercial, res same Parrott Jas., Halfway house, Welling- ton road Patlierson Thomas, miner Patterson Thomas, tailor Caldwell & Lewis Panl E., miner Paul E. B., M. A., prin High school PaillBon John, engineer, bds Temper- ance house Peacock James, tailor for Caldwell k Lewis PearceEd., miner Pearce Samuel, bds Occidental hotel Pearce Wm., miner Pearson Charles, miner Pearson Joseph, minor Pender Jamo»<, miner Perchet A. Mrs., ho!i>ckcoper Windsor House and Delmonico restaui-ant Perkins AV. H. S.. of Spencer & Per- kins, ros W.'illaoo Perry Jsunos, minor Pewy J«ihti, j.rop Talbot Motel, Wel- lington ruiid PotiRi John, tinner Walter Wil8on,bds Palace liotol PoKfrs Thnm»s.of IIiniK>«'U ]{.. miner r':iura»)t. P. J. Jamioson, ^x>p, Connnercial Ple W., clerk John S. Stannard & Co. Porter Thomas miner Post Office, Wm. Karl, postmaster, Front IVttsA.d., ofHawiliornlhwaile,& Co. secy and U. S, consular agency, rea Front ' si n II -( I ^mm t' 108 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA POT NANAIMO RIC ';[!! ■' J-.i i I t'lilll!! \ 4 $t "•"'•nil «':;!;;. M.D., surgeon N.V.C. Potts Chas. Herbert Beovor* solicitor of England, notary public and insurance agent. Commercial, res same Potts Robert, miner Powell Thos.. miner Praeger E. A Co. Tel 12 Praeger E. \V., clerk Bank of B. C, res Front Prentice Wm., millhand Nanaimo SaT\- inills Price James, miner PrioBt K., C.E., and Surveyor Depar- ture Bay Road Prime Frank, miner Provincial Govt office. Tel 6 Randle Arthur, tinner for Van Hoii'^jQ^gQ & Handle, res Grace Riokgoi Randle Albert Edward, of Van Ron jjjgjjgo & Randle Eielly Band'e Joseph J., overseer No 1 st ■Ditaiie N. V. C. Co. "'^ctc Randle Job., sr., miner Eirers Randle Oliver, machinist Eobertf Raper Albert, mgr Raper, Raper &t ggi, ^ Victoria Crescent Eoberti Raper B., of Raper, Raper & Co. Raper, Raper A Co., statio ^ake crs, fancy goods, toys and aoiii.: Victoria Crescent same Raper S. M., of Raper, Raper & i'*??*'^ Victoria Crescent A J Prout John, printer, bds Central hotel j R^^wlinson Bros., groceries anJ pr: xJuinBC mm . • • . ^ . .. ..... sionsandetc, Commercial t>«u:„„, Provmcial hotel, ThoS. Millar, ! Uawlinson Charle.^ of Rawlinson Br ^^^^^ prop MctoriaCrescent j res Ilali burton m a^r Pugh Vi(;tor, mmer 1 T>awlinson Richard Henry, of Kaw*";^* ° Temperance j ^„n Bros., res Hali burton ftZ^'K, ^ „ ,„.„. jRaybould Phoebe, wid Wm., res l^^'^^^i^'l Pywell vVilliam, miner [.j^g nvy Quonnell Kuward, butcher, Ctjmmcr- j j^j^y^ r,i, „; — 1.1- xt — ;„_i.. RossJa Pyher W. house minor, bds I Job, miner, bds Nanaimo 'I'^'c tjoqIav James, bottler Pioneer Suda W; T>Q„g yf Reid Wm., miner Renwick& Home, blacksmiti cial. Tel 2, slaughter house, Tel 24 ; j>^^iJ Quennell James, butcher Edward ; works (^ueiincU Queen Chop house, W. H. Philpott, prop,, Long Bridge, (V)mmeiciul Queen's mai'kot, S. Brightiuan, prop.. C(mimercial Rains I'hos.. hack driver LcBallistcr \' Tiii'mp.-orj. res Chappie nr Coni- mcicial J'ainsay (Joui-gc. miner Ramsay .1., miner Jiamsay Jolm, tl river G. Bevilockway Ramsay .lo^cpii. miner i JJichards Jas., miner Rand Bros., real estate agents, :|>,,.l,.i,.d,son Anson A., of Ricli;u. A. C. King, agent, Com-j & Horner, sec Nanaimo Water wo mercial. see adc . page 2:1 j i-es Skinner Ranch Albert, bartender Opera house ; Richardson & Randle Carrie Miss, milliner Spencer } Commercial & Perkins 1 Rickson Jos., miner Eowbot ^ Eowbot licnwick John, of Renwick & Horr. t>q^|jq^ Rey Geoigie Miss. Tel 50 Jieyriard C , teamster, bds Bay V Rowe hotel sior r lieynolds .T. miner Eowley Reynolds Harry, shoemaker Wliitt . Bros., bds Trovineial hotel ROyal Rice P. J., M.l)., CM., Commen „ P'^.P;. Richards (J., miner ^%o Richards J. R. A.. Jerk, Wiii:^-f*^ house and Delmonica restaunm ■'^'^*^*P' Comn Rudd .1 seet'y EuddoH Horner, dry ,.^^™J,, res. '1 GAZETTEER AND DIREOTORr. 109 lie RIC NANAIMO aer for Van Hod Hiokson Mark, miner '^^^ ^^r IT EiokBon T., miner ard, of Van Hob Ejokgon W., miner Rielly James, miner overseer No 1 si Ujtchie James, baker and confectioner Victoria Crescent, res bame iner Rivers Robert, miner hinist Roberts E. Miss, dressmaker Richard- Raper, Raper 4[ go^^ Horner, res Wallace '*• Roberts Geo., at Wm. Wenbc -n •, Raper & Co. _^ ^ . Roberts William R., watch- & Co.f Statio maker and jeweller, Commercial, res , toys and nolii; ^j^^q it 1, , Robins S. M., 8up©''!ntendent aper, Raper k 1"^^^^ j^ew Vancouver Coal Mining "^ , and Land Co. (It'd.) Tel 11. ;rocenes and pr: jjobingoii C. H., butcher E. Quennell ommerual jjobinBon Robert, butcher for W. D. of Ruwhnson Br jj^^^le, res Bastion nr fv Boo George, wharfinger A. R. Johnston, I Henry, of Raw ^ res Gordon, wharf ah burton j^^^ i)^„^ messenger N. V. C. Co., res wid Wm., res W Pry , .r . , Ro88 Jack, miner ds Nanaimohot.jjQ^l Geo., miner Pioneer bodu \\. -^^^ ^^ weighman Rowbottom A., miner . , „ Rowbottom F., miner )lacksmiths, Ba>: J^Q^^^^to^ X., miner lioiiwKjk & ilorr. jjo^bottom W., miner Iter, bdtt Bay V Rowe Rd. Henry, prop Excel- sior market Rowley Da v., miner n^ud'S'l^^''"' Roy«' *'ote", Richard Watlclns, \r (< I ,1- prop, Conwnorcial Al., I onniitu. ij^^jjfpij.^3 ,„ij j^jfc Insurance Co., C. , ,. ,yi H. Beevor Potts, agent ~ : Rudolph Hourv, coinp. Fvgq Press, re.s )iiira resiauniii:-^""tr'3r" " . •'' i > Rudd Joliii M., clerk J. Ililbort and t. r A., of RiclKir.: naimo Water wo seft'y Nanaiuu) Building society orner, dry Ruddock Chas., minor „ RuBilBiMi;' v., minor ■^ Sabftrton Potor, ot'8abitttou & Wilcox, ret. Tel. 25 SHA THE DOPIIjHOH ILLOSTEPTED Gifts BOinereui es^riigi of .*.yD THE ^iiit @^i§tli^ Wi^t \n J. H, Brownlee, Agent, Brandon. Sabiston & Wilcox, props Commercial hotel Sage Jesse, messenger Govt, offices Salter Henry, millhand Xanaimo Saw mills Sampson John, photographer, Victoria Crescent Santerlancc — . miner Santini C, miner Santy Chs., miner, bds Nanairao hotel Sayce Ed., miner Scales Dav., miner Scales Geo., miner Schier Frank, upholsterer J, J. Sehl, res cor Solbury and Bustiou Schillinii R.. miner Scholt George, miner Schulson B.. minor Sc(,tt Dav.. N. V. C. Co. Scottish Union & National Fire Ins. Co., Marcus Wolfe, Agent St'ouse Wm., miner Scovilie Wm. X., carpenter Nanaimo Saw mill> Sehl J. John, furniture, crockery, carpels, el'-., Commercial cor Church, res Now Castle Town site .Sorventi A., miner Serventi B., miner Share John, miner Shamrock stables, O'Brien & Dunlop, props, c.n- Albert and Vic. Crescent. Tel 8 ill 1 !;■■* ,( ! ^4i M ■'' f'' I 'i'. ii 110 Henderson's British Columbia SUA NANAIMO SMI Shaw Alex., agent E. & N. Ily,, res Pridi'aux Shaw Alex., miner Shaw Joseph, of Shaw &Son Shaw J., piincipal boys' public school Shaw Hany, of Shaw & Son Shaw & Son, boathouse. Wharf Sheehy Patrick, cook Queen Chop house SheflSoldJ., miner Shepherd Hy., miner Shepherd Wm., miner Simpson G., miner Sims M. A., miner Sinclair Joseph, teamster, res Ilalibur- ton Sinclair William, carpenter H. Mc- Adie Singer Sevving Machine Co., John Hil- bcrt, agent Sister Mary Margaret, of the S. H., supei'ioress St Anne's academy Slater William, Kenwick & Home Sloan Robert, bds Occidental hotel Smith A., miner Smith Able, nurse Nanaimo hospital Smith Albert, miner Smith Alex., miner Smith Benjamin, clerk G. II. Blako- way Smith B. H., collector of Cu» toras, res Front Smith C. L. Smith & Yarwood, insuranc and gen agents and nota ries public, Commercial, . adv below Smith Donald, of Smith & Yarwi res Parquhar Smith E. Miss, dressmaker N. E. P- res Farquliar Smith Jldward, millhand Nanair Saw mills Smith Henry, miner Smith Irving, millhand NanaimoS mills Smith James, miner Smith John, watchman, Commcn res same Smith Norman, prop Identical salo Victoria Crescent Smith Robert, butcher E. Quentui Smith Peter, millhand Nanaimo> mills Smith S. W., & Co., carpenter si. Bastion Smith Stephen D.,carpcnter, bdsQir Choj) house Smith Mm Smith Smi Smith Snowc Somen Sorby obui Spear Spear tune Spee mgr Tel Speer and Spencc Speoce res"^ Spen mill Stephe Stephe ston Stanna ment cent Stanna SMITH & YARWOOD, INSURANCE AND GENERAL AGENTS. REAL ESTATE and LOAN BROKEES CONVEYANCERS and NOTARIES PUBLIC. Money to Uoan on Real Cjstate. ESTATES MANAGED. RENTS OOLLECTi OFFICE-Smita's Building, Commercial Street. DONALD SMITH, ^#,1 .Notary Public. E. M. YAK WOOD, Solicitor iA' Qh'^ C' 1 OAZKTTEER AND DIBECTORY. Ill' II lector of Cu» od, insuranc Its and nou mmercial, : Smith & Yarwfi smakerN. E. P' illhand Nanuii ir and NanaimoS r man, Commci ip Identical .sul i t her E. Quoniii , and Nanaimo.v )., carpenter si arpcntcr, bds ([,: SMI MANAIMO TRA )0D, AGENTS. JROKEE BLIC. Smith Wm., gen store, Commercial, res Mrae Smith William, jun., bookkeeper Wm. Smith Smith William, porter, bds Royal hotel SlU^wden Ic, locomotive driver SomerRet Honse, J. D. Dixon, prop Sorby Father Emil, rector St Peter's church Spear Richard, miner Spear W. J., music teacher and piano taner, res Prideaux Speer I. C.y of Specr & Galbraith, mgr Nanaimo Telephone, res Front. Tel central Speer & Galbraith, electrical buidcrs, and supplies Spencer A., miner Spencer David, of Spencer & Perkins, ree Victoria City Sponcer & Perkins, dry goods, millinery, carpets, etc. Steplienson John, miner Stephenson Myles, driver A. R. John- ston & Co., res Church Stannard John S., & Co., dry goods mens' furnishings, etc., Victoria Cres- cent Stannard Jno. S., of J. S. Stannard & Co. Stewart Duncan, miner Stewart D. X., miner Stewart J. D., miner Stewart V., miner rt VVm., chief constable and Nanainio Water mgr Cjstate. rs OOLLECTi Street. A^KWOOD, licitor i)i' Oii'- lor, res Albert Stli»n J. W., )rks Co. StoHfliOHse Wm., sen., miner Stoa^house Wiji., jun., miner Sti^b A. Miss, clerk Spencei' & Per- _^s, rcb Commercial S^mgcr John, minci St..pnne's academy, sister .Mai'j Miir- y^tof the S. JJ., HupcrioresH, Wal- Stf^faul's church, Ej/iscopal, rev J. lijijod, rector St. Peter's R. C. church, Father Sorby P. P., Wallace Sullivan Daniel, N. V. C. Co. Summerhayes Alfred, contractor, rea Wallace Sutter George, miner, bds Temporanco house Sutton G., miner Sutherland D., miner Swain A. C, bartender Grand hotel Tagart John E. R., clerk N. V. C. Co., res Hall burton Tanghue Edward, butcher for W. D. Deeble Tanner Mrs., Central hotel Taylor — , cigar maker P. (itiblo Taylor A., miner Taylor D., miner Taylor G., N. V. C. Co. Taylor William, miner Teaguo John, miner Temperance liouse, Mrs. J. K. Gilbert, prop Temperlcy Gooj-ge, miner TelegTapli,C.P.R., Office, Depot. Tel <> Thomas A. S., miner Thomas Alfred, mgr Nanaimo Gas Co. Thomas K, miner Thomas D. J., miner Thomas Harry, cariJcnterH. McAdio Thompson A., miner Thompson Duncan, carpenter, bds Oriental hotel Thompson George, M. P. P., manager A. R.Johnston & Co., res cor Frank- lin and Weslo}' Thompson Joseph, miner Thompson Sykes, asst surveyor N V C. Co. Thompson W. II., of LeBallLster &. Thompson, bds Commercial hotel Thompson William, miner Tibbet George, bds Old Flag inn Todd William minor Travelers Life & Accident In- surance Co., of Hartford, Conn., Planta&Norris, agts '1' •I i. Vi M ^:,i» 112 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA TEE NANAIMO WIL lillil H 3 '|i.<- !li; ■mi i '«'*;; •^#.ii%( Tro« William, bartender Old Flag inn Tredigoa Goo., miner bds Temperance house Troupe Mary Miss, waitress Central hotel Trudell Henry, miilhand Nanaimo Saw millH Trumper Joseph, miner Trunfield Albion, teamster, bds Tem- perance house Turbeit Wm,, miner Turnslull James, miner Tweed Joseph, miner Tyler Joseph, miner Uren John, photographer, Victoria Crescent United States Consulate, J. H. Hawthornthwaite, U. 8. consular agent Vager Frank, miner Vagts John, cigar maker P. Gable Vahle Fred., miner Vancouver (The New) Coal Mining & Land Co. (Limited), 8. M. Robins, superinten. dent. Tel II. Van Houten & Randle, stoves, tinware, hardware, etc., Victoria Crescent Vanlloiiten Walton, of Yanllouten & Randlc, res Albert Van Iliicton Chas., druggist asst. E. Pimliiiry & Co. Van Iliiolon Ernest McGregor, of E. Pimliury & Co. Van Novel, rev father Vipond (ieorge, jun., driver I. X. L- li%'eiy Wagstaff P., miner Walkem W. W., M.D., CM., Wharf cor Commercial, res East Wellington. Tel 28 Walker Geo. Wall A., miner Wall B., miner Wall W. H., overseer machine ahop N. V. C. Co., res Haliburton Wallace Jas., miner Wallace S., miner Wallace Thos., miner Ward Capt. L. H. Ward Joseph Bennett, fruits, etc, Cot mercial, res same Ward.UC, machinist Warrer W., miner Watklns Richard, prop Roya hotel, Commercial Watson Aaron Mrs., matron Nanaii hospital Watson Aaron, stewart Nanaimo h.. pital Watson Andrew, miner Watson Harry, miner Watson J., miner Watson R., machinist Watson W., jun., comp. Free Press, r; Haliburton Watt John, miner Webb W. E., baker, Victoria Cresc:: Weeks John, miner Weigle Peter, brewer Nanaimo brewer Wenborn Frederick, laborer Gas CV Wenborn Robert J., prop Nanaii Machine works,nr Bastion st DriJ. Wenborn Wm., butcher, HalibuiK cor Dixon, res same Westerman J. C, miner Westmorland Robt., porter Hirst Br- Wharf, nr Front st, A. R. Johnston Co., props Whiffin Edward W., clerk N. V.CC res Esplanade White W.R., tailor Davis & Bevcrid.' bds Central hotel Whitfield Bros., boots and shoo;^, V: tori a Crescent Whitfield Geo., of Whitfield Bros., r; Selby Whitfield John, miner Whitfield Randolf, of Whitfield Broi res Wallace Wilcox James, of Sabiston & Wilcox QAZBTTSBB AND DlBKCTOiT. 113 machine shop laliburton t, fruits, etc, Cot d, prop Roys , matron Nanaiii art Nanaimo h ■ ler er ist mp. Free Press, r Victoria Cresc;: Nanaimo brewer laborer Gas 0: , prop Naniiiii Bastion st JJriJ. tcher, HalibuiK ne ner >orter Hirst Bi A, R. Johnston clerk N.V.Ct Davis & BevcriJ: Ota and shoo.-), V; hitficld Bros.. : er f Whitfield Bio: biston & Wilcox WIL NANAIMO NAS [ilcox Samuel, miner lilkitiHon C, minor lilkinHOn John, minor filkinson Win., minor moulder Nanaimo Iron filliaiiiH works Williams Cliaa., clerk Alex. Mayor Co., bds Bay View house WilliamH Edward, bdH Occidental hotel Williams Jas. H., miner Williams J. Z., miner Williams John, miner Williams T., mir.ur miner. bdd bds Nanaimo Nanaimo Williams Thos. hotel Williams Wm., minor hotel Williamson Jas., carpenter II. McAdie Williamson Robt., Nanaimo Saw mills Willis F., miner Willis R., miner Willis T., miner Wilson Arthur, minor Wilson John, minor Wilson Thos., miner Willon Walter,hardwaro, Commorciai, r«6 same. Tol 32 Windsor housa, Church, Hugh Dom|)soy, prop Wipterburuo E., butchor. Tol 4 Wild Joseph M., Dallas Wo)fe Marcus, of Alex Mayor & Co. and l^e ins. ai^ont Wiipbank Bon., minor ^bankGoo., minor )bank J., minor [burn M., minor Ihiirn Martin, minor {burn Pelor, miner iburn S imuel, miner iman W., miner Bun., miller liB Jus., miner res aans John, dork Wm. Smith, ^mmcrcial ig B., miner ig Jas., salesman N. E. P. Society, Winifred Crescent Young Wm., miner Yarwood Edmund M., barrislor-al-law, of Smith & Yarwood, Ixlb Royal hotel Zambatti C, minor Tong Koo, laumlry Song Loo, laundry NANOOSIO BAY, A country post office, [t is situated in the NAiiaimo ilidtrict aboat 8 miles north of Nnnaimo and 5 miles from the Wfllinf^tom cjlieries. The bay is quite largp,and there ia good ancburigoaffiirdiQg shelter tor vesseia. Postmaster, Wm. lioborttt NASS RIVER, A settlement at the mouth of tho riror, whicti ranks thii d in size of B.C. rivers; and waters tlie country north of the Ulceeiui. It is 60t miles north ot Victoria. There are Methodist and Church of Kngland Missions here. Pop. 900, principally Indians. It has 3 canneries and 1 gallery. Mail moc'.h'y from Victorui. British Columbia Canning Co., M. T, Johnson, Victoria Cusoiuio Packing Co., R. P. Rithot & C>,, agents, Victoria Collins T., fishorraan Coliiitson rov U. II., Episcx>pal Cook 1), Haiiuon packer Coopor U, II., paikor Donahue E., parkor Frasoi- Frank, lishorman Gibson A. G., manager Nass Itivor !»• duslrial Co. Groy .lamos, salmon packer Grubbs W., olork Joiiniiigrt rov. 1)., Molhodist M(Ciill()U';h J. B., loaciior Mc.LoHun'.s cannery, A. J. McLellaji.^ agent, Victoria Mat boson .1., cooper Morris J. M., cleik Na.ss Rivor liulusirial Co., salting and trading, G. A. Gibson, manager Rtundy T., boat builder Snuggs C, ciirpontor and packer {Strong Chas,, iVlcLollan's cannery Walsl* J., clerk Cascade Packing Co. Woods R. J., bookkoopor Oasojudo P. 0% 12 1 m I 1$| 'i I'' ( L 'It m ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 1.0 I.I If: lis IIIM li L8 1.25 III./ IIIIII.6 <^ ^ 7a 7 O^M §. a ■^t ^i wy 'W ^m Phol Sdence: Corporation iS 23 WEST MAIN STRIET WfBSTIR.N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 ^1> ^ ^^.% "% I :j"rw. fit 114 i.^ fH 11,1 iill M -^fl ; 4 : "*l i ■I, * ■ ' I IBITISH COLPMBmN SteaFPrinting Concern f Cor. Columbia St. and Lytton Square, N£W WESTMINSTER, B. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE. Unrivalled on the Mainland of British Columbia as an Advertising Medium. PER ANNUM BY MAIL, Daily British Columbian, - - ■ $6.00 Weekly " " ... 2.00 Book, Job & Commercial Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Executed in First-Class Style at Moderate Bates. Our Facilities in this Department are Unsurpassed in the Province. SPECIAL FORMS RULED AND PRINTED. Having a Ruling Machine on the premises, we are enabled to furnishj Special Forms to order. Additions and Improvements have recently been made in the Various Departments. Having just moved into a new brick building, and having the finest office in tkpj province, with careful and efficient workmen, fast steam presses and first-class materials, «| can guarantee satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. KENNEDY BROTHERS, Proprietors. t i INEW AVESTMIINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. i^^^'^.y- ^ v/'"',^.^ JOTB.— ThB FOLLOWINa ABIIBVIATI0X8 AHK U8KI> IN THK NkW WesTMINHTKB DiRKCTOUT ; Ibc word "itreet is omitted after t!ie n:ime of the street: ar avenue; ar near ; zot corner ; R.C.P.M. Co., Royal City J'laniny Millx Co.; B.S M. Co., Brunette Saw MilU Co. ; C.P.R., Canadian Paeijln Railway; Ci.P.N". Co., Canadian Pacific Naviyation Co. ; B.C.P., British Columbia Penitentiary. I liJ W. abled to furnistiii ade in the The City of New Westminster was founded daring the time of the ^'raser River gold exoitoment, in 1858, by Colonel Moody, of the JRoyal 1 a J'/autageous site for the capital of the province. The city is located fi'> Mn- north bank of the river, tifteen miles pom its mouth, is accessible iox '' "]> n-ater shipping, and lies in the heart of section of varied and valuable resources. New Westminster is chiefly kuown abroad for its salmon trade stud its lumber business, but the ngricnltural interests of the district are now coming into prominence and giving the city additional stability. The go«jd farming f;erritory of British Columbia is not a very large proportion of its whole area. There are considerable tracts that are line grazing lands, aid others that irigation would render fertile, but much of this territory will ultimately become valuable. The largest and most valuable tract of farming in the province is ia the southwest corner, in the valley and delta of Fraser river, and New Westminster is situated in the midst of that great garden. The Municipalities of Surrey, Langley, Maple Ridge and Chilliwhack occupy the valley on both sides of the river above New Westminstei", and Embrace an area of nearly five hundred square miles of the very best agri- Eultujal lands. These extend northward from tho American boundary, a iistance of about twenty-five miles, but only include what is in the political listrict of New Weytminster. Farming lands reach much farther up the Eraser, and also up the valleys of its tributaries. They are easily cleared II MM , . . - .. J' H16 HKNHERSON 8 BlUTI.sII COLUMBIA p ■ 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 '■•1 ij ■■fif! ^« ■"ttlJ. ill I f! ^" i ' ' I * 'for the jjiow, and tho. soil is an alluvium mixed with a clay loam. Th» agricultural proiluctions include thu coinmnn gi-ains, roots, vegetables and a variety of tVuits. A failure of crops was never known in this region. Dairy, iiig is a prolitable industry and it is growing in importance. There are twelvo large salmon canneries withinea.sy reach of New West- •Jl(linste^ These establishments represent an invested capital of $500,000 ; they employ several thousand men during the fishing season, and pay out about $50,000.00 a year in wages. The X'raser river canneries turned out last year foity-one thousand six hundred cases of salmon. The most important industry within the city limits, at present, is the manufacture of Lumber. Last year the Royal City Mills cut 21,000,000 feet of lumber, 6,00i.',000 shingles, 5,000,000 laths, 5,000,000 feet of -mouldings, 20,000 windows, 12,(.'00 doors, and 92,000 fish boxes. This company have vessels at their wharves continually loading lumber for the South American, Australian or China trade. The Brunette Saw Mills cut 4,000,000 feet last year, 40,000 salmon boxes, and 4,000 shingles and laths. About $20,000 per month is paid by these mills in wages. These figures will give an idea of the present value of the lumber industry to New West- minster. The Koss McLareu Saw Mills, now nearly completed, will manufacture :SO0,000 feet of lumber daily, and will give employment to more than a ^thousand men. The mills will loatl an average of one vessel per week for foreign ports. The timber is obtained in abundance up the Fraser river and its tribu- taries, and floated down to the mills, where it is held in booms until manu- faetured. It has the only woolen mill in the province. The volume of liroducts turned out by these establishments has an important influence on the prosperity of the city. The New Westminster, liellingham Bay and Seattle linihvay, now iij process of construction between Seattle and New Westminster, will have its shops in the latter city, and will build a railway and trattic bridge across the Fraser river, this having been agreed upon as a consideration for a bonus and certain terminal facilities which were granted it, the completion of which will ii'ake the city a competing point for tk Canadian rucilic and Northern l*acitic roads. New Westminster is well supplied with educational facilities, it havin;; good public scliools, a high school, and two or three private educational institutions and a free public library. The Koyal Columbian HospiUil and St. Mary's Hospital are both excel- lent institutions, with Hrst class attending physicisins. Eight churches represent the following denominations : Church of JEnglaud, Reformed Episcopal, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist and "Baptist. The city has a board of trade, an Opera House, a Concert Hall, two chartered JJ inks, two daily and two weekly newspapers, and telephonic exchange. Several parks and public squares within the city limits aggre- gate an area nii>re than one hundred acres. GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. IIT are both excel- The Co(iuitlam Watc^r vVorks (.Company are constructiuff a water ay.-teiu jfor Now Westiuiustor, which, wlioii coiupleled, will bo e the advan- Itages that lie at their door. Nearly half a million dollars will be CKpended in the city this year for water works and railway improvements alone, and jthis is but the beginning of a long train of works that will keep the town im the front rank of the rapidly growing cities of the piovince. m u mi i V f! m II ■] CI V. r 118 Henderson's bbitish Colombia ACC NEW WEST.MIN8TBR AKM j I i *ii "^k :« :||.:!i«"i'. !■' '••'>' 1, Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. XL'S 3t Joh« Accident Insurance of Piorth America, Rand Bros.yagents A'ckermun Tlioron, oontnictor and ! chief fire depf., i-ch St John nr Queen's av. Tel ven 58 I ■'! :;i! /Etna Insurance Co., of Mart- ford, Fire, Woods, Turner & Gamble, agents j Aikman G. W. , clerk registry office, res Mary Aikniun Jiimes Allan, law ^tlIil^nt Cour- bold, JIcColl & Jenns, bdw Mary AinHWorth Jolin S., of Morey \- Co., res Doii^lah nr Anne> AlbraS., Tl. C. P. Mills C^.. Albra Thomas, R. C. P. Mills Co. A 1 bra William, R. C. P. Mills Co. Allan A. G., editor "Truth," bd.- Maiy cor Provost Allan James, hd.s Faruiors home Allan O. M. 1., bro. J. T., professor St LiiiiH collerman, res Condot 'I ent C. P. Ky am | s res cor (JuceiH;: iiotteSaw MillCi J ►oms !>T Colnmbisi ri, oar inspccto:! c cor Jlrty.'il av • inspector tl.Pii J. W., prop, res Agnes ni 40 litmsU;' Mainlaii. jds Oil' velaiifl huii. r, carpenter, Ft! tr:iclor,resPellia' ok keeper for E.Jl olumhiii Eckstein bar notaries puhii block, Columbi: 1, wid David G in ton 2n(l jailor 5- Biirnetto l?.i» h Road Siippoil' ;harles, pres Ni;' lurard Inlet Td rivillo cor AgntJ iirnetto Suw Mii )Cor and crocken 0. Tell8 Lrmstrong R. W., of Armstrong & Eckstein, res cor Mary and Queen's av Lrmstrong T. J., deputy sheriff, res Agnes nr Mackenzie Armstrong W.L,, sawer Burnette Saw Mill Co. Lrmstrong W. J., J. P., sheriff County of Westminster and agent Imperial Fire Ins Co. Lsh T. G., Barnette Saw Mill Co. bylum. Tel 9 Ltkinson Henry, bds Farmers home Ltkinson T. C, barrister and police ma^i8trate,Mu30nic building, Colum- bia, res Agnes E. bot Clement and Mary Ltlas Ass. Co., of London. Major & Pearson, agents Lustin C, tireman C. P. R. Austin Charles, carpenter Lustin Charles, fireman C. P. 11., res Povvel av nr Clinton Lustin D. R., wharlinger VV.Il. Austin, res Mary st lustin John, bds Farmers home Lustin W. R., wharf. Front, res Port Moody road. Tel 11 Siiiley Richard, res Albert Crescent 8ain Daniel, bds Farmers home 3ain David, carpenter for R. B. Boll, res St Andrew iuin Lewis, carpenter for R. B. Bell, res Edinbourg laker Bros. & Co., general wholesale merchants^ im- porters, shippers and com. agents, room 2 Bank of B.C. building, Columbia Jaker John Percival Hindle, of Baker Bros. & Co., res Queen's av cor Mary kker Samuel Hindle, of Baker Bros. k Co., res Liverpool, Bng. Jaker R. H., capt. str. " Gipsy," R. 0, P. Co., res St Patrick st Wmi & HAGKIiOSE Red Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL. BLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C. Baker Wm., baker for J. D, Kelly Baldwin rev. Thos., pastor Olivet Baptist church. Queen's av cor Ellice Ballantyne J. B., salesman Walker & Shadwell, res Columbia Bank of British Columbia, I. B. Fisher, manager, Col- umbia cor Mary. Tel 13 Bank of Montreal, CD. Brym- ner, mgr, Columbia. Tel 6 Barns James, cabinetmaker Barr William, drayman Mainland Transfer Stables, bJs Merchants Ex- change Barry John, bookkeeper Roid & Curry, res Agnes bet Mary and Clement Bass David, Douglas nr Royal av Bassetto Mar}' Miss, Royal av Batt Peter,slaughterman for Manahan, North Ann Road Bait R. H., butcher Stephen Manahan, Bautlre rev, J. M., O.M.I., res Bishop's Palace Bayliss Joseph, jr., nr North Arm Rd Bayliss Joseph, sen., bricklayor,North Arm Road Bayliss Mary Ann Miss, nr North .Arm Road Beadle Wm., bricklayer, Pelham nr Clinton Beaton Catherine Miss, emp. Caledoaui hotel BeattieJ. I., clerkC.P.Ii. It*,' w m %'m , *.; I'lti II r;t'' M J.;fli: -It "1! i 3 1 1; I 120 nENDEEHON'8 RRITISH COLUMBIA BKA NEW WBSTM1N(N 'Willi! \^':} 4 iMi^i i< ^"'iwii;^; ■'l»i,, *||ICf.. ■It III ^^' i% EHAIS & MGIIDSH, ^eor/ Estate Brokers, &c. •A *^:,» COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Beattic John, caHhior C.P.R. Depot Beecher C. M., of Rojal City Planing Mills Co., DouglaH nr A<\ Hi M i n If 1 i ''Hi 11 i IHi: «*!5 ■[;,; i; 111, *•"••- 122 IIENDER80N 8 BRITIBU COLUMBIA BRO NEW WEHTMINHTBR BUK fiea/ Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Brooks Andrew, nlachini^'t, res Front Broomfiold Cli.'irics, laborer Brown A.,8crew turner B.S.M. Co. Brown C. E. C.yLL.D.,Co!um- bia, Bank of B. C. buiUling, res Clement nr Pclhani Brown E., k Co., liquors wholesale and retail, L. F. Bf)nson, m^;r Brown G., R. C. P. Mills Co. Brown TI., R. C. P. Mills Co. Brown Hastings, driver F. ,1. Trapp & Co., res Douglas Brown James, einp. Stephen Manahan, bds Central hotel Brown John Cunninghanr ])Ostmaster, and mayor of New \Vi-,-i luliistei', res Merivalo nr U.irnarvon Brown John, bils Farmorrf Homo Brown Joseph, builder, roa Douglas nr Montreal Brown Leo, driver for A. &E. W. Mc- Innes . Bruce — , carpenter, res Agnes nr Fer- ris Bruce Alex., teiim8terC)r [[enry Elliott, res Columbia Brunette Saw Mill Co., Ltd., J. B. Kennedy, president ; H.L. D eBeck, mgr, Sapperton. Tel 24 JBruTiBkill Wharton, Carnarvon nr Elliott Brydone Jack A.C., M. A., bar- rister and solicitor, Htinley Blk. Columbia, roa Mary Brymner George Douglas, manager Bank of Montreal, Park Lano. Tol 37 BryBon Bates, blacksmith for Sulley, Royal av nr EUice Bryeon J. B., of Suiley & Bryson, les Royal av Bryson M., R. C. P. Mills Co. Bryson Melville, R. C. P. Mills Co. Buck J., roofer E. S. Seoul lar & Co. Buckland Robert, builder, ros Mon- treal nr St Andrews Buckler Alfred, cooper, bds Farmen Home Buckley Eli, apprentice H. M. Cun ningham & Co. Buckley James, res Royal av corEllice Budden Frank, bartender Club saloon Buic Malcolm, teamster, bdH Farmci':! Home Burgess John, res Armstrong v.i Blackwood Burk Henry, omp. ros Farmers Home Biirnctte Ada Miss, res Mary cot I Queen's ave ' rturiiettc David, res Holbrook nr Feriii Ijurnette Florence Miss, ros Mury cor Queen's av Burnette George J., music teacher, r« Mary cor Queen's av Burnette Ceo. T., drugi^ist, Colurubii cor Douglas, res cor Mary anJ Queen's av Burnet te Harold, emp. Columbia office, res Mary cor Queen's av Hiniiet te Sarah Miss, Mary cor Quocii'i B iriis Egerton, contractor, Lome cor Provost Hui fis William Henry, res Royal avi nr EUice Burr A>ldie Miss, res Queen's ave ni Douglas Purr Benjamin, guard B. C. Peniten tiary a OAZETrERR AND DIRECTORT. 113 BUR NEW WESTMINSTER TAN Lice II. M. Cun- Ihe uomi tr IS A HOME PRODUCTION. \ii WWm & HAGKIHTOSI. Rea/ Estate Brokers, Ac. to ui. uouauunu. SUPPORT IT ! ONLY $4.00 A YEAR. Neto Westminster, B.C. COLONIAL BLOCK, Burr Emma Miss, res Queen's avo nr I Doufjlas iKurrHugh, res Queen's «v nr Doiij^las IjBurr Joseph, 3rd jailor Now VVeslmin- ■jter Prov. Jail, res Royal av Cain J. C, bds Farmers JI )me [!al(iwell John L., book keeper '• Colum- bian" office, res ('iement nr Aijnes Caledonia Hotel, R. VV. Mcintosh, prop, res Front ''.iilvio Mrs., weaver, res Sapperton Cambridf,'e J., R. (). P. Mills CIo. Cambridge James Ji>hn, res Columbia opp. St Peter's church CJameron Annie Miss, dressmaker, 113 Columbia, res Clinton |Cameron Daniel A., cabinetmaker for W.E. Fales, res Trew corMackenzie Diimeron Doui^las, bds Faj'mcrs Home lamoron J. M., blacksmith for Sulley & Bryson, res Mary iCameron James John, Sapporton ramoron John, bds Farmers Home Campbell Albert, etnp. Bank ol" Mon- treal, res Agnes E nr Marj' lampbell Alliert Edward, clerk Ogle, Campbell & Co., res Agnes Campbell Alex,, driver tor McColl, bds Eickhoff House ]!ampbeli Alexander, R. C. P. Co., res North Arm road >mpbell Alfred Oliver, Ogle, Camp bell & Freeman, res Agnes E nr Mary Campbell C. Stewart, printer Colum- bian, res St John opp. Centra! school Campbell Douglas A., cabinetmaker, Wintemute Bros., bds Farmers Home Campbell Katherine Miss, tailoress, res Roya\ av Campbell M. A,, bds Farmers Home Campbell Oliver, of Ogle. Campbell & Co., rooms Russell House Campbell Samuel J., R. C. P. M. Co., Holbrook nr Ferris Canadian Pacific Railway, R- F. Anderson, agent. Tel OO Canadian Pacific Navigaticn Co., New Westminster Whaif, Thomas L. Briggs, agent Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph office, H. A. Wil- son, local manager, Colunn- bia C. P. R. Wharf, Front opp, C. P. R. station Ciinnitt' Edgar, harnossmaker, res St. John nr Queen's av Cantoll RdwanI, sect V to Bishop of New Westminster,res Clement cor Carnar- von Canton In-=.office(Marine),Lowenberg , Harris & Co., agents,Colonial bloclc if IS ft, m Mil m I! 1 : I 124 \ 'til ^ '« 1^ II ( '\~'k % "Is If ■ ■. * .11 CAR nENPERHON'S niUTIfHt COI.nMHIA NEW WESTMINSTER CLA mm k Real Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C. Card Corn Miss, rea Royal av opp. Clin- ton (Tnrd D. W. Mrs., Royal av, opp. Clin- ton Card Lida Bell Miss, ros Royal av opp Clinton (!ard Lillie Miss, run Royal av opp Clinton Caroy Maria, widow Jatnew, Columbia Carlow Wilmot,upholstorer Winteinute Bros., res Royal ave nr Clement Carrie Thomas, salesman James Cun- nin^ham.res Columbia Carroll W. J., guard B. C. Peniten- tiary Cartwright A., R. C. P. M. Co. (Jartwright G. A., R. C. P. M. Co. Carty John, policeman, res Doui;la8 nr Agnes C:i8e P. H., pressman Columbian Cash James, of Stewart & Cash, res Douglas Cassidy J., bookkeeper, bds Depot hotel Castle Alfred, bds Occidental restau- rant Central hotel, Stewart & Cash.Columbia nr Douglas Central school, boys, W. C. Coatham, principal, rew Royal ave bet Mary and St John Chamberlain H. C, woodworker Sully & Bryson, res Melbourne Chambers James, laborer, bds Depot hotel ('li.'iiiilti'i's Jaiiu's, cook R ('. iiisjiiu A>yliim Cliuppol — , luborpr. Eilinburgli ^'" Cliappio Siiruh Mins, emp woolen railN Chiirbonnuuii John,omp. Ro^jm, McLarci, k ('(>., Sapporton Charlton A., bds Farmers Homo ^»' CliurtorH Air., planer B. S. M. Co. "''; Charters Tlios. llcni-y, bookkeeper, r(> Church Chan re J. W., bds Farmers Home ChiiKO Stephen, bds Farmers Home Cliorry J. B., solicitor, Mackonzio nr Ciarkson, res Douglas Chest lay William, carpenter for R. B Bell Chfcstney — , carpenter, bds Church Chirouso rev. Kiig., O.M.I., pastor In- dian church, res the Mission, Miitsqiii Chisholm John, clerk for James Learaj, res Mary ChurchillS., R. C.P. M.Co. City Brewery, J. W.AndrzeJew' ski, prop, Agnes nr Doug I as. Tel40 City Hall and Council Chambers, Mac- kenzie nr Agnes. Tel. 10 City hotel, 135 Columbia City of London Fire Ins. Co., Woods, Turner & Gamble, agents Clair Mabel Miss, .3 Black ie Chmson Wm., millhand B. S. M. Ci Clark A., R. C. P. M. Co. Clark A. J., R. C. P. M. Co. Clark Albert, R. C. P. M. Co., Agnes n: Mary Clark E., bds Farmers Home Clark Harry, sausage maker, bds Occ; dental hotel Clark Laura Miss, res Agnes nr Man Clark Lillian Miss, milliner Ellard it Co., res Pel ham cor Douglas Clark R. W., prmter Truth, bds Queens hotel y OAZETTKKR AND DrRFXTORY. 125 CLA NKW WKSTMINSTKU COO Iv B. (\ iiisjim ^ linburfjli ""' np woolen mill> IJ ). Ro.sH, McLiirci ers Homo ^ .' U> S. M. Co. vp, bookkeoper, n, ., •merrt Home riners Homo r, Mackonzie iir|^ as || penter for R B.M IH^NRY PORTER, MM & MAMirrACTDKKR OF I« /?ea/ £stote Brokers, &c. »fces » ipcclalty of large Relta, and sella tbem on folleiit iruarant^ie. COLONIAL 15LOCK, 3« Yisitatioa StrMt. Neto Westminster, B.C. , bJs Church || ).M.I., parttor Ir-^;| MiHHion, Matsqiii '| ibr Jamen Leamv. M. Co. ir.AndrzeJew' 8 nr Douglas. I Chambers, Mac ol. 70 bia 'ire Ins. Co., r & Gamble, lackio vnd B. S. M. Cn Co. Nt. Co. M. Co., Agnes i:: | H Home maker, bds Occ: I Agnea nr Mary I nUliner Ellard i Douglas \uth, bds Queen ( lark Sadie Mibr, 3 Blaekie bark William, Bhoomaker for JamoB [Rousseau, Agnes nr Mary kelland Mrs. Mary Jane, prop Cleve- [land hotel lellnnd ThoraaH, bartender Cleveland Iho ol leirtontHO., R. C. P.M. Co. leveland hotel, Mrs. Mury Jane Clel- lland, prop, Columbia low C. H., of Clow & Maclurc, rca Mel I bourne [low A Maclure, architectSf ;olumbia,BkofB.C.Building |nb ealoon and rentaurant, Alex. J* rdmie, prop, Columbia lute John S., law student with F. G. [Walker, re,s Polham cor St John jluteJohn Stilwell, collector md inspector of customs, leurveyor and registrar of shipping, land acting collector of Inland JKevcnue Into W. C, salfi.^man W. k d. Wol- Ifenden, res Polham cor St John )atham William C, principal Central |Bcho()l, St John opp Central school Ibb George Henry, carpenter R. C. P. JM. Co., St. Andrew's sq nr Eliico thran R. F., driver Wc>j 1! j ' ;t ^ :1 l:r ^ 77n»»pw^ 1S6 HENDEftSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ! i COO NKW WESTMINSTER (HJN 1 ' , t i , \ I ■ :'.^ V 'il '•1 "ii j ■'#ifi lilli: ■ "'«|i;|i»- I } *ml i [ f 111 i ^*- ' . '!«* .If ■'■ ,1 f ■"■' ; '* '■* , L^ IL BIGHAIS & MAGEMISI Reof Estate Brokers, &c. . COLOXIAL BLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C . Cooper Albert, emp. A. Hamilton, res Clarkson Cooper Geo. capt., res rear of Agnes nr Baptist church Cooper II. M,, M.D., oflSce and res Church. Tel 78 Cooper Oliver, apprentice H. M. Cun- ningham & Co. Cooper M. C, engine turner C.P.R. Copp Percy G., gravel roofing, doiiler iu asphalt Corhett W. J., tinsmith, Front, res Queen's av nr Msiry Corbould Gordon E., of Corbould, Mc- CoU & Jenns, res St. Patrick Corbould, McColl & Jenns, barristers, Masonic block. Tel 26 Cosens Thomas, gasfitter, rear of Agnes nr Baptist church Cota Philip, res Edinburgh nr Koyal avenue Cottingham M., barkeeper, 107 Col- umbia Cotton A. F., city engineer, assessment commissioner and treasurer, res Patrick Courlial A. P]., driver, res Columbia Couthard Fred. J., clerk Richards & Mackintosh, res Carnarvon Coutts Alex., trade instructor B.C. penitentiary, res Albert Crescent nr Columbia Cox J. S., steward R. C. P. M., res Edinburgh Cox John, R. C. T. M., res London Crake Tred., watchmaker and mnfg jeweller, 125 Columbia, n* Queen's av nr Douglas Crandall A. E., R. C. P. M. Co. Ciandall 0., R. C. P. M. Co. Crawford Wm., machinist Ross, Mc- Laren & Co., re.x Sapper ton Crcighton D., carpenter, bdsHolbrook House Cross Gerald Hci-bert, of Cro8.s k Poingdestre, res Columbia Cross & Poingde8tre,tobaccO' nists; choicest imported cigars, pipes, cigarettes and smoking tobacco, Columbia nr Church Crow Andrew, carpenter for R. B. Boll res St, Andrew.s Crowe Andrew J., carpenter, res Pel- ham nr Ellico Crown Timber office, T. C. Higginsoii, agent, P. O. building Culbert James, lath sawyer B. S, M. Cummings Allen, blacksmith, Agnes E. nx" Elliott Cummings Allen, watchman C. P. N, Co's wharf, res Agnes Cunningham Alex. James, of H. X Cunningham & Co., res Queens av nr St.John Cunningham George, jr., clerk, it< Royal av nr El lice Cunningham George, gen blacksmith and horseshoer, res Pel ham ci Ellice Cunningham H. M., A Co., importers hardware, stoves and tinware, tinsmiths, plumbws and gasfitters, Columbia C!,r Bigby, Tel 41 Cunningham Henry M., of H. M. Ciin ningham Clement & Co., res Pelhara m 1 OAZBTTBER AND DIEECTORY. 121 gen blacksmith es Pclham cr CUN NEW WESTMINSTER DEV Cunningham James, importor of hardware, etovoH, paints, oiln, glass, etc., Columbia, res Agnes nr Lome. Tel 23 Cunningham May Miss, Pelham cor [ Ellice [junningham Thos. M., of H. M. Cunningham & Co., res Pelham nr . Clement BunninghamThos., Pelham nr Clement. [ Tel 69 Burran P. B., guard B.C. penitentiary Carrie Alex., il. C. P. M. Co., resEoyal I av nr Ellice lurrie Mary E. Miss, teacher West I End school, res Koyal av feurrie Wm. C, of Keid & Currie, res Queen's av nr Ellice ^urtis D. 8., & Co., druggists 'tvholcgalc and retail^ and lump goods, 111 Columbia. Tel 43 Curtis David Samuel, of D. .S. Curtin & Co., res Agnes cor John ^ustom House, John 8. Cliite, J collector, P. O. building lutlerE., bricklayer, bds Occidental I restaurant lyrus C. D., painter, bds Holbiook I House Jalia^ J., gla/Jer R C. P. M. alraagc Frank, bds Farmers Home arling Oscar E., clerk P. O., bds Mary lasbwood Jones Wm.A., greengrocer, I Columbia, res Douglas nr Agnes lavidsun Dicey Miss, first asst teacher iGirl:' Central school, res Pelham cor I Douglas favidbon Wm., harness maker, res St John avie Charts, gen. secy. Y. M. C. A., res Agnes cor Douglas Bvis Frank, clerk W. H. Vianen, res North Arm road BIOMIS & HACKCfim Reaf Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Ncto Westminster, B.C. Davis Fred., clerk W, H. Vianen, res North Arm road Davis J. F., Pt. (^. P. M. Co. Davison Wm., harnes.s maker Douglas & Deighlon. St. John cor Queen's av Daykor Wm., Holbrook nr Ferris l>ean J. R. C. bds Farmers Home DeBcck Clarence H., director B. S. M. Co., res Sapperton DeBcck Elizabcih Mrs.,wid Warren, reg Pclhiim nr Clinton DeBecIc Ht L., mgr Brunette Saw Mills i'li. (Lid,), res Eoyal av Pono.'!. n li'.'O ?.fiss, dressmaker. 113 Coliiinbiji hoi.erh"".* K'iwiivd B., oper C. P. E., bds iMary cor Trow Deniboii J., tail trimmer B. S. M. Depot Hotel, P. O. Bilodortn,prop, Columbia Dcrrat Chas. M., trade int-triictor B.C. penitentiary DesBrisay Alexander, groceries, etc., (yolunihia, res Pelham cor Douglas Tel. 74 DesBrisay Ella Mis.", milliner Ellard & Co., I'es Pelham cor Douglas DesBrisay Helena Miss, Pelham cor Douglas Descotern M., millhand B. S. M. Co. Detro Florence Miss, Provost cor Doug- las Dovoy Fred., B. S. M. Co. Devoy John, shoemaker, Front, res Sapperton im f%\m m ^ If -i •Hi* 1 \\: Tmm 328 IIENDBRBON'S BRITISH COLUllBIA I: f\ \\]\ i if f i 'i '■"tM - «iitl, I'll' will 'ttWl 1(1 ■? ;" DfM NEW WESTMINSTER DON iCMBDS & MAGKINTOSE /?eflr/ Estofe Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BliOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. DeWolf Smith W.A., M.D., acting sur- ffoon B. C. penitentiary D'Hovbomcz Et. Rev. L. J , CM. I., vicar apostolic of B. 0., res Bishop's Palace Dickinson & Binnie. Tel 92. Trucic & Dray Co., dealers in wood, coal, etc., and agts Evans, Coieman A Evans, Front opp C.P.N. Co. wharf- Tel- res 71. 'S^arfp. Diclcinson & Co.,butcl)cnH, Colum- bia. Tel. 50 DickiiiHon Dunstan, clerk Zed Hall, Armstrong cor Elliott Dickinson Florence Mis8, res Arm- glrong cor Elliott Dickinson James, laborer, bds Eiekhol house Dickinson Mrs., widow Robert, lei Armstronf^ cor Elliott Dickinson Sophia Miss, res Armstrong c«>r Elliott Dickinson W. E., of Dickinson & Bin. | nie, res A«,ne8 nr Ellice Dickinson W. W., manager Dickincouj & Ci>., res Carnarvon Dickinson William, ro« Armstrong cor I Elliott Dififby Charles, steward Royal Colurj. bia Hospital, North Road, Sapper. ton Dillas James, glazier R.C.P.M., res Col. i umbia opp St. Peter's church Dingell Hairy, R.C. P.M., res Columbij 1 opp St. Peter's church Dilniars J.V. capt., bJs Farmers Home Dockriil Mottie Miss, 2nd asst. toachn BoyH* Central School Domani Henry, bottler Morley Dominion Express Co., R. P. Andcreon agent 0, Dominion Lands office, P. Building Dominy Thomas, constable, res Agnei nr Ferris Donahue C, upholsterer Wintemuii Bros. — ^EE£zEEH) TRUCK & DRAV Co. (_ DKAI.KKS IN ZIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, COAL, WOOD &c., &c., &c. AGENTS F OR EVANS, COLEMAN &. EVANS. Office— FRONT STREET— Opp. CPN. Oo.'s Wharf, Office, 92 TELEPHONE Rosidenoe, 71. m\ QA2ETT£eR AKD DIRGOTOftY, 129 DON NEW WESTMINSTER EDW er, bds Eickhol ; P ALMER & gON, IMPORTKRS OP |(elle Freres. toger & Gallet's. jertrand Freres. fiver's- Lubin*s. jlgate's. m Si 1745 Notre Dame, MOi^TrBSAL. 11 fonnclly Duncan, laborer, bdsEickhoflf house [onnoUy Samuel, painter, bds Farmers' homo )iii,'las Benjamin, of Doutflas & [Doi"hton, res Curnaijvon nr Mori vale I Tel. 53 )ttglas Diivid, farmer, res Provost nr Mary )Ui?his & Doii?hton, harness and sad- lery, 105 Columbia. Tel 53 )ulenviUle rev. A., O.M.I. , director ; Louis CoUej^e )w William, tallyman B.S.M. Co. Dyle James, guai-d B.C. penitentiary hiicoj., R.C.P.M.CO. taper Catherine Miss, res Royal av Clement }aper Hester Miss, res Royal ave nr iClemeiit raper James Nelson, secretary West minster Woolen mills, Royal ave ir Clement bnpcr William Nelson, ajjfont O.R. & ^0,. and whartinsfer James Wise. res Roy U ave fummond K. F., Ty, mail clerk, res unos E nr Elliott lummond Hose Miss, res Carnarvon ir Blackwood fsilalo Daniel, emp. Canoo Pass lanningCo., res Mary bet Trewaiul Lgr\e8 [ican W. A., bookkeeper R. C. P. M. 3o., res Queen's ave nr Douglau filGHABDS ^& MAGBSH, Pea/ Estate Brokers, &c, COLONIAL block:, Neto Westminster, B.C . Dunlop Alexander, bds Farmers' home Dunlop William, carpenter, St John cor Royal ave nunnC.C, R.C.P.M. Dunn Gcor<;o T., te imster Royal ave nr Douglas Dunn L., RC.P. Durien right rev. P.P., O.M.T., coa l- jutor bishop, res Bishop's palace Kades Harry, barber shop, Front, res same E;irle K J ward, carpenter, res Sapper- ton Eastman Charles, upholsterer, St John opp Central school Ebnan Fiederick, painter Charles Murray, bils Ann'riean hotel Rckstein I^. P., of Armstrong & E^-k. stein, res cor Mary !ind Queen's nv E Idie F., toiimsior, Royal ave nr Ellice Edmcmds H, V",, real ostuto and insur- ance, Cobnntiia, res Queen's ave. Tel. 5-J Ednionds Henry L., law student, res Queen's ave Kduionds W. Humphries, law student, res (Jueen's ave ElwardsC, R.C.P. M. Edwards Chariot leMinile Miss, Ellice Edwards D.iisy Miss, Ellice llidwards b](l\vin, carpenter, Roj'id avo nr Ell I'O Edwards JI., R.C.P.M. Edwards Harry J., R. C. P. M., Ellico 13 $1 i Vi Ul i mm f;;i ■qmfn^fmm r j^ » ' 1 ■ '' ' J, .1 . ! ■ i' \ 1 1 i J . : ■ ■ \ ■ 1 \ '■\ J i ^IIIU: '^ ■ .j ' '"ili. m^ I' If! *""*«' lifts ■i: 130 Henderson's British oolxtmbia EDW NEW WESTMINSTER FIE BIGHJDS & HAGMOSE Real Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Ncto Westminster, B.C. Edwards Oscar, stevedore, bds Eickhoff house EdwardsW. H., jruard Prov jail, Ellice Edwards William H., Ist convict guard Prov, jail, res St Andrews Eickhoff" Chippy, emp. Stephen Mana- han Eickhoff Frederick, gon. store 23 Front, res Provost opp Begbie Eickhoff house, King & Kcery, props. Front Eickhoff W. E., messenger C.P.T., res Clinton Ellard James, & Co., dry goods, clothing and gents' furnishings, J. W. Harvey, mgr, 127 Columbia cor Mary. Tel. 44 Ellard Sidney, clerk Ellard & Co., res Agnes Elliott Emily Mrs., widow Edward, res Dickinson nr Elliott Elliott Florence Miss, Dickinson nr Elliott Elliott Henry, teaming wood and coal for sale, Columbia cor Douglas, res Douglas cor Agnes Emerson L., waiter, 107 Columbia English M. M., of English & Co., Phoenix Canning Co., Merivale cor Dickin on English Minnie Mies, Merivale cor Dickinson ano opffj English Vii'gie Miss, Merivale cor DicKinson Eiickson T, S., laborer, bds Farmer. lil home Evans Chas. E., butcher Van Volken ii burgh, res Elliott nr Carnarvon '^ - Evans, Coleman A Evans, coalfi clealers,Dickinson A Binnie i agents. Front oppC.PiN. CoJ wharf Ewen Alexander, of Evven & Co., reif Bcgbie Ewen & Co., props Lion can- nery, office Front Exhibition building, Park Pelbam Fagan Charles; M.D., surgeon S.^ Mary's hospital, res Blackwood opp, College. Tel 20 -^ Falding W. II., Supremo and Countv \ Court registrar, res Clinton Fales Wm. Ellery, furniture ani undertaker, 73 Columbia, res Trew bet Mary and Mackenzie Fallowtield Isabel Miss, dressmakci Walker & Shadwell, res Douglas Farmers' home,W.H. Hoiden, prop, formerly of Toronto, Churcli Fayard rev. J. M., O.M.I., presided St Louis college Feen Con., harnessmaker Douj'')""* Deighton, res Begbie Feeney Ci., head sawyer R.C.P JI., xt Ellice Felix J. B., tinner E. S. Scoullar 1 Co. Ferguson A., res Royal av nr Ellice Ferguson A. H., R.C.P.M. Ferguson John, prop bakery, Dougk res same Ferris W. D., coroner Field James H., operator C.P.E,T, bds Mary nr Clarkson GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 131 FIB NEW WESTMINSTER FEB ir Carnarvon Evvon & Co., resl Sennes Clinton Henderson, mgr for F O. Walker, Clarkson lindlay R, B.C.P.M. [inlalson W. H., mgr Lowen- I berg, Harris & Co., res Carnarvon. [Tel 8G Bnn Cornelius, saddler, bds Begbie nr [Columbia bniganP.,RC.P.M. jre hall, Tel 60 Isher C. C, clerk Prov Land oflSco jSher I. B.y mgr Bank of B. C, Ibds Queen'rt hotel ^zgeraid Edward, plasterer, North \.rm road ggerald Jas., keeper B. C. Peniten- tiary "asimmons James, deputy warden J.C. penitentiary, res name Cck Pony, bdw FarmorH' home kcher Sidney A., accountant, Cor- bould, McCoil & Jenns, res Pclham Ar Clinton bwers James, bds Farmers' home ^x Geo. John, Royal av nr Douglas James, R.C.P.M., res Eoyal nr )ougla8 bro. James, O.M.I., prof. St „.s college [ Lyman, capt. 0. W. Gilley & Co.'s Iteamer " Cluranort " rester J., R.C.P.M. rester James, carpenter, res St orge's square nr Mary lestei- John, E.C.P.M. jester William, R.C.P.M., St. eorge's square nr Mary iyth J., R.C.P.M. lune James R., engineer, Pro- tetcor Bogbie [ids P. J., salesman H. T. Read & J., bds Colonial lier Thos., bartender Depot iOlBBS k MAGMOl Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c, COLONIAL BLOCK, Ncit) Westminster, B.C. Fox S. E.. R.C.P.M. Fox W. W., city editor " Truth," bds Queen's hotsl Eraser Alexander, R.C.P.M. Eraser Alex., grocer, Columbia, res Mary nr Claj'kson Eraser A., R.C.P.M. Eraser A. M..R.C.P.M. Eraser Annie Miss, dressmaker Wil- liams & Rasuro Eraser Edward, bartender Eickhoff house Eraser James Mrs., Elliott nr Columbia Eraser Jnmes, driver M. C. McKcen & Son, res Mary Eraser J. D,, tinsmith H. M. Cunning- ham & Co. Eraser J. S. C, acct Bank of Montreal, ros Mary Fraser John, teamster B.S.M. Eraser Nellie Miss, dressmaker Wil- liams & Rasuro Fraser Nor man, clerk Grant & Maclure, res Elliott nr Columbia Fraser Wallace, driver A. Des Brisay, res Pelham cor Douglas Eraser William, Royal av cor Ellico Freeman Ralph P., of Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, res Agnes E nr Mary Freese John E., res Royal av lane Freeze Henry, hack driver Mainland stables, Agnes E French John, expressman, res Elliott nr Carnarvon French May Miss, retoucher Stephen J. Thompson, res Columbia t i!m m II ! 111. 1; :\\ '"■•I IM 132 RENDERSOH's BRITISH COLUMBIA II l>! ' ] i!) i i^l! M i m liJ '•'«,(«. iP 'I i 1 •lislN.^it i John Gregory Wm., millhand B. S. M. Groig Joseph, clerk, 79 Columbia, res Clinton Grimmer James, res Ellice nr Queen's avenue Grimier L,, painter, res Agnes, bet Ferris and Ellice Grotto saloon, Wm. Collier, 99 Colum- bia Guardian Fire Insurance Co., J. G. Jakes, agent 'ii '1 • II :? ! ::I1J J'll I J - \^ \ 1K% 'It ^ M 134 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLVMBIA GUE NEW WESTMINSTER HAR -i liiGHABos & mmmi Real Estate Brokers, &c. :^ COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Guertin rov. F. G., O. M. I., parish Sricst St Peter's church and chaplain '. C. penitentiary, res St Louis collcjTo Guest June, wid Francis, res Polham cor Clinton Guest John James, asst photocrrnpher Stephen J. Thompson, res Pelhiim Guest Thos. D., clerk Walker & Shad- well, res Polham cor Clinton Gunn Hugh, night watchman B. C. Insane asylum Gunsil J., R. C. P. M. Gwennap Thomas, Btone cutter, res North Arm road Hacker Floi'ence Miss, res Mary nr Clarkson Hacker R. Mrs., private boarding house, Mary nr Clarkson Hacklej' Ernest, laborer, bds Farmers' homo Hnddon rov. T lomas, rector St Paul's Reformed EpiHcoj)al church, res Montreal cor John Haferkern William, cigarmaker, res Central hotel Haines Arthur, driver Mainland Transfer stables, res same Haines E. W., C. E., res Clement nr Agnes Hainsworth John, of H. Morey & Co., res Douglas Hall D. v., foundry, Agnes nr Ferris Columbia, res Hall Guy, res Douglas, bet Agnes and Royal av Hall James, res Sapper ton Hall Mollio Mrs., res McNeally Hall Thomas Sylvester, M.D,, res Columbia nr Church Hall Zed. 8., wholesale and retail bookseller and station* er, Douglas, bet Agnes and Royal av Haml JIaud Sidney F., of W. J. Wall. .J & Co., res John, opp Central bchool Hamilton Alexander, B. C. Monumental works, Columbia cor Church, res Lowe nr Clarkson Hamilton Thon^as, weaver mill, res Trew nr Macki^nzie Hank A., plumber R. S. Sconllar &Co Harcus John, watchman B. S. M. Hardacre Joshua, res Royal av nr i EUice Hard man A., tinsmith H, M. Cunning- ham & Co., res Columbia Hare Thomas, R. C. P. M., bds Occi- dental restaurant Hargy Geo., laborer, res Ellico nr Royal av Harling James, cigar manf., Columbia nr Douglas, res Begbie nr Provost Harrington E., line repairer Tel^ phone Co. ; Harris Joseph, R. C. P. M. Harrison Frederick, carpenter, res Sapperton Hartford Fire Ins. Co., of Hart* ford. Woods, Turner A Gamble, agents Harvey Henry, gen store, Front, res same I trl m OAZETTKER AND DIRKOTORT. 135 I, bet Agnes and jj rton dcNeally ester, M.D., lurch lolesale and r and station- bet Agnes y F., of W. J, ohn, opp Central nder, B. C. H, Columbia cor nr Clark.son veaver mill, res S.Sf'0!illar&Co, nan B. S. M. 1 08 Royal av nr HAR NEW WESTMINSTER niG H. M. Cunning- mbia ^ M., bds Occi- y r, res Ellico nr '^^ manf., Columbia ; irbio nr Provost repairer Tele- P. M. carpenter, res Co.yOf Hart* Turner & store, Front, res forpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. 1 he Largest Stock in the Dominion is carried by NOMAS LIGGET, 1884 Notre Dame St., - MONTREAL. iMail Orders promptly filled and SampI es forwarded. mgr fillai-d |arveyJamesW ., Co., ros Columbia cor Mary tarvey Mrs. M., balfer}', 52 Columbia larvoy William, res North Arm road [aivoy William, lalhor, bds Farmers' j home inssott rev, Maurice, O. M. I., clerical Thliident St Louis college latiierley Bertha Miss, res Agnes nr ^Eliice |aihorley James Thomas, res Agnes [nr Ell ice jnthorloy Thomas Henry, chief [engineer str "William Irving," res I Agnes nr Ellice lavolock Thomas, B. S. M. law Wm., laborer,bds Farmers' home luvkins Geo., fisherman Inyes Michael, gen store. Front, res leame aytie Arthur, emp Gilley Bros., [res Agnes cor Ferris jftywood John, laborer, bds Eickhoff Ihuiise eard C. E., of Boggs & Heard, res [Douglas eaiii Arthur, druggist, Columbia, res [Wary cor Provost eberi Harry, bar tender, 97 Columbia, pes Agnes (jkloy J. W., agent, bds Farmers' bomo bglo Charles, plasterer, bds Occiden- ' ul restaurant Real Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL. KLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C. Henderson A. M., shoemaker, res Pro- vot- f cor Begbio Hen ierson David, carpenter for R. B. Bell, res Columbia Henderson Peter, granite cutter, res Scott road Hendry A., R. C. P. M. Hendry J. A., U. C. P. M. Hendry John, manager R.C.P.M. Co., and pros Board of Tratlo, res Queen's av cor Douglas. Tel 65 Henley Joseph, manager for C. Morley, 155 Front, Tel 68, res same M. Henry C, R. C, P. Herring Arthur M., wholesale and retail druggist, ros Columbia. Tel 91 Herring T. R., fisherman, bds 137 Front Herring's Opera house, Provost, A. M. Herring, manager, res Colum- bia Hibbard William, waiter Occidental restaurant Hicks Ezra, farmcr,rc8 Queen's av, bet Ellice and Edinbourg Hicks W.,R.C. P.M. Higginson Thomas S., crown tim ber agent, P. 0. bdg,, res Provost nr Mary '3t li ill "J A '' I'?* '/I 'I*! r, ,1 i . ). i ! 1 i i i 1 i 1 ! 1 ■ ■]'■'' '1 1 I I lift; ?"«■'• ; fi'ii;;:: ) ' ''1 '1 1 ■; 1 *'%k::-^: I'y » »i-asi; Mi lit 136 HENDSRSON's BRITISH OOLVMBIA HIL NEW WESTMINSTER HUM mm & MAGMot fiea/ Estate Brokers, &g. COLONIAL BliOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Hill A. E., City Water works engineer, res Agnes Hill Albert J., C. E. and eurvcyor, Hamley block, Columbia, res Agnes nr Mackenzie Hill Arthur, C. E., res Columbia cor Elliott Hill E. G., K. C. P.M. Hill S. C, carpenter, res Ellice nr Mon- treal Hill Thomas, tinsmith H. M. Cunning- ham &Co., res Douglas cor Royal av Hodgson James, millhand B. S. M. Hogan Mary Mrs.i prop Telegraph hotel, 137 Front Hogan Eobert, bartender Telegraph hotel Hogan William, bUs 137 Front Holbrook house, John Eankin' prop, Front Holden W. H., prop Farmers home. Church Holland G., millhand B. S, M. Holman L., cigar maker, res Columbia Holmes A. J.^ D.D.S., Bank of B. C. block, res Clement nr Agnes Holmes William, Eoyal av opp Clinton Holt Claude E., clerk Land Eegistry oflSce, res Agnes E, hot Clement and Mary Holy Trinity church, Church Homer Alice Miss, res Agnes opp con- vent Homer Chas. W., clerk D. L. office, res Agnes opp convent Homer Margaret Miss, res Agnes opp convent Homer Mary Miss, res Agnes opp con- vent Homer Mary Miss, teacher Boys Central school, res Agnes opp convent Homer Nellie Miss, res Agnes opp con- vent Homer Sophia, wid J. A. E., res Agnes opp convent Hookway Thomas, farmer, bds Farmers home Hopkins John, carpenter, bds Agnes nr Ellice HoultE., K. C.P.M. Hoult Edward, E. C. P.M.,res Edinbourf House W. T. L., keeper B. C. Instant asylum, res Sapperton Houston John, oper B. C. Insant Lon xlitor and mana IJoloninl hotel [•en McNeally ."W.jTrew nr Mavj rdener, res Elliii ', res Carnarvon K '. Read & Co., r^ | ,t ly, Columbia )ourg :er, bds Farmer; j 'and hackstabloii^ Tel 45 itf & Moore, Ia'M irles, res Queen: | lool North road, Saj | • North road, Sa[ North road, Sa[ HUM NEW WESTMINSTER JOH [umo Isiibolla Mrs., laundress B.C. In- naoo nsj'lum, res Sapporton [umo James, miner, North road, Sapper- ton [ume John, millwright, resSapperton [umo Robert, miner. North road, Sap- porton [unter C. M., carpenter [utcbinson George, guard B. C. peniten- tiary, res North road, Sapperton [utchinson Sarah Miss, North road. Sap porton [utchinson Stella Miss, North road, Sap- ])erton [ynck Fire Co., Jos. Hanloy, captain; Humphrey Edwards, secy tmlah John, bricklayer, Royal av opp Clinton Imperial Fire Ins. Co., W. J. Armstrong, agent. Seeadv fndian church, rev. Eug. Chirouse, 0. M. I., pastor, Blackwofxl Ink Charles H., foreman "Truth," bds Colonial hotel Inland Revenue, office P. O. build- iny-, John S. Cluto, acting collector> Clarkson opp Court house [nnos H., R. C. P. M. InBley A., capt Htr " Delaware, " res Col- umbia cor Albert Crescent [n.sley Mnrgaret A. Miss, res Columbia cor Albert Crescent [iviiio James, bartender Holbrook house tsles John, carpenter, bds Central hotel lack A. C* Brydone, barrister fackman Richard, printer " Truth," bds Telegraph hotel l^ackson Adam, guard B. C. penitentiary Tacob Joseph, laborer, bds Depot tiotel [acob Philip, driver McDonald Bros, [acobson M., mill hand B. S. M, l^acquos J. G., insurance agent, res Mac- kenzie nr Clarkson. Tel 62 fagger Joe., R. 0. P. M., ros Royal av nr Douglas MCHAiS & HACraSE Red Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, NctD Westminster, B.C. James George P., in charge N.W.S.Ry., ros Colonial Jameson C. M., emp. "WVstminster brewery, res North road, Sapperton Jamieson Ellie Miss, clerk Jas. Ellard & Co., res Clinton Jamieson M., B.S.M. Jamieson Ralph, ot Wright & Jamie- son, res North road Jamieson rev. Robert, Protestant chaplain B.C. penitentiary, ros Dick- inson nr Elliott Jamieson Sophie Miss, dressmaker, 113 Columbia Jamieson Wm., millhaiid B.S.M., res Agnes E Jamieson Wm.." , jlerk Ogle,Campboll & Freeman, res Albort Crescent Jayol rev. F. M. J., O.M.I., asst priest »St Peter's church, res Bishop's pal- ace Jeffery Clark, mgr New Westminster Gas works, res Edinbourg Jennirigs John, contractor, bds Farm- ers* home Jenns Eustace A., of CorbouM, McCall & Jenns, res Agnes opp Elliott Johnson Alex., R.C.P.M. Johnson Alma Miss, tailoress M. A, McKae Johnson Emma Miss, res Agnes nr ElUce John.son Gns., res Agnes nrEllice Johnson Harvey E., res Agnes ur Ellice \i <■■ . 'f ;v;!i; mm I II ,<>a *i 138 Henderson's British Columbia JOH NEW WESTMINSTER KEL \ V •% t\», ^;. 'lite/ *l'iilK' i :, llll'KH BIGHAIS & HAGMOSE fieaf Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Johnson Jnmes, pattern maker, res Douglas nr Queen's av JohiiHoii Sarah, wicl Robert, res A^jnes nr Ellico Johnson Thomas, B.S.M, Johnson Thomas, storekeeper B.S.M. Johnson Wm., plumber, res Douglas nr Queen's av Joluison Wm., capt., res Royal av Johnston — , milkman, res North Arm road Johhnton A. G., cornlceraakor H. M. Cunningham & Co. Johnston Alexander, R.C.P.M., res Agnes nr Ellice Johnston B., oornicemaker H. M. Cun- ningham & Co. Johnston Beckie Miss, Agnes nr Mac- kenzie Johnston Bessie Miss, Agnes nr Mac- kenzie Johnston Edward, carpenter, res Sap- pcrton Johnston John, R.C.P.M. Johnston John J., clerk Registry office, res Agnes nr Mackenzie Johuston Thomas, emp W. H. Vianen, res North Arm road Johnston Wm., boots and shoes, Colum- bia, res Agnes nr Mackenzie Johnston Wm., capt str " Active," R. C. P. M. Co., res Royal av nr Ellice Johnston Wm., jun., clerk for Wm. Johnston, sen., Agnes nr Mackenzie Johnston Wm. B., clerk, rosAcnos Jones Benjamin, plumber II. M. Cun- ningham & Co. JonoH llumphrey, res Royal av nr Ellice Jones John, steamboat fireman, Ids 131 Front Jones J, M., millhand B.S.M. JonesThomas, waiter, Caledonia hotel Jubert — , R.C.P.M. Julian Ennor, architect, res Columbia opp St Peter's church Julian Robert, R.C.P.M. Julien E. P^ contractor, Edinbourg Julien R., R.C.P.M. Kane E., cigarmaker, res Columbia Kay Ered. W., bds Ilolbrook house Kay Kate, wid W. G., res Mary cor Trew Keary W. H., accountant B. C. peni- tent iarj' Keay Wm., clerk, res Mary Keer}' Robert, of King & Keery, res Eickhoff house Kehoe John, printer "Columbian," res Cleveland hotel Keith C. S., law student F. G. Wallicr Keith B.B., gardener, res Montreal cor St Ge(»rge Kelly Edmund J. J., engineer Fire hall, res Agnes nr Ferris Kolly Ernest, student, res Agnes nr Ferris Kolly Fred. Charles, upholsterer, res Agnes nr Ferris Kelly Geo. A.,bookkeeper McDonouyh, i-es Mackenzie Kelly George A., agent, Mackenzie nr Clarkson Kelly James D., baker, Columbia nr Church Kelly John, engineer Fire dept., res Ilyack Fire hall Kelly Thomas, B. S. M. Kelly Thomas, laborer, bds Eickhoff house Kelly Thomas D., moulder, res Agnes nr Ferris •k, rosAcnos ibor II. M. Clin- B Royal av nr it fireman, Ids B.S.M. Caledonia hotel it, ros Columbia M. )r, Edinbourg res Columbia 1 brook Iiou80 , res Mary cor tant B. C. peni- Mary \g &*Keory, res " Columbian," nt F. G. Wiilkcr •08 Montreal cor , engineer Fire orris , ros Agnes nr ipholstorer, res per McDonough, ffl It, Mackenzie nr | ir, Columbia nr | Firo dept., res 1 r, bds Eickhoff | alder, res Agnes GAZETTEIR AND DIRECTOBT. 139 KEL NEW WESTMINSTER LAH [oily Wm. Ilonry, manager for J. T). Kelly, rt'H Agnes nr Ferris [ondail r. N., millwriglit Koss & Mc- Laren, res Provost nr Mary [ondall Mabel Miss, dressmaker Walk- er & Shad well, ros Patrick [onnedy Benjamin, printer " Colum- bian," ros Columbia nr Albert Cres- cent [ennedy Bros., publishers British Columbian, daily and weoiciy, cor Columbia and Lytton square [onnedy Geo., of Kennedy Bros., ros Columbia nr Albert Crescent [onnedy J. B., pros Brunette Saw Mills Co., Ltd., res Sapperton [onnedy James, architect, Columbia, res Columbia nr Albert [onnedy James M,, of Kennedy Bros., res Columbia nr Albert Crescent [ennedy John, engineer C, P. R. [ennedy John, printer "Columbian," rch Columbia nr Albert Crescent [ennedy M. E. 3Iis8, ros Columbia nr Albert Crescent [onnedy Robert, of Kennedy Bros., res Columbia nr Albert Crescent ^ennedy Thomas, plumber, ros Colum- bia nr Albert Crescent ^ennedy William, "Columbian" office, res Columbia nr Albert Crescent [ent William, M.D., Agnos E, bet Clement and Mary terr Robert, finisher, bds City hotel lerr Thomas, mgr woolen mills, res ] Columbia (ilby Thomas, B. S. M., res North iroad, Sapperton limball Charlotte, wid Frederick, res [North Arm road limble James, baker, bds Farmers' Ihomo Ing Fred. H., apprentice D. S. Curtis ]& Co., res Pelham ing H., clerk A. Dos Brisay, res Clin- Iton Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C. King John R., of King & Koory, res Eickhbtf house King & Keery, props Eickhoff house, 21 Front King Wm. J., architect fcr Wm. R. King. re. Clinton cor Pelham King W. R., & Co., account- ants, real estate and financial agnnts King Wm. R., arch'tect and sanitary engineer, office Armstrong blU, Columbia st, ros Clinton cor Polliani Kinsley M. Miss, drosflmaker for Williams & Rasuro Kirk Herbert T., clerk T. J. Trapp & Co., bds Agnes nr Ellice Kiricland E. L., Govt, assessor and collector, res Mary cor Provost Kirkman Alfred, bds Farmers' homo Kirkup Jeremiah, shoemaker, Front, res same Kitson Chas., bartender American hotel Knudson C, E. C. P. M. Knudson H., R. C. P. M. Kniiiht J. E., salesman B. S. M. Kritch Mrs. B., res Carnarvon nr Blackwood Lacaille Edwai-d, bookkeeper for R. B. Boll, bds Farmers' home Lahey Dan., bartender, res 99 Colum- bia ■, I t il -M I'l it ; 1 * i 140 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA LAI NEW WESTMINSTER LIT ! I ii Jf I 'i ^ .1 ii '^j ; ' ^« pi *« ♦en 'iH^rai "' ''Hi ■ iikir" w.,.,1). M . • '4, 'tis: ■f ,m n jL ." LUiiililUl} U MliLLiiillUUUt ^ea/ Estofe Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Luidlaw & Co., props Standard can- nery and Delta Canning Co. Laid law Fre;t(us, enip Standai'd Can- ning Co., res Sapperton Laidlaw James Anderson, of Laidlaw& Co., res llayal av, Tol 72 Lancaster Harry, keeper B. C. Insatte asylum, Sappirton Land Registry office, Clark- pon nr Mackenzie, T. 0. Tounley, registrar Lano G. R., sewing machine agent, ros Douglas nr Provost Lang (ravin, farmer, res St George's square nr Mary Lang G., E. C. P. M. Latham Annie Miss, clerk, res Dou- glas Latham Peter, florist and fruit, Col- r.nhia, res Douglas Laur ¥j. W., R. C. P. M. Law Robt,, foundr}-. Front Leamy Andrew, barrister and solicitor, Mackenzie, res Albert Crescent Loniii}- Charles, res Agnes E nr El- liott Loiiui}' James, contractor, Mac^kenzie, res Atrnes E nr Elliott, 'm, oflice 77 Lea my Mary Miss, res Agnep E nr Elliott Leash (reorge, engineer B. S, M., res Agnes E Lee G., R. C. P. M. Lee Margaret M., wid Cliristopher, res bet Royal av and Agnos, nr convent Lee Martha Mary Miss, res bet Royal av and Agnes, nr convent Leeming William Henry, R. C. P. M, res Agnes nr Ellico Lemon R. E., contractor, rooms Col- umbia, opp St Peter's church Leo William, plumber E. S. Scoullat & Co. LePlant John, bds Merchants Ex. change restaurant Levi John, tobacco stripper, bdj Amerioan hotel Levi Thomas, prop American hotel, '~'-.lumbia Lewis J., piler B. S. M. Lewis L. A., bookkeeper B. S. 31, Co., Ltd., res Columbia, opp St Peter's church Lewis Linnie Mis8,teacher of drawing, music and painting, res Royal av cor Mary Lewis ThoraaSjCarponter, bds Farmers' home Lewis Thomas, carpenter for R. B, Bell, bds Farmers' honio Lewis W. H., foreman, Columbia Lewis W. R., res Agnes E nr Meri' vale Lewis Wm. Henry, printer "Coluni' bian'' office, res Edinbourg Lilly William Henry, Hub saloon, Columbia Limon rev, Alexander, J. M. J., cl r; cai student St Louis college Lion cannery, Ewen & Co., props Lister Ellen Miss, res Mary cor Iiu vost Lister Herbert, keeper B. C. Insint asylum, res Mary Lister John, gardener, res Mary coi Provost Lister Richard, guard Tro. jail, rei Mary Little Leonard G,, of Ross, McLaren i Co. M 'yit GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 141 Christopher, res trnos, nr t'otivent s, res bet Eoy.il (tnvcnt tiiy, RC.P.M,, itoi-, rooms Col ■'s cliiirch V E. S. Scoullat Merchants Ex.' i stripper, bds American hotel, M. ceepor B. S. M, ilumbia, opp St aoher of drawing, tj, res Royal av i iter, bds Farmers' •enter for K. B, hoii>e n, (Johimbia rnes E nr MerJ. printer "Coluni. dinbourg ry, liub salooii, iv, J. M. J., cbrij is college & Co., props 18 Mary cor Iro per B. C. Insim ler, res Mary coi ftrJ r:'o. jail, K '% f Robs, McLaren i ^ T.CG NEW WESTMINSTER MAG [CHAMOIS SElMs 3P01IGES. 19 finest assortment at Lowest FriceiS. J, Palmer & Son, I1743 and 1745 NOTRE DAME, MONTREAL. jogan John, teamster for Henry Elliott, res Columbia jollard Dennis, engineer ferry boat bds 137 Front jondon Arms saloon, Sam. Woods, prop, 97 Columbia jondon and Lancashire Ins. Co., W, J. Walker & Co., agents [iondon and Lancashire Life, Lowon- berg, Harrii- & Co., agents jondon A>8uranco Corporation, Lowen- berg, Harris & Co., agents [iOndon Guarantee and Accident Ins. Co., Mayor & Pearson, agents [lUondort market, Stephen Mana- hau, prop. Front [jord John E., fish and game market, res Douglas cor Cunningham Lord John E., furniture, Columbia, res Doughu cor 'Junningham jouis W., R. C. P. M. ILowenberg, Harris & Co., real estate and insurance agents, W. H. Finlaison, mg , Col- onial block [Loye Wm. C, custom boot and shooniakor, Charkson nr Mac- kenzie, bds Depot hotel "Tiucicr John, foreman Standard can- nery, res Montreal cor Clinton iLund A. 0., cooper, Douglas nr Eoyal av BIS & MACKMOSH, fiea/ £state Brokers, &c, COLONIAL BLOCK» Neto Westminster, B.C. Lyal David, of D. Lyal & Co., res Col- umbia Lyal D., & Co., books and stationery, Columbia nr Mary Lyal George, of D. Lyal & Co., roa Columbia Lynn Mai-ia Miss, tailoress, res Royal ave»'-ue Maboe — . painter for Charles Murray, bds Eickhoff house Macdonell John Scott, homestead inspector, res Clinton cor Polham Macey Wm., plasterer, bds Farmers' home MacfarlaneR. M., of Bell-Irving, P> terson & Co., res Columbia Mackenzie Geo., trade instructor B, C. penitentiary Mackintosh Samuel Treen, of Richards & Mackintosh, ros Car- narvon nr Merivale Maclure John Charles, of Grant & Maclaro, res Victoria city Maclure S., of Clow & Miiclurc Mticplierson Robert G., of Maciiherson & Thomson, res Culumbia Macpher^on & Thomson, drusrs, Colum- bia. Tel 67 M:ignone — , R. C. P. M. Magnone Gnido, wagon maker, Edin- bourg, res Royal av xMagnone J., R. C. P. M. Magnone J. B., messenger Bank of B. C., res Bank building I, I? 4- if I'll'' J I Ml f ij.i ,1 •' ii L. to,'! ■1 '1. t i 1 i ill , J. ill 4:4 * f ii i! i ! j ! i i •ik %.z ! i f "t« Ill ' ■ 'I i . id* r- nil i" m'\\n mi 142 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MAG NEW WESTMINSTER McC BICHiDS & HAGMOSl, Red Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Ncto Westminster, B.C. Miitfram John, bds'Farmers' liome Mahony Elizabeth Mies, res Bogbie nr Columbia Mahony Joseph, apprentice H. M. Cunnincjham & Co., res Begbio Mahony Marie E., widow Timothy, res Bigbie nr Columbia Mainland Cigar factory, Columbia Mainland Transfer Stables, Gilley Bros., props, Columbia opp Railwaj' depot Major Ciias. Geo., of Major & Pearson, res Agnes cor Mary Major & Pearson, real estate brokers, and ins. agents, Columbia. Tel 56 Mai lory — , Queen's av nr Douglas Manahan Stephen S., prop London market, Front, res Trew nr Mary. Tel 10 Manson James S., merchant tailor, 95 Columbia, res Agnes nr Lome Manson Sarah A. Miss, chambermaid Farmers' home Manufacturers Life and Acci- dent Ins. Co., Richards & Macldntosh, agts., Colonial building. See ado. Marshall Henry, carpenter, res Irving nr Mori vale Martin A., E. C. P. M. Martin James A.,carpeiiter, bdsBegbie nr Columbia Martin rev. A., O. M. I., a.sst. priest St Peter's church Mauitis Henry, res Queen's av nr St John Mathers & Milligan, wholesale produce and commission merchants insunnce and steamboat agents Webster block. Front, foot of Mary j Mathers Wm. J., of Mathers & Milli. gan, res Queen's av Matheson — , carpenter, bds Church MathoHon J. P., carpenter, bds Farmers' home Matheson John, contractor, Elliot nr j C«rnarv(m Mathoson R. C, asst editor " Truth," bds Queen's hotel May Robert, bartender, bds Telegraph hotel Maybee E. S., laborer, bds Eickhoff house McAsic Maggie Miss, tailoress, res Ellice McAsic Mary Ann Miss, tailoress, ros Ellice McAskill Malcolm, ship carpenter, rooms Agnes nr Ellice McBrlde Arthur H., J. P., warden B. C. penitentiary, res pciiitontiarj grounds McBride Bro. James, 0. M. I., prof, St Louis college M'Broom David, teamster, ros Queen's av nr Mary McCarty Kate Miss, res McNcally McCaskill M., R. C. P. M. McClinton Robert, New Grotto hotel, res Mackenzie cor Columbia McCoU Angus John, of Corbould, Mc- Coll & Jenns, res Blackwood nr Col- umbia. Tel 29 McColl Neil, clerk Wm. McColl, rc! Columbia GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 143 3i>ter, bdsBegbie I., asHt. priest St Jueon's av nr St gan, wholesale ssimi merchants, samboat agents, nt, foot of Mary Mathers & Milli- 1 er, bds Church I Iter, bds Farmers' ractor, Elliot nr j , editor " Truth," ' er, bds Telegraph ' er, bds Eickhoff 3s, tailoress, res iss, taiioross, ros ship carpenter, lice H.y J. P., warden res penitentiary , O. M. I., prof, tistor, res Queen's 'es McNcally . M. ew Grotto hotel, Jolnmbia of Corbould, MC' lacUwood nr Col- Vm. McColl, M! MoC NEW WESTMINSTER Mol IMcColl William, dry eoods, I groceries and provisions, ' Columbia, res Columbia. Tel 93 JlcCollis — , R. C. P. M., rei? Queen's - av, bet Ellice and Edinbourg cColm VV., R. C. P. M. cConnell A., R. C. P. M. cCowan Duncan,, keeper B. C. Insane asylum, res asylum cCowan Edith Mary Mr8.,a88t matron B. C. Insane e.s3-lum, res same IcCrady Franli, mechanicnl draughts- man, res Agnes cor Lorno cCright hon. John Foster, pnisn^ judge, res Columbia, bet Merivale and Elliott [cCroskie Edward Capt., towing and freighting. Queen's av cor Ellico ;cCuiloch A., R. C. P. M. [cDermaid Albert, photographer, res Agnes E nr Mary cDonald — , E. C. P. M., rooms Russell house [cDonald Bros., groceries and crock- ery, Columbia. Tel 81 IcDonald Duncan A., contractor, res Royal av cor Clement. Tel 84 [cDonald Flora Miss, waitress Mor. Exchange restaurant [cDonald J. M,, of McDonald Bros., re.s Columbia Donald J. T., bookkeeper, bds Far- mers' home Donald John S., Dom. Lands office, [res Polham cor Clinton Donald R. C. of McDonald Bros., ires Clement nr Agnes Donald W. A., blacksmith, res Sap- jcrton iDonough Charles, gen store, Front, res Agnes. Tel 30 sDougal A., planer B. S. M. iDougall Alexander, res Pelham nr "atrick Dougall Barbara S. Miss, dressmkr, .13 Columbia, res Pelham BIGHAIS & MAGEIE'ME Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c, coloniaIj block, , Neto Westminster, B.C. McDougall John Archibald, merchant tailor, Columbia nr Mary, res Douglas nr Queen's av McDougall May Miss, drcssmukor,113 Columbia, res Pelham McDougall P., trimmer B.S.3I. McDougall W. C, Pelham nr Patrick McEachren David, laborer, bds Dick- inson cor Elliott McEaohr«n James, teamster, bds EickhoflFIIou.se McGillivray D. C, guard B. C. Peni- tentiary McGregor Colin, clerk, res Douglas McGregor Donald col., rooorter " Trnth, " res Agnes nr Mary McGregor James, farmer, Nurth Arm Road McGuckin rev. J. M. Tel 3 Mclnnos A. & E, W., groceries and provisions, res Columbia Mclnnes Angus, of A. & E. AV. Mc- Innes, res Halifax Mclnnes Edward Wm.,of A. & E. W. Mclnnes, bds Farmers Homo Mclnnes Jane Mrs., wid Dr. L. R., Columbia bet Merivale & p]lliott Mclnnes Thomas A., steward B. C. Penitentiary Mclnnis Senator, bds Queen's hotel Mcintosh Alexander, carpenter, Agnes nr Ferris Mcintosh Campbell, E.C.P.M., rea Royal av nr Ellice i:*^ ^1: ^1' 1 >5 . ii % . . . m m ! .i ^V 1 M t\ *l I.. '1 3 ^1 ii m * M i ^m^mm 144 BfiNOERBON^S BRITtSH OOLtTMfilA •i; n; iiifei I, t 1 1 It . . ««! ni '•I *,, I*''*' McI NEW WESTMINSTER McM BEDS & wmm Real Estate Brokers, &c, COL.OXIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Mcintosh R* W.| prop Caledonia hotel, Front Mc'Kny Alexander, carpenter, bds A^nes nrEllice McKay Daniel, night watchman Standard Cannery McKay George, Pelham cor Park lane McKay W. J., printer Truth, bds Queen's hotel McKeo Hamilton, guard B. C. Peni- tentiary McKeeii George C, of N. C. McKeen & Son, res Doughis McKeen N. C. & Son, general dealers. Front McKeen N. C, of N. C. McKeen & Son, res Front McKenzic Calvin, spinner, res Prevost McKenzic H., RC.P.M. McKenzie Hector, carpenter, bds Beg' bie nr (Joliimhia McKenzie John, clerk Dom. Lands office, res Columbia cor Elliott McKenzie John, sen., clerk Dom Lands office, res Columbia cor Elliott McKenzie Lauclilin, teamster tor E. Burns, res Coliiml>ia McKercher A., li.C.P.M. McLarty J., RC.P.M. McLaughlin A., foreman II.C.P. M., res Pelham McLaughlin Andrew, salesman R.C.P. M., Pelham cor St Joiin McLaughlin D., carpenter B.S.M. Mclican D., carpentor B.S.Mv McLean A.,E.C.P.M., Ellice nr Royal av McLean A., guard B. C. Penitentiaiy McLean D., RC.P.M. McLetin Donald, M.D., res Mackenzie ci>r Clarkson. Tel 17 M(^Lean G>, E.C.P.M. McLean I. M., M.D., res Agnes cor John McLean James, tinner Jumes Cunning, ham McLean John, plasterer, bds Occiden- tal Restaurant McLean Robert, bookkeeper Geo. Gil. ley, res Agnes cor Ellice McLean Wm., mason, bds Agnes nr Ellice McLiillan Angus, contractor, Dick- inson cor Elliott McLellan Carrie Miss, Dickinsou cor Elliott McLellan Daniel, laborer, res Dickin- son cor Eiliott McLennan Sarah Mrs., wid Daniel, res Ellice nr Roj-al av McLeod Alexander, bartender Calo donia hotel McLeod Ernest, driver, res Clinton McLeod J. M., dairyman, Ellico nr Royal av McMaitin Isaac, RC.P.M. McMartin James Arthur, clerk Cuj torn House, res Merivalo McMurphy Donald, engineer, Pelliam nr Ellico George, student, Pclli;n McMurphy nrEllice McMurphy nr Ellice McMurphy James, student, Pclluira John, caretaker V. 0. building, res Pelham nrEllice McMurphy John, jun., carpentor, Pel- ham nr Ellico McMurphy Robert, lumberman, Pel- ham nr Ellice McMurphy Wm., carpenter, Pclhani nr Ellice 1 GAZETTEER AND DIREOTOET. 145 at I student, Pclliin student, Polhara lumberman, Pel- |rponter» Pelhani McN NEW WESTMINSTER MIL IcNal)Jolin, Agnes E. bet Clement and Miiry tcNiiir David, secretary E. C. P. M. Co , Dou iii'';- ''<:<: ■fM :. ■■^■■iv'Si ■.M !■,<: 'ijiiiii m ••i '■ 146 Henderson's British coLtMniA • 1 1 ! J ;H'B !* W'^fet^.lt MIL NEW WESTMINSTER MOW n-ivid TI., stage driver, Trow vr EMM & lACmOSE fieaf Estatd Broksrs, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, NetD Westminster, B.C. Millard Charles Thomas, commisHion merchant. Front, res Agnes E cor Elliott Miller Alexander, clerk Riind Bros., bds Qiieen'K hotel Miller C,J., cai'ptr,Tre\v nr Mackenzie Miller & Co., propn Queen's hotel, Col- luiihia Mil! Mackenzie Miller E. J, Mrs., artist, Douglas cor Agnes Miller Flora Mrs., of Miller & Co., Queen's hotel Miller George, cook Caledonia hotel Miller Janaes David, clerk Queen's hold Miller James A., butcher tOr Manahan M.iller James, trade instructor E. C. penitentiary Miller James, emp. Eoss & McLaren, Trew nr Mackenize Miller John James, clerk Queen's hotel Milligan D. S., of Mathers & MiiliL.;.!, \ T to > Agnes opji Lorne Millman l^aura J. Miss, bookkeeper "Winlemute Bros., res Pelham Mills Joseph, engineer E. C. P. M., St Andrew's square nrEUice Mills AVm., engineer Eoss, McLaren & f 'o's. mills, res Sapperton Montgomery — , brakeman C.P.E. Montgomery .Tames B.,foreman B.S.M., res Sapperton Mont!;omery William, logger, bds Hol- bi'ook house Moore Belle Miss, McNeall}- Moore James H,, of Hurt' k Moore, bds Depot hotel Moreau Ed., millhand B. S. M. Co. Moresbj' William, jailor Westminster Provincial jail, res same. Tel, 86 Morey H., & Co., booksellers, stationers and job printers, 7/" Columbia Morey Henry, of H. Morey & Co., res Dou i,las nr Agnes Morgan rev. Win,, O.M.I., professor Si Louis college Morley Christopher, soda water manufacturer, Joseph Henley, mgr., 155 Front, Hee adi\ page 4i)6 Zvlorrison Abram Clark, section lore man C. P. E., Columbia E Morrison E., E. C. P. M. Morrison J. C, E.C.P.M. Morrison Malcolm, laborer, bds Diekin son nr P]Iliott Morrisoti Noble, carpentei-, Sappertoi Morrison T., E.C.P.M. Mortimer Will iamEbenezer, Merc liani! f^xchange restaurant Mortison Jacob, slaughterman fur Van Volkenburgh & Bro. Morton (^., E.C.P.M. Morton George, E. C. P. M., res S:, George's square nr Mary ' Mosher Wm., cigarmaker, resllolhmi house Mounce Bi-os., grocers and baker* 1-1!) Front Mounce L. A., of Mounce Bro^., ro' Nanaimo Mounce E. G., of Mounce Bros., xi- Front Mountain Albert, photographer,Coluiri bia nr Church, res same Mowat Thomas, inspector offi-' eries, and supt. Fraser Eiver Hatrt ery, P. O. building, res Fore-' Tel res 87 eiil'iy tt' &" Moore, Wi< I S. M. Co. )!• WeiHtmiriHter ime, Tol. 86 booksellers, lob printers, lorey & Co., res I.I., professor St pher, soda :urer, Joseph 155 Front. rU, section lore imbiu E M. >M )()rer, bds Bickir- senior, Sappcrloi nczor,Morebmi!! It aughtcrmtm fu' & Bro. C. r. M., res S, Mary iker, rosllolhi'ocs ;rs and b:ikci> ounce Bi'O^., ro ounce Bros., re |togr!ipher,Colun-, t*aino inspector of fi- iser llivcr Hatrf Ing, res For^' OAZETTKER AND DIRECTORY. 147 MUI NEW WESTMINSTER O'BR uir A. II., clerK T. A. Muir & Co., re- (M'.'uiutit nr Atrnes Mair -S. Alex., T. A Muir & Co., res Cle- ment Muir T. A.f & Co., druggists, Queen's Hotel block. Tel. 3 3Iuir T. Albert, T. A. Muir & Co., res Clement nr Agnes Mullen James, O.M.I., clerical student St Louis college Mulvjmey Bro. John, O. M. I., St Li mis college I Man lay George, sen., brickmakor, res | Nelson A. M., auctioneer, produce and NoiLli load^Sapperton com.. Front, res Agnes EICHABDS & MAGEiTOt fiea/ Estate Brokers, &c. COLOXIAIi BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C . *( r Man Ijiy George, jun., engineer, res Norlh road, Sapperlon Mundaj- Honry, North road, Sapperton iianday Harriett Miss, weaver, res Saj)iiorton Munlny Lilly Miss, weaver, North road, Sapperton iMunday Thomas, lather, res North mad, Sapperton Munday William, laborer. North road Sapperton jMunroe E. S., bds Caledonia hotel Murchio John, asst storekeeper R.C.P M., Ellico nr Queen's av 'Murchison Cr.pt. A., str. "Bello," res s Iloyal ave ^urclmrt Malcolm, em p. Gas Works, res Ediiibourgh >|ilurk Henry, barber, res 101 Columbia "^iirpliy William, of Toane & Murphy pMLurrtiy Charles, painter, Clarkson nr '^ Mackenzie, resLorno tMuna}' Hugh, teamster, Kwen nr f (>)lumi)ir- sMurray William, butcher for Dickins , & Co., res ijome nr Agnes Iyer Fred. H., harnessmaker Doug- las & Ueighton, res Church lash Ebenezer, joiner, Pelham nr Park lane Nelson Ncls, City Brewery, res Cun- ningham nr Douglas New Grotto Hotel, 99 Columbia Newington George, of Bell-Irving, Paterson & Co., res Columbia Newman G., R.C P.M. Newson V\rilliam, bookkeeper H. W^. . Cunningham & Co. Newton Kli J., Douglas & Deighton, res Scott road New Westminster and Burrard Inlet Telephone Co., J. C.Armstrong, pres New Westminster Building Socy., W. J. Walker, sec. New Westminster Gas works, Edin- bourgh New Westminster Foundry, Front New W'jstminster Provincial jail, William xMoresby, jailor. Royal av New Westminster Southern Ry. en- gincer's office. Masonic block Nicholson — , laborer, bds Dickinson cor lillliott Nolan Jas., lab, bds Eickhoff house Norman Benjamin, carpenter, bds De- pot hotel Norta British & Mercantile Insurance Companj/^, J. G. Jackes, agent North S., R.C.P.M. eil Daniel, tearastcr,Ellice nr Pelham I Nye Bert. E., printer Truth eil Henry, cigarraaker O'Brien Frank, emp. Ogle, Campbell eil R., R. C. P. M. I & Co., bds Mary nr Clarksoa •til IS '!'i i: •I 1^1 m i ,i:3 I! I II: I : [ij CI"' ■-• «i I , Hn^, *:«, S ' "' '■!« . ,,., •I't::; ■'3 148 HENDERSON'S BKITI8H COLUMBIA O'BR NEW WESTMINSTER PEE & Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c. COLONIAIi BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. O'Brien Frnnk M., clerk Ogle, Camp- bell & Freeman, res Mary Occidental Hotel, Cray Bros., props, Columbia nr Begble Cccidental Restaurant, Phil. H. Smith, prop, Columbia nr Besbie O'Connor Arllinr, guard ProvinciaJ Jail, Eoyal av nr Clinlon Oden George oajtt,. emp. H. E. Co., Columbia opp iSt Peter's oliurch Ogle, Campbell & Co., gents' f'urnisli- ings, clothing and manfrs' agents, Columbia Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, dry goods, Columbia cor 3IcKen- zie. Tel 25 Ogle Edmund W., of Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, and of Ogle, Campbell & Co., res Agnes E nr Mary Ogle li. M. Miss, res AgnesE nr Mary Oliver John, finisher, Front Olivet Baptist church, rev. Thomas Baldwin, pastor, Agnes nr Mary Opera House, Provost nr Mary Oregon ilailway & Navigation Co., J as. Wise, agent Orfbrd Peter, carpenter. Park lano nr Pelham Ouellette rev. N., O. M. 1., assistant priest St Peter's church, res St Louie college Ovens Thomas, machine shops, Dou. glas, I'os same Palmer Flora Miss, 3 Blackie Palmer rr;ink, slagodrivcr, bds Occi- dental hotel Punier George, driver James Cunning. ham. res Agnes Park T. T., carpenter, btis Farmers' home Parker E. A., marker B.S.M. Co. P:irU(n- AVm., cigaimaker , ParkesCr. E., teller Bank of B. C, res I same I Paiks John, carpenter, Ellice cor Royal av ' Parr Frank, B.S.M. Co. Partridge A. K., b"olvkeeper Stephen Wansihan, res Fiont Paiiick II., uiillhand B. S. M. Co. Patteison — , res Montreal nr Clinton Patterson A., li.C.P.M. Co. j Patterson John, waiter, lOTColuinhiu Patterson John, blacksmiih for Tlios, Ovens, res ^Montreal nr Clinton ' I'aul Eiuil, cigaruiakcT, Columbia ; Payne Alfred, apprentice H. M. Cun. ' ninghain & Co., Pelham nr Clinton Payne C. J., res Pelham nr Clinlon I Peacock Julian, Douglas nr Melbourne I Peacock P., n.C.P.M. Peacock William, carpenter, bds Agne> nrPillico Peake S. J., printer Truth, bds Mary i Peake Sidney, emp. Truth office, Ul> I Mary cor Provost Pearce S. J., ch.ief of police Pearson Thos., bricklayer, bds Farmer homo Pearson Thos. Robson, of Major i Pearson, res Royal av nr John Peck Wesley, ship carpenter, Bushby Peebles Margaret Miss, I'ancy good- and stationery, 119 Columbia, res Agnes Peebles Peter^ furniture, Columbia, res Agnes Peelo Adolphus Capt., chemist and druggist, Columbia, rob Mary ■m if 10 sliops, Dow- laekie ivor, bds Oeci- imes Cunniiig- bds FarmeiV .S.M. Co. ikufB, C, res cr, Ellice cor leepor Slephcn i. S. M. Co. real lU'Olinton .Co. ', lOTColunilMa ■*miih for Tlio>, nr Clinton jColiiml»ia ico H. M. Cun- lam DT Clinton n nr Clinton lis nr Wei bourne enter, bds Ague- nth, bds Mai'v 'rutli office, Ws olico ^er, bds Farmers' )n, of Major k !iv nr John )euter, Bu>*liby .ss, livncy good* [) Columbia, res I'O, Columbia, res t., chemJBt and robMary GAZETTEER \ND DIREOTORT. 140 PEE NEW WESTMINSTER POR am^^ Porter MCHAiS k ™ ua, ■ Rea/ Estate Brokers, &c, hides in tmlmd hU. colonial block, 436 VISITATION STREET. |NetDWcstminst3r, B.C. Pcele Ilerewnrd J.,Mary corClarkson Peolo Percy R., printer "Columbian," ros Mary cor Clarkson ■ Pelly Justine, accountant Corbould, M'cCoI1& Jeiins, bds Mary Pelly Justinian, law student Corbould, McColl & Jenns, bd« Mary- Pen itontiary, Tel 35 Peers /VioAiinder, res Montreal corner ; :Mui-y tpeoplo's Navigation Co., James Wise, ;? agent iiPerdue Aaron, driver Dickinson & Einnie -Poniao Joseph, driver Dickinson & J Binnie, bils Central botel •Perkins James H., painter, res Royal . av nr Clement 'ci-ry Jacob C, treightman C.P.R., res Kllice nr Royal av Peters Cupt. A., str '"Stella" Peters llenry^ W., machinist B. S. M., res Bush by 'hair Kdward, R. C. P. M., res Lome nr Provost !*h(Pnix Fire Ins. Co., of London, James Cunningham, agent, Columbia *hillipsJ. Edward, clothier and hatter, 79 Columbia, res Agnes E. cor Clement hillips James, bursrr B.C. insane asy- lum, Agnes E. cor Clement Phillips James, cook Merchants E.\- cbaiige restaurant Phillips J.'imes, steward B.C. Insane asylum, res Agnes Phillips Matheis J. R. C, clerk Jame<^ Ellard & Co., res Agnes E. cor Clement Pickles C, R. C. P. M. Pittendrigh A. H., messenger C.P. R. Tel., res Columbia Pittendrigh Albert, res Columbia bet Merivale and Elliott Pittendrigh Arthur, oper C.P.R. Tel., res Columbia bet Merivale and Elliott Pittendrigh Constance M'ss.ros Colum- bia bot Merivale and Elliott Piitendrigli (xoorgo T., manager Tele- phono Co., res Columbia Pittendrigh George, real estate, notary public, Mackenzie, res Columbia bet Merivale and Elliott Plumb L. S., res Blackio cor Dallas PoiTuo Levi, farmer, res Agnes iir Ellice Poingdcstre John Henry, of Cross & Poingdestre, les Columbia Poirrer — , millband B. 8. M. Police station, Provost opp Court house Policy John Robert, clerk Richards & Mackintosh, res Columbia Port D. W.,& Co., wholesale f1shdealers,salmon packers, freezers and salters, Front nr Begbie. T''escoU Tout cor Lorno )fU. T.EcadA Clement rdwaro, Odd. '; rick'and iV: C( , iirch, rev. Thos. lacksmitns, gen. mer f Columbia Joid John, contractor, bds Farunor __ Homo ^Eeid John, of Eeid & Currie, res Agnes E bet Mary and Clement Eeid Joseph, operator Telephone Co., res St John Bold Mary Miss Eoid Mrs., widow, St John opp Central school Eoid Winifred Miss, operator Tele- phone Co., res St John Reidt Wiiliam,real estate, bds Farmors' homo lleynolds Robert, millhand B. S. M. Bice Joshuit, Montreal nr John BichardsF. (T.,of Richards & Mackin- tosh, res Yi^loria Richards & Mackintosh , real estate, insurance and gen- eral agents, Coionial buiid- ing, I09 Columbia. Tei. 61 /SVe Card udrs- Jlickmari Ro>^inald John, bookkeeper R.C.P.M., ros Polham cor Clement Biddio Michael, bricklayer, bds Eick- hoff house Riddle Thomas, E.C.P.M., Queen's ave nr Douglas ■>^iddle W.H., blacksmith, Queen's ave ',■< nr Doufflits fisko L. W., miner, Queen's av cor St .„ John obortson Chas., finisher for Winte- muto Bros. ;()bertson George,purHer str "William Irving," ros Agnes nr Mary Robertson J. W., bds Fanners' home Jobertson James, bds Farmers' home lobortson E, J., guard B. C, peniten- tiary Joliinson Amy A. Miss, res Columbia cor Elliott l.)binson Eli, B. S. M. Co. Kobinson F. E., butcher, Queen's ave cor Park lane obinson Hugh, moulder, bds City hotel wmm & mmrn Real Estate Brokers, &c, COLONIAL BLOCK, NctD Westminster, B.C. Eobinson James, edgcr B. S. M. Co. Eobinson Janies A., capl Samson, Col- umbia cor Elliott Ecjbson Charles, fruit, confoctionory and gla8sware,Columbia, Si George's square nr Clement ave nr John Eobort I)uns- muir, res Albert Crescent Eogers Louisa Miss, ros Albert Cres- cent E)gers Maggie Miss, res Albert Cres- cent Eogers Sarah Mrs., wid. Jerry, ros Albert Crescent Eogue L., E. C. P, M. €■ . Eooney Joseph, E.C.P. M. Co. R. C, Hospital. Tel. :}L' Eoss A., boots and shoes, Columbia, West end Ross Andrew W,, St John nr Queen's av© m m ISl IS *' ii s\ !", 1 i !3 • 1» 1 1 ' I I 1 !!i! 1' '^i rill ' IM'II 11 ill :» I'll ' .1 i.|lli III.:: *m ' '' 'Il!l! It If 'I 'II '■■••■•.11.^;; I III IP" •<■«* '' li WW tell 5 '* ''ItC ..„ ji |i|. . ■Jit::' ■'*■■ "..,•>■ '»■! 152 nilNDEBSON'S BRITUB COLUMBIA ROS NKW WESTMINSTER SEP Real Estate Brokers, &c, COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Ross Flora Mrs , matron E. C. Insane asylum Eo.-^s Herbert G., com agent, Columbia, res Diifforiii Ross Marquis, confcctioiicry and cigars, Columbia, res same Ross & .McLaren Lumber Co., east of Sajiporton. Tel. (•(» Ross R.E., clerk- A. B. Winfcmute, Col- umbia, res St John nr Queen's ave Ross Robert, clerk for A. Wintemute, roH John Ro.'^s AVilliam, res Agnes nr Ellice Rousseiiu Eugene, res Ferris Rousseau Jiinies, boots and shoes, Col- umbia, res Ferris Rowe "\V. J., carj)onter, Mary nr Montreal Roxboro William, fisherman, Ms Far- mer.s' homo Roxburg Richard, printer Truth, bds Queen's hotel Roxbiu-irb William, R.C.r.M. Roy P., R.C.P.M. Royal Ciinadian Fii'c lr,s. Co., Mathers it JMilligan, agents Royal City Planing Mills Co., Ltd, John Hendry, manager RoyrsI Columbian Hospital, I)r. Richard Irving Bentley, surgeon, North road, Sapperlon Royal Ins. Co. of Liverpool, Major & Pearson, agents Russell house, Matthew Gray, prop, Piovosi nr Marj* Ryall Herbert, drncgist's asst. D. S. Curtis & Co., btis Mary Sabine C., painter, Ms Church Saint Jos,, carpenter Salvation Army Officers quarters, capt Annie Will, Agnes nr Ferris Sauipsou Thon)as, guard B. C. Peniten- tiary, Douglas cor Agnes "Samson " Govt snag boat, James A. Robinson, capt Sa})porton st hool. Miss Enieline Bell, teacher, Sapperlon Sawyer James, brickmaker, Columbia opp St Peter's church Snyers Joseph, foreman. Front Srreech John,l!iborer,bdsFarmers' hnnu Schmidt Godfrey, mgr Van Volkeii burgh (fc Bro., Colinnbianr Douyias Scholetield rev. Siuart, pa.'stor Holy Trinity Church, res Pelham cor C/lement Scott Frank, foreman D.W.Port &Co. res Si Patrick Scott Jacob, carpenter Scott John, North road, Sapporton Scoidlar A. W., bookkeei)er K. S. ScouUar tS: Co., res Royal av Scouilar E. S., & Co., whole- sale and retail dealers in stoves and ranges, manufac- turers of tin, copper and iron ware, plumbers' and gas fit' ters' goods, Columbia. Tel 38 Scouilar E. S., ofE.3. ScouUar &C(, res Royal av nr Douglas I Scouilar George F., of E. S. Scoulluri Co., res Ferris Scouller rev. Thomas, paHb)r St An drevv's Preslyterian church, res Carnarvon nr Blackwood Sep))ers R. R., bookkeeper Jas. Cun- ningham, res Douglas ^ 1 lew Gray, prop, ifist's asst. D. S. 1 Churc-h rs qunrters, capt ir Ferris r., millhand Slack Enoch, carpenter, Eoyal av nr El lice Slater William, laborer, bds Farnier.s' home Sloan Elmer Murdock, bookkeeper, Major & Pearson, res Queen's av Sloan Jos., cjirpenter, Agnes nr Ferris Small Geo. P., barbershop, Ilolbrook passage, res Church Smith A.G., bookkeeper City Hall Smith Alexander, carpenter for R. B. Bell, res Prevost Smith E., cabinetmaker Wintemuto Bros., bds Church Smith Emily Miss, di'ossmaker, res Columbia Smith Frank, butcher Dickinson & Co., res Edinburgh Smith George W., teamster Mainland Transfer stables, res same Smith Henry, carpenter, John nr Pel ham Smith J. D., emp. Ross, McLaren & Co., res Sapperton Smith P., teamster B. C. peniientiary Smith Thomas, millhand B.S.M.Co. fy "■ '1 i I ! 'iti -Br }■ '■'^:, 1^ t ■I* -wpp^ 154 Henderson's British colttmbia il [ Aii 1 ill m I II. t:t:;: ;|t ''■ 1'" f i'l 'tk „» « ^ ' 1*''" jir:; SMI NEW WESTMINSTER STR ItlCHAEES & HAGMOSI fiea/ Instate Brokers, &c. COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Smith Phil. H., prop. Occi- doiilul rcstiiiirant, re.s Columbia Smith W.. E.C.P.M. Co. Smith W. A. DeWoIfe, M.D,, city medii'Jil officer. Tel 28 Smith W. J., bricklayer, Montreal cor Sl Anilrews Smith William, to-".mster, Columbia opp. Si Peter's church Smithi>rs AllV'sd, secly Westminster Ct.'is worl-.,, K'lmbouriifh SmythK., RC.P.M. Co. Sorel Jam'js, Hhiuirhterman for Van Volk<'nb iri^h & Bro. Si)wer liichiircl, painter for Charles Murray, bds Central hotel Soyt'r Robert, E.S.M. Spittle Thomas, B. S. M. Sprott John, Govt. Immigration agent and road superintendent,re8Pelham nr DoughiH SjjrottWm., res Pelham nr Douglas gf Andrew's Presbyterian church, rev. Thomits Seoul er, pastor,res Cameron cor Bluckv.ood St Anne's Convent, Sister Mary Beatrice,8upcrioross, Albert Crescent St Louis College, rev. J. 31. Fayard, O. M. I., president, Blackwood cor Agnes. Tel. 3 St Alary 's Church, Episcopal, Sapper- ton, Vc-n. Archdeacon Chas. L. "Woods, rector, Columbia St Mary's Hospital, bisters of Charity, sister Conrad, suporiore:«s Agnes cor Merivale. Tel 32 St Paul's Reformed Episcopal church, rev T. Iladden, pastor, St. John nr Agnes St Peter's R. C. church, J. AI. Fayard, O. M. I., pastor, B!ack\voi)d cor Columbia Standard Cannery Co., LaiJlaw L Co., props, Sapperton Starratt Green, planer B. S. M. Starratt John, carpenter H. S. M. Starratt L., millhand B. S. M. Stanuti VV. D., R. C. P. 31. Steamboat Exchange, J. M. Blaikie, prop, Front coi- Alary Steen Geo., carpenter Koss. McLaren Stephens Roberl, tinner K. S. Scoullar & Co., bds Caledonia Sterling Alexander, laborer, bds IIol. bi'ook house j Stevenson Tiioma^J, clerk, res HouLtlas Sievvart k Cash, Centi;i! Ijotel, Co- lumbia Stewart Charles, Pelham Stewart Charles, clerk, res Dougiaa Stewart D., foreman Gas woi-Vs Stewart Findlay, guard B. C. Peni- tentiary Stewart .tames, millhand B.S.M. Co. Stewart John, of Stewart & (]\vA\ Stewart Joseph, tinsmith H. AI. Cun- ninirham & Co., res pjlli'/e Stott William, night engineer B. S. M. Co. Stout George, Queen's avo n'* Ell ice Stout Ilewsoii, emj) Reed i (.'ann', Queen's ave nr Eilico Stramberg H.AI., teacher High school, res Columbia Strang Am;'nda Miss, dresstnal.er, iw Pelham Strang John Fielding, chiof keeper B.C. Insane asylum, res Peliium ur Patrick ■%!! ^ al, bisters of IV i, supeviorcsH Tel 32 soopal church, )r, St. John nr , J. M. I-'ayard, »iaclv\vot)d cor LaiJliiw ..''. Co., B. S. !\I. r H. S, M. B. S. M. M inge, J. M, :'or ilaiy Rosis, McLaren • E. S. Scoullar or or. bds TTnl. k, rt's i>oiii,'las ii;i! liotel, Co- Tl res Doni^Ias d B. C. Peni- d B.S.M. Co, ;'t & Casli th H, M. Cun- llico iiioor B. S. M. ve nr Kllieo loed i, (.'anil', r High school, ressmiil.or, iw ciiief keeper ;'o« IV'liiiuu ur QAZETTEEB AND DIRECTOBT. 155 STE NEW WEHTMINSTER TlIO Street Charles, carpenter, Clement cor 1 clhain Strickland F.C., and buill. er, Pelham nr Clinton, res Agues nr Ferris Turnbull W., & Co., general con- tractors and builders, Masonic cS: OJJ block, Columbia. Tel 1G Turnbull Wm,, ofW. Turnbull & Co., res Edinbourgh Turner, Bceton & Co.'s steamer^, Mathers &Milligan, agents Turner D. G., glazier R.C.l'.M. (Queen's av nr Douglas Turner I). G., foreman glazing factory ^i.C.P.M., res Queen's av Turne** F, G., second dark ro; ; ,: ottico, res Royal office Turner George, of Wood.-, 'i ii^.v & (ramble, Koyal av nr DoutI."- Turner H. R. W., roor»id Agnes Convent Tyler Theodore, mgr Walker & SliiiJ. well, Douglas nr Royal av Vancouver Central. Tel 4!) Van Volkenburg&Bro.,oiitchcr>. Godfrc}' Schmidt, mgr, C(>lumbiar.r Douglas. Tel 4 Veaton Neal, foreman, Msm i 'n.-'.io nr Columbia Vlanen William Henry, r'^vaSe- sale tish, game and fur dealer, ntu- ccric^; eU', Front, res same. Telti It Insurance \f oods, Tur< ;ents ent, Mary cor Cluis., Mary itor C.P.R, res , pub daiiy "Truth," r* ■. and biiill- >, res A-'iics nr »., goneral ooir Masonic & Odd, J 1G rurnbuU&Co., o.'b stoainiMN •fonts er E.C.l'3I„ IS glazing fiiolorj i av dark ro;'; .1 ' nr Doij '1; - na Agnos y^alkor & 81iud- 111 iiv "el 4<} ^5 GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 157 VID NEW WESTMINSTER WEB Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. The Largest Stock in th« Dominion is carried by THOMAS LIGGET. - ISsaolreDanieSt., - MONTREAL. Mail Orders promptly filled and Somples forwarded. 3r0.fUiltchtil\ •, Columbia i.r MiH /..•n,''.io iir jnry,>"3-3Se' fur (ieuloi-, i;ro- IS same. Tel (i Vidal J. ir., c'lei-k land icgintry office res St. Georges t^quare Warner Wm., messenger E.C.P.M. Wiilkt-r JJavid, laborer, kis Eickboff bouse Walker Fred. Ceo., barrister, notary public, etc., Clark- 8on,H.Fienne8-Clinton, mgr. I Tel 31 %alker 11. G., of Walker & Shadwell, res Victoria iWaiker R. E., M.D., X.R.C.P. & S., Edinburgh, Agnes opp City Hall. Tel 8i» alker Ricbard, B.S.M. Co. k'^alkor k Sbadwell, dry goods, dross- makers, and men's luriigs, Columbia JWalkerT., millband B.S.M. Co. .Walker W. J., & Co., accls, real .; estate and ins., Mar}'. Tel 55 [Walker Waller James, of W.J. Wal- ker & Co., res St. John opp Central school [Wallace Geo., sen., drill instructor, St Andrew's square nr Ellico [Wallace George, jun., St Andrew's sq '■ nr El lice ^Walmsley Edward, bon., laborer, Sap- I perton *Walui8ley Edward, jun., laborer, Sap- porton ^Walnisley James, jun., laborer, Sapper- ? ton sKMis k mmm Real Estate Brohrs, &g. COLONIAL BI.OCK, MetD Westminster, B.C. Walmsley James, sen., millband B. S. M., Sapperton Walmsley John, sen., clerk. Sapperlon Walmsley John, jun., Ijlacksmiib, Sap- perton Walmsley M., draughtsman N.W.S. By., res Columbia opp St. Peter's church Walmsley Thomas, miUhand B.S.M., res Sapperton Walmsley Tiiomus, jun., laborer, Sap- pen on Walsh J., tailor, bds Occidental hotel Wallers Wm., B.S.M. Co. Ward Annio Miss, waitress Farmers' home Ward Frederick, bds Farmers' home Ward J., baggageman C.P.K. Ward John, bialicman C.lMi, Agnes nr Ferris Warren Frederick, engineer str "Emma," Agnes cor Ferris Warwick Charles, Prov. Govt Land agent. Royal av nr St John Warwul: Ceorge, clerk C P.N, Co.'s Wharf Watson John, teamster fireball Watson Robert, Douglas nr Provost Webbs, n , gunsmith, Columbia, res same Webster J. A., mill owner, Columbia Webster J. G., printer Truth, bds Queen's hotel Webster Jas. K., mechanical engineer , Columbia J ' ■• i i " V '■ , ' '11 e ' '' ( V H\, ^ ' T ; ! , \ yi »4 f u. ri! }\m^ •'•'!nr 158 Henderson's British Columbia ' II' ! 4b;, I- "■"■••# *"*•'. 11 Mil jli;;;,, >* , M 'tic: " " !■ .^- I'll ";t WEL NEW WESTMINSTEa WHY fiea/ Estate Brokers, &c, COLONIAL BLOCK, Neto Westminster, B.C. Wei: V'^ii Robert J., carpenter, res Coi' nr Church Welsh . .'jm, student, Pelham nr Bllice Welsh John, tailor for McDougall Welsh Kate iVLiss, taiioress for McDon- gall Woscott — , of We^icott & Raymond, IGT Cokuabia. Wescott & Raymond, Colonial hotel, 107 Columbia West End School, Miss Mary E. Car- rie, teacher Western Assurance Co^ (Fire) of Toronto, WoodSyTbirner & Gamble, agents Westminster Board of Trade, John Hendry, president; D. Robson, secretary Westminster Brewery, Wrig!it& J;tm- ieson, props, North road, Sapporton Westminster Club, G. D. Biynmor, president, Armstrong Bik, Columl)ia Woslmihster Steam Navigation C^ (Ltd), Mathers &Milligan, agents Westminster Woollen Mills Co. (Ltd), Thcs. Kerr, mgn Front,J.N. Draper, sec. ^eewi: Weston George, carpenter for R. B Bell, Farmers' home Whelan Bro. Wm., O.M.I. , prof St Louis ooi:eti;e White James H. rev., pastor Molho- dist church, res Mary cor Provost White Munroe, carpenter R. B. Boll, bds Farmers' homo Whiteside Daniel, messenger I'l'ovir. cial office, res Montreal nr Mary Whiteside Frederick, clerk D. Lyal i Co. Whiteside James, mining expert, Montreal nr Mary Whiteside W. J., law student Arm strong & Eckstein, res Montreal WhittakerH., R.C.P.M. Whitworth Isaac,engineer str " Delta, St Andrew's square nr Ellico Whyman Edward, janitor City hall Whyman Edward, caretaker City hall Whyman pjdward, landscape gardener, Mary cor Melbourne WESTMINSTER WOOLEN MAKUFACTUIO CO., LimiL UTew nrestminster^ B.C^ Manufacture Blankets, Tweeds, Homespuns, and Flannels, PAY CASH FOR WOOL-PRICE ACCORDING TO GRADE, J. IV. X>R-JLt»ER, Secy. Vrijnlii& Jam- ad, Sappcrton D. Brymiit-r, Blk, Colnmlna uvigatiori Oj. igan, agents )llen Mills Kerr, mgn f sec* '^^^ «'if inter for R B. I.M.I., prof St pastor Molho- cor Provost .er R. B. Boll, senger I'rovir. sal nr Mary ilork D. Lyal i ining expert, stuilont Arm- )8 Montreal eerHtr" Delta," r Kllico xjrOity hail taker City hall ■icapo gar Jeucr, )., (5" WHY GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. JiVVf V'ESTMINSTER 159 WOL fwhyte J. C, of F. G. Strickland & Co., M res Col II ni Ilia "IWiggiiiH John, guard B.C. penitentiary §Wilberg Bogus, cigarraaker, res Col- umbia Wilcox E., painter for S. Wileox, re'' Sf Bl;icki-? . ^i'^JLl ; ;,ia Hop VYan, laundry, Cohunbia Blackwood Kam Chan, employment office Front Kwong Joy, Lung Keo, gen. nior. and labor ccmtractors, 143 Front Kwong Kee Chingit Co., merc^handise Kwong On Wo i.i Coliitnbia opp 3iit office, 131 gen. riicr. and Front i., inorcliandise en inercliants, merchants id employment ., merchanis, am hi a iry, and labor bia roviHions, 100 ).'} Columbia rovisionri, 119 r contractors, NELSON, A mining town on an arm of the Kootenay lake, 100 miles south of Revelstoke. It is the headquarters for the Toad Mountain District. Anderson II., constable and recorder Hume & Lemon, miners NEW WESTMINSTER JCT. (See Westminster Junction), NICOLA LAKE, (See also Coutlee and Quilchenaj A country po.«t office in the Nicola Valley. Mail twice ii week. Nearest raihray ami telegraph ollioe Spence's Bridge, dis 60 miles. Iliis Presbyterian and Methodist ciiurehus. Hus n public school, good water power, and extensive grazing lands. PofiloO. Postmaster, A. E. Hows© Carrington Thomas ChippJohn, M. 1). Clapporton John, farmer Clappeiton iieo., J. P., sheriff and Government agent Corbett James, geiiileman Corbett John, gentleman Dally F., sheep herder Derby A., blacksmiih Crillio James, ninoher Gillie P. J., rancher Gilmorejohn, farmer Howse A, Elgin, general mer- chant and postmaster, prop Dominion steam saw and planing mills and Nicola flour mills Kiirray rev. Geo., Presbyterian Bichardson ILirry, miller JBichardson Henry, sawyer Biley W., blacksmith jRiley Wm. Smith Clair, hotelkeeper Winslow rev. J. W., Methodist |Woodward Caleb, wheelwright NICOMIN (See also Sumas P.O,) A station on the C.P.R., 54 miles east of Vancouver. It is in the New Westminster district. The Fraser Kiver is only a mile south, and SumasP.O.just across the river. Banlieux Arthur, farmer, J^ic Station Bar rick Joiin B., trader Barry T. \V., farmer, Xic Island Caron Joseph, farmer, Nic fetation Cartier Louis, farmer, NicSlalion Clarke Geo.B., farmer, Nic Island Clarke Horace C, farmer, Nic Island Combes Wm., farmer Curl is Geo., farmer, Nic Island Fee Wesley G., farmer, Nic Slough Garner James R, farmer, Nic sToiigh Gourley James, tanner, Nic Ishmd Gourley Thos., farmer, Nic Island Jaggers John, farmer, NicS!o\igh Magar Goo., farmer, Nic Slough Magar Hazen, farmer, NicSlougli Ma'far R. D., farmer, Nic Slough .McDonald Alex., farmer, Nic Isl:ind .Mclnnis Jchn A., farmer, Nic Island -Miller Henry N., farmer, Nic Island Morrill John, farmer, Nic Island Pretoiitai lie Alphonse, farmer, NicStn. lledmond Valentine, farmer, Nic Isl. Richardson Joseph, farmer Smith Richard, farmer, Nic Slough Tremblay Amory, farmer, Nic Sin Tremblay Joseph, farmer, Nic Station Trethewa}' Sam., farmer, Nic Sloi.gh Trethevva}- Jos., farmer, Nic Slough V^asey Henry, farmer, Nic Slough Willout Ricf"vJ, fiariuer NORTIi ARM, A country post olBce and settlement in Richmond municipality, on the North Arm of the Fraser River, dis 15 miios from New Westminster. Postmaster, Win. Henry Eburne Brewster James, farmer Bridgchouse Sam., farmer ■"'•'t^V I. I ■■■' '^ -J i .! Ill TM-:, 162 Henderson's British Columbia •IP IJEO NOB r i \ I incii: '^'■m^ Brook John, fanner Browne Edwivrii Sloano, farmer ByrneHPiitriok, tiirmer Byrnes Peter, farmer t/'armicl)iiel iJuiicai), farmer Curscallen Geo,, farmer Carscallon Wellington, farmer Chapman Steplien Geo., tarmor Cochrane John, farmer Cridland Thos., farmer Daniels Alfred Jlenry, farmer Daniels J)an., farmer Daniels Daniel Kmbling, farmer Daniels Wm., farmer Densmore John, tarmor Eburne Wm. Henry, post- master Errington Thos., farmer Evans Albert, farmer Ferris Wm. Douglas, jr., farmer Eraser Thos,, fanner Erew James, farmer Gilmoro James, ti.rmer Gray Wm., farmer Johnson John, dairyman Kerr Geo., farmer Kilgour Alex., ftirmer Lawson jas. AV., fai-mer Magee Geo. Edwin, farmer Magee Hugh Crawford, farmer Magee James Douglas, farmer Magee Wm. James, farmer Mason Anthon}-, farmer McBrideW^m., farmer McCeo Hugh, fin-mer McClury Eilzgerald, farmer MeCrae Geo., farmer McDonald Allan, farmer McDonald llugli, farmer McLean Angus, blackMnith Miller Jamos, farmer Mole Henry, farmer Montgomery JoIm), farmer Nichol Wm., farmer Pearse Herbei-t Lloyd, laborer Putnam Timothy, stoamboatman Quigley Joseph, farmer Eca James, larmor Reid Daniel Ilanlej', fainior Jiobinson Chas., fariiK ' liowling Henry S., faru. ■ Howling James W, R., lariner liowling Wm. Henry, farun'r liussell Bonny, logger Scratchely Wm, James, fanner Sexsuiilh Chas, (rarrelt, farmer Sexsmith John Wesley, farmer Smith James Gowan, farmer Sprolt John II,, farmer StevenH John, farmer Wlew:irt Wm, E., captain Taitland Chas,, farmer Taylor Frank David, farmer NORTH BEND, A division town oa the main line of the C.P.U., 127 miles east of Vancouver, lla? l)ost, telegraph and oxjji'ess otRce, 0. P. U Hotel and dining station. Episcopal aotl Roman Catholic churches. Postmaster, Peter Fink Andrews H., engine turner Brady W,, watciunan Bryant A., cook Buckley 11,, telegrajjh operator Couture L,, watchman l>evlin E., detective Elsliam H., waiter Elwo(;d J., turner Fink Peter, postmaster and general store Gram R. Z,, car inspector Gilslead H., watchman Girdwood Chas, Boilf<, mechanical en- gineer Hodgims Geo. S., locomotive foremiiD Honeyman 11., laborer Hender.>,on Chas, Wallaco,agent CP.R Cal^ot Geo., car repairer Lyons E., genei -l store Justice 11. E,, wiper C.P,R, Kelly Daniel, bdg house LalondeJ,, lunch counter Eraser Call' yon House Lowe Owen, wiper CP.Il. oassbtteer and directory. 163 NOR WIL i rnior u uriiier aruii'i' , faniior , fiiriuer larmcr rmcr im inner main line of the f Vancouver, lla? ress ofRte, 0. P. R n. Episcopal udJ It's. ink riioi* operator master and tor mechanical en- iiotive foi'emiiD [;e,agent C.P.R !• P.E, ler Frascr Can' Lyons J. H., wiper C.P.R. Lyons Philip, wiper C.P.R. Phinister A., woodman C.P.R. McDiermid Frod., turner's helper McDonald D. D., carpenter C.P.R. McDonald H., wiper C.P.R. Munro A., asst roadtnaster Rcerman J., yardman C.P.R. Riley C. W., yardmaster C.P.R. Reneh Creorge, nhop laborer C.P.R Smith C. J., blacksmith C.P.R. Sullivan J. L., operator C.P.R. Stephens J. W., operator C.P.R. Wright John, woodman C.P.K NORTH SAANICH, A country post office, 16 miles north of Victoria. Mails 3 times a week from Vic- 1 toria. i Postmaster, II. Brackman | Brackman H., postmaster, of Brackrajm & Kerr Anderson Waller Bernie, carpenter Armstrong Wm. Robt., farmer Bartleman Peter, blacksmith Bennett Andrew Jackson Bird Charles S. Brackman & Kerr, props Saa nich Flour mill ' Brethour Henry Brethour J. W. Brethour Jiunes Wesley Brethour John Brethour Julius Brethour Samuel Coultie David Collin Thos. Augustus Collin Waller Prancia Copeland W., farmer rirawford Robt. Downey James Thomas, brewer Downey John Jas., farmer Edwards John Elijah Ferguson Thomas, farmer Foucretiult Thomas Frank Paul Il.arrison Thos,, farme.r Ilerber L., farmer Ilirth Rufus, farmer Ilutchings Wm., laborer Irvine Peter, farmer John James, farmer John Richard, jun., farmer John Joseph, farmer Ker David Russell, of Brackman & Ker Ker Thomas Arnot, miller Keys W. a, farmer Lermon Wm., farmer A(cI)onald Donald, farmer Mt'Jlnoyl Jas, Thos., secy Agr, Soc. Menagh Alexander, farmer Mills Mrs. E., tanner Morrison Duvid, laborer Moss Daniel David, farmer Newbigging John Ogilvie Wm,, farmer Otio John, carpenter Page Wm., ftirmt^r Pearce John, farmer Peterson H., farmer Rciiy ChtiH. Henry, farmer Reay William, farmer Reid Benjamin David, shoemaker Reils John, farmer Roberts Samuel, fanner Rossiter Henry, teacher .S.iatiich Flour Mills, Brackman & Ker Sadler Kdtnund, fanner Handover Slep.,lilacksmith and farmer Si'olt James, laborer Sohrin Thompson, farmer Simpson E., farmer .Sim|)son Henry, jun., farmer Simpson Wm,, fiiriner Smith William, brickmaker Thomalin I., farmer Tliomson Jas. Wilson, teacher Thomson Simon Wm., farmer Tovvnes Wm., larmt-r Wain Harry, jun., farmer Wain Henry, .sen., farmer Wales Clias., farmer WMiito Win., farmer WilliaaiH Wm. Henry, farmer ' I', •■•'?; I - ! -"II ■r % % ''Urn ■m 4 ^ ' ■f I ^ \ i !,.::lj'i r 164 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA NOE OKA '" '••',i;:^ \h s Ik m' NORTH THOMPSON RIVER, A settlement in tlic Yale district, on the North Thompson River. P. 0. Kamloops- Armour Satal. Boiichot Tlionius, miner Edwards John T. Fader Cliiis. Harvey Geo. Wasloy James John T., millwright Jamieson James, millwright Kiiouff James KcAuieyJohn, jr. ^[cAuley John, sr. McCloan Alex., packer Mc(iueen Isaac MoVey Thomas Xoble Andrew Smith Gilbert, lumberman Smith John Trement Yenn Albert James Willis John H. OKANAGON, A post settlement in the Yale distrif^t. Nearest railway station and telegrapn office Kamloops, dis 50 railes- Mails twice a week. Postmastu. , J. O'Keefe Anderson D. Mclntyre Best Arthur, miner Brewer Chas. Campbell Randall Charles Christian Convreti Gilbert Creighton John, Blue Springs Dai ley John DeLaurier Amos Donnelly Geo. Duteau Vincent Ellison Price, blacksmith Fifle Eusebe, carpenter GurfiU Dosithe Girouard Luc Graham Donald Greenbow Thomas Huff Colin M. Joneu Daniel H., builder Jones Robert, Blue Sptii jja Jones Wm, II., builder Lareau Joan Laura Hydraulic Co. and Saw Mill Lee James Lyons James McLennan Alex. McNeill Alfred Megaw W. R., general store Meyers Wm. Peter Moore LB. 0*Keefe CorneliuSi gen store and postmaster Phillips John Po.stetl Bros., ranchers Postell Edward, of PoHtell Bros. Postell W., of Postell Bros. Thompson John Thorn Eiward Vernon Hon. Forbes G. Watson Ed. Jesst Wat^on Eichard Wood Ed. H., miner OKANAGAN MISSION, A country po^t, office, 35 miles from Vernon. Nearest railway station and telegraph Sicamouse. Mail once a week. Um a Hour mill. Nearly all the valuable farm- ing land is taken up. This valley h about ten miles long, in some placesG nillcs wide, in others but 2 miles. There are a number of smaller valleys conueciing with this valley, but they all go to form ilie Okanagan Mission Valley. For fruit growing this valley has few equals in B.C. Apples, pears and plums are grown iu abundance, while grapes and peaches are expected in equal abundance. These lat- ter trees have just found their way into the Valley. In the woods are found black, brown and grizzly bears, wolves and cov- tes, lions and wolverine. Of amphibious fur-bearing animals we have otter, beaver and tisher. Deer, cariboo, marmots, grouse, fowl-hens, partridges, ducks, geese, crane and many others much sought after by sportsmen are abundant. Trout and sal- mon are plenty. The weather is exceedinglj mild in summer, it is rarely over 90 * in the shade, while the eveninss are cool. Postmaster, Bernard Lequime *'«*i'.., GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 165 BAL POW J Saw Mill tore , gen Store )H Bros. OS. SIGN, niles from Vernon. and telegraph a week. Has a le valuable farm- This valley is ome places G miles lea. There are a •3 connecting witli go to tbim tlie illey. For fruit few equals in B.C. iius are grown in 3 and peaches are lance. These iat- their way into the are found blacli, wolves and coy- Of amphibious lave otter, beaver marmots, grouse, ucka, geese, crane sought after by .. Trout and sal- itherisexcecdiDgly arely over 90 ° in nines are cool. Lequime Bulagno Chas., farmer Bai-clayC^oo., farmer Boaton Duncan, minor Borurd Alex., laborer Biajourne Henry, laborer Bishop Joseph, laborer Bissett Peter Bliine Henry, farmer Blondeau Jules Boucher! ne Isidore, farmer Brent KreJoricif, farmer Brent Joseph, farmer Brent Louis, farmer Brent \Vm., farmer Brodeur Louis, farmer Brown Andrew Brunette Frank, farmer Buchanan Bro. Joseph, at Mission Campbell James, laborer, Trout Creek Campbell Eonald, farmer Carian rev. Father, O.M.I., at Mission Casorso John, farmer Christian Joseph, gentu-al store and hotel Christian Louis Coate Thomas, laborer Conkle Wm., farmer, Trout Creek Conroy John, gen store and farmer Derrickson Thomas, trader Dufeau John, laborer Duncan Wm., tarmer Diiteau Nelson, miner Felix Bro Atchison Fitdayson Frederick, farmer Freeman George, laborer Gavnott Ed., fiiirmer. Trout Creek Gurnott Wm., farmer, Trout Creek Gartrell James, farmer, Trout Creek Gillard Arthur Gillard August, farmer Gillard Frederick, farmer Gillard Leon, laborer Greer Francis, farmer Guaschetti Antonio, farmer Guaschetti Carlos, farmer Hagan Michael Hamilton Wm. John, laborer Haaehey Isaac, farmer Haynes John, cowboy Herman John, miner and trapper Heron Thos., farmer Horning David, blacksmith Hull Benjamin, farmer Jones David, carpenter Jones Thomas, farmer Jones Wm., farmer and carpenter. Trout Creek Kifiin George Knox Arthur B., farmer Lacerti William Lambert Stephen Lawrence Joseph, packer Lawson Charles Lequime Bernard, of Lequlme Bros., por.tmiister Lequime Bros., gen store, hotel and Post Office Lequime Eli, of Lequime Bros. Lequime Gastioii, of Lequime Bros. Loddy Thos., miner and trapper Lefebvre Alphonse, farmer Lesmeurs Joseph Lundy Thos., laborer McDonald Norman, farmer McDougall Amable, laborer McDougall Edward, cow boy McDougall Enea.j, farmer and guide McDougall Henry, laborer McDougall John, farmer McDougall L., laborer McDougall Urban, laborer McKay Robt, farmer McLean Donald, laborer McLennan Alex., farmer. Trout Creek Moore McB., miner and trapper Murray Thos., fa'-raer Nicholson Don , nlLsmith and farmer Ortolan Clemen l, aarnessmaker Ortolan Eli, laborer Ortolan Francis, farmer Paudosy rev. Father, O.M.I., at Mis- sion Postell Alfred, rancher Postell Wra., farmer Powers Wm., farmer -^i^m J TiVf 166 Henderson's British oolttmbia ONE 0-WB t»i m ffi f**<4i Sancier Jos., laborer Sherin^rhnm Ed., laborer Simpson Geo., lal'Orer Simpson Geo. W., farmer Simpson Thos., laborer Smithson Wm. Snider Henry, farmei', Trout Creek Swallwell Wm., farmer Tronson Edmund J. Vessello Louis Was ley Sam I., laborer Watson Fred., school teacher Watson Jesse, farmer Watson Richard, farmer Whelan Geo. Whelan Geo., farmer Williams A. B., farmer Williams J. B., laborer • Williams John W. AVissett Jno., farmer Wood Thos., J. P., farmer Woods Duncan, farmer, Trout Creek ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILE HOUSE, A post office on the Cariboo road in Lac La Hache Valley ; it is the nearest point to the Forks of Quesnell, Keltbly, Harvey and Snowshoe Creeks. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 140 milfs; telegraph Soda Creek, 28 miles. Mail weekly. Postmaster, R. Borland Borland R., postmaster Ea^le Charles B., general store and flour mill Pinchbeck William, general store and sawmill Veith & Borland, general store ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT MILE HOUSE, A Post and Telegraph Office on the Cariboo road, 108 miles from Lillooet ; nearest Rail- way Station Ashcroft, 93 miles. Allan Wm., hotelkeeper, 100 Mile House Walker Wuj., ageni C.P.R. Telegraph OSOYOOS, A country post office in Vale district, 2 miles from the American boundary. Near- est railway station and telegraph Sicamouae dis 169 miles. Mail monthly. Postmaster, T. Krugor Clauston Richard Lome, rancher Osoyoos Lake Curry Thomas Cutler Chas. Ilicks Keogan Michuel Kruger Theodore, postmaster and general store Pittendrigh Henry S., Csoyoos Lake Richter Frank Rykert John C, dep. col. Customs Vernon Hon. Forbes G., M.P.P. OTTER POINT, See Sooke, A post settlement in the Esquimaltdistrict- it is situated south' of Sooke, which it adjoins. Mails w( -om Victoria, dis 20 miles. Folger Arthur Ilereward, farmer Gordon Edward, farmer Scarf Oscar, farmer Shields Jas., farmer, Sooko River OTTER TAIL, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 504 miles east of VanoouTer. Columbus Peter, miner McManus John, miner Nicholson John, carpenter Pollock George, miner 0-WEE-KAY-NO, See also Rivers Inlet, On the north shore at the head of Rivers Inlet. Fishing is the principal industry. Mail monthly from Victoria. Hart M., of Shotbolt, Hart& Co. Saunders H., saw mill and salmon can- ner Shotbolt, Hart & Co., salmon canner ^\ OAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 167 >9tma8ter ) of the C.P.R., PAL PEN PALLISER, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 490 miles east of Vancouver; has telegraph office. Hanson A., hotel Harrison H. "W., man. saw mill McDonuM I). J., man. P. A. A. A. MOONEY P. W., station maHter Portor J. E., engineer C. P. R Spaul W. J.,Hecy. P. A. A. A. WoIIhG. p., travelling agent WellH J. D., general Htore Wells W. C. ," saw mill English- mon canner. PARKSVILLE or man's River, A post office in the Nanaimo district. Mails weekly by stage, and tri-weekly by steamer from Natiaimo, 20 miles. Nearest railway, telegraph and express offices Wellington, dis 15 miles ; this is anew settlement, and offers every inducement to settlers. Pop 67. Postmaster, Nelson Parks Austin — , farmer Bott Clias., tisliertnan and farmer Bott J. F., tislierman and farmer Chaney — , fanner Craig. I., farmer (Jraig It., fanner Croaker Chas., farmer Curtis E., fiirincr Davis Mrs. F., farmer Fisher — , farmer Graver C. R., farmer Hcmsworth T. G., farmer and fisher- man Hirst A. v., farmer Hirst Andrew, farmer Hirst John, gen store and h„tel Hirst Joseph, fartner J(iy Chas., fisherman Lee Henry, fisherman and farmer Lewis Win., farmer Lowery James, blacksmith and farmer McCartcr J,, farmer McCarler W. R., farmer McKinnon J., farmer McLaren D. D., farmer McLaren Jas., farmer McMillan D. A„ farmer Mills Wm., farmer Morrison Wm., farmer Parks Nelson, postmaster Parks Nelson, & Sons, farmers Plummer Geo., farmer Hath Wm., farmer RontzOtto, farmer Souza John, fisherman Wallace — , farmer PARSON'S BRIDGE, Esquimau district. ''astolle Chas., farmer iMcGuiro James, contractor .Miller Ernest, farmer Pretty Henry, brickmaker Thomas John, farmer Weford Walter, farmer PAVILION, A country post office on the Cariboo road, 26 miles from Clinton. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 39 miles ; Kamloopg 60 miles. Postmaster, Wm. Lee Garrigan Philip, farmer, blacksmith and trader Lee Wm.y postmaster, gen store and flour mill Maitley Capt. John, J. P. and farmer PENNYS, A station on the main line of the C- P. R., 222 miles east of Vancouver. Pennie Chas., farmer Wilson John, farmer ""«« ii'^ }>' I I ! 1' t 168 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLTTMBIA PEN GEI PENTICTON, A liindiiig on the Columbia lakes, in the Southern piu • of Kootenay district. It is 45 miles distant troin Rock Creek, and is readied via Oka-iagan Mission. Ellis Thomas, .nock raiser Wade Alfred Ilohry PERRY OREEK, A mining settlc-rnent in the Kootenay dis- trict. Be'il John, miner Bilsland Alexander "W., carpenter Scoby JohnlToniy, p.'icker Tegart Edward, miner PITT RIVER MEADOWS, A settlement in the New Westminster dis- trict- CJurrie AValter Fox James Graj- Harry C, watchman Harris Wellington McKenno}- John McLean Alex., jr. McLean Donald Pittendrigii Ifenrj' S. Simpson James Smith Arthur II., laborer Wise Wm. PLEASANT VALLEY, A settlement in Yale district. Harding Henry Ilawkcs Joseph Meagen Wm. J. Miller Hohert Moraiid C. L., carpenter PLUMPER PASS, A pos' otfice on the Victoria and Vancouver steamboat route, Cowichan district, half way bcLwecn the above ports, dis 35 miles. Jl.iils twice a week. Its industries are farming, sheep raising and fishing, Excel- lent fruit is grown here. It has good sea- bathing. Occasional services by the various denominations. 1 1 includes the following Islands : Muyne, Pender, Tiimbo, Prevoat, Galiano, Saturna, Samuel and Narrow. l'u>itmaster, Wm. T. Collinson Appleby Lionel Shaffer, fmr, Maync Isl Auchterloine James, fmr, Ponder Isl fmr, Ponder lavvrence. Auchterloine Isl Bennet James, fmr, Maj'no Isl Bonnet Thos., fmr, Mayne Isl Campbell James C, fmr, Mayno Isl Chaplain Henry, farmer, (taliano Isl Collinson Melville, fmi-, .^[aytle Isl Collinsou Wm , sen., fmr, Mayno Isl Collinson Wm., Tompkins, postmaster and gen store Colston Eobt. C, fmr, Mayno Isl Colston S. B., fmr, M.-iyne Isl Cook Cai'l, fmr, Mayne Isl Cook John, fmr, (riiliaiio Isl Cook Wm., fmr, Mayo Isl Cott.'-r Thos., tmr, (ialiano Isl Deacon John, sen., fmr, Mayno Is' Deacon John H., inn, Mayr.e Isl Deacon Wm., fmr, Mayno Isl Dunn Michael, fmr, ]\[ayne Isl Eckholni John, fmr, May.io Isl Figg Thomas Picliard, fmr, Mayne Isl Flannajan Michael, fmr, Samuel Isl Garrick Andrew, tisherman, Mayne Isl Garrick Peter, fisherman, Ma3-ne Isl Georgeson George, tmr, Maj-no Isl Georgoson llenrj', sen., light house keeper, Mayno Isl Georgoson Henry, jun., fmr, Mayne Isf Georgeson James, light house keeper, East Point Georgeson Jrhn, fmr, Galiano Isl Georgeson Wm., fmr, Galiono Isl Gray Judson, fmr, Galiano Isl Grey Ealph G., fmr, Samuel Isl Grimmer Oliver, fmr, Pender lal GAZETTEER AND DIRECTOR'/. 169 POP POE louse keeper, Grimmor Washington, J.P., fiii)-, Pon-I der Isl Groth Charles, fmr, Galiano Isl Hamilton James, fmr, Ponder Isl HarrisH Walter E., fmr, Mayne IbI Harrold Thos., fmr, Mayno Lsl Heck Jaeoh, fmr, Mayne lsl Hoger Henry, fisherman, Mayne lsl Hope Rutherford, fmr, Pender lsl Hudson J. A., fmr, Narrow lsl Jiimison Arcliie, tishcrman, Mayne lsl Liddel John, Imr, Pender lsl McKay Mrs., Saturna lsl McKinnon M., school teacher," Mayne lsl Matlieson Tohn, fisherman, Mayne lsl MillintHon Wm., fmr, Galiano lsl Murcheson P., jr., fmi', Galiano lsl Murcheson Finlay, sen., fmr, Galiano lsl Payne C. R. S., fmr, Saturna lsl Payne Goraid, fmr. Salurna lsl Phelps VVni., scliool teacher, Maytio lsl Pike W. M., fmr, Saturna Island Robson Fred. J., fmr, Mayne lsl Robson .lames, tinr, Mayno lsl Itobson Wm. M., J. P., assessor, collec- tor and fmr, Mayno lsl Rutherford Georue, farmer, S.imuol lsl Seabrook J. J., fmr, (mliano lsl r^horo Sidney, fmr, Galiano lsl Silva John, fmr, Mayne lsl Smith John, fmr, Mayna lsl Smith Wm. J., fmr, Ma;,ne lsl Spald- ig Arthur, fmr, Pender lsl Sutherland JJanio!, builder, Mayne lsl Tutton Isaac, fmr. Turn bo lsl Tod Isaac, fmr, Mayno lsl Wessell John, fmr, Ponder lsl Wright llobt., fmr, Galiauo lsl POPCUM, A small villftge, a few miles from Hope. A large saw mill is located here. Airth J)avid Ci'omarty Wm., millhand ncrrliiig Chus. KonnoJy Robert, millhand Knight Bros., props Popcum saw mills Knight Ebenezer B., of Knight Bros. Kniijht Wm., of Knight Bros. McMillan Richard, laborer PORT ESSINGTON, A village situated at the mouth of Sktrena River on the south side. It is iu the Cassiar District, 500 miles north of Victoria, and reached by steamer fortnightly. The popu- lation is about tJO white, and 300 Indians, but in the fishing season increases to about lOoO, of which about 100 arc white. The principal industry is fishing and canning. There is also a saw mill in connection with the village. Browne rev. M. C, M. A., Church of England Cunningham & Gamble, saw mill Cunningham R. & Son, mer- chants and canners Gamble T., manager saw mill Hopkins i-ev Geo.F., Mctbodist church Johnson Wra., farmer Lee Thomas, salmon cumor Rood John, salmon canner PORT HAMMOND, see Maple Ridge A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 27 miles east of Vancouver, municipality of Maple Ridge, district of New Westmin- ster. Railway station called Hammond ; has money order post office. Mails daily. E.xpress and telegraph offices. Postmaster, W. J. Harris Bell Archibald Bond Edwin Jno., tel repairer Codd Arthur Bockstader Archibald Forno}' Julos Milton Frasor James Donald, C.P.R. Gamsby Sydney, artist Grey H. C, watchman C.P.R. •T'fi J ... ' •1 'i I -I 4 i ' H i i;s Li ITO Henderson's British Columbia POR POE I ':! III ilC: lit: lilii •:; IP /'•#-,' :-^:.i!ilH;;, I i«l" 'i;i ,:'!f «». "II' ^ 'id ; |i»4!!S.i,. Ilamerlin Nelson, laborer Harris F. V,, clerk W. J. Harris Harris W. J., J. P., gen store and postmaster Henry Gcorjje W.,prop Port Ham mond nnrBcry, and fruit dealer Henry Titos, E. B., photographer Irvin. Joseph, laborer Biirris Jas. IT., Journeyman Cameron Wm. F., merchant Campbell Ewen Gooden Peter, teamster HannaR. S., teacher Hardy Thos., laborer Kerr Eobert Duncan, storekeeper Leonard Francis, enjrineer Lcvasseur Chas., hotelkeeper Lyons rev. Samuel, priest Mcintosh Eory, laborer MoranE. Line, carpenter Morris Leonard Mulvaney Patrick Otherlard Joseph F., carpenter Phillip James, land owner Quinn Faulkner, carpenter Eeynolds Denit 0. Tiigbie Iliram, carpei.Ur PRINCETON, A post ofBcegin the Yale Kootenay District. Postmaster, J. F. Allison QUADRA, A country post office in Coraox di3trict,and includes Denman Island, Hornby Island Nelson district and New Castle district. Mail weekly. Nearest railway and tele- gra|)h offices Nauaimo, dis 40 miles, reached by steamer. Its industries are farminpf ; coitl has been found on Denman Island ; has a public school. Occasional services are held by Presbyterians^and Methodists. Postmaster, Robt. T. Swan QUA MICH AN, On the line of the E. & N. Ry., Cowichan District. Railway station ^and telegraph office, Duncans ; steamboat landing Maple Brty, dis 5 miles. Has Episcopal churcht R. 0. church, and convent, and public school. Postmaster, W. P. Jaynos Adams & Beaumont, hotel keepers and general store Adams Ed., of Adams & Beaumont Alexander David Alexander D^vid, jun., farmer Alexander Jame.-i, farmer Batty Geo., farmer Blair John, farmer BIythe Alex., farmer Brownell Alonzo Aaron, blacksmith Burns Wm. C, farmer Cathcart Jas., butcher Cavin Robt. S., farmer Crosier Christopher, farmer Crosier Jonas ChrisLopher, farmer Carrie D., carpenter DevineJohn, farmer Doupe Sam., farmer Duncan Wm. Chaliuers, farmer Dwyer John Crowe, farmer Evans J'ls., farmer Ford Waller, catpenter Fry Ily., J. P., M.P.P, and farmer Fry Henry, jun., C. E. Ilennessy Peter, farmer Hoar Archibald Belmont, farmer Holmes David, fanner llooper Francis, I'anner nvnes Percy Fi-anklin, carpenter Jciynes W. P., postmaster and [general store, and of Priced Jay nea Jenkins Jame^ farmer Johnson Ira E.i., fiiimer Kemp Alex., farmer Kemp James, farmer Kingston Wm., farmer Leakey rev.. Episcopal Lewis Geo., farmer Lomas Wm. Henrj'', Indian nc;ont Macdona'd & Co,,storekeo)'. .-s Marshall Wm. Slone, i:i or McGUl Wm., farmer McKay Eric Barclaj', engineer McKonelly Thos. F."c., t^irpenter McKinnon Peter, farmer McLay John, farmer McLay Robt., farmer •« «■( '{s^'i'is m I hi rmJ 172 HENDERSON'S BBITISH COLUMBIA QUE QUE r- ■ ■•4 '•■ •• '*'*".ta»»4 "'II! McPherson Donald McPherson John, farmer McPhcr80ii William, farmer MearnH James, farmer Merryfield AVm. John, farmer Millet Wm., farmer Mitchell Hugh, farmer Phipps Geo. Jabez, farmer Phipps Herbert, farmer Phipps A[arciis Goo., farmer Price Francis Heiny, of Price & Jaynes Price & Jaynes, holelkeepers Quamichan Hotel, Price & Jaj'nes, props Eicher Harry, farmer Rivers Chas., farmer Robinson John Jas., farmer Kobotham John Harrison. J. P., retired surgeon Eowe Jas., farmer Rowe Samuel, iarmer Smith AVm. Scolt, farmer Street John, bl.icksmith Tarlton Joseph, farmer Todd Artiiur, fanner Waters William, farmer Well burn H. O., government agent Wood W. A., stalion agent E. &N. Ry. Young David Freeman QTTEEN CHARLOTTE IS- LANDS, Situated on the Northern Coast, they are about 100 miles wide, anl the extreme length is about IHO miles ; tin > are moun- tainous and lieavily timbered. Massett and Skidegate Inlet are the chief trading sta- tions. Anthracite and bituminous coal beds are found here. The fur seal industry and doj^fish oil woriis are the priacipal indus- tries. There are about 30 white people at Skidegate. Harrison rev, C, C.M.S Missionary, Massett Hudson's Bay Co., R. F. Dodd, mgr Lunderberg 0. A., wholeaalo fish dealer Miller rev. A. N., Methodist Mission- ary and school teacher, Skidegate Skidegate Oil Co. Smith Wm. Hammett, of S. 0, Co, Tennant Robert, ofS. O. Co. QUESNELLE FORKS, A mining camp and post office in the Keithley Di7 Electoral dist. of Cariboo, at the first forks;;of the Quesnelle River, 75 miles from the Eraser. It is reached by pack trail from 150 Mile House. Mail fort- nightly. Nearest telegraph and express offices Soda Creek, dis 50 miles. Railway Station Ashcroft, dis 195 miles. Pop. 100. This is a central place for the miners, and during tlie winter iuonths whet not able to work they stop in this place. Has gov- ernment office for recording mining claims, which is the principal industry. Popula- tion chiefly Chinese. Stephenson Wm., postmaster Fook Sang Lung, merchi nt King Fong, merchant Low Juan, merchant Wah San, merchant QUILCHENA, see also Nicola Lake and Coultee, A country post office and settlement in the Nicola Valley on Nicola Lake. Spence's Bridge dia 60 miles, and Kamloops dis 45 miles. Postmaster, Robt, Charters Charters Robert, G;en store and postmaster O'Rourko Edvvard, general store and hotel O'Rourko Richard, blacksmith QUESNELLE, A town on the banks ot the Praser River, at the mouth of the Quesnelle River, in the Cariboo District. Has post and telegraph offices, and a tiour and saw mill. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 225 miles. Pop. 60. Postmaster, Archibald McNaughton •»> '••IWIHI mi GAZETTKER AND DIRECTORY. 173 )dist Mission- , Skidegate rS.O. Co, Co. KS, 3t office in the ;. of Cariboo, at snelle River, 75 t ia readied by ouse. Mail fort- ph and expres3 miles. Railway liles. Pop. 100. the miners, and wiieu not able )lace. Has gov. graining claimsi iu3try. Popula- ostmaster lit Iso Nicola ;ttlement in the lake. Spence'3 amloops dis 45 ["ters I Store and al store and mitb e Fraaer River, lie River, in the t and telegraph mill. Nearest dis 225 miles. ^cNaughton EEV COL Baker Au^uate, farmer Barlow Abraham, J. P., trader Bellanger George, trader Blair '^•^as., miner Blair John, minor Bohannon S. H., farmer Boucher William, ferryman Bowron J. Edward, agent C.P.R. Brown Jos,, farmer Boyd John C, clerk Carson A., blacksmith Clark George, trader Conklin George, laborer Craig Jas., hotelkeeper Cummings Jas., carpenter Duclos E., farmer Iliigarthy M. 11., butcher Hudson's Bay Co., A. McNaughton, agent Johnston W, A,, J,P., miller Maxwell — , laborer McCormick John, miner McLean John, hotel McNaughton A., agent H. B. Co. McNeill — , laborer Norlhcote Alice Miss, teacher Olson Andrew, farmer, 21 Mile Hous Parker William, stage driver Pioid hon. Jas., senator, general store Eoid & Johnston, mill owners Eobortson Win., blackstaith Shepherd E. C, boat builder Silems George, laborer St Lauren Jos., govt agent Loo Poo, merchant Waa Lee, merchant Yan Wah, merchant REVELSTOKE, late Farewell, A town on the main line of the U.P.R., 382 miles east of Vancouver, at second crossing of the Columbia river ; has post, telegraph and express offices. Mails daily. It is the distributing point for a large section of the Kootenay district. The Columbia is navig- able south to the International boundary, a distance of 200 miles. Steamers are oper- ated by the Columbia River Transportation Co. A first class smelter, costing •'^"5,000 is just completed. The capacity is CO to 75 tons per day, and will give emi)Ioyraent to 3.5 or 40 men. There are very rich mines at Sproat's Landing and Toad Mountain. Postmaster, T, W. A, Gordon Abraliamson Andrew, of Abruhamson Bros. Abrahamson Bros., props Central hotel Abrahamson Charles, of Abrahamson Bros. Abrahamson John, of Abrahamson Bros. Allen Bayinond, carpenter shop Armstrong W. J. Barber J. Guy, watchmaker Barker E., oper C.P.R. Barrett E, J., carpenter Bourne Bros., gen merchants Bourne Frank H,, of Bourne Bros. Bourne H. J., of Bourne Bros. Bradford — , timekeeper C.P.R. Brown & Clark, propd Colum- bla House Brown Wm., of Brown & Clark Buchanan (i. O., saw mill C. P. R. Telegraph Campbell Dr. J., mgr Smelter Central Hotel, Abrahamson Bios., props Clark Barbara Mrs., of Brown & Clark Columbia House, Brown & Clark, props Columbia River Transporta- tion Go's, steamers, J. F. Hume & Co., agents - i .'If i > •J ■J . "> J' ■> .'II ,-11 % t \; i lis 11 ^•1 ; i! M»il Jit'- ?fct::::::ii: ^' 111!!:!!! lit:,. 'ii;:::;ir ■ Mii;:; 1 ill'*' ' " ^*^!|. •■f" 174 Henderson's BRitisa Columbia CON WHY Conderoy II., waiter Dining car Court House Cowan hotel WiTir, prop Victoria Cranston John, prop Ideal saloon Davenport Archie, bookkeeper Davenport Goldie 3Iiss, dressmaker Davenport Joel, lumberman Daw8oii, Bole : lniastor Middlcton J., watchman C.P.R ■fW 0- ^7i'.: m Ponnie Cliarles, stock raiser,Pennieston 16 ■ f 1 178 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ■ 'iH •• i ^ III! list; 111 ,t ' iM»'4 '■•■''''■ ' SAV SUA Perrault Francis, rancher Perrault Nolson, rancher Eoberts Edward, rancher Sabiston JameH Thomas Abraham, miner Tonliiiis Clias., miner Wren James B., gen blacksmith Williams Richard, rancher, Deadman's Creek Wilson John, stock raiser, Eockey Point Young & Beaton, ranchers SAYWAED - ALBERNI, see also Alberni, A post office in the Alberni Talley, Nanai- mo district- Postmaster, Frnnk McQuillon Bishop Charles Fred,, J. P., farmer Coleman Ephraim, laborer Coleman James W., laborer Debeaux Robert, farmer Drinkwater Hilton, farmer Drinkwater Isaac, farmer Drinkwater John , farmer Haslam Charles Talbot, clerk King John, carpenter Kirkpatrick Thomas, blacksmith Mason John, farmer McQuillon Frank, postmaster Kicholas Peter, farmer Nicholas Wm., farmer Parkinson Richard, shoemaker Paterson John, laborer Pinkerton John H., laborer Smith Thomas, farmer Smith William, farmer Soil Christian, storekeeper Stewartson John, farmer Thompson Robt. Wm., farmer Tinkley John, laborer Waring Wm., jr., laborer Waring Wm., sr., laborer Williams Edmund, farmer SEA ISLAND, A post settlement on Sea Island, Richmond municipality, between the north and aoutli arms of the Fraaer Rirer, New Westminster district. New Westminster is the nearest railwaj station and telegraph oifice. Postmaster, Kenneth Sweet Cornish Charles, farmer Falkner James, farmer »nd blacksmith Kilgour Alex., farmer and J. P. McDonald John McDonald Thos. James Mackie Thos., farmer Miller Joseph W., farmer Sin John, farmer Smith Duncan A., farmer Smith Kenneth, farmer Smith Wm., farmer Sweet Kennethy postmaster, gen store and hotel Williamson Wm. Youdall Hugh, farmer and ins. agent SERPENTINE, A settlement in Surry municipality. New Westminster district. Post office New Westminster. Cann Geo. Whitfield farmer SHAWNIGAN LAKE, A pleagure re?'>rt. On the E. & N. Rail way. The Lah. is 7 miles long by 1 mile wide, and abounds with speckled trout. In the surrounding woods deer, bear, blue and willow grouse are plentiful. Mails daily. Telegraph olSce Gobble Hill, dis 3 miles- Mackay Alex. Erie, C.E. Morton C, popr Morton Hooue t„|.. I I OAZETTEBR AND DIREOTORT. 179 tnd, Richmond orth and south w Westminster is the nearest li office. eet blacksmith J. P. itmaster, ins. agent icipality, New t office New )r E, E. a N. Rail la long by 1 rith ipeckled woods deer, are plentiful. ) Gobble Hill, avm SUA SHU SHAWNIGAN, see also Cobble Hill, A settlement in the Gowichan district Gobble Hill, the centre ot the settlement, ii situated on the B. & N. Rj., 31 miles from Victoria. Farming Is the principal industry. There is a large lime kiln and quarry here. The place has great attractions for sportr men. Allan David, farmer Anderson Joseph, cook Baker Henry Moss, laborer Barnes Tlios. W., farmer Barry John, farmer Brown Eobt., farmer Camenm John I)., farmer Chapman Wm. Thos., farmer Clark Frank, farmer Colvin James, farmer Colvin Robt., farmer Colvin Thos., farmer Copley Wm. Frs., ff*rmer Dannah James, farmer Dt>bser week, and from Okanagon Mission once per week- This is a transfer station for freight and pas- sengflru for Enderby, S(iallumeheen> Okauagon, Kernon, Okanagon Mission, Penticton, Osojoos, Rock Creek, etc. Col. umbia Uour mills of Bnderby ship their flour from here. The river is navigable for 30 miles from this point for steamers of 100 tuna capacity. Postmaster, F. Christie Appleby S.,C. P. R agent Austy Francis, farmer Campbell Hugh, tel line repairer Christie F. J., postmaster artd mgr. J. A. Mara Ellison Price, mail contractor Fawcett John, pumpman C. P. R, Forest Col. Edward, prop Lake View hotel Kerr Geo., constable Keys Hugh, bridge tender Killeer. S., sect foreman C, P. E, Lake View hotel,Edward Forrest, prop Lawrence C-, sect foreman C. P. K. Mara J. A., gen store, F, J. Christie, manager Scale Wm., lumberman Schenbart J. A,, express and forward- ing agent ■ post-lsiMILKAMEEN, A settlement in the southern part of Root* enay district. It is reached via Sicamouse station on 0. P. R. Barcclo Manuel, stock raiser Bromley John Hpttln, farmer Cawson & Ellice, ranchers Cawsoii R,, of Cawson & Ellis Curry Thomas, farmer Gallagher James, farmer Menddza Francisco, farmer Price Barrington, stock raltei' Shuttloworth Henry, farmer Surpi-eiuint Francis, farmor SIX MILE CREEK, A flag station on the main line of the 0. P R., 15 miles west of Donald and 444 miles east of Vancouver. SODA CREEK, K town on the Eraser River, 53 miles below Quesnelle; has money order post office and telegraph offices. Nearest riiilway sta- tion Aflicroft, dis 160 mill n, from which place it is reached by the wt'ekly stages of the B. C Express Co. Mails weekly Yale, 2tt8 miles. There is a saw mill here. Mining and agriculture are the principal industries. Postmaster, Robert McLecse August Chas., carpenter Collins R. A., of Hawks & Collins, farmer Cu mining Francis, foreman Hawk's ranch Duiilevy Peter C, hotel and gen store Evans J as., laborer Hawks J.F., of Hawks & Collins, frnir Hurley John, express hostler Hawks & Collins, saw mill owners Jones John, laborer Mackin John, tarmer McLeese John, farmer 1 n part of Koot* via iSicamouM er mor ^A\\» r iitov r ine of the 0. P and 444 miles , 53 miles below ler post office est mil way sta- I, (lom which veckly stages of is weekly Yale, saw mill here, u the priacipal jocse H & Collins, in Hawk's nd gen store iollins, frmr tier I owners QAZETTEEa AND DIRECTORT. 181 SKE WRI McLeese Robt., po6^^ma•terf hotel and gen store Reed T. P.. clerk Salmon John, farmer SlavinW. T., agent C.P.R. Telo^raph Towns Chas., farmer Woodsido Kobt., bookkeeper and asst. postmaster SKE EN A, see also Aberdeen and Port Essington, 8 nols & Renoufy agricuU tui'al implement waroliouse O'llura Hugh, hostler Okaiiagan Saw Mill, C. Brewer, mgr Phillips James, householder p-.'ior E, G,, agricultural warehouse Puller J., mgr H, B, Co, Schubert James A., of Schubert & McDougall Schultz Harry, blacksmith Shorts Thomas D., steamboat owner Tronson E.J., J.P,, stock rai.^er VanBuskirk Henry, clerk Vernon G, F. Hon,, stock raiser and faimer Vernon Hotel, Schubert & McDougall, Victoria Hotel,McEdwards & Co,,propa Watson Porter, hairdresser Woo(i E. H., tiarmer Sing — , laundry Hi Chung, laundry 4!' •i' Ml' ih i III Hi 1 1 n .1 II 8 II •I •I n ^ I I i \ ! i't i\t'A N»' •nft^!; ''^ h 190 Henderson's British Columbia WEL DOD WELLINGTQ^^, see also East Wellington, A mining town at the terminus of the E. & N. Rj., in the Nanaimo District, has post and telegraph offices. Mails daily from Xanaimo.dis 4 miles. This is a purely min- ing town, there being ao other ii duatries. The output 9f the mines is carried to De- parture Bay, dis 3 miles, by the Company's own narrow gauge road ; it has public school and churches. Abramson Matthew, carpenter Anderson A. B., clerk James Harvey Anderson Henry, miner Anderson John, miner Anderson Wm., miner Andrews John, miner Axelson Chas., engineer Baggot Antoine, miner Bagonia D., miner Baih^y Bros., miners Bailey Hid., miner Bailey Jo.xeph, miner Bailey E., miner Bailey Thomas, miner Bask Henry, miner Bate ThoB. E., engineer Bateman Sam., miner Bejens Jas., miner Bell John, miner Belton Thos., miner Belyea John, stable foreman Beniddio B., minor Berry Ii., miner Binner Chas., miner Black John, miner Blair Henry, miner Blair Joseph, miner Blake J., miner Blakely T., & Co., miners Blunt Alfred, miner Borgan A., miner Borgan Peter, miner Boschine Louis, miner Boyce Thos., miner Breen James, miner Brown — , miner Brown Eakg., miner Brown Geo., miner Brown Wm., miner Bryant Thos., miner Bryce A., miner Brydon Andrew, minor Biydon John W., clerk Wellington Collieries BRYDON JOHN, mgr Wellington Collieries Bunce J. R., barber shop Burns Michael, miner Cain James, miner Campbell James, miner Campbell John, miner Campbell M., minor Campe Wm., miner Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph, W. F. C. Pope, agent Carruthers D., miner Carter F. G., miner Carter Joseph, miner Casley John, miner Cavelier Louis, miner Chadwick Wm., engineer Cheney W. F., miner Christie rev. James, pastor Presbyter- ian church Clark John, miner Clark Wm., miner Clarkson Alex., fireman Clash J., miner Colter H., minor Connor James, miner Conway James, miner Corn August, miner Coulter John, miner Crombie Alex., engineer Croson Henry, miner Cumblier Elias, miner Currie & Fletcher, miners Davis E. L., miner Davis Thos., miner Dement Gilbert, miner Dickenson Hugh, asst mgr Wellington Collieries Dixon John D., prop Somerset house Dodds Wm., miner OAZETTESR AND DIRECTORY. 191 DOY KEL Wellington Wellington Telegraph, r Presbyter- Wellington iBet house Doyle Andrew, miner Duca Joseph, miner Dudley Elijah, miner Dugan A., miner Dunsmore Eobt., miner Dunsmuir Alex., of E. Duneiuuir & Sons, res Sun Francisco Dunninuir James, of B. Dunsmuir & Sons, res Victoria Dunbmuir E., & Sons, props "Welling- ton Collieries Dunstan Wra., miner Eberts D. W., physician Edwards Wm., & Co., miners Ellis Louis, miner Ellis Eobt., miner Eno C. Mrs., fruit and confectionery Eblick Joseph, miner E. & N, Ey., W. F. C. Pope, agent Evans Edward, miner Fenton Wm., loco driver Fitzsimmons Jamen, miner Flemming Louis, miner Foster Joseph, miner Ganzler John, miner Gemmel T., miner GenvinsWm., miner Gotenger Wm., miner Gillespie John miner Gillie Joseph, miner GillisD., miner Gilinour Joseph, miner Godfrey Amos, miner Godfrey Setli, miner Godsworth Thos., bartender Somerset House Gott Wm., miner Grant Robt., of Grant & Co. Grant & Mounce, props Wellington saw mill Green Jas., & Son, miners Greenwall John B., miner Griffiths John, miner Griffiths Louis, miner Grubb Mook, engineer Gunnan James, miner Haggart James, foreman No. 3 Shaft Hagartg Thos., machinist Haigh John, miner Hall E»iph, miner Hollow John, miner Hand Wm., miner Harris J., miner Harris Eichard, miner Harrison E., miner Harrison Wm., nightman Harroway Sam., miner Hartman Nelson, miner Harvey James, gen store Hasltin Geo., miner Havista Sam., miner • Haweth T., miner Hawk Louis, miner Hcrlino Frank, miner Higuebrand Augusta, miner Hill James, manager James Harvey, and postmaster Hill Matthew, miner Hopkins Jacob, & Co., miners Howa E., miner Hudson Thos., miner Hugo Galloway, & Son, miners Hugo Joseph, miner Hunden Wm., miner Hunter Wm., miner Hysell Henry, miner Jackson Wm., miner Jarvis E., miner Jenkins James, miner John D., engineer Johnston Thos., miner Jones Ed., engineer Jones 1. 1., miner Jones J., miner Jones J. Q., miner Jones James, minor Jones John B. L., overman No. 5 Shaft Jones Mrs., wid James, gen store Jones Samuel, butcher Jones W., miner Jones Walter, driver James Harvey Karlson I. Karlson J. J., miner !; i: miner Kelly Phillip, machinist I*;' 192 HENMRSON's BRIttSn OoLVMfitA KEN REG '-«::: f i I Kennedy Goo. W., hotelkeepor Kennedy Jaiiien, engineer Kerr VVtn., miner Kiipatrick J).an., miner Kilpatrick Robert, livery Kiipatrick ThoH., carpenter Kilpatrick Wm., livery King John, minor Kirk Hugh, miner Lang Joseph, miner Lank Tho8., miner Lazana P., miner Lfevill M., miner Lewelyn VV., miner Lewis J., miner Lewis W. D.. miner Lindsay W. A., paymaster Wellington Colliery Little John, miner Longstaft'A., miner LongRtcr A., miner Louis Thos. B,, miner McAde David, miner McArthur Duncan, carpenter McCann Thos., miner MoCiuskv 11., miner McDermot James, miner Mccrargle Chas,, miner McKinley Jas., miner McKinnon Archibald, fireman McLachlin Chas., miner McLelhin J., miner McLeod A., miner McMillan Henry fireman McMill.an J., miner McMurtrie Andrew, miner McNeil W. C, minor McNij;ht Andrew, machinist Madden E., miner Malcar H., miner Malhass 'J'hos., miner Malpas Joseph, miner Manney & Poitor, miners Manson Nelson, miner Manuel Vi'm., miner Marshall All, miner Marshall August, miner MatBon J., miner Matthews John, miner Matthowson M,, carpenter Matthewsnn Matthew, miner Morcier R., miner Meredith Geo., miner Meredith Thos., miner Metalor — , miner Miller E,, & Co., miners Mitchell Geo., miner Morgan John, loco driver Morgan Wm., miner Morland Robt,, miner M'irris T., miner Morrison Peter, miner Moss Wm., miner Mott Peter, miner Mounce Harry, onginoer saw mills Mounce Louis, of Grant & Mounce Muisent Andrew, miner Munro J., minor Munro Wm., miner Murtang Peter, miner Nelson Gustavo, miner Nelson John, mason Nelson Steven, miner Nicholson N., miner Nooe Wm., miner Oleson O., miner OlesonWm., miner Paisley Wm., & Son, miners Parry J., miner Patton Andrew, miner Pearson John, miner Pearson Wm., miner Penidore John, miner Peters Isaac, miner Pet re — , miner Phillips Goo., miner Piccheninni Joseph, miner Plattin Pierre, miner Pope W. F. C., station agent E. & N, Ry. Postmaster, James Hill Presbyterian Church, rev. Christie, pastor Pringlo Wm., carpenter Rare A., miner Regard Bros., miners GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. 193 1i ' \- i JIKI YOU Rcichalt ()., minor Reid .Tas., inadliiiiist IJoid Staniiors, utidt'i" Hcill' Patrick, minor Keiifi V "Jt tlo., miners Keinvick 'I'lios., Ictco driver Hicard TIiok., miner Rice TlioH., miner Richard it Hii^lu>s, miners Ricliard.s l>a\-iil, miner KiciiardsiV: Vai;ue, minors K'icliardson (iod., miner Rdlierls IJolieit, miner Rolieits Wm., engineer R(»bins(ni .loliii. miner Ifdhinson Ivoliert, miner [{od.-'i'is David, miner J\(Hli;ers \'\ (),, minei' Roney Patrick, miner Rodney .lolm, miner Jloss Krank, miner Koss llai-ry, minor Rudy I'anI, miner Riiney l)(M'l»y, nuncr Kutli(i)r(l ,Ioso-,)h, minor Suni .1., miner Sanders ('has., minor Saundorw Dan., minor Sayce .lames, minor Scott Roltt., overman No. 4 Shaft Soaks .las., miner Second John, nunor Siiai;-n()t. Kd., minor Sharlet .losepli, minor Miarpe Jamos, tireman Shear James, miner Sliillilo Geo., eni^ineer Slioro Sam., an nor Short Richard, miner Silver James, minor Simpor Nelson, minor Simpson Wm., Juinor Simpson W., it Co., nnnors Shiior it Rdd^ors, mincr» Smith JL, watchman Smith Thos., minor Smith it Woods, minors Soloraoy II., minor Somoi'set lIouHc, J. D. Dixon Sponeor A., miner Stake Wm., minor Stopnt'y A., hiboror Stevens O., miner Taplea fjouis, nuner Taylor (reo., miner Thomas John, fireman Thomas Ijouis, miner Thoiiips< II .1. P., miner Thompson James, minor Thompson .lolin, minor Tlioiiipson Roht., miner Thompson Sanniel, miner Thomp.son Thos., miner Trealor John, minor Tiini.ah Ri'os miners Turner .lairies, minor Va;;iie Thos., miner Vater A., miner Valcu' v., min*!r Vater II. A., miner Vater it ,lonos, miners Vator W 'I., n\iner Veneto Poler, minor Wanjj: (too., minei- Wall Thos., prop Wellington hotel Wallace Robt., miner Watson (Jeo,, miner Webb Moses, bartender Wellington hi>tol Webster ("ha.s., miner I Wellington Collieries, R. { Dunsmuir & Sons, props I Wellington hotel, Thos. Wall, prop ! Wellini^ton saw mill, Grant & { Moiinco, props I Westmorland Robt., minor ! Westwood William T.,gen store [ White T., minor ! Wilkinson Harry, butcher j WilManis K<1. Williams (ico., minor Wilson Jamos, minor Witchurch Wm., minor Work Jamos, carpenter Young R,, miner M 'M 111' II II '*^ ii| M 4 It ;!!< :h ill, iBif ■«i( :5I i|i 1ft If ;!li;i 'j^'^ ^,;^''^ >» 'ill'4 I •IP 4^' w^ 194 IIENItKHSON S HIU'J'l^sll COIJT.MBrA 111 I. f^ V ir 'Hit--* WKS VAL WESTMINSTER JUNCTION. I On tlK- iimin line ofllii! C. I'. I{.. ilis It; | iiiik's Iroiii Viiiicoiivoi- .inil :• tiuk's Iroui i New Woat minster. | Fnisfi W. <'.,:ii;oiil r. |». |{. Kfllv R. 15., Iiotol Moss A. .1., opoiiilor (". I'. If. J. PALMER & SON CARRY THE FINEST STOCK IN CANADA (IK HAlFi.TOOTH& MIL BRUSHES. MOSTIil'LIL. l{i':i(ly I'' .)., A ('(>.. l;('Ii .sLor(> Brady Fredorick J,, postmas' ter \ I'lV-i iir, Wiii(l('iiii('ii' (tf < 'iimniiii^s A VESUVIUS BAY, see Salt i 1743 £i 1 74S NoLrc Dame Spring Island V. O., A setil'^nu'iit in tiii^ (^owichan (lisiru'i on Salt Hprin^ Island. Brown J'orcy Hall, r;iinicr I'lporoii (Joo,. fiiinn'i' lliultlon Tlio.'^. r«'v. Jenkins Diivid, f:iiinof Million IliMiry .Ijoiiis Mulcolni .losi'j)li, lilaciv.srnith Manscll Tlios. hownos. fiirnit'r Purely llafllt-s A. I{. Sharp Janu's, Carnicr Walter Aitluir, funnel- Walter Hdward WILD iroRSE crei^:k, A settlciiii'nt in Ko'ilcii.iy di.-^tiii'l. Galbraitli H. L. T., ^en nUmt, rani-licr and miner Mather Robt., i^en sloie Morgan Ijarry D., minor Quiric Patrick, miner WINDERMERE, ( iiinniihi' iioloi ( 'iinimiii!j I'lvsl.-ir Goi(ii(Hio().,(.l' K. .i IJrady S. Vn. Fiewi.s .Henry, tiirincr and raneher Prcslar iliMiry .Allan, of ( 'nininiiii^s A J'reslar Jtogei's -Jame.'^ II.. t'arnu'r and ranclu.'i Sloddart. JaiiKv-.tarnu'i' and raiicliei' YALE. .\ lown on the nciin liiir ol' llic V. I'. ]!. in.; milcylVdni N'Miicouvcr. on llu'biink.s «! llic Friisor River. Slcmiors ply rcf^nliiilv liotweiMi ^'(llo iin.l New Wi'SJiniiislor, di- !I7 niilo.s: Ims ininK'V oidi'i' |io.st ollicc tidi'fjriiiili and express oHici's. Mails dailv Postmaster, Win. P. Teaii-ne A country po:*t ollico at Windciincre Italic, | ( '|.^.j,,-|, ton | ). J_^ <,•^.|| ston Kootenay district. It is reached Ity steainei in summer and by stage Id winter. Nearest railway station and telegnipli, (Solden, (lis 1 10 miles. Kteamlioat landing. Arm- strong. Pop .')0. There is a large dejiosit of copper and silver in the vicinity; the land is generally of the richest ((iinlity, and the facilities for irrigation cannot be ex- celled. Poetmaater, Fred. J. Brudy Fras(>r lliver (iold Crtivel SyndieateCo, lIiidHon B.'iy Co., Diiiicaii Paife, ai^otil Montfcomeiy .lolin Pao;e J)ini('.an. mt;i- II. B. (Jo. Pearse A , .M.J). ' ftcvcsheeh A. 11., saloon Storlins^f .0.. ao-eiit C. I*. P. Teague Wm. P., J. P., and postmuistcr SON IN CANADA o DamG )ostmas- iVindt'iiMi'ir limillill;;s i\ and I'iiiiclu.r (1 I'aiiclicr r tlic C. I', li >ii the banks of i ply i'('{;iiliirl\ I'SllllinSlLT, ilis k'l- |)OSt odice 'S. Miiils (liiily OUgllO "iyiKru'iUoCo. Co. 1{. J. P., and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PACIFIC DIVISION ABB BIR Abbott Hacry, gon siipt Pacific Divi- sion, Vancouver AdatDH Geo., baggagoman, Vancouver " J. C, tbroinan, Sponco's Bridge Aikens J., foreman, Kamloops Ainsworih \V., car inspector, Donald Allen John, engineer, Vancouver Andereon John, laborer, Spuzsuin " N., watchman, Revelsioko " 11. P., agent, New Westminstor " Robert, watchman, Donald Andrews H., engineer, Vancouver " Henry, turner, Vancouver " W>, car in^^pector, New Weat- minster Angus Richard, clerk, Vancouver Apenes R Av, clei-k, Vancouver Appleby L., chainman, Vancouver " S. , ago n t, S i ca rno us Archibald W. F., local manager C. P T., Victoria Armsti'ong A., conductor, Donald " Angus, watchman, Ashcroft " C\, brakeman, Kamloops J., carpenter, Vancouver James, foreman, Donald N., fireman W. J%, fireman Asbell S., carpenter, Vancouver Ashley tteorge, fitter, Revelstoke Atherton C. H., cierk, master mecha- nic Vancouver AtkinaoQ P., car sealer^ Vancouver Au.slin C, fireman, Vancouver " W., chainman, Vancouver Babbiil F., conductor, ShusvVap Divi* sion Baker II., pumpman, Harrison " J. W., operator C. P. T., Van- couver Bannerman J., fuel agent, Vancouver Barker R )bt., clerk C. P. T., Vancou- ver Barks C. F., clerk, Vancouver *' George, c:ir repairer, Vancouver Barn hart A., passenger conductor, Vancouver Beam William, woodman^ Vancouver Beasley H. E., secretary to superinten- dent, DoPM'd Beascm J. E., agent C. P. T., Quesnelle Beattio J. O., clerk. New Wcstminstet Beaudry J. Tv B., clerk, Vancouver Bebb John, caretaker, Glacier House Beckett W., carpenter, Donald Belanger Napoleon, brakeman, Shus* wap Division Berlrand L. W., draughtsman, VancoU' ver Berube J. E., operator, Albeii. Canyon Belts G. L., rodman, Vancouver BeveridgeC., watchman, S. shed No. SO Bingham W., turner, Vancouver " W,, fireman, Vancouver Birch Thomas, filter, Donald Birde D., foreman, Sis: Mile Greek n «!. ill. j^ III n %l aii Hj 'HI l: h «< i»i. I'- ix; I'- ll!! t: '*• VM ri m 214 Henderson's c.p.h. PAcitta imr-*:; "•eJtJ ii"* ' ' .» f BIR OHO Birkett A., fireman, Vancouver Black A. W., stort'koeper, Vancouver " James, clerk, Vancouver Blair Samuel, laborer, Vancouver Bloomer T. L., wiper, Kamhwps Blythe T. A., drauglusmnn, Donald Bodwell F. TI., druughttiman, Vancou- ver Bond D., tel, repairer, Hammond Bonniek John, laborer, Vancouver Eonville L,, ibremrin, Hope Boyd Jami's, boiler works, Donald Bradford F. F., li.Tiekeeper, Eevelstoke Braddy William, watchman, Spuzzum Bridges J., striker, Viincouver Brines J., car oiler, Vancouver Brett E. E,, clerk to asst superinten- dent, Vancouver Brooke Robt., clerk C. P. T,, Vancou ver Brown Albert, watchman, Hope " D. E., arirtt geu'iral freight and pa.ss*Miger agent, Vancouver " G., fireman, Vuncouver Geo., wiper, Vancouver Gfoi'ge McL., ticket agent, Van- couver J., machine hand, Vancouver James, watchman, Black Canyon W., machinist, Donald " William, loreman, Clanwilliam Browne A. 8., clerk, Vancouver " J., chief clerk local freight dept., Vancouver *' W. II., clerk, Vancouver Brundett A., foreman, Vancouver " A., wiper, Donald '' George, fitter, D nald Er.U B. W., rod man, Vancouver Burt.ess Thomas, foreman, Cascaac Division Bi'.rnett S., laborer, Port Moody Ziurns C, brukoman, Vancouver Burnyeat J. P., assistant engineer, Vancouver Burt R.. foreman, Vancouver Burton George, engineer, Vancouver " CharlcB, foreman, Mission (1 K (( (( (( Burton G,, turnor, Kamloopd '* G,, turner, Vancouver " George, fireman, Vancouver " \V. E., pumpman, Ashcroft Bushnell J, H., chainman, Vancouver Butt Pietro, woodman, Kamioops Buttery N., clerk, Victoria Cabot George, laborer, Vancouver Calder Fi-ed, A., clerk, Donald Caldwell W., brakeman, Donald " W., conductor, Shuswap " W,, conductor, Donald Callaghan J. A., agt C, P.T., Nanaimo Calloway J. P., watchman, 7th Crossing Callim J,, fireman, Vancouver Cambie H. J,, engineer in charge, Van- couver Cuuieron A,, clu»k general freight and passenger deparimoul, Vancouver. Campbell A., waiclimai;, Surprise Creek " F, J., car repairer, Vancouver " H., telegraph operator,, Sicaraoue " J,, chainman, Vancouver " K., messe'-jger, Vancouver Camplieu M,, laborer, Hammond Carey C, E., :tgent, Ashci-oft '' Thomas, engineer, Vancouver Caron Simcm, laborer, Nicomen '• T, J., laborer, Nicoiiien Carrier J., brakeman, Vancouver Carson F., turner, Donald " W. F,, travelling freight and passenger agent, Portland Cartwrigbt H., iinsmiiii, Vancouver i'-irryei- Youle, toolman, Donald Casli A, C, toreman car shops, Van- couver " S, A., locomotive foreman. Revel- stoke Castle Martin, foreman, Yale Cato F , fitter, Vancouver Cathervvood J, A,, axeman, Vancouver Chesley E,, brakeman, Kamioops Choate Ed., bridge insp. Cascade Dlv " J. Z., bridge foreman. Cascade Div. Chouinard J., operator, Hope Cough I Couglil D DIVISION DIREOTORT. 216 CFIR DOW liver roft aneouver loops ouver a uld P Ntinaimo h Crossing irge, Van- eight and incouver. Surprise ncouver iSicaraoua ^rcr iver nond L incouver men n uuver •eight and •liund Eincouver tnald hops, Van- uan, Revel- le Vancouver n loops scudo Div n, Cascade p© Christie W., asst mgr C.P.T., Victoria Chrisvan P.A., operC.P.T., Vancouver Chryster A., laborer, Viinconver Clark John S., oper C.P.T., Victoria Clear A., brakeman, Donald Cleary S., fireman, Vancouver Clements L., oper., Roger's Pass Clifford .Tamps Cobb John L., fitter, Donald Cole M., turner, Kamioops " Moses, fireman, Vancouver Collie R., fir»'man, Vancouver " Robert, wiper, Donald Connacher J., engi>.eer, Vancouver Connelly Michael, woodman, Kara- loops Connon H. E,, local freight agent. Vancouver Conroy Pat., laborer. Twin Butte Conway P.J. baggageman, Kamioops " t. D.,repiiiier C.P.T.,Chomainus Cook J., laborer, Vancouver " P. A., oper C.P.T., Vancouver Coombs F., fireman, Vancouver " F.. turner, Kamioops Cooper M., turner, Xew Westminster " W., car repairer, Vancouver Copeland J., train despalcher, Donald Couglaii D,, painter, Vancouver (\)uglilan T., fireman, Vancouver Coughlin J., brakeman, Kamioops Cougblon J., brakeman, Vancou\ er " W., wiper, Vancouver Crogs W. F., lampman, DonaM Craick B., brakeman, Kamioops Crickmay F., chainman, Vancouver Craig D., teamster, Donald " Nat., checker, Vancouve" " Wm., road master, Vancouver Crawford M., engineer, Vancouver W. L., striker, Kamioops Creolman U., engineer, Vanctmver (!rick Fred., messenger, Vancouver Crompton T,, striker, Vnncouver Cummings S , storcman, Vancouver CuQuingbam J., furemnn, Kaiuloops Cunningham P., watchman, Spuzzura " R. 8., pumpman, Mountain Creek Cnpgood John, brakeman, Donald Curtin James, wiper, Rogers Pass Cutlerback P., turner, Vancouver Daley Thomas, watchman, Gria Iwia D.ilton John, woodman, Kamioops Daly J. D., foreman, Beaver Mouth Dalziel D., foreman. Twin Butte " Jos., fireman, Albert Canyon Dana A. J., asst Purchasing agent, Vancouver Daniels A., pumpman. Ducks David J , laborer, Hope Davies A., engineer, Vancouver " C. L., wiper, Kamioops " W., machinist, Vancouver Davis C, fireman, Vancouver " E. L,, foreman coal dept, Van- couver " R, agent, Beaver Mouth Deakin H., fuolman, Donald Dempsey D., foreman, (i-riffin Lake Denechaud E. B., clerk, Now West minster Denman A., engineer, Vancouver Desrochers Ernest A.,laborer, Nicoraea Devlin F., detective, Vancouver " James, watchman, Lytton Dietze M., foreman, N. Bend DinsmoreA., cooper, Vancouver " T. W., clerk, Vnneouver Distaca T., laborer, Vancouver Dixon James, round house, Donald Doidge E. C, carpenter, Donald Doig P., brakeman, Vancouver " J., pass conductor, Vancouver Win,, yard foreman, Vancouver Wm., jr., foreman, Vancouver Donasello George, laborer, Donald " J., fuelman, Donal I Donnelly C, operator, Keefer Doubt John, fuelman, Rovehtoke Doucet L., clerk, Vancouver Doucett Thomas, foreman, T.ippeas Dow A., engineer, Vancouver " Alex,, turner, Revelstoke It II 3i Hi! HI li- llt II !!■ men k'or nous Vancouver ossinj^ d ver ^ouver '.um eslminster r cleaner, sliod No. 1 Id ;ent, Van- iver ver S^ew West- conductor, r aid onald auvor DIVISION DIRECTORY. 217 GEB HKT Gebei t Otto, car repairer Geddes D., clerk shops, Vancouver Geddews J. P., secretary to gen. supt., Vancouver •' Jiimes, turner, Roijer'sPass Genier G., telegraph repairer, Illecil- lewaet " N., telegraph repairer, Roger's Pass Gentes Harry, laborer, Port Moody Geraughty John, foreman, Ruby Creek Gibson E., brakeman, Vancouver " Joseph, turner, Vancouver " Geoi'ge F., clerk, Vancouver Gill A., car repairer, Vancouver " A., ni;g W. G., messeniTor, Vancouver " W., lamp man, Vancouver HollyoaU J.,watcliman,Spence'sBridi;o Home TlioMian, clerk, maisier mechanic Vancouver Honeyman Eoht., laborer, Vancouver Hooley Peter, boiler maker, Donald Hoskor I). M., locomotive foreman, Kamloops E., timekeeper, Vancuver E. J. en^rineer, Vancouver HoulcJ., carpenter, Vancouver Howard H., spi-ini; maker, Vancouver Howell A., miichino hand Vancouver Howley G('orfj;e, fireman, Vancouver Hoyland — , watchman S Shed No. 12 Hunt J., fireman, Vancouver " Joseph, wiper, Eeveistoke Hurliman J., tool maker, Vancouver Hyatt Mark, hridiiefoi'eman, Donald Iiiknian Cliarles, ayent. Agtissiz " A., operator C.P.T., Van(M)uver Irvitig Isaac, operator, Salmon Arm " R., atjent freight and passenger dept, Victoria Irwin T,, fireman, Vancouver " Thomas, wiper, Donald Jackteon D., pumpman. Port Moody " E., clerk, Portland " J., boiiermnker, Kamloops JamcH Frank, laborer, Hope Jamieson D., conductor, Donald " J., hrakeman, Kamloops Jftikins J., fireman, Vancouver JerviH A., mesHonger C.P.T., Vancou- ver JohiiHonP. B.. axeman, Vancouver *' J. B,, agent, Donald " L. 11., master mei;h"tnic, Van- couvei n II « Johnson VV., striker, Donald Johnston E. S., leveller, Vancouver L., watchman. Drynock Thomas, fitter, Revelstoko Thomas, watchman, Drynock W., baggage porter, Vancouver Jones J., fbrenian lab., Vanco'iver Josling C, watchman, S. shod No, 27 Judd H., rodman, Vancouver Justice H. E., wiper, Vancouver " H. E., wiper, Kamloops Kady Thomas, foreman, Rm-elstoko Kane Win., watchmtm, Ruby Creek Koadon Peter, laborer, Hope Kellj' M., roadmaster, Kamloops Kennear J., clerk car shops, Vancou- ver Kennedy J., engineer. Vancouver " W., machinist, Vancouver " Williatn, watchman, Ashcroft Keyes Hugh, watchman. Mountain Creek Kibble J., fireman Hammond Kidd A., laborer, Vancouver J., laborer, Vancouver O., fireman, Vancouver Oban, fitter, K:imloops 0-icar, wiper, K.imloops \V. J., clerk, Vaticouvor W., washer, Kamloops Killoen E., foreman, Sicamous Kilpairick T., brid-re foreman, Donald Kimble D., conductor, Sliiiswap " D., freight coniluctor, A'^ancouver Kinnear G. A., signalmati, Vancouver Kinsey E. G., foreman. Ducks King D., eiigineor, Vancoiiver Kiiiglit William, biborer, Port Moody Knowdell C, machinsi, Vancouver L^imoureux L. D., operator CP.T., Vancouver Landsburg W. H., foreman, Spuzzum Lane J., yardmaster, Kamloops Langtvin E., foreman, Srdmon A.rm Langley L, H., operator, Gtiflin Lake Larrasey J. L., blacksmith Vancouver Latimer K., foreman, CI -nwilliam Lavoie A., watchman, Donald (( u u ii ii icouver )ko •ynoc'k /"ancouver D'lver od No. 27 r ivor iS ■elstoke y Crock lops , Vancou- uver ver ihitroft Mountain 13 13 n, Donald ap '^aiu'oiivcf aiicouvei" r rt Moody 1- C.P.T., Spiizzum Dii A.nn ftiii Lake Aancouvei' lliaiu Id Division DiRECTOflY. 210 LAW McK it Law D., carpenter, Vancouver Lawrence B., foreman, NotcluU C, foreman, Sicamous G. L., dospatcher, Donald LawHon F., brakoman, Shuswap Div. Leale V. B,, copperHmith, Vancouver Lea> croft H. G., aH^t enfr, Vancouver LeBourdais A., a-ient C.P.T., Clinu.n Loclairo C. H., messenger, Vancouver Leo Joe, cook, Vancouver Lennon J., foreman, Airassiz LeRoyR., striker, Vancouver Leslie A, G., operator Vancouver LewisTlioman, blacksmith, Rovelstoke Lindmark Charles, car inspector, Eevelstoke Linton Thomaa, wiper, Roger's Pass Little James, fireman, Vancouver " Mark, cojopersmilh, D.mald " N., copperrtmitl), Vancouver Lorimer E. G., operator. Bear Creek Loutit J. J., chief clerk general ft. & pass dept, Vancouver Love II., boileruKiker, Vancouver Loveless F., mess. C.P.T., Vancouver Lovellet K., foreman, Noicliill Lovetl Tliomas, fbrcinan. Glacier Lycett George, laliorer, Vancouver Lyons John H., wilder, Vancouver " P., tireinan, Vancouver Lynott P. E,, operator, liovelstoke Lyons Pliili[>, wiper, Vancouver Macdonald U. E., clerk, Vancouver Mack James, engineer, Vancouver Mackay J. J., agent (.'.P.T., A>hcr()ft Mackintosh W. D., clerk Vancouver Maduro J., Ui^ciit C.P.T,, Matsqui Maculuy C. H., store loreman Van- couver Madden C, K., t>v»k„ Vancouver M»dignn J., brakt^nan, Vancouver Mannion J., car repauor, Vancouver Mariano H., laborer, il-.intnond Marmott«> Paul, draughtsman, Van- oouvor M.aroney A.,ioreman, Twin Butt« Marpole K., superintondant, D.>nald Marshall John, wiper, Revelstokc Martin P., repairer C.P.T., New West- minster Matlie James, blacksmith, Donald May A., chainman, Vancouver McAllister A., car shops, Vancouver McArthur A. C, agent Iliecrillewaet McBride R , brakeman, Donald McCarty F., engineer pile driver, Donall McC(-ll G. G., agent, Portland McCormick C., braki-man, Vancouver McCreary J., clerk Vancouver McCue Bernard, watchman, L^'tton M iCunn J., rodman, Vancouver 3IcCu8ker A., foreman, Lytton McCutcheon J., agent C.P.T., Chilli- wack McDermid F., turner, Vancouver McDonald A., roadmaster, Thompson A,, passenger cor.d, Vancouver Alex., blacksmith, Yale D. D., carpenter, Vancouver E., watchman, llope H., wiper, Vancouver 11., tireinan, Vancouver H., conductor, Kamloops J. A,, clerk, Kamloops John, laborer, Vancouver John, bhicksmith, Glai-ior House T,, clieckor, Vancouver McDoUi;all D., stationary engineer, Vancouver " D,, tireinan, Vancouver " K,, axeman, VancouVin- " Jolin, watchman N Bend McFadder C. E,, conductor, Kamloops McFaydoii W., Hreman, R »gcr'h Pass Mc(>ibb' W., tiller, Vaiicouvcr McGillvray C, foreman, Gladwin McGinnis E, VV. agent, Soatt'e " Jaine-t, for.sinan, Donald McGregor IJarry, clerk, Vancouver McKarracher J. F., engineer, Vancou- ver McKay J. A., brakeman, Kamloops '• Wm., watchman, Rovelstoke McKechnie F. W., agent, Kamloops McKee H., Vancouver (< (I (( (( u , «'«cJ!;::.:j iv ■ !, ''» ... ■i ..i 'II- II. I 220 HENDERSON'S O.P.R. PACIFIC McK NOB <( (I MeKeiizie A., freiitht con, Vaticouvor " D., wiisher, Vancouver " D,, engineer, Vancouver " H., conductor, Kaniloops McKuneJl., engineer, Vancouver McLaugliian 1)., baggage poj-ler. Van* couvor McLeod D., messenger C.P>T., Nanaimo McLean E., baggageman, Vancouver " 1). II., baggage, Donald McLeod A. F., bridge foreman, Kam- loops J., jtaititer, Kamloops J., ptr, Donald W. J., watchman, Stoney Creek McMann Thomas, foreman, Donald McManu.s F,, engineer, Vancouver McMartin A,, brakeman, Kamloopsj McNabb A., engineer, Vancouver J., agent, S;ivona W., wiper, Vancouver Wni., tireinan, Vancouver McNiven J., watchman, New Westmin- ster McPliee B., oper C.P.T., Vancouver Mcllae D,, pay car guard, Vancouver " D., laborer, Vancouver McSorley H., lireman, Vaiicouver " Henry, turner, I{oger*« Pass McVetty J., carpenter, Vancouver McVicar C, tireinan, Pennys Meo Charles, policeuian, Vancouver " !{., engineer, V^ancouver Meek iv., laborer, Vancouver Meldrum J., wiper, Kamloops Middlelon George, tiller, Donald " John, watchman, Savona Miles J, (J., fitter, Kamloops Miller John, foreman, Harrinon " W. J., cliief truiii dospatcher, Cascade Division Mitchell F., mes.senger C.P.T., Vic- toria " J. H., brakeman, Kamloops " T., operator, Ashcroft Montgomery A. 11., wiper, Vancouver " James, foreman, Yale *' W., brakeman, Vancouver Moody J., blacksmith, Kamloops Moore F. G,, clerk, Vancouver " Thomas, operator, Ross Peake Morrison A. C, foreman, Westminster " W., laborer, Vancouver Morrow F., brakeman, Kamloops " G. L., car accountant, Vancouver " W., brakeman, Kamloops '' W., brakeman, Shusvvap Div M(jrse A,, engineer, Vancouver Moscrop fj., fireman, Vancouver " R., wiper, Vancouver ■' W., titters helper, Vancouver Moss A. J., operator, VVostruinstor Junction Morton A., fireman, Vancouver " D., engineer, Vancouver Mowatt A., engineer, Vancouver " G. H., timukoeper, Revelstoko " R. B., lookafterman, Vancouver Muir D,, cond., 8huswap " S., pass con, Vancouver Mulhall J. J., chief clerk voucher dept Vancouver Mulvey J., watchman, Donald Munniett J*, laborer, Vancouver Munro A.,asst road master, Vancouver " P., foreman ft dept, Vancouver Murchison D,, brakeman, Vancouver " D., yardman, Vancouvnr Muryhy L., watch tnan, Cherry Cioek Muth W.F., agent C. P. T., Donald Nealor Jo.'scph, fireman, Vancouver Needham Thomas, wiper, J)()nald Neelands T. F., checker, Vancouver Nelson W., titter's helj^er, Vancouver Nero N,, labi>rer, Vaticouver Nesbit G., striker, Vaticouver " J., striker, Vancouver Nettler W. II., foreman, Ho|)e , Newhard C. C, tbrenian, Drynock Newmann George, foreman, Beavei ''fi''"f*'i J Mouth 'ino L., la Newman Win., roadtnixster, Donald |ittindrinulil ,'ouvor r. Viincouvcr NOL SCH Nolan Ed., {'nelmjiii, Ilofror'^i Pass Nniman T.,m*'ssirr. C.P.T., Victoria O'Brion M., bnikeiuan, Vancouver •' K., biakemaii, Knni loops Of^tr Andrew, foreman, Tranquilio Oicilvie F., brakemaii, Donald Olden berg Alex., chairman, Vancou- ver O'Learv M., teamster, Donald OiuH'd D., foreman, Cascade Division O'Xeil James, engineer, Vancouver '■ N., ofierator C.P.E., Vancouver Ostroni A., I'oreman, Vancouver Otto Matthew, titter, Donald Page Tlios., Idackamith, Lytton Paoiiald •' Mike, laborer, Mission v., loreman. Ducks Router II., eniiineer pile driver. Cas- cade Division Rowe D., watchman, Ashcrof't " Owen, wiper, Vancouver iioy L. W,, baggageman, Vancouver " Peter, eaipeiiter, JAinald Salsbury W. F., local treas., Vancouver Sargent W., tbreman. lUeeillewaet Sauii(}r J. E., agent C. P. T., Kamloops Savrasey J. L., boiler inkr, Vancouver Schotield F. ,)., clerk, Vancouver «.al & :l^' IhdV t ri I ti) * 222 Henderson's o.p.r. pacific sen TJIK Is**'* ill'"''f'*'f 'imui fi 'til 1 1 Schotiold J. IJ., dork, Vuiicoiivor Scorcy Wi Ilium, laborer, Misnioii ScotL JX, car rcpairor, Vancouver " J. K., bajififiiijeinan, Vancouver " N., engineer, Vancouver " N. J., turner, Kamloo|»H " S., messenger, Donald Scouley K., brakeman, Vancouver (Serson J., bridge inspector, Donald Sharks James, laborer, Nicomen Shay S., watchman, Vancouver Sheath F., titter, Kainloops Sheohen L)., blacksmith, Vancouver Shclton G., car inspector, Vancouver Sholtz A. II., clerk, Vancouver Shook M. F., agent, Mission Sidgniore J. F., timekeeper, Kamloops Simons John, engineer, Vancouver " John, turner, J)()iiald Simmons W., car insp, IJoger's Pass Sinclair F. (1., baggaucnuui, Vancouver Skiffingt(»n G., titter, V'^ancouver Skinner Josepli, wiper, Jlovelstoke Sluvin W. F., agent. (J. F. T., Soda Creek Smart W., operator ('. F. T., Vancouver Smallj- II., machine hand, Vancouver Smith A., strikei', IJevclstoke C J., bliicksmilh, Vancouver E. F., clerk, Vancouver ween(^y T., wi|>er, Kandoops •' Thomas, fireman, Vancouver Taylor J). Ti., agent, Spcnce's Bridge F., clerk, V^ancouver " <)., machinist, Vancouver Temple S iconver c'h Bridge iivor )UV(I" f)Oj)« ccmver Vancouver eirttokc ^iiu'ouvci' nvcr ver Hiiporiiiteii- ancouvcr I icouvor irisoii lan, VancQU DIVISION DIRECTORT. 223 TRl ZEI T Tricknoy J. I)., aooiit, Lylton Trodoii .1., passcii/^or ('(uidiulor, Van- (!ouvor Tunsdidl S., M.D., Kamloi.jw Tiirnoi- R., checker, Vancouver ruriiroHO. A., f'oronKiii, Uosh I'eak rwiu;/^ T., litloi-, Kainloops ryreil C, imrsc, Donald Ulvin II , foveinan, (■laifj^ellachio Union W. .!,. conductor, Shuswap Division lJr(|uharl II., foreman, Donald Van Antwerp W. P., eiiifineer, V^an- couvor Volland A., watchman, Spuzzum Vyo Ali'red, (ittor, Donald Wake B. IT., a.i,n-nt C. P. T., Voldes AValkcm 11. B., asst. oMifiiieer, Van- couver Walker A. K., fireman, Vancouver " William, ai>ent ('. 1*. 'P., Brtdire Creek Wallace .lainc.s K., washer, Donald Walsh D. M., I)a^;i;ai;enian, V^aiiconver " ,1. (.)., lii'etnaii, Vancouver " .1. ()., turner, Kainlooj)s " J. ()., en<;ineer, Vancouver Ward .1. II., cleric, Vancouver '• ,1. W., hai^n'ai^einan, Victoria " John, hay:,i;"ai;oinMii, Vancouver Waterous l"\, switchman, Kaml()0|»s Walmorc 15.. asst road master, Ucvel- stokc Watson William. Coreman, Kamloops Wehh K M.. clerk, Vatuouver Wohstor W. .h, condu(^tor, Kamloops Wldio .). ir., UhHt onfifinoer, Vancouver " .loscph, loilermakor, Vancouver Whitlaker .lames, caroilcr, llevelstoke Whytc 8., en<.;ineer, Vancouver " S., turner, J?cvolstoko " T., wijier, Vancouver W^ilcock Vj. II.. timekeeper, Vancouver Wili^ress T. T., paymaster, Vancouver Williams A E,, turner, AlhertOanyoii " I)., ojorator C. P. T., Victoria " I!. D , operator, Ro!;'er's Pass " W. ,1., hrak'eman, Kamloops Willis I)., ilircmai., Crai/L^ellachie Wilson C, linsmitli, Kamloops '• Kdward, lahoror, Hammond " U. A., local mi;r. (!. P. T., New Weslminstor " .1., supt. C. P. T., Vancouver " .1. T., clerk, Vancouver Winijf ('has., cook, Vancouver Winsla.v (Jeorije, hrakoman, Vancou- ver Wintei W. li., operator C. P. T., Van- couver Wooil House Alfred, titter, Donald Woods W., han'^ageman, Vancouver Woodward (i.' (\\ operator C. P. T., V.iiicouver Wright .1., cond, Shuswap Division " .lohn. woodn)an, North Bend li. II.. stationery ch-rk, Vancou- ver Viik W. .M., o])(>rator, ('lariwilliam Vonni; W. B., local m^n. 0. I*. T., N'aiicouvei' /eiyler Alt'., storeman. Donald .•.♦.•.•.♦.♦.•.♦ A V-. VVVvVVVWW i If C ' C ii %'} * i :i,;. HI '•I u . Ill "'i^-' :f ?)»<' ■- 1 '^1 '*'*'lilil" ■'•■ ^ !*" « H't PkKSJDl.N T 224 THE NIANUFACTURERS INSyRANCE S^OMPANIES THE MAISIUFACTUKERS" Life and Accident Insurance Companies. COMBINED CAPIIWF- AM) OTIII'-R ASSICTS, OYER - $3,000,000. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, r. C, (,. I . I! Head Of5icc8 : Toronto, Ont. VICE-PRESIDENTS. George GooDERli AM, President Uaiik of Toronto, \sf ViccPrcsiJcnt. Wm. liKLL, (Jryan Maimracturcr, (lucli)h, ziuf V'uc-Prcsidcnt. DIRECTORS. T. <1. 1$I,A('KST(>('K. liiinistcr, Huliciloi', 'I'diomn. FUKI>. NlclHiLl.s, Nlcliills\- Hiiwliiinl,:iiul Scc'v C'anadiiui MaiiiitiictiiiiM's' .\^f Coinnioiis, Montreal \V. II. ,sriiiii:\, Mamiraoturor, nod Pros. Canadian Mannlactnrcrs' A.ss'n., .Vctun. -lA.MKs .Mil. IS, I'rcs. .Var'l. ColU'(j;r', (liwlph. I;. It. 1\1<'I,i;n.\ax, Ify (■(inirarldr, .Alexandria. .1, I!. .\i!.^isriii>N(i, <;!uriau;n ,Manfr..(!iielpli. IJdiii.Ki' .Xiii'iiKi!. Vire-l'risidcnt Itoaiil of 'J'rade, Montreal, (;. 1). Waiikkn, Wliiilosale (irdcer, Toronto. A. (J. McllKA.N, Uriin Mereliant, Montreal. MANAGING DIRECTOR, - JOHN F. ELLIS. A. H.(iIl,]}l':RT, W. H. IlOl.l.AXI). Gen. Sii[)t. Life l)ej)artinent. Gen. Sii])i. .Vcciilenl 1 )e]iaitnieut. Head Office for Manitoba, Norl:h-West and British Columbia, McINTYRE BLOCK, Main Streot, WINNIPEG, MAN. _ "F*. O. box: G95- WM. SCOTT» M;ina.i£i-^ l',. J. STEl':i,E, Gashior. GENERAL AGENTS. MANITOB.V NOirni-WKSI W. James Scott, ^Vinnipcg. F. McDonald, Portage la Prairie. W. H. Hannam, Brandon. M. Turriff, Rapid Gily. ]'. Eainont, Regina. R. J. <)gl"'ni.l(. , G. Muidoch, j *-^l«^^'y' G. Hannam, Banff. Agents Wanted in unrepresented Districts. mtlllSH COIAI.MIilA. G. A. Warren, Golden. J. S. i'ennet, Kaniloops. M. (. Morrison, Mi* ola. .S. 'I'. Mackintosh, New Westminster, \\. H. King, \ancouver. Richardson tS: Ghurcli, Victoria. Hroiiglito Bay. Urunsw'ic av So IJurranl, liurnuby, Bute, troin Oanibie, Campbell Canluro, Carl av, (Jarro'.l f. O'edar, fro Centre, fn av, Fc Chilco, Ire ("olumbia, Columbia toNi Comox, fr Cordova, Crab Tret Bounc Cyprus, fr Davie, fro iJenman, Drake, fro INDEX TO STREETS. NoTB. — n. r. stands fnr no rt^idtnls. PA(JK Abbott, from Rurrnrd Inlet to Pender 225 Alberni, from Hiirrard to Stanley Park 22fj Alder, fiom Fali-e Creek to Ninth av n.r Alexander, from Carroll to Ilawkea av 22") Arbutus, from First av to Ninth av. False Creek n.r. Harelfly, from IJurrard to Stanley Park 22H H:irnnrd, from False Creek to lioiindary av 228 Hay View, from Flawkcs av to IJoundary av n ;•, Bench av, from Hnrrard to Stanley Park.... 228 Ueatty, from Pender to Kobson 228 Iiidwell, from Coal Harbour to English Bay n.r. Birch, from False Creek to "i'mxh av n r. Boundary av, frnm Lime Work:?, Burrard Inlet to False Creek n.r. Broughton, from Burrard Inlet to English Bay n.r. Brunswick, from Mount Pleasant to Fitth av South 229 Burrard, from Burrard Itilet to English Buy 229 Burnaby, from Burrard to Beach av n.r. Bute, from Burrard Inlet to Enplish Bay n.r. Canibie, from Burrard Inlet toSmilhe 229 Campbell av, from Powell lo Bay View 231 Uardaro, from Burrard Inlet to English Buy. n.r. Carl av, from Railway to Grove av 2:tl Carroll, from Burrard Inlet to False '.'reek. 231 Cedar, from First to Ninth av, False Creek n.r. Centre, from Granville st bridge to Ninth av, False Creek »./•. Chilco, from Coal Harbour to English Bay. n.r. (,'olumbia, from Alexander to Dupont 234 Columbia, Mount Pleasant,froin FalseCreek to Ninthav 23.T Coraox, from Burrard to Stanley Park 234 Cordova, from Carroll to foot of Howe i34 Crab Tree lane, from foot Baymur av to Boundary av n.r. Cyprus, from First to Ninth av. False Creek n.r- Duvie. from Homer to Denmay 2»0 Denman, from Coal Harbour to English Bay n.r. Drake, from Homer to Burrard 240 PAOB Dufferin, Mount Pleasant, from Reserve to Prince Edward 241 Dunlevy av, from Hastings Saw mill to Prior 24t Du])ont, from Carroll to Westminster av... 242 Dunsncuir, from Beatty to Burrard 243 Eighth av, fromVine to Prince Edward, Mt. Pleasant 243 Eleventh av, from Vine to Prince Edward.. 2J3 Eveleigh, front Burrard to Tliurlow 243 Fifth av, from Vine to Brunswick, Mount Pleasant 244 Fir, from First to Ninth av. Fulse Creek... n.r. First, from Vine to False Creek n.r. Fourth, from Vine to False Creek n.r. Front, .Mt. Pleasant, from Leamy & Kyle's mill to Prince Edward 244 Georgia, from Beatty to Coal Harbour 244 Gilford, from Coal Harbour to English Bay n >■. Gore av, from Burrard Inlet to Prior 245 Granville, from Cordova to False Creek Bridge , 24t; Grove av, across Grove Crescent, foot of Carl av n.r. Grove Crescent, from foot of Jackson av to foot Heatley av n.r. Hamilton, from Hastings W to Hmithe 248 Haro, from Burrard to Coal Harbour 249 Harris, from False Creek to Boundary av... 249 Harwood, from Burrard to Bidwell n.r. Hastings East, from Carroll to Bound.iry av 252 Hastings West, from Carroll to Burrard 249 Hawkes av, from Alexander n.r. Heather, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Heatley av, from Burrard Inlet to Prior 254 Helmcken, from Homer to Burrard n.r. Hemlock, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Homer, from Ci>rdova to Drake 254 Hornby, from Hastings West to Pacific av. 255 Howe, from Cordova to Pacific av 25tJ Jackson Av, from Railway st to Prior 257 Jervis, frona Burrard Inlet to English Bay... 257 I K CI ',1 ! I ■>• '.VI' ■15 I ¥ v\ ,♦■) I.. '.i'.iit 1 1 *1, i 'I; ', I 1 it , I 11 Ml "1 w .\ II IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 11.25 >- ._ Wuu lllll 1.8 6" 14 11 1.6 <^ n ^^ / J O 7 /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 Wis ; MAIN STREET wrasrtR.N.Y. usso (716) 872-4503 4r ¥ ! A, '• ru^i .?i3: •"•'HA } 1 tl.l '* «: 11.1 1 PAGE Keefer, from Falsi Creek to Boundary av.. 257 Lansdownp av, Mount Pleasaat, from Duf' ferin to Scotia 258 Laurel, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Lome, Mounc Pleasant, from Dufferin to Westminster av n.r. Manitoba, Mount Pleasant, from False Greek to Ninth av n-r. Maple, from First to Ninth av. False Cteek n.r. Melville, from Burrard to Jervis 258 Nelson, from Homer to Stanley Park 2f8 Nicola, from Burrard Inlet to English Bay. 259 Ninth av, from Vine to Prince Edward, Mount Pleasant 259 Oak, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Ontario, Mount Pleasant' from False Creek to Ninth av 259 o^,)enheimer, from Carroll to Boundary av 259 Pacific, from Richards to Beach av 261 Park Av, from Prior to Westminster av 26i Pender, from Abbott to Nicola 261 Pendrell, from Burrard to Stanley Park 263 Pine, from First to Ninth av. False Creek... n.r. Point, from False Creek to Boundary av... n.r. Powell, from Carroll to Boundary av 263 Prince Edward, Mount Plesant, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Princess, from Westminster av to Boundary 2C5 Prior, from False Creek to Campbell av ... 266 Quebec, Mount Pleasant, from False Creek to Ninth av 266 VkOK Railway St, from Gore av. to Carl av.~..,. n.r, Raymur av, from Powell to Crab Tree Lane 267 Richards, from Cordova to Pacific av 267 Robson, from Boatty to Coal Harbour 268 Seaton, from Burrard to Jervis 269 Second, from Vine to False Creek n.r. Seventh av, from Vine to Prince Edward, Blount Pleasant 269 Seymour, from Cordova to Pacific av 269 Scotia, Mount Pleasant, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r. Sixth av., from Vine to Prince Edward, Mount Pleasant 271 Smitbe, from Gamble to Burrard n.r. Spruce, from False Greek to Ninth av n.r. Tenth av, from Vine to Prince Edward 271 Third, from Vine to False Creek- Thirteenth av, from Prince Edward to Vine 272 Thurlow, from Burrard Inlet to False Creek n.r Trounce Alley, from Carroll to Gnmbie.....*272 Twelfth av., from Vine to Prince Edward. 272 Vine, from First to Ninth av. False Creek, n.r. Water, from C.'trroU to Cordova cor Rich- ards 272 Westminster av, from Alexander across False Creek 274 Westminster road, continuation of West- minster av South 276 Willow, from False Creek to Ninth av n.r Yew, from First to Ninth av, False Creek., n.r SEE THiLT TTOTJ OE/IDEK; HENDERSON'S iritish Columbia Gazetteer and Directory THE H ENDERSON D IRECTORY QO^ PUBLISHERS - - - VICTORIA. PAOB ar.^.... n-r. ab Tree 267 t&v 2G7 mr 268 269 n,r. Edward, 269 IV 269 e Creek n.r. Edward, 271 n,r. av n.r. fard 271 ito Vine 272 Ise Creek n.r imbie....*272 Edward. 272 le Creek, n.r. cor Rich- 272 ir across 274 of West- 276 ,h av n.r ae Creek., n.r STl rectory C2; "V^IsTC OTTVEI?, STREET DIRECTORY. THE STREET DIRECTORY is presented in a condensed form and is intended to show the exact location of each house with its occupants, and in places of business who compose the firm and the employes. Fuller information wiU be found in the ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. A * befoi e a name indicates a seperate house without a number, m hen there is a * and a numbei, that thv^'e is no number on the house. ABB ABBOTT ABB ABBOTT, der. from Burrard Inlet to Pen- WEST SIDB. * Freight Slied, Evans, Coleman & Evans * Linton A., boat iioiise Shaw Robort Gnorgp, bnaf builder Dunn (icorge, boat builder Jones Clinrles, apprentice Railway track interxecti, * Harvey M. A , livery stable Harvey William, mnnager O'Bripn .lolin, stableman Gilbert Frank, stableman Prewer Josiali, stableman Water intersects. * 3 5 7 Pullman Saloon Pullman Restaurant, Thos:. Berry, prop. Pullman Saloon Rooms Johnson & Lucas, barber shop Johnson George \V. Lucas Charles A. 9 Straube Val., '"radical gunsmith 11 Taylor John Arthur, boots and shoes Stephens James Archibald, shoemaker 15 Philp Bros., gioceries Philp Edgar Ernest 18 Philp Soraerville Charles 17 Levi Kiirl, second hand goods 19 Union Hotel, Peter Lawson, prop. (V.ar Frank, bartender Rose Mrs. .M.S., prop. bdg. dept.Union Hotel Parkfr William, carpenter Gordon B., carpenter (rordon John Shepard — Butler Harry, longshoreman Ross Malcolm, longshoreman Dickie George, driver Cunningham Michael, carpenter JIcKinnon Joseph, carpenter Anderson John, longshoreman McNeil William Firth, clerk 23 Rose Mark S., stoves Roberts William, plumber 25 Abbott Street shaving parlor and baths Scurry H. T., manager Scurry Elijah, barber Scurry Charles, barber Davis L. D. barber 27 Camvbell k Martin, bakers Campbell Donald J. Martin Peter McFarlane Edward, baker Barnas Fred., baker 29 Side Enti'ance Cosmopolitan Hotel i 'A ( ^^ ii;.^ jrfi X ;?' m If 111 11 <3 I'll l::;»r .1 M«J ■■... i ■1; ' f ii. .. I lii U- ■ I ''HI .1 226 HENDERSON'S xVBB ABBOTT ALE Cordova internets. 103 Wilson Block Boom 1 Seatii — , architect 2 & 3 Boiilibee John, harriater Grunt Edward, clerk Jordan Geo. A., advocate " 4, 5 & 6 McGiiiffan & Langis, physicians and surgeons McGiiigan William Joseph, M. D., CM. Langis Henry Evariste, M.D. Wilson Hall •' 7 & 8 Murcheson Miss Kate, dressmaker Manners Miss Libbv, dn-ssniaker Wise Miss Emma, dressmaker Ross Miss A., dressmaker " 11 Terminal City BuiMiug Society, Wm. M Knox, president Dunn Thos. T., vice-president Geary George, secretary Gordan George 11., treasurer «' 9 O'Tool J. M., ofO'Tool & Uali.h " 12 Jordan George A., lawyer St Andr' w's Society ♦^British Columbia Book Store, William Harrison, prop. 107 Thomson Bros., printers Hastings intersects. 207 Veysey Charles Claude Veysey Alis8 Mable Creelman Duncan, wood worker 209 Faulkner Peter, carpeuier Kier Cathal, tailor Hill John, teamster 211 Preastland Charles, moulder 2i3 Pease McGow.in Pease .Mrs. Bell, boarding house Carter AU)ert, contractor Carter Samuel, bricklayer Patrick Harrv, bricklayer St. Clair J. Douglas, blacksmith. Pendtr. EAST SIDE. City Wharf Evans, Coleman & Evans, com. merohants Evans Ernest E. Coleman George Evans Percy \V. Marchrtut Geo., capt. steam tug " Tepic" Edmonds Henry V., real estate Salvation Array Hall,— Ham, capt. Water intersects. 4 Jubilee Saloon 6 Melvui John Geo,, p.-actical watchmaker Tyson James, tailor 8 Vacant 10 Zeinmir Prof. L., herbalist Carver Ftunk, clerk 12 Pioneer Steam Cleaning & Dyeing Works Rougier k Hay, props. Rougier James G. Hay George 14 Jubilee Restaurant, R. D. Farmer, prop. Ryan Miss May, waitress * Alc.izar Saloon Farrow James L., bartender Clements captain William, shipping and insurance agent San Franiiisco Union Marine Insurance Co, * Cos aopolitan Hotel Rooms Turner Mrs. Lizzie, wid., chambermaid * Vane. Loan oliice Robin & Silvermim Robin Tawel Silverman K, 26 Addison Charles, shoemaker Cordova intersects. 102 Doupall House, Dougall & Jackman, props. Dougall John, jr. Jackman T. J. Blackburn W. J., mgr. McGinnis J., night clerk Murphy James, b.irteuder 108 Vacant Hastings intersects. ALBERNI, from Bunard to Stanley Park Thiirlow intcTKects. Bute intersects. Jervis intersects. • Vacant • Bolton (yharles McNeil, D. S. consul • Strutt Charle.^ Heury, dry goods Jirouffhtoii intersects, Nicol'i inli-rsects. Cardero inwisects. liidwell inti'rs.'its. Denman intersects. Gilford intersects. Cliilco internee's. ALEXANDER, from Carroll to Hawkes av. 1 McAllister John, carriage paint shop Marshall Robert John, carriage painter 5 Milross W. T., house painter 8 Scuitto John 10 McAllister John, blacksmith shop 14 Europe Hotel •n "'1 'Hill ! ^;.| VANCOUVER STEEET DIRECTORY. 227 ALB ALEXANDER ALK 20 Vacant saloon 22 Hiable 28 Vacant 3G Wing Lee, laundry Columbia begins. 108 Taylor John, engineer and machinist 110 Taylor John 118 Vancouver Wafer Works Co. Ir'fling Uapt. Jno., president McFarland Joseph Walter, secy treaa. Keeft-r George A., chief engineer Nicksou John J., superintendant Boultbee Frank W., clerk Franklin Harry. clL'rk Ktetier Hugh Forbes, general contractor 120 Reefers Hall, Knights of Pythias 122 Cordon Edward, laborer Ross Freilcrick, machinist Williams John, laborer Clark George, laborer Fox James, laborer 136 Gibson George, laborer Payne George Soaraes George, laborer Andrews Thomas, laborer 138 Livingstone Edward, laborer 140 Harris William, laborer 142 Robertson Gilbert 150 Vacant Westminster ao begins. 204 Wallace Robert, carpenter 20'j 208 Tam Mark, carpenter 210 Mills Frederick VVill'am, carpenter Rennison Arthur William, clerk 300 302 304 308 310 314 318 320 Gore ao. begins. Alexander Richard IL Alexander Fred. Alexander .Miss Hay Chaa. Bell Irving Duncan, M.D. Bell Irving Henry Slater t'harles Richard Slater Miss Elizabeth Vacant Dunlevy av, intersects, *420 Cowdroy William, bookkeeper *430 Dales Thomas Johu, carpenter McDonald Mnrdock Dales Miss Florence 450 Stewart Alexander, moulder Hollander Samuel, machinist Stewart George 490 Johnston Arthur Q. Tyson A. M. Johnston Miss Helen Jackson av, intersects. itO'l Henderson J. B. 510 McAllister John McAllister .Mhs .Annie Mnrshall Robert J. 512 Stew irt John M^ilcolm *51t) Smith Alfred Alihorpe 5:!0 Gavin John, cter 105 McLean William, carpenter McLean Miss Gene, dressmaker Bell Joseph, teamster Jones William, laborer Duncan Harvey, laborer 107 Smith Jamieson, teamster Atkins — , teamster 112 Gillis John Alfred, contractor Gillis Albert, printer Weiitminster av intersects. * Hodgson Arthur, painter 210 Vacant 212 Vacant 214 Vacant 216 Cuwker Samuel, teaming Cawker Thomas, teamster Cawker Charles, teamster 22? Howey William, teamster . Howey Frederick R., clerk 224 Magladey John Sumuel, sawyer 2U2 Brawne Frank Henry, painter * Franklin Joseph Lamh, carpenter Baynes Edwaid, carpenter Franklin Harry Jiimes * Alcoek Thomas Henry, master mariner Alcoc'k John Alcoek Alai.k BEACH AY, fVom Biirrard to Stanley Park. Tliurlow intersects, * Johnson Lacej- Robert, master mechanic C.P.R Reid Miss Mary Bute intersects, Jervis intersects. Brou'ihlon intersects. Nicola intersects. Cardero intersects, Bidwell intersects, Denmi'u intersects. (jil/ord intersectK, Chilco intersects. BEATTY, from Ponder to Robson. 307 McRae Dan. A., teamster MeCrimmon Archibald,carpenter McRae Ale!:ader. teamster McRae John Aiex , blacksmith 4 McDonald Alex. Duncan, carpenter 3 McFee James, lineman McFee John, tel. lineman 2 Vacant I Hessin Alexander 309 McMillan John Hugh, grocer McMillan Miss Bella McMillan Alexander, clerk McMillan Miss Emily "VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY, 229 BRU CAMBIE CAM * Small Robert, laborer Smith eni. Smnll Alexander, laborer tJ t 1 • Small David, laborer Barclay t)egins. Dunsmuir intersects. Nelson intersects. Georgia intersects. Comoz begins. Rohson begins. Pendrill hegim. Davie intersects. BRUNSWICK, from 5th avo, South Jlelmcken ends. bth ave intersects. Burnahy begins. • Keefer Jolin Gilbert, bookkeeper Drake ends. KeeferHugh Oliver Keefer John Mole, bookkeeper Ilancoinl begins. Qth ave intersects. * TIte Samuel, coofter 1th five intersects. Tife John Reynold, asst. druggist Tite Miss Sarah Cooper Hth ave intersects. Pacific intersects. BURRARD, from Burrui-d Inlet to * Furniture Factory, new building English Bay Beach ave. • Rowing Club Boat House CAMBIE from Burrard Inlet to Smith, Snaton begins. WEST SIDE. Peuiler intersects. Eveleigh beijins. Moodyville Saw Mill Co.'s Lumber yard Matheson Male Iro, agent Ihinsmiiir ends. McDonald Wm., yardman Mdville begins. Water intersects. * Miller Jonathan, post master * Ponsford Harold, of Puge, Ponsford & Co. 9 Masonic block Dyki'r Miss Mary 11 Wilson k Blakie, harnessmaker * Nichols Francis Victor, manager Electric Wilson David Lij;ht Station Blakie Walter Nicholls Hellen, wid Thomas Francis Cordovn intersects. * McLaren rev. Ebenezer Duncan, pastor St Andrew's Church 103 Graveley Walter E., real estate * Christ Church, English 105 Robertson Archibald, M.D. Macdonald — , M. D., C. M. Georgia intersects. Burdis k Allan, com and financial agents Alberni begins. B'irdis William David Allan R. E. * "Rfvi vacant house 107 Anders in R. A.. & Co., real estate agents * New vacant house Anderson Robert Alexander * Gravely Walter E., real estate Robinson James W. * BarkerErnest E , real estate North American Life Assurance Company Anderson Miss Jane Ann Manufacturers Life and Accident Co, * Carleton Frederick William, agent C. P. British Columbia Fire Insurance Co. Navigation Co. 109 Beckingsale Daniel Loftus, M. D., C. M. Hott'meister Miss Kate Painton F. J. Rohson intersects. m Smith John Allen, real estate 115 New Raymond sewing machine * Dunn John, builder Teelzel Charles W., agent * Vacant hoiisu 119 Daily and Weekly News Advertiser Baro begins. Cotton F. C, managing editor Gosnell R, E., city editor * West Eud school Wilson J. C, reporter McGarrigle T. A., principal Page J., accountant Jamieson Mias E. A., teacher Keen W. S., mail clerk Rutherford Miss B. M,, teacher Smith Neville, collector Harding Miss M. L., teacher Wickham L. P , collector i '-1 a 1 /I. IK r»fl I Htr 230 HENDERSON'S CAM CAMBIE CAM Gallagher W. J., manager printing depart- ment and bindery Roedde Geo. A., binder SSpinks Thos., foreman Jamieson D., compositor Clark John, compositor Dodds H., compositor Crick liart., compositor Stewart Chas., compositor Little J., compositor Powell John, job printer Calhoun W. A., job printer Spatf'ord W., job printer Wilson W. M., job printer Pounds Geo., pressman Payne W., pressman Mallindine Fred., ruler BAST SIDK. Bontliouse, Hayden & Walker, props. H;;yden Hamilton H. Walker John F. f Port Moody saw mill, Vancouver branch, John B. Tiffin, manager McLean Murdock C, bookkeeper Black Arthur, clerk ■ New Building '■ Side Entrance San Francisco Hotel Water intersects. * Cabinet Hotel 8 Oriental Hotel Rooms * Stanley I'ark Stables, Queen Bros., props. Queen Charles Queen Elsworth Stecves Willard, stableman * New Block Cordova intersects. 106 Quinn William James, merchant tailor Morency E. A., tailor Stewart George, tailor 108 Davis & Ta."lor, sign painters Davis Joseph Taylor William S. Brown Charles Alexander, painter Lang James, bookkeeper 112 Stoddart Bros., watchmakers Stoddart William James Stoddard R. V. 1 14 Beattie A. M., agent 116 Garden, Hermon * Burwell, civil engineers Dominion & P. Land surveyors Garden James Ford Hermon Ernest B. Burwell Herbert Mahon Lewis Herbert Bradney Dawson George Herbert Hastings interseeti. 206 Brown William, real estate Brown Arthur, compositor Hastings in'ersects, BOTH SIDE. * Turnbull & Co,, contractors TurnbuU William Gray Thomas William Dixon Joseph, foreman Pender intersects, 310 Collins Jacob Myers, driver Robinson Robert, carpenter Hicks David, carpenter * Central School Law Robert, j)rincipal Hartney Miss Margaret, teacher u40 Dinsmore Abraham, cooper Dinsmoie Thomas Wesley Dinsmore Miss Martha Jane Dinsmore Miss Elizabeth Dinsmore Mi^'8 Rebecca 344 Duncan Alex. B., cabinetmaker 346 Atkinson Peter, miller Atkinson George V., cigarmaker Atkinson Peter, jun., car sealer C.P.R. Atkinson Chaudiere, cigarmaker Dunsmuir intersects. 415 Webster Capt. William Quick Davis Jos , painter 417 Dunn Henry Knight 427 Vacant 431 Griffiths Albert Francis 433 Law Duvid, carpenter Georgia intersects. * Hart P. W. * Hart Miss Anna M., boarding house Lapointe W., teaming Walker—, carpenter Ward — , carpenter McDonald — , stonecutter Gorion — , private school Hart Miss Ellen * Johnson George F , cp.i-penter Sutherland — Mullens — Oakler — Brown William * Brown — * Jarrett Stephen Nicholson, carpenter * Spink Thomas Alex., foreman N. Adv. Clark John, printer * Fleming Robert J., carpenter Robson intersects. * Fisher — , carpenter * Turner William, machine hand * New house Smith begins. VANCODVEtt 8TBEET DIRECTORY. .ol CAM OAMBIE CAR Cassady Geo., & Co., sash and door factory Oaasady George Leamy James Kyle iSeor^e P. Benaon J. Stntford, bookkeeper Johnson Jnlin, .salesman Johnston George, tbreiuan Jarri'ttS. N., curpent'.-r Wilson — , cc.ll''ctor Pollis Gportje E., cirpenter Turner W., band sawyer Francojur L. 1'., wood carver Lapointc Uharlos, wood turner Gaiivreau Archibald, frliizier Carmiciiael P. P., shingle sawyer Smith Thomas H., engineer Itobens George, factory hand Cleveland J. P., wood tinner Watson James, cari^enter Muscrop T , night watchman McHaruy James, yardman Forrester Allan, carpenter Miiyne Thomas, carpenter T(un JIarl<, carpenter ScDtt Tlioma.s, carpenter Brown William, carpenter Kerr James, carpenier .Murray Patrick, saahmaker OakI y N. L., machine hand Ormand Frank, carpenter Brown VVilliair <., yardmau Ward T., carpenter Pelton T. H., carpenter Collier W. li , yardman Leamy & Kyle, lumber yard Griltiths Albert Francis, yard salesman Martin Nelson, laborer Wheeling Thomas, laborer Woods W., laborer Oleson Gustave, laborer James John, laborer Mclntyre — , laborer McLeod Thomas, laborer Slater George Frederic!. Vancouver shingle mill Spicer Havelock II., bookkeeper Sutherland Clarence E., sawyer MuUins James, sawyer Allison Robert, laborer McLaren Richard, laborer Allen Silas H., engineer WinlawJ. B, filer Donaldson James, night watchman McKay Alfred, shingle edger (Church Benjamin, shingle edger Hart F, W., furniture factory Duncan Alex. B., foreman Petres Saver, cabinetmaker Harman Philip, cabinetmaker Uagnon Alexander, cabinetmaker West John, cabinetmaker Lobb William Samuel, machine hand CAMPBELL AV., from Powell to Bay View Oppenheimer intersects. Hastings East intersects. Princess intersects, Keefer intersects. Crawford James, laborer Smith — , laborer Harris intersects. Barnard intersects. Prior intersects. CARL AVE., from Railway to Grove Ave. BOTB SIDES. * Hay Charles Powell intersects. Oppenheimer intersects, * Prentice William, secty Vancouver Smelt- ing Works * Occupied * Cloukie Felix Napoleon, planer Hastings intersects. * Bonllon Joseph, contractor Boullon Arthur * Cook Alfred, painter McSorley Harry, painter , MedcoflF Albert, carpenter Kent Walter Eraauucl, laborer Prineeis intersects. Keefer intersects. Harris intersects. Barnard intersects. Prior intersects. CARROLL, from City Wharf South EAST SIDR. * Linton Andrew, boat house Johnston Robert, boat builder Aykroyd Stephen, boat builder Bailway track intersects. Alexander begins. Powell begins. 2 Johnston & Tyson, gents' furnishings Johnston Arthur George Tyson Andrew Mann 4 Vacant o ■^ V mi ] ll. IS"! i«M 232 HENDERSONS CAR oarRoll CAR 6 Henderson & Couth, wholesale coal HendcTBon John B. Couth liobert Pirrie Willinra, bookkeeper Henderson Isaac, clerk Nunnumaker Byron, temnater McCormick VVilliani, teamster Holmes capt. William Mooney capt. Daniel Johnson capt. C. 8 Royal Tea Co., Hector Cbas. Beresford prop 14 Robertson Robert, gents' furnishings, hats and caps 16 Tremont hotel, Melville & Manuel, props Melville WilliHm R. Manuel Mrs. S. E. £urton Herbert, bartender Pomeroy William, cabinetmaker Goodmurphy Sidney, tinner Milne T., carpenter Harstone William, gen store Waite William, millwright Tibbetts Robert, C.P.R. Dawson George W., real estate McFarlane — , contractor Gordon R. G., school teacher McLaren — , contractor McKenzie John, carpenter 22 Creamer & Langley, crockery Creamer James ri. Langley Th'^odore H. 24 Club, Charles S. Macdonell, prop Whitehead George, bartender 28 Gilmore & Clark, clothing Gilmore Alexander Clark Roliert McXeill William F., clerk 30 Albion house, dry goods Brown Henry White Edward Wiflen William Sidney lialnh Miss M. G., milliner Hodgson Miss Bella, clerk Burgess John, clerk 32 Bank of British North America, David Simpson, manager; Benwell John 0., accountant E. H. Austin, teller Oppenheimer intersects. ]00 Vacant • White John, photographer Brown John, printer 106 Simon Bernard, mere! ant tailor Peterson Gustave Adolph, tailor Biggert Mrs. Z., tailoress 108 Barry A. P., boots and shoes Dinsmore William, shoemaker Eij. Track intersects. 110 Richmond house, Arthur Langley, prop Aae John, blacksmith McKinnnn Hugh, teamster Blliott J., shoemaker Stewart T. C, tallyman Campiiell John, teamster Hudson John, laborer Dunn Charles, laborer Neeland Benjamin, logger Mackey William, longer 112 Chilberg James P«ter, grocer Freure Mark, clerk 114 O'Toole k Ralph, plumbers O'Toole James M. Rxlph William Mclntyre Archie, bookkeeper Harmon Edgar, tinner Linklater David, tinner Latrille John, tinner Barker Alfred, tinner Boardman Samuel, plumber Carrol Edward, plumber Mclntyre Samuel, apprentice Robinson James William, apprentice Wilband (Jeorge, apprentice Wilband Eliphalet, apprentice 118 Hawley Charles Matthew, harnessmaker Casselman Ranson, harnessmaker 124 Ontario Grocery store, William Terapleton, I)rop Frost Nathan, bookkeeper Mitchell Harry, clerk Foran James, clerk Campbell .Marvin, clerk Hastings intersects. • Harcus Sinclair, fruits 214 Tllo^ -IS Miss Fanny Oh :. .Viss Ada 210 Ci.u... * W, A., Chinese agent and Court translator 218 Frank Z., groceries Dupont intersects. • Opera Resort saloon, John E. Davis, prop 320 Vancouver Transfer Co., Frank Barnard, president; Josephus Cates, manager Stephens G. B., h:ick driver McKay John, hack driver McDonald Charles, hack driver Rannie Thomas, hack driver Small William, express driver Forsberg Charles, seaman Protor Harry, painter Anderson Louis, seaman Fox Frank, laborer Disney William, laborer • Central Wood & Coal Yard, John Mc- Dowell, prop Nicholl Samuel, teamster Brockwell David, teamster McLaren William, teamster Forsberg Charles, bargeman 326 Nicholls Miss Norah 328 S. Chong, laundry t and Court VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORT. 233 CAR CARROLL COL 332 Jim Kee, laundry Rear of Smith Airs. Mattie Foster Mrs. Viola Porterliel't Mrs. Fannie Earlie Mrs. Nellie * Woodworth Jas. H., & Co., coal and wood dealers Woodworth James Henry Rounsi'ii'll Ceorge F. Dempter William A. Adilison Joliti, teamster McKiiinoii Rwt-n. tramster Home Fred., teamster Foster Herbert, teamster 358 Royal City Pinning Mills Co. Ferguson ft. C, sum. Murray C. W., bookkeeper Pride J. A., iisst. bookkeeper Campbell O. VV., salcsmiin liiirns Cliarles, mill fortiman Maglady John, sawyer WEST SIDK. * Vancouver Wharfage and Storage Co., (Ld.), David Oppeiiheimer president; J. \V. McFarlane secty, Taynr T tu)mas, wharfinger * Linton John, boat builder Carse Josejih, laborer Peterson Charles, carpenter Barnard John, carpenter Clyde ('hris. J., laborer Carroll John, laborer Bmith Thomas, laborer Doyle Patriek, sailor Rice James, l:iborer Gleeson John, laborer Price Josi']ih, laborer Wright Joseph, carpenter Harvey John, laborer Edwards George, laborer Steele Jame?, longshoreman KaiUvay track intersects. ' Goodmurphy ('aleb, contractor 70 Ci inese Laundry * Side Entrance Sunnyside Hotel Water intersects. * Alhambra Hotel 1 Urquhart William, liquors, etc. 3 Graves Bros., bakers and grocers Graves John II. Graves J. P. Lnwson Stockham Frederick, baker 5 Brown Joseph, second hand furniture 7 Wbittier .v Cramer, barbers WhittierO. K. Cramer William J. Dunn J. T., barber Roy L., barber Goodmurphy Fred., barber 9 Michleson & Aptaker, second baud goods Michleson I.'^aac Aptaker Abraham Trottnee Alley intersectn. 19 Bodega. A. J. Macpherson, prop. Fortes Joseph, bartender Ueddes Daviil, bartender Macpherson Ewen C, land owner 23 Wriiiht John, fruits and cont'eclionery Wright Horace T., apprentice 27 Bru^s John, butcher 29 McAlpine D. L., M.D., druggist Frater Herbert, clerk 3.3 icen Jacob, fruits 36 Campbell A., confectionery Cordova beyins. * Balmoral Hotel * Mills Richard, boots and shoes Elliott Hugh W., shoemaker 107 Gordon George R., clothing 109 Davis W L., & Co., groceries Davis William Liphtbody Burrows Edward Douglass Fuller Joseph, driver 111 Deck Milton, fruits and confectionery Lane intersects. 113 Robertson R., gents' furnishings 11.") Vancouver Drug Co., Dr J. F. Rolls, mgr * Fogg Isaiah, general blacksmith McGnier James, blacksmith Armstrong Isaac James, blacksmith 116 Mager Bros , plasterers ilager N. Mager Philip COLUMBIA, from Fiilse Crook to 9th BOTH SIDES. Dufferin intersects. Lome intersects. Lansdoivne intersects. 5lh live internecls. Gth ave intersects. 1th ave intersects. 8th ave intersects. 9th ave intersects. * Mainland Brewery Robert Riesterer, prop. Zoelliner August, brewer Kidd W. J., C.P.R. 10//t ave intersects, llth ave intersects. 12th ave intersects. I3lh ave intersects. .3 '.a Ml HI ■f '■'% W , 1' 1 i I ! •n- ^ III! 'I -Jill 2' i-i, h'iir ♦" '*' I 234 Henderson's COL CORDOVA COR 14(A iiDe inter.uels. 15//i ave intemects, COLUMBIA, from Alexander to Du- pont * Wing Lee, Chinese liiundry C.P,H- truck inlersecti. 4 Vacant Fiaser Nornitin. teHinster I'owfll intersects. 6 Oppenhfinier Bros., side enlriince 13 V\ 11(1 Alfred, cabinetniiiker Wild Mrs. Altrt'd, boiirMiuK house Noble William, C.lMl. Scott G.-orge, insurHiico agent Nelson Cecelia, Miss doiaesiiu Oppenheimer interaecta. 108 Vacant 110 Vacant 112 Vacant 114 Vacant 118 Jones John David, carpenter 38 Middl' r & Powe, carriage shop Midiller William Powe Joseph ♦117 Bonner John, horseshoer * Stable 114 Robinson Arthur Josei)h, miner Ilastinijs K(iH iulerxects. 210 Cockins Thomas, coach builder 212 Vacant 214 Baltey George, laborer 216 Uonstantiae Arthur E. Z., laborer * Vacant 226 Chinese 228 Chinese 230 Vacant COMOX, from Burriird to Stanley Park * Mole Henry Thurlow intersects. * Earle Henry, carpenter Curray Francis, carpenter * McDonald Ronald McDonild Colin * Mace William Allen, carpenter King George Bute intersects, * Hemsley George, painter Jervis intersects, * New house Broughton intersects. Nicola intersects. Cdnlrro intirmcts. Bi'lwel interfects. JJenman intertecfa, (Jiltord intrrxecls. Chilco intersects. COKDOVA.from Carroll to C.r.R.wharf. KOUTH SIDE. * Lees & Dnwson, real estate Lees Andrew K. Diiwson George W. 11 Tilley Seth Thome, stationery Xlortou Arthur, clerk 13 Allan Genrpre l/awson, boots and shoes (Jraham WilliHui, slioeinaker White James, shoemaker Allan William Andrew, clerk Caldwell Block Hteven'" James A . shoemaker Rooms 1 Beck Albert Fdwaid, barrister Vancouver Electric llluiuiuating Co. (Ltd). Dunn t'lionins, president Ni'*holl.s F. v., nianiiger Heck Albert Edward, sec -treasurer " 11 City ot Vancouver B'.iilding Society, Joseph Huntley, sicretary " 5 Cargill W., accountant Blaciibiirn A. E. <' 6 County Court ollice, C. A. Caldwell, clerk " 7 Vacant " 8 Vacant Simpson John, bartender Moxon Henry 21 Kirschberg « Landsberg, clothing Kirschberg Samuel l.andsberg Frederick Clair George, clerk 25 Martin Francjois Xavier, groceries Danscrean Lmiis, bookkeejier Martin Henry Milton, clerk 27 Hart Frank William, furniture Morrison James, clerk Prior L., sen., bookkeeper Thompson Albert Eilward, upholsterer Baker Charles G., iiiiholsterer Crook Arthur, tinisher Dickie RoU-rt A., apjirentice Hurley J. F., upholsterer Howey F , apprentice Dickie George A., driver Symons C. Samuel, collector Gagnon Alex., cabin tmaker Harman Philip, cabmetiiiakcr West John, cabinetmaker Peters S., cabinetmaker Duncan Alex., cabinetmaker D.P.R.wharf. 3. A. Caldwell, VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 235 COR CORDOVA COR 31 Englfman E. V., cigars 3j l^uiiate Hotel and Chop House, Frank llonry McDavitt, |)ri)p. 8a\e Cli'muiit. night cojk Ahiiooe Daniel Todd Gibion Douglas James 39 Senate Haloon,iMcIiean & Stevenson, props. McLean U. P. I Stevenson S. 0. [ Heer George, bartender i 43 Fuiiiitain Saloon, Mcniatj dc Ammon, props i Amnion August j Meniaty R. I 49 SVobb Walter H., k Co , boots and shoes W'eleii John Short, shoemaker 51 Ferguson Diigald, fruits Hogg William Jackson, clerk 65 Vacant 57 Walktr David, barber 59 Thoiiiton John Mrowgroceries Brit; in Ernest, clerk 6.^ i\ ii'vje Barber "^iiop, Richard Kinp Winters, prop Walker David, barber Timmins Ft. C, barber Zobrist Jolin, barber Sloriter Maiigero, cigars, etc. «65 Hetreat shIooii, Johnson J. Binns, prop Williams John Kdgar, clerk Costii LongiH, boot black 71 Russell, McDonald k Co., notion store Husscll Charles McDonald James Forbes Andrew, clerk 75 Johnston & Co., auctioneers Johnson B. V. McCarren Richard, clerk • Hogg James, photographer Panel William, carpenter 79 Goldstein Aaron, general store S'i Grenberg Harry, second hand clothing 89 Hub hotel, Wm. Meier, prop. Batles Solomon, porter Barns — , bartender 91 Murphy Wm., merchant tailor Fletcher George, tailor Lundy William J , tailor Fraser Wm. G., tailor Whitworth Miss Lillian, tailoresB Atlantic Kecr ball, Swan & Doering, props Swan August Doering Charles Swan Frederick, bartender biuks George, painter Lepart John, laborer Peterson A., jeweller Reinhard Wm., physician 'heangide Clothing house, Z. Gordon Goldberg, prop Duff Joseph Burnett, clerk 93 97 # 99 Abbott intersects. 101 Cosmopolitan hotel and restaurant, Jacob Cohen, prop Simpson John, bartender Cowderoy Harry, steward Morris Prank, iiiglit waiter Chandler George, chief cook 135 Internal ioiial Hotel, P. A. Boehlfskj, lirop. Moran Josojih C, waiter Ward Charles, waiter 137 Dominion Real Estate and Loan Agency Timberlake Prederick S. Hassing L B. 139 Gray "> "o., grocers GrayC. 1. Gray T. »;. Fletclier Joshua, driver • Fo.xley Miss Emily, millinery Fo., ey I'er v E., ch-rk L' lartMiss Jessie, straw milliner and dreas* maker Sidney Matthew, carpenter Tresc'i't, Charles, carpenter Wheiham Block • Horroeka H. P., druggist Haundors 11. J., assistant • (Joldewood & Co., gents' furnishings • Lafferly k Moore, bankers Lalferty J. P. Moore E. J. Stewivrt Green William E., manager • Whetham (!., & Co., real estate Whetham Charles Smith John Ferros. Whetham James, physiciau Gamble intersects Masonic and Oddfellows, block 301 Bod well Bros., real estate Bodwell Fredwald Crandon Bodwell Prank Vining Smith John Ferres, clerk 303 Mizony & Co., wholesale liquors Mizony R. T. Croteau Eugene, bookkeeper 305 Painton & Dyke, pianos and organs Painton Fred. James Dyke George John Claude Dyke Prederick Wm., clerk Finlayson J. E., piano tuner 307 Robertson & Co , real estate Uoberlson Gedeon Boak Albert A. Goldie & McCulloch, safes Canadian Office Furniture Co., Ld. Standard Life Assurance Co. of Edinburgh London Guarantee and Accident Co. (Ltd) of Loudon, England Mutual Accident Association (Ltd) of Man* Chester, Eng., Plate Glass Insurance Dominion Plate Glass Insurance, Ontario, Mutual Life Assr. Co. r t: lit \[[ Killl t •M* 1 • ~ 1 ■-■~. 1 f' ^- Llfi ■ 1 , 1 I jff I*'-* Uk- 1';. '^' 1 "'■ !, :;j 1; i;.- '11 1 ■ '<• '« 236 HENDERSONS COR CORDOVA COR 309 Rooms 1 and 2 Corbould, McCoU A Jenns, barristers, solicitors, etc. Corbould Gordon E. WcColl A. J. Jenns E. A. Carapbell John, barrister, mgr Cameron .Miirdocli, accountant Rocas ;!, 4, 5 Biedenieyer Wni., Dr. Ph. as- sayer and mining engineer 6 Vacant 'i Vacant 8 Vacant 9 Vacant 10 Skiiininer Robt. Jas , forestry inspector 11 Vacant 13 Vacant Masonic Hall, andl. 0. 0. F. Hall 311 Upper flats 313 Illensworth — , confectioner 315 Goodwin & Trevor, real estate Goodwin \V. K. Trevor R D. Burrell Harry S., clerk 317 B. C. Investment Co. Anderson David Aicock Jonathan R. Hay Charles Harris R . W. 319 Store 321 Store * Back entrance Greyhound hotel 233 Vacant 237 Jones H. A., & Co., real estate 312 Jones H. A., & Co., real estate Jones Harrv Albert Cowderoy William, bookkeeper Atlas Assnrance Co., Fire Turner George, capitalist Hirschberg Martin H,, accountant Water street ends. * Vacant building SOtTTH SIDB. » 2 Balmoral hotel, Allen & McDonald props Allen Thomas G. McDonald Dan. Lester Gow Dan., mgr Bennetti saw mill Ball W. T., real estate agent Luscombe Cliaa. Beaudry Eugene, O.P.R. clerk Stevenson Thomas, street supt Cottinghani M., bartender Monteith J. C. McKenzie Alex. Edwards VVni. McFarlane George, contractor Garden George McVicar J. Haves George, butcher 4 Upliam George Frel., real estate Acorn Al'xanma3 Gabriel, jun., cigarmaker Simon Jacob, apprentice Blomqnist F. M., painter Miller Henry G., cabinetmaker 164 Strutt Charles H., dry goods London House Lawrt-nce William Charles, clerk Foxley — , clerk 166 Mairee Edgar Allison, barrister McLeod .Misses, dressmakers McLeod .Miss Emma McLeod Miss Maggie McLeod Miss .Margery Lawrence William Chas. 174 Cowdery Joiin J., teas and coffees Welsh Frederick, clerk 176 Haywood iV Black, real estate Haywood William C. Black Alexander P. Sun Life Insurance Co. Bowker John Sylvester, clerk Wilkinson Michael, Brivrhouse clerk Standard Oil Co. of U.S. Morrell Charles C. 178 Kirkland .Miss Lizzie, dressmaker 182 Wright Alfred William, fruit and groceries Newitt Thomas Henry, clerk Webster James \i., driver Cook John, driver 184 Madill E. B., & Co., butcher shop MiidiU Ebenezer B. Marr Hi'iiry Broad Fnink, butcher 166 Soules & York, groceries,fr»it and produce Soules Thomas W. York Archibald Scrivener James, clerk 190 Rounsfell k Co,, real estate Rouu.sfell John Banes George II II Bent Joseph Howe, ins. canvasser Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assn. Catihie intersects. Palace Cigar Store, Charles Lang, tobac- conist 204 Wilson George Ingram, dry goods Scott Walter Charles, clerk Mcbeod James Stiwart, clerk Mark Joscjih Piiili|i. clerk ^hort Benjamin J., clerk 206 Room 3 MoPhillips Lewis Griffith, barrister Room 3 Quigley J. Harry, liw student 1 Williams Adulphiis, barrister 2 Patterson Wilson S., sheriff's officer Pattfrson's Deteciive Agency Shirley Thomas, bailiff " 4 Burritt Henry Dunham, dentist " 6 & 7 Tuck k Black, barristers Tuck Francis Herbert Black Alfred Seymour 9 Vacant 12 Nettertield Mrs, Sarah, widH., bdg.hse, NetterHeld Miss CM, " 14 Dixon — , collector " 15 Dyke George Jolin Claude " IG Fulton — , painter " 17 Buntzen John, bookkeeper " 18 Rooney, — chief ry. mail clerk " 19 Clark John, printer N.A. " 20 Jaiiiiesoii — , printer N.A. " 21 Siewiiit William, tailor 208 Pyke Joseph Alexander, boots and shoes Short William Andrew, clerk 210 Commercial College, oordon & Robinson Gordon R. G, Robinson J. W. 212 Morrison John Wallace, mer tailor Jo-eph C. A., tailor Coogaii Kdwaril, tailor Siewart William, tailor Murray Archibald, tailor Vishoot I., tailor Po'de Miss Klla, tai'oress Lindsay Miss Lizzie, tailoress Adams Miss — , tailoress Fletcher Miss — , tailoress '.i20 Winnipeg (Jonfectionery Tapley John, coiifcctiouer (i rigor Kicliard, clerk 222 Aiclier W. C. & Co , real estate Archer Walter Churles Holiii'S Alfred James 224 Pacific Hotel, Fritz Schneider, prop. Fitzgerald William, bartender (toldsmith Jose: h, waiter Mcintosh Miss Lizzie, waitress Myers .Miss Anuie, waitress Riber Joseph, cook 228 Kggert Jules.A Co., watchmakers Rtfgert Jules 230 Barker Uobt., red estate VANCOTTVER STREET DIRECTORY. 239 COR CORDOVA COR 232 World Printinsf and Publishing Co. McLagHU J. C., mamiger MacGivjror J Mines M ., bookkeeper O'Brien Jolin M., editor Stewart Alex. K., city editor Baillie W,, iis'^t. editor Ourrie Geo. G., reporier Farley (Jeorge \V., sub agent Evans Kilward W,, forcinaa Gillis Albert J . dfvil Fowler Fred. W , coin|)ositor Fulton John A., compositor Hendeisou George G., conjpositor Davidson Alex. S.,com)iosiior Burtley Geo., compositor Wilson W. SleP., compositor Gathers Thos., pressirian 238 Stirtaii G. S., a Go., clotbingand gents' fgs Stirtan George Stephen Matthi'ws Tlioiriiis, clerk Lnnderm.in Gustave, cutter Winch Loiii.'S, tailor Hoist Chai'los, lailor AlcClcllaud Miss, tailoress ll'imer hey ins. 310 Nelson Miss S. K., miiniles, millinery and dressmaking 314 Douglas J, (!., liquors Bosusto W. Charles, clerk 32i5 (JIark tlharlcs, crockery and fancy goods Little Miss Keli'ti, clerk 328 Morrow riiDiiias Uussell, druggist Stearman FreUerick Charles, drug clerk 330 Vacant 332 Room I Yates, Jay & Russell, barristers Yates James iStmirt Jay Georgi-, jou. Uussell Joseph Ambrose, L.L.B. Ru-sell Fillies It., law clerk " 2 Havana Cigar Factory, Iloland Web- ster, mijr. Marrioit Frederick, cigarmaker Chaudier Atkinson, cigarmaker King Joseph, iippfeniice " 3 Pftei'son A.K-'I., mtg. jeweller " 4 Bi'll-IiviniT (fc Johnston, physicians Bell-Irving Duncan Johnston George David '• 7 ImImimI lievemie • Miller — 334 TrylhiiU William John, printer City Prihiing V\ o'ks Woodward Mis^ (Jrace, cli'rk Ford Frank AUri-d, [irinter Bellamv S. Inev Trythiill ILuvard Crickniav Kdgnr " Home Cheer ' W.C.T.U., monthly " Instiiiiie the Y P. Metho.list Church 338 TatlowA Spinss, rei.l estate Tatlow Robert Garuett tipiuka John .Manly Healy J. A , bookkeeper Canada Life Assurance Co. London & Lancashir" Fire Ins. Co. Vancouver Improvement Co. liichards 'legins. 40() Moore Horatio G , fruit and confv. 408 Campbell Riderick, boots and slioes Dmicaa Geo., shoemaker Meriis Gi'o., shoemaker 410 H irne James Welton, capitalist Ellis R G , By. mail clerk (}i'dili8 J P. Abbots, private secy. Ward J. H., C.P.R. clerk Hendersoii II H., plasterer 412 Vacant 414 Str.iuhe Valerian J., gunsmith 4lti Vancouver Photo Co. Hull James Dcakin Mi'rioti Frederick, cigarmaker iSini:(son — , bank clerk Wickenden (J.O. 418 Bosion Millinery Rooms Logan Miss Minnie 8now.ion Horace Lioyd, lumber agent 420 (afianese Sioie, the, Galbraith k Carapioa props Gidbtaith Julius Frazell Campion Joseph W. Biggart Percy, clerk 422 Blaekmoie Willian), architect Barnett Thomas E'tward, raech. eng. Ciinadian Pacilic Steamship oherty f. W., gang liler Hunter Edwin E , carpenter McDonald Alex. J., carpenter Hyland Hugh, cari)eiiter NilfSon August, planer Ridley A. H., water tender Gagnon Frank, edger sawyer Apnaiit George, edger sawyer Robb John, gang sawyer Heyden Uliarles, screw turner Miirton It. B., luth sawyer Ridd Edwin, yard tallyman Sione R. L., mill tallyman Vickers Arthur, ship tall^mau itansom Ira, fireman Ansell E'lwiii, uight watchman Brown John, day watchman AlcRae John, log hauler Sully George, log turner Sfvigne Bert, liilli sawyer Taylor John, planer feeder McDougal Daniel, millhaud Vouiig Ellis, millliand Ransom Jay, millhand Frost Henry T., millhand Gagnon William, millhand Camp Henry, millhand Wallers Frank, millhand Millin Patrick, millliand Hewson Charles, millhand Godlaygo Frank, millhand Glovii John, millhand Solano August, millhand Wdkaiiny George, millhand Thoiiip-iou John, millhand While Frederick, milllumd Morrison Archibald, millhaud Pc'lois Bci son, millhand McLeod J , laborer Chandler Seth, millhand Joquiii John, millhand (Jordiiier I'et'-r, blacksmith Tullis James, blackfiiiiih W eleh George, millhand McLean H., millhand Lee F. A., machinist Burke Charles, millhand Railway intersects. Ridlev A.H., Hastings sawmill Caullield Ed., forenuiu Hastings Saw Mill Alexander intersects. Dobson Frank Scott. Vane, city mills Dobson George, millwright Stanford James, contractor Gibb David, stonecutter Powell intersects. O H ""5i a i 11 "■I,j i i!i«;i:'! .[■ rail ..:■': P*:i ;;it li !. ::| 242 HENDERSON'S DUP DUPONT DUP Oppenheimer intersects. * Cargill William llaslings intersects. * Vacant Princess intersects. Keefer intersects, Harris intersects. Barnard intersects-. Prior intersects. * Satchfll George, bricklayer * Satchell Joseph, laborer DUPONT, from Carroll to Princess NORTH SIDE. 1 Pook Chung Lung, grocery 3 Hong Yuan, merclmut 6 Chinese 9 Hop Yeck, merchants 11 Ross Miss iMiiude Hedges Miss Kitty Motfet Miss Fanny Norton Miss Clara Bell Miss Laura 13 Kwong Joy Slung &. Co., merchants 17 Hill Miss Gertie Barnes Miss Eva Bush Miss Josie 23 Montague Miss Delia Wallace Miss Eltie 25_TriV()li Saloon, L. Horenstein, prop Ansman Samuel, bartender Walter Jncob Frederick 29 Wing Sang k Co., merchants 31 Chinese 33 Kam Wo & Co., butchers 37 Wolshiri Solomon, grocer ♦39 Chinese ♦41 Chinese 43 Toch Sing Laundry ♦43JChinese vegetables 45 Morgan ilisa Milly Columbia av ends. 101 Vacant store 107 Sam Lung Laundry * Ouelleite Frank, laborer 121 Smith Miss Flora Smith M.3« Josie Reynolds Miss Annie 123 Hanley Miss Grace Lloyd Miss Carrie Smith Miss Flossie Clittbrd Miss Stella 125 Nelson Miss Annie 131 Reno Miss Laura Reno Miss Dora Grant Miss Alice Westminster av intersects. SOUTH SIDB. 2 Opera ({esort saloon, John Elmer Davis, prop Deal John, bartender 4 Hip Tuck Lung &. Co., merchants G Chinese 8 Chinese 10 Wing Yuen & Co., merchants 15 Hip Cliing Lung & Co., gen. employment furnishers 22 Chinese •24 Chinese 28 John Kee, merchant 30 Chinese 34 ('liinese 36 Wing On Tai & Co., merchants 38 Vacant 38jToug Yuen, laundry 4o"King Kung, merchants 42 Chinese 44 Taylor Miss Ada 50 Toy Sam Low, prociTies 52 Cook Williiim S., sand and lime Brechin Robert, bookkeeper Cook George E., teamster Haniiltoii George, teamster iMcDoiiald Daniel, teamster Latlin William, teamster SuMimerville William, captain of scow Brethour (Jhristoplier, scowuian Currie John, scowman Snyder Elmer, scowman 54 Brush Miss B. 100 Palmer Bros., commission merchants Palmer Joseph Williflm Palmer Henry TlioniHS Palmer Robert Verner Harris Charles, teamster Thomas Charles, teamster Lilley John, teamster 102 Hip Juno, merchants 106 Ah '^ean 110 Tong Hung, merchant *H2 Lai Hing Long, merchants *114 Howard William Lawrence, barber Miles William, barber *116 Sam Kee, merchants 112 Vacant 114 He Choner, laundry • Chinese Church Chan Sing Kai, Chinese preacher 28 LalBn Wdliara Henry, teamster • Gilchrist William, cabinet maker • Patterson Wilson Silas, bailiff • Vacant • Buie Duncan, carpenter • Glasgow Hotel VANCODVEE STREET DIRECTORy. 243 r sects. •;imerDavi8,prop ercliants ants gen. employment DUN DUNSMUIR KVE I DUNSMUIR, from Bentty to Burrard Vacant BOTH SIDES. Cambie intersects. Hamilton intersects. Ehants iid lime per r er er plain of scow owuian merchants !r nts nee, barber preacher amster ;t maker bailiif 200 Vacant 20- Chapman Charles, plasterer Ciiapmaa Mrs. Cliarle.s, dressmaker Miller Mrs. William John, dressmaker 204 Radley James, cook 206 Riisliton John, Vane. City Foundry 208 Wliite Joseph, boilermaker C.P.R. 210 Weaver Jacob, bricklayer Weaver Thomas, carpenter Latigtre William, carpenter * Miller William John, carpenter Miller Mrs. William John, dressmaker 216 Roberts Mrs S. E. Green Wi liam Kdward Green Alfred Edward Roberts Miss Mildred 218 Murphy William, merchant tailor *222Macey William Couch, bricklayer Jlacey William Henry, plasterer Maccy Georjje Ali^ert, lather Maeey Charles Alfred, lather *224Maeey t:$aniuel Thomas, plasterer Mortimer — , merchani^tailor Homer intersects. * Sacred Heart Academy, Sister Mary Alex- ander, superioress 309 Hill John B., contractor 311 liOW John llalowes, captain Richard intersects. * Vacant * Stewart John Colin, carpenter « McGregor James Mortimer, bookkeeper McGregor Henry Mortimer, clerk * Campbell Roderick, boots and shoes Hill .losepli, carpenter * Burnham Leonard William, foreman Criuien — , carpenter McKenzie Miss Catherine, dressmaker Burnham Mrs. Leonard William, dressmaker Seymour intersects, * Dunsmuir st. private school Maitland Miss M. G. E., teicher Graham Miss A, E. T., teacher Granville intersects^ Howe intersects. * New house Hornby intersects. Burrard street. 8TH AVE, IroiuVine to Princo Edward Westminster ave intersects. * Woodward Herbert, mariner Woodward Chas. Herbert How., carpenter Woodward Reginald Percy, clerk Woodward Miss Grace F. Woodward Miss Beatrice * Mason Wiliiara Hamilton, milk ranch Quebec intersects. Oiitario intersecti . Manitoba intersects, Columbia intersects. AVE, from Vine to Prince IITH Edward. Westminster Road intersects, * Trimble Edward, sen., teamster Trimble Edward, jun., apprentice * Vacant house * Hamilton John E., carpenter Hamilton Percy Hoar Rutus * Taylor Robert Blackwood, carpenter Garvie Henry, carpenter Taylor Lorina M., bookkeeper Westminster ave, intersects, * Griffith Joseph Quebec intersects, * Lee John, gardener * Vacant Ontario interiects , Manitoba intersects. Columbia intersects . EVELEIGH, from Burrard to TImrlow ROTH SIDES. * New house vacant * New house vacant * Conner Samuel Richard « Shelton Giles, car inspector C.P.R. * Vacant * Matthews John, teamster * Copp Per>y Gilman, roofer * New house * Eikins Samuel, laborer * Munro John, contractor Thurlow street. ( { ltd o ? ^ I'll 11-" A / 1 !■■{ 1 -r mi ; m <'■ A f"-^" r ! it I I I'! s- ^1 I I** '4* 3 ■ I i Ill; It] ' .'I! 244 bendrrson's FRO 'GEORGIA GEO 5TH AV, from Vino to Brunwick. BOTH SIDES. * Kerr John J., carpetitpr • Budlong Frank Loreiizo, carpenter Brunstoifk begins. • Stafford William W., printer * Vacant ♦ Rosenberg Alfred, carpenter • McGiiire Robert, madiinist McGuire Wallace, engineer Amos — Westminster av. intersects. Quebec intersects. Ontario intersects. Manitoba intersectn. Columbia intersects. FRONT STREET, from Prince Ed- ward to * Hayes & Mcintosh, slaughter house Hayes George Mclntosli — Jago William, slaughterman Wnst J., slaugliteruian # Van Volkenburg A: liros., slaughterhouse Biisbridge George, slauglitermau Mitchell John, slauglitermau Fisher George, sausHge maker Day William, driver n'esfminstcr av. intersects. * Learay & Kyle, saw mill False Greek GEORGIA, from Boatty to Coal Har- bor. BOTH SIDES. Cambie interfects. Hamilton intersects. 205 Black Walter, bricklayer 207 Rae Thomas Miller, carpenter Gibson Alex-nder, carpenter 209 Dulmuiel Charles 211 Coughlln John, C.P.R. 213 Kemp John, carpenter Anderson Allred, barber Homer intersects. 300 Hay — , bookkeeper 304 Scoullar Andrew William, manager 308 Le Cappellain John Osborne, clerk * St Andrew's Church Richard intersects. * Congregational Church rev. J W. Pedlev pastor ' Srymonr intersects. * Stanley Park stables, Queen Bros., props Miller Ale.xander, siableman Hamilton Hugh, driver Polly Richard, driver * Sir Donald A. Smith's new block Granville intcrxects. * Hotel Vancouver, Kinnear Stanley, mngr, Smith A. B., chief clerk Walker W. H., accountant Burns V irlender Bliike J I'ler Grigg C , steward Schniuli, (. JS., chief conk Leathern K , second pastry cook Alhinson J., engineer iMcGiiire Mrs,, housekeeper Lindsay Mrs., pantiy woman McConnell J., lieMd'waiter Taitersall H., second jiorter Somuierville K., bell ooy Ray W., bell boy Siiear A., bell boy Sliook F., bell boy Booth T., fireman Laberge A., fireman Heid J. A., nifflit watchman McUonahi Alex, yardman McLean J. K , upholsterer Inge James, waiter Smith J. C, waiter Laionde J., waiter Welsh Charles, waiter Haynes Frank, waiter Blown John, waiter McKeeH. E., capitalist Delbuck A., capitalist Vatighan J. W. Major Major G W., warehouseman Buxton William, Rand Bros. Haywood W. C, real estate Mtidigaii Miss Lizzie, clerk news stand Howe intersects. * Beckingsale D.L., M.D. * Daua A.,C.P.K. Hornby intersrcts, * Christ Church, rev. H. P. Hobson, incum- bent Burrard intersects. * Browning John M., C.P.R. We'sh Miss Kate, domestic * Bodwell Ebenezer Vining Bodwell Frank Vining Bodwell Miss Annie E. L. * McGillivray Donald, bridge contractor Parker Miss Kate VANCOUVEE 8TRKET DIRECTORY. 245 GEO QEOBQIA GOR •ev. J W. Pcdley, 1 :<». 1 j een Bros., naa props J 3W block ect3. ir Stanley, mngr. i nt iry cook per nittn '. ter rter y '! Hobson, incua- * McFarlane Duncan A., brickyard * WiUon James » Riind C. D., of Ranrt Broa. * Cambie Henry John, C. E. * Hobson rev. H. P., incumbent Christ Ch. Rawduti Sarab Ann Tkurlow intersect!. * Diinn Thomas, hardware Northgraves Miss Jennie, nurse * Lucas William Francis, contractor « Ceppiley H. T., of iloas & Ceperley Jenkins Miss Rnima * Johnson Charles, gardener, court registrar Riecli Miss Dolly, domestic * Martin F. X., grocer Martin L. A., clerk Martin M. M., clerk * Wilgress Henry Thomas, C.P.R. Soaraes Miss Edith, domestic Xorinan Miss Alice, nurse Empey Miss Edith * Johnston George David, MR.O.S., L.R.C.P. * Whetham Charles, real estate Wheihara James, .M.D. Ross Miss Helen, domestic Bute intersects. y Morrison John Wallace, mcr tailor Johnston Harry Linwood, Rand Bros. ■Johnson E. E., surveyor I* Leash John, accountant I* Mulhall James Joseph, clerk C.P.R. I • Xew house ■ • New house Jervis intersects. I* Mackay Geerge Grant, real estate Mackay Harry Hadfield Miickay .Miss Lily J. Mackay Miss Florence |»Siitherlanl Morrison. Dom. imm. agent I* Ferris William, solicitor Ferris P. M., clerk Ferris H. P., clerk Ferris Miss K. E. I* Logan Matt., florist I* New house Brouffhton intersects. I* Alcock Jonathan Rutherford, real estate I* .Mershon Lewn Herman Trevor — MuLaren Miss Lizzie, domestic Nicola intersects. [* Vew house I* Vacant Caiitero intersects, Bidwell intersects. Dentnan intersects. * Mohran John, longshoreman Gilford intersects. Cliilco intersects. * Stanley Park , coal harbor Avison Henry, park ranger GOEE AVK, from Alexander South to Prior. RAST SIDE. 24 McFarlaue Joseph Walter, secretary Water- Works •26 Saunder Henry John, druggist Broad Frank, butcher *28 Munroe — , C. P. R. wharf Powell intersects. 50 Cameron John Daniel, carpenter Cameron Miss Evelyn Edith, dressmaker 52 Tays Alexander, expressmaa 5(> St. Luke's Church Oppenhi-imer intersects. Hastings intersects. * Vacant house 313 Scott Robert, bricklayer Bennett Thomas, laborer Princess intersects. * Peterson L. A. tailor Nelson Mrs. Charlotte Nelson L. P., lumberman Cope Joseph Alfred, well sinker StatFord John, well sinker * Mityne Thomas, carpenter Keefer intersects. Harris intersects. Barnard intersects. Prior intersects. * Slade John, painter Slade John Edward, clerk * Gribble Charles Henry, upholsterer WEST SIDR. *2l Elson — , speculator 23 Hall William, carpenter Oppenheimer intersects. 107 McKay George Hastings intersect!. * Studden Frederick, steamer Pearl Studden Alfred, waiter Princess ave intersects. Ke^'er intersects. /*': J 'Hi A > , ,l4l ;1 V:"^ i, iiill i ■i I .. i ^ « 'V.,J»l I!' Carroll John T., M.D. Herod John, contractor Cook Charles, engineer V. E. Light Lindsay Mrs. Katharine, wid Lindsay Miss Katharine Lindsay Miss Alina 416J Draper Arthur Wellington, druggist Tite John Reynolds, drug clerrk * New York block Carter Chas., jun., music dealer * ScouUar E. S., & Co., stoves and house fgs. Golquhoun Robert A , clerk • Carter C. k C, music store Carter Charles, sen. Carter Charles, jim. * C.P.R. General olfices genbral hupt's. oppicb. Abbott H., gen supt Geddes J. P., secy Dinsmore T. W., clerk Townley J. W., assf. to gen supt Suckling A. E., clerk PAY ROLCS DKPT. Henderson Stanley, chief clerk Smith E. F., clerk Kidd W. J., clerk Pew S. G., clerk VOUCIIBK DEPT. MuUhall J. J., chief clerk Angus Richard, clerk STATIO.NEUY DEPT. Wright L. H., agent CAR accountant's DEPT. Morrow Geo. L., acting car acct ASST. SUPT'S. OFFICE. Downie VVm., asst supt Brett R. E., clerk DKSPATCHER'S OFFICE. Miller W. (J., chief despatcher Stevens A. E., despatcher Hayden Frank W., despatcher GBN. FREIGHT AND PASS. DEPT. Brown D. E., asst gen. frt. and pass, agent I Loutit J. J., chief clerk Cameron A., clerk Bourne A. S., clerk Heathcote 6. V. clerk Stewart F. W., clerk Robertson D., clerk LOCAL AflBNCT. Gonnon H. E., agent Brown J., chief cleric Forrest W. H., cashier Melntosh W. D , clerk SchoKeld J. H., clerk McCreary J., clerk Apens R. A., clerk Moore F. J., clerk Pickering W., clerk Schofield P. J., clerk TICKET AGENT. Brown Geo. McL., agent Townley R., asst agent VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 247 GRA QRANVILLE GRA rk re 'FICB. ;en supt »T. f clerk r. c IPT. DEPT. ir acct 'FIOE. •■noB. tcher r etcher iSS. DKPT. t. and pass, agen; GENERAL BAOGAOB DEPT, Sinclair P. U., agent PDItCH.VSINO DKPT. Dana A. J., asst |)urchusiii<; agt Barker (J. F., clerk TREASURY OEPT. Salsbury W. P., local treas iJiuitn L. N., cashier PAVMASTBIl'S UKPT. Wilgress II. T., pa/nmster LAMD DEPARTMENT. * C.P.R. Land Department Browniiij; Jolin Milne, commissioner Paintpr Hurry John, accountant Rubertiion Francis Mullock, cleik Hiuurt James Duff, clerk C.P.R. Telegraph office Young William B , local mgr * Vacant store * Dominion Brewing & Bottling Wori«a Mitchell k Scpiier, props Mitchell W. Fred. SS()uier William Harvey Mi'.Mullen James, bottler Upstairs Usburn William List George S. Williams Sidney, C.E. Williams John T., C.E. Suckling A. K., clerk C.P.R. Gibson George F., C.P.R. Gill Lister, clerk 462 Simpson Bros., mer tailors Simpson Zuchariah Simpson John Murphy Mrs. Agnes, tailoress 464 McLean Malcolm Gordon, liquorsandiigars Peake James, clerk Mee Charles, C.P.R. police Watson Samuel Horton Nicholas, carpenter Georgia intersects. WEST SIDE. Hastings West intersectt. 209 Vacant 211 Sliaver Nicholas, plasterer Shaver John, plumber Shaver James Pender internects. * Rand Bros., branch office, real estate Rand Edwin, manager Diplock A. B., salesman Ferris Percy, clerk * Brown D. E. Lambert Joseph, barber Richwrds S. 0. Calleudcr — > bookkeeper Dunsmuir inttrsfCts. * Skene William, whol. dry goods 425 VMCiint 427 Allen William John, mechanic 429 Spear John, gardener Matthews T. H., contractor Matthews Sidney, carpenter Seeker Robert, waiter Georgia interiectn. GRANVILLE, from Gooi-gia to False Croek. nOTH SIURS. * Hotel Vancouver * Sir Donald A. Smith Block * New block * New block RobsoH intersects. * New block * Saloon * Vacant store * Vacant new block * Green John Alban * Vacant store Smiths intersects. * Marsden Henry, clerk Marsden .Miss Mary Marsden .Miss Margaret Annie Marsden Miss Ben ha McLachlan 0., of Shannon & .McLacblaa * Vermilyea Block No. I vacant Nelson intersects. Helmcken intersects. * ClowesJohn, carxpnter * McKenzio John, , m mason McLeod Malcolm, logger * Dubberley Joseph, mariner Davie intersects. * Golden Gate Hotel, William Herbert Field prop Robinson Frederick Charles B.O, Holman Lewis, merchant Nelson Charles Fuller — , foreman St. Ry. Co. McApin Colin, ship builder Long Cecil Bushnell J. H., engineer C.P.R. Merriman C. B., real estate * Granville strecit Dining Hall, Harry King Sargeant, prop \Y ■ Bouer Miss Mary, waitress Larsson Miss Annie F., cook McLeod Colin, blacksmith McLeod J,, bookkeeper /", i. t \ ) ^''^ 'f' r:: 248 Henderson's M iU GRA GUANVn.LB HAM .1 WW ■ 1 ■! I ■ ) f le lluilaon Kdiiiiind, engineer {Stewart — Fader John Glijali, of Fader Bros. Fader Maymird 1'., clerk Di(n])hinee VVillium, bookkeeper Fader Hiliw, of Fader Broa. Fader K., A Co., (jroceriea tiaraden ilinry, clerk Drake intersects. * Colonial Hotel, Albert Dlcbel, prop. AkKay Albert Jones Kdward, carpenter Wiess Jncob Evnld, inrner Maling Wallace, niillhand Hennessy Tlumias K,, fireman C.P.R. JIcNabb J , fireman C.P.R. Kennedy Willium, C.P.R. Fraser Simon, C.P.I?. Skifflngton George, C.P.R. Roclion J. A , arpenter Clnson Thomas, engineer C.P.R. * Vacant new block Pacijic intersects. Railwai) Truck intersects, * Fader Bros., saw mill Fader Albert Fader John Elijah McLeod John Angus, bookkeeper Foster John Rupert, manager Mahoney John, tun-man Hudson Edmund, engineer Errington James, niillhand Parker I. R , millband MacCove A., filer Thompson George, millhand McEwan John, tallyman Sargeant Henry King, tallyman Carl-on Frederick, watchmau HotTar S. G., yardman Fadder Ma.\nard P., clerk * Donohue k Boutilier, sash & door factory Donohue John T. Ko'itilier Fnincis Danphinee William Ulric Donohue M'illiam, engineer Hotl'neister Leonard, machine hand Ballard A., cariienier Baur Joseph, helper Wc Hardy Charles, helper McDonald A., carpenter Maling Wallace, millhand Nesbeth Herbert, millhand * Heaps E. H., new furniture factory * Martin Jo-eph, carpenter McLeod Philip, seaman '**' McLeod Colin, blacksmith * Pomeroy George John, carpenter HAMILTON, from J[iiHlin.<.,'HtoSmltho 104 Rawley Jno Copner, house and sign painter * Robi-rtson k Hackett, coutractora Robertson David Mat'kelt James William Kaine CharleSj carpenter Pepin Theoplide, cariienter Falconer Peier, carpenter * New Court House Pender intersects, 309 iMcLagan John Campbell, editor " World " iMcLagan John, booixkeeper .Mandelsloh .Miss .Malihla *321 Carter Charles, mu.>*ic store Beckett Thomas, painier Low C, prop, sir "Pearl" Patridge Robert Dempter — 323 ISynions Ct:arles, merchant tailor 325 Wiight Albert W., grocer Doidge Lanncelot, carpenter 327 McLeod John Uricbar, mail clerk Muilaw Jessie, widow William 329 Rounsefell John, leal estate Rounsefell George Rounselell Krank, bookkeeper Rounsefell Anbry. clerk Rounsetcll .Miss .Mary *33lBHuks George, machinist Vunsmuir intersects, * First Baptist Church * Kennedy rev. Janiea Bell, pastor First Baptist Church * Young Frank, of Cope & Young Cope Frederick, of Cope & Vouug * York Archibald, grocer * Xew house * New house 433 Johnston James Irvine, merchant tailor Risein Miss Annie Kerfoot William John * New house * Gillies Imniel Webster, bookkeeper Buie Miss Nellie * Vacant Georgia intersects, * Bain William A., carpenter * Mullen John Samuel, lather * Barker Robert, plHSterer Barker Christoplier, jilasterer * Oldfield John William, carpenter * JlcClenathen Arthur Frederick, carpenter Perkins Henry, carpenter Rohson intersects, Smithe intersects. ,'HtoSmillio 111 aign painter utorit tor " World ' ilor erk pastor First Iff lUg lilt tailor jeper carpenter VANCOUVER 8TBEET DIRECTORY. 249 IfAR IIA8TIN08 WEST HAS UAllO, from BiirriirJ to Stanley I'urk * MoLachliin Duniol. C.P.R. • I'oreiit Aluxaiiiiur, yard master C.P.R. T/iiirloii< inte'necti. 30 Oalbraith JuliiM F,, Jnjianeso store • Shaiinnn — , of .Shmmon Si McLachlan * Ik'i'U'aiix (Icorge K., grocer Nelson liana • .New hoMsf' • Mrtfkay Uohcrt, real estiito Darcay Mrs, Maria, widow ♦ Haldwin Ocorf,'!' Frodcrirlc, city treasurer * ('ojlins Ileni'j, dry goods ♦ Vnc.nt New liouse Bute intersects. * Bowell John, collector of Customs ff<'rvis intirsrcts. * Robinson Fleming, C.lMl. Jiroitghton intersects. Nicola intersects. Carihro intersects. Btdii'i'll intersects. Denman interacts. Gilford intersects. Chilco intersects, HARRIS, from FaJHo Crock to Boun- dary iiv. 100 Crowder k Peiizer, coal CrowdtT Stanley Penzer Kdward SmitS — , temnster 108 Graham llu Roedde Gustave Adolphe • Foley Jame* Murnis, ilriver Foley Patrick W., tisherman 227 Ward Robert C , carriage maker 229 (loliaon Tliomaj Hood ^A'i Hiitson James, plasterer •jiW .Malheson — , einp. V- C. F. I:i9 Rue George, contractor (Ji.ie av tulersfcts . Garden >Villiam, tea merchant Garden John Garden William, jr. JJunlevn av intersects. HASTINGS WEST, from Carroll to Biirrard. SOUTH sinie. 6 Pound George, printer N. Adv Pound George, jun., apprentice 12 O'Toole k lliilpli. cornice shop 30 .Vortbern hotel, Scott & Lillie, props Scott Samuel .Voblo Lillie Tliomas W. 40 Vacant 64 Veysey Charles Cladius, blacksmith and carriage shop Morrison Thomas, blacksmith Woods All)ert, blacksmith Creelmau Duncan, woodworker Abbott intersects. * Whitiside — , tailor Cook — Sam Lee, laundry 112 Spillman E , painter McDonald — 114 MctJall Arthur Simpson, carpenter 138 Walker Arthur, janitor Swain Wiley, Janitor 140 Spencer Mrs. Caroline, wid, laundry 142 Myles Robert Johnson, peddler 144 Vacant ■rl • I a . a 1 \p^ 11 H i ! il »* Umtn "I; 250 Henderson's HAS HASTINGS WEST HAS 162 New* AilviTtiser book biti'lery Rodde Oiistave A , hdokbimier Mallandiiino Frederick, ruler Wood Miss Emily Cao Miss Louise Cao Mi;ss Italia Camliie intersects. Cook E Iwurd, contractor brick and stone Winsor Will am, bookkeeper Hamilton begins. 226 Robertison Robert, stoves and tinware Kav Alexander, tinner Gallagl,er \V. H. 230 Leamy k Kyle, lumber merchants Leamy James Kyle (xeorge F. Woods John (Jporgp. manaetPr McDongall Aixanier. bookkeeper Carter Cliarles Henry, cnller Homer intersects, 310 Blomqnist F. M., painter Fisher (Jeorpe, puinter SlOiAllan Wm. FredericK Allan (ieorpe Lawson Allan Wm. Andrew, clerk Allan Miss Eleanor M. Evans Divid Awrey Peter 312 Major it Pearson, real estate Major Charles (J. Pearson Th"s. Robson Hall James Z., nanaj^er Confederation Lite Assoeiation Royel Fire Ins. Co. of Livert)ool National Fire Ins. Co. of Ireland Brown Charles L , clerk Hooper Thomas, architect Wood Wm. Henry, clerk Trevor Ernest, draughtsman Richards intersects, 400 Cope k Young, dry goods (Jope Fred. Young Francis Henry Reid Georgre Lewis, clerk Bertrand Miss Virginia, clerk 408 Shelton & Co., furniture Shelton Henry Thomas Wilson W. A. McFarlane Frank, cabinetmaker Taylor William, upholsterer 412 Weeks & Ford, grocers Weeks Geo. W. Ford James A. Steele Wm , driver 414 Vacant Hats 416 Vacant store 4Ib Vacant store 438 Bank of British Columbia, James Cooper Keitl?. manager Rhodes Harry, accountant Slater Charles Richard, paving teller Gibson Frs. James P., rec. teller Harvey Richard Garnham, ledger keeper Stewart John, ledger keeper Heatlicott Bruce, <'lerk Patterson Thimias 11., clerk Finlayson Wm. Henry, clerk Fox Pittrick, messenger 440 Blink of .Montreal, Ciimibell Sweeney, mgr Buchan'ui A. II., accoiiniant Beaven Wm. J., ledger keeper Cummins Fred. C, clerk Pledger R., messenger Sei/iiioiir intersects, 526 Leland house Pront & Insley Prout Wm. J;-!sley John E. Coi.''*ng Edward, bartender Prob»r, Miss AMce, waitress McGee Miss A- nie, waitress Gibson Miss Annie, waitress 530 Berteau.x & Co, grocers Berteaux (Jeorge K, Cooper Richard, clerk Granville I'ntersccts. Noicrii sioB. 7 Fewster Philip, & Co., feed and grain Fewster Philip Fewster ('aleo Fewster Ernest Powell Ernest. < lerk Fewster Miss Eva Fewster Howanl, clerk 11 Roblin Frank H., band sawyer * — Louis, expressman 31 Brun3;vick hotel, P. Carey, prop Carey J., barlender Powers James, C.r.R. Carrol R., plumber Evans E., printer ('a rev M. Powers W. 75 BonyerS., sawfihr Abbott intersects. 115 V^acant 117 Grovesnor Wm., clerk 135 Clute J. S., & I'O., dry goods Chile John Stillwell C 1 u te James M i II i gan Sloan William, clerk 137 Vacant 139 Young Men's Christian Association, G. A, Chari.ock, gen sec'y Freure E. W., asst gen secy Cambie intersects. '•!> ..|l| weeney, mgr VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 251 HAS HASTINGS WEST HAS 217 227 Webster & Co., ftuciioneera Webster William Quick W. J. Bailey & N; grapherj Elands, landscape photo- Bailey Charles S. Ncelanils Hamilton George 229 Skinner Arthur Ernest Skinner Mrs. Hnd Miss, bdg bouse Skinner Mr.-f. ?. Skinner Miss Elizabeth Homer intersects, 309 Post Office, Jonathan Miller, postmaster Miller Bertram, clerk Gilinore Alexander, money order clerk Morton Thomas, rejr. letter clerk Willis Walter, clerk Barker Miss Kate, clerk Connon William, clerk Raebiirn Miss Kate, clerk IJooiiey John K., mail clerk 311 Brown H. A. Rathborne Miss Mary Agnes, artist Gilmore Alex., P (). clerk 313 Hoss & Ceperley, real estate and insurance Boss Arthur Wellington Ceperley Henry Tracey Rounsf'ell Frank Wm., bookkeeper Bounsfell Charles Aubrey, ins. clerk Hob^on George Wni., ina. canvasser Brown Ernest W., clerk Vancouver Electric Hy. & Light Co., R. P. Cook, pres. ; H. E. McKee, vice-pres Ceperley H. T., sec-treas Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. of London Commercial Union FireAssr. Co. Scottish Union and National F'ire Ins. Co. Liverpool and London and Globe Fire Ins. Co. JRxmx Fire [ns. Co. of Hartford Hartford Fire Ins. Co. Western Fire Assurance Co. British America Fire Assr. Co. Royal Canadian Fire Ins. Co. Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. of Brooklyn 315 Vacant 317 Medical hall, Sorensen & Co., druggists Sorensi n (iuslavo Julius Rooke Tlios. Siephens, druggist 323 'latliison Robert, jun., job printer Sanders Wm. Hector, printer Wilson Wm., printer Fraser Wm., clerk Richards intersects- 4 Stores uniinished Seymour intersects, 511 Ponsford Bros., Page, furnishing goods Ponsford Page Ponsford Harold 513 Innes k Richards, real estate Innes Fre(!erick ('ollelon Richards Stephen Ormonde Beasley Alexander Ferrler, clerk Emmanuels Samuel Jobu, insurance can- VHSser City of London Fire Ins. Co. 515 Mozely Henry L., barber Foster E A., barber Miles J. W,, haiber 517 Sansom & Dawson, architects Sanson! Charles Wyndham H. Dawson John Wililing Fabian Bruno, draiitrhtsraan HofTar N. S., architect Mitchell David S. M , draughtsman Eveleigh Sidney M., draughtsman Charles Tilley.supt Burrard Inlet and New WesimiiAster Telephone Co. Lindsay Miss Ella, ojierator Cameron Miss Linda, ojierator 519 Dijilock & Osburn, crockery and glassware Diplock Arthur B. Osborii William Wilson Ilarrj', clerk i 519.J Barker k Mackav, real estate Barker Ernest Edward Mackav Robert G. 521 Leiand house, rooms 523 Shannon & .McLaclilan, real estate Shannon William McLachlan Charles Granville intersects. BOTH SIDES. 612 Jones Samuel, laborer Harris Jnmes. laborer Nettleton John, laborer 614 .McGliie & McLuckie, builders and contrs. Alctihie — McLuckie — (325 West End Saloon vacant JInwe intersects. * Abbott Harry Braiihwaite, gen. supt. Western Div. C.P.R. 759 Ferguson Alfred Graham, capitalist Dixon Miss Grace E, 718 Salsl)ury William Ferriman, local treas C.P.R. W'ales Miss Anna M. Hornby intersects. 724 Bewicke Percival H., broker 732 Townley James T-, C.P.R. Townley C. R., C.P.R. Burrard street. ■I';. r .'4 O r - * MS ] 'ti I or- i i1 '111: I ,i ,1! > l!^ 1 :"i i it, V *. •1 ; h n ,i Its' ■ i Nil'*"** 1(8 I 'Nl 252 Henderson's HAS HASTINGS EAST HAS HASTINGS EAST from Carrull to Boundary av SOUTH SIDE. 6 Gray Tliomas, merchant tailor Lagg Frank, tailor 10 Spooner John, carpenter 14 Lepage Lemuel, butcher Gibson John, butcher Irwin John 16 McGaiii & Menzies, carpenter McGain — Menzies — Columbia Carriage Works, Andrew T. Mc- Nabb, prop. Birehall Caleb, bookkeeper Ray John, blacksmith Wood R. C., wood worker Elliott — , wood worker Caley Harry, carriage painter Casselman Ransom, carriage trimmer Gibson Jolin, blacksmith Columbia ao inlersectt. 104 Vacant 114 Lane Arthur, carpenter Stewart Allan Campbell, teacher Stewart Donald Campbell, tailor Stewart Miss Emily C.. teacher Ouellette Frank, l(>t;ger Palmer D. W., laborer 116 Davis John A. Deal Mr^. Elizabeth, wid. Amos Stevenson Eady, liomceopathic physician 130 Vancouver Water Works Xicksou J. J., superintendent Harrison William, blacksmith ^Mnclibeck George, laborer Rourke (Jeorge A., pipe layer Macaulay Charles W., surface layer Fox James, corker Stewart James, laborer 134 Murray David B., contractor Duflf Joseph H., clerk Westminster av intersects. * Seydon & McGarrigle Seydon Charles McGarrigle Thomas * Teman Stephen A., carpenter * Garden \Vm„ k Sons, wliol. teas Garden William Garden John Garden William, jr. Gore av intersects. 416 Carmichael Dougald 422 Baker Frederick, V.C.F. 424 Upton Miss Elizabeth, music teacher Bolton Henry Hugh John S., law clerk King Elliott, ageui Equitable Life 426 M Nabb Andrew T. Stewart James DulT 42j O'idfrey Alexander Dunlevi/ av intersects, O'Rcurke James Giltiert Miles Robert, peddler Caldu'ell Ham'">1 Clayton, cornicemaker 464 McCoi.nell Gilbert Smith Jackson av intersects. Carl av intersects, G02 Simon Albert Ralph Miss Marion * Vacant new house 634 J^mith Malcolm, carpenter Featherly Georj;e 640 Pollock Herbert, moulder Orr Hugh, moulder Orr Jane, wid James lleatlij ave intersects. Ilnwks ave intersects. * Dougherty James H , shipwright Dougherty Miss Jane * New house * Fox — Campbell ave intersects. Jiaymur ave intersects. NOKTH SIDK. 9 Cook iward, contractor Babcoek William George, millwright Towler William, bricklayer 11 Fox James M., contractor K! Haines Artnur, real estate 17 McKeovvn — , night watchman Townsind Mrs., tailoress 17j Cascade Laundry, Jamej Nelson, prop. Gibbons Mrs. Martha Roland Mrs. M try Alice Armour Frederick, carpenter 25 Kraser Angus, contractor McDonald J. (}., contractor 29 French William James, painter 31 Law James, fruits and contectionery 35 Axford Clias. 37 Urcpihart Hugh Archibald, whol. liquors Bellaiiger William Columbia ave intersects. 125 Hale John Paul, grocer H-ile Miss Millie, clerk lliile Georce, apprentice Teschuer Herman, engineer Columbia av. intersects. 109 Livingstone James, farmer Livingstone Mrs. Catherine, bdg. house Livingstone Miss Sarah VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY, 253 HAS HASTINGS EAST HAS Livingstone Miss Mary Ann McLeod John, laborer Livingstone Miss Eliza Harris G. C, carpenter Livingstone Miss Alice Menzie Charles, painter Livingstone George, laborer 205 Leatherdale Donald, teamster Livingstone James, jiin. Edwards Harry, steward Lyncli Miss Ann, dressmaker 207 McGarrigle Edward J. RiUston C. C, customs otiicer McGarrigle Thomas, teacher Hunter — 209 Simon Bernard, mer. tailor Kraf't Louis, carpenter Simon Miss Amelia Lillie Leslie John, teamster 211 McKinmm Angus, contractor Livii'gstone VVilliiiiu, carpenter Irvine Edward, laborer Pollard Henry, laborer Gieer Fred. Gore av. intersects. Collier W. R. Ill Brown E. A., real estate Sydon Clias., of Sydon & McGarrigle 113 Ravcroft Richard, plasterer 311 Johnson John, e.xpressman Fowler .Melick, farmer 313 Taylor William Arthur, carpenter Allardyce Lewis, eleclriciar * Robinson Arthur G., laborer Allardyce .Miss Margaret, nurse Allardyce Mrs. Margitret. wid. Jog. Frost — , bookkeeper 115 Canii>l)ell Duncan A., teamster Campbell Alexander nurse G(Mnlreau I'hilion P., scavenger 317 Kemp James Kemp James A. 117 Palmer Henry Tiiomas Palmer Joseph William 319 Smith Edward P:ilmer Robert Vernou Smith George, driver Edwards Adam 321 Crow John, cigarmaker 119 Bucknall — 323 .McKiiiiion Thomas, contractor 123 Briulahaw Joseph, laborer 327 MacGowrth A. H. B. Harvey George, car))etiter MacGowan William S. Halawell Joseph, Inborer 329 Grassie W. H., watchmaker Halawell .Mrs. Elizabeth.jwid., nurse Fowler Miss Tenie 125 Hide J. P., grocer 331 Vacant 127 Vacant lal Friiser Angus Carmicliael, logger Dunlevy av, intersects. Carroll Mrs. Annie, dre3^!naker Ashwortli William, j mitor 409 Sentell Ephraim Blair Holland J M., otJ.M. Holland & Co. Seiiiell Alfred James Barker \S illiam Jose )h. musician Sentell Frederick William Donaldson Jiimes. laborer Sentell Eilward, farmer Barker .Miss Kate, P. 0. clerk St-ntell George, tinner Barker Alfred James, tinner Seniell Miss l<'lorence Barker Charles Frederick, clerk Fowler .Melick Barker Robert, C. P. telej^raph clerk 415 llem|)liill Robert, contractor Leale Victor, coppersmith Hem|iliill William, teamster 137 Vacant 417 Vacant. 141 Trythall William John 423 Blake John P., baker Bell'iiny Sidney, apprentice 425 Blake John P. Fold Kraidi, primer Penke .Sidney, clerk •/acl^.ion av. intersects. Trs lli:ill Howard, apprentice 501 G^iuth Capt. Robert Tryiliall Miss Emma 143 Wilson .Mrs. Louisa, wid. B. H. 511;") Stewart James, clerk 509 Bohlolsky — Morr.sou JauuM, real estate Aggasou Miss Elsie, dome.stic Carl av. intersects. WeslminH f:. /".. ■'■, r*'^, ( ■ tv^ 254 Henderson's IIEA HOMER HOM t!,: I J::' T?r "•*f Ml -' Ilk i*H fi |"'"« ,.i HEATLEY AV^E., from Eailway track to Grove Crescent. BOTH SIDES. Alexander intersects. *" What Cheer" House, Robert Campbell, prop. Crawford Thora.vs Francis, bartender Jenkins J. P., laborer Williams John McLean Archibald, cooper O'Brien M , moulder Dunn Bert. K., muchinist Emerson Edward, boilermaker McLean — , VHncouver city foundry Clayton I'harlcs, blacksmith May George W., Vancouver city foundry Bragg — , mouliter Powell intersects. Oppenheimfr intersects, • Cad Mrs. Ada, wiilow Christie Miss Kate H. Cummins Mis* Mabel Cummins Alexander Christie Cummms Fred. Christie, clerk UdstinffS East intersects. Princess intersects, Keefer inti'rsects. Harris intersects. Barnard intersects. Prior intersects. Grove Crescent ends. HOMP^It, from Cordova to Drake. • McCartney Alan E, architect • Harrison Legh Richmond, barrister • Hrtllett Isaac H., bKrrister Fowler Edward H., clerk • Revsbech Andrew, hotelkeeper Schmidt Stephen Hem v Croteau Eutjcne, bookkeoper • D'Gendron Jane Mrs., di-essmaker Blair Ediih Miss, dressnniker Smith Kale Miss, dressmaker Cameron Evelyn Miss, dressmaker Dewitt Josie Mi.ss, dressmaker • DeWolf A- .Munroe, real estate DeWolf George Munroe William • Williams Bros., surveyors and land agents Williams John T. Williams Sidney Hastings West intersects. • Mclntyre Charles, carpenter • Summers John, carpenter • Douglas house, Douglas J. M. Mrs., prop Evans Percy Evans Ernest Coleman George iMcI'hilli])3 L. G., barrister Danscraw [jouis Hartney Miss, school teacher Munroe William Scholield F., real estate Halleti Isaac H., barrister Pender intersects. 309 Robson Ebenezer Rev. Monck Clarence R., marble cutter Bent J. H., com merchant 310 Peters Miss, musician 311 Shirley Thomas, bailitr 312 Vacant 313 iianham Alfred James, butcher Banbam Robert John 315 Morris Alexander Gaskell William Levy Edmund L. Home A. P. 316 Phipps George Wm., accountant Roniang Joseph 3)8 McllaMy John Scott Thomas, carpenter McHardy James McHardy Annie Miss 319 Lane D. C , tinner Clilt — , tinner 320 Wait David, contractor Saul John, contractor 323 Hooper Thomas, architect Biirchill ClHirles Anstie Henry James, jeweller 326 Wood William Henry, carpenter Hailstone William 32.5 Whitworth Edwin, machinist 328 McDonald Archibald, carpenter 33(1 Harris W. James 330 Kei ne William Lever .Malcolm A. G.. architect t'auipbell Cores rte Vries, machinist Lewis H. B., C.E. 338 Tilley Seth, stationer • Methodist Church, Robson rev. E., pastor Dunsmuir intersects. 340 Bouichier Richard Eaton Capt. Marmeite P. 415 Miidill Ebenezer B. lldbinson David, contractor Hai'kett — , builder 423 Fletcher John Fletcher Miss 425 Meelands Thomas 434 Cassaiiy George 435 Fader Aliiert Bouthillier Francis 436 Hosker Edward, timekeeper Hosker Edward James, engineer Egi VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 256 llOM Homer HOE Alee Robprt, engineer Evans William, enf^ineer Hosker Nellie Mis3 438 Cosman WilliHin Cosman Whitfield 439 Shearer John Scoit, teamster Blakie Walter, harnessmaknr 440 Moore Mr-., wid Ford James A. 441 Godfrey Thomas Benson Godfrey Laura Miss 442 McNhI> Allan, engineer 445 t'hardon Clms. M., contractor 447 Vacant 449 Boak AUert Alexander Harris P. U.L. Mylins Chan. N , carpenter Mcintosh John, cmtractor 450 Ilayden Ilimiilton llavelock 452 Robinson Robert Martin George, real estate Magner — Georgia inlersects. Summers Mis.* Ri'bi'cca Summers Miss Fanny Tyson John, plasterer IluliKoii intersects. * Veitch Thomas, teamster * Jones John, wrecker 0. P. R. * Coughliii Nuihaniel, carpenter Coughlin Mrs. Isabel Conghlin David, painter Coughlin Thomas, hreniaa Ae/soii intersects. Ilelmrhcn intersects. * Perry Richard Francis, builder Rodier Udilon, cornice maker Lizotle Frank, painter » Fortin Wilfn d, carpenter * Farrer (Ji'orge Kiliuund, L. L. D. Scbeuick Klizubi tli, wid. Thomas D. JMrie intersects. * Perkins Winter, machinist * Vacant * Vacant * llu'chings Williau) John, laborer Mclniiell Joseph, sailor Scott (Jcorne II., laborer Hassan Frank, turnian Haversoii Alex., laborer Johnson John, blacksmith * Major William, bdg. house McGibbon J. W, McDonnell James, street grader Mclntyre James, laborer HORNBY, from Burrard Inlet to Paci- fic street Hastings intersects. fender inlersects. * Vacant * IJlake J. J., city solicitor * Vticant * Vacant IJunsmuir intersects. New house New lioiise New house Towier Wdliam, bricklayer McUougall Alexander Mills, bookkeeper Georgia intersects. Jiobnon intersects. Smitke interiects, * Fniith Alexander, draughtsman * ReiU Jas., night watchman Hoiel Vancouver A'elsoH intersects, * VaC'int new house ** Andersoii David, real estate * Black James, C.P.R. * Vacant * Vacant * Vacant * Vacant * Vacant * Vacant house * Corning Edward, bartender Leland House * New hou.>e vacant * Wilson William Frederick * Tuck F. H., of Black & Tuck Ilclmcken interiicts. J)arie inlersects. * Harris Edwin, carpenter * St. Paul's Church, English * Mc(!abe Anderson, at Fader Brog. * Hoeiir I-idor, at Geo. Hobson * Meiizies Edmund, laborer * Howard Henry, C.P.R. Drake intersects. * McEdward Angus, carpenter Haws Rici aid Colbert, marine engineer * McKenzie Siimuel Francis, ship builder * Crawford William, carpenter * McCurdie Alexander McCuidie John, builder McCurdie Mrs. Mary, wido v Alexander * Peck Elias James, of Dufly & Co. * Vacant * luge James /H it 'A W < >-! -^ ;:i::i il!!( f ;| :i' *■ ■1? r ii t; i;Mr::;::r 311 I 'I •"11 256 Henderson's HOW HOWE HOW *1116McAli9ter Donald, contractor McAlistcr John JIcAlisier Angus, C.P R. McAlisier Miss Lizzie McAlisier Miss Jane McAlistiT .Miss Crtssie 1120Little Mark, coppersmith 1122Pratley George, laborer Harris Ernest, laborer 112-iTnlk7 Jiunes, (J.P.R. * Lake T., l.iborer * McUartiiey lliiL'h, expressman * Waisnii i{obi-rt, stonecutter *1129.\IcKenzie Duncan, stonecutter Crichiou John, stonecutter 1131 Vacant * Vacant 1136Hounsome James, carpenter *113HFin(lley Peter Preston lUOVac.int * McP.inanc Mary Catherine, widow Donald, bdg. Iiouse Cory — , speculator * Shaw TlMMias A., speculator * Eaton Albrri 8., carpenter Lubb Ham lel, at Cassidy's mill * Leslie (jref)rge Wa-liinglon, phisterer Leslie Charles William, carpenter HOWE, from Cordova to Pacilic. BOTH SIDES. * Vacant shanty * Vacant sli:irity HuKtings intersects. J'emler intersects. 309 Wood rharjps Arthur, clerk Wood Mrs. Henry 311 Vacant 313 Fenton G., carfienter Lindsay .Miss Lizzie, tniloress Poole .Miss Ella, tailoress Allan .Miss Jeinie, lailoress 315 Logan .Mi.-s .Minnie Losraii Mi-s Elizabeth 320 C'aig William, road master C.P.R. 326 Miller Win. Oscar, chief train desp. C.P.R. Downio W. usst sunt C.P.R. 330 Stirton (leorjic Steven, gerts' furnis'iing 345 Prest Thomas, real estate Smith Samuel Marks J., clerk Prest .Miss Mabel 347 Logan Ann, widow David 349 Ponsford William Page Gov ns Mis>- i.lara *338Harvey Willium Preston Miss Florence 340 Blackniore William, architect Tanner J. S. 351 Lnngley Theodore Harding Emannels J. S., insurance agent 353 Stoddart Robt. William *:i,').'iVacftnt 357 Purdy Ralph Smith Benjamin N. CiMiiman Miss Cornelia H. Mitcliell Thomas Granville, engineer 359 Clements John, architect JJunsmuir intersects. * Manor house Vacant 420 Crickmay William, civil engineer Crickmay Frederick George Crickmay Alfred Edward, clerk Crickmay E'Igar John, clerk Crickmay .Miss Elizabeth Lucy, trained nurse of Edinburgh 421 Consulate, of Japan, Fukashi Sugimora, consul 425 DeWolf George, real estate 42!t Vacant 431 Johnson James Lacey, ins. agent 4;!'} JU'id George Lewis, clerk 435 Caitnel Daniel * Lawn Tennis club grounds Georgia intersects, liobson intersects. * New house * New house * Varant house * Stevens Alfred Stevens David Thomas, clerk C.P.R. Smithe intersects. Nelson intersects. * Vacant * ih-own John, clerk C.P.R. Ih-own Waller, clerk C.P.R. Brown Miss Lottie Hrown Miss Jennie * Vi'ti.ut * Vacant * Vacant * Snillman — , painter * Green flarry, plumber * Vacant * Eraser William, operator C.P.R. * Hrookins: James, plasterer Hiek-i William, c.irpeiiter * McLean .Malcolm (Jeo.. li(pior merchant * Gass Frederick Nicholson, C.P.R. Uelincken intersects. Dai'ie inlirsec't. * Hoffmeister Henry, R. C. P. mills Ilott'meister Reinhard Hoffmeister Fred., millwright Hoffmeister Miss Anna Amelia Ah VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 257 JAC KEEPER KKE * McAden Janes * Lock John, ))()lieeman Roblin Nellie, widow Frank * Vacant * McLeod Ewen, farmer * Lyte E. 0-, farmer Whittaker George, painter 1045 Eldon George, laiKiscape gardener Nicholson Jotin, laborer 1110 McDonald Hector Frederick, carpenter 1112Urook Mrs. llOTGregory John, carpenter U09Suramer3 Mrs. James * Vacant * Vacant * Vacant house * Thome Frederick Clayton, farmer * Hunt Edward, coniractor Gregory Richard, C P.R. Hamer Albert v'lctor, carpenter * Master Tluimas, carpenter ♦1130 Heaps Edward, furniture factory l!32Riley William Rus.-ell, painter *1134 Smith Joseph, laborer * Gamble John Edward, carpenter * Vacant * Graves Albert Martin, C.P.R. engineer Olmstead Albert, carpenter JACKSON AVE, from Railway St. Grove Cietjceiit. WKST SIDE. Alexander intersects. Powell interserts. Oppenheimer intersects. llaHtings intersects. 1 203 Macklin James, real estate Princess intersects. * McDonell Allen Ke^er intersects. Harris intersetts. Barnard intersects, J'rior intersects. Orove Crescent begins, EAST SIDE. Alexander intersects, Powell intersects. 2 Vacant Oppenheimer intersects. |l04 Wansley William, blacksmith |106 Vacant 1108 Miller William to 110 Cook William, butcher 112 Vacant 114 MciVeill John Robert, roofer Millet William Hugh Hastings intersects. Princess intersects. Keefer intersects. Harris intersects. Barnard intersects. Prior intersects. Grove Crescent begins. JERVIS from Burrard Inlet to English B,,y. Seaton ends, Pender intersects. Melville ends. * Forbes Richard Smith, foremaa Oben Philip, plasterer Georgia intersects, Alberni intersects, Robson intersects. Haru intersects. Barclay intersects. Nelson intersects. Comox intersects, Pendrell intersects. Davie intersects. Burnaby intersects. Harwood in tersects. KEKFKIl, from False Creek to Boun- dtiry 11 V. 113 Yuen Wah, laundry * Vancouver Soap Co 130 Vane iiver Gas Works, Thomas Walter, superintendent Kemp Henry, main layer Peiitelow John George, laborer James Harry, stoker Round Frederick Hodgson Richard Oliver, laborer Marion Roliert, gasHtier 131 Corbett Patrick, laborer Struthers Alexander, carpenter 133 Powell John Lewis, printer 135 Crane John Joseph, tanner Pritchard Thomas, mason Westminster ave intersects. 20 .1 i i N 1^^ < ■ A, ^ ■ 1 1 ui rfl't ■R ■ '[ ll it' :' I 1%;.,.' )! ' fl-i Iffy I ^1 I 'i w ft) ♦I: ill I' jtlA : 1/ in 258 HENDERSON 8 LAN NELSON NEL * * * Goas Richard, carpenter * Fowler James Mori-lioiise, farmer * Fowler Warren, jiainler * Graves Bradford Howard, conductor * McKay George, expressman * Vacant * Crowder John Stanley Penser Edward Barker Miss Jennie, domestic Shrapnel Waller Cottree — , butcher * Morrin Nelson, logger Coulomb Uliarles, painter * Caruabau James, teaming Oure ave intersects. * Bradbury Thomas, contractor Scbolos Thomas, stonecutter Rannie William A., carpenter Ranuie Charles, sou , ciriwnier Rannie Charles, jun , carpenter Rannie Thomas, hackdriver * Hemlow Harry Caples Miss Bessie « Hone Williiiiii, carpenter * Smith Kenneth * Foley John, stone mason * Adams George, laburer Laugham Thomas, butcher Adams George, jr. * Evans William Henry James, i)la3ti'rer Evans Thomas, lather Dunlevy «v intersects. * Jones George Jar-.-^s * Losch .nkohl Fiedk, Wm., engineer * Wiegand Charles W. Sale Miss Sadie * McDonald Allan, farmer Hanuahan — , carpenter Jackson au intersects. MELVILLE, from Burrard to Jervis. BOTH SI0B3. * Mackintosh W. David, freight clerk C.P.R. * Fagan William Lawrence Fagan Joseph Emanuel, Custom House C.P.R. wharf Fagan Jame8 Sugere, operator * Ross Roderick Ross Miss Mary * New house * Clements William, cnpt. Farron George Thomas, student Thurlow intersects. * New house * Vacsnt * Newcomb Holmes, capt. Ca-nwath Charles, bookkeeper Newcomb John, ca'-penier * Hambrook Alfred, expressman Woolton Thomas, exiiressman * McPheison Alex. Joseph, prop. Bodega * McKeeley Edward John * Nelson Charles, druggist Bute intersects. * Nickson John Joseph, supt Water Works Jervis intersects. Pewter intersects. NKLSON, from Homer to Stanley Park. liichards interxects, Seymour intersects. Granville intersects. llowe intersects. Hornby intersects. Burrard intersects. LANSDOWNE Columbia. AV., from Scotia to * Bodwell David * Montgomery Hector, R.C.P. Mills * Holmes Christopher, carjient'r * MeConuell James, R.C.P. Mills * Painter Harry John, acct. C.P.R. Westminster ave intersects. Qiiehec intersects. Ontario intersects. Manitolta intersects. Columbia intersects. Smith Neville. News Advertiser office Smith Lister Neville, cashier Smith Arthur Neville, bookkeeper Smith Miss Florence Neville .Mclntyre Daniel Melntvre Daniel Frederick Toiirllotte Miss Ike Alcl.ityre Miss .Mary Willman John Thaddeus, contractor New house Diplock Arthur Bramah Gary George, contractor Vacant house Vacant Robjohns Levi, C.P.R. Wood George, coniractor Thurlow intersects. to Jervis. clerk C.P.R. istom House p >nt ler p. Bodega /^ater Works taiiley Park. ser office .eeper itractor VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 259 NIC OPPENHEIMER OPP # Hancox Elijah, carpenter Hancox Jamei*, carpenter 712 Hall James Z , real estate Greer Miss Jessie # Mizony Artenius, liquor merchant # Jones George Bell # New house Taylor Walter", Taylor Edward C. Bute intersects. ,hrvis intersects. Broughton inlersecis, Hicola intersects. Cadero intersects. Biwell intersects. Denm'in intersects, Gilford intersects. Chilco intersects, NICOLA, from Biirnird Inlet to Beach live Pender ends. Georgia intenecls, Alberni intersects. * Dubois Peter, stonecutter Hoben Mrs. Elizabeih, wid. Philip * Mellon Hetiry Augustus, ship broKer Rohson intersects. * Robinson P., night watchman C .P.R. Barclay intersects. J^'elson intersects. Coinox intersects, Pendrill intersects, Davie intersects. Burnaby intersects, llarwood intersects, 9Tn AVE, from Vine to Prince Edward. * Cartwright Joseph, carpenter Cartwright Frederick, carpenter Cartwright George, carpenter Westminster road intersects, Westminster ave intersects, * Street Richard, expressman * Vacant house * Tidy Thomas, bricklayer Meddler William, carriagemaker Quebec intersects. * Cartwright William, C.P.H wharf Cartwright Henry * Mills R., boots and shoes Ontario intersects. * Kemp William Andrew, carpenter Manitoba intersects, * Haugh Thomas, carpenter, Columbia intersects. * Power Richard, captain ONTAEIO, from Front to 15th av Dufferin intersects, Lome intersects. 5th ave intersects. 6lh ave intersects. 1th ave intersect!, Sth ave intersect*. 9th ave intersects, Idth ave intersects. * Fuller Joseph Webster, driver IIM ave intersects. I'lth ave intersects. 13th ave intersects. \Ath ave intersects. \bth ave intersects. OPPENHKIMER, from Carroll to Boundary av. MOKTH SIDE. Room 1 Knox William " 2 Black Thomas Thomson, solicitor notary pul)lic Niagara Mercantile Agency of Niaeara Falls, N.Y., T. T. Black, solicitor '< 3 Quinn 'ihomas Francis, dentist " 5 Mncgowan A. H. B. Mncgowan — " 6 Vancouver Board of Trade, A. H. B. Macgowan, secy. 3 Powis & Whitehetid, real estate Powis John Whitehead John Martin White William, clerk 13 Vacant • Stable 39 Wells James D., produce Wells Chester Philip, clerk Mctibane Joseph, clerk Columbia intersects. .... pi zl: 260 HENDERSON'S OPP OPPENUEIMER OPP i3^!'"-^f!f I!" ■«■• I ■*• ..I 109 Dewitt William, brewer Dovler D. L., painter McGatty John, iiHiiiter WcFee Jumes Wai-hington Dewitt Miss Josephine, dressmaker Dewitt Miss Louise Peterson — , tailor Foran — , clerk 111 Vacant 113 White William, laborer Moore William Henry, laborer Armstrong Isaac, blacksmith Gorranica Louis 121 Langis Henri Evariste, M.D. [Veitminiiter av iiileisects. 129 Murray George K., contractor McDonald Duncan D., carpenter 127 Doig William, sec. foreman C.P.R. 203 Stevens Fred. B. 207 Elliot James 219 Dove Miss Constance, Kindergarten school Dove Miss Mary Dove Miss May 297 Sullivan Arthur Willis Sullivan Mis Josephine, wid. Philip Sullivan Charles E. S., musician Oore av intersects. 301 St James Church Anglican St James School Campbell H. J., M.A. 309 Clinton rev. Heury Fiennes, rector of St. James 311 St Luke's Home, private hospital, Sister Francis, superioress Hobbes Miss Kate, nurse Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, nurse Purchea Mrs. Helen, widow Hutchingson Miss Agues, domestic Crickmay Miss Mabie 313 Gibson Francis P. Austin Mrs. Marion, wid., domestic 315 Cramer William, barber 319 .More John James, carpenter More Miss Anna 323 Edwards rev. Henry, Ch. E. Campbell James, M. A. 325 Eckstein Mrs. Mary, widow Xelson Frederick Franklyn Crook Miss — , dressmaker Eckstfcin Miss Dullie 327 Itobertson Gedeon, real estate R bertson Miss Annie li. 329 Bolton — 331 Armstrong William Henry, contractor 333 Cooke Richard Plunket, t;.E. Belmont Miss Polly, domestic JJunlevy av intersects. Jackson av intersects, * Mee George, laborer Mee Edmund Smith, driver Carl av intersecUi. * Boyd Thomas Henry, contractor Biggart Mrs. Zirniah, tailoress Biggart Miss Loetia B * Campbell Malcolm Luvett Kearney Miiss Augusta, milliner Kearney Miss Maude, dres-smaker * Vacant * Ross Hubert James, laborer Ross Miss Abbey B., dressmaker Ileally av. intersects. * Tetley Moses B. * Vacant * Vacant IIiia\:H av. intersects. * Kelly -, R.C.P. Mills Campbell av, intersects, Raymer av. intersects, SOUTH Sinn. 4 Engleman Edward Valentine, barber (i (Jreen R. E., eni|). agent 8 Taylor VViliirtUi Johu, undertaker 20 Matbeson 22 Vucanl 28 Witich Fr.ink Kent, carriage maker Newman Walter, blacksmith 16 New Building Columbia av. intersects, 104 Rea & Elliott, carringemakers Hea Johu Routledge Elliot James 128 Mutrie Henry 132 Thornton John Brown, grocer Bain Donald, stonecutter V'erxa Devere, ap|irentice 136 Presbyterian Church, rev. T. G. Thomson, pastor Westmin.i/er av. intersects. 208 Perkins Charles Eilward, logger 210 Melviu John George, watchmaker Gore av. intellects. 302 Law — , principal High School Orr Miss Agnes, nur.^e 304 Freeman Cecil Childe 30ij Ellis Cliarle.s, barber 308 Whitehead James Powis John Chamock G. A. 326 McLeod rev., Presbyterian 330 Boulibee John, barrister Boultbee Miss Heltr. — Alice Miss, domestic 334 Maclean Malcolm A. Pordage Miss Edith, domestic Dunley av. intersects . 420 422 500 S02 606 508 514 516 518 520 * * II! IS ft*'*! )arber ter laker \. Thomson, r ter VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 261 PAO PENDER PEN 400 Thompson rev. Thomas G. Donohue Miss Ida, dome^itic 406 Brown — , second hand dealer 413 Winch Richard Vance 416 Robertson Oideon, gents' furnishings 418 Silverman K. Harris Mrs. Lena, wid 420 Gordon George R. Mclntyre Miss Martha 422 VanVolkeiibiirgh Isaac Jackton av. intenecU. 500 Freeman Oeorgo, laborer 602 Public School Bast End Gamble — , principal Hayes Miss, teacher Christie Miss Alice, teacher Miircbie Miss, teacher Mrthoney Jeremiah, caretaker 500 Housley Charles, sen., engineer Housley Charles, juii. Housley Walter Blvthe Henry, foreman ' ■ 508 Griffiths Ellis Wm., carpenter Cloukie Feli.x, mill hand Brody Miss Bella 514 Morgan — , carpenter 516 Galley William Wright George, planer 518 Johns Isaac, Customs officer Johns Archie, driver Johns Miss Jennie Johns Miss Margaret Johns Fred. 520 Uox Capt. Gasendi Garland William, painter Carl av. intersects, * Black A. P. * Shaw — * Milne John, stonemason Hawks av. intersects. * Edwards Richard, blacksmith Edwards John, clerk * Jervis John, night clerk " Str." Premier Jervis Miss Annie Jervis Miss Maggie Jervis Arthur William Jervis Edwin Jordan John George, carpenter Campbell av. intersects. McConachie John, carpenter Swan George, laborer Reid Duncan Robert, farmer Fitzpatrick — , milkman PACIFIC, from Richards to Jervis * Vacant new house * Vacant new house * Connelly William Foster John Rupert * Vacant new house Seymour intersects. GranviUe intersecei. Jlowe intersects, Hornby intersects. Burrard intersects. Thurloiv intersects. Bute intersects. •Jervis intersects. PARK AV, from Prior to Westminster uus parallel with Westmiaster av av, BOTH SIDES. • McAlpin Mrs. Lillie, wid * Ellison James, carpenter Ellison George 12 Williams George Joseph, plasterer Drinkwater James R. C, planing mills Williams John Joseph, plasierer *16 Blackburn John Francis, painter *20 Shotton Allison, carpenter 22 Davey Emanuel W., plasterer 2ti Percival John Albert, carpenter 30 Nunaraaker Byron, clerk *3()jBradon Robert, laborer 32 Ray John 34 Murlison — , laborer 36 Costello John Joseph, C.P.R. wharf Cromier Samuel, laborer 38 Vacant 40 Pitman Joseph, Vane. Gas Co. 42 Coughtrey Alfred Richard, butcher 44 Arkle Christopher, carpenter Westminster av. intersects, PENDER, from C.P.R. Track to Nicola NORTH SIDB. * Nunamaker Andrew Jackson Fulton Dan. Hegerson Charles Gibbons Mrs. Martha * Rook Thomas S. 25 Duhamel Frank D., blacksmith 29 Vacant * Dorman Jacob, engineer * Howse Alfred Richard, surveyor Howse Charles Robert, E.L. lineman 45 Elliott John * Lilieham Felix, master mariner Abbott ends. Imperial Opera House * Gordon John, laborer Baker E. L., laborer i 1^ n r, , t Of O 9 . '* /* /• k-! 4 t' «' ? ■r ''rti ,- ■"'. 1 ? C^\ '« i -.■■J ' 'f' cy 5 if Q ■'f i " lit!; 4 ;fi3 " e|!i .1 ;•?•*! i if 1 i ; ! ! t ii r II I',; M» 262 HENDERSONS PEN PENDER PEN McKay Jatnes, machinist Barker Alfred, iHborer Keen Hurry, prinUT iMvie James, laborer Wiley Thomas, laborer UT Vacant Beat;/ hegint. Cnmbie interiectf. * Court House Hamilton intenects. 205 Webster William Capt., real estate Quick William Hope Cbarlea E., architect * Occupied Goodwin & Arkle, carpenters Goodwin — Arkle — Homer intersects, 311 Griffith Essex, distiller Mearns Mrs. J , widow 317 Vacant Richard intersects, * Yuen Wah, Chinese laundry 411 Evangelical Association.tree reading rooms Inwoud George, organizer 421 Cowan— * Bennet William C, shoemaker Seymour intersects. * Windsor hotel, Brocklesby & Allen, props Brocklesby H. A. Allen W. H. Goldsmith George, porter * Clarkson k Mayne, house painters Clarkson Joseph Mayne Thomas * Clarkson Joseph, painter * Gain Henry, plasterer 513 Smith Bros., furniture Smith James A. Smith David A. Bigham Joseph, cabinetmaker Watt James, upholsterer Welsh Mrs. L., widow, seatustrejij Granville intersects. * Sisson William Henry, groceries * McFarlane Frank, bread and cake baker Harrison George, baker * North Arm market, SweetjA Asbury, props Sweet Clinton J. Asbury Samuel * Oriental Traders Co. (Ltd.) The Mackay George Grant, president Yerex I. A., com. traveller Mackay Harry Hadfield, bookkeeper * Mackay George Grant, real estate Howe intersects. Hornby intersects, SOUTH SIDI. * City Hospital Swan Miss Susan, matron Alcoek Miis M.A., nurse Woodward Mis^ )f. S., nurse Gibson Charles, nurse McFarlane John, porter Cinnbie intersects, * Central school Hamilton interseett. 206 Wood Albert Nelson, blacksmith 210 Weaver Mrs. Lucy M. Thatcher H., painter C.P.R. Desourier M., foreman E. S. Scoullar Stevenson Robert, tinner Merrick A., at E. S. Scoullar Homer intersects. * Boulibee Mrs. E. S., widow Boultbee Frank, bookkeeper Boultbec Walter Boultbee MissS. * Vacant 310 Jones H. A., real estate *312Cumming8 Charles H., carpenter Holtstead A. E., oil refinery Richard intersects. * Middleton Waller, groceries Rushton John, clerk * Ontario House (temperance hotel), John Geo. Taylor, prop. Towler George, waiter Welch Miss Emily, waitress * Piest Thomas, real estate Davis U. H., painter * Nevard William, butcher Walford Frank, clerk 410 Vacant 422 Leslie M. Soper, carpenter Irvine John Taylor — , painter Brown — , painter Wilson — Adamthwaite Walter, carpenter Vacant, store 426 Cosman W , & Son Cosman William Cosman Whitfield Seymour intersects. 500 St. Charles Hotel, Misses Ryan, props Ryan Miss Annie Ryan Miss Nellie Meytzer John, clerk Bergeron Louis, carpenter Sasseville Charles eugiaeer ith coullar nter hotel), John iter .n, props VANCOUVBR STREET DIRECTORY. 263 PEN PENDER POW Mahoney Jnhn, millwright Rochons' John, luborcr Kennj' Chiirle.<, booltlieejier Johniitun Josopliihricklftyer Doming C , engineer Tubman Joim, painter liHfrHn(;oi9 Peter, caipenter JIaliiigo John, carpenter Hell William, carpenter Miller William, carpenter M' rrison Joseph, macliiniat Duty George, carpenter Harason A., carpenter Dechons C, cariteiiier Duferns Frederick, laborer Lftur W., teamster Murdoch Joseph, bricklayer Satell S., carpenter Watson Arthur, carpenter Baker R., laborer lirooks Joseph, carpenter Thompson Joseph, blacksmith McGregor Joseph, painter Murphy Willien, bricklayer Latreille Jos -pti, tinsmith Cote Dr. S. Goodman John, hrickmaker Strong A., sash and door factory Dechuns (Hiarles, carpenter St. Laiirant A., carpenter 506 Arlington lloti-l, Frank Foubert, prop. Currc/ M,, brtrlender Blackmirn Albert, porter Fisher Mrs. A., widow ♦ Louvre Hotel, Hermann Bartel, prop, Scaife Harry, bartender Wood H G., carpenter Hartley F., earjienier McNillan M , lather McDonald M., painter Wassoii F. W. carijcnter Stanhope W. L., stone mason Hanna F. U., foreman street Ry. BertrandL.M., C.P.R. (Jillis Murdoch, stone mason Knlly Martin, stone mHS(m Shackelford II. S., veterinary surgeon Haz''lwood Joseph, stableman Blough John H , carpe'iter Blair Thomas, carpenter Fabiau Bruno, architect Granoille intersecta, Howe intersects. Ilornhji intenectt, BOTH SIDE, Burrard intersects, * Brighouse Samuel, alderman Wilkinson Michael, clerk Wilkinson Miss Lizzie * Lang Charles, tobacconist * New house • Tallow Robert G., of Ttttlow & Spinks Leaycraft Miss Agnes Douglas Miss Liz/.it; 128 McCraney Hiram I'erry, contractor Sissou TiioniM)*, bookkeeper Ihnrard intersects, • Palace Livery stables, Black k Wilkinson, props Black George Wilkinson M, B. Connor Samuel R., manager Ha/.elwood Josfph. stableman Baker Henry, M.R.C. VS., veterinary sur- geon Sprung George, stableman Thurlow intersects. • Fripp R. M., architect liute intersects, • New house • Barnhart Peter Ashton, conductor O.P.R. Jervis intersects. Broughton intersects. PENDRELL, from Burrard to Stanley Park Thurlow intersects. • Mitchell John, blacksmith • Hunter Robert, millwriglit • Hill Joseph, plasterer • Short B»njamin James, bookkeeper Short Bertrand Harris, painter Bute intersects. Jervin intersects, Broughton intersects. Nicola inti'r sects. Cardero intersects, BiUcel intersects, Denman intersects. Gilford intersects. Chilco intersects. POWELL, from Carroll to Boundary ave. NORTH SIDE, Scuitto & Co,, bakers and grocers Scuitto John Ptndola A. McLeod Archibald, baker Corman Henry, bookkeeper f^iceroning Jos., driver 7 McAllister John, Vancouver carriagv^ abop Millington Charles, borsesboer i i pa z 'hi " » r" t !i '''n\ I' ill-:" 5. 'I N !i Miii II ! > 5, III- •*•,,! «ii» 264 HENDERSONS POVV POWELL POW Whaltv William, woodworker Gates Albert, blacksmith GIpii John, blacksmith 11 Europe Hotel, Ualori Bros. Calori Joseph Calori Aiigelo 19 Vacant 21 Vaciint 29 Whyte William, cook 35 City Hotel, Canonica & Fairon Canonica Louis Fairon Alphonse Mora Louis, cook Mora Vincengo, cook Columbia av intersects. CITr HALL. McGuigan Thomas Francis, city clerk and clerk of committees Baldwin George Frederick, city treasurer, tax collector and assessor Tf-tley Charles, accountant Lawson John Patton, city engineer Palmer Robert Edward, asst. city engineer Stephenson Thomas, street supt. Huntly John, inspector fire, health and license Blake John Joseph, city solicitor McGuit;rtn Dr. W. J., city coroner Mohun Edward, saiiitar; engineer Maclean Malcolm Al'-x , police magistrate McLaren John, si"^igant, A bray Jackson 'i'., police oflBcer Haywood William 0. Cameron J. Dou.ild Johnston Wm. Haywood Vicor Wallace, jailor Clough John, caretaker City Hall Wei'viinster av intersects. 205 Vacant 207 Collins Fri^nk, laborer 209 Prior Franclj Lodie, bookkeeper 213 Vacant Gore nv intersects. 307 Thain Capt. Murray, harbor master Leaven W. J. Springer Louis Dawson — , C. E. Thain Joseph. Ry. mail clerk 319 McLennan Findlay 321 Vacant 337 McLean — , plasterer Duiilevy av intersects. 407 Secord Angus, contractor 409 Choate Edward, bridge inspector C.P.R. Hur.ter John B., bridge carpenter 411 McKclvie Alexander, manager V.C.F,, Jenmau Miss Kate, domestic 413 MitchtM Samuel, carpenter McKelvie Alexander, sen. 425 Paterson Adoniram Judson, grocer Davies Mrs. A., widow Davies Miss Catherine F., typewriter Kingcombe Edward, architect 427 Peters Simon, carpenter Cottier Mrs. Francis, wid Robert 427 Neal John, bulclier shop Frodsham William, painter 429 Melhuish Geo. 431 McDonald Alexander, boots and shoes McDonald Mrs. Alex., dressmaker McLean Doi.Md, emp R.C.P.M. Jackson av intersects. 5fi9 Clendenning John Adam, contractor 511 Tetley Charles, city comptroller 5ia McCartney Allan E. 515 Vacant 517 Andrews Jimes, carpenter 529 Coldwell Charles Augustus, speculator 531 Clark — 533 Lawrence George Carl av intersects. 539 Meek & Harstone, grocers and hardware Meek George E.iwia Harstone Willium G09 Stanley Gilbert Stanley Edward Hall Whittier — , of Whittier & Cramur Whipple Thomas, laborei- Whipple Mrs. .Mary, wid v>^illianr,. 615 Young John Wesley, millwright Young Arthur J. Young Miss Bertha Rose Layfield Henry, carpenter 617 Wickham Provis, reporter lleatly av intersects. * Fowler William Alfred, oonlracfor * Robertson Wdliaui Harrison, grocer Biggert Thomas, clerk Hawks av intersects. * Vacant old hospital Campbell av intersects. Vancouver San Juan Lime Co. Campbell William, manager Aitchi.son William, foreman Sciffins Frederick, laborer Livingstone James, laborer McCormack Peter, laborer McNaughton Arcl.'*'. cooper Patterson — , cooper Bray Fred., driver * Baker Frank, longshoreman * Saw mill nd hardware VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 265 POW POWELL Pri SOUTH SIDE. 2 Brown Mrs. P. C, furnished rooms McLaren—, photo gallery 6 Mortimore Bros., merchant tailors Alortimore William Henry Mortimore Sidney Charles Knowdell Miss Maggie Sommcra 8 Leonard W. L.,&(jO. Leonard Leonard 10 Tye it Co., hardware Tye T. H. Galley VVillinm Herbert, manager Eamshaw Hubert II. B., bookkeeper Gregory Sidney, clerk Dunn William R., clerk 16 Hong Sing, laundry 28 Baker Miss Alice Co'umbia an intersects. 100 Oppenheimer Bios , whol grocers Oppenheimer David Oppenheimer I.>(ikc Oppenheimer Sol., bookkeeper Doucet, L. clerk Giutzbur;^cr Maurice, clerk Stuart James, jiorter Kelly Robert, clerk Brown Becjainin, porter 122 Uutchiugs George William, furaiture and u])li()gterv Cotiacber Ilugh, carpenter W<.-itminster intersects. 210 Vacant 212 Diiliig Dennis Dexier Duhig F rederick De.xter 216 Hansen William, watchmaker O'Dwyer Daniel McL'Ormick, painter Gillespie Jiimes, logger Fraser John, messenger C.P.Il. Telegraph Fraser Miss Jennie Gon- av inti'iaects. 308 Dodson Josepii. laborer Dodson Miss Mary Jane Dodson Joseph, jr. Dodson Miss Sarah Dodson Archie 310 Williams Alfred W. 312 Vacant 314 'jevi Henrv 318 j'oyes {{iciiard, engineer 320 .McKay An gits, contractor 322 Codville .himes Codville Daniel 324 Adams Frau-jes C, wid David W. Adams Miss Alice L., tailoress Fletcher George, tailor 326 338 Carter Charles clerk 340 Soule Capt William, stevtdore ; Dunlevy av. intersects. Jackson av. intersects. 524 McKinnon Wilson 528 Robertson Harvey, carpenter G08 Bell Robert J ., carpenter 616 Wishart Andrew Reid Thomas, clerk 618 Acorn Alexander B. Acorn Mt-s. Elvira, music teacher 624 Huntley Joseph, cily inspector 628 Zink Jacob, boilcrmaker Lundy William, tailor Aitchison David A. William Brooks John Jacob, poundkeeper Smith James, moulder Ueatly av. intersects. Marshall William C, expressman C barman Miss Florence, dressmaker Lovliss William, telegraph messenger Loveliss Fred. Uawkn av. intersects. * ^/ ftCltl'ii * Perry — . bookkeeper H. S. Mill * Wilien William Sidney, clerk Heathcott Miss Alice * Stacey Lyman (.)., sawyer Lyiier Louis C, logger Truax Frank Lyner .Miss Grace Lyner Roy * .McLaren William Henry * Vacant * Barnard Castle Hotel Cartwright John Campbell av. intersects. * Beaumont Samuel, laborer * Foley Christopher, quarryman Jariett Arthur Raymur av. begira. Boundary av. PRINCKSS STREET, from Westmias- ter av. to Boundary av. NORTH SIDE. * Granville Block 'llall John R. * Allen James, painter * Gibson William Harrison, salesman * Graut Alfred, brakemaa CP.R. Gore av. intersects. 305 Harrobin Theodore, contractor * Cowdeioy John James, tea store 313 Scott Robert, bricklayer Bennett Thomas, laborer 123 Fowler Mrs. Charles Edward i :f I-.. b HI P:;:,: m ;r" >,'l "^ i a ' u\ m. ii ml] '•lap ; ■ I J lit '».)»■ 266 henjerson's PRI PRINCESS QUE Upliatn Georffe Fred., real estate Pride J. A., bookknepiT Barnes George, Iloiiiisf'ell & Cr. 125 Vacant * Methodist Ciiurcb, Princes^, st, John P. Belts, i)asior Diinlevi/ av. inlernccts, * Betis John F., pastor Princess st Methodist Church * New building * Cameron Joseph, engineer * Vacant Jackson intersects. Carl av, intersects: * Reinliard William, M.D. * James Stanley, bookkeeper Heally av. iiiternects, SOfTH SII>E. * Raker Charles G., upholsterer * Vacant^ 244 Fulthorp Alfred, Gns Comiiany * Vacant * Cleveland Jame Patterson, carpenter Gore av. interit'its. * Granville Frank William, real estate * McLaren John, contractor McLiiughlin George, carpenter McLaren William, carjienter McLaren Kii, teamster 310 Smi'h WilMam. cnrirnter 312 GrKtith John ('olnian, commission merch. 314 Desormiers Charles ^■Slt.Piirker Adanison. C. E. *318H(ipg Janus, photogrHpher 322 Curvie Samuel Alexander, carpenter Dnnlevy av intersects. *51fiSanders William Henry, ;)riuter 518 Vacant * Gibson John, blacksmith Gibson William, blacksmith McKenzie MIoj, ..^nnabcila Cowau Miss Louisa Jackson av. intersects, Carl av. intersects. * Devine John, of Devine & Son Devine Harry T., of Devine & Son * McWade John, Vancouver city foundry * Hugh Samuel Grindrod, 0. P. K. Holt Frank, carpenter Robinson Douglas, C. P. R. * Groves William, baker Hogg James, laborer Thomas John, roofer Patterson — , of Bell, Irvine & Patterson *323Vacant 325 Vacant Heatleyav. intersects. PRIOR, from Fiilse Creek to Campbell av Westminster av. intersects. Campbell A ngus, laborer Campbell Charles, logger Park av. t'ri-l 9th av. intersects. * Roberts John Hugh Roberts Tomlin Huron, artist Steele William Butler, titter C. P. R. 10th av. intersects. 11 th av. intersects. 12th av. intersects. 13th av. intersects. lith av. intersects. * Trainor Bernard, daiiyman lioj... '^''sries, dairyman * £ligti Hamilton, dairyniaa Biirritt William, laborer * Ellison Udia Wilson 15th av. intersects. RAYMUR AVP]., from Powell to False Creek. * Lee Thomas HiiiTiphrey, lime burner Lee /iiiuca. sen. Lee A'lis Margaret Lcc Miss El'zabeth Jane Lee Alexander Oppenheimer intersects. Hastings East intersects. Princess intersects. KeeJ'.r intersects, Harris intersects. * Dockster John Bamnrd intersects, mCHARDS, from Coidova to Pacific. BOTH SIDK=. i ; r'rake, Jackson & Co. ' iiell, Irving & Patterson, importers and commission merchants Beil-Irving Henry ' ..iterson Robt, Horn Andrews H. A., clerk Hustings intersects. 209 Ferguson Block Room 1 & 2 Wickenden C.Osborne arrliitect " 3 & 4 McLaren John Marshall, dental surgeon Dalton William Turnewood, draughtsman Woodward Reginald, draughtsman " 5 Crickmay William, civil engineer and architect Crickmay William, & Co., practical en- gineers and machinists Crickmay William, of Crickmay & Co. It It Room 8 Vacant " 9 Malheson Robert, joS printer " 10 & 11 Fripp Robert Mackay, architect Malcolm Alexander George — , draughtsman " 12, 13 & 14 Chess & Draughts club room, H. Abbot, president ; M. H., Hersch- berg secty. 15 St. Patrick's Society rooms 16 Russell Joseph Ambrose, L. L. B., solicitor Russell Findley Robert, Ihw student 17 Benwell John Oliver, accountant 18 Jolinsi^n Robert E. Johnson Frederick G. Asliworth William Samuel, caretaker 210 L"W — , carpenter 212 Bi.ikerEd. 214 Townley Robert Alexander, plumber 216 McCauley Frank, waiter 218 Dixou Rosco, janitor * Grove John, painter Pender intersects. *30'Welsh Mrs. Louisa, widow William Welsh Miss Emily Welsh Miss Jane Mould Arthur J., carpenter Boardman Samuel Henry, plumber 306 Tierney William, contractor Tierney John Joseph, truct and draya 309 Bolton Mrs. Margaret, widow Richard Kay — . tinner TeetMl Charles ¥ ., sewing machine agent McCreedie Andrew, carpenter Latham Thomas, tailor West John W., cabinetmaker 310 Vacant 311 Vacant 312 Vacant 316 Vacant 321 McDonald Thomas, checker C.P.R. Kain Charles, carpenter Wilson Alexander, carpenter Rogers Jonathan, painter 323 Vacant 325 Vacant 328 McColman Colin, bookkeeper Engliind — , at Rand Bros. Martin Mrs., widow Doig .laiiK J, conductor C.P.R. 325 Ellis James, bi.^klayer Johnson John Binnb, saloon keeper Johnson Miss Edith •337 Abray Jackson T., joliceman 356 Archer Walter Clifl- les, of Archer & Co. Holmes Alfred Jiv.ues, of Archer & Co. 358 IJauvreau Murle, painter 352 Picard Jose^ih, pattern maker • Martin Nelson, plasterer Cosgrave James, laborer Cosgrave Robert, laborer *362CaUow John '1 '■1 ■i lM-«^ a P^ "I : ■ • 1 i f' '^ in*:!!!'; c ^^ll'-Ill■' : ii::j::B 268 Henderson's RIC RICHARDS EOB Diinsmuir intersects. 419 King Atwpll, city bill poster King Richard, electrician King Joseph, cigar maker •421Stewart Mrs. N., bdg house Woods John G., manager Commercial Saw mills Weeks George Barnette Thomas, mechanical engineer Haley George, real estate Stewart John, at Bank ofB. C. Brophy T. B., at Bewicke & Wilsoa Smith E., C.P.R. O'Brien J. M., editor World * Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, rev. Pf. x;c Fay, rector 447 McDu ,.' ' lid H,, carpenter 453 McManu engineer U.P.R. 455 Salsbury :. -arali, sen * St Andrew's: Jliurcb, Presbyterian, McLaren, pastor (Jeorgia intersects. rev. • Congregational pastor Church, J. W. Pedley, 526 Pedley James William, pastor Congrega- tional church • Morrison Thomas, blacksmith Goodwin William Henry • Gallagher William John Duncan Alexander, cabinetmaker • Irvine George William, plasterer Cass Joseph, laborer • Keil James, foreman Heek Francis, mason • MacDonald Archibald, baker Perry Charles, carpenter • Martin William, of Martin Bros. Martin James Alorris, of Martin Bros. • Gill G. H. • Gill John • Follis George Edward, contractor Hilliard Charles, contractor • McLaren John, policeman • Fletcher — , carpenter • Gray Thomas Cook, grocer • Erringtou James, at Fader Bros. Robson intersects. • New house Sinithe intersects. • Oolson Charles Edward, boat builder Nelson intersects. Helmcken intersects. • Johnston Edward, clothing Davie intersects. * Flett John, machinist C PR. Ratbgeber Freitz, fitter C.P.R. Cato Frank, C.P.It. Flett James, C.P R. Flett Arthur, C.P.Jl. • Armstrong Jo-eph Whitehead, carpenter • Harold Thom.ts, pattern maker * Temple Charles HeniV, litter C.P.R • Houle Octave, C.P.R. • McCannel John, teamster * Nesbit George, C.P.R. Nesbit John, C.P.R. Nesbit Robert ♦ Donohne John Tilton • Lang Arthur, teamster Lang Mi,ss Isabella • Floreiit Vict'T, carpenter • New house * Combs John Robert * Ciirrie Hugh J. Currie Alban M. • Blair Samuel, C.P.R. * Glendiniiii^ Andrew, laborer Drake intersects. 1109 Pou Long, Chinese laundry 1127 Powe William, C.P.R. Powe William G., carpenter Powe Edwin, carpenter C.P.R. Bridges J^.hn, C P.R. * Vincent Robert, carpenter Vincent William, laborer * Cunningham James llSyCarriere House, Jose|)h Carriere, prop Hamelle Alphonse, laborer Mahoney John, sawyer Fader Bros. Pacific intersects. liOBSON, from Beatty to Coal Harbor, Cambie intersects. Hitmilton intersects. Homer intersects. Richard intersects. Seymour intersects, • Bennet William C, shoemaker Granville intersects, Howe intersects. Burrard intersects. * Leonard Walter Leeming Leonard Richard England • Burse Wilson, carpenter • Burgess Joseph, carpenter * New house * New house Thurlow intersects. tehead, carpenter maker litter U.P.Il. VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 269 SEA SEYMOUR SEY » Wilson David Henry, M.D. * Loutit James, C.P.R. Smiles Robert, shipbuilder * Bliick Alfred Seymour, barrister Bute intersects. * Connon Henry Edmund, C.P.R. * Thompson M- P., of Tliompson Bros. * CHrlitile Joliii Howe, duet nre dept Biav Tliomas, carpenter Bray Kdwin, carpenter * Gernird John Duncan, carpenter Gerrani Albert James, surveyor * Skinner Robert James Forestry, inspector Jcrvis intersects. Brouyhton intersects. Nicola intersects. Cardero intersects. Bidwell intersects, Denman intersects. Giljord intersects. Chilco intersects. BE.VTON, from Burrard to Jcrvis. BOTH SIDEi. * Rovds Clem-nt )|38 Wiiisua William Hamilton, Customs Wntson Miss Amelia Duiiliar James * WulB'solm Jobann, banker * Red ()r:)ss brewery, Joim Williams, prop Whittmayr William, brewer * Spinks ji)lm Manley, of Tatlow & Spinks McLi'od .Miss Minnie, domestic * Ikmi rsley Alfred St. George, barrister, etc. Foiiseca .Mies Eleanor * Webster George Cowper, surveyor Customs Th'irlow intersects, Bute intersects. SEVENTH AV., from Vine to Trince Edwurd. BOTH SIDES. * Ma'ldanis diaries Clever, porter C.P.R. * Giiihitiu Thomas, carpenter * Swttlhvell Richard F., plumber Street intersects. * McKcnzie Willianr, engineer * Ellison Micliael ^ Uoombs Edward, laborer * Vacant house Prince Edward intersects. Brunswick intersects. * Vancouver Brewery, Charles Gottfield Docring, prop. W'ise Cliarles, brewer Boyce George Henry, brewer Sciiwalm Cliarles, laborer Westminster ao intersects. * Vacant house (Quebec intersects. Ontario intersects. Manitolia intersects. Columbia intersects. SEYMOUR, from Cordova to Pacific 103 White Swan Dining room 107 Vacaiit 110 Hillyer Charles, builder Dcwent Joim, paint shop Bishop Fletcher P,, painter Copp Ernest, painter Lan)bert Frank, painter Bryant — , puliiter McDonald — , painter Harris Fred., foreman Trev.xn Samuel, stairbuilder Hicks Willinm, carpenter Hicks George, stairbuilder Hick-i Gideon, carpenter Bowman Josepli, carpenter * Lefevre Block Hastings W. intersects. 209 Thomas Gabriel, carpenter Ross Abe, painter * Windser hotel Vender intersects. 308 Cook George Fredtrick, builder Johnson George, barber Giles Emery, plasterer McCoU .Veil, carpenter Simiiigioii Juhn, carpenter Danskin Jamis, carpenter McMullin John, carpenter 31.5 .Miiir Waller, street contractor Finlayson J E., piano tuner Sherbrook John, laborer Irvine - , C.P.R. special police 316 Irvine & Slrachan, factory 323 Madill William E., plasterer Madill Hemy, plasterer Madill William, lather * Harknesa Henry, painter 32(3 Farr Edward, stonemason Wize James, contractor Bone John, carpenter Hughes Thomas * Sharni'in Robert Brereton Richard Ralph lUl •-•"I i '..V I,.* J 11 .Mil % T3 'fi;- ■ IS T!i? ■■■♦•y . ♦(.« ;■■! ■ i) 3 :£ J'' IS. CI 21 ■1' 1% ^5 • \ i ■ 1 " 1 !' w h ■ , 1 * «!■ I '*1ii ii - 270 HENDERSONS SEY BEYMODR SEY *328 Frith John, machinist Frith Mrs. G. A., shirtmakei:' 329 Vacant 331 Black T. T. Knox \Vm. 338 iSkeiie William 335 Morrell Thomas Russell 340 Page Jose|)h Birchill Caleb B. Hirdiberg M. H., accountant Gibbs Tiioinas 342 Henderson Stanley Morrow (icorge L. Sinclair Fred. Forrest W. H, iMorrell C. C. 344 Weeks William, carpenter Cuthbert Frederick, stenographer Dunsmuir intersects. 4'24 Fouvert Frank 428 Queen Chas. Q :een E. Uamilion — Polly Dick McMillan Miss Christina, domestic 434 Withrow Samuel Fields Silas 436 Bowser Frank 442 McLeod Malcolm 444 Wilson George J. Pain Miss Palinda 456 Vacant 455 Hoffar Noble Stonestreet Emory Sirtnc draughtsman 462 Davidson C. N. Mearns Miss Jennie 464 Bealtie A. Murray Georgia intersects. 521 Soules T. W. 527 Ellis John, shoemaker Dickson Alex., stonecutter White Thomas, wiper Wize Charles, upholsterer 528 Vacant 530 Smyth Miss Annie E., bdg house Kennedy W. Drunimond W. Wynings W. Barr jHmes Crow Sanford Hunter Samuel Hunter Thomas Burchill Charles Hanbury Charles Stark — , mason Smyth Miss Bell 529 V^oodworth Capt. James H. Pack Charles Johnston Herbert 531 McLean Donald Jc^.a Richardson Seymour McLean Dun. Smith Miss Lowie, domestic 53;^ Mason Robert 5ytj Pearson Thomas Parrish Rogers Mrs. Mary Ann Rogers Miss Elizabeth Jane 540 Fire Hall No. 2 Hamilton William, engineer Campbell J. \V., tireuian Williamson William Evans George Seajohn John Taylor (J. M. Blair James 550 Connor John, painter Reid C. G. L., electrician Conno'.' Miss Mary, violinist 552 Brown John, mason Brown John, jun., plasterer 530 McDonald Miss Maggie, bdg house Kirk Miss Mary Willis Walter Campbell John Philp Charles Philp Edward Sinclair W. D. SinnotC. W. Rogers W. P. O'Neil — , operator Wilson David Gander Janies Chutterbiick Fred. Johnston O. II, Johnston John Desrosiers John Edwards Herbert 564 Farley G. W. Farley W. H. liobson intersects. 611 Bennel Wm. til5 Ross D. A. G17 A|.enes R. A. Hughes — , machinist Maichant William Wilson Henry 629 Dalton William Tenniswood 635 Duffy Dennis A. 637 Taylor Geo. M. Schofield James H. Suhofield Fred. Gonlon Miss Nellie 641 Ferguson Dougal Ferguson Miss Lena M. 651 Walker W. H. Watkins Mrs. Kate, nurse 653 Vivian William Smith intersects. * Grady John McKay Miss Susan, domestic VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 271 SIX SEYMOUR TEN * Codv Prttrick, uouecutter * Wolfer Joseph Nelson intersects. * Poquotte Thomas Balhird AH red Ualliird Alti-ed Edwin JItlmvken intersects. * Hardie Thomiia Dai'le Intersects. * Coupland Joseph, general store « Vacant * George William * Bailey Mrs. Mary Ann, wid William Bailey Charles * McVeity James * Parker Ariliur * Wooiirow J.ihn , butcher shop Woodrow James J. « Kemp — , carpenter * Leroy Itobert Welsh Patrick Leroy Miss Matilda Leroy Miss Elizabeth Lero.v Uavid Leroy Joliii * Jordan William * Moscrop Thomas Jloscrop William .Moscrop llichard A. Moscrop John Moscrop Miss Sarah Jane Moscrop Edwin Drake intersects. * Swain Samuel, baker and grocer llOsViicant lUSMcEwan John * Vacant * Occupied * Uautliier Achilla * Uoy Amudee, carpenter * 3 Vacant lioiises (new) 1129Carapbell Pat. * Urompton Thomas Latheisey J:Mnes * Smith ihumas Alexander 1133Vttcaut 1135Mcl)jUgall Daniel ll3?Sheehn Daniel I lUlKnowdell Cliarles Vincent Knowiiell Charles Luiher SIXTH AVE., from Vine to Prince Edward. BOTH SIDES . ♦ Barnes Frederick Augnslns, builder Barnes .Miss (Jassie, school teacher * Doering U. Gottheld, prop Vauc. Brewery * Smith Robert, carpenter * Henninjr \Vm. James, carpenter Gibson Miss Jennie * l{oss John K., Vane. City Foundry Williams Arthur, carpenter * Kayni's Ricliaid Andrew, carpenter * Craig George, carpenter Brunswick intersects. * New house * Thorpe « Co., Soda Water Works Thorpe Hills, of Thorpe i Co. Uutehison \Vm., bottler Taylor Frederick, bottler Ford Arthur, bottler * Steigeuberger Alfred, brickmaker * Lush Thomas * Cates And. Jackson, corker and stevedore * Shurgold Edwin, express driver Westminster av intersects. * Vacant house * Lindsay James, carpenter Lindsay .Miss Anna Liiiilsay Mi^s .Mary B. Lindsay Miss Lillie Lindsay .Miss Ella * Garvin Samuel, tarmer Jones Joseph, tarmer * Pool Russell Herbert, C.P.R, Quebec intersects. * Clark William Frederick, painter Ontario intersects. Manitoba intersects. Columbia intersects. TEXTII AVE., from Vino to Prince Edward. * Stapleton Christopher, sen., painter C.P.R. Stapleton Joseph, juu,, messenger * Hicks Valentiue, painter lye.itmimter ao. intersects. * Gow John Alexander, tallyman * Noble John, brickmaker * Brown Charles Luther, real estate Quebec Intersects. * Habington James Boyle, captain Babiugtou Hume Hlackley, engineer * Keeler Charles, florist * Preston Wm., laborer * Godfiey William Manitoba intersects. Columbia intersects. * Mainland Brewery N fi' J ...1 ■iZ .fi i ,. \ : !dr jn h] :|ii:, '•HMf;!:!!! 212 Henderson's Tin WATER WAT THIRTEENTH AVE., from Prince Edward tB. 1 Sunnyside hotel, McGirr & McCoskery, props McGirr William McCoskery George 5 Cameron .\li3 A. N., prop dining dept Sunnyside hotel Hicks Miss Abbie, waitress 7 Dupre Mrs. fimma L., dressmaker Hodgson Miss .M. L., dressmaker Maupertins Mrs. M , dressmaker 36 Vacant 34 Vacant 32 Vacant 17 Van Volkenburg & Bro., British Columbia market Van Volkenburg Isaac Van Volkenburg Benjamin Gillies Daniel W., bookkeeper Cdughtrev Alfred Kicliard, butcher Welch Edmund Ernest, cashier Fisher George M., butcher Biinham Alfred James, butcher Mitchell John, chief .slaughterman Krussing R., butcher Marriott Edward, butcher Manning Wesley, driver Day W., teamster Murray Jonn, teamster Langbam Tliomai-, driver 21 Bherbrooke Dining Hooms, Mrs. P. W. Morency, prop • Vacant building 71 Vacant 73 Martin Bros., hardware Martin William C. Martin James .Morris Casher Charle>, (ilumber Crick Percy, clerk 75 McMillan A- Son, groceries McMillan John Hugh McMillan Alex Sutherland Samuel, clerk Stewart William, driver Abbott inter.iecfii. 105 Morrison James, real estate 107 Arkell Henry, tlour, feed, etc Allen Fred., clerk 109 Vancouver Warehouse Co.. G. manager Lough Wm.. storenian 135 Albion hotel, Lee & Cowderoy, props Lee Henry Cowderoy Henry Marshall Charles, waiter 1.39 Vacant 141 Vacant 143 Forrester Alex., carpenter Steel William, exjirfssman Gillespie Jamea Colin, carpenter 143 Vacant store 153 McMillan William James, comm. merchant | Morton Joseuh, clerk 107 Sanchung Kee. Cinuese laundry 16!) Ow C hongs, laundry 171 Vacant 175 San Francisco hotel, Charles Burkland, prop Slierridan Samuel, carpenter Cambie intersects. * Keil James, teamster • Stables * Charleson D. B., contractor • Local freight shed, fl. E. Connon, agent! R. Major, ;:iii> VANCOUVER STREET DIRECTORY. 273 WAT WATER WAT ritish Columbia per butcher ihier cher itermaa ms, Mrs. P. W. 63 •Ctn. ute etc Co.. G. R. Major, vderoy, props Inn larpenter Is, coram, merchant laundry Icharlea Burkland, enter hects. Ictor , B. Connon, agent SCOTH SIDK, 2 Alhftinbra hotel, Wilson McKinnon, prop. McLn Tapper, clerk • Fire Hall No. I ! Carlisle John Howe, chief Cameron Alex W., engineer Simi-son Thos., driver Olfgg Arthur^ driver Wliiston Thos. H., tiremaa hose Campbell Hugh Haywood W. \j. Sciirthley Ernest, stoker ■;(") Granville hotel, Thos. David Cyrs, prop. M Ross William, fruit and coafeciioiiery Dujire Sanuiel, barber Morrow John M Terminus Hotel, William Reoj Jones, prop. 38 Clark Thomas W., wholesale fruit, produce, and gen com. merchant Stewart Frank lieid, bookkeeper liohinson Robert, warehouseman !jO KUis Charles, barber 52 Vishoot Isaac, mer. tailor 54 liattfay Mrs. Mary, widow, fruit, etc. (',11 Vacant «J |{(ibinson John, saw filer 04 Adams Mark, barber s Sarah, waiiress McDonald Miss Kaie, waitress McRae Donald, carpenter Hae Roderick, carpenter 212 Stewart honse, Wood & idhintafier, props Wood Francis fSliiiitaffer James Oldenburg Alex., bartender Oden I. J. Tidale (!has. E. Arclier Frank, logger Mallandaine Fred. Stewart F. H. Manning G. W. Brown H. A. Anderson J. C Elliott W. G., real estate Mowat Charles H. Moore Richard Morrison Frank, mechanic Shannon S. W., tinner Abbott Alex. Leslie I'homas Kaw David, tinner Carr Robert M'pwat Robert B. Webb Francis M. B. S., cigarraaker Taylor Frank David, logger Jamieson Robert, carpenter 224 Yee Sing, Chinese laundry 220 Gun Lung. Chinese laundry 232 Greyhound hotel, Harry Cole, prop Tlioiupson Samuel, bartender Conlan ('has., contractor Woodtiouse W. H. Rogers Ernest, painter Thompson .\., engineer Sir. "Tepic"' McLuehie John, contractor 238 New York restaurant WESTMINSTER AVE., from Alexan- der South to l*'alse Creek WEST SIDE. 17 Kelly, wid J., dress and mantlemaker Vowcll inlerkcta. *49 Cordiner Peter, blacksmith Hastings .Saw .Mill 51 Crick Henry 55 Jones Cha>. H., of Creighton, FraserA Co tJl Payne Jances K., plasterer Walker Jclin, |iri)f. in medical electricity Hysloj) C'nules, machinist 108 .Mills rewery, Jacob Wra. De Witt, prop DeWilt hugcnc ' "^ DfWitt Jo.seph, .salesman * Alcock Alfred John, Vinegar mnfr. * Johnston John W., city policenma VUh av. intersects. * Fetterley Colin, laborer * Williams Charles, at I.eamy & Kvle's mill * Phillips Charles, laborer y'^^"m * Uinsmore Abraham, carpenter I'M/i av. intersects, lith av. intersects. 15th av. intersects. WESTMIN.STKR ROAD, from West miii8tor Av. South nOTH SIDRa. * Myers William, grocer Bth av. ir is, 9th av. i 1. * Wigglesworth Isaac u alsh, butcher Wigglesworih John Walsh, butcher * f'a''*';.C,'-eek school, Div. I., Miss Archena J. McUougall, teacher * False Creek school, Div. II., Miss Alida M, Robmson, teacher * Crookall John, bricklayer Roward Francis, bricklayer 10th av. inter.^ects. * Kelvy George, carpenter * Costell Michael * Parker Frederick William, clerk O.P R. * Vacant house * Hunt Edr/ard, architect * Hunt Mrs. Emily, widow Ravey James, black.^mith * English Church, G. Finesse Clinton * Hanna William James, builder 13th av. intersects. * Waldren — , rancher * Morgan Daniel, carpenter Morgan Claude * Chinese occupants * McGeer James M.. dairyman Noon William, dairyman Grierson Andrew, driver Fowel William, ranchman , * Curran Edward, bartender Junction housel Henry Marvin J., gardener * Junction house, Michael R; Barr^ prop. rohnauti & Co. Vin. DtiWitt, prop ny & Kyle's mill II.) Miss Alidu M, m, clerk O.P.R. i '. r / M'»i^, lOF '-Si:, ■;.,.^ltJI; [Money d^flef^liy iiiyeste4 Loans l!f^g0i ! ■'•■J «l ,0 '- "■' ''1 III ■ ■^ ^ lUi ; Ir, I if ^ 1^ . -I I- ;h ill •'] 'ill' T - Si 'J r ./ f^ 1 1' ."S ■ ' !'^ M, ■!{} i 1 1 r-^-^ rj. ' ' ■- > 0' t 1 PI is ' ;h i \a fli r If I hi f, nil >jiti Ji^'!^ Vijlil u )|lw»u' '<1H'' -•*! »!:::,r lit:: III ill ./::)! Hi'-"::! II:::. I""' «i::i::!i 1^ I. I* 5 "(I ■1*»," — .,1 n:...ii »':.): !i 'ii:::i!i |i..^.., r;) „ 1!! "!|| '|:;>:i {!:::-: il I'l*"!.!...,.. 1 i * . 278 THrt DfWiy /VND Vancouver, B. C, Canada. 7%e Largest, Newsiest, and most PopulQ!\ {Newspaper in the Province. THE DAILY WORLD enjoys the largest circulation in ihf, citAy, and THE WEEKLY WORLD is a regular visitor to ( \ery home in the interior of British Columbia, thus making it one < i [he| best advertising mediums in the Dominion. ■ THE DAILY WORLD has facililies for securing tclegripl news enjoyed by no other paper in the Province. ,; i , DAILY WORLD, $10.00 PER YEAR. WEEKLY WORLD, $2.00 PER YEAR. ^ ' y- To any address in Canada, Great Britain, or the United Statd AiiverUsing Rales made known on applieation to the Office. %mm m iMit 270 lation iii ilifj litor to < very >• it one of [hej lOHX 11. IXSLKV, Miiuiigci-. rUOl 1 A: INSLEV, l'ioi>iielois. ROOMS FOR t2S GUESTS. CORNER OF HASTINGS and GRANVILLE STREETS, 1. O. •• • -,/ .r u'i ; '■' '•'H. ?.': ;]3 If- "M n. 'A u~ ■'^ ::m I r' : ;», ':.?' ^ I " 'i p*« , 1 r* I-'' "• ■'I '■-"p "'1 ' , iC'' ( t J ^^ .r.» • ' '■'' '■^.., , •• .^0 ■■•; ^■" ■ •;.i , ■•1 Ml ^J '-I :■; ' '^'' • • ' li:: ■ li ^: • ■ '1J I ^1' a, ; J * '"- 'yyiyg-^y vlT III > I ^ -1^ i' I 'Mil rp.ii^u^ L'li. . . , / ^ I i ? i^ r J*>^ ^ 1 Ft 17 r ^. . • . ^♦^•0,000 ♦ • ' 1 1 r J- i' N^l$!fad.ttPL' - " f imdon Offico^SSCorn^m, Lpndbn. i|^ 1 ; ' AOBNt& AMP O0»B«SPON^BN*&-. ti Company's Bahk,' Bank 4>fIrtUo '< *>■ ■1 ^ :i) "•^ '■r r» 'I! H^- *'t>. k •>M [C I '3.1 '■ru? % ■&'W. s Alt t':| s ii X ! ;^ll ' rwX| IS. ft* lEAHY k KYLE, Prop's, "TSlSTr""?? a*S^'SV^%^' Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.JP.Ry. and connections. 284 HENDERSON S VANCOUVER East End Park contains 160 acres granted by the Local Government. The city has also 40 acres of land on south side of False Creek reserved for park purposes. The hotel accommodation of the city is far ahead of what would be expected in so young a city. The C.P.R. Co. hotel, the Hotel Vancouver, a magnificent building, 130 by 104 feet, which coat $250,000, and in it are found all the comforts and luxuries of a first-class house ; among the mauy other hotels in the city, the Leland House takes the first place. Its docks present a lively appearance ; from them regularly arrive and depart steamers and ships for local and foreign ports. The Clyde built steamer " Islander " makes daily trips to Victoria, distance 90 miles, in con- nection with the C.P.R. trains. The Canadian Pacific SS. Co.'s steamships ply tri-weekly between this port and Yokahama aud Hong Kong. The Pacific Coast Steamship Co.'s boats arrive every five days on their | regular trips from San Francisco to Puget Sound and B. C. waters, Str. "Premier," tri-weekly to Port Townsend, Seattle, Tacoma and I other Puget Sound ports, Str. " Dunsmuir," tri-weekly to lianaimo and| New Westm'nster. Several sailing ships are generally anchored in the harbor or loading I lumber at the saw mills, as a large foreign export trade is carried on thiough them. That great chain, the C.P.R., binds British Columbia to the Eastern part I of our Dominion, first giving existence to Vanconver, and is now doing mucb[ for its prosperity as well as for the geiu'ral good of the Province. The C. P. R. have been true to tlieir word in making Vancouver theirl terminus, of which the centralization of their work and machine shops, carl factories, etc., in the portion of our City called Yaletown, gives the best])ronf,| This city will shortly become the connecting link between The Seattle, Lak-;, Shore and Eastern Railway, which vvill cross the Eraser River at Missioiil Station, and the New Westminster and Southern Railway ; these are beiiJ rapidly pushed, so that Vancouver will become the point of the North PiicitiJ slope for transmission of freight and passengjrs to and from the Orient aD| Australia. As to the industries of the city, it is only necessary to examine tlie : lowing pages, and also the classified directory, to realize that Vancouver liiil a great future before it ; other places have sprung up rapidly, but there isD] record on this continent of the building of a similar city with all the improvel ments of modern civilization in so short a period. Isauaiiuo and WlVil A miW. Prnn'Q Commordal Saw Hills, Bough and Sroised Lunber, Soon, USAffll a J^ILH, nop b, sasli.Latli8, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars toadert in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. ABB ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOBY. ALC 2S5 G. WHETHAM & CO., Real Estate Brokers, Pinancial and Insurance Agsnts, Corner Cordova & Gamble Sts., V^-NCOUVER, B.C, P.O. Box 477. Telcpbope No. aia. Special Attention given ti> Investments and the Management of Instates for Noa-lieHltlents. VANCOUVER. Abbott Alox., plumber, 1G2 Water, bds S(evvitrt House " Graham, res Hastings eor Howe AbbottHarry, general superin- tendent Pacific division C. P. R., res Hastings cor Howe. Tei office 20 res Tel 96 Abbott J., emp. E. C. P. M. Co. " M, L., res llastiugs cor Howe Abbott Street shavl.ig parlor and batlis, II. T. Scurry, mgr., 25 Abbott AbramH John, Al ham bra hotel Abra}' Jackson T., constable city police, roN 337 Richards Acorn Alox. B,,speculator 21 Cordova, res 618 Powell " Mrs. El vena, music teachei', 618 Powell I Adair Wm., shoemaker I Adams Miss Alice L., 324 Powell " Miss Alice,dressmaker,res Harris " Miss, 212 Cordova " George, laborer Turnbull & Co., res Keef'er " Herb. Thompson, of Wilson & Adams, Westminster av " H, T., butcher, 219 Prior ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. S Telephone Tin. 52. I ¥. W. HART, FlEL\LDIIlECTORaDdEl.\LlR STOCK COMPLETE T 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Adams Mark, barber, 64 Water, bds Gold House " Mrs. Frances C, wid D. W., res 324 Powell Adamihwaite Walter, carpenter, 422 Pender Addison Chas., shoemaker, 26 Abbott, res siime " John, teamster, 336 Carroll Aden I. J., bds Stewart House iEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford ; Ross & Ceperley, agents, Post Office block, 313 Hastings Aggason Elie,domestic, 143 Hastings E Agnevv Ribt. Stuart, carpenter, 534 New Westminster av Aitchison Mrs. Duvid A., 628 Powell " Wm., f(U-eman V. S. J. Lime Co., res 628 Powell Albinson J., engineer hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Albion Hotel, Lee & Cowderoy, proprietors, 135 and 137 Water Albion Hou^o, Brown & White, dry goods, 30 Carroll Albutt Alfied A., butcher, 5 Cordova, res Prince Edward Alcazar saloon, cor Abbott and Trounce Alley, Tel 208 Aloock A.J., vinegarml'r, Westminster av, Mount Pleasaot •i,...( o ; '- uj ; Jr'u i lib ' * ■7- I; J:. ! ■.' Nil ST"" :' I N* 4^ jir III m LEAHY & KYLE, Prop's, '^CLZT'^'^^^y'^';'-^ Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all points on C.P.Ry, and connections^ 286 ALC HENDEB8ON 8 VANCOUVER AND (I <( (( A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, mm MASiPii^^s ST., VANCOUVER, B. O. Alcock Jonathan R, of B. C. Invest. Co., re.s Georf(ia Jolin, re8 Barnard MisH M. A., nurt*e City Ho.spital Mark, res Barnard Thos. Henry, master mariner, res Barnard Aldons George, emp. R. C. P. M. Co. Alexander Fred. W., clerk Thomas Dunn & Co., bds 300 Alexander " Miss, 800 Alexander Alexander Richard H., mana- ger Hastings Saw Mill Co. (I.d.)y res Alexandercor Gore av Tel 202 Alexander Eichard H. H., 2nd foreman H. S. M., res 300 Alexander Alhainbra Ilolel, Wilson McKinnon, prop., coj'Carroll and Water Tol 105 Allan Geo. Lawson, boots and shoos, !3 C(»rdova, les 310 Hastings " xMiss Eleanor M.,310 Hastinfrs " Chas., hiborer Turn bull & Co. Allan Nicol, prop Edinbursh hotel, 124 Water Allan Robt., emp. R. C. P. M. Co. Allan VVm. Andrew, clerk, 13 Cordova, bds 310 Hastings " R. E., of Burdis & Allan, res Oppenhoimer " Wm. Fen wick, 310 Hastingb Allardyce Lewis J., electrician, res 313 Hastings E ** Miss Margaret, nurse, 313 Hast. ings p] " Mrs, Margaret, wid Jos., nurse, 311 Hastings E Allen Fred., clerk, 107 Water, res Abbott " James A., ship carpenter, res False Creek near foot Cainliie " James, painter, Princess nr New Westminster av John, carpenter, IkIs Gold House John, longshoreman, nr C. P. B, freight siieds " Miss Jennie, tailoress, 140 Cor- dova, res 313 Howe " Thos. O., of Allan & McDonald, res 2 Cordova " Thomas, apprentice V. C. F. & M. W " Wm. John, carpenter, 415 Drake Allen & McDonald, Bah ^ral hotel, 2 Cordova Allen Siliis H., engineer, bds Northern hotel W. H., res Windsor Hotel Wm., mechanic, res 423 Gran- ville " William John, mechanic, res 427 Granville Allison George, res Prior James, res Prior (I Mi ss M., res Prior Robert, laborer for G. F. Slater, bds Northern hotel Ammoii Aug., 43 Cordova Amos — ,5tli av Anderson Alfred, barber, res 213 1 Georgia " Miss Jane Aim, Burrard nr Eob-] son " David, of B. C. Invest. Co., rej| Hornby nr Nelson & Alcock, 235 Cordova John, longshoreman, bds 19 1 Abbott ** -^^ ice V. C. F. & bds Northern ir XIIV J& WT 17 DrnnV' Commerei&l Saw UiUs, Bough and Creised Lumber, Doors, LMffll ff MLK, rrOp b, g,3i, i^ti,3^ ^, VANCOUVER, b. c- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. AND ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. ASB 26r Anderson Frod., barber, 174 Water, res Georj^ia " J. C, bds Stewart House " Alex. A., foreman Wor.d " Gr., enf^ineevstr "Mamie" " J., laborer, "Water Front nr West- minster av Anderson R. A., & Co., real estate and insurance, N. P., and collectors, 107 Cambie. Tel 21-t Anderson Lewis, seamnn, 320 Carroll " Eobert Alex , of R. A. Anderson & Co.. 107 Cambie, bds Manor House " W., fireman sir "Mamie" " W. FerjL?us, travellin<^ auditor C.P.R., bds Dunsmuir cor Sey- mour Andrews James, crptr, res 517 Powell " H. A., clerk Bell-Irvmg & Pat- terson " Thomas, laborer, 138 Alexander " Thomiis, carpenter, 12lh av Anirns Ricliard, clerk voucher dept C. P. R., bds Loland House Aiismann 8am., luii-tender, 25 Dupont Anstie Henry James, Jeweller, for Davidson Bros, res 323 Homer Apens E. G., C. P. R., res fil7 Seymour Apnant Georijje, H. S. mill Apstaker Abraham, of Nicholson & Apstaker, 9 Carroll Arata Certowe, cook Hotel Europe, 11 Powell Archer Frank, logger, bds Stewart House " W.C, & Co.,brokers,222 Cordova " Walter Charles, of W. C. Archer & Co., res 356 Richards Arden John, employee ii. C. A. & M. Water Works, res Prior Arkell Hy., produce and commission, 107 Water, bds Leland house. Tel. 92 Arkle Christopher, carpenter, res 44 Park av Arlington hotel, F. Foubert, prop, 506 Pender REAL * ESTATE ASH LOAN AGENCY, 153 CORDOVA ST., VAXC .UVER, B. C. REAIi KSTATK IN ALL. PARTS OF THE CITY AND PROVINCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Armour Frederick, carpenter R. C. P- M. Co., res rear 17 Hastings E Armstrong Frank, drugfrist's asst., 115 Carroll, bds Gold House " Isaac James, blacksmith, res Oppenheimer " Josepii Whitehead, patternmaker res Richards bet Davie & Dnike» " Wm. Henrj-, ccmtractor, 331 Oppenheimer Arsell Edwin, night watchman H. S. Mill Arthur C, emp. R. C. P. M. Co. A-*bury Samuel, ot Sweet & Asbury, Pender between Howe and Granville Ash John, cabinetmaker, res False Creek nr Fool Cambie Ashworth Wm. Samuel, janitor, res 131 Hastings E Askew Chas, clerk Hudson Bay Co., 150 Cordova As])enall Miss Maggie, waitress, 56 Cordova Atherton C. H., clerk master mechan- ic's office C. P. R. " Geo. v., cigar maker, res 346 Cambie " Holly, bds 212 Harris " Peter, 0. P. R. freight sheds, res 346 Cambie " Peter, miller, res 346 Cambie " T., teamster, 128 Cordova Atkins — , teamster for Berry, res 107 Barnard Atkinson Chaudiore, cigarraaker, res 346 Gam bio s.:^i 1, \ 'k:^ ♦-■'Ml H yPH i\i ^3 ; ' 1 ,... >:. H ; :i; )¥ iTi **i Mi mm '' I" m lii|S . LEAMT 4 KYLE, Prop's, "^ZZT-^^wi^^'J^Ts'^ Cava loaded in Mill Yard for all jtoints on CP»Ity» and connections^ 288 ATL HENDERSON'S VANCOCVKR BAL h. W. ROSS, Notary Public. H. T. CEPERLEY, luauranee. ROSS& CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS MASflKeS ST.9 VANCOUVER, B. C» Atlantic Beer Hall, Swan & Doering, props, 93 Cordova Atlas File Ast^urance Co. of London, H. A. Jones & Co., agentw, 312 Cor- dova Austin Jamep, president Longshore- men's Union, i-es Richards nr freight sheds " John, prop Bridge hotel, 796 Westminster av, Tel 216 " Mrs. Marion, wid, 313 Oppen- heimer Australian Bodega hotel, 88 Cordova Avison Henry, park ranger Stanley Park Avvrey Peter, 312 Hastings Axtbrd Charles, bricklayer, res 35 Hastings E A^fkroyd Stephen, boat builder, ft Carroll, res Columbia av Any property for pftle in ornear the City can aiways be hud at lowest figures through C. WHETHAM & CO., Corner Cordova and Cambie Streets. The Central REAL ESTATE firm of the City. See their Guide to Vancouver Call for maps and information of any kind. Babington Capt. James B., capt Sir- "Agnes," res 10th avenue nr Ontario " Hume Blakoley, engineer, 10th avenue Baheock Wni. Geo., millwright, 9 Hast tinjis E Baguley Wm., la borer West minster av, Mt Pleasant " Tiios. George, Sreet Railway, res Mount Pleasant Bailey C. S,, of Bailey & Neelands, res Sejmour bet Davie and Drake •' Daniel, sawyer, 313 Drake " Mrs. Mary Ann, wid Wm., res Seymour bet Davie and Drake Bailey &Neefancl9y lands ap^? photographers, books and stationer}', pianos and organs, 221 Hastings W Bain Donald, stonecutter, 132 Oppen. heimer *' Wm., carpenter, res Hamilton nr Dunsmuir Bainos Thos. H, painter, bds Stag and Pheasant Baker Chas. G., uphol-terer, 27 and 29 Cordova, res Princess " E. L., laborer, 15 Pender " Frank, longshoreman, Powell nr Raymur " Fred,, accountant v'. C. F., res 422 Hastings E Baker Henry M. R. C, Vet Sur£i;eon, Pat'^ce stabies, Pender Baker R., laborer, bds St Charles hotel Baldie Marcus, fur buyer, Alexander nr Hawks Baldwin Geo. Frederick, city treasurer, tax collector and assessor, res Hiuo nr Bute Ball Wm., glazier R. 0. P, M. Co, " W. T., agent, bds Balmoral lEAMYfiKYLE, Prop's, '"^^^.l^-^X^^v^T^. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry, and connect Ions, BAL ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. BAR 289 Btillantyne David, carpenter, bds 180 Water Ballard Alf., carpt, S(\ymour nr Nelson " A., carpenter, res Granville " Alfred Kdwin, baUer, Seymour nr Nelson Balmoral Hotel, Allan A McDonald, props, cor Cordova and Water. Tel 236 Balson Herbert Goo., contractor, res Carroll cor Track Bandy A., brickmaUer, bdsl66 Water Bunliam Alfred James, butcher, 17 Water, res 313 Homer " Robert John,re8 313 Homer Bank of Brit ah Columbia, Jamea Cooper Keith, mgr, 438 Hostinga W. Tel 13 Banic of Britiah North Amer- ica, D.Simpson mgr, 32 Carroll. Tel 221 Bani( of Mntreal, Campbell Swe^^ny, mgr, 440 Haat- iiigs W. Tel 47 Banks Geo., machinist, 403 Hamilton Baptiat Church, cor Hamilton and Dunamjir, Rev. J. B. Kennedy, paator Barclay John, machinist V. C. F. Barker Alfred James, tinner, 131 Hast- ings E " Alfred, laborer, 114 Pender " Alfred, tinner, 114 Carroll, res Opponhoimer " Chas, Fred., clerk purchasing dept C. P. R., 131 Hastings E " Chris. Harris, plater, res Hamil- ton nr Dunsmuir " Edward, 212 Kichards " Ernest Edward, of Barker & Mackay, res Burrard nr Alber- nie Barker & Mackay, real eatate agenta, 619 Hastinga Woat Barker Miss Alice, 28 Powell " Miss Jennie, domestic, Koefer " Miss Kale, clerk P. O., 131 Hast- ings K R., clerk C.P.R., 131 Hastings E Robl., real estate, 230 Cordova. Tel 93 " Robert, plastei'er, res Hamilton nr Dunsmuir " Wm. Ji)s., musician, 131 Hast* ings E BarkosC. F., clerk C.P.R. gen offices Barlow Thomas, carpenter, 516 Cor^ dova Barnard Castle Hotal, Campbell av cor Powell. Tel 190 " Frank, M. P., president VancoU' ver Transfer Co., res Victoria " John, carpenter, ft Carroll Barnes — , bartender, 89 Cordova A., emp. R.C.P.M, Co, Miss Cassie, school teacher, 6th av Edwin John, carpenter, West- minster av Miss Eva, 17 Dupont Fred., baker, 27 Abbott Fred, Augustus, builder, 6th av George, of Rounsfell k Co., res 123 Princess " Wm., waiter H. S. M. Co. Barnett Thos. Edward, mechanical engineer, 422 Cordova, res Richards Barnhart Peter Ashton, passenger con- ductor C. P. U., res Pender nr Bute Barnwell Thos. Wm., baker, res Richards Barr James, carpenter, bda 530 Sey- mour Barry Anthony F., shoemaker, 108 Carroll, res 29 Hastings " Michael 11., prop Junction House, Westminster av Barthel Herman, prop. Louvre hotel Bartley Geo,, comp, " World " ■i L> It -4 i .' • 3 r-**' I' Ml r"-;. n \^\ Jjffi mi UmM«, I T K mrV J& 7 VT r Dmn'c Commercial Saw IIIUb, Botigh and Sreised Lumber, loon. WAlfll « &lLli, mp S, s„i, i^,tj,3, 4,. VANCOUVER. B.C. Car« loaded i}» JTi/^ Farrl /or a/< points oh C.P.Ry, and connections. 290 BAS HENDERSON S VANOOUVBB BEL A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS UJASTIIWe^ ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Bastion Ovvon, omp. R.CP.M. Co. Bates S. J., bds 166 Wiiior " Solomon, poller, 89 Cordova " James, bartender, 796 Westmin- Ktei' av Batty Geo., laborer, 214 Columbia Baur Joseph, les Howe Bay View hotel, Kent & Taleott, 514 Cordova Bayley Tiiomas, Leamy & Kyle's mill, res 13th av cor Quebec Baynos Ed., carpenter, Barnard " Bichard Andrew, carpenter,Gth av Beales Charles A., carpenter, res Drake nr Bute Beam Wm., C. P. R., 413 Drake Boasley Alex.Ferrier, clerk, 511 Hast- i ings, rooms New York blk Beattie A. Murray, auctioneer, appraiser and real estate agent, 114 Gamble, res4ti4 Seymour Beatt3' James, millhand, res Granville nr Drake Beaudry Eugeno, clerk stores dept , C. P. R., bds Balmoral ! Beaumont Sam., laborer, Powell nr Campbell av Beaven VVm. J., ledger keeper Bank of Montreal, res 307 Powell Beaver Line of Steamships, W. L. Leonard & Co., agents Becic Albert Edward, barrister, 1 and 2 Caldwell blk, 15 Cjrdova, res same. Tel 139 Beckett Thon., painter, 321 HamiUcin B KC K IN( IS ATi E DON AL I) LO FT US, M. J)., 10!>Cambie, res Georgia nr Howe. T»*l (ifflce 33, tel res IHG Beckwick Ciirisiopher, laborer, ros Alexander Beach BocUwith Chs,, fireman V. C. F. Becchcr Hurgerfonl, lab, Stanley Park Boor GeofiTO, btirtender, 3!) Cordova Behnson Christian Louis, mgr Kurts & ('<»., 162 Cordova, rooms sami Bell Francis, 212 Harris " n. A., of Bell & McKenzic, res Granville Beli & IMcKenzie, siiop and olHcecon tractors, Ponder " Francis Griffln, of H. A. Berry &Co., res 212 Harris " Robert I., contractor, 608 Pow -ll " Joseph, teamster, bds 10'> Bin- nard " Joseph, teamster, 105 Hastings West Telephone Co., 517 Hastings W Wm., carpenter, bds St Cliuiles hotel " Miss Liiura, 11 Dupont Bcllanger Wm., 37 Hastings E BELL-IRVING DUNCAN, M.R.C.S,, oifice 332 Cordova, res 308 Alt'xunder. Tel 66 " Irving Henry, of Bell-Irving & Patterson, res 310 Alexander. Tel 104 BELL-IRVING & JOHNSTON, phy- sicians, 332 Cordova. Tel 102 Beli-lrvins & Paterson, ship- ping agents, whoiesaie and commission merchants,and general importers, Ri^^hards cor Cordova. Tel 169 Bellamay Sidney, apprentice, 334 Cor- dova, bds 141 Hastings E Belmont Miss Poll}', domestic, 333 Oppenheimer •r McKenzio, res 105 Hastings 7 H{istino;s W ids St Ciiiirlcs A ? / taTABu<»HacQ laTo; ' .' < i 5 ■, (The H^enueilson PUBIJ$«| KmiV ALLY t i : 5 ^ \ fi row- $3. lYancouvef; ^ity Directory - $150 a Gjty Directory - $1.50 •, bank- ers, financial, real estate and Insurance agents, 424 Cor- dova. Tel 50 Biorre George, deckh&nd Str "Mamie' ' Biggert Miss L. B., res Oppenheimor " Mrs. Z., wid Robert, tailoress cor Oppenheimer and Carl av " Percy, 420 Cordova, res Oppen- heimer BiggetThs., clerk, Powell cor Hayes av Bigham Joseph, cabinetmaker, 513 Pender, res same Binks Geo., painter, 93 Cordova Birchall Caleb B.,Ross & Ceporley, res 340 i^eymour " Caleb, bookkeeper A.T. McNabb, res Pender BLscier Anthony, laborer, Stanley Park Bishop Fletcher P., painter, bils Gold House Black Alfred Seymour, of Tuck & Bhick, res cor Robson and Bute « Alex P., of Haywood & Black, res Oppenheimer cor Carl. Tel 143 " Arthur, clerk Port Muody Saw mill, res cor Butt and Robson " A. W., storekeeper C.P.R., Paci- lic Division. Tel 8 " Geo., of Black & Wilkinson, bds Brighton House " George, emp. R.C.P.M. *' George, Hastings Station. Tel 42 ' D ; tj H >*""il 1 P* •^ ti 'I 'I ~\ t hV ''% 'i ! 'h' .*^ < WIST** i Ml: 1^« ■ ilt lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, Commercial Saw Sliils, Bouvh and Dressed Lumber, Soors, '^ Sash, Laths, &^ VANCOUVER?, B.C* Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry. and connections. 292 BliA HENDERSON 8 VANCOUVER BOD A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, HfB MASTIH^S ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Black James, C. P. 11., Hornby nr Nelson " James N",, carpenter, cor West- minster and West av " James, carpenter, 201 Hastings E Black Thorn -IS Thomson, so- licitor, notary public, co - missione" to admin ster oaths in the Supreme Court of B. C., ofTice ! Oppenhei- mer, res 331 Seymour Blacic & Willcinson, props Palace Livery stables, cor Burrard j and Pender Black Walter, bricklayer, 205 Georgia Blackburn A. E., 15 Cordova " Albert, porter Arlington hotel, 500 Pender John Francis, painter, 16 Park av W. J, mgr Dougall Ilouse Blaclcmore Wm., architect, 422 Cordova, res 340 Howe Blackstone Thomas, fireman, bds Glasgow hotel Blair Miss Edith, dressmaker, res Westminster av. Mount Peasant " James, fireman No. 3 fire hall,bd8 540 Seymour " Thos., carpenter, bds Louvre hotel " W. T., Westminster av, Mount _ Pleasant Blair Samuel, C. P, R., Eichards bo Davie and Drake " Wni., logger, bds Gl isgow hotel Blake Manufacturing C)., Geo. P. Bo-ton, steam pumps, W. L. Leonard & Co., .-igcnts " John, porter Hotel Vancouver I Blake John Joseph, barrister, city sol- icitor, res Hornbv nr Dunsmuir IbLAKH: JOHN FETEU, baker and j gi'ocer, 423 Hastings E, res 425 ' Hastings E, i Blakie Walter, of Wilson & Blakie res I 439 Hotner ' ; Blanehard Clias., laborer, Water nr Westminster av Bliss John H., of Tye & Co., res j Nanaimo Blomquist F. M., sign writer, decorator and paper hanger, 310 Hastings W, rms 1(52 Coi'dova Blough John H., cpr, b Is L )avro hotel " John, carpenter, res 423 Homer Ely the Allan, laborer, bds 50(5 Oppen- heimer " Henry, foreman Street Railway Co., res 50G Oppenlieimor Boak Albert Ale.x., of Rohertson &Co., 307 Cordova, res 449 Homer Boardman Sam., plumber, 114 Carroll " Samuel Henry, jjlumbor, 307 Richards Board of Trade, rooms 1 Oppenheimer. Tel 127. Boat Samuel, laborer TurnbuU & Co. Boathouse, not Cambie, Hayden & Walker, props Bodega, A. J. Macpherson, prop., 21 Carroll, Tel. 142, Bodwell Annie E. L. Miss, res Georgia " David, res Lansdown, Mount Pleasant Bodwell Bros., real estate, insurance, and general agents, conveyancers, nota- ries public, 301 Cordova Tel. 0. Richards be LEAMY& KYLE, Prop's, "^ZuZ^!"'"tlt^w^!:B'2 Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. BOD ALPHABETlCAIi DIRECTORY, BOY 203 Bodwell Frank Viniiiycc George H., bookkeeper Vancou- ver Brewery, 7th av Bojd — , of Boyd «fc Clendenning, res Powell " Geoi'ge, car|)Gnter, res Westmin- ster av nr 1 0th " & Clendenning, contractors, West- minster av " J. A., emp, R.C.P.M, Co " Thomas Henry, contractor grad- ing, res cor Carl av and Oppen- heimer Boyer Charles, laborer, 8tb near Quo- bee *1». K\ T •^■.; 5 =^; m T 17 a FY /?f IT Yl r Pr'^n'o Ccmmsrcial Saw Hills. Eough and Eressed Lumbsr, Boors. LMM a Uhh, Hup 0, s^^i^ L-.ths, &:. VANCOUVER, B.C. Cceivs" loaded in Mill Turd for m'ljtoint.H oh CP.Ry. and connecfi'ms. 294 BOY HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER BRO A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance, ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & IN8DRANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. Boyes Ricluird, engineer Robt. Kerr, 318 Powell Bradbury Thos , contractor, Keefer nr Gore av Bradon Eobt., laborer, 30J Park av Bradshaw .Joseph, Ifib, 123 HaatinijsE Bragg — , moulder V. C. F., bds What- cheer House " Frod.. driver Vane. S.J. Lime Co., res Rich aids " Wm., moulder V. C. F. Bravvne Frank Heiuy, painter, 2G2 Barn! rd Bray Tboa., carpenter, Robson nr Bute " Edwin, carpenter, RobHon nr Bute Brearton James, carpenter, res Fowe Brechin Eobt., bookkeeper "V. S. Cook, res Gore av Bredemeyer W., Fhi Dr., mining engineer, surveyor and assayer, Masoni ^ block, 309 Cordova Brenton John, Mount Pleasant Brorerton Richard Ralph, res over 328 Seymour Bretiiour Christopher, scowman for W S. Cook, bds Central hotel Brett Robt. E., clerk assistant super! n- intondent's office C. P. R., bds Leiand House Bridge hotel, John Austin, prop, 796 W(fstrainster av Tel 21(J Brethonr Christopber, moulder, bds 56 Cordova Brett Robert E., clerk to asst supt C. P. R. Bridges John, blacksmith C. P. R,> Richards nr Drake Brighouse Samuel, alderman, ros Pen ler nr Burrard Brims John, car oiler, res Pender British America Fire Insur- ance Co. of Toronto, if{os9& Ceperley, agents, Post Office blocic, 313 Hastings British Coluubia Areatod Mineral Water Co., Prior s(. Tel 162 B. C. Book Store, Wm. Harrison, Ab- bott nr Cordova British Columbia Gazetteer & Directory, Henderson Dir- ectory Co., publishers, P.O. Box 278 Victoria British Columbia market, Van Volken- burgh & Bro., 19 Water " Coluaibiii cmj)loyrneiit agency, 97 Coidova " Columbia Fire Insuranae Co,,R.A. Anderson & Co., agents, 107 Cam- bie and Bodwell J3^o^, 301 Cordova Brirish Co!umbia Investment Co., Real iSstate, Fi/ancial and insurance agents 236 Cordova " Columbia Smelting Co. (Ltd.) Burrard Ldet " Empire Mutual Life, 230 Cor- dova Brittin Ernest C, clerk, 59 Cordova, ros Fire Hall Broad E., & Sons, 8t Stephen, N. B., axes and edge tools, W. L. I^oonard & Co., agents Broad Frank, butcher, 26 Gore av I rniiurv 8t FVT 1? Drnn'o Commercial Saw Hills, Sougli and Dreised Lnmler. Doors, \mi a ^^l^ii, nop S, sasli,Latlis, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in Mill Tardfjr all points on CJP.Rv* *^*^^ connections. BRO ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. BRO 295 Brocklesby & Co., H. A., props Windsor liotol, cor l-'onder and Seymour Brocldesby H. A., of Brocklesby & Co., cor Pender ai)d Seymour Bi'oflcwell David, teamster John Mc- Dowell, res Mount Pleasant Bi'ookinjj James, plasterer, Howe nr Hc'lincken Brooks Jdhn Jacob, poundkeeper, res 028 Powell " James, plasterer, 22t Prior " Joseph, carpenter, bds St Charles hotel Brophy John P., aceor.ntant, 424 Cor- dova, bds 421 liichards Bi'osh Josie Miss, 17 Dupont Bross John, butcher, 27 Carroll, res ir 'Non-liesldents. Cabinet Hotel, F. D* McLen- uiin, prop, 180 Water C'miden Sylvester, watchman V. C. F. & M. W., res Alexandei' Caicear Joseph, logger, bds Arlington hcitel CaldcrMrs. Elizabeth, wid Wm.,house- kee|)or, 212 Harris Culderwood James C, ros Westmins ter av Caldwell C. A., clerk County Court, 15 Cordova " John, emp. R.C.P.M. Co. " J A., emp. R.C.P.M. Co. " Sam. Clayton, cornice maker McLennan & McPcely, res Hastings E nr Jackson Caley Jlarry, carriage painter A. T. ilciNabb 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Calhoun Wm. A., compositoi*, 25 Dun- levy av Calif'ori.ia Marine Insurance Co., 504 Coi'dova Callander Alexander, bookkeeper Mc- Lennan it McFeeley, reslloincr Callansenger department C. P. H., Now York block Daniel, logger, bds Glasgow hotel Evelyn E, Miss, dressmaker, 50 Gore iiv John D., carpenter, res 50 Gore avenue J. W., engineer R. C. P. M res., Princess J. Donald, city police Linda Miss, reft 5 Water it 23 •J -■1 H -4 ' • 1 ^, 1 ■«illi' Ifr* n:.]t >»-•« |>^ 'n\ T F K llirV !b WJV Drnn'c Commercial Sav UlUs, BoQgh and Dressed lumber. Doors. I T I IMm fi MLIS, rap S, g,^j^ Laths, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C. " ^ Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all points on C,I*,Ry, and connections. 298 CAM HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER CAN ! -#J.-;iii I't H Nl^}tl» '' ■• i A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insuranoe. ftOSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. '%; Ciimeron Murdoch, aoct., Corbould, McColl & Jennn, ros Granville " Miilcolrn, logger, bds Glasgow hotel Camp Homy, millhand H. S, M. Campbell Alexander, biaoksmith V. C. F. & M. W. " A. coiifoctionery, 35 Carroll " Angus, hdmrer, res 2(i6 Prior " Alex., 115 Hastings E " C, checker K. C. P. M. Co. " Cliarles, logger, ros 2(l6 Prior " ClareTice D.,' E. C. P. M., res Westminster av, Mt Pleasant " Cores de Vries, -mechanist, rooms 336 Homer " Donald J., of Campbell & Martin, 27 Abbott " Donald, clerk, ros Prior " Duncan (x., teamster, 115 Hast- ings E " Edwin Thos., res Westmin- ster av, Mt Pleasant " Geo. W., clerk E.C.P.M. Co., rea Westminsterav, Mt Pleasant " Henry James, M. A., master Si James school, res 323 0[)pen- heimer H., apprentice V. C. P. John A., ship carpenter, 222 Prior John, barrister, mgr Corbould, McCall & Jenns, res 560 Sey- mour J. T. Grant, bookkeeper A. Godfrey & Co., res Howe Campbell J.W., fireman, 540 Seymour " Joseph, of G. Cussady & Co. " Male. Lovitt, tobacconist, 12(; Cordova, res Oppenheinier but Hoatley and Carl " & Martin, bread and cake bakers 27 Abbott " Marvin, clerk W. Tompleton, bds cor Bariday and Bute Pat., res 1129 Seymour Noiman, blacksn)ith V, C. F. " Peter Cubley, Westminster av, Mt Pleasant " Robert, prop Whatcheer hoii^e, Heatley av bet Alexander and Powell " Robert, builder, Hastings " Roderick, jr., of W.C. & R. Camp. bell, 311 Westminster av " Rodei'ick, boots and shoes, 408 Cordova, res Dunsmuircor Si'v- mour " W^m., emp. E.C.P.M. Co " Wm. Charles, of W. C. & R Campbell, 311 Westminster av " W. C. & R., boots & shoes, 311 Westminster av " Wm., mgr Vane. S. J. Lime I Co. Campion Joseph Wellington, of Giil braitli & Campion, res Barclay iir Bute Canada Life Assr.Co., Tatlow & Spitiks, agents, 33W Cordova CANA DA MEAT PRESE RVINGCO, Clark's canned goods, Montreal A. H. B. MacGowan, agent C. P. R. Boarding house, 1114 Gran| ville C. P. R. Bakery and restaurant,| Harry Frick, prop, 426 Cor- dova. Tel 106. Canadian & American Mortgage i Trust Co. (Ld), 320 Granville " Anthracite Coal Co., C. G. JohnJ ston, agt, 510 Cordova. Tel 1 c. S. J. Linio rcB Barclay iir TVXIUfV h WT 1? Drnn'o commercial Zzm Hills, T.oti7li anl Ireised Lnmlsr, loon, mm a MLJS, mp S, ^^^^^^^^^^ ^,. Vancouver, b. c Cars loaded in Mill Yard fur aistant storekeeper ; J. M, Browning, com- missioner Land Dept. Tel 197 carsheds Tel 10 C. P- R. Telegraph New York Blocic, Granville, James Wilson, supt., W. B. Young, local manager Canning John, fruits, 518 Cordova, res 516 Cordova Canonica Louis, of Canoniaa & Fuiron, 35 Powell " & Fairon, City hotel, 35 Powell Cue Miss L, binder, 162 Hastingw, res Heatley av " Miss Louise, binder, 162 Hast- ings, res Heatley av " Mrs. Ada, wid, rea Heatley av REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGBNCT. 153 CORDOYA ST., VANCCUVER, B. C, REAL ESTATK IX AI.!. PARTS OF THB CITY AND PROVINCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Caples Mi^>,s Bessie, res Keeter nr Gore av Carey John, clerk Brunswick hotel, 35 Ilastinirs \V " Pat., prop Bi-unswiok hotel, 29 to H5 Hastings W Cargill J.J.,res Punlev^' aver Hastings " William, accountant 15 Cordova res Dun levy uv cor Hastings. Tel 134 Carleton Fied. William, agent C.P. Nav. Co., res Burrard nr Robson Carling Brewing and Malting Co., London, W. L. Leonard & Co., agents Carlisle James D., Club saloon, 701 Hastiniis E CARLISLE JOHN HOWE, chief of tire di'jiarlinent, resliobson nr Bute. Tel res 124 Carlson Fred., walchman Fader Bros. Carmichael Dougald, res 416 Hastingu East " P. P., sawyer G. Caa8ad\- & Co. Carnahan James, teamster, res Ki'ot'er C iMiey John, bricklaj'er, Water front nr Westmin>ter av Carnwath Chas., bookkeeper, res Mel- ville nr Thurlow Carr Robt., bds Stewart House Carrier Miss Adelina d.ess r.ker, 214 Harris " Mitchell, teamster, 214 Harris " Zenophile, 214 Harris :4| I' i ri -4 '"T"! i •rni, 'i ■ ! i 4 l! TiFAMY ^ If YJ,]^ Prnn'Q Comaerelal Saw lillls, fietish and Creesed Lumter, Doors. LDrtiUl a KILL, iiJtl b, sash.L:ths, &:. VANCOUVEPJ, B.S Car.s loaded in Mill Tavdfor alljtolnts o« C.P.Itj/. tmd connections. 300 CAR Henderson's Vancouver CKP A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Inauranoa. ROSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE k INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, @I^ I£[ASTI^(B3 ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Carricre Joseph, hotel, 1139 Richiirds Carroll Miss Annie, drossiTiitkor, 131 Hii-*tin«'-H E " El., plumber, lU Carroll, bds BrunhWick hoicl " John, laborer, foot Carroll " John T., M, 1),, 41(J Gruiiville, Tol l:;0 Carnithers Thos., painter, res Alex- ander st Boach Carse Joseph, laborer, foot Carroll Carter Albert, contractor, bds 213 Aiiliott " Chailo'^, clerk Leamy & Ky'e, ;i38 Powell " C.& C, pianos. New York Block, Granville " Charles, si-., New York Block, res *3:1 llainilton Charles, jr., les *321 Hamilton Charles ller)ry, cutter, 230 Hast- in^rs, res 238 IV well House, L. Carter, prop, 16G Water John, bartender, 1(5G Water Lewis, prop Carter Hou.>e, 166 Wilier Nelson, of Vancouver Brick Co., rc,^ Burrard Inlet Samuel, bricklayer, bds 213 Al>bf)tt Carters' Temple of Music, New York _ Block, (iranville Cartier Mrs. Frances, wid, res Alham- bra hotd (( (< Flor., dreHstuUr,, bds Powell Chariiock G. A., secretary Y.M.C.A., 30.'< Oppeiilieimer Chaiidior Atkinson, eij^arrnakor, 332 Cordova. I)drt Greyhound Cheapside Clothing House, Z. Gordon Goldberg, prop., 09 Cordova " Oiocery, G rey & Co. 139 Cordova Chess & Draiiyht club, rooms IS & 14 Feruuson l)l(.(d;, llicbards. Td 121t I'Chick'P. J., dranghlHinan, 204 Harris Cordova Chilbcr<>; James Peter, grocer 112 Carroll, res 500 Westminster av Child Freeman (^ecil, clerk C. P. 11., 304 OpiJcnheimer Chinese Fancy Slore, 110 Cambio Chipman Geo. Fred., of Cbipman, Morgan & Co., re.s 204 Granville " Morgiin & CJo,, brokers, 532 Cor- dova. Tel 239 Choate Ftiward, inspector of bridges C.P.I?., res 409 Powell Chong S., laundry, 328 Carroll Christ Church, J']pise()j)al, Georgia cor Biirrard, rev H. B. Jlobson, incum- bent j Christie Kate 11. Mi.ss, Ileatloy avo " Alice Misy, teacher E.E, School Church Bon., joiner Vancouver Shingle nnll, res foot Caml>ie, False Ck. " of Fngland, St James', rev F. Clinton, 5t> (rore av Church of our Lady of the Ro.sary, rev Patrick Fay, rector, Ri( bards c<>r Dunsmuir Cicerotd (r. Joseph, driver for J. S.uitto &(!()., 1 Powcdl Citizens Fire, Life & Accident Co. of Montreal, 2 !0 (^.rdova City Hall, Tel 6. Thos. Fran- cis McCuigan, city cleric City Ilospitul, .Miss Susan Swan, matron Ponder nr (';imbio '' Hotel, ('anonica& Fairoii, props, 35 Pow.n " of London Firo [ns. ( 'o., Tunis & Richards, agents, 511 Hast- ings " Liquor Store, M. G. Mc Lean, 404 Granville Printing Works. 334 Cordova Tea Store, J. Cowdery, 174 Cor- dova " Wharf, foot of Carroll. Tel 94 (^lair Geo., clerk, 21 Cordova Clandenning J nies, ot Boyd & Co., res 123 Westminster av " J(din Ailain, contractor, 509 Powell Clare Peter, S,>( Cordova Clark — , 531 Powell CLA15K CHAllLFS, crockery, glass- ware and fancy goods, 32ti Cor- dova, res 318 Granville -' & Gilmour, painters, 810 ILast- ings Geo., laborer, ros 122 Alexander Harold Curtis, clerk, l(t8 Coi-dova John, printer " News Adver- tiser," bd.s Cambio nr 11 >bson " John, teamster, 123 Westminster av " John H., painter, bds Queen's hotel (I i i 3 »»t m m '11 •■ t •r t a ir^ 4*4 m 1 17 A If V Jb WW DrAn'c Commerolal Saw Hills, Souli anl Sraned LQmb«r» Soon. LJSAffll a MLii, nop S, si^i^utb., &0. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars loeided in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry, and connections. 802 CI.A Henderson's Vancouver COL A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Kotary Publio. lusurauoe. floss & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, eiS MASTIPIBS ST.9 VANCOUVER, B. C. Clark Robt, DawHon, pluNtorcr, 28 WoHtmiiiHlor av " E<>bt., of (riliiiour & Clark, ro8 Doiigall House " Robt., sloiioinuson, 123 Wost- nlin^stor av " Thos., laborer, 311 Drake Clark Thos. W., wholesale lruit,produce& commission merchant. 28 Waior, re« 125 Prin- cess. Tel 74 Clark William F., of Clark & Gilmour, res Gtb av nr Quebec Clarke Fred. S., clerk, for McMullen res Robsori nr Nicola Clarkson Joseph, of Chirkson & Mayne, Pender bet Seymour and Gran- ville " & Mayne,house and sign painters, Pender bet Seymour and Gran- ville " Wni., Davie nr TIiui-low Clayton Clias., blacksmith V.C.F., bds Wliiitcheer House " T. F., blacksmith's helper V.C.F. Clements John, architect, res 359 Howe " Theophilas E., clerk, res Alex- ander street lieach Clements capt William, ship- ping and ins. agent, 536 Cordova, ics Melville nrThurlow. Tel 208 Clendenning John Adam, contractor and grading, res 509 Powell Cleveland James Patterson, carpenter Princess nr Gore " J. P., wood turner G. Cassady & (^o., res Princess Clifford Stella Miss, 123 Dupont Clift — , tinner, res 319 Homer Clititon rev H. Fiennes, rector of St, James church, Episcojjal, ros 30H Oppenheimer. Tel 70 Clough John, janitor of (^ily hall ClouUie Felix Nap., millhand, res roar 508 Oppenheimer Clowes John, carpenter, res (irunville nr Hi'lmcken CLUB SALOON, Chas. McDonald, prop, 24 Carroll. Tel G9 Cluson Thos., engineer C.P.R., bds Colonial hotel Clute James M., of J. S Clute & Co., res 429 Howe " John Slillman, of J. S. Clute & Co., res New Westminster CLUTE J. S., & CO., dry goods, 135 Hastings W Clutterbuck Fred., locomotive engineer C.P.R., 560 Seymour Clyde Chris. J., laborer, foot Carroll Cobb Ernest, painter, Westminster av, Mt Pleasant " John, painter, Westminster av, Mt Pleasant Cochratie Wm., plasterer, bds Granville hotel Cockins Thos., coach builder, 210 Columbia Codling John, machinist V.C.F. Codville Daniel, 322 Powell " James, inspector, res 322 Powell Cody P., stonecutter, Seyniour nr Smith Cohen Jacob, prop Cosmopol- itan Hotel, lOI Cordova. Tel 156 Cold well Chas. August, 529 Powell " Sam. C, foreman McLennan & McFeely lEAMT & KTLE, Prop's, 'r... Commercial Saw Uills, Bongh anl Sreited Lumber, Soon, Sash.Latha, &e. VANCOUVER, B.C- Car» loaded in Mill Yard for all points oh C.P.Jtff. and connections. COL ALPHABETICAL DIRBCTORY. COO 303 Colo Harry, prop (rreyliound hotel, 22^ and 232 Water Coli'inan (reori;o of Evnnsi, (-olemnn & Kviiiis. luls Doiif;l«M House ('olk'iisJolin, tciiruster, 1(J(5 Wiitor ('i»llier William R.,.vanlman, G Cassa- (iy, hds 109 HuHtin^'s E Ciliini; JainoH, carpenter, res Georgia Collins Henry, dry goods and ireiiw' turnishini;^, and house i'lirnishings, 10-4 Cordova, res Ilaro III- Bute Cidiins John, clerk, res Powell " Frank, St Ry.Co.,Westtninsler av " Frank, laborer, 207 Powell '• Jacob M., driver, 3lOCanibio " Wni. Logan, clerk, lO-l Cordova, res Haro Coltiuhojin — , compositor, res 217 Prior Robt. A., clerk E. S. Scoul- lar & Co,, res Durham block jColsori Chas. Edward, boat builder, Kifhards nr Smith Columbia Carriage Worl(8, A. T, IVIcNabb, prop, Hastings iilast ! Combs John Robert, Richards nr Drake Commercial Saw Mills, Lea- my& Kyle,props, South side False Creole, J. C. Woods, manager, yard foot of Gamble, office 230 Hastings west. Mill Tel 76, office Tel 62. >^B6 ido head lines [Commercial Union Fire Insur- ance Co. of London, Ross & Ceperley, Post Office block, 313 Hastings IComptonT., striker C. P. R. IConanica Louis, res rear 121 Oppen- , heimer [Condon James, laborer C. P R. ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone Ko. 5a. F. W. HART, mim DIRECTOR duti ElALMER STOCK COMPLETE T 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Condi-en Hugh, grocer, 700 Westminster av, res same Contederation Life Assr. Co., Mayor & Pearson, agents CONGREGATIONAL CHUUCFI, Rev. James W. Podley, B. A., pastor, Georgia cor Richards Cor)nacher llugh, carpenter, 122 Powell, res Jackson av Connacher It >bort, contractor, Alex- ander ar llawkesav Connecticut Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford 424 Cordova Conner Samuel R., mgr for Bhick & Wilkinson, res Eveleigh Cotinon John, painter, res 550 Seymour " Wm., clerk P. O., res 550 Sey- m(»ur CONNON HENRY EDMUND, freight agent C. P. H., res Robson nr IJuto office Tel. 25, res Tel. 205 " Miss 3Iary, violinist, 530 Sey- mour Constantino Arthur E. Z., laborer, 216 Coluinliia Consulate of Japan, Sugimdra Fuk- ashi, consul, 421 Howe Converse J. A. Mfg. Co., cordngo and bags, Montreal; A. H. B. Mac- Go wan, agent Coogan Edward, 212 Cordova Cook — , res 64 Hustings " Alfred, painter, res Carl av " Chas., Electric Light Co., 41(} Granville J) .1 %\. ;3 V , ■^11 i in !MP"*'^H mm & KYLE, Prop's, "T«aS:r'"^A"?5^uVX^S Cars loaded iih Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ity. and connections. 304 COO HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER COS A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public lusuranoe. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. COOK EDWARD, contviu-tov hi-iok and stone, otiice cor Ilastini^s and (^'imbie, res 9 Hustings E Tel 78 " Edward, teamster, 128 Cordova, res 219 Prior " Edward, l)ds 212 Harris " Geori-e E., teamster for W. S. Cook, iids 52 }>iipont Geo Fred., buililoi-, 308 Seymour John, driver, 182 Cordova Miss, drossmakei', 325 Oppenhei- nier liobcrt. carpenter Turnbtdi &Co. VVni., butcher, 110 Jackson av Cooke Eichard P., piesident Vancou- ver City Foundry & Machine Works Co., res 333 Oppenbei- mcr, Tel 113 " W^m. S., dealer in coal and wood, and buikiintr material, 52 Du- pont,Tel, 84 Ooomb Edward, laborer. 7th nv " Fred., apprentice V. C. F. & M. W., res 7th av Cooncy T. G., laborer, res DuflFerin Coonnily Wm., res Pacific nr llichnrdp Cooper Arthui', contractor, Bur/ard " ilichard, clerk, 530 Hastinj,'s, bds Leland House Cope Fied., of ('ope & Young, res Hamilton nr Dunsmuir " Joseph A., well sinker, Grove av " & Young, dry goods, 404 Hast- ings W u Copp Ernest, painter, res TYcsi minster nr Bridge " Percy Gillman, roofer, res Evel- leigli nr Burriii'd Corbett P'atrick, laborer, 131 Koefer CORBOULl), McCOLTi & Jj':XXS, barristers, solicitors, etc., Jnlm (^'ampbeli, barrister and soliui- tor of Ontario, mj^r., rooms 1 and 2 Masonic block, 309 Cordova Tel 34 " G..rdon E., of Corbou!1, Hastings Kast cor JiiL'kson av. Tel 158 Couticr .Joseph, bds. Lcland House Covins Clara ^liss, 34t> Howe Cowan — , I'ooms 421 Pentler '• Louisa Miss, Princess nr Jackson Cowderoy John J., tea store, 174 Cor- lova, res Princess nr (Jrove av " Wm., bookkeeper H. A. Jones ^ Co,, res 420 Alexander nr cor Dun levy av Cowdcry Henry, of Lee & Cowdery, i:{5 Water Cox Capt Casendi, steamboat captain, res 520 Oppenheimer Crai^^ Daniel, enip. RC.P M.Co '■ George, carpenter, ()th av " Wm., roadmaster C. P. R., res 320 Howe Cr. mer Wm. J., of Whitlier & Cramer, 315 Oppenheimer REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. 158 CORDOVA ST., VAXC UVER,B.C. REAIi ESTATK IN AI.t PAKTS OF THE CITY AND I'KOVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. Crane J(»hn Joseph, tanner, 135 Keefer Crawtord Daniel, 2:!i) Prior " J.-imes, laborer, Campbell av nr Harris " John, apprentice, 162 Water, res Prior " Thos. Francis, bartender What' cheer House Wm., machinist, 229 Prior Wm., carptr, Hornby nr Drake Creamer James S., of Creamer & Lang- ley, rooms 15 Cordova " it Langloy, crockery, etc., 22 Carroll. Tel 22() Crean & Flemsng, props Oriental Hotel, 208 Water Croan John, of Crean & Fleming, 208 Water Creel man Duncan R., woodworker, ii-i Hastings, res 207 Abbott Cieighton A., bds 113t> Richards " Fraser & Co., ship chandlers 10 Water. Tel 120 " Wm. D., of Croighton, Fraser & Co., i-es cor Bar(day and Euto Crewes]ilock, Granville bet Dunsmuir and Georgia Crichton John, stonecutter, 112X Hornby Crick Fred., messenger C.P R. Tel,, <' Bert, comp. *' News Advertiser " res 51 Westminster av " Henry, 51 Westminster av <' Percy, clerk, 73 Water, res West» minster av 'Ik '•I "1 i "»4| ii:.:)! mFW' iK :|i: ! :■ I! !|: »<»• f\m lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, ""^XT-^X^^^v'^Tb'X Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.JRy. and connectiitna. 306 CRI Henderson's "Vancouver DAL (I « A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, : I Notary Public. lusurauce. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. Crickmay Alf. Ed., clerk, res 425IIowe " Ed^ar John, nppi'entice, 334 Cordova, res 425 Howe Fred.G., draughtsman, 425 Howe Miss Elizabeth, trained nurse of ICdinliui'gh, 425 Howe Miss Mabel, 311 U|ipenlieimer & Robson, Imperial Opera House Wm., & Co., practical en<^iiK'ers and machinists, 5 Fcii;uson blk CRICKMAY VVM.,C.E., assoc. M. Inst. C. E. ot Ktiffhind, architect and ^ur- veyor, 5 Forg' on block, res 425 Howe Crocker Ulysses Gr., upholsterer for J. Sehl Croft Wm., cook, 101 Cordova Cromier Sam., laborer, 36 Park av Crompton Thos., C.P.R., Seymour nr Paciric Crook Arthur, finisher, 21) Cordova, res 112 Howe " Mrs., 112 Howe Crookall John, bricklayer, Westmins- stor nr School Cross (tco. B., commission a<;cnt CJ'"teau Eui^eno, booicreau Louis, bookkeeper, 25 Cor- dova, l)(is Douglas House Dan-kin James, carpenter, rear 308 SeyriK- .r Dariey Mrs. Maria, wid, res Haro nr Bute Dulling Nathaniel, of Lambert & Dai-- itifr, •>'» Water Diiiii.liinoy Wm. N"., bookkeeper, res Gi'iinvillo cor Drjike Davoy Emanuel VV., plasterer, res 22 Ponrl av Davidson Alex., of Davidson Bros., res Victoria City " Alo.N. S., compositor " World " " Bros., jowelleis, 158 Cordova " Cliailes Napier, of Davidson Bros. n's 4(i2 Seymour " John, hihorer, 1 Cambie, res Abbott Davie James, laborer, 1.14 Pender Davies Miss Cathoriuo, stenoj^rapher, 425 Powell " Mrs. A., wid, 425 Powell Davis Ciias., 'jlerk,140 Cordovn " 11. 11., painter, Pender nr Rich- ards " Joiiiithan, bartender, 100 Water " John E., prop Opera Resort Saloon, cor Carroll and Dupout Davis John E., of Brian & Davis, 116 Hastini^s E " Joseph K., of Davis & Taylor, res 415 Cam I tie " L. D., barber, 25 Abbott, res cor Carroll and Trounce Alley Davis Louis, Montreal clotv- ing House, 24 Cordova Davis & Taylor, house and sign pain- ters, 108 Cambie Davis W. L., &. Co., groceries and provisions, fine teas a speciaity, pure strained and comb honey always on hand 109 Carroll. Tel 122 Davis Wm. Leitbody, of W. L. Davis & Co, 109 Carroll Dawsrn & Calderwood, real estate, 520 Cordova " George Warren, of Lees & Dawson Ids Tremont House " Herl)ert, civil engineer, 116 Cam bio, res 307 Powell " John Welding, of Samson & Da wson, rooms Granville F lock, Westminster av DayThos.,& Co., San Fran- cisco, gas tixiures, etc., W. L. Leon- ard ,"t Co., agents Day Wm., butcher Van Volken burgh k Bro.. ios Front Deal John, bartender, 2 Dupont. res 11(! Hastings " Mrs. Klizabeth, widow Arnof*. res 111) Hastings Deas J., b<'ilerj>iaker V.C.F. Dechosno Cliarlos, caii)enter, bd> St Charles hotel Deck Milton, fruits, 111 Carroll Deibiick A., bds Hotel Vancouver Dempstc! Wm. A., of James 11. Wofy'\^i 4- I . ( ■ \ I '\ ' m 1^ II ■ I ■ i ■ T F Ar*?V Xl WIV ]?m'c Commercial Caw Kills, Eough and IrsEsed Lumber, Doon LMUil a AILL, i iOji b, sasli,Liths, &:. VANCOUVER, B.C. Cars loaded in yfiil Yard for n'l 2>oints on CP.Ity, and connecfi'ms. 308 DER IlENDEHSON S VANCODVEE DOD A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. BOSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOTJVFJf, B. C. DerrrnMit John, pninter, 110 Soyniour, Uls Leliirid ILniso Derrick Anion, ciirpoutei', 213 Harris DesBri^av Alex., i^rocor. Westmiiistor av, Ml Ploasani. Tel 1()5 D'GEN DRON M Al ) A .M K JAN E, dro,><^ni.iln. res 138 Carl cor Princess. Tel 193 Devine & Son, John, agents collectors and real estate, 38 Cordova. Tel 21 Dewitt En( DeWolf Goorire. of De Wolf & Munroo I'cs 425 Howe Dickie Geo., driver, Inl.s 19 Ahbott " Il ( 'Drilovji " Joseph, foreman c;"*i»enter, res (^ambie " Joseph, ship carpenter, Trnnnco Allev, bet Abbott and Ciimhie Miss Grace E., 759 Hastiiii,'s W Roscoe, jaiutor,i'es 218 Ricliariiv Dobson Frank Scott, V. C. Mills, V. Dun levy avo " Geo.,mill\vri'j:ht, 22 Diinlcvyavo Docksier John, Kayiniir iive, nr Har- ris Dodds n., compositcr NuWs adverlist; Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto jW.L.Leonard cV; C >.,ai;'eTii> c< Dodson Archio, 308 Powell »' Joseph, jun., laborer PovvoU res ;jUt »lf & Munroo Vs adverlisi'; rf X nifV Ht 7 VI P Drnn^o Commercial Saw Hills, tns'h and Creisei lumlber. Oodrs, UiAllll CLklLh, nop b, sa3h,Laths. &e. VANCOUVE:?, B. C- Cars loaded in Mill Tazul for all points on C.P.Ry. and connect ions. b .J ," < DOD ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. DOW 309 DodsoiiMisH Miirj' Jiirte, 308 Powell " Miss Siinih, 308 Powell Doeriri!;- Clwi-i., prop. VaiK . Brewery, it oftSwan & Doeritif^ res (itii av " Geo., proj). Slag aiicl Pliea-^ant Dolierty J. W., j-auK saw tiler H.S.M. Doidit^ L., cai'peiiter, 325 llainillon Poig Jai»os,pass. eoiitluetor C.P.li.,res BOS Hi I' hards " Wm., softion foronfi.m C.P.R.. res 127 Opi)eiilieinier Dolan iMr-<.lvaie,wid Denis, 134 Cordova Dominion Bottling Works, New YorU blocic, trranvillo ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAFl. I Telephone No. 5«. Ddty John, Engine Co., Toron- to mai'ine and stationary engines Dominion Express Co., O. ! and toilers; AV, L, Leonard & Co, Ford,supt; A< W.Lee, agent, .,„,3„,„ office in C. P. R. depot I ^ "^ ^ , , r< x. r^ I Doucet Ti„ elork C . P, R, gen oflU-o, res- Dominion Govt Immigration " 100 oppenheimer ofTlce, Morrison Sutherland, Dongall IIon>e. Cordova cor Abbott agent, 530 Cordova. Tel 148 '■ " " John. 92 Cordova Dominion Plate Class Ins. ! Co., A., A. Boak agent, 307 1 Cordova Dominion Real Estate and Loan Agency, 137 Cordova. Tell 198. ''^''-''' "'"■ "'<./''""/ (■"/•(■/• Dominion Show Case Worlcs, Turonlo; \V.L.Looiuu\UV (Jo. .■igenl,«i Doininy (!., engineer, btls Si Charles hotel Donaltl>on James, teamster, 715 V/est- niiii>li.r aV James, laborer. 131 Uasting.s H " k .Jarkman props Dongall Honst^ " John, jiin., of Dougall & .Fade man Dougbcily James 11., shipwright, Hastings J}, nr Hawks av " Miss Jane, Hastings E nr Hawks av Douglas Chas. S.. journalisl^, Westmin- ster ave, Mt J'leasant " House, Homer cor Pender " Mrs, J, M,. pro]) Douglas irouse " Hiiiry. laborer, res Alexander street Bi'adi James, 39 Cordova Miss Lizzie, Pender nr Biirrtird " James, niglu ^iieh man G. F. DOUGLASS JOHN CATTN.VCfr, n I ^"I'^'.i .11 u I . ' wine and spirit morehant, 31 4 Cor- i»o«ohne iv Uoutillier, sash aiid door (iova tm-tory. Granville, False Creek Dy^e Miss Cun.stance, Kindergarten school, 219 Oppotdienner <' Miss Mary, kinderj^arlen school, 219 Oppcniieimer John T.,ol l)onoliii« & Bowtillier, res kiclunxls Mls^ l(»a. domestic, tOQ Oppen licimer Win., onginoor, res JRichards " Miss May, Kindergarten school, 219 Oppeidieimer Dorman Jacob, r«8 roar 29 Ponder , Dowlcn E. J., res Lelund House %^ 4 '''i prentice V. C. F res 212 Powell Dunbar James, laborei", Sea ton nr Burrard Duncan Alex., cabinetmaker, 27 Cor- dova, res 344 Cambie " Harvey, laborer, 105 Barnard Duidop James, well sinker, 124 Water Dunn — . bds Glasgow Hmiso " B. F., helper V. C. F. " Cbas., laborer, bds Richmond Hou>e " Geo., boat builder, It C!imbie,bds Oiieiital '• Henry Knight, landing waiter, 417 Cambio " J. T., lab-.rer. 7 Carroll " John, builder, Burrard nr Ilaro " Maurice, ))lumbcr,lG2 Waler, res Westminster av " IVtcr 'I'ait, res Pender nr Uuii-ard " IJolit. F., machinist, bds What- cheer House " Thomas, of \\ Dunn & Co,, res cor Tliurluw and Georgia, Tel 231 " Thos. T., vice pres Terminal (^ity Building Sm'.. Wilson block Dunn Thos., & Co.« general hardware merchants, 10 and 140 Cordova. Tel 7 and 17 er, So.'iton nr uiidiiig waiter, MM & Co., I'Os TfimifV J& WT 17 Drnn'c Commercial Saw Uills, Bough and Sreised Lumber, Doors, LEAflll « &ILK, f rOp S, sash,Lath8, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connectiitns. DUM ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. ELL 311 Piiiiii Wm.R., dork, rooms N. Y, Block Diiniwin Joliii, carpenter, res Wo.st- miiisler ave Piinsmore P. W,, clerk C.P.R., Gen. Otfifo Duiismiiii'St. private .school, Dunsmuir nr Granville Piipro Samuel, barber, 7 Water " Mrs. Emma L., dressmaker, 7 Water Diitz Geo., carpenter, bds St Charles hotel Dvkc Fred. Wni., clerk, 30 ') Cordova "" Geo. Claude, of Painton & Dyke, 305 Cordova, res Whelham bik. Dykor Miss Mary, Burrai-d REAL * ESTATE AND LOAy AGENCY, 153 CORDOVA ST., VA>C TVER, B. C. REAL. KSTATK IN AtL PAUTS OF THE CITV AND rilOVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. 0. mll}^m & go., Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurance Agents, Corner Cordova & Cambie Sts., vaxcouvi:r, i?.c. P.O. Box i?v. Tclcpljopo No. 21.T. (I Special Attinitlon Kiven to Invegtments aiul the Management <>f KHtatei* for Noii- .{esideiita. KiiiiJin Mrs., C.P.R. laundry, 10 Hast-! in^js W I Eiimshiuv Ilerbei't H. B., bookkeeper! Ty(> & Co., res 340 Pender I Eiirl Henry, curpenter, Comox nr Earlie Mrs. Nellie, rear 330 Carroll | Eiirls William, \vliartinL!,er, Wliui'f' foot of (Jarroll East Knd Pub School, 502 Oppenheimor Eastoi) Goori^e, laborer, Water front nr Carroll Eaton Albert S., carpenter, res Hornby nr Pacitic " John, driver Vancouver Trans- tor Co., Carroll Eckstein Miss Dollio,325 Oppenheimer " Mrs. Mary,wid, 325 Oppenheimor Edinburgh hotel, Nichol Allan, prop, 124 Water Edmonds Henry V., Abbott nr Water Edwards rov. Henry, Church of Eng. land, 323 Oppenheimer " HutHfTt, carpenter, bds 5(50 Soy- m«"ar " Pichanl, blacksmith V. C. P. & M. W., res Oppenheimer \Vm., expressman, 12 Cambie Wm., bds Balmoral Adiim. foreman Palmer Bros. res 17 Hastin<^s E " Goo., Ial)<>rcr, foot Carroll " John, clerk T. Prest, res Oppen- heimer nr Hesitley •' Harry, steward, 205 Hastings E " Thos.,carpcntor,H(.mer tir lilake '■ W. Evans, foreman W'>Hd Egan M'-.s. Anido, wid Joh'i, laundry, Hastings nr track Eggcrt Jules, of Jules Eggort & Co 228 Cordova *' Eggert Jules, & Co., watch- makers and jewellers, 228 Cordova Eldon Ge(»rge, gardener,res 1045 Howe Electric light station, Hastiinr.s VV cor Abbott. Tel 31 " ' Eligh Hamilton, dairyman, Quebec av Klkins Sam., hiboror, Eveleigh nr Thurlow Elliott — , woodworker A. T. McXabb " Hugh W., shoemaker, bds Kichraond House /I' ■i i 1 I;. ^K A i1ii^:i'!| < M 'C' rv \ 2ii: LEAMY & KYLE Prnn\ Comciorclal Sa* m^s, Songli anl fireisoi Lumber, Doer. LhUm a IVILfl, nup b, sasi,L--tlis. &:. VANCOUVER, B.c! Cars loaded in Mill Yard for ail points on C>r»lty, and connectU*na, 312 ELL HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER FAD A. W. ROSS. H. T. CEI^ERLEY, Kotary Public liiBurauo*. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVEU, B. C. Elliott J., sliooinukei',h(is 110 Cai-roll " Jaines,ot Jiae & Elliott,207 Oppoii- lioiiner " John, laborer, ros 45 Ponder " Win. G,, ot J. M. Holland & Co., IkIs Loland Ellis Clias., barber, res 306 Oppeiiliei- nier John, shoemaker, 527 Seymour John, bricklayer, r 325 lliehards J{. G., railway n)ail clerk, reis 410 Cordova" Ellison Geo., Park ave James, carpenter, Park av ]Michael, 7th ave Odis Nelson, res Quebec, Mount Pleasant Elphiiistone block, Granville bet Geor- gia and iiobson E son — , H])eculali)r, 21 Goi'e av EniamiclsSam..Iohi), insurance canvas- ser, 511 Hastings, res 351 Howe Emerson i'iil ward, boiler maker V.C.F., bds Whatcheer House Emory Sidiie}', draughtsman, 455 Soy mour Empey.Miss Edilii, Georgia iir Thurlow Empire Toli.u'co Co», Moulreal, tobac- cos, A. H. MacGowan, agent England James, stetiognipiier Rand Bros.. 32H Kichurds Eiigleman Edward Valentino, cigarH 31 Cordova Errickson E., carpenter Water front nr West minster av Eirington James, millliand Fader Bros,, res Seymour Europe Hotel, Alexander Evangelical As«n. Free Keadinir JJoom 1 411 Pender I Evans Coleman &Evan8,com mcrclianlsaiid«ieamlug,ro(>u\l,ij(.ir i Tel 88 ■ "^ j Evans David, merchant tailor, 75 Coi-. dova, ros 312 Hastings W " Ernest E., ot Evans, Coleman & Evans, res Douglas House " (Jeorge, Hreman, 540 Seymour " Thos., lather, Kee'er " Percy W., ot Evuns, Coleman & Evans, res Douglas House " AVm,, y. C. lumber yard, res Keefer " "William, engineer C. P. ]{., ros 43(5 Homer Eveleigh 8ydney M., archilect, 517 Hastings W, res Pender Ewart Thos., car|»ir., (Jore av nr Prior Extence Henry, l>eipor V". C. F., ros Westminster av, Mt Pleasant Any j)'-i';HT:y l-r.-!! c in ur iicai' t;ic(,',;\' 'Jiin :i,\v;tys Ic liud ;.t l,)\V(.'.-t lliiuvis tiiroiij;li C.WHETHAM&CO,, Cornsr Cordova and Cambie Streets, Tlio Ccntrii! REAL ESTATE linn ot tlie City. Si t' tlicir Guid3 to Vancouver Call (ur iiiap'^ iind inforni:iti'>ii of auy kini Kabien Bruno, draughtsman, on Hastings W, bds S'ag & Phcasaiii Fader Albert, of Fader Bros., re.s 135 1 Homer " E., & Co., grocoPH, Granville nr I Drake. Tel l(Jl " Bros. Milling Co., Haw mill, svli and door factory, False Creek, Granville. Tel 119 lambie Streets. li'in (if ii!i\ i;;iii. I.RIMY ^ If YliR Pfnn'Q Coaaerclal Saw Hills, r-ough and tressed Luaber, Doota, liDHlUl a Kllili, nup J), sasli,Latlis, &:. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Rih «»«« connections. FAD ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. FIN 313 '< Jo o|)h E., luii^4 Seymwur F'?".therly Geo., bds 634 Hastings E ; Findlay James, machinery and sup- Foiiton P, G., carpenter, 313 Howe j plies, 101 Powell cor Columbia Ferguson A. G., res 759 Hastings VY av, res south of False Creek Tel. 2 " Peter Preston, curpoutcr, 1138 " M,, watchman RC.P.M. Co. I Hornby 24 •i ■i Civ m i:.£i'^i! «i |:iS "f1»«l I '»-li III u *ii. , M' t -»y- liEAMY It FYr.F Prnn'Q Commepclal Saw Mllla, flough anl Sreised Lumbar, Dojw, LLHUll a lilLD, riUp b, sasli,Lath8. &e. VANCOUVER, B.C. Car« loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and eonnecfUms, 314 FIX Henderson's vanco€ver FOR A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Inaurano*. ROSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE A INSDRANGE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 813 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Finluy \Vm,, porter, 166 Wutor FiiilayHon J. E., piano tuner, 305 Cor- dova, res 315 Sevmour " Wm. Henry, clerk Bank of B.C., rooms Seymour Firemen's Fund (Marine) Ins. Co. of San Francisco, Ross & Ceperley, agents, Post office Blocic, 313 Hastings Fire Station No I, Water. Tei. 45 Fire Station No 2, 540 Sey- mour bet Georgia and Rob- son, Tei 89 Fiist Baptist Cliurcli, Rev. James Bell Kennedy, pastor, cor Hamilton and Duiismuir Firth Mrs. G. A., 328 Seymour ** John, machinist, 328 Seymour Fisher (tco. M., butcher, 17 Water, res Front Fisher George, house and siijn painter, 310 Hastings W opj) Post OfiSce, res 12lh av cor Qiiel)ec Fisher George B., carpenter R.C.P M., Columbia av nr Robson " Mrs. A., widow, 506 Pender " Thomas, carpenter, i-es 776 Westminster av Fitzgerald Wm., bartender, 224 Cor- dova, res Gore av Fitzpatrick Thomas, milkman, Oppen- heiraer E. of Boundary av Fleming Andrew, painter, res Alex- ander si Beach " C. G., n'ght watchman C.P.R, C!ir ^llops " Richard, of Croan & Fleming 208 Water Flemming Robert J,, cai-jienter, res south end Camhio Fletcher, carpenter, Richards nr Georgia Geo., tailor, 324 Powell John, clerk for Gray & Co res 423 Homer ' Joshua, driver, 110 Water Miss, tailores>j, res 423 Hortior Flott Arthur, machinist C. P. R., res Richards bet Davie ami Dnike " James, brass finisher C. P. li, Richards nr Drake " John, machinist C. P. R., res Richards cor Da vie Florent Adolphus, caipenter, res Rich- ards " Victor, engineer, res Riclianls Flowers Rich., logger, bds Glasgow ii.so Foley Chi'istoplicr, qnarryman, Powell bet Campbell and Raymur " James B., clerk, res 234 Harris " James, stonecutter. Water front " John, foreman quarry, res Keel'er " Patrick W., fisherman, 234 Harris Follis George E., contractor, Rich- ards nr Georgia " G. E., carpenter G. Cassady & Co., rea Richards Fonseca Miss Eleanor, Seaton nr Burrard Foran James, clerk, 124 Carroll, res 109 Oppenheimer Forbes Isaiah, blacicsmitli shop, 117 Carroll res 8 Oppenheimer Forbes Richard Smith, foreman at Charleston's, res Jervis nr Georgiii Forbes Andrew, clerk, 71 Cordova, res Georgia ;er, ros Rich- r V AlfV J& VVT 1? Drnn'o Commercial Sav UlIls, fiou^h and treised Lnmber. Soon, hum « MLIS, rrOp S, sash-LatHs. &e. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points oh. C.P.Ry. and connectUnM, FOR ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. FKA 315 FOllD G., supt Dominion Co., rc« Winnipi';^ " Ai'llinr, l>ottler, (5tli uvo « Frarilc All., foreman Printop,:{34 Cordova, IkIh 141 ILustiiif^H K " Jas, A., of Weeks k Ford, ich 440 Homer Forestry Inspector, Robt. Jas SIcinner, oflice Masonic Bll<, res J{i»l>soii Forrester Allen, earpetitor, 143 Water For^bcri.' Clias., bargeman, 320 C'arroll Forrest Alex. R, yardnuisior C. P. 11., res Haro nr Tliurlow '< W. H., casbier freight dept C. P. R., res 342 Seymour Fortes Joseph, bartender Bodega, 21 Carroll Fort in If. onip. R. C. P. M. Co. FortinWilfreii, carpenter for R.C.P.M., Co., res Homer bet Davie and liei- mcken FoHter Herbert, teamster, 336 Carroll " John Rupert, mgr Fader Bros., bds Pacitic hotel " Mrs. Viola, rear 330 Carroll Fortin II., emp R. C. P. M., Co Foubert Frank, prop Arling- ton hotel, 500 Pender, res 424 Seymour Fountain Saloon, 43 Cordova Fowel Wm., rancher, Westminster road Fowkes Harry, 124 Water Fowler Edmund, clerk, 164 Cordova " Edward H., dork for Isaac II. Uailett " Fred. VY., comp " World " " G. W., bds 166 Water " Geo., clerk Rand Bros., res 123 Princess Fowler Melock, 409 Hastings E " Meleck, farmer, 311 Hustings E " Miss, 329 Hastings E " Mrs. Chas. Ed., 123 Princess " James M., farmer, Westminster road ** Warren, painter, res Keefer Expres ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone Xo. 5*. I F. W. HART, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EIALIR STOCK COMPLETE I 27 and 20 CORDOVA ST. Fox << Fowler Wm. A., contractor, Powell nr II oat ley ave Albert, barber, 432 Cordova, rooms Oppenheimor — , of Vane Lumber Co., ros Hastings E cor Campbell av Frank, laborer, 320 Carroll James, laborer, 122 Alexander James M., contractor mason, ros 11 Hastings E " Pal rick, messenger Bank of B. C, res Westminster ave Foxley Miss Fmily, milliner, Cordova " Percy Iv, deck, Cordova Francis rev sister, superioress St Luke's Homo, 311 Oppenlieimer Francoeur L. T., wood carver Cassady & Co. Franklin Harry, dork V. W. W. Co., 118 Alexander " Harry James, res Biirnara " Joseph Lamb, carpenter, ros Barnard Franks Uichard, baker, Westminster ave, res Granville " Z, fruits and groceries, 218 Carroll. Tel 201 Fraser Angus M., contractor, res 25 Hastings HI " A., emp R. C. P. M., Co " D. M., carpenter, Westminster avo ** Angus Carmichael, logger, 131 Hastings E " Arthur, boilermaker V. C. F. i i i \^\ m if A f. V. Q.. „| ^mi^ ii ■■K K^. V^J .0^.^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5< A :/_ 4^ V ^ i^ ^^ 4 ^ 4d 2 = IS IE |2.2 nil' 1 '-8- 1.25 1.4 |,.6 6" ^ V] <^ /^ >? y /^ Photografiiic Sciences Corporation 13 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ^4* lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, '^?^ff f^'T^'^i^l^'"-'""' ' r ' sasn,Latii8, «e. VANCOUVER, B.C* Cars loeided in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.By. and connections. 316 FEA HENDERSON 8 VANCOUVER GAG A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public . Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSDRANGE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS BIASTI]>:SS ST-t VAIfCOUVEB, B. C. <( (( Fraser Geo. A., of Fraser, Creighton & Co., res Howe " Geo., coniractor, res Carroll cor RailwMj' Track «' Ilorliert, clerk Di-. Mc Alpine, 29 Carroll " Miss Jennie, rear 216 Powell « John, C. P. R Tel., res leui 216 Powell John, emp R, C, P. M,, Co Norman, drayman, Columbia nr Powell &imon, C. P. R., bds Colonial hotel Sinion, logger, bds Glasgow hotel Wm, G., tailor, 91 Cordova res Carroll Wm , clerk, 323 Hastinjrs W Wm., tol, operator, Howe nr Ilelmclceii Frechoite O. T., bartender Germania hotel Freeman Cecil Child, res 304 Oppen- heimer « Thos., 204 Harris " Goo., laborer V. C. F., 500 Oppenheimer Freil James, moulder V. C, F, French James, clerk, 29 Hastings E " Wm. James, painter, 29 Has- tings E Frenej' John, bricklayer, bds 56 Cor- dova Freuro Mark, clerk, 112 Carroll (I Frick Harry,C.P.f»., bakery and confectionary luiicK rooms, 420 Cortlova, res same Fripp Robt. MacKay, archi- tect, Richards cor JLt.vting.s W res cor Pender and Melville Frodsham Wm., painter, 427 Powell Frolander N , carpenter, Waterfront, nr Dun levy av Fromme Geo., truckman, bds 201 Hastings E Frost H. T., niillhand H. S. M. " Nathan, bookkeeper, 124 Carroll, res 31 Hastings E Fuller John AVebster, Ontario " Joseph, teamster, res lOlh — , plasterer, near 205 Pender — , loreman St Ey Co., lids Gol- den Gate hotel Fullerton James Abercrom- bie, 8upt C. P. Steam- ship Co., 422 Cordova, res Leland house. Tel. 117 Fulthorp Alfred, Gas Co., 244 Princess Fulton Jonn A., printer " World" " Dan,, teamster, Pender, nr Track Fyfe Havelock ex-policeman G. WHETHAI^ & COv Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurance Agents, Corner Cordova & Cambie Sta., VANCOUVER, B.C. P.O. Box 47 7. Tclepbooe No. 212, Special Attention g\ vert ta luTestments and the aianagemeutof K8ta;»8 for Noa-Besldent). Gagnon Alex., cabinetmaker, 29 Cor- dova, res foot of Cambie " Frank, edger sawyer H. S. M. « W., millhand H, S. M. TPXMV Jb FVT17 Ppnn'c Commercial Sa^ Hills, Bongli and Dressed Lumber, Doors, LMlfll fi Ulh, mp S, s^^,i,^^, tec. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. GAI ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOUT. GER 317 Gain Henry, plasterer, Pender bet Seymour and Granville Calbraith & Campion, Orien- tal^ fancy goods, 420 Cor- dova Galhraith Julius F., of Galbraith & Campion, reaSOIIaro Gaila,!j:licr William John, manajjer NovvsAdvcrtiner, printing and bind- ins;; (lept,rOH 534 RichardH nr Georgia Galley Wrn. If., manas^er for Tyo & Oo., res 516 Oppenheimer Gamble John E., carpenter, res IIowo bet Drake and Pacnfic " — .principal East End School Gambrinurt hotel, Swanson & Swan, props, 116 Water Gander James, loco engiiieer 0. P. R., 560 Seymour Garden Frank, shipwright, res False deck " Goo., clerk, bds Balmoral Garden, Hnrmon & Burwell, survevors Tel 65 " James F,, of Garden, Hermon & Burwell, 116 Cambie,bds Leland " John, of Garden & Sons,re8 Har- ris cor Dunlevy av " Wm., jun . , of Garden & Son8,ro8 Harris cor Dunlevy av Garden Wm.f & Sons, whoie- sale teas, Hastings E bet Westminster a V and Core av Gardiner Prank, ship cptr.,res Quebec Gardner Frank, idiip carpenter, res Georgia nr Nicola Garland Wm.,plastoror,re8 520 Oppon- heimer Gartner John, driver, 55 Cordova, res Mount Pleasant Garvie Henry, carpenter, llth av Garvin George Lewis, dork T. Dunn & Co., rooms Balmoral " Sam., laborer, 6th av and engineer, 116 Cambie, REAL * ESTATE LOJJf AGEXCT, 153 CORDOVA ST., YANCCUVER, B. C. BGAL ESTATE IN ATX PARTS OP TUB CITV AND rilOVINCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Gas Co., office iOO Cordova, Gas Works, Tel 41 * Gaekoll William, carpenter, rooms 315 Homer Gass FredcrickNicholson, freightdept. C.P.R,, res Ilovve nr Helmcken Catewood Charles H., D.D.S., dental parlors, 130 Cor- dova, rms same, Tel 23-4 GaultMiss A-':. ■ii •"■ y^ ■«+b David,Htonecutfer,26 Diinlevy av Gibbons Mrs. Martha, emp 17| Hast- irii^s E, res Pender nr Track GibbsThos., 340 Seymour Gibson Alex., carpenter, 207 Georgia " Annie Miss, waitress Leiand Charles, nurse City Hospital Francis J. P., rec. teller Bank of I j B.C., res 313 0|)peMheimer < I " Geo., lab. res 1 ear 136 Alexander IS: t " George F., clerk C. P. R., i-ooms ^:: ; 4 New Yoi-k block !:, \ " John, butcher, 14 Hastings E, •• J res Princess cor Jackson ,.; 1 " John, blacksmith A. T. McNabb, ii \ res Princess '!i i " Miss Jennie, fith av ■; '' " Moves, prop Queen's hotel, 106 i Water I,' ; " Wm., blacksmith, Princess nr •"'' >• Jackson AVm., emp R. C. P. M., Co Wm. HewHon, salesman Prin- cess nr Westminster av Gilbert Frank, hack driver, bds Gold Ho II so " George, mgr B.C.A. & M.W.C., res cor Princess and Gore av Gilchrist Wm., R.C.P.M., res Dupont nr Westminster av « Giles Deforis, plasterer, res 308 Sey- mour " Emery, plasterer, rear 308 Sey- mour " Fred., waiter Oriental hotel, 208 Water Gill G. H., res Richards bet Robson and Georgia " John, machinist, res Richards bet Robson and Geoigia ** Lister, clerk, 104 Cordova, res 4 New York block Gillespie James, carpenter, 143 Water '' James, logger, rear 216 Powell Gillies Daniel W., bookkeeper, 17 Water, res Hamilton nr Diitismiiir Gillis Albert J., printer " World," 112 Barnard " John A., contractor builder, res 112 Barnard " Jlurdoch, stone mason, btls Lorne Gilmore Alex., money order deptP.O., res 311 Hastings Gilmour Alex., of Gilmour & Clark, res Victoria City " Clark & McCandless, Vancouver soap works & Clark, clothing 28 Carroll Wm., of Gilmour & Clark, res Cth av Gintzburger Maurice, clerk, 100 Op- pen heimer Givine John, 422 Pender Glasgow hotel, Fritz Schnei- der, 309 Westminster av Tel 194 Glasgow & London Insurance Co., Rand Bros.,agents, 100 Cordova Glenn John, blacksmith, res 14 West- minster av Glendenning Andrew, laborer, res Richards nr Drake Gleeson John, laborer, foot Cambio Glover Wallace v., painter, Westmin- ster av, Mt Pleasant T r 1 11V J& F VT 17 Drnn'c Coaunerdal Saw lIUIi, Beagb aad SrMsed Lnmlier, Doom, lEAMl « Mils, mp S, ^^^j^^^ ^^ VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C,P,Ry, and connectUtns, GLO ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. GOL 311) Gloyn John, millhand H.S.M. Godfrey A., & Co., general hardware, paints, oils, glass &c, 156 Cordova. Tel 69 See add below Godfrey Alex., of A. Godfrey & Co., res 428 Hastinijs East " Laurd Miss, ren 441 Homer " Thos. Benson., of A. Godfrey & Co., res 441 Homer " Wm , 10th av Godfayyo Frank, millhand H.S.M. Gohike Au,4?iist, cornice maker, 162 Water Goldberg Z. Cordon, clothing and gents* furnishings, Clieapsido, 91) Cordova cor Abbott Golden Gate Hotel, Wm. Herbert Field, prop, Granville cor Davie T. B. Godfrey. HENRY PORTER, Manufacturer of Sonora Tanned Liace Leather^ Guaraoteei to k the touoliest in existence. 436 Visitation Street. Cold House, Lambert & Dar- ling, props, 6(i and 68 Water Coldie& McCulloch's safes, Robertson & Co., agentsi 307 Cordova Goldsmith George, porter Windsor hotel " Joseph, waiter, 224 Cordova A. Godfrey. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'J HARDWARE MERCHANTS Paints, Oils, Glass, Carriage Woodwork, Iron, Etc. P.O. Box 178. 159 CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Telephone 59. ■i i ■4 4 J (' 1^ * 1 ; t'E ■'"!»' i^! *■ ■♦••, 'i.M/ ll8S ; i; ♦•. r "1. ♦ H, « ir t4' « I. !■ I! I lEAfflT & KYLE, Prop% '°»SafhTr'%AlJcou^^^^^ Cars JoodecZ in JliU Yard for all paints on C.JP.i^^^ and connections. 320 GOL HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER GRA A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, I Notary Public. losuranca. ! mSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B, C. Goldstein Aaron, second hand store, IS Cordova Goodman John, hrickmaker, bds St Charles hotel i Goodmnrphy Hammond, porter, 5:08, WaleV i " Caleb, oontractor, cor Carroll and Etiilway track " I'l'ed., barbel-, 7 Carroll " Si Gow John Alex., yard salesman Bru- nette Saw Mill Co., res 10th av bet Quebec and Westminster av Gowler .D.L., painter, lit9 Oppenheimer Grady .John, res Powell bet Carl and , lleatley av I " John Hy., res Seymour cor Smith Graham H. A., loirger, bds 106 Water " II., laborer, 1 Cambie, bds Carter hotel Hugh, carpenter, res 108 Harris A. E. T. iMiss, bds Douglas house Robt. S„ logger,bds 1(56 Water Thos. Wm.., carpenter, 7ih av " Wm., shoemaker, 13 Cordova Grandin Andrew, laborer. Homer nr Drake Grant Alfred, brakeman C. P. R., res Princess nr Grove av " Edward, clerk John Boultbee, res cor Robson and Nicola " Alice Miss, 131 Dupont " Peter A., '"-^s Hayes av cor Powell '' Hobt., 528 Cordova " Wm„ of Grant & Richardson, res Richards Granville Frank W., real estate, 46 Cordova res Princess nr Gore, Tel 199 " Hotel, T, D, Cyrs, prop, 2i> Water " St Dining Hall, Harry King Sargent, prop 0W8 AdvcN 51G Cordova eymoiir cor ichardson, res niUV 9t 7VT 1? Drnn'o Commercial Saw If Ills, Bough and Srened Lnmber, Soon, Pl « Uhhy mp S, sash.LathB, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C,P,Bv» and connections. GRA ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. GRO 321 "Active," res JGrassie WnlterH,, ofGrasNie& Mason, roH 329 Hastinjis E " & Mtisori, jowellers, 120 "Water I Grav'Jy Waller E., real estate, 103 Uiiml)io, reH Biirrard bet Alberiii ami Robson I Graver Jacob, butcher, *llh av 3Iount Plci^ant iGiaves Albert Martin, loco eriifineer O.P.R., Howe nr Pacitio Bradford Howard, conductor C. P. E., res Keof'er Bros,, bakers and grocers, 3 Carroll J, R. L., of Graves Bros., 3 Carroll John II., of Graves Bros., 3 Carroll John, engineer Goreav nr Keefer Robt., blacksmith, 156 Water, res Columbi'i av Tlios,, tailor, (i Ilaistin ^^s E, res same iGIiAY & CO., grocers, 1 39 Cordova. Tel 116 E„ emp R. C. P. M., Co Thos. (.'ook, of Gray & Co., res Richards nr Robson jGroen Alfred Edward, 216 Dnnsmuir Harry, plumber, Howe nr Holmcken John Alban, Granville nr Robson Rowland Edward, real estate agent, 6 Opperiheimor res 315 Westminister av Wm. Thos,, plasterer, 311 Drake Wm, E„ mgr. Laflferty & Moore, res 216 Dunsmuir proonliorg Harry, sQcondhand cloth- iiiU, 88 Cordo»a jiecriwood Geo,, boilormaker V.C.F. ^I't'ir Fred., machinist, bds 109 Hast- i rigs E " Fred., bottler, lOi Westmin- Hter av Jessie Miss, Nelson nr Tburlow ELECTRtC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. I Telephone fio. 52. F. W. HART, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EIALIR STOCK COMPLETE T 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Gregor Riohard, clerk, 220 Cordova Gregory Richard, machini>*t, bds Howe l^t Drake and Pacitic *' Sidney, salesman Tye & Co., res 516 Oppenheimer " John, carpenter, 1107 Howe Grenfell Cheese Co., Grenfell, N. W, T., A. H. B. MacGowan, agent G rey Hound Hotel, 232 Water. Tel 135 Gribble Cbas. II., upht)lsterer, Gore av Grier Jessie Mrs,, dressmaker, 318 Granville Grierson Andrew, driver, Westminster road <' I)., emp. E. C. P, M. Co. Griffin Essex, distiller, 311 Pender Griffith John Colman, com merchant, 312 Princess " Joseph, res llth av between West minster av and Quebec Griffiths Albert R, yard salesman for Loamy & K3le, res 431 Cam bio '< Ellis Wm., carpenter, res 508 Oppenheimer " Georsie, laborer, bds 792 West, minster av Grigg C. E., steward Vancouver hotel Grouleut Charles, emp. R, C. P. M. Co, '• Fred,, emp, R. 0. P, R. M. Co. Grove J., painter, Richards nr Pender Grover Wm,, clerk, I40 Cordova Groves Mrs., widow, tailoress, 75 Cor- dova, res Mount Pleasant <' Wm., baker, Princess nr HettU ley av 1 \ - oints on CP.Ity. and connvctUms, 322 GRO HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER IIAN A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS MASflNeS ST.« VANCOUVER, B. C. Grovcsnor Wm., clerk Johnston, Ker- foot & Co. Guardian Fire Insurance Co., 504 Cor- dova Gunsall Clare Mrs., widow, waitress, 178 Water Any property for sale in or near tlie City can always be liad at lowest figures tlirough CWHETHAM&CO., Corner Cordova and Cambie Streets. The Central REAL ESTATE firm of the City. See tlieir Guide to Vancouver Call for niapa and inforination of any kind. Hach Chas., mgr Jacob Sehl, res 64 Cordova Hackett James Wm., of Robertson & Hackett, i-es 415 Homer Hailstone William, rooms 320 Homer HAINES ARTHUR, real estate, 13 Hastings E " & Smith, agents, 13 Hastings E Halawell Elizabeth Mrs., wid, nurse, 123 Hastings E " Joseph, laborer, res rear of 123 Hsistings E Haldon John P, carpenter, res West- minster av, Ealse Creek Hale George, V. C. F., 125 Haslir^rsE " John P., grocer, 125 Hustiiij.'sE " Millie Mist<, clerk, 125 Hastings E Haley Geo., agent, 421 Kichanis Hall Abraham, plasterer, bd.-, Stewan house " David, laborer. Water front nr Richards " Wtn., laborer, res Granville " Jiimes DeaU, mgr Vancouver Photo Co., 420 Cordova " James Z,, mgr Major & Pcar.son, res 712 Nelson " John R., Princess cor Westmin- ster av " W. G., messenger Dom. Exp, Co. " W., carpenter, 23 Gore av " Wellington, teamster, 23 Gore av " Wm., cjirpcnter, 23 Gore av Haliander Sam., V. C. F., ro.s 450 Alexiuider HALLETT ISAAC H., barrister, Notary Public, Homer cor Coiclova, bds Douglas House Ham brook Alfred, expressman, Mel- ville nr Bute Hamel FranK D., blacksmith, 25 Ponder | Hamelle Alphonse, lab., 1131) Riclian Hamer Albert Victor, carpenter, Howe I nr Pacific Hamilton Geo,, teamster, bds Northern | hotel — , 428 Seymour Hugh, stableman Queen Bros,, res | Seymour Lyman, teamster, 715 Westminl ster av John E., carpenter, 11th av Percy, 11th av William, engineer fire dept.. 51l)| Seymour Hamlin Wm. James, laborer, 20J| Harris Hammersley Alfred St. George, of I Drake Jackson & Co., res Soalon nrl Burrard. Tel 170 Hanbury Chas., machinist, 530 Sej| mour Water front cor West mi n- rcHsman, Mel- bd 8 Nor them 01 11V lb WT 17 Drnn'o Commercial Saw UUls, Bongli and Dreisel Lomber. Soon, m « Uhl&j nop S, g,^ j^t^, 4,. VANCOUVER, B. c- (^rs lo bott " John Marshall, bookkeeper Raiii]| Bros , res 300 Georgia Hayden Frank W., despatcher O.P.E.J res Homer " J. I„ of Vane. Soap Co. " Hamilton H., of Ha.>-den & \\'i\ ker, res 450 Homer Hayes Geo., of Haj'cs and McIntosli,j Carroll, bds Balmoral Hayes Geo., res Front " Miss, teacher E. End School Hayes & M|clntosh| butchers) 52 Cordova, Tel 50 DIlMV J& ITVI V Omn'c Commcrei&l Saw Mills, Sdugh a&l tretsed Lumbsr, Soord, PK « Ulh, mp S, s,3j^ j-^ti,,, ^, VANCOUVER, B. C (;(ir« loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C,I*,Itif. and conned tunn, HAY ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOHY. HKM 325 an, llomor nr El", res Homer nr| HiiyiieH Frank, waiter Vancouver hotel JHaywood & Black, Real Es- tate & Insurance brokers, 176 Cordova. Tel 133 lllaywodd William C, of Haywood & JMiuk, ImLs Hotel Vancouver "Wm. J)., police ottlcer Victor Wallace, jailor City Hall iHazeltoii — , carpenter, res 305 Drake iHazeiwtKxl Joseph, stableman, bds Lou- vre hotel |llo:ily J. A., bookkeeper, 338 Cor- dova |Bfiip!< K. H., furnituro factory, res 1130 Howe Hoiithcotc (jr, v., dork C. P. R gen Dtlicos tlbilu'ott I3iuco, clerk Bk of B. C, iMiss Al;ce, ros Powell bet llawkcs av and Campbell nv Heck Frs., mason, res iiicbards nr Georgia REAL * ESTATE LOAy AGEXCW 153 CORDOVA ST., VA>'C; UVER, C.G?* REAL ESTATK IX A T.L I'AKTS OF TUB ciTV ANi> riiovixct:. MONEY TO LOAN. Hoil^eH Miss Kittj', 11 Diipont Hei;;crson C.,teamster,Pendernr Ti'ack llelmcken H, J)., of Drake, Jackson & Co., res Victoria Cit\' HelpsHy., driver, 55 Cordova Hemeisloy Alfred St. Creorge, of Drake, Jackson & Co, Hemlow Harry, res Keef'ernr Gore nv Hempbill J?obt., contractor, 415 Has- tings E " Wm., teamster, 415 Hastings B lelephone Call 175. P. O. Box 636. M. A. HARVEY, jivery, Feed and Sale Stables 1o. Water and Abbot Streets, Vancouver, B. C. IMPORTERS OF lEAVY DKAUGHT and DRIVING HOESES First- C/ass Hacks and Carriages at all Hours. i '} III ■A ■::: JlJl . teumsier, 222 Barnard Howse Allred IJichard, rear 21) Poiideii " Clias. Jiobi,, lineman, roar Pender Hub Hotel, 8'.) Coruova Hudson's Bay Co., groceries, liquors provisions and cigars, 150 Cordova Tel 04 I Hudson Ed mund,engineer Fader BroJ cor Granville and Drake " John, laborer, bds Iticlinioiidl Hughes — , machinist, 017 Seymuiir " Thos., bds 320 Seymour Hunt Edward, architect, res Wcstiiii ster road, nr 10th av " Edward, carpetiter, J{.C.P,.\1,('( res Howe but Drake and IVill '' Emily Mrs., widow, res \Ve>iiiiij ster av nr 10th av Hunter E, E., carpenter H.S.M. " — , bds 109 ILastings E " John B , bridge carponlerC 40!»P(Aveir " Itobert, uiillwright, res Pernlra bet Thurlow and Bute " Samuel, 530 Seymour " Thos., carpenter, 530 Seym(iiir| Huntley Joseph, city sanitary, tiro;i license inspector, City Hull, ro. f w^mt I?.: ilifll SPT u, LEAMY ft KYLE PrOD S C»»a««^l saw liiUs, aoish and Sreised Lumber. Doors. *^*^^» '^^"i' ^' Sasli.Latli8, &:. VANCOUVER, bVc. Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all points on CP.By. and connectlom. 330 IRV Henderson's Vancouver JOH A. W. ROSS. H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Inaurano«. ffOSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 813 MASTINeS ST.t VANCOUVER, B. C. Irving& Strahariymfrs of house finish, wood turners and cabinetmakers, 316 Sey- mour Irving Wm., laborer, 211 IlnHtin^js E " Wm., of Irving & Siraliun, 31(i Seymour Irwin John J., carpenter, ree 14 Hast- ings E Any property tor sale in or near the City Utn always be had at lowest figures through CWHETHAM&CO., Corner Cordova and Cambie Streets. The Central REAL ESTATE firm of the City. See their Guide to Vancouver Call for maps and information of any kind. Jackson John Wm., jeweller, 128 Cor- dova, res 7th avcor Quebec " li.E., of Dr:ike, Jackson & Co,, res Victoria JagoWm., slaughterman Hayes & Mc- Int(),Nh, Front James — , em p. Gas Works, res Duf- ferin " Harry, stoker Vane. Gas Co., res foot Keefer " John, laborer Leamy & Kyle " Slanloy.bookkeeper.bds Princess bet Carl and Hoatley av Jameson, James emp E. C. P. M. Co Jamieyon D., compositor News Adver- tiser " Miss, teacher, Burrard nr Bar- clay " Robt., carpenter, bds Stewart House Janes Th(»mas John, sale and feed stables, 713 Westininster uv, res same Tel. 128 Japanese Store, Calbraitli & Champion, 420 Cordova Jarrett Arthur, bds Powell, bet Camp- bell and iiiiymur av " S. N., carpenter Cassady & Co., res Cambie • Jay Geo., jun., of Yates & Jay, res Vic- toria Jayo Wm,, butcher, 55 Cordova, res Prince Edward Jenkins Emma Miss, Georgia nrThur- low " J, P., laborer, bds Whatcheer House Jenman Kate Miss, domestic, 411 Powell Jennes E, A,, of Corbou'd, McCall &| Jennes, res New Westminster City Jervis Annie Miss, waitress, bds 0|> 1 erdieimer nrCanij)l)ell " Arthur, messenger, 108 Cordova] " Edwin, clerk J, Keai, res Oppcn- heimer nr Campbell " John, night clerk Str. Premier, I res Oj)penheimer nr Campbell " Miss Maggie, waitress bds Op- peidieimer nr Campbell Johns Archie, res 518 Oppenhoimer " Fred,, res 518 Oppetiheimer " Isaac, dopy collector of customs, | res 518 Oppenheimer Jennie Miss, 518 Oppenheimer Margaret Miss,518 Opponlioitnerl Johnson A., laborer. Water front nrj Westminster av " Andrew, bds 212 Harris " C, capt, str "Swan," 6 Carrolll t f Jl mV J& IT Vl 1? Drnn^C! Cottmercial Z&vf Mills, tozah and tfesse& lumber, Doors, L11.AII aULhj f rOp S, s,3t,L,th8, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on <. Gardner, Jigont C. Av Coal Co., res Georgia nr Tliurlow. Tel 137, res Tel 110 <« B lith Mi»s, 335 Richards Fred. G., room 18 Ferguson BIk Gjo., b.'irber, rear 308 Seymour George W., of Julmson & Lucas, res Sej-monr H., emp. R C. R M. Co. J. Binns,pr.»pR Ureal Saloon, 65 Cordova, res 335 Richards J. J. Mrs., 88 Cordova James Licey, ins. agent, 431 Howe John, expressman, 311 Iltwt- iiigs E Jolm. driver H. B. Co., ros cor Westminster av and G«»ro av John, laborer. Water tront nr Westminster av & Lucas, bathers, 7 Abbott IjOIIN^SON LACEt R., master me- chanic Pacific Division C.P.R., res Beach av bet Thurlow and Bute. Tel 131 >[., emp. R. C. P. M. Co. R. E., Ferifuson BUn-k, Richards Ole.lL, emp. R C. P. M.Co.,bds Arlington hotel R E., estate and comm. agent, Allen block, Cordova nr Carrol I JolinslonAlex.,resT(j8 Westminster av Andrew M., leam.ster, 128 Cor- dova Arthur Geo., of Johnston & Ty* son, res 490 Alexander ' B. R, of Johnston & Co., res cor Westminster av and 9th av ' C. W., cook 1I.S.M. [Johnston & Co., auctioneers and appraisers, 75 Cordova Ijohnston B. E., survoyor, Georgia nr Bute ' E.iward, clothing, Richards ' Geo. P., carpenter, res Cambie ' Geo., foreman for Goo. Cassady & C(K, Tea Cam bio MANU MANUFACTURER OF Makes a specialty of large Belts, and sells them oa fullest guarantee. 43fi ¥i3!t3ti^£i Slrast. JOHNSTON GEO. DAVID, M.D., of Bell-Irving & Johnston, res 1032 Georgia. Tel 160 " Iltirry L., clerk Rmd Bros., bds Douglas House " Helen Miss, 490 Alexander " Herbert, bds 529 Seymour " James Irvitie, tailor, 40 Cordova, res 433 Hamilton " James O., clerk, 140 Cordova, res Hamilton '* James Irvine, of Johnston, Ker- Ibot & Co., res Hamilton " John, bookkeeper for Gea Cas- sady & Co., bds 560 Seymour " John, blacksmith, 156 Water, res Richards " Joliti, blacksmith, Homer nr Drake " John C, carpt, 490 Alexander " John U., 309 Westminster av " John W., city policeman, res Westminster av, Mt Pleasant " Joseph, bricklayer, bds St Char- les hotel '' Kerfool & Co., clothing, 140 Cordova " O. H., bds 560 Sevmour " Robt., boat builder, foot Carroll •' h Tyson,clothing, gents' furnish- ings, and boots and shoes, 2 Carroll " Wm. City policeman Johnstone Fenwick Wm.,barri8ter,512 Cordova, res Seymour f I Mi ■J a TPl r** ■•<■ >". i 1 ) j A I I-'-"- ■ ii( ( !: ■-, )i»««tor av Capt., 516 ( "ordova Jldvvard, carpenter, bds Colonial liotel Goo. Bell, res Nelson nr Bute Geo. James, bools and shoes, 100 Carroll, res Keeler JONES II. A., & CO., real estate, inMirancearnisluainsliip agunts, Cordova cor Water, Tel. 23 " JIarry Albert, ot II. A, Jones & (A),, res 310 Pender " Jubn l)avivi, carpenter, 118 Col- uuibiu " John, C.P.R. sho] 9, res llunier nr Nelnon Jo^epii, tarnier, (Jth av II. , em p. a. C. .U. P. Co. Sum. laborer, 012 Hastings \V Jones Wm. Rees, prop Ter- minus Ilutel, 3'S Waier Joix^'s Wm., laborer, tids 105 Bitrnard Jordan (reo. A., barrister, Wils'-n lilk " John Geo., car peroer, bOs Oppen- hoim; • nr Campbell " Wm., carpenter, Seymour nr Drtdvo Joseph C, A., tailor, 212 Cordova Jocjuin John, millhand II.S.M, Jubilee Restaurant, I, D. Farmer, 14 Abbott " Saloon, McKay & Mclver, proiw 78 Water '' Judd E, J., real estate agent, res 29 Hastings Judge Arthur, apprentice V.C.F. " Wm,, saloon, 86 Cordova Junction House, M, II, Barry, pron Westminster road C. WHETHAM & CoT^ Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurance Agents, Corner Cordova & CambieSts., VANCOUVER, B.C. P,0. Box 47 7, Toleptiooe No. ai2. Special Attention given to Investments and the Management of Kstates for >>'un-t{esldeuts, iKa'ne Charles, carpenter, bds o21 I Ilichards I Kanaka Thomas, gang marker II, S.M, ! Kay Alex., tinner, 226 Ilastingn, ml ' 309 Ilichards ' Kearney Augusta Miss, millinery, 0]»- penheimer nr Carl av " Maud Miss, dressmaker, Oppeii- heimer nr Carl av Keefer George A,, M, Inst. C.E..C'iiiol'| engineer Vancouver WiiU Works Co., res Victoria " Hugh Forbes, contractor, re| 1 U Westminster av, Tel 87 " Hugh O,, bds Brunswick '* John Gilbert, bookkeeper, bds I Brunswick " Jno. Mole.U)okkeeper,Brun8wi(k| Keefer's Hall, Knights ofPythiasIIii 120 Alexander Keeler Charles, florist, res 10th av Keen Harry, printer, 114 Pender Keene Wm, Lever, mail clerk, "New| Advertiser," res 336 Homer snter, bds il21 maikerlL.S.M. Ilaslingy, m I TrUHfV lb ITVT 17 Prnn'c Commercial Saw Hills, Bough a&d Droised Lumber, Doors, LMlIll a UlLll, riUp h, sasi^Laths, &c. VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P,Ry, and connections. KEI ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. KIN 333 Kcil James, teamster, Water '' James, foreman D. B. Charleson, Richards nr Georiria Keir Cathel, tailor, 140 Cordova, bds 209 Abbott KEITH JAMES COOPER mgr Bank of B.C., i-es over Bank Kelley Wm.,cmp. R.C.P.M. Co. Kelly — , R.C.P.M., res Oppenheimcr nr Ilawkes av " Mrs., widow Jas., dressmaker, 17 Westminster av Kelly John, bookkeeper, 110 Water, res Ontario House " Martin, stoneoutter, bds Louvre " Robt., salesman Oppenhoimer Bros., bds Jubilee Relvy Geo., carpenter, Westminster nr 10th av Kemp George, carpenter, res Seymour bet Davio and Drake ' Henry, stoker Vancouver Gas Co., res Alex., street Beach ' James, res 317 Hastings E ' James A., res 317 Hastings P] ' John, carpenter, 213 Georgia ' Henry, Vancouver Gas Co., res, Keefer ' James A., carpenter shop, ros 317 Hastings E ' James, gent, res 317 Hastings E ' Wm. Andrew, carpenter, 9th av |KEXNEDY REV J\MES B., pastor First Baptist Church, r»!s Ham- ilton nr bun^muir ' W., carpenter, 530 Seymour ' V,'ni., machinist's insp C. P. R., Uls Colonial hotel jKenny Chas., bookkeeper, bds St Chi'irles hotel jKoiii & Talcott, props Bay View hotel 514 Cordova ' Walter, phisterer, res Carl av nr Hastings ' Waller Emanuel, laborer, res Carl av nr Hastings ' Wm. F., of Kent & Talcott, 514 Cordova ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone tio. %a. r. W. HART, FUNERAL DIRECTOR aodElALMER STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Kent Geo., painter, bds 201 Hast- ings E " Howard, bds 201 Hastings E " Rebecca Miss, board ng house, 201 Hustings E " Sadie Miss,'bds 201 Hastings E Kenway B.C., architect, Wilson block Kerfoot Wm. John, of Johnston, Ker- foot & Co., i-es 433 Hamilton Kerr James, carpenter J. Caasady & Co, " John J., carpenter, 5th av Kersey Henry, carpenter, 412 West- minster av Kidd W. J., clerk C. P. R., res Colum- |)ia av nr lOlh av Kiev Cathal, tailor, 209 Abbott King Alwell, mgr Vane. Adv. & Bill Posting Co., 440 Cordova, res 419 Richards '< — , longshoreman. Waterfront, nr C. P. R. Freight sheds " D., longshoreman, res Richards " Elliott IL, agent Equitable Life, bds 424 Hastings E " Geo,, bricklayer TurnbuU & Co. <' Ralph, bricklayer Turnbull & Co. " Geo., Comox nr Bute " Joseph, apprentice, res 419 Richards " Joseph, cigar maker, rea 419 Richards " Richard, electrician, 419 Richrds Kingcombe Edward, architect, lear 425 Powell 't in I |;'!i iir''-\ ^ i:.:)8 < •»{; it . h 4 ..\ ' BBB •4 W I" ^ , to. ■1. 1 . I ■ ( ft, I V 1^1 T. lEAMT & KYLE, Prop's, '^^!iXT''"'w^^w'^k':t Cars loaded it* MUl Tartlfor eill points on C.P.Rjf. and connectUms, 334 KIN HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER LAN A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary PabUo. Insuranoe. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. Kinnear Stanley, manager Hotel Vaiiconver Kirk Mary Miss, 560 Seymour Kiikland Lizzie Mihs, dressniaker, 178 Cordova, res Richards Kirschber^ & Landftberg, clotiiiiig & gents' furnishings, 21 Cordova Kirscliberg Samuel, of Kirschberg & Landsberg, res Victoria Knight Henry W., butcher, 184 Ctirdovu Knowdell Clian. Luther, machine shop C.P.R., 1141 Seymour " Edward J., tinner McLennan & McFeely, res 1139 Seymour " Chiis. v., carpenter, res 1141 Sej'mour " Maggie Miss, tailoress, res 1141 Seymour Knox William M.,pres T.C.B. Society, 1 Oppenheiner, 331 Seymour. Tel. 150 Kraft Louis, carpenter, bds lOU Hast- ings E Kurtz & Co., cigar mfrs., C. L. Behnsen, mgr., 162 Cordova Kurlz John, of i^^.urtz & Co., res Vic- toria Kyle Andrew, cleik Thos. Dunn &Co. " George F„ of Lcamy & Kyle, res Seattle Any projjerty for pa'e in or near tlio C'jtv can always be haJ ut lowest ligures tluoii 'It CWHETHAM&CO." Comer Cordova and Cambio Streets, The Cent rill REAL ESTATE firm of the City. Sie thiir Guide to Vancouver Call for imips and iiifortniition of nny kin,!. Lnbb Samuel, at Cassady's Mill, res Hornliy nr Pacific Laberge A., engineer at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville LaBourdais J. H., machinist, I7ii AVater Ladtin Wm., teamster, res Duponl iir Westminster Lafferty & Moore, bankers, Wm. E. Creen, mgr., Whe* tnam Block cor Cambie and Cordova. Tel. 227. >')« ^ («/i "<« hack Cover Lafterty J. P., of Lafferty & Mooiv, les Calgary Laffin Wm. H., teamster, 128 Diipontj Lafraiifois Peter, carpenter, bds S: Charles hotel LakeT.jHornbynr Pacific Lalonde J., waiter Hotel Vancouver " Z.,emp. E.C.P.M. Co, Lamb A., clerk H. B. Co., res lloiinrj " David, carpenter, res cur Oppenheimer and Ilealley av Lambert & Darling, props. Gold House, «G Water Lambert Frank, painter, bds Gc House " Joseph, barber, 432 Cor(lov(i,| res Granville '' Eoland, of Lambert &D«r I in:, I 68 Water Lander man Gustave, cutler, '-33| Cordova *! Uambio Streets, itiotj of jiiiy kiii.l. sndy's Mill, res ', res Dupont m IV&MY Id FYT.F Prnn'c commercial Saw Hills, Bongh and Sreiscd Lumtsr, Soon, llDAlUl a ILILJI, nup 5, sa8h.Lath8. &e. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in JUUl Tard for all points on C.P.Itj/, and connections. LAN ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. LEA 335 Landnberg Fred., of Kirschberg & Laiidubfi-g, res Ojtponheimcr Lano Arthur, oarpontor, res 114 H!istini(9 E D. C, tinner, 311 Homer Stephen A., carpenter, res 140 Hustings E " Thomas, loiifjshorcman, Water front, C!.P. li. Freijrlit Sheds Lang Arthur, teamster, Richards nr Davie " IJisciiit and Confectionery Co., Montreal, A.II.B MacGowan, ajfeiit " Clia.s., tobacconist, Cordova cor Cambie, res Pender nr BuiTard " Isabella Miss, liichards nr Davio " James, booUkoeper, 108 Cambio, res Petider Langham Thomas, driver, IT Water, res Keefer " Thos,, employee Yan Volkon- burjj;h, res Keefer Langis Henry Evaris(o, M, D., of Mi-Guigan & Langis, res 121 Oppenheimer Lungley Arthur A., prop Richmond House, 110 Carroll " Tiieodoro IL, of Creamer & Langley, res 351 llowo Langtro William, carpenter, 210 Dunsmuir Lapoinio Chas., turner G. Cassady & Co. " William J„ trucking, res Sey- mour nr Georgia Larson Annie F. Mi»8, cook, Granville nr Drake LaRuo David, tinner McLennan & Mi'Feely Latham Thos., tailor, 309 Richards Lathersoy James, C. P. R., Seymour nr Pacifi'j Latreillo John, turner, bds St Charles hotel " Joseph, turner, bds St Charles hotel REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY, 158 CORDOVA ST., YAXC: UTER, B. C. RBAL ESTATK IN AI.I. PARTS OF XHK CITY AND ruoviNcii:. MONEY TO LOAN. Laur W,, teamster, bds St Charles hotel Law David, carpenter, res 433 Cambie " Jas., fruit, 31 Hastings E •' Robt., principal of Central school, res 302 Oppetihoimer " Wallace, clerk, 158 Coidova Lawn Tennis Club, grounds cor Howe and Georgia Lawrence George, lab., res 533 Powell " Wm, Chas., clerk, 164 Cordova, rooms IfiH Cordr»va Lawson John P., city engineer, res 520 Alexander " John, empR. C.P. M., Co Lawson Peter, prop Union House 19 AI)bott Ltiyfield Henry, carpenter, res 615 Powell Leal Victor, C.P.R., 131 Hastings E LeamyA Kyle, props Commer- cial Saw Mills, Southside False Creek, Tel mill 76, office 230 Hastings W, J. C. Woods, manager. Tel 62 Leaniy James, of Loamy & Kyle, and Goo. Cjissady & Co., res New Wo>tminstercily Loask A. O., agent antl commission merchant, 512 Conlova. Tel 200 " John, accountant, Georgia near Bute. Tel 200, res tel 151 " J«)hn, real estate agent, and accountant, 512 Cordova, res cor Georgia aud Bute t' ,-1 j*i/"" n:- }j ; ■ %m ' !'i I*:- 'Sr::^ JVK MY A VSW Prnn'Q CommeroUl Sav UillB, Bough anl Sreised Lumber, Soon LEiAlIll a mLD, nup d, Sasli,Lath8, &e. VANCOUVER, B.ci Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all points on CIMty, and connections. 336 LEA Henderson's Vancouver LER A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Inguranoe. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE ft INSDRANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 MASTIN^S ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Leatham Thos., tailor, 75 Cordova Leathern E'l., pastry cook at Hotel Vancouver Leatberdale Donald, teamster, 205 lla.stings E " Eobert, of Starrett & Loather- dalo, Abbott cor Trounce Alley Leayci'oft Agnes Miss, Pender nr Burrard LeBourdais Mrs. S. N., fruits and tobacco, 176 Water LeCappellain John O., manager T. Dunn & Co., res 308 Georgia Lee Alfred Wm., local agent Dominion Express Co., rooms over P.O. " Alex., Raymur av nr Powell " Elizabeth Jane Miss, Raymur av nrPowell " F. A., machinist II.S.M. " & <»riffith, props Paeitic hotel, 224 Cordova ir., of Lee & Cowdery,137 Water Jame.-, Raymur av nr Powell John, gardener, 11th av John, apprentice, res 11th av " Margaret Miss, Ra^'mur av nr Powell " Thos. Humphrey, Raj'mur av nr Powell Lees Andrew, of Lees & Dawson " & Dawson, real estate Cordova cor Carroll Lefeve J. M., M.D., C.P.R. surgeon, Granville cor Cor- dova. Tel 10 W. L LEONARD k CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MACHINERY. Sole Agents in B. C. for John Doty Eng. Co., John Bertram & Sons, and other leading manufacturer.s in \Vx)d and Iron Working Machinery. Consif,'nmenis handled. Corref dence solicited. Legg Goraon Tyson, firiancial agent 320 Granville. Tel. 185 Leiand House, ProutA Insley, props, 621 to 624 Hastings W. Tel 14 Leo Wm., plumber, 162 Water, res New Westminster av Leonard Richard Etigland, of W. L. Leonard & Co., res Robson nr Burrard " Waller Loming, of W. L. Leonard & Co., res Robson nr Burrard Leonard W. L., &Co., broicers, commission merchants and manufacturers, agents, 8 Powell. Tel 80 Lepage Lemuel, butcher, 14 Hastings E Lopart John, laborer, 95 Cordova Lepine Ira, laborer. Water front nr Westminster av " Leopold, laborer. Water front nr Westminster av Leroy David, Seymour nr Drake " Elizabeth Miss, waitress, Sey- mour nr Drake " John, Seymour ur Drake Matilda Miss, Sojmour nr Drake Eobt., Seymour nr Drake LERS IN Water front llV&MY i& KYI F Prnn\ commercial Saw Uills, Bough and Sroised Lomber, Soon, liiuniu J r ) SashiLathSi &o. VANCOUVER^ B.C" Cars loadetl in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Itv. and connections. LES ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. LLO 337 Leslie Oliiis. WuMhington, carpenter, I[()riil>y iir Pacitic " Mrs. J., boarding houl)ott Lilley Joiiii, yanlman, 100 Diipont Leslie Jolin, teamster, bds 109 Hastings E iLillieT. W., elerk Northern hotel, 30 Hastings W I Lilly Thos. W., of Scott & Lilly, 30 liiislings "\V iLiiidsav Alltert, checker freight sheds O.P.K., res ()th av Alma Miss, 41(3 Granville Anna Miss, res (Jth av Ella Miss, operator, 517 Hast- ings W, res ()ih av James, carpenler, res 6th av Katherine Miss, 41(5 (xranville Kallierine Mrs., 41() Granville Lily Miss, res (ith av Lizzie Miss, tailoress, 212 Cor- dova Lizzie Miss, tailoross, 313 Howe Miiry Miss, res 6th av iLinklater David, tinner, 114 Carroll, res Pender iLinn Capt. Thomas, str Mamie, Leamy & Kyle |Lnton Andrew, boat builder, and boathouso on Wharf foot of Car- roll, res same Linton John R., boat house, foot of Carroll J. PfiiimR & SON 1743 & 1745 NOTRE DAME> MONTREAL. Sole Agents for Canada.. S'^ilND FOR PKICE LIST., List George S., route agent Dom. Ex- press Co., res New York block, bds Windsor Little Mark, coppersmith, res 1120 Hornby " J., comp " News Advedtiser " " Miss Eliza, dressmaker, West- minster av " Miss Helen, clerk, 326 Cordova, res 318 Granville " Miss Margaret, dressmaker, Westminster av Liverpool & London & Globe Fire Ins. Co., Ross & Ceperley, agents Livingston Alice Miss, bds 109 Hast- ings E " Edward, laborer, 138 Alexander " Eliza Miss, bds 109 Hastings E " Goo., laborer, 109 Hastings E *' James, bdg house, 109 Hast- ings E " James, laborer, Van. S.J.L. Co., res Powell nr Riiymur " James, jr., 109 Hastings E " Sarah Miss, 109 Hastings E " Wm., carpenter, 109 Hastings E Lizotte F., painter, res Homer nr Helmcken Llewellyn Richard, diver, Water front nr Carroll Lloyd Marmaduke T. L., carpenter, bds Glasgow hotel " Thos., carpenter, bds Glasgow hotel it I ^■iL" "r^ f^i;/ •♦H:; ftl' *^ '?♦. f ^imi a- ••- i< 3!i' I"*** hn th • 'l 11^ I I, a lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, =^^fifi%T' '"S'a^Sm^^^^ Car« loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.By, and connectiont. 338 LOB hendeeson's vaconuvbr LYT « A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, ^'otary rublic . Insuranue. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS niASTnKSS aT.9 VANCOUVER, B. C. Lobb Wm. Sum., res Hornby, English Bny Lock Jolin, policeman, Howe nr PuciHc Lockcrl)y George II., res 105 West- minster av Logan Ann Mrs., wid Daniel, 347 Howe " Matthew, florist, res Goorj-ia nr cor Bron<>hton Miss Elizabeth, res 315 IIowo Miss Minnie, millinery and fancy goods, 418 Cordova, res 315 Howe Logg Frank, tailor, fi Hastings E Lomax Albert, laborer Tiirnbull &Co. " Aii>crt, laborer. Water front nr Carroll London Assr. Corporation, Fire, 424 Cordova London Guarantee & Accident Co. of London Eng., A. A. Boak agent, 307 Cordova London Life Insurance Co., Bod well Bros agents, 301 Cordova Llewellyn Richard, diver and steve- dore, bds 1139 Richards London & Lancashire Life Assurance Co., A. H. B. MacGowan, agent " & Lancashire Fire, 338 Cordova Loney John, laborer, Seymour Long Cecil, bds Golden Gate hotel Lonsdale Richard, logger, 166 Water Loschenkohl Fred. Wm., engineer, Keefer Loutitt James J., chief clerk general freight and pass dept C. P. ]{., res Ilobson nr Thurlovv Louvre hotel, Ponder nr Granville Tel 203 Loveless Fred,, res Powell cor Jroiitiev " Wm., messenner C. P. 1{. Tel' Powell cor Hcatley Lover — , 28 Powell Low W. H., carpenter Turnbull&Co,, res 210 RicbardH " C, propStr Pearl, 321 HamilKm " John Halowes, captSir Peurl,res 311 Dunsmuir Lowe S., of Vancouver Photo Co., res Victoria " Sarah Miss, We8lminstcrav,Mt, Pleasant Loyd Carrie Miss, 123 Diipont Lucas Chas. A., of Johnson & Lucas, | Uls Sunnysido hotel " William Francis, contractor, res I Georgia bet Thurlovv and Buiol Lundstrum John, emp II. C P. M., Col Lundy Wm, J., tailor, 91 Cordova, roj| 628 Powell Luscombe Chas., bds Balmoral Lush Thos., 6tli av Lynch Annie Miss, dressmaker, tKlsl 109 Hastings E Lynham Marian Mrs., wid, Westmin^ ster av, Mount Pleasant " Wm., clerk, res Westminster avJ Mount Plea^ant Lyte E. O., carpenter, Howe nr Patifid C. WHETHAM & C3., Real Estate Brokersl Pinancial and Zmsurancd Agsnts, Corner Cordova <& Cambie Gtj VANCOUVER, B.C. P.O. Box 4? 7. Tclepbope No. 2iJ Special Attention given to Investments a tbe SliHtagementof Kittates for Non-}te»ldent| rPXIfV lb 7VT 1? Drnn'o CommereUl S«w UUls, Beugli aad Dnned Lnmbar, Soon, USAiai a hihhj rropb, s«sh,utiii, &e. Vancouver, b.c- Car» loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry, and eonnection». Investments* Ifor Nun-Ue»iaeiitj MAC ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. MoC 339 urt.bull & Co., I " JIncCavo A., filer Fiulers Mill JIeAlli'*'cr Anj^ns, machine shops C.P. R., roH 1116 Hornby " Annie Mibs, 510 Alexander " Cawsie Misn, 1116 Hornby " Donald, contractor, ros 1116 Horn by " Duncan, teamster, bds Glasgow hotel John, l>lackwmith and carriaire Hhop,7 Powell, res 510 Alexandr " John, 1116 Hornby " Jane Miws, res 1116 Hornby " Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, res 1116 Hornby McAlpin Colin, shipbuilder, bds Golden Gate hotel " Lillie Mrs., wid,Park av JIcAlpino D. L., M. D., and drugijist, 29 Carroll, res Wcsfminster av nrOppenheimer, Tel res 178 " John Alex., drugtrist's assistant, 29 Carroll, res Westminster av MiArden James, Howe nr Pacific Mt'Avity T., & Sons, St John, N. B., patent boiler feeders and brass. goods, W. L. Leonard & Co., agents JlcCabe Anderson, laborer, res Ilorn by nr Davie " — , Street Railway '• Johr., blacksmith, 166 Water JItCail Arthur Simpson, carpenter, 114 Hastings " James A., clerk H. S. M. store JlcCalman Colin, bookkeeper, 162 Water, 328 Richards JlcCann John, bds Glasgow hotel JkCannel John, teamster, Richards iir Davie JloCase A., emp R. C. P. M., Co JlcCarran Richard, salesman, 115 Hastings W JlcCartney Allan E., C. E., architect, and land surveyor, Homer cor Cordova, res 513 Powell " Hugh, expressman, res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific JlcCauley Chas. W,, Gore av ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone No. s*. ■ F. W. HART, FUNERAL DIRECTOR aodElALM STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 20 CORDOVA ST. MoCauley Frank, waiier,426 Cordova res 216 Richards McClelland Miss, tailoress, 238 Cor dova, bds Richards McClenathen Arthur Frederick, con tractor and carpenter, res Ham ilton nr Dunsmuir McColl A. J., of Corbould & McColl res New Westminster " Neil, carpenter, rear 308 Soy mour McComber Jarvis F., 37 Cordova McConachio John, carpenter, Oppen heimer nr Campbell McConnell Gill>ert .^mith, res 464 Hastings E J., waiter at hotel Vancouver James, laborer R, C. M. P. Co., resLansdowneav McCormack Peter, laborer V. S. J. L. Co,, res Powell nr Raymur McCormick Wm., teamster, 6 Carroll, bds Glasgow hotel MoCoskery Geo., of McGirr & McCos- kery, 1 Water McCrane} Hiram Perry, contractor, 1128 Pender. Tel 163 McCready Andrew, carpenter Turnbull &Co. McCreedie Andrew, carpenter, 309 Richards McCrimmon Archibald, carpenter, 307 Beatty McCurdie Alexander, woodman, res Hornby nr Drake ...rj ■■■■ {' ■ ^?' ' ''■' , "K 1 '* /" (».*<- ^ ^ 4: Hi 5S: '•1 r* ■! ,' lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, °-ItiS.!r'^°(?A'?Jc2S;v«!'B.i Cava loadetl in MUl Tartl for all points on C.JT.Jtif. and connectlona, 340 MoO HENDERSON 8 VANCOUVKR McD A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, NoUry Public. Iniuranoa. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. McCurdio John, carpenter, re8 Ilornbj' nr Drake " Mary Mrs., wid Alex, Hornby nr Drake McDavItt Frank Henry, prop Soniito hotel and chop house, 35 Cordova McDenrmid Duncan, laborer, 13th av McDiiirmid A. E., lojjijfer, 16G Water McDonald — ,112 Hastitififrt " A. J., >P^ ^k ) !if>v >k, -: j;, Hr i: f TiPI AMY ^ If YT,1? Prnn'Q commercial Sav Mills, Bongli tad Eressed Iual)9r, fiom LDHIUI a KILD, nup b, saah.Latli8. &b. VANCOUVER, B.cJ Cars loaded in Mill Yard for €Ul points on CP.Ry. and connections. 342 McG Henderson's Vancouver McK A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. ]\Ic(iillivary Donald, contractor, rco Georgiii nr Thnrlow McGirr James. Tel 182 •' & McCoiskory, props Sunnyside hotel, 1 Water " Wm., bartender, 325 Westmin* ster av " Wni., of Girr & McCo.skery, 325 Webiminster av McGregor Henry Mortimer, clerk C.P.R., row Dunsmuir nr Sey- mour " James Mortimer, bookkeeper " World," res Dunsmuir nr Seymour " Jo>epli, painter, bds St. Charles hotel " Jessie Miss, dressmal Burrard |)n nr Burrard Ids Homer nr ro9 13 Ih av nr [Oppenheimer nr Burrard ^e, 420 Oppen- rer »rOpS Jub* tater jnial hotel I Slater 320 Powell [ter HouHe Iter, 160 Water] M(K»v Gcorsre, res 107 Goto av " Geo., expressman, res Keefer » Gordon, of McKay & Mclvor, 18 Water " Hus^h, teamster, bds Brunswick hotel " James, macliinist, 114 Pender " John, driver Vancouver Transfer Co., bdn Glasgow House " Susan Miss, domestic, Seymour cor Drake iloKee H. E., bds Hotel Vancouver Ht'Kolvie Alex, sen., storekeeper V.C. F., 413 Powell " Alexander, manager Vancouver City Foundry and Machine Works Co., res 411 Powell " Alexander N., mechanical en- gineer. Water front nr C.P.E, Ireight sheds " John, forentan Vane. Foundry JkKcnzie A., bds Balmoral ' Annabella Miss, Princess nr Jackson ' Duticiin, stonecutter, res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific ' James F., of Bell k McKenzie, res Bartla}' nr Thurlovv ' John, Ciirpenter, bds 16 Carroll ' John, stonemason, Granville nr Helmcken " Catherine Miss, dressmaker Dunsniuir cor Seymour " Samuel Francis, ship builder, Ilurnby (tor Drake " AVm., engineer, res 7lh av IlIiKc own .'()l>n, night watchman, res hid^6 in turlmd hU. 436 ViSITATiOi STRSET. McKinnon John, laborer, 215 Harris " Joseph, carpcntei*, 19 Abbott " Thos,, contractor,323 HastingsE McKinnon Wilson, prop Al" hambra Hotel, 2 Water, res 524 Powell, Tel 105 McLachlan Chas., of Shannon & Mc- Lachlan,res Granville nr Sniithe " Daniel, baggageman C.P.E,, Haro nr Thurlow mgr. 17 Hastings F pIcKie John, grocer, cor Westminster av and Prior ' .Tohn J , student, Westminster av iJIcKiniion Angus, contractor, 211 Hastings E • Daniel, stonecutter, 215 Harris ' Eweti, teamster, 336 Carroll, bds Richmond House ' Hugh, teamster, 110 Carrall,bd8 Richmond House McLagan & Co., pubiishers of the Vancouver World, daily and weelcly, 234 and 236 Cordova. Tel ill McLagan John Campbell, '"World," res 309 Hamilton " Joiiii C.,juri., bookkeeper Vane. Wire Co., 122 Cordova, res 309 Hamilton McLaren — , photographer, 2 Powell McLABEN, rev. EBENEZEli DUN- CAN, pastor St. Andrew's Church, Burrard nr Georgia " E.. teamster, Princess nr Gore av acting chief police, res Princess nr John, Bichurds nr Georgia John, contractor, Gore av John, contractor, 16 Carroll John Marshall, dentist, Eicbards cor Hastings, bdsLeland *'•!*., '.»-■ Y-n llti ., ill! 1 y. m iW« M n4' j«.j' I'l:'; I'i \. hIIi r lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, °"^S:r"tAl!S5SVXB': Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry, and connections. 344 McL Henderson's Vancouver McL A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Kotary Public Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. McLaren Lizzie MiBS,(lomo8tic Georgia iir Nicoia " Eioliaril, laborer G. F. Slater '' Wm., carpenter, Princess nr Gore av " Win., teamster, res Bcatty " Wm. Henry, res Powell nrCamp- bell av McLaughliti George, carpenter, Prin- cess ur Gore av McLean — , V.C.F., bds Whatcliee: House " Albert, tinner McLennan & McFeely " Allan, plasterer, res 337 Powell " Archie, cooper, bds Wlialclieer House " Diin, clerk, 531 Seymour " Donald Jolin, clotliing, 18 Cor- dova, res 531 Seymour " Donald, blacksmitli, 16(5 Water " Donald, R.C.P.M., 431 Powell " IL, millhund Il.S.M. " G. Miss, dressmaker. 105 Bar- nard " J. A., cornicemaker McLennan & McFeely " J. K., upholsterer, hotel Van- couver McLEAN MALCOLM G., liquors, 464 Granville, res Howe nr Ilel- mcken " Murchison, carpenter, res Car- roll McEean Murdoch C , bookkeeper P(.rt Moody Saw Mill, res 211 11.,^. iiigs " Itobt. F., bartender Alhambra " S., helper V.C.F. " Wm., carpenter, 105 Barnard McLellan Angus, contractor, res 224 Harris *' Capt. E.Eugene,niaster mariner, bOs Tremont hotel McLennan Angus D., clerk 180 Water " Colin, cooper, bds 180 Water " Donald 11., lorcman logger bds 180 Water ' McLennan F. D., prop Cabinet Hotel, 180 Water, res 310 Powt'll McLennan John, stone cutter, 13th !iv " John D., 180 Water, res 319 Powell McLennan & McFeely, house furnishings, hardware, plumbers, steam, gas litters, ami cornice nuifrs, 132 Cordova. Tel 44 McLennan Robt. P , of McLennan & McFeelj', res Victoria McLeodA. J., bds 166 Water " Archie, baker lor J. Scuitto & Co., bds 1 Powell " Colin, blacksmith, (iranvillo nr Drake Emma Miss, res Howe Ewing, carpenter, res Howe nr Pacific J , laborer H.S.M., bds 201 Hast- ings E James S., clerk G. I. Wilson, btis 201 HaslingH E John Angus, bookkeeper Fadir Bros., res Granville cor J)nike J(»hn U., railway mail clerk, res 327 Hamilton Maggie Miss, 164 Cordova Malcolm, plasterer, Georgia Malcolm, 442 Seymour Malcolm, logger, Granville nr| Uelmcken u ler Alhambra lastov mariner, i' McLennan & Granvillo nr lovvo ruH IIowo nr i bds201 lla^t- 1. Wil^ion^lds lEiMY & KYLE, Prop's, Commer^ Saw Hills, Songli and Dreised Lumber, Doors, ') Sash, Laths, &c. VANCOUVER, B.C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ity, and connections. McL ALPHABETICAL DIEECTOUY. McR 345 McLeod Minnie Miss, domestic, Scaton I ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. nr Biu'rard I isses, dressmakers, 166 Cor- 1 " Mi dova " Phillip, seaman, Granvillo, False Creek " Eev. John M., ])astor Zion Pres- byterian Cimrch, res 320 Op- ponheimer " Tiios., laborer Loamy & Kyle JIcLiickie John, of McGhie & Mc- Luokie, bis Greyhound JIcManus Frank, loco engineer C.P.R, res 453 llichiinls JIcMaster A., laborer, 1 Camhie •' A. J., logner, bds 180 Water )Ic>Iillan Alex., of McMillan & Son res 30 i) Hoatty •• Bella Miss, 301) Boatfy " C. Miss, donu'stic, 428 Seymour " Emily ALiss, 30!) Bealty " John' H,, of McMillan & Son, res 30!) Beatty " M., lather, bds Louvre McMillan &$on, groceries and provisions. 75 Water McMillan Wm. James, com morcliani, 153 Water McMiillon Alfred Lewis, dry goods, 12 Cordova, res 320 Granville '' Doiii^all, laborer, 35 Hastitigs E • James but ler, bds Orienlal McMullinJohn, carpenter, ros rear 308 Soynioiir McXah Allan, engineer C. P. J^, res •U2 Homer |McNabb A. T., Columbia Car- risRe Works, horse sheer, and gen blacksmith, dealer in carriages and wagons, lIuHtings E, liet Carroll and Colum- bia, res 42(i Hastings E |SIcNubb Wm. J., fireman C.P.R, bds Colonial hotel |JIiXani»ra Thoa., laborer Stanley Park, res 123 Hastings E Xelephone No. 52. F. W. HART, FONERAL DIRECTOR aodELMR STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 29 CORDCVA ST. McNaughton Archie, V.S.J.L. Co., res Powell nr Ray mar " Donald, tobacconist, 8 Cordova, ros same " Peter. Iiookkooper, 55 Cordova, b., emp R. C. P. .^r., Co " John, boat builder, res on Inlet west of C.P.P. wliarf " Pohert, carpenter. Water front nr We>tmi lister av McPhiliips Lewis CrifYTth, barrister, 206 Cordova, res Ho.ise. Tel 145 Douglas Mcllae Alex., teatnster, bds 307 Beattv " Dan, A. W., teamster, bds 307 lieatly Donald, carpe-iter, 208 Water John Alex., blacksmith, bds 307 Beatty John, millhand H.S.M. Peter, teamster, rooms 22 Alex- ander (1 VI Ml ;€ 26 •c m liiHCi:*^ K^fc !* if.i T Pi lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, "T^S.'r ''tA'?J^'S'v«!';^ Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. 346 McS HENDERSON S VANCOUVER MAG A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. lusurt mSS& CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. i( McShanc Jo'^eph, clerk, 39 Oppenhei- nn>r, res S«M)alo hotel McShorry Piitriek, sailor, bds 180 Water McSorlay Harry, painter, re-* Oarl av McTeiglu ILarry, upholsterer J. Sehl ! Mackay Florence Miss, Georgia nr lusuranM. Jarvis MACKAY GEORGE GRANT, pres Oriental Traders Co., LiJ,, Pen- der, res Georgia " Ilai-ry Iladtield, bookkeeper res (reorgia Lilly J. Miss, Georiria nr .Tiirvjs Robt. G., of Barker & Mackay, res Haro " Win., logger, bds Richmond house Mackiutosh Wm. David, clerk rreii,'ht I » „' Macnamara John Ranhe d, bockkoeDer McVety Jaruos, carpenter v^M'.R, car iii>i> m..i ,. Ar, m ""^^^Fi 1 « c< „ 1 . n 1 *,Westmin>iter rd •• N., ot Maimer Bi*o.-<., ren West. minster rd " Philip, of Mager Bros,, res Westminster rd Mairlady John Samuel, sawyer R.C. ' P.M.' Co., 224 Barnard Miii,'ner — , 452 Homer Mahonoy Jeremiah, caretaker, res Beach opp Switch '' John, mechanic Pador.s mill, bds 1139 Ri(rhards " John, millwriijht, 500 Pender Main Wm,, sailor. Prior Mainland Brewery, Robert Riester, prop, lOlh av Mainland market, Hayes & Mcintosh, props, 55 Cordova )Iair Wm., prop The Hub hotel, 89 Cordova Maitlaiid M. G. K. Mi.s.s, teacher, bds Douulas House Major Bros., plasterers, 117 Carroll Clias. G., of Major & Pearson, res New Westminster city I Major C. R., m%r Vancouver Warehouseing Co-, 109 Water '' (t. W., bds Hotel Vancouver " N., of Major Bros., res Westmin- ster rd " Philip, of Major Bros., res West- minster rd '■ William, laborer, ros Homer bet Drake and Davie IMA.TOR& PEARSON, real estate, fir.> and life insurance, 312 Hastings W. Tel 153 [Malcolm Alex. Geo,, draughtsman, rooms 33(5 Homer |M:iliiigs J(»hn, carpenter, bds St Charles hotel ' John, laborer Turnbull & Co. ' Wallace, millhand Donohue & Boutillicr, bds Colonial hotel REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGEXCY. 158 CORDOVA ST., VAXC<;lIVER, B.C. RBAI4 ESTATK IN ALL 1>ARTS OF THB CITY AND PKOVINCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Mallandine Fred., paper ruler, 162 Hastings W, bds Stewart House Mtdone Daniel, 37 Cordova Mamie str, Capl Thomas L^-nn, Loamy & Kyle, owners Mai.deUloh Matilda Miss, 309 Hamil- ton Manners Libby Miss, dressmaker atK. Murche.son's Manning G. W.. bds Stewart House '• Wesley, driver, 17 Water, bds Stewart House Miinnion D., apprentice V.C.F. Manor house, Howe cor Dunsmuir Manuel S. E. Mrs., of Melville & Man- uel, U) Carroll Manufacturers Life and Ace. Co., R. A. Anderson, agent, 107Ciiiiibie Merchant Geo., capt. tug Topic, foot Abbott " Win., 617 Seymour Mark Joseph Philip, clerk, 204 Cordova, bds 345 Howe Marmot le P., C. P, R., res 340 Homer Marr Harry, of E. B. Madill & Co., res Homer Miirriner John, laborer Turnbull & Co. Marrion Eobert, gasfitter Vancouver Gas Co., res foot of Koefer Marriott Ed., butcher, 17 Water, bds Greyhound ** Fred., cigarmaker, 416 Cordova, rooms Howe block ' S' 'J 3. !-'«. i n ■1 i m ' "*i •cr ::a, r: WMl : i H i: i: ^"'i» % '!!:: ^Il: '■i ■I'-x, ** 1, (h. - I lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, °"'?S?.S:r'''tiJNco.;V«!"B.*S Cars loaded, in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. 348 MAR HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER MAT A. W. ROSS, H, T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE 4 INS'JRANCE, POST QipFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, 15. C. Martiliall Chas., waiter, KJS AVator " J{()l)t. J., wjiitor, bdw 510 Alex- ander Martin John, res 13tli nv '' L. A., cleric res Geoririu tir Thurlow " :Milton, clerk, 25 Cordova " M. 31., clerk F. X.Martin, res (Jeorgiu nr Tliiirlow " Mr.M., wid, ■{2.Sj{icliiir(l« " Nol.son, laborer Leaniy & Kyle's mill " Nelson, plasterer, res Eichiinl^ " Peter, of Campbell & 3Iariin, l'T Abbott " Wrn. E., of Martin Bros., r^^ Jticliards " AViliiani. contractor, res Que- bec "tson,re.s " ThoH plumber McLennan & ^i^jj^^n Ceo. S.,of Grassio & M: Md'eely Mount Pleasant A\m.C., expressman, Powell cor, « Eol.erl. l)..m. Express, 5;}3 Sey. Hastings . ^ .. mour ^ Marslialsay — , laborer, 1 Cambie Marsdon Bertha 3Iiss, Granville nr Smithe " Ilenrv, clerk, Granville nr Smithe " "Wm. Hamilton, milkman, 8th av nr Quebec Masonic Hall, Cordova ccrj cambie " Miiirgie Miss, Harrison block, 3£.,,t^,,.„ rp,,^,^ carpenter, res 11 .N Gianvillo i jj,,^^.^, " ^}r ^- ?/"'''' 5.'''""''.','!^ "^ '"^'^i*!"^ Malheson — , 20 Opi.enheimer " Mary Miss, Granville nr Snuthe . -, em|. \^ C. F„ res2;J5 JIanis Martin Bros., hardware, plum- bers, etc., 73 Water Martin Edmund 1?., res Quebec Martin F. X., groceries, provisions, etc., 25 Conlova, res Georgia nr Thurlow. Tel 03, reH Tel 187 Martin George, caretaker C.P.B. offices " G., with Sliaiiiion & ^rcLachlan, resCranville nr Smithe " George, res 452 Jionur " Henry ^filtoii, clerk, 25 Cordova, res Georgia " Josej)h, carpenter, Granville, False Creek " James Morris, of Martin Brob., res Richards " Malcolm, city agent Moodyville j Saw Mill Co.. res 210 H.-irris " 3lalcolm J., agent Port ^Modily Saw Mill, foot Abbott, re.s L'ln Harris " William, boat builder, foul ufj Abbott Mathewson iM., emp. P.C.P.M. Co. Mathi^on A. J., teanir«tor. Kid \V;itei' " IJobl., jr., printer, 323 Hasim.'si W, res Ferguson block. Tel ]>H Matthews John, teamster, resEveieii;ii nr Buriard " John, machinist V. C. F. " Sidney, carpenter, Granville nr I Georgia " T. 11., contractor, Granville <' Thos., clerk, 238 Cordova, rooms | Burn's block Lumlier, Doors, ER, B.C. nections, T Georgiu nr ordova C. Martin, res ow lanLs iumy &. Kyle's , ri's Eichanls I & Mnrliii, 'I't till Eros., res L'tor, res Qiio- io tic Mason, res press, 'y,V3 8ey- niilknian, 8ih ordova ccrj inter, res H2S lieimer ros2;>rj Harris 'ut Mootlyvillei 210 Jl!lr^i^* lit I'ori M<"i(ly| Ibolt, res 21 luikler, foul uf] l.c.p.^r. Co. Ir, Kid Wi'ii'i' IbloeU. Tel 1>0 |er, re.sEvuieii;li . 0. F. Uranville nt Granville [lorUovu, rooiw IF&MY ^ RYI F Prnn\ Commerehl Saw UiUs, Boagh and Sreised Lumber, Doors, ' r ' SashiLathSi &e. VANCOUVER^ B. C* Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CJP.By. and connections. MAU ALPHABETICAL DIBECTORY. MER 349 ]ll:mpiirtries M. Mrs., dressmaker, 7 Water, res Cordova M:ixey John, express driver 11. S. M. store Mixwell R. E., carpenter, ros Water Miy (i. F., I.olpor V. C. F. " (loo. W., helper V. C. F., bds Wliai cheer House •' Wtn. llenry,butcher 52Cordova, res AV^iiter Mayfiold Win. A., jol) printer, 37 Cor- dova MaynoChas., omp. R.C.P.M. Co. •• TliOinas Williiun. of Clurlcson & Mayne, ros cor Keefer and (Jore av " Thomas, carpenter, Goro av •• Tlios., carpenter (r.('assady k Co. Moakin Walter J., ini^r. Vancouver I'lul), .Seymour nr Hastings Jlourns Mrs. Jane, wid Alex., res 311 Pender '• George, hootmaker, Westmin- ster av, .Mount Pleasant " Jennie Miss, domestic, 4G2 Sey- mour Mi'ili'off Albert, carpenter, Carl nr Prineo-s JIoMler Wm., carriai^e maker, flth av Madlcal Hall, Sorensen & Co.. :J17 llastinii;s W. Tel 90 iMeJill Wm. E., Contractor aiil plasterer, 2')3 .Seymour I.Uoe Olia-*., C.P, I{. police, res over 4(1-1 (rranville ■ iviwin Smith, driver, Oppon- lioirner nr (^irl " (roo., lal)()rer, res Oppouhcimer 11 r Carl • Patrick, engineer C.P.R., 436 Homer tok iS: ILarstone, hardware and gi'ocorie-*, 53!) Powell " (ioo.l-Mwin, of Meek ctlLirstone, r.3!) Powell ILelaiils Ti.os. Fletcher, clerk C.P.R., res 425 Homer REAL * ESTATE AND loa:s agency, 153 CORDOVA ST., VANCCITVER, B. C. REAL. ESTATK IN ALL. P.AKTS OF THK CITY AND PROVINCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Meelard Benj., logger, bds Richmond House Meier Wm., prop. Hub Hotel, 80 Cor.lova Meires William, Junction House, junc- tion of Xorth Ann and Wostininstor roa i ^feihuish Goo., res 42!) Powell Meilin James M., 701 Hasting-; !•] Mellon lloiiry Aii'_,nistus, ship broker, and agent A. & F. .Sliipi)inir,5t)4 (Cor- dova, res i{)l)sou cor Xicola Melross W. T., painter, 5 Alexander Melville & Manuel, props Tre- moiit hotel, Iti Carroll Melville AVm.R., of Molville.^ .Manuel, 10 Carroll ^[elvin J. G.. jeweller, (5 Abbott, res 210 Opiieiiheimer Meniaty it Ammon, Fountain .Saloon, 4.'5 C-ordova '' R., of .Meniaty k A.'nmoii. 43 Cordova Meiizie ('has., painter, bds 201 Hast- ings E Menzies Edmund, laborer, ros Hornby nr Davie Merrick A., bds 210 Pender " Arthur, apprentice, 102 Water, res Westminster av Merritield A., sawyer H. S. M. Merriman C. E., bds Golden Gate hotel > l-Mll; n. \ , l, ,i ■■ ^> ' " •^r f - . f '4' \ , >3>. ., ti, : 1' 1 1 4,i il! 1 ^5 'T m i "i' ' I't:: i'5«l It.,. mm I; ,; t f^lt Hsi lEAMT 4 KYLE, Prop's, ^"Tfiirr''"(?A"NSi'?v«^^^ Cars loftded in MUl Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. 350 MER Henderson's Vancouver MIT A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Ingurano*. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. Morslion Loron Tlirtnan, Dominion Real Estate and Loan Agency, res Georgia nr Brou^liton Methodint Clinrcli, rev John F. Belts, pastor, cor Princess and Dun levy Methodist Church, rev. E. llohson, pastor. Homer cor Dnnsmuir Metropolitan restaurant,, Jas. Brown, prop, 238 Water Meyer Etnil, prop Windsor hotel, 792 Westminster av Meytj-er John, clerk, 500 Pender Michleson & Aptaker, second hand goods, 9 Orroll Mickie A. J., painter. 106 Water MIDDLKTOX WALTER, ^'rocer, Pender nr Richards, bds Ontario House Middler & Pt)\ve, carriage shop, 38 Columbia " William, of Middler & Powe, res 9lh av Miles Fred. W., carpenter, 210 Alex- ander " Geo. Alex., tailor, 140 Cordova, bds 8t Charles hotel " Roht., contractor, res Robson " Roht. J., peddler, Hastings E nr Dunlevy av " Wm., barber, 114 Dupont Millburn James, laborer. Water front nr Carroll " Robt., laborer, Water front nr C. P. R. sheds ilillen Wm., 108 Jackson av 11 it Miller Alex., stableman Queen Bros., rcH (ref)r^Ma " Bertram, clerk P.O., res Hiirraid " Charles, res Quebec " Henry G., cabinetmaker J. Sohl, rooms 1ncton, X. B., sugars, A. It. B. MacGowan, iliTcn t JION(;KXArS. BOIVIX & (^O., Hon- treal, plate glass, W. L. Leonard & Co.. ajients iMoiiliigne Delia Miss, 23 Dupont Monteitli J. C, bds Balmoral |)Iontg()tnery Hector, laborer II. C, P. M. Co,, resLansdowne I Montreal Clothing House, LduIs Davis, prop 24 Cordova iMoodyvile lurr'dr yard, M. MathoHon, city agent, Cambie. Tol. 70, Saw mill tol 83 IMooney Daniel, capt. Str Falcon, 6 Car- roll ' LuUo, blacksmith, Lis Glasgow House [Jloore 1']. J. Stewart, of Lafferty & Moore, ros Calgary " Mrs. wid., 440 Homer " Horatio G., fruit and confection- ery, 400 CorJovjv ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR, Teleplione No. 59. F. W. HART, FIERAL DIRECTOR aodEJIBALMR STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Moore Eichard, bds Slewart IIouso " T., emp. R.C.P.M. Co. " Wm. Honry, laborer R. C. P. M., rear 121 Oppenheimcr Moorehead Thos., fancy goods, 230 Westminster av Moorohouse James E., porter OS Water Mora Louis, cook City hotel, 35 Powell " Viiicongo, 2nd cook, 35 Powell Moraii James, asst teamster Vane Eire dept, 14 Water " Jo>eph C, clerk, 37 Cordova " Wni. J., brickmakor, bdsC'entral More Annie Miss, 310 Oppenlieimer " John Jas., carpenter, 319 Op- penlieimer Morency E. A., teacher, 100 Cambie, res 21 Wjiter " Mrs. P, AV., dining rooms, 21 Water Morgan ('laude, Westminster av, nr 13th av " Daniel, carpenter, Westminster av !ir 13th " G, K.,c)fCha])man, Morgan & Co., res 532 Cordova " Harry, carpenter, res 514 Oi> ])eidieitner " MillyMi>B, 45 Dupont Moriter M,, toba«'con'st, 01 Cordova Moroney Jerry, stonecutt<'r, 1(50 Water Morrell Cbus. C,, agent Standard Oil Co., res 342 Seymour Morrin Nelson, logger, res Keefer " Alexander, foreman street By., 315 Homer "r< a ■ '■I V. iff I! -.m lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, ^'TfiittTr'^'JrA^Ncou^^^^^ IB*"^ Cara loaded in MUl Yard for all points on C.P.Ru- and connectioiu. 352 MOR HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER MUX A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Publlo. Iiwurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY. REAL ESTATB ft INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS MASTIKteS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Morris Frank, waiter, 101 Cordova Morrisotlo John, macliiiiij^l V. C. F. & M. W. Morrison Arcli., millliand K. S. M, Frank, luis Stewart IfniiHe Morior) .ToBopli, clerk, 15;] Water, res Homer " TlH»nms, clerk P. O., ros 705 AVoHl minster av " Koltert, omp. KC.P.M. Co " J{. R, Gm]) II. S. ,M. Moserop F., clerk, res Seymour urDrako " John, cabinetmaker, res Seynioiir nr Drake " KiclianI A., C.P.R., res Seymour nr Drake '* Saran Jano Miss, res Seymour nr Drake " Tlios., laborer, res Seymour ur I Drake " Wm., C. P. 1?., res Seymour nr Drake Mosler Itobt. bds 702 West minster a v Ihosl.hu-ksmith (.4 Hastings, Mould Arthur J., carpenter, resell res liiciiards nr Creorgia Kichanls Morrison James, real estate Mowat Ainslie J., accountant Il.s.M and gen agent, 103 Water, res 1-13 j ih's Dindevy av Hastings F " Clias. H., bds Stewart Hoiiso Morrison James, clerk. 27 Cordova.res ' " J^*''*^ J^- '"'^ Stewart House Cam bio Morrison John Wallace, mer- chant tailor, 212 Cordova, res (Jeorgia nr Bute Morrison Joseph, machinist, bds St Charles hotel 3Iorrovv (ji. L., C, P. I?., res 3-12 Sey. mour Morrow Thos.Russell,chemist and druggist, 328 Cordova, res 3:]r) Seymour. Tel 7H Morrow John, logger, 1(36 Water " John. Water Mortimer liros.. tailors, 6 Powell Moxcm Henry, i;{ Cordova Mo/.ely Prof. Henry L., barber, 515 1 Hastings W Muir Andrew C, barrister, 44 Cordova, res ()l(i Ale.xander " John X., Ji.A., barrister, ro«Clij| Ale.xander " Walter, contractor grading, res 315 Seymour Mulhall James Joseph, chief cleikj voucher dept C.P. H., res (reorgiii,( bet Bute and Jervis Mullen John Samuel, lather, Hamiltoiil nr Dunsmuir Mullins James, sawyer G. F. Slater,] bds Cambie " Jonathan Wm,, ship carpenter, MumaE. J., messenger Dom. Exp, Oi.,J 301 Drake | bds (lold House " Sidney C, tailor, res 224 Duns- Munroe Daniel, foreman C. P. R. wharf'J muir " AVm. ][., tailor, res 224 Duns- muir Morton Clara MisR, 11 Dnpont " Arthur, clerk, U Cordova res (rore av cor Powell " John, contractor builder, m| Eveleigh nr Thurlow " William, of DeWolf & Munroe,| bds Douglas House inlanlll.S.M., 1. chief clerk I imMY lb ITYT.P! Prnn'Q commercial Sav Kills, Bovgh and Srened Lomber, Doora^ |PJU1 a aiL£i, nup a, Sa8li,Lath«, &e. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for eUl points on C,P,Ru» and connections. MUX ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTOHY. MUR 353 Munroo Winfreu, messenger Dom Ex- press, lids Lelaiid Miirehio \risN. leiicher K Eiil school Murchison Kuto Miss, drossmiiker, "NVilson hlock " Colin, Itotller, res TOi Westmin- ster av Murchison Anis^us C. , Vancou- ver Soda Water Works, 704 Westminster av. :seeasHi«) Mrs., wid Wm., res 327 Hamilton Mutrie Ilonry, of Mutrio & Brown, res 128 Oppenhoinjer " k Brown, real estate, fiO Conlova Mutual Accident Association -.f Man- chester, Enjjland, iiobc; cson & (Jo., agents, 307 Coi'lo'. a " Reserve Fund Lif».*. 1!M Cordova Mylius Chs. O., carpenter, 449 Homer Myers Mrs. Jane, grocer, Westminster road " Wm., grocer, Westminster roa' Oakley M. L., machine hand, bds Cainbie nr Georgia Ohen Philip, contractor, res Jervis nr Georiijia O'lirien J. A., capl. S.S. Premier, bds Leland " John M., editor Varcouver Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. Th" Largest Stock in the Dominion is carried by THOMAS LIGGET, 1884 Notre Daifls St., - MONTREAL. Mail Orders promptly filled and Samples forwarded. Olivant John, blacksmith, 156 Water, res 307 Drake Olmstcad Albert, carpenter. Homer iir Pacitic Oml)ley Benj., foreman Moodyville Saw Mill, Ws Glasijow hotel Ontario grocery, 124 C/arroll " House, temperance hotel, J. G, Taylor, prop, Pender nr Kichards Ontario Mutual Life Assr. Co.^ Robertson & Co., agents* 307 Cordova O'Neil — , operator, bds 5(50 Seymour Opera Eesort saloon, 2 Dupont World, res 421 Eichanis " Joliii, stableman M. A. Hano}*, ; Oppcnheimer David, mayor of Vancouver, of Oppenheimer Abbott " Michael, moulder at Vancouver C'. F. & I. \Y., bds Whatchoer House Oddfellows Hall, 300 Cordova O'Dwyer Daniol McCormack, painter, res rear 21 (J Powell Ogilvie Arthur W^ellesle}', carpenter, res Ontario " Eobt., clerk A. Godfrey & Co., res Mount Pleasant Oldfield John Wm., carpenter, res Hamilton nr Hurisinuir Ohiodburg Alex., bartender Stewart House Ok'son G., laborer, Water front nr Westminster av II. Bros., I02 Powell Oppenheimer Bros., whol grocers, 102 Powell. Tel K! Isaac, of Opiicnheimcr Bms. Sol., bookkeeper, 102 Powell, res Hornby Oregon ilaiiway <& Nav. Co., 504 Cor- dova Oriental hotel, Crean & Fiem* ing, props, 208 Water, rooms 8 Cambie. Tel. 71 Ormand Frank, carpenter C. Cassady & Co. ised Lumbar Sa^l rniirV Jfr V VT 1? Pmn'c Commercial Saw Mills, Bough and Dreised Lumber, Doors, »UVER B.^|BiMl « Ulh, nop S, sa8h.Lath8, &c. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all points on C,P,By. and connections, 351 ifrocei's, 102 ORR ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. PAL Orr AgncH Miss, nurse, 302 Oppen- licimer " lliit^'h, moulder V. C. F., 540 llastinifs E " Jane Mrs,, wicl James, 640 Hast- ings E " James, M. P. P., soc.-treas. Van. Soap Co. O'Rooke Annie Miss, 520 Alexander " Jamos Gilbert, steward str ' "Princess,"' res Hastings cor Diinlevy av Osborne E., ship carpenter, Dimlevy av nr Alexander Osbiini Wm., of J>iplock & Osburn, res Xew York block OrientalTraders Co. Ld., Ceo. C. Mackay, pros., Pender bet Granville and Howe O'Toole James M., of 0'Toole& Ralph, res 9 Wilson block " k Ralph, stoves etc., 114 Car- i\::\. Tel. 114 ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone 9lo. 52. F. W. HART, FIERAL DIRECTOR and ElALMER STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 20 CORDOVA ST. Pacific Coast Steamship Co., Thos. Lewis, freight agent " Hotel, Loo & Griffith, 224 Cor- dova Pack Chas., expressman, 529 Seymour Paepcke Theodore, bartender, T92 Westminster av Page Joseph, bookkeeper ''Xews Ad- vertiser," res 340 Seymour ••' J. P., clerk C.P.R., general offices Pain Palinda Miss, 444 Seymour Oubert^^ F. J^\, pro]) Arlington hotel, ': pointer Henry John, accountant land deptC.P.H., res Lansdowne av Paititon & l^yko. pianos, 305 Cordova " Frod. James, of Painlon »& Dyke, res 109 Cambie Paker Solomon, clothing, 00 Water Palace barber shop, R. K. AVinters, 61 Cordova " Livery Stables, Black & Wilkin- son, prop.s, cor IJurrard and Pender. Tel. 1:^5 " cigar store, Chas. Lang, Cordova nr Caml)io " Dininir saloon, Wm. McDonald, 178 Water Palmer A. T., plastoi'cr, res Richards " BroH., fuel and teaming, 100 Dupont. Tel 18 I). W., laborer, 114 Hastings E Henry Thos., of Palmer Bros., res 117 Hastings E Joseph W. W., of Palmer Bros., res 117 Hastings E Rubt. Edward, asst city engineer 501) Pender Ouellete (rcorge, 315 Hastings W " Frank, 141 Hastings E Oweger Frank, cigarmaker Krutz & Co. Owens Alfred, laborer, res Alexander St Reach " 0. W., expre^snlan, 52 Westmin- ster av " Wm., carpenter, bds 796 West- minster av Any property for pale in or near the City ;im alwiiys be had at lowest figures through C. WHETHAM k CO., Corner Cordova and Cambie Streets. The Central REAIi ESTATE firm of the City. See their Oulde to Vancouver Call for maps and information of any kind. [ ; u: ^i rC, :., 'W '',> 'i- $ i'i ; \\"> «l!j \ m m H1^ 1 , '•'!'^5|S! Pi!i I LEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, commercial saw mUs, Bough and Cm^^^^^^^ ' ^ Sasn,Latas, «e. VANCOUVER, B. Caac, carpenter, 303 Drake " Kate Miss, Georgia nr Tliiirlow Thos. L., laborer, res Drake Wm., carpenter, 19 AI»bott Partridge Emma Miss, dressmaker, 318 Granville " Robert vV^m., cabinetmaker, res Hamilton cor Pender Robert, 321 Hastings W.,einp. RO.P.M. Co. PATERSON A. JUDSON, grocer, frails and stationery, 425 Powell, res same. Tel 98 Patrick Harry, bricklayer, bds 213 Abbott PatroDo James, laborer, Water front nr Dunlevy av Patterson Robert H., of Boll-Irving «% Patterson, res Princess nr lleatley — , cooper S> J. Lime Co. Thos. II., clerk Bank of B.C., res Sc2' naour PATTERSON WILSOX SILAS, shor- iifs officer and detective a-otuy 206 Cordova, res Dupont nr Westminster av Paul Clia>'., plumber McLennan it McPeely " J. C, cook, 57 Cordova Pa.yne Geo., laborer, 136 Alexander " James R., bricklayer, vk» G1 Westminster av " Jane Mrs., wid, 760 Westminster av W.,pre88muii ''N'v. (I Pcake James, 464 Gr.i " Sidney J., cioii ings E Pearl str, Capt Ed. Swift Peais Geo., clerk Riiiid Bros. Pearson Thos. Parrish, miner, 536 Sey- mour " Thos. Rohson, of Major & Pear- son, res Westminster " Wm., machinist, res foot Cam bio Pease B, Mrs., bdg house, 213 Abbott " McGowan, 213 Abbott Peck Elias J., of Dutfy& Co., Hornby nr Drake " Winch & Co., Francis, tcr.v London and China, A, II. MacGowan, ageni Pedley Rev. Jas. W., Congrerr:"!!. n. ])astor, res 526 Richards Polton T. H., carpenter Geo. Cassauj . Co. Pelvis Benson, millhand H.S.M. Pendola A., of ScuiUo & Co., 5 Powell Pentelow John Geo., laborer V. Gas Co., res float False Creek Penzer Ed. E., of Crowder & xenzer, res Koefer Pepin Theophilus, cabinetmaker, res Hamilton, bet Hastings & P \. lor Pepper Wm., laborer, 792 ^^ c- nin- ster av Peppord Hill, teamster, *l\^< Wes. .. • ster av Pereiva) Joh.> A., cafponter, res 26 PrtIv av V-' i->'l - 14 1 Ilastr Pe»crs " Si " Sj. Petersoi " A> ( " L. (J " Ch Pottengi Punch be 21 " Gc Pettengi § I'^iillips )J; '*ier a' 1 Lumber, Coon, j VER, B.C' innectioris. ^ILAS, slier- ijtiveaiieiu'y, Dupoiit nr [cLonnan & ova Alexander yer, res Gl WeBtminster ■ Ji'ivertjser" ()., 5 Powell )orer V, Gas lok ler & x-eiizer, letmaker, rcH &P !or |92 ^vV.-H:r'!n- 15 Wesv.^. !• Uter, res 26 Commercial Saw l!il!s, Tlovlz^ «iid Creased Lumber, SoorSf Sash, Laths, &5. VANCOUVER, B.( Oirs lotided in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry, and connections. |li!AMY& KYLE, Prop's, ^^,„ Vancouver. b.c. PER ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. POM 359 ''''"h^.IL '""'"'■ "' '"'i I PALMER & Diinsmuir " "NV.. inuc-liiniHt H.S.M., Homer nr Drake Perks Joliii v., mcp.'*enger Doni. Ex. C^ H,isG()kl Hoiine Peri-y — J bookkeeper II.S.M., res Powell nr lla'.vke av " Clias.. (•ar|)eiiter, x'es Richards bet (ieoriiia and Ri)bHoii " Ri(dianl Francis, contractor, Homer nr llelmcken Peters Miss, music loaclier,310 Homer " iS(>vere, carpcnier, 27 Cordova, res ibut ot'Camliie Simon, carijcnter, 427 P'twe IMPORTERS OF Gelle Preres. "\ Roger & Gailet's. I Bertrand Frercs. j I'lver's. linaud's. Lubin's. Colgate's. 1743 & 1745 Notre Dam9,M0*frRSAL. Picard Joseph, patternmaker, ^52 Richards Pickard Wm., jiainter, 166 "Water Pinnick A. W., laborer Tiirnbull & Co, " Sidiicv, upholsterer, 20 Cordova PIO"®®'' Art Gallery, T. R. Vterson Alex., jeweller, 332 Cordova i Hanliman, a22 Cordova A'iolphe (riislave, tailor, 106 Carroll, res Hamilton L. A., tailor B. Simon, res 109 Oppculieimer Charles, cari)enter, foot Carroll Pioneer Dye Works, RouLner & Hay, 12 Abbott ^ ^' Pirrie Wm., bookkeeper, 6 Carroll, res Powell bet Huwkes and Campbull avenue Petton^er W., bookkeeper, 113 Carroll ! Pitt Mrs. R. D., tailoress, res 786 Penchbock (Jeo., gardener, res rear 2(ll» Harris " Goo,, laborer, 1 Harris PotteMgill B. C., of Van. Soap Co. ij.^ i'tiillips (!lias., laborer, res Westmin- ]^ sior av, Jit. Pleasant f'- ^ '^ ,ilp Bros., groceries, provi- sions, etc., 15 Abttolt Phil]) ('has., bs Printer S. L., timekeoper C.P.R. Prior F. L., bookkeeper, 2'J Cordova res 20i) Powell Prilchaid Tlios., res 135 Keefe r Prober! Alice Miss, waitress, LelanJ House Proctor Harry, painter, 320 Corral! I'roHfser Frank, carpenter Turnbull i Co. Prout & Insley, props Leiand house, 626 Hastings W. ^« adv. in M. A. liar- T 17 A liffV J& IT VT P Drnn^c Commercial Saw Mills, &oii?h and Cressed Lumber, Doors, LJiMl aULh, nop S, sasli,Laths, &0. VANCOUVER, B. C- Cars loaded in MUl Yard for all 2>oints on C.V.liu- and connections. 361 PKO ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. UAL pront Will., of Prout&lnsley, Lcljind lloiiso Provident Savings Lite Ass. Soc, Eaiid Bios., jio-i'iits Pugli John, nu'ssenger C.P.R general ottices <' John S. \V., law clerk, Drake, J.icksoii k (;<).,1)iIh424 Jlasting^ K " Sam. (irindrod, elcrk Cl'.R. gen offiees, res I'lincess nr Carl Piillnian ^al()on, PhiK Gorman, proj), 100 Water, rooms 6 Ahhott Pullman Pe^taunint, Thos. Berry, piop, 3 Alilioit Punclion — , bricklayer, 7i)2Westmin- Htcr av Parches Helen Mrs., wid, 311 Oppen- lielmer Piiniv Jlidph, 357 Howe PYlvI-: J0SI:P11 ALHX., boots and Khoes, 208 Cordo\ a. REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGEXCT. 153 CORDOVA ST., VAXC ITV'ER, B.C. REAL ESTATK IN A TX r AKTS OF Till! CITY AND rilOVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. C. WHETHAM & CO., Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurance Agents, Corner Cordova Sc Cambie Sis., VANCOUVER, B.C. P.O. Box-17r. Tclcptjopc No. ai.'?. (Jucen's Jlotei, Moses fTibson, prop. Water (Juick AVm. J„ clerk, 219 Hastings W, res 415 Cambie ouglas, C.IMi, Princess nr Carl Fleming C.P.lt., res llaro nr Broiigl(,()n " F., night watchman C.P.R., Xicola nr U »lison Qiiann SUiy Miss, 5(5 Cordova Radley James, cook, 204 Diinsmuir " Thos., prop Central hotel, 56 I Itae Geo., contractor, 23!) llarris Special Attention iflveu to Investments nnt 180 SVater ininster Koail, nr i;{tli ax- Raw David, tiiiuei', Ixis Stewart If mim( Rand Bros., real estate andlRuwson R, plasterer Turnbiili iV Co,, financial ajs^ents, lOO Cor! " S:ifai. Aim Misv^ r^^ <.\.,, •■,,.;., ,,_' dova. Tel. 35 and CranvlSlel Tiiinlow St. Tel. I40. ^eewlvt. on back bone \\li\,y (\(^u,^ ('n\\\Y;\v\ur brick, res (Joro av nr Harris Rand Chins. D., of Rami Bros., resdeor- gia i)el BiirranI and Tliiirlow. Tel. 172 " E(i. K., of Rand Bros., res Lon- don, EnL'. Rund Edwii; my^v Rtind Bros., Gran- ville St. liranch. Te-I U'l Rankin Harry K., messenii;er Domin- ion Express Co., luls Leland house Rannie Clias., sen., re.> Keeler nr (rore av " Ciias., jiin., carpenter, Keeler nr (roie av " Joim B., c.irpenter, res Reefer nr Goie av " Thos, hack driver V.T.C, bds Kiefer nr (rore av " Win. A., contractor, Keefer nr (b)ie 'V Ransom D. W., saw tiler II.S.M. " Ira, areiiiaii R.C.P.M. Co. " J y, mdlliaiid H.S..M. RaHiiiu.sen B., einp 1{.('.1'M. C^*. Rathboriie M;iry Agnes Miss, artist 311 Hasting.'* Eat hgeher Fritz, fitter C.P.R., rooms Richards bet l)-"vio and Di jiko " John, blackMnith A. T. McNalJ,, bds Richmond Ilou>e " John, ;{2 Park av " r. , b.arher, 7 Carroll " Wm., bellboy Hoi el Vancoiivor Raycrofi Richard, ])lasterer, \V,\ lh\>[- iiigs i'j Rasmoiid sewing .Maciiiiies, C. W. Teetzel, 115 Cambi.' Rea %^ £lliot, carriagemakers, Oppcidieiiiier cor ('oliimbia |{cad K..bcrl, emp R.C. P..M. »'... Rea .biiin, of Rea A; lOlliot, bds CJ- iiiiibia av Reardon \V, P., eaietaker, res oiM Alex.iiulcr Jteatti Paul, liiborer. Water front m' We-tmiiister Iicltcr Jo-epli, cook, 224 Cordova Record ot American and Foreign Ship- iiiir, 504 CorlovM Red Cro>-s Brewery, J. Williams, Sou- ton nr Biirrard " Star Brewery, Jiicob W. DeWitt, pio|), Wostininslor av, Mount Pleasant 1 uf iiiiv kiiiil. Iikor, res 'M liUu" front lii' I r A lUf Y Jb If YI P Prnn'c CDmmercial Saw Hms, Eoush and Treissd Lumber, Doers, L1!,A1I a MHi, rrop S, .^^^^ j^^^j^^ ^^ Vancouver, a.c. Cars lo€Uleil in Mill Yard for alljtoints on C.P.liy. and connections. RKE ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. ROB 363 ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Teleptionc ?(o. 52. MA-NUFACTUUKa OF haute:rs, ^ta, e:tCv 436 Visitation Street, Reed John, diMigjfist, 76 Cordova Regina Hotel, Mrs. S. Burr, prop, 200 Water |]..i(l (Mi.Tj., elcclriciiui. 550 .Seymour " Dunciiii Kolieit, ttiriiier, Oppon- liciiiUM- K ot'Ciimpliolt " (ico. L., elcrk, 400 Jl;istino;>, res 4:1;} Howe " Jiis. A., i»i<^ht watclinum IIo;o' Vii?i<'oiivcr, res Jloiiiby bet Smith iind Nelson " .^tiiry Miss, Beaeh av nr Bale " Tiiomas, clerk, 316 Coi'dova, res (ilO J*()Woll Eeinliiird Wni., M.D.,ovor 99 Cordova, res PriiK-e-s cor (-ai-l avo Keniiison A. W., cleik 11.8.M. Htore, ros^lO Alexander Reno Dora Mi.-s, 131 Dujxmt " L:iui'a Miss, ros 131 Dupont Rolrcat salot)n, J.B, Jolinson, prop, 65 O.inlova Jlevsliech Andrew, hotel keeper, rooms, Ilomcr cor Cordova Reynolds Annie Miss, 121 Diipont " Joseph, omp R.C.l'.M. Co. Klioiies llarry, accountant Bank of British ('olumbia, res Melville Kiatti Paul, laborer, res Alexander St Beach Rice James, laborer, foot Canibio Eichurds Stephen Ormond, of Innes & Richards, rooms Anderson block, bds Iloiel Vancouver F. W. HART, FIIIRAL DIRECTOR and EIAIJIER STOCK COMFLETE 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Riclianlson John, of Grant & Richard- son, 170 Water " J. Seymour, clerk, bds 531 Sey- mour " William, cmp RC.P.M. Co. Richmond J louse, Arthur Langlej's prop, 110 Carroll Ridd Kd., yard tallyman II.S.M. Rid,s>;e\vay Wm., laborer Turnbull & Co. Ridley A. K., water tender H.S.M. Riecli Dnlly ;Mis.s, domesiic, (ieorj^ia nr Tliurlow Riestcrer Rol.t., prop Maiidand brew- ery, ('olumbia nr 10th av Riley Wm. Russell, painler,1132 ]rowe Risem Annie Miss, 433 Hamilton Roarke Geo. A., emp. V. \V. W. Co., res Robson nr Nicola Robb John, ^anysawyer H.S.M. Robbin Frank, .nip R.C.F.M. Co Jioberts (Jeo., factory hand G. Cassady ct Co. "^ " Jidin Hugh, res (Quebec cor 9th iive " Mildred Miss, 216 Dunsmuir S. H. Mrs., 216 Dunsmuir T. Hugh, artist, res Qut^liec, cor 9th av " Wm., watchmaker, res 216 Duns- muir " William, plumber, Abbott, res Water front Robertson Annie E. Miss, 323 Oppen heimer iiitH **.. 5(> m ! ! •^i' '2' f..i '-•1 a. N Gl LHKirr, stoves and linware, 220 llaslings, res 142 Alexander Robertson & Hackett,contrac- tors and builders, Hamilton lei Hastiiiiis & Pender Eol'crlson Harvey, awning inaker,re» 528 Po^vell " Jolin, jilasterer Turnbiill & Co. Robertson Robert, Cents Fur- iiisliings, 113 Carroll, res 416 Of penlieimer " Wm. II., grocer, Powell cor Hayes Eobeson Tlios., hardware, Alliambra boiel Kobin Tawel, of Robin & Silverman- res 31 C'ordova " & Silverman, loan otlice, 24 Abbott Robinson Arthur Joseph, miner, lU Coliinihia '< Arthnr G., laborer, res roar 113 Hastings " Aliila M, Miss, teacher, res 705 W« St minster av '' David, contractor, rooms 415 Homer " Douglas, C.PR. Princess nr Carl " Fieming, C.P.K., res Haro nr Bronghton " F., night watchman C.P.E,, Nicola nr Robson " Henry Krnest, clerk, bds Golden Gate hotel « James Wm,, apprentice, 114 Car- roll- •' James W., of R. A. Anderson & Co., bds Lelund " John, saw tiler, (!2 Water " Robert, warphousenuin,28 VVater, res 452 Homer " Richard, baggaife niasterC.P.R, ro« Alborni nr Nicola " Robt., carpenter, bds 3 10 Cambio " S. W,, of Gordon & Robiuflon, 210 Cordova ivi UV Jh VVIV Drnn'o Commercial Saw Hills, Bough and SresssA Luin^sor, Doors, LEAlfll fi Uhh, nop S, saei,,Lath8. &e. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. ROB ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. ROT 365 Eobliti Fnink 11., sawyer R. C. P. M. C').. res 11 Iliistiiiirs W " Nollio Mrs., wid, Frank, IIowc nr racilic Robsoii rov Kb., IFomcr Sf. Methodist, oliurch re-< I^OO iroiner " Tlios. Hood, res 220 Harris Roclions John, hiltoror, bds >Si()harle.s hotel Roduers Jonathan, painter, 321 Ricli- ards Rodiar O., cornieemaker, Homer nr ]K'lm(dven Eot'ddo (riistavc A., bookbinder Xews Advertiser, 102 Hastings W, res 225 Harris Rogers A. ,T., anotionoer and real estate, 10!» Cam bio Rogers Ernest, painter, bdsGrej'liound hotel " C;«])t., 51(5 Cordova " yi.wy Ann Mrs., 530 Seymour " Eiizatelh Jane Miss, 536 Sey- mour " \Vm., telegraph operator, 5(50 Seymour Roland iMary Alio. Mrs.,l'7i Hastings E Rolling W., emp. Ji.C P.M. Co. Rolls Dr. J. F., mgr., 115 Carroll, res cor llastiiigH& Powell R. V. CUinU 'H OF OUR LADY OF TIII<: JiOSARY, Rev. Pairic k Fa}, rector, Rieliards cor Dunsmuir Romang Joseph, res 310 Homer Riioke Tlios. Stepiien, druggist, 317 Hastings W, res 23 Pender Rooiiey John, chief mail clerk, 200 Cordova Rose David, brass finisher, bds 13 Col- umbia av " M . S. Mrs., bdg dept Union hotel, 19 Abbott Rose Mark S., stoves, tinner, plumbing, etc., 23 Abboit, res Uuion hotel Eoseberry — , 110 Water " Goo., phistcror, rea Regina hotel REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY, 163 CORDOYA ST.. YA>T( UTER, B. C. BEAIi ESTATK IN AI.L. PAKTS OP THK CITY AND FROVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. Rosenberg Alfred, carpenter, res 5th ave Ross Ahl,. painter, 209 Se^'mour -^l " A. .Miss, dressmaker, res Oppon- -t-l, i '\ beimer nr Heat ley " A. W.. .Al.P.. of Ross & Ceperley, res Hotel A^ancouver " Donald A., mgr V. W. Co., 122 Cor!: Malcolm, longshoreman, 19 Ab- 1)0 tt Mary Miss, Melville nr Thurlow Maude Miss, 11 Dupont Ross & Ceperley, real estate and insurance agents, 313 Hastings W. Tel 12. See corner cards Ross Robt. J., lal)orer, res cor Oppon- heinier and Heat ley av «' Roderick, sr., H. B. Co. officer, res Melville bet Burrai'd and Thurlow " Roderick, jr., res Melville bet Thurlow and Burrard " Win., fruits, 33 Carroll Rothsoy House, Mrs, Stewart, prop 421 Richards. Tel. 188 >^ !>Wi J* j;,.. mm i' t- -I mm m '.' I m . \VK HIT V J& IT VT 17 Drnn'c Commerolal Saw Uills, Bough and Dreiiel Lomber, Soon. lliAffll « KUK, mp S, sa8h.Lath8. &c. VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connectiona. 36t5 ROU HENDERSON'S VANCODVER SAL A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 8IS MASTIIH(BS ST.» VANCOUVER, B. C. Eous^ier Jas. G., of Eougior& Ha}', 12 Abbott Hound FieJerick, tjas works, 12th av RoundK Chas, stone mason, 160 Water Eoukes Geoi'ire, engineer C.P.R., bds Glasgow Ivitel Roun,srel!& Co., veal estate, 190 Cor- dova. Tel 22 " Charlea Aubrey, ins clerk Ro88& Ceperley, res 329 Hamilton " Frank Wm., bookkeeper for lioss & Ceperley, res 329 Ham- illon " Geo. F., of Jas H. Woodworlh & Co., res 3:^9 Hamilton " John, of Rounslell & Co., re8329 Hamilton '< Mary Miss. 329 Hamilton Rousseau & Co., James, Boots & Shoes, 28 Cordova Roward Francis, brioklayer West- minster av nr IGlh av Rowley John Capper, painter, 104 Hamilton Roy Amada, carpenter, res Seymour nr Pacific Royal Canadian Fire Insu. ranee Co., of Montreal,F)'oss & Ceperiey, agts,Po8t Office blocic, 313 Hastings Royal City Planing Mills Co., office 368 Carroll, R. C. Fer- guson, SUpt. Tel 43. See adv on front cover. ROYAL ELECTRIC CO., W. L- Leonard & Co., agents " Fire Ins. Co of Liverpool, Mayor & Pearson, agents " Tea Co., 8 Carroll. Tel 2;?8 Royds Clement, Seaton nr Burrard Uusliton John, machinist V.C. F., res 20(5 Dui.sniuir " John, clerk W. Middleton, ros 20G Dunsmnir Russell Chas., of Russell, McDonald & Co., res Victoria " Findlay R., law clerk, 332 Cor- dova, rooms 16 FergUNon block RUSSKLL JOS HP II AMBROSE, LL.B., of Yates, Jay & Russell, bar- risters, IxJs 16 Fergu.'«on block Russell, Mcl'onald & Co., auctioneers, 71 Cordova Rutherfi rd B. M. Miss, teacher, Bur- rard nr E;i relay Ryan Annie Miss, 500 Pender " May Miss, waitress, 14 Abbott " Nellie Mis?. 500 Pender C. WHETHAM & CO., Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurance Agents, Corner Cordova & Gamble Sts., VANCOUVER, B.C. P.O. Box 47 7. Tclcpljope No. aia. Special Attention given to Investments and the Management of Kstates for Nou- Kesidents. SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Sis- ters of St. Atme, sister Mary Alex- ander, supr, 303 Dunsmuir cor Homer Sale Sadie Miss, res Keefer Salsbury Sarah Mrs., sen., 455 Rich- ards SALSBURY WM FERRIMAN, local treasurer C.P.R., res 718 Hastings W. TellOS TfJlMV J^ irVT,]!! Prnn'c Commercial S&w Uills, Sough and Ereis^d Lnmbsr Soon, LLniui a JviL£i, riup b, gagi^j^th,, 4,^. Vancouver, •«. c- Cars loeuled in Mill Yard for all points on €.P.Ity, and connectioHH, 6 All ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. SCO 3G7 HENRY PORTER, Manufacturer of Sonora Tanned Liace Ijeather^ Ciiaraiiteed to le the toujiliest in existence. 436 Visitation Street. Sill vat ion Army quarters, 532 Wost- minsier nv " Army Hall, Capt. Ilam, cor Ab- bott and Water Siimson A., carpeai'^r, bds St. Charles hotel Sanders Edwin, carpenfer, res 51G Prineesrt " H. J., druggist's asst, res 26 (lore av '• Wm. Hector, jr., printer, 323 Hustings W, bds 51(J Princess San Frjincisco Hotel, C. Burklaud, 175 Water " Francisco Union Marine Ins.Co., Capt. W. Clements, agent Sun Juan Lime Co. Works, Powell nr Campbell av Sansom & Dawson, archi- tects, 617 Hastings W Siinsom Wyndham, of Sansom & Daw- son, ronms Westminster av Sargent Henry King, tallyman Fader Bros., Granville nr Diake " Fred., caipentor, 222 Harris " Mrs., midwife and nurse, res 320 Harris Sarseville Cbas., engineer, 500 Pender Satcliell Geo., bricklayer, Dunlevy av " Geoi'ge, lal)orer. Prior " Joseph, laborer. Prior " Joseph, laborer, Dun levy av Satell S., carpenter, bds St Charles hotel Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. The Largest Stock in the Dominion is carried by THOMAS LICGET, 1884 Noire Dame St., - MONTREAL. Mail Orders promptly filled and Samples forwarded. Saul John, of Saul & Waite, les 320 Homer •' & Waite, contractors and build- ers, 320 Homer Saunders Clias., gardener, res West- minster road Saxe CUMnoiit,tings W Thomas, millhand, G. Cassady & Co., bds 318 Homer Walter C, clerk, 204 Cordova Scottish Union & Nations! Fire Ins. Co. RossA Ceperly? agents, Post Office blocic 813 Hastings W Scoullar Andrew Wm., mgr E. S. Scoullar& Co., res cor Kobinson and Thurlow Scoullar E. S., & Co., stoves, etc., plumbers and steamlitlers, lt!2 Water. Tel 38, and New York Block, Granvillu. To! 17(i Scoullar Edwin Sayre, of E, S. Scoul- ler & Co., res NewWeslminster City Scrivener James, clerk, bds Greyhound Scuitto ,Tohn, & Co., bakers and grocers 5 Powell '* Jno., of Scuitto& Co., res 8 Alex- ander Scurry Clias., barl>er, 25 Abbott •' Klijah, barber, 25 Aiibott Scurry H. T., mgr Abbott St. Shaving Parlors and Baths, 25 Ab- bott Scajohn John, fireman, 540 Seymour Seeker Robert, waiter, 429 Granville Secord Angus, contractor, res Oppeii- heimer and Dunlevy av SEHL JACOB, furniture, house fur- nishings and crockery, (J4 Cordova, Ohas Hach, mgr Seliwahn Chas., lal>orer, ros *7th av Seitz Wilhelm, G2 Westminster av Senate Hotel & C^ > House, Frank H, McDavit i, 37 Coi- dova " Saloon, McLean & Stevenson, props, 3l> Cordova Sontell Alfred J., carpenter, res 409 Hastings E " Bros., contractors, 409 Hastiim-s E " Elward, res 409 Hastings E " Ephraim B., carpenter, res 409 IL'istings E " Florence Miss, 409 Hastings M " Frederick W., carpenter, res 409 Hastings E " George J., tinner, res 409 Hast- ings E Sevigne Bert, IL S. M. Seydon & McGarrigl.^, painters, Hast- ings E nr Gore av *' Chas., emp. R.C.P.M. Co., res rear 111 Hastings E Seymour Alex., laborer, Water front nr Westminster av Shackeltord 11. S., V. S., bds L')uvro Shan Fratdf, Granville nr Drake Shannon & McLachlan, real estate and financial agents, 523 Hastings W p^- T D I mrV Si V VT 17 Prnn'c Commerolal Saw Ulllfl, Bough and Ireised Lnmlar, Soon, lEAffll « Uhh, rap S, g,3h,Lati,fl, &o. VANCOUVER, B. C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points oh C,r,lly» and connections. r: V SHA ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Sill 3i;9 Shannon Office, Files and Cabinets, Robertson & Co., Agents, 307 Cordova " S. W., lirinor, luls Slowart Honso " Wm.. of Sliiintinn & McLachlnM, ros Hiiro tir Biito Sliai'pe Jiinios, bookUoepor II. B. Co., ros liiclmnis Shnrpiiel Wiiltor, res Kocfer SImrniiiii Jiobt., res over H28 Seymour Sliiiver John, plumuor, 211 (rrMnvillo " Nicliolas, 211 (irunvillo Slmw (r., eai'peiilor, Oppenhoimor nr Carl " Malcolm S., clerk A. Godfrey & Co., res Columbia av " Robt. (reo., boat builder, foot Cam bio " TI10.S. A., speculator, Hornby nr PaciHc Shearer John A., carpenter, row Ham- ilton " John Scot t, teamster, 439 Homer Slioen Oaniel, i)lacksmilli C.P.R., res 1137 Seymour Sheldon Wm.W., carpenter, 42 Park av Shelton & Co., furniture and upholsterer; house furnish- ings, 408 Hastins;s W. nr Richards. '^'<^<^ t^^" bdoio ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. 9 Telephone Ko. sx. F. W. HART, FONERAL DIRECTOR and E1.\L1R STOCK COMVLETE 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. I Shelton Giles, car inspo(.tor C.P.E., res Eveloi I. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Publl). lusuranoe. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & .INSURANCE, POST OFFIicE BLOCK, VASOOUVER, B. C. Shook Diivid E., 228 Wostminstor av " D. E. Mrs., dressmaker, West- minster uv " F , belllioy Vancouvor hotel Shoi t Beiijiimiii James, Ixjokkeeper 204 Cordova res Fcndroll iir Thurlow " Bortniiid Hanes, painter, res I'endrell iir Tliurlow " Wm. AfKlrew, clerk, 208 Cordo- va res Pendtr Shotlen Allison, carpenter li.CP.M.Oo. Shiirirold Ed will, expressman, (j'tli av Sidney Matthew, carpenter, Cordova Silverman K., of Robin & Silverman, res 418 Oppenheiuier Simmiiij^ftoi! John, carpenter, rear 308 Seymour Simon Albert, G02 Hastings E Amelia Miss, 200 lIuHtings E Bernard, merchant tailor, 106 Carroll, res 209 Hastings E " Jacob, apprentice Krutz & Co., ;js209 Hastings K Simpson Bros., merchant tailors 403 (rraiiville " — , rooms 416 Cordova " Calberl, storekee|)er H.S.M. SIMPSON DAVID, mgr Baidi B. N. A., res 416 Cordova lra,carpenter,315\Vustminstor av John, bartender Cosmopoliton, 101 Cordova John, of Simpsom Bros., ros Beach av " Thos,, driver Vancouver Fire dept, 14 Water " Zachariah of Simpson Bros., ros Bea.h av Sinclair F. G., gen. haiiijfane agent C.P.E., res 342 Seymour ' " John, carpenter, b>is 180 Water " W. D.,druggist,l)(ls 5(>0 Sevmoui- Sinnott C. W., carpenter, 5(30 803-- m(»iir Sisson Wm. Hen i;}-, grocer, Pender cor Granville " Tiios., boo'. keeper, res Pender nr Biirrard " T. W. emp. B.C.P.M. Co. SISTKRS OF ST ANXK, SACRFJ) HEAirr ACADIOMY. sister Mary Alexander, supr, Dutismuir cor Homer Skene W., agent, Graiiville nr Duns- miiir, res 338 Seymour, Tel 77 Skirtiiigl')!) Gf'orge, machinist C P. R. 8h()}»s, bds (Colonial hoiel Skinner K. Miss, 229 Hayings W Arthur Krtiest, 229 Hastings Mrs. & Miss, bdg hse, 229 Ila- 1- ing* W " Ilobt. James Forestry, inspeo- tor. Masonic blk.,ros Ilobson I'r Jervis Slade John,clork,8 Carroll, res Gore av " Chas., laborer, 13th av " Geo. Frederick, ros Hamiltoi: " John, painter. Gore av Slater Chas. Richard, teller Bank of B. (\, res 314 Alexander " Elizabeth Mi»s,res314 AlexaMclcr Slater C F., mnf r and dealer in cedar lumber, and clear cedar shingles, Vancouver shingle miM, office and yard on False Creek, foot of Cam* b|e, res Hamilton Sloan AVm., clerk J. S. Cluto & Co., 135 Htt»ting8 W 11 lEiMY & KYLE, Prof Commercial Saw Hills, Botigli and Sreised Lumtier, Ocon^ Sash, Laths, &c. VANcouvc:::, c. c- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry. and connections. SMA ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. SMI 371 IS A HOME PRODUCTION. to » SUPPORT IT ! Small Alex., If bdrer, Beatty " Daviil, liil>orci', Eeutty " IJi)l)orl, hihoror, res Bejitty " Willinm, diivi- V. T. Co. SmalK'V John, suwyor, H13 Drake " Win., mill liJind, 313 l>>iiko Smart Ji's^ie Miss.s, millii er, Cordova Sinilt's Robert, ship builder, Kubsun nr Thuilow Siiiitli — , baker, 426 Cordova " -. laborer, (^anipbel! nr Harris '' — , tcaiiisiei', KM' Tlairiw '' Alexander H., drau^htsinun, Hornby nr Nelson " A iihiT Neville, bookkeeper, res Nelson nr Burrard " Arthur \V..bookkeeper,10 Water, res eor Burrard and Nelson '' Alfred A., pattern maker Vatic. Irot Works, res 516 Alexander " A. B., fhielelerk Hot'd Vancou- ver " Benjamin N., 32*7 Howe Smith B o8., manufacturers and impor ers of fine u».hoi- sitMvd tnrniture, 513 Pender SMITH CHAS..& CO., duplex pumps, W^. L. Leonard & Co., ai.'•enl^' Smith 1). A., of Smith Bro.s., 5'3 I'en- dei* " E. F., clerk pay rolls dept C.P.R., 421 J{ichards " Ed., 319 Hastin^'sE " Flora Mi .s, 121 Dupont " FIosbIo 'liiss, 123 Dupont REAL * ESTATE AND LOAy AGEXCY. 153 CORDOVA ST., VANCr,UyER, B.C. KEAL. ESTATE IN A I.Z, PAHT.S OF THE CITY AND I'UOVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. " Florence Nevile Miss, Nelson nr Burrai'd " Frederick H., messenjjter Dom. Exp. Co., looms over P.O. (reor<.(e, Hastinsifs E J. C, waiter Hotel Visncouver James, moulder V. C. F., bda 628 Powell " James A,, of Smith Bios., 513 Pender " John, janitor C. P. R. u t W, I lEAMY&KYlE, Prop's, '^^J^.T'^'X^^v'T^'-i:^. Cars loaded in 3Iill Yard for all points o» C.P^Ry. and connections. 372 SMI HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER St P A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. lusuranoe. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 8IS HASTIMiBS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. Smith ThoH., laborer, foot Carroll " Thos. AloxjintUM". engineer G. Cnssacly& Co., re.sSoymour, iir Pacific " Thos. L., carpenter, Barclaj' iir Thurlow " Wiliisim, carpenter, res 310 Dii- pont Fmyth Annie C. Miss, bdg house, 530 Se3nu)ur " Bell Miss, 5'^0 Seymour Snowdon Horace Lloyd, lumher agent, 418 Cordova Snyder J^'imer, 315 Westminster ave I Soames Edith Miss, domestic, Georgia | nr Thurlow " (leo., laborer, 130 Alexander Soland Auy:ust, miilhand II. S. M. Sommers Miss, G Powell, res Ilomor Sommerville F., bell boy hotel Van- couver " William, capt of scow, for W. S. Cook, res Westminster ave So ensen Gustave J.,ofSorensen,& Co., res 317 Hastings W Sorensen&Cc, props. Medi- cal Hall, 317 Hastings W, 'J el no ' "^ » Scule William (.oorge,clerk, Alexander nr Havvkes av SOULE WILLIAM HENllY, bIovo- dore contractor, ren 340 Powell cor Dun levy av Soule^'i ThoH. W., of Soulos & York, ros 521 Seymour Soules & York, groceries,! uit and produce, 180 (Jordova S])ear A., bell boy hotel Vancouver " John, gardener, res 421t Gran- ville Spencer Caroline Mrs., wid, 140 Hast- ings Spicer Favelock H., bookkeeper G. P. Slater S)'iliman C, painter, 112 Hastings, res Hotel Vancouver Sj>ink Tlios. Alexander, foreman News A'ivcrliscr, res Cambie nr Ilob^on Spinks John Al., of Tatlow iJc Spinks res Pender nrBurrard. Tel 157 Spoft'ord W., job printer, "News Ad- vertiser" Spooner John,carpenter.lO HastintjsE Spring George, stableman, Pender *' Thojnas Beverlev,cotiiraci(ir anil builder, res 300 OppeiihciuKr Sprinirer Benjamin, mgr 3lo()d\villo Saw Mill Co., res Moodyville. Tel 8;5 Spriniicr Louis, Bk of B. N.A.,bds 30 T Powell Sijuier William Harvey, of Mitchell & Squier, bterer, 204 Harris Slatt'onl Jolm, well sinker, Gore ave " Wni W., printer New Advertiser, . res 5tli ave Stag& Pheasant Hotel, Ceo. Dooring, prop, 170 Water | Sialilscliniidt's office, chureli, scliool ! and Iodide ♦"".:•:!' tui'o, llobertsou k Co., a,u;enls, 307 Cordova Stalker G., bridge carpenter C.P.R. j Stunies Creo., laborer, 13(J Alexander j Stantor i James, coniractorand builder ros 24 Dan levy ave Standard Life Assurance Co. of Edinburgh, A. A. Boaic, agent, 307 Cordova Standard Oil Co.,C.C. Morrell, agent, 178 Cordova. Tel 133 Staniijpo Loiivro Wm. L., Btoneinuson, bds Stanley Bros., photographers, 2 Powell Stanley Hdward Hall, ofStanloy Bros., res 001) Powell " (Hiberl, ot Stanley Bros., res (iOi) , I'owell I " Park 8iables,Qnecn Bros., prop«, { (ieorgia nr Seymour i " Park, Coal Uiirl)or, Henry Kvi- Hon, park ranger | Staplelon Cbristopher,jun.,res KUli ave , " Cliri.-«loplier,son.,j)ainter C.lMt., res 10 in ave , " Joseph, lOlli ave | " Cliristopher, messenger, 10th av ^ Stark Wm., contractor, Westminster av Starke T. C., bricklayer, 530 Seymour Starratt J.Cbas.,ot'Si.arrutt & Leallier- dule, Abbott REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGEXCY. 153 CORDOVA ST., VAXCCtVER, B. C. BKAI. ESTATK IV AM.. PARTS OF THK CITY AND PROVINCK. MONEY TO LOAN. Starrett & Leatherdale, stables Trounce Alley. Tel 57 " Chas., ot'Starrett& Leatherdale, res C^)smopolitan " H. B., railroader, bds 13 Colum- bia av Stearman Fred. CInis., 328 Cordovji, res 335 Soytnonr Steele JuMies, longshoreman, foot Car- roll " Wm..diiv.>r, 143 Water William Butler, titter C.P.R. -imiis, res (Quebec cor 0th av Steeves .Millaril ^taldeman, C.iml)ie Sieigetd)oi'ger Allred, brickm: ker, 0th avenue Stephens Fred, B., clerk. 203()p]>en- licimer '« (r. B., driver V. T. < ,, 320 Cur- roll " James Ai'cliibald, shoemaker, 11 Abbott, res Jubilee restanrant " RoliertWm., tinner, lt'.2 ater, res l'(!nder Stephenson liobert, tinnei, od.s 210 Pender " Thos., City street supt., bds Bal- nn)i'i\l Stevens Alfred E., despatcherC. P. R., 1) Is Letand House " Alfred, Howe nr Smith " David Thos., clerk C. P. R., Howe nr Smith " Fred. B., clerk, ro8 203 Opi)en- heinier »— •«!( ,.«(1^ \li :\ tt lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, "°=Twat:r'*°tAl5^'b%^tB!^| Car« loaded in Mill Yard for alt points on CP.Ity. and connectiAms, 374 STE HENPEHSON S VANCOUVER STR A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, SIS MASTinaS ST., VANCOUVEK, B. C. Slovens Jiimes A., slioomakoi', 15 Cor- dova Stevenson Eiuly, M. D., 116 Hast- inuse. bojird- ing42l Richard.-, Tel 188 " Richard, laborer, res Alexamier St Beach " T. C, R. C. P. M. Co., bds 110 (Carroll " Wm., 212 Cordova " Wm., tailor, 20(» Cordova " Wm. (Iriv.r 75 Water ves TT.. . iiigs Stirtan C. S., & Co., clothing, gents, fui nishir)gs and mer tailors, 2:^8 Cordova Stirtan (Jeo. Stephen, of Stirt:ui & Co., 2;<8 Cordova, res ^S'O Homer Stitt John Rowland, X. Y. Jiif(> Ins. Co.'s agent, res Barclay opp Sdiodl StocUbam Kred., biikei-, 3 Carroll Stockhammer Joseph, bricklayer, bds Pacitic hotel StoddarL Bros., jewellers. 112 I'amliio " (Jeorge T., messenger Doni. !'i..- press, rooms 45<> Seymour " Jiobt. F., of Sloddari Bros., ros i ;!5:i Howe I " Wm. .lames, of Sloddari Bios., j 112 Cambie IStoneR. L., millband H. S. M. Straliun Fraid<, of Irving k StraLaii, res 3 Hi Seymour StraubeVal, practical gun and loiiv smiili, 'J Abbott Slraube V. J., gunsmith, 4 14 Cordova Street Richard, expressman, !)tli av Strong A., bds St Charles hotel Struthers Alexander, carpenter, res 131 Keefer I 1 Lumber, Doors, !^^, B.C.I mecfiAtns, lEAfflY&KYLE, Prop's, °™ZSS,:r''°tAN^uv^"B?S; Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CI*. By. and connections. P. K., res 512 Alox- !ank of B. , Dansmuir Mise. board- Pol 188 Alexuiidcr >., bds no dova .M-. TCS TT".. t- clothing, iier tailors. rt:ii\&Co., ij )iiu'r fjifi' liis. (>P|) ^ullDIll 'urn. II liiyor, bds |l2 ('ainliio Dom. !•:..- ^-immr Jirt)s., ivs [iai't l?ios,, M. StraLaii, Igunand ^4 Cordova !»tli av lutel )ontor, ro8 STR ALPHABETICAL DIHECTORY. TAL 3t5 Stnitt Cbi>«. II., dry floods, 164 Cor- dova, ros Albcrni nr Broui^liton Stuart James, porler Op))eiibeimer IJrosi., res 505 llastings E Suuldoii Allred, res Gore av " Fred., res Gore av Suckling' AH'n^d K., clerk gen snpt's dept C.P.E., rooms 4 is\'W York block " Henry Welch, artist, 504 Cor- dova Suiiimarrt Fukashi, Jai)anpse consul, 421 Hiiwe Sullivan ArtiinrW., 207 Oppenhcimer •' Clias. E. S., 297 Oppenbeimer " Josephine Mr.s., vvid Piiilip, 297 Oppenbeimer Sully Geo., millhandH. S. M. Miiiniors Kdgar II., barleuJer, 500 C<»rdova " James, prop White Swan hotel " Fanny Miss, Homer nr Eobson " Mrs. James, 1109 Howe " Jnjin, carptr, Horner nr Rohson " Jiebeccii Miss, Homer nr Rob.son Siiinincrvillc Wm., laborer, 707 West- mi ii>.ler uv Suiiii> side hotel, McGirr & McCosker}-, 1,1. ".ps, 1 Water. Tel 97 Siulieiland (Jiarencc H., sawyer Van- couver Shingle Mill, bds Uumbia nr (it^orgia SUTHKJUjANI) MUHRISOX, im- migration agent, 530 Cordova, res Genrgia nr J;irvis. Tel 14H Sutherland Owen A., bookkeeper H. y.M., res 50 Westminster av " Siimuel, clerk, 75 Water Swain Samuel, baker, Seymour cor Diake " Wiley, janitor, 138 Hastings Srtulwull "kichard F., plumber, 162 Water, res 7lhuv Swiiii August, of Swan & Dooring, 93 Cordova " Edward, of Swau.son & Swan, 146 Water " Fred., bartender, 93 Cordova ELECTRIC NIGHT BELL IN REAR. Telephone Tio. 52. F. W. HART, FONERil DIRECTOR and E1.U1R STOCK COMPLETE 27 and 29 CORDOVA ST. Swan Geo., laborer, Oppenbeimer E. of Campbell " Frederick, laborer, res Aloxan- (U'r street Reach " Susan Miss,mairon City Hospital Swan-on Allred, ol tSwaiisuu li 8\vau, 146 Water Swanson & Swan props Carn- brinus hotel. 146 Water Sweeney Campbell, mgr Bank of Montreal, 440 Hastings W Sweet Clinton J., of Sweet & Ashbury, Pentler Symons Charles, collector, 27 Cordova, res 323 Hamilton Taalfe Margaret Mrs., wid, 763 West- minster av " Martin, R.C.P.M., '13 West- minster av Talcott K W., or Kent & "! ..fot , 0I6 Cordova Any property for pale in or near the City can always be bad ut lowest (igures tiiroiigh C.WHETHAM&CO., Comer Cordova and Cambie Streets. The Central REAL ESTATE firm of the City. See their Quide to Vancouver Call for maps and iaformatioD of any kind. (:..:)8 -■11 ».-.«„i-j ''ill »»"»3|'J Si' '!''' \"'\ 1 = Bi ,.,'fi», . ... ^, 1:1 1. : . Tb v-.i iniff ii 'H^'r*' "# ■'■to ' U u tt ISAMT fi KYLE, Prop's, °"lStfHr''tA"N^ov^V:SP l^** Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Mj/, and connections 370 TAP HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER TEL A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public. Iiisuranc ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE * INSURANCE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVKK, K. C. Tupley John, confoctioncry, 220 Cor- dova Tarn Mark, cnrponter, 208 Alexander Tanner J. S., 340 Kowe Tute !>„ eni|) H. C. P. M. Co. Tatham Fred. Moore, laborer, Alexan- der " Freil. Moore, laborer, Water front nr Westminster av Tatlow & SpinkSy real estate and fire insurance agents, 338 Cordova. Tel 60 Tatlow IJobt. Garnett, of Tatlow & Spinks, res Ponder nr Eurrard. Tel 223 T tersall H., second porter Hotel Vancouver Tayes Alex., teamster T. Dunn & Co., res 52 (ron- av Taylor Ada Miss, 44 DiiponL " Jvlmund C, Nelson nr Bute " Fred., bottler, (jtl. av " Frank David, logger, bds Stewart Hoii>e «' (leo. M., machinist C.P.E., 637 JSeytiiour " G. F., tireman, 540 Seymour " Geo. JR., carpenter, res 10 West- mi iisier av " H. (r., carpenter, Westminster av " G. W., bds 1(JG Water " John Geo., prop Ontario House, Pender nr ilicliards " John, emp. H.S.M. ofe ulimtjA prepared h liaj hIdeS in caMoad loU. 436 ViSITATIOJ STREET. Taylor John, machinist, 110 Alexaiuior '' John, logger, bds \i\i\ Water Taylor John A., boots and shoes. 11 Aldioit,res 414 CamMo " Lorina >r., bookkeejK-r, lltli av nr \Ve>tmiii>ter av " Orril 11., R.C.RM. Co., 10 West* minsier av " Kobi. lilaekwixxl, carpenter, lOih ave " Wni.. upliol.xlerer, 4«IS Ilarstiiigs W, res 10 Wcr*tiriinster av " Wm., of Davis A: Taylor, res 422 Pender " Walter, res Nelson nr Bute " Will., carpenter, Drake nr lldwo *' AVilliain A., carpenter, res ol.'J Hastings 10 " AV. G., apprentice, 10 Westmin- ster av " AVm. S., of Davis A: Taylor, re-, Pender " William John, undertaker, 8 Op- penheimer, res same Teather — , artist, 510 Cordova Tebbs Samuel A., gardener, ros 320 Bealty TeetzelChas. W., agent New J{aymond machine, 115 Cambio, res 309 Eichards Telegraph C. P. R., Granville nr Georgia. Tel 8Sc lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, ''T?ifCr'"trNcou'v'^"B^ Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.lMii/' «»*<' connections. TEL ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. THO 377 Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. REAL * ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. ThcL.'r;40st Slock in the Do.nimo,. is carrieJ l,y I53 CORDOVA ST., VANCJ^UVER, B. C. THOMAS LICGET, 1^51 Notre Daiue St., - MONTREAL. Mail Order-, i.n.mi.llj- lilled and Samples furwariled. MONEY TO LOAN. KEAL. ESTATK IN AM^ PARTS OF THE CITY AND PROVINCE. Telephone OiTlce, 517 Hast- The Daily and Weekly News Advor- ' iisi;r, \\ C. Cotton, ediioi- and niirr.. 11!) Catiibie ings West llMiiart^iiarlcs Henry, fitter fMM?., I iv> Kii-liarls boi l>avie and [>rake lT'm|ili'i('ii Wni., irrocer. 12MJ'arroll ll-rmiiial (*ily Hnildin:; Sitciety otliee. WMmmi lilo'/U, Win. Knox, se -y. iTerminus Hotel, Wm. R. \ Hii's prop, .'JS Water i llnian Weston, carjtenter, bd« .Senate j ll -iliinr Herman, eni^inecr Sir Dela. | I wiire, res rj.') HastiiiiTs H !_, /,, ■ . . i' n i I,.kov Chas. carpenter, bdn Central Tl.onm> Cl.arles, teanisfer ior I'almer I ,•, ■ ' , liro-.. lids 11)0 Diiiionl " Opera Itesort saloon. ,1. !v Davis, ])rop. Carroll eor Diipont " Oricnial Traders' Co. (IJ), (t.G-. Maidvay, pros, Pender buKrran- ville and Howe " Shaek. 421 liudiards " ilnii Hole!, Win. Weier, prop, Sit Cordova " United Trust Land and Morr^a^e C'>. (Ld.) of Liverj.ool, ' 320 (rrai villo 'I'Jcy (Mias., accomitrttit City Hall, i"es ;)11 Powell Mn>es ]>., res Oppenhcinier eor Ileal ley av lliiiiin .loM'ph T., ry mail elerU, bds :!II7 Powell " Cupt. Murray, harbor master, res ;iUT Powell [ibtilier H., paiiUer C.P.R., bds 210 Pender ' Olivi'r, painter C.P.R. shops, bds 210 Pender Ilk' Alcazar saloon, cor Abbott and Trounce Alley " Ciiy of Vancouver Building Soc, otiico City Hall " Club, C. S. Macdonald, prop, 2\ Carroll Galiriel, jun., cinariualvcr ICnrlz & Co., res 201) Seymour " (iai>riel, sen., carpenter, res 209 Seymour " (loioon W., shipwright, res 782 AVesiminster av " John, bartender, 3S Water " Fanny Miss, 214 Carr.)ll " .lolin, rooier.Princess nr Heatley " John J., feed .stables, 75 West- minsler av " Roht., laborer, Water front nr Dun levy av " Sa:' uel.earpenterTiirnbuII Ik, Co. " Thos., C.P.ll., Hastiii-s nr track " Wm.,laborer,408 Westminster ay THOMAS WALTER, superintendent I Vancouver Gas Co., re^ loot ofKcofer 28 ^'M t;' •■,1 ' ' ! «( I ^"^ ,; •'*» ].' •U'ttil i :':|i-..: > -■ -1 r ;, - t ;:^^;;i. ' .1 a ti L '•S'JCI' 1 «!) Mi Ih:' !'■ i;li! *!'! Bi? !:^ii lEMY 4 KYLE, Prop's, "^TuZT'''X^^y'T^-^':i Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.r.Ry. and connectiona. TIIO hendehson's vancouveb COS A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Notary Public Inauranoo. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, POST OFPICE BLOCK, SIB iHASTnpjes st., VANCOUVER, B. C. TIK)m|l^on AllK'i't Kchvjinl, upholsterer, 2*J C( id<)/:i, lids iSuiiny.si(le " Cieo., iiiiilluuid, WestniiuHleruv, Mount I'loiisaiit " .loliii, niillliiiiKl H.S.M, " .loiin, ji)iouM';r:i])lu'r, IK! Wnfer " Joseph, bhicUsmilh, bdh St. Charles lioiel " ]Siehulas, engineer Sir Tepie, 12 Westminster av '• Sam., mgr. Greyhound hotel, 228 \\ liter " Tupper, eleik, 10 Water " Thomas, earpenter, res Westmin- ster av, False Creek " W. l'\ S., leanisler, 137 Hastings E Tlionison Eros., stationers und printers, lUS Cordova " llarrj, -messenger, res 1 Ui Water '• James A., ol Thomson liros., res Calgary " Kaildeen 31is8, res liobson nr Bute *' Mel\ illeP, ol Thomson Bros., res l{(^son nr Bute TIIO.MSON KEV. TII03IA8 CI., Presl'ylerian, res 40M Upiionheinu'r Tliorbuiii Crant, banentler Glasgow hotel Thorne Fred. Clayton, liirmer, Howe nr i'acilic Thornton John Brown,grocer, 59 Cordova, res 132 Oppenheimer Tliorjie & Co., soda water works {\\\ ! av. T.'l ISl 1 " Hills, of Thorpe ct Co., (It hi,v iTibhettslJobert, C.P.J}., lids KiCuriol i Tidy Tiiomas, hrieklayer. 9ih av I Tierney John J., drayman, 44 Coniovi "res 308 Piehiirds. Tc! i)5 " Kate M iss, res 308 liidijinls " Will., conliactor grading, r< oOO Kichards Tiffin John H., uitir Port ^[uody S;i| Mill, loot Ci'.niltie Tilley Chan., driver lee Co., 10 Wt minster av Tilley Seth Thorr, books ani stalioiiei'y, 11 Cordova, res ;;S Homer. Tel 3 iTimberlake Fred.S., of Dom. h'lnl !■]».] I tale and L<)iiu Agerey,re,s ^MaiKir Iim ; Timmins IJobt. C., barber,*' (irudvi' i res 8 At) hot I i Tisdall Chas. H.. gunsmith SOSCordovl I bds Stewart house iTiteJohii l{e\nold8, drug clerk ! Granville, res Bui rani nr Ben Tite Samuel, cooper, res Uurrard Beaeh " SMrali C. Miss, res Burrard Beaeh Todd Gibson, 35 Cordova Tolley Jamrs, ear shojis C.I'.i!.. r^ 1124 Hornby Ti'inelsoii James Albert, toanislor. Westniiiisterav Tourtlotte Ike Miss, Nelson nr Biiioj Towler Geo., waiter Ontario IIdiih' " Wm., brieklaj-er, 1) llasiiii^> " Win., bricklayer, llurnby (xeorgia Townle} Areliio, carpenter " C. Ji., C.lUi.,732 Hastings W TOW:^LKY J. 1)., asst to i^m\ su]»t C.P.li., res 732 Hastiiigs Tel 184 Townley James T., C.P.li., 732 Ua iugs W wmm rr A lUfV J& irVT 1? Drnn^Q Commercial Saw Uills, fiough anl fireised Lumlser, Doors, mm fi MLii, nop S, g,3j^ Laths. &e. VANCOUVER, B.C- tkira loaded in Mill Tardfo:' af I points on C.P.Ry, and connectiwnam 379 TOW ALPHAHETICAL DIRECTORY. TY8 ?!• works, Gil THE! r Gives numeroDs eigrsviogt of AM) THE Townloy HdI)!., plumber McLennan & McFeely, res 2U"Riel.arcis lownsend nonry D., iii^litwntehman Y.C. F.,res Alexander nrllawkes " Mary Mrs., widow John J., tail- oress, 17 Ilastini^s K iTrainor Bernard, dairyman, Quebec lUhSOSrordtAl I Travellers Life and Accident of Hartfo!d, Rof s & Ceper- ley, agents, 313 Hastings Tremont Hotel, Mellville & Miinuel. Drops, 1(! Carroll iTiinmisli Thomas, enip E.C.P.M. Co. T!X'>('()lt Clias., carpen lei', Cordova |Tivvhii Siini., stair builder, res 331 Hiistini^s Vj I Trevor II. D,, of Goodwin & Trevor, bils (ioor^u;iu nrNicolu Ernest, draughtKnian, 312 Hast ings iTrimlilo E i., jnn,, apprcnlice, 11th av Eli., sen., teamster, 11th av iTriiax Frank, Powell nr llawkes av |liytliiillKmmaMiss,res 141 iraslirigsE Howard, apprentice, bds 141 Hastings E Wm. John, stationery and job printer, 334 Cordova, res 141 Hastings E iTiibman John, painter, bds St Charles hutcl |Tucl( & Blacky barristers and solicitors, 20G Cordova. Tel 218 hides in car-load laU. 436 VISITATION STREET. Tuck Francis Herbert, of Tuck & Black, res Hornby r.r Hclmcken Tucker Files and Cabinets, Robertson & Co., Agents, 307 Cordova Tullis James, l)lacllit. C, carriagemaker, rcM 2l27 Harris " T., cai'penter G. Cassadj 1- (. . Warson F. W., carpenter, bds Loiivro Waterman Fied. Jatiios, tVuils, 21) Carroll Waterworks office, 118 Alexander. Tel 104 Waikins Kate Mrs., nurso, C51 Seyn)onr Watson Arthur, carpenter, bds St Charles hotel Ernelia Miss, Seaton nr Burrard HaiTy Halgate, driiggisl's asst., Cordova " James, carpenter Cassady & Co., res Prior " Robert, stonecutter, res Hornby liet Drake and Pacific " i^amuel, res over 464 Granville " Thos. Francis, clerk H. S. M,, res Dunlevy av " Wm. Hamilton, landing waiter, res 438 Seaton Watt Daniel, plasterer, res Seymour " James, upholsterer, 513 Pender, bds Albion Weaver Jacob, bricklayer, 210 Duns- muir If eIUV J& V VT 1? Drnn'c Commercial S&w Hills, Bough and Ereised Lumber, Doorv, Pl fi MLb, mp S, sash-Latha. &e. VANCOUVER, B. C Cars loaded in MUl Yard for allpointn on C.P.Ily. and connections. WJ'iA ALPIIAHF.TICAL DIUECTORV. WIIA 383 fevcM' liUcv ^I. Mrs., willow Siumie'- vos '1\{) I'lMidor Tlios. A., (':ir|)(>iitor, Ilomcr TIhis., ciirpoiilor, 210 J)uiismuir H'llil) Kruncis M. B. S., ci^iirmaUcr, III Is Sii"-V!irt 1 1 on so Wiiltur JI., boots and hIiooh, 4!) Coi'dovii llVliIicr Diiiifiin, shipwriLcht, Wost- iniiistor tiv l\eb.>tci' (icoi-yfc C, chief landinj,' wiiilor* Customs dopt. Seuton nr Tliiirlf.w " James R., drivor, 1^2 Cordova in:iis'i'i':i{ ijoland ekni'Ist, mKi-. tlu' iJ:i\aiia Ci^'ar fiic'lory. 332 Cordova, ros Siowart House " Capt. Will., of Wobstor&Co., res 415 C.iniliio '' Will., Ac Co., aiictioneors, real estate and sliip brokors, 217 llastinjfs W |Wee!s, 307 Riidiards Louisa Mrs., wid Win. ,307 Rich- ards ]*atrick, lai)., Seymour nr Drake Thomas Herbert, clerk, res 751 Westminster av Wensley W., blacksmith V. C. F. West End saloon, 025 llustiiiijjs W End School, Barclay nr Riirrard John, cabinetmaker. 20 Cordova, bds (rreyhoiind hotel " John W., cabinetmaker, res 309 Jlichards Western Fire Assurance Co. of Toronto, Ross &, Ceperley, agents, Post Office blocJc, 313 Hastings AVestern Marine Insurance Co. of Toronto, 504 Cordova Wetzel C. C, shoemaker, 116 Water " ]\f. F., shoemaker, lltl Water Whaley Wm., wood worker, 7 Powell Whatcheer House, Robert Campbell, prop, Hoatloy uv ur Alextiuder (1 St i ■«♦• t .It*,; <■' ^1 rt -|^>^i« ; m ■..U; BAI LEAMV fi KYLE, Prop' ComneTCial Saw Hills, Botigh and Trecsed Lumlssr, loo: Sasli,Litlis, &:. VANCOUVEI?, B.cj Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CP.Ry. and connections. 384 WlIE Henderson's Vancouver WKr A. W. .toss, Not" -v Public. H. T. CEPERLEY, luBurance. C. WHETHAM & CO., nUOO Ji UCrCnLCl, Piaaadal aad Insuranco Agents, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, ^'=°-"",,^;;''^;;;*^^j,"J,^'^s.s., POST OFFICE BLOCK, @IS MAS^IHSS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. WhooliiiffThos., laborer Leuiny tc Kyle Whetham & Co. C. real estate and insurance, Cordova cor Cambie. Tel 212. see Vard adts Whclham Clias., of C. Woliiam & Co., res Gonri-ia tir IJiitc. Tol 213 Wlielliam JaH.,M. D.,otli(o Cordova for Cambie, res Cfeorgia nr Bute. Tol 213 WiiiiTen AVm. Sidney, <'lei'k Erovvn & White, les Powell nr JIawiuiilevy av iir track Fred., millhaiid H. S. M. James, shoemaker, 13 Cordova John, photoyraphtr, Cordova, res Oriental " John R, carpenter, 522 Alex- ander " Joseph, boiler maker C. P. 11. shops, res 2().S JJiinstmnr " Swan dining rooti>, l(i;> Seymour White Swan Hotel, 500 Cor- dova, Jas. Simimei's, j)ro)). White Thomas, C. P. It., bds 527 Sey- mour " Wm., clerk, 3 Unpen heimer ro« 2:» Powell " Wm., laborer, res 313 Opperi- 1k imer " William, cook, res 29 Powell P.O. Box 4? 7. Tcit;i^hoi>> No. .'Ji.'j << t\ Special Attention given to Investments and \ ' tbe Management ufKtitates for Noa-Besidents. Whitehead Geo., It;irten, 'Jl Cordova, res 325 Homer "^Vhittaker (reori^c. painter, bds Howe TT Pacific Whittier C. K., of Whittier & Cramer, res «)(»!) Powell " k. Cramer, barbers, 1 Can-oil '• John A., miner, bds AlexaiiJor nr Ilawkes uv Whorton Hdward, re> Prior Kdmund, res Prior WICKKXDEN C. O., architect, offico Ilichards cor Hastings, res 41(J Cor- dova Wickliam L. Provis, reporter News Advertiser, Ixjs (117 Powell Wiess Jacob E., wood turner, lnls Colonial hotel Withti W. Sidney, clerk, 30 Carroll ros Powell WlCCLKSWORT'r ISAAC Vv'.VLSll. butcher, Westminster 'iv opp Sidiool " John W^alsh, but(iher Westmiii- 8ter av opp School WiiTtcard ('has. VV., salesman J. M\\, res Iveelor iDimfV J& FVT V VvMi\ Commercial Sav Hills, Songli and Dreised Lumlier, Hxtb, ySAlEl a KILD, nup a, Sag]i,Latli8, &e. VANCOUVER, B.C. Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on CJP.Bv* *^*^*^ connections. WIC ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. WIL 385 Wickstrom Wm., carpenter, 29 Hust- Willband Geo., apprentice, 114 CarroU, rew Nelson " E., apprentice, 114 Carroll, res Nelson Wild Alfred, cahinetmic , 13 Columbia Wilde Wm. Wilmot,v/aiter,178 Water, res Powell Wilds Alf., carpenter, 13 Columbia av Wilov Tlios., laho er, 114 Pender Wil,s;:ird Chas. Wm., clerk J. Sehl, res Koet'or Wil^ross Henry Tlios., p.-.j-masterCP R,, res Georffia nr Tli'.iilovv Wilkes Geo., moulder V. (\ F Wilkinson Michael B., of Black & Wil- kinson, res Pender nr Burrard " Liy.zie Miss, IV'ndcr nr Burrard WILLIAM ADOLPHUS, barrister of Ontario, 200 Cordova, bds Douglas house Williams A. R., Toronto, engines, uoilers and machinery, W. L. Leonaid iv Co., agents • — , bricklayer, Ixis Glasgow hotel • Alfred W.,^-es 310 Powell • Arthur, caipcnter. (Jih uv WILLIAMS BllOS., hurveyors and land age .its. Homer nr Hastings " Chas., mil I band Leamy & Kyle, " John Eiigar, clerk, (iS Cordova res Carroll " Francis, tailor, 15 Cordova, res 44 Westminster av '' Goo,, laborer, 792 Wesltninsterav " (ico. Joseph, plasterer, 12 Park av " (uM)., plasterer, 227 Prior " John, laborer, 122 Alexander " Jiilin, ])rop Red Cioss Brewery, Seaton nr Thurlow, res same. Tel 67 John Jos., plasterei', 12 Goro av HENRY PORTER, Manufacturer of Sonora Tanned Liace LiGather^ Guaranteed to lie tlie toujiiiest in existence. 436 Visitation. Street. (1 ■.hn T., of Williams Br rooms 4 New York block, bds Barclay nr Burrard Hobt., laborer, 1 Canibie, res Hastingb Williams John, bds WhatcheerHou.so " Sidney, of Williams Bros, room 4 New York block, bds Barclay nr Burrard Williamson Geo., carpenter, Mount Pleasant " Geo., carpeTiter,re8 cor Hastings and Westminster av J., emp R.(\P.M. Co. T., emp R.C.P.M Co. Wm,, foreman, 540 Seymiur Willis Walter, clerk P. O., bds 560 Seymour Will man John Thaddeus, contractor, Nelson nr Tluu'low Wilmot J. II., bds Balmoral Wilson k Adams, butchers, Westmin- ster av — , 422 Pender — , collector G. Cassady & Co., res Drake Alex., carpenter, 321 Richards A. W. Tel 109 Block, cor Abbott and Cordova Charles, pluml)er C.P.R. shops, res 344 Cam bio Chas. Hamuel, of C. G. Hobson & Co., 823 Westminster av & Blakio, hf.rnossmakers. 11 Cumbie David Heury,M.D., 162 Cordova, res Robson nr Thurlor\ Tel 91 re;«, Tel 219 David, of Wilson & Blakie, rea Seymour a . ( iit*^ ' ¥1 !^M •^■'- i \'' I f: h: m i ' lEAMY & KYLE, Prop's, °T£tr r^'tA^JcouvEti^ Cars loadeain Mill Yard for all points on C.r.Ry. and connection 386 WIL HENDERSON'S VANCOUVER WOO A. W. ROSS, H. T. CEPERLEY, Kotary Public. Insurance. ROSS & CEPERLEY, REAL ESTATE & INSURANGE, POST OFFICE BLOCK, VANCOUVER, B. C. Wilson Edw. Wesle.y, of Wilson & Adums, Wostminstei- av Edwiini, liiitcher, 219 Prior David, iiarnessmaUei-, bds 5t)0 Sovmour " Harry, cleric, 519 Hastings W, res (il9 ScN'mour " IIonrv,eii<:iiietM-,rc's617Sovmonr WILSO^^ GEOlUiK I., dry goods, 204 Cordova, res 444 Seymour Jatiies, (reorgiii iii- Tburlow Jolin, bricklayer Turtibiill & Co. J. C, reporter '"News Adver- tiser" Louise Mrs. wid Benjamin 11., res 143 Hastings E Wm., printer, 323 Hastings W, res SeymoUi- W. A.. ofShelton&Co., bds Le- land House Wm. Frederick, lumber, Hornby nr Helmckcn W. ]\Ic P., comp. '' World" W. M., job printer " Xcws Ad- vertiser ' Winch Frank K., carriage maker, 28 Oppcniieiiner, res same Louis, 238 (!ordf)va Ki(diard V"., fruits and produce, 20 Cordova, re.s 412 Oppenhoi- mer. Tel 58 Windebank J., 11. C. P. M. Co., res 88 Cordova Windsor) Chas, Samuel, res 323 West- rainntor uv Windsor Hotel, Brocklesby Co., props,cor Ponder and Soyriio Tel 136 Windsor Wm., bookkeeper, res Xol York block " j Winlaw John B., saw tiler, Ifii; W^t^ I Winnipeg Confectionerv. .John Tii)lei I 229 Cordova. Tel 210 1 Win row Geo., brakeman C. P. IJ,, b{j j Glasgow hotel j Winters K. K., barber, (!1 Cordova Wise Emma Miss, dressmaker, n i Westminster av ♦' Chas., brewer, 7th av " John, compositor, res 317 WesI minster av j " Wm., blacksmith C, P. P., ros3l| Westminster uv Wishart E., green grocer I fruits, vegetales and fanci 1 grocers, 88 Cordova, res 012 .''owej I Tel 191 Wishart X. Andrew, 31(>Cordovii n 012 Powell I Withrow Sam., fnrmer, 434 Seymoiipl Witberby _, 51(i Cordova ' Withy Peter, dairy, Wesimiiislerroiii AV^itmaye W., brewer, res Scaton n| I Burrard I Wize Chas., upholsterer, bds 527 Sej i mour : " Jus. , contractor, bds. 320 Scvmouj ! AVokanny Ge(»., millliand II, S. .M. Woll J^ohn, Scavong(!r j Woll'er Joseph, laborer, res Stymou I ab(»ve S my I be Wolshin Solomon, grocer, 37 l)ii|iniitl Wood Albert Nelson, blacksmith, :'0 Pender " Alice Miss, domestic, 330 Oppen heimer " Chus. Arthur, drug clerk, llj Granville, res 309 Howe " Emily Miss, res 320 Ilowo " Francis, of Wood & Sliiututloi; 220 Water 3d Lmuber, ] IVE^, B] onnectUmt cklesby iiid Scymou )cr, ros Xol 1-, IfiC WatJ John T.'iplel C.P.K., L Coi'dova ''^Y j& IfYI P Prnn'Q Co&isiercial Saw Mills, Bovigli and Breised Lumber, Toars, 111 a AiLD, riupa, Sash, Laths. &e. VANCOUVER, B.C- Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P.Ry. and connections. WOO ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. YAT 387 1 r-' res 317 Wes ^; lP.R.,res31 1 >n groceiv ( and fancS rc.i (J 1 2 I'Aiwol (J Coi'dova, r« Vi\\ So3-inonr| I ininslon'o;i( cs Si'alon ill A\ , hds 527 Sej :!2iiS(>vmou| U.S. M. rcrt HoytndU 57 l)ii|)oiitl leksmilh, :'li| )VM) (Jpiien Ml clerk', \\\ llovvo llowo it Sliiiitullol^ i fl'ood Geo., contractor, Nelson nr Thar- low " II. Cr., carpenter, bds Louvre " Mr.s. lloiirv, ;}0() IIovvo " K.C., woodworker A.T. McNabb " V, ni. Jv,ros ?,m (^)nl(>va Wood & Shintaffer,propsSte- c wait lioii.se, ^I'JAVater ^ •' Will. Ily., draiii-litsman, 312 Hastintrs, ros ;!2{5 Iloinor AVilliam I)., bai^irai^eman CP.R-, New York block. Granville IVnodanian Tlios. F., blacksmith, 'frounce Alley, re.s same Wiiuilroofe Richard, walchniaker, 150 Water IViiodrow James I., butcher, Seymour • John C, butcher, Seyiuour bet Davie and Drake, bdi? J. Coup- land IVoods Albert, blacksmith, fi { Hastings • ,b»hd K., cigars, 316 Cordova WOODS JOHN trKO., nigr. Com- mercial Saw mills, 230 Hast- in>i;s \V., res 421 Kicliard.s " \V., laliorerLeaniy & Kyle li'ocdward Beatrice Miss, 8tii av • ('has. II. M., carpenter, Htli uv " (icoigc Clark, chief niiiht oper- ator (J.l'.R, res Ilornliy nr (ieiirgiu ' G. Miss,334 Cordova, res 8th av ■ licrliert, mariner, Stii av M. S. Miss, nur.-e City Hospital licgiiiaiil Percy, diaujililsman C. O. Wickender, res 8th av Worsnop Chas. A., cashier Custoaia dept, res Hornby nr Pender Wotters Frank, millhand EI. S. M. WredeBerniiart, 163 Cordova Wright Alfred W., grocer and fruits 1H2 ('ordova, res 325 Hamilton Tel 55 a Geo., planer, res rear 51() Oppen- hcimer H. n., clerk, 89 Cordova Horace T., approiiticc,25 Carroll John, fruits, 25 Carroll, res same Joseph, carpenter, fool Caml)ie " L. II., stationery- agetit, C.P.R. Wiiester Oiof, laborer, Water front nr Diinlevy av Wultt'sohn Jo}iann,of Bewicke & Wulff- sohn, res Soaton bet Burrard and Thurlow. Tol 80 Wust Gottlieb, butcher, 27 Carroll, res Front Wynings W., lather, bds 530 Seymour G. WHETKAM & CO., Real Estate Brokers, Financial and Insurancs /.gsnts, Corner Cordova & Cambie Gts., VAXCOUVi:iJ, B.C. P.O. Box 47 7. Tclcp;)onc No. aia. Special Attention given to Investments and the Jtlaati^eineutof Kutateti for Xuu-Kesideuts. IWoodworth Jas. H., & Co., I coal and wood dealers, 336 Y. M. C. A., rooms 139 Hast- ings W., J. A. Carnock,gen sec. Tel 173 jirroU. Tel 4« [Him i worth James Henry, of Wood- fforih k Co., res 52!» Seymour foutuii Thos,, expressman, iMelville nr Biiio IWorld Printing & Publishing ]Co. (Ld.), J. C. McLagan, managery232 Cordova. Tel Yates Jas. Stuart, of Yates & Jay, res Victoria City Yates,Jay&Russel I, barristers, solicitors and notaries pub- lic, 332 Cordova. Tol 207 ■1 j' ''•! r 1 '1 \ ■'"•i i i ?! 1. \' i i ( 1 j ■' ;' ITT m Ir • Ifjil'-' '* lEAMY&KYLE, Prop's, °TSaf"r'''tAlJcouVztBj Cars loaded in Mill Yard for all points on C.P,Ry. and connection 388 YER Henderson's Vancouver YUE AreYouSicl^Mn Bad Health? PROF. ZIMMER No, 10 Abbott Street, Vaiicnuver, !{.<' iw now tlally receiviiif; from tbe Kiist and otbcr parts (if the ijbibo coiisiymmiits >)f 1{U()TS AM) IIKKIIS, spceialiy selecteil t' r liiiu, fur tlie piiritiealimi of tbe buiiwiii blood and Ibe restoraliui of derail^ il systeniK Tbe full ami Hint r seasdii is now upon iis. Itistlie period wben tbo Htron^cst and stoutest of systems are severely ti'stetl. The hundreds ol tesliiiKuiials now ii posfessionof tbe j'rofifsoratti st tin' ellieaey of bis herbs as benleis iuid health n storers. The heahs ilisiovered in the virinity of this eity a few imuiths ago have stayed, in the'niost ellieiiiit uiaii- lier, tlie raviiyes of eoii^uinptioii, as well as relieving those threatened with Asthma and I'>spepsia. Correspondence solicited Henieinber the address, Ko. \y< Abbott Street, Vaiieouver, B.C, Yerax Dcvere, apprentioo V.CF,, bds ViVl Oppi'iilioimoi' " I, A., traveller Oriontal Traders' C"(i. (1.(1) Y^ork Arcli. ot Soul.s & York, res 423 Ilaiiiiltoii Y^)iiiit;' Arthur, 015 Powell " Jicrilia J{, .Miss, (ilf) Powell " Kills. ii.illliaiKl Jl.S.M. " Fred W., carpenter, hds Siinnj'- side hotel " FraiK'is lleiirv, of ('ope & Yomig, res JIarniltoii iir J)misiiiiiir " J. Jl,, niesseii^fr J)oni. J0.\2)i'oss Co., ImIs Leiiiild Jlonso " ,lohii Wesley, ii;illliiiiKl (!15 Powell " AVm., helper '\(\F. " AVni, H., loeal nior C.P.R. tcle- <:i'!ipli, litis Loland Zabrest Jolin, barhor, ., lufi'i'liant I 13 Du])ont Lai IlinoJ.onfT. merchant. 112 DiipoJ Un Chonur, laundry, Kil) Water Sam Kee, merchanis. llli Diipimt " Jjco, laundry, ()4 ilasiiiio-s " Lun,":, laiindiy, 107 l)ii|iiini " Chiino: Kee, laundry, IliT W;it^ Tong Yuen, laundry, ;}SA Diipont " llano-, store, 1)0 Diipoiil Toj', Sani, Low, grocers ami laborol contracts, 50 Dupont Wing Lee, laundry, 36 Alexaiulcr " On Tai v^ Co., merchants, ;;ii DJ ponl " Sang i*t Co., importers, 2!» Diipi " Yuen, & Co., merchants, 10 i)| pout I Yuei. Wall, laundry. Ponder bet Eicj ards and Seymour mm^ INDEX TO STREETS. ill '-*"^' rvfir. AllVt'ii. fi-oin -lO't Cook to Blanclmrd ;i- Auii'liii. from Si; I'aiuiora to Uorinoniut ','••<'■> ihsiion, from Wlmrf to (JovpniniL'iit 3'^t' lliiltiry. from Ik'iicon Hill Pi -k to CaiT Iion Buy. from Hock [5iiy to Cliainbctrs 'MO llcunm Hill I'ark I^.Oo ISi-ec-hy, from i{ii|i('rt to 4 Vancouver 3:»1 li'lclior, from iri;> Viuicoiivcr to ('ily Limits u!)l illlivillo, t'rom McCiuri' to Montreal :'.1>1 IVliot, from SO Vaiuouvor to I'ook... 'Mt Itinicage Walk, from James IJ.iy to Miehi- giin :!!"2 liliiiichard, from lUirdetteav. to Fourth 3;>_' iioy 1 1, from Niagara to Dallas Road :!94 iiii'lge, from Rock iJay to Kllice :'.S)4 llroiid, from Broujrliton to Pandora av 'A'.iA HroMghton, from Wharf to Doughs ;('.i"> liiinlette av., from Cliurchway to Van- couver .'iOO Hiiriififlc Road, trom Saanich Road to City Limits ;59ii Citilboro I!ay Road, continuation of Fort... ?>M Caledonia a v., from (/!ook to Spring Hidge, :i;t9 Oair, from Toronto to Dallas Road. 307 Cedar Hill Road, from Wal'iut N'orth 397 Centre Road, from Ridge iload to Fern- wood Road 397 Cli.imbers, fiom204 Pandora av. to Bay 397 Obancery Lane, from 8 Bastion Square to 40 398 Langley Charles, from Cp Iboro Bay Hoad to Bel- 398 cher '. Oliatbam, from 49 yiore to Spring Ridge... 393 Churchway, from Douglas to Blanchard.... 399 Coburg, fromUsw^go to Randall 390 Oollinson, from McClure (Victoria Crescent) 400 to Vancouver Constance, from Discovery to Rock Bay... 4(10 Cook, fromStraits of Fuca to Hillside av... 400 Cormorant, from 17 Store to Quadra 401 Courtney, from Wharf to 20 Douglas 401 Codits, from Quadra to 93 Vancouver. 402 Dallas Road, from Er'.e to Beacon Hill Park 402 David, uom Bridge 'o Gorge Road 402 Page DiscDverv. from Victoria Harbor to 134 iilan'chardav 402 Dobiiis )n, from Montreal to Oswego 403 Douglas, from 3:'. Humboldt to Saanich Road 403 Eiimonton, fioiii (Jedar Hill Road to City Limit- 40(5 Kliziibi'tl), frDtn \'j:\ Cook to ("li.-imbers 40t) IClliee, from ISrjIge to Kuck Bay av 406 Lrie, IVoiii St. Lawrence to Shoal Point 40G Ivsquimalt Road, from Rock Bay Bridge to Esquimau tOG Faitlield Road, from .'il Cook to Foul Bay Koad 407 Farquluir, from SO Blanchard to Quaiira 407 Fernwooil Road, from Edmoulon to Fort.. 4^7 First, from Bay to Topnz av 408 Fisguard, from 37 Store to Quadra 408 Foit, from Whaif to Ciidboro Bay Road 408 Fourth, from Bay to Topaz av 412 Franklm, I'rom ,'!tj Vancouver to Cook 412 Frede/ick. from lOHQuadra East 412 (.larbally Road, from (lorge toVictoiia Arm 412 tieorge, fiorii 294 .Johnson to Pandora 413 Gordon, from 13 Humboldt to Broughton 413 ; Gorge Road, from Government to V.hy Limits 413 Government, from James Bay to City Limits 413 • Green, from 143 Quadra. East 421 Harrison, from Cadboro Bay Road (head of '. Yates), North 421 ' Henry, from Pleasant to Government 421 ' Herald, from Victoria Harbor to Blanchard 422 Hillside av., from Government to City Limits 422 Humboldt, from 9 Government to Vancou- ver 423 James, from Randall to Oswego 423 Johr.from Pleasant to Government 424 Jounson, from Wharf to Spring Ridge. 428 Johnson, from George to Fern wood Re id.. 424 Kane, from 2.) Douglas to Quadra 423 King's Road, from 2.")9 Douglas to Cook,... 428 ... .|| •1 I ' I ; ! ftl J l!!li^l|i-:Ei'- ll 14 . it I' i »• t N - •i 1. ^ •^ t> If « f *■ Page, Kingston, from Menzics to St. Lawrence.... 42f» Lrtbouchere, from 19 Vancouver to Cook... 429 Langley, from Courtney to 2U Vates 420 Langley Alley, from Cliiincery L;ine to .7 431 Yates McClure, from South Park to .SO Vancouver 4.it Maria, across Cliatham nr Quadra 431 Market, from Dougliis to First 431 Muson, from 97 (Quadra to Vancouver 431 Mi'ar.", from 21 Quadra to Cook 4.31 Menzics, from James Hay to Strait of Fuca 431 Michigan, from lieacon" Hill I'ark to St. 432 Lawrence jMontreal, from 1 20 lielK villo to Dallas Road 433 Niagara, from H' ;icon Jii'.l I'ark to St. Law- 433 rence. Dallas Road North Park, from 12t Quadra to Chambers 4:!l North Riiail, from Chambers to P'ernwood 434 Road Oriental Alley, from .Johnson to .'it Vates.. 434 Ontario, froni .\li'; ifal to Dallas Road 4:;4 Oscar, from .Moss to Cook 435 Oswego, from 72 liellevillc to D.iUas Hoail 43.-) Pandora av., tr,)n) 13."i Government to i'Aj Cl'.amhers .'uid (Jeorge Pandora, North, hom Chnmbcrs tu Fern- 137 wood Uortd Pandora, South, from George U Fi-rnvvood 137 Road Park Road, from 1l;4 Humboldt to Hnicon 437 lldl Park Parkington, fioin 2 Viincouver to Cook... 13.7 Pemliirton, tVoin Cadboro liay Road to Bel- 4,'17 clier Pembioke, from lio Store to Chambers 137 Pioneer, from 117 niaiicliard to (^iad;a 4fs Plnasant. from 17 W'orii io\'ii'toria Ann.... !:'.■-' Priiif3ss, from 1-^ .Michigan to Toronto 4.3s Princess av . from Govcrnnn'iit to (.'iKinibcrs (3S Putnam, from 2(V.i Cook to ."^iniiig Ridge.. . 4.1!' Quadra, from ilurjelie av. to P.My i::o Quebec. tVom .Meu/ics to Miuitival 140 Queen's av., from Government to Chambers 4 10 . Rae, from Douglas to (^I'ladra 140 Randall, from Simcoe to Niagara Ill Richardson, from Vaneouver to City Limits .". 141 I'AOK Ridge Road, from North Road to South Road..,.'. Riihet, from Turner to Menzies Rock Bay av., from Rock Bay to Gorge Road Rupert, from Humboldt toMcClnre St. John, from 92 Belleville to Kingston.,. St. Lawrence, from Kingston to Dallas Road St. Louis, from Vancouver to Cook i'laanich Road, cout. of Do glas. North Sail Juan av., from Dallas Road to Oswego Say ward's Lane, fi'om South Road Scoresby, from 00 Vancouver to Cook Second, from Bay to Hillside av Selkirk Road, from Garbally Ro.id to Vic- ti.ria Arm Simcoe, from Beaeon Hiil Park to Dallas Road South I'ark, fr(-m .McClnre to Park Road... .South Road, from ('Inimbers. Kast Spring, from South Road to .Vorth Road Store, I'rom 22 Jo'inson to Rock Bay Sujierior, from Beacon Hill Park to Mon- treal Third, from Hay to Hillside av Topaz :iv.. froui Sianieh Road, East T(n'onto, from Beacon Hill Park to .\len/.ies Troiince iiv., from 79 Government to Broad Tuiner, Irom Work l(j Victoria av Turnei', trom .Simcoe to Dallas Road Va icouver. from Humboldt to St. [iOuis... \"ietoria Crescent, from Bur Ictte av., foot of Qu.idra, t.' 4."i2 m SEK THAT Y<^)^' OI;ij^Ei:i 13 British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory FOR 1891. The Henderson Directory Goi PUBLISHERS - - - VICTORIA. "VICTOI^^I-A- STllEET DmECTORY. i 'I :-:;^- |tHE STIIEET DIRECTORY is presented in a condensed form and is intended to show the exact location of each liouse with its occupants, and in places of business wlio compose tlie firm and the employes. iFiillev information will be found in the ALl'HABETICAL DIRECTORY. |a* before a name indicates a seperate house without a number, Mhen there is a * and a number, that there is no number on the house. ALP BAS lALFRKI), from Cook to Blaiichard 4 Williimis Frank, fish dealer j Dinsdowiie ,•* Ure JiiimM i Crosjiniiii William > Harris Claivoru, carpenter \1 Vacant ".' Wt'si .Julius :> WliittaidT Samuel 3j Brasfff AltVi'il, bricklayer oJ Moore Jolni William WiUianis Miss Kiiza Ik KinjT .Samuel ElHMii'/.cr Bromley King Arthur Uromley, baker hinith (Miarles, baker King Miss Sarah Ann King Miss Kli/.a Jane |.\)1KLIA, from Ptindora to rormoraiit C Moody Thomas Gage, family grocer Fiirqn/iar inlenects, 1 Styles a. T. 2 Stark William, builder 3 Deasy Thomas, chief Fire dept. .Sarvis Thoiims 5 Roper Frederick Smallwood, mlaer G I iw ,11 Villiam George Law -i ;'hoiniis Law .c Charles Richard 7 Niehol; II Herbert, carpenter 8 Keown .lames, curjienter Keown Frank, painter Keown George, apprenticp, 9 Thomas Henry, skius and J.ide dealer Uennie Robert Trivel William Frnser Alexander, machinist 10 Lyall George Heverly, contractor 12 Hislioji George, carpenter Sherborne Frederick Johnston Miss Jessie 13 liucknam Samuel William, capt. Cormorant intersects. BASTION, from Wharf to Govern- ment BOTH SIDES. 4 Steele's saloon, Peter Steele, sen., prop. Steele Peter, jun., clerk Commercial Alletj en Is. 6 Belyea Arthur L., barrister Higgius Frank, law student Dunn, Wiraaa & Co., mercantile agency 29 ■ 5 "I "1 >;::'• r t ^VA ' ■ ■ m i^ii ■m wi i !■ ^Hi 111 ^J *0 •^i r • tit-; ^ •«(»"5i':i?. 390 hknderson's victorta BAS ]iEA Matllicws Krastiis Wiilter, manager Jones (Miarlos F., clerk Joui's k Co., 9ieii(){rni)ilior3 and typewriters Koom a and li CoinniPi'ciul Travellers Asaocia- lion of Canii'la 1 Marsliall James Ciirrie, com. agent 2 Uier W. A., ccramiiiaiou agent 4 Vacant 5 Vacant Vacant and aSorby Thomas Chas., architect Vacant Uravernian I., money broker H. F., & Co., real estate and 7 '< !t " lu 8 lleisterman iusii ranee Heisiennan Henry Frederick lltisternian Bernard S., clerk Haynes Georj^e Washinffton MiUiial Lile Insurance Co. of New York Fhciii.v Fire Insurance Co. of ISroolil yn N. Y. We5;lern Assurance Co. of Toronto Firemen's Fund Insurance Co., of Ban Franc SCO (.Murine 15rancli) Lloyds Underwriting Agency & Associa- tion of London * Wareliouse C. Suonss & Co. 9 and 11 Jones W. H. .MacNaugiiton, A.B., M.U.,M.S. 21 Bales Jiiuies Chestney, accountant and ins. a;|ent Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. of Man- clie.ster Eiiuitable Life Assurance Socieiy of the U. .S. ( I'he.) * Drake, Jackson & Helincken, barristers Jackson R. K. llelinckeii Henry Dallas Drawe B. H. T., student I'einberton C. C., barrister La igley VVm. 11., student Cannicliael Arch., acci. Daniell Fdwin J., clerk Crease Luiiiley, student Fawceit Win. L . clerk 23 Ganick's Head siloou, Edmund Walker H|K'ncer, pro]) Brown — , bartender 25 Ci izeus insurance Co., E. A., Hart, ma- uager Langley Alley. 2 Vacant 4 Bociuierand saloon, Victor Jensen, pnip Hawkins Arthur, steward Oriental hotel Commercial Alley. * Crawford James, g'>n commission ngent Nairone Ciiarles Robert, bookkeeper * Customs Bonded VVrtiehouse * Lciser Snnou, warehouse BATTERY, from B.acou IJili Pa,k Carr. * Rutland Henry BAY STREET, from Kock Bav Chambers. ■*' 4 Gill James Austin, engineer DeLong William 7 Kobiiison Leonard, cartienter 8 Mcintosh Sieplieii F., foreman 9 Jackson OliTer, coppersmith 10 Campbell .Veil Campbell Robert, prospector Campbell John, cigar maker Campbell Mi.ss Aj^ii s Campbell Miss Grace F. 11 Frank John Willlnson Miss Catherine 12 Eckirt W'illiiun, grocer 13 Babv Frank, cariienier Baby I'homas, carpemer 15 Hiiglies Jacob McDomitd, rlcrls Miles Harry jMc.Vdanis Laura, wid L. C. Miles Miss Lillian lioch Jiiiy (w. intersects. 2C- Renoiif Joseph 1!8 Mctiregor Alexander 30 iSimpkins William Campbell Daniel iSiinpkins Miss Dora kjimpkins Miss Klla Goi-rrniiiant intersccti:, 76 Devereiix ('apt. Jolin Devereux Willrtin V). Deveieux Frank A., C.E. *7& Auld Jame.-<. coiitiactor Morri? Fanny, Hid rhini.is 94 Gleason Michael Doiiijjlas, carpenter Gleasoii William Aigii-!, caipenier Glearion Mis- Mary Eli/,abetii 98 Buriletl John, carriage dr.ver Ifliinr/mrcl ends. Si'viiiil liei/nis. *I20 Wood William Henry Third Ijiyins. Fourth beyins. BEACON HILL PAllK, * Barracks C. Battery Holmes Lt. Col. Josiali Greenwood Peters James, major Benson Capi. Thomas Ogilvie (Jeo. H., lieut. Grtiidet Fredk. M., lient. Palmer Edward, cup. and quartermftatei to] STUEET DTRECTuRY. 391 BEE BEL * Elliott John, gardener (iannon John, ch-rk 7 Thompson Ik'ury, carpenter 5 Stephenson Fi'eiik. 3 Motfat Thomas, contractor 1 D.xids Wm. * McTavijh Geo. A. Park Ho ad ends. McClnre nnln. Sujirrior hei/iiis. * Wilson Ohns., barrister Clunk Miss Eliziibeih, domestic Miclnijan licgins. Toronto hfii/iii)!. * Leicli Peter, city surveyor MeDonal'l Jatie, wid Alex. * Mo.Viimee .i.ini-s * lliiinin >nd Wililiiin, U.K. * Uolonlst hotel, Alis. Citherioe Hott, pro- prietress Cameron John 6. Simcoe begiRS. Ni'igara begins. ■' Johnston Angus Rutherford Joiinstou Mrs, Lilla Battery begins, ' lirown R. H. Dallas rOad. BEECIIY, fromjlupert to Vancouver. 12 Fiirroll I'litrick I'lirrell Mis? Cecilia Fiirrell Patrick Gerald Fiirrell John Uomiuick '.C Hewlett Charles, C. Hattery '1» Gabriel fcldwanl, painter Robson James, painter 20 Trive George, waiter Driard Joiinson Katherine, wid Obcdiah Johnson Xellie, wid Noel BELCirER, from Yuiicouver, to City limits. U Ferguson Ross J. 2M Diivii? Albert Alfred, cigar maker Hittaucourt Richard Ernest * Vacant •3 Vacant •jy Humphreys Hon. Thomas Basil Huuiphreys Thomas Stanley * Ward Robert King Miss Florence Jones Miss Sarah Vuwia Miss Dora Moss intersects. * New house (Sionyhurat) * Harvey Rout * Carey Castle. Govt house Nelson Hon. Hugh, Lt. -Governor Higgins J imes T.. gardener * Kurnurd Frank S., M.P. Jelfs (leorge, gardener *■ Vacant house Pemberton road ends. * Davio J. C, MO. Davie .Miss .Maude Davie Miss Eliih Davie .Miss Kate Street enas. * Paddon rev. (^anon William F. L. Cook Alfred W., tutor * Pemberton J. D. Pemberton Frederick BELLEVILLE, from McCiure to Mout- real. 2 James Francis Thomas, coachman * Helmcken J. S., M.13. 4 Douglas Lady Amelia, Wid Sir James Harris D. R. 12 Spencer David Spencer Christopher Siieucer David L. liir Iciige Wnlk begins. Government fiiilldinga, PROVINCIAL .SKCUBT.VRV'S DKl'.VaTMEVf . Robson Hon. John, premier, provincial secy., and minister of mines Reddie Arthur Camtibell, deputy EDUC.VTIOS DBPAIITHRXT. Robson Hon. John, minister of education Pope S. [)., B. A., s'.ipt of education Wilson David, B.A., inspector of schools PRINTINO DEl'AHTMENT. Wolfenden Richard, Queen's printer Butler Robert, foreman PoUtiigei' Francis, printer Shakespeare Frederick, printer Uaines William, asst. printer TREASURY DEPARTMENT.^ Turner Hon. John Herbert, minister of Pin ance and Agriculture Flett Alfred, de)iy treas. Smith James .McBride, ])rov. auditor Worsfold James Kilveugton, clerk ■!(.■ *• "H, .... t 't ' ""*? I: li .iHlf l*i *■: ■'M < in*} 1- ■■ix. ■ I < i 13 :*♦». !>^ V'^*i 304 nKN'DFRSON S VICTORTA BOY BRO W Hi '•- M V <■ Chathnm interieett, 137 Willinnis Mrs. J. V:. Morrow D. W. .Miiiin H. A. 132 ("iiriip Frederick, of Cnrne & Miinsie I'M Tlumii-ou JoLn Alex., niarint engineer Viic'uiit Jhncovery end*. Mrtplelnirst 153 i:ii()tlc9 Jlrs. S. II., wid I'lige C. M. Lux ton A. P. liiuuk's tJiiBrles W. Kbodes Arthur libodes Miss E. B. Miqilehurst Cottuije. * Jnnion Mrs. A. I., ivid Kiehard 14C Steele Williitin Aiidersun, engineer J'einbroki' inleiiectn. 144 Stemler Lewis Suielburst Miss Alice J'lincesii av. intersccls. Queen's av. intersects, BOTD, from Niagara to Dallas Road. 47 Cowper Ilenrj- Mendows Cowper ^Villianl Henry 48 Robbins Jolin Robert, espressman * Miller — , logger L RIDGE, from Rock Bay to EUiee. 3 flealborn William Hertiliorn Arthur Heatliorn William Elisha * Kock Uny Tannccy Heaihoru \\ iiliani, j.rop Mcintosh 8teplien Fulton, foreman Peatt Frederick Jiunes, currier McKeiizie John, Mnisher JoljDSon Edward Ebene/.er, currier Rosskilly Josepli, tanner Kirk Uharles Watson, teamster Larson Charles, tanner Watson Thomas, engineer John intersects^ Henry intersects. 33 Mann James Goodfellow Kelly James Alexander, apprentieo Boyd William Henry, student David intersects, 41 McKinley John Ellice begins. * Brick Yard, — Moore, prop. BROAD, from Brougliton to Piiiidora tiv. EAST Sinn, Fort inlerKecl.i. 11 Wilson A. ({obert, l)liK'ksi)iith "3 Hviinia S tS , oiiiieiiin Flyunis .Miss Adeliiide SImbcn Kine^t, tailor .Myers Jake WEST SIDR. 4 Garnett Edward T., livery I'lirler Fntnk, liosiler Wariiian ,1111111, husilcr Farrell Thoiims, stabli-nian McCalluiii Dan., driver Fort inhr^ucts. Goodwin k .lordnn, piano mfrs. (lOi)dwin Oliver Herbert (»wen Allreii, pinno Inner Kettle William Alfred, apprentice Canmra N'ichola.'^, cnseniaker Meniseli liobcrt, (iclislior !C Hlake ('liailes Itobert, plumber Webb ('•liri.'^loplier, repairer 18 .Mason Tliomas G., coinin. agent (Jaulf liroH it ('d., of .Montreal, dry gooda DodilsP. D., it Co., uf .Montreal, paiutg and oils Toller A Robinson, real estate Toller Albert Robin.-siin Herbert 0. Great Western Mutual Accident Aid Asso- ciation of Denver 20 Oliver's Daiu'inei'sects. .50 (folding Rerimrd, tob«ceoni.st 52 Sturdy F., At Son, [jaiuier.i Sturdy Frederick Sturdy Harry 5G Wuerz Mrs. Alexina Haker .Miss llertlia Williams .Mi^s .Mitinie llar.k ns Miss Vi(drt (jameron Miss Annie E. 02 Wooton .Mrs. Irene 64 Pointer N. Johnston internectx. OS Hooper David Goodsin.'slioeni'ikcr 70 .McDonald Charles, boarding house Ireland William, carjjenter Adams Hiirry Liivell .lames, ship carpenter Hackett Jock, ship earpeuter McDougall Dan., waiter BllOUGUTON, from WlmrftoDoa- JL,'lilS. SOUTH SIDB. Hayward Charles, contractor (laselion Frederick, carpenter Spott.s Ghas. Nelson Siiarples P., carpenter Sweeney C. H., laborer Woodrutl' F,, bricklayer Jenkins John, cariKMi'er Robellce C. H., carpenter Hean Eli, carpenter Derider Peter, carpenter Gorernment intersects. Dempster, I^eck k (Jo, cairiagemakers Dempster Pati'ck William iii'ck Joseph . .ederick Harnard Frank I'orteons William Frank, blacksmith Dempster Walter Scott, helper Robertsiin Saml. Duncan, carriage trimmer ilopkins Zacliariah .Martin, carriage maker Newman Allan, carriage maker Fenton Ira, carriage painter (iiles George Frederick, carriage trimmer 19 Henderson Anton 21 iind 'J;? Victoria Transfer Co. (Ld) IJarnard Frank StilUnan, pres. Harkvr, — , driver Auder;5on P., driver Franklin Jhsso, driver Malcolm (Jeo., hostler Smillie Win,, teamster Crowtber Geo., messenger Henderson Anton, supi, Mouat Alexander J., secty Brooker Thomas, buggy washer Whitlier E., farm hand Hatton Thomas, hack driver Driscoll Daniel, hack driver — Hit H ►;■' ■ -. 1 'hi .^96 Henderson's victoria BUR CAD m4 i2S:if • 4 I I Jeplisen Hans, liostler IJrien I'oter, foromun hostler Norris Williaai, liiick driver Willis Martin, Imcit driver Truesdal Willimn. cub driver Patterson A., hack driver O'lirieu Thoma-i, harness clen..er McGiiiiiis John, express driver Orniiston George, luisller Truesdale Wal er, hack driver I'etiicrew Harry, express driver Oreiiurd Juspar, hack diiver Samson Juiin, teamster Eslerbrook S., hack driver 27 Hayues Irs, Edith NORTH SIDE. Esqiiimalt & Nsnairpo Kailway Co., Alex ander Dimsn'.i'ir. ,iresideiit Dnnsniuir .Janies, treasurer Hunter Josepii, gen. sunt. Prior Il'Miry K., gen. ft. and pass, agent. AVhyte William, accountant Truicb John, land commission Piuder William G., C. E., surveyor i^i'lly L. 1!., drenter Liiing John Anthony, carpenter 14 WeutwortL Miss Delia i6 Vacant BURDETT V.iucoiiver. Broad ends. DouglitH ends. AV., from ChurcV.way to tC Engell)ardt Julius Frederick Emil Engelhardt Arthur, clerk Engelhardt Ifeginald Stanley 23 Berkeley Mrs. L. A., wid Miles Mrs. Elizabeth, wid 24 Beaulands re». Arthur, H.A. Gore William Sinclair, surveyor general Gore Thomas Sinclair, i.ur 'e^or Quddni intersecis. .S7 Hamley Hon. Wymand 40 Hills lit Rev. George, D D., Bishop * Angela Ladies College nii|)ont Miss C. E., princi])al Bodington Miss J. E., teact-.er BURNSr HE ROA I),from Saaiiich Uiad, to City limits. * Chinese Elizabeth her/ins. * Maynard George Henry * ('ivin Thomi'.s, carpenter Cavin George, salesman Cavin Guy, painter Gavin Arthur, clerk * Uavey Frederick, <•!( rk Davey Frederick William, clerk * l>iidgKon James , butcher * Darling James, f,-ardener * Belliiniy Mrs. F,. J., widow * Wilson John J., linker shop * Ronald William, tanner * Pridmore Willimn, liiriner * Sea Samuel, sen , >hipw right S'-a Samuel, jun., clerk * Wilkinson Edward, U, B. * Hunt John, gardener CADBORO BAY ROAD.— Continua- tion of Fort Street. ■2 Haywood Joseph .'^ Merrill Joseph, agent 10 Campbell — 12 Dawson Edward, laborer 14 Gravelle Frank 18 Adams Frank Best Misi? .M. C. 23 Crease Hon. Henry. P.P. Crease Liiidley Ebcrt Miss Wbiihcimena, domestic *':\ Grant John 2(j Archibald William Fulton 3t) E'.i'ord John, coniracicr 34 Adams Mrs. M. Marvin E. B. 20 Fell Thornton Fell .Miss Jessie Clark Miss Lydi'a, domestic 3G Sparrow I aiah Mernmaii Sjiarrow Walter (Juirge Lopatecki Maurice de, journalist Sparrow Miss Gertrude 38 Davie Theodore 42 Xelson Jchn MuAdam Miss Maggie WTHEET DIHECTOIIY. 391 CAR CHA 44 Patei'son Thomas Wilson, contractor l\iloy George, bookkueper 37 Viiciiut Moss intfrKitia. 39 Gray Eliza, wiilow J. H. dray MitJS Fluri'iiee tira\ Miss .Sili.vl (iniv Joiiii liaiiiillon, C. E. GraV P. M. II. 41 Wilson AliXiiiulcr Wilson William Wilson Ri'llii r Wilson I''i('(lcrick 50 Atkinson William Douglas llambley William Juliu 43 Harrison Kli, sen. Ihirrison Allnil Harrison Miss Alice Harrison .Miss Lizzie Harrison Miss May • Dnusmnirs' grounds Thomson John, gai-Jcner I'dh'n cik/s. 80 t'arasusa Marpuet, widow Michael Sfl Harrison Kh, jr., county judge to Peters Major I'einlierton hi (/ins. 120 Mills S. Perry Kill liltord lioliert, farmor Ellord William Earle Thomas. M.P. Haucy .Miss Julia, domestic .Mcljean Helen, widow Alex. .Mi'Leaii William Johnston P. T., & Co., mirsery Ch'irhii hi gins. 15" Hifrgins I). W. Iii({gins .Miss .Maud' PMJweli Miss Viva' • Diiiamt C. T., major no W'vld Ernest A. Wyld Leonard H. li-1 Ausiin Jiiliii J. Aii-iin .Misi Annie Ausiiii Miss ('ariie Austin .Mi'is lletiry White Miss Edith C.vnil, from Toronto to Dallas Road. • Bishop George Siincnr inli'rsec/K. • Cnu^e Rt Hev. Edward, K. E. Bishop Orid-re Miss Ellen ('ridsre \Hss .Mary Crids^e Miss Elizabeth 2. Fawcett liowlaiid Wijriiell, upholsterer lawcett llowliind Clavton l?.l IJl F'awcelt .Miss Annie Jane Fawcett .Miss Edith .Mary Fawcett .Miss (Jrace Ellon Fawcett Prank Oswald 33 Mason Th inias G. 41 Hamford Thomas (Jarmiehael William 44 CaiT Mi.ss Edith (Jair .Miss Elizabeth Cair .Miss Alice Uarr .Miss .Millie Carr Hicnard, jiin. 45 Lowe kjkeue Simcoe intersects. A'ir/arn intersects, * Sullivan Daul. Parker, hack driver CKDAR HILL llOAD, from Wtilnut ist Xorth * Lyou James, A. L W. Edmonton begins. CI<]NTRE ROAD, from Ridgo Road to Foriiwood Road 2 Behnsen H. F. W. 3 Hlooudield Charles P. 15 Kwan Philip, carpenter CHAMBERS, from Pandora ave to Btiy tSireet BOTH SIDES. J'.lizalnth ends. 19 Whittaker AVilliam, barber Alfred ends. 23 Vacant Putnam intersects. Nortli I'ark interte.cts. * Lehman David, carpenter Lehman Samuel, carpenter Mitchell Charles, nin.son Mitchell Andrew, carpenter Caledonia ai< ends. 75 Squires Christian, teamster Squires Edmund, teamster * Spring l{idge Ward school liarron L. A. F. Miss, teacher Fawcett Grace .Miss, asst. * Jells Thomas, painter * Graham — South Hoad hfgimt. Queen s av ends. Aortk liuad lieyins. » ^-c*, > Wt ^ n ■11, 398 HENDERSON S VICTORIA CIIA CHA V- t * Lion Hrewcry Saloon, George Fairbrolher prop. iV III II lit Kl ht'ijins. * Jolinson Adiini, laborer Grei'uway Louis CHANCERY LANK, on North Side of J'Kistion s(iii!iro 8 Biirnes Hmise, T. J. Hiinips. \itci\\ Miidit'l! Jmiik's, iimmit'iu'iiiiH'is' agent Siiiiili J. \V., pui'^ier i.tr. Islandor Morion John yiiriiigei' lieu'is. bnrten'ler Cooper (ii'orge. a^eiit (>. K. & X. Co. Kurtz Walter, printer Colonist Mills baniel Kiiriz John, cijrar nianut' cturer r_' Hall 11, (}., I arrister at law 14 Wtills John I'.itniore, barrister at law Elliott Uicliaril, clerk 10 Heit J. Koland. barrister at law fiUiott George, clerk 15 Vacant 20 Vacant C11A15LK?, fVom Ciidlioi-o Bay Iload to Bok'her. * Vacant * Toller Alb-rt * HastiiiL'S Oregon C. Harjiiug.! Minnie Miss initli Jcilin. citrainiiiker * Johnston 1'. T. * Richards lion. A. \., police magistrate CIFATIIAM. fV()m49. Stoi-o to Npriii^r iJidgo HOTH .SIDK> 1 Albion lion Works Co. (Lt.) lUillen W. I'., manager Seabrooke 1!. R., cashier and bookkeeper II N'acaiit l,'! Fii/.ireiald .lohn, cook McDonald Jdlin 17 Tiilly IVrcival William III Barrett Micliael, laliorcr Armstrong J. Hamilton — , lahorer Kelly James, laboivr 21 Cabaiis 31 Gray Samuel, sa', carpenter Bowden Ah'.xander. carpenter Hughes James, cariienter Goirnniieiit iiilcrsi'cLi. 10 Madigan Georpe, A.I.W. 42 Horde August, l)lacksmith Horde K., shoemaker Borde Mrs., widow 40 Vacant #48 Xew house 47 Ridiiley Rubert, laborer 51 Walker Walter, coal otlice o2 Wall John, tailor 53 Adams Fiederick, brickbiyer Adams John Henry, carpeiiier Adams Albert Norton 55 McDonald Hugh II., contractor 5() Hanks — , machinist 58 Russell David, A.I.W. Doiiijltiii iiilcrs( (ix. 00 Green J. M. 80 Vacant 8J Lalhy J(-hn 83 Croghan Arthur, merchant 84 Stevens Allan, butcher 85 Flewin Albert (.'liarles 84 Hart David, cigar store Blanchiird inlcrxi'cit:. 103 MeT.,ean Capt. Alexander, carpenter #lo;i .>>|iiiw Thoni.is, .VI W. Shaw Rieliard, A.I.W. Shaw Jaiiu's, A.I.W. 112 Ri'tnr Rohert 113 lleay KUoiior, widow Jaini'8 Dick.son — , A.I.W. Hi'arns llenrv, dve works lleay Alexander," A.I.W. lleay Walter Hi ward --, printer 111 I'ciit WilliHui, capiani 110 Fraser William (iiai,!, hackdrivet r.7 Iredale Wilson, carpenier 118 (^iirry Frank H.. elerk 119 Isaai'S J. 120 Howden L .Mrs. Howdini Williftm Henry Howden James 122 .McDowell John, contractor McUowuli William, '-Colonist" STREET DIRECTOKY, 399 CHA UT COB McDowpU Thomas A., A.I.W. jMcDowell Clmrlc!!, nioiiliior JIcDowi'l' Henrv P., primer MoDdwfll Mi.^sSamh M. McDowfll Miss Isabel C. |l22iViiciint IJjIliirrls John ;M Joslyn Chiu-lcsS. |i;5 Alien Willimn Hooper, miner Wiitters Jurat's, miner Qutttlra iiiliTKecli!. I'lSSJones John, of Jones k McN'eil l.iO MeCiuidish (leor^e, ■'liii) carpenter Wright Alex., ship carpenter •140 Lemon James I lU Occupied '4-t Durant Harry Huntingham I UJ Oolieii Mercado, cigiir mnfr. Mackay A. D., cigarniuker Kiel .I'ds Z., cigaiinaker NIcliolson Chas., cigarraaker Jenkins 0. \iii- Jenkins William Henry, A.I.W. Fo.x Jonas Henry, A I.W. Civirjr Patrick, clerk Wi^'irctt Francis, printer Fox Alfred, printer Fox (Jertnide M. .Mi-s ;40 llorton Hubert John, II. R. Uo. !,'iO (Jibb I/avid, carpenter l,il Ke.ssler Henry, A.I.W. M.V2 Ward John ;,'9 KUiott Anthony, i)iiper hanger '.U Sleathlim William, ship carpenter I'U Kirsop (Jenrge, stDiieciitter '.'."i Moore James, carpenter ITj Cohen Jiimes A., job printer White Theresa Miss 'i Fuggle Richard 5 (JaUiraith .Angus, miner Galbiaith Findley, teamster Galbiaith William, teamster 7 Fleming John W., stonecutter 9 Johnston John Noble Janx's 11 Milne Alexander Hunter, contractor • Fenf' n Ira, painter • C.irley David Mark, printer i:! Vacai'it 15 Hcivton John, policeman 26 Wilson Jatiies Keith 'M Tuck Samuel Parker, 0. E. 32 Irving Robert, agent C.P.R. CALEDONIA AVE, from Cook to Spring Bridge. BOTH SIDES. 9 Marslon Charles, hack driver 11 Wilkins J. 1?.. painter 12 Hiirkholder William Henry 14 I iiies William, wood dealer 13 V'hartou Mrs. Maria U! Ri'belee Charles 15., contractor 24 Ha's Julm, teamster Bali Max Dauphin, A.I.W, G4 Callow Harry Jaccb (Jieen D. F.,"A. 1. W. 30 King Michael Chiiin/icm intii sects. • New house COBIIRG, from Oswego to Randall. 5 Shrapnel Kdward, artist Shrapnel .Miss Louise Shrajiiiel Miss Kate 7 O'Connor John (t'(;i:nnor .Miss KUen O'Conror .Miss Nora Mctieo^'hegan Mary, wid John McGeogUcgan Miss Mary : h ^ H , ! -tt ' I :1 •tf 400 HENDERSON S VICTORIA COL COO !v i « 31 y '] COLLIXSON, from McChiie (Victoria CroHcent) to Vancouver. 1 Wilson Sidney 5 (I'Le.iry Miclmol, laborer Jlmpliy Jiiiiies, laborer 11 Corr Peter, miner 19 Lepalle Julian, gardener * St Joseiili Ilospiuil, Sister Mary of Provi- dence, superioress 20 VneiiMt ' French Hospital 34 Kiuith Joliu diaries, chimney sweep Rupert ends. 52 Saywnrd William Parsons Pla.-kett .Mis. .Matilda, housekeeper 56 Lombard Uhailes A. 66 l:!ro\vn Robert Austin Brown George Brown Edward King CONSTANCE, from Discovery to Rock Bay. (lOodwin Samuel H., bookkeeper Paiier.-on Robert, foreman W. P. Say ward 32 Rock Hay saw mill Sayward William Parsons, prop Sayward Joyejih Austin, clerk Cliamber-i Walter Scott, bookkeeper Palierson Robert, foreman Hicks William, nightwatchman Fulloii Daniel, planerman Scott David, sawyer Wilson Lyman, lath sawyer Emerie \\ illiam. screw turner Mercer William Henry, tallyman iSently Thomas, capt. str " Hope " 33 Vacant COOK, from StruitH of Fuca to Hillside av. * ChinBtnan * Vacant house Sutle.ji ends. Prendergast ends. South Gate endt. 3 Drake William Tyrwhitt Beetle .Mrs., widow J'arkini/ton ends. Laboucher ends. Fiiir/ield Ron J begins. j'nniklin ends. 39 Benson capt Thomas R., adj C. Uattery Stevens Miss Florence 47 Irving P. A., dept attorney general Richardson intersects. * Smith Thomas Robert Smith Robert Cartlidge ili-s R., housekeeper 68 Wilson W. Ridgway Scoresby ends. •106 Turner John, builder Belcher intersects. 108 Calder Alexander Courtney Arihur, law student 116 Smith William Ilamuiet Meats intersects, 128 Vermouth John 130 Kelly George P., Telephone Uo. Fnrt intersects. 134 Fletcher Thomas W. 13G Kosson George Pollard 140 Vacant 144 Vacaut View interacts. Yatca intersects. 1C3 Rappertie Arthur S. 105 Bradley J. A. .Mrs. Bradley Eiiiesi, clerk 107 Wolf William, cigar maker 109 Williunis David IJ., engineer 171 Marshall Charles Johnson intersects. 178 Heatherbell William, bricklayer 179 White George, cirpenter 1«1 .Manning John Wesley, com. traveller 183 Allsiip William, laborer Cross Daniel, laborer ScLoles Thomas, stonecutter Pandora ii. vpuft-iabhes All Hoy, i*ilor Siug Giiuug, grocer (jovemment iitt'^raects. * Hung Lee & Co. 52 Yuen Ciiong, cigar maker 58 Fook Kee i Co. G2 Tai Kee 04 Gee Wo Kee, tailor 07 Sing Kee, vegetables 00 Tai Fung & Co., grocers 72 Yil^ Lee, grocers 74 Sing uee »\£ Go. 78 Wall Yun Go. 80 Oil Kee, clothing 84 Hong Yuen & Co., vegetables 78 Uhing Lung, laundry Douglas intersects. 05 Sen ward Gapt 97 Hicks — * .\!c(iregor James, cariicnter .Mctjregor .Mrs. Jame.-^, inidwifo 100 Giiiiie.--e Girls' rescue hmuB < Leake .Miss Annie, matron 101 Gihson James, brewer Gili.ioii Annie .Miss, dressmaker 107 Jertre .Sarah, wid Uiehard Ellis Wm., blacksmith Hrennen H., loio engineer 108 (Jirls' KeJuge Home W. G. T. U. Liddall J. P. .Mrs. Dr., malrou 112 Ledinghain Williain John 114 -Miller Joseph, Prince of Wales saloon 110 .IvMinings Kesler, carpenter 110 Bojsie C. 120 Jennings Thomas Jilanchard intersects. 12.') Tliom.^on .Maria, wid George 127 S'ludau — , carpenier 131 (jraiu Gordon, engineer (irant Mi-^s Kirdie 134 Hr>ant Williain Charles, hor.>eshoer liakewell .lames, blacksmith 130 (ill asley Klizabetli, wid William Wills Altred. bricklayer Wills Frank, carpenter 137 Diikie Gliarles llerbert, train baggageman Gouge Albert, tiiriiiture linishcr Alihtia rilds. 138 McMilliin James E., sheritf Warner J. H. .McKay William 14S Gliielly Wm., dry goods .Mason (J. D,, barrisier 150 Pillar lleuiy COURTNEY, from Wharf to Douglass Oovtrnment intersects, Gordon interscctSi * St Andrews Church 14 Vic. T. Cos. slttbleij 19 Vacant i^ii "It* >,:^fci .1 H{ m 'ftp > 402 ttfiNDERsON's VICTORIA cou DIS COU'I'TS. from Qiiadni lo Vancouver 20 Sherwood GOurge Sulliviin Miiry, widow George 34 Breutou Kuv. C. J. DALLAS ROAD, from Erie to Beacon lliU Park Ontario lici/ins. 7 Rithet R.P., & Co., ouU'T wharf Wisu Friiiik \V. Cnpt., suporinteadeat Brown — , whurtingi-r 24 Donainidii Eiiiigriiiits Home Cliiik John, I'lirctiikor Claik Milioii, c;ir|n'uler Uliirk Miss Aui.ii^ Clark Robert Wilson, printer ifunc'ic ends. 35 Wait William, carpenter 42 Vacant 52 Vidler Albert V idler .Mi?s Marie 5G Reid Thonms, lainier Joule Altred Janu'S 64 Cameron Uaiiiel, jdnslerer Cameron I'Mwin, printer Cameron Howard, carpenter * GC Tait Robert, caipenier Hi. J.dicrotvi cndSi yidjara ciidf. 84 Bell Wni , stonecutter * Smith M. R. * I'utton Jnnies, laborer 112 Atki'iis Wni., C.K. Customs officer * Armsiron^f John, pirduncr 118 Graham William Richard Moiitn ti/ III Ig. Om'egn ends, fldi/d ends. * Kains Tom, !> L.S, J/i n^iis tudf. Alattbews George Frank Turner en h. Citrr ends. * Macanlay W, J. Jliicaiilay Norman JIacauliiy Miss Lillie DAVIP. l;oni (lor^c lioad. 1 I'anipldel Thotniis ('apt. * Morris John, seaman 3 Ociivy David Aiev. .Vclson 6 Keoll David, uiillhand liridgc intersects, 19 Mann George, bricklayer 4.T Hardaker William, A. I.\V. 50 Radford William, fanner 51 Rusia Andrew, machinist Hanson Neil, fisluMinan 52 Finilley Hugh, mechanic Kindley Alfred Halley, clerk Findley William, blaeksniiih Jiock Bity III' iiitcrfectt. 68 Vacant Gorgd road. DISCOVERY, from Victoria liurbor to Jjlanchard iiv Const II nce liegins. Store intersects. 27 Morrison Fred. John * Albion Iron Works ('o, J{nllen W. F.. manager Seabrook IJ, R., cashier Wood Thomas, storekeeper Trytlmll W. T., timekeeper Pope T. S., clerk Roi)inson T. l>., aast sforekeeprr Kessler Henry, foremnn nicchiinic Shaw Tom, foreman boilermakir Madden Jeremiah, asst tbrcnian inecliii..:c Wood W. H.. forcnnin stove di'pt Stewart A., fonimm monlder liorimer Wni., foreman paiternmakcr ('lyde George, assi forenmn l)oileiiiiiikcr Collister W. II., draughtsnnin bhauu J. r., draughisnian Jtoiiijlas inlersicls. 3'J Victoria Brewery Loewen i'« Erb, (.rops Loewen Joseph Kill Louis Kinil Koeiig George, brewer Koenig Fritz, asst Nelson .-X.xil, stalileman Wolf I'eter, driver 41 Dolan I'eier, A.I.W. Ross Charles. A.I.W. 47 An,l< rson t'harles •4'.i Hansen I'efer, city scnvenger B5 Sam — , Chine,--e laundry 54 Jenkins John Thomas \\ illialiis Jo!;ii IJazIre \ letor, laborer Whiity Robert, teamster Bennett Kdward Smith (tliver, shoenmker \\'»tson Anthony, A I.W, M'atson 'I'lioinas, sione ma^otl Ward jtoberl, stone mason Clayden Isaac, seamau STREET DtRECTORY. '103 DOB DOU Wilkes CliarU'S, well sinker Rayner T. G., ins ngont I)"iif//as iiUi'rsecta. 71 Walker George 73 Ueid Jo.-iciiii Digiml Iliiiry, A.I.W. Donnellv I'^iiiiiiy, widow Edward DoiiiKlly Ci)luiiibiii .Miiis 77 Tepoortfii Julius, iit Jjimgley i Co. I'^ord Tlioiims LMljiMetinaker Ford Jimii's, (Miiicnlci' Mcl^lieisouJohii, A.I.W, TniviM's Jiinics, A.l \V. 81 Armstrong Wilson Joseph 84 IJugg .M. 1^. rev. ♦^(i Clarke Janus Henj., of Clarke & Pearson i Spratt Kli/.M, widow Josepli Ker Jfssie Mrs., wid Rouert Kor Uavid Ker lioberl, caslii'jr DOBIXSOX, IVum Montreal to 0.>^' wego 3 Dobinson Joseph, taxidermist DOUGLAS.- EAST SIDK. Rie /iit/ins. 2'^ Canier(>n Jidm, lioise dealer 'Ij Wliitelaw John, cook Kiiiit' Ijcijins. 35 Ferry WiUiani ilenry liradt'.ird \Vil!i;iin, U.S. customs inspector I'.W.S. Co. 37 Wdniot Harry 'Minton. teamster Kollaud Mis. Julia, domestic 39 Eriaiulsnn ,Mi-s Jenny, dn'ssinaner ^i|ieeeli M^s.-i Rose, dressnniker Maslen .Miss Jane, dressinaki'r tSniith .Miss Louisa. drrssniMker SlepluMi .Miss May. dri'ssniaker 41 Norris Wni Wilson, li.u'k driver J,", Middleslatc CiislilVe, laborer ■l.j uell George .Mberi. teamster I'ort inhrsccts. Royal liotel 63 Caledonia Dye Works llianis Ib'iiiy, dyer and cleaner 55 I'atersou .jaiius, empciiler l'"arciuliar (ieor ;e, eiirpeiiler Jauiieson William, ear. enter Alcoiii John, stoneeulter 57 Dodds Win , gardener 511 Bower Al>-.\andei, carpenter 01 Hart lliiiry, laboier tij Pioneer saloon, Danii-l David .Moses, ]>rop ilodes Cliristoptier, apprentiee A.I.W. 67 7;i 71) 81 83 8,5 S7 8'J yi 93 Neil, clerk n7 9!) 101 I'ieir inti'rxucta. Pee k Jones, carpenters K"e Daviii Kiiiley J(;:ies F'vdc.ick Crossly Sniitliiii>-,i James, carpenter McXiir Will., jiin. Patterson — . ear|ienter Thoiiipsou Hbene/ji-r Halm tJliarles. sign writer Hiim Chung, laundry Club Theatre and Saloon Roller Lo'iis, mgr Kiiitr Joseph I'icKett John Wnitniarsn \V, J., ship carpenter i'li/cs i/iiersi cf.'. Clarence Hotel Poitinaii .\icholas, grocer Dislier Harry, elerk Nicludson Ciias. Xewton, clerk O'Keilly Win,, dry goods Carnucliae! Win Morley John, clerk .Simpson ! Jeo. Lawrence, crockery (tddtello«> Hall Waller ti- iiry, clothing Sea S.ant.iel, cierk Daley James J., ^ Co., fancy goodr, A toyg Daley Jani.'s Jolinsoii Thomas, clerk Cralt Will., ie. groe> rs Carne l''redei-iek, jun. .Miinsie William (iowen Fiederick -Vngnstiis, clerk \\ illiains Tiioinas, driver •l''l'n»on int' rscctit. Maynard Kieliard, leatiier and shoe findings Fish (.iec.a-ge, shoemaker Maynaid Albert Hatlierly. ta.viderniist .Maynard Mrs. R., [photo gallery Uap|ierrie S .\ , photographer .Matthews liobcrt .James, luerelnuit tailor Heard Freilerick Win., tailor Hnckier Fdiuiind Thos., lador i\luiiners -Miss Jennie, tailoreas , fill "^ •'' i V. I.: ■ 404 lIENnERSON's VICTOB.IA :J: *fl DOU DOU mm li CI -** 103 Russell k Ward, bakers Scotcli Hiikery Rus.«('ll Jiiiiu's Ward Williiim 103^15. C, Novel ly works, Xewbigging & Ander- son, niHC'liiiiists Newl)it;piiifr Jimies Anderson John, White sewinpr machines 105 Lilley Ilcibcrt Alfred, confeclioner liaines Frank, clerk Piper Herman, conlectioncr 107 ISIiore iSc Andtrson, furniture Shore Albert Kdwiird Anderson (;eor;ie William Hilton l!eiijnniin, caliineiumker 109 Stevens Francis T., tobacconist Green Mrs. Sarah Jane 111 Jenkins DOU DOU „ai 98 Bryant William Charles, horseshoer Bryant William Uulluni, hors.^shoer Beckwill Jivines, liorseshoer loS iliiriison Eli, iiainter, etc. Ciolht'i- liicliard, paiiiier Maxwell J. W., painter I'ytt Joseph, painter Gold W., painter llopfengitz J. L., painter Barnett Artliur Wallace, bookkeeper Willard H., painter I'andoi\t intersects. City hall, John Grant, mayor; Charles Kent, city treasurer; Wellington J. bowler, city clerk ; Tliomas J. Partridge, water collector; Peter J. Leech, city surveyor; Thomas Matthews, city sur- veyor's clerk ; Peter Hummerfield, water commr; Jame^i L. Raymur, city auditor Sheppard Hinry William, chief of police Walker Joh« VVesley. sergeant Able Edward Carter Edward Mitten Thomas A len Kdwanl Lindsay Thomas J. lU'dgrave Stroud L. Hughes Thomas Levine Hymau A. Horton John Hunter James, driver fire dept Cormorant intersects. Hi Commercial hotel, Henry Noble, prop Park .lohii, bartender HaukiiLSon Miss Kate, waitress Buck George Tliomas Good George, bricklayer Madden Jerry, foreman A.|I. W. Riddle IJenjarain I'vke Charles, teamster W'alkins George, b ac'isinith Robinson Kooert, iniichiiii-il McCuiidacli George iUeaz/.oni L., painter Slianii Joseph I'liilip, draughtsman A.I.W Syson Join, dishwasher \X Jennings Ivester, carpenter Lindsay George, eonlraitor i:8 Tennant Hobert, lSkiile;,'ate Oil Co. Siellard — , plumber Giiisber^jer — , clerk I Ireland Moses Cross, logger Ireland Mrs. M C , dres?' aker Lei .Mrs. — , dressmaker Ward Miss Celia Ward Bernard, be!) boy Howard Harry, printer BOTH SIDES. Fisguard intersecli. 1 1.14 Masonic hull i'JG Rujisell, McDonald k Co., gen stor* Russell Charles McDonald James McDonald Miss Anabcl, cleik * St. John's Church, Ei)iseo|)i;l, ivv. Pei- cival .lenns. n'ctor * Jenns rev. Peiplvnl, rcclni- .St. John's- Church, Epi.scdpul JJeidl il I /til ixi (■/,-•. 152 Sumnierfield IV'ter, watiT coiinnissiomr ' 154 Lee Arthur, siid.t water woik:; I *150 Uriscoll Jolm. boiler ni;iker I Clf'licnii iiili'r.ii-rl.-. , • Vigor M. A. .Mis., staple .md faucr drv ! goods 167 Porter Jcdin, expressman j 169 Dakers Arthur. .Albion Iron Works n.'i West Byron Molme.s, shoemaker Pringle Michael, shoemaker Hryston Joseiih, Albion Iron Woi-ks *17."> Cabans 177 Shoen i^.. grocer, etc. 177 Adie Frederick, clerk I h I' fi ' I ;! fi'h'r^rctiL. LS« Kea.ft .Ariliiir Keust llubiTt 188 Vacant l.'l) Aspdin Ivhviti. dry <;,)ods Gaukroger S.. wiitcnv I'tiiibioki' inlrrsi'ils.. i, "t! i 191 I 192 Neill Archibald, grocer Emerson Arbuthnot, clerk I'arm.i'i Angus, laborer McDonald John, laborer McDonald Donald, laborer Carman Alexander, laborer Robertao'i .liunes, luboicr Jones .Iiinir>, inncli.iiist I'alter on Andii'w Squire Kiederick ,James, tal »' S.quimalt * Simon George, solicitor Simon George S., tyjie writer * Everett's Exchange, Patrick Everett, prop * British Columbia broom factory, Andrew Strachan, prop * Victoria West Church of England * Gerow Gideon Gerow Augustus, blacksmith James David, carpenter Bowerman Bennet H., carpenter Sallaway Frederick, school teacher Dawes William John, ship builder Clarke John Clarke Watt William, ship carpenter Anderson Henry * Taylor Willard, carpenter Brittou Henry, bricklayer * Brenen Henry, engineer E. & X. Ry. * The Grove, Thomas Martin, prop * Fairall Henry Smith, prop E. 4 N. Brewers * Hanson Peter, E. & ii. Ry. ' * McKenzie James Roderick * Russell Robert J. Nicolas Miss Grace * * * * fi> I »>ilF)i STREET DIRECTORY. 40t FAE FBR rorks » Weldon Frederick AVilliam, conductor * Muirheftd James Muirhead John Muirhead James McLean Muirhead Miss Agnes * XIcBeth Duncan Gilbert ♦ Brown Fredericlt Heymour,agenlE.4X. Ry * Shaw Mary, wid James Burrows — * St George's [nn, William Gillespie, prop ♦ Gillespie Oeorgo Green Miss Hannali M. • Work Margaret, wid Jftmi'S Lismore Joseph Work Miss EliKabeUi • Trentham Hotel, Joseph Bayley, prop « Kirk Jam'S, ragr. Kjquimalt Water W* Ki.k Andri'w, A. 1. W. ♦ Monteith William • VValker Fred. (>.. barrister » Bullen W. F., ragr. A. 1. W. ♦ Paolcy Charles K. Sunders Tnomns Henry, gardener -* (Sutler Samuel, dairyman * Wake GiTv.is Fountayne Wake Adelaide, wid Baldwin A. • Ashley Thomas, gardener • • (Jiirwen (Jharles H. ' St Joseph R C. Church ♦ N'ew inn. John Doran, prop * Goach and llarse saloon, William B, Smith prop • (r)rson W. If., n. M. yanl • Dobbin T. Sidney FVIRFIKLP ROAD, from Cook to Foul BuyKo:i'l, • \V;'iliM- (ii'org" liacknian WiiiUT U(il)i>r'. driver M.'Djnald Dune in, driver WinU r Jessie .\liss • Wocidward Arilmr Joseph Woodward Nma Miss Ford Kale Miss, domestic • Ra'.vU»s !•". ' Fi'twiiess Thomas • Collinsoii Mary Adrian Mrs. Cox William Henry .Vj.s.s iiifers'''i'!. • Langley A. J. Langley William Henry Langley M. .Miss Lauffley K. Miss • Pemberton Hon. August 's Fred * Oity Cfmetery, James Thomas, caretaker * N'orthcote John * Hooper Matthew, miner • Short Henry • Elford Pop, farmer • HanilinL. B,0. R. • Vicholl James, farmer FARQUHAR, from Blanchard to Quadra. BOTH 9IDK.1. • Presbyterian Church (First) 4 Vacant 6 Gosnell Joseph, grocer Gosnell George Frederick Gosnell John Henry Gosnell Alice Miss 10 Armstrong John, A. I. W. 12 Smith Alexander, fireman " Olympian" Nicholson Frank, carpenter 14 Walsh WiUiaa Henry, Spratt Sc Gray Amelia intersecU. 22 Feltoe Archibald Shirre, clerk 2t) Henderson Samuel Henry, painter 2.S Johnson Thomas, laborer Qii'tdr* VVjR'^WOOD road, from Edmonton to Fort. Walnut ends. 185 .Maslea Wjiliam John, farmer Nathan Walter Charles, tobacconist North lioiril rinh. 177 Brandson Einar I 171 Mydral S., carpenter Cciilrc li'iiid ni'.'a. V',?, I.ickman S im lel, harnessmaker f LJLt Jiickuian James, laborer So'lli Ron f iiil''rs<'rli. C'/iiIIkii'I inli'rtfi'l.i. Ill Vacant 107 Pearson Thomas Buluian Stri'ft i>U''rK'vi.i • Biackbonrn Joseph fi7 Cret-d .iohn, gardener 02 Turner Arcuioald J'an lord I'lh/x. 50 McLaughlin Joseph Hugh 31 lioOson I'honias William • Maynard George, plumber • New house, vacant ./ohimnn Pit In, 27 Trickey William, dr ym m I'aten iiil: r» 'cts. ' Fort street. I tfc; 5] 1 'ii IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ .**> 1.0 'n^- •J**-. 1^ ■^ 1^ 1 2.2 2£ 1.8 1.4 11.6 '/, ?> ;v '/ I Photographic Sciences Corporation ' 'il i:*. il t 468 HENDERbON'S VICTORIA FIR FIEST, fcOTu Bay to Tupa^. av. 3 Myers M.M. Myers Geuigc Uh.apman, clerk 7 MsLearn Ficdoiick, painter Khig'r Road inlerstcU. •23 New house 27 Mint Arthur St. George 31 Cousins Leonai'd, carpenter 35 Pike Albert, st me mnsou 39 WouUacutt Phili|>, cunrict guard 43 Penney John Lambert Brown Jolm Brown Sarah Shilton, wid Robert iV Calterall Thomas, builder Hillside ave intersect*. * Jeebes Allan, laborer * Parson Mark, gardener * Victoria Gaol Robett Franklin John, warden Muldoon William, tirst gaoler Puriiuns James, second gaobr Dougherty Thomas, third gaoler Workman Aaron, Krst convict guard Blake Cljaile:i li. F., secund convict gmiid Woollacott Philip, third convict guaid Thomas Almund, fourth convict f;uaid Ilelmckeu J . S., medical oflicer HSGUARD, from Store to Quadi:). 14 Gim Sing lanndry 26 Wo On k Co., tailors 31 Hip Wa & Co. 35 Ting, Lee & Bros., grocers 37 Lai, Hop & Co. 40 OuHing& Co. 42 Been Sun, laundry 44 Hong Sing, grocer 46 Fook Yuen & Co. Joss House 48 New Sing 54 UoDg Wo & Co., grocers Government inlersecU. * L«m, Kee & Co., tailors 59 Tong Cbong 61 Yirk Lung &. Co. 62 Kwong Wo & Co., grocers C4 Gam Tai, tailor 65 Kwong VVang Sing, grocer 68 Num Kee k Co 88 Vacant 90 Parson Gus., fisherman Cambell Alej., night watchman 91 Doon Yuen — , la udry Doughis tntersecti. * Church * Ledingham Bros carriagemakers Ledingham William Joba FOR Lediujjliam George McCiirracli Wil'iiim, hl«ck»ri Ith Jessop Williaui. wheelwrif^la Ktevtns Ri"i:ard, carpeiiti'i- ion Vipoiid Anluir machinist 102 IIuiA'll Cl,.is. 101 Storey Tlioiiia? Klias Storey Mlm t'liristiua Storey Jlis- Anuie Sioii'V Mi..s Georgians KG Sleviiis J.iUiUi Wjttormaa Charles I)uu<;. 48 Bee Hive saloon, James Cowie, prop 50 Glendenning John, tobacconist 52 Davis David, custom shoem.iker 54 King, Dyer A Co., fish, game and produce King Caorge Dyer Fred. Charles Sheather Austin 26 Savannah k Co., photographers Savaonah John Agnew Wm. Burl., finisher 5ft Felling Loui.^ Henry, crockery 60 Mason Mrs. (>., bdg house Mason G., of Couglin k Mason Lnscombe MIjs E. A. D ivis — , printer Dean — , contractor Anderson D. H., carpenter 62 Webf r Harry S., barber Steger Amet, apprentice 64 Baie^ Mrs. K A., dressmaker Hunter Miss Mary E. Shaw .Miss Victoria Doran .Miss Margaret 66 Campbell Duncan Ed., druggist Jaeck Julius Freil., druggist Ji'ssup Grant, clerk Douglas intersfcts 68 Royal Hotel, William Croft, prop Hayer John, bartender Mill W.. painter Diivis W. J., painter MoCallum Robert, hackman Richards Richard, ciprarmaker Farrell Henry, ship carpenter McGrath W. F., stevedore Wishart James, emp. Dudger 70 Stewart Miss Rose 72 Lloyd Miss Percie Moore Miss DoUie Rogers Miss Dollie Milton Miss Millie 74 Horner Charles, custom shoemaker 76 Bing Kee, launlry 78 Vacant 86 Hopper John Thomas 88 Philharmonic hall 90 Salvation Army Hall 94 King, Oyer A Co , stable 95 Jenkinson Henry, gardener 100 Shakespeare Fred., printer Riedl Miss Grace Riedl Frank, blacksmith 102 Ford J., carpenter shop 106 Doughty G. k J., grocers atidbrushmakera Doughty George Doughty James Blanchard inter4ects. 108 Vacant 1 10 Vacant 112 Jackson William Robert Moraes Theresa .Miss, domestic 114 Tito Charles Henry 1 16 Willgren Sailie Mrs., wid Robert I IS DeVeulle Jane Ann Mrs. Sunderland Thomas Sherborn Frank Lee Benjamin Ralborn John R. 120 Doughty Oeor,,;e Doughty James I -:•■ ''1 ^1 1 ! *r * » (ji I +1 il 3 m 'n 't\ 11 •cl 410 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA FOR FORT FOR 126 City Brewerv Hazenfratz & Lawson Hasenfratz Jacob LawsuD John Hasenfratz August, brewer . 130 Lawson John McRoberts Elliott 132 Dakiug Adelaide Miss, music teacher 134 Donovan Patrick Harrington Donovan Stephen Andrew 136 Bpath Aloes, brewer 138 Bavarian Brewer j, Charles Zoelle, prop Spath A Ives, brewer ' 140 Frank Eli 142 Salvation Army, officers' quarters Ashton James, capt Dillinpham Herbert, lieut Shea Frank, cadet 144 Power M. E. Mrs , wid William Howell Lennox, bookkeeper Henderson Leonard G. 146 Dodd John 148 Rogers Matthew Rogers Joseph ISO Gillespie E. M. Mrs., wid James Quadra intersects. 152 Fielding Louis Henry Banks — Mrs. 154 Hague Mrs., wid Hague — , tinner *158Hall Mary Ann Mrs., wid P. J. Hall Philip John Hall Alfred Hall William Hall Charles 162 Lemm George, artist 168 Hilbert Richard Falk — , jeweller Atkinson Edward 178 Assembly Hall 186 Leask John C. Vancouver intersects. 196 Sears Joseph 202 Warren Charles Thornton 216 Charles William Charles H. B. 224 Garter Bumun, laborer 228 McNish William 230 Wingiield William, grocer Cook intersects. 234 JMcManus Robert, journali!>t Borns Walter 238 Fletcher Ormond, D.L.S. 24? Vacant 246 Jones Thomas Joseph, L.D.S. Jones T. Harry George Jane Miss Webster Annie Miss 268 Ella M. B. Mrs., wid E^iiry £lla Thomai Richard Ella Henry Reece Ella Frederick William Ella Mary Miss BOOTH SIDE. 1 Engelhardt Julius F. E., Custom broker 9 Warehouse 13 Smith & Mcintosh, planing mills Smith Andrew Johnston Mcintosh Robert Schwenger Peter, bookkeeper McDonald R., carpenter ^V^■ittiIlgton E., carpenter Mcintosh J., carpenter Thomfison Eben S , carpenter Scott W., carpenter McDonald D. F., carpenter Wilkerson H., carpenter Robb — , teamster Smith James Wolsey, carpenter Smith James, carpenter Fullerton John, carpenter Wiseman, Robert, carpenter Lacourciere A., carpenter McDonald R., carpenter McDonald A., carpenter Hooper Wm., engineer Barr Theodoie, carpenter Lepine Mark, carpenter Dahl Oscar, carpenter S^inderland Thomas, carpenter Donald&on Alexander, carpenter Langley intersects. 17 Matthews J. Beauchamp, M. R. C. S. E., L S. A. Lands Government intersect*. 23 Side Entrance saloon 27 Hyams Samuel S., optician 29 Roberts Richard, mer tailor Roberts Isaac, tailor Grant James, tailor Shaber Ernest, tailor 31 McLean & Stewart, clothing Scotch House iicLean William Andrtw Stewart James Franklin Albert George, clerk .33 Vacant 35 Whitlaw Mrs. Kate (Estate), millinery Cullum Miss M., manager Sears Miss Bessie, milliner Merrill Miss Josie, milliner 37 Fletcher Thomas, pianos and orgaos Domestic Sewing Machine Co. Carter Miss Edith, clerk 39 Clay Henry, confectioner 41 Cherry k Creech, furniture Cherry John W. W. Creech Henry Ward Charles, upholsterer 43 McCullum John, mer. tailor STREET DIRECTORY. 411 FOR FORT FOR Sbaper Ernest, tailor McKensie Mrs. Annie, tailoress 43 Pemberton & Son, real estate and loans Pemberton Josepn Despard Pemberton Frederick Bernard 45i Victoria Club Hayward Chas., pres. Worsfold J. K., secty-treasurer Creeden John, steward Smith Hubert, waiter 47 Bradeu & Stamford, plumbers firadea John Stamford James L. Braden William, plumber Braden Edward, plumber Stallard Charles, plumber Mallelte Frederick, plumber Downer Henry, plumber Geiger Thomas, plumber Thompson M. H., plumber Watson George, plumber Martin A. C, bookkeeper Beverage John, plumber Buckler John Broad interseclt. 49 Fell &, Co., groceries and liquors Fell James Moss Henry, bookkeeper Fell Frederick, clerk Taylor Christopher Cayen Arthur, driver Batchelor Wiliiam, drayman 51 Weiler John, manufacturer furniture Weiler Joseph W., clerk Weiler Otto, clerk Weiler Charles Weiler George 57 Victoria Bakery Smith M. R., & Co. Smith M. R. 59 Hawkins John, grocer Tyacke James, clerk 61 Bickford Mrs. William, fancy goods Dawes Miss Lillian Wilson Miss Ellen 65 Mallor J. W., painter 09 Matthews J. P., & Co., grocers Matthews John Paul • Hawee George B. Howell Harry, clerk ■Douglas intersecU. 71 Vicioria Hotel, John Thomas HoppPr, prop. Jarrett Benjamin William, bartender Nevilles William John, prop. Restaurant Victoria Hotel 73 Underbill Mrs. Alice, widow, dressmaker Underbill Charles, lather 75 Vancouver Bakery, Thomas Harding, prop. Harrison George B., driver Lee Arthur E., brker Coker Sidney £ , baker 77 Vacant 79 Stracban Mrs. E., widow Barry John, captain Lawrence Mrs., widow Bains David, stonecuuer 81 Hanington Ernest B. C .M.D. (office) Hasell Edward Suter, M.R.C.S. Eng., offic* 85 O'Brien Daniel O'Brien Peter, Victoria Transfer Co, O'Brien Miss Mary, tailores:; 89 Duncan John A., .M.D. 91 Holmes James H,, tobacconist Dalziel Harry, cabinet-maker Ward John, hack driver Fulford George, hack driver 93 Cameron Colin, team-iter Cook H irry, Albion Iron Works 99 Market E.Ychange Hotel, G.Tbomp3on,prOft> Babbage George, bartender Rudge Geo , marble cutter 101 Fashion Stables, Thomas Barlow, prop, McArthur William, stableman Johnson James, stableman Barry William, stableman 105 Vacant 107 Vacant 109 Gorray — , toy store 111 Hewartson Mrs. William, fancy goods Hewartson William, sr. Hewartson William, jr.. Colonist office 113 Lemm Irving Arthur, fancy goods 115 Bartlett John, plasterer 117 Albion Marble Works, James Fisher, prop. Crowther George, engraver 119 Empire bakery and grocery, Horace _La. pierre, prop. Burt George, driver Blanchard intersects. 121 Vacant 123 Lowell S. B., upholsterer and second hand furniture Lowell Harry, upholsterer 125 Russell James, baker 127 Jacques George, watchmaker 129 " The Hall" saloon, Jas. McUandlisii, prop. Laren Gustave, bartender 131 Hampson William Spencer 133 Fox Henry Geo., engineer 137 Pardoe Charles Paidoe Annie Miss 139 Palmer J. H. Mrs., wid Digby Magnessen A. Duff Miss Palmer Charles, painter 141 Kurtz Martha, wid David Redfern Mrs. 145 McDonald ./£neaa Paul 149 Winder John, watchmaker Hams Mary Ann, wid John Harris Wm , pressman 151 Perry Joseph, & Co., wood dealers aod, steam sawyers ! ■ I I •1 ! ! ^ t i :.5. .912 RENDERSON S VICTOR FA FOU GAR 161 Perry Joseiifa 153 Belyea Arthur Louis, barrister * Kwong Hiug, laundry Quadra inUrtectt. 159 Papal John T., grocer 1«1 MuklerTbomss 165 firown Jessie Mrs, Brown Frank 167 Phillips Samuel l(i9 Petticrew John, engineer Petticrew James, mason 175 Staft" Alfred J. 77 Workman Aaron Workman William 181 Pitts S. J. 483 Nonis William George 185 Summers Francis, painter .18-7 Smith Eli/>iihbth, wid Smith Edward Smith Janirs 189 Deasy Daniel Dcasy William Deasy Elizabeth Miss Deasy Mary Ann Miss .103 Wilson Major John Reddie Arthur Campbell Oppenheimer Sidney Vancouver intersects. 199 Wood Mrs., wid 209 Anderson John Anderson Alfred Charles Anderson Reginald 211 Becker John F. Becker S. Miss _223 Langley John Motmt Cook interaecti. "239 Brown Hem-y Noake Fanny, wid George Brown Fanny Ann Miss Henderson Thomas M. Henderson Joseph N. Leiser Gus. Lens Jacob McKenzie Maggie Miss, domestic Page Francis 253 1255 263 FOURTH, from Bay to Topnz av * Jeune Frederick, sail loft * Schoen Sigmund, grocer 32 liookway Arthur Frederick, music teacher ,34 Beckwiih William S , exprossman King's Road intersects. * Robertson Joseph, carpenter * Glover George, mason contractor «8 Jackson Margaret, wid Edward Henry Jackson Alexander James Jackson George Edward, A.I.W. ■JB4 BrucKlhurst James Shilton Hillside av. intcrserts. * Adams 'John, laborer * Thomas Almond, guard Vic. Gaol Thomas John, expressman * Robertson William Henry, carpenter * Robertson Duncan, teamster Calwell Joseph, teamster FRANKLIN, from Vancouver to Cook. 7 Hall Margaret, wid Thomas Harris James 8 Sears Dean Smith Sears Bessie t.. Miss 10 Fawcett Thomas Lea 13 Bennett Harriet, wid John 14 Fawcett Edgar, clerk 25 liegbie Sir Matthew Baillie, Chief Justice 32 Bnckett William, drayman 34 Fraser-Barron Martha, wid Donald Fraser-Barron Lizzie A. Mi-s Fraser-Barron Charles A., clerk Fraser-Barron Isabel M. Miss FREDERICK, from Quadra. 9 Selleck Emma, wid W. X. Miller — , tailor Cliffe Thomas, carpenter Metcalfe Bessie, wid Leonard F. 10 Robinson John Russell, carpenter 12 Hiscocks Edwin Hilliar 14 Smith Frederick, painter Johns Eliza Mi-s, dressmaker 17 Ridgman Elizabeth, wid John 18 Webster T G. 20 Pennock William Henry 23 Allen Robert, carpenter 24 Reynard Mary, wid James Reynard John Stephen Reynard Marmaduke Charles P. 0. Reynard Arthur T. L. 25 Currall William D. Edwards Thomas, watchmaker 26 Jackson John Smith, butcher 29 Wilson Thomas Sidney, music teacher Ai.TOod Arthur Wilson 30 Baker Michael Baker Thomas Flenry, clerk 33 Levy Jos, Arcade restaurant 34 Gowen George 40 Ross Dixie Ha .rison from G-orge to GARBALLY ROAD, Victoria Arm. • Driver Charle.^ Edward Bates Arthur James, clerk • Brick yard, Geo. Moore, prop • Queen City Brick Yard, Alfred & P'-ops Alfred John Smiih William • Smith George Edward • Robinson Herbert Cane,'real estate Smitli, %^-A STRBKT KIRECTORT'. 41S [}aol — •penter couver to >bief Justice m\ Gorge to Ufred & Smilb, GEO GKORGB, from Johnson to Pandora. I Hrigfrs Herbert James 5 Oaldwell Letftia M. Mis. Caldwell Arthar, dentist Caldwell Hepry, surveyor Loat Catherine, wld Christopher Loat Ettie Miss i:! Rudlin Goorg*. capt. " Islander" !,^ Ellis VVilliani Harrington ElliEi Abraham, compo.sitor r.OEDON, from Humboldt to Brongh- ton, i Rusteem Mt^. Fredk. Ooig David Wilson — 5 Richardson George, bdg house s Pendray W. O. Ross Miiggie Mis?, domestic Courtney intersects. Vi Vacant IT Smith John GORGE ROAD, from Government to t'ity Limits. BOTB SII>K3, David hfgint. ' Gray Pamnel Olins Jolin Moore, upholsterer Clark George, carpenter -f Methodist Church Bear W. W., pastor ■i: Scott Anna Mrs., wid William Henry Scott John Henry, clerk Jlinor Chnrles, watchmaker '>:i Boddy William, stone mason ;v! Fernleigh — Smith Robert Frederick Smith William Henry Xewcomb Emily Miss, stenoffrapher "■ Flumerfclt Alfred Q. 4') number Frederick Stewart S., bricklayer Rock Bay av. ends. Vj I'orter Arthur I'orter James Muldrum John H. EUgaheth strcft. * Chambers Walter Scott, at W. P. Say ward's saw mill * Barnsley John, gunsmith ^ McLellan A. J., tish cannery Sugaley S , dentist * Thomson Chnrles P. R., manager Stephens Samuel Henry, gardener * Norris Frederick, harD'e'»8 and saddlery GOV ^!l * Snowden N. P. * Dunsmiiir Alexander W. * Kberta D. M. * Vates —at J. J. Stewart * Gorge hotel GOVERNMENT, from James liridgc to ('\U' Jiimits, North Bay ill! > •.AST SII>E. 11 Seoley James Henry Benson Tliomns Bay View, snloon, Ftrguson & Ridthaigh props Ffr^riison Rof-s J. liidelmigii I'om Jordan llumhoU begins. rii'liiiont, S»lii(iii !ig!i!ir;t Jarvis, prop. I. Flewiii Albert (jliark'd, bartender 13 Masnu Allien * Sam Sing, laiindiT 21 liisliop & Slu-rbortie, contractors Bishop (ieorge ijiierbome Fie;len';k Thomis Green Homoii, c.vrpontcr Poschrc'ier (Ju.-itave, carpenter Baker William, carpenter Rittcr Soli>m'>n carpenter Jenkins (leorge, carpcnier Sherborne Francis (irunton, carpenter M.irlvinlay V, iilliiii. ScDtt, carpenter Flllioi William, carpenter Beeg James Courttii'i/ intersects. 23 Windsor Hotel. Alex. McDonaM, prop. Oliver — , insurance agent Wood James, hack driver York Frank, steved"re Folger — , captain of sealer Fraser James T., railway contractor McDon.ald James F., contractor McDonald Findlay, foreman riolnies Mcndall, .seal hiriter Bailey — , cornieeniaker Wallace William, ship carpenter Burke Richard, ship carpenter Martin — , cariienter Collins Geo ge, anient Smith Evan, ilioemakcr 25 Burt Stephen S> Ivester, baker and grocar Burt William, clerk Burt George, driver 27 Anderdon Jliss Helen C, dressmaker Williams Alis.s Julia, seamstress 29 Rogers Charles William, confectioner • San Fiane.isco Candy Factory 31 Kosi'he Curl, barber and hairdre-ser Broughton intersects. 1:1 y\ 'h'M .. ) ffc !•'! i-i 414, U(>\ irEVDEllSONl S VICT »i{r.\ .GOVEItN-MENT (JOV 37 Vacant 39 Frank flli, gents' firii, huts and caps 39iPerr.v Creek Gold MiuiuR Co. (Ltd.) Jecoby Henry, secy Haymur James 1^. 41 Lowenberg, Harris & Co., gen. agents Harris Dennis RcginiiM Snowden Nortiiing Fiekijey Coinmerciiil Union Asr^r. Co. (Fire) London Assurance Corimrution (Fire) Connecticut Fire Ins. t.'o. Loudon & Lancrt.sliire Life Ins. Co. Canton Insurance Orfice, Murine Martin James iOdward, cusbier Harris Ernest A., collector Bustin Miss Kate, stenogniplier 43 Redtern Charles KJward. jeweller Kints Mrs. Martha, saleslady Smith William, jeweller Miller Jackin Allan Stewart, jeweller Edwards Thomas William, watchmaker 43JUnited States Consulate Stevens Col. Robert James, consul Marvin Edgar, vice-consul Roberts Frederick, consulate clerk Green Chas., & Co., real estate Green Charles Roberts Thomas, real estate Dominion Life Assr. ('o. of Waterloo 45 Gabriel Charles, & Co., Ja[iane3e bazar Gabriel Charles Tamura S., clerk Imbert D. I., clerk Cameron Miss Cecilia, clerk 47 Pennock & Clayton, jewellers Pennock Wtn. Henry Clayton Alfred Augustus Minor Charles William, watchmaker Mackie John, engi'avii- Helman John Louis, jeweller Shade Frederick Wm., apprentice Cldershaw Alfred Bruce, jeweller * Shorey II., & Co., wiiole-ale clothing Beckwith Joh t Leander, agent King Charles Ru ert, conini. agent Evans & Sons (Ld.), of Montreal, wholesale drugs Pure Gold Mfg. Co. of Toronto, spices Sloan & Crowtlier, ot'Toronto, whol grocPi,s Cassidy J()hn L., .t Co., of Monlieal, crock- ery and glassware Perrin D. S., & Co., of London, ^confec- tioners Albert Toilet Soap Co., of Montreal Hargraves (ieorge, 0. E. uud surveyor Hamilton Powder Co. Gordon William, age.it Scott Henry John, deik 49 British Columbia Land and Inv. Agency Mason llenr.v Slye, managing director Brown Percival Ridout, accountant Bridgman Arthur J., c'erk Masua Henry Gerard, clerk Canadian Pacific Land k Mortgage Co. North British & Mercantile Ins. Co. (Fire) Accident Insurance Co. of N. A. Guarantee Co. of N. A. 51 Brown Jug saloon CouvfS Lucy, wiJ. A. C. Jones Samuel, bartender McDermott Robert, bartender * Salmon Maurice, tobacconist /''ort intersects, 53 Morison George, druggist Langley George F., druggist Williams Fred., clerk 53iQuinlan Walter Jocelyn, dentist 55 Leask James Charles, mer. tailor Jackson George R., cutler McCall Edmund, tailor Sprinkling Wm. A., tailor Squire Frederick James, tailor Neville Miss Bell, tailoress Little Miss Erama Elliott .Maggie Evans Margaretta Hatton Emma H. McDonald Kate Heard Lilly Tyson Grace Shade Maggie 57 Mason C. Dubois, solicitor, and N. P. Danby William Hartley, real estate Austin k Yates, real estate Austin John J. Yates Henry Myers Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. 57ATeague John, sen., architect 'Muir Alex. Maxwell, architect 59 Maynard George Henry, boots and shoes Jackson John, sh.- iTiaker Smith James, shoemaker Gailigan John, salesman MaynarJ Miss Laura, bookkeeper Maynard Frederick George, clerk SOiJHaVimao Sigtried M., dentist Fleming Bros., photographers Fleming Kdgar Fleming Harold til Brown & White, Albion House, dry goods Brown Henry White Edward Wilson Sidney, clerk Richardson George Alfred, clerk Beegan Miss Kate, saleslady GliPugiley Sanford, dentist Hall k Lowe, photographers Hall James D. Lowe Skene Johnston Miss Nellie, clerk Clyde .Mi-*8 Florence, dressmaker Coleman Miss Agnes, diessmaker 63 Sears k Page, dry goods Seara Walter Page Francis 65 STREET DIRECTORY. 415^ GOV GOA'ERNMENT GOV Moore Miss M. A., saleslady Mansel Miss Alice, milliner Stell Miss Eva V., milliner Barker James Wm., clurk Hpencers Arcade Spenc' I* Oavid, dry goods Spencer Cliiistupher, buyer Spencer David bcott, salesman Brown Cassie, cashier Smith John, clerk Grant Frank W., clerk Shannon Miss Constance, milliner Dufl° Miss Bell, milliner Luney Miss Nettie, clerk Steers Miss Alice, clerk Jamieson Miss Liita , clerk Elpbinstone Miss Laura, clerk Best Miss Mollie C, clerk Jennings Miss Uottie, clerk Sharp Joseph, clerk Visick Miss Louisa, clerk Simeon Miss Jean, head dressmaker Coiley Mary L. Moss Gertie Bloomiietd Edith Bloomfield Lizzie Sbires Carre Phillips Carrie U'Brien Flora Brown Annie HortoD Lizzie Hughes Agnes Kerge Lizzie Roake Annie Grat'ton Minnie Leslouis Louise Blake Sarah Blake Charlotte Chadsey Ella O'Brien Lizzie Baines Laura Gowdie Lizzie Jennings Bessie Hughes Morris Taylor Elizabeth Newman Nettie 65}Macdonald John, k Co., wl ol. dry goods May Samuel, & Co., of Toronto Walker Henry George, agent Sun Life A Accident Ins. Go. Crane John Edward, agent Thain Edward J., real estate agent Wilson W. Ridgeway, architect Bridgeman Joseph G., clerk Nelson Island Granite Cy. (Ltd-), E. J. Thain, secretary 67 Victoria Lumber & Mfg. Co. Macaulay William James, manager Davidge F.C., k Co., Japanese produce and manufactures Davidge Frank Caspar Curweu Charles Henderson k Parker, real estate Henderson Paul Parker Joseph Nelson 67 Young Henry, k Co, White House, dry goods Young Henry Young Henry Beynon Young Louis Beynon, cashier Sommerville Samuel, clerK Rudland Henry, clerk Mugridge Miss Haddie, miliner Stevens Miss Jennie, miliner Mugridge Mrs. Elizabeth V., wid Cha., head dressmaker McHendry Miss Elizabeth McHendry Miss M.nnie Bryant DoUie Neugent Bessie Newman Nettie Williams Lizzie Taylor Lizzie Rowe Emily Caselton Agnes McGraw Jessie McGraw Jane Ward Lizzie Thompson Nellie Cook Maggie Balott Maggie 69 Hibbea T. N., k Co., booksellers, etc. Hibben Thomas Napier Kammerer William Christiau Bone William Henry Mitchell Robert, asst. bookkeeper Hibben James Parker, clerk Cartmel Daniel, clerk 71 Lombard C. A., k Co., music dealers Lombard Charles A. 73 Wilson William, 4 Co., dry goods Wilson William Stannard John Spatchet, clerk Mclnto&h James, clerk Creeg Patrick William, clerk Jenkinson .Miss Annie, clerk 73^ Verrander Robert Ford, dental and oral Buri;eon Stevens J., k Son, of Toronto, druggists' supplies Stevens George, agent 75 Dominion Express Co. Rattray Charles, agent Lang Frederick iienry, clerk McDonald John Wesley, driver Canadian Pacific Railway Irving Robert, freight and pasa. agent- Buttery Norman, asst. 77 Waitt & Co., booksellers Waitt Marshall Wilder Johnston John, clerk Wilby William, clerk Bradley Ernest, clerk 79 Kurtz k Co., cigar manufacturers r Ml !M Kurtz John Sayward W. P. if ■ I"' I 4-- ; ' ^Ml-f*^! mm, * « 416 &KNDIE80N'S VICTORIA GOV OOVBRNMENT GOV Behnsen Henry Fred., foremaa Molina Joseph, ci^^armaker Smith John L., cigarmaker Meiss Manuel, cigarmakfr Meiss George, cigarmaker Newman Adolphe Byrne John 0. Duke Horace A. Newman Paul Meiss Jacob G. CoUis Albert Morrel Louis Brown Ohas. Miller — OliTer — Trounce Alley begins. Oaresche, Green & Co., bankers Wells, FiirgoA Co., express (Jreen Alexander Alfred Garesclie C. Garesche George Henry, teller Worlock Fredeiick Hammett Chantrell John Barstow, clerk Rattray Charles, jun., clerk Kngelhardt R. Stanley, clerk Steele J. David, clerk 83 Wilson W. & J., clothiers Wilson William Wilson Joseph Wilson Joseph Eilbeck, clerk Crtthcart John, clerk ;S5 Nickle Plate Saloon Garvin Thomas Garvin Robert, bartender 87 Uarmichael John Baxter, tobacconist Gieger & Becker, barbers San Francisco Baths Gieger Thomas Bucker John Winn Merlin Ciirtists, barber 89 Baker Joseph Henry Bon Marche boot and shoe store •Smith Oliver, shoemaker Smith William, clerk ■91 Senate Saloon O'Brien Steve Jones William (Deacon), bartender 03 Lange & Co., jewellers Lange G. W. A 95 Mansell Henry, hoots and shoes Mansell JHmo's Hcmut, clt'ik Gavin George HiighJ clerk O'Brien William, clerk Mangle Charles, shoemaker Liddell Robert, shoemaker Bland John, shoemnker Shade George A., shoemnker Bord Hy polite, shoemaker ,97 VanVolkenburgh & Bro. British Columbia market VanVolkenburgh Benjamin VanVolkenburgh Isaac Cameron Allan Richfield, bookkeeper Rabb William, butcher Jackson John S., bnteher Grant John, entnr clerk Meldrum Geo. Giadi>tone, butcher Heldrum John, driver Rutan Stewart, driver O'B 'en Clarence, slauffhterman Hoffman Charles, slaugnterman Myers Madison Munroe, farmer Garrison Harvey, farmer Black John, teamster yatea interaecls. lOl Pritchard Home, Stevenson & Jones, props Stevenson William Gordon Jones John B. Marshall William, bartender Herman Thomas, submarine diver Geddes John G. Croft John 103 Fullerton John, boots and shoes Paterson James, clerk Pringle Michael, shoemaker 105 VigeTius Bros., barbers St Nicholas Baths Vigelius Anton Vigflius Louis 107 Delmonico Hotel Bcchel Andrew John Sheldon Clement L., bartender Munger James, bartender Leet J. Montague Bscalet Ernest G>aggJ.S. "-■■■ r.h H. "ter Harry Pi,. Yaile C. Martin Walter Tanish R. Lefontain Mrs. Scanlan M. L. BeedeS. Thompson Theo. S. 109 Delmonico Restaurant Escalet Ernest Alex., clerk Ferry Mike, night waiter Dick P. S , w^aiter 111 Vacint 113 Vienna Gt-o.. fish and fruit, etc. Consantine Peter, clerk Vienna Nicholas, driver Vienna Peter, clerk 115 Hanson Samuel, druggist Humber Arthur, clerk 117 Ross Dixie H.,& Co., groceries and liquors Ross Dixie H. Watson F. Pearce, clerk • Hall William B., clerk Millard Alfred, driver eriea and liquors STREET DIRECTORY. 41T GOV GOVERNMENT GOV 119 BarBSlej John, Jk Co., gunsmiths Barnsley Juha CoUistcr John Richard 121 Queen's market Goodacre Lawrence McNish William, bookkeeper Durham Thomas, cashier Dudgeon James, foreman Stevtins Allan, cutter Pottinger William Bissett Millington Henrv, driver Irring Robert, driver Meiss Alexander, teamster Gaudj Isaac, slaughterman vSimpson Henrj', slaughterman Irving Robert, farmer Juhntton interieclt. 123 Prior E. G., &Co., hdw andagrlimplts Prior Edward Gawler Mathews George Franks Wynne George William, salesman Jackson Ales. James, salesman Fearn Samuel, porter Findlay Alfred U., comm traveller Till Walter G., machine expert Schwanger Conrad, clerk 125 Brackman & Ker, Hour and feed Saanicb Mills Brackma« Henry Ker David Russell Ker Walter, clerk Whitcomb Edgar, driver Barclay George, porter Jeune Frederick, sailmaker Victoria Athletic Club Cormorant intersects. 137 Lix Sam., merchant Huong, Leet k Co., merchants 139 Ham Yeck, merchant 147 Chinese 151 Chinese Fisquard intersects. 153 Lam Kee & Co., merchant tailors 155 Chinese 157 Chinese * Tin See, merchant tailor 161 Chinese 107 Rihr Theodore, cabinetmaker 169 Quinn Frederick, shoemaker 171 Saunders Restaurant, Mrs. E. J. Saunders, prop. Barneit John Skinner Rose .Miss, waitress 173 Sckert William, grocer Herald intersects. 183 Ohong Lee, laundry Chatham intersects. 189 Clarke William Raymond, capt Discovery intersects, 193 On Sing laundry Pembroke inlerwxl^, * Godfrey William Princess av begins. * Penny Thomas, engineer Queen av. beyins. Bay inlersecti. llilUide av. intersects. WKST 3II>I. *2 Mcintosh Daniel, boat builder Wharj 'iiyiiis. 22 Mortimer John, marble woi-ks Robertson Alexander, stonecutter Courtney intersect*. * Vacant 30 Leet, Sim>a & C >., real estate Leet Johnson Montague Simon George, solicitor British Golumbid Monthly and Mtnftig Review Leet J. M. Manson Andrew Mutual Rc8«rve Fund Life Assn. 32 Vacant * Vacant 34 RoUin James S., butcher Porter Alice, wid. Chas. 36 Jones A. W. Canada Life Assurance Co. Allen Pranci?, clerk 38 Warren James Douglas, agpttl str " Barbara' Boscowiiz" Warren Hanna Mrs. Bay James, coalyard Bailey Charles, clerk 40 C.P.R Telegraph Archibald William F., local manager Clarke John S., operator Dee William, operator Christie William, asst. local manager Haughton E., delivery clerk Norman Tbos, messenger Mitchell Fred., messenger Smith John, messenger Broughton intersects. 42 & 44 Storey Thomas Elias, under taker Farquhar George, carpenter 205 Vacant * Engine House 46 Lawrence A., confectioner itit •M:\ iji X3 il |Hi 1:^^■:^ 418 HENDERSON S VICTORIA GOV GOVERNMENT GOV ^H F^mmer Joaeph, picture frames Aden John, picture framer Smith OeorKe, picture framer Ohadwick Alfred, picture framer 50 Vewbury William, narneas, etc. Fawcett R. W., uphoUterer Singer JSewing Machine Co. Adams W. H., agent 52 Victoria coal and lumber yard, C. E. Mal- lette, manager Chemainussaw mill, C. E. Mallette, mgr. Cruickabanks Alfred, clerk Routledge, Swinerton k Co., real estate Routledge William H. Swinerton Robert flemington r»2iLeprince Mrs. V. A., dressmaker Smith Mias Alice, dressmaker Neil Miss Sarah, seamstress Parson Miss Norah, seamstress PaNon Miss Louise, seamstress Barner Miss Mary, seamstress Eres Hiss Mary, seamstress Adams Mrs. C, Eeamatress Millinirton Miss Edith, senmstress Sieveis Miss Nellie, sefl.mstress Wilkina Mrs., dressmaker .^il Bank of British Columbia Building Rooms 1 2, 3, and a Jonea T. J.,& Son, dentists Jones T. J., L.D.S. Jones T.H.,D. D. S. Room 4 Mallandaiiie Edward, architect " 5 Wilkinson Edward Stephen, surveyor •' 6 The National Electric Tramway k Lighting Co. (-Nd) Higgins David William, president " 7 British Columbia Board of Trade, Wm. Monteitb, secretary " 8 Monteitb Wm., ins. and gen. com. agt. Atlas Assurance Co. cf London National Assurance Co. ot Ireland Soutli Fritish Fire k Marine Insurance Co. 4)1 .V('«' Zpdliind Anglo-XcviuUi Assurance ('orporation of SanFranciscd Confederation Life Association of To- ronto •' ;» iierridge Georgi', ;; ■ufral accountant '• 10 and 11, Peii'iu •■•urge Arthur, ac- countant •' 1'.;, 13, 14, and 15 i'llot Commissioners Office llithet Robt. Patt('i>:on, commissioner Pinlayson Roderick, commissioner Ciiiik \V. R., pilot commissioner Mcintosh James, capt. pilot Thompson John, pilot Baker Edgar Crow, real estate Haynes Arthur Edward, bookkeeper Gibbs Francis Burgess, clerk Victoria Electric Illuminating Co. Bell Telephone Co. l(j and n Trimen Leonard Buttress, ar- chitect Tiarlra John Gerhard " 18 Vacant " 19 Miller Mra. E. J., wid. " 20 Davidson Aleiander, messenger. Bank of British Columbia 56 Bank of British Columbia Ward William Curtis, manager Gillespie George, assistant manager Wilson J. Keith, accountant Milligan Thomas Stamper, asst. acct. Wyld Ernest A., rec. teller Allison William A , paying teller More Arthur W., ledger keeper Ranson William B., ledger keeper Jones Wilfred R., draft clerk Goffin Chas. A., bill clerk Jenns Percy A., clerk Innes Chas. B , clerk Munro Kenneth V., clerk Beaver Hugal R., clerk Davidson Alexander, messenger Fort inlerseeU. 58 Angus & Gordon, wholesale grocers Angus James Gordon Benjamin Muir Alexander, bookkeeper Hampton Geo., warehousemaa Bowness Thomas, clerk WallE. J., clerk Atwood Frank, driver Franklin William Thomas, clerk 60 Len7. k Leiser, wholesale dry goods Lenz Moses Leiser Gustav Sargison James J., bookkeeper Lenz Jacob, salesman Wnrren Chas. T., clerk Gunns Thomas, clerk Ceckpr Henry, clerk Cook Emanuel 62 Hastie k Lockhart, furniture Haatie James Locklmrt Chas. B. Shedilen David G., iitiliolsterer Tite George, upholsterer Keldie Robert, cabinptmakor Connor Jacob, apprentice 64 Waitt M. W.. & Co., (lianos aud organs Waitt Miirsliall Wilder Kent Herbert, manager Huxtable Miss Agrues, clerk 66 and 6H Sehl Jacob, furniture Ella Henry R., bookkeeper Sehl Wm., clerk Munro Chas. Byron, clerk Wallenstein P., upholsterer Bowls Richard, upholsterer BuUen James, upholsterer Smith William, apprentice Winnacot James, apprentice Henski August, mattress maker Pridbam Edward, cabinetmaker j Ti GOV tiTRRET IiIRKCTORV. Of>VERNMENT 419 (iOV Twiss William, clerk Fisher Henry, clerk Haker Thomas, driver Wickens Arthur, foreman fHCtory (loiine Frederick P., machine hand <>illigan Thomas, machine hand Giiligan Edward, finisher Giirdner John, mnchine hand Taylor Frank, cabinetmaker Good Charles, cabinetmaker Phillips Joseph, cabinetmaker Rudge Henry, finisher Hartify Samuel, finisher Henski James, machine hand Uennett E., wood cutter McCrea J., cabinetmaker Rookledge — , finisher Schmidt — , cabinetmaker Sylvester — , apprentice Slifcrriden — , finisher ) The Westside, J. Hutclieson & Co., dry I 8'. goods { Flutcheson James i Maclure Frederick Louis | Campbell Angus, salesman 78 SO Mcln'to li \Vm. R , salesman C i; '> 11 Mrs Apnes, rtressmakc;- Bourchier & Higgins, real estate Bourcliier Francis Hig^ins Wm. Ralph Jenns Louis Henry, clerk Ellis & Co., props. Colonist FiUis William Harrington iSargison Albert George Lawson James, editor Gibbons Charles H., repoi-tor McDowell William J., reporter Siirgison Frank R., nccntintiint Cullen William H., night foreman Cullen William, adv man Macabe Thomas B., job foreman Creech William, litho. foreman tJIark William H., color foreman Edmonds Wm., pressman Vipond Arthur, engineer Ellis Abe. job printer Clyde Fred., job printer Blackburn Alex., job printer Morrison James, job printer Trtzawa W., litlio artist Naniura S., litho artist llewartson Wm., jun., litho pressman Blain Robert, compositor Xye William, composito*- Randolph Joseph, compositor Givens — , compositor Ferguson — , compositor Mackie — , compositor Carley Dave, compositor CoUis — , compositor Evans — , compositor McDonald — , compositor Wiggeth — , compositor Sims Mary Mis-i. press feeder Sims Georpina .Miss, press feeder Holness Miss, varni.-ib hand Lince Mi!s(iii (ieorire l''eiiiiiiiiii(i Diiiiiilil, clerk t'liiiili Imiiics SI' rlintf, clerk MoUulierts .loliii I'.lliull. iiies.-ieiig"r (Mmrlos Willinin H., clerk Me(%Miliiin DduhIiis 15., clerk Wiirbiirlini llciirv lliiiiie, clerk l)ii\ey Kreilerick Williitni, clerk Doininidii (iovcrniiieiil ^^)iVlllLrs Hank (iniluiiii .l(ilii), nssl. ree. (jeiKMul MHcIiiiii)3;hliii ,)iise|ili llu^l), iicouuiUnut llnywood (Jims., junior teller SSiiiilh Jolin. tiu'ssi'njrer Uppi. of I'nlilic Woiks of l\ui.'»(lii (iitniMe FrHiieis ("link, resilient cnginepr Mcnoiiiiiil t'linrlcii N,, iiccmnilnnl I'ost Otiico InsiM'cltir'soHice Fleicher KM-raril liyiie. inspeolor Uorinaii W illiimi, iis-.sl. in-fi otor KofTcrsi Merbert I'lir-ilt, clerk IW Hrtll, (ioc) I'l A ('o., insiirunce lliill liiclmni (toe|ic'l Williiini .Julm KiiiAinan lulwHni John, insiirance clerk liiviTiMxil A Ldiulon & vy, prop I'ie'ce Wdliiuii Michael, waller Norris l''ri'dcrick, liarnesH iStrmig I'" rank llulli, clerk Wade Albert Kdward, Coreniaii Dniioaii Wllliaiii, harnessniaker (>ataiiHh .lohn, saddler Klliott John William, hariiessnmker While Saiiiuel, liiirneHsniaker Hrowii I'orter, liariiesstnuker Carter Alfred 'riioinas, hariiessmaker Jacksion Samuel, harnessmaker Victoria Maths, VVilliiun Wi.iltaker, phip Hius.sell Ueorpe .Samuel, barber (Jeieserl !..evi, barber (iiisiner Aiii^nsl, barber Whillaker Sanitiol, barlH'r Prnm (Jeorgo L., barber Whlttaker •!!( liindley, taxidurmisls WhillHkcr Saninel Liudley William Omineea .«alooii, Jolin Sleveu,*, jirop Uarruw John Kaye, M.D. Ciirniicliael Kdward Ulack, iiianrrs' apeiiis Krskine Archibald B., boots and shoee On William John, clerk ,/<)// ri lion iiileriyfctH. (Jeniiania saloon, Himvertl k liiUer, pnijis Siewei-d Henry Fcrdinaiui Hitler Robert (Ini Waw, Cliin.'se laundry I'ow Kee, tailors Fow Yuen, 1 lUils and slioca Jackson T. H,, Chinese inti'lligencc olliii' Povvull (.Jeorgc, k Co., Iiardware, etc. I'liwcH Cioorg.' Cnrrcll William Dicks Slemler & Karle, Pioneer steatu cuflee niil spice mills Steinler Louis Karlu Thomas Smith iirst Henry Meiss Miss Flora \'. Vacant Pbillips Cieorge, tinware IJurtis Lee Garrett, tinner (iranat Arthur, watchiiiuker Hamons Samuel, clerk Graham Thomas M.. clothing Graham Waller, tailor Wing L. G., k liro., buots k shoes Wing T. B., of L. G.Wing & Bro HTBKKT KIllKiM'iiltV, 421 f : • ■ I' , c ( ■ (i(»V OOVKIINMKNT IIKX , mantra' Rpciiif (8 litl'l SlKlt'6 it('lli{j;*'nce oilia' rdwiirf, L'lc. ir.o N'lirri-i J'lli i 'I'li')!!!!)-*!!!!, ^ii;j lilting; iiini Ki'lly I'lcilci ick, iiIiiimIht li'ii; Niiriimii Smimiii'1, t'niilM Niiliiiiiii Mus lliiiiiinh. cIciK li'.i; I'liiii'c of Wales siiIimmi, Miller it lirowil, |in.p-i Millrr .)iisi'|i|i lli'dwii .IcKcpli Henry l''(i\ III my, iii;;lit clerU li;i Hcviipi''! Cnniii'rdtil iiitiracrls. Ills Chinese iierclmnlH 17(1 Clliliese n.' May Vine l,mijr, inereliiinlH 171 (,'liiiiese \'eei'iiil)U' Hliire I7ll Cllilie-li' I7s Clin (Junk Yuen, vej^'eiiililen IS'I ('liilie- I, Ailker.v: I'lell.CJi.een City I'luii- iiij; Milis .liiliiHiiii lolin A. Wiilker (ieorixe l''k'll Henry 'I'. lieriKin .ltinie.-4, fori iinin (iciiiuiisdn Aiirnn, snslininker (ionnii'^on lienjiiiiiin, plmier (ik'iistin Mielinel Don^la'^, carpenter Havisoii Henry, mill liiinil ./eniiinijs iv'esti'r, carpenter Walker. lohii Areliiliiiiil, apprcntico (iililiarii Jahe7„ iniMliand JA'acli William, a])]irentico Davies William, apprenlico Fredetl Kdwarj liogers-on Isaac, carpenter DunaUUun Hubert, niilliiand I'riiirini! III'. Iii'gim. * Uridgf! QiieiHK nv. hef/ins. * Ferris Willium Douglas, of Uartcr & Ferris Jiay intersects. Johns ends. ,'!J| Ward Henry liveretl, (;riieer SalDon, Kverill Ward, pinp. .'l.'iH MeLiieliliin Hiinlel Mcldieldan .li iinie Mis-i, senmslren.^ Ill mil I iiilx ilui'li' li'llil I liilllll' , (JIM'II'IN, riulii (,lna.|r;.. lii'iii sini;.4. 5 WeUli .liilne- Wi.|ilvv(irlli, A I. W. 'li jji'iieker Ivl Willi!, paintei 7 Andrew-i .lame-, -^Iidi iruiker II ( !(iri|ir 'I'liipiiiiiH N'ailiiin, i xpreM.-niiiii, M I Marks Morris, peiMI- >■ I '.; WilkiiH l,e\vis .Moiri : \.'< .lani's Jane, wjil AiIm d wl Wallen^leiri liMiainie l''i-. diiic 'I'i Creecll WllllUIII -il liriiWM .Jiiseplj Ijeniy, li-li inriT liriiwn Willi. iiii, Iriii'k di i ver ^V.t ( lardner .Insepli. ii^'ejii ■Ji) I loml . I, line-', driiN nian .'•'i .Smith ,(anie-', eaipiiiier IIAIMll.SON. Ik, Ml ('jkIIioio IJ.iy roa/t (al IIi'.'kI i,r Vales) nitis N'oiili. * K.xnoiif I{icliard H'rijamin • Vacant, lllvN'IiV, rrmii I'lcfisatit d. iluM'.rwwu'hi, IliiTII SIDKH. Ii; Vacant '.J|| JSlii'pliinl (vliiiucil ( 'li:irli -•, engineer .\e:.-,(iii M . A. Mrs., widow Tuiinr iiilriyi'i'ly. 'l'^ Wat-:on Williiun Wudiiii^r|„f,^ carpenbev Wiil.miii ( !()rii .Mim *21 I'"evv Alfred, ^'mcer *,il lliver.s ii'iiry, hoiide decoraiur Hn'iijr mlrrm-i'ls. *ll .Smith .iM-epli, carpenter ■\2 Ty.-ioii .liiiiie,,^, tailor Tyrfon 'riiomim. A, 1. W. Ty.-ion Kllen .Mis.s ♦43 Mule .Jo-ii'iili Henrv, teain.sler Williann .famea William, toatnster ■17 Collin.H (["orire, laborer ,')1 Clark William ,Jn,seji|i, dairyman' ♦57 Campbell 1). 'J., Hi (Jo,, tauutry Ciimiiliell Danitd r>'j (Je.sslonl llol)c McKitrick, carriage makers McGregor Alexander Knight John \X . .McKitrick William .Mundort'.John Jacob, blacksmith Biickett William, apprentice 54 Pardoe Charles, liiliing tackle Martin Wiiliam H., gen. repairs 56 Chinese 58 Chinese 60 Railroad Hotel, John Begg, prop. Manning .Martin, bartender Johnson Harry, waiter 62 Toy Kee, mercliant tailor 64 Yee Lee, washing and ironing 06 Lome Restaurant, George Grossman, prop. McDoagall Donald, waiter Government intcrscrts. * Hodge William, general blacksmith Abbis Frank, blacksmith Store House Ontario W;igon shops, Wm. Powell, prop. Parr John, w^gon maker Travis Augustus, blacksmith Hay James Broad intersects. Vacant 88 Victoria Carriage Works, Wiiliam Grimm, prop. McKay Charles, c^irriagemaker .Murray William, blacksmith Gamble Gordon, blacksmith McNeil Lewis, blacksmith Island Market, Robert Porter b Sons, props. Porter Robert Porter Robert John Porter Charles Sangster George, bookkeeper Marks William, butcher MansoD Joha, drirer * 3') 84 104 F !■ '■ " r i » k Sous, STREET DIRECTORV. 425 J Oil JOHNSON joir Field Thomas, driver Porter Fred., driver Berrj Albert, driver JJouf/las intrrsecls. 10(5 Brown William, carpenter 108 Woods John, miner 110 Occupied Lennon W., chimnf y sweejier 114 Blue Post saloon, Samuel Clay, prop. Cowling Wm., clerk 116 Clay Samuel, groceries, etc. 122 Stat)le 124 Colonial Brewery, John Leahy, prop. Mitton Samuel, brmver Deback Octave, laborer Delahunty John J., workman IM BuiKster Holinda J. jMrs. Bunster Charles Biinster Nicholas 132 Carstens Johann, laborer McLean Alexander, laborer Huphes Dick, laborer Dudley John, laborer Miller John, laborer Hamer George, carpenter 110 Baines William Baine.s Martha Miss Baines Laura Miss Ikiiies Charlotte Miss liaiiies William Baines Frank 142 (lilus (leorfre Frederick, carriage trimmer Giles May Miss DoiKjltiii iiili'rsecli>. * Simpson George Lawrence, crockery 140 Ciimpbell Frank, sen. Campbell Frank, juu. 152 Biirnet P.. mason V'.O Matthews Thomas li;2 Patterson James 1()4 Brook.s — , artist 170 Redgrave Stroud Linroln llrtll Fanny, widow James L. Beegan Kate Miss Biiegan Annie Miss 172 (Uiase — , barber liS Xoith George North Edward; North George, jun. Quadra inti; meets. l.^G McDonald Annie, widow Alex., dressmaker Saunders Mary .Miss 190 Todd Jacob Hunter Todd Joha Lancelot 20(5 Dougherty George 213 Todd Charles Fox 220 Crawford Abegail, wid William P. /••.', intersects. 222 Bartlett Samuel, plasterer 22S .Munsie William, of Came & Munsie '23H Hickey Patrick, marine engineer 242 Gilchrist Jam<'S Hamilton 240 Watersou Henry (Jray 2.")2 Wentwortli Charles ifenry 2.")4 Jamieson — 2,'")(j Vacant 2G0 Horsley Samuel, ]ilastcror Cooh iiii('r'lasterer Pike Chas., plasterer Rumble Jolin, stonecutter Crockett David, stont-cutter Lauder Alexaniler, cook Carson W. G., carpenter Null Wm., painter Dickenson Edward, Albion Iron Works Wynn Edward, plasterer Sutherland W. A., painter Havener E. 0., ship carpenter Irving John R., ship carpenter Dougall F. C, Albion Iron Works Cook John blacksmith LaDgwith,H. E., Albion Iron Worka Davis W. J., painter ^ m ra 'v...i';j m - ii rj i*' m "•'' Hi i^i ,^-t.. 426 Henderson's victoria JOir JOHNSON JOH il. Planer C. E., tailor McKain J., snop carpenter Bawden James, cooper Nelson J., laborer Hawkins — , agent Wnddington Alleij internets. * Isaacs J., gen merchandise Levy Edward, clerk 25 VVillift Louis, bakery * Raine Frederick, sen., barber 29 French Bazaar, Joseph Labonrne, prop 31 Colonial hotel, Thomas Tugwell, prop Gorman James, day bartender Walker Robert, night bartender Simpson Benjamin, porter Nash Albert, waiter Paine Frederick, jun., waiter AVard E. W., miner Abbis Frank, blacksmith Boden Joseph, miner Cheater Harry, clerk Desty James P., school teacher Eaton George, teamster Grier J. W., printer Colonist Goudie John, logger McDonald Hugh, carpenter JlcCaskill Charles, laborer Murphy Hugh, miner McLeod Roderick, miner Oakes Peter, porter Saunders & Co. Ritchie William, laborer Stevenson Capt. Stubbs V/illiam, logger Woodwell A. S, tinner White J., photographer 35 Gilmore & .McCandless, dry goods (itilmore Alexander McCandless Alexander Gilmore McCandless Henry, clerk Spence William, tailor Ilepworth James, tailor Burrows William, tailor Randall J., tailor Johnson Arthur P., clerk Kinnaird William D., cutter McCandless George, clerk 37 Saunders Henry, wholesale grocer Wilson William E., bookkeeper Chrow William, clerk Oakes Peter, porter McBride Joseph, driver Oriental Alley lie^ins. 43 Indian Bazaar, John Jacob Hart, prop Davis Raphael D., clerk 45 Peoples Barber shop, M. W. Chase, prop 47 Wilson Thomas Todd, clothing 49 Jubilee Saloon (The), Sprenger & Gaerdes, props Sprenger Louis Gaerdes John Henry Lock John, stevedore Jackenson — , watchmaker Eldrich David, contractor 51 Tollicli John, fish market 53 Whitstone Abraham, fruits 53ARichardson & Church, manufacturers' agts "Richardson P. Frank Church J. B. Rock Bay coal yard Heathorn Arthur, agent 55 Cameron A'lUiam George, clothing and gents' furnishings Naylor William Brooke, clerk Glassey's 57 Victoria Loan office, Kirschberg & Lands- berg, props Kirschberg Samuel Landsberg Frederick ChadwiekF., clerk Kirschberg Joseph, clerk 59 Shotbolt Thomas, chemist, etc. Chadwick George, druggist Estes William, porter 61 Jenkinson William, watchmaker Government intersects. 67 71 Harrison A McAllister Harrison William McAllister J. Tolmie Andrew, clerk Dewsnap Frederick, clerk Brown Peter, fish market 73 Berwin Samuel, tailor 75 Aaronson Andrew Alfred, pawnbroker Levy Samuel, clerk 77 Miller Munroe, printer and bookbinder Workman William G., job compositor Jones Thomas W., job compositor Cullin Charles L., printer Beritzhoff Alex. F., book finisher AVilby James, printer Fitterre Henry, printer Butler Fred., pressman Brown Edward K., messenger Crook Miss Clara, book folder Miller Thomas M- Miller Eugene P. Murphy Miss Nellie, book folder 81 Vacant 83 Coones Stacey, second hand clothing 85 Pointer Nathan, second hand clothing Broad intersects. 87 London Harmony saloon, John Wiliifimi Phillips, prop Smith James, bartender 91 Bantly Mnrquis, cigar factory Berning Josepb,;cigar maker Bantly Simon Anton, cigar maker Gold Thomas, cigar maker 95 Penwill Charles T., hardware 97 Williams B., & Co. W^illiams William T., manager Fuller Harry, clerk STREET DIRECTORT. 427 !: Ij JOH JOHNSON JOH ftcturer3' agt» John Willinm. 09 Heal David C, stoves, etc. Howard Harry, tinner Bland Fred., tinner Feltoe John, tinner Allen A., tinner Christlow Thomas, laborer * Heal John A., tailor Pott? H. A , & Co., merchant tailors Potts Henrv Alfred McKenzie Mrs. A., widow, tailoress Greenhill Miss Emily, tailoress Levy Barney, cis;ar manufacturer Goodwin Samuel, bookkeeper Wolf William B., cigar maker Campbell J. W., cigar maker Jones Gustave, cigar maker Nuss George, cigar maker The Regent saloon 101 103 Douglas intersects. 100 Jones & McNeill, livery Jones JoLn McNeill John A. Gannon Thomas, stableman Murphy Thomas, stableman 115 Mable William, carriage factory Borden Chas. F., woodworker Eastman Samuel, helper 117 Occupied 119 Occupied 121 Chinese laundry 127 Hayes Henry Hayes William 129 Knight G. J., stone cutter Knight Walter, painter 131 Grimm Wm. 133 Watson Mary, wid Adam Moody Janette, wid Sewell P, Moody Florence Miss Watson Lizzie Miss, artist Watson Mapgie Miss Watson William Henry, moulder * Stellv's hall Bull William Ellis, dancing teacher Jilanchard intersects. 151 15: Twiss Edward Day Twiss Sarali Helen Miss Twiss William James Twiss Mildred Miss Twiss Marcella Aliss Rendell Henry Britton 109 Burton Frank, mason 1()1 Nicholas — , painter 163 Kent William Henry 1C5 .Martin Thomas, engineer Martin James -Mftrtin George 167 Lockhart Chas. Beardsall 9 Vacant l7I Chapman Thomas, laborer Guann Thomas, laborer Dorsey Harry, ship carpenter Jamieson — , laborer Keddick William, laborer Hollings Henry, laborer A.\ford Charles, sen., bricklayer Axford Charles, jun.. laborer 173 Gold William, sen., painter Gold William, jun. Gold Thomas, cigarmaker 175 Moss James, gardener Moss Hairy, fireman Moss George Moss Gertrude Miss Moss Jane Miss Quadra inlersfcls. 189 Halpenny — , painter 193 Pointer Nathan White Johann, wid James 197 Thompson Charl s Robert Jessop Grant 201 Cooness Stacey 203 Creed John, Jan., painter 205 Fullerton John 215 Vau Volkenberg Benjamin Van Volkenberg Benjamin, jun. Van Volkenbertr Adelaide Miss Shears Maria -Miss, domestic 223 Cro^han William 227 Bossi George 237 Lawson Henry Charles Miles George Miles Lottie Miss 239 Munroe Dan., capt " Lottie '" Munroe Sadie Miss Munroe William S. Munroe James 243 Rocket — , bui Ider 247 Unwin George, gardener 249 Prisey Leonard, laborer Prisey James, laborer 253 Bowman Henry, cook Cook intersects 263 Keefe Michael Green Michael, canneryraan Roarke Michael Roarke Thomps Roarke Annie Miss Roarke Katie .Miss Bulman William Grice Joseph, carpenter Bulman Margaret Miss Bossi Americo Vicenzio Green Mrs. widow Gilbert Fred., sealer 291 Lancaster John, laborer Lancaster Thomas, laborer Burbidge Charles, laborer 293 Little John, laborer Little Amy Miss, domestic 273 281 285 287 289 Et: -r 21 Vac.int 24 Rndgh Henry, stone cutter Rudgf Herbert .Albert, stonecutter Rudge Walter Price, stonecutter Rudge Marry, finisher Rudge Frederick, stonecutter Rudge Jennie Miss 28 Beek Joseph Frederick '.'il Anderson George William 34 Erskine Robert Er^kine Archibald Blair STREET DIRECTORV. 429 KIN LAN Foster Sarah Miss Adams W. H., agent yinger First intersects. Gregg Ahralmra I'nnline Ernest Arthur Collins Thoniii.s. journiilist (^iinipbell Areliih.iUl, printer McDermid Hugh Colin, bookkeeper Sceon I intersi rts. 59 Smith Williiini John .Morrison Ewen, nnrpenler 01 Elsvj'orth James, contrnotor (;:! .McDoniild Alexander, laborer OJ Gilchrist Farq'ihar. i)ia>teri'r Joyce Alfred, iila«terer Heritflsre jk-iiry Joim. builder IJaird J Jseph, gen acct, Vitcnnt Pauline Freilerick Pauline Fredi-iick Arthur Pauline George Pauline Annie Miss Third inlrrsrr/s, * Hillside School House Todd Miss. tea<'l](T Wliithrow Miss, teacher * Blockett John Charles, carpenter Fourth intersects. * Work J. Mr-'., widow lilackuooil Edward E. % 72 7:i KIXGSTON, LawroiK'o. Al on Woods GeorvT", coachinan Butler l!ohcit Butler T{ob"rt Jiime.s Butler Fred. Roliiiis'in William Charles (^hniitrell Jnlm Bar-low Gawji y George, truckman McBridi' Joseidi, driver Shire Carrie Miss, dressmaker Andcsou .lames I?. Rogers Cliarli'S William .Morrison Atiii, wid Daniel Fire Hall Roskainp John, carpenter Roskanip John, jun., sailor (hirei/o intersects. Foster Stephen, painter McEachlan Win. Foster Stanley Foster Ijivingstone Taylor Frank, cabinetmaker Hartley Samuel, cabinetmaker Roberts — , cabinetmaker from Meiizios to St ' James Bay Ward School Forrest Christina .Miss, teacher Eorinier Christina .Miss, teacher 71 Siewarl James Creech Harry 74 Burns James, insurance agent 81 Scriven Ven Archdeacon 82 Vacant X/. John entls. 02 N'orman Samuel, gardener -Vorman Samuel, j iti., clerk Norman Joseph, labcu'i-r Norman Thomas, messenger N'oruutu Hannah Miss 01 Saiiili A-^htiui. letter carrier O.'i .Miu'flls Domiuico 'M Siillivaii J^mcs, )iainter Ware Henry, laborer J/y /( / /■■■(/ / iiilr rs< ets. '101 CatOi James Adrian Thomas 140 Rayn.ur M.iry Grassie, wiil James A, Lawson Mary Rayiuur .Miss LABOUCJIFJiH. I'roin Vancouver to CooU, ,") Patterson Mrs. E. \. (ilardi'H'r Charles Frederick, bookkeeper Low ('huis I'ark, boikkeeper Earsman ioliii, (h'lk 11. B. Co. Girditii'r Gi()r_t;'e, d'-rk 10 Green Cii.'irles dc Blois, surveyor 2'i Beirynian 'Jliarles, gardener 27 Burns G. 11, I LANGIjF]y, fvom Courtnoy to Yatos EA.ST SlIiE, Fart iiilers''Cti. 2:> Warehouse J. Sehl 27 Warehouse uJ Davie i^ Bo'hvell, barristers-al-law Davie Tlieoilore B idwell Eiuet Victor Sullivan Daniel, clerk Gwinn (}. G., (dirk Wolfeiiden Francis Corby, student 37 Vacant ;i;i Vacant 41 Ames Holden Co. (The) (Ltd.), wholesale boots and shoos Flumnierleldi Alfred Cornelius, manager ^Jrskitle Robert, bookkeeper Keilmond William Heniy, com. traveller Henning Jame.s A., clerl< JIoMen Frederick Clark, clerk AlcKeown Angus, foreman WcKaonon (Jl-arles Waltermau, engineer Smith William, trimmer Riddell Benjamin, furnisher • f^.L ft , ..« Tl- II 'W N»?. j ,d *■; (^VJ Pit %!( fi; 430 Henderson's victoria LAN LANQLEY LAN Smith Ebenezer, trimmer Wetzel Frederick, fitter Flewin William H., cutter Miller Mrs. William, fitter Clinoter Miss Sophia, fitter 43 Angel Hotel, Frc'-jrick Uarne, prop 47 Pooley Hon. Charles Edward. Q.U. Luxton Arthur Philip, .solicitor Jesse Frank W., law clerk Jesse Walter H., law clerk Ward Cecil Walford, clerk Fisher William Edward, clerk 49 Victoria Gns Co. (Lid.) Hewlings Frederick H.. superintendent Thomson Chas. Wm. Uingler, sec.-treas. 51 Vates & Jay, barrii-ters and solicitors Yates James Stuart Jay George, jun. Anderson Alfred Charles, clerk Austin John Henry, clerk Courtney Henry Edward Arthur, clerk 53 Moore John J. Moore Mr?. Ann, widow ,M. Gray A. B. WEST SIDE. 6 McKilltcan & Anderson, contractors McKillican William Donald Anderson Walter James Buckley Ttjomas, carpenter Robertson Alexander S., carpenter Anderson David H., carjienter Dry.iuale William, carpenter Davis William, carpenter Rosskamp John, carpenter Conly Charles, carpenter Douglas Richard McClure Robert D. Brouffhton intersects. * Haywood Charles, Pioneer sash and door factory ('aselton Fred., carpenter Spotts Charles \., carpenter Rublee C. fe., carnenter Sharpies — , carpenter .Jenkins John, carpenter * Zipser Charles, coppersmith Fort intersects. Victoria Electric 111. Co. Hutchei»on .Mat., supt. Nairn James, engineer Anderson G.. engineer Ahearn Joseph, lineman Davie John C, M.D. Eberts k Taylor, barristers Kberts David MacEwen Taylor William John Williams Arthur F. Sidney, clerk RobsoD Fred. William, law student Patterson Peter Wallace, bookkeeper 26 28 30 Bastion intersects. Court House. * Supreme Court of British Columbia BegbieSir iMatthew Baillie, chief justice of Crease Hon. Henry Pering Pellew -McCright John Foster Walkeni Hon. George Anthony Drake lion. .Montague William Tyrwhit* Prevost James Chas., registrar Combe Harvey, dept registrar Keast Arthur, dept. registrar Evans Benjamin, ii^er Bland James w!, jun,, janitor County Court of Victoria. Combe Harvey, registrar, collector of votes for the electoral districts of Victoria City, Esquimau, and clerk of the peace Keast Arthur, dept registrar Registrar General's office LeggattChas. James, registrar general Tolmie Roderick Finlayson, first clerk Wootton Henry Homewood, srcond clerk Phipps .Marcus George, third clerk Law Society of British Columbia (Incor- porated) Wooton Henry Homewood, librarian SheritT s office McMillan James Eliphalet, sheriff for the County of Victoria Langley John .M., deputy sheriff" Miller Charles J., sheriff's bailitf Provincial Police Court. Langley John .M , seargent of B C. Polico -Miller Charles J., provincial police otHcsr Johnson Edwin wid., magistrate Provin- cial Police Court Campbell John, provincial police Kerr tleorge, provincial police Minkey — Cliancerij lane endx. 46 .Mills S. Perry, barrister at law Duck William, law student 48 Sargison George Andrew, accountant British Columbia .Milling & .Mining Co. (Barkerville) Eureka Silver Mining Co. (Hope) Selkirk Mining & Smelting Co., Illec'Hc waet 50 Fell Thornton. Darrister Reid Ernest, clerk 52 Walker Fred. George, barrister Clinton H. Fiennes, law student Miller Ernest, law student 54 Weights, Measures and Gas Inspector's office Jones Richard, inspector 56 Bank Excbaage Hotel ■3ec(a. tse. sh Columbia illio, chief justice of •Ing Pellew \ntbonv Williiim Tyrwhif. Bgistrar gistrar ;i3trar janitor " Victoria. ar, collector ofvotee listricts of Victoria clerk of the jieace {istrar ce ■egistrnr general yaon, first clerk ?ooil, st-cond clerk third clerk 1 Columbia (lacor- ood, librarian alet, sheriff for the ty sheriff " sbailitf ce Court. renX ofB C. Police ncial police officer raagistnite I'rovin- cial police police endi. at law ient w, accountant iug & Mining Co. Jo. (Hope) illing Co., Illecille :)arri?ter V student ent nd Oas Inspector's STREET DIRECTORY. 49t LAN MEN LANGLEY ALLEY, from Chancery Lane to Yates. 2 Vacant * Jensen Victor, Boomerang saloon Hawkins Arthur, waiter Daniell Edwin J., clerk McCLUKE, from BOTH SIDE.?. Street ends. * Reformed Eiiiscopal Church, Right Rev. Edward Cridge, Bishop Jfumboldt intersects. 3 Milton William, cook 5 Poole Walker, clerk P. 0. Collinson st beyins. 39 French Hospital, John Peterson, steward Jones W. H. MacNaughton, physician 47 Vacant 51 Herd George, carpenter Herd John, millwright Setferington Frederick, laborer Herd Jennie Miss Rupert ends. 55 Mitchell T. C, painter 59 Uarmichael J. H., wid Carraichnel John B. *Vj Graham Denely, gardener Vancouver St. MAEIA, across Chatham between (Quadra and Blanchard * Shakespeare Thoma?, laborer * Collier Janet, wid Alexander Collier Alfred George, printer MAEKET STREET, from Douglas to First Street 4 Stce'/e Thomas .Steele John Capt. Steele Michael, seaman Steele Daniel Steele Margaret E. Miss * Lawless Michael, carpenter Oldham cottage * HallettEli Hallett George, A. I. W. MASON, from Quadra to Vancouver. 10 Elliott Thomas, carpenter Elliott Richard Elliott George 14 Shaw Andrew, city pound keeper 22 Davey U.L. Miss Davey M. Miss 26 Wagg John, painter 28 Essenwlne Francis A., A. I. W. 30 Lang Ed., bricklayer 36 Fox Margaret, wid George Fox George Thomas Fox Catherine G. .Miss Fox Harriet A. Miss Fox Helen A. Miss 38 Potts Henry Alfred Greenhill Emily Miss, lailoress 40 Vacant MEARS, from Quadra to Cook. BOTH SIDES. 2 Randolph Marv, wid John Randolph Frederick, tinner 6 Hannan James, stone mason Hannan John 10 Marsh George Marsh George Henry, cabinetmaker * Old cemetery 14 Finney Capt. James 31 Townsend Charlotte, wid Alfred Townsend Harriet Miss 33 Orr John, tinner 35 Ford Mary, wid John Vancouver intersects. 52 Booth Cornelius, assessor 55 Beauchamp Richard Beauchamp S. Miss 57 Reid Samuel 63 Bailey Madison F., plasterer Harrison Loui.'^e, wid Toward 69 Wescott Alfred Ernest Wescott Russell 71 Vacant 74 Cameron A. R. Miss 76 Lewis John Weller Cooi. . Aersects. 95 Watkins M., wid John Watkins Elizabeth Miss MENZIES, from James Bay to Strait of Fuca. BOTH SIDES. lielleville intersects. 3 White Alexander, carpenter 5 Vacant Quebec begins. 15 Dunsmuir James Kingston begins. #22 Dominion Govt. Militia Stores and Drill Shed ' V' i : ! ii'i '».' :.? 1 ill 432 Henderson's viotoru W MIC MIC !•■' M ■" y ^1: 73 * 78 *S2 80 97 Iroland Chnrlos, foromiin of stores 45 Tii'dfiimrin Ilerinun Otto, (', K. Livofk W. T. 54 lii'oiiKlitoii I., blitcksmitli * Trouiico Thomas Jiicliard Jolin 12 Neaves Charles Miclii'/un intin-sectx. Irving John Cajit, Laing Joliii Anthonv Xortheolt William Walter, contractor Northcott Josejih Kojier, carpenter Nortlicott Orvilla Miss Laurens A. Shelby iMrs., wid Sliclby Miss Flevvin William Henry Oowiier Jesse lioss Alexander Toronh) I'li'/.t. Siincop inlersfcls. SmnlKield W. li. Capt. lienedict — (lodden — Allison — liodgers — M'reford — \ow house Pottingcr James, printer Govt. Duulldings 7Carmichael Kdward Black Carmiclmel Kdwar'l Doiigall Medana Roniolo. painier Urquhart Donald K. Cipt. Wolfi'nden Richard Colonel, Queen's printer WoH'eiiden Fraiiois Cooley ^Volfenden Artliur Uichard Goepel Philii> Dorset Nidjant intt'ixccln. * Sinclair Joseph Walter *■ I'ittock Itobcrt Pittock .Maude Miss Hil/iet 1 1t'll. * Powell George [lowitt Ada Miss J'owell Florence Miss *= Piercy John 173 Shears Walter, dry goods Elfenstone Jennie Miss JJ(iU((.s Road intersects. Straits o/Fiiru. MICHIGAN, fromEoacoM Hill Park. 6 MunroeAlex. Munroe Kenneth Munroe William 17 Dumbleton Henry Maurice Lenevew Edith Miss 114 *11 IM 110 JJ5 I3:i Lencvew liertram IH I'erry Charles Kdward, U. E. Perry Kate Miss Perry Gertrude Miss Kennedy ticnevieve Mrs. Wright (Cornelia Mrs. 22 Green Aslidown Henry 2"* Ajipleton Fivd. (,"ro.sson Annie Mrs., wid James Crosson Mary Misa i'ouiii/ hegiris. 30 Jackson William, M. D. Jackson Frederick Augustus Jackson Hichard 34 Cameron Je,s.sii', wid. Duncan Cameron Agnes Deanes Miss Cameron Jes.«ie Miss liennett Frank lliitcheson Maitliew llutdieson Robert Wooldriiige T. liirJciigi' Walk mils. 31^ MacConnell Joseph William Naylor W. 15. G. 43 Jack Ale.K. J'orrcsi Christina Miss J'rincfifs bcfjins, .').' Li.-isett James, painter \\'illiam^ Fi'i'd. 56 Perrio Geo. A. Utiri-I hv;iins. M'^nzifs intersects. 110 McL^od Patrick R'v. Simpson Ileli'ii Mi^.s McLeod Maud Mis^ SimiLson Gordon, clerk 113 Donels Fdwin Thomas Miss 120 .McConnan Thomas JlcConnun Douglas Mct^oniian (Jordon McConnan Walter 121 llolloway Robert, (irinter 125 McCuUoch Capt Wm. McCulloch (Jeorge Mar.sden Harry Mursden Annie Miss 124 Voung Henry Voung Henry B. Young Mattie B. Miss Young Ettie B. Miss Young Dora B. Miss Young Llewellyn B. Miss Young Annie Miss 127 Knight Matthew John Capt. 129 Dorman — 130 Davie Constance Langford, wid A. E. H. Skinner Emily Miss 14'! STREET UIKBCTORY. j;j:j MON MA W'liilW Miiilliii MisS 113 Wiirk J. M. Wiiik CImrlotIc Miss Wiirk John llcmy Walk Clmrk's I,. i:;'i Sliiiiitonl Jiiims Lconru'l IW TiiiiTii lliiniiiili, will. I)ilvviiitl Ti'iiiTii liicliiii'il Thiiiiiits Triii'Pii Jiiliii l'!iii!iiuM'| Truix'ii llainmli ('urili'liu Mis:J u:; l,iiiiilii'rt Allnii KivdiTick Ijiimhcrt Kiiif Mi--s U'l linriis .loliii D.iiiH'l, liiljorci' llciiiicy ■^1'"' , ilr.ivuiau 14'i Ko'ierid Mr.-i , w'ul. liO Williams :. * Monk Alfred, machipist * Wiukel Fred., eu^'iuoer Mi'nzies intcrxcrta. Buyd hrijins. * Drummond Thomas, carpenter Rdnilall begins. 31 Phillips George, master mariner Phillips Eleanor Miss Oswego intersects. 70 Macdonald William John, senator Macdonald Flora Miss Macdonald Edith Miss Macdonald Lilias Miss Montreal intersects. ' * Matthews John, laborer 91 Victoria Steam laundry Snaith M. R., & Co. 'm 1 I ■'} .1 t .11 ' *' 0,1) It? '-^ t 1 I, J I?* fi m m'.ul i\. K" ti ■434 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA NOR ONT Smitk Garrett, clerk Jacksoa J. A., foreman SteeusoD Wm., baker JacksoD W., baker Iloar W., baker Blantim J. W., clerk McVillen J., engineer Palmer E. Miss Heaton Alice M. Miss Phillips G. L. Miss Phillips Eleanor Miss iViiller Alex., baker Kenward Alex., baker Mumpford Harry, driver 92 Clark Walter, millwright 93 Vacant 97 Corris Eliza Miss Compton Theodore, engineer 105 Vacant St. Lawrence begins. Dallas Road. NOETH PARK, from Quadra to Chambers. BOTH SIDES. 1 Fee David Finley, sen., grocer 8 Nelson Urich 9 Fee David Finley, sen., grocer Fee David Finley, jun., carpenter Fee John Thomas, clerk i2 O'Brien Henry Lee, clerk O'Brien Lizzie Miss Bliss Lottie Miss KirscLberg iSamuel Tugwell Thomas, prop Colonial hotel 6 Draper Thomas, agent 18 Geisert Levi, barber 19 George William E., pilot* *20 Dale David 23 Dawson Mary, wid John 25 Williams — , carpenter 28 Wye's Emily Miss Woods Elizabeth A. Miss 33 fTweunap James, cab owner 38 ik'ckingham George A., com traveller Heckingham George, sen. Beckingham George, jun. Beckingham Joseph 39 James A. M. Mrs. 42 Devlin John C, grocer 43 Hall Frederick James 44 Murray John, engineer 45 Meston John, blacksmith Tranter Elizabeth Miss 47 Vine Henrv 54 Danby William, real estate 56 Moss Morris, fur dealer 57 Walla John Patraore, barrister 58 Marston Edwin Gardner, hackman 69 Owen William, mate atr. " Douglas " 60 Trace John, teamster 61 Hedges Alexander Augustus, H. B. Co. Hedges Francis Frederick, H. B. Co. 62 Hunter Waltar, school teacher 64 Lawson Richard William, teamster 66 Hilton Squire, cab driver Hilton Joseph Hilton Benjamin 67 Greeway Henry, laborer 68 Lucas H. Charles, baker 70 Hamilton Elizabeth, wid Hugh Levin H. A., policeman 71 Tepoorten Charles T., A. I. W. 72 Capel George James, compositor *73 Williams Arthur Francis Sidney 74 Vacant Cook intersects, 89 Jagers John F., capt. str Yosemite 91 Large William, A. L W. 06 Smith Samuel George, painter 103 l^cGrepor Moses, bricklayer 105 Caseiton Henry, painter lOG Carlow R., carpenter 113 Lindley William 115 Merry field William John, miner Argyle Frank, miner 116 Barlow Isabella Mrs. 117 Dillon George 118 Irvine Robert Chambers intersects. * Williams Edwin Austin NORTH ROAD, from Chambers to Fern wood Road. Spring begins. * Terril — , expressman 14 Brydon Thomas, carpenter Ridge Road begins. 21 FuUerton William Frank, grocer Fernwood Road. ORIENTAL ALLEY, from John.iOii to Yates * Crete Isaac, shoemaker * Hall & McCorkall, tailoring, etc. Hall Charles McCorkall James ONTARIO, from Montrer.: M Dallas Road * McLean Donald M. St, Lawrence intersects. tersects. a m\ Chambers lo STREET DIRECTORV. 435 OSC I* AN OSCAR, from Moss to Cook. * Irrine Ciurlotle, wld Arthur, dairj MoArtliur Dougald, driver * Bowness Thomas * Hodge William OSWEGO, from Belleville to Dallas Eoad. K. I. W. jmpositor is Sidney 2 Chudley William Quebec intersects, Kingston intersects. 12 Hicks Thomas, sailor ects. Superior intersects. tr Yosemite r * Warren John, engineer painter layer ir in, miner Michigan intersects, 54 Warren Augustus, engineer Bunting Lily Miss * Aldridge David, mariner Blackwell George, gardener Simeoe intersects. 82 Finlayson John Jitmes ends. I, from Johnson )ntrer.l ♦o Dallas 114 Brooker Thomas, carriage builder 120 Dempster Patrick William Dempster William SScott Niagara intersects. * Halls Wm., gardener PaXDORA, from Governm?pt Chambera. NORTU SIDE. tj Vatant 12 Chinese «14 New building 16 Oung Sing, Ohineae laundry 18 Storehouse 20 Kureka livery stable pourtaey Henry, prop I'.olden Emery, stableman Caigie Eli, stableman Morall Louis, stableman Work Frank, teamster Millingtou William, teamster Dawson William, teamster ♦ City Hall Douglas intersects, 40 Dwyer Joseph 42 Crosier Onery Morris, liveryman . Booth — , painter Baiker—, bricklayer to 50 Tierman Michael, drayman 52 Wilkes Charles, macLiuist Latham Samuel Shedden David, upholsterer Stewart James, A. 1. W. Freel James, A. L W. 54 Jones Charles Jones John Jones Thomas McXabb Jones Albert Edward C, stenographer 56 Loewen Joseph Blanchard av. begins, * Presbyterian Church (First), rev. D. F, Fraser, pastor Blancknrd av. ends. 74 Goodacre Lawrence, butcher 78 Vacant 80 New house 82 Fiterre Mary Mrs., wid J. P. Fiterre Henr}', printer Fiterre Bertha Miss Lintott — , prot music 86 Moody Thomas G., giocer MooHy Joshua Smitn Fanny Miss Amelia ends. 88 Dalby William Dalby William S. 90 Straith John Alexaader Magirl Charles Joseph, A. I. W. 94 Halponny William, miner Luke Jamea Hawkie — , carpenter Whitman Nettie Miss 96 Mansell Henry Mansell James, clerk Mansell Alice Miss 98 Walker John Wesley Meldram George Gladstone, butcher Meldram John William, butcher *100 Brodrick Ricliard Brodrick William, clerk ♦102 , acant Quadra intersects. 104 Selil Frank, Teutonic saloon 112 O'Brien Mrs., wid Eugene Teague F. W., sect. Y.M.C.A. Dee William, operator C.P.R. Fisher M., law student Miller E., law student Hill — Muir Alexander, bookkeeper Armstrong F. E. Miss 116 Hibben Thomas Napier Hibben James Parker, elerk 128 Denny William Denny George, Times office j Denny Lizzie Miss 132 Dickson W^illiam Stuart \'\ l'|:l^< ^' H ^T mim Mr*' 430 II ENDEn son's VKTdRIA I'a: PAMX'RA 1 AN I'lOiC'iurrr InterKccls. 130 St Lolli^ Ci)liege Van Neviil Failicr John A., [irinciiml Leterni Fiiiher Jusi'iili, teaclicr (iiilliint !>,, toiicliLT 110 I'attison William, com travolltr *148 Carter Paris, expressman Carter Aiuliony Oswald 154 Irvine William", policeman *l;iG Vigelius Anton, burljer 158 Geiuty Mieliael. laborer U'Brieii Mary .Mrs., wid Patrick 16i'> V'igelins Louis 17-' Murray .lames Murray Henry, compositor Cook iiitcri'ect!'- 100 FellJames Frederick Riljirca i.n in. 200 Forest Jolin, teamster 204 Fraser Donald rev., pastor First Presliyterian Chiircli CluimberH hseph Henry, saloonkeeper .lones HiMiiy J., Iiookkeeper .Masscii ,\',, hack driver N'elson Frank, hack driver C).', Atkinson Francis, muchinist (15 Quick Chris. (Jeor^'c t^uick (i(':r.' 440 HENDERSON S VICTORIA QUE Pioneer ends. North Park begins. 125 Leiser Simon 128 (Jonlin Michael, blacksmith 129 Dier William Allred Hindmarsh Etoile, widow Henry 130 Irving Edward Bond 131 Lowe Ella, widow W. H. 132 Reid Joiin, shoemaker Taylor George John Smith Robert, driver 133 Fraser James Rosis, carpenter Jones Charles F., Dun, Wiman k Co. Fraser J. R. Mrs., teacher 135 Garland Aaron, engineer Jones Thomas, printer Willis Mary Mrs., wiuow Chatham intersects, 136 Sargison George Andrew JSarpison James Jones 141 Ferdett Edmund, laborer Johnson Emma Miss 143 Roskelley Wiliiam Parsons, miner Green hey ins, 149 Collis Edmund, carpenter (Jollis Alfred, printer 151 Bennett James Hall, carpenter Bennett Edwin Rutlieven, tinner Bennett Maggie Miss Bennett Mary Miss Bennett Jessie Mi:)S 155 Murray Willii^m, blacksmith Murray James, Y.M.t.'.A. Murray Bella Miss Pembroke intersects. Princess interse cts. Queen's av interserts. Bull Street. QUEBEC, from Menzies to Monfreal. I Vacant 3 Hunifrey R. 4 Rus-ell George, barber Russell Fied. Rnsseil Alexandrine Miss 8 Jones — Jones Wilfred Roger Bridgeman Arthur J. 16 Young Louis 20 Frederickson John, cabman 21 Wilson William Wilson Joseph Wilson Barbara Miss W'ilson Elizabeth Miss Wilson Annie .Miss 22 Woolton Henry Uomewood 25 Matkay Donald 26 PLippa Stanley KAE Phipps Louisa Mrs- Phipps Marian Miss 28 Miller Jackwin Allan S. 33 Vacant 38 O'Hullivan Humphrey O'Sullivan Daniel O'Sulliran Ellen Miss Sullivan Kate Mis.^ O'Sullivan Teresa Misa O'Sullivaii Jane Miss O'Sullivan Mary Miss Oswego intersects, 46 Logan George Logan Fred. *50 Bendrodt James Oapt. • St. James Episcopal Church Scriven Veu. Archdeacon St, John intersects. 84 Borthwick Ralph Borthwick George Borthwick Gertrude Miss Borthwick Laura Miss 86 Meyer William Capt. 90 Bailey Benjamin Bailey George Nelson Biiiley Charles Ed. Bailej Adelaide Aiiss Patterson Margaret, widow Peter 95 Nuttal T. C. 98 Sabistou John Capt., pilot QUEEN'S AVE, fiom Government to Chambers, nOTH SIDES. Douglas intersects. * McCandless Alexander Gilmore 17 Frye George, custom house Frye Annie, widow George Milne Alexander 11. Prve Alice .Miss Frve Maggie Miss #21 Vacant 3") Cavin George Walker, captain 37 Anderson Alexander, laborer 45 Hall T. B. Blanchard intersects. Quadra intersects. Cook intersects, EAR, from Dougla.s to Quadra. HOTH SI S. 6 Mcintosh James, p.i 8 Newman Adolph. cigaruiaker Newman Paul, cigarmaker Burns John, cigarmaker Simon Amelia Mia> STREET DIRECTORY. 441 RAB ROC cts. ircb ids. 33 low Peter lot Government to rsects- Gilmore use arge captF.ia aborer fersectS' sects. sects. Quadra. ruiaker aker Newman Nettie Miss Newman Sadie Miss 10 Byrnes Gforgpj auctioneer Byrnes Lilly Miss Stewart Mary Miss 11 Mann William, bricklayer Mann Mrs , widow Andrew 15 Gabriel Alexander, teamster 16 Mflrshall Arthur William Winterlialter C. W. 18 Hoskirig Hannah, widow Christopher 19 Venlress James, carpenter 21 Tiickville F. L. 23 Sa.ii Lee, pChinese laundry 29 Jamieson obert, stationer Smith Cla''a E. Miss 31 Vacant 36 Berryman Richard Henry, bartender Berryman C, widow James 32 British Columbia Protestant Orphans, Home Walker Mary Mrs., matron Voyce M. J." Mrs., cook Blanchurd intersects. 38 Barry John Barry C. Miss 44 McKay Jane C, widow John 4G Mebuis Charles Fred. E., cooper Mebui8 Charlotte D. Miss Mebuis Frederick, cooper 48 Vacant 52 Anderson Simon Bfll John, master mariner * Christ Church Cathedral, Anglican, Rt. Rev. George Hills, D. D., rector 50 Ross John, salesman 60 Howard Eleanor A., widow F. A. Beaumont Frederick, rancher Howard Florence Eleanor Miss Vernon Hon. Forbes George Noiris J. G., major 64 Doene C. E., widow J. H. Doeue Margaret Miss 66 Jemmett — , captain 70 Wooiton Eliza, widow Henry Wootton Edward Er.ieSt Wootton Stephen Yardley King Elliott H. Mrs. RANDALL, fromSimcoe to Niagara. * White Alex., carpenter * Fairfield Andrew, carpenter Dryburgh Andrew, shipwright * Richmond John, carpenter * Pettigrew William, machinist Davidson Andrew, moulder RICHARDSON, from Vancouver to City Limits, 1 Fritzher Thomas Stephen 7 Tilton Edward Gibson Winter Ann Miss, domestic 11 Carmiclia'-l Archibald :m Jackson R. E. Billett Emma Mi-!3, housemaid Collins Wm., coacliman 25 Reid rev. John, U. D. Reid Ernest Cook intersects. 73 Trutch John 120 Green Abrahain Green Charles Green Eleanor Miss Green Car )line Misa 124 Whyte William 128 Whyte Robert 134 Gordon William RIDGE ROAD, from North Road to South Road. 20 Winet Frank K., carriagemaker Winet Frank R. Mrs. Centre Road begins. South Road, RITIIET, from Turner to Menzies. 28 Cornish John Charles 30 Vacant 32 Kellogg Isabella M. Mrs. Kellogg If-abella M. Miss Kellogg C lara May Miss 34 Jeffrey Robert Milne, bookkeeper Menzies intersects. ROCK BAY AVE, from Rock Bay to Gorge Road. * Collister Richard, steamboat inspector 12 Collister John Kichard, sporting goods 14 Leigh Jaiues, of Leigh & Snider Leigh Byron Leigh Llewellyn, sawyer Leigh & Snider Hill/ intersects. * Stable 28 Clyde Alexander, blacksmith Clyde Frederick Charles, printer 31 Gowdy William John intersects. Henry intersects, 5G Kelly David L., shipwright 58 Carter Robert, carpenter Carter Thomas Wra., pattern maker David intersects. 66 Shore Sarah, widow Joseph Hastings Benjamin, stonecutter Pyatt Joseph, painter Campbell Frank, moulder Ctl r\ 5' I':: J Vi J y-'-^Hi f 't; m' ::• IS! 1 im Mm 446 Henderson's victoria THI Toil 61 Dorman W. H. Kbert IMiili]>))caii Miss, domestio 64 Kl)iliin9t(ine S. Mra. KI|iliinstoiie Krries* El|)liiii8t()np VirfriniH Miss KI|iliinHti)ne Laura Miss 68 Dowleii Mrs. •71 McCitndisli Emma Miss ftO (Cameron Clias. Nai'ior (Jnlmasler Tansy Miss, domestio 82 Haniinjr Tliomns 88 Murray A lexanijer, carpenter Murray Archibald, carpenter Murray Andrew, carpeuter Murray Ma^pe Miss Murray Aijnes, Miss Murray Jessie Miss Murray Agne3,wid. William Murray Lizzie Miss 94 PindefVV. G, C. E Atkius Ellen Miss, domestic Menziea intersects, 104 Flett Alfred 110 Jones Richard Jones Cecilia, wid Richard 122 Walker John Archibald 121 Jack Mrs., wid. Kerr John Blain Gibbons Charles FL Itcfrg Roderick Norman 131 Westaver — , carpeuter 133 Rome Andrew 134 Rutherford Archibald, carpenter Oswego intersects, 171 Imbert George Irving George M. 173 Moore William A. 175 Franklin William A. Franklin William Thomas Franklin Albert George Montreal intersf.rtu, TIIIEDSTEEET, from Iky to si [JO av. BOTH SII)!!». 1 Hewlings John Quantock 8 Anderson John, bricklayer U Creig Mrs. John 12 Blake Alfred, A.LW. *13 Ross William McKenzie, carpenter #14 Wilkerson James, carpenter Wilkerson Harry James, carpenter Wilkerson William, watchmaker 16 Goodwin William Starr 19 Burrows John, tailor Firth Hanson, bricklayer McCall Edmund J., tailor 18 i^iddall Hinkson Robb Audrew, teamster Petnie Harry, H.n.(Jo. 23 Woodruir Ephraim, bricklayer 27 Brown George, clerk 29 Jonea William Astley, bricklayer King's Road intersects, 46 McConnell John P. *47 Bittaiicourt Abniham Rood Mesher Arthur W., bricklayer •49 De Ridder Peter, carpenter •51 Grant William Cliarle,^, carpenter Grant Jatni'8 Andrew, tailor Hillside ave. iiiternects. TOPAZ AVE, from Suanieh Road East. Vacant house number Luke, bricklayer llumber Morris, pro|). brick yard Humber Russell, brickmaUer Humber Arthur, drug ch'rk Page So|)liia, widow Williiira Richard Foriinie Clanton Robert Thompson, clerk Bone William Henry Parsons Edmund James, jailor First begins, Jennings John, laborer Vurgess Frank Grtlley Cliarlotte, widow William Galley Miss Amy Hill TORONTO, from Roacon Hill Park to Moiizios. • Mackie — 28 Minckler Chas. 32 Seaton Henry Francis, poultry farmer Seaton Arthur .Seaton Miss Stella Seaton Miss May Alice Young ends, Carr beg int. Princess begins. 101 Lorimer William, patternmaker Lorimer Miss Christine 'eacher Lorimer William Alex., carpenter 112 Rutler Solomon, carpenter 116 Willing George Willing Cynthia Mrs. Murphy Thomas -,-st. begins, 120 HoggMrs. • Marks Lewis, clerk • Chandler John F. STREET DIRECTORY. 447 TRO VIC Stianich Road Beacon Hill Park :i3, poultry farmer TROUNCE AVENUE, from Govern- moiit to Broad. 2 Wells, Fnrgo & Uo, express oHice 1 Orono saloon MfN'iff' William HiiiiDan OforKe, bartender MeClii^kv Clmrles, bartender McMickii'ig il. li., & Do., electrical instru- ments 4 Victoria cSc EsquimaU Telephone Co. Baker Kdgar Crow, sec. and treas. McMickin); Robert IBiirnes, mgr. Chirk Arthur J., lineman Ahearn Joseph, lineman Bailey George Nelson, operator 3 Knrts Ac Co., clear factory * Mhsou William Henry, real estate TURNER, from Work to Victoria av. * Rock Bay Ward school Horton Miss Iiioretia, teacher Kevmode Miss Sarah, asst. teacher John intersects. Henry intersects. Turner, from Simcoe to Pallas Ed. Niagara intersects. Rithet ends. * Norman William, gardener VANCOUVER, from Humboldt to St. Louis. BOTH SIDES. Parkington heijins. Lootens Louis Rt. rev., D.D, Beechy ends. Lahouchere begins, 22 Bcaven Robert, M.P.P. I Beaven Hugo, clerk I 25 Hig^ins John Thomas, florist " Muuday Henry, carpenter Collinson ends, I Franklin begins, I 38 Cnllum Thomas Green 35 Campbell Donald, machinist *40 Dassonville Jules, manfg. jeweller i 42 I/ftwson Henry I 43 Beaven Thomas, laborer ;: 44 Giesselmann John Charles Frederick I Giesselmann Miss Carolina ! Giesselmann Miss J. 45 Jenkinson Charjes William 50 Dougherty John, scavenger Hichardaon begins. 56 Caton A. 0. Miss Mii'lure ends. !^ci>iesby begiiin, Burdelte ave. tnds, *89 McQuade Lewis Gregory Bellot begins. 80 Powell Lt. Col. Israel Wood 93 Lester Peter Coutts ends. Belcher begins. 109 Hnyward Charle!", sr., contractor Haywiird Charles, jr., Dom. Havings Bank Lex in Miss Eslin 103 ('ombe Harvey, registrar Supreme Court Smith Miss Nessie JUears intersects, 110 Byrnes Robert, bookkeeper * Wilson Major John, com. agent Campbell-Reddie Arthur, dept. Provincial secty. Fort intersectH. 120 Levy Joseph Lewis 124 Grimm William Vieio intersrcta, 126 Shade Ellen, widow David Shade Edward David, waiter Shade George Adam, shoemaker Shade Miss Margaret Mary, tailoress Shade Frederick William, a|tpreutice 128 Brooks William, bookkeeper 130 Roberts Thomas William, mate steamer Boscovit7. Lorance Thomas, mate str. Iiouise 135 Gilards M. Vates intersects. Johnson intersects. * Coles John, bookkeeper Pandora ave intersects. Mason ends. VICTORIA crescent from Bur- dette av..foot of Quadra to McClure. 46 Bland James William Bland AUred 38 Hutcheson James Hutcheson Miss Jennie Hutcheson Frank 22 Roccabella ■Jorand Henry, prop. Jonnd Miss Jane Harrison Dr. Prentiss J. Douglas Marriott Mrs. W. Auatia — i»»4 rj I.. ! § '-:; (..» " nil ■i ♦ i! id %u .1 448 HENDERSON S VicroRIA VIE VIE VIEW, from Broad to School reserve. 41 Dunlevy Peter Dunlovy Jennie Mrs. Driard Hotel, Redon & Hartnagel, props. Donnelly Kate Miss Rpdon Louis 43 Wriirht Wm Hartnafrol Giistave A. 45 Faulkner E. W.. mate Campbell Colin, clerk 46 St Anne's Kinderjjarten school Muriaet Cliarles, barkeeper 47 Baldie Marry Wood Jeronip, barkeeper 4A St Andrews Pro. Cathedral Wileox .loseph, steward 49 Lundv Annie Mrs. Lfttnbert Felix, chief cook 55 Davis E., widow Charles Beck A , eook 57 Winchester Henry, logger Harold George, cook 59 Iienii.-qr George' Hampton George, waiter Gl Brabiner William, mason Aluriset Einil, clerk Tavlor George, mason Muriset Chas.. bell by 63 Chambers Robert, cannerymaa Gordon .M., bell bov Walby Bert., bell boy Blanehanl intersects. Reid W., bell boy 69 Carter John VVilliara, contractor Tribe George, waiter C:.\vton A. A. Sli.ide Edward, waiter Carter Edith .Miss Bohon George, waiter 70 Phelps A., widow E. R. Clark William, waiter Phelps Mary Miss Fielding George, porter Phelps Naoma Miss Heckersley James, expressmai Rale Mrs. Davis .Maurice J. 72 Mauriuaun Charles, carpenter • Victoria Opera House 73 Rife _ 18 Wright F. W. H. 74 Phillips Joseph Eva Wright .Martha .Jan.!tte Mrs., dressmaker Phillips Joseph Retnllack Tyack Kniily Mi.^'s, seamstress Phillips Canditie Martha Miss Harris Agnes .Miss, seamstress 75 Switzer John William Switzer John ■ Jouolas intersects. Hillyer Alice Miss, nurse eirl 20 Rendall H rf., paint shop 7G Phillips J. E., gri...ite and marble works 21 Moraes J.iseph, painter Flemming John, stonecutte.' Moreas ilenrv, upholsterer Anderson Louis, stonecutter 22 McNitt' William Phillips J. R , stonecutter McNitFCImrl -s, ui)holsterer 77 Ilomen Frederick AicNitt' William, carpenter Rifcdle Frank 23 Joies John B. 79 Young: Pcier Buikette Alice Miss, tailoresa 81 H.armony Hall 24 Dri'irii's employees rooms Dickinson's dancing academy 25 Wallace Emma Clara, widow Charles W. Vancouver Island Building Society Wallace Walter 82 B:aden John Wallace Leila Miss Braden Wm. Henry 27 Hong Long, laundry Braden Edward Holland 28 Evans Sarah, widow John 83 Bauinann Fred. Maynard Harry, brakeman Baimiann Louis, confectioner 30 Oliver William Jasjier, dancing teacher 85 Gowen Charles Oliver Kate Miss Go wen Frederick Augnst, clerk Winn Merlin Gowen Au.iie C. Miss Oliver John Gowen Mary Emma Miss 32 Chamberlin Seth Lewis 88 Muriset Charles 31 Jones James .McNabb, painter 92 Powell Sidney, carpenter 34 Miller Anthony Grant — 35 Henry Clara, widow Alexander Fitzgerald — Chadsey Ella Miss Hot! — Rose Wni. S. Powell T.ottie Miss Lryant Theodore Powell Niu.: Miss 36 Vacant 94 Bond Willis 38 Bull W. K. 93 McKitrick William Bull Wm., dancing teacher McKitrick Lillie F. Miss 40 O'Brien George 95 Vacant O'Brien James 96 Proctor Richard tfi ^flPW uirse girl te atid marble works meciitter meciitter cutter STREET DIRECTORY. 449 VIE WKA 97 Brown Henry Gardiner, painter Quadra intersects. '"2 Siitlicrland Hugb Alex. 104 Viiciuit 105 Vacant 107 llodt'ti Alex., granite cu' ier 111 V'lU'iint li;i Viii'imi 112 Kiliii.irids Wni., ])ripter Kerr Joiin, carpenter 114 licbbmgton Thomas, captain rJ2 Wi liams Wni., mason Williams Robert T., bookbinder 134 Cowley JoLn Joseph Vancouver intersects, 149 Morritt — , 150 llewett Flemmiog, farmer li:ili> Jane Miss Bull' Annie Miss 1 156 Lawrence Ellen, widow George R. Liuvroiice George, assayer Lawrence Kllen Miss Lir rciice Sarah Miss Law.fnce Mary Miss 1 157 Miu'wick Mary Mrs., nurse 1108 Day Giierrin, oabineimnker [liO iiay Jessie, widow Job.) Hay Andrew Gordon, stonecutter Il72 Uiaik Josej)h, ship carpenter |l80 Lovell John Babcock |lSl SaviiRe Robert William Savajie )/iliiara, clerk f'184 Atic'iis Wdliatu, ship carpenter Aikiiis James, carpcn'er 104 Pediui Alexander, laborer I'JC Kiiigiiam llev. Bii.,N C. \V., 0. E. 198 Moilev Henry A. S. tl2 Fell .J.imea SpiiMing Sylvauns Charles, master mariner |13 Viu'aut 127 Nidiols Wilfied, lalwer 129 McDonald Patrick, la' ^rer 130 Ami'M'son W alter Aiulurson Elizabeth, widow William Anderson Jennie Miss, music leacber Atkinson George, laborer WiH'cu Charles Sidney I'AbBINGTON ALLEY, from Jolin- r won to Yatos \1 Moreley Christopher, soda water mnfr. ;, Ure James, foreman i Smitli Kobert, driver S Sm> th Henry N., bottler "> Wnllf\ce Wra., bottler \ Jones Henry ■ Siuiih John K.ptiuius Kear of Hotel WALLACE,from Soutliyato lo Cricket grounds. * Cameron Alexander, farmer Cameron Albert Edward, clerk Cameron Charlotte Miss WALXUT STIiEI':T, from Chambora to l-'oriiwood litiiid. * Phillips George, stove dealer Bartholomew Caroline, widow Henry Cedar Hill Jioud begins, * Wilkinson — , laborer * Pierce William, gardener * Jelfs Thomas Jolin, painter * Elliott William, stonecutter * Reiil James, cook * Scott William, carpenter * Marrion Arthur, plumber WHAJ?F, from Government, James Buy bridge to foot ot Jolinson. BABT SIOK. Courtney begins. Stephens Harry, galv. iron cornices and meial roofing Perry William Henry, foreman HhII Allred, tinner McDonald Edward, approntlce 0'Br\an George, apprentice Marsden Harry, cornicemaker luibert George, tinnei' Broughion begins. 53 Customs Appraiser's office Milne Alexander Roland, surveyor and ap- praiser McLean Donald M., packer Frye George Washington, clerk HiU'kett Wm., customs d.avnian 55 Uelliuan Joseph, furs and skins Davis .Maurice J., agent Jeplison Hiiam, porter 57 Vacant 59 Raytier Thomas George, real estate and in- surance Olson Sanitary drain-pipe PriAident Savings Li^'e Association * Customs Unclaimed Warehouse Hnnter Richard, chief landing waiter Morison Frederick J., tide waiter Lawsou Robert, tide waiter Beckwith Herbert P., locker Frankly n William A., landing waiter 61 RithetR.P., & Co., mercliants llithet Itobert Paterson Chudley William Moore, accountant Monro Robert Roas, bookkeeper Ml* X 1 ' »;■»« i « 1 4 " '1 If -*i' ....■ i 1,1 ":; ' !■ -tf ' ■, 'i <,,n k- ' ^ . , ;> -^ M' '■? '-^ i .1-" Hi.,, Ctjj ■3» m rill \m If h '4: m -li J* ' ■til 450 r.ENDEIlSON'a VICTOBlA WAR WAR Ker Robert James, cash'sr Seahrook lloails, salesirnin Benedict Itobert How'.nl, stenographer Mariin Henry Jones, snicannin Leigli William, clerit Wilson Herbert Gjiilding, clerk Dickinson (Jliar)'.s Edward, clerk Lawson Williari Alexander, clerk Bherwood Gec.ge, porter Fisher James, porter Roff Thomas, porter Pacific Coast Steamship Coi In'perial Fire Insurance Co. Queen Fire Insurance Co. Reliance Marine Ins. Co. New Zealand Ins. Co. (Marine) Straits Ins. Co. (.Marine) Thames & Mersey Ins. Co. (Marine) Columbia Flouring Mills Co. of Knuetby Moodyville Saw Mill Co. Giant Powder Co., of San Francisco 65 Strouss C, & Co., dry goods, wholesale Btrouss Carl Bloomingdftle EinRn'.:eI Btrousf Morilz., manager Godden Henry (MiU'ord, bookkeeper Cameron Charles Xapier, salesman Fee John Thomas, salesman Wrigles worth Charles T., clerk G.irdinei George Allan, clerk Blooniingdale Herman, clerk Freedman Charles A., clerk 67 Marvin & Tilton, whol. hardware Marvin Kdgar Tdton Edward Gibson Marvin William Thatcher, salesman Marks Louis, clerk Bastion he(/ins. 1\ Gray A. FB., & Co., importers Burns James Gray Alexander Blair Brilii,h Empire Mutual Life AfSociation \7».''< .Fohn Henry, salesman Coles Frank Henry, bookkeeper Jackson Richard, clerk V6 Findlay, Durham & Brodie, ins. and comm. merchants Findlay George James Durham John Henry Brodie John Jlenry Johnston Matthew Trotter, manager Loewen Herman P., clerk Matthew William Murray — , clerk Neaves Charles, porter Northern Assurance Co. British & Foreign Marine Ins. jO. British Columbia Canning Co. (Ltd.) oj London Praser River Fishery Naas River Fishery Windsor Cannery (Skeena Rirjjr) Rivers Inlet Cannery (Rivers Inlet) TSjSears Dean Smith, sailmakcr 'Barry John Joseph, master mariner 77 Lubbe Theodore, raw furs .Maguire Bernard, porter Esquimau W'ater Works Co, 81 OldSiiip Inn McClusky Charles B. McKinnon Thouias, barfendet 83 Leiser Simon, whol. grocer Yatea begins, 87 North Pacific Saloon 89 McLean John, blacksmith Birney Thomas, blacksmith 91 Spanholtz Charles, cooper shop Neaves Arthur, cooper Smith Frederick John, cooper Brtwden John, cooper 99 Occidiiiial Hoiel, V lUiim Jensen, prop. Baird William. . Ick Andrews Char'v., 'liftr: ^'-rk Berryman Riohi- :• •!> artendef Hooper .Miss Sara.i, w.i iress Baylis Miss Anna, wmtress McLean .Miss .Mary Jan<:, waitress McLean Miss Jennie, waitress Hill W. H. E., contractor Taggart W., carpenter Bacchus T., wheelwright Holtz Charlc* Pyke C, master mariner Holmes J. Monday H., contractor Schofield Frank, mechanist Alexander L. West F. P., contractor Henderson H. S., survpyof Hopfenzitz L., sign paintei* Robinson C. H. Saunders W. H., carpenter Williams F. Goss Joseph, master marines Dempster James, canner Irvine D. R. Jeffrey R, M., bookkeeper Burns W. C, bricklayer Charters T., clerk Burke James Quinn R. Oday B. S. WBST SIDE. RaynT T. G., mfr drai . <^M Clark Miltcm • Custom House Hamley Hon. Wymond, collector Milne Alexander R., acting surveyor appraiser Finlaison Charles S., r'ii f ; jrli Newbury John C, cashii i Fawcett Edgar, clerk Fletcher C, clerk Hunter Richard, landing waiidr STREET DIltECTOftt. 451 E WAH WAR r (Rivers Inlet) liimrtker :na3tpr mariner w furs rter orlts Co. 5. bartendet grocer begins. )n ksmith icksmith cooiier shop ijier ,)lin, cooper per V illiaTU Jensen, prop. •k ■;^,;.i, rtrtendef ii, Wii'u-ess , waitress y j a no, waitress ui*", waitress atraelor lenter ilwright mariner 'actor meclianist ractor , Burvpyoi' ign paintef carpenter ister marine* canner lookkeeper licklayer rk [ifr drdi • '"^^ iVymond, collector ler R., acting surveyor «. lies S., c'.i^^ -'f!^ IC, Ciislut-i: 'i K clerk J Terk i, landing vfa.ier Atkins W., clerk Graves H. W., clerk Urodrick Wm., clerk Franklin W. A., landing waiter Morrison F. J., tidewaiier Lawson Koberf, tidewaUer Frye George VV., apiiraiser's clerk McLean Douiild, sorter and packer beckwith 11. F., locker Bunting C. E., landing waiter Esquimau Inland Kevenue Department Gill William, dist insjiector Jones Ricliiird, collector Williams Georjje, deputy collector bhj.> iff Charles J., excise officer Perkins Cliarles, messenger Department of Marine Lewis Herbert C, agent Bteamhoat Inspec;or's Office Russell Wm. AnMesiey, insjiector Collister {{ichard, insj). of llulls Wynne George, messenger 20 Jones Thonms Compton, boat builder Jones Miss Annie G. 44 li'inrelliardv Paul, cooper 46 Mcl.eou Alexander, emp. II. B. Co. McLcod James (iilihon 02 British Columbia Fire Insurance Co. Shakespeare Noah, president Cowan M. !)., manager Morrow David Waller, sec.-treas. Cowan, Shaw & Co., com. merchants (lowan Mayiuud llavelock Shaw George Chester Miickenzie William Giles, comm traveller Jones All)eri K. C. , stenographer Galer William, ollice boy Sanford Mfg. Co. of Hamilton, clothing Mills & Hutchison of Montreal, woolens Morrison James of Toronto, brass worka Boeckli Cliarles, k Hon, of Toronto, 'brushes Gnriiey E, & C, .t (■«., of Hamiliou and Ton.nto Benny. Macpherson & Co., of Montreal, ha raw a re 64 Canadian Pncitic Navigation Co. (Ltd.) Irving John, capt. manager Vinci'iit Frank W., asst manager Cliiirleton (Jeorgc Augustus, freight agent Baxter (jliarlcs N. pass, agent Pullinger J. (J., secy, to manager Ualby Frank Joshua, clerk 66 Iludsons I5ay Co Hmith Thomas Itobert, asst commissioner Muiiroe Alexander, accountant ] Livock William T , local manager I Andrew John Alexuniler, cashier J Ileilges Francis Ferdinand, clerk I Field Harry Ernest, clerk 'I Ridgman Albert, Hatherly, clerk ' Combe Robert, clerk Rhodes Arthur, clerk algernon \ Booth George, clerk Chandler J. F., clerk .Middlet ,n K.-ilh, clerk Karsman John, clerk Apidetoii Frcilcrick, clerk Miirlcy Henry A. S., clerk Hedges Alexander Augustus, clerk Paiiliiie Hrrbi'rt, clerk Gooilwin W. H., clerk Richards John, clerK McLeoil Alexander, portef (Jlicle Henry, pucker Mitchell O , packer (('Sullivan Hiimpliery, storekeeper Ilorton Robert, furrier 72 Todd J H , A Sou, wholesale general mer* chiindise Todd Jacob Hunter Todd Charles Fox Allice I'himias, clerk Stewart Josejib, iiorter Goiidy Tnonias, drayman 74 Marvin E. H., Hi Go, ship chandlefa Maivin Edward Benjamin Cox John Graham Adams Frank, woodman Monroe William A., bookkee[ier 7G Ward Robert, k Co., ins, and comm Ward Robert Royal Swedish & Norwegian fjonsulatd Maclnre John Charles, clerk Langley Ar Jiiir Robinson, clerk Ward Will am Arthur, clerk McConnan Herbert Gordon, porter Royal Insurance Co., Fire and l^ife London k Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Standard Life Assurance Co. London k Provincial Marine Ins. Co. Alliance k Marine AoSiirauce Co. Union Insurance Co. (Fire k .Marine) Ewen k Co., Cannery of New Westminster Hon Accord Fishery Co., of Coqiiitlam and Sea Island British Columbia Packing Co, of Anniville, Eraser River McLcllan A, J,, cannery, Xnas Iliver Kirkman .V Sons, ot Londo-', pianos Stuart J, .t W., twine and net mfra., of Musselburgh (Jiiriiss k Harvey, of London, gun powder 78 McQiiiiu" P., k Son, ship chandlers McQuade hd-'aid Aiigustia McQiiade Louis Gregory Pliinimer Robert, clerk Yarmouth Ddck & Yarn Co , of XoTa Scotia Fibre Values Co., of London, Eng. Davie'j J, P,, k Co., auctioneers Davico Joshua Davies Philip Jiidah, clerk Elworiliy Frederick, clerk Turne^, lieeton k Co,, mercbauts Turner John Herbert Beeton Henry C. 80 80 |"i» il! IP IT 11 i mm ■ ■ '. i '■ k i> ll ' «! ifiiilS' !' I 452 Henderson's victoria VVIL YAT I .1 Byrn Richini S., accountant Harvey IJout, cleik Turner Aitliur. clerk Siimllticld Walter B. Flnlayson Roderick Graves Noel Edgar, clerk Harvey George, clerk Penny — , jiorter Cowper \\ . H , wharfinger Inverness Cannery, Skeena River Ale'lakalila Cannery, Skeena River Halniornl Catuiery, Skeena River Guardian Fire Assurance Co. North British & Mercantile Fire Tns. Co. Ci^rnmercial Ins. ('o. (Marine) of California \" ;ker Hiram, &, Sons, of Walkerville J i v., hoots and shoes, of Montreal Or 'ihvay & Navigation Co., Dock Nort ,. I'acitic Ry. dock brake illiain Tyrwhitt, coal mcht 92 Eiirle Tiio uas, wliol. grocer and com m mcht 94 Alert Bay Canning Co., of Alert Bay North Pacific Canning Co., of Skeena River Magnesen Alfred, bookkeeper Moiiat Anthony Charles, shipping clerk Caselton Richard, porter 96 Boscowich J. & A., raw furs Hartwell H. .J., nigr Peat James, ()acker 100 Warehouse 102 Warehouse 104 Warehouse 108 Victoria Truck & Dray Co. Irving Capl. John, president Carlion Geo. A., si'cretary Macartney Samuel, miinager Br.Nce James, stable foreman Rose Findlay, driver McNeill Kr>derick, driver lUcKiiinon M , driver Galhraith Findlay, driver Bryce Robert, driver Bryce Daviil, driver Galhraith William, driver Burgess John, driver McKay GiUiert, driver Booth Samuel, driver McDonald F. J., driver Brodenck R., shipping agent WILCOX, from Kane to Fort. 9 Vacant WOEK, from Rock Bay to Point EUice Pleasant begins. 17 Victoria Machinery depot, Spratt & Gray' props. Gray Andrew Munro Alexande"- K. Arnold John W,, machinist Houston William, machinst * Wash William, patternmaker Spohr Frederick, blacksmith Kusta Andtpw, engineer Dearberg John, ap()reniice Wilson Frederii':, apprentice Griffiths Wm., biass moulder Kennedy David, engineer I'S Vacant 31 Morrison James Morrison James Mrs., dressmaker *39 Vacant 40 McLean John, blacksmith 41 French Inmates 43 Mac'kay ane, widow John Mackay Doii;;M George, letter carrier P.O. MackayHugh, carpenter Mackay Annie Miss 42 Madigan Benjamin, engineer Madigan Kale Miss Madigan Maggie Miss Madigan Elizabeth Miss Madigan Eleanor Miss 46 Booth George Altreil, clerk H. B. Co. Booth Emily G. Miss * Columbia Steam Match Factory, Thoma! Hendry, prop. * Gray J. H. 51 Foster Robert, engineer .50 Uatson Franklyn Pierce, clerk 52 Vacant * Burgess Steplirn S., laborer 53 Colvin Roland William * Clyde Ship Yard, Roland William Calm prop. Trtgg James, ship carjienter McLeod Angus, shij) carpenter Bennett Richard, ship carpenter Colvin James, ship carpenter Stephens Richard F., ship carpenter Sutherland David, boat builder Hale George, apprentice YATES, from Bay Eoaii. 83 Wliarf to Cadbor: NOHTH SIDE. 2 North Pacific saloon, Dougherty & Savajs props Dougherty George Savage Robert William 6 Baker R., & Son, Hour, feed and comi sion Baker Michael Baker Thomas Henry, bookkeeper Hannan John, driver Walsh John James, driver 8 Pioneer Soda Water Works Phillips A,. & Son, manufacturers Phillips Alexander Phillips Philip Aaron I I STREET DIRECTORY. 45S liinist cliinst •nmaker fksmith icer tniiee iprenticc moulder ■i.ueer , dressmaker smith V Jolin irge, letter carrier P.O. enter engineer iSS Miss Ml, clerk H. B. Co. Match Factory, Thomai •inoer Pierce, clerk laborer Uiam . „ , . UoUmd William Calrc carpenter |) cHr|ienter ship carpenter |i carpenter F., ship carpenter boat biiiUler rentii'e { Wharf to Ctidbor: ITH SIDB. con, Dougherty & Savaji (re Villiam ,n, Hour, feed and comim Henry, bookkeeper [liver mes, driver k'ftter Works son, manufacturers ader Aaron YAT YAT Phillips David A., clerk Phillips Samuel Aaron, driver Phillips Charles Aaron, driver Lee Arthur, bottler Grimason William, foreman iQ Pitts S. J., wholesale grocer and fri'its Howell Lenox, bookkeeper Cusack William, com traveller Good Harry C, com traveller Ure James Graham, shipping clerk Edwards Adam, porter Turner Frederick, porter Mair James, porter ,2 Albion saloon, Powers & Johnson, props Powers Michael Johnson Renholt John Brown James, bartender Alleij beqins. 14 Findley Hueh, scale adjuster 16 McLachlan Bros., warehouse 18 Buckett William, truck and dray Abrams W^illiam B., driver At^^ard William, driver Hood James, driver 20 Caspar Wolfe, tailor Raraous Samuel 22 Kelly S. L., k Co., stoves and tinware British Columbia Ice Co. Kelly Samuel Leon Kelly Samuel H.. v>ookkeeper Curry Frank Herbt-t, salesman Jpckson Oliver, forei.'an Gates Robert, coppersmith Beny Harry, tinner Orr John, tinner Pearce John, tinner 24 .McLachlan Bros., com merchants .McLachlan Daniel McLaclilau Kohort Grimason George, driver 26 Clearihue J. & A ., com merchants Cieariliue Josepli ("learihue Alexander Skidegate Oil Works of I. C. Island Ricliards II., of Woodstock Laundry Soap 2? Oregon Milling Co. Wilson John, com merchant .10 Pearson T. B., k (."o., clothing manfrs Pearson Tliomas Bulman Put.nan William, bookkeeper i'atlerson William, com traveller Bennett Thos., clerk [ 32 Matthews, Richards k Tye, wholesale and retail hardware ■ 34 Matthews George ' Richards Thomas Tye Thomas Hickman I'auline Ernest Alfred, bookkeeper Ella Thomas R., clerk Galley Fred., clerk Beckwith Henry, porter Oriental Alley begin», 36 Oriental hotel, W. McKeon k Sod. McKeon William McKeon William James Chamberlin Seth, bartender- Stevens William Albert, clerk IlerrinK William John, ]>orter Pilling James, bus driver Duncan Walter S., waiter Gordon George, waiter Servantee Paul, chief cook Hargraves George, C.E. Crow William, clerk Lindsay A.. E. .McCartney Sum. Galligher Daniel A. 40 Jetf'ree W. J., cloiliing Reid Samuel, clerk Cunningham Roljert Andrew, clerfc Miller — , clerk 44 Lewis Lewis, clothing 46 Lewis Aaron, stoves and tinware- Ferguson John Kenneth, tinner Hantz Frank, tinner 48 Taylor GhiulesM., tailor Miller Fred., tailor 50 iMcDonald Peter, tobacconi.st 52 Steitz Bros,, bakery and restaurant Sti-iiz George Pelletier John I'uter Steitz Frederick Smith George, bake 56 Palace saloon, Boiilivvick Ralph Beyer William, bartcnd'ir 58 Salmon Henry Louis, tobacconist Gintzburger Samuel, clerk Government intersecti. 60 Jones Bros., photogra()liHr3 Jones T lomas .McNiibv Joni's .Idliii ('nin|ibcH Mis.-' Ague,-;, olei-k G2 Gretrij; k Son, iiierehant liiilurs Gi'fi;-^ Abraham (irt'c.'./ Frank Gr(';.'u- (''havles, r-nt'er Grfis Emma Me'i/,ic3 .Miss .Maggie Biii'k( tt .Mi,ss Alice Carter Miss Georgiana Blanchard .Miss Amy 64 Equitable Life Assurance Society Ballentyne C. G., general agent Esuouf R. B,, local agent Dalby k Ballentyne, real estate Dalby Wm. S. 33 '!i m 1^- 464 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA YAT YAT ii«i » r I') 66 Vaio ft Brooks, tisb, fruit and produce V«io John Brooks Jnmes 68 Walker Walker, coal and wood Berridge Frank U., clerk Clanssen John, watchmaker Ridley Robert, engineer McCaskill Donald, teamster Hoore Charles, teamster 70 McLennan & McFeely, stoves and tinware McLennan Robert Purvis AIcF^ely Edward John Dudgeon Kobert, bookkeeper Randolph Frederick, tinner Bailey Harry, foreman coruiceraaker Foster David Livingstone, cornicemaker Baird Wm., tinner Hague Wm., tinner Thunnan Richard, tinner McFeely Frederick, tinner 72 Evans W.W., & Co., pork packers Bvans Wm. Woodbrldge Evans George, butcher Evans Wm., butcher Evans Joseph, cabinet finisher 74 Hilbert Richard, boots and shoes 76 Norgate Tbos. Burroughes, architect Siddall Hinkson, gen agent Morrison Richard, physician 78 Holmes Arthur, clothing KaiiuoiU' Fi-auiis, clerk Broad intenecls. 80 Devlin Jos. C, grocer Devlin Robert Healty, clerk Giv on John U., clerk Boegan Miss Annie, bookkeeper Kales Lome, porter 82 Fire Hall No. 2 Deasy Thomas, chief engineer Gowan Charles N., asst. engineer Bush Charles, engineer Haigh Bcnjiimin, (;ngineer Gardner John, driver Deusy Wm., fireman LeRoy Frank, fireman Farrell Thos., fireman Burns Louis G., fireman Whitcomb Edward, fireman Hayes — , fireman Sliort Wm. A. Smythe Henry Kmylhe William 84 Holness James, tobacconist ' Wilson John James, bakery Smith Andrew James, baker Croghan Wm. Henry, driver 86 Paririilge John, dry goods Partridge George, clerk Savage Wm., clork Hall Mrs. F., widow, milliner Bunting Miss Lily, clerk McNiffMis^ milliner 88 Haughton ft Co., dry goods Haughton Thomas Wescott Alfred Ernest Wescott Russell, clerk McAdams Mrs. Laura, milliner Walker Miss Bessie, milliner 90 Irving Thos, Lewis, boots and shoes lire Charles, shoemaker 92 Roarke Michael, confectionery 94 Thomas John, customs tailor 96 Pierre John Thos., merchant tailor Pierre Joseph, tailor Pierre Samuel, tailor Phelps Miss Mary, tailoress Dowjlas intersects. 102 Clarence Hotel Anderson Wm. Cummings Travers John Henry, clerk Dougall Charles, barter. der Edwards William, steward Carrick William, head waiter Weale William, waiter Tolmie Roderick, Land Dept Prov Govt Clark Wyman, agent Fonthill Nurseries Clark J. Allan Franks Charles, owner " Black Diamond Barrett L. S. M. Anderson Miss Annie Bloomingdale — 104 Phillips Samuel A,, barber 106 Barran Jules, pork butcher 108 Mee Wa, laundry 110 Kerr William, furniture King Thomas, upholsterer 112 Lambkin Clark lliram, tobacconist 114 Sears Joseph, paint shop Lewis Edward, painter Frederickson F., painter Gabriel Edward, painter Turner Albert, painter Chester — , painter Rivers Henry, painter Dillon William, painter Pierce William, painter Young G. W., painter Stewart Albert, painter Robson — , painter Wilkinson Henry, painter 114^ Room 8 Williams M arren, musician " il Portmann N., grocer " 4 Fox Henry, laborer " Fox Mrs. Annie, housekeepei 116 Cruikshank Richard, soap mfr. 122 Philipps Wm. Hanlyn, engraver 126 Bowman Wm. Gile 128 Webb Frederick William, laborer (Jardiner Kate Mrs. 130 Travis Julia, widow Augustus Travis Angustus, blacksmith 132 Stevens George 134 Proctor George Henry, groce r 21 22 0) .T ry goods lest erk ra, milliner , milliner boots and shoes taker nfectionery oma tailor merchant tailor ir or ailoress intersects. immings •y, clerk barter, "ler steward lead waiter aiter Land Dept Prov Govt rent wner " Black Diamond mie L, barber k butcher rniture iholsterer liram, tobacconist nt shop ainter painter painter ainter ,er linter painter painter ainter painter er ^, painter US W arren, musician inn N., grocer enry, laborer rs. Annie, housekeepei hard, soap mfr. anlyn, engraver ile William, laborer Ivs. low Augustus ), bluckHmith Henry, groce r STREET DIREOTORT. 455 YAT YAT 118 O'Keil James ^UOWab Sing, tea and store wood 146 Phoenix brewery Oowen Cb«r)ea, k Sons Go wen Charles Gowen Charles Napier Oowen George Nelson Homa Fred., laborer Blanehard interteelt, I50 Vacant Hi Bates Annie E. Miss, dressmaker Bates William 8., clerk Bates Mary F. Miss, dressmaker Bates Hanna Miss 134 Norman Stephen, carpenter Brynolfson Bnoch, laborer 156 Stevens Walter 162 Wilson P., builder 164 Warehouse 166 Heal Darid 165 Mitchell William McClure Nugent Lizzie Miss Nugent Susie Miss no StrousB Moritz Preidman Charles Teasdale Annie Miss, domestic 17! Bowles Lilian, widow Brown W. Townsend — Langley Bdward 174 Wilby William Wilby Eliza, widow Henry B. Wilby George Wilby James Quadra interieets. 176 Howell — 173 Routled^e William Henry International Business Collea^e Hilbert Albert Bdward, stadent *l80Kent Charles, city treMnrer 186 Jessop John Scott Jessie Miss 192 McCormack James Vancouver interteelt. 206 Nichols John Nichols Jonathan 208 Sangster Alexander 212 Alexander James Alexander Fred. 214 Nicbolaon James Hilton 222 Ousack W. L. 228 Kelly Samuel Leon Kelly Samuel B. Kelly Andrew J. Kelly Emma G. Miss Cook interteelt. 230 Cook Emanael Gook Fanny Miss 244 Jones Jennie Mrs. 250 Johnston John, sfllesman Johnston Alice Leonard Hiss Johnston Mary Elizabeth Miss 252 Astrico P. A., wid Andrew Astrico Andrew 256 Lobbruncr Max., carpenter 264 Hartwell Henry John 270 Dooley John •CarneFredk., jr. •Corbin David Weber Jetiree Katron Miss McCue Louisa, domestic SOUTH eiDi. 1 Leiser Simon, warehouse 3 Bornstein Hermann, hiue«, eic. 5 Leiser Simon, groceries Gardiner Charles Frederick, bookkeeper Sparrow Walter Gilbert Low Charles Park, com. traveller Jameson Robert Hamilton, com. traTeller Dunnington Wm. H , porter 7 Capitol saloon, Thomas Flewin, prop Commercial Alley. 13 Boucherat k Co., wines, liquors, ete. Boucherat Jules Goigdarripe John Demers L. 0., clerk 15 American Hotel Burnes Thos. John Burnes Wm. 0., clerk Burnes Thomas Stanley, brass moulder Burnes Benjamin, brass moulder 17 Caton J. A. T., k Co., importers Caton Junius Adrian T. Lowenberg Carl Freeman J. H., salesman Steele Chas. A., clerk 19 Clarke k Pearson, importers Clarke James Benjamm Pearson Bdward, justice of the peace 31 Langley * Co., drugs Langley Alfred John Henderson Joseph N. Henderson Thomas M. Pillar W. B., clerk Hiscocks Edwin Hilliar, druggist's ssst Teeportin Julius, druggist's asst Whitwell Thomas, porter Carmichael Edward, druggist's assistast 25 Piercy John, & Co., clothing Piercy John Pauline Frederick Arthur Planer Charles, cutter Dodds Harry, clerk Hall Fred. J., clerk 29 Bank Exchange saloon, Gregory Glementl Sauer, prop Sauer Joseph, cook Langley begin*. ■■'■•"*l|f -'""■ilii 'f: i 456 HENDERSON S VIOTOBIA H \iHampson William Spencer Terry Chester Lee Pope Miss E., clerk Galer William, clerk Broad intersects. Hii Nicholles & Renouf, hardware Nicholles John £eaouf Clement Edwin YAT Langley Edward, accountant Johnson Halcrow Peter, clerk Hoatson John, machinist DesBrisay Delacour, salesman Purkiis John A., salesman 63 Brown Bros., groceries Brown William R. Brown George H. 65 New York Restaurant, Mn. Noel Geo, Johnson, proprietress Leonard John, waiter 67 Mills Thomas Oscar, shoemaker 69 Vacant 71 Vacouver Hotel, Fox k Dawley, props. Fox Charles Dawley Fred. James Jones George Lester, bartender Anderson Joseph, miner Beard William Bell John, slater Bates C. H., plumber Bates Joseph, stonecutter Bowen Benjamin, miner Croft J., slater Collej Frank, shovel engineer Cragie T. E., stableman Dawson W., stableman Davison A., seaman Evans W. G. Edington T., machinist Ewart R,, laborer Fergeson John, tinner Fraser A. J., brick mason Fleming H., laborer Thomas Farrell, fireman Gardner John, fireman Gray James, stonecutter Ganon T., stableman Hinshell B. Harvey Richard, miner James R.^iner Johnson w, R., blacksmith's helper Jenkins E., laborer Kaufman £. C. Leigh W. Lepme M., carpenter Madden D., longshoreman Miller J. R,, carpenter Morgan T., miner Murphy P. T., laborer McRae D., slater Neary D. Olson N., laborer Patterson Joseph, miner Pierce William, painter Parce William, marble cutter Peter A., laborer Porteous Frank, blacksmith Russell J. N., upholsterer Underwood A., engineer Wylie W. Worman John, stableman Wilban Edward, laborer , tr, li «6 N SI t, Mrs. Noel Geo. I loemaker ; Dawley, props- bartender Bt Iter ler engineer lan an Bt >r lasos lan tter ler ksmith'a helper reman ar rer liner Dter ble cutter icksmith Isterer iueer lemaa borsr STREET DIRECTORY. 45» YAT YAT House), f ounir John, laborer Field William, seaman Parker John, night clerk Murray Henry, porter Field Frank, head waiter Milton William, heHd cook Harding Evan, second cook 73 Coibei C it Warner, plumbers Colbert John Waruer J. H. fiaird Ambrose, plumber Ba*e« Henry, plumber 75 Brunswick Hotel (Temperance Altred Hodnett, prop BHldvvin Henry, head cook Smith W. B., second cook McKay Allen, waiter Truup Miss Ada, waitress Hodnett Wm. E. Black John, painter BAyrnes John, cigarmaker Buekett James Brown James, cabinetmaker Cambridge J. J. Campbell S. ti., telephone office Campbell W. A. Duke H. A., cigarmaker Eastbrook S. N., hack driver Fisber James, marble cutter Gouge Fred., at J. Sehl's Gamble Gordon, blacksmith Gentels Stewart, baker Hutclieon William, plasterer Iredale Wilson, carpenter Laugley Henry, plasterer Leslie John Miiir Alex., architect Menary John, printer McGillA. 0., carpenter McLean Milton, tinner McNeill Lewis, blacksmith McRae James, cabinetmaker Nuss George, cigarmaker Newman A. H., carriagemaker ; Orr W. J., at Irskine'a ■ Smith J. F., school teacher I Townsend John, clerk t Till Walter, machinist ; Hodnett Alexander A. P Jewell Henry, furniture :i O'Neil Hugh, clerk ; Ward Charles, upholsterer > Douglas intersects. Robillard John, fish and game Garnetl Miss Viola Waltars Miss Ada Newton Miss Frankie Jackson Mrs. J. B., electric appliances Vacant Leach John, carpenter Knglish Laundry, Joseph ElaTen3croft,prop KargerShultz Ferdinand 99 Chinese Laundry 101 Chinese shoe dealer 103 Calwell Hugh, horseshoer Calwell James, horseshoer 105 Stewart & Wilson, plumber and gas fitton Stewart John Wilson Alfred E. 109 Bishop's Palace, Right ^lev. John Nicliolaa Lenimens, D. D., R.G. Bishop of Vancou- ver Island Mandant Joseph Mary, priest VanNevel John Adolphe, priest Leterme Francis Xavier Joseph ILI Couves Mrs. A. C, widow Jones S., bartender Russell J., compositor Standard 117 Mitteu Thomas, city constable Couley Charles, carpenter 119 Dominion hotel, Stephen Jones, jun.,prtp Junes Stephen, sen. Jilanchard intersecti. 127 Wriglesworth Joseph, grocer Wriglesworth Edward, clerk Wriglesworth J., & Co., building material Snanich Lime Co. 129 Wriglesworth Joseph Wrigle-sworth Edward, cletk Wriglesworth Chas., clerk 131 Renwick William, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.A., L.M. 135 Sonimer Joseph Ragstead 0. A. Butteray Norman 139 King Christopher John, prop. Ei^quiinalt Stage line King Walter, driver Alexander Thomas, driver Barry William Barry Albert 147 Kasaaaro Uomanico *153City Electric Light Works Mc.Micking R. B., mgr. Foster Robert, engineer Divo Frank, laborer Robett John, tireraan 159 Savory William John Quadra intersects. 161 Keller k Burris. pottery works Keller John Watson, plaster Paris works Burris S. C, architect 1G9 Vacant skating rink 177 Boothe Samuel, driver 185 Clark William, carpenter Clark William James, waiter 189 Cleveland Milton Evan, carpenter Walker Donald Grant, carpenter Walker Bessie Miss *195Hagerty John, contractor Cain Edward, teamster 199 Occupied ... /•'«| ■it: ■1^ ".9 ! ,1 \ \i5 ■•4i * "'■ I 'I H.H ■u \ "! ■' '' ..' V ..^•.i» . ' '' <\) ' • .,.. x 4 •h> ". mm ■I nl^! 458 UENDBRS0N8 VIOTOHIA I" ■'♦rj ;8 3 ^^1 ft • D »' YAT YAT Vaneauver intersects. 203 VanVoIkenburg & Bro,, stables 219 Murray William, carpenter 229 Andreu^ Richard Bennett, drajrraan 231 Hughes John, pensioner Hughes Agnes Hiss Hughes Morris Cook intersects. 239 Batchelor William, drajmaa 243 Kent Herbert 247 Hartman Sigfrid Morris 249 Close James Hugh Close Francis Harold Miss 251 Crane J. E. 263 Barker David W. Barker Anna Laura Miss 255 McGregor James, LL.D., public librarian McUregor William Dawson 263 Moss nkntj Moss William, sen. ♦273McMillan Archibald Findlay McMillan Donald McMillan Bella Miss McMiilan Mary McLeod, wid Findlaj 275 McMillan Bros., bakery McMilian A.F. McMillan D. Stuart George, baker '277 Cunningham Robert Andrew Collinson Emma Miss, domestic 281 Bornatcin Herman 287 McKilliean William Donald McLeod John P. Gibbs Francis B. 291 DeOosmos Amor Smith Charles McKar Central Public school Halliday James, principal (boys) Hunter — Kaye James Doran Edward ?. Smith J. F. Pollard Annie Miss Sylvester Lizzie Miss Bradley Julia Hiss Armstrong Ella F. Miss, teachers (girls) Caldwell Letitia M. Miss Cameron Agnes Deanes Mist Keast Ada Hiss CarmicLftel Nelli* Miss Robinson Sallie Miss Monro A nnie Miss McLeod J. P., principal High school OSerhaiis Reinfish Netherby S. B. YOUNG, from Michigan to Toronto. 14 H»41eUe Chas. B. Ennie Harry Quinlan W. J., dentist 16 Vacant 18 Mason William Henry, real estate W: WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY SEE TEAT THE ORDER READS HENDERSON'S IBritish Columbia Gazetteer and Directoryi mall pal (boys) ig, teachers (girla) ill eiMiu 91 lal High aehsol higan to Toronto. at V, real estate ;CTORY \DB I Directory) VICTORIA DIRECTORY 1863 , ■■'^ti c ' 1 : '{*., •"■!•, ■•JlHlil 1 Mi» , -ij.. -^^ r*f 1 ....,, ^n ■3J • J 3 \ .| Icl ! fill'!, 1 3 ■«is 1 ■ Vf^ i •"4 ■1 i i'i» 1 !?»' . . At^ ' .if'fc i-'i«ISJ 460 IIENPERSON 8 VICTORIA fJIL WIL I 'V ''M lii R m m ff*- Oilmore Alexuinlcr, clothier, 79YatC8 Gorrie Thos., grocer, f>5 Port Hall Richard, uirent, Chatlinm Harris Jno. (Woolf, H. & Oo.), CO Johnson Hart Davi'!, with Hhirpser Htoo., Yates Heathome Wni.. bootmaker, C^ormor- ant Heisternian H., Exchange Reading Room, 111 Government Heywood Jo8e]>h, butclier, 18 Fort Hibben T. N. (H. & Carsweli), book- seller and Htationer, H7 YateH Higgins David W., publisher " Chroni- cle," Government Hill Dr., Right rev. Bishop, British Columbia, Church Reserve Jackson Wm., surgeon, etc., Store Jewil Henry, carpenter, Pandora Jones Charles, carpenter and builder, Yates Kelly Saml. L., tinsmith, 32 Yates Langlcy Bros. (A. J. & James,) drug- gists, 31 Yates Larman James, boot and shoemaker, 10 Yates Lester Peter (L. & Gibbs), grocers 20 Yates Lewis Lewis, clothier, 42 Yates Loewovvn Joseph, lager b'ser saloon, 84 Government Lovell J., clerk with S. Price & Co., Wharf Mansell H.. bootmaker, 87 Govern- ment Marvin E., Fort Marvin E. B, McKeon Wm hardware merchant, sailmaker. 42 Wharf barkeeper at P. Manet- ta's, dwl Broughton McMillan Jas. E., publisher "Chroni- cle," Government Medina P., merchant, Fort Morrison M. G., clerk. Park Cottage, Humboldt Munro Alexander, accountant Hudson Bay Co. Murray James, Yates Nuttall Thos. C, bookkeeper with I J. Southgate & Co., Wharf Parker Jno., Maclure Phillips Alex., soda water manufiic- turor, house 71 and 77 Fort Post Office, Victoria, 4!» Wharf Richard Fortune, carpenter, Fort Richardson Geo., Victoria Hotel, 21 Government Say ward W. P.. lumber merchant, cor Wharf and Fort Sohl Jacob, furniture dealer, 35 Gov- ernment, dwl Broughton Short Henry, gun maker, Govern- ment Shot bolt Thomas, chemist and drni;. gist, 55 Johnson Silva John, fruit denier, 27 Johnson Sj)ari'ow J. M., c' in post office, Pandora Steele P., at li.^ ... Exchange, 1!> Fort Storey Thos. E.. carpenter, View Stronach A. N., clerk with W K Stronnch, Wharf ThainM.W., Humboldt Tiedemaiin H. O., civil engineer, Km-- tion, dwl Superior Todd J. H..(T. Turner & Co.,)Victoria Produce Market, Langley Trounce Thos, contractor and builder. Superior Turner J. II. (Todd, T. & Co.), Vic- toria Produce Market, Langlcy Waitt Marshall, with Hibben & Cas- well, dwl Cormorant Wallace C. W^, with Dickson, Cam^ bell & Co., 16 Wharf Wells, Fargo & Co., (C. C. Pendorga^t, mauiiger.) bankers and express, 25 Yates White Eobt., boarding house, 49 fort Whitley Stephen, laundry, Douglas Williams Jno., chimney sweep, Mar' ket Alle}^ Williams Robert, M. A., 40 Govern- ment 459 keeper wUli .1. iVharf jvater manuf'iic- 77 Fort l«» Wharf tenter, Fort toria Hotel, 21 3r merchant, cfir dealer, 35 Gov- irhton naker, Govern- emist and dvui:- ler 27 Johnson 'in post otfico, _, Exchange, V) penter, View lerk with W. K oldt . livil engineer, m- ,er&Co.,)Victom [Langley li-ttctot and builder, J, T. &Co.), Vii- irket, Langley (th Hibbcn&Cai'- pant I th Dickson. CamH liarf (0 C. PendergaR cers and expres>. Lghouse,49Fort [aundry, Douglas Imney sweep, Mat] 1m. a., 40 Govern- ESTABLISHED IN 1836. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER IN 1640. Paid-up Capital, - £1,000,000 Stg. Reserve Ffjnd, - - 250,000 a LONDON OFFICE— 3 Clement's Lane, Lombard St. VICTORIA, VANCOUVER, G. H. BURNS. Manager D. SIMPSON. Agent The Bauk has also Branches and Agencies in NEW YORK. SAx\ FRANCISCO. LONDON, ONT. BRANTFORD, ONT. PARIS, ONT. IIAMIITON, ONT. I TORONTO. ON r. 1 KINGSTON. ONT. OTTAWA. ONT. BRANDON, MAN. WINNirKG, MAN. MON IRI'AL, QUE. OUEIU-C, QUE. SI'. lOHN. N, B. FREDERlCrON, N. 15. ll.MTFAX, N. S. AGENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN-Bank of Liverpool, National Jank of Scotland, Limited, and Branches ; Provincial Bank of [reland, Limited, ani Branches; and National Bank, Limited, and branches. Remittances made to and from all points by Draft, Letter of Credit, and Telegraphic Transfer through the Bank's London Jffice, Branches, Agents and Correspondents. Collections made m favorable terms and promptly remitted for. Bank of British Nortli ArmerlGa. -IS -■•"ll!. tft: 1-.. m ""ll *:i!;a * "Ml i m '1K« ■■a 'iP:ii ' t>i>i i:"i •?*■ '* i ifM t} ' ■J? 'tf ^h 460 ^o?5;» C ^:^ COLONIST. ESTABLISHED 1858. ELLIS & CO., f:e^of:e^ietoje?/S, VICTORIA, = B. C. The oldest and most influential journal in| BritLsh C^olunihia. Havin^r the lari^cst circiila- tion of any paper [)ublished in the province rhe Colonist affords advertisers the best posslbkj medium through which to reach all classes the Canadian Pacific Coast. To intending settlers the Weekly Colonis| ixives all the information needed. Daily Colonist, 1 ijcar |10.00. . Weekly " 1 " $ 2.00. Sample copies free! •H'.^ 461 VICTORIA TIMES. Thie Leading Paper of Britisti Coliambia. LARGEST Circulation and BEST Advertising Medium West of WINNIPEG. The Times is the People's Paper. The Daily goes into every house in Victoria, and circulates very largely in the other cities in British Columbia. The Weekly is read by every resident of the Province, and has hundreds of regular subscribers in Eastern Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. To reach the people of the Northwest, there is no other advertising mediun- that offers so many inducements. Dally Times, WeeKly Times, BY Wl.'.ll.. $10 per year. $2 per year. POBLI WM. TEMPLEMAN, Managing Editor. 'a I ':'y^ - I> "•■_1. Hi J.... mm ! lit. lii- -l 1 i i 4dS CANADIAN PACIFIC Naoigation Company. (KinilTKn I.IAHII.ITV.) INCORPORATED 1883, This ConiiKiny is t'ligagcd in tlie transportation of freigiit and passt-ngerj over the foilowing routes in J>riusli Cohniihia, making regular trii)s as noted, with the following welle([Liipi)ed, fast and commodious steamers, viz.: "ISLANDER," "PUi:3IIKU," " YOSKMITK," " PRINCESS LOUISE," "MAUDE," "SARDONYX,! " R. V. RITIIET," "W3I. IRVING," "AVESTERN SLOPE," aud " RELIANCE Daily trips ta Vancouver, connecting with the Canadian Pacific Railway. Semi-Weekly trips to New Westminster, ( onnecting with steamers of m] line for Hope, Sumas, Chilliwhack and way landings on Fraser River. Semi-Monlhly trips to I'ort Sinijison and intcimcdiate ports on the Northc Coast, which, when inducements are offered, are extended to the different laiuliK§^ in the Queen Charlotte Grou]) of Islands. Semi-Weekly trips with the fine New Steel .Steamer " Prk.mier " Iictwe; Vancouver and Puget Sound ports. 'JVips to P>arclay Sound, West Ccast ports and other points, wheiitvj occasion offers. ()( |g' u 111 Capt. J NO. IRVING, .M.\NAi;i R. G. A. CARLETON, (Ji:nekai, Fricioiit Agent. F. \V. VINCENT, Ass'r.-M \y\'t 4 C. S. BAXTER, General Passenger Mi 46S ^^ ILLUMINATE. The Electric Li{>iit is, without doubt, destined to be THE LIGHT OF THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. It lias proven itself more safe, convenient, cleanly and healthful than other illuminants. No ignition from match stumps. No oils to explode. No gas-i)ipes to blow up. No soiling of goods. No asphyxiation. No vitiation of the air of offices or homes. It is strangely suggestive of re- covered sunlight. eight and passengers ^ular trips as noted, lers, viz.: "SARDONYX, Tlie secret of siuTcss ill Kiec- tric Li{;-htiii{; centres in the coal Mile. r^ T H E BALL ELECTRIC LIGHT C^ MANUFACTURERS OF C/r.' tud " relianck; I n Pacific Railway. Ivith steamers of saf.i:| ser River. >orts on the Novihcrl lo the different UuulinJ "Premier" Ww\ Ither points, wheiitv: VINCENT, AssT.-M\N*'l LXTiai, Inerai. Passenger A-i] "^^i '£tECTRICllCHTIIWW»PARATUS b^ 67. Adelaide jT a/ ^ TORONTO ^ ON T. -::^t ^:__.. A dollar saved in fuel is a dollar earned iu dividends. r^. — _. i:^Jia.zi^ ,\\\ |THE BALL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND MFC 30. lot Toronto claim for their systems the al)ility to |)r()duce moreiigh' lur horsepower lof energy expended than can be i)roduicd by ;in\ other system known. They |guarantee their machinery to outlast other ni ikes, while they are able to sell it at jfiilly one-third less. They supply " arc " and '• int .iiidescent " apparaiu- or both Lombined, in any sizes and quantity. Long distance Incandescent J. ighting a specialty. Isolated plani i factories, Jniills. and machine shops, furnishe(i and set uj). Their looo-candle i)0wer arc iami)s are a great success. Prices and all information on application to their general western representative. R. B. McMICKINC, ^, ^ p. 0. BOX 357. VICTORIA, B. C. Correspondence Solicited. -"•Ill I »#i.j 'tt '■ ■at.. ' ; i IVJ •■'n: ■ri I!:;: <3 '"I M^ \l' 1'- 'tiiSip^i 464 ESTABLISHED 1879. Th6 /+en(l6rson Directory Co. PUKLISIl ANNUALLY kik lorlliiyd k Mi f oliiiiiliia Gazf ikr & Direc JllllS mm (I i\4 ^el11l()lil^Ul;l/dll1^lll(i Dre^^^^^^ Northwest Brand Book and Ranchers' Directory - $2.00 Vancouver City Directory - $1.50 Victoria City Directory - $1.50 Winnipeg City Directory - $25(1 K Al)l>l{i:SS ALIi OlfDI.KS TO THE HENDERSON DIRECTORY CO. L. C. HENDERSON, P. O. Box 278, VICTORIA, B. C. JAS. HENDERSON I>. O. Hox 278, WINNIPEG, Man » ry Co. Mm-M mfv -B ectory • $2.00 50 $1.50 ory - $25(' )RY CO. lENDERSOt (NIFEG, Man. 465 KOBERT WAIin & C<)., vicroRi^t. Royal Sv/edlsh & No>vvngian C3nsulate, REPRESENTED IN LONDON BY MeidMt*. II. .1. (lAltniNKK & CO., inRtSHlMBUILD'GS, BASSINGHALLST.,E.C. ROBE.RT W/VRD # CO., MERCHANTS AND IMPORTBRS^ Execute Indents for cvL-iy dL-scriptioii of JJiilish ami l''oici,Lrn Merrliandise, Lumber, Timber, Spars, Fish, and other l'rodnc;ts of ISrilish Cohmibia. SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGKNTS. ClfARTKIiS EFFECTED. GENERAL AGENTS- ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON & LANCASIIIIJi: FIKi: INSUItANCK CO. JSTANOAUI) LIFi: ASSl HANCK CO. iLOXDON & PROYINCLVL MAI«l\i: INSl l{.\\( i: ( <)., Ltd. UNION MAKINi: INSURANCi: CO. ALLIAN- Co. ; British America rackliiji; (;o., •'Caledonia'' and " Indian " Brands; A. .1. Mclxjllan's MiX|)foss" Brand. lOBT. WARD k CO., 76 Wharf St. Victoria, B.C. ■■■-41 ■ -••♦■Hi ■-"If i 'i'?l, Its , 'VP 466 ^H' Mi V'H » i»i tp- H. F. HEISTERMAN, Notary Public yi ,r iJ *" KSTABL,ISHIiD i86j. GEO. W. HAYNES ^f^Diiwi i mt i '■^F Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Apiis, 8 BUllNES HOUSJ:, BASTION SQUARE, VICTORIA, B. C Town Lotf< iiiul Ktirnis in sill piirls ut'llic I'l'dvincc fcirHivlc. Moiicv lijani'd on Ileal l>|;,i, at low rute^i. llon-cs toilet iitid Kciil> (•(illcctcd. Deeds iiinl Mortjiagcs pre)iiin il with di<|iat(li. Cliaiyes very iiuMterale. Wenteni A.«siiianee Co- nlTcprdiito ; Nfiitiial l.ilc Irisuraiiec Co. of New York; J'lieniy 1';, liisuraiu'e Cii. of lirooklyii ; l-'iiciiK-n's I'lind (Miuiiie) Iiis'.irHiiee Co. of San Fraini^en Odice of till' I'nderwril in;: and .\;;eney Association ol Lloyds (Murine). All liiisliiess iiitrii'.t<>(l ti> oiii' car*' «vi1l vorcivt' iiroinpt iilttMitloii. P. O. Drawer 4. Telephone 55. MORLEY MANUFACTURER OF ^^%M«Soda Water, Lcmonad Ginger /vie, Bitters ---^-"^-■s_ ---s^^ N-' • VICTORIA AND i ! GEO. W. HAYNES cfi teems, rjABE, luiiiictl oil Ri'iil I'.-unr luvtfragi's preiv.ind AL PHABETICAL DIRECTORY. NoTB. — The FOi.T.owivri AniiEviATiona ark used in thk Van(;ouvkr Dihkctoiiy ; the word street is omitted after the name of the street ; av are.nue ; nr near ; cor comer ; V.T.Co., Victoria Tramfer Co.; V.T. & D. Co., Victoria Truck andDray Co. ; C.P.N.Co., Canailian Pacific N.ivifiation Co. ; A.f.W., Albion Iron Worii Co.; K. & N. Uy-^ Exqnimnlt and Nauaimo Railwai/. I," C'W York ; l'iii'ni\ IVr Co. (if San Kniiii i-oi lytis (Muriiiu). Telephone 35. rEY! UFACTUREI^ OF Water, Lemona*! Br /Vie, Bittcfs) :CTORIA AND 11 Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, i.s cue of tho beautiful citie-s of tlio Pacific Coast, and is situated in the southeast part of Vancouver Island, al)oiit an irroqular indenture from tlie strait of Juan de Fuca on the South. The city is built on moderately undulating ground, and contains an area of about four square miles. T!ie nearest mainland is about 20 miles distant south to Toi't Angeles. Wash. The nearest Canadian mainland is about G5 miles northwestward by the main route of travel. Vancouver is 90 miles, San Francisco 750 miles, and Tacoma 127 miles. Vancouver Island extends some 40 mi!<\s fii.rtb(M' south tlian th(i 40tli parallol, .«o it flices U..S. Territory to the South anil East. The Hudson's Bay Conijiany establi.slied a trading post at Victoria early in the present century. In 1847 a fort was built tliere. Five years htter the town was platted, and in 18G2 it was incoqiovated. The first vessel arrived from England in 184.'5. For many years the Hudson's Ray Coni- pauy practically owned the entire Vancouver island, and whatever industrial operations were engaged in were related in some manner to the company's interests. This condition of affiiirs prevailed to a consideral)le extent till ahout the v(!ar 1858, when the Fra.ser river gold excitement drew throngs of miners t. iSritish Columbia. In a few months then Victoria developed into a floiu-ishing city, though but few of the twenty-five or thirty thousand miners who .spent the winter in that vicinity remained as permanent resi- j dents. Still its real growth began at that time, and it has had a gradual and [healthy increase since. ^4 I'lif; n 408 HENDERSON S VICTORIA d 1^1- fy No evidence of growth is move satisfactory tlian that suj)[)lied by the liberal expeiuliture of capital on now business blocks, handsome private residences, and church editices. The population of the city has been increasing steadily. In 1874 there was a population of 4,674; in IS'/ 6, 5,293; in 1882, 7,000; in 1684, 12,U00 ; in 1888, 14,000 ; in 1880, estimating from the number of names in the Directory, 15,000. We shall give an estimate of the present popula- tion of the city in our preface. The city's mercantile, manufacturing and shiijjjing interests have been developed by the support which it commanded as the central trading point of the province. Victoria has always been the chief trading ])oint of the entire British possessions west of the liocky i\Iountains, because it was vj accessible by water which was the great higliway for all commerce. Until the completion of the Canadian I'acific Railway, Victoria was the only place of importance in British Columbia, now other places are sprinyin,' up. It could not be expected, with a Province so rich in coal, minerals, lumber and fish, that one city would hjug remain the only distributing point for so vast and rich a Territory. It is the ocean gateway to the I'roviuw, and must ever command and receive a large portion of the interior and coast trade. Until about live yisars ago, the chief route for travel or traftic was by Avay of San Francisco or Portland, so it was no small advantage that \k toria was situated comi)aratively near these great commercial centres to tlit south. It is the oldest city in the ])rovinci!, and also the >- .inieicial metropolis and social centre. Shipping from all [uirts of tlu; world enters th.- harbor, making it an important port of the Pacilic seaboard. Victoria is increasing in size and importance from the force of its nwi momentum. The larger it grows the more rapid is its advancement. Xo limit is known to the scope for industrial development on the island, which ii: three hundred miles in length northwest and southeast, an area of abou: twelve thousand miles, which territory may be considereil as tributarv t. Victoria, and from the smaller i&lands of the adjoining waters and from tli- main land, much business ilows to the capital city. The government :: .administered from here, and if no other reason existed, that alone woiiL liave a tendency to draw business. The A'ictoria custom house shows liyfcl the largest business of any port of the province, and ranks as fifth port ot'tlij Dominion. Last year the arrivals and clearances of marine craft nuiaboiv;| over live hundred and sixty, aggregating more than half a million tot burthen, exclusive of those plying to the various ports within the province The exports for the year, as shown by the Custom House records at Victorii ^consisted of gold, coal, fish, furs, hides, lumber and curios, to a total valii; «f $3,475,908.00, and the imports (or the same period aggregated $2,9'li 395.00. The duties collected amounted to $873,952.20. These figure indicate the large volume of business which is transacted at Victoria. 111 a. f'^-i- ALPIIAIIETICAL DIRECTORY'. 469 supplied by tho I udsome private I In 1874 there I ',000; in 1884, I il)er of names in I present popula- I crests liave beou I tral trading point I ding point of tk I oocause it was iu I mimerce. I , Victoria was the I [aces are spriugin- in coal, minerals, distributing point ,y to the I'roviuco, )i the interior and 1 or trafllc was liy | dvantage that Vie ircial centvijs to tlit S(j the ' -uuerei.il th(! world enters til: rd. he force of its owi advancement. Nj the island, which i;. it, an area of aljou: ered as tributary t waters and from tli The government i: d, that alone woul: I house shows hyl.i :s as fifth port of tb irine craft numbon- half a million ton within the province 5e records at Victoria vios, to a total valu; i aggregated $2,922 2.20. These figuK id at Victoria. Bank of British Cohmdiia, Bank of British North America, and Garesche, Green & Co. (private Ixmkers), Canadian Tacific Railway Telegraph, Dom- inion, Wells, Fargo & Co., and Northern Pacific Express. Not alone as a growing city of promising prospects does it attain its full importance. The strategic point which it occupies as a national post of observation, sui)])ly and defence entitles it to the consideration it receives from Her Majesty's home government. P^sy poi)uhu' suffrage. There is also a Ladies' College (Anglican) and the large St. Ann's Convent, besides 2 l»rimary schools, maintained by churches. The city has provided a free jniblic library of about ten thousand volumes. The churches are well represented. They are Clirist Church Cathe- dral (Anglican), and 2 otliers, 8t. Andrew's I'ro. Cathc(hal (li. C.), Metho- dist (2), rresbyteriau (2), Baptist (2), Jewish Synagogue and Cliinese Joss House. The Itoyal Jubilee Hospital is built in tlie outskirts of the city, at a co.st of $160,000. It is located on a tract of 19 acres of laud, on which is a grove of oaks. There is also the St. Joseph's hospital, a jaivatt R. C. institution. The press is represented by 2 dailies, — tlie "Colonist" (morning), and the "Times" (evening); both papers pulJish weekly editions. The "Colonist" has extensive job printing, lithographing, engraving and salmon label printing departments. There is also the " Weekly Victorian " and the "British Columbia Keal Estate and Mining Journal " (monthly). The Es(iuimalt & Nanainio liailway is the only road having a track into the city. Construction was begun in October, 1884, and the road was completed in August, 1886. This line extends up the Eastern Coast of the Island, a distance of some 70 miles to the city of Nanainio, or rather to Wellington, when the celebrated Wellington coal is mined by the DunsmuiiS. The first 25 miles from Victoria, the road is built through a rough country, and an elevation of nearly 1,000 feet is attained. There are several high tiv,ssels and a tunnel on this section. Lake, River, Valley, and Mountain, furnish an attractive variety of scenery. A number of prosperous settle- laents are on the line of this road, and several resorts that are much fi-e- queuted by tourists and sportsmen. The Albion Iron Works is one of the UKJst important industries of the city. They employ a great number of skilled mechanics, being the largest works of its kind on the Pacific Coast north of San Francisco. Victoria is a metropolitan city and betrays it to the eye of the least [ivactical observer. Its position is such that it will always be the distribu- ting point for a large amount of territory, and its numerous banking corpora- tions have given it a prestige as a financial centre that the commercial revolutions of the next fe'v years will be powerless to disturb. "in:- i 3c. I.. ct: , in«. -:H ■JI:H(||f;:|' itf rf; ipi M 47L IIKNDERSON S VK'TORr.V A ATI F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Fioancial Agent, NOTAKV I*l-III.IC, ike, Kcc. Choice lUisiness and Residential lots for Sale. I'';i inline,', Timber and Mineral lands for s.ilr. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Aaronson Andrew Alfred, ])awnbr()ker, 75 JolniHon, ros 10') Blanclmi'd Abliis Frank, blackhniitii, bds Colonial hotel Abbott L. L. Mrs., dressmaker, 75 Blanehard Abcorn John, stonecutter, 55 Douf^las Abel Kdward, policeman, ren 124 Fort AbramsW. JJ., teamster, bds 37 Kano Accident Insnranco Co., of N. A., 4!) Governmcni. Adams Albert Norton, 53 Chatham " AM'recl, cabinetmaker for J. Weiler " C, Mrs. seamstress, 52JCrovern- ment " Christina, wid .Tohn, house- keeper Bishop's Palace, Yates " Daniel Fowler, contractor, res (rorge road Fred, bricklayer, 5;{ Chatham Frank \V., bookkeeper E.]J.Mar- vin & Co., res IH Cadboro Bay R( ad John, lab., Fourth nr Hillside av John Jl., carpenter, 5;j Chatham John, machinist Vane. Iron Works, res Spring Jiidgc Harry, 70 Broad Henry, carpenter, bds 52 (Quadra James, master mariner, 240 Simcoe M., widow, 34 Cadboro Bay road. Tel. 573 W.PI., agent 50 Government, res 36 King's Road n It It (I ALF Adelphia saloon, 39 Yates Aden John, picture framer, 48 flov- ernment, res 211 Siniroo " John, sen., milkman. 2H Simcoo " NVearl, carpenter, 211 .Sinicoc Adio Fred., clerk, 177 Douglas, res LIJO Cook /Etna Fire Insurance Co., F. C. Richards^agent, 51 Yates Agncw Mrs., 105 J)ouglas, res Paiukir;; '' Wm., j)hot()grapher, 5(i Fort Agricultural Department, Hon J. H. Turner, minister of Finance and Agriculture.Tei 10 Ahearn Joseph, lineman, 2 Trounce Alley, res View AlKMAX H. B. W., barrister Bastion cor Langlcy " ^Vm., bartender, 45 Store Alamanza J., ship carpenter A.I.W. Albany Fratdc, sailor, 248 Sin^'oc All)ert Toilet Soap Co. vi' M'>ntrc!il, 47 (fovcrnment ALBION HOTEL K.H. Ward, prop, I Herald ALB10X]I0USI'; Brown Si Whito.dry goods, 01 Covernnient Albion Iron Worics Co. (Limi* ted), W. F. Bullen, manager, | Discovery st. Tel 31 Albion Marble Works, 117 Fort " saloon, 12 Yates Aldj'idge David, mariner, res Oswoi: eor Simcoe Alert Bay Canning Co,, 02 Wharf Alexander Fred., driver, 212 Yates, IJ- 71 Pembroke " James, expressman, 212 Yates " L.. Eort cor Blanehard " Thomas, driver, ros 15 Pioneer Alfred John, of Alfred & Smith, re Fort " &. Smith, Queen City brick yuril.| Gar bally Road ALPIIAnETrCAI, PHlK.rTOnV. 47:1 iltCH i-nmcr, 18 f'.f.v- man. "JH Simcoo ■ r, '211 Sinicoe iJougliiH, rcH '1-10 ance Co., F, ;ent, 51 Yates lylas, vos Patuloiii q.her, 5(5 Fort jartmont, Hon , minister of griculture.Tel icman, 2 Troumc c\v , bari-istor Bastion or, 45 Store (■arpcr\tcr A. I. ^^ )r, 24H Siii .'oo Co. ( ■' M'-iitrcal, ■), I R.II. Ward, pro] Brown & Whito.dry overniuent orks Co. (Limi- jllen, manager, . Tel 31 n-ks, 117 Fort atcs uirincr, ros Oswcg' ,r Co., 02 Wharf river, 212 Yates, 1*1 ke ossman, 212 Yates • Blanchanl ver, ros 15 Pioneer Llfred & Smith, re leen City brick yardj load ALI ANI> Ali<'0& Kinmft Mlnini^ Co., Kdward Crow Uukei', presidont Allan A. F., tinner. Jilt Joiinson " John, niiichinist Alhion I. \V.. !• J'litniiin " Marion, wid Alexander, '•es IS JillpOI't " Roht.. carpenter, 2.3 Frederick Allen Kilward, constable, ros Chatham " Francis, dork, A. \V. Jones " J^)bf., teamster V. T. &, I). Co., HO Ulanchard " Wtn. Hooper, minor, 125 Cha- tham " Win., ship carpenter, 74 Store " Wm. r)avid, com. merchant, 201 DoiiifhiH Alliance Marine Insurance Co., Robert Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf Allice ThoH. IT., clerk, J. II. Todd & Son 72 Wharf Allison James, dyer and Hcourer, 53 Doutrlas, res same " Wm. A., Hank oflJ. C, res Mon- zies nr Simcoo AllsufWm., laborer, 183 Cook Almanzia Antoine, ship carpenter, 48 Johnson AMERICAN irOTKL. T. J. liurns. prop, 15 Yates Ames Holden Co. ^Ld), whole- sale boots and shoes, A. C. Fiummerfelt, mgr, 41 Lang- ley. Tel 71 Andean Wm.. variety store, 122 Gov- ernment, res Fern wood i-o.'id Anderson — . paintei', 40 Foi't " Alex., res Yates " Alex., laborer, 37Qnoenav " Alfred C, dork Yates & Jay, res 209 Fort " Annie Miss, bds Clarence " Bernhadt, laborer, 17 Ellice " Chas. A., 47 Discovery Anderson I)avid ir,car|)cntcr, (10 Fort. " F. (r., Si Co., commission a;^onts !t5 |)oii>.'Ims " Kdward tii'o.. of Fv rj. ..ndorson iV; Co., ImIs K; Humboldt " Kli/.abclh, wid. Win., res 230 V^iew " (i..cn^nn(or,V.K. I. Co., 2(i Lan;^'- ley, res View " (Joorj^e C., Clarence hotel " (ioorffo Wm., olSlioro tt Ander- son, res .31 Kiiiii's {{oad '• Helen C. Miss, dressmaker, 27 " Henry, millhand, res Ivsquimalt Koad " Himh, fireman Vic. Gas Co., res 3(i I'rincess av " James, superintcndini>; enj^ineor C. P. N. Co., res 242 Simcoo James L., tinner, 11 Broad Jas. \i., res 32 Kin^'ston. Td 103 Jennie Miss, music teacher, 230 View John, bricklay'or, 8 Third John A., treasury dopt., ros 209 Fort John McM.,arrent,103J Douglas, ros 105 Dou/rlas L. P., driver V. T. Co. Louis, stono mason, 70' View (lovernment Peter, tisherman. Herald nr Store J{: 1 «4 -. :r:;i; (So 1, 1 ' " 474 HENDERSON S VICTORIA AND AUS III P. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY PtJBL,IC, &c., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Andn-us Kdmund W., bhip carpenter, 17 PriricesB av '' (Jraec Mins, 17 Princess av " Joseph, miner, bds Vancouver house " Janies', shoemaker, T Green " Kichard Bennett, irayman, res 229 Yates '' \Vm., n\illhand Eock Bay Saw Mil 1, 45 Stoio Andrich Lizzie Zilisn, tailoress, res C Eupert Angel hotel, 43 Lan^ley An;ijcla College, Ladies, Burdette av Anijlo Nevada Assur. Corporation of San Fnincisco, room S Bk. of B.C. Ani' t ■<{, 63 Pandora :k r, res 231 View _ IS, stonecutter, w road )ndon, room 8 B.C. oral's office. heodore Davie ilsoii, 2? Frederkk , 55 Ka'ie er, is Yates •actor, 18 Bay iter, 198 Cook SB, res 174 Cadbow AUS BAI HENRY PORTER, Manufacturer of Sonora Tanned Liace Ijeather^ GtiaraDteed to k \k touflhest in existence. 436 Visitation Street. Austin Carrie Miss, 174Cadboro Bay- Road " Chs., jun., laL>n:er, 171 Johnson '• Chs., sen., bricklayer, niJohnson " II. L. G.,clerk Bk. of B.N.A., res 22 Victoria Croscont " Harry, freight ciiefkor E. & N. Rj'., Store foot Cormorant " John Henry, clerk, 51 Landley, res 174 Cad bo ro Bay Road " John J., ot Austin & Yatos, res 174 Cadboro Bay Road " Fiumy Miss, 90 Douglas " Wm., 198 Cook Austin & Yates, real estate, and Insurance agents, 57 Government. Tel. 186. Avayurd G. B., patternmaker A. I. W. Avenue Retreat, John William Mel- dram, prop., Saanich Road nr Topaz av Babbage Geo., bartender Market Ex- change, Fort Babbington Thos.,ojiptain Str "Alex- andria," 242 Sinicoe Babiiigton Clurond mi, carpenter, 93 Henry " Gordon, tanner Roik Baj' Tan- nery, res 93 Henry " P. A., millhand Muirhead «& Mann's n\ili, res 93 Henry BahjukoJ., vvid, bdg hse, 32 Store Baby Frank, carpenter, 13 Bay " Thos., carpenter, 13 B;iy Bacchus Joseph, carpenter, bds Occi- dental hotel " T., vvheelwight, bds Occiden- tal hotel Back John, jnoulder A.I.W.,5 Princess Badrock Hannah Miss, 96 John BAER REV. WALTER WESLEY, ])astor Gorge Road Methodist church» res 31G Douglas, Babr Theodore,machino band, res 167 Government Bailey—, emp. McL. & McF., bds 23 Government " Adelaide Miss, teacher, 96 Que- bec Benjamin, res 9(5 Quebec Charles, clerk, 3cS Government Chas. Ed., cperalor, res 96 Que- bec " George Nelson, operator Tel. Co., res 96 Quebec " Harry, foreman cortiice maker, bds Windsor hotel " Madison F., plasterer, 63 Mears Baines Charlotte Mias, droismaker, res 140 Johnson " PVank, clerk, 63 3Iears, res 140 Johnson Laura Miss, 140 Johnson Martha Miss, printer, 140 John- son Wm., sen,, bookkeeper, res 140 .Johnson Wm., asf>t printer B.C. Govt., 140 Johnson a BROUCHTON STRCET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Foneral Diredor and Enihiliner, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. -^i ' ! -"1 ' 4rt,, » i : ^•fi ■' ■ h •m 3*v ! i ! C n : t I' ■'.>' .-.V< At f tl i m tl » I 4T6 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA 15AI BAR F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOXARv prm,ic, &c.. &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farmin^j, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 51 YATES STREET. Bains Donald, stonecutter. 70 Fort Baird Ambrose, plumber, 7H Yates " Joseph, bookkeeper, 68 King's road " Eichard. moulder Wilson Bros., res 68 King's road " Wm., clerk. Occidental hotel " Wm.,tinner for McLennan & Mc- Feeley, bds Vancouver house BAKER E. CROW, real estate and financial agent. 54 Government, tel office 5!t3, res 16 Montreal. House tel 561 BaVer Geo., carriagemaker, res Alice " Geo. Thos., driver Jacob Sehl, 19 Ellice " James, contractor. 63 Pembroke Tel. 166 " John, teamster, 71 Pembroke Baker Joseph Henry, boots and shoes, 89 Government, res same Baker Michael, of R. Baker &, Son, res 30 Frederick Baker R., & Son, jobbers in flour, feed and fruit, 6 Yates Baker Richard, teamster, 71 Pembroke " Thomas II., bookkee])er, res 30 Frederick •' Wentworth E., capt schooner " Diver," 32 Second " Wm., moulder, 71 Pembroke BakowcU Jas., horseshoer, 134 Cor- morant Baldie Henry, 47 View Baldwin II. Clinton, bartender Com- mercial hotel " IIy..heiid cook Brunswick hotel Bale Annie Miss, 150 View " Jane Miss, 15'^ V^iew Bales Jas. Chestney, accouri' tnnl and insurance agent,21 Bastion. res Victoria W Ball Geo., res rear 7S Humboldt Ballantyuo David, compositor Time*, res Victoria W Ballat ]\l!i ailc. Bank of British North Amer- ica, 33 Yates, C. H. Burns, mgr, >'';e atney, accouri' i a!i"cnt.21 J5ustion, iS Iliimboklt jompofsitor Tiiiio<, , ves Quadra ci.iNTOx r,?>.\. iiitable Life Assur- ., and of Dal by \ ates res, Scm-eslv MON (.^ANNEIIY, irner, Beeton tS: Co., machinist Albion 41 Carr vossnian, Edmonton ) Yate>5 sh Columbia, Ifard, manager, >nt cor Fort. ' North Amer- G. H. Burns, ort binist. 13 T5ro;i.i (, cigar mfr.,91 bur, oi;j;ar maker. !('![, CALVAEY :>.', pastor, lleral! Blaiichard av jrn maker, res H" V Alex., 47 Kiiiic r, 47 Kane ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 47T BAR BAT OF Barclay Geo., porter Crord on hotel I ■ nmimiipno e^fWl Barker — , bricklayer, 42 Pandora av] J. f'ALIYlLfAOlbUll " Anna Latira Miss, 253 Yates j ^^..^^^-.^ " ^Yatei ^^ ' '*' '^'^ '"1^'" " '^'^ CARRY THE FINEST STOCK lH CANADA " James W., clerk, nr 107 Fern- 1 wood road ' Bn-low James, carpenter, 53 Quadra " Isabella Mrs., IIG North Park ' ,.._.-.-. . Barlow Thomas, livery stable, 1743 & 1 745 Notre Dame 103 Port, res Kane. Tel 24 | MONTREAL. HAIR. TOOTH & NAIL BRUSHES. I Barnard Frank Stillman, }tl. P., pres. V.T. Co., res Belcher nr Pem- bertonroad. Tel 502 " Geo. Henry, law student, res Duval Barnatt Robt., carpenter, 10 Brough- ton, res nr Herald Barnett Arthur Wallace, bookkeeper, 98 Douglas, res 136 Y^ites " Arthur Welsley, bookkeeper for Eli Harrison " Geo., carpenter, 82 Fort " John, 111 Government " John, blacksmith J. Kobertson, res 16 Herald " P., mason, 152 Johnson Barnes A. C, bartender " Adelphia" " James, Uiborer, res 141 Simcoe Barney Mary Miss, seamstress, 52^ Government Barnsley Alfred, clerk Russell, Mc- Donald c\: Co. " Jobn, of J. Barnsley & Co., res 13 Bay Barnsley & Co., John, sporting goods and guiismitbs, 119 Govern- ment Barn.svvell James, carpenter, 292 Johnson . Barr Theodore, carpenter, 15 Fort BAEMCKS, C. Battery. Tel 199 Barran Julius, pork packer and sau- sage maker, lO'd Yates, res same Barrett L. S. M., bds Clarence " Michael, laborer, 19 Chatham I Barron C. P.. res 34 Franklin " L. A. P Miss., teacher Spring Ridge School, res 34 Franklin Barrow Tlios., steward Colonial hotel. Barry Albert, driver, res 53 Quadra " C. Miss, 38 Rao " John, res 38 Rao " John Joseph, master mariner. 79 Fort " John T., capt steamship "Maud" " Mary A. Miss, res 53 Quadra " Thomas, teamster, res 53 Quadra " Walter, res 53 Quadra " Wm., driver, res 53 Quadra Bartholomew Caroline v-'dow Henry Walnut cor Cedar hill road Bartlett John, hackman, 98 Bay " John, plasterer, 115 Fort " Sam., j)lasterer, res 222 Johnson Bassett Wm. P., builder, 49 Blanclmrd Basso M., boilerniakor Albion 1. W. Batchelor William, drayman, res 239 Yates Bates Arthur James, clerk Amos, Hol- den & Co., res Garbali}- road C. H., plumber, Vancouver llouso K. A. Mrs., dressmaker, (i4 Fort John, teamster, res 24 Caledo- nia av Joseph, stonecutter, Vancouver House Kate Miss, 248 Cook Max Dauphin, A. I. W., 24 Cale- donia av (I iT'i ■■■ w ::iif m a5* «.ij k s'^HI* Mf* ill V'l. l7^' f i ^18 HENDERSON S VICTORIA T^AT EEE F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Ileal Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARV PVBI«IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Batershell Wm., Vancouver Iron WorktJ, res Herald Bauraun Louis, confectioner, 83 View " Fred., res 83 View Bavarian Brewery, Sticknorth & Her- mann, props, 138 Fort. Tel 177 Bawden James, bds California hotel .Baxter Clias. Stewart, ytassenger agent C. P. N. Co., res 208 Doiiirjas Bayer Joseph, teamster, 74 Blanchard Bayley Joseph, prop Treidiolm hotel. Es(juimalt road Baylis Anna Miss, waitress Occidental hotel BAY VIEW SALOON, Ferguson & Ridchalirh, 9 Government Baynon Win., laborer, 31 Humboldt Bazire Victor, laborer, 54 Discovery Beam Eli, carpenter, res 27 Elizabeth Board A., plumber, 73 Yates " Wm., cornice maker, bds Van- couver Ho ise Beauchanif) Bichi rd, 5.5 Meyers " S. Miss, 55 \ overs Beauhinds rev. Arthur, asst rector Cathedral, res ?' Burdetto av Beaumont Frodei-ick, L. M. B,, ran- cher, bds ()0 liao Beaven Charles F., carriage builder, 107 Pandora av " Hugo It., clerk Batdi of B. C, res 22 Vancouver " Ilobert, M. P. P., res 22 Van- couver '^ ThoH., laborer, 43 Vancouver Bebbington Thoraaa, master mariner, res 114 View Bechetel A. J. & A., props Califoj'nia hotel, Johnson " Andrew, of A. J. & A. Bechtel, res 13 Princess av " Andrew John, of A. J. k A, Bechtel, ros 26 John " Cecelia, wid., Saanichrd " Daniel, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates '' Harrv, clerk Vancouver hotel 71 Yates " Isaac, prop Vancouver hotel 71 Yates Beck A., cook Di-iard " Josoj)h Fred., of Dempster, Beck & Co., res 28 Kirjg's road Becker Hein-y, clerk, 60 Governmcn;, res 217 Fort " John, of Geiger & Becker, res 217 Fort " N. Miss, res 217 Fort Bcckingham Charles, jun., clerk, res 38 North Park " George, sen., traveller, ros 3; North Park " Joseph, 38 North Park Beckle Mrs., widow, 64 Herald Beckwith Herbert F., locker, res \'. Belleville *' Henry, porter, 32 YateR, re- Belleview " James, horseshoer, res 130 Cor moraiit " John L., agent, over 47 Gover; ment, res 6() Second " W. S., expressman, 34 Fourth Beede S., 107 Government Beegan Frank, shoemaker, res 82 Fn '' Annie Miss, bookkeeper, K Johnson " Kate Miss, clerk, res 170 JohriM' Beehive saloon, 48 Fort Beek Joseph Fred,, carriage painle: 28 King's Iload Boekor Wm., ros Kane i :f ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 47«r V'SilS 8, master mariner, ,., props CuUfoj-nia son A. J. & A. Bechtcl, :;cs8 av in, of A, J. & A, 1 26 John ,, Saiinichvd .ncouvcr bold, 71 li Vancouver hotel, p Vancouver hote', iard ., of Dempster, Beck 28 Kin Fernwood Estate " Charles, apprentice to McKilL can & Anderson, res Sprin: Ridge " Charlotte Miss, Pembroke roai " Sarah Miss, Pembroke road im R., contntctor elcher onlractor builder. V K. A., boardinL' cher At, 20 Bolcher Belclier Bolcher etor K. & N. Ry. r Di-iard or for Van Volkcn- , bflrt Brunswick )b printer Colonivi ooil road 3rnwood road harles, carpenter. )nd hand store, Uj 113 Blanchard irdenor, Oswego eor . E., freight, and express rn Pacific Ry.i ent, res. Hill- Iroad ,ositor Colonist [hinder, 77 Johii-s"- ,d aUer Albion Iron V Ivor for M. R. H'""' mnaUer, A. I. W. 1- Id convict suanl V; resSaanich road imber, IG Broad, K< lEstato j)renticc to Mclvill. idcrson, res Sprifu fifts, Pembroko lou'l PombroUo road ALPIIABETICAI. DIRFXTORV, 481 BLA BOS Blanchard M. C. V. S., 115 Governmotit, res Fort <' Amy Misrt, drcs.sniakcr, bds 52 Ch ithum ]51and Alfred, carpenter, bds 4G Vic- toria CreHCont " Frederick, tinner, res Mary, Victoria \V « J., 23 EUice <' James, engineer, res Mary, Vic- toria W. '• JamcH W., jr., janitor Supr. Court, res 46 Victoria Crescent '' John, shoemaker, 2G Princess av '' Joseph, carpenter Muirhead & Mann, res Catherine, Vic, W BlankinsopMiss, 158 Michigan Bluntern J. W., clerk, 01 Niagara Bloomtield Chas. P., res 3 Centre road '• Edith Miss, IS Pioneer " Lizzie Miss, 18 Pioneer Bloomiiigdale E., of Strouss & Co., res Han Fiancisco " Herman, clerk C. Strouss & Co., bils Clarence JSloor— , moulder A. l.W. Blue Post Saloon, 114 Johnson Board of Trade Rooms, room 7 over Bk of B. C, 54 Gov- ernment W. Monteith, secy IJoddy Wn\., stone mason, 2'.t Gorge mud !',iKli!n J()>ci)li, miner, ImIs Colonial j'.odington J. E. Miss, teacher Angela t'olli'ge, resiiles same 'Bidwfll Krnest Victor, of Davie k Bodwell, res 25 Kane Boggs Beaumont, clerk, 51 Yatjs, res Douglas House Uolch Emory, moulder's apprentice ! A. l.W. ilJollon Geo., waiter Driard pJon Accord Fishing Co. ofCoquitlam i and Sea Island, 7t) Wharf " Marclie Boot Store, 89 Govern- ment Bond Willis, contractor, house mover, res 94 View Bone Thos. S., res Birdcage Walk nr Michigan " Wm. ilenry, T. N. Ilibbon & Co., res Topaz av Bonner John, laborer, 126 Johnson Bonville Edward, see}- to hon J. W. Trutch Bookoovalla Emanuel, fruit dealer, res Alley opp 75 Johnson Boomerang Saloon, Langloy Alley Booth — , painter, res 42 Pandora av *• Andrew Samuel, driver V. T. & D. Co., res 71 (Quadra " Cornelius, assessor and collector Victoria City and Dist. and P^squimalt. Govt. Buildings, James Bay, res 52 Meyers '' Emily G. Miss, 4(> Work " George, sen., 40 Work '• Geo. A., clerk II.B.Co., 46 W^ork '• Samuel, driver, res 177 Yates " Wm., messenger Drake, Jackson k Ilelmcken, res Spring Ridge Bordo Aug., blacksmith, 42 Chathani ' E., shoemaker, 42 Chatham j -lypolite, res 42 Chatham 1 Mrs., widow, 42 Chatham I Boi\' m Chas. Frederick, carpenter, res j 105 Pandora av " Frank X., caipciitcr, 105 Pan- i tlora av ' BORNS WALTER, oxj-orter of furs I and skins, 7 Store, res 234 Fort I Bornslein 11,, dealer in hides, wool i and tallow, 3 Yates, va.i 281 Yates, I Tel. res 583, office 535 I Borthwiok (reo., cigarmakcr, res 84 (Quebec " Gertrude Miss, 84 Quebec " Laura Miss, 84 Quebec " Ralph, saloon, 56 Yates, res 84 (Quebec Boscowitz Ada Miss, 93 Pandora av " Barbara Miss, 93 Pandora av " David A., bookkeeper, roa 93 Pandora av ?.. ^-f h ->%':' U '■,..11 I j Si IF 11 m 111' fH^ mui lii ■i'!l I.'; gr 482 HENDKR'<0.\ s VICTonr/i BOS F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, BIOTARV PrUL,IC, &c., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FERE AND LIFE INSURANCE. « No. 61 YATES STREET. Boscowitz Joseph, res 93 Pandora iiv " Leopold, 93 Pandora av " S., capt. str. "Williams" Boskowitz A., ofj. &A. Bobkowitz, res New York city " ,1. A., of ,T. & A. Boscowitz, res New York city Boskowitz J. & A., dealers in rawfursand sicins, 96 Wharf BOSSI AMERICO VICENZIO, gro- cer,Quadra cor Johnson, res 285 Johnson O., res 119 Cormorant Chas., clerk, 73 Quadra Giacono, prop. Grand Pacific, res 227 Johnson Bostwick H., barber, res 76 Govern- ment Boswell John, sealci, bds Railroad hotel Boucherat & Co., importers of wines, liquors, spirits French preserves, tobacco atid Hav- ana cigars, 13 Yatos. Tel. 148 Boucherat Jidcs, of Boucherat & Co., res Pemherton BOURCniKR & IIIGGINS, notaries public, real estate and financial brokers, 72(rovernment. Tel 44 " Francis, of Bourchier & Higgins, res 66 Rao Boulton Rev. William W., rector of St. Paul's, Anglican, Esqumalt a (( JiKA Bourdeiiu Capt. Alexander, mtistoi mariner, bds 105 Pandora av Bourne PVank.pianotunerjres 24 Kaiie " Frank, boll boy Union Club Bowbie Alex., deckhand, bds RailrouJ hotel Bowden Alex., carpenter Sam. Grav " James, carpenter. 120 Cliathan Jas., cooper, bds Calif«»rnia liotd L. Mrs., 120 Chatham Wm. Henry, 120 Chatham BowenBen., miner, Vancouver hoiiM' Bower Alex., carpenter, 59 Donglas,m Bowerman Bennett H., carpenter, E> quimalt road Bowie J., widow, 52 Pandora av B'^wland Thomas, sealer, bds Railroaa hotel Bowles Lillian, wid., res 172 Yates " R., upholsterer Jacob Sehl Bowman Henry, cook, res 253 Johnsor, '• William Gilo, livery and hail; stables, 25 Broad, res 126 Yatos Tel. 87 Bowners Thos., clerk, 58 Govornmcnt, res Fairfield road Boyd John, wholesale wine I and s])irit ir)erchant,45 and 47 Viiti'| Boyd Win. Henry, student, 33 JJridi Boyslay Peter, cai-penter, Vi(;toriaiv| Brabiner Wm., mason, GlViow Brackman Henry,of Brackman k Kei: res North Saanich Brackman & Ker, manufaci turcr-* and dealers in flour and tof mills at North Saanich, offico Government. Tel 157, mills lL'I.^| Bradbury Tiiomas, stone ma.soii, it 109 view , Braden Kdward, pluml)er for RradiJ & Stamford, res 86 View " John, of Braden & Stamford,rr| 82 View Braden & Stamford, plumbers! steam and gasfitters, and sanitari engineers, 47 Fort cor Broad. TtJ 107 I'i exandor, miistoi Psindora av tuTier,res 24 Kane y Union Club nand, Ixis Itailroul lenter Sam. Gray iter. 120 Chalhan kIk California lioui Chatham 120 Chatham , Vancouver houH- nter, 59 Dou^las.ics t H., carpenter, E>- 2 Pandora av sealer, bds Railrotii I, res 172 Tales rer Jacob Sehl ook, res 253 Johnson 0, livery and had, Broad, res 126 Yates lerk, 58 Governmcr.;, ad wholesale wine| hunt, 45 and 47 Yatr- sludent, :}3 Hridi.'; 'irpenter, Victoria V: lason, GlViow ,ofBracUman&K<.'i [lich Ker, manufac'l ers in flour timl twi| Saanich, ottico lij Tel 157, mills l'iTA| •18, stone masoii, iv nUimbor for RiaOtJ nl, V08 8« View aden & Stamford, iH iv imford,plumbei! li«titters, and sanitar Fort cor Broad. TJ ALPHABETICA) DIRECTORY. 483 BRA BRI Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. The Largest Stock iiilhe Dominion is carried by THOMAS LIGGET, 1884 Notre Dame St., - MONTREAL. Mail Orders promptly filled and Samples forwarded. Braden William H.irry, plumber for Braden & Stamford, res 80 View Bradford John, laborer, Say ward's lane nr South Road " William, U. S. customs officer P. S. S. Co., 55 Douglas Bradley Ernest, clerk M. W. Waitt & Co., res 1 LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. British Columhia Ice Co., S.L. Kelly & Co., 22 Ynlcb, works on Snrult's Wharf BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND AND INYEbTMEJ^T AGENCY (Ld.), real entate, finaiico and inbuiaiico, Henry S. MaMon, managing director, 49 Govern- ment British Columbia Marie et, Van Volicenbuagh & Broi, 97 Government •* Columbia Milling and Miring Co. (Ld.) " Columbia Monthly Mining Re- view, J. M. Leet, editor and publisher, 30 Government British Columbia Novelty Works, general machinists, agents White sewing machines, and sewing machine supplies, 106 Douglas British Columbia Novelty WorkSfloclismith and repair- ing work, ArthurSmlth, prop, 16 Broad British Columbia Packing Co. Ilobt Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf BritibhColunibia Pioneer Society .John J. AuHlin, Hcey " C()luml)ia Protestant Orphans' Home, Mrs. Maggie \V{.lktt, matron, 32 Rao " Columbia 8oap Works, 25 Hum. boldt " Empire M utual Life Assr. Co,, A. B. Gray & Co., gf n jigonts •' and Foreign Bible Sociol}, 44 Fort " and Foreign Mai'ine Ins, (0 (Ld.), of Liverpool, Findhiy, Durham & Brodie, gen agis ibr B. C, 75 Wharf Britton Henry, bricklayer, res Et-qui- mall road " Rowland, mechanist A.I. \V.22S Simcoe Brocklehurst James Shilton, printer, 84 Fdurth Brodio John Henry, of F'indlny, Hur. ham *& Brodie, res London, Enf^liiij) Brodrick Richard, shipping agent, |i)( Wharf, res 100 Pandora. TeUJi " Wm., clerk Custom Houho, ifti 100 Pandora Brond Chas., bds 120 Blanchard ave Brook Frank, salesman, res Johiisijii| " Geo., laborer, 61 Humboldt Brookor Thos., V. T. Co., res Oswego Brooks E. C, artist, 164 Johnson Ja> ,s., of Vaio & Brooks, resi!l Herald " Wni., bookkeeper, res 128 VJ couver Brown Abraham, of Brown Myers, Alex., wharfinger, res 22 Erie Annie Miss, 51 Blanchard Arch., teamster, 14 Blanctij Bros., grocers, 63 Yates. Tel,( Cussie MiBs,casbier 51 BlanciiJ Chas., cigarmaker, res Kane f Daniel, nurse Royal honpital Ed. K., messgr., res 65 ColliD»| << « « ) neor Socioty.Jolm y .IcHlant Oi-jt^iiiiis' Maggio Wulkur, J) Works, 25 Hum- tuiil Life AsBv. Co,, ii Co., gfn agi'iits 1 Bible Socieiy, W n Marine liw. Co Liverpool, Fiiullay, Broiiie, gen agls tor 'harf )ncklayer, res I>q«i. iceha..iBtA.I.\V.23s' mcs Shilton, primer. nvy, of Findhiy, tint. res London, Eiifilw :.d, shiupin^ agent H ^lUU Pandora. TelW t Custom House, i«| lora 120 Blanchard ave alesman, res Johibor, er 61 Humbokll V T. Co., rus l.-l )V' X list, 164 Johnson aio & Brooks, res , ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTORY. m BRO BUG Brown Fatmio Mis», 239 Fort " Fred., ros lf)5 Fort " Fn«l., static I ai^t Esquimalt and Viinai mo Ky., Store foot Oorinn- rant,ros Esquimalt Rd. Tel. res 69 A Goo., dork, 27 Third G-oo. II., of Brown Bros., res 65 Collinson H. A. watchman, bds Railroad hotel H Gardiner, painter, 97 View Honi'V, of Brown & White, res 289 Fort Jiimos, bartender, 12 Yatos James, cabinetmaker, bds Bi-iins- wick James, teamster, Pembroke nr Quadra Joiui, 43 First John, ])lastorer, 42 Kane John Gi-aham, brickwork con- tractor, res 37 Hillside av Joseph Henry, tish curer, 24 Grocn Joseph I{enry,of Brown & Miller , res ()1 Pandora ' .Inn- Saloon, 51 Government Michael Costin, of Murphy & Blown, res 38 Pioneer & Miller, wiloon, 16G Govern- ment & Mvers,auctioneer8 and jobbers, 64 Yates Jessie, widow, 165 Fort ii II II II okkeeper, ves 128 VsB 1" Peicival Ridout, bookkeeper, iham, of Browu 71 -hartin^er, res 22 kie .iss, 51 Blanchard L teamster, 74 BlancUl •ocers, 63 Yates, le | :ri.ca;hier 51 Blanc] iaurmaker, reb Kan I nlirse Royal hos J I messgr., res 65 Colling ni res Scores by Peter, fruit and fish dealer Johiisoii, res 228 Simcoe Porter, harnesBmaker, 126 Gov- ernment, res Esquimalt rd Rolit. Austin, crockeiy, Douglas nr Yates, res 65 Collinson Robt. H., res Beacon Hill nr Dallas road Sarah, wid Robert, 43 First & Wm. R., of Brown Bros., res 63 Pandora Evory Canadian should talcs THE PICTORIAL WEEKLY OF CANADA. JP4.00 A YEAR. ADDRESS I J. H. Brownlee, Agent, Brandon. BROWN & WHITE. Albion house, liry ifoods, 61 (lovoriinKiiit Brown Wm., carpenter, 106 Johnson " Wm., teamster, 24 Green Bruce John, butcher, Kiuij's road Brunswick hotel, F. A. Hodnett, prop,, YatoH cor J>ouiflas Bryant Dtiiio .Miss, 134 Cormorant '• Th.'odore, clerk P.O., ros 35 View " Win. Chas., horsoshoor, 98 Douglas, res 134 Cormorant '* Wm. Cullen, horseshoor, ros 134 Cormorant Bryco David, driver V. T. & D. Co. " Jas., foreman T. ^ D. Co., 108 Wliarf, res 32 Blanchard '« Robert, driver T. D. Co., res 32 Blanchard " Wm., messenger Indian office, res 28 Blanchard " Wm., 4 Alfred Brydon Thos, carpenter, 14 Xorth road. Spring Ridge Brynolfson Enoch, laborer, 154 Y^ates Bryston Jo.seph, boilermaker" s iieiper, A. I. W., res 173 Douglas Buchanan Sam., carpenter, 167 Govern- ment Buck Geo. Thos., 116 Douglas Buckett James H.,boilermake';' s helper A. L W., bds Brunswick " Wm., apprentice, 5(i Johnson " Wm., Truck and Dray office, 18 Yates, ros 32 Franklin -HI % il I I I J ; I ^>l: cS %'ji mm m il h fir *►'»♦ 'tr »•'! 4 486 Henderson's victoria BUC BUR F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and FiDancial Agent, NOTARV PITBI.IC, &C.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farmin,!, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Buckle John, plumber, 47 Fort Bucklov Ed., tailor, res 48 Second ♦' Tliomns, carpenter lor McKilli- caii & Anderson Bncknam Capt. Sam. Wm., 13 Amelia Bull Hester Misrt,domcstic at 52 Belle- ville " Wm., brickmkr, res 317 Douglas ** Wm. Ellis, dancing teacher, Stolly'8 Hall, rcH 38 View Bull Wm. King, gen agent, Broad opp View, res 38 View BnlloM Jonathan, mason, 50 Herald BULI-EN W. F., m^r Albion Iron Woiks res Esquimau Itoad. Tel 553 Bullen Wm. Janies,u])hol.-iterer J.Sehl, res ;)0 Herald Bullnian Maiyaret Miss, dressmaker, 281 Johnson " Wm., res 281 Johnson *' Wm., bookkeeper T. B. Pearson & Co., res 281 Johnson Bunstcr Chas., agent, 130 Johnson " Hnlinda J.,wid, 130 Johnson " Nicholas, res 130 Johnson Bunting E. C, landing waiter H. 31. Johnson .,10 Berry 205 Douglas ililLside av jorer, 205 Douglas •r, 18 Hillside uv^ uial constable, Es- 1- maker B. Levy, oad hotel 10 Bay Isido av (;tor, 10 Bay impkins, mer* (i 88 Covern- Graham, opcvator, rvinswick hotel orald on Iron AVorku ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 489 CAM CAE CiimUfia Margaret, wid Michael, res 80 Cadboro Bay road Canada Life Assurance Co., A. W. Jones, agent, 36 Government Canada Pacific Land& Mortgage Co., 49 Government Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. (LU), Ce.it John Irving, mgr., 64 Wharf. Tel cilice 90 ; H. B. Co. Wharf. Tel 599,Spratt's Wharf. Tel 144 Canadian Pacific Railway, Robert Irving, freight and pass, agent, 76 Government Canadian Pacific Railway Tel- egraph office, 40 Govern- ment, W. F. Archibalc'i, local manager. Tel 460 Cane Geo., upholsterer, res Walnut Cannoa Michapl, "(J Battery," 53 Kane Canton Insurance office (marine), 41 Government Cupel George James, compositor, res 72 North Park Capital saloon, Thos. Flewin, prop., 7 Yates Carey Castle, Government house, Pelcher. Tel 503 Carey Jos. VVchtropp, surveyor, res 16 Kane Carleton Geo. Aug., freight agent C. P. N. Co., 64 Wharf, res 320 Douglas. Tel 106 Carley David Mark, composite, r Colon- ist, res Churchviray nr Humboldt Carlow Edward, shoemaker, 23 North Road, Spring Ridge " Henry Jacob, laborer, 64 Cale- donia av " Horatio Nelnon, carpenter, 106 North Pari. " R., oarpenter, W6 North Park htd€6 in tmkad hU. 436 VISITATION STREET. Carlyon Wra. Ralph, farmer, Saanioh road Carman Angus, laborer, 192 Douglas " Alex., laborer, 192 Douglas Carmichael Alex., teamster, 71 Pem- broke " Archibald, accountant Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 11 Richardson " Ed. Black, agent 130 Govern- ment, res 117 Menzies " Ed. Dougall, druggist's asst. res 117 Menzies " P. A., clerk, res 59 McClure " John Baxter, tobacconist, 87 Government, res 59 McClure " J. H., widow, 59 McClure '• Nellie Miss, 4th asst teacher Girls' P. S., res Colli nson " Wm. Noil, clerk, 41 Carr Carne Amelia Miss, 43 Langley " Elizabeth Miss, rea 43 Langley " Frederick, of Carne & Munsie, res head of Yates " Frederick, prop Angel hotel, 43 Langley '* & Munsie, grocers, 95i Douglas Tel 586 " Jennie Mif s, 43 Langley CarnesJohn, melter Albion I. W. Carpenter Anson M., grocer, 13 Herald " J., saloon, 17 Store Carper Frank, over 67 Government " Wolf, tailor, 20 Yates 1!) h I I! I 'J: > i iV : If. ■€ 4 ■ -V . ■■ ' .' lib ■i. ' .'■ ' ,.v» ■$ •lib 1,1; I liilMi^ is 111 ;| i ■ I> (5! ' H » ^t t ■■%: <.. I if J j t I li >• 400 Henderson's victoria CAR CAV F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PrBI.IC, &c., &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIEE AND LIFE INSXJRANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. (I CaiT Alice Mine, cor Tarr «nd Simcoe " — , turner, res Iiiagarn E(iith Miss, cor Carr & Simcoe Elizab, Miss, cor Carr & Simcoe John, carpenter for Bishop & Sherborne Millie Miss, cor Carr & Simcoe Richard, res cor Carr & Simcoe Carrick VVm., head waiter Chironce Carron John, cupoUiman A. I. W^ 15 Sprinj:^ Carson John, jun., bartender Garrick's Head saloon Carson W. G., crptr., California hotel Carstns Johann, laborer, 182 Joh ison Cartedge Joseph, bartender, S4 Store Carter Alfi-ed Thos,, harnessmaker, res 63 Herald Anthony Oswalil.148 Pandora av Benjamin, laborer, 224 Fort Edward, constable, res 81 Hum- boldt it Carter & Ferris, props Vancou- ver Brewery, Iloruld cor G«>vorn- mont. Tel 58 Carter Edith Miss, clerk, G9 View '' Georf^ina Miss, res 55 Chatham H., millhand Muirliead & Mann James, sailor, 58 Pembroke John Wm. carj)onter, res 69 View Paris, oxpman, 148 Pandora av Robt., crptr., 58 Rock Bay av It II II II Carter Thos.Wat8on,of Carter& Ferris, 63 Herald " Thos. Wm., pattern maker, 58 Rock Bay av Cartlidge R. Miss, housekeeper, Cook cor Richardson Cartmel Daniel, clerk, res Douj; las Carto Samuel, plasterer, Saanich road Cartwright Wm., at Water Works, 88 Store Carwen Chas., over 67 Govornment,re3 Esquimalt road Caselton Frederick, carpenter, res 31 Quadra Aj^'nes Miss, 189 Chatham Edith Miss, res 189 Cliatham " Henry, painter, res 105 North " Rich., storeman, res 189 ('hatliam Cassidy John L., & Co., of Montreal, crockery, over 47 Government Catanah John, saddler, !vl Govern- ment Cathcart David, bookbinder, 207 Cha- tham " Henry, messenfjer Govt office res 207 Chatham " Jas., prospector,res 207 Chathiira " John, clerk, 83 Government, res 207 Chatham Caton J. A. T., & Co., whole* sale importers of pipes, cut> iery, Jeweilery, gents' fur« nishings and notions, 17 Yates Caton A. C. Miss, 56 Vancouver " Juidus Adrian T., of J. A. T Caton & Co., res 101 Kinffstnn, Catterall Thos, contractor, 47 Fiw ■' Thos., carpenter, Biirnsido ro;iJ Cavin Arthur, driver for Fell &l'o, res Burnsido road « Capt. Geo. Walker, str " Eaiii' bow," 35 Queen's av " Capt John M., str "Daisy," m 32 John t f Carter& Ferrisj, tern maker, 58 lusekecper, Cook :, res Douplas •er, Saanic'h road Water Works, 88 7 Govornment,ve3 carpenter, res 31 B9 Chatham ^ 189 Chatham 1-, rcH 105 North n,reH 189 Chatham Co., of Montreal, : Government iler, IS;: Govern. )kbinder, 207 Cha- en per Govt office ham or,re» 207 Chatham 3 Government, res & Co., whole* 8 of pipes, cut- >ry, gents' fur- d notions, 17 5G Vancouver an T., of J. A. T ., ren 101 KinfTstnii ontractor, 47 FiH 3nter, Burnsido ro;iJ ver for Fell &Co,, le road Walker, str " Rani' Ji'oen's av M., Blr "Daii^y," v6 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 491 CEN CHR Central Coal Yard, foot of Johnson. Tel 171, office 90 J Government. Tel 470, A. Heathorn, prop Central Ship Yard, Wm. Tur- pel, prop, Indian Reserve " George Hugh, clerk for II. Man- sell, resBurnside road " Guy, painter, res Burnside road Cemetery, Ross Bay. Tel 513 Central School, head of View. Tel 164 Cossfoni James, 59 Henry " John, clerk, res 59 Henry " Robert, laborer, 59 Henry Chadbourne Adela Alius, music teacher, 86 Belleville Chadnley Ella Miss, dressmaker, 35 View Chadwick Alfred, picture framer, bds 25 Blanchard " Fred. H., bartender, 57 John- son, res 41 Pandora av " Goo., druggist's asst., res 25 Blanchard av " Margaret Miss, 25 Blanchard " Catherine, widow Thomas, 25 Blanchard " Robert, moulder A. I. W., 25 Blanchard " Thos., clerk P. 0., res 25 Blanchard Chaniberlin Seth L., bartender, .36 Yates, res 32 View Chambers Robert, 63 View " W., res Gorge road. Tel 575 A " Walter Scott, bookkeeper Rock Bay Saw Mill, res Gorge road Chandler John F„ II.B. Co., Toronto nearMenzies ChantrcU John Barstow, accountant (rarc.sche, Green & Co., re^ 26 Kingston Cliiipman George, clerk, res 3 First, " Thcffi., laborer, 171 Johnson Charles Wm. B., clerk P. 0., res 216 Fort " Wm., res 2] 6 Fort Charters T., clerk Occidental hotel Chase N. W., barber shop, 45 Johnson, res 172 Johnson Cheater Hy., clerk, bds Colonial hotel Chemanus Saw Mills, C. E. Mallctte, agent, 52 Government Cherry &, Creech, furniture upholsterers, 41 Fort Cherry John W. W., of Chen/ & Creech, res Victoria West Chester Samuel, painter, 114 Yates Chief of Police, H. W. Shep- pard. Tel 167 Childs Joseph, machinist A. I. W. Chinese Cirls* Mission Home, fOO Cormorant, Miss Leake, /natron Chinese Joss House, Cormorant " Theatre, in alley bet Cormorant and Fisguard ChislettChas., carpenter, 181 Chatham Chnoter !?ophia Miss, fitter, 41 Lang- ley, res Store CHRIST CHUECH CATHEDRAL Anglican, lit. Rev. George Hills, D. ])., Rector, Blanchard oet Church- way and Rae Ohristensen Andrew, 9 Montreal " Caj)t. Jas., capt. str. " Lome," 9 Montreal. To!. 556. BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARO, Fiiocral Director and Embaiiner. VICTORIA. I Telephone No. 48. 'I 'ill *rf 1. ^x 'I 1 »«: * lf< ^'M t- 'ff^^m:' -, ^:*1 ■1 t ■ * 1 ^1''! ]'' ■e •■t 2 492 HENDEaSON'S VICTORIA ClIR CLA F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARY PVBI«IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. « No. 61 YATES STREET. ChristenKon Jafl., jnn,, mate of str. " Lome," 9 Montreal " liizzie W\m, 9 Montreal Christie Annie Miss, res 2 Bianehard " Caroline Miss, res 2 Ehinehard " Isabel Miss, res 2 Bianehard " rev. James, Presbyterian, res 2 Bianehard Thomas, 88 Store William, asst mtrr C.P.R. Tele- graph, res 2 Bianehard Christlow Thos,, laborer, 99 Johnson ChrowWm., clerk, 37 Johnson Chndley Wm, Moore, accountant R.P. Rithe&Co.,resOswe,u:o cor Belleville Church J.K.jOf Richardson & Church, res 16 Humboldt Churton A., fur dre.i-ser, res 1 Church- way cor Humboldt Citizens Ins Co., 25 Bastion City Auditor, Jas, L. Raymur " Assessor, Simeon Duck City Bakery, Wm. Jordan, II Store City Brewery, Hasenfratz & Law.von, 12G Fort City Clerk, W.J. Dowler. Tel. 75 City Coal yard, \l. Noble, 40 Store " \Vato! collector ,Tlio9. J. Par- u'i Es(juimalt rd John, moulder A. 1. W. John S., operator, res 60 Vorl Joseph, ship cHrpontor C. P. N. Co., res 172 View Lydia Miss,domostic,29 Cadboro Bay rd Milton, car penter,ro8 24 Diilliisrd Bellovillo (I It K Clarence lin.of Chirk & Pear. discovery lUer Immigi-mtj' all art road vk & Watson, ves Id .r A. 1. W. riuor, roM 60 Fort carponter C. V. N. View iomo»tic.29 Cadboro ;uior,re8 24Diilliii>M ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 493 CLA COA l( It (( (I Clark Kol)eit Wilson, printer, res 24 Dallas road " 8arah, wid Graham Jamen, 86 " Tlios. D., carpenter,res Victoria West " W. II., laborer, South road. Spring Ridge Walter, millwright, 92 Niagara & Watson, ship yard Wm., nuner, Fernwood road William, sen., carpenter, res 185 Yates " William James,w!iiter at Driard, res 185 Yates " Wm, 11., pressman " Colonist," bds " Wm. Jos., dairyman, 51 Henry " Wy man, agent for Fonthill Nur- sery, bds Clarence Clarke & Pearson, stoves, tinware, mfrs. of copper, shoot iron and zinc, 19 Yates Clurko Robt.,boileimalver Albion I.W., (J7 Pembroke " Wm., mechanist's helper, 67 Pembroke Clay Ilenrj', confectioner, 89 Fort " Samuel, grocer, feed, and li- quors, 11(> Johnson, i-es same Clavdon Isaae, seamtm, 5-1 Discovory tllaytoii Alfred A.,ot Poniiock & Cla}-- ton, res G!* View Cloiiriluio Alexander, of J. & A. Cleiuihuo res M7 Chatham Clearihue J. & A., produce, fruit and commission mer- chants, 26 Yates Clean h IK' Joseph, of J. & A. Clearihue resST Chatham Clegg Wm., lal»,%m\ 67 Humboldt ("'onu'iils — , Albi>>»i I. W. Clork of the Peace tor the County of Victoria, Harvey Combe, 15 Langley ClovolHnd Milton Pjvan, cai-ponler, res lSl» Yates Clitl TliON., vMrpenter, 9 Fiederick Cliffoid C. J. Mrs., 39 Broad C HAMOIS S KIHS^ S PONGES , Th? finest assortment at Lowest Friceis. J. Palmer & Son, 1743 and 1745 NOTRE DAME, MONTREAL. Clinton H. F., law student, resMaplo- hurst, Blanchiird Close Frances Harold Miss, res 249 3'ates " James Hugh, steward str. "01ympia,'''res 249 Yates Cloud R., moulder Albion I. W. Club Theatre, cor Douglas and Yates. Tel. 468 Chines William, laborer, res 43 View Clunk Elizabetli Miss,domestic, Beacon Hill Park Clushmari Christopher, painter for Robert Lettice, res 34 Blan- chard " C. Mrs., fruit and confectionery, 107 Fori, res Blanchard Clyde Alexander,blacksmitli, 28 Rock Bay av " Fred. Chas., printer Colonist, res 28 Rock Bay avo " Geo. Marshall, asst foreman boilermaker, A. I. W., res 128 Blanciiard av • Florence Mrs A. J., dios.vinake) , Gl| Government, res Cliatham, spring Ridge Clyde Ship Yard, R.W.CcWin, prop, 63 Work Coach and Hor.se saloon, Wm.B. Smith, Esquimalt rd Coates Spencer, waiter Driard " Wm. Henry, stove titter A.I.W., 26 Pioneer ■1 ♦€ ii" 'i .1 mil f s ir^^^, lio ft»;" ^/ 1 r 4fl4 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA COB COL F. C. RICHARDS, Jr., Seal Estate and FiDancial Agent, MOI'ARV P17BI.IC, &C.. &G. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Coburn .John W-tCOiiductor E.& N.Rv. Cockle Edwin, laborer, 56 Humboldt Cohen James A., book and job printer, 38 Fori, res 175 Cbu- tham Cohen .Mercado,cii^armaker, 145 Cha- tham Coiydarrippo John, of Bouchorat & Co., res Grayflovver road Coiley Mary L.Miss,dre8smaker,res51 Bhuu'hard Coker Fidwin C, baker, res Kane " Sidney Edwin, l)aker, res 6 Kane Colbert .Tohn, of Colbert & \V'arnor,reH 21 PrinccsH av " & Warner, plumbers, 73 Yates. Tel 552 Coloution .lames, moiildorA. T. W. Coiley Edward, machiinst's h('lj)er A. I. W. Cold well L,,\vidow,8chool teacher, res 5 (rcoriz-o Coleman Miss Afjnos, dressmaker, res cor Fisi»;uard and Blarschard " Mrs., willow, 11(5 Fis^uard Coles .lohn F. II., accountant, 15 Cale- donia av Coley Ed., laborer at Albion Iron Works, 203 J)ou,i,das " Joseph, machinist Albion T. W. Collector of Votes for the Klectoral dist. of Victoria City and Esquimalt, Harry Combo, 14 Langloy Colloy Frank, onginocr, Vitncouvcr House Collier Alfred George, printer, Maria nr Chatham ** Mrs, Janet, wid Alex., Maria nr Chatham Collins Geo., 47 Henry " Geo., aejent, 23 Govei'nment Collins Jacob, upholsterer for Cherry & Croech, r.s King's av COLLINS THOS., foreman "Times," res 47 King's lioad Collins Wm., c,oaciiman,18 Richardson Collinson Emma Miss, domestic, 277 Yates " Mary A. Mrs., res Fidrfield roiid Collis Albert, cigarmakerKrutz& Co., res Quadra Alfred, printer, 149 Quadra E QiiaiJia Edward, mate str " Kainbjw," 20 Princess av " Henry Percy, accountant, 270 Johnson " J., Albion Ii'on Works Collister John Richard, spr)rting goods, Government st, res Kock B;iv av " W. II., Draughtsman I. A. W. Collins Richard, inspector of luills Dopt of Marino, res 4Rock Buy av W., Gorge road Wm., draughtsman A. I. AY " Wm. Henry, pattern maker, IS Rock Bay av Collyor Alfred Geo., compositor, res 38 Fort " Thos. R., 17 Spring Colonial Brewery,John Leahy, prop, 124 Jidinson Colonial Hotel, Thos. Tug welly prop, 33 Johnson. Tel I70. Colonist, Ellis & Co., proprie- tors. Government. Tel ll< Colonist hotel, Mrs. C(»lherine (lii!t!. ])rop, Boacon UiU Park cor Siiiuc i Tel, 547 printer, Maria Alex., Miiria nr Jovovnment (crer for (Jiierry f's av ,reman "Times," lload in, 18 RiclioniHon IS, domcKlic, 277 res F:nrfiel(l road iikerKi-iitz& Co., , 149 Qnii'lra ntcr, U!> Qaivlva Htr " Uaiiil»)\v," ,v aeoountant, 270 n Worlcs ,nl,sportin\-:iv itsmaii r. A. ^\. nspeclor of ImH'* 110, res 4Rock B;iy ad s.nan A. T. W. _ pattorii inaUcr, "S V lo., compositor, res SprinsjC 3ry,John Leahy, on ,1, Thos. Tu? ,3 Johnson. Tel , & Co., propric- nment. Tel II. VK. Tutlierino H"!'! lill Talk I'ov Siuv c ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. im COL COR Columbia f'iour Mills Co. of Enderly, ^ Contractors Union, rooms over office 63 Wharf Goveinnient " Lod.ire, I.O.O.F., No. 2, meets I Qook Alfred, tutor, res Belcher 53 Wednesday night at hall, 87 Douglas " Steani Match factory, 23 Work Colvin James, boat bu'lder, bds Angel hotel Colvin Roland William, Clyde ship and boat yard, 63 Work Colwell Hugh, horsoshoer, 103 Yates, res same Combe 11., clerk H.B.Co., res Langley Combe W. H. Harvey, clerk (I of peace, depy regi..trar Su|.reme : ^^^^ ^j ironworker A.I.W., 93 For Court, and registrar (>l County Court , ^,^^,„^^^ ^ ^^^.,^^,, ,,.^„^, ,^^i g; ot Victoria res 103 Vancouver , j,,,„,,„ ,i, ^Ol .Johnson omertord Patrick, hreman L. & N. i^,^, . ^^,^,;^,,, j_^y_ Enianiiol, GU Government, res 230 Yates Fanny Miss, 230 Y'ates Froil., bartender Gordon hotel, 9 .Johnson Henry, laborer, A. I. W. Herbert J., ship carpenter, res Catherine, Victoria \V John, horseshoer, bds California hotel Maggie Miss, Saanich road Win., Carey's roud nr Saanich road t 83 R}'., res Vicioria W Commercial hoiel, II. Noble, prop, , Corirorant cor Douglas I COMMKRCIAL TR.iVELLERS AS- j SOC, rooms G Bastion Sqiiure '< Uni.H. Assr. Co., 41 Government ' Copeland Andrew, tir Conijjton Theodore, engineer, res 9* ^ * ^.^^.^^i hoiol per — , " Benjamin, res South road above Fern Wood " iieo. Arthur, agent O.R, &N. Co. & M.t;.Ry. Co., IWO Govern- ment, res Burn's Bik. eman, bds Rjiil- Niagara Condron h^ugene, fireman E. & N. Ry., Nanaimo " James, wiper E. & N. Ry. Confederation Lii'e Association, room 8 over Bank of B.C. " Diilmia, widow Solomon, res 59 (Quadra " Richard, laborer, bds Dominion llimse " W.,biark^mitli's helper, A. I.W., Conlin Michael J. gen blacksmith, 27 (,,,,..^^i^ '\vda"Mi'-,!!, tailoress, res 33 Pand.jra, res 2h Qua.lra ; p^,,,!,,,.^ Conly Chas., cai)ienler, res Yates | Ci)miecticut Fire ins. Co., 41 Govern- ] — mciit Connelly — , gardener, Queen's av Connor Jacob, apprentice, 02 Guverii- inent Connor & Switzer, props Regent Saloon, cor Johnson and Douglas Coiistaiilino Nicholas, driver, 11 (rovernment I' jr, cici 'm., cariK k, 113 Govei imei BROUCHTOM STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Fonn-al Dirciior aod Eoikilmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No« 48. 1!^ III I* ft i-i. Ilk. \i I? % < u »»' ;;> ♦7 if •I IK 1 .1 V ' '■' "■•" , i i "n jr' 1^ .1 i Wi ttli iSllo r?iif hi M Mill,' I -c ^ :-• ,....>. ' ■ Jl'tl * '•'I J I'M 't ". t i' *■-, 1 j^ i» -^ .rf r •;»'. •t 3t f1, 1 496 Henderson's victoria COR CRA P. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARV P17BI.IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AKD LIFE INSURAITCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Corbin Mrs. C, res top of Yates Corbin David,Webbcr, res he:id of Yatos Corder Thos. Nathan, expressman, 9 Green Cork John, blacksmith, bds California hotel Cornish James, carpenter, 1G7 Govern- ment " John Charles, master gnnner " (J Battery, " res 28 Ritliet "Coroner," Wm. Jackson, M. D. Corr Peter, miner, 11 Collinson Corris Eliza, wid Thomas, res 97 Niagara Corson W. II., Royal Naval Yard, res E.->qui mull road Costello Edward, boilormuker, 135 Fisi^unrd Couglilin John, of Coughlin & Mason, res Saanich road. Tel 511 " & Mason, brick yard, Saanich rd, Tel 511 County Court of Victoria, W. H. Harvey Combe, regis- trar, Law Courts, 12 Langley. Tel 91 Courtney TIcnry, livery stable, 20 Panilora, res 9 Pandora Jlnirihon, res 9 Pandora llenry Edward Arthur, clerk, res i08 Cook «' M. J., wid Henry C, ros 108 Conk Cousins Leonard, curponter, 31 First Couves A. C. Mrs., saloon, 51 Govern- ment, res 115 Yates Cowan Alex., 25 Kane " Manard Havelock, of Co'van Shaw & Co., res 25 Kane Tel' 112 Cowan, Shaw & Co., whole«i sale com. merchants, 62 Wharf. TelSi Cowie — , florist, res near Cnr View and Vaiicouver " James, saloon, 48 Fort cor Broad CowIe}' John Joseph, res 184 View Cowling Wm., clerk, ros Pandora av Cowper Henry Misadovvs, res 47 Boyd " Jesse, res 97 Menzies " W. IJ., whiirti I iger Turner, Bee- ton & Co., res 47 Bi)_yd Cox Arnue,wid John, res 181 Montreal Edith Miss, 88 Goveinnient Johi\ Graham, Capt. ; E.B. Mar- vin, res t! Humboldt John, grocer, 35 Humboldt, res same John, mechanist Albion I. W. Kate Miss, 8 Humboldt Mary Miss, 8 Humboldt Thos., at Water Works, Hillside av, nr Third Wm., captain, bds 6 Humboldt Wm. Heniy, Fairfield nmd Crabb Miss,dressmaker, ;33 Pandora av Cratt Wm., dry goods, 93 Douglas, res 124 Blanchard av Cragie Fratd*-, at H. Courtney's " T. E., stableman Vancouver Use Craig Norali B. Miss, stenogi'aplier, 3i) Langley, res 11 Third Craigie Kliza Miss, 113 Blanchard Crane John Edward^ a^i^ent Sun Life Insurance Co., over lib (/overnment, res 251 Yuti -t Crawf(»rd Arthur, turner Jacob Sidil " Jan)es, commisfion agent, ('dim- mercial Alley, res 40 Belluville " Wm. Pat., rob 220 Johnson u II II itli & Clark " lliehurd, soup mfr, IKJ YutCM,rc8 lU Kuport Crusoe l*]dward, Vietoria Brewery Cuilen Booz, printer, 11 Iluml)oidt " Chas. L., printer,77 Jolinson, res 13 Humboldt Clark, engineer, 11 Humboldt Fraidi, earpontor, 13 Humboldt " W., adv eompositor Colonist, res 13 Humboldt " W. H., iii<;ht foreman Colonist, res 11 Humboldt Cullum Miss M., mgr estate of Mrs. K. Wliitlaw, 35 Fort, res 40 Vaneouvor Cullum ThoH., grocer, 40 Vancouver, res same " Wm., enj^ineer C.P.N. Co. Cummings Harvey, 45 Second " Sophia wid J. L., 45 Second Cunningham Robert Andrew, res 277 Yates " Neil, carpenter, 45 Store Curmen Chas. H, importer, res Bsqui- malt road Curran John, at foundry, 15 Spring Ridge Cuirell Wm. Dixon, of Geo. Powell & Co., res 25 Frederick Curriff Thos., Herald nr Store Curry Frank H., clerk, res 118 Chat- ham HAL CurtiS8& Harvey,powder mfrs of LondoiifRobt. Ward & Co., agents Cusack Alice Miss, 34 Pioneer " Thomas, 34 Pioneer " Wm. Ji., traveller for S. J. Pilts, res 222 Yates Custom House, A. R. Milne, coliector, Wharf Customs Unchiimel Warehouse, 1!, Hunter, chief landing waiter, 51) Wharf Culler Samuel, dairyman, res Esijui' malt road Cuysert Levi, barber for Whitlakor l)ahl Oscar, carpenter, 15 J'ort Dakers Arthur, blacksmith's helper A.LW., res 109 L)ouf,das " James, laborer A.I.W., res 169 Douglas Daking A. Miss, music teacher, 13:' Fort Dalby& Balientyneyreal estate, 64 Yates Dalby Prank Joshua,clerk C.P.N, Co, les 88 Pandora John, res 28 Chatham Wm. S., of Dalby & JJalleiityiie, 88 P.-indora " Wm., res 88 Pandora Dale David, 18 North Park Daley James J.,& Co.yStation< ery and fanoy goods, Douglas Daley James J., of J. J. Daley & Co I res 30 Hillside ave " James Bradford, 17 Second •' James, saloon, 17 Store, res iSij Fisguard Dalgiirno Robert, blacksmith for J( Aleston, res 96 Store Dallain — , purser Str "Rainbow" Dalziel Henry, cabinet makei", 91f*| AI.PIIAHETICAL DmECTnRY. 40!) ,iryman, row K>iiui- muttic teacher, 132 ityne, real estate, hua,clcrkC.l'.N.Co,,| idora 8 Chatham Dalby & Ballciityne. ,ofJ. J. Daley&Co -Urtide ave ultord, 17 Second oon, 17 Store, rcn lo cabinetmaker, i)ll DAN DXV Oanby Wm. Hartley real es- tate a'^ent, 57 Govern mont, res 54 North Park Ditiiioll hMwiti, cloi'k l>r.'i|{(4, Johnson it Holinckeii, roornw Uoomenm;^ " K Iwiii .1., cUirk, ro.s l;'»:i Qiiu'lru Diirlinir Jaino-^, tfanlciusr. HuriiHido rd " W., i;;ird(iM«r, iJni'iisido roail Diirsoiivillo Jidos, jowulhir, 40 Van- cmivor n:iii|ihin Mux., All)ion I. W. Diivey VrrA., cleric Navul Yard, Kh- (|iiiinall, roH Biirii>id(; road " Fnvl. Win., clerk I'.O., ros lidrnsidu road " (}. \j. MUh, rosLili Mason " M. Miss, ros 22 .Mason Davidgo F. C, & Co., com. Agents Japanese produce & manufactures, over 67 Cert .Virnid, cigar mike)-, 20 BelidKir " Bciijaiiiiii, laborer, ii lliirnlioldt " David, nvs 1!>5 (Jook " David, shoemaker, 52 Firt, I'os same K., wid (!Ikis., 55 View .1. P., of J. |». Davis it C)., res l!t5(;nok. Tel. 5 Hi J. I*.. «t (.'o., aiictoaecrs, 80 VYi.urf. Tel (J Jiiiiiiie Miss, 39 Bro id John, works on dredges, res .'it JIiiini)oldt " Matirii-i! .1., agt Joseph IJlJnian, 55 Wiiarf, bds Driard " Maria wid J. I'., res 1!J5 Cook " Mallie .Miss, .T) Broad " Pill lip, res 11)5 (Jook " Jlapli.iel ])., clerk, 43 John- son " ]{., Swan Lakehr)tel,Saanich Ul " Waller, bils Royal li-Hel " W. J., (liiinter, bds California hotel BROJCHTON STREET. 3EET. ■ CHAS. HAYWARD, I Foocral Director aod Efliklmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ■Ml ■Mi ijll- ■€ :» <: *5! IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^^ J^t^. V .^ 4 <^ 1.0 I.I If i^ IIIIM 1 1^ IIIIM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ . 6" ^ m V2 /:. /A w^^/ '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 4^ ^' 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 .% d> c> !^ H"f: IkH ;i! S*. LF- 500 BENDEBSON'S VICTOKlA DAY DEK F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARV Pt7BL,IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Davis \Vm., carpenter, 8 Langiey, re.-« James Bay Wm., carponter, 5 James VVm., moulder Albion I. W. Davison A., seaman, bds Vancouver hotel " Neil, res 26 Herald " Robt.jWood turner, res 119 Chat- ham Dawsnap Albert, boilermakor, res 90 Chatham " Joseph, corporation fireman, res 90 Ohalham Dawes Lillian Miss, H3 Fort " Wm. John, ship builder, Esqui- mau road " Wm., ship carpenter, resE-iqu.- malt road Dawley Fred. James, of Fox & Daw ley, 71 Yates Dawson Ed., lab, ]2CadboroBay road Mary, wid John, 23 North Park W., stableman Vancouver hotel " Wm., teamster, res 9 Pandora Day Adolphus Guerrin, cabinetmaker, 108 View Deajfon Dennis, carpenter, bds Dom- inion House Dcakin Alfred, laborer, 67 Humboldt Deaniick Edwin, moulder Dean John, contractor and builder, GO Fort " Oliver, miner, bds Dominion House Dearber^' John, apprentice, res 6 PrinccBB ave Doarber^ Thos. John, compoii tor, rest' Princess ave Deasy Daniel, res 189 Fort Elizabeth Miss, res 189 Fort Maiy A. Miss, res 189 Fort Deasy Thos., chief tire dept, res 3 Amelia. Tel. res 557 •* Wm., fireman Victoria fire dept 189 Fort DcBrisay Delacour, clerk, res 31 Broad Debrick Octave, laborer, 124 Johnson DcCosmos hon. Amora, res 291 Yates Dee \Vn»,, clerk F, G. liichards res 112 Pandora Doffan Dennis, millhand MuirliendA Mann's mill Delahunty John J., res 128 Johnson Demain Georitor,resG t 189 Fort 89 Fort dt>pt, res 3 557 iria fire dept, res 31 Broad 124 Johnson res 291 Yules liichards res I MuirlieiidA 128 Johnson r, South roiid Government Government, fo. 2, VK'toria ^cl 5:i8 •iK'herat & Co., 'aiitloia s & Son, 115 ,crs, 115 Doug- ir Albion I, W, nail moulding ks rriage mite. bds Occidental] )f Dempster i ■go blackMTiiib's | , TrttiiHf'cr Co., ice, rcsl28Pan' |)r A. I. W. ' Pandora uv bva av DEP DIX D.povv JohM, teain.'ter, bds Avenue Re- treat Dopt of Mirine, Cu.stom House building, "Wharf Dept of Public works (Donn- inion), P. C. Gamble, resi- dent engineer, P. Or building DEPT. OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, 20 Doaglast cor Couriney Depoorten Chan. A., fireman night gang Albion I. W. DoKider Peter, cai-penter, res 49 Third Dortsop Helen Miss, res 47 Broad Dcsty James P., school teacher, bds Colonial Devlin Joseph C, groceries and provisions, flour & feed, 80 Yates, res 49 North Park* Tel 108, res 14;{ Devoer J., journalist, rooms 144 For^ Dwlin Robt. Boalty, clerk for J. C- Devlin, res 22 Princess ave Doveo Frank, laborer, ros 295 John- son Devereux Frank A., C. E., and sur- veyor, 76 Bay Dovuulie Jane Ann Mrs., furnished rooms, 118 Fort DblVERBUX CAPT. JOHN, M.ister Esqumalt Dry Dock, 76 B ly, Tel 529 Devereux William E., C. E., land surveyor, 76 Bay Devo B^'ank, lab()rer,515 Johnson Dewers Ludger Oliver, 115 Douglas Dcwsnap Albert, boiler maker A. I. W., res 90 Chatham " Fred., clerk, res 90 Chatham " Joseph, foreman corporation, res 90 Chatham Dexter Robt., 118 Fisguard Dick George, clerk, res Delmonico hotel " Charles Herbert, train baggage man E.& N.Ry.,137 Cormorant Dickie Herbert, brakoman E. & N. Ry. t lU uuniiii IS A HOi^E PRODUCTION. t< to SUPPORT ONLY $4.00 A n IT! YEAR. Dickinson Chas. Blvvard, clerk, res Moss " E Iward, moulder A. I. W., bds California hotel E., purser, Str " R. P. Rithet" E Iward Mrs., dancing teacher, 81 View " Lionel, of Rowbothain & Co., res 31 Pandora ave Dickson — ,inoul(ler, bds 113 Chatham PiM'cy, dork, res Moss Wm., machioist\I.W.,29 Ellice " Wm. S., M;irt, 132 Pandora ave Dior Wm. Alfred, com trav .\I. Fisher & Son, of Montreal, woolens, 2 Bastion, res 129 (Jiiailrju Tel res572 Dignall Harry, macliinist A. I. W., bds 73 Discovery Dillingham Hubert, Lieut, S. A., 142 Fort Dillon Chas.,cutier,ros E-iqiiimalt RJ " Goo., 117 North Park " Win., painter, 114 Vatos Dinsdown — , 5 Alfrtid Ditivvoo lie Cadet May, S.A., res 142 Fort Disher Harry, clerk, res 112 Cormor- ant DISTRICT PAYMASrER MILI- TARY Dist.No. 11,0 tpt A. W.Jones, ottici 36 Government Dixon Edward John, bricklayer, res 41 Quadra " John, boilermakor, 60 Herald " Wm., machinist Albion I.W. a... r j; . % : ■ 'M; », -r, "n ' \\ \ T \i'.\ I 1502 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA POB DOK r. U I- "** F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent. KOTARV PI;BI«IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farminjj, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. ggie No. 61 YATES STREET. lobbin T. Sidney, cliief dork E. N. Yard, rcH E^quin1^llt road Dobinson Joseph, taxidermist, res 3 Do bin son Bodd Capt. John, captain "Ma Mac," reH 146 Fort " Martin Edward, caipenter, res Esqiiimult road DODS P. D., &Co., Montreal, paints and oils, "i homas C. Mason, agent, 18 Broad ^^^ John Boils Archibald, school teacher, South Road nr Chambers Doene Charlotte E., wid. Joscpii Homej', res (34 Kae " Margaret Miss, res 64 Rae Boherly George, North Pacitic Saloon, res 206 Johnson " John, scavenger, 60 Vancouver Boig David, teller Bank ol ii. N. A., res 4 Gordon Bolan Peter, blacksmith, A. I. W., res 41 Dis'^'ovory Domir Ion Express Co., Chas. Kaltray, agent, 75 Government. Tel b9 Dominion Govt Immigrants' iloDio John Clark, eaielaker,25 Dalhi.s i(,j,d DOMINION GOVT. SAVi:XGS BANK, John Graham, mgr and a.sht receiver general, over Po^t Ofiico Dominion Hotel, Stephen Jones, prop, 119 Yates Dominion Immigiation office, John Jessop, agent. Government Building, James Bay " Lite Assr. Co. of Waterloo, 4,4 Government " Lodge, I. 0. O. P., No. 4, meets Tlinrsday nights at Hall, >S7 Douglas Donaldson Alexander D., carpeiitor. 57 Superior " Isabella, wid, 33 Birdcage walk " Kobt., millliand, res Kane Donelh Edwin, 113 Alichigan •' Tlnjo., 113 2tlii'iiigaii " Miss, 113 Michigan Donley John, feed store, Store, res 270 Yates Donnelly Edwin, 113 Michigan " Columbia Miss, 73 Discovery " Euwin wia John, res 2iJ3 Smuoe " Fanny wid E., 73 Discovery " Kate Miss, 41 View Donnie Margaret Miss, donieslic, 130 Fisguard Donovan Patrick Harrington, archi- tect res 134 Fort " Stephen Andrew, carpenter, re 134 Fort Dornn Edward F., 3rd asst. teitcber Bo}e' P. S., E^quimaltroall " J., machinistAlbion I.VV. " Margaret Miss, 64 Fort, res Es- quimidt " John, prop new Inn, Esquiinal; road Borman John, ship caulker, 129Miclii' gan " Wm. H., asst P. O. inspector, los 61 Superior ■nr?r ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 503 DOR DRY igrants' ildine, !!' D., carpctittr, Dorsoy Harry, whip carponler, 171 Johnson DOSCUER HENRY WALTER, Vic- toria steamship laundry, Horn broke cor Quadra Dougali F. C, machinist's appr., A. I. \V., bds California hotel " Chas., bartenler Clarence hotel Dougherty (too., of Dou^^herty & Sav- a!;'e, res 206 Johnson " John, scaveni^er, 50 Vancouver " & Savasrc, saloon, 2 Yates " Tlios., 3rd jailor Victoria Jail Doughty G. & J., ijrocei-s, 106 Fort, brush factory, 120 Fort " Gooriro, of G. & J. Doughty, res 120 Fort " Jame-i, ofG. & J. Douajhty, les 120 Fort Douglas House, 5 Gordon. Tel. 12S " Lady Amelia, widow, res 4 Belle- ville. Tel 544 " Richard, carpenter, 89 Herald " W. C, carpenter, 8 Pioneer Dow Hector, machinist. Hillside av Dowdall Michael hotel " Ricliard Pelicer, sec toreman E. &N. Ry., 103 John A. I. VV., 43 bartender Gordon Dowler Wellington J., clerk, res 89 Chatham city Dowler Mrs., 68 Superior Dnwiier Heni-y Groves, plumber, res 74 Rock Bay av Downie \Vm., sailmaker F. Jenne, bds Riiilroaii hotel Drake Brian H. Tyrwhitt, law stu- dent Drake, Jackson & Holincken, res 2 Pleasant Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, barristers at law and notaries public, Bastion cor Langley. Tel. 36 Drake Hon Montague William Tyr- whitt, jtidire Supreme Court of B. C, ies2 Pleasant. Tel. 510' " Richard, sen., plasterer, res G5 Kane " Richard, jr., plasterer, 05 Kane DRAKE WILLIAM TYRWHITT, coal merchant, olHce Tiirnor, Bee- ton Dock, res 3 Cook. Tel 533, res 515 Dranev — , moulder Albion I. W. DRAPER THOS., agent, 16 North Park Draut D. Miss, 76 Blanchard " John, baker and grocer, 76 Blaiiciiard " Mary Misa, 76 Blanchard Driard Hotel, Redon & Hart- nagel. View cor Douglas. Tel 29 Drill Shed & Militia stores, Cha«. Irelant), stores foreman, "^2 Menzies Driscoll Dennis, driver tor Victoria Transfer Co., res 173 Siincoo " John, boiler-maker, 156 D )Uglas Driver Ciias. Edward, nigr brick yard, Garbally road Drum Goo. L., barber, 128 Government, res Occidental hotel Drnmmond Tlios., carpenter, res Niagara Dry Dock,Capt.Dovereuxsupt. Tel 555 Drvbur ji . > ri'ii' ^ ■ ■ 1 IM': ci:!!' >0I HF.NDinSON'S VICTORIA DRY EBE F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agents KOTARV PVBUtC, &G.. &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSXTRANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Drysdale Wm. carpenter, Pembroke av nr Qniidra Duck Simeon, M. P.P., city as- sessor and collector, res 47 Herald Duck Wm., law student, res 4*7 Herald Dudgeon James, butcher, res Burnside roiid '* Robt., bookkeeper McLellan & Mc'Feely, res 106 Fisgunrd 3' Dudley John, Uihorcr, 132 Johnson Duff Bell Miss, milliner for D. Spen- cer, rooms 139 Fort Duke Horace A., cif^armakor Kurlis & Co., biis Brunswick hotel Diimbleton Henr}' Morrice, C. E., of Leet Dumbleton &Co., res 17 Michi- gan Dun,Wiman& Co., mercantile agency, E. W. Mathews, mgr, ti Bsistiori Duncan John A., physician and suri^eon '' C " Battery It. C. A., 89 Fort."" Tel 1G3 Duncan Walter S., waiter, 36 Yates " Wm., barnessmaker, res 112 Cormorant Dunlevy Jennie Mrs., 41 View " Peter, 41 View Dunlop John Thos., 143 Pandora av Dunn Morrice, plumber Colbert & Warner, 73 Yutea Dunnintjton William H., porter, 5 Yjites" Dunsmuir Alexander W., president E. & N.Ry., of E. Dunsmuir & Sons res Gorge road " James, of E. Dunsmuir & Sons, president Union Collieries Ci>,, res 15 Menzies. Tol res 531 office 549 Dunsmuir R., & Sons, props Wellington Collieries, office Broughton street. Tel 631 Duponl Clara E. Miss, principal Angela college, Burnette av " Major, opp 151 Cad bore Bay road Durant Harry Huntington, sailor, 141 Chatham Durham John Henry, of Findlay, Dur- ham & Brodie, res London, Em:. " Sadie Miss, 100 Quadra " Thos. Phillip, res 100 Quadia Dwyer F. C, waiter at Union Club, Douglas cor Courtney " Joseph, 40 Pandora avo " Thos., carpenter, 89 Herald DWYEE WM. JAMES, groceries & provisions, Cook cor North Park Dyer Fred. Chas., of King, Dyer &Co,, 54 Fort Dyke Fritz, laborer, 189 Pandora avo Earle Thomas, M. P., whoK sale grocer, 92 and 94 Wliarf, res 131 Cadboro Bay road. Tel 5, res tel 505 Earsman John, clerk H. B. Co., ros 9 Labouchero Eastman Samuel, 115 Johnson, IxU Western hotel " S. M., transfer stables, bds Bruns- wick Eaton Geo., teamster, bds Colonial Ebert Wilhelmiria Miss, domestic, 19 Birdcage Walk '* Philippina Miss, domestic, 61 Superior ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 505 ! ! H., porter, 5 £B£ ELL Eborts Daniel MacEwcn, of Eberts & Tuylor, res Gorge road. Tel 93 Eberts & Taylor, barristers and 8olicitors,30Langley. Tel 70 Eckorsloy James, expressman, res 32 Quadra Eckcrt Chas., clerk, res 12 Bay Eckert Wm., grocer, 173 Gov- ernment, res 12 Bay Edinifton F., machinist, bds Vancou- ver lionse Edniandson Geo., night clerk Occiden- tal hotel Edmunds William, pressman Colonist, res rear of 112 View Education Department, Hon John Robson, minister of education; S.D. Pope, B.A., supt of education Edwiirds Adam, clerk, 26 Quadra " G. P., waiter Clarence hotel, cor Douirlas and Yates " ThoiTKis W., wat(^hmaker for C. E, Kodlern, bd.-i 25 Fi-ederick " Wm., steward Clarence hotel Eldrich David, contractor, 49 Johnson Electi'ic Light Engine House, Yates. Tel 548 Elfenstone Jennie Miss, 173 Menzios Ellord John, contractor building, 30 (Jadt)<)ro Bay road " Robt., farmer, 130 Cadboro Bay road " & Smith, brickniakers and con- tractors, Garbeliy road " Tlieo., farmer. Foul Bay " Wm., 130 Cadboro Bay road Ella Fred. Wm., 268 Fort '• Henry Reoco, bookkeeper for Jacob Sell!, res 268 Fort i' M. B, wid Henry, res 208 Fort " Mary Miss, les 268 Fort '* Thomas R., salesman Matthews, Richards & Tye, ran 268 Fort Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains. T he Largest Stock in the Dominion is carried by THOMAS LICGET, 1884 Notre Dame St., - MONTRE.lL. Mail Orders promptly filled and Samples forwarded. (( ( ( « Blleiy Geoi'ge, gardener, res Pandora South Elliott Anthony, paperhanger, res 159 Chatham Chas., res 151 Fisguard Goo., clerk, res 10 Mason John, laborer,res 11 Beacon Ilill Park John Wm., harnessmaker, res 112 Cormorant Maggie Miss, res 100 Quailra R.. law clerk J. P. Walls, res 10 Mason " Tlios., carpenter, 10 Mason '' W. A., The Willows Hotel, Ca- (iova Bay rd " Wm, stonemason Walnut, Spring Ridge " AVm., laborer, res 11 Beacon Ellis Abraham, job printer Colonist, res 15 Geoi'ge Ellis & CO', publishers The Colonist, lithographers, en- gravers and Job printers, 74 Government. Tel 11 Ellis Wm., blacksmith Albion I.W.,45 Store rooms, 107 C'ormorant " Wm. Harrington, of Ellis & Co., res 15 George head of Pan- dorfi av. Tel 588 EllischGoo., upholsterer for J. Woiler, Pioneer Ellison rev, Wm. G.H,, res Victoria W I t'l: iii '"-..it ]'■■ i;it'ii(; Jose])h Hunter, chief engineer ami <;<>;>eral suj)erinlendenl ; Wm, Why to, accountant jH. Prior, G. K, & P. A.; John Trutch, land loiiini gen. offices. Broughton cor Govein- ment. Railway station, Stoic toot Cormorant, Fred. Brown, station agent; tel office 549, freight oftiie loli Esquimau Water Works Co., R. Lubbe, secy., 79 Wharf Essenwine Francis, boilermakcr, A, 1. W., 28 Mason Ksterbrook S., hack driver, 21 Broiigli- ton Estes Andrew Jackson, res 152 Yates " Hannah Miss, 152 Yates " M. F. & A. E. Mis^es, dressmlirs,, res 152 Yates " Wm. S., clerk Shotbolt, rco 152 Yates 1-08 152 Yates ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Bor EST FAW (I Esirico P. A.,wid Andrew, res 252 YuteH EiheridiTo Ernest, millliand Mulrhoad & Miimi'H mill " Gooi-ije, 33 Birdcage Walk Knrcka Livery, Henry Courtney, 22 Pandora. Tol 30 Evans — , compositor Colonist " Benjamin, usher Supremo Court of B.C., res Cadboro Bay road " C. Mrs., prop Colonist hotel, Bea con Hill Paik corSirncoe " Fri'dcroft,stcnogra|jherSupreme, Court Goo. C, at W. W. Evans & Co. res 72 Yates J,, Albion Iron Works Joseph C, cabinet finisher, res 7'J Yates Mar^arettaMiss, res 116 Fisguard Sarah, wid Joiin, 28 View Sons & Mason, wholesale drug- gists, ot'Montreal, over 47 Gov- oininent " W. JI., farmer, res Cadboro Bay road " '♦/. G., bds Vancouver hotel " Wrn., gardener, 7 Wilcox Evans Wm., of W. W. Evans & Co., res 72 Yatos " Wm. W., of W. W, Evans & Co., res 72 Yatos EVANS W . W, & CO., beef and pork pacUers, 72 Yates Everett Patrick, saloon, Esquimalt roail Eves Mary Miss, seamstress, 52J Gov- ernment Evlin Lcviiio Miss, 109 Vancouver Ewart K., laborer, V:incouver house Ewer & Co., 7(j Wharf " Jamo^, 8 Alfred Fail Grant, laborer, 105 Pandora av Fiiirall Henry Smith, prop. E. & N. Broweiy, Esquimalt road Fairbrother Ceo., prop Lion Brewery saloon, cor Chambers and Queen's uv (I Fairfield Andrew, carpenter, res Ran- dall Fairlie Mary Miss, 48 Binlcaijo Walk Falk P. M.," jeweller, res 168 Fort Fannin John, curator Provincial Mu- seum, res 199 Yates Farquhar Geo., carpenter, res 55 Dou- glas Fiirrell — , book agent, 70 Douglas Cecilia Miss, res 12 Beechy Heni-y, ship car))enter 68 Fort, bds Iluilroad hotel " John Dominick, res 12 Beechy " Thos., Fire Hall No. 2 " Patrick, 1st convict guard Vic- toria Jail, res 12 Beechy " Patrick Gerald, apprentice A. I. W., res 12 Beechy Farron Thomas, stableman, 4 Broad Fasanaro Dominico, res 147 Yates Fashion Stable, Thos. Bariow, prop, 103 Fort. Tel 93 Faulkner E. W.. mate, bds 45 View Fawcett Annie Miss, res 24 Carr " Edgar, clerk Custom house, res 14 Franklin " Edith, Miss res 24 Carr " Fraidv, clerk F. G. Walker, bds 24 farr Grace Miss, res 24 Carr R. Wignell, upholsterer and pajiei- hanger, 50 Government, res 24 Carr Rowland Clayton, clerk, res 24 Carr II I BRCUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HATWARD, Funeral Director and Emklnier, VICTORIA. i •f I? i\ I If! rii' 1 -I ■'3. Telephone No. 48. SOS Henderson's victoria FAW FIE tti F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and FloaDcial Agent, MOTARV P17BI 'f « .1! a. -j. jl' ■ ■I'*,. I it 610 Henderson's victoria FLE FOX ' m F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and FiDancial Agents NOTARY PVBI«IC, &c., &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming;, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. « Flcnly Wm. James, compositor, bdw California holol Fletclicr Cecil, clerk II. M. Cuwloms, res 6 Blanchard Fletcher Thos. W., pianos, oi'ffans and wnving macliiiios, 37 Fort, ros 134 Cook ' Fletcher Everard Ilydo P. O. inspec- tor, res ti Blanchard Edward Taylor, 6 Blanchard George, machiniHt for T. \V. Flotcliei", res 134 Cook Martha Miss, 29 Ellico Ormond, asst draiiu;htsmun B. C. Govt., res 238 Fort Flott Alfred, depy provincial treasurer, res 104 Superior " Henry Timothy, of Johnson, Walker & Flett, res 14 Princess ave " Jamos C, carpenter, 8 Pioneer Fleu^ge — , Albion I. W. Flewin Albert Charles, bartender, 11 Government, res 85 Chatham Flewin Tho8., prop Capital sa- loon, 7 Yates, res 36 South Park Flewin Wm. Henry, cutter, 14 Lang- ley, res 94 Monzies Flint A. St. George, account- ant, and general agents, 30 Fort, res • 27 Fisrt (1 Fluhr CiiarloH, cook Clarence hotel cor Donj,das and Yates Flummei'felt A. C, of AnioM, IIoMp^ & Co., res 33 Gorge Road. To! 453 Folger capt., 23 Government Folts Geo.. 31 Humboldt Fonthill Nurseries, Wyman Clark, agent, Clarence hotel Ford James, carpenter Mnirhoad k Mann, res 77 Discovery " John, carpenter shop, 102 Fort res Kate Miss, domestic, FaiitiolJ Road Mary,wid John, 35 Mens Susan wid. Wm., 143 Pan- dora avo " Thomas, cabinetmaker, ,'" Discovery Forrest John, teamster, 200 Pandora " Christina Miss, teacher, res 43 Michigan " Thomas, bartender, 4^ Fort Forrester Hall, old Masonic Building, 73 Covernment Fortain Juli.m Othello, maeliinist, 64 Pembroke Fortior Oliver, cornice worker for McLennan & McFeel}', res Cook Foster Fred., helper Albion I. W. " Frederick Wm., of Chas. Gat- riel & Co., res 92 Simcoo " Geo., prof of athletics, i;3 Simcoo James, hostler, 25 Broad David Livingston, cornice worker.res 60 Kingston.TcUiJil Ilobt., engineer and niacliinii;, | 155 Yates, res 51 Work Sarah Miss, 34 King's Road Stanley, apprentice, GO King- ston Stephen, painter, GO Kingston Fowler Jasper, A. I. W.^ 72 John Fox Alfred, apprentice, 147 CliatliMl " Annie Mrs., wid., housekcepor, 114J Yates (I <( (I (( 1 1 ALPnABETICAL DIRECTORY. Bll I ircnco liotel, FOX FKE Fox Calhorino G. Miws, .'U5 Mu.soii " CliiiH., ot Fox & J)uwk'V,71 Yates " iJeo. ThoH., flerk M. & H. .\. Fox, I'OM 36 Mtisoti '< (tcitrude M. Mish, 147 CMmtlmm " Hill riot A. Miss, 36 Mufori " Helen A. MiH>, of M. & H. A. Fox, ro8 36 M:mon " Henry, olcrU, 160 Govern men t, vos lltu'okl " llcnry George, engineer, rea 133 F'»rt " Henry, laborer, 114J YatoH " JouiiH Henry, boilermaker A. I. W., rort 147 Chaiham " Maiiiarot \v id George, of M . & U. A. Fox, 36 Mason Fox & Dawley, props Vancou> ver hotel " F. G., cliiof engineer str "Sar- ilonyx " " J. II., boilermaker A. I. W. Fox M. & H. A., cutlery and fishing tackle, etc.» 78 Co- vcriunent Francis Allan G., clerk, res 135 Pan- doia " Jiunes, butcher R. Porter " Cociiia B., wid Allan, res 135 Pandora Fraiuoeur T., millband Muirhoad & M;mn Frank Alexander, commissionner, 7 J()linK)n, bds Clarence 1 FRA.NK ELI, gents' furnishings, and hatter, 39 Government, res 140 Fort " John, clerk Hall, Ross & Co., res 11 Bay Franklin Albert Geo., clerk, res 175 yuperior " .Tesse, driver for V. T. Co. " W. T., bookkeeper,re8 175 Supe- rior " William Anthony,custom8 land- ing waiter, res 175 Superior « (1 Franklyn— will W.ll., res 2t>8 I>oii;;la9 Franks (!lias,, owner Black Diann)nd, bds Clarence Fraser A. J., mason, bds Vancouver house Alex,, machinist, 9 Amelia Amelia, wid, res 92 Chatham Angus, laboror,Chatham nr For- wood rd " Angus, clerk, bds l(i5 Pandora " James Ross, carpenter,l;i3 Qua- dra " James T., Railway contractor, bds 23 Govonmient " Jane Miss, 02 Chatham '' J. 11. Mrs., art teacher, 133 Qua- dra " Peter, laborer, 92 Chatham Fraser Rev Donald, M. A., pa. tor First Presbyterian church, ret 204 Pandoi-a ave Fiaser River Fishery Co., 75 Wharf " Wm. Grant, liack diiver, 116 Chatham Fraser-Barron Chas. A., res 34 F'rank- lin " I>al»ol M. Miss, teacher, res 34 Fi-anklin Liz/.io A. Miss, 34 Franklin Martha, vvid Donald, res 34 Franklin Fredcrickson F., painter, 114 Yates, res Ksquimall rd Fredette Edw., res Pioneer BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. MYWARD, Funeral Director and Emklmcr, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. il ?! ■,i5,; ''St"' '' ■ !Ti mm t!f-" ft 'V^' il?^ 512 bENDGfiSON^S VIOTORIA FRK GAM r. C. RICHARDS, Jr.« Real Estate and Financial Agent) KOTARV I»VBi:.IC» &c», &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. ETRE AIH) LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. ProdricUHon John, cabman, 20 Quebec " M., painter, Victoria West Frcedman C A., clerk Strouss & Co., res 92 Simcoe Freel Jamoi-i, moulder A. I. W., 52 Pandora Frei-mati J. Il.,*;ale8man, res 18 Rupert Froidman Chaw., rew 170 Yates French Hospital, Dr. Jones, surgeon, Jolin Peterson, steward, 30 McClui-e Fresn James A., carpenter Muirhead & Mann Fried Herman, barber, 36 Broad, res 62 Kane Friend John Henry, letter carrier, res 21 Kllice FrDst John, teamster, res Montreal " Wm., painter for Joseph Sears Fry Annie, wid Georj^e, 17 Queen's av " Geo. VV., appraiser's cUa-k II. M. Customs, res 17 Queen'.s avo " Alice Miss, 17 Queen's ave " Maggie Miss, 17 Queen's avo Prj'thall Wm., clerk Albion Iron Works Fu<,'i^le Richard, 3 Churchwa}' Fultbrd George,stableman,bds 91 Fort Fuller Harry, clerk, 97 Johnson Fullerton John,carpenter, 15 Fort Fullerton John, boots and shoes, 103 Government, res 205 Johnson Fullerton Wm. Frank, grocor, North Road, Spring Ridge Fulton Daniel, millhand Rock Bay Saw- Mi II, 45 iSecond Furmore Arthur, sealer, bds Ruilioad hotel Furnell Arthur, bricklayer, res Kinir., road " " Geo., brieklayer,res Kinir's mad Futzhir Thos. Stephen, 1 Riclianlson Gabriel Alexander, teamster, res 15 Rae " Ciiiirles, of C. Gabriel & Co., os 33 South Park Gabriel Chas., & Co., Japan* ese Bazaar, 46 Government Gabriel Edward, paintpr,res 20 IJuccliy " William, clerk, 20 Beechy Gaden Harry, policeman, 16 Douijliia Gadsly Thos., lotig8h<»rcmen,28 IlonsM Gaerdes John Henry, of Spriiiyer i Qaerdes, 49 Johnson Galbraith Angus, miner,5 Cluirclnvav " Findlay, driver Victoria Tiiick I atid Dray Co., 5 Churohwiiy " John Henry, electrician, res 35 Humboldt " Wm., driver V. T. & D. Co, " Wm., teamster V.T. k D. Cojes | 5 Church way Galer Geo. V., millwright, res 111 Quadra " Wm., clerk, 61 Quadra Galliigher Daniel A., bds 36 Yates " Patrick, sergeant "C" Batten; res 66 Humboldt Gallant D., teacher St Louis Cc)ilei,'e Galley Charlotte widow Win., leji Topaa ave " Frederick, salesman Mattliew\ Richui'ds & Tj'e, res Topaziiul " A. Miss, res Topaz av Qallik.son John, fruits, 15 Johnson GAMBLE F. C, resident enginoefl Dora dept of Pub Works, ofcl P.O. building, res 86 Bolvi Tel. 149 '* Gordon, blksmith,bds Brunswk'l iM land Eook Bay Saw oaler, bds Railroad icklayer, res King's yer,res Kind's rond )hen, 1 liichiiriisdn •, teiimslcr, res 15 I. Gabriel & C)., es irk , & Co., Japan< 46 Government ainter,res20 Ik'cdiy rk, 20 Beechy iceman, IG J)(>ui;li« [sh(»i'emeii,28 HcnilJ Biiry, of Spriiiijer & nson tnincr,5 Cliurciiway ivcr Victoria Tnak ^o., 5 Cliui-chwuy ', electrician, res 35 • V. T. & D. Co, tor V.T.& D. Cojfi iniliwriglit, res CI , 61 Quadra A., bdf* 30 Yates eant " C " Battery, nboldt or St Louis College a widow Win., i«| salesman Matthew- & Tye, resToptizii"! 8 Topaz av fruits, 15 Johnson ,, rottident enginMl , of Pub Works, ofa ding, res 8G Bclvfc cBmith,bd8 BrunMvki AtFHAfiETlCAL filRECtORY, 613 GAM GJa Gnmmon Rowland, plasterer, res 5 Humboldt Gaudy I^aac, foreman slaughter house for L. Goodacre, res Edmonton " John, logger, bds Colonial Gannon John llenry, salesman, res 11 Beacon hill " T., stableman, bds Vancouver house Cant Catherine widow Wm,, 125 Blanehard ave " Ily. A., teamster, 125 Bl.mchard Gardener John r<]ndicott,Chineso inter- preter, 214 Pandora av. " R. 11., photograj)her, bds Wind- sor hotel " W. E., carpenter Smith & Clark Gardiner Chas, Fred., cashier Simon Leiser, I'es 9 Lalioucliero " Geo. Allan, dork C. Strouss & Co., 9 Lal)oiichore " Kate Mis., res 128 Yates Gardner Alexander, laborer, 50 Blan- ehard C., driver fire dept Charles, gai'dener, IS Erie Joiin, driver Victoria Fire Dept, 82 Yates John, m.'ichino hand Jacob Sehl Annie Mrs., grocer, 18 Eric John S., J. Sehl, re.i 30 South Park " Joseph, agent, 25 Green Garcsche George II, , clerk Garesche, Green & \J(»., bds 118 Fi.sguard rooms 38 Uougi.is " C, of Garesche, Green & Co., res San Francisco Caresche, Green & Co., pri- vate bankers, and agents for Wells, Fargo & Co., 81 Gov- ernment Gui'land A., locomotive engineer, 135 Qiiaiira " F. W., steward Royal Hospital " Gcoi'ge, engineer, 135 Quadra *»» MANUFAOTUREB OF <( U quiinalt road (^n., prop St Goorgo's Inn, ENquiinait road Gillospy E. M., wid James, l.'iO Fort Gillies Andrew, harnossmaker lor Mann & Heron " M,, deckhand, bds Rnilro.iiilinul Gilligan Jolin, salesman, res (J9 Kjihc " Edward, vurnisher for J. Sclil, res 09 Kune " John, clerk G. H. Maynaril'.<, res 69 Kane " Mary Miss, res 69 Kane " Winnie Mhs, res 69 Kane Wm. *i\ ALPttABETtCAL DIRECTORY. 515 linLeiihy.lOl Frederick, res Aincouvcr uver luvor, re3 lo5 9 Johnson ur for Victoria pltistcvcr, 65 rtor'rt Cabin, 36 , carpenter, res rringo trimmer, r\ V woricer, bats 42 J<)l»n>'e« IWm r, G. Bossie, prop. ■» U-hmaker, 154 Gov- k D. SiJencwr, rooi i{rineerstr"SirJ;u t' ro» 131 Connoniiu Grant John, J. P., M. P. P.| mayor City of Victoria, res 24 Cadboro Bay road. Tel 661 Grant Jno., clerk for Van Volkcnburgh & Bro. « Capt. Wm., 2 Work " \V., millhand Muirhead (& Mann ♦' Wm. Cha8., carpenter, 51 Tliird Gravelle Frank, driver, 76 Blancliard " Frank, einp. Gas Co., li Cad- boro Bay road Graves Kdwaid, packer for J. Weiler, Coiniorant " H. W., clerk Customs " Nevil Edgar, clerk, res 112 Pan- dora Cray A. B., & Co., wholesaie dry goods, iiquors,- c } i and commission agents, 71 Wliarf. Tel 76 Gray Alexander Blair, of A. B. Gray& Co., res 82 Belleville " Andrew, of Spi-att & Gray, res 17 Work. Tel 570 " Eilward J., tireman, res 316 Douglas « Eiiza, wid J. II., 39 Cadboro Buy road " Floronce Miss, 39 Cadboro Bay road " James, stonecutter, Vancouver house *' Jaaies, carpenter, 316 Douglas " John Hamilton, juu., C.E., res 39 Cadboro Bay road " J. H., 17 Work " J. J., steward str. "Islander" C. P. N. Co. " Pierpont Hamilton, mechanical engineer, res 39 Cudboro Bay I'oad *' Samuel Wesley, carpenter, 55 Hillside av THEl DOPIDIIOli ILLOSTKHTED Gives numeioDs (n'ravinga of AND THE J. H, Brownlee, Agent, Brandon. Cray Samuel, stair builder, Sash and Door Factory, Chatham nrCotfernment,res 19 Gorge road Gray Sil^-l Miss, res 39 Cadboro Bay road Greaslcy Elizal)cth, wid Wm., 1.36 Cormorant Great Western Mutual Assr. Co., (Accident), 18 Broad Greaves Nathan K., res 112 Pandora " Wm., blacksmith A.I.W. Green Abraham, 120 Richardson " Alexander Alfred, of Garesclie, Gicon & C '., res 15 Birdcage Walk. Tel 571 it Andrew, ,f Loot Dunibleton & Co. Ashdown llenry, Indian Dopl., res 22 Michigan, Tel 1H8 Caroline II. Miss,120 Richardson Clias., 120 Richardson Chas., & Co., real estate, 43J Government Charles de Blois, surveyor, res 16 Labouc'here D. F., A.I.W., 64 Caledonia av Eleanor Miss, 120 Richardson Hannah M. Miss, Ksquimalt rd Horace, carpenter, res Fisguard Julia, wid P. W.,res 287 Johnson Michael, 26;^ Johnson Sarah Jane Mrs., Ill Douglas Greenhill Emily Miss, res 38 Mason n It (i « (( hamber» nr Bay Rich., fiieman, 67 North Park Greenwood Mrs., widow J.K., res 89 Pandora av Gregg A., & Son, merchant tailors, 62 Yates Gregg Abraham, of A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road " Arthur, tailor lor A, Gregg & Son, res 40 Kind's road " Cliaries, asstcutiei lor A. Gregg & Sou, res 40 King's road " Frank, of A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road " J. S., waiter, 109 Government Grey James, res 316 Douglas Cribble Henry, toys and fancy gfiods, 84 Government, res 12 Pio- neer Gribble Henry, clerk, 84 Government " John Edward, jtaiiiter, 12 Pioneer *' Ann t,. Miss, res 12 I'ioneer " T., res 12 Pioneer Grice Joseph, carpenter, 2>1 Johnson Grier James VV., compositor, res Hum- boldt Griffiih J., wharfinger C.P.N. To. Grittilhs VVm., moulder Spratt & Gray, res Heruld McNiflP, prop., 1 North America, Grimason George, driver, 16 Yates John, 68 Quadra Wm., foreman, res 68 Quadra Grimm Wm„ prop Victoria Carriage Works, 131 Johnson, res 124 Vuu- couver Grismer August, barber, 129 Govern- ment, res Quadra Grotto Saloon, W, Trounce Alley Guarantee Co. of 49 Government Guardian Fire Assurance Co. of Lon- don, Turner, Beoton & Co., agents, Wharf Gullekson Jno., 15 Johnson Gunns 'I'hos,, clerk, res Frederick Gumason Wm., bottler for A. Phillip? & Son GurnerE., & Co., 62 Wharf Gusloan Charles, agent J. K, Gill & Co., res 10".» Pandora Gwann Tlios., laborer, 171 Johnson Gwennep James, corporation teamster, 33 North Park Gwynn G. G., solicitor, 33 Langley Hackett Jack, ship capenter, 70 Broad Hairier L., machiniBt A.I.W., 29 Xaiie Ha^erty John, conlractoi-, teaming iiiitl road work, 195 Yaus. Tel i:^;{ Haggart Brant, helper, res Herald '* David, machinist Albion 1. W. " James, patternmaker A. 1. W,, bds 12 Johnson Hague Mrs., res 158 Fort " Wm., tinner, 70 Yales Hahn Charles, sign writer, 69 Douglas, res 189 Johnson Haigh Benjamin,engineerVictoriaFire dept,, 82 Yates H'unes Mr8.,wid, res Saanich road Halcrow Peter, 61 Yates Hale Geo,, apprentice, 89 Chathara " Richard Samuel, millwright, fS Chatham Haley John, A.I.W., res 56 Pombiulie ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 519 inco Co. of Lon- )n & Co., iigenlH, sign writer, 69 I Johnson ngineerVictoriuFire « HAL Hull Alfred, tinner for McLennan & McFeeloy, res 158 Fori " Chas., of Hall & McCorkall, res Qiiacii-a Clias., hackman,ro8 138 Fort E. Mis , 55 Broad F. J., res 43 North Paik " Fanny, wid Dr. James L., 170 Johnson HALL FRANK WALTER, M.D., 60 Douglas '• Frod. J., clerk, 25 Yates " Geo. A. B., dentist, 95 Douglas, ros 43 North Park " Got'pel & Co., ins. agents, 100 (Tovernmenl, liquors, 28 Store. Tel. 83 Hail H. C, iKirrister at law, solicitor and notary public, 12 Chancery Lane, res Saanich i-oad HallJ., M!D., Horaoeopathist, Douglas cor Yates " James D., of Hall & Lowe, res Vancouver City Hall Lewis, dentist, 95 Dou- glas, res 45 Second HALL & LOWEf photographers, over t!3 Govornm-int " Margaret, wid Thomas, res 7 FranUlin " Mary Ann, wid Philip John, res 158 Fort " & McCorkall, repairing, Oriental Alley " Pliiiip John, res 158 Fort " liichaid, of Hall, Goepel & Co., ros 9i Peinb-'^ke HAM Hall, Ross & Co., props Victoria Rice .Mills, 66 Store. Tel 136 " Thos. B., of Hall, Ross & Co., res 45 Blanchard. Tel. 119 " Wm., foreman Vancouver Iron Works, res 42 Pembroke " Win. B., porter for Dixie xL iJoss & Co., res 138 Fort Hall Wm., barkeeper, Driard " Win.. machinist, 17 Pitmeer " Win., clerk, ros 158 Fort Hallott Eli, Market nr Douirlas " Geo , A. I. W., res Market nr Douglas Halliday Goo., painter, bds 49 Herald " James Augustus, principal Boys' Public school, res 50 Quadra Halls William, gardener for Senator Maedonald Halpennoy Horace, painter for Jo.seph Soars, res 189 Johnston " Win . miner, 94 Pandora Hambley Win. John, blacksmith, ros 41 Cadboro Bay road Hamer Geo., carpenter. 132 Johnson Hamilton — , laborer, 19 Chatham " Mrs., widow, res 122 Fort " Elizabeth, wid Hugh, 70 North Park Hamilton Powder Co., Wil- liam Gordon, agent, over 47 Govern- ment. Tel 61 Hamlej' Hon. Wymand, res Burdetto ave cor Quadra Hamlin L. B., C. E., Foul Bay Hammond William, C.E., E. & N. Ry. Co., Beacon Hill Park, bet Toronto and Siincoe HAMPSON & TERRY, dry goods, 59 Yates cor Broad " William Spencer, of Hampson & Toi'ry,res 131 Fort BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HATWARD, Funeral Director and Embalmer, VICTORIA. Hi ■ lit' Telephone No. 48. 520 Henderson's victoria HAM HAR »h\ F. C. lilCHARD8,Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARV P1JBI.XC, &C.. &G. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Hampton George, warohousomun, 68 Govonimeiit Hand Robert, laborer, 36 Kane Hanes Peter, engineer, bds Railroad Hotel Hanoy Julia Miss, domestic, 131 Cad- boro Bay road Hanington Ernest B. C, M.D., office 81 Fort, res 83 Fort. Tol. 139 Hanlvin Donald, tel operatoi, res 113 Cliatliam Hankinson Kato Miss, waitress, 116 Douglas Hannan Geo., bartender Grotto saloon " James, stonemason, res 115 Blanchard James, mason, 8 Mears John, salosnuiD, res 8 Alears John, res 8 Mears Wni., tinsmith, res 8 Mears Hansen Antoine, painter, 57 St Law- rence " Alex., rockdrillor, bds Railroad Hotel " Peter, city scavenger, 49 Discov- ery Peter, E. & N. Ry., Esquimalt road Samuel, druggist, 115 Govern- ment. Tol'lSS Neil, fisherman, 51 David Hantz Frank, roar Bank Exchange saloon Harbor master and Port Warden, W. R. Clarke, office 13 Store Harcoint T., cabinetmaker, 167 Go- vernment Haidaker Wm., machinist A. I. W 43 David Harding Evan, cook Vancouver hse " Frederick James, gardener, 73 Richardson " Thos., bakery, 75 Fort, res 82 Superior Hare Michael, engineer, 263 Douglas Hargravos George, sui-veyor, over 47 Govei'iiment, res 36 Yates Hnrlow E., driver V. T. Co. H; Min Geo,, bartender, 1 Trounce Alley, res Johnson Thos., 8ul)marine driver, res Pritehard House Harmony Hall, 81 View Harnden Wm., machinist A.I. W. Harold Geo., 2nd cook Driard I Hari>cr James, brewer, 32 Herald " Wesley, butcher tin* Van Vol. ken burgh & Bio. Harris A., 'es 8 Churehway " Agne.-; Mary Miss, Victoria west " Airnes Miss, dressmaker, 18 View " Capt. Annie, S. A., res 142 Fort " Charles, packer for J. Woiier " Claivorn, carpenter, 9 Alfred " Dennis Reginald, J. P., of Lowenberg, Harris & Co., res 4 Belleville " Ernest Arthur, collector, 41 Go- vern men t, res Blanc iiard " James, fireman Str Hope, res I F nude 1 in " John, 123 Chatham Mary Ann, wid John, 149 Fort .Margaret Mrs., res 59 View Nellie Mary Miss, Victoria West '• Sam. Dale, miller, res Mary, Victoria West " Wm., pressman, res 149 Fort Harrison Alice Miss, res 43 Cadboro Bay road " Alfred, ros 43 Cadboro Bay road ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. '91 HAR HAT Harrison Eli, jiin., jud^o County Court of Cariboo, res 90 Cadboro Bay road. Tol 187 Harrison Eli, painter and paper lianger, and dealer in wail paper, paints, oils and glass, 108 Dou^las,cor Pandora av, res 4;} Cadboro Buy road Harrinon George B., driver, 75 Fort, ros 6 Kane " Lizzie Miss, i-es 43 Cadboro Ba}- road '• Jan. Bolton, alderman, 42 Mont- real. Tel 153 John, waiter, bds Eailroad Hotel k McAllister, grocers, 69 Jobnisoi. Tel 155 " Louise Miss, 63 Moars " May Miss, res 43 Cadboro Bay rt»ad " Dr., bds Roccabelia " Ricl)ard, painter, 44 Princess av " Win., of Harrison & McAllister, res 107 Blanchard avo llarrop John, painter, 28 Herald Hart David, tobacconist, 110 Govern- ment, res 94 Chatham " Delia Miss, 130 Fisguard " E. A., ins, agent, 25 liastion, res BoUot '* Harry, laborer, 61 Douglas " John Jacob, of J. Hart & Co,, res 43 Johnson Hart John J., prop The Bazaar Lidian Curios, 43 Johnston Hart Eoso Miss, 130 Fisguard Harte Mike.cannery emp,l30 Fisguard Hartford Fire Insurance Co., J. Nicholles, agent, 61 Yates Hartly Samuel, carpenter, res 62 Kingston Hartman Sigfried M., dentist, 61 Gov- ernment, res 247 Yates |. F ALMIER If (C IMPORTERS OF Gelle Preres. Roger 8i Gallet's. Bertrand Freres. Fiver's. Finaud's. Lubin's. Colgate's. 1743 & 1745 Notre Dams, ViU ^REAL. Hartnagel Gustave A., of Rod on & Hai'tnagol Hartnell Mrs. Henry John, widow, res 264 Yates. Harvey Kemp, C P.N. Co., bds 70 Dou- glas George, cleric, res Belcher G. A., wharfinger C.P.N. Co. '• Rout, bookkeeper Turner, Beeton < U Hayes John, bartender, 68 Fort " Wm., laborer, 127 Johnson " Wm. Augustus, of Hayes Bros 24 Broad Haynes Albert H., clerk, Wells, Fargo & Co., res 96 John " Arthur E., clerk, res 6 Parking. ton " Geo. Henry, student, 96 John " Geo. Washington, of H. F. Ileis- lerman & Co., res 96 John K^e Card advs Hayward Charles, jun., jwying teller Dom. Govt. Savings Bank, lij9 Vancouver Haywood Jos, res 2Cadboro Bay Road Heal David, &Co., stoves and tinware, 99 Johhson Heal D. C, of D. Heal & Co., res 166 Yates " JoiinA., tailor, 101 Johnson Healey John, machinist Albion I. W. Heanski A., cook, nr North Park Heany Alex., drayman, 147 Michigan " Jane Miss, 28 Blancbard " Joseph, drayman, 28 Blanchard Heard Fred. Wm., tailor, res Humboldt " Lilly Miss, res 10 Bay HEARNS HENRY, dyer and clouncr, 53 Douglas, res 113 Chatham Hea telle}' Sam I., laborer Water Works Heathcote G. V., freight olerk Str K.P, Rithet Heather bell Wm., bricklaver, ros 113 Cook Heathfield M. T. Miss, 6 Scoresby *' S. L. wid Kdwin, res 6 Scoroslij " V. L. Miss, 6 Scoresby ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTORY. 628 >r, 68 Fort 27 Johnnon of Hayes BroH., M'k, WcUrt, Fargo ohn k, res 6 Parking. udont, 96 John m.ofH. F. Ueis- res 96 Jolin Broun h ton , 6 Parkiiiyton Pioneer sash y, undertaker, nd builder, r Langley. res r. Tel 48, res rd advs jun., iwying teller Savings Biuik, W Cadboro Bay Road io.i Stoves and ion leal & Co., res m r, 101 Johnson inist Albion LAV. It North Park •man, 147 Michigar. Blanchard man, 28 Blanchard tailor, res Humboldt ertlO Bay f, dyer and cleaner, 113 Chatham iboi'or Water Works i-eight clerk Str R,P. , bricklayer, ro8 113 Miss, 6 Scoresby iwin, res 6 Scoiosby 6 Scoresby HEA HER Heathorn Arthur, prop. Cen- tral coal yard, 00>^ Govern- ment. Tel. office 470, yard foot of Johnston .Tel. 171, res 3 Bridge HEATHORN WM., prop Rock Bay Tannery, cor John and Bridge, res 3 Bridge. Tel. 559 Heathorn Wm. Klisha, res 3 Bridge Ucay Alex., boilermaker, 1 13 Chatham " Horace, boilermakor,113Chatham <' Eleanor wid James, 113 Chatham » Walter, 113 Chatham Hecker sley James, ex|)ressman, Driard Hedges Francis Ferdinand, clerk H. B. Co., res 61 North Park " Alex. Augustus, clerk H. B. Co. res 61 North Park Hofferman Ralph., waiter Driard Hegmin Frank, bookkeeper, 45 ^tore Heisterman Barnard S.,clerk,8 Bastion Heisterman Henry Frederick, of H. F. Heistorman & Co., res 295 Douglas. Tel 560 Heisterman H. P.f & Co., real Estate, Financial and Insur- ance agents, 8 Bastion sq. Tel 5B. '^'fi<-' -4di' p. 4(>G, Heller Julius, A.I. W., res 70 John Helman John Louis, jeweller,109 View Helmcken Henry Dallas, of Drake Jackson &Helmcken,re8 2 Belleville HELMCKEN JAMES DOUGLAS physician,& surgeon 20 Fort, cor Langley, res same. Tel 558 " John Sebastian, Physician, res 2 Belleville Henderson Antoine, Y. T. Co., res 19 Broughton " Andrew, bartender HENDERSON DIRECTORY CO., publishers, P. O. Box 278 See Adv •' H.S. T., surveyor, bds Occiden- tal hotel " Joseph N., of Langley & Co., rea 253 Fort (I Henderson Leonard C, of Henderson Directory Co.^ res 144 Fort. P. O. Box 278 Henderson & Parker, real estate, 67 Government " Piinl, of Henderson & Parker, res Richmond road Sam- Honry,painter, 26 Farquhar Tlios., bartender Union Club Thos. M., of Langley & Co., res 253 Fort Hendry Thos., match factory, 23 Work Hetdey John, painter, bds California hotel Henly Henry, hotel, Clover Point " Neil., res Clover Point Henry Clara, wid Alex., 35 View " Thos., upholsterer, res 167 John- son " Wm., upholsterer Ha«tie& Lock- hart Honski August, mattress maker Jacob Sehl, res Caledonia av Fiank, res Chatham James, J. Sehl, res Caledonia av Hepworth Frank H., tailor, 195 Pan- dora av " Jas., tailor, res 195 Pandora av Herbergor — , machinist Albion L W. Herbert S., cook Driard Herd George, carpenter, 51 McClure " John, millwright, 51 McCluro " Jennie Miss, 51 McOlure HERITAGE HENRY JOHN, builder, 66 i^. ig'sroad BROUCHTON STREET. (I CHAS. HATWARD, Fund Director and Emklmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. Ml ' ■•■.p ** ' ( ' fit -I "r''[>; I (r-' :, i" : 624 Henderson's victoria HER IIIL ic;; US' F. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY PVBIcar Hodges Edward, Jolinson nr Georjje " 3Iary Mrs., wid Tliomiis, res Joimson nr, George " Thomas, briclthiyer, Johnson nr Gcoi'^e Hodgson iiutciiinson, carpenter, South Kuiid Hodnett Alfred, prop. Bruns- wick hotel Hodnett Alexander A., res Bruns- wick hotel " Wm. E., res Brunswick hotel Hoff— , 92 View Hoffur W., machinist Albion I. W. Uoifman Chas., cmp Van Volken- burgli Bros., res 120 Toronto iHogartli Jas., carpenter, 11 King's Koad I Hogg Euphomio, wid Andrew |Uoldcri Emery, stublcmen, 22 Pan- dora " Fred. Chas., clork, 41 Langley res 38 Humboldt jHolland Fred., carpenter, 60 John " Joshua, contractor and builder, eUJohn. Tel596 Hollings Henry, laborer, 171 Johnson lollins — , larmer, Edmonton mmy ponnR, MANUFAtrtlllEU OF OEATHER ^ BELTING Mukea a siieo'inlty of Urge BelU, niiil sella tlieia on fulIoHt giiai-untoe. 436 ¥isit2tioii Strost* Ilollway llobt., printer, 121 Michi- gan Holly Geo. Mrs., Pembroke nr Quadra Holman J. J{., lineman Victoria-Es- qu malt Telephone Co., bds Occi- dental IIoIlios Alex., mos.senger Govt, offi- ces, James Bay " Arthur, clothing, 78 Yates, rms 21 Broad Byron, 135 Pandora ave J., Occidental hotel Josiah Greenwood, Lt.-Col., com- mandant " C " Battery, Royal School of Artillery, res Work Point " Mondall, seal hunter, bds 23 Government " Pelei-, Capt str. Nell " Wm. C, engineer, 48 Pembroke Ilolness James, cigars and confoct ery, 84 Yates, res 91 Fort " Miss, res 91 Fort Uoltz Chas., E. & N. Ry., bds Occi dental hotel Iloman Frederick, laborer, res 77 View Hood David Goodsin, shoemaker, 68 Broad " James, drayman, 26 Green " James, driver, 18 Yates, res cor Chatham and Cook ^ Ilookway Arthur Frederick, organist, 32 Fourth Hooper D. G., shoemaker, 68 Broad (I , 1 1 'i !- ■^• h- -: ■ ., .11' 1 ,^% V .;t 626 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA HOO HUM r-N W: 11 III It'-S^ n- I it W ! i W5* F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY PVBI,IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 51 YATES STIffECT. Hooper Matthew, miner, res Eohs Bjij, Fuirtield Roud " Wm., eiiijinoer, 15 Fort, res Claik " Sarah iMiss, waitress Occidental Hooson Edward, night wr.tehn'an, 18 Princess uv Hnpfenzitz Jo-eph Leonard, sign painter, 98 Douglas, bds Oocidentul Hopkins Zachariah Morton, carriage- maker, bds Cidifbrnia hotel Hopper John Thos., prop. Victoria hotel, 71 Fort, res 86 Fort Horman — , pattern maker Albion I. W. Home Henry Richiird, asht car inspector K. &N. Ey., res Vic- toria W " Thomas, cab driver, 34 Blan- ch ard Horner Chas., shoemaker, 14 Fort Horsley Samuel, plasterer, res 2G0 Johnson Horton Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, reB 149 Chatham John, constable, I'es Church way L. M. Miss, teacher Spring l{i)l)l., electrician, 34 Michigan " Malthevv, electrician, ingr V.E.I. Co., 20 Langley,res 34 Michigan Huxtable A;;nes Miss, clerk, res 90 Pandora Robl. T., painter, res 90 Pandora Wm. H. jun., machinist, res 90 Pandora Wni. H., janitor Public School, res 90 Pandora Hyams Samuel S.y optician^ 27 Fort, res 73 Broad Hylan W. J., mechanist A.I.W. Imbert C. A., carpenter, ros 171 Su- perior " George, cornice worker for Mc- Lennan & McFeely, res 171 Superior " D. I., clerk, bds 33 South Park Tmorsen Geo., waiter, res 58 Herald Imperial Fire Ins. Co. of Lon- don, R. P. • ithet & Co.y agents, 61 Wharf. Sfoadv under Contents Indian Bazaar Curios, Furs and robes, John J, Hart & Co,, props,43 Johnson Church, 20 Herald department, Lt. Col, J. W, Powell, Indian superintendent; Hon. A. W, Vowell, Indian Reserve eomm., 20 Douglas cor Courtney Inland Revenue department^ Wm. Gill, inspector ; Richard Jones, collector, office Custom House building Innes Adam, teamster, 14 Caledonia av " Chas. B., clerk Batdc of B. C.,re8 Ksquimalt " Win., 14 Caledonia av Innis Harry M,, Bank of B.N.A.,re8 14 Young II (I l"^t% I t-;!-' ! s^::.^ ' *::■■ ' "il Ml. ih Ml ■£& i' > ¥'-i ti 528 Henderson's victoria 100 JAC P. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARY PVBI«IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. PIHE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. I. O. O. F. Hall, 87 Donslns Inteniatioiial Business College, W. H. Eoutledge, 178Yiite8 Inverness Salmon Cannery, Skeena llivir, Turner, Beoton & Co., agents, Wharf Ii-edalo Wilson, carpenter, res 117 Chatham " Wilson, carpenter, bds Bruiis- vviclv Irelanil Moses Amos, logger, 130 Dou- glas " Chas., foreman militia stores, 22 Menzies " M. C. Mrs., dresstr-'Uer, 130 Douglas " Wm., carpenter, 70 Broad, res 22 Meiizies Irvine David, butcher, res North Park ** Charlotte Mrs., widow Artiiur, dairy, res Oscar nr Moss " D. 11, bds Occidental hotel " P. JE., depy attorney general, res 47 Cook. Tel. 110 Robt., laborer, 118 North Paik Win., contractor. South Itoad, Spring Ridge " Wm., policeman, 164 Pandora Irving Edward Hond, 130 Quad«a " George Melbourne, shoemaker, res Superior " John R., ship carpenter bds California hoiel " Capt. John, mgr. C.P.N. (Ltd.),reH73Menzies. Tel. 543 Irving Robert, res Spring Ridgo " Robert, freight and pass, acent C.P.R., 75 Government, res 32 Church way Irving: Thomas Lewis, boots and shoes, 90 Yates, res J3irclcai'e Walk nr Michigan Irwin Dixon, accountant, res Saiinioh road " Wm., clerk Customs, res Suanieh road Isaacs J., res 119 Chatham Island Mai-ket, Robt. Portei'& Sons, 104 Johnson " Railway Wood Co., Win. Iniii^, agent, 45 Stoi'e Islander. Sleaniship C.P.N. Co., Capt., George Riiillin Jack Alex,, contractor, res 4S Mielij. gan *' Mrs., widow, res 121 Siipeiioi- Jackinson J., watchmaker, 4l) John- son Jacklin Chtis., moulder A, I. W., U Herald " Tlios., stove moulder A.I.W., U Herald " Mrs., widow, 44 Herald Jackman James, teamster, 159 Feni' wood road " Sam., harnessmakor Fred. -M.t- ris, ns 1G3 Fernwood road | Jackson Andrew, res 8 Jatnes Alexander James, res US Fouitl! Fred. Augustus, druggist, rtj 30 Michigan Geo. Kdward, machinist A.I.W., Fourth near Hillside George R. , tailor, res 18() Fn James Andrew, biscuit baker,iei 24 Quadra J. E., mechanist app. A.I.W. John, shoemaker, res 9 Day John Smith, butcher for Van Volkenburg & Bros., res -i Frederick 11 II od Co., Win. InnU, tore ip C.P.N. Co., Ciipt, •actor, res 4R Miclii- , res 121 SiipoiiiM' itclimaker, V.) John- )uUlcr A. I. W., i\ I moulder A.l.W., 44 ?, 44 Herald teaniHter, 159 Forn- I essmaker Fred. Mor J Fernwood road , res 8 James James, ros 1)8 Fourth ustus, druggist, res an rd, machinist A.UV,, ar Hillside , tailor, res 18(5 Fi'rt rcw, biscuit baker.rei a ,. umist app. A.I,^^. imaker, res 9 Day Lh, butcher tor Van rg & Bros., res 'io II Jackson J.B., Mrs. Pioneer Electric Works, 89 YatcH, res same " Margaict Mrs., wid Edward Henry, 68 Fourth Oliver, t'oreman, res 9 Bay K. K.; Q.C.,of Drake, Jackson & llelmcken, res 18 Hichardson, Tul 645 " Kicharvidow Alfred, 13 Green " A. M. Mrs., 39 N'orth Park Janion A. I. wid Richard, res Blan- chard, nr Pembroke Ja J )anese Bazaar, Chas. Gabriel & Co., 49 Government Jaques George, watchmaker & Jeweller 127 Fort, res same " Josiali, merchant, 45 Store Jardine John, painter, res 98 Blan- chanl av Jarrett Benjamin Wm., bartender, 71 Fort Jarvis Wm., stevedore, res Victoria West Jay & Co., seedsmen, 13 Broad, nurser- ies 255 Cook " Geo., of Jay & Co., re.s 255 Cook " Geo., jr., barrister, of Vates & Jay, res 23 Birdcage Walk JECOBY HENKY secy Perry Creek Gold Mining Co., Ld., over 41 Government bds Union Club Jeebes Allan, laborer, First nr Hill side av Jetfreo K. Miss, ros head of Yates " Sarah, wid. Richard, res 107 morant " W. J., clothing, 40 Yates Jeffrey Jo.^eph, porter Adelphi saloon " R. Mrs., widow, 107 Cormorant I I 'l >•-.' *'-•.,. '"■■■,1 ^•/. h\ m livJl* •Am 630 BUNfttlRSON's VICTORIA JEF JEW F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVBL,IC, &C.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSXTBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Jeffrey Robt. Mil no, bookkeeper, 34 Foit, res 34 El I bet Jeffs Thos., painter, Chambers nr South road " ThoH. John, painter, Walnut nr Cedar Hill Jelfs Geo., jrai-dener F. S. Barnard, Belcher cor Pemberton Rd Jem met W. S., capt., 66 Eao Jenkins Chas., millvvright,re8 Victoria West " D. Mrs., 147 Chatham ♦' David Jolin, carpenter for Chas. Hayward, res Chatham " E., laborer, Vancouver hotel " Geor«^e, 21 Government res Rus- sell Station " Jiimes,!irickla3'er,ll Princess av " John Thos., 54 Discover}- *' Marioti Miss, of Jenkins & Ste- vens, res 39 Pandora " & Stevens, millinery, etc., Ill Douglas Wm., 39 Pandora ave Wm. Henry, A.I.W., 147 Cha- tham Jenkinson Annie Miss, saleswoman, res 46 Douglas '* Chas. Wm., asst collector Victoria city and dist., and- Esquimalt, Government Build itigs, res45 Vancouver Henry, gardener, res 96 Fort Eliza wid George, boarding house, 46 Douglas (1 Jenkinson Wm., watchmaker, 61 Johnson, res Douglas Jennings Arthur, 120 Cormorant Bessie Miss, 120 Cormorant C. Miss,clerk,res 120 Cormonmt John, laborer. Topaz av " Kester, 116 Cormorant " Thos., 120 Cormorant Jenns Louis H., clerk, res 144 Doiiijlas " Percy A., clerk Baid< of B.C., res Douglas " Percival, rev rector of St. John'-i Church, Anglican, res Douglas bel Herald and Fisguard Jensen Victor, saloon, 4 Langlej-Aliey Jensen Wm., prop Occidental hotel. Wharf cor Johnson Jephson Hiram, porter, ros Cliatlium Jensen Hans, stal>leman for Victoria Transfer Co., rooms 19 Brou ■4,f?J F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV P1JBI.IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Johnston Street Ward School, King's rd " Thomas, res 28 Farquhar " Wm., printer, 28 Simcoe " Zilla Mrs., res Toronto Jonasson Andrew, cabinetmaker, 217 Cook " John, carpenter for John Weiler Jones A.W.,Capt., agent Canala Life Assurance Co., and real estate agent, dis. paymaster, dist No. i, 36 Government, res Labouchere. Tel office 198 " Albert Ed. C, stenographer, res 54 Pandora " Annie G. Miss, 20 Wharf " Arthur, clerk, 42 Herald Jones Bros.i photographers, 60 Yates Jones Cecilia Mrs., res 110 Superior Charles, sen., res 54 Pandora Charles E , druggist, 31 Yates Charles F., stenographer, bds 133 Quadra & Co., stenographers and type- writers, 6 Bastion Deacon, bartender Senate Saloon Edith Miss, domestic, 20 Hum- boldt Edwin, tinsmith, 42 Herald Frederick Crosly, of Fee & Jones, res 28 Pioneer George Lester, bartender Van- couver hotel (( <( (( <( tl (I Jones Gustave, cigar maker, 37 Bird- cage walk " Henry, emp C. Morley, res Pros- pect <' Henry J., bookkeeper, 61 Pan- dora av " James, brass finisher A.I. W. ree 193 Douglas James McNabb,painter, 31 VicTv •Jennie Mrs., 244 Yates John, of Jones & McNeil, resl38 Chatham " John, of Jones Bros., res 54 Pandora " John Boyd, of Stephenson 4 Jones, res 23 View " John T., of Croghan & Jones, res 136 Cormorant '• L., wid Eichard, 85 Henry 4 " McNeil, livery stable, 109 Johnson. Tel. 182 " Mrs., '6 Quebec " Eichard, collector Inland E(. venue, and inspector W, )J. and Gas, office 54 Langloy, m 110 Superior " Eobt., of Jones Bros. " S., bartender Brunswick saloon, 115 Yates " Samuel, bartender, 51 Goverr- ment, res Yates " Sarah Miss, Belcher nr Moss Jones Stephen, Jun., prop Dominion hotel, ll9.Yate8 Jones Stephen, sen., 119 Yates Jones T. J., & Son, dentists, room 4 over Bank of B.C. Jones Thos. Compton,boat builderiiol boats to hire, 20 Wharf " ThoH. II., D.D.S., of T. J. JoK>| & Son, res 246 Fort ' Thomas Joseph, L.D.S., of T,J. Jones & Son, res 246 Fort " Thos. MoNabb, of Tones But res 54 Pandora "t 1 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. •^3 .).i ON JON KEL ir maker, 37 Bird- D. Morley, res Pros- 3okkeeper, 61 Pan- ; finisher A.I.W.,res abb,painter,31Vie\7 244 Yates aes & McNeil, resl38 ones Bros., res 54 i of Stephenson i 23 View 'Croghan &JoneB,res orant ichard, 85 Henry i livery stable, 109 Tel. 182 lebec collector Inland K(- nd inspector W. 1. office 54 Langley, ns ;rior Jones Bros, dor Brunswick saloor, BS ^ bartender, 51 Goverr.- 8 Yales 8», Belcher nr Moss phen, Jun., prop hotel, 119 Yates sen., 119 Yates , & Son, dentists, Bunk of B.C. ompton,boat builder aol I D hire, 20 Wharf *^ D D.H., of T. J. JoD.^ l-es 246 Fort Joseph, L.D.S oT.J. It Son, res 246 1< on McNabb, of ^onos Bro«, Pandora Jones Thomas, jun, porter, 10 Yates' bds Dominion House Thos. W. Quadra compositor, res 135 Jones W. H. Macnaughton, physician and surgeon, res 9 and 11 Bastion.. Tel 165 Jones Wilfred Roijer, clerk Bank of B. C, 8 Quebec " Wm., blacksmith A.I.W. " Wm., cigarmaker, res Humboldt " Wm., prop Regent coal Yards, 22 Store, res 42 Herald " Wm. (Deacon), bartender, rms 20J Government " Wm. Artley, bricklayer, 29 Third " Wm. Thos., A.I.W., 13 Pioneer Jorand Henri, prop Roccabella Board- ing house, 22 Victoria Crescent " MIhs, res Roccabella Jordan Carl, res Mary, Victoria West " Chas., driver, 11 Store, res Es- quimait Road " G. W., of Goodwin & Jordan " John, painter, 98 Blanchard " Wm,, city bakery, 11 Store, res Esquimalt Road Joseph Barney, 43 Store Joslyn Charles S., 141 Chatham " Wm. E., bookkeeper, 8 Pioneer Jowle Alf. James, 56 Dallas Road Joyce Alfred, plasterer, 05 King's rd Jubilee Saloon, 49 Johnson JuletfFred., bds 15 Humboldt Jonnasson Andrew, 217 Cook Katfoe Angel,res Catherine, Victoria W KainsTom, D.L.S., Lands & Works dept, res Dallas road cor Lewis Kammerer Christian Wm., of T. N. Hibbon & Co., res 17 Putnam KargerShultz Ferdinand, carpcnter,97 Yates Karmode Francis, clerk, res 87 Henry Kates Lome, porter, res 84 Yates Kaufman E. G., musician, 29 Kane HENRY PORTER, Manufacturer of Sonora Tanned Inace Leather^ Guaraiileed to be tk toughest in existence. 436 Visitation Street. Kaye — , machini«t A. I. W. " Ernest E., cierk, res 111 Fisguard " James, teacher Boys' P. School, res 111 Fir*guard Keast Arthur, di-py registrar Supreme Court, and depy registrar Coun- ty Court of Victoria, res 180 DouglaH " Hubert, 180 Douglas " Ada Miss, 5th asHt teacher Girls' P. School, res Douglas Keathley Geo., engineer, 63 Humboldt Keathy Geo., emp J. Weiler Keefe capt. Michael L,, quartermaster '' Louise," 263 Johnson Keefer G. A., C. E., res Penjberton road Tol 562 Keldie Robt., cabinetmaker, res 8 Pioneer Koenan — , machinist A. I. W. Keller R., Esquimalt. Tel 501 " John Watson, of Keller & Burris, res 16 1 Y'ates 'f tt Burris, Plaster Paris work, sewer pipe and building material, 161 Yates cor Quadra, Pottery on Constance Cuvo road KoUog Clara May Miss, res 32 Rithet '' Isabella M. Mrs., res 32 Ritlict " Isabella Miss, res 32 RithcL Kellogg Edward C, druggist, cor Douglas and Yates,res 181 Pandora Kelly Andrew J., tinsmith for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates ' ' '. 'I ■ "T"' '•'fl 1. i m im ^'' if. f .-534 HENDBBSON's VICTORIA KEL KET F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Seal Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVBI«IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral iands for sale. PIBE AND LIFE INSUBANCS. No. 61 YATES STREET. Kelly David Lonzo,shipwright,56Rock Bay av " Emma C. iiiss, res 228 Yates " Frederick, plumber, 160 Gov- ernment, res Chatham " Geo. P., 130 Cook " Hendry, res 86 Chatham " Jas. Alex., apprentice, 33 Bridge " J. Albert, tinsmith, res 228 Yates " James, carpenter, res Bridge •■' John, laborer, res 44 John -'' James, laborer, 19 Chatham " Samuel Beiij., bookkeeper for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates '' Samuel Leon, of S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates Kelly S. L., & Co., stoves and tinware, 22 Yates. Tel 81 Xennedy David, engineer, res 15 Mon- treal " Jolm, engineer, res Craigflower Eoad *' Lachlan, rooms 50 Superior " Geneve Mrs., res 18 Michigan " Tho."*., engineer, res Beacon Hill Park nr Barracks Kennell Godfre}-, kalsomining and cleaning, rcs4G Blanchard Kenning James Alex., clerk Ames, Holden Co., res Frederick Jient C. Herbert, clerk, res 243 Yates " Chas., city treasurer, res 180 Yates Kent Herbert, manager M. W. Waitt &Co., music store, res 243 Yatos " Wrn., carpenter, res 63 Johnson Kenward Alex., baker, 91 Niagara Kenyon Richard, wood worker, res 110 Johnson Keown Frank, painter, res 8 Amelia " George, cigar maker, res cor 12 Amelia " James, carpenter, 8 Amelia Ker David Russell, of Brack man & Ker, res cor Blanchard and Dis- covery " Jessie, widow Robert, res cor Blanchard and Discovery " Robert James, cashier, res cor Blanchard and Discovery " Walter, bookkeeper Brackman i Ker, res cor Blanchard and Discovery Korg Beatrice Miss, res 20 Pioneer " Annie Miss, 20 Pioneer " Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, 20 Pio- neer " Barbara, widow Nicholas, 20 Pioneer Kermodc F)d., ship carpentcr,87 Henry " Sarah Miss, teacher, 87 Henry Kerr David E„ 1st asst teacher Boys Public school, res 287 Yates " John, carpenter, rear 112 View " John Blain, journalist, 121 Sup erior Kerr John Robert, agent for J, K. Gill & Co., subscription books. Broad nr Trounce Alloy, biis Douglas HouftC Kerr Peter, laborer, 13 Collirison " William, furniture and .stovi dealer, 11 U Yates, res same Keryges Mis.s, dressmaker for P Spencer Kesslar Henr}', master mechanic Al- bion I. W., res 151 Chatham Ketley George, engineer, res 63 Iloui- boldt ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 53S" KET KOE dreBsmakei*, 20 Pio- idow Nicholas, 20 carpenter, 8*7 Henry teacher, 87 Henry it asst teacher Boys ool, res 287 Yates snter, rear 112 View , journalist, 121 Sup bert, agent for J. ;o., subscription u-Trounce Alley, bJi master mechanic A'- s 151 Chatham enj'incer.resGalta- Kettle Wm. Henry, machini8t,52 John " William Alfred, apprentice to Goodwin & Jordan, res 52 John Koyos Richard J., laundry, 103 Fis- guard Kidder John, 8tonema8on^40 Hillside ave Kinard Walter, cutter, 8 Pioneer King Arthur Bromley, baker, 36 Alfred " Charles Rupert, agent, over 47 Government, res 83 Pembroke King Christopher John, Esquimalt Blage, res 139 Yates King, Dyer & Co., fish, game, fruit and produce, 64 Fort King Mre. Elliott H., 70 Jlae King Geo., of King, Dyer & Co., res 45 Kane " J,, painter, res 84 Kane " James, expressman, 30 Elizabeth " Joseph, mason, 45 Store " Joseph, bartender, 79 Yates " Michael, of King & Casey, res cor Caledonia av and Chambers " Eliza J. Miss, clerk, res 36 Alfred " Florence Miss, Belclier nr Moss " Louise Miss, folder 31. Miller " yarah Ann Miss, 36 Alfred " Sam. Ebenczer Bramley, baker, 16 Broad, res 36 Alfred. Tel 137 " Thos., upholstci'er, res 84 Kane " Wm., driver, 34 Fort " Wi'lter, driver, 30 Elizabeth Kingham rev Henry, curate of Christ Church Cathedia'l. res 106 View King's Head saloon, White & Manur- man, 48 Jolinson Kinnaird Wm. D., cutter, res 8 Pioneer Kinsman Ed. John, clerk, res 9t Pem- broke " John, contractor, res 94 Pem- broke Kirby Thos., carpenter, 67 Humboldt Kirk Andrew, machinist A. I. W., res Esquimau rd " Chas. Watson, tanner Rock Bay Tannery, res 17 Ellice Kirk James G.,mgr. Esquimalt Water Works, res Esquimalt rd Kirlcman Jos., & Sons, Piano- Fortes, Robt & Ward &Co., Agents, 76 Wharf. Seeadvpios Kirschborg Joseph, clerk, res 14 North;- Park Kirschberg & Landsberg,? props. Victoria Loan office, Indiant curiosities, furs, etc., 57 Johnson Kir.schborg Samuel, of Kirschberg &. Landsberg, res 13 North I'ark Kirsop Geo., stone and marble cutter,. 164 Chatham Knappet J., expressman C.P.N. Co. Knight E. J., 8tonecutter,129 J<)hnson> " Geo., moulder Albion LW. Geo. H., Mount Tolmie Nursery Henry, tobacconist, 6 Store " John VV., of McGiegov, Knight & McKi trick, res 86 Henry " John, capt Matthew, res 121 Micliigan " Walter, painter, 129 Jolinson Knowles — . milkman, Mo.-s ccfC" Richardson " IL, carptr,bds Thistle restiiuranf " Robt. lOdward, rev. Presbyterian^ minister, S Pioneer KnoxW., Albion LW. Koening Fritz, brewer Victoi-ia Biew- ery, res 33 J^iscovery BRCUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Funeral Director aod Embalmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. 636 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA KOS LAN i'!!'l m m $ \^L III '! 1 ■Mat' m. m P. C. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVBUC, Bed Ac. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSUBANCK No. 61 YATES STREET. Kosche Carl, barber and hair- dresser, 31 Government, res same Kosche Mrs, C, hair store, 31 Govern- ment Ki'oeger Fiitz, upholsterer for J. Weiler Kurtz & Co., cigar manufac- turers, 79 Government cor Trounce Alley Kurtz John, of Kurtz & Co., res Burns HouHC, Bastion sq " Martha Mrs., widow David, 141 Fort " WaitorCpublisher " Victorian," 38 Fort, rooms Burns House Laooursiere A., carpenter, 15 Fort Lakin Albert William, laborer, 153 Montreal " Francis, laborer, res 153 l^Ion- treal " Minnie S. MiHs, dressmaker, res 153 Montreal Lambert Albert, 143 Michigan " Felix, chief cook Driard " Frank, 143 Michigan " Kate MIhh, 143 Michigan Lambeth William, expressman, 240 Simcoe Lambkin CMark Hiram, tobacconist and fruits, 112 Yates, res same Lanagan Michael, boilcrmaker, bdu Aailroad Hotel Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. of Manches- ter^ 21 Bastion Lancaster John, laborer, res 291 John- son " Thomas, laborer, res 291 John- son Land Registry Office of B. C. Charles James Leggatt, registrar general, Law Courts, Langloy Lander Alex., coal, California hotel Lands & Works Dept. Tel 117 Landsberg Frederick, of Kirschberg & Landsberg, res Vancouver Lane Arthur, carpenter, 294 Johnson " Bernon, carpenter. Hillside ave " Clarence,carpenter, 294 Johnson ' Vernon, carpenter, 294 Johnson " William, carpenter, 294 Johnson Lang — , helper Albion I.W. " Andrew Dea, sealer, 22 Erie " Ed., bricklayer, 30 Mason " Fred. Henry, clerk, res 11 Pio- neer " John Anthony, carpenter. Men- zies nr Michigan " Mary Ann Mrei., 4 Quebec " Bichard, carpenter, 89 Henry " Wm., carpenter, 89 Henry Lange & Co., jewelers, 93 Government " G. W. A., of Lange & Co., res 93 Government Langley — , bookkeeper, 87 Henry " Alfred John, of Langley &, Co., res Pairfiyld Road. Tel 506 " Arthur Robertson, bookkeeper, bds 16 Humboldt Langiey & Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 23 Yates. Tel 38 Langley Edward, accountant,61 Yates, res John " E., wid Alex., boarding house, 105 Pandora av " George F., druggist with G. Morriwon, res 16 Humboldt " Henry, plasterer, bds Brunswick " J. H., bds 105 Pandora av " James, res 16 Humboldt ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 537 LAN LED Langley John Mount, deputy sheriff county of Victoria, and eergt. Prov. Police, ros 223 Port " K. Miss, res Pairfield road « }L Miss, res Fairfield road " W. H., law student Drake, Jack- son & Helmcken, res Fairfield road " Wallace, carpenter, 105 Pan- dora av Langwith H.E.,A.I.'W.,bd8 California lapierre Horace, ^Empire ba- kery and grocer, 119 Fort Larbonde Mary, wid, 67 Pandora av Larbonne Jos., clothing, 29 Johnson Large Wm., moulder, 91 North Park Larkin William, 17 Store Larman James,shoemaker,ll Johnson Larsen Gustavo, bartender. 129 Fort Larson Augustus, bartender, 72 Pem- broke " Ghas., tanner, bds Western hotel Lasalle James, res 51 Kane Latham Sam., machinist at Albion Iron Works, 52 Pandora av Laurens Cbas., waiter Union Club Law Courts, Bastion Sq. Tel 196 " Maurice, at Albion Iron Works, 115 Fisguard " Robert, moulder, bds 115 Fis- guard " .Society of B.C.,J.P. Walls, secy. Lawliss Michael, carpenter, opp 312 Douglas Lawrence Alfred, confectioner, 46 Gov- ernment, res 82 Monzies " Ellen Miss, 156 View " Ellen,wid George, res 156 View " George, assayer, bds 156 View *' John, confectioner, 20 Humboldt " Mary Miss, 156 View " Mrs., nurse, 79 Fort " Sarah Miss, 156 View " T. Mate., " str." Princess Louise " Wm., clerk Oriental hotel Lawry Nicholas, laborer, 13 Rumboldt (< Lawson Abraham W., hnckman.fi Kane Chas. R, at A. I. W., 6 Amelia Jleiiry, editor Colonist, res 42 Vancouver Henry Chas., chief engineer sir "Oiympia, " res 237 Johnson " Jas., pipemaker Albion I. W. " James M., 6 Amelia " John, of Hasenfratz & Lawson, res 130 Fort " Richard Wm., expressman, res 64 North Park " Mary Raymer Miss, 146 King- ston " Robert, Custom House, 14 St Lawrence " Thomas, boilormaker Albion I. W.,6 Amelia " Wm. Alex.,clerk, res 106 Simco« " Wm. George, umbrella repairer, 6 Amelia Layman Dan., carpenter S. Gray " Sam., S. Gray Leach John, carpenter, 93 Yat«8 " Wm. Robinson, bds 64 Pembroke " Wm., apprentice, 64 Pembroke Loaf James, teamster, 71 Pembroke Leahy John, brewer and malt- ster, prop Colonial Brewery, 124 Johnson, res same Leake Annie Miss, matron Chinese Girls' Mission Homo, 100 Cormorant. Leask James C, merchant tailor, 66 Government, res Fort LoClair Noel, contractor, 56 Pembroke LEDINGHAM BROS., blacksmiths and carriagemakers, Fisguard nr Douglas " Francis, fireman Gas Works, 38 John " George, 112 Cormorant. " W>n> John, of Lodinghfiia Qroiu, 112 Cormiorant (•!' ■K.A 4 <1Ti[ <:r; " f. ii ^ it'* ' f:. 638 HENrKRSON 8 VICTORIA LEP] LeP F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY I>VBI«IC, &c.. &c. Choice Business and Residential lots For Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 01 YATES STREET. ee Arthur, bottler, res 1 54 Douglas " Arthur K., baker, 16 Fort •' Geo. W. B., bookkeeper, ree 130 Pouglas " II. v., widow, res 130 Douglas " Lnura Minn, 39 Broad " Wm., moulder Albion I. W. Leech Alfred, at Water Works, 61 Chatham " John J., capt. str. " Maud " C.P. N. Co. John, carpenter, res 93 Yates Peter J., city surveyor, res Bea- con Hill Park Lees Benjamin, literary solicitor,roomn 118 Fort LEET JOHNSON MONTAGUE, of Leet, Dumbleton & Co., res 109 Government Leet, Dumbieton & Co., real estate, fiiij.aiiinl . inurance and gen. agents, Ytitow cor Government. TelTS Lefontain Mrs., 109 CJovernmcnt LcGrand Frank, sealer, bds Railroad Hotel Legalle Julian, gardener, 19 Collinson Loggatt Charles James, registrar gen- eral of titles of B. C, res 56 Quebec Lehman David, carpenter. Chambers nr North Park ** Samuel, carpenter, Chambers nr North Park Leigh Byron, 14 fiock Bayav " Helen V., widow Wm. Thos., C2 Belleville " James, of Leigh & Snider, Rock . Bay av " ]j1ow., sawyer, 14 Rock Bay av " Joseph Matthews, clerk, res 62 Belleville " Wra., clerk, bds Vancouver hotel Loiser Gus., of Lenz & Leiser, res 257 Fort Leiser Simon, importer and wholesale grocer, 83 Wharf, res 125 Quadra. Tel 99, res 124 Iceland House, John McCarthy, prop, Douglas nr Queens Lemon James, foreman Johnson, Walker & Flett, res 140 Chatham Lemm Geo., decorator, res 162 F'ort " Irving Arthur, fancy goods, 113 Fort, res snme Lemmens Right Rev. Joiin Nicholas, D. D., R. C. Bishop of Vancouver Island, res Bishop's Pal- ace, 109 Yates Leneven Edith Miss, 17 Michigan " Bertram, 17 Michigan Lennox & Rosson, chimney sweeperg, 110 Johnson " Wm., of Lennox & Rosson, 110 Johnson Lenz & Leiser, whoiesaie im- porters, dry ! goods and no- tions,sole agents Westminster woolen mills, 60 Government Lenz Jacob, of Lenz & Leiser, res 255 Fort " Moses, of Lenz & Leiser, res 257 Fort Leonard John, waiter, 65 Yates, res K Pioneer Lepine Mark, carpenter, bds Vancou- ver House LePrince V. A., barber, res 52 Gov- ernment " V. A. Mrs., dressmaker, 52i Government ALPHABBTICAL DIRECTORY. 539 LeK LIS ;h & Snider, Eock nox & Rosson, 110 , wholesale im- goods and no- Wt'stminstor woolen mcnt iz & Lci^er, res 255 iiz & Leiwer, res 251 iter, 05 YatcB, res IT pentor, bds Vancon- jarber, res 52 Gov- , dresBmaker, 52| XeKoy Frank, Fire Ilali No. 2 LMCclIes James, 51 Kane Leslie John, bds Brunswick Leslouis Louise, 148 Johnson Lester Peter, 93 Vancouver Leterme rev. Frangois Xavier Joseph, asst priest at E. C. Cathedral, res Bishop's Palace, Yates LETTICE EOBT., painter and paper- hanger, etc., dealer in paints, oils and glass, 40 Fort, res 58 Ki'ne " Edith Miss, res 58 Kane " Nellie Miss, res 58 Kane '' Wm. Henry, clerk, res 58 Kane Levin Hyman A., policeman, 70 North Park Levy B., cigar factory, 103 Johnson, res 32 Pioneer i " iid., clerk, bds Occidental hotel " Joseph, Arcade restaurant, 124 Government, res 33 Frederick " Joshua, cigarmaker,39Hill8ide av " Samuel, clerk, 75 Johnson " Joseph Lewis, prop T. & L. cigar factory, 102 Government, res 120 Vancouver Lewis Aaron, stoves and t^n- wiiro, 46 Yates, re« same. Tel 115 Lewis — , Prov. police, res Indian Ecservo " Edith Miss, 29 Pioneer " Edward, painter for Joseph Sears, res Pandora av " Edward Arman, painter, 31 Pioneer " Edward Spencer, expressman, 31 Pioneer " John Weller, carpenter, 7G Mears " capt Herbert George, marine agentDomGovt,resll4Bclleville Lewis Lewis, clothing, 44 Yates Lewis E. H., millhand Muirhead & Mann's mill " Sam., upholsterer, res Cormorant " Sherman, millhand Rock isay Saw mill LIBRARY PUBLIC, J. McGregor, librarian, Broad nr Fort Liddell Robert, shoemaker, vqa 5 Pioneer Lilley Herbert Alfred, confectionery. 105 Douglas, res same Lince Edmund, carpenter, 49 St Law- rence " Maggie Miss, 49 St Lawrence Lincoln Maria, wid Geo., nurse, 23 Erie Lindloy William Purdy, reporter Times, res 8 Churchway " Wm., blacksmith A.I.W. « Wm., of Whittaker & Lindley, 113 North Park Lindsay Alexander E., bookkeeper, res 36 Yates Geo., contractor, 126 Dougla.s Geo., teamster, 60 Pembroke " Lizzie Miss, 43 Broad " Thos. J., constable, res Pandora " & Pettit, dry goods and clothing, 33 Store " David, of Lindsay & Pettit, res 33 Store Lindstrom Eobt., sailor. Herald nr Store Lint'ker Edward, painter, 6 Green Lion Brewery saloon. Ceo. Fairbrother, cor Chambers and Queen's ave Lismore Joseph, res Esquimalt road Lissctt James, painter for H<'nry B, Randall, res 52 Michigan BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS- HAYWARD, Funeral Director and Eintalmcr, VICTORIA. Telephone No> 48. ,|t::jii \m i M If; ! if III J- III « :!:■ W' n F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.» Real Estate and FiQaDcial Agent, NOTARY PI7BI,IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. ITRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Little Amy Miss, domestic, 293 John son " Emma Miss, res 10 Bay " John, laborer, 293 Johnson " Mrs., widow, 59 Kane Liverpool, London & Globe Fire Ins Co., 100 Government Livock William T., local mgr H.B. Co., res 45 Menzies Llhman Sam., carpenter, Chambers nr North Park Llov' Percie Miss, 72 Fort Llyall George, contractor, 10 Amelia Loat Catherine, widow Christopher, 9 George " Ettie Miss, 9 George Lock John, stevedore, bds 49 Johnson Lockhart Chas. Beardsal!, of Hastie & Lockhart, res 167 Johnson Lodge Alfred, moulder's helper, A.I.W, " Wm., moulder, 91 North Park Loewon & Erb, props Victoria Brewery, Government cor Discovery " Herman F., bookkeeper for Findley, Durham & Brodie, res 58 Pandora " Jos., of Loewen & Lrh, res 56 Pandora Logan George, trader, res 46 Quebec " Fred., clerk, 46 Quebec " Esther Miss, tailoress, 12 Cale- donia ave *« Hugh, operator for V. E. Tel. Co., res Esquimalt Logg John, tailor, 88 Government, rea 36 Humboldt Lohbruner Max., cabinetmaker, re8256 Yates Lomas Geo., night watchman, 86 Store Lombard C. A., & Co., music store, 11 Government " Charles A., of C. A. Lombard, & Co., res 56 Colli nson London Assurance Corporation, 41 Government " Guarantee & Accident Co., H. E. Croasdaile, agent, 42 Port " Harmony Saloon, John W. Mc- Phillips, prop, 87 Johnson " Hotel, 87 Johnson London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Robt. Ward A Co.y agents, 76 Wharf London & Lancashire Life Asar. Co,, 41 Government London & Provincial Marine Ins. Co. (Ld.), Robt. Ward A Co., bgents, 76 Wharf Longhurst Jarvis, prop. Bel- mont saloon, lOGovernment. Tel 173 Lootens right rev. Louis, D.D., 4 Van- couver Lopetcki Maurice de, Belgian consul and journalist, res 36 Cadboro Baj- road Lorance Thos., mate str. Louise, 130 Vancouver Lorimer Christina Miss, 101 Toronto " William, patternmaker Albion Iron Works, 101 Toronto " William Alexander, foreman patternmaker A.I.W., 10 1 To- ronto Lome Restaurant,Geo. Grossman, prop, 66 Johnson Lovt,J?y John, bds Australian hotel Lovell James, ship carpenter, 706roa|l " John Babcock, res 180 View ALPHABETICAL DIUECTORT. 541 LOW McC Louis, D.D., 4 Van- de, Belgian consul sa 36 Cadboro Bay ite str. Louise, 130 Miss, 101 Toronto tternmaker Albion 101 Toronto exunder, fceman or AJ.W., 101 To- Jeo. Grossman, prop, Australian hotel carpenter, 70 Broad k. rea 180 View |Lowe Chas. Park, clerk, res 9 Labou- ohere " Ella W. H., 131 Quadra " Skeine, of Hall & Lowe, res 45 Carr Lowell Henry, upholsterer, res 35 Blanchard « S. B., uph jlsterer, 123 Port Lowenberg Cfa.i, of J. A. Caton & Co., res 133 Fort LOWENBERG, HARRIS & CO., real estate, fire, litie and marine insurance, 41 Government. Tel. 8G Labbe Theodore, raw furs, 77 Wharf, res 103 Quadra. Tel. res 54 Lucae Henry Charles, baker, 1 18 Gov- ernment, res 68 North Park Lake James, o 'erseer, 94 Pandora Lamby Moses, J.P., secretary Sliuswap and Okanagan Ry., Enderby, B. C, bds Union Club Landy Annie Mrs., 49 View Luney Nettie Miss, clerk, 261 Douglas W. Alfrtsd, contractor, 261 Doug- las " W. Mrs., grocer, 261 Douglas fuscombe E. A. Mirts, 60 Fort [juxton Arthur Philip, solicitor, 47 Langley, res 153 Blanchard [iyall Geo. Bentley, contractor, 10 Amelia Lynch Anna Miss, domestic, Park rd [jyons Fanny Miss, 39 Broad James, A. T. W.. Cedar Hill Road JcAdam Lnura, wid L. C, milliner, res If Pay Maggie Miss, 42 Cadboro Bay Road fcAlister John, of Harrison & McAlis- ! ter, res Douglas tcAllister Joseph B., A. I. W., 35 Princess av JcAndrew T. B., cabinetmaker, bds : California IcAra Peter, gardener, 25 Pioneer IcArthur — tailor, res Fomwood Road McArthur Doi^gald, driver, res Oscar nr Mo83 " James, chief engineer str " Rithet, ' i-es 56 John " Wm., stableman, 103 Fort McBeth Duncan Gilbert, millhand Muirhead & Mann, res Esquimalt Road McBride Joseph, driver, res 31 King- ston McCabe T. B., "Colonist," bds 109 Pandora av MoCaliill M., wharfinger Spratt'a Wharf McCall Edmund John, tailor, 112 JoluiKon, res 19 Third McCallum Dan., driver, 4 Broad " John, tailor, 43 Fort, res " Robert, hackman, 68 Fort McCamish Geo., seal hunter, 173 Sim- coe McCandish James, The Hall saloon, 129 Fort, res same " Geo., ship carpenter, 139 Ghat- ham McCandless Alex. Gilmour, of Gilmoor & McCandless, ros Queen's av Emma Miss, 71 Superior Goo., clerk, 35 Johnson, res Store " Henry, clerk, 35 Johnson, res Store McCandlish Emma Miss, 63 Superior McCarthy D., carpenter for John Weiler, 167 Government McCartney John, prop Le ..tid House, Douglas nr Queen's av McCartney Sam., bds 36 Yates McCaskell Alexander, carpenter for Charles Hayward McCaskill Chas., laborer, bds Colonial' hotel " Donald, teamster W. Walker McCauley Geo., clerk, bds Pacific Telegraph hotel McClonnan Angus, express driver for Victoria Transier Co. ■I'i! I t ,» I '"-«'• cr^i :";»j; i 642 Henderson's victoria ■ iA it m n!rl» '* 'ilU j,jj ij: r^!it t »'•>;. McC McD F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTAiCV PVBI^IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURAKCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. McCloj'- James, prospector, bds 40 View McClurc Eobert, carpenter for McKii- lican & Anderson " Robt. I)., carpenter. 6 Langlej- " — , printer " Colonist " McClusky Ohas., bartender. 1 Trounce Alley, res Jolinson " Chas. B., prop Old Ship Inn. 81 Wharf, res 286 Johnson McCondach (leo., bds 116 Douglas MeConnan Douglas B., clerk P. O.. res 120 Michigan " Herbert (rordnn. clerk A . B. Gray & Co., res 120 Mich i-aii '• Thomas, stationer, 44 Fort, res 120 Michigan " Walter, stationer, 44 FM)rt, res 120 Michigan .McConnoll Frank, box makei Pc^.drj- & Co., Humboldt " John v., wood turner, 46 Third " Joseph Wilson, milkman, res 38 Michigan " Elizabeth Miss, res 38 Michigan McCorkcIl James, of Hall & McCorkdl, res South Road, Spring Pidge McCormack Pat., Albioil I. W. McCormick Chas.. letter carrier P. O., res Fisguard " James, machinist Albion Iron Works, res Vi2 \ates " Samuel, laborer Albion Iron Works, res 192 Yates McCrea J., cabinetmaker J. Sehl McCreight Hon. John Foster, puieuc judge, res New Westminster, B.C. McCue Louisa Miss, domestic, head | of Yates McCulloch Geo. A., clerk P. 0., res 125 1 Michigan " Wm. Capt. str '* Princess | Louise," res 125 Michigan " Wm. F., govt assayer govt office, James Bay McCullum Henry, teamster, 71 Pem- broke " M. Miss, mgr estate of Mrhs. iL.,, Whitlaw, res 40 Vancouver McCurdy James Mrs., 109 Pandora ,u| " Jamns. lime merchant, res 1 p »i)j'>v.i, av f •er Water Works, res McCurrach V»'m., blacksmith, res 1S| Pioneer McDermitt Hugh Colin. bookl;eopcr, 57 King's Ttoad McDermot Pobt.. bartender, 51 Gov| crnmcnt, res 9 Kane McDonald — , moulder Albion I. W, " A, E., carpenter Smith & Clark " Alex., laborer, 63 King's lk«i '• Alex., teacher St. Louis Colk'!'! McDonald Alei^ander, prop) Windsor Hote!. 23 (.ovvrnment McDonald Annie ^^ \i Alex.. lftl| Jolinsnil " iVnais J';!!- ■■.^\;><'ivv, rcsH5| Fort " Chas.. -liip vi.' i ;.te'.' and Ui\ hou>e. 70 Broad " D. G., hack driver, luin 'WindKrl hotel E. A., carpenter, 15 Fort, rt>\ D. F.. :cnter. 15 Fort " Daidel, carpenter for StnitI Clark " Dan., express driver, 21 Broiig!;-| ton " Donald, ',Vi^'!r,!r. 192 Yutes " Duncan, '' r! ; .\' ra/ Fairfield ri I ti ALPHABETICAL DiaECTORT. 543 John Foster, ]mm Westminster, B.C. lies, domestic, hni L., clerk P. 0.,re8l25 pt. str '' Princess es 125 Michigan vt aHsayer govt office, ,', teamster. 71 Pern- gr estate of Mrs. iL.v j res 40 Vancouver r Mrs., 109 Pandora av I le merchant, res ] ,v I cer Water Worlvi5, ros blacksmith, ros IS] h Colin, bookkcopor, d t.. bartender. 51 Gov- ) Kane loulder Albion I. W, lenter Smith & Clark )ror. 03 King's Emid jhcr St. Louis College! Ale:»:ander, propj ?!, 23 (ro\vrnmeiit nio X* .1 Alex.. IJUl irpenter, 15 Fort, m center. 15 Fort I ■arpenter lor Smith i irees driver, 21 Broiig!:-| abMT-.^r, 192 Yates dn.v-.' ;••&■ Fairfield rd McD McDonald Duncan Fraocr, carpenter,* 15 Princess av " Edwin, corniecworkor, res Yates " F. J., driver Victoria Truck & Dray Co. " Frank, Victoria Truck k Dray Co., bds Occidental " Frank, clerk, 82 Kane " Findlay (foreman, bds 23 Govern- ment " Hugh, carpenter, bds Colonial <' Hugh H., contractor, res 55 Chatham " James, of Russell, McDi nald & Co., res Vancouver City " Jarae:j F., contractor sevver.i, bds 23 Government « Jane widow Alexander ros Beacon Hill Park, bet Toronto and Simcoe Jessie Miss, res Fairfield road John, 13 Chatham John, blacksmith, 64 Kane John, 37 Birdcage Walk John, laborer, 192 Douglas John Wesley, driver Dominion Express Co., res 30 Pioneer " Kate Miss, tailoresa for J. C. Leask, 82 Kane " Patrick, laborer, res 229 View •' Peter, tobacconist, 50 Yates, res same " R., carpenter, 15 ^\)rt " Wm.. Iielper Albion I. \V. " Wm., tailor, 62 Yates " Wm., sealer, bds Ifailroad hotel MeDonoU R. J. Mrs.^ boarding house, 83 Birdcage Walk. Tel 19U McDoiigall Dan., waiter, rooms 70 Broad '' DotiaM. waiter Lorno llostau- ranl, res Broad ilcDowoU Chas.. moulder, 122 Cha- tham " Harry P.. printer, 122 Chatham " Isabel C. Miss. 122 Chatham " John, carpenter. 122 (Hiatham Saruh M. Miss, 122 Chatham (1 i< (( 44 Rae Wm., 138^ Cormorant " Wm., stonecutter, bds LelanJ House McKenzie Annie Mrs., tailorosf, 43| Fort, res 38 Kane McKenzie A. Mrs., wid, res 64Eaiie| " Chas., A. 1. W., 9 Putnam " Hector, waiter, 45 Store " James R., blacksmith, res Victo i riaW " John, finisher Rock Bay Tacl nery, res Douglas Cabins " Maggie Miss, domestic, 255 Forti " Murdoch James, fruits, 34 Gov f ernment " OIlie, 59 Superior " R., farmer, Saanich Road " W. (jr., com. traveller, bds Pandora av McKeon Williani, of Wm. McKooni| Son, 36 Yates " William .!., of Wm. MoKtdn«| Soil, 38 Yates " Wni..& Son,prop8 0rient.nlhotel| 36 Yates McKeown Angus, foreman A; Iloldcn Co., res 113 Fisguard McKiernan A. J., prof oi' rauijic, bi<| Roccabella McKillican & Anderson, builders, J| Langley. Tel. 96 " William Donald, of McIvillicao| i\^ Anderson, roB 287 Yates McKinley John, painter, 41 Britlj; ■B9 ALPHABFTICAL DIRECTORY. r)45 McK McL iirmau, engineer res liter Brunswick hotel atchmau C. P.N. Co, iage painter, 94 Jobc- Cormorant ecutter, bds Lelanjl B Mrs., tailorosp, 431 38 Kane vs., wid, res 64 Eaiie| ;. W., 9 Putnam liter, 45 Store blackbinith, res Victol sher Rock Bay Tacl Douglas Cabins iss, domestic, 255 Fortl Fames, fruits, 34Gov| Superior Saanich Road )m. traveller, bds W\ iV n, of Wm. McKoonJi| fates ., ofWm. McKeons| iTates n, props Oriental hole', cfUB, foreman Aiais,] •es 113 Finguard J., prof of music, fel Anderson, builder?, 1 1 . Tel. 9() Donald, of McKillicaii| son, roB 287 Yates 1, painter, 41 Bridge McKinnon Malcolm, r'.river for Victo- ria Truck & i>ray Co., bds 30 Blanchard " A. Captain, light housekeeper, Beren's Island, Victoria harbor " Thomas, bartender, 81 Wharf " Wm., laborer, 36 Douglas McKittrick Lilly F. Miss, 93 View " Wm., of McGregor, Knight & McKittrick, res 93 View McLachlan Bros.* flour, feed, 5 reduce and commission, 4 Yates McLachlan Daniel, of McLachlan Bros., res 338 Government " James, corap., bds Brunswick " Jennie Miss, seamstress J. Sehl " Robt., of McLachlan Bros., 16 Yates " William, yardman, res 60 King- ston " Wm. Oliver, yardman, res 60 Kingston McL?.'*«»r^ Alex., moulder Albion I. W. " FreO., carpenter, 233 Simcoe McLarty Archie, contractor, 4 James McLaughlin Hannah Mi8s,9Pandora av " Joseph Hugh, accountant Dom. Govt Savings Bk., res 59 Fern- wood Road " Wm., clerk Indian Office, res 59 Fernwood Road McLean Alex., laborer, 132 Johnson " capt Alex., res 103 Chatham " capt Daniel, res 103 Chatham " Chas., moulder, 126 Johnson " Chas., moulder Van. I. W., res Pioneer " Donald M., asst appraiser Cus- toms dcpt, res 32 Ontario " D., sorter and packer Customs " Frederick, painter for Eli Harri- son, res 7 First " Helen wid Alex., 139 Cadboro Bay Road '' Jennie Mies, waitress Occidental Hotel 89 MoLEAN JOHN, blacksmith, Wharf, res 40 Work " Mary Jane, waitress Occidental hotel " Milton, tinsmith, bds Brunswick Hotel " Peter, tanner Rock Bay Tannery " Roderick, A. I. W., 42 John " William Andrew, of McLean & Stewart, res 139 Cabdoro Bay Road McLean&StewartfThe Scotch house, clothiers and outMt- ters, 31 Fort McLearn Fi-ed., painter, res 7 First av McLelland A. J., 76 Wharf, res Gorge Road McLennan & McFeely,stove8, tinware and house furnish- ings, galvanized iron cornico mnfrs, and metal roofers, 7i> Yates, factory 14 Fort. Tel. office 454. McLennan Angus, teamster, 71 Pem- broke " Hannah Miss, res 64 King " Robert Purvis, of .McLennan k McFcely, res 59 Superior McLeod — helper, A. I.W. " Alexander, packer if. B. Co., res, 46 Wharf " Angus, ship carpenter, res 249 Simcoe " Catherine Miss, 66 Second " Constance Miss, res 133 Fort " James Gibbon, H. B. Co. " Jennie Miss, 42 John " John, laborer, Chatham nr Fern- wood Road " John P., principal High School, bds 287 Yates " John, mate str " R. P. Rithet," 34 Kane " John, shipwright, bds Railroad hotel •^1 tf ^ 4 i T "H 4 t ' If If.- ' , ■ nit 4 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA McL F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARV PVBI«IC, &c., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral 4ands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. McLeod Maude Miss, 110 Michigan Norman, jr., moulder's helpei* A.T.W. 42 John Norman, sr., 42 John rev. Patrick McFarlane, St. Andrew's Church, pastor res 110 Michigan Roderick, miner, bds Colonial McLury — , Albion I. W. McManus James, clerk, 13 Herald Robert, journalist, res 234 Fort " Thos. F., blacksmith A.I.W. McMicking Claude MIm, 34 Belleville " Kthel Miss, 34 Belleville Maud Miss, 34 Belleville McMicking Robert Burns,City electrician and mgr. Vic— Esq. Telephone Co., res 34 Belleville. Tel. res 43. s.cadv. Page 463. McMillan Archibald Fiiiiilay, of Mc- Millan Bros., res 273 Yates — . Albion I. \y. Bella Miss, 273 Vutes Bros., bakers, 27.") Yates l)i)iial(l, of McMillan Bros., res 273 Yates ,l;iiiies E.. sheritf Coiiiity of Vic- toria Law Courts, J..angloy, res 138 Cormorant .Jane Miss, 10 James Matilda Mrs., wid Robt., 10 James McQ Millan Mary McLeod, wid Findlav 273 Yates McMullen Thos. John, lab. A. I. W. McMunn A., helper Albion I. W. McNally Henry, Royal Naval Yard, res Esquimalt Road McNamee James, gunner " C " Bat- tery, res Beacon Hill Park McNaughton D. L., carpenter, Edmon- ton road McNeal — , painter for Robert Lettice McNeil Chas., tailor, 32 Blanchin-d '• Fred., driver V. T. & D. Co., 30 Blanchard •• James Chas., clerk, res 32 Blan- chard " John A., of Jones & McNeil, 10!) Johnson " Louis, blacksmith, bds Brunswid hotel McNelly Patrick,carpenter, bds LelanJ House McNitf Chas. J., excise officer, res 22 View " Miss, milliner, 86 Yates " Wm., Grotto Saloon, 1 Trounce Alloy, res 22 View McNiffe Wm., carpenter, 22 View NcNinerry Wm. Hamilton, harness- maker, bds .Brunswick hotel NcNish Wm , bookkeeper for L.Gooi acre, res 228 Fort McPhadden Daniel, carpenter, 33 Eli- zabeth " James, lab., bds Dominion h(}ii«e McPhee D. N., 95 Wharf McPher.son Donald, carpenter, bd< Jiailroad hotel " JohnW,, A. I. W., 77 Discovorv Me<^uu(lo Ell. Augustin, of Mit^huJe l Fort iel, carpenter, 33 E'.i- , bds Dominion Iuhn 5 Wharf nald, carpeiucr, W; hotel \. I. W., 77 Discovery iLiigustin, of Mi't^iiii' es cor JEuraboldl Tel 42 et^ory, of Mi.liuaaoi Vancouver facing Bar- 'el. 53 ri, ship chandlers i? Tel 41 rev, Donald, res 8 Pioneer '• J;iines, cabinetmaker, bds Bruns- wick McRoberts Elliott, clerk P.O., bds 130 Fort " John Elliott, moHsengcr . 0., re.s ^auio McRury Ilobt., 77 Quadra McTavish Ceo. A., florist, I'.irUroati, res Beacon Hill Park nr Park road. Tel. 578 " Mar/i'aret wid I). A., res 134 Humboldt. Tel 598 MeTeiii'li Chas., moulder, 1!)0 Chatham " Uenry, U|tholstercr,19l) Chatham " Magiiie Miss, 11)0 Chatham " Jo.soph, printer, 190 Chatham " P., moulder A.I.W.,190 Chatham " Sarah wid John, 190 Chatham MeTiornen .Michael, drayman, 50 Pan- dora av McVilloii J., engineer, 91 Niaijara McWilliain.s Tlios., teamnter, 74Blan c'liiinl MiiWo William, carriasje factory, 115 JoliiiKoii, res 41 Pandora Macabo Tlios. B., job foreman Colonist, res 109 Pandora av- MACARTNKY SAM., ms^r V. T. & D. Co., 108 Wharf, bds Oriental Mticaulay Lilly Miss, res Dallas road " Xormaii 1).. res Dallas road MACAin.AY WM. JAS., mgr Vic- toria Lumber Co., res Dallas Road MacAskill Alex., carpenter, Chalhara nr Fernwood Koad MacCounell Joseph Wm., carpenter, J 38 Michigan ! Macdoaald Chas. N., accountant Pub- lic Works dept, res 133 Bird- cage Walk Edith Miss, res 70 Niagara Flora Miss, res 70 Niagara Hon. Wm. John, senator, res Armadale, 70 Niagara, bet Oswego and Montreal merit, bds Argyle House " John, & Co., wholesale dry goods, IL G.Walker, a<;ent, Spence's Arcade, over 65 (xovernment. " Li lias Miss, res 70 Niagara Macflillis Wm. Caldwell, M.D., 56 Douglas Mackav Alex. Erie, C,E.,12i; Belleville. Tel 4(35 ** A.D., cigar maker, 145 Chatham, bd> Brunswick Annie Miss, 43 Work D(»nald, clerk C.P.N. Co., 25 Que- bec Donald Geo., letter carrier, 43 Work Hugh, carpenter. 43 Work J:ine wid John, 43 Work Wm., constable C.P.N. Co., 43 Work Mackenzie Wm. Giles, com traveller, res 10!> Pandora av Mackie John, engraver, res Toronto nr ' Young Mackinlay AVm. S., carpenter, res 118 Fort Mackintosh Wm. R., salesman, 70 Government MudiauLihlin Jos. Hugh, accountant Douiinion Government Savings Bank, res Fernwood road '* Wm , asst clerk Imlian dept Miiclure Fred. S., of J. llutcheson & Co., res 113 Alenzies BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Funeral Director and Eoitialiner, YICVORIA. Telephone No. 48. i. il If '- 39 I ft! I I Si' ! '! m '\ ; it .., ( 548 Henderson's victoria MAC MAK F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Fiaancial Agent, mOTARV PVBI.IC, Ac. &C. Choice Business cind Resiilential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral iands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Mnc'lure Julin Chs,, aecountuiit Robt, Ward &Co., rcH 14 Humboldt, Mac'Muiiii Chan,, plioto^rapher, 107 John Macnamara Pollen wid James, nurse, 15 Biiinchard " Mary Miss, nurse, 15 Blanchard Madden D., longshoreman, Vancou- ver House " Jeremiah W., foreman machine shop Albion I. W., bds 110 Douglas " Joseph, machinist A.I.W. Maddigan Ben j., engineer, res 42 Work Eleanor Miss, 42 Work Elizabeth Miss, 42 Work Geo., machinist A. 1. W., 40 Cliatham Kate Miss, 42 Work Maggie Miss, 42 W<»rk Mngill David, blacksmith's helper, A. I. W. Magirl Charles Joseph, machinist Albion Iron Works, res 90 Pandora Magnesen Alfred, bookkeeper Thomas Earle, res 1H9 Fort Miiguire Bernard, porter, 31 Third Mahood James, surveyor, 45 Store Mair James, porter, 10 Yates Malcolm Geo,, hostler Y.T.Co. Mallandine Frederick, carpenter, 19 Sim coo Mallandine Edward,arch'tect, room 4 over Bank of B.C. 64 Government, res 19 Simcoe (( (( 1( Mallet James, moulder, G King's lid Mallette Alfred, plumber, 47 Fort m 6 King's lioad " C. E., manager Victoria Coal Woo land Lumber Yard, OIHlo 52 Government, res 14 Younir Mallinson F., auctioneoi-, 45 Storo ^ Mallor J, W., paint shop, 05 Fort Mandart rev Joseph M,, res Bishop's Palace Mann Geo., bricklayer, 19 David Mann & Heron, harness and saddlery, 29 Broad Mann Henry Thomas,of Mann & Heron res 27 Broad " James Goodfellow, of 3Iuirhea(J.t Mann, res 33 Bridge M., wid Andrew, 11 Rae Wm., bricklayei', 1 1 Rao Manners Jennie Mi.ss, res 118 Ray Manning John Wesley, com traveller 181 Cook Mansell Hy., boot and shoe manufacturer, 95 Govern< ment, res 96 Pandora Mansell Alice Miss, milliner, res % Pandora " James, shipper Albion T. W. " James Henry, clerk tor II, Miinsell, res 90 Pandora Manskey Wm., blacksmiih A.I.W, Manson Andi-ew, res 220 Cook " John, driver, res Fisguard " John Duncan, farmer, 197 Cha- tham Manufacturers Life & Acci. dent Ins. Co., F. C. Richards, agent, 6i Yates Marboeuf Louis, prop Poodle Doj hotel and restaurant, 49 Yates March James, miller Hall, Ross &Co,, res 129 Cormorant Marchant, Futcher & Coi, wholesale Japanese mez'chants ami importers, 41 Fort AtpnABfiTlCAti DIRECTORT. B49 !•, Kind's 11(1 bor, 47l'Vt, m [' Viotoriu Coiil, iber Ym-ti, 01h(;o t, ros 14 Young eor, 45 Store lop, 05 Fort M,, re« Bi^hop'3 31-, 19 Diivid harness and I >,of Mann & Ilcron, low, ofMuirliead& Britlijo iw, 11 Hi>o •Of, 1 1 Kao ss, ros il8 Buy loy, com traveller, boot and shoe r, 95 Govern' Pandora MAR MAS w, tnillinor, res % er Albion I. \V. ry, clerk tor H 1)G riuulora u-UMtniih A.l.W. rCH 220 Cook ^ res Fisnuanl H, iarmer, 197 Cha- s Life & Acci. , F.C.Richards, :es prop Poodle Dog Lirant, 49 Yates llcr Hall, Ross & Co,, •ant "utcher & Co., inese merchants and f'ort Marchltank David C.,,irai-(lencr for Mi JiiHtico Crease, Boleber Marino Department, capt II G.Lowis, agent " Hospital, Tlios.Wood, sen., stew- ard, Iruiian Resorso Market Excliango saloon, George Thompson, prop, 99 Fort Marks Louis, salesman, 67 Wharf, res Toronto '< Morris, peddler, 11 Green " Moses, dressmakinif, 134 Yates, res same " Win., butcher, res 76 Pandora Murrion Arthur, plumber. Walnut nr Fernwood road Marriott W.Mrs., res 22 Victoria Cres- cent Mursden Annie Miss, 126 Michij^^an " llenr}', tinner for McLennan & McFeely, res 125 Michigan Mnrsh Geo. Henry, cabinetmaker, 10 Mears '< Georj^e, ros 10 Mcars <> Joseph Melville, laborer, 88 Store Marshall — , Fernwood Road nr Pan- dora " Arthur William, C. Battery, 16 Rao <' Charles, watchmaker, res 171 Cook " F. C. Mrs., 79 Kine " James Currie, agent, 1 Bastion " William Thos., bartender Prit- cliard house, res 39 (Juadra Miirston Charles, hack driver, 9 Cale- donia av " Edwin Gardner, hackman, 58 North Park Martin — , carpenter, 23 Government " A. li, bookkeeper, 47 Fort, res 87 Pandora " George, ros 165 Johnson " Henry Jones, salesman, bds 60 Fort *' James L,, machinist A.I. W., 165 Johnson sRp^ F©Hept cJc^ alimij^ pmpamd la hmj kide6 in mKkad hU. 436 VISITATION STREET. Martia Jas, Edward, cashier Lowon- berg, Harris &Co., biis 60 F.)rt " Simon, l)ridge foroniaii E. & N> R}'., Store foot Cormorant " Tlios., prop The Grove, E-iqtii. malt road " Thomas, engineer "Jumbo,'' rea 165 Johnson " AValter, bartender, 109 Govern- ment " Wni. IL, gunsmith, 54 Johnson '' William Chantrell, clerk at United Slates Consulate, ros 60 Fort Marvin — , bds 5 Gordon '' Edward Benjamin, of E. B. Marvin»& Co., res 34 Cadboro Bay road Marvin E. B., & Co., ship chandlers and commission merchants, 74 Wharf. Tel 15 Marvin Edgar, of Marvin & Tilton,U. S. vice-consul, res Kane " Edgar, jnn., professor of music, res Kane " & Tilton, hardware, 67 Wharf. Tel 3 " William Thatcher,travcller Mar» vin & Tilton, res Kane Marwick Mary wid James, nurse, 157 View Maslen "Wm. John, 185 Fernwood road " Jane Miss, res 185 Fernwood road lilt '!■■!;■ r -ill. ■\|i.'! Si .... >':ri[ i«E «l«' :.M'i 550 Henderson's victoria MAS MAY I'i. P. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and FiHancial Agent, MOTARV PUBLIC, &c.. &G. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Miison Albert, A.I.W., rcH 13 Govern- ment Mason C.Duboi8,solicitorand notary public, 67 Covern- mentf res 148 Cormorant Mason Georifo, of Coughliii & Mason, res (JO Fort " Henry Sejo,mng director B.C.L. & I. Air«'ncv, 49 Governmmt, res 5 Birdcaji^o Walk " Henry Gerard, rlcrk, -10 Govern- ment, res 5 Birdca,i;e vV^alk '' Je8se,f()remanCoughian & Mason, bdt> Avenue lie'rcat " Mrs. G., boarding liouse,CO Fort Mason Thomas Greatorix, manufacturers' agent, 18 Broad, res 33 Car- Mason William Henry,real es- tate agent, notary public, Broad eor Trounce Alley, res 18 Young Masonic Temple, 132 Douglas cor Fisguard Massen N., hack driver, Gl Pandora av Masters Th0H.,Hhip carpentcr,3(j Store Mathan Walter C., tobacconist, J20 Government, res ISSFernwood road Malher Alex., driver, 203 Cook Matheson Chas., upholsterer Hastie & Lockhart " Huanks,of E.G. Pijor & Co., les Dallas i-oad " William, T5 Wharf Matsqui Land Co., II. E. Croasdaiic, secre'ary, Fort MATTHKWS J. P,,& CO,, grocers, CO Fort. Tel 178 " E. AV., mgr Dun, Wimaii & & Co., bds 18 linpert " Geo., of iMatthews, Rich.'ird^ & Tye, res Birmingham, Kiig. " Joseph Buauchamp, M.D., 17 Fort " J. P., of J. P. Matthews & Co,, res 177 Montreal Matthews John, laborer, res 82 Niii- gara " liobt James, merchant tailor, 101 Douglas, res 30 View Matthews, Richards & Tye, wholeaaie and retail hard- ware, iron and steel, waggon material, and agri imple- ments, 34 Yates. Tel 69 Matthews R. J., merchant tailor, 101 Douglas \ Matthews Thos., City Surveyor's cleric, ! City Hall, res IGO Johnson ;Mattson Chas., upholsterer, 79 Yates ' Maiidait rev. Joseph Mary, 11. C. mis- sionary, res Bishops's Palace, Y;itis Maude Steamship C, P. N. Co., Cupt John T. Barry MaurmannChas., carpenter, 72 View " Paul, of White & Maurmarin, -it Johnson Maxwell J. \V., painter, 98 Douglas May G. F., moulder's helper A. I. W, May Samuel, «& Co., billiard tables, 05 Government May lor Wni. Book Glassey, flork, m 38 Michigan Maynard Albert Hatherly, shoemaker and taxidermist, 97 Douglas, res 100 John iWB ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 551 ks.of E.G. Prior H road vrf [. E. Croasdaile, CO., groccis, GO Dnn, Wimaii & iiijwrt Lliews, Ric'liMnls linf^ham, Kii^'. lamp, M.D., 17 Matthews & Co., >al oror, rew 82 Niii- erohant tailor, 101 10 View lards & Tye, d retail hard- steel, waggon agri iinple- es. Tel 69 J., merchant iglas y Surveyor's clerk, I Johnson olstoi-er, 70 Yates h Mary, 11. C. mis- ops'rt Pahice, Yiitis C. P. N. Co., Cupt larpentcr, 72 View Le & Maurmaim, 41 nter, 98 Douglas r's helper A. I. W. , billiard tables, H5 : Glassey, flork, re3 latherly, shoemaker mist, 97 Douglas, res MAY MER Maynnrd Chs, carpenter, 34Fornwood Melss Manuel, cigarmaker, res 25 Pan I'oud end of Johnson ' ' Fred. Geo., clerk, res Bnrnsido rd " Georgo, phimber, res 34 Forn- vvood road end of Johnson Maynard George Henry, boots and shoes, 59 Government, res Burn- side road Maynard Harry, brakeman E. N. Ey. res 28 View " James, boots and shoes, 119 Dou- glas " Laura Lillian Miss, bookkeeper, res Burtjside road Maynard Mrs. R., photogra- pher and photo stock dealer, 99 Douglas, res sumo Maynard Richard, dealer in boots and shoes,leather and tindings, and lootand shoemaker, 97 Douglas, res 99 Doi'glas Maynard Win,, mate str Boscowitz Mealy James, bricklayer, bds ilailroad hotel Jloarns Annie Miss, 62 Kane Mcbius Charles F. E., cooper, 46 Rae, res same " Charlotte D. Miss, 46 llae '' ])yborah Miss, 46 Hae Fred., cooper, 46 Rae Medina Catherine Mrs., 48 Simcoe " Lou Miss, 48 Simcoo Paulino Miss, 48 Simcoo Paul, res 42 Simcoe " Romoli, painter, i*es llGMenzies " R., & Co., painters, 110 Foit Modwedrich Joiin, fisherman, res 44 Pembroke Jleicr Jorgen, capt sealing schooner, res Ellice Meiss Alex,, driver, 25 Pandora av " Flora Miss, res 25 Pandora " Geo., cigarmaker, bds Brunswick hotel " Jacob, cigarmaker, ro8 25 Pan- dora dora Meldram George Gladstone, butcdior for Van Volkenburgh Bros., res 98 Pandora " John Wm., butcher Van Volken- l)urgli Bro."*., res 98 Pandora av " Jolin Wni., prop. Avenue Retreat saloon, Saanich road " John II.. 49 Gorge road MELDliAM JOHN VV,, groceries and liquors, Saanich road Mehirum J., Albion I. W. Mellhuish — , 72 Douglas Mellon Joseph, sergt. " C " Battery, 26 ' Rupert Mf'lor J. \V., painter. Fort Mofiary John A., compositor, bds Brunswick Mentzell Ernest, bartender Bank Ex- change Menzies M. Miss, tailoress, 129 Fis- guard 3Iercer Wm. Henry, Rock Bay Mill, res Hillside av Merifleld Jonathan, prop. Pa- cific Telegraph hotel, 45 Store Merrill James, clerk Lenz & Leiser " Joseph, agetit,ros 3 Cadboro Bay road " Josie Miss, res 3 Cadboi-o Bay rd Merrion Fiank, carpenter Queen City mills Merritt Richard, laborer,res 149 View BROUCHTON STREET. » JHAS. HATWARD, Funeral Director and Eialmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ?'?;;jl .1 ' ' is :t .1 ;l' w>« If. •*.':,.■ 2 :*^i i [i!i: R 1' ^■^1 552 hendeiison's victoria MKR MIL F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and FlDancial Agent, MOTARV PVBI.IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCK No. 61 YATES STREET. Merryfield William John, miner, ros 115 North Piirk Merryman William, teamster for L. Good acre Meshar Geo. Clias., jun., builder, 54. Second " Geo. C, son., builder, GO Second Mesher Arth. W., bricklayer, 47 Third " Matilda Miss, GO Second Meston John, blacksmith and carriage- maker. Broad nr Pandora, res 45 North Park Mofcalfe Bewsio wid Leonard F., 9 Fi'ederick Mothie — , painter, 40 Fort Methodist (yhurch, (Jorge road, rev. W. W. Bear, pastor METHODIST CIIURCH, Pandora av cor Broad, rev. J. K. Starr, pastoi-, Meye Geo., reis cor Bridge and Eliza "■ William, Capi. str "Sardonyx," C. P. N. Co., 80 Quebec Middlestato Geo., milihand Hock Bay Saw mill " Gustave, laborer, 43 Doi:<,da.s Middloton Keith J., clerk II. B. Co. Michell John K. butcher, res Pembroke nr Quadra Miles Goo., barber, 231 Johnson " Eliza, wid, 23 Burdetto av " Hariy, A. I. W., 15 Bay " J., machinist's helper A. I. W. " Lillian Miss, 15 Bay " Lottie Miss, 237 Johnson it << Millan Josei)h,8taffsorgt " C " Battery, res 2(» Ru pert Millard Alfred, driver, bds Arcade restaurant Miller — , cigarmaker for Kurtz & Co. — , logger, res Boyd Alex., baker, 91 Niagaia Anlbouy, clerk, res 31: View Chiis., Prov. police, 4({ Herald Christopher Chas., baliir, llS (tovernmcnt Ernest, law student, 52Iiangley, res Sunnyside E., law student, bds 112 Pandor.'i E. J, Mrs., artist, room 1!) ovir Bank of B. C. Cbas. J., bailiflf, res Fisgiuiid Tel 97 Eugene, printer T. Miller, res Selkirk road Frederick, tailor, rooms 9 Fie- der' k J a 121 Fort Jo of Miller & Bown, res ll4 i^'ormorant " & Bown, props. Prince of Wales saloon, 1G6 Government " W., cabinet maker for J. Woiler, res 7 Kupert Miller Jackwin Allan S., jeweller, res 28 Quebec " John, laborer, 132 Johnson " J. R., carpenter, Vancouver House " Joseph, saloon, 114 Cormoraiit Miller Munroe, book and job printer, and bookbinder, 77 Johnson. Tel 20, res Car* bally road and Selkirk. Miller Mrs. Wm., 41 Langley, res Fiu- pert " Wm., compositor, res Fort " Thos. M., printer M. Miller, res Gar bally road Milligan Thomas, stamper, ass-i;?! ac- countant Bank of B. C, res ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 5B3 MIL MON bds 112 raiulon iHt, room 1!' ovir n, 114 Cormorant I, book and Job bookbinder, 77 )l 20, res Car* lolkirk. U Langley, res Ru- Mtor, roH Fort inter M. Mi I lor, res iicl Htamper, assist ac- (1 Millinp^"" Edith MIhs, Honmstro«H, 5'Ji riovorninoiit " Ernest Wailn, oxproHHmnn, res 41 Bollevillo lEoiiry, driver, res BIniichnrd Tlios. S., Bit of B. C, res 3 St Lawrence " Wm. Osbran, laborer, 46 John " Wm., teamster, 20 Pandora Millw Alfred L., bds 23 Govorninont " Daniel, Chancery lano " MilLs & HiitchiHon, wholesale woolens, 62 Wharf MILLS S. PKKKY, l)arrister,soIi('.i)oi' ar.d N. P., '16 Langley, res 120 C dboro Bay road " Jaclqnimait road Moody Fi-ank G., clerk, res 8(J Pan- dora " Flore. ice Miss, 133 Johnson " Joshua, res 8b' Pandora '- Jeannet, widow Sowell, res 133 Johnson " Thos. Gage, grocer, fi Amelia, res 86 Pandora Moodyville Saw Mill Co., 63 Wharf Mooiiey J. J., machinist A. I. W., res 45 .Store Mooie Annie, wid M., 53 Langley *' Chas., teamster W. Walker, 39 McClare MOORE & CO., druggists, 31 Yates " Chas., carpenter, 5fi Discover^' " Geo., prop brick 3-aids, Garbally road Dol lie Miss, 72 Fort (rcorge ileiu'y, contractor, 34 Pioneer James, carpenter, 1G5 Chatham Henry, sailmaker, 1)3 Iloniy John William, ft clerk Sir Island- er, res 35 Alfred John Jatnes, of Mooro Johnson " Henry, clerk, res 175 Johnson " Henry, clerk Fell Co., res 263 \ates " James,gardener, res 175 Johnson Moss Morris, dealer in raw tiirs, 7 Johnson, res 56 North Park Moss William, sen., ros 263 Yates Mottrain Joseph, carpenter, 145 Michigan Mouat Alexander J. G., bookkeeper res 52 Belleville " Anthony Chns., clerk, ros 52 Belleville Helen Miss, 52 Belleville Mary Ann. wid William A., res 52 'Belleville Mowry A., patternmaker Albion Iron Works, bds Occidental hotel Miigridgo Eliziibeth Mrs., wid Cha8.,re8 109 Pandora " Hattie Miss, 109 Pandora " j\[iniiie Miss, 109 Pandora Muir Alex., bookkeeper, 58 G vorn- nient, res 112 Pardora " Alex bds Brunswiciv C, Albion I.W. ( '. Al iss, Ci'aigflowcr Road Curtis, carpenter, Craigflower I'oad Win. ,carpenter,Craigflower road « Maxwell, architect. Broad, (I Muirhead Agnes Miss, res Esquimalt road " Allan, brewer Vane. Brewery " James, (»f Muirhead & Mann, res Esquimau road " James McLaren, res Esquimalt I'oad " John, jun.,millhand Muirhead & Manti, x'os Esquimalt road " &Mann, sash & door fact'y Store Mulan J. C, moulder A.I.W. Muldoon Wm., 1st jailor Victoria Jail Mull W., carpenter Albion I.AV. Mullet Chas. E., 14 Young Mumpford Htirry. driver, 91 Niagara Mundort'John Jacob, blacksmith, res Telegraph hotel Mundy Henry, carpenter,25 Vancouver Munger James, bartender, ros 89 Dis- cover}' Mimn Henry A., city editor " Times," res 137 Bianchard Munro A. D., purser str. "Sardonyx " " Alox. K., of Spratt & Gray, res 19 Work " James, res 239 Johnson " Kenneth Y , clerk Bk. of B.C., res 6 Michigan Sadie Miss, res 239 Johnson Wm.,miller,66 Store,res Johnson Wm. A., bookkeeper, bds Revere House Wm. S., emp. Rice mill, ros 239 Johnson BROUCHTON STREET. (( CHAS. HAYWARD, Funeral Director and EifiUmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. • «, . .'! Bii li ^!^'i1 tm ivn ll ■-If 1 556 Henderson's victoria MUN NAT F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, KOTARY P17BI.IC, &C.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No, 61 YATES STREET. Munroc Alexander, accountant II. B. Co., re8 Michif^an " Clias. Byron, salesman for J.Srlil, l)(ls Eevere liousc, 109 Pandora " Dan., capt "Lottie," re.s 239 Johnson " William, res (5 Midii^an Munsio William, of Carne & Munsie, res 143 Chatham Murdoch J. M., l)ookl ^ lovernmont Newman Adolphe, cigar maker, res 8 \\\w " Vlian H., arriagomaker, bds Brunswick bote! Nellie Miss, res Uao Sadie Miss, res S Bao Paul, BtM)., cigarmaker, 8 Rao Paul, jiiii.,ciuarmaker for Kurta & Co., ns 8 llae Newton Frankio M^-is, 85 Yates New Y'ork LitV ' ,ininceCo., Edward Crow Bake; :j;ent New Y'ork Kostaurant, Mrs, M. G. Johnson, prop, 65 Yates New Zealand Ins. Co., Marino, 63 Wharf Nicholas Elias,painter,ros 161 Johnson Nicholl James, farmer, Foul Bay a « ^^ i f'- ■A r:!l mm&i ill I I m iH y 'i-' ': dm '■■■■ 558 Henderson's victoria NIC NOR F. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVBI.IC, &c., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. (( (( No. 61 YATE8 STREET. NicliollcK J(>hn,of Nicholles& Eonouf, ros 121 Montreal NICH0LLE8 & RENOUF, hardware, agricultural implements and machinery, 6 i YateSi Tel 82. ^ee adc. Front cover Niolii)l.~ E iwanl, ros Johnson " Griico Miss, res Esqninialt Road John, carpenter, 21)6 Yates Jonathan, carpenter, res 20G Yates " Wm., carpenter for Bishop & Sherborno " Willre'l, hiborer, 221 View Nicholson — , g'ont, res 5 Gordon " C J., car])., bds Californiahotel Chas., cif^armaker, res 9 Amelia Chas. Newton, clerk, 80 Pioneer Frank, (iirpentor, 12 Farquhar (lOo., f'iirnior, Saanich Koad ][crberl, carponler, 7 Amelia Jas. JJilton, i-lerk, res 214 Yates Thomas, teacher res Gorj^^e Koad Wm., emp \V. Woriis, 45 Store Nickerson Alonzo,mato8tr "Sardonyx" res 131) Pandora av Nicklo PUtto Saloon, Thos. Garvin, prop, 85 (rovernmont Niglil G.,millhand Rock Laj' Saw Mill Nisbot Pliilip, ship carpenter, 9 Prin- cess uv <( II II II Noak Fanny, widow George, res ''39 Fort Noble H., prop city coal yard, 40 Store " Heiirv, prop Commercial iiotel iiebouirhis James, 9Chnrchway II II II Miss M.. 101 John II II II II Walter, car2)enter, 105 Pan- dora av " Wilson, carpenter, 105 Pandora av Nolan John, yard foreman Eock Bay Saw Mill ^ Norbury llo!)ert, boilormaker's helper Albion I. W. NorsateT. Burroughe8,archi' tect, mechanical engineer and patent agent, 76 Yates, res 87 Henry Norman Hannah Miss, clerk, res S James Hannah Alis^-, 92 Kingston Joseph, laborer, 92 Kingston Sam., gai'deiier, 92 Kingston Sam., jiin., clerk, 92 Kingston Sam., fruits, 1(32 Government, res 8 James " Samuel, clerk, res 8 James " Stephen, carpenter, 154 Yates " Tiios., C. P. Tel., res 92 King-ton " \Vm., gardener, Turner cor | Rithot Norris Fred., harness, 126 Governmenl, res Gorge Road " J. G., collector Customs, Konte- j niiy, res 60 Rao " Wm. Geoi-ge, res 18.3 Fort " Wm. Wilson, driver V. T.Co. res 41 Douglas North British & 3Iercantilo Ins, C'l. | 49 Government " British & Mercantile Fire lasiir- ance Co., 80 Wliarf " Edward, policeman, 178 JoIiimhi | " Geo., barber shop, 76 Gnvoni' mcnt, res 178 Johnson " Gco.,jun., barber, 178 Johnson ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 559 )E NOR OGI w George, res 239 ■ coal yard, 40 Stove Commofcial liutel, irchway John penter, 105 Pan- lenter, 105 Pandora foreman Eock Bay (oilormaker'ii helper, rroughes.archi- anical engineer igent, 76 Yates, ry I Misf, clerk, res 8 se 92 Kingston orer, 92 Kingston iner, 9- Kingston dork, 92 Kingston Lh, 162 Government, k, res 8 Jiimes irpenler, 154 Yutcs Tel., res 92 Kini^-lrtii donor. Turner cor | nesH, 126 Government, lload 'ctor Customs, Koote- ] Rao go, res 183 Fort son, driver V. T.Co, | uglas Mercantile Ins. C'>, nment Mercatitilo Fire lm-\ 80 Wharf loliceman, 178 Johii-oii bcr shop, 76 Govore- 3S 178 JohnHon barber, 178 Johnson North Pacific Canning Co. of Skeena River, 92 Wharf " Pacific Saloon, 2 Yatea Northeote John, cabinetmaker for J. Weiler, res Foul Bay " JoHcph Rodger, carpenter, res iS Menziea Orvilla Miss, res 78 Mcnzies Wm. Wiiltor, contractor builder, res 78 Menzies Nortiicrn Assurance Co. of London, 75 AVharf Northern Pacific Railway freiglit, pass, and express of¥icey82 Government, E.E. Blacicwood, agent. Tel 456. N. P. Ry. & 0. R. & N. Co., Turner, Bcctoii & Co., freight agents, 80 Wliari; Tel 77 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co., John J. Austin, local agent, 57 Gov- ernment; H. I), Ilelmckcn, gen. agent, 20 Ban I on Nugent Bessie Miss, dressmaker, 168 Yates " Lizzie Miss, 168 Yates " Susie W. Miss, 168 Yates Null William, painter, bds Royal hotel Niieis George, cigarmaker, bds Brun- Bwick hotel Nuttall Thos. C, insurance and real es- tate, 82 Government, res 95 Quebec Nye Bert. E.,printer,rosl02Pandora av " VVm., compo.sitor Colonist OakcB Peter, porter, bds Colonial Oak.and Nursery, A, Ohlson, i-op Gates llobt., coppersmith," 22 latcs,r9B South Saanich O'Brien Clarence, butcher for Van Volkenburgh & Bro. " Daniel, res 85 Fort Eugenie Mrs., 112 Pandora av Flora Miss, dressmaker, res 40 View George, tinsmith, res 40 View Ilonry Loe, dork for J. Weiler, res 12 North Park O'Brien James, salesman, les 40 View " John, butcher for Van Volken- burgh & Bro. " Lizzie Miss, dressmaker, res 12 North Park " M., moulder A. I. W. " Mary Ann Mrs., widow William, res 40 View " Mary Miss, 85 Fort " Marj , wid Patrick, 158 Pandora av " Peter, hostler, 85 fjrt " Sieve, Senate saloon, ve^ 11 Kane " Thos., 21 Broughton " William, clerk for H. Mansell, res 34 View Occidental Hotel, Wm. Jen- sen, prop, Wharf cor Jr^hn- son. Tel. 14 O'Connor Ellen Miss, dressmaker, res 7 C"ourg " John, res 7 Coburg " Nora Miss, res 7 Co'ourg " Wm., bartender Culitbinia hotel Oday B. S., bds Occidental hotel Oddfellows* Hall, 87 Douglas Offernhans Uhinetish, teacher, res 102 John Ogilvie lieut. George II., C 'Battery, res in Barracks Ogilvy David, Alex. Nelson, 3 David " John, toamster, bds Occidental hotel BROUCHTON STRELT. | CHAS. HATWARD, Funeral Director and Emkliner, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ./•Ti ■.ill ,., J I tja i n till I 3i:: X If. 1 5t" m 660 Henderson's victoria OIIL PAD P. C. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and FinaDcial Agent, NOTARY PVBt,IC, &c.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Olilson A., prop Oakland Nurs«M'v O'Kceto J)aniel, agent, bds WindHor hotel Oldorsliaw Alfred, grocer, Craigflower road, Vic. West, res Haine " Alfred Bruce, jeweller, res Craig- tiower road Old Ship Inn, 81 Wharf O'Lcary Michatjl John, laborer, bds 6 Collinson Oleson — , teamster, *70 Douglas " N,, laborer, Vancouver Ilonso Olcstead William, painter, bds Domi- nion House Oliiis John Moore, upholsterer J. Wei- lei', res Gorge road Oliver — , cigai-uiaker for Kurtz & Co. — , ins. agent, 23 Govern niei)t John, res 30 View Katie Miss, music teacher, res 30 View " AVilliam Jasper, teacher of danc- ing, next Spencer's Arcade, res 30 View Olney Thomas, laborer, res 45 View Ominecii saloon, John Stevens, prop, 130 Government O'Neil Fred. Clias., hack driver, 207 Douglas " Edward Hugh, waiter, 207 Dou- glas llugh, clerk, res 20*7 Douglas James, res 138 Yates Lottie Miss, 207 Douglas (( (( << Ontario Waggon and Car- riage shop, VVm. Powell, ])ro]),.j()|||,. son cor Broad, I'es 23 Pandora Oppenlieinier S dney, student, res ]!);{ Fort ()'l{iista Frank, shoemaker, 7 Painjoni ave Orchard Jasper,hack driver,21 JJroiifli. ton Oregon Milling Co , John Wilsdn a^n-nt, 28 Yates " ]?ailway and Navigation Co.,(ioo, Arthur Cooner, agent, 100 (iuv- ernment. Tel 77 Oren Mat bias, carpenter, 2!) IlnmlidMt O'Eeilly lion. Peter, res 3 Pleasniit Point Ellis. Tel 457 " William, dry goods, 83 Douirlus, res 148 Cormorant OPiIENTAL llOTi:D, Wui. m-Kmi & Son, props, 38 Yates. Tel 102 Ormiston Goo., liosller, 21 Broii^hton Orr John, 22 Yates, res 33 Meats " Wm. John, clerk, bds Bruiiswiok hotel O'Shca Thomas, driller, bds liailroad hotel O'Sullivan Ellen Miss, res 38 Qiioboe " numphrey,storekeoper ll.B.Cu.. 38 Quebec " Jane 3Iiss, res 38 Quebec " Kate Miss, res 38 (Quebec " Mary Miss, res 38 (Quebec Outer llai-bour Wharf. Tel 4!I2 Owen Arthur Frederick, piano tuner, res Green " Wm.,mato str. Douglas, 51) Nonh Park Owens — , moulder Albion I. W. " John, mate ilr. "Hope", Hock Bay Saw Mill Pacific Coast Steamship Co., R, P Eithet & Co., agents, 03 Whiirl Pacific Telegraph hotel, Jonathan Meriticld, prop, 45 Sioie Paddon rev. Cameron Wm., res Bel- cher nr Pemberton roud ALPIlABETrCAL DIRECTORT. 661 PAG PAT »n and Car* owoll, prop,.J()liii. 23 Piunloiii •, Btucicnt, roH l!i;! smiiUer, 7 Pandora :driver,2lBrou;;li. o , John "NVikin, Navigation Co„(ieo, •cr, agent, l»IO(iov- i>nier, 21< HumlKildt er, rcH 3 Plcasiint. Tel 457 goods, 83 Doui^his, morant :HL, Wui. McKeoii YaleH. Tel 102 iHller, 2\ Brou.iihtou ^s res 33 Mcais plcvk, bds Bi-uiiswitk Jrillcv, bds l{ailro:ul diss, res 38 Quebec storekeeper il.B.Co., •eH 38 Quebec rcH 38 (iuobec res 38 (iuebec niarf. Tel4!V2 ideriek, piano tuner, itr. Douglas, 59 :Sonli or Albion T. W. Htr. "Uopc", Hock eamsbip Co., b. r Co., agents, G3N\ tot aegrapti hotel, iticld, prop, 45 8iove meron Wm., ros Bel- terton read Pai 11 11 (I II Pago C. M., Bank of B. C, 153 Blan- chard " Francis, of Shears & Page, res 2()3 Fort '• vSoj)hia, widow Wm., Topaz avo ain Fred., jr., waiter Colonial hotel Win., 8 Chiircliway Paine Fred., barber shop, Colonial hotel Painter J. E., chipper A. T. W. Palace saloon, Ralph Borlhwick, prop, 5ti Yates Palmer Clias., painter, res 139 Fort K. xMiss, packer, 91 Niagara. Capt. El I ward, quartermaster "C" Battery, re.s in Barracks J. JL, wid Digby, res 139 Fort Tlios., 30 South Boad, Spring Biilge I Pamplilot Thomas, ma.ster mariner, 1 David Pankhtirst Alex, painter,res 138 Yates TAl'ST JOIIX T., grocer, 153 Fort eor (iuaer. onzalos Farm, cud on, real estate nts, surveyors, ders, i overnment in mnir, 25 Hum- Ion. Tel. 112 nnaker, A.l.W.,86 jert, 43 First ay ton, watch- ufacturingjevw mond setters, >nt Miss, 48 Second onry, of Pen nock I FretloricU ves 31 SoutliPark Co., 18 Third eer. Princess lardware, 05 John- igation Co., Turner, rents, Wharf thur, agent, 54 Govt Porry Catherine S. Miss, res 18 Michi- gan " Charles Edward, C. B., res 18 Michigan. Tel 141 PERRY CREEK GOLD MINING CO. Phillips A., & Son, proprietors Pioneer Soda Water Works, mrfs. of soda water, syrups, cider, &c., 8 Yates (Ld.), Henry Jecoby, secy, 30i Phillips Alexander, of A. Phillips & (I Government Gertrude A. Miss, res 18 Michi-j gan I Hans, tailor, res Spring Ridge | Joseph, & Co., wood dealers, 151 ; Fort I " Wm. Henry, foreman, res 35 Douglas } Perkins Charles, messenger Custom j House, 20 Collinson | Perseverance Lodge, I.O. G. T., meets ' Thursday evening at Tomperanoo Hall, 47 Pandora av | Peter A., laborer, Vancouver House ! Peters Major James, commanding offi- cer "C" Battery, res Cadboro , Bay road Son, res 40 Kane Barney, painter, res 40 Kano ('arrie Miss, 74 View Clias. Aaron, driver, res 40 Kane Clara Miss, 40 Kane Caroline Martha Miss, 74 View David A., 40 Kano Eleanor Miss, 31 Niagara Geo., 11 Kane G. L. Miss, 31 Niagara L. P. Miss, 40 Kane Capt George, master mariner, 31 Niagara Geo., stoves and tinware, 152 Government, res Walnut, Spring Ridge Henry, res 31 Niagara William, cook, bds Railroad hotel , PHILLIPS JOSEPH EVA, granite Peterson John, steward French hospi- tal, 39 McCluro Petherick Goo..pla3tcrer,l0 Princess av " Wm., plasterer, res 10 Princess av I Petticrew Harry, express driver, 21 \ Broughton j '• James, mason, bds 160 Fort | " John, engineer A. I, W., res 160 j Fort I " Wm. C, machinist Albion I. W„ res Randall ! Peltingill Benjamin Cory, 12 Blan- ch ard ' Pcttit Geo., of Lindsay k Pettit, res 33 Store " Capt. Wm.. 114 Chatham PfardnerEmil, prof of music, 27 Bird- cage walk Phelps William II., book agent, ros (0 View Adelina, wid Edward, 70 View Mary Miss, res 70 View Naoma Miss, res 70 View Philharmonic Hall, 88 Fort (I and marble works, 76 View, res 74 View Phillip Aaron, of Phillips & Son, ros 86 Blanchard av Joseph, cabinetmaker J. Sehl Ji)seph Rolallack, stone cutter, 74 View S;imuel Arthur, barber, 104 Yates Samuel, of A. Phillips & Son, res 10 Kano BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Fooeral Director and Enilialraer VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48> iii M»»!< i 40 i li 564 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA Pill POD F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financiai Agent, PfOTARV PVBK,IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Tiuibcr and Mineral lands for sale. FmE Aim LIFE INSXTRANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. rhillli« John Wm., London Hotel, 8*7 Johnson " Sam Aaron, driver, ros Fort Philiops William Hamlyn, en- graver, die-sinker and color stamper, 122 Yates, res same Phipps George J., 82 Bollcvillo •' Miircu.s (ieorgo, clerk, ros 50 Quebec " Stanley, dork of records 1?. C. u;ovl, res 2(1 l^uoboc Louisa Mrs., 2(j (Juebcc Marian .Miss. 20 (Quebec Phaniix Bitnvcry, C. Gowen & Sons, 140 Yatos Phenix Fire Insurance Co. of Broolclyn, N. Y., H. F. Heis- Piorcy John, res 163 Menzies " J., & Co., mnfrs, 25 Yatos Pierre John Thomas, mer* chant tailor and dyer, 96 Yates rog 19 Pioneer Pierre Joseph Kobt., tailor, 22 Pioneer " Samuel Deal, tailor, 22 Pioneer " Thomas Whitninp,re8 22 Pioneer Piko Wm., Victoria West Albert, mason, 35 First av Charles, plasterer, bds California hotel Thos., plasterer, bds California hotel Pillar Henry, 150 Cormorant " W. P., clerk, 21 Langley Pilling James, bus driver, 30 Yat&* Pillow Thos., Albion I. W. Pilot Commissioners, 54 Government Pinder Wm. Geo., C. E., E. & N. Rv., res 94 Snnovioc Pioneer saloon, 05 Douglas Pioneer Soda Water Worl(s, A. Phillips & Son, props., 8 Yates PIONEER STEAM COFFEE ANT) SPICE MILLS, Stomler ct Karl, props, 148 Government. Tel f)!!; ' Piper Herman, confectioner, res Yalc^ Pithor Luke, of Boncherat & Co., 13 Yates terman & Co., agents, 8iiJiJ^•'^ f-'r\^^'''^ irJ**^^^^'"''^^^ mm *! ** ' iPittock Pobert^ res 149 Menzies Bastion. Phoenix J., grocer, 39 Store Phanix of London Firo Insurance Co., 82 Government Pickard .hinits W., cleric, 4.') Yatos Pickett J lin, Inutender Club Theatre, res Humboldt Pidmell Viola Miss, 15T Cadboro Bay road Pierce Thos., teamster, 00 Pembroke '• Will., painter, ;;^s Vancouver ilouso " John, 124 Chatham Pitts S. J., importer, whole- sale grocer, provisions, p. -^duce and fruit, 10 Yates, res 181 Fort. Tel 147, res 18 Planer Chaw. E., bds California hotel Plaskett Mrs. Wm., res 52Ci.>llinsoii Please E. J. Miss, 222 Cook " Jane, wid, 222 Cook Plummer Kobt., clerk, 70 Wharf Poddinger George, school master, 233 Cook " "Wm. B., butcher, 233 Cook ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTORT. 505 POI POW Monzies 25 YatoB DmaSf mer- sr, 96 Yutes, ves ailor, 22 Pioneer ilor, 22 Pioneer ip,vo9 22 Pioneer ;Ve8t 35 First av er, bds California r, bda California )rmorant I Langloy river, 30 Yale^^ I. W. . 54 Government 5, E., E. cSo N. lly, )ouglaf* Water Works, 5on, props., 8 ^l COFFEE AND Slcmler & Karl, •nmeut. Tel f)!'" cclioncr, res Yale-* oncherat & Co., lo IS. res 140 Mcuzics 149 Mcnzics whole' , provisions, fruit, lO Yates, tel 147, res 18 Ids California hotel res 52 ColUnsou |222 Cook I22 Cook •crk, to Wharf school master, -oi iportei Pointer Nathan, second hand goods, 85 Johnson, res 193 Johnson Police Station, Henry W. ' Shoppard, superintondont. Tel 167 POLICE PROVINCIAL, J. M.Lnngley, Portland Joseph, mason. Herald iir Store Portman Nicolas, grocer 81 Douglan, res 1 HA Yates. Tel 526 Portwarden and Harbor master, W.Ii, Clarke, office 13 Store '"i^'^-'.nn "" ^'7o7"' "'''^'''"- ^''- Poschrod'cr Gustave, res Fisgnard office 600, res 134 » t» Pollard Amy Miss, 5th asst teacher Boys' P.S., Saanich road " rev. Wm., Methodist, res Saanioli Road Poodle Dog Restaurnnt,Louis Marbneuf, prop, 49 "Yates Tel 5S4 Poole Walter, clerk P. O., 5 McClure, Post Office Inspector's office, P.O. Building, Everard H. Fletcher, inspector Post Office, Government St., Noah Shaicespear, postmas- ter. Tel 7 Pottingor Geo., 233 Cook " James, printer Govt. Office, res Michigan nr Montreal •• Wm. BiHMOtt, butcher, res 233 Cook Potts Agnes Miss, res 3H Manon Pooiey Hon. Chas. E., Q.C , barrister and notary public, pres. Executive Council, 47 Liuigley. Tel 19, res Fornhill, Esquimalt road. Tel 516 Pope E. Miss, clerk, res 43 Quadra '• Mrs., nurse, res 43 (Quadra " Stephen D., supt of education. ros 39 Birdcage Walk '■ T. S. clerk, A.I. W.,res SSQuadra Potts Ilonry Alfred, of H. A. Potts & " Wm., 58 (Quadra I Co., ros 3S Mason PorteousWm. Frank, blacksmith, bds ' Pound Keeper. Te'. ')67 Vancouver House I ' Wm.. apprentice, '•esO.'iwego cor Porter Alice, wid ('has., ros Fairfield' SiiiHTJor i-ofid Powell FiorttM-cMiss. ivs 1(!1 Monzies Potts H. A., &Co., merchant tailors, 101 Johnscn ichor, 233 Cook " Arthur, 49 Gorirc road " Chas., driver K. Porter, 104 Johnson " Frank, stabkMvan. 4 Broad " Fred., messenger K. Porter, res Burnside " James, 49 Gorge road " John, expressman, res 167 1 Douglas I " Eobt.. jun., of PiM-ter tS: Sons, res Burnside " Eobt., sen., of R. Porter & Sons, res 10-1 Johnson Porter Robt.,& Sons, butchers, 104 Johnson. Tel 154 Porter Eobt. John, jun., of Porter & Sons res 104 Johnson " Goo., it Co., (I'ociiory and stoves, 146 Government " (loo., ofCeo, I'owell & Co., res I in Menzios. Tol 153 " Li. Col. Israel Wood, Bunielto av cor Vancouver. Tol 159 '• Lottie Miss, 92 View " ,\i.la Miss, 92 View " Sidney, carpenter, 92 View Powell Wm., prop Ontario Waggon and Carriage shop, 82 Johnson cor Broad, res 25 Pandora Power M E. wid William, res 144 Fort Powers & Johnson, Albion Saloon, 12 Yates 1!' 11^ a; ; f •yn, 1?! ;■« 566 HKNDIRSON's VICTORIA POW PUR F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY PVBLIC, &C.. &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSXTBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Powers Michael, of Powers & Johnson, ' 12 Yates Pratt Chas., student, res 89 Disco- very I " Hy., ship carpenter, Victoria W f " Mrs., widow, 8!) Discovery Preece Wm.. gardener, Walnut, Spring Ridgo " Wm. Michael, waiter, 124 Gov- ernment, res Spring Ridge Prentice J. Douglas, acct Bk of B. N. " A., bds Roccabella Presbyterian Church, St Andrews, Douglas cor Broughton, ix'v. P. McLeod, pastor Presbyterian Church (First), Pan- dora av cor Blanchard av, rev. D. • Fraser, M.A., pastor Preston Chas. Henry, 52 Quadra Pretty Hy., laborer, 28 PrinccHs av Prevost James Chas., registrar of Su- preme Court, res 39 Montreal Pridham Edward R., cabinetmaker Jacob Sehl, res 20 Second " Henry T., cabinetmaker, 20 Second Pridmorc Wm., farmer, Burnwide road Prince of Wales Saloon. Government. Tel. 52 Pringle M., shoemaker. 173 Douglas " Michael, shoemaker, 103 Gov- ernment, res Saanich road Printing Department, B.C. Govt, Rich- ard Wolfenden supt Prior E. G., & Co., hardware, 123 Govt " Edward Gawler, M.P., of E. G. Prior & Co., res Pemberton. Tel 582 " Henry K., general freight and passenger agent E, & N. Ry . Co., res Union Club. Tel. 10.5 " Thos., clerk, res 144 Cook Prisey Leonard, laborer, 249 Johnson " James, laborer, 249 Johnson Pritchard Hou8e» Stevenson & Jones, props, 10) Government and 58 Yates. Tel 33 Proctor Geo. Henry, grocer, 134 Yates " Richard, band sergeant "C" Battery, res 96 View Protestant Orphans' Home, Mrs. Mary Walker, matron, 32 Rae Provident Savings Life Assn., T. G. Rayner, agei. , 59 Wharf Provincial Lands un I Works dept, Hon. Forbes Geo. Vernon, min- ister Jail. Warden's Office. Tel 52,5 Muse'.m, John Fannin, curator Secrdtary's Dept, Hon. John Rob- son, prov-seey. Tel 562 " Supt of Police and Warden of Gaols Public Library, .Tames McGregor, li brarian. Broad " School, .James A. Halliday, priii cipal ; Miss F'. E. Armstroni.', principal girls, head Yatos and Fort. Tel 164 '• Works dept (Dominion), F. (' Gamble, resident engineer, over Post Office Tel 149 Pugsley Sanford, dentist, 63 Govern nient, res Gorge road Pullinger J. (t., secy, to mgr. C.P.X Co., res Menzies Pure Gold Mnlg (Jo., over 47 Govern- ment Purkiss John A., Halesman.re8 31 BroaJ ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 667 PYA RAY Iware, 123 Govt. M.P., of E, (J. Pemberton. Tel. ral fi-eif?ht and t E. & N. By , Dlub. Tel. 105 U4 Cook er, 249 Johnson 249 Johnson I, Stevenson 01 Government 33 grocer, 134 Yates i sergeant "C" i6 View Home, Mrs. Mary (2 Kae gs Life Assn., fui, 59 Wharf uni Works dept, Geo. Vernon, min- Office. Tel 525 1 Kannin, curator 2pt,IIon.JohnEob- ,v Tel 562 e and Warden of mes McGregor, li fiad fl A. Ilalliday, pnn F. K. Armstrong. rls, head Yates and (Donunion), 1" • idontengiucer, over Tel 149 dentist, 63 Govern- "■"'''^ rP\ ecy. to mgr. (-.1 -V o., over 47 Govern- acHman,ve8 31 Broad Pyatt Joseph, painter, res 66 Kock Bay av PykeChas., teamster, 116 Douglas " C, master mariner, bds Occiden- tal hotel Pym George Frederick, laborer, res 7 Humboldt Quarantine Officer, Dr. Wm. Jackson Queen City brickyard, Alfred & Smith, props, Garbelly road " City Planing Mills, sash and dora factory, Government at Rock Bay " Fire Ins. Co., 63 Wharf Queen's Market, Lawrence Coodacre, prop, 121 Govern- ment and 65 Johnson Quick Chas. Geo., 65 Pandora av " Geo. Fred., clerk, 65 Pandora av Quincy Ed ., fireman Vic Gas Co. QUINLAN WALTER JOCELYN, dentist, over 53 Government, res 12 Young Quinn Fred., shoemaker, 169 Govern- ment, res same " R., athlete, bds Occidental hotel Eabb William, butcher for Van Vol- ke n burgh ABro., bds 136 Yates Radford Wm., farmer, 50 David RafT Mrs., 70 View Eagazzoni L.. printer, bds 110 Douglas " Wilheimina, widow Cassiar, rea 222 Yatos Kagstad O. A., watchmaker, 135 Yates Railroad Hotel, John Begg, prop, 60 Johnson Rainbow str, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents. Wharf Ralph Wm., carpenter. South road " William, C. E., 47 Yates Raraous Samuel, clerk, 145 Govern- ment, res 20 Yates Ramsay Capl . James, 86 Store Randall Henry B., painter, 67 Douglas, res 155 Johnson " David, tailor, res 130 Simcoe " J., tailor, 35 Johnson Randall M. W. Mrs., dressmaker, res 45 Quadra " Robert, farmer, 130 Simcoe " Thos., laborer, 130 Simcoe Randolf John Joseph, printer Colonist, res 1 Princess Randolph Fred., tinner, 70 Yatos, res 2 Mears " Mary, widjohn, res 2 Mears Ranson William B., lodger keeper Bank of B. C, res (Quadra Rapper tie Arthur S., photographer, 99 Douglas, res 163 Cook RATTRAY CHAS., agent Dominion Express Co., res Cadboro Bay road cor Moss " Chas. Alex, clerk Ganesche, Green & Co., res Cadboro Bay road cor Moss Rathorn John R., journalist, res 118 Fort Ravenscroft Joseph, laundry, 95 Yatos Rawlins F., grocer 21 North Road, Spring Ridge Rawlings — , butcher, Fairfield road Raymer James Lawson, city auditor, office, 39i Government, res 19 Birdcage Walk " Mary G., wid James A., res 146 Kingston. Tel 532 Rayner Thos. Ceo., real es- tate, financial and insurance agent aud customs broker, 59 Wliarf, res 54 Discovery BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Foneral Director and Emtialiner, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ) >■ m tr m « a^' ■«l1 r^. ■^^ kin m 1' % irii iei 1; •it 568 HENDERSON S VICTORIA EEA RIIO F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PrBL,IC, &Cm &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Reiwl John M., h hoe maker, 4 r-i,ore,res 132 Quadra Reiivey Geo., saddler, 29 Broad Rcddlcic Win., laborer W. Works, 171 Johnson Eeddie Arthur Campbell, deputy pro- vincial Hetrotary, res 193 Fort Redfern Charles Edward, watchmaker and manufac- turing >eweller, 43 Govern- ment, res iJorHl. Johnand BfUftville. Tel 11« Eodfern J.. blackHmith Albion j. W. " Mrn.. row Ul Fort Kodgrave Stroud Lincoln, conHtablc, roH 170 Johnson Eiidman Wm.. M.D,, 45 Yates Redmond Wm. Henry.traveiler Ames, Holden Co., ro8l4 Douglas Redon & Hartnagel, props Driard Hotel, View cor Dou- glas. Tel 29 Ri'don Louis, of Redon & llartnagel Jtoed Win., en<,^ineer, 88 Pembroke Rtsformod Wpiscopal Church, Rt. Rov. Ed. Ciidge, rector, cor Humboidt and McClure Rogont (Joal Yard, Wm. Jones, 22 Sloro Jiogoiit saloon. Connor k Svvitz'"r, pn>j)H, cor Johnson and Douglas liKGKSTRAR GEiNERAL'S OFFICE. Tel. 508 Reid Ernest, clerk, ^ Langley, res 25 Richardson •' ,l;unes, cook, Walnutt " John M., shoemaker, 4 Store, res 132 Quadra " John O. B., miner, 45 Store " John, shoemaker, 32 Quacra '' Joseph, insurance adjuster, 73 Discovery '' rev. John, D.D.. Reformed Epis- copal Church, res 25 Richard- son " Samuel, clerk, res 57 Meyers '' Thomas, farmer, 56 Dallas road Reliance Marine Ins. Co., 63 Wh arf Rcndell Henry Britton, painter, cor View and Douglas, res 155 Douglas Rennoy Hugh, miner. Herald Rennie Robert, shipper J. Weiler, i) Amelia Ronouf Clement Edwin, of Nicholas & Renouf, res Dallas road. Tel, 91 " Joseph, 26 Bay Renwick Wm., M.R.C.F L.R.C.P., L.S.A., L.M., res and office, 131 Yates ReveleyCapt. Fred., real estate agent, Saanich road Revere House, boarding bouse F. (t. Richards, jun., prop., lOl' Pandora avenue Reynard Arthur T. L., 24 Frederick " John Stephen, 24 Frederick " Marmaduke Cbas., clerk P. 0, res 24 Frederick '• Mary, \\"1 James, 24 f^oderick Reynold.s Wm. K., yardmasterE. &>'. Ry., Store foot Cormorant Rhodes Arthui, clerk H, B. Co., ics 153 Blanc hard RHODES & BAFiRETT, real estalo ngents, Douglas nr cor Yates " Chiie. Wallace, clerk, res 153 Blanchard " E. B. Miss, 153 Blanchard '• S. H., wid, 153 Blanchard a ALPHABETICAL DIEKCTORY, 569 EIC KIT boarding house, . L., 24 Frederick 1, 24 Frederick Chae., clerk P. 0, srick times, 24 Frederick yardmasterE. &N. 'iormorant erk H, B. Co., ics vrd J RETT, real estak f'Jas nr cor Yates ce, clerk, res 153 Richard Fortune, Topaz av Eichardrt A. B., laborer Queen City Mills " Francis Gilbert, son., 67 Kane Richards Francois Cilberti Jun.y real estate and finan- cial agent and notary public, 61 Yates, res 109 Pandora av. Tol office 176. See card adv»- Eichards Hon. Albert N., police magis- trate, res Charles nrPeraberton Eoad " James, res 236 Cook " John, clerk H. B. Co., res Men- zles " 0., ship carpenter, A. I. W. " Richard, cigarmaker, 68 Fort " Thomas, of Matthews, Eichards & Tye, res Birmingham, Eng. " Z., cigarmaker, 145 Chatham Eichardson & Church, mnfrs' agents, o3j^ Johnson " Alfred clerk Shears & Page bds 5 Gordon •' Arthur F., res 129 Douglas " Clara Miss, 5 Gordon " Edith Miss, 5 Gordon " George, bdg house, 5 Gordon " Georgiana Miss, 5 Gordon " George Alfred, jun., clerk, bds 5 Gordon " Harriet Mrs., Pender nr 129 Douglas " Henry, sailor, 54 Pembroke " Herbert, stonecutter, bds Domin- ion house " Louise Miss, 5 Gordon " P. Frank, of Eichardson & Chuvch, res 16 Humboldt " E.B., 205 Cook Richie John, farmer for L. Goodacro Eichman Albert, clerk H. B. Co., 17 Frederick " Mrs., wid John, 17 Frederick Richmond John, carpenter, ves Ean- d«ll deary Ftrttr, UANUFACTUREB OF m vimmWf HAUT^RS, ^TCm etc., .436 Visitation jStreef Eickard George, deckhand, bds Rail- road hotel Eiddel Benjamin, bds 116 Douglas Eiddle David, millhand, res 1 Second Eiddley Eobert, laborer, 47 Chatham Eidehalgh T. Jordan, of Furgu,aon & Eidehalgh, 9 Government Eidgman Albert Hatherly, H. B. Co., res 17 Frederick " Elizabeth, wid John, res 17 Frederick Eidgway Wilson Wm., architect, 60 Cook Eiedl Grace Misf, 100 Fort " Frank, blacksmith, bds 100 Port, rooms 77 View Eiley E., 167 Government " George, bookkeeper, res 44 Cad- boro Bay Eoad " Michael, laborer, 44 John Eingler Wra., sec.-treas. Vic. Gas Co., 49 Langley Eitchio Wm., laborer, bds Colonial Rithet R. P.,& Co., Importers, wholesale grocers, commis- sion merchants and insur- ance agents, 61 Wharf. Tel 4 Rithet Eobt. Pattersor, of E. P. Rithet & Co., res 148 Humboldt. Tel. '' R'p.,sttC. P. N.Co., Eitter Robt., of Sieward & Rltter, res 112 Chatham • ' " Solomon, res Yatea il ■}M ) !■ ..(^^ il!: Iff 670 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA RIV ROB F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVBI.IC, &c., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSUHANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Rivers Frank Edward, painter, *12 Pembroke " Henry, painter, ll-lYate.", res 31 Henry " Inlet Cannery, office 75 Wharf " Wm., painter, 71 Pembroke Roarke Annie MiiiP, 273 Johnson •' J., messenger GarcBche, Green & Co. " Kate Miss, 273 Johnson " Michael, cigars, 92 Yates, res 273 Johnson " Thos., 273 Johnson Robart Jennie Miss, 51) Broad Robb Andrew, teamster, 18 Third " Geo., steamboat hand, 15 Herald Robbins John, expressman, 48 Boyd " W., Van. T. W., ix's Spring Ridge Robelee Chas. B., carpeniei-, lb' Cale- donia nv Roberts Frederick, clerk U. 8. consul- ate, res 3f) Mason " Istiac, tailor, 8 Blanchard " — , cabinetmaker J. Sehi, 62 KingHton " John, foreman Electric Light, 150 Fisguard Robertson G. W. capt. str. " Rithet," C. P.N. Co., " Mrs., wid, 149 Michigan Robilliard John R., fisherman, 14 John " Margaret, wid Isaac, 14 John Roberts Richard, merchant tailor, 29 Fort, res 8 Blanchard Roberts Thos., real estate, 43J Govern- ment " Thos. William, male, 130 Van- couver " Wm., 55 Hillside ave Robertson Alex.,stonecutter,bd8 Wind- eor hotel " Alexander S,, carpenter, res '^1 Second " Duncan, blacksmith, res Herald " Duncan, teamster, res Fourth •' Fred., blacksmith, res Herald " Geo. Winram, master mariner, res Saanich road " James, blacksmith, bds Leland " James, laborer, 194 Douglas " James, laborer Van I. Works.res 151 Douglas " John, engineer, 45 Store " John, blacksmith and boiler- maker, 42 Store, res Herald nr Blanchard av " Joseph, carpenter, Fourth nr King's road " Sam. Duncan, carriage trimmer, 72 Douglas " Wm. Archibald, 88 Chatham " Wm. Henry, carpenter. Fourth Robillard John, tish and game,81 Yates. res 14 John Robinson Charles H., bds Occidental hotel " Herbert C.,of Toller & Robinson, res Garbally road ■' John Joseph, ship carpenter, U Montreal " John Russell, carpenter, res 10 Frederick ' Leonard, carpenter John Wei lei' " Mary Miss, 12 Birdcage walk " Kate Miss, bookkeeper, res 13 Montreal " Percival, clerk, 32 Fort •' Robert, machinist, bds IIG Don gins " Sarah A.Mi88,teacher,re8 13 Mon- treal « T. D., asst storekeeper A. I. W. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOaT. 571* ate, 43i Govern- mate, 130 Yim- le ave icutter,bds Wind- carpenter, res "1 mith, res Herald ter, res Fourth itb, reB Herald master mariner, 3ad aith, bdB Leland ■^ 194 Douglas Van I. Workn.res r, 45 Store nith and boiler- ore, res Herald nr enter, Fourth nr carriage trimmer, d, 88 Chatham carpenter, Fourth ind game,81 Yates. [., bds Occideiitid '^ller & Robin>*on. oad ship carpenter, IS carpenter, vcn 10 enter John Weiler 2 Birdcage walk .)okkeeper, res 13 {, 32 Fort inibt, bds 110 Don- teacher,ro8 13 Mon- x)rekeeper A. I.^^- ROB EOS Robinson ThoR., lab, bds 61 Humboldt " ''Vm., Albion T.W. " Wm. Chae., customB broker, res 22 Kingston Robison Thos. Wm., hack driver, 34 Fernwood road Robitt John, foreman, 155 Yates Robson Charles W., bookkeeper, res 112 Cormorant " Fred. William, law student, res 55 Birdcage Walk ROBSON HON JOHN, Premier, pro- vincial secretary, Minister of Mines and Minister of Educa- tion, res 55 Birdcage Walk. Tel 111 " Jamep, painter, res 20 Beechy Roccabella, boarding house, Henri Jorand, 22 Victoria Crescent Rocelar Noel, laborer, 56 Pembroke Rock Bay Coal Yard, Arthur Heath- burn, agent, office 90i Govern- ment. Tel 470 " Bay Saw Mill, 32 Constance " Bay school, cor Turner and John " Bay Tannery,William Heuthorn, prop, John cor Bridge Rockett William, carpenter, res 243 JohnHOn Rodgers John, rockman, bds Railroad hotel RoesKel Geo., porter California hotel Roff Thos., porter, 63 Wharf Rogers Charles William, San Francisco Candy factory, importer of fruits, cigars, &c., 29 Government, res 42 Kingston Rogers Dollie Misn, 72 Fort " George, farmer, Gorge road " Herbert Burritt, P. O. innpcc- tor's office res Menzies " Joseph. 148 Fort " Matthew, carpenter, 148 Fort Rogerson Isaac, carpenter, bds Com- mercial hotel Roland Chas.F., fruits, 67 Fort " Wm., farmer, Burnside road Rolland Julia Mrs., domestic, 37 Dou- glas Roller Louis, mgr Club Theatre, 75 Douglas RoUin James S., butcher, 34 Govern- ment, res Fairfield road Rollins Fred. Herbert, carpenter, 50 Second Rome Andrew, traveller,133 Superior Rooke Chas., florist, 273 Douglas Rookledge — , finislier J. Sehl " Eugene, apprentice, res Hill Roper Chas., contractor, res 16 James " Dougla8,carpen'.5r, res 16 James " Fred. Smaliwood. miner, 5 Amelia " Herbert, carpenter, 16 James " Hudson, carpenter, res 16 James '' Richard Wight, carpenter, 16 James Rorarke Thomas, printer,re8 Johnson Rose Findlay,driver Victoria Truck & Dray Co., res 30 Blanchard " W. C.,driver for Victoria Tran.s- fer Co. " Wm., hack driver, bds Winusor hotel " Wm. A., V.S., 35 View Ro!?kamp John, carpenter, res 52 Kingston " John, jun., sailor, 52 Kingston BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Funeral Director and Emkker, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ^i ' . ! I 572 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA ROS RUG F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and FinaQciai Agent, NOTARY PIJBIthnra & Co., ros 31 Pandora av ROWBOTHAM A. J., & CO., grocers, 113 Douglas cor Pandora Rowe Annie Miss, 7 Pioneer " Bnilly Miss, res 7 Pioneer " John, laborer, 45 Store " Joseph, blacksmith Albion I.W,, 5 Pioneer '■ Wm, John, expressman. •? Pioneer Rowland M., Burnside hotel, Burnside road " Peter, boilermaker, bds Railroad hotel " V/., farmer, Burnside road Royal Hospital, F. W. Garland, stew- ard. Tel 542 " Hotel, Wm. Croft, prop, 68 Fort cor Douglas Royal InHurance Co., Fire ani Life, Robt. Ward & Co., agts, 76 Wharf Royal Swedish & Norwegian consulate, Robt. Ward, consul, Td' Wharf Rublee C. B., carpenter, Langley Rudgo Fred. W., granite cutter, 135 Douglas, res 24 King's road " Geo., prop Victoria Marble Works, 135 Douglas, res Fort " Henry, granite works, 133 Douglas, res 24 King's road " Herbert Albert, stonecutter, res 24 King's road " Jennie Miss, 24 King's road " Harry, finisher at J. Sehl, 2^ King's road " Walter, stonecutter, 24 King's road " Walter Price, granite cutter, 13o Douglas, res 24 King's road Rudland llenry, clerk, res Beacon hill Rudlin George, capt. str " Islander," res 13 George RUGGREY. M. L., pastor Calvary Baptist Church, res 84 Di8^cove^Jr ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 573 EUL SAR & CO., grocer*, idora ionoor •7 Pioneer 5 Store ith Albion I.W, Rule Joseph Henry, teamster, res 43 Ruttan JiiJmund Hall, laborer, 115 expressman. 1 e hotel, Bur nsidc ,ker, bds Railroad rnside road ^, Garland, stow- oft, prop, 68 Fort rd & Co.f agts, & Norwegian Ward, consul, "fi nter, Langley •anite cutter, 13j 24 King's road Victoria Marble Douglas, res Fort ^itc works, 135 24 King's road rt, stonecutter, I'o* ad 24 King's road er at J. Sehl, 2^ ecutter, 24 King's granite cutter, 133 s24 King's road clerk, res Beacon .t.str" Islander," res L pastor Calvary res 84 Discovery Henry Rumble John, stonecutter, bds Cali- fornia Hotel Russell Anabel Miss, clorlc, 13G Doug. las " Alexandria Miss, 4 Quebec ^' Chas., of Russell, McDonald & Co., res 102 Fisguard '• David, blacksmith Albion I. W., 68 Chatham " Fred., 4 Quebec '• Geo. Sam., barber, res 4 Quebec *' Jabez John, contractor and buil- der, Craigflower road <' James, Scotch Bakery, Douglas, res 125 Fort '• Joun, stonecutter. ' bds Occi- dental hotel '' John, contractor, res^ Saanich road '' J. N., upholsterer, Vancouver House " Joseph, compositor, 115 Yates '• McDonald & Co., gen store, 136 Douglas '• Miss Sarah Jane, dressmaker, millinery and fancy goods, 108 Fort, res 102 Fisguard '' Mrs. James, fancy goods, 125 Fort, res same " Robert J., res Esquimau road '• Richard, carpenter, 45 Hillside arenue " & Ward, Scotch Bakery, 103 Douglas RUSSKLLWM. ANNESLEY, steam- boat inspector, office Custom House, res Victoria Clu!) Rusta Andrew, machinist, res 51 David Rasteen Fred. Mrs., 4 Gordon Rutherford Archibald, 134 Superior Ruthven John, messenger, r'^^ Quadra Rutland Henry, clerk Henry Young & Co., res Beacon Hill Park HIanchard " Stewart,driver VanVolkenburgh Bros. Rutter Solomon, carpenter, 112 Toronto Ryan Helen, wid Wm. H., 7 Pandora avenue " M., fisherman, 138 Humboldt Saanich Lime Co., J. Wrigglesworth, agent " Market, 90 Douglas Sabiston John capt., pilot, 98 Quebec Saforcade Frank, clothier, 13 Johnson Saliaway Fred., school teacher, Esqui- mau road Salmon Caroline J,, wid E. J., 14 Second " E. J.,& Co.,hardward, 44 Johnson Isabella Miss, 14 Second Emanuel Joseph, of E. J. Salmon & Co., res 14 Second SALMON HENRY LOUIS, tobacco- nist, jobber in cigars andpocket cutlery, 106 Government cor Yates, res 14 Second " Maurice, tobacconi8t,51 Govern- ment, res 14 Second Salmond Samuel, machine hand for J. Weiler, res Ross Bay, Fairfield ro.ul Salvation Army Barracks, 90 Forh, officers' quarters 142 Fort Sampson F., confectioner, 46 Govern- ment Samson John, barrister, 21 Brough' on Sanders Thos. Henry, gardener, Esqui- mau road Sunford W. E.,& Co., wholesale cloth- ing, 62 Wharf San Franc. SCO Baths & Barber Shop, 87 Government Suugster Alex., mason, ros 208 Yates " Geo., bookkeeper, 89 Herald Sargison Albert Goo., of Ellis & C;*., " Colonist," res 121 Pandora av. Tel 472 " Frank Rutledge, accountant " Colonist," 136 Quadra I ■1? .i''l i 1 1 „: \ ^ ;l 1 574 IIENDEBSON'S VICTORIA 8AR SCO p. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and FiDanciai Agent, MOTARV PVBI,IC, &c., &c. C'loice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Sargison Geo. Andrew, uccountjiut, 48 liungley, ree 136 Qiiardra Sargison James Jones, bookkeeper, res 186 Quadra Sarvis Thot^., 3 Amelia Sauer Geo. CiementH, prop Bank Ex- change, 29 Yates " Joseph, cook, 29 Yates Saulay Charles, collector, 36 Store Saunders E. .J. Mrs., restaurant, 171 Government, res 64 Herald " Emily, wid W. T., res 64 Herald " George, lab., bds Railroad hotel Saunders Henry, groceries, provisions and liquors, wholesale and retail, 37, 39 and 41 Johnson, res 220 Pan- dora North. Tel 28, res tel 183 Saunder.'* Martha J., wid Henrj'. 37 Kane " Marv, wid Frank, nurse, res 59 Kane M:iy Mrs., 186 Johnson VY. ![., carpenter, Occidental Hotel Suviige Robert \Vni., of Dougherty k Savage, res 181 View " AVilliam, clerk, res 181 View Savannah J., & Co., photographers, 56 F'orL " John, of Savannah & Co., 56 Fort Savory William John, cider mnfr, 159 Yates Sayles Geo., teamster, 60 J'embroke Sayward Joseph Austin, bookkeeper, res 312 Douglas " Wm. Parsons, Saw Mill, 32 Con- stance, res 52 CoUinson. Tel 25 Sayyea John, laborer, 60 Chatham '" Wm., 60 Chatham Scanlan M. L., i09 Government Schier Frank, upholsterer J. Sebl Schmidt — , cabinetmaker J. Sehl Schocn Sigmund, grocer, 177 Douglas, res Fourth nr Bay Schofield Frank, machinist Occidental hotel Scholes Thomas, stonecutter, res rear 183 Cook Schroter A., cigarmaker, 12 Store Schwengers Conrad, clerk, res Douglas Ilouse Scotch Peter, bookkeeper, bds DougL^is House " Bakery, Russell & DouL'las. ■'Tel. 62 Ward, 103 Scotch house, McLean&Stew art, clothiers and outtitters, ;il Fort .SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CJI. St. Andrew's, Dr. McLcod, pasUr, Douglas cor Broughton Scott Aniia, wid AVni. Henry,27 Gorge Jioad " David, sawyer Rock Bay S;;ff Mill, res 5 David " Florence Miss, dressmaker, UI (Quadra " HeiiryJohn, clerk, res 2T t>oi;.'e I road " Jessie Miss, res 1S6 Yates " John Henry, steward, 16 Pioc| eer " Rol.t., machinist A. T. W. " William, carpenter for Smith i I Clark, res Walnut, SpriDj'( Ridge " Wm., carpenter, bds Lel»r.il| House ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 575 SCO SHA ir, 60 yembroke iHtin, bookkeeper, Saw Mill, 32 Con- ,2 ColliiiBon. Ttl. er. li'^ Chatham .ham Government (Istercr J. Sohl tmaker J. Sehl ;rocer, 177 Douglas, ly achinist Occidental Lonecutter, res rear maker, 12 Store (1, clerk, res Douglas ckccper, bdn Douglas issell & Ward, 103 52 ,McLean&8te\M id outtitters, HI Fort ■IBYTEEIAN Cll. Dr. McLeod, pasur •ouifhton tVm. Hen ry,2- Gorge yer Rock Bay S;i\v ," David LisH, dressmaker, Ul n, clerk. rcs2"Gor;;e res 180 Yates rv, steward, KJ Fior.- hinist A. T. W. -■arpenter for Smith U res Walnut, Spnaj •penter, bds Lelari Scott William, saloon, 4 Fort, res 30 ; Selkirk Minins; and Smoking Co. (Ld,), Princess av | Chancery Lane Scriven Ven Austin, archdeac'n of Van- ' Sellick Amelia Miss, res 103 Douglas couvcr, rector of St. James Church, res 81 Kingston cor St. John , Sea Samuel, jun., clerk, res Burnsidel Road «' Saniuel, sen., shipwright. Burn- side road Henry Rowe, carpenter, 307 Douglas " James, painter, res 138 Yates '' Emma, wid W. K., 9 Frederick '■ Robt., plasterer, 206 Douglas ScHh Wm., farmer, Saanich road Seabrooke B. R., bookkeeper and Selvine Toney, foreman E. & N. Ry. cashier A. T. W., res 299 Douglas Somple Alex., 127 Broad, resEsquimalt " Rhodes, salesman R. P. Rithet & j Road Co., res 299 Douglas. Tel 464 | " Robt., machinist A. I. W. Searing Cr. W., cook, 45 Store Sears Bessie Miss, milliner, Franklin Sears Dean Smith, sailmaker, 75 Wharf, res 8 Franklin I Senate Saloon, 91 Govt. Tel 180 res 8 ' Sorgt Provincial Police, J.M. Langlcy. I Tel office 600, res 134 Service Thos., clerk E. M. Johnson Setterington Fred., laborer, 51 McClu'^e Scvanter Paul, cook, 36 Yates Soars Frank I., reporter Times, res | Sewell John, laborer, res Princess av 101 Pandora j Seymour Alice Miss, 78 Douglas a iard. Seaton Alice 31. Miss, 91 ML., -"u " Arthur, 32 Toronto '• Henry Francis, 32 Toronto '• Mary Alice Miss, 32 Torop o '• Stella Miss, 32 Toronto Seeley James Henry, boat builder, 1 ; Government Seovvard Capt., res 95 Cormorant Sehl Francis Joseph, clerk P. 0., res 104 Pandora I •■ Frank, saloon, 112 Gov., res 104 j Pandora Sehl Jacob, manufacturer of furniture,and dealer in house furnishings, crockery and ghi.'-swarc, (58 Government, factory Jjuurel Point,resl Montreal. Tel l4(J,rosl50 Sohl William, clerk for J. Sohl, re.s 1 Moniroal Seliger William, puinter for Eli Harri- son Van- couver I ■•' Fred. William, apprentice, res I 126 Vancouver I Shade Geo. Adam, shoemaker, res 126 Vancouver Margaret Mary Miss, res 126 Vancouver Ellen, wid David, res 126 Van- couver BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Fuoeral Director ad Enikilmer, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ^ I . 1 •i V I w '■J n\ ill H ■iffi m iii iw Wni IIH™^ m bie iiendkrson's victoria SUA SHE F. G. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PIJBL,IC, &C.. &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND UFE INSURANCE. No. 6i YATES STREET. Shakespeare Frederick, printer B. C- Govt., res 100 Fort " Harry Pearson, row 85 Hillside av SHAKESPEARK NOA H, postmaster, res 35 Jliilsideav " ThoH., laborer, Maria nr Chatham Shanks M., chief eng. str. "Ishmder" Shann .T. P., draughtsman Albion Iron Works Shannon Constance Miss, 87 Pandora " Joseph Phillip, draughtsman A. I. W., bdslK) Douglas Sharp Charles Henry, ship caulker, res 119 Pandora av SHAKP DAVID, morcliaut tailor, T4 Douglas, res 72 Douglas " H., prof, of music. 115 Fisguard " .loseph. cle:k, 72 Douglas " Wm. Hcnrv, waiter^ 119 Pan- dora av Sharpies F., carpenter, res 185 Pandora " Isaac, cari»oiiler. res 185 Pandora *' Lizzie Miss, res 185 Pandora Sharpiicll Edward, artist, 5 Coburg " Kate Miss, 5 Coburg " Loui.'^c Miss, 5 Coburg Shaw Andrew, poundkeepcr, 14 Mason " Geo. Chester, of Cowan, Shaw & Cn., r(!s 25 Kano " Jas., draughtsman Albion Iron Work^. ]cs 105 Chatham " Mar}', wid James, res Old Esqui- mak road " Eichard, boilermaker A. I. W., 105 Chatham Shaw Thomas., foreman boiler shop Albion Iron Works, res 10.> Chatham " Victor Miss. 109 Chatham Shea Frank, cadet S. A., 142 Fort Shears & Page, dry goods, 63 Government Shears Maria Miss, 215 Johnson " Walter, of Shears & Pago, res IT;^ Menzies Sheather Austin, of King, Dyer &Co.. 54 Fort, res 4.5 Kane Shedden David G., upholsterer, re.s 52 Pandora av Shields Alfred, waggonmaker, res 15 Putnam " James, sen., 15 Putnam " James, jun., 15 Putnam '• AVm., 15 Putnam Shelby Mrs., widow, 86 Menzies " Miss, 8(1 Menzies Sheldon Clement L., bartender, 107 (Jovornmeiit Shoppard Edmund Ohas., macliiiiist 20 Henry " Harry William, supcrintoiiilo]it of police. 54 Herald. Tel ISii '• Emily Miss, nurse, 17 Pioiu-er '■ Isaac J., baker, 10 Noj-th road, Spring Pidgo •• James, l)utcher, 289 Johnson, m 10 St Louis " John, fisherman, 38 Humboldt " .lolin, laborer, 45 Store " .Joseph, shipwright, res 5 Hum- boldt Shenin James, gardener, 88 Humlwldt Shorban — . carpenter, 20 Elizabeth Sherborne Fraidc, carpenter, rctj US Fort " Frederick Thos., of Bishop i Sherborne, res 12 Amelia Sheret Geo., tailor, 49 Herald SHERIFF'S OFFICE, James E. Mc- Millan sheriff; J. M. Langley, depy, sheritt'.Law Courts,Langloy. Tol GOO ALPHAh^iTICAIi DIBECTORT. 5rt SHE SKI joiler Bhop :s, ren 10.> ilham 42 Fort yoods, 63 )hnson Piigo, res 17:^ , Dyer &Co.. :ilerer, res 52 naker, res 15 inam :nam lenzics ar tender, lOT s.. maeliinist iperintendeiit il. Tel 1W» 17 rionoer North roud, 9 Johnson, I'os {8 ITumhoWt Store t, res 5 Hum- , 88 Tlumholdt 2() EUzaheth enter, res lis of Bishop k 2 Amelia Herald James E. Mc- Langley, depy, aiigley. Tel GOO Sherk Jacob, mi 11 hand, 77 Henry " James, turner, 77 llonry Sherriden — , finisher J. Sehl Sherwood George, porter, (53 Wharf " Geo., porter, rew 2!) Coutt-s Shewan WilUam Henry, prop. Western Hotel , 84 Store Shire Carrie Miss, dressmaker, 31 Kingston Shirk S'red., earpenter Muirhoad & Mann Shoen S., grocer, 177 Douglas, res Fourth Shore Albert Edward, of Shore & An- derson, res 107 Douglas " & Anderson, furniture and crock- ery, 107 Douglas " Sarah, wid Joseph, (ilj Rock Bay ave Shorey H., & Co., wholesale clothing, over 47 Government Short Henry Nugent, clerk llonry Short, res Koss Bay Short Henry, gunmaker and dealer in sporting goods, 32 Fort, res Ross Bay Short Win., bricklayer, Saanich lioad " Wm. A., No. 2 tire hall Shotbot Thos., chemist and druggist, 59 Johnson. Tel. 5G Shuir William, tailor, rosBlanchard Shutz Fred., machinist A.l.W. Shuswap&Okanagan Ry., M. Lumby, J. P., secy., over 47 Government Siddall Hinkson, gen. agent, accountant and night school, 76 Yates, res 18 Third Siddall Mrs. J. P., matron Chinese Re- fuge house, 108 Cormorant Sievcrs Nellie Miss, 52| Government Sioward «& Ritter, props. German ia Saloon " Henry, of Sioward & Ritter, res Cormorant u u Silva John, grocer, 1 Store Silver John Francis, coriwration, 9. St Louis Simms David, gardener, res Cook " W. W., butcher for Van Volken- burgh tk, Rro. Simon Amelia Aliss, 8 Rao " (roo., of Ijcet, Dumbleton & Co., ros Ksquimalt road " Geo. S., type writer, res Esqui- mau road Simpkins Dora Miss, 30 Bay " Ella Miss, 30 Bav " Wm., rcs30 Hiy" Simpson Alex., (ias Works, 38 Jolm " Alexander, tailor, res Cadl)oro Bay road Bonjainin, porter Colonial hotel Donald, tailor, 4() Fort G., machinist A. I. W. " (Jeo. FcKliiiand Donald, dork P. O,, ros 27 liirdcage Walk " Gordon, llU Michigan " Coo. Lawrence, furniture, crock- ory and glass ware, 85 Dou- glas, I'OS 71 Blanohard " llonry, Imlclicr, ros 278 Johnson Helen Miss, 110 Michigan •' James, 79 Quadra " George Mrs., 79 (Quadra SimsGoorgina Miss, (>oloiiist '■ Mary Miss, (.'olonist " Wm., butcher for Van Volken- buigh & Bro., ros P:indora South Simson Ivan Miss, head dressmaker, S pen cor Sinclair Josopli Walter, dork attorney tioneral's otlico, res 137 Menzies Sintoii Wiilter Lyon, freight agent E. iNc N. \{y., Store foot Cormorant, res .54 John i Sivowriglit Win., professor, bds Ocoi- donltil hotel Skolland W., boilermaker Albion 1. W. SkidigatoOil Works of (iueen Charlotte Islands, 2() Yates Skinner Ernest L., surveyor Indian departmont,rcs 33 Birdcage walk 1 ; iJ! >! I mii i 578 HENDSRSON S VIOTORU SKI SMI F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOT ART PVBL,IC. &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. -Skinner Emily Miss, 130 Michigan " Rose Miss, waitress, res Esqui- mau rd Slcathlim Wm,, ship carpenter, 1(>1 P Chatham Sloan Margaret Miss, 134 Humboldt " Robt., brakemun E. & N. Ry., res Nanaimo SMallboneC. R., gardener, 273 Douglas Smallfield Walter B., clerk, res Menzios Smart Geo., baker, 275 Yates, res 89 Herald SmillieWm., teamster V. T.C. Smith — , painter, res Craigflower rd Smith Arthur,machini8t,lock- smith and general repairing, B. C. Novelty Works, 16 Broad, res same Smith Alex., fiieman "Olympia, " 12 Farquhar " Alice Miss, dressmaker, 52^ Gov- irnmont " ;\n(irevv Johnston, of Smith & Mc- intosh, res Ijtl Superior. Tol 536 " Andrew James, baker, 84 Yates " A-^hton.lettercarrii-rjOl Kingston " ( 'has., oiler str Olympia, 34 Kane ' Chas. McKay, res 2'Jl Yates " Chas., teamster, 71 Pembroke " Charles, baker, 36 Alfred " Clara E. Miss, 29 Rao " Donald, baker, bds Dominion House Smith Ebonezer, bds Windsor hotel " Edwin Charles, asst clerk City res 187 Port " Flizaboth, wid .rohn,re8 187 Fort " Evan, 8hoomaker,23 Government ' F., app. boilermaker A.I.W. " T-'anny Miss, 86 Pandora " F. Mrs.,dre8smaker,14 Frederick '' Fred. John, cooper, 17 Putnam " Frederick, painter, 14 Frederick " Francis Edgar, 36 Superior " Garrot, bakei-, 92 Dallas road '• Garrett, 91 Niagara " Geo., 10 SeronJ " Goo., picture framer, res Putnam " Geo. Edward, Gar bally road " Geo., baker, res Humboldt " George, bakor for Steitz Br os res 32 Humboldt Geo., cabinetmaker Jos.Sommii! Geo., farmer, Saanich road G. H., harnessmaker Fred. Mor- ris, res Quadra H., cook Driard H., bartender Vict. Club, rni> 109 Government Hamilton, baker, 92 Dall;,. rt>ad Harry, bottler C. Morley, I Wadciington Alley Henry, dairy, Moss Henry, apprentice for Srnitli ,\ Mcintosh Herman, mariner, dd Pembivkt Herman, (yd Pembroke J. v., school teacher, bds Bnin- wick J. B., purser Str. '• Islander," lo- Burns house James, moulder A.I.W. James, Bhoemaker,resPandoi;i ;iv James, carpenter, 36 Super! r James, bartender, 87 Johnson James, carpenter, 33 Green James McB., provincial auditor res Birdcage Walk Jessie Miss, 103 Vancouver & Mcintosh, contractors, 15 Fori (I ▲LPHABBTIOAL DIRIOTORT. 57$ V^indsor hotel ixmi clerk City, ■ohn,re8 187 Fort ir,23 Govern mem akerA.I.W. Pandora iker,14 Frederick per, 17 Putnam ter, U Frederick 36 Superior 92 Dallas road gara amcr, roa Putnam 5ar bally road 8 Humboldt for Steitz Br os., oldt laker JoH>.Sommci5 Saanich road smaker Fred. Mor- dra rd r Vict. Club, vm> lent ,aker, 92 Dalln- >r C. Morley, T Alley , MOSH mticc for Smith >\ i-inor, 6ti Pembi'ukt •embroke teacher, bds Bnui- Sir. '■ I^^landcr," ic Jer A.I.W. akor,resPan(l(>i'a;iv CJiter, 3t» Supeiii nder, 87 Johnson inter, 33 Green provincial auditor Walk ,03 Vancouver contractors, 15 Fori SMI SNO II Smith Jamen S., P. O. clerk, res 187 Fort JamoH, carpenter, re?< 33 Green Jame8 Wolsely, carpenter, row 36 Superior John, mesHenger Dom. Gov Sav- ings Bank, rea 17 Putraan John Septimu9,bottler C Morley res 17 GordoD John, messenger C.P.R. Tel. John McLean, clerk, res 143 Simcoe John, private "C" Battery, res 102 Ilumboldt John Chas., chimney sweep, 34 (^ollinson John L., cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., res Charles Joseph, carpenter, 41 llonrv Kate Miss, Scoresby nr Cook Louisa Miss, res 187 Fort M. R., & Co., bakers and bis- cuit mufra, 57 Fort, factory 91 Niagara. Tel 121 Moses R., of M. R. Smith & Co., res 92 Dallas road II II Smith Wm. Calbert, barber, rob 76 Fort " Wm., res 31 Gorge road " Wm., jeweller, res 17 Putman " Wm., carpenter, res 53 Hum- boldt '• Wm. Hammett, of Sltidogato Oil Co., res 1 Ifi Cook " Wra. Henry, 33 Gorge road " Wm. John, of Elfred & Smith, 59 King's load " Wm. Thoa., 36 Superior " Wm., apprentice Jacob Sehl " Wm., Hreman No. 2 Hall " Wilson, E. & N. Ry., 103 Blau- chard { Smithers James, carpenter, oflf 3aaD< ich road " Joseph, expressman, oflF Saanich road " Joshua, driver, off Saar.ich road mithurst Alice Miss, 144 Blancbard Henry. 148 Government, res Burnside road " Joniah. 148 Government, ros Barnnide road Oliver, shoemaker, res 54 Dis-Ksmyth Henry N., bottler C. Morley,rms covery 82 Yates Philip R.. bookbinder M. Miller, Snell James, baker, 24 Broad res Mary Victoria W Snider Wm. Henry, Chatham road Robt., cook, cor Richard.son I Spring Ridge Robt., driver i\ Morley, res ,Sno\vden capt Northing_ Pinokney, J. 132 Quadra Robt. Frederick, 33 Gorge rood S. McC, of Warner, Korwood & Smith, res Esquimji'i road Sam. Geo., painier, 96 North Park Thomas, res Moss Thomas Robert, a>< Gorge road Co., BROUCHTON STReET. GHAS. HATWARD, Funeral Director and Emkalmcr, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. I V\'- 41 680 HENDKRdON's VICTORIA SOB SPR I |j F. C. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PVULIC, &c.. &c. Choice Dusiness and Residential lots for Sale. FarmintJ, Timber and Mineral /ands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Sobry rov Emilo, nsst priest at E. C. Ctithedrul, res Bishop'H Piilaoo Solly Tjeonard Hollis, E. & N. I{y,,re8 118 Belleville Sommer Joseph, picture fra- merand art dealer, 48 Gov- ernment, res 135 Yatea Sommerville Peter, C. E., water commi88ioner,103 Blanehardav " Samuel, clerk, rcH 119 Fisguard " Wm., Haloon, 86 Store Sorby Lucy Miss, 154 Michigan SORBY THOS. CHAS., architect, 6 Bastion sq, res 154 Michigan Sorcnson Soren, cub driver, Pembroke Souden Thos. D., carpenter, 127 Cor- morant " Wm., carpenter, 127 Cormo- rant South British Firo & Marine Ins. Co., of New Zealand, 54 Government Spalding Sylvanus Chas., master mar- iner, res 212 View SpaidioltzChap., cooper, 93 Wharf.bds Occidental hotel Sparrow Gertrude Mi8s,res 36 Cadboro Bay road " Isaiah Merryman, bookkeeper, res 36 Cadboro Bay road " Walter Gilbert, bookkeeper 36 Cadboro Bay road Spath Aloes, brewer, 136 Fort Spooch lloso Miss, res Saanich road Speed John W., driver M. & L. Young, res Sannich rond " Jacob, driver, 118 Government, res Saanich road " Thos. W., res Saanich road " Wm., milkman, res Saanich road Spoer I. C, engineer Electric Light ('o., 26 Langley Spenco Wm., tailor, 35 Johnson Spencer Chris., buyer, res 12 Belleville Spencer David, dry goods, carpets, house furnishings, drcHH- making and millinery, 65 Govern- ment, res 12 Belleville Spencer David Scott, clerk, res 12 Bolle- ville " Edmund Walker, prop Gar- rick's Head saloon, res 23 Bas- tion Sphor li-cderick, machinist. 61 John Spofford il. W., millhand Muirhead k Mann's mill, res South road Spotts Chas. Nelson, carpenter, res 15 Pioneer 8PRATT & CRAY, Victoria Machinery deoot, consulting engineors, etc., 19 Work. Tel 670 SprattEliza, widow Jos., 89 Discovery Spring Chas., owner of " Favorite ' and " Kate " sealers, ros 72 Belle- ville " Emma Miss, res 72 Belleville " Lottie Miss, res 72 Belleville " Kidge school, Chambers iir Chatham, Miss L. A. F.llorton, teacher y " Susan, widow William, res 7- Belleville Springer Louis, bartender, Chancery lane Sprinkling Wm. A., tailor, rets Cc* morant SproatH.,3rd engineer Str. " Islander' ALPHABETICAL DIRSOTORV. 581 SQU ; L. Young, overnment, h road laanich road jctric Light hnson 12 Belleville y goods, lin^H, drcKK- , C5 Govern- :, res 12 BoUc- prop Gar- n, rort 23 BaB- list. 61 John d Muirbead k \\ road carpenter, res ry deoot, letirSy etc., 570 89 Discovery f " Favorite ' rs, res 72 Belle- Belleville Belleville Chambers m . A. F.Hoi'to", t illiam, res '- idcr, Chancery Iailor, rets Ci^- STE he:nryport¥r," MANUFAf'TUKKlt wy. lo Lt. Govr,, res Carey Castle, Belclier Star Ship Yard, Warner, Ker- mode & Smith, props. Point Ellice, Victoria W. Tel. 162 Starke J. R., clerk, res 2 Amelia •' \Vm., builder, 2 Amelia Starr rev. Jolin I'Mwar.l. iia^^lor. Pan- dora Sl Metliodisl I'liureli, res 107 (Quadra " R. C. Mission, Esquinialt road. ' Steam bnat Inspector's office. W. A. Father Neville, P.P. | Russell, inspector St. Louis College, Father Van Xoville. I Steele ea|»t, John, master mariner, -in 13G Pandora av St. Nicholas Baths, Vigelius Bros., props, 105 Government Staff Alfred, farmer, bds 175 Fort Stallard Chas., plumber, 128 Douglas Stamford James Lef)nard, of Brailen & Stamford, res 135 Michigan Standard Life Assurance Co., Robert Ward & Co., agents for B. C, 76 Wharf, ■'^'ee adu p D .Market nr Douglas Clias. A., clerk, res 110 Blaiich- ard av Daniel, Market nv Douglas Eva Y. Miss, milliner, res 140 Blaiichard av J. David, clerk, res Work Hstate Margaret Miss, Market nr Doug- las" Michael, seaman. Market nr Douglas Peter, 4 Bastion sq I ; 1 'I -I,' i! V c '3838 if f - h l> fi" ll * r'»ti :«t h m 51 3* *• "I ^r'!lJ Jin I; 1S82 HENDjEBSON's VICTORIA STI3 STE P. G. RICHARDS, Jr. Seal Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV PrBI.IC. &C., &C. Choice 6t!siness and Residential lots ior Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral Jands for sale. PIBE AND LIFE INSUBANCK No. 61 YATES STREET. (t Steele Peter S., prop. Steele's saloon, -t Bastion sq Steele Tliomae, Market nr Douglas " Win. Anderson, engineer, 140 Blanchard av " Wm., jeweller, roe 140 Blanchard avenue f^teenfcn Wm., baker, 91 Niagara ..Steers A. Miss, clerk, res 105 Quadra '* Clias , carpenter, res 105 Quadra tSteeves A. Whitford, carpenter, IIT Blanchurd "^teger Amet, apprentice, 62 Fort Steitz Brop., reatuuiant and bakory, 54 Yates " Fred., of Steitz Bros., 114 Fis- guai'd " George, of Steitz Bros., 114 Fis- guard " Jobn, waiter, res 114 Fisguard Stelly George, jun., res 74 Blancliard " George, sen., contractor team- ing, 74 Blauehard " Hail, Johnson cor Blanchard Stemler & Earte, Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice millis, 148 Govern- ment Stemler Louis, of Stemler & Earl, res 144 Blanchard Stephen May M\>i^, 152 Michigan Stephens David, chief engineer str. " Princess Louise," res 152 Michigan " Frederick J., purser str. "Prin- cess Louise," 152 Michigan Stephens iiHarry, galvanized iron cornices and metal roofing, Wharf cor Courtoey.res 114 Humboldt Stephens Jas., moulder's helper A.I.W. Jennie Miss, 152 Michigan Jessie M. Miss, 152 Michigan Rubena Miss, 152 Michigan Sam. Henry, gardener, Gorrro Koad ^ " Wm. Jenkins, ship carpenter A I.W., 34 Jo"in Stephenson Fred., 5 Beacon Hill Park Sten ick W., boilermaker A. I. W. St-- ens Albert, cigarmaker, 84 Chat- ham " Alex., stonemason, bds Dominion House " Alex., stonecutter, bds Vancou- ver hotel " Allar), butcher for L. Goodaoio, res 84 Chatham Allan, cutler, res 84 Chatham Florence Miss, 39 Cook Francis Thos., of Jenkins & Ste- vens, res 111 Douglas Frank Thos., carpenter, res 111 Douglas Frank, 31 Pandora av Geo.,com agent, 73 Government, bds Occidental George, res 132 Yates James, Albion Iron Workis. S4 Chatham James, Albion Iron Works, lU'i Fisguard J. Miss, milliner, 152 Michigjui James, res lOG Fiwguard " John, saloon, 130 Government, res 55 Herald " Richard, ship carpenter, rc^^llti Fisguard Slevens Walter, accountant, res 15o Yates " Williiim Albert, clerk Oriont;J hotel ALPHAB8TI0AL DIRECTORT. 583 STE STU galvanized and metal [Courtney .res lU r'shelper A.I.W. 2 Michigan 152 Michigan 52 Michigan gardener, Gorgo jhip carpenter A 5 Beacon Hill laker A. I. W. irmaker, 84 Chat- won, bds Dominion litter, bds Vancou- r for L. Goodaoie, am res 84 Chatham I, 39 Cook , of Jenkins & Sic- |l Douglas carpenter, res 111 Indora av nt, 73 Government, tal |32 Yates in Iron W<)rk:=. ^4 In Iron Worku, loii |ner, 152 Michigtm )(J Fiwguard ii 130 Govern mont. [p carpenter, rcfilW iccountant, res 1')' |)ert, clerk OrionliJ Sieveus Wm. Albert, clerk, 36 Yates Stevenson — , painter, bds 105 Pan- dora av " Capt., bds Colonial hotel " Gordon Mrs., 68 Douglas STEVENSON & JONES, props Prit- chard house, 101 Government and 58 Yates " Wm. Gordcr of Stevenson & Jones, res 68 Douglas Stewart A., stonecutter, bds Occiden- tal hotel " A., foreman moulder A.I.W. " Albert, 114 Yates, resCoUiston " Daniel Bruce, messenger Bank of B. N. A., res same " James, of McLean & Stewart,re8 11 Kingston " James, moulder A. I. "W., 52 Pandora " John, of Stewart & Wilson, 105 Yates " James H., res Topaz av *' John, engineer Electric Light Co., res Kae " Joseph, porter, 1 Yates " Mary Miss, 10 Rae " O. E., waiter California hotel " Eosie MisH, rea 72 Fort " & Wilson, plumbers, 105 Yates S?ticknortli & Herman, Bavarian brew- ery, 138 Fort Stone C. E., opera lor, res 60 Fort Storey Annie Miss, res 104 Fisguard " Georgina Miss, 104 Fisguard " TlioH. Ellas, undertaker, 44 Gov., res 104 Fihguard Stirling James, boilermaker A. I. W., D7 Pandora av Stockand John, teamster, 74 Blanchard Suachan Andrew, bruom mfr, Esqui- malt road <' Elizabeth, wi ■ Alex., boiuding- house, res 79 Fort Straith Jolin Alex., millhand, 90 Pan- dora Straits Ins Co., 63 Wharf Stratford Arthur, laborer, 66 Store Stratford Bernard, 30 John " Frank C, woodworker, bds 3(1 John " James Campbell, carpenter, 30- John Streicher Chas., cigar maker B. Levy, res Commerical hotel Stronach Alfred, hotelkeeper, res 10. James Strong Frank Bath, clerk, res 105^' Pandora " John A., journalist, bdw Delmo-' nico Stroud J., contractor, California hotel? Strouss Carl, of C. Strouss & Co., rei*.. London, England Strouss C, & Co., importers' and wholesale dry goods^v fancy goods, men sfurnish-^ ing goods and commissiort merchants, 65 Wharf. Tel 17 Strouss Moritz, mgr C. Strouss & Co., res 170 Yates. Tel 462 Stuart J. & W., fishing net manufacturers, Rol9t. Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf, -^e adti p 4()5 Stubbs Wm., logger, Colonial hotel Sturdy Fred., of F. Sturdy & (Jo., ro« Cedar Hill road " Harry, of F. Sturdy &(>)., res Cedar Hill road " F., &Son, painters, 52 Broad BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, 1 Fuocral Director and Embatacr, ' VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. I ■u V, i' 584 hfnderson's victoria STU TAY F. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and FinaDcial Agent, NOTARY PVBI.IC, &G., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIHE AND LIFE INSURANCE. (1 n n a No. 61 YATES STREET. Sturton Geo. carpenter Queen City milJH Stylos 8.imn«^l, expressman, Craig- flower road " 8. T . contractor. I Amelia. Tel 581 Sullivan — , 25 Broad " Daniel, clerk, res ,38 Quebec Dan. Parker, driver, res Carr Ellen Miss, 38 Quebec Humphrey, storekeeper H. B. Co., res 38 Quebec James, painter, 96 Kingston Mar\-, wid TJeorge, 29 Coutts Joshua, hackman, 61 Kane *' .fames, painter, 96 Kingston " Jolin, miner, les 22 Kane " Jane Miss, 38 Quebec " Kaie Miss, 38 Quebec *' Mary Miss, 38 Quebec "■' Nora Miss, milliner, res 61 Kane SumerHcId Peter, City Water com- missioner, res 152 Douglas. Tel 113 Summers Francis, painter, 185 Fort Sun Life & Accident Ins. Co., J. E. Crane, general agent, over 65 Government Sunderland Tlioma«, carpenter, res 11 H Fort Superintendent of Education, Tel 455 Supreme Court of B. ('., Jas. Chas. .Pre\oHt, registrar, law courts. Bas- tion sq. Tel. '13 Siij)! ol' Provincial Police. Tel 600 Sutherland Alex. Ferrie Kemp, book- keeper, res 11 Richardson " Daniel, boat builder, bds Vancou- ver hotel " Hugh Alex,, painter, 103 View " J., boilermaker A. I. W. " W. A., painter, California hotel Swan Miss, boarding house, res 87 Pandora av " Philip, carpen'er, 15 Central road. Spring Ridge Swansen Wm., carpenter, 45 Hillside av Swedish & Norwegian Consu- late, Robt. Ward, 76 Wharf Sweeney Michael, cooper, 20 Kane " C. B., laborer Chas, Havvyard Swinnarton Roh. ;> mington, res 40 John " Mary Mrs., widow John, 40 John " William, brakeman E, & N. Ry 40 John Switzer John, prop Regent saloon, re.'* 75 View [Sylvester Elizabeth Miss, teacher, 57 Pandora av Frank, bookkpr, 57 Pandora av Louisa Miss, 57 Pandora av " Wm., apprentice J. Sehl, 5V Pan- dora av .Syson John, laborer, 116 Douglas I Tabor Hattio Miss, tailoross, 88 Gov- ernment, res Douglas : Tagg James, ship carpenter, 135 Fis- 1 guard ! Taggart W., carpenter, bds Occidental ! hotel Tait Robt.. carpenter, Dallas road TamuraS., clerk, bds 33 Soutli Parlv Tannish R., 109 (fovornment Tajtpins VV. J., confectioner, 125 Dou- glas Tassay Heiu'y, sausage maker forV^an Volkenburgh & Bro. TAYLOR CHARLES M., merchant tailor, 48 Yates, 199 Chatham u Q Kemp, book- lichardson ler, bds Vancou- nter, 103 View A.. I. W. Zlalifornia hotel r house, res 87 er, 15 Central idge t er, 45 Hillside av ?>gian Consu d, 76 Wharf )per, 20 Kane has. Hawyard mington, res 40 )w John, 40 John man E. k N. lly., Cogent saloon, re* Miss, teacher, 57 r, 57 Pandora av Pandora av J.Sehl, 57Pun- 11«) Douglas liloross, 88 (tdv- as •pcntcr, 135 Fis- jr, bds Occidental Dallas road 33 South PtirU jrnmont clioncr, 125 Dou- '0 maker for Van ;S M.. merchant 11) Chatham ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 586 TA.Y TITO Taylor Christopher, warehouseman for Fell & Co., res 111 View " Elizabeth Miss, dressmaker, 199 Chatham " Chas. Fred., expressman, 199 Chatham Geo., mason, 61 View Geo. John, 132 Quadra Geor^^e Harrison, pressman, 203 Cook *' Wm. John, of Eborts & Taylor, res Park road. Tel 523 " Wm., expressman, 199 Chatham " Willard, carpenter, Esquimau rd Tazawa M., lithographic artist Colonist Teague Catherine Miss, 248 Cook " Emily Miss, 248 Cook " Frank William, socy Y.M.C.A., res 112 Pandora av Teague John, sen., architect, Trounce Alley cor Broad, res 248 Cook. Tel 122 Teague John, Jun., druggist, 57 Yates, res 248 Cook. Tel 469 Toasdale Annie Miss, 170 Yutos " Wra., hostler, bds Windsor Telegraph Office C.P.R., ^ ^ Archibald, local mgr, 40 (lovernment Temperance Hall, 51 Pandora av T KMPLEMAN WILLIAM, -nanaging editor Times Printing aiic Publish- ing Co., res 50 Kano Tonnant Robert, of Skidegate Oil Co.. res 128 Douglas Tcpoorten Clias. T., machinist A.I.W., res 71 North Park " Joseph, machinist, res 77 Dis- covery " Julius,druggist't. asst Langlcy & Co., res 77 Distovory Torrill — , expressman, Nortli Road Terry Chester L.,of Hampson & Terry, res 31 Kae " John Albert, bricklayer, 42 Kane Carpets, Floor Coverings and Curtains, The Largest Stock in the Dominion is carried by THOMAS LICCET, 1884 Notre Dane St., - HONTREil. Mail Orders promptly filled and Samples forwarded. Teutonia Saloon, 112 Government Thain Edward J., real estate and general agent, 65^ Govt., res 119 Fisguard. Tel. oflSce 21 Thames & Mersey Ins Co., marine, 63 Wharf The Kraal, Menzies nr Simcoe. Tel, 192 The Hall saloon, James McCandish, prop, 129 Fort Thenwell Nellie Miss, 26 John Thistleton Mrs., wid., 85 0'„».jra ThomGeo., bla( ksmith. Pandora South Thomas Almu.id, 4lh convict guard, res Fourth " Farrell, foreman, res Vancouver House, Quadra " Henry, 9 Amelia " Jamot^, caretaker of remot«>vy, RoHs Bay. res Fairfield Hoad. Tel. 513 " JamoK KdwanI, bricklayer, 67 Second " John, drivi^r, re* Fourth nr Topaz avt' •' John, luilor 94 Yates, ro« 30 Mason ' Samuel, watchman, bds 129 Fi,sguard Tliompson A. Mri- 9 Amelia " Charles Robt . ship carpenter, rott 197 Johnson '•' David, watchman E. tb N. R7, n A V Id •* n- w ■* t: u 111) ^^tem mww vTi' ■ ic. 'i "i!;' I™ I m hknderbon's tictoria THO TOL F. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Fioancial Agent, XOTARV PVBE,IC, Ac, ftc. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Fanning, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE ATTD LIFE INSUBAlfCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Thompson Daniel, night watchman, 101 John Eben S., carpenter, 15 Fort Edwin, carpenter, 167 Govern- ment John, pilot, 25 MontreJ Miss, 36 Yates M. H., plumber, bds Angel hotel Nellie Miss, res Pioneer Theodore S., 107 Government Wm., bartender, 32 Kane " Wm., moulder A.I.W. THOMSON CHAS. WM., RINGLER, sec.-treas Victoria Gjis Co.(Ijt.), office 49 Lang ley, res Gorge Road " George, saloon, 99 Fort " Henry, curpentor, res 7 Beacon Hill Park *' John Gemmel, gardener for Dunsmuir, Cadboro Bay road " John Alex., engineer, res 134 Blanchard av Maria widGforgo. 125 Corm'rnt Wm., expressman,! 1 King's Ruiid TiiOrstanson Helgi, laborer, Sayward's Lane nr South road " Paul, laborer, Sayward's Lane Three Stars saloon, William Scott, 4 Fort Tianks John Gerhard, draughtsman, res 113 Mci /ies Ticdeman Alice Miss, 45 Broad *' Herman Otto, architect and C. E., 45 Menzies l( Tiger Fire Hall, Pandoris. Tel. 539 Till Walter G., machinist, bds Bruns- wick Tilton Edward Gibson, C. E., of Marvin & Tilton, res 7 Richardson Times Printing and Publishine Co. (Lt.), Wm. Templeman, manasing editor, 37 Yates. Tel 46. See advpagtiU Tippings Wm. Jonathan, confectioner, 125 Douglas T. & L. Cigar Factory, 102 Govt Tite Charles Henry, painter, res 141 Pandora ave " George Duncan, upholsterer, res 141 Pandora ave " Geo., painter, 141 Pandora ave " Matilda Miss, 141 Pandora av Todd Chas. Fox, of J. H. Todd & Son, res 196 Johnson •' Charles, res 218 Johnson Todd J. H., & Son, wholesale grocers and provisions, 72 Wharf. Tel. 619 Todd Henry, stonecutter, 45 Store " John Liincelot, res 196 Johnson " J., steward, str " Maud " " John, 11 Blanchard " Jacob Hunter, J. P., of J. H. Todd & Son, res 196 Johnson " Katie Miss, teacher Boys' P. 8., King's Road Toller Albert, of Toller & Robinson, res Si. Charles ist, (.""adboro Biiv Koad. Tel. 1S4 Toller & Robinson, real estate, insurance & notaries public, 18 Broad. Tei 184 Tolligh John, fish dealer, 51 Johnscn Tolmie Andrew, clerk, bdis Telegraph hotel " Henry, rea Saanich Road " James W., M. P. P.. res Saauiob Road ALPHABXTCAL DIRBOTORT. 58T TOL TUR BTidora. Tel. 539 linist, bds BraiiB- iii,C. B., ofMarviD cLardeon ; and ;o. (Lt.), iplemariy ing editor, 5, jSce advpagt 461 than, confectioner, ory, 102 Govt r, painter, res 141 in, upholsterer, res ave , 141 Pandora ave 141 Pandora av J. H. Todd & Son, ison 18 Johnson lOn, whoiesale provisions, 7S utter, 45 Store res 196 Johnson "Maud" chard J. P., of J. H, res 106 Johnson acher Boys' P. S., 'oiler Hi KobinsoD, 1st. t"'adboro Buy >on, real estate, lotaries public, 184 iivtlor, 51 .lohnsci. rk. bd> Telegrujil anich Road P. P.. r«tj SaftUKb Tolmie John, res Saanich Road " Roderick Finlayson, clerk, bds Clarence hotel " Simon, res Saanich Road " William, res Saanich Road Toney — , machinist Albion I. W. Towing Co., Spratt's wharf, Tel. 144 Townsend John, clerk, bds ItO Yates " Susan Miss, res 31 Mears " Charlotte, wid Alfred, res 31 Mears " Harriet Miss, 31 Mears Townsley Andrew, engineer Victoria Rice Mills, 62 Store <« James, miller Hall, Ross & Co., Tesll4Blanchard Trace John, teamster for J. Weiler, res 60 North Park Trainor A., driver H. Saunders Tranter Elizabeth Miss, 45 North Park Travellers' Life and Accident Ins. Co., 100 Government Travers John Ueury, clerk, Clarence hotel " James A.I.W., res 77 Discovery Travis Augustus, blacksmith, res 130 Yates " James, laborer A. I. W. " Julia, widow Augustus, res 130 Yatos TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Hon J. H. Turner, Minister of Finance ;ind AgrivuUure Trenthan Hotel. Joseph Bayloy, prop, Esq tti malt road Trik> George, waiter Driard, res 26 8<\chy Trickey William, drayman, 27 Fern- wood road. Tel 26 Trimeii Leonard Buttress, architect, 54 GovernnuMi), res Esquiraalt road Trigg Elizabeth Miss, 283 Douglas " Faunie Miss, domestic, 36 Doug- las Trivel Wm. clerk A.LW., 9 Amelia Troaiice Thomas, res 63 Menzies Troup Ada Miss, waitress Brunswick hotel Truesdak Walter, hack driver, 21 Broughton " Wm., hack driver, 21 Broughton Trunnan Richard, tinner, 70 Yates Truren Hannah Cordelia, Mrs., 13^ Michigan " Hannah wid Edward, boarding house, 139 Michigan " John Emanuel, 139 Michigan *' Richard, Thomas,apprentico, res 139 Michigan Trutch John, Land Commissioner E. &N. Ry. Co., res 73 Richardsor* Tel 514 " Hon. J. W., Fairfield House, 73 Richardson and Fairfield road nr Cook. Tel 514 Trythall W. J. timekeeper A. I. W. 9 Amelia Tuck Samuel Parker, C. E,, res 30 Churchway Tuckfield Thos., blacksmith, bds We^t- em hotel TuckvilleF. L., res 21 Rae Tugweil Thos., prop Colonial hotel, Johnson, res 15 North Park. Tt'l ros 191 Tally Percival Wm., 17 Chatham Turn bull John, fisherman, Erie " Oliver, carpenter, res Fairfiolii road " Robt., mate str "Yosemite" BROUGHTON STREET. GHAS. EAYWARD, I Fuoeral Director and Eiiihloiiir, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. ! 1 :5S8 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA TUR UNW P ■m m :i:i '#■■ ■V- I, '0 I*!""!! •'! :: I 1- C « f. P. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Heal Estate aiid Financial Agent, NOTARY PVBI.IC, ftc, &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. PIRE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Turner A. V. Mrs., music teacher, 22 Frederick '• Albert, painter, res 22 Frederick " Archibald, 62 Forwood road " Arthur, clerk, res 1 Pleasant Turner, Beeton «& Co., whole- sale dry goods, general com- mission merchants, and insurance agents, 90 Wharf. Tel 116 Turner Fred., porter, res Fisguard " John, carpenter, res Cook cor Belcher TUKNER HON. JOHN lEERBERT, Min. of Finance and Agr., of' Turner, Beeton & Co., res 1 Pleasant, Point Ellice. Tel .521 " Rose Isabella Miss, 56 Broad Turpel Samuel, apprentice. Indian Reserve Turner William, prop Central Shipyard, Indian Reserve, Victoria West Tway JohnFilias, carpenter, Pembrt>ke nr Quadra Tvviss Edward Day, res 1.51 Johnson Marcella Mi.^s, res 1.51 Johnson Mildred Miss, res 1,51 Johnson Sarah Helena Mi.ss, music tea- cher, res 1.51 Jolmson " Win. .fames, clerk J. Schl, res 151 .Johnson Tyack Emily Miss, dressmaker, 18 View Tyack Mrs. Wright, 15 Humboldt " James, clerk, res 15HumboIdt Tye Thomas Hickman, of MatthewR, Richards & Tye, res 27t Douglas. Tel 565 Tyler Wm., 51 Hillside av Tyson Ellen Miss, 42 Henry " Grace Miss, 42 Henry ' James, tailor, 42 Henry " Thos., at foundry, 42 Henry ■' Wm., 42 Henry Underbill Alice, widow Nel8on,droe!i- roaker, res 13 Port Ullraan Chas., tailor, 73 Fort '" Joseph, importer and exporter of raw furs, M. J. Davis, agent, 55 Wharf Underwood A., engineer Vancouver House Union Club, J. C. Bales, secretary; James Buttes, steward, Douglas cor Courtney " Colliery Co. of B. C. (Ltd.), office Broughton, Jan.3S Dunsmuir, president '' Dora Miss, Belcher nr Moss Union Insurance Co., Fire & Marine, Robert Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Maine,F.C. Richards, agent, lil Yates Union Pacific Ry Co., Goo. Arthur ( !ooper, agent, 100 Government United States Consulate, Ed^ar Marvin, United States consul; 43i (rovernment Consular agencies, (.'has. M. Bolton, Vancouver; J. E Ilawthornthwait, Nanaimo Unterbrink H. 11., woodworker fur Dempster k Hock llnwin Ada Miss, nurse Dr. PoweU'rt " George, gardener, res 241 John son " Laura Misa, nurso Robt. Ward's t-^ X; W' NW at, 15 Humboldt , res 15HumboIdt kman, of Matthews, ), res 271 Douglas. llaide av 42 Henry 42 Henry ■, 42 Henry ndry, 42 Henry nry vidow NolsoUjdrofli- ort or, 73 Fort rter and exporter of '.. J. Davis, agent, 55 mginocr Vancouver ^. Bales, secretary; es, steward, Douglas 3y [)fB.C. (Ltd.), office Jan.3s Uunsmuir, lelcher nr Moss ce Co., Fire & ert Ward A Co., harf -ifelns. Co. of ichardSy agent, Co., Goo. Arthur 00 GovernmenL >8 Consulate, niled States consul; Consular agencien, , Vancouver; J. U. , Nanaimo woodworker fui' k urseDr. PowelTn onor, res 247 John aurso Robt. Ward'i ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 589 URE VIC Ure Chas., shoemaker, rcn 8 Alfred " James Graham, clerk, rcMH Alfred " James, toreman, rtv 8 VifVed Urquhart oapt Donald, C.P.N. Co., 119 Menzies Vaio & Brooks, fish, fi-uit and pro- duce, 66 Yates " John, of Vaio & Brooks, res 48 Herald Vancouver bakery, Thomas Harding, 75 Fort Vancouver Brewery, Carter & Ferris, props, cor Herald and Gov- ernment, lei. 85 Vancouver Encampment, I. 0.0. F. Xo. 1, meets Ist and 3rd Tuesday in each month at Hall, 71 Douir- las " hotel. Fox & Dawley, prop. 71 Yates. Tel ItiH Vancouver Iron VVoiks, Wilso > Bros., props, Pombi-oko nr (jovt " Island Building Society, 30 Fort " and Quadra Lodge No. 2, A F & A M, meet^^ 3i'd Wednesday Van liorst & Co., grocers, 20 Elizabeth " Horst Mary, wid Frank, of Van Horst & Co., res 20 Elizabeth " Novel rev. John Adolpli, asst priest R. C. Cathedral, res Bi.sli- op's Palace, Yates Yanover Georgia Miss- Van Volkenburi;h A, J. PfiiimR & SON 1743 & 1745 NOTRE DAME MONTREAL. Sole Agents for Canada.- SEND FOR PRICE LIST., Johnson 55 Broad Miss, res 215 Van Volkenburgh & Bro., Wholesale and Retail Butchers, and Stock Ranchers, 97 Government cor Yates. Tel 2 Yan Volkenburgh Boi-janiin, of Van Volkenburgh & Bro,, ros 215 Johnson eor Vancouver. Tel 595 " Volkenburgh Isaac, of Van Vol- kenburgh & Bro., los Vancouver Vaughn Uobertdeckhand, bdsEailroad hotel * W., night clerk str. "Islander" Vegolliers J,, moulder A. I. W. Veit-h Wm., blacksmith, 127 Broad, res Esquimalt road Ventress James, ttarpenter, 19 Rae Verdiar .Tohn, teamster, 74 Blanchard " Joseph, teamster, 74 Blanchard Vermouth John, 128 Cook Vernon (^harles, res 9 South Park. Tel 507 VERNON HON. FORBES GEO., cliiet commissioner of Lands and Works, res Osoyoos, city res 60 Rae Merr'inder Robert Ford, dental and auiai surgeon, 73 Government Vertue Aifr*?l. bitacksmith, res 120 Fisguar II- 11; Ih )^; Ml ^ M St" 590 HENDEKSON 8 VICTORIA VIC VIC F. G. RBCHARDS,Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARV I>rHI,fC, *c.. *C. Choice Business inH Residential lets for Sale. Farmin^j, iiinberand Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURAKCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Victoria Building Soc., A.St.G. Flint, eecy., 30 Fort " Carriago Works, Wm. Grimm, prop, 90 and i>2 JohoHon " Club, John Creeden, steward ; J. K. Worsfold, eecretarj'-treap., 45* Fort " Coal, Wood and Lumber Yard, Laural Pt., office 52 Govt., C. E. Mallette, mgr. Tel 590, yard 590a " Columbia Lodge No. 1, A. F & A. M., rneetB Ihi Thursday *' District Telegraph Co., " Electric Soap Works, 116 Yates " Electric Illuminating Co, Mat Hutcheson, fiupt, 26 Langley., Tel 130 Victoria Electric Tramway A Lighting Co., D. W. Higgins, pres., Store nr ConHtance Victoria-EsquimaltTeiephone Co., Ltd., Trounce Alley Victoria Fire Department, Thow.Doasy, chief, S2 Yaten '' Gaol, Koberl Franklin John, warden VICTORIA GAS CO I Ad., office 49 Langlev, FhmI, JI. IlewlingK, Hupt, Pembroke nr Store " Hotel, 71 Fort VICTORIA LOAN OFFICE, Kirsch beig & Lautibberg, pr«/|»«, 57 Johnson Victoria Lodge I.O.O.F.,No. 1, meets Monday night at Hall, 87 Douglas Victoria Lumber di Mnfg Co., W. J. Maeauloy, manager, office, over 67 Government Victoria Machinery Depot, Spratt & Gray, Work " Marble works, George P.udge, prop, 135 Douglas " Market, 113 Government " Nursery, P. T. Johnson & Co., cor Fort and Government, res and nursery, 15i Cadboro Bay Road " Railway Station, E. & N. Ry. Store, nr Jhonson Tel 69 Victoria Rice Milis, Hall,RosB.l Co., 66 Store. Tel 136 Victoria, Saunich & New Westminster Ry. Co., office Government Victoria Saii Loft, F. Jcune, prop. 6 Government nr Johnson Victoria shaving parlor, 108 Govt " Soap Woiks, 116 Yates " Society tor the prevention ot cruelty toanimal.-.W.lI. Mason, see. and treas. '• Si can) Bakery. Niagara. Tel 541 " Steamship laundry, H. W, Doseher. prop. Pembroke cur Quadra " TheatieCo.,Ld.. John.J. Austin, secy, and trea.s., lessee ami mgr., Theatre cur Doiiglun and Vi'-'W VICTORIA TRANSFEJ{ C0.,L(1.,F S. Barnard, M. P., pres.; Antoino Hendernon, Hupt; Alex. J, Mourn necy, 23 Broughton opposite Broad. Tel 129 ALPHABST(CA.L DIBECTORT. 591 VIC WAL Mills, Hall,Ro8B& oft, F, Jeune, prop, r JoLnson pallor, 108 Govt 116 Yates the pi-evention ot hinials.W.lI. Mason, id.. John, J. Austin, troiis., Ic'si-ee ami re lur Douglas unJ I'., prcH.; Antoino Alex. J, Mouui [on opposite Broad. Victoria Truck and Dray Co., Ld., genl. freighters, Capt. John Irving, pres; Geo. A. Carlton, socy; Sam MauCartnoy, mgr, 108 Wharf cor Johnaon. Tol stables 23, office 13 Victoria West hchool, Fred. Salloway, teacher Victoria Y. M. C. A., Franic W. Teague, gen secy, rooms Broad cor Trounce Alley "Victorian " weekly, Walter C.Kuiitz publisher. 8 Fort Viddler Finch, painter, bds 44 Prin- cess " John, apprentice, bds Western hotel Vidler Albert, res 50 Dallas road Vienna George, fish, fruit, etc., 113 Govt., res Herald nr Store " Nicholas, driver for Goo. Vienna " Peter, clerk for Geo. Vienna Vigelius Anton, of Vigolius Bros., res 156 Pandora | Vigelius Bros., barbers and St. Nicholas Baths, 105 1 Government. Tel^37 | Vigelius Louis, of Vigelius Bros., res 166 Pandora " Philip, shoemaker, 196 C '; Vigor M. A. Mrs., fancy goods ai. '^'ry goods, oor Douglas and Chatham Vincent Frank W., asst mgr C. P. N. Co., res 10 Erie Vine llonry, 47 North Park Vipor ' Arthur, machinist, 6;> Broad, res 100 Fisguurd " Arthur, engineer '•' Coldiiist" Visick Louisa Mias, clerk, res 126 Douglas " Louisa Miss, clerk, 65 Govern- ment Vogts John, cigarmaker T. iSc \j. cigar factory, bds Commercial hotel Voltz Geo., 16T Government Vowell A. W. 1 Voyce M. J. Mrs., cook, 32 Rm Vurges Frank, Topaz av Wade Albert Ekiward, foreman, res 112 Cormorant ■' M. S. M. D. Wagg Edwin, asst park keeper, res 56 Humboldt " John William, 5 painter, res 26 Miison " Martha Mi«9, domestic at 38 Victoria Crescent Waitt M. W., & Co., boolcsel- lers and stationers, 77 Gov- ernment. Tel 92., dealers in. pianos and Morgans, H. Kent, mgr., 64 Government Waitt Marshall Wilder, of M. W. Waitt & Co., res 109 i^uadracor Frederick '• N. Miss, res 109 Quadra 1 " VVm., carpenter, res 38 Dallas I iw.id i Wake Adolia, wid Baldwin A., rea I Itlsquimalt road 1 " Gervais Fountayne, clerk Naval I Y^ard, res Esquimalt road Walbey William Henry, real estate, j 21 Broad, res 10 Blanchurd Walkem lion George Anthony, judge, I res Kamloops, B. C. BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, uiicral Mk and Enikliner, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. 1 592 HENKERSON S VICTORIA. WAL WAR i f F. C. RICHARDS, Jr., Real Estate and Financial Agent, NOTARY PITBI«IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FUtE AND LIFE INSUBANCE. No. 6i YATES STREET. Walker A., Queen City Mills *' Besnio Miss, milliner, res 189 Yates " Donald Grant, ship builder, 189 YutCB Walker Fred. C, barrister, eolicitor and notary public, 52 Lang- ley, rcB Aylsby Cottage, Esquimalt road. Tel office ICO, res 180 " George, of Johnson, Walker & Flett, res 71 Discovery " Harry William, carpenter, 49 Jilaiichard WALKEE llENEY GE(JEGE. agent for John 3Iacdonald & Co.. whl. dry goods, over ()3 Government, Spencers Arcude, res Buidette avenue " James, blacksmith, res 122 Superior John professor. 49 Blan chard John Archibald, apprentice, 122 Superioi' " John Archibald, of Walker, John- ston it Flett, res 122 Superior " John Weslej'. sergl of police, re.s 98 Pandora " Mary Mrs., matron Protestant Orphans' Home. 32 Rao " Eichard,A.I.W., 74 Pembroke " Eobt., bartender Colonial " Eobt. H., blacksmith, res 58 John WALKEJt WALTEK, coal and wood dealer, yard 28 Store, office 68 Yates, res 51 Chatham. Tel 4fi6 Walkins B., Irborer A. I. W. Wall Edwin J., clerk Angus & Gordon, res Spring, Spring Ilidgo " Gili)ert, carpenter, res 80 Kane '■ Hurry, millhand, 89 Herald " John, tailor, 52 Chatham " John, shoemaker, res Chatham Wallace C. Wm., Langley Alley, bils Colonial " James, engineer, 290 Johnson " Laramie Frederick, upholsterer Jacob Sehl, res 21 Green " Leila Miss, res 25 View " Emma Clara Mrs., res 25 View " Walter, boilermaker A.l.W,, res 25 View " Wm., ship carpenter, 23 Govern- ment Waller Henry, clothing, 89 Douglas, res 318 Di>uglas Walls Harriet Lucy, widow Wm,, 19S Cook WALLS JOHN PATMORE, barris- ter, office 14 Chancery lano, res 57 North Park. Tel 1, res 181 Walsh Isaac, drayman, 79 Pembroke " John, saloon, 68 Humboldt '• John James, drayman, 77 John " Wm. Heniy, patternmaker, res 14 Farquhar Walters Ada Miss, 85 Yates ■' Fred., cook Vancouver hotel Warburton Henry Hume, clerk P.O. Ward Arthur, shipping clerk for S. J. Pitts, res 124 Quadra " Bernard, bellboy, Clarence " Celia Miss, 130 Douglas " Cecil Walford, clerk, 47 Langley, res Moss nr Belcher " Charles, upholsterer, res Church- way " E. W., miner, bds Colonial " Henry Everett, grocer, 324 Govt " John," hackdriver, 91 Fort ALPHABETICAL DIRTCTORY. 503 WAR A7AT rayman, 77 John puttornmaker, res bds Colonial irrocor, 324 Govt Ward John, grocery and fancy goodu, 124 Quadra " John Win., baggagemaster C. P. Rv., and C.P.N. Co., res 162 Chatham " Lizzie Miss, 159 Johnson Ward R.H., prop Albion hotelf 7 Herald WARD ROBT., of Robt Ward & Co., Royal Swedish and Norwegian consul, re3 Belcher bet Cook and Moss. Tel 73 Ward R., stonemason, 54 Discovery Ward Robt., & Co., com- mission merchants, ship- ping and insurance agents, 76 Wharf. Tei 146. Set ado page 465 Ward Wm., of RusHell & Ward, 8 Pioneer " Wm., baker, res 120 Blanchard " Wm. Arthur, clerk Robt. Ward & Co., res Moss near Belcher WARDWM. CURTIS, mgr Bunk of B. C, res (Highwood) Mo.ss nr Belcher. Tel 4«7 : Ware Henry, laborer, 96 Kingston Wark Charles L., paintei-, res 138 Michigan " Charlotte Mis:., 138 Michigan " J. H., late H. B. Co., res 138 Michigan " John H., clerk A. B. Gray & Co., res 138 Michigan Warraan John, hostler, 4 Broad Warner, Kermode & Smith, Star Ship Yard, Point Eiiice Warner J. H., of Colbert & Warner, res 138 Cormorant " Orlando, of Warner, Kermode 1% Smith, res Victo'ria im »,/ WarrenAugustus'^engineer stf. "Pilot." 54 Oswego ■ '' *1^ " Charles Thornton, clerk Lenz & Leiser, res 202 Fort " Hanna Mrs., 38 Govt t IS A HOME PRODUCTION. u to ir SUPPORT ITt ONLY $4.00 A YEAR. WARREN CAPT JAMES lJOU(iLAS, agent St Barbara Boscowitz, 38 Govt, res 27 Montreal. Tel 65, res 520 " John, engineer, 54 Oswego cor Michigan " Mary Miss, res 27 Montreal Warren's Wharf, 29 Montreal Warring Wm., Imrtender, 45 Store Water Commi^sioners's Office. City hall. Tel 461 Waterman Chas., engineer, res 100 Fisguard Waterson Henry Grey, jol> printer, 92 Government, res 246 Johnson Walkins Elizabeth Miss, i08 95 Mears " George, blacksmith, 116 Douglas " Henry, butcher for L. Good- acre, res Cedar Hill road " M,, wid John, res 95 Mears Watson Alex., jun., shi)) builder, res Catherine, Victoria West " Alexander, ship carpenter, 5 3Iontreal " Anabella 3Iiss, 5 Montreal " Anthony, blacksmith's helper A. I. W., 54 Discovery " Cora Miss, 23 Hendry " F. Pearce, clerk, res 50 AVork '■ George, plumber, rcsj 5 Montreal " James, carpenter, bds 7 Herald " James, machinist's appr A. I. W., 5 Montreal " Lizzie Miss, artist, 133 Johnson " Maggie Miss, 133 Johnson Wrm IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // <^^ •4- 1.0 I.I 1^ 1^ 111112.2 1 1^ tm 1.8 11.25 11.4 IIIIII.6 y] <^ 7 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. U580 (716) 87S-4503 i '^ fe \ i ^ 594 hindebson's viotobia \ i. WAT WEN ii !> P. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Seal Estate and Financial Agent, Choice Business and Residential lots lor Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. SIRE AlTD LIFE imSXTRAKCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Watson Mary, wid Adam, 133 Johnson " Thos., stone mason, 54 Discov- ery *' Thos., engineer Sock Bay tan- nery, res Victoria W *' Wm. Hendry, moulder, 133 Johnson " Wm. Washington, patternmaker A. I. W., 23 Henry Watt Wm., ship cai-penter, Esquimalt road Watters James, miner. 125 Chatham Weale Wm., waiter Clarence hotel Webb Christopher, jobbing and repair- ing, Broad *' Fred. Wm., laborer, 128 Yates, bds 50 Blanchard " Geo., park keeper " John H., mariner, res 138 Hum- boldt «' Mabel Miss, domestic, I Mon- treal " Wm., 60 Kane " Wm., res Crai^'flower road Webber Harry S., biirljer, 62 Fort " Henry, 29 K«ne " L. Miss, 29 Kane Weljster Annie Miss, 246 Fort " T. G., ^lerk, res 18 Frederick Weeks — , Saanich road nr Topaz av Weiderman Herman, A. I. W., 70 John Weights, Measures and Gas Inspection Office, Richard Jones, inspector, 54 Langley Weiler Charles, upholsterer for J. Weiler, 17 Kane " George, foreman for J. Woiler, 17 Kane Weiler John, furniture manu- faotureri croclceryand glass- ware, wail paper, cutlery, carpets, and house furnish- ing goods, 61, 63 and 66 Fort, Factory 66 Humboldt, res 17 Kane. Tel 103 Weiler Joseph W., clerk for J. Weiler, 17 Kane " Otto, clerk for J. Weiler, 17 Kane Weiser John, laborer, bds Dominion house Weldon Frederick Wm., conductor B. & N. Ry., res Esquimalt road WELLINGTON COAL AND WOOD YARD, Walter Walker, 25 Store. Tel 466 Wellington Collieries, R. Dunsmuir & Sons, props, office Broughton Wells, Fargo A Co., Express, A. A. Green, agent, 81 Govt. Tel 114 Welsh James Wentwortb, stove moul- der A. I. W., 5 Green " John, White Horse saloon, 68 Humboldt .Tohn, laborer, 203 Cook Thomas, fireman, bds Railroad hotel Wenger Chris., watchmaker for John Wenger, res Fort Wenger John, watchmaicor and jeweller, 90 Government, res Fort Wengfiold Wm., grocer, 230 Fort Wentwortb Charles Henry, plasterer, res 254 Johnson " Delia Miss, 14 Broughton ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTORr. 595 Lerer for J. >r J. Weiler, ire manu- Eincl glass- r, cutlery, \e furnlsh- 3 and 65 lumboldt, for J. Weiler, eiler, 17 Kano >ds Dominion conductor B. lit road AND WOOD er, 25 Store. eries, R. ns, props, ., Express, It, 81 Govt. |i, stove moul- 'een ie saloon, 68 jook Ibds Railroad liker for John Uchmakor lornment, res >30 Fort [•y, plasterer, WES WHI Wescott Alfred Ernest, of Ilaughton & Co., 69 Mears " John Russell, clorlc, res 69 Meara WESLEY CHURCH, rev. J. E. Starr, pastor, Pandora cor Board West Albert Chas., dentist, 86 Govern- ment " Byron Holmes, shoemaker Douglas Ho Whitehead Ed., A. I. W„ 51 Quadra White Horse saloon, 68 Humboldt Whitelaw John, cook, res 2 j Douglas Whitfield John, shoemaker, 218 Cook, res 216 Cook WHITLAW MRS. K. (estate), milli- nery. Miss M. Culium, manager, 35 Fort Whitley Stephen, res 40 Quadra J. H.„carpenter, 167fTOvernment Whitly W. H., fisherman, 38 Hura- Ighton F. P., contractor. Occidental hotel " Julius, 27 Alfred Western hotel, 84 Store. Tel 574 Western Assurance Co. of Toronto, H. F. Heisterman'A Co., 8 Bastion Westhavcr John, carptr, 131 Superior Wetzel Fred., fitter, 41 Langley Wharton Maria Mrs., 15 Caledonia av Wheeler Wm. Henry, laborer, 13 St Louis Whelan Robt., stonecutter, bds Domi- nion Hou.se Whets'.one Abraham, fruits and tobac- co, 53 Johnson Whitcom Edward, No. 2 Fire Hall White Alex., carpenter, 3Menzies, res Simcoe " Edward, of Brown & White, res Viuicouver " Edith Miss, 174 Cadboro Bay rd " George, carpenter, 179 Cook " Geo., messenger E. & N. Ry., res 171 Cook " Horse saloon, 68 Humboldt " House. Tel 80 " J., photographer, bds Colonial " Johanna, wid James, 193 John- son Theresa Miss, 175 Chatham (feMaurmann, saloon, 48 Johnson Robert, 128 Richardson Samuel, harnessniaker, bds Do- minion hotel Wm., of White &Maurraaun, res 5 Putnam boldt Whitty Robt., teamster, 54 Discovery Whitmarsh William James, bartender Club Theatre, bds 37 Kano Whittaker & Lindley, practi- cal taxidermists, 128 Govt Whittaker Mary, widow Richard, 70 Douglas " Samuel, of Whittaker & Lindley, res 28 Alfred '• William H., student, res 28 Al- fred Whittaker Wm., prop Vic- toria Bath and Hair Dressing saloon, 128 Government, res 19 Chambers, top of Alfred Whitman Nettie Miss, 94 Pandora Whittet Chas., carpenter, Putnam nr Chambers Whittey Martha Miss, 130 Michigan Whittier Anson D., res 111 Bianchard " E., mgr ranch, res Constance, Cove Farm Whittington Ernest, carpenter, res Humboldt BROUCHTON STREET. RHAS. HAYWARD, 'onera Director and Ennamcr, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. 42 ll r S96 benderson's victoria WHI WIL F. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Heal Estate and Financial Agent, 2VOTARV I>rBI.IC, &C., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Minerai lands for sale. JIBE ASTD IJFE INSUBANCE. No. 61 YATES STREET. Whitwell Thomas, porter Langley & Co., res 25 Parkington Whyte Alex., carpenter shop, 3 Men- zies, res 114 Simcoe *•■ Eobert, res 128 Richardson ■" Wm., accountant E. & N, Ry. Co., res 124 Richardson. Tel 152 Wickens Arthur, foreman Jacob Sehl, bds Angel hotel Widdowson Frederick, machine hand for John Weiler Wier John Joseph, salesman, res 99 Cormorant " Jolin, patternmaker's appr.A.I.W. Wiffin Charles Sidney, res 240 View IViggett Francis, printer Colonist, 147 Chatham "Wilban Edward, laborer, "Vnncouver House "Wilby George, printer, res 174 Yates " James, printer, res 174 Yates " William, clerk, 174 Yates ■** E. A., wid Henry Edward, res 174 Yates Wilcox Joseph, head waiter Driard Wilford Frank, waiter Driard Wilkerson Harry J., carpenter res 14 Third Henry, painter, 114 Yates Wm., watchmaker, 14 Third Wilkes Alex., machinist A. I. W., 97 Pandora " Chas., well sinker, 54 Discovery " Chas., machinist, bds 52 Pandora << Wilkins D., app„ res Esquimaltroad " J. B., painter, res 11 Caledonia " Lewis Morris, 12 Green '' Mrs., dressmaker, 52J Govern- ment Wilkinson — . laborer. Walnut nr Cedar Hill road " Edward S., C. E., and surveyor, 54 Gov't, res Burnside road " Edward, E. & N. Brewery, Vic- torif* West " Edwin H., bottler E. & N. Brew- ery, Victoria W. Willard H., painter, 98 Douglas Willgreen Sadie, widow Robert, 116 Fort Williams Alf., teamster. Hillside avc nr Fourth Alf, plumber, res Spring Ridge Alice Miss, 10 Bellot Arthur Francis Sidney, lawyer, 73 North Park " B., sec. Vancouver Island Build- ing Society, res 10 Bellot Williams B., & Co., clothing, hatters and gen'l outfitters, 97 Johnson Williams Chas. Cicero, carpenter, 15 El lice " Clement, hack driver, 21 Brough- ton " David Bothune, engineer, ns 169 Cook " E. A., 117 Blanchard ave " Edward, moulder, 47 Second " Edwin Au.stin, res North Parle " Eliza Miss, 35 Alfred Elizabeth Miss, 10 Bellot F., bds Occidental hotel Fay Miss, 8 Broughton Frank, fish dealer, 4 Alfred Fred., ex-speaker, res 2 Suporici Frederick, 27 Herald Frederick, drug clerk, res o2 Michigan George, dept. collector of Inland Revenue, res 146 Michigan It ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 59T WIL WIL lit road ledonia Govern- Inut nr surveyor, > road 'ery, Vic- N. Brew- vlas ibert, 116 Uside avc ng Eidge y, lawyer, and Build- Icllot ilothing, jtfltters, •penter, 15 21 Brough- ;ineer, lo^ avft Second )rth Parle Hot )tel :)n Alfred 2 Suporinr •k, res 52 of Inland chigan It u it tl Williams Jas. Wra,,team8ter,43 Henry John, 54 Discovery John, mate str. "Islander" John W., bricklayer, Putnam nr Chambers Julia Miss, dressmaker, res Cons- tance Cove Justus E., carpenter, 15 Ellice Lizzie Miss, 47 Second Mary Miss, 10 Bellot May Miss, 59 Broad Minnie Miss, 56 Broad Mrs., "Widow J. W., res 137 Blan- chard ave R. T., bookbinder, 28 Broad, res 122 View Robert, M. A., 1 Birdcage Walk Thos., carpenter, 25 North Park Thos., driver, res Princess cor Blanchard " Warren, musician, 114 Yates " Wm., mgr B. Williams & Co., res 10 Bellot " Wm., mason, res 122 View " Wm.T., clerk B. Williams & Co., 10 Bellot Willie Louis, grocer, 25 Johnson Willing Cynthia Mrs., dressmnker, 116 Toronto " George, cook, res 116 Toronto Willinson Catherine Miss, 11 Bay Willis Alfred, bricklayer, 136 Cormo- rant " Frank, carpenter. 136 Cormorant " Martin, hackdriver, 21 Brough- ton " Mary, widow, 135 Quadra Willner Otto, carpenter, 18 Frederick Wilmot Harry Clinton, driver, 37 Douglas Wilson — , surveyor, 4 Gordon " A. & W., plumbers, gasfitters, stoves and furnaces, 11 Broad. Tel 126 " Alexander, of A. & W. Wilson, res 41 Cadboro Bay Road " Alfred E., of Stewart & Wilson, 105 Yates l( (I II it it it U U Wilson Annie Miss, 21 Quebec Barbara Miss, 21 Quebec Bros., props Vancouver Iron works, Pembroke nr Govt " Charles Henry, of Wilson Bros., res 76 Pembroke Wilson Charles, barrister ancT solicitor, 6 Broughton, Tel 67, res Beacon Hill Park cor Michigan. Wilson David, M.A., provincial inspec- tor of Schools, res 33 Birdcage: Walk Elizabeth Miss, 21 Quebec Ellen Miss, res 286 Johnson Emma Miss, 8 Pri neons avo Fred., res 41 Cadboro Bay road/ Herbert Goulding, clerk, re» Pemberton Howard, plumber, res 191 Pan- dora J. A., patternmaker A. I. W^. Joseph, apprentice, res Quebec Joseph F., i-es 82 Pembroke Wilson James Keith, accountant, res 26 Churchway Wilson John, Major, commis- sion merchant, agent lor Oregou. Milling Co., 28 Yalos, res 1!)3 Fort Wilson John Jatno'^. ])r()p Central Bakery, 84 Yates, res Biiniside Road John, waiter Union Club John Wildred, carjicnlcr, 44 Princess av Joseph, of W. & J. Wilson, res 2 Pleasant J,)f M E., clerk, res 88 Pember- ton Lyman, sawyer Rock Bay Saw Mill Edith Miss, res 38 Birdcage Walk P., carpenter and builder, 162: Yates, res Edmonton Robert, sealer, bds Ru ilroad!i hotel tl 598 HENDERSON 8 VICTORIA WIL WOL P. G. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agent, MOTARV Pr BI.IC, &G., &C. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale. Farming, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIBE AND LIFE INSURANCE. No. 61 YATE& STREET. Wilson Euther, clerk, res 41 CadborO Bay Road " Sidney, clerk, res 1 CoUinson " T,, 8 Princess av " Thos. Mrs., music teacher, 29 Frederick Thomas, plumber, 191 Pandora Thos. Sidney, violin teacher, 29 Frederick Thos. Todd, clothing, 4T John- son, res 8 Princess av W. & J., clothing, 83 Govt W. C, apprentice, res 41 Cad- boro Bay rojid " William, of W. & J. Wilson, res Peniberton " William, of A. & W. Wilson, res 21 Quebec " William, tinsmith, res 41 Cadboro Bay road " William, of Wm. Wilson & Co., res 38 Birdcage Walk " Wm. E., bo0. 1 boots and Jrc. 158 Gov- iro., 158 Gov- ur dresser, ree )om8 149 Fort r, rooms 149 ■y, grocer, 230 leer, Niagara ^rber, 87 Gov- itice J. Sehl A. I. W. cabinetmaker, mwood road lecjtic, 7 Eicli- res Fairfield 'cl 522 field road ,, painter, res m, wharfinger as road er, 9 Fort, res I illside school, er, 103 View, ■ewery, res 46 Wolfenden Arthur Eichard, clerk, res 125 Menzies " Francis Cooley, law student T. David, res 125 Menzies WOLFENDEN RICHARD, supt Govt. Printing Bureau, res 125 Menzies Woltz Alcxena Mrs., 56 Broad Women's Christian Temperance Union, meets Thursday afternoon at Tem- perance Hall, 47 Pandora av Wood — , driver for Bowman, bds 23 Government " James, bds Windsor " Jerome Biggar,bartender Driard, res 111 Blanchard av " M., wid, res 199 Fort *' Thomas E., storekeeper, A.I.W., res nr Hospital, Victoria W " Thos., sen,, steward Marine Hos- pital, Victoria W Wood Wm. Henry, foreman stove shop Albion Iron Works, res 120 Bay Woodill John D., tanner, 126 Johnson Woodruff Ephraim, mason, 23 Third " F., bricklayer Chas. Hay ward Woods — , blacksmith, bds 70 Fort " Elizabeth A. Miss, 28 North Park " Emily Miss, teacher, 24 Princess " Emily Miss, 28 North Park " Geo., coachman, 9 Kingston Woodward Arthur Joseph, contractor, Fairfield Road " Nora Miss, Fairfield Road Wood well A. S., tinner, bds Colonial hotel "WoolcockJas., clerk, res 15 Humboldt Wooldridge Ellen & Mary M. Misses, dressmakers, 129 Douglas " T., surveyor, .•i4 Michigan WooUacott Philip, 3rd jailor Victoria Jail, res 39 First Wooton Edward Ernest, barrister, res 70Rae " Irene Mrs., 62 Broad Wootton Eliza, widow Henry, res 70 Rae Wootton Henry Homewood, librarian, res 22 Quebec " Stephen Yardley, stependiary magistrate, 70 Rae Work Eliz. Miss, res Esquimalt road " Frank, teamster, 20 Pandora, ras Cormorant " J. widow. King's Road " Margaret, widow James, res Esquimalt Road Workman Aaron, 1st convict guard Victoria Jail, res 177 Fort " Lena Miss, clerk, res 177 Fort " Wm. G., comp M. Miller, res 177 Fort Worlock Frederick Hammet, accoun- tant, res 5<» Superior Worman John, stableman Vancouver House Worsfold Cuthbert C, draughtsman, res Scoresby nr Cook " James K., asst provincial auditor, res Scoresby nr Cook Wreford Robert, bookkeeper, 66 Store, res Menzies nr Siracoe Wright Alex., ship carpenter, 139 Chatham " C. B. Mrs., res 18 Michigan " Daniel, res Blanchard " F. W. H., commission mcr, res 18 View " F. W. H. Mrs., dressmaker, 18 View, res same. Tel 72 " Frederick, bricklayer, bds 126 Johnson BROUCHTON STREET. CHAS. HAYWARD, Foneral Director and Eiaker, VICTORIA. Telephone No. 48. m* 600 HENDERSON'S VICTORIA ; [ WRI ZOE F. C. RICHARDS, Jr.. Real Estate and Financial Agents NOTARY I»VBI.IC, &c.. &c. Choice Business and Residential lots for Sale, f'arminj:, Timber and Mineral lands for sale. FIRE AND LIFE INSURAKCE. No. 51 YATES STREET. Wright Leonard O., clerk, res 58 Kane " ThoH., carpenter, 18 Michigan " William, res 43 View Wrjgle8wort!i Charles, clerk Strouss & Co., res 29 Collinson '* Chan. T., clerk, res 129 Yates " Edward, clerk, rcH 129 Yates " J., & Co., Saanich Lime Co., and building material, 127 Yale.s Wriglesworth Joseph, grocer and liquors, 127 Yates cor Blan chard, res 129 Yates. Tel 518 Wylde Albert M., 19 Kane " Charles Foster, customs broker at Wharf, res 19 Kane " Leooard H., fanner, 170Cadboro Bay road " W., machinist A. T. W.. bds Vancouver House Wylie C. (t., averaire adjuster. 20 Broughton, res 16 Birdcage Walk Wyraan William, sealer, bds l^iilroad hotel Wynn Edward, plasterer, bds Califor- nia hotel Wynne George, messenger Custom House, res same " Geo. William, salesman, rooms Custom House Block Yates Hy. Myers, of Austin & Yates. JGH Craigliea, Gorge road YATES & JAY, barristers, 51 Langley. Tel 66 Yates James Stuart, of Yates & Jay, res Gorge road York Christie, bookkeeper, bds 23 Go- vernment '• Frank, stevedore, bes 23 Govern- ment Yosemite Str., C. P. N. Co., Capt. J. F. Jagers Young — , printer Colonist '' Annie Miss, res 124 Michigan '' Dora B. Miss, 124 Michigan " G. W., painter, 114 Yates, bds Dunsmuir hotel Young Henry, & Co., dry goods, dressmakers and milliners, 67 Government Y'oung Henry, of Henry Young & Co,, res 124 Michigan. Tel 517 " Henry Beynon, of Henry Young & Co., res 124 Michigan •' John, laborer, Vancouver House " John Chas., blacksmith Albion], W., 309 Douglas " Lillian Miss, bookkeeper, 11 Johnson, res Victoria W '' Louis, 16 Quebec '' Ijouis, of M. & L. Young, 118 Government •' Llewlyn Beynon, cashier, res 124 Michigan " M. B. Miss, res 124 Michigan " M. &, L., bakers, 116 Government Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, F. W. Teague, gene- ral secretary, Broad, near Trounce alley Young Michael, ofM. & L. Y''oung, resj 16 Quebec " Peter, 79 View Zipser Chas., coppersmith, Langley nrj Fort Zoelle Chas., 138 Fort [ Yates & Jay, per, bds 23 Go- bes 23 Govern- . P. N. Co., •niet 24 Michigan 4 Michigan 114 Yates, bds fc Co., dry nakers and iment ry Young & Co., Ell.. Tel 517 )f Henry Youni,' klichigan [ancouvcr House ^smith Albion I. )ook keeper, "T toria W L. Young, 118 , cashier, res 124 24 Michigan 116 Government istian Asso- Bague, gene- Broad, near & L. Young, res ALPHABITICAL DIRECTORY. 601 lith, Langley nr AhH OnH CHINESE. Ah Hoy, tailor, 49 CormoraDt Ah John, 29 Store Been Sun, laundry, 42 Fi. Fisguard Fow Yuen, boots and shoes, 142 Gov- ernment Gam Tai, merchant tailor, 64 Fisguard Gee Wo Kee, tailor, 64 Cormorant Ging Hing, jeweller, 18 Cormorant Gim Cook Yuen, merchant, 178 Gov- ernment " Sing, laundry, 14 Fisguard Gin Wan, laundry, 138 Govern mi-nt Ham Yick, merchant, 139Govoninxent Hang Tie, merchant tailor, 37 Store " Wo Hing Kee, China and Japan fancy goods, Chinese driigH, 31 Cormorant Hip Chung, mercht., 186 Government " Lung &Co., dealers in opium, and Chinese merchandise, 22 Cormo- rant Hong Chong Co.. importers of Chinese merchandise, 10 Cormorant " Sing, grocer, 44 Fisguard '• Lee & Co., merchants, and Euro- pean agents. Cormorant cor Government *• Long, laundry, 27 View '• Wo & Co., grocers, 54 Fisguard " Yuen & Co., vegatables, 84 Cor- morant Hop Woh, market gardener. Cook, south end Joss House, 48 Fisguard Kay Cong & Co., grocers, Alley bet Cormorant and Fisguard King Tye Co., importers and manu- facturers wholesale dry good3,grocor- ies, opium, etc., 8 Coi-morant Kwong Chung & Co., dealers in opium and Chinese goods, 29 Cormo- rant " Fook, dealer in tea, rice and gen merchant, 7 Cormorant " Hing Lung, laundry, 157 Fort " On Lung «fc Co., opium and gen- eral merchants, 32 Cormorant ■' On Tai & Co., importers of opium and Chinese merchandise, 24 Cormorant •■ Tai Lung & Co., merchants and importers, 27 Cormorant. Tel 97 '• Wo & Co., grocers, 62 Fisguard '*' Wang Sing, grocer, 6,') Fisguard Lai Hop& Co., provisions, 37 Fisguard Lam Kee & Co., merchant tailors, Govei-nment cor Fisguard LimSam., merchant, 137-.dry, 121 Johnson " Wah, ,. king jeweller, 53 Cor- morant JSing Wo Chan, importers of opium, 5 Cormorant " Wo Lee & Co., 74 Cormorant " Wo Tong Co., importers of Chi- nese merchandise, 182 Govern- ment Song Leo, laundry, 22 Johnson Tai Chung, butcher, 25 Cormorant Tai Fung & Co., imjtorters and gen merchants, 6(5 Cormorant " Kee, gen merchants, 62 Cormo- rant " Soong & Co., general merchants, 40 Cormorant " Yick & Co., importers of opium, 14 Cormorant " Yune & Co., gen merchants, 135 Government TTay Kee, merchant tailor, 62 John- son ■Tei Hing, barber, 33 Cormorant Tim Kee, tailor, 23 Store. Tel 570 " See, merchant tailor, 159 Gov- ernment Ting Lee & Bros., grocers, 35 Pis- guard Tong Chung, grocer, 59 Fisguard Toy Kee, mer tailor, 62 Johnson Tuck Chung, gen merchants, 184 Gov- ernment Wah Chung & Co., merchants, 42 Fisguard " Hung & Co., general merchants, 36 Cormorant " Kee, laundry, 47 Pandora av " Sing,tea and stove wood,140Yatc8 " Yun Co., general merchants, 78 Cormorant Wing Chong Co., merchants, 2 Cor- morant " Chong, laundry, 119 Blanchard " L. G., & Bro.j boot and shoe mfiTs, 158 Government opp Pan- dora av " L.G. & Bros., boot and ahoemfrs, 61 Fisguard " On, grocer, 20 Cormorant Wo On & Co., tailors, 26 Fisguard Wong Pie Lung, surgery and bone setting, 144 Government Ye Wo, laundry, 59 Humboldt Yee Viii Gua & Co., importers, 182 Gov- ernment " Yune & Co., merchants, 28 Cor- morant Yick Lung & Co., 61 Fisguard Ying Chong Lung, grocers, 37 Cor- morant Yen Chung, licensed cigar mnfr, 52 Cormorant Ye On, pawn broker, 37 Cormorant Yik Lee, provisions, 72 Cormorant Yuen Goon, vegetables, 49 Cormorant " Lee, merchant. Alley bet Cor- morant and Fisguard " Lung, importer and grocer, 39 Cormorant " Lung, grocer, 37 Government Zik Lee, grocer, 72 Cormorant Tol 570 159 Gov- i, 35 Fifl. ;unrd nHon , 184 Oov- chanU), 42 nerchants, ora av i,l40Yatos chantH, 78 ts, 2 Cor- Blanchard and Hhoe it opp Pan- ahoe mfrs, rant iguai'd and bone >ldt •8, 182 Gov- Its, 28Cor- Ird i, 37 Cor- mnfr, 52 Irmorant Imorant lormorant bot Cor- •ocer, 39 jrnment Lnt BRITISH COLUMBIA CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, COMPKISING A CLASSIFIED LIST OF ALL TRADES, PROFESSIONS AND PURSUITS, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY POST-OFFICES. Academies^ Bt. Anne's Academy, St. Anne's Convent, Sisters ot ISt. Anne iSacred Heart, St. Anne's Convent, Nnnaimo New Weslminstet Vancouver Victoria Accountants- feennett John 8., King W. R., & Co., Walker W. J., & Co., Carjfill Wm., Pevinn Joiin, k Son^ Hirschberg M. H., Knox Wm., Leask John, Bales >r. 0., Berridge Geo., Flint A. St O., Irwin Dixon, tiargison (}. A., Schwanger Peter, Siddall Hinkson, Stevens Walter, Wilson J. K., A^judters. Ifteid Joseph, Wylie C. G., Agents— Assurance. Agents. Sie Coal Dealers. Kamloops New Wosttninstet II II Vancouver .1 II i( >i Victoria II II New Westminster II II BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA iSee adv p- 280 Vancouver Bank of Montreal " Bank of British North America, " Bank of British Columbia, Victoria BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Seeadvp4.i9 " Dom. Govt- Savings Bank, " Barbers. BysheFred- W., Bayntou James, Smith J- S', Wham G. H., Cohen k Graham, Bennett Chas., Bradley M. A., Cooper A. C, Eadea H-, Mead G., Small Geo- R-, Leblanc Edmoad, Harrison Springs Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster II II II 11 i< B \HHBHS—Confmued. Adams Mark, Brown Wra. L., Bngleman V., Johnson & Lucas, King John Huury, Lafond Alfred, Lambert Joseph, Moxely Henry L., Scurry H. T., Whittier * Cramer, Winters U. K., Bode P., Chase N. W., Drum Geo. L,, Fried Herman, Geiger A Becker, Grismer A., Kosche (Jarl, North Geo., Paine Fred., Vigelius Bros., Webber llarrv S., Whittaker Wm., Bunce J. R,, II i II II II Langley Piairia Lytton II Mftcphersin's Nanaimo II New We-itminster II 11 II u II (I II II North Arm North S.iimich Nicola Like II 41 OkanagHii MissioD It II II II Parksviile Pavilioi. Quamiciian II Quesmllc .1 Quelclit iia Revelsi ke River's Inli-t Savonii Firry Saywai'l-Alberni iSea Islfiiul Sooke South ^ iiiiich Spalluiiicluea Spence" ; Bvidg» Stanley CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORT. 607 "riagcmakera, uroft he Creek ir liwack It ton ver Bar >le Hill lOX tlee loans ! I ien mite Creek II .1 II II nston's Lndg( iloop-i II Iners II igley i< igley I'lairio tton II jphernin's naiaid II ST Wi'-ttminster II II II II irth Arm th S:iatiich ;oIa I. .ike II >i .anaRiiii Mission II II II II rksville viliiiK lainicliiin II lesm lie .1 lelclii iia velst ke rer's Inli't conn l"'irry ywHi'l-Albeini ti Isliiiul oke iith t' iiiiich illuiii'tlitea ii ince' IJvidgJ mlej BL4rKS!fIITHS— Omeinucd. Wade Fred.^ Stump Lake Starr John H., Surry Centre Van Winkle Vancouver Vernon Victoria McPherson's Stn New Westminster North Bend Revelstoke Rockford Vancouver ii It Ii w u It u BOAT BIIILDERS-Cimftnuerf. Victoria (( ii (I W., Wriglit & Jameson, Doering Cbas., DeWitt Jacob Wm., Reister Robt., Williams John, Carter & Ferris, Fairall H. S„ Fairbrother Geo., Gowen 0., & Sons, Hasenfratz & Lawson, Leahy John, Loewen & Erb, Sticknorth & Hermann, Bridges— Iron and Composite. DOMINION BBIDQE CO., Moutrral See adv. p. 12, Brick Manufacturers. Manahan Bros., Beckett & Co., O'Brien Elroy, Butcbard k Rasure, Vancouver Brick Co., Alfred & Smith, Goughlin & Mason, Humber M., New Westminster Port Haney II Port Moody Vancouver Victoria II II Brokers— Custom House. Vancouver Victoria II Hirschberg M. H., Nesbitt Andrew, Engelhardt J. F. E., Wylde Chas. F., Brokers— Money. Bravermaa I., Victoria Broom Manf r. Strachan Andrew, Victoria Brush Manuflacturers. Dougherty G. & J., Victoria Building Material. Cook Wm. S., Vancouver McDowell John, " Builders. See Contractors. Burlaps. THE CANADA JUTE CO., Montreal. See adv. p. 48. Business Colleges. Gordor; & Robinson, Vancouver Routledge W. H., Victoria Butchers. if i Kipp Henry, Cathcart Jas., Blown James, Fortune & Campbell, Douglas Lake Cattle Co., Hull Bros. & Co., Black George, McKiimon P., Hull Bros. & Co., Woodland James, McKee & Sons, Lowes John Kilbroy Patrick, Baker G., & Son, Brightman Samuel, DeeT)le W. D., Quennell E., Rowe Rd. Henry, Winterburuo E,, Chilliwack Duncans East Wellington Enderby Douglas Lake Donald Hastings Illecillewaet Kam loops II Ladner's Landing Langley Lytton Nanaimo It ti ii It H CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECT0R7. C09 nVTCnKHH— Continued. Oickenson It Co., Manahan Stephen, Van Volkenburgh & Bro., Hull Bros. & Co., Hayes k Mcintosh, Lepage Lemuel, Madi E. B., &. Co., Neal John, Nelson John T., Nevard Wm., Sweet & Asbury, Van Volkenbiirg & Bro., Wiggles worth I. W., Wilson & Adams, Woodrow J. C, Goodacre Lawrence, Mitchell & Richards Parker John, Porter Robt., & Sons, Rollin Jas. S., Sheppard Jnmes, Van Volkenburgh & Bro., Jones Samuel Wilkinson Harry, New Westminster Revelstoke Vancouver i> H « M U Victoria (I II i( II II Wellingfoa II Cabinetmakers. Wintermute Bros., Hart F. W., Irving & Strahan, Sbelton & Co., Sehl J , VVeiler J., New Westmmster Vancouver Victoria i 11 Reve'slroke Vancouver II It II Victoria II II II II Chinese Translator. Cumyow W. A., Vancouver Cider ManuflEicturer. Savory Wm. J. Victoria Cigar Mantiflacturers. DAVIS S., & SONS. See ado oh cover, Montreal Gable Phillip, Harling J., Tietjen Wm., Harling James, Havana Cigar Factory, Kurtz k Co., Bantly M., Cuhen Mercado, Kurtz & Co., Levy B., Levy J. L., Xanaimo .1 New Westminster Vancouver Victoria ii (t t( u Civil Busk C Derevei Hargra Brady . Durable Gray. Htimmo Hunter McKay .Cigars and Tobaccos. Tobacconists. Civil Engineers. See also Surveyors. Smith Geo- A., Henderson Walter, llamilton Chas. John, McKay C. B.. McVittie A. W.,P.L. S., McVittie Thos. T., P. L- S-, Cummings Arthur P-, I'erryCbas.Ed., IJurnveat John P., l.i;e ft. H., ^Vilkie Uctavius, Clark E. C, Priest E., Gauvreau N- B-, Green Arthur Robt,, Haines E- W-, ilill Arthur E., Hill Albert J., WOODf TRNERA OAMBtiE. See adv. on cover. Fry Henry, jun., Graff J. W., Pelly R. S., Gamble H J , 0- P- R. Crickmay Wm , Fripp Robt. M-, Garden, Hermon &, Burwell, Keefer Geo. A., Lewis H. B., McCartney Allen E-, Coryell Jobu A., See Alberni Chilliwack • Slirtan C Coutlee Duncans Fairmount Springs II Df Golden Goldstream Kamloops uu Langley Nanaimo 1 New Westminster II u An II (1 All 11 Quamichan Sliawnigan Lake Spallumcheen Vancouver 11 II ■V^] 11 11 II Vernon U CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 611 CIVIIi ENGINBEBS— Cbntinuefi. Busk C. W., Dereveux W. B., Hargraves Geo., Brady James, Diimbleton H. M., Gray J. H., Hammond Wm., Hunter Joseph, E. McKay Alex. E., & N. Ry., Victoria II i< II II II II II II Clothiers— Wholesale. Pearson T. B., & Co., Victoria Shorey H., & Co-, " Clothiers and 'Outfitters— Retail. See also Merchant Tailors. Argyle Thomas, Marymount Bros., Ellard James, & Co., Tescb B- H., Ogle, Campbell <&.Co., Phillips J. E., Davis Louis, Gilmour & Clark, Goldberg Z. Gordon, GorQon Geo. R., Johnston Ed., Johnston, Kerfoot & Co., Johnson & Tyson, Kirschberg & Landsberg, Stirtan G. S., & Co., Nanaimo II New Westminster New Westminster Vancouver II II II « II II II II CLOTHIERS AND OUTFITTERS— R ETA I %A—C(mtmued. Cameron W. G., Victoria Gilmour k McCnndless, " Graham Thos. M., " Holmes Arthur, " Jeffree W. J., «« Lewis Lewis, '< McLean k Stewart, " Waller Henry, " Williams U., & Co., «« Wilson Thos- T., " Wilson W. & J., " Westminster Club, Vancouver Club, Union Club, Victoria Club, Clubs. New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Coal Oil. Standard Oil Co., Vancouver Coal Merchants. Union Colliery Co., Coniox East Wellington Coal Co., Eaal Wellington Vancouver Coal Mining Co., Nanaimo Dickinson & Binnie, New Westraiuster Evans, Coleman & Evans, ' " DOMINION COAL, COKE & TRANSPORTATION CO. See ado. below Winnipeg Dominion Coal, Coke & Transpoilalion Co. MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF 'VIT'ZZOZjIESS^A.ILiIES cC3 "BUSyrJbL.ITLB, OFFICES AND DOCKS: Winnipeg and Port /Vrthur. 612 Henderson's British oolumbia II u It II CI04Ii nBUCnXN'ta- Continued. Canadian Anthracite Coal Co., C. 6. Johnston, agent, Yancouvc t Cook Wm., " Crowder & Penzer, " £rans. Coleman & Evani, Hendersm & Couth, McDowell John, Palmer Bros., Woodworth James H., & Co., Drake W. T., Victoria Heathorn A., " Jones Wm., Noble H., Union Colliery Co., Vic. Coal, Wood & Lumber Co., Walker Walter, Warren Mrs. H., Wellington Collieries, R.Duns- muir & Sons, " Cofiee and Spice Mills. Stemler & Earl, Victoria Collectors. Bennett John S., Ramloops Deviue John, & Son, Vancouver Symons Chas., Vancouver Vancouver Collecting Agency, " UNION CREDITAND PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. See adv Winnipeg u M U II II II Colleges. St. Louis, Angi^la College, Ladies, St. Louis, New Westminster Victoria Commission Merchants. See Manufacturers' Agents. Baker Bros. & Co., New Westminster Bell-Irving, Patterson & Co., •' Millard C. T., « Townsend Wm. B., . «• Sinclair Temple F., Port Haney Arkill Hy., Vancouver Bell-Irving & Patterson, " Bent Joseph Howe, « Clark T. W., «« Crowder & Penzer, " Cross Geo. B., « Evar.s, Coleman k "ilvans, Griffith Joseph Colman, Henderson Bros., Leask A. 0., McMillan Wm. J., MacGowan A. U. B., << COramsSION HIBBGHANTS- continued. Vancouver II II Manson k Johnson, Mills Robnrt J., Oriental Traders Co., Skene W., Smith Nevin, Allan Wm. D., Carmichael B. B., Crawford James, Glearihuc J. & A., Cowan, Shaw & Co., Davidge F. C, & Co., Dier W. A., Gray A. B., & Co., King Chas R., Mason T. G., McLachlan Bros., Rithet R. P., & Co., Turner, Beeton & Co., Walker Henry Geo., Ward Robert, & Co., see adv. page 465. Wilson John, Wright P. W. H., II II Victoria i< rs. Ashcroft II Chemainua Enderby Esquimau Hope Kootenay Ladners McPherson's Stn, Millstream Mount Lehman i< ll Nanaimo << New Westminster II It CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 613 CONTR AVTOHS-Cantinued. JenninfTS John, Julien E. P., Learay James, Matheson John, McQuarrie Lacblan, Merchie David, Re id John, Tidy S. G., Turnbull Geo., TurnbuU W., & Co., Williams Louis, Patton John H., Sinclair David, O'Neil W. E., Michael John, Pringle & Haraill, Ackerman 0. B,, Fadden Jasper, Armstrong Wm. Henry, R^ii"!' M ^^- ^■'^■> (builder). Bell & McKenzie (shop and oflRce fittings), Boyd, (grading), Boyd ic Clendenning Cameron — , Connacher Robt., Cook Edward, (brick and stoned Carter Albert ' Chapman Ohas. M., (builder), Chardon Chas.M. (building). Charleston D. B., Clendenning John A dam, Cook Geo. Fred., Dunn John, (builder), Follis George, Fowler Wm. A., Fraser Angus M., Fraser Geo., Fox James M., Fung John, GillisJohn A., Goodmurphy Caleb, Goodwin & Orekle, Hartney James, Hemmle Robt., Billiard Ohas.. Hellyer Chas., Herod John, Janes Tho3. J., Keefer H. P., Kerrep Jiimes A., Little Frederick, Lucas Wm. F., McAllister Donnld, McClenatben A. F., McDonald Edward J., McDonald D. H., McDonald J. G., McDonald W L., McFarland Geo., McGLie & McLuckio New Westminster It I < II « II i( II 11 i< ll Revelstoke Shawiiigan 8hU3wap Somenos Spallumcheen Upper Sumas II Vancouver i< « « << 11 ll II II 11 II II ll II H II II II II U 11 >l II II II ll 11 ll ll II u II II II II 11 11 II 11 II II 11 II 11 II II Victoria ■I II II II II II II II II II II 11 II u II II It II ll It 1 1 11 II l( It 614 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA CONTRACTORS— Coni McLennan & McFeely, Victoria Stephens Harry, (1 Crockery and Glassware. Hoskin .'oseph, jr., Nanaimo Sehl J. J., II Armstrong R. J,, New Westminster McDonald Bros., II « Robson Chas., i< II Sinclair Marshall, t< II Clark Chas., Vancouver Creamer & Langley, II Diplock & Osburn, II Hart F. W., II Sehl Jacob, 11 Brown Robert A., Victoria Ferling L. H., Jewell H., Powell Geo., k Co., Simpson Geo. L., WeUer John, OLASSIPIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 619 Curios, Indian Bazaar, J. G. Hart, Victoria Custom House Agents. See Broken. Cutlery. See alto Hardware, Pox M. & H. A. Victoria Daiiyiiieu. Ashley Thos., Maple Grove Dairy Co., Hawkins A If., Johnson Daniel, Johnson John, McGillivniv D. Miller D. W., Eligh Hamilttn, Fitzpatrick Thos., McGeer Jtimes M.) Aden Jubn, sr., Clark W. J., Culler Saraiiel, McConuell Joseph W., Esquimau Maple Grove Mount Lehman Mud Bay North Arm Humits Vancouver Victoria (I (1 Draymen. See also Expressmen, Baines Oforge T., Donald DICKINSON & BINNIE, N.Westminster Elliott Hcriry, Berry H. A., k Co., Carlisle J. H., Eraser Norman, Lapointe Win. J., Andrews Richard B., Batchelor W'm., Trickey \Vm., Victoria Truck & Dray Co., Walsh Isaac, Dressmakers. Nanaimo II Dancing Academy, Bull Wm. E., Dickinson Mrs. Edward, Oliver Wm. J., Victoria It Dentists. Brown C. E. C, Qatewood Chas. H., McLaren J. M., Caldwell Arthur, Hall Lewis, Hartraan iS. M., Jones T. J., & Son, Pugsley 8., Quinlan W. J., Verrender R. F., West A. C, New Westmineter Vancouver II Victoria ods— Retail. Brown John L., Kamloops McArthur, Stevenson k Mclvor, Coburn Wm. H., Richardson & Horner, Spencer & Perkins, Stannard John S^^ & Co., Ellard James, & Co., McCoU Wm,, McDonough Ghas., Nanaimo II New Westminate* II II 616 BENDBRBON's BRITISH COLUMBIA I DRY QOODS-RKTAIL— Coni McMillan W. J., McHugh Snm., Moore H. G., Paterson A. J., Rattray Miss .Mary, Waterman F. J., Wells Jas. D., Winch Richard V., Wishart E., Wright Alfred W., Wright John, Biggar Ansel, Bookoovalla E., Brown Peter, Clearihue J. & A. (Wholesale) Clushman Mrs. C., Leiser S. (Wholesale) Kamloops Nanaimo New ^Westminster Port Hammond Vancouver It u «i h « « M « « Victoria n F0RWARDBR8-0>nt(»uei 5yer8. ictoria (I ns. w Westtninstet ncouver [mloops himimo II Westminatef II II II r " Incouver II II GKNERAIi STOtmS—Contimiiil. Moodyville Saw Mill Co , Moodyville Thomson E. G., Mount Lehman Clay Samuel, Mud Bay Bevilockway G., Nanaimo Kdwards R. P., (1 Harvey James, (1 Hirst Bros., K Home A. G., & Son, (( Macdonald D. S., II Mayer Alex., & Co., II Nanaimo Equitable Pioneer Soc, " | iSmith Wm., U Eickhoff Fred., New Westminster Harvey Henry, i II Vancouver 11 Victoria Royal no3i)ital, Donald Ho.-ipital, Ko' al Naval, Royal Inland, Nonaimo Hospital, Roval Columbian, St.' Mary's (R. C.,) Ciiy, St. Luke's Home (Private), French, Rovnl Jubilee, St.'joseph, (R. C), " Harness Makers. See Sadd'ers and liar- «r,».* Makers. Hessians. CANADA, JUTE CO., Montreal. See ah- P 48 Horseshoers. See also lilacksmiths. Bonner John, Vancouver McNabb A. T., n Bryant William Charles, Victor'a Colwell Hugh, ., Montrpal. See a-h- see also lilacksmiths. Vancouver 1, Victoria II II es. Montreal. Fee adc Victoria lufacturers. itreal. Sec advp I Hose. CANADIAN RUBBER CO., Montreal See adv p FENWICK & SCIiATBR, fire, cotton linen and rubber, Montreal. See adn p PORTER HENRY, Montreal. See ah p ROBIN & SADLER, " See adv p Hotels. nOTKliS—CoHtintied. McRae Donald, Agassiz OHrgill William, Aslicroft BliglitA Lyne, u €argill L.)tel, Chas- McNicboll, " Newlanii James A., :i Akerman Joseph, Beaver Point Allan Williiim C. B., Bridge Creek Kelly A., Barkfjrville Knoti Jdlin, ■I Pimcli James, Browrsville Stevensim J. A., Cache Creek Grev Samuel, Chemaiiius Harris n Mr.s. 0., Chiiliwack Marshall k Smith, Clinton Pollard John, 11 Porter J. T., Coble Hill Cassiar i( Como.'c 11 Coiit''»e tJow'chsa vl Ii II Departure Bay Donald Porter James, Richard Matthew, Cliffs. B, McDoiiHld G.G., Riverside, Couilee Alexander, Jones George A., Kinnear James, Ordano (i. B., Richardson it. B., Harper Joseph, iiiiy Hotel, Korrest House, 'Plios. Forrest, Labrecque J. L., "alley House, " Morri-ou ThoraHs, " Murphy Pat., Woodbine, " Steen J. (\, Selkirk House, " Sutherland (Jeo., Cobweb Hotel, " "'.ice Jo.seph 8., Dog Creek Bostocl< Horuett, Ducks Price k Jaynes, Duucan Parrott Juiin, East Wellington Peek Thomas K., " Billodeaux Pierre, Emory Gcisler W. T., •' Lanibly Bros , Enderby Bayley Joseph, Esquimau Tourists, Pleasoie sesKers And INVALIDS. Stagre meets all Trains at Agassiz Station C. P. R., only live miles from the Springs. ACCOMiODAIlON FOR OVER 100 GUESTS. •(He Quarantes Salfic^fael?ion. Harrison Hot Springs, - British Columbia. 624 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA Esquimau (( << II Fairmount Springs Field ^ ^ a Island Shawnigan Lake Shuswai) u Sicamouse Soda Creek Nanaimo 3H& (C i( II It II New Westminster II II i{ id, " id, " II II II II II >i II II u II II II u II II II 11 II II Nicola Lnke :.), North Bend OkanHgan Mission II II 100 Mile House Palliscr Parksville Port rinnimond Port Hanoy Port Moody Priest's Valley Qiiaiiiioliaa Qiiestielle QuilclK'na IvL'Vi'lriioke ark, " II I ii ■I Rock Creek Roger s Pass a ,1 Salt Sprintr rslmid yavoiias Ferry Si>a Island Sliawnigan Luke Bhiiswai) Sicnmoiise Soda Creek II II ton Smith Saarich Spall unieiiui'a Bjialsum CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 6:5 Spences Bridge II II Stump Lake Van Winkle Vernon TaOTEIjS— Continued. Adnap Peter, Clemes Archie, Ciirnow Richard, Parsons Albert, Morton Alfred, Ellis Win., Christian Joseph, Eastwood W. H., Vernon, Schubert & McDougall, " Victoria, McEdwards tt Co , " Albion, Lee & Cowdery, Vancouver Alhambra Hotel, Wilson McKinnon, " Arlington, F. Foubert, Australian, Balmoral, Allan & McDonald, Barnard Castle, Bridge Hotel, John Austin, Britannia Hotil, Brunswick Hotel, P. Carey, Cabinet Hotel, F. D. McLennan, Carter House, L. Carter, Central Hotel, Thos. Quann, City Hotel, Canonica & Fairon, Cosmopolitan Hotel, Doiigall, Dougall & Jackraan, Edinburgh Hotel, Nicol Allan, Europe, Calori Bros., Gambinus Hotel, Swanson & Swan, Glasgow, Fritz Schneider, Golden Gate Hotel, W. H. Field, Gold House, Lambert & Darling, Granville Hotel, T. D. Cyrs. Greyhound Hotel, Harry Cole, Hotel Europe, Calori Bros., HOTEL. VANCOUVER, Hub Hotel, Wra. Jlires, International, F. A. Boehlofsky, Junction House, Wm. Mires, LELAND HOUSE, Prout & In sley. See Adv /i 210 Louvre, Herman Barthal, Manor House, Northern Hotel, Scott & Lillie, Ontario House, J. G. Taylor, Oriental Hotel, Crean .t Fleming, Pacific Hotel, Lee A- GrifHih, Queen's Hotel, Moses Gibson, Regina Hotel, Mrs. S. Burr, Richmond House, Arthur A. Laiiglty, II Ban Francisco, Chas. Burkland, " Senate, F. H. McDavitt, " St Charles Hotel, Ryan Sisters, " Stag & Pheasant Hotel, Geo. Doeriiig, » Stewart House, Ward & Shintaffer, " Sunnyside Hotel, McGiir Ac McCoskery n Terminus, Wm. R. Jones, " Tremout Hotel, Melville & Manuci, •• II Victoria II a II II II (I 11 HO'rEl,S— Continued. Union Hotel, P. Lawson, Vancouver Whatcheer House, Robt. Campbell, " White Swan, James Summers, " Windsor Hotel, H. A. Brocklesby & Co.. Albion -Hotel, R. H. Ward, American Hotel, J. T. Burns, Angel Hotel, F. Carre, Brunswick, F. .\. Hodnett, Burns House, T. J. Burns, Burnside, M. Rowland, California, A. J.k A. Bechtcl, Clarence, \V. C. Anderson, Colonial, Thos. Trywell, Colonist, Mrs. C.Hultz, Commercial, H. Noble, " Dominion House, Stephen Jones, " Delmonico, Beclitel. " Driard Hotel, Iledon & Hartnagel, " Gorge, ^ ' .1 Gordon Hotel, Chas. Brewster, " Lake, R. Swan, " Lelaiid, John McCarthy, " London Hotel. U. J. Phillips, " Occidental, Wm. Jensen, « Oriental Hot 1, Wm. McKeon & Son, " PaciHc Telegraph, J. Merifield, " Pritchard House, Stevenson & Jones, II Railroad Hotel, John Bejr"', Royal, H. Croft, ^° Trenthan, Jos. Bailey, Vancouver Hotel. Fox & Dawley, " Western, Win. H. Shewan, " Victoria, J. T. Hopper, " rt'illows. W. A. Elliott, " Windsor, Ale.\. McDonald, " Kennedy Geo. W., Wellington Somerset, J. D. Dison, " Wall Thomas, " Kelly R. IJ., Cammings & Preslar, II II Westminster June. Windermere House Furnishings. Scoullar E. S.. & Co., New Westminster GODFREY A., & CO., Vancouver HART F. W., .McLennan it .McFeely, '< McLennan A McFeely, Victoria Sehl Jacob, " Weiler John, " Ice Dealers. Vancouver It Victoria Immigration^Agents. Texas Lake Ice Co., Vancouver Ice Co., B. C. Ice Co., Sutherland Morrison, Jessop John, Vancouver Victoria 62G Henderson's British Columbia u II l( New AVest minster Insurance Adjusters— 5n Aijitskrs. Insurance Agents. Jones E. H., Kamloops Mara J. A., " McArihur, Stevenson & Mclver, " Ridley H. C, " Saucier J. B., " Home A. G., Nanaimo Leighton VVra. K., •' WcKeiiiiie G. C, " PLANTA&NORRIS, Potts C. H. Heevor, Rudti John M., SMITH & YARWOOD, »:<■ (/'/('/) 110 Wolfe Man iis, Armstrong; \V. J., Uunninglinm James, Eammuis H. V., Jacques J. G., Lowenherg, Harris & Co., Major A: I'earson, M^itliers & Miliigan, Rand Hros., Ricliards & Mackintosh, Wallier W. J., & Co., WOODS, TURNER & GAMBLE. See utiu uncover" " Scott Robert, Roeltford Youilall Hugh, Sea Island Anderson [{. A., &Co. , Vancouver BBWICKE & WULPPSOHN, See mill p 2t)l Vancouver Boak A. A., '• Bodwell l?ros. , " DOMINION REAL ES- TATE & LOAN AGENCY, See a iv on coner " Innes & Richards, Jones H. A., k Co., King f^Uiott H , Major & Pearson, Mellon H. A., RAND BROS- Seeaduy2"i " ROSS & CEPERLEY, Sec car J mlv " Robertson .t Co., «« Tatlow & Spinks, « WHETHAM C. & CO, See Card adv 11 II 11 II 11 (1 11 a 11 11 II 11 a 11 11 II l( II l( « a Austin i u u anies— Accident. ica, New Westmin.ster :€. Co., " " IS' " " •I II Vancouver A col- li LS' 11 i( Man- « II Lmer Victoria (I II ;. Co., « Kami oops II (I II II II II (I K l( II New Westminster 11 II of II II i( II City of London, Royal, London & Lancashire, " City of London, (and Marine) Nanaimo Commercifti Union, '< Glasgow & London, Guardian, Hartford, Liverpool k London i City of London, Victoria Connecticut, ii Glasgow & London, i( II 11 II II II II •I II Insurance Coys.— Plate Glass, Dom. ristp Glass Ins. Co., Vancouver Insurance Cos.— Steam Boiler. American Steam Boiler Co. of N.Y., New Westminster Interpreter. Cumyow W. A. (Chinese), Vancouver Iron Founders. Law Robert, . Vancouver City Foundry, Albion Iron Works Co., Wilson Bros., New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Iron and Steel. NICHOLLES&RENOUF, Victoria See adv. on cover Matthews, Richards & Tye, " Japanese Goods. Galbraith & Champion, Marchant, Futcher& Co., Oriental Traders Co., •Inbriel Clias.. k Co., Davidge F. C, & Co., Marchant, Futcher & Co., Vancouver II II Victoria II II Jewollery, Watches, &c. Clark Joseph, Hunt Geo. C, Huuciei' J. E., Brown Josieph M., Gaiione Vincent, Roberts W. R, Crake Fred., Griflord Thos., Stirsky Frank, Barber J. G iiy. Crake F.T., Davidson L5ros., Eggert Jules, k Co., Grassie k Mason, Jackson John Wm., .Melviu J. G., Peterson Aie.K., Claussen John, Davidson Bros., Ja(|Mes George, Jeukinson Wm., Lange k Co., I'arry George B., Pennock A- Clayton, Kedfern Charles E., Wenger John. Clinton Donald Kamloopa Nanaimo New Westminster II II II II Revelstoke Rockford Vancouver 11 II ii II 11 Victoria II II II It II II II « Laundries. See also Chinese Directories. Williams James, Cascade, Efran Mrs. Annie, Nelson James, Dosclier Henry W., KeyesR.J., Esquimau Vancouver II II Victoria II Leather Belting and Hose. ROBIN & SADLER, Montreal See ado. on outside margin. Leather Findings. Maynard Richard, Victoria AULD JOHN, See 'tdv p 7 Life Preservers. Montreal -I ' -7 se Goods. , Vancouver ;o., Victoria II T&tQhes, &c. Clinton Doiiiild Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster Revelstoke Rocl on rtirer. Holiiind J. M , & Co., " LAPFERTY & MOORE, " See adv on cnvcr. Pemberlon & Son, Victoria Locksmith. Smith Arthur, Victoria Lubricating Oil Mfrs. DuflFy D. A., & Co., Vancouver Lumber Agent. Snowdon H. L. Vancouver Lumber Dealers, Brunette vSaw Mill Co., Moodyville Lumber yard, Vancouver II ROBIN a, S^DU^R, MANUFACTURERS OP Leather ^ Belting. 129 BAY ST., TORONTO. 2818, 2820 S 2522 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL. -^^ IDEJLIL.EK.S IJSr (g^tlli^^ mi^ ^^li^i W^W^^^ 630 Henderson's British ooldmbia W. L LEONARD & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MACHINERY. Sole Agents in B. C. for Johm Doty Eng. Co., John Bertram & Sons, and other leading manufacturers in Wood and Iron Working Machineky. Consignments handled. Correspondence solicited. Machinery Depots. STRICKLAND & CO., New Westminster iSVt' (iilv on env.'r. LEONARD W. L., & CO., Vancouver See adv., NICHOLLES & RENOUF, Victoria See lulo on cover Spratt & Gray, « Marble Works. Machinists. Nanaimo Vancouver Victoria Wenborn R. .!., VO.F. & M.W. Co,, Albion Iron Works Co., Banks Win., Findlay Hugh, « Newbipging & Anderson, " Smith Arthur, «< Market Gardener. Henry C.E. Match Factory. Hendry Thos,, Victoria IVT.inufacturers' Agents. See also Com. mission Merohanta. ROSS OEOROE, & CO., See adv p \'i Jjeonard W. L., k Co., Ogle, Campbell & Co., Strickland & Co., Anderson E. G., & Co., Beckwith J, L., Gordon Wm., King C has. R., Mason T. G., Richardson & Church, gu veos George, Montreal Vancouver New Westminster Victoria u tt i( II (I If Henderson Alex., Hamilton Alt-x., Wade Pliilip, Fislier .lanv-s, .Mortimer John, Philips .Joseph B., Rudge Geo., Nanaimo New WestmiDlter Viincouver Victoria It It n Marine Stores. See Ship Chandlen. Men's Furnishings— Wholesale. Strouss C, k Co., Victoria Mercantile Agencies. Dun, Wimaa ii Co., Victoria Merchant Tailors. Matheson Malcolm, Rfuier P. S., Smith R. E., Brown James M., Caldwell & Lewis, Davis & Beveridge, Hegiis k Heard, •Mi'Dougall John Arch., MeUae Alex., sen., •McRae M. A., Manson J. S., Evans David, Morrison Jolm W., Mortimer Bros., Murphv W., Quinn"W. J., Simon B., Simpson Bros., Stirtan G. S., k Co., Ty3i Victona n See alio Ilanlivare. Mill Supplies BOBIN & SADLER, Montreal. See ado. STRICKLAND & CO., Nfw WcHlminHter NICHOLLES & BBNOUP, Victoria Mining Companies. Jew-Song- Yet Mining Co., Alexandria The Hidden Trea>iirer, Clicrrv Creek Perry Creek Mining Co., Fort Steele Bain & Boyd, Illecillewaet Corbin & Kennedy, " Illecillewaet Mining Co., " Selkirk Mining and Smelting Co., " Asbury W. G , Rock ford Henderson Geo., " Jones & Heardon, " Nicola Milling imd Mining Co., " Patterson W. D., " Wright G. B., '• Hall Bros , Toad Mountain Lemon & Hume, " " Alice & Emma .Mining Co., Victoria Burns Mountain Miiiiug Co., " Howe Mining Co. (Ld.), " Perry Creek Gold Mining Co. (Ld.), " Selkirk Mining and Smelting Co., " Fraser River Gold Gravel Syn- dicate Co., Yale Mining Engineer and Surveyor. BREDEMEYER W., Vancouver See udv p ^91 Mortgage Companies. Canadian and American Mort- gage and Trust Co., Vancouver Northern Counties (of Eng.) Inv. Trust, « Canadian Pacific Land and Mortgage Co., Victoria MuBio Dealers. See Pianos and Organs. Musiti Teachers. Arorn Mrs. RIvena, I'rtcrs Mw, VcM-y Mi.^s .Mabel, Bridges .Mrs. Geo., Sharp H., Turner Mrs. A. V., Vancouver .1 ti Victoria ii It Nail Mnfi4. AB ,'OTT & CO., Montreal. See a,h p 14 Navigation Companies. Columbia River Tiansporia- tion Co., Rovelstoke CANADIAN PACIFIC NAVIGA- TION CO. See ado p. 162 Victoria Oregon Railway and Naviga- tion Co., " Newspapers & Periodioals. Inland Sentinel, H. McCut- clieon, Free Press, Geo. Norris, British Columbian, Truth, Kootenav Star, News Advertiser, World, daily and weekly, Colonist, Ellis & Co., The Times, Victorian, W. C. Kurtz, Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster II II Revelstoke Vancouver u Victoria II II Notaries. Cochrane W. M., Chadsey G. X., Ross A. W., Aiisiin John J., Toller Albert, Kamloops Siimas Vancouver Victoria II Nurserymen. Coverdale Tlios., Webber D. C, Henry G. W., .Murray John, Johnston P. T., & Co., Chilliwack Port Hammond II II Spences Bridge Victoria Nurses. See Midwivea, Allardyce .Miss Margaret, Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, Marwick .Mrs. .Mary, MacNamara Miss Mary, Xornian Miss Alice, Saunders Jlrs. Mary, Sheppard Miss Emily, W Htkins Mrs. Kate, Vancouver II II M ■ m i m^] flflBn 1 II 632 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA Oatmeal Bags. THE CANADA JUTE CO. See adv p 48 Montreal Oatmeal Mill. Bracktnan & Ker, South Saanich Oil Merchants. See also Hardware. Standard Oil Co., 0. C. Morrell, Vancouver Skidegate Oil Co. of Queen Charlotte Isl., Victoria Opera Houses. Imperial, Victoria, Herrings, Opticians. ^S'^e Jcivellera. Hyams Samuel S., Victoria Oriental Goods. Vancouver Victoria New Westminster Galbraith & Campion, Orieuial Traders Co. (Ld.) Gabriel Chas., & Co., Vancouver Victoiia Organs. See Pianos and Organs. Prest Thos., Vancouver Painters— House, Sign and Ornamental. Bacon Chas , Davi? Henry, Foster Bros., Grimmer L., Murray Chas., Perkins James H., Wilcox Solomon, Cliirk & Gilmour, C.fi kson & Mayae, Davis & Taylor, Fisher George, Rilev W. R., Seydon & McGarrigle, Crist Dewitt, Harrison Eli, Lettice Robt., Medana R., & Co., Randall H. B., Sears Joseph, Sturdy F., & Son, Summers Francis, WUkins J. B., Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster It II i( II (I 319 Paper Makers. CANADA PAPER CO., Montreal. See adv p 3 WILSON J. C, & CO., Montreal. inside back cover Pawnbrokers. See adv Reidt Wm., Robin & Sllvcrnan, Aaronson A. A., Braverman I., Kirschberg & Landsberg, New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Photographers Watson Chas. H., Kamloops Nunaimo Coiighlan W. P., Sampson John, " Ure John, " Thompson Stephen J., New Westminster Henry Thomas E. B., Port Hammoi d Bailey & Xeelands (Landscape), Vancouver Stanley Bros., " Fleniinty Bros., Victoria Hall & Lowe, •« Jones Bros., " Maynard Mrs. R., " Savannan J., k Co,, " Physicians and Surgeons. Watt Hugh, Henderson J. C, Sanson G^o., Strothers W. T., Rowbothr.iri fohn H., Richardson W. A., Walkom W. W., Garrow John, Elliott George, Clarke Sibree, Fiirrer Edward, '^unstall S. J., Reinhardt G. W. A. T., ArJagh Vernon Davis L. T,, Praeger E. A., Rice P. J., Bentley, Richard Irving, Cooper H. Ivi., Fasan Charles J, Hall Thos. Sylvester, Kent Wm., Barkerville Chilliwack Clinton Comox Cowichan Donald East Wellington Eudeiby Grohman Kamloopa II II II II II II Victoria i< II II II II ii 11 i( II II II II (I 13 Roofing and Building Material. PATERSON J. W., & CO., Montreal. See ade jj li) Real Estate. Nanaimo Hawthornthwaite k Co., King Alfri'd Geo , " McHain G. A , & Co., " McKenzie CO., " PLANTA & NORRIS, " RAK D BROS., See ado p 277 " Smith Donald, " SMITH & YARWOOD, ' New Westmi'ister Co., II II II II If Bovill & Rosi Edmunds H. V., King W. R., & Co., Lowenberg, HiiiTis Major iV Pearson, Pettendridge George, Rand iiros., RICHARDS & MACKINTOSH Walker W. J., k Co., WOODS TURNER & OAMBLE. See ado on cover Allen T. 0., & Co., Anderson R. A., & Co., Archer VV. C, k Co., Barker k Mackay, Barker Robert, Beattie A. Murray, BEWICKE & WULFPSOHN," See ar>v p "91 Bodwell ,}ro,., " Brown E A., « Callaud it Jobaston, " II Vancouver It « II PLANTA ft NORRIS, Real Estate^ Insurance — AND — aSNESAL COMUnSION A9E1TT3, CONVEYANCERS AN]t> COLLECTORS. Farms lor sale in all parts of Province. P.O. Box 1«7. NAIi^AIMO, B.C. CORKESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HfiAIi MSTXTK— Continued. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWATf CO. See adii p 18 Vancouver Chipraan, Morgan & Co., " ■]leTii:nts Wm., v'^son & Calderwood, .. jvine John, & Son, DeWolf A Miinroe, Douglas & Co., Goi,dwin .i Trevor, Griinville Krank W., Graveley Walter E., Green R. E., Haines & Smith, Hargraves Walter C, Haywood & Black, Holland J M., & Co., Innes & Richards, Jones H. A., & Co., Judd B. J., Leask John, Macklin James, Maior Jt Peai.-^on, McHain G- A , & Co., Mellon H. ■• ., j Morrison .a>i' <, Miitne ., isriiv. ' , Powi .■ V'^' ■ r.ead, Pre. T: . RATH"> ■''). Seeadipin Robertson v '\>., Rogers A. J , ROSS & CEPERLY, Sec corner cirda Rounsfell & Co., S' •'nnon & McLachlan, ki '■' J. A., Tatiow & Sjiinks. Upham Geo. Frea., Webster Wm., WH71THAM C, « CO. See C I:' i II 1. II II II I. II II II II II II 7 277 " II II II II II II See " CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 635 Bice Mills. Hall, Ross & Co., Victoria Rolling Mills. ABBOTT & CO., .Montreal. See adv p 14 Rubber Goods, ROBIN & SADLER (Belting), Moatreal' See ado RUBBER CO., .Montreal- Victoria CANADIAN See adv p Vi Austin & Yates, Broker E. C, B. G. laud k Investment Agency, " Bourctier, Croft & Mallette, " Croascaile H. E., ■' Dalby :; Ballentjne, " Daubj Wm. H., " Green Chas., A Co., " HEISTERMAN H. F., & CO,' .See aJij p. 4ijtj Henderson & Parker, " Johnson E. M., " Leet, DumliritOQ & Green, " Lowenberg, Harris & Co., '' Mason W. H., Sc Co., " Matsqua Land Co., ■' Nuttall Thos C, " Pemberton & Son, " Kayner T. G., " Reveley capt Fred., " Rhodes k Barrett, " RICHARDS P. O., jr., Roberts Taomas, " Routledge, Swinnerton «St Co.," " Thain BJwai i J., " Tollor k Robinson, " Restaurants. Belanger M., Kami oops Duhamel Henry, " Silverstone N'orbert, " Delmonico. Hugh Dempaey, Nanaimo Karat Chas., " Poodle Dog, P. J. Jameson, " PhilpoU W. H., " Club, A. J. Tolmie, New Westminster Merchants Exchange, W. B.,.M jr- timore, '' Occidental, Phil H. bu.ith, " Railroad, Toane & Murphy " Berry Thos., Pullman, Vancouver Bishop T. G„ " Bochlofsiiy P. A., Intern .itional, Brown James, Metropolitan, Farmer I. D., Frick Harry, C.P.H., Kftwagiri H., McDonald k Kirk, il II II u II U EST.V CJ a ESrX.S- continued. McDiivitt F. il., Senate, McDowell Wtn., Palace, .\loreucy.\Irs. P. \V., Senate, F. H. MoDavitt, Summers Mrs. H., Clear W., Crossman Geo., { Delmonico, E. Escalet, j Feawick Mrs, Isabella, I Johnson .Mrs. M. G., New York, i Levy Joe, Lloyd A Co.. j Poodle Dog, j Saiuders Mrs. E. J.t Vancouver I. il II II Victoria u il II Saddlers and Haraessmakera. McKay L, Kipp Andrew, Davidson E. (J., Roadley Tnos., Frane Richard, McNeill Edward, Douglas k Deighton, Ortolan Clement, Frayne liicharJ, ' Hawley C. M., Wilson A Blakie, Mann vni & Miller, " Caledonia, James Dalay, " Capital, ThdS. Flewin, " Carpenter J.. " Coach k Horse, Wm, B. Smith, " Daley James, " Everett Patrick, " Garrick's Head, E. W, Spencer, " Germania, Sieward & Ritler, " Germania, S. Ritter, " Grotto, Wm. McXiff, " Grand Pacific, G. Bossi, " Henlv Henry, " King's Head, White k Maur- man, " Jewell, Chas, Payden, " Jubilee, John Decker, " Lion Brewery Saloon, Geo. Fairbrother, " Loudon Harmony, J. W. Mc- Phillips, '' Miller Joseph, " Market Exchange, Geo. Thomp- son, " New Inn, John Doran, Nicklo Plate?, Thus. Garvin, North Pncific, Dougherty & Savage, Palace, R. Rorthwick, Old Ship Inn, Chas. B. Mc- Clusky, Omineca, John Stevens, Pacific Telegraph, J. Merryfield, Pioneer, D. D. Moss, Prince ot Wales,Miller & Bown, Pritchard House, Stevenson & Jones, Regent, Connor & Switzcr, Rock Bay, R. J. Ferguson, Royal, Wm. Croft, Senate, St -ve O'Brien, Steele Peter, Sommerville Wm., Stevens John, St George's Inn, Wm, Gilles- pie The Hall, Jas. McCandish, Three S'ars, Wni. Scott, Trenhohn, Jos. Bavley, Teutonic, Frank Sehl, Victoria Hotel, O'Brien O'Connor, White k Miiurmann, White H,)r3c, John Walsh, Wrigglesworth Joseph, Reicsbech A. H., Victoria k It II II II Yale Sanitary Engineers. King W. R., Braden k Siuiilurd, New Westmiuiter Victoria Sash and Door Factories. Lee Bro.s., Goldsieam Cassady (ieo., & Co., Vancouver Donohue k idiutiilier, " Irving k Sirnhan, " ROYAL CITY PLANING " MILLS CO. !bilipB A., J^ ^oa^ Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Spice Mills. Stealer & Earle, Victoria Stair Builder. Gray Samuel, Victoria Stamping. Atherton Mrs. M. H., Victoria Stationers— Retail- See Booksellern. Steamfitters. McLennan ft McFeely, ScouUar E. S., Braden & Stanford, McLennan & McFeely, Vancouver Victoria Steamship Agents. Jones H. A., ft Co., Rithet R. P., ft Co., Vancouver Victoria Steamship C!os. CANADA SHIFPINO CO.,Montreal. Sh adv C. P. Steamship Co., Jaa. A. Fullerton, Supt., Vancoaver Stencil Cutter. Philipps W. H., Victoria Stenographers. jones ft Cc^ Victoria Stereotypers. ELLIS & CO., Victoria Stevedores. Edwards Oscar, Llewellvn Richard, Soule William H, Brodrick Richard, Jarvis William, Vork Frank, New Westminster Vancoaitec it. Victoria II iDg. Victoria 1. See Bookseller.t. tters- Vancouver Victoria ) Agents. Vancouver Victoria ip Cos. ra CO.jMontreal. ^Ve I' .8. .A. Vancoover Utter. Victoria phers. Victoria rpers. Victoria >res. New WestmiDster Vancouirec Victoria in ware. Clintoa Lyttoa intreal. SetadvpU , New Weetminstcr Revelstoke VancouTcr It u. «(. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRBCTORY. 639 STOVES AND TIN WAHE-Con«««erf. Clark & Pearson, Heal David, A Co.. Kelly S. L., & Co.,' Lewis Aaron, McLennan & McFeely, Philips Geo., Wilson A. & W, Victoria Surgeons. See Physicians and Surgeons. Surveyors. 'See also Civil Engineers. Driscoll A. Turner George, Heyland R., Thibaudeau W., Woods Charles T., WOODS, TURNER & GAMBLE, See adv on cover. Bailey John, Fooks Frederick, Garden, Hermon k Burwell, Johnston E. E., McCartney Alan E., C. E., Vaughn J. W., Williams Bros., Coryell William, Murray W. S., Caldwell Henry, Gore Thomas S., Gore Wm. S., Green Charles D., Hargreaves George, fltrderson H. S. T., Humphreys R., Kains Tom, Lowenberg, Harris k Co., Pemberton k Son, Taylor Joseph W., Wooldridge T., Matsqui Nanaimo New Westminster Spall umcheen Upper Sumas Vancouver II II II II Vernon ■I Victoria II <( u \xt be sure to take ttie NORTH-P^N P/VCIFIC RflrlUW/VY, And see that your ticket reads via THIS LINE, St. Paul or Itlinne- apolis, to avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Through Colonist Sleeping Gars Run on regular express trains full length of the line. Berths free. Lowest rates. Quickest time. E. E. BLACKWOOD, C. C. CHANDLER, Freight and Pa^8enge^ Agent, Freight and Passenger Agent, 82 Government St., VICTORIA. TACOMA, W. T. A. D. CHARLTON, J. M. HOLLAND A CO., Asst. Qen. Passenger Agent, Ticket and Freight Agents, 2 Washinoton St., PORTLAND, Ore. 44 Cobdota St., VANCOUVER, B.C. 64S I. Fastest Trains, kets sold to aU outh-east. :. Paul or Minne- by other routes. g Gars ne. Berths free. m»,;m»»m'**^ ^hBa4^*M*.M*« TEES & CO SHI TOP, m CiB. I PEDESTAL DBS K S 300 81. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. -J t \ K 1^ r.44 A D •> '•ijJKI' •«« 'V.l! '•"'ti^:;;;: >' SIMPSON. HALL MILLER £ CO., .. 16 & 18 DeBresoles Street, MONTREAL. Head Office and Factories, WALLINCFORD, CONN. NEW YOKK CITY, lid East 14tli Street. CHICAGO, ILL., i:i7 & i:J9 State Street. PHILADELPHIA, 504 Coiiiiiierce Street. ROLK MANUI'AfTlIUr.ltS AND SOLK I'ROlMtlKTUISS 01 TIIK CELKIIUAIKI) WM, BOGEBS' KNIVES, lORKS, SPOONS, Etc., Etc, < ' . Tea Sets, Waiters, Cruets, Piclcle Casters, Butter Dishes, Wine Stands, Epergnes, fruit Stands, Etc., Etc. Manufacturers of the finest qualitij Electro Plated Ware. THE TRADE ONLY SOLICITED. ^^mmmmn'^ i:s'r vitMsiii:i> ih7(». J.C.AVlLSONcStCO, PAPER MAKERS, J diii kEJ soli; \I.\.M I A( TUKKkS Ul' THE STANDARD & CHAMPION Square Bottom P/VP^R B/VGS, v/ii; /!/ s/' IS tn jy c.t\AJ>.i. Made of Pure Jute Manilla. '^ M AMI \( TIKKKS OF ENVELOPES, V SHIPPING TAGS TOILET PAPERS. rkDrkiiyioks ok the " Lachute Paper Mills," THE MODEL TWO 'VIACHIWE MILL OF CANADA. OUTPUT .... 7 TONS A DAY. FINE JUTE MANILLA PAPER A SPECIALTY. SEND lOK S\>iri-i:S AND PKICE LIST. €98 TO 702 CRAIG STlllT^ MONTREAL. PAPER MAKERS,