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 Ctterari) anD ^istoricar SoctefQ 
 WILLIAM THE FOURTH, by the Grace of God, of the United 
 Kingdom of Great firitain and Ireland, King, Defender of the 
 Faith — To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the 
 same may concern — Grbetino : Whereas an Association of divers 
 of our loving subjects in the Province of Lower Canada, has been 
 formed in the City of Quebec, in our said Province, under the 
 name of the '* Ctterorg anb (S'wtorital 0oriftg of (fllOfbtt," ^or 
 the prosecution of researches into the early history of Canada, for 
 the recovering, procuring, and publishing, interesting documents 
 and useful inf/vriiation, as the Natural, Civil and Liteiary History 
 of British NortL America, and for the advancement of the Arts 
 and Sciences in the said Province of Lower Canada, from which 
 public benefit may be expected. And whereas it has been repre- 
 sented to us that the advantages to arise from the Association 
 would be greatly increased and confirmed by the Incorporation of 
 the Members thereof, and an humble application has been made 
 to us that we would be graciously pleased to grant our Royal 
 Charter of Incorporation for this purpose. Now Know Yk — 
 that being willing and desirous to aflfo^d encouragement to an In- 
 stitution for objects so laudible and beneficial : We, of our especial 
 grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have willed, ordained, 
1 . 
 granted, and appointed, and by theso presents for us, our heirs 
 and successors, do will, ordain, grant, and appoint, that George 
 Earl of Dalhousie, Sir James Kempt, John Adams, Edmund 
 William Bomer Antrobus, Charles Ardouin, Thomas Gushing 
 Aylwin, Frederick Baddely, Henry W. Bayfield, Francis Bell, 
 Henry Blake, Edward Bowen, William Brent, Joseph Bouchette, 
 Robert Shore Milnes Bouchette, Joseph Bouchette, junior, George 
 Bourne, Judge Burton, Edward Burroughs, John Caldwell, Hugh 
 Caldwell, Archibald Campbell, Charles Campbell, John Saxton 
 Campbell, John Cannon, Edward Caron, John P. Cockburn, An- 
 drew Wm. Cochran, Thomas Coffin, James Cuthbert, John David- 
 son, William H. A. Davies, Dominick Daly, Jer6me Demers, 
 Edward Desbarats, Frederic Desbarats, Rober D'Estimauville, 
 William Dudley Dupont, William Bowman Felton, John Charlton 
 Fisher, John Fletcher, William Findly, James B. Forsyth, John 
 Fraser, John Malcolm Eraser, Francois Xavier Garneau, Augustin 
 Germain, Manly Gore, William Green, Louis Gugy, John Hale, 
 James Hamilton, Andr^ Rdmi Ilamel, Joseph Hamel, Victor 
 Hamel, Aaron Hart, James Harkness, William Henderson, Fred- 
 erick Ingall, William Kemble, William Kelly, James Kerr, Pierre 
 Laforce, Louis Lagueux, William Lampson, Pierre de Salles 
 Laterridre, Thomas Lee, junior, Joseph Legard, Henry Lemesurier, 
 Thomas Lloyd, William Lyons, Frederick Maitland, John Mc- 
 Nider, William McKee, William King McCord, Roderick Mc- 
 Kenzie, John Langly Mills, Thomas Moore, Joseph Morrin, 
 George J. Mountain, Henry Nixon, Charles Panet, Joseph Parent, 
 Etienne Parent, Augustus Patton, FranQois Xavier Perrault, 
 Joseph Francois Perrault, William Power, Francis Ward Primrose, 
 William Price, R^mi Quirouet, William Rose, John Richardson, 
 Randolph I. Routh, William Sax, Jonathan Sewell, Edmund 
 Sewell, Robert S. M. Sewell, William Sheppard, Peter Sheppard, 
 Joseph Skey, William J. Skewes, William Smith, James Smillie, 
 William Stringer, Charles James Stewart, Lord Bishop of Quebec, 
 James Stuart, David Stuart, Andrew Stuart, Joseph Signay, 
 Robert Symes, Jean Thomas Tachereau, John Pyefinch Thirlwall, 
 U our heirs 
 lat George 
 ancis Bell, 
 or, George 
 ^ell, Hugh 
 m Saxton 
 )urn, An- 
 m David- 
 ^th, John 
 hn Hale, 
 1, Victor 
 n, Fred- 
 rr, Pierre 
 le Salles 
 ohn Mc- 
 'ick Mc- 
 Irlwall, . 
 Henry Trinder, Joseph R^mi Valli^res de St. R^al, George Van- 
 felson, Norman Fitzgerald Uniacke, George Usborne, George A* 
 Wanton, Gustavus Wicksteed, Daniel Wilkie, George Willing, 
 Thomas William Willan, George Wurtele, ani Jonathan Wurtele, 
 and their successors for erer, to be elected in the manner herein- 
 after directed, shall bo one body, politic and corporate, in deed 
 and in name, by the name and style of the Literary and Historical 
 Society of Quebec ; and that by the same name they shall have 
 perpetual succession, and a common seal ; and that they and their 
 successors shall from time to time, have power to alter, renew or 
 change such common seal at their will and pleasure and as shall 
 be found convenient, and that by the same name, they and their 
 successors, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall be 
 able and capable to have, take, receive, purchase, acquire, hold, 
 possess, and enjoy, to them and their successors, to and for the 
 uses and purposes of the said Corporation, any messuages, lands, 
 tenements and hereditaments of what nature, quality or kind 
 soever, situate, lying and being within our said Province of Lower 
 Canada, so as the same do not exceed in yearly value the sum of 
 five hundred pounds, sterling money of Great Britain, above all 
 charges ; and also to take, receive, purchase, acquire, have, hold, 
 possess and enjoy, to and for the same uses and purposes, any 
 goods, chattels, gifts or benefactions whatsoever. And we do 
 hereby grant and declare, that the said Literary and Historical 
 Society of Quebec, and their successors for ever, by the same 
 name, shall and may be able and capable to sue in law, and to be 
 sued, plead and to be impleaded, answer and be answered, in all 
 or any Court or Courts of Record within our United Kingdom of 
 Great Britain and Ireland, and our said Province of Lower Canada, 
 and other our dominions, in all and singular actions, causes, pleas, 
 suits, matters and demands whatsoever, in as larore, ample and 
 beneficial manner and form as any other body politic or corpor- 
 ate, or any other our liege subjects, being persons able and 
 capable in law, may or can sue, implead or answer, or be sued, 
 impleaded, or answered, in any matter whatsoever. And for the ■- 
 accomplishment of the purposes aforesaid, we do grant, ordain and 
 declare, that the said Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 
 and their successors for over, shall, ,on the second WednflHsdogr 
 in January yearly and every year, meet at some convenient 
 place to bo appointed by the said Society, or the major part of 
 them who shall be present at any General. Meeting, Jbetween the 
 hours of eight and twelve in the morning ; and that they or the 
 major part of such of them as shall then bo present, shall choose 
 one President, one or more Vice-Presidents, one or more Treasurer 
 or Treasurers, one or more Secretary or Secretaries, and such 
 other Officers snd Servants as shall be thought expedient, to serve 
 in the said offices during the year next ensuing, and if by reason 
 of any cause, matter or thing, the Election so to be held and made 
 on the second Wednesday in the month of January, yearly as afore- 
 said, should be prevented, or may not be had or made, we grant and 
 ordain that in every such case it shall be competent to the said 
 Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, and their successors, or 
 the major part of such of them as may be present at a Meeting to 
 be held as soon after as may be convenient, to proceed to and 
 make Election of a President, Vice-President, or Vice-Presidents, 
 Treasurer or Treasurers, Secretary or Secretaries, Officers and 
 Servants, as aforesaid, and the Election so made shall be as 
 valid and effectual as if they had been made on such second Wed - 
 nesday in the month of January as aforesaid ; and we do hereby 
 grant and ordain that the Honorable Jonathan Sewell, our Ohief 
 Justice of our said Province, and a Member of our Executive 
 and Legislative Councils of our said Province, shall be the first 
 President of the said Society ; and that the said President shall 
 within six months after the passing of the Charter, cause notice 
 to be given to the several Members of the said Society herein 
 before mentioned, to meet at such time and place as he shall 
 appoint ; and that they or the major part of such of them as shall 
 then be present, shall proceed to the Election of one or more 
 Vice-President or Vice-Presidents, One or more Treasurer or 
 Treasurers, and one or more Secretary or Secretaries, and such 
 oth«r' Officers and Servants as shall to them seem meet ; which 
 said Officers from the time of their Election to their respeotiye 
 offices, shall continue therein until the second Wednesday in the 
 jear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ihirty-tvro, and 
 from thenceforth until others shall be chosen in their places in 
 manner aforesaid. And we do further grant and ordain, that if 
 at any time or times, it shall happen that any of the persons 
 chosen to the said offices respectively, shall die, or be removed 
 from the said offices, or resign the same during the period for 
 which they shall have been respectively elected, then, and in 
 every such case, it shall be lawful for the surviving and continuing 
 President, or any one of the Vice-Presidents, to issue notice to 
 the several Members of the said Corporation, to meet at the usual 
 place at which the annual Meeting of the said Society shall be 
 held, at such time as shall be specified in the said notice ; and 
 that the Members of the said Corporation who shall meet in pur- 
 suance of such notice, or the major part of them, shall and may 
 choose an Officer or Officers, in the room and place of the person 
 or persons who shall have died, or resigned, or have been removed 
 as aforesaid, as to them shall seem meet. And we do further 
 grant and ordain, that the said Literary and Historical Society 
 of Quebec, and their successors, shall and may on the second 
 Wednesday in every month, yearly and every year for ever 
 hereafter, and oftcner if occasion shall require, meet at some con- 
 venient place to be appointed for that purpose, to transact the 
 business of the said Society ; and shall and may at any meeting on 
 such second Wednesday in the month, elect such persons to be 
 Members of the said Corporation, as they or the major part of 
 them present shall think expedient. Provided always, and our 
 will and pleasure is, that no act done at any Meeting of the 
 Society shall be valid and efi'ectual unless the President, or one 
 of the Vice-Presidents, and eight other Members of the said 
 Society at least be present, and the major part of them do consent 
 to and concur therein. And we do further will, and by these 
 presents for us, our heirs and successors, do grant and ordain, that 
 the flud Literary and Historical Society of Qaebeci and their 
 saccessors, or the major part of them who shall be present at the 
 first and second Meetings of the said Society, or at any Meeting 
 on the second Wednesday in the months of January, May and 
 November in each and every year, and at no other Meetings of 
 the said Society, shall have power and authority to frame and 
 make Statutes, By-Laws, Rules and Orders, touching and con- 
 cerning the good government of the said Corporation, and the 
 income and property thereof, and any other matter or thing which 
 to them may seem fit and expedient, for the more effectual attain- 
 ment of the objects of the said Corporation, and the administration 
 of its concerns, and also, from time to time, by new Statutes, By- 
 Laws, Rules and Orders, as to them may seem meet. Provided 
 always, that the said Statutes, By-Laws, Rules and Orders, shall 
 not be repugnant to the Laws of our said Province of Lower 
 Canada or to this our Charter. And provided also, that the said 
 Statutes, By-Laws, Rules and Orders, shall be subject to the 
 approbation of our Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person 
 administering the Government of our said Province for the time 
 being ; and shall forthwith after their adoption be transmitted for 
 consideration ; and in case he shall for us, or in our behalf, signify 
 his disapprobation thereof, in writing, within one year after the 
 same shall have been so as aforesaid made known to him, the same 
 or such part thereof as shall be so disapproved, shall, from the 
 time of the signification of such disapprobation to the President of 
 the said Corporation, be utterly void and of no effect, but until 
 such disapprobation be so signified, shall be and remain in full 
 force and virtue. And we do hereby for us, our heirs and suc- 
 cessors, charge and command that the said Statutes, By-Laws, 
 Rules and Orders, so as aforesaid to be made by the said Literary 
 and Historical Society, under and subject to the provisions as 
 aforesaid, shall be strictly observed, kept and performed, from 
 time to time and at all times, as therein and thereby may be re- 
 quired, under the penalty therein contained : And we will and 
 by these presents for us our heirs and successors, do grant and 
 del'are that these our Letters Patent, or the enrolment of the 
 exemplification thereof, shall and may he gcod, firm and valid, 
 sufficient, and effectual in law, according to the true intent and 
 meaning of the same, and shall he taken, construed and adjudged 
 upon, in the most favorahle and beneficial sense, and to the best 
 advantage of the said Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, 
 as well in our Courts of Record as elsewhere, and by all and 
 singular the Judges, Justices, Officers, Members and others the 
 subjects of us, our heirs and successors, any mis-recital, non- 
 recital, omission, imperfection, defect, cause, matter or thing 
 whatsoever, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. 
 An Act to amend the Charter of the Literary and Historical Society/ of 
 25th April, 1849. 
 117 HERE AS in the Royal Charter of His late Majesty, King 
 ' * William the Fourth, incorporating; the Literary and Histo- 
 rical Society of Quebec, and bearing date the 5th day of October, 
 in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- 
 one, a proviso is inserted in the following words : "Provided 
 "always, and our will and pleasure is, that no act done at any 
 "Meeting of the Society shall be valid and effectual, unless the 
 "President or one of the Vice-Presidents and eighteen Members 
 " of the said Society at least be present, and the major part of 
 "them do consent to and concur therein;" And whereas the 
 quorum established by the said proviso hath been found to be 
 inconveniently large, and the said Society have petitioned that 
 the Charter be amended in this particular, and the said quorum 
 reduced in the manner hereinafter provided : Be it therefore 
 enacted, by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the 
 advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative 
 Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by 
 virtue of and under the authority of an Actjpassed in the Parliament 
 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled : 
 An Act to re-unite the Provivices of Upper and Lower Canada^ 
 and for the Grovemment of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by 
 the authority of the same, that for and notwithstanding anything 
 in the said proviso, or on any other part of the Charter cited in 
 the preamble to this Act, each and every act done at any meeting 
 of the said Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, shall be 
 valid and effectual, provided the President or one of the Vice- 
 Presidents of the said Society, and at least three other members 
 thereof be present at such meeting, and the majority of them do 
 consent and concur therein, and not otherwise. 
Society of 
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 them do 
 Citcroni anh ^isiorkai Socicti) 
 1. The Society shall consist of an unlimited number of Associate 
 Menders and Oorresponding MemherSj and a limited number of 
 Honorary Members. 
 2. The number of Honorary Members shall be limited to one 
 hundred, of which not more tlian ttvelve may be residents within 
 ten miles of the City of Quebec. 
 3. The election of Members shall take place only at the Monthly 
 General Meetings of the Society as provided for in the Charter. 
 They must have been previously proposed at a preceding General 
 or stated Meeting, by two Members, such proposal to be in writing. 
 The election shall be by Ballot, and two-thirds of the Members 
 present must vote in favor of the person ballotted for, in order to 
 his being elected. *■ 
 4. No Ballot for the admission of any Member shall take place 
 unless one of the Members who may have made the previous pro- 
 posal shall move the Ballot of the person so proposed by him. 
 6. Members shall pay an annual subscription of Four Dollars, 
 which shall become due and payable on the first day of January, 
 in eaoh year, in advancOf i: 
 I I 
 6. Members elected prior to the 1st of June, in each year, shall 
 be rcfjuired to pay the subscription for the current year within 
 two months of their being elected. If elected after the Ist June, 
 they shall only be held to pay in proportion to the period of the 
 year unexpired at the time of election. 
 7. No Member shall be allowed the use of the Society Library 
 until he shall have paid his first subscription. 
 8. No Member in arrear for one year (not including the cur- 
 rent year,) shall be eligible to hold oflSce or to vote, and if in arrear 
 two years (not including the current year) he shall cease to be a 
 Member, but it shall be in the power of the Council to reinstate 
 him on payment of his arrears. 
 9. Members absent from Quebec twelve or more consecutive 
 months, shall be exonerated from the payment of the dues, accru- 
 ing during such absence, provided all arrears be paid up previous 
 to such absence. 
 10. Associate Members shall sign the Charter or an obligation 
 in the following words : 
 "In becoming Members of the Literary and Historical Society 
 " of Quebec, We promise, each one for himself, to respect the 
 " Charter and observe the Rules and Regulations of the Society, 
 " and that we will endeavor to promote the interests, objects, and 
 "honor of the Institution." 
 " In testimony thereof we do respectively herewith subscribe 
 " our names." 
 11. The election of every Associate Member who shall neglect 
 or refuse to sign the Charter, or the obligation aforesaid, within 
 six months after his election, shall be declared null and void. 
 % 12. Members may resign on acquainting the President of the 
 Society thereof, in writing. Such Members on resigning shall 
 be liable for, and shall forthwith pay all arrears, including the 
 annual payment for the current year, that may be due to the 
 13. Members who shall pay the sum of Ten Pounds, in com- 
 mutation of their annual .^subscriptions, shall be considered as 
r, shall 
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 he cur- 
 1 arrear 
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 I, accru- 
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 !cts, and 
 of the 
 tg shall 
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 e to the 
 in com- 
 lered as 
 Life Members of the Society, and shall be exempt from any 
 further payment. 
 14. No person residing within ten miles of the City of Quebec 
 shall be eligible for admission as a Corresponding Member. 
 15. Persons of distinguished attainment in Science, Literature, 
 and the Fine Arts, shall be eligible for admission as Honorary 
 16. No ballot for the admission of an Honorary Member shall 
 take place, unless the Council report previously in favor of the 
 respectability and qualification of the person proposed. 
 17. Honorary and Corresponding Members shall be entitled to 
 attend the meetings of the Society without the right of voting, 
 and to free admission to the Library and Museum. 
 18. Honorary and Corresponding Members may become Mem- 
 ber8j on the payment of the annual subscription, without any 
 further ballot. 
 19. No entry of the rejection of any person by the ballot that 
 may take place for his admission as a Member shall be made in 
 the minutes of the Society's proceedings. 
 20. Members may be expelled from the Society for any flagrant 
 act of disrespect to the Ofiicers, or wilful disregard of the Rules 
 and Regulations of the Society, or for any other improper con- 
 duct, whereby they may have rendered themselves unworthy of 
 belonging to the Society. 
 21. Expulsion shall take place only pursuant to a resolution 
 of the Society, adopted at an extraordinary General Meeting, 
 convened for the purpose, and by the votes of at least two-thirds 
 of the Members present. 
 22. Expelled Members shall be held liable for their arrears 
 of annual payments due to the Society up to the period of ex- 
 23. The Officers of the Society shall be :— 
 , A President, 
 Four Vice-Presidents, 
 A Treasurer, 
 A Recording Secretary, 
 A Corresponding Secretary, 
 A Council Secretary, 
 A Librarian, 
 A Curator of Museum, 
 A Curator of Apparatus. 
 24. The election of Officers shall take place annually at the 
 Monthly General Meeting in January, as provided for by the 
 25. The election shall be by ballot of the Members present. 
 A majority of the votes shall be sufficient. 
 26. The officers of the Society shall bo elected by a separate 
 ballot for each Officer, with the exception of the Vice-Presidents, 
 who may be elected in a joint ballot, in which case their names 
 are to be placed on the record according to the number of votes 
 each may have received. 
 27. A list of the Members qualified to vote at the election of 
 Officers, prepared and certified by the Recording Secretary and 
 the Treasurer conjointly, shall be placed on the table in the 
 Society's Room, at least one week before the election takes place. 
 28. Every Officer of the Society on going out of office, shall 
 within one month thereafter, transfer and deliver over all docu- 
 ments and matters in his charge to his successor in office. 
 29. The duties of the respective Officers shall be : — 
 I. — The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, 
 and shall maintain the integrity of the Charter at all such meet- 
 ings. He shall preserve good order and decorum, regulate the 
 debates, and cause the order of proceeding prescribed by the 
 Rules to be observed. He shall countersign all checks drawn 
 by the Treasurer. He shall not vote as a Member except at 
 elections, but in case of equal divisions on questions before a 
 meeting, he shall have the casting vote. 
 II. — The Vice'Freaidenta respectively shall have the same 
 (Ittties as tl^e President during his absence. 
 III. — The Recording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of 
 the proceedings of the Society at all meetings. He shall have 
 the care and custody of all records, papers, and documents not 
 otherwise appropriated, and have the care of and attend to the 
 filling up of the Diplomas ordered. He shall give public notice 
 of all meetings of the Society, at least twenty- four hours previous 
 to the time of holding the same. He shall also notify the mem- 
 bers of the council when its meetings are to take place. He shall 
 also notify every Officer elected, who may have been absent at the 
 time of his election, of his appointment, within a week of such 
 election. He shall also notify Associate Members of their elec- 
 tion within one week thereafter. 
 IV. — The Corresponding Secretary shall maintain and conduct 
 the correspondence of the Society. Shall keep'copies of the let- 
 ters written on the business of the Institution, and have the care 
 and custody of all letters and communications addressed to the 
 Society. He shall notify Corresponding and Honorary Members 
 of their election within one week thereafter, and acknowledge all 
 donations made by those who are not Members of the Society 
 within one week 'after the same have been received and presented. 
 V. — The Council Secretary shall take and preserve correct min- 
 utes of the proceedings of the said Council at each of its meetings. 
 He shall have the care and custody of the Charter, the book or 
 roll of the By-laws, and the Common Seal, all within the rooms 
 of the Society. 
 VI. — The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the So- 
 ciety ; attend to the collection and payment of moneys. He shall 
 lodge in the name of the Corporation, immediately, and as he may 
 receive the same, all moneys received in behalf of the Society, in 
 such Bank as the Council may from time to time direct. He shall 
 make no payment except by order of the Council, nor withdraw 
 any money from the Bank except by checks signed' by him, and 
 countersigned by the President. He shall lay his Bank-book 
 before the Society at every Monthly General Meeting, and also 
 before the Council whenever they may require it. He shall grant 
 receipts in a printed form, to be bond up in separate books, for all 
 payments made to the Society on account of the annual contribu- 
 tions of the Members, as well as any commutation payment they 
 may make. The books shall be laid before tTie Society at their 
 meetings, and before the Council whenever they may require it. 
 He shall keep clear and detailed statements of receipts and ex- 
 penditures, and submit the same at the Monthly General Meetings, 
 and also to the Council at their meetings. At the annual meeting 
 of the Society in January, he shall render a general account of 
 receipts and payments made on account of the Society, during the 
 past year, accompanied by vouchers, shewing the actual cash bal- 
 ance in hand on the first of January up to which date lus accounts 
 shall be made up. He shall also make up a detailed statement of 
 the arrears due by Members, and of all debts, bonds, and other 
 securities that ^ay be due and owing to the Society. ^ Also a 
 statement of debts or claims, if any, remaining unpaid and due by 
 the Society at that date. 
 VII. — The Librarian shall have th(^ care and custody of the 
 Books, Manuscripts, Maps, Charts, Plans, Diagrams, Prinf^ En- 
 gravings, Paintings, and other objects, deposited in the Library. 
 And shall class and arrange them in scientific or methodical order. 
 VIII. — The Curator of Museum shall have the care and cus- 
 tody of the objects in the different departments of Natural History, 
 Mechanical Arts, Manufactures, Inventions, Natural and Artificial 
 Curiosities, as deposited in the Museum. He shall class and ar- 
 range the same in scientific or methodical order, or in the best 
 manner possible according to his judgment. 
 IX. — The Curator of AfparatuB shall have the care and custody 
 of the Philosophical, Astronomical, Chemical, and Mathematical 
 Instruments and Apparatus, and all other objects of a like nature, 
 deposited in that department, and preserve them in good order for 
 use at all times. 
 80. The Librarian and Curators respectively shall keep correct 
 lists of all donations, deposits, and additions made to their res- 
 pective departments, and shall allow nothing to be taken or carried 
 Li.:i ! 
 away on loan, or otherwise, out of their charge, unless authorised 
 by an order of the Council to that effect. 
 81. The Librarian and Curators shall be held accountable for 
 all objects, matters, or articles committed to their charge respect- 
 , ively. 
 82. The Corresponding Secretary, the Treasurer, the Librarian, 
 and the Curators, shall severally report in writing, at every 
 Monthly General Meeting of the Society, the transactions which 
 -may have occured in their respective departments during the 
 preceding month. 
 The Council. 
 88. The Officers of the Society, with four other Members to be 
 elected at the Annual General Meeting, shall form a Council, and 
 shall be me executive body of the Society. In that capacity, the 
 Council shall superintend and direct the execution of all orders of 
 the Society ; order the payment of all claims against the Institu- 
 :tion; superintend the execution of the duties assigned to the 
 respective Officers and others in the employ of the Society ; shall 
 authori:fe and direct the purchase of the additions deemed advisa- 
 ble to be made to the Library, Museum, and Apparatus ; appoint 
 such clerks, assistants, guardians of the premises and property of 
 'the Society, such servants from time to time, as they may see fit ; 
 fix their salaries or wages, and order their payment ; authorize 
 and direct the purchase of stationery, blank-books, and other 
 articles necessary for the use of the Society. They may convene 
 extraordinary General Meetings of the Society. They shall ap- 
 point a sub-committee of their own number who shall have special 
 charge of all matters connected with historical documents. They 
 shall superintend and direct the printing and publishing of the 
 transactions of the Society ; of historical documents, and other 
 papers ordered for that purpose by the Society, in such form, and 
 in such manner as they may de^m most advisable ; appoint lectu- 
 rers in any branch of science^or department of literature ; fix 
 the time and place for delivering the lectures, and arrange the 
 terms of admission. They shall also prepare the Annual Report 
 of the proceedings of the Society, and submit the same at the 
 Annual General Meeting of the Society in January. They shall 
 order and direct all other matters to be attended to, that may be 
 deemed necessary for the advantage, well-being, and prosperity 
 of the Institution. ' /T' 
 34. The Council shall be convened at the call of the President, 
 or in his absence, at that of one of the Vice-Presidents. '•','- ': 
 V^ 35. Five Members of the Council, of whom one must be the 
 President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, of the Society, shall be 
 a quorum of the Council for the transaction of business. 
 36. The Council shall report its proceedings at every Monthly 
 General Meeting of the Society. . .- . 
 General Meetings. 
 87. The Monthly General Meetings of the Society provided for 
 by the Charter, shall be called meetings for business, at which new 
 Members shall be elected, Reports of the Council, and Committees , 
 of the Society, received, tlie finances of the Society considered, 
 and generally the business not particularly appertaining to the 
 Literary, Historical, and Scientific pursuits of the Institution at- 
 tended to. The Monthly General Meeting in January shall be 
 considered the Annual General Meeting of the Society, at which 
 the annual Report of the Council shall be read, and the election 
 of ofiicers take place. The chair at this meeting shall be taken 
 at ten o'clock, a.m. The order of proceeding at the-Annuaj 
 General P.xeetiug shall be : — ..-, ...,,^ -,. ,^„... 
 I. — The miniites of the last Monthly General Meeting read. 
 II. — The Report of the Council for the past year shall be read, 
 together with the accompanying Report of the Treasurer, and of 
 the other officers of the Society. %^ ^ . 
 III.— The election of the officers shall then take place. ^" • 
 IV. — The retiring President, if presiding, shall then vacate the 
 chair, which shall be taken by the newly-elected President. ' 
 V. — Donations received since last meeting announced. 
 VI. — Elections of new Members. 
 VII. — Deferred business sball be taken up. 
 VIII. — New business brouglit forward. 
 IX. — Adjournment. 
 The order of proceedings at the Monthly General Meetings of 
 the Society shall bo :— 
 I. — Minutes of the last Monthly General Meeting read. 
 II. — Report of Council read. 
 III. — Reports of Committee presented. 
 ' IV. — Report of Corresponding Secretary. 
 V. — Report of Librarian. 
 VI# — Report of Curators. 
 VII. — Report of Treasurer. 
 VIII. — Donations sinco last meeting announced. 
 IX. — Elections of new Members. 
 X. — Deferred business. 
 XI. — New business. 
 XII. — Adjournment. 
 38. There shall be Meetings of the Society held on the first 
 and third Wednesdays of every month from October to April, 
 both months inclusive, or often er, at the discretion of the Council, 
 and these shall be called stated Meetings of Literary, Historical, 
 and Scientific pursuits, at which papers and communications on 
 subjects connected with the objects of the Institution, shall be 
 read ; scientific exhibitions, and experiments in Nature and Art 
 made ; donations to the Library and Museum received, and new 
 members proposed. No other business sh^-ll be brought up, except 
 in cases of urgency, and on a vote of two-thirds of the members 
 present. The order of proceeding at the , stated meetings shall 
 be: — 
 I. — ^Minutes of the last Stated Meeting read. 
 II. — Donations to the Library and Museum announced, 
 III. — ^New Members proposed. 
 IV. — Papers and communications read. 'f.\''' ' 
 V. — ^Exhibitions and experiments, 
 VI. — Verbal communications. 
 VII. — Business brought up by special resolution. 
 VIII. —Adjournment. 
 89. The chair at the stated Meetings may be taken by any 
 of the Members present who may bo voted into it, should neither 
 the President nor a Vice-President be present. 
 40. Extraordinary General Meetings of the Society may be 
 convened by the Council, or by the President, at the request, in 
 writing, of seven members of the Society, stating the object for 
 which they wish to have it called. The business at such meeting 
 shall be confined to the object for which it was called. 
 Committee of Audit. 
 41. A Committee of the Members, pot of the Council, shall 
 annually be appointed by ballot at the Monthly General Meeting 
 of the Society in December, to examine and audit the Treasurer's 
 accounts and statements for the year to end 1st January ensuing. 
 And the Council shall report thereon at the annual Meeting in 
 . * Special Committees. 
 42. The Members of any Committee appointed for a special 
 purpose or measure, shall be named by the President or Chair- 
 man, unless a ballot be demanded and granted by the meeting. 
 The proposer of the reference to a special committee shall of right 
 be one of its members. 
 43. Every special Committee shall first be convened by the 
 proposer of the reference thereto within eight days from the date 
 of its being named. 
 44. The special Committee, which shall not report within three 
 months of its being named, shall be discharged from further con- 
 sideration of the reference, and the chairman of such committee 
 shall report its proceedings, whatever they may be, at the next 
 Monthly General Meeting of the Society held after the expiratipn 
 of the said period. . - ; ■ 
 Uy be 
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 The Library and Mttseum. 
 45. The Library of the Society Hhall bo open to the Momberfl 
 daily, Sundays and holidays excepted, from two o'clock to five 
 o'clock between 1st May and Ist October, and from one o'clock 
 to three o'clock for the remainder of the year. Strangers may 
 be introduced to the Library by any Member. 
 46. The Museum shall be opened to the public daily during the 
 same time as the Library, under such rules and regulations as 
 the Council may establish. 
 47. The books in the Library shall bo kept classed according 
 to their subject, and the articles in the Museum shall bo classed 
 according to some scientific or methodical arrangement. 
 48. The property in the Library and the Museum, the appar- 
 atus, and the scientific instruments shall be preserved in suitable 
 cases and cabinets under lock and duplicate keys, or otherwise, 
 in such manner as the Council may direct. 
 49. The pamphlets and periodical publications received at the 
 Library, shall be bound in volumes at the discretion of the 
 50. Articles presented for the Museum, shall be arranged 
 therein before the Monthly General Meeting next succeeding 
 their presentation. 
 51. The specimens in Natural History, and other articles con- 
 tained in the collection of the Museum, the apparatus, the scien- 
 tific instruments, the books and works in the Library, which the 
 Council may deem of rarity or value, shall not be lent or taken 
 from the Society's rooms ; the Council shall, however, be author- 
 ized to lend any of the apparatus and scientific instruments to 
 Members of the Society, or other scientific persons applying for 
 the same, upon a representation, in writing, that the articles re- 
 quired are necessary to enable them to carry out investigations 
 connected with the objects of the Institution, such parties under- 
 taking to be responsible for the safety of the articles borrowed, 
 and to return the same within a limited time, and also to make 
 good the damage they in the meantime sustain. 
 S2. The books and works in the Library, tjinsft excepted by 
 tha prarnding nnotiion^ may be lent to Members of the Society for 
 a period not exceeding>^no maBth at a time, t he- ho it roweg giving 
 au:ec£dpi~m- » book -4)»h»eh ahall bo proour ad f o r that puypoac , 
 T Thinh r r ra i pt fthall fttmtmn-ft pr^° r ff ^ \ \\ r f^ l M it r - ibf ^nnk n r b on k fi 
 within ,the >^me limited, and in case they are lost or damaged, 
 they shall replace the same, if to be obtained, or pay the Treasurer 
 of the Society twice their value. ' 
 63. Catalogues of the property in charge of the Librarian and 
 Curators, shall be open for the inspection of Members, and shall 
 be kept by each of those officers in the rooms of their respective 
 54. The Transactions shall be published in such form and 
 manner as the Council may from time to time decide. 
 56. No paper shall be published in the transactions of the 
 Society that has not been previously read at a General or Stated 
 Meeting of the Society, reported upon as to its merits, and re- 
 commended for publication by the Council, and thereupon ordered 
 for publication, pursuant to a resolution of the Society at any of 
 the General Monthly Meetings. 
 Commutation op Payments. 
 66. The principal sum received in commutation of the annual 
 payments of Members, shall be funded by the Council, and the 
 interest alone shall be available for the current expenses of the 
 Society. The mode of investing such sums shall be left to the 
 67. All By-laws and standing orders to be enacted or adopted 
 at the General Meetings of the Society appointed for that purpose 
 by the Charter shall be proposed and discussed at a previous 
 Monthly General Meeting of the Society. 
 General Rules. 
 58. All decisions, unless otherwise provided for by the Charter 
 and By-laws of the Corporation, shall be by a majority of the 
 votes of the Members present. 
 59. No debate shall arise or decision take place on any question, 
 unless the subject be before the chair, on a written motion, and 
 60. When a Member speaks on a question, he shall rise and 
 address the Chair, and no person shall speak twice on any ques- 
 tion, except in explanation, or by leave of the chair. 
 61. Questions relating to party politics or religious controversy, 
 shall on no account be admissible in the debates or discussions. 
 62. In all points not noticed by the Charter or By-laws of the 
 Corporation, the Society shall be governed by th« established 
 usages of similar institutions in Great Britain.