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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROMISH EREOE FBOPAOATGD IN ITni CHURCH OF ENGLAND AT QUEBEC • t » ■ I AND THE EIGHT OF PETITION AGAINST IT DENIED BY THE SYNOD; « t I I n ^^>^i#^^^^^fc^»»^^^^»%V^^^i^*^w^^i^«^^»^<^>^«^^«^^ ^^^i^f^^^^^m rUBLlSHED PUESUANT TO RESOLUHON OF A PUBLIC MEETING OF TBB LAITY HELD AT QUEBEC ON THE 21st JUNE, 1861. ^ When Peter wan come to Antiocb, I withstood him to the face, becanse be wa« II V) be blamed.— -G^L. 2. 11. Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?— -Gal. 4.1C. (Sintbtt : MIDDIiBTON & DAWSON, PRINTERS, Etc., Etc, SHAW'S BUILDINGS, L. T. 1861* 1 H edii ence itsii • • • • ritat • • disc( ■ . ■ • • • • • • piaii to b( • • • • ■ • •• • • • • •••• — wl upoE with 1 gene end J • 1 wher 'W*' ..V;. "J f tion. ' Th • • whol • • have • whicl .•• •. toth •••• Chur benel 1 Bhoul f peop] conc( ■.K' '^ w Chur 1 ( ■J PREFACE. "i When religioua feeling in the Laity is, with just eause, awaken- ed into action, it is seldom with impunity treated with indiffer- ence by Ecclesiastical authorities. To repress it, only increases its intensity. To contemn it, adds insult to tyranny ; and, by ir- ritating a sense of neglect into one of injury, only aggravates discontent into louder expressions of its grievances, until com- plaints which might have been uttered only iu' the ear, are forced to be proclaimed upon the house-top. And \7h3r3 such complaints — whatever the position of the parties making them— are based upon Scriptural truth, and recognized stanaai qs, the moral power with which they then appeal to the honest an.d affronted intelli- gence of religious communities, usually secut^i;/ for them in the end attention and respect, if not cAao con^icdon and remedy, where they had previously received only contumely and opposi- tion. These remarks may, sooner or later, derive illustration in whole, as they already do in part, from the circumstances which have given rise to the publication of this painphlet — circumstances which, although limited and local in their origin, acquired a title to the notice of the Diocese at large, when the Synod of the Church ignored them. And if, through the'Divine blessing, the benefits resulting from this expose of their leading characteristics, should happily include a timely warning to the clergy and to the people, juster views in the Synod of the right of petition and its concomitants, and better security for purity of doctrine in the Churcbf the design of the following pages will have been achieved. 1 t * • • • • • • • • • « • * • • • • • « • « • • • •• • • < * • * • • • * • « • • * • • ACTION OF THE SYNOD. '\ Tlie Syuod of the Diocese ot Quebec being in session at Quebec on the 6th June, 18G1, " Mr. C. Wurtelc, (Dele- gate from Trinity Chapel,) having obtained leave, presented a petition from six members of the United Church of England and Ireland,"* objecting to certain publications contained in libraries connected with ^t. .Feter's chapel in this city, and praying the action of thfe.?.ynod in the pre- mises. The petition, which was accompanied by extracts of the said publications, was duly rfJad ; but it did not please the Synod that the appended 'oxifacts, sustaining its assertions, should be read also : adtf0y^NE STREET, ON FRIDAY, THE 21stINSTANT, AT EIGHT o'clock, P.M., To receive communication of a PETITION presented to * Note. — 1. It does not appear that the Synod made enquiry, or ascertained anything, respecting the signers. 2. The right of pe- tition docs not depend upon the number of the petitioners. 3. It can be proved that more than one of the signers belong to Saint Peter's congregation. 4. The Petition did not emanate from St. Peter's or any particular congregation, but from "members of the United Church of England and Ireland," as appears by the above minute of Synod of 6th June. f tho Synod against certain objectionable Books used in Libraries connected with the Cliurch in tliis Parish, and to read certain Extracts thereof relating to Romisk tSaintif, Prieslbj Absolulioriy Intercession of Saints, A Third Place of Departed Spirits, Also, to take such action in the premises as to the meeting may seem meet. Quebec, June 19, 18C1. At the meeting which took place accordingly, and which was attended by a large and respectable ' audience, — on motion by Mr. Archibald Campbell, tjeco'ided by Lieut. Ashe, Il.N., Licut.-Colouel Fitzgerald, Jl.'A;, was requested to take the chair. After intimating t.'iat the honor con- ferred upon him had been quite uncxpociod, tlic Chairman opened the meeting by suggesting the propriety of prayer for a blessing upon the proceedings, 'and' by inviting the audience to join him while he read some of the beautiful Collects which adorned the pages o\ the Prayer-Book. He afterwards briefly sketched the hf&t\:ry and objects of the present movement, as far as ho rndef stood them, and traced them to the subjoined Petition of six members of the Church to the Synod, accompanied by sundry Extracts of certain publications in circulation in the parish, of which the petitioners complained. The Chairman likewise drew an outline, corresponding with that given above of the treatment which those documents had received from the Synod ; adding, that, under the circumstances, the six members who had thus far fearlessly done their duty to the Church, had determined to complete it by putting the public in possession of the information which the Synod had endeavoured to suppress. He further stated that he had had no knowledge of the Petition, nor of any move- 8 ments in respect thereof, anterior to the meeting of the Synod ; and, indeed, that the state of his health might BuflBciently excuse him from exertion on the present occa- sion ; but, that he felt unable to refuse assistance and cooperation to the six slighted men, whose courage and fidelity had earned for them a fair title to the acknowledg- ments of the Church. It was, he believed, the prevailing wish that there should be no long speeches, in order that the attention of the meeting might rest mainly on the objectionable Extracts, which, together with the Petition, he would shortly proceed to read. At the conclusion of his remarks, it was, he said, a mournful duty to expose unsound teachijig* within his own Church ; but, being himself engag^'.iii Sunday-School teaching, he could not but feel an iuteV'esb in whatever related to the instruction « « « * * of the young. •. IJloon broader grounds, however, he felt • « ♦ • ' that he had no.atternative. The matter was now before the public, and'A^^ry intelligent reader of the Bible would be able to form*JU§.bwn judgment upon the several impor- tant questions Aow presented to his view. The following Petition, or Memorial, was then read from the chair, together with the appended Extracts : — P;JETITION. To the Synod of tlje iDiocese of Quebec : The Memorial of the undersigned members of the United Church of England and Ireland — Humbly Sheweth : — That certain objectionable publications are contained in the library or libraries of St. Peter's Chapel in this city, and are circulated among the Sunday-School children and other members of the congregation ; That the passages hereunto appended, and severally marked No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, &c., are extracts of the said pablicatious ] That your memorialists are of opinion that the sen- timents expressed in the said appended extracts are not ir accordance with the Scriptures, nor, therefore, with the Protestant principles of the United Church of England and Ireland ; and that publications containing or tending to instil such sentiments ought not to be used nor circu- lated under the sanction of the clergy, and especially ought not to be put into the hands of undiscerning and unsuspect- ing Sunday-School children ; That your memorialists accordingly pray the Synod to adopt such action in the premises as may tend to protect the people from erroneous and strange teaching, and there- by avert the evil of their diminished confidence in the ministrations of the church. And your memorialists, with all duty, remain your obedient servants. (Signed) GEORGE BROWNE, WILLIAM MUNCEY, WILLIAM TAYLOR, ALEXANDER KERR, JOHN CHARTERS, WM. O'NEILL. Quebec, 4th June, 1861. APPENDED EXTRACTS >; Of certain publications referred to in a Memorial relating thereto, dated ^ih June, 1861, and addressed to th« Synod of the Diocese of Quebec : — '- Number 1. — " It is through them" (the bishops) " that our Lord governs and strengthens His church, and he has 10 given them power to remit and retain sins* (St. John, 20. 23.) as St. Paul did at Corinth (1 Cor., 5. 34, 35 ; and 2 Cor., 2. 6, to 10,) and to convey God^s blessing and the gift of the Holy Ghost to true believers, by laying on of hands ; this they do when they confirm persons, f (Acts, 8. It ; 19. 6.) And also, Christ has enabled them to give spiritual power and authority to other persons, which they do whenever they ordain fresh Bishops, and Priests, and Deacons (2 Tim., 1. 6.) The church could not go on with- out Bishops, for it is through them that Christ acts. Therefore, as it was said by Saint Ignatius, to separate ourseWes from the Bishop, is to separate ourselves from Christ ."J — A Short Ecclesiastical History ^ hy the Rev. H. J. Pye, M.A., page 16. No. 2. — " These lower ministers are called Priests ; they have power to convey God's blessing, and they can also re- mit and retain sins when they act in the name of the bishop ; * A few notes, as specimens, may serve to shew the resem- blance between the sentiments of the Extracts, and the teaching of the Church of Rome. *' Question. — What means the forgiveness of sins ? ^; " Answer, — That Christ left to the pastors of his Church the power to forgive sins." — Roman Catholic Catechism. t " Question. — How does the Bishop give confirmation ? " Answer. — By the imposition of hands and by prayer ; that is, he holds out his hands, and prays at the same time, that the Holy Ghost may descend upon those who are to be confirmed." — Roman Catholic Catechism. The "Extract," then, goes beyond the Romish Church : the latter teaching that the Bishop merely "prays" for the Holy Ghost, while the former asserts that he actually "conveys" Him. X " He that acknowledgeth not himself to be under the Bishop of Rome, and that the Bishop of Rome is ordained by God to have primacy over all the world, is a heretic, and cannot be saved, nor is not of the flock of Christ."— Cbanmer's Extracts of Canon Law, " He is a schismatic and an offender who sets up another against the holy chair" (of Peter).— 5^ Optatus— Allan Butler^ s Lives of the Saints, Ath June, pp. 493 '4. bn do to 11 ed, nor Canon nother utler's but if there were any dispute as to whether they had done right in any particular case, the matter would have to be sent to the Bishop for him to decide." — Ditto, p. IT. No. 3. — " The word Deacon means properly speaking ser- vant, and these lowest ministers have not the power pos- sessed by Priests ; they cannot give absolution, or conse- crate the bread and wine at the sacrament, (or even preach, without special permission from the Bishop). But their office is to assist the Priest in looking after sick people, and in saying the prayers ; and they are allowed to baptize infants when the Priest is out." — Ditto, page IT. No. 4. — " If a baptized Christian now falls into sin, he will no doubt perish everlastingly, unless he repents and is forgiven. It is, however, in most cases, left to every man's own conscience to place himself among the Peni- tents, which (as St. Chrysostom says,) we do, whenever we feel unfit to receive the Sacrament, and therefore come out before it is administered. And the Church does not (except in special cases, j require a person to make his sin and his repentance public, but he may confess his fault in private to a Clergyman, and when he has stopped away from Communion, (as long as that Clergyman thinks fit,)* and given proof of his repentance, he may be received again into God's favour by a private absolution."! — Ditto, page 85, • " Every man and woman, after they come to year^ of discretion, should privately confess their sins to their own priest, at least once a year, and endeavour faithfully to perform the penance enjoined them ; and after this, they should come to the sacrament at least at Easter, unless the priest, for some reasonable cause, judge it fit for them to abstain for a time." — Decree of Council of Lateran, t "Their" (the bishops' and priests') "preaching must be to ns as if Christ himself did preach : their absolution and remission of sins, as Christ's own pardon."— JVbfc Douay Bibkj 2 Cor,, 5, 19. 12 Names of persons not recognized as " Saints^^ by the United Church of England and Ireland, but enumerated as such in the above work, and found in the, Calendar of the Church of Rome : — No. 5. — " St. Sanctus, p. 81 ; St. Pothinus, p. 90 ; .. ' . . St. PantaBnus, p. 98 ; St. Saturus, p. 99 ; St. Felicitas, do. ; St. Revocatus, do ; St. Saturninus, do. ; * St. Se