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The Tarty consists of the Great Head Chief and Orator PE-TO-K KIK-SIO, with his five chosen Warriors, four Squaws, and one Child, ten weeks' old: — . . .,.,,„ . ,...„....,,,.. PE-TD-E-KIE-SIC,— A middle-cloud. The Great Chief of the Walpolo Tribe, and Sole Monarch of Walpole Inland, Pe-Way, — A Hare. Head Chief of the Potawatamies. Ka-she-gOS-e-ga, — Moonlight. A Walpole Warrior. SaW-Q^Utch-a-Way, — A man from the Hills. A Walpol(» W arrior. Ta-pis-a-qunk, — The loudest sound of Thunder. A "Walpole Warrior. Saw-gee, — Head of the Tribe. A Walpole Warrior. Pung-gish-a-mo-qua, — A woman from the AVest. A Wal- i ' pole Squaw. L . - \^ Nais-WaW-be-nO-qua,— TJie Break of Day. A Walpole Squaw. ' -:' - Saw-gutch-a-Way-qua, — A woman from the Hill. A Wal- 'jCi pole Squaw. •' •: ■ r n, ,; Pa-pe-shan, — (Mother of the Paupoos), — Twilight. A Wal- " pole Squaw. • '" This remarkable Race of Aboriginics will, in a few more years, becomo quite cxtinet, and it is very probable the present will bo the last spe- cim -ns of the tribe of the lied Man, that will ever visit Europe, It is a Well known fact, that the Great Head Chief Pr-to-e-kie-sic and his tribe arc v.-ry loyal to the English Go vornuieiit: the Chief is vory proud of the Modal which ho wears, prosjntud to his father by His M ijosty Geor;!;e the Third, f(»' serviei'S rendered to the Crown in 1812; and when it was proposed to raisi! a Canadian Battalion, he volunteered to join them with a chosen band, to go to the Crimea. Pe-to-e-kie-sic is a great orator, and previous to L'aving his tribe, ho called them together, and gave an oration, exhorting them to be g »od and loyal subjects until his return, that ho was going to visit their great mother, the Uueen ! ! .ji" Tlie Illustrative Lecture will be delivered hj Mr. Leicester Buckingham. . Proa^anrna of ^the PerformanoM of tlie Walpole Islanders. I.-^Tho Indians in Council — Oration by the Grea', Head Chief, Pe-to-e-kie-sic — "War Path — Puck-e-raaw-gun-jie-m^, or the Great War Dance, and Scalping scene. II. — Indian Music ; Pup-e-guen-e-jie-ka, or Solo on the Flute, by the great Warrior, Saw-gutch-a-way. III. — ^Waw-be-no-ne-me, or Peace Dance. IV. — ^Kish-kip-e-taw- gun-ne-m^, or Great Medicine Dance and Feast. Certificate. "London, May 12th, 1856 *' I know Pe-to-e-kie-sic to be the Chief of the Indians, who inhabit Walpole Island, at the Head of Lake St. Clair. " The party with him are all Indians of that Island, and a fair specimen of the Indian Tribes of Canada, being Objibeways — the most extensive and influential of all the tribes. "Mr. J. F. Baby, who is with them, is of a highly respect- able family, a grand-nephew of the late James Baby, who was Inspector-General of Canada, in 1828; and is the son of Mr. James Baby, of Moore, a highly respectable Magistrate. He has himself been in business, and I have known him intimately. " During difficulties under the Administration of Lord Elgin Mr. Baby was a very useful person, in sustaining the cause of order and good government. " His statements may be fully relied upon. "Pe-to-e-kie-sic is still a heathen, although a greiater part of the tribe have been Christianized under the influence of the late lamented James Evans, and other Missionaries of the Methodist Church. " The "Walpole Islands have for many years been under the religious superintendence of the Church Missionary, (the Beverend Mr. Jamieson, brother to Dr. Jamieson of Glasgow,) whose reports must have mentioned Pe-to-e-kie-sic very fre- quently, as the greatest impediment of the complete evangeliza- tion of the whole tribe. I could not therefore give the mere certificate which Mr. Baby desired, without calling the attention of whomsoever this may be shown to, to the impomant fact, that means may be taken, while this really clever and influential man is being exhibited as a curiosity, to convince him of the truth and reality of Christianity. "MALCOLM CAMERON, *^ Late Poitmmtitr- General of Canada. " Under the Administration of Lord Elgin." Chief Pe-to-e-kie-sic's Speech. Brothers, i: I am glad to meet you here, to-day, in friendship, and hope the Englishmen and the lied Men may never have cause to be at enmity. Our fathers, before us, have long since buried the war hatehet, and smoked the pipe of peace around our council fires ; Whj', therefore^ should we not love one another? Did not the Great Spirit make the lied as well as the White Man? Does He not extend His blessings to us all; and arc we not all His children ? though we neither worship Him as j'ou do, nor believe that the Mussenegun, or the Great Book, was made by Him, but that it was written by the hands of your forefathers. I have come a long way, with a few of my warriors, to visit your fine country. There is a groat Salt Lake between us, but, owing to the superior intelligence of the White Man, we were enabled to cross that mighty water in safety, to the asto- nishment of us all. Brothers, I am to remain with you for a short time only; and when I return, I hope to have reason to give my people a good account of this great city, your fine country, and its inhabitants. You see before you the Red Man who was once the sole possessor of the broad lands on the other »de of the Great Salt Lake. He was onoe rich, but he is now poor — very poor. His hunting grounds are now few, and his home is one of poverty. We are now willing to live as our white brothers ; the ditSculty is great, but wo must not lose courage, and we shall learn. Brothers, - We shall now show you how the Indian dances, when he goes to war ; and we will use our war club, as we did before, and for a short time after, the white man came, and brought us knives, guns, and hatchets. We used these clubs against the people of the United States, last war; and we shall not shrink from using them ngain, should our Great Mother (the Queen) require our services. i- , « ■■■■-■. ^ Brothers, Our dancing is not so pleasing to the eye, nor our singing as flgrecable to the car, as yours ; but such is the way we dance and sing in our own country, and we know no other. Brothers, u.n: .. .. • - I hope to see you all again, to say good-bye; for after leaving your shores, 'tis not probable we shall ever meet until the Great Spirit calls us to join our forefathers in the happy hunting-ground, and you to join your forefathers, in the happy land he has prepared for you. y, . Brothers, I have spoken, otjrii z^' *: .; \v^i! ut^v \ikH ,. ■'•!I >-■! \^i-. -ilj o; ^(.i;/^ ^^ni Last Weeks of The Optical Diorama, ^i-tiiii] AND The Luminous & Chromatic , FOUNTAIN. . , .