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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom/ as many frames as Les cartes, planches, tableaux, e film6s ^ des taux de reduction di Lorsque le document est trop gn reproduit en un seul cliche, il est de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de s n6 tut reprodult griice d la ibrary of Congress ''hotoduplicatJon Service antes ont 6t6 reproduites avec le compte tenu de la condition et rexemplaire film6, et en les conditions du contrat de originaux dont la couverture en Ti6e sont film6s en commengant iat et en terminant soit par ia ji comporte une empreinte d'illustration, soit par le second 5. Tous les autres exemplaires Im6s en comnnenqant par la ui comporte une empreinte d'illustration et en terminant par qui comporte une telle :hes, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre < de reduction diff6rents. nent est trop grand pour dtre seul clich6, il est film6 d partir eur gauche, de gauche 4 droite. \ f^vv.fS?^^ w#r?t2^r.> - >4« PEACE PE i/EACE between Grcut^Bi italti at d tMa United 8tati ALL hail ! stnihng Peace come to joy out blest sliot^i Where th* alann^ of war are sounding ho more* Where smiling /MwiCfi hovers to give us delights^ Since valour and couMgt: has gdn'd U3 our rights* The ij^xaimpie thas se Our sc'Jiirleri Were pro WhoproVM id the n That this the power c While Ave joy for oaf peace, 1et^!i think of the^ past, Wh.en thi3 *' chirion of fame*' blew vvar*s horrid blasts Where hero mot hero in Valorous fight, Our brave little inM^ With ValoUr the evror Kof from tha field \\ ■■*--« !_ rn %i uL '*. y ■ ^ PEACE ' United States of Ainciricit scJirtipie thus set i)y ttULIj m thd Wavti rjineri Were proLUt otWxt |)re(-ept he* gare^ Koir^ci td the world whieH occ^sioit wis n^und; ;his the power of BntaiQ t^wXA Hrmnd; rave little ^rmy, when Jcd to the iield, Valour the Bword of fret dam could wicldi 'Oiil the field Would fe^en think to go, mmi Photo^ Scie Coipc 1.0 1.25 .3 6 1.4 // '!!'' O c; 22 20 1.8 .6 Dgrapnic Sciences CoipoFdtion 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 1458C ( 716) 872-4503 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproducti microreproductions historiques Cartes geographiques en couleur ■^ Coloured ink (i e other than blue or black)/ - Encre de couleur (i e. autre que bleue ou noire "" Coloured plates and/or illustrations/ J Planches et/ou illustrations en couleur Bound with other material/ J Relie avec d'autres documents Tight binding may cause shadows or distortioi along interior margin/ Lareliure serree peut causer de I'ombre ou de distorsion ie long de la marge interieure Blank leaves added during restoration may appear within the text, Whenever possible, thi have been omitted from filming/ II se peut que certaines pages blanches a;oute lors d une restauration apparaissent aans Ie te mais. lorsque cela etait possible, ces pages n'< pas ete filmees. Additional comments:/ Commentaires supplementasres CIHM no. 60^ Thjs Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked D« Ce document est filme au taux de reduction indique ^OX 14X i8X 12X 16X 20: leur J Pages detachees Dlue or black)/ je bleue ou noire) Showthrouqh/ J Transparence ations/ n couleur lows or distortion ie lombre ou de (a interieure iteration may aver possible., these rig/ , blanches ajoutees lissent dans Ie texta, 3le. ces pages n ont Quality of print vanes/ Qualite megale de I'impression Includes supplementary material/ Comprend du materiel supplementaire Only edition available/ Seule Edition dispomble Pages wholly or partially obscured by errata slips, tissues, etc., have been refiimed to ensure the best possible image/ Les pages totalement ou partieilement obscurcies par un feuillet d'errata. une pelure etc , ont ete filmees ^ nouveau de facon ^ obtenir ia meilleure image possible Maps, diffen entire begini right i requir methc CIHM no. 60401 2S ratio checked Delow/ eduction indlque ci-dessous i8X *Lt~v.>^ 20X 26X 30X 24 X 28X 32X Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, e film^s ^ des taux de reduction di Lorsque le document est trop grt reproduit en un seul cliche, il est de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de g et de haut en bas, en prenant le i d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrarr illustrent la m^thode 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ;hes, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre r. de reduction diff6rents. nent est trop grand pour 6tre jeul cliche, il est fllm6 d partir eur gauche, de gauche ^ droite, s, en prenant le nombre aire. Les diagrammes sulvants lode ALL h'u] » tniiinp; Peace rnmr to joy our blest shote, The i*xampie thus sei Where th aiarin,g of war arc boundiiijr no niofe, Our sciuuerl vVcre pro ^VhprcsrailifHr /'KwCfl hovers to give us dcliglits^ Whopror^d td the w Dicice valour and courage lias gained us our rights* That tliis the power o While wr joy fnt- nut peace, let^si think of th(* past, W'h.on th. chinon of fi^me*' blew war's horrid blast Our brave little AnM\ With Vah)ur the 8wor Where hero met hero in Valorous fight, Kuf from the field \v Which alai! proved to rnutiy an cndle53 nights Tdl the^y victoy had Let^S tliink of our heroes our men of renown, The battles they've fonght, the victories they vron i And praise cir braTc heroca of valorous deed, AVho deserve well of us our tribute of jneed* Our brave little nary, ovs conntry^s blest hope^j Who with Briton's j:;rc:^t powc i- li<V^ e*ia dared to scope, Has shewn to the worid, that AMERHJ A\S name, Long sounded will be !)j tlic loud trump of fame. On the ocean ^reat Hull led the van of reUrt wn, "Which Flit^ r for the Bntori'^- their colours broughtdown V\\\o ifarnt his proud foe, that Jaierieu boasts^ ': her litlJc navy a powerful host^ While We think of &i Who foiight for our i W«*il think with del AvLi\ dwell With grca Our PRESIDENT, v The greatest that gra Who brought this gr With fionor to us, an( Then hail ^rnilina PE For the alnruis of Wi While PfiJCif.lntl C Which for our West ( ft> Pria'nd !)y NxVtIIANIEL COYERLY, ^dri. Milk-S( «,• cAmple thun set liy ttULtj en tiie wave^ lUTierl \Vcre proUd of Iho pre^opt h(^ cr;irr, \r6ir'd to the world vvhieh uccasioa was founrf, liis the power ofBntHia noiihl wnfinrh rave little inMV, \\tioh led to tfie ileld, valour theaword of freedom eoidd wicldi cm the field Would fe'eri think to };u, €y viclo.7 had gained, and eaptured the foe. ^We think of our herues of valorous mighty 'ought for our freedom, and for our birthrigl)!^ think With delight of the victories they gained^ well With grc:it joy ort the power they ^Itaitledi RESIDENT^ We, with joy will proclaim^ reatest that grates the** tablet of famfe,'* brougiU this great War at length to :x elosl!*^ Iionor to us, and contempt to olif fo^Si hail i^ PHACH, Come bless our glad slior^, le ahirms of w^f- ftfi5 loiindihg no inore^ PHACEtind Cotimicrce Sit lerigth in cotubifiVI^ if'jr oiir biest country^ bur God !iai designed/ % Jtiri; Milk-Stre»t, BOSTON,