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CATHERINE STREET (Corner of McGill College Avenue.) ¥■-»• (Tlage Ibours ant) Cerme EVENING CLASSES Cadks and Sctitlemeit [Beginners] l«HHi%« Him u%iMii.«.%M TUESDAY and THURSDAY at & o'clock. Ladies, season, - $io oo " 3 months, 6.oo Gentlemen, season, - $17.00 " 3 months, 10.00 Cddies and Qemlemcit [Advanced] SATURDAY at 8. iff o'clock. Ladles, season, $5.00 Gentlemen, season, $ro.oo AFl'ERNOON CLASSES Vouiifl Ddies, mi$$e$ and masters TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 4.15 o'clock Season, - - $15.00 3 months, - - $10.00 [Special rates for former pupils.] PRIVATE LESSONS DAY OR EVENINQ. (by appointment). 10 Lessons, - $10.00 5 Lessons, ■ $6,00 i Lesson, - $1.50 FANCY DANCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TAUGHT Private Classes taught at the Hall or at private residences. For further information kindly call at the Hall or Telephone Up 2611. mo. LIB. Ar:CHiyES REF. Y^S-'^S-J-^'f-^