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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. pauvent dtre fiimAs A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul clich«. il est film* A partir de I'angle supAriaur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut an bas, an pranant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. rrata o >elure. J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. ^^SfS^t^i/S^^%^S^S^t^^S^S^^^^t^^^^ The Kxeoulivo Committee of tha Industrial Kxhibitioii iiivile the attention of their fellow-Colonists to tht ■ubjoincd list of articles, crude and manufactured, S|iccimRiis of which tiicv deem desirable for transmission to Knglanil, to represent the Industriul Resources of these Ciilonie^ at the Great Industrial Kxhibition in IH62. They would direiit public notice to one of the features of Industrial Kxhibilinns, viz.: that of Ilwnrili fur articles deeinfd worthy of special commendation for their goodness, lor their u^efuiiie^s, for their ingenuity, for their commercial value, or as showing the adaptability of materials not previously known, in supplying some oominon want. Two methods of olitnining colloctions will be adopti'd : 1st. Spncimens contributed to cjr purchased by tho A^'ociation ; 'Jd. Specimens lent to the AssoRinllon, of which 'ue ciirH will bo lalten, and which will bo rclnrni-d to the owner, or disposed of to the best advantasje in Bngland. ill articles will Im labelled with the name and address of lliM I'lDor or lender, nnd will be conveyed to Kn^jlanl in the sanin statu as sent to the Association here, wlio will bear llie expell^<! of their transmission. TliH IvvectiiivH Committee trust to see >peci.nens oi our Colonial pro.luce, whicli, with euro in thoir prepara- tion, may enter inti i-oinpetilion with similar articles of EuuipHan or ulhnr Colonial p/olucliiii, with a fair chance of winnin!!, if not a Premium, at all events that coimnendation from the catlierin;r uf nl| X^iiimis at the lireat latu'riia- tional Kxhibition, which wonlil tend mire than any nlh>>r means to direct the ullcnlion <il Kiilitjrarils towards those Colonies. In reference to Canada, with wnich we have mnrli In common here, iMr. Wallis, lleail Master of the tiovetn- ment School of Art, Birmingham, nnd Deputy Commissioner of Juries in the Oreat i'xhihltioii of l8Jt, speaking of the Exhibition of Art- Industry in Paris in !8J'), says — •• Probably the most c implete ilisplay of Colonial piodnce, propi^rly so called, is that of Canada. Improving upon the experience of IS.'><, nod salislied that llie e.vhihitlon of its products on that occasion had been ot'iinmeiise value to its cornmerc, the C ilonial I.c;;isla;iuo voted a lari^c sum of money. ■* '■'■'' -* The rc-'Ult is n inoM useful and even tasteful display uf trans-.\ilanlic ntllilie.s and pro- ducts. Amunji; the former may be ipioted a deal window-t'ratne, with sashes and Venetian shutters, manufactured by machinery lor sixteen shillings Knglish. and a door, door and finishings cd the same material, and manufac- ture ! in the same manner for about seventeen shillings. The woikminship is perfect in every respect. Sn, h is the result of the application of machinery to the working aS wood as practised in the United States and in Canada. The edge tools also of Canadl.'.n nannfuclnre took a higher positicm in tho opinion of the <lnry than those of I'ngland and those stood relatively tw ue as higit nnmeiically, as those of I'rance. The woods of various kinds, many of them highly ornamental, and all useful, carefully cut into slabs nnd polisheil, form another iisei'iil feature in tlu (',in.idian doparlment," ."co. The executive Cuininittee confidently anticipate that a largo amount ol public attention will be centered on the exhibition ol the pruilucis of Vancouver Island and ISritish Cnhinihia and thay ask the xealuus help of all towards worthily representing our native resources and aiding in the development of a land which in many w.iys is fitted to take a not unimportant part in the World's future history. ' Contributions of articles named in the nccmpanying list, or of those which, though not enumerated, may be deemed of value, or communications respecting them are requested to be sent to the O.lice of the Industrial Kxhibi- tion, next (!ooi to the Post Office or to any member of the Sub-committees named on the next page. ^I n-C OMMITTEii: FOR IMUSTRI AL RIvSOt'RCEM. CAPT. K. STAMP, ] A. He cosmos, Ksq., | II. P. P. CKKASK, KsQ., I VifTORiA. W.J. MrDONALl*. KsQ, S. KHANKLYN, Ksq., 1 Dh. KATTRA V, U. X , h; M. S. Topaze. SI U-rOMJIlTTEE FOR MINERALS. Dr. KORBKS, It. N., H, M. S To.mze, (JAI'T. OOSSETT. R, K., New Wk.stminster, JIk. .lI'SriCK HKGBIK, Do. r. J. MCM^K.KsQ, Nanaimo, ';. C. PENDKKGAST, Vktoria, l:()HT. lUiUXABV. Es«, Do. SI H-rO.M.MITTEE MIR INDIAN PRODK TIONN. Pl.TOKMIK. Vi.TOniA, l)K IIEI.MCKKX. Do (;. B. I.KNNAKIi, Ksii., Do. <;. B. VVUOI), K.v.i. |{. N.. H. M. S. Hkcatk Dii. .sKIHjAM,. K. K.. New W f:5T.MiN.vrKii' A C. ANDKHSO.N, Ksu., Victokia. !>iMMo.«.MITTi:i: l<»H A»iRI( I I,TI Iti:, T. .1. SKINNKH. K.-Q. Victoria, KKNNKIH M.KENZIE. K>« . Do. .M.A,IOI! Kc)STKK. ' Do. -.mux cul.lvS. K-q., D.I LIST OP ARTICLES that may be Contributed from Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Of then, not leu than Ooo Duthct o( cacli. riHii- ACilllttLTrRAI,- WHEAT, BARLKY, OATS, I'EAS. BKANS, I KYE. J HOPS. KOOTS, gen»rBlly. NEEDS, (tndigenoui.) FRUITS. WOOL. Vo?'?L'I!"w.°i.??''„'5.''"! »''•?'«'• fo'Food, aueh as OATMEAI-, PEAHL IIAULEV, BISCUIT, &o. JHLAnll MADE BBEK OK ALE. t!HEE8E, HUTTER, *o. NATIVE HEMP, or FLAX, or any other Proluet adapted for Making Textile Fabrics. ?.^K1J?i5r''"*^' S*!**"!. Pickled, or Cared in any other way. HKIIHING ■< •' .. ., SARDINES •< •• « ,. HALIBUT PRAWNS <• .. .. „ nOULAKANS " " OYSTKRS " ■■ « CLAMS " .' .. ., OIL, procured from the Whale, DogBsh, Houlakan, or Fish of any kind. 81'ARS for Shipping or other purpnics. '^,^'i^iii^^lP^ NATIVE TlilBbR. Plain. Polished, or Varnished. RESINS ""NAMKNTAL ARTICLES. Manmuctnred from Native Timber. I'l'icii, '&c. 5''^.T 'ii,.?.'!!!'.'. "'• °' MiOtt'^JCturod into Useful or Ornamental Articles. (iRANITE " ■< .. ., I.IMK.STONE •• •< .. .< MARIU.K •• •> ., ,< (iRINDSTOXES, WHETSTONES, Ac, Xc. Mi>i;u,vi.s— ooi.n. COPPER. (SILVER. I'LUMBAfiO. COAL. SALT— Natural and prepared HOOII- sr«»\ K— .'■ :*..\;V'.'^.''.'?.''.»1,('".^.'.'5,','^"'"' ""«•<". *c-. and articles made from the same. ■'^^,';^.*'^' ""'■■'♦ articles of Oold. Silver, Copper, *o., produced in thcsr ARl'ICLKS Of COLONIAL MASUKACfURE, of Foreign Gold. Silver, &c PI these Colonics. lurabaiiu as Pencils. I AURICS- CURKK HIDES AND SKIN'S— The same iidaptcd for or manufaetircd into articles of dally use such as Harness. Doots, Shoes, Ac. MIS< tLI-.\NKOI)S- SPECIMENS OK HORN OF KLK, DEEU, Ac.-Artieles raannfactured of the same. DARK — tor lannins purposes. DVHS. MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. PRKPAimTONS OF ISLAND FRUITS-Such as Cranberries. Raspberries. Currants, SalUl, Oregon (Jrapes, Straw- PREPARATIONS OF ISLAND VE3KTAin.ES. I'.VINTINOS, showhitt the use of any new piKnicnt. PHOIOORAPHIC PICTURES. MODELS OF ISLAND FRUITS, VEOETAllLES, Ac NATURAL HISTORY SPKCIMESS-Such as Birds, in Plasltr or Wood. Animals, Insects, Fish, Plants, ,t<, AKTIULKftlSIDKATINGIJiUIAS IIAMHCH.VFT, VIZ- MANUFACTURES OF SLATE, WOOD, SKINS, HAIR— Such as Mats, Ac, UUSIIRs"'^'"^"^'"''' "' """' '^"'Pf^'^ B»»kct». Vishing-lincs, ttopp, *P„ (.iRASS. ^^>3'^i^8