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Thoaa too iarga to ba antiraly Includad In qno axpoaura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand corner, iaft to right arid top to bottom, aa many f ramaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagram* liluttrata thO mathod: >■ ■ ,*' 1 2 • 3 Laa axamplairaa originaHK dont la couvart^ra an paplar aat imprimAa apn; f llmte an commonpant par ia pramiar plat at ari tarminant aolt par la darnMra paga qui eoihporto una amprainta d'impraaaipn ou dllluatration, aoit par la aacond plat, aalon lo caa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa orlglnaux aont fibhAa an eommonpanjt par la pHimtAra paga qui comporta una ampf'ainta d'impraaaion ou d'liluatration at aii tarminant par > damlAra paga qui comporta uno talla amprainta. ''-^^. .'.. ■ ' : ,'"■ ' "'■' :■ ■':' Un daa aymbolaa auivanta apparattra aur la darnlAra imago da chaqua microflcha, ibion la caa: ia aymbola -^^» aignif la "A SUIVRE", la* aymboia V aignifia "FIN^. ■-2'' ■-".■■ ■".■■.■ -■ •/' - ^ Laa cartaa. planchaa, tablaaux, ate. pauvant Atra f iimAa A daa taux da rAduction diff Aranta. Loraqua 10 documont aat trap grand pour Atra raprodult on un aaul cilchA, 11 aat flfmA A partir da I'angta aupAdaur gauclia, df gaucha A drolto, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombrd 'd'imagaa nAcaaaalra. I.aa diagrammaa auivanta iiiuatrant ia m^hodo. / ■ 1 f' 2 i 3 % 6 MiCTOcorv MMuinoN ntt CNAtr (ANSI and BO TEST CHAIT No. 2) Ss*. ANGLIC^ CHURCH OF CANADA GENERAL SYNOD ARCHIVES Church House Toronto •■' ■ n ^t^. \ ^ II HI "Z" 3v«d: 3sr s FOR UaE IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS, SELECTED FROM APPROvJJd AUTHORS, BY THE V E R Y REV E R E N D H. J. G RAS ETT, B.D., DEAN OF TORONTO, TOKONTO n ^ PRXNTEP AND PUBLISHED BY LOVELL BROTHERS, 89 & 41 MELINDA STREET. ..:: . . :■ - , ■'"■ • 1870. ■ : -■ » I •ih >-W!W5;-'K;'-^PWSSBW*^' 'Wf . 4 -: t 1; . ; I.' »> t. N"r)HX. **»rr*iit ■••liiii* ,,, i Annivorsftry Ilymut Abido with mo A StailcsH Crown Aiouml the T]jroiio of Godiii' Iloovoa.'. Almost Porsuiulctl AppioHch, juy Houl, tho mcrcv*Hpiit.'*Z;. All hail tlio i)owcr of .Iosuh name.,./. Uoautiful morning star Bo present at ourv|abl«, Lord Jkwitiful River ....... 1 Heautiful land of song BlcsHcd River Bought with a price Boforo Jehovah's owfni tiiroiic Chrirttmiis hymn......... Carol, Hwcetly carol ,', ChrJHtmas linllclujuh ..i. ,.....'''. Christ is risen Come, thon long-expected Jesus Closing hymn Creation ...... Crown of life Gloso to Thee Come, thou fount of ojlrory blesHiiVg Coino, Holy Hpii-it, h(iav(>nly dove Come, Holy Spirit, coiue. Come, my soul, thy .sjiit prepare [.''.''. Come let us join our iheerful songs.......... Christ is risen From Greenland's ic mountahis ,,4u ' . . UYMV. I'f^ ovory stovniy wuid that blown iijr lather of nurcioH, in thy won! \'M\ ( I oifysave our gracious <^uecn ........... 24 ( ioing home >......... HII (}n'at\(Jod, what do I we iind ia-ar ...KM (J(m1 niWes in a mysterious way.... \:. I2r» (juido n\o, thougrciit Jehovah \)Vi (live nietho wings «)f failh, to riso ,. \m (• # tf^'r ! INDEX. !••••••• •••!«•«••••••, •i-v • •»•»•••. att' JoHU, thy hlomlnnd lipfliUtoiifinonD JoHU, tho very thouKlit of Tlu-u JfiHii, ami Htmll it ever bo... LiielU Loving frieml Lejul thou ino Lord, wlieii wo bcml before tliy throne Lord, I ttni thine Lord, it bcJongH not to my oaro ......... May the grace of Chrint our Huvionr,., My God, my Father, while I Htruy ..... My KAviour, m thou wilt.................. MauMionH of light My Hheph^rd..... My fttitn hjokn up to thoo My (iod, tbn Hpnng of all my jovh Neajer, my God, to thee '... Near tho crOHH No Honow there...... ....?., No croHH, uo crown.... , Not all the blood of bea{*tH God, tho rock of ngoH Lord, our hearts would give tlieo prnJHe Ouce more, before we part ,.., One there in above all othorH ,[,, Over-Howing over.. ......... ........... .....,..*] God of Bethel, by whoso hand...*...,..'.! for ft heart to praine ray (iod One there is above all others. ........." for ft cloHcr walk with Goti.i.......!.l."!.*li O Paradise, O Paradise ................. ^..... for a thouHund tongues to sing.. ..,." Pcfipiouu JCSUH. • •»• ay •'•• • • ••4 ••••••••■• HYIfN . 122 , 120 , Iflff , ny , Mi 07 . 107 140 144 iiO . 41 H, cleft for me .; ^04 Uoyal Hongs... ^\ p^ Ih«Ht in the liOrd, wait patiently .,.....'. 102 Star, beautiful Htar..., ...,.,'. y .Sing, Hing, yo children........ ;..!.!..!!!. lo Hunday school volunteer songi........; l(j S()unv ' iSar tflr Through nil tho chaiighig hooiich of lifo 140 Tho ninety and niiio \M) Tho homo ovor tht'ro K»l Victory....... 20 Wrtko, nntl Hing H Who iH hfl ? ,..„ la Wo thniik Thee, our Father 27 When to tho honNu of (lOtl wo jjfo ., H(> What a Htraugc nn«l won(lro|i*( wtory H8 Wo Hing of tho ronlmH of tho' hlo8t.......f »U W'hon hiH HRlvatiou hringiug... 40 What a friend wo havo in JcHiti* 47 Wo i^hull meet. ..*.,........ OU INDEX. # ».^_.. . *■>— i M i w ill ., ■■ I !■ II I Ml MM m a I < ■■.— »». A ■ » Ijl M— A— i— Work, for thn night iit coming.. ....*. fiO Wo'vo liHte«l in a holy war flO W'oi'k for .FohUm, 7U What liBHt tlion done for me.. ........ ...'I..^;.. 4fr What can I do , 00 When I Hurvey tho wondroun croMH ;.... Ill Where high the heavenlv temple ^tandM...... IW When I can rend my titio elear 1*11 Why thoHo fears .,.!.,.,.•. <.... IHl Why Hhoutd I fear tho dnrkeHt hour 1H8 We've no abiding titv hero 1B4 When Inngofir nn«l diHCane invadoH 141 When all thy morclOH, myUod Hl^ "fv I, ^f ' ^^v »^tV-^ f^r-^^i 5j^SJ ^pss^^iS*' /t-.- ." i^i^. A w.« X .^ ^A '^^i^^im^^r^^m^ ^^^ aif IT 2wd: 2sr s. 1. / THE HERALD ANGELS. I "t»lo»y toGodinthohigUe8t.'%-LMkeii.l3. 1 Hark I the herald angels Bing, " Glory'fo the new-born King ! Peace oh earth, and mercy mild, .God and sinners reconciled." C7jo/««— «' Gloryiii-the IHghest,'' Sang the glad angelic strain ; "Glory in the h%hest," " Peace on earth, good will to men." 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise ; ' Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angeUc hosts proclaim, " Glirist is born in Bethlehem." ' Clmus—" Glory in the highest," &c. 8 Mild he lays his glory by : Bom that man no more may die ; Bom to raise the sons of earth ; ' Born to give thqm second birth.' Chorus—'^ Glory m the highest," &c. 4 Hail, the Heaven born Prince of Peace, Hail, the Sun of Righteousness f Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. — — Choriia—*' G l ory in t h e highest," &nis—^GaYo\, sweetly carol, &c. 8 Carol, sweetly carol. The hapjjy ChriHtmas time ; > Hark ! the belln are pealing , \ Their merry, merry chime : Carol, sweetly carol, Ye shinuig ones above, • "Sing in loudest numbei'8. Oh,, sing redeeming love. ^,7ion(«—Cjirpl, sweetly carol. !2 Onward w'c go, for still we hoar then? singing, I "Come, weary souls, fpr Jesus bids you come;" j And thl'o' the dark, its echoes "sweetly ringing, I The music of the gospel leads UP home. k7jor«»—Ang;eIs of .Jesus ! etc. 3 Far, far aSvay, like bells at evening pealing, Tile voice of Jesus sounds o'er land and sea ; And laden souls by thousands meekly stealing, Kmd Shepherd, turn their weary steps to thcci, ijhorfiH — Angels of Jesus, etc. i Angels, sing on ! your faithful watches keeping. Sing us swec^Thigments of the songs above, Till morning's joy shall end the night of weeping, j And life's long shadows' break in loloudless love. iChoriiH — Angels of Jesus ! etc. ■•■■■ 5. -. •■, . HAEK ! HARK ! MY SOUL. " A multitude of the heavenly boat praising Ood." * Ijuke,2,is, 1 Hark! Hark! my soul: angelic songs are swelling j O'er earth's green fields and ocean's wave-beat shore ; How sweet the truth those blessed strains are! telling, . : Of that new life, when sin shall be no more! I Chorus — Angels of Jesus! angels of light! Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night. ■6.- ^'■■''-:' --■ STAR, BEAUTIFUL STAR. "Lo tlie star wliicb tboy eayr in the East wont before tbom." Matt. ii.,^!). ; There's a beautiful star, a beautiful star, The weary travellers have followed far, ; Shining so brightly till the way; :. Till it stoodo'er the place where the youiig child lay. ■ C/«o''"."s— Star, star, beautiful star ! ''. , Pilgrims weary we are; ' To Jesus, to Jesus, r, ! ^ n. Wo follow thee from afar. FESTIVAL HYMNS. 2 in the land, of tiie East, in the shadows of night, We saw the glory of thy new light, Telling us in our distant home, Tlie King- Redeemer to eartli had come I L'hortu. ■ ■''■' . » * 8 We have gold for tribute and gifts for prayer. Incense and myrrh, and spices rare : AH that we have, we hither bring, "To lay it with, joy at the feet of the King. • Chorus. CHRISTMAS HALLELUJAH. S oi S, "The word was made flesh.'!— Jpim i., 14. 2 Blow, ye golden trumpets, blow, • Let the sleeping nations know, Christ the Lord is born. Yonder see the Bethlehem star, Guiding mortals from afar ; Peace shall reign for evermore, Christ the Lord is born. C7/ our King, And, his might-<5xtolling, Wc his praises sing : Sing the wondrous glory. Of the joyful hour. When the grave was conquered By his mighty power ! Sing, oh, sing, &c. ■■ ■ .IL- :• REDEMPTION. "Ho ImtU visited and redeemed bis poopIe."^Liike i. H». 1 Who came from heaven to ransom mo ? Jesits who died uppn the tree. Why did he come from hea v en abo v e ? He came because his name was love. Sing, oh, sing, kc. "X" 'f^ '■ . : > FESTIVAL HYMNS. 2 Ana did ho dio the Son of Ciod ? yoB, on the cross ho shod his hlood. Why did my Lord nnd Saviour hlocd '} That we from evil might be freed. 8. When ho had died Avhat happened then ? On the third day ho rose again. Where did ho go when lio had risen ? He Avent to God'H right hand in heaven. 4 Where is he now, is he still there? Yes, and he pleads with God in prayer. What does he pray for and for whom? . He prays that we to him may come. 5 Should we not come, should we not come? O ye#, Christ la the sinner's home. Chorus — Christ is the Aveary sinners homo, ' O let us come ! let us comei ! WHO IS HE? S. OF S. "Tlio tltoiro of aU natious bIuiU come."— iriifi. iu, 7. 1 ' Who is he iii yonder stall, ~: At whose feet the sl^cpherds fall ? 7i«)»-».s^-''j|'is the Lord, () wondrous .story, . .. Tis the Jionl,-tli(« King of glory, * At Ills fict \vi' Uuiulily rnll, ■ Crown iliui, crown him, Lord of all. 2 Who is ho in yonder cot, Bonding to his toilsome lot ? .7 8 Who is he who stands aiul weeps ' At tlio graye whi'i'o Laz'rus sleeps? 4 Who is he in deep distress. Fasting in the wilderness ? 5 Lo, at midniglit, who is ho Prays in tlark Getliscniane ? On the cross, lo, who is he. Sheds his precious blood for me ? 7 Who is he that from the grave. Comes to heal, and helj), and save? 8 Who is he that on yon throne Kules the world of light alone ? > 13. 78.6s. " Tlion art tlio salnc, and tiiy years «bbn Imvo uo onil."— I'b. cil. !i7. 1 God, the Itock of Ages, Who evermore hast boon, What time the tempest rages, > Our dwelling-place serene : V -a.ftJMi^^ife ■■■»,. ■^■ '^ -r^^ a . ^ -i. ii s ^ ^i t -^^-^ . > ' 'i^X^ h;A - ^ ' l .. i ^Z st^«i'i^ ^^~=r , r ^ --i- J '- ^ t- ^hz -^^-^'~m^ 8 .FESTIVAL HYMNS. Before tliy first oroations, O Lord, tlie samo an now, To eiuUoas generations The E vorlasting Thou I 2 Our years are like the shadowcr On sunny hills that lie, Or grasses in the meadows That blossom but to die; A sleep, a dream, a story By strangers quickly told. As unremaining glory Of things that soon are old. 8 Thou, who fianst not slumber, Whose light grows never pale, Teach us aright to number Our years before they fail. • * On us thy mercy lighten, On us thy goodness rest, And let thy Spirit brighten. The hearts thyself hast bless'd. 4 ^4|.' crown our faith's endeavour With beauty and with grace, , Till, clothed in hght for evQrj / We see thee face to face; A joy no language measures; A fountain brimming o'er ; — An endless flow of pleasures ; — ~7- 1 M- 6s. 8fl. " Thou bA«t lea onptJ vity captive."— P». IxvUI. Ift 1 The happy morn is come; Triumjphant o'er the grave. The Saviour leaves the tomb; Omnipotent to save. Captivity is captive led ; For Jesus liveth that was dead. 2 Who now accuses them For whom their Surety died ? ' Who now shall those condemn Whom God hath justified ? Captivity is captive led ; For Jesus liveth, that was dead. •8 Christ hath the ransom paid ; Tlie glorious work is done ; On him our help is laid ; By him our victory won. Captivity is captive fed ; For Jesus Uveth, that was d^^ad". . 15. -■ ' ' ' : JUBILATE DEO. ' Make a Joyful noUe unto the Lord aU yo lands,"— Pg. c. 1. Oh, be jojrful a11 ye lands f Shout aloud for joy ! Take your harp within your hands, Shout aloud for joy ! Seek the Lord_with love and joy I wpiv MID juuru^wim love ana joy i Let no mind of grief uinoy, And come before His presence with ~ An ocQan without shore. a song. / ■*tSiI*M-»«Ti«-** ^ T 8b. iX: Chorus -J- FESTIVAL HYMNS. 9 joyful ! Bhout uloud for joy I joyful! Shout ulomVfor joy ! 2 Know yo that tho Lord is Qm\ ? PraiHO HIh holy name I ' Know yo tlmt tlio Lord Ih God ? Praise HIh holy name ! For Ho niado us and will keep Faitliful watch o'or all his nheop ; Dear shophord of the flock and fold above. i'horits, 8 Enter in His gates with thanks, And His courts With praise ; Enter in His gates with thanks, And His courts with praise. Poor return our heai-ta can give, For the blessings we receive, And evw may our voices singHis praise, dhoryp. 4 how gracious is the Lord ! Ever good and kind ! Sing His praise with one accord ! Joined in heart and mind. For His mercy's ever sure, And his truth will still endure ; shout aloud for joy of such a God. — — Vlutrus. ■ ■'■'; :r--— : 16. : ■•--- ■;- -, SUNDAY SCHOOL VOLUNTEER SONG. "'l press towards the mark for the prize."— Phil. iil. 14. 1 We are marching on with shiehlJiMl bamie r \7*< bright, ^^ We will work for God lind battl6 fo^ie right, fo^h( We will praise his name, rejoicing in his niiglrf><; And we'll work till Jesus caH;i. In tli«! Sunday School onr army we prepare, Ah we iiilly round our blessed stiuidard there, And the Saviprtr's cross wo early learn to bear. While we work till Jesus calls. Vhorm — Then awake, then awake, happy song, happy song, " / Shout for joy, shout fdr joy, As we gladly march along. We are marching ftnwHrd, singing as wo go, To the promised \)^\\A where liying waters flow; Come and join our rjyiks as i)ilgrims here below, Come and work till Jesus calls, ; Wo arc marching on, our Captain ever near, Will protect us still. His gentle voice we lu^ar : Let the foe advance, We'll never, never fear. For we'll work till Josus calls. Then awake, awake, our happy, happy song. We will shout for joy, and gladly march along, In the Lord of Hosts let every heart be strong. While we work tjU Jesus calls.— (7/»«»rM«. We are marching on tho straight and narrow way. That will load tp life and everlasting day, To the smiling holds that never will decay, But we'll work till .Jesus calls. We are marcking on and pressing toward the prize, To a glorious crown beyond the glowing skies, 10 radiant fields whore pleasure never dies, in'a^ we'll work till Jesus calls. — Chorus. llgil|ioi i I ■f-l 7 _i:s- 10 "iSir. ■ V FESTIVAL HYMN8.- 17. HOUND THE HATTLE (!11Y. " For If the tniiiiiiot Klvn aii unciirtiiln hoihhI who iliutl iiroiiiirp liliuaulf for biitllo."-^! Cor. xlv. « 1 Bound tJio battle cry ! See I tlio foe is uif^li ; llaiBO the Htaiulartl high For the Lord; Gird your armour on ; Stand firm every one ; Kest your cause upon His lioly word, < 'honiM — Hoiide then, soldiers ! rally round the banner f Ready, steady^ pass the word along ; Onward, forward, shout aloud HoHuniiah! Christ is Captain of the mighty thron 2 Strong to meet the foe. Marching on wo go, \ While our cause we know •Jteust prevail ; * Shield and banner bright, Gleamuig in the light ; * Battling for the right \ We ne'er can fail. — C/iontit. 8 Oh! thou God of all, < Hear as, when we call ; Help us, one and all By thy grace; When tiie battle's done> And the vi ct'ry w on, 18. THE BUJLE. SO^G. 1 Guard the Bibl/ well, '^ All it/s fatJjriTjK'I, The sWet story tell ' ■ I Of the Lord. Guard whitt God revealed, our sun and shield ; i^vor, never yield holy word. /»(>/•»»— Rouse thciJj^ristians, rally for the Bibl<)t Work on, pmjt^on, spread the truth abroad. Stand, then, Uke, men, in^io causo tri- ' umphant, , . For .the Bible is the Word of God. ' ^ Book of love divine, .# Precious word of thine, Let it ever shine ' AH abroad, in the Spirit's might, ,, We must win tiie fight, For this Gospel light— . The truth of God. i'JwrnH—lXomQ, then, Christians, &c, 8 Shout the Bible song. Bw eiLJJio mighty th r ong, May we wear the crown Before thy face.— (?/to/«.«. In the cautie be strong. Of thQ pght. '-> mtrnrn', Am »*•■■■ — - RSTIVAL IIVMN8. 11 iblOt ruth tri- LooJi to (1()(1 ill piiiycr, When Uu5 f«i) yoii ilarC, And forever weiir IIIh iinnoiir bi'i;;lit. (;/j«»H«-- llouHo, then, Chribtiann, Ac, 4 0, yo ChriHtiftu baiul, For this JHMo stiuul, By tho Loril'H conmiiiud, No'or givo o'er. . Lead tho army on, , Till the Htril'e in done, And the cauRC in won. Forever more. t'AoMM— Roiiso, thou, ChriHtiauH, fee. / 1 ■: *\. " -19. r- ANNIVEllSAltV inilN. See tho earth from 1»ondafife brcakiii},', Wears no more an icy chain ; See tlie fieldw from slcej) awakhig, All the lovely hii^hcH re<»aiiK Valleys, hills and monntains p[lo\vin;jr, In the HunKlnnc of (lod'H love, Rivers to the ocean llowinjo;. Tell of One who rules above. ' 2 Safely has tho Father led us HongH of lotc rind jirniHe aHceiidiii^', From tliest! >,'nitt liil IniirtH of oiirH, lti-i<,'Jit('r lilies to earth me leiidin;^', bweeter incense to the llowerH. H Thou who bidVt llie rill and river Siii^' tlieir ;,'litd liiiiiiipliaiit wjiif^, ('<>iiie_. mid ovi ry soiilMiliver, From the cliniiis that bind ho stroiij,'. liih' witli us is full of ^^'ladiiess, Faith and love illnnie our «lays, Soii'ts cmi have no toi|i|h of HadllO^^H, When the heart is full|^|itaisc. 20. VKITOUY. All alon^' our piljfnm way ; From His bounty kindly fed Us, With a loving haiul each day. 1, On to tlifl conilict, soldiers fitr the ri^dit Arm withthe Spirit's sword, mid maich totheright; Truth be your watch-word, sound the ringing cryj Victory, victmy, victory. ' '/lOIKS Fvcr this the war cry, Victory, victory. FiVor tins tho war cry. Victory ; Write it on your baniu'rs, Waft it on the broezo, I Victory, victory, victory ! * ,2 Fiercely it rages, deadly is the Strife, [ Hut the prize tliat yon shall wiji will be endless life ; ' Jesus will crown yon, your rewanl shall be V 1} *i j Victory, victory,' victory I U Aonjj— Ever this the war ci'y,-iS:c. :i.-:'.\ =~,-^ % ^nf- ^^-r™^ ^ I lilHi "."■•,'1 '•, -♦il' la FESTIVAL IIYMNS. « ViiliHut niul choorfiil, niurchiiitf right alontt, Kvoiy f(>o Hhitli quit tho flchl, tho' luuiKhty ntu\ Htroiig; JVar hIihII opprftw^Uiom, tl-iitli hIuiII mako tJicm Hoc ■ Victory, victo!i^;^;vJQ<rniug star, When fears fcontiol my trembling soul, Tfhy beams my comfort are. sautifdiuoruing star, &c. . ., ■1 tnt= •1/Beautilirrnorning star. Beautiful morning star. Thy glory bright shall fill with light Tho shining land afar Chorut — Beautiful morning star, &c ''4 I j — '10 Iheo wc praise in a grateful hymn of gladness, Witli tlie Father and Holy Sou. Shout, &c. Limiiii'iir-nrrr-rar- ,^>0^^0l^ r^ * . ^ '10 W-' FESTIVAL FIYMNfl. -V^ — ■"— - - 23. r««. 7»«.- "Tlto Denini of iili iiiUIuiin kIiuII oiiui<< " lUu. ii.. 7, 1 (<(<)iru>,.tll<>ll loilg-OX|)Ot't«Ml J('«U)4. Horn to wt thy in'opU' IVt-o ; Knnu our fViii'H iiiul niiis nlniMc iik; liut UH liiul oiii' r«>Hl ill tlioc. 2 iHntul'H Htl'OIJKtll Itllll COIISollltidll, llopo of all tlir t'lii'tli tlioii ai't ; Dear (It'Hiroot' «>\«'rv iiiitioii, Joy of ovory loiiKiiif,' liouit. i B Horn tliy iioopUv to deliver; Dorii a child uiitl yi't a kiii^; Horn to rcigii iui uh for ever ; Now tliy gittcioUH kiiigduui hi-ing. B O liunl our (itKl, liriHc, S('a|ft'r hii' ♦iii'uiit'H, . Anil niuk«r tli«>ni laJ^ (lonlHuntl lliK«i' |tolitt4-H: l''ruHlrat«> llioM' knavish (rickH; On htir our latfion we lix ; arii'il (o |ionr; Long may hIm? nign: May hluf r give ui§«anht> To hing with ht'iirt and voicO, (iooopl« slMnitt'il and «al(l, Ooi.l navo tliu klHK/ ,»I Hiiiii. X. M, 1 GoJ Bjive oiirgraciouH Qnoou, " ^*^ Long live oui^ iiohle Qiiovu, God wave the Queeu; Send lior victorions. lie nroMont at <»ur table, Lord, III' lu>r«' and (Wfrywhoro adored ; Thy croaturt's bltwH, asd grant tliat wp May foaHt in panidino with thoe. II. llappy and gh)rioUH, Long to roign over us ; God Baye the Quoou. " Kvory uroatnro or Uoiu rocolvoit with tliaokii- «lvliiK."-I Tiul. iv. 1. We llmiik thfie.°Tiord. for tliJH our food. -^ For life, and health, and every good : May manna to our souIh be given, Thi! broad of lifu, uent down fmiu heaven. -«r ir 1 I t 14/. CLOSING HYMNS. 88, 78. I^e^zo. 26. NpWTON. "The Kmco of our Lord Johub Christ nntt tho love of 6oi1 and tlio foliuwuhip of the Holy (lliost be with ypii all."— 2 Cor., xiii. yi. 1 May tiie grace of Christ our Sftviour, And tfiie Father's bbunclless love, ! With the Holy Spirit's favour, Best ui>on us from above : Thus may we abide in union i^ , ♦ With each other and the Lord» And. possess, in sweet communion, >r Joys whicif earth cannot afford. ■'^■'27. ■■„ •. . •■! 1 We tliank Thee, our Father, for all we haye heard,: For every sweet promise contained hi Thy word; And O, with Thy spirit to comfort and clieer, How 9ft we have felt " It Is good to be liere." 2 Dismiss us a Lord, with Thy blessing, wc pray ; , From tlioughts that are sinful, O keep us this day; Now cover us all with the shade of Thy wing, Wliiie still in Thy presence this chorus we sing. 8 Praise God from whom (ill blessings flow ; Praise Him all ci'eatm-es here beloAV ; Praise him above ye heavenly host ; Piraise/Patfier, Soil, and Hol'v Ghost. ■ ,> .,- ■ ':'";^-' - ■ •• ■ ■■ . . ■ ■. '■ '■ '{■■■ ' -'■ ■■ ■ Piano. , 28. (82) Mrs. Pabson. P.M. "My Boul longeth yea even fainteth for tho Courts of tho liortl " :• ; t ■ Ps.lxxxiv. 7. r Jesus, we love to meeC ■^ On % holy Sabbath day. We worslrip round thy seat, On thy holy Sabbath day. Thou tender heavenly Friend, To Thee our prayers ascend, ■ O'er our young spirits bend. On thy holy Sabbath day. We dare not trifle how. On, &c. In silent awe we bow, . On, &bl Check every wandering thought, ' ,' And let us ail 4>e taught ■ '• ' To soi-ve Thbe as we ought. On, &c. H We listen to thy word, liless all that we have heard. Go witli us wheii we partj And td each youthful heart Thy saving grace impart. On, &o. On, &c. On, &c. 1 ' . 29. CLOSING ' HYMN. ' "Oo.in peace,"— l^uke vii. 5^. Hcav'nly father grant thy blessing Oil the duties of the day, ' May Thy love, each sonl possessing, Shineiipon our onward Avay. Guide bur steps, arid guide us ever, v Make our way serenely bi'ighit ; Frieiid must.part from friend, but never May'we lose Thy heavenly light. Chortis-^T^ever, never, would we part From this joy «iat fills the heart ; Jesus dwell with us below, Go with us where'er we g6. i CLOSING HYMNS. 15 2 May our hearts the lessons poudcr^ ' We hare learned within this place, And our footsteps ne\ct. Avaudcr, Guided by restrainiiig g^ace. Taught of Thee, oh, loving Saviour, We our truest wisdom giliu , In the sunshine of thy favour. We, thy tiliildren, would remain. — I'liOijoi, - . - ■■^K> . ■ ■ ■ ' ■ U- " L.M. Mezzo. 30. Taylok. 1 When to tlie house of God wc go To hear his woi-d and sing his love, "We ought to worship him below As saints and angels do above.. 2 Om* God is present everywhere, And watches all om- thoughts and ways ; Pe mal'ks who humbly join injn*aycr, And who sincerely sing his praise. B The triflers, too, his eye can sec, Who only seem to take a part ; Tliey move thelip aii{l bend%tho knoc, But do not ^eek him with the heart. -^ ■: • ■■ . -."s- ■•..■■■/'•■■ 4 may we never trifle so, Nor lose the days oiu* God has given ; But learn, by Saujbatiis here below. To spiBud eternity in Heaven. 31. [CM. "Otbor fell iiito good ground, atul brought (ortL frtiit." , Mutt. xiii. S, 1 Lord, our hearts would give thee praise, Ere now oiy." school we end : For this thy day, the best of days, Jesu, the children's. Friend. 2 Lord, gral^ thy Word in every heart, • '. Our souls from sm defend. That wo from (lice may ne'er depart, Jesu, the children's Friend. 8 Lord, bless our homes and give us grace. Thy Hjibbaths so to s^teud, That We in heaven may find a place, Witli thee, tlie children's Friend. ' 32' .[10s. ' Abiilo with us ; for tlic day is far siiont.'"— Luko xxiv. 29. :1 Abide with me : fast falls tlie eventide ; The dai'kness deepens ; Lord, with me abide : When other helpers fail, and comfort^s llec, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; I'^arth's j()ys grow dim, its glories pass away : (Jhange and decay in all around I see ; O thou, who changcst not, abide witli me. 8 Come not in teri'ors, as the King of lungs; ■ But khid and good, with healing in thy wings; ! Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea ; • I Come. Friend of sinners, tlius abide with me. \ v/ ^w^^^^^K^ ' 11 16 CLOSING HYMNS. •4 I neeid thy presence every passing bqiir : I What but tliy grace can foU the tempter's power ? Who like thyiilf my guide and stay can be ? J Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me. 6 I fear no foe, with thee at hand to bless : Ills have no weight, and. tears no bitterness : Where is death's sting ? where, grave, tliy victory •' I triumph still, if thou abide with me. 6 Hold thou thy cross before my closing eyes ; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies : Heaven's mormug breaks, and eartli's vaui shadows flee; In life, in death, Lord, abide with me. "I wiU lay inc dowu in iieace."— I's". Ix. 8. 1 8mi of my soiU, tliou Siiviom- dear. It is not night if thou be neai* ; Oh may no eartli-boru cloud arise. To hide tlied from thy servant's eyes, 2 Wlien the soft dews of kindly sleep My weai-ied eyelids gently steep. Be my last thought, how awect to rest For ever on my Saviom-'s breast. y Abide witli m^ from morn till eve *, For witliout thee I caimot live ; ■ Abide with me when night is nigh, For witliout thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of thine Have spum'd to-day the voice divine, Now, Lord, tlie gracious work begin ; Let him no more lie down in sin. 5 Watch by thfl^siek, enrich the poor With blcssuigs from thy boimdless store ; Be every mourner's sleep to-night. Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wakdj. Eire through tlie world our way We takd ; Till in tlie ocean of thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. "34. •";;".: ■■ [L.M. "Ho shall enter into peaco."—I«a ivii. 2. 1 Uow sweet tlie horn- of closmg day, When all is peaceful and serene. And tliG broad sun's retuiug ray Sheds a mild lu,iitre o'er tlie scene ! 2 Sucli is^he Christian's parting hour, '- So peacefully he sinks to rest ; ,• Arid faith, rekindlmg all its power, Lights up the languor of his breast. a There is a radiance in his eye, A smile upon his wasted cheek, Tliat seems to teU of glory nigh — In language that no t,ongUe can speak. I. ■•^ • rrwt^'T ''Pi-t: : ' *l GENERAL HYMNS. 17 4 . A beam from heaven is sent to cheer Hie pilgrim on his glooftiy road ; And angels are attending near To bear him to their bright abode. 5 Lord, that we may thus depart, Thy joys to share, thy face to see. Impress tiiine image on our heart. And teach us now to walk with thee. 35. 1 Once more, before we part, W^ bend the suppliant knee. And lift our souls in prayer and praise, Eternal God, to thee. 2 Where'er we travel go, \yhere'er we rest abide, 'Do thou our path on earth surroimd. And all oui' footsteps guide. 8 We ne'er again on earth May thus togetlier meet ; ' Oh, grant that in our home above, We may each otlier greet. 7s. Piano. 36. Toplady. " I will put thee in a cleft of the Bock."— Ezod. zxxiii. 22: 1 Kock of ages, cleft for mo ! . Let me hide myself in thee. ._ ., Let the water and the blood, From thy riven side which flow'd. Be of sm the doubly cure, - — . Cle ans e m e from i t s %uilt a nd power . — 2 Not the labours of my hands Can fulfil thy law's demands. Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears for ever flow, All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone. 8 Nothing in my hand I bring ; . Simply to thy cross I cling ; Naked, come to thee for dress ; Helpless, look to thee for grace ;_ Foul, I to the fountain fly ; Wash me, Saviour, or I die. 4 Wlule I draw this fleeting breath,— When my eye-lids close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, — iBee thee on thy judgment-throne,— Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee ! . - 37. LUELLA. Jesus, tender Saviour, Hast thou died for me ?. Make me very thankltd * Li my heart to Theei> "^ho. rua -Wlien the sad, sad st^, Of thy grief I read. Make me very sorry, '• . — Jor my s in s ind ee d. i 1 1 a— ■ * -*,' li ! :^; ■/'■.■■ J-' 18 CLOSING HYMNS. 3 Now I know-Tliou lovcat, And dost mead for mc, Ms^e me vf»y thaukful • In mj praf oM to Thee.— C?iK)|rM«. 8 Soon I hope, in glory, At Thy aide to stattd ; ' Make mo/^t to meet Thee In thitit happy laud. — Chorus. :» ■■ 8s& 7s. M6zzd. 38. "Behnmtiled/l Anon. «U and became 6bedi«ut unto doatb." PhU.U.8. WhaVa strange and wondrous story Frbm the book of God is read, How the Lord of Life and glory [ad not where to lay his head : ;ow he le^ his throne in hcavc!a. Here to Suffer, bleed, and die, That my soul might bo forgiven, And ascend to God on high. ~ 2^JB>ther, let, thy Holy Spirit, ^•^ Still re\^al a Saviour's love, NSSid prepare me to inherit ^V^Gloi^y» where he reigns above. ■ mi€re with saints and angels dwelling, May I that groat Ipve proclaim. And with them be ever teUirig — : — All the wond e rs of his name. — — "^ — - ^ P.M. Mezzo. 39. Mbs. £ Mills. " They desiw a b«f ter country."— Heb. il. 19. 1 We sing of the realms of the blest. That country so bright and so fair; And oft are its glories confessed— 'But what must it be to be there ? 2 We speak of its freedom from sm, From sorrow, temptation, and cares, From trials without and within — ' But what must it be to be there ? 8 We speak of its service of love, The robes whi«h the glorified wear. The Church of the First-born above- But what must it be to be there ? 4 Do thou. Lore), 'midst pleasure or woe. For heaven our spirits prepare ; Tlien soon shall we joyfully know And feel what* it is to be there. f- JM. -' 40., ■; • HYMNS OF PRAYER. •> Pianoj €. Elliott. *Him that comotb to mo 1 ■will in uo wise cast but."- ^ohuVi. 27. 1 Jtmt as I am— without one plea, ' "■■ But that thy blood was slied for me. And thatthon bid^t me come to thee, "~~ O Lamb of God, I come, [I come.] ■r-: '■■■■^■/ i-ii-^ L8.' / " y i -^^ - -/ ' / . r T. i.27. GENERAL HYMNS. 19 2 Just as I am— ttud waiting not To rid my sotti of one dark blot ; To thee, whose bl6od can olcausd each spot, Lamb of God, I come, 8 Just as I am— Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believe ; Lamb of God I come. 4 Just as I am — Thy love unknown Has, broken every barrier down, Now to he thine, yea, thine alone, Lamb of God, I come. P.M. Piano. 4t' C. Elliott. " Thy wUl be done."— ?Iatt.'Kvr, 42. 1 My God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home, on life's rough way, teach me from my heart tb say, "Thy will be done!" 1 If thou should'st call me to resign What most I prize— it ne'er was mine : . 1 only yield thee what was thine : /^ , '• Thy wiU be done 1" 8 Should pining sickness waste away \ My Ufe in premature decay, • . \ My Father, still I strive to say. 4 If but ray fainting heart bo hloHs'd ' With thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to thco I loavo the rest ;— " Thy will bo done !•- 5 Then when oh earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mix'd with tears before, I'll sing up&ii a happier shore, "Thy will bo done!" «., 4. Piano. 42. 8. F. Adams. "A pebide neivr unto him,"— P«. oxlvlU. U. 1 Nearer, my God, to thee, Ncalrer to theo, . E'en though it be a cross That raiHeth me : ^ Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, td theo. Nearer to thoe. * ■ ' . 2 Though like a wanderer, Daylight all gone. Darkness be over me. My rest a stonie ; . Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Ncaref, &c. 8 ThBTfrlSiiheJway appear Steps up to heaven \ All that thou sendest to me In mercy givou.- Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to thee. Nearer, ftc. 4 Then with my waking thoughts Bright with tliy ' praise. Out of my aftony griefs Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to be ?:i "Thy will be done!" '-%' Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer, &o. GENERAL HYMNS. 6 And when on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, SniK moon, and stars forgot. Upwards I fly, V \Still all my song shall be ; Neiirer, my God, to thee, NeaSrer, Ac. 43. JESTfs PAID IT ALLi ' " Wio his own Mlf^are our alns In bis own body on the troo * iPeUrli.24. ' 1 I hear my Saviour say. Thy strength indeed is small ; Thou hast naught thy debt to pay. Find in me thy all in all. ■■'.■ -r"- ■ . . • ■■ OAorus^-Jesus paid it all; AH to Him I owe : Sin had left a crimfnn stain ; He, washed it wmte as snow. i For noUiing good have I Whereby thy grace to claim-^T , ril waoh my garments white In the blood of Calvary's Lamb.^CAo. 8 Then down beneath His cross rUlay my sin-sick soul. For naught have lio h^g,— _, . Thy grace must make me whole.— Cfto. ...-*■ . ' ■ 4 And now oompleite in Him, ^ My robe his righteousness. Close shelter'd 'neath H ia aidA . 6 When from my dying bed My ransom'd soul shall rise, Then " Jesus paid it all" Shall echo through the skies,- fl And when before this throne I stand, in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, , All down, at Jesus' feet.— CAq. -Cho: Hi 44. NEAR THE CROSS. / " God forbid that I should glory, save In the oroBi of oar I^rd Jesus Christ/'— Ool. Ti. 14. 1 Jesus keep me near the orgss, In thy love abiding, I will glory in thy name, ^ . ' In thy word confiding. Chorus— In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever, Triumph in His name alone, Mighty to deliver. 2 Near the cross, a trembling soul, , Love and mercy found me ; There the bright "ks^ morning star Shed its beams {ground me. — Chorua. 8 Nefir the cross ! Lamb of God, Bringits scenes before me ; ' H e lp me w alk f r om day to day. A .■^; y 1 am divinely blest.— ^Ao. With its shadow o'er me.— Chorus. ^ GENKBAL HYMNS. 21 I Koar the oroBs I'll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever, * Till I gain my goUlcu crown, Praise tho glorious givor.—CAorw* ird 78 & Cs. Mozzo. 45. " Come over and help U8."— AotB xvi. 0^ 1 From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand,. . AMiere Afrio's sunny fountains T Tloll down their golden sand; ^ From many an ancient river, ' * . From many a palmy plain, ', They call us to deliver y Their land from error's chain. ♦ ' ■ 2 What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle j Though eVery prospect pleases. And only man is vile; In vain with lavish landless. The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone. 8 Can we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, — Can we to men benighted - ^ The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! oh, salvation ! - Tlie joyful sound proclaim, - — Till ea c h r emotest 'nation Hebkr. Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll ; Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole,; Till o'er our ransom'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bhss returns to reign. 78 & 6s. 46. • " JesuB Bftith, have ye never read, Out of tbe mouth of babM and sucklings though hast perfected praise 7 "^M att. zxL 16. 1 When, his salvation bringing, . To Zion Jesus came ; - The chil^cn aU stood singing -^ Hosannah to his name. Nor did their zeal oflfcnd him. But as he rode along. He bade them* still attend him, And smiled to hear their song. 2 Then since the Lord retaineth His love for children still ; : Though now as, Kiflg he reigneth, On Ziou's heavenly hill ; •• We'll flock around iiis banner, Who sits upon the tiirone, » — — And sing al o u d Hosann i S ih I , — .- ;. • \' Has learnt Mesiiah's name. To David's royal Son. aa GENERAL HYMNS. 8 For Hliould we fail proclaiming Onr great Rodcoiuer's praise, The stoneB, our Bilcnoe shaming, Would their ho&anuahs raise. But shall wo only render The tribute of our words ? No, while our hearts are tender, They, too, shall ho the Lord's. -*f^ .»> ■ ■ -47. WpAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS. "A Mend that Btioketh closer th«n a brother."— I^v. rvlH. 24. I; * " * * jl What airieud we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear; , What a privilege t6 carry Ev'rything to God iivprayer. 0, what peace we often forfeit, O, what needless pain we l>ear; All because we^do npt carry Ev'rything to God in prayer.- 2 Have we trials and temptationis ? ». Is there trouble any where ?. .-■ : ^^should never hb discouraged. Take it to the Lord iri prayer. ' GiMi \ye find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share ; 8 ^0 wo weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care; Precious Sjwiotir, still our refuge, • Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee. Take it to the Lord in prayer; I^4lis arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. ■. vv ' ■ .:-■: ■.■■■•■ P.M. Piano. Whittekqbe. " tet this mind be in yom which was al«o in Cbriat Jetua." Ph^. ii. 5. 1^^ '^^nb Jesus- knows our. every weakness. Take it to the Lord in prayer. it to be like Jesus, ' ^ lowly and so meek, ,'nb one, mark 'd an angry word That ever heard hita speak. I want to be like Jesus, So frequently in prayer, Alone upon the mountain-top, He met his father there. ■ ..'■' ^ , .. ._ ■ . » ■. ■ I want to be like Jesus : I never, never find ' *- That he, though persecuted, was To any one unkind. I want to be like Jesust E ngaged in doing good, — \ So that of me it may be said, ^^ •' She hath done what she could. 3t„„„^ .,,.,„, ^ "r^^r":jy=^*^ ESS-T-j-j-'-rpj-,"- OPNERAL HYMNS. 28 ■*3^ .„;,-JL.. B. I want to bo like Jobub, Who Hwc'otly Haid to all, " Let littlo olnltlron como to mo." I would obey tho call. But bh! I'm not like Jesus, As any one may see. Oh ! gentle Saviour, send thy grace, And make me like to thee. c. 49. JESUS IS MINE. ' What thinm trere gain to me, those I eoa«ted loss (or Christ." . PhU.lU.7. 1 Fade, fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine ! .■' Break every tender tie, ' Jesus is mine I Dark is the wilderness. Earth has no resting place, jesus alone can bless,. JesuB is mine! 2 Tempt not my soul away, Jpsusisminef j_^ , Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine! Perishing things of clay, — Born Tot but one brief day, • ;" 8 Farewell, ye dreams of night, JosuB is mine 1 LoHt in tlllH dawning light. JoHus is mine ! All that my soul has tried, lioft but a diHmal void, — JesijH liaH Hatiafiod, JesiiH is mine t '^■-■i 60. WE SHALL MEET. "Where I am, there shaU also my Berranta be."--Jobn «H. 20. 1 We shall meet beyond tile river, , By-and-by, by-and-by ; J And the darkness will be over, By-and-by, by-and-by. Witli tlie toUsome journey done,. And the glorious battle won. We shall shine forth as the sun, By-and-by, by-and-by. 2 Done with all of earth's delusion, By-and-by, by-and-by ; ' ' War, and strife, and sin's confusion, By-and-by, by-and'by. We shall rest our pilgrim feet On the shores where loved ones meet. ; i There to dwell in bliss complete, By-and-by, by-ahd-by. ■m.. Pass from my heart away, ' Jesus is mine! u GENERAL HYMNS. "8 We shall see and be like Josaa, By-and-by, by-and-by, ' He a orown of life will give ng, By-and-by, by-and-by. - And the angels who fulfil All the mandates of his will, Shall attend and love us still, By-and-by, by-and-by. 4 When with robes of snowy whiteness, By-and-by, by-and-by ; And with crowns of dazzling brightness, By-and-by, by-and-by ; There our storms and perils passed. And with glory ours at last, We'll possess the kingdom vast, . By-and-by, by-and-by. 51. SHALL I BE THERE. ' ^'h!ISI!? rtSh**?^?i.*i*f * ** W« eommandmenti, that they may b»T* right to litaa tree of Ufe, and may enter In through the gatea Into the olty/'-Bev. xxii 14. **"'"'*" 1 When samts gather 'round thee, dear Saviour above, And hasten to crown thee with jewels of love. Amid those bright mansions of glory so fair tell m(9, dea,r Saviour, if I shall be there ? 2 When teachers and scholars each Rroot, ^ And join in tlie ^nthcm at Johns' dear ^gf, , Rich tokens of mercy for ever to Hhare, «2V>, tell nie, dear Saviour, if I Bhall be tholp' \ ,N Chorus — tell me, tell me, etc. 8 When life's, dreary billows are spent on the shore. Beyond the dark river, and t^mejs'no more. When bright palms of glory the victors shall bear, toll me, dear Saviour, if I shall be there? Choriu^O tell me, tell me. etc. 4 O blessed Redeemer, thy mercy and grace Alone can prepare me to enter that place. I'm stained and polluted, but shall I despair, - tell u»e, dear Saviour, if I shall be there ? Choni$-r-0 teU me, tell me, etc. 52. HOLY ANGELS. " Air© they not all ministering spirits."— Heb. 1. ^4. 1 Holy angels, in their fiight, Traverse over earth and sky, Acts of kindness their delight, Wing'd with mercy as they fly. TT Chorus— O teU me, teU me if I shall be there ? tell me, dear Saviour, if I shall be there ? ■ J haU tho iaU GENERAL HYMNS. 20 phorui — Don't yon hoar tho angolH coniiiig ? , SWootly HinBuiR, liH thoy CHino, » Bproading wid« tlioir hcav'nly muHic, From their happy aimcl lioiuo, " ■ ■ t. S Tbo' thoir foriUH \vt ■ejiniiot hoo, Thoy attoiul aud guil^d our way, Till wo join thoir coiupany, In tho holds of heavenly day. — Chorut. 8 Had wo but an angd'H wing, And an angorK jioart of flarao, 0, how Hwoetly would wo ring , Thro' tho world tho Baviom''8 name. — Chu. 53. SONG OF THE REAPERS. , :^ y ^ ■ ■ . / "Tney that bow In team aball reap in Joy." -Ps. ozxvl. 5. 1 Oh, wo aro tho reapers that garner iij The sheaves of the goOd froro tiie fields of sin ; With sickles of truth must tho work bo done, And no ouo may rest till the "harvest home." Chorus — Wo aro tho reapers, oh, who will come And share in the glory of the " harvest home ?" Oh, who will help us to Jarncr in .The sheaves of good from tho holds of sin ? Then Roarch in tbo bigbway, and paHs nur sickles,. ye sons of men. And gather together the |,'oldon grain ; Toil on till the slieavos^of Ibo Lorili are bound. And joyfully borno from tbe barvesl ground. - (74on<«— Wo aro the reapers, Ac. 2 Go ojit in the by-ways and search tliem all ; The wheat may bo there, though the weeds aro tall; " 64. " > . ^ THE OTiD, OLD STORY. "Thy woHMh a laum unto my fout. alxl a liulit unto my path.' Ph. oix.i06. 1 Toll me the old, old story, Of unseen things Above, Of Jesus and Uis glory, Of Jesus and his love. ^ Tell mo the story siiuply,. As to a little child. For I am weak ajU^woavy, - Aiid beliTlcss and deliled. /{(•/V«iM-^T«^ll me the old, (»ld.Ktory, ': — — ^^ Tell nie t)n' old, old story, — :— Tell me the old, old story. Of Jesus and His love. <)■ 26 GENERAL HYMNS. r :i 2 Tell mo tho Htory Hlowly, That I nuiy tiiko it in - Thiit woiulorful rodotnptiou, Ood'H romody for hiii.^ Toll mo tho Btory oftoii, • For I forgot ho hoom I Tho *• early dow" of luoriiing Hau pauHod away at noon. i?f/ya»n— Tell nie «io old, old story, Ac. 8 Toll mo the story softly, Witli oarnost tones iind pravo ; Bomombor I I'm the sinuor Whom Jotius came to save. Toll mo that story always, If yoH would really bo, In any time of trouble," ■ A comforter to mo. liefrain—TQW mo the old, old story, Ac. 4 Tell me the same old story. When you have cause to fear That this world's'empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory . Is dawning on my .soul, Tell mo tho old, old story, " Chr i flt Jo M U B iwkoo thco whole." T 56. ' UKAUTIFUL UIVKIl. inpnoB the (fold, old "And ba ahewod me ■ imro river of water of Ufa."— Rev. xxtl. 1. J Shall wo gather at tho' river. Where bright angol feet havo trod j With its crystiil tide for over, Flowing by tho throne of God ? Ckorut— Yob, we'll gatho^ at the river. The boautifiil, the boantiful river, Gather with tho Haints at tho rivor, That Hows by tho throne of God. 2 On tho margin of the river, • Washing up its silver spray. Wo will walk and worsliip ever. All the happy, golden day. CVionw— Yes, we'll gather at tho rivor, Ac. ji , • 8 On the bosom of tho river. Where tho Suviour-kiug wo own, We shall moot, and sorrow never, 'Neath tho glory of the thronjB. CAoi/M— Yes, we'll gather at the river, Ac. 4 Ero we roach the shining river. Lay we every burden down ; Gruco our spirits will d e liv e r, Refrain— Td\ me th story, Ac. And provide a robe and crown. C/iona— Yes, we'll gather at the river, Ac ; ) \ • S -V OENEBAL HYMNS. '27 6 At th« HTuilinK of the rivfir, Mirror of tlio Haviour'n fftco, HaintR, whom «l»'iith will ncvor Hovcr, Life tliolr HongH of wiving Rrncoi- CAoHi*— You, W«'U giUhor at the river, '&C. 6 Soou we'll rcHcli the Hhiniiif? river, Soon our pilKriumKc will cuTiHoj Soon our hftpjvy hoarta will quiver With flio melody of peace. C'/kono— YeB, we'll gatlu-r at the river, ko. ' ■■ ■ ■ 66. WORK. FOR THE NIGHT IS COMIN(| 1 W6rk, for the night is coming, ,1:^ '^, Work thro' the morning hours , • Work while the (lew i» sparkling. Work 'mid spriuKiiiK HowcrH ; •' Work when the day growH brighter. Work in the glowing sun ; * Work, for the'riight is (doming, When man's work \h done. * • ■ ■ Qivc every flying minute 8 Work, for tho night is coming, UiuUt th(» HUiiHi't hV'u'h ; Wliil« their bright tintn hiv glt)wing. Work, for daylight llics. , Wofli, till the hiHt lM«am fadoth, Fadoth to sliine no nioro ; Wovk, while the night is dark'uiilg. When man's work is o'er. 4 Work for the glorious morrow, When (!hriHt onr King hIiuU reign. Then HhftU be paVt all sorrow. Endless bliss shall reigJi. ^ Work for the Lord who frees us, l)o all for his dear sake ; ' Then KW(vetly sleep in Josiuift < In his likeness wake, 9 ^ ^ . 57.-' ;■■■■ now CAN WE SINO THIC PRAISEvOI' JESUS 1 " 8«arcfi mo. O Ood, aud know my heart."-- Pn. osxxix. 33. How can we sing th« praise of Jesus ? How can wo bid our voices raise Up io the throne of God in hcayon, fjiko smoke from off the Hacritico ; < Vain indeed is the praiHo we offer, 1 n-, . u Something to keep in store : Work, for the night is coming. When man works no more. All in vain are the songs we raise ; If there is no love in our hearts for Jckiih, -How can we ever truly sing his praise ? / ■X / § .'* ^. »ff ^ fy ^)f^. % • / I i^>. w 38 GENERAL HYMNS. 2 How.oan we ever vorkJor Jesus ? How can we hope the crown to win ? How can we bo His true disciples, If all our thoughts are full of sin ? * Vain indeed is our toil and labor, Vain our hopes to secure the prize ; If there is no love in our hearts for Jesus, He will our works and all our ways despise. 8 How can We ever slight our Saviour ? Daily oflfend our gracidus Lord ? All tliat we do foi^ love of Jesus, Suffely brings us a rich reward ! Let us then have a heart to labor ; Consecrating ourselves anew; Let u^^how our love for the blessed Saviour, In whatsoever we^may find to do. CREATION; The Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supjily. And guatd me With a watchful eye. My noontday walks ^e shall attend. And all Bay midnight hours defend. V'-'- "' :.'.''■ 9 Wlien in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the ^iirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads, -— My weary, wand'ring stepj he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft find slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 8 Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious, lonely wilds I slxay. His bounty shall my pains beguile; The barren wildetoess shall smile^ With living green and herbage crowned, ' And streams shall mm-mur all around. 4 Though in the paths of death I treads With gloomy hoi-rors overspread. My steadfast heart shall fear no ill. For Thou, O Lord ! art with* me still; Thy rod and crook shall give me aid, . And guide me through the dismal shade. .* i.. ' 59. ■. /'■- A STARLESS CROWN. *' And they (hat be wise shaU shine."— Dan xil. 8. 1 Oh, shall r wear a starless orowQ'' In yonder world of gflory ? Or win some little friend be found ~ T6.whom I've told the story — The wondfous story of the cross. The sufferings of tiie Saviour, ^ Who died that He from worldly drosjk'' ' Might win us to his favor. ' Chpii4s—0 happy day ! ,0 happy place I r*"^^ We soon shall meet togetilier. Where Je^us stands with smiling face, Toprown Us His for ever. . ) --.\ 2 A youthful army now wo staml, Our^Captain's word is {,'iYcn, We'll onward move, His blest eommiind Will guide us on to heaven. When ransom'd hosts shall gather round, The Lamb on Zion's mountain. Oh, there may we in ranks he found, .Beside the living fountain. . Chortui—O happy day I happy place 1 &c. ."■- ' "T^e bl . ) ea PRECIOUS JESUS. ilpod of JesoB Christ bU Son cleauseth us from all sin.' I John 1.7. 1 I need Thee, precious Jesus, For I am full of sin. My soul is dark and guilty, , My heart is dead within. Ineed tlie cleansing fountaui Where I can always flee. The blood of Christ most precious, ' The sinner's perfect plea. 2 I need Thee, blessed Jesus, For I am very poor; f A stranger and a pilgrim, I have no earthly store. I need the love of Jesus, To cheer me on my way. To guide my doubting footsteps, To be- yiy strength anfl stay. 8 I need Thee, blesHcd Jesus, .J need a friend like Thee; A. friend to soothe and i)ity, A friend to care for me. I need the heart of Jesus To feel each anxious carof , To tell my every trial, And all my sorrows share. , 4 i need Thee, Blessed Jesus, And hope to see Thee soon Encircled with the rainbow. And seated on Thy throne. , ' There with Thy blood-bought children, My joy shall ever be. To sing Thy praise. Lord Jesus, To gaze, my Lord, on Thee. ^ ■ ■ ifil HEBER.' "The name of thy holy chUd Jesus."— Acts iv. SO, There is a name Hove to hear, I love to sing its worth: It sounds like music in mine ear, The sweetest name on earth. It tells me of a Saviour's love, Who died to set me free; It,tells me of his precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea. <^ * i Jesus ! The name I love so well, - The name I love to hear ! No saint on earth its worth can tell, , • No heart conceive how dear. ' ■# ' I '^'j» j!sr~v " # # I ' \ 80 GENERAL HYMNS. 4 This namo shall sbcd its firagrauoe still Along this thorny road, Bhall sweetly smooth the rugged hill* That leads me up to God. r 5 Arid there, with all the blood- bought throng, From sin and sorrov/ free, I'll sing the new eternal song '^ Of,Jesu8'love to me. piM. '■' :s4';-?v- ■ .' 62.-; ■ ■■■"■'•.■■ " WbUe 1 liye wlU I praise the Lord."— PBj cxlvi 2. ^ 1 I will sing for Jesus I . . With his blood he bought me ; And all along my pilgrim way His loving, hand has brought me. Chorm-^0 help me sing for Jesus, ': Help trie tell the stoty -Of hitti who did redeem us, ':- ' The Lord of lifp arid glory. 2 Can there overtake me , Any dark disaster, , ■ WhileJ sing for Jesus, My blessed, blessed Master ? (JAorMs— help me sing, &c'. 8 I will sing f/r Jesus ! His name alone prevailing. Shall be my sweetest music i - Wheri hebrt and flesh are failing. CAoritt— help ine sing, Ac. — 4 I will sirig for Jesus! How will I adore him . Among the cloud of witnesses f Who cast theu' crowns before him ! cyhonis — help me sing, &e. 7s. Piano. 63. C. Weslbt. "I flee.tuito thee.to hide me."— Pb. oxlULV; 1 Je8U8,,lovei: of my soul, Let me to thy bosom fly, While the waters near me ifoll. While the tempest still is high : ' 2 Hide me, riiy Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; Safe, into the haven guide, Oxeceive my soul at last I 8 Other refuge have I none,' Hangs riiy helpless soul on thee, Leave; ah ! leave me not alone, / Still suj^ort and comfort me I 4 All my trjist on thee is stay 'd, ' All_ riiy help from thee I bring, . Cover my defenceless head ^. Wj||th the shadow of thy wing. 5 Plenteous grac«h with thee is found, Grace to pardon all my siri : Let the ^||piing streams abound, — Mak e , arid keep me pure w i tfaiin — i GENERAL HYMNS.' 81 6 Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of thee ; Spring thou up within my heart, Biae to all eternity. ^ 88 & 78. Mezzo. 64. : Nbwton. " Unto you therefore which believe he is precious."- -i Potor ii. 7. 1 One there ia ahove all others^. « . Well deservea the name ot Friend : ^ Hia ia love beyond a brother'a Costly, free, and knowa no end ; They who once his kindness prove. Find it everlasting love. 2 Which of all our friends to save us • Could or would ha*e shed his blood : But the Siftviour died to have us EeconcUed in hin^ to God : This was boundles8| love indeed ! , Jesus is a friend in need. J 3 Q for grace our he^ts to soften ! Teach us. Lord, at length to love ; We, alas, iforget t0o often What "a friend we have above : But when home our souls arc brought. We shall love thee (vs we ought, / P.M. 65. "Fight the ROotl flght of faith." -1 Tim. vi. 12. 1 We've listed in a holy war. Battling for the Lord ! Eternal life, eternal joy, Battling for tlm Lord! — ^ CAo»M«— We'll work till Josus cornea, ' We'll work tillJesus cornea^ ^ * We'll work till Jesus cdraoa, '.■■':" V And then we'll rest at homo. 2 Under bur Captain, Jesua Chriati Battling for the Lord 1 We've hstcd for this mortal life, Battling for the Lord I C/ionyork, &c. '8 We'll fight against the powers of Bin, Battling for the Lord! Li favour of our heavenly King Battling for the Lord ! t'lwnis — We'll AWrk, &c. P.M, Mezzo. -66. (10) A. Hotilditoh. " Thev have washed their robes, aiicl made them white iu the ■ blood of the lamb."— Rov. vii. 14. 1 Around the tluoue of God in heaven Thousiuids of childien stand ; Children, whose sms are all forgiven, A holy, happy band : Singing, glory, glory, glory be to God on high. 2 What brought them to that world above. That heavcii so bright and fan:, Where all is peace and joy and love ?— How came those children there? S in gwgi &o- _v:_^ '•^ . - i 1 f 82 .'^ GENERAL HYMNS. & Because the Sayioui:,sbed his blood ' To wash away their sin : ' Bathed in that pure nnd precious flood, Behold them white and clean ; ' Singing, &o. r ' 4 On eiarth they sought the Saviour's gtaca,^^ •. On earth they loved his name : So now they see His blessed face. And stand before the Lamb ; , ""^ ■ 'Singing, &c. " . ^ * • ■. 67- - ■ , ■ MY SAVIOUE, AS THOU WILiT. "Tljy will be done."— Matt. xxvi. 42. 1 My Saviour, as Thou wilt I Oh, may Thy will baAnine ! , Into Thy htUid of love I would my all resign ; -." •- ' Through sorrow, or through joy, • Conduct me as thine own, ' And help mo still to say. My Lord, Thy will be done I 2 My Saviour, as Thou wilt I Tho'jjeen through niany (ttear, Letnoimy star of hope Grow dim or disappear :' „. ^.Smqe Thou on earth hast Wept i t And sorrowed oft alone, - If I must weep with Thee,- — — My L ord , T h y will be donef — - .8 My Saviour, as Thou wQt I . AH shall be well for me': Each clmuging future scene, , I gladly teust with Thee. cThen to my home above I travel calmly on. And sing, in hfe or death. My Lord Thy will be done I 7's&6'8 68. "And tbU is tU6 vlotory that overcometh tb* world, •TeA onr • . . talth."^^ Johu V. <. ■■. ^ '■ ■■ 7 Stand up J stand up for Jesus I' Ye soldiers of the cross,— Lift high his royal banner. It inust not suffer loss. Prom vict'ry unto yict'ry • ; His army shall he lead» Till ev'py foe is vanquished,. , And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand up ! standup for Jesus I Stand in his strength alone : The arm of flesh will fail you, , 1^ Ye daro not trust your own. .- , . Put on the gospel arfnour. And watching unto prayer, ' * ' Where duty caUs or danger: — — - — Be neven wau t iiig th^re^ ' '^^ ■A -. «i ' lilM :^\ M* A ir GENERAL HYMNS. P 8 Stand up ! stumV nj) for Jesus ! The 8tri|c will not be long : V This day the noise of battle, , The next the yicl&r's song. "^ ' To him that overcomethi A crown of life shall be ; i He with the King of glory Shall reign eternally. :: : '< ^^-- 8; 7. «aiez2o. 69 i- E. lloHEUTS. He faittb given him a liaino wliich is above every paiiiu." ,. J.^- v.- l"Wl.ii.». ''% . Tliere is no naino so sweet on earth, No name so sweet M heaven,^ ' The name before His Wondrous bii-th ' To Christ the Saviour giveii. Wo, love to sing arovmd oiir King, ^ ; and hail him blessed Jesus ; ' For there's no word eitr ever heard, ' So dear, so s\yeet as Jesus. 2 His human name they did proclaim 'When Abram's son they sealed Him,— , The name that still, l»y God's good will, Deliverer ^revealed Him. . . . We ^pve to sing, &c. ■ 8 And wlien J^e hung upon the tree, /' / They wrbte.thi^ame above Him, , That all might see the reason we For evermore, must love Huu. 4 So now, upon His Father's throne, Almighty to release us From sin and pahis, ho gladly reigns, The Prince and Saviour Jesus.; We lovo to sing, &c. ,; . 70.: . -;., ■"■:"> ' • NO SOIIUOW THEUE. ' And'fjfHl shuU mva nway all tqars from tlicir pyeB."T-Bov. vli. 17. ; 1 I love to think of hqaven. Where while robed angels ard; ; Where many a friend is gi0iered safe From fear, and toil, and care. ~- VliorKJi — There'll. bo no sorrow tlicre. There'll bo no soovow there ; In heaven above, whci»e all is lovo, There'll be no sorrow tliere» ' -^ , 2 i love to tlunk of heayeh, • I - Where my Redeemer reigns ; . Where rapturous sciugs of triumph risdj In endless, joyous strains. <7»((»-M«— There'll be no sorrow there, &v." . ■ ' ■ 8 I love toiliink of heaven, , Tlie saints' eternal home ; , , .Where palms, and robes, and'*crown^ ne'er" ;. ■■■:•■-■:., . fade,- ' ' ; ■ .■••.",'. And all our joys are one. 1- * I '/io>7/«— There'll be no swtow there, &c. • •^ t 1 We love to sing, &c. ^ ^_^. ■^-y 84 'X. 4 1 love to think of heavdu, Tlie greetings there we'll meet ; The harps^ — the spngs for evoi- ourH — The walkst-the golden streets. C7ior««— There'll be no sorrow there, &o, • 6 I love to think of heaven, • That promised land so fair ; - Oh, how my raptured spirit longs To be for ever thdre. C7jo»/m— There'll be ng sorrow there, &c. ' GENEEAL HYMNS. P.M. Mezzo, a7L 1 There is a better world tlm^ say, • , Oh, so bright! . Where sin and woe are done uwuy. Oh, so bright I And music fills the balmy air, ♦ And angels with bright wiifgs are thcro. And harps- of gold iind niaiisions fair. Oh, so bright !v' , • T*- 2 No clouds e'«r pas's al6n)r its skv, Happy land; \ . " No tear-di-ops gUsten hi the eye, " ! ; S^ppyjand; ' They drmk the gushing streams of grace, Aud gaze upon the Saviour's face. Whoso brighfne sf^ fills the holy place, B But th^iigh we're sinners every one, JfesuB died ; . Auit though our crown of peace is gone. . Jesus died ; - We may Jbe cleansed from every stain ; We may be crowned wij;h bliHs again. And in that land of i>leasurc leign, ! " Jesus died. i Then, parents, brothorsj' sisters, come. Come aAvay ; [ ' We long to reach our Ij,tlier's hon^e, ' Come aAVay.! / f O come, the time is lleetiiig past, - • And men and things are fading fast, • Our turujwill/Kurely come at last, , ° > , Com? away. ;^.- ■ 72. V NO CROSS, NO G^OWN. •' U\\o 8Uffor, we shoU also reign with hiui."— ii Tim. ik l± 1 No cross, n6 croWn ! O ! blessed hope ! With Christ' we'll live and die; , . We'll suffer with our Saviour here, "^ And reign with him on high. C YtorMs^With firm and steadlast hope, Bp oiirii the cross to bear. « Then rise triumphant with aur God. The promidted crown to wear. V .■^ Happy land. _A, 1 tmr a-mm WjwntiU^CTgaff GENERAL HYMNS: 8f» « if We'll glory in our Saviour's cross;, 7 ^ WhUc on the pilRrim way, v ' And, trusting in His graciouH wohl, We'll labour watch ami pray. — Vhurm. 8 His strength our weakness will sn)Ji)» His love, will make us free, His grace will lead us safely home, . A And His the praise shall be.— C'/«o>'»m. 88 & 7s. Piano. 73. .^(fl) . , J. Burton. . ■ 1 ■■*■' "Those that seek me early HhuUfliul ine." 1 Saviour l"^ while my heart is teudor, I 'would yield that heart to 1*1100 ;♦ All my powers to Tliee surrender, Thine and only Thine to be. 2 Take me now,'LordSresu.s ! take nic. Let my youthful heart l)« Thine ; Tliy*devoted servjj,nt miiM me, ' Fill my soul with love ■•s Send me, Lord, i^rhere Thqn wilt send pe^' Only do Thou guide my Svay j^***^ . ,- May Thy grace through life attend me, . Gladly then shall I obey. ' ■..■■- < ■'■'.■■ ■ ■ •■ 4 Let me do Thy will, or bear it, T would know no will but Thine ; •fiMay this solemn dedication Novor oi}ce forgotton lie ; • Let it kilow no revocation, "' ► Publish'd and confirnid on high. () Thine, I am, liord, for ever " To Thy service sot apart ; Suffer me to loavc Thee never :' Seal Thine image on my heiiit. BEAUTIFUL LAND OF SONa. "Aud thoy sung UB it wore anew 80ii|{."—Uev.H: :i.- 1 There's* a beautiful land of song, ' Away o'er .Jordan's river, Where saints, a happy, white-robed throng. Their notes* in joyful strahiR prolong. In praise to tiod forever, In praise to God forever. ' O/jonw— In that beautiful land of song, Ransomed ones are singing ; O'er hill and plain, with .sweet refrain, ' v. ^le glail; ifcw stwig isriugiug. , 2 \Ve iiWve heard of the blest ones tliereT"; \^ "^ W'h^ live beside .tlic'rii'or, They^'bloom in beituty, yoHi\g and fttir, AntVferOwns of life humortal wear, • , SlAnldst Thou take my life, or spare it. I that life to Thee resign. And sing and shout forever, ^ And sing an(^ shout forever,— C7«o*m.s. and shout : A mmaesme^ ■^^n U'ii.j«ittU«£^Sft: Come to that fountain, drink and live,. Flowing for those that love him, "* Chokus. < The Spirit and the Bride say,'come ' ' Freely, freely, freely. And lie that is thirsty let him come And drink of the water of life, The fountain of life is flowing^. CI a Flowing, ft-ecly flowing, The fountain of lifeis flowing. Is flowing for you and for me. O :-/■ 87 2 Jqbub h&H promirtod a home in hcavoil, , Procly, freely, freely, • ■ JeHUH liaH promised a homo in hcavcu, . ' Freely to tlioHe that, love him. Ti-easuroH unfading will there bo given, ' I'lreely, freely, freely, Trcasurea unfading will there be given, Freely to those that love him. (7/ior»M— The Spirit and the Bride aay, coine, etQ. * ■'|'« ;" ■ ■' , . '" 8 JesUR has promised a robe of white. Freely, freely, freely, JesiiiB has promised a robe of white,' - * Freely to those that love him ; « r Kiugdoras of glory and crowns of lightj Freely, freely, freely. Kingdoms of glory and crowns of light, ^ Freely to those that love him. CVtoriM^The Spirit and the Bride say, come, etc. 4 Jesus has promised eternal day. Freely, freely, freely, Jesus has proiHised eternal day, •Freely to th(Me that love him ; Plieasure that never shall pass away, Freely, freely, freely,. Pleasure thaty»ev«r shall pass away, Freely to those that IdVe him. C'AoriM— The Spirit and the Bride sao', come, etc. 5 Jesus has promised a calm repose. Ooine^tp the water of life that flows. Freely, freely, fnely, v Come to the water <»f life that llowH, Freely to all that love him. 7i(»»««— T he Spirit and the Bride say, come, etc. Freely, freely, freely Jesus has promised a calm rei)ose. Freely to all that love him ; ■- — — ^=\- . . • '77. ■■ ■■ ' ■ MANSIONS OF LKIIIT. .;; "•'In my FiiMicr'H ImuHo aro many inaiiBloii*." • Jolin xlv, !l. J Oh, say, have you heard of the mansions of light Our Saviour has gone to prepare ? Whore falln not a cloud or a shadow of night; They tell us no sorrow is there. Oh, yes, we have heard of the nuinsions so bright, Antl free from all sorrow and care; Our Saviour, the Lamb, is the glory and light. The children of Z ion are there. C7ior«»— 'Tis a homo whero the weary may rest, The beautiful home of the blest ; Oh, conle, we are bdtmd for the mausipuB ; of light, " '-- The beautiful home of the blest. 2 Oh, where is that city whoso portals of gold (, Are open by night and by d«iy ? The city whose splendor can never bo told,.. ^ Whoso pleasurcK will never decay ? 'Tis yonder, where joyful our spirits may lly. Beyond where the bright planets roll ; :,- Above the clear arch of the blue ether, sky , . The/beautiful homfi of the soul. i'horiiit-^'Tisa. home where the weary, etc. f , 88 ]■- V iHt ge;yn, Teachpr. liought with blood airt thou ; Christ thy Saviom- claims tliee For liiS service now. ^1_ /^ •. , ^^ ili - ■-*' ■■■ .'^■.■;,- ■ :.■;-,:■-,; -,:^: ::y.. ^r::.-^^^^^^^^^^^ 11 r ■ . GENERAL HYMNS. , «» : ' l| And luH n%k JM on tluH'. ' '» .Tchuh, Sitvi«»m-, eliUni ino ■ , * »« Hettinj? fflcc apart; • Now and «vonuorc, M. 1^ Conhecratod to him WliiU' on t-aitli I'm dwollin^r, . » 1 ' He thy lili! und hoart. / - And wlicn Ulc ih o'tr; _^^ -.'gJ- -■■ .;•■,. At tliy glorioUK coming | ^^HH Own nio, liord, as thin«', ! ' ^H| 2 Not thint' own. Toiifh( r, Ono among lliy jow«!h» j W f I *N ■ ■ In that liappy day, ." To tliy piaiHo to Hhino. i ^ Whiun his free i'oi'KivonOHH . ^. ^ '^ * 4 Put thv iruilt awav : . : ^"^1^ • -■ , irt, ._ Joyfully thou fjfavcHt . ; Thy \vholo self to he • . ' , . oi " . llis, whoHi' lovo had ranHomt'd. ■ * < I . Sought, and imrdonrdtho^ . " - MY SHKl'UERD. t_ V; t .. . t j " ' T •. •'thelionllHiiivHItfltihora."— Ph. xiill.l. ' . ' 'i V V 8 Christ'H thou art: tkea suvely , . • : -. - .■;'- ■ ^ \Vork for him tlxm ninK<. 1 Thou art my Shepherd, ; ,,^ Nor bo e'er unfaithful - ^'liring in every iicod ; • W' To thy MasterH truHt ; ' Thy little lambH to feed ; , » Worthy, oh, most worthy . ' Truntuig theo still; "■ t Is thy Saviour King; * - In the green pastureH low, •f Evev to his footstool ^ ... ' Where living writers flow, * Thy Ix'st olferings bring. " Safe by thy side I go, ' ; '_ • -. . . *^ Fearing 110 ill. : . 4 Ohrist'dthou art: nohonoit?*' $Gr, it my xvay \ic ., , ' . * T- .^^M» - . Can with theirs compare " Where death o'erhanging nigh, , ;j Who belong to JesuH,^ •. My »owl would terrify ^ f And his nanic who bear: With sutlden chill,— ' | /^^ In bin l"vr> 1111(1 proMoncf Vet I am not afraid ; \_ > - They are ricl/ indeed, \^ ' / " . ^ While softly on my head, ^ . ' i ;■: ■ . ■ '■ ' . And to joys unendiiig . ^#^ : Thy tfeiidcr hand is laid, .. ^ ?;y •/ He tlieir steps will leadv^r j ; » I fear no ill ! ^ ^ " ■, 1 ■ . ■ ■ ' 1 ■ ■■.■■■ •.:.;.■..: .:J'.;i_:^ — ...j"...-" ■ ■.— — 1 ~.- ' ■ "-■ ■ •• 1 •mmSfm 40 ■ K- GENERAL HYMNg. ;i Lord, do not lonvo nicf ' I'm \n\i ii littif child, Wottk, poor, and hIii dofllod, AlViiid, iilonr; But thou art Htfon^ iintl wiho, No ill o(in tlivo HurpriHc; Donciith thy loving oyOH ■ Djuigor ih none. 2 If tlioii wilt fjuiilo luo, Gliidiy riU'o with th(,'»>;-. No harm can come to mo Holding thy Imnd; And 8uon my w«ary feet Safe iA,tho f,'olden Htroot, Whoro all who love TIum- met't, Itudt'om'd Hhall Htand. (7i<»n«#^YcH; you, otc. 2 (!iin it lu', a harji (if Kold, [n thy ulioir thcHo liundH tiluUI liold That thJH voico nhall join the Hong Bung hy angulu rountl the tlironu ? H Shall I have a glorjone droHB, PurchaHod by tliy rightcouHUOHs? Shall I dwell with l>)i«e on high, Never more to Hiui uat tUe? t7i»>nM— Yob, yon, etc. CROWN OP LIFE. "And when the olttef Hhanhord Rhall appear, Vo aliall recelvA a crown of Rlory."-.! Peter v. 4. 1 Gracious Saviour, can it be ^-- — ^- There awaits a crown for nie, . V Crown of rightcousneHs so bright, " Crown of never fading light! ( ■ Viflrirt— Yes, yoft, Iuk word bolioviii' 4 Shall I pUHHtho pearly gates? Shall I \ralk the golden ati-eets ? Shall I senR the great white Uironc, And IjeboU the Lamb thereon'/ Chorus — YcH, O yi'rt, etc. <^ 83. SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUB. "Ha thftll gather the tamhs Into hla onnR."— Iita. xl. jU I Sftfe in tlio arms of JesuB, Safe on His gentle breast, There by his Jovo o'cr-shaded, Sweetly my soul shall reat Ilaikt 'tiH the voice of angels, Rorne in a sOag to mo. Over the fields of glory, ^ ^hrer the Jasper sea. .._ ~"" Endless joy his love wijl give; At his hands the croWn receiving, In hi3 glory ever live. ■ » ll | I ■ ! »'. ■*' ■ . GENERAL HYMNS. 41 W ,3p 2 Biif*' i» Hio >"nJH of JonnH, Hiifo fioin corroding euro, : flnto from tln> worltl'K toiiiptiitioiiH, Hin ciinnot harm mo tliero. V Frijo from tlio l)liKlit of Hon-ow, • . Frt't) from my doiitits. Only ft fow mote triiilf"" Only ft few more toi 8 JoHUH, my hcart'H *tenr roftiKP, JcHUH littH tlJeil for iwo ; Firm on the Bi>ck of Akoh, Ever my trttst shall bo. Hero let me wait with pftlionco, Wftit till tlio night \h o'er; Wait till I HOC the inoniinK Breiik on the golden Hlioro. CVh>»m«— Safe iu the iurm», etc. ' 84. \;. ■;>: ■:.;: .\ JESUS 1 TURN TO TH^EE. ! 1 JcHUH I turn to thoo, be thou my gnide; Safe in thy loving arras, thcro ^ttue hide; No other help 1 know, no other good heloW ^ Nothing but earthly woe, nothing beside. i Lift up my fainting heart, heavy with sin; : - ' " * » 1 T 1 been ; 8 If thou withhold thy lovo, whore shall I flto?. All will bi) diuk and droar.'all loi*t to mo; Hut, if »hy Spirit brings glory on angoln wingH ; >Iy st)ul iiosanna singH ever to thee. OVEU Fr.OWINO EVER. 1 tio! a fonntftin full and free, .-. . Ovor-ttowlng over; Fainting heart, it is for thoo, \ (hor4lowiug ever; .„ / (lushing, Kimrkling, never Httll, Taste its swcetness.drink tliy fill. /;,./,.rt,H_:Ovcr-tlowing, oVir-ttowing ever, (|)^.flowi*»(?, flowiug now {ot ' i^ < Guilty and full of wrong, Lord I have Take me and -make me white, liord set my feetj aright; ,' ^how me the morning light, Bavrour of men. 2 List the tnunnor that H|tt!efl Over-llowingever; "/ 1^ ;'()n th^ sbul in song it breaks, , ■ '_ {^: OveV flowing ever, ' Shiging, soothing hOuIh to caHC, Music ol all inelodies. 7»V/»Wm— Oyer-flow:ing, etc. .. ,- ^ ^- *8 BlPHsod fount! ihf purest knowit, .^ •1^ Over-rtowing ever; i* Stroams of life from out G(Mi's throne, Over-flowing ever; i Sacre■> V \ GENEBAL HYMNS. 86. LOVING FRIEND. 1 Would the little chiUlreii find One whose heart iti alwayH kijid, Who life's bm-dens will unbind, And give the spirit rest,— One whose wisdoia^'uever fails, One whose courage never quails. One who over all prevails. And standeth every test ? 2 Jesus is that loving friend, On whose truth you may depend, A\Tio felief will over Jsend, And shine when all is dim ; He yom* soul will ever k«ep; He will guard you when you sleep- He will soothe you when you 'weep; : % child, fheii li-ust in Him. ;{()h! from Him turn not away; Rather ^eek Him while you may ; An^in childliood's sunny day,' Oh! come and be forgiven; TJien will angels round you wait ; ■ God will made your; pathway straight. And, beyond, the pearly gate. Will give you lifein heaven^ ^' - ■■>/■- ■■ V87., . -'':'"''.-:': PERSISTENT PRAYfeR. ^ 1 Pray, though tlie gate of mercy Closed for a while may be; i Pray with a faith unshaken; i ^. AH shall be well with tliee. Be/rahi—O the promise, blessed, blessed promise I He will meet us there ; i Though He hides his face from thee a i >^ moment, . He will answer praye*. 2 Pray as the Syrian mother Prayed at the Master's feet; ' What though Ilia voice be silent? Still for his love entreat. lief ram— tlie promise, etc. 8 Pray, though thy heart is breaking; , Pray, through the night of tears ;' Pray with increasing fervor; Pray till the mom appears, Refraiii-^-0 the promise, etc. : 4 Pray when the hour seems darkest;" Jesus will say to thee. Great is thy faith, believer; So shall thy blessing be. t^w*" GENERAL HYMNS. 48 "vi^ llefrain- CLOSE TO THEE. Thou my everliisting portion, More than friciuV or Ufe to mo, All along my pilgi'im journey. Saviour, let me walk witli thue. -Close to Thee, close to Thee, ^lose to Thee, close to Thee; All along my pilgrim journey, -^ Savioiir let me walk with Thee. 2 Not for ease or wjorldly pleasure, Nor for fame iSfy prayr shall be; Gladly will 1 toil and suffer. Only let nie walk witii thee. /iV/"ratH— Close with Thee, etc. 8 Lead me thro' the vale of sliad-ows, Lead me o'er life's iitful sea; .. Then the gate of life eternal, May I enter Lord,, with thee. Close. to Thee, etc. etrain- Uiefrain — Going home, sweet goiii^r lumu' I ' To the mansions bright in id fnir; ' Going home, sweet going himit.'! I shall dwell for ever tlurc. 2 Going hprao, yes going hinur! The chief of shniers wivcd by grat-e ; Going home, Im going lionie To see my dea*' l»eWH— Who is willing? etc. 4 Haste, oh, hasten, willing workers, ,- ■ Swiftly sjieed the hours away ; Hearken to the Master's warning, ' • Work ye while 'tis called to-day." Refrain — Who is willing? etc. ^ , ;■■'■■■ 9L-; ':;-:■■■■'::--' THE GOLDEN HARVEST. " Go wpi-k to-4ay in my vineyard."— Matt. xxi. 28. 1 Waiting is the golden harvest. Waiting is the goldien grain, While the Master ualls for reapers Prom the hillside and the $lain. Refrain — Who is willing? who is ready? Who will go and work to-day ? See the golden harvest waiting : ■■:.:,:: ■."■"92. ■ THE CROWN OF LOVE. ' There is a crown in heavesn for me, A golden crown of love ; But 1 must bear the cross below To wear that crown above. Yes, a glorious croWn, A crown of love I'll wear. And songs of love forovor s ing, Who will bear the sheaves away If I my crosses meekly beju*. L GENERAL HYMNS. 2 The i)jiM|^|he trials, arid the cftres, TlMS^ttHse iu luy way, Are cr(]^^H|pst meekly hear, If I ^IW^piu. the day. Yes, a gloriouH crown, etc. 3 Jesus, help me hear the cross, Iiispu'e me hy thy love. That I may gain the victory. And we w the crown ahove. Yes, a glorious crown, etc. - \ .-■-■■ , ■ ' -. 46 »■ ■ " . ' « -';:>• * ', ; -Kov U.liS. 93. SOWING T^E SEED. * 1 Out hi the heautiful sprmg-time of youtli, '' Sowing the gloriouH seed of the truth, Cov'ring the mountain and cov'ring the plahi. Sowing the seed of the golden gram. (;/,orH.s— Sowing, sowing, sowing, sowing, : Sowing precious seed, precious seed. Sowing precious seed, sowing precious seed. Sowing precious se6d of the golden grain. 2 Sowing the seed in the dry dusty way. Sowing the seed in the damp miry clay, ' Sowing the sefed 'rnong the thorns and the weeds, Sprinkling tlv^ rocks with the precious seed. (VjorMs— Sowing, etc. 8 Sowuig the seed— ah! sowmg it where? . Each heart's a field of the kind Sower's care. Oh, is Jhe seed m our hearts sown to-day, sown in the dus t y wa y? 94. HOLD THE FORT. "That which yo have hold fiiHt till I uoiiie.' 1 Ho ! my comrades, sec the signal Waving in the sky ! Ucinforcements now, appearing, Victory is nigh ! (7,„,„«_«'Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still. Wave the answer hack to Heaven," — - "By thy grace we will." ■ "i Sec the mighty host adva\icing, Satan leading on : ' - Mighty men around us falling. Courage almost gone ! Lik e that was eiionis—'' Hold the fort,'* etc. , . ^ 8 See tile gloriftus banner waving ! H*av the trumpet blow ! - , In our Loadei-\s name we'll triumph Over every foe ! r/twr/<«— ^* Hold tlie. fort," etc. - ., 4 Fierce and' long the hattlc ragofl. But our help is near ; . ' Onward comes our great Commander, Cheer, my comrailos, cheer ! C/wriw— -Spwing, etc. Chorus--" Hold tli€s fort,'*^6te. OENEBAL--HYMNS. 95. SCATTElt SEEDS OF KINDN^HS. '*Oo THOU MB. yl Tho' the way be sometimes dveary, "- . Father, lead thou me ! ^ "^> .' Tho' the heai^t be'someftmes weary, '■, Father, lead^ ^hou me* ! • V :.' " TIio' a'h^t eucamp before me,- " v ' Fearless vvill.Ibe'f .! ^Witii thy bam'ier floating b'fermc.,.. ^ '.\ Father, lead thotx mei- ' •; ■ ., 2 Thro' the lifiey daik and lonel^', . 'Father, lead thou me !" Give me then thy Jjreseiice only, Father, lead thou ma! Wheh-l hear the billows rQrtl-iu.s'i Bid the shadows flee ; ' " ' Then my fainthig soul restoring,. ■ . ■ J'ather, lead thoii me ! "^ -.■*■'.■ ■ '■ . .■ "> ■ • ■ . ■ ' 3 Bins oppose and fca^ alarm mt> : Father, lead thou me ! Led by tbco there's naught cau harm me": Fatherj lead thoii me ! , ,]$y thy might\^ potior surrounded, ^ * '' TrusthigairtotlMJc, , ;_ -^ " 'Let 4 HO ypver be c-. ■.. ■ Jk-'lgavem^lifc^lor^heej^ \ <,.'.My4)recloiis blood 1 Hh?d,i • • " Thjif thoutwfi^^t "t ?^"*^"'"'''^ ^^ v4, Aiid qiiipkonod froiii the tlciul ; *- jt;gavc,';l gave Iny life for theo, Wlyat hftst thou giycii for mo ?; ,♦ 2 My Father's lijousi- of lights j \ My glSi-y citclod throne, '-" «' - X left for eirthlj^ niglit, • , ' % . ^or wand'rii)gs sad and IoiK' : 1 left, I left, it aH foi- thoe, V • Hast thou left aught for iuc ? . „ 8 1 suffered mudi for thee, ' • ' Morfe than thy, ton^ue^ can tell , Of bit'tot «gony, " ■ , . To r^iicive theer frfim JiMl ; ' I've borne, I'vcfbM-ne it all for the*, ♦ 'Whafhast thou borne fpr me. \ 4 And- i have fcrought io thee, ". « ^ ■ Down^from my home iibovi-, , V tSalvationiullaiid free, My pardon and my love ; 1 bring, L briiig rich gift« to-tiif t . • - What hast thoU brought tp lue ? ; ' .V* •w '^■•m ? f-L -f:.^- / A » iWFynT^^gSIWy 48 i GENEBAJ^ HYMNB. 9^. 'WHAT CAN I pa ■'■*'['■ If you cannot dfoss tlie ocean, And the heathen laudti. explore, You may find the heathen nearer, YouTnay hdp tliem at your door; if yoii cannot ^ive your thousands. You can ghre the widow's mite; And i/t« /«-iV"' ^^?gg!^'^''?^^fj?^"^g"''y? ^.■* ' '* 7fl. » i^ Bwi M r ll i 'iliiTMig ' i? M^ BMaMi^^ ^!^^^--W ' ^ GENERAL HYMN8. •Ift Olivet. • ' -f • ioi. -1 hjh. -iH. 1 My faith looks up to thvo. Thou liiil^h ol Ciilvin% Saviour tliyino! Ni)W hear mo whiK" I prrtv, . Taki' ftU inV guilt awjiy, . Oh, lot luo froiii this day - J3o jvholly thine I • . . 2 May thjirich grace impart Strength ^o my i»iutii»g heart; My Kcal inspire^,— ' Ah thou hast diflffTfor me, Oh, ma^^ love for thee • PureJ^ami, and changeless he, , A living tire. .< . ,''^ ^., . •■ ■ ^ .•..■■■■ \ ;■■.:■. ••H'' • ■■ • -■ ■ ■■.■■■ , -y-'- :■■ 8 TVhile life's wflark maze I tread, , And griefs ayamld ine spread, lie thou my guide ; ., ■ . Bid darkuesR turn to day', _,*: . Wipe sgjrrow' 3 tears away, " . • • ' NoT'let ine ever stray From thee aside. !' _ 1 Whe\i cuds life's tfansient (Jf cam. When detjith's cold sullen stream ' Shall o'er me roll, ; , *. % Blest Saviour! tjien, in love, Fc i ii- and distru^jt remove ; ■' 102. IIKST IN THE LOIU), WAIT I'ATIENTIiY i 1 Wherever thine earthly lot may he, ' •Wluvtovor the trials thou uiay'st see, • J Oh, lost in the Lord, wait patiently. Oh, rest ih tho Lord. lluntinm^-^Oli, rest in the Lord, and wait, brother, ^ Tho" clouds obscure the way ; \'' "■ All things for good are working together, • , Ob, rest, ttnd wait, and pray. .^- ■ ■. \^ ■ ■' ■■■■■. .■•'■' ' , « ' ,2 'Tis /'<»/ amt not a brief release. » Tl^jat only comes wlfen tempests cease; V. , ; A jtrahsieut and "licertain peace: •...■" i i)\\, rest in the Lord. ■ •.-■-, ■■ -'*, ■ .■ '*' ^'' •••'■■.». . . ' 8 Oh , rest, ,iw>t on, but in the Lord : ''• ; 'Ah 5 could anotlicr humau word » "Sucirsense of restful ncss afford, ■ : . ^[s rest «> the L(u'd? '. ' 4 Rest iri&the fAtrd: his mighty love, . Both all things rufe, below^, above; ■ ; Now Jet tliy noui his proinise prbve, .* ,' And rest Ml tile Aon/. ■ 5 So rest and wait his chosen day. Nor count such waitiiig as delay, * v; •)•:<. \ Oh, boar nie saf6 above, A ransomed soul ! 'IK^ Though planets melt and suus decay: Oh, rest in the Lord. xlK f^> 50 aENEBAL HYMNS. ■ ,;q ■•■':::;.■:' •■.• 103.- ;■■/: ■',/■':.■■ [hM. "Make a Joyful nolM^unto the Lord, all ye lancU."— 1>*. o. 1. 1 Before Jehovah's awful throne, , Ye nations, hott with sacred joy: Know that the Lord is God alone;. He can create and ^e destroy. ^ His sovereign power, without our aid, > Made us of clay and form'd usnien ; « And, wheni, like- wandering sheep we soray'dt ^ He brought us to hi&^d again. 8 We'll crowd thy gates°Vith thankful soAg^, High as the heavens our voices raise; . And earth with her ten thousand tongup's ' . Shall, fill thy courts with sotmding praise. ; 4/Wide as^he world is thy co^unandi Vast as eternity thy love ; Firm as a rock thy truth nmst stand. When rolling years sH^ cease to n)t>\e. "Tbetlin»«tthe dead is oome, that Bev.zl.18. 1 Great God, what do 1 sec'i nd hefu:: The end of things create i! The Judge of mankind dotl . appear, On clouds of glory seated. fl The dead in Christ shall first arise, At the last trumpet's sounding, Caught up to meet him in the skies. With joy their Lord surrounding: No gloomy fears their souls disinay ; , His presence shcdd eternal day , On those prepared to meet him. 8 But sinners, filled with guilty fears, « Behold Ills wratli prevailing; ' For they shall rise, and find their tears . And sighs are uiMtvaUing; Thb day of grace is past and gone ; TrembUng, they stand before the throne, •' All unprepared to meet him. ^^ '4 Greiat God, what dp I see and hear: : Tlieiefidof things created! ' l]he' Judge of mankind doth appear; ^ On clouds of glory seated. \ ^ Xow at his cross I view the day ,Wheh heaven and earth shall pass away. And thus prepare to meet hup. . *. 108. ,,, [CM. The trumpet sounds, the gloves restow The dead wliich tiiey com Prepare, my soi^l, to mee ••TBen ibtkll the Lord bediy Ood."-^-Oeii. Urll. SI. 1 O God of Bethel, by whbse hand Thy |>eople still are fed; Who through this Weary pilgrimage Hast all our fntlicrs lea: -y- *. M. GENERAL HYMNS, (ki V 2 Our vowH, our prayers, we now preeeiit Befoio tJjy thrino of grace t, ^J' God of our fathers, bo the God ■» , Of their succeeding race. ■ - , . • ■. 8 Through eQplrperplexiug path of life • Our wandering footslfcpa guide; Give us each day our daily bread, And ruimeut fit provide. 4 O qtread thy covering winga around, * ' Till^a^'oul? wanderingii ceaso,** And-at pur Father's loved abode Our aoufs arriyfe in peace. 6 Bueh blessings frppi thy gracioiis hand Our humble prayei's implore ; And tliou- shalt be our chosen God, ' . "' And portion evermore, ^ T ^ 8 Bow'd down beneath a load of Hi;i( By Satan sorolf prcsji'd. By war without J|^ fears ^ithiOrt , I come to thooTor rest. iw < 4 Be thpn my shield and hiding-place. That slioltcr'd near thy side, I may my fierce accuse; face, ' , Apd tell him, thou hant died. ■ 6 wondrous love, to bleed and die. To b0ar the cross and shame, ' That guilty sinners', such as I,' 'v Mi^ht plead thy gracious name. [CM. 106. f [CM. "Hiui thai Coiuetb unto mu I wiU iu uu wisu cast, out.' John VI. 37. » r Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat,' ,1 Where Jesus answers prayer; ' ' ■There humbly fall before Ijis feet; For nolle can perish' there. ■ ■ ■ " - ■•' ' X.,'-'' 2 Thy promise is my only plca^ 12 .^ ■ ■..■ '.-.■-: • --•■ ■■•. -;.■ .' ■ V . v\ ■/ ^^ ■■•■•■ ■ _- ■ ■■ ■:.<•■ ■ '^ ■ ■ . '' •■ ', ' "^eHnUft up our hearts Wfth onrjbatiaii'unto Ood iu the heaveiig."— Ijani. HI. 41. •■.! '.^ ,■■- , ■ ■;'■■■■ ^ t Lord, when we bend before thy throne, And bur confessi&iiK pour, " Teadi us to fee} thp sins we own, ,. ;• And hate what wo'dcplorc. , ■ ■•» . 2 Our broken spirits, pitying, see ; And penitence .impart; , And let a kindling glance frofti thee . : Beam hope upon the heart. j • » Wlieii we disclose our wants in prayer. ' ,r|r- With this I venture nigh : Thou callest burden'd souls to thee, And such, O Lord, am I. May we our 'wills resi^ ; nd not a thought our boso Wliieli is not wholly thine. \^ . And not a thought our bosom share -■) U-U. '-He 62 QENEBAli HYMNS. 4 Let faiili each nieok petition liJI, And waft it to the akics ; Aiid teach our lieartu 'tiu goodneuh titiU That grants it, or denied. T "T ■■,• ■;.., . ...v 'IDS.- ': ■■ ■"■■.. [CM. " My HOttltblnteth for God."— Ps. slil. il. 1 As pants the hart for cooHug btrcamH, . "When heated in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And tliy refreshing grace. 2 I'or tliee, my 06d,.*he livujg God, My thirsty sorti doth pine ; O wheiju>dia:n I Hehold thy faco, 8 Why rcst^s, why crtst down, my soul'i?- Hopc/fi'till, and thou sha it sing ^ The w^isc of him who is thy God, T^ health's eternal spring. •■109., ■• ■; . [S..M The btguil of JvHiiii Clirlut bin uuii vlouusulli ui> ivom uU aiu/' 2 Hut Christ, the heavenly Lauih, Takes till our sh IS away ; A Hocrilice of nobler name \ And richer blood than they. B My faith- would lay lior hand On that dwir head of thine, >Vhile like a pcuilunt I stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see Tiie burdens thou didst hoar, When htinghig on the cursed tree. And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, wo rejoice " ,, To Koe the curso remove ; We blesM the Lamb with (ieerful voice. And sing his Ideeding l^c, :^ .^H 'A Mr no. [76. 66 'CoMju iiiitu mv, nil >'« that Inlior aixl arc heavy lailun.'' JIatt. xi. 28. : -wL-l 1 lay my sins on .Jesus, _ _ ;^ The spotless lamb of God; lie bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load. 1 Not all the blood of beasts^ ^ — : — On Jewish altars slain, Could give the giiUty conscience peace, -'4r Or wash awav the stain. . I bring my guilt to Jesus, — " ■ ■ To wash my crimson sta his White in his blood most precious, _ Till not a spot remains. jl: # 'm t m I "M" ' m # 6fi. ■ i" ■ genehal hymns. fi8 2 I lay my wanth on Johiim ; . ** All fiilucHH ilwt'llx ill him: ^ Ti+t lu'iils ttll luy UiHi'iiscs ; " Ho tldth my soul nulirm. I lay my jfricl'rt on Ji-^iift, My ImnloiiH ami iii,v niivs; * Ho from tlu'm all »Tl«'*"«''*,i • He all my sorrows sliaivH. a I rust my 80ul on Jesus, Tins wtHivy soul ol' uliiic; , Uis right hand me ouihracpRi . ion his lu'oast rpclini'. I love tho name of .losu», Emmanuol, Christ thi; Lord: Liko fra^wiuco on the hvoczos liis name abroad is pour'd. 4 I long to bo like Jesus, Meek, loviuf,', Imvly. mild; I long to bo liko Jcsus, t|»« b'atiiors Holy Child. '•. I, long to be with Jcsus, .. Amid th% heavenly throng, ^ To sing, with saints, his pi'iiises, To loaru the angers song. ! 2 Forbid it. Lord, that I sIhiiiUI iKiaht, . - ! . Savo in tlio doath ol" Christ, iny Clod; \ All tho vain things thiU charm mo most. J sHcritU'o thttin to his bloodr y ,< H Set!, l'r«»m his hond, his hands, his'feoti • Sorrow and bvo flow minglod dowui Did e'er such love and s«>ri-ow moot. ■„ Or thorns oom\iot«o HO rich a ci'ownt^ I Were the whob' realm of nature mine, That wore an ortoring far too small: Love s<> ama/.hig, so divine, - Oomands my sciul, mv lil'o. my all. 119. |8». 7« 111. forbid thut I Rhoulil Rlory JiigiiH ChrUt. [L.M.i 1 Wh< i hl Have ill the crofw of our IiOril -a;il. vi.14. »y "Iioolt uiitoiue. ttiul bo ye daveil."- !«». ilv. iSL ■■ . >/S^ ' - ... v.. f Sweet the momentH, rieb hi bloH«ihg, Which before the cross I speml; Life, and health, and peace iwssessing, , From the siiuier'H dying Friend. 2 Here 111 sit, for over viewing ^lercy'H streauiH in Htreanla of hloml ; Precious di'ops my sold bede whig, Plead, and claim my peace with Go*l. survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, _And pour contempt on all my pride. H Truly blcsst*d is this station. — Low before his cross to lie; While I see divine compiussion lioaraing in his languid eyp^ \- 1: 64 OEKEBAli HYICMS. -f I i Lovo and griuf my henrt dividing. With luy tciirH iiiH foet I'll buthe; OotiHtant utill in fuitli ubiding. ~~ Life deriving ttotu. Ills death. 6 Lord, in conHeloHH oontemplatioq' Fix my thankful heart on the«; I Till I taato thy full salvation, ,* And tliino unveil'd glory Hce. ■ ^ :■#■ M'" ta. [L.M *tbou. Lord, bMimada in« glad ttarougb ttay work. Pi. self 4: 1 Sweet iH the woJrk, my God, my King, To praiHe thy name, give tliankH, and ning, To tthow thy lovo by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night. 2 8weet is the day of Baored rest; i^o mortal cares shall seize my breast : may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound. 8 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thy works of grace, how bright they sliine I How deep thy coimaels, how divine! 4 And I shall share a glorious part, ; When grace hatli Well refined my heart; And fresh Bupplios of joy are shed, ; Like holy oil, to cheer my hea d. J^im Mg«p«»MM«|MHM< ■»^ Then shall I see, and hear, and know, All I desired or wish'il below; And every power find sweet empl(^ In that eternal world of joy. t •3: <1 114. [L.M. " W« bftv* • grcikk Uigb PrlMt tbat ii pMMd into tb« bMToai." H«b. W. 14. 1 Where high the heavenly temple stands. The house of Qod not made with hu,udB, A great High Priest our Aature wears, . The guardian of mankind appears. - / 2 He who for men tlieir Surety stood, And pour'd on eairth his precious blood, !^ursues in heaven his mighty plan, The Savioiur and the Friend of man. 8 Though now ascended up on high, ~ , "He bends on eartli a brother's eye; Partaker of the human name. He knows the frailty of our frame. 4 Gur fellow-sufferer yet retains i* A fellow-feeling of our pains ; And still remembers in the skies His tears, his agonies, and cries. 6 In every pong, t^at rends the heart. The Man of Sorrows had a part; He sympathizes with our grief, „ And to the sufferer sends relief. _. - .7^ ' .^ ■ ■;]•■ i.M. A' » GENEKAL HYMNS. 6 \Cith boldiicHH. Uiorcforo, at tho IhioiM), Lot U8 mftkc nil our HorroMH known ; . Ana auk Uie aiow«r To help ^H uj tho evil hour, ^ B JcruHtttoiw. my happy i»on»f, My Houlhtill panthTl.r thoo; Th«*n HhftU uiy liilK.nrH havfl un end, *■ ■mjt [CM. X " Th.t iMfct city . th« hoJy J«nn»li«."'-««v. »i. 10. 1 Jeruaalom, lay happy homo, Mamo over iloar toyme, A When shall my labours have an orfd In joy, and peace, »ml thee? 2 When Bhall these cycH thy heaveu-bugt wall», And pearly gates behold, fhy bulwarks with salvation strong, — r And streets of shining gold? ' 8 There happier borers than Eden's blow*; ' Nor sin no»M>rrow linow : ■ Blest seats I through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. , 4 Why should I shrink from pain and woe, r Or feel at deatli dismay ? ' I've Canaan's goodly land in view, \ And realmfeof endless day. ' 6 Apostles, martyrs, prophets , therrt US. >■ [0.% .:tu« u,va «f oca I. ^r.^:i:^ri:^' ""' *"• "'*' 1 Come, Holy Spirit. Heavenly Dove, With aU thy (luickeuing powers ; . ., Kindle a tlanio of H.iercd love JI^WBU cold hearts of oU|r«. ; 2 h^Ww we grovel here below. Fond of these earthly toys; Our souls— how heavily they go ^ To reach eternal joy 8 1 8 In vain we tune our formal Hongs; In Vain we htrivo to rise ; llosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. ^ 4 Dear Lord, and shall we ever bo ,- In this poor dyuig state ; ^ Our love HO faint, so cold to thee» -.^7-- Awl thine to us ho great f : ' 5C6nic,aoly8pii%VHcavcnly^^^^ _l;*_ ^ : With all thy iiuickrning powor w ; Come, Hhcd abroad a Saviour's I.. v.. And that «haU kindle ours. Around |hy Saviour stand. Aid soon toy .friends in Christ below /Vill jom tlie glorious band* m :m^ T 56- GENERAL HYMNS. 117. "H« dweireth^tb you, and shaU b« (n you."-Joliu xU> 1 Come, Holy Bpirit, come; Let thy bright beams arise f Dispel the sorro^ from our minds, The darkness from loiir eyes. , . .. . ' ■ -■ ■' ',..■'' ., ■ • ■- ' ■-• ' 2 Cheer our despoudiug hearts. Thou heavenly Paraclete j ' Give us to lie with humble hope At our Redeemer's feet. - 8 Kevive our dioopjng faith, Our doubts arid fears remove : And kindlein our breasts tJie flani(! Of never-dying love. ... ..■■•■_■ .^ . . . ' 4, Convince us of all sin, - Then lead to Jesus' blood; And to our wondering view ruvear" The secret love of God. -0" '*'■''. -- " 5 'Tis thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctifj- the soul, To pour fresh life ifc every part, And new create thohole. *,6 Dwell therefore in our hearts, Our minds from Imndage free; , Then shall wd know, and prailje, and Jove The Father, Son, and thee. 118. / 7«. " A»k, iind it nhall bu glyeii you." -Mutt. vli. j. Come, my nun], thy suit prepari- ; 'FpsHs.loves to answer prayer; • , lie himself has bid thee pray ; Thorofoi-e will not say thee nay. 2 Thou art couiing to a King; Lji*{{^' petitions with thee bring; For his grace and pmver are siicii, None can ever ask too miicij.. H With my Innden I begin; . ' ' Lord, remo/e this load of ^n: Let thy blood, ibr sinners !|»ilt, • Set my conscioHce froo frcXJI guilt. '4 Lord, I come to thee for rest : j" Take possession of my breast ; ' "There thy blood-bougiit right maintain, '^ •• ' . And without a rival reign. . u AVhile I am a jJiTgrim here," \ Let thy love my spirit dieer; ' As my giiide, my gu«,ij^, my friend, Lead mo io my jy^uiVey's eiaft. -■ ' ;/.: / ■ \jf-^ _■■ ' ^■ ' 119. J- [iVtf. ' ■ ■ ' ' ' %^' ■ ■ TlH-re r will incet witli thoc: iindl will commnno with tll«o .^ - ,f'0'"auovftlifiiieity8eat."— Kxod. XXV. 22. ^ ■ .■■-..-. 1 FVoiu every stonny wuid that Wows, * t rom every swelUng tide of woes, \ T|}<>V^' is a culmf a^hUre retrofvt; ' Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. yf '.VW M iiil ^gg ^^^ a ^ f 78. -': [-■■ * .' ■■01 ■■■ » - ■ ♦ - GENERAL HYMNS' 6r U Jjl 2 There is a place where jesjis sheds . The oil of gladness on our heads; A place tjian all beside more sweet; x It is the hlood-staiued mercy-scat. '" rt There is a spot where spirits blend, • . Aid friend holds fellowship with friend ; Sough sunder'd far, by faith they meet Around one common niorcvrseat. 4 Ah, whither coold wV fly for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismayed? ^ ^ • Or how the hosts of hell defeat. Had snffering^ saints no mercy-seat? 5 There, there on eagle wing w'e soar. And time an^l sense seem all no more. And heaven comes down our souls to greet, While glory crowns the mercy-seftt. 120. [CM. "Thy statutes have been iny Bougs in the bouso of my pUgrimage."— Ps. cxix. 54. ^ 1 Faith(!r of mercies, in thy wprd "♦- What endless glqry shines ! * F«fr ever be thy uainB adored For these; celestial Unes. i '-...- \ ■■■ ■ \ . ■ ■ --x .-.■.■ ,2 Here sprmgs of consolation rise To cheejr the fainting mii)d: And tliirsty souls receive supplies, ' And sweut refreslmient find. -r 8 Here the Retlccmer;* welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around i And life and everlasting joys • Attend the blissful sound. •1 pffay these heavenly pages be ■ My ever dear delight ; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 5 f)ivine Instructor, gracipus Lortf, Be thou for ever near; ^ ,: > Toacli me to love thy sacred word , And view my Saviour there- . 121. I Double- CM. , ' "iiicUne your ear And come unto mo."— 1B8. Iv. i ' • II heard the voice of Jesus 'say, . Gome unto me and rest; Lay down, thou. weary one", lay down, _ Thy head upon my breast. t came to Jesus as I was, Wopty and wofn and sad, I found in him a rdsting-placc, And he lias made toe glad. . ■ 2 1 heard the voice of Jesus say, Behold I fr6ely give , ;i . The living water ; tJiiiirity one: Stoop down and drink, and live. ) ' 'J ■ ^t:-- ■i,.: w- ..»,.> m- .; « t ' — '-i- ♦v- GENEBAL HYMNS. ■*- 8 I Of^aae to Jesus, and! draftk ^^ ^^"aiMi^ir'^'"^ Htreani, My tlih'SWI^quenchM/ my soul revived, . Aiid now I live in him; ''■-'." ^ . a . , ■ * " - ,* . I Jicard the voice of Jesns say,, ' ' lam this dark world's light," - Look unto me, thy morn shaU rise, " And all thy day be bright. I look'd ta J.CS1IS, and I found In him my Star, my Sun ; '- And m that light of life III walk. Till travelUng days are done. T ■■ 4 TKou God of power, thou God of love, Let the whole world thy mercy prove;. Now ler thy word o'er all prevail ; Now take the spoils of death au4 hell. 'J/'v^-.O-'^:'- ■■-■''■:: 122.;:; ^■■.. ; i "He haith covered ma with the robe oT I'igbteousueBs.' ' • , l8a.lxi. 10. ■ "'■.'■■■■ , ■'• »' • 1 Jesu, thy blood and righteousness , ^fy beauty are^ my glorious dress, t" 'Midst flaming worlds in these array'd; ^T ^ "With joy, shall I lift up my lie^^ •i- ■■■"<■,•: ■, ■-■ -.. , ■ ■/■ ■ ■...,. J . 2 Bold shall I atand'in thy great day, - Fpr who aught to my charge shall lay ? Fully absolved through these I am, ;: ' From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 8 When from the dust of 4eath I rise ^ To claim my mansion in the skies, Even then, this shall be all my plea, '" / ' Jesi^B hath livfid, hath died for mo. -i- ■.[L.M. 123. ■*• There ahali be.a fountain, opened for sin atfd uncleannefS. Zech.xiil.j. - 1 There is a fountJiin fill'd with blood. Drawn from Emmanuel's veins, And smners plunged heneath tliat flood Lose aiU their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And iihere have I, as vile as ho, ■ , Wash'.4alj my sins away. 8 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power," '^^ Till all fl«)ra,nsom'd church of God Be saved to sin no more: 4 E'er since by faith, I saw the stream ' Tliy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme. And shaJl be till I. die. 6 . Then in; a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing thy power to save,; : • While this pporjispiug stammering tongue IN- ■■■: /- Liijs silent in'the gtme. . -M . A \- I: GEIKERAL HYMNS. 6 'Lor4, 1 believe thmi hast i«epa¥C^ ''.' ; , , Unworthy thotigh I lie, *' , . ■" For me a blood-bought-fr^ff'reAfrard,' /' , ■ . Agoldeiyharp forme^' ', *.^ 7 'Ti» strong, and tuned for endlestTyeacs/ And form'd by povref divine, V , .To- sound in God the-Father's ears; , .;- No other name but thine: ■ ^ ■'■ ' ■ ' . ■, ■■ ' ■' ■ -:*■•'" 1 " Let Hot your hearts ba troubled : in my Father^ bouse are many mauBiong; 1 go to prepare It pluu« for you:" { John xiy. 1, a. - _; , ^ . ■ '" ■'-';'*'" " '■ 1 Whe^ I can read my title cleafr* * '..■<■ To mansions iu4he jikies, I bid farewell to evei;y fear,^ ^ ' ' , And wipe my weeping eyes. ^ _ J 2 Should earth against my soul engage', '* j. > And heUish dart& be hurl'd^ Then I can smile at Satan'^ And face a frowning worldt 8 Let cares lik^ a wild deluge come, _ J >, "^ ' .And storms of sorrow fall. May I but safely reach my home, :#S My God, my heaven, my aU.-*- - vr- 4 -Then shall I bathe my weary soul , In seas of heavenly rest, — — ^ • And i fibt a wa ve of trouble r oll — r " "Thy foolfttoiiA are not'kniMr 1 Go'd rabvos hi a mystorf .jiis woiulers to perform ; He plantshis footsteps in the sea, ^p . And rides upon, the, storm. . - .. ■ . . ' ■ \„ . ' 2 Deup in unfathomable mines ' ■> - , ■ . -Of never-failnig Bkill j ;, -JHe treasures up liiK bri}i;ht dcsigUM;- ^ ' And works his' «ovMX'ign will.-- - ■* i\ Ye fearful sriijnts.-'frcsh courage -The clouds ye so luiich 'dread - Arc big with mercy, and sliall bro -: . , In blessings on your head- 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble K(>nso,^> . • But trust him foi; his grace : « * Behind J, frowning providence • y He hides a smiluig face. 6 His piirjfoses will ripen fast. Unfolding every hour; ^^ - The bud may have a bitter taste. But sweet will be the (lower. , fG;M. Across my peaceful breast. tV Blind unbelief is sure to err. And scan his work in vain ; God is his own interpreter, '~^ And he will make it plain. ; /; ^ ■ . ■ ;■ * r N ^'i ■fif ± I _;i 126. GENERAL HYMN^. [CM. IP n»- r That Ghriai may dwell i i your hearts Jby faith."— Epli. ill. 17. 1 Jesu, the very thought of thee ^ ' With awcetness'fills the breast ;*_ ::J But sweeter far thy face to soe, ' V-' And in thy presence rest. 2 Tongue never .spake, ear never heanl, . i Never from heart o'erflowed ■ ' . ^ 'A new heart will. I rIvo you, and a now Ri»trit wiM I injt • within you." —Kzpk.'xxxvi. UG. ^ ^ . 1 O for -a heart to praise my God, A hedfrt from sin set free i Jl heart that's ayrinkled >((jjii;thc blood Ho freely shed for me : " 2 A lif^H* rcsi{?u't^. silbmissivo,. meS, ■ .My dear Reitecraer's tlupne ; ga^ Whorp onlyxCbrist is heard to hpfcaS?''^' ' \Vher'e*Jesii8 reigi^ alfnc: -. ^ - a-^A humble, lo\vly» Wiitrite heart,'*. Believing, true, and clean;., Whi'clk^eithor life Hor dcatl\ can-piut ; From hiui-that d>wJls within:, -T* ,i K heart in every thought r&j(Cw'd, . ■ i^ndXull of lovp divine, / *^ l>erfect^»aiid right, and pu/e,- and good; 6 Thy natur6, gracious Lord, impart ; ^ ' Come quickly firohi above; Write thy new name upon my heart, Tliy new best ntvme of love. l3b. [S.M. "))o strunu in tho Lonl iinilin tlio i)OWor of hi* might." Kl>h. »i. 10.^_ - 1 Sbldiei-s ol" (Jhrisf, arisen And put your armour on ; ^ ^wn, And wm the well-fought dn|P!^' Tha0iaving all things done, ^ And all your conflicts pass"d. Ye may o'erccce, through Christ alone, <■ 6 : « - S- - And stand entire At last. •L A copy,'IiOvd, of tliine. r,. # - i ■'"*■ ■-.«; I ^ ! ■■' i .-I i ti' i '1 m '•^■«' I. 0y 1 3^^;" -* * . '■.!?-\ ■.! 'Ff mM il '?f-''\V . ^s-iir ;V" j^^WT^^^^^^^^Sjf^^^ w% am welllf,^l^|tiptl«t mighty; . ^t B^ut'tb.wafti tt^.ihroigli tUe ie liiii' ■'( ' m Iam\«|ji|^Mpptiartmighty; , ^ ^^'1^1 '",. . f vS^hftre'tliiq i^ojmijairB coase to W^epli^^v * ■■■«■' . .'•'■1 i"'''" 'iiil '■' ■ '■-•■. ■- '• '■ ■ •» -I 2 Though Hilg(^ shoi^me; h9p§ to latad on ' ^j ' Ifejils* r- '^0^^ «^ wiUi(;th| powerful hahd : 'u..' ■^ . -fii^adqiifefiiyeu,;'; Feed iiBp0 no*iaMWermbt^^^ . 2; Oeen noiir iflie Cj^8t^;fbu^t|«ij, ' v \ WheiMj^ the hcfi^ifig Yearns do flow ; » '' ■■ ■''■"■'%■'. .,■, '.: 'S Led V ly^i^w^ brate £he oeeau ; ^^ * • ," Led b^K^, the stdrms.defy ; ««»■; ^ • ■:%■:'- Calm aii|j4^''' "^"^*^°^*-'"^^'*"» ' '' •knowing, that ouflxordj^anigU: . ;^ ■{ * ' »: ,'■ .Waves obey Mm, -V; -.''^- ' ' :'' .^ •, "\ ';<, r '\ Aiid the trtoriuB before IjiiiJft fjijf. ?, " ^ r ■ ^ ;v f ■;■ V, '>.■•;■■ V- ^^ ■.)■•'. r. ■;■ • u^ ^ 4 O' what ploasnix's there awak ua,: ,; ^: ..'. . /tliei-e tlie tempests cease to yo^,r: :^_ :; * ' There it is that those wh'o hj^te us , Can molest bur peace iio more: ; , jJHroublo ceSsep On that tranquil happy shore. -vf. H-.l! •'■fM. )B Wh^O I treaj the Verge of Jordan, I r, Bid my anxious fears subside, ])eath of death and hell's Destrnctiou, *' Land me s^fe on Canaan's sidb : v' , Songs of praises ;> \ will jever give to thee. ■ " • > . . ■ ■,■ ' ■»■„' .' ' I ." m 'h \ i ir I II ■.. :a- \ :. \ i33:\ !■ ^Vi "The iiord is on my side ; I will not fear.''— Ps. cxvli: 1 Why should I fear the darkest hour, Or tremble at the tempter's power? Jesus vouchsafes to be my tower. j( V o ~k^- GENERAL HYMNS 68 a Though hot the ftght, why quit the fioia? Why mubt I cither fly or yoild. Since Jesus is uiy mighty rthicid? 8 I know not what may soon heti'do, <: Or how my wants shall be supplied; But Jesus knows, and will provide. , 4 Though sin would fill me with distress, The throne of grace I dare address. For Jesus is my righteousness; ~ . 5 Against me earth and hell combine ; But on my side is jVOwer divine ; ^ , Jesus is all, and h<)> isJu^e. 4 Zipn, Jehovah is her strength ; Secure, she Huules at all her foes ; And weary travelhtrs at length Within her Hacrud walls repose. 5 O sweet abode of peace and love, Where pilgrims freed from toil arc bb'ssM, Had I the pinions of a doVe, I'd fly to thee and be at rest. But Ijush, ray souj, nor dare repine; The time my God appoints is bost: \ While hero, to do his will be miin'; And his, to fix my time of rest. 134. [L.M.; " ItBre have we no coatlDuing cttVi l>ut we sedk oiio to rome." ^ ; . - Heb xiiili. - « ,• • 135. ' [CM. "Thoy saag ft now Rong, saying. Thou aft wortliv.'V-Uov. v n. iV t 1 We've no abiding city here This ™t^y\4ii^'%^]i^ But should iH^MP^Imwai Jetted tiki 2 '4>,min(i; Ml ^ * WhohopUr-^ ...... .^.. _ our home But let the thought our spirits eheer,' We seek a city Wit to come 1 Sing we the song of those ulio stand * Around the eternal throne, Uf every kindred, clime, and land, A multitud'C unknown. . A We've'lkO abiding ci|^ fe^'®' \*. ' «», "^ '^ ^^^ poo|r disti^rtious vanish here: Sad iluth, were thisjo b^ our home ; , Mr ' f^ "• , ^i^'y ft»c jiioHn|f, the old, • But let the thought our spirits eheer,V *^ .j, \ (Jwi^^f^jiMur and his flock appear. 8 WeJve no abiding isity here ; Iff' We seek a cit^Mt of, sight;: Zipn its name;^ tlie Lo r d is the r e^ : It 8hij|;ies wiUyeverlasting light, ^, .».„,„ ,j..,'imV and ins flock appei •■• Y Oho Shephcwl and one fold. f*''V«il, trin^'snfffriijg stat^iwait ;, On eartii ^he pilgrim throng : r u wo ill oj i ji) ; ; low estate rch triumphant's ^ong. ■ < t '«jR\>'vr.\- y '■■■■■ '\--^'A:: - ■' -Z^. ■'■■■ ■'':. '■ ■' ■ , • "■■'.'■ ■...\- ' ,'-^ ■.' ' ■ -■ ■■■"* ■•'; »■ ■^ i. •> 64 GENERAL HYMNS. -:-.:.„.^l 4 Worthy Uie Lamb for Hinnerfl slttin, Cry the redeem'd above, Blesshig and honor to obtain And everlaating love. 6 Worthy the Lamb, on*earth wo sinpr, Who died our souls to aave : Henceforth, death, where is thy sting? Tiiy victory, O grave? fl Then Hallelujah t power and praise To l&od in Christ be given ; May aU, who how this anthem raise, llenew the .istrain in heaven. A 136. ':[CM,\ "To him that overcomoth wiU I Rrant to bIV with ine tn my throne."— Kov. Ui. 21. 1 Give me the wings of faith, to rise Within the veil, and see ithe saints above, htow g^'eat their joys, How bright their glories be. 2 Once they were mourning here below,|^^ , And wet their couch with tears: They wrestled hard, as we do now, With sms, and doubts, and fears. . 8 I ask them whence their victory came; 4 Tiiey mark'd the footsteps that he trod; His zeal inspired tlieir breast; And, following their incarnate God, Possess the promised rest. . 6 Our glorious Leader claims our praise, For his own pattern given ; While tlie long cloud of witnesses Show the'same path to heaven. , They with united breath Ascribe tlicir conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to his death. :',''■:' : 137. .• " JeRUH called ft Httlo iohlld onto him."— Matt, xviii. 2. 1 Gentle Jesu, meek, and mild, W Look upon a little child ; Pity my simplicity, iijuffer me to come to thee. 2 Fain I would to thee be brought; Dearest Lord, forbid it not; Give me, deArest Lord, a place In tlie kingdom of thy grace. . ' • 8 Lamb of God, I look to thee: Thou shalt my example be ; • Thou art gentle, meek, and mild, Thou wast once a Uttle child. 4 Loving jesu,, gentle Lamb, In thy gracious hand s I am ; fTs. -*-*■ Make me, Saviour, what thou art, Live thyself within my heart. -^l z^. 188. GpEBAL HYMNS. [flu. 48 66 '"There !■ a Meiwl that iitlckeUi oloeer than • biotlMW." . ' Prov. «Tl|l. a*. One thovc is above all others. Qhow lieloveH! HiB w love beyond ft brother'!*, O how-UeloveHl Earthlv frjendH may tail or laive m, One day Hoothe, the next day gneve us, But this Prieud will ne'er deceive uh,, hojl' he loves! 2 'Tis eternal life to know him, , O.how helovesl, . I Think, (i think hovr much we owe hmi, ;! O how. he loves! i With his i)recious blood he bought jia. In the wilderness ||e souglit n«. To his fold ho safe^' brought us, how he loves| >^ ; 8 We have found a friend in Jesiva, how he loves! 'Tis his great delight to bless us, . ; 01iow^«k>ves! r How ourflHflfdeligh£ to hear him Bid us d^ipPKHfety near him j Why shoul^'e distrust or fear him ? » Ohowhejoves! 4 Through jas taame we are foi^given, , Best of blesshigH he'll |>rovideuB, ^ ■ Nought bilt good shall e»>r betide, U'«» ; Safe to gluj\V.h<' will guide us, -> •() how lie lof^' #• rii.M. kw ^jellcvotl." 139. • I iim not Biftiniiied. for I know w ' " 1^ 11 Tiiii.- 1. ^ ^ 1 .lesu, ami shttl-rit ev(>r be. A mortal «nmaHliam«'d of thee? A«hamed of thee, who'm angels i).iais«s ' WJiosc jklorijDs shiiio through eiuUeHs dnvs? •i^AsliaiuctVof .lesus. -of that Friend On whoift hiyh6peH of heaven doju'ird".' ■ No, whei) I idush, be tliis my shnmey*. .. That 1 jVo numviTvin' liis iiiinuv i\ Ashaniecl^tf T(^^ii4Bnfl|^^ ^^^^^liiiiiy When I've no*ghl!WP!^h iiway. No tear to wipe, no .j«>y to crave, ^^) fears to-(iucll, no soul to save. ■ ♦ ,- ■ . ■ " > I Till then— nor is the Wasting vain— Till tlien I boast a Saviour slain : ^ AjhI^) may this my portion be, '' lliat Saviour not ashamed of me. •,■7— ^--^ iA(k ; ■ ••islmll'JO SHtiBflml whuii t awako witU tiiy likeuo**.' I'm. xvil. ]X 1 Lord, I am thine; but thou wilt jHove [Ti.M. •t k ■w 'f;. \l--'.: 66 OEi^EB^ HYMNS. ■ ^. '2 T .' (r^ _ wect to reflect how grago divine My sins on Jesus laidf Sweet to remember tliat his blood My debt of Huflerings paid': meet iit his righteousness to standi Vlllllich saves from second death ; Sweet to experience, day by day, . Hixf Spiral's qui^cning breaUi : S!.weot in the cdfifidc^pc of faith "':0 4 Sw P^ ivo in 1np» hand, will but bis: -■' 141, ■■■■;, "My lutditatiou of biui »liall be aweet."— Ft. civ; 1 When languor and diseaKO invade This trembluig honse of cfay, 'Tis swejdit to look beyond pur cage, And long to fly away: [C.lil. ™ 2 Sweet to look inward and attend The whispers of his love ; '^^_ Sweet to look upward to the place Where JfttPs pleatls above: 8 Sweet to look back, an(d feee my name In life's fair book set dbwn; Sweet to look forward, and bd Eternal joys i^^^pm : « ^ \w 7 Bifiet totelQitfe in lively hope ThaV|Mfl|i my diangjMtdiail eomfr{|lr Angels wiH hover sound ij^ bed j^ «, : ' An4^ waft my spirit ^ome, 8 If such thcLSweetni What must tin Where saints and Imm^intely fi i ^ "Enoeh Walked with God. "-6«u. v. JM. t for a closer walk inrith God, A calm and heavenly frame ; A hght to diine upon the toA b""^!- .M^ 2 Wliero is tho UcwcaneBs I knew When flnt I saw the Lord? Wliere is tfie 8(^-icfrcHhiug x'levf ' Of Jo8«plM»tniU word? Iiat pciwefnl ho\u'H I once enjoy 'd, >w BWcct thoir memory Htill! ;hoy have left an aching void, Thei,^|teld can never till. Rettttn.^joly Dove, return, Sweet mpHHengor of rent ; I hate tbo^iuH tliat made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breoHt. 6 The denrcHt idol I have known, , Whate'er tliat idol be, Help me tear it from thy throne, ^ And wor^iip only iliee. So shall my walk be close with God, iCalvMliB^ serene my' frame; Bo pur^nght shaU mark the road " ' That j^d^ "™® *° *^® Lamb. :' :. 143. ■;■ -'n;;;;.;;;"; V.'[P.M. • Hftviog • ii tho ihrono, Aud to adore tlio Luiub. •' H« !• liorit of Jov.U, (Mirt Kl)iR of liliigii."-R«v. xvll. U. 1 All hail th«' power of Jcsuft' name ! Lft angclH i>roHtrato fall ; Biinf,' f*'>th the royftl diadem, And crown him, Lord of all. 2 Cn)wn him, ye maityru of our Citnl, Who from hi* ftUur call; Kxtol tlie Ktem of Jchhc'h rod, And cnnvn him, 'Lord of nlf. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ I 8 Ye Ht'L'd of iHrael'H choHcn *ft /ij lliiil him who savcHyou WflnH^kcOy- And cuftwn him, Lord% ilw ^,,; 1 Sinuors, whoso love can no'cr forget . The wormwood and the gall ; "^""* jpo, Kpreiid your trophies at his feet, .. And cro\y'n hiiu. Lord of all, 5 Lt cvory kindred, every tribe, ijw this terrestrial ball, Co him all nituesty ascribe. And crown fiiro, Ijord of all. ■.»....ii. ^r rfi ■ d 'iW, M_ » N — .HM%. that with yond*ftorod throng, We at his feet may fall, • • There join the everlastinR Hong, And crown him, Ijord of all. 148. [CM. 'My M>l'>t hntb vojolecil In (io«( uiy Hftviour."— Luk* t 47. 1 O for a thousand tongUes to sing My dear Itedoenn'r'H praise, Theglorit's of my (lotl and King, The triumphs of his grace ! 2 JcsuH — the name that charms our fonrii, That bidj^ur sdrrowH cease; . 'Tis nmsic in tho sinncr'H cars ; 'Titt hfe, and health, and peace. 8 He breaks tho power of canccU'd Bin, And sets the prisoner free : ' *■ His blood can make the fonlout clean; His blood avail'd for mo; 4 He speaks; and, listening to hi8 voice, || New life the dead receive ; The mournful broken hearts rejoice ; The humble poor beheve. _ , . 6 Hoar him, ye deaf! His praise, ye dumb, :i__^ Y'our Iposen'd tongues employ I ._ Y^ftbUnd, behold your Saviour comet • And leap, ye lame, for joy! To Father, Son, and Hwly Cihost, Tlie (lod whom we adore, Be glory, as it was, is now-. And shall be evermore. Amen. It 70 -^".- . -^^^' •MMi ■##■ J"s*- GENERAL HYMNS. > \ • • il^ I ■• 149. . : [C.Mv "IwilUiloHstho I,ora lit all UiiK'H."— P». . How hlost they arc, «,nd only they, " ' Who' ill his truth coniidc. . ' 6 Fear^hlm, ye saints j and you \\ill then Have nothing else to fear: Make you his service your delight, • > ymii"\yant3 shall be his care. , ^ lost." 1; '• ■''■ \ THE NINETY AND NrNE. ' ■ •>'•■■■ <.■' / ' "Rejoice \vith me, for I Imvo found Iny sh^op tliftt ywxa ■ i ■ • ..• * liiikoxv.*}, . ' ' '"^^TSiere were nmoty and nine that safely lay • ^n the shelter of tlio.roVl,.,''- Jul one was out on the hills away, ■ ~~p. Fay off from the. gates of gold-^-. « A\vay oh the fiinuntaiji^ wild and bare, . AA\u"y from the tender Shepherd's Q^ro, Away from jthc tender Shepherd's care. " . . : "Loi^, Thoff hastlicM Tliy nmety and nine: Are they liot' #nough for Thee ? " •But the Shepherd made ftuawcr: " 'Tis of mine Ifarf wandered away frbm me ; And altlfough tlie'rottd he rough nfid steep I go to thedosert to find my sheep." ■ . , ■ ' * t ■-■■ • -' I But none of tho ransomed ever knew , ... ' How deep w^ore the waters crossed \ ' Nov Jiow dfilk wft.s the^ night tluit tlw Lord . passed thiJOUgh * *" ' , " . ' I'Ire He found His,>.hecp that was lo«t. • Out iu thci(lest;rt He heiird its cry-^ • » Sick and helplcBs, and reacty to die, , I "Lord, whence are those hlood-drops ftU jtlie \iiy That mark cftit the mountain's track ?'^ "They Avero.shed for one who had gone astray luo the tiiiepherd could bring him back.*' "Loitl, whence are Thy hands so rent and M ^ toni?" , . " ■ "They^re pierced to-nigiit by many a thorri.'^ But all thro' the mountaihs, thunder-riven, And lip .from the rocky ste»p. >e . There ros«? a cry to the ga^e of heaven, . . • " Kojoiet' ! I iiave foumr my sheep I " ,*^^ And the angels echoed ilroimd tlie throrie,^N.- " Eejipice,, for the Lord briiigs back Ifis ov f . •--*- — C" „ Il-l1l.'l "-T" ,,' .\ - «b ;\ ;■ ■ , , '■ M ■''.' NEBAI* HYMN^: 71 ne 4y I r. 'F'^- .>) . ' 'IBl. , I NEKD THEE I^VERY IloClt. ."^Vitliout u^io you coji ilo uoUiihB/ - J"l'n *>V->- * 1 I need thee cvcvy hour, , t ' Most KVrtciaus Loi'il;^ <• '^, ' No tender voii'O like tliliic -/C*u peace uffonl. , '' liefraln—l iiocd ti»ec,.oh! I iw^cd thee; ]j)vcry iioflr 1 uec'd thoe; blesH jiic now, »i|^bavioui-! ' > pel come to thee. 2 I need tUee every hour; Stay thou near by^ " Temptations lose then- power When tljou art ni^i. • Jiefrain—1 need thee, etc. 8 I,«ced thee eycry hour, .".. . 'l>ijoy orpahi; • ' Come quickly and abide, ,, • - Qv hfcis viriu: ' ,,- /-■ Jifjiain — I need thee, etc, , ' U 4. I need thee every hour; Teach me tliy will ; And thy rich promises In me fulfil. . lie/rain — I ueed«thee, etc. ' v • /?./>« ii/-- 1 Weil ilifc t-'Vtry hour, " M<.4 ilolyOiio; Oh. miil«' mo tliino indeed llu»M blo^M'd, Sou. -I UL'od Hue, t'lf. » .. , '■ - 152. ; •, {\Uia^T IS RISEN. :^ . J-'i'hmf.ih riwiiI.C'hrisl is rihch! -•>'.. C»l>■ Afl lU^W*' pi'H'bunx ! ' (fc^j the joyl'idiiel^s procUiini! .SViiViv hv hath coiUjUcr'd, ' ',A'nd h*J I'ol^'th now on higli! * , Christ is 'riHu! Clirist is risen! ■ ■ , . 0.iidtho"Bjivil)Hu-Kb)vify! ChrHk-^^Koni i'^i^kviui ! Hois Victor ! " : .,^11 liib ch'ndronllo will save! ,Amcn. , • , 2f "All yc nations bow before Him, , Ho is IJod forcvormorc! „ .- "VVilh the Father now He reignethje Hcav'n and earth His name, His holy nunio adore, •Ikav'n and earth His name adore. ,SV«;— Ho hath opclicd to His people Glory's gates eternally! Chris6.is rihenj Ch^'ist is riseiil' ' * • Sfiroad tlio,ii5»!ft'«'from sea to seal , • C7jV>»v(*— Sliout Hosanufl! lie is Victor, ejtc.. A I X. ¥t#» ■>s. «•, - ■-rJ- 72 GENJBBAL HYMNS. "'» ' y^ •>'. 163t' , j» ^ •r: ' PRBCI0U3' PKOMl^Jr.- "Wherfb7«ra'BtV9n-tinta u* esoeedfne grea^ond nreoionB |»roaftift»."-3 1'et. iri. ^ 1 Preoionfl proiuiu^ God l]atbr>g^ven * ' - , T6 the weafy powier Wr ..° . , .On the way from eartlji to heave^fM , • . "I will gtticle thee ^viUi Mine eye.**/*"*' ■■nt 154. m ^%\ Refrai .* W-I will guide thee, I will gtiide tliee, N*^ I will guide thee with Mine eye ;' ' MB the w^y fiom earth to heaven^ \ will guide thee with Miuje eye. 2 When temptatious almost win thee, "^ AnA thy trusted watohers Ay, Let this promise ring within thee, "I will guide thee with Mine eye.'^ Refrain — I will guide thee, etc.\- 8 When thy s^eret hopes hare perished, In the grave of years gone %>, Let this promise stall be cherishci , ••I will guide thee with Mine ey R^-mnr—l Wijil guide t^ee, etc. 4 When the'shades of Ufo are falliii];^; ^ ' And the hour has come to dte, * • Hear thy trusty Pilot calling, ♦*J will> guide thee with Mine eye?' • ♦ Refrain — ^I will guide thee, etc. I " * THE HOM^ OYER tHERE, "Oh that I haA tviiiKH liku n ilovo. for thuM nuiiUl I t)y aW^y jar*^ aiu(. b6 at r*>»t. , I'h Iv. 0. , " y^t)h, think of thd.hdme over there, ^ *« •. -^ ' JJy the sfde of the riter of light;- /^ . .Wliere the saints, all immoit^U ^ind failf, Are robed in tbjcir garments rtfSshiti'. Jitfialn — Over there, over there, . /' Oh, think of the home over there, ~^' ,Ovn' there, over then\ ovei there, V C )h, thinlw of the homo xrvov there. i Oh, tliink of the friond>< over there, Who before ns the journey fiaye trod. Of the songh that tliey lireathe on the air, In their home in the puliit'C of God, ; Over tlw.'r^;'o\er there, Oh, think of the friends over there. ^ My Saviour "is HOAv- over there, there my kindred and friendh are nt vest; * t\(ei\ away from iny sorrow and care, - Let »ie fly. to the land of thi- blest. OVer there. Over there, My Saviour is 'n6w over there. - - 4' I'll soon be at home over there. For the end of my journey 1 f(ce; Many^dear to my heart, over there. Are watching and waiting |or me. ^ Over there, over there, I'll*soon ho at home over, there. ., ▼ 1 \ " ■■ ^ .. 1 T-t-n n* * • :*•' i 1 , •'•/. ^"v % '■] ** *> '■^;;!' ,■■■'. t "v- %;^^ *t *» ' ■ *: •! * }) ■■■■■■ J ■■: ' 1 .« •i « ■ - .-- 1 M \ '. 1 viJ ^ , V- t s' « - -, ■\ ?> • • 'f. \ "J A« y 5 . '* ..•■■■ \'"' ■i'-'l ' ■■'■ V '.■ ,■■ '■ ■•--,'•!' t ■■^A^vv; ■:M^:^ 4 ,'.#::3^ ;v-^';; ;'""';■ ■ ■ " ■ ■-' ■» .*: If , - ' ' i 's^i'J '-^K •H*.. ■ ■ ■■ ■'■■■''. ''■-':. ' ■' ■ . : ''■■■■ *.""J : m--" ■■^■..■■' ■■.^\. x^rf ;.■■ :': M' ■-...^^■.;*'-'' .. ^'- ■/?■''■. .■ .■;:■■■,,-' ./■•*x:. ■.;■;: ^. V. ::.-,; .^:,-v.: /*";-■• ■ v J ■■ v:"- ■ .^•'> ■ . :■-.■■.■ '^" ■'^":^-.-^, ..-■ -f- .:.■ ■'■-':;."« - ''■■'■■-■<,■■'■■'' "r , ■ ...■".'■.■,"■ "X ■'„'■, ''■ ■:..■:■■;.■■',':"..•■ - ■■'^''"'""■- ■'".':' ;.■■ '■"'■' ''■.■■"■'■ ' .'■-■■•'";";'" ■'■■.."f '''■/■"■■ !.■;' ■;' ^.-'a ^.i ■---"'. ^r':" . ,' ''.■'..■■!-■ "''■■■; ■J * . ^■>-:U: '..K"'^" 'X::'XyX-. ■: ,'-'.'■' '" .',.•■'■■'■ "■ ■ • .' 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