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HOLMES AND SON, NEW EBA OFFICK, CLINTON, ONT. s « BHFFTOT ^O TBIJ TTF'MUK ■.»* n u ^IHaiaWOT i' ./f)H :.] ii ^40 \ 1 V. .)\ <..:" 1 [\'X 5i.O'^ . G r M> I >, i .'i. A. I ./■ ■'! ,^■♦ : r }T ,4* I AW / LIST OF VOTERS FOR ELECTORAL SUB-DIVISION NUMBER 1, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Oon. No. on. No. BoU. NAME OP VOTER. CON. LOT. 1 131 Abbey, Sbadrach 6 S part 6 2 195 Adams, Sobert N. 7 6 3 200 Adams, Eobert 7 11 4 201 Adams, Noble T. 7 12 5 222 Armstrong, William 7 EH 6 40 Biggam, Hugh 2 S part 11 7 46 Biggin, John 2 Si 15 8 80 Bramfield, Joseph 3 6 Wi9 12 9 156 Brown, William H. 6 8 10 188 Bielby, Richard wn 11 196 Britton, Kobert 7, E|8 12 197 Britton, John 7, E^S 18 202 Bell Hugh 13 14 603 Brownlee, George S E part 6 15 14 Clark, Reuben 7 16 19 Crioh, James E il2 17 89 Coates, James 2 N part 11 18 72 Carter, Charles 8 3 19 78 Carter. Thomas 3 WJS 20 165 Coates, James 6 8 21 164 Coates, Robert 6 8 22 191 Colclough, Robert 7 E^S 28 192 Cololough, Henry 7 W^S 24 597 Cameron, Hugh Kinbum, CD. 25 193 Coldwell, William E. 7 4 26 134 Clark, George 3 W part 6, 7, 8, 9, 27 76 Oay, James 3 Ei 7 5 Wi8 28 180 Dale, John H. 6 A 29 199 Dale, Christopher 7 9,10, 30 203 Duncan, David 7 14 '1 204 Duncan, George, 7 14 32 56 Emmersou, Thomas 4 N W part 10 83 5 Fowler, Francis 1 2 4 4 ' 84 32 Fowler, Charles 2 5 35 41 Fieeman, Henry 2 3 N part 12 e|13 86 73 Fowler, John 3 S part 4 87 74 Fowler, Thomas 3 B pari 5 38 172 Ferguson, David 6 14 mmm i .3.^ -Wil W« W' 3 ^ "''i 1: H ox ,f!3q 7' 's «;;■■*•. .1 ■'.J.vl . AZ ii Jt-^' sistr. - I Con. Ml No. S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 r;9 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 78 74 76 76 77 78 79 81 List of Voters for Sub-dj vision No. 1, HuUett— Continued. Cun. No. on Ko. BoU. NAME OF VOTER. CON. LOT. 39 9 ©ibbingB, William 1 W part 6 40 30 Gillespie, William 2 1 41 36 Grey, George a 9 42 110 Gibbings, John 4 N J9 43 189 Gibson, John 7 W i 1 44 610 Grainger, Cha»-les , Kinburn, 2,10,11, 46 4 Hughill, John 1 3 46 8 Hobson, Allen 1 N part 6 47 18 Holland, James 1 11 48 84 Hnraill, William 2 7 49 69 Hawthorn, Peter 3 1 50 70 Hawthorn, Robert, sr. 3 1 51 190 Hinchley, John \ 1 2 52 6 Irvin, L-obert 1 E ^5 63 7 Irvin, George 1 Wi5 54 75 Irvin, Thomaa 3 6 66 85 Irvin, James 3 WU2 56 15 Jamison, Alexander 1 8 67 16 Jamison, William 1 9 58 80 Johnston, James 2 1 r;9 129 Jamison, William 6 Wi9 ♦V 3 7,Ei8 Si8 60 77 Kettle, Francis 4 61 170 Kyle, John 6 13 62 11 Ldydon, John Alma, 2 Part 14, 3 Part 6 63 83 Livingston, Thomaa 5 S E part 10 64 88 Latta, Gilbert 8 Wil5 65 167 Lillicrap, George « 4Wi2 66 167 Leitch, William 6 E^ 11, E J15 ^ 67 12 fliorton, Elisha Alma, 1 to 28, &c.. 68 38 Mulholland, Ja. es 2 10 69 79 Morrison, William 3 4 Ei9 S|9 70 82 Mulholland, William 3 , W part 10 71 86 Miller, John 8 14 72 111 Morton, Sidney 4 s^o ^ 78 171 Morrison, James 6 14 74 198 Marsh, Daniel 7 Wis 76 83 Monk, William 8 11 76 609 Millsen, David Einburn, 8,4 77 205 Meald, Jokn H. 7 16 78 17 HIcDermod, Angus 1 10 79 31 McMichael, Thomas 2 2, 3 » r\r\ rr 1 •»<---«ir'_i 1 T>_i A 3 2 DU 1 I lEiCiTiicaaui, ivuucn) 81 84 McKuight, John 3 4 Eil2 E i 13 «mp 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 94 (J :, V/ Si : ■// I- 99 : 100 : 101 : 102 ' 103 ' 104 105 106 107 108 109 ' ■ I 110 111 i i . , . - ■ ^..■ 112 • \ \ • V 1" ■ M '■■i. 'J 113 114 115 o t ■// i ['-Hir ' 110 ~ f! ■ i t 117 118 119 130 i . i , . - ! -: .i ; 121 122 123 • \ List of Voters for Sub-divisioii No. 1, HuUett— Coutinued. Con. No. on. No. Boll. 82 87 83 114 84 116 85 109 86 128 87 154 88 000 89 44 UO 168 91 107 92 108 93 160 94 22 95 112 96 127 97 158 98 159 99 162 100 163 101 194 102 602 103 604 104 2 105 3 106 21 107 167 108 166 109 601 110 23 111 25 112 85 113 42 114 43 115 81 116 105 117 135 118 605 119 606 ISO 136 121 608 122 1 128 607 NAME OF VOTEK. MoMuUen, William McMiohael, Willium Mc Michael, Gilbert McGregof, Daniel jr. McMillan Jehn MoMichael, James Oliver, Thomas Peacock, Robert Petrie, John Baods, Leitchfield Renn, William RobertBOU, Walter Scott fihipiey, John Saint, John James Sutherland, James Snell, William Scholes, William • Stephenson, George Stephenson, Ambios* Snell, James Stanley, James Scott, Robert Thompson, Felix Thompson, Ralpk Taylor, Alexander Tyreman, Aaron Taylor, Robert Thompson, Robert Van Egmond, Edward Walker, Thomas Walker, Archibald Walkinshaw, James jr. Walkinskaw, James 8i. Warwick, Thomas Wilson, William Walker, Henry Willibon, Walter Watson, Josiah Walker, James Williams, John Young, Simon Young John CON. 3 4 4 4 4 5 t 6 Kinburn, 2 6 4 4 3 6 1 6 4 6 6 6 Kinburn, 6 6 7 Kinburn. Kinburn, 1 1 1 6 6 Kinburn, 1 Alma, 6 2 6 2 2 8 4 6 7 7 Kinburn, 5 Kinburn, 1 Kinlrarn, 7 LOT. Ei 15 S i 15 1 3 0,7 2, 3, E i 4 W ^2 Part 1 12 14. N i 15 W J^ 11 W i 11 4 5 N part 4, N pt 5 Part 6, 14 Ei 14 11 1 4, Wi2 S part 5 1 7 8 5 A. B. E. F. Ei2 W i2 13 S part 6 9. 10 A. B. 15 6, 20 W ^14 8 S W part 10 13 13 E part 10 2 E^ll Part S part 6 \ Parte G. H. E i 13 » A. a. C. 1 D Parte 'iiS.yl Ona. No. Mo. Bol 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 6 4 6 4 7 3 8 3 9 4 10 4 11 4 12 6 18 5 14 6 16 5 16 2 17 2 18 2 19 2 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 83 84 (, VIC * 36 ] ui.K. ,Vi 86 ' •" 87 38 39 ■ ■ 40 41 42 A A 3d . \ 44 ♦ 1. • , . 1 ■" "yjrm LIST OF VOTKRS FOR ELECTORAL SUB-DIVISION NUMBER 2, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. %l. "^11° NAME OF VOTER. 1 222 Armstrong, Willitm 2 280 All«n, Jaracg 3 281 Allen, John 4 406 Amou, Thomas 6 452 AtkiDtion, Thomas 464 AlUn, Henry W. 7 316 Allen, Gworga 8 359 Bast, William 9 407 Bell, Thouas 10 416 Brigham, William 11 416 Brigham, Richard 12 517 Broadb«ut, John 18 618 Broadb«nt, William, «r. 14 619 Broadbent, William, jr. 15 532 Brigham, John 16 283 Cricb, Francia 17 234 Colo, John G. 18 287 Carter, John 19 262 Cowan, William 20 264 Campbell, John 21 806 Campbell, WalUr 22 807 Col»man, Timothy 28 402 Crosby, John 24 414 Campbell, Alexander 26 413 Campliell, Angua 26 514 Cowan, Thomas 27 223 Danlop, William 28 228 Fiahtr, Hiram 29 229 Fisher, Michael 30 277 Faruham, Allan 31 449 Flannery, Michael 32 462 Fisher, Allen S. 83 267 Gagen, Bichard S. 84 278 OUddon, Williasa 36 808 Qovenlock, William 86 451 Gilpin, Thomaa 87 822 Graaby, James 38 403 Greaves, William 39 409 Gaw, Bobert 40 275 Hill, Bavid 41 310 Harrison, William 42 321 Hauselwood, Matthew 44 399 Hannah, William CON. LOT. 8 Nils part 1 2 9 N i 16 9 N } 15 12 E i 7 13 8 E^ 4 18 5 10 N i8 11 10 12 Wi? 12 14 12 16 U Part 5 part 4 14 Part 5 part 4 14 B part of S part f U SWptl4Sptl6 - 8 3Wptl4Sptl6 8 12 18 § W * 14 9 W|8 9 3 10 E i 1 10 Wil 12 Si") U Ni5 la Wi HE part 13 19 NillEil2 U W i 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 11 18 N part 1 18 W pt 12 E pt 13 9 6 9 12 13 10 W part 1 18 E part 2 10 14 12 E part 6 12 WA9 9 W|9 10 Wi2 10 13 10 15 ' 12 4 'J 1 • ' i > JAiiOTO 46 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 63 54 65 56 67 58 4 4* ... VI • 62 63 64 66 69 •1 i Uiill/, .a.i«.i.:-jnjiM iiiid-yAf tTij.i'.iiiiY'i •J r , ;■ .' i - ' k ii.' *. . . ', . 72 78 74 T6 0'. 76 77 78 ' f f * 79 80 I ■' J 81 , IH 82 83 ■ . r% 84 List of Voters for Sub-division No. 2, HuUett — Continued. Con. No. on. No. Enll. 45 400 46 401 47 626 48 288 49 238J 50 858 51 408 52 410 53 411 .54 465 66 225 56 263 67 311 58 461 59 538 60 224 01 281 62 282 63 266 64 270 NAME OF VOTEB. Hannah, Walter Hettle, Peter Holmes, James Hughes, Joseph Hughej", Anthony Jenkins, Willian) Knox, Geo-g« Knox, Robert Knox, William KuUy, Robert liowvie, Charles Lowrie, William Leiper, John liittle, Thomas Laundry, Edward Martin, Jose oh Mann, Robert Mann, George Mason, John Munn, James i 65 273 Murray, James 66 274 Millson, John 67 362 Medd, Henry 68 412 Murphy, William 69 463 Murphy, Walter 70 616 Mills, John 71 268 nicMaster, George 72 269 McGill, James 73 358 Mcintosh, William 74 357 McGregor, John T6 868 McViitie, Simon, er. 76 364 McVitti*, Simon, jr. 77 450 IlcRay, George 78 618 McGarin, Daniel 79 524 Mclntyre, Thomas 80 529 McDonald, Alexander 81 405 iVeilans, Thomas 82 610 Nolan, Timothy 83 611 Noble, Francis 84 261 Patterson, John 85 271 Pease, James D. 86 272 Pease, James L. 87 861 Patteison, George 88 631 Pates, Robert 89 230 Rose, Ezra A. 90 818 Rapson, John 91 814 Rodgerson, Solomon 92 817 Reid, Robert CON. LOT. 121 2 122 123 124 125 126 127 List of Voters for Sub-division No. 2, HuUett— Continued. Con. No. on No. Boll. 93 318 94 360 96 398 96 453 97 464 98 509 99 512 100 522 101 684 102 235 103 279 104 309 105 312 106 317 107 850 NAME OF VOTER. Beid, James Eeiil, John Reid, David Robinson, Alexander Riddell, Walter Roulau, Michael Reid, John Rodgerson, Robert Richmond, Robert liimpsoD, John Stavl«*y, J«mes Staples, John Stapf, John Stewart, George Siiith, Robert 108 396 Smith, Alexander 109 397 Stevens, Joseph 110 448 Smith, William 111 516 Seails, John 112 226 Xaylor, Abraham 113 227 Taylor, Henry 114 236 Ty reman, Andre v 115 815 Taylol", Henry 116 352 Taylor, Joseph 117 354 Taylor, Robert 118 356 Treivin, William 119 361 Taylor, Anthony 120 265 IWillison, Thomas 121 276 Warwick, John 122 355 Wilson, Robert 123 456 Watt, James 124 456 Watt, Alexander, jr. 125 457 Watt, John, jr. 126 458 Watt, Alexander, sr 127 469 Watt, George 128 520 Watt, John 129 521 Way. William " 180 623 Wells, James 131 528 Watson, Robert 182 625 Vouug, James 133 527 Young, John 134 530 Young, Jamns H. CON. 10 11 12 IB 11 13 14 14 14 14 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 11 12 13 12 14 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 11 9 9 8 11 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 1 1 1 1 1 14 LOT. 10 11 3 Wi 14 Si5 14 S part 1 W J2 W| 8 N W part 15 12 13 12 13 Ei2 Ei3 Wi4 11 12 S I 1 N W pt 1 Nil N i part 1 2 S il S i S part 1 W part 4 6 7 Ei 14 7 E^3 W J2 Ei6 7 12 Ei.6 10 Wi 10 w^e 6 8* 9 10 7 6 E J8 E J9 Wpt 11 Eptl2 S part 10 E part 11 13 FOR Con. No. No. Bol 1 ! 3 IJ 4 2( 5 2( 6 2' 7 '2i 8 21 9 4 10 5 11 ! 12 i 18 i 14 < 15 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 3 23 3 24 3 25 4 26 6 27 6 28 6 29 30 1 31 1 32 2 83 2 84 i 36 S 86 3 87 S 38 2 39 4 LIST OF VOTERS FOB ELECTORAL SUB-DIVISION NUMBER 3, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Con. Ko. on No. Boll. NAME OP VOTEB. CON. LOT. 1 93 Aiiterson, John • 3 Wi 19 2 94 Aikens, William 8 E i 19 20 3 188 Alexamler, William 6 19 4 206 Abbey, Cornelius- 7 16 5 208 Anderson, John 7 18 6 244 Adams, Thomas 8 9 Wi21 E i 22 E pt 16 S pt 17 7 280 Allen , James 9 8 281 Allen, John 9 E pt 16 S pt 17 9 427 Arnott, Albert 12 8*25 10 543 Anderson, John 14 24 11 29 Brown, James 1 22 12 54 Beacom, Thomas 2 N A20 18 55 Brickenden, John 2 Si 21 14 61 Bailey, Andrew 2 N W part 24 15 95 Bayley, William 3 21 16 143 Brownlee, John 5 E i 24 17 144 Brownlee, Thomas 6 Wi 24 18 176 Brovrn, Thomas 6 W|20 19 210 Blake, Bichard 7 23 20 211 Blake, Timothy 7 28 21 212 Bielbey, Richard 7 24 22 326 Brunsdon, William 10 Part 20 23 366 Brunsdon, Darid 11 Si 18 24 376 Braithwaite, James 14 8 1 16 S i 17 25 417 Brown, John 12 17 26 613 Blair, John Miller Hartford, Part 17 27 689 Bulger, Nion Londesborough , 5 28 650 Brunsdon, John Londesborough , 9 10 17 29 58 Conneli, Thomas 2 W i 20 30 100 Churchill, John 3 N part 25 31 181 Carbert, Thomas 6 24 25 32 239 Crittenden, William 8 sjis 83 243 Carter, B«bert 8 9 19 E A 20 Si 24 84 246 Cookerline, Geotge 8 E i 23 W i 24 36 284 Cartwright, James 9 19 86 330 Craven, Richard 10 11 24 24 87 368 Caldwell, James 11 28 38 378 Cookerline, Anthony 11 N part 26 39 420 Campbell, John N. 12 20 II 1 ' I b I •■•l.fc .H;A, •■;.;;•., ■A i ,..^ ,{i.,c-,^ • »: ' ' i'i" .U''-:'>y u:hI' .i.J.. ,v-.' nd« 1 I .1.. ,f'-io'31*H ■.; 1 U 1 1' 01 • -■ li tiU; i itA{ •'^ ii ()!i itf yils , . . ■ S>!i5iiji < i . ( y ' I'M' 1 ntoiiliV/ .n'«i'-=^..itJ'»^f iii'ii < i 8aj1U;T. .-. li. 'J :..;;., , •-' 1 ■■- ■ , lid'jh .iiwtiiil \\ » t$iiiM iiiJuL .ti-iJU, tu) IJi" milK ,T):;jii)H OUfl Ik* mlt-l. .0( fiki!;. u! n<:a ^.^ Siltfii : .:. ■'..'■> < ■ '> Uliul. ,Uiii:.itlj> > "0, ; , , fumod'i ,ri'>'l' ■ ' >H[ •' V tuaiiiiV/ ,niibu'j;. ■ ; ■: 'V.. -■ <i«i.c(».i;f ,-j*tu*. J i'l-i." .' f! ♦^loiai) ,6i(i{'i>>^au; ) -J? HJnu'l ,!.*:^fiwJiJi' ' ^-ill .!/■ btadoill .xiov^i » i.'l.'i )f; Horii; ' '>ij' . til idhiA ,aijili.).,v . > i;/w-; C,<. .K iiiiol. .Il<»ii.iaiii!) i}'.f iJC List of Voters for Sub-division Ko. 3, Hiillett— Continued. 7; i!biO i*. ocn '^•K 81! "Oi Qi. 18 f n: mt L»J' Ut: ^fiil .v: <'n». 1 No. ^O.OB BoU. NAME OF VOTER. CON. LOT. 40 421 CamphtiU, Hiram 12 20 41 467 Cuming, Nichulas 13 N part 16 42 469 Glide, Martin 18 W 4 17 43 474 Cuming, John 18 21 22 44 644 Callander, Alexand«r Londesborougb, 18 45 647 Chappell, John Londesboi-eugh, 25 28 29 81 82 33 34 46 101 Cronyn, Patrick 7 N i 21 47 56 Ummsrson, Tbomus 2 W J 21 48 122 East. ThomaH 7 21 49 242 Eak, George 8 Ei 17 60 468 Elliott, James 13 S part 16 51 58 Ford, John 2 W ^22 52 59 Fitzsimons, Samuel 2 N part 23 53 64 Fair, James a S i 23 S pt 24 SE part 24 54 89 Fliutofi, Andrew 8 Si 16 66 121 Farquhar, John 4 . S pts 24 and 25 56 120 Furquhar, William 4 N pts 24 and 25 57 139 Flinn, John 6 20 58 179 Foy, Patrick 6 W i 22 59 218 Feat, Thomas 17 25 60 824 Fairservice, Thomas 10 17 61 471 Floody, Charles V 18 Ei 19 62 472 Floody, Charles 13 W i 19 N pt 20 68 687 Frazer, James 14 WH9 ^, 64 540 Frazer, Hugh 14 M pt S pt 21 65 91 Ijinu, Andrew 3 W il7 66 207 Garvey David 7 17 67 475 Grey, Stephen 13 28 68 642 Glare, Ernest 14 24 69 118 Henry, Simon 4 8*26 70 146 Hill, Thomas 5 25 71 247 Hunter, Benjamin 8 E 4 24 W i 23 72 328 Hamilton, Gavin 10 16 78 831 Herrington, William 10 Part 25 74 374 Haggard, Thomas Londesborougb , 8 16 76 478 Hilee, William 13 25 76 658 Hill, Thomas 10 Part 25 77 656 Holland, John Londesborough , 6 78 48 Jones, Thomas 2 w^u 79 474 James, Joseph 12 21 80 62 Johnston, George 2 Ni25 81 99 Johnston, Richard 3 W part 24 82 178 Jephson, John 6 E^22 83 207 Johnston, James 7 17 84 369 Kerr, James U 21 85 586 Kelly, Patrick 14 £i 19 ^ J< ( ii,' i'i Of W icjiiij-ijc ,y-n- r;; *,U J IJ.M M A^-i ':■ uJ^4idoi. L'O OK .i '•1 List of Voters for Sub-division No. 3, Hullett- -Continued. 1 ».fi> f;v ■' r. H, HO I « , *nS! X?°" name of voteb. 86 96 Kilty, John 87 88 'LHttH, Gilbert 88 98 Lapier, John 89 371 Lee, Thomas 90 372 Lee, John 91 376 Longman, Samuel 92 422 Little, Francis 93 478 Lear, Elias 94 480 Lyon, Jo8ej)h 95 28 IflrtBon, Charles 96 49 Monk, John 97 87 Mason, Edward 98 205 Medd, John H. 99 240 Medd, William 100 248 Mitchell, Thomas 101 282 Melville, Lawrence OON. LOT. 102 287 103 288 104 289 Murdock, Clark Murdock. George Mason, John 105 825 Moon, Thomas 106 327 107 829 108 468 109 539 110 644 111 643 112 645 113 114 114 116 116 142 116 180 117 364 118 476 119 656 120 50 121 90 122 90 128 46 124 688 125 115 126 51 127 187 128 174 129 209 180 27 181 118 Marten, Thomas Marten, William Miller, John Montier, James Mains, William Manning, William Manning, James nicDoDald, Charles McDonald, Peter McDonald, Robert Mcintosh, Charles MoVittie, Simon jr. McKenzie. Peter Mcintosh, William MoMuUau, John ]\oble, ilerrat Noble, Thomas Noble, Thomas Nicol, David O'Hara, James Pope, George Q,uigley, Jamea Quigley, Thomas Quigley. Patrick Ransford, Richard Reynolds, John 3 3 8 11 11 Londesborongh, 12 13 U 1 2 2 6 8 8 9 8 ♦ 9 9 9 10 11 10 10 13 U 14 Londesborougb, Londesborough, 4 4 5 6 12 13 14 2 3 3 U 4 2 6 6 7 I 4 22 N il6 E part 24 E i23 W i 28 14 22 S part 20 21 S part 25 21 Ei 18 E| 22 Wi 16 S i 16 Wi23 Wptl6Nptl7 18 S W part 17 N^23 N |24 25 18 19 16 17 20 28 Eil7 N part 21 N part 25 7 19 22 23 24 17 8 i 19 N J 20 23 23 16 N part 24 IS W part 18 Eil7 Eil7 16 20 18 M part 19 18 19 W J 19 S i 20 S E part 19 E^ 22 Lis ton. No No. B( 182 : 133 ] ^ c; y t t. VT 134 ] 135 ] 136 ] 137 ; 138 4 139 140 141 142 148 144 : 145 : 146 ! 147 ; 148 1 149 ; 150 . 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 168 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 List of Voters for Sub-divisiouNo. 3, Hullett— Continued. t'on. No. on No Roll. NAME OP VOTER. CON. LOT. 182 119 Reynolds, Janiea 4 5 4 W i22 21 N i 19 22 8*20 133 140 Reynolds, Dominick 134 141 Reyjiolds, John jr. 6 4 135 178 Render, Henry 6 17 136 175 Reynolds, John 6 E* 20 137 328 Ruddell, George 10 21 138 477 Reid, Andrevf 18 S part 24 139 24 Sly, Robert 1 16 E part 17 140 26 Shipley, Williauj 1 19 20 141 52 Shier, William 2 S pt 19 S i 20 142 66 Spooner Charles 2 3 8 W Part 26 Part 23 148 97 Shanahan, Daniel 4 23 144 117 Scanlin, Patrick 4 21 145 241 Stewart, Charles 8 Ni 16 146 286 Stevens, William 9 Wi22 147 367 Sbobbrook, John 11 11 S W part i9 22 148 870 Scott, Robert 10 22 149 378 Shaw, Samuel 14 12 Ni 16 18 150 418 Sanderson, William 11 Ni 18 151 470 Shobbrook, Thomas . 18 Eil8 152 541 Sloan, William 14 S pts 21 22 28 153 655 Smith, John Londesborough . 6 154 476 Sanderson, Robert 18 N part 24 156 177 Tighe, Edward 6 21 156 249 Thompson, John 8 25 167 283 Tighe, Edward 9 18 158 285 Taylor, Alexander 9 12 20 19 159 419 Tamlin, John 11 N part 19 160 423 Taylor, Malcom 12 28 24 161 424 Taylor, David 12 23 24 162 425 Taylor, Andrew 12 23 24 168 92 Upshall, John 3 18 164 25 Walker, Thomas 1 Mptl7Wptl7 18 165 65 Watson, Edward 2 N W pt of S pt 25 166 245 Weymouth, William 8 22 167 426 Willis, Andrew 12 Ni 25 168 642 Wallace, William L. Londesborough , Part 1 169 641 Wallace, Hugh Londesborougb I, Part 1 170 646 Wrtlker, John Londesborougb , 25 28 29 31 82 83 84 171 649 Witts, Charles Londesborough I, L3 11 18 21 172 640 Woodman, Arthur 10 Part 25 173 25 Walker. Henrv 1 W part 17 Con. N< Mo. J 1 2 3 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 83 84 35 LIST OF VOTKRS FOB ELECTORAL SUB-DIVISION NUMBER 4, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Con. No. on. Ho. Boll. NAME OP V07EB. CON. LOT. 1 160 Archer, Thomu Wi28 2 161 Archer, Hugh < 29 3 488 Ady, ThomaB 18 31 N pt 82 S pt 82 4 221 ArmBtrong, George 18 N part 33 31 6 125 Brownlee, Jaraes 28 S part 29 6 125 Browalee, Kobert N i 26 7 218 Bingham, William Part 30 31 8 219 Burr, Stimuli E J 32 9 257 Brown, Richard 8 32 88 10 297 Baker, Henry A. 9 Part 31 11 301 Brenan, Peter W J33 12 886 Brown, Francis 10 27 18 376 Braithwaitfi, James 11 27 14 378 Brigkam, Biohard 11 28 15 429 Barr, Alexander 12 27 16 498 Bruue, Ex)bert 13 N pts 34 and 35 17 646 Barr, Jameu, Br. U 28 29 18 547 Barr, James, jr. U 28 29 19 101 Cronyn, Patrick 8 8 pts 26 and 27 20 126 Cornish, James 4 N part 29 21 149 CollinH, Jatnos 6 e| 28 22 152 Cottle, James 6 S part 80 28 182 Cro88Hiau, George 6 27 24 265 Coventry, William 8 29 30 26 291 Crawford, John 9 S part 26 26 304 Christopher, George 9 8 part 35 27 383 Campbell, Jauies 10 N part 26 28 840 Cole, Robert 10 E part 82 29 388 Cole, Richard 11 80 30 382 Cole, John 11 30 31 385 Cole, Samuel 11 S W pt 31 38 32 486 Crawford, William 13 N part 29 83 486 Crawford, Robert 13 N part 30 84 493 Cunningham, Walter 13 W A 33 8 E pt 84 S W part 34 35 494 Crozier, John 18 86 661 Crisp, Thomas Londesborough, 6 12 Wi29 87 516 Dyer, Marten 14 N^35 38 844 Eno, George 10 85 39 184 Ewing, Alexander 4 27 ,M * Lis 5IO^ ^■■% . a^xmirmiW'rttf- '<l n )i ,JA, > ■Hi \v. Cob. No No. B< 40 1 41 1 42 1 43 S 44 £ 45 2 46 ^ 47 4 48 ] 49 1 60 i 51 \ 52 : 63 : 54 \ 56 ' 56 ' 57 58 . 59 < 60 61 62 68 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 78 74 76 76 77 76 List of Voters for Sub-division No. 4, Hullett— Continued. J5* Cob. No. on Ko. BoU. NAME OF VOTEB. 40 122 East, Thomas 41 123 Pitzsimmons, Samsel 42 147 Farquhar, ThomaB 43 259 Gorrell, Alexander 44 260 Gorrell, James 45 290 Govier, John 46 436 Grainger, William 47 481 Garrett, John 48 148 llancoek, John 49 184 Hoggart, David 50 215 HopkiuBOn, James 51 834 Huber, Benjamin 62 385 Haber, Epkraim 53 374 Hagyard, Thomas 54 884 Hill, Stephen 55 435 Hagyard, Thomas 56 437 Howson, Joseph 57 439 Hunking, Rundell 58 438 Huuking, Henry 59 637 Helaby, George 60 252 Jackson, Richard 61 253 Jackson, Thomas 62 299 Jackson, David 63 337 Jamison, Andrew 64 380 liougraan, George 65 422 Little, Francis 66 480 Lyon, Joseph 67 492 Lawrence, Henry 68 557 Lockie, Alexander 69 657 Lash am, John 70 67 miller, James 71 153 Miller, Robert 72 268 Mair, Gibert 73 302 Mair, William 74 339 Manning, Edmund, sr. 75 343 Morris, William 76 293 Match, Rolert 77 879 Mugridge, Thomas 78 386 Manning, Edmund, jr. CON. 2 4 5 8 8 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 7 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 Londesborongh 8 8 9 10 9 11 14 13 13 U 10 2 5 8 9 10 11 10 9 11 10 11 LOT. Spt26 Spt 26 Npt26 27 S pt 35 34 85 32 E i 33 Npt26 Spt 26 EA 28 Wi28 SEpt29 28 N pt S pt 26 N pt S pt 26 E pt26 SEptSl 32 E 4 23 W i 83 34 W i 35 Ei35 1, F G O P E 28 28 32 E pt 28 28 Wi29 Npt26 M pt 26 E I 27 Ei33 3^35 N E pt 26 Mpt26 Npt30 N pt35 34 31 32 34 27 El 29 Wi28 32 1 1 , i ■ \ > • ^ •: hi y \ \ ( ■ L Con. No. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ^ i ■ ■ I .' 108 IK 111 Hi ti s IK 11^ m IK ' I, >■ XI' List of Voters for Sub-division No. 4, HuUett— Continued. Con. No. on. No. Boll. NAME OF VOTER. 79 480 • Moore, Georgo 80 484 Millen, Solomon 81 491 Manning, Thomas 82 549 Mains, James 83 648 Mains, George 84 185 McBrien, William 85 186 Mcllvein, James 86 187 Mcll7«in, Thomas 87 250 McCaughey, James 88 296 McCool, James 89 805 McBrien, Jonathan 90 388 McKenzie, Hugh 91 489 McConnell, Francis 92 68| Peckett, George 93 294 Peacock, George 94 496 Platzer, Adam 95 550 Platzer, Conrad 96 556 Platzer, John 97 341 Radford, Hagh jr. 98 842 Radford, Hugh sr. 99 545 Rutherford, Andre v 100 431 Radford, William 101 66 Spooner, Charles 102 146 Smithson, "V. illiam 103 183 Southcombe, James 104 214 Snell, Humphrey 105 256 Snell, George 106 290 Sundercock, John 107 845 Snell, Ephraim 108 877 Shaw, Samuel 109 483 110 434 111 482 112 428 113 479 114 487 116 551 116 638 X17 102 Shohbrook, James Shobbrook, John, sr. Sterling, John Sanderson, Robert Spindler, josapoh Shobbrook, William Spuhl, William Smith, John Tiplady, William CON. LOT. 12 E part 28 13 S part 29 12 N i 26 12 31 14 80 14 30 6 30 N i 31 6 S^Sl 6 32 8 26 9 80 > 9 M part 35 10 29 13 N part 32 31 2 S E part 26 9 27 13 N pt of S pt 85 14 N part 31 14 34 10 W part 32 33 10 W part 32 83 14 27 12 W p* 28 S i 29 8 W pt S pt 26 27 2 W part 26 6 S J26 6 E i 28 29 7 26 27 6 26 8 31 10 80 9 N part 26 10 S pt S pt 26 9 N part 25 11 28 12 30 11 W part 81 11 W part 81 12 W part 29 12 S ^ 26 18 S part 26 18 S part 30 U Part 31 Londesborougb, F G P 3 M pts 26 and 27 LiBt of Voters for Sub-division No. 4, Hullett-Continued. Com. No. on Ko. BoIU 118 103 119 888 120 S89 121 68 122 216 123 217 124 220 125 254 126 295 127 300 128 887 129 482 130 555 131 619 132 636 133 641 134 641 135 654 186 553 187 554 NAME OP VOTES. Tiplady, David Taylor, John Townsend, Richard Wade, William Westacott, George Wallace, Thorntoa Wallace, William Watson, James Watson, William Watson, James Wallace, John Webster, James Walper, August Whiteley, Jeremiah Whenham, James Wallace, Hugh Wallace, William U Woodman, William Yo»\ngblwt, Warner Youngblut, Jacob CON. I'OT. N pts 26 and 27 Wi84 N part 26 N W part 29 Part 30 W i 32 S pt 83 29 80 29 E ^ 33 33 Wi27 33 18 19 N M D S part A M part 26 M part 26 HIKQNS 32 32 3 11 11 2 7 7 7 8 9 9 II 13 14 Summerhill, Lendesborough, 10 10 Londesborough, 14 14 FOR Cob. No. No. Bo 1 5 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 e 6 t 7 I 8 ^ 9 J 10 I 11 ! 12 I 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 83 84 35 86 LIST OF VOTERS FOB ELEOTOEAL SUB-DIVISION NUMBER 5, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. Cob. No. on jj^j^jj. qF VOTER. tto. Hon, 1 566 A'-mstrong, William 2 394 Bi*ll. Willam, jr. 3 395 Ball, William, sr. 4 514 Ball, John 5 577 Bear, Cornelius 6 669 Bowes, George 7 594 Butt, Lionell 8 486 Cottle, Henry 9 500 Cunningnaji, George 10 6G6 Campbell, Thomas 11 583 CttUis, John 12 589 Cox, Jumea 13 593 Carey, Lucas 14 628 Caldwell, Samuel 15 629 Caldwell, John 16 630 Cook, Robert 17 303 Dodsworth, Anthony 18 848 Douslin, Richard 19 560 Derr, John sr. 20 561 Derv, John jr. 21 590 Payment, Peter 22 591 Dayment, William 23 670 Erratt, Robert 24 573 Elkin, Eneas 25 592 Ethliug, John 26 562 Farrow, Henry 27 259 Gorrell, Alexander 28 260 Gorrell, Jamei 29 390 Govier, John 30 447 Govier, John 31 564 Greening, Thomas 32 392 Hill, Hugh 83 438 Hunking, Henry 84 439 Hunking, Rundell 36 578 Heappy, Mathias 86 565 Irwin, Richard CON. 14 11 10 13 11 M. B. M. B. 14 M. B. 12 18 14 M. B. M. B. M. B. Manchester, Manchester, Manchester, 9 10 14 14 M. B. M. B. 14 14 Manchester M. B. 14 8 8 12 12 M B. 13 14 11 12 12 M. B. 14 LOT. W i89 S i 39 40 41 S part 36 42 N I 39 S part 1 S part 4 N part 32 12 N part 40 37 38 Part 5 10 11 37 38 77 77 17 18 27 28 8081 94 M part 86 N part 38 M pt 36Npt 36 M pt 36 N pt 36 10 10 43 S part 45 21 22 23 24 25 & 11 87 Spt 36 Spt36 N pt S pt 36 41 42 N pt9 Spt 41 88 87 N E pt 36 J^ W pt 36 Npt4 Ei 39 List C«n. No. 01 No. BoU 87 50 38 55 39 57 40 56 41 57 42, 62 43 6f 44 2{ 45 3( 46 8 47 31 48 5 49 5 50 C 51 £ 52 I 53 { 54 I 65 I 66 67 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Cou List of Voters for Sub-di.isioa No. 5, HuUett-Continued. Cm. NO.OT. NAME OP VOTEB. Mo. KoU. 87 502 Jackson, Jolin 38 559 Jiickaon, William 39 576 Kaox, JoUq 40 568 l.autenBchlager.Adam 41 579 LawBon, John 42, 625 Lawlor, Thomas 43 657 Lisham, John 44 258 mair, Gilbert 45 802 Mair, William 46 849 Moore Lawson 47 391 Mountain, Thomas 48 508 Monteith, Alexander 49 580 50 584 51 805 52 571 53 572 54 585 55 588 56 501 57 847 58 445 59 682 60 567 61 504 62 444 68 505 64 845 65 442 66 448 67 507 68 508 69 635 70 575 71 499 72 893 73 441 74 506 75 586 76 587 Marrett, Thomaa Morgan, John JIIcBrien, Jonathaa IvicDonald, Andrew McDonald, John McBrien, Hugh [^evttrgall. George Patterson, Peter Pannibaker, H^nry, Palterman, Thomas Patterson, Donald Platzer, George Uoberton, Robert, \i. Raithby, George Roberton, Robert, sr. Snell, Ephraim Shetler, Abraham Shetler, Simon Sprung, Gabriel Sprung, Richard Sturdy, John Sprung, John Scott, James Waite, Richard Webster, Joseph Weigand, Lorenz Wagner, John Youngblut, George 18 14 M. B. 14 M. B. Manchester, U 8 9 10 11 13 13 12 M. B. M. B. 9 14 14 M. B. M. B. 18 10 12 Manchester, 14 13 12 • 13 10 12 12 13 18 Manchester, M. B. 13 11 12- 13 M. A M. B. LOT. S W pt 39 Spt36 3 41 N pt4 19 29 Spt42 N pt 86 N pt 36 S pt 38 36 S W pt 39 S E pt 40 W pt 39 Spt37 S pt 6 S pt 9 S pt 36 44 Npt6N Wpt7 Spt 9 38 Npt38 Spt 48 5 40 N part 40 Pt 39 N pt40 N pt 36 38 38 Spt 33 Npt83 10 U 12 13 14 Nptl 2 86 38 37 N pt 41 Pt7 Spt 8 County of Huron, do hereby certify that the toregoing for reap on ' all] otui liav wri for the TownRl.ip of Hullett, for the year 1875, prepared pursuant W the •'Act rospectinrVoterB' Lists." and that a copy th-reof was tirst posted up m my othce r W Zsda the Ele'venth day of A^g^ust. A.D.. 1875 and I^^-^^y -''.."l-^; all Electors of th« said Township of Hullett, to examine the said List, •^"d if any omisots or other errors are perceived therein to ^^^e immediate proceedings ^ have the said error corrected according to 1»^- ^> .^'"pl'^^^^'f. "'"^ .^^ ^^ writing, and are required to be lodged wi^th me withm thirty days after this date. Given under ray hand at Hullett, this 11th day of Aug., 187o. JAMES BRAITHWAITE, Township Clebk.