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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 % ■••ltl>H. Ml4t ui, ih....*,!!. . ..^1, itl|i,„„Mlll «A. 1 iil^...^Hl ^.lU,^. .r hII ill ti ill i4ii Ill rttll .ill., I Ii... i... .^ MMMMMMMMMMMMMa timtmtutiimnmm—miii i^ 3) cym/t/ntofv Kr<©?4SJiS> i \ r GomplJmpnts of the ' ^vY l^■.i^^ - I A. / ..i Ct Con.. Con.. Lib.. Con.. Lib.. Lib.. Con.. Lib.. Lib.. Con.. Con.. Lib.. Lib.. Koniirp Morcncy J. G. H. Ber- geron Faiiclier dc .St. Maurice Allard Godbout Seers G. Aniyot Beausoleil Fauvclc Bcaubarnois . ...... Bcllcchasse T-JiTiliii-r 1 >on:i.ven tUTL' Lalerrier llronie Dyer Fi slier Cliambly (haninlain Lamarre Carignaii S. Cimon Walsh (Ind.) ... PrLfontaine . ... Trudel Cliarlcvoix Siniard Brown Chatcaiiguay *Chicoutimi & Sat; r^omi it( )ii Con.. Lil). . R. Pope S. P. Leet Yaillancourt (Accl.) Lavergne Dorchester .... Lib.. Con. . Con.. Lib.. CrcDault flRsne Joncas (Accl) . Desjardins ...•»• • .... Hoclielaga * M inu ! 11 fdnn Lanctol Iberville .Toliptte Lib.. Lib.. Con.. Lib.. Lib.. Lib.. Nadeau Bechard Ncveu Lipne Jacques Cartier. . . Kanioiiraska . liaprairie LAssqmption Girouard Chapais Pelletier ^ladore Carroll Doyon Jeannolte Gautier Nominations Liter. 7 OONSTITUENOY. Laval Levis L'Islet Lotbiniere Maskinonge Mcgantic Mississquoi Montcalm Monlniagny Montmorency ... Montreal, E.... Montreal, C... Montreal, VV.... Napierville . Nicolet Ottawa Pontiac Porineuf Quebec, E... Quebec, W Quebec, C a Con. Lib. Lib. Lib. Con. Lib. Lib. , Con. Lib. Con., Con., Con. Con , Con. Con., Con. Con. Lib. Lib. Con. NOMINATIONS, 1891. BLEOTBD 1891. GOVKRNMENT CONSKRVATIVK. I.IIIKKAI, Ouimet. .. Paqiiel . . Desjardins Coulombc Frechette G. H. Baker.... Magnan < Therien . Dugas Bender ( Turcotte ( Valin (Ind.). Lepine Curran Smith Paradis Prince \ Boisvert(L). Houde . I McDougall SBryson . McLean (I.). Ladouccur , Giiay Casgrain.... Dr. Rinfret (Arcl.) Lcgris Turcot . Mcig.s. Choquelte Tarte (Ind.), . Con. Lib. Gain. David Giierin Jas. Cochrane... Monette Leduc , Devlin . Murray. Vallce. Lib. . j McGreevy ... Chateauvert , Delisle Laurier (Accl.) Hearn Langelier Loss. 1 1 T—r- ) t 1 CONSTITUENCY. ELEC lED 1887 NOMINATIONS, 1891. ELECTED 1891. GOVKKNMKNT CONSKRVATIVK. I.IBERAl,. JJon. Lib. (iain. Loss. Quebec County.... Richmond and Con. . Con.. Con.. Lib.. Cf)n. . I-ib.. Lib.. Con] Con , Con.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Lib. . Con.. Flyun Fremont Laurier Cleveland Langevin Caron Wolfe Gouin Richelieu Rimouski Fisct Brodeur Ron vi lie Gigault 8t. Hyacinthe St. Johns Brodeur Bernier ]}ourassa Black F.L 1 lesaulnier.s Dr. Desoulnier.s Savace St. Maurice Shefford Sanborn Millier Sherbrookc Ives J. W. Bain C. C. Colby... Grandbois Cha|)leau Langevin Daoust Soulanges Mousscau Stanstead Temlscouata . Terrebonne Ryder ' Descheno .... L'ni()j;e.s 'IhrL't.' R.ivers. PolelU' Two \lMiintntns Forticr Harwood Geoffrion Mignault * Vaudreuil Vercheres McMillan ArchambauU . . Vanassp Yauiaska Total In 1887 there were 37 Conservatives and 28 Liberals returned for the Province of Quebec. NOVA SCOTIA CONSTITUENCY. NOMINATIONS, 1891. ELECTED 1801. Government w2 3^ CONSERVATIVE. LIBERAL. Con. Lib. Gain. Loss. Annapolis Con.. Mills Chipman Antigonish Con.. Sir J. Thompson C Patterson . . McGillivray . . . R. Archibald.. Colchester — Con.. I Fletcher (Pro) ^ A. k. Dickey ( Casey (Pro.) McDougall. . . . Howard Cumberland Con.. Cape Breton . . . ■< Con Murray Con.. McKeen McPherson .... Digby Con.. Jones Bowers Guysboro Lib.. Oeden Fraser ■ r Cnn Kenny airs . . ...... Jones Halifax j T ih Farrell Hants Inverness Con Putnam Haley S. Macdonell.. Con.. Cameron Kings Lib.. C.R. Bill T. W. Borden. Lunenbvu'g . . . Lib.. C. E. Kaulbacb Eisenhaur \ Con. . Hon.C. Tupper J. A. Fraser. . . Pictou j Con.. Con . McDougall Freeman John Yorston . . Forbes ( Gillis ( Paint (Ind.). Flynn Richmond .... Lib.. Shclburne Con.. White Robertson Victoria Con.. McDonald Ross Yarmouth Lib.. Jos. Kenney.,.. Total Flint .^ In 1887 there were 15 Conservatives and 6 Liberals returned from Nova Scotia. 10 ... 1 NEW BRUNSWICK. CONSTITUENCY. Albert . . . Caiieton Charlotte. . . Q uoo woo Gloucester Kent Kings . North umber- land Queens Restiff'nche Snnbnry . St 5t. John('iiy and \ County 1 St. John City .... Vi';toria Westinorel'd York Con.. Lib.. Lib.. Con.. Con.. Con.. Lib.. Con. . Con.. Con.. Con.. Lib. Lib.. Con.. Con.. Con.. NOMINATIONS, 1891. ! BLBOTBD I 1891. CONSERVATIVE. Dr. Weldon Vince Clarke C Burns (_ Landry.., Legtre Foster Adams Baird iMoffatt McAllister Wilniot , Skinner Hazen McLeod Costigan Wood Temple Total. LIBERAL. Emerson Coulter. . Gillmor. . Leblanc Domville (Ind.) Mitchell ,. King Con. Dr. Day... Weldon ... Rankine... Ellis Lawson ... George .... Thompson Lib. Government Gain. T-oss. In 1887 there were 11 Conservatives and 5 Liberals returned from New Brunswick. p. E. ISLAND. CONSTITUENCY. Kings Prince Queens . Q W uoo woo Lib.. Lib.. Lib.. Lib. . Lib.. Lib.. NOMINATIONS, 1891. ELECTED 1891. CONSERVATIVF. MacLean McDonald Hunt Howlan LlliEKAI, Mrlmyre . Robertson John Yeo. Perrv Ferguson ! Davics Blake TOTAI. Walsh , Con. ,ib. Government Gain. Loss. Mf* In 1887 there were 6 Liberals returned for Prince Edward Island. MANITOBA. CONSTITUENCY. s . wOO WOO w Con. , Lil).. Con. . Con.. Con.. NOMINATIONS, 1891. ELECTED 1801. Government CONSERVATIVE. Ross I.IHEKAI,. lay lor Watson Lib. Con. Gain. Loss . liisgar Marquette Boyd Provencher . . Lariviere(Acc.) Daly Selkirk Martin Winnipeg Macdonald . . . Total Campliell In 1887 there were 4 Conservatives and one Liberal returned for Manitoba. ift^-'— ■■ ■ r'r*^ '""'■' . ' "■■ N. W. TERRITORIES. CONSTITUENCY. Q W . cjoo woo w Alberta Con.. I i Assmiboine, K. ...I Con.. Assiniboine, W ,.! Con.. I Saskatchewan Con.. NOMINATIONS, 1891. ' ^^f^g^^° Government 1 COVSEr.VATlVE. ! LIBERAL, Con. Lib. Davis Jas. Reilly. Dewdney SDavin Thos. Tweed Turiff McDowall ' Montgomery Gain. Loss. Total In 1887 there were 4 Conservatives returned for the North-\\'est Territories. BRITISH COLUMBIA. iW J NOMINATIONS, 1891. ^^^f^^ !(;uvkknment CONSTITUENCY, u 00 , 1 — 1 ^ ""* conservative. i.iiiKRAL. Cop. ( iiiiii. I Loss . Ml Caribou Con.. j Barnard Walt (Ind.) . . . N. West'nsteri Con. . | Corbould , Scouilar, Vancouver ...! Con..l Gordon (Accl.) I Prior I Templeton(Ind) Earle j Marchant(Ind.) Mara (Accl.). Total. Ill 1887 there were 6 Conservatives returned for British Columbia. »3 SUMMARY -— <•» * In 1887 there were returned for : ONI ARIO QUKBEC nova scotia nkvv brunswick I'Rixcp: kdward island manitoba norti-i-wp:st territories bri i'ish columbia TOTAL. Con. Lib. 56 36 . 37 28 15 6 II 5 6 4 I 4 6 133 82 -# - 18 91. Ill 1891 there were rclurned for : ONTARIO QUEBEC NOVA SCOTIA NEW BRUNSWICK PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MANITOBA NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES BRITISH COLUMBIA TOTAL. Con. Lib. 14 SUMMARY. Con. Liu. ONTARIO. QUEBEC. * NOVA SCOTIA. NEW BRUNSWICK PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND MANITOBA NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. li BRITISH COLUMBIA TOTAL. if