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Les diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mdthode. errata i to t 9 pelure, on i n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 , ' ■ ' ;■■.,§•■ . 6 , ., "H i iriiii II- 1 Hi iiliiiiil iiiiirii r-:'' ■ '"?!:' ■■■^^■~:^^- ■••>-'i:.^- I ..':;^r- mmmmrM-^mi^m^.'- '':m^-^ '■■■■-■■ ^^'t-^r^iu P! ^^ .. ! '.' ■'■ „ 'A. ll^. ■V;jta :> 'm^iJ •i<vaJ- ■"^-J! . ■. ■. " . ^ '^■-.^-:„,-:.^ ^^ ' '' . xm i^n ■i.%,x«»-r :■«, •t'^^"^. t' :'■' \,,k i.I, ii ' ^l I I ' iitil n ii» ' ■ • . . 'K \. '■ IT was a liright a^ end of Aiigust lAi^^ ^^^ stood in fr^iio^ dimiil^rc^ a tetegratmiyhich he had just i-eo^vt^ tainlng the krf^rtni^ion Ihi^ hi^^^I^ the position (br^^w he was atiKiousljr waiting • it feiid him that he was to jbe the Station Master cm the Northern Railwa^r, at Woodhurst, wJugH w^ the terminiiSr for the time being. Ife^ h^ away from jbome before^ an enou^^ experience for th(e wdrk, and he was very gla^l to jgoi^^^ it, although the |dace seemcSi a^^ to o^fewa^r stIU it wouW bl #>fi^thing dif- ferent froiri tfie city^in whi<^ he hiui be^^^ brought up/ A few dkys;later saw hhtt^^a^ ins dfesfei«^<Mi|^d tx>^say desolate4ookingi was^ otit^^ A small deaiwg^hiad^ beetle A^e^ iit. the fa^ck^ woodSy 'where the wfead met the river, ^oiig ths bai>%p wJiicih a settlement of ■■■ ^'*j'. -I ■ ; ,] V -?-^ 1 y ^A^mm intm woo©*' ■ -• • ^ ^mm^jm^ proportions ex|ste<lfei II iBpIt ui^tiy needed ftf Ijuadii^ w^ scatty HbqfiiiiB it J and in vairt oi^ for ^ chf»«kdi of myt <tescri|)t{«j» tW ^^>u#e wa» of 1i^faod< p«iht«^^ ^*djM|it fae/bpa a wwm heHiy^ (h^ ^Irtary Mit^ » ^fewebejoi^ takings his ^flnicals at one of Ifti9 neai^yt ^^^ jPfs no* ^qJi t^y i>6 4oiie, Iri*v«^^ JJ^^^d, far J^w^n, i^^ passing te the? Ia1«e^l)«?3^d, ws^ y?t _ al®o$t #oknown. «nd tb6^ luj^h^ t^st hait not p^netra^ so " cwng to the recent dii^ of tv •> wri hjrnself tijoroMghly fainiliir witK Mfc^^o^ and in arrangint his anipfe things in th^ mo^ homc-hke way, endeavourinr io t^e t^e hare loolc from ^e wall? with a: fe« pictures and other Jiftle things/ " * * • /K^ ■/^.■;': i' ■«'■ '■'i > - f ^ - -'. M-. ■ ■'i 'ii !: -■■: r\. •M-i «. '■• f AmmMmiem M '■■ rv had brought with hini «iQt;<ot^f iii^^ the empty bo)i^swith^ ftrn^ virtifcJi^ |^ plentifully in a ^ Wis., -^1^ ness, and tnrt for tte ihe pte&iN^rs a from his niother, wc>61d haye^^ as they kept him |n touch wi^ tJie 6utf r world.' , , , ■ ^ : , . r-: ^:/ .^^^-^j;" :,-;^^|[■,■ Sunday cairie witli ja fiecutiar qtiiet» as even the train did not Mun in* ; So to beguile the time artcfbi^ak the $tilteejss,h took his Prayer-bc^k and read the s^^ through to.the end^ The next wi^f k be did the same, and while engaged iit doing so, raised his head and sawi a rnkii gazing iii^ terttly upon him^ He appeared to be a pedlar, judging fVbni thf paitifc he cari-ied, arid the small box iri his baiid. As he was quite close to the open door of the Station before Arthur s^him^he^i^ up, and closing his book, spoke to. him. The man laid'aside his thihg$ arid ^m^^ x>n the step leading up to thie place, and asked Arthur not to stop but tO go on reading, saying he would like to listen. f t'r- i : A HOLE IN THE WOObS. ^Mmrd^t^ on.H'ith one oart *^m. ^^M;'N lumber t«;»* * W S«»B^ sat in his house thinldnp^ ?r **I*-W; nearV eveiyone there^Waa geG^ie£top,crofeonvt«atKWan^ thought my^ mmr4<mit, with two ehiidfe^J t^^ihgpomt of Wcwdhufst, so gentle mtmimlyin all ;her ways, makiS^ h^ aMme ofcomfbrt fo^hfer^i^ ^^ Wiierindustr,. and good mnuagc- thought that her equal was not to he fdmd ■.. .i' \ •'•" ,- A ifOI't W IBB yfiOOpS. bit t^jr selflotn ^vllicr^aft 3he faaa a liusy life, w<D^kin|£ aibbut th^ hm^ 1^ liuttc^ or %c;wing ; her icihief irepr^tJ^ l^ng tf> take heir work doWn to the h^ aii4:W^ch the:"ii\^en^^^^^^ ) : f;:iv'^-'>- Books ^ere not mu<:l^ in her wsrj^, s^^ had too littie thtte fcir rladii^g^ #3C€C|^ iJiWe, Avhichber toother hid tattpit hir ? t<^ prize. In it $hie liaci reitf ^^>oirt the wim woinari who 'Hiwi^ with her haiKJ^,^' and in her hMmble wsty^e tried to fbllovf the gOKJKi exanfipk^ Her l^fotl^ Jiartin obeyed h^rioftpjiici^^^ wt$ firing as wedi as geptle* He learned hfsj versed and sakf therti to Nr^ laa thefm^^ Sundiy^schodt to ittend.^ It w^ dfawi^ig towairds dusk thw ei^ning wl||^ the ^^ 6#il^r savr sqW^ one approaci>in|^ mi v^ortl doviFn the rcfad to meet him ; tJKe w§^ an old acquaintei)<:o» '• lt!s a fine e\fetiinf for the end of Sep-^ tenahejtv Mr. MormWi*- said the tnan, ih answer to his aalut^ion. *^ Yes, tht weather jCKdcs pWtty well settled now, for a whitest ^ , ^iibject it w«» turtiied ©y«j? and oycife wit^t tft« stttisfe<:tion ;<>f a^^^ glad to goti. a» r !-. ^ ' ■ jr^ai^ w%ftt ^i i^ feE>*^ 5^ tihift)^ cannot m ati^i heai^ liiinj i^a4 :: l» fefe^ the parson,^ afeieast>»<w^ rw^hfiarcj : h^!s ^^^m^mt^ inlstafeei'' ftlai^wfefyi l^gifik cQin% up- ^ he wa#ii|g(safc5Uig j a^eS manic qy^slSQs^ hw IpU ft^ ill %e^ kn^M^ a^OTt J|i0 iifca^(M^ |lt^j?tai# tteft n^g^ antii tht.niixfc ^^^%g|»PS^^ on 1^ foli^^ Stofey whetf B#s?^i^i people arrived aixjut &e^ nsua^ Gh«i^# tinte. ^ Cyt. a^^^ about taSrtni^^pdn himself #e^^^<^^ of a d^i^ man, i^ they s^eiifii^ so^^^a^ 8 A ftbtE 1?^'**^*^'°*^ hearv he ^<>^^tM^^ Mot^riitt^ Service, ftom tne ff^ J^' i.^> as devout aiW rev^c^v ^ ,, ;;j|^ v > •='+. .Wood'^^fs** j'J^Sme cav^g ^^ to for- i ** hole in the woods. - ^S* jft.i '■■■•• - . " . •* ,:.',>■- #. T