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 1 2 3 
 1 2 3 
 4 5 6 
 {Ftvm a Sketch fy the Maiquis of Lome.) 
fjj*u-*f v- r-njt.inhiiTy^d-i 1^ ftWIirli'jiBitrfrrirrt t iivi ' ' i 1/ "i Ti..-ihi 
Canadian Pictures 
 Drawn with |p»eii an& ipencd. 
 From Objects and Photographs in the Possession of and Sketches by 
 The Marquis of Lorne, Sydney Hall, Etc. 
 Engraved uy Edward VVhvmper. 
 56, Paternoster Row, and 65, St. Paul's Churchyard. 
 LONUu.-: : 
 K. Cuv, Sons, and Taylor, I'kintkhs, 
Tin: KucKY Mountains krom oi r Cami' ox I'.i.iiow Kivi.k. 
 {From II SietiA ly the Mnrguis of Lome.) 
 Rciail near New NVL'stniinsltr, Hrilisli Cohimbia. Pmiglas Fir ancKiiijantic Cttlar . FrontUpiece. 
 Tlu' K.jcky Mcmntains, from our Camp on Klbow Riv?r page v 
 Tnii Sktti.kmint of Canada- Tin- Form of CovERNMi-.N-r— Tin-. Confederation of 1867— The French 
 AND Enc.i.isu Communities— liiK Law of Political Division on the American Continent— The 
 Fektile liii.T OK Canada— Tim; Maritime 1'kovinces— Their Settlement anii Government-Quebec 
 —Ontario -Manitoiia and tiii. Wist /".?" '"'^ 
 Shad Fisliinj; 
 New W'cslniinslcr, lirilisli Columbia 
 Canadian Rolling Slock 
 Illustrations : 
 page 2 Indian Hiintiny; Kquipmcnt 
 Horse in Snow-Shoes 
 The Great Bliiri, Thompson River 
 past- 9 
 • «7 
 Genkral Ignorance of Canada in Enciland— Strength ok Canadian Sentiments— The Takikf Question - 
 CANAr>A— Feeling in Favour of the Connection wii ii the IIritish Kmi'Ike (lages 1928 
 C.inadian Farm Snuvvcd-up 
 Cariboo Horns . 
 Illuilrntioiit : 
 pagt 20 Canailian Snow I'loiigh 
 ai Snow-Slioe Club in Indian File 
 Comparison between the English amj Canadian Climates-Canadian Winter— Fuel-Clim\tf of 
 British Columbia— Emigration-Its Facilities and Advantages fages 29-38 
 Illustrations : 
 Children Tobogganing pa^e^o Vineyard in Canada . . *a,.^ ,. 
 ^°e Sledge 3, ,^„ ,„,,;,„ (.^„,|, „„ ^,,^ ,,,^i^^ . ' . 36 
 On the Homalhco Kivcr, British Columbia ■)„„, 3- 
 The Bay of Findv— Annapolis- Louisbikg— Shipbuilding in Nova Scoiia-Nkw Brunswu k— The 
 Cascapldia— rRiNCK Edwakd's Island— The Fishekies— Newfoundland /"a'" 39-62 
 Canadian Forest I'alli in Winter 
 Cape Blomidon 
 The " Grafton '' with TcmiKuary Kuddcr 
 The Moose .... 
 llhutnitions : 
 P"S'¥> -^ View on the Hay of Fundy . . . . 
 41 Cascapedia Cottage 
 43 A S.-ilnion River, New B'....3wick , 
 46 Flowers 
 47 Going to Church in Canada during a Flood 
 The " .Sardinian " in the Ice off Newfoundland . 
 fiigc 6 1 
 ■ 54 
 • sy 
 Siiii<>TiN(! -I'liK Heaver— Wkstern ( )ntakh) 
 Fri'it Supplv— Duck 
 The Tlunisand Islands 
 I'ai'lianient lliiilclin);s, Ditawa 
 l.iimhcr riles, Oiiawa 
 I.umlicrers at Work 
 Kidcau Falls . . , , 
 Sir Joliii A. Macdonald 
 Running the I.achine Rapids 
 Illustralipns : 
 The Wapiti 
 /fliv64 Indian I'ilnt on the St. Lawrence . 
 65 Miss Rye's Home as it was ... 
 . f>7 Miss Rye's Home as it is . 
 70 (iirls as Taken ofl" the Streets 
 . 7^ After Eleven Years in the Home . 
 74 Cedar Il.iy, near Ottawa 
 • 75 A Heaver Village gj 
 76 (lardiner Canal 
 fagt 96 
 M"*- 77 
 • 79 
 . 80 
 H..M..H.S.S- ,„.: lKon,.,„S I.MMANS-T.tE FRENC, CANAX.ANS -T„K l.AKE St. Jo„N I.,.STR,C T-ioR.CU, - 
 T.-KK A,„.„r ...KK Sr. J..„^ -THE SA.;n.:XAV-T,.E Gut.K ok St. I,AWRE.NCE-T..E I-ORCt-.-tNE-MoNTRKAE 
 Ice Cutting on the St. Lawrence 
 Moiilmorenci Falls .... 
 A Street in Quebec .... 
 Cliamplain attacking an IriKjuois Fort . 
 /(7j,vf 97-126 
 page 98 
 'I'he (^)iiel)ec and Lake Si. John Country . fage 113 
 Montreal . . |,q 
 Montreal in Winter. An Ice Jam . . . laa 
 Indian Lacrosse I'l.iyer ijj 
 Victoria Hridge 
 The Water-way kr(,m Montreal to Lake S. :i.erior--Ai.,-.oma am. .Manitoumn - WiNMi-Er—TiiF Manitoba 
 Universitv-^The Reo-Rivek SETT..ERS- a Dav's Jo,-rm:v in the Nokth West-Mr. T.acock FinvARi.'s 
 Report on the Nortii-West The Canadian Lacific Raii.wav pages 127-150 
 Montinorenci Falls in Winter 
 Winnipeg in 1875 
 .Selllers' Huts 
 Michipicotcn, Lake Superior . 
 Winnipeg as ii was 
 Jllustitttions : 
 firge 128 Red River Cart . . 
 129 Winnipeg in 1882 
 • 132 A Farm in the North- West 
 iJi An Indian Lodge in the North-West 
 • '35 A View on the Peace River . 
 A'iV 136 
 . 14a 
 . ISO 
 TiiK Nortu-Wkst M.ii'MH) I'oiii r.-riiK rKoiiiniii.iN ok iiik [.igium TRAKtic-IIoRSK— Kvii.s 
 OF WlllSKV DrINKINc; SlllINd llll.l's \'|(1()RV <iVKR (ilNKRAr. CUSIKR -TlIK SlOlIX- Till; Hl.ACKKhl.r 
 —Till-: I'uw-wow I.N iSHi iNKrw Klcicjuinck-- I'm-; Sun Da.noi;- SijUAW DocroRS—CANAiirAN I'ui.iiv 
 Willi Till. Indians -lM>nN CRu;i,Tit.H -Indian Customs — Iiik Ciirishan Indian /.li'ii 15117^ 
 Illuslradtiiis : 
 liLickfect Imliaiis Cro 'unR .1 Kivcr . . /-igt IJl Ulackfont Cinssing. Indian I'owwuw with Governor- 
 An Indian "f llio North-West 153 (icniTal pnicceilinij in the I'hiin . /''iv l6j 
 I'ljly CustonKMs 157 (Jroiip nt the I'owwow 163 
 A View on the KIbow Kiver 159 An Imlian Siniaw with I'apoosc .... 168 
 Indian lluiial on the Plains .... /i/i,v 170 
 C.uihoo Horns 172 
 Tin; Sti-;rn-\vhkki. Sti-amik -Trinck Ai.iiirt— Cari.iton— Tort ICdmonton- Tm-; I'i.At:K Kivkr— .\thaiiasca 
 - I'liK Hki.i, I''arm — Tiir. Sv>ti;m oi-' Land .Vt'i'RorRiATioN in tiik Noriii-\Vi-.mT -Comtarativk I'ro- 
 DICTION ur TIIK NdK I ll-\Vl SI AND olilKR I'AR IN -Al.llKRTA -IllMI- \I.(> 1 1 1 KliS -I-"lKST VllW UV TllK 
 koCKY MmiNTAINS /,!,« I7J-I9-2 
 Jlliislialioin : Ureases, Weapon-;, and < Mnanunls . /i;,y 174 HulValo Iluiilinj; /'a'<' iSl 
 A North Siiskatchewan Slennur . • '75 Slalhint; .\nteIo|.es . . . 188 
 l-'cirt I'.dninnton . 179 Cliief Mminlain 19I 
 .•\ckoss THE RccKiLS— The Goi.t) Colktry— The Chinfse in Uritisii Coli'Muia- Kami ktk— Tin. CahaiiE 
 Mountains— Salmon KisiitRits— British Coi.umhian Indians— Vancouvik's Im and- Nanaimo— Victoria 
 — lisfji'iMAULT-WAPni— Seal Hunting Concludini; Summary /at;is 193-222 
 Ii/us/ratii'its : 
 View from Esciuiinault /<i£( 19S 
 The Cariboo Waggon Road I97 
 Vale. The Kra^ei River 199 
 Indian Salmon Cache 202 
 Seal Driving 
 Carvings by liritish Cohinibian Indians . /age 203 
 Indian Uridgc 204 
 Indian Graves 2o6 
 Wapiti Horns 209 
 Meet of the Snow-Shoe Club . 
 pages 21 ii-222 
 IlliislralloHs : 
 fageiiC) Nature's Monument, Canadian Tacific Coast . fa^e 222 
 P'Jg<: 223 
/i>iv i6i 
 . . i6j 
 . J04 
 . 209 
l^;'*^-??^?^ " "'-nvw*"" 
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 % T 
 II-. ^ i 
 OMiNioN OF cana: 
 aJrEDUCTICN of the map prepared & ISSUED UNDER THE 0IRE| 
 ■o uo 
 Engliah Miles 
 wt/ Bo. 
 r^_r- — — Tmi^wi 
 Ell' i' '^BflT" '-'l^lm? * 
 T E R B^ 1^ 
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 l^ XV 
 Jtfi [lOiioititili* W«»Kt tifjiii (JitHniwif'li MO 

 .J5«^anau.i' ^ 
 '?^ T 
 I So. 
 ^ iisw i^ ^\^ 
 r , 
 mm^wsmmm, ^oVi 
 \ li 
 ) Kfeh-nriihii 
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 m Umdituiti- West tL'oiu (ii'<>n»»i'i>_ ^•"_ 
M o«%'?.'*i t > ;• . iN(»r'"pu. "^ -i-i-* h A 
Ni:w \Vi;stminsti;r, Hkiiish Columbia. 
 /•>,'/« a/hotograJ.h in llu fossnsion of the Man/„h o/I.onu:) 
 The Dominion of Canada. 
 -Man,to..a an,, ■vnv. ^^,^^^;''"^ "^"^""^'^'-''-'"'^■R •'"-TiLEMENr and Govkrnment-Quebec-Ontar.o 
 -T-HE name "Dominion " vyas first used in the New World to designate Queen 
 diincuthtr r^"^; <^alled after her. Virginia; and the Americans now 
 Ne ' n ''';An'""u ?/' ^'•'^^'"'■^ '^>'^^"'"g ^he British possessions. "The 
 New Dommion. When the French began to desert their colonists from Br ttany! 
 who hacl founded the early settlements in Canada. Voltaire, the great sneere' 
 at all thmgs human and d.vme, with an ignorance which, to give him justice he 
 rarely showed said that the French territory in Canada was^ot worth fighdng 
 h^d \IT ^^^,S^°^'"S: accounts of the journeys of Cartier and of Champlain. 
 ltd of whTch he '" r ^"''^ '^' S^"^"' ^"-^"^^"^^ -'^ ^^-^-^- ^hat the 
 and of which he spoke so disparagingly was destined to maintain a population 
 hof. h' r -'r,""". ^""'^^' '^^-^"'^ have directed his satire ^agans" 
 devoted r T\^^^'^y f ^>- ^--"- -hich these first discoverers and^these 
 devoted soldiers knew to be of such value that they were willing to give their 
 lives, If only France might become possessed of it. The French were earliest 
 1! 2 
Canadian Picturk.s. 
 in the field, and for many years a bitter warfare raged between them and the 
 Engh'sh, who had landed in New England. Each nation dreamed of the 
 conquest of the whole continent, and King Louis's officers, dominant on the St. 
 Lawrence, and with a settlement at the mouth of the Mississippi, thought that by 
 military posts along the Northern Lakes, and down the valley of the Missouri, they 
 could ring the English round, and ultimately expel them. But the genius of their 
 people was not for colonization. At the time of the conclusion of the war in 
 1760 they had but 60,000 souls in Canada, and that number became as nothing 
 compared with the English population to the south of them. The Indians were, 
 it is true, usually on the side of the French, but beyond embittering the war 
 by the introduction of savage practices, they could do little. Had not other 
 ambitions led the French court to neglect the interests of their army in Canada, 
 our conquest of " New France " would have been long postponed. There were 
 some good French regiments, and some strong places, but these were miserably 
 provided with material of war. Louisburg, where great fortifications had been 
 erected, soon fell, and Quebec followed. 
 It is only near the Newfoundland coast that France has now any soil 
 on which she may hoist her flag, and this consists of two little islands, called 
 Miquelon and St. Pierre. The descendants of the leaders and of their followers 
 who planted the golden lilies of the white banner of the Bourbons on the 
 shores of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence are now the contented, free and 
 loyal citizens of the British Empire. Numerous and prosperous, they enjoy 
 the ancient rights guaranteed to them by treaty, in the exercise of their own 
 laws, the stability of their own institutions, and the use of their own language. 
 So numerous have they become, that many a county in New England, where 
 of old the Puritans held sway. Is now peopled by them, and they find no rival 
 along the shores of the St. Lawrence as far as Montreal. They are filling up 
 the country to the north ; and as they are content to live on soils which are not 
 sufficiently rich to attract other settlers, they are certain to maintain their 
 customs, their religion, and their tongue in these regions, which form the summer 
 gateways of the Dominion. Elsewhere the traveller will hear English. 
 And what is the form of the government under which these races have 
 mingled, and constituted a new nation ? First, let us look back a little way. It 
 win be sufficient to remember that although the American colonies united 
 together under the pressure of the necessity of offering combined resistance to 
 the old and ill-advised dictation of the mother country, the colonies in Canada 
 only began their existence at the time of the American Revolution. " Go to 
 Halifax! "cried the Revolutionists in derision to the men who as Tories were 
 known to remain faithful to the British Crown. And they w-ent to Halifax, and 
 to other places, then mere wildernesses. They went north to the River St. John, 
 in New Brunswick. They went across Lake Ontario, and landed at " muddy 
 little York," now the great city of Toronto. They went, In poverty and wretched- 
 ness, away into the forest, and to them came others, until eighty years had 
The CoNKEDEUATroN OK 1867. - 
 passed away, and then their descendants were seen to have thriving cities 
 towns, and villages, and to have so cleared away the woods that men were upon the land IJut all were still in separate communities. Upper and 
 Lower Canada, as the regions along the upper and the lower course of the 
 St. Lawrence were called, were joined under one governor, but with separate 
 legislatures ; and by the sea Nova Scotia and New Brunswick had each its 
 own ruler ; wh. e Prmce Edward Island and Newfoundland were tracts barren 
 of life and little known. Difficulties between the French and English popu- 
 ation culm.nated in an insurrection in 1857 and 1838, and led to the vL't 
 of Lord Durham, appointed by the British Government to inquire into the 
 c^^ses of the troubles. Although Lord Durham's conduct, duHng his short 
 term of service was not approved by his employers, the report he drew up led 
 o the grant of responsible government to the colonies. As each of these 
 increased in the number of the inhabitants, the desire amona them for a 
 complete system of railway communication, and for a union which'' mghT render 
 to ct U': ItSir'^f f^'^Tr ^'^'^''"^ ^^^^^^" them, ana enable them 
 to carry out public works designed for the benefit of all. arose and bore fruit. 
 The confederation entered into in 1867 by alh except Newfoundland gave 
 ^po^:: 'TCZT '" TT' ""''' ^hose Matters w'hich were of Ifonal 
 m ortance. fhe defence of the country, the revenue arising from customs 
 and excise, the regulation of the post, of navigation, of patents and of Tl 
 things affecting any two of the several Provinces of the Union were ^o be 
 placed in charge of the federal power. A Senate, composed of men nominated 
 by the Government, and a House of Commons elected on the basisTf the 
 La^h pro: nTe t^:! lu "^' ^°^^"^' ^^'^ ^ ^^^'^'^^ ^ ^" vitalquestions 
 i^„- 1 . "-diic 01 property, and on education; and n each a local 
 wSwUhThe ""'"'""'=''■ /''-S-ernors.huherto appointed by'he Crow, 
 Canadian MMs.r"'Tr ""= Governor-General, to be appointed by .Ire 
 sSesmen ' "°* °' *' '^"''"'' Government and of Canadian 
 find an^herp", ""' ""r" " "'"'^'^'^^^^f"' one. It would be difficult now to 
 unci anywhere a man of any mark who would vote for its repeal Each venr 
 but e™h so vtT ,L" ^T/ °''^"'; *' *'■'='= »«""« "''"'■ '^'^^ ^ different, 
 and va Ly-of Iwd, tS ''' "^ "«'"" "' <"""'■ *<= ^=Sion of mountai:; 
 are respectivel J iLT , P'-°"n<:es, the central territories, and British Columbia 
 be ofS' :X« ::• i "Th'r; '=""■ '° *= °*=^' ^"^ «='• '^ fe" » 
 the American forts? n„ ■ " '' '=d<^'-.-">o- differs in many respects from 
 i" CanadHvowlcS /ov^Ifir" '° '"'"''"^' '"'^^' °'' "^ ""^^ "^ -"=« 
Canadian Picturks. 
 The jealousy and friction once existing between the French and English 
 speaking sections of the community are fast passing away. This has been one of 
 the results of the union. When Upper and Lower Canada stood alone, the one 
 representing the I"'nglish and the other the I'Veuch race, the differences between 
 the two races became accentuated when political questions, characteristic of the 
 imperfect constitutional development of those days, occurred. The French 
 element in the maritime provinces has alw.iys been respected by the majority 
 consisting of other races, but it has never been dominant, as was and is the case 
 in Lower Canada. There is no reason why this element should not in its own 
 province remain dominant. The only race which increases as fast as the French 
 is the Irish. With these, who are their co-religionists, there is no very cordial 
 Canadian; Stock. 
 sympathy; but it is to be hoped that, just as the soldiers of Wolfe's Highland 
 Regiment, when settled in the country, mixed with the Habitans until they 
 became alike except in name, so will the Irish blend in harmony with 
 their French-speaking neighbours. The Celt and the descendant of the Breton 
 have this in common, namely, the power of living contentedly on comparatively 
 poor land. Where an Englishman or a German will pass on, seeking a more 
 gracious soil, they will settle, found comfortable villages, and, under the guidance 
 of their priest, and the shadow of the church, happily cultivate their oats, buck- 
 wheat, and potatoes, bringing up large families, who will yet further extend the 
 area of cultivation to the northward. 
CiKowrri OF tiik NATioNAt, Idica in Canada, 7 
 The projrress of the national Idea, which has been the result of the imion 
 advocated y f„r reasons of in,nie<hate convenience and utility, has been 
 most ren,arkable. Althot.Kd. a defeatc.l or disappointed clicjue may some- 
 .mes even now be heard m this or the other province to threaten "an appeal 
 o VVashmgton. because tliey have not succeeded in having their own way in 
 local poht.cs. such language has less meaning than that of a petulant child, who 
 declares when angry that he will drown himself, and that his nurse shall not pre- 
 vent h.m. No party and no individual aspiring to gain the confidence of the public 
 dares to advocate any pohcy but that of the strengthening of Canada's resources, 
 unity, and nationality under the flag of the }■ mpire. This result is the more re- 
 markable because the geographical position of the Dominion would not by a casual 
 observer be supposed favourable to the successful application of a moral Hue- 
 I'o^defcn'l T"' "'""r"' r^"""^''"'^ ^''"' ^'^•^^^ '^"^ ^^^^'""^ populations together 
 o defend the.r combined interests. They have never stood shoulder to shoulder 
 Ittrc . '^^''''"' ""^'^'- '^"hewarof i8,3,whenthe United Stae 
 sent forces at various points to invade their territory, certainly proved that they 
 possessed a unanimity of feeling little suspected by the invaders. But at tha^ 
 om thTJ ^ '''^ very ignorant of Lower Canada, and as much separated 
 rom the seashore people as fron. England. Yet they were all inspired by the 
 sentiment that bid them abide by the flag of the old country. The HHt sh 
 colonists It was as the British Government made its presence less and less 
 felt and wisely determined to trust government to the local legislatures, ha 
 each colony sought m mutual alliance to prove itself worthy of the help o he 
 mother country, by demonstrating a native power of co-operation. VVith he 
 increase o poj3uIation this becan,e every day more easy.^ '. Aid you Ives 
 and we will aid you." was the language of England. " We will work to " he ' 
 onf^ding in you to work with us." has been the answer of Canada The 
 s: dian' iZht *'' "^ '■■' "°^ ^'° "^^"^^ •■" '^^'■■^^•"^^ '" ^'- '"--^ oi : 
 ^-^anauian populations. 
 It seems to be a law of political division on the American continent thit 
 separation and d fference define themselves along lines running Hm e s o 
 we t. 1 hus. in the far south. Me.vico rests on both seas, and has only a northern 
 and outhern frontier. So it was with the Southern States, for " D xS 
 Lme e.xtended far beyond the Mississippi, and there were as earnest seceders 
 U^^^^^ %''''''' '"^^""" may be artificial, is in essence no mere 
 and sou ro? 2 I L ' '" r^T' '" ^""''*^^^' ^'^^ ^'^■^'•^"^^ i" »he people north 
 Enth^^^^ . " '■""'• '"'^'^^"•^'^ ^^''^'^^'^ '« 'l-'fi"- ; and alona the New 
 en f and if hi '^'""^ " !!" P'^^^^'^' '''''' ^^'^'^ ^^^ -"- ^'-^' there^is a dh^e" 
 g eat;;!;," ofth? '^"^ ''"^'7''^ ^^ ^'"^^ P^-^-^' '^ -" ^- - because the 
 numbers to Zvluh "T aT"''""" ^'^^'^ "'" ^^^'^^ '^^'^' '"A-^^e and 
 umoers to How southward. Along Canada's whole southern line, except in the 
Canadian Pictukkh. 
 \f V 
 north of Lake Superior, and in the central prairie rejjfion, and on the mountainous 
 frontier Une of its Pacific province, the people are now thick upon the land. 
 They touch each other through all that long fringe of country. It is because 
 their territory looks like a fringe ujion the map that it is supposed to be 
 difficult for its inhabitants to coalesce into one [)olitical entity. Hut the terri- 
 tories of the Dominion are not in reality the mere borders of the Arctic regions 
 which they appear to be on the map. The size of the coimtry is so vast, that a 
 map, in giving the great width, cannot give the depth, though the depth of the 
 habitable land is in reality very great. There is probably not a point along that 
 seemingly weak chain where there is not a fairly good back country ; and this 
 remark applies even to the regions supposed to be so sterile to the north of Lake 
 Superior. The surveys made of that part show that the snowfall on what is 
 called the Arctic slope is less than on the lake shore. It was, indeed, first pro- 
 posed that the great Trans-continental Railway, now so near completion, should 
 be carried over the country to the back of the ranges of rocky hills which rise 
 so steeply from the north shore. They who have crossed thence to Hudson's 
 Bay have reported a fairly good soil to exist throughout these tracts. 
 A consideration of the depth of the habitable area as you travel north from 
 the whole frontier of the old provinces will show that everywhere there are regions 
 greater than those which were posses.sed by many of the famous nations of antiquity, 
 and greater than those now under the rule of several of the European peoples. 
 Beginning with the most eastern section, there is already a very large series of 
 settlements one hundred miles to the north of the city of Quebec, on the banks 
 of a great lake which feeds the Saguenay. Reports from the far-away James's 
 Bay declare that there also root crops and oats will thrive. But leaving this 
 portion, as unlikely to receive any considerable influx of settlers, we may judge 
 from the actual experience of the Canadians who have penetrated up the rivers 
 flowing into the Ottawa ; and at their sources again we find a continuation ot 
 the conditions of soil and climate found at Lake St. John, so that there will 
 probably be a continuous chain of forest-cleared farms from the Gatineau county 
 to the Saguenay. Again, on the higher waters of the Ottawa, and thence 
 away towards Georgian Bay, an excellent forest-growth, denoting cultivable 
 soil, is met with. In Keewaydin, that is, the part lying between Nipigon and 
 the Lake of the Woods, we alone find a surface of rock so sterile that, sa' -n a 
 few places, we can never expect or desire settlements to be attempted on it. It 
 will ever remain a good place from which to obtain timber, and where v;\!u;jblc 
 minerals may be worked, but of arable land it has hardly any. Immediately 
 after this unpromising belt we emerge from the woods on to the prairie, which 
 continues without interruption for 800 miles. The further we go westward the 
 greater does the depth of good land in distance from south to north become. 
 The line of equal mean temp -ra.ui ,•, showing an average of sixty degrees, stretches 
 away to the northwest u> ';! o,'. approaching the mountains we hear that wheat 
 flourishes at points removed ^00 miles from the American border. There is 
Nova Scotia. q 
 enouvrh land in this prairie world of Canada to su,)pl> ,nor., wheat than is now 
 Krown m all the United States. Thus w see that the L)on,inion is likely to he 
 no mere fnnK^«;ot settlements. Imt that almost thruUKhout its vast lenjrth of 
 3.COO miles there is nxMii for numbers of men to own and cultivate a country 
 which IS favourable to our race, stroHi^r in its natural features for defence and 
 capable of j,rivin;r «, its sons that love of home which is tl... birth uul life of 
 l.atnotism. There is no fear that the country is too poor or too small to support 
 a nation. I believe that its people will never show themselves lackinij '" '^P'rit 
 Indian IIiiniinc; Kqi'ii'mknt. 
 U-ivm llu- L\.ll,;li,n, 0/ !/„■ Mar,,,,!, o'' /..;»,■.) 
 Let US see what the statistics tell us as to the material resources in area, and 
 sho Ttim tl T '^"'" "''^'^ "' them-remembering always within how 
 short a time the results enumerated have been accomplished. 
 it w^ould be best tor the interests of the smaller maritime provinces, were 
 they to be under one government legislating for •' Acadia "-such was the 
 old name o the greater portion of these territories. As yet the wav o 
 accomplish this has not been found. Taking Nova Scotia first it wHI be een 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 S! 5; 
 by the m ip to consist cf the great triangular island of C;ipe Breon, and a 
 long-shaped piece of '.he mainland connected with New I3n"^P" • • the 
 north by a narrow isthrnvs about eleven miles in width. 1 v 
 22,000 square miles of surface, almost the whole of which was in o.> ^ •: \, joa 
 covered. Gold mining has been carried on with varying success along the 
 Atlantic coast, and near Yarmouth this enterprise has paid fairly well. A 
 range of picturesque hills runs through the mainland portion of the provmce, 
 and has on each side of it a band of very good land The harbours are 
 excellent, and only occasionally obstructed by <"ogs. The approach to the 
 ports from the Atlantic is by no means difnciilt. If fog prevents a clear 
 view, vessels have only co keep clear of Sable Island — a heap of sand in the 
 ocean which occupies as regards Halifax much the position of Heligoland oft 
 the Elbe. Soundings will tell the mariner where his vessel is, and if the 
 weather be " dirty " there is plenty of sea-room to the ^outh, and the captain may 
 stand away from shore until the gale abates. The inland fresh waters are 
 computed to cover 3,000 square miles, so that there is much variety in the 
 scenery, where the trees stand reflected in the calm lakes, the home of number- 
 less trout, and the streams pour down in white rapids from the moose-haunted 
 forests of the liills to the pleasant bays along the shore. In Cape Breton Island 
 there are many Scottish settlers on the shores of the fifty-mile-long Bras D'or 
 Lake. But where are there not " many Scots " throughout our Colonial empire ! 
 In the county of Antigonish there are at least 3,000 of the name of Mac Donald. 
 The chief county town lies pleasantly situated in a well-cultivated valley and 
 near the strait dividing Cape Breton from the mainland. A great stone-built 
 church, with the words " House of God " written in golden Gaelic letters on 
 it, is filled each Sunday by a numerous Roman Catholic congregation. 
 The Church of Rome has considerably over 100,000 adherents in the 
 province, and the Anglicans have over one half that number. The Presby- 
 terians are as numerous as the Roman Catholics ; and other Protestant bodies 
 claim the remainder of the population, which, counting all heads in Nova Scotia, 
 amounts to about 400,000. There are no Jews. 
 Cabot was the first visitor from Europe, in 1497 ; and De Mont and the 
 Jesuits settled in 1604 at Port Royal and other places, but were expelled by the 
 English colonists who came from Virginia. It is well known how James the 
 First desired to found a Scots colony here, like his Scots colony in the north 
 of Ireland, but the people he sent were discouraged at finding the coasts already 
 occupied. Charles the First tried to induce his subjects to send settlers to 
 the country by the grant of the title of Baronet of Nova Scotia and an allot- 
 ment of land, and Cromwell took formal possession for a time ; but a cessiori to 
 F' ranee was made by the Treaty of Breda, and Nova Scotia remained under the 
 P>ench crown until 17 13 Although there has been a considerable movement 
 of its people to the Canadian western country and to the United States, the 
 population steadily increases, .-ind the coal mines are worked bv an cver-crowinsr 
Nova Scot/a. 
 e<;on, and a 
 "•' "-■> the 
 , •: \. joa • 
 s along- the 
 Y well. A 
 le province, 
 arbours are 
 •ach to the 
 nts a clear 
 sand in the 
 :ligoland oft 
 and if the 
 captain may 
 waters are 
 riety in the 
 of number- 
 'eton Island 
 I Bras D'or 
 iiial empire ! 
 Viae Donald. 
 [ valley and 
 : stone-built 
 c letters on 
 ents in the 
 he Presby- 
 jtant bodies 
 Jova Scotia, 
 ant and the 
 elled by the 
 ' James the 
 n the north 
 asts already 
 I settlers to 
 id an allot- 
 a cessiori to 
 d under the 
 t movement 
 States, the 
 number of mmers. who find remunerative employment at all times of the year 
 I here are immense deposits of gypsum at several places. The plaster of Paris 
 made from these supplies all Canada with this article. The gypsum quarries look 
 hke the marble quarnes oi Carrara, so pure and white is diemateHal which in 
 broken cl.ft-s nses at some points along the coast to a height of fifty feet In 
 1880 the miports amounted to a value of over seven millions of dollars the 
 exports to seven and a half millions. There are 497 miles of railway. One 
 Ime runs along the whole of the south side of the Bay of Fundy, with the 
 exception of a small break in the bay at Dfgby, and to the east reaches the 
 btraits of Canso The Intercolonial has 138 miles of rail in Nova Scotia and 
 a railway takes the coal of Sydney in Cape Breton to Louisburg, and the line 
 wiiJ be continued so as to connect with the mainland at the Straits of Can^^o 
 Horse in Snow Shoes. 
 Cove™lr:r?;™;ToTclr'r''' *-\°ffi-'-« ^^he Don,i„,-o„ 
 persuaded ,oahoI,sh,herclves"',f"7; "'7'>-\(who have been nearly 
 chamber only,; and an a«emhK f ,1 '"'^^''''^ ''=S"^''><"'-'= '<> ™„sist of one 
 jears, forn, ,hV ,ovtnme tL!.' "^'">-"=W'" ™""'ers, elected every four 
 error, and one of v™d„ irahv I " ' ^'T""i '"P'""" '"""• ^ ™»" "' 
 edncation is provid.-d for hvl , T '^ .""''""' '^'^°'"'- ''''"= secondary 
 .""del school, and l„,ost 'e,erv 1 " ""^"T- '^'""'^ '' " "<'™«l ^"^ - 
 traminj;. ' "''>' ''cnom.natmn has its college for nniversity 
 C 2 
' ! 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 In New Brunswick a similar government machinery is provided, there 
 being nine members in the executive council, eighteen in the legislative 
 council, who are appointed for life, and forty-one in the popular branch of the 
 legislature. In both provinces the common schools are free to all, and are 
 supported by the provincial revenue, the rates being laid on all property. The 
 people number about 300.000— a small population, considering the great size of 
 New Brunswick, for there are 27,322 square miles within its borders. It has 
 the Intercolonial line of railway traversing its eastern section from south to 
 north. Another line connects it with the St. John Valley, and to the west it is 
 in communication with New England. Montreal will soon be only 430 miles 
 distant from St. John by rail, and Quebec will be only 388 miles from this 
 sea-port, shortening the distance, as compared with the Intercolonial, by 200 
 miles. Ships, sawn lumber, cotton and woollen goods, leather, cheap furniture, 
 paper and iron manufactures of all descriptions, are the staple productions ; and of 
 raw material there is, as with the sister province, abundance of fish, timber, coal, 
 iron, and gypsum. The extent of the coal-fields cannot be compared with those 
 of Nova Scotia, but it has some veins wliich have proved most valuable, notably 
 the beautiful " albertite." a very hard, glossy, and perfectly clean mineral, of 
 which the supply has, alas, greatly decreased. As the treasure of other species 
 of coal is so near and practically inexhaustible, New Brunswickers need not 
 deplore the exhaustion of one kind, although unique and precious. The imports 
 in general amounted in 1880 to 84.093.135, and exports to $5,863,955. 
 The French were here again the first white men to land with the intention 
 of founding a colony. The date of landing was 1639. When Quebec fell, 
 the country was made over to us. Miramichi, upon the eastern side, was 
 setded by Scots in 1764. 
 The third province into which the ancient Acadia has been carved is Prince 
 Edward s Island, with an area of 2, 134 square miles, formerly covered with wood, 
 although the keen gales of the Atlantic make themselves everywhere felt. Here 
 again we find the free-school system in force, and the relative numbers of the 
 various religious bodies nearly that of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the 
 Roman Catholics heading ^he list. With the lieutenant-governor are associated 
 five members of an executive council and twenty-two deputies in the 
 legislative assembly. There is telegraphic communication by submarine cable. 
 Cabot discovered the island, but the French claimed the discovery as due 
 to Verazino ; and one of their naval ofiicers received it as a grant in 1663. 
 Taken by the English in 1755, it was given back by the Treaty of Aix-la- 
 Chapelle, and finally ceded to Britain in 1758. Ten years later it "received 
 a government," although it is said at that time to have had only 150 families 
 on its soil. 
 To pass in our statistical review to the larger provinces, Quebec has 193,355 
 square miles, of which perhaps one half are habitable, and most of the remainder 
 is valuable for minerals, tiinhcr, or fisheries. The threat laurentian rantre of 
 vided, there 
 ranch of the 
 all, and are 
 party. The 
 jreat size of 
 irs. It has 
 im south to 
 le west it is 
 ly 430 miles 
 ;s from this 
 nial, by 200 
 ap furniture, 
 ions ; and of 
 timber, coal, 
 1 with those 
 ible, notably 
 mineral, of 
 ther species 
 rs need not 
 rhe imports 
 5- _ 
 IP intention 
 Quebec fell, 
 n side, was 
 ed is Prince 
 I with wood, 
 felt. Here 
 bers of the 
 inswick, the 
 s associated 
 ies in the 
 arine cable, 
 ery as due 
 It in 1663. 
 of Aix-la- 
 : " received 
 50 families 
 ''^''s 193,355 
 i remainder 
 m range of 
 hills runs through it from east to west, reaching in Mount Logan, to the north of 
 the Bay of Chaleurs, the greatest elevation in a conical mass— over 4,000 feet in 
 height. Earthquakes of a mild type have not been infrequent. At Murray 
 Bay, a place on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, I was shown a house which 
 had been twice much shaken and partially destroyed by earthquake shocks, one 
 havmg occurred on the i8th of August, while the second shock came on the 
 same date, exactly ten years later. A marble chimney-piece broken across 
 showed the strain to which the walls had been put. It is curious to note how 
 the sea has retired from these regions in comparatively recent times The 
 shells and marine fauna now inhabiting the gulf are found in the clays which 
 me the banks and the bottoms of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers 
 When the rivers are low in the " fall," or autumn, any one walking by the side 
 ot the stream may pick up numerous nodules and rounded or elongated pieces of 
 hardened clay. If these be carefully broken asunder, in their interior will be 
 found the perfectly preserved form of the capelin, a fish now aboundino- in 
 the sea-water 500 miles away. I have even found the feathers of sea-bTrds 
 lookmg as though they had been but lately shed ; and the telina, a little 
 shell-fish, together with several other species, and even the bones of the seal 
 have again seen the day when the hammer laid open these curious mummy 
 cases of the creatures which inhabited the ocean when it swept over all the 
 surface now covered by land or river or great inland lake. 
 Amongst the fossils we must take care not to reckon the legislative 
 councils of one province. Quebec has a well-preserved set of very perfect 
 specimens of the genus Senator in her 27 councillors. The executive council 
 'Soo iXf T'-f JT''^'"', ''''"^^^^' '5- There are at present about 
 1.800 miles of rail : the Intercolonial, coming over the hills of New Brunswick 
 descends on the south side of the St. Lawrence, and follows the stream hi 
 connection with the ine crossing to the north shore at Montreal, by the Victoria 
 Bridge. Of the railway to Lake St. John, to the north of Quebec City mo e 
 wi 1 be said hereafter. The other chief lines run to the south, connecting with 
 he American system. A branch of the Intercolonial will form a channel for th. 
 h ghway to a good and picturesque country, extending all the way to Gasi/e 
 the Atlantic voyagers as the first part of the mainland shore seen after roundin<r 
 he southern capes of Newfoundland. There are a million and a quarter or^eopfe 
 n this great province. The Church of Rome has considerably over a mZn 
 V y":::";oVX"'"'^°'''^' tl. population being French Canadians whH 
 very many of the minority are Irish. Geographically the province extends 
 H:;V;f;;;r '' ': "",'T r ^-^--^--^ Oolemme'nt, to tL Ottal 
 L^'i Lr S T ' T ' ''u'" '^'y'"^' '^''' ^^•'^''^'"' ^"d '« bordered by the 
 Cabot s name ,s mentioned as the first discoverer. Settlements were made in 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 1 541 by Jacques Cartier. These became British by conquest in 1759, and the 
 government was constituted in its present shape in 1867. In 1880 the imports 
 were forty-three and a half millions of dollars in value, and the exports forty-one 
 and a half millions, the chief articles of export being pot and pearl ashes, 
 flour, wheat, oats, barley, butter, cheese, copper, wool, and wood. The cattle 
 have been lately much improved in quality. Some of the stock, both in the 
 case of horses and cattle, show their descent from animals brought over from 
 the north of France. 
 The superior court, famous for the ability of its lawyers, sits at Montreal 
 and Quebec. Education is under the direction of a minister called the superin- 
 tendent of education. He has a deputy and a council of twenty-one members 
 to assist him, appointed by the lieutenant-governor in council. Fourteen of 
 these are Roman Catholics and seven Protestants. All the people are assessed 
 for the purpose of providing primary schools. In the municipalities where there 
 are different denominations, the school commissioners of the majority govern. 
 The schools of the minority are called dissentient schools, and their trustees have 
 the same powers as the commissioners of the schools of the majority. The 
 Protestants and Roman Catholics have separate boards of commissioners in 
 Montreal and Quebec cities. 
 The municipal franchise is possessed by all who have $50 of real property, 
 or are occupiers of land of the annual value of ^$20. The voter must also have 
 paid all taxes, and be inscribed on the municipal roll. The country is divided 
 into townships ten miles square, as in Ontario. Each must have 300 souls at 
 least before it can be made a township. This division succeeded the French 
 feudal system on all Crown lands. Each county sends one member to 
 the Dominion House of Commons, and one to the Quebec Parliament., The 
 principle adopted for the franchise throughout is that all men but the absolutely 
 idle or poor may vote. Hitherto the provincial franchise has served also as the 
 basis of the right to vote for the Federal Parliament, although it is probable that 
 a general franchise for the National House will be adopted. 
 The system of self-government is admirable. The township, or united town- 
 ship where one or two are designated a municipality, has its own local council or 
 board, whose sittings are public. All disputed questions are decided by the 
 majority present. The secretary-treasurer of the body has to give guarantees of 
 good behaviour, and has to see to the valuation rolls. Two auditors are appointed. 
 The county council is composed of the heads of the local boards, and these men 
 when so assembled have the name of county councillors. The chief of the 
 county council is elected by the body so constituted, and is styled prefect. The 
 meetings are held every quarter, in March, June, September, and December. The 
 inspectors of roads, bridges, Szc, and of agriculture are under these authorities, 
 as are the local police. The members of all councils are paid a salary fixed by them- 
 selves. The county council settles the location of the county capital, the places 
 where courts of circuit are held, levies costs of rpgistratinp, places sign-posts in 
 Ihe traffi/ n '.t'" ? '°''^' ""^''" '^' '°"^''°^' ""^ "^'^^^^^ regulations for 
 he raffic. The local boards can make roads, such being " municipal roads." or 
 local highways, and may by resolution define how the cess for such works ma; be 
 applied. 1 hey divide their district as they choose, but there is always an appeal 
 to the county council It will thus be seen that the local authority is more sub 
 divided than in Britain, the local municipalities often exercising power over a 
 district not more than ten miles square, having the power of organisation and 
 government with an appeal to the representatives of the wider a, Jof the county 
 Lach authority has the right of ta.xation for its purposes. ^ " 
 1 he assembly ot the entire province has absolute power over all property and 
 may make laws amending all local government. The regulations 'in eg'd to 
 he sale of hquor. w iich are administered by the local authorities, emana^ of from the provincial parliament. The sale of all spirituous Iquor in less 
 quanifes than three gallons or twelve bottles may be prohibited by the loca 
 boards. Children are not permitted to frequent the public-houses. There T.n 
 exception to the prohibitory law for sale for medical purposes The La 
 board may limit the number of licences where there is no veto L sale. In ^1^^ the majority do not allow taverns. In another place the DomTnion 
 laws with regard to this subject are noted. ^^ommion 
 nas. ^rnlf"^ """' '''"'" "^^ '''" government and resources of each province we 
 pass to the greatest in population, namely, Ontario where ap-a-'n the fown^V 
 heTdT:rhis' ^" '''-' '-' ^ -bdivision^'of goverm:e^Tarrs;"a:d^•rrh '!; 
 head and his assistant is elected by electors, whose franchise may be that o^ 
 .^400 income, of freeholders, householders or tenants in a mun cipali y or t the 
 R^ltc^rrv^'ft ^'^-^^'"^ °'.'"' '^^"^ ^'^'^^^ Sives to each d.: q^/aKhcii n 
 Real property of §ioo in townships, $200 in incorporated villages S,oo in towns 
 and HOC >n cities gives the right to vote. '« Reeve," and ''^ie^oity reev^ a"^^ 
 the titles given to the township chief elected officers; the.e met as a count! 
 h^'voinrir'^^'^^^^'^''-^''^^^^'^"-" ^-•-^•'^ibe.;otedthaTt:i lecto 
 wl ich p"v" t H "' ""'""' '"^ '^'' '' " "°^ '^' ^^"^'^^'^^ '^^'^ ^he rate 
 ^a ned^bv h "'''"""^ ''P'"'"'" ^" ^'^^'"^^ '^ ^V Fallot, and the secrecy 
 .gained by the system is not far from complete. The steps and varie^v /f 
 axes and T) ^ '''^'''''"'' ''"' '°^"''^'P "'' " ""'""■ ^^^^^^ '^-''' P^^LZl 
 eo^rlen ■ ''' '"'"'°"' ^^P^-'^P'^ ''^'' ^'^'^ ^his very perfect municipal 
 fux.r*"!" ^'^'^ ^°"^^^'^ ^he opinion that a local senate is an extravaZn 
 eitrhtv ei IV ; ?^ ^' ^''^y ^'^ ^°"^^"^ ^^'^h an assembly composed of 
 ™tas'r^;rf " elected every four years, while the lieutenant 
 \\^tU I ^''^^^"^'ve council, five in number, to assist him. 
 very difficiSeed ZT"' U "-"bers it may here be noticed that it would be 
 y .mcult indeed to get a house together, were the members not indemnified 
! \r 
 Canadian Pictukks. 
 If I'M 
 for serving. They have to leave their work, and travel in many cases 
 hundreds of miles ; and men whom the country would desire as its best 
 representatives could not attend, in the absence of payment, which is not so 
 much remuneration for service as partial compensation for loss or interruption of 
 their usual avocation. All schools are quite free, a minister of education being 
 appointed by the provincial government to look after them. Each township is 
 divided into school sections, with a board of trustees. The government 
 inspectors never have charge of more than 1 20, or of less than 50 schools, and 
 their pay comes partly from the province and partly from the local council. 
 The Roman Catholics may, if they desire it, have separate schools, and are, in 
 such cases where there may be a sufficient number of children for whom separate 
 instruction is required, exempt from the general school rate, and have a separate 
 government grant. There are excellent higher schools, the Upper Canada 
 College at Toronto being especially noteworthy where nearly all are excellent. 
 The system is to accord teachers their certificates through the agency of a 
 central board at the provincial capital, where first-class certificates are granted. 
 Each of the counties has its local board of examiners for the distribution of 
 the second- and third-class certificates. There are no less than seventeen 
 Protestant universities and colleges, and three Roman Catholic. Here the 
 Protestants are greatly in the majority, there being about 480,000 Methodists, 
 370,000 Presbyterians, 340,000 Anglicans, and about 290,000 Roman Catholics, 
 the remainder consisting of other creeds. The small number of Jews in Canada 
 is remarkable, and is attributed to the large influence of Scots ! 
 Exports in i88o amounted to over ^28,030,000. Imports in the same year 
 to about the same sum. 
 As with all the provinces, there is a supreme court, whose decisions are 
 subject to the Dominion supreme court, which sits at Ottawa. The superficial 
 area is vast, but reckoning only that of the portions which are certainly habitable, 
 40,000 square miles out of 108,000 may be considered good. The railway system, 
 already constituting a most intricate network of lines, is being constantly extended. 
 There are now about 4,000 miles of track laid. The great arterial line of the 
 (irand Trunk goes from Montreal by Kingston to Sarnia, where it crosses into 
 the States. The Canadian Pacific, running from Montreal, crosses at the city of 
 Ottawa from the province of Quebec into Ontario, and runs up the Ottawa River 
 to Lake Nipissing, and thence has a branch to Sault St. Marie, and extends 
 its main line along Lake Superior. Between these highways are many others, 
 so that there is little of the country left which is not within reach of railway 
 Of Manitoba we must speak more generally and further on in this book. Its 
 growth is so rapid that there is little use in specifying its condition to-day, for 
 to-morrow the change will have been so great that the statistics would be already 
 stale. It has an area of about 100,000 square miles. The next two divisions, 
 which have been named Assiniboia and Saskatchewan, have 90,000 square miles 
many cases 
 as its best 
 ;h is not so 
 terruption of 
 cation being 
 1 township is 
 schools, and 
 ocal council. 
 3, and are, in 
 lom separate 
 'e a separate 
 )per Canada 
 ire excellent. 
 agency of a 
 are granted. 
 stribution of 
 n seventeen 
 Here the 
 an Catholics, 
 vs in Canada 
 le same year 
 The Govkrnmknt of the Dominion. 17 
 each, and nearly all is fair land. Alberta has 100,000 square miles, and Athabasca 
 120,000, while Hritish Columbia has 200,000; but a great deal of this is good 
 only for wood or minerals, whereas the names previously mentioned stand for 
 or .■ .'\. ■ i ' ■ 
 The Great Ulukf, Thomi'sun Kivkr. 
 (Fnm a photogra/ih in the possession of the 
 Marquis of Lome.) 
 territories of great natural fertility of soil. 
 Their surfaces too are not interrupted by 
 great lakes westward of Winnipeg and 
 Manitoba, and are almost everywhere 
 available for habitation. 
 It remains to us to close this chapter, which is necessarily a tedious one 
 by a general statement of the total Dominion resources and government The 
 governor-general IS nominated by the British Government, bu? is paid whollv by 
 tl)e Ca. I he cabinet usually consists of thirteen members-a numbe; too 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 great, but at present convenient because each important section of the people 
 desires to be represented among the ministers of the crown. The Senate, 
 nominated for hfe, consists of eighty members, and the House of Commons of 
 212. The legal duration of a Parliament is five years. As in Great Britain, all 
 measures must, to become law, receive the assent of the head of the state and of 
 both branches of the legislature ; the constitutional system of ministerial re- 
 sponsibility is carried out to the full. Although in theory the governor-general 
 is commander-in-chief, and has the power of pardon in criminal cases, the power 
 so given to him should always be exercised by the advice of a responsible 
 The militia, which constitutes the whole military force of the country, with the 
 exception of about 800 men, who are called the " embodied militia " and are really 
 " regulars," has not been sufficiently attended to by the State. It is designed that 
 at the stations where there are " embodied " artillery batteries — now three in 
 number — the officers of the militia artillery shall be trained. The same plan is to 
 be carried out for the infantry at three infantry schools of instruction. No ade- 
 quate provision has yet been made for cavalry instruction. There is no kind of 
 naval armed force on shore or afloat, and there are no engineers and no torpedo 
 corps. It is to be hoped that the training of officers and non-commissioned 
 officers will be steadily enforced, and no commissions be accorded to untried men. 
 1) 2 
S I 
(Jarihuo Horns. 
 (/•■«)«; the Colllilioii of llie ,M,in/uh of r.oriir ) 
 Relations hetwken Canada and England. 
 Gkneral Ignorance of Canada in Enoland— Strkngtii ok Canadian Skntiments— Tiik Tariff Question- 
 Canada -Feemnc. in Favour of the Connecth)N with the Hritish Empire. 
 THE seventeen years which have passed since the confederation of 1867 
 have witnessed continued pohtical and material progress. Persevering 
 and steadfast, and accustomed to self-government, the people show no 
 restlessness, such as is seen in some small European and South American 
 countries, where a new ministry comes in almost with each change of the moon. 
 There has only been one change in the Dominion, and that brought a Liberal 
 ministry into power for five years. The connection with the Empire is most 
 jealously maintained. It may be as well to say a word on the relations between 
 Canada and the mother country as they present themselves in the year 1884. 
 Although Canada is now only eight days from our shores, and Australia 
 can be reached in the time which a sailing vessel formerly took to reach America, 
 yet there is still a vast amount of misconception of the position and prospects 
 of our dependencies. It is, perhaps, a misfortune that men often begin to 
 acquire a useful knowledge about the colonies when it is too late for them to 
 make use of it for their own good. The information as regards the prospects 
 of life in these great territories should be given in the schools and universities. 
 To many a boy an accurate knowledge of how money can best be made, and 
 the early years of manhood most profitably spent in Australia, New Zealand, 
 and the Dominion of Canada, would be of far more use than much of the 
• f 
 Canaihan I'lcnuis. 
 obsolete erudition still retailed to liim in our Hnj,'lish puljlic schools. The 
 voyages of Cook, of Champlain and Vancouver are as interesting as are those 
 of Ulysses, and the suhsecfuent history of the lands they discovered the most 
 edifying for an luiglish buy. If true information were readily obtained, and 
 colonial life were brought as familiarly to the minils of Hnglishmen as their own 
 home life, it is difficult to believe that there would remain so many here who 
 have no occupation but the proverbial privilege of grumbling at their own fate, 
 and at all around them. In Canada, if it were nut for the constant bright sun- 
 shine, and for certain improvements in the art of government, both central and 
 local, the Scotch and English emigrants might imagine that they had never left 
 the Old World, so good are the schools, so orderly are the people, so easy the 
 communication from one district to another. To many a poor English labourer, 
 who will find that good wages can be got for a gocxl day's work, and to many a 
 poor English gentleman, who finds that he can obtain sport at small e.xpense 
 among the fowl, the fish, and the deer, it would seem as though they had been 
 set down in a better English world, and might imagine that some benevolent 
 spirit had suddenly granted to them all their heart's most hopeful dreams. 
 They will find that the people around them, and their own children as they 
 grow up, remai-i English still in all essentials. They have become or are 
 becoming part of a people who are sturdy, independent, who know their own 
 ideas and necessities, and insist on acting upon these. 
 Much as the Canadians continue to love the old land for its associations, 
 they have no idea but that their own opinion as to what is best for themselves 
 in their new land is better than any one else's opinion upon the same subject. 
 They insist on making as much as they can of their own country in their own 
 way, abandoning preconceived ideas or the ideas of their old friends who may 
 wish to convince them that the soil of a new world is not favourable for 
 knowledge of what is good for its people. They are, in short, as self-willed 
 as children of John Bull may naturally be expected to prove. They may be 
 wrong or they may be right, but, whether wrong or right, it is important that 
 John Bull should remember that they mean to judge for themselves, and he and 
 they must shape their transactions with each other accordingly. There is one 
 matter, and that a very important one, on which it is by no means likely that he 
 and they will soon agree. He is convinced that it is for his interest to buy in the 
 cheapest market ; and the cheapest market for him is in all ways the world at 
 large. They, on the other hand, think that, although they desire a cheap 
 maket, the cheapest market may, in the long run, be found to be that where 
 they may purchase partly from their own countrymen and partly from the world 
 at large. They are apt to imagine that this will, as they call it, build up their 
 new State, make it strong to resist enemies, cause it to have a pride in itself, and 
 to be represented in all industrial branches of national being. They may be 
 quite willing to pay for the luxury of this pride. The mode of life which it leads 
 them to follow may not actually be the cheapest, but it is certainly not the most 
Canadian Iukas. 
 worthless. 1 he sentiment which hids thtMU ^'ivc their kinsman in the OKI I. and the 
 best possible treatment remains : he is the customc-r, oi.tsid..- of their own brother- 
 hood and proup of politically-associated coloni.-s, with whom tlu:y like best to deal 
 rhe feelmj,^ that leads to the adoption of protective tariffs is one which it 
 IS difhc.It for a Londoner to understand, perhaps, but it finds its closest parallel 
 Canadian Snow I'l.oi.i 
 Ml th.Move the London householder has for a separate iiouse. Vol. ma 
 ell a housewife m that great Ba])ylon that it would be much cheaper for her 
 to live m a great house with other people-to have a flat, or some rooms in 
 a llat, and to be supplied witii others from a common kitcheu-but she would 
 n :ii«il 
 I f l!i 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 not hear of such a proposition. Perhaps the cause which has made London 
 cover so much ground is the fact that each housewife insists on having her own 
 separate property and house complete— the kitchen and parlour and sleeping- 
 rooms being apart from all neighbours. Out of England, England's children 
 maintain these prejudices. They often wish to live in a country which shall be, 
 as far as possible, what the Scotch call self-contained — that is, as independent 
 in resources as they can well make it. In Canada this feeling varies in degree. 
 The Conservatives say they want a revenue tariff, and put a duty on outside- 
 made goods of about half the amount placed by Americans on foreign imports — 
 namely, about 30 per cent. If the Liberals came into power to-morrow, they 
 would probably lower the tariff ; but it still would be a high tariff in the eyes 
 of the English manufacturers. Thus both parties in the State are more or less 
 compelled by public feeling, which does not at present allow direct taxation, 
 to pur a comparatively high duty on all imported things which may be or are 
 manufactured in the Dominion. 
 We may have protection carried out in English-speaking communities 
 of all sizes, from Australia to the Canadian Dominion, where, although the 
 effect is to make certain goods dearer, the system is maintained ; and, whatever 
 our opinion may be on the question involved in the science of political economy, 
 we must take men as we find them, and we must not refuse to sympathise with 
 our fellow-citizens who dwell in greater lands than Britain because their ways 
 are not as our ways, and are adverse to the theories we may hold as essential 
 to their welfare. These islands have thirty-five millions of people, Canada has 
 now about five millions, Australia will soon have four millions. Britain has, 
 for the small area she possesses, great resources in coal and other wealth ; but 
 it m.ay be well for her to remember how little of the earth's surface she possesses 
 in comparison with her children. The area of Canada and of the Australian 
 States is so vast, the fertility of their soil is so remarkable, the healthfulness of 
 their climate is so well proved, and the rapid increase of their white population 
 is so certain, that within the lifetime of our children their numbers will 
 equal our own. In another century they must be gready superior to us in 
 men and material of wealth. How foolish, therefore, will our successors in 
 England deem us to have been, if we do not meet to the fullest degree 
 possible the wishes of these growing States! They have a filial affection 
 for their Fatherland. They will retain a brother's feeling for us, if we are 
 friendly to them in the critical time of their coming manhood. Days may arrive 
 when we shall implore their assistance, and when the alliance of those Powers, 
 grown into maturity and strength, and under very possible circumstances the 
 strong arbiters of our own destinies, shall be ours through the wisdom we may 
 show to-day, or may be lost to us, and become the property of our enemies, by 
 the coldness of our conduct at this hour. If we do not reciprocate 
 friendliness to-day, because they do not give us exactly what we wish, we 
 indeed show ourselves to be penny wise and pound foolish. 
The Importanck of Canada's Friendshi 
 The first essential condition which may prevent coldness and want of 
 sympathy is _ thoroughly to understand their position, and to look on our 
 children s action, not only from our own, but from their, standpoint. All thin^^s 
 ni this world, unfortunately, narrow down in the end to the question of gain 
 and the question of strength. We should be only too glad if sentiment-a 
 much-derided thing, but yet a power of marvellous force in politics-had 
 sufficient mfluence to cause our friends to be content to gain less from us than 
 from foreigners ; we should be content if they give to us the best treatment 
 they can afford to give to any outside of their own countrymen. If they from 
 neighbourhood or other exceptional causes, give the foreigner an apparent 
 advantage over us in dealing with themselves, it is still vastly for our policy 
 and to our interest to remain their closest and their best allies. The firsf step 
 to keep them firm in their alliance is to work with them for the purpose of 
 pushing their commerce. As long as they choose to entrust (partlyf at all 
 events) to our diplomatic and consular service the interests which are principally 
 heirs, we should instruct our consuls, and agents appointed to positions abroad, 
 to treat any one who resides in a colony as though he were resident in Britain, 
 and he should feel that his interests are the interests furthered by the Govern- 
 ment of these islands. A colonist should find, wherever he is, that the most 
 potent agent at work for him is the agency of the Fatherland. He should 
 never be allowed to say that his claims were looked upon with lukewarmness 
 because he was born m Montreal instead of in London. His interests are our 
 interests, and so long as his Government works in alliance with the Imperial 
 authorities-and this will be to the end of time if we manage matters well-his 
 claims to attention to distinction, and to access to foreign marts, should be 
 pushed equally with those of our own citizens. No matter that his Govern- 
 ment niay wish to conduct such negotiation after methods which are not ours 
 -that his Government may wish to erect a Customs Wall here and demolish 
 one there, where you think there never should have been a wall at ail-that is 
 the affair of his Government ; and if you wish to maintain your old colonists- 
 alliance you must back up their views of what is best for themselves. To 
 ei^deavour to interfere with the policy of fiscal affairs of such countries as 
 Australia and Canada, to declare that they must shape their measures so as to 
 give this to one sister colony, or that to the Fatherland, is to pursue a line 
 which must result as disastrously as did the line followed by "lord Nor^ 
 He and his King used all their means to preserve the integrity of the EnW 
 on the old plan of dictation from the central hive. Thty Iho woukl e 
 serve the integrity of their fiscal theories, and prove by other means than 
 persuasion that free trade is good for all. as well as for England, delirinlto 
 die ate political economy, are the Lord Norths of our dav. Persista ? n 
 such dictation can only lead to one result, namely th^ breakin^of nn 
■ V 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 The appointment of a High Commissioner, on the part of Canada, to 
 reside in London, was by far the most important event which has occurred in 
 the colonial history of the last few years. It was the first step taken by a 
 colony, and cordially accepted by the Imperial authorities, which will lead to 
 that ultimate council of envoys by which (perhaps early in the next century) the 
 Imperial policy will be directly guided. It was a step which promoted unity, 
 Snow-Shoe Club in Inbian File. 
 although it seemed to some minds to define separation. When negotiations 
 for trade with foreign Powers were made by England in former days, it was 
 not her custom to consult her colonies. She made her own arrangements 
 for her own good, and it was supposed that her good meant the good of the 
 colonies. They had no hand or part in bargaining for trade. Of late it has 
 been especially asked of Canada if she desires to be excepted or included in 
The High Commissioner, 
 any commercial treaty She is consulted whether she wishe7any social tr^aVv 
 to be made m her behalf through the agencv of her own Hurl, r ^ ^ 
 and the members of the Britislf Diplonfal^^od/a rrad^'^Th^^nTr^IJ 
 boon to the colony, for she is spared the expense of maintaining any consds o 
 any complete diplomatic representation abroad. By emplovinp- one mnn in I ^ 
 she can obtain with certainty the assistince of thJ^] .^ ? , London. 
 and Governmen, ,„ securing what he desires ; he becomes the selo" d se f of the 
 for diCetro z- r„„de;.ire''::„,tfl"ar"u""^ '°"r", '•"-t p™^'^'°"^ 
 of this island ^h»^ ,h, r„. ."f ^""'^ "='S- " 's manifestly to the advantage 
 withhe eplsentaites I?'h '"'"'°"",''°"''' "^ '''"""'"^ '"'"^^'dy 
 British n^renf nnrl . r ,. ^^"'^ °^ ^^'d by the colony at the door of the 
 in hfn!^ r '^''"^^8^^'"''^h^P^^^"t land would be engendered 
 in the new country ; whereas whpn th^ r^i^ • 1 c • " ^ "'^ cu^cnuerea 
 appointed by the Bitish Government to do the ? " ' "=■" "'"'"^'''^ ^""^ 
 own Amhns«nH„r ,1,. A- " . ™""^"' <" oo the work m conjunctbn w th its 
 show that he had a fiir clvfn? f , "'^"'''P''"^ '<> his Government will 
 sioned to complete tha hTZl Tf'""g. ""= '>"8-" "-^ »- commis- 
 representing the m'pfrfal PoJer > , '\'"f Tl""'" by the Ambassador 
 negotiationLrhecroe solZ'astedM t "' '"" ""P-^ '° ""='"" "'^ 
 " r - ^oTr '° ^''-"'? -°" '-vr is-t: l;?: ■■"'--^ °^ 
 better ilu^'rated ,Z"''dr T '", '"T""' P""""-"' •'''"--''- —•• ^-n 
 Dominion of Canada h ^ ?,'"'; ^"^ ^'''"' °' '•"""'"vative rule in the 
 be much he vt th „ tl Xve I ""= f ""'" '«"""' ""P°«^ ""' ""- 
 object of the Canad ,n ' l'^ .'"'f '"";'' ^'"=<= -S?*. and it has been the avowed 
 a classifies on onm; ^ '^""t '" '^?"" ""■■ '°'"""^"^'= ""'> "«= Dominion by 
 would at once haXe" "per tn, h":,;; ^ 'T '«"'"^' ^"«''* ^oods 
 most cases prove ibsnl,, J,, f? .'" "'•■"' *<=>' '■"■= "<>". ="d would in 
 desire that T; „ t "ht^:'Ln,^''':7„, ?' T'^ /"''''" "'"^'- '^""^ "' '^ 
 J naie lett tins country should still be citizens of our Empire, 
". HBE^HHP*'***^**)'**^^ 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 and continue hand-in-hand with us, and which prompts us to make sacrifices in 
 order to do this, is not one of empty sentiment alone, but is based on material 
 interest. If we only persuade Englishmen that this is so — say during the next 
 twenty-five years— we may be sure that the essential unity of the Empire will 
 be maintained, for in another generation it will be madness to question the 
 utility of close alliance with the strong peoples who will then be rulers of the 
 South, as in the case of Australia, or of the North, as in the case of Canada. 
 How great a guarantee for the peace of the world will the expansion of the 
 trade of each portion of our confederated Empire be ! for war, which shakes the 
 trade of each part, would not be hastily entered into by any ; while, if it must 
 come, how much stronger will that Empire be which, even if it cannot bring the 
 forces of each of its members into the field, shall yet at least be able to count 
 upon the friendship of all, and the probable active aid of one or more ! 
 I have often been asked as to whether the feeling in Canada in regard to 
 its connection with the Empire remains as strong as before. I believe it to be 
 even stronger than it was formerly ; and the best test that this is the case is 
 seen in the fact that no public man or public body have ever ventured to 
 formulate in recent years with any success a contrary policy. I have often been 
 asked, too, if I believed that the feeling of the United States with regard to 
 the incorporation of Canada is not as strong as before ; and in reply 
 to this I would say that it is an undoubted fact that the United States 
 would gladly welcome Canada into their empire ; but the Canadians show, as 
 yet, no sign that they desire this consummation, and, except under very great 
 provocation, it would not be pressed by the public men of the United States. 
 Their idea is that the pear when ripe will drop into their lap ; but, meantime, 
 the pear is ripening with a tendency to sow vigorous seeds under its own old 
 branches, and to live on in a more vigorous and extended life as a separate 
 nationality, holding the alliance with England as its best guarantee for 
 the same. 
i to count 
iJoG Sledge. 
 (From the Collection of the Marquis 0/ Lome.) 
 The Climate of Canada. 
 Comparison between the Ent.i rsir Av.r> /^.. 
 -here Z2lt''l\.l1^^^ " "'"'l '" "*= "'"'" "' ""= ''"'"''^ P»" "< Canada, 
 en^l^h^roT'to .r„,ro'f L".""'"'" °'*^ "f"^""' ~^''° ^>'"^ ^'^ 
 h .ic 10 tell mc ot then experiences in their new homes. With 
 Canadian Pictures, 
 )|i ! 
 settlers from the Eastern Provinces were mingled others who hailed from 
 England. Ireland, and Scotland. I had received satisfactory accounts of the 
 year's excellent crops from all, and then put questions to them as to the advan- 
 tage or disadvantage of the climate as compared with that of other places. 
 Several had borne evidence of the healthfulness and purity of the air, and to 
 their preference to it as compared to that of any region they had known, when 
 up pushed a sturdy Irishman, who said : " I want you to tell this to my people 
 at home, I come from the County Armagh, and I was thatching my house last 
 year in the cold weather, and I felt it far less than I did the last time I thatched 
 my house in Armagh." 
 When agents of railway companies, and men interested in the South, try 
 to persuade settlers to go down to the South, and settle in some parts which are 
 notorious for their cyclones, snakes, and centipedes, or for ague and fever, it is 
 well to remember how healthy the conditions of life in the North are, and to 
 what a great age men usually live. 
 Where, as in the case of some English and many of the French, a number of 
 generations have lived on Canadian soil, we see the race more vigorous, if pos- 
 sible, than in the days of the first settlers. Cold the weather certainly is durino- 
 five or six months of the year, but the cold, except upon the sea-coasts, is dry. 
 The saying of the old Scotchwoman is literally true. She wrote home to her 
 people to say, " It was fine to see the bairns play in the snow without getting 
 their feet wet." It is only near the sea that the bairns can make snowballs, 
 until the spring thaws come to help them. Throughout the winter the snow 
 is dry and powdery. The Canadian seasons are very certain. It is sure to be 
 steadily cold in winter and steadily warm in summer, and throughout the 
 twelve months a bright sun gives cheerfulness to the scene. 
 There is a severe, but extremely healthy winter of less than six 
 months, and a summer with sunshine so ardent and so certain that almost any 
 fruit and crops are raised. Where old Voltaire said there was nothing but a 
 few acres of snow, you may see each summer along the verdant and populous 
 shores of the St. Lawrence in the little gardens of the yeomen proprietors fine 
 plants of the broad-leaved tobacco, and the Indian corn raising its yellow crown 
 above its sword-shaped leaves, while the sweet water-melon is abundant, and 
 grapes will ripen in the open air. In Ontario, near Niagara, peach orchards 
 cover the country, and wine is made from the vineyards. Strawberries, 
 raspberries, currants, and many small berries are native to the land. Some 
 of these grow on bushes. There is one in the west called the " high bush 
 cranberry," whose red clusters of fruit cling near the stalks of the shrub, which 
 has pretty silver-tinted green leaves. An excellent jelly is made from the fruit, 
 and we found the ladies of the garrison of an American fort in Montana great 
 proficients in making preserves from it. The size of the wild black-currant is 
 extraordinary. In the Ou'Appelle valley I have seen them as fine as in any 
 ^ '■'••' ' At the school established for the half-blood French- 
 English kitchen-garden 
 y m 
TiiK Fn:i. Sun'tv. 
 Canadians at th; t place, the fathers hud plantecTTi^months^ 1^7^^^;,, 
 some of these plants taken from the woods, and it would have been difficu to 
 but al hough the foxglove .s missing, there is the beautiful "golden rod " and 
 throughout the woods there are masses of calmia and other flowers the lictrin 
 espeaally makmg gay many a vista of the woodland. ' 
 j^ry . . ruiiy j^'^'^^tri^^^s: n:i:^ 
 i^ a v' t e. ion" f " n"'^ '^^"'^, ^'"^^''^ ^^'^"^' O"^-'^' -^ Q-^^-- 
 • IbJndZ ^1 / """"["f "^ "^'" ^^^'■8^^'y ^'^'-"-^d of fo'-e^t, but having an 
 se' led o/ZvLftle"°t '^^ '"' "'''" ^^^^'^ '' ^^^^>' ^^^^ ^^'^^^ maf has 
 settled or may settle, hnormous stores of coal are being actively worked in 
 prrnfint;: : 'T ^^ "'"^- ""T ''' ''''' ^"^^ hourly increasi-^l^ldll 1 
 presen immense. You may see in the mines near Pictou galleries twentv feet 
 as t'': nZr f '''' '^^°" ^"""'' ^^°^^^^ •■" ^^- -'^ - "e 
 when th '•'' •' '°"'^'''"^^' ^^^^--^ "^^^'- ^--"^ -^y J-k of fuel. At first' 
 supply of fuel w^as thought to be more serious in those regions, for the timber 
 miciceTsthh? " ^-r'"T^'""'P^^^= and although there is a 7a 
 semicircle of such heavy woods to the north, the farther end of the arc comino- 
 h rough which the new railways had begun their progress. The lands nre of 
 "ooc r °''-'n r" "^^ ^''''■^'■>^ formation-that is of* a late age-and no very 
 been dSco" . ' "''"'^^"^- '^'^^^ "^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ''^'^^ ^ound, and these 1 ave 
 been discovered in greater quantity of late ; but the lignite, although very useful 
 fcH- household purposes, and giving fair heat when it is of good qualkj canno 
 4 knmrth T^^h T '' '^'''^''''' ^" ^"^' ^^"^-^ f"^'- I^'-^her westw^ard it 
 rin o^r h" ct. r::LTthr^" ^^^^^^^'^^^^ formation, gave p^ce to beds 
 In crossing- the nV k t '''^ "^^""^ ^"'-''^"1 cretaceous measures appeared. 
 thro Xhill er 1 T " f .^ f?"" ^'"^"^ ^'^^ •"°""^-"^' -"^ ^"^ ^heir way 
 I^^s he h ,, ;tffs"' '^-'^--f-al have been observed, and in some 
 AndnowL. ^^'fj^-'^ ^^^" to be streaked with dark bands of colour 
 And now it is proved that throughout a great area there are abundant indication^ 
 Canakian I'k iruKs. 
 t.r llir prcsciuc of ; and, still better, tlu! coal which has lu^cn sc(mi croppin^r 
 out in various localities has l»een tried ami fomul to he excellent for all purposes. 
 The new province, recently christened Alberta, will be the " black country" of 
 the central continent. Anthracite; exists in thick seams. The railway entwines 
 alniady use nothini,^ but the coal of the district. l'"roni north to south for a 
 distance of fonr hundred niilis, ami alont; a tract at least two hundred miles in 
 wiilth, experts believe that coal in any (pianlity exists beneath the loni^^ undulatini,' 
 swell of the prairie. Hven if we had not found tliis exhaustless supply, the 
 settler in the north-west would not have had lonj; 
 to wait, for tin; railway would have brought him 
 the coal o\' British (Columbia. 
 Away beyond the mountains and down the Pacific 
 C«ust we come upon a country whose climatic conditions 
 are totally tlifferi'nt, namely, a land called British Columbia- an immense 
 land of mountain, forest, ami Hood, the Alpine ranches soaring in some of 
 their peaks to the heioht of Mont Blanc— a land in the main .so deeply and 
 wonderfully forested that you may, on its sea coast, cut timber thirty and forty 
 inches sipiare of a uniform size for one hundred feet- a country where the 
 rivers rush impetuously throujj^h tremendous gorges to run in shorter navii^able 
 reaches into harbours which art; defended by a gigantic natural break- 
 water formed by the long n)cky island of X'ancouver. Here, on this island, 
 we have a climate like that oi' the south of England. Th(; shrubs which 
 arc familiar to all in tl,<. ^.u-dcns ai.oui Lo.ulon. an.l many nunc which w.>uM 
 '- t,.o,- to jrrow tlu-re, thrive in this favoured island. A ^n-eat deal of i 
 M-.nta.nous and practically unknown. To the north of it lie other great l.p 
 <>( .slands and more mountainous coast, and the climate is attain mild but th^ 
 .•a.nndl ,s heavy. In the mainland interior of this Canadian SwLerland y. av 
 stranue of c in.atic condition within narrow areas ; you may have- a farm 
 .n a iK.aut.fuI valley, surrounded hy uugniHcent woods, a'nd hve'n.ile.s'^ff yo 
 "ay go ami pay a v.s.t to your friend who has another farm, ami find that his 
 P ace as such dryness that not only will it not support the heavy g^wth wh.cli you are fan„har on your own homestead, hut yo.u- fric:nd has even to 
 l.rmg w.uers to u-rigate his garden, which, with this provision, will produce even 
 more richly than your own. > i y.^ ^y^u 
 A word before passing to the general features of the comitry as to 
 e m g-afon. h.vcellent steamers ply between Liverpool and Halifax in winter, 
 and between Liverpool and Quebec and Montreal in summer. The winte.' 
 Ivrf!!, it' I T "'^'^V" ^^",:'^'>-«-^'^^ ^"'"'"-'- P^i^^^age is usually perfbr.ned 
 from land to and m s.x days. No one doubts that very many in our large towns 
 can bene ,t themselves by nioving. Very n)any in 'the country can do so also 
 although for my part, and speaking more in the interests of England than of 
 Lanada. I would rathe.- see departures from the towns than from the country for 
 there are but few country districts whose population is too dense. In any case 
 what we desire is that the advantages of Canada should be known, so as to 
 mducc men to weigh them as compared with the United States. I. from personal 
 knowledge, believe that Canada can more than hold her own in the comparison 
 ill Climate she has in her various provinces vast areas as agreeable to men of 
 our northern races as any the United .Stat<=s can offer. Her .^oils are as rich her 
 goveinment is more tree, and the opportunities presented, not only for makimr a 
 comfortable living, but for the attainment of comparative wealth, are as good 
 oudden fortunes are. it is true, not so often made, but, on the other hand, there 
 „'l 7 T- r^'^^'^y- ^ '^^-'■^' '■'^ '-1" equality of fortune, taking the people as a 
 vvhole, which can hardly be matched elsewhere. Opportunities for the killing 
 oi game are usually better than in the United States. 
 All emigrants should go out in the spring. Now, taking first the 
 <nciucements ottered to emigrants who desire to procure manual labour. The 
 cost ot a passage is only ^3, and it costs ^3 more to reach Winnipeg. Any one 
 Knowing the trade of a blacksmith, a mason, a bricklayer, or willing'to work as a 
 nired man on a farm, has the best chance of employment. Young men who wish 
 to lead a town life had best stay at home. The town life as compared with country 
 uegiveslewer opportunities, for the cities are. relatively to the population, small. 
 ine rural population is about 4.500,000 against about 500,000 represented by the 
 ovN ns. 1 would therefore, on all accounts, advise young men to look to country life, 
 t tliey go and have no experience of agriculture they should hire themselves out 
 or a > ear. 1 he position of such a man is by no means unpleasant. He shares 
' •!« 
 ill ! 
 Canadian Picturks 
 the life of the farmer, and is treated as one of tlie family. I'or farmers there is 
 the powerful attraction of homesteads of all si?es. l' have known very many 
 men who have succeeded well, and who have bej^nin with nothinji,', or next to 
 nothin,L,r. Hut I should counsel all who contemplate emitfration, and the takin«r 
 up of farm life, to have, if sinj^de men, from /50 to / 100, exclusive of the cost of 
 the journey, and if married from £150 or ^250 to /500. There are good 
 vacant places to be had almost anywhere. In the north-west you can get 160 
 acres of excellent land for /2. The land regulations under which these grants 
 are made are to the full as favourable as those of the United States, and in some 
 respects are to be preft;rred. For the north-west people of good physical ability 
 only should be sent. If a couple go, man and wife should both be able to work 
 An Indian Camp on the Plains. 
 (Frj/ii a photograph in tht poisl$sioH of the Marquis of Lome ) 
 and have ^60 to ^75, exclusive 
 of cost of journey, at the least, 
 if they have no knowledge of 
 farming. If they have children, 
 they should be provided with 
 £12 more per head. If the children, are able to work, ^6 extra per head 
 might suffice. 
 Fine ladies and fine gentlemen will find themselves altogether out of the 
 race. At the same tune, there is abundant scope for gentlemen's sons having 
 modest fortunes, say from /200 to ^500 a year, for these men will have 
 opportunities of making their living and of procuring sport which they cannot 
 realise at home. It is most remarkable that of such men and of such women as 
 those I have mentioned, one almost always hears that they have liked their new 
 life. Por one letter containing the complaints of a grumbler I have seen six 
 dozen speaking of the fullest contentment ; indeed, so curiously rare has any 
 complaint been that I have taken some pains to investigate a few cases of alleged 
 failure ; and I am sorry to say that in the case of several of these I have come 
 upon indubitable cvitk;nc(; to show that th(;y wero trunip^x! up by intL-rcstcd 
 IKirtics. and were not fiom tuk at all. Hut let this Ix; clearly understood that 
 what Canada ofA^rs is not an I-l Dorado, such as that wliich inspired the dreams 
 of the Spanish followers of Cortez and IMzarro, who went to the South American 
 shores tribes of docile Indians to meet them brin-ing- heaps of ^M 
 and silver utensils and curious works of art, and whose dreams were in many 
 ive come 
 On the lIuMATIlCcl KlVKK, liRlTlSH CoI.lMIIIA. 
 (Itvm a /'lioh'gtvph in lh( pMsess!,m of tlu M.uyiih ,>/ l.mic) 
 cases wonderfully near the truth. It is not such an E' T)on>lo that Canada 
 otters. I ler offer is this : a comfortable home on his o oil to any man who 
 has a .t,rood pair of hands and a decent knowledge how to use them ; if he have 
 something ot his own to start with, so much the better will it be for him. 
 I'or women there is plenty of space and places; but the women who Mill 
 succeed must be women who will work. They who wish to go out as teach.-rs 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 governesses. &c., had best stay at home. The Ladies' Committee of the 
 VVomen s Emigration Society of Montreal told me lately that they could at once 
 place girls of goo-^ character, if sent out to them, and that the demand for 
 hem was so great that they would be sorry to see them go past Montreal on 
 to Ontario. But the ladies at Toronto are equally solicitous to procure good 
 servant girls, who are excellently well treated in Canadian families. Even 
 his excellent treatment is not sufficient to prevent them from marryin^., strange 
 to say and the demand for wives fully keeps pace with the demand of house- 
 wives for servants. Indeed, the number of girls who keep to the first resolution 
 they may have formed to get as far as Winnipeg is small indeed, for if they loiter 
 by the way they take up situations in the cities along the road to the west I 
 have often tried to keep a household together when obliged to take them on 
 distant journeys; but it is surprising to see how the female members of it are 
 now scattered in happy homesteads stretching between New York and Victoria 
 British Columbia, a distance of 4,000 miles. In short, this imported European 
 article is so popular that no government has dared to fix any tariff rate upon 
 it, but the local authorities have been obliged to help in getting it by sivinp- 
 " assisted passages " to women as well as men. 
 If girls are sent, they should always be under some person's auidance or 
 have some lady to whom they may apply. Societies and clergymen can easilv 
 correspond with Women's Emigration Societies at Montreal and elsewhere and 
 only send the number required. The clergy may be relied on to report wisely 
 and kindly as to the chances for working'women, and the Canadian report can 
 be acted on by the clergy at home, who can raise funds to help deservina women 
 Ihe cost of reaching settlements where there are no railways is unfortunatelv 
 great, but if ^8 can be given to take women on from Winnipeg to places like 
 Frince Albert they are certain to be welcome there. 
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 Cai'E Hlomiuo.n. 
 The Maritime Provinces. 
 The IJay ok Fundy— Annapolis— Louisburg— Shipbuilding in Nova Scotia— New Bkunswick— The 
 Cascapedia— Prince Edward's Island— The Fisheries— Newfoundland. 
 A WELL-KNOWN book, entitled Sam Slick, tells the story of a shrewd 
 and enterprising clockmaker who goes about Nova Scotia selling his 
 wares and turning a penny to his own advantage, but not always to that of his 
 customers in the old province by the sea. In comparison with the push and 
 go-aheadism of New England, he finds the provincial people but slow-coaches, 
 and declares they are always talking of doing a thing, and never doing it. 
 Since his day the character of the country and of the country people has con- 
 siderably altered, and the railway locomotive may be seen ringing its bell and 
 steaming through woodland villages and over fertile meadows and past rough 
 forests, where even Sam Slick himself would not have thought it would be 
 worth while to push a track. 
 Before touching upon the newer regions of Canada, it is needful to refer to 
 the country first seen after making a voyage to Canada ; and to show how, 
 without going far from England, and while keeping within the reach of the daily 
 post, of the telegraph line, and of the bi-weekly or tri-weckly communication 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 % i 
 with England, and at a distance of only ten days' journey from London, fair lands 
 with fair opportunities for settlement can be found. Let us, then, take one or two 
 scenes in each of the old provinces which are so easily reached. As John 
 Bull, when he becomes a tourist, is always fond of getting up to the top of 
 a hill to look around him, let me take you to the top of a steep isolated cliff at 
 the end of a long ridge of volcanic rock which is covered with pine woods, and 
 which overlooks a gulf of the sea on one side, and a fair, wide, and green valley, 
 twenty miles in width, upon the other. If you wait until the tide ebbs, you will 
 see that it leaves a vast stretch of red sand, for the tide goes back very far. It 
 will come back again over tho>e sands with a rush which sends the water up 
 as fast as a horse can gallop, until it surges against a lon'>- line of earth entrench- 
 ments like the Dutch dykes, which prevents its further advance. If you look 
 carefully upon the country mapped out beneath your feet, you may see certain 
 other ridges which look like old earth walls. They are some distance inland 
 now, and but just visible amongst villages, orchards, and country studded with 
 white comfortable-looking wooden farmhouses having verandahs and gardens 
 around, and you would be right in supposing that these old walls are ancient 
 dykes. Formerly the mighty tide of the Bay of Fundy, now restrained by the 
 outer walls, swept up to them. The inland dykes were made in old days— days 
 which have been rendered familiar to many by th^ genius of Longfellow, who 
 wrote the story of a time when the happiness of the old French Ackdian 
 dwellers in this valley had come to an end, and the war which had racred 
 between England and France had touched them too, and had compelled th^em 
 to leave to others the well-loved Grand Pr(^, or Great Meadow, which they 
 had tilled in security for some generations. 
 " In the Acadian land, on the shores of the Basin of Minas, 
 Distant, secluded, still, the little village of Grand-Prd 
 Lay in the fruitful valley. Vast meadows stretched to the eastward. 
 Giving the village its name, and pasture to flocks without number. 
 Dykes that the hands of the farmers had raised with labour incessant. 
 Shut out the turbulent tides ; but at stated seasons the flood-gates 
 Opened, and welcomed the sea to wander at will o'er the meadows. 
 West and south were fields of flax, and orchards and cornfields 
 Spreading afar and unfenced o'er the plain ; and away to the northward 
 Blomidon rose, and the forests old, and aloft in the mountains 
 Sea fogs pitched their tents, and mists from the mighty Atlantic 
 Looked on the happy valley, but ne'er from their station descended." 
 Longfellow's Evangeline. 
 This valley is only two or three hours distant by rail from Halifax, one of 
 the winter ports of the Dominion of Canada, a port to which steam vessels from 
 the Mersey sail every week. Its white farmhouses and its orchards are types of 
 many others to be found in various portions of the province of Nova Scotia 
 which is a province singularly rich in varied geological formations, and havincr,' 
 with a httle gold, what ,s far more valuable than any gold-field, great fields of 
 coal If wages were only as low in Nova Scotia as they are in England and 
 Scotland, one of her ports-the port of Pictou-would soon rival Glasgow or Belfast 
 ZhTn '' \^T "■°" shipbuilding port. Near it are mines almost as vast as 
 those of Lanarkshire. Close to the water are these great veins of coal of twenty 
 or thirty feet m th.ckness, and the galleries of the mine are so spacious that full- 
 grown horses are used, while the miner swings his pick, not crouched or cramped 
 in a bending attitude, but standing at his 
 full height. Close to the sea also, and close 
 to the coal-mines, are hills full of excellent 
 iron ore. Around almost every town in 
 Nova Scotia farms may be had where the 
 head of the family may be sure to have 
 excellent schooling for his children, a church 
 service exactly like his own at home to attend, and a ready market for any 
 produce he may raise. 
 The rich red soil is as deep and good at the head of the Bay of Fundy 
 where a comparatively narrow strip of land separates its waters from those of 
 Northumberiand Straits, as the Sound is called which separates the mainland and 
 I nnce Edward's Island. Very many of the apples which come to the English market, 
 and are sold as American apples, come from Canada. How delicious is this fruit, in 
 the hot autumn days, and the appearance of the great orchards, when spring spreads 
 G 2 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 ; I 
 a cloud of blossom over the luxuriant ^rass chequered with pleasant shade ! The 
 inland countries are rich in apple crops also, but there is no better tract thap the 
 Vale of Annapolis, stretchinjr from Windsor south-eastward behind the sheltering 
 hills which hide it from the northern winds. The little town called after Queen 
 Anne, which gives its name to the valley, and is situated at its end at the head 
 of a beautiful land-locked bay, has interesting associations with the past. It at 
 one time had the dignity of being the capital town of Nova Scotia, and our 
 governors used to reside there, troops occupied a carefully built fort, now in ruin, 
 and the British squadrons rode on the bay. It is now shorn of its glory. It 
 seemed to me to possess some wonderfully well-preserved old ladies, as well as 
 many pretty young ones. Among the things told me by one of the former, were 
 recollections of the days when she used to dance with the Duke of Kent, and 
 when she remembered seeing a negro slave-woman bound to one of the trees 
 near the court-house to receive a whipping ! The school where a promising lad 
 used to receive his lessons and an occasional birching was pointed out, for the 
 boy became Sir Fenwick Williams, the brave defender of Kars in Asia Minor 
 against the forces of the Russian General Mouravieff, in the war of 1854. But 
 Annapolis can tell, although not through the mouth of her living citizens, of 
 other warriors. 
 Above the present town, on the slope of the hills to the south, are the 
 remains of an old earthwork. It is all that remains of a French fort, and 
 from the grass-covered rampart was dug not long ago, one of the most beautifully 
 shaped and wrought arrow-heads ever carved by man. It was cut from a 
 perfectly pure piece of transparent quartz, and was finished like a gem. Point 
 and sh.u-i) barbs and short shaft were all as perfect as on the day when it 
 left the old Indian artist's hand, and was fixed to the feathered wood to be shot 
 from a bow against the earliest white settlers. It must have missed the armour 
 of the soldier against whom it was aimed, and have pierced only the turf, and 
 there remained hidden until brought to light by the English fanner. Against 
 whom was it thrown ? Probably against the palisades ^and ramparts erected 
 by De Poitrincourt, Seigneur under the lilies of France of the Valley of Port 
 Royal about the year 16 10. Delighted with the fair harbour and pleasant 
 neighbourhood, a military colony was here established; but the natives for 
 several years were unable to brook the presence of the strangers, and skirmishes 
 were freciueiu. As with the Spaniards in the south, the first care of the 
 Catholic adventurers was to beat the Indians, and then to persuade them to 
 adopt the true faith. To the ceremony of the surrender of the Indians 
 succeeded the ceremony of their admission within the pale of the Church. 
 The savages remained on the side of the Frencli in the wars afterwards fought 
 with the British, who in the time of Queen Anne conquered Port Royal and 
 changed its name in honour of their Queen. This is the story which is repeated 
 with varying incidents through all the long-drawn coasts of old Acadia. We 
 see first the forest village of the Red Indians, with its stockades and patches 
 ot maize around it ; then the landing from the ships under the white flag sown 
 with golden hlie., of armoured arquebussiers and spearmen ; the skirmishing 
 and the successful French settlement, to be followed by the coming of other 
 ships, with the red cross floating over the high-built sterns, and then the final 
 conflict, and the victory of the British arms. 
 Leaving the richer parts of Nova Scotia's territory, let us look at a 
 spot on the eastern shore of its great island. Cape Breton. This is Louisburg 
 of old a fortress called after the French king, and defended by some of the best 
 regiments of France. The shores are low and rocky, and the growth of wood 
 in the neighbourhood does not show much fertility of soil. A few fishermen's 
 houses at the head of a semicircular bay, guarded by low ridges of rock which 
 just peep above the sea, alone show that men now care to live there. But 
 there is a regularly shaped embankment at one place to the left as our vessel 
 casts anchor, and on landing we find ourselves in the centre of a space yet 
 hemmed in by the remains of a great rampart and ditch. Ruins of strong case- 
 mates, shattered vaulted buildings, and the traces of the foundations of 
 many structures are before us. These are all that remain of the key of New 
 France. Some of our party went by rail to examine the fine coal-mines near 
 Sydney, some miles away, and others took to digging for relics of old fights. 
 A plentiful harvest of these was soon secured, and a curious collection it was! 
 ihere was a copper coin of Louis XIII. and soldiers' buttons and buckles. 
 There was a portion of an exploded hand-grenade, the remnant of an old 
 sword, the brass-work of which around the hilt was unimpaired, although green 
 with age ; there was even the breech piece of a small cannon, and the barrel 
 of a musket. Had these lain buried ever since the day that saw the arrival of 
 General Wolfe and the fleet bringing him to conquer in the enterprise which 
 assured to him the command in the weightier operations undertaken subse- 
 quently against Quebec ? We tried to realise amid the present loneliness and 
 peaceful desolation the animated scene of the attack. We fancied the ramparts 
 around us again square and trim with their masonry and earthworks. We watched 
 the cannoneers and infantry massed in rear of the fortifications and alert behind 
 the parapets and traverses. Again the British fleet, with high sterns and 
 crowded sail, and accompanied by an armada of small craft, came gallantly into 
 the bay. Then from the cloud of smoke vomited from the French lines and 
 the towering sides of the ships flew the hail of rushing round-shot. But the 
 water between the shore and the fleet is now alive with boats, and the patter of 
 musketry is succeeded by a roar and rattle of guns which drown all other sounds. 
 No one can hear his comrade's voice. The rain of fire has sunk several boats, 
 and the surf on the beach will surely prevent a landing. But, no ! a slight 
 figure stands up in the leading barge and waves his cocked hat. His com- 
 panions in crowds leap into the white foam and, landing, form under the little 
 cover afibrded by the first ridge of soil above the sands. More and more suc- 
 ceed in effecting a lodgment. The French have lost their opportunity, and on 
 Canadian Pictukes. 
 the blood-stained beach the Enghsh are firmly established. The fall of the town 
 is only a question of days ; and the surrender of Louisburg gives over all but 
 the St. Lawrence to the Anglo-Saxon rule. It was not long before the place 
 was found inferior to Halifax, where a harbour which is never closed by ice has 
 since become a flourishing town. 
 A fine old frigate, the Grafton, lost her rudder in a storm off Louisburg in 1 758, 
 and we see in the engraving how she was fitted with a temporary steering gear. 
 Disabled as she was, she safely reached the English coast by the aid of this last 
 contrivance, it was in such ships that Wolfe's army was conveyed to America, 
 the larger vessels being furnished on their poops with great lanterns, to show the 
 fleet their position. 
 The "Grafton" with Tkmpukaky Rluuek. 
 {From an ohl f>rint in the /osstwsion of the Mattjm's of Lonw.) 
 The present capital of Nova Scotia has been retained as a station for 
 imperial troops. A regiment of the line, with some artillery and engineers, 
 are there at present, and the forts commanding the entrance from the sea are 
 mounted with heavy guns, well protected. From the presence of the fleet in 
 summer, and the residence of many ofificers, the society in the city is very 
 pleasant, and nowhere are the winter sports of toboganning and skating 
 carried on with greater zest. Other sports are followed with a suc- 
 cess obtained with difficulty elsewhere, for within a day's walk of railways 
 there is good chance of getting a shot at moose. This immense deer, ugly 
 in form, but furnished with fine broad palmated horns, often five feet six inches 
 in their lateral spread, was rapidly becoming extinct in the province, but a law 
Shipbuilding in Nova Scotia. a-j 
 prescribing a close time has led to their increase. Of the^n^alitieT^ 
 members established the first settlements, there are communities around Lunen- 
 burg largely German m their composition ; and on the north shore, between 
 Weymouth and Yarmouth, a colony of Acadians keep very much of their early 
 manners and customs. The Highlanders, who are numerous in many places' 
 and especially near the Straits of Canso and in the Island of Cape Breton, retain 
 the Gaehc language m great purity. Sometimes an Acadian is to be found with 
 a German w.fe, both using a queer English dialect, as might be expected, and 
 one case is mentioned in which a man speaking only Italian was married to a 
 woman who spoke only Gaelic ! 
 Among natural curiosities the 
 locality known as The Joggins is 
 the best worth visiting, as showing 
 in great perfection sections of the 
 coal-measures, where great trees 
 have been perfectly preserved, and 
 may be examined along with the 
 beautiful ferns and other plants 
 which flourished in the hot marshes 
 of the days when as yet the North- 
 ern Continent had a climate warmer 
 than that of Central America. 
 Land is not dear in Nova 
 Scotia, and a good farm may be had 
 for /200 or /300, while tenancies 
 can be had cheaply, the occupier 
 having only to pay from two to 
 five dollars per acre for the land. 
 The industry of shipbuilding 
 still occupies many skilful hands ; 
 but it is likely to employ fewer 
 as iron ships come mol-e and more into use. There is yet a vast number 
 of vessels sent out, so that the Dominion stands fourth among nations 
 in the possession of tonnage. Every few miles along the coast may be seen 
 vesses m all stages of progress, and of all sizes, from the small yawl to 
 the clipper of fifteen and sixteen hundred tons. The wi.vrfs at St John 
 Wew Liverpool, Lunenburg, and Yarmouth are crowded with home-made 
 cratt, smart, and stoutly built. You may even see large boats building in the 
 back gardens of men whose ancestors came from Devon or other English 
 seataring counties, and whose workmanship will now stand the test of the 
 rudest gale. 
 Let me now take the reader across the gulf into whose rushing tides we 
 looked from the heights of Blomidon to its northern shore, and on inland, past 
 The Moose. 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 the ridges which shelter it from the sea, to a great valley, called the Vale of 
 Sussex, in the province of New Brunswick. Beautiful trees are scatter-J in 
 groups, such as those you see in an English park, over meadows and cornfields 
 bright and golden under the unfailing August sun. Here too you have beauti- 
 fully situated lands for sale, because the young man who owned them has taken 
 a fancy for wilder life and still larger returns on the North-Western prairie ; and 
 yet you wonder he couLl leave a place so enticing by its beauty, and so certain 
 to give the comforts and requisites of domestic family life and of a civilised 
 community; and as you go on down this valley to the south, and arrive at another 
 great harbour which is never sealed in winter, and which is surrounded by the 
 buildings of the flourishing and enterprising town of St. John, you marvel yet 
 more at the restlessness of mankind, so conspicuously shown by your own race, 
 which seems never to be content unless it is browsing like a horse against the 
 wind, and \i\\ go on moving westward until it knocks its head agairst the Rocky 
 Mountains ; and even then is not content, but wanders farther westward yet, until 
 it comes to the distant Pacific shore, and there, finding often thai it cannot go 
 farther westward without becoming sea-sick, returns by the nearest train again 
 eastward. But there are fortunately many left who have not been invaded by 
 the restless spirit, and who prefer their ease in older settlements, and are content 
 with being the heirs of the labour of generations who have gone before them. 
 Of such, perhaps, the reader may be one, whom I would ask to accompany me 
 for a moment up the river which flows up the harbour of St. John, as far as 
 the town of Frederickton. This is a delightful little city, ornamented with 
 magnificent willow-trees in its principal streets, and having a beautiful, broad, 
 and clear-watered river running past its comfortable and cleanly houses. The 
 settlers round about have e.xcellent lands and are mostly of British descent ; but 
 farther up stream you may see a most flourishing community of Danes, who, 
 finding all they want he^re, have, like sensible people, recently settled down, and 
 have written to many of their friends and kinsfolk to come out to them and do 
 as they have done. 
 Frederickton is ninety miles from the sea. Above the capital steamers 
 may navigate the stream for about sevenCy miles further. The great cataract 
 of the Grand Falls, where the river plunges down in " clouds of snow-white 
 foam " a distance of eighty feet, is well worth seeing, but the distance is some- 
 what great, as one has to travel 225 miles from the river's mouth to see its floods 
 take their headlong leap among the upper forests. By canoe it is possible to 
 cross from "^^he parent sources of the St. John River to those of the streams 
 which flow into the Bay of Chaleur, at the other extremity of New Brunswick, 
 with a comparatively short portage. The pleasure of such an expedition in fine 
 spring or autumn weather is very great. When the waters become too strong 
 for the canoe to be " poled up," or dangerous in their descent, the voyager lands 
 and makes a " portage," that is, the canoe is hauled out, and, placed on an Indian's 
 back, is borne at a trot through the shaded parts of the wood to the next piece 
The Forests of New Brunswick. 
 of water where .t can agam be safely launched. The camp fire at night throws 
 out mto rehef the straight stents of the fir trees, and the showers ^of spark 
 which start Irom the red logs whenever fresh fuel is added, rise to fade away 
 overhead among the thick branches, through which the stars look down on the 
 mystenous gloom of the forest, which hems in the little circle of life and lieht 
 around the camp fire. The silence of these woods is remarkable. In sharp fros 
 you hear the trees rrack, as though pistol shots had been fired, but at all other 
 TfTerdure." ""'^ '"'^'"' ^'""'"'''^ '''' '"'' ''"'"^ '^'"^ '" '^'' g*-^^" ''^'^^ 
 The feeling of such solitude is oppressive, and one is glad to sleep near the 
 mus.c of water. In travelling far. it is well to take plenty of food, for 
 there is none to be obtamed from any botanical studies of moss, roots, or grass 
 Berries may be found, but they will not sustain life. Professor Logan, in making 
 such a journey was nearly starved to death, and had it not been for the good luck 
 of shootmg a fisher or otter, might have left his bones in the woods. Where 
 there ,s good soil the hard-wood trees, such as maple, elm, ash, and birch, abound, 
 and marvellously beautiful is the autumn colouring of many of them. The maole 
 especially flaunts her boughs in the most vivid green," crimson, gold, and scarlet. 
 So intense are the colours that if attempted to be rendered by painting, the 
 picture ooks unnatural. Sometimes the trees seem literally on fire ; but often 
 you will see one part of the foliage of a tree still wearing its summer tint, while 
 the leaves borne by other branches are blazing with saffron and vermilion. The 
 oaks are not so often met with, but when they occur they wear a claret-coloured 
 autumn dress, while the birch and poplar and elm prefer a light yellow. The 
 effect of this colouring is wonderfi.l. especially when repeated in the still waters 
 of a lake, and seen from your canoe, as your men, noiselessly dipping their 
 paddles, keep you gliding over a surface which is dyed in all the hues of these 
 was more or less known to 
 gorgeous groves. All the New Brunswick coast ... u.u.. u. ,ess Known to 
 Uiamplain, who gives a description, accompanied with maps, cf many of the 
 harbours. He was particularly impressed with the advantages of St. John, and 
 of he islands which he a ong the shore of the Bay of Fundy. One of these, now 
 called Campobello, is a charming retreat from the heat of the interior. There is 
 an excellent hotel, and there are pleasant roads along its shores, which are well 
 sheltered by woods. Situated near the mainland railways, it is easily reached, 
 and IS becoming a very favourite place for the enjoyment of bathing and summer 
 amusements. With the exception of Dalhousie and Carlton, on the Bay of 
 Lhaleur, it is one of the most accessible and pleasantly-situated places for a 
 seaside sojourn. 
 Some of the readers of this book who are interested in geology, and who 
 may have read Hugh Miller's works on the old red sandstone of Scodind, shodd 
 visit, near Campbeltown, the quarries where splendid specimens of fish have 
 been taken from the Devonian measures in that neighbourhood. These fish 
 belong to the great family which were provided with armour, somewhat in the 
 Canadian I'icturks. 
 nianniT of the nioilern sturgeon, and in these New Urunswick beds each plate 
 and joint of their curious structure has been perfectly preserved. 
 New Brunswick's fair lands are by no means confined to the St. John's 
 and Sussex valleys, but belt the whole province along its seaward face wherever 
 the forest has been cleared, or the rivers, tilled with salmon and sea-trout, run 
 A ViF.w ON Till-; Hay <i|' Kr.Niiv. 
 into the narrow seas facing the fertile island of Prince Edward, or northward 
 into the bay whose summer warmth made the first French discoverers call it the 
 Heated Gulf. It is often supposed that the winter of these maritime provinces 
 makes it impossible for the farmer to do much during the cold season— that during 
Nkw Bkunswick, 
 ch plate 
 :. John's 
 out, run 
 1 it the 
 thnt tinu; he is si 
 liut in by the frost and tht 
 JUt Wll 
 snow. A gr 
 i the more certain it is that the 
 K„ If ...,♦•! • A I .. ■"' ""■■ "'" '^*' '^^■P' warm and well manured 
 by .t unt 1 m Apnl or May it suddenly disappears, and the wondrously nu ck 
 growth of verdure an.l of flowers takes its place! There is by no mer no ^ 
 to be done m the wmter time. The animals have to be Iook,.l after and Td ht 
 wood has to be cut and hauled in sledges over the snow ; there iT plentV to 
 Zforr; I' ir'Tn '^^'" '^ ^ '''''%'-^'' "^ ^^^" ^- friendly \:isits tf g^ 
 ur . or for the healthy amusements of that time of the year, the farmer who 
 has <lunng the summer to work from the early niorning until the evening is bv 
 no means sorry for the variety afforded by a little leisure ^' ^ 
 v.sit of b,g, pale-faced strangers in ages long past. The story tells that these 
 ame and drove away the sons of the forest, and built for themselves houses of 
 one on the shore ; that they drank from horn cup.s. shouting as they drank "nd that by the results of an eartlK|uake. which changed The course of th'e S 
 uhn nver they were overwhelmed by its flood and perished. This may be a 
 trad.t.on of the first landing on the American continent of the ScandinavL! 
 warriors, of whom we have traces in some rock carvings in New England, and 
 whose voyages arc mentioned in the northern sagas 
 There is a terrible memory of a catastrophe of our own days among the 
 people on the banks of the Miramichi. Before the trees were so much cleared 
 away as they now are, the villagers had often seen fires in the woods, but little 
 thought of the d-saster which a dry season and the summer winds wer; to bring 
 upon them. One n.ght a cry arose that a great conflagration was coming down 
 upon them. The whole sky was red with the glare from the rushing flames 
 vvlHch caught the fir branchc^s and leaped on with incredible rapidity'towards 
 the 1. tie town by the nver. F .ercer and hotter grew the blast, and men. women 
 and c uldren. crowdmg from the houses, knew they could not save their proper y.' 
 and thought only of preservmg their lives. As the blaze encroached yet more 
 upon them, they waded mto the river, the waters of which had in their upper 
 course become so warm that the fish died in numbers. But even the stream 
 proved no refuge for the despairing people, for the dense volumes of pungent 
 smoke descended on them, and lay along the water, and suffocated hundreds. 
 A more awful v.s.tat.on can hardly be conceived ; but it was repeated a few years 
 Tes'b fx^enf"' *"'"''"'' "'"'" ^"""'^ ""^^''^'''^^ in clearings severll 
 The Atlantic shore is flat, but inland there are tracts of most picturesque 
 country, where the clear streams run among hills clothed in charming natural 
 vanety. with birch, poplar, fir. pine, and maple. One of the best salmon rivers 
 jn the wor d ,s that named the Restigouche, which forms for part of its course the 
 boundary hnc between this province and that of Quebec. In one pool three 
 canoes can sometmies be seen in June. July, and August, fishing with success 
 H 2 
 Canaihan Pictures. 
 for the immensti salmon which come up from the Hay of Chaleurs. The average 
 fish are from twenty to thirty pounds in weight, but forty to forty-five pound fish 
 are not uncommon. The Cascapedia, on the upper shore of the Bay of Chaleurs, 
 is perhaps the best salmon stream in the uorkl. It runs through a sylvan 
 Cascapedia CdiTAci:. 
 {From a Sketch by tlw May<inis <>/ Lorne.) 
 paradise, and it is not wonderful that for the season of 1.SS4 the fishing belong- 
 ing to the Government has alone been let for i,2CX)/. The house shown in the 
 engraving is one I put up at a spot ten miles from the sea, and close to the head- 
 quarters of President Arthur, who in past seasons used to come every year to 
 this river. 
A Nkw Brunswick Salmon Stream. 
 The only drawback to the pleasure of Canadian sport in summer consists 
 in the number of flies. There is a minute sand-fly which appears to enjoy its 
 sport in feeding on man and other animals for an hour or two each sunrise and 
 sunset, and makes the skin of the afflicted feel as though it were burning. 
 There is the black fly, which has the sense to go to sleep at night, but which is 
 very lively during the day. It is somewhat smaller than the common English 
 house-fly, and enjoys its repast by taking a tiny bite of a wedge shape out of 
 the flesh, and draws blood. Then there is the sleepless and scientific mosquito, 
 with its odious pinging flight, and quiet settling on the part chosen by it for the 
 insertion of its sucking proboscis and the pushing home of this implement of 
 torture. Lastly, there is a formidable apparition, called the moose-fly, which one 
 of our friends declared seemed to him so big that when one came into the 
 canoe at one end he felt he must get out at the other, as there could not be 
 room for both. The moose-fly too has great power of satisfying his appetite ; but 
 in the case of all these pests, habit does a great deal to reconcile the fisherman to 
 his lot, and with veils and tar-ointment he may defy the insect persecution. But it 
 is worth while to experience some inconvenience, if accompanied by such enjoyment 
 as that which can be gained by living for a time in summer among these beautiful 
 wildernesses. What greater pleasure can man have than to recline in his 
 canoe while his sturdy Indians propel the light little craft up the stream ? 
 The clear current allows every stone under its gliding surface to be 
 distinctly seen. Often it is too strong to allow any but the slowest progress to 
 be made against it, but by taking advantage of the side eddies, and then deftly 
 fronting the impetuous rush over gravel bank or rock ledge, the traveller is 
 brought past the difficulty, and another quiet reach opens before him. And 
 now he has time to look around him and to watch a couple of eagles, which have 
 been soaring in circles high in the blue heaven, descend to perch on the withered 
 top of a tall fir. Soon one swoops down to the shallows and darts at something 
 in the water. There is a splash, a violent flapping of wings, and a desperate 
 struggle, which ends in the great white-headed bird dragging to land a fine 
 salmon. As the canoe swings along under the bank the grey kingfishers forsake 
 the hanging thuya boughs on which they have kept their watch, and wiih a 
 chattering cry pass over to the other side. You can hear the big owls lamenting 
 from the thickets, and from the same quarter comes the loud drumming sound 
 from the grouse as he stands flapping his wings, making music with them for his 
 mate as she sits on her nest. The heron, with his great eye of crimson, and 
 handsome plumes of white and black, is a more constant fisher than any 
 furnished with rod, reel and artificial flies, and his leaden wings carry him with 
 slow flapping away in front of you. There are mosquito hawks wheeling with 
 pointed wings in sharp twists and curves, ai/d our wishes go with them that 
 they may caich plenty of the common enemy. But there are many smaller 
 birds of much beauty, the lovely vireos, warblers and fly-catchers, and the 
 crimson finch and his smaller cousin, the indigo bird, decked out in Prussian 
li I 
 1 1- 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 blue, and, if the eye be looking for them, the ruby- throated humming-bird may 
 be detected perched on some branch end and seen against the sky. 
 On one of the few bare spots on the hill-side where grass and copse are visible 
 there are some dark specks moving, and these are bears, who are impertinent 
 and hungry enough occasionally to come down to the camp kitchen. They are 
 often caught in an ingenious trap. Within an inclosure to which there is but 
 one entrance, a bait of honey is fixed to a piece of wood, which, when pulled 
 brings down on the head or 
 neck of the bear a heavy cross- 
 bar weighted by thick logs, thus 
 either killing or capturing him. 
 But there is another kind of 
 " large game " more easily 
 secured, namely, the cariboo 
 or reindeer. These may be 
 A Salmon Kivkr, New liRi'Nswicn 
 seen singly or in pairs during the hot weather drinking at the river-side, 
 their palmated horns curving prettily forward, and their coat, dark-brown at this 
 season, showing against the background of ferns and mosses on the bank. They 
 have indeed here a sylvan paradise ; and if there are disagreeable insects, are 
 there not also others of rare beauty ? The yellow butterfly, with black markings, 
 known in England as the " swallow-tail," may be seen in great numbers, groups of 
 from ten to one hundred being often clustered together on some rnck where they 
Canadian Flowers. 
 have found food. The Camberwell beauty and other kinds are common. Nor 
 are flowers wanting in the rich grasses under the whitewood and mountain ashes. 
 spring may be seen 
 the lovely trillium, 
 with its triple-leaved 
 blossom spangling with 
 white stars the moist 
 and shady ground. Later in the 
 year great yellow marigolds rise at 
 the water's edge, and further up among 
 the tangled jungle of the steep bank 
 the white and crimson lady's 
 ■^ \ ^ slipper may be seen, with 
 A| ^^J anemones and the ivory-like 
 (,\j flowerets of the Indian tea or 
 partridge berry. Alas ! most of the 
 Canadian flowers are scentless, and, 
 beautiful as they are, they cannot com- 
 pare with the wealth of England's spring 
 in violet, primrose, foxglove, and hyacinth. 
 It is now time to take a look at the is- 
 land, famous for its horses and its oats, 
 which lies at the other side of the narrow 
 sea called the Straits of Northumberland, 
 an island named after the Queen's father, 
 Edward, Duke of Kent^ A summer 
 voyage thither is a pleasant experience ; 
 but an expedition across that same strip 
 ^ ^^ , , of sea in the winter time can hardly be 
 recommended as an amusement. The tides are strong, and the northern current 
 bnng. the ice down m thick masses. The ice blocks float along, often piling up 
 Canadian 1 i.owkrs. 
 1 k 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 against each other, jamming and crunching in white hummocks which remind one 
 of pictures in the Arctic voyages of Franklin, Parry, and McClure. A fine steamer, 
 sheathed with iron, was built some years ago, and this vessel makes the passage 
 tediously, but generally with success, so that it is no longer necessary to trust to 
 the disagreeable and uncertain mode of transit used in former days, when an open 
 boat was hauled over an ice raft to be launched in the next clear lead of water, 
 and then again tugged out, to be again launched, until the perilous passage had 
 been accomplished. There are now over 110,000 people on the island, and no 
 pleasanter place can be desired for a summer stay. It is considered certain that 
 improved means of communication will be devised for this winter passage ; 
 and as at one point there are only nine miles of water to be traversed, it will 
 be surprising if this is not secured, for the ice never forms a bridge across, but 
 is swept backwards and forwards by the strong tides. 
 In summer the fresh breezes from the ocean insure coolness, and the long 
 stretches of white sands give excellent places for bathing. A railway runs the 
 whole length of the land, which is excellently cultivated, and many a hard-worked 
 professional man forgets his toil and renews his energy among the swelling fields 
 and picturesque coves near Summerside, or on the breeze-swept dunes of Rustico. 
 In the bays and little river estuaries, the inhabitants have found a mine of 
 wealth in the so-called mussel mud. This is a deposit varying from five to 
 twenty feet in depth, formed by decayed oyster, clam and mussel shells. Rich 
 in the remains of these shell-fish, this mud has proved a most admirable manure, 
 and it is regularly dug out and carted on to the fields, whose crops and pasture 
 show how well the care bestowed on them has paid the farmer. Charlotte Town, 
 the capital of the little province, has fine wide streets, as yet insufficiently 
 planted with trees, and a pleasant neighbourhood. There is a good deal of 
 trade with the United States and Newfoundland, as well as with the opposite 
 side of the Straits. The fisheries are well served by all our maritime popula- 
 tion, who take naturally to the salt water. The chief catch is of mackerel and 
 cod. The amount of these annually taken is enormous. Perhaps the best, 
 fitted vessels for this fishery are the schooners which come from Gloucester in 
 Massachusetts ; and it is to be desired that our people would imitate more the 
 co-operation which makes the use of such fine boats profitable. The cod are 
 dried and pressed and sent to South America and to the southern lands of 
 Europe, where the consumption of them among the Roman Catholic population 
 is very large. 
 The mackerel is somewhat uncertain in its habits, frequenting certain parts 
 of the sea in countless shoals i • many years, and then often disappearing for a 
 time, to re-appear again as betore. In this it resembles the herring, which 
 swarmed on some banks off Sweden, making towns which sent out its people 
 for them prosperous. Suddenly, the herring vanished, and the towns decayed. 
 Lately these towns have again seen trade revived, for the herring have again 
 come, and are as numerouF. as before. So with the mackerel. At present the 
 Massachusetts banks enjoy their presence, but they will return to their old 
 quarters, and it is on this account much to be desired that regulations be made 
 which shall preserve them for the benefit of the fishermen both of Canada and 
 the United States, and that an international agreement be arrived at, which 
 shall under specified conditions throw open the fisheries to seamen of both 
 The lobster is in great demand, and the capture of these again requires 
 regulation, for in some localities their breeding season varies from What it is in 
 other places. The factories where this crustacean is prepared for the market 
 dot the coasts. They are caught in creels placed in comparatively shallow 
 water, and are brought to the houses, where large vats await them. In these 
 they are boiled, their meat e.Ktracted, and packed in hermetically sealed tin 
 cases. The carapace is too often thrown away, for it makes capital manure, and 
 the gravel or sand of the sea-shore is reddened in many spots by the cast-away 
 Off Prince Edward's Island there are capital beds of an oyster smaller 
 than that procured further south, but of excellent quality. A commission 
 composed of scientific men is wanted to go round -among the fishermen and 
 others interested in the canning and fishing, to inquire as to the best means of 
 preserving these valuable supplies of food. 
 But there is another island to the north which we must not leave without 
 notice, although, strictly speaking, it does not come within our range in speaking 
 of the Dominion. This is the great island of Newfoundland, having a surface as 
 great as that of England. She has not yet joined the Canadian union, showing 
 the influence in this exerted by the " dividing seas ; " and although her progress has 
 been great, she naturally suffers from the want of stronger backing than her own, 
 to carry out the public works necessary for the development of her remarkable 
 territory. People think of this country as a bare littoral, swept by glacial seas, 
 and inhabited only by a tew fishermen. Nothing can be further from the truth 
 —to be sure, she does smell of fish ; and a very good thing this is for her. But 
 in the years to come she will have great mining communities, for copper, iron, 
 lead, silver, and coal are all stored in good quantity beneath her .soil. She has 
 large areas of fine land, beautifully varied by her woods and streams. Gypsum 
 IS found on her western side, where the scenery is of peculiar interest. Long arms 
 of the sea indent the coast, which is graced by the covering of pine and fir. 
 Elsewhere on the American continent the Atlantic .seaboard is tame and fiat, but 
 in Newfoundland the shores are bold and rocky, like those on the north of the 
 St. Lawrence, and no man need complain of the tameness of the aspect. 
 The colony has long burst the bonds which would have tied her down to be a 
 mere producer of stock fish and .seal oil. Yet, stran^re to say, this was the fate 
 which was deliberately sought to be imposed upon her by her early governors. 
 They would not allow the erection of houses without written pernr'ssion, and 
 this prohibition was maintained up to 1811. 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 In the year 1790 Governor Milbankc wrote to Mr. G. Hutchins: " I have 
 considered your request respectin^r the alteration which you wish to make to 
 your store-house near the water-side, and as it appears that the alteration will 
 not he in any way injurious to the fishery, you have hereby permission to make 
 it. As to Alexander Laig's house, which has been built contrary to His 
 Majesty's express commands, made known to the inhabitants of this place by 
 my proclamation of the 13th of last month, it must and shall come down. I 
 shall embrace this opportunity of warning you against making an improper use 
 of any other part of (what you are pleased to call) your ground, for you may 
 rest assured that every house or other building erected upon it hereafter, with- 
 out the permission in writing of the governor for the time being, except such 
 building and erection as shall be actually and on purpose for the curing, drying, 
 salting, and husbanding of fish, must unavoidalily be taken down and removed, 
 in obedience to His Majesty's said commands. And it may not be amiss at 
 the same time to inform you, I am also directed not to allow any possession as 
 private property to be taken of, or any right of property whatever to be ac- 
 knowledged in any land whatever, which is not actually employed in the fishery." 
 The next governor, named VV^aldegrave, writes in 1797 lo the sheriff, "Your 
 having suffered Thomas Nevan to put up. what you are pleased to call a few 
 sheds is clearly an infraction of my orders ; you will therefore direct him to 
 remove them immediately ; which if not complied with, I desire that you will 
 yourself see the order executed. You will take good care that Jeremiah 
 Manoty and John Fitzgerald do not erect chimneys to their sheds, or even light 
 fires in them of any kind." 
 And even now the same almost incredible state of affairs exists along what 
 is known as the " French Shore." This " French Shore " is nearly the whole of 
 the coast-line facing the St. Lawrence Gulf, namely, the western shore. By 
 the treaties with France, the French have the concurrent right to use the shore 
 for the purpose of drying and curing their fish. Neither they nor the Newfound- 
 landers are allowed there to erect dwelling-houses, except as necessa/y for the 
 fish-curing operations. No settler may have his farm on that forbidden territory, 
 for it " would interfere with the fisheries." It is needless to go into the many 
 disputes which have arisen from this intolerable arrangement. Naturally, the 
 French have striven to get all they can, and have interpreted the words of the 
 treaty to mean that they possess rights of exclusion of the natives, which could 
 never have been intended. The evil is a great one, and most detrimental to the 
 progress of the colony. The best plan w ould be to buy the French rights, or, if 
 this cannot be arranged, certain definite spots should be given to them absolutely, 
 as we left Pondicherry to them in India, and as the islands off the Newfoundland 
 coast of Micquelon and St. Pierre were left to them. Such stations would serve 
 their purpose in encouraging the fishermen of St. Malo to cross the seas in 
 pursuit of their industry, and would free tlv remainder of the country from a 
 condition of affairs through which it cannot be profitably used by .u\y one. 
St. John's, Newfoundland. 
 Where else in the world can it be found that it is considered necessary to keep 
 a shore a desert in order that fisheries may not be interfered with ? 
 1 he capital, St. John's, has an excellent harbour, the entrance to which is 
 in a jrap in bold masses of rock, which rise abruptly from the sea. About 30,000 
 people mhabit the place. In exchaii.t^e for their dried fish they get from 
 Portugal the best port wine ; and it is really only in Newfoundland or from 
 (ioiNG 10 Church in Canada uukinu a Flood. 
 Newfoundland that the Englishman drinks the purest wine of this kind, unless 
 he takes especial pains to procure it direct. Brazil and the Roman Catholic 
 states of Europe all take large quantities of the island's fish ; but its exports 
 ought to be far larger, considering the excellence of much of its land, its 
 undoubtetl riches in metals, and the shortness of the sea passage to Europe. !t 
 I 2 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 was from Ireland to Cape Trinity that the first Atlantic cable was laid ; and it is 
 across Newfoundland that the cheapest and quickest route must always be 
 obtained. Whitticr finely expressed the hopes of the nations when the electric 
 wire was first made to bind to.<,fether the two worlds. 
 "() lonely Hay of 'Irinity, 
 Ye bosky sliorcs untrod, 
 Lean hrcathless to the white-lipped sea. 
 Anil hear the voice of (Jod! 
 From world to world His couriers lly, 
 'rhought-winj^ed and shod with fire; 
 Tile angel of His stormy sky 
 Rides down the sunken wire. 
 What saith the herald of the Lord ? 
 'The world's long strife is done; 
 Close wedded by tiiat mystic cord, 
 The continents are tine. 
 And one in iieart, as one in blood, 
 Shall all the peoples be ; 
 The hands of human brotherhood 
 Are clasped benealii the sea. 
 Through Orient seas, o'er Afric's plain, 
 And Asian mountains borne. 
 The vigour of the northern brain 
 Shall nerve the world outworn. 
 From clime to clime, from shore to shore, 
 Shall thrill the magic thread; 
 The new Prometheus steals once more 
 The fire that wakes the dead. 
 Throb on, strong pulse of thunder ! beat 
 From answering beach to beach ; 
 Fuse nations in thy kindly heat, 
 And melt the chains of e.ich ! 
 Wild terror of the sky above, 
 Glide tamed and dumb below ! 
 liear gently, (Kean's carrier dove, 
 Thy errands to and fro. 
 Weave on, swift shuttle of the Lord, 
 Beneath the deep so far. 
 The bridal robe of Earth's accord. 
 The funeral shroud of war I 
 For lo ! the fall of Ocean's wall. 
 Space mocked, and Time outrun ; 
 And round the world the thought of each 
 Is as the thought of one ! 
 The poles unite, the zones agree. 
 The tongues of striving cease ; 
 As on the Sea of (lalilee 
 The Christ is whispering. Peace ! " 
 " A glad prophecy " indeed ; but how for off yet is its fulfilment ! 
 The wild and barren coasts of Lalirador are under the island's government. 
 There may be some minerals here also, but up to the present it has not paid 
 to work any veins found on that sterile coast. There is a beautiful spar called 
 " Labradorite," found in boulders, possessing a gleam as of shot silk, and shining 
 like a flash of blue light when exposed to the sun. 'i'his is the only marketable 
 mineral exported ; but in fur and fish getting there is plenty to do. At the Fur 
 Company's and fishing stations dogs are always kept for winter transport, a team 
 being driven with four in a line, tandem fashion, and not, as with the Ksciuimaux, 
 abreast. .Strange tales are told of the cleverness of dog.s. It is even 
 The "Sakuiman" in the Re off XtuEui'NULANi^. 
 averred that they catch fish for themselves in the shallows during all the summer 
 season, and are not fed, except in the winter. One gentleman gravely assured 
 us that his dogs went out morning and evening for their fish breakfast and 
 supper, and that he had seen that their manner of catching the fish was to dabble 
 a paw gently on the surface of the water. The fish, innocent as they are in 
 those latitudes, then come to see what is disturbing the surface, and are imme- 
 diately seized in the clever dog's jaws. One dog, having a small white patch on 
 a black paw, was noted as being especially successful in attracting the fish by this 
 pied paw moving near the surface of the pool ! 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 Little as Newfoundland is known to the tourist, it is well worth his while to 
 stop to explore its hills, valleys, and great open " barrens," the home of the 
 cariboo deer, which luxuriates on the pastures round its lakes and morasses, and 
 on the peculiar white mosses which make some parts look as though a white 
 hoar-frost had lain on the ground, despite the hot sun of summer. Although so 
 few people visit the country, the first si^^ht of an coast is hailed with joy by 
 hundreds of thousands, for it assures then\ nfter their six-days' sea passage from 
 Liverpool that they are about to enter through the Straits of Bellihle into t. . 
 sheltered gulf; that the pains and perils of the open sea are past ; and that after 
 two days' more steaming through calm waters, they will arrive at Quc-bec or 
 It is before they reach sight of land that the passengers on the steamships 
 are refreshed and entertained by the beautiful and curious sight of icebergs and 
 ice-floes floating southward to the warmer latitudes, to be scattered and dispersed 
 off the American coast. The great glaciers of Greenland, ever pushing downwards 
 from the interior towards the shore, descend in long cliffs into the sea, and, as 
 the thaws exert their influence, bits of the ice-cliff become detached, and fall 
 with a roar into the water, floating off to commence that summer voyage which 
 causes occasional anxiety to the officers of the watch on shipboard. It is, 
 however, only when there is a thick fog, or when the vessel is running quickly 
 during a dark night, that there is any risk of collision with the bergs. The 
 Arizona, on her passage from New York to Liverpool, lately ran full tilt at night 
 against an ice-mountain, receiving a terrible shock, but luckily making no 
 impression on her antagonist. Sometimes these bergs are shaped into 
 overhanging peaks, which, with such a stroke, might topple down on the deck. 
 But with the Arizona this was fortunately not the case, and so admirably did the 
 vessel's water-tight compartments serve their purpose, that, although the bow 
 was much damaged, the ship had not the slightest difficulty in putting into 
 St. John's for temporary repairs, and in subsequently continuing on her course 
 to England, 
 r 'I 
 I. : ' 
 11 a; 
 Ontario— Niagara— Ottawa— Ki.\nsTo\— The Tiiousanp Islands— Toronto— Miss Ryk's Home — Religion 
 IN THE Province— I'HE Fair at Toronto— Ontarian Agriculture— Food and Fruit Supply— Duck 
 Shooting— The Beaver — Western Ontario. 
 LE)T US now look at a view in the great Province of Ontario, 900 miles to 
 , the west, a province which is by far the wealthiest and the most poijiilous 
 of any province in the Confederation. It has two millions of people, chiefly 
 descended from Entrlish and Scottish stock. VVe will, if yoi please, place 
 ourselves on a heiji^ht not far from the famous whirlpool in the Nia'^ara 
 Rapids where poor Captain Webb recently met the death which it may be 
 almost said he courted, for no livinjr being has ever come from those rapids 
 alive. The roaring river flows along in a deep and wide chasm upon our rifht, 
 and we are standing on a ridge which dips down to lower land along the river 
 side in steep cliffs fringed with cedar and other wood. A tall monument in 
 the shape of a gigantic column crowned with a statue is behind us. This was 
 erected in memory of General Hrock, who gallantly led a force of Canadian 
 militia and regulars against the steep heights on which were standing the 
 Americans, who had crossed and got possession. It was necessary to dislodf^e 
 them, and, like most British attacks of former days, it was delivered full in front. 
 The General fell at the head of his troops before the ascent had been begun, but 
 they, infuriat(Hl at his loss, swarmed up and gained the battle of Quecnstown 
 Heights. From where we are, and still better from the top of the column, to 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 'J. i 
 which a staircase gives access, a wonderful view is obtained over the surrounding 
 country. Looking up the river, we can see over wide stretches of orchard and 
 woodland a vapour-like steam rising. This is the smoke-spray ascending from 
 the great falls. Looking down the river, we see it flowing a few miles farther on 
 into a wide stretch of water, whose horizon, blue and distant, looks as though it 
 belonged to the ocean itself. This is the Lake of Ontario, which, great as it is, 
 is among the smallest in that group of vast inland seas called the Great Lakes 
 of America. Right and left along its shores the country has evidently been 
 cleared of its forests, now only remaining in picturesque groups, and is smiling 
 with cornfields, apple and peach orchards, and pasture. Far away, thirty miles 
 off, we may just discern the smoke as of a city, and the dim gleam as of many 
 houses. This is Toronto, one of the most prosperous of the young cities of the 
 continent. It has 100,00c people, is becoming the centre of a rapidly extending 
 network of railways, and has an importance already great, and which must 
 become far greater in the future. 
 And what is the condition of the people occupying this great territory, 
 which, although it was reclaimed only eighty years ago from the primeval woods, 
 is already as strong in population as some of the small European States, and is 
 sending out its multitudes annually to people the Far West, while the places 
 they have left are being filled by the settlers from the Old Worid ? It is a 
 people essentially British in character, having an intense pride in the successes 
 which have hitherto crowned their efforts and blessed their province, and 
 possessing a very perfect system of self-government, providing admirably for 
 the training of its youth. There is not a school throughout its broad expanse 
 which is not placed under the supervision of a master specially trained in the 
 art of teaching at two great central institutions, called Normal Schools, at 
 Toronto and Ottawa. Each district is assessed in a school tax, always cheer- 
 fully paid, and insuring for all the children the benefits of a free education. 
 The Central Government has nothing to do with education in Canada. This 
 is a matter which is entirely left to the Provincial Pariiaments, and regulated by 
 them as they think best. With this universal assessment the rights of the Roman 
 Catholic minority are carefully guarded. If at any place the Roman Catholics 
 can show that they have a sufficient number of children to form the classes of 
 a school they receive an adequate amount for the support of their separate 
 educational establishment. No children are compelled to attend, but practically 
 all do so, because men wish to obtain the benefit of the assessment they are 
 compelled to pay. The universities of this land, although too numerous, are 
 good, and the University of Toronto bids fair in time to become sufficiently 
 wealthy to attract the best professors, and to be fully equal to the demands made 
 upon it by the rapidly-increasing numbers of students, many of whom live 
 in denominational colleges aroand, and receive the benefit of its examinations. 
 Niagara has been so often described that we will only advert here to the 
 plan now proposed to form an international park on both sides of the river near 
 the cataract. On the American side many ugly buildings have been erected, and 
 some of these cannot be hidden by any scheme of tree planting. The great 
 hotels are so placed that no one can look from the Canadian shore at that part 
 of the falls which comes over the ledge of rock on the American side of Gc^t 
 Island without seeing them. But many other structures could be hidden by a 
 fringe of trees being allowed to possess the cliff edges. The island which 
 separates the waters is clothed with fine timber, and has only to be left alone. 
 If a strip on each side of the river were taken by the Canadian and United 
 States Governments respectively, all buildings not necessary for the accommo- 
 dation of visitors could be removed, and the dollars now exacted from all and 
 sundry who may wish to see the falls from various points of view would no longer 
 be levied. No one can visit this wonderful bit of scenery without desiring that 
 some such arrangement may be made. It is provoking enough now that, when 
 you wish to watch undisturbed the resistless blue sea which comes foaming over 
 the limestone edges, to precipitate itself in a long curving ridge into the gulf full 
 of thunder and of spray, the enjoyment of the sight should be interrupted by the 
 reminder from touts that an oilskin suit awaits you, if you will pay a dollar to 
 descend to the Cave of the Winds. If a man desires ,to get a conception of what 
 the contemporaries of Noah must have felt when the open flood-gates of heaven 
 sent the deluge over the land, let him place himself as near as he can to the 
 spot where the waters strike with a ceaseless reverberating roar the rocks at the 
 foot of the great Canadian Fall. He will then see the mass of the river apparently 
 toppling upon him from the skies, and will have borne in on him an impression 
 of the sublime strength of Nature's forces as successfully as if he had been 
 witness of an earthquake. The summer time is the best for seeing the falls, 
 for in the winter, wonderful as is the display of arcades of icicle and grottos of 
 glittering ice stalactite, the falls are too much hidden by the load of ice which 
 clings to every place where spray can reach, and leaves open only the parts 
 where the rush of waters is too heavy to allow the encroaching frost to have much 
 effect. Great huni mocks heap themselves along the base of the cataract, and a 
 complete bridge oi hillocky ice forms below the great cauldron. It is said that 
 the river froze to such an extent during one winter that the " ice jams " 
 consequent on the spring thaws took up for a while the whole river channel 
 above, and that so little water came down that a daring man ran out on to the 
 limestone ledge a third of the way over to Goat Island and got back in safety 
 before the river resumed its full width. So many "tall stories" are told at 
 Niagara that one must accept all with caution. 
 Let the Federal capital claim our notice here, as the official centre of this 
 province, although a town conr ected with it on the opposite side of the Ottawa 
 river is in Quebec. Now distant only two and a half hours by rail from 
 Montreal, Ottawa is easily reached, and during the session of the Federal 
 Parliament, from January to April or May, is crowded with legislators and others 
 from all parts of the Dominion. It was of old a mere station where the Hudson's 
 Hay voyageurs halted on their annual 
 trips to the forts of the north, when they 
 went to take supplies, and to bring 
 back furs collected during the winter. 
 Excellent timber was, and is still, ob- 
 tained from the country above it, and 
 its first importance was derived from 
 the lumber trade. It was called Bye 
 Town, after a General Kye, but was 
 a small place of no special attraction. 
 The iealousy between its bigger sisters 
 Montreal, Quebec, and Toronto, 
 when, in 1867, each of these 
 f\, cities desired to be named 
 the capital of the 
 newly-formed Dominion, induced the British, to whom the 
 Canadians referred the question, to name Bye Town or Ottawa as the best aid 
 "lost central situation for the assemblina of the Federal Parliament. The city is 
 placed on the banks of a broad stream, which narrows at one spot above the town 
 and pours over a steep ledge of rock, to expand immediately afrerwards, to flo-v on 
 in a channel navigable except at one place where there are rapids, until it empties 
 itsel , about eighty miles away, into the St. Lawrence. Forty miles to the south, 
 the last named mighty river is the boundary between Canada and the State of 
 New York. To the north-west, the Ottawa stretches on far mto the wilds, 
 having Its head-waters on the height of land which divides the basin of the 
 St. Lawrence from that of Hudson's Bay. 
 The Houses of Parliament are of good design, their outline of towers and 
 high-pitched roofs being particularly effective at a little distance, for they are 
 built on a clift jutting out into the stream. They contain a fine library 
 the chambers of the Senate, and the House of Commons, and the offices for 
 the use of the ministers, and the staffs of the various departments of the 
 ^ These buildings will remain and be increased in number as long as the 
 Canadian Parliament meets in the city ; but will the other buildings which we 
 see by the Cho-idiere Falls, a few hundred yards away, long remain ? These 
 structures are the saw-mills, which ,. jrk all night and all day during the spring, 
 the summer and the autumn months, cutting the logs which are floated down to 
 them into planks, for shipment to Montreal. These planks are stacked in 
 thousands of square piles, many acres of ground being covered with them. It 
 looks as though there were enough of them to roof in the whole world. But the 
 wood of which they are cut has come from far, and each year sees a le-ser 
 number of " sticks " of considerable size. There is enough to last for our 
 generation, but the serviceable trees within reach of the upper water-courses 
 must diminish, as year by year the army of the lumberers work through the 
 winter in felling them, and in dragging them to places where they can be floated 
 off by the spring freshets. 
 The Federal legislators have nothing to say in the matter. The 
 conservancy of the forests is, with all legislation affecting property, the affair of the 
 local authority of each province ; but it would be well if some plan like that followed 
 in India and in parts of Germany could be imitated in Canada, and the tracts be 
 regularly cropped, and the laws which do exist against the felling of small trees 
 were more strictly enforced. Meanwhile Ottawa is one of the greatest centres in 
 the Nordi American contine n for the distribution of lumber. It is a picturesque 
 sight to see the men guii-ii^ the trees as they come down the swift currents, to 
 their doom of mutilation umkr the merciless saws of the mill. 
 We will go a few miles up the Gatineau, a stream which joins the Ottawa 
 opposite to the residence of the Governor-general. There are fine foaming 
 rapids alternating with deep pools under the bluffs clothed with the fresh green of 
 Canadian Picturf.s. 
 the youii :- birch, the rose colour of th(; budding maple, and the scattered blossoms 
 of the wild cherry. The ice has departed only three or four weeks ago, and 
 the stream is beginning to swell high with the water from the snows which are 
 melting in the north. Booms stretch out from the banks, and on these are men 
 with long nailed boots, and holding in their hands steel-pointed poles with a hook 
 (. \i 
 Lumberers at Wokk. 
 lilll i 
 at the end. They watch the stream as it carries to their feet logs of all sizes, 
 some with their bark entirely gone, from their rude contact with the rocks, some 
 still sheothed in their rough covering, and all marked with a hieroglyphic which 
 tells the practised eye to what mill they are destined. Accordingly they are 
 either shoved further into the current to be caught at other booms placed further 
 down, or they are tackled and drawn into the water lead which carries them to a 
 side dock where are piled close agamst each other masses of logs, so packed that 
 more men have to be detailed to detach single pieces and push them to the 
 inclined planes, which, running under the water, are furnished with iron-toothed 
 cradles. • These take up the floating trunks of pine and fir, and in another 
 minute they are sundered at once by a dozen vertical saws into fair four- or two- 
 inch planks. 
 Besides the stacks oi' wood on the side of the Ottawa may be observed 
 confusedly-heaped quantifies of a green-blue stone, evidently placed to await 
 shipment. It may naturally be expected by the stranger that this country of 
 hard old Silurian rock, with its covering of thin soil and grey clay, might produce 
 the minerals which are found so frequently in Canada, namely a little gold, much 
 iron, and veins of silver or lead ; but these heaps of pale-green stuff have proved 
 as remunerative a produce of these old rocks as any. They are the broken 
 remnants of great crystals of phosphate of lime, which are found projecting 
 inwards at right angles to the line of the vein in which they have been formed, 
 and are well worth excavating, for they make an admirable fertiliser for the land. 
 So much valued is this mineral manure, that it is exported in large quantities to 
 the British Isles and to other countries. 
 We might be tempted to follow the Ottawa northwards, in order to enjoy 
 for a time the hilly scenery through which the Canadian Pacific Railway is taken, 
 until we leave the valley, and crossing slightly higher ground covered with the 
 ever-green mantle of fir, reach the big Nipissing Lake, with its tufted islands and 
 wild north shore ; but more ancient paths demand our presence, and we will enter 
 a canal which, in a series of locks, descends near the Government buildings. 
 This is the Rideau Canal, constructed by the Royal Engineers in days when it 
 was considered important to have an interior line of watei communication 
 between Ottawa and Lake Ontario. It traverses a series of lakes, and emerges 
 at Kingston, a place worth visiting on account of its memories of Frontenac, of 
 the war of i8 12-13, and for the Military Coll'ego founded in 1875. This is one 
 of the pl^asantest of Canada's towns, enjoyin^^ a pi-ood winter and cool summer 
 temperat re, from its neighbourhood to the lake and river. Its old importance, 
 both as a military post and as a political centrfi (for it was once a capital) has 
 now passed away ; but the country around is so agreeable, and the society of the 
 place is so varied, although limited, that it will always be a favourite residence. 
 The Queen's College — a Presbyterian University — has a large staff of Professors. 
 There are many clergy, both Protestant and Roman Catholic. A Bishop of this 
 communion resides here. The Grand Trunk Railway passes through it, and the 
 steamers from Toronto and from Montreal call at the port. Picturesque martello 
 towers rise from the water, and are posted along the environs of the town 
 to where Fort Henry, on the hill to the southward, dominates the landscape. 
 The streets of the limestone-built city are well planted. Ship- and boat- 
 building, with the several manufactories, and the stir at the wharves caused by 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 the trans-shipment of ^rain, keep a good deal of Hfe in the locality, deserted as it is 
 by troops and politicians. The traces of the old French fort built by Frontenac 
 are yet visible. It was a stone-built fortification, and, like so many other 
 military pc .3, was alternately in the possession of French and English, with the 
 Indian allies of each party, until, in 1758, it was destroyed by the force under 
 Colonel liradstrcet. A building now used as a hospital was the meeting-place 
 of the Houses of Parliament 
 when legislation was alternately 
 conducted for the benefit of the 
 United Provinces of Upper and 
 Lower Canada, at Quebec, Mont- 
 real, and Kingston, it had for 
 many years the distinction of 
 returning the present Prime 
 Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, to the House of Commons, At the Military 
 College, which is supported by the Dominion Government, young gentlemen 
 receive for four years an excellent military education, which provides them 
 with knowledge alike useful to them if they wish to become soldiers or civil 
 engineers. Some commissions are granted to them annually by the home 
 authorities, which enable them to follow a career in the imperial army. 
The TirousANn Islands. 
 From Kingston the so-called "thousand islands" maybe seen by taking the 
 steamer down the river to Montreal. It would he a pity to sec the islands 
 only, and not the whole river course between these points, for the rapids are well 
 worth seeing, and the sensations experienced in rushing down their foaming 
 waves are more novel than are those felt when traversing the archipelago formed 
 by the St. Lawrence. The width of the stream near Kingston is about seven 
 Sir John A. Macdonald. 
 {From n fhotogrnph in the possession 0/ tlie Mnrquis oj Lcrnc) 
 miles, and the whole area for many miles down is a labyrinthine maze of water, 
 the rocky wood-clad group of islets separating the deep, strong-running channels. 
 Each island is much like its neighbour, differing only in size and shape. Each is 
 lovely in the summer season, when countless pleasure-boats and yachts dot the 
 surface of the waters, and merry parties, escaped from the heat, turmoil, and 
 restlessness of New York, find breathing-space and leisure to enjoy the quiet 
 I. 2 
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 Canadian Pictures. 
 beauty of each little paradise set in the silver currents. I prefer the archipelago 
 of the Georgian liay of Lake Huron, for the same beauty of wood and rock 
 fastness may be seen there, but the forms of the islands are often bolder. But, 
 for those who love to see nature while they enjoy civilised comfort in sumptuous 
 hotels and lodging-houses, there is no region more attractive than the " thousand 
 islands." Below these the steamers run several rapids, the Cedars being the 
 most exciting, until Lachine is reached; an Indian pilot is then taken on board, 
 and some marvellous steering has to be accomplished before the big vessel has 
 safely passed the ledges over which the cataracts roar in angry floods, and is safe 
 beneath the arches of the Victoria Bridge. At one point the rocks are passed so 
 near that it seems as though they could be touched with a boat-hook. No 
 accidents have occurred in recent years, but one wonders at the temerity of the 
 man who first proposed to take a vessel loaded with passengers down this broad 
 RuNNiNU TiiK Lachi.m-; KAI'IDS. 
 stair of waterfalls. VVhoe^ er he was, it was not he, but his successors, who 
 reaped the reward in many passengers' fares, and if he be still alive he may 
 console himself with the thought that his case is that of most inventors, and 
 especially of the ingenious projectors of new things in America. The first 
 combination too often consists of men who are ruined by laying foundations on 
 which others successfully build. 
 Both here and at Toronto the sport of ice-boat sailing is enjoyed in the 
 winter. A cutter's rig is put up on a horizontally-placed triangle of wood 
 furnished with metal runners. The speed attained when there is a good breeze 
 is very great, and the amusement, though a cold one, is very popular. The slopes 
 around Fort Frederick, an old citadel commanding Kingston Harbour and town, 
 are capital for tobogganing, or snow-sliding. The toboggan is formed of thin 
Skating and Ice-«oat Sailing. 
 phmks of wood, curved up in front, and made to allow two or five persons one 
 behind the other on the cushions placed on the slender boards ; the man placed 
 last steers by his hands or by one foot trailed in rear of the Hying snow-sled. 
 No runners are used with the toboggan. A yet faster but more dangerous 
 instrument for sport is furnished by the bob-sleigh, which is like a cushioned 
 ladder placed on runners fore and aft. A number of persons can be thus 
 accommodated, but the speed attained makes steering a difficult task, and 
 accidents are not infrecjuent. 
 The ice so quickly gets thickly covered with snow that it is only occasionally 
 that an extended space of good ice can be had, and the variety of figure-skating 
 to be seen in Canad;: owing to the re- 
 stricted area availablt: in covered rinks. 
 Perhaps the most graceful skating in the 
 world is to be seen in London at the Regent's 
 Park Club, for there the strictest rules are 
 practised with regard to attitude. In the 
 Dominion the heels are not kept so carefully 
 together, wide curves are not so much prac- 
 tised, and a bent knee is not considered a 
 defect. But the number of men and women 
 who are perfectly at home on the steels is of 
 course far greater, the intricacies of the 
 figures far more astounding, and there are 
 always many in the company present who 
 can take part in complicated combined move- 
 ments. There is no prettier sight to be met 
 than a great night fete during the carnival 
 time in the town.s. Six or seven hundred 
 figures, clad in various costumes, can then 
 be seen at one time upon the ice, and country 
 dances, valses, and the pretty evolutions 
 known as the May-pole dance, are performed 
 with perfect accuracy and certainty. 
 While speaking of athletic exercises, we must remember that one of 
 Toronto's sons, Mr. Hanlan, has especially distinguished himself as the fastest 
 oarsman in the world, for he has defeated in their own countries the acknow- 
 ledged champions of the United States, of Great Britain, and of Australia. If 
 Toronto had nought else to show to the stranger, it would well repay him to go 
 there, if he could catch a sight of that supple swing, that lithe, strong, and 
 regular movement which sends Hanlan's outrigger speeding over the blue waters 
 of the bay. The harbour is excellent, and large sums are now being spent to 
 secure the sandy spit called " the Island " from the effect of storms, which have 
 made breaches in its long curved line, and threatened the security of the road- 
 iNDiAN Pilot on the St. Lawrenxk. 

 ^ ,<^dg. 
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 ■2^8 1 2.5 
 WERSTER.N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 
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 Canadian Pictures. 
 stead. There may be seen on summer afternoons the fairy fleet of the members 
 of the yacht club, whose house is charmingly placed on the island. Desperate 
 are the struggles for victory between the cutters and schooners of Toronto and 
 of Hamilton, and a regatta covers the bay with the flotillas of the friends of the 
 rival cities. 
 But there are other points of interest, as may be well imagined, about this 
 flourishing city. It was only incorporated in 1834, and had then about 15,000 
 inhabitants. It has now over 100,000, and is rapidly increasing. There are many 
 fine buildings and broad handsome streets, well paved, kept, and lighted. As in 
 most of the Ontarian towns, brick is chiefly used, but there are stately fabrics of 
 stone, as in the case of the numerous churches and colleges, and the fine mass of 
 the Law Courts. New Parliament buildings are being erected, and these great 
 public edifices well indicate the activity of the religious communities, and the 
 Miss Rye's Home as it was. 
 pride the men of this province feel in their limited, but sufficient system of 
 " Home-rule government." The park, although small, is very prettily wooded, 
 and contains a monument to the memory of the brave students of the univer- 
 sity who perished in resisting the iniquitous Fenian raid in 1866. A double 
 avenue leads to the park from King Street, the greatest and longest of the 
 goodly highways of the " Queen City." Trinity, Knox, and Upper Colleges, as 
 well as the normal schools, should all be examined, to gain an insight into the 
 excellent system of education. There are other institutions near Toronto which 
 deserve notice, and which do not receive it from the guide-books. Among these 
 is Miss Rye's home for girls, thirty miles away by .steamer across the lake. 
 The neat young lady, the untidy children, and the substantial house with its 
 bread verandah, sh.jwn in the engraving, have all a special interest for English 
Miss Rye's Home. 
 readers, for they represent Miss Rye's girls' home, the result of the education 
 she causes to be given, and the raw material which she takes in hand, and 
 changes to such good effect. Miss Rye and Miss MacPherson have both 
 shown how thoroughly successful such a system as theirs may be, when carefully 
 worked. Personal care is essential, but how many ladies there are, both in 
 Canada and England, who could well afford time to follow their example! 
 Provided that the children are brought to Canada when young, and that proper 
 establishments under good supervision be provided for them, too many cannot 
 be sent. I have on several occasions visited the Home shown in the wood-cut 
 and nothing can exceed the cleanliness and healthiness of the house and its 
 situation. The girls looked as though thjy thoroughly appreciated the good 
 done them, in the happy life they were leading. It promised to make them 
 useful members of society, and from the accounts received of the pupils who 
 had been already placed with families in town and country, the promise had 
 the security of the experience of the past, to induce the belief that the careful 
m t 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 Girls as Taken Off the Streets. 
 individual attention and love be- 
 stowed would not be thrown away. 
 The official inspection had proved 
 that the Government authorities 
 were well satisfied with the institu- 
 tion. The place where the house 
 is situated is about a mile from the 
 neat village, which is built near to 
 the outflow of the river into the 
 lake. Peach and apple orchards, 
 groups of pine, hickory, walnut and 
 oak, are scattered over the charming 
 neighbourhood. The visitor cannot 
 help regretting that there are not 
 many more such " Homes " to which 
 the uncared-for children in our 
 great towns might be sent, with the 
 prospect of becoming the wives of 
 independent yeomen, instead of 
 being allowed to grow up among 
 the many dangers of the confined alleys of the crowded districts of our 
 smoky cities. 
 Among the subjects of general interest 
 there is none more engrossing to our good 
 people at home than the efforts of the 
 Churches to cover the ground occupied by 
 the advancing settlements, so that the con- 
 solations and guidance of religion may ac- 
 company the pioneers of civilisation. The 
 first Christian missionaries to the aborigines 
 of Canada were the members of tht ociety 
 of Jesus, and other religious orders who 
 accompanied the early French colonists, and 
 many of whom were most earnest and self- 
 denying men. Owing to their labours a 
 large proportion of the remaining aborigines 
 of the country prefers the Roman Catholic 
 faith, though there are also many communities 
 of Protestant Indians, and active missionary 
 work is being carried on among the remaining 
 heathen tribes. One of the most remarkable 
 and successful Protestant missions is that of Mr. Duncan's at Metlakatla, in 
 British Columbia. The French colonisation gave to the Roman Catholic 
 After Eleven Years in the Home, 
Religious Work in Canada. 
 Church the priority of occupation. It is true, however, that there were 
 Huguenot colonists, as well as Roman Catholic; but this element was before 
 long eliminated by the action of the French Government and of the clergy 
 and leading men of the colony, so that only a few traces of it survive here 
 and there. 
 But although Roman Catholics were first in the field, hard upon them have 
 followed the clergy and ministers of the Protestant denominations. The Presby- 
 terians have been especially active, and the Church of England and others have 
 manfully entered into the work. Although in the long-settled portions it may be 
 expected that the contributions of local Churchmen shall suffice, yet there are 
 not funds enough to send ministers to the scattered abodes of men in the back- 
 woods and in the new clearings on the fringes of the provinces. Much work of 
 the highest importance is done by the missionary agencies of the various 
 Churches, and such societies as the British American Book and Tract Society, 
 whose agents scatter copies of the Bible and New Testament, tracts, and 
 religious books, over the widely separated villages of the Maritime provinces ; 
 and this agency is largely and liberally aided by The Religious Tract Society of 
 London, who do not confine their aid to any one channel, but also help to the 
 full extent of their power all sections of the Protestant Churches in their efforts 
 to bring all British North America under the power of the Gospel of Christ. 
 In the lumber-men's camp, among the great gangs of labourers on the railroads, 
 in the isolated colonist's log-hut, the visits of the representatives of the Church 
 are eagerly looked for and warmly welcomed. It is therefore a duty on the part 
 of Christian people in Great Britain to assist in giving their countrymen in 
 Canada that needed aid without which rural work cannot be carried on by the 
 Church in the Dominion. 
 The labours of many of the bishops and missionaries is indeed very great. 
 They are obliged to be perpetually on the move in order to attend to pastoral 
 duties in outlying places. Long and weary journeys have to be undertaken, and 
 it is not possible to visit all the numerous stations during the best time of year 
 for travelling. Often winter storms must be faced, and wrapped in what warm 
 clothing he may have, the minister of the Gospel must keep his appointment, in 
 spite of all difficulties of weather and distance. A friend of mine, a bishop in 
 Ontario, travelling alone in a gig, and driving his horse, found himself one 
 evening, when the cold had become intense, so benumbed that he could not hold 
 the reins. He got out and ran, but when again seated the numbness returned, 
 and he finally lost consciousness, his last recollection being that he had no feeling 
 of pain from the cold, but of great weariness. The horse pursued his way, his 
 unconscious master retaining his seat in the half-covered vehicle. The animal 
 stopped, after what must have been the lapse of two or three hours, at a small 
 wooden house, and the settler, coming out, found the bishop frozen and 
 apparently dead. He was brought in and revived with great difficulty, the 
 frozen limbs being rubbed with snow and the coldest water. My friend 
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 described his return to life as the most agonising experience. The pain was 
 intolerable. His face, eyes, and limbs were racked with torture, and he never 
 quite recovered the effects of that night drive. 
 There are still immense tracts in this province, as well as in many other 
 provinces, where similar sufferings might be endured unless precautions are taken. 
 But, to have proper precautions, it is necessary that the number of workers should 
 be largely increased and more abundant funds supplied, for the means of 
 travelling, as well as for the alleviation of the many wants constantly brought to 
 their notice among the poorest of their widely-distributed flocks. Each man 
 gladly contributes what he can to the comfort of his visitor, but all he can do is 
 to provide him food and lodging, and he can often give nothing for his support 
 except when under his own roof. Money must be got elsewhere, that there may 
 be a man to pay the visit which is so welcome. 
 None of the Churches are rich, although the Roman Catholics in certain 
 parts of the countr)' have good endowments. The Anglican Church now 
 shares with its brethren the provision made in early days for the sustenance 
 of the clergy ; but the amount is small when looked at with the expanding 
 needs of half a continent, and the constant calls for men and the erection of 
 buildings. Everywhere it is the clergy who are seen taking the lead ; and 
 although primary education is usually given to mix^d classes of children of 
 all denominations, the colleges and academies are often under the ministers of 
 religion, while there are large numbers of divinity students under instruction. 
 The devotion shown by the mass of the men who have entered into the min- 
 istry is very admirable, and they are led by good officers. The present Bishop of 
 Algoma gave up all that a worldly man most values in place, pay, and society 
 to take up the work in his wild diocese along the north of Lake Superior and the 
 Georgian Bay of Huron. In Canada, as in Africa and the South Seas, the Gospel 
 of Christ has won victories over ignorance and sin. The preaching of redemption 
 through the death of Christ on the Cross has touched and cleansed savage hearts, 
 and the Indian manifests, no less than the white man, the power of the Spirit of 
 God. The Ojibbeway Indians were the most numerous people along these 
 shores. Heathen savages as most of them are still, the labours of the 
 mission have met with very fair success, and on Mamtonlin Island there is 
 a flourishing community of native Christians. A touching story was told 
 to us of a squaw, the wife of one of the chiefs. She had wandered 
 too near the edge of the shore-ice at a time when thaws had loosened it. 
 The block on which she stood parted from the rest, and a wind carried it 
 out into the open water. She was found dead from the cold, but her last 
 care had been for her baby, and it was found to have perished also, but had 
 been covered by the mother with everything she had which might give it 
 warmth ; and when she had herself lain down in the icy blast to die, she had 
 arranged her body so that even in death it might be a shelter for her infant 
 against the storm. 
The " Fair " at Toron-^o. 
 In respect of scientific and practical value, the meteorological office at 
 Toronto may be accounted a worthy neighbour of the university, near whose 
 buildmgs it stands. To the meteorologists come every three hours telegraphic 
 messages from all parts of the North American continent. These record the 
 temperature and barometric pressure at each place at the moment of sending the 
 despatch. The officer marks on the copy of the continental map used for the 
 day a line showing where these pressures and temperatures are alike. When 
 the next despatches arrive, fresh lines are drawn, indicating the movements 
 of the atmospheric wave, and in this manner it is possible to foretell for the next 
 twenty-four hours with great certainty the course of storms, and the weather to 
 be expected at any given point. This admirable system has already saved 
 thousands of lives. From the tower of the university an excellent view may be had 
 of the lake, whose shipping is guarded by the signals drawn from the science thus 
 admirably employed. We see that the land rises to low elevations two or three 
 miles back from the town, which spreads along the shore. The country is devoid 
 of any marked feature, presenting a slope towards the water so gentle that it 
 seems a flat expanse. Buildings are rapidly extending in all directions. There 
 are men now living who remember the place when it was " muddy little York " 
 —a mere shore-clearing with a good deal of marsh and some fever along the 
 sedge-covered bank ; and very justly proud the Toronto men are of these 
 recollections, for the Queen City, as they love to call it, is steadily growing in 
 importance. They can boast of a large and cultivated society, counting among 
 Its members names of eminence in letters, art, and science. Its factories employ 
 thousands of skilful workmen. Nowhere is the abundance of wood turned to 
 better account. The cheap furniture manufactured here is excellent, while taste 
 and wealth find ornamental inlaid " marqueterie " and first-rate joiners' work in 
 the more expensive kinds of " household effects." 
 The so-called " fair " or exhibition of the products of the city and surrounding 
 country, held every year in September, forms a good gauge of this centre of a 
 population of over 2,000,000. Very interesting is it to see the objects most 
 demanded by the people set out in order, either beneath spacious roofs or outside 
 on the neatly-kept lawns. School benches, school desks and school books, take 
 up much place, showing how dear to the whole community are the means of in- 
 struction and the comfort of the children while attending the excellent educational 
 establishments. Good pianos and organs send their music forth, and the com- 
 petition among these, although satisfactory in a trade aspect of their rivalry, is 
 not quite so satisfactory when looked at from a musical standpoint. Houses 
 built of soap show that cleanliness, which we all know is next to godliness, is 
 not neglected. Parquet floors of beautiful woods remind us of the wealth at 
 once of the forests and of the citizens. Well-bound works prove that the public 
 and lending libraries have not effaced the laudable custom of keeping a private 
 treasure-store of knowledge. The white semi-translucent cakes and bars and 
 columns of stearine, that is, of the refined wax of petroleum, demonstrate, along 
 M 2 
 (;!anai)1an Picturks. 
 with the long phials of the clear oil, that we need not go to the States for the 
 best illuminating agents. 
 It is not many years since oil was struck in Western Ontario. Some of the 
 borings are now very productive. A rock filled with oil, as a sponge is filled 
 with water, is reached by boring-machines at a certain depth, and up wells the 
 seemingly exhaustless supply of petroleum. It is believed that it is derived from 
 the remains of creatures which lived in past ages in countless numbers, and 
 dying, have their substance preserved in this form. Lucky creatures, to be able 
 to confer such benefits millions of years after their demise ! How many of the 
 human myriads around us will be giving light of any kind millions of years 
 hence ? In the meantime they can be happy enough in Canada without 
 speculating on the chance of illuminating the beings of far-off ages. It is 
 evident that their thoughts are at present much occupied with the proper housing 
 and care of flocks and herds. 
 Professor Tanner speaks thus of Ontarian agriculture to an English 
 audience : — 
 " The practice of agriculture has here received great care and attention, 
 and there is just cause for satisfaction at the success which has been attained. 
 The special influence of soil and climate have under skilful management secured 
 results which are in some respects in advance of those obtainable in England. 
 I must not, however, be supposed to convey to you the idea that agriculture is 
 here free from difficulties, for such is not the fact. Agricultural products differ 
 so widely in character, and in their requirements for successful growth, that those 
 conditions which are favourable for some crops are proportionately unfavourable 
 for others. We must not expect in any district to secure advantages which are 
 wisely distributed, and we shall see, within the limits of the Dominion of Canada, 
 that the special agricultural excellences of different sections of the country act 
 and re-act upon each other, with marked advantage to the general prosperity of 
 that great colony. 
 " There are impediments at present existing which prevent Ontario from 
 taking high rank as a wheat-producing district. Under specially favourable 
 conditions the produce rises to thirty-five bushels per acre, as in the case of the 
 farm belonging to the Guelph Agricultural College, although it is situated 900 
 feet above the Lake Ontario. In very favourable seasons, and under the 
 stimulating influence of artificial manure, crops of forty-five bushels per acre 
 are secured, but the average crop may be fairly taken as ranging about 
 twenty bushels per acre. As good cultivation advances, this average will no 
 doubt be raised ; but variations in climate make themselves felt here, as 
 well as with ourselves. Any decrease in the fall of snow, leaving the autumn 
 wheat unprotected, any imprudent clearing away cf woodland shelter, and any 
 severe winter winds, exercise a very , punishing influence upon the wheat 
 crop. In this way the plant is decreased, and the thin condition of the crop 
 in the spring prevents a full average crop being secured at harvest. Up to 
AaKicuLTUHk IN Ontario. 85 
 the present time the use of the spring wheat has not satisfactorily overcome 
 the difficulty, but there is much to encourage renewed efforts in this direction. 
 In any case, I do not think that the older provinces of Canada are likely to 
 become large producers of wheat for export purposes, although, as more farm- 
 yard manure is added to the land, and greater care is taken in a judicious 
 breeding of the seed-wheat used, the produce will be largely increased. The 
 Cedar Bay, near Ottawa. 
 character and quality of the 
 produced differs in a marked 
 that grown in the north-west, 
 a fine flour, distinguished by an abundance of starch, which makes 
 useful for blending with stronger wheat. 
 "The growth of barley does not appear to be accompanied 
 difficulties. An average of forty bushels per acre appears to be 
 many farms, but thirty bushels would be a safe general average. 
 wheat here 
 degree from 
 for it yields 
 it especially 
 with similar 
 secured on 
 The barley 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 crop, being also more reliable and less subject to injury than wheat, is being more 
 largely cultivated. The culture of the oat crop is in some districts carried out 
 very successfully. It is said that as much as ninety bushels per acre have been 
 grown, but thirty-five bushels may be taken as a fair average. Here again a 
 prudent selection of seed effects a marked difference in the yield of the crop. 
 By the judicious growth of seed corn, the produce of these provinces might be 
 greatly increased, and I think it may be safely said that English farmers would 
 inaterially improve the yield of each of these varieties of grain. The plain fact 
 is that the numberless variations of climate and soil which cause so much diffi- 
 culty with us, compel our farmers to think and reflect upon these impediments, 
 and they have consequently gained important experience in doing so ; and this 
 practical experience becomes especially valuable in a country like Canada. 
 There is too often a want of finish observable about their agricultural operations, 
 and it is perfectly natural it should be so. Where land is abundant, and yields 
 good crops under a rough-and-ready system of farming, the higher care which 
 is absolutely necessary in agricultural districts which have been long under the 
 plough is not so urgently required. Higher skill and more perfect systems of 
 culture are, however, very valuable, even when nature is most abundant in her 
 provisions. This is clearly shown upon the farm of the Agricultural College at 
 Guelph, where the wheat, oats, and barley range from 40 to 50 per cent, above 
 the average of the surrounding district. As the pupils of this institution become 
 settled upon farms in Ontario and the adjoining provinces, so we find improved 
 results being secured. 
 " The cultivation of Indian corn is carried out largely and successfully ; but 
 here again the measure of success is greatly determined by the seed being 
 properly acclimatised by being grown in the district one year before being used 
 for seed. By thus keeping up comparatively fresh supplies of seed-corn, the 
 crop is secured in its highest perfection. Indian corn is not only largely grown 
 for the production of corn, but it is also very extensively used for fodder pur- 
 poses. As the practice of preserving this fodder in silos becomes more largely 
 carried out, still greater advantages will arise from the cultivation of this crop, 
 and it will become a cheaper source of food than is now obtained by the growth 
 of root crops. The cultivation which the root crops receive is fairly satisfactory, 
 and whenever they are well managed the general produce of these farms is con- 
 siderably increased. It seems to indicate a better general system of manage- 
 ment, which indirectly leads up to more satisfactory results, quite as much as 
 the direct advantages arising from the production of the root crops as food 
 " A very large portion of the older settled provinces is well adapted for 
 the successful production of meat and dairy produce. There is a steadily 
 increasing number of thorough-bred cattle and sheep, and the influence of well- 
 bred stock is becoming more generally acknowledged and acted upon. Those 
 who are raising beef and mutton Tor export purposes, soon find that attention to 
Dairy Produck and Fruit Culture. 
 this detail of management is absolutely essential for success. It must, how- 
 ever, be acknowledged that there is still room for a more general adoption of 
 better-bred stock, even where the advantages are now admitted. It i' one of 
 the usual consequences arising from easy success that we become indifferent to 
 the attainment of the full measure of prosperity we might command. Without 
 wishing to speak with any undue partiality for the farmers of Great Britain, I 
 am still bound to acknowledge my conviction that they would make decidedly 
 larger profits upon Canadian soil than are now made in that country, even by 
 the more successful amongst the cultivators of that land. There is just that 
 want of careful finish about the general conduct of the work which leaves a 
 margin for greater profits being secured. 
 "In the cultivation of fruit, Canada takes a leading position for the high 
 quality of its produce. Unfortunately, however, this is one for which she gets 
 far less credit than she deserves. Nearly all the Canadian fruit reaches us 
 under the general description of American fruit, and consequently the United 
 States popularly receives the credit for the fruit sent from both countries. This 
 may appear to be a matter of small importance, but it is far otherwise. Fruit 
 which is so grown that it has attained a rich and luscious condition, with a 
 powerful natural aroma, indicates two very important conditions of growth, a 
 good soil and a good climate, coupled with skilful management. Upwards of 
 ;^90,ooo worth of fruit was exported from Canada in 1882. In the Ust Journal 
 of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (xxxviii.), Mr. Whitehead gives a 
 very able article upon fruit farming, from which the following quotation will be 
 interesting: 'Very fine apples are grown in Ontario, better, it is alleged by 
 Canadians, than those that are grown in the United States. . . . Canadian 
 apples have undoubtedly a great reputation in the English markets. Not only 
 do the Canadians exercise the greatest skill in the cultivation of apples, but they 
 understand the art of storing them.' " 
 But to return to our exhibition. A quantity of wire of various patterns 
 curiously barbed is shown to the passer-by. This is to fence in the pastures. 
 Outside we can see plenty of fine stock. High-priced cattle are being shown, 
 many of them but lately imported from England. There are many splendid 
 horses, used for the trotting-track, for general purposes, as beasts of draught, 
 or for riding and carriages. The display of machinery for the farm is of 
 amazing completeness, and showing implements for the saving of that labour 
 which, fortunately for the labourer, commands so good a price. We have but 
 little time to admire the great show of carriages, of poultry, and of honey. 
 Other fairs are being held in every considerable town throughout the country. 
 The epidemic of fairs is a wholesome one, and let us hope that the value and 
 variety of objects, already so great, will annually increase. 
 One kind of exhibition common to all towns should never be neglected by 
 the visitor, and this is the food market. Here also he will get much insight into 
 the habits of the country folk, and the kinds of fish and fowl to be found in the 
 Canadian Pictukes. 
 land. He will note that the j^rain is chiefly wheat, and very good wheat is still 
 raised in Ontario. I say still, for it has become so much the fashion to speak 
 of the wonderful crops of the newer country, that there is some danger lest 
 justice be not done to the more settled parts. It is true that the soil does not 
 yield what it once yielded, when the woods were first cleared, but this is only 
 because people were wastefully neglecting to use manures. Many a farmer has 
 continually cropped his furrows without giving anything back to them ; but better 
 customs have now been introduced, for a gradual impoverishment was neces- 
 sarily visible under the old system, or rather want of system. But it is an 
 ill-wind that blows nobody good, and harum-scarum agriculture, and consequent 
 loans borrowed from trust companies, have sent many a good man on his march 
 to the west, thus leaving a vacant place for the British settler, who finds the land 
 still in good heart, and facilities in school and church neighbourhood which 
 make the old homestead a place to be eagerly purchased. Another grain much 
 used is rye, and the whisky usually drunk is made of this. It is not so strong as 
 that familiar to the Scot and Irishman, and sometimes the refuse of the still is 
 given to cattle, which thrive well upon it. Buckwheat is also largely grown, and 
 much of what is emphatically called "corn," namely, the maize. This is seen of a 
 golden and of a white colour, and rarely of a black tint. Of roots we have any 
 number, of gigantic proportions ; if it be the autumn season, baskets full of 
 many varieties of wild cranberries and blueberries, or, as they are called, 
 " huckleberries," of delicious flavour. 
 Fruits abound, grapes and sweet water-melons being of good quality ; and 
 most interesting of all, to the sportsman, is the supply of game, fish, and birds. 
 There are salmon, but they probably come from streams more distant than the 
 city of Quebec. There are trout, and some of these are very fine, from the 
 lakes to the north ; and there is another species of the order of Salmonidce, which 
 has white flesh, and scales rather of a grey colour than of a silvery tinge. This 
 is the famous white-fish, common to all the great inland fresh waters, and one of 
 the best fish in the world for the table. Mightiest of its kind is the sturgeon, 
 and there are many of these. Oddly enough, the taste for its roe, called caviare 
 in Europe, has never developed itself here, and although, from a London, Paris, 
 or St. Petersburg experience, a person would suppose that it would be eagerly 
 sought and prepared, nothing is done to bring it into the market. Black bass, 
 a capital game fish, must not be overlooked. There they are fresh from the 
 swirling currents of the great river, in which at certain seasons they rise fast to 
 the fly. Specimens may be seen of the ouaniche, or so-called land-locked salmon. 
 Theory says that these are salmon which have been unable to get back to the 
 sea, and have acclimatised themselves to their altered conditions, and have become 
 peaceable but voracious citizens of the fresh water. Be that as it may, they are 
 a very acceptable addition to an inland dinner, for they are five to eight pounds 
 in weight, and of excellent flavour. 
 Of wild fowl there is a great variety. The most striking to the stranger's 
Wild Fowl in Ontario. 
 imagination is the wild turkey- now becoming every day more rare— a fine bird, 
 with its beautiful bronze plumajje. A somewhat distant excursion has to be 
 undertaken to procure them, but they are still numerous in pdrts of the country, 
 and were as common as is the wood-jrrousc or its darker and smaller cousin the 
 "spruce partridge." There are woodcocks in long strings; but the bird is 
 smaller and redder than that known in England. They and snipe are common, 
 and they are to be met with until you get far west. There, strangely enough, their 
 flight seemed stopped by the mountains, and it is declared that no woodcock 
 live on the Pacific coast. I once met a man who said he had seen one in 
 Oregon, but his story was frowned upon by his friends, and he confessed he had 
 not shot the bird. Yet the " Pacific slope" would appear to be the best part of 
 the whole continent for these worm-feeders, for there the ground fringing the 
 sea is hardly ever frozen, and their long bills could be thrust into an abiding 
 paradise of mud. Such fastidiousness in locality is inexplicable. The ducks 
 have no such peculiarities. The members of their family are among the widest 
 rangers known to ornithology. Many are common to liurope, Asia, and 
 America. Indeed, like most of th(r birds which breed in the sub-Arctic regions, 
 they find land over which they can journey southwards over the greater part 
 of the northern hemisphitre. If even Laiiland buntings and the snow-finch, with 
 their small power of flight, can make themselves at home on both continents, why 
 not the stronger-winged ducks ? Still, there are some which are not known in 
 England. The little teal, with the blue on their wing-coverts, is one of these. 
 The red-head and his congener, the canvas-back, although seen in the London 
 poulterers' shops, are not native, nor is the dusky or black duck. The canvas- 
 back is supposed to be the best ; but where there is abundance of wild celery 
 and wild rice, on which the birds may feed, there is no great difference. The 
 celery grows so well if transplanted, and spreads so rapidly, that we may expect 
 to have the English park-fed ducks have the flavour hitherto considered the 
 peculiarity of the Canadian and American rivers and lakes. Loveliest of all is 
 the summer or wood duck, with his iridescent head with hanging plumes, his 
 white markings like a harness of snow, and his maroon-tinged breast. 
 Some of the best duck-shooting to be had in the world may be enjoyed 
 along the northern shores of the great lakes, and the marshes which in places 
 are formed along the low coasts of Ontario and Erie are among the favourite 
 feeding-grounds of the ducks when they halt for a few days' rest on their 
 autumn migration to the south. There is one long promontory, twenty miles in 
 length, which juts out into Lake Erie, and is called Long Point. This ground 
 has been taken by a club, who have a charter from the Ontario Government, 
 enabling them to preserve the game. The head-quarters of the club are situated 
 several miles from the further end of the curious narrow ridge of land and 
 marsh which forms the territory which is the property of the members. It is 
 reached by steamer from Port Dover, and the voyager sees as he starts nothing 
 but the blue horizon of the lake before Iiim. By and by dots are seen on the 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 surface of the water, and on nearing them they are seen to be trees standinir on 
 the Jiighesc ground of Long Point. Far as Jie eye can see on either hand aie 
 great beds of high reeds ; among these stands a httle village, consisting of the 
 sportsmen's huts, placed, like the houses of the old lake-dwellers, on platforms 
 supported on piles driven into the shallow water. The platforms are connected 
 by wooden causeways. Each morning the members breakfast in a common 
 room, and draw lots for the stations each shall occupy during the day. Then, 
 getting into their punts, each sportsman proceeds with his punter and his wooden 
 decoy birds to his allotted place. The pole man shoves the light boat across the 
 rustling beds of wild rice, and after half an hour'3 labour, during which time the 
 duchs rise on each side from the thick mass of sedge around, an open place is 
 reached. The decoys are then carefully scattered within easy gunshot, some 
 sedges are pulled and stuck upright round the gunwales of the boat, which thus, 
 completely concealed, looks like a natural tuft of sedge in the bare space of 
 water. The birds now rise quickly, for other guns are at work, and teal .'n flights 
 and the other ducks singly or in small parties are constantly flying over head, 
 seeking where they may again settle in safety, and seeing the decoys they swoop 
 down, and it is not uncommon for one gun to bag over 100 birds during the day. 
 Although Long Point is reserved, there are plenty of other places where 
 similar sport may be enjoyed. 
 Before we quit the subject of the natural history 6f Ontario, a word should 
 be said about the animal which has been adopted as a national crest for Canada, 
 namely, the beaver. On the Canadian union jack he is seen at work, ?nd fitly 
 wreathed with a circle of maple leaves. For any one curious to s^e the labours 
 of the beaver, a journey to the backwoods is necessary ; but on thousands of 
 streams their operations are yet visible, although the trapper has greatly dimin- 
 ished the numbers of the Castor Americantts. There is only one other larger 
 rodent animal now living, and that is the capybara of South America. The 
 average weight of a beaver is about thirty pounds. The length of the body is 
 usually forty inches, and the tail has a length of nine inches, with a circumference 
 of eight. The fur is long, with a thick under-down, which is exposed by the 
 plucking out of the longer hairs when the skin is sold for trade purposes. It is 
 easy i.o see where the beast has been at work, for if a back-water or small 
 stream be traced up its course it will be found barbed across at certain intervals 
 by embankments made of mud, branches, or large slicks and scattered stones. 
 The water stands at different levels in these chains of artificially- broadened 
 reaches. The dam js usually so constructed that a lower space ii^; left in the 
 centre, so that the water may run through without injuring the dyke on either 
 side. The stems of the branches are laid as a rule up stre?m, and they are .so 
 interlaced and filled in with mud that it is occasionally possible to drive a waggon 
 over the h.ird-pressed earthwork of an old dam. In reaches containing islands I 
 have seen the island cut clean thj-ough by a water-ditch, so that the animals 
 and their young could swim from, the pool on one side of the island to that on 
 V 2 
A Beaver Village. 
 the other. It is remarkable that although a regular system of embankments 
 may be seen, showing that work must have been continued on them so as to 
 keep them in repair and add to them for very many years, one family alone is 
 usually seen in possession of an extensive lacustrine domain. Their habitation is 
 probably placed in some large pond near the centre or upper portion of the series 
 of works. A beehive-shaped mound is seen rising above the water and covered 
 with sticks. The entrances to it are often three feet below the water level, and 
 the reason of the care taken to repair the dams is to be found in the necessity 
 of preventing the surface of the pond becoming so low as to leave bare the 
 entrances in summer droughts, or to close them with ice in winter. There are 
 usually two sub-aqueous entrances six to ten feet in length. An inclined plane 
 leads up to the chamber, which is often six or seven feet in length, and of a 
 round or oval shap'J. 
 The floor of this little hall is made hard, and is raised a few inches above 
 the pools level. The height from floor to roof is at most eighteen inches. The 
 passages leading outwards are but just wide enough to allow one animal at 
 a time to pass, and the course of one of the corridors is made straight, so as to 
 allow of the provision of green sticks being brought^ into store in the central 
 chamber. These sticks, after having been peeled of bark, are used for roofing 
 or on the dams. It is said that the roof is sufficiently porous to allow of some 
 ventilation, and that the snow on the top of " the lodge " is melted by the heated 
 breath of the animals rising through the roof, the summit of which is not, like 
 the sides, thickly plastered. Sometimes the beavers burrow in overhanging 
 banks, and the arrangements are then much the same. As with the English 
 badger, grass is carried into the abode for bedding. There is no sleeping through 
 the winter months as with bears, so that the beaver must lay in sufficient nourish- 
 ment for the whole of the season when snow is deep on the ground. He 
 seems to thrive upon the wood as well as the bark, and it is not only to keep 
 his teeth in proper order that he undertakes to cut down and carve round with 
 wedge-shaped incisions sticks and standing trees. These last he sometimes 
 fells in order to help him in his dam-making. Often he makes heaps of brush 
 in the water, fixing the ends in the mud, as though to make a store outside 
 of his house in the water. Sometimes the use of the canals they dig is not 
 apparent. These are cut from a lake and run up into the land as far as the flat 
 ground extends, sometimes for hundreds of feet. It has been supposed that 
 this is to give them a frontage along the hard-wood groves, so that when 
 beavers cut trees and bush they may transport the parts they can carry by 
 water. Stones they are said to carry with their paws if small, and roll or 
 push the larger ones with shoulders or tail. We must trust to the Indians for 
 observation of the animal, for it is extremely difficult to watch them. Another 
 way in which the earth and stuff is reported to be taken is to load the tail, as 
 a workman would a hod for his mate. I confess that I shall not believe this 
 until i see it done. They have several young at a birth, and the little ones 
 I) ' 
 Canadian 1*ictuui:s. 
 tako, after ;i few weeks, to feeclinnr on bark, and the parents are reported never 
 to allow tluMii to remain in the old lodore for more than two summers after birth, 
 so that it is rare to fnul as many as ten in one house. The natives will tell 
 you that lazy members of the family who will not work are driven forth into 
 exile, and thest; outcasts are called " bank beavers," because they leail a solitary 
 life, ami live in holes on the river sitle. They are probably individuals of 
 an independent turn of mind, who desire to have time for relleetion and travel 
 before they choose a wife and undertake all the cares of housekeepiujr and the 
 consecjuent resi)onsibilities. The Canadian, like the beaver, loves to pair, and to 
 pair when younjj;. He too travels much and lumbers often. Each of them 
 works hard and happily in the healthy winters of his native land. Hoth of 
 them are I'ond of turniuir the water "privileges" which so co[)iously abound 
 throughout tlu-ir vast territories to the utmost use. We see therefore that the 
 beaver is appropriately found sharing the honours of the national blazt)n. 
 Near Port Dover is the ])rospering town of St. Thomas, dignified with 
 the title of "city." a n mv; givtni to all towns in Ontario which have a 
 population over 10,000. The country in its neighbourhood is like that of a 
 great part of the; peninsula between lu-ie and Huron. Very fertile, and 
 originally covereil with a fme growth of maple and other hard-wood trees, 
 it has now been carved out into excellent farms, occupied by people mainly 
 Scots and English in descent. The whole of this part of the country furnishes 
 a type of the best parts of Ontario's magnificent province; easy railway 
 communication ; enterprise and energy circulating through village, town and 
 city ; healthy rural and thickly settled townshi[)s, sending their ^bronzed and 
 manly farmers to the markets which give them their fu-st markets; a measured 
 and widely distributed condition of conifort, visible in the number of wheeled 
 private vehicles, of horses, cattle, pigs, sheei) and poultry -at all points the 
 school-house, the church, and tlu- evitlences of the care for law and order. 
 Who with heart, muscle, and brains, would not esteem his lot a hajipy one 
 if cast among such a people and in such a country ? London, called after its 
 great namesake, is not far off They who sigh for the original will find a lovely 
 river called the Thames, a Hyde Park, a St. Paul's Church, and, if low spirits 
 supervene on seeing that these are not quite so dingy as at home, they may 
 cun? their spleen by a conscientious course of white sulphur baths, which 
 London, (i. H. (C.reat Britain) has not! Here are a great number of factories, 
 turning out refined petroleum, iron manufiotures, agricultural machines, mills, 
 breweries, leather fabrics, aiul carriagx^s. with many more n;siilts, the products 
 of the industry ofa!)out 20,000 people. 
 Ingersoll, Gueli)h, Woodstock, Stratford, Whitby, Walkerti)wn, although 
 smaller, are busy centres, having populations of from ten to five thousaiul. In or 
 around each is plenty of room for emigrants from tlu? Old World. Cheese- 
 making is an art on which some of these places much pride themselves, and 
 with justice ; for although the American and Canadian cheese has not yet seriously 
West i: UN Ontario. 
 incnaced the sale of Cheshire chees. , ihe hoaie ranner must look to his laurels 
 if he does not wish to be distanced in his own market. Guelph has an 
 admirable Airricultural Collej^e, where instruction in the theory and practice of 
 farmmg is g.vcn to a number of students. Collincrvvood, Owen .Sound, and 
 Harne are towns m the north-west of the province, on or near the Georgian 
 Hay. Ncwmark(;t should be mentioneil with them, if only because people make 
 money there instead of losing it. as they do at its Cambridgeshire namesake 
 Around these places the country is generally more broken into low hill and 
 fruitful dale, and near Harrie the pine or fir takes the place of the hard-wood 
 treses of the south. Lake Simcoe, on the banks of which the last-mentioned 
 city stands, is a fine sheet of watcM", now well provided with steamers To 
 enumerate all the Ontario towns must be a task left to the guide-books, of 
 which there is an unfailing and excellent local supply. \\'e have hardly space 
 to do them justice, but Bi-lleville. Cobourg. and Hamilton, must not be passed 
 over, for the two first are most charming places on the north of Ontario's lake, 
 and the last, which is m^ar Niagara, is a very important place, having about 
 40,000 people, who an; determined to make their cit\- rivrd Toronto, h is the 
 seat of a Roman Catholic and of an Anglican bishopric. There is a considerable 
 German element here; but where tlie children of the Fatherland are most 
 numerous is at lierlin, where it is usually found that all the municipal officers 
 are Germans. It is much to be desired, seeing how satisfied their countrymen 
 are with their ,. . ;hat more Germans should go to Canada instead of to the 
 No one travelling through Ontario, and observing the manner in which its 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 wide surface is now so thickly studded with people, can fail to marvel at the 
 work wrought in so short a space of time. The whole settlement of the country 
 only began with the flight of the American Tories, or, as they were called, 
 " United Empire Loyalists," at the time of the war of the Revolution. Born in 
 hardship and suffering, the life of the province has exhibited an ever-increasing 
 energy and success. 
 The Wapiti. 
It the 
 )rn in 
 I If 
 (,)UKHl.;c FkuM Tins lIl:i(;lir.S OK AhKAIIAM-Mo.NTMUkliNCI Kai.^ ,■,, 
 J!..i.,DlNos-T„E IROQUOIS lND,ANS-T..F !< RrNr r, ^ P '''^' '''■- "" ^"^'"'■'' '''' '7S9-EARI.Y 
 LIE \\i.MEKCAR.MVA..-lcEllARVESTiNG-LAcRossE-THE Victoria Bridge. 
 ID EFORE quitting the old provinces let us take a look from another height 
 U on a scene celebrated m story and in song. We look down this thne 
 from no elevation guarded and crowned with verdure and forest, but from a giat 
 cl.ff crcled With ramparts, which defend a citadel fashioned indeed accordTn^ 
 wrought m heavy masonry, but yet even now, and against modern arms a 
 Steamers are there from many a European port, and a large fleet of sailing 
 merchantmen crowd the wharves and coves along the shor?, where they arf 
 loadn.g w,th t.mbcr. On a point of land formed by the wedglshaped S and 
 O 2 
 Canadian I'ictukks. 
 alonjjf its flanks, is crowded a considerable town, the houses built chiefly of stone, 
 and the roofs covered with plates dipped in tin, which makes them shine like 
 silver in the sun. There are here many churches and reJij^ious buildinj^'s, from 
 which at mornin^r and evening the sound of many bells rises. To the right the 
 eye looks over leagues of country until it rests upon some low and distant hills, 
 which we are told are near the American frontier. Helow the city, across the 
 great river, we see the northern shore upon the left, shining green and gold. 
 It is dotted with many white houses, and beyond is a background of mountains 
 whose azure colouring is often broken with tints of green, when the sun brings 
 out in stronger relief some shining forest-covered slope, for all these mountains 
 are covered with wood even to the very summits. A white patch in the cliff- 
 line of the shore shows where a hill-torrent leaps in foam over a height greater 
 than that of the l'"alls of Niagara, to the sea-like river beneath. The scene we 
 are looking at is that which met the eyes of Wolfe, before he fell in the moment 
 of victory on the famous I'lains of Abraham, and this fortress city is Ouebec. 
 Hut girt as it is with rampart and embrasure, with bastion and ancient 
 cannon, modern Quebec gives more attention to arts than to arms. Hut the 
 "arts "are those of learning, and not of painting or of sculpture. In the tall 
 pile surmounted by the lantern towers which dominate all but the citadel, we 
 see the university called after the Archbishop Laval.; There is here a large 
 .school of medicine ; anil theology, law, mathematics, and the classics have each 
 their followers. The students' dress, usually so sombre, is agreeably relieved 
 when they attend the classes by long coloured ribbons, denoting the faculty to 
 wliich each man belongs. There is a good library and museum, and ample 
 lodging for the students. The building is joined to several more, the cathedral, 
 the archbishop's palace, antl the seminary or high school being all connected, so 
 that one can traverse some miles of corridor without emerging into the open air. 
 One end of the great terrace is not a hundred yards from the archbishop's 
 abode, the other ending only under the walls of the citadel. No city has 
 a more charming promenade, or one where a purer air and a more striking view 
 may be enjoyed. 
 As you descend into the streets and listen to the talk of the people, you will 
 hear sometimes an Irish accent, but as a rule the language spoken will be the 
 tongue of Old I'Vance. It is not the speech of the Paris of to-day, but it is 
 the speech heard among the fishermen who visit our English coasts from the 
 neighbouring shores of Normandy and Hrittany. Their race, represented at 
 the time of our conquest of Ouebec by a bare si.xly thousand, counts now 
 over a million and a quarter. Their increase is so rapid that they have 
 invaded like a Hood the old l*iu-itan districts of New England, in many of which 
 the Puritan Church and congregation have wholly vanished, to give place to the 
 richer ritual favoured by the Romish i-eligion. The number of children in the 
 villages around is indeed astonishing. It is said that as it is the custom of the 
 country to give the twenty-si.vth part of everything to the Church, the twenty- 
ScKNERY IN Tirr. Kasif.rn Townships. 
 sixth chilli of the family is oftt:n the portion of the parish priest! It is a 
 thoroujrhly loyal and contented community— loyal to a system which rtispects 
 the old treatic;s that in the day of the conquest of the province of (Juebec 
 assured to the I-rcnch race their laws, their institutions, and their laiij,niage. 
 'Ihey demand little, and are not so restless as the people of our stock, who keup 
 perpetually pressin^r westward, in hopes of gre.Uer ^'ain. It would indeed be 
 a sad thm^r if all the people were to rush away to the west, and leave the 
 beautiful shores of the St. Lawrence depopulated. To be sure, the land will not 
 novv produce much wheat, and the crops chielly raised are buckwheat, potatoes, 
 and oats ; but all kinds of fruit belongin^r to a northern climate are grown. The 
 l-rench Canadian is a wise man to be content to remain in his home, in the 
 country where the institutions he loves are carefully preserved, where the 
 church in which he worships is ministered to by a prii-sthood sinj,niiarly earnest 
 and pure, and where he will not be disturbed by the competition of many 
 Americans, English, or Scotch. It is well for us that, instead of being a desert, 
 the littoral of the St. Lawrence is garrisoned for us by a poi)ulation so orderly, 
 contented, hardy, and enduring. Among them also we find the toleration in' 
 religious matters (as shown in the education of the young) which prevails 
 amongst their fellow countrymen in Ontario. Here the Roiiian Catholics have 
 a large majority, and even a more extended toleration prevails, for all Protestant 
 denominations may have the school assessment devoted to their use, if thev have 
 to provide for a certain number of children. There are districts in this province 
 where there are still a large number who speak English, as, for instance, the 
 portion of the country near the frontier of Vermont, known by the name of the 
 " Eastern Townshii)s." The scenery there is singularly attractive, and its 
 lascinations, together with the good quality of the soil, have been sufficient to 
 prevent the exodus to the west which has been so remarkable elsewhere. 
 But for the visitor on pleasure bent there is no better residence than 
 Quebec itself. Its neighbourhood has everything which makes a landscape 
 beautiful ; great rivers and lakes, fine forests, waterfalls, valleys full of cultivated 
 farms, lofty hills, and happy villages in turn delight the eye. For ten or twelve 
 days in succession it is on each day possible to make an excursion in a different 
 direction, and it is difficult to determine which road is the most beautiful. 
 I here are fair roads traversing the country on both sides of the river and along 
 its banks. Steam ferry-boats make the transit of carriages and horses vixsy 
 The clean little inns, neatly kept by the thrifty Canadian housewives, invite the 
 traveller to luncheon, where he may enjoy the trout he has caught in the lake 
 during the morning, or feast in a grove of maple on syrup of that tree, eaten 
 as a relish to the wholesome buckwheat bread, or he may prefer the well-made 
 pancakes of his hostess, and the dish of freshly-plucked wild strawberries. 
 In the winter there is peculiar tobogganing to be enjoyed at Montmorenci. 
 The spray from the falls gradually freezes as the cold increases, until in January 
 there is a huge cone of ice. seventy or eightv feet high. Steps are rut in the ice 
 if there be not enou«:h snow to make the ascent easy. Little sledges (itted with 
 two nietal-clad runners, and long enouKdi to allow the greater part of the body to 
 he on them, are prejjared. A companion used to the exercise shows the way 
 and lymg down like a seal, shoots instantly out of sight over the dome 
 of the Ice-cone, and 
 almost instantly after- 
 wards is seen gliding 
 rapidly with the im- 
 petus of his fall away 
 over the frozen flat 
 below. It is difficult 
 tor a beginner not to 
 feel a little nervous 
 at first, but once the 
 venture has been 
 made, there are few 
 who do not wish to 
 repeat it again and 
 again. Although many 
 are found to enjoy 
 this favourite pastime, 
 Ouebecers are heard 
 with a sigh of regret 
 to recall the days 
 when the presence of 
 a garrison of liritish 
 regulars supplied 
 numbers of young 
 men who could devote 
 their days to such 
 amusements, and very 
 gay were the parties 
 whose members flew 
 down the white slopes 
 uiitii evening came, 
 and time was founJ 
 lur a Jance and supper 
 at a country audcroc 
 ,.,,.,, , , before the homeward 
 s eigh drive had to be undertaken over the moonlit fields of the shore-ice of 
 the frozen Sr. Lawrence. 
 In the daN>. v. h. ,i the cannon of Wolfe were [)lanted on the river cliff opposite 
 to the city, > -iJ batteries sought to enfilade the French defences l)y fire from 
I'HI: CaI'IIIUI; (ih QuilHllC. 
 the further side of the I'alls of Montinorenci, the houses were gathered within 
 the old town h'nes, which still exist, and have recently had their walls and 
 embrasures re-faced with masonry, not for purposes of d(rft.-nce, hut to preserve 
 a striking feature which is not elsewhere to be found on this ;,ide of the " Big 
 Water." A few citizens only dwelt outside of these ; but one of them was a 
 very important personage. The Royal Intendant had a palace for his own use 
 on the flat banks of the bay into which the St. Charles flows. He was a civil 
 officer sent out by the Government of Versailles, nominally to work with, but 
 too often to check, the military governor. If the two were friends, affairs were 
 well conducted, and the colony throve ; but if the two officers disagreed, and the 
 intendant was a rogue, his opportunities to enrich himself and beggar the 
 community were used with disastrous (;ffect. Tradition declares that Higot was 
 the worst of these offenders, and that he consjiired with the people of influence 
 in the corrupt French court of the day. An indifference in regard to the proper 
 supply of equipment for the use of the garrisons was the result. Montcalm's heart 
 was broken by the treatment accorded to him, for the soldiers were allowed to 
 remain in want of /ua/i'nW o( war. It was wonderful that he maile the fight 
 he offered against the English general. 
 Let us go back to that year of 1759, and imagine the scene. The white 
 flag with the golden lilies floats over the citadel above the town, and on the 
 highlands at the back, as well as over the intrenchments in the valley to the 
 north, and along seven miles of the northern shore. At all other points the 
 red, white and blue of the Union Jack is seen. On the wide waters of the 
 great river, a numerous fleet of transports and men of war fly that ensign only. 
 Of I'Vench vessels there are none. Hut the puffs of smoke from the long lines 
 of the English are steadily answered by the concentrated cannon of the fortress 
 and the isolated guns on the Heauport earthworks. Once already have the 
 invaders tried that point, and a heavy loss and a retreat to the ships was the 
 result of an eagerness which led one brigade to attack before the other detailed 
 for the duty could properly support it. Hut that day of a hot July showed that 
 the Canadian peasant with his " fusil " could take very good aim, and the fight- 
 ing has been bitter but resultless since then, for only small numbers have met. 
 So savage, however, is the temper of the men on each side, that the horrible 
 custom of scalping the deid or wounded has been borrowed from the Indians. 
 It is necessary to issue a general order on this subject in the Hritish camp, and 
 the fiat goes forth that the troops are not to take the scalps of their 
 white opponents ! By August and the beginning of September, the buildings 
 exposed to the eighteen and twenty-four pounder round shot and the shells from 
 the ships are grievously battered, whole streets being mere crumbling ruins. The 
 .season is late, and November will not give a pleasant berth either to land or 
 naval forces. It is resolved by the Hritish to make another effort. Their 
 young general, although said to have been so boastful after a dinner at home, 
 that the prime minister, who was one of the guests, was heard to mutter in 
 "ngland!" has 
 "^^mething to boast of 
 dismay, " To what hands have I committed the honour of 
 already proved to his soldiers that he can give th' 
 and determines to make his attack on the hei^ .,, river abov- the 
 town. But this is hopeless, if Monicalm gets i . ...c mtention. The 
 only chance is to get up on to the plateau while it is manned ori'y by a few 
 guards ; the main body ot the gallant French army must be kept where they are. 
 Therefore, nii-iiy ships are told off to make a strong I'eir.t in the Bay of the 
 St. Charles, as though i^ were again -^he intention of the assailants to renew their 
 tactics of the summer. Meanwhile, all is prepared for a silent move under 
 cover of the darkness, as soon as the tide turns, and the voyage can be under- 
 taken on the flood to the chosen point above. Il is a dark and moonless night 
 the ships in dead silence feel the waters change their course, for the tide 
 conquers the current, and they glide past the deeper shade in the blackness, 
 which is all that can be seen of the crpe and its sleeping cannon. In that slow 
 and solemn procession of vessels, carrying 5,000 men, not a sound is heard. 
 Wolfe stands on the deck with some of his officers around him, and, moved by 
 a prescience of his fate, talks in low tones, and yet, with the enthusiasm which 
 made him great, speaks of Gray's wonderful poem composed in a country 
 churchyard. One of his staff can repeat the lines, and as he recites 
 the words — 
 " The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power. 
 And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, 
 Await alike th' inevitable hour, 
 Tile J>tj//is of ;^lory lead but to the graved 
 Wolfe exclaims, " I had rather have written those lines than take yonder 
 heights !" A little later he himself descends the ship's side, and with a chosen 
 party leads the flotilla to the shore. In the bows of his boat he has a young 
 officer who can speak French well, and as the sentry at the foot of the steep 
 bank challenges, a reply is given that they come from Montreal. A second 
 after, a spring is made to the shore, a/id the sentry is down. Then comes the 
 grating of the boats on the beach, the hurried rush on land, the scramble up the 
 bluff, a few shots, and a short resistance, speedily overcome at the guard-house 
 on the top, and the enterprise has succeeded. Before Montcalm can hurry up 
 his surprised troops from the St. Charles valley and the St. Foy gate of the 
 town, the red line is seen in the early morning, formed, and ready for battle. 
 Montcalm, always impetuous, decides, against the advice of his commanders, for 
 immediate onslaught; and most steadily and bravely the French regulars 
 advance, the white flag waving over their blue uniforms, while on their rioht 
 the hardy habitans and the burghers of Quebec are aligned so as to outflank 
 an advance of the British. But orders are passed down the red ranks to load 
 with two balls in each musket, and not to open fire until the hostile line has 
 come near. Then a close and murderous file-firing begins, which annihilates 
 the front ranks ; yet, for a time which seems an age, the French stand, and the 
Remarkable Eakly Buildings, 
 loss on both sides is dreadful ; but in a little more there is a wavering, the volleys 
 on the invaders' side are repeated, and but feebly returned. 'Vhe British 
 advance ; but their young leader is lying mortally wounded : they press on, and 
 from this moment there is no doubt of the result. The general is surrounded 
 by friends, but he is dying. " They run ! they run ! " shouts some one in his ear. 
 " Who run ? " he faintly asks. " The French, sir/' is the answer. As the 
 English general's spirit leaves the field of victory, his brave enemy, the 
 Marquis de Montcalm, receives a painful wound, but rides on into the town 
 hardly showing how grave is his hurt. The British have been too severely 
 handled to follow swiftly. The Canadians and French retire into the city. The 
 gates are closed, the ramparts manned : it is two days before Montcalm dies, 
 and some more pass before the city surrenders. 
 Thus was this eventful fight fought and won. But it is little known that 
 in the following year we were nearly losing the prize so hardly won, for the 
 Marquis of Levis, coming down from Montreal, was met outside the gates 
 of Quebec by General Murray, and a battle ensued, which resulted in our 
 defeat, and in the French ne£-rly entering the town along with our beaten 
 troops. But Murray had no idea of capitulating, and the possession, of which 
 so much is row said, and which forms the second greatest in our Empire, passed 
 from the flag of France to that of Britain. The discussions now held as to 
 the fertility of various territories of that vast country, and the testimony coming 
 from so many widely scattered portions of it. will show what wondrous results 
 can flow from small beginnings. The whole of the contending armies on that 
 fateful field did not amount to more than about 10,000 men, a lesser number 
 than you see nowadays drawn up on a volunteer field day near any con- 
 siderable town in Britain. From such beginnings— from a French colony 
 60,000 strong, backed by five regular regiments, and from the conquest 
 of these by a force of under 6,000— has sprung into existence the great 
 Dominion of Canada. 
 Several of the remarkable large stone buildings in the city date from the 
 days of the early history of the French colony. Such are the Hotel DIeu and 
 the convent of the Ursullnes. The first military adventurers, fired with the 
 desire to discover new lands, and to place these under the dominion of the 
 French crown, sought also the conversion of the heathen. Wherever they 
 founded colonies, the religious communities came in their wake, sending forward 
 devoted missionaries, and founding houses for sisters, where the sick might be 
 tended and the children instructed. Of singular interest is the establishment 
 under the Ursullnes, where most of the young ladies of Quebec receive their 
 education. The skull of the Marquis Montcalm is reverently kept within these 
 walls, and In the chapel Is a monument to him. The buildings have high roofs 
 pierced with little gabled windows, and the long corridors and panelled halls and 
 rooms of the Interior look on to courts where the children play during their 
 daily rest Irom study. As in the case of most of the convents, the chapel which 
i ^! 
 ill r. i 
 1 06 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 is open to the public is divided by a gilded lattice screen from the part of the 
 church occupied by the sisters, who are buried under the flagstones on which 
 they have knelt at prayer during their life. Of even greater interest, on account 
 of the memorials it contains of olden days, is the " House of God " which over- 
 looks the town rampart, where the cliff line allows it to have a full view of the 
 river as it widens to girdle the Island of Orleans. In the Hotel Dieu, the marks 
 of British cannon balls may yet be seen in the rafters in the passages. A fine 
 bust of one of the first martyrs slain by the Indians, named Brebeuf, in silver, 
 and autographs of Vincent de Paul 
 and Francis de Sales, and of other 
 great men who sent forward on their 
 successful campaigns the soldiers of 
 the Cross, are preserved. The names 
 of each of the sisters who have lived 
 here since the time of the foundress, 
 the Duchess D'Aiguillon (whose coat 
 of arms and portrait are conspicuously 
 displayed), are written on tablets kept 
 since the first of her followers died. 
 Devoted to the cause of God, and 
 intent on sending out missions, she 
 and other women of her day appear 
 to us now as among the brightest 
 and best of the children of France of 
 the time of Louis XIII. 
 It is difiicult at this day to realise 
 the dangers to which the first colonies 
 here and in New England were ex- 
 posed by the incursions of the savage 
 Indians. Here it was the Iroquois 
 whose threats of massacre kept the 
 garrison at Quebec in alarm, and who 
 became so bold that a large party 
 of Hurons was actually attacked by 
 them on the Isle of Orleans ; and 
 the invaders passed the French town 
 with the bleeding scalps of their victims displayed from the canoes as they 
 paddled again up-stream. A state of siege was not uncommon. It was rumoured 
 that the savages meant to destroy the town and carry away the sisters, who, for 
 safety, were ordered to be lodged in the fortress of the Jesuit quarters in the 
 square near the cathedral. The mother, superior wrote, " We are between life 
 and death. No one can be assured of safety from the fury of the barbarians. 
 All this, I assure you, gives me no fear. I feel my heart disposed to bear and to 
 A Street in Quebec. 
The Iroquois Indians. jq^ 
 suffer all that it may seem best to the good Lord to send to me. He knows 
 what I am able to endure, and I have faith that He will not permit anything to 
 happen which shall not be for the best." Tales were told, amid the distress of 
 the colonists, of the power of religion. " Two French soldiers had been sur- 
 prised in the woods by a party of Iroquois near the hamlet of Three Rivers 
 and carried off to captivity in their country. One of the soldiers had. indefend- 
 mg himseif, received a bullet which had remained deeply embedded in his body 
 An Iroquois warrior, in the hope of taking him alive to the tribe, so that he 
 might there undergo the refinements of cruelty which were inflicted on the 
 prisoners, probed the wound, and making an incision, extracted the bullet with a 
 dexterity unsuspected in a savage. He then bound up the wound, applying 
 wild herbs to It, and tended him so well, that before the end of the journey was 
 reached the wound had closed, and was in a state which promised a complete 
 cure. On the approach of the party to the Indian quarters, one of the band 
 was sent ahead to give notice of their arrival. All the Indians poured forth 
 and ranged themselves in two lines at the entrance of the place. The two 
 unhappy prisoners were, according to custom, divested of their clothing and 
 made to run the gauntlet of these two lines amid a bail of blows. They were 
 then left on the ground covered with blood and almost dead. At nightfall they 
 saw furtively passing a human being, in whom they recognised a Huron Chris 
 tian, who had been for two years with the French. He came to them and 
 exhorted them m words of admirable faith to endure their pains with patience 
 and to recommend themselves to the care of the God who had so marvellously 
 protected himself. He then added that the time of their suffering was nearly 
 past, and that they would soon receive their recompense. ' For ' said he as he 
 departed, 'your fate has been decided; to-morrow at dawn you -vill be burnt 
 ahve. Be of good courage until the end, and remember me when you are in 
 heaven. The exhortations of this convert gave consolation to the two victims 
 and made them look at their fate with resignation, for death seemed infinitely 
 preferable than to live in such torment. They passed the rest of the night in 
 prayer, and in mutually encouraging each other to suffer martyrdom for the love 
 of Christ. At length came the dawn. The sun rose and the morning wore on 
 without any unusual movement taking place in the village. The prisoners 
 marvelled at the cause of the delay. An envoy from the district of Monlaau^ 
 had arrived during the night, He had assembled the chiefs, and had with'all 
 his eloquence endeavoured to persuade them to deliver the two soldiers to his 
 tribe, to he used as a help in procuring a treaty with the French. Both prisoners 
 were brought before the council, and heard with astonishment that instead of 
 being tied to the stake to be roasted, they were to receive their liberty But 
 they had hardly escaped from their first danger before another renewed their fears 
 The authority of the chiefs was seldom accepted without question among the 
 tribes. An Iroquois warrior, furious at hearing that the prisoners were to 
 escape, went in pursuit of ihem, tomahawk in hand ; and they would certainly 
 r 3 
III! 1 1 
 Canadian Pictuues. 
 have perished had not a friendly Huron given them shelter and hiding in his 
 hut. When this new peril was passed, they were conducted out of the village, 
 and pursued their way to Montague. The first days of the march were 
 uneventful. The two Frenchmen, in spite of the fatigues of the journey, their 
 weakness, and the wounds with which they were covered, thanked God that the 
 end of their captivity was near, when one morning, on awakening, they found 
 to their consternation that their guide had deserted them. The savage who 
 had served them as guide had thought that his companions might assassinate 
 him when alone in the forest. Haunted by this idea, he had taken advantage 
 of the shadows of night, and had fled. Not knowing in what direction to pro- 
 ceed, the two soldiers became lost, and walked on at random, a prey to terrible 
 anxiety, to privation, and to cold, for the time of the year was November. After 
 wandering long they found themselves near a carnp, which they saw was full of 
 Meionts, a tribe fiercely hostile to the French. Trembling lest they should be 
 discovered, they entered a hut which seemed to them abandoned by its owner. 
 They were about to hide in it when they found that it was tenanted by a squaw, 
 who, at first surprised by their hurried entrance, recognised them, when she 
 looked at them, as fugitives, and received them with kindness. VViih great 
 astonishment they heard her address them in good French. She told them to 
 fear nothing, and that she would take them under her protection. This Indian 
 woman was named Margaret, and had been a Christian captive taken from the 
 poor Hurons, who were at the time scattered among their enemies. She had 
 formerly received instruction from the Ursuline sisters at Quebec ; often in her 
 girlish days she had entered into the H6tel Dieu, and had been witness of the 
 motherly care accorded to the patients in the hospital. Profoundly moved by 
 the sight of this exercise of Christian charity, she had resolved to imitate the 
 sisters, and so to earn grace in the eyes of God. She hid the Frenchmen from 
 all curious eyes in a corner of the hut, and carefully nursed them. She warmed 
 their frozen limbs by lighting a fire, gave them nourishing food, and applied to 
 their wounds the medicinal plants of which she well knew the virtue. While 
 so engaged she would constantly speak to them of what she had seen in 
 Quebec, and of the nursing practised by the religious women. The memory of 
 such an example was, she would repeat, her chief incentive to persevere in the 
 Christian faith. But their presence in the village was suspected at last, and 
 their retreat was discovered, fiut, wonderful as it seemed to them, they were 
 well treated by the tribe, who had never been friendly to a white man before, 
 and were conducted to the borders of Montague. There they came under the 
 authority of a great chief, whose policy it was to be friendly to the French ; and 
 he gave over to the governor, De Mesy, who was then at Montreal, the men who 
 had so often given themselves up as lost." 
 Very full accounts of the Iroquois are given by the old voyagers. We can 
 imagine from their recitals their whole mode of life, as well as that of northern 
 savages to the south and east. Some led a life giving them food only as they were 
The Iroquois Indians in 1608. 
 successful in hunting and fishing, but others had settled habitations. In 1608 
 Champlain describes them in the neighbourhood of Quebec as catching fish from 
 September to October and making a winter store by drying the fish. In January 
 or February they hunted the beaver, the moose, and other wild animals. He 
 represents them as reduced sometimes to great straits by hunger, and obliged to 
 eat their dogs, and even the skins which they used as clothing. They were 
 reputed to be great liars, and very revengeful. The Christians were much 
 shocked at hearing that they had no special form of prayer, but that each one 
 prayed according to his own liking. Priests or medicine men among them were 
 reported to have direct communication with the Devil, and no enterprise was 
 undertaken without consulting the Author of all Evil. All dreams were 
 considered to be revelations and realities. Half clothed in summer, they possessed 
 excellent furs for winter wear, among which the skin of the seal is specially 
 mentioned. They believed in the immortality of the soul, and carefully buried 
 with the dead all the arms and other articles which belonged to him, a custom 
 followed, as we shall see later, by other tribes now living. A feast was held two 
 or three times a year around the grave of a departed chief, and his friends 
 danced and sang in his honour. 
 But there were villages inhabited by others who must have been well able to 
 support themselves. They are uniformly described as of good stature. The head 
 was shaved around the temples and high on the forehead, leaving the hair on the 
 crown to fall in a long tuft, garnished with feathers, very much as many of the 
 nomad tribes have shaved until quite recently. Like the present wild Indians, 
 these also had the face painted with red and black. They planted the maize. 
 They sowed in May and reaped in September. They burnt the trees of the 
 forest, just as a modern settler does, in order to procure ground for planting, and 
 sowed the seed among the charred stumps. They sliowed forethought also in 
 sowing more than was required for one season, lest a bad year might come and 
 no crop be gathered. The village itself consisted of wooden huts, surrounded by 
 a strong palisade, behind which in case of trouble they retired, and discharged 
 clouds of arrows on the assailants. Their arms were clubs, bows and arrows, 
 and lances, and I have nowhere seen that the sling was in use with them, 
 although it was a favourite weapon of the South Americans, for the Spaniards 
 were much harassed by the fire of stones slung by the Aztecs during the wars 
 of Cortez. The good Brittany soldiers thought the savages' dance was very 
 much like one they had at home, called the Trioly de Bretagne. Their mode 
 of fighting was of course no match for that of the Europeans, who, armed with 
 arquebuse and in armour, were able to defeat greatly superior numbers. An 
 amusing old drawing shows Champlain hard at work knocking over a whole 
 hostile army, assisted by friendly natives. It will b^ seen that, like some good 
 people in Europe to-day, the artist imagined palms to be one of the chief trees 
 of the newly discovered wilds of Canada, and these ornaments of the tropics are 
 plentifully scattered in the engraving among the Canadian woods. 
1 lO 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 M. Suites admirable History of the Fraicli Canadians gives the best 
 account of the first discoveries of the sixteentli century, and of the progress 
 ot the colonies from early in the seventecMith century to the days of the 
 cession of Canada to the Hritish. Champlain .lied in 1635. and the oldest 
 buildings m Quebec were built about the time of his death. Durin.r the lapse 
 ot more than a century the government was, in its nature, a military ''one The 
 punishments dealt out to malefactors and traitors showed all the rigour of old 
 iTcnch usage. Heating with rods to the effusion of blood, riding ihe wooden 
 horse with heavy weights attached to the criminal's feet, breaking on the wheel 
 A. Iroquois Fort ; 1!, The enemy ; C. Caiu.e. of enemy, capable of lioUling ten, fifteen, or eirhteen men ; D E Two 
 .lead cnefsand one «,,u,.d.>l. l,y Cl,nm|,lain's a„|uel,„so ; K. Sieur de ( ham dain ; G T^H. luVbus^Vrs of 
 Chamidaiu. force; H. Muutayna.s, OclKVsta.yiun. and Al^'uume.iuins; I. Caiioei of our allies ''"'"'^''"''''" °' 
 dismemberment, and torture, "ordinary and extraordinary," were penalties 
 enacted for various crimes. In 1684 there were already six churches in the 
 Upper Town, althougii the number of inhabitants cannot have been great. 
 In i;2o there were only ;,ooo in the city. '"The gentlemen hunted much," 
 and many of them had immense possessions nominally under their ownership. 
 As seigneurs they had all the rights of feudal proprietors. To encourage them* 
 to build mills, they had the power of making all their vassals take the grain 
 to the seignorial mill to be ground, a custom which existed up to a late period 
 also in Scotland, and was there called "thirlage." There were many other 
Tim: 1''kknc;h Kur.K in Canada. 
 r j^hts. s.m.lar to those of J- n.ola.ui and of Scotland in olden days, notably that 
 o demandm- rorra; or so many days' sraluitous lahonr. These lasted long 
 alter the Conquest, and were only chanjjcd in our own time. 
 I he century of 1-rench domination saw brave and successful attempts made 
 to further discovery. La Veranderye penetrated further than Lake 
 and the o t.cers on the St. Lawrence knew that they had fomul a vast country 
 which m.ght become a stron.t; support of l-' ranee. Hut, unlike their fellow Catholic 
 adventurers, the Spaniards of South America, they had no LTolden booty to 
 send home to excite the wonder of the cot.rt. obtain sidisidies for their or tempt others to follow them. Corte/ was able to send home 
 the curious work in gold and silver of the Mexican artists in the precious 
 metals^ 1 i.arro could tell of temples whose interiors were one blaze of irold 
 of an Lmperor of Peru. who. before cruelly put to death, had actually 
 p.ud a ransom to h.s treacherous captors, of over three nu-llion pounds sterlinfr 
 m articles of sohd ..^old and silver. There was no such inducement offered 
 to the Trench nobles to equip expeditions. The interest in Canada lauLmished 
 Lven Louisiana had but sli,^rht attraction ; and so, althouirh Ouebec Three 
 R.vers. Montreal, and a few other stations became prosperous, and a 'certain 
 number of troops were sent from I'Mvopv. as soon as it was seen that English 
 nvals meant to take possession of the land, the support of the mother- 
 country was only given .grudgingly, and in a half-hearted manner. All honour 
 then to those gallant men who in the midst of so much discouragement 
 performed their duty devotedly, and with their whole heart and soul Old 
 1- ranee now remembers with honour and regret the names of Montcalm. Levis 
 Vaudreuil, La GalissoniC:re, Veranderye, and Le Moyne. 
 Most rcmiarkable was the manner in which the conquest was accepted by 
 the vanquished. 1 heir rights and privileges were guaranteed to them, and 
 no interference was attempted with their laws and customs. Th« criminil 
 prcjcedure alone became Lnglish. A frank acceptance of the adverse decree 
 of fortune proved the loyal nature of the men who had come under our flag 
 Nor had they ever reason to regret the change. It is curious to contrast the 
 fate of the Trench ,n old Trance and that of their cousins in Canada. Torn 
 ^^^W^T", '' '" ^'"^' '"^ vain-glory and to ambitious passions, they of the 
 Old World have never seen a generation pass without some violent storm of 
 war or some dynastic and national catastrophe. They have founded no suc- 
 tl etwr "''f' '" ""' '"''■'"'''• ^^" ^'^^ '''^''' h«-nd, the descendants of 
 the Br ttany adventurers possess a power and a population ever augmenting and 
 extending its induence ,n peace and in liberty. They have all they can desire 
 ami so conscious have they been of their advantages, that the grandsons o( 
 1 tslces f7?V''T''"';'? ^'■''■^' '"^" '^^"^ '''''^^^ ^he bravest and the 
 most successful defenders of the government which assured them their freedom 
 he repulse of an American column at Chateaugay during the early part of 
 this century was effected under the leadership of^one of a' remarkable family 
I 12 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 of the old noblesse, namely, Colonel dc Salabcrry ; and not long ago a fine 
 statue by Hebert of Montreal was erected to him near the old fort of 
 Chambly, amid the acclamations of an assembly which included representatives 
 of all the people of the province. 
 A charming piece of country lies around this place. The Richelieu river 
 winds along in quiet bends, bordered with clumps of fine elms. Many of the 
 dwellings date from the old days, and their high roofs, widely-projecting eaves, 
 picturesque proportions, and solid stone walls, recall the villages of France. 
 The old windmill-towers are often of especially massive construction. 'Ihe 
 houses of the present time are naturally more often built of wood, as the 
 cheaper material, but in their case the architecture is the same. Note how 
 much more graceful than the English houses are these, with the long slant and 
 outward curve of the roof, protecting the windows and red-painted doors from 
 the weather. How diverse are the lines and harmonious the colouring of the 
 groups of them clustered round that church, complete in apse and transept 
 and long nave, the high spire with its open belfry gleaming in the light 
 by reason of the metal armour with which it is covered. Churches of 
 the time of the first settling of the land were erected at every seven 
 miles. The erection of a church and school is still the first care of the 
 priests as soon as a few families have collected, It is remarkable how 
 the overflow of the population has not gravitated only into the New 
 England States, but also northward. Up the tributaries of the Ottawa, the 
 Riviere Rouge, the Lievre, and others, colonisation roads are being constructed, 
 and a good soil with heavy wood has tempted many a stout habitan. But by 
 far the most successful instance of fresh colonisation is to be met with in the 
 district about loo miles to the north of Quebec, alon"- the southern side of the 
 Lake of St. John. This is a big sheet of water. On the north the country is 
 higher, but stretching along the other side, from the point at which the waters 
 are discharged into the Saguenay river, there is a vast amount of flat land, 
 capable of keeping 150,000 to 200,000 souls, as it is estimated. Probably 
 there are 20,000 there already, although these have found their way up the 
 water-channels, there being no other road. A railway is now projected, and 
 is already partly built. In 185 1 the first tree was cut where now stands a 
 thriving village. 
 " The case of the first settler at St. Jerome may be taken as a sample of what 
 nearly all had to undergo. Charles Cauchon left Chateau Richer, near Quebec, 
 in 1862, with £2 in his pocket, accompanied by his wife and a family of five 
 little children. By the time he reached Lake Kenogami his little stock of 
 money was exhausted, and he had to give a week of his labour to pay the 
 passage of his family in canoes — ^then the only means of communication— to 
 the southern end of Lake St. John, where he established himself and founded 
 the flourishing parish of St. Jerome. It is unnecessary to rehearse all the 
 hardships and privations endured by Cauchon ; he reaps his reward from the 
Lake St. John Country, 
 rich soil he has cultivated, and he now owns a good house, large barn, and an 
 excellent farm, well fenced and drained. This year, although only one-fourtli 
 of his farm is under cultivation, he has raised 250 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels 
 of oats, 150 bushels of pease and buckwheat, 240 bushels of potatoes, and other 
 vegetables in abundance. His barn is full to repletion, and he speaks in the 
 highest terms of the productive nature of the soil, which yields twenty-five 
 bushels of wheat to the bushel sown, and twenty-five bushels of pease, or 
 thirty-five of oats, per arpent." 
 This is just the 
 country the thrifty 
 Canadian likes ; and the 
 gentleman who reports 
 on M. Cauchon's farm 
 continues : — 
 " The lands on the 
 River Peribonca, on the 
 north side of the lake, 
 have heretofore been 
 considered unfit for 
 settlement. A govern- 
 ment surveyor has just 
 completed a thorough 
 survey of them, and I 
 am told reports that 
 fully ten parishes, if not 
 more, can be established 
 there, on the best of 
 land. From the Peri- 
 bonca to the Grande 
 Decharge the soil is 
 also said to be good ; in 
 fnct, the north side of the 
 lake is said by some to be 
 superior to that already 
 settled on. The country is so flat that it is generally impossible to judge of 
 its extent, but at one point, a hill overlooking the village of St. Prime, an 
 excellent view can be had. P>om this point, looking west and north for 
 probably 100 miles, or as far as the eye can reach, not a hill is to be seen, 
 nothing but one vast wooded plain— watered by noble rivers, the Ashuap- 
 mouchouan and the Mistassini, each of them from half a mile to a mile in 
 width— of the richest soil, only the fringe of which has been touched by the 
 new settlements of St. Prime, St. Felicien, and Normandin. One cannot but 
 bp struck hy the vastness of this grand territory; and everything goes to 
 10 50 r, ao ^0 
 ' II 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 confirm the estimate made of its extent by Mr. Tache, tiie Assistant-Com- 
 missioner of Crown Lands, whose reports indicate that it contains three 
 million acres of arable land — an area greater than all the occupied lands of the 
 maritime provinces. Truly the district is a province in itself. 
 " The climate of the Lake St. John region is said to be that of Montreal ; 
 there is no doubt of its being superior to that of Quebec. The snow-fall is 
 certainly less ; protected from easterly snow-storms by the great range of the 
 Laurentides, which intervene between the lake and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 
 the quantity of snow is said to be moderate. In fact, farmers complain that 
 they do not get good sleigh roads till late in the winter. On the 25th of 
 September this year, I remarked that the leaves of the trees were very little 
 tinted, and potato stems were still green. Wheat and all grains ripen and 
 produce luxuriously. I was assured by a number of farmers that wheat can 
 be sown up to the 15th June, and some years even as late as the 20th June, 
 with the certainty of its ripening in the fall. 
 " The soil is almost universally composed of a rich grey clay, and in the 
 few places where this is not exposed, and where the surface appears sandy or 
 of yellow loam, the clay is not more than three or four inches below. The 
 land seems to be inexhaustible. At Pointe-aux-Trembles I was shown a field 
 of wheat which had been producing that grain for the last fifteen years 
 without the application of any manure, and the grain I saw this year was 
 as fine as any to be found in this district. Truly one is struck with 
 wonder at the richness of the soil, for I believe there is none richer in 
 " Lake St. John is a magnificent sheet of water abounding in fish, such as 
 the ounaniche (land-locked salmon), pike, dore, and other smaller kinds, for 
 which there will be a ready sale in Quebec, when the railway reaches the 
 shores of the lake. 
 " Only on a very fine day can the other side of the lake be seen ; at all 
 other times it conveys the impression of an inland sea. On a calm day its 
 bosom ' i like a mirror ; but let a stiff north breeze blow for a couple of days, 
 and white caps will be seen everywhere, and breakers roll on its shores 
 which would do credit to the Atlantic. Following up the west shore of the 
 lake, the scenery is very fine. A distant blue point, hardly visible at first, 
 gradually resolves itself into a long coast-line, dotted with farms, villages, 
 and churches, reminding one of the St. Lawrence below Montreal. The 
 eye never tires of the beautiful landscape — on one side fields of wheat, 
 rising gradually from the border of the lake, on the other the broad expanse 
 of the lake. 
 " Potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables yield abundantly and of 
 immense size. 
 " Wheat is of course the great test of the soil and climate of any agricultural 
 country. Let us then compare its production at Lake St. John with the best 
Communication with Lake St. John. 
 portions of the province, viz., the Eastern Townships, and we find that the census 
 shows in 1881 : — 
 Itushels per i,cxxj 
 uf popiihitioii. 
 IliishcU, Wheat. 
 Chicoutiini . . 
 . . 32,400 
 . . 19,581 
 Stanstead . . 
 • • J5.556 
 Huntington . 
 • 15,495 
 " The rapid increase of dairy products is very striking. Already there are 
 in the county of Chicoutitni no less than four cheese factories, and one for the 
 manufacture of butter. The district bids fair to outstrip any other part of the 
 province in this important product. 
 " Farming is carried on on a scale which would not a little surprise our 
 farmers in the district of Quebec. One farmer in the neighbourhood of Cliicoutimi 
 has about 400 acres under cultivation, and raised this year some 4,000 bushels 
 of grain alone — his enormous barns evidence the confidence he has in the 
 productiveness of his land. A business is carried on in raising live-stock, and 
 the Saguenay steamers bring a full complement of excellent cattle to the 
 Quebec market. 
 " The great, in fact, almost the only drawback, is the want of means of 
 communication. The cost of cartage from Chicoutimi, the head of navigation, 
 to Lake St. John is enormous. To St. Felicien, a distance of about 100 miles 
 (and not the most distant point, for there are settlers twenty miles further in, 
 and will be a hundred miles still further), it costs from §1 to $150 per 100 lbs. 
 for cartage. This is a terrible tax, especially on heavy and bulky goods, and 
 on all produce ; for example, coarse salt, which is worth from 50c. to 6oc. per 
 bag in Quebec, sells at Hebertville for §i-6o to ?2, at St. Jerome for $325, and 
 at St. Prime and St. Felicien for $3-50 per bag, and has even sold as high as 
 $6. Iron and molasses are similarly afiected. Potatoes, when they can be sold 
 at all, go for 20c. per bushel, and the best butter can be bought there for 15c. 
 a pound, payable in store pay, on the encouraging basis of prices given above. 
 In fact, if the soil were not extremely rich, it would not be possible for the 
 people to live without better means of communication. 
 " The railway from Quebec will of course change all this, and it is eagerly 
 looked for by the people. Its advent will give an impetus to the settlement of 
 this great country, which will exceed anything east of Manitoba." 
 Yet, in spite of the disadvantage arising from the lack of roads, the problem 
 of successful settlement here has been solved, and this part of Canada will no 
 longer consist only of the St. Lawrence valley and its southern adjuncts, but 
 will have a second line and an interior defence and resource. 
 So the years pass, and northward and westward the living stream rolls 
 into new regions, each race finding the place assigned and taking its appointed 
 y 2 
 CaN.\I>1AN I'll riKKH. 
 share of tlu' |).>ssL'ssi()ii n.sorvrjl for it from all lime in the ih'stinyof Providence. 
 The Sai,Micnay, which h,is hitherto formeil the only approach to this fair hack- 
 coiintry, is a must curious chasm in tlu; land. It is far deeper than the 
 St. L.iwrence, and llows in its lower course; throuj^h sterile rouiuled hill masses, 
 often .iliruplly l»roken into precipices i.ioo feet in hei^dit ami descenilin)i[ into 
 loo fathoujs of water. It has been saiil that this gateway throu|;h the walls of 
 the^^c is lifeh>ss. Mut if the traveller looks not only at tin; 
 s,iva;;e rocks around, but .it the dark blue tiilt;s. lu; will see their surface often 
 brok«;n by a while m.iss which appears, and as sudtlenly vanishes. Tlu; white 
 porpoise is the person guilty of intrusion on this sophisticateil dream of death. 
 'I"here is aboundinj; lifi; in reality Ih;Iow and al)ove. If this sinijular creature 
 alone were there, its presence woidd be sufficient to redtcm the landscape; from 
 this charge aj^ainst it. A most useful animal is tiiis snowy wh.ile. It i> found 
 only in the ^nilf and in the .S,ij;iu;nay. In tin; shallow bays of the southern 
 _i,nilf it is c.iuijht anil the oil used for the cnj^ines and ),frease-bo.\es of the trains. 
 The method ^A' its c.iptiire is ingenious. A row of bushes is planted in the 
 mud .uross one of tlu- b.iys. At llood-tiile this is invisible, and the while porpoises 
 swim past it aiul disport themselves nt;ar the shore, tumblinj^^ throuj^h the tiile, 
 and risinj,' momentarily to " blow." Hut the sea ebbs, and llie row of branches 
 show their wavin^f twists above tlu" surface, moved by the movement of the 
 water. The porpoises bej^in to think it lime to retire. lUit just in the path 
 which their instinct tells them is the w.iy back to the depths there is a pu/./.liiij; 
 fence of noddinj; trees. What can it mean .-• They j^o near it, and the nearer 
 they jjo the more they dislike the look of it. So th(;y circle round, ami, 
 hesitatinj;-, they are lost. There is soon not enoui^h water for them, and when 
 they are helpless, out come the fishermen and slauj^hter them. 
 Hut the whole detail of Nature on the Satjuenay is lovely. Of the immense 
 family of woodpeckers which haunt the Canadian woixls, there are several to be 
 foiiiul here, and the number of small birtis is threat. Anil for the botanist what 
 cm be more interestiui;- than the >; variety of all kinds of northern mosses and 
 shrubs which clinij to the rocks, and till each ledije ami plateau with venlure .■* 
 The ileer much apppreciate one species of moss. This branchinj,»-, stiff and 
 coral-like white kind is the favourite food of the reindeer or cariboo. Wherever 
 it is to be found this is most plentiful. S|)eakin_L|f of tlu; reindeer, is it not 
 a curious thini;. that, althoui;h it is so universally used amonsji; the natives of 
 Northern Asia, from Lapland on towards Hehring's Straits, yet as soon as 
 those str.iits arc passeil, no native has been known to use them for domestic 
 purposes.^ .And yet there is so <;ieat a simil.irity between tlu; tribes o( the 
 .\si.ilio and .American sub-.Arctic zone, that it seems cert.iin the straits formed no 
 barrier to migration. Must the inference be drawn that that migration took 
 place before the deer was domesticated, and that the Asiatic use of it was 
 borrowed by the Laps and others from the practice of which they had knowledt^c, 
 o\ the employment of the horse and ox by mm livini^ to the south .■' 
I'lastwiinl from the Sa^'ucnay, the j^'ulf is well worth a study. As a rule the 
 northern side is uncultivated and wiki, am! the south is well settled. I'or a yachting 
 voya^'e no pleasanlcr cruise can bcohtaintil than her*-. Oftlu- settled parts we n<:ed 
 not now speak so particularly. I'he character of these is the same. The lanils 
 are often diviiled so much amou),' the f.imilies that each individual has only a very 
 narrow strip. Potatoes and buckwheat with oats are the chief crops. Of the 
 imsettled and less invitinj; parts on the north the chief features may soon be 
 menlioui'd. A ilcnst! ijrowth of under sized forest clothes nu)st of it. Throu^^h 
 this small lir thicket the rivers run, lull of sea-trout and salmon. An Indian tribe 
 called the Montaj;nais come here in summer. It is a race which annually 
 moves from these to the Hudson's Hay shores, and the same people are found 
 near the Athabasca, in the north-west. They are a hardy, huntinj,' race, 
 happy cnoui^h, unless the small-[)().\ j^'cts amonj^ them. Wlun this happens, as in 
 the case of all savajj^es, the disease t.ikes a specially virulent form, and th(!y die 
 helplessly. They make little birch canoes ; and one of our party purchased 
 oue of these for a si;al hunt. Pailillinj^f alon^ and lookinj,' after seals, which are 
 common, and of which wv. obtained several, it was curious to see how the 
 terracetl ledj^es with which the shore; coast descemls into the river bottom were 
 strewn with j^ij^rantic bouUlers of rock. These were probably brou<;ht by the 
 winter ice. They are of hujje dimensions, often as big as a small house, and at 
 half tide are only partly submerj^ed. l-'urther out into the stream, the canoe 
 voyager looks ilown through the clear water and sees the next ledge below him 
 equally strewn with these enormous blocks, often patched in fantastic forms with 
 seaweed, looking as though some bear-skin or black robe were thrown over 
 them. Hefore the d ;ys when lighthouses were planted, as they now are on every 
 projecting promonto'-y, this was a terrible coast for ships. A whole squadron of 
 I'^nglish men-of-war and transports lie buried at one place, and even now .ships' 
 bells and other relics of the disaster are fished up. The e.xcellent arrangement^5 
 of the Dominion (iovernment have now made the channel as well lighted as are 
 the streets of any great town. 
 Pleasant enough places iu summer are these lighthouses. Then there 
 is plenty to do in trimming the lamps, in keeping watch upon and reporting 
 the vessels as they steam or sail in or out from the great estuary. The fleet of 
 fishing schooners from New England, intent upon the mackerel catch, the square- 
 rigged ships coming and going with timber, the great Transatlantic liners all 
 glide by, or dot the sea-like expanse with their sails. There is shooting to 
 be had in the woods also, and one keeper whom we visited had a little 
 menagerie of tamed porcupines. He had amused himself by hunting these 
 with dogs. The porcupines take to the trees, and become an easy prey, 
 provided the man be armed with good gloves. But woe to him, and more 
 especially to his dogs, should the attack be carelessly made. Although the 
 Canadian porcupine's quills are not so thickly set over his body, and are not 
 so strong and handsome as in the case of his southern cousin, yet he has 
 if 1 
 'ii !: 
 i! i' 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 plenty of them, more especially on the lower part of the back, and he knows 
 well how to use them. Erecting them into a palisade, he can detach them 
 while he gives his body a jerk towards the enemy, so that the legend has arisen 
 that he can throw them. The jerk has this effect, and directly the nose and 
 mouth of the pursuing dog are thus met by a backward jerk of the animal's 
 rump, the pursuit is effectually stopped, for the dog's head is full of quills, which 
 give great pain, entering easily into the flesh, and then being very difficult 
 of extraction, because they are barbed with minute back-set hairs. A gush 
 of blood follows the extraction of each. When in captivity the porcupine 
 becomes very tame, eating greedily apples or any vegetable given to him. Our 
 friend the lighthouse-keeper was very proud of his porcupines, and insisted on 
 our taking a pair of them away as presents. But his sports in winter he com- 
 plained of as being much curtailed, and his loneliness often most hard to bear. 
 Yet he shot partridges among the fir thickets, starting them out of the powdery 
 dry snow in which they burrow ; and then seal-hunting was often exciting, but 
 very cold work. Out at the edge of the shore ice was his hunting-ground for 
 the seals, and in one winter he had managed to secure fifty, which was worth 
 the trouble, for they brought as a rule a pound a-piece in the Quebec market. 
 It is noteworthy that with the efficient but cheaply conducted lighthouse 
 system here, there are only two keepers to each station. It was formerly 
 the system also in England to have a couple of men only ; but where men 
 had disappeared, suspicion attached sometimes to tlie survivor, and it was 
 thought best to have three in each tower. The only case among the light- 
 keepers I have heard of as suspicious of murder in Canada occurred where 
 there were three men. A father and son and the father's assistant lived 
 together. It was winter time, and the station was one on the south shore, near 
 settlements. All three were out seal shooting, and the assistant arrived home 
 alone. His story was that the other two, although it was known that they 
 were better clad than himself, had become benumbed with cold, that he had 
 tried to assist them, but that they had lain down, and been swept off the ice-raft 
 on a broken piece. They were never heard of again. The survivor applied 
 for the appointment held by the father. Suspicion was strong against him, and 
 he was dismissed the service ; but there was no evidence, and the real cause of 
 the disappearance of his two companions remained a mystery. 
 We will now ascend this wide and illuminated channel, and pass Quebec 
 and go onward through Lake St. Peter, and on until we reach the end of the 
 navigation for ships of over 1,400 tons, at Montreal. Here is a goodly city. If 
 the approach to it be made by night, a long line of electric lights marks the 
 quays. But we would rather come up the stream in day-time, when the rapid 
 river gleams bright and blue, and the Royal Mount behind the city shows itself 
 fair and green in its bravery of maple and elm. A pretty island lies moored in 
 mid-stream, and beyond, the Victoria Tubular Bridge, looking like a mere thin 
 rope, tightly stretched from the tops of short posts, spans the great distance to 
the further bank, seen low and far across the water. Crowds of shipping lie 
 along the heavily-built stone wharves. Steamers nearly 6,000 tons in burden are 
 there, and fleets of three-masted sailing ships; but from year to year the 
 steamers increase in number, and it is evident that the sailing vessels are doomed 
 in public favour. The most prominent buildings on shore are the two tall square 
 towers of the Catholic Cathedral, and a great market and customs building — a 
 minor Somerset House. In almost all the buildings the grey limestone used gives 
 an air of massive strength and a solidity and stateliness very different from the 
 temporary appearance of the structures of many American towns. There is 
 plenty of bustle and activity visible in the streets, and animation prevails in all 
 the thoroughfares near the water-side. Away from that quarter, where all the 
 business seems to be transacted, the avenues of trees planted before the houses 
 denote that greater space can be given, and mure attention paid, to purposes of 
 adornment and pleasure. Many churches, handsome hotels, and well-built 
 detached sesidences denote the district inhabited by the more wealthy of the 
 citizens. Scattered among these are vast structures which are devoted by the 
 Roman Catholic Church to the use of nuns, who are formed into communities 
 having important duties assigned to then in the education of children and the 
 care of the sick. Mdlle. Lajeunesse, known to all the musical world as Madame 
 Albani, was trained in the largest of these, the immense building known as 
 the Villa Maria, placed on the site of Lord Elgin's old house of " Monklands." 
 The memory of a stormy political scene is associated with Lord Elgin's 
 Canadian Pictukks. 
 residence at Montreal. When the Parliament met there, a Bill had been passed 
 through the legislature, settling the claims of those who had lost property 
 during the troubles of the rebellion of 1837-38. It was considered by the 
 party whose strength lay In Ontario, that too much was done for those who had 
 recently been insurgents, and they declared that the Governor-General should 
 not assent to the Bill. Lord Elgin, resolutely abiding by the rule of constitu- 
 tional government, announced his intention of acting on the advice of his 
 ministers, and thus rendering the measure an Act of Parliament. He set out 
 from Monklands with his staff, and was mobbed before entering the House, and 
 again on leaving, so insolently, that his brother, Frederick Bruce, had his head 
 cut by one of the stones thrown at the carriage. It was a happy accident that 
 the Governor-General himself escaped unhurt. As soon as he was gone, the 
 mob stormed the House of Assembly, and burnt it to the ground. As a loyal 
 demonstration the tumult was a failure, but it was successful in banishing the 
 seat of government from the commercial capital. 
 A seat of learning, well worth visiting, is McGill University, whose 
 honoured principal. Dr. Dawson, is well known to the men of science of 
 Eui ope and America. By the generosity of Mr. Redpath, an excellent building 
 has recently been added as a museum, in which may be studied all that is most 
 remarkable in the geology of Canada, as well as a collection of the implements, 
 weapons, and carved pipes of the aborigines. If the visitor wishes to see 
 what IS supposed to be the oldest created thing preserved for us in the rocks 
 he may here satisfy his curiosity, and decide for himself whether the coral-like 
 structure to be distinctly traced in the interesting specimens in the cases is a 
 mere accident of mineral form, or shows one of the family of marine insects 
 which has built up a great part of the land we live on. McGill is a /ery 
 popular university, with an ever-increasing roll of students in all the faculties, 
 and fortunately also, with an ever-increasing roll of endowments. Besides the 
 illustrious name of Dawson, those of Logan and Carpenter are connected with it. 
 Formerly the National Museum of Geology was placed at Montreal, but it has 
 now been removed to Ottawa, where additions to the collection have been recently 
 made from Alberta, some great saurians' bones being especially remarkable. 
 Manufactories flourish at Montreal, but these are necessarily like manufac- 
 tories elsewhere ; and if the traveller wishes to be amused by a sight very unique 
 on the American continent, he should attend a fox hunt, and see the Hunt Club. 
 The members indulge in no idle mockery after a drag, but are successful in per- 
 suadmg the farmers around to let the chase be one after wild foxes. During 
 many seasons there are as many foxes killed as there are hunting days. At the 
 club house are excellent stables and kennels, where horses and hounds enjoy 
 the sensation of being brushed with rotatory brushes, as though they were New 
 York or London dandies at a barber's shop. The animals appreciate the luxury, 
 the hounds especially, scratching at the doors to be let out to get to the brushing 
 place when the hour comes round. 
Winter in Montreal. 
 The winter carnival at Montreal gives enjoyment to thousands of strangers 
 who come to see the sports. If they choose to have the unwonted s nsaTon of 
 steaming in a railway train over the ice, they may take passage n he cars 
 unning across the frozen St. Lawrence to Longeuil. If^hey^desire to see 
 fairyland on earth, they should be present at a masquerade ball in he great 
 btr^^ Tr V" "''^' l^' ^^''' ^'^^" '" ^"^ --"^ the palace bui t of^ ce 
 blocks. If they wish themselves to share in exercise for which much prac ce 
 IS not necessary, they should join one of the merry parties of the Snow shoe 
 Club, and clad in coloured blanket coat, blue "Tuque" cap. and mocis sins 
 tramp away into the country over the bright and poldery sn'ow. con^g home 
 with their blood tingling from the healthy exhilaration of the keen and tlindess 
 air. There is no need to fear insufficient accommodation either he eo a 
 Toronto, for the hotels of both cities are excellent 
 Almost every town in Canada, and the States, too, at one time or another 
 has suffered from fire. Montreal, although .so solidly built, has been no excepTon 
 The quantity of wooden buildings in most of the cities sufficiently accoJt f^r 
 these conflagrations, and to this cause must be added the heating of the houses 
 during winter with stoves and long hot-air pipes, making the. temperature very 
 high and drying up everything in the dwelling. The water supply is too often 
 insufficient, and the flames have their way. rushing before the wind, flying fron" 
 roo to roof with the whirling shingles and burning M^S, roaring fvith a 
 continuous thunder whose monotone is only broken by the louder crash of 
 falling roofs. Such a conflagration is a grand spectacle, and a melancholy one 
 I remember one instance where the people had piled their goods in the onlv 
 comparatively open space available before a church. Articles of all kinds were 
 heaped on the steps of the great central door, as though near the sanctuary a 
 refuge might be found ; the alarm bells were pealing from the church towers 
 and It was not unti! everything around had fallen that the people fled and the 
 priests rang a last tocsin from the spires only a kw minutes before the whole 
 fabric descended in ruin. 
 During the winter, when the river is so well covered with strono- ice that a 
 railway is laid upon it. and passengers and goods are taken across to the opposite 
 bank at Longeuil, the operation of the ice harvesting may be watched \s the 
 summer is warm enough at Montreal, and as its heat through the whole of New 
 York State and the country to the south is most trying, a vast amount of ice is 
 required for the markets. A mild winter brings dismay to those who are 
 accustomed to get a "good ice-cup " from the fine waters of the Hudson But 
 a sure supply of thick, well-frozen ice may always be obtained from Canada 
 The harder the winter, and the greater the cold, the better is the quality 
 of the ice. Men with .saws and ice-cutters may be seen carving square 
 blocks from the white floor on which they stand and placing them on sledges 
 for conveyance to the store-houses. In January the Montrealers erect a 
 wondrous structure of towers, battlements and glistening walls, inclosino- 
J 22 Canadian Pictures. 
 s"^ kxu7 of'^i^cTb^cks. Water poured over the f^^-' ;f ;f:;;jj^,^;;^; 
 up to the height of a hundred feet, cements uito one sohd mass the translucent 
 stones o? crystal. The effect of such a buildh^g when lit from wuhm is very 
 strikins? and beautitul. . . i i>. • • 
 Handsome as is the city of Montreal, the most populous m the DomuHon 
 it cannot boast of more than 150.000-a small number compared wi h those of 
 the great Australian centres of commerce. Yet m Australia there is not half 
 the total population there is in Canada. Is not this m favour of the northern 
 colony, showing as it does how large a proportion of her people live on her land, 
 MiiNrMAi IN NMNTtR An let Jam 
 rather than in her streets ? Montreal has more of the dignity of years than any 
 white man's settlement, for of old it was Hochelaga, an Indian town, circled 
 with palisades. Its people grew corn, and made pottery of ^^^ ^^jf J^';^'/"!^ 
 fashioned pipes skilfully enough ; but their art and the.r works, hke ^lose of all d.e 
 Red races of the far north, were neither beautiful nor enduring. In the Montreal 
 of to-day art holds her own. There is a good picture galL.y and art school 
 and several of the citizens have fine houses adorned altogether by Montreal 
 artisans and artists. We shall probably see towns as wealthy arise in Canada, 
 for the country is fast gaining in wealth. 
 Tlie game of lacrosse is frequently played at Quebec and Montreal, and 
 should be witnessed if possible by any traveller desiring to see a peculiar national 
 pastime.^ It is a game requiring great speed of foot and quickness of eye and 
 hand. The Cauchnawaga Indians, living above the Lachine Rapids, are adepts at 
 the sport, but are usually beaten by a well-selected team from the Montreal 
 clubs. The game, like all those which are the prettiest to see, is played with a 
 ball. This is made of porous india-rubber, and is rather smaller than a cricket 
 ball. The players are ranged against 
 each other in couples throughout the 
 length of the field, so that wherever 
 the ball alights there may be two con- 
 testants for its possession. It must be sent 
 through two goal posts. No player is 
 allowed to touch it e.xcept with the lacrosse 
 stick. This is a strong curved piece of ash 
 or other tough wood, in shape like a hockey 
 stick. From the end of the curve at the top a 
 netting is stretched down towards the handle, so, 
 that the ball may be caught in it. By giving the 
 stick a peculiar swing the ball may be sent sling- 
 fashion from this netting in the curve, and can be 
 thrown for 150 yards. The attitude of the players 
 would be fit subjects for sculpture, for both in slinging, 
 and in running with the ball on the lacrosse, and 
 in avoiding the pursuit of the opponent, there is 
 no posture of agility, strength, and fleetness 
 unrepresented. No game is more exciting 
 to the spectators, for there is no pause or 
 stay in the contest. At one moment the 
 struggle is in front of one goal, and the 
 next instant the ball has been caught and 
 hurled away to the ether extremity of the 
 field, and a fresh set of combatants are 
 called into action. The teams now consist 
 of twelve men on each side, but in old days 
 the Indians played it in numbers, and " o-ood 
 at game, good at war," was a saying with 
 them much as it is with our fox-hunters, who call their sport a mimic war. 
 Football IS our nearest approach to lacrosse, and knocks as hard are given in the 
 one as m the other game, but the injuries at lacrosse are more likely to be in 
 the head, as ,n followmg a man who has the ball, strokes are delivered at his 
 stick which often fall on hands, arms, shoulders, and head. Catlin says that in 
 his day tnese games afforded the squaws the only opportunity they had of paying 
 Indian Lacrosse Pi.aykk. 
 ( /•'/■<;/« t'aHm's '■ Aor/h Aiiinhnn IniUaiis.") 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 !' i 
 off their husbands for any injury they had received from them, for it was the 
 women's privilege on these occasions to be allowed to Hog their husbands into 
 the ball-Pght, and that lazy or timid men could be seen flogged into the contest 
 by their down-trodilen women, who laid on the "birch " with a will. No such 
 incentive is necessary with our Canadian brothers, who are as fond of manly 
 sports as are the English at home. There is no finer game than lacrosse, now 
 the national game of Canada, and there are, the 
 world over, no finer young fellows to engage in such contests than our Canadian 
 players. • 'v . 1 
 One of the chief objects of interest at Montreal is the Victoria 1 ubular 
 Bridge, a wonderful structure, into which the Prince of Wales drove the last 
 rivet^in 1861, this ceremony being the signal for the opening of the great viaduct 
 to traffic. The winter cold and summer heat makes the iron-work contract and 
 expand, and skilful provision is made for this in the building. When the train 
 passes its cavernous entrance, and speeds on through the dark and sounding 
Religious Bodies in the Dominion. 
 12 = 
 avenue, glimpses are caught through side openings of the mightv river hurling 
 Its currents through the abutments of the piers below. 
 The Roman Catholic Church is dominant in the Province of Quebec where 
 It possesses much property held from the days of the anciai rc'qimc of France 
 and contmued under British rule by the acquiescence of the majority as 
 represented m the local legislature. In other parts of the Dominion it is in 
 %"!i"°y"y' ^"* everywhere has the independence accorded in Canada to all sects 
 of Christians. The number of its adherents, according to the last census, was 
 The Wesleyans and other Methodists rank next in number. The Wesleyan 
 Methodists have a General Conference and six provincial conferences, and the 
 Episcopal Methodists and Primitive Methodists are also considerable bodies. 
 Ihe Wesleyans number 582,963, the Episcopal Methodists 103,272, the Primitive 
 Methodists 25,680, and other bodies 3,830, or 715,745 in all. ' 
 Next in numerical importance are the Presbyterians, the greater part of 
 whom belong to the Canada Presbyterian Church, which has a General Assembly 
 and five synods. Pew congregations are connected with the Established Church 
 of Scotland a still smaller represents the Reformed . Presbyterian Ciiurch, and 
 there are a few Presbyterians not conn(;cted with any of these. The adherents 
 of the Canada Presbyterian Church number 629.280, those of the Church of 
 bcotland 32,834, the Reformed 12,945. and the others 1,106, or 676,165 in all 
 Next in order of relative number is the Church of England, which, in 
 Canada, constitutes an independent body, having its own episcopate and synods 
 distinct from those of the mother country. It has nine dioceses, and adherents 
 to the number of 574,818. 
 The Baptists number 275,290 ; the Lutheran Church, which is principally 
 composed of German colonists and their descendants, 46.350, the Concrrejra- 
 tionalists amount to 26,900. *■' 
 The whole Protestant population of British North America may thus be 
 reckoned at 2,436.334. and if to this we add 70,000 belonging to various 
 denomination not previously mentioned, and a proportion of the 89,000 who are 
 entered in the census as not having stated their religious belief and of whom it 
 IS probable the greater part were Protestants, it might not be unfair to rate the 
 whole Protestant population as somewhat over two millions and a half. 
 All of the larger Protestant bodies have theological schools, many of them 
 well equipped and attended by large numbers of students, and all have home 
 and foreign missionary organisations, many of which are very active and useful 
 Owing to the special circumstances of Canada, and to the rapid increase of new 
 settlements, large demands are made on the congregations of the older districts 
 for missionary work within the Dominion, and for this reason less proportionally 
 has been done for foreign missions than in some older countries, but there are 
 nevertheless missionaries sustained by the Canadian Churches in most of the 
 leading mission fields. 
 'I I 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 Much importance is also attached in Canada to the operations of rehgious 
 societies. The British and Foreign Bible Society has numerous auxiliaries and 
 branches throughout the Dominion. The Religious Tract Society and Sunday 
 School Union have also done useful work, and in recent years the operations of 
 Young Men's Christian Associations have assumed large dimensions, while 
 Young Women's Associations exist in the more important cities and towns. 
 As in the United States, Sunday schools are universal, and are conducted 
 with great spirit and success. Throughout the Dominion, except in a very few 
 newly-settled districts, Christian worship is maintained in every village and 
 settlement, and even in the smallest and newest settlements the Sunday school 
 affords means of religious instruction, and supplements the visits of travelling 
 missionaries or of the ministers of adjoining centres of population. 
 " On the whole," writes a friend, " there are few countries where the truths 
 of the Gospel of Christ are more generally diffused or more accessible, and it 
 has not been found that the absence of an established Church has tended in any 
 way to diminish the Christian privileges of the people. On the contrary, there 
 is an active competition between the different bodies for the possession of new 
 localities, and a strong spirit of emulation with reference to the financial and 
 spiritual prosperity of the several churches. There is also a healthy spirit of 
 mutual helpfulness, or at least of forbearance and toleration between the different 
 denominations, and where controversies and differences have occurred this has 
 more usually been among the different schools of thought in the same denomina- 
 tion than between different denominations. 
 " There is as yet but little in Canada of open opposition to Christianity or 
 advocacy of infidelity, and such influences when they exist are most usually 
 represented by lecturers introduced from without. The churches are well 
 attended, and desecration of the Sabbath has not assumed very large proportions 
 even in the cities. It is to be hoped that this state of things may be permanent, 
 and that the motto of Canada may be, ' Blessed is that naiion whose God is 
 the Lord.'" 
 To my friend's remarks I may add that, while the Churches are not 
 "established" in the English sense by the State, both Protestants and Catholics 
 have been allowed to retain large endowments. 
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 'I I' 
 WiNNH'ic; IN 1S75. 
 1'"K()M LaKI: Hl'KoN TO Wi.NMl'lXi. 
 TllK Watkr.wav fkom Montrkai. t,i I.akk SiiTRiuR-AinoMA AM) Mamtoi' Wi.sMi'i;i:-TiiK Mamtoiu 
 University- r»K Rkp-Rivir Sktti.krs-A Day's Jocrnky in tiik ^•oRTH■\VI:s^•-^tR. I'kacock I'Dwarh's 
 Kei'ort on the Nortii-\Vi;st Tin, Canaiiian rAni'ic Kaiiavav. 
 A LARGE revenue for the exiVencies of public works in Canada is neces- 
 sary. Where you have a region of such tremendous extent, and an 
 enterprising people pushing settlement here, there, and everywhere into the 
 wilderness, and making that .same wilderness into flourishing districts, you will 
 have demands for roads, telegraphs, and post-offices. We have scarcely space to 
 show how these demands have been met in Ontario. Ihat province is now so 
 well filled with people in the districts lying between Erie and Huron that the 
 communities are self-supporting. Harrie, Collingwood, Newmarket, Brantford, 
 London, Sarnia, St. Thomas, and Hamilton are names of well-known flourishing 
 centres whose sons are forming fresh counties in the backwoods with every decadet 
 But there are always heavy charges, which must be met throughout the whole 
 country by the National Treasury. Some of these, and forming the principal 
 items of expense, are great charges for the lighting of coasts, deepening and 
 making of li;irbours, increase !n the capacity of water channels, the construction 
 of canals, and the guiding by dams and dykes tile currents of the different 
 Nothing gives a better idea of this than the ordinary holiday tourist's 
 journey, undertaken by so many wlio wish to see part of the States and of 
 Canada, and who ascend the St. Lawrence and go as fur as Cliicago. As 
 they approach the shores from the sea, light after light beckons them on 
 up the wonderful avenue of water, until the great river looks like some wide 
 street in a well-lighted town, and the ship arrives at Quebec ; but she does 
 not stay her course, but proceeds onward through the street of light-houses, pass- 
 ing Lake St. Francis, whose whole central channel has been artificially deepened, 
 until she arrives at the head of uninterrupted navigation at Montreal. But here 
 again, if she be a ship under one thousand four hundred tons, her journey need 
 not be terminated. Rapid waters flash over the rocky ledges in the stream 
 above, and the continuation of these rapids, which are often almost cascades, 
 bars her direct progress ; but at each and all of these she finds magnificent 
 canals constructed, with fourteen feet of water over the sills of all the locks, 
 and she can proceed until the majestic waters of Lake Ontario allow her again 
 for 150 miles to proceed upon her course. Then, when the steam of the l*'alls 
 of Niagara rises above the plains which seem to shut out further advance, she 
 slips quietly into the Welland Canal, which carries her over thirty miles, until 
 she passes out again upon the shallowest of the great lakes. Lake Erie, 
 Onwards for another 140 miles, and then through similar works she reaches 
 Lake Huron. Through a wonderful archipelago of islands, scattered on the 
 water on its northern shore, she wends her way, until the old French post, 
 called the Rapids of St. Mary, is seen upon the low and wooded shores. Here 
 for the first time in her long inland voyage she has to leave Canadian territory, 
 for the canal which takes her onwards is built on American ground. A grand 
 work it is. And now at last she will have arrived at the ultimate stage of her 
 wanderings, for before her stretch the 400 miles of the deeps of Lake Superior, 
 600 feet above the level of the sea. It is from thence that vessels take in an 
 ever-increasing amount of grain from the exhaustless granaries of the interior, 
 to the markets of Europe. One of the toughest jobs which the Canadian 
 Pacific Railway has to encounter is to be found in the rock-bound and precipitous 
 coast on the north of this vast lake. In a year or two the traveller bound 
 for the West will go by the Canadian Pacific Railway along the upper courses of 
 the Ottawa River, and, crossing over the wooded ridges, will traverse the 
 deeply-forested country above Lake Nipissing. He will see nothing of Huron, 
 for the line is some considerable distance from the Georgian Bay, and he will 
 only see Lake Superior when nearly one half the distance of its north shore has 
 been traversed. When he arrives on its shore line he will not again quit it until 
 he gets to Port Arthur, whence he will strike inland through Keewaytin to reach 
 Rat Portage and Winnipeg. If he prefer to see some of the northern country. 
 and yet not to miss th<; v()).ij,'o on .Sii|)<Mior, he will In; able to take tlu; branch 
 line which, from a point wt:st of Nipissintr, will taki: him to Sault Ste. Marie. 
 We have [)asse(l qm'ckly, in a sentence or two, over a vast amount of j^'round ; 
 and we will look a little more in detail at the, as y.-t, scarcely inhabited region 
 called^ Algoma. Ontario claims it all as within her province. As we have 
 seen, it is probable that a strong second line of population will exist in Quebec 
 around Lake St. John and in the valleys of the northern tributaries of the 
 Ottawa, so it is very satisfactory to hear from good judges of land, that a good 
 back country extends all along the Upper Ottawa, around Lake Nipissing, and 
 along I'Vench River— the stream which carries the Nipissing waters into the 
 Georgian Bay. Protected by the continuation of the Laurentian Range, a great 
 barrier of old rocks give it some shelter from the north. When one considers 
 how, ()n the poor soils of New Lngland, remarkable States distinguished for ti.e 
 physical and mental capacity of the people have arisen, can we doubt that they 
 who will settle here also will succeed in founding communities able to make 
 their voice heard in the councils of their nation > It is computed that there are 
 si.x millions of acres between the Ottawa and the Georgian Bay and south of 
 Nipissing which may be profitably used. Everywhere, however, the clearing of 
 the woods must precede cultivation. Men from the Swiss cantons are actively 
 promoting emigration from their country, and enthusiastically declare that their 
 wines may be grown here also. There are parts where hard-wood takes the 
 place of firs ; and although these inner recesses of Canada's old provinces are 
 only now being opened up, there is no reason to doubt that they will, before 
 another half-century has passed, be reckoned as containing many counties ecpi.U 
 in importance to the most favoured in the " Peninsula," which was itself fifty 
 years ago in the present condition of Kastern Algoma. The early settler's hut. 
 the shant) of the railway navvy or lumber-man, the trapp^-r Intent on fox, 
 marten, and beaver, will, before very many years are passed, have given way to 
 th.e galleried farm-house and the well- cleared fields of the Ontarian farmer. 
 It is perhaps pleasanter for the emigrant and tourist that the route is not an 
 all rail one. For twelve dollars the settler may now be conveyed from Quebec 
 to Winnipeg, and he will find it more agreeable in the warm May weather, 
 that he has some change during the journey, and that a well-equipped steamer 
 awaits him at Gravenhurst or Collingwood or Owen Sound, and that he is 
 thus allowed to inhale the breezes which play over the lakes in summer instead 
 of being obliged to submit withoi.r a break to the monotony of railway travel. 
 After threading the very picturesque maze of islands of the bay, he will probably 
 find that the vessel stops long enough at some point of Manitoulin Isl.uid 
 to allow him a run on shore. He will probably see fishing-boats at the quay 
 full of splendid white fish, for i- jrs are sent hence to the southern markets. 
 The Indians catch these in i,.. strong currents as the fish head up-stream. 
 Keeping the canoe end on to the rapid, the men watch their chance, anci 
 with speed and remarkable certainty plunge a big "landing-net" beneath 
 '• 'i 
 nil ^^ 
 i i 
 i s 
 Canadian Picti'res. 
 Settlkr's Hut. 
 the canoe over the head 
 of the fish, and with a 
 rapid twist the net's 
 mouth is closed, and the 
 prize hauled on board, 
 Manitoulin, called after 
 Manito, the universal 
 I ndian name for the Great 
 Spirit, is one of a group. 
 The largest has some good 
 land, and is 100 miles long, 
 very irregular in shape, 
 with an estimated area of 
 1 ,600 square miles. With 
 a mild winter and cool 
 summer, its advantages 
 had already in 1881 at- 
 tracted 9,000 whites, and 
 there are large Indian reserves, on which between 2,000 and 3,000 natives — 
 Ojibbeways — live. Their chiefs keep up much of the old state, and here, for the 
 first time on the journey westward, does the traveller see pure-blooded Indians. 
 They have given up their 
 heathen practices, and if 
 there be curiosity to see 
 feasts whose chief delicacy is 
 the broth made of a white 
 dog kept for sacrifice, such 
 customs must be looked for 
 further on, among their 
 brothers in Keewaytin. But 
 here fine men may be seen, 
 with the true bold type of 
 features of the Redskin, and 
 the friendly smoke of tobacco 
 is still offered to the stranger 
 from pipes whose stems an; 
 curiously wreathed and 
 The missionaries have 
 indeed been singularly suc- 
 cessful in Manitoulin— a forecast of their success along the whole of the north of 
 the lakes as soon as the sinews of Christian warfare be provided by the subscrip- 
 tions of frifMids at home. Among the Anglicans, the Hishop of Algoma, who's IIl'l'. 
 lives at Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario, has charge of this district, and there are many 
 Methodist and Presbyterian ministers who may be helped by forwarding money to 
 their respective head-quarters at Toronto. Garden River and Bruce Mines are 
 places where halts are usually made by the vessels, and you will always hear from 
 the hopeful settlers that there is a good prospect of the enlargement of their little 
 colony, that the farms are doing well ; but as yet the content grows from little, 
 for lumbering to procure wood for the towns on the American shore, and the 
 raising of cattle and cereals for their own use, is all that is attempted. About 
 rth of 
 MlCllll'ICOTl-X, LaKK SuiiiRloK. 
 (/•>IVH .1 Sketcli by the Mari/iiis of Lorii,- ) 
 Algoma Mills and Sault Ste. Marie there will 
 probably be considerable towns, as they are on the 
 straightest road from east to west. The general 
 characteristics of the scenery along this route, are 
 the loveliness of the wooded islands, the shores 
 low and rough and wooded, and northward the 
 lower ridges of the hills, which stretch unbrokenly 
 from Nepigon to Quebec. The Americans have 
 a military post at "the Sault," and after passing this place, Michipicoten 
 Island, of which the accompanying engraving gives an idea, is the first land 
 seen on Superior. But if it can be managed, the captain of the steamer should 
 be prevailed upon to make a slight change in the course, in order that the fine 
 cliffs of Nepigon Straits may be seen. There the columnar basalts, which are 
 very remarkable further on, are first observed. The rivers falling into the 
 bay are full of excellent trout, and no better fishing can be had. From a point 
 not far from this is the shortest road to James's Bay, at the head of Hudson's 
 « ^ ii 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 Bay. This will, however, not be the way by which that outlet for grain will be 
 reached by rail. The mountain barriers are too formidable. From Winnipeg 
 Lake by the Nelson River there is no such obstruction, the country being very 
 flat, and it may be confidently expected that a line will put the prairie country 
 into communication with the gulf. The basaU and trap hills which form so 
 grand a gateway to Nepigon rise to still greater heights, and are seen in more 
 striking forms where they are broken into islands guarding Port Arthur. 
 Whoever has seen the Treshnish group of the Hebrides and the headlands 
 of Mull, can form some idea of the appearance of Thunder Cape and its sister 
 island. The Canadian trap formations are grander in scale, but they can 
 show no such perfect gem of basaltic structure as Staffa. 
 The copper mines around Lake Superior are the richest in the world, and 
 have every kind of that ore. The best is that in which the copper is not in great 
 masses of pure metal, for when found in this state it is most difficult to work, 
 and the expense of labour greatly diminishes the value. At Michipicoten 
 Island, and other places on the north shore, the percentage of ore is very large, 
 but the stuff is procured in easily wrought rock. The races who in old days 
 inhabited this country knew of the mines and worked in their rude fashion at 
 them. Ancient shafts exist, and in these rude stone hammers, marked round 
 the centre with a groove for the reception of the thong which attached them to 
 a handle, are found. But the metal when procured was beaten only into rude 
 plates, or used for roughly shaped vessels. 
 It seems that silver was not thought worth getting. It does not shine in 
 gold-like masses as does the copper when cut, or seen in the many-coloured 
 beauty of green, purple, bronze, or yellow in the surfaces exposed to the action 
 of the atmosphere. Yet silver, as shown in such ore as that procured from spots 
 near the Kaministiquia River, is sufficiently striking in appearance. Often it 
 exists in branch-like threads or strings of pure metal which, ductile and firm, 
 cling like hemp strands to the portion of rock which has been broken off. 
 Close to Port Arthur is a tiny islet called Silver Island. Before it was known 
 as rich in silver some men bathing from its scanty ledges picked up a small piece 
 of ore. The discovery became known, and a few gentlemen at Montreal formed 
 a company to explore the place. It became necessary to have some crib-work 
 put up to continue operations. Four of the gentlemen demurred to the expense, 
 and thought the cost would not pay. One only remonstrated against this view, 
 and against the proposal to get rid of the whole concern by a sale. He was 
 over-ruled, and some Americans bought the property. In less than twelve 
 months not only was the additional space gained by the crib-work on which to 
 plant engines, houses, &c., paid for, but rich lodes had been struck and a small 
 fortune had already been made. The further they dug, the richer was the 
 silver. It came up in moss-like branches running through a white stone; it was 
 found in blocks of grey ore, and in thick sheets of solid silver, so that it was 
 often worth from 12,000 to 20,000 dollars per ton. Bitterly did the Montrealcrs 
Scenes on the Lakes. 
 bewail their own want of confidence ; but it was too late. Silver Island had 
 become the most noted mine of the lakes, but it was no longer theirs ! 
 Beautiful was the old canoe route through Keewaytin to the Lake of the 
 Woods. It was that taken by Sir Garnet Wolseley's expedition. The 
 Kaministiquia River is famous for some fine falls, and each of the myriad lakes 
 o Keewaytin is an enchanted spot. Almost all of them are ornamented with 
 islets, on whose breasts the wood, untouched by the fires which have too often 
 deso ated the forest on the lake sides, remains in its first loveliness. From lake 
 to lake the canoe is carried, and as it is again launched on another piece of clear 
 water, time is given to watch the innumerable host of lilies encamped on the 
 \Vl.NNlI'li(; AS IT WAS. 
 Still surface of the inlets, the blaze of generous sunlight on the broad fringes of 
 white pine, or the red stems of those called Norwegian. Often as the canoes 
 proceed the voyager threads passages so narrow that the boughs almost meet 
 overhead, and the bushes, mosses and lichens on the ripple-worn rocks, sprinkled 
 with bright flowers, are so close that each may be distinctly recognised. A night- 
 camp among such scenes, when the tawny birch-bark flotilla just floats with the 
 painted prows resting on clean sands, and the fire's glow falls on the nearer pines 
 and firs, and a clear moon shows the more distant forest slopes backed by some 
 huge crag, remains in the memory as a joy for ever. 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 These canoe voyages are only memories, for nowadays at Port 
 Arthur we enter the railway cars, and after passing for 400 miles through 
 a wooded and rocky region we suddenly emerge upon the endless meadows 
 of Manitoba. For miles and miles we now see the long grasses wave, and 
 out of the treeless land rise the spires of the churches of the new city of 
 Winnipeg. As we approach this creation of the last half-dozen years we cross 
 a river which, like the Tiber at Rome, rolls rapidly in a turbid, tawny flood. 
 We see that it is joined within the limits of the city by another stream, not 
 quite so large but equally muddy. These are the Red River of the north and 
 the Assiniboine. New cities are all much alike in general plan on this continent. 
 There are the same very wide str'>ets, showing how prodigal the community 
 may be of land. There are the same rough buildings of boards, with the front 
 run up in a square shape, hiding the gable behind, which it would be r ich the 
 prettier thing to show, 
 but it is hidden because 
 the square boarded 
 front gives more room 
 for some largely written 
 name or advertisement. 
 There are the same pre- 
 tentious, and some- 
 times very handsome 
 " blocks," where a 
 wealthy firm or an 
 enterprising speculator 
 has put his capital into 
 brick, stone, and lime. 
 There are the same 
 variety of hotels, some 
 great, some small, but 
 all furnished with the largest bar-room and entrance hall they can afford to have. 
 There is the same wooden " side-walk " along both sides of the street, the same 
 car-tramway on the roadway, the same flight of light springy gigs or buggies, with 
 their tall thin-spoked wheels, making it necessary to climb over the spider work 
 before the passenger can be seated in the vehicle. There is the same lumbering 
 along the highways o( loaded van and waggon. 
 But two peculiarities Winnipeg has, the one a remnant of bygone days, the 
 other a proof of how her citizens can well use the latest result of tolerance and 
 culture. I allude to the Red River cart, and the Manitoba University. Let 
 us look, first, at the cart. It is a very rough structure, but ingeniously made, for 
 its wheels are put together without one piece of iron. There is neither nail nor 
 metal tire. The thing creaks horribly, but answers its purpose well. Caravans 
 of these conveyances have for the last thirty years taken the half-breed's goods 
 Kk.d-Kivkk Cakt. 
Education- and Farming in Manitoba. 
 by the prairie trails to all parts of the great valleys, and often occupy ninety 
 days in getting to Edmonton. 
 Let us look, secondly, at an institution whose wheels, we hope, will never 
 creak. This is the university. The governing body comprises Anglicans, 
 Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, Wesleyans, Baptists, Methodists. Each 
 religious communion has its own college, and they are all affiliated to the 
 university in this, that the students all get their degrees through examinations 
 approved by the heads of these colleges. The system has as yet worked 
 admirably. It approximates to the plan adopted by the University of London, 
 and is well worthy of the close attention of the stranger to Winnipeg. It is the 
 most striking product of this productive land. If this institution last, as all 
 must hope that it will last, the combination of the various religious bodies will 
 prove most effective for the purpose of securing united contributions for the 
 funds, without which it is impossible to secure the services of good professors. 
 The fault in many cases of the university system in Canada is that the degree- 
 giving establishment is supported only by the co-religionists of its founders, and 
 they in most places cannot afford to give large endowments. Some earnest, 
 eloquent, and influential man arises among the Anglicans or other religious 
 community. He succeeds in obtaining enough to start a college ; and all must 
 be glad that he does so. But his establishment is likely, unless it has relation to 
 others, to survive his life as a comparatively weak institution, having often the 
 right, through provincial legislative sanction, to confer degrees, but having, owing 
 to the want of funds, a band of instructors whose attainments are necessarily 
 commonplace. Higher education suffers from this. If the Manitoba model 
 were generally followed, a long step would be taken towards the improvement 
 of the universities. The provision for primary and generally for secondary 
 schools is excellent throughout the whole country, and in the North-West 
 one-eighteenth of all the land was originally set apart for school purposes." 
 Many speak as though the experience of ftirming in the province of 
 Manitoba dated only from yesterday, but this is not the case, for Lord Selkirk 
 many years ago brought in a colony consisting of Scotchmen from his 
 estates in the north, taking them by Hudson's Bay up the Nelson River to 
 Lake Winnipeg, and then settling them not far from where the present city 
 stands (then called Fort Garry), at a place named Selkirk. It is curious how 
 few of the members of that force under Sir Garnet Wolseley which put down the 
 Half-breed insurrection in 1870 seem to have been sufficiently impressed by the 
 experience of the Selkirk settlers, for the soldiers were not desirous to take up 
 the land allotment which was offered to every member of the expeditionary 
 corps. Yet if they had remembered how the early pioneers had told them that 
 the wheat grown on their lands came to a total of about thirty bushels per acre 
 in each year, and that these crops were raised gi.'ing the land a time of rest 
 every fifth year only ; if they could have realised within how short a time those 
 places which ihey themselves had reached with so much toil by march and canoe 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 portage through woods and endless lakes, would not only be reached by railways, 
 but become great railroad centres, they would not so carelessly have thrown 
 away their chance of making a fortune. When I was at Winnipeg in 1881 the 
 city had scarcely 10,000 people ; now it has 30,000. The streets are full of life. 
 Excellent shops, large warehouses, and some handsome churches have been 
 erected. The great want is a good pavement, for the soil is a tenacious black 
 stuff which clogs and sticks to everything it touches after rain. Fortunately 
 it soon dries, and in the neighbourhood of the town the prairie sod gives good 
 surface for anything but heavy traffic. 
 To the north and north-west are the lakes of Winnipeg and Manitoba, 
 both great inland seas, the first of which is connected by the Nelson River 
 with Hudson's Bay. It is proposed to export wheat during the short season 
 of autumn, when the straits which give access to the bay are not full of ice. 
 The time during which navigation is certain must be very limited, but it is 
 possible that, as in the case of Archangel, it may be worth while to run 
 steamers to Port Churchill, to carry away grain brought thither by rail. 
 Around Lake Manitoba there is plenty of timber in forests, which stretch 
 thence in a wide arch to the forks of the Saskatchewan, and thence north- 
 ward until the pine and fir belts descend again, in the neighbourhood of 
 Edmonton, to fill the valleys of the Rocky Mountains. But we arc wanderino- 
 in our survey too far afield, and for the present let us see how some men 
 who are not of our race, and who entered the country with but few of the 
 appliances brought or bought at once by the English, Scotch, or Canadian 
 settler, have found a prosperous home in the plains of the Red River. You 
 see neatly-made houses covered with a heavy thatch along the railway line 
 to the south, homesteads which are evidently occupied by farmers in com- 
 fortable circumstances, who have their cow-byres and other outhouses neatly 
 arranged in order near their dwellings. On a pole in the centre of the rustic 
 courtyard hangs a bell, which is placed to summon the labourers from the 
 fields for the noonday meal, or homeward when work is over for the day. If 
 you go to their houses you will be hospitably welcomed, but the speech you 
 hear is not your own ; it is German, and yet these men are not Germans. 
 Their history is a remarkable one. Their ancestors lived under the Great 
 Frederick in Brandenburg, in Pomerania. They had taken to the tenets of one 
 Simon Menno, who preached, as did the great Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, 
 that war is a crime. He went further, for he would not suffer his people to 
 take arms in their hands even for the purposes of civil order. The sect increased, 
 but you may imagine how distasteful these maxims were to the cast-iron military 
 rule of the conquering Frederick. He would have none of them. What was 
 the use of a man who would not even become a policeman .'* And so away 
 from home and kindred they had to go, and finding in the Emperor Paul of 
 Russia a man who could value them as good agriculturists, and who invited 
 them as such to his Courland provinces, they settled down as subjects of the 
The Mennonitks. 
 Czar. But as their numbers increased so did also the mih-tary systems of the 
 Great Powers ; and where every man must be a soldier, to refuse to wear the 
 uniform of the country is to be a neglecter of the first duty of a citizen. So 
 thought the Russian Government, and again these people were obliged to move 
 this time across the whole width of European Russia to the shores of the Sea 
 of Azov, near the Crimea, where they were again allowed to settle upon lands 
 m what at that time was but little better than a Tartar wilderness. Here a^ain 
 they throve and tilled and " replenished the earth," till " the desert blossomed 
 like the rose. In recent times, however, the demand for military service in 
 Russia determined the Mennonites-such is the name of this sect-io send 
 pioneer colonists to make a greater journey than any heretofore accomplished- 
 for this time they were to cross Europe and the ocean and half the continent' 
 of America and find freedom beneath the flags of the kindred peoples who have 
 fallen equal heirs to the grand liberty of the Far West. Some settled in 
 Minnesota and some in Manitoba. Where the land on which any of their 
 villages had been built needed draining they, with true German energy and 
 thoroughness and true Russian perseverance, set about the work ; and nowher'- 
 wil you see better cared for settlements, though perhaps on rather a humble 
 scale, than among the Mennonites. 
 Most comfortable are the interiors of their houses, though the floor 
 IS often only the hard-pressed earth ; but there is a cleanliness about walls 
 floor, and furniture, which tells of the presence of an excellent housewife' 
 China m a corner cupboard, and books in another, add to the appearance of 
 the apartment. As the wood was scarce a few years ago where they were 
 they largely used straw as fuel, and 1 was assured by one of the men. who like 
 all his neighbours spoke excellent German, that they had never sufibred in the 
 east from any winter cold, having with a very little wood and much straw as 
 luel obtained more heat than they wanted in the house. Althouc^h subject to 
 and willing to obey, the laws of the Dominion of Canada, there" is practicallv 
 no occasion on which these are enforced amongst them, for they have their own 
 system of justice. A religious and God-fearing people, crime is rare with them, 
 and when it occurs it is dealt with amongst themselves. The roads they have 
 made from yil age to village, and their whole system of rural economy, are 
 excellent, and they form by far the most satisfactory instance of any a<rare/ation 
 m one place of men belonging to a foreign race. Their villages generally 
 number from thirty to forty families, and it is their invariable custom on securincr 
 heir lands to hold a council, at which they decide what portions of all the lands 
 belonging to each head of a family are best adapted to the growth of wheat 
 potatoes, and tne various other crops. J3y this method all the wheat is grown in 
 one large tract, and so also with the potatoes, corn, and other crops-ip s^.ort the 
 land IS treated as being the property of the community rather than of' the 
 individual Out of this huge wheat-field, or whatever crop it may be. each familv 
 IS assigned one long strip, to be cultivated by that particular family ; and when the- 
 r 2 
* ill! 
 Canadian I'ici tki's. 
 harvest is rcuipiid the whole result is " pooled," and divided ecjually between the 
 families comprising the community. Their cattle also are all herded in common 
 in one luiife pastiiraj^e by a herdswoman, who is one of the two persons to whom 
 these curious pe()[)le pay a salary, tlie bishop, or elder of the village, being the 
 other. In the summer all hands, the bishop anil the children included, engage 
 in the farm work. Tluse latter are always dressed in clothes which, being of 
 the exact pattern, even to the hats and bonnets, of those worn by their elders, 
 give them a very grotescjue appearance, es[)ecia]ly in the case of the babies. Of 
 course in a country with such am[)le space as the North-West, where, if they 
 become crowded in one part they have only to move on and occupy another, 
 such a system may be pursued with far less evil occurring from subdivision than 
 in a little country largely peopled, as is the case with many a European land. 
 There is another foreign colony, consisting of Icelanders, who, however, have 
 not had at home the experience which makes men successful in husbandry ; 
 the gi' is, however, make excellent servants, and many of them are now distributed 
 through dm households of Winnipeg in that capacity. 
 In 1 88 1 I passed through two towns, one called Portage la Prairie, the 
 other Brandon, which have now 3,000 and 5,000 people, but then there were 
 only 200 to 300 in each, if so many. A broken band of Sioux at the iirst 
 named came hideously smeared with crimson and yellow ochre, and used 
 insolent language on the suliject of imaginary grievances. Only ten years ago 
 these fellows would come uninvited intt) houses at P'ori Garry. Now they are 
 heard of as little as are the remnants of the Iroquois in Western Ontario. 
 As there is virtue in many witnesses, let me cull from the journal of my 
 friend, Dr. McGregor, who was with me in 188 i, a note of one day's journey in 
 this part of the North West. 
 " We camped on the banks of the Little Saskatchewan (this stream has no 
 relation to its big brother of the north) on the iith August. We were up at 
 four, and off before six in a heavy showc- of rain, the only rain we had yet seen. 
 The road lay up a gentle ascent, through knotty or hum|)y ground, on to a rich 
 rolling land, with bogs or muskegs in the hollows. .Stopped at the settlement of 
 D. U. from Huron. Has 960 acres of what he thinks tiie finest land in the 
 world. He says that labouring men coming here will get work the whole year 
 without difticulty, but the best class to come is the small farmer who has a little 
 means. ' Send us as many Scotch farmers as possible,' he says ; ' we will get 
 on with them.' This is the universal testimony. 1 have inquired particularly 
 what money a man should have clear on arrival to get on comfortably. I find 
 that about /loo is the least sum they mention. Some have stated it lower than 
 that. Of course with nothing, or next to nothing, a willing workman will get on 
 here, but it will be a hard struggle tor some years. The best time for coming is 
 the month of June. The roads are clear. There is time to look about for land, 
 to make hay, to break up a few acres against spring, to build a house (which is 
 there a verv humble aftair), and to make ready against winter. Mr. St. [., who 
 . ii 
Climatm ami l''i:kTii.nv. 
 lias 1,280 acres, says that the soil is a clay loam six feet thick, and th;>t you can 
 dig ten feet without a pick. The snow is not more than one foot thick. The 
 climate is ilry and bracinjr in winter ; not a drop of rain falls from October to 
 March. He says that labourers can get $25 to $30 a month and board, and 
 can work at lumber in winter. Servant girls who know dairy work are in great 
 demand, and get ^lo a month and board. There is no summer frost. We 
 drove this day for hours through a country of marvellous fertility, not an acre of 
 which was tilled. Hour after hour the circle of the great plain keeps widening 
 WiNNlPKi; IN 1S82. 
 around, far advancing as you advance. There seem to be hay fields here 
 enough to supply the world. At twelve noon the barometer marked 400 feet 
 above Rapid City. Everywhere we see, where the grass is especially green, the 
 process by which the soil was made. Silt forms on the surface of the waters in 
 the hollows, grass begins to grow, and gradually a deep black soil is formed. 
 In loassing the gullies the black soil sticks to the wheels like glue. Here, as 
 elsewhere, a notable feature of the prairies, in striking contrast with all I have 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 seen of the forest, is the abundance of bird life. The loneliness of the woods is 
 terrible, but here great buzzards and hawks are almost never out of si^ht. Thcv 
 tell their own tale. We come almost daily across bittern, snipe, widgcc n. teal of 
 two vanct.e. many kinds of duck, prairie hen or sharp-tailed grouse, plovers, 
 and coot. 1 ijcre arc great llucks of a species of starling. T\v, gopher, or 
 ground squ.rre. is met with every day. Scarcely a lake we pass but has the 
 dom<:-shapecl dwelling of the musk rat. of which 70,000 skins were delivered 
 lasc yea. at Carleton Fort alone. The flesh is eaten by the Indians, and the 
 skins often form the ' sealskin ' coats of ladies in London and Pans At i "o 
 we were passing Salt Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, but alkaline. These 
 A Farm in the North-West. 
 alkaline lakes are of frequent 
 occurrence, the white salt 
 showing in the soil. At 3, 
 we camped at Shoal Lake. 
 , , Such grass, such 
 tables, such potatoes, I have never seen as those in a garden at that place ;— the 
 soil a black loam as friable as sand, 
 "The settlers came to see the governor. I have their names, but it is 
 enough to say that tlieir statements tallied exactly with those already recorded 
 One of them gave thirty-five bushels of wheat to the acre, seventy-five of oats 
 and said that the potatoes were an enormous crop. I have learned that hail- 
 storms, though very limited in their range, were very destructive. They are 
 one of the worst evils that settlers have to contend with. I could not find any 
 who had suffered from locusts. Next day found us in a ro.iing plain, the view 
 m all directions interrupted by clumps of poplar. M. R.. a typical farmer 
Fair Prospkcts and Rmmvav PcuORicssroN. 
 had come from Ontario fourteen months before. He came in June ; broke in 
 twelve acres from the sod. and cifrluf-en in the sprin- all now under crop • 
 expects thirty bushels of wheat and seventy of oats from this new-turned land' 
 I measured his oats, and they had strong straw four and a half feet high, with 
 wcll-niled ears. His house, and especially steading, which was formcd^'of logs 
 piled one on the other, and covered with his winter store of hay, were certainly 
 plain enough. But they served his purpose, and his house was commodious 
 enough to be used as a sort of run. He built them both with his own hands 
 at a cost of .$30. He gets water at twelve feet, likes the climate, and thinks 
 It better than that of Ontario. He says that the heights are warmer and more 
 fertile than the hollows. '1 he settler can dispose of ah' the grain he grows 
 for seed to the new-comer. In tlie afternoon we descended to the green and 
 beautiful valley of the Birtle, whose opposite slopes were indented with wooded 
 ravines. Some twenty houses nestling sweetly .,t the bottom of the long-drawn 
 vale, which is sixty miles in length, constitute the little village, a year and a 
 half old, with a mayor, a Presbyterian minister, a hotel, a general store, and 
 a— town house. There were all the inhabitants assembled with an address 
 and heartily singing ' God save the Queen '—a well-dressed company of ladies 
 and gentlemen, a clear-Howing river passing their doors, and they themselves 
 rejoicing in an unbounded hope in the future greatness of Canada, and Birtle 
 I am not sure that my eyes ever looked on a fairer land than that on which we 
 gazed soon after leaving these friends. I was on the edge of a vast plateau. 
 The ground sloped evenly and gently down for about two miles to the rtssini- 
 boine, 350 feet below, and on the high bank overhanging it were the white 
 houses of Fort Ellice. A long, dark belt of wood, lost on either hand in the 
 distance, marked the course of the river; while beyond it there stretched what 
 looked like the finest plain in England, a light and sunny land, that has been 
 waiting through all these long centuries to bless men with its wealth. There 
 was the river which had cut that deep, broad groove for itself out of the level 
 prairie, a tangle of ash, elm, and maple growing on its banks. And there in 
 the very heart of this lone land was a three-decked, stern-wheeled steamer of 
 260 tons, which runs regularly from April to November, but takes a week to 
 accomplish the 800 miles of tortuous watercourse between this and Winnipeg." 
 Lines are being constructed to the north-west and south-west, and it is 
 manifest that there is plenty of room, and a necessity for more railroads, for it is 
 only by means of them that the farmers can bring their grain to market. The 
 quickness with which even the least experienced in prairfe farming can provide 
 for himself is well illustrated in the case of the Highland crofters sent out in 
 1883 by Lady Cathcart. Mr. Peacock Edwards was requested by her to visit 
 them, and this is the account he gave by my request to a great meetino- at 
 Glasgow, of his impressions of the country and of the condition of the settlers:— 
 "I am satisfied, from personal observation, that a technical knowledge of 
 farming, however desirable, is not absolutely necessary for new settlers in the 
 Canadian Pktuues, 
 ■ t 
 north-west. Tlip soil is so rich that it only requirt-s to bo scratched and the 
 seed sown to yield an abundant harvest. In the ccnirse of my travels I met 
 with men, formerly occupied in a variety of trades and professions, successfully 
 carrying on farming operations. Among others I met a gentleman who had 
 been in a bank at Sheffield, and after visiting South Africa, had ultimately 
 settled in the north-west, and was successfully working a farm there with his 
 own hands. Another, who had been a Methodist clergyman for twenty-one 
 years in Ontario, had come up with his sons, and we found them reaping a fine 
 crop of wheat on the farm on which they had settled. Another was an engineer 
 who had not succeeded in business, another a coffee planter from Ceylon, and, 
 indeed, men who had been in almost every trade you could mention — all 
 successfully carrying on farms, contented with their lot, and full of hope for the 
 future. So that, in order to succeed in the north-west, a practical knowledge of 
 farming, such as is required in this country, is not at all necessary. No fertilisers 
 are used, and, consequently, the farmer has not to balance nicely the relative 
 values of dissolved bones and guano, nor has he a manure merchant's bill to 
 meet when he sends his wheat to market. Machinery has been brought to such 
 a degree of perfection that manual labour is reduced to a minimum. Everywhere 
 the self-binding reaper is in use, and the plough has a raised seat, on which a 
 man or boy is placed, driving it like a waggon team. I have seen a good deal 
 of the practical operations of farming in this country, both on large and small 
 holdings, and I can confidently assert, from personal knowledge, that the labour 
 of the farmer in Canada is much loss arduous than in this country. Canada thus 
 offers a comfortable home and an assured livelihood not only to those of the 
 agricultural classes who cannot gain a living here, but also to the unemployed 
 mechanics and labourers in our great cities, who, as I have said, can successfully 
 undertake farming without previous experience, and who only require to cross 
 thvi Atlantic to find themselves prosperous members of a rising community in 
 this Land of Promise. 
 "This leads me to the important question, what means should each family 
 or individual contemplating a move to Canada possess ? I observed that 
 Lord Lome, in his lecture at Birmingham, stated that a single man should 
 have from /50 to ^100, exclusive of the cost of journey ; and if married, from 
 /2C0 or ;^250 to /"soo; and I quite agree that such means would be suffi- 
 cient, and insure the settlers immediate comfort and success, though I think 
 he, speaking with official reserve and caution, probably stated the figures at a 
 higher sum than is absolutely necessary. In carrying out the practical details 
 of Lady Cathcart's colonisation scheme, I found that the average expense of 
 transmitting a family of five (including infants) from Glasgow to Winnipeg was 
 ;^22, being £4 Ss. per head, and with ^100 additional to start with on the free 
 homestead farms, I believe each family could make a very fair start, though it 
 certainly would be better if they had from ;^ 150 to / 200 to commence with. 
 In regard to a single man I should say ^50, exclusive of the cost of journey, 
A N()i<Tii-VV^:.sT Skttlkmknt. 
 should b(' suHiciciU. Mc can alwiiys hnil (Miiploymnnt at hij^rh wages, and has 
 not the same n^jcessity for at once t:nlerinjr upon a honH-stcad. Durinj:r my 
 travels throujrh the country, I met with numerous instances of farmers now well 
 to do who had settled on the homesteads with practically nothin,<,r ; but, in order 
 to start comfortably, I should say /loo in addition to the expense of passage out 
 to be very desirable for an ordinary family." The new Canadian route by the 
 lakes is cheaper than that mentioned here, for Lady Cathcart's people went 
 via Chicago. 
 " The correctness of these figures has been proved by actual e.xperience. 
 Lady Cathcart advanced to each of the families that left her estates in spring 
 the sum of /-loo to enable them to start in Canada, and that sum, with the little 
 they possessed of their own, has been sufficient to enable them to settle in the 
 north-west in comfort and independence, and with an assurance of prosperity. 
 I saw sixty of these jjeople leave the Hroomielaw one misty April morning in 
 the present year, with careworn looks that told of a hard struggle for existence 
 in the crowded island homes they had left ; and I again saw them five months 
 afterwards in their new homes in the north-west of Canada, and I could not have 
 believed the change, had I not seen it. There we found them located in a 
 fertile and beautiful country, raised at once into the position of considerable 
 proprietors, and though it was the end of May before they settled on their 
 locations, they were already surrounded by fine crops ripening to harvest. I 
 shall never forget the scene as I approached this new settlement, on a bright, 
 sunny morning. It resembled a gentleman's park in this country, with orna- 
 mental clumps of i)lantations, and lakelets here and there interspersed through 
 the landscape, as if laid out by a skilful landscape gardener, with the temporary 
 turf houses of the settlers under the shelter of some wood, and the more perma- 
 nent dwelling-houses in the course of erection, A considerable extent of ground 
 was already under cultivation, and potatoes planted on the 4th of June were ready 
 for use in seven weeks and four days thereafter, excellent alike in quantity and 
 quality. The careworn expression these settlers had when I saw them here 
 was changed for one of bright, cheerful contentment, and they were full of grati- 
 tude to Lady Cathcart for this great change for the better in their condition. 
 Here I may say that the Celtic settlers showed the greatest energy, and told us 
 they could do double the amount of work in their new homes that they could in 
 the old country, and with less sense of fatigue. This may be attributed mainly 
 to the superior climate ; the sense that they were working on their own lands 
 had probably something to do with it also." 
 In speaking of the crops harvested, I put the amount modestly at twenty 
 bushels of wheat to the acre— that is, speaking of good land. Even this, which is 
 often below the mark, sounds a large quantity, but from the new soils of Canada it 
 has been frequently won. It is now only on virgin ground that, as a rule, such 
 an amount of produce can be expected. But there are tracts where an even 
 greater yield can be had from dry soils to which irrigation can be applied— a 
 Canadian I'ictires. 
 system used in some places in British Columbia. A <;reatcr yield has also fre- 
 quently been won from the Red River Valley of Manitoba. In that rich loam, 
 often four, five, and six feet in depth, very heavy crops have been regularly raised, 
 the wheat producing m-ore bread for its weight than any other. " Mr. Ogilvie, 
 an extensive miller in Winnipeg," so says Mr. Carling, postmaster-general, to me 
 in a recent letter, " declares that a barrel of Manitoba flour, made from hard fyfe 
 wheat, will make four loaves of four pounds each more than can be made out of 
 a barrel of Ontario flour," and he adds, " very much better bread." He also 
 says that the difference from Hour made of good Canadian spring or red winter 
 wheat would be from two to three loaves more per barrel in favour of that grown 
 in Manitoba. In the district round Selkirk the land has been annually cropped 
 with wheat, leaving it alone every fifth year. The cultivation has thus needed no 
 manure. All kinds of roots attain to a wonderful size. As a rule, indeed, agri- 
 culture, both in the States and in Canada, has up to within the last few years been 
 conducted on the system of ' a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.' Men, 
 knowing that they could proceed to other lands, should their own give out in fer- 
 tility, have cropped recklessly and regardless of the waste of the properties 
 inherent in the land. There is many a gigantic tract in the States whose wheat- 
 bearing capacities have not, indeed, been worked out, but which have been 
 seriously diminished. This has tended to increase the westward movement 
 amongst farmers. In Canada, throughout the old provinces, greatly increased 
 attention has been given to the manuring and treatment of farms, and the crop of 
 wheat, although by no means so heavy as when the land was first cleared, is still 
 very good. At the same time, no man must expect the gigantic crops procurable 
 from the newly-broken prairie to be his if he takes possession of an old farm. 
 But he has compensating advantages if he settles in Old Canada, for he has that 
 which he cannot find except in a long civilised country — that is, a continuation of 
 home life and traditions in his surroundings. In the north-west, rich as is the 
 provision now made for education, he cannot hope to find so fiilly developed 
 and admirable a system of school instruction for his children as that which 
 prevails in the older provinces ; he cannot, except in the newly-founded towns, 
 find the ministrations of the Church so amply provided for as he can in 
 countries east of the shores of Lake Huron. It cannot be too often repeated 
 that both in the east and the west of Canada a comfortable living can be had 
 for a farmer who desires to live on his own land, and has ^200 to ^'500 to spend 
 in procuring outfit. Men can go with only a few pounds, and, hiring themselves 
 to farmers, may in time win enough to buy an outfit for a farm for themselves. 
 The great point in conducting such settlements as Lady Cathcari's, is to have all 
 arranged beforehand \vh«re you wish your friends to go. Don't let them remain 
 at Winnipeg or elsewhere wasting their substance in looking round them. If you 
 wish to help any man with ^100 to, go, sec that he is told where to go at once, 
 so that he finds his land, and if possible a small frame house and store ready 
 waiting for him. There are many who have lost what they brought out because 
 i ■; 
Uniformity and Diversity oi Landscape. 
 1 47 
 ^-.ey were uncertain where to go. Good local guidance is aTeTe^^lijTY^ 
 now get pk.nty of land from several companies, but the Government lands are as 
 fortune' '^''' "'' ^"' '"^ °"' ^"''^'"" '^^' ^^ ^'" '•^P'^'y '"^ke a 
 Both south of the Pacific Railway and to the north there is plenty of land 
 or^V'^n VTJ P"'"'' ^T ''^' ''° ^'^^^^ °f Government land to be had 
 or $2 to other lands g.ven at higher rates by other owners. The flat landscape 
 IS by no means always to be met with. Within the bounds of the province there 
 IS a considerable diversity. Sometimes the poplar woods grow pretty thickly 
 An Ixijian LoDci; in the North-West. 
 In other localities there are plains twenty miles in width without them 
 Some imes oak and a kind of maple are found, and about Turtle 122 
 and louchwood Hills the ground is much broken, and, for those who loT 
 ariety of greater attraction. Indeed, the sameness of the landscape is oftin 
 he only compla.nt of those who have gone from the old provinces^ although 
 obe sure, others maybe heard lamenting that there is not more society and 
 better opportunities for clu.rch. school and market. These are evils inseplrrble 
 from all i.rst settlement : they do not much affect the young man, and rvvHi 
 U 2 
ai r* "" — 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 ( ; 
 I ' ; 'ii:i 
 dwell in conversation only on the superiority of the crops he has to those he 
 remembers on his father's farm. 
 We will move on westward, and take the line ot the Canadian Pacific 
 Railway. Excellently laid over flat or rolling prairie, a train can proceed 
 at almost any speed ; but as we proceed along the solidly-laid track we can 
 take some notes. As we again take the " cars " and until we reach the 
 Assiniboine, on the frontiers of the province of Manitoba, we see on our 
 horizon-line, and usually nearer to us, clumps and bands of poplar wood. 
 There are also many lakes and lakelets — pretty ponds, for few are so large 
 as to be worthy of the name of lake ; ponds where numerous wild fowl 
 seem to be for ever swimming about among the rich reeds on the margin, 
 ponds around which deep rank grass rises higher than anywhere else on 
 the level summer meadows. There is many a tract where the meadow 
 appears still untouched by the hand of man ; yet it has long ago, depend 
 upon it, been bought, and bought for a good round sum, and is now being 
 held for a further advance in price. Why should a further advance be 
 expected ? The answer is simple. You need only look north, east, south, 
 and west, and everywhere you will see the wooden-planked house of the 
 emigrant. Often a great patch of yellow wheat-field is bowing in the breezes ; 
 each train along the line you are following has, during the summer months, 
 been carrying hundreds into Winnipeg, and hundreds away from Winnipeg 
 to the west. 
 Hundreds more have taken the trails over the prairie for points to which 
 railway companies are already directing their attention, and to which lines are 
 already projected or in process of completion. The arrival of yet more and yet 
 more, and the consequent rise in the value of the lands, is looked upon as a 
 certainty. Last year 40,000 to 50,000 entered this land of promise, and this 
 vear it is probable that the number has been yet greater. Never was a railway 
 better endowed for the purposes of its existence, for the Canadian Pacific 
 Railway has about 25,000,000 of acres in this fertile belt, and of this vast 
 amount they still at the present moment hold at least 1 7,000,000 ; and having 
 the power to choose the good lands, and being able to reject those which may be 
 inferior, they became possessed, when they undertook the line, of a land-fortune 
 which, with the !?25, 000,000 in cash, was one of the greatest dowers ever 
 granted. The line is the shortest from Europe to Asia by at least 1,000 miles. 
 There are 2,700 miles of track from Montreal to the Pacific. Truly a 
 stupendous and most essential enterprise ! 
 An American company some years ago constructed the railway which runs 
 through the Mormon settlement of Salt Lake City; another line now sweeps 
 round by the south of California, and by the frontiers of Mexico, and across by 
 the cactus-covered deserts and wide torrid sands of Arizona and New Mexico, 
 until it reaches the east and the connecting lines of the Atlantic companies on 
 the Missouri and Mississippi. Remarkable progress has also lately been made 
Rapid Railway Construction. 
 by the Northern Pacific in the Northern States, thus ^^iving the Republic three 
 lines which cross from shore to shore. But in none of these cases have the 
 lines been pushed with the speed, certainty, and thorough workmanship which 
 have been exhibited on the Canadian Hne. The American Northern Pacific 
 Railway Company was incorporated as long ago as 1865, nearly twenty years 
 ago, whereas the Canadian company has been at work less than three years. 
 Richly endowed with magnificent lands, the equal of which can only be found in 
 the favoured American States of Illinois and Ohio, the British company has 
 spared no expense to make the track so perfect that trains passed over it at 
 great speed as soon as it was laid. In one week during the last summer no 
 less than between twenty-five and twenty-six miles were completed, six being 
 laid on a Saturday ending the week's work. 
 It is a beautiful exhibition of perfect organisation to watch the manner in 
 which this is done. First come the engineers with their levels ; closely 
 following them an army of spade men, who raise the embankment, or cut 
 through the earth mounds, removing by blasting any obnoxious rock. Then, to 
 the end of the completed track, and piled on vehicles drawn by well-equipped 
 numerous teams, arrive the " ties," or, as they are in this country called, the 
 sleepers, or wooden cross-beams. Quickly these are scattered along, and laid 
 by gangs in order. Instantly up comes a car laden with steel rails — steel rails, 
 which, by the by, have been imported all the way from the Old World. With 
 iron hooks the men grapple these rails one after the other, and as each pair is 
 laid upon the sleepers, boys place a couple of great nails along the line, on each 
 " tie," and the sturdy hammer-men with a few strokes drive these into the wood, 
 fix the rails, and onward over the fresh joint of railway goes the car, until all its 
 load of steel rails has been deposited. Imagine the perfection of the 
 organisation which, in the prairie untrodden as yet by men, or still worse, in the 
 rock-strewn and mountainous country, can on a single line of rail arrange for 
 the accommodation of men, for the transport of material in wood, iron, and 
 provisions, and can send on train after train to the end of the track, arrangin^r 
 the sidings as they proceed and accomplishing in a week such feats as tha^t 
 recorded above. The reader may ask how it is that such expenditure can be 
 incurred, that work can be so quickly and so perfectly finished by such armies of 
 workmen ; for many thousands have been labouring during the last year, and 
 are still labouring at this great national enterprise. The secret is in this, that 
 the lands in the central portions of the continent which have been granted to 
 the company are of such excellence, that from their sale alone a certain 
 remuneration can be expected. Emigration has poured into that region in a 
 manner unexampled since the days of the settlement of the great western 
 commonwealths, whose chief and most remarkable city now is Chicago. In 
 spite of opposition encountered from interested rivals, the fact of the excellence 
 of the soil has become so patent that there was no difficulty in finding the 
 money for the first great expenses, and the co.t is always iar the greatest. 
 Canaoian Pictures. 
 With the Americans, the Germans, the Russians, the Icelanders, and the 
 English, Scotch, and Canadians, who are now flocking into the country, the 
 traffic which must be developed to supply their wants in wood, coal, and the 
 necessaries as well as the luxuries of life, must continually increase. It was 
 only two years ago that the line left the suburbs of Winnipeg ; it was only 
 yesterday that it touched the mountains of the west, and already a vast increase 
 in its traffic receipts are noticeable. It is not as though it started from no basis, 
 and ended in no important terminus, or passed through barren lands on either 
 side ; it will rest upon two great oceans, and throughout the middle portion ot 
 the continent it has land, not only along its line, but also to the north and south 
 of it unrivalled on the continent of America. The branch lines, wherever they 
 stretch towards the north, must feed its energy, and supply it with nutriment, for 
 there is practically no limit to the vast a. i of wheat which may be created along 
 the banks of the North Saskatchewan river, and the immense country lying 
 towards that mighty stream, the Peace river. 
 A VltW ON Tin; I'tACE KlVIR. 
 (h'yoiH the Mttrqnis of Lofne'i >:otUctioH 0/ photogyafhs.) 
 i ■1 I 
 ( I 
 O i, 
 An Indian of the North-West. 
 (/•w« a Sketch by Sydney Hall.) 
 The Indians ok the North-west. 
 The North-West Mounted Police-The Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic-Horse Stealinc-Evils 
 OF Whisky Drinkinc-Sitting Bull's Victory over General Custer-The Sioux-Thf Biackfeet 
 -li.E Povv-wow IN 1881-lNDiAN Eloquence-The Sun Dance-Squaw Doctors-Canadian Policy 
 WITH THE Indians— Indian Cruelties— Indian Customs— The Christian Indian. 
 THE long levels of the prairie spread sea-like on each side of the Canadian 
 Pacific Line, but there are sudden breaks caused hv "mni; ^ " ^^ r.,„;„„„ 
 Pacific Line, but there are sudden breaks caused by "couli.: 
 or ravines 
 near the rivers ; and we pass one of the greatest troughs cut out of the pmuia 
 when we come to the Assiniboine, and, crossing it, soon afterwards enter the 
 territory of Assiniboia ; and here we leave Provincial Governments behind us 
 and enter the lands which are under the genial but despotic rule of the Lieutenant- 
 Governor of the North-West Territories, who, with his council, governs a country 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 bigger than France and Germany. You will soon observe at one of the stations 
 a fine-looking trooper, clean, soldier-like, with white helmet and brass spike on 
 head, scarlet jacket and broad yellow-striped trousers, boots and spurs, and 
 carbine in hand. This is a member of the North-west Mounted Police— a force 
 now five hundred strong, and having charge to keep order throughout ihe 
 country between this and the Rocky Mountains. This cavalry regiment is well 
 horsed and well officered, and woe to any whisky-trader whose barrels may come 
 within their sight, for, owing to the trouble which spirituous liquors are sure to 
 produce amongst the Indians, as well as amongst the white settlers in the initial 
 stages of a country's development, none are allowed. Enterprising traders bring 
 them in carts from the south, and often an exciting race occurs between the 
 horses of the trader and the police, who have perhaps a long stern chase to 
 undertake, but who finally ride up with pistols presented and make our friend 
 disgorge his goods, which are forthwith spilt upon the ground. 
 There are several points of politics and of social economy in regard to 
 which it is very interesting to see the experiments made in Canada, experiments 
 which may guide the statesmen of the old country in their legislation. It is 
 well-known that throughout the North-West Territories there is an absolute 
 prohibition of liquor selling. This prohibition, extending as it does to all who 
 do not obtain a permit for the private or medicinal use of alcoholic drink, is not 
 so difficult to enforce in the territories as elsewhere, for the channels by which 
 merchants can introduce such commodities may be watched with comparative 
 ease. But in the provinces, a Federal Law allows a district or municipality to 
 vote by ballot on the requisition of a certain number of voters whether or no 
 a prohibitory rule shall exist for a time in the district. The time during which 
 no liquor can be sold on a vote of a majority approving the is 
 three years. 
 The success of this law depends upon the locality in which it is put in 
 operation. In places where liquor is easily smuggled in it has not so much 
 effect as in isolated districts where the regulations can be enijrced. But there is 
 a natural tendency to adopt temperance if not abstention. In America it is not 
 a common thing to have wine offered to a guest at country houses. In the 
 woods the lumberers never drink anything stronger than tea, and no one works 
 harder or to better effect than a lumberer in the forests. The air itself is a tonic, 
 making it unnecessary to resort to stimulants. The legislation is a consequence of 
 this and of the evil effects of drink, most notable with the Indians, who are 
 driven crazy with rum and brandy, and who will take anything which even reminds 
 them of "fire-water" — even the medicine called "pain-killer,' a compound 
 sold as an antidote to rheumatism, being greedily drunk by them whenever they 
 can obtain it. If an argument derived from the effects of over-indulgence in 
 stimulants can be derived from the conduct of white men under their influence, 
 a far stronger proof of their bad consequences may be drawn from the ruin they 
 work on the Red man. Mr. Colmer, the Canadian Government Secretary in 
The Licensing Act of 1883. 
 England, recounts very concisely the general legislation in force in the provinces 
 of Canada on the subject of the sale of liquor :— 
 "An Act was passed during the session of 1883 of the Dominion Parlia- 
 ment which provides that the country shall be divided into license districts, 
 identical, so far as possible and convenient, with existing counties, electoral 
 districts, or cities. A Board of Licensing Commissioners, consisting of three 
 persons, will be appointed in each district. One member of the Board must be 
 a county court judge, or other judicial official ; another the mayor of a city, or 
 warden of a county, as the case may be ; and one is to be appointed by the 
 Government for one year. A Chief License Inspector, and one or more 
 inspectors, are nominated by the Board in each district. The Act determines 
 the number of hotel and saloon licenses to be granted. In cities, towns, 
 and incorporated villages one license may be issued for every 250 of the first 
 1,000 of the population, and one for each full 500 in excess of that figure, but 
 there may be two hotels in any town or incorporated village where the inhabit- 
 ants number less than 500. In county towns five licenses may be granted. 
 Two hotels beyond the number the population may warrant may be licensed for 
 a period of six months, commencing on May i in each year, in any locality largely 
 resorted to in the summer by visitors. In incorporated villages, tt./nships, or 
 parishes, no saloon licenses are granted. Shop licenses, which authorise the 
 holders to sell and dispose of any liquors— not less than one pint in quantity— 
 not to be drunk in and upon the premises, may be granted, one for each 400 up 
 to 1,200 of the population, and one for each 1,000 beyond. Any person 
 applying for a license who is not already a licensee under the Act, or under any 
 previous Act, must be supported by a certificate signed by one-third of the 
 electors of the district. Ten or more electors, and in unorganised divisions five 
 or more, out of twenty householders, may object to any application, and can be 
 heard by the Board, and it will be refused if two-thirds of the electors petition 
 against it. Before any license is granted the applicant must enter into a bond 
 in the sum of $500, with two sureties for $150 each for the payment of all fines 
 and penalties which they may for infractions of the law be condemned to pay. 
 No license will be granted by the Board within the limits of any town, incor- 
 porated village, township, or other municipality, excepting counties and cities, 
 if three-fifths of the qualified electors have declared themselves in favour of a 
 prohibition. Hotels and saloons and shops are prohibited to sell liquors from 
 seven on Saturday night till six on Monday morning, and from eleven at night 
 till six in the morning on other days, except for medical purposes under proper 
 restraint. Lodgers in hotels may, however, be provided on Sundays during 
 meals, between the hours of one and three, and five and seven in the afternoon. 
 The hotels and public-houses are closed on the polling days for dominion, 
 provincial, or municipal elections. A provision enables two justices to forbid 
 any licensees to sell drink to any person who ' by excessive drinking mis-spends, 
 wastes, or lessens, his or ler estate, or greatly injures his or her health. &c./ in 
 X 2 
 Canahian Pictures. 
 any city, town, or district in which the drunkard may be likely to resort. Another 
 clause provith^s that any husband or wife, whose wife or husband may have con- 
 tracted the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor to excess ; the father, mother, 
 curator, tutor, or employer of any person under the age of twenty-one afflicted 
 with the same weakmss, and uv manager or person in charge of an asylum 
 in which any such p< ' xni r.-^^-'s or is kept may require the chief inspector of 
 the district to give notice in writing to any person licensed to sell liquors that he 
 is not to supply them to such interdicted person." 
 Hut to return. The work which has to be undertaken by the members of 
 the North-west Mounted Police in winter time has hitherto not been light, for the 
 detachments are necessarily placed whcr, ^hc - can be available in case of any 
 arrest of horsc-stealers being necessary. Horse-stealing is prevalent in those parts 
 where settlement is scarce, and where the manners and customs engrafted 
 on the half-breed population by their Indian ancestors still obtain. The 
 western highwayman takes your horse— the most valuable possession he can 
 obtain — and the summons may come at a moment's notice that a theft has been 
 committed, and it may be necessary to send a party of men prepared to camp 
 upon snow, and to follow up the trail of the marauders. 
 We will suppose such a theft to have taken place, and the depredators to 
 be Indians of the Cree tribe. The officer and his party, after two or three days' 
 hard riding, have overtaken the redskins before they can cross the frontier. 
 Now is seen of what advantage reputation or prestige- a thing sometimes 
 derided nowadays— is in preventing bloodshed and maintaining order. The 
 officer finds the Indians camped and numerous. Without a moment's hesitation 
 he rides through the lodges to the chiefs tent. He enters, his handful of men 
 waiting in the meantime. He finds the chief, with his councillors round him, 
 smoking in silence, and hardly daring to look at him. As he enters he says 
 through his interpreter, that he knows that horses not belonging to the tribe 
 have been run off. Grunts and universal protestation that nothing of the kind 
 has occurred proceed from the savages. The officer maintains his ground, says 
 that he knows the horses are in the camp, and that they must be at his bivouac 
 before morning. Finally the chief says that it is impossible to give up the 
 horses, that the young bloods of the camp would not allow him to do so even if 
 he wished it. The officer now declares that the tribe will not be allowed to 
 cross the frontier or move from the ground they now occupy until the horses are 
 surrendered ! He knows perfecdy well that he could not enforce the demand, 
 that the Indians are well armed, and that his own men would be cut off in a 
 moment should hostilities commence. Yet a whispered consultation now takes 
 place among the chiefs, and in a short while a promise is given that the horses 
 shall be in the officer's hands before the morning. Out of the tent strides the 
 officer ; and sure enough at dawn the horses are brought to hi i. He insists 
 upon the surrender also of the men who first took them, and he marches off 
 with these men under guard back whence he came. The secret of his power 
VViij) Indians becoming Extinct. 
 is this— that the Indians know that the rod-jackets mete out equal justice to 
 white man and to red man, that a white settler would be punished in exactly thi 
 same way as the redskin for any crime he may commit, and that to set the 
 Canadian authorities against th(; In(hans will he for the Indians the cuttinjr off of 
 the only chance tiiey possess of livinjr in a country where they are treated with 
 equal justice. It is confiihintly expected that in two or three years more the 
 last hors(r-steaIinj,' (expedition will have inecome a malur of history. lUit the 
 force of mounteil police will for a lonjr time be found useful or necessary because 
 of the ease widi which they can move, and will form the surest guarantee 
 that the evil-disposed among the white population shall not follow the old 
 Indian cattle and horse " lifting" customs. 
 -'mm- " "' 
 i<L^1iCu^yi r>sttJ' uf-S^u 
 t\;i.Y CusroMKKs. 
 (From a Sketch hy Sydney Unit) 
 In a few more years no wild Indians will be seen except in the far north ; 
 and it is curious to observe them now, while as yet, in some tribes, their dress, 
 manners and habits are what they have been for centuries. As a rule, they 
 are well-made fellows, showing not so much muscle as a white man, but sleek 
 and finely moulded in limb, and untiring in wind. 
 Whisky is the bane which drives the savage wild, and is the fruitful 
 cause of every crime amongst the white men in the American western villages ; 
 and the prohibition placed upon its use does much towards preserving order 
 among the young communities on Canadian soil. You do not hear in villages 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 in our land, as you do hear It said further south, that " shootingf was pretty 
 lively here last night." There is a story that in a Colorado ball-room it 
 was necessary, on account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, to 
 write in large letters over the head of the unfortunate gentleman who had been 
 detailed to perform music for the evening's amusement, " Please don't shoot the 
 pianist — he is doing his best." If trouble occur in our Canadian West, it is 
 promptly suppressed, and the guilty ruffian handed out. Ample provision is 
 made, as the country settles up, for school purposes ; nor are the spiritual wants of 
 the people left unheeded. The Roman Catholics were early in the field, but 
 Anglicans, Presbyterians, and other denominational bodies have quickly followed 
 in their steps, and many a devoted servant of his Church is at present 
 labouring among the scattered population of every part of the Territories. It is 
 interesting to see how originally wild savage bands are becoming tame and half 
 It is only a few years ago that near our line a band of Sioux, under the 
 leadership of a chief named Sitting Bull, achieved a victory over a civilised force 
 which has no parallel in the annals of any recent war between civilised and 
 savage troops, except the single case of Isandula. General Custer, one of the 
 most gallant officers of that gallant Northern army — a man distinguished for 
 intrepidity and skill in the war against the Southern Confederacy — had been 
 appointed to a command of cavalry not very far from our frontier line. As is 
 too often the case, unnecessary quarrels had led to unnecessary fighting between 
 Uncle Sam's boys and the braves under Sitting Bull. Custer, coming upon their 
 camp in a place chosen with rare skill by the savages, impetuously ordered an 
 attack. Accounts vary of the struggle which ensued, but the' story must 
 necessarily c* me from one side only, because no American soldier lived to relate 
 the tale, 1 he Indian account, given in Sitting Bull's words, is as follows : — 
 " During the summer previous to the one in which Cii;,ter attacked us, he sent 
 a letter to me, telling me that if I did not go to an agency he would fight me ; 
 and I sent word back to him by his messenger that I did not want to fight, but 
 only to be left alone. I told him at the same time that if he wanted to fight, 
 that he should go and fight those Indians who wanted to fight him. Custer 
 then sent me word again (this was in the winter), 'You would not take my 
 former offer, now I am going to fight you this winter.' I sent word back 
 and said just what I had said before, that I did not want to fight, and only 
 wanted to be left alone, and that my camp was the only one that had not 
 fought against him. 
 " Custer again sent a message, ' I am fitting up my waggons and soldiers, 
 and am determined to fight against you in the spring.' I thought that I would try 
 him again, and sent him a message, saying, I did not want to fight ; that I 
 wanted, first of all, to go to British territory, and after I had been there and 
 came back, if he still wanted to fight me, that I would fight then. Custer sent 
 back word and said — ' I will fight you in eight days.' 
Preparing for General Custer. 
 wor M f \f. : ""'' ?.° "'"• "'•"' ^ ^°"''' ^^'^'^ ^" ^'«ht, SO I sent him 
 word back, All rijrht ; get all your men mounted, and I will ^ret all my men 
 mounted ; we will have a fight ; the Great Spirit will look on, and the side that 
 13 rn the wrong will be defeated.' 
 " I began to get ready, and sent twenty young men to watch for the 
 soldiers. l< ,ve soon came back with word that Custer was coming. The other 
 fifteen stopped to watch his movements. When Custer was cmite close 
 ten young men came in. When he had advanced still closer two more 
 of them came in, 
 leaving three still 
 towatch the troops. 
 We had got up a medi- 
 cine dance for war in 
 the camp, and just as 
 it was coming to an 
 end two of the young 
 men who had stopped 
 out came in with word 
 that Custer and the 
 troops were very close, 
 and would be upon the 
 camp in the morning. 
 That night we all got ready for the battle. My young men all buckled on their 
 ammunition belts, and we were busy putting strong sticks in our ' coup sticks.' 
 Early at sunrise two young men who had been out a short way on the prairie, 
 came to me and told me that from the top of a high butte they had seen the 
 troops advancing in two divisions. I then had all the horses driven into the 
 camp and corralled between the lodges. About noon the troops came up, and 
 at once rushed upon the camp. They charged in two separate divisions, one at 
 the upper end, whilst the other division charged about the middle of the camp. 
 A View on the Ei.bow River. 
 {Fnm a SitIcA iy tii Man/uis of Lome.) 
 ! ;,1 
 The latter division struck the camp in the centre of the 250 lodges of the 
 Uncapapa Sioux, and close to the door of my own lodge. At the time that 
 the troops charged I was making medicine for the Great Spirit to help us and 
 fight upon our side, and as I heard the noise and knew what it was, I came out. 
 When I had got to the outside of my lodge I noticed that this division had 
 stopped suddenly close to the outer side of the Uncapapa camp, and then they 
 sounded a bugle and the troops fired into the camp. 
 " I at once set my wife upon my best horse, put my war-bonnet on her 
 head, and told her to run away with the rest of the women. She did so, but in 
 her hurry forgot to take the baby (a girl) ; after she had gone a little way she 
 thought of the child and came back for it. I gave the child to her and she 
 went off again. 
 " I now put a flag upon a lodge-pole, and lifting it as high as I could, I 
 shouted out as loud as I was able to my own men, ' I am Sitting Bull ; follow 
 me.' 1 then rushed at the head of them up to the place where I thought Custer 
 was, and just as we got close up to the troops they fired again. When I saw that 
 the soldiers fired from their saddles and did but little damage to us, I ordered 
 all my men to rush through their ranks and break them, which they did, but 
 failed to break the ranks, although we suffered as little damage as before. I 
 then shouted to them to try again, and putting myself at the head of my men 
 we went at them again. This time, although the soldiers were keeping up a 
 rapid firing (from their horses), we knocked away a whole corner and killed a 
 great many, though I had only one man killed. After this we charged the 
 same way several times, and kept driving them back for about half a mile, 
 killing them very fast. After forcing them back there only remained five 
 soldiers of this division and the interpreter alive, and I told my men to let 
 them live. Then the interpreter, the man that the Indians called ' The White,' 
 shouted out in Sioux and said, ' Custer is not in this division, he is in the other.' 
 I then ordered all my men to come on and attack the other division. They did 
 so, and followed me. The soldiers of this division fired upon us as soon as we 
 got within range, but did us little harm When we had got quite close, and we 
 were just going to charge them, a great storm broke right over us, the lightning 
 was fearful, and struck a lot of the soldiers and horses killing them instantly. 
 I then called out to my men to charge the troops and shouted out, ' The Great 
 Spirit is on our side ; look how He is striking the soldiers down ! ' My men saw 
 this, and they all rushed upon the troops, who were mixed up a good deal. 
 About forty of the soldiers had been dismounted by the lightning killing and 
 frightening their horses, and these men were soon trampled to death. It was 
 just at this time that we charged them, and we easily knocked them off their 
 horces, and then killed them with our 'coup sticks.' 
 " In this way we killed all this division, with the exception of a few who 
 tried to get away, but were killed by the Sioux before they could get very far. 
 All through the battle the soldiers fired very wild and only killed twenty-five Sioux. 
Defeat of General Custer bv Sitting Bull. 
 I did not recognise General Custer in the fight, but only thought I did, but I would 
 not be certain about it. I believe Custer was killed in the first attack, as we 
 found his body, or what all the Indians thought was Custer's body, about the 
 place that the first attack was made. I do not think there is any truth in the 
 report that he shot himself. I saw two soldiers shoot themselves. The Sioux 
 were following them, and in a few moments would have caught them, but they 
 shot themselves with their pistols in the head. The body which all the Indians 
 said was Custer's had its hair cut short. There were seven hundred and nine 
 Americans killed. We counted them by putting a stick upon each body, and 
 Blackfoot Crossing. Indian Pow-wow with Governor-General proceeding -.n the Plain. 
 (/•>■»« a S/alih by ike Morfuh ly Lome.) 
 then taking the sticks up again and counting them. We counted seven hundred 
 and seven carbines." 
 It was greatly to the credit of the American people that when, years 
 afterwards, we wished to get rid of Sitting Bull, who had taken refuge on 
 Canadian soil, amnesty was granted to him and his people, and in reply to 
 the query addressed by the Canadian Government as to his probable treat- 
 ment should he surrender to the Americans, Mr. Evarts, United States 
 Secretary, replied. " He will be treated as a great nation always treats its 
 Canadian Pictures, 
 iiffl I 
 prisoners of war." We were anxious to be rid of his presence, for he and his 
 5,000 were eating up the scanty game of our own Indians, and he himself, from 
 his well-known astute and warlike character, gave anxiety to us, in that we never 
 knew whether he were noi harbouring against our republican friends some evil 
 design. He was often reported as about to embark in a raid or cattle-lifting 
 expedition, an amusement for him which it would have been difficult for us, at 
 that time, to prevent, and which might have yet led to a rupture of that friend- 
 ship and excellent understanding which has most happily always prevailed along 
 our north-western borders. The redoubtable Sitting Bull and his tribe aie now 
 safely placed upon an American reserve of land, where the old warrior will be 
 allowed to end his days in peace, and in whatever comfort the industry of his 
 people and the generosity of the United States Government may bring him. 
 After the Sioux, the most interesting people now left, and still retaining 
 much of their aboriginal traits and customs, are the Blackfeet. Their braves 
 say that their first ancestor received from the morning star, their war god, a 
 magic ointment, wherewith if he anointed his feet, he would be endowed with 
 such swiftness that the antelopes would flee in vain before him. There are 
 many stalwart men amongst these people, and it was most interesting to observe 
 them in the great councils held with them by the Governor-general in 1881. 
 They were under the leadership of a chief named Crowfoot. He maintained 
 good discipline among his people, listened attentively to the suggestions made to 
 him to encourage them in agriculture, and while he complained that his allow- 
 ance was not sufficient he always advised his tribes to remain friendly to the 
 white man. 
 The Indians came to the appointed place of meeting mounted, and in full 
 battle array, firing their Winchester repeating rifles in the air, and shouting and 
 waving their weapons. Behind them tripped in gay colours the women, bringing 
 their children, for the children could not be left in camp, and the women must 
 see what their lords and masters were after in their conference with the white 
 chief. Arrived close to the tent where I awaited them, they sprang from their 
 horses, and advanced to shake hands, which ceremony was performed by the 
 chiefs and head men ; these then sat down in front of me, the chiefs in the 
 front row, the head men behind, and ranged around in a deep half-circle was 
 the rest of the tribe ; on the right an allied set of cousins, with their aunts 
 and sisters behind them ; while on the left, in triple ranks, crouched on the 
 ground, sat the warriors, round-limbed and lithe young fellows, clad with little 
 but paint on the body, and with long warlocks, braided with brass, depending 
 from their temples ; the rest of their hair — after being gathered up upon the crown, 
 so that if an enemy wanted to have a good tug at the scalp, he could do so 
 without trouble — being allowed to fall in long dark masses over their shoulders. 
 From the flank of the line of braves, round in front to the right, stretched 
 the ruck of the tribe and the women and children. A good deal of quiet 
 sitting and smoking was indulged in before a word was spoken, and then it 
Indian Eloquence. 
 was always necessary to look on at a dance for some time longer before 
 business was opened up, for nothing could be done until the pipe had been 
 smoked and a dance had been performed. Strange and weird and uncouth 
 these dances are; the magicians sit on the ground seating a tom-tom, and 
 in a circle, fbllowmg each other in single file, strut, bow, howl, and jig the 
 braves detailed for the duty ; pretending occasionally to be in pursuit or in 
 flight, round and round they go until the music ceases, when all sit upon 
 the ground. Sometimes the young men would insist on recounting their 
 deeds m war, boasting of stealing cattle and of killing their foe. When by 
 these processes the chiefs have sufficiently gathered together their thoughts 
 to be able to detail their desires, each man rises in succession, and speaks 
 Group at the Pow-wow. 
 {From a Sketch by Sydney Hall.) 
 while the interpreter stands listening, and at intervals turns to the white 
 chief, and tells him in substance the eloquent and fervid harangue to which 
 all are listening. Usually, amid much flowery rhetoric, the speech resolves 
 Itself into a demand for more favours, and is, in short, nothing but an 
 exclamarory beggar's oration. Often the interpreters will not take the 
 trouble to render all the flowery language, although they themselves are 
 lialt-breeds. On one occasion, after much eloquence had been exercised 
 and the interpreters had said nothing, it was asked, "Why do you not 
 interpret ?-what does he say ? " All the translation vouchsafed was-" Oh I 
 he say grub!" The pleading for this very necessary article was backed 
 Y 2 
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 i El 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 1 • SI 
 by the certainly very cogent argument that the coming of the white man 
 had taken from them their land, or rather, what they valued upon their 
 land, that is to say, their great game, the buffalo ; each year the white man's 
 presence had marked a decrease in the buffalo; and what was the Indian 
 without the buffalo ? how could he get skins for himself, for his house ? how 
 procure food or sinews to s«w the clothing together ? how live without his 
 beloved buffalo ? The argument would certainly hold good, for although it is the 
 improvement in the weapons of the chase, and the introduction of fire-arms, 
 which has mainly contributed to diminisli the numbers of the buffalo, yet the 
 very introduction of these fire-arms was due to the coming of the stranger. 
 And what does the white man give in return for the evil thus inflicted ? He 
 gives five dollars for every man, woman and child in the tribe every year to 
 the chief, to be apportioned for the good of his nation ; he gives, also, when 
 he is obliged to do so, a ration of flour ; and he gives above all, and every 
 year to an increasing degree, that knowledge of husbandry which can alone 
 save the red race. Already, in 1881, although these Blackfeet had but 
 lately been engaged in hunting parties, some effect could be produced upon 
 them by speaking of the advantages of potato growing. After haranguing 
 them upon the subject, the chief warrior rose when the council had finished, 
 and grasping my hand, and putting round my^ arm the bridle-cord of his 
 horse, he asked me to accept the animal as a present (which of course could 
 not be accepted), and repeatedly assured me that, although he had hitherto 
 been the first in fighting, he would now be the first in working. I am sorry 
 to say he did not stem very much pleased when he afterwards received a 
 fowling-piece instead of a rifle for a present ; but the latter would have been 
 of no use to him for duck shooting ; and I hear that he has kept his promise, 
 and has cultivated his own potato patch this year. There is another great 
 and scattered people, the Crees, and yet another with a stranger namp, dwellers 
 in the rocky country on this side of Winnipeg, who call themselves the 
 Ojibbeways. Differing in origin and language, the red men fought constantly 
 against each other, and these wars, and the epidemic diseases to which, as they 
 averred, they had become subject after contact with the whites, made them less 
 numerous than the enormous extent of country over which they hunted would 
 lead us to suppose. It is, however, only when the savage cultivates in some 
 measure the ground that he can greatly multiply. Champlain and Frontenac 
 found the Indians of the St. Lawrence growing corn. There is no evidence 
 that the wild horsemen of the plains ate of any plant sown by their hands. 
 In warfare they employed some methods of defence and communication which 
 show that recent European army regulations enjoin practices long known to 
 Sioux and Blackfeet. Thus, pits, whence the archers could discharge iheir 
 arrows, are seen within the lines of old entrenchments, and when the Canadian 
 mounted constabulary regiment first entered the " Lone Land," they found that 
 their movements were signalled to the tribes by a very good "heliograph" 
The Feast of the Sun Dance. 
 system of " flashes." No such signalling was at that time known in our armies, 
 and the troopers, as they rode along over the vast grass-covered plains, wondered 
 what the twinkling points on th-r horizon could mean. 
 Amongst all these tribes the custom, formerly universal, still obtains to 
 have a great annual feast called the Sun Dance. This is the occasion 
 appointed when the young mer may show of what mettle they are made, by 
 undergoing a voluntary torture. The medicine man, the sage, herbalis-;, doctor, 
 and mystery man, stands in a great circular tent made of boughs or skins.' 
 Fantastically adorned with head-gear, and painted with streaks of on nge, 
 crimson, or blue, he holds in his hand a sharp knife, and when he is about to 
 perform the final ceremony, the victims have already fasted for many hours. 
 They come one after another and stand before him, and on the chest of each he 
 makes four cuts, so as to divide the flesh into two bands. In the bleeding wounds 
 he places two long spigots of wood, lifting the muscles so as to pass these 
 through the incisions of the flesh. He then attaches cords and ropes lo each 
 end of each spigot of wood, run up round a central pole. Then the drums and 
 tom-toms beat, and while all stand admiring their courage, one youthful warrior 
 after another tries to break away from the attached, cords. The muscles start 
 and strain, and the flesh is extended far from the chest ; the wounds gape, and 
 the sight h- comes horrible, for the agony is dreadful. Still the wild dancing or 
 hanging on the cords goes on, until the man falls exhausted, but free. It is 
 almost inconceivable how much can be endured by these young men in their 
 efforts to prove themselves worthy, in the eyes of the women and others of their 
 tribe, of the manhood which gives important privileges, belonging to him who 
 has shown himself bravest in the camp of the savage. Buflalo heads, guns, 
 and other heavy objects are dragged about attached in the same horrible manner,' 
 while it used to be considered a proof that the man would be the best at stealing 
 horses who tied himself by the shoulder-blade to the bridle of a horse, whose 
 every motion, as it stooped to feed, brought a fresh pang of pain. But enough 
 of these^ terrible rites : they still continue, but the number who undergo the 
 torture is diminishing year by year, and we may trust to the Gospel and to 
 missionary efforts to put an entire stop to them before long. 
 Much is said of the knowledge of simples possessed by the squaws. It is 
 certain that they are very clever in producing decoctions and in making 
 poultices from various trees and shrubs, whose healing properties are well 
 known to science. Thus from the bark of a certain species of willow a 
 preparation can be made which staunches hemorrhage, and quickly heals the 
 woivid. Strange tales were told us of the efficacy of some of their medicines. 
 u. g.ntieman employed in botanical research was puzzled by an application 
 .i^^d^^ to a slight wound he had sustained. He had, when shooting, hurt 
 his thumb by the accidental discharge of his gun, and for some days, having 
 nothing but water with which to bathe it, he was in considerable pain, and 
 the thumb became much inflamed. Lighting, in the course of his niarch, 
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 Canadian Pictures. 
 one day on a camp of Sioux Indians, one of the women observed his hurt ; 
 she came to him and g-ave him a milk-like liquid, and told him to apply this 
 when he felt pain ; he did ao, and from the first application the pain ceased, and 
 in a. few days a very complete cure was effected. A sergeant in the mounted 
 police was an eye-witness of the effects of an opiate given to a man for whom 
 the ordinary remedies of opium, laudanum, and chlorodyne had proved useless. 
 It was evident that the medicine man had some good stuff, although it was 
 equally certain that he employed a great deal of what is known as hocus pocus in 
 applying it. He asked for a, vessel, and after a time poured into it a white liquid 
 he had concocted. He then covered this vessel over with a skin, pierced holes 
 the covering, rolled up some pellets of buffalo hair in his hand, muttered 
 some pretended incantations, and dropped these balls of hair through the skin 
 into the liquid. After a while the covering was removed, and it was seen that 
 the vessel held no longer a white but a red liquor. This, with an amount of faith 
 which one does not often fiinl in a sick patient, was drained by the invalid, and 
 a sound sleep, which was the beginning of a perfect recovery from the illness, 
 appeared to be the result. There may be something worth discovering in the 
 application made by the Indians of certiiin herbs ; but it is to be noticed that the 
 roots and plants hith.-rto found in the medicine man's lodge have, as a rule, been 
 plants whose properties are alrr-idy well known to science. The natives are 
 very fond of a sweating bath. A little arbour of inwoven branches is formed. 
 Heated stones are placed inside, and the Indian crouched over them is wrapped 
 in the steam arising from water thrown on to the hot stones. After getting into 
 a thorough t-er-:pi ration, the patient (for this treatment is often practised in cases 
 of illness) •■.• il 'uii cut and plunge into cold water, thus following the custom of 
 other nations L'is.des his own, for Russians and Turks are equally fond of such 
 It is indeed fortunate for us that we have followed the good example set us 
 by the Hudson's Bay Company's servants, and have invariably kept faith with 
 the aborigines in all our dealings. " Honesty is the best policy " — an old truth 
 proved afresh in the north-wost. The Americans have never been fortunate in 
 their relations with the poor savages, and many a bloody scene has in consequence 
 been enacted. We have a band of Sioux near Battleford, in Saskatchewan 
 Province, which is a remnant of those who killed 1,500 white people in 1863 in 
 Minnesota. An agent had, as they believed, robbed them, and they fell upon 
 the white population around them, slaughtering all. A woman was pointed out 
 to us as one who had the reputation, whether well-founded or not, of having 
 roasted nine American babies alive i It was impossible to substantiate the 
 statement, for she naturally disliked to talk upon the subject ; but there is no 
 doubt that in all the feuds the Americans have had with the Indians, .t has always 
 been found that the women participated in the work of slaughter. The man 
 who pointed the woman out to me had himself escaped wounded from the 
 massacre, after seeing his mother, sister, and others of his family shot down. I 
Indian Cruelties. 
 had held a council that day with a large number of redskins, and I asked him if 
 at the time of his misfortune the whites had received any warning ; his answer 
 was, " No, they had been as friendly with us that day, to all seeming, as were 
 your Indians with you here to-day." The cause of the outbreak was ascribed 
 by him to the dishonesty of the agent appointed by the American Government, 
 whom he accused of having perverted the goods sent for the Sioux to his own 
 use. " If the agent had been killed, it would not have so much mattered," he 
 sai ' ; " but they ascribed the fault of one to all, and hence the trouble." The 
 late President Lincoln, whose memory is revered in England as well as in 
 America, was at that time at the head of the Republi-. General Sibley was 
 sent in command of forces in pursuit of the Sioux, and with great skill he drove 
 them before him till he came to a large encampment where they were strongly 
 posted. Pretending then that he hesitated, he waited with his force until, lulled 
 into false security, the Sioux allowed themselves to be surprised, when the names 
 of a great number were sent up to the President to receive their death sentence. 
 It was a remarkable proof of the justice and clemency which signalized the 
 character of Lincoln, that he cut down the number of those sentenced to death, 
 and returned the list, when it was found that the names of those on whom' 
 justice was to take its course had been written down in his own hand. It is 
 strange that the scattered remnant of these Sioux, who are still amongst us, bear 
 the reputation of being good Indians, and the name, which was once one of 
 terror, now never excites even a passing emotion of disquiet. 
 Some horrible cruelties have been practised in our day by Indians in 
 New Mexico and in the American far west on their white prisoners, cruelties 
 that recall the tortures described by the French voyagers, who saw with disgust 
 the treatment to which their own ailies subjected their fallen enemies. Cham- 
 plain describes how his Indian friends, taking a captive, recited to him all the 
 atrocious things the prisoners' nation had perpetrated against the French allies. 
 They bade the poor man sing if he had the courage to do so, and the victim 
 did manage to sing, bat, naturally enough, " it was a song which was sad to 
 hear." " Meanwhile," Ivt continues, " our friends lit a fire, and when it was 
 well aflame, each cook a brand and burnt the miserable creature by slow degrees, 
 so as to make him suffer more torment. Sometimes they left him to throw 
 cold watef over his back. They then tore out his nails, and put the fire to 
 his hands and feet. After scalping him they poured hot resin upon the head. 
 Then piercing the arms near the clenched hands, they seized the nerves and 
 drew them forth The poor creature uttered strange cries, but yet 
 suffered with such constancy of courage that sometimes one would have supposed 
 that he felt not the pain." Champlain at last persuaded the fiends to let him 
 kill the already half-dead prisoner by a shot from an arquebuse. 
 It is horrible enough to recall these nightmares of history. But it was the 
 fate reserved for many a Christian martyr, whose successors in the Church now 
 are the trusted and beloved guides of these Indians' descendants. 
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 Canadian Pictures. 
 Ihe modern redskin baby is treated much like a bundle of clothes. 
 Swauied tightly in skins or other clothing, it looks perfectly happy with its 
 brown bead-like eyes, but perfectly helpless. It is strapped down on a board, as 
 seen in the engraving, which does not make the mother as happy looking as she 
 ought to look with such a prosperous and sleepy infant on her back. At the 
 head of the papoose's board cradle is an upright arched piece of wood, from 
 the centre of which usually hangs some toy to keep the child amused. An 
 Indian's "lodge" or portable house is often a most comfortable abode. An 
 extract from a journal kept in 1881 describes a Blackfoot camp : 
 An Indian Squaw with Papoose. 
 "We visited a fine Indian camp where each lodge was well equipped in the 
 good old style with buffalo hides. It was p pleasant thing to see these Pujans, 
 Bloods, and Blackfeet with such comfortable dwellings, which contrasted well 
 with the poor cotton or bad canvas tents in the possession of the scattered 
 bands of Crees we have met, On these moyas or hide lodges were painted 
 eagles, buffalos, deer, serpents, and other animals in red and black. Owing to 
 the scarcity of hides, none were new, and the colours of the paintings were 
 browned with smoke. Formerly each spring saw a freshly covered moya, but 
 necessity now compels the poor men to use the old skins until they get too 
 ragged to be used any longer. 

 Indian Lodges and Manners, j^jg 
 ground The sk.ns rose a good height above the ends of the poles, where th.. points 
 :^Z!fl 'X^^^'l '"' '" °'""'"^ "^^ '''' ^-^h--^^' '^' ^he apex of the'con 
 wnd Vh^" ; '' r'" P''t'^^^' P'-^^-'^^'y ^° ^^-^'^^ ^he vent from the 
 Wind. The entrance ,s by a small oval manhole, a foot above the ground and 
 covered by some fur hanging. Inside furs and other coverings are placed on the 
 by s^ntr^rs ^t'r'' f '^' ? "'"^^'-^^ '^^^- ^" ^h^ -"'- — d" 
 our own 1 '' ^ l^'^'"'"' ^''^'"'^^ " ^^'-^^^ "-^^e original, probably, of 
 our own-, arranged around, forming an inner wall. This, unlike the outer wall 
 k," s'afe n'r" T ,'° ''' ^""L^'' ^° ^^ ^° ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ts, while the ol 
 skms are not pegged down so t.ghtly. leaving a little room near the ground for 
 ventilation. Wicker or woven peeled-branch fittings separate onf sleeping 
 compartment from the next. Opposite the entrance' is a^ventiladon opeL"^ 
 near the floor, and over this is placed a frame with furs, as a protectioS 
 to the valuables of the household, which are chiefly stored under it^ A fine 
 embroKlered saddle was one of the articles placed in this receptacle. The 
 worked S' : '^'^ •« P"^ °^^'" '^' P°">'''' ^'^-^-^' -- °ften beautifully 
 rrweatrL'fir-^''^^' ^-^ ^^"'^^ '- '-^ -^'^'^ ^'^ ^^^^^ — ' 
 if Jl a'' "°' -"ter Jnto an Indians head to suppose that he is intruding 
 .f he walks unannounced into your house, and sits down silently staring at you 
 w/rf^'?rV- /''■ "^r ^' ^'^'"^ y"' ^"^^ 'f y°" -ter hi? abo'de 
 We lifted the skins, and introduced ourselves to the chief's family as a ma^er of 
 course We had walked through the rows of dusky tents, anc selected he best 
 painted and ta lest, and the crowds of copper-coloured, weK-dressed Indians 
 squaws, and children, together with the numerous dogs, ali looked on the visit of 
 the party of white men in a most unconcerned fashion. So, in entering the chiefs 
 quarters, the family did not seem either glad or the reverse. A young couple who 
 had been exchanging confidences in one of the fur-strewn compartments on the 
 floor ceased to talk, and gazed at us. The old chief sat on his bearskin and 
 moked, h.s pipes, of beautilul red stone, being carefully arranged in order 
 by his side Perhaps a more cordial greeting may sometimes be given • but 
 these people had said their say at a great council on the previou! evem-ng 
 and had not got all they desired. Hence, perhaps, the apathy ^' 
 At a subsequent meeting with another portion of the same tribe the 
 squaws came m long procession, riding their ponies, which had ^r'avovs 
 harnessed to them. This is almost exactly the rude machine used in the 
 Highlands for hay carrying. Two poles are fastened so that the butt ends rest 
 on the ground, and the lighter ends project beyond the pony's shoulders to 
 which they are attached. A cross-piece unites the ends near the ground knd 
 behind the horse's hocks. On the cross-piece the goods or children are placed 
 The woman mounts the horse, sitting man-fashion. Some of the dresses were 
 Canadian Pictukks. 
 U{:i "^ 
 very prettily adorned with beads and rows of the milk teeth of the wapiti, 
 the ornaments being sewn on to robes of finely cleaned antelope and mountain 
 sheep skin, v/hich descend nearly to the women's ankles. 
 Their mode of disposing of the dead is seen in the engraving, where 
 a corpse is raised on a platform, out of the way of wolves. Sometimes they 
 place the wrapped-up body in a tree. But the manner of sepulture is various 
 Many tribes bury. None burn the dead. 
 Indian Burial on the Plains. 
 At Brantford in Ontario and at Sault St. Marie may be seen excellent 
 schools, at which Indian children are taught several trades as well as other 
 branches of education. They are quick at learning, and i lake good carpenters, 
 printers, and shoemakers. One of the Iroquois, Oroniateka, was, by the help 
 of Dr. Acland, educated partly at Oxford, and has practised as a doctor of 
 medicine with great success. He is a pure-blooded Indian. On the plains it 
 is found that the half-white, if he has a French father, will take to the nomad 
Christianity the Foundation of Civi 
 Ijfe of his Indian mother; but, on the other hand, if the father be of British 
 descent he takes to the father's ways, and becomes a farmer. This reminds 
 one of the devotion shown by the French in l->ance to their moihers, who 
 often have more influence than has the father in shaping their character. 
 1 he few savage tribes which yet remain in possession of their old customs 
 and manners do not form by any means a prominent feature of even the most 
 unsettled portions of Canada. The talk is not of Indians, but of engines, of 
 the plough, of the self-binder, of the reaper, of the hay-cutter. It is of the 
 price of timber for building, of the advantages of the long grass for thatching, 
 of the utility of straw for burning, and of the great output of coal which is 
 Iready assured from the newly-opened mines of Alberta. The speculations 
 are not of a visit from the wild man, but whether the splendid crop in the 
 ground shall be visited by any early frost, of the further facilities in the way 
 ot transport the railways shall afford, or projected lines may still further increase • 
 or Shall a new steamer on some river be able to make her return trip in time 
 to carry off some of the superabundant grain ? 
 People often speak of the difference and inferiority in worth of the Christian 
 Indian as compared with the native, untouched by jthe influences of the white 
 man. lint this is not only a careless but singularly unhappy mode of speech 
 It IS not, It need hardly be said, the conversion of the heathen which has bad 
 ettects but the contact with a civilisation which has its debasing as well as its 
 ennobling qualities. Nothing has kept peace among native tribes in their 
 original wild state but the Christianity introduced by the missionaries, who have 
 .sola ed and unsupported as they were in old days, yet produced a marked 
 effect wherever they took up their residence. The early French missionaries 
 prepared the way for the agents of the great fur-trading companies. They 
 gave to them the example to treat kindly, considerately, and justly the red man 
 It IS only too true that the fur traders at one time dealt with that worst of 
 poisons, brandy, in exchange for skins; but in the main they followed the advice 
 and precepts of the bringers of the Gospel. Bitter conflicts were thereby avoided 
 and the foundation laid for the unhindered advance of civilisation 
 It IS undoubtedly true that the first effects of the advance does no good to 
 tne native Just as his appearance; and often his health suffers at the commence- 
 ment for the change in his lodging and apparel, when instead of the birch bark 
 or hide tent he takes to bad hovels, and wears, in lieu of his buffalo robe and 
 embroidered " leathers," the cast-off clothing-incongruous and gaudy if he can 
 only procure such-of the European; so at first, in manners and habits he 
 mutates, not the best of the white man's ways, but what he sees the most of 
 namely the worst. Although Cooper in his novels exaggerated the stateliness 
 and virtues of the red man, yet in the main his picture of him is a true one 
 angularly honest, the Indian would not touch the food supply of a friend 
 although he himself might be almost starving. He spoke the truth, and was 
 true in his friendship, however merciless, cruel, and crafty against his enemies 
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 Canadian Pictures. 
 It is natural that the savage virtue should vanish when brought in contact with 
 the manifold vices of civilisation. 
 The leavening element of that civilisation is the Christianity which may, and 
 does, touch the savage also, so that he becomes in time better, materially and 
 morally, than before. For the proof of such assertion we need only look at such 
 Indian communities as those at Brantford. The change in his condition when 
 he emerges from savagery may bring him for a generation new troubles ; but it 
 must be remembered that it saves him also from the old, and that the losses 
 formerly suffered by him in the incessant wars and occasional famines are no 
 longer to be feared by him. Absorption by the white races rather than 
 extermination appears to be their destiny. 
 Cariboo Horns. 
 {Ftvm the colltction 0/ tht Mari/uis of Lome.) 
I i 
■#w»#iwiii<ii<h>*>iii I MWJa'BBiifciariawxaaiBrBii'iraa 
 Bl ! 
 {/''r,'r/t the Collection of the Miiyiptis o/ Lottie.) 
..MJMSliS^h: JLmkkJk. : 
 A NoKTK Saskatchewan Steamer. 
 (l-'roiii the Maniuis of Lome's collection o/ /itiolograflis.) 
 The New Territories. 
 The Stern-wheel Steamer— Prince Albert— Carleton— Fort Edmonton— The Peace River— Athabasca 
 —The Bell Farm— The System .> Land ArpRopRiATioN in the North-West— Comparative Pro- 
 duction OF THE North-West and other Parts— Alberta— Buffalo Herds— First View of the 
 Rocky Mountains. 
 BEFORE we go further along the Canadian Pacific Railway line, it will be well 
 to tal: a a passing look at the two great provinces which lie to the north, 
 namely, Saskatchewan and Athabasca ; called after the great rivers which, flowing 
 from the Rocky Mountains, join their waters near Prince Albert, and pour their 
 united flood into Lake Winnipeg. Each of the Saskatchewan River branches 
 is roughly 800 miles in length, and when united they have a course of some 900 
 miles to run before they reach the lake. The province called after them has 
 an area of 100,000 square miles. A railway will soon give access to the 
 districts around the lower parts of these streams. 
 Steamers have navigated for some years the North Saskatchewan, and on the 
 southern branch more vessels are now being placed. The river rises in spring 
 after the ice has broken up, an event which takes place about the 23rd of April. 
 Until October the vessels can find water, but in the ai.tumn the stream becomes 
 very shallow, and the numerous and ever-shifting sand-bars cause much delay. 
 The Missouri and the upper portions of the Mississippi are very similar in this 
 respect, and the difficulties in the latter are well known through Mr. Clemens' 
 (Mark Twain) able writings. The first thing which seems odd to a European 
 is that there is only one paddle wheel, and this single wheel is placed at the stern, 
 so that the craft looks like an upturned wheelbarrow. The feature which 
 will, secondly, seem the oddest is a curious erection of beams on the forward 
 deck. Two things, like the gyns used in lifting heavy weights, are placed on 
 Canadian Pictures. 
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 each side. The heavy weight to be lifted in this case is the vessel itself. As 
 soon as very challow water is struck, two long beams are put over the side, the 
 wheel astern churns up the water, and the ship is fairly lifted on these, as a lame 
 man is on crutches, for a few feet over the obstacle. The poles are then hoisted, 
 and put forward again into the sand, and another step onward is made. Where 
 such a rig is not provided, the only means of making progress consists in getting 
 out a hawser and attaching it to something on the bank. The capstan is then 
 manned and the hawser hauled upon, and with much shouting, rocking of the 
 boat, and convulsive effort of the engines, step by step, way is gained, until 
 deeper water is reached. Much time used to be lost in old days from the absence 
 of the electric light on board. The want of such means of illumination made 
 it necessary to " tie up " every evening at sundown, and remain stationary under 
 the bank until morning showed the pilot the surface of the stream. To men to 
 whom time was not a matter of importance these halts were not unpleasant. It 
 gave time for an excursion on shore, for the shooting of the sharp-tailed grouse 
 of the plain, or possibly for a shot at bear or buffalo. All big game have now 
 vanished from the frequented routes, and the utmost excitement enjoyed by our 
 dogs was a night chase around the state rooms after a flying squirrel, which had 
 come on board from a neighbouring poplar thicket. 
 Prince Albert is already a well-settled pface. A Highlander, Bishop 
 MacLean, from the Isle of Mull, is the Anglican bishop. Parallel with the 
 Saskatchewan and to the south flows the Carrot River, along whose valley there i 
 abundance of fine land. Here too we meet the forest, which exists for 700 miles 
 near the great river to the north, coming down to clothe its banks again in the 
 neighbourhood of Edmonton. The bishop points out his first " palace," a little 
 log-wood shanty. Nor is his present abode imposing. But there is real grandeur 
 in the work he and his colleagues of other denominations have set themselves to 
 do, and have already succeeded in doing so well. These early evangelisers and 
 priests of the wilderness can often speak several Indian dialects. They have 
 peacefully prepared the mind of the red man for the greater changes yet to come. 
 Their place is no sinecure. Long before they can even hope to have civilised towns 
 and farms around them, they must be prepared to undertake long journeys, and to 
 toil ceaselessly with no expectation of any reward other than that their consciences 
 must give them. And it has been for this only that they have striven. Now 
 that Providence has directed towards their lonely habitations the throng of 
 emigrants, they have an additional responsibility, and one that they will meet and 
 accept, and a reward for which they have indeed unconsciously worked, for it was 
 never expected. 
 At Carleton, an old fort some way higher up the river, we heard, even in 1881, 
 rei^orts of the excellence of the land to the north ; and now Colonel Butler, the 
 author of that remarkably well-written book, the Grea^ Lone Land, has taken 
 a district where experiments in farming have been begun with the best promise. 
 Twenty years ago Lord Milton passed the winter here on the borders of the 
Fertiuty of the New Territories. 
 northern forest. The buffalo herds were numerous to the south, and his party 
 had plenty of s^ort, while the Wood Cree Indians proved themselves to be good 
 neighbours. H.s most interesting book, The North-West Passage by Land 
 IS well worth reading, for he passed through that portion of the country to 
 the back of the northern branch of the Saskatchewan which will ultimately 
 prove to be one of the most favoured tracts of the whole continent The 
 grasses are green the whole summer through. No drought affects them, and 
 the near presence of the trees proves the moisture to be greater than further 
 south. He set out from Carleton on the loth October, crossing the horses, 
 carts and baggage by scow boat to the north side of the river. " We were now 
 travelling, he says, "through mixed country. The weather was still beauti- 
 fully fine and during the day pleasantly warm. The nights began to be very 
 keen and the lakes were already partly covered with a thin coating of ice. The 
 wild fowl had taken their departure for the south, only a few stragglers remaining 
 from the later broods Many of the latter fall victims to their procrastination 
 being frequently found frozen fast in the ice. But this, the Indians assert, takes 
 place in consequence of their excessive fatness, which renders them unable to 
 rise on the wing and they are thus detained behind to suffer a miserable 
 death. In four days we arrived at the Shell River, a small tributary of the 
 Saskatchewan. The next day brought us to a lovely little spot, a small prairie 
 of perhaps 200 acres, surrounded by low wooded hills, and on one side a lake 
 winding with many an inlet amongst the hills and into the plain, while here and 
 there a tiny promontory, richly clothed with pines and aspens, stretched out into 
 the water. The beauty of the place had struck the rude voyagers, its only 
 visitors except the Indians, and they had named it La Belle Prairie " 
 Lord Milton tells us how fat and flourishing the horses of his party were in 
 ^fr"'?" , • " ^^^ ^^^'' '"'"^"^ '°°'^ ^' -he commencement of the winter 
 We had seen them or their tracks from time to time, and knew in what direction 
 they had wandered. One of the party followed their trail without difficulty, and 
 discovered them about eight or ten miles away. We were very much astonished 
 at their fine condition. Although very thin when the snow began to fall they 
 were now perfect balls of fat. and as wild and full of spirit as if fed on corn-a 
 most unusual condition for Indian horses. The pasture is so nutritious that 
 animals fatten rapidly even in winter-when they have to scratch away the snow 
 to feed-if they find woods to shelter them from the piercing winds. No horses 
 are more hardy and enduring than those of this country, yet their only food is 
 the grass of the prairies and the vetches of the copses. The milch cows and 
 draught oxen at Red River and in Minnesota, feeding on grass alone were 
 generally in as fine condition as the stall-fed cattle of the Baker Street Show " 
 He noticed at Fort Pitt, on his way up the Saskatchewan, how productive 
 the farming was, although this was then on a very small scale. Potatoes were 
 abundant, and attained an immense size. Carrots and turnips grew equally 
 well, and wheat would, no doubt, flourish as well as on Red River 
 A A 

 Canadian Pictures. 
 The country around he describes as "glorious "— not, indeed, grandly 
 picturesque, but rich and beautiful ; a country of rolling hills and fertile valleys, 
 of lakes and streams, groves of birch and aspen, and miniature prairies ; a land 
 of a kindly soil, and full of promise to the settler to come in future years, when 
 an enlightened policy shall open out the wealth now uncared for or unknown. 
 He remarks on the beauty of the blue flowers which spring up in such 
 numbers in the north. In the more open country to the south an orange lily is 
 the flower which grows most luxuriantly after the disappearance of the snow, 
 and this is followed by the little sunflowers which spangle the prairie, and in 
 many places make it blaze with golden colour. For my part, I never tire of the 
 summer aspect of the plains. In the v/inter they are often desolate-looking 
 enough ; and what landscape is not ? There is at all events this to be said for 
 the winter prairie, namely, that the sky is seldom only of a dull grey above it, 
 and is oftener than in Europe of a bright blue, filled with the cheerfulness of 
 There is one drawback in summer, and this is the universal presence 
 of the mosquito ; but take a day in autumn, and then see if you do not enjoy 
 the prairie. If you are in the eastern parts, the long grass is nearly up to your 
 hips as you stand in it, and its green blades are varied with purple vetches and 
 tall asters. Your horizon is circumscribed, for poplar clumps, with their white 
 stems trembling in the noonday mirage, are not far off, in whatever direction you 
 look. Out of the netting of poplar you emerge into a more open world, with 
 hardly a tree. The grasses are not 30 long, but still the lily or the sunflower is 
 present in masses of blossom. There are marshes thick with tall sedge and long 
 tawny grass around the margin. There are clear pools and lakelets fringed with 
 reed ; and in September what numbers of wild fowl ! — swans, difficult to 
 approach, and tall white cranes, and the small sand-crane in flocks. We hear 
 cries in the air above us, and, looking up, we see against a grey cloud great white 
 birds flapping heavily along. They are pelicans, white except the quill feathers; 
 and behind them now, but rapidly overtaking them, is a long string of other 
 birds, also white, except the wing feathers. These fly in waving curves, looking in 
 the distance like rows of pearls waved in the air. They are snow-geese, coming, 
 like the pelicans, from the far northern breeding-grounds, and they alight on a lake 
 near at hand, making a long white band on its blue water. They are worth 
 stalking, and an attempt is made, but only one is killed, and the rest take the 
 wing and are no more seen that day. But the ducks are tamer, and come circling 
 back, and afford excellent sport. What a variety ! The most common are 
 blue-wing teal, shoveller, dusky duck, and mallard. Certainly there is no easier 
 and better way of having wild-fowl shooting than by a visit to the North-west. 
 Once out of Manitoba the land swells into waves, and from each ridge a marvel- 
 lous extent of country is seen. The lakes are fewer, and a long march is sometimes 
 necessary before a good camping-ground is found. The herbage, except in such 
 spots, is poorer, and the general effect given by it is a dull grey-green, shading 
Aspect ok tiik Western Pi,ArNs. ,70 
 !!!;!!1h "^'JJ^'^^^;-!''''^"^^ !^ Srcy and ochre, and then far away these tints become 
 m.xed wuh dehcate pinks and cobalt blue. •• Far away ?" Yes indeed the 
 r^hlrvo: f ^'" ^°" ''-^•^^t ^'- '— cleameL or their ;:suchtha 
 before Pbt"'''^ T"" ""? '" ^'f '""^'^ "•■ ^° ^^^ ^^^-^ ^^^ wide horizons 
 before. Pla eaux, hollows, ndges and plains lie beneath yoi,, on and on and 
 Th re'is" no '"' '' .'^'^ ?' ''' ^"' "'"' '^^"^ ''^^ ^^"^ °^ - •"d^fi-'^e vasVess 
 those oin^nd'^M' T^ '\"'''''', '''' ^''''' ^"^ '' ^^'^"^^'-'^ ^"^ ^^-"^ers on to 
 n harlnv of T -'''^^^^'^%"here the skies, light and beautiful in tint, are joined 
 in harmony of colour to the endless swell and roll of the uninhabited world 
 Fort EdmOxNton. 
 (From the Afnrfuis of Lome s 
 culleilioH 0/ fhologm/'hs.) 
 beneath them. A 
 wonderful sense 
 of freedom, and 
 yet of loneliness, 
 is borne in upon you ; and you feel 
 perhaps that you would like to 
 keep the liberty and yield some of the loneliness and 
 pitch your tent and live, if live in the wilderness' you 
 must, away to the north, where the streams chime in 
 swifter currents through the more varied lands, and 
 forest succeeds meadow, and fertile dale and prairie 
 have near them the whispering shelter of the firs, and morning and even ng 
 ifthe terrnTi;': "^"^''"^^ ^"^^"^^ °' '^'^ ^"' ^^ ''^'^'^ °" ^^^ — «^"^' 
 We will hurry on to Edmonton, and hear the reports there. Manv 
 men from Ontario have got property here, and there is abundance of coa^ 
 as well as of _ timber in the vicinity. Horses do well when left out in 
 winter. This ,s now comparatively well-known ground, but there mav be 
 some interest ,n endeavouring to see what lies beyond the paths which are 
 already more or less beaten tracks. There is no stranger sensation than 
 A A 2 
li I 
 I' ' 
 1 80 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 that of carapinfj night after night in meadows which are full of such good 
 grass that you f("c;l inclined to look round for their owner and to ask his leave. 
 But there have been none from the beginning of time to say to you "nay." 
 Even the sava;Te has here never molested the pioneer. No one having a taste 
 for exploration, for sport, or for settlement in some far-away but fair region, where 
 he may live as the pioneer of a community on land certain to rise in value, need 
 fear to pursue his object on account of any native's hostility. There is no one 
 to hinder him, if he wishes to break the soil where the great Peace River forces 
 its way through the grand masses of the mountains, or settle near the Hudson's 
 Bay Company's posts further down along the banks of the deeply-wooded 
 stream. There is a singular charm in thus being among the first in a new land, 
 but by and by more companionship is desired : and it is not to be doubted that 
 each wave of emigration as it is poured westward will send many a stout fellow 
 onward until he rests satisfied with his farm, from which he may see the giant 
 and serrated ridges and peaks of the Rocky Mountains far away, cut clear and 
 distinct, dark blue, against the western sunset light. 
 But we must hear what our Edmonton friends say. " A party went in 1882 
 to Peace River from Edmonton. They went determined to farm, but having 
 lost three out of their four oxen on the trip, and not being able to get in as early 
 as they expected, they were unable to do anything the first summer, and were 
 compelled to come back in order to get a new start. They are very much 
 pleased with the country and climate, and consider both superior to Edmonton, 
 They had erected a shanty and done some breaking on a claim a few miles from 
 Dunvegan last fall, and two men remained on it until the 26th of February, 
 when one left for Edmonton. The weather was very stormy and cold in 
 January, the thermometer going down to 56° and 57° below zero on two days 
 about the middle of the month. The snow was about three feet deep in the 
 latter end of February. During the latter part of February and all March the 
 weather was very fine. Snow began to go off about the middle of March, and 
 the ground was bare in the first week of April. A very hard crust formed on 
 the snow in March, but this did not prevent the Hudson's Bay Company's herd of 
 horses which were wintering out from doing well. They kept along the north 
 bank of the river, where the sun has more effect on the snow than on the plain 
 behind. The Peace Rfver broke up about the middle of April, and grass began 
 to turn green in the latter end of the month. The spring was somewhat later 
 than usual. No horses died during the winter. 
 " The piece of breaking, about three acres in extent, which had been done 
 last fall was sown this spring with wheat, barley, and oats, and the grain was up 
 on the loth of May. The crop sown at Dunvegan was also up at that time 
 and looking well. 
 " Rabbits and chickens are plentiful all over the country, also ducks and 
 geese wherever there are any lakes or ponds. Of large game, bears, both black, 
 brown, and grizzly, are the most plentiful. The grizzly is generally found near 
TlIF, Pl'Ari. RiVFK. 
 the mountains, and the black bear on the; plains. Moose are not as common as 
 a few years ago, and are found principally around Fort St. John. There are a 
 few timber wolves. Fo.xes, both red, cross, and grey, are very numerou.s, also 
 marten and hsher. I he claim was left in charge of one of the men, who went to 
 leace River m 1883. and intends to reside there permanently. He left 
 Dunvegan on the loth of May on a raft loaded with Hudson's Bay Company 
 goods for Battle River, which comes into the Peace below the mouth of Smoky 
 River. The trip to Smoky River occupied a day. 
 "The Peace is a grand stream, being half as wide again as the Saskatchewan 
 at Edmonton, very deep, with a strong current and a few islands in it The 
 banks are very high and slope back from the river, the northern being all 
 praine and the southern all timber. There are no high-cut banks, as on the 
 liitKtALO Hunting. 
 (/■>!>;« CnliiM's '• Xalth American Indians."] 
 Saskatchewan. The Smoky River is nearly as large at its mouth as the 
 This letter refers to regions which are as yet far removed from any 
 considerable settlement ; but, from the accounts received, the Province of 
 Athabasca — such is the new name given to a country as large as France — will be 
 one of the finest in the Canadian Union. To reach Edmonton it required, a few 
 years ago, ninety days of travel across the prairies from Winnipeg. Slowly the old 
 caravans of Red River carts traversed the trails over the sod of the vast plains. 
 But, unless it were in places where small watercourses made a marsh, the trails 
 formed good roads. By these or by the river, people have still to travel to 
 Edmonton; but one of the proposed railways, which is certain to pay well, 
 will be that which shall proceed by the forks of the Saskatchewan up the 
 northern branch of that river, and proceed from Hdnionton to Diinvejran, on the 
 Peace River, and open up that ^^reat ^rrain country. It is ini|)ossible to estimate 
 the amount of wheat which must be raised in the lifetime of many now here 
 from these parts of the central coiuIneiU. The dryness which is present 
 sometimes in the south is wholly absent from the richly grassed steppes that lie 
 in an inunense arched zone from Kdmonton to Prince Albert, having on its 
 northern »ulge the spruce forests, which end only when the sub-Arctic circle is 
 The American consul at Winnipeg. Mr. Taylor, says, " TIk! altitude of the 
 Athabasca and Peace River districts is less, and the trend of the Pacific winds 
 through the Rocky Mountains is more marked than at Battleford, a place once 
 proposed as the capital of the North-West Territories, owing to its central situation 
 between Edmonton and the eastern edges of the plains. It was on the banks 
 of the Peace River, well in latitude 60", that Sir Alexander Mackenzie records on 
 the loth May, the grass so well grown that the buffalo, attended by their young, 
 were cropping the uplands. The climate is not matt;rially different west of Lake; 
 Athabasca in latitude 60" to what it is west of Lake Superior in latitude 46°." 
 Professor Macoun shows two heads of wheat, one from Prince AIb(>rt in latitude 
 53°, and another from Fort Vermilion on Peace River, latitude 59°, and from each 
 cluster of the two he separated five well-formed grains, with a corresponding 
 length of the head. " Here," he says, " has the perfection of the wheat plant 
 attained, according to the well-known physical law, nearly the most northei-n limit 
 of its successful growth. The line of equal mean temperature, especially for the 
 season of vegetation between March and October, instead of following lines of 
 latitude, bends from the Mississippi valley far to the north, carrying the zone of 
 wheat from Minnesota away to the 60" parallel in the valley of the Peace River, 
 and reproducing the summer heats of New Jersey, and Southern Pennsylvania, 
 in Minnesota and Dakotah, and those of Northern Pennsylvania and Ohio in 
 the valley of the Saskatchewan. Within the isothermal lines that inclose the 
 zone west and north-west of Minnesota lies a vast area of fertile lands, from 
 which a dozen great new states might be cut." 
 Athabasca has 120,000 square miles within its limits. As long ago as the 
 days of Franklin's journey across these plains, Richardson, who travelled with 
 him as naturalist to his expedition, was struck with the fair soil, and the evidence 
 of a comparatively warm climate in winter, along the banks of the vast 
 Mackenzie River. It is evident that where a heavy wood growth can live by 
 the water's edge, that there wheat can be grown. But as yet it is a land of much 
 mystery. Hunters tread its vast woods and prairies for the sake of the fur- 
 bearing animals, notably fox, fisher, marten, lynx, mink, wolverine, musk-rat, 
 beaver, wolf, bear, and musk-ox. This last is a creature almost as grotesque in 
 appearance as is the buffalo. It has much of the sheep in its characteristics. 
 Its horns are sheep-like, in their rising from flat bases spread across the forehead, 
 but the animal is a huge one, with a coat of hair six inches in length on the back. 
Fakmin(; r\ Assinihoia. 
 he colour is dark, uith a li^lu patch on the hack. Curious, too. are th.- fish of 
 these coumries. most of the.n well and truly described hy old Richardson. To 
 the list of natural leatur(>s wc must ,,rol,al,ly add the presence of petroleum. It 
 <s said aloUK: the River Athabasca men have .seen clifts which for eiLdUv 
 miles are lull of this precious oil. ' 
 We have seen something' of the Indians of Assiniboia. Let us m.w examine 
 the early results of the industry of the white man in that j.rovince. It is i 
 inaKMiil.cent sij^ht to an eye lovin- aj^riculture to .see some of his farms A 
 recent letter s^.eaks of a visit to the Hell l-arm, not far from the charminL' 
 village of Qu Appelle. This is an enterprise but lately begun, and everything 
 that IS now to be seen upon it has been done within tw(;Ive months. Listen to 
 the aspect of it in 1SS3. 
 " I'he dwelling-house or lu-ad-quarters of the farm stands about a mile and a 
 half back from the railroad. It is a plain, substantial building of stone 
 Surrounding it arc a granary and store-house, a large stone stable for horses a 
 blacksmith's shop, a shed for cattle, an ice-house, a dog-kennel, &c. The granary 
 and store-house are capable of holding 30,000 bushels of 'vheat, besides all the 
 stores and implements for the use of the farm. Irt one compartment alone of 
 this granary I .saw 8,000 bushels (and then it was not half full) of the finest fyfe 
 wheat, yellow and pure as gold, without dirt or weed seeds of any kind This 
 year, when the harvest has all been ingathered. there will be 30,000 bushels of 
 tiie same. It will weigh si.xty-seven pounds to the bushel, and average twenty- 
 two bushels to the acre. The yield of oats will be 70.000 bushels-all the 
 product of 3,000 acres of land this year. This wheat will all be reserved for 
 iiext year's .seed, both for their own use and the use of all Airmers who may 
 desire to purchase it. The company intend to establish a No. i grade, that they 
 call 'gu'Appelle wheat." which will be unsurpassed for quality on the whole of 
 the vast continent, if not in the world at large. The stable is a circular stone 
 building, with scpiare holes at intervals all round it, for light and ventilation 
 1 here are stalls for thirty-six horses in this building, and it is as clean as a 
 parlour. The feed is kept in the upper story, and is conveyed through a chute 
 to the lower. One man attends to the whole stable. The cattle shed is capable 
 of holding 200 head of stock, and is open on every side all round the roof 
 resting on heavy i)iles. The stock are to be left free in this inclosure, so that they 
 may be allowed to rub themselves against the posts. There are twenty-six self- 
 binder reaping-machines on the farm, and it is a sight worth beholding all these 
 machines marching by, as if in battle array, attacking the standing grain', laying it 
 low, gathering it into sheaves, binding it, and then casting it forth on the ground 
 without a single mishap or failure. They have fifty sulky ploughs ; each plough 
 IS required to travel twenty miles a day. and then its work is done. Two steam- 
 threshing-machines are now at constant work ; eighty-seven men are employed • 
 there are forty stations on the farm ; ninety-nine work horses are owned, and 
 sixty head of milch cows. Ten thousand acres will be put into seed next year 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 The farm is ten miles sq\iare, and there :s being planted a grand avenue of 
 10,000 poplar trees, ten miles in length. Some of the trees were planted last 
 year and are healthy, and average from twelve to fifteen feet in height. The 
 company is cutting 800 tons of wild hay for the use of the stock during the 
 coming winter, it would cost !?7o,ooo to do the fencing on this establishment 
 alone. Instead of leaving the grain when cut to stand exposed in stooks on the 
 field, as I notice that many of the farmers do, thus risking the loss of it from bad 
 weather, it is hauled off as soon as possible and stacked neatly and safely away, 
 si.K stacks in u place, to await the coming of the threshing-machines. Twenty- 
 five portable granaries are being constructed on the farm, to hold 1,000 bushels 
 each. They are m.onster barrels, with a square hole cut in the side for the grain 
 to pass through into them from the thresher. They are supported on heavy 
 sleds, and will be movable to any part of the farm. The Bell Farm Company 
 pay their employes $35 a monih, about ^80 a year, and settle with them 
 punt tually on the 20th of every month. There has been an expenditure already 
 of $250,000 on the farm. The town of Indian Head contains a population of 
 from 100 to 200. It is built on the land belonging to the Bell Farm. This 
 town is to be beautifully laid out and planted by the farm com.pany with shade 
 trees. The main street is to be the same width as Main Street in Winnipeg. I 
 could take up much further space and time in describing this iinmense undertaking, 
 but this will suffice for the present. Let me, however, before concluding, say a word 
 or two abcut some samples of grain that Major Beli has been collecting on the farm 
 for the Central Pacific Railway Company, to be sent as exhiJits to London, 
 England. One of these is a sample of oats, the product of one single germ 
 seed. It is composed of thirty stalks, more like young canes than oat stalks. 
 It is estimated that there are 10,000 seeds of grain on these stalks. Another is 
 a sample of 'soft wheat, Red River variety.' There are thirty stalks, and 1,200 
 seeds of grain attached to them. A third sample has eighty-three heads of the 
 fyfe variety, containing 3,000 pickles ot the finest wheat. The Yankees boast 
 that they can beat all creation, but here is something in the north- west that can 
 beat the Yankees, They have in St. Paul a sample of wheat with eighty-one 
 heads, and they have offered $500 for anything that can beat it in the States 
 But if Major Bell was only allowed to carry the war across tne boundary line, or 
 past this American Chinese wall into the enemy's country, he would beat them 
 all into a cocked hat in no time." 
 The system of laying out the land in Manitoba and the Canadian north- 
 west is most simple. The land is divided into townships, six miles square, 
 containing thirty-six sections of 640 acres each, which are again subdivided into 
 quarter sections of 160 acres. A road allowancoi iiaving a width of one chain 
 is provided for on each section line running north and south, and on every 
 alternate section line running ea^-t and west. 
Division of Lan-d into Townships. 
 Lvenue of 
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 ;ht. The 
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 from bad 
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 the grain 
 on heavy 
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 ulation of 
 ni. This 
 ath shade 
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 ay a word 
 1 the farm 
 igle germ 
 >at stalks, 
 another is 
 and 1,200 
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 :ees boast 
 t that can 
 le States. 
 ry line, or 
 )eac them 
 The following diagram shows a township with the sections numbered :— 
 o3 34 35 36 
 30 29 28 27 • 26 25 
 21 22 
 16 15 
 9 1 10 
 1 1 
 4 3 
 The sections are apportioned as follows :— 
 O/^cH for Homestead and Pre-eniptions.~'^o%. 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16 18 -'o 
 22, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 2,(>. 
 Belongingto the Canadian Pacific Raihvay.~^09,.\, I. ^ 79 \x is 17 
 19.21,23,25,27,31,33,35. ' ' ' • ^' ^' 
 Nos. I, 9, 13, 21, 25, :^i along the main line Winnipeg to Moose Jaw sold 
 to the Canada North-VVest Land Company, the balance of their lands beine in 
 Southern Manitoba. 
 Hudson s Bay Company's Lands.— ^os. 8, 26. 
 SWwo/ Sections.—NoH. 11, 29 (reserved by Government solely for school 
 Here is a statement of comparative produce in the north-west, and other 
 countries; but it is by no means to be assumed that all the country yields 
 twenty-nine bushels : — 
 an north- 
 is square, 
 'ided into 
 one chain 
 on everv 
 Manitoha, average yield per acre . 
 Great Britain and Ireland ... 
 I\linnesota (the Empire Wheat State of the Union) 
 United States . 
 • • • • 
 Ontario ...... 
 South Australia 
 29 bushels. 
 28-5 „ 
 '4'5i .. 
 12-3 „ 
 1 1 "5 » 
 8 .. 
 R B 
 1 86 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 The same, though to a less extent, applies to barley and oats. The averages 
 of barley are : — 
 Manitoba, average yield per acre 
 Wisconsin ,, 
 Ohio ' .. 
 Indiana „ 
 Illinois ., 
 Manitoba, average yield per acre 
 Minnesota ,. 
 Iowa , „ 
 39 bushels. 
 57 bushels. 
 28 .. 
 This remarkable growth is accounted for by the fact that the cultivated 
 plants yield the greatest product near the northernmost limit of their growth. 
 Hence the perfection of wheat in Manitoba, where, instead of being developed 
 too rapidly, as is the case further south, the undue luxuriance of the stem or leaf 
 is restrained by the cool, late spring, and the chief development of the plant 
 thrown into the ripening period. The assertion of the distinguished American 
 climatologlst, Blodgett, "that the basin of the Winnipeg is the seat of the 
 greatest average wheat product on this continent, and probably in the world," 
 has been proved correct by the record of a yearly average of over twenty-nine 
 bushels per acre from 1876 to 1882. 
 The following conies from the Canadian Pacific Railway's Handbook, and 
 is useful, being accurate. 
 An approximate estimate of the first outlay, in a moderate way, of the 
 settler who has more than ^100 capital : — 
 Provisions for one year, say . . . 
 Yoke of oxen 
 One CO"' ...... 
 Waggon ...... 
 Plough and harrow .... 
 Sundry implements .... 
 Cooking stove, with tinware . . . 
 Furniture, &c., say 
 Sundry expenses, say .... 
Advice to the Settler. 
 of th( 
 To the above must he added first payment on land, unless he takes a home- 
 stead and preemption ; but an energetic man will find time to earn something as 
 an offset to a portion of his first expenses, either on the railway, or by working 
 for neighbourmg farmers ; and in addition to this there is the chance of obtaining 
 a partial crop the first year. A settler, therefore, who can boast of having 
 ^500 on his arrival in Manitoba is an independent man, and cannot fail to succeed, 
 with ordinary care and energy. Many settlers on arrival have not a tenth part of 
 that sum, and yet they succeed. The cost of breaning, ploughing, sowing, and 
 harvesting is estimated on good authority at from £2 45. to £2 ids. per acre 
 which, of course, includes the settler's own labour and that of his family. 
 The settler from older countries should be careful to adapt himself to 
 those methods which experience of the country has proved to be wise, rather 
 than try to employ in a new country those practices to which he has been 
 accustomed at home. For instance, with respect to ploughing, or, as it is called, 
 ••breaking" the prairie, the method in Manitoba is quite different from that in 
 the old country. The prairie is covered with a rank vegetable growth, and the 
 question is how to subdue this, and so make the land available for farming 
 purposes. Experience has proved that the best way is to plough a shallow 
 furrow, and turn over a furrow from twelve to sixteen inches wide. 
 It is especially desirable for the farmer who enters early in the spring to put 
 in a crop of oats on the first breaking. It is found by experience that the sod 
 pulverises and decomposes under the influence of a growing crop quite as 
 effectually, if not more so, than when simply turned and left by itself for that 
 purpose. There are also fewer weeds, which is of very great importance, as it 
 frequently happens that the weeds which grow soon after breaking are as difficult 
 to subdue as the sod itself. Large crops of oats are obtained from sowing on 
 the first breaking, and thus not only is the cost defrayed, but there is a profit. It 
 is also of great importance to a settler with limited means to get this crop the 
 first year. One mode of this kind of planting is to scatter the oats on the grass, 
 and then turn a thin sod over them. The grain thus buried quickly finds its 
 way through, and in a few weeks the sod is perfectly rotten. 
 As for fuel, specimens of coal have lately been taken out from various 
 parts of the- country, and the analysis and experience in the burning of the 
 mineral show that although the coal of the tertiary formations in Manitoba and 
 the eastern part of Assiniboia will provide fair fuel, it is not to be mentioned in 
 the same breath with the coal found from Medicine Hat onward to the mountains, 
 and northwards along the line near their " foot-hills." 
 Alberta has 100,000 square miles, and was named after the Princess Louise, 
 one of whose Christian names is Alberta. It is the great region embracing the 
 head-waters of the two Saskatchewans. Its surface is, in the south and centre, 
 a rolling prairie, treeless except near the water courses. On the west side of 
 the foot-hills of the mountains, among the gorges, and in the north, there is a 
 rich growth of spruce and pine. Anthracile has been found in a vein five 
 n B 2 
 I % 
 Canadian Picturks. 
 feet thick in one of the glens, and veins of excellent coal of the cretaceous 
 period of geology seem to underlie the whole country near the mountains. 
 Excellent mines have been opened near Medicine Hat. The one great 
 necessity of the settler is thus bountifully supplied by Providence. There is 
 also plenty of good clay for brickmaking. 
 Principal Grant, in his interesting account of his journey from " ocean to 
 ocean," thus speaks of the coal in the north and of the scenery. He knew 
 only the stuff found on the surface or rolled in the streams, and says that the 
 " men he met had been in the habit of making fires with it whenever they wished 
 the fire to remain in all night. The 
 exposure of the coal on the Pembina 
 River was a mere nothing to that on the 
 north fork of the North Saskatchewan ; 
 that there the seams were eighteen feet 
 thick ; that in one canyon was a wal 
 Stalking Antelopes. 
 (Fivm CalUn's " North .tmerkaH tnJinns.") 
 of seams so hard that the weather had no effect on them ; and that on all 
 the rivers east of Edmonton, and west to the Rocky Mountains, are abundant 
 showings of coal." In the valley of the Athabasca River, which flows through 
 part of Alberta, he describes the view near the Roche Ronde, which is a 
 type of many others. " Roche Ronde was to our right, its stratification as 
 distinct as the leaves of a half-opened book. The mass of the rock was lime- 
 stone, and what at a distance had been only peculiarly bold and rugged outlines, 
 were now seen to be the different angles and contortions of the strata. And 
 such contortions ! One high mass twisting up the sides in serpentine folds, 
 as if it had been so much pie-crust ; another bent in great waving lines like 
 petrified billows. The colouring, too, was all that the artist could desire 
 Not only the dark green of the spruce in the corries. which turned into black 
 when far up but autumn tints of red and gold as high as vegetation had 
 chmbed on the hill-sides ; and above that streaks and patches of yellow, green 
 rusty red, and black relieving the grey mass of limestone ; while up the valley 
 every shade of blue came out, according as the hills were near or far away ; and 
 summits hoary with snow bounded the horizon." 
 Some time will pass before travellers see these northern mountains, for 
 the Inter-Oceanic Line, which was to have passed by the Tete Faune Cache 
 1 ass, has been taken far to the south, through the Kicking Horse Pass. We will 
 iollow the line from the frontier of Assiniboia. Soon after crossing the South 
 Saskatchewan on a long wooden bridge, we shall see upon the prairies herds 
 ot cattle for the Government hcxs leased tracts of grazing land extending over all 
 the south-west corner of the territory near the mountains. Many of the beasts are 
 of the best Lnghsu stock, Mr. Cochrane and others having given large sums 
 for high-grade bulls. The bulk of the herds are from the Western States. 
 The ranchmen, as the lessees and owners of big cattle farms are called, will 
 tell you in the United States that it will not pay to have cattle where they 
 must be fed in winter, and no doubt it is far less expensive to keep them in 
 districts where it is not necessary to collect winter fodder. But forage is easily 
 procured, and shelter not difficult to provide, so that we may expect cattle- 
 keeping to become an extensive business. As we have seen, horses can live out 
 through the winter easily enough, and for them the area of good country is much 
 greater than for unhoused cattle. Throughout this country we saw in 188 1 
 the dung of buffalo, although we only met a small herd of thirteen young bulls' 
 Dr. Macgregor correctly describes " the boundless hay-fields, everywhere 
 pitted with buffalo wallows ; seamed by furrow-like and parallel buffalo trails 
 and thickly sprinkled with buffalo 'chips ' and their whitening bones You can 
 never go far without seeing the horned skull of this once famous dweller of the 
 prairie bleaching in the sun. The wallows are saucer-like depressions in the 
 ground, made by the buffaloes rubbing themselves ; and so densely were these 
 prairies at one time filled by these innumerable herds, that in many places you 
 will find these wallows every few yards. They are an especial characteristic of 
 the country, and will always be found to be deepest around a large stone 
 which IS invariably utilised by the bull buffaloes for sharpening their horns for 
 battle The narrow trails beaten by their hoofs as they follow each other in 
 line of march from one feeding-ground to another, and from lake to lake are 
 also of very frequent occurrence, as one painfully learns from the rough joitinjr 
 they cause. Any one in difficulty about water can always find it by following 
 these trails. Bu i. z herds once on the move are difficult to turn aside Thev 
 have been known to go right through an encampment, and even to have broken 
 a line of mounted policemen." 
 When the herds of tlicsc creatures were so numerous that the earth was 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 black with their moving masses, a ride among them and the slaughter of the 
 bulls must have been exciting work ; but to run down a scattered band may be 
 amusing at first, but is a sport which must soon pall on a man, for it is so easily 
 accomplished. A good horse will always outrun a buffalo, and can easily lay 
 his rider alongside of him, and then it is impossible to miss the huge, ungainly 
 brute. When wounded he is formidable only to a dismounted man. 
 Another denizen of these territories is as graceful as the buffalo is un- 
 gainly. This is the two-pronged antelope, a lovely animal. They are seen in 
 companies, usually from six to twenty or more in number. Cursed with an 
 insatiable curiosity, they cannot resist examining every strange object, and it 
 is common to attract them by a handkerchief on a stick, while the hunter lies 
 among the grass awaiting their approach. A little grey wolf, called the coyote, 
 is common. A most impudent beast he is, prowling round the camps, and 
 possessing himself of any wounded game left unguarded. A ride after one 
 usually results in failure to get within shot of him. 
 With a native horse or " bronco," riding over the grassy plains is very 
 pleasant ; but a strange horse from the east is apt to put his foot into one of 
 the countless holes and roll over. These holes are the result of the united 
 labour of several varieties of ground squirrel an4 of a little grey badger, and 
 until these are exterminated there will be many a " cropper " for the horseman. 
 They say that the badger's hole is a sure proof of water existing not far from 
 the surface. If so, the augury is a happy one, for their dwellings are numerous 
 Few will forget the first view of the mountains. In 1881, after the long 
 march across the plains, the effect was heightened to us by the length of time 
 during which we had seen no steep ground except the cut banks of rivers, 
 banks that, sloping quickly, faced each other at an interval of many hundred 
 yards. Between these the prairie levels have been grooved out in past ages by 
 the streams. On an evening in September, when the jaded horses had with 
 difficulty accomplished their day's labour, they were halted at a place where there 
 was a sudden ending of the flatter grass surfaces. Immediately below us was one 
 of these valleys. The dip of the ground into it, and the rise out of it on the 
 opposite side over a mile away, was not so great as at Red Deer River, but the 
 fall was to a depth of roo feet, and then green level ground stretched in curves 
 in the cliffs around a winding bright river, with bossy woods in great clumps 
 along its margin. Three-quarters of a mile away, on the flat ground on the 
 further side, and nestling under the further cliff, was a large Indian camp. There 
 must have been 150 "tepees" or wigwams, and the smoke came from many 
 fires, hiding the green valley in that place with a dull, blue vapour. Far up 
 the stream more smoke mist showed that other camps were there also. This 
 was one of the principal quarters of the nation into whose old territories we 
 had entered. It was the old hpme of the Blackfeet, a people who were so 
 hostile not many years ago that they would allow no white man into their country. 
The Rockv Mou.ntains. 
 Beyond and above this camp and the sheltering diffs stretched again the 
 vast plains, rising to the westward in higher fold^ ; and there, just underneath 
 .. M. 
 I fe 
 a great, far-stretching distant line of cloud, 
 what faint blue points were those which were 
 growing momentarily plainer in the evening 
 light ? They looked like the serrated black 
 jags of some crocodilian reptile's spine, as he 
 lay all hidden but his back, guarding a golden 
 treasure from which yellow light poured out 
 behind him. Field glasses were brought out and 
 levelled at the western horizon. There they were, 
 the Rocky Mountains ! Distinct although so far — 120 miles 
 Chief Mountain. 
 away, clear-cleaving that far air— towered right into the clouds a row of 
 stupendous craggy peaks. Wc had come at last within sight of them. There 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 was the back-bone — jagged like that of the old saurian monsters — of this 
 gigantic continent. We watched and watched them until the sun had sunk 
 behind the fire-lit clouds, and then before it grew dark we could see that the 
 snow came far down those awful hill-sides — indeed, as far as we could trace their 
 heights above the intervening country. 
 In the train the view of the mountains comes quicker on the traveller, 
 who will agree that the siyht of the 150 miles of Alps from the Bow River 
 Benches above Calgarry is one of the most wonderful views in the world. 
 From this point, although the nearest peaks are still forty miles away, they 
 seem close, and look down from heights of 12,000 feet. From the square 
 block of the Chief Mountain near the frontier, to the peaks to the north of 
 Morleyville, the view is uninterrupted. The snow, early in the autumn, is low 
 upon their flanks, and the tumbled series of icy cones, broken rock battlements, 
 sudden rifted gorges, and unsealed walls, extending right and left in an even 
 front of white, produces an impression which can only be compared to that made 
 by the Alps from the Lombard plains. But the colouring here is finer, for 
 the snow glory changes to a deep purple at their base, and then in successive 
 waves of deep blue, pink, grey, and yellow-green each shade is blended, until at 
 your feet you see the steel blue of the impetuous stream glancing in the golden 
 setting of the rare and autumn-smitten woods of poplar. Where, as in the 
 journey from Edmonton, men come upon the mountain chains more suddenly, 
 owing to the dense forests, the surprise may be greater ; but nowhere can they see 
 such a contrast as at Calgarry of mighty expanses of snow and of green sward. 
 c c 

 PQ io 
 } I. is 
 '! H> 

 VmAV KKOM I''..S(j1IIMA1I|.T, 
 (/■>,!«< ,1 Si;/,/, l-y ihc,j,iii ,</ t.ornt.) 
 British Columbia. 
 \ 1 T-E will anticipate matters a little, and rapidly perform in imagination the 
 V V railway journey to the sea, for the reader must he impatient of bein^ 
 kept so long behind the barriers of British Columbia. Giving the rein to our 
 fancy, we see the tram crossing one or two beautiful rivers, whose waters as we 
 near the Alpme ranges are clear and azure, and the forest, which we have so 
 long left behind us near Winnipeg, again appears in scattered clumps of fir 
 and^ pine, the land is swollen into great hills, and we enter the defiles. Above 
 us rise enormous rocky masses with precipices hundreds of feet in perpendicular 
 height, and the train slackens its speed, for we are ascending a steep gradient. 
 Higher and higher yet we mount, until the aneroid barometer announces that 
 we have risen 5,000 feet above the sea level, and at last we are on the top, and 
 are now commencing the descent, which will ultimately land us on the shores 
 of the 1 acific. But more mountains have yet to be traversed, and when wc 
 c c 2 
 Canadian Pictukf.s. 
 1 ■• 
 arrive at the bottom of the valley, after passinj? the first prcat range, and cross 
 the jrreat Culuinijiu River, we find that our enj,'ine has still hard work of it, and 
 must again mount. Everywhere around us now the woods are rich, and the 
 trees increase in size as we proceed. Some hours of ascent, and the task is 
 accomplished, and again we rush downwards until the second bend of the 
 Columbia is crossed, antl the still hilly but less formidable country is gained. 
 Beautiful lakes are now seen shrined in their surroundings of forest, and then 
 an upland region of grass fiats, evidently refreshed by less moisture than those 
 we have quitted, spreads out before us, and we are in the very heart of the 
 province of British Columbia, on the shores of a lake called Kamloops. 
 And now the last stage of our journey has been reached, and it is perhaps 
 one of the most remarkable in regard to the engineering difiiculties that are 
 now being successfully encountered by the railway contractors. Strong rivers 
 bounding with imi)etuous energy through tremendous ravines seem to be our 
 guides, for we follow their course. Faster and faster yet the torrent rages its 
 way through the ravines and gorges of magnificent hills. We are told that the 
 river we are now following is the Fraser, and that 150 miles from this it empties 
 itself into the sea. The line now winds along immediately over this fiood, 
 creeping around the gigantic buttresses of rock which are too steep to give 
 sustenance to the trees, and have only their ledges and summits covered with 
 the deep green of the Douglas fir. More and more remarkable become the 
 steep needle-pointed summits thousands of feet above our heads; but the 
 descent is no longer so steep, and after passing mighty groves, every tree in 
 which rises to a height of from 150 to 200 feet, we find ourselves on the shores 
 of a deep inlet, and the water we see is salt water. We have reached the 
 ocean ; we have dropped down from cloudland to the rippling and sun-kissed 
 surface of the great water which can bear us, if we so will, to the shores 
 of Asia. 
 Along this route before very long the traveller will look on rocky peak, 
 glacier, snow-field and primeval thicket of giant tree growth, from his comfortable 
 seat in a " Palace Car." He will be able to see the operation of quartz crushing 
 and gold extraction near stations on the line. 
 The old gold mines are chiefly to the north, partly in the mountain region 
 named Cariboo, partly still further northward at Cassiar, w.'icrc the elevation 
 of the land above the sea level is so great that there are at least .^ight months 
 of winter. The mines hitherto worked are gravel mines, the gold being 
 found, not in veins in the rock, but loose in the sand and gravel. Sometimes 
 it is present only in grains the size of a pin's point, when miners speak of 
 it as 'colour" in the washing-pan, sometimes in lumps like wheat, sometimes 
 in nuggets J nrsiderable size, pieces worth from 300 to 600 dollars having 
 been procir; -j One .Aich was shown to us lately. The miner's pick had 
 struck it, Jcejilv i ideuting the soft metal, which was beautiful in its burnished 
 and bossy surfaces. There is no doubt that there are immense riches of 
Oke Deposits. 
 this ore still to be discovered and worked in 
 quartz-rock, :ind largt; areas are already known 
 to possess them; but the difficulty of carrying' 
 crushing machinery into such a country has 
 hitherto prohibited systematic working, and many 
 of the best gravel creeks first found had their 
 treasure trove cjuickly extracted. The rush of 
 miners from California twenty years ago, s(;nt at 
 least 30,000 into the country. They travelled by 
 perilous trails up the Fraser, and 
 for two or three years gold dust 
 and nuggets were as plentiful in 
 Victoria as arc "coppers" in 
 The Cariboo Waggon Roap. 
 U-'ivm tilt Atari/His 0/ [.antes coHeclhii of 
 phologi aphs, ) 
 London. 'I'he reck- 
 less gambling, crime, 
 and all the evils ram- 
 pant in such mining 
 communities, began to 
 appear, but were 
 sternly dealt with by 
 the local judges, with 
 Sir Matthew Begbie at their head. This whole- 
 some seventy, together with the great difficulty 
 malefactors found in escaping, owing to the small 
 number of practical paths leading out of the 
 country, soon introduced an amount of order to 
 which the visitors had hitherto been strangers. 
1 98 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 more than two or three 
 This crowd has now ebbed back whence it camc; 
 hundred remaining where there were thousands 
 Long after the white men have abandoned ' ■ not worth further 
 trouble, the Chinese persist in working it, and man. ^^ .o cet a liveh'iood from it, 
 finding perhaps from a d liar to two dollars of gold dust each day. It is curious 
 to see the little men in the Ion- blue jackets, wide trc-is^^rs, and saucer-shaped 
 hard straw hats plodding at their task ; and then, before the winter snows have 
 become deep, taking the road t.; the shore with their pack, containincr their 
 gold, their rice and fish (prepared in China), and their indispensable bright- 
 coloured umbrella. We must .ake a good lor^. at our China.nan as he plods 
 along, for he may be one of the last specimens of hk race in British Columuia 
 There is no doubt that the presence of the Chinese in any number is only 
 a temporar,^ phenomenon. They remain strangers to the country thev reside in. 
 They are cordially disliked for many reasons by the white population. Their 
 manners and customs are odious to them, their cheaper mode of living, their 
 successful bidding in the labour market against the white man, the alarming 
 numbers in which they have come, and their thrift in spending little in the 
 country, and in sending all t!iey can out of it, make the Chinese odious. For 
 many years both in California and here they have, however, been of great use as 
 domestic servants. 
 Our friend on the road got his " little pile " together after a whole season's 
 washing. He has worked with a friend, and they have found the freedom to 
 come and go as they chose pleasanter than the more steadfast labour required 
 of the members of the gangs hired for the railway. Of these there are 
 hundreds lining the embankments and shovelling away in a quiet and persistent 
 manner, and yet without the thoroughness of work shown by a European or 
 Canadian. Whenever it is cold, they feel the inclemency of the weather very 
 much, and light little fires, over which they will crouch for a while every 
 half-hour, before resuming their spades. The happiest seem to be those who 
 are cooks, butlers, or general serving-boys in the houses. " Well, Mrs. 
 how is the Chinese boy doing ? " is a frequent question asked of a lady, for she can 
 hardly get any but a Chinese man-servant, and he, although nearly always tidy and 
 clean in appearance, and often an excellent cook, does sometimes give trouble. 
 They are jealous of their dignity, and a little yellow, pig-tailed cook has been 
 known in a rage to pursue with a copper saucepan an intrusive mistress 
 who had become too dictatorial in the kitchen. Even the foremen of the 
 Oriental^ navvies have sometimes to deprecate the wrath of the " Heathen 
 Chinee." An accidental explosion having killed a workman, the rest of the 
 gang made for the unfortunate officer, who had to take to his heels, and 
 scramble up the hill-face nearest him, followed, but happily vainly, by his 
 suspicious and revengeful mob of pig-tails, who imagined that some diabolical 
 purpose had lurked in the catastrophe. All these visitors from "the Celestial 
 Empire" live, as a rule, on the imported condiments they procure from 
Pasturage and Farming Qualities. 
 ) or three 
 th lurther 
 d from it, 
 is curious 
 3WS have 
 ing their 
 i bright - 
 he plods 
 r is only 
 reside in. 
 I. Their 
 ing, their 
 le in the 
 us. For 
 at use as 
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 • she can 
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 t of the 
 els, and 
 by his 
 re from 
 home. When they die, their friends see that the bones are carefully freed 
 of the flesh (which is burnt) and packed, and forwarded by the next steamer 
 to China. Several of their merchants have thriven well at Victoria, and 
 are respected, although they are never looked upon as citizens. The wealthier 
 wear a black silk dress, consisting of loose tunic and 
 trousers, with thick and upturned white-soled shoes. 
 i The open country about Kamloops has around it 
 the Nicola and other valleys, giving good pastur- 
 age to cattle and sheep on the 
 famous bunch grass. No better 
 beef was ever sent to market 
 than that raised on the sum- 
 mer pasturage of the Chil- 
 coaten plains, or indeed gene-- 
 ally in the interior, wherever 
 an excessive moisture has 
 not . made the forest cover 
 Vai.k. The Fraskr Kivi k. 
 (/•>,.«, ,, Sift,/, by the M„r,,„h 0/ L.<,„e.) 
 everything. The contrasts in the 
 character of soil and climate to be met 
 n , ^'^'^ between the Selkirk range and the 
 Cascade range near the sea are most remarkable. There is unfortnnnrX 
 but too little land which can be cultivated. Wherever it dols' o"ct it of 
 excellent quality and it may occur with great dryness close to a forest distric 
 where the rainfall is evidently heavy and the vegetation luxuriant. In the space 
 of hve miles you may see a farm which requires irrigation, and has upon it 'l e 
 1 1 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 signs of a dry climate in the growth of artcmisia and the sage plant, and another 
 farm on ground which is evidently an old lake bottom, and requires no arti- 
 ficially brought moisture, but has on its ancient shore land a heavy growth of 
 Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir. For a hundred miles north of the boundary 
 line, the height above the sea is not great enough to make the winter severe, 
 and men say they only have four months of cold. Settlers in these valleys 
 desired nothing but better communication, their wheat and roots were magnifi- 
 cent ; the presence of the coyote wolf as a pest for sheep and poultry, and the 
 lonelmess of the mountain valley, formed their only grievances. 
 There has been for many years a good road from Kamloops Lake down the 
 South Thompson to Lytton, where it joins the Fraser River. Thence the 
 waggon road on one side, and the Canadian Pacific on the other side of the 
 canyon, lead to the flats of the delta, which afford the most accessible arable 
 land in the whole province. Along the gorges of these two streams the so-called 
 terraces, or ancient lake levels, are most remarkable. There are usually three 
 of these to be traced on the mountain side. The first is perhaps not more than 
 one or two hundred feet above the stream, and frequently has a large acreage 
 of flat, while the second has, as a rule, very little level space, and the third and 
 highest still less. Slips occur in the mass of the lowest, and a whole field 
 which had fine crops of potatoes on one side of the river was bodily transferred 
 on one occasion by such a movement to the other side of the valley, of course, 
 damming for a while the torrent, which was too strong to be long pent up, and 
 soon forced itself a channel. The pines which in the drier country stand like 
 sentries on the ledges, or as skirmishers scattered singly along the ridges only, 
 come down into the Cascade gorges, and cover, in close and dense array of dark 
 green, the lower zone of the steep hills whose summits never lose the snow. 
 The Cascade range does certainly not yield in beauty and grandeur to any 
 other in this country of sublime scenery. The mighty rock masses are thrown 
 against the sky in spire, tower, ruined wall, and snowy dome in wild con- 
 fusion; the torrents are hurled more furiously down the deep clefts ; and this 
 range has what the others have not, in the presence of the sea, which comes 
 twining around its forest-covered feet, repeating in the shadowed and sheltered 
 depths each and all of the wonders arrayed in the air above. It is difficult 
 which to admire most— the approach to British Columbia on the one side from 
 the prairies, or that to her alpine rampart where poised above the Pacific Ocean. 
 And what marvels of marine wealth choke the estuaries and swarm up the 
 water courses ! The annual migration of the salmon from the ocean to the far 
 interior is a thing which almost requires to be witnessed to be believed. It is 
 not a movement like that of the Atlantic fish, whose progress to the spawning- 
 beds occurs in the spring, or whenever the rain floods the stream, but it is a 
 continuous movement of apparently various tribes of salmon, lasting from the 
 spring until late in the autumn. There is but little pause between the various 
 " runs." People on the, spot will tell you that there are at least seven different 
Salmon Fishing. 
 varieties of fish. Perhaps it will be found that five kinds can be scientifically 
 separated. 1 he pools are so full of the salmon that the appearance of the water 
 can only be compared to that on our English coasts when the herring fry are 
 forced ashore and wedged together in the shallows, floating so closely that a 
 bucket put down among them would be filled with fish. The size of the Pacific 
 fish IS on the average smaller than that of those caught in the Canadian Atlantic 
 rhey average from ten to fifteen lbs. Their flesh is pinker, but has not so good a 
 flavour as that of their eastern congeners, but is much appreciated when " potted • " 
 and the " canneries," or factories where the fish is brought to be boiled down and 
 sealed in hermetically-fitting air-tight canisters, are a profitable source of 
 revenue. It is the local tradition that the fish never get back to the sea, that 
 they ascend to the inland spawning-beds, and after depositing their eggs', die. 
 This is no doubt the case with very many, and with all those which ascend very far ; 
 for they become exhausted with their battle against the currents, their skin is 
 hurt, and they shrivel into blackness and emaciation, and find themselves 
 hundreds of miles from the life-giving brine, and die in thousands. But with 
 many a safe return to the sea is possible. In the month of October I examined 
 a net at New Westminster, not far from the river's m6uth, and found meshed in 
 the net, on one side salmon fresh run from the sea, and on the other side fish 
 which had evidently been long in the river, and were on their way down. In the 
 Thompson River, above K-^mloops Lake, we saw hundreds of the feebler fish. 
 The gravel on the river's bed was grooved across the direction of the current by 
 the spawning fish, which had laid their roe in the furrows. In the Columbia, in 
 the Stickeen, and other rivers, the same enormous migration occurs. There 
 seems no limit to the swarms which come year after year from the exhaustless 
 sea. The best are the spring salmon. There is one ugly race called " the 
 humpbacked," apparently a very distinct kind from the others. Of other fish 
 there is also abundance. The herring appear in great shoals, and deposit their 
 spawn on anything in the tidal bays. The natives put bushes in the shallows at 
 low tide, and the herring attach clusters of eggs to them ; then the roe is taken 
 and made into food. Another fish, called the candle-fish, or oolaken, is also 
 very common. It is said to be so oily that a half-dried specimen will burn like 
 a torch. 
 All these give provisions to the Indians, who subsist almost entirely on fish. 
 The aboriginal British Columbian is not very nice in his tastes. All fish, in 
 whatever condition, are palatable to him. Up country, the inhabitants of the 
 camps along the streams arc seen spearing the blackest fish at the end of the 
 season. They split them and smoke them in strings attached to poles, and a 
 very ample store is laid in for the year's consumption. Sometimes, as in the 
 engraving, the fish store is kept in the branches of a fir, to be out of the 
 way of wild animals. No one could expect daintiness from the native. He 
 is an ugly animal. There are tribes in the interior who ride, and hunt, and 
 these men arc well made, but the coast man is squat, clumsily made, 
 D D 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 Indian Salmon Cache'. 
 (From the Mtirqms oj Lome's colkctiaa of i/iol\>x> 
 in feature, and very un- 
 like the strapping Sioux, 
 Cree, or Blackfoot. But 
 he has good qualities. 
 He is much more docile 
 when got to work, and 
 he often works with a 
 will. At Fort McLeod, 
 in Alberta, I remember 
 the commandant telling 
 me that he once arrived 
 home with his wife at 
 an hour when a good 
 many Indians were 
 around the house. He 
 carried his wife's travel- 
 ling-bag into the fort, 
 and heard a Blackfoot 
 exclaim in contempt, 
 "Just look at that 
 warrior carrying — actu- 
 ally carrying — his own 
 squaw's traps ! ! ! " Such 
 labour, or any labour, 
 was undignified in his 
 eyes. But in working 
 up the river in a steamer 
 on the west of the 
 mountains, we frequently 
 hailed a camp and asked 
 for the loan of men to 
 aid in working the boat. 
 Several men at once 
 came off, and during the 
 days for which they were 
 engaged they put wood 
 on board, hauled at the 
 ropes when we had to 
 get over a sandbar, and 
 made themselves gener- 
 ally useful with a cheer- 
 ful good will it did 
 one good to see. On 
very un- 
 ng Sioux, 
 oot. But 
 )re docile 
 vork, and 
 s with a 
 It telling 
 e arrived 
 s wife at 
 I a good 
 s were 
 jse. He 
 ;'s travel- 
 the fort, 
 at that 
 ig — actu- 
 -his own 
 ' ! " Such 
 ^ labour, 
 d in his 
 I steamer 
 of the 
 nd asked 
 " men to 
 the boat, 
 at once 
 jring the 
 hey were 
 tut wood 
 d at the 
 i had to 
 Ibar, and 
 ;s gener- 
 a cheer- 
 it did 
 ;e. On 
 Indian Carving and Architecture. 
 _____ 203 
 returning again down stream, we disembarked them, and whe^r^d^Tn^ 
 especaliy towards the north, and their tackle is well Tade*^ A h oThke tTe 
 letter G ,„ form ,s used with a line woven of fibre. Capital nets are Inu 
 factured of the nettle. The carvings with which they cover their large canoes; 
 Carvings bv British Columbian Indians. 
 (From the CoUeclion of the Marquis or Lome.) 
 and the skill with which they cut plates and vessels and inlay them with bone or 
 the nch mother of-pearl of the ^.&/,V or Venus' ear shell rlmtad one of the 
 Polynes,ans and not of the red men of the East. Their hous;s are buHt of heavy 
 ca^ed Qren"ch?rl':.r'""' °" =1 ""."" ^^ '" ^°-='- '" '"= ^^P °f '''-^s 
 cailed yueen Charlottes, near the shore which belongs to the old Russian 
 tern ory recently purchased by the Americans, the villages are of v^r^ 
 substan ,al shape, and in front of almost every dwelling if a coLsal post 
 "Is r'l '"'• '° ^T ""'' "■""^^'^ representations of anima faS menl 
 faces. It ,s cunous that many of these carvings exhibit the forms of creatures 
 D D 2 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 i I 
 I $1 
 unknown to North America. For instance, the hideous head and open jaws of 
 the crocodile are frequently represented. These pillrrs have a heraldic character, 
 inasmuch as they relate in sculptured hieroglyphic the descent of the families 
 of the Hydahs, as these islanders are named. Their race is said to be of finer 
 mould than their brothers of the south. Besides fish they catch the valuable 
 sea-otter, an animal twice as large as the British otter, and worth lOO dollars 
 apiece at the least. The languages spoken are various. The conformation of 
 the country must have always tended to separate the tribes, each residing in its 
 own valley, but a mixed jargon called Chinook is much used and very generally 
 understood. People yet manage a conversation 
 well enough by prefixing " Hy — u," which means , 
 " much," or " very," to the English word for an 
 object ; and if the subject-matter of conversation 
 be sentimental, the word " tum-tum," which 
 Indian liKincK. 
 (/'><•/« tlw Mafiitih of Lonic*s toliei/iim 0/ fflotogra/'hs.) 
 Stands for every sentiment of heart or mind, can always be relied on for 
 effect. Demands from these Indians for schools and instruction were constantly 
 preferred in 1882. The colony when under Crown government wisely encouraged 
 the natives to become citizens, instead of treating them as wards of the State, 
 a practice still pursued by Canada, whether the men be savages, or civilised 
 for several generations. 
 Who would have thought that one of the latest inventions of civil engineer- 
 ing is an old Chinook idea ? We have seen that the " aesthete's " dado in 
 house decoration is the ancient adornment of a Blackfoot's lodge ; but ought 
 not our respect fo/ the Pacific slope aboriginal to increase when we find that he 
1 jaws of 
 ^ families 
 i of finer 
 )0 dollars 
 Illation of 
 ling in its 
 2cl on for 
 the State, 
 r civilised 
 " dado in 
 but ought 
 id that he 
 Indian Provision for the Deao. 
 had suspension bridges long before such viaducts were known in Europe ? The 
 illustration of such a bridge is taken from a photograph, and therefore may be 
 trusted. In this case the supports on each side of the chasm to be crossed are 
 big firs, and from these depends the rest of the structure. 
 As with all the North American peoples, careful provision was made for 
 the welfare of the spirits of the departed. A curious set of likenesses of the 
 dead are put up over the graves, and the weapons, utensils, and clothes which 
 may be of use to them in the next world are carefully placed near them, but 
 are not usually buried with the corpse. Irreverent travellers in recent years 
 were so much addicted to stealing any good pots and pans or guns so placed 
 for the benefit of the departed, that it has now become the custom to bore a 
 hole in such metal vessels, and to place them in this state on a pole. For an 
 immortal, a pot with a hole through it, or a gun with the lock removed, is 
 apparently supposed to be as good as new. 
 The British Columbian Indians are to be seen labouring at the saw-mills as 
 well as at other industries, and are to be hired at a cheaper rate than the whites 
 or Chinese, but are not trustworthy in fulfilling their bargains, being apt to go 
 off whenever it suits them. The task of cutting down some of the Douglas fir 
 to be seen on the coast is certainly sufficient to employ a good axeman for some 
 time. I saw one tree over 300 feet in height, and ten feet six inches in diameter, 
 and am informed that there are single specimens of an even greater size. All 
 around this giant at Burrard's Inlet were others nearly as large. There is no finer 
 woodland scene than a glade of such mighty timber. Mixed, as the Douglas fir 
 is, with the gigantic cedar and some other kinds, there is no monotony in the 
 solemn groves which soar upward on each side of the road, as it winds below 
 among the wondrous stems and amid thickets of evergreen shrubs. The Douglas 
 and Thuya gigantea require shelter ; but as their native climate is like that of 
 England, these trees will probably be most profitable for planting, the first grow- 
 ing faster than larch, attaining a far greater size, and giving superior timber. 
 Among the animals which haunt these woods is a fine puma. The settlers 
 aver that where they are common the wolves disappear. This so-called 
 Californian lion is a powerful beast, but it is not dangerous unless wounded and 
 hard pressed. By far the most dangerous of all the denizens of the wilds, 
 namely the grizzly and tawny bears, are found only too frequently in the 
 interior. The grizzly is an immense bear, and a very tartar when caught, 
 wounded, or angry ; but all accounts agree that the tawny bear, often found with 
 him, is the worst. He is one of the very few of earth's creatures which will 
 wantonly attack man. He is thinner and uglier and hungrier-looking than the 
 grizzly, and more savage. The sportsman need not lack occupation, for if not 
 inclined to go after these monsters, he can find plenty of exciting work among the 
 crags and glens, where in the rocky solitudes he may also pursue the big horn, 
 or mountain sheep, and the wild white goat. The sheep often come down to the 
 valleys, and are more easily reached than are the goats. Both are well worth 
 Canadian Pictukks. 
 the labour of stalking thcin. The sheep is coiourecl like a deer, and has a coat 
 like a deer s. with white rump and nose, and strong, curving, gr(>at rani's horns 
 The goat is pure white, and on the saddle of the hack has a woolly Ikvce which 
 changes to hair on the Hanks. To hunt these, a fur bag or good blankets'should 
 be earned with the hunting 
 party, as the nights on the 
 hills are very cold, and fre- 
 (luent campings out at high 
 latitudes are necessary. 
 It is fitting that we 
 should keep to the last a 
 notice of Vancouver's Island 
 if it be fitting to reserve for 
 -3- -"'^Mp^'' 
 Indian Gravks. 
 (/Vow ///,• Afntyuis ,</ Lome's (ollcitwn .■'I phol,'gr,,/-ks.) 
 I Ktmsi ii fmx 
 the last what is mo^t delicious, for much of that beautiful country possesses 
 attractions which will make it the favourite residence of Canadians. With 
 about half the area of Ireland, it has a climate far more favourable and 
 resembhng that of the south coast of England. It is very mountainous 
 the chief districts where there is much agricultural land lying along the 
 railway route from Nanaimo to Victoria. The vegetation is very luxuriant, 
 owing to the large amount of moisture during the winter months and the 
 pleasant sunshine of the summer. The thermometer seldom shows more 
 than a few degrees of frost, and the heat is so tempered by the sea that the 
 mercury does not rise above 80° Fahrenheit in the hottest summer day. Thick 
 woods cover the hills and lower ground, the Douglas fir being the commonest 
 I owards the south fine oaks and a singularly graceful arbutus, known by the 
 Spanish name of madrona, fringe the shore line. The arlnitus has an oval leaf 
 about the size of a hen's egg, and the trunk of the tree is of a fine red colour' 
 The undergrowth of glossy-leaved shrubs, or of high fern, adds much to the 
 beauty of the " bush." Nothing can be more beautiful than the effect of the 
 evergreen madronas mixed with the firs, and overhanging the calm waters of 
 the gulfs lying between the great island and the main shore-a sea full of 
 bvely islands of all shapes and sizes. Imagine several of the Outer Hebrides 
 linked together, and covered with fine wood—the inner isles similarly adorned 
 —and the Scots mainland magnified into a Switzerland, and you have the 
 British Columbia coast. Vancouver acts as a vast b'reakwater to the mainland 
 shore, and keeps from it the fury of the western gales of the ocean. 
 It was discovered first by Juan de Fuca, a Greek, in 1592. Cook visited 
 It in i7;8, and imagined it to l)e mainland. Vancouver, after whom it is now 
 named, saw it in 1792, and examined all the coast, bringing home singularly 
 accurate maps. In 1849 the Hudson's Hay Company became possessed of it, 
 but in 1859 a Crown Colony Government was established, and finally, in 187/ 
 It became part of the Dominion. It can be reached by steamer in two hours 
 from the railway terminus at Hurrard's Inlet, and no more enjoyable voyage can 
 be undertaken. The steamer leaves the wharves at the head of the steep inlet, 
 and, clearing out with the strong ebb tide, proceeds into the open waters of the 
 Straits. In front of her the islands dot the sea, which to the north is observed 
 to lap the base of the mountains guarding, in varied array, the forest-girt lochs. 
 1 he first point touched at on Vancouver is the head-quarters of the coal 
 trade, the village of Nanaimo. The story of the discovery of the most productive 
 of these mines is an odd one. Mr. Dunsmuir, now one of the wealthiest and 
 most respected men in the Dominion, was many years ago employed by the 
 Hudson s Bay Company to " prospect " here for coal. He had found some slight 
 indication of what he searched for. and put a small " shot " of powder to blast away 
 tlie surface. This was in a dense wood near the sea. He and a negro attendant 
 walked away a short distance into the bush to wait until the charge ignited, and 
 Mr. Dunsmuir wandered further than he had intended, and fell ^in the thicket 
 over the trunk-roots of an uptorn pine. In rising again he grasped at the soil 
 on the roots, and found that his hands had become blackened.' He sank a shaft 
 at this place, and found the first surface seam of what has become one of the 
 richest mines on the continent. Although the measures of rock existing here 
 trie 1 
 Canadian Pictukes. 
 are not of the carboniferous era, but of the cretaceous period in geology, the coal 
 is as good as man can desire. In the San Francisco market it obtains the 
 highest price, and competes more than successfully with the imports from 
 Australia. It is a strange sight to see a mining community, and the great black 
 heaps of refuse from the shafts, in the midst of the primeval woods. Most of 
 the miners are Scots, and one of the best-danced reels I have ever witnessed 
 was joined in by all present at a ball given here. 
 The rail from this place to Victoria traverses country only partially cleared, 
 but which will support many people, and being well situated, both as regards 
 climate and the ease with which its products can be taken by rail or ship to 
 market, will be much sought after. The capital itself has wide streets, and comfort- 
 able, although unpretentious buildings, good shops under wooden arcades, some 
 prosperous factories, notably for cigars, soap, furniture, and matches, plenty of 
 churches, a pleasant society, and mixed white population of Europeans, Canadians, 
 and Americans, with a larger number of Indians and Chinese. It will be the 
 favourite abode of the wealthy who desire to pass the winter in a mild climate, 
 where daisies, roses, and lauristinus may be seen in flower at Christmas. The 
 rich marine life of the Pacific gives endless matter of interest to the naturalist, 
 and for the yachtsman and sportsman the country is perfect. 
 Close to Victoria lies the quiet little harbour of Esquimalt, the winter 
 station for vessels of our Pacific squadron. There is a fine dry dock hidden 
 away in a branch inlet, and a dockyard well provided with spare stores. No- 
 where are the officers and men of Her Majesty's Navy happier than here, for the 
 hospitality of the Victorians knows no bounds. Within five minutes' journey 
 from the anchorage in a steam launch, lies a strip of shore with a salt water 
 lagoon behind it, where excellent duck shooting may be enjoyed every evening, 
 and there are other places like it only a little further away. The engraving 
 at the head of this chapter is from a sketch of the hills on the American coast, 
 and shows the waters the sportsman watches from the shore as he waits for the 
 landward-flying ducks. It is a pity that the Navy does not use the fine " sticks ' 
 to be procured in British Columbia. Although " the masts of some tall 
 admiral " are now of iron, there is plenty of use in smaller vessels for the 
 wonderful wood of this northern colony of ours. Nanaimo and Esquimalt 
 might be made strong places, and Nanaimo especially is easily defensible, and of 
 much value as a coaling station. The capital itself is built along the shores of a 
 secure but small harbour, from the mouth of which one sees across the straits, 
 named after Juan de Fuca (here sixteen miles wide), the lofty Olympian range 
 in Washington Territory. These have very fine outlines. Towards the east 
 they sink to lower levels, as they near the great inlet of Puget Sound, on whose 
 further side again, yet more to the left, can be descried above the sea the 
 needle-like summits of some of the Southern Cascade chain ; while nearer and 
 soaring above all across the island-studded gulf, is the magnificent white cone 
 of Mount Baker, nearly 11,000 feet in height. These peaks have evidently 
 been parts of old volcanoes, but they have slept long, and their brethren far 
 away to the south in the same earth-spanning di-n-they of the Cordilleras 
 —are the only active fire-hills of the western world. Hut the earth's agonies of 
 those old days are seen in the contorted strata, in the masses of granite upheaved 
 here and there, m the lava flows, and the strange collection of measures on the 
 edges of many rock basins, where you will see the newest and the oldest Ivinir 
 in torn patchwork side by side. 
 In those ranges 
 of Washington 
 Territory we are 
 told that there are 
 herds of the great 
 red deer — the 
 wapiti — and that 
 three or four 
 hundred may be 
 seen on theirtravels 
 in autumn from one 
 feeding-ground to 
 another. In the 
 stores of Victoria 
 splendid heads may 
 be bought, but it is 
 difficult to procure 
 any set of which 
 the left and right 
 antlers exactly 
 match. The fur 
 depots are well 
 worth a visit, for 
 there may be seen 
 not only the furs of 
 bear, wolf, sea-otter, 
 and silver fox, but 
 those also of the 
 strange seals of 
 Alaska. Where 
 the northern coast 
 trends away to the westward are a remarkable series of islands, the remains of 
 what must have been a continuous chain of land binding America to Asia. 
 Thick fogs prevail in these seas, and under their canopy of cloud is the 
 very climate best loved by the Phocidee~?i climate sunless and cool. Here they 
 are found in countless thousands on the land near the sea. " In 1810 to 1820," 
 E E 
 Wai'iti Horns. 
 (Fnni the cMi-ction of tht Ular^uU o/ I.criu:) 
 Canadian I'ictukes. 
 m ! 
 says Sir George Simpson, who was for so long a time head of the Hudson's Hay 
 Company, " there was a most wasteful destruction of this seal, when young and 
 old, male and female, were indiscriminately knocked on the head. This im- 
 prudence, as any one might have expected, proved detrimental in two ways. 
 The race was almost extirpated, and the market was glutted to such a degree — 
 at the rate for some time of 200,000 skins per year — that the prices did not even 
 pay the expense of carriage. The Russians adopted the plan of killing only a 
 limited number of such males as had attained their full growth, a plan peculiarly 
 applicable to the fur seal, inasmuch as its habits render the system of husbanding 
 the stock as easy and certain as that of destroying it. In the month of May, 
 with something like the regularity of an almanack, the fur seals make their ap- 
 pearance at the island of St. Paul, one of the Aleutian group. Each old male 
 brings a herd of young females under his protection, varying in number according 
 to his size and strength. The weaker brethren are obliged to content themselves 
 with half-a-dozen wives, while some of the sturdier and fiercer fellows preside 
 over harems that are 200 strong. From the date of their arrival in May to that 
 of their departure in October, the whole of them are principally ashore on the 
 beach. The females go down to the sea once or twice a day, while the male, 
 morning, noon, and night, watches his charge with the utmost jealousy, post- 
 poning even the pleasures of eating, drinking, and sleeping to the duty of 
 keeping his favourites together. If any young gallant ventures by stealth among 
 any senior chief's bevy of beauties, he generally atones for his impu- 
 dence with his life, being torn to pieces by the old fellow ; and such 
 of the fair ones as may have given the intruder any encouragement 
 are pretty sure to catch it in the shape of some secondary punishment. The 
 females devote most of the time of their sojurn to the rearing of their young. 
 At last the whole band departs, no one knows whither. The mode of capture 
 is this : at the proper time the whole are driven like a Hock of sheep to the 
 establishment, which is a mile distant from the sea, and there the males of four 
 years, with the exception of the few that are left to keep up the breed, are 
 separated from the rest and killed. In the days of promiscuous massacre, such 
 of the mothers as had lost their pups would ever and anon return to the 
 establishment, absolutely harrowing up the sympathies of the wives and 
 daughters of the hunters, accustomed as they were to such scenes, with their 
 doleful lamentations. The fur seal attains the age of fifteen or twenty years, 
 and not more." 
 The reason that all the skins are sold in London is that labour is too 
 expensive on this coast to make the dressing of them profitable. Therefore 
 nine-tenths of the seals annually taken are sent to England, and are distributed 
 thence. Mr. Elliott has lately furnished to the United States Government a 
 very interesting account of the capture of these seals, and the cut, as well as 
 the information given here, is given on his excellent authority. He estimates 
 that there were in 1874 over 3,000,000 of seals on St. Paul's Island alone. Thev 
The Seal. 
 son's Hay 
 oun^ and 
 This im- 
 wo ways, 
 degree — 
 not even 
 ng only a 
 of May, 
 their ap- 
 old male 
 s preside 
 ay to that 
 ire on the 
 the male, 
 isy, post- 
 duty of 
 th among 
 lis impu- 
 and such 
 mt. The 
 ir young. 
 )f capture 
 ip to the 
 ^s of four 
 breed, are 
 acre, such 
 •n to the 
 ives and 
 A^ith their 
 nty years, 
 ur is too 
 jrnment a 
 IS well as 
 le. Thev 
 nbu 6 to V? H ' 7""^7'-' " T^he full grown male is," say., Mr. 
 f^ll'ott, 6i to 7i feet long, and we.ghs 400 lbs. The .)ld bulls will nuiintain their 
 hosen pos.t.on on the shore among the countless herds. A constantly s stained 
 g t between new-comers and the first arrivals goes on incessantly' A well 
 imderstood pnnc.ple seems to exist among them, that each shall remain on a spot, usually about eight feet square, provided that at the start and from 
 the first commg untd the advent of the females, he is strong enough to ho Id th^ 
 ground aga.nst all comers, as the crowding of the fresh arrLls often cause he 
 removal of those who though equally able-bodied at first, have become wllby 
 constant fightu^g. They are finally driven by fresher animals higher up n the 
 Ten!!' T r'"'"" "^ •'^'^°^^"^^'''- '^'^"y °^ 'he bulls exhibit wonderful 
 s rcngth and desperate courage. I remarked one veteran who was the first to 
 iTJZ'u r ^^"^^'" "' '""^' ^°"y °'- fifty ^'^^P^'-^te battles, and 
 fought off h,s assailants every time, and when the fighting .season was o^er I 
 saw h.m st.Il there, covered with scars and frightfully gashed, raw, festering 
 w L ^ /' nt", "^"^ T^"""^ ""'- ^"' '"'■^""^ •' '^••^^^'y «v«'' his harem, who 
 were all huddled together around him. 
 «,.. J' ^ u ^°"';? '^'''' " ^'■°'" 'he moment of his birth until he is a month or six 
 weeks old unable to sw.m. If he is seized by the nape of the neck and 
 pitched out a rod mto the water from shore his bullet-like head will drop 
 instantly below the surface, and his attenuated posterior extremities flap impo- 
 tcntly on ,t ; suffocation .s a question of only a few minutes-the stupid liStle 
 creature not know,:.g how to raise his immersed head. After the age of a month 
 to .X weeks the.r mstmct drives them down to the margin of the surf, where the 
 ebb and flow of the waves covers and uncovers the rocky beaches. They first 
 smell and then touch the moist pools, and flounder in the upper wash of the 
 surt. After this begmnmg, they make slow and clumsy progress in learning the 
 knack of swimmmg. For a week or two they thrash the water as little 
 dogs do with their fore feet, making no attempt whatever to use the hinder ones 
 Look at that pup launched for the first time beyond his depth, see how he 
 struggles-h.s mouth wide open and eyes staring. He turns to the beach, the 
 reccdmg swell which had taken him out returns and leaves him high and dry 
 t^or a few minutes he seems so weary that he weakly crawls up out beyond the 
 swift-returning wash, and coils himself up for a recuperative nap. He deeps 
 perhaps half an hour, then awakes ' as light as a dollar,' and to his swimming 
 happ"ners^°'' ''^'""' ' ^"''^'^ swimming, the pup fairly revels in his new 
 "The fur seals after leaving the islands in the autumn and early winter do not 
 visit land again until their return in the spring or early summer to the same 
 rookery grounds. They leave the islands in independent squads ; apparently 
 all turn by common consent towards the south, disappearing towards the horizon. 
 and are soon lost in the expanse, where they spread themselves over the entire 
 E E 2 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 North Pacific as far south as the 48th and even 47th parallels of N. latitude. 
 Over the immense area between Oregon and Japan doubtless many extensive 
 submarine fishing shoals and banks are known to them ; at least, it is definitely 
 understood that Behring's Sea does not contain them long when they depart 
 from the breeding-places. While it is remembered that they sleep soundly and 
 with the greatest comfort on the surface of the water, and that even when on 
 land in summer they frequently put off from the beaches to take a bath and a 
 quiet snooze just beyond the surf, we can readily agree that it is no inconvenience 
 whatever when their coats have been renewed to stay the balance of the time 
 in their most congenial element, the deep. 
 " The seals are driven slowly to the slaughter. Men get between them and 
 the water, and the poor beasts turn, hop and scramble up over the land. The 
 natives then leisurely walk in the flank and rear of the drove thus secured, 
 directing and driving it to the killing grounds. An old bull seal, fat and 
 unwieldy, cannot travel with the younger ones, though it can go as fast as 
 a man can run for a 100 yards, but then fails utterly, and falls to the ground 
 entirely exhausted, hot, and gasping for breath." 
 In taking such a rapid review as that we have now completed of the 
 provinces of the Dominion, it is felt how little of this magnificent country we 
 have even glanced at. Any such account must be a mere skeleton outline, 
 to be filled in by local books, giving flesh and blood to the meagre knowledge 
 any rapid survey can afford. In each part there is abundant scope for fresh 
 examination, for the discovery of fresh resources, and for the certainty that they 
 will give large populations an assured support and comfortable home. Yet 
 we have taken a view of each, and have spoken at some length on their 
 different characteristics. They afford a great variety of domicile, and their rival 
Concluding Summary. 
 claims to attention arc being liberally examined and appreciated. Together 
 they form a united country, for there is not any serious cause for discontent and 
 quarrel among any of the members of this great family. They have a population 
 of about five millions, and soon will possess a far greater number— indeed, it has 
 been calculated that in all probability within the" next hundred years they will 
 have more people than we have in these islands to-day. They are thoroughly 
 devoted to the connection which exists between them and the mother country 
 a parent land which has allowed to its children the utmost liberty. If it had not 
 been so, they would long ago have cast off the allegiance of which they are now 
 proud, and which is so useful to them, and will in the future be of such vaiue to 
 ourselves. It is our duty to cherish and to foster to the utmost those feelin<rs of 
 regard and loyalty which they express. They entertain these because their union 
 with us is one of perfect freedom. We should remember at home what a strong 
 nation their descendants must become, and how it is for our interest to make 
 them satisfied to live under the flag we serve, for commerce always follows the 
 flag ; and p. greater commerce, both for them and for us, will be obtained by 
 an adhesion to the sentiment which made them ooe with ourselves. Their 
 countries offer to our youth, unable to find a proper outlet at home, an unfailing 
 field for success. There is hardly a man who has left these shores and has 
 cast in his lot with them who has not found it to his benefit. With the single 
 exception of the comparatively few Chinese upon their Pacific coast— a number 
 certain to decrease, because the advent of the Celestials is not encouraged— 
 their population consists of the elements which have made our own so strong 
 and exhibits the blended blood of the strongest European races. Almost 
 everywhere our own tongue predominates and our own customs are" observed 
 With the Dominion of Canada and the Australian continent in close relation 
 to England, she need never fear that the proud position she has gained in the 
 world can be shaken or even questioned. 
 British Columbia, by fat the most beautiful of the Canadian provinces 
 has, as may be inferred from what has been said of it, tracts of land which are 
 as rich as man can desire ; and fortunate are they who may secure them, for 
 there are not too many to be had. The mounta-'p.s, valuable as they are' for 
 minerals and wood, prevent the agricultural area from being large. Yet there 
 are many spots along the glorious coast with its temperate climate where settle- 
 ments will be thickly populated, and the inland higher areas about Kamloops 
 with their network of open grass-grown straths, will always be favourite pasture 
 grounds. The province is a most necessary adjunct of the Canadian Confedera- 
 tion, giving, as she does, access by excellent harbours to the wide Pacific. Like 
 its sisters, it has now heartily and loyally entered into the new national life of 
 the Dominion, determined to work out for the best the destiny which has given it 
 an important place in the greatest colonial union in the world. Making use of 
 a local government for provincial affairs, this union has placed all power for 
 national purposes in the hands of the Federal authorities. Let us share in the 
 Canadian Pictures. 
 firm belief of these our cousins, that, successful and united as they now are, they 
 will march on from strength to strength, strong in their mutual reliance on 
 each other, and proud to be members of our mighty empire. 
 A few years ago it was thought that the influx of emigrants into Canada 
 was unusually large if more than 30,000 or 40,000 entered during one year. How 
 different is now the report of the minister charged with the enumeration of the 
 numbers of those who, on their entrance into the country, declare their inten- 
 tion to settle within its borders ! During the last two years Canada has seen over 
 100,000 and even over 130,000 souls come to share the fortunes of her people 
 within a twelvemonth. The stream is now directed to her shores, and fewer 
 than before go to America, vast as the tide is which pours into Castle Garden. 
 Men spoke much in England of the phenomenon of the rush into Kansas in 
 the days preceding the great war; and of the quick civilisation of Illinois and 
 Ohio. Mr. Bright has said, and said truly, that every schoolboy should know 
 the history of the marvellous progress of Chicago. Let every Englishman look 
 with pride at the wonder of the settlement of Manitoba and of the Canadian 
 North-West— at the spreading of the railway system of the Dominion— at the 
 order and security existing among the 40,000 to 50,000 new-comers who have 
 made their homes in these lands in each year— at the marvel that with so great 
 a number of strangers arrived at a new home there has not been failure of success 
 to the extent of even one per cent.— at the fact that these great territories are 
 now attracting the Americans from the south. Finally let those who see 
 the misery, the hopelessness, the over-crowding, and the unhealthiness of 
 the thronged quarters of our great cities, rejoice that within fourteen days of 
 London, Glasgow, Liverpool, and Manchester, land and healthy life cin be 
 provided for all sound in health and limb. Let them aid all less fortunate than 
 themselves to get together the little money sufficient to ensure a new start in the 
 New World of the north, where in another century will be a nation powerful as 
 that of Britain in numbers and resource. 
 Meet of the Snow-Shoe Cluii. 
 It will be remembered that in iS8i both Houses of the Canadian Lerf, 
 if Llfr"°'""°r ""■"■"'"*"«*=" ''='-<' should enjorsot sysfem 
 h df p^SS; To tTe" '" '"T'^'"'- ''" *= ^="='^'- D-inion- cSa 
 „„.,r 5 ,.^°. '" ^"P''^^^ '«=■• oP'i'on ; she has repeatedly been out to 
 great expense by I-enian alarms along her frontiers-alarms which occasion her 
 trouble only because she forms an integral par, of the British Empire Ts„e| 
 Um-rd S, ," "Tl"^"'"""''' "P°" ■•"= «°<^-""' "' 'he Govrrnment ofThe 
 no^c , """'■"■■ '""'' '™''"<^'' *=■" """ ^8="!" >rise whenever he ei! 
 poht,ca excitement ,n Ireland. Several of the Dominion's former statesmen 
 thev put before L '"^ "'"^'^^^ any proposition which 
 they put before the Canadian Parliament as likely to benefit their brethren in tZ 
 °Gen::ir'.riero^"i.rnr-^^7'^''^''*.^^"''°-' --= ^"'-"^ 
 will suit anoth : Uhough nrbted S:rofTh """'" "". f" ""^ ^°™'^^ 
 present vvidelydi,fere„tiaturetrsi^rc;r:ata,^™ 
 the case as between Canada and the old countries. Th. r / especially 
 exnariQP of lor.^.- u "^'^ oia countries. 1 he first possesses a vast 
 expanse of lands whose geographical interests may be alike but which w^. 
 doms have, on the other hand, a very small area of country. .Itl geogl^hicS 
 powers of self-government, ventures to express a hoi .W v '^ '"'' ^""'""^ '° ""''' '''■°^'"" considerable 
 exi>r«»ccl desire of ..o man/of Her Al.njei's^u^eclsf&c "''"' ''"'' "'''"" '"'^ ^' ^"""^ °^ °'"''"g "'^ 
 1 !• 
 interests must of necessity be identical, and they have a population which already 
 swarms upon almost every tract where man can live in comfort. It is these facts 
 which disclose the vast difference between the two countries. It is of the 
 greatest importance to remember that the Central Government of both the 
 United States and the Dominion were created by the several separate colonies, 
 which agreed to relegate certain powers only to the Federal Chambers. The 
 Central Government of Great Britain and Ireland, on the contrary, is the out- 
 come of centuries of successful effort to unite in London the Imperial Legislature. 
 It was but the other day that the Unif.' '■ 'tcK fought for stronger Federal 
 powers ; it was after the successful issUw, ■> :. war, and the strengthening of 
 the Federal Government at Washington, ti; Canada <brmed her Constitution, 
 expressly guarding it against disintegration by making the Central Power 
 ijupreme in all but local legislation. Thus, we see these English-speaking 
 peoples aim at strengthening the Central Government ; and there is no instance 
 in which legislative privilege, once given to the Government of the Union, has 
 been taken from it and given again to the individual State. It may be a 
 question in America how far State Rights or Home Rule led to the great Civil 
 War; but in any rase the geographical and climatic differences between the 
 North and South led in the South to the institution of slavery, which was the 
 proximate reason of strife. State Rights or Home Rule in property or domestic 
 matters may be natural, and held to bring no national disintegration, where great 
 geographical and climatic differences make it impossible to have an all-powerful 
 Central Government. Strengthened as was the Federal Government by the 
 result of the war, it is notable that even now the militia of America take their 
 orders from the individual States, and not from Washington. This, which is 
 opposed to united national interests, is likely soon to disappear, and the Govern- 
 ment of Washington will probably seek to be masters of a stronger military 
 organization. The whole history of the United St:ates shows a steady tendency 
 to increase the powers of the Federal Governnient. The history of Canada 
 does the same. The Confederation Act of 1867 gave the largest powers then 
 obtainable. Payments made to the Provinces of the new Confederation (that is, 
 subsidies given to the Provincial Governments) persuaded some of them, almost 
 as much as did any sentiment in favour of forming a new nation, to join the 
 Union. The experiment of Confederation has been a success, and a national 
 feeling is rapidly rising — the young generation being proud of their country, and 
 not of their Province only. Now, if it be granted that the tendency to strengthen 
 the Central Power exists, it will be seen that it becomes a consequence of this 
 //^a/ no one member of a Confederation should be made strong enough to oppose 
 with effect the Central Government, which represents a majority. If a Provincial 
 feeling can arise which shall be stronger than the feeling of loyalty to the general 
 Government, the Civil War of 1860-64 m^Y t'e repeated on Canadian soil. The 
 balance of power represented by the equality in strength of the members of the 
 Confederation is the best guarantee against this. 
 Let us see then what individual rights the Canadian Provinces have alone 
 reserved to themselves. These rights are measured by the privileges given by 
 old treaties to Quebec. This is the only Province where English is not univer- 
 sally spoken. When Confederation was first mooted there were some voices 
 heard proposing a complete amalgamation of legislative power in one or two 
 Chambers at Ottawa. The French Canadians of Quebec would never have 
 tolerated such a proposition, and, indeed, it would have been distasteful to all 
 What did the old treaties guarantee to Quebec ? These things : her local 
 laws, which meant in this particular case the laws of old France modified by 
 recent experience ; the language and the institutions of the Province Quebec 
 was to have separate Chambers for legislation on education, civil rights and 
 on all domestic matters. It was called the " Pivot Province," because according 
 to the privileges guaranteed to Quebec, so were privileges meted out to or rather 
 retained by, the other Provinces. Although the language elsewhere than in 
 Quebec is English, the other Provinces have much the same separate rights • they 
 each control education,^ and make the laws by which property devolves, and the 
 local economy of rural and municipal government exists. Each Province gave the 
 National Government the control over all armed force, over national defence 
 over the collection of all customs and excise duties, over navigation the post- 
 office, the supervision of criminal justice, and all matters affecting any two 
 Provinces. In Manitoba the public lands were retained by the Federal Govern- 
 ment ; and in the creation of new Provinces in the North-W^est the same 
 practice will for a time be probably followed. It will be thus seen that it 
 would be difficult for a Canadian Province to propose any law, which, if vetoed 
 by the Government at Ottawa, would raise in the Province much strong feeling 
 against the Central Government. The matters on which any interference can 
 arise are small. If. for instance, local option legislation on drink be proposed 
 at Ottawa, and resisted in any Province, it would be difficult to get up a war for 
 whisky. No one Province has any domestic institution which is likely to be 
 touched by Ottawa legislators in a manner which would raise a rebellion against 
 the national authority ; and there is but little temptation for Local Governments 
 to enact laws provocative of disallowance by the Governor- General in Council. 
 Little or no margin is left for dispute ; each side, the Local as well as the 
 Dominion Government, knows the limits of its authority, and respects them 
 Then there is always at hand the impartial friend of both, the Imperial Privy 
 .K /J''^■^^'''*u"l!■'"l°^'''? ^""''^ ^°''"' '^'""'''' ^'='' ^^'<='> ""^^'^^'^ »'>« legislation for the Union, provided 
 that education should be dealt with by each Province ; but the rights existent at the time of Union pe^tainine to 
 mmorihes were guarded, and it was provided that Federal interference might be had should new legislation threaten 
 these rights In New Brunswick, after the Union had been some years in force, the Roman Catholics complained of a 
 Provmcal law which denied them public fund, for separate schools. The appeal provided for at the Union to the 
 Ottawa Legish-iture was urged, and the Dominion House of Commons were inclined to interfere. The Ministry were 
 however, agamst this, and on the question being referred to the British Privy Counci!, it wa« decided that the Province 
 should arrange for .tself .ts own difficulties, and that warrant for interference did not exist. This decision, therTre 
 trends to this effect: "give certain limited powers to limited areas, and let the storm, if it arise, be confined to Lhal 
 F F 2 
 Council, — not to mention tiie Supreme Court of Canada ; and either of these 
 may be used to fall back on as an anticns ciiruc, whose decision can settle any 
 dispute. So that there is little on which that guarantee of order among the 
 people beneath one Hag — namely, " the common sense of most" — can be severely 
 We see, therefore, that our communities in this Greater Britain have fined 
 down to a minimum their demands for Home Rule in the separate Provinces, 
 and practically retain only those questions for local decision of which the Central 
 Parliament is glad to be rid, and of which it may be profitably relieved. No 
 question can be raised which shall unite a race, section, or geographical part of 
 the country, as a unit against the Central Government. This is an important 
 lesson, and one not lightly to be passed over. Even in the subjects left to 
 be dealt with by the Local Governments, if internal Provincial trouble came, 
 the whole Commonwealth might think it necessary to interfere, and in any such 
 event the troops to keep order would be Federal, for there are no others. In 
 New Brunswick there was once a serious conflict on the subject of education ; 
 but the affair was settled without the intervention in any form of Federal 
 agency. No Local Government has proposed to change its Provincial laws 
 relating to devolution or tenure of property ; but this could be done by 
 Provincial enactment. 
 VVe must go back to the past and to an era before Confederation for any 
 great change in agrarian conditions. There is no instance in the history of the 
 United Province ; but there was a case of the kind when Ontario and Quebec 
 were united under the appellation of Upper and Lower Canada, and a single 
 Legislature endeavoured to meet the wants of both, in those days the old 
 seignorial tenure, derived from pre-revolutionary France, existed in Lower 
 Canada, and troubles arose. An enactment was passed by the Parliament in 
 which Ontario was represented along with Quebec, and the principle adopted 
 was practically one of compensation for abrogated privileges. The rights of 
 superiority were in the main abolished by the grant of a fee simple to the 
 superior over a proportion of the lands formerly held in feu, while the vassals 
 were freed from their onerous dues, and their vassal tenures practically converted 
 into a tenancy at a statutory rental which could at any time be converted, by 
 capitalizing such rental, into a tenure in fee simple. Unlike the process adopted 
 in the last Irish Land Act, whereby two men are obliged to have partnership in 
 one property, the Seignorial Tenure Act loosed the two men who had been tied 
 together as vassal and superior, and gave each a definite proprietorship. Some 
 feudal dues were retained for the superior, but these were of a certain kind, and 
 did not include casual or accidental payment. Quebec is the only Province 
 in Canada, and, indeed, the only State on the American Continent, in which a 
 race and language different from the Anglo-Saxon survive. The P>ench 
 Canadian rules by his majority in the local Chambers, and he takes care that the 
 population shall remain as far as possible French Canadian, and that in any 
 Icderal question that vote shall have its separate value. The old treaties gave 
 hem a nght to an autonomy which has not only never been disputed, but which 
 has become the model for ec,ual rights given to other States, whose area, as they 
 lhat"of Quiz '" ^'°^*"'""""' '''" ^'■"^^'^'y ^^ '""^'^ '»'' '■^^r as possible equal to 
 . J*"? /'•■''"''' ^'^'"'■•f-^'^ '•ace. therefore, occupies a very important place in 
 he Confederation ; yet from the.r position they cannot demand too much! so that 
 he danger of a separate Commonwealth is avoided. They are thorougidy loyal 
 to Canada: for that great Anglo-Saxonizing amalgamation n,ill. the United 
 States, would soon efface their language, should their fortune be cast with the 
 States. I he.r loyalty to the Empire is born both of inclination and of the 
 knowledge that Canada could not stand alone, but would be annexed to the 
 United States on the first pretext, were there not behind her the majestic form 
 of a United^ Because no hand has ever sought to touch their rights, 
 they are loyal to the framework of the Power which gives them these and 
 ensures them a place which makes them a moving force in larger politics. Their 
 position Ks never likely to be menaced ; for. unlike the population of old France 
 their people increase in an astounding ratio. But they must in the future be 
 content, as they are now content, with the privileges they possess. They cannot 
 get heir I rovince. or another carved afresh, to suit the French-speaking 
 population. Suppose an improbable case-namely, that the English-speakinL^ 
 people obtained a m.yority in the west part of the Province. No Canadian 
 would propose to re-adjust the Province so as to erect a French-speakinelort on 
 nuo a separate entity. Each I-^ederal Government would desire tc avoid Cing 
 any single homogeneous State made inconveniently strong for the Cen Tal 
 .overnment. or else any disallowance of legislation, however u/^ru vires it S 
 be. could be resisted. Divide ei impcra must be the true Federal motto, as 
 was the motto of ancient governments of other forms 
 We. therefore, see that Canadian provincial right means only the right to 
 make laws on purely domestic matters ; such, namely, as are mainly coir sed 
 ..J educational and c.v. right legislation ; and any demands arising from ethnic 
 differences have proved capable of treatment, because the case has^een treated 
 I rovincally. the tempest being thus confined to the teapot. The troul le tT 
 not affected the country at large, but a Province only It may be urt e 
 remarked that the limits of the Provinces and the StaL into wL'ch An e ca 
 and Canada have been divided have been almost always accidental or a^ ficll 
 and hat the boundaries are often represented by a mere imaginary 1 ne of 
 longitude or atitude The abolition of the S.gnorial Tenure iL been 
 mentioned as having been the work, not of a Provincial Government, but of the 
 Government of the United Provinces of Upper and of Lower Canada, previous 
 to the great Confederation movement of 1867. As the Act affected riizhts of 
 property sanctioned and recognized by Crown Treaties, it is probable tl^a^ no 
 i>rov,nc,al Government would, even nowadays, have been allowed exclusively o 
 deal with them. It may be aiklcd that, in the case of tht? abolition of the 
 proprietorships over the ^^reat estates in Prince Eaward Island, legislation took 
 place before the Canadian Union came into existence, anil the case had to be 
 dealt with by the advisers of the Crown in England. There is but little to be 
 learned from the Prince Edward Island enactment. Compensation was given 
 to the proprietors, but it was doubtful whether they had a right to anything, as 
 the provisions of the charters by which the lands were held had exacted 
 conditions vvhich had been rarely fulfilled. It will, therefore, be seen that 
 before Provincial Government obtained its present form in Quebec and in 
 Prince Edward Island, all agrarian trouble had been settled by a Parliament 
 representing higher powers than those of the Province only ; that compensation 
 had been given for rights abolished ; and that on confederation each member of 
 the Union continued its autonomous powers with a blank sheet, as far as any 
 ugly race or land question was concerned. Thus experience on the American 
 Continent shows that, while local matters may safely be left to Provincial 
 Assemblies, it is all important that no section of a country shall be organized in 
 such strength as to be able to formulate a policy leading to conflict with the rest 
 of the people under the same flag. If there be ethnic or religious dififer^nces, 
 the troubles arising from them should be dealt \v\t\} by the Central Government, 
 whose best policy is, after clearing the ground, to divide it under several local 
 authorities and give to them a definite and limited power. 
 Nature's Monumicnt, Canadian Pacific Coast. 
 A'lRicuLTURE in Ontirin, 84; at Lake St. lotin, in ; 
 in the North-Weit, I40 ; at Edmuiit.m, 179, l8i : at 
 Hell Karm, 183 
 Altjerla, 187 
 Algoma, 131 
 Annapolis, 44 
 Apples, 43 
 Ashiiapmouchouan, the, 11 j 
 Assiniboine, Ihc, 148 
 Athabasca, iP,i 
 Bass, black, 89 
 Hear-traps, 54 
 Hears, 205 
 Heaver, 90 
 Hell Farm, 183 
 Klackfeet IiKliaus, 16a 
 Urnndon, 140 
 lirock. General, 65 
 BiilTalo, the, 189 
 Huttcrflies, 54 
 Campobei.lo, 49 
 Canadian Ideas, 22 
 Canadian Pacific Railway, 148 
 Carlelon, 176 
 Cariboo mines, 196 
 Cascade range, the, 200 
 CaKcapedia, the, 52 
 Cnssian mines, 196 
 Cathcart, Lady, emigrants sent out by, 145 
 Chaleur, Hay of, 48 
 Champlain defeats the Indians, 109 
 ( harlotte Town, 56 
 C!hateaugay, battle at, 11 1 
 Chinese in Columbia, 198 
 Chinese miners, 198 
 Chinook jargon, 204 
 Climate of Canada, 31 
 Coal, 187 
 Cod, 56 
 Columbia River, the, 196 
 Confederation of 1867, 5 
 Copper mines, 134 
 Dkad, Indian mode of disposing of the, 170; provision 
 for the, 205 
 Dominion Government, the, 17 
 I )ouglas fir, 205 
 Ducks, 89 
 Dunsmuir, Mr., discovers coal, 20J 
 Dunegan, 180 
 Kdmonton, 179 
 Edwards, Mr. Peacock, on emi|{ration, 14J 
 Klgin, Lord, 120 
 I'.migration, hints on, 22, 35, 13 
 Usquimault, 208 
 I'ertiie llelr, the, 8 
 Kires in Canr»ln, 121 
 I'lies, 53 
 Mour, Canadian, 146 
 i'"lowers, 32, 55 
 Kort Pitt, "177 
 Kraser River, the, 196 
 Krcderii'klon, 48 
 Krencii and iMiglith com.nuiiiiics, 6 
 French in Quebec, lOO 
 Fruits, 32, 43 
 Fuel, 33 
 Fundy Hay of, 42 
 (Jeorgian Hay, 13I 
 tioat, wild, 205 
 Gold-mining, 196 
 Government, form of, 4 
 Government of (Quebec, 1 10 
 Grand Falls, the, 48 
 Grizzly, the, 205 
 Halipax, 42 
 Hamilton, 95 
 Herring, 201 
 Highlanders in Canada, 47 
 llorse-stcaling, 156 
 Ice-boat sailing, 76 
 Ice harvest, I2( 
 Indian biby, i68 
 Indian bridj^e, 204 
 Indian camp, 158 
 Imlian carvings, 202 
 Indian cruelties, 167 
 Indian lodges, 169 
 Indian manners, 162, 169 
 In-lian medicii\es, 165 
 Indian mode of disposing of the dead, 170; provision for 
 the deaH, 205 
 Iroquois, the, ig6 
 JOOGINS, the, 47 
 Kaministiqitia, the, 135 
 Kamloops, 196 
 Keewaytin, 135 
 Kingston, 73 
 Lahrador, 61 
 Lachine rapids, the, 76 
 l.ncro««e, iij 
 I.akc of the U'iukIs, i 55 
 Lttiul, system nf lnyinj; i.\il, 184 
 License Inw, the, 155 
 I.ix'illiouMes, 117 
 Little SaskBtchewnn, the. 1.(11 
 l.obj|er», 57 
 London, 04 
 l.onp Point, sliijcilinj; a*, 89 
 Loiiishiir({, 4 J 
 LoynlistK, llic, i)6 
 Mackk.rel, 56 
 Mac I, fan, llishop, 176 
 Afanltoba, Lake, 13S 
 Manitoba I'niversily, 1 {7 
 Manitoulin Island, 131 ' 
 Matiiinie provljices, tlie, >> 
 Mc(!ill Univer^ity, 120 
 Mennonilos, the, 1^8 
 Micliipicolen Island, ijj 
 Milicitcs, legend of, 51 
 Milton, Lord, traveln of, 176 
 Miramichi, citastrophe ;it, 51 
 Missionaries in Canada, 81 
 Mistassini, the, 113 
 Montagnais, the, 117 
 Montreal, 118; buildings of, 119; McCill University, 
 120 J carnival at, 121 ; ice harvest, 121; Victoria 
 Tubular Hridge, 124 
 Mosquito, the, 178 
 Mount Baker, 208 
 Murray, General, defeat of, 105 
 Musk rat, 142 
 Mussel mud, 56 
 Nanaimo, S07 
 Nepigon Straits, 133 
 New Hruiswick, description of, 12 
 Newfoundland, descrijition of, 57; restrictions in, (S; 
 the French shore, 58 ; the capital, 59 
 Niagara, 65 
 Nipissin? Lake, 130 
 North- West mounted police, n;4 
 Nova Scotia, description of, 9 
 On. in Ontario, 84 
 Ojibbeways, 132 
 Ontario, description of, 13 
 Oroniateka, 170 
 Ottawa, 69; llou.'cs of rarliaincnl, 71; saw mills, 
 Ouaniche, 89 
 Oysters, 57 
 Pacific Railway, Canadian, 148 
 T'eace River, the, 181 
 Pelicans, 178 
 Peribonca, the, 1 13 
 Pictou, 43 
 Porpoise, white, 1 16 
 Portage la Prairie, 140 
 Prairie flowers, 178 
 Prince Albert, 176 
 Prince Edward's Island, dcsciiption of, 12, 55 
 Prohibitory liquor law, 154 
 Puma, the, 205 
 Quebec, Government of, 13 
 Quebec, city of, 99 ; population of, ico ; capture of, 105 
 Quecnstown heights, battle of, 65 
 KAit.wAv construction, r«pid, 141; 
 Ktnids of St. Mury, 130 
 Ked River carl, 136 
 Rcli^ioui census, 125 
 Resligiiuche, the, 51 
 Richelieu River, 113 
 Rideau Canal, 73 
 Kye'» Miss, Iloiries, 79 
 Sauienav, the, 1 16 
 St. Francis, Lake, 130 
 St. Jerome, first tcttfemeiit nl, \\i 
 St. , ohn, N.H., 48 
 St. ^ihn's, Newfoundland, 
 St. , ohn. Lake, 112 
 St. Lawrence, the, 130 
 St. Thomas, 94 
 Salaberry, Colonel de. It J 
 .Salmon, Atlantic, 51 
 Salmon, Pacific, 200 
 Salmon cache, Indian, 202 
 Saskatchewan, the, 175 
 .S.Tult Ste, Marie, 133 
 Schools in Canada, 66 
 Seals, 209 
 Selkirk, 137 
 Selkirk range, the, 199 
 Settlement of Canada, 4 
 Settler, advice to the, 186 
 Sheep, wild, 205 
 Shipbuilding in Nova Scotia, 47 
 Silver Lsland, 134 
 Silver mining, 134 
 Sitting Hull, victory of, 158 
 Sioux Indians, 158 
 Smoky River, the, 181 
 Snow geese, 178 
 South Thompson, the, 201 
 Sturgeon, 88 
 Sun dance, the, 165 
 Superior, Lake, 130 
 Sussex, Vale of, 4S 
 Tayi.ok, Mr,, mioted, 182 
 Thousand I.slands, the, 75 
 Tobogganin?, loi 
 Toronto, 78; sports at, 78; Miss Rye's Homes, 79; 
 meteorological office, 83 ; fair, 83 
 Townships, division of land into, 184 
 Travoys, 169 
 Trinity, Bay of, 60 
 Turkey, wild, 89 
 Ursuunes, convent of, Quebec, 105 
 Vancouver's Wand, climate of, 34; description (jI, 
 Victoria, 208 
 Victoria Tubular Bridge, 124 
 Wapiti deer, 209 
 Welland Canal, 130 
 Whittier, poem of, 60 
 Wild fowl, 89 
 Winnipeg, 136 
 Wolfe, victory of, 104 
 \\'oodcock, 89 
 VS'oods, solitude of, 49 
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