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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^^'^''immmmmmmmm Ti-Jh^ .• r f 1 PEESIDENT'S ADDllKSS. Address of P. Alex. Pf.tekson, Piiesident Canadian 8.>ciety' Civil Engineers, on Leaving the Chair at close OF Annual Meeting, January 2r)tli, 1895. One of tlio dutks ol' iLe [Jti^ition to which the Society, a year iv^n, electcil iiic, if-' the delivery of an address at tlie closie of my teiiii of oflice. Tt h:is been customary for tlie Presidents of sister Societies to fiive a review of tlie professionid jnogress and scientific advance- ment in subjects wliich allude to our profes.-ioii, but sonietiines a President has chosen a subject whicli he assumed would be of interest to tlie members of the Society, and at the same time a record of thi! progress of some great work, wliich he considered lie was in somo special degree qualified to speak of; so instend of giving a general sketch of professioniil progress during the past year, I hav(! decided to give ii review of wliat the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has done since 1886, in tiic way of rc-constructiou. You are all aware that the Canadian Pacific llailway Company took a contract from the Goveniment on 21st Oct., 1880, to complete the IJailway to the Pacific Const in ten years, and that the work was pushel on witli such eneigy that trains pa.ssed from tide watir to tide water in November, 1885. In carrying out this work through an almost inaccessible wilderness, it was decided to construct a large amount of temporary work, which would carry the traffic safely for some years, and at the same time bo of material use in the economical construction of the permanent works. Tliis method of carrying out the work eniibled the Company to open the line five years earlier than it could otherwise have done; it saved a large amount of money in first cost and iu interest, it will save a large sum in ultimate cost, and it enabled the Company to earn $20,000,000 in the year fixed for the completion of the contract. The temporary work put in the roadbed consisted principally of long and high wooden trestles to cross large ravines, small pile trestles to cross small streams, and wooden bridges with the substructure of piles or wooden cribs, and super-structure of wooden trusses with spans varying from 30 feet to 180 feet in length to cross important streams and large rivers . President's Address, FILLING TRKSTLES. On the Eastern Division between Cartior ami Nepigou, and on the Western Division between Fort VViiliaiu and Winnipeg, wiiere square timber could not readily bo obtained, round timber cut in the nearest valley along the Hue was used, and the work was of a more temporary character than where good timber was obtainable, consequently the work of replacing it was commenced at an enrly date, and this was especially tiie case when the structures were long and high and re- quired two or three years to fill. The Big Pic trestle on the Eastern Division 800 miles west of Montreal, which was 1300 feet in length and 70 feet high at the western end, and required nearly three seasons to fill, contained 172,123 yards. To have tilled this trestle would have taken five seasons, if done by the ordinary hand dump car method, and would have cost notices than $94,(i68, whereas the work only cost $30,770, or IGJ cents per cubic yard, leaving out the cost of the trestle, a saving on that trestle alone of §57,^98, lesidcs allowing the line to bo opened five years earlier. On this same Division another large trestle, No. 799, 800 miles west of Montreal, was commenced in 1890 and finished in 1893, requiring 100,000 cubic yards. This was filled at a cost of $15,000, or 15 cents per cubic yard. At the time of construc- tion it could have been filled only by borrowing rock at a cost of 8159,- 600, or $2.85 per cubic yard. There have been filled on this Division 535 trestles, having a length of 86,13S ft., and requiring -1,095,012 yards of material to fill them, on which, not counting interest saved on capital, there has been saved to the Company at least one dollar per cubic yard, or $4,095,012, by putting in temporary structures and making banks by train with gravel and saud instead, or rock, or even earth from long haul cuts by horse cars. Where trestles have been built over good solid ground or rock, not under water, the filling has been easily done; but in some places, with bad foundations, this filling has been attended with serious difficulties, and in certain cases on the Government sections, the risk of stopping traffic was so great that it was considered advisable to change the loca- , tion of the line. In many instances a certain amount of risk had to be run, and was provided against in the way of having timber on hand ready to repair the track, so as to avoid an interruption to the traffic ; and so successfully has this been done, that in no case has traffic been interrupted for more than a few hours at any one time. In one case at structure No. 740 on the north shore of Lake Superior 820 miles President's Address. 3 west of Montreal, a trestle SCO feet Ion;? and 40 feet lilgl, had a cul- vert built under it, and was nearly filed when the central portion dropped down about 14 feet, carrying the centre of the culvert down, and leaving the outer portion of the slopes and the ends of the culvert in position. This culvert and cmbankmenl were built on a coarse gravel ioundiition, under which there must have been a hollow space, "below the depth to which the piles had been driven, covered with a crust that was thiek enough to carry the trestle and its load, but not strong enough to support the gravel bank. On the Western Division between Fort Williiiui and Winnipeg, in •i arcat number of places the trestles were built through lakes, the water being of various depths over soft black peaty material, often from fifty to seventy feet deep on a bed of sloping rock. In other cases the same character of bottom would be found, but without the slopin- rock. In the case of the sloping rock when the trestle was nearly filled, the whole bank has slipped bodily down the slope into the lake. In other cases when tlie material was nearly up to the level of the track] and before the banks had run out to the proper slope, the lower portion would slide out, carrying with it the full width of the made bank at the lop, see Plate IV, the bank sometimescarrying with it a great part of the trestle, and always very much distorting the align- ment, so that new piles had to be driven or put in placo^in ordei^to maintain the tniffic. Another form of trestle that was met with was when deep lakes had to be crossed, where, from the nature of the rock on which the trestle stood, it would be dangerous to run the risk of the filling sliding down a steep slope, and carrying (he trestle with it. Here there was nothing to do but divert the track, and in some in- stances it was found that a better and cheaper line was close at hand which avoided the fill altogether. Li other cases it seemed that the deepest portion of the lake had been chosen, and that by judicious change of location enough rock could be obtained on a better line to fill the shallower crossing of the lake. In other places the Govei nmcnt had put quantities of cross-logging, where there was no possibility of the logging supporting the bank that was to go in, and when earth was put upon It, the logs would sink in the centre, and cause the ends to bend upwards, and so allow the bottom to assume a curved form which would slide down on the sloping rock. A great deal of expense had been gone to by the Government in putting in cross-loggin- under banks as much as fifty feet high, with soft bottoms through which it would settle, some of which the Company removed before attcmpti^ ' to P resident' 8 Address. make the cmbankmcDt. la sucli cases cross-lo<;^in^ is worse tlinn useless, as it cannot support the bank, and sinks at the centre, allow- ing the outer ends to turn up, so us to form a blunt edge as it were, which pushes out the soft material unilorncatli to each side. Cross logginj^ is only of uso when n low bank is to be carrifd on top of soft materiMl, which is not fjuito iible to sustain the load. Then the cross-lofjging will broaden the base and furnish a lighter material to reach the desired height ; but when tlie bottom is so soft that the bank will go through it to a solid bottom, then the crn>s-log}iitig is a serious disadvantage to the work, as it increases the tcndonny of tlu' bank to slide out sideways. In some cases where the risks of filling were so many, and the danger of interruptiim to the tniffic so serious, there being no chance to put in a temporary truck witiiout great dcluy, di- versions were made. In all such cases sh.illower crossinj^s were found, and the rock from the excavation made the fills. Of course the cost was greater than if a proper location had been made at first, but a good line lias now been obtained, and one from which no further trouble or expense can arise. A little more care in locating the original line would have avoided the necessity for these changes. This emphasizes the necessity for greater care in the location of railways. No class of Engineering is more neglected than location. Any Engineer who can run a transit is often thought good enough to locate a line ; but after the line is built, the mistakes are found, bad bottoms as just described are discovered, and shiirp curves and steep grades are put in the line that might easily have been avoided, and, as a consequence, either the line has to be worked at heavy ex|.ense, or large sums of money have to be expended to build the line over, so that greater loads can be hauled and the line more economically worked. The filling of some of the trestles on the section between Fort Wil- liam and Winnipeg required the utmost care ai'id the strictest super- vision so as to avoid any serious interruption to the traflSc. At trestle No. 226a, east of Barclay Station, 1,248 miles west of Montreal, sawdust was satisfactorily used for filling under the following circum- stances. A pile trestle 335 ft. long and 8 ft. in height across a soft spot in a swamp between two clay hills required filling, and had the bottom been able to hold up the bank, only 2,880 cubic yards would have been required to make the embankment. Soundings were taken through black muck and soft clay for 60 feet without finding a hard bottom. Filling was commenced on the 30th July, 1891, and when 864 cars or 6,912 cubic yards had been put in, the track dropped on the P reside)) f 8 Address, 8t!i Aunii>t about four feet over the whole length of the trestle. The track WHS raised and the fillinj; was carried on till the 31st October, at which diito 0,825 car loads hiid been put in, equal to 54,600 cubic yards, or 51,720 cul»io yards inDie thnn was re(|uired to fill from the surface to subgrade. By this time the b:mks at both ends of the trestle had broken through, or ntherhad been carried down by the scttlenicMt that took place under the trestle, and tl;e filling sank faster than it could be put in. The irauk was then bulow grade for a distance of eight hundred feet, and eleven feet below subgrade at the lowest place. This settlement took place by sudden drops of from six to seven feet, but was kept passable by tutting down the track on cieh side of the lowest point ; — as the bank never fell more than 11 ft. below grade, which was the level of the water in the ni;irsh ; — and by filling in with sawdust, so as to enable the heavy wheat traffic to be carried over without assis* tance from a pusiier. The track was raised to within six feet of grade, and the approaches cut down so as to make two per cent, grades, over which the ordinary traffic passed without difficulty. During the winter the sawdust filling gave no trouble, so in the spring it was decided to complete the bank to within a foot of the required height, and to cover it with a foot of gravel. The sawdust proved so satisfactory that it was decided to raise it three feet higher than the original trestle, in order to improve the grade at this point, which is near tho east end of Bar- clay siding. The bank as filled has not shown any appreciable settle- ment and has remained in perfect order. Bridge No. 169, 1,250 miles from Montreal, was a pile trestle 596 feet in length and nine feet high, built across a swamp, where sound- ings, or rather borings, were taken for sixty feet in depth without find- ing hard bottom. Previous experience in similar placos showed that great would be entailed in attempting to fill this place with gravel, and that serious interruptions to traffic might be expected. Sawdust having been used with success on No. 226a above mentioned it was decided to try filling this trestle altogether with sawdust, and to spread the weight out as much as possible by using flat slopes of 3 to 1 . The sawdust was brought from Keewatin in box cars, containinf 45 «ubic yards, by freight trains each day, as the cars w'. filled by shoots leading from the mills and left on siding near by to be dumped by specia work gang sent out when siding was filled. The time required to fill the trestle was about three months. The sawdust was covered with a foot of ballast, and has remained in perfect condition, except 75 feet of the track, which required lifting and tamping for the first three monthe 6 President's Address. probably due to the I'aot tliat the siiwJust was thrown in looaoly arnl not packe 1 as at No. 226a. It has sinco shown no sii^as of settlemant and h.-i8 given good eatisfaotion. The quantity of sawdust used was very little in excess of the quantity calculated from the oro^s section, showing that sawdust shrinks less than earth for a bank of thosamj dimensions, and it tuny bo interesting to know that the sawdust bank yields less under a passing train than the trostl'^, and has loss spring in it than a muck bank built over a swamp of the sauio character. Trestle No. 177 across a bay of Eagle Lake was 634 feet in lengli and 23 feet above the surface of the water, built with frame bents on piles which were driven tlirough very soft mud and clay overlying rock at deptli varying from 20 feet to 40 feet. The rock sloped to t\u'. north at the west end and to the soutli at the east. A thick mattress of logs was, in the original construction by the Government, put in between the piles, or the piles were driven between them for the purpose of assisting to support the b;ink and to stififeii the piles, standing as they were in such very soft mud. Fearing that the mattress, which extended about fifty feet on each side of the trestle, in settling at tho centre and turning up nt the ends, would slide on the bottom and so wreck the trestle, it w is decided to cut, from the ice during the winter, the mattress ju'^t outsi ! the piles, as the simplest method of avoiding the d inger likely to ai i.>o from the presence of the cross logging, on such a very soft bottom. Fill- ing was commenced on 8th August, 1892, was carried on up to t!>o 27th of the same month, up to which time 1,284 car loads liad b • ii put in, nearly all of which bad been hauled by horses and .scrapers to tiio edge of the cross logging left between the piles, and dumped over the ends of it so as to form two banks, or walls, outside of the trestle, and to make as much as possible of the bank, with the least interference with tho tres- tle. In spite of this precaution the trestle sank two feet on the last men tioned date, and went out to the south about four feet, and continued sink- ing and going out of line steadily till, on the 29th September, when 4,674 carsor 37,392 cubic yards had boon put in and hauled out by horses and scrapers, the bridge had settled 18 feet and was 1 2 feet out of line. Ic had been kept passable all this time by blocking up over the caps, as shown on Plan No. IV. Piles were then driven to the northward on the old line and the track placed in its original position. Filling was commenced again on the 3rd October, and continued to the 23rd, at which date 7, "JO I cars had been put in, and the new piles wore as much out of line and had sunk as much as the old bridge had on the 29th September, and had of course during this time to be kept blocked up to keep the bridge open for the President's Address. licavy wlieat traffic. Filling was now stopped for the season, and now piles were again driven and the track moved over into lino. What remained of the old bridge was now 38 feet out of lino. During the winter and up to the 2nd May, no more than two foot of settlement took pliice. Filling was recommoacod on the 2nd May, and by the 9th May, 866 oars had been put in, when at 5 p.m. tlie bridirc sank an aver- age of 8 feet over 28 bents. At 1 p.m. on Mfiy 10th the track was pas- sable and passenger train No. 2 crossed on time. On lOth and I Ith of May, 305 cars wore put in, and at p.m. on the 11th the bridge .^^ank an average of 8 feet over 18 bents, and though it rained heavily all night the track was passable at 9 a.m. the next morning. On May 16th, when 371 more cars had been put in, tlio trestle again sank about S ft. over the -iiune 18 bents, and wont out of line 10 ft. to the south ; but the track w.; Mocked up, and made passable by one o'clock on the morning of the IVtli, and all trains passed on time. Be- tween May 17th and 20th, 544 more cars, or 4,352 cubic yds., wcruput in, when the trestle sank '■ an about 8 ft. ,vor the same 18 boufn at one o'clock p.m.; track w;^s, however, pasauolo at 8 p.m. on the same day. At 5 p.m. on May 23rd, wheu 112 more cars, or 3,536 cubic yds., had been put in, the trestle sank about 7 ft. over the same 18 bents, and went out 10 ft, to the south • but by 11 p.m. on tlie .same day it was ready to pass trains, requiring .something loss than one hour to raise it each foot over the 240 ft. Three hundred and seventy-four more oars had been put in up to 5 p.m. of the 25th of May, when the trestle sank for thesi.xtli time seven feetover the same 18 bents, causin" a stoppage of the line at this point for seven liours. On 27th Alay, after 284 more cars, or 2,272 cubic yds., had been put in, this bank was within six feet of the grade, and by cutting down the approaches it was possible to lay the track on tiie filling. This was done and the filling stopped, so as to allow the bank to set and solidify. Work com- menced again on the 21st of August, and between that date and the 9th of September, 788 cars were unloaded in small quantities at a time, and the bank brought up to grade 18 ft. wide at base of rail. Between 9th September, 1893, and 31st July, 1894, the ombauk- ment settled about 2J ft. at the lowest point. On the latter date y6 cars were unloaded, which brought the track up to grade and bank 16 ft. wide at base of rail. Since that date no appreciable settlement has taken place. The filling of the trestle has been given in considerable detail in order to give a clear idea of the difficulties that are encountered in filling on 8 President's Address. L,l a bad bottom and sloping foundation, and to show whatc:in be done in the way of keeping sucii a structure p;issub'o in the fuce of such diffi- culties, caused by the sudden sliding out into the lake of the original bottom of clay and mud overlying the hard bottom, and Ciirrving with it the filling which rested upon it. The track s»nk in the autumn of 1892, 40 ft., and iu May, 1893, 52 ft., besides smalle ■ settlements tliat were going on all the time, and yet traffic was maintained, ihe greatest detention to any passenger train being eight hours, when the track sank at 6 p ni. during a heavy rain, and was roudy to pass tiic train at 9 a.m. next morning. The estimated quantity of filling required for the trestle was 100,000 cubic yds. The total quantity put in was 9t> ,000 yds., which cost $41,637,00. Wlien the foundations are good, the filling of a large trestle is at- tended with little or no risk. Settlements of trestles on app irently good foundatitins, however, occur, which it is difficult to account for, such as that at Big Pic, where, after the trestle had been filled some time, the bank and trestle subsided six feet in one night, and, as far as could be seen, no disturbance of tlie surrounding ground took place, nor has any further i-ettlement taken place in the pa«t five years. Between Winnipeg and Donald, a distance of 1,024 miles, tiicr.; are not many large trestles ; a few of the large ones west of the summit of the Rockies have been filled, the policy adopted being to fill long, shal- low ones, and so to reduce the length of wooden floors as much as pos- sible with the least amount of money, except in certain cases where transfers could not be made or diversions readily built. West of ihe Summit most of the trestles filled were situated on sides of hills, anil re- quired retaining walls to hold the banks and prevent the slopes from running down into the Kicking Horse River. From S;ivoiias to Port Moody, a distance of 213 miles, built by the Government, a large amount of work lias been done, 27,74(! ft. of trestles having been filled. In all cases the streams are carried through the banks in stone arches or box culverts, and where grasshopper tres- tles were built and no drainage requireil, and there was no room to ex- tend the slopes on account of the steepness of the banks, stone retaining walls were constructed and generally filled in behind with stone debris. In many ca-ses the sites of the trestles were cliangcd and thrown into the banks, so as to take out curves and at the same time enable the fill- ing to be made without building expensive retaining walls. This has been carefully studied and economically carried out, the line having President's Address. 9 been thrown in just enough to furnisli filling for the trestles, and thus material was obtained close at hand, and the quantity required was reduced by Ihrowinp; the fills up the hillside and placing more of th? tiack on solid around. PNEUMATIC DUMP CARS. The material used in fiUina; trestles on tho E;i8tein ami Western Divisions was loaded with steam shovels on flat ears, and unloaded by means of the ordinary ballast plow, drnwn over the length of the train by the locomotive. On the Pacific Division a large portion of the work was done in the same manner. Whore the filling was on side hill, a one-.sided or side hill plow was used, and on straight track worked fairly well, but on sharp curves it caused a great deal of delay, and very niatcrially inci eased tlie coj-t of the filling. In order to overcome this, all the various dump cars in use were examined in the latter part of 1891, and inquiries made from the principal manufacturers of cars and the leading Eailway Companies and contractors in the United States, when it was fouud that tlierc was not in use in any place a dump car that would an.'-wer tho purpose, viz., one that could be unloaded without sending men along the track over the high trestles to do the work, which would have been slow and dangerous, and in order to avoid this, the question of operaiing dump cars by power, obtained from tlie locomotive, using either steam or compressed air, was t' en considered, when it was found that a plan (or using conipressrd a'r had been patented in the United States, but had i ot been put into use. From this design as a basis, and after a number of important changes had been made on it in the Canadian Pacific Car Department, fifty cars were built in the Company's Car Siiops in the Spring of 1802, and sent to the Pacific Division where they gave the most complete satisfaction ; trains of twenty cars heing njjul.irly unloaded, and brought back into position ready to return to put in half a minute, which, uf course, very materially reduced the cost of the filling. This, it is believed, is tho first instance where dump cars on Railway Works have been unloaded by means of compressed aii-. HYDRAULIC FILLING. Two large embankments, one containing 66,000 yds. and the other 144,000 yds., have been made by hydraulic gravel from adjoining hills, The first embankment was filled at a cost of $5,839.51, of which amount $2,862,43 was for labour, and the balance, $2,977.08, 10 President's Address. was for plaui and material U8ed in boxes, etc. The iron pipes, monitors and part of the material in the boxes can be used again, and in fact are now in use at the second embankment, so it was considered fair to charge only 20 par cent, of the plant against the cost of filling, which reduced the total cost to $4,715.33, or 7.15 cents per cubic yard. The second embankment is now being successfully made. The water is taken from the stream, which runs down the valley that has to be filled, at a point about 584 feet up the hill side, and 353 ft. above grade, or at an elevation of 125 ft. above the pit from which the gra- vel is taken for filling the ravine. The water is carried in a 15 inch pipe to a giant or monitor, such as is used in hydraulic mining. This monitor is generally worked with a five-inch nozzle, and thiows a power- ful stream against tlio gravel bank, washing the gravel and boulderv^ down into a flume which has a grade of from 11.5 feet to 25 feet per 100 feet. This stream will carry down on to the dump 750 cubic yds. in 10 hours. One man is required to woik the monitor, another is at head of sluice, and two along sluice to start and keep moving boulders thiitcan pass down the flume, but are liable to lodge on a flat side, and three men are required to direct the material as it comes from the flume and to put in brush at the outer edges, so as to prevent the water from cutting channels in the slopes. Old sleepers taken out oC track have been used for this purpose most successfully, by simply placing them on the outer edges of tlie bunk, and when the gravel is raised up to the top of them , a new row is laid down ontlie lines of the slopes.and so on, new lines of ties being put in for each six inch rise of the bank. There are a num- ber of places on the line where this method of filling is to be adopted. RETAINING WALLS. Large numbers of retaining walls have been built along the 1^'raser and Thompson Rivers at grndc to replace the grasshopper tres- tles, and long structures of crib wharfing put in by the Government. Some of these walls are 100 ft. in height, and have in all oases been built of concrete mixed with large stones, generally found at or near the site of the wall. This work has been done in the most econotnical manner possible, by intelligent labourers, specially instructed .-is to how such work .should be built. When these walls were commenced, Portland cement cost on the Pacific Coast $5.60 per barrel of 400 lbs. It was therefore desirable to use as little of it as possible, and yet enough of it had to be used to cement the stones in the most thorough manner. Large angular stones, as they came i'rom the quarry, or as they were President's Address. 11 picked up along the track, were first laid down on tboir largest beds on the foundation ; cement mortar, three of sand to one of cement, was then put into the bottom of the angular spaces, and into this mortar sirall angular stones taken from rock slides were mixed, and into this mixture larger angular stones were carefully rammed, the angular point down- ward, so that they nearly touched the first largo stones laid ; when the large spaces were filled and the course levelled off, grout was poured on to fill any vacant spaces tmd to more thoroughly cement the whole mass togetiier. This method required less tlian one-half the cement used by ordinury masons in building rubble masonry, and as it was done by labourers, tliere was tlio large saving in the labour as well as in the cement, and the work is certainly very much better than the average rubble built by masons. When there was room to build retain- ing walls at the bottom of the slopes, and when they could be built with a batter of as much as 1 to 4, dry masonry was used. WATERWAYS —STONE. At most of the fills it has been necessary to provide waterways in the form of bridges, stone arches, stone box culverts or codar box culverts, the exception being where tunnels were made in rock points at one side of the fill. This has been found economical, and has been carried out wherever possible, the cost of a tunnel .six feet by eight feet being about $9.00 per lineal foot. Where the line is carried on side hill ground, over a deep valley, with a stream at the bottom, the stream, instead of being allowed to follow its natural course dovvn the valley, and to pass under a bank requiring a culvert, say 200 ft. in length ; has been tapped at an elevation a little above the rail level, and the water carried along the side of the valley in a ditch and over the bank, just under the rails. In many cases this method has proved very satisfactory, and of course economical, a culvert 20 feet long, of light construction, on a good foundation, taking the place of ona 200 feet in length, of heavy construction and probably on a soft foundation. Where waterways under heavy banks iiave had to be provided, and where covers were easily obtained, three feet by four feet box culverts have been built, with masonry constructed as already described for retaining walls, great care being taken to use the cement and to fill all spaces between the stones. Where a three feet by four feet box culvert was not quite large enough to carry tlie water, or where covers were not easily obtained, small arches have been used, the aroh ring 12 President's Address. being built of rubble laid in coment, Thes e nrchcs in most cnses have cost lesa than box culverts, as the stone for the entire nrch, except coping and outer ring of arch, was generally found either on the site or at the end of an adjoining rock cut, whereas the covers for the box culverts would have had to be specially quarried, and often hauled long distances, which very materially increased the cost of the culvert, and where this was the case, arches were always adopted. In places where a waterway of from 20 feet to 30 feet in width wa** required, arches have been adopted in preference to short iron spans of any kind, when the cost was not much in excess of the spans. Arches have always been found to be cheaper, where provision was made for double track. Semi-circular arches have been found to be much more expensive than flat arches, as the wings to catch the slopes for flat arches are very much smaller, and as the width of water-way is what is wanted in most cases, many flat arches have been built. For a 14 I'eet arch under a 46 feet bank for instance, the quantities are as follows : for single track flat arch 639 yards, and semi circular arch 805 cubic yards, for double track flat arch 697 cubic yards, semi-circular arch 897 cubic yards, the distance from bottom of stream to springing being the same in both cases, as also the depth of foundation. Semi- circular arches on high walls have been used under the heavy fills in the deep valleys that run into the Fraser, as the streams in these valleys at times carry down timber debris, which is liable to jam at the entrance of the culvert ; and as the streams have rapid falls, a culvert might soon be flooded up to its top, and for this reason culverts are built with high waterways, wherever it is considered safe to put in an arch. Oreat care is required in fixing the dimensions of water ways in the mountains, for even after years of study of a stream, and when it is thought that it has been seen under all conditions of flood, something happens to upset all former experience and conclusions. A slide often takes place up in the mountains, which may turn two streams into one, and send down with that one a large amount of timber debris, which formerly, but to a lesser extent, came down some other stream, and afterwards the small stream becomes the larger one, and vice versn. CEDAR CULVERTS. There are many places oh the line where stone structures for water, ways would have been expensive on account of the great distance which the stone would have to be hauled, and in other places, founda* tions for stone structures would have been very expensive, and it be- President's Address. 13 came necessary to substitute something else. Iron pipes were expen- sive, and required a very long haul. Earthenware pipes wcro cheaper, but also required the long haul, and in some cases were found to be aifectcd by the frost. Wooden culverts built of cedar timber, of which we found large quantities along the line, seemed to meet the require- ments : 1 ® , the timber is cheap ; 2 ^ , theru was in all cases a very mucli shorter haul than that required fi)r stone, iron or carthenwure ; 3 ° , it required a much h ss solid or uniform foundation ; a isettlement of a ffW inches more at one point than another did it no harm, and cracks that would have seriously injured stone, iron or c aithinwaro from such a settlement did not arise in cedar timber, its elasticity per- mitting considerable settlement without any injury to tiic structure. As to its permanency, there is no question but that cedar will last at least fifty years, quite as long as much of the stone that is found on many railways. There is a cedar fence on the Aylmcr Eoad, between Ottawa and Aylmor, that in 1876 was fifty years old, which was then being tiiken down to straiuhten it up, the owner of which said that he would take ofiF the bark and rebuild the fence, when he considered it would be good for another fifty years. A cedar log is to be seen in the Stanley Park at Vancouver, British Columbia, in a good slate of preservation, on which a tree of 10 feetU inches in circumference has grown with one fork of the ro» ts on one side of the tree andoie fork on the other side. Similar trees to the one grow, iiig on the cedar in the stme place have 168 rings, showing them to be 168 years old. There is a hollow cedar log in the same Park 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, tie shell being six inches thick, which is quite sound. Over this log is growing a spruce tree, which measures 13 feet 6 inches in circumference at 8 feet above the log, and at 14 fict above the log it is 12 feet in circumference, which is 192 years old. From this evidence of the lasting quality of cedar indifiiercnt situations, it is fair to assume that cedar culverts will laft at least 50 years, and that they may be considered permanent work; for the saving in interest on the extra cost of iron or stone will renew these structures if necessary much sooner than at the end of fifty years. Cedar culverts have been put in where the banks arc twenty feet and under an 1 where bad foundations or excessive haul rendered the use of stone, iron or earthen- ware too expensive in comparison with ccdir at the point in question. These culverts, generally three feet by three feet inside measurement are made of 10 inches by 10 inches square timber, and in some oases double or treble, side by side. The timbers arc securely treenailed 14 PresidenVa Address. and bolted, and upright timbers are fusteDod to the outside at intervals of about four feet, so as to prevent the water from following along the outside of the walls, and so endangering the structure. See Plan No. IV. BRIDQES. The great number of long high trestles requiring waterways from 80 feet to 100 feet in width, with the rail 80 feet to 100 feet above bed of stream, led to the adoption of the following structure, which is considered to be that which most satisfactorily fills the require- ments of the case : three spans of one hund red feet, with two piers, and the ends of the outer spans standing on cedar cribs founded on piles. By this plan we get a good, safe, substantial stnicture at a present cost of the piles and cedur cribs, against the two short stone abutments, effecting a saving of $14,000 for 80 feet height. By the time the cribs and piles require renewing, the bank will have settled, so that masonry can be built upon it instead of through it ; and leaving the question of interest aside, there is a saving of 1200 yards of masonry, or $13,500 at each bridge, and the structure is equally as good for all practical purposes, and will require no more looking after than if it had all been built in stone, as an inspection is made of all structures at least once every month. See SkowWash River, Plate IV In rebuilding structures over that portion of the Eastern Division -lying between Carleton Junction and SuJbury, a distance of 295 miles, and on the Western Division between Fort William and Winnipeg, a distance of 428 miles, masonry has been built for double track, and of course this consideration materially changes the character of the struc- tures that iiave been adopted. Stone arches have been more frequently used here than on the single track sections, on account of their economy over small truss spans. On single track, where the cost of truss and arch was nearly the same, on double track, the arch would be very much cheaper, as the dilference between a 25 feet arch, single and double track, say in 30 feet bank, is only 16 per cent., whereas for the same span of iron on masonry abutments the excess is never less than 45 per cent. For a 25 feet arch in 20 feet bank, the difference between single and double track is only 32 per cent., whereas for the most economical girder the excess of double track over single is never less than 80 per cent. The arch requiring only 13 feet of additional length of barrel, or centre portion of the arch, whereas the truss requires an additional span and 47 per cent, more masonry. This is, however, offset by the fact that the expenditure for the arch must be made at once, whereas PreaidenVa Address, 15 the truss aud some of the additional tuiisonry required for it may bo postponed till actually required, but the economy of the arch is so great that it has been put in wherever possible. An important part of the reconstruction has been the replacing of wooden bridges with structures of stone and steel. Wooden bridges have been carried over as long as they could be rendered absolutely safe. In most cases where a bridge showed the slightest sign of weakness, or wlien it was thought from its age that it might be becoming weak, it was strengthened by putting pile bents under the second panel point from the end, thus reducing a hundred "foot span to one of 60 feet, and of course strengthening it in like proportion. The structure was tlicn carefully watched, and renewal? commenced, so as to have the new bridge in before the old one was worn out. In renewing the work on tl>e old sections of the line, as, for instance, between Quebec and Montreal, it was found that considerable economy could bo effected by the use of short spans, without at all interfering with the waterway or with the passage of ice, timber, etc. The Jacques Cartier bridge, as originally built by the Quebec Government, had one 170 feet span and one 140 feet span on masonry abutments and pier. To rebuild these spans in steel would have cost $25,629. By adopting two 85 feet spans and two of 74 feet the cost was only $21,105.39. This of course included additional masonry pier.«, and also the diversion of a mill-race, which was under one of the spans, where it was required to build the pier. Tiie short plate girder spans require much less care and inspection than the longer spans, and are mueli cheaper to maintain. See Plan No. I. At Port Neiif the old bridge was built witbonc 80 feet span over the stream and two side spans of 150 feet. One of these large spans was adopted on account of the bad character of the foundation, but it was found economical to put in two 75 feet spans in the place of each of the 150 feet spans, and to carry the bad foundation down to the hard bot- tom, and drain the surrounding ground, as the renewal of the original spans would have cost $25,600.98, and the work was done for $22,169,- 37, and a better structure obtained. See Plan I. At Arnprior, which is on the section built by the old Canada Cen- tral Railway, and as mentioned above — being between Carleton Junction and Sudbury — has all new structures built for double track, two old combination trusses of 150 feet required renewing. The centre pier on wooden crib was in 39 feet of water, and was continually settling, so that a new pier was required. It was found that to build a new pier 16 Preaident'a Address. for double track nnd single trnek spatiH, the cost would be $36,149.15^ for the bridge complete with double trnek spans $60,978.95, and that by putting in two new double track piers .nnd three 100 feet spuns for single track, the cost would be only $32,093.61, and with the bridge complete for double track $45,687.20. The abutments were built in the early days of Railways, when economy was not very much cou- sidered ; tliey wore 21 feet wide between tlie parapet walls, which were four feet thick, so thiit by roniovini^ these walls back to the ballast wall, wc obtained an !ibutn)cnt 29 feet in width, wide enough for a double track bridge. The piers of this bridge were put in by sinking bottomless caissons through the water and the mud, which overlaid the rock to a depth of 39 feet. This mud, which was three feet thick, wiis removed by divers, and concrete to a depth of 20 feet was de|iosited inside the cai.«soii through the water. When the concrete was all in, the water was pumped out and masonry built on top of it. Each pier contained 257 yards of masonry, and cost $2,661.50, or $9.50 per cubic yard. The excavation in the caissons under water cost $372, or $6 per yard. See Plan No. I. The Gull River bridge on the double track section between Foit William ami Winnipeg, as built originally in 1880 by the Government, was composed of one span of 100 feet, two spans of 80 feet, and eighty-dvo feet of trestle. The cost of replacing those three spans in 1891 in masonry and steel, that is, witli masonry complete for double track, and steel for single track, would have been $41,600, and complete for double track, $55,800 ; but by using one span of 130 feet with stone arch abutments of thirty feet span, the cost was $33,166, and to complete for double track the cost will be $41,260. The base of rail on this bridge is 23 I'eet above low water. The bed of the river is composed of fine sand, and the masonry was founded on piles, capped with timber below lowest water. Sec Plan T. The Stony Creek bridge on the Pacific Division, near the summit of the Selkirks, built in 1885 over a chasm 300 feet deep, has been re- placed by a steel arch of 336 feet span. The wooden structure was composed of continuous Howe trusses of 33 feet, 161 feet, 172 feet, and 86 feet, supported on wooden trestle towei's, and would have been serviceable for some time longer, as the timber, which was Douglas fir, was in good condition ; but the Management, in view of the difiiculty of replacing such a structure in case of its being burnt, and of transfer- ring the traffic over such a chasm, decided to rebuild it in steel ia Premie n t'a A{ the gap to be covered, so that tho bridge, as built 34 feet south of tho old structure, ia made up of one 270 ieet hinged arch and four 50 feet plate girders, the cost of which was $57,966. The arch was erected as a cantilever, ns shown on Plan No. II. hi giving this very general idea of the character of the work done, and in showing to some slight extent the economy that has followed the use of temporary work in the original construction, I have tres- passed longer upon your paticnco than I intended. Much that would be very instructive has had to be passed over entirely, and none of tho work has been more than touched upon. In conclusion, I would like to impress upon our younger members the necessity that exists in this new" Country for tho practice of coon- omy in all the works tliey hnppen to be engaged upon. Wo have a great work to do in building up a Country which stretches from the Atlantic lo tho Pacific, filled as it is with great natural resources of uU kinds awaiting development, and but little money to do it with ; and if we can so carry out our works that they are good and substantial, and at the same time cheaply constructed, so that the Capitalists who furnish the money can get a fair return for its use, wc may expect more money from thorn, and other works will be carried out that will give employment to Engineers and prosperity to our Country. It is quite an easy matter to build an expensive structure, but it is an Engineer's duty to build an effective structure for the least possible cost, and after his design is made perfect as to its stabil- ity, he should proceed to removo from it everything that is not abso- lutely necessary and that has no duty to perform, remembering that he must never build ornaments, but that good and wise construction will be ornamental in itself. Finally, you must also remember that your success in life depends on your capacity and willingness to take infinite pains with every thing you are called upon to carry out. You must be in downright earnest about your work, and, above all things, yon must be absolutely and entirely honest in every respect, never letting your convictions or opinions be warped in any way for any consideration, and then, if you may not al- ways command success, you will at least deserve it, which is oiitn better. we \ ',