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Un daa aymboiaa suivanta apparattra sur la damlAra Imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la caa: la symbola — *> signifia "A SUIVRE". la symbola ▼ aignifia "Fi:^ '. ladat irga to ba iimad r. laft to laaaa rata tha Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux. ate, pauvant Atra filmte * daa taux da rMuction diff«ranta. Lorsqua la documant aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul ciichA. il aat film* k partir da I'angia sup4riaur gaucha. da gauche A droita. at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammas suivanta iiluatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 4 5 5 ^^O^dU At Gloi hundt The Presbytery of Glasgow being this day met and conatiti the Emigration Societies, made verbally by Mr. Black the C( the piunful circumstances in which the Petitioners are situated, a their bounds, to promote the Petitioners object, in the way that Extracted from the Records of the Presbj ALEXANDE ^nf}wvif^tvfi* Nam 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 £ «. Alexander Gu-den esq. late Lord Provost of Glasgow, 5 James Oswald esq. of Shieldhall, . • SO James Stirling esq. of Keir, . . . 20 Charles Stirling esq. of Colder, . . 10 Lord Douglass, . . . . .50 Hugh RoberMoj»-asq. . . 5 Patrick Flayl^r esq. of Dalmamock, . . 3 3 ' Paterson, J^ieson, & Co. . . .22 John Bartholemew & Co. . . . .22 James Dunlop & Sons, . . . .22 Hugh Morris esq. of Rinsdal, . .22 Hugh Bogle esq. of Calder-Bank, . . 2 2 Frew and Glasgow, . . . .22 J. & W. CampbeU & Co. . . . .22 John Gibson esq. . . . . .22 Earl of Diinmore, . . . - B^sehall Family, .... Miss Oswald of Scotston, William Forbes of Callender, Major Dundqas, of Carronhall, . . Thomas Hagtrt esq. of Buntaskin, . John Urqubart psq. Fairhiil, . . Sir James Stiwart, .... Stevenson Macgill, professor of Divinity, Rev. Gavin Gibb, D. D. James Jaffray M. D. Anatomy. Thomas Thvmson, .M. D. Chemistry, . . Robert Bucban^n, M. A. Logic, Rev, John Smyth, St, George's, . Rev. John Lochart, D. D. College . . Rev. I^trick Macfarlane, St Enoch's, Rev. David Welsh, St. Dtvvld's, Rev. Thomas Brown, St. John's, . . James Fyfe esq. .... Thomas Murr, esq, Muirpark, William Bogle, esq, of Both well- Bank, Captain George Douglas, .... Peter Mirrilees, esq, - . . . William Buchanan, esq, .... Benjamin Matliie, esq, ... Charles Hutchison, esq, .... Mrs Dinwiddle, John Gourlay, esq, Colairs, James Donald, esq, Whitehill, Henry Kno.^, esq, ... James Smith, esq, Jordan-hill, Mathew Ferston, Sen. esq, Captain Makay, . . . , David Pirrie, esq, ... James Stevenson, esq, ... James Playthir, esq, ... Ardrie House, .... Theodore Walrond, esq, of Calder.Park, - John Dixon, esq, Dildowie, . Archibald Douglas, esq, of Brittlsholm, . George Douglnsj esq, . . . John & Arrhibald Reld, . Geddes, KIdston & Co. . . . James Cook, esq, . , John Hi Robert Cogan, . , Robert Hutchison, esq, . . Bewley Thomson & Co. . . . William Shand, esq, , , , Robert Mudie & Co, , , , , Mrs Crooks, > > » , Mrs Kippen, . i . , Anthony VVigham, esq. . . . .10 Anderson & Laurie, . . , . 11 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I James Broc Robert Fre< Dr. John I Thomas La Archibald 1 James Berr William D. Charles Me Bannerman Bowman F John & Ro John Wrig John Long, David M'l John Whit Archibald ' MacLeod 8 James Gral C. J. Ten R. Finlay, A. Watson H. Lochar James You William ^^ Mrs F. R< Andrew h Mrs Muirl Macleroy 1 William V Peter Hut Mitchell & Alexander John Whli David Sto James Wa Thomas S A Friend, A. K. Robert H John Rob John Leai James Str James M' Archabalc A Friend William 1 Dr. Rich Archibald Rev. Joh 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1. 1 I 1 Rev. Dr. Rev. Dr. Rev. Dr. Rev. Dr Baron H From a ; Sir Willi Sir John With and Subscrip Total an All S the Rev I deposite At Gltugow, the Jlrtt day of December, Eighteen hundred and thirty years. f this day met and constituted on the report of the Committee anent IIt by Mr. Black the Convenor. The Presbytery, feeling deeplj^ Petitioners are situated, agree to recommend to the M'nisters within rs object, in the way that shall seem to tliem most expedient the Records of the Presbytery of Glasgow, by ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, Prbsbvtery Clerk. $uib»fr(i^er»* Namw, £ 5 5 20 10 5 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 . 2 2 . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I \ 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 James Brock, esq. . . Robert Freeland, esq. . . Dr. John Balmanno, . . Thomas Lawson, esq. . . Archibald Lawson, esq. . James Berrie, esq. . William D. Hill, esq, Charles Macintosh, esq, Cross-basket, Bannerman & Dixon, Bowman Fleming, esq, John & Robert Tennant, John Wright, esq, John Long, esq, David M'Kean & Co. . , John Whitehead, esq, . Archibald Warden, esq, MacLeod & Davidson, James Graham, esq, C. J. Tennant, esq, R. Finlay, esq, A. Watson, Jun, esq, H. Lochart, esq, . James Young, esq, Clyde Buildings, William Wilson, esq, . . . Mrs F. Reid, , Andrew Hunter, esq, , Mrs Muirhead, Macleroy Hamilton & Co. William Vary, esq, J. P. C. Peter Hutchison, esq, Mitchell & Son, esqs, Alexander Morris, esq, John White, esq, David Stovr, esq, . . James Watson, esq, . . Thomas Stevenson, esq, A Friend, A. K. Robert Hood esq. John Robertson esq. . John Leadbetter esq, . . James Struthers esq, . James M'Laren esq, . Archabald Culeman esq. A Friend, . . . William Hussey esq, . Dr. Richard Miller, . . Archibald Smith esq. Rev. John B. Paterson. . EDINBURGH. Rev. Dr. Chalmers, Professor of Dkrinily; Rev. Dr. William Muir, Rev. Dr. David Ritchie, . . Rev. Dr. T. S. Jones, . .^ Baron Hume, . . ! . Fruiii it Ft'iend, . , Sir William Macleod, Bannatyne, tf Whiteford- House. Sir John Sinclair, With two very useful Books, thione a Guide to Health and Longevity, the other a Tleatise on Agriculture. £ «. 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e. 1 alth re. 1 £192 4 23 13 Subscriptions under one Pound, . . Total amount, . • i . • £21^7? All Subscriptions uplifted by tie Petitioners are remited to the Rev. William Black, GeneralTreasurer, by whom they are deposited in the Glasgow Bank. Unto the Wealthy i Bmigraiion HUMBLY SHEWETH, That your Petitioner*, amounting hundred and ten Souls, belonging chiefly to the most distresned of who are incapable, with their utmost exertions, to earn a sufficient ', penditure and clothing, for their wretched families. That their inability to pay honse-renls, church accommodation for their children, or any of tho most common necessaries of life ; t1 combined to place your Petitioners in a very low degree of pove contributions of their humane countrymen only serve to prolong an That your Petitioners have appealed to the Honourable the Sessions, for a grant of Land, with their passage out to Canada, wi length, received an answer from the Right Hon. Sir George M urra OF LAND, and he will also recommend the Petitioners to the immed along with every reasonable assistance on his part ; but as it has be own passage-money, the Petitioners patronised by the highest Of commenced their appeal to the Charitable and well Disposed oarly i their exertions raising subscriptions until May. But finding the si undertaking, they, with the advice of the gentlemen who officiate further operations for the Season, when they addressed a second c( to ascertain if the Grant would be continued until the Spring of 18 affirmative. That your Petitioners beg to return their grateful acknowle Gentlemen, who have hitherto kindly assisted them with their subs as a last effort, to resume their appeal to the Wealthy and Benevo! support as will enable them to carry the only permanent measure o this season. Relying upon your assista your Petitioners will ev ("In name of the Members J Gil AL. GhAsaow, I83L The Petitioners having addressed a communication to Lord Godori the following answer : ( Copy of a letter from Lord Goderich to Al i\ SIR, I am directed by Viscount Goderich, to ai the 13th instant, and to acquaint you, that the reasonable assistar were led to expect from Sir George Kfurray, will be afforded to tl of an agent in conducting the party from their landing at Quebec o^land to each family, and one hundred acres to the leader of the [ depend on the land, which is available on the arrival of the Emigrs the Loca' Government. I am. Your obedien We, the undersigned, deeply sympathising in the distresses solicited, freely consented last year to officiate as a Committee t scribed, to the best interests of the emigrants ; and further, we recc era to the public attention. f THOI I HEN] Committee. < WILI I WILL VJAMl WILLIAM BLACK, M Two authorised ptrsons will call upon you in a day or two. We certify that Aexander Shanks, John M<Intosh, James A to lift Subscriptions in jehalf of the United Emigration Societies « object has obtained theapprobation and support of many wealthy a recommend to the pubtc notice, the individuals wishing to leave tl rate of wages they rec«ve for their labour. , JOHN BURNS, MiNisTi ! WILLIAM BLACK, Mi D. MTARLANE, Minis THOS. BROWN, Minist Ejarnestly recommended to public cons JOHN SMYTH, Ministi *^tMU^ ^ ^ ^OC ' Unto the Wealthy and Benevolent, the Petition of the United Bmigraiion Societies of QUxtgow and Vicinity. ' Petitioners, amounting to seventv Fsmiliet, containing four to tlie most distremed of the Operative class, nameljf Wbavbrs, tions, to earn a sufficient livelihood, independent of household ex- 1 families. Is, church accommodation, or obtain the means of moral education mon necessaries of life ; that these accumulated trains of evils, has very low degree of poverty and destitution, while the charitable only serve to prolong an ignoble life of pauperism and starvation. 1 to the Honourable the House of Commons for three successive passage out to Canada, with maintenance for a year, when they at t Hon. Sir George Murray, with his ready compliance of a grant Petitioners to the immediate notice of the Canadian Government, his part ; but as it has been the custom of Emigrants to find their 'onised by the highest Official Authority in the city of Glasgow, and well Disposed oarly in the 8(>ring of last, yrar, and Continued May. But finding' the sum realised inadequate to complete their e gentlemen who officiate as their Committee, agreed to suspend ;hey addressed a second communication to the Colonial Secretary, led until the Spring of 1831, when they received an answer in the n their gratefnl acknowledgments to the Benevolent Ladies and isted them with their subscriptions, and hopes, being necessitated, the Wealthy and Benevolent, to meet with such countenance and only permanent measure of relief they can think of, into full effect, Relying upon your assistance, however small the sum contributed, your Petitioners will ever pray, &c. \ameof the Members J GILBERT DOUGLAS, Preses. ALEXANDER SHANKS, Clerk. nunication to Lord Godorich, present Colonial Secretary, received the following answer : from Lord Goderich to Alexander SJumhs.) Downing Street, I'id Dec., 1880. f Viscount Goderich, to acknowledge the receipt of yonr letter of liat the reasonable assistance which the Emigrants from Glasgow rray, will be afforded to them by Lord Goderich, viz., the service 1 their landing at Quebec to the place of location, with fifty acres teres to the leader of the party. The precise spot of location must the arrival of the Emigrants, and cannot be fixed upon except by I am. Your obedient Servant, R. A. HAY. Bthising in the distresses of the intending emigrants; upon being fficiate as a Committee to regulate and disburse all monies sub- ants ; and further, we recommend the peculiar case of the Petition- /• thomas hopkirk, j. p. i henry dunlop. Committee. -^ William p. paton. i william milroy. v james martin. WILLIAM BLACK, Minister, Barony Parish, Treasurer. on you in a day or two. John M'Intosh, James Adair, and Thomas Clark, are authorised :ed Emigration Societies of Glasgow and Neighbourhood. Their mpport of many wealthy and respectable inhabitants of this city, we riduals wishing to leave their native country, from the depreciated ?tV?i ?,S^^A^*''^''1' r.u \ Baronv Parish. riLLIAM BLACK, Minister,) >. M'FARLANE, Minister, Principal, Glasgow College. HOS. BROWN, Minister, St. John's Parish. commended to public consideration by OHN SMYTH, Minister, St. George's Parish.