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Tha following diagrams illuatrata tha mathod: Un das symbolaa suivants apparaftra sur la darniAra imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la caa: (a symbols — »> signifia "A SUIVRE", la symboia V signifis "FIN". Laa cartas, planchaa. tablaaux. ate, pauvant Atra fiimAa A daa taux da reduction diff Arents. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichA, il ast film* A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut •n bas, un prenant la nombra d'imagas roicsssaira. Las diagrammaa suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 A STATEMENT OF SCHOOL POPULATION OF SCHOOL SECTIONS AND PARTS OF SECTIONS For 1849, of the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, by order of the County Council. jVame of Section or part of Section ASHPIELD Wawanosh, Pt BIDDULPH. McGlLLIVRAT, Pt Pt BjLA?I8HAHD ' PI COLBORNE Pt Wawanosh, Pt. DOWNIE Pt, BlANSHARD'-' Pt. Ellice Pt. Ellicr Pt. Pt. DC'-.VNIE Pt. Pt. North Easthope. Pt, DoWNIR»"«" Pt. S. j3ASTH0PB,««Pt S. EABTUOFBoPt DOWNIE :Pt N. Easthope, xPt IJVo. Sec. FoLLARTON" Ellice > LOUAN' Pt, 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 JVo. ofchil aren in iec-> tion. 1 3 •Ft. 6 Ul 60 24 S05 192 134 163 24 6fi 668 167 33 75 46 87 90 62 60 699 136 79 33 6 244 116 86 106 74 89 108 43 7 626 62 31 38 80 61 262 120 129 120 74 50 40 62 695 66 88 85 76 10 324 78 76 35 188 17 206 JVame of Taten- ship$ vtiih which Ataeued. Sum of A$te$»ment. AiliFIELD. BiDDOLFH. BlANSHARI). COLBORNB. DOWNIB. Ellicb. N. Easthope. S. Easthopb. Fdllartor. JVame of Section or part rf Section Town ofGodericb T'p. of Goderich. Pt Hutlett. Hulleit. Goderich. Pt. Pt Pt Tuckeramitb, Pt, Usborne. McKillop, Pt JVo. of Sec. Logan. Eliice. McGilUvrav. Pt McKillop, Pt Stanley, Pt Tuckeramith, Pt. Tuckersmith, Pt. HuUett Stephen, Uaborae, Tuckersmith HuUett, McKillop, Stanley, Pt Pt Pt Ft Ft Ft Pt Usborne, Ft. Stephen, Pt. Tuckersmith, F( Wr.^'snssh. Colbornej Pt. Pt! JVo. Chil drtn m Sect. 463 79 1S4 S» 160 117 •70 130 13 730 86 66 140 71 S6 106 47 113 JVame of Toten. ship ivith tehiek As$e$$ed. Town uf Godaricb T'p- Goderich. 160 33 33 66 76 49 109 106 340 60 80 139 279 66 104 106 73 44 12 67 3 463 113 29 142 160 49 86 8 40 41 385 59 68 20 137 7Q 23 9S Hullett. Hay. Hibbert. Logan . McGillivray. McKillop. Stanley. Sum At$e»ted. Stephen . Tuckersmith. Usborne- Wawanosh. ) PARTS OF SECTIONS County Council. SCHOOL POPUX.ATION, TAKEN FROM SCHOOL TRUSTEES REPORT FOR 1840. Name of Toum^ ship with which Aiuf$ed. Town uf Godaricb T'p- Goderich. Hullett. Hav. Hibbert. Logan. McGillivray. McKillop. Stanley. Sum At$e»t«d. Stephen . Tuckersmitb. Usborne- Wawanoih. i'^'umei of Towmhips to tehich School Section* belong. ASHFIBLD,. II BIDDULPH,. JVo. of Sfctiouf BLANSHARU. COLBORNE, DOWNIE. ELLICE . NORTH EASTHOPE. SOUTH EASTHOPE. FULLARTON. TOWN of GOPERICH Township of Goderich HULLETT LOGAN McGlLLIVRAY McKILLOP STANLEY . STEPHEN, TUCKERSMITH,. USBGRNE.... WAVVANOSH 1 S 1 3 3 1 a s 5 6 8 9 10 • ■I 8 8 • •1 a 4 6 6 10 • •3 5 6 • •1 a 8 4 6 • •1 2 3 ■ • I 3 • •1 .•3 3 4 5 6 7 9 .1 • 1 .1 2 3 4 • 1 3 3 • 1 3 4 5 G •1 .3 3 4 .1 •1 A umber of Children in Sections. 121 60 193 134 163 167 75 75 45 87 90 52 60 186 79 46 313 146 105 74 89 108 59 99 38 120 139 120 74 50 127 88 85 78 76 453 78 124 93 160 117 70 130 109 50 100 114 109 106 147 80 139 106 104 105 73 44 171 162 153 142 123 100 7009 JVame of Township which manage School, Parti or which Uniun Sicctions ark cuMfoaKD. ,Vo. of Name of Tuti>nshipt\No Blanbhard. colbobnb '• DOWMB."" DOWNIB. Ellicg- Ellicb .' N. Easthopb S. EASTHorE- GoDERICd. ••• HULLEIT-"*' LOOAN. McKlLLOF . section a 3 1 3 3 5 2 1 4 1 McGlLLIVRAT. McPlLLIVRAT ■ Stanley Stephen tuckersmitii. < TUCKERSMITH. US80RNE..>'>< Wawanosu., 1 2 1 1 3 4 1 to which Parts belong. Downie, \ Blansliard. J Colhorne. \ Wawanodh. f Dow Die. I Eiiice. A North ISaathope. [S. Easthope. \ Downie. \ Eiiice. \ Eiiice. I Downie. ( Rllice. < Loffan. ( Fullarton. ^ N. Baathope. ( S. Eaathope. ^ N. Easthope. / S. Easthope. (Goderich. Huliett. Huilett. Tuciiersniitb. Goderich. Stanley. McKillop. Hibbert, Tuckeraniith. Biddulph. McGlllivray. Biddulph. McGillivray. Stanley. Tuckorsmitb. < Stephen. \ Usborne. f Tuckersmitb. Hay. Usborne. (_ Stanley. ' Tuckersmitb Stanley. Usborne. Hay. Stephen. ( Wawanosh. < Ashfield. ( Colborne. of chil- dren in parts of Section, CHARLES FLETCHER, LcUc District Superintendent.