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The following diagrams Mlustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuv jnt dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. by errata led to ant jne pelure, apon d 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X ^ V* \ * "^^im NEW GLASGOW ADVERTISEMENT. tea »o (•Ki, ''»r 'iril\ (^ iT^ if'Jv i'^P^i ^/f.t^i* «eS^, ^- Jf^ JlIierK ACADIA FOUNDRY, NEW GLASGOW, N.S. sf ■ Xr -M^: MANUFACTURERS OF Portable Engines— Horizontal and Ver- tical, STATIONARY ENGINES, Surface and Underground WINDING ENGINES. # Estimates on Application. m i: f% -.-^^iS**-! C.t.^kjitr C^^lji^tLiryi. &^ ^'yXat^^. a^. NEW GLASOOW ADVERTISEMEN'T. THE Htih(if(S^vii$catm, lM€QE^QMmTEw IBSB. PHD tp (iPim, ■ • II, Head Office, HALIFAX. PRESIDENT, CASHIER, J. S. McLEAN, Esq, THOMAS FYSHE, Esq. AMHERST, ANNAPOLIS, BRIDGETOWN, BRANCHES DIGBY, KENTVILLE, NEW GLASGOW, ST. JOHN, N. B. NORTH SYDNEY, PICTOU, YARMOUTH. NEW GLASGOW AGENCY, (ESTABLISHED, 1866) James W. Carmichael, Esq., Agent- Sterling and Araarican Exchange Bought and Sold, and Drafts issued on all parts of the Domin- ion. Collections made throughout Canada and United States. Interest Alloxved on Deposits according to agreement. PUrrOU ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES D. MAGDONALD, B. A.. |!ai|ri^^i(|r and Ittorncg-at- lUU, Conveyancer and Notary Public. OFFICE IN A. HENDERSON , PICTOU, N;S. DR. BAXTER, ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, James McRae, J. P., OFFICE IN A. J. PATTERSON'S BUILDING (UPSTAIRS), Corner of WATER & SOUTH MARKET STREETS, Contracts, Agreements, Oft'sets, Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, and ail other Documents written, and executed with accuracy and des- II patch. Debts collected and all other Magisterial Business promptly attended to. 6 PIOTOU ADVRRTIREMENT. m O® K® ©SS'SSft^^ mm m uiERy HTisiEs,- TWINING STREET. PICTOU, N. S. Carriages Furnished at all hours of the day or night. »5«*>^ Horses Bought and Sold to the Best Advan- tage, and on Most Reasonable Terms. Mark the address, Twining Street., in the rear of St. Lawrence Hotel, and near the Steam- boat and Railway Station. Il €. 4 II Fi^ of the Idvan- ms. in the Steam- I PICTOi; ADVKRTISRMENT8. ACACIA NURSERY, Falkland Street, Pictou, Nova Scotia. 'Moice Slower beeds, Giants, Bulbs, &c., at Reasonable Rates, oj*;* iWldiiis^ Plants for the Flownr and VeyutuUle GaiJcii in Season By Mail or Express. JAMES P. Mclennan. PICTOU POULTRY YARDS, €. ^ ft. BREEDERS OF , M. S., Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Part- ridge Cochins, Brown and Black Leg- horns, Black Breasted Red Game, and Black Breasted Red Game Bantams. ALL FEOM THi: BEST F]^IZE-WINNINa STRAINS. Our Stock luus taken since 1876, 36 prizes. Eggs for hatching $2.00 to $4.00 |>er dozen. Fowls always for sale. Chicks after October 1st, .$2.00 to $10.00 per pair; $3.00 to ^lo.OO i>er trio. For full desci-iptive Circular and Price List, Address : C. ^^. A. MacDonald, Oi ARLK8 D. MACDo:iALU, ( ARTHUR C. MACDONALD. / P. O. Box 45. PICTOU, N. S. 8 PICTOU ADVKRTIRMEVT. AGENTS WANTED ! "1 FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. I" :o: Tliis truly vahiable work from the pen of the REV. JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, D.D., late of the Broadway Tabernacle Church, New York, is sold by subscription only and cannot be obtained except tliroup;h the repfularly authorized Agents of Mr. Henry Hill, Publisher. Every Christian Parent Should have ,i copy of this Work beside the Family Bible for the constant i)erusal of his children. It is beautifully illustrated with Steel and Wood Engravings, and is at once Attractive, Useful and Entertaining. Reliable and intelligent Agents wanted in all parts of the Province. APPLY TO OR ADDRESS, Ira B. Abell, General Agent, Front Street, Pictou, N. S. DIR A TBARB'S '^'X^ ilD! •C m(DU! snr WY -OF- pii;riMf«iiM,is. For 1879-80. SV. J08EPH srnacle Chinch, ' be obtained f Mr. Henry CONTAININO AN ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOPxY OF THE CITIZENS, NAMES OF STREETS, AND A MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY, TO WHICH IS ADDED Bible for the Engi-avings, Business Directories of Pictou Landing, River John, Stellarton, Westville, Hopewell, and Vale Colliery. ming. in all parts CORRECTED TO MAY, ISTO. PRICE $1.50. To Subscribers $1.00. -:o:- Compiled and Published by ROBERT T£ ARE. :o:- gent, I. PICTOU, N. S.: PUVNTEl) BY WILLIAM HARRIS, WATER STREET. SOLD BY J. ICcE. Eeattie, Fletoti, H. H. Henderson & Oo., New Gksgow. 1879. CONTENTS. Advertisemonts I to 200 Alphabetical Directory, Pictou, ',\9 Al[)luibetical Directory, New Glasgow 113 r>u.sineSH Notices, Pictou, 20 f Jusiness Notices, New Glasgow 93 ( 'ustoms Tariff 18! Historical Sketch, Pictou 17 Historical Sketch, New (Masgow . , HI I uiJex to Advertisements, Pictou 1 .'J hulex to Advertisements, New Glasgow ... 14 Miscellaneous Directory IGfj Preface 11 Stxeet Guide 15 Business Directory and Advertisdments. Hopewell 160 Picfou Landing S4 River John i 147 Stellartou l/> I Vale Colliery 159 Westville l^.'i PREFACE. I to 200 :\9 ....113 20 , . , . , 9;j ....181 .... 17 91 13 ....14 .... 16,'> 11 ....15 160 84 147 .1.^)1 159 1 r>.f> The Publi.slufr him very great [)lea.sur»' in jtrcsenting his Directory of Pictou and New Olasgow, for 1879-80, to its num erous patroim, ami trtjstw it will he found by them and the public genei-ally a reliable index to the business, the places of business, and the residences of the citizens. It is the fimt work of the kind exclusively of a local character, ever puVjlished in the County of Pictou, and although it has involved much labor, he will be amply rewarded if the work will, as he has every reason to ex- pect, be of service, especially to the profes-sional and businesn part of the community. No care has btien spared to render the work strictly accur-ite in its various details; and there is no doubt it will Ik? found a correct guide to every j)lace of business in the two imjwrtant towns of the County, while it will be found reliable in eveiy other respect. To the numerous gentlemen who kindly furnished the com- piler with useful information, and the professional and business men in the towns and villages for the very liberal sup^jort con- fierred u})on the undertaking, the publisher begs tc present his grateful acknowledgments. BOBERT TEABE. XioOX?^ 12 PICTOU ADVERTISEMENT. THE PEOPLE'S STQRL i & QLENNIE'S BUILDING, *^^^13a ST, »ii J A Mia A, eiss 9 Kospectfiilly informs the inhabitants of Picton and surrounding districts tha^ he has rented the above commodious premises, wliioh he will open in a few^ day? with a choice and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOKS. including every article usually sold in a first-class store of the kind. In connection with this ' "iiness he will devote attention to the HAT AND CAP TRADE, and his stock will be found to contaiii the newest styles, and the material in both departments of a superior quality. -o- In Older to make the business mutually advantageous to BUY- ER ard SELLER, his t^rms are ('ASH. Remember the address, Glennie^s Building, next door to D. Logan's Old Stand. )E. i Index, Picton Advertisements. J, • 8* h id surrounding lious premises, 1 well selected store of the vote attention yles, and the Abell, I. E., 8 Anderson, 1) 86 BaiUie, A. C 41 Bank, The Pictou 4 98 Baxter, Dr. D. A 5 Beattie, John McK. . ..'59 to 161 ( 'arroll, Peter 45 Dickson, William A 38 Kvans, Mrs 69 Fra.ser, J. D. B. tt Son 50 Fraser, Hiram 42 (Jass, James A 12 ( reldert, D. M 9 < Jrant, Isaac A 200 (xrant, J. Fisher ,1,3 Halliday, Thomas 70 Hamilton, G. J. A' Sons 199 Harries, William 17 Henderson, Daniel. , . 7.S Hepburn, George 74 Hockin tfe Co 1 Hogg, M. A. & Co 57 Ive.s, George D 54 Logan, David 58 liorrain, W. J 57 MacDonald, C. D 4 MacDonald, C. & A .'7 McDonald, J. R. & Co 88 McDonald, A. S. & Co 61 McDonald & Russell 70 McKean, Adam &. Sons 49 McKenzie, Keinieth J 62 McKenzie Brothers 65 McKen-iie, Alex 69 McLennan, J. P 7 McLennan, Fred 66 McLeod, John 1) 5 McMillan, Hector 82 McRae, James, J . P 5 Munro, James 73 Murray, D. N. & Co 87 Oliver, R. W 74 Paulin, J. T. . 42 Pringle, J. and Co 77 Reid, Thomas 46 Rood, C. L 85 Ross, Wm. Jr 78 Ross, John IS St. Lawrence Mar. Ins. Co. .81 Stalker, John A. and Co. . . 57 Stewart. James Mc(j 4 Walker, G. W 86 Watt, Edmund 70 Dus to BUY H. BnildJlng, band. INDEX. Index, New Glasgow Advertisements. Bank of Nova Scotia 3 Oantley, Thoroas and Co. ... 109 OhLsholm, Daniel 108 Church, J. W 107 Cummings Brothers 120 Dawson, E. C 119 Douglass and Co 110 Drake, Francis ....••••....112 Eastwood, James 110 Eraser, D. C 119 Eraser, Alexander. ... 39 to 161 Eraser, A. and J. W 116 Eraser, A. M 115 Grant, Mrs 120 Henderson, H.H.&Co. 40to 1( J Jackson, J. W. and Co. . . . 127 Knight, Arthur 131 Logan, Daniel 132 McDermid, Daniel Ill McDonald, A. G 116 McGregor and Co 123 MoKenzie, S. M 128 McLean, J. R 115 McPherson, John 1 39 Marshall, D 136 Matheson, I. nd Co 2 Munro, Thomas 1 35 Olding, J. C 140 Ross, Duncan 136 Rpss, Hugh and Sons 1 39 Rose, Daniel C. 115 Smith, John R. and Co 140 Stewart, John 1 40 Thompson, A. C. and Co. . .143 Tupper, S. G 115 Turner, John R Ill Walker, R. A 144 Wallace, Albert 145 Index to Miscellaneous Directory. Banks, 166 and 178 Barristers, 171 and 178 Churches 167 and 177 Corporation of Pictou 165 Coroners 171 Co. Officers, Sessions, etc . . .171 Courts 169 and 177 Customs Department 175 Customs Tariff 181 Executive Council, N. Scotial72 Extjress Office 176 Gov. -General of Canada. . . .171 Her Majesty's Privy Council — Dominion—. 173 Inland Revenue 175 Inspector of Weights and Measures 176 Inspector of Gas 176 Justices of the Peace 1 68 Legislative Assembly 173 Legislative Council, N. S. . .172 Masonic 167 and 169 Militia 174 Municipality of N. Glasgow 176 Odd Fellows.' 168 and 179 Orange Lodge 1 68 Pictou Board of Health. . .176 Pictou Board of Trade 176 Pictou Eire Brigade 165 Pictou Academy 175 Post Office 175 and 179 Schools. 175 and 178 Stage Routes 179 Temperance Orders 168 and 1 79 Telegraph Cos. ... 1 76 and 179 United States Consul. ... 176 Young Men's Christian As- sociation 167 and 178 ements. J ....116 Co 123 1 128 115 bn 139 136 id Co 2 i 135 140 136 1 Sons 139 115 and Co 140 140 1 and Co... 143 115 Ill 144 •t 145 story. smbly 173 ncil,KS.. .172 . .167 and 169 174 N. Glasgow 176 . .168 and 179 168 Health. . .176 Trade.. ..176 ade 165 ' 175 ..175 and 179 . .175 and 178 179 ers 168 and 179 ..176 and 179 lonsul.... 176 iristian As- ..167 and 178 PICTOU STREET GUIDE Arnison's Wharf, oft" Water Street. Battery Hill. ('ampbell Street, near Campbell's Tannery. Carroll's Lane, off Water Street. Chapel Street, oft" Front Street. (.'hurch Street, leading from Coleraine Street. (Jhipman Street, near Knox's Church. (College Street, near Pictou Academy. Coleraine Street, head of Water Street. < yottage Street, oft" Patter.son Street. Dawson Street, East end of Town. Denoon Street, leading from Coleraine Street, De.smond Wharf, oft" Water Street. Elliott Street, End of Town. Falkland Street, off Wellington Street. Farm Street, oft" (jreorge Street, Front Street, fronting harbor. George Street, off Water Street. Grant Street, East end of Town. Haliburton Street. Halifax Road. High Street running into Spring Street. Hill Street, near Campbell's Tannery. Irving's Wharf, off Kemp Street. Ives' (William) Whai f, off Water Street. [vea' (John T.) Wharf, off Water Street. .fames Street, off Church Street. .John Street, off Church Street. Kemp Street, off Water Street. Kinnear Street, off Denoon Street. Lome Street, between Prince and Maitlia Streets. Margaret Sti'eet, Between Water and Cliurch Streets?. Market Place and House, between Watej- and (^huroh Streeta Martha Street, oft" Prince Street. North Street, West end of Town, Old Halifax Road. Palmerston Street, off Denoon Street. 16 PlCrOU STREET GUIDE. Patterson Street, off High Street. Prince Albert Htreet, off Denoon Street. Prince Alfred Street, West end of Town. Prince Street, off Church Street. Purves' Wharf, off Water Street. llailway Landing, off Front Street. Ross Street, Ea-st End of Town.' Wharf, off Water Street. St. Andrew's Street, Ijeading from Coleraine Street. School Street, off Prince Street. Sinclair Stniet, East End of Towji. South Market Street, off Water Street. South Market Street Wharf, off South Market Street. Sonier's Place, East end of Town. Spring Stre(!t running into High Street, T'^ylor Street, between Cottage and Falkland Street. Twining Street, off Front Street. Union Street. Victoria Street, between Prince Albert and W^ellington Street. Water Street, Principal Business Street. Wellington Street, off St. Andrew's Street. Wel.sford Street, off Front Street. William Street, off Denoon Street. I I JOHN ROSS, MANUFACTURER OF ALL-SUGAR CANDIES. A I h( -:o: PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO WED- DING CAKES, FROSTED & ORNAMENTED. Biscuits, Cake, Pastry, Syrups, Frosting Sugars, &c., constantly on hand. Bet. itreet. re,et. PICTOU ADVERTISMENT8. iiigton Street. i, lES. i TO WED- MENTED, , Frosting hand. ^^^.X^XAM B^^^^^ PRINTING OFFICE, Ross' Building, Water Streets, Pictauj ISit S^ JOB PRINTING EXECUTED WITH '4i&m A Fine Stock of Letter and Note Papers, Envelopes, Bill- heads, Statements, Cards, and all kinds of Printing Sta- tionery kept on hand, which will be printed to order in first-class style and as cheap as can be imported. 3r*:o PAPER RULING done to any desired pattern. 3K«0 ^m\\ 1|iti|liiig in all W^ ll||i;ar|clie«. ^MEJ^OBt§ri^& BQ^E TQ Qm^EM* PICTOU ADVEUTISMENTS. BOOK BINDING. -:o:- Tlie subscriber 1ms in connection witii his Book and Job Printing office, on Water Street, a BOOK BINDERY, under the Superintendence of MR. R. N. L AURIIiUARD, a first clas-i Binder. Books, Magazines, Newspapers and Music Bound in every style. Blank Books Made and Ruled to any pattern. A Specialty is made of repairing and re-binding OLD BOOKS which can be made to look as good as new. Prices of Binding : Harper's, Scribner's, Chambers' Journal, London Society, The (Quiver, Peterson's, Godey's, and Magazines of tliat size strongly liouud in Half Roan, from 75 cents per vol. upwards. The Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour, Sunday Magazine, and other of same size strongly bound in Half Roan, from 90 cents per vol. upwards. Young Ladies' Journal, Bow Bells, Family Herald, and others of the same size, strongly bound in Half Roan, from 1^1.00 per vol. upwards. The Illustrated London News, Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie, Scientific American (2 vols, in 1), Graphic, and others of the ' same size. Strongly Bound in Half Roan, ^1.50 per vol. Medical Works and [jaw Books, Half Sheep, from 75 cents p^r vol. upwards. Full Sheep or Half Calf from $1.25 per vol. upwards. Music— neat- ly bound— from $1.5U per vol. upwards. SCHOOL BOOKS Can be repaired '.nd re-bound in leather at a small cost, and made to last much longer than Ixyoks in ordinsjry binding. i^° Sab- bath School and other Libraries done at very low rates. WILLIAM MAMKie, SOCK and JOB PRINTER. ^ most "1 have 1 ed th( Street Home 2. •ook and Job INDEEY, .nd Music pattern, )LD BOOKS Society, The size strongly Tlie Sunday of same size vol. upwards, i, and others U.Oi) per vol. eekly, Frank others of the ' vol. Medical vol. upwards. Music — neat- )st, and made 1^= Sab- les. RINTER. HISTORICAL SKETCH. TOWN OF PICTOU. When the early settlers arrived in this County, a small por- tion of land was laid out as a town near what is known as the Town (irut, and likewise a similar work was done at Fisher's Grant, but neither of these commanded sufficient interest to be extensively built upon. The credit of locating the site of the present Town of Pi'^tou, called that name, it is said, after an old Province of France named Poictaii, is genei-ally attributed to a gentleman named John Patterson. When the first grants of lauds were is- f;ueerty, and laid out a town (on paper at least) which he named Cole- raim, eastward of what is still known as Coleraine Street. The most valuable part of the Governor's property appears however to have been purchased by John Patterson, in 1787, which embnw;- ed the central portions of the town, extending from Coleraine Street westwardly to the Market. The ground along the shore some forty feet wide was reserved for a high-way road or street, 18 PICTOr DI HECTOR Y. and this ultiiniitely hecais!*' the front ^rcet of tho town Mr. Patterson soon conitnonc(;(l (lividin;:^ tlie front-part of liin land into small lots for )milding-i)urj)oses and ettected sf,veral sales. It )\]>- ;)earHatthis timi! the name of the town was not definitely settle(|, as in old documents we find it called ( 'olerainr, New Paisley, Alexandria, Donegal, Teignmouth, Southampton and Walmsley, but finally Pictou was given to the oldest town of the County hearing that name. Situated as it is oii the Nortli side of the harbour, on gradually rising ground, its position as .seen from the water is both commanding and attractive. During the |»a.Ht few years a large number of excellent hous;?s hav'.^ been erected, es- pecially in the more elevated j ortion of the town. Here we find commodious and handsome mansion.s, modern vilhus and neat cot- tages, all of which indicate the wcjaltl- and prosi)erity of the inhal)- itants. The public buildings are likewise worthy of notice. The I'ourt house, Regi.sti-y Otiice, and Custom House stand foremost in this class, and the latter especially is an ornament to the town. The handsome and substantial building lately erected by The Pictou Bank and used as otiic^es for the Company, and the one in course of erection for the Young Men's Christian Association, the ground floo>* of which we understand, will be our future Post Oiiice, add considerably to the attractiveness of the town. Piptou is well supplied with Churches, which include thret; Presbyterian, one Episcopal, one Methodist, and one Ronu'.n Ca- tholic, all of which are moderately well attended. The prin- cipal Educational Estjiblishmeut is the Pictou Academy, or- iginally founded by the Rev. Dr. McCulloch. The building how- ever must have undei-gono considerable improvement, since his day, as it now presents the apj)earance o^ a modern structuie. Then there is the High School, — a building i-ei)lete with every comfort and convenience for the youthful part of our population. There are several moderately good halls including Masonic, Piince Street, Assembly, and others of minor importance. TRADE AND COMMERCE. Some years ago the amount of business done here in the export- ation of coal yas verv 'O'-J HISTOUICAL .SKKTCH. 19 )f tlio town Mr. lart of liiti mnd iiUo I'eml stiles. Jt 11)^- t dcHiiittdy settled, iin», New Paisley, on and Walnisley, ;own of the (Vmnty North side of the in as seen fi'om the ring the past few VI.-'. been erected, es- vn. Here we find ilhis and neat cot- >erity of the inhah- :hy of notice. The e stand foi'eniost in Dent to the town, scted by The Pictou the one in course •ciation, the ground e Post Office, add lich include three d one Ronis'.n Ca- ended. The prin- tou Academy, or- The building how- 3vement, since his I modern structure. "e[)lete with every of our population, ng Masonic, Piince nee. E. liere in the export- issels had to wait their turn frequently for weeks, while the beautiful and extensive harbor presenteu every Tuesday o, it8 tii-Ht number rovincial Secretary holmes, who still re- t Editor and Pub- idvocate of Conser- iod and honor tlu' Lii)[)orted no*, only it luis had a suc- it made its appear- blio ; in this form P. Grant became indard" was sever- to the hands of Mr. d Publisher. Mr. 'our to thirty two he sheet is now ion. In connec- ob office, in which e "Monthly Re- Provinces." The "Heconl" it* the organ of that |M>rtion of the Prewbyterian Cliurrh which declinetl to unite with the other Prexbyterian InMlieM t>f ranuda, when in 1H74 the Union was ejected. In cloHiug this ueceHsarily briet notice, we may obw^rv* that hh A literary proiluction the "(Colonial Standard" IioUIh a promin«-nt place Hiuon^' the weekly (Canadian Pres-s. Until very lately thn leading article.s were ivgularly contributed by the If on. S. H. Holmes. The newn and general editing is done by Mr. D. K. Power who also occasionally lends the use of his i>en U> its jtoliticail columns. The Editor is assisted by many able regular contriliutors .some of whom rank among the foremost profes.sional men in the county. The circulation of the " Standard", which is st*;adily in- creasing, is some fourteen hundred copie.s, which constitutes it a capital advertising metlium. -:o:- BOOS AND JOB PRINTING, AND BOOK BINDING. WILLIAM HAI IS. ' This business was established by Mr. Murdo McPhei^son, in January, 1868, in connection with his Book and SUitionery Store, on Water Sti-eet. After continuing it for over two years, Mr. Mcpherson, in April, 1870, sold it out to Mr. Wm. Harris, tlie present proprietor, who had, from its inception, the full manage- ment. i The best of Pre-sses and Material wei-e purchased for this office when tiret started, and it immediately took rank as one of the foremost Job Printing Offices in the Ix)wer Provinces, Since then, Mr. Harris has kept pace with the times, continually add- ing the latest styles and most handsome designs of Type, and Presses and Machinery of the most impix)ved pattern. The Coal Mining Companies, the Banks, and tlie Merchants generally, freely patronize this establishment, and Fine Printing, of every description, not only for the Town and County, but for different parts of the Province, is executed here. 'J3 pr(f*r<>f iukkItorv. 'IMn'iT IB in fn with tin* ui>ove u HN, «*tc., aiv liotMiii, F)ip<>r Hiilorl tu any (^ttti'ti), umi Bliink ItfMtkn of all kiiitU iiiiuh*, nnd PiM'fonttiii;; (lone S4im« very handHuiiio a.'xl iiiiiqiu) (IeHi«^iH in I{iii(iin^iut>tiinioil «>'. wiuiil to what is wen in the larj^cr citit's of (*imiul:i ami IJiiitoJ Htiiteti. ■ro:- DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. i^t'hi Hail f<'iisi .M iiitiii- .L I). R FUAHEK AND SON. Wholesalo and llrtail l)ni<5i^i.stii, oc«'ii|>y their «)Wii Fxtcnsivr and coniin<^lioiiH |tr«'iuiHi'.s, known as Fni^.-r's li«iilles and laisiness rapaoity of it« lato rmpected founder. Here a lai^«' and hicr.itive Imsiness lias been continuously carried on since IHUS. And it is not at all improlmhle that the pn^sent youthful na ni l)ers of the finii may l>e permitted to celebnite the centennial ol the businesH. In addition to the vanous artich^s kept in a hous*- of this kind, including British and Foreign Di-ugs, Chemicals, I'at ent Medicities, Perfumery, Hpices, Oils, Fancy Soaps, Dye StuHs. lir)tii)«t toiirt U» any |nrh )ii*rtiiincrv, uitli an mx. •nitiii;; ilon*'. S4Mnr t4 KUM*k of (MIh'I- ns4'ful nu*l oniti]iii>nUtl ^ihmIh. lJ jUTturiiMl •Hit lifi>'. JSIr. Mi'Ki'U/ii' Iihm l>y eairfiil )itti'nti«)ii to liiuiiM'SH for inuny (.'Umuli ami IJuitfil j y»'KrN uiiifonn oturttisy t«) bii pHtroan, t<);,^•tll«•r witli tin- »'X«'«'l I>*iu?4^ of iiis {^'ooils, iiiiilt 11)) u ^<'U(Tul tt'iuJ<- vvJiii.Oi i« mvimkI I^) uoixii ill the }'ru^'iIl(■(^ • :CALS. I tli«?ir own Hxtensiv*' - Ntjr's liiiiMinjx, Wjit«r X' \ui\v (Mit-IiviHl th»' louMP has tlurie, which iipiiglvi ]>nncipl('s uml ttv Here a lai-ge and mod on ysince IH-S. ^'Kcnt youthful ni» m it, and ia tlwn'foiie in a ]x»Hition to phuv tlw' Ikmh- /its of his pnitchases within the reach of bis numerous (•ustoniei's. AVliile devoting attention t(» goods of foreign tnanufa<'tnre, b«' is Ji«»t unmindful of those Ijome pi\xbiots which enter so largely into everv (lay use. in uchlition to the extensive stock of this house ill the ianlies de|>firtntent, the proprietor dvvotes sjjeeial attention to (Tentlenien's outfit**, and ganuents are made to order in the most fashitmable styles, under the superintendence of skilled workmen. The HUtt'k enibriioe« «»very article in fancy and staple tJry goo«lK including < -arjiets and house furnishing gotxls. and is n'gjularly rephsnisJied with the latest novelties, Mark the ad- dress : Water Street, opjxjsite the Market [dace. HOCKI^' A' CO. lmiK>rters and Dealei"s in Staple and Fancy Dry (roods, Millin •M-y. Carpets, and House FurniRhings, Water Sti^eet, hav<' always on hand an ample stock in every department. The long exixM-ience .lad business qualifications of this tirni, together with their con- 24 PICTOU DIRECTORY uection with first-clasB houses, and an intimate acquaintaince with the leading British and American Markets, afford unusual facilit- ies for the purchase of their goods, direct from the manufacturers. They iire thus in a jwsition to place before the ])ul>lio all the at- tractive novelties producwl in the foreign markets. This house may be justly styled the I^adies Establishment as their sjiecial attention is directed to Millinery, Dress goods and in fact every article designed for the comfort, convenience, and eleg- ance of laxlies. A. C. BAILLIE. Ir the City of London, England, all the money establishments cluster in or near lx)mbard Street, and so it a[){)eai's all the Dry ( rootls Stores are located in the principal street of the town of Pictou, amongst them is the compact and commodious store of Mr. Baillie, whose extensive stock comprising House Furnishing (foods, F'amily Mourning, Millinery, Kid gloves, Hosiery, Frillings, Black and colored silks. Dress gootls, with a varied as- sortment of small wares. In this establishment Corsets are made a specialty, and consequently a great variety are kept in stock, including Dr. Warner's celebrated health corset, and Mr. Moody's invention in that line which is not less valuable. Here too the purchaser will find an excellent variety in Gents furnishing goods, Rea,dy made clothing. Hats and Caps, with e^'e^y other requisite in the trade. Order's for clothing executed {promptly and on the most economical terms. Everybody requires Dry Goods in small or large quantities, and intending purchasers before making selections elsewhere, should visit this store, and inspect the assortment which will be shown with pleasure, whether those honoring him with a call, buy or not. J. FISHER GRANT. Parties visiting Pictou, in want of dry goods, should not omit to visit this house, which is situated on Water Street, and bears the significant appellation of " Cheap Cash Store". Mr. Grant has evidently a thorough practical knowledge of the business and takes care to select those goods only which are adapted for the I BUSINESS NOTICBS. or, icquaintance witli n\ unusual facilit- he manufacturers, mltlic all the at- ;t8. Establishment as Dress gowls and in •enience, and eleg- lev establishments [)eai-H all the Dry reet of the town of nmodioiis store of House Furnishing gloves, Hosiery, with a varied as- t Corsets are made ,re kept in stock, and Mr. Moody's variety in Gronts bs and Caps, with ' clothing executed Tge quantities, and elsewhere, should lich will be shown h a call, buy or not. , should not omit to reet, and bears the Mr. Grant has f the business and e adapted for the sfason, and oflers them tit such prices as cannbt fciil to give satis - ta«'tic)n. His large stock consists of every article in the trade, both for Ladies and Gents wear. M(Mirning goods always kept 'ii stock,- -and an almost endless vai-iety of hosiery, liabordashery , I bats and caps, including white and fancy shirts, under-clothing, ,siis[»enders, neckties, collars, iuul»r(!llas, trunks, valises, and other :^er the address : Cheap Cash Store, Water Street. ROJUiiRT W. OLIVER. .Like all the other principal stores this house is situated on Water Strt'ct, and in it will V)e found an extensive stock of the finest Woolen, Linen and Cotton goods, including Over-coatings, 'I'weeds, Fancy Coatings, Vestiugs, Supertines- and Doe-skins, \Vhit,e, Oxforil and Tweed shirts. Scarfs, Ties, Linen and paper iJoUars and Cutis, (jloves and Ho.siery. Here too may be seen all the hite-st styles in English, Canadian, and American Hats and ry (Inods. and at tlif same tim*' cai-fics on an cxtmsivc Imsincss in [.iiiulicr and luiildiujir tnatci-i::.!, all of wlii<'li will he found of the rlioit-cst quality anil at prices wliicli caruiot fail to tiivc satisfaction. A>^l)F{K\V mSLOP. This house is siiTiatcd on Coleraine Street, where a laru'e and varied stork of Drapery ^oods is always in sttiek, includinir hats, c^ij)s, undu'elkts, j^ents furnisluni^s. and other y;oods in great var- iety. THOMAS (;t()vi<:r. < )n(' of the l)t'st displays of staple and fancv S(j esta and ii)n I !es( froii fron albu J g papt ■:l hite;^ ]>att( forat pape necti .si del good pens It awso wl Ul I seen J incit It n gOO( artic :o: BOOKS AND STATIONERY. J. MoK. BEA'rriE. The book store of Mr. Beattie is situated on the corner e Water and South Market Streets, and contains an extensive and Stle m'SlM'.SS NOTK'KS. 27 iter Strcft, coiitiim- ^ Wt.olcu and Liiu-ii I ' siiMR' time cjin-M^H | Itliiitr tniitfi-L:.l. iill of iiud at ]>vii-»'s wliioli wImti' a lar.ue and ,ock, iiicludiiii: hats, .| ■ roods ill LCivat var ,ticy dry j^'oods may j coriuT of Witter ami | ock is kept fully as j jets. i,rs, is situat«!d in the | ion T(4eti;ra]>li OtHee. assortment of elioice le clothing and Gent'^ | Water Street, is re artment, inoluding all | athers, Flowers, itc. 3 styles and at moder well selceted stO(;l< of hooks. statiouci'V, and fancy giMxls. His a.^sortnient endiraces every articl- iisiiuUy found in a tii'st class otahiisluiirnt, ini'hiding, niusif hooks, ^hcet niusi<'. cnni'aA ings and cliromos. Here too the puri'liascr will tindan r.\rclh'iit select- ion of gold ]»t'n>, |>r.nhol(li'rs, pencil cases, with other useful artic- les of hejiuty and value. In stationery every taste may he siiiteii from the chea]>est note jiajiei- to the most costly grades >eleeted from British anil l''oi'eigu houses, an ample stock of photograph albums, ('hristmas. New Near, hirthday, and other fancy cards. In connection with the iiook store is a news depot, where papi^-s iuid periodicals, l^iiglish, ( 'anadian ami American, of the latest ifates, are continually on sale Room paj)er in the newest jiatterns. Inks of the hest (pialities, school lM)oks and material, ]iei'- forated goods, writing desks, law and sliipping hlaiiks, wrapping paper, picture frames and mouldings, in fact everything con- nected with the ti'ade may he olitaiiied here, and what is of con- siderable iniportanct- in these times, at nnicli lower prices, than goods of the kind can be purchased in cities whei'e i-ents and ex- penses are exti'avagant. It is tlu' uniform testimony of competent Judges that no l)eiter assorted stock is held by any retail book store in the Pro\ imre, which, comV)iiied with sti'ict atteniion and ordinary, liav(' secured for the projtrietor, in a i-omparatively brief period, a largti, increasing, and protitable business. JAMES McLKAN. Bookseller anrl Stationer. Watei- Street, has always on hnnil a good stock of books, stationery, and fancy goods, w ith every other article usually found in a store of the kind. :o: GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. NERY. ;ed on the corner v' ^ tins an extensive ano| DAVID LOdAN. 'File removal of Mr. Logan from his old stand to the handsome- ly titted and commodious premises in Fniser's Building, Water Stj'eet, has recently taken place. His stock consists of a large as 2H IMCTOU DIRECTORY. sortinent of all kinds cif family groceries, inclurliiif( ^Tceai and dried fruits, of foniign and domestic jxrowth, jiickles, sauces, spices, t'MXH of various descriptions, iine flavored cofl'ees, which are roast ed and ground on the premises. ICen; too the jiurchaser will find an am})le .supply of provisions of the finest qualities, consisting in part of well cured hams and bacon of delicious flavor, dried and smoked fish, and a host of other articles, always found in a well conducted grocery and provision establishment. Fruits and vegc-tables are received weekly per steamers from Boston, during their season, and may be relied upon as jxirfectly fresh and of excellent quality. This new stand, so bc^autifully arrangt^d, in its various depart nuJiits, may be appropriately styled the Pictou Italian Ware house, and it is hoped the ent(?rj)rising propri(^tor may be reward ed with ample success. P. BROWN & SON. Wholesale and retail grocers, and general dealers, have their place of business on Church Street, and judging from the daily traffic in and about their premises they are doing an extensive and lucrative trade. This house has 1)eon in existence many years, and is noted for the genuine quality of its goods, which con Hist of groceries, dry goods, provisions with numerous other necessary articles. J. s. McDonald & co. Have been in business for several years, on Front Street. Their stock consists of groceries, provisions, and miscellaneous goods, including black and green teas, Jamaica, Laguira, Rio and Java coffees of excellent quality. In fancy g(X)ds, such as, imported pickles, preserves, sauces. East and West India products, grapes, and green fruit in their season ; with a host of other arti cles for domestic use may be obtained here at moderate prices. MRS. C. MAINLAND. This house, at present conducted by Mr. Peter McKenzie, i«i situated on the corner of Front and Coleraine Streets, and has an oxtensive stock of groceries and other goods, including dried fruii BUSIXESS NOTICES. 21) cludiuff ^n-en and des, sauces, spices, , which are rfiawt )iirc)ias(!r will find ities, consisting in flavor, dried and found in a well Kr steamers from ipon us jKirfectly s various dt^part )u Italian Ware r niav be reward alers, have their •\g from the daily ng an extensive existence many goods, which con numerous other »n Front Street, nd miscellaneouB aguira, Rio and joods, such as, ;t India producta, st of other arti Jerate prices. r McKenzie, ig eets, and has am ding dried fruii spices and canned goods, which are warranted this season's pack ing. The goods are classified in well-arranged sheh es in their ^ various (h^partments, and are thus well adapted to arrest the at t<'iiti(»n of intending purchasers. This house does a large wliohi- sale and retail trade and is favon^l with nuniert»us town and lountry bu\ers. A. J. PATTERSON. Whose place of business is situated on the corner of Water and South jMarket 8trft>ts, may be regarded as one of tlie old ;ind well established grocery marts of the town, and the propriet- i or, it is said, has the honor of being a descendent of one of the pioneers of this county. In connection with the genei'al grocery business, the propi'i(!tor has on South Market Street, a tobacco factory, under the superintendence of Mr. John F. Harris, whose .■ long i!xperience, and practical knowledge of the trade, enable him to turn out the weed in various forms, and of such fine flavor and soothing properties as to give unqualified satisfaction to his num- j erous patrons. I ARTHUR IVES. ] Is proprietor of the Alma House, in which he carrif^s on a I large business as general gi'ocer and commission merchant. His stock will be found of first class quality and at reasonaV)le prices. Mark the address Water Sti'eet. CAPT. D. ANDERSON. Although this gentleman is engaged in transacting business on the " great waters" he has a well-stocked store on Water Street, <;onducted by eflicient assistants. Hei-e will be found various grades of the finest flour, meal, groceries, confectionery, crockery, china and glass ware, with a capital supply of fancy goods. Green fruits constantly on hand during the season ; all of which are vsold wholesale and retail at prices to suit the times. i JOHN A.^STALKER i'o|)viat(^ motto of tlu; house. JOHN K. M.'DONALl) .v CO. This house is situated in a wry ad\ antjiyeous |in.>iti()ii, espeeial \y for country ti-ade, «ju Market Square. The husiness uuih-r a dilTerent name wms established some twelvr years ii^o, ;ind is now carried on Itv tlie al)Ove named tirm. Tiieir stoek i-hietly consists of dry .i^oods, yi'oceries, ])ro\isions, Hour, jtrodnce, paints, oils, iiails, crock»'.ry, glass-ware and a variety <>f fancy and other gooils. No troulih; or exjiense i.-^ spared hy the enttn'[)risin<^ projirietors, ro secure the hest and leo^t [)o}»ul!ti' articles in the ti'ieh', and con •seciuentlv the stock will be found well assorted and of reallv u>>od (piality. Don't forgcit the address, ^larket (Stpaire. - ini' harn shames, c t(u;dity. :o:- SADDLERY AND HARNESS MAKERS. G. W. WALKER. In the department of saddlery and harness, one of the leadini; establishments in Pictou, is that of (). W. Walker. His store is on Water Street, and his stock consists of every article in the trade, including,' sadtllery and t;arriaji"e hardware, ti'unks and \tx\ tses. Special attention h: de\-oted to (-arria,;;*' trimnnny, which is (ione witli threat care and neatness, by eixperienced w^orkmen. EDMUND WATT. Whose plac(^ of business is on Market Square, has always in stock team and carriage, whicli also are made to order at short notice and on moderate terms. Trunks, valises, satchels, and in fact every aj'ticle in the trade may be obtained here. D. N. MURRAY & CO. and trunk niatiufacturers, have recently commenced business on their own account, on Market Square, one door .south of Messrs. J. R. McDonald tfe Cq's. Their special attention will ]>e given to the manufacture of trunks, wdiile they will have in stock at all times, every article coimected with the trade;, includ I Is sit Rood. I lu'M-rc > lloW out ■J town. in a fcv from til \ LM-ajih ( it enjo comes I ed. P. porai-y <|)roprie |_ ducted are str This ted ter the n Morrif tlie w of gen will r large I parlor the tr for th BTTSIVKSS VOTICES. :U I I'Dtrcfs, Hour, meal, \an!. "Sniiill \)vn (» of tJic liousf. (). s |ii).->itl(>ll, rsjicciiil husiiifss iiiidi'i- a JUS iii^d, Mini is now K'k i-liiclly c'oii.sists ("liic"', puiiits, (liis, •y ;iml other ;,'(»(i(ls. i- " . . . 'i |iiisiiii( pi'djinctors, ■ the tcailc, aiies, h(»rse lilaiikets, hauies, ciiri-y combs, A'c, all of wliirh will he found of excellent t[ua1ity. HOTELS. Ki:VKRE ITOrSE. Is situated on f'oliTaine Street, and ctniducted l>y Mr. ( '. L. Hood. Since that und yard anf situated on Purves' Wharf, Wdl cr Htre<'t, has a large stock of lumber, huilding material, and coal of' various kinds. Ke likewise devotes attention to the commission and •(eneral aj^ency busim^ss, and therefore soli».-its consignments and ordei's, which at all times will be carefully attended to. Mark the address : Purves' Wharf, Wateir .Strei;t. •:o: TAILORING. JOHN PKlNULEvk CO. Merchant Tailors, South Market >Stre(!t, make gents garments to ordei', in the latest styles, and on the most approved principles, cojubining durability, with elegance;. Mr. PiMugle's long experi- ence, not only in Nova Scotia, but in Ojitario and elsewhen;, to- gether with his practical knowledge of the business, enable the firm to turn out such work as cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price, tit, ami quality of material, when the latter is sup- plied by the house. Here it should be remeiubered, that the at- teiitioir of the tirm is not contined to any one branch of the bus- iness, but that it covers all, so that clerical custumes, ladies rid- ing liabits, ulsters, jackets, cloaks, servants liveries, youths and boys clothes are artistically and fashionably made. Mark the ad- dress : South Market Street. -:o:- PHOTOGRAPHY. Mckenzie brothers. The Photograph Gallery of this firm is situatea in Fra.ser's Building, Water Street, where every article connected with tl»H way ra BUSINESS NOTICES. 3A il on Stn'ct, winding nmcliiiuTy liiir. aATERIAX. /es' Wlmrf. WuI.t iiat(;rial, and coal of to the coiuinissioii (licits<,'nnifMt.s t^hiWy attended to. LH;t. ke gents garments {)|)i-o\-(nl prinei})ie:H, igle's long experi- and elsewhere, to- usinciss, enable the five satisfaction as the latter is sup- d)en;d, that the at- braneii of the bus- stunies, ladies rid- iveries, youtljs and de. Mark tlie ad- art is turned out in the latest styles. Visitors to Pietou shouhl insjtect the fine assortment of photogrn4>liM and (^aUinets whieh iwh»ni tlunr rooms. Hen; pietures are enhif^'d, eopied> and Iwauti fied, (no matter h(»w old and faded tlie original.) N..* tluit the fin«' wi'atlier has returneid liave a perfeet n^presentation of th' niselves. -:o:- WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLRY. WILLIAM ROSS. This store is locuted on Water Street, and is fitted with every care for the display of its elegant and costly stock, wliioh com- prises gold and silver watches, clocks of various kinds, .soliIUK(TOKY. i Men'iintilr Firo un»l liifo InHuninoe ri> London, Knf,'liiM(l, tlii" Uttyal InHumnw ('on»|»iiny of Liv»'riK)ol, ii«itwit il. H., IniiH'iiul InHuranc*' ('«)tn|MUiy of London, (». H., Hulifax tliis lii Kin- Insurance Conipany of Halifax, N. S., VVfHt<'ni ln«uniuc«> ly, in t| ('onii»any of Toronto, Ontario, tli« Accidental Insnranco Com- used. |»any of Canada, and the [.ondon and LmoiHliire Insunmce Coin- |l»y oonJ |wny, (L H. All of which Asswiations are of long st^vnding, and lur lux iK.'ur the highest retaliation. (lEO. D. IVES. One of the HafcHt at\d moHt ndiuhle ageen carried on for many years as general merchants and ship ownei-s, tobaeco manufacturers and commission a/^ents. Mr. Howard Primrose, one of the partners of the firm, is agent for the Bank of Nova Scotia. :o: TANNERIES. Phisl jof the r>oth s -denian iiny of hiv»'riK)ol, (Inn, (t. H., Kiiliftix Western lnHunino<> ital Insurance Cuui- »liir«' InHurnaoeCon)- f long HUvnding, and H in th(^ town is that but first rla.s.s coni- cnts tho Providence ash ire of Manchester DHipany of Olasgow Li ranee Company of ni ranee Conjpany of nrance Company of are all well known, able. Office Water is located on Water on for many years manufacturers and tie of the partners bia. the prennHe.H were destroytid by ftni, but n-btiilt the sjinie year, iKitwitliMtiindin;.' the very seven' loss which had been sustained. In tliis hive of industry then* an; some iiO,(KK) hides tanned anniuil- Iv, ill the manufacture of which about r»,00(l (x>rds of bark an; iusey counM!tent judges, to be sujKM'ior to any pnKluee AndtT.-; An 1)1 R]-:rT()i{ v. yiCTOU, 1879-80. Ail:vuiS(m Jiuni's. House I '.-iriKiutor, r'oliruin*' Slreot. ADAMSON DAVID P. < '-.'"t'-al H.m.s.-, <'.)len,inp Stn.rt, ,^.i;ii)is(»i Alt'Xaiulcr, < 'iih'i'aiiu> Sti'<'«(t. AllanJ AUV,i ^.n.-rd dcaJei". \\ ;ilU(;kle>! .laiucs, 'LV'UiiMMance IIotoar(lin^ Moiits<', Cok-raii)!'. m Avni'mv'v Mr.s. Diana, dicss inaker, (jouruc Sli-t^t-t. 1 A.sHemUly Hal), Water St.i\M?t. Afe Insumnce Com- 1 Jiahiml (.'jipt. J. A. j\IaHt advf.) ntario. The Aocid- ^ ]^.^y^^ Charles. a.ircuT Dominion Tehp-aph ('omi)any, Front Street. London and .Lanca.s- < Harry William. Millci-. llalila.v Road, ^ Harrv Jolm, old Halilax Roud. I ilaxter David, team.ster. Church Street. Merchandise, Shijts | Baxter Joseph, County Jailor. Clnirch Stre<>t '{ I'axter Jose])h. enpnec^r. Halif^xx Road. 1 BAXTER D. A. ^«'J-;^<''>u dentist, ottlce St. LawrcntH- Motel I Front Street. ^ F.avin Captain Jetiery.<'r Mariner. Froni t^treet. i l»ayli«s John, l>uihle)-. corner Hii;Ii an Water Street, - - - Pictou, N. S. Dealer in Staple and Fancy i5tt«^^ m.£?^m m^mu m %msM&^''' t !et. , House Furnishing Goods, Family Mourning, Black and Colored Silks, Dress Goods, Millinery, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Frillings, :^tret, li Spring, mott ^'''' '^'"""'- ■ A full assortment of SMALL WARES. rton, Ttadier Falk- set. drew.s, t. ■1. urch Streot. eet. CORSETS, A Specialty. A large variety always in stock, including Dr. Warner's Cel- ebrated Health Corset, and Mrs. Moody's Abdominal Corset -ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF- maker Water. er, old Hali- li Street. n& Go's, New Glasgow. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Tweeds and Suitings. Orders for Clothing solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders by letter carefully tilled. Samples of Goods sent on application. New styles of Groods received as they appear. F m 42 PICTOU DIRECTORY. HIRAM FRASER, Fic-^ou, m. Fine Carriages always on hand, or built to Order. CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING Executed in best Possible Manner. J. T.PAULIN'S No. 1. , m. @. -•oar.l and livery stables, Water Canoll Miss |}iul;.!;<'t, waslit!r\vonian, (reorge. Cavaon William, tinstiiith, Kinneer. Carson Adam, lioiist^ carpenter, Kinneer. Carson James, niMHter hnilder, Welst'ord. Carleton Samuel, street superint<'ndent, Kinneer. Carleton John, dredge boat, Koss Stre«-t. Carleton James, marine slip, h Kinneer Street. Carter Andrew W., watchmaker, Water Street. Condon William, hostler. Water. Chambers Samuel, house car])enter. Water. Chipman William, rigger Old Halifax Road. Christie Andrew, shi]) carpenter, Creigliton. COLONIAL STANDARD S^outh Market, issued every Tue^- day, D. F. Pow(!r, Publisher. Connelly George, Empress Hotel, Chapel. Connell William, customs tide waiter, Grant. Connell Joseph, farrier Grant. Connell Matthew, siiip carpenter. Grant. Cooke Robert, chief engineer steamer Albert, boards Central House Coleraine. Cooke W. E., Mrs. widow, Chapel. .Cooke John, engineer, Denoon. Cooke Lawrence, laboier, St. Andrews. ' Cooke Charles A. pilot, St. Andi-ews. Cooke W. A. pilot, Welsford. ' Cooke Thomas v., station master, Pictou- Landing, h Welsford) ■ COUET HOUSE, corner of Church and College. Craige Daniel, diamond driller, boards Central House, Coleraine. Crawford George, engineer, St. Andrews. Creighen James, truckman, George. CRERAR CAPT. D. Si, Falkland. Crerar John, retiied merchant and ship owner, Collegev Crerar Capt. William, Halifax Road. Crockford John, sail maker, Yorston's Wharf, h Church, CUSTOM HOUSE, between Front Street and Public Landing, Curry Cajjt. Alexr., master mariner, Ross. Cullert John, laborer, Prince Alfred CURRY THOMAS, gi-ocer, St. Andrews, house Falkland. Cuish John L., machinist, St. Andrews. Cuish Donald, boarding house, Creighton Street. Dalton James, coal trimmei', John Ives Wharf. Davies W, H. & Sons, Pictou Foundry, Front Street Davies, J. R. (firm Noonan & Davies) Front Street. m rk^ ^0- SI 1 Wi HO Sti Aut3|rap}i and Fh^tojraph Albams at H. H. Henderson Si Co's. New Qlasgiw. )7CBt Street New Glasgow^ ivery stables, Water. PICTOU DIRECTORY. 46 neer*. eet, eet. PETER CARROLL'S ^v£(^ ' "~ ^1 1 &- i«^ i'Zc *^^. Mmn , issued every Tue?i' Water Street, - - Pictou. )ert, boards Central | iding, h Welsford/ ■ lege. 1 House, Coleraiue. V CoIIegev h Church, Public Landing, '■ Falkland. et. f. ; Street. Street. ISINGLE and DOUBLE TEAMS furnished on shortest notice. Suitable Conveyances provided for Weddings, Pic-Nics, &c., &c. AT REASON ABLE TERMS. Carriages always on hand to convey parties to and from Railway Station. HORSES BOARDED & GROOMED AT ORDINARY TERMS. ti Go's. New aiasgjw. [Stables on Water Street, Pictou, (OPPOSITE A. HENDERSON & SON'S.) 46 PICTOU DIRECTORY, Isst Ami )avie8 )avis !| avis Navies ( Formerly of Bath, England.) Respectfuly informs the Inhabitants of Pictou am the Public generally, that he has opened SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING Where he hopes by strict attention, good work and moderate charges to merit a share of public J^^^*^*" patronage. awson aw son ewar ewar ewar ewar .J evey ovey A )evey '^ ^esmoni LADIES' HAIR CUTTING.O'cxsc CAREFULLY DONE, icks Ji icks G oherty and waited upon at their own homes when required.^OMIN lONAL JONAL T. R. begs to thank the various parties who havelouglas honored him with their patronage during his staj^ouglas with Mr. Alexr. McKenzie, and will be pleased toS^V!! f bg,ve a qontinuanGe of their visiiis. 3^"^^ ^ Bupray MARK THE ADDRESS : bwver GorxLor of Coleraine and Front Streets, next^^^^EC door to the Piotou Bank. PICTOU DIRECTORY. 47 land.) antri of Pictou ami 3 has opened DRESSING ntion, good worl\ Bst Americaii Hats & Caps at Alez. Fraser's Frovost Street New Glasgow. fivies Mrs. B.. Cieighton street. avis Nicholas J., mariner, Creighton street. avis \V. A.; Creighton street. a vies Charles, (tirm W. II. Davies orer, Halifax Koad. iivifs JaniOH, curner, Hill .street. AWSON Ri & SON, hiii'dware merchants, Water street, awson John A. ex-M. P., hardware merchant. Water street, awson Robert A., clerk. Water street, aw.son Arthur S., clerk, Water street, awson Frank, clerk, Water street. AWSON GORDON & CO., iron and hardwire merchants, I Water street. |>awson R S. (firm Dawson Gordon and Co.) h Prince street, awson James, grocer, market squai*e, h Spring street, ^ewar H. D. and Co, general dealers, market square, ewar Mrs. J. A. widow, h Water street, ewar H. D. (firm H. D. and Co.) h Water street. a share of public 5^^^^'' Hector, mason, St. Andrews street. ■ewar John, fisherman, George street, evey James, ship carjienter, Denoon street. twcy William, Water street, evey Mrs. Clara, milliner, Water Street. Desmond D. coal dealer, Desmonds Wharf. IXJTTING 6'CKSON WILLIAM A., attomey-at-law and insurance agent ' i Water Street. _ Bicks John, sail maker, Church Sti-eet. ■*^> Bicks George, .sail maker. South Market Wharf. Boherty Edward, (firm Meagher and Doherty) Front St.'eet. 5S when required.flOMINION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Chas. Barss agent, Front I Street. 80NALD REV. WILLIAM, Presbyterian Minister, Denoon St. ONALDSQN GEORGE, American House, Creighton Street. >arties who have^^^glas William, blacksmith. Spring Street -, . ,. ©ouglas Daniel, tailor, Water Street. i auring niS StajBouglas Mrs. Margaret, widow, Elliott Street. 11 be pleased to '^'^^ ^^*^' "merchants, ship owners and brokers, Water Street. ^ '*OULL ROBERT, M. P. (firm of DouU and Co.) h Cottage ull George, (firm of Doull and Co.) h Cottage Street, upray Mrs. Marion, widow, Irving Street. HWYER C. &. CO., auctioneers, commission merchants, shipping and forwarding agents, Front Street, ^yer C. (firm C. Dwyer and Co.) h corner Church and Water. t Streets, nexttDGECOMB REV. J. Rector St. James Church, Denoon Street. » ■> _ Sehod Sooks and Material at J. McZ. Beattie's Fioton, N. S. 48 p ■ PICTOU niREf'TOUY. Heady Usde clothing ic Buller Coats at Alex. Fraser's, FroroBt Street, N. & Kdmon Is Joseph, mariner, Prinre Alfred Street. Kdmon Is William, Pictnii Foundry, h Prinoe Albert. Elliott lin;^li, fi'iinicr, Market S(ni;irp. Klliott jr. H. hiirrister-at-law, Water Street, h )uae Churcli Street. Elliott Mrs. Eliza, widow, Fiilklnnd Street. Enj^lish James P. plasterer, Falkland Street. Eu^'lisli .J.iiiieH, plasterer, Palmerston Street. Eii^dish Di'iu'an, clerk, (rcoi-ye Street. English Capk John (}., coal dc^aler, (»eor<,'o Street. Evans Mrs. E., shirt maker, Water Street. Fanell John, laborer, Denoon Street. Ferguson William, house earpentei-, Water Street. Ferguson Miss Lexy, tuiioress. Spring Street. Ferguson Allan A., J. P., Halifax lload. FERGUSON JOHN, leglstrarof deeds, Church St., house Prinoo. Fitch J. B., golden ointuK-nt manufacturer, Water Street. Fitch Mrs. A., restaurant. Water Street. Flyn Mrs. B., Scotia House, Colernine street. B^lvnn Barnabas, truckman, Palmer.ston Street. Flynn Peter, express man, Pulmerston. FOGO JAMES, dudge of Probate, h Bellville Denoon Street. Foote 1 .'apt. James, Denoon Street. Foote David, farmer, Denoon. Foster Capt. James, Denoon. Forshner John, gardner, Spring Street. FRASER J. D. B. & SON, wholesale and retail druggists, Water Street, house Spring Street. Eraser F. W. (J. D. B. Eraser and Son) Spring. Eraser K. P., (J. D. B. Eraser and Son) Sjn-ing. Eraser Donald, shi]> builder, Front Street. Eraser Miss Margaret, tailoress, Spring Street. Eraser D. B. cutter, Denoon Street. Eraser F. W. commission merchant, Water Street. Era.ser Capt. Jame.s A. Halifax Road. FRASER DONALD, tailor and clothier. Church Street. Eraser James, small ware dealer, Coleraine Street. FRASER P. G. hmiber dealer, Coleraine. Eraser Donald, plasterer, Denoon. Eraser William G. plasterer, Denoon. FRASER HIRAM, carriage builder, Spring Street, h Cottage. Eraser R. J., telegraph repairer, boards St. Lawrence Hotel. Eraser James, truckman, St. Andrews Street. Eraser Mi-s. Kate, St. Andrews Street. Eraser Duncan, janitor custom house, h Carriboo. Eraser William, baker, Water Street. Eraser Henry, inspector of weights and measures. Spring Street. P AI Th side the] ThI and umei Turses and Fccket-books at H H Herderson Is Go's. 2Tew Gflasgow, IT. Sb Th supp ties, rail it 3d Plf'TOf nil, "TORY. 49 ro708t street, 27. GL 11). 'ft. ise Cluireli Street. ut. et. I., liouse. Prince. tor Street. >eno()u Street. 1 flnij'gists, Water set. Street, bet. Bet, h Cottage, v^rence Hotel. 00. res, Spring Street. Tew Qlasgow, IT. S. BELLVILLE Free Stone OWNKI) AND \VORKEl» IIY ADAM McKBAN & SONS, riotoii, ]V. H. 4*,<«Mlt**^'^.' The Quarry is situated on the North side of Pictou Harbour nearly opposite the Intercolonial Railway Landing. The Stone is a light grey color, durable and well adapted for building and nion- umental purposes. The proprietors are now prepared to supply orders in large or small quanti- ties, forwarded either by water, or by rail to any part of the Dominion or Un- it 3d States. 6 ^ fiO IMcroCr KIRKfTnUY. m y i{ J^Jx % %V, T*^'4 ,..''1'' . 9^>i H\ zstablisheh iscs. W* 1 ^^ IRASER & iOM W I10LKSALI-: AM) IJETAli. PICTOU, NOVA SCOTIA. -Dealers in- British and Foreign Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Perfumery, SOAPS, SPICES, DYE-STUFFS, &C., ALSO GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS, Winter KlMsri- Krascr Knisrr Killed PRASE Kiill.'ii' K.ill.'it. iMlll.Tt* Kull.Tt. (i ilhuit CilllMMt (iarviii (Jas W. (l.irrv 1 GEORC < Jeriuai (Jt'i'initii (i(M'[llilll .H, ship I'lifpi'iitcr, Piiin'c Allwrt stn'ft. Kiast'i' Simon, joiner, Piini'i- Allx'it sin'ot. KnistT Jolin U., hliickHinitli, Princ*' AMwrt streiet. I'lM^i'i- l']'l\\;ii-.l. iiiMriiKT. Priih'f AHicrt street, FRASER DONALD, Anulla n.nn, ne,.- Pi.l.ui. KiilN Ti'Mi l>. iV S.Mi, wool canlin:^, and plainin;; factory. ('rt'igi. K'lljerton |)avirge Kulleiton (ie»)r;»e, (Hrni I) Kullerton and Son) h rtoor^je street. Knllt'i'ton .1. I >. d«Ml<'r in sewin<4 nla(•hine^, t-tc. (i('f>rj»e street. Kiillt-rton Miss Janet, teacher brick scliool house. Falkland. (i illant Charles. Itoardin^ house, ("Veijjhton street. 'Jallant Alexander, laborer, Sprinj^ street. (Jallant Mrs. .1. widow. I'rince Albrrt street. • iarvin Alexr.. ship carpenter, St. Aiidrews. (Jas Works, .James Merriman, en;.jineer and manager, old Halifax Hoad. (f:\rrv Kdward, lalionM', ran>])liell street. GEORGE REV. J. W-.^^pnu-. street. • itinian (Jordon, dcrk, S|)ring street. (iermau John, ' lacksmith. Farm street. (Jcrman William, sail maker, Spnnfj street. (Jcrman Daniel, brick layer. Spring street. (Jibson Alexander, laborer, St. Andrews Street. GELDERT D M., '»<>ard and livery .stables Twining Street, house ('olleg<- Street. (Jeldert (.Teoror, mariner, Water Street. • lordtjii Aleximler. boot and slioe maker, Water Street. oards St. Lawnniet' Hotel, 'iraliam ('apt. A. St. Aj^li-ews Street. GUNN CAPT. JOHN; linrhor inastrr, house W;it,r Street. *lunn Mi.^s Hattif, telegraph operator, Water Street. akers k flour dealer-s, Water St. Hamilt(m G. J. (firm iL J. Hamilton and Sons) Water Street. Hamilton Glanmee (tirm G. J. Hamilton k, Sons) Water Street. Hamilton H. H., (tirm of G. J. Hamilton k Sons) Water Street. Hamell William, mariner, Halifax Road. H^amell Cajit. Hugh, Halifax Road. Hamell J. ship carpenter, Halifax Road. ICann Henry, boards Empress Hotel, Chapel Street. Hansford ffidin. gardener, Hill Street. HABiEIS WILLIAM, '^^ok and jol) printer and book binder, Water Street, li St. Andi-ews Street. Harris John F. tobacconist, Spring Street. Harris (ieoi-ge P., grocer. Church Street. Harris W. S., clerk. Prince Street. Harris T. W.. house carpenter. Spring Street. Harris .lume.s, 1 oj.t bulkier, Halifax Road. BiUes, Testaments and Fsalm Bosks, at H B Henderscn&Co's. New Glasgow. PltrrOU DIKECTORY. 5^ • Street, ^t. Iiail, agent. Bank, From St. iter Street, liouse ^tiv't't. li r.ayview, itow Raten. Halii'ax Forms of Policies issued. Ci* FIRE BRANCH, ~S:0 LANCASHIRE INSURANCE Co.. of Manchest(M- England, Cai)ital £2,(KK».()00, Sterling. Scottish Commercial Insurance Co., of (xlasgow S HARf lliln•l^ Harpe 1 Furpi! liatU' Hilt ha Head Hentlti H.;nd.- H.Mldc HEND IliMide H^'ude Hfude H.nde Heud(; Heude HtMidei HEPB Hi-mpl HERE Herdm llerdm Harritl HIGH Hickev flISLC Hislop Hislop Hislop Hislop Hislop hock: Hoi^kin Hockin Hookiu HO&G Hogg y Hogg IN Hogg \ PlCTOU DIRKCTORY. 55 encn, '-.) J. ranee Co,, , 1799. at Low Rate«. CE Co.. ►, Stf'i'ling. Qce Co., Storling. trance Co., 000. irance Co., )00. by Fire, on all ^st current rates. pany, usiness in Can •feitable. Ladi"' and Gents Valises at Ales. FiaEer's, Prcvcst Street, New Glasgow, N. S. Ifarris J. Hinii)son, clerk, Wator Street. Harris Thoma.s, haker, Water Street. HARRIS W. H., Hi-h Sheriff; Cluuvh street. . Iliin-i.> (jeui*j;e S., Deputy Slierill", C'hiireh Street. Harper Mont A Co., auctioneers ti connuis.sion merchants, South Market Street, 1» Cliureh Street. ]rarp<^r Mis.s Jaue, Harper, h Church Street. Hatton .lohu, weigher ui' hay. Church vStreet. Hathaway .luuies H, ho.stler, Pictou House Wharf. Heuil Miss Mary Ann, dress maker, Prince Alfred Street Henderson A. it S^mi, imp(>rter^ ami dealei-s in Ixtots and .slioeji Water Str«!et, h Church Street. Hender.sou D. (!., (firm A. Htinderson «t Son) Water Street, b Church Street. ir<*ndersoti Kwau, clerk, (Miurch Street. HENDERSON DANIEL, <'y^t'i- ^^^^^^ (Joleraiue street. Henderson W. J>., .J. 1'., Samuel, Water Street. HOCKIN & CO., t. llorscniuii JMiss Carrif, dress maker. Water I^treet. lloriie ('apt. JatneH, Ht. Aii-irews Street. ]iini.s Huie Seeks in every £ejaitmentr at H. E Hetdereon ta Go's. 17ev Qlasgow. N.S. PlCTOU DIRECTOKY. 57 Street, New Glasgow. IX, h Cottage St t. Htnet, rcsiihrn't eet. Htreet. i'l" tStrcet. Hi i'uriiig Street. Btrtiet. ISC, Spring Street. 'eet. Road. Road. 's. Kew Glasgow. N.S. W^ ^. 1 ^ '(^ 'ff' 'Is ■'Si M ' \W^^^^ v^w? iU^lM ^Qf LUMBEH, BUILDING MATERIALS & COAL DEPOT, I ommibsioit errhant i^ |)cirf nil M\^i r^Consignments & Orders Solicited^ca and promptly attended to. SEASONED LUMBER AND MOULDINGS A SPECIALTY. Purves' Wharf, Water Street, PIOTOU, N. S. Importers and Dealers in Dry Ooods, Groceries, Flour, Meal, Dried and Pickled Fish, China, Stone and Glassware, &c. &c. 'C>let*a,iuu street, - - - l?i<5tou, N^. S. *\W\V\W\TO\v TS' % Water Street, Pictou, N. S. A full line of Millinery Goods always in Stock. H rw^- ^8 I'lUI'DU DIHEi'TOKV F/ f'jB^ SJJ^ r 9 -DEALER IN '■mn GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GROWTH, .. . Pickles, Sauces, Spices, SUGARS, HAMS AND BACON, Teas of all Kinds, Fine Flavored Coffees, Roasted and Ground on the premises. No effort spared to secure the best and PUREST GOODS which are sold at merely a LIVING- profit. Orders from abroad and Family Trade carefully supplied. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES %, Received Weekly by during their Season. Water Street, Pictou, N. S. I'irTOi; I>TRKCTORY. fl? i^^f ^ll[ll^^^rll *»•(/-• :,pi:ii. '-^t ITS OF GROWTH, es. BACON, I and Ground 5 the best tiich are r profit. -mily Trade FABLES Q. N. S. I Superior Pilots and Peavers at Ales. Praser's, Provost Street, NeT Glasgow. KIRKWOOD HENRY, M. D. Physioian, roni.T n.nrch and (leo Strct'ts. Kirk wood E. clerk, coriHT Obur(;h and (J»'or;,'o Stroct.s. Kitt;liin l);ivid, pn)j)n(!t,or Ki\.-r John .sta<;e, h Watf-r Street. Kitchin Mrs. I*^li:',iiljeth, widow, Sdiool Street. LANDRY W. LAURENCE, ''"-irarassor, "Wlmt (Mi.,.v II„use'\ Water Street. I /ant' Tlamiltxtn, sea-view ugal, fisherman, Dawson Street. LORRAIN Wi Ji Inmber, coal and general mercht., Pnrves' Wharf, h School Street, (see adv.) Love Robert, stone entter, Spring Street. Ijowden Henry B. farmer, Denoon Street. Lowden James F. farmer, Denoon Street. Lowden John, clerk, Denoon Street. Lowden Henry M., grocer, St. Andrews Street. IiYALL GEORGE, accountant and confidential clerk, Doull and Co., Spring Street. Lynch Mrs. Ann, widow, St. Andrews Street. Lynch Mrs. Bridget, widow, College Street. Lynch Nicholas, mariner, St. Andrew. McArthur Alexander, tt^acher high school, h Spring Street. iVtcCabe George, carriage maker, Water Street. McEachern Alexr., foundry, St. Andrews. McCaffrey Miss Ellen, dress maker. Church Street. McCaffrey Miss R., dres.s maker, Cliurch. McCaiium Mr.s. Jane, widow. Church Street. McC'arvilie Thomas, printer. Twining Street. McCarville Michael, foundry, Twining Street. McClure Joseph, blacksmith, Spring Street. McOuiith D. board iiig house, Creighton Street. McConnell Tliomas, Bark Street. Fronted Goods at J. UcK Seattle's Water Street, Fietoi:^ K. S. 60 PICTOU DIRECTORY. ft £est fit in the FroTince Guaranteed at Alez. Fraeer'e, Frorost Street, K. 9 McCoul Thornas, waterman, Comnjcrcial Street. M('(.'ull()cli ^). retired cu.stonis olHcer, ol ■ '■. •fe' %^ M^ St. Lawrence Hotel Building, Front St. Pictou, N. S. prii5:||iifi mmui IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Q 52; I/ll 11 j3he|viical3, Patent ^JVIedicij^e?, Jye ^tuff?. FIRNT-CEiASM STOCK OF^*:^ English Hair, Tootli, Nail and Cloth Brushes, Toilet C^ Articles. Lubin's, Atkinson's, Cleaver's, Ilimmel's, i^^ and other Choice Perfumes and Preparations. "^^| PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS And Family Receipts Carefully compounded at any hour of the day or night, under the supervision of the Principal, and only medicines of undoubted purity are used in compounding. GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. TMCTOU DlkKCTOllY. 63 0«nt8 fornisliings of all kinds It styles at Ales. Fracers, Frovofit StToet, N. (2. ^^■■■r ' {• $ ictou, N. S. ifii YE ^TUFF3. shes, Toilet =?£S limmt'l's, utions. "^1 PTIONS or night, under nedicines of uncling. SH SEEDS. ;INES. M<-|)oiiu]«l Noniuin, shij) curju'i.tfr, Ht. Andrtnv.s .Str<'»*t. M-Doiiiild John, rig^»!r, Wflsford Strct.'t. M<'l)«>ii!ild .lam 's. sill)) o.irjK iittr, |)»'1m)()ii Strfcl. MfDuiiiild ( ;>'<)i';^r, houv iMrjM'iiirr, |)iMi(K»ii Str<«'t. \lfl).iii!ild Mrs. .l««», widnsv, Union, Front Strt-ot. \Ii|)i>n:il'l < '.ijit. Al<'X)iMri»'r ('., Irving.s Wlmrf. Mfhoniild C.-titt l>;ini«'I, ( '.ih-riiimi Stn i,'t. MfDoiiuld ,M., I>fii<">ii Stn-i't. MrDuniild .M.niliani, fon'nmfi (/'anipbrjl's TaiauTy, Elliott Strtet \li'|)(»ualil i>h:dd .\l<'\aiidi r, milkinun, Halifax Ito.'ul. MthMnaid Allan, ship rarju-ntfr, Coinniurciul Strtiet. Mi:ht»na!d Colin. i"ai|HMiltr, < Vnnniiircial Strct-t. M.-l>onald .lanits. taihir, Si.rint; Stri'ct. Mrhonald .luhn, f;iinifr, Halifax Road. \|.'|)iiuald Mrs. .Nl.irijar'-t, widow. Spring Street. MrHnnald An^Mis. j)il(»f. Falkland Stnuit. M<-l)onald Honald. shi)i rarpfnlcr, Battery Hill. Mi-Donalil Colin K., ensjincer, I Street. M<'i)onald Colin, liuusr farpenfrr, Somers Place. Mi-l)oinild Capt. l)aiiit'l, near Crant Street. NliDon.ild Ah'xr., ship calker, near Grant Street. M.|)nn;ild Vt'tcf. sldji calker. near (irant Street. McDonald rev. father, wiinaui .street, McDonald .fames I)., tailoi-, Sprin£( Street. Mi; Donald .James R., tailor, Wellington Street. MeDonald Ah^x. C., manager J. T. lvt;s e.state, Water Street. McDougall Angus, shoe maker, George Street. McDougall .Tohn, tjuarrynian, George Street. McDougall L., laborer, St. Andrews Street. McEaeheru Douglas, marine slip, Yorston'.s Wharf. McFarlane E. J.,, Church Street. MeFarlane John, cooper, Farm Stre(!t. McFarlane .lohn, hoards Temperance Hotel, Creighton Street McFarlane Allan, lal)orer, Welsford Stn^et. McFarlane David H., engineer, Grant Street. McGillivry Mis.s Margarc^t, grocer, (.'oleraine Street. MctJregor Murdoch, saliii, sIkm' maker, IViiooii Struct. M. l\tr Mrs. JoliJiiinii, Spring Str»*et. .M.|v., woodworker, Spring Street. M*Kay Mrs. W. L., old Halifax Road MeKay .1. .1., eh-rk, hoards I'nion House, Front street.. Mi- Kay Mis.s I'., straw worker, Spring Street. MeKaraelitr Angus, hlacksmith, St. Andrews Street. M<'K;iraclior. Fred, hlaeksniith, St. Andrews Stre»'t. McKEAN DAVID W., bounty Trea.surer, olUee Church street, h Caniphell street. McKEAN ADAM &. SONS, architeets and huihlers, Chipiuan St (see ark, Falkland Street. MeKean Mi's. E., Water Street McKeen J., accountant Tlie Pictou Bank, h James Street. M( Keniia Daniel, Prince Albert Street McKennaMi-s. A., widow, Church Street. McKENZIE BROS., photographers. Water .street. McKen/ie Mmdoch, (tirni jVIcKenzie Bros.,) Water Street. McKenzie Horatio, (tirm McKenzie Bros.,) Water Street. McKENZIE CHARLES, fr«^s(N. painter, Water street McKENZIE PETER, K'ocer, Front .street Mi;Ken/ie D.iniel, mariner, spring sti'eet. McKENZIE ALEX., oy«ter saloon. Front street >lcKen/,ie CJe»). A., clerk, St. Lawrence Hotel. McKenzie Colin, (ronfectioner, Front Street McKENZIE KENNETH J., ^, Front street McKenzie Hutxh !>., agent Intercolonial Coal Co., Twining Street Wrapping paper. Paper bags & Twine at H H Henderson it Go's. Haw 01u|qw riCTOr IHUKlTOKV. r,r» »w Olaagow, 17. 3 VISITORS TO PICTOU Should not fail tc visit the OP Inu Acuiloniv, hill mDiiiiDiri^iu:^! ;p-jiDs »9 nt street.. and either secure a perfect representa- tion of themselves, or inspect the assortment of Photographs, Cabinets, etc., on hand. 't.vrt'' I Having one of the best appointed Gall- liw Church htr^t, J eries in the Province, and every conven- ience, McKENZIE Bros., soHcit the con- lor., oh.pnmn St | tinued Patronage of the people of Pictou County, and guarantee satisfactory work in the production of i& Go's. NawOlugow ©•iSillE^Pill FERROTYPES, Etc., Enlarged pictures, from Photograpns or Daguerreotypes (no difference if old or faded), made by an improved modern process, and cheaply. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRAMES Gallery and S.udio, - - Water Street, Pictou, N. S. I 66 pnvrou DiRECTouy. ■1^ J* FRED. MACLENNAN. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF uerij IcjJcription of mmi iron 5r |^in Ifiarcs. C^ ALWAYS ON HAND ii'Miiumis, A Sp3cialty Made of latest Improved all ^' %^^t ♦ ? ^t*^ Ilk ^:j!uy:m % o X O » cimamrLum srjoim Plain, (iALVANiZKD, Tinnkd and Enamkled ox^i.o'w-wj.m B 'W W (•) jj^" Plain, Stainprtl, .Fiipiumed and Polislx^l Tin\van\ '"^^ ^J^' Always (Iiiarantrcd Satisfaction. rJohhiiijiJ, "^J £^"' l-i<'|)airin^f, (Jas fitting, }Munil)in,!j;, Tinsniitliing. "^J! O- KITCmCN FlJPvNlsmNOS. -^31 Cash jxtiU for Calf Shins and Sheep Skins, Water Street, - - Pictou, N. S. Best] ■ v,l PICTOU DIUKOTORY. 67 «JAN. DF ,'n mm. CO o » A) I) ^ #{•) '•«'• ■'^■::i S/cins, s. Best English and Canadian Tweeds at Ales. Fraser's, Frovost Street, N. Q. McKftMzie W. F., St. Lawrence Hotel. McKeiizie Normjin R., dealer in fancy goods and .stationery, Frcint Street. McKENZIE RODERICK. •' I'm retired nKn-dmnt, Water St. >\lcKenzie Mis.s Flora 1>., dvcHs maker, Cluirch Street. McKenzie William, farmer, St. Andrews Street. McK(uizie Alexander, clerk, coi'ner (./'liurch and llalihu^'ton St". McKenzie Alexander, j)ainter, Water Street. McKenzie Mi-s. K., d(!aler in .small ware, Halifax R(jads. McK(;nzie John D., hoardiiiLj house, (Miuich Stn^et. McKenzie FMwanl and ( 'o., grocers itc, ('hurch Street McKenzie John, Mariner, Coler.iine Stre«!t. McK(!nzie (.apt. K<'nnetli, ('rcu^hton Stivcft. McKenzii; Mis.s M., mantle maker. Kempt Street. .McKenzie Mrs. Jane, widow, Halifax Road. McKenzie Mrs. Margaret .1., widow. Cottage Sti'eet. McKenzie Capt. Hector, Deiioon Street. McK(!nzi(! Capt. Aiexaiidcr, Cottag(! Street. McK(!nzie Willian), houst^ car|K'nter, Spring Street .McKenzie William A., farmer, seaforth near Pictou. McKenzie (Jeorge, laborer, College Street. McKenzie George J., M. D. Physician, Spring Street. McKeil Alexander, ship carpenter, Denoou Street McKwan Patrick, lal»orei'. Hill Street. McKwan John, lahorer, Bark Street. .MctKwan Ale.\;inder, engineer, l>ark Street. McKwan James, O'lnphell's tannery. Spring Street McKinnon Mrs. Jane, widow. Front Street. McKinnon James, house carpenter, Front Street. McKinnon Norn)an, blacksmith, • hapel Street. McKinnon Hcjctor, ship carptjiiter, Denoou Street McKinnon Mi-s. Miza, widow, Front Street McKinnon Angus, t-oal trimmer, Paunerston Street. McKinnon Hector, shi[* calker, corner Irving and Union Street. McKINLAY JOHNi barrister at-lawj Clottage street McKinlay John, Halifax Road. McK night Joseph, Spring Street. McLartJU William, furnitnie dealer. Water Street. McLaren William, clerk. Spring Street McLiren Miss E., Spring Street McLaren George, cabin«;t maker, Falkland Street. McLaughlan Peter, Spring Street Mcfjean Mrs. G.. milliner. Water Stn;et. McLean Morris, boards 're)Uj>enince Hottd, Creighton Street. Mclican Daniel, boards Temperance Hotel, Creighton Street. McLean John, boards T'jnii)erance Hotel, Creighton Street J. McK. Beattia has the latMt Feriodicals. '\H PICTOU DIREOTOUY, ll II f Pine English Worsted Goods at Ales. Praser's, Provost Street, New Slasgow. Mrfitv.iu Cijit.. .V!i'\ imlnr, niiistcc iimriiifr, Tii\ lor street. .Mc[.:'iiu Mrs. Mii-y. u-aclKT, Cliti cli Strct-t, h Front St'v>«L .McLt'iiii J. lines, liookscllor ;iii(l statioiun', W'iiter Str»'.!t h Kllioit Srrcot. Mrl.'.tii Miss m\i'UM. l!il»orfr. Moss' Wharf. McLean H'-t-^or, lalmror, Jaiae.s Sn-Ret. McLellaii Uoln'rt, cUissical ttvuilicr I'ictuu Ac,i(l«iiny, It oM Ifali t'a\' Eloail. Mi'Lcllaii W. K., t(!a(!her Pictou Acaileray, hillsiile lumsts, .Spring Strt't't. M'-r/pllan Miss Xancy,, riiurcli Street. McLt'llan Miss Ncllif. tailoress, Clinrch Sti'fct. M •l.rilaii Miss M.. tailon-ss. Cliur.-li Street. Mi'Lellui l>aui(l. Ifoanls T»!nij»<;ranL'e Ifotcl, ( 'r."i^'Iit(»n Stn^^t. iVIACLENNAN FRED, 'I'-il-v in stoves, tin and hanlwaro, Water street, ll Seliool stref't. MoLENNAN JAMES PURYES, -^ >'-^ i^tikiaua .street. Mei.i luiiiti K. J^, tinsiiiitli, Falkland Street. M •!, ■iiiiuii Jaines P., florist, Fallcland. M i/od M iry. dre:-i< maU-r, Water Street. ^I"I/'vmI I )a\ id journeyman suddler, Water Str<'et. .M '[."od Miss Mar;,'aret, < 'oleraine Street. \le|/'o 1 .[iiliii S., Iio.irds Ceiitral House, Coler line Street. M Ltod Ant,'ns, eoo[>er, Crei^iiton Sireet. M 'l.-orl ticorge, tailor. Creigliton Street. Mel..., I ('Mpi ('. 11., Hill Street. .M>'l.'o Sprin-,' St. .NIe.M isf.-r Alexr., laltorer, St. Andrews stnu't. MeM usti'r John, lahorer, St. Andrews street. MeM ister Willi im. stevedore, Sprin;< street. lYIcMILLAN HECTOR, I'lm-ksmith, (Vei.uhtiMi street, h (.'hap.d .St. .\1'-Mdlan lie tor, junr., ItlacUsniith, (h'(>iglitun str.jct, h C}ia{)el street. M'Millan Maleoiin, house carpenter, < Miaj)el street. Me.Millin Joliii .)., ti^legraph operater, •'liap'-l street. MeMillan Ale.xr., blacksiuiih and boiler maker, ('Impel strftHt. M'"Mill:in l>. A., groeer. market sfpiare, h Watiit St'V'et. itiv.-t, h Klliuit I) m '^'mT M, ., urocer an I j^entiral dealer. Front street. MALMROS OSOAB, ' ' "it-f-'l -"States Consul, Wat^^r straet Martin Mrs. C. dress maker, Water street •M;ill .Janies and Sou. nr-at market, m irket street Marshall D. A., (firm .las. Miirshall and Sont .street. .Mitliesv.-n 1)., Protlidnotary and Clerk of Pracc Wat<'r sti-eet .M.athe.son R. McK., hepnty Clerk of Peace, Water street MVtgher and Dcdierty, meat market. Front street Meagher W:illace, (firm Meaj^her and DoluM'ty,) Front street. Meagher Herbert, meat Market, Frt)nt street, boanls St Ijaw- rence Hotel. Mi'agher Daniel, truckman. Farm street. Me.igher Thomas, board and livery stabhts, south market street, h Prince stre<;t. M agher Thoina.s, .junr., Prince street Meagher .John, .Junr., frad(!r, Wat^u* street Meiigher .John, farmer, Wat«;r street Mt-aghcr Miss Hannah, Watt. Mills William, laltorer, Jrvinj^ stroei. Mills W. \., watclimak. N. Murr.iy and Co.) market scpiare. Murray Ale-xatidr-r. market s(pi;ire. Murray Robert, «'lerk, St. Andn^ws stre<;t. Murray Duncan, lelegrn|;li repain-r, Elliott street- Murray Milton, clerk, Wat«'r strecst. Murray llobert, clerk, t'liurch street. Murray Miss Bella, dress maker, (Jliurcli street, Murray A levander, stone mason, St. .Andrews street. Murray Afrs. Xancy, widow. Spring street. Murr.iy Margari^t, Ilalifa.v Hoad. H. H. Henderson Ic Co., Booksellers !c Stationers, Frovoet Street, Vew Glasgow. PTCTOU DIIIKCTORY. 73 ost Street, N. 6. 1. litlir.i.v Road. • >' (j!. Aiigwin, r Hti-pet. out stref't. M>t, h I)«Mioon st 8t. til market, lioust; 1,' street. !l>riiig street. •eet. inanufjicturcra, cet square. ?et. cet, NcwGlafifow, ^AMieS MtTNI^O BRASS FOUNDER, ii4|latc,toppcii, j^hijct Iron Jlorlici;* Cf » lumber IN Stoves DEALER Cooking Ranges, Register Cfrates &c. No. 4, South Market St., Pictou, N. S. DANIEL HENDERSON, PROPRIETOR. c-c^i^ajtHfHyS)^ kept constantly on hand, and Served in the Latest Jttyles at Shortest Notice. —05^ ALSO ^^=?^.-^ Eoston Baked Beans and Brown Bread. One Door North of Revere House, Coleraine St., Pictou, N. S. W^" 74 PiCTOr DIHECTOHY. ^ ® ^* ' MILLINERY, GENTS FURNISHINGS &C. W A 7 iv^ sx«ii:ii:t, - - - pictou, in.«. A full st(K . of Ovcr-coatiiigs, Twcnls, Kjiiu-y Coarin^s, Vcstiiiys and Trowserings, JJlack SM|pti-fint' ami Dixv Skius, White, Oxford, Flaiiucl and Twii'il Sliirts, Scarfs, Tins, Liiieri and Paper Collars and (Jiif!"s, (Jlovi-s, and Jliwicrv, all the Latest Styles in Eiifilisli, A'ii«'rifaii and Canadian Hats and Caps, with all the other Goods (generally found in a First-Class Store. GENTS CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. GEORGE HEPBURN, HAS ON HAND AND CAN MAKK TO OllDEIl SUPERIOR CLOTH COVERED COFFINS. ^u^0t^jm Ilavinjj visited the Largest Undertaking; Establishments oi Nfew York, Phil.'ulelpliia and Boston, he is aatistied of knowing as much in this line ot business as any one resident here. Has on hand also, and will Make to Order, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Book Cases, T ibies. Doors, Sashes, Ac. t^" Place ot Business at present, Mrs. Cassidy's Shop. Murra\ Murrii Mnrdo Murdo M iirdn Mnrdoi .Murdo Murdo Munloi Murp Murd NARRi ^ ;&c. Oil hugs, I )()<;- rts, loves, can and generally tixitr. :ii FINS. ticnts of knowing adrobfcs, PK.'TOr DI RECTORY 76 Beady Made Clothing and Bubber Coats at Alez. Fraser's, FroTOit StrMt, N. 0. Murray Daniel, student Pictou Academy, (/hurch street, Miirniy Miss IsaU-lla, Chiireli street. iMiinloeli John, im-at market, Coleraine street. Miinlcx'li James, Idaeksmitli, Ives Wharf, h Spring streot. Murdm'h Arthur, l»laeksmith, Spring street. Miirdoeh Mrs. P'lora, Church str- it. .Murdocli II. ('., customs tide-waiter, Coleraine street. Murdoch Thomas, Maek.smith, St. Andrews street. Murdoch Hohert, <'hel.sea, South Market street. Murphey Mrs. M. A., widow, St. Andrews .street. Murdoeh I'avid, house carpenter, William street. NARRAWAY H. R., '^- P- '"''^••^^ founder and plumber. South Slarket street, h (.'hipman street. Nelson Charles, laborer. Dawson stre«'t. NOONAN & DAVIESi '^'•'r brokers and commission merchants. Front street. N(M>nan J. R. (firm Noonan it Davies), h Front st -^ei N(M»nan W. II. (Hrm Xo<»nan it l)avies), Front s'reet, O'Hrien .John, clerk. Church street. OHrien John, mariner, Comm'Tcial street. ODD FELLOWS HALL, Wat.^ street. OLIVER R. W., '^'T Neil Miss Kate, tailore^s. market .sfpiare, ORANGE HALL, ^'»"'i' ^^«««k-t street. () Toole Arthur, pla.-terer, Denoon .street. Pace Mark T., baggage master, I. Vj. R., Wator street. Page ('apt. .lames, master mariner, George street. PATTERSON A. Ji, growr and tobacco manufacturer, W.iUt 8tre«.>t, hous«' Spring street. Patterson Jame.s, customs clerk, Falkland street. I'atterson John, printer, Falkland street. Patterson Mi.s.s Adelaide, dress maker, Church street. I'atterson Kol)ert. ohi Halifax Road. PAULIN JAMES T., •vpressman, Church street. I'aulin John, farmer. Halifax Road. Paulin John, ship carf»enter, Halifa.v Road. Payne Samuel, mariner, St. Andrews street. Pero John, ship carpenter, St. Andrews .street. Pictou Mechanics In.stitute Savings Bank, Ives' Wharf, Wm. W. (Jlennie, ea.shier. Pitts Alexand«'r, mariner, Ir^vings Wharf. POPE ROBERT H., manager Union store, church street. Pope William H., meat market, Church stnjet, h Elliott street. Porteous T. M., (.'hurch strf?et. Pottinger William R., cooper, Ross' Wharf. Vottinger John W., cooper, Ross' Wharf. J. tfcZ. Beattie, BcokteSer aad Stationer, Water Ptont» Pletci, K. & »ii 76 IMCTOIJ DIIIKCTOIIY. If Winter (md Summer Overcoating at Alex. Fraser's, Provost Street, N. 9. POST OFFICE, K- MolMiail, |M)si initHtei'. WaU-r street. POWER DAVID F., ^^'''t"»" ^^olonial Stim.lHnl, VVelsiuni street. pKwiT Williiiiii, house earjiiiittir, St. Ainlrews Mtre«jt. POWER M., l»<'(»t iiiu I . shoe maker, Wat.r stret-t. I'owtr liicliurfl, l>oof uikI .shoe iiiiiker, W'atfi' stn-et. Primrose Mrothers, men-hiints, c«)iiimi.ssi<)ii iiiicl.ant tailor, South Market, house Church strtft. Pringle Ci«M)rge Adam, tailor, Church street. Prin<.,d<^ .John Junr., tailor, ("hurcli street. PRINCE STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Kev w. Donald, Piistoi, I'rince slre«.'t. PRINCE STREET HALL, Pn"(.e street PURNELL J. T., taUor, Ktinp street. RAILWAY STATION. RAILWAY MARINE, Mae Williiuii, yeoman, Hill Street. REID THOMAS, l»i"»- dresser, ( 'oleraim! street. Keid Thonuis, mariner, (,'oleraine strefst. lieid Mrs. ('., Coleraiiif street. Heid ,Jain(!s 11., blacksmith, Priiue .street. Rtiid Archibald, laborer, St. Andrew.s. Keid James, pla.sti^rer, Front streid. Keid John, machinist, south market .street. Registry Oftice, John Ftirguson registrar, tJhurch .street. Rich Mrs., Margaret, widow, (Jhurch street. Rice Jam(!s, dealer in small wares and boarding house, Creighton street. Reily John, lM)at-owner, Falkland street. Reily John, sh«>e maker, Falklaml street. lioach Thomas, tobacconist. Cottage street. Roach Nichola.s, tobacconist. Spring street. Roach James,, Twining street. Roach Williau), house carpenter, S[)ring street. ROBINSON C. B., Western Union Telegraph Office, Water St., h old Halifax Road. Robertson Mis.s Eliza, Water street. Robsou Oeorge, laborer. Front street. J IT' li H f)^ ER Wnpplng Paper, Fc^mt Sags & Twi&o at B E He&denon k Go's. New aiasgow- PR FICTOU UIKKcroBY. 77 Street, N. Q. 't. Old Htroet. ng, VVator ottagc, St. crchitnt WhUovh, South Market St., Pictou, N. S. trocit. kub, liousu Rev W. Creighton 'at.;r St., vQlasgov- immm \) UlllJILlI in the Latest Styles and on the 'iitifl -^f|lt GIVING > l/- llurabililij # ombiiifd icith Ulcpnce. im\m k iwmm fishions RECEIVED MONTHLY. PRICES TO PT THE TIMES. » I r M i I . rs PICTOU DIHKtTORY. ,m W jm,4 ;tb))^ iPpiikltmaltcr ntttl ||eircller, Water Street. - - Pictou, N. S. SOLID SILVER AND ELEGTRO-PLATE WARE, SPECTACLES, ifC* • ifC* wobred Reve Ku(l

  • .ss ROSS \1 KoSH H0M8 \ itoss .) Koss A KOHH < ' KosM !i Koss W Rohm .M KOHH M ROSE, k().v I) liUHSt'll Russell PICTOi; DIRKCTORY. 7y ^11 Sobred and Fancy Shirtsat Alex. Fr&ser's, Frorost Stre«l, New 9Uigow. Revere House- <'l>in*I»'x T*- H'■ Ht'N< r«' llonw, Onlcniint* Htroet. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, i>.M.Mm an.i Wiiiia... Ht.oet. ROMAN CATHOLIC CONVENT, i »•"•«•» ''tn-.t. ROSS WILLIAM Jr., WHt^sn M. S., wati'liinakiT, Water Htreet. ROSS JOHN, <«>iir.'(tioiu r. Water, Ii < 'olrraino street. I'li^.s Miss .MH;,'i.'ie. clfrk. ( 'oleraiiie Mtrert. ROSS REV. ALEX., A. M., Kn..xs Cl.unl,. 11.^1. Hire..t. Hn.s.s William, tiiisiiiitli, Water street, h C'oleraine street. Ko.>>s IIsoii Henry, tailor, Welsford street. Simj)Son David, waU limak(!r, Water sti*eet. Simpson .»ohn, fanner, Denoon street. Sinclair Capt. F'eter G., Prince street. Shea Jampji, truckman. Water street. Shea Jolm^ 'laborer, Water street. Hhea Tyiorrlrfs, laborer, Water street. Shea Mrs. Patrick, widow, Water street. .1 < . II — PiptTue Frames and M:'&ldings at J. McZ. Beattlo'a. 1 1" 8 I i 'i 'I 80 PICTOU IMRKCTOIIY. Ladies and Gents Valises at Alex. Praser's, Provost Street, New Slasgow. Solomon JoKoiili, slii|) iiarpcntcr, frving street. iSkimu'r Michael, printer, South Market stKn:*.. SkiniK^r Mrs. Klh'ii T,. \vi(hnv, South Market .street. Skini\er -lames A., ch-rk, Chur.h street. Siiiilli .loli'i, hostler, ('ohaaiui: street. Smith Al(;xaiuler, hhieksmith, Cieigliton Street. Sniitli honald, hoot ami shoemaker, ( 'reij,'ht.on .street. Smith M. T., J. P., Donoon street. Smith Dajiiel, pilot, Prince A Ihert street. Smith William H.. lihorer, llalilax Road. Smitli Aiivus, pilot, Prince Alhert ntrr, t. Smith Anvils, ship eariwiitcr, Victoria street. St. Lawrence Hotel -^l- Morrison pioi.rietor, Front street. Stalker .lames anii Sou, imjiorters and general dealer.s, Church street, h ( Vderaine street. Stalker .1. II., (lirm .!as. Stalkei- ami Sot)), Coleiaiut; street, STALKER JOHN A. & Co., K'"^'1-^1 'l»''il^'»«. ('oKraine street. Stalker i\ie.xr., (lii-m .). A. Stalker and Co.,) Coleraine street. StalktM- .lolin .\., (tirin .f. A. Stalker and Co.,) Coleraine street. Stalker .Mrs. .Mary, St. Andrews street. Stenter, Somers Place. Stihis l)icks()n, (Irug clerk, ('amphell street. Stiltis Nathan, trui kman, llalil'ax Road. STILES HOWARD, l"^"^'- <"itp'''»t<'r ii!it.>(. bitrtrdi -^^ THE ^,~^ t. fiuurcnce |' urine ^[iifj. ^sociatton Cci^OF X*IOTOU. ^Q This Association is prepared to take Risks on at very Moderate Rates. Its Policies will be found equal to, if not Better, than any other Company, in the way of Privileges. JOHN R. NOONAN Esq., President. R. S. DAWSON, JAMES STALKER, " GEO. J. HAMILTON, " GEO. H. ELLIOTT, " ^^/^iVr^ /// ///r ^Vuton iJlatih ^itildhtfi, U1»-{SXAH««. h Go's, N. Q. ROBERT DOVhl, BROKER. rf ;: r 82 PICrOU UI RECTOR V HECTOR McMillan, Crichton Street, Pictou, N. S. Mi IRO^ MU MiFlCTlHi, Ship and Steamboat Work turned out with Neatness and Despatch. Boilers, and every Article connected with the trade Repaired and put into First-Class order, on Terms which cannot fail to give Satisfaction. «~'«-<9-«>*N^>^ Ship Owners and others will do well to Mark the Address, CRICHTON ST.. PICTOU, N. S. Tliainc TEARE THE Pi Fhonips Th(>ii»j)s 'riit)iu|is Ihoinjis Thorp ,^ Tnv'ii N V alien Veimo V'iiic'cnt WALK PICTOU DIRECTORY. 8,T /////. 9 led out rticle -ade to )n ail to well to ^. s. Ntcktles, Snspendtn, CDllara, *c, «e Aloz. Praser's, P rovoat St.> Ne w aiasgow. Talbot H«'i\ry, George stroet. TjillM)t Williatu, ship carpfiittM-, St. Ainlrcws str«!Ot. TuUiot Murk, ri<,'i;er, conusr of Falkland and WcUingtijn Htro-ts Talbot John, ship c.irpfMitJT, North stnuit. TANNER R, & SON, importers and nianufactirectorv Publisher, Coleraine street. THE PiCTOU BANK, Thomas Watson, manaj^er, ('oleraine St, i'honipson Mrs. M., widow, Water htreet. ThotnpHon Alexander, retired merchant, Spring street. 'fhi)m|».son ('apt. .\rclii!»alil nuist«^r niarinei", Ro^k street. Thouipsoa (T(!t)rge, biitcln^r, Flliott street. Thorp Mi's, fv., widow, John Ives Wharf. Trt^-a Mrs. Maiv Jane, Watei- street. V^anee Mrs. Nicholas, St. Andrews .street. V^enue Stejthen, niai'iner, St. Andrews stre<'t. V'incent Joshua, ship carj)enter. Colei-aiiie street Vincent flohn W.. sliip carpentei-. Front street WALKER G. W.I «adiller and harness maker, Water street. Walker William, cooper, Spring .street. W^allace Mrs Susan, old Hiilit'ax Road. Wat4;rK (Japt. Jas., niast«M" mariner, Spring street. Waters f^apt. John, (.'hipman .street. WATSON THOMAS, n.o.a-ei The Pictou H.o.k, h Kinnear St Watt Fiiinund, saddler and h irm-ss maker. Market Sipiure. house North street. Watt Gordon, sachlhr and harncsn maker, North strcu-t, Welsh Mrs Margaret, Pictou House, Arnison's Wharf. Wesner Lemuel, slute maker, Water .stn>et. West Kdward T.. fanner and tiiiekriiaii. Prince street. West Kichiird. la'torer, Priuce Alfied str«'et. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OFFICE, W"">- >^t. t Whalen Michael, toba«"Coni«t, l)enoon street. W^halen Mra. Mary, widow, iK'noon street. Whalen ll(}ct/f»r, printer, l>enoon street. Wilson Charles, dealer i»i fruit and confectionerv. W.iter street « — ,*«-*...- . , Slskn^ Books and Materials at J. McK. B«attie'e. 84 iMCTor DiKixrror.v. PUots and Beavers at /.lex. Praser's, Piovcst laids Sprint; street. Y0R3T0N J. & J., slii|. l.iiildrrs. .Maiinr llailway Wi.arf. N'nrstou John, (Hrm J. & .J. Vorston,) Denoon street Yoi-ston James, (lirni .1. & J. Yorston,^ D.Mioon stn^'i YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ROOMS, Water st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PICTOU LANDING. GH. This li m ! ' t A))i>letnn John, machinist, I. C. R. Hain I)., telef^^raph a^^ent, 1. C K. Cameron Saninel, foreman mechanical department round house, I. C. K. Camj»h(>ll Peter, holier maker, T. ('. K. Clark H«'nry (1., store keejier, .1. C. K. Chuk James, en«rine driver, I. ('. R. F(n-nie Will'am, en<(ineer Mi.y Flower. Foster Samuel, .1. I*., p-neral d<;aler. Fru.ser Robert, boiler malu-r, I. C. R. Harris John, I. C. I: HeHler Filun, forenna; Vuie (.'ollierv. *■' McDonald Daniel, en;;ine driver, [. C. R. McDonald Allan, Hotel Keeiur. McDonald Daniel, J. P. McKay David, mechanical instrument maker. M(;K(ai/,ie Alexander, Blacksmith. McKen/.ie Peter, gen<;ral store. Mcljcod Mrs. E., widow, jKJSt mistresH 6l general dealer. McPlusrson Mrs. John, general dealer. Mason Thomas, car oiler, I. C R. NAIRN CAPT. JOHN,. May Flower. Smith Clnistonher J., t(»ronuvii Acadia \V*tarf. Sj)roull Edwiud, car inspector. Sproull Matthew, J. P. and i Lc ^ and < RE fc Char Fi Paiius Si Fccket Books at H. ^ Henderson k Co's., New Glasgow. 1Mi;T* 'V y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation #^ V ^ \^ 6^ <^ > n7 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 1" 9-2 NKW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. ) \ soiuewliat cxtonsive. As time rolled on, the hiiinble truder wlio coiniiieneed the battle of life with so many apparent diffi- culties, became one of the most prominent merchants in the Oounty of I'ictou, and what is of tar greater value, history records the fact that this pioneer merchant was distinguished for liis uprightness of character and honorable business princi- ples — elements of character whicli in our estimation, independ- ent of monev, constitute the commercial nobleman. The town, since the period i-eferred to, has became a place of no ordinary importance, and especially since its incorpora- tion. The limits of the town are extensive, and its founders evidently looked forward to the time when, as we hope, it will become at no distant period, a flourishing city. Already some of the largest ships of Nova Scotia have been built here, and although the past few years have been marked by very great depression in ship building and other branches of indus- try still the hope is cheribhed that ere long a change for the better will take place. There are several foundries in the town, including the exten- sive establishment of Messrs. I. Matheson & Co., engineers and boiler makers ; also, the New Glasgow foundry and the Nova Scotia Forge Co., immediately adjoining the town. Here too, are three tanneries, ship building yards, factories of various kinds, two banks and savings banks, several excellent stores, and other places of commerce, Many of which would be a credit to any city in the Dominion. In the town we find five churches, three of which are Presbyterian, one Baptist, and the members of the English Church have service in the Mechanic's Hall every Sabbath, and we understand they have it in con- templation to erect a church, when the funds are available anle truder ent dilli- Ls in the 3, history inguished 3S princi- ndepend- ! a place n corpora- founders hope, it Already uilt here, by very of iiidus- ) for the he exten- eers and ift Nova ere too, t" various t stores, Id be a ind five and the chanic's in con- ble ano ' '1(1 a capital a.sHortme found blank bf)ok.s in various niM\n -wTapj)in;.' pajwr aiul paper \hx^h at nianii fat-tunini rates ; room paperw in tho newest patterns. A capital 8tot:k of ehronioH aMt on eai*H in our adverti.Ming columns. While at the same time tln'V are ex- tensive dealers in stoves of all kinds, enamelled and ordinary hf»l low ware, enamelled saticepan.s, table cutlery, lamps aiul lamp fiittngs, chandeliers, bird cages, cistern pumps, kitr»w;iit(!(| in th«! Hiuldlcry uiid harness liiU) by tlii! house of tiiu gtuithuiitMi who hoiul thin notiuH, which is i(x:at(Mi oil Provost Htrcot. lioth partiun-H have had consiihiraldr ex|M!ri«)Hco in Nova Hcotia and tainfd tii-Ht *e fuuiul lil I, robea and one of t\u- is too wril devoted to tilled work » town, has )le and in Imrdware, d to do all le address. :S AND > t' BirRIKRHH VnTICRR, 103 ne fi"om the as the on- |t. Among d on Pro- hes, hand- tacles, and «'Ve gluAHf'K may hf Hoen. The jewellery department compriNeH, ♦ ii;4af,'en>ent and wedding iin<,'s, channR, I(k ketH and a host of iiui«- e«'llaneou8 UHcful and ornamental inticleH. Fn this esUildishinent all kinilK of watches and cloi'ks are neatly repaired at reasoral»l<- rateH. THOMAS MUNRO. Tliis house is likewise situated on Provost Htw^et, where the proprietor is building up a steadily inereasing husiness. His stoek • onsists of clocks in all styles — ladies and getttlemen's gold iind silver, hunting a?\d ojKni faced watches, in plain and fancy cases. lated, and ?iickle, all of which are of fitie quality. In connection with his other business s|)ecinl attention is devoted to the repairs of clocks, watches, and jewellery. :o: HOTELS. LORNE IIOTKL. Formerly known as the KgiM'ton House, sitiuited on the corner of McLean and James Streets, has recently changed hands, and is now conducted by Mr. Arthur Kniglit, proprietor. The house has undergone a com})lete change in all its internal and external arrangements. Tt has been re-painted, and refurnish ed in a most beautifid .style. It has a home-like and comfbrtablf appeai*ance, without extravagance, and having been shown through its various rooms, including sleeping apnilmftnts, wt' can tt-stify to the completeness of everything in the establishment. Here |H>rmanent ami transient boai-ders are acc^ommodated, at I'ejison able rates, and no troul)le is spared to ensure the con)fort and con venience of its patrons. »ll i 104 NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. DUFFERIN HOUSE. Conducted by Mrs. M. S. Clish, ia located on the corner o< Provost and George Streets. This house is close to all the princi pal business establishments and is well adapted for the reception of the travelling public. The lonw experience of the proprietr ess, with her well known care and anxiety to promote the com fort of her customei's, have secured for her a large connection among the business community. AMERICAN HOUSE. Has been established many years, and is at present conducted by the proprietors, Messrs. J, and N. McKaracher. It is locaterietr- te the com I connection it conducted It is locateeyon» kiieex in liirge niimbfr.s, and we doubt not the enterprise with increase*! facilities will be crowned with am[)lp success, DAN 1 KL McDERMID. Is proprietor of the Excelsior IJillianI Ilall, situated on Provost ' Street. This spacious place of eheerful arr.nwement and recreat- ion, is on the second iloov of the nuignifieent mnsiUiu: hall, recent- ly erected by the enterprising gentleman whose name heads this notice. It is one of the most complete billiarrl halls in the Pro- vince, furnished with every article that shouW have a jdace in a hall of this kind. One of its many attractions ii» a grand sweet* toned piano, which adds considerably to the enjoyment of the visitor who has an occasional half hour to spwre. We M'ere glad to obsei've that notice was given by the proprietor that no boys under age were allowed in the room, .md it would not be out of place if another notice to this effect adorned the walls. "No swearing or obsene language tolei-ated hei-e. JOHN K. TITRNEP^ Is successor to Messrs. McDermid and Tamer, |»ainters, glaziers, and paper hangers, whose place of business i« on Mcl^ean Street. Mr. Turner's long experience as a pmctical plain and ornamental painter, both here; and in the States, is well known, and j)ossesse8 the best facilities for the execution of all work in his line of bus- iness. He devotes special attention to house, sign, omanuntal N f i) li 106 SEtf GLASGOW DIKE(rrORY. and fresco i»ainting, f^rainiug, and niHrhling, all of which aro doiu* in the best style, and what is of some; inijxjrtance in these times, on the most reasonable terms. Remember the address. FRANCIS DRAKE. Whose factory is situated on Fisher's Grant Road, is an extensive mannfacturer of cream so»^ observed that tliis establishment ships goods by rail or water to any, and prices compare favorably with those charged in Halifax or any other city. ' ■ ;i 1 are done eae times. Road, is )nad«% sar % wliidi he considered find miriv- erved that y address. Halifax or NEW OLA8G0W DT RECTORY. 107 J. W. CHURCH, PROPRIETOR, ':-«-«'<5S«ytS>'^>'e>'">^ f isgle ^ » Furnished at Short Notice, -AND- ©M 3^3iASOMABX^3l SEftSCS. North End Archimedes Street, •> )■ ll ♦' oi ill :ii,i I •, ■ J M J 108 NUW GL\S(5()W DIRECTORY. -:o:- ^ Importer of nUkr^ ^ Patent & Harness Leather of all kinds. Dealer in Carriages, Carriage Springs and Axles, Bolts, Bands, Hubs, Shafts, Spokes, Rails and Bent Rims. AGENT FOR THE Singer Mann. Co., and Improved Buckeye Mower and Beaper, &g. P. S. — Received a Diploma and Medal for a Set of Single Harness awarded by the Dublin International Exhibition, 1865. W I ids. prings afts, >. >eaper, it^% iikiU [**^ \ FACTORY : Fisher's Grant Road, New Glasgow, N. S. LEMONADE, SARSAPA- RILLA, CHAMPAGNE CIDBE, • (From the Original Recipe,) PICNICS SUPPLIED AT SPE- CIAL RATES, . All Orders Promptly and Personally Executed. Our Ginger Ale is an Exceedingly Good Ar- ticle, unequalled by any in THE LOWER PROVINCES. Goods shipped by rail to any address at Halifax Prices. N. B. — When parties desire it we pay the fn-ight and charge it in Bill. FRANCIS DRAKE. ^ifi etj,*:? r, N. S. lE, l<9i SPE od Ar- lalifax ind charge .KE. NEW GLASGOW DIRKCTOUY. 113 ALE2L FBASER, FasbioBable Tailor, Provost Street, New aiasgow, N. S. ALPII AB KTIC A L DIRECTOR Y. :o: NEW GLASGOW, 1879-80. :o:-- ABBOT"^ Hr '^^'^^'f ^"g''^^*^'^ Halifax and CajKs Bretou Railway and Coal Co. office George street. Anderson John R., wutchmakcsr, James street. Armstrong Jlenry, laborer, Bridge street. .\rnold J(thn. black, mith, conun" High and Bernard streets. .Xithur James, wheelwright, Albion Mines Road, liiillentyne Alexander, hiborer, (Glasgow street. I'ailey John, forge companv, Mcintosh street. BANK, THE PICTOU I> '^^' *'»'i«*^'< »gt''>t, Piovost street. BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Jas. W Carmichael ag.nt, Gtiorge «t BAPTIST CHURCH, between East River and Pleasant streets. Hawdeii Joseph, (c(jlored) chimney Kwee2)er, McDonald street. Heattie Miss C.. clerk, Provost street, lieattie Jolin, blockmaker, Provost street. Bell Adam C, M. P. P., druggist, George street. Betts J'-iin, laborer, Bridge street. Betts Vllan, laborer, Albion Road. Blackie Miss Louisa, clerk, Provost street. Blackie Charles, trader. Mountain Road. Bone David, laborer, Albion Road. Bourke R. F., clerk, Provost street. Bowman John, baker, Provost street. Bowman Mrs. Margaret, widow, James street. Bradley Henrv, laborer, James street. BROWLLETf E REV. TELESPHORE. Pastor French Mission Buckles Heniy, laborer, Provost street. Cameron Daniel R., house carpenter, McKay stret Cameron Hugh J., merchant. Provost street. Cameron Duncan, house carpenter, Pleasant street. Cameron Hugh, house carpenter, Campbell street. (Cameron Daniel, tailor. Provost street. Camei'on Miss Sarah, Provost street. Cameron James A., station agent, Geo. street, h Washington st. Camei'on George, constable, McKay street. J. UoJL BEATTIE, BoobteUM and Stationer, Water Street, Ficten, N. S. 114 NKW OLASOOW DIHKf'TORY. II ''' - I i Best English and Canadian Tweeds at Alez. Fraser's, Provost Street, 17. 9. Cuiiienm Andrrw, Oshortif llo\isc, An;liiin»Ml«>H Ntr««it. ('Hiiio' AU'xr., house mr|K'nt<'r, MrDoimld street. (!iimer> 'is. Klizalieth, widow, McDonald street. (JariH'roi. .vid, plain uiid oniameiitul p.iiiiter, Mcfienn stn^it, h ISIiirsli street. f/'Hin(!ron Diiiiejin, house cfirperiter, McLean strM't, h Phiuwint st Cameron Ifiit,di, house v-arpenter, M (! I jenn St., h Provost street. Canieion l/iiii^idaii, ioiirneyntan shtxiniakttr, Prov(xst str«!ot. CAMERON JOHN H., l«-..nlson Athert street. Cameron William, Idaeksmitli, Jury Htre«^t. ('amt'i'i.ii .Ii>hn, "grocer, .Xichitiiedes .■•.treet, h McKay street. Cameron Alexantler C.. joiner and gi'ooer, (j(!Orge street. Camphell \V. li., CoIleel«M' II. M. Customs, Provost street, houH<), Marsh street. Camplicll Diiniel, manufai-turrr of hroonis, .Areliirnedes street. Camplx'!! i'eh'r, lilacksmith. Prosost s(r.;et. (.'.implii'il Duni'an, hiaeksiriith. Provost street, ('■impiiel! I)oui,das, hoot and shcx^ maker, Provost street. Camplx'll W'illiairi, hlaeksiiiirli, James street. Cantlt'v .r.niit's, ixrocci" and confectituier, Provost street. CANTLEY THOMAS dt CO., ''''i^'^. gl'i'*^ '^''-l earthenware, Pr-> vost street. Cantley Thomas, (Hrm Tlionjas Canthfy and (\).,) Temperance st. Canth'v ('harles, spar niak<'r, Tem|»erHnee street. OARMIOHAEL JAS.W.& CO., nuarhants and shipowners. (ieorjLfe street. Carmicliael .las. W. {firm Jas. W. Carmichael and Co.,) Bi'idge st. Oarinicliael dames, Junr., (lirm Jas. \V. Carmichael and (\»,.) Bridge street. Carew John, store keep(;r and news agent, Pi'ovost street, h cor. Glasgow and Victoria .streetvS. Cassidy Miehael, ship carpenter, Albert street. Cavanagh James, ship carpenter, G«*orge street, (/avanagh Mrs. Thomas, widow. McKay Street. Cavanagh J. Jfowai'd, (tirm J. W. Jackson and Co.,) Provost st. (.*arr George, clerk, James street. CHAMBERS S. G. dt CO., genfii-al merchants. Provost street. Chambers Sylvester G., (tirm S. G. Chambers and Co.,) Provost street Chisholm Daniel, tanner, Albion Road. Chisholm John R., blacksmith, Pi'ovost street. Chisholm Miss Elizabeth, '* ?]astern Chronicle" office, h Forbes st. Chisholm Angus, grocer and provision dealer, Provost street. Chisliolm & Meikle, grocers and general d(>aU'rs. Provost street. Chisholm Hugh, (tirm Chisholm and Meikle,) Provost street. i' i>e' otli(»r mikI tleblH 4 All kinds Note Paper and Enrelopes at R R Renderson Co's. New Glasgow, treet, N. 9. \ Htnn^t, h oawmt si t Htroot. ec't. r«et. eet. lu)us<), street. trance st. ii|)(Avn(T.s, iJriclgt* St. jiiui (U),.) ;t, h cor. ruvost st. ;reet. Provost ''orbos st. st street, reet. Glasgow, NKW ULA8U0W DIKKOTOKY. 115 A. M. FRASEK, Jf. P. omnu.'j'jioncr ^u]}i:cni([ § i\ ountij ^f ouHj! I 't:^^ Deeds, Mnrtjoi^feM, Wills, CViiitraias, AjjreeinontH, OITsoIh, hihI all other legal Doi-umentH written, mid exoeiited with neatnesH, aeeiiraey ami d('H|)at«-h. Al.s<» I LI^UM IN .\TK1) d<)<'umetit.s. The eullection of debts H Hperiulty. NEW GLASGOW, N.S. JAMES RODERICK MoLEANr Provost St., New Glasgow, N. S., harness ^nhcr ntid ^iuringe ^rinimet[. -- InijM)rter of — Saddlery Hardware, Patent und H;ii'iiess Lcatlier of all kinds. Upholstering and llepairing neatly done. ipe, S. G. TU ?PER, in Itoves, "" Register Grates, ORDERS PROMFrLY ATTENDED TO. - « Sf . s. DANIEL a ROSE, BUGGIES AND WAGONS Mii&JS TQ QmBMlM QJt' MQ&MMMTB TMSM8, FACTORY : MAESH STREET, NEW GLASGOW, N. S. li tj Nr 116 NKW (lI.AHUoW 1)1 IIK( TOUT. li^^^ II m SADDLE AND (OPPOSITK AMKHI(^\N HOUSE) Provost Street, New Glasgow, N. S. First Prize for Harness at Provincial Ex- hibition in Truro, 1878. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES •ANP ARCHIMEDES STREET, JSE'W G3E.A ;8. NKW (JLAH<;OW KlllKCTOItY. 11 m dc. .s. al Bx- r IN flnt Sngliah Worsted Qoods at Alex. Fraser's, Frorost St, New Olasgow rhisliolin Miss Julia, nisliirr S. (5, rliumlMM's iiihI < ?o., Korhrs st. < "liislioliii (Jcni^r W. l>nj,';,'ii<,'»' iiiiiMtcr, (JIiis^'ow .str«'«>t, CHISHOLM DANIEL, «h'1'II<'I' '"»'l liarncss iiuik«»i-, ArcLiinudoH Ntlfft, ll hlotllt'lN Htrt'«'t. ('hisholm Williiiin, trunk inanufiicturtT, Miotlu^rs street. CHISHOLM WILLIAIVIi '^i»'^'II<'i' '""l linnuss mjinufiuturor, Arclii iiiiilf's street, li(»UH»' K<>rl»fs Ktrec't. C'lii.sholin Alfxali'lcr, I'l' Htreet. t'liislioltn S\ve«!ny, Mliip oiii'|t«'i»ter, Provost Htn'ot. < 'liisliohn Alexander, Macliiiiist Acadia F()unridj4(! strctets. CHURCH J. Wii •»<>'i»*^l »"'lished ev»-ry Thui-sday morning Daniel Lo^an editor and jn-ojirietor. EASTWOOD JAMESi vvatclmiaker, and jeweller. Provost street, h Tenijierance street. Eastwood Samuel, clerk. Temperance street. Eastwood William, section foreman, I. (J. K., George street. Egan John, brakesman, Archimedes street. English Mrs. Janet R., confectioner, Provost street. Forbes William, cooper, corner Provost and Hunter streets. Forbes John W., liouse carpenter, Provost street. Forbes Kenneth, carpenter, Archimedes street. Forl)es Mrs. Ellen, widow, Archimedes street, Forbes, Mrs. George, widow, McLean street. Forbes John James, mason. Marsh Boad. Fraxer James, McKay .street. ERASER JAMES & SONS, general merchants, Provost street. Fraser Tliomas E., (tinu Jas. Eraser and Sons,) h corner Airbes streets. Fraser Alfred, (firm Jas. Eraser and Sons,) McKay street. Eraser William, iron founder, Provost .street. Fraser Samuel, moulder Acadia Foundry, Albion street. Fraser William, fai'mer, West River Road. Eraser Robert, machinist, Acadia Foundrj', George street. Fraser Mrs. Margaret, widow, Dorian street. Fraser Joseph, machinist, west side, New Glasgow. Fraser John, pattern maker, west side. New Glasgow. Fra.ser Alexander, pattern maker, west side, New (Jla-sgow. Fraser Donald, plasterer, west side. New Glasgow. Eraser Mrs. Matilda, widow, west side, New Glasgow. ERASER 0, C.i harrister and attorney-at-law, Carmichael's build ing George street, h west side New Glasgow. Eia.ser Thomas, farmer, west side. New Gla.'^gow. Fraser Thomas, engineer, Dorian street. Fraser Cameron, machinist, Dorian street. Eraser James William, farmer, west side, New Glasgow. Fra.ser William, M. D. Physician, Provost street. Fraser Andrew, tailor, Provost street. Fraser Miss Mary Ann, tailoress. Provost street. Purses li Pocket Books at E E HendetEon & Go's., New filAigew. LIE i ED happy Survey ( with f charge. Pa will get the m times. iH?' NEW GLASGOW DfRECTORT. 119 r iwQlasgow ret. ;t. ,'ost street. ly morninjij vost street, treat. ;reets. si street. ner Ai»lu- Ireet. t. eet. sgow. Uel's build- ;♦ rAiicr, BANK BUILDING, HEW SLAsaow, aff. s. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE EFFKCTED AT TI{E P,©"iy^:3'J 21.a'XJ[3. mm I Diwsfls, B. (. I., is^w o lO'iiig'o w, rs\. N. fJi-aduatfi of Queen's College, Birmingham. England, will he happy to wait on any j>ei*son requiring the »*»n-ices of a Surveyor. All Surveys made by him will be aoeompanicrl v,\i\\ a plnn of the pro|)erty sur^reye*!, without extra charge. Parties wishing Surveys will find by employins him, they will get an Hceurate Survey and plan, afl \n- has obtained the most apj)roved Instruments, and at prices to Buit the limes. Mi 11 I r,: M n 120 NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. illinerg S^fiot Provost St. New Glasgow, N.S. 1 ■•'■iU < hlf ' ' |.if|s III Mrs.Grant, - - Proprietress. Always on hand a sup})ly of Seasonable Goods, consisting in part of Ladies Fashionable Feathers, Flowers and Laces, (xloves and Hosiery, Eeady-Made INIantles and Ladies Divsses, Ladies Silk Ties and Ruiilings, and all articles to be found in » first class Millinery Depot. CUMMINGS BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN tery description of ilurniture, INCLUDING Sofa Lounges, Bureaus, Chairs, Bedsteads, PILLOWS, EOLSTEES, MATTEESSES, &c. Factory, West Side New Glasgow : Warerooms, Lower flat of Ma sonic Hall, PROVOST STREET, m I IVeTV GrlasgoWjTV. S. ^at u }ress. ting in part found in a S, »iture, steads, flat of Ma NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. 121 Sest American Hats and Caps at Alez. Fraser's, FroTost St, Nev Qlasgov Fraser Piitnon, ship carpenter, Temperance street. FRASER Di S.I ^^^y g^ods, groceries, boots shoes and crockery ware Provost street, h Albion street. FRASER WILLIAM' post-master, and manager of New Glas- gow Savings Bank, Provost street. Fraser Robert, clerk, Front .street. FRASER Ai & Ji W,, saddh;rs and harness makers, Provo.^t st. Fraser Alexandei-, (tirm A. a>(5¥(5ss>'Ss»^ tt /. acnrej ;_^,^, 0*f IMPORTERS & DEALERS -IN- BRITISH & AMERICAN IRON, STEEL. CUTLERY, Nails and Spikes, Cordage, Twines, Canvas, London Paints and Oils, Window Glass, Putty, Hsuse iuildifig Hardware, OF ALL KINDS, HAND PANEL, CROSS-CUT, AND MILL SAWS, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE. '^S99 (9 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Agents for The Washburn and Moen Manufacturing Oo.'s Steel Barb Wire Fencing. 565 Provost St., New Glasgow, N. S. «• i'' I'll' I 1^ 124 NEW GLASGOW DIREOTOUY. im m. m. stBtttf i •t BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS, PROVOST ST., NEW GLASGOW, N. S. Keep always in stock a full line of S @ © S 8 ^p In every department of Literature, Blank Books all sizes & kinds, Wrapping Paper & Paper Bags at manufacturers rates. With a general Stock of Fancy Goods in all departments. -:o:- English, Canadian & American Newspapers and Magazines, supplied at publishers rates. Books imported to order, and all business done at lowest possible rates. :o: Pictures & Picture Framing a Specialty. RS, 7, N. S. Blank ing [ui^il^s ;ment3. ^papers m ported ■atcs. cialty. NEW OLASOOW DIRECTORY. 126 Winter and Summer Overcoatings at Alez. Fraser's Provost St., New Qlasgov. Grant Abixander, journeyman harness maker, McLean street, (i ant Mrs, Annie, widow, McDonald .street. t. James, George street. Green Miss Mary, Albion street, (ireen Thomas, clerk, Front .street (.renor John, horse dipper, Provost street. HALIFAX & CAPE BKETON RAILWAY dt COAL CO.. J- d. Laurie, treasurer, otiice George street llally Daniel, ship carpenter. Jury street Harris W. A., a.ssistant .station agent, h Wanhington .street. Hartley Lsajic, Kempt .streiit. Harding T{arri.s, painter, Albert .street. Henderson John, Kempt street HENDERSON H. H, & Oo, ^^*jl^«ellers and stationer?, Provost st, h Kempt street HIGH SCHOOL. Md^an street II ill John, ship carpenter, street Hinds RoV>«rt, blacksmitli, Albert street. Hingley Simpson, house carpenter, Forbes street. Hogg David A., clerk, corner Fraser and High .streets. Holzomer Edward, furniture painter. Provost street. Holmes A. M., grocer and general dealer, George street. Huggam Thomas, house ear()enter, McDonald street Hunter David, blacksmith, Marsh street Irving Christopher, carriage builder, Provost .street, h Mcintosh street. JACKSON J. W. (St CO., druggists. Provost street. Jackson J. W., (firm J. W. Jackson and Co.,) Provost street JAMES CHURCH, R«v. E. a. McCurdy, Pastor. JARDINE THOMAS, ^oard and livery stables, James street Johnson William, ship calker, Provost street. Johnstone Miss Maggie E., clerk, Provost street. Johnstone I, teller The Pictou Bank, Provost street. Jones J., engineer, Osborne, Arcliimedes street. Keith Thomas, clerk, Provost street. Keith Peter, laborer, Glasgow street. Keith John, laborer, Glasgow street. Keith Mrs. Mary, widow, Glasgow street. Boom Paper at J. IfcZ. Seattle's^ Water Street^ Ficton, N. & 1^6 NEW GLASGOW DIRECrORY. i\ ! . WUte Dress and Fancy SUrts at /.las. Fraser's, Provost St. New Olaegow. KftiiH'ily Angus, laborer, Kr, Albion street. McCredy James, laborer. Little Harbor Road. McCUEDY REV. E. A., Pastor James Church, Mountain Rd. MeCurdy S. F., Clerk, corner McLean and Wa.shingt.on streets.' McCUrDY H. S. general merchant, Provost street. ^ M'-DEkMlD DANIEL, Excelsior Billiard Hall, Provost street, McDermiii John, .stone mason, Lome street. McDonald a. G., sewing machine agent, Archimedes street, bouse Provost Sreet. McDonald Mrs. Catherine, widow, (" sgow street. McDonald Akixr., truckman, Glasg( street. McDonald Allan, truckman, Glasgow street. McDonald Alexr., signal man, I. C. R. McDonald Randall, laborer, George street. u PI ■*^,• jy Pate Clei PEI Fens, FencSi, Ink and ^t«e at H. fi. Henderson ii Go's. New Glasgow. Tooth, And E }lugow. bs. Railway jent, Pro- •eet. McDonald ironicle" h »8 street. itain Rd. I streets.' jst street, les street, NKW 0L\8G0W DIRFX'TORY. 127 UNION DRUG STORE, J. W. Jackson & Co., PKOl OST n., iir (iU8iW, I i IMPORTEHS AND DEALERS IN •^i,'tf'«> iGlasgcw. itglish Jlni||s antl #Iicmirnlfi, Patent Medicines, English and American- All the Latest Preparations. Cleavers, Rimmels, Colgates, & Hearle's TOILET SOAPS. William's Celebrated Shaving; Soap. PERPUMES-Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water, Ess. Boquet, Jockey Club, Cashmere Boquet,etc. TOILET ARTICLES, Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Tooth Powders, Tooth Pa.steH, Pomades, Cosmetics, Etc. PHTSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS, And Family Recipes, accurately prepared with the purest Drags and only by Exj»erienced Hands. It m A I 128 NEW fJLASGOW DIRECTORY. .1.^.^ ^ND P4j^^^ NEW GLASGOW, N. S This Office 18 well supplied with Job Printing Material of every description, and the proprietor is prepared to do all kinds of work entrusted to him in jriRST OXrASS 8TY3^S. Such as Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Drafts, Receipts, Notes of Hand (singly or bound in books), Circulars, Posters, Handbills, Programmes, Dod- gers, Business, Address & Visiting Cards, SUPREME COURT, COUNTY COURT AND MAGISTRATES BLANKS. PROMPT ATTENTION will be given to ail orders, and work entrusted t* him will be executed With Despatch and at rates for Cash which will defy competition. All kinds of perforated work done on the premi-^o.^. KEW OLASGOW DI RECTOR Y. 129 Ladies and Qent's Valises, at Ales. Fraeer's Frorost St., New Ciasgow. !• Y l\l 3" . s. ial of every kindH oi Drafts, y or ers, ANKS. m will he ;h will defy o premi"o-.'^. McDonald Jaiiie.s \V., railway contractor. McDonald Lewi.s, laborer, K«*inpt Htn^««i. McDonald John, house caijifntcr. Marsh street. McDonald Andnnv, blacksinith, i oriic stn^cl McDonald An^us, section nmn, I C. R., Victoria street. McDonald Mrs. Mary, widow, Vutoria strccd. McDonald Randall, ship carpenter, West River Road. McDonald Daniel, kcIhwI inspector, west side New (ilasjjjow. McDonald l>aniel, tanner and currier, west side New Glasgow. McDonald Duncan, journeyman saddler. Provost street. McDonald J. F., & CO. ^^ goods and gents furnibhings, Provost street. McDonald J. Frederi;;k, Sunmier Hill, street. McDonald J. F., Hummer Hill, Marsh .street. McDonald Miss Maggie, tailonsss. Provost street. McDonald H«>nry, rtistaurant, Provost .street. McDonald Daniel C, cle"k, Forhes street. McDonald Kenneth S., tinsmith, James street. McDonald Mrs. John near llailway. McDonald Jolin, house carpenter, Provost street. McDonald Michael, ship carpenter, James street. McDonald Peter, ship carpenter. Marsh street. McDonald Kenneth, Washington street. McDonald John, ship builder, Granville .street. McDonald Samuel A., machinist Acadia Foundry, Granville «t. McDonnell Alexander, truckman, George street. McDougall James, cooper, George street. McDougall Donald, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street. McDougall John, (firm McKay and McDougall,) Provcst street. McDougall D., blacksmith, Mcintosh street. McDougall Duncan, house carpenter, West River Road. McDougall George, house carpenter. Provost street. McDougall Mrs. Sai-ah, widow, James street. McDougall Mrs. Eliz., widow, Provost street. McEarchen Hugh, laborer, McDonald street. McEarchen J i hn, laborer. McKay street. McEarchen Daniel, laborer, Provost street. McEarchen John, ship carpenter, Mcintosh street. McEarchen John, Junr., hostler, Mcintosh street. McGillivery Miss Sarah, dress maker, Archimedes street. McG'llivery John, barrister-at-law, Provost street, h James st. McGillivery Daniel, miner, Kempt street. McGillivery John, laborer, Archimedes street. McGowan John, cabinet maker. Bridge street. McGregor Mrs. James, widow, Temperance street. School Boob and Materials at J UcE Eeattie's, Water Street, Fictoo, 'A h 130 NEW OLASOOW DIRECTORY. Olores, Keekties, Stispenders, CollArs, ttc, at Alez. Fraser's, Hew Ol&sgow, 17. S. M«'(in'^'i»r Mrs. Micliacl, wi(l(»w, I'rovost .stroet. .Mc( Jrf)., taiuirrs uiid rurriers, Urid^'o Htrret. Mc< Jrcj^or .1., (firm J. ami K. Mi;(«r«'y<»r,) Mrid^'o .strt'ct, Mc(!rfir<>r I* VV., (firm .). ar.i! K. Mi:(l(*H Ht. r iloaltjr.H, lor IJritlge ler Bridge DemiK^c st. e" boards ictoria st. Granville •st street, set. h Albert N. a. NEW ni.AHdOW niKKCTOUY. 131 ^011(0 §otci »a">y ©3iA3©'©'^y^ «»3,« ARTHUR KNIGHT, - - PROPRIETOR. Permanent and Transient Boarders Accommodated at Reasonable Rates. c->cy&''^^ The propriot/)r, having taken the house formerly known as the "EGERTON HOUSE," furnished it throughout in and oi)ened it umler the name of "LORNE HOTEL," is pre- pared to entertjiin daily a large number of Traveller, and find comfortable quaitera for Permanent Boarders. Everything New, Bright and Cheerful. By every effort to cater to the wants of his guests he hoj^es to merit a share of jjublic patronage. It' :>l If ( : 132 NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. .1* ■ I asieni^ IS PUBLISHED AT New Glasgow, 'Pictou Co., N. S, EVERY THURSDAY MORNINO iv IN TIME FOR ALL MAILS, BY Daniel Logan, Editor and Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, $1.60 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES very reasonable and furnished on application. -:o: The EASTERN CHRONICLE pays particular attention to the collection and publication of COUNTY NEWS, as well as the compilation, in succinct style, of the most important DO- MINION AND FOREIGN NEWS. Nothing will be more acceptable to a friend abroad than to send him or her a copy of the Eastern Chronicle for a yeai', which you can do by sending the address and $L50 to the affice of publication. The "E. C." has a very large circulation in all the populous settlements of Pictou County, and hence is a first-class adver- tising medium. >S"H-*: s. S, BY .etor. innum, lonable 1. ttention to as well as )rtant DO- 1 be more a copy of by sending 3 populous lass adver- NEW GLASGOW DIRECTOBT. 13$ Superior Pilots and Bearers at Alez. Fracer'i, Ftcrart Street, 17ev Glasgow McKay Mrs. widow, Bridge street McKay John, house carpenter, corner Fraser and McKay streets. McKay John, Stipendiary Magistrate, Little Harbor Road. McKay Norman, Farmer, Little Harbor Road. McKay Miss Nancy, dress maker, C^eorge street. McKay George, gardener, Washington street. McKay Donald, wheelwright, Marsh .street. McKay Neil, laborer, west sid(; New Glasgow, McKay John S., (firm McKay and McDougall,) Provost street McKay James R., clerk, Provost .street McKay John, boot and shoo maker, Provost stre>et. McKay John, boot and shoe maker, Archimedes btreet McKay Miss C, old Merigomish Road. McKay Neil, boot and .shoe maker, Albert street McKenzie Alexr., tailor, High street. McKenzie Mrs, M., confectioner. Provost street McKenzie Mrs. Nancy, restaurant, Archimedf« stre<^t. McKenzie W. F., grocer and comn. mercLt, Archimedes street. McKenzie Alexr., tailor, McLean street. McKenzie Geo. A„ barrister-at-law, Prrivofit iitreet, h Forbes st. McKenzie Mrs. C, widow, McKay .street McKenzie David laborer, Provost .street. McKenzie John, boot and shoe maker, Provowt street. McKenzie Alexr., mariner, McDonald street McKenzie Mrs. Helen, boarding house, Kempt street McKenzie Angus, farmer, west side New Glaiigow. McKenzie James, farmer, west side New Gla-gow. McKenzie Duncan, farmer, west side New Giasj^ow. McKENZIE S, M. ^>ook and job printer, "Chronicle" building, Archimedes street, h Provost street McKewin James, blacksmith, Temperance street McKillop Hugh, journeyman carriage maker, Albert street McKinnon John, laborer, Provost .street McKinnon Alexr., ship carpenter. Marsh street McLean James, principal high school, Archimedes street McLean Alexr., laborer, Provost .street McLean Jas. R., builder. Marsh street. McLean William, tanner and currier, George street McLEAN MRS. M. millinery and fancy goodis and agent for Buttericks PatternvS, Provost .street McLean Colin, mariner, Albion Mines Road. McLean James, laborer, Dorian street McLEAN J. RODERICK sandier and hameas maker, Provost st McL<;od James, drug clerk, Provost street McLeod John, ship carpenter, Washington street Books in every department oi Literatme at E S. SadtncB & Co'l K. 0^ ♦r t* 1 1 iii)| .• Hi 134 NEW GLASGOW DIRECTOnY. Best Fit in the Froviiice guaranteed at Alez. Fraser's, FroTost Street, IT. 0. McLeod Roderick, teacher, Forbes street. McLeod M. G., J. P., Temperance street. McLeod Malcolm, suda water manufacturer. Provost street, h Temperance street. McLarghlan William, boot and shoe maker, McDonald street. McNfir Eliza, Glasgow street. McNair Miss Margaret Ann, (xlasgow street. McNElL'S HALL, Provost street. McNeil John, ship carpenter, street. McNEIL Hi Li Pi, ^oots and shoes and general dealer. Provost street McNeil Miss Mary, clerk, Archimedes street. McNeil John, boot and shoe maker, Archimedes street. McNeil W. P., dealer in musical instruments, sewing raachines &c., Provost street. McNeil John, ship carpenter. Marsh street. McNeil Mrs. Annie, widow, McKay street. McNeil James, ship carpenter, Washington street. McPherson John, coal dealer. Provost street. McPheron David, coal factor, Provost street. McPHERSON JOHNi if^^rWe mason and freestone cutter, Marsh street. McQueen Angus, house carpenter, Temperance street. Mann Capt. Alexr., George street. MARSHALL DAVID, J- P» Marshall's tannery, George street, of lice Archimedes street. Marshall John, market house keeper, Archimedes street. Marshall Isaac, ship carpenter, west side New Glasgow. Marshall Alexr., truckman, McKay street. Marshall John, hay weigher, Hunter street. Market House, Archimedes street. Martin Mrs. Margaret, widow, George .street. WATHESON I. & CO., engineers Acadia Foundry, MATHESON W. G., engineer, (firm I Matheson ct Co.) Matheson Mrs. Cathei'ine, grocer, McDonald street. Maxwell Mrs. Catherine, widow, Glasgow street. Maxwell James William, cabinet maker, Glasgow street. Meikle Adamson, dry goods and millinery, Archimedes street. Meikle Capt. William, Campbell street. Meikle Peter, (firm Chisholm and Meikle,) Provost street. Miller Charles, M. D., Archimedes street. Miller Miss Ann, dress maker, Forbes street. Moodey Chas. A., surgeon dentist, street. Moo^'o William, (manager Yale Colliery,) Nelson street. Moore Joseph B., Vale Colliery, McDonald street. Best stock of Bibles at J. McE. Eeattie's, Water Street, Ficton, N. S. NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. 135 Street, N. S. b street, h street. !r, Provost machines ber, Marsh street, of- 't. tt. I street. let. N. S. THOMAS MUNROE, -DEALER IS- 'atrl\cs, l^ioiis and JciccllcTii, IN STOCK : A Large assortment of Clocks in all Styles, FROM $1.50 AND UPWARDS. I aeod ^Jssartment of iiatches, COMPRISING, English, Swiss and Waltham, Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Hunting and open faced, plain and fancy Cased. A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELLERY, GOLD AND SILVER, wjnsisting of Bi'ooches, Rings. (Chains, &c. SPOONS AND FORKS, IN SILVER, SILVER PLATE AND NICKEL. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO §(lfiiimng l^ntchcs and ^owcU^tji. !,; I' i m iM w 11 %% in 136 NEW GLASGOW DIRECTORY. .8&0W DWELLING AND TANNERY, GEORGP] AND GEORGES STREETS. LEATHER STORE AND OFFICE ARCHIMEDES ST., (Opposite the Market.) Hides, Skins, Bark, etc. wanted at Store. AL80 LEATHER IN NEATS, SPLIT, CALFSKINS, HARNESS AND SOLE, For sale low for Cash. Orders Respectfully Solicited. MAGISTERIAL BUSINESS ATTENDED TO IN THE OFFICE. ROSS'S BAKERY, J3i%W ® J — — ttm* DUNCAN ROSS, PROPRIETOR. ALL KINDS OF Etc., on hand or Made to Order. Pilot Bread, Family Bread, Wine and Soda Biscuits, Wine, Sugar, Butter, Water and Ginger Crackers. CAKES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WEDDINGS. PIC-NICS, BALLS, lding Purdy. truckman, James street. Olding N. P., jailor, Archimedes street. Fartlow Est street. I'olson William, house car|)enter, Gla.sgOM- street. Pritchard A. ()., 1. C R., George street. Provo Mary C, washerwoman, Mcintosh stre(>t. IVe Thom;is E., peddler, Provost sti-eet. Itae Lindsey, carriage blacksmith, Marsh street. liankin Sweeney, stone cutter. Provost stn?et. Kankin Mrs. Christiana, j)lain sewing. Provost str«'et. IJay Thomas, ship carpenter, Prince Albert street. I Jeeves James, ship carpenter, Ix)rne stifM't. It Books in every department of Literatiue at H. H. Henderson Ic Go's. R N. G. 1 :58 XEW OLASUOW DIllKrTOnY. Alexander Fraser, Fashionable Tail' ^^ost Street, New Glasgow, N. S. i'!;iE ml- ,i.'H m E£ID JOHN Cp l>'ni'»<'<' 'If-ulc;' and j^oiieml iif^oiit, l*ru\ost st. liitohitr llt'ury, l)ui»k-ki;Hpor, Mouiitaiu llosul. Uuarh Mrs. M. H., widow. Aroliiinoilcs stnset. liobiuHoii UiiiiicI P.. bliioksinitli. Provost stront. IJo(l^«M's .liirm's. dyer, stivct. EOS£ DANIEL Oi» ^^^'im'^K** builder, c'oni.u- Tt'ini>er:ince iiiid Marsh streets, Jlii'di, tniisoii, coriuu- Albion ;ind (ieoriie streets.' Kose .loliii. iiiasdii, Albion stretjt. ROSE MISS MAGGIE A., pl^oto-rapher, ProvcKst street. ROSS ANGUS» wateliiuaker and jeweller Piovost street, li James street. Hoss Mrs. Elizabeth, confectiuiK^r, Provost street. Kos.s David, eabiiiet maker, 'IVinijeraTiee street. ROSS nUNCAN, '"^^t'»" !"i'l *l^»'»^' •i<-al*'i", Provost stre(>t. Koss Alexander, hostler, Hii^h .street. K0.S8 Miss Margaret, ()IIasi:row street. Hoss Miss Isabella. (Ilasifow street, Koss WilUaiii. clerk, (rlasgow street. I'oss Donald, tailor, reiinn-ianrf' street. Koss Donald, saw null, Melntosh .street. Koss Alexr., house carpenter, corner Bernard un"SV 3gow, N. S. ["uvust St. >er:iiice iiiul treefc. vX, h Jaiiifs ;('t. ^)i streets. i-ijser streetH. ry. ■eet. kiet. I |i R(>;i(l Jimi OS street. lido N. a.) 3U, IT. S. NEW 0I.A800W DIRECTORY. i;i9 HUGH ROSS & SONS, II* prnilttr m irila.'jgoir |ttrnHttrc Jartori). UNDERTAKING attended to in all its branches. -:o: ^ypffittfs itml ^itskcti iilwiips ot\ ^iuid. TVe>v ijrlnmgow^ IXova. Neotia, Monuments, Tablets, and Tombstones Made to order in every Style, on Reasonable Terms. Harsh St. New Glasgow, N. S. 1, 140 NKW GLASGOW DIRKCTORY. I' I !; JOHN R. SMITH & GO., l.Ml'oK'l'Kli.SX liKAI.EUS IN St;ij)lc and Jaiirg ||rj ^ooh, Carpetings and House Fumishingps. Provost St., New Glasgow, N. S. m •■i u ■fiig ' Blacksmith and iron Plough Manufacturer, IV«vr O-lajfiigo V*", IVova Sootif*. FIRST PRIZE AWARDED AT THE PROVINCIAL EX HIBITION, 1878. DEALER IN TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MO- LASSES, DRIED FRUITS, Confectionery, Spices, Crackers, Butter, etc., Kerosene Gil, Simj), Starch, etc., all at Moderate prices. Archimedes st., New Glasgow, N. S. NF.W GLAMtiOW 1j1UE(;T0UY. 141 J. S. ft, DUgh c-otin.. lAL EX IS, MO- Gil, Soap, ^.S. Best English and Canadian Tweeds at Alez. Fraser's, New Qlasgow, K. 1 Siiiitli Daiii*'!, ship carpenter, Provost Htreet. .>iiiitli A. Miltou, j()nrn»*yinaii carriage l>uil(]»;r, Tpm|»*T!ini'»' «trH»*t. Smith \y. Frank, journoyman carriage builder, Tempernni^* street. Smith Frank, hariujss maker, Provoht street. Smitli William, dry i»oods etc.. Provost gtreet. Smith Thomas, strt^et. Smith 'rhoniii>4. Provost street. Smith William F.. boot and shoe maker, Archimedes street, Smitli William, chief of [)olice, Mcintosh street. SMITH JOHN R. CO., dry K'oods mercliants. Smifh J. R., (hrm John K. Smith and Co.,) l^ligh street. Smith Mrs. Angus, widow. Bridge street. Smith John, grocer and Butcher, Mari'et street. Smith Mis-s Hannah, George street. Smith David F., joiner, Forlies sti-eet. Smith Thomas, carjK'nter, T.eni|MM-ance street. Smith Thutnius ({..Joiner, Marsh street. .Smith Kol»ert, ship carjHinter Pletwant street. Somerville (Joerge, mason, Granville street. Sones Mrs. M., widow, George street. Sterling (ieorge, stone mason, Provost street. Stewart William D., comitositor " Eastern Chntnicle" McKay »t. Stewart John, McGregor's tannery, Alnion street. .Stewart Tlion>as, miner, Dorian .street. STEWART JOHN blacksmith and plougli manufacturer, Prrjv«wt street, h Tempei-ance street. STEWART REV. JOHN, Washington street. Stewart William, railway contractor, Nelson street. Stewart John D., tanner and currier, west side New Glasgow. Sullivan Donald, clerk, Albion street. Sidlivan Thomas, house builder. Provost street. Sullivan W^illiam H., ship carpenter, Albion .street. Sullivan T., poor house keejier, west side New Gla.sgow. Sullivan William H., ship carpenter, George street. Sullivan John, Nova Scotia Forge Co., Mcintosh street. Sullivan William, ship carpenter, Albion street. Sutherland H. T., (firm A. C. Thompson and Co.,) Provost street. .Sutherland Neil, grocer, Provost street. Sutherland Miss Susan, confectioner. Provost street. Tabort George J., laborer, Archimedes street. THOMPSON A. C. & Cd, hardware and general dealers. Provost street. Thomp.son A. C, (firm A. C. Thompson and Co.,) corner .Mrl/ean and James street. Thompson David, farmer, Forbes street. 9o to H E Henderson Wu, fn Qieap Stationery. tt* I'k 142 KKW GLASGOW MRECTORY. P ,r» £«sv ^^road Cloths and Doe Sldns at Ales. Fraser's, Frorost Street, V. G. Tlioinfti-on Williarn, jointM', Provost Htroet. 'I'nMMi ./oseph, stone oiittfcr, KtMopt stiwt. TUPPIiR SAMUEL G., tinsmith und imurrioitjirr, I'lovtisl str««f, h \Viisliiii;^ioii Hlntet. Tn<4-fr Wiilte-r, houst^ rarjMMitJ'r, (Jforge stroot. Tnuihun Alai>er lmn;^er, Kovlx's stitH;t. UNITED OHURCH, Hev. K. a. Scott, pastor T.n.|K.nnue st. I. mierwuud es stn-et. Williams Sarah ('.. washerwoman. Mcintosh stn.el. Wilson John, tnuler, Archimedes street. Wilson George, cashier Valti t'olliery. Marsh str^^ct, VN'olfe IJenry A., hairdresser, Provast street. Wright John, farmer, Alountain Road. Voting Eie Cutbry, Lamps and Lamp Fittings, Chandeliers, Bird *• auld (.'lieap for Cu^li. Also, a siplondid lot of §etl$ ^.fimts^ With MOTTOES, superior to anything in this line ever offered in this town. e j^ifa ^ jl^C^J PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, Sic, uuule, Copied and Enlarged, and tinished in a style no exct'Uetl anywhere in this country. For your copies give me a call before you go elsewhere. ■ ■ • A, WALLACE. ''Di,V' m n^ i' ' ♦ r* 1 il 146 RIVER JOHN DIRECTORY. ^f>^^M^4m) e is ploaHantly situated on the East Side of the River, and fitted uj) for the reception of Permanent an-r^ Scotia. f the RivfT, [ Tnuisient [convenience y. rnished KER, [Cttt([r, rejisouable RIVKR JOHX DIRFXTORT. u Alexander Fraser, Fashionable Tailor, Froroft Stnet, I^ew (Hasgoir, N. S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RIVER JOHN. 18 MiLJ-s From Pktou. :o: — AvrliiV)a1il Adam, Ejoiieral dealer. ASTBURY REV. JOHN, ^ mun..t*-r. iSurke Patrick, hoard and livery staUlcs. ( 'aineron J. T., M. D. Collie J. R., M. 1). Dominion 'IVlegvapli ('o., A. McK^'Uzie, ag»-!it. !)<)\ivla.s John, Iious*- carpenter. DOWNING REV. J. L., RtHtor, Parish of John th<^ lJapti..t. 'iainnion VV'illiajn, boai'd and livery stabli^Hi GAULD JOHN D., post-ma.ster and dn.^^d-rf. GOLLAN JOHN, v'ounty and Stipendiarj- Ma^trat«. <.r;»tt^» M., house carpenter. HENRY MRS. E. D.,.l>iopnetotiaiKl. I ner BMt stock of BiUes at J. UcS. Beattie't Watar 3t?er, Fictcn. N. 1 148 RIVER JOHN DIRECTORY. I*, «* I IS* Best English a&d Canadian Tweeds at Alez. Fraser's, New Glasgow, 27. S. McDonald J. R., teacher. McDonald ALEX., ^^y^r an.l glWer. iMcI>f>r aid William, carriage builder. McKAY REV. H. B., Presbyterian Minister. .Vic Kay Mary, teacher, McKeiizie John, J. P. McKENZIE & GORDON, general merchants. McK(!M/,i(; Daniel, blacksmith. McKenzi«; it Lawdcrr, succesfssors to C. McLennan, ship builders. and general merchanttj. McKenzie Archibald, agent Dominion Telegraf)ii ( -o. McLennan Charle.s, J. P. McLeod James Isaac, blacksmith. McLeod I^^benezer, blacksmith. McLeod Malcolm, agent Western Lhiion Telegraph (^o. McLeod Miss Bessie, teacher. McQuarrie Miss Bessie, dress maker and milliner. MATHESON WILLIAM »><>"t and shoe maker. Mitchell John W., house carpenter. Munro George, dealer in dry goods, groceries itc. Perrin ])avid, blacksmith, Perrin P]dward W., carriage builder. "Pioneer" Newspaper, published every Thursday by J. D. (Jaiild. Redman William, general dealer. Rog(^rs Stephen, boot and shoe maker. Stramberg Mrs. Mary, restaurant. Stramberg John James, butcher and general dealer. Sutherland Robert, tanner and currier. Sutherland George, blacksmith. Western Union Telegraph Co., M. McLeoen for the reception of the Tnivelliii|ir )»ul»]ic. and no trouble is .spare^t'iti..u agent. McDougall Miss M. U., (*^vhs maker. .Vr(;Innis Donald, tn'ocrr itc. MclNTOSH WILLIAM H., merchant tailor. Mcintosh John, contractor and builder. Mcintosh (T«H)rgc, in'occr itc. McLEAN MISS A. E.i "lillincr and dealer in fancy t and shoe niak»'r. McKay Angus, ho, i^nd .shoe maker. McKay Mrs. George, dealer in dry good.s, and groceries. McKAY MURDOCH, ii'iporter anil dealer in boots and sJmes, (.see advt. McKean Marrion, dealer in groceries and dry goods. McKean Harop, carpenter. McKenzie (.'harlcs, pla.sterer. McLean Mi.sso.s M. A. and J. E., milliners and dress makers. McLellan John James, joiner. McLellan Michael, blacksmith. McLeod Daniel A.,, general dealer. McLeod lloderick, carpenter. McPherson George, dealer in groceries. Marshall James A., expressman. Matheson Janje.s, conductor I. (J. K. Maxwell James, underground overman. MUNRO DANIELi ^stipendiary Magistrate and proprietor of We.stville House, (see advt.) Munro David, Travellers Rest. Munro Alexr. J., joiner. Oliver John F., general dealer. Oliver Kenneth, carpenter. Pero Edward, engine driver. Purvis Alexander, undergi-ound over-man. Reid James, weaver and .store keeper. Robinson James, nia.son. R,ogers J. P., agent Western Union Telegraph Co. Roy James, Ju.stice of Peace. Saunders George, carpenter. SIMPSON ROBERT, J- P-, manager I. C. Coal Mining Co. SMITH JOHN, proprietor Royal Oak, (.see advt.) Sutherland Mrs. Robert, general dealer. Sutherland Robert, pla.sterer. Western Union Telegi-aph Co., J. P. Rogers, agent. WHITE WILLAKD W., manager Nova Scotia Coal Co., White James, general dealer. Wilkes James, machinist. Wilkes John, machinist. Young Mrs. Marion, dealer in soda water and cigars. wi Al KAll Ter m Mark Books in every department of Literature at E H. Henderson is Go's. N. 0. WK8TVILLK DIRKCTOKY. 157 sow, N. S. shoes, (sfB (Is. lakers. pi'ietor of Co. PmmeEa pElfemi, WESTVILLE, NOVA SCOTIA, ALWAYS KEEPS IN STOCK A large Assortment of Dry Goods, Grocer- ies, Boots and Shoes, Room Paper, &c. FAIKHANKS HAY-SCALKS FlTrKD UP ON THK PHEMISKS — Weighing (h)ue at n^usoniihle lateH. Terms : CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. Prompt Monthly iiaynuMits recjuiivd or no sale. DAVID CALDER & CO., WESTVILLE, N. S. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Crockery, Confectionery, &c. I i TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Go's. N. G. Mark tlie address, Main Street, Opposite the West- ville Drug Store. ]ft8 ■OPIWBI.L III KiCi TORY. t. » HOPEWELL, ^ NOVA SCOTIA, nKAI.KRIN 5ta|!l(j and lanco ||rs iocds, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and ShoeSj Leather, Lumber, kc, &c. -:o:- All kindK of ( 'ounti*y Pio«luce tiiken in Kxrhange, and tho liigliest Market j>rice |»nid for tl»e shiii«». JAMES W. MCDONALD, (SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE ALEXANDER McDONALD.) HOPEWELL, N. S. pBum Groceries and Provisions. :o: Always in Stock a good Supply of Ready-Made (.'lotliing, Earthenware, Tin and Hardwai-e. Farm Produce taken in Exchange for Goods, or Cash. COTIA, ^o(ls, p nd Sboep, gp, and thf D, •DONALD.) le Clothing, Ige for VALK rOLI.IKKY DlhRCTOKY. 15} Sest Brofti Clotlis and Cm Skins at Alex. IVaNr'i, Frorost Strnt, N. 0. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF VAI^ COLLIERY. •:o;- ALLAN SIR HUGH, Presichmt VaU- Coal Co., H M..i.trf»al. BRUCE REV. W., Pn'«'rian .MiiuHtei. <>niiit Donald, I land sline iiiakcr. GREENOR JOHNi njeohanical «U);ineer aud J. P., manager V%U ('olliery. Hardey J. F., time keeper Vale CoUiejy. Hiiij^lev Fulton, dealer in dry goods, groceries Arc. MoCJill'ivary D. A., M. D. McKay Hui;li. lioot and slioe maker McKINNON BROS., dealers in «lry « Is, ^^roceries. dni;^« .to McKinnon C. J. (Hrm McKiiinou Bros..) nja.ster and J. P. MoKinuon A., houne carjxMiter aud Imilder. WOORE J. B., Vice President Vale (^oal (!o. Ornnston Daidel, nieclianical engineer. KoWitisou A., house carpenter. Kohertsou D. C, photographer. Daniel, dry goods and gi-oceries. Spurs Mathew, deputy overman Vah' colliery. 'I'hon»p.son D. 11., Teacher. ''rurnl)ull Thomas, overman vale colliery. Wilson George, clerk and cashier vale colliery. Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags^ft Twine at J. McS leatiie'e, Water St., Picton. 160 IIOI'EWELL DIRECTORY. Lftdies ftnd Qtnt's Vftlises, at Alez Fnser's Frovost St, New Glasgow. BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF HOPE^iTEIX PICTOU CO. 7 Miles From New Glasgow. U I'ainl riiarliis, section man I. ('. K. CAMEKON ANGUS, Mack smith, (see atlvt.) Cuuuiiing John, Justice of Peace. ( 'unnin/iiliam Richard W., carriage lujilder. Fanning Jolni, miUer Hopewell niills. FRASEK JOHN} i"<^i't^^l»ai>t ami proprietor Hopewell Housf (see advt.) Fraser Alexander, ))ainter. FRASER ALEXANDER, trunk an.l harness maker, (see adv.) aALBRAITH REV. P., t^reshyterian Minister. (Jrant William, (tirm John McArtliur and Co., (irant JameH W., brick maker, (irant Joseph Howe, cattle dealer. GRAY MRS. DANIEL, Hopeweii Miii8. (iray Hugh, Justic«i of Peace. (iray Finlav, grist and saw mills. GUNN JOriN, p<.st-ina.ster. Haas Francis, weaver. McARTHUR JOHN & Co., furniture, .sa.«,!., door, and blind manufacturers, (.see mlvt.) McBean A. W. A., general dealer. McDonald JAMES W., ision.s, (see advt.) McDonald Enon, dealer in groc.'eries. McDonald Mrs Daniel, milinier. McDonald Brothers, woolhui mills. McDonald john r, ^^ i>. phy«ieian. McDonald Hugh, house carpenter. McDonald John, carriage builder. Mcintosh A. D., teacher. Blank Books very low at H. J?. Henderson & Co's., N. Q. HOPEWELL DIRE<.TOfcT. 161 Jlasgo'w. 2WEIX Best English and Canadian Tweeds at Alex. fnmi^% T&rti Qlasgow, K. S. McLEAN REV. ALEXR., PreMhjterian Miniirter. -Mrl.caii Hector, Justice of I'eace. McLean John I)., l»oot and .shoe iuak«>T. McLean David, r(\staurant. McLEAN HENRYj mt'i't'iant, tann#-r aikI t-urrier. (k.m' advt.) McLENNAN BROo.i ii Anilrew, fonnnan wv.tion ina'^t*-r I- i'. VL llolijnson Joseph, Taih)r. Ijos.s Peter, Justice of Peace. URQUHART ALEXR,, n.ercht. and v'^neral d.-ahr, (see adv.) • njuhart Joiiii, Itoot and shoe niakt-r. rtell Housf- (see adv.) and blind oceries and Bert stock «f Bibles at J McZ. Bcattie's, Water Stree*^ Pir-cn.. N. S. U 162 HOPEWELL DIUKfTORY. •Il M ALEXANDER URQUHART, HOPEWELL, N. S., DEALER IX GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c. :o: All kinds of Market produce taken in Exchange, and highest Market prices paid for the Same. AXEXANDER FRASER mm r,f mfi f .^ ^ SJ 1^ &i 1£/ S2 «^ «S2i «M»i ^ HOFEWELLs NOVA SCOTIA. ANGUS CAMERON, GENERAL BLACKSMKE, HOPEWELL, N. S. All kinds of Work connected with the Trade done in a suhstantial manner, and at reasonable prices. r, ?0iis :c. :change. )ame. R \W ^' '^ I A. 9 done .le IIOPKWELL I>IRECTORY. i«;3 JOHN FRASER, Hopewell, Nova t ootia, fiENERAL DEALEi; IN Meal and Country Produce. Is bftiiutifully situatc'l on i-isiiiji,' ground, and lias hvcu sjK'fiiilly fitte'.l u|» foi- the iU'coininodiition of Visitors, Stningoi-s, ( 'f)iiinier- • ial men and tin- travelling j>ublic generally. Terms moderat*-. JOHN FRASER, Proprietor. HOPE^ArELLi $1^11 11 Illl\D IIMFKTOKf. c^ O rK ^ CP ^ J HN Mc ARTH L R & CO ., Hpsjtectfully inform the jiuldic that they are i>rej)ared to manu- facture all kinds of SASHES, DOORS & WINDOW BLINDS. FOR OUTSIDE & INSIDE OF HOUSES. Scroll and Band Sawing, Fancy and Ornamental Turning, Plan- ing and Matching. Straight Mouhlings of every descrijitiou. Fur- niture made and re|)airen. Reniemher the addi-ess, Hopewell, Pictoa County, N. S. m m I6i HOPEWELL DIRECTORY. m i !■ IcMl^nnun §i[otJwr§ 'QT^ HOPEWELL, NOVA SCOTIA, DEALERS IN t it Clii^^ii^ iitieilti, -:o:- SAMItlES C J.3:.LS® T2rj?0H AND fa©©®! Al* XHEIR EO¥JJEe, PRICES to Suit the Times. heri ^. nm, SH i&iS» mes. MlSCELLAyEOUS DIREOTOBT. If)-) MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. :o:- CORPO RATION. —Town of Pictou. iMAYOR.-John D. McLecxl, Q. ('. COUNCILLORS. -Ward 1— C. Dwy.r, W. J. Lorraiu. Ward 2 -D. T. llislop, R. Oamphell. Ward 3 — James Carson, F. W. Fra.sor, (Druggist.) TOWN CLERK, Treas. an.l C^rrk of J.— (}. H. Elliott. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATE -Daniel Hockin. POLICE CONSTABLES Juines AH uckle.s, John W. Campbell. :o: PICTOU FIRE BRIGADE. HOOK AND LADDER AND PROTECTION COxMPANV. J. S. Harris, Captain; R. A. Daw.son, Lieutenant; Daniel F. Ives, 2n(l Lieutenant ; James R. Brown, Secretary and Trea- surer ; John D. McKenzie, William N. Mills, Melville McKean, Hiram Fraser, Scott Dawson, John A. Stramberg, Abram M(!- Donald, Thomas Dickson, James P, English, Peter Carroll, B. Flynn. OFFICERS AND MEN IN CHARGE OF HAND ENGINE PHCENIX. James Yorston, Captain ; John A Stalker, 1st Lieutenant ; Norman McDonald, 2nd Lieutenant ; J. H. Campbell, Secretary and Tn^asurer ; James Devey, Alexander McDonald, John G. McDonald, Robert Brown, Samuel Chandwrs, Robert Tan- ner, James E. Gillespie, George Geldert, William Harritt, Daniel Sutherland, John McDonald. VOLUNTEER FIRE ENGINE COMPANY IN CHARGE OF THE STEAM FIRE ENGINE EMPRESS OF INDIA. George Dicks, Captain ; F. W. Fraser, 1st Lieutenant ; George Bayliss, 2nd Lieutenant ; John, Chief Engineer ; James McNeil, assistant Engineer ; James T. Paulin, Secretary and 166 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Wi m lU !1:| Treasuror ; James Arbucklcs, Alcxr. McK»!nzie, John McKfniia, John Beattie, Alonzo Hendc^rson, StuiUcy Jones, I). McDoiiaM. William Henderson, John W. (lourley, Alexander Smith, Alex. Mi-Neil, W. W. (jlennie. 1). (Jerman, John (Jerman, Janus (!arleton, (ieorjxt^ Davies, Jleetor MeMillan, J. Kislier (iiant. An^'us S. Me])onald, Kiehard Johnston. K. McKenna, J. II. ('ani{)b«'ll, Archibald McDou^'all, Samuel Hislop. OFFICERS AND M KN IN CHAROE OK STEAM FIRE ENdlNE PRTOU. I). T. Hislop, ('a)itain ; K. W, Eraser, Lieutenant; John \V. ('anj[>liell, ('hief En^'ineer : James McKean, Assistant Engineei- ; .James A. Skinner, Seen'tarv and Treasurer; W. (i. Fra.*^er, huiieaii Kii^Hsh, Adam Priuirle, I). ('. Henderson. Wm. Noonan, rlan-nce Hamilton, .lamt^s MeKinnoji, |)aiiiel Henderson, .lohii liriic(\ Mnrdoeh MeKm/ie, l)onald Munro, Artlmr Hislop, .lohn .M'lrruA', .Jos''j)li \Vilsi«n. Frank l)a\vson, Haniel Muiray. — :o:- BANKS. It THK IMCroU I'.ANK, ESTAHETSHED 1 S7 4, CAPITAL SoOO- 000, 1 All) rP *1-'00,00U DiUKCToits. Hon. ]\. P. (irant, President ; John R. Xooufoi, Vice-President : Robert I)oull, Es((. M. P., James Kitchen, E.s(|., I. A. (irant, Escj., Donald Fraser, Es(|., .1. D. MeCireyoi-, Es<|. M.vxa(;ki{ Thomas Watson, ('asiuku, John McK(!en, Tnt.LKn. W. D. Mevnell. HANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, ESTAP.LISHED 1H.S2. CAPITAL sir 1, 000,000. PICTOC P.RANcm HOWA KD PRLMROSK AGENT. MERCHANTS RANK OF H ALIFAX, ESTARLISHED ISd-l. CAPITAL .< 1,000,000, PI CTOIT BRANCH WM. IVKS, AOENT. ■:o:- SAVINGS BANKS. (GOVERNMENT SAVIN(4S BANK. AoENT, Alkxu. McPhail. THE PICTOU BANK SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Thomas Watson, Manager. PKTOU MECHANICS INSTITUTE SAVfNCiS BANK. W. W. CiLiiNxiE, Cashier. i:^^^ Mi-KeniiH, McDonald. iiitli, Al<-x. lau, Janus ilier (rrant. inn, .1 . II. A.M fikh: ; John W. Engin«nir ; (i. Frascf, n. Noonaii, ■l'SI>ll, JollM islop, .Idliii •ay. fTAL!?.-)(>0- -{. X(»>iiHn, c'licn, fvs(|., rt'iior, Hs<|. n, CAPITAL MKOSK I ED 1S(N. IVES, McPlIAIL. ENT. TSON, ManagiT. ■3ANK. , Cas'liier. MISOELLAN'EOLS DIUECTORY. CHURCHES. 167 PPJXCEST. CnrKCH (PHKSnVTERIAN.) Prince 8trt;et. hetwtnni Church anil Sprin*^ Streets, llev. Win. Donald, Pa.stoi- Flours of service on Sunday, 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Weekly lecture and piayer lueetiny Wednesday 7..'»0, Sun- day School L*.30. S<;at.s free. ST. ANDPvEWS CHURCH. Corner ( "hurch and Coleraine street, llev. A. \V. Herdinan, 1'a.stor — Hours of service on the Lord's Day at 11 A. AL and 7 P. M. Weekly prayer meeting, Wethiesday 7.30, Sunday School •J.:)0. KSOX CHURCH. Chipman st.. hetween Spring and Falkland Streets, I'ev. .Mexr. Piovs, M. A. Pastor -Salihatji services 11 .\. M. and 7 P. M. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesilay 7,30, Sunday School 2.30. CHURCH OF ENCLAND. St. Jauies', Denoon Street, Rev. J. Edgeconil*, Rector Hours of -service Sunday 11 A. M. and 7 P. .M. Wednesday 7.30, Sun- day School 2.30.' M ET H < ) 1) LST ( ' H U RC H ( ) F C A N A DA. Water Street (West End) Rev. J. (1. Angwin, Pastor Sal»- Iiath .services 11 A. M. and 7 P, M. Sal»l»ath School and l')il)le Class 2.45 P. M. Prayer and social meeting, Weilnesday, 7.30 P. M. Communion tirst Sabhaths in January, .April, July, and October. Strang(;rs will he cordially welcomed, })ews all free. VOUNtI MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, WATEH STHEET. Prayer Meeting and addre.sses every Sunday at 10 A. M., and 4 P. M., in Prince Street Hall. Bihle every Tuesday at 8 P. M. J. P. McDonahl, Pre.sident, James Patterson and John Ross Vice Presidents, David Logan, Secretary, Howard Primrose. Trea.surer. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Denoon and William Streets, Rev. H. McDonald Hours of s.'rvice Sabbath 11 A. ^L, 3 P. M. Mass every morning 7 A. ^L Sunday School 3 P. M. :o: MASONIC New Caledonia, No ll,Pictou, meets on the .second Tuesday of >ich month, also fourth Tuesday from April to September. Wor- sliipful Master, I'homas Tanner: Secretary, Chi\rles E. Davies. St. John'.s Rovai, Akcu Chaptkr, No. 8., Pictou. Secre- tiry, A. H. McKay. 1C8 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. I. O. O. F. Eantem Star, No, 2, Pictou, iroets on Wednesday. N. (t., J. Fisher CJrant ; Secretary, (Jeorge Lyall. Stuart Encampment, No 10, I. O. O. F., Pictou. Secretaiy, A. C. Baiilie. TEMPERANCE ORDERS- ORIENTAL DIVISION, SONS OF TEMPERANCE, 0R(;AN- IZEl) MAY 10, 1848. PROVINCIAL DEPUTY JAMKS MUNRO. POLAR STAR LODCE l'. T. A., 0R(!ANIZK1) APHIL, 1804, PROVINCIAL DLPUTY, .JAMES CAHLIOTON. rr'TOU TEMPERANCE REFORM CLUB. ORGANIZED OCT. 1877, PRESIDENT, JOHN PRlN(iLE, J. P.;SECY. AND TREAS., JOHN CROCKFORD. :o:- ORANGE LODGE. PICT(JU TRUE BLUE, No. 32, ORGANIZED JULY, 1877, MEETS THE FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. -o- JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. County of Pictou.- Hon. James Fraser, RoV»ort Murray, George McIx?od, Duncan McDonald, William Fraser, Adam McKenzie, James Primrose, Angu.s Sutherland, Jolin ^ MISOKLf.AMKOUS DIRR 'TORT. 169 f. N. (l, •Tei&ry, A. , (mdAN ' JAMKS KIL, 1K04, ON. 1AXIZEI> •SECY. LY, l^<77, lY OF Murra)', FrasjT, ind, John lin Laiigill, ]. McKay, lUtler Mc- [arraway, ^ooii, Jolin lasil B.11, )ss, Jaiiu'K entworth. A. Daw- [cHardy, McPlne, [ell, David McLean. Dun. McKay, tlainos McKaf*, Kidianl Tanner, I)anl. MrDonahl, John R. Noonan, .Maylu-w 'I'. Sinitli, I)on. McKay, Alex. McKay, Alexr. Mil)oisald -McLean, Wni. Mc(iillvray, < 'haw. McKinnon, ('ha.s. McUou^'hII, Wm. ('aineron, Charles McLennan, (f. Canij)l>ell, J. fiiMlop, K. P. (Jrant, K. Ilos.s, A. Fra.scr, Jes.s«» Hoyt. Don. .MrDona' ' F. (r., .lames Fraser, Daniel (irant, .Vlauricr l*o\v«'r, Wni. P»r *ii rij,% Danl. McLi-un, Alexr. McJ.etxl, Don. Ho.s.s, Wni. M«D«iu- j^all, John Cuinniing, James Cummin^, Don. D. McDonald. Koht. McNeil, Allan Mcl'hee, D.tnald SutlH'rland. Mal««dui MrDonald, .Michael C. Oldin;;, Win. S. Fntscr, John K. Franer, An^mn Mc Millan, John Falconer, Win. McLaren, A. J. Patterson, John Yonston, Tho8. Kennedy, J)aniel Sutherland. Daniel Chisholin. .\lexr. Matheson, .Fas. W. Jackson, Jas. D. .Mciiregor. James Kitchin, .lohn Henry, l>avid Tattrie, Sainnel Anhil'ald, John (Jollan, David Miller, John McLeod, Cico. Laurie, Finlay Cam- eron, Thos. Grant, Hohert McNauert McLean, John Miller, James p. M he -an, C. Dwyer, William Campbell, Peter Brown, l)uncan VVi- (Jeorge Smith, John Fraser, Dav. Hu<,'f;in, K^)liert Hani, rman, Janifs Mitch»dl. Wni. C. Ohling, .lohn D. Fraser, E. McLennan, .John Oliver. Jamfr-s Stalker, (Jeo. J. Hamilton, .John J >hn.stone, John McI)onald, Win. Irving, Rohert Dewar, (iec. McConnell, .\lexr. Mi*ier. .las. Keith, Richanl Fra.ser, David Culton, Wm. Mcl>'an, David .J. Meikle, Roderick McDow.gall, James Fra.ser, .Jas. Roy, jr., .John T. Oliver, Danl. McLean, Robert Simp.son, (Jeorge Hatlie, David Fergu.son, David Fullerton, David McKay, Cha.s. WiLson Allan A. Ferguson, James Little, John Pringle, Alexr. McK ay Wm. lio.s.s, Angus McQue(;n, Peter (Jampbell, John Munro, J«>hn Murray, Danl McDonald, Hugh (»ray, Angus McDonahl, John MeKenzie, Arc. McKay, John Clreenor, James < Jrant, Win. Mc, Josiah E. .Jones, Angus Davie.s, John Sutherland, Ken- neth MeKenzie, R. McLeod, John McDougald. THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DOM- INION. Chief Jmtice-i^SOOO)— The. Hon. William Johnst4.n RiN-hie. PUISNE JUDGES. The Hon. Samuel Henry Strong, Salary $7000. The Hon. Telesphore Fournier, Salary "$7000. 170 MISCEI.LANKOUH DIRECTUUY. I! ; m TliP Hon. WilHnm Alpxnn.l«'r H<'nry, Hularv $7000. The Hon. Henri El/oar TaHolu'icau, Hiilmy "*7()(M). The Hon. John W'ellin^'tun (iwynnc, Sahiiy $7000. ReifiHtrnr- Roheit i'tt«Hi*ls, Jr. Hahiry ^•-'.♦UMK PreeiK writ^T and Secretury to thf Chief .Iiisticc and Judj^es of the Suprenie Court of Canathi, ( Jt'o. Duval. Ks(|. Thi.s Court and the Exchecjuer Court wfre organized untha- the proviHionH of 3.S Vic. Cap. 11. THE EXCHEgT^ER COURT OF CANADA. The Exeiie<|uer (!ourt has original jurisdi<'tion (1) in revenue cases (2) in civil suits when th)etween two Provinces. The Judges and otiicers are tlie same as in the Supreme Court. SUPRExME COURT OV NOVA SCROTI A. Chief Justice (^SOOO) Sir Wni. Young. Kt. Et/i'iTV JiixiE. ($5000) and ./ml(/e of tfif Supreme ('onrf, Hon. John W. IJitchie. Anntstanf Jurlffea, {^ii)()0) Hon. Win. h\ Desliarre.s, Hon. Hugh McDonald, Hon. Henry W. Smith, Hon. Alexr. Janie.s, Hon Robert li. \Veatherl)e. COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAT'SES. Judge Ordinary, the Judge in Ecpiity. with a|»p«al to the Sup- reme Court. h'e>/intrin\ JameH H. Thorne. VICE-ADMIRALTY AND PRIZE JURISDICTION COURT. Vlee-A(/mif(i/, the ( iovci-nor-OtMicral. ./ii.i/.. J«»lin D. McLeod, Q. C. S U P II E .M E CO I : RT AT P I CTO U . Supreme Couit having jurisdiction in all matters where th' claim is ahove $80. Ha« exclusive jurisdiction in all criminal matters and civil suits where title to land is involved. Terms at Pitt on ^June tt-rm connnences on Thursday after 2nd Tu«'sday nf Junr and sits two weeks if necessary. OctolxU' term commenccK on Thursdny after *Jnd Tuesday of October and continues two weeks if necessary. COUNTY COURT. County Court for District No. O comprising (\)unties of Pictou and Cumberland ."sits four times each year in this County. At Pictou on the 2nd Tuesday of January, and 1st Tuesday of August, and at New (ila.sgow on the 2nd Tuesday of February and 4th Tuesday of August. Each term lasts until all Itusiness is disposed i>t. Has exclusive jurisiliction in matters of contract i*-'i MfH<'RLLANK(H*8 DIRKCTORT. 171 .lud^'PH of ( 'ourt mill sions of 3.S III n'V(!iiiip )ii is plain 'rovinee, or he Huine hs ITY JriXiK, V. Kitclii«'. Ion. [{\i;r|i inu's, Hon CAT'SES. o the Su|>- TION Sii- Will. St'KUncJA IK wImTP till ill ci-iiiiinal rernis at Tu»*s(lav of (iniiiieiuN'K tinueH two < of Piotou )unty. At 'ncsday ot" f I'Vhniiiiv Idisiiu'ss of contrui't h«'twf»'n S20 nnd $H0 and coiu'urrriit with Suprprnf" Court from !?8(> up to !?n)0 ill m.itti'i-H of oontriu't aiitl up to #200 in caseH of test. ,/ni/iff \V. A. 1). Morse, residing at Auiherst, C^iraln'rhuid Co. <'hTk ill Piitou County, David Mutheson, Kh(|., Di-puty Ch-rk HoIkm-I MrK. Matheson', Cii.T, Mih-s (Jrhh-rt. Sii|ii('ine C'Hirt, David Matheson, Es(j., ProthonotJiry it Clerk. Miltis (M'ldcit, Crier. VV^iu. FT. Harris, Sherifl', (Jeorge S. Harris, Deputy Sln;ritr •'«w|>h Ha.vtcr, Jailor. COCKT OF PHOUATK. Jn/fp -UiUXPH V\y^<*, VjM[., i^. {'. Terms of holdiii;^ ('oiirts, January Mtli, August Tith, 1H71>. Ii>artnuMit. LEOISLATIVE COUNCIL, Prettident. . .Hon Robert Hoak, Halifax. //on RtiWil Molli.son Culler GuyBborough, •* William C Whitman Anna{>oli8, " Freeman Tu|>i»er Li\ erjHM)!, " John McKinnon Antigonish, '• Dr. ♦'ameron Mrtht)u, •• Samuel Creelman, M. E. C., Comt/iltori>ug)i, )U|>uliH, r|K)ol, i<^oni.sli, )OU, iacke, [fax. ,on. iwnl!ia, IhiuI, donderry, tax, mouth, hat, thorough, leck.C.B. W. Hill, au. ASTKiONlHtl « 'ai'k Hkkton *• 1 'oi-» IIKNTKH •' < UMUKKI.AN1> " f)mBY " (llYHItOKUl Wll " IIalika.x " Hants " Invkunkmi " KrN«8. •• I'm Tor i^lKKNH Kl« liMoNI) S'lKLfUHNK VirroiuA ^' ARMOLTH . . ///m W. IV Troo|., M. K. C, mu\ CnUA, \V. Shufiirr. . .Ilun .lolm S. I). Thonii»Hon. M. K. i\, A/ Uyrni'jj (,'i'tu'ra/, and Angii.s Mriiillivi-av. . . K. 'I'ilton iMofM'lv, and j'/im Ilrrtor K. Mr Dongiill, M. k. C. . .Willinni lUair and Williuni A I'att«'i-Hon. . .y/«m< liarl«'H J. TownKhtnd. M. K. C. K. V'u'ki^ry. . . Ik'njaniii' Van IMarruiu, and Honry M. Uohiciiciill. . .J. W. Hadl.'y and A. N. McDonald. ../Am Chail.H .1. McDonald, M. K. (.'., WiJlijiiii D. Iliirrington, .Folin Pugh. . .TIioH. n. Smith and Nath:»ni«>l S|«'nce. . .I)..J.('am|.lKll, M.I). Hnll. Minister of Inland Kevenie Hon. (». Bal»y. Speaker of the Senate Hon, R. i). VVilmot. :o:- MILITIA. The (Joncral officer eomiiianding tlio Militia of Canada, I.ieut fJciu'ial SiH FiDWARi) Selby Smyth, K. ('. M. (i. Aide l>f* Camp Kdwaki) Cray Selby Smvth. vicvou baitp:hy garrison artim.kry. Stn;ngtli 3 officers, fir) non-coniuu.ssiontHl officers and n>en and I ."i liandsuien, or 71 in all. Captain, .Joseph A. (jionlon ; 1st Lieutenant. -Folin IJ. havies ; 'J!\d liieutenant, Daniel T. Hislujt; Non-conimissionfd ulhc«'i-h. S«i-;4(jaut- Major, Nicholas Roach : StM'ijeants, Krndcrick W. Fni.siir. Williain Devey and William Tanner ( 'orjHuals, Chas. |). .Mhc donaltl, William Dicrkson, Henry Clarke. Itoinhardiers, (»«>or^e A. Pnnic«lv the sjime as the Royal Artillery and air artiieti with Snider-KiUlield short ritie. Have u liattery of six '.\'2 [Mtunder guns, mounted on a gun platform on the Battery Hill, s*; <-)illed. Since the foiinatiou of the corps in l'^7">. it hius Keen meiitiont'd in all the militia n'|K)rts as one of the In-st and most soldierly looking corps in the Province, any l\\o. Manpiis of l/>ru(! and th<^ Princess Ijouis" on the oi-casion <»f the I'ecepiion in Truro, Novendjcr. 1S7S. They havr just orden*\ver Provinces. The Baud of the Bittery was formerly kuowu as the Pictou Sil ver (yornct Baud, and under the leadership of Mr. .John A. Stram hrirg, a young man of superior musical taJent, has ohtained the credit of heiug t'.w, hcsi h md in the Pro\ ince. Tlu' instnim«'nt8 were purchased by the men of the battery, out of the hatt(jry fund.s. and the tnilitia tiepariment furnished the uniform.s. The raeiuljern of the Pictou Silvcjr ('ornct jiand enli.sted in tlie Battery, and are still under the able I >adci-ship of Mr. Slniinberg. R.. :trd Mc ' , .^v^ :. Pope. I la, lAetit. KY. II tlU'Il Utiii I. I>avi«-h ; V. KnuwM-. I) M:m s. ( iror^'e ■st iiiiiU'i |Hiuii(ii-r DClltitllirii wdtlifily »tit*»'. ('ampUll, iinvl*; lud W«ist. HIGH STRKET SCHI. W. II. McMillan, (Principal,) Gra/ltr 4th East. Alexander .McArtlmr, 'Jpide .'ird E M. JiAtusUnut, (jradc iJnd EaHt. Miss, (irule ('KNTRALfW'HrxiL Struct, MJ.s.s B. B^sattie, tirmlr \itt tVntral. bri<:k school hui'se. Falkland Street, J. FuUerton, GranJ*- l*t \V«*Ht. - L.\NltIN'll, and .las. Mi'lMjer.stMi. Iloi sK Kki:i'KU .>nii .Mksskn«;kk hnncain Frji><-i. Oct Pouts. Si h CoM.wroR.s New i;ia.<<;»- EhiwHi. Ehki. PlCTol ('t»M.i:(JI'oil (viurant,> 1)BTW-Tr fc Ofkh^km, «n duil/ .Sundays «'.xi'epted at H..'l() A. .M. an«J cUrw^l nt fi i*. M. OFFICIAL A.S.SIGNEE W. W. (ilennie Wator Str«et. /.^m,^ 176 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. r n ill UNITED STATES CONSUL. Oscar Maltnro8, Esq., office Water Street. INSPKCrrOR OF WKmHTS AND MEASIJHKS. Henry Fra.ser. INSPECTOR OF (iAS. (ieorge llephurn. HOARD OF HKAI.TH. J. A. (iordoii, .1. A. Dawson, C. Dwyer, Riclianl 'I'anner, Sen., F. VV. Eraser, Druggist, Win.McJ^aren, \i. S. Dawson. PICTOU BOARD OF TRADK. C. Primrose, Esq., Pri^aideut. Thomas Watson. K.s(|.. Secretary. :o:- Telegrapli Companies. West^'rn Union, Wat(ir Street, ('. B. Rf)bin.son, agent. Dominion, Front Street, W. R. Burk<', agent. EXPRESS OFFICE. Front Stn;et, Noonan & Davies, Agents. RIVER JOHN STA(}K. D Kitcliin, Proprietor. L<>avesj)ost-offic<' for River John, ev«»ry «t>^- MUNICIPAJLITY OF NEW GLASGOW, 1879, M*!' Wakdkn James D. McCiregor. CoiiNOiLLOiis Ward i, Daniel Chi.sholm, Oeorge McDougall ; W,mf2, (;«!0. A. DoughiH, .John C. li^ml ; Ward 3, D. C. Fraser, Jolin Cumming. RiicoHDER AND Stipeniharv Ma. F. McKay, Donald (Jrant, A. ('. Bell, Jamcb W. Carmichael, John McKay, Peter A. Mcougall ; Kroner, Ki"ii.sf*r. Ooiialtl P«'t.(',r !>avi(i idcrHOii. MisrRi.r-ANKors uiRErroi 17 Foi.iCK CossTAHf.F. William Smith. Wakoknj' If'//'/ 1, AikIh'nv r'ameron ami William CliislK.lm. War./ 2, H. A. Walker and J. H. MHJroiror, If'///-// ."•., i)VKUsKKKs OK Po(»K— .loliii Cummin^', (i. A. n<»u;rlas. and (Je«. .Mi'hoii^'all. .VIka>si kkrs ok Coal, Ouain, Wooh. \c.— Thomas Muiiro, .lohii Mcpherson and l)aniel F'ra.ser. Si K\ l:^(noupill and Ale.xr. Hos.s. Kkmk >'ikwkhs Thomius Clark**, hiinean McKenzie, ami .\nrman MtKay. rNsrKrrons Jcvhn I». Smith and J. l-Vt-d McDonald. Poivo Kkki'KK .lohn .Marshall. ■■.o:— Committees* UoADS AN'U Stkkkts -Councillors <'ummin^, Keid X Chisholm. Por.lf'K AND LiCKNSK Councill<»rs McI>on;jall. Kraser A- iJeiil. KiNANTK AND Ai 1)IT|N<; ('(HUicillors Dituglas, Kra.ser and < 'hisholm. Tkndkils AM) PiBLic PiiopKiiTY Countillors McDoujiall, hou^rjas and Cummin^'. Fun:. f*t MI'S, ANu Wkllm Councillors Heid, Cumming, jukI McDougall. Schools Councilhtrs Kra-ser, Douglas and Chisholm. "oi RT OF Ari'KAL AND Hkvi.sion Tlif StijMiidiary, Council- lors ( 'hish«»lm, lleid and Kni.ser. Town Office- R. McOregor Si Sons, hrick Imihling (L'nd t\o(>r) l'r.tvo,st Street. < >tiice houi-s, from 9 to 1 1 A. M., and (k.IO to 8 P, M. -:o:- Mnnicipal Comi-iis. TOWN OF.NKW (iL.VSCOW. T'rms Fir.-it and Thinl Tne*l-iy of I'ach inonth. i HHccrs, John M*'Kay, J. P., Recorder and Stipendiary. A .M. Kniser, Clerk of Court. William Smith, Police Constahle. W 178 mSCELLANEOT'S DIRECTOBV. ( For Supreme and County ( ourt.s y,e*' Pictou ili.sceliAn.-^us Directory.) BARKIf!'Tl!:E8. George A. McKeiizie, adniitLeil '. 9di Ajx'ii, 1853. Duncan C. Fraser, H. A., ?(»tli wuly, 1;h7;* John McCiillivray, 1 Uli January, 1877. :u:- Educational. ' 1; r James McLean, Priiicii)al Tfigh School. Tkaciikus. — Edward C're.swick, MisH A. Hoy, Mi.s.s M. Mo- Pherfson, Mis.s Mcliregor, Mi.s.s McDonald. School Inspector for CorNTY. -Daniel McDonald. :o: Banks. The Pictou Hank, 1). M. Fraser, Aj,'eiit. Bank of Nova Scotia, J. W. Cannichael, Agent. New Glasgow Savings Bank, Wm.')', Manager. Dominion Goverinnent Savings Bank, ..'. W. ('o[»«'land, Agent. -:o: Churclieii. St. Andrew's Church (no permanent }*,or). Hours of .nerviit' on Lord's Day, II A. M. an.l Ct.lM) P. M. Sunday Schn..l :', \'. ISf. Prayer meeinig every alternate Thursday at l.'M. United (!hur,-h. lev. E. A. Scott. Pastor, Sal)l)ath Scrvicfs 11 A. M. an(»l MISCELLANEOUS D J RECTORY. Slasonio. 179 AU»ioM Lo8, nnot. on tlie lir i. Ttu-^i- i i''i*;:-.o, and Sy?, W. P. Archibald McKenzie. SeeretAry, J. 1{. McDonald. ISO MISCKI-LANKor.S I»l «KrT(>|{ Y. WESTVILUS. llS: m MASONIC. Wi'stcni Star Lodj;*', No .">(), im-cts on tli'- sccoiul jiiid fuiirtli Tiii'stlav of (NU'li inoiitli. W. M., JuiiM's Uov, S»'«:r»'lurV, Al«'\r. Mil il. i. (). O. F. Srotiii l.o(li\ision, No .'){>, \V. P.. 'I'hos. SteWiirt. Secy., Jo.s. S. McKay. VALE COLLIERY. I. O. O. K. Moore Lodge, No 17, meets on Tuestlay. N. (I., \Vm. Pi<'kins. Secy., Aai'on Sleigh. INDKPKNDKNT OHDlvK OK (iooj) TKMPLA HS. Heaconstield Lodge, No .'5 1 "J. Iii.stituted -Jkh July 1S7S. W . C. Templar, K. J. Anley, VV. V. Templar. Sarah .\nn McDonald. HOPEWELL. MASONIC, Curron Lodge, No ().*<, (estahlislied 187;?,) meets on the first and Oiivd Mtdiday of each month. W. M., Andrew Ormiston, Secy., John M. I)uid>ar. r. o, o. K. Caledonia Lodge, No '2i^, meet.s o.i Wednesday. N. C, A. \V, Mcliain. Secretary, .lohn D. McLean. 1x1 fuiii' V, Ah'xr. N'ultiM- A. Viitlt rsoii. CUSTOMS TARIKr. «• SfiOllll y, Hii-1. KS. ncrt'tiirv, S.TV 'ifkiiis. S. )oiial. jiir*. (Icniijoluis, cnrlioys, ciisks, houMlicads, pip»'««, J'itrrcls, iind all il»>r iiuilcrial, ami capal)!!- of Imldiir.; li<| nili lioUlcd spirits, %\ iiios or malt li<|nors art' contiiiiHMl. aiitl cvt'ry packa^**, ln-iiiu; tin- lirst ret'epttu'Ie <»r cuvi'riiiK "I'dosiiii; iToofls for purpos*- of '';il«', sliall in ail I'iiHCs not otherwise provi(t«'(l for, in vvlii
  • .'t to specific duty only, such packaifcs shall !•«■ cliarj^c*! vs ith a dutv t)f customs «tf twenty per contuni »«// i'<on tlicir orijiiiuil cost or \ahu' : and all or auN of the al»o\ i- packa^^es descriiied ,i.s capaltle of iuddint; li(|iiids wlien c{es not In'reinhefore «pe<'itieJ, and nut s|'.ecially changed with duty hy any unrepealed enactment, and hcinu; the usual and ordinary packap's in which uoods are packed for exportation only, according to the {{cnerul usa^e Hnd custom of tntde shall he free of duty. J. Ucii<*lv(:il, That it is expetlient to provi(h' that on all noods im- porte»l into (.'amida, subject undei this Act or any other Act to an mi vnlttrein, duty, upon whicli a drawback of duti(>s has been allowed b\ the (i(»vernment of tim country where the same were inanufaetureii, th«> amount ot such drawback sliull in all cases bo taken and con- sidered to be a part of the fair market vain, of such j;oo uinler which the t-ntry is to Ik- made, the e<»lleetor of CuHtonts or proper f)Hicer shall add tlu- amount of such «ieduction, and colki-t and cans*' to be paid Ihe lawful dutv thereupwii. aiid the fair market value of all }j;o«>ds, wares and nicrchauiiise imported into Canada, shall 111' understood to be the ordinary wholesale |»ric«' at which the sauie are sold for hon)e coiisuuipt'on in the <"ountry where tlu'v are puichased or munufa<'lun?d without cauM<« <»f any n)yalty pay- aide n|>on patent rights, but not puyal)l(» when j;o(>(5s are purchiiHed for ex n«»rt«tlon, or on account of any other eonsideration by which a Hpeeial reduction in price mijjht or could bo obtaiii'Ml : Provitled that nothing heroin Hhall be understooil to Hpply to ^oneral lluctua- tionn oi market valuoM. 3. Itrsohctl, That it is expedient to provide that any or all of tho following articles, that is to say animals of all kii\ds, green fruit, hay, straw, bran, s<'eds of all kinds. v(lants, trees and shrubs, coal and coke, salt, hops, wh«>al peas and l>eans, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat and all other grain. Hour of wlutat and Hour of ryo, Indian meal and oat meal, and llour or meal of any other grain, butter, eheese, fish (salted «>r smr>ked K lard, tallow, meats (fresh, salted or smoked), aiul lumber may Ih! imiM)rted i!ito Canuila free of duty, or at a less rate of duty than is provided by this Act upon Proclamation of the Canada. 4. /fMo/feJ, That it is expedient to provide that if at any time any greater duty of customs should be payable in the Cnited States of America on tea or ctilfee importeil froni Canada, than on tea or cotl'eo impfjrteti from any other country, then the Governor in Council may im|M»He «>n tea or c«)(ree iniporte be made by an appraiser, or proper otH<;er ot customs at the lust landing, or withiii throe d.iys of such landing ; .but such allowance shall only be for the amount of loss in excess of twenty-live per centum of the whole((uantily of such goods contained or included in any «»ne invoice; and provided the duty has been paid on the full viiluc thereof a refund of such duty mav be allowed and paid in the proportion, and on the fultilment of the conditions alHive s|K>citied but not otherwise, on application to tho Minister of Cu8tom8. r,. licAolved, That it is expedient to provide that In determining th€« dutiable value of merchandize, except when imi)orted from (Ireut Britain, there shall be added to the cost or the actual wholesale price or fair market value at the time of exportation in the principal mar- kets of the country from whence the same has been imported into <'anada, the iH>st of inland transportation, shipment and trans-ship- ment, with all the expenses included, from the place of growth, production or mannfactnre, whether by land or water, to the vessel in which shipment is made, either in transitu or direct to Canada. 7. Uvmlved, That is is expedient to provide that the Governor in rVmncil shall from time to time establish such regulations, not in- c(»nsistent with law, as may be recjuired to secure a just, faithful and impartial aitpraisal of all goods, w^ares and merchandise imported in- to Canada, and just and proper entries of the actual or fair market value thereof, and of the weight, measures, or other (]uantity thereof, as each case may require, and such regulations, whether general or> spe«nal, so iiiaM anil i|)H, wh«'at it and all and oat Hh (Halt(>lo in tlie ided that ■ than tho id States, country n«e may all per- en I'ruitH <'d Huch |u(' thore- r otticer ltin(lin|< ; xcoss of >ntained CM paid allowed lulitioiiH ister of ling the ji (I real lie price 111 mar- fed into iH-Hhin- :ri»wtn. vessel da. •nor in [lot in- |ul and Led in- jnarket jhereof, iral o»> ;e and 183 avithority of hiw, and it shall tte the dutv ofthd f^lBMrfi of Cansm, and every perHon wfio Hhall act as sppralMer, or of the Colleetor of CuHtonis, km tin may t>e, by all reutonablH wav<« and means in his or their po\v«>r, to ascer'ain, OHtimatu and appra(f>e the true and fair market vahie and wholeHale prieo, any invoice or atndavit to the contrary notwithstanding, of the merchAndise, at th« time of exportation and in the priiK'ipal marketM of the i-^tuiilry whence the same has been imported into Caiuida, and the prn|H*r weights, measures I >r other ({nantities, and the fair market value or wholesale prife <»f every of them as the ra.«te may rether proper otlicer of CustoiiiH; and the proper rate or iiniount of reduction ccriiii«'d by him af\«r sncli examination ; and if such colletrlor or proper otlit;er reports that tli*' goods in (|uestion cannot Ite identified as tlxise nameil in the in\ shall be submilted. with the evideu)-*' and ail particulars, for the decision of the Minister of Ciiotoins. wiio mav then order payment on tinding tho evidence to be sutHcieiit auc( satisfactorv. Acid, Sulphurio Acid, Acetic Acid, Muriatic and Nitric Hut Carboys containing Acids shall ia- tion. Hut a bond shall be tirst given in aci-ordance with regu- lations to be pres<-ribed i)y the .Minister of Customs, with the <'onditi(Ui that the full duty to which such animals would otherwise Ijc liable shall be paid in of their sale in Canada. r)r if not re-ex|)orttHl within tlu' time specified in such l*ond. Animals, living of all kinds, not elsewhere speciiicd AnimalK for the improvement of slock under regulations to l>e made by the Treitsurv Hoard, and approved by the (Jover- nor in Council ..'. *. Artificial Flowers Annato, liquid or solid; Annatto Seed; .\nchors; Antimony ; Ashes, i)ot, pearl and soda .... Aj)parel, wearing, and other personal and h<»usehold effects, not monhanili/.e, of Hritish subjects dying abroad, but dom- iciled in Canada * ' Api>lcs, dried 2 -ji-^ per lb. Kr«*. Vvi' Fre«. 3} Free- Kre«*. Vn'v W Kr»o ])t>r {toiiiiii, through tiio or I'riirtioij 1 i'VUt ItillianI TaliUs. uithoiit |»(»ck('ts, Coiir {cot six iriclu's by nine Ici't, a siM'cifu- duty of #2:Z..">(». <»n tlioNo r)!" Iiv«» t«-4»t by U'n, a Mpfi-iru- «liity of ^-J'l.ou. On HillianI Tahlox with ixtckPtM, live IV'i't six inclws by rlcvcn i'> rl, a sjMM'ilir duty nl iMrt.CK), Ami on thoHt' of siv fret l)V tw«>lv('. a sprciJlc tliity of $-(().(Hl. Ami, in adilition thereto, ten jicr cent nd vnlnrnu : each (able to inclmle twelve i-nes, «»ne set «>f four bulls, with inarkcTH. clotlis anri eases, but n<» pool Italls I>ook>^, printed jwriodieals ami pamphlets, t>ound or in sheets nut lieinj; forei^fn reprints of Itritish eopyriwht works, nor blank aeeouiit books, nor eopylxioks, nor books to tie writ- .ten or drawn upon, nor llibles, prayer liooks, nor psalm lUid hymn l)ooks ti rents per il IJrilish eopyri^xht works, reprints* of, six cents and in addition thereto Hibles, Trayer bks, Psulni ani pamphlets fl.(H> per UK) Maps and ChartM Printed Music, bound or in Hheet8 »> ets per lb Playing t'ards lllai-kiiiK, Shoe llolting Cloths ; Bones, crude and not manufactured, burne Fhm- 1.^ Frrc lu-y lel. \w\. Iiel. Iiel. tb. b<;l. lul. 10 Ot'HTOMH TAKIKP. 185 .lOoMlftr buHhoi. .16eite«tr biuhel. t ot. per Ih. ... . 40 eto. |>or bbl. i vi. por It). .V) otN. pwr bbl. fAt UtM. |N>r l)bl. 2 ct«. por lb. : Hriiii-iiioulilM for I'f>ft>>i( IttMtllH HiickwiKuil Miur r(»rn,M«al 0|(tllM*l(l Itvi* KUiiir NVlicat I'lour Kic-e iiiitl SiiKM Flour Mrick, lor IniililiiiK '^^ ItriHtU'M ; ItriiiistoiM', (rinloor in r«>ll or flour i^nld bciiltTN : |{ri)ihiu(3 Fruo. Hriio lis iiMtl llruslwH 2.') Ilrooiu ( oni ; llucliii l(>iivt>s- Hiillioii, ^oltl ami NJlvcr ; KiirKUiiilv I'itcli ; ItuiT-HtoiKtN ill ItlockN, rouuii or uiiiiiuiiulucluml, uii<) not bound up into iiiill-HU>iiMM Frm*. Mutt«'r 4 «!tH. |M»r 1t». Mutton.s oliill kimh , J^- rHiulloN Tullnw 15 ctM. per lb. <'iiiiilU>M I'aitiliiio Wax fi ctH. per lt». All otlitir i'atxIlfM, iDcJuiliiiK HptTin 'J.*> « ■Hrriu):<*s, wajtoiiM, railway cars and «'arri«m'H, NieigliH, whoHl- harrowH, and other likt^ arti(*U4s .... ;tO < 'urrinfj:«*M of iraviMlors and rarriaKt^M laden witli iiiprcbandiiu Jiiiit not lo iiitlodi' rirciis Inxips nor liawkns. I iidrr ri'^.il- alioiiH to Ih' pn'M<'rilM'd by llic MiiiiMt«>r ot'( 'UHtoiiiN ; Cahiiu't.- ot'cdins, iiH'diilH aiinH of antiquith'M ; ( 'ast.n as inoiUWs tor tlio umc oI'^x-IkioIh ot'ih'siifii ; ('orni>lian, uniiiaii- uta<'tur(Hl ; Canvas lor iiiiiniit'atturi' of floor oil-cloth, not less than lorly-live inclu'M wide, and not pn-ssi'd nor cah-ndt-rcil ; < 'aont4-h(>iic, iinniatintiictiin'd ; rat-itui sirinjfN. or Kiit <-ord tor inii.siciil in.xtniiiifiils ; Cat-^ut i>r wliip-^iit, niini:«niila(-iiii-)>4i. l-'r«'«>. I't'iiicnt, raw, or in stone Iroin lli<> (|uarry, per ton ot' thirtci'ii cubic loot " ^1 00 <'«!inciit, burnt and unu;round 7i cts. per lOO lbs. < 'ciiieiit. Iivdraulic, or watorliinc, ^roulld includin,.- barrnlN 40 cts. p««r bbl. <'<'iiicnt, ill bulk or in batrs ctH. por biishol' <'«'iiMinl, Portland or Uoiiian '2t) Chalk and ('litl-sLoiie, iinniuiiuraclurod : ('hanioniih- Flow4«rH Fritt>. <'h('BS<'! (■h!c4»ry, raw or j^iccn. :\ ct> »«r tb. ',\ cts per ttt. <')ii<'<(rv. or oihor root or v»in«ilabl«' iisod hm substilut«> tor coihc kiln (Iricii, roastod, or ground. .4 ctH. per lt>. riiina and Porcelain Wurc Chloride oi' linn* ; Citrons and riiidK of, in brine for cHiidyiiiK Clav! CliH'ks, and parts thereof 0 elw. per ton of -iOW) lbs. Co< oa J'asle and Cho«:olate, not sweetened .|I.(MI per IIK) 4N>coa Paste aiul otiier ])repiirations of coeoa coiitainin<; su^Hr, one cent per pouii and Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs. « 'ofVee, ;;r(H'ii. •JO Free. I'Vee. 10 Free. •Ji) \L» Fr«'e. ...- cts. per (t<. Cotl'ee, roasted or ground, and all imitations of and substitu tes for It . CcdUH, gold and silver, except United .StaU's silver coii <'oke Free r>0 <-ts. per ton ot 2,0it() lbs. Conimuiiioii Plate and Plated-ware for use in Churches; (loir and Coir Yarn ; Colcothar, dry oxide of iron ; Coniuni Cieuta, or Iluiiihx.'k, seed and leaf. CoIurH, viz: Iticliroiiiate t>f Pot- V IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V // f^.. ii, V c^x ^t %° y 5r "r./. 1.0 I.I 1.25 lu '" IIIIIM 11 1-8 U IIIIII.6 V] <^ /i ^^# / <% •> y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4303 iV \\ ^ ^^> '^ ... 6^ lil:: 186 1II8CELLANKOU8 DIRECrORY. Ash, Blue ^Fil^Bfflinnese Blue, Coutillo Tiakes. Scarlet and Maroho in piil|fflnlris Green, PrusHian Hlue, Satin and Fine Was-h'ed White, ultra Marine, limber, Raw. Cork-wood or Cork-l»ark, unmanufactured Corks, iv,'l other manufactnres, i f cork- wood or cork-ljark Copper IJivets and Burrs, and on all manufaetnres of eopper not elsewhere specMfied Copp(M- old and scrap, in pigs, in bars, rods, V)olts, inj^)ts, sheets and sheathing, not planislied or coated, copper-wire round or Hat, and copper seamless drawn tubing Cotton Waste and Cotton Wool ..... Cotton, Manufactures of viz: On (Jrey, or Unlileaclied and Bleached Cottons, Sheetings, Drills, Pucks, Cotton or Ciiuton -Flannels, not stained, pain- ted or printed, one cent per square yard, and On all Cotton Jeans, Denims, Drillings, Bedtickings, <}ing- hams, T'laids, Cotton or Canton-b'lannels, Ducks and Drillw, dyed or colored. Checked and St?-iped Shirtings, Cottonades, Pantaloon Stutfs and goods of like description, two cents per scjuare j'ard, and , (7n all Cotton Wadding, Batting, liatts and Wraps, Carpet- warps, Knitting Yarn, Hosiery Yarn, or other Cotton Yarns under number forty, not {^leached, dyed or colored two cents per pound, and And if bleairhed, dyed or colored, .3 cents per pound, and On Cotton Warp, on beams, 1 cent per yard, and On Cotton Seamless bags, 2 cents per pound, and On Cotton Shirts and Drawers woven or made on frames, and on all Cotton Hosiery On Cotton Sewing Thread, on spools On Cotton in hanks On Cotton Duck or Canvas ; of Hemp or Flax and Sail Twine when to be used for l)oats and ships sails On all Clothing made of Cotton, or of which Cotton is the component part of chief value, including Corsets On all manufactures of Cotton, not elsewhere specifted Cordage for ships' purposes Cordage, all other Cream of Tartar in Crystals ; Diamonds, unset, including Black Diamonds for borers ; Diamond Dust or Bort ; Drag- on's Blood Free. Drain-tile, and Drain Pipes and Sewer Pipes, glazed or unglazed 20 Duck for belting and hose ; Dyeing or tanning articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere speci- fK ? Free. EaClu,nware and Stoneware, brown or colored and Rocking- ham-ware 25 Earthenware, White Granite or Iron-stone-ware, and C. C. or Cream Colored-ware 30 Eggs ... Free. Electro-plated Ware and Gilt of all kinds 30 Emery; Entymology, Specimens of Free. Essences, viz :— Of Apple, Pear, Pine- Apple, Raspberry, Strawberry, Vanilla, and other fruits, ^I.IK) per Imp. gal, and 20 Essential Oils for manufacturing purposes 20 Esparto, or Spanish Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, tor the manufacture of paper Free. Excelsior, for upholsterers use 20 Extract of Logwood ...... Free. Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, undressed Ift And dressed 25 Felt, Adhesive, for Sheathing vessels Free. Fire-brick or Tiles for lining Stoves and Furncces 20 Fire Clay, Fibre, Mexican; Fibre, Vegetable; Fibrilla... Free. 1'^ F Free. 2(» .'50 I" 10 Free. I" 15 15 1' 15 15 15 15 30 20 12i 5 30 20 10 20 rlet and ,11(1 Fine nooil or Frt'f. bark 'J(t copper lU) , inp>ts, )er-wire 10 Free. lOetinKS, id, pain- 15 s, (iing- DrillH, tonades, ents per 15 Carpet- 1 Yarns vo cents 15 and 15 15 15 nes, and 30 20 12i I Twine 5 is the 30 20 10 20 luding Drag- Free. m glazed 20 in a e speci- Free. )cking- 25 C. or 30 ... Free. 30 Free. )berry, il, and 20 20 of, tor Free. 20 ...... Free. 15 25 Free. 20 Free. CUSTOMS T,\RIFF. Fish, Fresli, Salted or Smoked, e.xc^ept fish tmUf^UgKBlfXy aa pro- vided V)y the Treaty of Washington W^eent per lb. Fish-bait; Fisli-Oil iind Fish of all kinushel. I cent per lb. 40 cents per bushel. 1 cent per tb 2 cents per tb i cent per lb < 'berries and ('nrrants Cranberries, Plums and Quinces Grapes Peaches Oranges and Ijemons Fruits in Hir tight cans, including can.s, if sweetened 3ctspertb And if not sweetened 2 ct.s per tb 3<"ruits preserved in brandy or other spirits, ;$1 90 per Imp. gal. Folise Digitalih'. Fossils. Flint, Flints and ground Flint Stones Flax, tibre, scutched Flax, libre, hackled, Flax, tow of, scutched or green Flax Seed, 10 cents per bushel Fuller's Earth. P'ur Skins, of all kinds, not dressed in any manner Furs, viz : — Fur-skins, dressed Caps, Hats, Muffs, Tippets, Capes, Coats, Cloaks and other manufactures of Fur Furniture House, Cabinet or Otlico, hicluding Hair and Spring Mattresses, Show Cases, Caskets and Collins of any material '. (ias, t'oal Oil or Kerosene fixtures or parts thereof 'ientian Root, Ginseng Root (ilass and manufactures of, viz: — On C'arboys and Demijohns, on Pressed Bottles, Flasks and Phials of every description, on Telegraph and Lightning-rod Insulators, and on Fruit .lars and Ula-ss Balls ; On Lamp and Gas- Light Shades, and Lamp -Chimneys, Globes for Lanterns, Lamps and Gas-Lights ; On Ornamented, Figured and Enamelled Stained Glass, Stained, Tinted, Painted and Vitri- fied and Stained Glasfi Windows, Figured, Enamelled and obscured White On Common and Colorless Window and on Colored (ilass, not Figured. Painted, Enamelled or Engraved. On all other Glass arid Manufactures of Glass not herein otherwise pro- vided for. (roldbeaters' Moulds and Goldbeaters' Skins. Grease and Grease scrap, for manufacture of Soap. Gravels. Guano, and other Animal and Vegetable Manures, (iums, Amber, Ara- bic, Australian, British, (]opal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac. Shellac and Tragacanth. Gunny Cloth and Gunny Bags Gunpowder, and other Explosives, viz :— On Gun, RiHe and Sporting Powder, in kegs, half-kegs, or quarter- kegs, and other nimilar packages 5 cts. per lb. v)n Cannon and Musket Powder in kegs and barrels 4 cts. per tb. On Canister Powder, in pound and half-pound 15 cts. per tb. On Blasting and Mining Powder 3 cts. per tb. 20 Free. Free. 15 2.-> 30 Free. 30 20 Free. 1/ 188 MWCELLAXEOUa DIRKUTORY. On Giant Po wdlBK^WJ i> 11 n , Dynanute and other explosives in which NitrO'Oly^pilM is a constituent part, live cents per tt>. and .• 20 On Nitro-Ulyoerlne, ten cents per pound, and -Ji) Gut and Wi)rna Gut, manutaclured or unniunulaetured, for wliip or other «iord • Fn-e . Hyoscyamus, or Henbane TiCaf. . .. Free In'dia 'Rubber, viz. — Boots and Shoes, and other manufactu- res of. .. .. ... .. 2.'> lee. •• .. .. Free India-rubber, unmanufactured. Indian Homi> (crude drufjj). Indigo. Tri.s, orris root. .. Free iron and manufactures of, viz: I'ig. .. 82,00 per ton Old and scrap. .. $2,(Kt per ton- In slabs, blooms, loops or billets, puddled or not, and muck and puddled bars or billets. .. 12V in l)ars, rolled or hammered, including flat, rounds and squares, nail and spike, rods, and all other iron not otherwise provided for. :. . I7A On rolled, round. Wire Rods in coils, under half an inch in diameter. .. 10 On Iron Rail or Railway Bars for railways or tramways ir» On Railway Fish-plate.s^ Frogs, Frog -points, Chairs, aiid Fin- ger-bars. ... 17A On Tin Plates. .. ... 10 On b:>nd and hoop, sheet, smooth or polished, coated or galva- nized, and commoner or black and boiler plate, number seventeen gage, or thinner and Canada plates. .. ... 12 i On Iron and S :)el Wire, and Galvanized. ... ... 15 On Stoves and other castings. ... .. ... 25 On Gas, Water and Soil Pipes of Cast Iron. ... ... 25 On Car Wheels and Axles. ... ... .... 2."» On Rolled Beams and Channels and Angle and T Iron 15 On Iron Bridge and Structural Iron Work, Malleable Iron Castings and Iron Safes, Doors for Safes and Vaults 2.') On Mill Irons and Mill Cranks, and on Wrought Forging for Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing 25 pounds or more. ... ... .. ... 20 On Locomotive F,ngines and on Stationary PMre or other Steam Engines and Ij(jilers, and on otljer macihinery composed of Iron, or of which iron is the component part of chiet value .. 25 On Locomotive Tires of Steel or Bessemer Steel in the rough... 10 On Seamless Drawn Boiler Tubing ... ... ... 10 On Bedsteads and other Iron Furniture and Ornamental Inm Work and Wire Work* ... ... ... 25 On SKates and Locks of all kinds. .... .... 30 On tinned, glazed, or enamelled HoUowware of cast or wrought iron. ... ... ... ... .. 25 On Hardware, viz: builders, cabinetmakers, upholsters, car- riage-makers, saddler.s and undertakers, including coflin ves in per It). , 20 •JO d, for Frew 25 e) Free. 20 lorso. other- Free, • • • • 2.") ... 10 ), Ull- • • Fre«!. per tt). Hoofs, oer ft). Free .. Free it'aetu- 25 .. Free lrud of ue .. 25 Kh... 10 10 Iron • •• 25 • ■ •« 30 ight 1 25 ear- >flin CUSTOMS? TARIFF. tnmminfjs of inetal. On Jioits, Washers and Rivets On 'Paeks, Brads and Sprigs, Ilnngarian and Clout. Nails Oil 4lorse-siioes and Horseshoe Nails On Iron Wire Nails, called "Points de Paris"' On Iron and Steel Screws, eoininonly ealled "Wood Screws On Scales, Halanees and Weighing Heanis. On v'hain Ci'.liles over lialfan ineii in (Jiameter whether shackled or swivelled or not. On Nulls and Spike.s, wrought and [)ressed, whether galvani/.ed or not, tiiree fourths of a (^ent per pound, and. On Nails and Spikes cut. half a cent per pound, and. Nuts. I (;ent per lb. and, On Composition Nails and Spikes and Sheathing Nails On vSewing Machines, whole or heads or parts of heads, $2 euch, and in addition thereto, Ink for Writing. Iron, Masts for ships, or parts of. Istle, or tainpieo fibre, Ivory and Ivory Nuts, unmanufactured. Ivory Veneers, sawn only, not planed or polished. .Jalap Koot. Jiiwellery and other manufiu-tures of gold and silver, and on Watches. Junk, old. Jute manufactures. .......... Jute-butts. Jute. Kelp. Kryolite. Lae, dye, crude, seed. Button, stick and shell. - . . - I.ard. tried or rendered. . . _ _ - -2 cts. per It). Lanl, untried. - 1^ cts. per th. lioati, old and scraj), and on pigs, bars, blocks and sheets. Lead pipe and Lead Shot, and on all nianufacttures of lead, not otlicrwise specilietl. . - - - - Ijeather: — Leather Hoard. ^ els. per It). Oi>. boot and shoe Counters made Ironi Lealhf;r lioard....4 (rt per pair. Leather, soie, tanned, but rough or undressed On Morocco Skins, tantKMl, iiut rough or undres.sed .... On Sole Leather and Belting Leather, tanned, but not waxed and on all Upper Leather and Frencii Kid On Leather as above, dressed and wa.xed On Japanned, Patent or enamelled .... On all other Leather and SI ' " tanned, not elsewhere specified. . Ou Boots and Shoes and other manufactures of Leather, includ- ing Gloves a. id Mitts, and Leather Belting Lava, unmanufactured , Leeches; Licorice Boot; Litharge Lithographic .Stones, not engraved Litmus and all Lif-liens, prepared and not prapared ; Lemons and Rinds of, in i '"ine, for candying; Logs and Round un- manufactured Timber, not els^-where provided for ; Lumber and Timber, plank and l)uards, sawn, of boxwood, cherry, chestnut, hickory, mohogany, oak, pitch-pine, rose wood, sandalwt)od, walnut. Span «h cedar and whitewood, not shap- ed, planed or otherwise manufactured ; Lot-omotives *an(l Railway Passenger Baggage and Freight Cars, being the i)ro- perty of Railway Companies in tlie L'nited States, running up- on any line of road crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian Ijocomotives and Cars are admitted free .inder similar circum- stances in the United States, under regulations to be prcscril)- ed by the Minister of Customs ...... Machine Card Clothing Machinery for Worsted and Cotton Mills of kinds which are not manufactured in Canada; Madder and Munjeet, or Indian Madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of Malt 2 cts. per lb. Manilla Grass Marble in blocks from the quarry, in the rough, or sawn on two 189 :w 30 .'JO m •M) :V) »u 5 10 10 10 20 20 25 Free. 20 Free, 20 - Free. 10 2.') 10 10 15 20 20 20 25 Free. 20 Free. 25 Free Free. 190 m. H I MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. peoially shapen, containing 15 cubic feet Kirtes only^ or over "^*'*^ 10 Slabs sawn on not more than two Hides 15 Marble blocks and slab^, sawn on more than two sides 20 On finished Marble and on all mamifacturos of Marble, not else- where specified 'J5 Meats, frosh or salted, on ac^tual weight as received in Canada (except (Shoulders, Hides, Bacon and ilams) 1 ct. per tb. On Shoulders, Sides, Bacon and Hams, fresh, salted, dried or smoked 2 cts, pe.- tb. On all other dried or smoked Meats, or Meats preserved in any other way than salted or pickled, not otherwise specified 2 cts. per H). Medals, of gold, silver or copper; Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harnesses of, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs; Meerschaum, crude or raw; Mica and Mica Waste ; Mineralogy, specimens of; Models of inventions and other improvements in the arts, but no article or articles shall be deemed a model or improvement which (!an be fitted for use ; Moss. I(!eland and other Mosses, crude : Moss, seaweed and all other vegeUible substances used for beds and mattresses, in their natural state, or only cleaned Mustard Seed, unground Mustard, ground Ni(rkle; Nitrate of Soda, or Cubic Nitre: Newspapers received by mail Nuts of all kinds, except cocoa-nuts Nut-galls ; Oak-bark ; Oakum... ... Ochres, dry, ground or unground, washed or unwashed, not cal- cined... Oils, cocoanut and i)alm, in their natural state (Jils, Coal and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined. Naphtha, Benzole and Petroleum, products of Petroleum, Coal, Shale, and Lignite, not elsewhere specified 6 cts. per wine gallon. Carbolic or heavy oil used in making wooden block pavement, for treating wood tor building and railway ties Cod Liver, medicated... Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, Palm Nut Cake and Meal Oil, Lard... Linseed or Flax-seed, raw or boiled Neatsfoot... Olive or Salad... Sesame Seed Sperm Oil Cloth for floors, stamped, painted or printed Opium, drug Opium, prepared for smoking $5 per tb. Oranges and rinds of— in brine — for candying ; Ores of metal of all kinds Organs, Cabinet, viz: On Reed Organs having not more than two sets of reeds, a specific duty of JlO ; having over two and not over four sets reeds, $15 ; having over four and not over six sets of reeds, $20, having over six sets of reeds, g30 ; and in addition thereto, 10 per cent, ad valorem on the fair market value thereof 10 On Pipe Organs and sets, or parts of sets, of leeds for Cabinet Organs 26 Osiers; Oxalic Acid; Paintings in Oil by Artists of well-known merit, or copies of the Old Masters by such Artists ,... Free. Paintings, Drawings, Engravings and'Prints 20 Paints and Colors, not elsewhere specified 20 On Paints and Colors, ground, in oil or any other liquid 25 On White and Red Lead, dry, also dry White Zinc and Bismuth. 5 Palm-leaf, unmanufactured ... Free. Paper Hangings, or Wall Paper 30 Free 15 25 Free. 20 Free. 10 Free. 10 20 Free, 20 25 20 20 20 20 30 20 Free, PI pi P M^'>^ ubic feet 10 1ft liO not else- 25 1 f'jinada ■t. por tb. driod f)r «. pe;- lb. i in any q'ccifiecl H. per H). i, ciittle. escribed )r raw ; odt^Js of o article it which , crude : ised for med Free 15 25 •eeeived ... Free. 20 Free. not cal- 10 F'ree. aphtha, . Shale, gallon, enient, 10 20 Free. 20 25 20 20 20 20 SO 20 per ft. etal of Free, e than ^o and t over , and arket 10 ibinet 25 nown .... Free. 20 20 25 nuth. 5 ... Free. 30 ise speci- CUSTOMS TARIPK. Paper, calendered Paper of all kinds, not elsewhere Hpe<'iHed Envelopes, and all manufactures of Paper, not tied llninii ('ollar Cloth Paper, in sheets, not shupen Mill Hoard, not Straw Boar.l Paper C-ollars, Cutts and Shirt Fronts I'encils, Ijcad, in wood or I'earl, Mother of, not manutactured ; Pelts ; Persis, or Extract of Archill an(H'iidbear I*erfuniery, including Toilet Preparations, viz: Hair Oil.s, Tooth and '>ther powders and Washes, Pomatums, Pastes, and all oth^ perfumed preparations used for the hair, mouth or Skin, Philosophical Instiuments and apparatus, in<'luding (ilol)e», and Pictorial illustrations of in.sects, tVr(!., when imported bj and for the use of Colleges and .Schools, Scientific and [liter- ary Societies Phosphor Bronze, in blocks, bars, sheets and wire Phosj)horous, Pianofortes, viz: On all Square Pianofortes, whether •^ound cornered or noC, not over seven octaves, $2;") ; on all other Square Pianofortes. $'M) ; on Upright Piaufortes, $30 ; on Concert, Semi-Concert or Parlor (rrancl Pianofortes, ^50; and in addition theret«i P'Mts of Pianos, Pipe-clav. Pitch (pine) Pitch (c<)al ) and Coal Tar Plants, viz : Fruit, Shade, Lawn and Ornamental Trees. Shrubs a!U» Plants .. .... Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, ground, Plaster of Paris, calcined <»r manufaciured, ir» cts |M»r ) cts oer bbl. of not over :>U0 U>s. Piaster of Paris, not ground or calcined. Plaits, Straw, Tus- can and Grass .... ... Plates engravtnl on wood and on steel or other metal Playing Cards Plumbago, 10 per cent ad vaio/-«/tt, and on all manufactures of Plumbago .-.---. .-.. Pomades, French or Flower Odors preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserving the odors of flowers which do not l>ear the heat of distillation, when imported in tins of not than 10 lbs each - .-..---- Precipitate of Copper, crude . . . . . Printing Presses of all kinds - - - . . . Proprietary Medicines, commonly called Patent Medicines, or any medicine or preparation of which the recipe is kept secret or the ingredients whereof are kept secret, recommended by advertisement, bill or label, for the relief of any disorder or ailntent, in liquid form, 50 per cent.; and all other Prunella and Cotton and Woolen Netting for boots. Shoes and Gloves -.... Pumice and Pumice Stone . _ . , . . . Pumice Stone, Ground or powdered ------ Puttv, ---..---- Quills ; Quinine, Sulphate of Kags, of Cotton, Linen, Jute and Hemp, Pajer waste or Clip- pings, and AVaste of any kind, fit only for tb ; manufacture of Paper; Rattans and Reeds, unmanufactured; Rennet, raw or prepared ; Rhubarb Root ; Resin ; Sails for Boats and Ships, also Tents and Awnings Saffron, and Safflower, and Extract of, Saft'ron-cake. Salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British Pos- session, or imported for the use of the Sea or (i'ulf Fisheries, Salt (except salt imported from the United Kingdom or any 191 22i 2*) 25 '0 10 25 2.5 F're**. .10 Frep. 10 Free. 10 ■s> Free. 10 20 M Fn>4'. 2«l M 20 15 Free. 15 25 10 Free. 20 •25 M Free. Free. Free. /' llr 192 gMJH L MHiCBLLAyEOUS DIRECTORY. British pHIhBk <)!> imported Tor the use of tim rpa or gulf tisiierief*. wfiloBpplCl be free of duty) in buil<, H cents per KM) lbs-; in bagH, busp^ and other pack a^OH, 11> ct8. p«ir lUU tb8. Saltpetre. ..... ,. 20 Sal amonia. Sal Soda. Sand Free. Sand Paper, (» lass and Emory Paper 20 Sea-weed, not elsewhere Hoet 1. Hea-firass. Senna i i leaves Free. Seeds, viz : Flower, Garden, i-ield, and other Seeds for Agri- cultural purp<»Hes, when in bullv or in large parcels, 15 per cent., when put up in small papers or parcels 2f> Seed, Mustard, unground 15 And ground, 2.^ Shingles 20 Settlers effects, viz.- — Wearing Apparel, Ilous'^hold Furniture, Professional Books, Implements and tools of Trade, Occupa- tion or Employment, which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removal to Canada, not to in- clude Machinery or Live Stock, or other articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment or for sale. Provi- ded that any dutiable article entered as Settlers' Ktfects shall not be .sold or otherwi^'", disposed of without payment of duty until after two year.** actual use in l^anada Free. Sewing Silk and Silk Twist '25 Ships and other vessels, built in any foreign <:ountry, whether steam or sailing vessels, on application for Ciinadian register, on the liair market value of the hull, rigging, machinery and all appliances .. 10 Silex, or Crystallized Quartz Free. Silk in the gum, not more advanced than singles, tram and thrown organzine 15 Silk Velvets, and all manufactures of silk, or of which silk ia the component part of chief value, not elsewhere specified, except Church vestments 30 .Silk, raw or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twiK ted, or advanced in manufjvcture in any way, silk cocoons silk waste . ... Free. Silver, rolled and German, in sheets 10 Skins, undressed, dried, salted or pickled Free. Slate for rooting. Slate slabs, s'luare or in special shapes. Slate Mantels School and Writing Slates , Soap, common browrj and yellow, not perfumed 1 cent per lb. Soap, Castile and White ' 2 cts per lb. Soap, perfumed or toilet Soda, ash. Soda, caustic. Soda, Silicate of Spelter, in blocks or pigs Spices, viz : — Ginger and Spices- ot all kinds, except Nutmegs and Mace, unground ... . Ginger and Spices of all kinds, except Nutmegs and Mace, ground Nutmegs and Mace Starch, including Farina, Corn SUTch or Flour, and all prepa- rations having the qualities of Starch 2 cts. per lb. Spirits, viz :— Spirits and Strong Waters, nov having been sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength thereof cannot be ascertained by Syke's Hydrometer, for every Im- perial gallon of the strength of proof by such hydrometer and so on in proportion for any greater or less' strength than the strength of proof, and for every greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz: — Geneva, Gin, Bum and Whis- key, and uneuumerated articles of like kinds, $l.B2i per Imp. gallon. On Brandy .... .... J1.45per Imp. gallon. On Old Tom Gin in bulk $1.32i per Imp. i^allou. 20 2,^j 30 Free. 10 25 25 M'^ or j?ii.!f per 100 lUU tb8. 20 Free. 20 leaves Free. r Apri- ls per 16 2f> 20 rniture, )c'cupa- ual use t to in- ted for Provi- :s Hhall 3f duty Free. 25 ifhether tjgister, ry and 10 Free. m and l.-> silk is ecified, .30 twis ocoons .... Free. iO ... Free. 20 30 2,0 er tb, jer lb. .30 Free. 10 megs 20 jMace, 26 25 repa- er tb. Id or lereof Im- leter ^ngth less 'his- lllon. lion, lion. MISCELLANEOUS DIRE' Spirits sweetened or mixed so that thirlV^^HH^^Blinnot ho aseerUiined sis a'breHaid, viz: — Hum HHB^ Ibbrdial, Seliiodam Scriniapps, Tatia, Bitters, and unenTOWrated ar- ticles of lik«* kinds $1.00 per Imperial gallon. On Spirits and Strong waters not elsewhere spee- noinination of Proprietary Medicines, Tinctures, Essences, Extracts, or any other detiomination not elsewhere specifio(i shall be nevertheless deemed "Spirits or Strong Waters," and subject to duty as such, $1.!K) per Imperial gallon. On Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits in Hottles or Uasks, not weighing more than four ounces each, On (.'ologne Wviter and Perfumed S|)ifits in bottles, flasks or other packages weighing more than four ounces each, $1.90 per Imperial gallon, an(l Wines of all kinds, e.xcept Sparkling Wines, including (lin- ger. Orange, Lemon, Strawberry, Raspberry, holder and ('nr- rant Wines, containing twenty-six percent, or less of Spirits of the strength of {u'oof by Sykes Hydrometer, imported in wood or in bottles, (six (juart and twelve pint bottles to be held to contain one Imperial gallon) 2.") cents per Imperial gall'Mi : and for each degree of strength in excess of twenty- six per cent, of spirits as iforesaid, an additional duty of three cents i»er imperial gallon, until the str(!ngth roaches forty per cent, of proof spirits, and in addition thereto On Champagne, and ill other Sparkling Wines, in bottles con- taining each not more than a quart and more than one pint $.'5.00 per dozen bottles ; containing not more than a pint each, and moi'e than one-half pint, $1,50 per dozen bottles ; con- taining one half pint each or less, 75 cents per dozen bottles. Bottles containing more than one quart each shall pay in ad- lition to $;i.00 per dozen bottles at the rate of $1.50 per Imp. gallon on the quantity in excess of one quart per bottle. In addition to the aV)(.ve specific duty on Sparkling Wines there shall be an ad vaio/'em duty of' Hut any liquors imported under the name of Wine, and con- taining more than forty per cent, of spirits of the strength of l)roof by S^'kes hydrometer, shall be rated for duty as unenu- meratecl spirits. Stationery of all kinds not elsewhere specified Steel and Manufactures of, on and after the tirist dav of January, 1881. viz :- On Steel in ingots, Vjars, sheets and coils, -itid Rjiilway Bars and Rails and Fish Plates < >n Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Hay, Manure, and Potato Forks, Rakes and Rake Teeth, Carpenters', (hoopers', Cabinet-ma- kers, and all other Mechanics' tools, edge tools of every description, including axes, scythes, files and saws of all kinds, and on steal Skates, ' On cutlery ; on fire arms, viz : muskets ''itles, pistols and shot guns and on all manufactures of steel and of iron and steel, not elsewhere specified On knife Blades or Knife Blanks, in the rough, unhandled for use by electro-platers Stone, viz: Rough Freestone, Sandstone, and all other Build- ing Stone, except Marble, $1 per t. 10, to the contrarv notwithstandinir. On Syrups, Cane Juice, Kcfined Syrup, Suj^jirhouse Syrup, Syrup of Sugar, Syrnp of MolasscH; or Sorghum, ' five- eigtiths of one cent per lb and On Mchido, Concrentruted Mo'ado, Concentrated Cane Juict», Concentrated Molasses, Coujentrated Beet Root .Juice, and Concrete, three-eighths of one «!ent per lb. and Molasses, if used for refining, clarifying or rectifying pur- poses, or for the manufacture of Sugar, when imp^irted direct from the country of growth and production And for the same purpose when not imported direct from the country of growth and production Molasses when not so used, when imported direct from the country of growth and production And when not imported direct from the country of growth and production Sugar Candy, brown or white, and Confectionery, one cent per pound, and .'. Glucose or Grape Sugar to be classed and rate*! for duty as Sugar according to grade by Dutch standard in color. (ilucose .Syrup, i of one cent per lb and Until the first day of January, 1881, steel in mgots, bars, sheets and coils. Railway Bars, or Rails and Fish Plates shall be free of duty. .Stereotypes and electrotypes of standard lK)oks Stereotypes and electrotypes for Comniercial Blanks and ad- vertisements Sulphur, in roll or flour. Tails, undressed Tallow, 1 cent per lb. Tampico, White and black. Tanner's bark. Tar (pine) Tea, viz : On all Black Tea, 2 cents per lb and And on all green and Japan Tea, 3 cents per lb. and Teasels. Terra-alba, aluminous. Terra-japonica Tin, in blocks, pigs, bars, plates and sheets Tinware, stamped and Japanned ware and on tures of tin not elsewhere specified Tobacco, mcnufaotured, and snuff, twenty-five and in addition thereto On Cigars and Cigarettes, 50 cents per lb. and Tobacco, unmanufactured, for Excise purposes, ditions of Act 31 Vic, c. 51. Tortoise and other shells, unmanufactured. Travellers* bag- gage, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs. Tree-nails Trunks, Satchels, Valises and Carpet Bags Turmeric. Turpentine, raw and crude Turpentine, spirits of Twines, manufactured of Flax, and not otherwise specified Turtles Type, for Priuting Type Metal Varnish, black and bright, for ships' use Varnish, not elsewhere specified, twenty cents per Imperial Gal- lon, and .30 80 30 30 ir> 20 3."> all manufac- cents per lb. under con- 10 Free. Free. 10 10 Free. 10 121. 20 Free. Free. 25 Free. ■Jii 25 Free. 20 10 Free. 20 I Mtan- 30 ler lb. 30 id iwil- froin r iiiiir- t any PS. or ytiiiiiK " chap. ■lyrup, , " tive- SO Juice, .•e. ami m g pur- 1 parted 2a from 30 )in the ir. growth le cent :{.'. r duty iolor. * :W barx, Platen 10 d ad- Jft Free. per lb, I Free. 10 10 Fre»-. 10 n urac- il er B). \lk 20 con- Free. bag- ter of ... Free. 2o Free. 2»etabloH. vie: — T'otatooM T<»ni.itoeH... .Vnd ill! other Vopretiibl.iH 20 Vent'table Fibres, natural, not produced by any Mechaniral pro- re!«s. Veneers of Wood and Ivory, Hawn only. VordigrlH, or sub-acetate of copper, dry ...Free. V'inev;ar 12 cts. per Imp. (Jal. Vitriol, blue • Free. Watches, Watch movements and VVittch cases 20 Whalebone. unmanufa<-tur(>d. Wliale-oil, in casks from on ship- Itoad, and in tiie coiiditif)n in which it was first landed. Whit- ini{ or Whitening. Willow, for Hasket Makord Free. Wire of BrasH and Copper 10 Wire Cloth r tnkoii OonHumption thoroin. The following arttcle« nhall bo prohihitrd to bo linportod, iintlor a I»oimlty of two hundrod dollarH, toj^othcr witli tbo t'orlVituic of tho paroolor parka^o of noods in widrh tbo sumo may bo found, vi/, : BookH, Printed Papors, Drawinn^, Palntlnns, PrintH, Plioto^rapbiH, or Hoprt'sontatlons of any kind of u treaHonublo or soditiouH, or of un ininiorul or indoront cbaraotitr. ('oin, biiao or (tonntorfolt. in. Itemlved, Tbat it Is oxpodiont to add the followinn to tbo list of i$oodit exempt from ( 'iistomH duty wbon imported Into C'anada. The following articloH boinn tho natural productu, or tl»e manufact- ures of the colony of Newfoundland, viz. : Fish, fresh, dried, saltod or smoked. Fish-oil and uU products of tish. Soal-oll. Animals of all kinds. EXCISE DUTIES. On and Aptkr 17th Mahch, 1879. On every wine gallon of spirits of tlie strength of proof by .Syke's'bydrometer. ....'.. Jl.(»0 On every pound of Malt I On every (^llon of any fermented beverage, made in imitulion of Beer or Malt Licjuor, and browed in whole or in part from any other substance than Malt 4 On (Cavendish Tobacco on any pound or less quantity 20 On Canada Twist (Tabac blanc entorquelte) i\o '. 4 On Hnutf, per lb. or less quantity. 2i) On all other descriptions of manufactured Tobacco, per tt) or less quantity liO Cigars, (subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calculating the weight for duty, to be tixed by order in Council) 4()c. per lb. All goods manufactured in Bond shall, if taken out of Bond for consumption in Canada, be subject to duties of Excise equal to the duties of Customs u) which they would be subject, if imported froni Great Britain, and entered for consumption in Canada ; and whenever any article, not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of Excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into a Bondotl Manu- factory, the difl'erence between the duty of Excise to which it would be so liable, and the Cu.stoms duty which would be '< vied on sucrh art- icle, if imported and entered for consumption, shall be paid as a duty of Excise when it is taken into tho Bonded Manufactory. naflrt, or tnkeii orti'd, nndor n rtVitutc nC th«^ L) lountj. vi/„ : I'hoto^rapliM, tiouM, or olun t to tho list of I'miada. he inunufact- I'oof l)y I litHlJOII rt IVoiii 4 2(» 4 20 ' tb or 20 uvo in lier in 4(h-. per lb. of Bond for equal to the ported from id wluMH ver y of Excise ;ided Manu- ch it would on su(;h art- id as a duty PICTOU, N. S. - tr .L> 'S ) i6- l)IHi:HN K. NOOXAN, ESQ., Viie Piesitleat ; KoBEIJT DOTIJ^ E.SQ.. JAMES KTTCHIN, ES(j., i. A. GRANT. ESi^.. OCJNALD FllAvSER, ESQ., JAMES D. MeORECJOk. ESQ. Thomas Watson, nager. ■••' > PH.'TOIT ADVERTISKMEN p\CTOU I 199 ^ ♦ • 4 i ^ 4 '^ 4 4 V « x^...x % m\\\^^ ■«> PICTOU, N. S. wholesale Maaufacturere -OF :)^ ALL KINDS OF BISCUITS. -AND- DEALERS IN FLOUR, OP THE BEST BRANDS. -'SJtp^iJ^tfc-es-w Cornmeal, Oatmeal, &c. Confectionery in great variety, at the lowest prices.