> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 ■5.0 mm 2.2 lU BS lit 14.0 IL25 III 1.4 1.6 Photographic Sdraices Corporation 23 WBT MAIN STR2IT WnSTM.N.Y. 145S0 (716) S72-4S03 CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/iCfVIH Collection de ■ «>■ ■ mi Canadian fnttitut* for Historical IMicroraproductions / inatitut Canadian da microraproductions liistoriquas :\ Tachnieal and BibHographie Notas/Notaa taohniquat at bibliographiquaa TiM toti Tha Inatituta haa attamptad to obtain tha baat original copy availabia for filming. Faaturaa of ttiia copy which may ba biMiographieally uniqua. which may altar any of tha imagaa in tha rapro^^'iction. or which may aignlflcantly changa tha uaual mathod of filming, ara chaekad balow. G Colourad covara/ Couvarturo da ooulaur r~1 Covara damagad/ Couvartura andommagAa Covara raatorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura raatauria at/ou paHicuMa Covar tMa miaaing/ La titra da couvartura manqua Colourad mapa/ Cartaa gAographiquaa an coulaur Colourad ink (i.a. othar than bkia or black)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua Maua ou noira) Colourad plataa and/or illuatratlona/ Planchaa at/ou Hluatrationa 9n coulaur Bound with othar matarial/ Rail* avac d'autraa doeumanta D Tight binding may eauaa ahadowa or diatortlon along intarior margin/ LaraKura aarria paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la iKatorakm la kmg da la marga intirlaura Blank laavaa addad during raatoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poaaibia, thaaa hava baan omittad from filming/ II aa paut qua cartalnaa pagaa blanchaa ajoutiaa iort d'una raatauratton apparalaaant dana la taxta, mala, loraqua cala Atait poaaibia, caa pagaa n'ont paa «t« f ilmtea. L'Inatltut a microfilm* la maillaur axamplaira qu1l lui a At* poaaibia da aa procurer, taa details da oat axamplaira qui aont paut-Atra uniquaa du point da vua bibltographiquc, qui pauvant modifiar una image raproduita, ou qui pauvant exiaignifia "A 8UIVRE", la aymbola V algnifia "FIN". IMapa, plataa, charta, ate., may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly included in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Lee cartae, pianchea, tableaux, etc., peuvent itre filmte A dee taux da riduction diffAranta. Loraque ie document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un eeul ciichi, il eat fiimA A partlr da i'angia aupArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut an baa, en prenant la nombre d'lmagaa nAceeeaire. Lea diagrammea auivanta iiluatrent la mAthoda. errata to > peiure. in A n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^FDR REFERENCE RA 317.15 — Af^nt Bar NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM M, B. Room lS6S-4Sla^y 31 lEtEll IHI II IHI^^G FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ST. JOHN, N. B. PRESENTED vid f^assell Jack Beqa I Accession M::^*'^: Class3l4:ll.5 L626 St. 1868 Ig Hardware-aC. 0, Be t i i I .S I H s a ,9 8 I & terrxman. Barlow's ConMi Ml 1868.] ADTERTISEMBNTS. SPECIAL ADlEif ISi b While direetii^ tfc^ iittenti^ of ;t' getferid AaVettisifig iCa^ ^"^ . page, would especially state thatjfiis STOCK OF dO^lDrlflg is very large, and careMly seleot¥(^and his facilities for buying unsurpassed, as he frequently visits th| very best markets personally, and purchases ]prvtk pally for Caah^ direct from ^first-clasBrijKprclp^^ an . mai^ufacturers, whijch enables him io ^ofi^r^ snperii^ inducements to customers—FA^ which his nnnieroi^ patrons ttwd not be reminded of, and of which strar gers may be convinced 6n tteir first Visit to h Establishment. '7 , '* - *■» ■■-<■. ^FAATICULAR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO MY whqlepalI *)iiS4feitAiiftT. which surpasaei an^^thar houwiiiithektradoHa.wlC!K7^jlot' the Stock of Goods kept constantly on hand, but in facilities for pcoi£ipt] and fatthfiiUy e;Keouting all oi^eT^recelye^i us it |s fin^' who thoroughly underhand ^tr 'bushiessj u^ '' The SubaoribeiJmdJH^ j|K lUjl^S what is generall^RAeMR jK^ma'fin as to comTpna&Mg[^ufaap^0R^ out the cou^My, aU^TwU/iiPVinj/^rolciaPDelowest market rates. IS^ For a complete U^t of n^.^too; <^K«nd^«i,jocjieiul fof,4m< of my Trade Cataloou% .CI, VT A tl KXVLmJB^^ In concluding this Advertisement, the Sabscribetv begs leave to tbiHiy the public for the very liberiil and cfnstiptly increasing Datrouwoviri which he his been Mor^ fQi?:th^)i|tsev^ w%y ^^m0i0' th that he will endeavor to make his house in fbture what it nasbeen the past — attractive to al|l p^hvhjpfas y^ho , kd|p itK;i4pw Uieir 0' interests. ■■-<■>- .^^ .-. « ^^ . vr^-.ji j(» ^« 'm^tM \-:i-Jr \^'-\ T. B. BAB J. P. Lawltonr Saw Mafia^etureri^^^rf ff^jHi 'V>' '■'*',:. ",;*;VA- f Ac«y eor» Kiay and Gennaiii»rt'«*» at« JohPt 4PTIKTISK1IXNTS. [1868. WORKS ! 'r--i.- - ;M " r'lHiiL BAW8, 5J feet, from 8 to 12 guage. . g n 3r '" it ' c cc a 8 to 12 " ■'^ fq ' t?< ;':.-'>ir QT'JOHN, N. B. .a J-.. ..* . , i C( 6 7 7i " (C " 8 to 10 " 8 to 11 " 9 to 18 (I .r-«^ l!^ittta inch to 3 feet diameter^assorted guages. HANDS A Vs, &c. Sec. &c. Qf aim Kidtds repair @dl. Every Saw warranted. ,^^1 I J.F. LAWTON. OB N n S D n • 0) <>» n SB i« ■! 1.^ .■■^..ii lia » I 11 I II .III I ■■ II II ■ , ,.»y I — . y — I.I I j . ■■■■... _ ^ ..^ -J Tltf (KngiMd '•Weed » S«wing Machine, 10 and 12 Nelson-st. Ci i S e Q a £ 1868. S e i ttt a Si Cc Bat On •0 a « « a ;» e a e « e pm P. M fO on V « e Uj sit, att] and Saws St. Jofcifr^ 1^ [1868. 1 m.kj • 1 , 1 • OB / / . .9 \ '■' ■ t i 'e«\s. Of ■ ^ >> rf» ^ ■ ■0 . » •M I OB t » « aage. .0 (2 .5 U ' A ■1 tt u ■a A ••3 (( ««' M B a 11 n «• « ■ 9 s z CD •P4 ta y ' • H ^ wages. s >. .o >• ■ -0 \ a 7 « •« CD ee U &c. a .S »dl<, M H >> A QD ^. M Carriage jlock— C. G. Berfyman, Bsrloiwr*! Conieg» 1868.] ADVERTISEMENTS. a -*. !, ^ ii^&M' AGENT FOR IHB SAINT STEPHEN'S BAWK. . ^; ,., ^ f , f OFFICES: Corner of Prince William Str^tn^ Market Square^ . ^i Investments made in and Sales effected of Bank Stock, Mortgages, and Seourifies df iViiV description. BBAFTS On the United States, Canada, Kova Scotia, P. E. Island, &c. &c. &c. iGiirat Fids, Specie aHd Sterliiit l!£l^ 15^ Sums of £10 and upwards received (m depo- sit, for which receipts will be given, bearing in ter^t at the rate of and payable either at call or fixed periods,, as may be agreed upon. ^ I 8 »■ I elson-iSt. isaws ot all kiuds made and repaired at the Alezaiidrii Wd^ks« y'i< |1 OB ' e •S 1 S S i S & e pit Chaioaer, St» Johnt W. B«, Wholesale Importer. ADVERTISEMENTS. [1868. HMSWORTH I CO., 55 Dock Street. tWk%M » Vinillasse!!, FDHPS, Hawser Pipes, CHOCKS, '"'III iiiiliiiHii'i"i"'§Et©a\f©^> Staunchions, Cambooses, Sole Proprietors of HAINSWORTH'S PATENT SHIP'S WINDLASS, combining slow and fast mo- tion, and other improvetuents, at less cost than old Patent purchase. A large assortment of C®®kGrif acid Q)th@f STO¥iS» Ploughs, Waggon Boxes, &c. Special attention to heavy Castings for Mills, Mines, and Iron Works. Warerooms— 55 Dock Street. . H^* Call and enquire Prices. a OS Ml ^1 The *' Weed *' Sewing Machine is made at St. John, N. B. I "5 s I Q I s e s g a OD B fl e n Ship Hardware«.C» G. Berryman, 5 Kiag gtryjtf 1868.] ADYERTISEMKNTB. 9 Travis' Corner (so called), IVBXAKTOWS, DEALBB IN SBOGEBIES, PROVISIONS, Liquors, Flour, Meal, &c. Boarding House on the premises. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. LriEiLOiiLl Furniture Manufacturer 9 AND UPHOLSTERER. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Sets ; School, Counting Room, and Ship Furniture, Feathers, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, Child- ren's Carriages, &c. &c. Warerooms— 46, Germain Street, Sign of the Golden Chair. Steam Cabinet Factory^, «I7 Prineess-st., S4Ilf I®S1. 1. 1, J* F* Lawtoiif ^iaw JMaunfactarer, cor. North and CU orKe*>8tt. M 9 I I \ m I I Ayer»e Hfedlcines, po14 by dmloner, gt. John, W. B. H e Q S B « m g V B Of ADVERTI8KMENTS. [1868. ■ »♦* EY«ry PiibMo Buildinir, Dwelling House, Milt, Factory, Shop, Store and Ofilre tn thf8 Provi ce, may be __AtJJttleCost^ JORBMLWANCY AND ECONOMY OP ITS LIGHT, THAT OF MANUFACTURED BY THE ALBERTINE OIL COMPANY, Is supeirior to that of Coal Gas, Oil, or Fluid ! Nine Pence worth of ALBERT! NE will give more Eight that one Dollar'' s worth of Fluid, AT THE SAME COST, ALBERTINE WIU^ GIV5 7 times more Light than Fluid; ' *^~^ ^' Sperm pil; ^cf Lard Oil 5 4 4 " " '\ " Whale Oil; And twice as much Light as Rape Seed Oil. cc u u u (C ALBERTINE Gives a Brilliant Light, Is free from all danger of explosion : it does not ignite when a lighted match is placed directly in it, nor waste on exposure to the air, and may be consumed in a Lamp to the last drop within reach of the tVick^ without depreciation in the quality of the light. Leading Chemists of London and New York agree that Albert- iNE is destined to supersede all Oils and Burning Fluids as a source of artificial IHumination, and the most valuable Ojiaterial for that purpose known. Of all desGriptions constantly on 'hand. ^ ^ DEPOT: No. 33 Prince William Street, (SANDS' ARCADE.) B o il 9B 1868. Cor SB B •B •O A CD 00 1 ol «( » s % u % 4? S. F. dthttte. Agent for «*Weed" Sewiug Machine, Fredericton. i O 1. S * t 1 c u i 1 Au 1 1 A B r -^ I fl « p. s f: V s s «/ 8 « B M fl B s high I, y. B. [1868. itory, Shop, Hardware— C. 6. Berrmiatt, Barlow*! Comer* THAT OF COMPANY, luid I give more id, ; GiVE Oil. ion : it doe£t )6r waste on e last drop ility of the tiat Albert- \ a source of bat purpose md. reet, 9B a •■I A » redericton. o s % % S a a a P* a u •a fa V •a a Of) I a a a. g V a a a w a a V V a 9 1868.] ADVEllTISBMENTS. .;r Corner Rqck Street ar\^ iy|iii:kpt SqujM:©^ {Store formerly occupied by the late W. S. Adaim»% ■Sriiv'.^ GENERAL DEALER IN Briti&Qi and American *^ - ' ..*■■. I _ ^■* Alsor a eomplete as«ortment of LOWEST PBiCES! W h al e • a 1 e a n 4 V^ ^* DEALERS IN -. '•■■ ■ .'■.,■ •■/ ;, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, FLOUR, ME4L, PQi^J?:, And GEJSTERAL MERCHAJ^ml^, Iiiiiie eom^taiitly oil hand. < Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, and highest prices given. Alexandra Works Saw Factory, cor. Nortii and George-stK. s I I s I fcpi y^w.Fw^icdpttoa to Clialoaer, it. Jolia, W, B. i s \ "a a I I 8 AomTisiminrs. [1868. I. it F. BDRPEE i CO.. Prince William St., St. John, N. B., IMP0RTIR8 OV stiver, ElMtro-Phttd, Albate, BritMnia Matal, Block Tin, Japanned, Enamelled, and HARDWARE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bar, Hoop, Sheet, and Galvanized SBiST La^S, £1A1» ri7B, Zinc and Tin Platea. Oils, Paints, Olass, Patty, F'itohi, Tar, (^akmm, Oordaf®. AXE, SPRING, BLISTER, SLEIGH, SHOE & CAULKING STEEL. MANUFACTURERS OF GUT NAILS AND SPIKES, Warranied good, made of superior Iron* For Familf Sewing, the •« Weea >' U jbeft^lO^ 111 Nelson-tt. ♦ -4 .. . f^ i a I 9 I 5 J CI s Hardware— C» 0» Berryiiia«» B»rlow»i Comer* 1668.] IDVSRTISEMENTS. 9 CHARLES KIRKPATRICK, Successor to Chas, Patton ^ Co,, IMPOJITBR OF ritis| auir I'flragn WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 8 King street/' <5^5 Germain Street, St. John, JV. j?i/ Manufacturers and Dealers in «11 kinds of Such as Hall, Library, Parlor, Dining and Bedroom ^uits, of, the best materials and workmanship. Also, Ship and Steam Boat FURNITURE made to order at short notice. WMATMME SIPS 9 Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, and ExceUior MATTRASSES; on hand or made to order. UNDERTAKINQ DEPARTMENT. COFFINS, IN ROSWOOD, MAHOGANY, AND CLOTH COVERED. From our long experience in this branch of the business, we feel con- fident of giving eat'sfaction to all who may favor qs with their patronage. All orders personally attended tOy and charges moderate. t I- fei: h ft N elaon-st» J* F. liawton, Saw Manufacturer, cor. North and George-sts* B i ! iCAEJBI^GE HPPWAEE, Pfescriptiong carefnlly prepared by Chaloner, St« John* £ I " . 1( 1 " < ADTfiRTISEMENTS. iss: L1868. No. it King Street, •f IMPORTERS OF Of Every DescripUon, ^ Hr. H> OfclTE ^ CO. fir EM I fir mil 300 Wafnut and Mahogany Chairs; 1000 Wood Seat Chairs; 300 Bedsteads; bO dhamber S^tts/ In fine assortinents, Rosewood, Walnut, Oak, Chestnut and Imitation. 600 Ifos. FEATBEBS ; Feather Beds and Spring Beds, Oak Office Chain, ikk Dining Ohairs, Wood Office Chairs, Cane Seat Stools, Ship Tables and Settees, Hall Racks and Ohfurs ; Mattrasses, in hair, com busk, and Exceluor : Children's Carriages, in Willow, Boston Cabs, (flipsey Gigs, Ramblers and Perambulators.; Green and Drab Slat $linds, Looking Glasses, Children's Carts, Toy Chairs, Music hacks and Stools, Whatnots, Card Tables, Pails, Brooms, Tubs, with a large as- sortment of Wooden Ware, Settee Cradles, Wardrobes and Sideboards ; ]!>niwing: Boom and Parlor Suite^ in Hair Cloth and Recovering. Worls hoitie manufacture and imported. All warranted of good and seasoned Wood, and for sale at lowest market rates. UNDERTAlClNa Attended to, at J^ight or Day! Store 55 and 57 Germain-st. Residence over Warerooms. O. E. BURNHAM. Brery Family ahonld have a ** Weed " Sewing MBohinc., v> 1 seasoned B Jl OB Q) «» S ■0 a B CD O I 3; I o I r I s H o Q V V s B OS fl M i^ HarJwaBerrC. G. BewrypwuM Bjmt low?* Cctmsyc 18^] ADYKBTISEMKNTS. 11 1 t f \ p jMANUFACTaRY, WniM 6. HIBEN, Proprietor, WHKRK MAY BE POUND mJk T S Jl W B C Jl e &, 0/ ererj/ Style and quality, as low in price (IS any House in the Trade* yt'% ■n\ -.r^ r: Being a pniotical £b(tery I,am prepared to make tol orie^ ftll Styles of Satin, Cashmere, and Cloth 'j I **' ^ V Fur and Fur Trinmied 'f'l fi.' M^Patrona$e respectfully solicited* W:G. McBRIEN. ^ ft; w Alexaadia Works S^w Factorir, car. Hartliaail CSeoiaennt* il i I 1 I a § I A' 3 I •■'.1 •a s I s •IN S I Nil Pteifif» Goodiysoid by ehaloner» lit. Joliii,y. H. 12 ADTERTISEBIENTS. [1868- CUT MIL, CUT SPIKE, AlTD „si: WR0U6HT SHIP SPIKE Ijliii ^^ ^A e Depot— Nb. 8 Water Street, -GALVANIZED SPIKES, s,v: ■■ AND ■ , ..• Sheathing Nails. STEAM JdFoFFICE. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Ms FM Steering Gear. GEO; F. SANCTOH. Hie '* l¥eed>' is a Shuttle Sewing Machine— St. Joha, If.'B. I t m UN. s K a, 9 s ^ s ^ 3 r U' n [1868. 'if "- fj-r ^^ IS, \v\ S I 9 • - ft CD S at S GE < 3 lieai. ON. in, N.^B. 'OnniAgtt Stock-^. Ui BerrtmiaBi Batlow*8 CoMwri I OD 0) V d C a n OB « .4 o I e go 1868.] ▲DVERTISEMENTB. l^ W Market Square, IMPORTERS OF 6ritisliIris]i,FniDC]i&Afflencii ■^jrrri ^.■■p. 11 .^1 ^ttd^^ ^ IN Silk, Woollen, Linen, and Cotton • ■•>-*^rl ' r •■arv- J;,,.-!!*" MANUFACTURES. x^TT^wrr* Our Buyers visit tkese Markets twice a year, and arrangements haVe been made to procure all THE NtWEdT STVL BKTWEEN SEASONS. DANIEL & BOYD. 1? r 9: * 9' ; O Isaws ot Bit kinds made find repaired at the Alexandra I'l^orks* Dye BtifliH « gcfW|i»| jwyHrlWiWitf »«f;|i>ljMiei?» Stb J Scdtch and Irish Port and Sherry Winej I &:e. SiLe... &ce« Corner Carmarthen and Unlcm Sts.^ » I The •« Weed 'f makes Ute^Mime atipcA on twtli ii||leii» I irk 9 rl • &, 1 Sts., •filet. « e h (It (m e fl e e «' a e »¥y ff«S4?fffT!!^?^-;^iffff«yii^«?»^^»>».i>W<8i' 1S6&] ADTIBXiaifXIIXa. l#j IMPORTERS OF irj*- ^r rs" ii^V'-^ .^'f r . *• British and Foreign OF EVFRT DESCRIPTION. 'h^ k I A LARGE STOCK OF ^ H^ ^k ^^ ^^ AND Family Mourning:. 45 King street, Saint Jotin, N. B., AND AT, FREDIMIQtON; ■- '"• *^ SHEKj&XOM & Co., Vi.; J. F* X<«wton» ^11^ JffiiiifiRG^iirvrx oor« Ni^i;U| «■< Ckfise-jlv^ A1Pill/ii*«^«Ji<1^Wt^Miftiey, W; J e fl « a B ft* s Lead^ Zinc> Sheathtng Paper— C« Cj» Berry man » 5 KingMt* 1868.] AttHtLtiitoiEsnk. 17 THOMAS B. BUXTO]^ (Successor to Xk^jfias Parks,) IMPORTER AND DEALEft IN -^ it :a ' ' ■:*tfr\f\ prfT'vT', •^ ■'..•' ! 3: 1 - wiii' r ift I Q .XT^ O 'XI. IS '^ i .-..-. ^ \ v V &C&. &&. &&e. hw; .■"I ?r iPi No. ^, DOCK STESK^ f'^ ■'?.' a^ '»! H ' "■ -■ ■ !'i ** ^ •■*■«"(.> , r^'« ^ff A ''a iJP Sf Promptly attended to. « i Saws ot all kinds made and repaired at the Atekimdra WoirKB* i« * ArtisU' Material! lold by Chaloncr, St. John, W. B, ir ▲DYKRTISEMKNTS. 868. THilB® Mm # ' 10 Kltig Street, ^ s^ajej^T joEEisr, ,jsr. b., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND *, ^ Stock ^f jy dlr'iL^e pm^iose, and well ^^^ ;\ COUJfTBT TRADERS. i : For Country Trade, in variety. And TWINES, biC^V* -E 1^4 D E S O R I P T ro N . £ STQd And the Best Terms for their Trade, at this { / plape, in the Lower FrovinQes^ ,. j, „ ,, . " Tlie ** We«a >> Sewing Machine is made by the N. A. JU. Co'y.H J» * ' L _A I =C3==: F* T. gtAnheM, Piwi^tTiipofter^ 96 D,:.^lia, W. B> ■*■ ' ti ' I [1868. B., ' tj ., DEESS GO OPS is: I e I r A. AI. Co> r<| J* F. Xawton, SawMaiiliraeftfMr,cor. NdirtiiBiistt« tt I 8 y C I >lK>togHiphic^CiifcailealewCaiahMier»»t» Jo>b« 20 AOTKRTIBEMEMTS. L1868. IMPORTER OF 0@EE II! 1 ' ,JI • i •> 1 1 T> "*y »!T'>|*H3isJt:1^5Jj^^j:?^'n^-'^frsjr /Vl DOCK STREET. The ** Weed >* Sewing Maekiine i» simple in ^onatrnetion* ll e s I ^ CB » «B i B e c; s s a V .4 « e e F. T. gteyhene. Importer Engliwh aa4 American Groceriei* 18A3.] ADVERTISEMENTS. 21 FriBters, Foislieri!, Binilers, ANBf Blank Book Manufacturers, U<^i @@ ^Hcioo Wiiiam Straaty SAINt JOHN, N. B., , 'Respectfully direct attention to their ^ Printingr and Bookbinding ESTABLISHMENT. Itaving a very large assortmervi of TTF£S. FB£SS£S, BINDSilS' TOOLS, &c. k, Ar> THQT ARE EI^ABLEpTO UNDERTAKE JOB FRiN Tme, Bookbmding, Paper Ruling, . BOOKWORM, INSURANCE FORMS, WAYBILLS, ' PAMPHLETS, PROPECTUSES, CATALOGUES, BANK FORMS, BILLS OF LADING, CARDS, RAILWAY FORMS, CIRCULARS, HAND BILLS, LEGAL FORMS, RECEIPTS, Ac. Ac. &c. Strict attention given to all orders, and work done at the Vkbt Lowest Charges. Orders from the Country will receive immediate attention. Counting House Stationery of all kinds. intrnetion. r I r s 2 a % r J. F. Lawton* ISaw Maanfactarer, cor. North aa^.George-sts* JPreMli Garden Heeds in ■enidn-«ChAloBert St. JaIib. N; B« 1 1 s It IS -^1 LB I 23 ADVKRTIHEMBNT8. [1868. :'' i^ Steaan Engine mi H^^chine Bhop^ Albion and St. David Sts,, Si» John, JV. JB,. The l^jiiforIfK9'.Vvii|g ijlf the reoentl;t^inprared bqUiCleB, Is prepared to manufacture every desoriptloa of STEiH MIHES & BOILERS, Fpr Marine or Lan<)^ parposefl, of any sise. SCREW FRQPEtLORS! • ^ .... > . • ■ ■'. '■.•''■ :"■»■> He would direct especial attention to the above, and would refer parties requiring them to owners' of Tug Boats *' Victor," " Daisy/' " Bessie Bonnell/' and " Speck." ' ^ Imti &m4 Mm99 QastScigs jm r. Q n T ^*Aft *® «|wl9P. •»»* Fattemft furmsbed. ■■ -j fj ^, , ,, i •' ■ AxMays 6% HAiiD— SM^ Work, Pipes and t^iups, Oook Stdves, (dam. booses, Close Stovesi, Grate^i, Franklins, Oven and Furnace Mouths, &o a I I « e S e I Garkton Air PATENTIIE ^ Stove. SOLE MANUFACTt;- BEROF Hulbert's Patent Plough, Pronounced by Judges to be the best Plough in the market Blacksmith Work executed promptly/ on liberal terms. y^ Plans and arrangements for all work executed in this Establish- ment \rill be made without charge. JOHN SMITH, Practical Engineer and Millwright fivery Fttmily should Have a ^* Weed >' Sewiug Machine. F. T. Stepheni. Grocer. WkoleMile and Retail. 86 I9ook*tt« & Jo 4 :»= s 1868.] ADTIRTISIiMByTB. SAIMT il^lill^ N. B. * •., IiQpoiiten of an4 Dealeri^ i^ every dieaoriptibn of BRITISH ANt>Fdl^IGN .n(: Wm- :€®ii V :-: w ti 9: L E (^ A L e; A N 5 ft E t A r L^ ■^ieU^© ;; ^ip, ; ^ ! ^^ TO^. ISl 'OMB) 00 'a -3 7^ CharlotU Sti^eety nea^ IHnityGhurchi Careful attention glvef ' ^^ ,tf\0 ; Compounding of MAMurAcxupKR or ;CHS IMPROYD miES'HU SOmNff SW BtiE i f f o r •S^iiat) l,«': yf ! ! A M a <;; TIO ^ Be&iutiful Cosmetic for the Qornph^xUm^ I)ealerp supplied upon the. most favorable terme. Alexandra Works Saw Factory, cor. North and George-st» 111! M ; \vfi m\: « A S s m it*. e V § 3 1 ■ MM e I I « 2 PopoHr Hair Rertoratiret^ Chaloncr, St. ^^ol^l^» If. B> ,,,r. »; -r-T- ; 1 ' ^ ";? ' ■. ■ 24 ADVKRTISEMENTS. [1868. »EBIAL msrmANCE AGENCT. •»• BAUKfiR, General Agent for New Brunswick.l Fire, marine, and I^ife Insarance. First Class Offices, representing upwards of Thirty' \ L ' two J^jMiorf, DoUdrs, honorfide Subscribed ^and Invested Capital* i . " * ______ r Imperial Fire Ineuranoe Company of London. Incorporated 1808-^pltai £2,000,perty, at (kir and reasonable rates. Transfer of Policies to tbe " Imperial " may be made- without expense or trouUe to the assured. No Policy Feepharged. .. .. ■ ■ ih""-^^ The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, ThlsCompany transacts business on a purely mutual basis, and on the Cash K' ko. Its $20,00(i^000 Assets include no Premium Notes, Fancy Stocks, or other aginary or questionable flinds. The assets of the Company are solely the pro- perty of the policy holders. Dividends annually in cash, available the first year, and may be appired to redttce the second and each Bubse%uent annual premium, or to an annual Increase of the amount insured. Hxtnovef" JP%re Insurance Company. Germania Fire Insurance Company. JVorth American Insurance Company. k s^mbnur Marin© ln$urance. PROVINCIAL insurance' COMPANY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1849— Capital, Eight Hundred Thousand IH>liar^ lUsttranees effected on Vessels, <3argoes, and Freights. Time and Voyage Policies Issued on fkvomble terms. ^S^ Protests notftd and extended ; Marine or Fire Losses promptly and accu- rately acUusted, and Surveys made by ROBERT MARSHALL, Notary Public, Average Acyuster and Portwarden. Apply by letter or otherwise, at the Agency, I without ' - - - — ' All Fkir Losses promptly paid I reference to Head Office. ROBERT MARSHALL, Manager and 8nb- Agent, 23 Prince Wm. St. (Central Entrance), St. John, N. B. AdidieM Chas* A. Boveyy General Agent '* Weed" Machine. ; BfMd, $14,860,000. sr cent premiam, on tbte CoiitineDt. , effected on evei; I ■ of Policies to the sured. No Policy and on the Cash :y Stocks, or otiier are soleiy the pro- tble the first year, annual premium, undred Thousand freights. Time romptly and accu- L, Notary Public, Ise, at the Agency, id Office. d " Machine. Paint, Oily Pwity^ OUut, Ae.y oi BerrynuuC» 5 Jfiwy Blnet, BARNES'S^ NEW BRUNSWICK FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD BEING JBIl^EZTtLB OR LEAP TEAR, AND THE THTRTT-FIR8T ^AR 01^ THE SBIGK OF QCXKN VICTOKIA. OONTAIMINa GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, | STATISTICAL INFORMATION^ AND OTHER MAtTERS OP INTEftESt. SAINT JOHN, N. B. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BARNES AND COiPANT, AXD SOLD, WH0LB8ALB AND KBTAIL, At their Store, S4 Prince ^William Streets t'zs^s^Q£S3SX3niPi^j^s^;^^^m 1^ »i* I T. F. Lautoriy Saw \liUiufadurery Corner Noeih and Otarge^/b.^ iSTiMn,, b \v- BatMnffliah Chmieah^ChaUmer, St. John, N. S. I -^ ^■' ^ ''' ■'•■"■ - ■/niv •"^ TXfflktiqS OW |:g^E— -ECLIPSES, [1868. JanMTeltf H. 8. 18.6(' 14,03 14.29 14.29 14.28 14.26 14.24 14.20 14.16 14.12 14.01 13.64 18.47 13.89 18.31 13.22 |i2.43[l|8/l^ 12.66 f2.W:^ 14,|^1(P;2P ,J{XfSV48f 0.451 [^36 «.og M^^ 13i>« 18.08 1^3.19 13.29 13.39 14.26 14.27 12.61 12.40 FOR AP&EliT'^im— bftfeBSWlClI— 1868. Mar. lAprU.iMaf. Jane. 2.16 2.05 ln.o4 9.47 9.81 9.14 8.67, 8.3 8.22 8.04 IM lio 6.62 6.84 6.16 6.57 >6.8P '^5.2f) 6.02 4.48 4.2^ 4.07 0.34 0.48 1.0 1 1.26 1.38 1.50 2.01 2.11 f\3.29 CS9 8.42 3.46 i.2i 8.60 8.48 i.38 3.34 3.29 8.28 3.17 2.57 2.38 . 0.37 0.26 7S^ 4.47 4.56 6.13 5.2*» 6^8f4.88 8.(1 2.4^1 842) j6.U 0.89 0.62 1.061 1.81 1.44 IM- 6.1* 6.18 6.14 0!l« b:i3 «.12 Ofi 6.06 m22 1^ i.io 3.58 8.46 8.33 9^19 s»o^ 2.61 2.36 2.20 2.04 1.48 1.3 1.1 0.67 0.89 0.2) 0.02 Sept. | Ocyr. ' N. ».« 40 561^01 *23 6.44 6.06 M7 7.08 7.28 7.49 8.10 8.80 8.51 t)tll 9.81 9^'> f^ 10.48 11.67 12.1^ 12.84 12.60 TJioT 16.18 16.19 .16.19 11.2ti6.ia^9.24 11.4«16.l|| 8.69 teO(| 16.|6 16.09 16.06 16.00 16.64 I5.4fi 16.89 15.80 15.20 16.10 14.58 14.46 14.88 ii4il9 14.06 18.49 13 88 18,16 12.59 12.40 16.04 16.08 16.^2 U;i0|l6.16 16.17 16J5^ 12.21 ,1.04 I2.5l 11.41 11.20 10.58 10.18 9.48 J18S 8.07 7.41 7.14 6.46 6.18 6.60 6.21 4.68 4.23 8.64 8.24 2.66 &25 1.56 1.26 0.8 » 0.26, &» 6 0.85 1.84 2.03 2.32 8.01 8.80 lOTK. — When the Sun is Slow, Equation to be added to apparent time. When ( ^un is FMfr, S^i^ion, to be ^^btraoted froqi apparent ^iiQe. ECLIPSES IN 1868. I |l. February 28. Sun. — An annular Eclipse, invisible in New Brunswick, liiiaay be \iewedin the S. E. Pacific, all South America, Central and B^jAtlantic, Africa, and Southern Burppe. /■ r '"^. August 18. ScN — Total Eclipse, invisible in all parts of Dominion of Cana42|f> . APPAT^^ to allbi^olders in 8.^. Burope, S. A^a, S. Paci- !fl|^ Australasia, Indian Ocean, and Eastern Africa. Nov. 6. Also a Transit of Mercury over the Sun's Disc, invisible in fitritish Nort]^^m^ica> butjifiaybe.vidiire(| in Eastern hemisphere. Pw *' Wwd" makes the aame tUtehrm both tukf-St. John^ N, B, n»\o'^» .jft ,.« ■•»' u t time. When Sarneu Jj/CmrUin^OiCf. JB(e frymanf J^l^V C bwurr. 1868.] CTQUES AUTD XfUS, KTO. 2% Morning and B^emng Stars for 1808. VtnuB ( $ ) will beiAn ETihaiingStor unUl July Idtb, aud^orning Star thence. Mercury's proximity to tiie Sun ; and the tnotiona of' Mait, JU^ piter and Saturn among the fixed Stars, render any not^' of tiieir Phend-i mena, in tfaiavunnexioii, unimportant. - O €) Sun. ' ^fi S Mercury^ ? Venus. ® Earth. • C(i9®Moon i Mars. 9 Ceres.' .Asiroi^inlcal Symbols. $ Pallas. ' Juno. • fi Vesta. U Jupiter. ^ Saturn. 1^ Uranus. f Neptune. •'4^Gdnjuiiction. ' ' a Quadrature, • (9 Opposition. § Ascending Node Desoendlng^Node N. North. S. iSouth. E. East. Widest:' ■ ' ' • D^glreifl. ' ' Mtnutes'(ia^:) " Seconds (arc.) h. hours, m. MlnuteB, ft'm«. 8. Seconds, ^b. at>^eIioiL «p. apogee, per. perigee^ p< x. afternoon* A. M. jpMmlni;.^ Jb£ inftrior. "Sup. superior, a. aft m. mom. *f Aries, \i T«uru8, n G^ipj^i^ 3 © C|^ a?, ni ;!'!'f> 111*: ti V. /. 0' 80 60 ; dO 120 150 6 ifi: Librajv 1 ' i- 1 1u 8eorpidJ> 8 # SagfttaHus^j 9 V3 C^p»;|'co*nW, 10 yO' Xquarius, - Bt ka. 'Btatlonaryi» •,'.■-'■■■ -180? ^|11 ^PJsm >j -i-- II'" .■.II ,Tf^ 210 ,240 2W • 800 830' Cycles and Eras. Dominical Letters,..* ; . ... . .E. I>. ^P^PH • tit> • ,♦. •> • • • • • ♦ ♦ • ♦'• • - '^ Golden Nurabery. t'^ .ivi^i •t^^'. 7 Solar Cycle, 1 Roman Indiction^. ..... .... 1 1 Julian Period,.¥* ,%-.. w; .. .66^81 Day of JUL Per. Jan. Ist, 2^,403,833 Era of Nabonassar, . . ....'.. .2616 " the Seleucidae,; ..,..121 80 Era of Diocletian, , .1684 " YezdigiFd IIL(Persian)l 238 " Spain (of the Caesars), . 1 906 Year of the Worl^t Hebi*w),6628-9 " " (RYzantjne,), 7376-7 Year of Rome, A.*U.C.(Varro),2621 " Olympiads,. V. :...... 2644 Fourth Year of Olympiad,. ... 661 Anno Hegira (Moham'dan),.! 284-6 Anob Mundi 6629— Hebrew— begins Sept. 17th, A. D. 1868. N. B.— The first day of Moharram (the month with which begins the Mohammedan year), \A. H. 1286, corresponds to April 24th, A. D. 1868 ; and Rdmazan, the Month of Fasting, A. H. 1284, began Dec. 27, 1867, and consequently ends 26th January, 1868 ; but Ramazan, A. H. 1286, commences A. D. 1'868, 16th December. - 376 Years since Columbus discovered AmericH, - -Oct. 11,1492. DeMonts discov.'d St. John River, N. B. June 24, 1604. New Style was adopted in England, - Sept. 14, 17B2. -Canada was won by the English arms, Sept. 18, 1789. tJnited Empire Loyalists landed in N. B. May 18, 1 783. New Brunswick became sep. Province, Aug. 16, 1784. Formation of Dominion of Canada, July 1, 1867. 263 116 108 84 83 1 CI C( « « Batoi ojfaU kindt made and repaired at the Alexandra Workt, PmW^l^iiii'l^hr^Chittl^Aijimii ^. Jb%n, IT. B. ^ s I ^ GHITRCR AR — HOilOATS, KTC. [1868.' . A^goi and Pengee M the liobn; Jk»ooKE.<*44to. dSd, 2.6ht p. M. ; Feb. Itfttb, lOifib; *p. u. ; Maroh I8ih, 4AT. St. Oeorisi^ , ' ■ St. Phifip and St. James. Rogation Sunday. Ascension Day. Whitsuntide. Trinity Sunday. ' Cocp.u? Clirisa. DATB. IVatiT^ty SI Jotth BaAtisti fit. Peter and Bt Paul St. James, Ap. , St. Bartbolotnew. ' ' ,' , St. Matthew; Ap. ' St.!Mlchael. St. Lulid, Evangelist. St. ^Simon and St. Jude. • All Saints Da?.: : 28rd Sunday =afftrTr BmBmb DATS.— ^r<4Jflf-4th, 6th, 7th March; .SMtwrn*** — 8d, 6th, 6th JuUe ; iiat<|i»}9'i— 16th, 18th, iMh September; TFinfe/<-^iath« 18th, 19tliD«oi BoaATiOK DATSt-rlSth, 19th, 2«>th. May. > , WBD.Jun.24 Mow. '• 29 Sat. July 25 MoK. Ang.24 MoK;Sept.21 Tub. " 29 Sun. Oct. 18 Wbd, " 28 Sun. JTov, 1 Sun. "^ 16 Sun. " 29 MoN. " 80 MoN. Dec.21 FBI. " 26 Sat. " 28 Sun. •' 27 MoN. " ,28 HOlT DAT. Public Holidays, Anniversaries/ * ^on. Beter Mitchell, Mlfiiseei; of Marioe and Jtshdri^. B. W. GrooK- Bay 6f Pnnd:^ fa bd^the South Pbt^tbf [this ^iit fsiand. 1 White liight, elBvajsed i^boiiifM'^^ f^|i Abore ^%h #&%?ifiSt,. ah ▼ery dangerous rocl6^,' hoder %aiei*, hh tipdh iirlfitch ifi^ gea ilwavs breaks, called '£W<<9 ii^oijib.'Hes ^b# H titM^. bjf' Wt by OQppass, from the Light U(hiiiuir l$6tWiijiii( thii roiik ik^ (he I^An^, th«re are some dangers — the groabd' W «ocky, tttfbiigl^ut, iUi^! I^iiS^ Tassels, therefore,, pught^oot to attempt |)«ssing betW^Il (hem. ' Bfier lU(iMrldt/iu:^th'i^^ B^y.tt^ ilext tiriit is situated 011 Srie^'l^iiiild^ klbb^t ^^^CiTtim ]^.%'&oiii the K.,W,^iafe t|iei^of---iijp%whlie-%bt. ■''■■•,• '/■' ^' ^-■^; ' • ^ ' /''^^^ 'JOwp!^p!iM lC»^A<:r-The iaeslt Ikhton the coast, of iTpta Sep^i' & pU'cj}4 ojilt^ei Iffes^^id^ of |rfgt)y "Gnt^lfdii?, JMeir ]l^i^d mm W^ iMy, 1^%,^^,*^ Y^Fjil^ld, aod not iq4eot«d,i. t))9, light uitkereigne ctiieQy'.iateiiaedi aa a iguide into-Bi^l^ BaMn-*-« vhit^^^ ttghi tend fmm^HieiCwL Proprietor to (he Seal IsUn It ls> a tight of the Fottrth^ oird^, fiold- pho(iU8^teiifaiMfiked:«A»<« U|B^t'40 seconds', ecUpso'-5^ iadi 6^; ectipse 6j^. ;;The:Iiigh(fiou« ittpaiuted in-atripes, 'vertncaL black andwhUM^f; This JLiigiii bearp fr9^«| (h^jt^fSi |[pq#e <», ^im-Af^ii^-^M-iM*» M:' 'i ■'> <)J ^7.!:!^ >.l , From the Gannet Rqpi; t<^the,Qljd{^irqpnfl(or, j,iiaL, 4»tanjC|e^rniii«>9^ Yf{ S^al IsWdi W. aiid. hy ^f>i NoTL—Between the Northernmoit and Sopih^riHnoBl 4f! Ilit; Mttrvi I<«4|Wi) there (s & rangf. of d^ngerpua rocln apd afaoali, many: of then a^Wura. wptt water, atid iirtilch extepda Weat«rard frool the Light Hopfle abpdt foat miMi ; nr«m thia range, rarlliep WeMl^rly, about alx mtlei froca 'the Oaniriek £)ghl; fte« ii ditf^ geroaao greater, ealled the Bull. Thia! maiy he avoided, by loaepiBgJtlMroeinN marlcabl^ hei^Iand^ near the 8. W. eq|d, of Grapd Manian^ oi^n. , ^ , ; Froo» Brier JeilaQd Light tp the Old Propcietoir, N. audby W.i iWr^ lfi(j. miles. The Blonde Rpok from the Southernmost point of the Cape S«ble. S(^ Islands S. and .by Wh Similes distant uv.\ ^m !lM ■J A^ '-^m'^^^W^^lM'^^^f^r^'. M{ «^. (^g^^'K^^ /<^^ ^ J (f^4in4 EauddColofffu^Vhabner^ Saint JoH^ N. B. I It m '»% ^ LIGHT BDVSES. [1868. Machiaa Seal Island Ziffhlau-^ThetQ an two fixed white lighta upon the Macl^ias Seal Islands, elcyated a)i).out forty-fiva feet abovje.liigh wat6r, and bear from each otl^er E. S. JB. and W. K. W., distant aboi;t wO f6et, bjr which circumstance of two Light Houses iat th6 same sta- tion, they will be immediately distinguished from all other lights^.upon the coast^BHtish or American.) fiotl^ the buildings t^re^ painted. >irhite. «l -nod J N. Jl Rock,; distant a mile?,,}^, E. bv 1{. . \.'„..,.,nj •■ Little Itiy^r Head, Jf. bjf W , < luri. > u„- 'o , " . Libby Island Lijght, ^oUse (American), K. W.\ bj -tf . . , ';'Tefi6ela' standing to th^ Jfjbrthwar^, bet»reep; tl^epe , Lighti^ pn471'l^? (jtftnndt' ROck, shbiild tack or haul off me. moqient;,tb|ey b|rins tlii^a^ Lights in oiie,.a8 they will not thei^, Jbe more^han thr^e-fourt!h^ pFamile itpoi ijde Murr Lodges, if more than five infle^ Ijo the JBa?* pf t|ift J^igbtfi. lilt ii i'4toomqiei)dfe'd that the Shipa' dqmpaN^ s^dtild be well compared aii^ itfjMted parttoulaHjr it tie# ehipt,' before thiry l^te "PttCtKdfgid ^^laDd, ai/ serious errorji . halTe fr^(|aentl7,Doeurnd.'rfbm'wanl;af atteotibn^oa'Utisiitfiiaiti; an..7w^ji -,;m.;i -Beacon Zight.—yfiihln Partridge Is(land, and upon r Splt'oi* Bar, wil^ich extends: about . half a mile S. S. E. off Sand Point, e^r-L wVoh drtesattwo-thttds ebb, stands the Beacon Tower. Upon this lower a light is established, which is eminently useful to the coasting tttide of Saint Johta, and to all other vessels having pilots on board, as it enables them to enter the harbour at all hours of the night. A fixed white light. ' The house is white and black, in stripes vertically. [This Li$;ht House was destroyed by fire, January 1867. It will be rebuilt early in this year— 1868.] :^ I I 1868.] Het^d,^ be .aeea Homp.i neatly:^ hoVifBli West tlieWiei Capt entram Uexjil aiid in elevate Grit level o 48' 18' also tl ward c Beai are aa Gap Hig The 2-10 B •fpjf about jLi parts Or "Sws Mana the p feet ( twee; Ei Rich Thel be s( appa abou 46°: P Bay fixe< A nort Ugh i itu( Address tlhaa.A Bovey,St. John, d^dn: Agent, /or '^ Weed" SeiMnff MachtM*. H /. F. I Ship Hardware — C Cf^^Mf^ipfman^ 5 Kii^ Street. Jai. 1868.;) M i 1 1 n i 1 1 1 LJ[dHt qbQSES. •.noJ ,'>fuf';tii.I 81 Qt<<)^.— A revolving A^tfe right is placed on a small rock off Quaco Head, /shQw^g-jtpioe. Ml a«^l.$priqe dark in A„aiimi^.IuinitBH^^^niifa beseea tiibin any quarter vrhere a vess&l'cau approucK- T!M«&igUk HovsQ.ls painted wfaite amd red, iiY horiaoHtal'dtripes ■uH^&uAl hwoll Cap^ JSnrag'itwhtJAO^^h^to^ixibt^tii iit^e\\^'^&^>fM^ lieaHyibpppsite.Ap'pl^ River, Harhouf, %% A pVfmiff^i^ilgoiitf^Bw l)Qi|^:ifa planted, ^hilip, f^id ia about 120 fe«c aboye.tidd VUuAL uA iaiu'^. We^ Qaoddjf UeM-^^hM is aH 'Atn^iican ' Light^ and is jglid^d ' ' tile Wieit ^de orth««^(iiiinc'e into'tbd ^ (troi'x hy lAtxhwW'SmR^ Cape Forchu Light.— Bn Cape FoT«hu, on the Western side of the entrance to Yarmouth (NovuPSBMUpbi^lat. 4339, N. long. 66*8, W. I^ exhibits a^iplain, i^evpivi^ig Ught-rrvigiWr oa« . miflW«e iiQd^ft ,9iUflft, aiid invisible half a mia\;^e. vTbebjailding is painted white, and is elevated 236 feet above, tlbe level of the sea. , > ,/ , » ,.a *. .n Ki'--.,' (■(■ . J' ■■!' • ■> ■' ' . )-;')r) iliii Hint Grind»tone Island Light— Ai^ 0«(;ag9nail ^av|8laQd,.in;C)higne«tt)) Bij:,i:ia-/lVt. 46" 48' 18" N. Long. 64» 37' 25", Vt.. . The Tpwer, w ■ pafetCd firbiw; as is also the Keeper's House,.^OQ|i^orj,sf(uflii^l«ybout,>6l^ifftetiit^^^ ward of the Tower. '" ; ,'. ,/ /;-. •:. i Ji.U -;'-.uL;f! tii«r.a:/l A Bearings aofjl (|i9^^9ef^Q^|^;79fyM(fi)aw9if(Q|9r(J»e) abomt^^ are as followja: ^^.. ,.„, , , , ;,, .,;■; ,.>,^., ,..,ii.;; ■,;;; v,;.ii.F 1i;;;i-ii'/^ A Cape Enri«p ,tlg^ltJ,hy,palppl^B, S.:4H Wm h^^jmiltit^i.'l A Highest Point of St. Mary^ Ledge, ^y s'ji! 1/; 'ivj; «:.,>■ ;v 0).; .'i->liiv/ in" i'('i/y;*-3ib off) ^pneflili^dge, N.^ 10 ;>!ir^ MQiipail^-it drlQS 9,t{\m aprlDgsv Mid&iit abbut2^laibomsonitathalitide. ' - ;, u, ,!.;; -i^ n? jili A Sand fl^Dk,^, IjS W., 6-iq,aiilf> ; ,U 1)83 If -fathotnd oH i«siahi>alest part at low Vfiter tarings. ;^. ; ; , ' i ] ,i < ni: / oH Grand Manan.--r^}iist^ is a tjglit House: 9i94 Ke^er^s hoofl^ at the " Swal|ow,T^I/^ on tli« North .jESf^ part of tiie IsIandtjOf Grand Manah, in t^ies Bay oi t^undy. The Ligjht is 4,^ fe^t from' BtflefjKfDebk ; the point on which it standi is lOS.ifeet above high, wati^^intilao^A48 feet elevation. Thisf is axpn^picyous mark: i^ the S of (Jreeawigh, , -.•■t- Point JSk« Shediae Light.— On Point DuOhene Wharf, in the summ^v; n(6MM itude 46» 14' 6"; west longitude 64° 81' 6'.'. It.^.a |^;it^a4M;htj,„.,;i /. F, Lavatory Saw Manufacturer^ comer North and Georgests.^ St. John; ;vM 11 LMmU P»fmM»-^ChciXonery 8t. John, IT. B. Lathiide, Longitude, and Variation of the Compass^ at the following l^ght B(ati<»a in the Bay ofFundy, l^lpngingto New BrungwicK : (•'■r>'' ' ' ■•: ' " ■' "• '" * '** '■'■'■ ''•■.■.»'''''>♦'■ '■ • •■■■"■' 'o ■'I. 8188:" ' '"*•• jdito'**' 'ttlilkAis. [186t. 'Pirlridlfa Iilaad» Lat 46 U^ N.i Long, m HMdHarboar,...«.«. *' 4A52A0 <'. , i> M MfiSfiS ilSfaidiBMd laiaada,: ^" 4^80 *•*' '" W «10'" «« 16 M" Saint ▲ndibfra»..4y./i*' 4» 410 «« *» W -^^W «« •*; TeTO^^* ", r,6fl?T 4",, ,,*^ M. ff 16 of;ifl i:i*' 'JUV. i')i;iVf 1 One Ball doee, for one square-ngge^ ves^eL IteoBiai half httietedi'fot' two td88el«.7^VK^^ '"'" ;"•--' .Tko'Bail«d^u.lo Ir/^i : TiW)Baaa)aep4raied,for'four've88^. • •■• "^;' r'-*'^ 4"^ 7:^ 7 ^ ABettdaiitrfany« '^ 'Wo^i yriJ o L: A Pendant under a Ball, for six vesselq. A I^indant over « Ball^ hitf llbisfed, fbi'^e^^ A Pendant under two Balls, close, for eight ^vessela. A Pendaiit between two Bialls 8epai^t«, for nii^e vessdl^^:";' A Hag of anyeolor for ten br moh; rpaa&A. ' ' Y " "-^ . Thti above aM'dis|)layed at^theEadtor West' ykrd-tnti^ dBcordiii^ ^ the direction in which the vessels are at first dieicovered ; uid iit'sbdn Hb thdv no can be iHatbguished, d«yeMtMy «*"<> J'HiriTu.^JTj 1 AUbion JaokforaBlagSttip, idth'o^ wt^hbm ja's^uaML ^'V^ ' ; Do. with a Red Pendant over, for a ttd-de^lteR,"! ' ^ '^ J"'^ ' Doi with a Bhie Peiidint over, for ti FrigJit^. )^' J ' ■?*' ^., . . Ba with a White* Pendant, folra svpaO armed veiseli ^ ^ : ABlii&P6Ddant,£ar a Merchant 'Ship. <■ ' A Bed Pendaiit, for a Merohatit Brig. '^^'^ ^\ [ A Wihite and' Blue Pendant, for a Fbrieign Yes^l. A W3dte Pendant {without a Ball], fbr a Top^il Schoone^ ' oV ^obp. A Blue Flag, piei«ed white, for a SteambOot from St. 'Andrews or A Bed Flagy pierced wMte, for'^^t^it&boat fix>m Digbj^:'^ i nh i i>- A Bad Flag, with a white sqiMIre, fof a Steaimboat from BbstbEi. A BaU at UM mast head-^veseel is on shore, or ih disltress. '^ -^^^! Time tor ^iiiy TlMrpt^fh the P?^ Che Falls are'leTel or 'Btifi water at a^ut three and « half hqurs on the,/fod(l, and about two ah^ a half on the i^h^ so that they are pljissabie fpur ;times In; twenty-four tiours, about tfen or fifteen mi^utea each tliticL Kb other rule can be given, as much depends on the floods in the ftiver Saint John, and the time of high water or fuU sea, which i^ oftjBn hastened by hi^ winds, an4 in proportion to tHe height of tke,m. .1.. Km'- <>•* i ;(•(* (Simon McLeoA^ Agent for " Weed^^ Sewing Mdchine^ Woddaiock, I :itAo\,'.e Suilden* Hardware — C (7. BtrrymiUi^ Bartot^t Oomtr. -t- -rr ;i . v-'K' * i wn ^ ■1 '.■)lUVl1H'i 1868.] r^ ¥ =r=f RATK8 or nuyTAOB. H-4- £'ata6/t RATES OF PHOTAQE, i»X44 by « i^ o^'t^^n^ oftkeimw^'^t«^ntiom Point) fr I^u?t tp J^rjth iQead ofiQifMli M^uim,,)k»ear^j ^oj?^, 1^e8t,.pr,^^^^ Chaimel,. l^riiigSpulfe :il«i% Qiie d611ar w^Fiilty cei^|)^ • j ' ,. v ! ^n ' • ;; .",! ■ 'Fourl'h''J}Mtdnee.—From'the North Head of 'Gfrand Manailt !0T ilJiPl}) Channel, as aforesaid, to M achiaa^eaLIsland, bearing South, or Brier Is- _mh • inatanw^^lny ,^here p^t^i|^;^5^e^^Qre|^^,$il;^ dollars per loot, f^^ .= o ,-r?o,. ,■,■,,,,-,■ ■ 'ret ,i:}nhh>^ ,iyHM{ .moii, jot- \m •>{!jo -.n ,ly*^k On Tiesaels of SO and undor t(d tbtt^j 2^. '«d. V-^estT^l^ ^ SO'^d^^i^M 75 tons, 8s. 9d; VS and ntider 109 fdhs,r6ii;V'l(K)'i)2jid iMdbr' 1(^0 't(M 6s. 3d,; 150, and under 200 tons, 78. 6d.; 200, and iftld^r aOCPtSfi*; 10s. ; 300, and under 400 tons, -IS?; 6d. ; 40O tops ^nd Jupwards, 15s. ; decked yesseldi lSiidei-I1^'«(>4-owi^@d ^ind'^^slM John, and all British vessels under that; t6n]»age,'tra(^ni^-with)!Qi''i«^t \u\;^^ .''4;*ilA •' ,■>^,U^'.\,i^ (>v>^'''^'^.»jmwv HI I! II f» {lill iii ' ii !' 1 1 li'Hliii'i H l;'"' iHI!' 1:* PliunuTi Perfumm^C%tdon«r^ HainI Jdhn^ K B. I ■ ri S4 riRRIAOl — TOLLS. j" ^ ■*-tr Bates of Slippage at the Ooiporation EOxpa. ; \ .. All decked veiseto, sime rates as for wharfage \ woodboats, or other boats, or undecked vessels, having standing masts, and sjl scowi^ and not l;fing at the wharves on either side of the oUps, to pay llf « following rates : B7*rj Woodbrtat of miBetent barthcn to earrjlO eordi of woo4( #t iNid#r, Me. DHio dUto upwards of 10 oordf, and not mora than 16, 11. Ditto (Prtto upwardsof ISeordi, andaotsiorsliiiaii to: ftJiO. ,v Ditto ditto upwards of 90 oords,.... ..«..:. .<..'^. ....';. ft-. The above to be paid each trip ; and If any such Vessel remahis ovi^ dx days, an additional dutv to be paid of from 60e.' to fl dally, ao. cording to the burthen. Other boats Mid' vessels w%th6ut -deektf^ uid having fixed or standing masts, and all soows to pay SOe. each trip, and 80c additional per d&y, if sniffered to remain oter three days. Bates of Ferriage Across the Harhour of St «Fo)^l For every foot passeneer, 4c; child under 12 yeai^^ 2c; horSe,' |5o ; ox, or other larffs anunal, 5c; elephant Or ^jatioicn, Utic; 'single waggon^ not loaded, 4c; singlie waggon, with hbiM antf on^ man,l'(^ ; single waggon, with horSe, load, and man, 12e; ddi^ble va^n, n6|t loaded, t2c; double waggon, witib horses and mbn; 16o; oodblie "Wli^- gon, with hones, load, and man, 25c ; battel 2o ; bag, pontAiiiSdg two bushels, 2c; firkin, keg, Or box, of the 'same td«9 2c ; cask of Ubm, 4e ; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, whether In "^(iigoii, 6alrt, or si6d, or other v^deornot, except contahiing molassies, vinle^r, rice, or sugar^lSc; every owt. of iron, st^l. Or copper, WnethtBr in wagg6n, oart, or other vehicle o^ ndt, 2c^. C^uis,. sleds. ^^xwL i^d canities, same as waggons. : ^ ^ .^ f.ri^ .:d^//^.:_/x/. -j.i!-!./." !rhe ferry is leased from the Oorpotntlon foj thA Sp^^)) 6t ib'H'fAn firom July lOtib, 1860, by Mr. John MeSweeny. Ohp bbiit rjona i^ a' ti^e, and returns at night to the EasteM stde. The birat riltiS frOiti Fdrry Landing, foot of Prineess Street, on thU )^t side, "to Rochiey Slip, JpaHe- ton, except at low water, spring tides,. >iiien th6.^ba8seiiger9,ate liinded atSandPoinf' ■• '''*''^- '''•■■■'■• :^' ;'••'•. " ^"■~■^.■. Bate of Tolls for Orossijig the St. Jolm Stlspensioii B^idj^.) ' !For every.fbot passenger, (excepting children under five years of age^ 4c; horse, mare, gelding, mule, ass, ox, cow, or other lai^' animal, 1o each; elephant or cancels, 60c; c^rriage^ ^Icigh, waggon, cart, sled, or otiier ve^le, drawn by ono horse Or- beast of draught, with ^ma pe^rsoD, wjith or j^itho^t a load^ 18c; hor^eor b^Mt of draught, ^pre ^lan.pne, idith a carriage pr otlier vehicle^ Yc^adb;; sheef^ ^df^ 1|^ or. goal^,: )i^ ,,,.,. ,.h;:: ,.:„, . , . :»;.,%.: .>..,,. ^ .,,-; ,-M,i ;.;.;,, Ml . jEiilule Porters ana ttana Oart Men* F<^!loadin|f» carrying, and housing any goodn, or any other artlele on a»y Hand Gtfct, from the Alarket Slip, in King^sand Qneen's Wai^s, or from any 'other: pla(ie within the limits of the first district, to any Other place, within the said sevPral five districts, the rates of prices ere as follow: For the first district, 6o. ; second district, 6c.' ; third dis- trict, 6c. ; fourth district, 7c. ; fifth district, 9c. * Jatnea Stoop^ Agent for " WW* Sewing Mwhint^ St. Andretu. [1868. !■ 1868.] r.A zssc Jointnf Toch—O. G. Berryman, 5 King Strti, [1868. 1 1868.] JANXrAftT bis l!hMy-oiie Days. [if^«d. dboata, or other U seowfl^ and not foUowiognUet: I «f imd#r, Me. "-"SlJU. (I ; fel remains ovi^ to |1 diitly, ac oittt deeki^ and 80e. eAch trip, iree days. \ St. Jo]^l. 2o ; horse,' £0 ; 2^c; '^iitele one man,l'i^ ; e waggon, li6,t c; ooublie irii|. bag, pontldn&ig t6 2c i cftslc of Dii, 6aH,orsi6d, ^is^r, rice, or thier^in waggon, y li^d oarrlajes, i^O^ieii^ekrs t rjuna a^ a tiipae, ihs frditi F^y teiejr Slip, jOatte- gets, are liiiided '■. . ^.r 'inriufO Blon BiiOiire.) ^e years of agCi r large 'animal, waggon, cart, f draught, with *at "of draught, ^; sheeps ai£, . ■ •: ,«»0«.;*t'' y other article Queen's Wanis, ifstrict, to any » of prices «re 60.: third dis- MOON^S PRASBS. f> First Quarter, 2d day, llh. 89m. afternoon. W. ® Full Moon, 9th day, 6h, 29m. morning. W. (i Last Quarter, 16th day, Oh. 40m. afternoon. W. • New Moon, 24th day, 2h. 64m. afternoon. SL. W. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 1? IS 14 19 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 I w Th ?r Sat 8u Mo Tu Vf!' Th Fr Sat Sc Mo Th Ft *it Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Kycjras, .BOLipATS, no. Cirou^K^si. a.6'>li2" i 9^ m.1^48"' S 6,0> ^'dD P^i*. Monlt, d.of Albermarle d. 1670 l((Qger Ascham died 1668. 2d, Sunday after Christmas. Epiphany. $gr. H. latS. m.,9h. 12m. $ in aphelion. Battle of Oppenheim 1794. m.liH'^S 6 9. i4»86'N. Miss Mitford (nor.} d. )8S6. Sir BaiiS'Sloane died 1768. 1st Sunday a;fter Epiphany, iBon. Gbas. J. Fox bom 1749 St. JohnCir. Nid P., York. (1,4) Norway c. to Sweden '14 Battle of Corunna 1 809. a. 6" 6!». 5 .,i.-Jfc-- ■«■■■ ■ vM.'i .ft- U -■>•.••♦ •T^-r-'T-r>»T'4i-- l$88.J FBBEUABT. had. T^renty-nine Days . p^O?- pscs.] moon's phabm. # Fli%t Quarter, lit day, Ih. S2in. aftemopn. ^ Full Ifnon, 8th day, 0h. Unr. tkiomin^, d Last Quarter, l6tfa da^, 4h. 58in. moniiDjj. • New Moon, 28d day; 9h. tf6Tn. mording. ETIirM, HOLIDATB, KM. m. 6* iO" « 6 -ar* (6«9) W. 4th Sunday after Eplphoniy. Monte Video tak. by SngHab UUary T«rm. [1807 i». 8*l'2"!liC, the poet, bom 1644i: l^orj^cuux ca. by English 1814. (UJ a. 8H0». ^gtiaionary. ra. 6h.4(»m.^.ii •.^8''16'S. 8d Sunday in Lent. ' a. 11*48-". 9 6 ^. C8°2l'N. Saint Patrick. Pi:incef>8 Louisa bom 1 84^.' (.20),8lr Isaac Newton d.; 1727 m.SM9'*.. 48>^t. 29 & 42 18 S4 31 7 48 1^ X.O 4 28 I 1 2 2 2 3 3 8 4 BisaB. M 40 48 41 89 87 80 88 81 29 270 62 1ft 80 2 26 40 18 3fi 09 23 20 28 21 19 1? 10 14 12 10 4 2 1 69 67 05 58 01 49 47 6 -=fct= ■mi sns. ■. M. 42 48 44 46 47 48 001 01 02 03 00 or. Oti 69 1 10 12 18 14 16 17 18 19 21 MOOR a. * a a. A 10 U »1 8 4 6 6 6 88 SO 10 14 12 1 47 2« 7mO ra441 9 49 10 04 1U67 10 \v 10 08 II 11441 r3M20 4 ( 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 to 22ill 86 8 88 8 86 0(> 21 65 84 17 7 m4 12 arms arnia br'at br*at Ifart h'art beUy belly rein^ rein» reins seors seors thigF thigs knee knee knee legi legd feet feet feet head head neck heck Arm8 (innf armo br'st WA?B». 8 6 6 8 9 10 n u 1 1 2 8 4 6 7 9 9 10 11* 11 1 2 8 4 6 H. 5« 18 40 7 9 69 48 28 69 16 44; 19 69 89 88 48 i 8 19 16 4 44 84. 2 41 • • 84^ 20 10 1 1 19 Temperature— highest for month in 17 years, 57".00 lowest " " ■^12.00 meanofbi-daily observation, 29.00 Rain — greatest full for month in 17 years, 7.940 inch. least , " . " 1.206 " mean " " 2.218 " it least Snow-^greatest mean (t (( 61.600 u ii 2.100 .« it 16.190 «{ — -■■ ■!■ i I ■ I ■ , t ^^^^C I , , m.. . i^ ■— .■ ^ d ■ ' I. , ,.■■-■.- - ■. ' ,■ L .- I ■ I — 1 . . -* »-»— - ■* .. ■, ■... • ^,,. I ■ '■ % ^tetoum P, JS. I.^m^' ^' ^^*"^^*^i ^'^ Manafadurer^ cor. North arid George-sts,, St. John. '1 iii ■■1^1^ ;! 8 Jtondeletia Perfume — Chaloner. St. John. JV. J5. 1868.] APRIL has Thirty Days* [1868. moon's phases. ® Full Moon, 7th day, 2h. 53ni. morning. S. W. (i Last Quarter, 14th day, tth. 11 m. afternoon. N. • Xew Moon, 22d day, 8h. 66m. afternoon. S. W. i) First Quarter^ 29th day, 1h. 44m. aftemobn. £. — . -: . ■■ ■ ■ — ■ — . '■ > w Th Fr Sat Sn Mo Tu W 9tTh 9 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr 8|Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Sit Mo Tu W Th STENTS, HOLIDAYS, etC. AM Fools, m.4'' 56". T^6 9. Sup. Court Calcutta e»t. 1794. (4) a. 4" 62"*. 2 gr. elon. W. m. 8* 22"'. 5 ill aphelion. Palm Sunday. Richard I. died, 1199. a. R. H. Pr. Leopold b. 1853. m. 10" 56"". $ 6U. Maundy Thursday. G. Friday, a. 2" 43™. ^6 9. Rowland Hill died 1883. Easter. Rodney's yict. 1782. in. loN35"». 5 (5 2X. Easter Term Supretne Court. (14) H. R. H. Prs. Beatrice b. Batt.ofCnllodenl746. [1867. a. SMfi-'g 6 i. $IM9'S. Lord Byron d., 1824. [1797. Low Sun. Mut. at Portsmouth a. 2''31'» ^6 9. fi. iS. » S % e 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 128 \i 130 31Scr Fr Sat St Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat SVENTS, HOLIDAYS, XTO. -Uu. St. Philip and St. James. Duke of Wellingtori b. 1769. 4d Sunday after Easter. Eng. took Seringapatam 1799 Sir Robert H. Inglis d. 1866. (7)ra. 7''8'» $ gr.eloii. 46°26'E. a. 8'*84» Tj (J (J,. ;^2°'66'S. Turks took Gzemayoda 1864. Goeks in use 1638. 4th Sunday after Easter. Lord ChatSiam d. 1778. Saint John Circuit' Court. 6" le* after 5 in Q. (lB)m. S^g"" 5 sup, 6 0. ml 8" 28"". 9 (Jiff. ?2°66'.N. (I7)aft.9''42'-3|Lhn,N.B, \,,,'- ,^vu A :': '.'ut^AVvnTAv \.. Bii'.r Cieaver's Sotmg, grax( variefy — Chaloner, Saint John, 1868.] JUNE has Thirty Days. [1868. h6on*b phases. 7f?5" ■lo 9Tu 10 U 12 Ft: 15 22 23 n 25 26 2i7 28 29 80 ISSait liSu Ho leiTu ^% 18 19 20 Fr 3»^t 21 Su Mo Tu Th Fr Sat Sn Mo Tu ETBNTg, BOLIDATS, EXC. HoWe'fl victory 17194. I"1620. First Cljurcli in Canada built (4) George II^. bofiji 17^8. , m. o'l^"^ (5 (i./^rSB' S, (8) Boccaccio d. \ 876. J. ^entham d. 1^82. Trinity., .Mrs. ^iddpns 4- 1831. a. 8'*40"' 5;us Christi. Delhi mutineers reputs. 1 867 Battle of Baliinahiiicji 1798. Ist Sunday after Trinity. Mut. sJepovs ai Owalior 1 857 a. 1 1" 1,9^ '5? gr. elon, 24*$0'E. a. 2" 44" S t br'st. h'art h'-ari h'ait belly belly reins reinf 3ecrp seers Bioa WATER. 9,46 10-27 11 ; 6 11 88 10 87 1 7 1 89 2 14 2 ,61 S 81 4;^0 5. 23 « 89 7, 9 10 ^8 4 1 10 63 Hi 43 0^88 2 f 2 46 3 29 19 ;16 6.88 7 49 8. 64 9 60 Temperature — highest for month in 1 7 years, lowest " *' mean of bi-daily observation, fiain — highest fall for month in 17 years, least ,. " .. " mean " " 87".00 87.00 67.22 7.470 inch. 0.920 " 8.442 " In the reign of Anne the union of the crowns of England and Scotland was completed by the Legislative union of 1707. Ireland or West Britain was annexed to the empire by Henry II. in 1172. — England acquired Wales under Edward I. in 1284. W, C. Fogey Travelling Agent/at '' Weed" Sewing Maohine. ■t John, Railrnad Shovels, Pieks, Drill Steel, at £erryman\ 6 Kitiff Street, -"-XT. [1868. 8. W. If N. W. looir * 8 It BIQB WATIB. 16 14 6 68 82 41 m41 39 a& >a38 65 I 1, \ "n i \n \ 29 A«7 m34 39 61 4 16 2«'. a53 69 6 8 reins 12J8ecrs l*>8ecrft tbigB thigs knee kneie knee 9|leg8 legs feet, feoili feet bead head n^k neek anns arm9 br'st br'st, h'art h'«ril h'a?i beltj belly reins 9,46 10-27 U , 6 11 88 10 87 1 7 reiDK secrsi 89 14 61 9 81 4-^0 5: 23 6 89 768 9 4 10, 1 10 63 Hi 43 0^88 i 1. 49 a f 46 29 19 16 ■28 49 8, 64 9 60 ".00 7.00 7.22 470 inch. 920 li 442 tt id and Scotland by Henry II. in 4. 1868.] JULY has Thirty-one Days. [1868. MOOM^S PHASES. ® Full Moon, 4th day, 4h. l&m. afternoon. R <9 Last Quarter, 1 2th day, 8h. 16in. afLemoon. N. E. • New Moon, 19th day, 6h. 82m. afternoon. W. i) Fii-st Quarter, 26th day, 9h. 28ni. morning. E. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 30 31 OS ^ k 5-_ W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat So Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr fiVENTS, HOLIDAYS, ETC. Eng. capt. Eastport 1816. (l8t)m. 8''66'" ^ 6 ». (Ist) ra. 7" 44°' gapb. Chateaubriand died 1848. 4th Sunday after Trinity John Hubs burnt 1415. Edward I. died 1807. Burke died 1707. [1634 J. Cartier enters Bay Chaleur Columbus born 1447. Battle of Oudenarde 1708. tm. 4''9"'2( 6 ». y 2" 36" N. Dr. Bradley died 1752. Kinq^* and Albert Circuits. (14) ra. S^ftg* $ inf. d 0. a. ()" 29'" ^ 2 86; 3 24 • 29 4 6 6 61; 7 6 8 12 9 7 9 66 10 42 I 11 28 11 67 lu 48 knee legs legs 26 6 65 64 14 6 86 7 41 8 86 9 17 9 54 Temperature — highest for month in 17 years, 90*.00 lowest *» " 40.00 mean bi-daily observation, 68.81 Bain — greatestfall for month in 17 years, 7.250 inch, least " "■ 1.130 " mean " " 4.152 (( The influence of England in promoting peace among the nations, is a hopeful sign of the times respecting that Power whose means for war- fare are the most ample of all others. C^-A. Bovey^ General Agent " Weedf* Sewing Machine, St. John, iV. B. Mfun' TodU^O. &. Serrjfmdn, 5 Xinff J^tneL 1888.] SSPTSMBBR liS8 ThMSr Bik^. [1«6& moon's phases. ® Full Moon, Ist day, llh.83in. afternoon. "S. (i Last Quarter, 9th day, 6h. 40m. afternoon. N. • New Moon, 16th day, 8h. 66m. afternoon. 8. W. i) First Quarter, 28d day. TOh. 68m. morning. E. 1 2 3 4 6 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16 n 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Til W Th Ft Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W SVKNTS, HOLIDAYS, CtC. Oloueester Circuit, Great Fibe in London 1666. Battle of Worcester 1661. a. 2»'41» U 6 9' U 2»22'N. Malta cap. by English 1800, 1 8th Sunday after Trinity. (6) Sydenham Gov. Gen. Can. Nortkumberla-rid Circuit. ['39 m.9''84™ i 6lSt. .^O" IT'N. (11) Battle Malplaquet 1709. a. 8''60'»Til6 (J. "^ 8M2' N. (11) a. 11" 22-" 3 6 9. m. 2" IS" S c5 ». ?lMr S. J. Gartier ar. at Quebec 1 636 Moscow burnt 1812. [JQ Ghas. v., Frande, d.l840. m. gi'SO™ $ rf (i. ?3»66'8. Capitulation of Quebec 1769. (20^ English retook Deraerara 18tn Sunday after Trinity, m. 1" 13™^ <5 (». ^8° 82' S. Kent Circuit. Victoria Circuit. (22) Lord Hatdinge d. 1866. Arnold deserted Rebels 1 780. a. 0''24"' ? gr. elong. 46'8" W. 16th Sunday after Trinity. Battle of Marathon, b. o. 400. Michaelmas. Carleton Circuit a. 7''d6'» 24 gr. helJat. S. son's SON 80H M0O> i^ warn OKI. a. RISKS. H. M% 8BT8. B. M. R. * 8. U WAtSk. D. M. 8. A.M. r. M. 8 6 6 26 6 84 6a6o feet 10 26 1 44 5 27 6 82 7 18 fbdt 10 S6 7 22 6 28 6 80 1 46 f(get 11 26 1 (. 6 29 6 28 7 66 head 11 66 6 87 5 30 6 26 S8M28 h^d 11 6 16 6 82 6 24 9 29 neck 60 6 68 6 88 6 22 10 84 neck 1 89 6 80 6 84 6 20 11 86 arms 2 86 6 7 6 86 6 19 0a42 arms 8 48 4 46 6 87 6 17 1 46 arms S 18 4 22 5 38 6 16 2 48 brest 6 42 8 89 6 89 6 23 3 46 h'art 7 47 8 86 5 40 6 11 4 86 h'art 8 80 3 13 6 42 6 9 6 21 beHy 9 24 2 60 6 43 6 7 6 2 belly 10 7 2 26 5 45 6 6 6 87 reins 10 48 2 8 5 47 6 8 r6M49 reins 11 28 1 40 5 48 6 1 8 20 seers noon 1 16 6 49 6 69 9 81 seors 88 63 5 50 5 68 10 88 thigs 1 12 30 5 61 8 66 11m43 thigs 1 52 6 6 62 5 64 0a43 knee 2 89 S.017 5 63 6 62 1 88 knee 8 81 40 5 64 5 50 2 87 knee 4 48 1 4 6 65 8 48 8 9 legs 6 4 J 27 5 67 5 46 30M17 legs 7 18 1 61 5 68 5 44 1 18 legs 8 19 2 14 3 69 5 4g 2 9 legs 8 68 2 37 6 5 40 8 6 legs » 87 3 1 6 1 6 39 4m6 brest 10 9 Temperature — highest for month in 17 years^ 86'.00 lowest " " 84.00 mean of bi-daily observation, 67.36 Rain — greatest fall for mouth ip 17 years, 7.835 inch, least " " 0.850 " mean " " 8.941 " By the c6nso11datiou of her power in India, and the colonization of Australia, some years after the loss of her American Provinces, Eng- land may be regarded as iu'thosc cases receiving a two-fold equivalent for her losses. k John, y. B. Sau>» of all kinds made and repaihd at the Alexandra Work9, I Tooth Snuhe9t in every ^arieiy^ChaUmery St. Joh % JV. S. Br: !\ 1868.] OCTOBEB has Thirty-one Days. [1868w MOONS PHASK8. 9> Full Moon, 1st day, 8h. 84m. afternooni Last Quarter, 9th day,lh. 49m. morning. New Moon, 16th day, 6h. 87m. morning. First Quarter, 23d day, 6h, 18m. morning. ® Full Moon-, 81st day, 6n.41m. morning. N.B. B. E. N. N. XTSNTS, HOLIDAYS, ETC. a. 2" 40" U6 MOON'S PHASK8. d LasC Quarter, 6th day, Bh. 1 Im. afternoon. N. • New. Moon, 13th day, 9h. 9m. afternoon. N. W. f) First Quarter, 22d day, Oh. 4ra. morning. "/. ® Full Moon, 29th day, 9h. 24m. afternoon. S. E. d 1 9 8 4 6 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 U 14 16 16 17 18 19 90 81 82 88 84 87 88 89 80 81 9 * Tu W Th Ft Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fr Sat Su Mo Tu W Th 8SFr Su Mo Tu W Th ETVrCS, HOLIDAYS, ETC. Henry I. died 1186. Bonaparte or. emperor 1804 Balzoni died 1823. Rebels def. at Missiquoi Bay Bible trans. 1611. [1837. ad Sunday in Advent. tu 2* 6V^ 9 gr. hel. lat. N. Conception B. Y. M. Sierra Leone settled 1786. a. 9* 16° $ 6 •. $ 8°13'S. (12) a. 8* 16" 5 (J (i. a. 8" 68° ^ 0 inch. )5 ** " " " " was the great- B fc, /». erWlfl* Paint, OH, Putty, Olau, Ac.^ at BtrtymarCs g Xing Street 1868.] RATES or OARTAQK, ETC. 47 Bates of Cartage in Baint John. ARTICLES AND WEIGHf. For A load of Wood (Quarter of a GordX For a load of Obali (Half a Chaldron), ... For a load eontaininglSbiuhels of Oram, Salt, Potatoes, or any other arcielei mearared at loadldg or aBloadlng:, except Ooale, For a pipe of Wine. Oin, or Brandy, and housing within tbedoor of the first floor, - • - ..i . For a panefaeon nt Rum, or a tferoe of Sugar, flrom 7 to 10 owt., and bousing, - - - • •'• • . For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of 10 ewt or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and housing. For a hdgshead or puncheon of Older, or a Itfad of Dried Fish, of 16 cwt, or a oommon load of household' Goods, and storing, ....... .. For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Heading, Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, SalmOh In kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any other article not hereiti mentioned, or a hogshead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Eartbenware, or two tieitees of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of Ooffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 19 cwt., or a load containing 6 brls. Flour, or 5 brUi. Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of Iron, or the same quiantity of Cordage In coil not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any articles not herein mentioned. For a 64 gallon cask of Wine, Rum,Gin, Brandy,Mpias8es, or Porter,- ofr for a load of Band, Gravel, 'or Stones, or a load of 4 oris, of any Spiritnous Liquor or Bfolasser, • For Cables and ^ordage, in ooi|s above i cwt., or If to coil, per ton, or If for Hay iQose, per ton, ... For Hay, screwed, perjton, For Bricks, per thousand, • • • • For Lumber, per thousand feet, .... For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, ... - DISTRICTS. iBT. 2d. I 0. t c. 18 86 17 60 80 40 26 16 1 00 60 80 00 10 $0. 16 88 68 88 88 18 80. 4th. &TB. I c $ e. 18 82 66 8S 46 80 88 86 1 10 6T 90 80 88 86 8T 48 ^ 28 1 16 60 96 TO T6 18 15 18 80 s 88 TQ 40 60 86 86 80 1 60 80 The t^rvt Dtttrict to comprise all that part of the City between th» south line of Pond Street and north line of Duke Street, which lies to the westward of the east line of Mill Stireet, Dock Street, and that part of Prince William'Street iUta< ated between the norm line of the brick buildings formerly belonging to WHAaiii Tyng Peters (northward of the Market Square) and the north line of Suke St^tj and including King Street, to th^ westward of the west line of Germain Streftj,. , Second District to comprise all that part of the City b«tw«en the nortl> mi At TTnibn Street and sottth«lfi|e of IBalnt James' Sfr«et, whI«&'fMs without orbdlrDna the j^lrst District to the westward of the east line of Obarlott^fltr^t. ' > ITiird DUtrict to comprise all that part oody, John Havlin^ Jas. S. Spears, Jas. Millar, Joseph Doherty and Jas. Quinn, Branch Pilots. Light House. Keeper at Partridge Island, A. Reed; at the Beacon, Jas. Lane ; Steam Whistle, James Wilson, Engineer. Joseph F{ur*veather, and William 0. Smith, Commissioners to settle disputes relative to Dockage and Wharfage. Allan M'Lean, Shipping Master. H. P. Sturdee, and Robert J. Leonard, Esquires, Conunissionera of Wrecks and Sliipwrecked Goods for the City and County of St. John. Charles Ketchum, Edward L. Thome, and John Wilson, jun., Assessors of Taxes. Oliver Emery, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at the Market Slip ; John C. Brown, Collector of Slippage at Union Street ; John Kirk, Collector of Slippage at North Slip ; John Murray, Collector of Wharf- age at Charlotte Street Wharf and Breakwater ; P. Besnard, Collector of Wharfage and Slippage at North Rodney Wharf; Jarvis Wilson, Col- lector at South Rodney Wharf; John McLachlan, Collector at Watson Slip ; Thomas Coram, Collector at King Slip ; James Stewart, Collector at Strange Slip ; John Christopher, Collector of Slippage at Ship Slip : W. King, ditto, at Market Slip, Brook's Ward ; John Clark, ditto, at Lan- caster Slip, Guy's Ward ; John Kirk, Collector of Anchorage ; John Kirk, Collector of Slippage at Sydney Mfkrket Slip. John Winters, Weigh' Master, Haymarkct and Union Street ; H. O'Neil, Sydney Market Slip ; Isaac 0. Beatty, Carleton. W. H. A. Keans, Superintendent of FlOur Inspector. Thomas Rankine, Umpire under Flour Ordinance. John Humbert, John Be rryman, John Robson, Henry Leavitt, James Clark, John Clarke, and J;i3. Bustin, Inspectors and Weighers of Flour and Meal. James Cullinan, William J. Lockhart, Alexander B. Lockhart, John McGourty, David W. Riley, Stephen Thompson, and Albert D. Wilson, W eighers ci Coal and Measurers of Salt. Ndvm J^eet. ^mAlexandra Work* 8aw Factory^ eor. MiU and Oeorge-ats.^ St. Johr^ N. B. m M 57 1 It' \ Ptifs, in bores — Chahner, Saint John, N. B. 62 CITY OP SAINT JOHN. [1868. James Stewart, and Edwin N. S. Stewart, Gangers of Wines, Ac. Alexander M'Kelvey, Inspector of Firewood, Bark, &c., Market Slip ; James Hutchinson, ditto, Lower Cove; Evan Evans, ditto, Carleton ; John Finn, ditto, Railway. Wm. Thompson, and Jonathan Anderson, Searchers and Gangers of Oil. W. H. A. Eeans, Superintendent of Weighers of Coals and Measurers of Salt George Young, William Thompson, and Jonathan Anderson, Cullers of Dried Fish. William Thompson, George Young, James Colwell, Walter Trecartin, and Jonathan Anderson, Inspectors of Pickled Fish. William. Woodstock, Pound Keeper (East side) ; John Austin, ditto, Carleton. James Duffy, Hog Reeve, (East side) ; William Cronk, ditto, Carleton. Thomas Coi*am, Fence Viewer. Samuel Jordan, Edward D. Gore, James H. Fairweather, Nelson A. Cougle, Francis Jordan, John M. Cougle, Adam C. A. Salter, Henry Leonard, George H. Robertson, Joseph 0. Craft, Charles 0. Reinecke, William J. Grady, James Wetmore, jun., George Dixon, John M'K. Pendleton, Samuel K. Wilson, Charles A. Estey, William Clark, Barthol- omew J. Driscoll, John W. Sulis, Shanklin Thompson, Thomas Fair- weather, John Dowling, Andrew Anderson, Thomas Jordan, Gilbert Jordan, William Bowden, Oliver B. Cougle, Francis Grallagher, Edward E. Estey, Sargent S. Littlehale, William Woodworth, Francis Gallagher, Thomas J. Fairweather, Robert Rossiter, Joseph S. Wetmore, Alexander Boyne, and Robert A. Courtenay, Surveyors of Lumber. Police Department. — Humphrey T. Gilbert, Police Magistrate. Wm. 0. Smith, Greorge V. Nowlin, George A. Lockhart, and W. H. A. Eeans, Sitting Magistrates. Charles H. Chandler, Clerk. John R. Marshall, Chief of PoUce. FIRE DEPARTMENT — (EAST SIDE.) • Thomas Martrr, ChUf Engineer. i John Wilson, iun.yEnginMr, LoOKHART, No. 1. — (Steamer.) ■< James T. Magee, ForeiMnn. ( ThomAB R&nkiD^, Anfiatant Ibreman, I Robert Finley, Engineer, ANHiail.ATi B, No. 2. (Steamr).-< Qeorge 6. Drake, Foreman, \ James A. Thompson, Aa»i«tant Foreman. . ( Samuel Dunlop, Engineer. EzTOiooiBHKB, N0.8.— (Ste'r.)< William Barlow, Foreman. ( William Thompson, Atiaiatawt Foreman. FIRE DEPARTMENT — (WKST SIDE.) GcoROB STAOKHoasB, Cki^ Engineer. WiSTBRii Btah, No. 7.— George F. Harding, E!ngtneer. Primcr or Wai.rs, No. 8.— Oi Laddrr Oompaht.— Wm. Fenety, Captain f John Rankine, Lfentenant. Hook and Laodbb Oompasv— (VVbst Su)b.)*-D. W. Clark, Captain ; J. Peters, Lieutenant. FiRB PouoB (East Sidr).— Robert Shives, Captain ; Richard S. DeYeber, Lieu- tenant; James Oerow, 'I¥eaHurer; D. II. Schurman, (Sscrcfo^ry. FiRB PoLiOK, Garlrton. — Steplien P. Wetmore, Oiptain; Thomas M'Leod, Zihn Fishirr, Jaiuea Loi>n, Jamus Smitli, T. W. Daniel, Robert Sheraton, J. V. Troop, and John Bojrd, Conuiiittee of Directors. For Portland — Messrs. John Duncan, Jas. Flewelling, Moses Tack, and H. Swing. Depository — I he Store uf Messrs. DeVeber, Prince William Street. Saint John RkUGiocs Tkact Socivrr.— Hon. A. Rlcl,. B^ely, President;' James Paterson, LL. D., Corresponding •'Secretary; George W. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. GuURCB or Emoland Ykcsq M:q., Treasurer. Saint Amorkws SoCIBTT.— Henry jHck, President ; Rubert Shfves, Vice President i Rev. William Donald, D D, Chupluiii; Robert M.-^rshall, Treasurer; John White, Secretary; George Htewurt, Murslial; Tliomas ^iug, James jMacfarlaue, D. R. Munro, Committee on Charity. Saint Qrorqk's Sociktt.— His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Patron ; 0. E. Snider, Esq., Preaiilent ; J. Rdwtird Ij<>yd, Esq., Vice President; R^-v William Scovil, Chaplain ; G. Sidney Smith, Esquire, Treasurer; T. Biirclay Robiusou, Esq , Secretary; Rev. W. Scovd, T. W. Daniel, und W. G. Lawtou, Enquires, Chari- table Committee; R. Brittuin, and J. DeW. Spurr, Auditord. Saint Patrick's Socikty.— Jaine.^ !t. Mac>ard Thouipsoii, Vice Presidents, Alexande Jar> dine. Treasurer ; James Barber. Itecordint; Secretary ; T. £. G. Tisdale, Correspon- ding Secretary ; John Magee, I\ayes McB ien. Dr. John Waddell, (George G. Gd- bert, Jun., G. A. Wood, F. S. Jun <>, Simeon Junes, C. J. liorgau, Richanl Sands, Thomas Clark, and Thomus D.-ivlilsoi;, Directorb. Thb Natural History 8 crnv if Nbvt HRUNsniOK.— Dr Botsford, President; Wm. Jack, Esquire, and James tlautilton. Esquire. M. D., Vice Presidents ; G. E. S. Keator, M. I)., Esq., Treasurer; U. Vut'hew, A M., Esquire, Reconling Secretary ; George F. Matthew, Corresponding ^tecretary; 11. Brittain, Esquire, l.ihraiian ; J. Allen Jack, and J. Mclnnes, and J. McCurdy, Esq., M. D., Curutois ; Gev. James Rennet, J. D. W. Spurr, and Dr. S'eves, Esqrj., meiubera without uflice; J. Allen Jack, Secretary to Councl. Saint JoHw SociKTY LiBR^HY.— I. Wo-vlward, Pre ident ; Hurd Peters, Vice- President; J. IJ. Ruel, Secretury and Treasurer ; Joseph Spencer, Librarian ; G, Sidney i^mith, William M. J irvis. R. Sands Armstrong, and Edward Allison, Committee. — liibrarv open from 8 to 4 p. M daily. , St. Johtif NrB,^m. F' Laioton^ Saw Manu/acSirer^ corner North and George-atn.^ St. John. 3 I' I 00 © 3 Violet Powder, in paekett-^Chaloner, i^. John, If. B, U\ I ^§^ w o k *§ n 1 ■■ ^ E- c ; "I ^ 5 1 f r I, I g St. Jobr Law Sociictt. — William Jack, Q. C, President; Charles, Lnt, Q. 0., Tice President; T. Burclay Robinson, Esquire, Treasurer; W. L. T. Seely, Esq., Secretary ; Duncan Robertson, Esquire, A. R. Wetmore, Esquire, Q. C, and Sa< muel R. Thomson, Esquire, Q. C., form the Council, with the Office bearers. Saint BIalacuiV Total Abstimknob Socistt.— Rev. William J. Foley, Prefident; Stephen Thompson, anii John Coholan, Vice Presidents; Martin Burns, Score- 1 tary; John McGourty, Treasurer. And a Committee of sixteen members. ' FtMALK Rrform SociKfT.— Rev, William Armstrong:, Presfdftnt ; Rer. WiMfam ; Donald, D. O., and John McMorran, Esquire, Vice Presiiients; John Boyd, Esq., ! Treasurer ; Rev. A. McL. Stavely, Secr> tary. Oenttemen's Committee — Samuel D. ; Berton, Johb U. Hardinsr, Captain Prichard, J. R. Marshall, Charles A. Bovey, i and J. Elsden, with the Ministers of the diflerent denominations. Ladies' Com- j mitlee'^Mrs. R. W. Crookshank, President ; Mrs. John Uiilis and Mrv. William; Thomson, Vice Presidents; Mrs. Stavely, Treasurer ; Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Wm. I Arm8tro'TLUM — Esq., President; Rev. William Scovll, Secretary ; John Boyd, Treasurer ; J. V. Troop, J. Fisher, ; T. C. Humbert, .James Uorsfall, and John Magee, Esquires, Directors. | Saint John Si'ndat School Union. — E. E. Lock hart, Esq., President; James Wooilrow, Vice President; William Peters, Treasurer; William Woodworth, Corre- sponding Secretary ; G. L. Darrow, BecorUing Secretary; £. C. Quinn, Fii^ancial Secretary. Cahl>ton Litbiiart Association — George P. Harding, President ; George Day, Vice Pre!q , B A., £. N Sharp, Esq., A. M., and Thomas Miliedgc, Esq., members without office; Frederick E. Darker, D. C. L., Secretary-Treasurer. Saint John nciLDiNo So. lETY AND Invkstmbnt Fdni.— Edward Allison, Esq., Thomas McAvit , E>q., and llurd Peters, Esq., Trustees; Isaac Woodvrard, Esq., President; John Siuitli, E^rj., Vice President; David Miller, Esq., M. D., Charles Kirkpatrick, Esq., Geo. A. Hamilton, Esq., M.D.,Hon. Charles N. Skinner, (iolieitor General, and James T. Steves, Esquire, M. D., Directors. Bankers— The Commer- cial Bank of New Bruu8wicl<. William M. Jarvis, Esquire, Solicitor ^ Mr. Thomas Main, Manager. Mrcuakics' iNsrmrrB of Saint John.— W. H. A. Keans, President; William F. Smith and Williiim Weddeiburn, Vice Presidents; George Hutchinson, Jun., Trea- surer; Henry W. Frith, Corresponding Secretary; W. J. Starr, Recording Sec- retary ; Edward J BiHis, Janies Allan, Elisha Broad, Andrew Giimonr, John McMillan, David H. Hail, Gilbert Murdoch, Robert Brittain, T. C. Humbert, Janie.1 J. Christie, A. Rowan, and Edward Willis, Directors; Thomas A. Raukine, Librarian. Ku. AL Cksjetkrt. — Wm. Jack, President; G. Sidney Smith, Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. Parks, W. G. Lawton, James Pettingcll, Thomas Parks, Charles Drury, James Reed, Hon. A. McL. Seely, William Thomson, T. W. Daniel, Richard Thompson, and Alexander Jardine, Directors ; John Adams, Superintendent. I CCMMISMONKKS OF SkWEKAGK AXD WaTER ScPPI.Y FOR CiTY OF St. JoHX AXli ' Parish OF IV)ktlani». — Bo«rd of CominiHsioners : Edward K. Lockhart, Chairman, I Tliomuei King, and William Seely; !*uperintendent and Engineer, Q. Murdoch ; i Clerk, Thomas C. Hennigar : Collector, Charles F. Flaglor. T/ie ''Weed*' u a Shnitte Sewing Machine— C. A. Bovey, St. John, N. B. SuiUers* "ffardware-^C. O. Berrymitln^ Barhu?$ Centner. Iiomu A. Raukine, 1868.] SOCIBTIEd. 55 Wbbt BtDB.— Cbairman, Charles Ketoham ; OdminiBsionera, Oeorge V. Hard- ing and Martin H. Peters. Union Iron Works Oompaht.— Edwin Fisher, President; Archibald McLean, Secretary and Treasurer; Edwin Fisher, B. Lingley, James Harris, and William A. McLean, Directors. Chambrr or CoMMKRoa.— L. Donaldson, Esquire, President; J. ^, . Codlip, Vice President; I.Woodward, 8eereiary«Treasarer ; Hoh. jFobn R yertsdn, Franois Ferguson, A. Jardine, W. Thomson, J. Y. Troop, 0. H. Fairweather, O. Thomas, Wm. Wright, 8.D. fierton, John Duncan, and T. W. Daniel, Esquires, Mevliers o? Council ; Z. King, Oeorge McLeod, William Parks, J. W. Nieholson, W. W. Turn- bull, William Qt. Lawton, Alexander Bankin, and William U. McLean, Board of Arbitrators. 8t. John BA«a Ball Olcb.— President, D. 0. Perkins; W. H. Ollre, Viee-Presl- dent; G. A« DeForest, Treasurer; 0. P. Clarke, Secretary; B. Barnes, Geo. Uutcb* son, and Francis Oollias, Committee of Management. St. Ahorbw'b Bocictt Cprumo Olcb.— James Mllligan, Presses; John White, Sec- retary ; W. Thomson, G. W. Sm tb, Thomas M. McLacblan, Alexander Jardine, A. RowaUf James Macfarlaue, Thomas King, and George Stewart, Skips. YiCTOBiA Skatihg Clvb. — ^Thomas M. Reed, President; W. F. Bunting, Secre- tary-Treasurer ; George Hutchinson, Jr., Alexander Rankin, James A. Harding, J. Walter Scammell, H. R. RaoUfey, A. Ohipman Smith, and W. H. Tuck, Directors. St. John Qthkasivm CoiiPANr.-M7apital Stock, 14,000, in Shares of $20 each.— John W. Cudlip, Edqaire, President; B. Lester Peters, Esquire, Vice-President; Joseph S. Knowles, Secretary ; Directors, John Boyd, Robert R. Barnes, James L. Dunn, T. Barclay Robinson, and George C. Wiggins. Saint John Gas Light Cohpant.— J. M. Walker, Esq.,President ; Robert Britain, I Secreai. John Duncan, William Parks, W. G. Lawton, D. J. M'Laughlin, Wm. SmitL, i>' '^-r Carvili^ Rev. Wm. Scovil, and 0. Patton, Esquires. Sai'i a .uspbnsiom BRiDoa Oompaht. — J. D< Le win, President ; J hn F. Marste. ..tary and Treasurer; Dr. L. B. Botsford, L. J. Almon, 0. W. Wel- doD, ana i>. J. McLaughlin, Directors. Nbw Brumswick TkLBORAPB CoMPANT.— Edw. Scars, President; R. T. Clinch, Secretary and Superintendent; Thos. Gilbert, Edward Sears, J. Duncan, R. Reed, and G. £. Morton, Halifax, Directors. Frbdkrictom and St. Johh Tiliobaph CcMpant. — George Botsford, President ; S. W. Babbitt, Secretary. Wbstbrb Umion Tblbgraph Cqhpaht. — R. T. Clinch, Superintendent for Mew Brunswick ; T. M. Robinson, Manager, St. John Office. EuROPBAN. AWD NoRTH Ahbbioan Bailwat COMPANY — (Western Extension.)^ William Parlis, President; £. D. Jewett, F. I'. C. Burpee, W. B. Robinson, and Wm Wright, Esquires, Directors; — -, Secretary; E. R, ^ni-|iee. Engineei Woodstock Bbahch Railway.— R. A. Hay, Esq., President; George H. Con- nell, Gilbert Vanwirt, T. R. J. Dibblee. William Lindsay, and Robert Caldwell, Eequirea, Directors; James R. Hartley, Esq., Engineer ; Samuel Watts, Secretary and Treasurer. St. Stepukm Branch BAiLWAt.— W. H. Todd, President; Z, Chipman, R. Wat- son, H. Culliuan,and F. Todd, Esquires, Directors. South Bat Boom Company. -^Hon. Alexander McL. Seely, President ; Stephen H. Shaw, Secretary and Treasurer : JamifS Long, Superintendent ; Hon. Alex. MuL. Seeiy, Hon. John Robertson, Frederick A. Wiggins, Francis Ferguson, W. I H. Lawton, Geo. L. Lovett, and John Coleman, Esquires, Directors. Saint Jobs Manu^acturino Company.— John Smith, President: Wm. McLellan, General Suiierintendent of Works; Z. G. Gabel, Secretary and Saiesmnn; John Boyd, John Armstrong, Thomas R. Jones, and James Robinson, Directors. Alhkrt MlMl^o Company.— Henry Gilbert, Jun., President ; William Ellman, Secretary ; Uradfurd Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, Jun., Thomas Gilbert, and John Byers, Directors. ! RiDOB COiiL Company.— George J. Chubb, President ; Messrs. B. Lingley, Thomas Coram, Jai. E. Hamm, and Andrew Mofflt, Directors ; W. Bf. Jordan, Secretary. >1 o 3! ', St. John, N. B. 8aK9 of all kinds made and repaired at the Alexandra Works. Oih, for the ffaif^-^Chalotwr, Haini John, N. B* 66 CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. [1868. "8 4 »§ OALtooviA MinMO iRD MAMOTJiOTimnro OoMPA>T.— •Willimn Jaok, President ; James Barber, Secretary; LeBaron Botsford, Edirard Allison^ Alex. Jardine, William Smith, John H. Harding, and Charles A. Everett, Directors. Niw BRimswiOK OiKCM Oomfaht.— Oaptain Pritchard, President; Oharles W. Weldon, Thomas E. Millidge, R. P. Starr, W. F. Starr, George Fleming anl T. 0. Humbert, Directors ; W. J. Starr, Secretary. Beam* OLDB.->Robert Keltie, Bsquire, President ; Archibald Rowan, Ksquire, Vice President ; Mr. G. Murdoch, Secretary; J. Milligan, Esquire, Treasurer; T. Onnn, IL Brass, W. Murdoch, F. A. Morrison, and T. King, Direotort. Saikt Jobn Ship Bdilobrs' AssooiAnoir. — Franoia Ruddnclr, Esquire, President ; Arthur McDonald, Esquire, Vice President; Mr. William Weleli, Treasurer and Secretary ; Messrs. J. A'alter Soammell, James Nerins, W. P. Flewelling, Thomas B. Millidge, and Stephen J. King, Committee of Management. ?A»T J<»!« TTPOORAraiOAL AsBoouTTrm.— H. Finlay, President; Jtmes Seaton, Vice President : Fredericic A. Lngrin, Reoordingaad Financial Secietnry ; Robert Willis, Corresponding SeerotRi-y; John S. Mitchell, Treasurer; Joseph Wilson, Doorkeeper. Lloyd's Bbgistbb of BBinsH aitd Fosbioit SmppiNe.— John Tucker, and Christopher Besant, Bsqs., Surreyora; D. K. Munro, Accountant. Samuel r«p- thorne. Surveyor, Miramichi. GoalCbbbk Mmimo OoNPiNY.-^ames Harris, Esquire, President; P. Besnard, Jun., E8q.,Secretarjr ; John G. Brown, O. A. Hampton, John McMillan, and Wm. U. OliTe, Esquires, Directors. Tiotobia Coal Mihino Compahy.— William Davidson, President ; George E. Fairweather, Secretary and Treasnrer ; Hon. John Robertson, John V. Thnrgar, James Harris, and Henry Horton, Directors. Bjlbbibtbbs' Socubty.— D. 8. KeiT, Q. 0., President; George Boteford, Vice Pre* sident ; William Carman, Treasurer ; George J. Bliss, Secretary and Librarian. EablyClouno ahdMutital Impboybmbvt Assooiatiov.— M. Lindsay, Presi- dent; James G. Fotbes, and Thomas P. Da vies, Vice Presidents; P. McSwe?ny, Corresponding Secretary ; Robert Turner, Recording Secretary; J. McCnIlough, Treasurer ; R. C. Quinn, Chaplain ; James R. Cameron, Librarian ; Dugald Kelly, Auditor; Managing Committee: J. M. Taylor, U. D. McLeod, Alexandtr Kerr. Loch LoMOitn Aokicultitbal Socibty. — Arthur Mcl Bryden, Michael McNamee, Martin Armstrong, R. S.Armstrong, C. G. Berryman, C. A. Wade,' George S. Adams, Henry Graham, and George McAfee, Jun., Directors. \ Pbotiroial Papkb Ci^LLAB OoMPABY.— F. E. Barker, Esq., President ; J. F. Mara- ' ters, N. Evans, Jr., W. D. Wheeler, and L. H. Straw, Directors; John March, Treasurer ; N. Evans, Jr., Superintendent and Manager. 0IT7 AND GOUNTT OF SAINT JOHN. Jwtices of the Mayer' » Court. — The Mayor and Recorder. Junticee of the Peace.— The Mayor, the Recorder, Thomas R. Jones, A. Rowan, John MoGrath, Frederick P. Robinson, Michael M. Maher, R. D. McArthur, Jas. Qainton, John Thompson, and Wm. J. McCordock, Esquires, (of the Quorum), L. Donaldson, Henry Gilbeit, Archibald Menzies, Cliarles Ward, Hon. John Robertson, William H. Street, James Brown, Willium Olive, Samuel Strange, John Wishart, liobert Keltie, Leveret H." DeVeber, William Hawks, Moses Vernon, George A. Lockhart, William Parks, William 0. Smith, Alexander Lockhart, James Travis, Joseph Fairweather, Robert Douglas, Francis Ferguson, Frederick A. Wiggins, Peter Besnard, James Olive, George Carvill, John Humbert, S. K. Foster, Francis Ruddock, J. F. Goddard, T. 0. Jamei Stoop, Agent for "H^eedT' Sewing Machine, St. Andrei^. F. T. Sttephenn, Importer Mneat Cwxgmand Bmchong Tern. Ltndflsy, Presi- 18«8;] CITY AND COUNTY tUP SAINT JOHN. 5T Cropkshank, Jofieph Beatteay, Alexander Balloch, B. J. Underhill, 0. I). Kveritt, James Olive, 3d, Robert Salter, J. W. M. Irish, Alex«.nder MufT.avisJi, T. E. MUledge, D. J. McLaughlin, John Dohertv, J. S. Parker, John Foster, David Collins, J. C. Littlehate, Robert Robertson, Charles Ketchuni. Janios Quijitou, Henry .Garbutt, Samuel Qark, WilUum ScouUap, G. V. Nowliu, James l^unn, W. H. A. Keans, James Robinson, Mf the County Court. — Charles Walters, Esq. James G. Forbes, Enquire, Clerk. Terms: Fourth Tuesday in April, July, October and January, HigU Sheriff'. — James A. Harding, Esquire ; Mr. John Rankine, Depu^ iSheriffj and Keeper of the Gaol; Mr. James Bertram, Turnkey. (Jl&rk of the P«aoe.~- Honorable W'liam B. Kinnear. CoroM,er— VVilliara Bayard, Esquire, M. D. Oountg TreasMrer.-^-\Vil\mm Mackay, Esquire. J udifor , of Coun iy A tcounta, — R. Siands Armstrong, Esquire. Judge of Probatex. — Honorable W. B. Kinnear. Registmr.of D^edii mtd Willa, and Registrar of Probaiei.-^W. Chip- man Drury, Esquire. . Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. — Hon. William B. Kinnear, Robert Fraser Hazen, H. N. H. Lugrin, Hon. Robert L. Hazen, William .lack, Duncan Robertson, David.Shank Kerr, John H. Gray, James W. Peters, Samuel J. Scovil, Wm. R. M. Burtis, Chas. Duff, William Tyng Peters, James A. Harding, Jas. J. Kaye, Andrew R.Wfet- more, George F. Rouse, Charles Doherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, John O. Campbell, R.' Sands Armstrong, Samuel R. Thomson, George Blatch, W.. 11. Hatheway, VV. C. Drurv, Henry W. Frith, Charles W. Stocktonv George G. IJilbert, Jun., lienj. L. Peters, F. C. K. Frith, William W. Street, Lewis J. Almon, Charle.^ W. Wcldon, Alexander Ballentine; Kurd Peters, W. P. Dole, Thomas T. Hanford, W. H. Tuck, William Weddorbnrh, W. M. Wright, James R. Macshanc, G. K Skinner, G; Sidney Smith, John A. Wright, T. Gray Merritt, Fred. E. Barker, Fred. P. Hobinson, W. M. Jarvis, William H. Scovil, Jun., Thos. Kelly. W» C. Perley, P.Bc*snard, Jun., George E. King, T. Barclay Robinson, Ajfred Demill, F. A. Morrison, H. L. Sturdoe, Silas Alward, W. C. Lee, G. Mc- Sorlev, J. G. Forbes, H. C. McMonagle, A. C. Fairweather, Fred. W 11 I J. F. Lawton, Sav} Manufacturer, corner North and Qeorge-sts^^ 8l. John. F H Hair Dnuingt, from variout maker» — Chaloner^ St. John^ JV. B. 68 PORTLAND. [1868. Stookton, Wm. H. Sinnott, Robert J. Ritchie, Robert Matthew, A. M., Stanley Boyd, and Wm P. Ritchie, EsquireB. Commissioner for taking Recognizances of Bail in the Supreme Coitrt. — Isaac Woodward, Esquire. Jnnpeetor of Schools. — ^Edmund H. Daral, Esquire. Trustees of Schools, City of Saint JohtK. — Parish No. 1 (the Easterii side of the Harbour) — ^Tohn Sears, George Blatch, and W. P. Dole, Es- qidres. Parish No. 2 (Western do.)~Jo8eph B. Whipple, and Isaac Noble, Esquires. Rev. James Quinn,and William Carvill, Esq., Commismoners for the management of the Free School at Saint John, unconnected with the Madras Board. Charles Drury and Bradford S. Gilbert, Commissioners of Sewers. Wiii. M. Smith, Inspector of Steamboats for the CSty and County of Sunt John, and also for the Gulf ports. John M'Laughlin, Moses Tuck, and Jeremiah Harrison, Commissioners for iextcnding Saint John Street from Duke Street to Reed's Point Wharf in the City of Saint John. -Archibald Rowan, Esquire, to be Inspector of Petroleum and Coal Oils for the City and County of Saint Jehn. Dr. William Bayard, Commissioner of Indian Reserves, under Act 7 Vict. c. 45. William 0. Smith (Chairman), Wm. Hawkes, William Doherty, Allan McLean, David Tapley, and Thomas C. Olive, Esquires, Commissioners of the Alms House, Work House, and Infirmary. John Baxter, £sq.,M. D., Physician. Wm. Cunningham, Keeper. Surveyors of Lumber in the County. — .Tohn Tapley, W. T). Shaw, William Lyncn, Shadrac HoUey, Joseph Horncastle, Moses E. Cowan, James Crawford, Covely Robertson, S. P. Fowler, Robert Staples, J.Jor- dan Eagles, Samuel Reynolds, Jedediah Dorsay, Moses Tuck, Williiim Olive, John Collins, John McHarg, William Henneberry, and David McLellan. Terma of General Sessions. — ^Third Tuesday in March, and first Tues- day in June, September and December. PARISH OF PORTLAND. •George R. Rigby, Town Clerk. James Campbell, Edward Lowell, Lawrence Donavon, and Hu^ Morrisey, Pound Keepers. Michael Donavon, Edward Lowell, Edward Conway, and James Sul- livan, Hog Reeves. John Long, James Clark, Michael Harrigan, and Michael Donavon, Fence Viewers. Samuel Lackey, Clerk of the Market Richard Dalton, Charles Wilson, and Alexander Duff, Assessors of Rates. John Smith, Walter Cobham, Samuer Lackey, and William WiUiams, Constables. John Long, Thomas Morrison, Michael Donavon, and Edward Lowell, Field Drivers. I ^1 1 1^ 1866i Hi* 1 Boi l/J Ooani jf Joh •*^ W. f^ Schofl J. ^ Acool is FlH Dtt^id ^. Steve ;* Bri Farrel fi Pw ^ Crock ll h 8 r r k If tf.. James Stoop, Agent for " Weed*^ SevHng Machine^ St, ^ndretce, J.F.L .-..V' nd first Tues- (0 1^ I M T,J3ttphet»aiJfMp 59 : Boad Gomniissioner4'<^iltri;.,♦; .-.ir:;-,!^ • ;'ii!'i FiREWARM.— Bradford 8. Gilbert, .Joseph Ruddick, R6bert Sweet, Dtt^idY.. Roberta^ Henrj^ Mixt^U, Robert Gunai(d,,:«»d'.S^heiiIE. Stevens. . n ,.,. : -..J ....I iriji,; . ;.•; > Brunswick, No. 1 Ekoine Cobipakt.-*^^ Johiitton, ' fiilgiHeen; W. Farrell, Foreman ; Thomas Grogan, ' AiteistantiForemaii. i : i f c FKtiiTECTOR, Noi i Eni»mA GbuPMOiY.^—JtAxn Kaiie, Eaj^ineer ;^ Tfaonkas Crockett, Foreman; Alexander Napier, Assistant Fol-eman-; Lcanaii Isaac, vSeotetarji* ; : J.! .'Bffown, Financial Secretary; Joha ;l[eJankiD, Treasurer. .. , , ; ■ ■ i ,: i I Thonaas Bosses, Town Clerk. • Johrf J6Tiw9t6tt, Cdlliecstdr 6f Ratefe. G^rgc Dobecty, George Garnett, KeypMcBrine, Rpberlt^do^XEiji?.^,' Jbhn BaTr6tt, "H'enfy Brookin^^, Jam6^ Davlfi^, 'Tk«*iio Uaita^ -^via^^i— ; ' Jknies MdKee,- Ni6|io1aa Patri9k ! WgfeJV^ ,to«^a Furlong^, Hugh, Ryan, Iclam, Kearns, aad Fatri9k Keepers; ''■' ■ '/ • ■■'■■■'■> .;• -•■■ y • •'" ;"';• '■^■'^ ., .^ . .., ^Rolbeft'SteWal-t, Jol^ii Ryii, tTillidta 6ttaniiah;iin;, LftntV Cbit^ck, RHac Fos^^t, Ri)g6r CbniiMly; Wtlli&in Murphy (Red ISLeikt), J6htt Itolin, Williaita :MiiT)li7'f C^. S^itl^ni^ht), and Jiihn. I^nox. Hog Reev^. ' ' " Ja^es Barb6ti Jas. 0. Cody, and Ttips. Dairidsott,:^89fessoi% of Rates; Jjiiries H. ^(><^res, Japied Afexdli'def, Ifeotieift B. »opgla6, Johi^'l/yliit^ Williafh HaPnifa^, ThoiPa^ MbK^'erWUli'dip Hax^b'U, aiid Jolih Sti&iwell, Cop^tapies, . . , ,. . , , , Gbbi^e •. Mc^ffee, Charlies J. WaterbHil'y, aiid Bernard Ktrkbatrick; domtriiSjdti^spf Highways. , ' ' " / ' ' , , Jam^i^ Davids'on'^otpelius J. Hogap' ttiid TfaxAei Rbbin^P tir Poiikid Rpb^sQftV Revisory of Elmore.; - ^ > ; ^' . • - ! Maniifcieturet, OomeFNorih etrkd 0wfgv*t»i\'8t:! John^ Chakm»^§Bmit A>^wrailitt»v*»Ogrwtr Kktffand OtrmtUn Shedt, M BAIMT MARTmS— LAKCASTKR. [1868. MtfAffee, WnU«m Armstrong, William A. Md*re< RiohMrd Ivans, John Parks, Michael Deerin, Thomas Parks, Williatai 0*Brien, David Banter; PABI3Q OF SAINT MARTINS. Simeon Brown, Michael McDade, Hiram Mosher, and John H. Brown, OenstaMea. Philip Mosher, Solomon Allingham, and Francis Porter, Sen., Oom< misslonera of Higliways, John )L 8i«wn,. John Fownes, and Philip Mosher, Ckmmissioners for expending Bye Road Money. fVimoiaOhirlton,' Collector of Rates. Reuben V. Bradahaw, Town Clerk. Fmmda Oharttbn, Ebeneaer Brown, William McAfee, and George Fowncfi, Fence Viewers. James Ross, Thomas Lewis, James 0*DoBald, and John Yemer, Pound Keepers. Philip Mosher, Benjamin Wishart, and Solomon Allingham, As- sessors of Rates. Edward Brown, Andrew Charlton, and Solomon ^llinghajB^, Reviaors of Electors. l Rev. J. 4. Smith, Henry Whitney, and William Ruddick, If. p., Truetees of Schools. Siinreyors of Highways— District No. 1, Andrew Carleton; 2, Japob Tu||b; 8, Edward H« Foster; 4, James Fownes; 6, George Fowiies; 8, William Bkick, Jun.; 7, Alexander G. H. Brown ; 8, Wi)lifim H, Bractshaw; 9, William Ingraham; 10, Edward Nugent; 1,1, John M. Brown; 12, Ebene^er Y. Brown; IS, James Kingston; 14, isaae Cleveland; 16, Jo^|i Kennedy; l0, John Kennedy.; 17, Robert IjlcOutoheo]!; IB, Dennis Burke; 19, jofin McKay ^ 20, Francis Por- ter, Juh. ; *i1 , Michael McDade ; 22, Thomas Love ; 28, Peter McDade ; 24, John Rijisscl ; 2R, David Hurst ; 26, George Dupoan ; 27, I^atrick Love; 28, John Dunlap; 29, James Curry; 80, Mibt^el Do^erty ; 81, Jf^mes Henry; 82, Henry Hanrahap; 88, Williaiia Bla^, Sen.; {^4, Suhuet Brown ; 86, James Pratt; 86, ptmier Mosher;' 87, j^obert Hamilton; 88, George Patterson; 89, IfichaeLDoherty; 40, J^hn YVmer; 41, Fntncis Lacy ; 42, Michael Doherty (3d) ; 4i3, Geoi|(e Me- nat; 44, John Mclntyre ; 46, James Kelly. ^^.^ ^^ ,^.,,^,,; PARISH OF LANCASTER. A. Menkes, Matthew A. Wall, and James piston, Assessors of Rates. J. p. Lewin^ J. E. Knight, and Isaac Clark, Trustees of Schools. ; J[a8, Robinson, John Galbraith, and John Dunn, Revisors of Electors. .;]C P. Balcom, Charles Johnston, and RobeitBoggs, Gonunissioners of Highways. John T. Lord, Collector of Rates. pharles H. DeForest, Town Clerk. ^benezer Sutton, Weigher of Hay. ..j.^i ; ■„■ , James Qrr, John Dunham, Dennis Murphy, Jun., Thomas SuniB, Thomas Lennox, Daniel Caropbell, John Hargrove, Jun., Archibald ifcAuley, William Stinson, William dark, Jun., Patrick Gleason, and Jan^es Law, Constables. s 5 9 •It Shwnt Mcleodt Agetitfof ''Wtfd'rSewintfMaciHnt, Wootkloek. F, T. Sl0phntt h»porUifBMM Alt BRMKN'< it «i it i CmtUton Wapd. Kin^Ward. couKTY br Towr. , GOHPOBATioN Of vftxDicniorpit. William H. Kudhiim, Esqnixe, M%yor. John t. Harsh, Esquire, Oiy Clerjc ' John Riehardsv Esquire, Qity Auditor. Samnel W. Bfbhlt, Esquire, City treamirer. ,,(.,,) 7, . Harris A^en, ISsquire, , ' Uemy Torrens, Esquire^ Thomas Dowling, Esquire, iJobn I*, fiaines, Esqiure, Mark Nevillle, ^uire, Samudf-^eminft Esquire, . Gfiaries Brann^ Esq., City Marshal ; W H. Anderson, Chief i^eer uid Jload Shrreyor \ Andrew Rosborough, Assistant Eii^neer ; Fleming, Alms House Keeper yjaa. T. Wheeler, Whar^n^r ; ■ Jei Geardn. Cle^ 6i Marliet ; Cha^. Braanen. and Robert W^it^r rob E. C(srk, Esquire, Commtssioneroif the A^ina House. < -ji. 4 | AssBBSOBS. — ^Aiex. McCausIaiid, ^uire, Wellinffton Ward; Jolm P.ivliardS| SLAnn'a Ward; Robert Wiley, C<^rfcto»J^'anl; James Burbbill, Quem'9 Ward; Tbomns R. Barlcer, Kingl's Ward. UVJXlCaAUJY ow Toax. COVVJT. James Henry, Warden,; Henry B^ Rainsford, %r«toi;^^5;0$«p^; J. 8, Bei^y CmnijfAudUor. ^,;ii\'v''i\ ' '■■] •, ^'.xit ,Ti:.'. .;C0WK5|LL0Ra., '■■1~-^'v:kJ' ^ Cant^lmr^B.. Robinson and G. E. Grosvenor ; 2)uTOyW(i»-<3li»ilwW'. Tilley and Hugh Savage; Prince IBZ/fowl-Jamefl Henry and Wm. Jamieson ; Kingielear-'l!, B. Wheeler and John W, Barker } Maniura Sutton—Wm. J. Hatch and J. Moody \Neut Maryland— Lema Fisb^r Mid Samuel E. Nason; 8i. i/«ry'».-T. R Barker and J. McLagfi^; StaHiej^ Wm. Clarkson add B. EUlOtt ; /)o«gf/a»~David Pugb afidS. a BurpeO ; QMeensftttry— Jes^ Parent imd.Jobn G» Gimter; i8iw«Aam|>tofi--Ch4rl«8 Biirtiett and Janies Parent. /Saw cf all hihdi fnade and repaittdatihe AUxaiuita Wia-ba^ Ties J ChtUontr'^Thnie Extract^ eokur King attd' OertMKiii-tl^ 6l: Jdhiif N. JB. m % ■ a:Vs 62 TORE. [Meg. j^i4g6,of^e Qoimiy Cour^— rJarnes Sttendroou, Eaq^ Charles H. B. Fi9her, Cl«rk. T^mn^ : first Tuesday Ui January, jitarcbt Juno and October. ; Jfmitieei^of ihe Feafit.-r-Bosi. John S. Si^undeiit^ John Alktn, George Minohin, Williaai H. PdeU^ Thomas Jones, William Davidtion, Patrick Gampbell, Qcprge Garden, L.B. ^insford, ThomM CUll, Riehard Ha^ne, .Geor^it/OUmeats, Allan M'Lean, Thomas B. Robertson^ Asa Coy, Ibaito Sil|l)uniy,Juniov,£dwiard Simoods,, Charley, M'Hierson,! George L« fiath- eway, Ii^Ingiabam, jr., Spafford J. Barker, Beverley A> .Br0l^8on,'8eii- iamin Teiixa, 3enj[amip Goodsp^pd, James Fairlie^. Israel %nith, %noob/Dow., .Kdward.Bdgeon, J. XtsDoiuUd, Andrew Calder, SanUi^l l^ox, JoBepI) fiokard, Th^uva^Mufvay^ J«me9^Sr Beek,. Thomad Ii.,giiii- mons, James McLaggan, Thomas C. Atherton, William B. Bustin,- CalTm L. Goodspeed, John M'Intesh, Robert I'oreman, John S. EUegood, John Hea,jr., Moses Hillmah, Il^zekiah Qronkhite, John Guiou, Thomas Tem- ple, Hugh M'Kay, Benson §ipitU,,Thpm^ Herbe^» Lewis H. Huestis, Je- remiah Christy, Jojjin K. Barker, Thomas ^tewart, Ale^. Shives, Martin Mackay, Samuel A. Akeipley, Jos. 0: Dyk^mau, Wm.-C. Brown, George W.Knox, Alex. Moody, feaiijuel F; GiWenor, .Wm/'CL Brown, George Nevers, Wm. Gibsob, JolmS;i'attei:?on,'jrenryIlpEer8,Tho8. Davis, Wm. Whitehead, Gbnstantlne CohneUy, Archibald M'Lean, William Jamieson, Ge^o. Lester, John A; ^eckWith, Patrick Selvage, Wfa. Gimn^ Samuel Day- ton, L Atherton {of ihe Quorfmi), John jTa^ltn-, "W. C. Joalin, John L. Grant, Thomas ¥. Saundew, J6el Millar Thomas IMn'gle, Benjamin H. Clayton, Bernard Elliott, Williarii. Lews, ^sHtjia B(iUman, George H. Maxiu, J^mea Sutherland, George A. • Pcrley, Abdih^m McEeen, Wm. Wilson, John Anderson, Ric^dni P.' WititeT, Geiorge'Risteen, George Estey, -Fredeaiek A. Perley, Tatrick Kirliii, Samuel Yerxa, William H. Biden, William H. Mhrray, Joseph ReOdvBoloindn V^i), William Henry Long, Robert v,' Alex. . Th6tpi)s6tt, ; AleXandisV 'tHbi6ti;''JieWis!Eaher,. Je^^ Parent, Davja Pn'gh, Jife^se Christy, "Wiil. •CIal'kibh,^A*i'5brBts66k8, EdwdM Hi Hartley, Wtti. I^nH^; jfaoiH', U. McKay, John L. JletdiOr, tTo^ephl/flarbn,' JatAes Gt^iffith, iHd hmca Wyfi SA aAk-^thbs) a: f 6iilp!6,' E^. Iffipuiy 5rA*»i^if.^WiiiV,Frl$i. Ke«per of m^ltottMaiidWrU of mPigdce-^Geh. J. I)lftblec, I&^. iSwrroaa/c.— Georgia :F^'H.'Mincnin, Esqiiir'e.' '' , ' ■' Ite^iitraf^'of Pfiibatef):'^tlxliii\s A:B^^^ ■'• Registrar of Deeds and WilU. — Abrahaih B. Yerxa, Esquii^.'*^ Coroner t. — Judah Hamnrtind,' Jdhii Marshall j Thomas Brown, S. D. IfiM^erkin, TheodoiteO. Brown, DaVid Little, and Mram Dow, Esquires. : •^«i^#io/Pwiwfc».-i--G. F. H. Minchih. i ; ; {hmmiisi&nef' for taking BaW in the iSt£j9r0f»« (7o?fr&~-^Mon. J; S. Banffdersi ii;f'*i;J— VrtiiVy<»A;\ .i->7, , .i>i.>i.M .'.. Li-t; avjit-' .i. .uiVZ-^-u'-^NnV'* - CommiaUmeri j^ot ^taking AWUdiilt in'Hh* SitptenU Omrti-^ GeQi^e J. Dibblee, Hbnl Charles FisheV, William Hi iNeedham, George •F. H. Minchin, Williium H. Odell, Gieorge Bdt8ford,P. A. H. St atton, James P. Wetmore, Edward H. Wilmot, E. W. Mller, B. C. Frtel, I. 8 J M Addren Ohik. A Btme^, St^Jdhn, Gen,, A^e^t,f(n^'t<^ Weed'' Sewing Machine. F. T, 8t gthtH9^Families nipplied w ith th« best o f Winu, Bp ir itt, /\ Auctioneers. — Samuel A. Akerley, Joseph Myshrall, Thos. R. Barkei^, Thos. W. Smith, Jeremiah Staples, Thos. Douglass, and Pat. McManus. Conwnieitionert of the Alms und Work //o?4«0.— Ludlow McGibbon, Thomas Pringle, and Jeremiah Staples. Keeper. — John Fleming. In/epeetor of Schooh.—^dcnax^ C. Freeze. TervM of the General Seaaions. — First Tuesday io January and Second Tuesday in June. Ternu of the Supreme Court — Equity Side. — First Tuesday in every month, excepting February and September, and instead of February tlte sittings shall be on the last Tuesday in January. COUNTY OF king's. Jw^e of the County Court. — Charles Watters, Esqujre. finemore E. Morton, Esquire, Clerk. Terms: First Tuesday in April, July, October and January. Justices of the Peace. — Thomas Beer, Justus S. Wetmore, John 0. Vail, A. C. Evanson, John Barberie, Isaac Haviland, Samuel Foster, John Wightman, John Brittain, Hon. John H. Ryan, Charles W. Stock- ton^ 0ohn C. Price, Elias S. Wetmore, Robert McCully, WiUiam Freeze, jr., Samuel Hallett, Craven Longstroth, Elias S. Freeze!, Duncan M. Campbell, Isaac A. Dodge, Samuel Henderson, Weeden Fowler, John L. Wilmot, Elijah A. Perkins, WiUiam Pyewell, Walter B. Scovil, Charles C. Stewart, James Fairweather, James W. Nowlan, Sa- muel Foster, John H. Wright, J. D. Micheau Keator, R. S. Foster, John M'Leod, jr., Nelson Arnold, William Pearson, William A. Stockton, Wil- liam B. M*Keei, William M'Leod, Charles Gray, Philo M. Raymond, Na- thaniel Belyea, William Buchanan, John 0. Dann, James Cookson, Williatn ScouUar, David Hatfield, Zebulon Connor, George H.Wal- lace, Jame^ A. Fenwiok, William Coates, John M' Arthur, William Keath, James L. Flewwelling, John Erb, John Mlntyre, Daniel M%actf- lan, John Urquhart, William S. Teakles, Robert Morrison, Willidm Bas- kin, T. Oliver Arnold, John C. Godard, William Deniston, Joseph D. Baxter, Jabez E. Titus, George Flewwelling, George Barnes, David M'Ken^e, Henry Piers, jr., Isaac Faulkner, Joshua C. Upham, Peter Brennan, Peter Dunn, John McLeod (Studholm), Patrick McBriarty, John Carroll, Nathaniel H. DeVeber, George Holmes Keirstead, J. Mur- ray Nase, William S. Frost, Simeon Hatfield White {of the Quorum), taxd James Scovil Whelpley, Esquires. High Sheriff. — Samuel N. Freeze, Esquire. Keeper of the Holla and Clerk of the Peace. — Edward Beits Smith, Esquire. Judg' of Probates. — Edward B. Smith, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills and Registrar of Probates. — J, C. Vail. Coronsrs, — Isaac Haviland, S. Z. Earle, A. C. Evanson, James Wet- wina Machine I ^^^ond'>''<^ Works Saw Factory, cor. Mill and Georgc-sts., St. John, S". B. Chkhner'i Stave Vami»h — Cor. KMg and G«rihain-$i».^ Si. J6hn, JV. B, m 64 quken's. [ises. nore, jun., Adino Paddock, O. PuHy, Riil\i« A. Stockton, Johu Wilson, John M. Raymond, Allan Mclieod, and George Hex Price, CanrmiMaionert /<»• takintj Hail and Affuhnitx in the Supreme CfMrt. —J. C. Vail, A. 0. Kvanson, Raniucl Ilallott, C. W. Stockton, Hon; J. H. Ryan, John C. Piico, S. Fojitor, .liis. A. Ilcovc, J. W. Nowlaii, Isaac A. Dddge, Philo M. Raynjond, ami James Coofc»V)n, Bsqnlres. lisuera of Marriage Licenses. — A. T. D. McElnien, and E. B. Stnllh, Esqaires. Oommisrioner for Solmnhizing Marriage. — John d.'Vall, Raqwlre. Jieeeiver of Orown J)eht»^ under Acti Vie., c. 36.— E. B. Binith, Eaq. AuctioMdts.'^E. 8. Freeze, WlHiam H. White, S. Perktns, Bamud Freeze, LeBaron Drury, James Lake, Gilbert Titus, Qilford Cotiglo, Benjamin Hproul, Abraham Johnson, jr.; W illlam Keith, James E. Fryers, Isaac Pearson, J. D. Mabce, Joseph D. Baxter; Jbseph Bdly<4. T. Gi Bai'nos, W. M. Teaklfes, Satnuel Goslino, Noah KeUli, WiUfaia A. Stockton, J 4 M'Nanght, Thomas Mathcwson, J. Shat-p, B. 't. CraWfbrd, G. Downey, D. M. Johnson, G. If. Wallace, Douglas Fairwett*Her, Samuel Foster, and Janieei W. Nowlan. Trwteea of Grammar School. -^Bqx. W. E. Scovil, Rev. W. W. l;o.i 4 Walker, and' iL^C. Vail, Enquire. ^eachtr of grammar So/iool. — lii^rthur Mauger. H»M 'I' fMfotvf' Inspector of <.— Thomas W. Wood Countjf Treaaurer. — John FlewwfUing. Terpiaof the General 8€t»i^na.r-^viii Tuesday in Marohr and Thitd Tuesday in October. . i The Probate Court for King's Countj, is held at the Co«rt llquse, on the first Monday in every month. - „ ii-. ,. ;. /x.;/- COUNTY OF queen's. / . r JudJge of the County Cowtt — James Steadman, Esquire. J. R. Currey, Esquire, Clerk. Terms: WednesdSay next after fourih Tuesday ih Jai^uary and June, and the third Tuesday in October, Justieea of the Peace.— VLo\x. Harry Peters, John M'LeaTi^ Ebenezer L. Burpee, Thomas T. Hewlett, George W. Hoben, Charles Keith, TKoittiks Harrison, Charles P. Wetmore, John M'AUister, Joseph B. Perkins, Jo- seph' Coy, Gideion D« Bailey, James Ingledew, Thomas Murray, JofatiR. Earle, John 6k>ldfi|ioh, Gilbert Perry, James Slipp, Charles E. Lahjgan, David PbilKps, John Curry, David Ebbett, Alexander C^se, Betijamin Boaili Joshua Calkins, David Ferguson, Jesse Clark; ' Joseph t\ Esta- brooks, William Malone, Francis Woods, Walter Butler, John J. W^st, Thomas W; Carpenter, Isaac B. Bunnell, John Robertson, W. H. White, J[ame8 Humphreys, Goo. W. Smith, Henry ToUd, Richard P. Yeottians, Gilbert Wiggins, Arthur Branscombe, Thos.- Leonard, Daniel Kelly, Ghas. Murray, Robert Phillips, James Pearson, John Corbett, tbenezer Wil- liams, John Clowes, Allan McDonald, Adam Strong, Charles Ste#8li^, George E. McLean, George N. Oblding, Thonms E. McDonald, Henry A. Vtadenbiiri^, George Simpson, Isaac C. Burpee, Nathaniel B. Cottle, George M'Donald, Samuel L. Peters, Benjamin S. Palmer, J oha Inch, Thomas Hetherington, and Joseph F. Hoben, Esquires, ^^l \^> ' ' High SheriJf.^John Palmer, Esquire. Olerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rollt. — T. R. Wetmore, Esq. W, C, Pagey Travelling Agent for "Wecrf" Seieing Machine. An^ N. B, I H'. T.yttfpkmt, Imp&rUr Rk*, Si^iOw^mMte /SMW, P^lptr M^ ^. 1801] ■tVHfeUtfl'. M >■. Judge of Prohaten. — ^T. R. Wf tmore, EKittlrt. A.-, RtgiUrar 6/ Prob4iU».-~Jhmok R. Ourrj, IStqwra. ' Rfgiatrar of WilU mtd J>e«d»:^Hon. lititn P^^n. ReefiiHT ofR^^iittft^r QnetnU «nd Snnt urp.^iiihn Maynwtf. Jntunetor of AiAoo^-r-Edinuod it Durtl, Eiqtirt. ■: , n\ at ri /'f6A'ai^M<»ryk*^T. B. Wktknor«,*K«qttlfe. \'\u',,;ava Barrisiern and AttormetL—'T. Sober! Wbttnore, Jtau^tLCmitf^ and ChAPlM A; U«rdina^ JBMtuirea. Jtstitn ^ Ahfrmf Lmnu9,^T, R. , W«lmoirtt, . abd O. . W. BobM, Esquires. . ,i .■;[ •; (Jim^m.'rrlhM. T; Hewlett; R^T. Babbitt, 6eMge W. WhiftB,.John Murphy, Thomas M. TiUey, Adam Strong, 0; Rj BiSf»rd (FeleprrilkfX Hotdphrey Gilberti, M. D; (Gdgetoitn), a Y. WkMe^ Ab«itoii» Daj/ Am. brose Palmer, and Samuel B. Btuart, Esquires. . \ ..-. / ' CommUnionert for takinif SptcieU Bail in the 8upr«m« 0toh|t Ajpm^roqg, IDtT^ifp B[q«|lii|(ir (PeteiiBviile), , Jame^ !^. ^0ole,jafqe9-3tark)By^ punier $. Tbqrae, I&nalft Pearsoa (Jobo^on)!, Isaac 8. Vaoiwa^tf. WilUam (j(ol4ifW (^ Waters. Butler (I.CaQnin^)^ t^^wjepaoe vtf»Jnf aQ^ (^< Keitb,(£|i^i»»ti|^ j wlilbta tbo offlo^fB wiU aId'Har> risen, Charles Duffyy Curled D. O. Curry, John Henry UeWitt, Jerralia)i Tracey, James Miller, James £. Simonds^ Willia'ib McLisan, John Stone, William Mowatt, James Payne, William £. Perley, Adam Noble, Fri^er ick W. Bailey, Geoijge N. H. Harding, and WHUara Harrison, Eaquirer. Alehandr^ World B916 FcbOwH^ iitr, N&rth >atui (h&rgt4ii*t St.JitkktK.U, C%a2M«r'« ITorai LouHpea^^Cfof. KUtg aitd Gtrmajn^t*.^ /». /oftw, K. B. *#' r'-'. >■ m (UBMBTOK. [18«8. ffiffh 8herijr.~-jAmo» 8. White, E8ii|tiire. - Clerk of the Peace 4vni Keeper of the RoUh. — Odorge Bliss, Esquire. Jtidge of Probatee.-^^Mttxa X Gilbert, Esqnire. lUifUtrar of Deetkand IF»tf«.-^Nathaniel Hubbard, Esquire; Warden.— (Jhn».VL, GloireB. Attonug at lM».r—^eo. F.Qngatj, Receiver of Royaltiee for Sunhuryand Queeke. — John Maynura. u-Jutpteldr'ofSehoolM.'^EdwtLtdO.Vneze. Coroneri. — Gerbardus Clowes, Moses H. Gobnm, Frederiek Seeley^ .TbomieTiirBey, JohnR. Seely, Henry Bees, Albert Fei^sosou, amd John T. Bailey. n' AttelioMer»,---4}9orfje 0. Nevei^ Thomas A. Beckwith, John S. Oorert^ «Bd William Burpee.. Termi of the 0«u«reUBe»$ion». — ^Flrst Tuesday hi January, and Third Tuesday in June. iPOUNTX OF OABLBTON. Juc^e of the Count jf Court— 3ivaB8 G. I^ierens, Esquire. William ll.'Cpnnetl, C^rk. T'errMtS^co^'d^Qesday in Match and December, 4nd the firit Tueiilhh\tti, Datid Himto, A. Upton, Paul M. Bedell, dhasJ Pe^ey, R. D. B^ard^ley, ,S. Estabrooks, Charles Connell, J. A. Phillips, J^ih^SLockwoQd, Geol^ Clowes, Joseph Burpee, Zepha- nlKh Mills, Leonard 'R: Harding, George L. Raymond, Ja& R. Tupper, William T. Baird, Mi^ttl^cw L. Phillips, Abncr Bnll, Jqs. RideoUt, XfrVis Est^y, lliehriel McGoirk, Jas. Kellte^f, Stephen G. Burpee, Wm. Hay ward, Blrt^fatnin L; Richardson, Miirphjr'Giberaon, WUliam S. Neven^, J6hn BWi^r, Jbhn Holland' Estey, Oat vin Churchill, William Gray, ItOhert Hfernphiil, Robert Hny, Rbbferl A. Hay, Willhftitt Lindsay, Richard S. 'DtiH, Anthony I^'^nrney, O^brge M*D6noughv Alexander 'Kirkpatrick, ChaHes 8hea. James Jordan, Bdwin R. Parsons, William Forrest,, Jl^hn Burt, Hugh C6#perthWaitej^ Ambs Dickenson, Elisha Shaw, ^^inittoQ T«trxa, Samuel Diuckenson, Gbmelius OonnoJly, John Bennett, -Richard S. Clark, James Ebbett, William Dell Estey, Isaac S. Carvill, William Reed, Seth Squires, Isaiah B. Rideout, Alexander Hawthorn, George Millberry, Geo. Wade, (Sfiso^ Squires, Wm. B. Tompkins, Geo. Thomas Hartley^ Warren C. Bull, John T. AUati, Alexander Walker, Harris H. Hobba, Simota Cummitagi^ James Grover, George H. Cohnrll, John Di Retbhoaiv Alexander Lmdsey, Delinoy Tempkins, Edward J. Smith, Robevt Xerry Norrts Best, William R Dibblee, Joha Fisher, George W. Boycr, Isaao'Wo^tman, David Merritt, J4mes»H. Jacques, John Ltelryt Scott . Emery, David N. Raymond, Hugh Montgomery, John Wol- ▼ertoc! Samuel H. Shaw^ AndnsT^ Stephenson, James Bridges, Gilbert Vanwart, Holeard ' Debeok, OUver fieusphill, Richard HokneSy George Hartley, John :Baliooh, f Bartholomew Lycch, WUliam Hole, John Mc- Laughlan, filtsha Baker, liaao Broad, Philip McCaffery, Daniel J. Day, Jobn< McBride^ and Jaimos H. Lunn, Esquu'es. Milffh iSA«ri/f.— Fre*— Lewis P. Fisher, Esquire. ■ Reffistrar t>f 7*ro6a««.-t-D. L. Dibblee, E.9quire. R*ifietr,ar of Jked» and- WUl». — David Muaro, Esquire. A. I. ^atwrratt ib ^Co.^ Retail Agmttfor *^ Weed " Mae^ne, 8t, John^ If, B. ■ j:p] F.- T, StfphffUy Importer English^ Americafi t^nd ^Veat India Oootb. 1868.] CHARLOCTIV .07 Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the.S.apreme Court. — Lewis P. Fisher, Geprge* Conoell, D. L. Dibblee, James Edgar, John 0. Wina- low, Wm. Mi Cpnnell, George L. Raymond, and R. K. Jones, Esquires. Issuers of Marriage Licenses.— H.. M. G. Garden, and W. M. Coi^nell. Notary PM5/tc.— Lewis P. Fisher, George Connell, John C, Wiusloyr, and VVUUam H. GonneUj Esquires. Gp7nm}ssiovers for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court. — Gebrgf UiRaynjond, and James R Tupper, E^vjoires. Practising Attorneys. — L. P. Fisher, D. L. Dibble, George Connell, John G. Winslow, Ja9. Edgar, Wm, M, Connell, and R. % Jones, Esqs. '/'i^fff^if ©/"jl^Aopfe—ll. 0, Freeze. _l Coroners. — George Stickney, George West, Charles R. Tlptoii, Wm. Connell, W^.JLi. Drier, John T. Allan, Samuel Watts, Charles P. Con- nell, Ikl. t)., and The9aore ^. E^tey, |!iiquires. I Auctioneers.-^ AXXsiXiaon Payson, James H. Jacquea, James Robertson, William F. Dibblee, B. H. G. Garden, and Simeon McLeod. Commissioner undfir the Absconding Debtors' Act. — J. Dibblee. Terms of the General Sessions. — ^First Tuesday in January, an4 fonith Tuesday in June. GOUliTTY O* CHARLOTTE. Judffe/^f the County C(mrt.'—3«mes G.Stevens, Esquire. George S. Grimmer, Gietk. , . liirma : Second Tuesday in January and Jane, fourth Tuesday in March, and first Tuesday in October. -r jH'*ti(iwt«ftfi\e P«acev«^Bobei^ Thomson, Patrick Clinch, Charles R. Betheway^ David Mo^atfe, Wilford Fisher, Abraham J. Wetmore, Coch- ran Craig, Geocgti' MqKay, John J. Uobiuson, James W. Street, James 3oydf R.,.W!atson,. J. Grimmer, John Farmer, James Brown, laaao Knight, Archibald McCallum, Jacob Young, Henry Webber,, Wil- liam Thorafon, John Cat*lyle, Malcolm Mealy, Francis Hibbert, CldQdiiuis Messiuett, Peter Morrison, Patrick Curren, Daniel Sullivan, William H. Chaifey, George Fountain,. John C. Messinett, Hugh Ludgate, John Marks, 'George P. Knight, Augustine Bancroft, John A. Heuey, John Mann,: Junior, Charles Bradley, Samuel McFarlane, Thomas Barry, J[oh|i E. Moore, Thomas (/otterel, Robert Acheson, Gideon Prescott, William K. Reynolds, Isaac Justison, James Kussell, Junior, Zachariah Cfaip- roaa, Ui^h CulUnftn, James Murchie, George B. Al)wood, George S. Grhniner, Timothy Crocker, Thomas Fraser, Th9mas Robinson, Tt^Was B. Wilson, John McLeod, Magnus Green, Alexander McDermott^ Geo. Maxwell, Geoi^i^ei Dick, Robert Stevenson, Cl\arles M.Gove, Qeprge Allen, Nathan Sri tart. Rex IV1. King, Robert McLellan, James E. Lynott, W.H, Stevens, Thomas T. Odell, Nehemiah Marks, Samuel H. Whit- lock, William t. Rose, William Eills, George F. Stiekney, Jeremiah Hanson, Danidl Crilley, Levi Young, John Mcintosh, Thomas Black, John Orr, Joseph Donald, Joseph Simpson, Charles F. Clinch, James B. Bradford, Charles E. 0. Hathewiy, Henry Hitchings, John 3. Magee, Hugh Morrison, Isaac Newton, Hayden Guptiiil, Thomas Watt, James A. Moran, Abraham Toung, A. H. Gillmor, Senior, 6amuel Johnson, Tobias Gilinour, and Isaac McElroy, Esquires. IJigh Sheriff.-r-A\ex. T. Paul, Esquire. Clerk of i he Peace and Keeper of the Rolls. — G. S. Grimmer, Esq. Judge of Probates. — George D. Strret, Esquire. 8(, Johf^ If,B.m J.Fi Zawtpfi, Semr Jfmt^actureTy cor: North and Qeorge-sto.y St* John, I I I I I i i lf^\ I'ff • m ■■•if m ; ^Mb>i^» Ftavorinff EHrftetn — Cor. King and 0ermain-8tii7y J^. John, 66 GLOrCESTKtt. [1898. JHegiatrar. — Benjfttnin R. Stevenson, Esquire. jRegittfrar ofDeedrahd Wills.— Earns &. Hatch, Esquire, Commissioners for taking Affidavitnin the Snpreme Court.-^O. H. HatHe^ay, Isaac Knight, John E. Messinett, L. Drake, James A. Grant, and all Attorneys of the Supreme Court. ' Commissioner for taking Bail. — V^TIliaiifi T. Rose, St. St^pheti. Mtaries Puhlid— John F. Grant (St. Stephen), 0. R. Hathpway, C. W. Wardlaw, William McLean, George 8. Gammer, Benjamin R. Stie- ve'nson, and George D. Street (St. Andrews). Inspector of Schools. — ^Edmund H. Duval, Esqufre. Commissioners under the Abscotiditi^ J)ebtoi'ifAet.—-(JbMei'R. ttatheWay andSamuel H. Whitlock. (7n«f#.— David Mowatt, Sam^rcl t. Gove, Dr. Robert THon^^Oln, William T. Rose, Dr. Gemm, H. W. Valentine, andTboma^G. JuMason. Auctioneers.— Wm. Whitlock, J. H. Whitlock .Georger. QamplljeU, Albert-D. Stevenson, Thomas McVey, and Wm. McLean. 7'erms of the General /9«««ion«.— Second Tuesday in April, abd Third Tuesday in September. ' ; COUNTY OF aLOUOBeTER. ' Judge of the County (7our<— Hon. Edward Williston. William find, Clerk. IWum : Third Tuesday in January and July, and first Tuesday in April. ' jMtices of the Peace. — William Napier, Hon. John Ferguson, P^rry ^. N. Dumaresq, John Doran, Robert Robinson, Francis ^rguson, Sa- muel L. Bishop, John Chalmers, John Walsh, William Taywr, Jost^ph Sewell, John Meahan, George Smithy Jolin E. O'Brien, Charles If e«li*n, j^ames Smith, Robert Brown, Robert Young, Robert Nixony WflNim Davidson, James G. 0. Blackball, William End, Hilarion Aohe, Frttteis Alexandre, Alexander Campbell^ John Foley, Matthew Parrott, Andrew Darcy, Samuel Miller, Kulus Cutler Cole, Henry Augustine McCulIoueh, John Kerr, William Ferguson, Patrick Whalan, Robert Young, lien., John Louis Legere, Henry A. Sormonay {of the Quorum)^ and Narcisse Writer, Esquires. High Sheriff.— J). Gustavus Madauohlan, Esquire. Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of Hie Peace and of the SestioM. — Tho- oi^lus DesBrisay, Esquire. Surrogate. — Henry W. Baldwin^ Esquire. - Registrar of Probates.— I). Gustavus MaclaiicMati, Eiqufre. Re^irar of Deeds and 1f»^.— Henrv W. Baldwin, Esquii^e. Coroners,— John McKenna, and William W. Gkirdon, Esquires^ Inspector of Schools. — Daniel Morrison, Esquire. Master of the Grammar School. — George R. Parkin, Esquire^ A. B. JhruMees and Directors of the ^r«m/Wttr 'Aigle, Amant Bourgeois, Sen., James Lucas, Alex. Mc Williams, !^tephen Briggs, Jacob Ferguson, David MoM inn, Joseph Doherty, Robt. lirown, Thomas Stevenson^ John Stevenson, Edward Walker, Alexander Girvan, Jonathan, Dickinson, Zaccheus Pliinney, Kenneth B. Forbes, Albert T. Smith, John Ford, Thomas Irvine, Alexander Johnson, Owen Mclnerney, H. H. Wilson, Henry Dwyer, Fierce Quiltey, John Harnett, Theophilus Bilodeau, Chas. Cormey, Samuel Jt;rway, Simon Allen, 41 ichael BIcFad- den, Herbert Irving, Thomas Ritchison, Alexander Robertson, and Robert Chalmers, l^uires. High Sheriff. — William Raymond, Esquire. CUrk of the Peace,. and Keeper of the JRoUs. — Charles J. Sayre, Esq. Judge of Probate: — James A. James, Esquire. Eegistran-'ChHtleB J. Stiyre, Esquire. Regiatrar of Deede and irt7^*.-^Tho8. Wetmore Bliss, Esquire. lamer of Marriage Liceveee. — Charles J. Sayre, Esqu'rc. , Coroners. — Hugh H. Wilson, M. D., Horatio H. Smith, Isaac W. Do- heky, M. D., and L B. Freeman^ M. D., Esquires. hapector of Schools. — D. Morrison, Esquire. Teacher of the Orammar School. — C. M. Hutchinson, Esquire. Notaries Public— John Bowser, Thos. Wetmore Bliss, and the At- tomies practising in the County. Auctioneers. — Richard McLauclilan, .Tolin L. Dwyer, George Beattie, RufusS. Chandler, Joseph Wetmore, IMchard Sutton, Jun., Jacob Fer- guson, John Wheten, and Diiniel McArtlnir. Terms of the General Session*. — Second Tuesday in January, and fourth Tuesday in June. ^^^^ ypT-yMil/examira Works Saw Factory, Cor. Non-th and Oeorge-sts,, St. John, N.B. L*' ■I •' Chalomr^ Fancy Syrupt, Cor. Kin y and &ermatnr^8.iBt JbhH,2f. S. 70 AVeSTMORLAND. [1868, COUNTY OF ■VVESTMORI^ANP., Judpe rf the County CVmr^— James W. Chandler, Esqjulre.' Dapie! \4. Haniugton, Esquire, Clerk. Terms: Third Tuesday hi J^ne, siicond Tuesday in December, and firsit Tuesday in March. * / Junticeii of the Peace.-^Xtnm E. Hotsford; William Wilsotfi John Chapman, Jo.'^eph Avard, Pliilip Palmer, 1)? niel Hanin'gtqn,' .fijhn Trenholm, George Oulton, George Tittfield, Samuel Black, Philip thapman, Thomas E. Sraitli, Thos. Keillor, Rufus Cole,' Joseph Chap- man, Charles Dixon, .lohn Carey, Alexander Munro, .Ihtniia A'fiderson, Alexander Wright, Peter Mc^wecney, Wm. Steadman, DnridMiirrtiy, Thomn« Tochran, r^ylvanns Minor, .Jesse L. Bent, WnH. Allot), 'ReMben Chase, Kphraim Raworth, Ainand Landry, Silas C. Charters, ^ Abt^ham Jones, Hugh McMoiinglo, Sum. S. Wilmot, David Hoyd, Chas. Mulryne, Moses Jones, Thos. GHnible, .'as. Dickson, Jos. Hleakney, Thos. Brown, Silas r>. Copp, Israel Steeves, John Read, Thos. Carter, Warren Price, Hufus Chappell, John S. Bamaby, John Rcid (Bay deVerte), Frank IGaU lagher, Pollett Gallang, J. S. Trites, Robert Madison^ John Ilarriai. Jos. McIIaO'cy, Oliver Jones, James Powell, Lewis Richards; Joseph B. Bowpor, Titus llicks, Christopher Haiper, John 'Fiiwcett, Lemufel WHbur, (Jeorge Harper, Jonas Taylor (o/ the ^<>r«»w), RofusWry, liOvell Lewis, Patrick Herbei't, Robert Godfrey, Joseph Hickman, Wm. George, Chatle** C. Hamilton, James Dunlap, Wm. C. HobinSon, Wm. T. Wortman, Daniel E. Casey, Jeremiah Lutes, William E. Chapman, Aibos Ogden, Angus McQueen, Stephen Mills, Stephen Binney,. Eustace Babiuu, JohuFord, Abel Atkinson, Samuel G. Gilbert, William Duncan, Edwm J. Harshman, Hugh Davidson, Hiram Humphrcys,Adam Tait, John IL BroM nul), Tiiumas Buiid, Walter Cahill, Adam C. A. Wells, Job Allen, James Tingley, Thadduns Ltgoip, and Ruius W. Gooden^ Eikjuires. High Sherijf.—bhi'ir HotsJTurd, Esquire. a' ■ Vlrrk of the Peace amt K'tper of the i2o//*.»T-Chaa E. Knapp, Esq. •Awfjjjtfo/ 7'iW/a/e.t.-:— Hon. Edward B. Chandler. Ji«jfi$triir ef Probclt*. — Charles E. Knapp, Esquire. Jititft,sfrar of /A-rtAs oitd Wilis. — William Backhouse, Esqiiire. Coronrr*. — Jacob Wortman, ,K C. Harper, W. J. M. Uaniugtun, Elias W. Kiliutt, Joshua Woo. Hanington and C harles Theal (Shediac), and S. a Wilmot (Salisbury). Com»)issiotirrfi ftn' takinp SfH-nal £ailin iheStipretne Court. — Wm. WUson, hubi>rt Godfrey, James Beaty (Mouctou), and S. S. Wilmot A'ilsoD, A. L. Palmer sford, Charle« HokteaJ -James /»♦*/*««'/«•»• c. Copp, Tinio;hy Kichaidsou, aiid Charles Caliill. ii The " ITwrf" J/iirAtM* w fitHftl^ in eonatntetioH^-Chat. A. Bove^t^ Gen. Am F. T. Stepheru, tmportir j^taiy Gofflu, Tdbaeoo,Pipllf9,^ei Z. Enapp, Esq. 'ettmorland.^ Bovetf, Om.J^\ 1868.] NORfnmireKtdiAito. W Commitaionen of Setpera Bantaehoi* Mttrth^ /8Ae«Iiae.-^.Dominic Budrot, and Mark Budrot .' .. Cwnmimoner of Sewer* Mill Crteh Marth, 8€U>Mll«,^'Rnfvai Pdhner. Oommissionert of 8ei»er» EUer Aboideau Marshy S*el^iU9 knd Westmorland. — A. % Botaford, Isaao Loweraon, and Nelton Bttlmer. Attctioneem.—'Wtn, Lvurenee^ Robert AtkinaMi, Ichabod iSterea. Joabua Wood, J. WHdon Cbapman^ Robert Hallett, Hugh MoMonagle) Robert Moffatt, Silaa Crane Chartera^ and William J; M. Banittgtoft. lamter of Marriage Lieent^.^-^ChAiAe8 l^t Qtdtny-. Temu of the Getieral Setsions. — Third Tueaday in June and aeeond Tueaday in December. " ';.Hi|'>'I — f.ihdhul) — .v^vv^vv .»m\vhV'. COUNTT PF; NORTHUMBBBLA.KP. /. ,fft«;') tnUiU. JuDOK OF THK CooNTY CouBt.— HoD.' E^irard. WilUatoh. Satpti«l Thomson, Esquire, 01et*k. Termt: Fourth Tuieaday'in Jantiary and July, second Tueaday in April, and third Tuesday in October.* Justices or thk Peace. — George Kerr, Ridiacd'HutchinBon,' Peter MitcheiU, Alexander Goodfellow; Thomaa C. Allan, Alexander McL^gg^, Thomas W. Underbill, James W. Hierlihy, John Portfer, Peter Iktorriapn. James L. Price, Alexander Eraser, Jr., Donald McNaughton, Miles MO^ Millan, John McAllister, Jun., Richard Sutton, AJ(»xander Loudon, WiU liam Muirhead, George E. Letson, John McRae, Hiram Freeze, Geoi^ Whitney, William Ruasell, ^John HaWa, Johd iWiUiaton/ Louia Bobi- cheau, Robert T. Miller, John Fallen^ Bark Archibald, William M, Kelley, Michael McKendrick John Lawlor, Alexander E. McDougMl*^ George H. Rusaell, Oeoige A. Blair, James Milled, Th(Mna» F. Gillea^e, Miles Carroll, John Noonan, Williate Pairk, John Kiindle, James Fish, Neil Gordon, David Johnston, Robert Fedconer, -George BurchUl^ Alexander Saundera, Duncan Davidson, John Johnston (Tabuaintac),- Alex. Laggie (Burnt Church), John Fairley, William Strim, Peter Sfeeoti, William C. Ilarley, John Nevin, Charles Sargeant/ Jeaae G. Bai^n^; Robert R. Call, Alexander Jaasamine, William Falconer, YitklAllaoi; Hugh Bain, James T. Griffin, Jacob C. Gough, Adam D. Sbcrrifl; Michael Searle, William WiUi'ston, Isaac MatbesOn, Jabez B. iiiidwbaU, Williani Masson, jnn., imd John Q. G. Layton, Esquirea. ^ •■' 'i ...-Martin Cranney, Allan A. Davidson, Robert B. Waadon, Edward Rogers, John MoLeod, Wm. 0*Bffi(ai, John S. Benaon, and John Thomson, M. D., Esquires. '.r! .7 . ' Inspector or Schools. — ^D. MorriBon,'E8(]iuire. ^ Commissioners for taking ArnoAViTS in thk Supreme CouRt.— Newcastle— Patrick Watt, Richard Davidson, and William Park^ Eaqra. Chatham — John McDougal, Esquire. ,un- can,jr., John AdanSyjr., George Wright, :PaulDeve2:«AUX» Lftwrencc Lepoiht, and Robert Archibald, Esquires. ._,,;,:i HiGHSnKBirr. — John U. Campbell, E8({nire. GtBRi or TBE PfiACE AND Kecpeb Of THE RoLLS.— 'A. Bariicrie, E^q. B^RROOATC—^James S. Morse, Bscpiite. :i 1 Registrar or Deeds and PROBATss.—Andrew Barberie, Esquire. Inspector or Schools.— D. Morrison, E^^uire. SiJPKkvisoR or Roads.-- John McLaughlin, Esquire. ■ iCoMMlSStONER FOR TAKING BaIL IN THE SCPRKMK CoCRT.-^Dugald Stewart (Dalhousie), and Chas. Murray (Campbellton), Esquires. IsstER or MaIiriage Licenses.— a. Barbaric, Esquire. GOMMISSIONERS UNDER THK ABSCONDING DEBTORS* ACT.— Dugald Stewart and Arcbib&Id Ramsay. Coroners.— James S. Morse, Joun U. Campbell, Allan McKendrick, lt%»** Wted^ wtaku th* $am$ Mtitek on both nde$' -St John, JV. B7 F. T. SlephenB — A large OMortment of EnglUh Teas alvayt on hand. I868.J ALBEKT. 78 1^ i ^ s > Is Winiarti Disbrow, M, D., Samuel PhaHir, M. D., and Lloyd P, Tooque, M. D., Esquires. Fishery Wakdens.— Alexander Chamberlain and Eben. Ferguson. Teach KR OF Grammar School. — Frederick McCurdy. A^<:;tioNEEKf;.>->Joliti U. Oarapbell, Charles Murray, David Sadler, Wntiam Montgomery, Jbhn Phillips, and Jhrnes Ritchie. Po«//»a4^r&.—Du\housie, James Hervie ; Campbellton, Allan Mb* Kendrick;'- .. !j'./ ' .,'' "'^'L..'' v' ' ' ' .^jcstiGotCRK AiORiCTTLilVRAL Sodi^tr.— A. Barberie^ Esq., Fresideiit r| Adaip Ferguson, Esquire, ,\Uie President; William S.S'mth, EsqtfK.' rtec,r*tary and Treasurer. . ' !' ; Tj^RMHOVTHE Generel ^Es^ibss OF THE Pkacje. — Finst Tuesday itt January and ' second Tuesday in July. ', COUNTY OF ALBERT. J^gp of the County Court. — Ji^mes IV. Chandl^, Esquue. S. 0. Morse, Clerk. . Term : Second ll'uesday in March and Koirember, and fouKth Tuesday in J ^ne. /^atice$o/ the Feacc-^Uon. E. B. Chandler, John Smith, Peter McLdHan, James Brewster, John Lewi?, W. H. Steves, George Calhonn, Elisba Peck, George Steves, Evoch Stiles, Edward Stevens, J. S. Col- pitts, li^obort Wright, Isaac Gross, John Wallace, Edward Steves, Janiea Rogers, Ley^ Wfl's, John A. Reed, Hiram Edgett, EzraStevea, James Ryan, William S. Hopper, Jun.^, John Barchard, A. R. Chapman, Jameg Horsman, Thom:*s Colpitts, Lewis E. Steves Amos A. Bliss, WillUun Hatletty Lewis Stmtb, James Oarnworth, William P. Robinson, John N. Chapman, William J. Reed, John Alcorn, Nathan M. Bennett, John L^ B. Steevcs, William, Fillmore, Peter Btiify, Joseph A. Steves (^ i; § r 's i^' i i '^ i ^ %. •« &■-' s m "■> " "^ p,: 4 1" a Rr Bird Seed, all Mrub—Chakmer, 8t. John, IT. B. ,. . r H VICTORIA. [1&6S. roBwjptt'. • • OOUNTT OF VICTORIA. ifW^ 0/ /^ CoutUy Court. — Janies G. Stevens, Esquire. Williain ,T. Wilmot, Esquire, QLei;lF. : terma : First Tuesday in March and Deo^mfcEdr, an4 secoind Tujesda via July.. jMlie^ of the Pe^e.-^Benjamln Beveridge, Charles A. Hamn^nildt Fetter.^. 4iimi|rattx, Frapois Rice, John Costi§f«n, yita} Tibodeaa, teoA Be|J^«iif, ifil^infi ^eU^fluer, James Bishop, George W. Curry, fianuii has Armstrong, Thomas Finn, Re^st Therriault, Fruden Gagnon, Stephen (^Ussier, WaIb^:Bntt,MiehaelKirUn, William CliiTord, WiUiam Hartt, Abratiam C' Haniimond, Hilaire LeV^eor, FlorentFournier, John Hiurtt, Roderick McLean, James Grew, Rosamond Violette, Joehua D. Gib^r^on, Joseph Cyr, Vital Hebert, A(la^ J* Beveridge, Francis Tibbits, Ezekiel Hutdiinson, Abraham L Cooiubes, William t). Kearney, Cyril Patrpis, IfTilliam livdritL Willl^fn M. Laskey, Cornelius iMcManlius, Joseph Hiim- Vtif#,''Witlikin^6reho1ise, Elijah Larlee, Levit Therriault, John Lynch, jQhn.Tobin, Ak 71 Mm. GAKABA^ n i- 'iin'l .i\ His 9xceUepo7;tl\e Right Hono^ble G^AELES STINLBT TlMesideiM of ^9 Piivy. Ooineil f Jion;^tervMitiih«Il, Mii^ster oi^ Marine and Fisheries ; Hott. Alcaiib(ie^*Ganpbiitt4i.PoatiBaa> tv'^:i.': .'/'.. ■..-,, .."ITT^ Members of the Senate ior the Protince of New > BR0itffvuoxv«» Hons. Atiidt El Bmsford, Tiiliii'TTilliiiliiiiii;Hiiiliiiii Ti nii|iii, 171111 TT Odell, IKkVid mrk; WMMlHlfH^^ A. R. MbOtefeii.'i^ndPeterMiichiell.' '''i-i '/'' ,>•'•.••. v. \j. "v, v\«.vv-ii 'Maiiiteite o^rrmi^ov^dr CkMHi^irs innt^ toi PRoVlNci !oi (^^ Bi— York Cintnty .•J|Mi|)iib£isl^r. Carleton : .QhaskaJUiUHMllr QueuCt^ John "^^'^ '-/Hnyf •^^tftffli;Tl31ljrt- ^' Ttrnhn^- -" Thnrin F-irrni ATt ^umWfiot^if .* MnJ^d^n^nT^s^itortafitl." Albert J.Smkb; s JEVn< ; &hiiirhtU't ' 9ohW Bbltto. jeM%ot JeteJIc- Fteforta: John Costigan. Albert t John Wallace^ Hfi'liNiif CM/^: T; W. '*"t"l ,' T"^i^Tt""JtfrnW fir^r t%16aii»tJoiM; /Mt'iffW'// b-rotfcni. .4* ms Exceilencf kajbi- Cenenii HASTINGS IjbY^K^/I^i^titetta^^^ i^iid CompaQd^in-Ohief of the Froyihoe of new BhiilWlcK. ' '^'^ George Montgomery Campbell, Private ^crehrytoihe$4t!ili.Oi^l)e^^ Harry Moody, Lieut..-poK Gb^rifail Pniry^ ^4^ Gap.tain B. Lester Peters, . ^, ,, . ,^ Provincic^ Atde»-4e'Camp. Hon. — ?r -^1 , Provincial S^bretary (Pon. !A.'Ito!ttkfM W«fa*^, Attoi^n^y G^ndral ; Hotii. Charles N Slfin^ierj Solicitor' Cieitetid; Bon. — ^' : .. : , Surveyor ffi9«8 or Ta% crowh. p868. Seely, Hon. Francis Rice, Hon. ^o^n J. Robinson, Hon. Charles Perley, Hon. Daniel Hanington, Hon. Joloi Letrfih^ fion. Robert Young, and Hon. WflHattAfqirbvad; Clerit AMifijteBt.; J ieorg9iPpt, ... . ... , .. At :-B. R. Jouett, Esq., TTsher or Black Rbd : Rev. John 1 (M<»r«.— George iBpt^of4, Beaqniro, Clerk iKdwarfl t^. IJflller, Isq., Hk AsslAtABt.;^. R. Jouett, Es^, ', ' „.^ ." . ' h . ONWii o/ 1^|;.«*^vItoVviBBq., J^AiBflriot . hV ' ii^-^-^^igg^uirMLi : . ■';(.'■ i 'wit ■,-..■. • , ,..,. ■■' ■ i MjUiM^land'-^**^ •^-^t SsqOires. ': • ,:^ ,j.i-' ;.. ,; ; \, ■ audi— f-*i**»»«i^—S -Esquired. 7uj...,,-j«>, .iif70i,fi(^f ■^:iuu\ v*)'yAl .wW Count]/ of Charlotte. — Pmii John |ftpj^-:v~-^'\ :■■•:• rcM • ■^/;, 1 ;::t •.- , OMmil^ 6/ tQuMMJ-^UMNMii^ and, Tfrfr-, ' p o i>.n Esqulr^ , , , ; ^ ^mE. Perley, an^JfpUziOT, lleqpi^f^ i! hi) ihuiity(of.:Bunbmiy.^ County of Carleton. — W. Lindsay,' ani) JJaqpirflf. CSoulh^ of. ■NorMumberl9ntL*'^ti»rge fKejriv ,9ic|]^^ ^t|po, imd -^■^' >"t i i^-vEsqutrea.-. ',; ,m.'. •■ .-Im'I ■< •■■■'> • ■. C^bWn/y 9^ Glbueeiter.-^* Maebao^ land frrr*r\\r-*f- — ' ^^u^riBS. 'Cmmly of Jieii^fatUihe.TfJLX^ P«ftBrlsfiy^ lM»4AWilU w JJ^t^jp^qr, I ijfo/AlhM.^, A. Feok^yaiid GeorM Bligs, Kisquirfs. Ckmniyof Vietoria. — B. Beveridge, and Vital Herbert, Esqi4i^&j City of Saint John. — Hon. A. . ^unsford Wetmore, and' —^ -, Eaquirec. — , Jfiaquiref. Oj^r».--^2toli* P: iiy^ J. Bliss, laatiirei .Clerk Assistant :• AbrabamC.,Cobum, Esq., Sergeant-at-Anns ; 2v. t;:k^rpl. ii.,;chaplain,; ■■ ■ -;-L^; ; "■-•'•;'" ^^^"-^' '''- '^ NoTK.~The election for the above vacaiioles bad not faKen pii j(>1aU'Wlien this aheletW&vttrlDted. • • ■■■■aw Hon. David Wark, Receiver Oencral ; Beverley Robinson, Esq., Col* lector of Customs ;. Thotanar R. Robertson, Esq., Deputy Receiver Gene- i»l;,^ilie9) JobaBcpj'Esq.^; Auditor, GenfsraL: . . Qi<«^V ^oMn^.-^Hon. WiUiam ,B. Kinn^r, Hon. E, ]^^, Chandler, IiQiBkiR> L. Haaen, tlon. John H.; Gray, ^^gnies W. Cb&ndler, GeOrge Kerr, D. S. Kerr, A. R. Wetmofe, Charles Duff; A. J. Smith, William Jack, George D. Street, J. G. Campbell, S. R. Thomson, Lewis P. fisher, A. L. Palmer, James G. Stevens, James Steadman, W. H. Tuck, and B. Les- ter Peters; Esquires. nta.7.«juU ^*ar BOARiD OF W0KK8. '■'\ Hon. John McAdani, Commissioner ; Asa Coy, Esquire, Clerk. I' I 1 91 o l\ i For Manufadoriea thf " Weed** hoe no wperior—N^mm St,^ St. John. F. T, SUpKm$t lHunay Qt'ocer, liB Dodt Slmlf BaikiMk, N, B. isea] CtfOWttL \,a 11 RAILWAY BOARD. (^eorge Thomas, Esqaire (Chairman), William J« Gilbort and C. H. lUnreather, Bsquii^ CQmipiaaionera. •, ,»nn oi) oriT y >, '11 ;v.»tjniii! ' OOUBTS. i>'fi •If/:: ' , , '^ iDlU0//tii«tM.^Hon. WiUiam J. Mtohla, eth Deoambir^ m ^ JtuOeti.'^non. NeciUe Park^; Hon. Lemu^ AUen W1Imo^ 8th January, 1861 ; Hon John G. Allen, 22d September, 186^ ; Hont Jol W. Weldon, 6th December, 186iS. Wil&m H. fiaidiV Hs^ttfee; a^urk 6f the CMw«(cW0Vp« Carman, Eaqnira. Clerk of the Plefa; Hon John Sunooe Sauadors, Clerk of the Circuits, and Clerk of the Crown on the Circuits. /V; . Tkrms : iR/ory— Pirsfc Tuesday in JPebrttary ; ,iKMf*r— Second Ttfea- day in April; 7Hn%— Second Tuesday in June; JftcAae/moa— Second Tuesday hi October. • afn'./. ♦-, Nisi Pbisi Sittinos in thic Ottctf^r of York —Second Tuesday in Januanr and. four^ Tuesday in Jtme. ., ,.., I ,- \ .> ' • CIRCUIT. couKw: . ,.,/,iiV ' ;^ Sawt John— Second Tuesday in January, Xayv«ilfl| Av8W|^>^d •■.■■-■.' ."U \by- ■ . . ,n'.;\«." •\iknv\ IfjiloH ^' thfjrd Tuesday in November , SoMB^fiT—Foiirth Tuesday in Jktiuary* CHAJRLarriB>-r^irst Tuesday in Auguis^ ii.Kwo'ft'^^-Seoond Tuesday. in Jl^y♦(, ;i^ 'AiuiBRrr'-'SecOnd Tuesday in J,ulyw' • ; WBMiibtiiAKi)--^Tbird Tuesday in July. KKNT-^Fourth Tuesday in'Septjember. ' lU|9iiaoucH*-~L*'rt Tue«^ in 'August, GwuciBTEit— FiriSit TueadftV in Sentember. •' '"«:'• '"liyii trrhwbH l!rS:^m.aii.AiJih^cond Tuqsifiy ,in «cptemb^r^7 v- ' ; » "j^;;;"/^ CAMATON^Last.TvSdayjp SeR^mlier_^ ;-^ '; ^'^ L'IL J. 'i'io ViciM*BiA--We4nfi^ay. before tlie laatTuffl^ iiji.l .f,.»l Cfivii;^-. irOft IWK PROBATit. ^b" Wl^fca; . and- ORANT^NC^'-Al»i^^Wita^«.i The ?)N>bSftt^ Court ifor the dttr. and County ^ofl/StLiJ^C^^ eVferr Tiiesday at .thitse o'clock at the Regiailry;>0fl|q9;\JP4t.thAi m» s 5! I HoBQf«))i« iJevilleParkeci Judge'lF. A. H. Stral|RW,'BBir.i »<*• TBBitt-Xhe fijurth'ljueaday^.inl^bcdary; June, iliid;(^t6f«4fi^^^-^;-^ ^ ' &o«irabrellobeft jk flazen, J»dge aiid Coi#J^^T^^^#«i*aj!'|J Estraiw, Advocate Gbneralj Geoi^ge ;BlatoH, EMuff!^. .^r^" Scribe; Hon. W. B. Kionear, and G. Sidney Smith,;e8<4«»JFe. J6hn Htihitiert, Esquii'e,' Marshal. .a'' Uiui mm k1 .)i t.U ^^^^^l8aiil5dii^^^€&n^f^^ ■ i ChPd^GfmihL&f^^ ,,. 98 BABIIBTIM 'AW ATTORNin. C^»w. ■ OOCBT rOR TBI TRIAI. A»D PUMUUaiUENT OF PIRACT AND ^TVyA orrsNCjcs on thk iiioh seab. TheOoTernor; the Ciiief Justice, and othet: Juckret Qf 'i! c ' ^Ci«j|ie Oourt; the Members of the Executive Cbtinoii; 3uS^ of the Vice Ail- mlnjty ; the Public Secretary ; Pabtie Treasurer ; Commander in Ohief, Flag Officers, and Captains, ivlditkn|r||||nders of Ships of War on thit StaUon for the tin\^ b^ing;; -, , Registrar and Scribe. The pOMrt sits at ilny placid tTithlli the Prbvinee to be appointed bj jmy tht^.6f i9l^ iMti)bm--lii^ Gov^fMir, CM •r'«n»e.of the vWle^idf Ufa Supreme Cburt, d^ Judge of theiAdmiralty, b«ing one. ■'I . . BOI^ OF BAMISTSBfi iii ATT^ [OBSsBTa.— llioie wlioM names are printed In Ittt^loB are not aetoalljr praellt' Uiil'i^ this EroTiuoe.1 , ■ iij! , jIk ^u \ * ^tkosetaarkbdllhiiS* aveNoUriesPabH&r^m ^t. : t? A)^:HtT ITA^lE^. Jamti 8ha$uum JforM, 8 on. John Simooe Saunders, ori. "Wnhaift BQjrdi&iBVMi^ Al/rtd Loch Strtetf .... Hon. Edw. Barron Chandler^ William End, Charles P. Wetmore, * Cfeorge Jarvis Dibblee, . . . William Wiley, * Robert Fraser Hazen, . . . William Carman. Horatio Nelson Hicks Lugrin,. Timotbv R. Wetmore, B.C.I4. Edwara Betts Smith, . , . ^ Andrew Barbarie. .•,,.,..»«*.» Samuel Hallett Whiitodk. .'. Oeoi Bon. ^tfaOi^^Kifan. Wfn, V, , . vr* oefa^ A. B., .... Harai% -I'-'U.l itKiM'BiiM JMidtuiBii.: .: . Oeorge F. H. Minchin, .... George Dixon Street Chipman BMWbMfJ'i uv^i:;; Duncan Robertson, • WiUiam Bunter 0Mki4* ^ David Lewis Dibblee. A. B., Admitted Attorney.. Admitted . — !T~r 19 Feb. 1814 l8ido. lY j8May» :4)» 11 Oct., 20 do.jio. %i 20 Feb., 28 llJttly, 2»| 18 OeC, ' M ITJulf, M 16 O^i' 'do. 15.0ot., rdo, do. '^i|^ UJnly, 18 Oat, d^ 4a. ' ; do. 19Feb., I8U 18 do., 19 MMaj, ^^ i'»dp. /doi 14 July, do. 19 0bt^, do. 17 Jalt,' 26 flOOoi., do. 5 Feb., 28 I8:0et», do. 4l6^Jul7, dv, 14 Oct. ,do. ,^ ^ S.Feb., do. ^r^«»y» »116Ju|^; 81 It di;/' db, doi ' '^ 'doi I6Q0W dp; sm:, 81 11 Fdb:, .82 SMay^ 89 WOqt, J *). do. ,r...fio. 12 Oct:, do. 18 •■doi. -^-.M ; do. ' ydq. t Fel^.; 85 "do. ' ' do. 18 J;uly, r,^- do. do. 170ot.j tdo; idtt; ' dbw do. . do, do. i< I do.; 9arriiter. 18 Oct J 17 do, 10 db. lliFeb.^ a MM', eOct.,, s oa., 9Feb^r 7Tib., ^ Feb., apeb., ?^'- do; * idb. .'. . 11 Feb., do do, I do. 88 87 do. do. do. 87 Besldenoe. Nova Scotia. Fredenoton. SMpt,4obif. SIf Andvewa* Dbii'Qti^st^. Batbnrst;^ Frederlotlo'n. do. > Rivw do Chute. HAainiJobn. Frefl^rioion. ^ntJA^. K1ni»ton,'K.O. DtUionsie. fit. Andrews. ^dfOhatfaam.' li2]-»ii:Joiui./ Chatham. iD8jPi«dei4et4il. 84 Qagftoifm; fredifrioton. aint. John. , . Ff(»defic?dn; flUAndr^v. Campbelltown Hppeweil, No^it Hebtia. Silni Jiihn. Fredericton. Saint Stephen. '■.'^d«. ]' ■■ Oorobeater.' ;S«int J,ohn. Wpo^toieji^ f d^i'^Weeif'^til^JXiiM 4; B, y. T. Sttpkem^ Coffta Roemted and OrounJ on the premium 18A8.J BAMusTnaft £iniATWiaink'-^'^>'i^ \Wi^ ^^^■^?i19 NAMES. i.- Attora«y. Hon. John H. Gray, A. B. . Janue White Mere, A. B. . • BUm Botfeford. Wm. ThemM wilmot, A. B., Georg* B<>tiford, • TfaOmM BottoB WUaoDt ..i. JolM D. JSSnhemr. .... Jonatkdn AlcCufUy, .... GhsrM WiUter WardUm, *MiKin Bent Palmer, *Praoc1t A. U. Btrattott, .... Hob. John U. Johnion, Jun., J mtt^B Stanley Morse, .... The^pbiras Deibrisay, .... SiWail 3. Hooril, A. B., .... WlMiam R. M. Uartis *0harle8 D^fl; Wiltitm Tjng fktere, .... AlMlrewO.Jiihek. • ;.j. *Jaln(« A. Warding, ) 'U..j *A)Iatt A. Davidson, < .... James Peters Wetmore, ...< ThomM T.W^er, ..... *GtieU»9iieIi.Jarw,4'B., *Jame« J. Kaye,. WUliam B. Twynam, ^Andrew R, Wetmore, ..... Edward H. Wilmot, A. M., 0««rgb Cotitioll. ..i. AnHrevr W. Rainsford, . . . .< Gedrge F. Rouse, • » ,,.4 ♦Lewis P. Fisher, ■ ^ . , . ChariiM Dohertr. Uuititihret T. Gilbert, .... Thomai <;. Chapman, .... W. M. Maclauebian, A. B., *John G. Campbell, .... Williiwn Jatnes Gilbert, .... *A<»las li. Palmer, '■ .... •Gioii?* Ottf, ..., ■Heioert Jw'tet. Jun.. • . . . , ♦Albert J. Smilh, Q. 0. .... Jaimee OdeU. A, B., ■ .... ♦Thomas W. Bliss, ♦Jaiiies A. James, RSehard S. Annstvonff, .... Edward ir. Miller, BeMikrd 0. Friel, Bmyhe B. Stevens, ..;, ^Samuel B. Davidson, .... John Henry Mair, .... George jffyre, ♦Samuel Robert Thomson, Albert T. D. MoElmen, ... ♦George Blatoh, do. 86 do. do. do. n Feb., 18 June, do. U'lWb.,188? 17 June, do 14 Cot, U Oot, 10 Feb;, do 18 Oct., do ' 9 Feb., do 16 June, 12 Oct., do 18 June, 17 Oot.» do do do do 4 Feb., do 10 June, 14 Ooti do do 8 Feb.1, do 18 June, do 9Feb., do do 8 Feb., 12 Oet., 8Feb., 18 Jane, 10 Get., 6 Feb., do do 7 do 12 June 16 Oct., do do 87 88 do dS do 89 d« 8» do do 40 4d do do do do 41 do do do do do 43 do do ■do ■''A«lmltt«»l BurrUter. 4ti do do "f do 40i ii41 4o Rusidence. 16 Oet., 164S do do 5 Feb. do do do 9 do. do. do. do. 14 June, M 12 Oct.,, 87 11 Feb., 1887 liaune, 88 Hii^ 87 ■ *»••**••••••'• 18 Jitn^ 4Af 6 Fob., 16 Oct., do > 4 lebj, do::.';- 11 June 14 Oct., .SFebw, 16 Junef UOot.i. ■ do 40 ' do do <8 Feb., 9 Feb., 16 June, 12 iO^., 18 do 12 do I 8 Feb<^ do 17 June^ do . 6 Feb., do . 8 Feb., 6 do. 1« Oct., 5,Feb., 16 Oct., do .4 F^b.,. 6 do . 17 June, 8 Feb., 10 ^lune, 14 Oct., do 14 Oct , dol do do do 46 3 Feb., do do . do do : do do Saint John. do. .FredfriatoDl. lMliuMt„n i BfrtntJohii^« ' • •do. .n-U BaiotJK^ii;) d»«rfi'i// ,"'■ <'^ do do 48 do 44 44 do 46 do do do do do do do JMintJoim^ do^Vewoa^lfH* FrederiotoiK ^\ t>^airit Jffhll^ ^ Ta»o»»tQ»/...4 .^SMfH J«bn4. BMlsn^i.-i. 5:*w4fJohnv FfederictfpK). Wufldateiclp* ^obiqua., A 'ji Saintfjffho^ t I, ;dO.-ri'. !. i Bard^vurte.? Meqawaska. Sa|qt;J«ba« U0r^he«|t«i^ porob^ater^ Hamptftp.,;, ^ Lofljaon,, ) Sbrchevtflv* y?a'S^o«tia. ^~ IbMBhwHOtQ*, Freidfpnoton. do: ; United 3tateSr CaliiosffMu Freder»otQ>> NaM... .■ g^Aint John, Sussex. Baint Jpba^ do i'do .sM 43 '42 48 42 48 44 do do 43 4^ do 44 45 do 46 do I do 47 48 47 do do do 1847 do do , 48 do do do r 00 5 § 8aw§ of aU kindamade and repaired at the Alexandra'. Warki, Bronehitd TVoehea—CAaloner'tyCor^ King and Germain-sts.^ 8t. Jo^p. ■1 m ■ 80 BARRISTKB8 AMD ATT0RNET8. [1H68. NAMES. Tbo«l«i^B.^oore. .... WiUiktf J. OUbert, JMd«ii Bi; Gitrry, .... AlexM&der'iniomsQn P«al» FHittm Henry HathMray» Wm/4 0kipmauDnur^yA.B., Hmry B. RoMauon^ A. JB.; *StmJibVTkoTDMn, .... ON)^ J.' Bliss, W&lliMtt H. Buoker^eld, .... Oeorcift Skeffington Gruumer, •flfliiSy W. Fritlb, Hon. Ftfter Mitebell, . . . : OliMrles Wealey Stockton, WilliaK'WtlkiilBon, ««hB<»4 (I. Gilbert, Jan., A. B., JSHi^Mifd c/bsib, .... •B. Lester Peters, Q. C, . . . >. •Fnitriek G. JL Fnth, ...^ ^Deniel Fereuson, .... EdwmrdB. Cb«ndler, Jun., jMBiesFrMer, Joba G. Wiuslow, .... WilUam W. Street, A. B., *|l6b^rt HutcbinsoD, .... *Jolin Jemea Fraser, .... B*i^ Joseph B. Peck, WilUam MwriU Wrif/lU, .... ^Alfred Wm. Savaiy, A. B.^ *James R. Macshane, .... •Charles E. Knapp, •Charles N. Skinuer, .... John Kirbv, A. B., .... •George Sidney Smith, A. B., Daniel L. Hanmgtou, .... Benjamin R. Stevenson, A.B., •Henry Bartlett Rainsford, ,. Admitted Attorney. do do :. 11 Jiinle, ISOetl, do V do do 6r^o do 10 June, do 14 Oct., do do do do do do 12 Oct., 10 Feb., 7 Feb., do 13 June, do do Oct,, do do do 12 Juhe, Oct., 7 Feb., do 10 June, do Oct, April, do 18 Oct., do Feb., April, da : Feb., Oct., do do do Feb, June, do Oct., June, do Apri I, Admitted Banust^r. do d'^ 46 do do do do do i do 47 do 47 do do do do do do 48 49 60 do 50 do do 50 do do do 61 51 52 do do do do 53 do do do 54 do .55 1856 56 57 do do 68 do do do 69 do do do 12 Ji^ae, 12 Oci., 13 do 14 do do ,12 Oct., lo.Fib., 15 Ji ne. Ofjt.. do do do do 12 Oct.,^ 13 June^ Oct., 7 Feb., 10 April, Feb.. 12 June, Oct,, do 27 Oct., do 10 June,, Oct., Oct., June, do Oct.. do do. do June June,. June, Oct., . do do do Feb., June, do Oct., June do do 49 do do dO: do 48 50 60 58 51 » • ■ 58 Beeidence.' 1 '/ do Hopewell . ; ^ Burton, do CAnnina do §t. Andre^fg; do Saint John. ' . 47 ^ York. , 4Q (jfewcMtlf}, 49 Frfeiericton. do Auatr^ia, • .Westmorland. St. Stephep. Saiqt John. Newcastle. SaJAt John. Cheatham. Samt John. Charlotte. Saiut John. do. Chatham. , Moncton. do. Woo.d8tock4 siiFredenctoa. 52iR|efaibucto. do Frederlcton^ 51 (Boston. 52 1 Saint John; i 53JBathurst. .(9 Saiot John, .^,. Australia. ■■ 55:SaintJohi|;. 58 dp. . do do. ;,,i, ....^Amherst. / 64 Saint Jolin* dpfFrederictOD. .6g| United States. do|Satui John. . 56 Richibucto;. St. Stephen. 57 Dorchester. 185S Saint John. do< Hopewell, 6t)iSaiot,Jobn. 68|Di^by. dojSaiot John. 60, Dorchester. do Saint John. 69 Fredericton. do Saint Johtu 61 ; Dorchester. 6U St. Andrews. Hi Frederipton. S s . ^•1 00 1 ol ; ■if Tailon and tShoetnaken like the "ir«erf*' best— 10 and 12 Nelson Strict, ,,, f. T. Stephena—ImporUr Winig. Sptrits, AU, Port&ir, a«. 18MI]!. >,t)i . iY . fi .fi I e s I Amo0 'BoM^Qtvi' Chttiidter, : . . ., T, Gtay ifemtt, ...r •Freden^ E. Barkdt; A. M.; ♦Fjrodaricli,]^ Robiil^dD, . . . . T. We(ipore Dlbbl(t. Thomas A. Welling, - ^s >.. ^Edward L. Wetmore; A.'B:. Amotf a: Wilson/ '■ ...- WiUi^ M. Connell,L.L.BM ♦George F. Gregory, .... noteasKellir. 'j^ />:.. *WiUiiwri,CoU?brotik .PeW«^y, , ♦Peter Beanard^ Juti** ..**,,,, Qbmles W« Ckil^i ■•::;.! wHk Charles A. Holsteadi' ..!i'i.ii.;t. Georg« B. KiOK« 'A* B., ■ T. Bftrclat Uptinson,' A. B., Charles H. ChandleiJ, ; i.^ ' CM?|l;»ioh|ff#ott, ;,.,.( ..;., Patrick E. Sweeny, ., -^rf." Finoeoupo G< Aiontom . ■ ■., :• . « . n Lewis Arii»tt»,i!."i .:7/ .v-y.rf. do, ;. Oct,, 4o 0>i do do do 26 Oct;, 9Feb., Jane, do do' do do do d6 do 60 do do 61 do 'do do do 62 do do do B21 63 dp June, Oct., • Feb., AbriL.dQ l9 0ct., d« l9 do do li 4(!> i«? Oct. do ido do ld«: do do df d«f doj do do idb do r »M,, do . do '/do m do>i do. , do J « N h Richard B, WeMpiik';! .4. in:' fth,i Wlllitittt'L. •P.'lje^,.' , . .VV ' "•' do--' ' ,. do ,';Ajinl| TeterMlttan ..rt Alfred HenryDe Mill,;,,, ;. I -i •!•; Fredcrsidi^^ Ai AlM*i:i«o.nrif '.^x* Henry LrStUtdlMf Au'M.#^ |i Jane, Sijas Alward, > Mi ;:. flS ObI.v ■i')-M'«l (• ifl Jtii!':. ' Fsky. '<"' April, do ' do do Juato, - Feb., !:»:{; June, do' \ 4o' >. ¥ •■'dd-'" dO: do* 14Qct« June, •■! I idb •■■<"': do * • • 64 •5 do do jiniJdbn'.:, - Jibdcto. ; pdoskiif*; VMoifeton.' Jnlit^Stotet. Sidat Jbtal ., •.-.; sfS?^*:^ Frederiotdti. Shedlae. Sussex Yale. Dogietiester. Woodstock. Friederldtbit. P. B^'istauid. d^ _ _ ^ ^ - . . . '.vl>. WiUia^,;Lee-^^y>„.., f^.-f Robest A> W*lS«n» .V . .••« . .,* Edwin Byron Wiuslowi, M.>4** Robert Cai«^^ - ' .'•►i Thos. hk^^lSkp^^^, A. B.,' Andrew O: Bla1¥; Alfred f « Hieeetj George McSorley, James Gi Forbes, .. '•.'•.' Ueury C. McMonajJle, ' ..w- A. C. FWrVre«(the»V i*.p do ,do 64 June, 65 64i»o I .4 Nelson SlrfcL ■ 'Alexandra \Vork» 8aio Fadorjj, cor. Mill and George-sts., St. John, JV. A John ChaJUmiTy ComtrEing and Oerniain^i.^ St. Johuy N. B, j William Herbert Sionoif, . . . . Robert J. Ritohie, . . . . RQt)Qrt M»thew, A. Ji., . . . . Stenley Boyd, . . . . WtUistn P. Ritohie, Aljlim i^l&ed. Peck, .... Rji^^4<4nU45ftchuin Jones, ISMO, /uQ^en jjiok, A. B Ji^cnBahkiiiy, John P< HudMoi, E4ii!ar°* 82 SOCLBSIASTICAL. [1868. l8rii»ljS.Oro8k, • • • • •-I • • • ^ • • • f ' • • 1 AugnttQa B.-Uanning^n, bert CrawfdM, eramu^ TraVis, ISOiDt., 14 do U Oot.» 16 do dJ'eb., 16 April, 15 Jiittto, 12 Oct., 15 Oct.. do do do do Feb. do dd dd dd dd do 66 do 65 do 66 do do do do do do do do 67 dd do do do dd do do •••••••••t*< ^ Saint Jbhfl^ do. Saiot John. do do Hopeyrell. Wooditidek. BaifitJdhn. frepericton, ■_,■ '•'"*<>• ' " Satttt ^ohtt. ■'■■ do;," do. Saint Johd: Porchegter. do. ' i • ft- . ). • daint Jdhn. do. do. dd. EQOLliSI^STIGAL. v ;^vVHOB' UNITBD CIIUBOH OF ENGLAND AND IBBLAND. Pliii^;4-l!fa(elfight Ret. Johii, Lord Bishop bf Fredericton —FrederUton. AnnMdoQff, iSe^ Oeorg^ M., B«otor, SiilJanris, Ber. 6. S., D. D„ Bector, She- Mark,! ^aint Jonn. diao-Hpean Sural). ' "■ '■ ■ Eetchhhi, Rev. Wm, Q., Bc,etor, flaint ' Andrews— (Dean Bbrai). Lee, Bev. Charles, Sector, Frederieton— (Dean Sural). , Bector, St Qeoitte. —— *, Rector, St Stephen. Medley, Rev. C. &,!MiB9i<>nai7, Snesex. LeB., Missionary, ArmstrMuc, Bev;,W., S(Mtor St Jam^, Bi^n, tHei^B.. Sector Ohatham^^Dean BdSl^ '^ . --r Biacit,^lBiv. J.j^Bector, iKingsclCar. Bliss, Bev. C. j^.. Rector, Sueaejt Bliss, K^. D. M., Rector, Wcstpiorland. D|o« <}o8f6rf B«V. ''S. A, .MlMiodary, Bichi* budo. ' .Cdatfbj^Bov. €. Q., QhApiain of the Fomor •«^<7f«4«rieton. [ten Covert, Bev.- W. S., Missioharv, LancaS' Gniden^ Bgv, 'Vir.,MiMioi^nr,]|$ackviftc L eVebei', Bev« MMMw»BeT. J. W.', Asdstan^Minist^, St ttifcef Bi Fottltind. Neales, Bev. Ji, Sector, Qsgetowit Neales, Rev. William StirOng, Assistant Minister, Chatham. ' Pickett, Rev. D. jT,, Missionary, Green- wich and Wickhfkm. Pollard, Rev. .0., Rector, MangerviUe aad° Burton.' Pearson, BeV. J., Sob Dean, Cathedral, Ftederlotoo, and Missionary at New i Mtuyland. Roberts,. Rev. G. G., Hector, SackviUe and Dorchester. Rogers: Rev. G., ^Issioaarj, Spiingfleld. ~ icld. Rev: Oedisc;' Rector, Siteonds. Hudsoj|i,Sev. jr., Missionary, Gl^eiff, lfeHr'a^^e. &&' ' BfAttiHgton, Bev. E. A. W., Missionary, Ma«tt|erville,Portland..Scovil, Bev. w., St Jo|hi..'> ' llartin, Rev-.Thomfts, Mlssionwryt Can- Shaw,;ScT> B.,.,Missiapi^, Grand Lake. purft_,' _ _ f , SInionds, Rev. Blcharu, Miaslonary, Studholm. ' , Sniitli; Rev. R. R, St Ai^drews and Chamcook. Strttet^ Kev. S. D. Lee^ Rector, Wood- ^...,._.. .,., ^.i.^..^.^-. ^......j, „v. „vM.u. stuck, (De^nRnral). Jalllreyl: Bev. Wi, Missionary, St Maryjft Street, Ijev. W. H., Mh«ionary, Tobique andjStiiiiA^. ,1 and Grand falls. 2%« ''Weed'' is a Shuttle 8ewing Machim^C. A.Bovey^ St. John^ N. B. K&«anrfra 1 t., ICissionary, F. T. Stephens, Importer Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, ^ _JJoMf %BV^f|«ar,.pt. Tiiley, Rev. W. H., Curat?,, St. Luke'*. LWoptJ, |fcpY»,4.t Walker, Rev. W, W., RectoiT Ham^onl .iJSwiBan^ev. KS:, Wjdkw.JReVc George, Hampton. .liJfiW.^ ,,'..1/- .vaJl } niOQVlSAVl QHVRCn &OCIKTX, \'^if'' ^l^i^, BRujiBWIOK. PAtrpn. His Ekb^ijlfcncy Major ,G»i!raf ilAMt{iM"«^le*'Li«ateBgiiilM*teikor ofKeWBraiiaVidlt I 'President, Th^mah«RbK-J6^,'I.6¥(l Bfah^ of Frederictoii ;^ Vice Pce8ideat8,-'T&^ Hon. Neville Paiiter,' MAftfef wni Rotla, Hon. John v^. Saun- ders, Fr^aericlt A. WigKins, Esquire. U. hab^j^'^iaiih, KsqUire, Colonel Jobir Robinson, and fi^n. $. L. Tiiley, C. Bt ''^Mttirefj 'Ikitfael /. Scovil, Esquire. Auditors, C. H. Falrireather, Esquire; W; Hi lilt. flea«rf( EsUuirje. L(Mn:fl PetitrV, Eiqoire, 0. H. Faiir- weatber, Ei^qutre, and William JAok^iB^Avati^. it>tlt»tii'j,^JitMv.yfm. Q. Ketcbuqi, M. A., Si: AQdrews. Executive GoinnAttetfv S^'Bi 3)(d^ton,"J. &. Boies OeYetMer, G. S. DeForfelBt,' T.^M)aniel, H. W. Fritbylt^'F. ««)Mh, W. J4ck, W. M.' Jai^k' B. L Peters, Hurd Peters, Major W. B. RbMftMiT<, Ho«.' Jiidge Weldon, Saint Johh ; Hon. Judge Ajlelft, W. Carman, S. R.'Mm^rvm«rg«'^ob«rts,'{ Edward Simonos,'^ •T. Wilkinson, J. Won^forde Smith, rFredbrf(ili»bf'B^kobhk8on, Canterbury ; 6. D. Street, St.- A«dTewv; Hon. R. B.Wilbittii Oebttont j' Sat^mefFosttff KisgUoo. •■'■■■ ' •'*'•■ •'!./''"• •"• *<•■'>'■''>• " •'■■■«■'»*••• '1 •'! !" , I !-.v«ja ,.jii((,'. '■ ROMAN CATHOLIC CLEROTMEN, " ' l» TKB DIO(:aSB W: SAINT JOHN. .HmTi WV^SWfCff. i Thft JUgkt. Rev. . Jofui Bwpi»t,lI>>i D.i Blpb«j .9? St., Jeba ;. llevs^.W. ?!», Jfoley , R. Walsh, E. Doyle, and M. :^.JMJcb«*iAd, (Jity/of daipiJoho; Key..i:..t)!l4hphy, Carleton, St. John; Revs. R. Verefeifr^. Saint Andrews; J. tl. McUeVItf, P!0*Nell, Fredericton ; P. Bradley, Salmon River ; M. Demers, Buotoucbe ; B. McKeanyj^ John vi lie, Carleton Ooutity ; D^ 0* 9. Riglit Rev. James Rogers, B. St., Wsbopof Ghatharn ;. Rev,. X. Barry ti. G^yiion, " . i, M. " B*sUi Joseph Theberf«v Bert Ibogue; W, A..MonM9ey( Batbupt; Jpif^pb Pelleiie^,. ttop. Chatham ;i Very Bev. M. figan, Jtfelsqn, Miranvjobi ; Ye'ry Rev. ^, JCl'ac^et, Vl G., Caraqnat ; RevSi.F. Gauyreau, Traoadie; H. McG«iirl:,jSt< Biisilj, Mada^aska; Lector, SackviUe chibouguasis; Andrew Roy, Shippegan; P. Roberts, Petit Rocher; Bartibouge, Miramicbi; J. O'Lerry, Renous, Uiratuiobi. ^ PRESBYTERIAN CHURdH OF N.EW SR^rNSWIOlC, , r nr OOKNBCTION WITH THI OHOUOH OF SCOTLAKD. .vs: Rev, Dr. Henderson, Moderator ; Rev. John M. Brooke, Olerk. . ^"' 1. Presbytery <>/ e. — Rev. James Murray, Clerk; Bathurst. Frederick Home, A. M ; Camnbeiltown and FlHtlands, William Wilsoti ; Dalhouste and Ma* plegreen, James Murray ; New Richmond, John Wells. ^tJohn N. B. Kfe«anrfm Works Sato Factftryy cor. North and Qeorgcrsts,, St. John, S, B. WtUkiitff Canet — ChaloMr\ Cor. King and OemuUh-^U., St. John. ^ ^ 84 KCCLESIASTICAL. [186j jjitlicv Bennett tier, JavoM fowlsr, Mo....|..". I. r. .,,!,?,.•> .:,:{, ,*^ , (r^M<^aar.. ■. .Vl ,^.M- (! . : f. Jley.-AkJSWiiipr a^rrjlng,, „ , •It . Y ,v !• ;. Jiiij! :on;: '1 »JiU.' AIIj«aiI<;M.. ;■•- • t it. • *\ Sa.OMl^ B«ca«rd^, j yy .,,,|, ,,. Bmv. Ang|m, MpMaater, j^ffen JUinr, A. Mi, i i y. : Tlw».»S .*^■ Jo»|i»»toii,, Thomas Nicholson, James Fowler, Clerk, it 'rinc« William, &ali)io(i Kiver, -: ,^( Olassyiile. .','.1 ", New Mills." Richibuipitb. Blackvii)(!, River Oharlo, Bass i!iver. RSF^RME^ PREBBYTBRf AN CHURCH OF IRELAND. ReTI. Atexander McLeodfiUvfely, ^t. John, J. R. Lawson, BariMsvIHe and Bla ^l^rati'Mi^Ustreun ^Qd Wata'onSettlen^ent, vacant. : t ! two' I WESLBYAN METHODIST MINISTERS. ;••:■»'!; ST. joAn"distbict> , ".i, .•/".'•'" ' .,"■■-,' ' Jittiev Boffland^ Ohairmanv Charles Stewart, Financiial Secretary* ^ Jbl^t, iSowlA *j Robert Wiisbh. St. e^'tPi, JqhQ L.Sp^-nagle. Sl^. St^^hen^ A. BL Blaok. MUttown^ HowKrd Spragu A.M. Stfi^em r«9««, Creorge B. Paysoii. (rAtnd Z'horougft, Stcphi[ Humphrey, A. B. SaiUibary and Elgin, James B. Hemmeon. Richibiuio, V'il" am Tweedy. Amherst, IiiKham Sutcliffe and R. Barry ftlack. Pa>-/8'>ore\ Rob Tweedy and Robert 0. B. Johuson. Advocate ffarbour, David W. LeLacheur, Zion's Ouubch, Pobtland. — J. G. Baylis, Pa^^or. SYNOV OF, THE CHURCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. Jamm Bennet, St. John, Moderator. Rev. Peter O. M'Gregor, Halifax, Olerk. | ^*KelbTlowlhg v L lAomHutet—Vl. Innis, EHjah B. Cot^r^T. P. Davles.W.Oriinlcy, GcorfaJewe^t, Joseph Jonea, 8 D. Miller, D. Mnnaer.P. M. Mcl.e«d» P. ,0,; BtUlW*!!* .4.J.M^,, J. B. Hopper; A. M., R. Wills, and G. E. Day, M. D. r ,;ii i;,y » ; ,j,.t (.«..;.'', .». , BA8TRRN ASSOCIATlOlC, Revs. David BUkeney, Elgin ; Samuel Bancroft, Butternut Ridge ;.. Davtd Gran- dal, W. A. Corey, and \y. A. Troop, Springfield ; W. A. Coleman, Petitcodtlib ,; W. A. Grundal, Ussekeag ; Nathaniel Cleveland, Alma ; W. T> Corey, Patrick Dufjfyf and W. Pulcifer, HiHsoorough ; W. W. Corey, Moncton; Bf^hry Charlton, Ranges Grand Lake; J. &i. Currey, Kara ; J. E. Pillamore, Turtle Creek ; J. A. SmUh;Jt. Martins; J. F. Goldrup, Stoney Creek, Cuverdale; James Uerrilt, Havelock;' H. Harris^ Cambridge ; James Irving, Baltimore, A C. ; Caleb Spragg, Lute's W. 0., Moncton ; J.- Waliace, Coverdale; E. F. Foshay, Hopewell; II. Harris, C»Oibrld'g($ ; Donald McPhaiL,Buetouche; Alex. Mutch, Fairfield; A- B. MacdonaUl, Gambrtd^' (Narrows); Iteter^ra^gg, Springfield ; W. Springer, Jemseg; TbMoas ¥6d4f ^aek<- ville; James "^rtafblet Elgin: A Washburn, St, Marifns; i<^tnuel,Bain:fojjL'Bi|tteir- nut Ridge; llecekiali Harris, Cnmbritlge ; J. C. ^teadraan, Efgfn, Little Rjve^; P.; 0. Ueece, .Salisbury ; Starritt Manning, Elgin ; George Seely, Harvey ; Elitts KUr- stead, Collina Corner ; J. Wllliatas, Hopewell. Licefttiatei. — Solomon Prince, W. L. Pr,ince, Michael Grosp, H. McLatchey, Robert Howe, J. W. Titus, J. W. Carpenter, J. E. Hopper, 8. 0, Mdtfi<^, JohnSeirs and Daniel Carpenter. ' , • .* , nu i M n NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY BOARO-t-ISdO--?. Rev. InghanfE. Bill, President; Revs. 0. Spnrden, D. D., J. RoWe, J. A. Aiaitl^ William A. Coleman, A. D. Thompson, W. Saunders, J. Herritt, and G. W. M. Ca* rey„ Vice Presidents; Rev. E C. Cady, Corresponding Secretary; James E. Mas- ters, Rrcording Secretary; Gilbert M. Steeves, Esquire, Treasurer; Hon. Alexan- der Met* Seely, Auditor. Rxecntive Board— Messrs. 0. E. Bumham, J.' 8. -May, J. It. Pidgeon, John H. Harding. John Smith, James Gierke, John Fisher, Thomas Bell, John A. Chelsey, B. J. Barteaux, Z;. Q.Gabel, Jonathan Titus^ J. W. H«r«t, Mi Francis, J. Strange, 8. Qerow, and C. G. Berrymar, with the Officers of tke jiooietiy and Minibterseontiected with the two Associationa . .{ OFFICERS OP THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF NO^X' SCfOTfl, NBW BRUNSWICK, AND P. E. ISLASO ~ I '^^^'C-eT. Rev. Dr. Spurden, President; Rev. Dr. Crawley, C Rr (tM. Dr. Ornmp, Hon. Judge Johnston, David Crandal, and Ron. A McL. ;^i«o.T, "V icV Presidents ; Rev. I. Wallace, Secretary for Nova Scotia; J. F. MaBter.% 5 i-'^i^ri Secretary for New Brunswick; J W Ilartt,* A. M., Treasurer; ReVs. A..V ^trlpsoi., A. 8. Hunt, I. E. Bill, R. D. Porter, W. 8. McKensie, W. 0. Parker, George F. Tiies, G. W. M. Carey, Henry Angell, Thomas Tudd, D. M. Welton, W. A. Coleman. J. K Balcomb, James Parker, J. Pryor, D. D., and John Fisher, John King, Asa Coy, Hon. Avard Longley, J. W. Nutting, Joseph Shaw, A. S, Blenkhorn, George Davles, John H. Harding, A. W. Masters, Enquires, Board of Directortn. Board of Foreign Missions - Rev, G. Armstrong, A. M., Chairman; Rev. C. Tupper, D. D., Secretary; Ansel T. IJaker, Eequlie, Treasurer; Revs. W. O, J'ailier, Ingham E. Bill, A. Stronach, | J. S. Reed. J..n»es Paiker, W. H. Port.r. Isniah Wallace, N. Vidito, J. Rowe, ' S. Wlieelnck, K^q., and Ambrose Dodg^ E^MUire. Ministerial Education Board — Nova8ootia~a. Sel.lon, Chairman; B. II. Eaton, A. M., Secretary; D. McN. I : Parker, Treasurer; Rev. Dr. Pryor; 11. N. Beck with, aud David Thompson, Esqrs. I J, F. Lawion^ Saw Manufacturer^ cor. North and Georgesta., 8t. John. O if,' ' -n Virr^-'tKHWiif m'.rsifn;t>'>A •nhr^'t'^A ■t' t If- Jlineat Ghoch htptfof Ji«ta(l~-Chatoher^ St John, IT. J5. OONOREOATIONAL CHUKCHES. ]l«r.- Vr«4«riok QaatinKSi St. John ; Bobert Wilson, ShaffleM luid Qriin«| ^ke ; Oharlei Cb MoCully, Miiltown ; George Stirlisg, Cardigao Md Keswick Ridge; — I ■ , » Florence vUle. OHRISTIATfS, OR DiSmJ^LiS O? CHRlftl*. Shtht John, N. B.— •Dtfke'fitreet.r-iPMtdr, Elder Oeorge (Hrrnty* i Deer IslaDd, N. B — Paitors; Elder Harris Oreealaw^ wnA EMwr A.- Oreenlaw. KMWttk, M. B.— BIdeirs J. and H. Boone. ' . - ;. : ' V ■ ^ FREE C^RII^XIAN liAPTIST CHtRCH. thm'^S* " BeV. Jolm Pet'ry, OKatmtftn^ Sprln^fleMi King's Ooontjr. f-'l. 4 mf Bey. Oeorge A, Hartley, Corresponding Secretary, Carleton; fit. Jdhu. ' '^ n^Tfl. Ohkries ifeMiiHta, Brighton; ^ebrfe Oi^ser, Lower Wakefield; Stephen Oar^, Queenshnryy Ei^kiel Siprill, Wakefietd : B. Sleson, Tdbldke } Yerxa White, hn/nr Woodstock ; Cyril Douofctt, Knoirletvilie ; Thomas Vanwarf, Kaw ; Wm. Doi-T.ey, Fredericton; Edward W^yoaan, Mouth MilUtream ; Wm. £. Pennington. iSaUsbiiry; Wm 'A KnoIlin.Jkfoncton ; John WalHs, Ooverdate ; Samuel Downey arid jioDvrt Fr^peh, Kars ; John McKensle, Jerusalem ; Hi^ffjantln Merriit, Harap- stead ; Thoiria^ Connor, ai^d ct. t. Parsons, Woodstock ; Jacob Ounter, Skint John ; J. Ferry, SPrlhg^eld ; Robert Dobaon, Salisbury ; Wtliiam Klnghorn. Naswaasis; J. n.'Bariiei. Qraiid UKnan; Alexander Tnylor, Kfonticello, Me. ; Freentan Bab- conjk, Wil'- JhVBeadh, 4rtd Peter Mallocb, Welshpool Oampobello ; A.B. Mnreti, Pre- 'lerictoh ; Jarvfs ^ha#, Eatfyft OlrAnt, Me. ; Geo. W McDonald. Mbuth'Or6rancto; John E. Reud, Hainpatead : Joseptf Nobl^, Thstoria Corner, Ohrieton €0.; WllMam BMwn, Whitehead Islitnd, CtiaWite County. LfcmUaia.—Qeorftii T. Ifartley, 8«*lynion Smith, .Tos6ph Metieod, E. B. Orsy, Aaron ^finney, Wfri, H. Mills, T. W. Cirpenter, A. O LottiisMiry', ' A. Cas«, Tho- mas DeWitt, A. Rldeoitt, John Jone^^, llesekiah Mills, Edward Hartley, and A. Gegiirell. . ' '..,"' HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF TRE P. O. BAPTISTS OP N. B. lfti,:J, Underhill^ Esquire. President; "VLeva. W. Kipghorh, Thos. Tanwart, and E. R. Parsons, Esq., Vice Presidents; ReV. G. A. Hartley, Currespondititr Secretary; Wm. Peters, Rfconlins; S cretary; D. W. Clark, Treasurer; Rev. WL Downey, Au- ditor.' Executive Cemmittee-^D. W^ Clark, Chairman; Wn> Peters, Secretary; ?«va.#.jQan^ df.X.PArsouii, G. A. Hartley^ M(|Mr«v£« 0. freeze, and G. Jl. meedale. ;• :,.!;; .;:•/ • .;;,7,','i 'j\ ' .. P^C. BAPTIST FORBItt^ MUSSlONARY SOCIETY OP N. B. Rev. R. Mefiitt, President; Revs. Charles Knowles, Charles McMuIlin, Ed- ward Weym%», Vice PresideBts; Rev. John Peirv, Corresponding Secretary; Ii6r4Afe«>wr>/ion, EKii., Recording Secretary; Win. Peters, Treasurer; E. R. Par. sons, Aut^^itor Executive Committee— William Peters, Chairman; Kuv;). J. N. Barnee. Joseph Noble, George A. Hartley, W. £. Peoninprton, Benj Merritt, and Messr". Israel Atherton, Robert Blipp, G. W. Boyer, and B. J Uuderhill, Esq. ,i toUCATIONAii. 1UNIV7SR«»ITY OF NbW «!1UN8WICK. •— rftis Excellency thp Lieutenant Ooyerrnr. CoiiPORAT^OH ARC MBMlBkRfl OF SasATi'. — W. Brydone Jack, D. 0. L., President. Hon. L. A. Wilraut. D. C,L.. Hon. JohnS. Sauhder**, lion. William B. Kinnear, Hon' John Robertson, Hon. D. Wack, James U. Hartley, Esq., Boyle Travers, Esq. M. D., and Stephen H. Hitchings, Esquire. ' Kegisti'ar and Trea6urer--I';dward Wilmot, E«q., A. B. Professor of Matbeniatic^', Natural Philosopliy and Astronomy — ^Wm. Brydone Jack, D. C. L. Classical Literature and History — George Montgomery Camphetl. A. M. Chemistry and Natural Science— Loring W. Bailey, A. M. Modern ^-cl ence and Literature— J. Marshall D'Avriiy, Esquire. Hon. Lemuel Allan Wilraot, D. C. L. Exununor for Coster, A. M ; Rev. Cliarles Lee, A. M. ; lic-v. John M. Simrden, D. D. Librarian— Mr. James McDonald, pro tem. Examiner tn Civil Law- Degreea— Rev. Cliarles 0. Brooke, D. D. ; Fuv. Clmrles C.A. Bovey^ General Ay mt " HVc<2" Scmng Mnehine^ St. John N. B.\ «n €o. ; WilHam F. T. StephefUy Importer OoUmanU London Xftuidrd^ Oinger^ dfe, SCjofin KB. 1868.] SDUCATIOMAL. 8? OoixnuTi SOBOOL, Frederieton.r-Head MMter, Oeorge Boberta, A. M. OUmI' oal and W •thematleal Matters, 0«o. Rdb«rU, A. H.< *bi Oharlea' <|. Cotttr, Ar M. ; Frinch Ma^er, the PiriofiMiflor 0/ M tor for York, Sunbury, Oarieton, Victoria, and Restigonche. , ■ MADftAd SCHOOS,. ' * Tm OoTRRMoa ARB Taonns or ma Mai«48 8obool m niw Barals#iqt.--Tlte Lieutenant Gorernor; the Lord Bishop of the Diocese; the Members of Her Ua- JestjT's Goancil ; the Judge of the Admiralty ; the Speaker of the Hmne of Assem- bly; the Mayor and Recorder of Saint Johi; the Rector and Churohwardens of Trinity Ohureh, Saint John; together wilh the Rev. William Donald, D. D., Fre. deriok A. Wiggins, Esquires, and Rev. W. Scovil. C. W. Wel«iOD, Esquire, Clerk and Treasurer. SAIMT JOHN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. James Paterson, XAm D., and Jameft Hutchison, M.'A., iL D,, Olassteal Sla^tierfe; Edward Manning, English Master; .kdes Mora»'!)ti-e9» uii«i Teacher of BeHcs Lettres Ac. ; Miss Mary E. Pickard, M. L. A., Tea- cher or Mathematics, Calisthenics Ac ; Miss C. Fuwier, Teacher in Primary De- partment and Assistant Teacher in Music; Miss Ann Fowltr, Teacher of Oil Pain- ting, Urayoning A^c. ; Miss Ilurriet Smith, and MissC. Maria Tread well. Assistant I'ieiicher;! in Primary Department ; Professor L F. lirown, Teucher of Vocal and ; iDbtruiuental Music ; Mrd. J. R. Inch, Matron. Baws of all kinds made and repaired at the Alexandra Worh. ]hwlatur$ Kaljfdor — Chahner% Cor. King and Oertnain-Bt».^ «S/. John, 88 -y^ BANKS. > .'" V 1/ < I 1 1 1 ■ ' ■ [1868. K^ BOARD or TRUSTEBS OF SAOKVILTiE IlfSTtTUTIOXS. ' •'.--•. ■ ,' ■ '•■• , • r . ,!, i,.,;. - i , , , , ^ . ■ ,-1 Rev. Jmsm England^ Ohaiman ; Mariner iWood, Jl^., Tr«»surer ; Rev. Cha§. Stewtft, ^Mretarr ; Rctb. H. Pielurd. 0,9 ,( Oj OioWolfer jli 9> ; J9h^,lfoN!um^y,v J. Snowball : A. A. Temple: Henry B. Alllaon, B. Li.agl«i/. K*qi|jrae) .||bn. A. |C HoClelan : Hon. 0. Young, LL. D. EzioimTK CrMMirrei.— Mariner Wood, Erq., Chairman; Rev. H. Plckard.D. D., Ber. Cbarlea OnWoUa, l».:D.j:B«T< J.0P0V^ll^«iwtaiii Bk AHieon, Esq. • ■:<. ,nUt<'Ai\ii 111 tn ►!•'• ' 1 ; . ; : :i.-^ 1-1,, "I ..!;;■...;< .'[ ,,. Johti B^iintft, SMiire, PfMldenC; I. 0. Vr«ek(«4 EiqUlvt^ let Vlo« mebMaat ; •-^ ■' . ' , M Yloe Pi«at4«ut : ; J.' L. Melimi^ 8Mi#etairf f a. Moi>rtao(i, nqalvl« rfwrarvr. '7-..T' ^1- fjj. ;« i;i .i'l ,i«»/. to ■'... » 1^ I. Il l i I Mil I 11 1 I »I I iiii . ..| I .. U i I .> .»■ » i . i I i ■ ! ■ f TI'.,'v> ».'/U' . Banc or British North AifuucAyr^I^aid up €apit«^:OQ$ , A|Hl|on Sterling. — Head Office, London, England.— General Manager, Thomas Paton. St. John, }f^ ^.^ U»JLt^p^.f7-;rl)tre1^r*^^-^Qi^^ John Uobertson, J. V. Thunmr»andBey«ley,Ilp.b'in8bn.' Manager — R." K Grindlcv. Lu- or New Bronswick, St. JoHSn-TrCapital, |600,00n. President, cmiU Day Bank Cmmkmiai. BAiiK.oirT»JaiiN', — Oapttal, I^O^OOO. Pre^itdMit, libn. A* McL. Sedy ; OAsMer; (i««M^« F. Sancton ; iciolieitor, Hon. R. L. Hateu ; Wi^tors; Wlllki6 Parks, Solotooh Het-sey, Hon. A. MeL. Seely, D. J. McLaughlin, James Vernon, Esquires. iHMounI iMt^i'-'Tlieiidaya «nd Frida;ya< ' :.< < , . :GoMiiK8CuiC> >B^NCn Bank, NjRwqASiiTUKf MiRAMicni.— Compiittec of Mhoagementi, £ioh«FdvUu|dii3on; i&aq. .; CJashier, T. (J. .Atlen^ Esq. PSO^k'4 H^AfNK^ FkKi>BRiCrroN.-^aipitsl, t<)0,60«>. Man^giir .A. F. Randolph; Ca8!ilfet,tA:lHr.'feibbitt. ' St. Stephen's Bank.— Capital, J|200^000. President, Hon. William Todd ; Cashier,, Robert Wat^n,, Esq. : Agent at St. John, S J. Scovil, Esquire. ... Bank or i|i6NTRiiA^ t At $t Jbfatiil.-^A; Kicmder. Agent; M. Ueaton, AOCOimtani. , r .•,-,., ii,,i ,-..,vi..!! 'j ; ■!« vs.>:i-:.-.:Ti'. vi-...ii..i'i ,.(1 (I., SaiNt John S'AyrNOi^'BANK.'-MPrnsiident^ Robert. L. Hazen ; .Cashier, Daniel Jordan, lil?«iiilrc. Trusteed; iioxji. Ohief Justice Ritchie, .lustice John W. Weldbii, Rev. Wfp. Scovil, ,CharW C.T^tewart, Robert Reed, Robert F. Hazen, John Wishart, L. H. DeVeber, Edward 8car<<, John M. WalkeT, and Stephen K. Fc.ter, Esquires. If London' goes on increasing at the rate it has done of Into, in fifty years from this time the population will number nine millions. 1 1^ \'t 8 I 186^.- G«N Generj Wm.( Mb> Hale,{ Posi I' ,1 \l r \l\ Is I ^ Albert Posi Camen Campb deon I Uauing Bend ; S. Hetl Waitt, KingsU Grand Esq., S; Harvey Godfrey son, Ofi Luke B Grand ; B. H. F Garletoi W. H. Lepreai PalmerJ lister, and foi All Lei Packet ll rate of A L«tt-q-! ■ . E. N. noldf r, •;'(,. 7. fitephmt-'Impcrttr EngliaK, Amerieim^ md Wttt India Chodt, 186^.] POST ornoB. t» s of Iftto, in fifty illioDS. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Gknkral Post Office, Fredericton — Hon. John McMillan, PostmssMr General; William Paisley, Secretary; Wn. H. SmittiJBon, Accountui ; Wm. C. Whittaker, Wm. A. Black, and Charles A. Murray, Glerki. Money Order Branch or P. O. DiPABTMiirr, Sr. JoHN.^-JaaiM Hale, Superintendent ; James Woodrow, and F. W. Blhsai'd, Gler)j. Post Office, Saint Jdniir. — JaoiedHale, Esquire, Acting FastmAittr ; Henry C. Frink, T. B. Allan, tt..J. Potter, Henry Holmes, H. P. Ottjj, Albert McLeod, and John Earle, Clerks ; John Leitch, Office Keep^. PoBTMASTRBS— Andrew S. Phair, Eaq., H. J. Thome, Assistant, Jolp Cameron, Clerk, Fredericton ; Edward Simpson, Esq., Gagetown ; Gea F. Campbell, Esq., Saint Andrews ; James Grant, Esq., Saint Stcnpfaen; Gi- deon Knight, Esq., Saint George ; James DiXon, £sq^ SackviUe; T. B. Hauington, {i^ediac; J. S. Colpitts, Salisbury; Joseph Crandatt, Esq., Bend ; Thomas Vondy, Esq., Chatham ; James Johnston, Esq., Newcastle ; S. Iletherington, Esq., Richibucto ; Jas. Harvie, Esq., Dalhouffle ; Bden Woitt, Bathurst : Jam^s Grover, Esq., Woodstock ; Samuel Foster, t&q., Kingston; Hugh McMoqagle, Esq., Sussex Yale; P. McMillan, Esq., Grand Falls ; John T. Hodgson, Esq., Edmundston ; Edward Nugent, Esq., Saint Martins ; William Beveridve, Esq., Andover ; J. M. Stevens, Harvey ; J. Criahgle, Milltown ; C. Flewelling, Ossekei^ ; Charles B. GoiU'rey, Dorchester ; A. McKendrick, Campbelltown ; John R. McPher- son^ Ofomocto ; C. M. Robinson, Upper Mills ; R. E. Stores, HUlsboro' ; Luke Byron/ Campobello ; John Casey, Bale Verte ; Joseph Lakeman, Grand Manan ; C. J. Burpee, Sheffield ; Weeden Fowler, Upham Vaie ; B. H. Foley, Buctouche; C. E. Grosvenor, Canterbury; James R. Reed, Carleton; S. C. Charters. Memramcook; J. M.Nase, Mouth of Nerq>ia; W. H. White, Spr'mg-field; J. G. C. Blackball, Caraquet; J. McDerraiad, Lepreaux ; S. G. Burpee, Florenceville ; W. W. Price, Petitcodiao ; M, B. Palmer, Hupewell Cape ; Archibald McEenzie, Flatlands ; Donald MoAl- Iiker,'New Mills ; George Lester, Manners Sutton; R. D. Robinson, Elgbi ; and four hundred and eighty Way Offices. POSTAGE. All Letters sent to any part of British North Amerios, with the ezoeption of Ptiuket Letters, and Letters to and from the Uuited States, are liable to a oniform rule of five cents per Iialf ounce, according to the following acale:— A Ltttter not tsxceedtng lialf oatioe in weight 90 05 ALe:tter exceeding lialf ounce, aad not exoeeding one oonee... 10 A Letter exceeilin^ one ounce, and not exceeding one ounce and a half.... 15 A Lutter exceeding one ounce and s half, and not exceeding two ouneea*..t0 A Letter exi^ cents for every additional half ounce. In all cases where a Letter is not specially directed to be sent by any parties* Itir route, the rate of Postage firut mentioned is chargeable. It must also b9 I nnileistood tiiat the rates jjiven in the above Table for places to which the route lis through the United liingdum, are rates "via Halifax," by which route all 8uc!i conebootideucewill be sent, if not specially addressed "via United States," or " vfu, New York ;" in which ciise un additional rate of 4}i cents is to be aMed Alexandra Work* Sato Factory, cor. Milt and George-it»,y St.JohMt N". B. .?!.•'■ 7Vmim«, a larfft amoHnuni — Chatontr, St. JnAri^ i^. S* i|. 90 POST orricK. isea. to the amount given in the Table. Lttten from IngUnd, rta Qaebeo, are Mot every ireek, when eo addiessett — the pontage in the ■ummer ntoatha being l%)i oenta, and in winter 17 cents, il ie adTiitable that all Letters should be prepaid, and bj Poatage Btampe* 'rinted Bnolra, Period IchIs, Publications, or PamphletSt under 48 ounces in weight, can be forwarded by Post in New Bnmswtclc, mi the rate of tWo eenta for •very four opnoes ; under two oanees, ^e. Pamphlets, Periodicals, and Books, to pass at the above rates, nunt b« atnt without a cover, or in a cover open at the sides or ends. '■ No words or marks (except the name and address of the person to whom sent), shall bb written on any Newspaper, Pamphlet, Booii, Periedleal, Parliamentary or Oovernroent paper. Any violation of these Begulalions will subject such Newspapers, PMapMeta, Periodicals, or Books, Ac, to be treated In every respect as Letters. To United States, ^ Canad^°"** f '"'*** ""*" '**' ^^^^ ''*"' oanceei Prince Edward Island, > England, under 4 ounce*, 6 cents; 4 ounces and under Bounces, 19)^ cents; 8 ounces and under 1 lb., 25 cents ; 1 SO. and under IX ^-t 87^ oeuts ; 1>|{ Ik lo d 9)., SO cents. Tp Newfoundland, same as England. France, under 8 ounces, 5 cents; 2 ounces and under 4 ounces. 9 cents; 4 ouneei and under 8 ounces, 17 cents; 8 ounces and under 1 It., 84 cents ; 1 A. and under IX Ib^ 50 cents; \)i lb. to 2 S>., 67 cents. Rroutraiiom.— The syitem ol registration is applicable to all deacrlption of let« ters wiihout distinction, whether they contain articles of value or not. It also applies to parcels. The charge in addition to postage Is 6 cents; to England, 8conts. Parorls.— Parcels closed at the ends and sides can be sent by mail throughout the Province, at a rate ol' 25 centn per lb. The weight of each parcel Is not to exceed 8 lbs., nor the else to exceed 2 feet in length or breadth^ and 1 foot in thioltnesB. The parcel must not contain any glass, liquid, or any substance liable to do ii^ury to the mal, nmler the penalty of a forfeiture of the parcel if disco- vered. The parcel i^ not io contain any writing. Registration fee 6 cents. Par- cels must be pre-paid by stamps. The sender, by writing his name on the out* siiSe, can have the parcel returned in case of failure to reach the person addressed. PosTAOR Vi'iM(pe.~Po8tage stamps are provided at the respective Taioes of 1 Aent for CiicuU^ra; 2 cents for Drop Letters; 5 cents for ordinary Provin«Sal l«t< tera; lOcents lor United States rate; 12X cents per Ounardkteamer, vis Ualifax; 17 cents via United Sutei for England. Patterns and sampif s are transmitted between this Provinst and tho United Kingdom at the saoio rate as per book poit. The pattern or sample must be open at the end or Hide, except in case of seeds, drugs, Ac. ; whlcb can bs sent in closed trausparont bags. i, MOIIBT OKDBKS. The fpllowipj: Post OflBces are authorised to issue and pay Blooey Orders (un- der direction of the Post Master GwneralX for any sum not exeeeding la one Qrder |lOO:-> Andover, Bale Verte, Bathurst, Buctonehe, Campbell town, Canterbury, Caraquet, Chatham, Newcastle, Manners Sntton, Mencton, Ossekeag, Richibuoto, Sackville, Saliflbury, Sbediac. Sheffleld, Saint Andrews, Saint Oeorge, Saint Jfoho, Saint Stephen, Saint Martins. Sussex Tale, Woodstock. Dalhonsie, Dorchester, Edmundston, Frederieton, Oagetown, . Grand Fails, Harvey, Hillsborough, Hopewell Cape, When Money Orders exceeding $100 in aggregate amount are Issued In one day and to the same person, by one or more Offices upon another Office, the Postmas- ter of th<« Office drawn upon (if necessary) may delay the payment Of such Orders for six days. All Money Orders shall be drawn upon Printed Forms supplied by the Post Of- fice Department; and ni. Order will be valid or payable unless given upon the regular Printt-d Fonus. I I 0* I I «o r I g I V Jamet Stoop, Agent for " Weed^^ Sewing Machine^ St. Andreum. ffajfittg IthcU^rtr. H. Onv4 db Co., 11 JRny Street, Bt. John, Ji. B , liWX iMMOt i 1868.] HOSPITALS — ASYLUMS. flil The Oommfuion to be charced upon Money Orders iball be at followi :— On order* not exceeding $10, cent*. Exceeding $10, and not < xceeding fSO. 10 cente. Exceeding $20, and not exceeding $80, 15 oente. Exoeediof $$0, and not exceeding $40, 90 centi. Exceeding $40, and not exceeding $50, 26 centt. Exceeding $50, and not exceeding $60, 80 cente. Exceeding $60, and not exceed- ing $70, 96 cents. Exceeding $70, and not exee»Jlng $80, 40cente. Ixoredtoig $80 and not exceeding $9U, 45 centa. Exceeding $90, and not exceeding $100, 50 cente. The peraon to whom an Order is payable, can hare It paid to a second person by writing on it, *' Pay to the order of > (the niima of the second person tO fill the blank), for value received." Sterling Orders, payable in the United Kingdom, Canada, Nova Scotia, Princt Edward Island, ai.d Newfoundland, are drawn at the following ofBoes :— Bathurst, Chatham, DalhottNie, Frederlcton, Moncton, Newcastle, Richibucto, Sackville, Shadiac, St. Andrews, St. John, Sussex Vale, and Woodstock ; and the Post OB' ces at Orand Falls and Hillsborough are authorlied to issue Orders, payable la Canada* Nov|i Scotia, Priuce Edward Island, and Newfoundland. Sterling Orders are drawn at the rate of $4.89 to the Pound Sterling, besides the following oono 5 D MoffM S Co^ f Hattf Cfag w, t IMMIGRANT D^PABTMENT. Robert Shives, Esquire, Government Immigration Officer for New Brunswick; The Deputy Treasurers at the Out-Ports of the Pro- vince act as imxdigratiOQ Officers. Ancient and HonouraMe Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masoks. DISTRICT GRAND LODGE. B. Tf., Robert T. Olinoh, £«qi, Distriet Grand Master; B. Lester Peten, Esq., Deputy Distriot Grand Master ; James Bobertson, Benior Grand Warden; Geoi^ H. Kussell, Junior Grand Warden ; Bev. William Donald, D. D., Grknd Chaplain; W. H. A. Keans, Esquire, Grand Treasurer; W. F. Bunting, Grand Secretaiy. Albion Lodge, No. 4iM), K B., St John— Christopher Murray, W. M.; WUUam 8. Marven, Secretary. , 8t Jobn*s Lodge, No. 480, K B., St John— James Gordon Forbes, W. M. ; W. F. Bunting, Secretary. Sussex Lodge, No. 480, E. B., Dorchester— Amos B. Wilison, W. M. ; Silas C. Charters, Secretary. St Mark's Lodge, No. 518, E. B., St. Andrews— George F. Stickney, W. M.; Benjamin B. Stevenson, Secretary. Solomon's Lodge, No. 022, E. B., lYedericton—Bairis Allan, W. M. ; John L. Marsh, Secretary. Carleton UnionLodge, No. 524, E. B., Carleton— Henry Leonard, W. M. ; Char- les Ketchum.Secretanr. Midian Lodge, No. 527, E. B., Clifton, K. Q.—^. Hudson Flewelling, W. M.; David J. Wetmore, Secretary. Union Lodge of Portland, No. 685, E. B., St John— David B. Munro, W. M. ; Thomas H. Keohan, Secretary. Woodstock Lodge, No. 658, E. B., Woodstock— Bobert A. Hay, W. M. ; Thomas C. Wetmore, Secretary. St George Lodge, No. 629, E. B., St George— Hugh A M'Kenzie, W. M. ; L. B. Mes^inett, Secretary. Corinthian Lodge, No. 685, E. B., Hampton, King's County— Henry Hallett, W. M. ; E. A. Warneford, Secretary. Keith Lodge, No. 644, £. B., Moncton— Christopher B. Harris, W. M. ; John McKenzie, Secretary. Alley Lodge, No. 664, E. R., Upper Mills, St. Stephen— James V. Hanson, W. M.; William McLellaud, Secretary. J I 00 o 2 I The " Fwrf" Sewing Machine is warranted—C. A. Bowyy St. John^ If. B, tof Sunt rge ; Geo. ; Spofford Brunswick rick. r.B. drewa. iphen. 'omen. for New the Fro- icc6pted 'a. I' 00 o Meters, Esq., ten; Geoi^ id Chaplain; d Secretaiy. f.; WllUam W. M. ; W. Ef . ; Silas 0. aey, W. M. ; If.; JohnL. Mf.; Char- ing, W. M. ; oro, W. M. ; tl. ; Thomaa eV. M.;L.B. nry Hallett, T. M.; John Hanson, W. I 5i e I Lead, Xind^ BMatUng Puper-^W> ff. (Hive S Co., 11 King Street, 1868.] MASOvic. 98 ^ I ^ ^ I 8' 8 ^5 Howard Lodge, No. 668, E.K.,HilBboro'— Charles Wallace, W.M.; JohnBeatty Secretary. Nortbamberland Lodge, No. 701, E. E., NewcasUe— Bobert B. CalL W. M. ; William C. Onslow, Secretary. ' Miramichi Lodge, No. 776, E. B., Chatham— John Havlland, W. M. ; Thomas F. 6illei^>ie, Secretary. Salisbury Lodge, No. 808, E. E., Salisbmr—Ormond E. Plewelllng, W. M. ; Tobias Addy, Secretary. " ' Zetland Lodge, No. 886, A B., Shedia&-Dnnoan S. Harper, W. M. ; Jamet In- gUa, Secretary. Zion Lodge, No. 96B, K B., Sussexr-Davkl Brown, W. 11; Charles Boaeh, New Brnnswick; Lodge, Nol 1084, E. B., Saint John— James McNIohoI, Jr., W. M. : William Fei^gnson, Secretary. Hlbemia Lodge, No; 601, L B., Saint John— John MolHn, W. M. ; Wffllam J. Lomn, Secretary. Sussex Lodge, No. 827, L E., St Stephen— William Waterbuiy, W. M.; DaTld Brown, Secretary. Leinst^ Lodge, Nik 847, L B., St. John— Alfred A. Stockton, W. 1|..; Israel A. Gross. Secretary. Saint Andrew's Lodge, No. 864, S; B.,Frederioton— €leoi^ F. Oregoiy, W. M.; Alexander Burchitl, Secretary. Lodge Saint Andrew, No. 876, S. B., Bichibucta— James MeDougall, W. M.; Charles J. Sayre, Secretary. Lodge Saint John, No. 412, S. B., Bathurst-James 6. Dick, W. M. ; Gideon ^un^n, Secretanr. . Carl^ton B. A. Chapter, No. 47, S. B., St John— William H. A. Keans, Principal Z. ; WillUiAai F. Buntiiu[, Scribe E. grederio(on B: A. Chapter, No. 7^ S. B. Fredericton. nion E. A. Ch^>ter, No. 8i4, S. B., Oarleton— Edwin J. Wotmore, PHndpal Z.; Charley Ketchum, Scribe E. Corinthian B. A. Chapter, No: 85, 8. B.. Hampton. Ubuiit Lebanon B. A. Chapter, No. 101, S. B., Chatham. New Bmncwick B. A. Chapter, No. 801, L B., Saint John.— John D. Short, King; Howard D. McLeod,. Begjstrar. St. John Encampments. T., Saint John— Wm. F. Buntir^, N. A K Comman- der; George F. Keans, Becorder. Boj^I Order of SdotTand, Provineial Grand Lodge of H. R M. and B. C— Bo- bert W. Crookshank, Provincial Grand Master; John WiUis, Ben., Deputy Pro- rincial Grand Master. Grand Conncil of Rpyal and Select Mjuters, Proyinoe of New Bnmswiok, Domt- nion of Canada.— Bobert Mahihall, M. P. Grand Master; John Y: Ellis, D. P. Grand Master ; Edward Willis, R. P. Griind Master; James G. Fori>es, P. Grand Master; P. R. Munro, Grand Becorder. SvBOBDiNATK CoCNoiLS.— Sttint John Council of Royal aqd Select Masters, No. 1— John D. Short, T. L Master ; J. G. Forbes, B. L Master : John Mullin, I. Mas- ter ; Wm. J. Logan, Recorder. ^New Brunswick Council df Royal Select Ma- sons, No. 2.— Robert Marshall, T. I. Master ; D. R. Munro, R. L Master ; Thomas H. Keohan, L Master ; H. D. McLeod, Recorder. Oarleton Council of Royal and Select Masters, No. 8.— John Y. Ellis, T, I. Master ; Edwin J. Wetmore, L R. Master ; Charles Ketchun), I. Master; H. Leonard, Recorder. OFFICE BEARERS NATIONAL DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE. John N. Steams, M. W. R, New York: Rev. John M. Cramp. D. D., M. W. A., WolfriUe, Nova Scotia; S. W. Hodges, M. W. Scribe, Boston, Mass. ; W. H. A Keans, M. W. Treasurer, St. John, N B. ; Rev. J. B. Abbett, M. W. Chaplain, In- dianopolte, Indiana; James M. Lyie M. W. Conductor, Philadelphia, Penn.; Jaa. C. Pickets, M. W. Sentinel, Wilmington, Del. OFFICERS OP GRAND DIYISION. Rev. George O. Huestis, G. W. P-, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia; Bobert T. Babbit, G. W. A., Gagetown ; William W. Dudley, Grand Scribe, Saint John ; Charles A. Everitt, Grand Treasurer, Saint John ; Rev. Joseph O. Angwin, Grand Chaplain, t s Alexandra Works Saw Fadory^ ear. North and Georffthits.^ 8t.JohHt I^B» J>, MfffM it Co., Sai Warehtm, 61 Mn^ Street, 04 TEypKRANCE. [1868. Fairrille; Thomas Dale, Grand Conductor, Portland; Philip Mosher, Grand Sen- tinel, Saint Martins. Oscar Wctmorc, Ksquire, P. G. W. P., Saint John. Address of the Grand Scribe— Box 286, • oat Office, 8t. John, N. B. The National Division ineet annually, Grand Divisions quarterly, and subordi- nate Divisions weekly. TEMPLAE8 OF HONOR AND TEMPERANCE OFFICERS OF SUPREME COUNCIL. Charles Letts, M W T, Boston; John H. Lindsay, M W Y T, Ohio; Reuben C Ball, M W RrNevTork; Charles Kelly, M WT, Phnadelphia, Pa.; George 0. Gates, M W U, Pawtacket, R. L; Rev. J. C. Boynton, M W C, Adrian, MioM- En: H. D. Moore, M W 6, Saint Louis, Mo. ; George F. Turner, P M W T, Fhl- leinhia. Fa. GBAHTD TEMPLE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. (%arl6a A. Sveritt. O W T, Saint John ; R. J. Lemont, G WY T, Hampton, E. O. ; George T. EnoUin, G W R, Saint John ; J. Upham Fowler, G W T, Hampton, K. O. ; &tb R Foster, 0, B. B. Patterson, G W U^ Saint John; Samuel Tufts, O W G, Saint John. t)iFFI0ER8 GRAND SECTION CADETS OF TEMPERANCE. ^teorge T. Knollln, G W P ; John S. Mitchell, GAP; Sanrael Tuft^ G S ; A. G. Blakslee, GT; R. G. Lemont, G C; Joseph Ewing, GG; C. B. FlewelUng, G W ; W. W. Dudley, P G W P. MOST WORTHY GRAND LODGE BRITISH TEMPLAR8-^-Offio>bs 1867-68. Joshua N. Freeman, M W Cbiei; Liverpool, N. S. ; P. H. Stewart, M W Y, To- ronto, Ontario; Edwin N. Sharp, A. M., M W S, Apohaqul, N. B. ; Justus J9. Wetmore, M W T, Clifton, N. B.; W. H. Rodgers, M W G L, Amherst, N. 8. : Miss Isabella Fleming, M W G Counsellor, Triiro, N. S. ^ev. A. L. Peterson, M W G Chaplain, Tamworth, Ontario ; J. W. Falconer, M W G F, Charlottetown, P. E. L ; C. 8. Church, M W G R, New Germany, N. 8. ; W. B. Huestls, M W G M, Wallace, N. 8. ; Miss Agnes Sharp, M W G D M, Apohagui, N, B. ; A. M. Phillips, M W G I G., Smithaeld, Ontario; J. C: Gldley, M W G O G., Charlottetown, P. E. I.; H. B. Mitchell, P M W G Chief, Chester, N. 8. The next Annnal Meeting will take place In the City of Toronto, Ontario, on the first Monday in September, 1868. WORTHY GRAND LODGE OF NEW BRUNSWICK— OmoBBS. J. M. Jonah, M. D., W G Chief, Deer Island, Charlotte County ; Rev. 8. C. Moor, W G Lecturer, Salisbury, Westmorland County ; c^amuel McfCready, W G. Coun- sellor, Penobsquls, King's County; Rev. D. I. Wetmore, W G Chaplain, Clifton, Kingf s County; T.. W. Musgrove, W G Yice, Apohaqul, King's County j J. 8. Colpltta, W G 8 , Sallsbqnr, Westmorland County ; Thomas b. Smith, W G F, Saint John: Miss 0. A. Flewelling, W G T, Clifton, Kings County; G. W. BonnelLW G M, Lute's Mountain, WeSmorland Cbunty; Miss F A Fowler, ^ G D M, Up- ham, King'a County : A. C. Worden, W GI G, Thomtown, Queen's County ;Gapt A. SlE^Mon, W G O G^hedlac, Westmorland County ; W. P. Flewelling, M P P., W G Fphief; CUftqn, King's County. 0FFICBB8 GRAND LODGE LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION. Rev. Charles Parke Bliss, A. M., G. M., Sussex ; A. G. Blakslee, 8. D. G. M., St. John; James Baker, J. D. G. M., Woodstock ; Robert Wiley, G. T., Frederlcton; John Earle. G. S., Saint John ; Dugald Stewart, D. G. 8., Frederlcton ; Rev. A. R. Strong, G. C., Johnston, Q. C. ; Rev. J. C. Blakeney, D. G. C, Saint Stephen; W. H. Anderson, G. L., Frederlcton; Daniel Gray, G. D. C, Richmond, CarletoaCo. There are in the Province, four Scarlet Chapters, eight County, twenty one Dis- trloV and one hundred and fifty Private Lodges, with a meqibership of 7,S00. The total amount of bullion and specie (according to Controller Smithes report), imported by ftU the Banks in New Brunswick in 1 866 80 far A8 can be ascertained, was $128,000, and the amount exported by them was 102,000. ^ ^ C. A, Bwejf, General Agent " FTeerf" Sewing Machine^ St, John, N. fi. Alexan , [1868. Grand Sen- m. ind snliordi- tB OF Beaben C> Georire C. rian, Miettl- tWT, Phl- [ampton, E. \ Hainpton, unuel TulUk, IB. fts, O S ; A. FlewelUnff, nts 189T-68. tf W V, T6- ; Jastu8J9. lerst, N. 8.: Peterson, M ottetown, P. , M W G M, M. PhilUps, etown, P. £. tario, on the '. 8. 0. Moor, N G. Coun- &in, Clifton, untyj J. 8. VQF, Saint BonnelL W G D M, Up- Duniy ; Capt tog, M P P., LTIOSr. D.G.M.,8t. Fredericton ; ; Rev. A. B. Hephen; W. Carletoa Co. inty one Dis- >f T,600. Controller ;k in 1866 txported by s hhn, N, fi. Faint, 00, FHtt^ QUm— W. H. (Hive d: 06., 11 KingSirwt. 1868.] PROVINCIAL RBTENUE— RAILWAY, »5 PROVINCIAL REVENUE. SAINT JOHN. Prwincial TrMMurtfr—Beverley Robinson, Esquire. Controller and Surveyor of Shippinff—Willi&m Smith; Esquira Warehfjwe Keeper — C.Briscoe. A CoOeetinff C/erife-Henry Whiteside. ../;'!';;!. o ■ - Clerk9^~J6hn aandlall, George Matthew, 0. Stevens, Charles F, Oliye, and James Barber. Waitert and Searehere-^t&ehtLvd M. Longmaid and Steph^ E. GeroW. 2«: !/•.!»: Oampbklltov^- Edwin Bptsford. j>AtiH0i7siK-'Dugald Stewart. Batbubst— Francis Mehan. Caraquktte-- Jas. O. C. Blackball. SHipraQAN— Perry J. N. Dumaresq. Newcastle — ^Wifiiam Parker. Chatham — ^Daniel Ferguson. RiCHiBucTO — Henry Livingston. BucrouGHB-^Robert Douglas. Shediac — Hon. D. Hannington. Sackvills— James Dixon. North Juogisu — Rufus Cole. DoRCXiESTEft— rJohn Hickmaja, .,.:- MoNCTON— Jamed Robert8ori,'Tn. " Hillsborough — William Walia'i^ RocKLAND—R. B. Chapman. DEPUTY TREASURERS (nOT CONTROLLERS). Richmond Station— Johri J*. Alleii. Edmundston— Alphonse Bertrai^d. Bat Vbrtb — Edward Wood. Woodstock— >Henry E. Dibblee. Grand Falls— F. W. Brown. ToBiQUK— Francis Tibbets. European aad Nortb American Railway. Commissioners. — George Thomas, Chairman; C. H. Fairweather, and William J. Gilbert, Esquires. General Superintendent — Lewis Ci&rvill, Esquire ; Accountant — ^Alex- ander McNaughton. Locomotive Foreman— H. A. Whitney. Trackmaster.— Gavin Rannie. This Railway, 108 miles in length, extends from the harbour of St. John, Bay of Fundy, to the harbour of Shediac, on the Gulf of St. Law- rence. It was constructed at a cost of about five million dollars, and is run by the Government From Moncton, 89 miles from Saint John, travellers are conveyed daily, by four-horse coaches, 100 miles ta Truro, and thence, 64 miles, by Railway, to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Alexandra Works Saw Factory, Cor. North and Qeorgests., St John, N, B, J>, MuffH «l (7o., Hdt MamufaOiarm^ 61 l^iitg Sireit^ 'Bi, JbAn. 9ft OTSAM. [rsAB. MXLB8. STATIONS, DISTANCES, FARBS. AND RAT£S OF MILBS. PASSAGE. 1st. 2d.. St. John f 0.00. fO.OO 8 Moose Path 10. 08 6 Torrvburn 18. 12 7 Appleby 20. 14 9 Rothsay 25. 18 18 Quispamsis, 85.. 24 17 Nanwigewauk .... 50. 85 22 Ossekeag 70. 47 99 PM86lceag 82. 55 88 Norton 1.00. 67 89 Apohaqui.k. ;..... 1.15. 78 44 Sussex. 1.81. 88 47 Flnm\presweep 1.40. 94 Ist. 51 Penobsquis fl.60. 56 Portage. 1.65. 61 Anaganoe ........... 1 .80. 66 Peticodiao. 1.90. 78 North River 2.00; 76 Salisbury 2j00. 79 Boundary Greek... 2.05. 89 Moncton. |PABBS 91 Humphrey's Mill.. 95 Cook^s Brook..;. 102 . I>orch98ter Rokd. i 106 Sbediac ............ 108 Point Duche;nq.... 2.20. 2.85. 2w40. 2.«0. fi.50. 2.5a. 2d. $1.00 I.IO 1.20 1.25 1.85 li85 1.40 1.6,0 1.55 l.flO 1.70 1.70 1.70 ^amil^ tickets of twelve, to all Stations, at half firstipla^t fare; also. Season tickets, of three months, to all stations between St. John and >^ ^^ Steam Comnmnication'firom Saint John, Kew Bnmaijnii^ TO GLASGOW— By steamer monthly (Anchor fine), commenein^ Feb. 1868. f ; - ' TO DI6BT ANP ANNAPOLIS-^By steamer evejv Monday and Thursday looming, at 8 o'clock. . ' .t , >' TO PORTLAND AND BOSTON— By steamers on every Monday mi Thursday morning. TO WINDSOR AND BJkLIFAX— By steamer every Tuesday and Friday evening, connecting with steamers to and fiiom Portland and Boston, forming a through line of travel, by steamers and railway, from Halifax to all points in ti^e Gftnadas and the United States; > ' TO FREDERICTON — Every morning at nine o'clock, connecting with steamers to Woodstock, and by stage and rtdlWay, via !HouIton and Bangor, forming an inland line of travel to fill poijatti in ih? United States and Canada. , ." . / .• TO YARM6(JTH and BOSTON— By steamer every Tuesday even- ing, at 7 o'clock. TO NEW YORK, BOSTON, PORTLAND, ST. JOHN, AND CALAIS. Through Route from Aroostook, Prfisque Isle, Houlton, qpA Woodstock, via the New Brunswick and Canada Railway, and International Steam- i^p 0(Anpany. Trains leave the Houlton and Woodstock tenmnus for St. Andrews, to connect with steamer for Portland, Boston, St. John, and Calais. ■ ., ■ TO NEW YORK.— Via Interna^onal S. g. Company ik^ Portland; thence by Steamers from Portland-— (Outside ipnte). j • TO CALIFORNIA.-Steamers leave New York, Isit, llth and i^ipt of every month. Steamers leaving llth, connects with New Line to Aus- toalia and New Zealand. TO CANADA AND ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES.— By Steamers of I. S. S. Company, Monda> and Thursday Mornings, at a o'cloc k. ^^Through Tickets, at a reduced rate, can be procured at the Ge- neral Ticket Office, Eastern Express Office, 86 Prince William Street. ! 2 I I I e i- 5 2%f '^Weed** it a ShuUle Bemng Mackine-C, A. Biwe^;B. Jokn^ N. B, t Jdhn. [r868. Ist. 1.50. 1.65. 1.80. 1.90. 2.00; 2M. 2.05. 2.20. 2.85. »w40. a.«o. 2.50. 2.50. PAHBS. 2d. 11.00 1.10 1.20 1.^ 1.85 li85 1.4d 1.5P 1.86 l.flO i.ro 1.70 1.70 (f€\ I fare; also, t. John and (ondaj and i ftondajT ibd 'needay arid ortland and olway, froi& fleeting with loulton and theUiated lesday eyen- D CALAIS. Woodstock, OQ^V Steam- enninua f<^ St. Jqhn, • r .. ■ Portland ; and !21pt of !iine to Aus- STATBS.— fornings, at at theGe- a Street. ^ /oilkn, N. jB, JIardu)arei4Me»als wtrf rgfatf-^W. B. ffl{w<» fo, 11 Jting Street. 18681.] VfLTTABT. 9^ STAPP OP THE ARM7. SERVINO IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUKSWICK, UNDER Lieutenant General Sir John Mitcfbll, K. G. B., Gomdiandinir Her Maiesty'flTroopa in Rritiah North America. Mi^or General H. DoTle^jConvmaqdinff Her Majaaty'a Twoom in Niira Scotiti ana New fimnswiok. . Colonel F. P. Harding. C- B., 22cl Regiment, CommandUns Her Maiaatt'a Trob^ia inNew ]Knii4wick. -»'»«^ "UWV* C^ARKisoNs.— Safnt Jelhn, Coloind Oriereon, IBth Rerimdit: Coinmand- ittfif ; Lieutenant T. E. Jonea (H: P. 4th Foot), Tbwn STator. ' Frederic- toa.^ Colonel. F. P. Harding, 2M Regiment, CommaBdlQg; Lie«teBatti H<;H. SMrinney, 22d Regiment, Acting Town Adjutant. . QBAPMIKar— Frederi^toQ^, R^7. 0. Goiter { J:}aint John, Rer. W. Arn^atrona. , ;. |E(OTAi. ARTiLuaT.--a jl^att^iry, -ith Brigade, Lieutenant Qotonel D, E. H^te, p. B. ' Kot:^L BstQiNBiaDBPAaniBNT.— Skint John. Major Cox, Diatriot Rorid Engineer; Edward Lloyd, Clerk: W. Barrett, Mihtary Foredian : Fredericton, 8. MedHwj Oterk of Wdrka. "» , -^ "T*^ ' Co^iMiaisAaiAt DBFABTiuD(T.-rSidnt John, Aasiitant Committary General Ward;, Q^ ThompAan^Stonkeeper; Fredericton, I>epaty i , . » .MfuTART StORB DitPAiEti'MBMt.^^-SfUnt . John, J. Greig, Esouure. Aa- Blatant Milltai^y 8torekeeJ)er: Ij^.^ebb, Blilitary 8tot?cierlk ; Amea Emerson, Storehouaeman : JohnOrda,'«nd Alfred Hatherlt. Armourers • Jimea Etedon. Office Ke*per; :; .^. rmwur^, , Barba6k DsPARTMBNT.—Saint John, J. Greig, Baquire, 'Barrack 'Miin- ter; George Parker, Barrack Sevgeani. Frederioton, George Priestly, EMuire, Barraok Ma|»ter; Joh^ i^Tfarda, Barrack Sergeant. ^uRvaToa's Qbpartmkkt.— J., jK^jre, Aasistant Purreyor. Hia ExceUency Major Genei^il Hastinga Doyle, Cpmmander in>Cfaief. Lieutenant Col. George , J. tfaunaell, Ajdyutant General, 80th June, 1865. L|e,uteuabi Colonel Andrew Otty, 8d Battalion King'a County llilitia. Deputy Adjaiant General, 22d November, 1865.. . Lientleiiant' Colonel William B.' Hobinson (Queen'a' New Brunswick Rangers), Quarter Mastbr General, 8th June, 186^. Lientefhant C61onel WlHiam T. Baird (Ibt Battidion Carleton CbniAy) ■ :.,. Deputt Quarter Master General, 8th June, 1868. ur.i n> Captain Gierke ^(i2d Regimepit^ Aiderde-Cflpin, Lieutenant Colonel Charles JXrwjt Froyinciab>Aide^>de-Camp» 26tb Oo- , tpber,i86l. . . ... LieUteriabt Colonel B. Lester Peij^rs (New Brunswick Artillery), Prorin- cial Aide-de-Camp^th JanniR7.'1864. Lieiiteriairt Colonel the HonourabFeLetoN^el A. Wihnot (1st Bai't^ipn ' ; Yoi^k Codnty); Jddge Advovalie General, 6th August, 1884. The Ninett Second Asteroid. — When some of as wer^ boy^ and we were called upon to give the number and names of the asteroids, the or- thodox reply was, Four : Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Ye^ta. Now there are ninety tw<). It is by some supposed that the asteroids, which have thar orbits about midway between Mars and JufNter, number thousands ; and almost every year is adding to the number of those discovered. ' "^ftnofoj^WiSji^^ J D. MiigM d Ok, Jhaltn in JWr Qooda, gl Kin0 StrttL w4 m •8 STATimiOAL. [1898. The following statistios of Trade and Revenue, for 1866, of the following Colonies, is taken from the report of the Controller of Customs at8aintJohn,N. B.: Canada.— Estimated population in 1866, about 8,090,000; Customs, total revenue for the year ending 80th June, 1866, was $7,1:82,412 ; deductions for collection and return duties, $411,254; Net Customs revenue, $6,921,168; cost of coUeotion, about H per cent. Excise, $1,888,676 ; Excise dudes returned and drawbadcs on excisable goods expentures sold, was $12,672,480 ; and the total expenditure, including Interest on public debt, collection of the revenue, &c., was $12,418,106^ shewing a balance in favor of the yearns operations of $264,876. The direct funded debt of Canada on the 80tb of June, 1866, was $60,661,014, less accumulated sinking fund, $1,646,222. The value of the exports for the same year was $64,711,494, in- cluding $2,897,691 in com and bullion ; new ships built and exported, $1,61:^886 ; total, $66,828,880. The quantity of new vessels built fai Canada in the same yeir, was '9 steamers, 1,188 tons, 160 sailing ves- sels, 64,491 tons; total, 169 vessels, 66,674 tons. The value of the dn^ble go^)d8 imported was $88,276,276, fr^ goods, $16,886,201, coin and buIUoo, $6,191,842; totol, $168,8(12,819. NiwrouMDLAMD. — ^Valuc of imports, $6,784,849 ; value of exports, $6,694,806 ; Customs duties, $688,489, less drawbacks, $11,647 ; total, $676,942. Excise revenue, $488. Total revenue, including moneys borrowed under the Loan Acts, $719,210. Total expenditure, includ- ing interest on public debt, and debentures pud off, $670,862. The public debt, terminably is $680,487, p^-rmanent, $288,148, floating, $216,081, total, $l,l9tt,661. i^ount exp^ded for education and llte- raiy purposeo, $42,484 ; estimated population in 1866, 130,000. Num- ber and tonnage of vessels re^iiterea in the Colony, 1,497, 88,204 tons ; number and tonnage of vessels built in the Colony 107, 8,684 tonsj^; steam vessels r^stered in tiiei Colony 9, 1 ,229 tons ; the number of steam vessels registered in the Colony and in other places engaged in prose- cuting the seal fishery was 10 vessels, 2,484 tons. Paiircx EnWABD Island. — ^Estimated population in 1866, 90,000 ; value of imports for 1866, £482,437 sterling; exports, £242,274 ; value of ships transferred, £186,892 ; total, £878,666. Import and Excise duty, £66,862 ; revenue from other sources, £80,080; total, £96,442 currency. The public debt on tlie 8Ist January last was £138,642. NewTessels registered in 1866, 127, 22,606 tons. Nova Scotia.— Estimated population m 1866, 868,000 ; total value of imports, $14,881,008; value of goods entered for home consumption, $18,026,483 ; total value of exports, $8,043,096. The revenue from Customs for the year ending 80th September, 1866, was $1,226,898. Excise duty i OB o 5! I e 8" I r 8 I ••iiifi PuiyAow onfy th* ** Wted " ^9^0% JVocAmm-IO wd 12jr«beM JStreet, mC [1898. }66, of the of Customs >; Guatoms, |7,?82,412 ; 'et Customs at. Excise, sable goods »,882. The The gross debentures ; interest on 05, shewing The direct (61,014, less Yll,494, in- id exported, sets bttilt fai sailing Yes* ^alue of the 86,201, coin of exports, 1,847 ; total, ling moneys ture, includ* 0,862. The 43, floating, on and llte- 1,000. Num- (8,204 tons ; 8,684 Uma^\ ber of steam ;ed in prose- S6, 90,000; 1,274 ; value and Excise tal, £96,442 £138,642. total value onsumption, svenue from $1,226,898. $8,178.80 ; N^ova Scotia, 08.69. The ngthe same ilued at|2,- Railrodd Shoveh and Pteka-W. H. 0Uv4 <> CW., 11 JBwy^ft^. \km Street. 1868.] STATISTICAL. •9 388,600. The total number of vessels registered at all the Ports in Nova Scotia on the 30th September last was 8,609, measuring 4i 0,896 tons, valued at $13,749,647. The total receipts of Nova Scotia for the year, including duties, royalty on coal, crown lands sold, railway reve- nue. (Treasury notes $96,000,) mines, &c., were $1,867,247.71. aild the total payments, including railway interest and expenses. Militia, roads, &c., were $1,961,348.28, shewing an excess of payments over receipts of $104,100.67. At the commencement of the year Nova Scotia hftd a balance on hand of $222,982.97, and at the close of the year it was $118,382.40. New Brunswick. t- Our population at the close of last year might be estimated at 296,000. Our Customs revenue for the year ended 81st December, 1866, was $1,083,609.67, less drawbacks about $58.0«i0; value of imports, $10,000,794 ; exports, $6,878,706 ; value or new shipping built, $1,812,480; total, $8,186,186. The quantity of new shipping built was 1 1 8 vessels, measuring 49^926 tons ; tonnage rtc^a- cered in the Province on the 81st Decembei 1866, wa4 988 Tetseii, 233,946 tons. Gross revenue, including Post Office receipts, earnings of Railway, &o., in the year ending 8 1st October, 1866^ was $1,87 8,- 266.95, and the total payments, $1,314,142.88 ; shewing a surplus jtwl^ ance of $59,118.07. This balance in favour of the year*s open^ons would be much larger if confined to ordinary transactions, as amongst the payments were included railwoy subsidies paid to St. Stephen^s Branch, payments for construction of European and North American Railway, Provincial Debentures for ordinary debt paid, and reduction in debt to Savings Bank. The Auditor General estimates the real balance in favor of the year's operations, afler deducting $100,200 for debentures sold for all purposes, to bu $142,630.26. The liabilities of the Province on the 81st October last, the close of the financial year, on account of railway debentures sold, was $6,088,- 680, and on account of Savings Bank debt, $726,601.26. During the last Session of the Legislature of New Brunswick a few changes were made in the tarifil The duty on rum and alcohol was raised from 86 cents per gallon proof and 3 per cent, to 70 r cit^ per gallon proof and 3 per cent., which is a shade higher than the C^n}ik Vajm and FtU Hata. 100 8TATISTI0AL. [1868. An Aeeouni 0/ Import Duty, inditding th*\ SaUwajf Jmpatt, m al$o an Account of Ex- port Ihtty, eollHUd abtwh Part vn the fif09inct of Iftw JSrumtoiekt b(tw«en the „!\d tfanuary and i\tt pecemb«r, 1866. ,=-!' POBTB. Skint John. Oanipbeltoiif D^lhousie, Bathur^f, CftttUJVMttJt, I, , Bhit)p«glin^ ., Ne#ca(8tle,''"' r •;', Chatham, P., Kehibtwito^' ; '*:! Biiototiche, ' .' Shediac; - . BaydeVerte, ^ NoVthJoggiiis, . aMjiviiw, •; X>oiN^he8t«f, Moiieton, ffiUabbrough, % HafVCT, . Saint Gechrge, . Saint Stiephen, . Saint Andrews, . Westlfilea, Predericton, Woodstodc, . Graind Falls, . l^bique, Edmuiidfaton, . total, $40,226 76 21 45 64 16 82 99 89 78 11 2,600 999 2 4,909 6,268 8,288 1,068 2,847 85 60 25 05 89 10 84 25 ^portBnty. Export Duty $805,885 00 2,462 74 7,187 22 12,891 4,616 4,879 14,891 80,164 68 8,181 95 . ' 597 ' 2,807 , 816 76 ' 6,254 2,880 48 6,261 12 268 95 65 17 2,786 62 42,180 08 25,068 67 4,586 88 87,824 07 11,529 14 1,690 68 585 26 1,033,609 67 181 05 287 70 7 C 93 80 181 72 2,158 50 1,705 42 57 00 $65,682 77 B4tHm tihtfotnff o 10 o i> 09 «0 «0 M9 0> 9 MS t- «C o> ^ ^ © CO e« c» « i-H ed ^ ^ e« o CO 84 01 ^_m ^ ^ m © t- »o #1 00 10 ^ « I 34 S3 d © o o © o o M ko 10 © e © © eo d t-^io^©^©^©^©* to <»"«cr i-i »0 CO g;»oga>-4to iPo»occa)<»ooi*iS? 9» ccH^StStP ig oo w aw o il '? I I is H I* t-iM i & i» Hj ' s TO r^^mi-:M.''7''l • • QD ^ ^ 1 ?5l o».o s 09 ga & OP o > 1^ o> w

> !»■. 50 !#_ CENSUS OF nUITISH NORTH AMERICA. The lut Census of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bninswiok, and Prinee Ed#Md Island, was taken in 1861 ; that of Newfoundlaod in 1853. The population of these Colonies was then found to be — ,t.w,fj, -':->:"-■,; Males. Females Total Upper Canada Lower Canada, ... ., New Brunswick, NoTaScotta, . . .. .... .... .... .... Prince Edward Islund, ... Newfoundland, 726,675 567,864 129,948 165,584 40,880 65,118 670,516 128l099 165,278 29,977 58,170 4,896,091 1,11,1,566 252,047 830,867 80,867 124,288 X 1 'l&lf ■•*• •■•• •••• ■•• 1,694,969 1,600,787 '8,296,709 Since the previous census, the population has been increaain;; at the annual rate of: — In Upper Canada, 4 34 per cent. ; Lower Canada, 2 5J per cent. ; New Brunswick, 2 60 per cent. ; Nova Scotia, 1 82 per cent. ; Prince Edward Island, 2 07 per cent. ; Newfoundland, 1 60 per cent. Supposing the increase to have since eontinnud at the same rate, the population is now about 4,000,000. /. F. Zawton^ Saw Manufacturer^ comer North and Oeorffe^.^ 8t. John. D. M9§m JB Ocy BtU 4Uul Cap MimufaHure n ^ 51 Xjn ^rMt, 101 VMrCL IHrOBMATION. [1868. Dim AND Taxis.— The following is a statement of the public debts of a number of nations, and the taxation paid on an arerage per head : Taxation National debt, per capita. per capita. United States 111.46 gold | 74.28 Ofeat Britain 10.92 *' 12fi.00 France 7.97 " 53.00 Belgium 6.69 " 26.0«) Prussia 6.48 " 12.00 Austria 6.27 " 46.00 Canada 8.86 " 2<>.00 Newfoundland 8.49 " 9.9i> New Brunswick 8.24 " 2ii.91 Nova Scotia 8.10 '* 16.60 Prince Edwnrd Island 2.oO ** 2.79 Holland 0.67 " 121.00 CnniMa Timber. — If oak, hickory, or chestntit be felled in August, in the second running of the sap, and barked, quite a large tree will sea- son perfectly, and even thit twigs will remain sound for years ; whereas that cut in winter and remaining until next fall, (as thick as your wrist,) will be completely sap-rotten, and will be almost unfit for any purpose. The body of the oak split into rails will not last more than lo or 12 years. Chestnut will not last longer, but no comparison to that cut in August. Hickory cut in August is not sufa\ject to be wonn*eaten, and lasts a long time for fencing. When I began farming in 1 802, it was the practice to cut timber for post fencing in the winter. White oak posts and bkick oak rails, cut at that time, would not last more than 10 or 12 years. In 1808 I began cutting fence timber in August. Many of the oak rails cut that year are yet sound, as well as most of the chestnut. If the bark is not taken off this month, it will of itself pvel off the second or third year, and leave the tree perfectly sound. The tops of the tree are also more valuable for fuel than when cut in winter or spring. I advise young farmers to try the experiment, and if post fences do not last twice as long, I forfeit all my experience as worthless. Thx Moon.— The Hoyal Astronomical Society of Great Britain have appointed a committee of its principal members, to each one of which is assigned a section of the moon's surface, which he is to study every fair night, and report upon all changes observed. Dr. Schmidt, at Athens, has announced that the volcanoes are still in active operation. It has been thought by some that the moon was a defunct globe, that its fires had gone out, and it had become a frozen, barren mass, wanting only the final conflagration. Dr. Schmidt has noticed the action of the crater Linne, which is similar to lunar observers. This, like other era* ters in the moon, as to its depth, together with the height of the moun> tains, has been measured. Two thousand of these mountains have been counted averaging higher than the Alps in Europe. Thirty-nine of them would overtop Mont Blanc. The craters are very much larger than any of those on our earth, some of them having a diameter of more than a hundred miles, and a depth of two or three miles. ' For Mamtfaetorin Ihi " W^ " Aos no ngaerior — Helton iSK., St. John, ^ I I I 1 I TTfTZ \n ff-ttr«€t. [1868. public debts ;e per head : iooal debt, >r capita. 74.28 25.00 A3.00 ♦26.00 12.00 46.00 20.00 9.90 2)1.91 16.50 2.79 1 21.00 in Augtist, in tree will sea* lars ; whereas is your wrist,) any purpose. | han 10 or 12 to that cut in rin*eaten, and 1802, it was , White oak more than 10 ngust. Many 1 most of the of itself pt-'c) r sound. The cut in i^inter at, and if post e as worthless. Britain have one of which to study every . Schmidt, at ive operation, ict globe, that mass, wanting | 3 action of the , like other era- \ t of the moun> ; Rins have been j Tliirty-nine of y much larger , ttmeter of more | ffarthtar^-W, A Otiv^d Qo.^ 11 XU^ff-ttrul, 1868.] CSirUL IHVOKMATION. 108 •s iSK., at, John, CiMNiMO Fruits.— The annexed method of canning fralt was fumlah* «d at the New York Famen' Club, by Mr. Powers, of Oswego Go., New York : — '* I will suppose your miit and glass cans all ready. 1 prefer cans with glass covers. I scald the fruit in a large tin pan with juice or water to cover ft. Put half a teaein|r constmoted on a due con- sideration of the attraction oi. the 8nn and Hoon, in their several posi- tions respecting the Earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer what kmd of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the Moon into anv of ita quarters, and that so near the truth as to t)e seldom found to fail. ^ — — 6 snd 8 If the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon, or the last quarter happens Between midnight and 2 in the morning. — — a and 4 morning. —— 4and6 " 6 and 8 " 8 and 10 ** 10 and 12 " At 12 noon, and 2 P. M. Between 8 and 4 P. M. 4 and 6 P. M. IN SUMMBR. •« Fair. Cold, frequent showers. Rain. Wind and rain* . ChkAgeable. Frequent showers. Very rainv. Changeable. Fair. Fair, if wind N.W. IN WINTER. II 8 and 10 -— 10 and midnight. Hard frost, unless thewindbeS.orW. Snow and stormv. Rain. Stormy. Cold rain, if wind be W., Snow if E. Cold and bip^h wind Snow or rain. Fair and mild. Fair. Fair and frosty, if wind N. or N. K. Rain or snow, if S. S.W. Ditto. Fair and frosty. Rainy, if S. or S. W. Ditto. Fair. Observations.— IhB nearer the time of the Moon^s change to noon or midnight, the more nearly will the result accord with the prediction. It is also said that less dependence is to be placed on the Table in winter than in summer. F. Lawton^ Saw Manufaelurer^ Comer North and Owrgttte.^ St. John. I P*,Mag9^ Qxy B«^ Wareko/me^ S^nff^imt, S'"lf '9 9 '& a L'^ PAOB. Advertuiements.. . . .1-24 & 104-1 2a AstroDomioal Symbols,.. ....... 29 Attotioneers, . ....<. 51 Board of ttdalth,. .,,....:...... dl Boartt of Works,.: ^6 Baptist Chureh,.. ... ..... ...... 85 Baptist ff. Itissioii ary bbard, . . 85 Bai>tist Sdueatioa Society, ; . . . . 91 Banks,.. .,...,.„.....^......„ 88 IRarristers and Attorneys,. . v. . . ?8 Branch Pibts,. ,..../.. ^,{. 51 Calehdar Pages, .... . . ...... 85-46 Oabflda, ....... .. . ....75 Census British America', . . . . . . .l&l Commissioners Water Saj^ly,.. 54' Chamber of Commeree, 55 City of St, John,. 50 Ci,ty and Cqwity of St. John, . . . . 5& County of York, ., 61 '* King's,.. 63 *• Queen's, 64 Sunbury,. 65 Carletop,, . .;. . . ^. . ,,,.4 66 Charl6tte;.:V....../,.. 6r Gloucester, :': . . ew Kent, ;•. .... 4 .»..».. .V 69 Westmorland, ...... . . io Northumberland, . . . ; . 71 Restigouche^ . . . . . . . . . 72 •* . Victoria,... .i;;... 74 Courts, 77 Comptrollers of Customs, Ac, . . 95 Church of Engkud, 82 Cathohcs, Uoman, 88 Church of Scotlaud. 88 Congregational Church, 86 Christians or Disciples of Christ, 8t> CoASuls. .w '. J 92 Coilectuis of Slippage, 51 Deputy Treasurers, 95 Dioce«i)tn Church Society, 88 Executive Council 75 Jj^Upses for 1868, 26 Ecjuation of Time, 26 Fish Market Dues, A^ Fire Department, 52 Free Baptist Church,. . . . »-, 86 Free Baptist Eoncation Societir, 87 Female Reform Society, 54 Falls, going through,. 32 Frederioton, Corporation uf, 61 Festivals in th« Church in 1868. 28 Grammi^r School............ (.. 87 General Hublio Hospital, ....... 91 Barbour Master's Fees, 83 Hackney Coach Fares, 50 .41 « •< ' ■: PAOB. Holiday*, Publie.. ... . 28 Hook and Ladder Co ...« 52 House of Assembly, 76 Hospitals and Asylums, ........ 91 liViinigrant Departments. ....... 9^ Light Uotises, . '..'......... . 29 liancfaster, Parish of, -. ... ... 66 Let^ilstive Council, i ..... 75 Lunatiit Asylum, ...............'. 91 Mechanics' Institute «... .; . 54 Macfros School, ...,..,...,. .... . 87 ^^!litia....... &7 m. Allison Wesleyan Ed. Ins.,. 87 Giiicers of tite Crown, .......... 76 Officers Baj^tisit Convention, .... 85 Officers OrunKeAssociatioa,.... 94 PubUc PosTters, ..;......... 34 Ppi^land, Parish of, 58 Presbyterian Church, .......... 83 Provincial Board of Education,. 87 Provmcial Institute, 88 IT 09p r^ir^^' * * * •«'•• «••• 4.^«« • • «> f>dsr6ffice. Money orders, 90 Police 'Department, ...;... 52 Pot-t Wa;rdens,i ..... . . ; .::>: 51 Kates^ of Pilotage,. . .. .. l ;..... 83 Ratbs of Wharfog^ ............ m Rates of Slippage, 84 Rates of Anchorage, 47 Kates of Ferriage,. ........'..'... 85 Rates of Cartage, .......,..,.,,. 4(1 Rates of Weighing Machines, ... 49 Railway Rooi'd,!. ....... J 77 Ref. Presbyterian ChurCh, b5 Reyenue, Pirovincial,. ...i.i..... 95 Signals, > 82 S^ieties 58 Sons of Temperance,.. 93 St. John Building Society, ..li. 54 St. Andrew's Society, 53 St. George's Society,. 53 Sti Patrick Society, 53 Simonds, Pai'ish of, ............ 59 St. Martins, Parish of,.. ........ <60 Staft* of the Army, 97 St. John County Teachers' Ins., 88 Surveyors of Lumber , . . 52 Top Wharfage, 48 Tolls— Suspension Bridge, 34 Tolls— Market, ..... 4y Tariff, E. & N. A. Railway 96 Tabular statement 100 University of New Brunswick,. . 86 Wesleyan Methodist Church, ... 84 Weather Table, 103 a J s ft 9 a « CI ft o S 9 & •«■ fl -es S fa o « •a B I 3 s e « a St fa SB a M fl V Q) s <9. A. L. Slarfottdf Co.^ Retail AgtnUfw " ITc^rf" Mwhine^ Si. John, If. B. PAQB. 1 S8 52 76 91 92 2 ^i'il...''.: 75 . .' 91 >i 54 1 87 H 98 *" '87 § ^'d. Iqs.,. 76 ^ tion,. . . . 86 ^ »* bs 8* 1 68 f 83 'Q 87 J 88 C5 90 * ft *^yy • m.» *> srs, ; : - . 52 !^ . 61 88 ^ . m I . 84 1 t ■...'• 1 !•? .85 S bines, . . . 49 ? -, 77 1 . b5 « ch, 3-4 S • &3 5 . 93 a . -64 P siely,..ii . 63 Oj .53 ? . 63 a .69 • . «0 .97 ., 88 . 62 — •' " .48 . 34 Ige, — .. 4y . 96 vaj ,100 nswick,. . 86 ! lurch,.. . 84 .103 -.- 'i ii.John,Jf.£. s r e d a s & a a 3 a •a OB lO a op s u g n a a V Q) 9 0^ Har4ware— W..H. Oliyea? Co., Jl Hiqg-tit., St. JoJbti. ]y» B. 1868.] ADVERTISEMENTS. ^05 ANI> Aurieiiltiiral Imoieiiieiit f andtinisi), 1 ■ ♦ > ■y-i: ALLAN BROTHEKS, {Late of Harris ^ idltan). Manufacture and Trade in all kinds of Ships' Cambooses, Mantel-piece and Register Grates ; Shop, Office, Parlor and Cabin STOVES, all sizes and patterns. Apiiltiiral ImpIeMts, of every MM They also Manofacture t > order STEAM ENGINES AND MILL MAGHIMElYi, Ships' Windlass, Iron Capstan, Ship Castings of every de- scription, and all kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron WOrkr ([[[^"AIl orders left at the Warehouse, No. 7 Water Street, will be executed in a workmanlike manner, and with the utmost promptitude. Alexaiidrfi Works Saw Factory, cor. North anil Georgct-stSi, K I s A i '90 e Ml (M il I 1 f A) J s 1 t \ pa ••• B 1 flQ • \ f0 i ai \ S e o i s s. ^ 2 o d S ct >n • H - ^ • e 9 V "''■. o i s a « a 8 ^ P. Magee A Co.f Hata, Capg fcnd Fnrg, SVKinf^mntteei,: -.U 106 AI)TERTISEME5TS. [1868. J. CHRISTIE. Importer and Dealer in all kinds of AND SHOE FINDINGS: «... ;. ..*.- A, Moroccofl, Kids, Bindings, Linings, &c., Bristles, Shoe Brushes, Boot Turners, WebbingS) Threads, Galloons, Blacking, Varnish, Edge Ink, Awls, Buckles, Iron Nails, Brass do.. Steel Tacks, Pincers, Nippers, Knives, » . Pegs, Patent Peg Awls, Counter t?ize Sticks, Patent Screws, Hook Bills and Skivers, Peg Breakers, Shank Lasters^ Hard Ash, Hamoiers. BOOT TREES, Cramps, Clamps, Lasts, &c. Wfii®ll@saiE@ and B@t®i{. A SUPPLY OP...T f,.,-H,..: -A. I From the Manafactory of S. R. Foster, always on band, Wholesale and Retail. South Side King Street, ^il s «• (8 til fl A e « S I I s e « s u « a N •k a V V B Ci tsa&] 1 HA ■w Sout t 63: C( « A *• e « •H e 3 ^01 The ** Weea " Sewing Machine is made by the N. A. m. Co 'jr. J. F. J49 W,'' ■Rtfeet. [1868. IE H Cftfriage 8tpclD»»W» H* Olite deVo*,, 11 mB|C^§ilie y. I J« F- I^airtoiiy Saw MjaMUfectarer, cor. Nortli and Geoife-ftt. il '^imiil^yt&^'^la^'ffMif^i^^^^i£^ - tbtAOCO, CltSAftS, &c SA.INT ,^Jp;^N, NT. B. Supplied promp0if, j6^< on recLS(miible terms. Q" ivr <«w>. , it" J. t '10 T?:;UM': nOr;u/. CivOi.* L k» ' " ' liw,.T>'«i>»t>yi^oaa kwv i e . t<'t»4y*'%Wiat'«ti^ ^ I 186 1 J :« 8 a I 1 I e > Coc ■1 B P The the'l tob( J7¥l Imn^ mmcgUhmUki^g ywp— ■■^W^aEtfOMm^AOttt, M 186B0 MOYnKtiBBmaxm. )10(» JQ0 i ' ■.•...; .1 ■. _ __ IcIs&fPEi; & cq,, Manupke^ver^ of a^i kinds ^f (! •-^ V. ,,;., t, ; ,.! ,,.. s 4 te Cooking and Ship $)||IVE$ y^tiipr airtl OfAois Stoves. • ■ febip and MilrtiM^iNQS ffiade to oider,' -■ Ship Vi^dti^ii, Oar^lfaQS andShtp Qtstttiiigs, OF ALL KINDS. TForA? ifOTie io orderitdih quioh dispcubch. 1 1 I; ; ' , M I , ' , ' . M I ' . ■ 1 I II ? « K. -' i/'-T«S ^9 ff sett AGKMV MR »r»W BRUNSWICK fWEt Mason ^Hamlih' 8 Cabinet braans, and A. M. MaiNiail Im i >; . ilk 06.f^ Cel^witej Pianotert^s. : : The reputation of these Makers ia too well known to need commiUKL Heaut||fuJ,^D^ ^ ^taya OASJNiiT ORGANS, with kii<^j^|^i|^d all the'latest improvements, ISO eac^, ana warranted Tor 'five years. Only to be ae^ to be appreciated. i* ,vv« . xv:;* •. >''A" - Pianefwta Tuned, Equnred^ and Ii$ni on Bire, ly Pianoforte Maker, 120 Gerrfiain Street, ;tee"f ; ■ S (One door giwlh of Dul^eiStre«*,) S'' .0 M . ^ ES'5IA31^8H^I> TWENTY YEARS. ' ' ttANOFORTE^ OaREFULLTT REMOVED. 8 pa is i ¥iiJAm6t^, SAW »WAnfactk^ b^^ cer.^ It^hli ^a^^rfgfeiaS 1 Cfi pAjmgBJB A Co*,'Hili]|ftiamflwfiwat M lEf»i*t«it, as any error in this k«*^Cinay.bej>roductive of serious evils. In supplying dpectacdes to ardwr, GEOBGE BUTCHINBON is enabled, from his long experiencein the Optical Department to select only such as can be depended npon for Uie remedy or any 4mperfMtlon of sight to which they may l)e applied. .^ ; ^^^Eleotro-plated and Britannia (Metal Ware fbr Sate. Silver Spooru, Forks, Wedding Binga, dsc, made and warranted genuine. '^ Eig'* First Class Workmen only employed. ..^ Highest lingoes given for OLD SILVER and GOLD, \2,?v'. V9 The above Business is now carried on at No. 70 Prince William Street GEORGe HVTcniiiisa:Hr, Jr. ■ ^svit\ ■ Tke ** IVieed" >ewiBf Jllacliiiie m timiple in constrnctioa. XI 1868 9 ? a B n ft F Si IB ! % i 3 I SI c @t <[ mtf' L1868. eet. !aker, H.1 [ON OP^ 9 aired. ■epatn done insit >iutantt7 on >i1 I I BiiiM»ft^' S B GB B test Pe11>ble« ectaoles and error in thjs »B to ordiir, 1 the Optical ledy of any , .•; ...sii Sato. tdgenuine. ^ GOLD. eet. , Jr. mction* a I 5 . • o I I d « I ^*a[4 01tW#b»>>, ll>»ln4%t^t^ 1S68.] Abmtmmnt. lil k » ,■*■■<•■ FLOUi ,^ CAL ■r 9 ^^j. S|ig^ fbid MolasdeQ^ @yitt@r, O^eese* i>ri«d' Apples SHIP STORES. all UMSe t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (TWJ» Doors Soutli^f Market BquMti) I ^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. I |l 5 ^* is ? ^ 8 9 il^W«>t Rlt^tMN iriaArMui f«lMrii^4«t tto Al«Mriiani W«rtw. .1 « I JJ ;'%iifiW^i(C.9ftftift?fmhi^»'tft99#ft/WI^ \m iAVJ^tTIfBlUENTV. . [1808. ^ i% t^ l*:^ ■ « ' P J. ti il i\l hh "-> ! OH a , i B, M Of ,.«!« ;.Ktndi; o J? I « s .0 I I % a B Invi p Ckmipr poj 3 J^t No n "All TH S to 5 TiMtMm^mi^li^rSS^mu^^^^ Has pi Alira: tiieEtig mpregi known 1 Any ow Mffis,! Steunix Emigra tbem ^ Send fa iTwri [U68. l ■'^^'g i «si "^s.-'^ Mi t I f I ?' JWMbMMB* f IB ! s a riWiipHilPiWW^W* Hw OIJi^ 4? Omi I V 'Hlii^fcittf ijr .fci 1868.] ADTnniiXMnris. Ul EVANS THE Cllll!«M«|lli.i ■ i.J 'la:'* Invile tlie ittteatioii of tlie Tmde in British North JLmeileft to t^drexteneiycaasortmentof ' if i:'' « .V -SS FAPIE W W Wm For Ladies' and Oentlemen's Wear, ':.■ \, Comprising all the new and desirable Styles, including their neir w^ popular PATENTED GOODS, equal in finish to the best tmen ' ColhFB, for which they are now pr^parod to, 4 and WMu^ ^o Emiffrant Ship allowed to leave Havre without two on board. Prices bring them within The reach of ail. NoJS, |28 ; No. 4, $2T ; No. 6, $80 ; No. 6, $8& Send for a Circular. ^ JAMES R.WOODBURN. Depot at Mb. A. ROWAN'S, 68 Water Street, St. John, N. B. J* i*. Iinwtoiiy Saw MamnllRctiirery cor. North aadOeoi '','4 »Co>»'>IHiag»Hrt>a»t*-Hitit, AtthiiM, Cp^ii^, Whooping ough, Spitting of Blood, Uver Complaint, &o. >.///■•• 'f^nO Whioli carries off more vlctlinB than any other disease, and which bafllea the fekill of lilM Physietan to a greater exteAl thah any other malady, often yields to this remedy, when idl others, iMt)ye ineffeetual^ ., ^ -.m^h fx Asa XedMne, rp^pM in reltef, «ooUilnff In eflieet, aafe In Its W^ratlon,' it ii «n- eu r tliMed; while as a prsparatlon, free trom' UQXiont ingredtents, poisons or mlneifau, niuting Snll, soienoe, and medicsl knowledge, combining all that Is Tilaable in the wgetsblft kingdom for this class t>fdil««s6k it. Is Ittcomparable, Md Is entitled, ihertts and receives the enviable appellation df the INVALID'S Vf^ Gertifloate of T, B. BABKER, Esq., a well known Dn^^t :— . Bt. J6HIC, N, B., Jnne 8, I860.— Messrs. Sxra W^ Fowut ft 8oV Boston, iiass. : Gentlemen— I feel eonstrshied, fl>om a motive of Jtistlce, to Inform yon of the re- sults attending the sale of your valuable remedy, Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chmrry. Although I do not feel at libertr to mention the names, of p«ities who Bam ajrigh apJMreoiation ctf* its worth, I cantmly saythat fop CoigB^^OoJils, &v4 alt Putanonary Diseases, this remedy performs cures not excelled, if equalled, by amr other remedy knoinl, and I therelore oonfldently recommend it to those who samr Orom Pidmonary diffloulty. Tonrs^ &c., Ti3.HAKKER. None genuine unlejw signed I. BUTTS, on the wrapper. Prenared by 8ETH W.. yOWtJEi* BOW, SoKon, Mass.; ahd sold by Drdgglsts gAeratly. Soldi it Wholesale by T. B.BARKtR, St. John. Orace's Celebrated Sl^lye Cures Cuts, Sums, Scalds, Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Efy^peltis, Boils, Salt J^Ti^m, Bing- WoTTn, Chapped Sands, Felons,' Frozen Limbs, Copts, Tiles, ^c, ^o..^d. GRACE'S OELEBBATEP SALVE has been sold for many years, »ud its vir- tnes haVe stood the test of time. Grace's Celebrated $alve is prompt )n action, riMnovea pain at once,' and reduces the most angry-loojcii^ swellings as ^ by magio-^thus affording relief and a complete cure. bifliY 35 CENTS A BOX. SethW-FcwIe & Son, Boston, Proprietors. |9^ For Bale by all Druggists, Grocers, and at all Country Stores. SOLD AT waOLESALB BT T. B. BARKER, St. John. TlM •« Weed >» Sewteg; Maeliiiie is «Mt4e feiy the Nv A.M^Obff a S « A 5 i I 9 i I I i I s 8 8 I fl e '8 e » •a s ^SiWM iiHitti m tl868. 1ST, hooping and which \h any U comparable, >8ton, Maaa. : ou of the re- am of Wild paities who a, OokIb, aot in action, ingsaajfby £' 0"> res. rohn. S um^To^y; e i;ia^^yi>a;:ir . h. oBi^ i^ik^a 101.^11^ 1868.] ADTIRTISlllllfTe. ISS I i 9 I 8 1 e H H « as OOHKISSION HEKCBANT, ]MPORTER«AND DEALER IN f Loim, oomf MiMi, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, 1? o ^ JSk, 000 » FRUITS, SPICES, &c. 4I@. Water Street, SAINT JOHN, N. B. THOS. H, GSNNINftHiH. 18 Germain Street, St. John, N. B., IMPORTER OP LOOKING GLASS-PLATES, MAMUFAOTURER OT ALL KINDS ON MOPIiPIllfiSy &YAIi W&MSSS&9 LOOKING-GLASSES, &c. A good assortment of English and French Engravings and €hronfio-Uthographs„ always on hand. TBANSPAKENT WINDOW BUNDS Sign Painting and Lettering OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. % s ^ Sa^8 ot all kinds made and repaired at the Alexandra Works. i «» 8 i s a OP « B OP P* Mawee 4fc .<;o>» gat Wnyhpatet ftl Ki»g.gtT— tt 184 ADTEBTIIBMlCirTS. [1868. ARMSTRONG Corner Main and Charlotte Streets, Atiyoiniog Fisher's Ship Yard, and oppoaite the Weed Sewing Machine Manufacturing Company. The Sobaoriberi b^ leave to inform the public that their Foundry being now in Aill operation, they are prepared to fill all orders for uaar anb heavt cAsinrGs, or KTERT DUaRtPTIOM. Kill A Ship Ci8tiiig8 executed with Mfttttess and dispatch. Abo keep on hand-. a large lot of IMPROVED stoves; '&c. All Orders left at th6 Foundry will be punctually attended to. GOUHTRY FRODnCE AftERCT. •*■ The Subscriber wishes 'to; Inform Ms fHends and the public at large that he is still engaged as Jk. C3r E3 3>a" "3? FOR THE SAL.K OF ALL KINDS OF And solicits a shares of their Patronage. ',■ 0*^ ROBEBT FORST^TH, COifiifilSSC®NI AdiNT Np. 2 Market Street, )vi.'- t Uai4 9 I •I fl A li 9 ■ I S CI Address Cl&as. A^ BoTey» General Agent U Weed?' Jllacliine. u i J «8 I B a a a e V u a B « B K S %> Oil B 91 DE; actual line fo small < the sal such. positio tem bi ness n comm ven b\ Wegi "Th now in "M« lege, ai "8t« commt tlon»." "No • few flltrng MortUi For ingtb if Aiexi T6et« la-mi: [1868. reetSy Sewing r Foundry srsfor STGS, dispftteh. mded to. iOH. RCY. public fti iOOJ 1 OF H, I s ■ IN 8 JUaclillie. IK f s I e H g I p »> I >" a ce B e V u a (B (3 « B H a 01 B UmHwm-yr. g, QUir» Jfc P»>> li m—tt,. 9u J^kmn. B. 1868.] ADTUTISKMIim., 126 GOUERGIAyOLLEfii PROPRIETORS, DESIGN— To prepare young men for business of tU Icinds, br an actual business system of training. It will be found an excellent discip- line tor the young person of whatever sphere. It may be acquired by a small outlay of capital, and is a ready passport to succesi. It impflOVes the salaries of the employed, and secures employment for those wanting such. The times, too, require that employeis, and those aspiring alter positions of trust, to have a proiesslonal business training. Thia sy»> tem has been peifected by the prolonged experimice of the ablest bim- ness men in Britain and America, adapted to the wants of the general community, and the better known, the more it is appreciated, as is pro- ven by the opinions expressed by the leading papers and business men. We give a few quotations from the St. John, N. B., press : ** The U. P. 0^ College 'is one of the most admirable institutions of the kind now tn existence.** " Manv Atudento have been favored by the merehants Who have visited the Col- lege, and inspected the system, v " Stuients in the U. P. C College acquire a thoroaghly practical knowledge of commercial and flnancial op^ratidnri, in all their varied land' Intricate ramUlca- tlonn." ** Numbers have been called away to fill various situations in merehants' oflleea, Ac, befiire they have lialf finished their course of study, •till continuing to attend a few hours in the evening, and others who have flnidied their eourse are now filling first class situatlohs through the recommendation of the PrinelpaL"— • MonUng Joui nal. For particulars pleaae send for a circular (enclosin ingtbe Proprietors, or call at the COLLEGE, located addrcsa- Ritchie'^ Building, Princess Street, AMD 64 Bedford Row, South of the new Port OWoe. Alttxaii|dm Woflu Saw Factory, oor. North ami Ge^tte^ttaf 'J o ^Z t± s---i P'-' 4S 1 8 ^ih!.lW>liie ^^Cd.; PeiJefs laynr Gooto, 51 Klitf street. Q I fl i t2ft ▲DTKRflSEMENTS. [198'J, and Mathematical e s n S No. 42 PRINCESS STREET. " Teach your Sons that which they will practice when they become men."— ^^M. The oourBe of Instraotion pursaed in this ACADBMT embraces the usual rudimentary Branches, together with the Latin and Greelt Cla«- sicSy History, Geography, Geometry, the Use of the Globes, Commercial Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Book-Keep- ing, Elocution^ Letter-wriUng, &c. Tuition Fees per Term : English, Classical, and Mathematical, |8.00 English and Mathematical,. ; . 6.00 FupUs UQ4er 10 years of age, 6.00 Stenography and Phonography to Pupils, 4.00 Frendb, 1.60 This Academy was opened for the first time on Monday, September 8d, 1866. The average attendance for the first half-year was 36, and for the second 49. Two Examinations have been held, and 70 I*rizes have been awarded. THE SCHOOL ROOM Is Handsdnieiy Furnished, well Lighted and Airy. BS^ Pupils will be admitted at all times. J^ ¥ H* '^, E. SCOVIL, Jr., Graduftte of King^ College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. St. John, rv. B. SViBr7l^itti>r«lioald haVe a ^'Wefeid'' Stiwfnr Machine. I It 9- 5 s- s OB u4 -■it: i IS68. % 8 ^" « ^^^\ ►> *■ O 1 •> (O • k; J ,::li • ^ i t AV9I % i « ^Sm "S V91S) f A) Q» i V 9 "^P" 8 mmmm a »• . 1 .„- M S 1 I 9 .r-* ; r.^' (m e o f* e Pn -' <£ A J. F. [I Ml), tical ET. ley become nbraces the Greek CIae> Commercial Book-Keep- S8.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 1.60 , September was 86, and id 70 Prized i Airy. 1 Jr., 7a Scotia. S' 9- s 3 s* % s OB 1 r Machine. B e a • I % f ^ ,<.i i ^i""^'i 1668.] IDTBttlMEiaiJMtl.- l«t 8 i s I e 0) e . 50 Prlpfo^ ¥i^liarri:^ril6f|Qr^; (OVER irfl:|E^^;VLqXO|tI^ lEIOUSK,) iS*"*.'.- » Tf'.. 1 fSr. ,ikiB. (SB^tCildirs''' THpiiiliiigs.' I I r & I HATS, GAPS, &5C. ,.,^■ '^'" SPECXALWDlICmM TQ .. . ..''■■ •■ . » ; . ■ ' GASH BUYERS^ G, R. x2. J. F. Lawton, Maw JUaiinflictiirery oor« North and Gcoi^te-vts^ SI a i S!^?jMfe!^!f'*^ : im9. '■iiie MttiKotai ll^ [ISM. 1, 0> & i. A. iMFOBnats Am wumjob in f «ftMI9118^ ' ^ #ii « If t'8¥^ it 8 , PIOTO aad MEAl/^ * ^ ^ WBt^T lifillA ffOODS, Painti, Oils, CHom^ Haiis, Tar, Ac. F^c^ ¥iStl> tiini®. Tof<(ft«^ wMfc a Stotk tcf General ^erehantUxe, tfiiteAtbl^requibrgiMn/tsoflihePuiUe. 4S g( whhh lAI k« diapawd of on the meal -rcuoubU temu, Robertson's Wharf, I zi. ^ 1 et xx 1; MliS ti SE&W, M ANUFAOTURKBS, All kinds CARRIAQE STOCK for Sale low for Cash. Bepairing in aU its branches, done with punctuality and dispatch. TM ** We«4 " aewlBg Jbicliiae u aiaipte in eoMntraetioB* IS r f s i r il8M. i. i K > ) V ftc. M terms r. r St r Ca8h. tnaUty VCttOB* r 8 I f