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JAMES GUTHRIE, AND THB FATHER MATHEW CORNET BAND. ->»»»—•<!»♦—*!«« i^ If 'i H I? H I* Introduction — •• St. Patrick's Day," FATIIKIi MA THE \V COBNET BAND. 1. Opening Address — " The Day we Celebrate," ;^- JOHN a FERGUSON, SSQ. 2 Solo and Chorus " The Harp that once through Tara's Httlls" » Moore. 8. Solo—" When the Quiet Moon," ... Schondorf. MR. JAMES GUTHRIE, i. Reading—" The Irish Tongue," ... MR. JOHN Mc WILLIAMS. , 6. Solo-" Come Back to Erin." . - - . MISS COHOLAN. 6. Quartet*— " Sunset." . . . . 7. Recitation—" Pau'Teen O'Rafferty's Say Vovage," MR. J. McOAFFERTY. 8. Solo—" The Shamrock," .... MRS. PERLEY. v^YW,mmm%mm During which the Father Mathew Cornet Ba i> will play a ^ choice selecti on o( Irish Airs. 9. Address-" Erin and her Sons," - - - , . MR. M. McSORLEY. 10. Duett—" I heard a Voice," ... MISS COHOLAN AND MR. GUTHRIE. 11. Piano Solo—" The Girl I left behind me," . MRS. LANDRY, 12. Reading, MR. JOHN Mc WILLIAMS. 13. Bass Solo— "The Ivy Green," MR. W. A. LOCKHART. 14. Solo—" Castles in the Air," ... MRS. LANDRY. 15. Solo— "Norah, the Pride of Kiidare," . MRS. PERLEY. 16. Song and Chorus—** The Cruiskeen Lawn," ftom the " Lilv ofKillarney." - - . . GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. G^. Kmodet.t., Printer, gt. John, N. B. 3- » •• H ' >i)-°-0». J » - » • ^A