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Loraque le document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir de I'angle aupArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, an prenant le nombre d'imagea nAceaaaire. Lea diagrammes suivanta illuatrent la mAthode. y errata Id to nt n9 pelure, If on A n 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 METROPOgl^ T A L O G UE TORCNTO .^7 :.; CtNTRAL ■•'-■-"■ •■• "^ ■•-■;■■ LIBRARY A VALUABLE COLLECTION . Gi;;nefa. information Ceitire i^K, •.' OK Bool^s^pampl^lets RELATING TO CANADA AND AMERICA, WITH A LIST OF ^ATIVE CANADIAN BOOKS. FOR SALE BY WILLIAMSON & COMPANY, 5 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. 1886. V S#ii TORONTO : Printed by Timms, Moor & Co., at the Oxford Press, 33 Adelaide Screet East. of our stO( works vvhi necessaril) increasing many boc but sold a Wei- we have ( .sent at on Colle send us f special fac Lettc attention. Toronto, k HAR 6 1975 CIRCULAR. E have the pleasure of now offering to our patrons our first list of Americana and Books published in Canada. It represents the general character and variety of our stock in this department. There are a large number of works which we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, but these necessarily vary in price according to their condition and increasing scarcity. Our stock is constantly changing and very many books pass through our hands which arc not catalogued, but sold as soon as secured, or to fill standing orders. We have in some cases duplicates, yet of the larg5J5t number we have only single copies, and to secure thest., orders must be .sent at once. Collectors anci Libratians will find it to their advantage to send us from time to time lists of books wanted, as we have special facilities for the collection of books of this class. Letters of enquiry will meet with prompt ^nd careful attention. WILLIAMSON & CO. Toronto, May ist, 1886. / CATALOGUF. 1 Adam, G. Mercer. The Canadian North- West, its Hi 'ory 1^ and its Trouble;?, from the early days of the Fur-Trat j to / the Era of the Railway and the Settler; with Incideni Travel in the Region, and the Narrative of Three Insurrect' Portraits. Demy 8vo, cloth. 408 pp. Toronto. 1885... ^ 2 Adams, John, LL.D. A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, against the Attack of M. Turgot in his Letter to Dr. Price. With portrait. 3 vols. Post 8vo, calf. London. 1 794 7 50 3 Adventures in Canada, or, Life in the Woods. Edited by John C. (ieikie. Illustrated. i2mo, cloth. 408 pp 75 4 Agassiz, Louis. His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Elizabeth Gary Agassiz. With portraits and illustrations. 2 vc!s. i2mo, cloth. Boston. 1886 4 50 5 American Pictures, Drawn with Pen and Pencil. With numerous illustrations. 224 pp. Imp 8vo, cloth gilt 2 50 6 Annual Register, The, or, a View of the History, Politics and Literature for the Year 1813. Post 8vo, half calf. 561 pp. London. 1814. Contaim a chapteron the War of iSi 2-1;^ ..2 50 7 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Arts for the Province of Ontario, for the year i88t. With illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. 680 pp. Toronto. 1882 i 00 8 Anson, George. A Voyage Round the World, in the years 1740-41-42-43-44. Compiled by Richard Walter, M.A. Third edition. With charts of South America, part of the Pacific Ocean and of the Track of H.M.S. Centurion round the World. Crown 8vo, calf. 548 pp. London. 1748 2 50 9 Authentic Copies of Letters between Sir Henry Clinton, K.B.' and the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts. Demy 8vo, paper. 41 pp. London. 1793 2 50 WILLIAMSON & 00. 10 FJACKWOODS of Canada, The. Being Letters from the I 1 Wife of an Emiijiont Officer, illustrative of the Domestic Economy of British America. With illustrations. 24mo, cloth. 242 pp. London. 1846 i 00 11 Baird, S. F. T. M. Brewer and R. Ridgway. History of North American Birds. The Land Birds. Illustrated with 593 wood- cuts and 64 plates of full life-size illustrations of the heads of the species. 3 vols. 4to, cloth 35 00 12 Baird, S. F. V. M. Brewer and R. Ridgway. History of North American Birds. The Water Birds. With 323 illustrations of heads, and 134 full-length figures, all beautifully engravedon wood, besides numerous diagrams. 2 vols. 4to, cloth 27 50 13 Baker, W. S. The Engraved Portraits of Washington, with Notices of the Originals, and brief Biographical Sketches of the Painters. 410, cloth, 211pp. Philadelphia. 1880.... 4 50 14 Ballantyne, Robert MichaeL Hudson Bay, or, Everyday Life in the Wilds of North .\merica, during Six Year's Residence in the Territories of the Hon. Hudson Bay Company. With 50 illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. 367 pp. London. 1882 i 75 15 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Ungavn : a Tale of Esquimaux Land. With illustrations by the author. Crown 8vo, cloth. 509 pp. London ? i 25 16 Bates, Henry Walter. The Naturalist on the River Amazons. A Record of /idventures. Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during eleven years of travel. Fifth edition. With numerous illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. 394 pp. London. 1884 2 50 17 Beadle, D. W. Canadian Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Gardener. A Guide in all matters relating to the Cultivation of Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, and their value for cultivation in this climate. With three colored plates and 70 woodcuts. Demy 8vo, cloth. 391 pp. Toronto. 1872 2 50 18 Begg, Alexander. The Creation of Manitoba ; ^r. a History of the Red River Troubles. With frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. 408 pp. Toronto. 187 1 1 25 19 Bell, Andrew. History of Canada from the time of its Dis- covery till the Union of 1840-41. Translated from " L'Histoiie Du Canada " of F. X Garneau, and accompanied with notes. Illustrated. 2 vols. Post 8vo, half morocco. Toronto. ..4 50 20 Bell, Andrew. History of Canada from the time of its Dis- covery till the Union year 1840-41. Translated from "L'His- toire Du Canada " of F. X. Garneau, and accomjjanied with notes. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Montreal. 1862.... 3 00 21 22 23 24 25 Letters from the of the Domestic rations. 24,00, I 00 History of North "''fh 593 wood- of the heads of 35 00 'Story of North illustrations of ,'ravedon wood. ; 27 so 5hington, with l^etches of the ^880.... 4 50 oi", Everyday ir's Residence n|>any. vVith es- 367 pp. '75 ■ >f Esquimaux ^ Svo, cloth. ' 25 'er Amazons. Sketches of re under the ition. With ■• 394 pp. 2 50 " hardener. T of Fruits, ition in this 'ts. Demy 2 50 ^ History of Svo, cloth. ' 25 of its Dis- L'Histoire 'ith notes, to... 4 50 Jf its Dis- " L'His. Ted with • • • 3 00 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 8 21 Bell, William A., M.A. New Tracks in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the survey for a' Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean during 1867-8. , VVith contributions by Palmer, Calhoun, Parry and Colton. Numerous colored plates and woodcuts. Demy 8vo, cloth. 564 pp. London. 1870 5 00 22 Blackmore, R. D. Crown 8vo, boards. Cripps, the Carrier. A woodland tale. 419 pp. Montreal. 1876 i 25 23 Bouchette, Joseph. The British Dominions in North America; or a Topographical and Statistical Description of the Province of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward and Cape Breton. In- cluding Considerations on Land Granting and Emigration, to which are annexed Statistical Tables and Tables of Distances. Embellished with portrait views, plans of towns, and harbours. 2 vols. 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. London. 1832 ...9 50 24 Bouchette, Joseph, The British Dominions in North America. 2 vols in T. 4to, half calf London. 1832. Scarce ..".7 50 25 British Americans, Portraits of. By W. Notman. With Biographical Sketches. By Fennings Taylor. Eighty-four por- traits. 3 vols. Demy Svo, half morocco, red edges. Montreal, 1865-6 20 CO 26 British Americans, Portraits of. Demy Svo, half morocco extra. 1865 8 22 50 27 British and American Joint Commission on the Hudson's Bay and Puget Sound Agricultural Companies Claims. Claimants Evidence. Post Svo, half morocco. 490 pp. 5 00 28 British and American Joint Commission for the Settlement of the Claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies Memorial and Argument on the part of the Hudson's BayCompany. Post Svo, half morocco. 239pp. Montreal. 1868.5 00 29 British North America : Including Canada, British Central North America, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador. With maps. Fcap Svo, half morocco. 370 pp. London i 50 30 Buckinghara, James S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and the other British Provinces in North America, with a plan of National Colonization. With map and plates. Demy Svo, cloth, uncut. London 3 00 31 Bullion, Thomas. The Internal Management of a Country Bank : in a Series of Letters on the Functions and Duties of a • Branch Manager. With notes and observations by a Canadian Bank Manager. Crown Svo, cloth. Toronto. 1876 ....i 25 I WILLIAMSON & CO. •»2 Butler, Colonel W. F. The Great Lone Land. A narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America. With illustrations and route map. Crown 8vo, cloth. 386 pp. London. 1883 2 50 33 Butler, Major W. F. The Wild North Land ; being the Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs, across Northern North America. With illustrations and route map. Crown 8vo, cloth. 358 pp. London. 1881 2 50 3*4 /^ANADIAN Almanac, The, and Repository of L^seful V Knowledge, for the years 1856-57-58-60-61-62. With ^^ maps. Post 8vo, half morocco. Toronto 1 00 35 Canadian Economist, The. A Book of Tried and Tested Receipts. Compiled by Members of the Ladies Association of Bank Street Church, Ottawa. With colored plates. Crown 8vo, cloth. 594 pp. Ottawa. 1881 2 00 36 Canadian Handbook, The, and Tourist's (luide. Giving a description of Canadian Laltc and River Scenery and places of Historical Ir.Lerest, with the best spots for Fishing and Shooting. Comp.ied by H. B. Small. Edited by J. Taylor. With photo- graphs. Post 8vo, cloth. n6 pp. Mor.treal. 1866 ...i 50 37 Canadian Handbook, The, and Tourist's Guide. Post 8vo, cloth. 196 pp. Montreal. 1867 i 75 38 Canadian Parliamentary Companion, The, 1885. Edited by J. A. Gemmell. Established 1862. Fcap 8vo, cloth limp. 403 pp. Ottawa. 1885 2 00 39 Canniff, William. History of the Settlement of Upper Canada (Ontario). With special reference to the Bay Quinte. Demy 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 971 pp. Toronto. 1869. Srtnre..6 00 40 Canniff, William. A Manual of the Principles of Surgery, based on Pathology. For Students. With illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth. 402 pp. Philadelphia. 1866 2 50 41 Carey, W. Miscellaneous Essays. Demy 8vo, half calf. 472 pp. Philadelphia. 1830 2 00 42 Centennial. The, of the Settlement of Upper Canada by United Empire Loyalists. 1784-1884. The Celebrations at Adolphus- town, Toronto and Niagara, with an appendix containing a copy of the U. E. List pres'irved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto. Crown 8vo, cloth. 334 pp- Toronto. 1885 ,..i 25 43 Cnappel, Lieut. Edward, R. N. Narrative of a voyage to Hudson's Bay in His " Majesty's ship Jtimimond. Containing some account of the North-Eastern Coast of America, and of the 44 45 ^- A narrative America. \Vith oth. 386 pp. 2 50 5eing the Story ^orth America 'offi- 358 pp. 2 50 "■>' of Useful ^-62. With I 00 i and Tested Association of ^tes. Crown 2 00 £• Giving a md places of nd Shooting, Wth photo- ^66 . ..I 50 ^ Post 8vo, ' 75 SS- Edited cloth limp. 2 00 per Canada tf. Demy "'■'•''..6 00 'f Surgery, 's. Demy 2 50 calf. 472 • • . 2 00 hy United ^dolphus- 'K a copy rtment at ...I 25 oyage to >ntaining ici of the 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 6 Tribes inhabiting that remote region. With map and engravings. Demy 8vo, paper boards, uncut. London. 1817. Clean as when issued 5 00 44 Chateaubriand, F. A. De. Recollections of Italy, England and America, with Essays on Various Subjects in Morals and Literature. Demy 8vo, half morocco, uncut, gilt top. 364 pp. Philadelphia. 1816 3 25 45 Chavasse, Henry. Advice to a Wife on the Management of her own health and on the treatment of some of the complaints incidental to Pregnancy, Labour and Suckling, with an introduc- tory chapter especially addressed to a young wife. Advice to a mother on the management of her children, and on the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents. Canadian copyright edition. 2 vols, in i. Crown 8vo, cloth. Toronto. 1882 i 50 46 Chesshyre, H. T. N. Canada in 1864. A Hand-book for Settlers. 24mo, cloth. 165 pp. London. 1864 75 47 Chiniquy, Father. Fifty years in the Church of Rome. With portrait. Demy 8vo, cloth. 832 pp. Chicago. 1885.... 5 00 48 Christie, Robert. A History of the late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political. From the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate Province. With illustrations. 6 vols. Fcap 8vo, cloth. Montreal 1866. ..9 00 49 Clarke, Mrs. Cookery Book, comprising a collection of about fourteen hundred Practical, Useful and Unique Receipts, including "Sick-room Cookery," and a number of excellent receipts entitled " The Doctor," also " What to name the Baby." A complete Dictionary of Christian names ; their origin and signification. Crown 8vo, cloth. 402 pp. Toronto. ...i 25 50 Collins, J. E. Life and Times of the Right Honorable Sir John A. Macdonald, Premier of the Dominion of Canada. With portrait. Demy 8vo, cloth. 642 pp. Toronto 3 00 51 Conquest of Canada, The. By the author of " Hochelaga." 2 vols. Crown 8vo, c'oth. New York. 1850. The author it Major Georije D. Warhurtun i 75 52 Cook, Carson C. The Rate-Inlaid, Interest Tables and Account Averager. 4% to 10%. $100 to $10,000. One day to one year at 365 days per annum. Folio, half roan, cloth sides. Montreal. 1878 5 00 53 Cooper, J. Fenimore. History of the Navy of the United State.s of America. Second edition with corrections. With Charts. 2 vols. Demy «vq, sheep. Philadelphia. 1840.. 2 50 6 tVILLlAMSON & GO. 54 Cornwallis, Kinahan. The New El Dorado ; or British Columbia. With a map and illustration by the author. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut 405 pp. London. 1858 i 50 55 Counsel for Emigrants, and interesting information from numerous sources, with original Letters from Canada and the United States. i2mo, paper boards, cloth back. 140 pp. •Aberdeen. 1834. Scarce i 00 56 Coxa, William, A.M. Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. To which are added the Conquest of Siberia and the History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. With four folding charts and view. 4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1780. A fine clean copy, bindinij poor 3 5° 57 Cozzens, Frederic S. Acadia ; or, A Month among the Blue Noses. With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 329 pp. New York. 1859 I 25 58 IS AUNT, Achilles. In the Land of the Moose, the Bear, U and the Beaver. Adventures in the Forests of the Athabasca. With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. 328 pp. London. 1885 i 25 59 Daunt, Achilles. The Three Trappers. A Story of Adventure in the Wilds of Canada. With illustrations Crown 8vo, cloth. 256 pp. London. 1884 i 25 60 Dawson, S. J., Esq., C.E. Report of the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatche- wan. With maps. 4to, half roan. Toronto. 1859 2 25 61 Dent, John Charles. The Last Forty Years : Canada since the Union of 1841. With numerous plates. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Toronto 1250 62 Dickens, Charles. Household Edition. Great Expectations. Illustrated from Drawings by F. O. C. Darley and John Gilbert. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. New York. 1861 2 00 63 Dickens, Charles. Household Edition. Nicholas Nickleby. Illustrated from drawings by F. O. C Darley and John Gilbert. 4 vols. Cloth, uncut. New York. 1861 4 00 64 Dickens, Charles. Household Edition. Oliver Twist. Illus trated from drawings by F. O. C. Darley and John Gilbert. 2 vols. Cloth, uncut. New York. 1861 2 00 65 Dominion Annual Register, The, and R.eview for the Four- teenth and Fifteenth Years of the Canadian Union, 1880-81. Edited by Henry J. Morgan. Demy 8vo, cloth. 481 pp. Montreal. 1882 2 50 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 7 66 Dominion Annual Register, The, and Review for the Seven- teenth Year of the Canadian Union, 1883. Edited by Henry J. Morgan. Demy 8vo, cloth. 505 pp. Toronto. 1884. . . .3 00 67 rj*ASTBURN, Rev. Joseph. Memoirs of the Stated Preacher 1^ in the Mariners' Church, Philadelphia. By Ashbel Green, D.D. A Faithful Narrative of the many Dangers and Suffer- ings, as well as Wonderful Deliverances of Robert Eastburn, during His Late Captivity Among the Indians. ' Fcap 8vo, half calf. 208 pp. Philadelphia. 1828 i 50 68 Edwards, Bryan. The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Illustrated with maps and plates. 2 vols. 4to, half calf. London. 1794 5 50 69 Egglestone, Edward, and Lillie Egglestone Seelye. The Shawnee Prophet ; or, the Story of Tecumseh. Including sketches of Indian Chiefs, famous in the Frontier Wars. With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. 327 pp. Lf)ndon.. . .90 70 Entick, John, Rev. The General History of the late War; containing its Rise, Progress, and Event, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Illustrated by a variety of Heads, Plans, Maps and Charts. 5 vols. Demy 8vo, sheep. London. 1765- 1772. iSWrcf 8 50 71 r*ARNHAM, Eliza W. California, In Doors and Out ; or, j^ How we Farm, Mine and Live generally in the (iolden State. I Fcap 8vo, cloth. 508 pp. New York. 1856 i 25 72 Fidler, Rev. Isaac. Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners and Emigration in the United States and 1.,'anada, made during a residence there in 1832. i2mo, cloth. 247 pp. New York. 1833. Snirce i 75 73 Final Report of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the Affairs of King's College University, and Upper Canada College. Royal 8vo, cloth. 366 pp. Quebec. 1852 75 74 Fleming Sandford, C.E. England and Canada. A Summer Tour between Old and New Westminster, with Historical Note.s. With map. Crown 8vo, cloth. Montreal. 1884 i 50 75 Franklin, Dr. Benjamin. The Complete Works, in Philosophy, Politics, and Morals. Now first collected and arranged, with Memoirs of His Early Life, written by himself. With numerous folding plates. Post 8vo, calf, linen back. 468 pp. London. 1806 I 00 76 ^ ALT, John, l.awrie Todd ; or. The Settlers in the Woods. ^J 2 vols. 1 2mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. New York. 1830. ^ Scaivf 250 > 8 WILLIAMSON «^ CO. 77 Geological Survey of Canada. Palaeozoic Fossils. Contain- ing descriptions and figures of new or little known species of Organic Remains from the Silurian Rocks, 1861-65. By E. Billings. Volume I. 401 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Montreal. 1865 2 50 78 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for the years 1855-54-55-56. With maps. Demy 8vo, cloth. 494 pp. Toronto. 1857 2 50 79 Ginx's Baby. His Birth and other Misfortunes. A satire. Fcap 8vo, half calf. 224 pp Toronto. 1871 75 80 Goodrich, Rev. Charles A. A History of the United States of America, from the First Discovery to the Fourth of March, 1825. With engravings. i2mo, calf. 400 pp. New York. 1825 90 81 Gray, Hon. John Hamilton. Confederation ; or, the Political and Parliamentary History of Canada, from the Conference at Quebec, in October. 1864, to the Admission of British Columbia, in July, 1 87 1. Vol. I. Post <Svo, cloth. 432 pp. Toronto. 1872 250 82 Greeley, Horace, The Life of Editor of the New York Tribune. By James Parton. With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 442 pp. New York. 1855 i 25 83 Griffin, Sir Lepel Henry, K.C:.S.I. The Great Republic. Crown 8vo, cloth. 189 pp. New York. 1884 i 75 84 Guide Book and Atlas of Muskoka and Parry Sound Districts. 56 maps by J no. Rogers. Sketches by S. Penson. 4to, half morocco. Toronto. 1879 5 00 85 Guide to the Province of British Columbia for 1877-8. Compiled from the latest and most authentic sources of infor- mation. Demy 8vo, half calf Victoria. 1877 i 50 86 Gunn, Hon. Donald. Charles R. Tuttle. History of Mani- toba from the Earliest Settlement to 1835, ^ud from 1835 to the Admission of the Province into the Dominion. By Charles R. Tuttle. Demy 8vo, cloth. 482 pp. Ottawa. 1880 2 50 87 IJ AIGHT, Caniff. Country Life in Canada, Fifty Years Ago: n Personal Recollections and Reminiscences of a Sexa},'enarian. / With twelve full page plates. Crown 8vo, cloth. 303 pp. Toronto. 1875 i 50 Kensington, Dec. 23rd, 1885. Sir, Pray accept my thanks for your welcome gift. The book brings Can.idian life vividly before tfie reader, and no subject gives me so much pleasure, I remain, Yours faithfully, LORNE. 90 94 95 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 9 88 Hand-Book of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Edited by Rev. A. F. Kemp, Rev. F. W. Parries, J. B. Halkelt, 241110, cloth. 392 pp. Ottawa i 00 89 Hand Book of Toronto, The. Containing its Climate, Geology, Natural History, Educational Institutions, Courts ol Law and Municipal Arrangements. By a member of the Press. Crown 8vo, half roan. 272 pp. Toronto. 1858. 2 00 90 Hannay, James. The History of Acadia, from its First Discovery to its Surrender to England by the Treaty ot Paris. Demy 8vo, cloth. 440 pp. St. John. 1879 2 50 91 Hardman, Francis. Frontier Life; or Tales of the South- western Border. Crown 8vo, cloth. 376 pp. Philadelphia., i 25 92 Hardy, Lady DuiTus. Through Cities and Prairie Lands. Sketches of an American Tour. Post 8vo, cloth. 338 pp. New York. 1881 2 00 93 Harris, John. Navigatium atque Itinerantiuni Bibliotheca ; or A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels. Consisting of above four hundred of the most authentick writers. Beginning with Hakluat, Purchass, etc. in English ; Ramesio, in Italian ; 'I'hevenot, in French ; DeBry and Gr .loei Novus Orbis, in Latin ; the Dutch East-India Company, in Dutch ; and continued, with others of note, that have published Histories, Voyages, Travels, or Discoveries, in the English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, or Dutch tongues ; relating to any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe, or the Islands thereof, to this present time. Numerous maps and plates. 2 vols. Folio, calf. London. 1705. Hare 13 50 94 Head, George. Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America ; being a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifa.x to the Canadas, and during four months residence in the Woods on the borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. Crown 8vo, half calf. 362 pp. London. 1829 2 75 95 Head, Sir Francis. A Faggot of French Sticks ; or Paris in 185 1. Two volumes complete in one. Crown 8vo, cloth. 495 pp. New York. 1852 i 25 96 Head, Sir Francis B. A Narrative by. Second edition. London. John Murray. F'olio, half roan. Toronto. 1839. Vi'i'if Hcnire 6 50 97 Head, Sir Francis B. A Narrative. Demy 8vo, half roan. f^ondon. 1839 5 5° 98 Head, Sir Francis B. .\ Narrative. Demy 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. 1839 , 450 10 WILLIAMSON & CO. 99 Head, Sir Francis B. The Emigrant. Sixth edition. Fcap 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. 233 pp. London. 1852. Scarce 2 00 100 Hearne, Samviel, A Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort, in Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean, undertaken by order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the discovery of Copper Mines and a North-West passsage, in the years 1769-70-71-72. With plans and illus.rations. Post 8vo, half calf. 459 pp. Dublin. 1796 3 5° TOT Hind, H. Y., M.A. Essay on the Insects and Diseases injurious to the Wheat Crops. Awarded the First Prize by the Bureau of Agriculture. With illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. 139 pp. Toronto. 1857 '. . . 75 102 History of the Colonization of the Ten States of Antiquity, applied to the present contest between Great Britain and her American Colonies. With Reflections concerning the future settlement of these Colonies. 4to, sheep. 151 pp. London. 1777 2 SO 103 Hittell, John S. The Resources of California : comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, Climate, Commerce, and the past and future Developement of the State. Fifth edition, with an appendix on Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory. Crown 8vo, cloth. 504 j)p. San Francisco. 1869 i 75 104 Hochelaga Depicta ; or, a New Picture of Montreal, embracing the Early History and Present State of the City and Island of Montreal. Edited by Newton Bosworth. With an addenda. Illustrated by numerous engravings and maps. i2mo, cloth. 284 pp. Montreal. 1846. Scarcf ro 00 105 Hodder, Edward M. The Harbours and Ports of Lake Ontario, in a series of Charts, accompanied by a description of each. Demy 8vo, morocco. Toronto. 1857 2 50 106 Hodgson, Adam. Letters from North America, written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. With plans. Two vols. Demy 8vo, uncut, gilt top. London. 1824. Scarce. Fin* artje paper copy 5 00 107 Holley, George \/. The Falls of Niagara and other Famous Cataracts. With t lirty illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth. 183 pp. London. 1 882 2 50 108 Home Cook Book, The. Compiled by Ladies of Toronto and chief Cities and Towns in Canada. Sixtieth edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 384 pp. Toronto 1 00 109 Honor Edgeworth ; or Ottawa's Present Tense. By Vera. Crown 8vo, cloth. 337 pp. Ottawa. 1882 i 00 th edition. London. 2 oo es' Fort, in >y order of jpcr Mines -72. With >. Dublin. 3 SO s injurious Bureau of 139 PP- 75 Antiquity, 1 and her the future ., London. ....2 so ' omprising 1 , and the 1 ition, with 1 Territory. * ...I 75 -1 "1 mbraring jj addenda. ■ 10, cloth. ■ . . 10 00 ■ of Lake m iption of m ...2 50 1 n during 1 1 Scarce. 1 ... 5 00 1 Famous 1 183 pp. 1 . . , 2 so 1 Toronto ■i Crown m 1 00 iy Vera. . . . I 00 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 11 110 Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic, Local, and Characteristic, to which are added Practical Details for the information of Emigrants of every class ; and some Recollections of the United States of America. Demy 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 353 pp. Edinburgh. 1825. Scarce 4 5© 111 Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada. Demy 8vo, half red roan, gilt top. 3S3 pp. Edinburgh. 1825 4 00 112 Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada. Demy 8vo, boards, uncut. 353 pp. Edinburgh. 1822 3 so 113 Humboldt, Alexander De, and Aime Bonpland. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1 799-1804. With maps and plans. Written in French by Alexander De Humboldt, and translated into English by Helen Maria Williams. 6 vols, in 5. Post 8vo, half calf. London. 1822-26. Scarce 10 00 114 Humboldt, Alexander De, and Aime Bonpland. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799 — 1804. Translated into Eng- lish by Helen Maria W^illiams. Vol. i and 2. Post 8vo, full cn.lf London. 1814 3 50 US Hunter, Wm S., Jr. Panoramic Guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec. With numerous illustrations. i2mo; cloth. 66 pp. Boston, i8s7 i do 116 Illustrated Historical Atlas of the Coumy of York, I and the Township of West Gwillimbury and Town of Bradford in the County of Simcoe. Compiled, drawn and published from Personal ^Examinations and Surveys. Large 4to, half roan. Toronto. 1878 7 50 117 Imperial Atlas, The, for the Dominion of Canada. Consist- ing of sixteen maps. Constructed and engraved by John Bar- tholomew. Royal 8vo, cloth. Glasgow. 1871 70 118 Impressions of the West and South During a Six Weeks' Holiday. Demy 8vo, cloth. 83 pp. Toronto. 1858 ...i 00 119 Inches, James. Letters on Emigration to Canada, addressed to the Very Rev. Princi|jal Baird. i2mo, cloth. 204 pp. Perth. 1836 I SO 120 lAMESON, Mrs. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles J in Canada. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York. 1S39. 3 50 121 Jarvis, Thomas Stinson. Letters from East Longitudes ; Sketches of Travel in Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece, and Cities of the Levant. Crown 8vo, cloth. 267 pp. Toronto. 1875.. 75 U WILLIAMSON & CO. 122 Johnson, Samuel. A Journey to the Western Islands of Scot- land. First American edition. i2mo, half roan. Fry and Kammerer, Printers. 1810 i 25 123 I/'ANE, Elisha Kent, M.D. Arctic Explorations in Search |\ of Sir John Franklin. With 76 illustrations and map. Post V 8vo, cloth. 443 pp. London. 1885 i 40 i?4 Kinglake, Alexander William. Eothcn ; or, Traces of Travel brought Home from the East. With portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. 232 pp. New York. 1876 . i 00 125 Kingsford, William. The Canadian Canals: their History and Cost, with an Enquiry into the Policy necessary to Advance the WellBeing of the Province. Demy 8vo, cloth. 191 pp. Toronto. 1865 .' i 00 126 Kingsford, William. Canadian Archaeology. An essay. Crown 8vo, cloth. 118 pp. Montreal. 1886 75 127 Kiigston, William H. G. The Western World. Picturesque S ketches of Nature and Natural History, in Northern and Central America. With 86 engravings. Crown 8vo, cloth neat. 278 pp. London. 1884 i 40 12 J Kingston, W. H. G. Snow-Shoes and Canoes; or, The Early Days of a Fur Trader in the Hudson's Bay Territory. AVith numerous illustrations. i6mo, cloth. London. 1882.... i 7^ 129 Kingston, W. H. G. With Axe and Rifle; or, the Western Pioneers. With numerous illustrations. Small 4to, cloth. 382 pp. London i 75 130 Kirby, Wm. Le Chien D'Or. Legende Canadienne Traduit par L. P. Le May. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, paper. Montreal. 1884 75 131 Kirke, Henry, M.A. The First English Conquest of Canada, with some account of The Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Deray 8vo, cloth. 227 pp. London. 1871 I 50 132 Knox, Captain John. An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760; containing the Most Remarkable Occurrences of that Period ; particularly The Two Sieges of Quebec, I'l-c, iVc. With portraits and map. 2 vols. 4to, calf. London. 1769 .3000 133 I AMBERT, L'Abbe. Translated from the French of Curious I Observations upon the Manners, Customs, Usages, different ^^ Languages, Government, Mythology, Chronology, Anticnt and Modern Geography, Ceremonies, .Religion, Mechanics, 134 136 141 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 18 Astronomy, Medicine, Physics, Natural History, Commerce, Arts, and Sciences, of the several Nations of Asia, Africa, and America. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, sheep. London 4 00 134 Lauder, Mrs. Maria Elise T.T. Exergreen Leaves, or, " Toofie " in Europe. With frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth. 384 pp. Toronto. 1884 i 00 135 Lawrence, J. W. 1783-1883. Foot-Prints; or, Incidents in ' Early History of New Brunswick. Demy 8vo, cloth. Saint John. 1883 I 00 136 Laws of the Legislature of the State of New York, in Force against the Loyalists, and Affecting the Trade of Great Britain and British Merchants, and Others having Property in that State. Crowa 8vo, paper. 186 pp. London. 1786 2 50 137 Le Moine, J. M. Picturesque Quebec: a Sequel to Quebec, Past and Present. With maps. Demy 8vo, cloth. 535 pp. Montreal 1882 3 00 138 Letter, A, from Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B., to the Commissioners of Public Accounts, relative to Some Observa- tions in their Seventh Report. Demy 8vo, paper. 31 pp. London. 1 784 2 50 139 Letters from A Young Emigrant in Manitoba. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 181 pp. London. 1883 i 00 140 Lewis, Elisha, J., M.D. The American Sportsman. Contain- ing Hints to Sportsmen, Notes on Shooting, and the Habits of the Game Birds and Wild Fowl of America. A new edition, • thoroughly revised. 'Containing new chapters on the origin, breeding and science of breaking Dogs. By Arnold Buges. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, cloth. 553 pp. Philadelphia. 1885 2 75 141 Lindsey, Charles. Rome in Canada. The Ultramontane Struggle for Supremacy Over the Civil Authority. Demy 8vo, doth. 398 pp. Toronto. 1877 i 50 142 Lindsey, Charles. The Life and Times ofWm. Lyon Mac- kenzie. With an account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, and the subsequent Frontier Disturbances, chiefly from unpub- lished documents. With portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia. 1862. Scarce. Sliyhtly stained 5 5° " Mr. Lindsey has performed his task carefully and well. He has been pairstaking in his accumulation of material, and prudent in its use." — Quebec Mercury. 143 Linton, W. J. The History of Wood-Engraving in America. With numerous full page and other illustrations. 4to, half calf. Boston. 1882. Edition limited to 1026 copies. No. 15 7.. 8 50 H l;:i; 14 WILLIAMSON & CO. 144 Long, George W. De. The Voyage of the Jeannette. The Ship and Ice Journals of Lieut. -Commander U.S.N., and the Commander of the Polar Expeditions of 1879-81. Edited by his wife, Emma De Long. With two steel portraits, maps, and many illustrations on wood and stone. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston 7 50 145 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, Describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians ; with an Account of the Posts situated on the • River Saint Laurence and Lake Ontario. To which is added a Vocabulary of the l^hippeway Language. With map. 4to, half calf, extra wide margins. 295 pp. London. 1791 12 50 146 Long, J. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader. 4to, half calf. 295 pp. London. 1791 10 50 147 Lome, Right Hon. the Marquis. Memories of Canada and Scotland. Speeches and Verses. Crown 8vo, cloth extra. 360 pp. Montreal. 1884 i 75 148 Lome, The Marquis of, K. T. Canadian Pictures Drawn ^ with Pen and Pencil. With numerous illustrations from objects and photographs in the possession of and sketches by the Mar- quis of Lome, Sydney Hall. Engraved by Edward Whymper. 224 pp. Imp 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges 2 50 149 Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America: containing the lat- est and most authentic description of over Six Thousand Cities, Towns and Villages in the Provinces. With a Table of Routes. Edited by P. A. Crossby. Crown 8vo, calf Montreal. 1873 1 50 150 Lyell, Sir Charles, F.R.S, A Second Visit to the United States of North America. With illustrations. 2 vols in i. Crown 8vo, half calf New York. 1849 * 5° 151 Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. With maps and plates. 2 vols. i2mo, half morocco, uncut, gilt tops. London. 1845 5 5° 152 153 /1\ ACFARLANE, James. The Coal Regions of America: their Topography, Geology and Development. With numerous maps and illustrations. Demy 8vo, half calf. 695 pp. New York. 1875 7 50 Macfie, Matthew, F.R.G.S. Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their History, Resources and Prospects. With maps and engravings. Demy 8vo, full calf. 574 pp. London. 1865. A beautiful copy 4 50 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. U 154 Macgregor, John. Commercial Statistics. A Digest of the Productive Resources, Commercial Legislation, Customs Tariffs, Navigation, Port, and Quarantine Laws, and Charges, Shipping, Imports and Exports, and the Monies, Weights and Measures of all Nations. Including all British Commercial Treaties with Foreign States. 5 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. i«i47-5o 7 50 155 Mackay, Alex. The Western World ; or, Travels in the United States in 1846-47. Exhibiting them in their Latest Develop- ment,. Social, Political, and Industrial, including a Chapter on California. With a map of the United States. 3 vols. Crown Svo, cloth, uncut. London. 1849 3 00 156 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans. With map and portrait. 410, half morocco, uncut,gilt top. 41.2 pp. London. i8oi. A fine clean copy with wide vuirtfins. Scarce 12 50 157 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Montreal, on the P^iver St. Laurence. 410, half red morocco, gilt edges. 412 pp. London. 1801. Scarce 10 00 158 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander. Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence. 2 vols. i2mo, half roan. New York 1814. Scarce 7 50 159 Mair, Charles. Tecumseh. A Drama. Crown 8vo, cloth. 205 pp. Toronto. 1886 i 50 160 Maps, Reports, and Estimates, relative to Improvements of the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence and a proposed Canal connecting the River St. Lawrence and Lake Chaplain. Laid before the Legislative Assembly During the 2nd Session, 5th Parliament, 1856. Folio, half morocco. 40 pp. Toronto. 1856 3 50 161 Marchand, Etienne. A Voyage Round the World, Performed During the Years 1790-91 and 92. Preceded by a Historical Introduction, and illustrated by c'^arts. Translated from tht French of C. P. Claret Fleurien. 2 vols. 4to, half russia. London. 1801 3 50 162 Markham, Captain Albert Hastings, R.N. The Great Frozen Sea anH Personal Narrative of the Voyage of the " Alert " during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Sixth edition. With numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 384 pp. London. 1884 2 00 163 Marryatt, Capt. Second Series of a Diary in America, with Remarks on its Constitutions. i2mo, paper boards, cloth back. 300 pp. Philadelphia. 1840. Poor condition • • • 50 h,^ 16 WILLIAMFON <fc CO. 164 Martin, R Montgomery, F.S.S. History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Islands, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas and Newfoundland. With map. Fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut. 363 pp. London. 1837 i 00 165 Martin, R. Montgomery, F.S.S. History of Upper and Lower Canada. With map. Fcap 8vo, cloth, uncut. 337 pp. London. 1836. 'Title patje damoijed i 50 166 Maximilian, Prince of Wied-Newwied. Travels in Brazil, in the years 1815-16-17. Illustrated with map, portrait, and plates. 4to, half calf, 335 pp. London. 1820 2 50 167 Mayne, Commander R C. Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. An Account of their Forests, Rivers, Coasts, Gold Fields, ' ^d Resources for Colonization. With map and illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth, uncut. 468 pp. London. 1862 3 75 168 Meares, John. Voyages Made in the Years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North West Coast of America. To which are prefixed an Introductory Narrative of a Voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the Ship Nootka ; Observations on the Probable Existence of a North West Passage ; and some account of the Trade between the North West Coast of America and China ; and the Latter Country and Great Britain. With a fine portrait, numerous charts and plates. 4to, calf, gilt edges. London. 1 790. liare 12 50 169 Memoires sur Le Canada, Depuis 1749, Jesqu'a 1760. En trois parties ; avec cartes et plans lithographies. Post 8vo, half morocco. 207 pp. Quebec. 1838 3 50 170 Men and Manners in America. By the author of "Cyril Thornton." 8vo, cloth. 410 pp. Philadelphia. 1833.. 2 25 171 Michaux, F. A. North American Sylva. 5 vols; 8vo, half morocco, gilt 75 00 The work most beautifully illustrated with colored plates finished by hand. The most valuable book on the subject of sylva ever published. 172 Miller, Joaquin. Songs of the Sierras. Unabridged. Demy 8vo, paper. 200 pp. Toronto. 187 1 50 173 Milton, Viscount, and W. B. Cheadle. The North- West Passage By Land. Being the Narrative of an Expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific. With numerous illustrations and map. Post 8vo, half morocco. 397 pp. London 3 50 174 Milton, Viscount and ^V• B. Cheadle. The North-West Passage by Land. Crown 8vo, half morocco. 394 ppi. London 250 6 KINO STREET W., TORONTO. IT 175 Milton, Viscount, and W. B. Cheadle. The North-West Passage By Land. 24mo, cloth. 396 pp. London 90 176 Monro, Alexander. New Brunswick; with a Brief Outline of Nova Scotia, and'Prince Edward Island. Their History, Civil Divisions, Geography, and Productions. With maps. Demy 8vo, boards, cloth back. Halifax. 1855 3 00 177 Monro, Alexander. The United States and the Dominion of Canada. Their Future. Crown Svo, cloth. 191 pp. Saint John. 1879 *. I 00 178 Moodie, J. W. Dunbar. Scenes and Adventures as a Soldier and Settler, during Half a Century. With portrait. Fcap 8vo, cloth. 299 pp. Montreal. 1866 i 35 179 Morgan, Henry J. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians and Persons Connected with Canada, from the Earliest Period in the History of the Province down to the Present Time. Post 8vo, half roan. 779 pp. Quebec. 1862. Scarce 4 50 180 Morris, Alexander, A. M. Canada and Her Resources : Prize Essay. Awarded the Secqnd Prize, by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada. With maps. Post 8vo, cloth. 156 pp. Montreal. 1855 , i 25 181 Morris, Alexander Hon. ' The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North West Territories. Including the negotiations on which they are based, and other information relating thereto. Crown 8vo, cloth. 375 pp. Toronto . . i 00 182 Morris, The Hon. Alexander. Nova Britannia ; or, Our New Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed. Being a series of Lectures, Speeches and Addresses. Edited with notes and introductions by a member of the Canadian Press. Fcap 8vo, cloth. 187 pp. Toronto. 1884 I 25 183 Murray, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada 2 vols in i. Crown 8vo, cloth. London. 1856 a 00 -184 Murray, Hugh, F.R.S.E. An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America: comprehending Canada Upper and Lower, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, and the Fur Countries. Six maps and ten engravings. 3 vols. Fcap 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh. 1839 2 50 185 McCaul, Rev. John, Britanno-Roman Inscriptions, with critical notes. With frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth. 290 pp. Toronto. 1863 350 3 18 WILLIAMSON & CO. i86 M'CIintock, Captain, R.N. In the Arctic Seas. A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Com- panions. With map and illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 375 pp. Philadelphia 2 50 187 McGee, Thomas D'Arcy. A History of the Irish Settlers in North America, from the earliest period to the Census of 1850. 1 2 mo, cloth. Boston. 1852 i 50 188 McGee, Thomas D'Arcy. A Popular History of Ireland: from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics. 2 vols in I. Crown 8vo, cloth. Glasgow i 50 189 McKnight, Charles. Captain Jack,theScoutj or, Thelndian Wars about 01<J Fort Duquesne. An- Historical Novel, with copious notes.' With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 501 pp. Phila- delphia I 25 190 MacMullen, John. The History of Canada from its First Dis- covery to the Prespnt Time. Second edition, revised and im- proved. Demy 8vo, cloth, uncut. 613 pp. Brockville. 1868 3 50 Considered by many the best History of Canada yet written. 191 K ARRATIVE, A, of the Cattipaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Oileans, under Generals Ross, Paken- ham, and Lambert, in the years 1814 and 1815 ; with some account of the countries visited. By an Officer who served in thfe Expedition. Post 8vo, cloth. 377 pp. London. 1821..1 75 192 Narrative, A, of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the Connexion of the Right Hon. the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, and His Attempt to Establish a Colony on the Red River, with a Detailed Account of His Lordship's Military Expedition to, and Subsequent Pro- ceedings at Fort Williani, in Upper Canada. With appendix. Demy 8vo, paper, uncut. London. 181 7. Scarctf 3 50 193 Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, and Other MeasUi'efe, tesdrted to by the British Government, and Numerous Private Individuals, to Overpower the Earl of Stirling, and Subvert his Lawful Rights. Written by Himself. Also a Genea- logical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earls of Stirling. Followed by an Historical View of Their Hereditary Possessions in Nova Scotia and Canadx By Ephraim Lockhart. 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. Edinburgh. 1836 9 00 194 New Standard Atlas, The, of the Dominion of Canada, com- piled by Special Permission of the General and Provincial Governments from the Latest Official Maps and Surveys, and comprising a correct and complete series of the Topographical, 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 19 195 196 Geological, Postal, Railway and Timber-Land Maps of Canada, with Letter-Press Descriptions. Large 4to, half morocco. Toronto. 1875 20 00 North West Rebellion. Reminiscences of. With a Record of the Raising 6f H.M.S looth Regiment in Canada, and a chapter on Canadian Social and Political Life. By Major Boulton, of Boulton's Scouts. With map and illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 531 pp 2 00 " There can be no doubt that Major Boulton's Reminiscences of the North West Rebellion is a very valuable history of two groups of events, in the first of which he was a prominent actor ; while in the second he bore as a military man a most distinguished part. He has also told his story well." Toronto, i4/W/ II, '86. GOLDWIN SMITH. Notman's Photographic Selections. Second Series. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges. W. Notman, Publisher. Printed by John Lovell. Montreal. 1865 15 00 This magnificent volume contains 48 beautiful photographs mounted on heavy plate paper. Many of the Views are Canadian Scenes taken from nature and from paintings made expressly for this work. 197 ^\ATES, George. Tables of Sterling Exchange ; in which ^J are shown the Value of a Sterling Bill, in Dominion Currency, for any Amount from j£i to ;^ 10,000, at Every Rate of Premium from one-eighth to one per cent to twelve and a half per cent by eighths. Royal 8vo, half roan. Montreal. 1883 2 00 198 Ober, Frederick A. Travels in Mexico and Life Among the Mexicans. With 190 illustrations, mainly from the author's photographs and sketches. 8vo, cloth extra. 672 pp. Boston. 1885 4 5° 199 O'Leary, Peter. Travels and Experiences in Canada, the Red River Territory, and the United States. Fcap 8vo, half morocco. 226 pp. London 1 50 200 O'Leary, Peter. Travels and Experiences in Canada, the Red River Territory, and the United States. Fcap 8vo, cloth. 226 pp. London i 00 201 Ontario Agricultural Commission. Report of the Com- missioners. With appendices. With numerous maps and illus- trations. 5 vols. Royal 8vo, half roan. Toronto. 1881.. 5 00 202 Origin, History, and Management, The, of the University of King's College, Toronto. Post 8vo, paper. loi pp. Toronto. 1844. Scarce , 75 203 Otis, F. N. A History of the Panama Railroad, and of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, With portrait and numerous illustrations. 12 mo, half calf. 317 pp. New York. 1867.. 2 50 M WILLIAMSON <fe 00. 204 Ouseley, William G. Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States, with some Observations on the Ecclesiastical System of America and Her Sources of Revenue, to which are added Statistical Tables. Demy 8vo, half roan, uncut. 226 pp. Philadelphia. 1832 i 50 205 Overcome. By Andre. York. . 1876 Crown 8vo, cloth. 298 pp. New I 00 206 OARKMAN, Francis, The Works of. Library Edition. 1^ Comprising : — Pioneers of France in the New World, i vol. The Jesuits inNorth America, i vol. La Salle and the Dis- covery of the Great West, i vol. The Old Regime in Canada, I vol. Count Frontenac and New France, i vol. Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols. The Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols. The Oregon Trail, i vol. Ten vols in all. With portraits and maps. 8vo, cloth 25 00 207 Parkman, Francis, The Works of. Library Edition. 10 vols. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops 45 00 208 Parkman, Francis, The Works of. Popula. IZr^it'on With portraits and maps. 10 vols. 12 mo, cloth 15 00 209 Parkman, Francis, The Works of. Popular Edition. 10 vols. 1 2mo, half calf, neat 30 00 210 Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. With map of Canada. 8vo, cloth 2 50 211 Parkman, Francis. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West With maps of the country traversed by Marquette, Hennepin, and La Salle, and La Salle's Colony on the Illinois from the map of Tranquelin, 1684. 8vo, cloth 2 50 212 Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe. With portraits of Montcalm and Wolfe, and Maps of the British Colonies and Northern New France in 1750-1760, Acadia with adjacent island in 1755, the region of Lake George from surveys made in 1762, Siege of Fort William Henry, Siege of Louisburgh, state of the country round Ticonderoga, and the Siege of Quebec in 1759, and sketches of the field of battle at Braddock's defeat, July 9, 1755. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth 5 00 213 Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. With a steel portrait of Menendez and maps of Florida in 1565, and the Route of Champlain in 161 5. 8vo, cloth 2 50 214 Parkman, Francis. The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. With maps of the forts and settlements in America in 1 763, forts and settlements of Detroit 5 KING STREET W., TORONTQ. 21 in 1 763, the country on the Ohio, Muskingum rivers, and the Illinois country, with part of the rivef Mississippi. 2 vols, 8vo, clotn 5 00 215 Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. With a map of the country of the Hurons. 8vo, cloth 250 216 Parkman, Francis. The Old Regime in Canada. With a map of Canada and adjacent countries towards the close of the seven- teenth century. 8vo, cloth 2 50 217 Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. 8vo, cloth 2 50 218 Parkman, Francis. Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour, Lakes George and Chainplain, Niagara, Montreal, Quebec. With portraits, maps, and reproductions of Champlain's Fight with the Iroquois, and Hennepin's Picture of Niagara. i2mo, cloth. 180 pp. Boston. 1885 i 50 219 Parkman, Francis. Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour. 1 2mo, paper i 00 220 Paris, Comte De. History of the Civil War in America. Translated with the approval of the author. With maps faith- fully engraved from the originals and printed in three colors. 3 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia 10 50 221 Peto, Sir S. Morton. The Resources and Prospects of America, Ascertained During a Visit to the States in the Autumn of 1865. With two colored plates. Demy 8vo, cloth, 428 pp. London. 1866 1 50 222 Picturesque Canada ; the Country As it Was and As it Is. Edited by George Monro Grant, D.D. Illustrated under the supervision of L. R. O'Brien, Pres. R.C.A. With over 500 engravings on wood. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Toronto. 25 00 223 Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections. By Alfred Hawkins. With fifteen plates. Fcap 8vo, paper. 477 pj). Quebec. 1834. Scarce 10 50 224 Pitezel, Rev. John H. Lights and Shades of Missionary Life ; containing Travels, Sketches, Incidents and Missionary Efforts, during Nine Years spent in the Regions of Lake Superior. With illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 481pp. Cincinnati. 1859.. i 75 225 Pumpelly, RaphaeL Across America and Asia. Notes of a Five Years Journey Around the World and of Residence in Arizona, Japan and China. Fifth edition. With maps and illustration.s. Crown 8vo, cloth. 454 pp. New York. 187 1 3 00 in 226 f^ 22 WILLIAMSON & CO. AE, W. Fraser. Newfoundland to Manitoba. A Guide Through Canada's Maritime, Mining, and Prairie Provinces. Reprinted with large additions from The Tivits. With three maps and two illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. 294 pp. London. 1881 2 00 227 Rattray, Alexander, M.D. Vancouver Island and British Columbia, Where They Are ; Whut They Are ; and What They May Become. A sk ;tch of their History, Topography, Climate, Resources, Capabilities, and Advantages especially as Colonies for Settlement. With illustrations and maps. Crown 8vo, half morocco. 183 pp. London. 1862 4 50 228 Raynal, M. L'Abbe. Revolution de L'Amerique. With portrait Post 8vo, calf. 183 pp. Londres. 1781. Scarce 2 50 229 Recherches Philosophique Sur Les Americains, ou M^moires interessants pour servir k L'Histoire de L'Espece Humaine. With map. 3 vols. Fcap 8vo, half calf. Londres. 17 70-73.. 6 50 230 Relations Des Jesuites. Contenant ce qui s'est passd de plus remarquable dans les Missions des Pferes de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle-France. Ouvrage Public Sous Les Aus- pices Du Gouvernment Canadien. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, half roan. Quebec. 1858. Le Journal des Jesuites Public d'apris le manuscrit original censerv($ aux archives du S^minaire de Quebec par MM. les abbes Laverdiere et Casgrain. 4to, paper. 403 pp. Quebec. 187 1. Four vols in all. Rare 35 00 231 232 233 Relations Des Jesuites. 6 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf. Quebec 1858. AJine set 27 50 Relations, The, of the Industry of Canada, with the Mother Country and the United States, being a Speech by Isaac Buchanan, Esq., M.P. Edited ty Henry J. Morgan. With portrait Demy 8vo, cloth. 551 pp, Montreal. 1864.. 4 50 Reminiscences of His Public Life. Sir Francis Hincks. 1830 — 1884. With a portrait One handsome volume. Demy 8vo, cloth. 450 pij 4 00 Contents. — Crisis of 1836. First Session of Union Parliament. Lord Sydenham's Death and its Consequences, Metcalfe Crisis. Hincks Morin Administration. Clergy Reserves. Disruption of :\ie Reform Party. Relations with the United States. Grand Trunk Railway. 234 Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Company; together with the proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed 31 July and 11 August 1857. With maps. Folio, half roan. 547 pp 5 co 235 Report on Surveys and Preliminary Operations on the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January, 1877. By Sandford Fleming, Engineer in Chief, With maps. Royal 8vo, cloth. 431 pp. Ottawa. 1877 2 50 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 28 256 Report on the Affairs of British North America, from the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty's High Commissioner. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed 11 February, 1839. Folio, paper, uncut. 1 19 pp ; . 3 50 237 Report of the Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Ontario, for the year 1881. To which is appended the Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario. Demy 8vo, cloth. Toronto. 1882 50 238 Retrospect, A, of the Boston Tea Party, with a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, a Surviver of the Little Band of Patriots who Drowned the Tea in the Boston Harbour in 1773. By a Citizen of New York. With portrait. i2mo, boards, cloth back. 190 pp. New York. 1834 2 50 239 Richardson, Major, K.S.F. War of 18 12. First Series. Containing a full and Detailed Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division, of the Canadian Army. Post 8vo, half roan. 182 pp. Very scarce 7 50 240 Richardson, Major. The Canadian Brothers ; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled. A tale of the late American War. 2 vols. Fcap 8vo, cloth. Montreal. 1840. Very scarce 7 50 241 Roberts, Charles G. D. Orion, and Other Poems. 24mo, cloth. 1 13 pp. Philadelphia. 1880 i 00 242 Robertson, William. The History of America. The eighth edition, in which is included the Posthumous Volume, contain- ing the History of Virginia, to the year 1688, and of New England, to the year 1652. With numerous old copper plates. 3 vols. i8mo sheep. London. 1800-1 2 75 243 Robertson, William, D.D. The History of America : includ- ing the History of Virginia to the year 1688, and New England to the year 1652. A new edition to which is added a continua- tion comprising the History of the Colonies from 1652 to the Present Time. By David M'Intosh. With maps and plate. 355 PP- 4^o» half calf London i 50 244 Robinson, H.M. The Great Fur Land, or Sketches of Life in the Hudson's Bay Territory. With numerous illustrations from designs by Charles Gasche. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top. 348 pp. New York. 1879 3 °° 245 Rogers, R Vashon, Jr. The Law of Medical Men. Demy 8vo, cloth. 21.4 PP- Toronto. 1884 i 50 246 Rolph, Dr. Thomas. A Brief Account, together with observa- tions, made during a Visit in the West Indies, and a tour through the United States of America, in parts of the years 1832-3 ; to- gether with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada. Post 8vo, boards. 272 pp. Dundas. 1836. Scarce. In pnor con- dition 3 50 24 WILLIAMSON A CO. 247 Ross, Alexander Milton. The Birds of Canada : with Descrip- tions of their Plumage, Habits, Food, Song, NeSt, Eggs, Times of Arrival and Departure. With numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 152 pp Toronto. 1872 i 00 248 Ross, Alexander Milton. The Butterflies and Moths of Canada ; with Descriptions of their Color, Size and Habits, and the Food and Metamorphosis of their Larvae. With numerous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 93 pp. Toronto. 1873.. i 00 249 Rule and Misrule of the English in America. By the author of *' Sam Slick." Crown 8vo, cloth. 379 pp. The author is Judge Haliburton • i 50 250 Russell, W. Howard, LL.D. Canada; its Defences, Con- ditions and Resources. With maps. Crown 8vo, half calf. 352 pp. London. 1865 i 50 251 Russell, W. Howard, LL.D. Canada; its Defences, Con- ditions, and Resources. Second edition. Crown 8vo, cloth. 311 pp. Boston. 1865 1 00 252 Ryan, Carroll. Songs of a Wanderer. 24mo, cloth. 289 pp. Ottawa. 1867 1 00 253 Ryerson, Rev. John. Hudson's Bay; or, A Missionary Tour in the Territory of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Company. With portrait and illustrations. 12 mo, cloth. 190 pp. Toronto.. 1 50 254 OAMUELS, Edward a. Our Northern and Eastern Birds. ^^ Containing descriptions of the Birds of the Northern and Eastern States and British Provinces, with illustrations of many species of the birds and accurate figures of their eggs. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. 600 pp. New York. 1883 . .5 00 255 Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Boston. 1864 5 50 256 Sandham, Alfred. Ville-Marie, or. Sketches of Montreal, Past and Present. With numerous engravings. Demy 8vo, cloth. 393 PP* Montreal. 1870 2 50 257 Scadding, Henry, D.D. Toronto of Old: Collections and Recollections illustrative of the Early Settlement and Social Life of the Capital of Ontario. With portrait. Demy 8vo, cloth. 594 pp. Toronto. 1873 3 00 258 Scadding, Henry, D.D. Toronto of Old Demy 8vo, half mororno, gilt top. 1873 3 50 259 Scadding, Henry, D.D. Toronto of Old. Demy 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. 1873 6 00 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 96 260 Scott, Lieut -General, LL.D., Memoirs of. Written by Himself. With portraits. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. New York. 1864 2 00 261 Shepherd, Major, W. R. E. Prairie Experiences in Handling Cattle and Sheep. With illustrations. Crown Svo, cloth. 215 pp. New York. 1885 i 20 262 Sipes, William B. The Pennsylvania Railroad : its Origin, Construction, Condition and Connections. With 113 illustra- tions. Royal 8vo, half morocco. 281 pp. Philadelphia. 1875 4 50 263 Smith, Goldwin The Political Destiny of Canada. Reprinted from the FortniyhtUj lleciew. With a Reply by Sir Francis Hincks, and some remarks on that reply. Crown 8vo, cloth. 197 pp. Toronto. 1878 . . i 00 264 Smith, W. H. Canada: Past, Present and Future. Being a Historical, Geographical, Geological and Statistical Account of Canada West. Containing ten county maps and one general map of the Province. 2 .vols. Demy 8vo, half calf Toronto . . 5 00 265 Smith, W. H. Canada : Past, Present and Future. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, cloth. Toronto 2 50 266 Southesk, The Earl of. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Moun- tains. A Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport and Adventure, during a Journey through the Hudson's Bay Company's Terri- tories in 1859 and i860. With maps and illustrations. Demy Svo, cloth. 448 pp. Edinburgh. 1875 3 50 267 South- West, The. By a Yankee. 2 vols in i. Crown Svo, half calf New York. 1835 2 50 268 Speeches of Edmund Burke, Esq. On American Taxation, April 19, 1774. Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775, also other speeches. Post Svo, half calf. London. 1775-8. . i 50 269 Stedman, Edmund C. The Prince's Ball. A Brochure. From "Vanity Fair." With illustrations by Stephens. Crown Svo, cloth. 63 pp. New York, i860 i 00 270 Stewart, George, Jr. The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N. B., June 20th, 1877. With numerous illustrations and plan. Crown 8vo, cloth. 273 pp. Toronto i 25 271 Stevvart, Robert, A.M. Popular Geographical Library. The United States of America : Their Climate, Soil, Productions, Population, Manufactures, Religion, Arts and Government. With map. Fcap Svo, cloth, uncut. 399 pp. London. t8s3 , I 00 4 26 WILLIAMSON & CO. 272 Stiles, Henry Reed, M.D. Bundling: its Origin, Progress, and Decline in America. 12010, cloth. 138 pp. Albany. 1871 3 50 273 St. John, Molyneux. The Sea of Mountains. An Account of Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Columbia in 1876. With portrait. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London. 1877.. 3 5° 274 Sutclilf, Robert. Travels in Some Parts of North America in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806. With six copper plate engrav- ings. i2mo, half calf extra, uncut, gilt top. York. 18 15. Scarce 3 00 275 ^ALBOT, Edward Allen. Five Years' Residence in the {^ Canadas : including a Tour through Part of the United States of America, in the year 1823. With illustrations. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, boards, uncut. London. 1824 5 00 276 Thayer, William M. Story of the Life of Ulysses S. Grant. His Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Public and Private Life and Services. With portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. 400 pp. London. 1875 i 25 277 Tocque, Rev. Philip, A.M. Newfoundland As it Was, and As it Is in 1877. VVith illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 511 pp. Toronto. 1878 i 00 278 Tour, The of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales through British America and the United States. By a British Canadian. With portrait. Post 8vo, cloth. 271 pp Montreal, i860 ...i 25 279 Traill, Mrs. In the Forest ; or, Pictures of Life and Scenery in the Woods of Canada. A tale. With 19 illustrations. Frap 8vo, cloth. 188 pp. London. 1882 i 25 280 Traill, Mrs. Lost in the Backwoods. A Tale of the Canadian Forest. With 32 engravings. Crown 8vo, cloth. 319 pp. London. 1882 1 25 281 Traill, Mrs. C. P. Studies of Plant Life in Canada ; or, Glean- ings from Forest, Lake and Plain. Illustrated with chromo- lithographs from drawings by Mrs. Chamberlin, Ottawa. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. 288 pp, Ottawa. 1885 3 00 282 Traill, Mrs. C. P. The Canadian Settler's Guide. Seventh edition. Illustrated. Fcap 8vo, half morocco. Toronto. 1857 2 50 283 Trials of the Fenian Prisoners at Toronto, who were Captured at Fort Erie, C. W., in June, 1866. Reported by G. R. Gregg and E. P. Roden. Post 8vo, paper. 222 pp. Toronto. 1867. Scarce 2 50 6 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 97 284 Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer's Comrade. With 164 illustrations. 4to, cloth. 366 pp. Mon- treal. 1885 2 50 285 Trifles from My Port-Folio, or, Recollections of Scenes and Small Adventures during Twenty-Nine Years Military Service in the Peninsular War and Invasion of France, the East Indies, Campaign in Nepaul, St Helena, and Upper and Lower Canada. By a Staff Surgeon. 2 vols. Demy 8vo, paper. Quebec. 1839 3 GO M- 286 1 fAHL,, Martino. Eclogae Americanae, Sue Descriptiones Planlarum Praesertim Americae Meridionalis, Nondum Cognitarum. With thirty folding and other plates. 2 vols in I. Folio, half morocco. Hauniae. 1796-97. A duplicate from the British Mmeum 10 50 287 Verne, Jules. The Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude. Translated from the French by N. D'Anvers. With 100 illustrations. Demy 8vo, cloth. 334 pp. London. 1879 2 50 288 Voyage Round the World, A, but more Particularly to the North West Coast of America : performed in 1785-86-87-88, in the The King George and Queen Charlotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon. Embellished with charts and numerous copper plates. 2 vols. 4to, sheep. London. 1789 6 50 289 U/' AKEFIELD, Prescilla. Excursion to North America described in Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companion to their friends in England. With map. i2mo, calf 371 pp. London. 1819 i 75 290 Wesley, Rev. John, M.A. An Extract of the Life of the Late Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians. The fourth edition. Fcap 8vo, boards. 275 pp. Dublin. 1812....1 50 291 Warburton, George. Hochelaga ; or, England in the New World. Edited by Eliot Warburton. Fifth edition, revised. Fcap 8vo, paper boards. 278 pp. London. 1854 50 292 Watson, S. J. The Powers of Canadian Parliaments. Crown 8vo, cloth. 160 pp. Toronto. 1880 i 00 293 Weld, Isaac. Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. Third edition. Illustrated an embel- lished with sixteen plates. 2 vols. Post 8vo, calf London. 1 800. Scarce 500 38 WILLIAMSON & CO. 294 Welles, C. M. Three Years Wanderings of a Connecticut Yankee, in South America, Africa, Australia and California. Illustrated by steel engravings. 12 mo, cloth. 358 pp. New York. 1859 I 25 295 West, John. The Substance of a Journal During a Residence at the Red River Colony, British North America ; and Frequent Excursions among the North West American Indians, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823. A Journal of a Mission to the Indians of the British Provinces, of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse or Grand River, Upper Canada. With maps and plates. Demy 8vo, cloth, uncut. .3 50 296 Whitcombe, Charles Edward. The (Canadian Farmer's Manual of Agriculture ; the Principles and Practices of Mixed Husb.indry, as adapted to Canadian Soils and Climate, compris- ing the Field, Produce of the Farm, Stock Raising and Manage- ment, '. manufactures of the Farm, Dairy, Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Farm Buildings, Modern Machinery and Implements, and Counsel to the Immigrant-Settler. With numerous woodcuts. Demy 8vo, cloth. 571pp. Toronto.. 2 50 297 Wilkins, Harriet Annie. Way.side Flowers. With a preface by the Rev. William Stephenson. Crown 8vo, cloth. 255 pp. Toronto. 1876 i 00 298 Williams, George ^V. History of th^ Negro Race in America from 161 9 to 1880. Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens, together with Preliminary Consideration of the Unity of the Human Family, an Historical Sketch of Africa, and an Account of the Negro Governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia. With portrait. 2 vols in i. 8vo, cloth. New York. 1885. .4 5c 299 Williams, W. H. Manitoba and the North West ; Journal of a Trip from Toronto to the Rocky Mountains. Demy 8vo, cloth. 258 pp. Toronto. 1882 i 00 300 Wilson, Alexander, and Prince Charles Lucian Bonaparte. American Ornithology; or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. T\\c illustrative notes and life of Wilson, by Sir William Jardine. With 102 full page coloured plates. 3 vols. Post 8vo, half roxboro, gilt top. London. 1876 15 00 301 Wilson, Thos., B.A. Transatlantic Sketches ; or, Travelling Reminiscences of the West Indies and United States. Crown 8vo, cloth. 179 pp. Montreal, i860 i 00 302 Winthrop, Theodore. The Canoe and Saddle. .Adventures among the Norlhwestern Rivers and Forests and Isthmiana. Fcap 8vo, cloth. 266 pp. Edinburgh. 1883 70 Note. — No. 87, published in 1885, not 1875. •^«w PAMPHLETS. Bound jirincipalli/ in paper covers, and of various sizes. 303 r\ CT of Incorporation and Amendments thereto, and By-Laws 1^ of the Board of Trade of the City of Hamilton. 14 pp.Ham- / ilton. 1882 25 304 Acts and Proceedings, The, of the Synod of the Presby- terian Church of Canada. Held at Kingston, 8th July, 1846. 8 pp. Toronto. 1846 25 305 Acts and Proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church ot Ca'iada. Held at Toronto, 8th Sept., 1847. 8 pp. Toronto. 1847 25 306 Address, Delivered at a Conversazione of the Progressive Society of Ottawa. 8pp. Ottawa. 1878 25 307 Agricultural Statistics : their Value, History, Scope and System. 16 pp. Toronto 25 308 Altruistic Act, The. An Essay in Ethics. By Alchemist. 12 pp. Montreal. 1884 25 309 American Duty on Canadian Fish Cans. Debate on Motion March 24, 1878. By A. Ogdcn, M.P. 5 pp 25 310 rjAIE, Verte Canal. Report of the Chief Engineer of Public Ij Works on the Construction of a Canal between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Fundy. With map. 89 pp. Ottawa. 1874 50 311 Boundaries, The. Formerly in Dispute between Great Britain and the United States. A Lecture by Hon Sir Francis Hincks. 25 312 Breckenridge, Rev. James. A Sermon on Predestination. 50 pp. Toronto. 1876 25 313 Brock, Rev. Isaac. The Missions of the Church. A Sermon. .15 pp. Toronto. 1873 25 80 WILLIAMSON & CO. 314 Brown, William. Proposals for an American Bimetallic Union. 23 pp. Montreal 25 315 Brymner, Douglas. Report on Canadian Archives and on the System of Keeping Public Records. 1881. 51 pp. Ottawa. 1882 25 316 ^ANADA. A Geographical, Agricultural, and Mineralogical I Sketch. By T. Sterry Hunt. 33 pp. Quebec. 1865.. -25 317 Canada Educational Directory, The, and Calendar for 1857 8. Edited by Thomas Hodgins. 144 pp. Toronto. 1857. Scarce 50 318 Canada. Information for Immigrants, Settlers and Purchasers of Public Lands. 19 pp. Quebec. 1862 25 319 Canadian Almanac, The, for the year 1881. Map of the City of Quebec. 167 pp. Toronto 25 320 Canadian Handbook, The, and Tourist'& ^uide. 196 pp. Montreal. 1866. Scarce 50 321 Canadian Immigration in 1875. Report by Edward Jenkins, M.P. 44 pp. Montreal. 1876 25 322 Canadian North-West. Climate and Productions. A Misre- presentation Exposed. 32 pp. Ottawa. 1883 25 323 Canadian North-West, The. A Speech delivered by His Ex- cellency, the Marquis of Lome, at Winnipeg. With map. 20 pp. Ottawa. i88i 25 324 Canal Commission. Letter to the Hon the Secretary of State from the Canal Commissioners. With map. 329 pp. Ottawa. 1871 75 325 Cauchon, Hon. Joseph. The Union of the Provinces of British North America. Translates oy George Henry Macaulay. 154 pp. Quebec. 1 865 i 00 326 Central Park Apartments, The. With illustrations and colored plans. 21 pp. New York. 1881 40 327 Charge of the Lord Bishop of Toronto to the Synod. 44 pp. Toronto. 1879 ". 25 328 Choice of a Bishop, The. A Sermon by A. Cleveland C9xe. 24 pp. Utica. 1869 25 329 Colombie Brittannique. Rapport de L'Hou H. L. Langevin. 244 pp. Ottawa. 1872 75 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 81 330 Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854. 83 pp. Quebec. 1855 Scarce 2 50 331 Constitution and By-Laws of the Civil Service Library Associa- tion. 12 pp. Quebec. 1859 25 332 Constitution et Reglements de L'Institut Canadien-Francais. 10 pp. Ottawa. 1867 25 333 Controversy on the Subjects and Mode of Baptism between Mr. John Torrance, M.A., Baptist Preacher and the an Anglican Priest. 40 pp. Toronto. 1876 25 334 Correspondence between the Hon. VVm. Napier, on behalf of the English Shareholders of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company, and the Hon. Mr. Cayley. 30 pp. Toronto. 1856. Sctiici'. . . 75 335 Correspondence relating to the Intercolonial Railway. 52 pp. Fredericton. 1864. Scarce 50 336 Correspondence respecting Disturbance on the Line of the Grand Trunk Railway, January ist, 1877. 53 pp. Ottawa. 1877. .25 337 Cull, Edward Lefroy. Beet Root and Beet-Root Sugar. 16pp. Toronto. 1874 25 338 ISAWSON, S. J., Esq. Report on the Line of Route be- ^J tween Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement. With map. 44 pp. Ottawa. 1868 35 339 Dawson, S. E. Episcopal Elections: Ancient and Modern. A Study in Ecclesiastical Polity. 53 pp. Montreal. 1877. . . .25 340 Dawson, William McD. TIic Boundary Award. Further Reply to Sir Francis Hinck^l. 13 pp 25 341 Dunkin Act, The. Temperance Act of 1864. 15 pp. Toronto 25 342 rj*ARLY Years, The, of Three Rivers. 8 pp. Ottawa. L, 1880 25 343 Eighteenth Report, The, of Upper Canada Religious Tract and Book Society, 16 pp. Toronto. 1850 25 344 Emigration. The British Farmer's and Farm Labourer's Guide to Ontario. With map and illu.strations. 108 pp. Toronto. 1880 50 345 Etat Indiquant Les Nom, Age et Residence des Miliciens de 1812-15. 95 pp- Ottawa. 1876 50 I m^ 82 WILLIAMSON & CO. 346 Exploration Geologique du Canada. Rapport de Progres pour 1845-6. 137 pp. Montreal. 1847 5° 347 Extracts from Surveyors' Report of Tovvnship Surveys in Manitoba, Keewatin and North West Territories. 1877. 56 PP 348 Extracts from Surveyors' Reports of Township Surveys in Manitoba, Keewatin and North West Territories. 1879. 82 PP • 30 349 r*INANCES of the Dominion of Canada. Budget Speech 1^ delivered by Sir Leonard Tilley, February 18th, T 88 1. 40 pp. { Ottawa. 1881 25 350 Flapdoodle. A Political Encyclopaedia and Manual for Public Men. Illustrated by Bengough. 28 pp. Toronto. i88r ..25 351 Fleming, Sandford. Report in Reference to the Canadian Pacific Railway. With maps. 142pp. Ottawa. 1879 ....35 352 Fleming, Sandford. Report on the Intercolonial Railway Exploratory Survey. 160 pp. .Quebec. 1865. Scarce ... .^o 353 Foster, John. Description of the Various Systems of Wooden Railways. With woodcuts. 13 pp. Montreal. 1870 25 354 Foster, John. Railway from Lake Superior to Red River Settle- ment considered in a Ix'tterto the Hon. W. McDougall, 16 pp. Montreal. i86g 25 355 Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Agriculture of the Province of New Brunswick. 96 pp. Fredericton. 1864.. 25 356 /'EOLOGICAL and Natural History Survey of Canada. if Maps to accompany Report of Progress for 1879-80. Mon- ^ treal. 1881 3 00 357 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for 1880-81-82. With maps and illustrations. Mon- treal. 1883 . . 2 50 358 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Coniri- butions to the Micro-Palaeontology of th*"* Cambro-Silurian Rocks of Canada. By Arthur H. Foord. With plates. Ottawa. i«83 SO 359 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Mesozoic Fossils. By J. F. Whiteaves. With plates and illustrations. Vol I. Parts 3. 72 pp. Montreal. 1884 50 360 Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada Palaeozoic Fossils. By J. F. Whiteaves. With plates and woodcuts. Vol 3. Part I. 44 pp. Montreal. 1884 50 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 88 361 Geological Survey of Canada. Mesozoic Fossils. By J. F. Whiteaves. Vol 1. Part i. With plates and map. 92 pp. Montreal. 1876 75 362 Geological Survey of Canada. Mesozoic Fossils. By J. F. Whiteaves. Vol i. Part 2. Plates and illustrations. 98 pp. Montreal. 1879 75 363 Geological Survey of Canada. Notes on the Iron Ores of Canada, and their Development. By B. B. Harrington. 70 pp. Montreal. 1874 50 364 Geological Survey of Canada. Palaeozoic Fossils. By E. Billings. With plates and woodcuts. Vol 2. Parti. 144 pp. Montreal. 1874 50 365 Geological Survey of Canada. Preliminary Note on the Geology of the Bow and ■••Belly River Districts, N. W. T. By George M. Dawson. 19 pp. Montreal. 1882 • • 25 * 366 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for 1858. 263 pp. Montreal. 1859 75 367 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress from 1863 to 1866. 8vo, cloth. 321 pp. Ottawa. 1866 i 50 368 Geological Survey of Canada. Reports of Sir W. E. Logan and Edward Hartley on a part of the Pictou Coal Field. With a colored map. Montreal. 1870 i 00 369 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Henry G. Vennor on the Geology of Hastings County, Ontario. With a colored map. 31 pp. Montreal. 1870 50 370 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for 1870-71. 351 pp. Ottawa. 1872 I 25 3 7 1 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for 1 87 1 -7 2. 154 pp. Montreal. 1872 i 00 372 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress 1871-72. Robb. Mining and Mineral Statistics. 9 pp. Montreal. 1872 50 373 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress 1872-73. With maps and illustrations. 300 pp. Montreal. 1873.. i 75 374 Geological Survey of Canada Rei)ort on the Fossil Plants of Lower Carboniferous and Millstone (Irit F'ormations of Canada. By J. W. Dawson. With plates. 47 pp. Montreal. 1873.. 75 375 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress 1873-4. With map and illustrations. 268 pp. Montreal. 1874.. i 50 5 J! 84 WILLIAMSON & CO. 376 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress 1874-5. With maps and illustrations. 319 pp. Montreal. 1876.. 2 50 377 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress 1875-76. With maps and illustrations. 432 pp. Montreal. 1877.. 2 50 378 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress. 1876-7. With maps and illustrations. 531pp. Montreal. 1878.. 2 50 379 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress. 1877-8. 493 pp. With maps and illustrations. Montreal. 1879.. 2 50 380 Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress. 1878-9. With maps and illustrations. Montreal. 1880 2 50 381 Geological Survey of Canada. Report on the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1878. By George M. Dawson. With maps and plates. Montreal. 1880 • • • i 50 382 Geological Survey of Canada. The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. By J. W, Dawson. With plates and woodcuts. 92 pp. Montreal. 1871 2 00 383 Geological Survey of Canada. The Fossil Plants of the Erian and Upper Silurian Forniations of Canada. With plates and woodcuts. Part 2. Montreal. 1882 '■ -50 384 Goudie's Perpetual Sleigh Road, Supersedes the Railway, and is Capable of (Carrying Passengers at a Rate of Eighty to One Hundred Miles an Hour. 90 pp. Toronto. 1874. Scarce i 00 385 Grand Trunk Railway. Letter addressed to the Muntrenl Witness. 8 pp 25 386 Grand Trunk Railway. Letters to Sir John A. Macdonald, James Beatty, Robert Hay and John Small. 8 pp 25 387 Great Game.. The ; a Plea Ibr a British Imperial Policy. By a British Subject. With an introduction by a Canadian. 80 pp. Toronto. 1875 25 389 Gugy, A. To the Members of the Senate. 6 pp 25 390 IJARVEY, Arthur. The Reciprocity Treaty. Its Advan- || tages to the United States and Canada. Prize Essay. 29 / PP- Quebec. 1865 50 391 Hogan, J. Sheridan, Canada. An Fissay. 86 pp Montreal. 1855 I 25 392 Horetzky, C. Some Startling Farts Relating to Canadian Pacific Railway and the North West Lands, 76 pp. Ottawa. 1880.. 25 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 86 393 Hurlbert, J. Beaufort. The Climates, Productions, and Re- sources of Canada. With colored maps. 48 pp. Montreal. 1872 50 394 Ice Bound Ship, The, and the Dream. By W. H. 48 pp. I Montreal, i860. Scarce. 50 395 l/'EEFER, Thos. C. Ottawa Water Works. Final Report ft made to the Water Commissioners. 31st March, 1876, Ottawa. 1876 396 Kingsford, William. A Canadian Political Coin, graph. 24 pp. Ottawa. 1874 5° A Mono- 25 397 i: AUREL Bush, The. An Old-fashioned Love Story. By the author of " Jolin Halifax, Gentleman." 64 pp. Montreal. 1876 50 398 Lawrence, J. W. Letter on the Intercolonial Railway, to the Hon. William McDougal. 36 pp. St. John. 1867. Scarce .. ^o 399 Lecture on Political Liberalism, Delivered by Wilfred Laurier, P2sq., M.P. on the 25th June, 1877. 44 pp. Quebec. 1877 25 400 Legal Intelligence. Hon. Mr. Justice Stuart. 1 1 pp • ■ • • 30 401 Le Moine, J. M. The Scot in New France. An Ethnological Study. An Address. 83 pp. Montreal. .1881 50 402 Les Droits de la Langue Francaise Meconnus. 16 pp 40 403 Letter of John Wilkinson, Esq., on the Report of Major Robinson on the Intercolonial Railway. 38 pp. Ottawa. 186S 35 404 Lindsey, Charles. The Prairies of the Western States : their Advantages and Drawbacks. 100 pp. Toronto. i860. Scarce 75 405 P\ ACLAREN, Rev. William. Literature and Dogma : An Inaugural Lecture. 24pp. Toronto. 1873.... 25 406 Maclaren, Rev. William. The Romish Doctrine of the Rule of Faith Examined. A Lecture. 40 pp. Ottawa 25 •407 Maiden Mona, the Mermaid. A fairy play for fairy people. By F.A.D. 42 pp. Toronto. 1877 25 408 Mechanics' Institutes, and the Best Means of Improving them. Prize Essays. 24 pp. Toronto. 1877 25 p>l / ) H i Hi i;: ; I 36 WILLIAMSON & CO. 409 Mills, Hon. Mr. Speech on the Boundaries of Ontario. 1882. 48 pp. Ottawa 25 410 Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Holden at Montreal, Sept., 1844. 41 pp. Toronto. 1844. Scarce i 00 411 Missionary Bishops: a Flea for Indians and Indians and Immigrants. By Julius Anglicanus. 28 pp 25 412 Murray, J. Clark. A Vindication of Theology. An Address. 15 pp. Montreal. 1877 25 413 McRuer, Rev. Duncan. The Way of Life. 73 pp. Toronto.. 25 414 k Rational Policy, The. speech of Thomas white, M. p. 1 1 ^ 5 PP- Montreal 25 415 ^PINIONS of the English Press on the British ^J Columbian Railway Question. 12 pp. Victoria 1877.. 50 416 Oregon Treaty, The, and the Hudson's Bay Company. 1SPP..25 417 Origin, History, and Management, The, of the University of King's College, Toronto. loi pp. Published by George Brown. Toronto. 1844. Scarce 75 418 r^ACIFIC Railway, The. Speeches delivered by Sir ^ Charles Tupper, Hon. H. L. Langevin, J. B. Plumb, Thomas I White. 100 pp. Montreal. 1880 75 419 Paris Exhibition. 1878. Educational Institutions. Province of Ontario. 33 pp. Toronto. 1878 25 420 Paris Universal Exposition. 1878. Catalogue of Goods sent by Canadian Exhibitors. 13 pp 25 421 Paris Universal Exposition. 1878. Catalogue of Goods sent by Canadian Exhibitors. 1 1 pp 25 422 Poole, Rev. W. H. Anglo-Israel ; or, the British Nation, the Lost Tribes of Israel. 82 pp. Toronto. 1879 25 423 Prairie Lands of Canada, The. By Thomas Spence. s6pp. , Montreal. 1879 25 424 Punshon, W. Morley. An Address delivered in Free Trade Hall, Manchester. 16 pp. 1871 25 C \ 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. 87 425 /Quebec Harbour Commissioners' Reports for the year 1^ 1882. With chart. 53 iip. Quebec. 1883 25 426 Quebec Harbour Commissioners' Reports for the year 1883. 65 pp. Quebec. 1884 25 427 Quebec Railway and Harbour Works. With chart. 13 pp. .25 428 I^APPORT Annuel de la Societe De Quebec pour la Pro- |X tection des Animaux. 1874. 21pp. Quebec. 1875.. 25 429 Rapport sur les Avantages et la Necessite D Etabler un Reseau De Telegraphe Sous-Marin dans le Fleuve et le Golfe St. Laurent. With map. 69 pp. Ottawa. 1876 50 430 Rapport sur L' Exploration De La Contrie situee entre le Lac Superieur et les Etablessements Je la Riviere Kouge. W'th maps. 460 pp. Toronto. 1858 i 50 431 Reception and Protection of Female Immigrants in Canada. An address by Madame Elsie Von Koerber. 19 pp 25 432 Reform Government in the Dominion Picnic Speeches. 188 pp. Toronto. 1878 i 00 433 Releve Indiquant Noms, Origine, Religion, Functions et Salaires de tous Les Employes du Gouvernement Canadian. 92 pp. Ottawa. 1872 25 434 Reply of the Hon. D. L. Macpherson to Ministerial Attacks upon his Speeches and Reflections on the Public Expenditure of the Dominion. 68 pp. Toronto. 1877 50 435 Reply to a Pamphlet. Written by Rev. E. W, Gilbert on the Final Perseverance of the Saints. By A. J. W. 3 1 pp. Toronto. 1879 25 436 Reply to the Statements made affecting the Northern Railway Company of Canada in the Petition of the Credit Valley Rail- way for a Railway Commission. 7 pp. Toronto 25 437 Report on Baie Verte Cunal. By Samuel Reefer. 18 Feb- ruary, 1873. 23 pp 50 438 Report on the Canadian Gold Fields and the Best Means of their Development. With maps, 126pp. Quebec. 1865.. 50 439 Report on the Militia of the Province of New Brunswick for the year ending 3181 October, 1863. 60 pp. Fredericton. 1864 25 88 WILLIAMSON & CO. 440 Report of the Canadian Commissioner at the Exhibition of Industry, Held at Sydney, New South Wales, 1877. 147 pp. Ottawa. 1878 50 441 Report of the Canadian Commission at the International Exhibition of Philadelphia, 1876. Ottawa. 1877 50 442 Report of the Chief Commissioner of Railways of the Province of Nova Scotia, for the line months ending 30th June, 1867. With map. 61 pp. Halifax. 1867 50 443 Report of the Chief Engineer of 1 .>lic Works on the Navi- gation of the River St. Lawrence between Lake Ontario and Montreal, no pp. Ottawa. 1875 50 444 Report of the Chief Engineer of Public Works on the Pro- gress of Canal Enlargement between Lake Erie and Montreal. 91 pp. Ottawa. 1877 50 445 Report of the Commissioners appointed to investigate the Books, Accounts and Vouchers of the Northern Railway Com- pany of Canada. 74 pp. Ottawa. 1877 50 446 Report of the Commissioners from British North As srica appointed to inquire into the Trade of the West Indies, Mexico and Brazil. With maps. 184 pp. Ottawa. 1866.. 1.50 447 Report of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association. 1881. 84 pp. Ottawa. 1882 25 448 Report of the Select Committee of the Senate on the Subject of Rupert's Land, Red River and the North West Territory. With map. 38 pp. Ottawa 1870 60 449 Return, To an Address of the Honorable Legislative Assembly, dated i6th March, 1857, requiring Copies of any Charters, Leases or other Documents, under which the Honorable Hud- son's Bay Company claim Title to the Hudson's Bay Territory. 75 pp. Toronto. 1857 50 450 OECOND Annual Report of the Secretary of State, of the ^ State of Michigan, relating to Farms and Farm Products. ^ 1879-80. 179 pp. Lansing. 1880 50 451 Sermon, A. On Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Dr. Burns. By Michael Willis. 36 pp. Toronto. 1869 50 452 Sermon, A, on the Occasion of the Lamented Death of the Late Hon. Archibald McLean. By John Barclay. 39 pp. Toronto. 1865 25 453 Smith, Goldwin. Tenperance versus Prohibition. An Ad- dress on the Scolt Act. With an iippendix on Alcohol. C. Gordon Richardson lo ^. 5 KING STREET W., TORONTO. " 89 454 Smith, Gold win. Great Britain, America, and Ireland. A Reply. 30 pp. Toronto. 1882 25 455 Speeches of the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie during his recent Visit to Scotland with his Principal Speeches in Canada. With portrait. 219 pp. Toronto. 1876 75 456 Spence, Thomas. The Prairie Lands of Canada. 56 pp. Montreal. 1879 25 457 State Historical Society, of Wisconsin. 25th Annual Report. 28 pp. Madison 25 458 State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 27th Annual Report- 3 1 pp. Madison 25 459 State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 28th Annual Report. 42 pp. Madison 25 460 Statement of Claims Made on the Dominion Government, consequent upon the Insurrection in the North West Territories. 57 pp. Ottawa. 187 1 25 461 Stone, Rev. James S. Richard Hooker, a Sketch of His Life Writings and Times. 48 pj) Toronto. 1882 25 462 Summary Report of Progress in Geolcgical Investigations. 9 i)p. Otrawa. 1869 50 463 Summary Report on the Geological Survey. 1870. 14 pp. Ottawa. 1870 50 464 Syndicate, The ! What is it ? A story for Young Canadians. By Daluaine. 23 pp 25 465 Thomson, William Alexa.jder. An Essay on Prcduc- I tion, Moray and Government. 47 pp. Buffalo. 1863.. 50 466 Todd, Alphaeus. Is Canadian Loyalty a Sentiment or a Principle ? 8 pp 25 467 Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway. Hand Book of Usefu: Information respecting the Line. Compiled by Thomas Robin. 40 pp. Toronto 1873 25 468 1 I AlITEAVES, J. F. Notes on Some Jurassic Fossils ^[y Collected by Mr. G. M. Dawson in the Coast Range of British Columbia. 10 pp 25 469 \/OUNG, Rev. George. Freecdom and Necessity A I Lecture. 19 pp. Toronto 25 Note. — No. 230, Le Journal dos Jesuites, if sold separately, ^20.00. Perfect copies very rare, v ,> .4ft V WILLIAMSON & CO.- ADDENDA. Palliser, Capt. Exploration of Northern Branch of the Saskatchewan, ■ &c. 1 88 pp. Folio. Maps. London, 1859 -3 5° .Palliser, Capt. Further Exploration of Northern Branch of Saskat- ' :■ chewan. Paper, folio. Maps. London, i860. 2 50 Faillon,. L'abbe. -Histoire de la Colonie Francais en Canada. Folio, paper, 3 vols. Paris. 1865 . ^ .10 co Stewart, Geo., Jr. Canada under the Administration of Lord Dufferin. Full riissia. gilt. Portrait jn Svo. Tpronto. 1878., 4 50 Another copy. Cloth, gilt ." 2 50 Head, Francis Bond. A Narrative. 2nd edition. London. 1889. . 8vo, cloth 4 00 Head, Francis Bond. A Narrative. Suplementary Chapter. 8vo, paper. London. 1839 2 oo Rolph, Thomas, Dr. Observation in the West Indies, with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada, 8vo, boards. Dundas, . C VV. 1836 350 Cabot, Sebastian. By J. F. Nicholls. Square, 8vo, cloth. Portrait ; of Cabot. London. 1869 2 00 Heriot, George. Travels through The Canadas. i2mo. half calf, gilt. Philadelphia. 1813. Rure 4 50 Bouchette. British Dominions in Canada. 3 vols, bound in 2. 4to, half morocco, gilt. Portrait loose, good copy, with all the plates 1250 Weld, Isaac. Travels in North America, Upper and Lower Canada in 1795-6-7. 4to, Tree calf, gilt, fine impressions of the plates. London, 1 799 850 Wilson and Bonaparte, .\merican Ornithology. 4 vols. i6mo. Edinburgh. 1831 4 00 Gait, John. Autobiography. With interessing matter regarding Canada and the Canada Company, &c. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Philadelphia. 1833 3 50 America. Impartial History of the Late War in America between Great Britain and Her Colonies. With appendix. Map. No portraits appear ever to have been bound with the Volume. 8vo, calf. London. 1870. Rare 2 50 Michaux. Travels Westward of the Alleghany Mountains, &c.. 8vo, half calf. London. 1805 2 50 Head, George. Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America, with Winter Route from Halifax to the Canadas. 8vo, . boards. Ixjndon. 1829 3 50 Barrie readers would find this work very interesting as the writer was /stationed there for several months. Relations des Jesuites. 3 vols. Imp 8vo. Complete. Paper uncut. Hmrce ' 3 00 Heriot's Travels through the Canadas. Binding somewhat loose, otherwise fine copy ; good impression of the map and plates, London. Scarce 1 1 50 Another copy, not quite complete 4 50 \ ./ :i