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I, \ . ^ MiMnois. ^1. ■^'"i TiI12 Oeeuliants of tbe lindermeiip tioncd Clergy Reserve XiOtts, in the JMid laud Distriet, on which the baek Rents have hdt been paid up, will be returned to the Government as . ll^efaulters, unless arrangenients ar)C jrnade for the payment of tlie same by the y^^y^a^^^-*^ Clergy Corporation OMce, / / Toronto, ^ /^^^T/ 1885.''^ ■ A ^ • .,../. r ^ ,;■ ., ' //- . / ■ ■■ , ■ V . ■ t LOT. CON. TOWNSHIP. ' LOT/ CON. TOWNSHIP. ;\ i \s'm. it" . / . IK. -:fe ■ '■ ' -17 , 30 2 1 RAWDEN. THURLOW. M'-3..8J 8 W. li.,L. j PITTSBURGH. 30 2 do. 23,6I,«i^ _ 5jij,97,J05 M 65,98 Go/e. AMELIASBURGI.I _:^ 18,S.i27 3 4 do. do. _. . 2 3 do. 4- 25 dp. - \ 16,24 5 •do. 4 do./ ■?""' \ 1^23 7,13,35 6 do. _ 66, 8^, E. i 102 5 7 6 do. SIDNEY. Blo,